Grand Traverse Herald, November 03, 1898

Dublin Core


Grand Traverse Herald, November 03, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



Dp. J. A. Snyder, ■WDENTIST

Us Main hs d
Jo hsd Bads kirn s
swaatvooarof tlMss doUsn far Us


IFi I3:A.K.3i3:.A.;

For anything in the way of Farm or (Hty
Property, see me.
Office in Hasonic Block

CAPITAL S100.000




AUorMJ* M lAV,

llrinitt—*.*—»«nd laiMtirr rriM


lAtMt IdMA And AppUni

Real Estate

(. An,cM7 ao4 C
>B4fli.rn« MI*



n. IMt.


Merchant Tailor

Taksfl one of the beet Frnlt Farma la Northern Michigan
with everythiny on the placa This is one Big Bargain.
Inquire of__

sad MS the cl««SBt srw Uor of
SpriDC 8t7l« ol WooJtata now
ea wl«. whieh *{11 be ude sp
to the LaUBt Stylae. sad si
neb Low E'rioss ss will ssrprin

at SIS Front Street.



* A A A. KmI kMU «M I

A^-A£iJW. *


Johnson Bloclt.

Traverse City. Mich




ermsassIhsMuar ssr>kiwi

A*d lSralk««Mrt««t i»*l...«rDw

ax. wTTxxa

^‘■stalhiSrieMiA m ai In.
ItawN City ScbMl of lulc!



Tk», .atanad iSa SpSbU IsU.

•a. rvd

4<#4'is tkt iraarUad. .aa aaan al LSa Iraa.

irea llul. red a<)uirr.i bo oa. eeoie
...r leil. out tberr b. waa. apenllag
dowb lb. road, or ralb.r at lb. (id. ol

Oa yad iaea laaiaitaa aad .liaaa .


A log-a«

I dltab*^A
irrre'tdreliaalioo. i .Dd>|Ui’r farg.llu
ibat b. bad Itll h<
(oo.'h-j.rred woibaj
HUa .Siomoea t

Wilbur. aMiog Ibal there had
lusawav. aniurrd old I) .btais
tartad oo'-. lo bod U. owner ol

re." A buJial he
discicsMl Uic esuae

There. liBpiog dowo Ihe niad. .


All mul orders receive

Honey to Isoan

F. M. PAINE. Florist

I (M MScttr rnfov-


Carpet Cleaning Work's


no W. Klereatti Bt.

(imiwH IS ttaWr 4 Konkrv >

Sarreyorand Ciril Engineer


did ool lueg ntmaib locbod t,
own Blod. oui waa coBbOrd I
The down la ih. r-ilage. a
aya mdy tor »eaoQal. got Hold of ci
so tealtarvO it w lb. four wiodv

Higbest Prices Paid.



aslU.^ Tr»“rm C|^.



ra la Iba .Inuid Traaa,»

Pldn and Artistic

I •






{I g














to houMkeepert-

Liebig Company's
Extract of Beef
COOK BOOKSffi.'s^JssT'zs:
UaHcOa^r.O. Sm'M. >a* TaaA


OSkBV ■£?:>»



Screen Doors and Windows,



rat .spratbUoaa. will
Boderata draught to
r pFocrad directly late tb. Y'aboo fruB
‘ -d U.o cooUbu. ap tb*
■0 mitre to a ref. li

. . raaiauf rock cullrau tfa* i tb* ri.rr _____ __
From tbia the water taabre aa ! diataor*. ihia will p«t li

VukOB r*• from tfa

Tbay WdT. bB Owa.
Il to Twy likely ibat a asnais tanasr
rbo llrea,afaulac.aa Blln aoutbrea*
list. Jobna. will oarer bfartbeUdof

Tfa nary
reliabl* Beirtabort aay, that
of awla. In kla kofa
laoe wbicb fa BoUoad
beloaged (o«
arigbbor. be drore U.b dotro tfa
road to tb. bom. of llioghsBN lewsUip irraaorer. wbm b. araa iaformad
ih.y did aot brioog. Hr Uwo ataited
lor l.ouia OreraV bat b* (mold, aot
Ireae them Ibrre eilhre. aa Mr. Uriaeab
boga wre* all aal. to tb. pra.
Aa tfa
(arBW who waa fauatlag lor tfa opaiw
of the’.wla* lookfa over
qrer laio Ub
M .ai

log a drore


laay (eliowi

arlUeot napasHog
wroBg. ha w«ai oa aid
Mr. ICr.ppB aad' AoguaU
- - U FrIUU wfa*
Ua. ol tb. KaBoaa girla aelMla hr. aotoog other (arm.ra Ttoltad.
bat all
.00 4'
They dtoelaimfa owfarulbrdoor aiog.y ifoitaa, arell, 0*1 . -lip
, of
.. . . airaaar. bugs lo a aa*.
actoortou eipret to fa Uugbt. asd Tfa kiBdiy ctopiarel farmer diwra la.
It laagbiBg.aBd tauatiag giria are aalBsto back boB. aad eeocladod fa
olhlag loath At tb* tciy brink of
ildab.itar tfaB obUI fa ooald ta*
3. rock Ibegin aits plomp dues is........ ...................
......... ._ ... ,.
r .roil .Brapaaka a l.lli. | atartrd lor bu O'
owe pea wlia
Eogltob. ab. aomBKia bar partner ta i of awdl. aad bto aebaaltuas ea
• It down tebiad b«r 113 Ue wet: if ab. lotaglnM wban it to rre-ordfa I
baa «o lilogltob ab. yet Bakre b.r I waa eoaply.
K« bad brea drlrtag bia
loraaibg piaia
Hi'WcbiBg around ab. gowe pin arobbd U. o.igbfarbood la a
psUa y lu lalo the right place, p.ta 1 rain attempt to rrelore Ifam ip. Ualr
yoBrUasdaoe b.r owe atauuldera. aad {rigbllul owner Tb. earlbib to Arswa
isalrucU roa tbal yoo iuu>l krepruor : a* tb. farmer crrpl back lo tb. bean*
bvaa uui of tb. way of far
or I to ralilc<,uice oa tfa -vlato of stOck
yoor tralb will cb.w bard wl^RioUi ' ratoisg '
It. had drleeb Ibs*. ptga
ibgto cb.w 00.
Ku* bitchraaa locb nrarly tb. wtau.e afloraoaoaloogroodt
a.oug lb. trickle ul water, tbra anotb-' wbere Ib.r* were 00 (.Bcaa, and aa
cr ibcB. thra granly g.u boidof b3lb ] they arrre yoobg aod ' bd<
ros gitdr.jaatakimmisg ibeaur I 00 tfa roail" be was too IbUgaad
.Bbi* ie I. tab appreciate tb. bBrelag
mareiag BoMta
. wbicb be bad plaefa himred^—


*^rak. Ibal gsB ibto lb. bouar. tbea.
bileo ooU) your father a democrat sod

. --- ---- - ------


Mlaa SibB'

you •WIk. a bargain?" ah. aak

Scythes, Snaths, Rakes,



it. It b
pcKliPb ol II
themI tirw'
tirw ' *
of lb. loBgu. are alBoat a* fre-< of
* -•
VrI u» Duck aaLuoiabed to apdAk.
beenpeneost toa.tbilarel
lore, afa *^
Wilbur agaia ob»y«u her imperiiyoa mgal the laM M Whrei arat doubGuily ' “Brea great oral
dral aora
Bor* reeriiiyiag.
Hire Kimmosa had ts«i M'liOor is lb ‘■OBOiaod. while Hua Siiooaoa ireaure
Il to rrey bard to H* lb. | *■> »
■ ' raplotwr, frbo had
ed the ralaa of Babyloo aM '
tl.oogbu 00 tb. d.taitouf tbto aerial!rkbBibw
b. and who drreaad of oaplorIlii.tir royag*
Us.alwaj. rea.m l^>orr•h,
mark aboi
- jou ita<-0
o lo ib.filntaicki. (>«
" '
fare tfa
of eitaeu.
1 rail for il "
bileblag forward--------------. -r —
Job Kifflm
tic aald rerareily:—
inch b}' inch u atoo perfectly clrer,
ibar that U* Chre•
ibea coavt a kalcidoaeupe. Tb. wau
iabfa bop. aay oarer fa roailaad. 11 '
aeiireocyou. ailaraaeof weight vac
..bra louardiaiely. you are not eoc ■addeas me graatly. Voa bare ae Idas .«
WUbur b.
■a wtUto hla a
•ji. u* that you are ta U. atiresB. fu
T lo us. of iboae family diSere'sca
tfa uadouotad aaaaoa that tb. relocii
wbicb d.ligbu foaaipa. I i
Wl Mlaa
a. S.mmuoa mrr- tb. aaid
Tfa wosaa al tb. bred
ol Ua h
igrrat that you fare i>o tia. l
lb. reler.Bc. a. brirf a. olmI
drappfa bar fork aad U>w*r ]k% at
IB lb. water, wbicb Bows aloag I
Job Kii
uidab Mmmoea'
laogb” • 'Wtaal would . V I UulMB. liaie.
tbr asm-hradlsag slide.
wneU. oo.T cbiidr.o1 of old Arariab
• li-si aay sByteiag ibo..i
Ttarre Aafakoe profretecs so tba*
ib. goo
of tb. rock froa areb>. ylcgtot’e left aad louroobto right
>‘e a mao aa
d •urfac. yoo
1. a la.UilBl a.
aaoaauoo of to
aot tb. moB.y aaklBg prod.,
TB.r. i lb. bBUh.r io look at t
btolaibrr '^Tb.ald aiabdiMl.
Ineod acroaa Ue ublc.
a will p-paretbiDg hi* rral ret
Tbrre wa* a atlcacc u daap yoa
. remry lao
per- I titcB
lighter ereu tbas iB <b. air.
Alltar oooida't ploBb It.
wiaal treito. *• w.
rhi- r ; tb. ri
-I I.-—I don't belie.* 1 poiM aafar*
end ol tfa tlid. wbSre lb. r<a-k breaks
aad inramg Job off t lb • pa ir, i.o jouirB.
■TB. lei
away yoa fall with a Bigbly •plaab lodollsra.—"whictuo m r tbaa 1 had u>'
•tart OB." lb. will . Id
UoiTorer. I
taiour. yoo
appreeia^ a
welcome bUl-warawi <tk luid. el yoor*
lb. b-qsMI li
ebaog. ol ttmperator. Tb. B.kiaea
ditloura oa to
Biy u> ut
•atioB to ta Irel Ual yoo are lying at

loot ol lb. bill.

V oerf*on‘,





Lad os Ida BlrSla adSss 1 wa

Cider Apples.
Bulk Apples,
Packing Apples,


Tb. rock to > aoJid

1 Wbu bao abuL



Kim a loa'aarerl. aad. fiftaWD
tar. ab. >srp''iecd Ju Larorg<
tio twM.1. doiiara fur bo



Tona A a4im). ooat*] tMUTMo.


a. ratid lormatioB ol
tine .ilb.raida.
AI la. top ilia'
31 aixiy faet wide IruB baak ta
a, and it ahuwa a flat aorlac. about
. ... wide betwewa
fidoibf oltfa alid.aad lb. r<
Tb. earlical dfrereat la alauui
foriy flte Irat.
Tbr upper part baa a
•lop. of (urly 8.. degrere (or about
forty 8t« (rat la l.eglbaad ibracumre
a perpeadteular dropol arerly tea feet
\l la. foot ol tb. rock tbra. u a ptol
Ol. gob. J.
tmol forty (rat is disBetar.
;r to tall ol
Tb. prauUbr (ralure of Uito swIb•iBgp
watch diatlogou '
''.Nnais'l ba.. lo work for a wrrk.'
jlbrr Booatais brooka
oka to
to that
b. cbucklMl. Jiarliaw lb. guides ptaooa
aiopibg rr
IB bia pLtak.l.
puator. ba yos ebb pitotirra nod
Boupl. who asW Hka KiBBoa* pare
lag. w|yh lb. gao by bw^ aid. la lbcart. iboBgbt sb. bad -goae cImo
craiy." or. whal was Bor*, takrei
■afar Dp tb. rock aad do It all oter
ibegae ooa bad debt.
Ubaatkat prcdUariiy la tb.
Wbatavn Bade ataady old llobbio
at aarkM dagiwe: oae* to o.rer
gri frigblrord that aora.og at a haraa

T»»J ••^pl a Itaar, sa IS»T tas.



,0. U1 •be ailewM Uow U
U aidn. tbiDklaf I* aot al
piraaaol occupaUoa.

la redredar barb acala



i u^Dl Trotibisd w
J aarO.T.
Mire Bio

re by a ..wr ibaL


Tkkt>.B.KUIw<>Br«(*Mr* u a—
■rMMtf*MM«nvlUa <iea»IM, a
a»IM»«(aa<f7lklB(U aa
ll»t. V.
wU («|ui «kM jm. oil tar.


BioiiBoaa E.J aata«p Bsab ihougbia
oalaracia. sa..
sd Uuor. raealat ibroogb
310 wbteo tb. wa
"Oo V lb. two of oa '
ba clam thrm aa I
' .Soolb.r
Ire forcbliar. .(or w.m-basd
py.o " -May
.yb.1 ba.. b..a
3. bigkrai oar. i
o'a. glere I
woBO«r. liTiaf sp
« au
t thrill, aad
ibal b« bootair


When cither a Chamois Lung Protector or Vest
will be a necessity. We can supply you with either, but
you can economize and yet have something just as good
by buying a chamois and making one Good values at 30.
50 and 75 cents.




TUI oaSared u> rai

Taaa all la. Uiltau ire-


fZil S2?sr*j
P*.!2S7ttii^SS35;: aSI

ca aad pala
Tvbsaaaoa wul






Business Cards.

.ad aa iSa Irh ibi aSatud iSfaal

O. F. Carvers

ORkt U U U i. MUH, «9«ai L I a RMt


Swayatreared wMlbauaaa.

S^sab.-^ :

ew ■«]>•«•»* Um tMn


■ Oasay lay asaa ISa n«ta.



I y n imt mBMMt

Traverse City, Mich.

Mow XowiatoUs ^


( at tare sad lu atHasbsa.


traomjy two pisM aaoprU
spaaiaa. ta aajjy lb. satar- Iw-Hiarak. la l*a Malay
--------------M Papsre'M. IB tk. S.B
• JoocM. J .at a tew bum oouU. ol
fApm. Al ootb taais placrelt tt poe
IB. to ail dowb la a aaaJlow sum
r top ol a loop race, oadtaf with
amgdi., isio . drep puolTfa

Tba dneoioQ olAJfa taUre of sMtUqbaI torritory of Ua Callod Stalaa aa
Ua Alaabaa ctmal a^ of a saw ohaw
•al hw Vahoa-bOTBd vtaBila, wbiU
will BialBUc dtataaea, Um a^
r«. » oMoally repotW to IfapL PHV
caaBaadraaOolk tmr>
fa Jobs B faall. Uw MMtaat fa
c£a<^ ol tb. .ipadlUoo wUU boa
worklag la tboB. aralM.
impwmbi. lo ireagit. It. drepita tb.
.... -------- apabbtoa of tb. mltaaga
•boggsM ! AlaUaa tamuwy to da. to M ooa
of dSBaCvwaur la ; baowB. TWr. ta a poMlbilMy of ataolard. at Say tsU, to
tb. Mart of
taupwa. to slB. brernU) ; mttae aod raoaiaot Mt^arJ gi«»U
toe of rmdi. to cat,m la : of the laed .lac* lb. €rM Atarta wm
•lU dowscBM (aoUs(. Usl
•so IM body f,
ffato j BsdA fat tb. Mttar opialoa to tbal It
J '* * BOWS tame wmrily bota.
a. light aa
•wo fl.ihre ol r
prareioaa laaocsrel. eU
It beiag tfa ftiat raofar ■
lb. saUiog tM. ol
Wiiborst U« gmXA
lag of t
------- ---— —liog of lb. o.w cbaabM will aCwt
from to. ruck aad Uroogh Uta . a aa.iag of about duo or WO bUw la
"Yus sakrd ilsldsh SiBOioe* to wall
ilag air and tb. . altar ta. cold reo . rreetaiag tb. Yokoo
At prwMt faouBiil you cusld Mrs tba yMir Job as
w of dark water lo nit lOir. I.taure w>la drelibfa for tb. Taboa iwcioa
clsiBrd Is dirpisaasre.
AU ibt* gore u make op aa riper bay. ty proered ap U. oarea oaBlda
Bui. b«fore wabor bad aaitbad.
e bol re..iy par
Job. far* loo. bao brigaiaaad. H.
waa yroBd if hla buy: lb. iom of Hol y
. _
wbicb drop* ool ol lb. , traarebip loambll boat., wbicb
aaaat ao aaall loeooa.aieaa. lo iSa
Julatiprrep aloof the <oaai dowa
■aaiiy; aad ao«.lbiag la Wallor'a ac- grrea grare wliboot waraiag
• potbia
------'.a renre ol rocky Ifafre force : ApbouB ebanaed. lot) mllrew ac bMow
U. lota
loiarviow wltb Mire Bioi
. uoy atacaa
to jaesp op le caU St Uicba.J'a Tbit ebaaa.'i renrire lb*
Boat bas afferud'bta faelia<
MO. Wbicb
UB. ________ __
amgia waterfall of great
• low ltd.. Tfa bew cbaoo.l. joai l«
U waa lat. Ibai alghl wbes Job
^lU afMM dollsn Is bis ^ookM.
s*d s tsiat btwrt is bta besota. b*
tsrMdhlssta^ towards UeWg boas.
OS lb. bUi.

faalsl. SM
Ui? If ab*

wurklBg tor fara.r >

Ilhlokb.will fa willing tc
idollare more for them faiort

bad add'd osto tauad , I

.wiT aad rretfslly Bpward TB. eyre
. o^reM Is . irrceo gUamer .bore j *fafa‘ m-adwlly Urwal tfa aael
licb bre-iB-. Iightar. uclil all ol a 1 “d.
»ke P°''‘v‘

^ bi. i_____u_.l _;*a
•addeo U. bred. to*<)a7(>> tfa wlta."' ’ j fa
bto fo^brad wiU bn kaUc.
VV..I..wl..,ag tatfa.h.H^r«kl^j;j«^r UuUfa ^
tba sett alid.r rlidm ai
Vo. look op
opal bto wbit |di
tlngapeed aa la U« iwiokliag ol aa taaaylkoowaow bow a aaa f
ere be to harmd aloeg tfa face ol U« .
’^Ula bo brert aai aU
rock: yoo ere bow hriplire hr to aad ^ Uif lorinfa wish.

rd aod tlty ae
oBbIfa b.r bat
act Job bad; - Are yoo Iw.Bly-oea
jd*l eotohrd pav.B
r forty aerm. I agaio Uiar g:mmooa Baked.
aeUiDg areriytoll all
laBboiyol .iktac».‘- i
the paymeab
Job bad (.1
-U bort {root Ue Irat. tbal I
yoo arr out of age. and yoor
Holdab aboold bare tak.a adrenlagr i
yoa rl.
Ir Uioe. Thra
itBmfalataly afUr diaore. eras forgetlatb.r'a will
Y'.ar by yrar i
aod raah ta do It all orer again nag ta rey gofa-bight to bto bretore.
they grew apar>
grretibg bad bMom.
• rfa b.r s
BlB-.lalb.r let Molly go. altar i
IIS* to
Prrbap* MU* Kibbobi • conacl.Bc. tbto why ah* had brooghi
rail IB
ie, Ibough back*
If IB tbr
' Hot Miar— '
----------------riarB which ilneglaelfa will mak* a
woold ac
Bprasibg ib» FarOM Ourat
L»k altar Ue bIbw daRoloah"'
Kre'p^Ull, T
■Lometimea^M Bbraad. erraiudtal
., bra*
n.ipiof me i

fast Job's '-prw rsj-ol.lioe.'
"win.ior «v >
I hold Uat It to rat of
tf*»-.ktcaregaBee. '.lr
|ibere'm.«* lOougb yoor laU.r
Tbre. remarkt Job brard. wiib Mb i dim. ft. faMoraa Tbr Wui o i
dry .Bfalltobmeare
InB '-fri.nda '.
They col bis prid. U Ur rery qoidk
K. T C*«ri»Ti
Bat thto last aboot Ue oyt. wa* lb. i
imaa: H. raald and would •taad it {
•obUre and
. .
i.Uod *”
.. ara
BO loagw Wora it casr to soeb a I
B. AakM Tb.B A
A frer big Btotakre are vray aoaooUre Obiaaa. U. (aifar of WilUbm Uerebie. .mall oore are aot; yet Ue
ebarg. aa uia. iH. la- aboold atop b.r I
g ^o Fraocnco bmuaa.
Drea BewMIa. tfa boreltoL Ut. prac •aallaaralB a .fart tia. will ask*
I b.r tact aod roaourerl.ilar
ura was. wb.B a Tiaitar bad wora oat oa. of tfa big oare
•urprUe. Uea. whra p»d .uw. on berrelf
A good gardaa to
bto welcnar. ta fa caltad away oo brei.a agits—'-------•lb na. of U. Teone
BO officer
.sail Ulag fat wUl deretap lata a Mg
^ira. B rery .r.y yraag mai
Ulog If yo* Babe IL
Too taa boy
ros will Bot fa beta wbea I retaro. ta yoar vegetablea or grow tfare -a* yoo
"Whail ■
Wltart wlU him wb.a bto
I will wBb yod rood by.,'
"It was aa Tb* faltot cam. ta tb. eoas’. aad prea.
like, la U« oae mu. yra .are anoey.
aat bare glaared (ros a trra."
Ezrall.ataad higaly appmOtaM by Tbto to b amall Uiog. y.l It falpa. ere
lb. bryt wa. tfa (oraoU 4
Or. rey litu.helpa
"Why did yoa aot tall m. faiort?"
oer rraideoc. A. hr -at U
Aucadta U* amMl
Vaagba. wbra. a. brai1 mall
To tall tb. iroU. tfare bad bfas a wtll-kDowB poVIic Baa and i
Bhd a*eB'ibgly aalmptruat Ul^ ao«
•iracgle goibg oa la U. Biad of of aa old IsBily. hi* boau*
rowacbool. be bad ta eatartsle Ue yoa will mcerad battarwiU U* Ufgar,
bigbret (ora U Ue rabdol I* batcbM
Ifar raer aiae. Ue cow had bra* I to ratartaia bis
Ulaga —
A Bto Dcw gaa. from which fa had
at farakfaai. CotBrnlrersUag tfa baahfalamo of tfa lad* who did aot kaow
fa ta BBcb ..} -yBeBL knag
It dlAb.r." at
A Bad Mwraba
d apDB tfa wall ol hi* to
"tb. Hawaiiaa ooB bow ta Ira.f aad yet amatad ta do m
rw that ta pay to- U* cow «re
The .Vewm-ra UtraU UUt Ua Mlowofawitaaa"
Fralay Ue ddetor wasid rey—appropo. of
Caa'I yne
.•a. aad tbr c .amuamb
Shortly bre BoUlag. ’Ma*t yoa go?
b^l^ at Ueir baDils
n lb. boor lor dlonre. tfa* fatire •tayr Tbto wa. U* algaal (or drearv
all ItaT pre.priiv.
' '
:cilfaly aetared ih« room
-Tbre.-* arc 1 adsir. re-y baartUy the traoa- day totaebtodaagbwr oC.
lid hardly kaow U. lore
faoariDghcrBaret.fap*«adoU of ;
ragiBratofsoI •• bib. oataid. ’
Bat Job
IB talllag Uto riory fare the forai
- .. i.celtfa br ao saU ...................................... orolt
the car aad weat sroaiid ta Ifa aar !
a. -Caat yoa go? MaM yoa .tayT
peetau r.
Blag at Uia. Tbrir laal
aad fast o
Holly. Boat gold sake
fawa*paret^oat.U« daagM«r toCt
good Mto.
U» trat ta faaak ta a (rtaad afa at ifa
-Whes yoa are ready.' fa reid. -1 wUI
Just at UtoBiarei Job wa. relifa hare Ue sra Bsreb u Ualr plaea. i.
•aaaa Urea a rrla old said took Us
away ta fa>p a aelgbba. Uraab.
aretaad sored ap to tfa ariadow.
(orreatioa ~
-Wby." reld the bdy.
rraacoMUBB. Wilber ret wtU bto '■wbattarer' “li-i ay carepaBy.’'wat
Caawarcof U.iapwiaat ehaaga. fa
bead apoa bto baads: aaotfar tirafgU the reply, '^y^fat tea. sad tfar'r* «*t7.
pat bto bred ap ta Ua wla.
— - golag oa wiUla bto brea.A
dow sad mid. -Om reon swa
bre fa are*, with rreol.t. look.
faC- Is aaaUra taotaat Ua pi
WWBI ap tfa .tain ta bto roore, aad
Tfa Boat repMly gTowlarefGtrBU aetua OBbreQa ww thre^ -7 ia Ghlaa loeoagrau- clttoa to DaretUdorf. TaMreyfraiaga wfadow. tpOowad by U*
Mok (rea it. pfaB bto baleafa gaa.
aBaabiripii U to tal
b.raaii fa fad avMd U




. l^r^HaSi'-r.tll’rb.rem’n^':? :

««wi,Tb.Bg. 1

r"". j;?;.*'™;, S L.


erusTE. T* ■ ■ n,



^The woman who hara heavy
I task before her—dishes to
wash or a floor to scrub






HhadUtoW UfaHMUto fifag J8


irawrse Herald i*.

^■P^»MMrM4 BMkaw la !»•; Uk
■P ’ IttMhe «U tb* B«r.Mtau iMm>

;kM>Mhe «»M «M* far dWH>M.t
; nU. paHf hMurlMd. Aad be !■
rtfbknd.wbMiibmM’jM. be bM

pupil wweaad bear blm. bat ateptp

«<p—Bfiaewgardlac tbe dMtb Itel o(
tba Ml war. wlU be food for iho—•■•
tboee wbo ban baeavabi

«la teth nw wae maeb llrblrr tbaa
' «artar tbe drll war. mad will Iberaftaa dlipionBaar aiaeaUoaal eutr-

d <h. i

dUaetMan M ndiiralM bte eoa-lalaw. Hr. BaH.aad a few boan pre■u'l a«b PrUar atwraoM »
I to bw death, wbeaetai Mr. Earl
•eeapM «IU k
.. taebed blebadelieba woaldbeU
•aa-MezJ«oaad%M- tbe eenrild onr bW face ec If to abM
lah Bbtary IB krzlee." ead ww
away tron eeaetblaf teand. Oaly aa
abt l«»<Weblp oi Mn. Petehla.
boar atm befon bM daelb be i
A paper la vUah all
biMlf toaalUlaf poetenoa tbe elde
e bed.pattlBf ble (eat oa tbe
Wbee Br. Eal eperaeobid aad nc
-rbaa tbarealandtbe boeadark
edhlat UadJy leUedowa. tbeeeffciw
l&aiee tbv «are told to aet tbelr
baek M boarwaad tbelr eatea.
dan. l.OOD yean, dbeepoke of Ue
Tbe foserareerrleetwIU ba naduet
Biap baapTp aed raffed cbildree. al- ed at tbe bene of tbe deeaaeedbdaofh
aood Ibepaeollar food and aetbode ' ta by tbe See. a Caeblta. at > o-eleek
eatiaf. Tba parfca ia tbe dUaa aba •
eerfbed ae
beaalUaL Tbe fraad
<aaoee were ^obea od.erbieh an nrp
bcaotlfol bet tbe joareer tbroofb
la mr daareroaa.
iDtereaUar dacriptloe of Ibr
oabe aadlbecntoae la lefard
to bariel wae aleo ftrce. The city of
Uezlee ie nry bnutifal. Tbe booare
an bollt of aloee. Ie Spaeiab arebl. areead aa upper dooH aad
flalroof. Wblle thche. Mn.
ialtcd a beaatUel ’ealiedra:
wbiA .enl tf.oou.ouo. The beaatiful
flowan aad drUoloae frula wen aecb

eejoyed by tbe party.
>tU>f dawxipttoa of Ihr
borlafoiaeeeeofMrzlcewaea pet
ba naarka
M.oy Uaou. •
latUnl clUea were aUo deeerieed.
Ihe Mali eld ebarca acalaet tbe poetal
■Mcxiooiuida tbe Bpaaiaroe" •
ra.beea repeated, aeltbei Ibe title of aa laetroet.n m
by Hra. B. C. DaTia. Sbcepobcol
saqeaatef Mexico, io IMV. uyCor^
it of tb« lawrlor 1
<ba depart!

ban ear i


tapaalln. all iba ahlU. naon aad
baldana of .*a oanpaifa llara ecia
. bfaad ban baea teaf oa tte war drpaitaeau aad tbe wMa attack aad
. bewkerdwiBt a U Cblanc fcai beaa is

fee bpcelarde end I
be^ aed cruel reture. asd be
ly tbe Enpireof Mcalrziima w
1 hpaotea eoranlfa
: la HrXIeO.
Aa IntereailDf cvliectloe of Mczicae
urtoeltlca wacabowa by Un Uuli aao
Mre. Oarle.
A rccitaUnoeeUtled- Wberc li Ae-

realln tha* ale tirid aad lerid dcacrlp
)- HIM Uaiey Boiaod.
tiw aftbceraaltlcapraetlnd oa tbr
Bn uillleple read aa letemtlaf
foanUlabeyabyibaiacaraatc Bred
tpar oa 'dpaaieb Coloain la Mexico"
Alfa aad Uemlaieaaae loafar draw .'(bexpokcoi taetjpxaieta loeeee. Uoar
emrda a tad wilUaf aad approeiuf of tbe preeeat'oeolury rquaUaf d.UUO.~
WUl tbe enter iMOeqaan otilnof Icmuiry.
a MBw a
Mra. HatcbiDrndepaprroB"Carreoi
Brcau,"le wblcb

lieteoed etlealirr

T. a OUbat w
f to tbe attUade
Bealer Lyceum
«( Ibd Wodkly adiUoa aad Ite attaeki
A larfe eocDberatteaded tbe refd■paa panoae wtea tbe paper unae
.r Beelluf of tbe denior Lyceum at
. Iba‘■wart bean riaf.- Tbapoblleba
the Cralral abool tmildlex Friday
baUaid la priat tbe letia wltb the
erealuf asd tbr aeeeably room wae
' dinwa that It •‘troBlJ be aallralv cot of
tolu oapaelty.
fteoa li tbe DaUy Me.’- beeaaa
eembanof Ibe eoclety hare do*
Ihatpapadea aM dleoaa party poll
MtUed dowB to food wakliM order
rHoA TbJe li a ralha aataelef preaao theae panklpatlcf la laeiercolBf’>
aofna had thrir paru well commit
led, wbiefa made for ibca a wery fa
eerable Impreseioa wltb the aadleaee
Ae ormtlon eaUtled ' Tbr
Monmeel" wae epleedldly flee
Leellt BeWrthy. aed tbooad
wUAMaaelbadlha i
earetol Uiecftat aad etedy.
8y X ellfbl mliUkr. U wae aee
cd upOB the profram that Uraee UaenaaapaHaUyAefratiMatly la itae
Uaffe *oa>d fin a drclemailoo.
orefalfbl wa« dlecoeered im late
daatk allaaldae la tbe OlafUy Wll.
raeUSed. tbenfore. to eare dlnpj
meat. MIm UaaUofa kludly oooe
to take tbr part, aad ie a eery pleaaiof
faee a raellatioo eatlUed "Tbr
Boeaeray tloy."
aay ZfecmeeraUc
"Tbe Uome of tbe Bad Croce
tbe eabjeol of e eery ioetrucUnaCU erda that tbe e
QObanaaybe kaowa la tbedlytbr etiael la wblcb a ekrtefe of tbe life of
Mite Clara L. Bartoo. toecdor of lb<
Bmbm priaM Ibe leUa:.
TetepabU^d Weekly aad DaUy Bad Croee Booialy. wt> fiece by Net
tie Cleaeoo.
waekly aditlea
loaeUiif declamatlen
dalad Oeleba tl& MM. ye? pablleta
1 Borne." erae eery alooly raaderdd
A riotla eolo by Lanrm Trepea wl-b
altar aoeeapaalmeet by CUta Ret.
er. erae aatboxiaellcally eecored aad
W tbe BepebUeai
■ deabted. ts tb aaotber plaaelpf nlecUonfleea
"Oar Btaadiaf Amy dboeld
bM bwaseatlralylfae^ Tbe Be- Larfcly Incrrea.*!." aee the eabj. ci foe
gbHdan faUad te bi^ tbe riap^
flBf Bintbi.-----------Bint be brohn.Haw yea baew^yd^l^ny^t

■ SK-aiss’
■lainlliii be Hr. Ooodrteb aor aeem» aln. aad yoa etate a falaebo^

epi^lBfeeoret tbe


1W oaly pinii aa tbe
an^ tiAet tble year to wbem eoob a


piaeoeolo by Boby Deae. Bliyrap
eeeay. "Tbaodore Eoueeeen. "byAlmoa
tollar aad a detalopmeal by LetUe
Why do yoQ wleb to elafle

Maet (o JiABary nrat.
WaaUafMB, Oaa M.-Oaaeral Oms
Ida. wkra aabtd today whelbm S^la
•eeMbealleteadBBtO'rabarmry tnl

iBf totben-queat made yesterday by
Oesanl Moatero. fesid that today aba
ildeet aad aeentary
dded apoe aa aMate data OB irbkA
tbe Cabas potu an le be turaed
to tbe Dalted.iutn. Tbey ake dreldI a more' to Bead to I
military eommkaioBen as
aa to tbe time eaeb port aball be
nadersd. Tbe profram aa am
be carried oat to Ibe letter by
ary Aral, at lalxo*. Beaalo: wWs
expect to bare enry Cabaa port la
Death el Mrs Jena Fapaa
aaioa by that Umc aod we expect
~Abeat l:t« Tbaradey atleraeoe Mra..
by that tiofec Spala will bore deperted
Jaeel^fae.aatbarof Mm.C. U. Bee­
ber last Spaakh eoldwr."
ler. of E*ai 8>aU etnek died of eld
cfo. Tb* d* re seed wee W years of ofe
Tb- PhUipjte Qaeauea
aed bed aenr I
day's eiekeeas is her loaf Ilia,
iheeute d. pirim-st said tbk afterlew days befon bei death
ibat It wae eridcat that Spala
bHfhlaad cbeerfol aed ableto^ork
d fUdly arerpt acy propce
about tbe boas* aad eraa
reader of the daily, papers.
There will be a abort funeral eerrlee
l the rcaldcoce of Mr. BaaUr
o'clock Ihk afirreoos. whea tbe body
ippinr proup. will probably pay a raab
will be takes
sum for Ibe Ulaode with tbe exerplioa
>( Luc >0. wbicfe wr already pneiie
r'iuaty. tor borlal.
' llScaniboritirrly >icird that tVrai
circ Fcfao wae bora laCoasty Bctb.
Irnt McKinley ba* Decided to keep all
rum. Irclaad.
Sbe came wiia bee
.be I’bilipploea To* Amertcaa pean
family to N'./Ta Scotia Tfe yran afo
wmmuelooers hare beea inclratted to
cad after IfHaf ie differect plaeee in
l*.\ the prrsideal'a •IrcitlOB beti.n tbr
Caaadc ccTrrmI years aad eofafed la
Spaoiib commiiaiooen at Park aext
leachiDf ccbuoi. cbe cetUed la Ver­
Monday Ibi. emiemeni of tbe ad
mont aed later to HaccechoeeltA Tbe
iloUtralioc profrac
family nme toMlchlfaa fa l>7‘> cad
hifhen euitnirily. Itwaafitea after
years afo Witb tbe family of ber
C*l.inel mmlof, at wblcb tbr
dcafoler. Mra C U. Uualcr. whom
Pfailippiar<|nr*tloa maa tally ——tir*
sbe bad lind witb ii yean, cbe came
lual Wfest form tbr drmaod ol tbt
Ie Maple City. Leelanau coeaty. where
cited Siatec eoai--erairf the Pqllipthey redded eetll aboot a year
pinee win take wura >t i* pmeatrd
Bait afo. when tber moeed to Traecrae
Moaday, laoDoi br prrdii'lrd. Tbe drCity.
Mn. Pafuebaabad maar latemstU in»v Iw tlaled ia the most poaiiBf cxporieooeaaad baa wiiaeaeed tbe
masuer thM they wul drmaad tb.
kkief of Onoortaat bictocy of the
lee of tbr e^Ve I’billppiae arebi
L'olted fiieice. Sbe waa the multaer of
It u pr..bablr. alooal eerUia.
■wea childrea. aioc of whom ai
that attbecaiiir tbry wil.
on the pert ct ibik furen.meat.
Tbe Peaiasular Matual RsUres
tamr tor pul-lic .Irbl of the PbilThe Hcalasolar ^^oloel fire Incuraei
>rs. wblih *m..enic ID about ptu.
Co., illmitedi of JeckMO. of which 1
iKci.iaM Io 8re orr eri.t bond*. Tbr
U. Allyo U afcni for tbk lerritery. he* cabiocl baa Jrc.drc ibal ibi. would l>
ceased to do bocieesc.aad a larfe earn only lair, aod tbr ercrelary of cuv
oerof policy bolden ia the c;iy aed ba* IckirucUd Ibe comioueioners u.
died opou PaHc aceordiogcy
It 1* Ibouftai beet
CO pay an aeeecemeet apoo premium
eurnr the debt rather tbaa pay e
es for iacuraocr wblcb tbey w
icapmaily. bc auce le tbe laltrr

Miraculo^ Benefit




belief tbal It woald pall Ibruufa. An ' kept so ibr tear a Ufa Spala bad <ai
lie* oTibe lirrs of t.Mr. Amrrirso
otberexcmlaation. mtdeby Ibe com
mlacioser OB Srptembtf T. rrrealed tbs soldier* aed ssUor*. aod Ibsl the pro
muld Itkrly be incrra*cd Ibki
feel that tbe condition of tbe comptcy
F came*
Mr Krao*declared
that tbr *talkuc> of b» oUcr sboicplca of i
prrcrct.g"of death* le camps
ooe-balf of tbe p.-emloca in cacb and
o ales from tbe locured lor the hclaner
it wee found tbal the compauy bad
'llurlny tbr rrbrIliOD .»OUl mre
abootfe.Suu pollcleaoulatandlaf at the
date of last examlnalian aad Aial a were killed in baitie aod
total amosBi at rick of about> <•>> itbrd la camp* aod ariaui,*. ' said Com
-From . Slclal fi(
rhere were .practically ao arailable mitaiourr bract
uns wbirb 1 here rrcrnily completed,
On September 18 CommlarloaerCamp- curenner a p-iiud from May I to S
bell ordered that tbe company at tbe au. I fiod that the wiai number
eodofaixiydajefrom that daur d«- dralb* a* tbr r-rallol tbr war w
imntioBe tbr Icculaf of pollciee and coc- Spaio wae :.U»I Uf ibia eumbrr
ppud builaCM uaieac tbry abonid In
tbe meaaiime collect •uni.'ieai aaeeaa
menu to pay tbe loeeea aed debit nut.
alaodicf aad laliefy hlotlof tbe coltea.
cy of eueb comptcy
Aa aaereemeat
waa made apoa the company of no per
oeat ueoD the premlam ootee ooutaodtdf. aud a cooclderablr amdaet baa a1ly^y beea
baea raalia
raallced upn lblc sum
diieat. but the c
company bae become
ealtsfled that It eacoolaamre aad bae
therefor- notiflsd lu policy holders
that it will ceace totulaf polieie* aad
cannot umome liabilities or loseea here
after eucuiaed.

At btntiaro tbe
life WB» :: (.Alien aad ::: meu. This
1* aoarrra** of one ufllcrf lot rrery
tea airo
A( Cardroa* oor cAicer was
kiUed ^luce tbe balilf-* <is Cuban *o>l
slzly-mec uate die-lof wound*rccelrrd

ifoaid illaam wee Bot clear,
aad belDf daaf. froai lead City, last
Toeaday aad bad beea aaferiof some

dM»rllmu“irwnriH2* aeal
ten^tatted^^. when yov aeifbbon

lUef of tbe father aed daafbtar Ie a toaebiof eioey. Hn. Earl bad
An m aibamed of year aetkia. or aet board from ber fttbar foreBamp^ of^^t^yn dnH ber efyaata. aad when br wae bolped
Ule Ibe door at bar borne Taeeday
iBf. leaulBf bearUy apoa bie
I tafaeat a^lf^pablleatioB of tba
beat wltb afu. be looked lete bk
Mm ^ a
daofbtar'i faet aad piUfoIly leqalndDated Oel atlb.'-M.
p.' C. OiLasar.
"Dmtc. dea-lyoa kadwmerIt M nfo Ie say that Hr. Gilbert
Tlme aad tbe feltblul toil la what be
oltfiaa tba key aate of tbe pnlUea baliend earaoatly to be hie duty had
tahn by tbe bfl* >■ iw rofunl to ac markedly ebaafMl tbe taea of tbe
priat tbs letter la t^ daily adlHoa. tatbar that tba daaffalar. whom ha
wbn be aaffeeia that tbe paaar M raadily msfDlaad. aoald aot nmvalie.
blmaata be
d eindUy taUed la bk
m tee tar
a. BBtit tbeead.
•eiialeUSat tbe
HaHyialbanrotaty. wbnwtbe peepie aneetaiHUarwM''lbe eltnttee dpeaased. Uleet


TtowBtdtba IBM ba

Blit. 311 Fmt St, bst

Cycle Works.

Braziag a pecialty.

('bra|>r«t and mnei r.-Iia»ilr |.U<m to
iiui in p^bsl mniiiiic ordrr.


.vonr biryrie repaind and

Uhvt- had fwrr^ yran espedemea aad
Sati-faotioti iruantoUmd.

I aa —

ELLre, 311 Front St, East.

Tbe Mraan. Tboma*. Morrso sort
Ns*b. ofCi'ispaoy M. rare some later

are -..d by all drv;-

eatiar war ab.rir.

Order* for Job Printing left at the

Tbr follvwiot wrre pimseet: Die
Horrse. Daria
t'lsra \«u
alao»ky. LrUir Mn.ia. f'harir. K »o
IK. Lyd« KordiK.
It-rtir Uoaurr.
Joe Kuburprr. E.icir Douerr, Allred

Ills MILCS MCPK'ALU.1. Flaaarv iso.


■ irrllick, Walter Gmlirk. Ira Kellory.
AlrlD Smita.
>om of life lo oar li
lb. VV
VViliard llobb-ll. Will
eooaisUar ol 47 pamoca add liiO horses Kroo>*. Meriba Iliiuwa. Tom Wilbrim
sod Kmilir Crow.
were royulfrd la tbr riser Gaiice aod
ai: were drowsed.

e prompt atteetien

At tSaraea. the Hssorra. ae aaylam
for tbr iaasar. wblcb la a muaicipal
boapiul, appean to hare been dUrracr
tally maaatred. Tbe recirda of the
mootba ahow there were •
Jralhatber* out nf 700 Inmaln <iu
Saturday arzl a mrrUof of Ibrdirrctorv praaided orw by the ciril (oreramrol. wijl be held for Ibr parpooe
of lnre«ticalln( tbr caditioo of the
inaiitutioa sad 10 make sew appolniitoaad improsemesU.

Money Back
If No Cur«.
Clv« this $arsaparill:
fair trial and yourdrugglat
will refund the purchase
money if It fails to accem'
plieh what la claimed.
This meane a positive
Buaranteo of tho efficacy

“ The Kind that Cures.**

r latter *lreet *rr

The Costliest Gough Cure
is Change of Climate,
end 5t‘s a cure that's not otten possible .and not always sure. There’s a
better idea aitout coughs amt cures: Why not fit the lungs to the climate
instead uf riiting tiic climate to jllic lungs? it is the power to do this
tlut makes

Ckrry Pectoral
in the land. It is a si
r>r colds and coughs; a specific for Astfatntr' {
Bronchitis, Croup, WhcKiping Cough; it prevents Pi
cures Lb ^
Grippe; and it so strengthens the lungs and heals the tom tissues that
many eases of dise.-isv marked by all llie signs of Incipient Con
have l>ecn absolutely eured by its use. Dr. Aj-er's Cherry Pec
now be had in half-size buttles

At Half Price, 50 cts.

rniof the inmate* nod cnutiBK rrenl
Hraeral Oik baa .-abled the war dr
parunnet Ibal tbr Irnnaport I'ily of
I'ara ha* left Maotia for !«ag Fracnaro
aad that tbe Seaadla will proWbly
ieare ia tcD days. He report* ajf quirt
aod eoadlUoo* ItoproriaK
Spaie ha* p-olr»ve<l acniaat thr
Orryoa aed lews Kolof to tbr Philip
pinn. claiffliDK It lo br io eiolalioo of
ibr proiocoU Tbelr return I* d-macd.
ed. The matter i* .aoder contidm
Tbey are sow on tbe Suotb
AaeriesB const and cao easily br rc-

Ooreraof Miraei iitero ofS'ewUrx.
(ieneraJ Mew*
Harana will Sol be occupied by tbe ICO. Is bk aaaual rrpm to tbr aeereL'feUad .Siaua miliury lorcraaetil ytae tsry of tbe ialenor. rlj^r >u*It rrnewa
rcpreaeotailoBt (or tbt early addate selfor the cod.DKol Spaalab a
*>on of New Meziro to statehood
erelfnly ia Cabs.
and portray* tbe nadercloped rtoourcea
Tbe dIatriCulluB cl fne rations
of tbe territory awaltinc capithl. Br
Manllaro fTcrince is demoralislUK ILs
that lb* tomi potvilatios of
tbr territory bow k :«:.000. IbcIiiiIIbk
The bouadary diapale betweaa Cbiil
aa [Ddiaa oopalalloe of 2i.Boa
aad ArfaDtiaa. which has threai
rrp wt lay* apaeial streas 00 tb* paa*|.
to iarolTs the two eonatrles in war.
bllltiea of Irrlfatioo aad aay* ail the
will le seiiloe by arbltrailou.
water now oaalaaaly roaolBC away will i
.New Eaclaad lobecco growm fear .hortly be atlllaed to tbe faiebtat da |
lai tbeir Icduatry will ba-aeriaaaly
Mesawblle lodiridual enmr. j
affected by the eompeUtiofe of Porte prise ia erectlar % aultltod* of wiad. 1
Co. of Jackeoe. Hembert will be liable, Bieao. Cucaa aod Pbillpploe plaeiera.
throoKbont the Mrrtlory.
apoe tbelr uolea aed aebaid portii
Empacor WlUlam has dtaiceed a
heir premium, for loeaes utfetiBC in
larMa foaetaia. which be parpoaea to
tid oompaay.
met la CoBataaUBOfile as a vift tp
Tb* oompaay 1* parely a maleml
mMamocale hk nail and that of tba
aod then k ao moory with wblcb to
emprma U tbe auliaa'a capital.
pay bank
GwPolmA tb* famoo, Apacbe ebisf.
lememban will n
meped from biacuarda while (o1b(
menu mad*, wiia
from Kl B«Bo.«kla.. lo Fort MiU. aod
treable so that loau* that bar*
curnd may ba paid. I r^rel exewad labcUewwd to be mekisf (or bk old
acly tbra* feilaree aad am aorry'taal bauBts IB New Mexico.
e raeelrcnblp.
er Campbell pi
eoaally that tbe fueda of the
tioD collected are paid apoa the Iccees
It U endeai that Oommleeiot
Campbell iateode ti paeb matters
that tba loasea of the company will be
adjusted, which the followlnf latter
AMye iadleaua:
Laxsixe, Mich . U.-t. S«. ISBi-.
B. H. Aliya. Boi.. Tnsetae aiy. Hlc
Dean Sia .^t will not be poatlble
pay aay nUrn pnatiume to tbe mri
ben of tbr PeaiBealar Fire Inaorae

1. AtleR
>. A. KU
- When I h»d *Jm -t .Irvpiifrd n( errr findinp * einr for chronic bfonchiik, I dertrad
■0*1 eicrlln.i rr*i;l<> Ii,.m .t^rr * Cferny I'rrtorxl. I cun lestibra* to its ctbcacy.*
tf O. l-KOCroR. fet*D..Oikl*»dCl«y,lBd.
* Thrrr —tr ..iirra chilrlm io mr fatber'* (smilT and ihrra *rr *em la my awn. W*
hsvr nrirr. *ii>-r I
rrmrnilwt. I>m wiifeoai Am'* Chrtry l-BCIonl. and bare B*««
bad a c**r ol m-ld lU a rooxh ih*l ifek teard. did not cate.*
Hew. WM. F. MA.SON.aikaco.IIL
or ten Bonlhi anrt wa* Utoidcd by life diflrrmi doclota. AS
I.umprion. aad .otar of ikra **id •heesold not hr* a month.
• lirri, I'ccioraL li *rrmr<J lu help brr, *o I m

nile *u-ferr<l nlth lunp imalJr Sbe baa a am
rurd diificoh; k tueathk^^^ A Uune ami
riora] rrl.-nrd * complnr c

'I HIa.-(7-© a T.H -n © of _

A Mather's

mmyyduly to eloea ap ibeae
sae./' Very truly youea.
MuoD Caui-axu.
tabIkbiBff ibiriy-tbree atatlou. at
Commlsaloaer of iasunaca
wblcb tbr army U le aapp'y kbbs aad
Aliya k eoBsaamb'.y irerried
lUoUloB to lae prepl* (or drl.
mr tbe sllaatioo bat h
(b( away ball clouds
It U coMidend
proeea tBai tbr euwouwloo asd the
I of amoBe rlslac U the air af­
Tbe pafele tc V„,oa aad other pane fect the atmewpberte etate of bamtdiiy '

r Aaetrta aaeed by (B* fear of aa apl
tetearrliBl la Ibe ally tbeiaraUdbad 4emkof tb* black pteffw kaMamlar

Luov b»* it feboulJ lu- don-


debtA be permuted t

aetbeyeeald laara
tram bipt. aa bU mlad. owUtf to bla

>»HMtae I 7*0.

L. D—I I> Hnbtw.
P. C.T-W Vt.Gob'r.
C. T—J.BBir Cnrliit

A Plena
lii. yclt- eutidtiim at alxint f-L K,-v and otoiou hand wbwb for wk
A rary pl^aaaai sarpnar party wa*
and to rrnl.
i’l-aiw- aT»'<- n- a tnal
rirra lo booorofWtJ] and l-ntir Naab.
of Elmwood areene. Friday rrmlay
Haay drllKhtfal fam—^wrcT playrd
after wbieb dslaty imfresbru-nu wenaerred.

the br*t Oociui* but rraduaUy

rral nf tbe bonan 1
"Tbe total Difmber of Americae *ot:on that bate died la camp* from
.dUeaar are el«bty oAlcer* aod ; .';u
prirate*. or aa aejrrraw of
Thi* 1* la rrmarKable In rirw of tbr ter
rlDlr Climatic dladrautaire*. aod I* fal.
ly rrrlAe* the aildier'* adtyr tbal dieri*e kill* more than buil-A.
bare bera Aou daunt lor protioai
Ui dale a* a rrtolt of tbr war
"Id tbr Cuban esiupalya tbr l.wsof
DO many oWoets laa.-enuated for by



Chapiaia—A B I feniber.
Scci-tary—Haymr O. l.annMtrr
Plaaaelal tiecrelary- Edwin Tbir*.
Trrnanrrr-rbat M l.aare.irr
Hnnbnl-tVin. Cluarw
Gnard-Tbeo Voorhm. ■
8*elinal-Eaal K-onru.

ly year.
Muswi Camace Cu.. of
vrlir to expert ey rtauiBdrtortbrmlrsr.
lousbenret ncrlrrd frm Dr. HiW flran
Care. 1 •uArnd fur yrais. a* rr-olt ufarmy
Ut*. from tciatlca wblcb aAenrd my bran
la tbr wurtt fora, my Umtw .w, i.-d from
tbeaosWup Iblaairdoiiilll *s* vutblr
* hujuiu m* cluUiljic; bid »k»rp p 1b»


f .prll. aad

aad Itas'


Ooea Templaka<
At Os mretlBK of tb. Good Templan
la MoBlBKafe ball Aatarday alrtatlbeMlowofllisn were elected (or the eaau-

ferre yean afro I’aria be|raa to dk.
pow of lu seware after the maeerr of
Merlin, by lurolar It into Arlda plaalwith orrhSTda aad rryrteWre. Onecase It would be eembeery for cobfrre* lourtb of tbe aewaye U already thu*
I rrarene City and siclalty there
wbicl iliepoaed ol. and It i* hoped that la two
about «uu poller bolden afeiosi would, of < our»e. cease a freet dni of
years tbe whole of it will b whom are premium soles of renou* delay au.l drtaalr. wbilr :f we mrrely
Sywo. In the cabioa of V.ol,
emaaeta. Some of tbaee polk-lM are
cau be Scrtferlaa. hla tercae Oiybceai. Ilukr
expiniloa, but it la aald that tbe eellird wbeo tbe trealy ie railfled by
majority eliil beet some time to raa.
cecnury of tbr
to Mifes Jao* Jihosoa Ferry,
Che result
tbalmaaywill bare to ireacur). a*-ooe scared tw. nauk*
daurbter of the late A A J I'qrey. of
pay baleace-d-Spua premium* secured ctep* UTcoatert tbr debt lulo bead* at ChsrIestoB. S C.
uy aoieefieea.
low rate of lotcresl.
ha* Ji|*t drreloped tbal tbri.erThe iclaed* oumsrr I.Jic Io
Tbe company was orfaniced Ortober
barfe Satlalsciina aana dnn< s'tbr
Tb'V riieud aurth sad cu^b l.iw
JI Kale lo tbr North Sea
milrA reel end wrsl i.w mdea.
lelicaiueda tboroafi
cipuiD. bit wile and tUr crow of alar
tae company to be made early la itae
rc,uarr mUea. about a.
drowned, belarr all on board ei
present year and diccotered tbai itc tbal of Nrw Vurk. Penacyirdeia aod
»i a b.-y. whu we. «re
floancul coedltiOB wac such ac to cause Coan^ticut com bleed
M <1 l*«a. <lDt. 1 u'cl
o'clock Thu'siav
nAi comeuseeciarm. eliboufb be taCoroloy. an rarlbqnakr shock paawd
lieeed that wltb careful maoafrmeol
orer Ihr city
It wa* felt dkliacliy oa
Chksfo. ii-l- C'.i.riCoiumiasioaor ol
it would br able loturrlrc.
.'baraeter mad etaudinf of Ibe meu I'raeionc li Clay K'sns asm at tbr
.Voribero faou.1 today tbal up u.
ooBoecled with it lecllaed blm to tce

Tbe Impromptu subject. "UiapliAl
ipaneaee," wae flees to Ube frase
rr Campbell be'ierei that
Gtfc. wbo befrad to be rAcuced from
rhea the
•eemeat already lrr,r,1 t.
^ y- KwS a^ nnabor of tbt epecklBf at ibat time, bat promlaad
I be eatufS toeatit'y
flea a better accouat of ber experieace paid thar
la elealaf yoar anida la tbli eamr
fxUtlaf afuinst the
BC falara meetiaf of tbe lyeeom
bsllerea that it ia belibaa obe eras able to flee oa eaeb
tbat T. E. BarkworU. who ha*
. nanleoet.’' "Oea-tletafaef of taea authorised by lb* eoBpxay le

Death or John P. Lane
Plnae aam tba petaooe wbo eenllbatatbe’fmafwontor to.
If we
Jobe H l.xoe. tbe Ufcd talber.
ben aay each etll bob U oar city aad Mn. W. H. Karim, ooraer of .Elfbib aad
tayMtbonan-----------I ymr aelfbben they
bnw a^^yoo.a fal- f'raakUD etneta. diad at 4 it odoeh
HaturJay moralaf at ble deafbler’e
mea tbe Bepab- naldcae*. afed »» yean.
Hr. Laae wee a tn.aUler of tbe
tarcb of tbe bailee l>sy balale aad
• ynny:
aa a member of tbe Iowa duu coa. "Daa'I leta fBBf of nacale__________

are tbs oben el'wmd: '
PftaldfBt—Mn- D €kA
VtewPna—Mr* R bbcU.
Sacntary-Htn .li ?la.


atorma hare swept

«( dB»BfB wd a


out BB«
vffi b* folly twoHsad

~rSa way lot moy dc. 1

Extra Good Buggies
that will go cheap, if sold before winter, to make room for tbe stook
of Sleighs that will soon be here. I also carry a full line of all Fnnn
Uaebinery. such as

Feed Grinders and Horse Powers,
Feed Cutters, Wind Mills,
and eTerythinx eke in tbk line.

IM 0«M Btroet, TraYOTM Oity, 1116h.



■ k fl. ai
bni all lb« dtafu,
ebaofca. a«c.. •rm left, lb* robber ret-,
aaoUy baclac bccired Biarjr oalf.

•baopMillatdoca ar* Mar Boeb to «ark «lldaato
DcliolC. 8iBc
daiaart la (Iraad Blaa* lowstbla. Ooa•aaoBBalrTb*r kUlcd a aalaabU paadlar. waa atrock b> a t^b* Sharo
Skrepaktra raa aad foar
gmguut »■«»
takra aboard lb* barcaC* rar aad
The Uk* •hen d»m»r* !■ CUm»o hf
died baforalkctimlaroaakadtbaBraah
tka fMM% WlBuid WM orar »o.aM.
Itoob «*aa panlr deaf.
by a Oraad Traak trala iTblla drtrlar auert dapoa
LcKlBfiB* Mteab tarn bM ain
aadaabadW BOi hmr tba uala aaaenaa tba track. BOBctiBe aro.
aa aamat af dkphtbarU U tka t
iiuladaarbtar araakilird. Thr Clraeit pmaeb br alrpard dlrreUy la frort
aartrar* bin dl.uau* daaarra.

prrlladaaiy atr^ barr btoa ta
Ibo tolloarlar aaaW. dated a«
OMlaoa aa

Th^e Boston Store-


aMdiorTb.LakaMlebtoaaaBd LAr
dapartor Sblp Caaal 4 Doek
■ U Cbaal
atraat. Cblaara B^tisatad aaatof eaaal.tlo.OM.uou." 1.


Always in the Lead!

la tba rlclaiiy of Nila, tba waatbar
aicf P.kacoB la dadlalar aa lerl- propbiW aay that aU iadicatisaa'cia
bleb rraat rallaaea la alwaya placed
la'lr« 10 attcad aa eatcnalbBealrl*'
caby tb* paplla of Kay aebool. Cb|.
earo. rare lfar» aoAr r<x>d adrloa. tba tba Aral p'as. tbara la tba feam Laaa
prlaripal a a> alar briar for ttaes error For tba drat .Ub. la a'rkl year. A la
urb'flwaalrE. He told thrm ihal eery wld* aod acarly all vhttr. wbWb
•are alfB of aariy uiaa, deep aaaa
lb* place ayijr omplrd >7 tbrn iraa
Tfca daarvar farthar oattaaak
Tba D.. U. B. 4 H. frelrbt depot
aaoa of loar duraiioa. Thao there
We igriAiv imjlaiura
buB'lar rrooadt aad toalPrii.tera' ink i* rlintp
Eiapty ia
tka black pUrac la VMaa bi« t
Baldlerwaaeataredhybarrlara T
la therarwerd.
Il la aaaaaally tall.
the pnitaine i| Wk-tl a lb ihilid factii. Wbat w* •dvertiv
and picked atallb •raya bold tbnr rlcb beiiiare •acred.
Thaa doaa aalerc pr >rlde lor the faedwe c-ariT .lul l.i ihe letur i
(lu it wiihool ao7 exertion, as
iiaalrtnf tbrao'dirra’ boar al
eaaoot ba ope.
lar of aoo Birraiory oirda abaa tbire
ir If wmotta Stock lousiete of
MesBil Kapid< alrrady oonW Tiid aad
Wbalbrr tbry aaearvd aay caab la
U to be deep aeow
M iraorar. aaaalIbia U abupl Ui* oap>el<y of Ibc Iball.
aatioa of eora huaka ba< diailoaad ibaa
tta tbr b'crrel raab of tbr
tbeyara aoaaaal y baary.
Taare U
WOMballl 10 com-.
Tber* la •ose
I amBMtf t
aaoLbar alya of rzt*ear cold
<alk of IlnUiBr ada>l««loo* iiaorrlala
roodaback. la-tbera •!«, oorroborataa
barrrro-a rich .f the ara.
ibrcpeoM of baiid or the other erldeoce wilb far of BBoaeal
Tb* eaiUc oaUooh la BoaUiera Tciai
. Md Kortbara MoeUca li bUtot U.» o.TofblIlaaaabcUkeaa.aaladraor ‘obidlUoo w ib* >“«>•• -d ih* old tbi.-koaaa. That la a rife that aerer
bu iadaatry.
aoldirrawlll maka ao rararat prouat
I naiBi Ibaa arar b>torc.
falla. erra abeo othara do.
U' Dry_
Tba Uiltad Hbio baa aoilSwl Spata
ti Wardea U.b>rB hat
V.nUiiu; Soil \.ni a
ia where you Ret il
d«i. Lad bia rirtal aiaoplalrd by
Tb- aoribero Mlebleao teacberV aattotabcablpsratof fjo* iron Cebe
alld.Bdealaea. u-.o.
; to«tb**to»p*dlorUi«iU>.
<a.; He b5 prerl.«,. ' « '
ihr aad aav.fday'
flaberiaro ui M eklraa, calllor tbeir a<
•■Tak* H back—I tol4 you ‘^ttk A*.’"
Tb* ■Beb-bowato Paaar R'rrr eecaJ,^“•‘’'*1 Irotioo lo lb' fact that tba Uw uf im: ,
, Fui.'itl Batin lin.'.l tiimui:li..iil. (Ihe |irid..\if .mr Muck)
! toyefklaakabu broarbt Bolblac bai ly loat both lara aad hi. Irfi kaad
prohlbiu <b.-fitbler trltb aru lo any |
Iml mark’ n-- fniu-y trame nor a fau.'y pric*; r.iu poo
, hairiaUr*u>r»U) pcjapacton.
Clarrace fi Lrwaaof Pj01‘ir'. had »
bl r.'Vba^r uf tba waleia nf tba alata (rum 0.1 90
ih.-ui wiM at
..r Fiu. B'<tlr •
litM name alkrthar Woodoo'd. a aiutnrAati at
aatll i>ee li
Tbe a’.trDlloO of flab |
Ib.-Ii.h1. oiir i.iid|.l.' marked prie* it
far, ,cfl U. b,» h, hi. f..h,r I
A»a Arbor, waa orrorrlp vrulard la a
Ititu.-i d lo 'edealerm and iratnpnriaUua cospatiiea !
omarted .o<1 linrj pr.,ip.erul rdocaooHialeB batooFS iwu airrct eara.
l<aaeblac:al(B aad the laroi aaaa..ld
baa beeo t ailed to tbe law problblUar ’
XJkaaaae Uall alirrad op abmt 1B‘ He la Botr nf are aad arka Judr* Snllb
tbe iranapiriatloo or aalt of all raBr. I
, U it n Buflioess Suit yon an- l.toktaic for Y Do not fory h •DerttoG. aoa of K <rrae Bobaaadlary traa aad tbrralcaa lo -Ijaeb hi ael Ibe deed aaMe.
K"I B'lcnre 1|. adiiuarl. ra ou th.we pxkla.
flab aad bird, dorinr <be eloeedaeaaoo |
. tbakratoBlalf tberarocaorfau
Nrl. lia'Urbr'.lbe ID al p*OBiaeal rea j
tierrt d d liajld nf Fort K .blaoa.
At, all a.Mil Faii.-y Suit, well ItnM. Well a.aide,
Btiabro..k;. al>ool-Albi-.o. who bad
Ward Murra; of Maasn. aaa atrack Hrb. abn U at bk bona at
|Arnl ol Hearer la aoda. tbe lohabitaau
Miilalile fur «ny .avitpalion. $4 98
, br a falllar trrr aod laaiaoll; kilird. ue alck farlnurb. wear, a 101 K drrway . be*o d i k ho'iUar at Ua.ik I. ik-. ftra i>f wbitta deriee ib'ir aile aopporl from .
■dU »td-I
„,sorlarpor-. are reported
« la Ibr Kloadlh*.
thr fithirr laduatry raerolly wrote ti >r. '
froB the fold plrera be haik frxta the j
"■<in.t«d 8aitt*bt
^ ^ l.-ardd they ^re druwaed
era ir I'larree ioformiar biia that tbe ^
$6BB aud B.-11V
itenver Oi.-re.»ta at $S 88 are tnoring
B the ea-|^
bau abd aa oteriutaed boat
ktaleahou'd at oooe make pr.jriaino
Tli. y »r.- aileul a«l,H.iiu.ti and tm.Ie niakera
fimnd doatlar <« the Ilka hoairiorl'l'a
II abile oa bia war l.> «.>rk '
a heavy Shetlanti
raaldeatauf tlxwe lal.Dda durlar <bej
Oa oaa-^aarlrrof aa aerr of rnwi.d
T. at tl.a eofutit lorat of tbe eloa*
' two Ub-bdrld earo raUrd AM fqaaafa GubUla. aped
waa raa Howe by a .
1.00 .aw will ceprlre tbrrti ol j
•.•.vit'.d .’’■O .hicu nf M.'i.'a
IkkacaaoB. ic irbtar albvrnxr orrr awitcb rartoe ]oal beyoad the dep ■
•tlIrCrerk bad
Frank W llrepr "f
oo’y ebanee ol earoiar BOaey .
Ikraa Iom.
yard. It !• (eared that he .ua-alned
Flee.'.. I.iueJ I'ud.-rw.'ar at, per tpinpent.
hni liuie al’ by blm<
wb.tb lorarry ihriD Ibruurhlbej
4a asal^ab uf tbr prodaet of ibr Ha; iolernaUr] irlea tUt Bay prute faiO
' "Ul of ooeopaiioB. He waa 1
Thluir,;Hiii ..f tb.‘ v.wbihi ia
wluter. Oalib«bef aeya that wliaoal ^
81.48 all wool.
aif aarar barl Uxlury *ba<ra Ibal thr
Vile yeaia aro a farairr hat 'It , ell.l who bad charje of a
extra h.-avy Di.-k.-y .ilille K-rwy I’anta.
■ talraldlbr Oiaire.a 00 Ibe aland.'
aorar taraod oat by u« aaar pi.oi 1*
a rh while p'.owtar near Cuaonr .
lay Ad.en i.laik..<«afrV.r
Uaat week another naa. wl.llr p'owlnr ■ >ar Ihroarb tbr atalr. He or
i’lOO yarJjt )l .ttl-d Ouliut;. b-hile, il lantn. pw» at, per yd
A Fraaiylraala ayedioair baa obUlnUeaarai Bawa
•a el.'iorlea orrr the .•ell ..or I
aa roof e-'nlitioo
ad taaaaa oa lu,i"b'acraa la Ta>*-la
A Mclonr ri-ii-n I, .p^doo Silord.y
.. ir.n
re.., .dA rl-arrrt olyht aod liumrnae daiOMe w.. d.-i,r u.
aoaalyi aad arlll aoae brclacoal mlolur wl-e* loal.e*cepi th* ana
! It UBI lu .bon order Wbro £r aobrred | property.
Fraok farjealtof Ca'omri, w.i a* ep br waa lo:d t .week a I-b lo olber
Tkappobbay that tbe BaakraiaBrej t'f
1 and rob>wd ofM^ whi-b be p|a<.ra
kblldiar tbeir faoaato aao.aally l.rr
h bled thr u... of 0 wt card, bean f
AO bl> prr«..o Th* hold-up o-cu.r.d
A- Alp.-aa iV arrere alcria wl.i..h
141* viator, wbleb t» a au^
»te«aof<»-r..,.ii |.uilfl..aUu..a.
Wilhifi two oiUea of tor ri...n lb'; raye.U•*c^wd laoeh more damiijr thao
' aeUwlaitr.
Tw« M.-V >i.d dyioy per., fa
roan to Uir l'h.wLU (a>a.. II • head i. , wa» ol Bcwl aup . weJ. Tta. a.aoda uf
DtoraraToryBleaUfallB tb* aortb
wrTarreent^v pi.'kel up on the alreeu
vaa^4ad*0B>*\r* baior killed by badly rot by the Wow wtalrta hi. aa.aii | aertw of ur.'hara. aloor tbr ab..r' aod oIM.ianaaa. loua.
the aamr day.
■HI Fiip-r-. all Sd,.l l,.»ih.>r. fliid
1 Mraral mll -a bick wrrr da.nared. aad
kaatoim. bUboarh Iba aeaaoo doe*' aot aoudelirrrrd.
A di.p|trb fr..«i V.lparmian iiya Ar. ,
I > .!,Iw»t e ., an- (.,a.-ak aiu
«»aaaaUI Hor. a.
Ojrana which waa pul la
,.p,r»linn i l» “»d}' In.Un.m
^-da •wrto|F»»l'«"-‘i»*
..,1 by it. TI..'-r .-au*-* 11..
Tb**oUlera‘bomeai Uriod Uipid.
Wbluot.lbe I'.a-...
-tub. la
tbiafall-by Obiraro eapiUll.U' Jouar aad auiblnr
liBliaady fliled tooeerBowlar Uila fall
■ lift' •'{ ali ( .riL
. WoIU.'ll Hll-I •■llil.livil
prarea a boon to (armara. *a sen a. j <br alder orrba'd. niucb fruit ... ..i.i 'Cblleai
BbdaBaddlUoeto «bc bBiidtan vili
•air'a^ll.K 1;.
.In... .t..r.-, ....-cl.r.r .-asl ..f 1I..
Tba dlalricl of Mrp'.toe. Fraaee. we*
tbe laborior people of the tmare. ^i' oa Ibe tree*. Waiir It I. a e wel.-oin- y.!u .m-Hiid all. al.-tli-r yon buy or not,
laltod by •terriOfhallatorui Saturday. |K*<|..i|1i v
I].- k
a bate au.talaed mucb
pTcaeal IdObaBd* are employed. aed,l*aa tbroi
k..'l -'-l..
alMUt lliriu
*4 aaoeeacBt la an foot ib lio.wv'w
Bor* ore a.Vrd fur
1 damar*
Tb* *loaea were of Imm'oaeali*. Tb* 1
I’laili Oir.u li '.r.a
4y*ntodlrcn tbe Wade of Saaniab.
oil** aad lemua cmpi baa* breo
A-. Ilelrot Mr>. Lilllaa II'ijia w,a.|
Ura I.MI'ao J. N •wlao'l. a widuw
4B*ttoaa eoaBlrien io apala aa araloii
plelely deairoyrd.
aihlot •t'trr blacklar wrlih raaoHu'- P®’' cirvuia.iar.-e* wbuar hum' la
Ah* Ualtod BtaUa.
•Hi I).'
when tbe raaolloe oaorbt flrr.
M • v ' "'aterrielC^tiia receie d BOtilimiiOd| There' la a era
I TbBtoleefK. a Arsoark Hereford
Dra'Ila waa frlr>.l(n<ly baraod ah -ut ' tr-na Koylaad ibat abr la j >lnt hnr lo ' Cblaeaa ln»tw luw d the ccanl uf ibr
flattUat KutotoC ly eaallkBd ru.<d flf tba bead. a<m< and npper pvUuo oliflo totatr, ea'u-d al t:.iaB.<aa> Tbe yuKof I’c. -bl L
• U BBderatoo.1 ui
body, aad,'ll la tkoafbl that berjolbrr beir I. brr .later, Hra. Uary A i b • >0 aporeta'sal >n I ao attempt by . [wu....,*, .
loJufleMBiy prove fatal.
[Vice, whou hum. I. lo Eiflrwuid i (orelea p->wcr to al. ■ the railway
AdrkM from llawail letlmbte that
A jar ol raaullae In E drldreb dray j
wa. left 11
orlh Am'rican Troit Co .
flb* paopla of the iaiaade eroMt a d. le
-'“l—I ..u-r.-vm*a Jnbn;tiBJ
iOf*at BayCliy eapl.idcd. belay ,o„( *>y tbeir mAiher m.-y y-ar. aro-bat daeal BX -uta at Uaeaaa. barr real*
t. vltb rirbta to debair
.ell. ..f Hm.--,-.', a of ii-e
three av>ry bulldlaf al the coroe
iwr theab.TC. aad fur a time It .o >ked
“•f tf‘»-« “b •> ‘P*n
f aod aetUr th rr r- r-u* ..
. . and oieih-c'-'Bii' ... uf tbe b"U-e
aa If Ibr alurc would be de.Wt.yrd
C'U'nc auril.lnc fr •« thr mtato. Uaraea and Lamparllla .'.loeta.
•'.'•r' .if f€iire*.'OI*;lfi*, wn .rr.reo at ^«o
« Tb**«rtoBlitiral DepartBbal. after prompt reap.*** hy thr departmeat
B'pA.ia (r..m a'»cra; poiou la tbr irnal rumpany w ill open a book t
u- .ny tieyo la.l Fri.lay uiyiii wiili * pan, of
flam yeawyif eaperiBaaUBr. flaaa tkat aated the place Tbe yaaoHae la now aoulbera part nf flt Ju.epb, o-auty
I'enii.klrsoU raiirmiil ma^natea. b*>
tbaavis* plac.oecaa beaaaiiy aa.
kepllB th* ractat lut adj .lalcy
abow that ibe early ai.wa (all wheat la I There la a yraerat m.
t,„|. pmprriirv lu haotlay..
Aaorataerol paiopk.aa Mr. Kali, aaffet'or f-"* »"» H-a'.ao By
loj rhlnrw tmnpi-riward the I
4 BOV ataeb yard aad aavile far a la of Ueioa City, awma to be a ahloiayl^ 'f *»*" flchl afte* fl.dd ha. Iwen '
«■ I’ll
irr-.III.-Li. ami* railway (raocblae (of
piaptoad lor Bay City. Tb« refuM of
bbe ralaed aiitoea on oa*' P>®*«dbort-r Tbe aR.«tod (I ..d. narr oe doe lo aa apprehea.I... of aa at-'
- the , 1,0' b'lerro Saol.aydaod Haraoa
«ba prapoaafl b*ol aafar Uetory oaa be Oaa. Tbalarye...o( ihe.latneo weiyb-'* B-'l'lrn appearauce. The little de- lempt by a furelyo power i ■ aelt. the
'o. a Hefur--lear ny foi tbr latter plaur HueaW to falMB tb* rattle.
idaand tbe amalleat .u
' BWorlire laaeul la t..uo4 arar tbe root railway,
lonmlrr nf ,d.m .1..
work* lu way ap the I
^ (r^ipht
TbaBboaboa* ladlaaa of Wyoaiar prabda. tb« totai'wOybt of tbe wbol*
the ileadlok rail 'mao- hate a.-ro Ji.-e I’ani.'i* Mr ll»l»rl. .-»pre*»~d bllowlf
•ad Kaeada. aro tbraalaalar troab:* lut beiay I.UIK piaadt. over ball a ***'!■ ualll it reacbet tbe flr.1 J.iinl.' road amaahrd
laloihe train earrelpf i
we-k .m >be mr'*i
a. u
(ar.wab.y iiup'.-aMd by wbat
ibaa w.Kka lo tbe ootor .urfac* Vaay
Waaaaa tb* rasa vard«Ba ace prwaaalthe NIotb Colorado troop* from t^ilala, a,
lir no'l wn.aod Itir>ll.lia! of tbr
farmer, .ar wheat will macb »I brfure
i^Sbato troD killtaf ra«a
rialtna ol Oooaty Areata *nd
delpblaloCamp Maade al HammeU. i ^
beif.n. M .n
ra on rry-un. tbouyh br dec ined to ylre any
towp. Ha. All m»B w*re Ibjared. two p,,,.
Oaal ha* baoa dUBBTarad la Altera* flute Heard of Corrocliop aod CbariU*t
ii.rti'Ai'ar. reya'.liuy out.'mpialed inA WIckwIre man bt« a e.mblattinn
••BBty. a tarBOT ocar Doorl** atrlkiar will BiwtiaMiaaal aCMlna la Hay City
boBpra and cita er.b w hi.-b hr thlak*
a •knr-toet *ela Id drilllDr a well. (toe. a aad ». Tae aaaaioaa will b-brM
Ayrwatflre io flerinayur. oor of the wrr.-k ..( the .11 .uw
>y ScBuo, AaaociatK
la tbee .aaell ebaaber.
AireBly pre u bard to beat. Ibe pea la built of .•aplula of Caahmare. ie the Vale *f nfibrbaibir i* (mii
«ha nal la of the aaft nrtoty.
uumi 1'. ma.e itr
Hoaar* belBC nud* fur thr reoep alone, aedfnim* the Sfaiatory
,Btranire ubm('I
II,- k„„.uy
Far Uu flnt Urn* la tb* bUlory of
.V*~e-.*li..o hn.
bolldlog..«blle thr aecoad al-.ry,
lildlay* aad bjaay rMideaer* flolor i
.gd a wa>e
' l-rr~*oaaty aoolorod aae ha* b**a ratoa
of brick, la Ibr er.b There U a
l.b* man
a killed
The dam-,
rbaaBi to *U OB lb* Jary of tb* Ciralldr iu tbr 0.
At Unroll. Archie tl.aio. afed ii
at Ssou.uoo
••H Oaart.
H« It Joe Kairbt of Uraaynl that wbeo he wLbe. to fcad
y*ara. a Boulder, whoa.. I ume la at s»-.
Mr-AaoWormer. a wealthy
weal Fort atreel.baa been lalaalt-r Irvai theb. yaall hn baa to do la to pall a
of Ciocinaattl. ay*d ab.iai
rape .HI tbe out'ide uf tbr buttdlay.
4a «is 1^ airbt (**l la dlareaiar
Hathaway aod W
aleoro.t. 111. Frauk ao4 Albery
year*, ba* made a ylft tbrnnyb a
WWMaaUycat aear UadaoB
Ur*. Tuppoftll Pierceatrret. ayrd llyraia tbutup'OlDC Ibe al.dr aod ietlii.y iBr
Pall- iroato* to tbr raleerally of CidcioalU
14* eoBblaad atreartb ol *U and 11 yearn reapcetlrcly, aad N'etti* oara loiuble dowa iato the pen.
Of flJfl Utn to be oardfor tb* erectioa of
twnto to bail It Jo tb* depot for ttilp 1'iaU.ared It ycara. of Oh. Medbury. lay aotilbrr rope iiopa ibi- fl.>w of oora
Wbra tbe dealred amunat ba* btoa fed. a flreprt^ library balldlny (or tb* anlare alao slwlar.
WDIUb Unaard Bill doBata a tvoA BBl<|nc re-.eloB waa held le RatUc
l>r John WllaoB, one of the oldrat
A CaBTAB Ol^T>-e*«a.
CHvCi-eyoa. dll
dlapavli aa.
Oreek Wcdoewlay
In l««s a party ol
•toryhawk b«llilar to Lwaani. a ell‘aetlclor obyaleiaoa la Lapeer. Ur. In
«iw**n a oetoeo whli-a aad I,
IT ladle* aad yea.Irmeo from MIcblyaa la aflybt bn
l«a*aB*da(tor bU. U* Maiwabeea
erltical codlUoo and lary a.
MhbtothaBia of tb* whole a»MBd
V>iday. while baatlor birdi left Cbicayo oa aa eaeuraloa to the eotloa exp sIlioD in New O'leaaa. aad ev­
with bla aoB. he Irli and br.tke taro rito
. were wiprd 0ut. er-ry <e-erloy
....... . l-y Hand
er alBe* they bare held aa aaaaal cc
' Tb*B*aU(iro(tb*bUto aaparlntoO'
cliBbiPr a .(rnee. u> flaoday
i. Tba lad'tB! are yaiBarley al
ueloB at tbe bose of a .m - of iu mem4MU of tbe poor »** BoaelaAad al
oell of phyaberv- The rcaalon Ibl. year waa b*l * itaaaed troubla 1* taared
FUaL They will Be*t <a Cbeboyras
daa* baa baea all
At LeedoB loflcrata baa mylr li« ap
at Ibe h .Bf nf R «■ PBeh. a promlefk. -y J
Mast year.
Tbe old ofll(wra were
The yal* of Wed. >diy carried ai
,e .u.j-,eat Snalaraa man, aod nearly all were pearaace earlier ibia aeaa >n Tbe BoOTbe dr
with it. (r..m aa la.
(caare ibl* weak la the hlybeaptwacat repreaeatlay IS diff -real ilictaMl** Wlael* Bv'F-daarbter. f l-rof. loot at Ithaca. Lapeer.CMn, N lra. Heed
laat Wieur. FIftoci. dealba In
lyae to er. aod due.
oaruuei waa
T~--------4. B.«ie of Aoa Arbur. (ell
Marie. U:tMuiay.l*le. aervrd al Hr. I'.ocb'* na.droce. follow­ Loadoe ar* oflltiall; ailrlbu>ea to lam th* Mepo Itadlot into the rer tailon tlpeaa. Alma Pooilac. B.-aoaba. W>*t:
floeBaa aad there are aome apprehaed by loaa'*.
kaOdtor oo tbr easpai aad erTere y
Hraacb. Hurley. Oraad Ripld.. Jackthat it will awome epidcailc
r Hnckley A
Nryauoee. Harahail aod maoy UoarUa La«b-i
l. d the flrat
lee yaai* apoa JoararllleBae weal utber place* lo Mlrblyaa
At .laff .. l-.lMlIaA thr empercr
M.-a rrerv year
carload of .ayar beei* taat erer left
4 and aarered a banana balb -hlrb
• .u;l'r r-. .cua» t ircirle III' IB
H C Kvlieraul flbrrmta waea rrry Ibb part of Ibeaiatr Tory were cm •mfm» ofXie-miqT wrp, w .-ml;
keplaated Naw |iha*Cr.
rrowD lo l
•Boehau'Tu'laed mao the oih-r day. Ur alyeed tu tk. Hay City aarar (aebar comrd .« tbeir a-r *al Treraday
l>re a *.uri». raia. wireod! of *r
bol^t of ala ir r n feel aad B
bol aad tiiiog ei; bt hnurv drive
crmainythe n..i K J W track* “
rar cintaiord
bu.bel*. aod
•ad Uto frail foTBlar
llalfo. by ibe (.ermaa
at Howard Cl y. a leo br andJralT
i-.rreir* will b-.-iippul Ihi. (>11
At Fun Haroo the IllUe t year oM (Bod himacK .iitlay aa the rowe.wb'
B»Urr b..< loae yea bav* bad
Tbe bwia are tbe prudu.l of tbe om deBtattaT*. Tb-Ir maj laliea win pro­
up* 1(11 baao i a'ready drtrinp
dMfhlor of iv.lllatt flpoaeer that waa
erofafait frelybt
Hr wa. carried Ptoya farm w>i.we ay.irca . it rffo-ia ceed t-aday oa horaeb tek to the camp ai
o Con.uapil.ia U iVuod • Nor
Mtrkrbtfally bwraadBaaday Boralar
! bela«aiul.l3deTel..p tbe.r ea­ Habol vad aad rapMt to reach Jeraaa
>»(*elapd.tb*s daoipeJ latoa dlioh.
. whltaattompliar tolirht tbe kitchen
Il.a injurir* wore oaly Wielal.
rn. Mr Buckle; U aarb latore«!cd lea oa Satorday
•ta. 4M Hooday oBralar.
pr.w o t lb >t th- aaod; olae plaipt
A apecUl conrler Iram Nye eoaety,
At Maple lUplda an nanaaal eaa* la
OahtobeoB airaek by a la'mrrr.f
II ralae flt* *a(lr b-eta. and all Neeada. the aeeoe of tbe rwMal ledlan
law ba. breu oumm. need .BeeeaUyB.
iNbalU wwacbip. taabr'l. cwrty
atrihera M-cbircn wi|^ wawb lb* oat •care, repoeu that all dread of as op bBvy br-a' n
('.a* blr. .1 a boy to brip falm cleaa
before tbe e
ameeig tbe ahoibowre ia
la*lw ^
cialrra The lad wet taken 111 and
ll.xaiouo bB*
tpl.bOBeTto'.lf ••' tblar will 1*1
V'If.y miaated pollcamas are aU
'boy* fattarr. E. F. Muorr. b*yaa
KearHjrmaB’haixwte-k* ayo Rich' daty and It M believed that tbeae
aeary W Cramp
for dam..f the wrU ko-.wr
-d Haye caaa boai fmm flantlayu caes^H be; dinlarbaoce that ma;
r oar'baulfab'pa
dalia'Bf tb* *labdiiM ■
B of abip'u erra, a..arr,b, ! a uu-poa l'iU* Earirbl^re Vi^/rrmove hOU88; WiUCl mill.
A gOOd StOCk faiUk,
araree'y rrenenrod (roa a ***etn al- aria*, bet hoktUIUe* arc bif bTy Imprab
.•■Ptoalre Tbe II lath raaa rwqaire by lb* boy'* yulby into tbe eUtorp.
•topDBbdaof&iwder. aa)t U*
imrimrBl (or mak.ei warvB:pa p-a.-t..Owloebr la • elHafr lo Alpraa roaeAeeordlair to advieea reee'ved from ably BBaiekabie
•Mdlaeharra. B-.|a« aa anboi/pleivtpr
f wbleb jaat bow U cl*rm<liy rawoy.
tbe cuert of Ckipeabarea. where Klag arvBOd iBrm OB lb* Ibator ..( (be atrel
dbal). la eatlBaud at K >o
BlUoe boeaaae ab*, toBt blar yoaar pbold (eeer*. Mhortly after M
IT of Greece. I* •'ayoi. *ftor
beliaa^liuf ruTB pttB pa.k'.<( ibfee
Tka War Drpartiaeat.haa decldrd
to tbe war < at 'of a p'pnUtlna of relap** hi* brother, Mat. wa* Uk*B
feet fa U>irkora>Blufg ibv .aaler lioe.
tkMflba troop! for C4ba will br l.adr^
It I* claimed that iberwUbot aa- with lb* *aB* dm.*** aad lo
Oatarrh Caaaoi b« Cared
Tb* arw haturan p- li-.iaoia. Kearaafv,
a*artb*towaa they ar* to O’^ otber wlllar* to tb* aiato. If lo the time diad. Tb* *oIdirr ba* bore eoa» LnOiL arpu. tTii.miu
•r falla to care p. *«. Toe >
Alabama abd K' wbieb have
twod of belBT landed at Boaa* oeawal
laifT. wbleb waa a* atrooy’y repre- *«*4 to a O.-wjit biaplial. bat bb
beea laaBca-.l ibia year, bare >bi* prvr
aeaud. la proporUoa to popuiailop.
p ace U flllcd by a tbir^brotber, who
teetioe. aad It la briaf pat oa
lie* at th* poial of daatb. Tbe dlaaaa*
AtHkCleBBM. C4. KlMa,olTpal tbe late aaplc«BaaU.*(a with flpala.
C'BU, (
bUlirebip* aow baddlac
I* abduB.aal typhoid freer aafl* p*r
|mU. ba* bato tl**a Ik* ooairanfor
Tba wlldeat atwaoa ha* opraed
Ura. Prod Beslay, tc*d M. llrtar
Bilaaada baU weat of Koyal Oi^
•rbiU aailklar a aorr araa klebad la 4a
Iklar brr ebaek boaa.
It la
•VMalroafcbraaiLAS-B. tnis aad daarad aba arUl loaa tba airbt e< oaa
Iaa«aail7 kUM.


-Xothinjr Else
But Bargains..

I File Imtiultd Clar Worsled Suit

E 7 man who has once chewtd Battle Ax—
or who has made up his mind that Se u-ill chew
it—will not accept any substitute. T>efe^ a
peculiar e.xccllcnce in
it that can only be
understood and ap- ^



predated by tpiinc it.


No matter what brand you have been chewing.
Battle Ax i^bciter, and if you will try it you will
say so yourself.

Pemember the name
IX when you buy again.


......... 98c

; DrH.'^ANCHES .

Tbe Wander in One Shoe Deparloient
is tbe $1.18 len'sind Lidies' Shoes


The Boston Store,

fieorjiC U. Uithmp. Lock Bo.v 204^.

lass Block.



City. Mich.

HoFseS for Sale
At Pioneer Livery Stable,
B. J. MOEOAN. Prop.

Please remember that I have sold
the Ferris Bam, and would ask my
friends to drive to my old stand
where you will find good acconunodations and the best of treatmei^.

I have now a fine lot of horses to
Some of all kinds, and
some arriving every week. Alarge
S “ .c;;;;' ! stock to select from. (Tood bar:gains in cheap horses.
give me a call before you
purchase. I can knock out any
• auction price, and you know what
you are buying.
____ ■ All kinds of Stock taken in ex, 2^.,.,'„.Ichange for Horses.
B. J, Morgan.

.... .


For Sale!

A fioe farm i l'mile« south of towo, larg^a
barn; 60 asres cleared; good orchard; frame


MbUbt a aall well for tba Waton of Ka<k*.ha. aed Ooaaty U*rk Flayy I* Uralarl;
Obatf^ of Oaclaaatl aad a aaBBotb wiabiay that tb* auto aroald **ad blB
katk boana artll W araewd
•paetmaa lyaa. ao that h* caa ayaitAtJaikiBa.tba aaaioatoof tbo


daayarooa ^ yalkow (bene

aMy AMflbaU tb* liyal boat.
ikMaly<tofllraaii«L. whlM IkMM^AMMltoM

Forty acres
miles from towra; £6 acre#,
cleared; good farm bouse; 6 acres in amtil
fikiits and berries; anice stream of water mbDing close to bouse. A No. i place for market

Seven-room house on Hannah Ave, newly •
painted: good well oi water; one acre of Und
the finest street in town -Price $660.
payment down, balance on long time.

V (tea •xwtoc toad atoktog It. {
ttm hr
hmk ttet'a^S^Kc


a«ud«d mpM twi
•Whi. Mr. Prmll
iMt rml*t ta
■akMaavafal caMilBaUea ei Ik*

Kan Bw •. Oat^
Ob* of tka brlfhl jmV BUar»*7*
la Orasa Traratw c MBVr >• Hartlaar
B. Oataa. law partaar ot CIV MUrvaj
P. U GUbarv Hr. CaM U aa abto attaraar aBatalljraapablaof aUehai*
iBfpreparVUadaUaaaltbt ofi.

a* ta
ro08 BapaWIna a
nafth* ba*!a<

Oeoaty Traaaurer 01yd*.
f* W. Oyd* baemedearoodo
ty trnaarer fat Ur e**t iws.ynr»
baUoaeof tb* mnl popalar eeadl
(te(e*oeU*UekclUtafall. Hr. ClyO.


: - ..




^ab KkhMaa ha* aw had la «


■•tic helper la all maitera teodiar
^aalilad ta tab* th* plan of rr«d
Ur baarBi of Ue ceaaly
Ur ta *ble
p»M.«ba tatbaaaadidau lor i
Noee no drey Uat h* ta aa well qaali
att^ataMBay. Both that* aai
fled ler Ueoffl.-eof recUterof dredi ar
IMBtthabatlalanaBtof Bepobileaa
aeyoUerman wb> coaid ban be-

ta apt naaat tor th* i
aaolor. tb* Weekly Baflc
It eat lata th* eoeatry bj <m

Kasj Orasd taerr** Ballara
tatlfpto Bta Btaw la RrSalfaf
tb* O. A. » Rnaaaa Why B*
BboaM be Bbumatd.
Oerter bta two yaaia la amrrrn
Bm W 8. Hnlefe haa ebowa hlmtelf
mta* rreat ability a* a ateteaa
aad be ba* c mmaadod U* birhnt
rard of all aad. ledaed ih* aOmlratloa
many of U* laadlar *Ulnm
^aablaptoB. Tn Coormamaa M
baadredt o< *ol<lier« *r* lodebtrd for
ih*mnl«a*rr*tle«fl-ru that a
eoold paaall^lNmBke la behalf of the
aaored relcr^ of Uc U. d R
Baterlar osarren at a llmr
.Nrin wa. tb. cyaoear. of all aalloaa. wbra qenUoas of U* parret
tely took blph
amoBf bta oompena and wB

Mltatcutlaaipetof rataad aagarl
TwnAay la Rrw V -rk.
Tbro^ aa*
plnof porwrtypat
' a*rder« appata-w* <■» Doaebn plaat
hnlmaa who
tbe Amerteu aoma
ill h* *>4* te u.a . at a>radart at aa
la all lb* 37th •aaatortal dtatrtet ■rmlortb*
Ibv bar* ire"rageof mareiaaa esawigbU af a
Thar* ta so dtapatl^ Uta. and reery aeeted He far tbara W baaa ao rasly.
Mil par paoad.eb-ane U
Democrat la Oraad Traran* eoai
Tb* Hpastari* datura they wUI aaeltb*oldr*«*wr
I nacnle Uat (iaaaior HiUlkea
neau*at.aaMsew slan tb* flgatn
Hmbopaot Ue M.Uodlal Bptanf;i
only worUy ot Ue tmt. bat p
tor tb* PbUlppia* talsBda abon
ebareb. wbo bar - bn« boldtag Ibtfr
MB all Ue Biiinary ablllly to pn
ta Hprla^d.
ariy look alter th* laUnateod th* dtaLaadoa. Kor. 3.—Th* Horal^'
Hr.HiUlhea Uom
telel la Laaelar.
at U* laadlar baairen m*ci la U* laya tlpala wtU bcoah «ff pnn a^oUa
lb* HeUodlat ebareb to be
tloat Friday.
>tyaaduo«af Ur moet
collected brior* Jasaary I. laoi.fortbe
barla*** la Trareca* (
lmpnerm*av-t>t ex ettag edwnitanl
-Tb* admteUthat It ha* teeelrad Ue atteciiioa ot a
*lraVio* Ull
ol nralal meUoda aad

Loofl eapirleoc* la a
alraou aakn b<m a nry rataablc mi
frr U* oftlte
Ho qaallScatioaa. t
retber wiU bta pcraooal qaatltin w

tab la tbr elereaU dtalrict. He can d'
a buadreo time* more^or thetr .tau*thao any oew mao not in harmony will
vhc lower boBK aor Ue adm.oiaira
A** member pl U* eommlttee oi
-Terr.U.r.e.," Mr UealCk wiU bare *
mmi Imptrunt part Ip framlnr •
policy for Ur roreromrot of our er«
poCMpaloor lo CoBa. I’oflo R.eo. the
Phiiippiaea and Uawali
Haot rrar.
quattioaa are yrt to be decided and ll
it of Ue Blmoat Importaaco to Uc aab* aleeted wbo arc
beany •opporte-a of Ue •dminiura-

W. d. Hewtoafor Oouary Oterk .
Couaty Clerk W. & Newun bai aen
*d Ue roDDty two ynn ia tb* oftio
wbleb be now bold* aad tor wbipb
He wai reoominated beoaoie I
made a competeat oaelal and b
It waa a rood UlBf for the oooi
ban him rrmtia ta Uc ofliee a
year. He ta familiar with them
apoB tb* board ot aaperctaor*
pomwell of the ability u look .
ly after U* loi*-nu ol Ue
Be wUl M reelected aod *e
ilj for another two year*

ta aaparrtawi are taklav the ri«hl

ting Coagreteman Unick baa ia.0..
circular calliPg open old acldter* Inlly to bta auppurl aod promtaiag a<
f thing* to catch Kepoblinr
lo thtaconoectloL Mr. Mealek".
record will gire biiu a »troager*oppori
Ibaa bta opponent arrom* of F
Xieboli' own coonty Conge.
Mealck aucc.-rded in ol.aclng t
tiont. aod Inilraliou- u.iryMr

■awn k> adjaet th* eoart bean ooenoway, am tb* aalaetiaa of C M
I ha* bna broaybt wpoblic
PiailtodUthe cammltta* laarrirtn*
stadaMaiaaBalo a eeltlemiBt tor tbr tally a* moeb aa any aiuraey la Ut
ty. U* haadereloped Uoae qoalbeat latawta ot tb* eoaaty. ta a wtar
lU-d lo tbr I'aited.St.t
of abrewdocaaao aewaary la a.
It rrqaira* so pellUeal
.777 peniaon*.
There ar* J.tT co
nlal attorney and -he la rift*
tanOUanttlarof thta hlad. aad tbr
with a perwinallty wbieh oommaad.
I her of pen
illoB wban be faera a jnry
H« li
■Wat bnlaw aMthod* be employed.
dowa.cured Congremman Mis..-k h«.
r—* by *aeh a bamtal ooocar emloeatly well qeeliSeO to 11:1 Ul
credit lor ac-uriog MJ ot tbem. whi.-h
■ihnbeaaadoplad by lb* Barleaad
*bawa that the llib eongrcaaioBal doa too Piainetata. for tb* parpo** of
trlet baabad a liberal .hare' Dr. StchnaaMwapraJadio* acstaM tb* &rpobOla ta argihg upon Ue old* ibsi
Ue RepobUcaa* are aol the Irieod* ol
Thta fallacy i* abtuid
Tbs daaparata attempt* of U* local, olrentlmporteooe. u haa been dem Ue ll. A R.
Danamata to eeaateraellbcfSecuof oaalrated rrceatly. aad Indlnr hual Hiaury.dtaprorm that ia eadlra. pagra.
mro ban crery eoafldeoc* in Ue and Hreaideat McKinley, a ecier.n of
tba ranst break mad* by tb* Dally
•fij ta a .Iring example ol Ue d.-r*
■actearaamaalac. dad la order to re- ability aad peraoaal character ot Hr.
Uaa of the admiotatraiioo lo Ue lo
tMta tb* CToaad loat Ibroach tb* ataU/
IM ot U* rtalar yooor mea Id tereate of Ue aold ler.
mMl ta th* dally that tbaatatrmaau
To come nearer hum* here are eight
la tb* wamiy BarU dU aol refar la BorUera UleblrBnaadonc emioeally
lb* trtahad Bapebltna eaadtdaWa, a Stud for U* importebl offlo* which he
baah KSply of tb* waakly *dltloa ta will beeboera Cor'by a laryc majority.
balac raabad oat Uroa^ tb*
0*oar BimpaoD for Shar.lT
aad lb*
Sian Ue Aral day oa which be enter
11 «he ar* telUac tb* tebpay *d lb* aberiff'a ofBcc ot Uta eoBoiy
ira* U aU ta. aad bow tb* dear
0«c*r Simpaoa baaeommaaded Ue eon.
paepta wQl b. robbed II lb* Demo.
e* aad bleb rerard of Democrat*
a* well aa Repab.ieaBa. B* la a
force, temprraeoe. sooj Jadrmeal
aad faltbfol to bta mak
Ue haa
daeud Uc dalle* of biaaB v la a I
o meet Ue approra! of enry rood
eltiaea aod durioy U* paal two yeara
Ue taxpCyen b*n railed tally opoB^laad B. B- Pratt'wa*
U* ebcrlff btcBoae Uey knew Uat be
tba «es tractor
lid do Ur dallea deeolrior apoo
him wilb aa eye tiorle U the Internu
of tb* people AfalUfal oBleiel U
a l^tkar. B. 8. Pratt o( tb*
im etated to tb* board that
of Oraad Trarerae coaety donar tb*
a bad ooafniod wltk Hr
paat two yean abowi Uat 0*nr 81m»hw caerelMd aoaad jodrmenl
care and eaterme kaollon la U* ooi
daetof bta off w. There ta ao eoaat.
la Hlehlraa which cae abow a amaller
parcoBtere of crtmloal acu Uaa tfaia
and la maey caan Ue rlri^aan of the
aberiff ta eoadoclre to tbe prrn
of crime. Tbal dberlff 8lmp*oi
Upmi .H^rpratt-a tafceatloa C. H.
bn«TirUaetltcoodaain: Uttbebaa
FVaU. arabltaet at tb* aaylam. wa* ap.
taiUfBl tb* ranrd* of th*
palBtedaaaaadrtaery aambm ol ta*
year will pror*.
Thar^or* • rot* tor
0*car dimpwu will be a rote for *
ta bevd adjoaroed to meet apaln
mmmaadaUe blcheai nte*
at^rieektoracadretbeioportol tbr
aaSkm** b* I betorodel i« *0 th* ohair-


oa U* baaka of Okklaaoacr«ak. Hoaf
calm aaaaty. Th* awaeater

„a..i ,’r. *'., -rw

oilK t-i this elon-- ru-v our ato.-Le -Utbrn our prii'cm,



BU.1 il-tl .

Ire aatufactory to

niHii.T ..f QubUty ami in Price, bo-

■•BUM'«'■ »iH.a an iniiii.-iii-f ai«»riiii<-iii (alt n.-« » and having
l>oiit;hi in large i|aaiitiiiiw, dirts-i (run)
for *|i..t .-ash. we pla.r- ih.-

'i"iw’i '"'rhtaTTh


l<•kdillK nianufurlurwn.

IWory you at pnaitividy lower

prii-.ta than isjual unaliliin are otTerod i-U-aheio.

Vour torHt-

ign'i.iii kill |ir>iv.‘till*

we iutite iMm|>ariK>n.

69c m.l u" lip to $90.

Wbal.-tvr priet* you pry; you g * »h«f

(*«.■•« at^ at

tent p.>.sibly value (or tin- iiioti<-y.
: anrl f.inga IVU*'. *1
.anil gel . l-mi l-rtMe

been reeeired from '..angha. a. I
low., -A iiu-wiao I
UeUiKnof .S iu t huaog and the I
at tbr oumib of Ur rieer L aou on
i '.. IbuaaecoHop i-omp:. le p,>ww»


Ue e,

Buckleo'* Areica Bklre.
he world for
. i?uU,, Hrui»e*,
it. ineera, Salt .I
Rneotn, F'erer 1
Tetter. Chapped
„ Hands. Chmi’al
. K'uplloo*. ao,. p.«.tltelr caret
"lorno pa.-reiju:red. ll ta guai
• to glee (.efe.-i teti.faction or
, refund.-d
. teir br J I.


W.*v,-aKi'.^ k .d uow ()..-r««te and i;i.
sl.l?s that afo'.uJ.'wirtOjljJv

W«y, *l

priiH*. that hhuuld iiili-n^'^R:

Tr'a-qrerw© Citsr XiClob..

ire to run a c—'ii
ekir and ■ ff.-tv
> I

^ ~ ^ i

- .e..-*-


I age*and tor (I


J. i; Johnson
cold ta mnd
r, rer the hrt
re daage
j !el.logerlBg
■ 'll.-kiog c.hgn >. di.feesmg
M-r.ui.' c. ngh'r.irc
, ti hr suffer * hru sod. a eoupb

IweD ooffii-d lb»t toe .1
pre-M .if Iiul s F upreiu.
Kuii-e>s o' .l.oan m :-t h
to prepare fur iuiia.-,itai.
chill- a di.oat n ba. r
K.«g that the gou. aad
war I.K-.led the'.' mu.I t>


. ...


At Toledo }|r. ttilli.a. >agur «
ao badly frighicnpif By a crow.l . f ta
playing Hallowe'en pranita It.I .

K'lrimrly K<-rriii Kiirii|it-an Horae Hold.

Three fisbmg
bonad from Lobraffor, with .-rew. ■
gregaliog IToperaoo*. are n-.w m.

arle. A Scboli. cbiFI of the rfi.1*100 of the ccw.! aod
.orcer ba. been award-d
-prwbr Ue mart, my of I.,
tViice prur I* a .-oreted hoa ir
r world lo be .-ooferird on lb.
judged the Uirwt worthy from t>
ttaoae who makr dimioeerie* or -


We art receiving every viiek atlvancc invuicc* of
llu largest aad 6nest sttxk of goods for th.- Holidars
L-vi-r di'jilaycd in Nurthern Michigan. Q>me and ^
whal we have, make vur G-elti li-ms and we will lav
them a-ic e for yun. n.) • much >
uur Christmas

ifT. phyaicaormechaoiern


^prao^Ulir* W. E Foatar.
Wbea Ur ReTrabllcao reprraaotalit
oflbe. Uraad Trarcnc di
reaomloated tlun W. H F'otter

1 always bate on hand a good nninbcr of fine
bors.-s in BrodbagenV^Liver Uarn on State street,
w'Iktc you will Snd good Avlcctitins.
4 will k-avc fur Indiana Saturday and wi,H retnra
buuif with a ciirloati of the finest horses in the state,
fur farm anddra^ purpost-s. See my horses before
you Imy. I’ll save you inoney.
Yuu can K-ave orders with Herman Hyman dur­
ing niy abscnct'.
‘ ,

Kmgstra. N •' ; - the M.npT.r-m^Cr.oi tVV'
a* .pokeo Sued!
u, ..... I,;',;,,".'.",emdiiioa.


imt’-hmu- that will

X*„ y,..i, li.ih

A di.pawh to the Am,., i




ladies', Misses' and Children's Sijfles.


■ahleagrne* for llG

an- ofT.-Hug iu

...w-i ^

1 that i. priuluiiad
furi.r all ■■ter the .-..uuiiry h.' it.
.••aiiliOF .nre.
iinuj. II.«

iirren lireat Mrilato and 1
•licirted W pu.U her cl»;ni.
-Ihiy .elr og f
taf S.u C'.uj

Tbereqneatof tbe ;-i c..,
aotry lo br returned tr-ni
be rolled Stele* raoDot be graoted by . f
be war departmeci.
bar* been freqaeal from roloateer '
aoldlera. bol potbiag can be done uotil '


nil! lie' ilui


of a tone to lake tbr place ol Ue i


r Mebigao .yatem of reg

becaoae ia riew ot tbe many in
portaat meaaurr* which be helped i
frame it wa* Biting Uat be abonid h
relaraad. Not only lor Uta reaaoo b*

aader Ue old ayatea Tbe OeaU* h
c for the year cediog Sepiea
oa'mbered 37 vi
per oeet were BOder oae year old ,,..-:aa*
oOBtio ta to Adopt the ayatem

be deroted blTeBergira u U* iatereai*
di, ar .UUgrv a*
of tbe whole people with a apodal atI.-BUUO Ic thta dtatrtel. Mr Fpater ta a
yowag maa of more Uat ortiaarj abll. For tour yMra be belj tb* oflUe Tn.*:
proaecBtlag aiiorory of Ura^ Trar ' TonTT*
•reooolysad hemade* reoord which
alteaetcd U* a'teatura el eauDeet ateo i rrempe* <***Cweui

>re*id**t McElalry wlli go uCaotea i
at week to coal bta row.
Ail the ' m
mben of lb* cabioel bar* lik*wta*,T
decided W go to Ueir home* to rote un!<■ aomeUiag laterferra lo detain . Mi
hem ber*.
, |U


Tb* Icadlrg Cabaa* ar* eery anxioo. ' Mi
> bare Ueir PKipie return lo -orb .
Taey are prepariag plana u br laid be-1 aU
tore Ue goreromeBl Ibal wiif eaal
all ioaoTgeau wko ar* wUllaf to wwk
u gel employateai la boUdlagraOwaya
IB eariooa pana ol Ue talaal.
idea wokid be to pay tor Ue 11am by |
ilio*. U* road* Uat brcomlag '
gorerpBrtil property aad erenteally
‘'and Uat theoedlaary atekaca* duriac rrreniar W Ike Cubaaa It ta beiteVed
UaVlb.teM Wk oow idle oa b* gleca
; Uat pertod ba* be«i » p*r e*ai la
nv^tarampkoyMkl la bhla *ayUaa waokl M Uta aaaaa* of Ua y«kr.

JobaRobbanlaadWilltem Lai
. oraated by tse bameaAolar term* ie Ur aUte I
TecUcm at loala. will be artaated la ibe *ut» He it w*a who iriMi Ue
eelebrabd T*rmrl.-e marder eate u b - «~r> ewhen rwlaaaed. charred wlU Ue death
bait of Ue yeople. nii^ agalaat b m
goreeaor of tbe
*• mon Urn*, n tb«r* wa* a rood d«at They wer* arwted for belar earraal
Df StBlIoxo. aa-'
•fbanutab* ooaaldarad bator. th* abortly after th* mardtr, aad It ta al- manyolderMte«era-ooldhe.llateto|,^,„^
UOrttteUeAta-.rmeal that Uer* baa
•aasltte* aoald nsdar a laport wbleb l*rcd Uat Uey ooatnaed u thre* arm- faeeiaaacb aa Impmaat caae.
o( yellow ferrr la 4aairratf aaabU the board te acL da
.that they maidered th* old
IsgVtt* board adioanad arate
aad baried bta p*pna asd pocbeibook HyaadUa r-wgli of that trial win llago CSly dariiw the laat aixty daya.
ahta anralar. whaa th* oommlttei
>sMlob* piopand to plan b
. b^tbarnaimaf thair ecmaalt

:: j
4.‘ » ‘
IS to I- f

p-eparaiioB* there ta rugardml her* a. . .-..-e the be.l i
of grate imporlaon- In ronneciiou Imr lor iheir n.a

ra who bare proiiwd by CoogrewmaB
MealeV* eoergy:
Trarer** City—CoiPl'and tlrowae'i.
Jereiblab Hickrt. Dudley
Wait. Un
ierce. Loren U iberte. William I’.ero. .
.'arrea F'arucb Julia H lifftrd. M
• Walton. Kalban J. Conrad. Robert
Oote'.dr Ue eily—R iaabrU Rxrgrr.
Ctyttel: P. C. (Vrrv. tnterlochen. Mn.
L Warren. Matilda Ward. Leroy Dark*
Tbcrr are many morr be»;de* tbrar.
balUrR..s.Hi.did aol bare Ume lo
lOletc liiL Tbe*r mra will
teatify at u« poll* to the inda.i'y an
wo.rtb of Congnaamia Healck and the:
fnead* will fallow in Ueir foeuirp
All good R-pablwant will aund b
CoogrCMmu Me* ek abonlder U ahonlder aod bta majiritT will be a ir

Stylish and

There .-e fe. ,

wlU the Ang:o franco war P'-'P*'*-' T’*
..te, profit.

,ey aod hi* eoerpy for the right com
maoded Ue higoeat mpeelof Ue pre-

gms baa gone laU btatory a* ov* o'
wtadoffl aod one In which be has di*
played coong. and aonad j idgmrnl
K.-. Xlchc-1*. Ue faaloB Laodldate op­

lull ll:- '>|>|.iji.iiiitj to hlink->\>m the

Special Vklucp

log of Iheae preparatiiioa, but
liuD. are eiprcted momentarily
H.itatue. per hii
A large Ka-tiaa B<«l b^ a.*rmble.i
.I'Vjrl A-laur.
Ao Eoi.rp


IB U« darknt day* preceolo^ the
dtelaravoa of war aad after hmUlitie*
bad b«(fBB Coaem.-naa Healck wa* a
tlaaecb aapporter of I’reaidenl H.-Kid


Bealdn being * man of eoerpy ear.
moufce* Congremaa Me*.. k ■* on.
.forigtoal i.leaa aad hia cobra* In .-oo

We Ask Nothing

ttaM per till i.
Corn per Bu .
..rpedo liiat daalroyera II’oUUw*. per
aad Handy,and .br'W;;*;^,
ka*» cleared lor
actiua aod are ready lo
BD hour * auiic*.
Tbe bauiethip Victor,
Wheat. old.V' ha ..
rotaer I udausted al Ob.
-'hr F-....J

LMlaotu County.

>. that thi* attire tnirt' ««■•
in He H-r.i.-e I > v.'i . l\V aHviui; IrOWur raOM
QubliUba than >..u'n p t .■le.-aheiv.


.^rnaken ulaaure Ue iadepeadeace ..f,
eVt p?i!lk
iheCabao*Waai baee hypoertay do , short
CutCut l•arl.
l•arl. net fli
tie llbml. ilw*r drtoocrau. tbeae re- | Floor,
* > t o. he»l ,
RyeVlnor. H L. * Co. K
pohlioan*. afaow -'
iMea’. M U a 1-1 Ke.1 .
Halifax, Nil*. S.-The IlnuU Uitl
Egg* per .1"!
>h.p Rruowa. in full tlghtiag u.m.
UodtUh per ta
Lard per fr
tooigh* teotiag her aearcutighu. .
Halter i* r ta
Cr.wmrrj Hui

briar for him ooe of U* larmt major
Itin that ta rolird op oral Toceday

I* i*»t-i e|y Ih.- Ikat day tickeU trill

TrareracOity Market.
Below “
u a Hat of Ue bM.'g am
f enterday for pro.
Amerleaae la BOW eridcat.
It ta ulj^KlCMi ,d farm pradacU i»
take allot Kpaia'a ooloolc* aed learejilwCI^
spaio UcdrbUol all th.a.- cdoale*.
rhta 1* 111* moll of Ur holy war on- i'lear Fork n , p,

London, N,.e •.•-rite WelHai-Wei!



> Notlolk .

Parta. No*. 3.—Tb* b.lell ear*: "Na

lire for twealy
soo old reteraa. owe Uelr pcoaluna !<•
Bta faUhfol work tn Ueir bebalf
tVm S. Mmck deaerre. tbe *uppor
oferery old aoldler and errry Erpubli

After Nov. 6th, 1896.
All autoarn of Uii* aUrp. uxl tb« KMcntl public,
kiv bpin ttouend that Nm 5tb i* ttte Ikat day on
winch prrniius Uekrte wilt be irivm. aud tlpo tbo
leal day that they rill be boerpted tar prvmiuma.

eooduct iuelt after tb« faabl.
AmertcaB*. wbo ar* toertef ulklag of
nghiaad liberty.
Tb« plan of Ue'


placed apoB lacb )mporuat

No More Prtfrnium Tickets
and ,N(f More Premiums

ef Ue bpaatab
>mta*l men ta tor Ue parone ot ob-

who tea bond op a ba»ia*>*
maraltede aad' malatela tb* repate
tloB tor hoaorabtedeallac* lor *0 many
yean !• oerlalD y wnnhy of Uc rote*
oferery Rrpubiicaa aad lodeed
The malt of Ue cleclloa
. Mtlllkea'* e**e i* only aqaeatlea
e II*- of hi* m>j.>rtly.

taaflrstolateaooooateat aad ie
torte*"and -War fUlrn*" Uow eell
cBn of treaMrer a ana ol ability
be falBlIrd Ue ripecUtloa ot Speaker Intereflling Figured from Two
mal rnpoBiifaUliy U aa ahe'tleir Reed wbo appolated blm. h<* pobl.
Mcomlty. Mr. Clyde ta oa* of Ur
record wUI prace. Be *apporkd «li
rrinlra aad mo*t promiaaat - clur a*
• rain aod rote tb* H»w»li*n polvej
la th* cMBty aad la him Ur teapeyrrv
UUmenia of Oraad Trar.:m Bad
/ Ue Bdmlatate*U.« *od hiinmcb
tral that Ury bar* aa oacial to wboa opoo Ue aonent-OD of Hawaii I* a
/ LelaoauS: ow •halRacumber.
may ntely be aatriwMd the toed*
lacterpiere of nrefal rewreo aod
aocwaaie BruglUdpcad
protouoO rcaaoblur
The Km'.ikh ba* beeo larored with a
leclioo* com
Jiapilati.... . f hgure* •bowibg the
Or W. ». Xaoo aad P R Walter for ■ailte* be prrpared aad aubmitied a
of tu.irtgagrat-roordtd aod do
report opon U* -Wlae" coaleited elcc
chyrp-d ic llraua rrarrr*e and Lrclau
Whaa oaitler yoar ballot oa *1*01100 UoB nn which ta aald by tbe tVaab
aumm.te. dunag the year eadiog
day oaal It la itralrht for Ue teoab- • arloo poperalo be Ue TOt complete,
The dgurr* »how Uai
a dc crer pmeated in
llcaa caadidaiai dad whea dolar*^ ibocourb*
more murtgageu hare l-eeo dtachprged
yoo will rote lor Dr. W. K. Uooa aar ooarrea*. proriof bta claim and aeat
than r.-C'-rded arJ lint tbe amovnt of
Prod 8. Walb«r for Coroorr*. Grbry .nr Ue Repthdleaa ouoteauav
Ar a
-Wat mortgag'd proprrlv in I
oody kaow* boU e
It ta a forcroae eeoelaiioa that tbr; Claima"
An t lo the figure* a
will properly look after tb* datln dr Baa crer ahowe bimaelf the warm
groeral pr.»per,.o* wa* f.-uurt
penooal frl.od ol tUe old aoldier
rolred _
fritl. etr .ng iaaicalina* thala cooliau
aralBporUiBl matter* to «om* befon Ue aeearvd tbr patear* of aeteral b.lta
ed pro*p -rlty n ill fator thr fartnrr aac
Ibeooroaer aad eltaer ofU***r*oUr for tbe bearfli ol the old retcraat ta.
m*B may be treated U look after U«li ciudiar oue wbi. ti b*d bna B*a(ln|r

fMDr. KMoU rBlV ballatr* hr .dotin a* Ue law aad clrcumateaon re
Wall. >*i qalra
ah*BMaae*Mr bar* all tba aaUalae
0.0 BoSattl QnaliScatiOB*
•taahacaagaiaaB.h* irUl faal bad
Oo* of Uc mott plnslor mea
Uraod Trerrm Coaoty ta OrUado
MoSmtt. R'pnblino candidate for Bey
baa at tb* hrirbt Tooaf attarar^
taterof h.-rda Ur Uofrall la ■Bllllec
Iba BapablkBa tkbat thi* tall t« Mar
U ooa of lb* beat uAlom la U« ylftnl
Uwr b. OaM*. whe ta th* eaadidi
Uc people of liraod Trar.
larOraail Oaart Oo«»to*leeer.
B* haa boea arood eil'isa aad an ener

Tnbaartraappert ta th* eaadldacr
«l fl*BaM» a. W. millna for rc
r*r-- «blah ta twlac ataalleMcd
UM^wah Ihta dtatrtat iadtaaU* tbai
th* paepta la lb* dtatrtat apaiaclat* a
anaafabUlvaad broad td**a. backed
apby lb* rapataUoB of Vlac oaaoi
lha neat aaoeanfal and popolar ba*l■an MS ta Mortbata Htahlraa. Tbt
mltoftbaalaetiia ta limply a qaeaaa te'lh* aataat at bta Ba}«riV'

BombthlBC Aboat Bl8 MxttiUBt Worit la WaablBctm.

----- --- ------- m

— --------- ^





_______ __________ ________
T* A

“BEST” Has been on tbe market fora nnmber of.
years. There has never .been a more
luckward. AH eSorts have been towardi


... I

« 0»Mnl W. C T. B. •m
e. B- dtlya. er tke Paataialar Metaal i
JtaiaXiH latanieltakelaUH ta
aa'a AaxUtary c4 Srace ■eaat of rbe Mew York Sipca.
Hr*. GftriMU OD St«ta
rrt- lanraaMOa. whkh ka* jaet dlMe-!
liwUI liaeed bariarM, dwiraa te Ratetkak
ftt 1:M o'eloAOaade Owaa retaraed fram MtaW
apt awara tkat Ike eowdltlM ot terday afterj
•etb^ MMiv ia. ahwirt
-anday. where be hae beea etah^
P. K.
ipaay waa ether tkaa drat elaa lewlar tBleerr;
Md be did BPt kaow that tka leaei
Preeldrat-M-a-C T.Btoab
I Claade MrDjaaJd
a%j p«op)» -'«IU b« taler*
ilaaiPBre bad > aa eaai
Vice prraidcat-ura. C L. Vbitaey.
idiokM* Uki Bury Lake, fortiaapf tkav-BpiabyBaSalrtaafll afler
w. D t™.
1 »«*r«i,i.l. u,
lyaeluk la
Vr. T. Uaa'oo.
the Btxty par cmt. M
Jejune, ef lUe eliy. bM«b»Bfed
«y rbliinr frieada.
■ada.Bpoo tke preBlaB
itomUaies4bM aored fm Peio
I haa retaraed
-------------------------, o.-i MUV^or- ”
- - —
Mra B«nWa^ofWmiai».toa.lllek.. iBclarirr.
klvMU ta tbe
Pem-k'i^ by BrTiater ot - fcoia her rielt ta
foeBcrty Hlaa Craoibarit Pf tbia city DMdr.E O
; F. a U*<|oelte of Peloeker, -made _
aad wblirbereataaakar ta U>e>aiatk
well drilled te C B. praPeof ikcCeatral eebaol.
A Soe ta Uw reer W mi BoMe- drred apleaeaet-aarpriar Satarday'
Reeene V> P. A Ciaarrr. parMew ta Loo
wank bloek etrad water TeMdey
ay at the bocae of Mra C B. Deekeray,
blbrB A (* Ca-a )ai add->
Itaod looba arc really more tfaaa akip
laeaelodl.llOO hureh a day.
lao Eaat Elfbib atreet. by ab -at SO
deep, drpesdtaf raurriy oe a a<-aitry
kedrllird-lreputo yet betaw tin
forawacbo^an I'.aBee saaic aad
__ a A Dwotn Clark >to*xSu*r, cooditioa uf all tbr rital urraaa tl
, wbtak. U U lkeacht.>*ia{^ I refreabweau were tbe order of of Ue at{ of lot-at bl< 4 Btraide add—»1
the urer ac taavtire. /uu bare a tullpu*
meek Utfar aad briier fl iw.
I J- Tw«ldlr I • li B. Croa.- parrrta
‘UMm-O »» dtaorderrj.
of iba rreBtaf. Hra. Beard* I y
Ifyoar h
Oak Park aad II .Kwo *d a'd* a<ac >oa barr a dy
to brr boar U iaday.
Mra. K. B. Oaryaa. pcraldaat at Ike
are a p.i*vb
•eel In are « tp J- a r 10 o—»i.i.
•'J' ^
Lad Ira' Aid aoelety of Lraf Lak*.
Mra dilu Sulea. oae of the piroeera
______ Illy deairaa each BCBber la meet
M tp ::
I lalaad. died at her boue Moadar
with bar. at her bom* Wedaeaday af- alrbt or^rt fallarc- Orcraaed wae
M- Vaohyntar
KpT.wih tiltbppeda'rooily
>3 Fereto' lal aab
TMraotarr -^Idee '
- .____________________ 'ij * j.
and (irit
apBborwill be priaeat at iotporiart the
leatre a aoa aad a daayhter. fte
Erery UnUe <u
eoate before the nactaaf.
aaeralierrieca will beheld ta tbe laaril praare ball at 9 o'ulock toaiorrew
(Iree to Bal- ■praiac aad tbr re-aiia^ b-jofbt to
t^ yMT fay yaplUof (be E
thbrity aad taterred la uikwpod cem­
re'aobnol. Tbey proelded tbeioJacob K it
etery. W. S AbdcraoB baa chafTe.
aeleca with aappllaa
of food which they
Mr. H. U. Cook. SU waAoc
to ihedoora of poor tamilira.
oo bla'raaadi'lakiay
Joe Wallel. employed with C.
without rerealiar ibelr IdraUiy. Th e OerdeA A S»i. who are drilltac
ordera for all kiDda of freit aad ornaoieoul atock. P.eaee wait for biCD.
uteeiaa well at the rear of Barsra for-;
•r to Joba A. i'.aik. lot I
DK-irerppalrie<abopoe tke oroer of bib: I 1*. i. Jj't kta add —fvio.
CdIuo ad Stile itTMU. ealTord a’ Tt im M Sbasr to li'iwa d IV
Hr. Jake Kampiafa. wbn w
a !a ofe e >, aec3> 137 0 r I
ipatafal irjery Friday aflerBuop by lay.
toof-time ta tbe employ of S elabu,’.
,h, -»‘aad dry r»odv---------------- craohtclbr wtaJ.rU b-iaf aaefl ta
'i ■»*' ta E..».l/nh K-lt
bat who left to Yo to tiraod KapM«, {
with T. J Boat, baa nmifeed blapaiicrank, abro rrlraacd.
II eah-ib Eelurrr
tkiB.wlih the latter and will reura to cooOdrraUe force. atrieloY Joe


"a'T "

top >f b a bead. MttiSY a Yo^b Ibrrei r’rb a
loeclaae ,v
iBonm loar
?%e Boaaebold C.*oaom
mrbl of the Womaa’a Clob
depot are floUbed aad prraeal a rrpr
with Hra E S. Prattoo Frtaay afterThe tar c*meel
. FBfty jmara a** today-»or. 8,
tbr bci'dine add*
MB*, tbe aiM mane cd tke OBA«D Ytaally to tbe eonrrBicoee aad app
-'••Ibemoftb. dab
H'rry j .»ear^ T.->*•,., U'J I. li'n'w. .
(ornlah {of ar h a-a-!•- t
ii* l-i a • F'.M
Koc«aaAat.a,odlior asd proprietor.
P^r. i.
3 feet The walk •

6ti\\Tvq 'SVauueV Sk\t\

I'PiMiil CtNltl.
. BittMdnUilDHBl Utiniii,


propertr of the oompaay o
atreel bae oreo fialahed ta
leoYtb brlof T6A t*ei.

3\. T6adi^-TO,ai.6




erthe world.

OurSavmu» DdpiirtmcDt

\.Vv6 '?nce....f'

al rterpi eeke.creatp aau iiutU-r. wbleh lot* 71 and
'are farairbrd by Hr> Pratt.
|dreirUY more drdoilr inf.wBalioo la

Lawrence h»« b~o reYard to tbr food ijoolioti ran obtain
n a.-r^• OI mod omr
stcri:rrr : xtsrrLLF{>
e X-.rthrm Hiobipai 1 Hof Mra. A. W Peek.
l•»n:u•■ala ab-.rc rued. ,
Company to eapply.
Ccrb-U..ammrr Slf«}
BttS U ftS Ii t fCrtJn C«I 4
, j mt noyh o
<>eorY«~1l«tl^."eoa of Mark H .'In of
needed lerj'lty (or haadiier I
apreu to. bo-.ld .
inycr aad frcirbi b
' :f •’dodt.
which la capeeted
eeted ta
t allll lurvbrr Id-!"'*'’ ■'-•'•'dent at.l.h be .xp.rKLc.d !________________________
wiUun tbe next f.w week*. The
'Vrilrnui buntlne hr .hoi j ■WANTED A .w. ...ii
The Tcmatara will'fire aaotber ^a... . rr. Petaakryan.i Cberlrroi* ,.ei»*<>“’"'l"‘*‘<^*>‘»lYcdioat.-cc Tbrrr | *^ aui.«.
JayaWe daace aad eappae ta tbeir ball
ainmdy euryiny to tkelr fell capacity .'eeriaed no aikcr way to m It than lo ; —
tbtaeoMtaYand be did!
aad the Uwrence ie pal on lu help I <■’>■»>>
‘t andbedideo.
While up|
eharler. d by

f Tte Aataeda UIre will pire a
V OMiaappar Friday erealaf from 3


TbelTaMa'a Cetaetery Aeaeriat

, wttihdd Ibelr mostUy maetlnr t

them oat. aad will make brr rryaia* I *""« <*'*‘*'“* »r loat b.a bold and f
weekly trip, between Cbicayo aad i v>
rri'und .nataintaY intrinal id-.
Bortbera Hichlyaa porta with tbr other Jirrea tberxtral of ' whirb l» a- ret in- j
There are eo art days for "frterBioab'.r. tbonyb hi* a. fT--rinf !
either r
wurkiDY I
tadicate that thry err ■
eadily aod will YTl tans often aalLry
l»r Mw.n la dotaY ■
a with tkrlr beary baelnrei.
done for the y. noY b


Santa jGIaus

1b tbe caae of Lke
Oral Wood Di.b Co aod Malcuis W.n-1 Anni tfreytoo, tan ot Allea <5rey
Hartaa E Wrl|hV OM of tba Com- ale ea. Traeerae City Lumber Co. yre-, soo the nlYbt wa'ebman.'formci ly ibr
Record eoBpoalny
pMy ■ boya who waa dek ao«e Uau terdiy card ont a writ of rwor ibrnopb foremae of tbe
taDdrtat.bBtwbowTBl to hta borne tbelr aUoraey. t'mlor A I'kdrrwond of | room hot for acme tiB- of tbr Cemirat
city and M
toCtaio. arritod ta the elly yeatarday
lilac, and wi
tfae;tie Haber nfCratral tskr. Wnlnesdar H
Toe eaa cpYttl*' wltboat roUaY 1* dnpremr ct
1 ■
pM Boat te.bat yoa eaat eoie wiiboot
------------------------------Tbr YrodB i* worrby ibe muPta of i
PiYiMartaY- Rest datarday. Xorcmbw
Florenitae Sciaeier of Bred City. I
Mrod. in thi. ,-iir
A DjBt teYot It.
ember of the-Vioterotb noguUr In-' Theflitaa.j. rolcea ita own end W.e j
^ No. faaUT ^d. ebo will be remem- «|,b
Omce. W. Lardle baj b
,ppir „»oy a.-ii mlntan.-r. for "Lc ,

bared by frieada ta Tra<




We will have a nice line of brietmas Oifis
to stock up from. Be sure and come aud gel
a good i hoice.


mmmm mmm'nmmm’nmmmirm mmmmmmmK


Hfr for
ber of the Boys Bsed. retomod ' bitta si
taUbumea fewday.sYo Uewasanffer.
a attack uf typhoid feter. watch
r New T«:ap<ivnet
d bie deatb at S o'clock last
Tbr follawiiiY aew telepbonr. here
Wedaeaday atieraoae.
last been pet hi by B.n*(er Kerry uf,
tbe Bril uirpbooe rx heo#r:
Taredsy wa* ibe elxtn blrlbdar
ITd-nAl-ia Stare. I nay
Imtaary oi little HarYaret Hoff*tt.
17J-C. Bweathal. re.^eorr. J riee. 1
H. E BMkdl tbe book aad etaUoa- aad to make tbe eerat especially happy
171-E L Sp«airp
«iy Aaator. aaeparehaaed tke realdeaee tbe pep'le of Hiw SiIUbys' ktadrrYai
ten school, amialed by Hist Himpca
atdMWt Bicbtb etreeL aad U
1.3-4. W LaonlOYbam. residence.
and Mra j yed a j .lly party.
aoriac (ram Dr. Eaedaad'e booe
170-Wiiliani Lire. reeM.-n-e.
All klpdeot Y"Axl tblBY* to eat ud
jjlly YUBT* “»8* “P a happy aftar-

^W. "VJDoov, ■ocT^


•aatbaU at the Twdfth elraet
Ikbafunooa at 4 o'doek. bet
Jodfe Uorbrtl. •
a by hU
Ibeladepri rata aad Tlcera. both at •OB Ckulry. left ymUrday Boraiar
for Otark. l-pprr Peelnaeia. where
they wUl take tbelr aaBBal fall onlinr.
i. W. I
a »S.faM rcuadee oa the rear After arruYlBY their camp tbry will
•f B. L. Oartar'a I'doe atreel baikitaY relara bomr in time for rlecltan. and
Ikco Beet eoBc frirnda from
^aa addlttaa to the tatterb aadertakabread aod retara b> imap and eprad
l^aadtaraUarebaelBaa. .
tlow bntitiar drer.
OBiiala ot Ue O. E A L toad were



irr Jobosoa'a elae. qf the First
M. E chareh met la.t rreolnY with
re'enj'kre. preerranYi d lu ihrbi-l
Umla Webber at tbe boBe of bie anal.
1 bori'.m Afler each couple lad
E. Peterson. After an rej >yHe throorb with thrir port of tbe
Jiyabta teaeoa of mask aod Yawra.
■Ytam. each were prarented with s
tboetteanfor ybe easutae Uia wen
irenlr enltablr to ihe-eoemsIuD. '
d an follow*: President. Lrau
Webber: Vum-PreMdeot. Cbav Lee;
srrred. for which tbry cbsqred
The Htmea Myrtle aad Ulaaebe Secretary, Walter Lyopc Treasarer,
^inbnrot 717 Uoloe etrmt. parr a Ui • ByIb
iMO'rrn party to abrnl dfty of tbrir
M M. Ckinloa. UareliBf repteeeata- ofeiriBYS.
Atamde Headay oreBiaf. deaeoi
Tbe Saaday ‘aebool elnaei nf Him
UUIaa DowaiBY aad Baraey Aadi
haU a eocial perty at Hr. aad Hr*.
faftamOB'e naideaor Taeeday rerataYTwaaty weea pteoeat aad Y>«atl7
jeyad the rereL

lier foe WillisB Briuer la the eartalB
pile beeiaews. retaraed Friday from
a baalaces trip ibruaYh the ea*t. where


D •<i«e*BoPxn.
Friday airainf Haoly C
the larY^-ta
Cioion oee of rrsTcrse Cilya mwl pupile'
aadreparu basl- aed beel«ttorseya.arrlrnl from Fraek-


•ry ecooBiBYtaC
Tbta waa bU beet trip for Hr Driuer waeMra 1
earraiay waapertM-aed I
^cnr^laapoM taclary
eoce of only ii
lirra in tbe
earlara ef the Furaat Ari
Atiaraey Oe<b^ W. C*oee be.
Tbe ^eeial water werke rumaittre tbr Bar Daeirl Truman, after which a
taUlheoBm of Ualled Blalea Umirict
teewtIaY of Boa. Perry Baanab. U. S
-eddlnc breakfast wss.serred
Attain U.U OoralL He will abaie
Mra. Dodee will be wrleomr la TraeIkeafBeaotKr. Ooedl aad look after UoU. AlderBes DcaBoad. Urdie and
rae Oty and tbr eatermrd eunpir will
hH prirale taw bMtacm duiaf bm HoeUYee. aecoapaaled by
daiU. Bettor the Irat time ymterday.
«elrr tbrainom r-roYrata-nlinas of
■biliii from the elly.
to East Bey
leecmmanllT. Tbry wiU resii^r at
C. ». bwatarly aad Jamm A. Heb
maanl at tbe Hotel WaiUnc. nnUl
ef Eilbaeka, are ta tM^if ta tke
tbey bare eelaeted a realde'pee.
oete ef the bwaeeriy VrU>
r Raf irr aed the
Lwt eeeaiaY the B lya' Bead pn-watmay, wbleh wae raaaatta Yraated aiaiated hla ta eoapUiPY hla repvt. ed tbemseltea at tke ealreaer of the
A panalt to aalabtlab% ataltaa beea lor ThaelMtwaealaplyaaeot 1
Bolei WaiUaf. aad pare the eoppte
r«M«p«Mtt eeUfeawTaai•mat taraanda. and Yood riYsra
* Koea^^fP-Mp. 1
aooooateaa br take
dttbempreparaiiwy to'mo-friBY



nport ta tka mmU taM oa.

•e^arndtatar a, U< maatataab.


1 ■ J Illlli- f:i?l)l.-r I *—
l•a.-k-IilHll niiy •• Mp »u
ami tri- li*v.-

it m



ainte. ;;r<-n


iiii)tl|i-<l <-o|.>r-. u-iiHriitit--.->l |> rfei tly
jiiin-; 10 l-iri!"

More ot Co M

- Charles, a member uf r -npiij ■
M. who bat been T.-ry sick in '
bet who recenO.r went to hi. buipe Ip
Wulle rieud. has retaroivl to ibe rliy.
Ur Is iBprorisY bet Is still eomprlled
to car cnilcbee.
C'lrporal b'd^tea, who was wlili the
rerru'U at Camp A'eer and who wna
coean-d lolbe bmpital thirr >-r-. rsl
werkaefler the return of-i
errirrd in the .-ity y-.ierday
bi* releae* f-^.a tbe bwpital be went.
I Bart to a aieter, and .-kid after I
a»dm’led open to m-iura ber death.
Priratc KcHemkin'ia a pelleolina

« llrell fur
•.-Iri-Ii, U-(I.



toipKttaY Ike road aad bridrae ob the
If Ailc a potato dlYYtaY fast wa
Trarorae aty bna^ yeetardey- Ther coBpUahrd Tceaday on the fui
€9m» iB oa tbe eMa haad ttf aad led Jibe Shane. we« of town, by Fred
and Harry Storrt W irkior toEAwt Berkoar. Cjapaay H. Tblriy Yrtber from 7 o'clock till 4 tbry iloY.
Caartk HteblYaa. bae eo far racoeerod seratebad or threw OBI C3I buibrie of
from kb Ulpcaa ai to be able to be oat
•ral wltaeme. eald It eeemed to rala
potaloceaarinrtbrrBtirr period.
Detroit hospital. barioY b-«Q uk>n
ai*k lately op.a Yoiag there to answer
M Of daadBY ptnlee daUer to
Mr. Frlodnch. Dipmy Oil Inepretor.
tbe expirailon of hla InrloBYb
wlakea to call tke alteotlea of thoer
.by tbe yoBBY Biw of tke dty to be Ylr- who am baytaY oil of MualYoarry.
Halloween Parly
ea ta tho Ctiy Opeio Honee Tbe Sal It'ard A Co., er any other dralm e>nlTbe clerks of Mllier a Yr Kery aWre
«me wUl be Yirea abnst ThbabiririiiC. aideof Ibeatate. that err'y barrel no were eblerta^ed Hallowe'en by ro- of
reewirrd Bait be ioapecMd oodrr ibr their nnmbrr^ S. S’s’her. and s ifr.
t aietaberY'e Oraad Opera Mlehlyaa law. aad any pereoa wbo el their h..m-. :i. Wsahtepwo .treel.
oil ta Ibis way and
Thebouae wa. tastefully di curated who
dupoae of It before taepeeiioo. ie lisbir -jark o' laalern. ' and eirinp. ot corn.
Fraak T. Lodyt of addin vJil p m tbeYueeta'arrired ami
tkeaeattar. ImdiaearncordtaUTtar


. ......

ii’iri- ur ■.iimli


liny K 111.L't-Hi:|'l'i> = 11 -t ill kiH-ii








New Goods
and New Toes!
We Sell No Spxonds or No Braod Hakes!


Wv- ba.v- pUcv-d on s«Je

...$1 13

::: : ::


..50. 66 aad 70c


. .on«.ttai;doff




Host people think that “plumbiiifr is plumbia^"—.
that one plumbing job is as good as another.
And ordinarily that is true.
But a GOOD job is Fometbmg more than a mix*
ture of material and muscle.
Brains, honesty, skill, conscience-s good job
cannot be made without these.
And now you will ezp ict us to tell you that our
work is of the kind referred to as good.
We won’t.
It isn't necessary.
Our work ‘speaks lor itself”.
The praises ot those for whom we have done
plumbing work are better testimonials^-and more
likely to be belleved-^an any we could give our­
We try to do more than merely please our

The Hannah & Lay Marc. Go.






>aa poular

U p«liittBK B P. ftrt*.-.

buaiBcaa trip to cay that ibe rood w
UrM>q mod.
t^GhetlMxlKbaal-boaMtiivyml/cUod Thor*iUj.
•d br • amen DC « dMkk.
riybtoo aad elll b<
Aboot oec'kait *n loeb of
If. bytoacof aleep or w.
Dill bcfla Best M0Dd»y Incd our loDO TucDl*y.laduclry any pel«bbor a1
ctMd of V«».r. o» DceoDOt of tbe
la need of care
i^b ■•oUrr we ntr* bcTlDf «o«alHr. Chraoi
tbot order*
Horn oed FiMk Atklncan wcrcbclp- \hDe*ralu L. ^nckocbil die
W. a»rt**B porckiccd DDd Bioccd
nio Ibc boBwi- bcrclofore owoed b
riDd Kartbclic
^'ee been riaiiny for tbc i
, . 1 tv L. n.lebuteoiioM.JoboaThofw
Hr. Cooley U morlny hh
lir day ai^d nme bear Friday, brloylop
tbc room, that were thceupled 1
'pne aui
,™, .,..-.^4
Hr. K..t la barioT (food ao.xraa w
U Dailey
nia acboul. allbudytaUealt'Bdaucc
ijcltr .
n account uf tbc

* *C



laprvTrd la beallb.
The Ladle*' bcacBt aoclaty f*** ■ fharem are aade ^mtol the aUeffed
klrkaa pte aopper la the Iowa haU
---------------------Oca -*»U. boa
wUeb they nalli
The Earsnt Worken WUI ant wlU
If*. K K Ccapbell
. apbell at U.----------------the Waak
MUrCay aficraioa. Moc. lib It la da- toe* falraaaa. fiwnly »»p«aa dbcaat.
' d inal rerry ueaber. aaka It a
It lo be prracak
r bawTcr of Tr^erta City, i
, lo IbU Place arilr^^aya laal w
« dental erorB.U.i fur bta b<
baianiay aomisy.
Tba ttaamcr Frtoakey
waa aobaa«ll
drd wbcaabi rrlecd bale KoadaJ
eovid Bot ukc Uc tbia sapalAn ara the RTsbllcan
rainf that a
waiiler to bar
^ndidauw. aad tba drbt U belaf aadr
A eery eriloyable f itlowr'en party acalnal them; yet the Ba#l« would aot
aaffirrn Motiday err Iin« at the Wil- dare to braatke a •MWaccBraietl tbe
re by >ll.a<
iedlrUnal MdidalM aad pnnl aai
dealrta to eoadact a clean | ^
number of i
br remetB'w
liy tboe* preaent A.;'caapnifQ why doe* 11 oot tell tbe fw
--------------- tarrlble raaeala

O'O n

Puiau Ha.auiB



robber*. *o vb»l tbe

I Just Recived


Two car-loads of Bedroom Suites. Come 1
• S and see them and get prices.

L^.h-rbTyVr^lS^lita^^w^.'fHaw '»tew ron l»„illr,»t-y cat tbeir balai.nuo' ) ue pulauicr-p aod caltlra i I'll*- Accordlnf lo tbe alleAnilona
lie eia:u uui wi.b the aiatr ; made It miy be eoncladed that eerry
meat tbit uw^^i-vp^ Uk«^ bell
on tbe RepgblieaB Uekel

IT. A UK.ycUc.ofrjoipM.y» Wlh
ticpato Hllllkeo waa la town /r»
MMiOo Vuluwrc, kcUillBf IrtMdc terday.
The aurpriar parly piren in boaur oI
Md rUbii'O in Arcble.
^Aonlc IWir. of K e»alcy..cayed b. <c h' - L>sa I'alaaterr waa a ru^-rw.
Hr*. A. K MonUT'*’ »»«•
L ... .lur n.d a giui tune and enj >y.e:!l-iDO( pHal.o-e t. Lo ucjy abou.
Will Ibe liraod Traeerae reC'oa-be
recioa^ ;•)
*ro» Toledo, Ohio. Dhefcchc
!4u!!ar’» aorib ■>! IrfMliiy iruiUlbr
Hr aad Mr* Ws liilieiUao^.Mh- tarinacltr.
. lieee that Sroalor Milllken le a
ler wmlloTracerM-i ity Huoday
Hr. i'ruuli an9 Mr Silebt
'i)rlbatReprc*ealatite FoaMr
atied 111 the liu.Inraa ul ue
3. it Crandall anc Ad.' McKrayur
I iha<‘.-'*a.7
... tt..nk Ibi y .re 1,r.oV
are preparlny to cot .hipplca ayaio.
IryloV lo
tc r^..000 I...........................
W'll any nase eotw belieee tbit
The fr.CBda of MberaaB Bny» dace aJli >n to each o'
baa aurpriar party Satoroaywn.or.
Tbe laraer. lathi, licali'i are tty I
'•farriff Simtwio U *n nn6t aan to a
HM>*. Tracla. of Tratrrar »ruy. ^a. IBP to fi'l Ibr.r tail work d >ue but arr |
public tru.iv
u enn.cuee cr..p
ibeyoeatof lilfa J I. liioa naluruay maklup trry .loo pfuArrae.
t. I here a njtn to ibreounly wbo can
Tbr pari) beld ai Mr. Jfamala'. Ia>' romr. nut .y laij > fr-.m tbe actual
Tlie rclatir.euf M'a A H liibt»
ri.unular efrLiue wat well aU.o<l d am..uc,t ut pihsl f d reuiure-1 a. from «ay that Treaearer C’ydc It' dl.booeal
^cc ber a aorpria. up her Uirthday .
■ no Ibr pe.ipl.-ali aeol h'liai ' --ullr.- rr.ip i. lakeo
I. there a aan in all Ibe emtaiy' who
' .Uiw Mj^rserri Wiirh!. wliu
Aai/ap It.i Ti.ltora t. Trar.rae City
VS L n-iAbi- aod
na. * word to ay ncnin.l o C M -IT iti.
laal week Were; Frank Siiruiiw. to'.hrr
ily, buereiarnnl b> her.IrMiir *i
eandidste to-Keclater of Ilwd.f
•Mary. Mr. aad Mr. Iliulp.ia. Mra Cn*a
HIr* AoBle U*> i
Ml f'ecori).
Sue eat lyrd r.-li piani 'uu-l than putab. .. ) rl Icwrea Ibr
will brileee that W A.NeUlun
irr.iund lull o| alii-u. druajinf.
(or Mr* Fnd HI
ard WM qclle Ukre up with
aodl.U. Crandall.
a-l.l repent-le m uni u-ib.-aiU
Tbe erer wa. unfaithful Vi a paolic trn.l? .
IUt.J. 0. Ml! r riprU I'' b
rrHr«l accllnfr ‘ D Dmi •eckll.r people
^b. U.k. uf riiffilOA back crop I .. I. 0.U.I y («1 nut lo an
He 1. tbe OBly man on ibe Uepublton
-h.- manure put ' ue In.- laha
lor abOUier nrni auiaaier
liekrl who bn. brld ertl-'to moretliati
me term nnd It waa Mr N-wtob whoa
Moryan ia nry aick wltji a cold
Hi*. Ueberd
II 11.--1-. *11.1
Bea lb . 1. cone n
Ik* Ktcie .-'me lime acodralred Vi etJuiwa
A Banday S.bne1 ConTreii-m ol lb<lO.tu r 1, la ri.-bthr KOM .. in Ike ^ei
merale from nnv l-ltnih'Hr- .'i,.ri
Ibtolarriorned Tboriularf
Bvwood **0 Uiorkoni DiD0>.blp oil'
.1 *
' Hr pufcl
purcbaaad a flue dili
U..0W matter. Vet Mr. Kewum i. tbe
wUI beheld In-Jh*.-K»»n»l!-<.'»l .'liurel
■ u'e for^li
Bt BlBfb»io. oe S*t.
i-.a Au err .Llte^fr,
only one lo whom tbe tirade, uf the
inithd toBttrgd.
Tbr Kan. ay Kehool en
KaCle oan apply.
Tbe iViJumbie r-Hed at F‘.bef'. dmU
Oe 8*t. her . Urt ru;h . '•r A im
tVnit I. Ibe nutter with Fred I'rati.
_ at liiu'ci
-lork a a. a.t week e.iib fr.-4rt>t to twih tValk- wb'ii II I..'- U'"t-n'
Bubora Aod-MiD lUv.rf. he reke »enr
•raud llty.
-ehii will be proaeeullaf *l-ofa-r’.' It
e bopr for.a i;"wl attcodance.
•BiWd iB n»lrlaviiy in ih. p-wi!" '- «'
Mr. ll.tlrbBrlJ
Mra Hr. Jar. ..tar .... H'iliaut- ■oeonii i-Ahei-e..-.
h* a raw*! and * robber,
B(•« loliBhte fruBil*. Tb>}’ 'r'< "
HA llroan. U»kkecp.r for Ibr liarirr Lewbrr Co . baa arrlrnl (rum Cbl •on. |rf lidn. un tbr IVtcaky
•If ea.lh^e.'
outli-aie the prapeety ■
ii.iui.- In f-iluradu.
Brill r«*idc. The
laaiavivy with Mr llaall
omyer.' We fuea not, m-Hi empuail.
W L. Freeman hi. traded I
Ibem throoKl.,
nerefor a farm la Teunea.e
..1,1 p.
Ilor. Tb'i. M Kmn hwaltcuf Manrruaea. --- mui and bi. family
1 r .,'cr.,p. .. e.wnti.1
l. Monimer II. Hale. • raw-wl and
-ab'C ■.|..t-e berr rt-o.
pectrd UU1-U
mci ma., • I. Ilertwry F .Voilhthe p-jlll..w'. i.iura uf
hliurene I‘i.br8 ret-irncd from Henoa
tmotonm In l»e ruUllon »nd I
t) ,,
Muon a ra.
wB a l.<r
D Fuui'b iBPe la.1 I'llday. Tne lake waa eery
r.,iiyh bulb vt.-r ami ba ;k, there wa. a piebi'y uf r"u..r«.'.‘.’Id''i kZ
' . '»
|ljm..”aU i. Heine
be»>r'aaD« k'u)ra wh-le be wau Ibrrr l.rjf-i-'i-t. Cli: W r»-:»<-d a. .-n ncw'yl The flfht of i
led ber off Satnrday.
ice Uirer iBi-lies liiick.'
cfe.rei! lau-l ’ .
| iiia.1' aeain.l tbeae candidate., ae.'n.t
Mr. n*drrhuue bn. rented Hra.
0fTr»Tcr*«^1ij. «i*
rodd'. buu.e oppalte Wnlkrfa .tore,
>ld MlcclOD orer Xna
wprd Hal tbe c-iurae uf Ihe ll.-m'
riiree luid. of bi. eood. arrired lu-l*y. eviu). -f le.« pi-ri^halue fu-id ii
ie eampeign Jn-Jicalea ib.l tbeae ere
Mr. l^'.U-bd-ld’.mrlliod of pl.ntii
mortte oUBBce Uhekom* «iH curt Uiic
irk. bulb.w*
the mro who mutt ml br -leiie-l. to
rdiBlOMra. .11 F Fiaber e bofaM un
WMk lo Ukc the ocer boDter'e uo tbclr
ni. one pb-ix (ear that ihev.wlll rob the people end
RaT etreef
BBSUBi dw haot.
c -iil-i.
Tbi.«-Ihe property of me i.ipav
Frauk Fiaber ai d Kuirene
Mlaa Rial* Ntacley alU-Dded tbe C. K 'uoaa-ay Seturiiav liotD were ibni-rn
•n. fur lI.eF own pcraoual pr-.tii
r-Dt< (Hoc'of Kn
(ujarroll'io at Uaiirrlnna aa delegate
dr, Fi.bcr wa. hurt.
Ibe Si..<.iiii I'ondtuja. th.u lY.unxi.l
<1. At-nil to bioi 11
lb-- Legie in cir.-ulaiicg literature
i> yradukliy
'Ueaun eacaped wilb a at. V be plv
Jam BoberU U r
wbltb can aot bat rcAe.! upuO the
■ bakiur up.
ffiilt. 1) V, '
hBcora UIdcw. »od tl
•harai-ler ard h-iieuly of piirpoM- of
l:Wtu.r.1 Ke-'tir and l.ujlly, l■;aneer>
K KunKy and I. I'.-SDlurtun drot’e
^fetoAabelllc. V- C.
thniuirL lo rrarerM- f ly Saturday, re
. . ..-tiiito*^
. . -d a terrible ahocL iQ eulvratli
all ib-.e roudulaiea.
And ihb lU.. ..UU
I to the wthtrr.
tumlnA Sunday
declare, that witboul exception tbi-M
B- K. BrtchuiMi apcbl * rotiple of
Hiaa Llbblr DeSBmon retoreed from citofhler .Mary, aged j;i vrar*. an ei- tben inak. up
neu are w.irtfay uf thr vrual. to be red*Mollaatweek *t Old Mdouq.
Ullao balnrday, learinff. bet fatbrr tiinabJe younp lady cumpanlrm aiiif
^bwh horoM the b*y *11 Ull. buyiof
helper of mullier. waa In quite purl
■j.e-1 IQ tbem aad ibe neoplc-iif Hrand.
much iRipro^.
Birple* to Coyae Uro* . ChtoAfo.
bealtli Ihe top.rl of the .ummer, bni
Dye-NickcTsrrar.-inecounly will oiifV mi-li'.l hy
W. Culliiin. of Trarrrae City, aprot
dlBg O.V aod aeuaatt.mal aHack.
Sanday at ibc-D.-namote Huiuw. tbc u*dimpi..e.-dM.iiMic.hlhry called l-er
near!) well Tuclay ahe wM a>.i.t-'i,.
' - ---Mr. Mu
j,H Mr. .
(*Mi of Win A. Co>»«:
loff about tbe b-iu.e and r*Hred
I ;x'.
R. 11. DrFrance U mtkln
reo.xaud will ooi a.low U.emx-itrato
night fnrilni.-quite well
Mrv Uhrwin 1* on the btek Uil.
llrrryof fruit lm». fur lb f Viifkabor^ nKirniiiff ahr did not pci *p aa u.uil. .I, :,.:*. wn,'u’ll'r.n,r
Sebool ceBiueacaD today. Mr Warren
.. Mie \n-u
hararry Cu
Parker a* u»cber.
ri.e atujee Is from the Morning KeeTbe W. C. T L’ met laa I Week Fri- .-.llrd brrafrain. reeeiemp nci an-w
Tl.r Oii.lui p.- .i;nr of tbe Wide .rd of tbe l.ilh
Chari Ir Hein t> oat here oe a «Wt .t
The Daily in a
day wiib Ua, K. Uurkc.
.he went no lii brr ronm and fuumi I
'Vi-e M.ude Dje a.
hlaaaev Mr* Itoorr.
.iliieaMeuipl f ei- uw lUetf.iid:
ntrlly anilrr.-M-d lying on the bed I
-M.ilber Hretiuir ~
Tbcaleaner Col.inbn called bet
' '
To any fair-minded read, r it luust be
Mra. Frce'uian. of Cadillac, caw Snl- tfrleaa Tb- moiher waa al
wltb fr»*ybt for John Tirblar'a tiore.
waa calle.1. aa bci vnri-ir. elemMr i
Brav rrenlntr to aartat in' carinf fui
Donn.r united clear that the "curl bouw r np " r.-.
Hr. asd Hr*. Jotaa Terbridr of Ti*t- beralalar. Mn. berry.
-. . .
*.eo hcarir bud l.e«» (or • i •mUy. Tin- f.-rred to U comporoU of vb«e.- men
atM aty are ban louklay after tbeir
The large aobool boui
peleucy, or worae. In. ee
or dl- Wore • li.-hi gre> r leiiiiiu.d with
A aorpriue and pound ancial waa beld
feneral wa. b-ld «u Frl-trc. wa. ft i
preaent deplurab-r cord.
.i'k Bd -I- •' a-. i !be b--1- naid -er.
at W r Corn « Fn
with MinpaihUlng (rl,.; <1..
Th U
Tbef.euirl to.hin|
Hiaa Hay Bortr died eery aeddealy uanraiof Ui» il
Mr Maak.icad preached.
lue Ml
arlicie .referrlBg^to the «eek y!
Taeaday alrkl- Hbe aeemed »ell u naniber uf pound, w.
.nil ' Ii'e-ITlie pri4iuian-l be.1 mah that an
’ng wbli-li ea* «err fine wa. bv 1
Kaple ol
• BOTaldaTaeeday. KbedWopher work eery e< )o.vab>r timr waa bad.
Ight r.i -. .-H lit* -, ,-uai. aiu'' ir With org.a *uc
,_____ .. that tbe "court bouM ring" i.
ta Ibaerrelny. and iWYeo op with her
Her. btrlla lljiumond baa peraebed p.tiie-l
rtrr la’tirr. muthrr. two ■
oninpoaed of tbr conlr*r»er. the urelii '
btoahar aad fatber. reaumir till half
VcU. the proaecuiing allureey and
Mtae. Tlw brat aonlnyaanbr did ber farewell arrmon brrr. au.1 lia.ffune
Mi.a lltminood. while raise froui Cnicseo) were prem
BMBftaarai breaktot. bet broiber. hi la>H8 Lake
liere. maue many wkra frlrnda. wL. When tbr laal lo6k wa. lo br Ukei.
■ddia. wrei to eall ber >i.d ebr dl' - ■
tiixM-ni.. ei,o»l-i'cp ■•( llii.-n aod glaa*
• Eagle tbu. •
win aiaa her amiUny fa>v an.l plraaao' i*ie iceed one it aeemed a.'if Ihe mo
aatrer. Uevprnrd ihr d...'ami f
rr could not leave the .Ide of tei*- c
iMrdaad. Tbe fi'oera: w.* b»;d at ibr
li.el lor Ib. lr lu-.urc liapplneM
kei Ki-e wa. ao iiuich affectnl 1
achaal-boaac. Itec^aak.lead pmrb
hiKbandand MUia tried to prraiiad- I
article .0 the Weekly of the
lo that Uaue tbr (oHowing ap^
w.-re painful lu hear.
I'l.u'ram'.f Ihe Firil ‘Juarvrly
pewred Id double columu 'w-«r.-" Lea-t
Juatuneemore. J .*1 one.
1 v.-niioa of .Viuie and tV., jjwaWr

' J.W. Slater's Forniture House, I(•

• #'®'ffe?iS4Se***SS'FSS®a iSSSSSS-ySS**»««■««« •


There'S But
ONE Store in Traverse City where



iutbe A. V. Friidrich Block T. J. Host’s Old Store.

Good strong Worki-g Suits for__
AU Wool German Sox for...............
Genuine Mule Skin Gloves for......
Good Heavy tJuder^^ear for..........
Heavy All Wool Pants for Men at
Great line of Winter Caps for........
Elegant SiHt Plush Caps for..........
Wate* proof Mackintoshes for......

........ $2.76
.'...... ..... ....
............. 176
........................ 26
......................... 1.78

Boys'Knee Pants, well sewed....... ...-V........................
Boys' Overcoats, latest patterns..
Great Big Heavy Ulsters, for Men
Sweaters for Men and Boys............


................... 1.26
6 00
$1.60, 81, 76, 60, 36o

There's no une of going any farther. Wo have thousands
of other great values.


Pny waat. to Trarcne City

suuberuf oar)cltitrna attend.

W. Wo.
aeld Urea fat aatUa Ue
W. H_
A J DrVn
DrVrir* loaded a o rw.U wbeal
a a few day*
Mr. Raiaer
iter bi
aonrille. 1
Mary lloyd cloced a very
bad a rrat
tou'ef arboolberr Ibc Mth.
K «
» Hctov^rbiln haa opened op bi
Hr. HeUoaald U lb Ibr aelAbbwbood
(eorra .atuiT In ihe Lincoln liuildliiir
b^lec fat raiUe for
au.l diiplar.
n Qoe lut of frocerlea aad
dry irw
Oaada Waiao
Tbo. Urwittand blimolber
•atatday te eoe
Mpniaier Mcaday. Mr* liewi..
ber way to Wlaron.ln. wberp ahr
.idr witb
w ' hereddrat wip.
M.a Thna Hewill and two Utile
ihilrtroD. I.ft laat week for Ibr aoatb
people of thl» toen are «
• •
where ibry will r
«ear Ue auewM of Soprrciwir W
la redaelb* ib* taluathm of the
lialloweVn Fee waa
Ik-forc Mr. Wararr waa.........
uli.'fat In tbe wnr ol
ad U* iBxca kept yoliiy «p
Be called • ICtia.'pillnl ruhbiah id
ahallUe-Bniyearand atarted Uem and mnnyolhrrtbii'ra
(fea otber way. j
eriU otber towa.


r^l^^^XTand F. E 1
at tba roanty teat laal DPI
ir Dolbery la elerkior a'
ir^befure asd after aebe

SeraU CoTTcaoeOeo.'
Fred Wnll fol burl .(uite badly laal
Samrday by a tana way team.
Andwedon'i koow yet at tfaia writISA wbat a oaeiy auclal la
Hra Sp-^r bap muroed froa berria-

Joba Aadrraon left for Wieeoaalr
The Silr.r f.mlly were laat Week but
laM week.
Ur wil. 8re uo one of Uii
difpot pier the uatb-faotioD they haer
aoade raaBlnx oat of Ullwaekee
lira Wllliaa Seld baa baneiaitlap
F. W. Wilaon aored laal •reek.
at Calkaak*..
A H. Klleaun relureed laal week
Hr. ^ Hra^Fian rame-^wo from frum bu irip toabe t. U li F •'myrn
tloB and Urn wliu rrlatlrr* In bt Joe
f»rowMar*dl#ylnf potstor* aa faai
Bapoaalbie tktee chw daya
■aBbpr art asarketioi all or
tbilf crop
oeata U
UlIbc price
paldatprf ■eel
Appkaaad poUtore are beffionitic to
acbm (e UU clriaity bare oraore now
Aael(cda*ai ... ■1.00
Kale Boaae kcaterulalaff bia broth
tar win be brld b-r» a weeb fmi* Mat
Kia U-'oue
arlay. iBrey Itrtyya, theSootb B'wrdBBB priacinal. and oar owa I'rof
S I) tklKonU apeedlAsa eowple ol
WUle are paihley ibc autter.
weeln wiib hla wife.

Zs”i;r:s x.kt.'?.'?

Mica R'TUe firaet U Uarbinr I* Ur
- ^dUtrlcl
Mbr I>a jjBiur. ciaw

Hha Lydia Co1r aad Uto Hinlc fVi.
lyarfaeca Malluer'capariyai tbc Jal
tert bow. H'lpday rccalar. . A 8*ia
r yoaar people had aa eny-ty

know it I. (or tbe - la.l
Ktav vtio-il Aw-' w.u he beld at
paleface, aad dry ere.
much »br wa. .iiffn iug, a len OwMafr
Rebuke Ibe Court H
cr wa. placed orerdlu- gli
frum h-raiphl ( thr
. Marf. Khe iu.-r.-anird at.d n
.Vddr.-~i o4 wrieumr. L l‘ tVIFKuirTUFi-'i.l':
ed. and wi.uken oat of tb> houM-aod i.. *''<" "
. lifted iqlo the carriape. elule nearly j'
Hy palling tbe eouaiuislration of enun
II. Wilwa
, ' .ympalhv for!
li affair, lint of the coDlrol uf tbe
J».lb--al;ic» in our woek—
them a'l
The i-rmalAi
T-raTerM—A t..l* f..r Ibr
Uthe Itol Onida eeniil
repular Republican ticket m.-ans a
Tole for the rlag-A r-.u- to Ue;

FrrJ ' '

Konhpe-tt Depanment
Hei>unj-u tur lUr IInuts.
..'I. II
•V. C.-riart inaJus abort <mll here Fri
of Charleroi*
B. Friday, Oc.
!. Talk. Mr*. i
d from LI. trip to
, fba. WrbH
Caaad^ilwTueaday cTcnisr.
Miu I'oa Vole* gate a i-ery pleaaani I e»l drawback
party to her young friend. Monday Lowell Soon
-reeniup nt ber borne. ,
D..-u*.ioo. II (• holler. K F n-au.
Mi>a Laura Voice of Sottoo. Bae waa ''dr. J II ft.oodpood, M-»
I, Mm L tlie Maror. M-..

SlST' ■'"" Xc

A m-hoooer loaded with fifteen tboaaa
aod boahrlcoOf^Uto* wn. lowed out |
l.fe of
r Ibe bay buudt
1 Sebool
Mr* Duae'
inroo of Kattno. ..... i^
_ tbe ,i -Uepo^l
. , of Vb.
MiM tour* Voire Saturday I Ta'k bv J R Itaruey. See-clary .
aad .Sunday
Manba Kardcy. C-uuniy s
1 L Dame ol Traeurv Citr wa. the ! Ta’ktyManb
pue.t .If taia friend, in ttaia place a few
daya la>l week.
TbeC. K topic toSnadar reeniap.
d Prayer uereice. led by
N6f. f.ih i» "Tne pood fight-'
I Tim.
J.Ii jr, S Tim t.:.s
l.«*dee. Barnet
;<j.e S.-hml power e..
• iji.b.e Vintun.
Tbe B l> tuple (or Sanday eeeniap I. ! ' iiWoilic . F A n
-Tbe.ohiidbood of Jeaua'
Luke is.:! ckm^ali 1 Kai .y a.
'blrttla Fox
•II St
: and
... .................
MMne. Julia Fentoraad Belle Wiboo
K'citanon. Kfiie llrdwa.
...... . A:lie
Addrt**. Kee J C Caemaa.
pau wi
C. D EkTaa Pre.ideat.
wbo U attbii'pM
.pent Kund.y at bn
IhiMna "itey bna-'
--'•^-da fi*e aew ^ ■
fk’Iand elnierdry

*'’*"* fcouemal Hymi».


Anl yet tbr Daily Eagle .aaya it i.
not tbe iLrpsUlican locel ticket towb.cta il refera. but only tbe • conir».-i '
or*, tbe arcbitec'e. Ibr proae.'atiog al
toroer. and pan of the bui.dleg eom-,

If wear* to beheee one. eoue oftbe
Republieaa oomiaee* bare asyibieg
to do with tb* ooart bouae maucr
.wblebM iron, -if w« at* lo belme*
tbe Mberlbe whole Repablleaa Itchel

New Slore. New GoikJs.

New Meth«Hl>, New PricesJ



, .


(■it» priccB

.,ul a few pi*.-*« offVjttoBor
ou oar biebrr priced

g.Kala. but rvrrylLifig al aerj/riaiiigly low Htfurea
quote a fuw .jf our maoi ber^iiui:

Bt-low we

A pood tofiny of my meoctf


' hfiTe

teOd RO tbefft








barn, and

Haa-.i’saSr ^^a imee»ia
would aakmy trieudi to dri»e
ertea tatkia
Tbero air am
to my Old bam whera they
pile* bdag cared by tbit thaa^'^tba
erocumb'aed J. U JobaaOD.

will be mada walcome and
dJaaeibyjwUlflndtheTen Cent Stalla
aU in good fihapa.

Hiae a boiicboU
a-.b b*ea«*e of tb* failarc
haad **a(eaad
*M(eaad atm-dutele
eeetata ear*
toernap **eb aa Oae Mlaato Coogb
Care (to that yoar lItU* eaea are pro-

ILuX* and Hho-a, Hate and Capa. Etc

Wr <k) B'd

<'aii.-« at a xrrat rrdui luia ai-il catrii




lo trai-l l-« Nnw York fily for barsdb* ie

The New V'lrk Store ten napply y-.u is recrjlhim'at Kc* York

fitiU thinR 1 o«m Ui6 FerriB
Hnadacbr? Stom



Bead on to the end. Iv 1* to your inloreat. Wbat
i«P Tbe New York Store, located at 310. comer of
Union end Sixth. South Side Traverae City.
HJTCflES OUi££. DetnU. liU.

te raapoaaiRle to eeeryiblog
Tbe (act i* tbe Baglc ba* >made a''
weak atv mpt lo sake pulitical'capi­
tal outof tb* mauor. wbicl U pareli
eoe of t>« iDeaa.and wbu h te now ie the !
hand* of tbe b-mrd of tupemaar* to;
-seolaed Uie conntT can »*(ei)
leaec tba malter with tbeai to be adbeat letareala of ibe tax-,


(rcaBCol«abBa.Unio.T«eaaayarW«u- rrty?—1-»^

.\ Sensalion.”

witboul regard^opaei parly Bdi laliun*
•mile to break the nog.
your vote v> count agalnat the nut yuu


Tlie It.piiflaar* harirr Iheircbntrh
Uie F>liiic»J
Imp M .-h. Cddie Mar**lla«
dope In frraco
frraco b« T. Kicb.-leon
*.u».<rf Ibe dl
It will Bake a b< dl
e ettyar,!'
r. B.-T T--.roappearance of tbe rbnrrh.
ritrd nlphiaadVpeiil S.iardey
and bun-lay with b a-wlfe and
' cbiidrra
•i.drril1 It ha. be*e. i
Well. Ihe Court Rmiee Sea
_.aad Mr- Henry Spinnlk'ro aa
aad M a S.tei- S —leoris* pacer:- e—.lui
■ a.w-________
• ifed laat Saluulay eieuirr.
"elwt, JuBce lUvadell and A. «
rich .^e in the town ball

124 Front Street, Traverse City, Mich.

ring control
and itaee further down in the Mme ar
Ucle tbe Baple ba. lbi> toeay.
Let ua redeem the fair name of Urac-I

Eoerge all goae*

Bum ey Sr i»4.





'a Halt Liaed l^'aala. . . .
'■ nenry L'latee*. Stops C iliac, ww
Ecruto price »; d , uwfpr o*
S«-aeb FancT Mil t*ee Dreea ti
A Pb-c Hcc.r Heavy Red and H'hl
Tui* .a c
. .
-Hcavv Ma’ir ' Kbaker F *r-c1. worib he. ibte aala...
A %<k LadV-I'.uvet. tbI* Ml'
On, Va-d avetiwkl KleaeBcd n>i*aiiag. ibteaala .,


One ^s« caah atore. Oomer of low prtoe*.

The New York Store,
810 - Cor 6tb and Unioa Su.

Alpeaailo C. A. W. M Depot


1IK8.ELI.I0TT. _



At alt armm la tbr |MliaB|fat « Dr
•0r«t nUMI’t tlH U wu urtt l»IT» to tha pteaaiwi of Jante Bray, vbo It
praUiuol tUi BiSMt • u;t
UacfciKilb. •! hit week
kM« Bcltbir tTfUDi Bor | b>ka0|<tr Bu’
(kM It Dot Om ftn F.'rTTH.«B UDKhrmt
•BM kliDMU
TLIi CM hon
haifBlof btiBkafr tarncbtvinK (un ib
Iht DBioofT
Utrt. rb»rj gl fcU t>™iT«
■ftv. ko d«Dtc< hliutrU tfboo! tjM«
BBd DO* M kO br UcIM tkrouirb lilo m t
Tkatoolt are
Jaarbo iWoofk •UODCb el hrn I rttg*
Ttolk.'oUt apiaklBc.
b *’>•
><t of tlirar pole plefct
■10MkK*-«Ut<lnt U<M.Oo4
by rxprrtt to^enk of
trt rnormrr
Mm wat 9l NHirM
and fou
four raoditeklu. Tin «Tm
•N»kll% oKkco rni
nf ibr ]<irk* are.fcU]:aodtuaplof
Ckruw; DO pn«*t
I att*l.
Bet iBDbkb UiB-iMded Ibe baudlra
to Wtokad lulu the .trajnit •inile a
'artlcnlariy it tUlt Ibe eair
ct (be fri^ D bicb baa fnoc
Bov IkoaoBi e( • pan flmpjirt la
J abovi (heteiie I’aoiber of
kadaa la Um bmw of an • nji <?•<
•pparral dirlriceit ui tin- liaeille. Oee
AMiklnBadiodUn RoddrM oacl ll>
BtoiuR nan. after ran felly ciamiDtog
MB latune to U>r aolIa« of a U,
the (ud. MTi-it aa
' taaid nkoal laarbn. thr
«ra>l -w
Offnrf Hi
ttmMVtbTnit trri 0
•lea ThrlinpuiM'o) l‘< tcrcMl ui<l>
rj vood na..ti«trd lb- ban•OTtadbw iBta Ibo anoatf Vt til
■set rbn
tiraii Wte-forp-d aroood,
,1. ,ita»M
iiiKiH-to all..* lb-tool to ^
CkrMlM Grrtndr Frohom «

------:m<_ bu^ra.

Oh, the Pain of
RheumatismI >:

___________ _
raiolj .ought
diiMM. and are r-

, iEEr;s:.:-.:»':.Tr™V'';,-.-£ i
ta toe aftrenoon. ibr .i.»-kliT.ikw luairled
too vboolteerhie Th- Ei-I Ibrr* tuuiuki
arete toe rrigo
rrlgo of
ut tlir
llir ln>luin
Induin Iju.v
llu.r-fi Tlirn
(be toalcf toe |xr< Btemrd lurl
eWaiM of
( toa tcbuul herd fur
tank to.

irfcM Bl “Ji-mi
imid to
fcloair Into a brap
in-1 hir
•abmn U'OIIUdi.'i ar
' aadaMblnU to<l That ntgbt toe tmil
«t toe pte. ahrlnilnt (ram tor ll-h.
batlKdaaa bt*cpu;r>m tbe nuUnkiu. ui
ktoitl tTM aptareM In - bllr IIrIii
Cyillii*. with ibe fital,. and piman«nc of toe IniUa and to-ta. AIM bit
kbotifblt and buurt a* toen.dura. Uu-t

ara ana esiinRontoea «ne ,
In addttito
• fuldiUR r



Tbe dacl




etiMBieof llRbtand elaliuo aiid,ltoi.ti<d
tohtoftekaad auaUcerae toa.pirliof
fvegtalhode Sbr had oairii a loiiR din
■at at ketba. and beee. tor IbouRhl. naa a
totod.aueealaBt. rri-p. ckJiRUUul O-lag
BMBey. lirrrii-u vat a fn«|,u-al
VtoHsr. Haalvajallcrdvrll auiriOrbit
toteneand t»>d bit creditor-
toatodtooera. la llu- li cauv toiakinc
tevtto Uia emmi.-ad Alpr could alt
vtlk ko voman. kna to knta. vitbaal
toaUng toea to ber
Oa a attain Saiorday the couple vr»
aakadawaytaa rorpona'lon ball.
•Md FOB'd belter not lum up. Chrle."
BUIdM uM blevife "Tbcn-'e umluM
l» a new frock, and you vouldn t Ilk-to
•Dtotoeald ooa.’-W aid
-Of courro
laclotoroare al-a)a nev." br ol.l
lit In thr afler
look tro AI lor
rlto e-inbilrlKi
. tor rluck
bit bat "tcuppnung yon Ilk


a beonri dear Udy ."
a too oocuent be n-Aak toa agte a
lea Vtra tare a(
a«ha Bodla. OtoMh
“Ob.edaylfronli r abtiaidabenly
bad i
Bw 11 toa n<a Algonan
• ofUryKoyalab
ktmmU at all partle
ktohalo tlfcaaabal•d^DMandaa

iBB.Blek aUteltodf pritlnc lun kt
fev. and to ber pink allk etrnInR rJciha
MA tored arot Ml OB toe bell (ora. wait
Tbe Atotog room door bandit toaak
•or and agalB tod a boarat toKe pleaded
Am aapa Bat total imnintablr her
BbtokMotei ketpalma Tvelet ,«te<d
Mto.l. She beardtoegyrallogof akey
^aotog to And Ita raeung piaea. then tot
_________ ,_____
I kicked bun torfe
-Tbadtrllyondld- MldOll.rm
oaa ve both know
L iMkadhlmn
B«a to oa 1

. _HL


BlUoU avanp boeelf Bp

l!£-'SS.-2=2t ■ “>!Ei5?355

......................... .-.ill....
ntber elii-k. Dbicb » i-oti-nd by a pat-

...til- -I -ymputoy
l> I i:i oa lb.- toUe
(oBiial (July turn
tiyard. aud they.

far a* nm.-liyit rr-nnmed tha;
if Ibe r-i’liciiiA i-irliai-i> a told-I
ilirl -III. a born to.itdl- and It
eallrrt "tb* |n»r>i-r.’' A p'ir.rlfT it fr
tmlrcd. fur a> >ri notnly bat br.'n
tonud cUv tnritii it. allLuuRli. acrutriluR to Sir. IL-nv. fully s.O-Ki i-.-ple
haTrmtiivpI-.ttlvfral T-oluiniaicra
lit- of Ibr flr.l toiniuiDrd luldiug
-k il rtclbni'iu One <d
juDlitU r;i:M.lieb--.auaau ii.tb
toagib aml.s:i I* v.ini a-a <vutrb
ebann. vl.ili- ibr mbrr I- a iriflr lorpa
and Liatki. —Ana<-<'4ids bi»utl-nl.


diiury utoduiill. bti

a rf funr

For Infant* and Ciuldren.
TIiUbiI Yoo Hiti Atwap BnsU
aigaatare of

_ .. uu coiJ). TLt'M> rbottm awisR <ui I
faioR-o. nbile tbe viud laiirii iuR two ~ '
of Ito ui it lifia ibo Mlirr two. m> that
*'•> '
tbry ..Fir tb- of r,-.iMati.v to' DRTli
Ibu air I n»-tiir. It it criiuu-d liuit tbia I
macbinr oivtc lailr <4M-fiflb a* tout'b ai I
tbonrdinary viudiBill to pot nrasdl
glT»a Rieaidi-alDK rc power fur a gitTKI.kL .-l/.K.



Tar irne. ot psUli
[ leaeariB »t OraaJ Tror^w
TroialjVfor ikt

AB*»n-. UBBd a
u i.4>.rHBedXI

tuyofcg uf BBBukr


». !Ss".£i':S;uS.s:'.;5''.5,r'?i

"Why. WbBtbBBlbBt gottodovlth

Fly Nets;
A good Double DriTing Uumees compUete for $16 00 I


JOllX T. Uli.VIJl.l-;,


UI Fmi stmt

Trarerae City. Michigan

Brosch’s Meat Market

Choicest Meats, Poultry and Game
B’o'wl ±43. Seaso23.


BBU Du.i bikir ar •—Bi oo. Iu '*!;



jwre. Bnd-hu«r lirtT i.BClirci
1 be tmbcaahy. Hrod-cbc-Uli.


Htrr.!^ tekte ...____
_ iowrod of for
, niv. wr. rw— • nnUea Ucdical IKkvt.
«y<«tbn*»«w(^»r taB-ciadcTtto-e
rtcuYlTdk^cn bf ih?tetei«i!'iari^oo
mu. toe Jittr BBd £U> toe on-rio -ito
ricb.-nd. bcBltby bladU. A, is ion^xat(Bg. fteBtati-B toBic. it i» Cor -Bpmur to

SMOthBlatlBte kvteASN.*’-


It ic no* only ono of the most delicate and dc-iicToi
_.iklA« Foods ever offered to the public, but In addltioi
ung cimpofod .ilmost entirely of pur© pluten, Is ono <
le most hcAlihfm and nutritious foods known.


CK12A.M. OP" Wiiii;A.T CO.


Hub,-.«l CO

TvjANOAay I.

Errrsnr’LS-;-^.,- -

Crown Jewels..
.Ar- III- j-riii- .if tl.e Kiai;* aixl V.i-m-.if
i;.ir,.|i-. Tli-y k—F Ih-n. ktokril up in vnulut. ou
- ni- gr*«t - v.-nt tli-y at.- bniiigUt fortli Mt nlicw ili.-ir
.i-ixl .r Th.-y nr-'a lu-ti-fit to ti.. on-. Ili.-y were ]>si<l for litI- t.iil nil.I Ul>.r of ll:- iMor |ns>p|.- i,f (iio— rounlri.-n Our
r .nii .!.•«.-1 I- H Ih-ti-lii to <-v.-ry (UAO. if b© Ir L'omi! into tbe
t.iNkr biiu a boiii-. With s Cruwn J-<rei. be cao li'i
.on- ir-.rk iii.l >1'> it .-any. If ii- in ifoinif to-ucl cult l-u;-. c-ilar
..N.,r'-I.itii:l- U.ho. I.- si...... !.nv.- a Cr.,wa J-w-1. if b- i«
.11.u t.. > nl -t..'- w.»»d. ..r wu-el be <-Bti snv.- mon-y nini
....... . b- ua-e n ('rtivn .lew<-l We will tell yu on- moi].lete
-t 90 cents ( nil in Bud Itoik hI them.

... l„..Or. OUWOOMBI B^e. loSSteT





^^oTOB PETenr^^
Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, Etc.





«f :br Ko. S wa— tb— 4f» ruar to— wll
Boro. Prtro B r-BU —B. WUI b.

UTl»14kWIB»B»»l»nB4BB ■lllBiai



HorseshoeinS M Genenil Repairing Done.

Oaa l-iowl BK-B* B ricBB toin. No
boiilr.vithoBl IU Curotrto.CWy Cithor-



Headstone^ I' sS-HsOSS

Be-Painting and Upholstering.





-------------------- ------------------



- hBBdUac 0
a Ibr ate adcBatagDOk* U
. toiBklagvfbBy• ... «... O.Ul.c, ..
ooar CBBtoaerB Ifyc
f log BiytoiBf Ik OB.
It vroldbB vsU (or y
Ball V drop
^ card bBfort plaelsg yosi




, »4 Per Day Sure CM.i:

tocTbw. BBWBlit ti-ur* Of hciUh

SUte SL. Bear UbIoil i
OBI Trlur Tbr- iBMilhi—UtoaBf'OeUrB
MelKBl n-ninO}- BBd CBB «4y to* I bbi rw

OSEflrt or Wheat

BfUrte Tr*~~OBWB>y.a^

BKtiW. Aibby <it B* cod lirrroil dot- b«
"Bom ta the trcrld;” Ittqkirtd
' eUv pfaytlciiB <g kU ycaltalBl lartiMr.
.‘■did yea InppM to Imtc Itoit i«tl«at
. wWmbI Ant siriBg to r a ptmiplionr*
“1 ktolW II VBl BU|
tty W I VCBld. 1 Iteid It lopoMil



A Large Lins of TslescopW at All Prices.

fres^. Salt and Smoked Meats, Sausages he.

H=SAiarSP5??,%ss^:: iL“u
l4kr Ibr B<ro com.
I. -(UB.I Ibr ri>.
l:b. tbrrr be
................ .......... .................UTTimt. Bud fr.-rt
t -..DI B U'D iVmr al.*.'-.( brlplr— brfnr

i J'iiiN onteL




Soiva^tevaytd idj^l gte


r oagfec tpd cold., vitb Oa- Hie 1 Kitu
t'oagh Cn^.
li It c'.ll l.tbr;
leryfurul It ru—a croap. broa-' and.
all luoprd Uiuiily Ibii
li. John- r„,^ „d lb- I--0
■ bi> 0—I*.—d


—tudianapi li. Jnamal.

boas (H di-lracbd old Udy. who.
aflermoeh ruan-b. lunprodocdatlir.*peoiy bit and nine |••uBll• In paytuml
(or adriTcut iw.iailet)—I-ny. miai
ow long ‘nre ya bees
toil 'an farel"—Jody.

e-r-« i.oir ir


TronkA, Ladies' sad Gent's HatcheU at All Prices.

EuniliiiUoii o[ Teacben.

Mr katoetiitantoellpa The acboolu
•rkBieonktoehlKte Tbtlndlwi

ra idsMl

_______ _

Uj $9. $7 sod $8 BiDgle H«rnfiM are the beet for the \
money in tbe 3tste.

(to. bin
tion of Ito- plant, aa any i«r ran dn tba |
I efiiHiniof .iliup. which ia the : ;yg «rr“i ““-''■a “
ouly ailgpiiuti aol«.qurntly nerded.
Tb- in*.-jikjr «ya ibai viiha mill hat.
isR rhiittcn arreu In-I Icng be can get
rnnsRb cnirrml to light n goal riird
bniluuig Bud fnniiihull tbo itroecnicevory lo tak- Ib- place of hand labor
in riotbea vatoiiig aud imuing. diih.
vatbiog. kntfrclcaning aud maoyotbBt
dteoiio taeka. .

n>e Seidler'i Uotorr-I g

rntoy. to- 4<n day iM »

(iolng Eait or ^otb.
- tti.. 4. Uti
if yon are going to Uetrrit. Toledo : <r
•I)-*i t r.
or beyond, aak yoar local tieket agent uua . uld (oU.u
»» tick-leixF a F d a E.
: toll-Eicrilral Iraie v-r-ire It a teatorr of I
toi, llDA
H K. Bicuna




Headqlarters for.

hie am iLrtd
ito tor ball
__________ ________atood bi th. ban
iwttovblteed leer and
ad blaiii
a eya
VM ornfled
0 toaareoaand
aaeppid brblad bia

' .

duOr of tbr ttcdli- Iro.hUR ini- II,- tr.II
va-ahwtdj t-.k.d h}' tbr O.uick eiu*
ibr.cly roiran-e to t* bad-a- thp-ngb


.mtey-.r*—I P-| v—h -euiati i
e-- ikt" t d..l • T.- 1
>»l I did -v.
l-.l.rp> i> b-mt «.-ik ib- u«ic ll-an 1 ha,>
If ••• .«4 .l .-e
f-IB ae -i«l. -i



■ Mtd olklatl

Soot with MB.

toc’KmtRii.t ru-bi-O »nt 1

rsu ,.|4 l.r -Mir ,-i.' •■•»e m-t a tot'cieic-V-'" I - t.~l t‘i >ri>. I- r-cerl.
I’lt ..................... .
l■•1.. C.. I‘aV r-iie-ld lliM iS-i
all to- .i-. — l.-U. tl-- l-ro Ilk
aid firii-..,td...l ...I wr.—I B-,'

dlradand.—Nev Turk V

> Cto-keia
1 r luiiary fnun amitnllr iu llir SlidUnd

The Diiliati.iu of triuU iu the .gen-'
Minu of rltviririlT (boa far bu burn
idriui.l ............ .... |iirt t < iirtlyiogBt «B> imfe-riblr <ir Iniptuiiiiul 'n,
tiu-tr oiM- it I.aa lean riitiiliim'.l -brneflcilr -iiU aiutaRp Iwitirito. »bi.-h
VCTV (Lari:.>l duriiiR tlir - iirkltiR b< nra
nf tb’ lull! ard B adi- arailatili- dohne
iiRl.l f. r tlu’ IikbtiiiR of luuw-. aud
form ol Diudmill
iiat Ua-o .ni! fi

.. .


and uoi id Uii-'eiongr lud A.11
wae calliUR bi. uu-trr 10 Ui.Fao.ioR icly f doocoBi

I can apmd altboai aitraednf


'‘■"‘'•■i i^.

ik ill.™ i-u Dl.ub .1
Into lUiaiUr liien-l-i

. * «p a riding vhlp.nB
llalag raamduor and AsaR
m toa roan
Ha va. gniv
ar at toU U:
Tha gateV .
a lagged OB B

CBtoe Par Avli^la
TFUi (UcoBntry editor>—Ann*1^
mUag vail toolght. drita?
Ctatry Bdlto^Kui tery. ay to
Aaiadlg^t tabterlber
«aea lU* oft

and b«*iruiUR to the «luduvbr b-ntavl

’wrte.-r—So.' tkaak yoo:

Uto lo b-d a'ad e-'l;
preparea a aaa fur bt<
Bet early
Early Riarr. ibe t
. . _
At ibr dr-etli, J n |irr»ni ib-lam- longer and belter and vlaer.




*' toJl'i."'li«—. f - t to-l dwe-d u4^lto!.tll
" *7
i--*‘‘|I‘''rtoi" i"' ‘■'i"

S&SMood-—Bookt to.iW frto by Bw.ft
Oo._ Atlanta. Oa.
- J--—.cl reej.aia
....... ..... .....................


I•-IIIU, I J—-•». - —k. luiB I—IF «f
ll »ear.-l.c-. 'i--«U M I--->cm
.l•,-.-I ........ .
an. .«.tir ito i.||. i h. -D-ru.} » k.l- !
ar, h.a-ri-..l -lu.i-.. i:.-». li—•— k-l Ur bcr. a Ult f-i.-d raltol ted keed or
a M>-)l o' toi —.i.'.ir
a-lal -i,-—} -ruU«t>a ••-1 -ubint. He tie- | te

and a brlRbi Rian- -« nu<
d XT. and U t.rv br <
tlivpy wit, be -a- nartl e
lUto any-cud fa-)uilri<r

«b. t.inp.nte.

tlteBte brl.rv Far
Far Kailted
u»«,»rted ndaara.-i^-io y.ibjr
aa help yon to aenr a ore of


baoouJd n>4 BiHlcretand.
y niRbi la tale Joly
•wl Al«y Hrniou
caine to
to the
ll hoa« tn
dtoe and altep
Ibe liuo Altirnmn
Baarfce llatnon vat aarluir mnnto-r of

M r-pu.— toe Mi-%U.p


libleaa i« it to Ibr dally :
br abirtonad arhapirr ona raUM>\,^ rod tram And if u
ai-ay> u aied
t. bow- arm aball (tod do day tw abort to road a

■Ite-d ni- niTOlbiiiRaliit Ibr.aj-uu.1
a a cla-p knife. A cmr» -otking viih
I aj-rliiR Cl* oret Uie -•.k'ri into nbirb
;be eandU-U In-cTi.-dauil i» »u areauRed , ■
Ibatae Mac a. tbi- randle it cruirnuiid i
,fUh ,1»
,J ,b, ™i... u.


I djfci--d.*b, k— tt*.yeete.
;ii-» t'kj raw:
, . - . JV
, oV te to- I
•rr.«.,,. ..h.M
I ueu Ito pill, -h-a 1
yt..u-r>. I cp.e-r-d fr-.o r<~-«B.miie p-ie- ti. -'lefcl B-r-»r. be ->.e a y—r l»k«r I
1.4 «—k.
Ilia-ito ro-Bae riiTc- 11—4. N. . u r—a] .e a - kvtd- are

niBLb iiiRMiaily at It ditplayed In (xperinenl with duriora-ih-ir potato
Sccood Oirteur—No.
lot-uf tl!i-picks Im con- and metrory will add to yuur dieabil- pQi
J rOBldo'l
Cdovcti by tbit«anif.ut. hy and oompletoly deetroy yoor dig*- p*-keie all boi-ttog nov. 8aae way
:«Dp.»lllou of Ibe caUle_
_ Vito
Vito all
all the
ttie u bm.
t TrrofortT liu drepairy—V
It and Ate iotulbeCud
do vllb all tb a pile; ItH
ccr of lie pirka An^

loo Boeb for the dnktog fund.
Fleet Dirrt-ior



'rrstottoUaiaa ,
. I aaSetre aarey. ktrMd

tanpemmt fu
! (be
rippiuR npin I
Ruui poudi I Is
wiry i
the cap.
nl-o I
n«ridtd v.tb tic ucThi-

m wbicb rl e found I


tbeUiaeto read at Itte a tew mea

latKviayaaa. trtoetbaBiWa Tbia <as be dota at
ate D> era* boar and li cu to- atooad; It ran
' faedmecBa jimroey TbeaiaBcFiba



”.r*,E;T. MiffUTOTUTIMEIHmiigllBLIIIfimES.

ad<^ ibit rela. aod

aete'X'ttoi"hii >D“'>’‘»“?wUo«fr»ith
_______________„cr a ith k^onalianv
kbeoinaliaiiv '

______ jT Ikat ohapi k-.
- .. ..
"Mr ter
o»y W brr
knro fr•aUlap rrlBDcIo .
M elkn IkOD Ibr Biann
All IboMiar tbrDaoladltpuuJi

tbelr 'acgltecf It by
WD— tta Ittear I. Umm.
Ibiy karr ao tite ter Bible
cteaea halir! titai benaa to a
■liatkwaaayiienDB to tJ
the titaa to '*”>‘'1' baib^ art alvaya paeie
rti tro aiMl rrfarinrr, ant t>
it*rr troatbe8tep*Br«arTefT

.uml>..n... !»<>>. ..U.

toveT«h,.;;tovr:;;r;b: 5;s?i5s^iijriaranTr.‘4£;*iiia:^

'Ucbv Ktadr «-bo..lMhn-. -bo a.-i

HgBAtP, ydTitoteift a. rws.




Travarse City Granite & Marble Works, ; x!SEf^aZiiHPs;’S
H. D. ALLET. Proprietor.



1« «ta dM w» «*7 «®

Um^U. I d Batm. aailor.
•Umaathatah# waa-i
Tm 1»T« of brood wUta ood breWo
arrofoad la tba «ow^ aad old ckMba
nmm >i «o—tfclf l.A.MtUBth.t
Urbt oad dark aooUaa aod fried to ^1 OB Uta. D— acaia.
eokW.FO<^UalKiabaaaa>iaad with
~ io« raap tbroall at tba
___p»p«r with eorar Uod so.
napteasiBal ha auda ae Ua jakd
will Dot roB. ha»e joor ^ tioa of tba
maloti friaBd to ^1
■ ^k,
riaa. pack two with the lopa toKCtbcr. wrap la papar aad tie aoUd:
pad awla will kaep boat. Bake
a paa of park aad baaBA aorer with a
UnketUaoorar. dead two qaarta r-’ urStiTeloU bae- Make
l.;*afn.itorp<wkcakatoba topt oa rammeei- Aad from the baffiaaioc to
U1 tha laat weak aa It will be better af­
ter otbar tbiafi are di?^, _A eaa of
pteUaa. chow cbow. noaiai^ or aapIhiaf of that klad wrapped aeearelj la
paper or cloth.
Th« w*y*f*B» **«•
-tblaf -oat be packed aolid. for the box wUl be roophly
d in L
haadled. Twoholae thoald be afleraooB the raceireo a ..1 from
laeacbeadaadhaadlee made of;,
,e bad made
rope. WheayooboAlotopaek, ploa
.'oreriout aommeTlo tbe
littof wbatyon wUb to pat to oe tbe
.ier la tbe city, wbo 1
. Aa^*7 op«» »*•

o»er. aad when yoo pot aa arUclc
la. check U oil. A Uble kail
A»«*S lilU*. U
bra. R—t boote It a la>ir» one, I
omall thiae. but It will act ae
-Tta •nil r»-» ««*•“••'•
unell to yoor hubaad U ha haato lira
,t when Mra. B- tpobe of rate
month wIlboBl one.
. A B^isrc it
^Ad bcfor*.
1 haean't aald aaytbuic aboot sadari
elotbaa aad aeeke. aa they wlU probaP
«Aad M irbereTer tbe plonbAiM r
Ij be carried In aaatebcL
A tmt» houte U ttkea care of
Ha* UAarCniii'iix.

hlddM ud baud.




■aflM wheaaba waala to alaf.
ESlEa roHaa la tha ai^
•aUlB' aOBa like arerpthlari

.j isj’jsaa?^g ,

There are queer little bootet
We allot aekaow.
And we carry them with at
Wbererer we go.
Arc they boill. do yoa thlak,
or wood, brick oraloBceV
So. then fnooy hoatea
Are all built of bonet.



3 .'

-.Vew Fort Bun.

btnri Ut«tl»r’i *tblt.
•**.«wwdof trooblaapoiood him bp
Aaka with eoarara araltad: .
Ba^ “tPhora doyootroablaa fly.
Vhaa thoa yoa aio balatedr'


.1 cfHAdoat maature tbould be
are tbe qolek flow of

^Half' tbe*'tpo^Uiot doae ia thii
Tf U^le“ OBdUita'^UW^'^ .readlt

h'Mlsey Pill* foratle by all
Hriee -.oceBU.
Mailed by
FatterMl'bure Co . Bnfltlo. V. S. Sole
ayenu for tbe V
le Uaaa'i aod tak
Remember the
BO tabliftola

That ift ate aod lu oame
1 tappime I mo>t tell yon.
So lUi aod you'll bear.
Voar queer little boute
I, yoor body, my daar.

____ lablA it BOtblBir
abould be. when the excellence

lettlac It forU ttaroueb vbc aoalrila



qoaatly embarrmtt and a
■tap aad raai abosdaatly.
lo whom they are
.•no beat phyrieUManDr. Diet. writer
wat tlrock with the f.
- Or.QaWti
■M wbea making calJt one day wiin a
At the flrat boute at which we .top
ped—aecat twcrtiory eouage lo tbr
anborbtof ibecitj-we found tbe Iddy
ea-whom wehad oome to call buty in
Uerardaa with bar lliilc Ibree-yetr
idanghter. aetUng oetplanu.
of lakihc It lor granted that we would
aotaxpectber.wbilecDgaged at i
work, to be attired is her beat, abe
^ at once lo make tbe owtt prolate
‘‘‘^‘Se^. lllt too bad yoo tboal
bare eaaght mo looking like tbit! I'l
going in
mortified to death; I w
mlnaua later you wonldn
me tuch a aigbt Bat 1 wat tq aoxioot
to get these planu aet oat. aod
didn't teem any hope of gelling i
I do Ihr jol
A a i.eal blue glagiiam.
Her drem
and we taid wiilib iniUilbtltbt looke.1
ia it to tee asroar.
wall aai
klad of
“bai of coi
knew wkai yo I really iblok.
Nettle, too. I - • lateodiog to c
' I ia the yard
ibe will play
at. Sb
day, aad 1 cta't teach her lo Sara her
clolbee I'm alwayt after her, hot il
doeta't teem to do a^^ gi^Sow,

reo it sod that il wat of nte
me. yet the poor.

k^dnee out any inroct that may h-*
taken up Itt aboce Ui the conelent
lartliixt, «nk-b It macb better t
him before tllowinf tn«
cbannol et»pe.^ The taltalto paae_


bullimi ia ttlted aaur.
After the toaklog bat been com
pleted trim away the outer learr*. cu.
the tulk quiu cl<»e. aad proceed to
cook. A eery excellent way ifito bleat
ibe florttt apart. Hy taeuj
inem Ilu T.mger
i tanri
and water, equa iarU. lui
lime, and tbeu o k tarm
alwijt utlny ibi
are then drtlned,

S^r^llb'haTrmak and hilf aaVir In
■rbich tbe caulifljwer ha. been boi|^Anolhcr way U U> ttf tne whole bead
ia cbeetecloth. place ft la bol water,
atem upward, and boil ooUl tei
llrain. place it lo a ditb, aad poor
white note to wbi
which the yoik of
ngg baa beea
beea added aiu


from tbe fire. Tomato tai
b«,uart. or the plqaaot *- •

-- vijr

Hlqaabl Saoce—In three ubletpoonfult of elnegar cook for ^e

wet with wti
drop In a bit of butt aed pour
the cauliflower.
iiflower with
cauliflower into tpnga aa
rmage them latllly la a baking
aad aalt.
- - nn each U.vor with pepper anc
orer with a pint ri u.
wbleb aa oaardr
cbecM hat been added,
top with blu of bolter aa<
ooill a nice browa.

itkeoupmyquriniog-rbom wtlit.
ter* Id Obt of Ibr
^ here
Tbe people
at man eolighteoed
} wat graUfleU
•• e J-Jtl
J-jtl lUOed
• lOem.
by the reaped thown lue All in tbe
a jumped on chtirt, aad wticheJ
owTcmeau atu-atretly.
1 htee
rd of pfjpl* bowiug low U) Ihotc
.a ther ettaem. bat I btee neeer
rd Before of people exalllog them
et OB chain. I uoefmt that 1 wa.
'Tbw' Dty-Todty TlAiledtbedlniag>cm again: there wa* a man ibere.
Ue threw a tl...jotiwberel •
the lip of. my tail.—quEle by
: but it wat fanny int

tbrrir tbould htr.

Told tbit I


irx'.e- aod
latmnuav ba



, i.liBT-truil t‘TT.r«

KBCmi, ■

Consultation and Eiaminaiinn Free and Slilcllii Confidential.

. DRS. n. S. & CO.
TBI . Ki.riiRATrh'rxi


Americai ledicil aid Sirgicil listitite of Knskegon, licb

DR. SPIK«EtK!.!r.'i£^'iK
6lUd Ripidi t lldflll R, 1
r«r arflTtl tad teyartt n.

.UlLI. Bt AT

Uo Uondtv I
tbit week, eagioecriar
made an opeoiar loW i ; kltcbca ' '
So. It, JoA by the paairy door-a rerj
rood tituaiioa. at to many frarmcou
are dropped there.
turprited to
Yeaurdar I wat mack., turprited
find me little bole filled op wiLh biu of
gittt.'Tbe aerranu eeidenUy conld
Dot bate known who made that
r wby It wat there.--a fooiUb mb
-bieb h litUe tbougbt miybt bare
Today I bored.a bole in
Scouut place, tad^rtn

Tha eanliflower may be termed
Bcrieeted eeyetable, tinea lit «

You Have
Always Bought.

other preparatioat .
le Umeoatil I watoompelled
frxM) tbe coedilioo of my beadt to do
Uoaa't iiisti
me. -I'p to
moslht after
ban bad ao ladleatioo

eeer bear of a moate writ
ibarratt- lnr»l>*»^f- Some ooe did aad oriated. 8be coald not thiok wbtt reply I ed ibin a paper. It aonndt eery natnrat
it true •
:wBcd tilence eneued.wbteb
ee by Hn L-. wbo taid that “allowMtUuKASIIt or I
aaci matt be made, lor her brother^eery boty
Kltat Dty—Uaee be

IWCkrtotlaa Bedaaear Worid flem
UcMtPbd “PMcripafP for dally Vac."
Perraon't p-cUp.
OMt worry.
Mtoah paaaa aad paraon it." ,
Dmi*t harry.
Faltt Sbams
-Too awIfl arrina aa tardily aa toa

•■Arilftat htart Una k«f
. niak oaly belptal tboagtita
. “Aaa maa (hlakaU ia
AaaU pamkm mad exeiUmaat.
“A momaafa aafar may be fatal.'
Amealata with healthy peopla
‘■Health M coatackma ai wall aa
Don't eany tbe whoU watld oa yonr
ahoaldata. tar lam tba maie«tae.
Trut ta the rood Lord."
Xeear dt^air.
“Lent hope it a fatal diataae.'

>r ret
but t wat noable
dotonelU I procured Ikian'tOiotmeiiv
I btd beard U tpokeo tboet by treeral

With Unh they are eathloeird.
Witboot aad wltbio;
iJrmwB oecr tbe whole
It a pretty, wbitetklo.

ter when we came la that > d be

la doiaf tbit tbe iofltVioa of ^1
■nan tett the heart Into tuch qolek
etovioB that tbe blood Uorireo wlio
aantaal force aloo>; luchaoaaUaad to
ruMoat Into the lieietl relaa'
Ihit radiate* a plow dowo to
toes aad flairar Upt aod teu ep a qi
reaedoa acaiatl tbe cblll. Tbe wJ
effaet it to tUr tbe blood aad tet it in
motion at from rapid exercitc.
Let a«y womta wbo yon to a dioaer
baU lea low oecki-o dreat. where
Um roomt are cbilly and bar wrapt ao'
-------try Ibit little cBie. or. bet
ter ttlll. tbit prereotaiire acatatt ««>'
aad aej>y lit merlu.
Let nor try it when lakiat a eold
lea or wbeo Roademoed. by accidenV
toritiawetcarveata- bet the maxim
ofaelctlm to eoldt bcalwaya: Keep

Bears the

cabt formed aad

pltla wrlUop.
City aod ia cicht ytara old
A o’ Bka UTTLK uoctx.

mtibilUy. botcorftmUy iteo la
caa-t til aloBC with l^rooea

aad to by baas la
be UiUe com.
perbapt tbe aimpleal method of
dolat ibit, hae been- learned by meu
wbotuad oateaunel doty, wbo ate
obllted to taller more or Ian e.peeure
la wlBVer. or who acorn ibt comlortt
ia ooW woatbar of oeareoat aad
Tbelr method when the Umperaton
t the body or axlremiiirt u lowered,
r a auddea chill or quick chanpe from
jwm to cold auaotpaera U codured. ■»
lolabalc three or loor deep broai
rxpaodvha loopt to tbelr fullai

tojtuj^la atr^of^?.^*

T«r In^ts asi CUldm.

The Kmd You Have
Always Boo^t

Ouallti*. Btrat-Iem alluU Ctrl 1 .
na yeuaold. I *o to aeboed orrrj |
day whoa there la aay. aod dariac ra-1
cptioBlhaTe kMBof loarldlac borae-[
llcbUm of tbe akie.
baric and cota« alone to ddra. I ban j
boraetwea? yaaiaoldaad
BP all
aad ro' Mra. A O Aycra. Book Blader.of
eat and bitch her ap
all alone
. . d«e aad thro.
“tio ttreel. Battle Creek layt
lor a drin.
e ador aad ‘kree,..^^^ becameaoaote from eexeata.
Toar friead.
;ma that It wat wlthdifflcallj I coald
I >»Bd me flacera.
Mti K*v:

l^ecTj. Mich.
The Saroitn* Saaaoa.
A Wild, aa aearly erery iclallicenv
araOB haoria. U tbe rcealtof a atop
•fe aoBewhere
aoAewhere of free
tiwe cirealaUoB of
wabd. VO wbleb ooeit Ural aeoa:
tte ailjhl
ulfbt It the chill oftaaUmet that
not aaui
aui the
tb prelloiloar} tneetr «
It tbe ticUm awtre be or abe bat been
la tba WacK of a draapht. or vbat i
tmparalore baa cbaoRcd.
Tbe otaal aouoa it that by colofl
doora. ctaaeflBK to beaTiercioibiar
retreatinc from the molti ovme^bi
ibe datwer It arertrf. _ Tb^__pr«caaj
IB are well eaoarh. boi tbe flrtt a



WrfU«*ndtom.waaro aot ready pat [
to tall yoa theaa tamoa.yaaa.aB wbBa ,
r« w^Umr. lot aa act don aed .


WUfe Wkl« I* Alwsj* M."




Hot»l ■Wl^.i^iIl.s,'T3?a.■v«r‘se Ci^y,

«!■!% Cftifllfit
aaaaa Ls-uatueae *•
eST.Si MSElSfiflB |t

Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 19 and 20,1898.

; Vfisfillifif fiEiiijniaTi
t aa au a* t a teaaaaaaw

OScr Boon from 9 a B Vi 4 p m

i sfit=s(ifi(:is»afl6SfiSflS>fl

MV- PlflAflant, Owoflflo, Sagi
DAW, Ba7 ^ty, Datrolt, Hot
«U. Ann Arbor, Toledo end
polnU But and Sontli. Close
ooonectlona at Copeinlflb vltb
M. A N. E. By.
Oeni Paaa. AgU Toledo.


T^a am.r* fnia BL-tBaM. Pi. drtJBB.
i..aa ..
bf|«ri..rearw iraatkastdu
IValo l»»>l«aTrm,en»<H» al *»»w-at#
'^L*iIa'’S-V^ro ^w-TT^tTij at tup*, m. hM
arr,« frM fraud Hap!*, k. I'twag*.
€. k.HCniUt.S

bBTT *11 utM|.(wanxl J b..d trrc' tT..k.l>Md
a IL n««ti|«l«i
!•»- l-Jl i.ll*r l*k
IP.- Ui- rifs-.
l I I.Llr had LO IMLl lc
L .til Ibu *>£ii- iVe e..Pti..l ri-Lk lOL blTt-

M>ou r oT a.o,

log i found a
“^^rth r.ay-th1a
piece of brcial tod bolter. ,
betuliful bite, juatopp alts my
Ooeof ihcftmiiy ett eeidently
pared thli pretty litUe gift for u
delicate alteDtion. I could not bear tc
apoil the pretty colored part, to I nib
bl.d (.ft a few'white eromb* on ooe

Chicago — —«»L
West Miphigan.

"l*iflb Day—1 bare had a great aboek.
.wtaulliog my Irieod lirizilr aboot
tbe bread and butler, and
ber tpeerlng lone of eoiee
“And pray bow macb of it bare yon
I told ber bow 1 did
Itt beauty.





aod Wen


’"'•Tdo*r^lero yoo." I taid. but I did

'-e= #1
Trait* betwa^Traam Oiy tot

irr.ialK US'

lieee bar
“The next thing will be a cal.
fried after me at I departed.
next thing wt* a cat. I heard it
immediately oa my relorn-tb#
etch; The bread and butler «
Haipy iboughi' I’erhepe pi


- SSr-




. packed up. aod am now one of tbe

—ist'-iw . --'.V
ia |.ar Ufr laaj.




traJlt Cud •*'>





LarBle» ar.l •uail) a|.| l—i Oanaaltuti


i “sr.

Toe all like riddle*.
Here an
oaaovic sobe
of them
Swrlisi UaoicC; Ca. CbKacocr Me* Vork
1 taken from a mine: and that up
"cauliflower Saoce—Make a proi of
ooden cate, from wblt-h I am
wbiu aaare. an.) add u> it a medlam
relaaaed. aad yet I am ated by
! “FakVtTE‘Bloo'tr AED Sl'» DIBEA- ’’’®
tiled caaliflowcr boiiad Mnder aed almost every one.
Seely mioced; beat all logetharr lor a
lA Load Proell.)
aiBoatytwoorlhiae yean ago. »‘>1
It pork
DiSOaoEBB jirlu r.,.,
betetmeatad in tbe following from Ue
ur roail beet.
Omrolt Joaraal la regaid ta that lady,
1 with a geatle tooeh can do:
whom Ua papen han anno
And many In.tUe ttreel would aland.
eeatly at being *ery iU:
Were I not sa n friend at band.
IfitaESle Ooaglat Pataam wriica |%m wat clean tbit
(A Key !
Broili backward aad forward
*1 un.i>i) s«w*v J
from Parii to a Irieed la Detroit: •'!
nolioed the’^ld'a dreat
A hoate fall and a yard fo'l. bat yoa It rxprmtet the tenlimenta warm
maat yrotarday to aay good-bye to MIU. BBtil atleatloa
can't eaicb a bowl (all
the bean.
Bhro. 'Ibll Mr- ------- .’ ebe taid,
a alleer-btlrad
rdwilb one tyllable. eaty aad
And to beauty lay* priodpal e’aim.
I Settle lookt tbe plclan anil, and' n
I taid.
•■ttettbe thoaght that troablee me ofrbrolih.''
;ibey walked-aloogthe man look
tim meat daring tha long aad paUtal “Vet. bnt to dirty. Sow. rao oi
the yonog toldier with a------in bit faded eye*, while
boma of my lllnaat la that t am eaablc SaUle: tht ladle* don't wool to look
•* tleeee a* If
held ooio the .eolooi
a dirty child."
to tBply to the ateeUooate iad tympa- taeb
“Uo let bar •Uy.*'I urged, at SeiUe afraid that be woul> initb If abe let
UaUe mtaaagac that baet come to me abowod aigat of lean aad rebellion. go. aod Irove
lee her
her lo
lo wall more weary
.•MVj mm
tram Aroe aad aalorgetfiag frlaadt. "She look* like a dear little girl, aed I moDlbt lorrbkh
bit bomceomiag.
irtirt mm
Tner were
father, mother and non.
:re fal
want to bear her talk."
bklOMr.Bberoall.that gare
1 me; «m
“Oh. abe t Biopeaongh looking when .lUlitUe groap.aod it wa* the eocoad
m^plroanra' DearKhaal
ooiao now.
the'tcleaa- Hut you can t judge of bome-eoming from tbe war in the
emy Ul-loo'waak to Wold a pm
her la that rolled drrot. 1 lalok yoa pnreou' liero.
..f effort tiv teyp -he
There is
patiaat. eo iwetl aad looeblag. alwayt
*TrU^e'm^ than M Ttwra ago. that
rao out, Settle, you make
in a JHWKL Stove or Range. There is no wastetof
father le the O. A B. onlform. alto
tWhUBg of olhen whU. emdartag her
s. Hit poroau
fuel, no waste of heat, no waste.of labor with irortyfdom. We hope the eaoahlae
d bong on bit
aad thatelaiy alrof tbeaoBth. wbaie
i/,. JEWEL Stove
Range Yon pci tl« tnoet bent
oa eeery atterweed* at be e
aha Ckpaela to tpaad the wlaler. will aiflbent aonon-World’a Fair.
o( the Cuban
n with Uie least fuel Jewels are screntifically
of tbit y
giro book the atroagU tba aa moeb
■ 1> con.stn>cted. Yon get more sttyict from » J EU EL
Gold Modi. Midwinter Fair.
wbaie welcome
•aafe She cartalaly mariU all tha
Sto\e or Range becat^ il
ham la lUa world and la the hoct. for
bl^edlld wepiaoflly wh
i ts bnilt of ihetiest mn• knriiar woman aarorUrod."
folded ber In bit
i lerial in tlic ivst way.
Here they are:
A Bnstar's Box.
ebelilonand b» tweetbeart, gro'
, Eveivbody gels the
most sati^lacdon fiom
AbMTTREU^ OT a p^ •( ooaroe
tridter boy. Jatt at the ftther before
thick blDBkata. a laaMra nad a box of
JEWEL Stoves and
take* them back ihroagb tbe yeaia'
Ranges because they
The yooog toldier smiled dreamily
■1^....... • UnimcBtthnt may be
are -perfret in every
cMkride or eatridn.
point Ask the dealer
tlerre aod row the light In hit faiherY
thranAandaccDcM naadla. a ro
eyea Their welcome wa* no Iro* ap.
for JEWEL Siot«
ptmandabandlectfnawapniwn to bo
Best Liver; In Northern Michigan.
predated becaote a tweeter ooaawaitand Ranges and look W.oc r
p OP.P.Dapet
rood, ami then noad na table riotha.
ed him da a eertala TltUe bom
Pood and Sale sroblc m CMoaetkm.
' or tbe tnide-mnrk.
the wrot aide, a* H had awalu
GsaroiMwriaaad oU rioth fisr dlab
lather before him. oeer »o yeartyo.
Atha Anewitaeap.nhDetsandpU
HUtory it reoetUar Idrlf ia riany a
ptata. (don't MBd earthen dlahae.1
home throe d^t -l*er.-U Jourwol
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Hack, Bus and Baggage TransfefLine

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T<*ieph©n^ 79

J. -A.. MONT.A.Gl-'CnHl.

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