Grand Traverse Herald, January 20, 1898

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Grand Traverse Herald, January 20, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


ro^vKBte crrr. qrams tbatsbsb cdttktt. Iochioan. January so, loee.

■W". y. BABSJT-A-,



. >1 So^aAbc- and
__ Btrens ariUi ic«

Uahard paid mo hMd totbra.
horaaburldiataBor from tba
^mitc a bury of tbea
Uk ire araa
raa aaf*. and aeroaa tbla atrip
iraadam* arattiMd Inn
kk-bard barrlad,
Wbrn U>* bem hrtkiaa ‘TbePc—Wl»..b.
b* dropped on bit banda *1 abould open tbr l|
and kaaca,
kBOca, and
errpt loaran' tbaalrtig
—--------------Job for ua -rliag eaaa
Tbr lor finally
-'tin 1that tbr boy wr
-“Tbera iMi i aoch work about it. but doan on lb* baard
«rmg bimarit, m ua» , prrtod of oaly.bbiw Md «M- a bait dollar forma, and aloog.
•onb rrUll
T be d r.nre i E g-i)u n
u. M7. hr aarat a «ararr
ant lu^vti
11 inproTCd; N« ball•w' f«rt a«-ay. an
Kb *aM:aa<aia-« lintaiM.
,iii Harry. ■
tvinacb. li .-diar
ifk; goad Mil.
.faCtiooo, xeaahhi
m-r .aa rraWa- Ja« a» aaoU, B.
ring roald roach it
-»--_.nro w«, .
abrad ao
Ko. H4-«)
a«aMIa'a> a Bark.
'“"Ur. BBlne h
r ChcbaloBly dark,
^ in.i«B**.AK,uld bmvatwo,
Aa' UiiW Jart aiaad ao ikr knJ,Pirrrr today on i
ipic. IlMck and Bemloek.
auld br c
.J m
.r Tiaiuraa-Sirlffa
h,. .7, ?-t
brrrUtburr hr bar to catch
Tbeac hrII
tbe fonner after SB n_.
-raa> nfut ofiafTr ' ku taib" .
«'el».k train at lluvbTl>lr.
Ur'a gw
llrrl to na,
aad the Utter m teUa.lo
gU^riMoI and LaadM
r of .troeg men were
It aa* a l<

lar to taky bi>a
-arm- -but he
September. Tbrwe otwte ara all emrmItboB^hl'tKOO
lo^be a KD . wrUudeupeeatel'
- druperatel}.
lar vuiteem, wb,... perteda ara te wmU
iQaD one.'
Uv atroog i.-«
ku.iwa that their may bm Uaad
-All right! flal
man mod boy
aaid Uirhard. '
... ri.l arrive, but U^y wiU donbliatm
t week afterward Mr sgmiontn at tkc ianil. .
' i; . liard you uave ptov*.! i
rrab anarbafBatUu; HmI.
I Ur. Saiag had brrn lo> -it perua* tbr ba, e k CIXI er bea<t 00 y uu r .
III mtfmii all drad In rararai i.
lulmm to oa a .,r.1 a gUjal Ibau I thiiugbl
t .m have f,
br I'AFtala’pllllIr KM.
.n tlir. ..tat-i^hmem
There I, i-ce other comet wboma rUI
trap aa i|nick,v aa he d:ij
muroiog have roaile it !<-r y-cu
Y- . •;
,e Xovember, HWi. baf l&t
behind tUrry and Riebai
be ipeed Uiigbt me a va:u.l"r in-vun. is, l>
k fifty yean
with mbi>-n he alippertwer the i.-e fair an.' I have Iheref -r.- J.v.d.-t uv .u.
kw rn aa BUU'a
When Ibe yg,. in.a .be, t L" Ini- tiui.Jred J-,-Ui
hae nut hc-n
nee l»S, al.
B< crabbrJ Ikat burr.,a'f.
■f!, II liugbt to
be bml I'lselo (pare h.
It bags, te
»a»ilue. hctook'la,.
Aa-Jaatro iiuu,' Mir Cl
lu nut a«d Uat
t of bia pocket aori ni:
>ki mUea aeflaraUd
to each of tt toy.
-.\l>,u Uv -.-1. ( ifi'^rrvKit il.-!
ihit comet wkieh as
iredoi well.
oe tial irve al- .• U-g.v.-Ahat be esai-d
rt^rmner pi»di.-ied w^d'appraaeb
-Juu hare oude.llml
lAl am.
milea of tb.eanb^
tel patb
geuiog me J.
,>m lU via.l ID :»u. and ao aeearately
B lljy-aiv
: wa* tub predi.-tUn made Ib^t Ita Miia: lur it Trl-a.
. "'liui-iii wa* >-oB*sBinuUd wltbla 17
airu-«u«M a
li-itir*.of tbe lime feretoiA The Bear
•■Ve.. rlr.-rep-.e-l lUr
.anpr-M.'h of tbit comet Ite Ue tertb'a
•iVhat do you Miy. l»uuidarabl* amcisBtof
knt -W Qi ri. ol ra.
;bout UwcoBBlry.
•Tf* S milet aoDtfaoa coat aide of .SilviW Ukc.
. rery dekirablr,
unae i-.-ipiiai it ..ftor wa* the eAcitemeni greatly alUyalUy.
Mll.s nn<irrgoodc«lliraU
,U of a,irogrea*m
I by .tbe aaaaranee tbal the aartb
:rca a tpileaaualb by (lut
. atnall orchard.
T« a. all ar roula n-,.1,.
ooA vciy fcuerallj
•mid not wMb that portioe n< lu
net luippi-u lobe up the .treau akal
rred.good dairy farm, (an
1 be b.'iigl.t rigbL
--** whicl '•
■Bg about that lime. ' aaul Mr. ww-eg.
godd land and very cheap al f>'.ie.ely for al leaat a tnonUi afier. Bow.
r Kingalry. JI under good cult!'
iiund fencea. food
plan- for a
.'Ver. nothing eery krriunt happened,
• eu-.f kluapiui. uci-aute there ever; aod the ptihlle mltul rceumed iU wootI, aiTAi tlmltor isear Cedar RiiA Other piecca joM il deairable.
. newdr,
-^i.iaa.-e aud c«*Te«iirn.-e
•you" ■
itrainnl tiuii
.*rr. .-.-.k, eKm-rwb.-i-O
“*AHi!“agb Itieli'. comci^ki ooUlkely
Diek 9 Om>orttluity.
. prv-paTiiig f-KIf^U.
rsw,-r«d Mr J«wlng
•To be trathfal with you.’ Ki'alleonap.v..!! pqy»iv-ibit». nirgidi-i. w
utriulirr Ciior STaabowar.of
tai.e-.rn bad i-ui
I think you are too aeatierbraim
rcgularily ajri (irrli
, a^-lnted with Ibe ortaft ef
deep y. and the kio.i and enoouieginp
lOf aerrlee to me."
ditwiur will give tbr I
g* .loot eulneL
Tbi* abowrr regiilariy
wonlk of tlarTV faileil to drive uuitbv .
rtaro, at
' otdncidnnl with Ibe
h.- felt
i-irip a
.bat 1 ar
palieui It 11
Ikvranievd.hadil malnlalnad llifo■id at tlioabore the I
> *enari
lerrhc^.—ir-uihui iftke. ■
li.-/.ire noon that d.
ipn habllaliuB* mie gem-rally iu
w tnda. .known
Ureal Ir.venUune•binook. *el lu tPthere mar be r.-a-ltlj' ohU
Tu tbr lageooiiy and iaeaaUeeaaiS
tiiancealof ■the r.-;»-f of b»
,1 Anserliaa* the world 1* Indebted for
bard and
o»ny of tbe greet .Ubo-eaelBg Btel.ltlle' pool*
I I kima that
hlbes. and for m.------------- *----------------urfaor oetwe.
If I were given^an
vela tnat bsve made poasible Ibe woB* *
OK. ail'l iliei
i.utt of a
drou* progtym of tec laathalf^t^.
.arto ^ Ihaaeappl
aoyttiing al
»-v-.veB the '



Vow is ths tlms to buy s ohosp turn, on ooy papmoats.
Qood lOMtiOO. BMlistboiow.

O. P. Carver

Real Estate
RffOJsrar±- TO xxjjfiosr.
ORRnnrt. 1. watu, tpp«Bi l > bm.
travbbss oiir-



^-IK. i;;-



Beal Estate Exchi


- ■ - .

Jobnaoii Block


Wluin cither a Chamois Lyng Protector or >’est
wili be a necessity. \Vc ct^frsiipply you with .cither, but
yoH can economize and yc>1iavf somethinjr just as Rood
by buying a chamois aii^ making one Good values at
50 and 75 cont.s.


Bnt many testify Uiat much of tlie:
looK aafrerioe of a cbronic form in:
puroianunUy and aaffly <iir(^
the Elma Sanatorinni. <-omer IStl



TvaifpK- City,

And .more, it

yon liave

Piles nr an^ ReHal tronble. Kidney.JBIndder.orrtniBle WwikDP*.
you trill make no mistake to vonaairSE. ELKS. T.k|>l.oue !»:<
Offiiv in Sanatoriuiu.


tion roomB in MeXHtnara'a store.

__Money to Loan




AluupalraMy ^e^^ rcA^ plUaw* tor

CArpet Cleaning Works

Traverse Oty. Mich.




Civil Eoaineer
BaUClae. 1

Crowns and Bridges.
Yitalised Air for PainlMS






UtBSt Ideas aed Ippnances.



Water Ooter Pertiblli ta

na. HiooiNS.

Potatoes and Apples Wanted.

Md arltbar op the fMtuna tUl
lha. aniiaet tonka like an old
SgypUad tepauar.) |«l

Importul Id Npertj Holddn

lbiaetelrraUacebeB(i JobBt In
ttedr -dead rlre-away aobetoea.'
Ik M d>r ofMno-ontbe mndot
In tba pan w* bare

Cross Cut Saws. ■
Axes, Ax Hand'es..
Skidding Ton^—
Loading Blocks . .
Air Tight Stoves. ..
Box Stoves............
Car Stoves.............
Building Fapdr etc.


146 Front Street.

Traverse City. Mich.


plao* of «kkly and


“Thera, that la varth a baedtad
of theme Aek ptelaraa'- ^Uood
Oood work and utnirbl hwiaM




v. BBOSOH a 80K8.

netbnda will win etaryUna.
All mail ordwa tsceirs



F. M. PAINE. FIbritt



llie t-r uudi-r their feet began
bridged witb hi-.
A railramd finAliy mAde Its wa.r up
tb. alregm to Ru.hviUe. la th« chagrin
and bocnilUtlou of Ih* p*cplr of I'u.hIngtOD. who. »vfrv Inn* lb*y croaaed
thratream to get lb* l<*npfii(‘of rail,
romd trmnaporutlon. tall aa if '.hvy
.-1 upa
n dug
out there
were heiug led M Ihv no.* by lhrtj..b,■plied li,
lant miUMtr of UaJiviUe.
-ignted tor week*, bo^
wonder how .Swdog'i,
Uiebard IIokkI* wa. alxtevn
ahrbl add day . reenlllng In Ihee.nreof
enlpbnr Bbower*.
•reliant, who joiBr
He wa* the liphtct hearted ir.v ,
a i-aae that had been proounnred b'lpena. caMed by Ur noy bad raid
in the town
lie wa. ron.idered lUi-1
»'"■« >"
of the brat veU-rmaig aureducated -anlphar
abowem.- wbiefa
trbinfa 00CDnr abowetn,'*
-ne repUrd.
1 ball player, the »»rong.»i .wim.
-He won t eome.
ity. all n
npwbuui hbd adenr every year td April aad Hby at
U-: II,e we
, the moat ex^rl Sahermrn and the . ^ ^
►I*-'’ 'i. Hu
the animal.
ItonlaanA. aay* ir»'rfiaeh;ont^rara
. .
hlgn-tpir-tvd ,a<fa
ferfnee* betwean
ktwean the troalmrnt of
.1* rata objeeta are eeearad
to an nntortonate degree, and the g->vl I
•tea and tBjnred bora^
tbal of j
yellow, iamalpable powder.
U-:ng drowned tanman U-Ing. i>ae uf tl^i^grfiie* from
nainred boy. - ho waa alway * laughiog !

nigul in,that tbe fa.-t that the faeari of a burae it
and alwaya ready for an athlrt;,- -.-on
wean, and therefore --falornfura or it •* eera to <^i*t of little kMn^
i.t Uugbing at etbrr ranaol be adniuitvo-rod Us pru- ehaped bedtta. *weUed atboUagtrate- ;
A* be grew older be*lroDgly ob-I Vbr nopir
Ue aonU and waet Ber.
od to tbu reontation. but tt dun* ">■* <“1 »l Ku*
Again, thnugb a
■mrroanded byeaetpina
forto bim aa elcaely aa bis peeper name
rnay have ronie of the weight
eeu. -At tbe fiowerinc ,Utea
Kvwrvbndy turned hi, rye* to the
Hi* heart warawaIJiog witb rewnt
hiT him ill km-peoding bim in a
nd carrlmUr pollen Into Ua<
ent when be left the oAive of ttiwho', wrigut cannul-be tlin*
- " ■ fall* wiU Ue n
.uppnru for fear of producing penard the rtream
He eeidefitly
refore. where an iBjlwyofa


aiiph'e Diary.

|br kiep
;<sui fro
A ,bi

lu feet





■P-7 "aggy. a farmer
'o back" " rried a etroagI . lad . ha* raiaeo rorn
onged man. "
Ur. bwiDg leal
oat of a' rnouad
nb 'to Ar.
lecl. looked npai
kanaa*. aliuaked
year* old.
Tbr vtalkaof lbe<
twelve feel
br^rhi. .aceordlngi
cormpuadeo 1 of the Chk-agu K-.*:
aod are aomewbat od the order <
peoplr In tme voice.
hemg a* Ibi.'k at the ground a* 1
Toe merchant^ paid
B tbe
groiiod they .boot oat three long,
termloed w grlacrom. He ooali'nacd pelm-iike Iravr*
The travea ard ray
to advaace. until tuddeniy ibrre wa* a beavy and »o ui. reeembliag a eaetnA
abara. anapping *ound tbal teemed to
le of tb^ are five feel long
rnn onl of bearing up tbe *iream Tbe from tip V. lip. Tbeae
ke aellled around the'merchaoL
lave* 00 tbe *talk.
alopped aod looked al
Abool two feel fartber np
Hrbind b
pnrtod np ear* of corn.
, ..
._ny *Ulk* h
tbrougb tbr
tent later
,r* aod-aoa* ba* fewer tbaa tour ear*.
It btgu
be^ u. crnmble.
Tbe man andI tbl* rm'.« It b figared ibA* tbe aerr
dealy raalued bi* danger, but retreat
re yield to the *,-r« wonirl be atesot
wa* lapmaibe Tbfc water wa. gaibrriObnabrl*.
Above Ibe ear* Use .talk
tBg aronoa bi* fe«L aod. apfmreatly
terror-wlrickrc. he elarted to run to­
wiU an elaborate tameU. “ The
ward tbe abore. where tbe people etood htuL* aurrooadiog Ue •
-bad didn't get ur' oOd Barrytilent with borrar.
aad a* tbe aura mater
• Ko. I didn't r*t IL
Be ibonghi
When Richard >1
mt I waa loo ‘raute brained' tor '
-. be raa to a atore n«r b
legvalBs are eolid ud
"Uel me a rape." be cried to a clerk.
y good »
- "
IL wall." mfi Harry, "you
1 mn*t aaee Ur. Swing.
He 1* in
kWerof drowning.- , , , _
cbaaR Ut mind eome day.
A Btraage Cootnme.
"111 make him. Hal.'
I; Riebatd. wbo raa b
Peter (Ifober. tbe
Slebard webemcntly: -I don't know | Before be rmebed e point where be of Y'*BA««o
bow. but ni make bim cbbnge bwlconld get a view of tbe itream. br
e ^y maa eter
rd e groan go op from tbe crowd,
Kobody le
lingtoB htew Richard land then above the kbontlng of tbe am bat. oboe* aod thirt.
wtUr thaa Harryr dkS. and he eaw that | ^ple cay^ dutaatoy tor help. A entirely of the •kloi of 1
be *aw Hr. Swing *mg- Seven bnodred aoakea,all caogblaad
"Von'U dolt. Dtek.
f^Jn^ water naar Ike middle of
by tirober deriag the pant five
yearv peorided ^ maweial te tbU
ik yoa. RalL'
Baeteaiag to wboro Harry atood.
pranerre tbebrillr hi* hand:
• 'Taacnn't
B'mbard aald:
-Hal. I'm goEag oat
Take tbi* rope; and. If I maaSwing. Ibme wiU be
aktened aliet. fint ...______
OickM paUcoce wa* aceoal)
oeagh te brlp yoa poll
Mcicma by etateroforwh
..U&arJ'qolekly teed on* end of tbe were tfeeo tanned by a otetbod kaotm
only to Graber. and ace ak oift aod

fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats, Sausages Etc.

hMUnr pietetea. to Ihe -gr^
dd^t of Ih. e^toBW. «lte ear:

Travewe City.

Choicest. Meats, Poultry and Game.

art* dead

7,'SV,. .....

"Tbev don't treat me fairly.
:hard a* he walked along
ot 'rtule-braioed. aav 1 ani nut
reliable, and that [ w, ildn'l lake an
intereat In tne bnaiara*. but they glee
me D
Ido like aparla. and I rapt be p iu
I can't aee any Ibarm la enj 'y>ng them
ao long aa I ran _get Bolbirg to do. Lei
then talk; ni proey to them eome
that I'm gaud for tomvlhlng.' Ilirl_. .
d this vow aloud, aod aealed It
g hi* leg with bia cllnebcdbanri.
-Hollo. Dkk. what are you hammrrig^nmeH in that
t way to
looked np aad
•'Yon look aa rloa a
'kat'a np with yon?" aak
Bicbart and Barry wa
ehnn* for


Mthytoohlag ptetnlta In the

ive weakenol the Ivr
you try 11 ■mid Harr'
-If. liicbcan't aee why I ahomjo't ery.'y aueh
. >*c,ng will etpeclu
•port. There la one thing about it. Mr.
luftbt t.i go H we v*n."
Swing; I have llieaiiiafak'tion of know­
Sh* lne,trv If.'' atk.'d Harry.
ing tbal I am aoaioua to prove that I
I'm r.tey.' fit run up to the Inn
am not at talUle-lieaded a, the bual..-yard aud get a thiard Ui abov
n<«B men
abeailolut. it ;i come in plmr if w
• 'ITove
-hoBld happ.-ii to break througof
be the Ca. .................... ..................
Tbe lee wa* loo t.ifl to permit of Ui
>,v* iiaing rkau-loadTanUge. " he
Harry n'liiru. l With the boar.i. the
rBloolonthe iee. ear.-fuliy leeliii
Harry, pu.hiug the l«>ar
rading mevvhaot of I'liahiugtoii. a
marl South [lakula town, which hada
I advapeeof Iliehard.
ival Id the voung and llinving baiulet
iUr. ailoaled on the oippoall*
About half1 acruw tbe Ice began
ly. and the iwy* rU^
between iheiu.
The tlreaiD had to cra>’k omis
dnii'i believe." raid Harry, -'that
aua.»rr a ferry
nani pnuBited hi>^ heel into the
esubiiahlng a
rrlalion. bvtw**n t

In anai
irnL Richard h

In hcifrhth ' and weight, the
short Ihi tali, the thin the fat,
&t them all. Everyone can
depend OD getting a pjrfcct
fiL The largest line of new* .
Fall Styles in the city. Prices ,
right and satisfaction guaraa*
teed. Give us a call.

315 Froot St.

tbr M.-eping-rar, the telephone, the tel­
egraph. tbr Atlantic caUm tbe doUon
gjo. the eiectrir light, the mowtagmavUine. tbe reapiag-eiacfalBa,
>lenm llinnLer. Ue kleam fin-angiBA
Ihr olrclrtc kUecl-car, Ibe ^pewriter,
«rr bnt n loti of Use triumph* of fimer
•I hnec doubled Ue pow'an
day * work and alaoat
.So naUOB egnali
I p.'ii their fmeiiUoo they
e I'eited Slatea
ra ii
in, Ue uuober
ezaibioi'-: auua receipt givre for paWiiU laautvl annul
Tor Ua fiaB. when tilby are arngm-d to a rtail cal year le'.«- ud.u:-: patent* w
and at unre pul undip uvatuieut.
In Uc la*t fifty yur* tbe gnav
Uoraye-ar.' In many reaper}*
Uiuta-r of pateou Iwaed (uraay
a U-lngk in.............................
me were for onir-iage* and wagsoa,
UU aad te.l. lfarin,yu-p
• nnd furnace* coming next, baing
aueb depsoeb- tpon the
olwervalion of the heter.nary
II luaking a i-orrecl diaguuai*.
ufy o> *...-11 that tbe borm van
Our Aaurwaya
irvJ.Uie animal >• dealreyfd
waterway*, of l-.______ ______
viy. ff there I*
am-jug tbement iiuportaoi baalefacteca
Uiv beat mean*
- iiAgiraura*.*iiig an areeaf ..ut.Hu Kjanre mllm.
Tbr muwLiiig.-uiouatlingri
amviuAl in *,*eV. Sew York. New
Ui take' Lbi- weight u( the a.
Jrrvey. Pennavlvauta aad Delewaiw,
feet, It i, w, faalraeil tlia
t raunol
and eonteio one-Uird of Ue fredh eratfwawihiy iiijurejUelf. The p,i-..-. lemi-r of.the glebe. Tbe ooenuy baa one
-1 rrapiratuin arv taken at
■ uu-dii-inen are a-lwUh tbe irgnlaiity »l ha* *isty-fiea rsvern. each orer ooe hank.
I'roper food ailaptid to
drrd mile* la length Ue greateat of
the rt-iairenirnU of the animai I* pte ahirhb.UeHlaa>*aippLeqnal ia-balk
pared and
g^iven ai I the n->niuachicvUr river* of Snrope eomHnad.
Ur VulgA
It U eqnal to
tbrro U*
-Jgea. nine Bbooea. tweate.
i|Ucht-y found amena.eern Seine* or rigfaty Tiben." Tfe
a'kilKuI niedlcatioti or Mirgi-al
loagU of Uir river, with tie aaelgaWe
ent. While Inepacling tba ho*
itariea. I* over twealy i
pitat the wrru-r aaw one tairrae with an
K.four-filtb*i>f U* dlatanc)
injury to tlie h-xif. A rubber boa,- wa*
,e globe.
Tbe tnaeportatloB «o Ue
,atlm-taed tu It* fool, from
slo H the ebnapent of all plaem ia tba

o tiie prcipiG-r. auu
rlitntluB i* •-viudm.’U-d llktany nUirr bApital. iiu tbe Ural 1I-1
i» iocateO the o(!ice. rewDlion rooitile afterCHAin to go ovVr. -iLey
r doubt about the tafuty of lli'e apolbecev'r room, and iJir nH-eaanry

... .

TUI MO. R. siro IGEliil

pmV sp a Ursa Bamhv of bar

.leigiiin of a B



Brosch’s Meat Market

«p by

rm» Bl>-iil

*"-^lte more aenona. In ibr^utna
Icma ball pfaryng-. iwimming aod
In the winter pi.\ IcaaBtUla akatiog and comatiBg."

\t the cold storage. If Farmers at
a dislanee wislvlo load at othcr|i-!i‘rc!.i‘Sri£;X^
points and make up carloads'1 will any station. Write me what
ymu have to offer. Will buy cider
apples. Sweet cider and ajiplcs for
.ir-iilb- G.
\ -V- l.irrLh ....

TlioUftdin^ MerebnotTnilor.
.imfBMWlonikntaoeB lad* ont

tnmed me twav."
-You a**, niebard.
areof ihatoptnlob.
' ' Yea. Kir; but i( 1 an^ given no opportuplly to prove m.v ability. <r^*l am I

wu w..



long and , . ,_____ ________
entry iaUedlary 00* New T<
”1 bnee rrlrae<r
.'ki yenia, Mor^ £/
my frited*.
rritedi fewod by me mmalaa. rahave bad
I .have
all Uat beart eonld
I baeeeonated Uc hamfiaya
is^serieneed ia all UU time, vii Uey
nnmber >n*t
14."-S(. Urai. 4H*b*-D<
w pnblsc llbrai
it town* Bbd c
-The tomb of
wiU diamond*.
eal^ al<no.


A cord of; ateae. Urro bwihale td Ufite
-Ad acu' ; rerdoteud wlU laygM
knedred ibiefeetof waU.
In France *iity
people live on —
Urec percent
Aonordlof to Prof. Baxley, aeaerw
of good fiehlag grtmad eriU yWd maf
food In a wMek uoa aa aerw e( tba b«t
land wUl yield tear—





Oiekr dboatwl hall-a-


Qraad'Tmyerse ^raldTand Traverae CSty

jonwgaY f¥^ 1089
fflAMAM) aad Imwbamta tba
a^tamdato baaetatenatad lUnM

<WMavt«dc«. KoAyalVhl
■teatsMte <rf tkc iMpator aoc

iboycoald aaora tb^ aUl aab
beak aad load tbatr rraeU at tba alU
Bfoaartlar tba laabartbay
to tba doek OB the bay abota. aad avoid
tba seraaatW of laariBr tbe doak wbao reaorda The loqr prlaelfal eo«aty a?
a birh »tad ataru bloolaf aad n
flea, elc Bi«UtarotDe^'. Opaaty
tba Bafth Maaltoo for abatlar wilb
Ibalr TMl partially loaded.
Kaaaox PaKeitax.
A* loralad at praaeBt ere beilaea
tba datura- to tbaaa raeorda troBi
Bra to ba vary (real aad tba - riak
each at oo prodaat tad..............................
L lean aod dnor al
la In tbe wodnei
to the UdI
lab life away. Tbel
la tba aeeal of s Bre to
oaaty bsildlBf tba probability
'inp any of tba raoorda tberain
So wooder to omay mica
--------- taa ram .ta ladaad aad If daetroyed to aoy way Ml a aae^l portloa
-Befb WyoBa.'
coold aear be restored and theme at ao
trooUca. No wooder Ibcy ,______
aspaeea probably doable tbe Boat of Mlioei
feci lo ibr diarowa of the dclkalc ipecial
onraalaB of tbeit tea. Tbe wooder U
A W. Bl^ti'K.
raibet that they cat itabd il m weD at
. .
Jobs A. PawiT.

't poor weak aremaa.*’ m aba ia
INI. -tUtaA *itb Piro"
termed, wfll eodort bnvelj aod patiredy
Ob agotibe of ftr Wlfbta
arootca wbieb a atroua mao woold (irr
way oader. Tbe tan i« womn an mare
IIM. “Tba OeDarara lUaWt Oa^
paiieat ihaa they ou(ln to be eada aaeb
im. ■ .. Tree." B. U Slrrreaa
Brery woman oucbi to keov thal abe
is«. “The Miatreae of tba Bai
rtae />rr c/ . iergr uii la adjofair miP. T. Clark,
dfntf and prix-ary by a-rtUac lo IM. A V.
two of whoa aball be from the City
lue. “Tme to HU Bo»o - H.
Hirrce. chief coornltiric ubealciaa of tbe
Traerree City aad tbraa from t
Inv.Ildt' Hotel toil Suryico] Inatimte. of
lew. -Tbe Two Caplaloa" (
Heimra. 'Moaroa. Black. Hon ilofftlo, S V Ucrviix'inr tbi« poatiioB for
tbiny yearx bi- bat htd t wider pratajcal
. Paleipfaer aad Walker ware etperienir
in.ibe tw-iimcnt of wnoico't
'Tba Klof'i Uifhway.''
aamad a* each committee.'
diwawt than any other [ihyalcian in Ibit
Oo motion of Mr. Tha-k*r, Boa-d adINI. Peter. TbePrUal'' Maoriei
fur Ibnt n-ioni«hinc eficacyr.
turned to «;Su o'clock lonionow i

______ _

•WM wkk^kBT»a>4*tk«Mr*fi

AlMr th* avtoB of'lb* leac* Mrg lo«r
toMn <Mco opma wltb a f«Mt of roo4
Ibifi vhM tk* laifv BOMber of
rnmmX .................. wlUi tba
flMMBltdBUMUoBOBcii a baaqoot
b aDB^iaTiia. WbUo <i»> brotban

todgo wa« hbrelj mjofi.


Ab tba r^lar motiav of Uw C H
' «. A. TTHtmiltj mninr Hie feUo*
1^ oOena mm InUlled itT Chaaeel'
b—T. J. bleCiMboj. '
in:. *-A Ksot of
^IN3^ "The Story <



1.* E

Unnwx. Cbalrmaa.
f. A. Xr.

■Dariel.’- DIm
'TbaLaadlord at

Oaard-Tbomae Drar.
TVBataaa Tbaaaa HeClaahj. H. J
Balipaa, P. Bardan. AsMj SaetB<
Tba 1^(7 baa ha^ .
fmr aad la ae addraaa after tba
............................ HaaUBMatal, tba raUr■•C frMdaav rarli
rarlavod tba worb of
Iba paat rear aa4
■aabaw t»poa t^e
OyMaB WaddlBc Aimiraraary.
bald ia Hta Oraad TrareTM nrloa took
pUea Thandar'at B^daa Hall. (Md
MliBiaihHurtaldaBoaof Hr. aod Hn.
OaunBaddea. TbaoocaaloB waa tba
BMBthaaaJranarr of tba marriaca of
Hr. aa< Mn. Heddac. aad waa a pariaetaalBrlaatotbaiB. A partf drora
•m tnm Trarana Oty eaaaUUsf of
atr. aad Mia. P>ad BaddoB bb4 daB«b-

Uoa-« llead- ’Jiaiia^''TTn«l,- «:»«o'elocka m.
Board i-aUed lo Order by Cbplrmaa.
IMO “Tba HoUble Uaay. WBoiT.
Koll called, qaciroia'preacat.
iMr. ■•CoBnodora Kalabr
UiDUUn of yaatarday'e proeeediO|
I«4». “Maatar Btcran'” CopaCore- read and approrrd
Couimluec oa Klaaiiee. Waya ai
"Wadded for I-lqna." M. A.
laaan mad,- report u tolloere:
Vour vunimittaa to whom waa refer­
*So"^-PrUooariof thr^iaa." K. B.
red tbe matter re!alin( U3 tbe epproElanlay.
“‘t War with POBIiae-i
K. priatioB of i iti of oae mill oa tba
eiiaalitatioo of the coaatr fur the beoeSt nf thr liraad Ti arena County A(rl
ita" II.
II SirBklewlekr.
culiunl Stwiriy. bala( aaatde to a(Tee.
IHU. ■■Aolroel

weak nsd dHicatc womro''i\ Dr Piere't
Pnronir Prew-Hprioo. Hi- •' CxMrn Medicnl Itiwoeer. i» die only {wmianein dipeaUveaiid ninnml rnnte Tbetwomed.
iciae- taken tlirmtiely. form tbe .moat
perfect, tnd »ucer—fal comae of trenJ-

mat PnUeti
a with the

watof liraad Troeer rnintT. doriai?
the tt-iKcn of l<9«. f. thr uaa of aaid
pnnaiy la boldti___ -I aad praaarrlng
ranoua public records,. for court ofHm*
etc . al a
It not ic exceed tbirt,
UftiorT, dollara, twralydre thoaaaad ,r--..H.) i..| dollaro ,.f
IbU amoBBr for. erectiac. beailUfr.
plambmi; and wiriB( for electric
litrbU. and’vte bolaace of fire tbonaaad
iCd.UUUi, dollan for (mdiiif. fnml(nre. o/Hce fixlurea. raull fixiurea,
drawian. plant aod »p-rificaiioD‘
etc., and that il it oeceMaaiy u> rplw
by loan the oaid sum of thirty Ibuutand
bear iatereni
therefore, said U>udt
at tbe rate of four a
one-balf ifS
per eeoi I per c
iMurd ia de
baodred iNOnOoi
d aaid coon boute.
ary that tbe aaid
_________ il it
loan be paid t
at. follows: -niree
thou. id IN.
iHi| dntlarn each year
with laterrat arcomuiated' nOB all bundt
reaiaiBiB( unpaid, and thal il it necaiaary In acHmit the queetloe of borrowtag- said sum of thirty tbonsaad i$3,i.
• lOii.i.i, dollars lo tbe eln-tom of said'
uiuy al tb.- oexl spriuj: .-lex-tirm aod
(iee notice llicrr.if as rr<ju;f,sl bj-

Boparrtawt*' Procaadtaea.
w lUTHM-urK.
The Board of SoperrUon of tirand
Wiiju. WioiiTtcar,
'raeoraaCOBBty. porroaot to adjoaraJ a. Ifir.ij..
taal oooreaad at Liraairr Ball la tba
ally of Traearaa CUy. on Tnwday. Jaa.
On motion of Mr Sbe^rd tba report
mb. (a»". at two o'clock p. D.
la aoo-pted and adopiad.
Board called to order by Chainaaj
•o uuUon of Mr. Walker tbe it
Boll oallad. all Daaban praaaDl
adyouraad to oae o'do^ p. ta.
Ob BMtkn of Mr Wilbeln tba beard
One o'clock p. i
adjourned to toawrroir at alybt o'clock
Board called lo order by Chalrma
Boll railed. aU mrtaben prmdnt.
V. E. Banwa. Chainaeo'.
Sir I'ulolpbrr from tbe aprclal i
W. A. Ncn-ma. Clark.
mitwe of Bee, lo wboB waa refe
Wadaaaday. Jaa. 17.
n o'clock a m. the report of the •'ommltlae appointed
Board called to order by Cbairmao.
ioemi(ate plaBA eU., for a coart
Boll called, all mrabeie praaaal
lae. UTered tbe fallewin( majorhy
Uisataa of yaaicrday'a proeaadiace
read aad approrad
HJUUITV Ri.rout or ooubittw ..a atuUH'i^r.
Uoolafna prraeated aearUB. 1 thr adoptina of tbe
Tbe lime haria( coaie wbaa it ia aecB tba city oonacil tbroofk tba
arary In order lo anpply tba pablic followio£ renolu'ion:
aiy Oerk,
I' U. M.rxR,», Oommillee
red of Mrand Tncrne Cooaty that a
of the Pounb Ward. City of tX’
Koolnrl. 'Thatlhecouoty of Hraad
«nrt llouae be erc-t^ aad bnUl at
build aoJ fureish a
Oity.. W Oil eneaacy etoeed by tbe ab­
be city of Tneene City, the county
lULiy -1.
et Lonu K. Parkatl
iohn Wileat of linod Tnrarae coaoty. tor tbe
terse Cilt. lb
ae of aaid coaety la boldin( court.



AoOan oaeh. oml that it ta aeata—
doHaraaoeb year l<w tbe
L aad Ibta metalader at
d dollaials equal
. at tba Metta o(
saU oMBij, aay tin
me iattar
Botuier than fltlaea
ea y
raara atbta tba
data of aaid bowM. aad U •tlttaneemibrnltte^omd m of borrow-



dtalan to tba
aaid eoaetr al
\ha aaxi apr^ elaetta aad lo (Ire
id tbe Bdoptioa of a
.. —___ .ttbeaeabtyolOrand
Trarene erret. build aad laratata a,
t boaae for mid aonniy. apoa ita
IB ibaOtyof Trarene Ci^. '
! brla( the counlv seat ol____
eoon-,y, oa or befure tba Aral day el
Korember. A- f*.
(be same lo M
belli of brick and sloBc. iB.e(oedaod
eebataatlal wonar. laeccordaBoa wiib
plasa and apecldeaUon* bemafter to be
adopiad by aaid ooualy. al a emt not to
axcaad tbirtr fire tbousaad dollan;
'om.uu) tbirtr tboomod dollan
1,000 oni of Uta amount be axpendi
eracllac. Bealing. plumbing at
ioC lor electric llgbln. said bull
inir. aod the ^laoca ol fire tbousaad
c,i lobe rxoeeded for (radlO(
(rounds. furBiturr, raull flneraa
drawings, plant aad apecificationa.
■peeifications. eu-i:
anil ibai ibr said
aaid Iblrtr-fiee
iblrtr-fire tboc
dullata -U:,oiwu<i.
oiw 0,1. ba raised
by loa
and that
____ bonds be liaord tharef.
d bonds to'
four and one-half.per
cent, and
tasued in del
•ollara l»ii» eseb. and tbal payma
Isaidloac be
tor by lax. ai
paid as folJows: Two tbousaod dollars
each year wiib iolerenl accroed oa all
bonds remaining unpaid for ibr lira)
Bee rearb. and tbe remainder of Iwrn
're Ibuusaed dollars 18;5.0I-I 00. in
il amounls. or, al tbe optiun of the
eouaty. any time afler fire, and
Utar than fifteen yean afler the
of aaid bonds, and tbal the quasiloB of borrowing
.. rwlng said sum of ihirlyiboustad dollan iNAiMnsn -.
aubmlitad to tba electorr ol said coonIT at tbe Best spring eleciion. u> b.held on the fourth diy of April. A H
snd that oolice thereof be gle. n
to tbe eleclonof said county as re
qnired by law, aod that tbe chairmari
and clerk of ihta board be anihorised
and irsiro.-tad to gire -euch noli.-e lo
the electors of said county ax Is
qulred bv law.
And we further pledge thal ihe t
emt of said building. Indudlog plu_
Ing. wirlog for electric lights, beating,
lorollurs. oBire and raull fiilurrs.
grading and terracing, suitable walks,
etc. shall nut rsccad (it.Oin.
more money than «.v,,ouu shall ba ex
■ended on said gr.iunds or building onc.,j.
paid- except
1-y lighluiBg
t'. H. Uu.MUjt.

bw Bartha. Mr. aad Iba. B. Moetar<>«.
' BBd Hr. asd iU».A.V. Wall Boot.
»fl« tfealr airlral tba old trioBda aod
Thacker mured In lay- Ibe report
■eltbbara wbo bad fathered Bear bV,
• table until lomomita morning
at eig'ui o'clock. - 1‘eeditig i
haBdad bytbaOld Mlarioa head, ease
la by taaa aBd^eerea UIJ over a haawbieb. Mr. .swaiDslott mured lo amend
by adunting tbe npuru which mullun
Aiad bad flUa^BadaM BaU to o«rly
,|ueation recurrlog
haatMtoipt<rtty.'S|nlyoU a^ttlan
taa laadaa Aa ioyS aeeaaka that
lion u amended, tbe
yeas and nays being demanded, i
faUbtrad-tbaeAuaJl tba rreatiafa.
,me prevailed by a role as follows
tba aaaratslatloaa. aad tba raaeapraaoBl elalmiaf to be tba l««ral rapra
loiy. oif or before thr
id ooubiy oRicaa. ate., we.
Monroe, Taylc
birlBf, tlU aU Oh atdty of tba old
aeautira from the Pourtb Ward.
inat auefa oeort bouaa br
yaaia, trltb tbdr t4ala and
d ioya. bad
built of bricbr'suiac,
‘'alker. Wigbtmao, ftaryea.
ic^sUiDc. iron aad wood, in '
motion of Kr. Week. Board ad
iD( tbe aeaaoli of
at a,
ricaed ibirty-STa tbonaaad agoad And aubsUnltal manner in ae-1 .Swalnsbic, Kruwu. Tbackar, llarroi
Jonrard aaUl two o'clock p. m. lor
(Uli.o’O.nri thirty Iboaiaod dollanof cordance with olani
aad a diehereafter to be ad,opted by u
lal lo b fnrerectlag. t
Nsys—llnm'iltoa. Malchelt. Sbrpard.
t not '
-ced thirty
t o'clock p. m.
id wiringfo
pliunbiag and
“'dowatoll All tba
iNO.noo.x)! d<
..rlwcnlj- fii
uca of
c fire thousand d,
Board called to order by chairman.
and |K3.,
dollars ol this
ad tba boaalUal
lUi uu, to br
gndio( (roooi
e fo^ (radio.
Boll called. qDoram preaaoU
plumbla tram pat nader
illorr. ofli-.-e fixluree. Taollflxtur
Mr. Black moaad that IbU Board Ue
log aad wiring fur electric Ugbie. said
drawings, plans, spevificai
>a BotaWa boaaabuilding, and tbr bslsorr of (ire
snd that Id order to build
addad Ibrtr beat
K E Brown. Cbatriaao.
duperrienecessary to raise, by loaa. ____ and'j^.fx
I' A Xewtoo. Clerk

thousand prndi-d for gradiug-tiitures. furaiturr.
orofttae-Foartb Ward of TrareraeCUy. the aaid sum of..............
fixtures, drawing plans am.'
art^'po wBtda Wa do Joatloa.
dollars Itjr-.oio ixii and .
wbieb -motioa did prermU. aad on
that the sai,
January ir.ih. • i" u'x-liick a m
tbarafor. mid bonds to bmi
■mr intarrat
Maay |raUy fifu ware brao(bt .to
■ Irir H
lboa..snd ,* i i irsi «n dollan be
tiaa of M r Ikileipher tbe aaae wm
rate of fpur ami
lluerd called to order by cbairmao
half per eent
Iba brUa aad. r<*»- CbUf amoar
loau. an-1 ibut bonds br issu
ns of fiee raised by loa
Bpon tba table antll ci(lit o'clock to- and be Ixanrd in deoouilaati
K..II calicl. all memU-n pres.-nt,
rrforo. said bonds to bear ioier
aUeh naalarrdaad alafaat ealaat
bnedred dollars each, and that It is ed Iberrfero
M ouics of yesterdsy's proceedings
awb with plUowa to match wtalcb
nieemary that the payment of said •St at the rate'of four and oor-lmli
Oa molioB of Ur. I
rail sad approrrd
loan br proeldad for by tax aad paid as. barceat bed be issn,->l in denumins
lAX A. Lairhtoa praaaa^ wlU a
ocread to meet a oommiuea from tbe follows: two tbousaad dollars each rear li-msoftiee hundred'ioi dollars
fcw harpy ramarkv Tba head die,-acb. and that said loan be paid by
remainOtood Trarana Aprieultunl Socieiy
ewunts reported the fullowiog bills h,
ss follows. Three Ihousaod iSV.'xx'
laamd awaat miNe aU tba attarMB,
.... oftwenty-firelhoui
to-morrow morela( at s o'clock.
soi-iimu- the board lor adjustment
oa^ who haow of tbit Baa band wUI
equal, annual
inta. or. at the op- doUats each year with interest ao-it
Isted on alt bonds remsiniag □npsid.
Oa moUoe of Mr. Shepard. Board ad- Vino
il Kleiclirr, b.^rdlcg ^rnr-.
of mid..loclv.
aatuy Uma afler fire.
real# what aa addad pleaaara waa
ioaraad uaUl aHbl o'clock to-morrow aalaot Istertban fifleaa years afler aod that the question of borrowing
Bteae b( (baa. Ai tba abadowa of tba
the date of uui bonds, and that It ta
oollsrs be submitted to the cleclon ol
awly wlatar ai(bt bagaa to (atbar all
aary to sabmil the qamliou
said county, at the next spring eleclaebthairdapartara with rood wUhea
.. .wing said aum ol Ibirlyfire Uu
Viisbnrg. booBly «o wildcat
aaad dollfire lo tbe electors of sl.. tioa. lo be belo on Ibc fourth dsy ol
• Mew^UttMytobaaptbaBaddaa
ooualy at tbe eaxt spiing elreUoa and April A. Il 1S'.>'. aod Ihst noliet there.
Jaaoary mb. 8 o'eloek A a.
to give noUor thereof as required by
- ayaaric
Beard called to order by Cbalrmaa.
, and that the ebai
law. we recnmioend tbeadopiioa of tbr
Boll called, qnoram prmant.
r. sadMm.*
following raaolation:
■e notiem accordiog
r allowed, pending a rou on wbich
Rrwiref. That the oonnty of <1
aariy ploaiara of the Paalaiala. Ibey
HlBBtoi of yaalarday-a prtmaodiai
Traraeae e^t. build aod furoi
r. SwalDsloB m.rred to nmend by rrread aad approved.
M aatrlod Id York. WaahiMat
Ir. Walker m-sred to ad->pt the
eoart house for said coootr. naoa its
ferrlng tba bUls back U tbe oommit
Hored by Mr, Pal^her that tba site lo the city of Traversa City, tba
■tab., la 1H«. aadcaaa to Old HI_____
lority report, which waa-tosl by tbe
srllb iastructioos lo tlx the ambnat
la IMA Hr. BaddM baylaf ^ of matter of exlaadlaf rallaf to tba Cmnd
being the coootr seat of mid followioy yes and nay rote
be paid on mch biij, wbieb motion
or before ifar first dsv of
(bo orlfiaal- boalaaas - property aad Trarerw Afrtealtaial Bodaty ba re­
-Hoorde. Taylor. Wightmsn. did prevail
. . A 19 Id'.ix, tba same to be
■alriif tbara tU bona whieb they ferred to tba eommlttaa oa riaaBoe.
brick and stone, la a good and Duryba. UatcheU.—S.
The quration recurriag oa the origl
Wayeaad U<
Kays—Puleieber. ttamlll-'o. Ilurll.
nal motion as ameadad. tbr same did
■aay frieada la Tcanraa aty aad datio
Ltioei later.
piaas aod s
VValker, Swsieitoa. Ilrowa. Tbackar. prerail
aU (hrop(b tba raflea will aaltc lo
Oa BwUoB of Hr. Black, tbe eerUfl- adopiad by said eouaty. at a roat aet HarA>w.
I'rnT. Montague.
‘ tbinybre tbonsaad dollan:
Oa motion of Mr Wnroer tbr bill ofvtaUNTthalaaByrnorayaanof hap- cate of appolatmeat of J A Moalafna.
. .
II. thirty ihonmnd dollan Shepard. W'a'Ocr.-u.
leory Tbncker for »• w. f-jr arresii^
Hy wadded Ufa may ba tbaln la tbe
'Uer from the Koartb Ward of ifiju.Kxi iioi of ibisamoaot baarpaaded
Mnrrd by Mr Klaek that Hii.m-i in­
OU Hl^ beiaa. whksb hat for a<
of Trnraraa City, waa a<
la erectiug. baatiBg. plumblag aad stead of he inserted In tbe tad feeding trumps, sms allowed
Ur Pnlrlpbrr from ihseommiltae OB
wiring fur aleclrio. ligbu. said builded and Mr. MoBtafPc waa aaalirai
ywia tabaa oat of the prattlaal aami
lag, aod tba bslaoce
_________of Jra
fire I_____
tboukaod' MisJ-wily report of tbe cirnifnittae- and printing, made tbr lolluwing report:,
riMi U aa Oraad TmrtfM Bay.
ba eommltteae beM by (
tbat s yea aod any (ule be takin ea
be expended lor rradi
■ I’l/'tr
Ur. Parkett.
grouods. furniture, ranlt
-anlt fixfiar
iU adoptUin. which rruDlted as f.ill.iws
T'l'iirrir ('ouiifi;
Oa matloa of Mr. Swalaatoa.
drawings-plans and speclfleal__________
pod ibsi tbr «*ld ibli.,
liny fire
- ____________
I’erry. printing recommend that tbe pruceeddollan (NvMifl U.I1 be rained by loaa. Brown. Thacker,
• Prasaaa rafardlac tba .
ingu of the Board of SnperrUors
d that bonds be tasued tbarafor. Monlagne. Black
r.iuDly Trmauror's
Mbla bolwaaa Ua Haaltoa* aad
laatrecied to make aad alga
. Id bonds lo bear intarrslnt the rate
alalaad. aad hU IdMi of makiof traal for medical asd lurgical <»i
of lour and one-half per eenv and 1.. Wigfaiaaa. Dsrvsa. Hatebetv Swsiq iTrruld aod Eagle. oe‘tbr seme^ term'
' • baiter of Ulaa Uka. wUl pro<
tasaad lo deaominatioas of fire bnadrod
prtaoaen asd oounty poor.
as ID formeryrura Also that Ibr asm
dollan ifiMni ea-.-h.and ibxi paytaeai stoa. Shepard. Waraer.-u
of Mr. Thacker, bovd
Hored by Hr. 'Ibaeker that oee-tentb be published in pamplct form for dis
of said lose ba prorided lor by lax, i '
trlbuilnn aod Ibst son copiM »f ssic
took a raeem uatf l o'clock p. m.
paid as follows. Two tbonsaad doll
ol ooemilloB Ihe rqoalUed ralualion
ly yaara watebad lu ^wth In
aaeb year foe the Hnt fire yean,
** ODco'clockp m.
ofthreonaly be appropriated to Ibc
aod tba remainder of twenlr-fira
Board called to order by Cbairmam
ilrmBd Traverse AgTlcullutal Society,
JaaalB(a. La.. Jan. lA '»v
BoU called, all mambara prcMBI.
or at the opUoo of lb,
wbieb motion did aot jwvrnll. by a yea
term Raoaiv-TWa proiaat for
Ur. BIsek. from tba eommilUa oa county. aOT time after Bra. years,
and aad -nay rote, as follows:
MMa Bom tba Boalb Haaltoa miUlaad
ouBly Uroands aad Uulldlags. offered
ter than fi* sen yean after th
Taylor. Brown.
WllXiS Wl.'tlTHAS.
^D.B.DvUaroodeae aad •
mid bonds and that tbe qne<
M tollowiag;
Uarrow. Perry. Uoatagne.
fPobaUy qatat tba'aaalaty ef •
TV' the UimmiliU H-xinl ol Huparrison tloe of borrowing said sum of tbiriyIbonsnnd dollan iti.ooooiii be Black.'—8.
On motion of Mr Tnylor, tbe repo.t
«/ Untnd IVareric (i..
owwanaAms dhaatioaa (ala aa tba
littad to the electees of said coen
Your oommlttaa appointed to look op ly at tbe next spring bleciioo. to be
lahaa.a4ayertwoBooaarUiaa sa be
Hr Uoaroe prewentad the following
ar aaeda and amertaia the probable held oa thr fonrtta dav of April, A. U Wirhlmaa, Monroe, Dnryea, Mnlobetl,
Aaaa oew. by beia( abU to uU(taph
»l of a eounbonae suitable for our
report of the cummlttae on claime aad
and thal notice tbmof beglraa
■Matrmaili wbteh Aara Uhas rafa(a
maty report that we hsea rlsUad tbe
tbe electon of naid eonbty a« reaocoBBti:
On motioB ef Mr Darrow the rota
tbara from tbe itnrma am mfe. But la
ran booamla Port Huron. Ut Clem qnirad by law. and thal the chairman
T"The Hc«sontr>l' Bo.
ay bembUo^loa a batter waj'to la- .ns, CbarlotU. lissUngs aad l.adiog- nod clerk of this honed ‘he antbo^ed thr report of tbe majortly of the oo
o' Gniiul TVnorsr
aptatbaaafalyaf tbaaklpplB( oo tba t<m with a rlrw to studylag tbe ar and Instructed to (ire such Doll^ to
raagaoMBt and obiaialag tbe expars
Weaawoald ba lo omba a-'barbor of laaoe aad auggaatlona A^a nserm ,f tbe alseton nt mid coantj aa ta re­
claims aod aroouats. baring bad under
quired by law.
Olio Uka. a body of deep waia oa
baUdinga „.
' " tSS^ bnUdlngs
tbr foilowiag dearribefi
A. W. BLsca. .
re good and wall wo.,__________
Aaabon oppaalto tbo Haoitem aod
' Jiiaa Pt-uxr>icB.
Mr. Monroe, chain
wlthlaCaar aUaa of Iba dlraet toau: Tba ooort boasea (a Uastian —
Udlagttai arr aapeclally rrortby of
aU TaaaaU taka from all poUila aoetb
sf Iba Haalloat to tba lower lakm. A
Mr. narrow moved lo adopt the reAlp Maal K of a oiUa la laartb raaon Tbe yeas aad Bayibtaagdi
alaf (ram Saaplo( Bear Bay to Ulaa
.TheUme baring cumr wben Ills nec.
1. the mettoa BoU>arieg reeelred tbe smry la order to supply she public
Uka woold (aad will loma day) make
Memory tiro.ib!Ms of tbe bemrd. It
md of Graad Traverse eonaty tbat
OlM VabAoaa ef tba beat aad okaat rakcb of which bare pel“ The Kind that CurM,'*
ms dMlered lost. The foliofrlag ta a court boner be erretad aad boUt al
BaMa barborn lo aatar U a (tie oa tba rata oBcas and a (ood fire
cky of TrurerM CTty. tbe rmnt'
tberasbllof the rose.laessaacttoB Oolbaaemi
wiir giv e you purr Wood; m»k«
raabtabaa. Tba aoraraat (aim will
._tof Grand Traverse ooociv. for ita
am of aaid eoanly ia holding oonn.
aa* lalartari with erafle aalaria( tbu
your ndnuuvli digest readily;
fiwmlartoo.'Browu. Theeker. Iisnow. prceerriag rariom publlr rasoeds aad
your lii-cr and Lidii
erry. Hootegue. Bleek. WerBer-11. foryidarl aad eoaoiy oa.-es..ete. we
rooweoaaactad. 'H>me baUdlagt east
eaeb abeal No.oua. aad lo our opinloe
^'ays-HoBroe. Uatallloa.
Baell. roeommeBd that aaeb ewort boose be

It WlU pAjr. yon touA^mym

Ton .CAB find ukjr kind of <Hot« nud Mlttu iavtoek nt
Bondlo^ aiHhttaprto^qoAUtynadrtyln
H«l». bi Omiat mry nn.ty ud 'prlc ud Kock
IntV* to Mloet from.
Trnaka «• low u $8-0a

B.C-r!«irLTP. ta Wlnierwt. I.



TreTOTM 01t7. Xltthlcna.

Universally accept
an the


*!s :s

i: .li.sSS.S;;:Z

Owloglo Iheridui-tii-nof >'«ffee-io tbe rrbolreale
■riiah weareablelo
swllysymibe fainuiisi'bsse ani Ssnborn I'-sITersai
a prlci
price never before kaowV.
Allboiig-h we col in prii-e. Uw ■
rrmein tbe same.
ware n
ve fmaiga cus
xJualitT, Klarorand i irengtb Ibry fa
no equal.
Now 1
Oood Coffer at Ur pr re ,if a cheaper
Try It and be eon


S ? f SS.-..--

r -D asms.

nil''B*r..e.r.tMu.n> u.

Corner Front and Cass Streets, Traverse City.

AH of «-hirb ta iwpectfuHy submilE E BcHlel’

' ^ A MusisII^st,


Commiuee oa Claims and Acennu
On muium of .Mr. Bla-k tbe report
■as ewpted snd adopted
On motioo of Hr. l•nIclpber members
f tbe busrd sod tbr rierh were allow-

.1. E lluucli..
J. II. llii.-:
' W'l.krr
• 'ligiitl
E K OurTrs
1- E

: Big Business Bringers

-lobe A Perry
J A Montagoe
John WiihWm
i' A Xewlon



ju te-


’i w
IV m

Are tbe shoes sre seU and tbe prtem «•
get for tbeei. hmall arofiu aad qaieb

On moll >B of Hr Uuoroe, tbe bgard

Men>C«iuT.w Slioee..,.,.'.*1.19
Mcii'h Wide Toe tilinMi.;............

V K llaamN. Chairman



m M a alxa Md amageaeat ea'ltable Wigbtaae. DeryM. Maleheu. Shepard.,
owt llM W Laalaaaa maly that
thirty thonmnd dollars
aeMdaMnaabUaHasItaaa Ooa at
oBeted tbe (cHlowimr
thMtMkalwaa wraakad aaar wbat ta
-------lag. plimbiag aad' win
mlaeniy report:
a •
MAtoowaatOeod Harbor. Iml terea
rleetnc lights, aad tbn bal
Hleortty Bepon of Ctemittae ea
mM aa< wen berted ee the teak
s Inrallnre. o
Bf^M the wreek. Had Olsa .Uhe -* the aoBBlim that bare already balll
■*t«te raull dxtsrm,
teew • hartae at that Use. tbeae
eteBWeatluas. eta., aad tbat
to teOd aaeb eoart bexme It ta
«he i^Mdat M Otew Lake i



only afctanion. bui.« e back
np with *thi» —YOUR
1X)ES NOT. Thifi is ao
offer honest like the laedidae.
EA"ERY boule of DANA'S U
guaranteed to bewfit or yon
get your mooey back.

Mixm Kangaroo CW)f 8ho««..


I'hildreii's Calf bborn....................


BuWb-n. 60,18c. iec.88c.88e.44e
salad first ji
or yonr muaey r>

A. S. Fryman.
Obtained by adverttaliif '
your wants io tbe Benda
It S a foregone conclusion the world over that




Women's Latie or Buitxm Hbees liX)
Women'a Fell Shnea................... 78a




Leading Fine Coffee of the World.



It Pays to Advertise;
• Make ii known to ih.- >ublic at largf.-. in as few word« a
) sdl and at whal i.rice. Adhere -strictly to the truth,
in the pasi and will
tlic future.

§ We find that it pays


-• Yfmous trade we have to begin the year of iS<>S.

We will offer Men's, B^'* aod

prices worthy of your considefaiion. Thanking you kindly for your p^st patron, age, we wish you a most Happy and Prosperous New \ car.

«3l»naU>rfuT................................ 1.76
Bo>> ft.O) ReefeK, ages IS and 13. for 876
Buys I Mds nod Eads to tiaita. regular­
ly m>!U at it aod IIAO for ....68 aad 860
Some at.... 1,60. 176.8.00. &00 and SAO
Touihs 13.75 Saits for..........................
Yoitibi $5 UO .‘'oiu for.............................. 8 67
YoatU $6.50 Sniu for.......... *............... 4jg7
Voatbs$850ali wool, dooble-breasled.
block Cberiot for...............................
„ Men's r.50blaekCberiot8ciit,*ksaot.


ly trirfmed...........................


Men'i (
A few Miuts doe Bearer Orerecata.
ooM Bi $7A0 before tbe boUdayaoow 688
Meo's 8&50 W'dol Bearer Oremata for'^SM
Mea's estra beary C%iitabilla Oeereoat
regular price ec .00, now..................... 886
Men's bcarr Ulstera, storm collar.........* 886
Meo'a riAO beary Utesk Cheriot Ul.
bter for...................................................... i
All oar fioe Oi-ereoota aad hi^ prie^
•ters will go at great ndoetioa ia priei
See oar hmoas Keraey. toamsters abort
riorm coat, only.......................................

[ Popt^Olot^W.BattoraadTHnlahar.

18* Proat 8tna^ TntTaraa Of^.



Qumd TraveiBetH«witt ana TraTOwOBylB«a«etipt qDii»dBaaliA Jamw
to BkM o*«e M.o(n.otoiui|n of onapB be tnppi; the aaaaal dwanad tec
tkto Ml in tb* Calt.d Stair*.- Bid a
wbelBalt tr*H Bett-baat U Krw Yial.
-AtoBIMpereeal of iVMt iaptowa

ibia (ta ■‘Sm


Ut»u«)ak>'a aUwla Bill b; Uila« aa
aWUirwwC; a# via Marl; lerarad
!■ lha Bl4d>a. On. Bmaatt aad Oa- astW to UtoaralLaaKB.aao t*apl*
laeraMBdUaBHtgratbar TfaB* to ar^lTlktUat ataCB of BaaUtattoB.
bMaMahaaetUiaUwwaBHor mo*. T*fer«ltbt**«Bat**.a*Bi i*Ue* pak
jj^HtokoB* towalQm ViUao. da; will 00*1 fao.MO dalle.. whkto to
doaWa Ik* aBoaai raedaM (roB aao<
trlbaUoDt la tba pact «** da;*, bp Ik*
At tv**' ai*«f Fraak FewreUt.
d< parlBaal.
mar. w*al la kto bar* aad a*l I
._* Moood elaat 1
kat r***i»*d oedart _ _—----------Iniwadlana tome«Bd M Cabaat aa
‘-'‘-*-Morabai*laC‘«*iBBr7. N*zt
_______ ib* bar* oat al) U BaBB
‘*I*TSI. a f*<llkc_^*f^ dto
tbr«t barm aad coetldaraM* t**4
^Mdrftbel hla»l« dMd. •• MrdBt^BL^Hot^roottY^^a^at



a laB blBcb Bkoataa


r*a. Orriltok. Ooitoricb.''Gaob. D«*



AeBaBto frail to new aalll^Tlu ^
•LtltaMaboa. wUU Urforripn ar-

____JakmaoBW. IT eiBltk. H-,-.
tUaaua of teat ramlar b**i1jc aad
of *p*Ual BwUM* b*ld Jam lllk aad
Jaaaarp llth. IIM. w*ra T**d aad
---------**dr Haaorakle. B* toototr and
mHi if ifc(Cap*f Troam

yearly cxpmaoloor own inicliBtpnid.
•et lo LanhB. wbrra oat trail find* a
toady Baiket aad to coacldrtd n pim
luniy. Beaxle* Uecr at* Btay Atarri
tantwko V*r rnliiratrd a Urtc fmab*
Bo* Tataacaa frail, aad tkry will appafTtoilykaraaodilDp rlB. Sotoplraaa
botb Eapiilfa and .linrrima coatatorri
BIpkU tireet aoaU V. Ur nUr; be- wa repat aad Imtaa larpr qnaaUiMa
tivea XiaU and TeaU aWnrta. Ur* 'Ttraaipa.
ai^l oat la tk* koata.
art Um pnlea wrann bM aUr; to U*
"valeBclaexpuH^Bu* i«Ba«r* rlwa
Unto Waaek of OiaraaMtUto kUM aralaat aalaaosj. bat It U orabaM; realdaooaof A. W. H*«k
ly Bbrr rtty in IV woud li larp ** ’
ipptii; Euelaud. *n*duiptb<.ce aauGal.
whicb ww on tb* faiBlIr Ub1«. all pV-'
iy miwS a' id l»ira fauldioe
totk o>
600 eawb. The eooDIry in llir nri hb.*-1
lSi?f-“Vto«lai^*mtu”f™i'l5f^* [oD.
oi which
which ban______________
ha** barn
lngGrurral Wrpler and aakiiip ebarfra
imod of the ntr |> lUt aod bar -unract aad'report et
______________ Waack. hit wif« akd^
of frandapaioat arar ofioen.
c etkar chUdras ar* all iU. w.<iu* of
Tb* crowd laelodrd aad wat ltd be
MB Mrloaalp. Dxiora are dolop their Bar* U» altl; offierra ef U* bpaalU °5iolion carrird
Bl to poll lb*B Uroefb, batarefadrlaiaia
and win* Rinpr*. rice uid inn|.
the ffeiuinible. lAr Vop"
llUflrtaorUwtll b*fr*ltl**a
U.tTT Item fluortidi leprdaljT. BntlV;
fouip<l 4,f lAr Cuti
,rs* crowd, ltd b; dpaal^ ofJMrAip-ia
wrked Ur plant of Ue S*O W. Crow
____ ^o. Hi* crowd al*o'dealro7*d
UKimtMN —Yonr cobb
-5>T*of U Uiaeaaioa
ihcbcl r*. Be trl*^ all tb* n'S- lb* olE..*tor
------ -------ITan and -Umat wboB poo I__________ aipc deoiapd f r ifa* frail ibai wtori I
..aa and. U. to axaBler tb# bookaoi Ue nty Ti***- wnrjuVabnna io tV batreA wwen' AincdP tb* farivile nitlmult .f,r
I. bat thr; coolloard to
.wapaprr oBcrt nrrr bap to tepert tVt Ue; b**e Caib- «i Ir:-'. I fmmd II orxi to Imiwaililr in
Ulna btarkt Wid bla wreckiop ol lilt
wonirti’*. nrainp dnem tbu
W Bake a atroop anilt ol aofteoapand b* arm* olBoar*___
I op. fall; carried eatypar InatmcilAw la boy* flrrt tttrnninpr. tV farar trine I ^
•■■''' "“n Irociir *ilka in rteJiraw
__ , -jcluw Uit oiatlar, aal Bad Ur book* la puod
bU Urir feed wlU it.
Hr did a ■ nod pv»wl U, IK* plan of i
park.d >1* rbipn:-*it Tboar cotnBC
lb* bet* bepao to iapro*r at ooct'and Bi rr aatiafti-lion than ae
ordtr. aad wall aad aanil; kept, and
taira W the i!,1.:,|.itaBI* aie tb* at
M-Bnaih'iera here. 'rvoruloa
are now all ripbt,*c aa;albr IVilliaatcredit lo
.ml Uat thr
ba*arriT>d for
la. and to tbr
bialr* P, Inierrenr. lirnervIoAai
A B.C...K.
That Uepranttokre will kareanrw
_____ -brad of the Cuban )aat*.
H. Hon:
Ibr call fi^ ibmi waaHiriU. Thlr
> L. 1. n it put on H narti^w bandt '
_od Bodem panbeat la place of Ur an aJ tV«s:-krad
W..J. P...........
■ l Iratl 4K) 000 toiXBarr rii.
al.ild. A wider Uiiid •••••d f,r !
Uonated MIebIpns it rrat .uabl.r rwr
.of Ue aura: top'll
Iw •byiiuiitl ■niuiuinctbrnalBr. N^loaAraibaD ,
Vnator IlcUillan bat trot to
ipaaiaMt in I :b* alll aot bare lli
tatr wiu the approral of thr
Mnrrd b* Aldermaa ao*llinaot*l
1 tellrea Ur preai
;tr* on unml affair*. Uabtll Inibat Ur report V accepted aad placed
6i4u- ,d tin- I r. ith-t Cf pwi and
aewapaprr* are.only
OB Blr.
I'raTrrtaCIly. Hicb .Jae IT. laVT
A tiAk VIL
”” ^ ' *** aocoraafallj. iotriniplrd Ur laaoll


tic MBton «f Uw«7 Walked !»■«■
hciaaiwecviUt ■» liova wUk aa
MlaAol triaahtaa ^alaf- t^ala
f»KhMa ■
Mn Tkiaaat Farwarorlb.
HMce Otf. kaa <kllao balr u>
tkru«ik btelh ol a nUiiaa,

tvTh^l'wlwr^.' NTpi^^nTiVte’^ PRETTY NEW MATERIALS.

Hw u-ptarBld a<B af 8iB Uwla. a
lUBnr U*l*r *aar Butao*. draffed a
M «hro*(h MBB V«tb bj Iba Bau’a

Ak eaaiHiUehndofJadm Wllao*,
UrkW oaarOlar*. diaakaqaaDdl; ci

sr.s.j.'tsi" S',.-

••BBel*" Oa*Wa Burroorba. Mpaan
oUiladaad. HthatU*** oaUatase
darto near Tipton. aaarlT v
Two paw* afo bit mlad fallad.
ItW Bid ibal a child el WilllaB


JaBcaO-IUr* wna pel.
• wbrn Ur blachlap.
whl? had been alcrd
Mark! «r* aad Vroed bia ••raralp.
dl B«U**ill* JaBM Torrp wa* frl(kv
*Md haaaoM b* **i Urcalanad wlU
lalaa a*tT«w
. a wbipptar
H* bid
tlrdwa alack
^wo dapa aad
d frott bU
Ua («t
(aat and

wBUaptro*. or nr
Tb* aa*d eeat *i


Our ne-w epriiig lines of work
and dress shoes! Bought bo-|
fore the advance in prices. We
will be able to sell a better
grade of medium priced shoes
than our competitor.. We ask
an inspection, guaranteeing
prices and goods.


br ma>ic.-ro and nMatalnallcn I _______
Ibr tecrnl roDp of liw Prliic». d* in0 ar. ,,, ,
Wilder, who li»~ in locia i ou«. |____
Ur lim*
____ ___________
baa eoBt lor
Ur Amerlean | or lArCttpuf ^uer»r I'iru'; Sdpu iu IVisV* rr-wiidwarb .ui|. l..« Durt licbl
raUrdne apacampalpn
npaca«palpn btrtpr I^nn.ramenl
J^n^-ranirnl l•tUlr^r*Be
l.tUIrrrra* Thlt la
it Ur|

Jf* hiciu;
, ......................................



pr,.; vt^^"


I tbr City



Oawni Gaaernl Cudpeoa at itoaamt
caM lb* BUt* deparunenl
a cotiai
led lo ium.*.


.......... -.4"i

IWleof WralBayOltyan boi be
.SSnaAbe beet tnpnr fncMty waa ^
<rr Ba
The pripcrly
ir ct the nary yard*
cMadal faaasrlU*-IntlMd ot Uw*. marly a K.nto'k. V* i:
------------ part* a blob la- and
I atatum* of IV I'nlled
A eoBBlUo* baa bean appoialed to Bewsaei-" - bjotlnp
clmM D(
----------. the (iennao aoa- Hutr* to I
rln-aa of
nto*|iH.ooannd*pinatwlll V ballt
Mo-.t aaJ toot I lucbanl yvhnia. of-Aabtaad. wn..
Ikara anyway.
•tVr^ all
rd to ov year lo Waupun
7k* tarBara' c^mltuw efBollaad
CkKfatoo uaa M yean of
bnarararaad from Fitubuip wkara il
Utoreiawad U* ■aiai aompkay.
Rbaw. so\en.or-el~-t of
Icier* tram Maj U-o. U Dynald,
•ba dwddod Uat tke pleAto itetetf
af Htoaiaaippi. bow in Cuba, say
wotM b* Calaipad tbar*. A vUmt
M.ono prreoa* hate periabed by
plant waaalaoaanrad.
■aliun Is U» proTinoe of Haato
Ni.a^^a been r
l rcelced ot the death
aara alone nlao* January I. leuT Ba}.
Gooald a*;a one cannot po twrnu
bald olkboula eaau^r»'*^st^
Ctalraso. Ho
of croton ell aad larpenllaa and pot. alM wlUoe' .......... ...............................
IbePBlnp foraoB
at a toernoa cnai
' praradaBtiT^hla k«lap*bi*
1 wltbniit brinp
^^BanMe aoenty to brlopmpldly
ft atarrlup cbiiatTB^ .V



At first sight;;',“IS?



Hos. Wrarrt.aJbowrvrr.l'y ihcUmofaa
r>i.r3cll. i:.x X. rnin b a cuaard, toe* In t
Kirnirntl arc ill-bl
hy ...rkii..i.)n- II yua wtU ii> cnV>y th*
lb* ktairty
ol eVciri all'rt yon Ubald order yow MU'
andOverconU ol


M. BORN t CO.,

THtSRur cHium nacH&r Tuun.

Wh" I .p tn yean h»r k-d r'l riiikyla UmlcB'
ri.J otocr bU » ylM




Before aoother^yance in leather.

Fine Baby Robes,
Lap iiolies. Hlankcts,
Gloves anil Mittens.

Wilhelm, Bartak & Co.


i.ii. w-i.i f.r
improvrmsDU that BkillABd «xpBrl*aoB
ki».y. I- .or bAFesuiffestod laPiAnofort« conatructioB reod«r th«



Faiw T*rU> That o™w.

a.ieiai,.u. ai,

:t-',w doutl.l he. wltvcl IV ^
twoblcni -f aapclMua iw bouma vmi.
to .d ih- Adwi
II m with lalM trail, wul crowii.iui, 1
r-o. UrBiiDaa-etuily*.u*iuijl..n.. l>r ''•'r h»i- ■■
P- ri-y.
« Zaiiwwky ba* rerf.«ii.,<l N.,fal -u.
<Aber llano* io FrafoctW*
..1:1.4. ly Flul
i-m' -a- -«cl! a. ba•'
rf Ton*. Etoffnna
a,^q,a.l. .
andlhnrakUrtrlapi Kha. pnni
autrmrot br .
arorptod aa
mayV. Ai U
ordrrrd paid aa
U'uliuii rarried by yen a:
npwnrd lal,, tbc jaw
Every part of tb» GrrBain
■ k'tl I-idayiug Ln IWbard
placG is.Ue rainy.
ailed woekBra
Errry laa'c.
.uriCias.' with Kat- LTaiUrclli..k. UuudrlcS.
___ Inareab
Inamab it
i* IV
tv art of
uf >........................
llano bmldiac.
- • Ur Arm-ol Prrf*. ii ,e.
ftoB the |nt>rDl’ajaw ii,«. tbe bol.*!**.
> wlab reery rradar of tl
natoffor eontamplaira pnrtbnpl
is tbe tuoih Tbl. prostb STwdqallr | Ueoreia Htabv ba. anw-ourid to r eiiNay*—Koor
bankB-and b tb* l»i(h 11, |■ualll're.
<>. toarrytn tbe ->win« Waile* Iwa Piaaow inrewrat* tV Barilaof Tka Oanonla;''
M -rd by Ald*rista Cook Uat Ue
Ulaalralrd calalncne mailed fre* U apiAloanla.
It u aut.d Ibat it dura sot isattrr bnndL aNiu Y wk to
Irrk affd Trratarrr be batkralard i
Jam.. H t\al
•aa'er fr*a the wioUoprat faad (I. w betbar Ibe r*i 11; in which the traib
uibcereditof Ue earloat faad* u to be placed » .*W trm wbi. b esal- , new o.l.'irama, •Ikul'a totond."
aral tootb baa been drawn rvr-c-<< ra
SAOINAW. u/lCHiaAN, U. 8 A
rand *11*1 UH Cnpt.lo Iwryfa* laawbrtbt* il ba* brau braltd for nnn*
lUte f oa<j
Jobs Dn w ami bi. (lanpao* an sow
iUb( fuad.............................
100 00;
pdMwraiSK a s..w pluy, ' 'uo* toasuacr'a
Oolat Earn or B-au.
Joy." in wbuh Mar bncUay aad Eat*
It yon ar* romf to IkatralL Toledo Meek will app.v
by Alderman Orok Unt tb*
Mia. K.t:.tol ba. acepted "TbaEtdra
M tt ■ fvatar* of MlB Elrcraii.a m.w maid; by WalU» vhia. Genccvwfal alitcnd.
F. Houxsa.^
Motion eniTMd by yon and nay cat*
•be Bay Uuig to Aa-atoa in U* ana* follow*:

aad neea (bi^Tal'Mr laadawnrbe wbom**lw^iy4ar?'a^*^aian!i!d tc
Ila Botpala. a Viwe of■JOOPIm
takas and aada Into tartoa Theiyinn. draU
» two In
ba blush
' to tre* iroB dreopbto nod la adapted...............................
“Tprin” t
them loainp 11*** tbroa,
Hward Bopklna. two wema and a
asnpl* of was doll*, poaiap a* atok 'the followiap Aaatralian a
bnbtra. were aeomrvad lo pdlee band ri**d>rlitoj per the iteamer APam.ri* Icnaiia* ILmnelly. (he w
Forulltt leader. uIU hr marr
ffonftrnatOireaao. Tbry were order- frwa SMvy tie Ucooliila: A
ad to ten** town.
They bed wMleuted *er* ahock nr aartbquke wa*
nMtPTO to Vy BadieUt for Ur tick anoad orer U* whole of’
aad at far mth aa CViat Chnroh.
Z-nland. early la Ur moralap
eamber A ,1«* duration was
wa* from one
womrn n.-tnVr* of th* defDlrt
lo two Blnntraaad tb* clbratlnas w*r*
laatmr. have apid.rd to l\«r CwntroB Burtb to aoatb
At Wanrani
«er O Cvnuell ,Jor aid
ipe BU*r and bl* wUe. who Uvrd
crawtod MO jprda ea bk band* sad chlmneyt were lereled la all directum*
about Ibree tnllra ae*t uf Palrbury.
N'rb,. aeto- atwl tu death a* tb«y mere
alao delayed A terrible aiorm etena br*«kfas( by Mveunknown mlpAt^naw Ue Mtoblpna
apod tb* Fiji klaada oa Ko*bb- nram. who shot thrauph lb* anadow.
Oa-. ^llob *l pSnest a
---------- ---------------------------•ad affalwiM Ur DU the wind
.ccordlns to a r*po*t rroib UocolB.
b.. t.*Dmi-iraUrr of .Ur Cumaej
u*a Wia aWwlai C A. Hanna, at
mi-e aad were pr-ariu iwahler in tbe Cbleasu p-a>*«r*, natlcaal Vnk aaaanlarr Ira ChlYota—Aldersea
1‘arkar. Greilkk.
iaiaad rrarnUy
Gneiricb, Cook. Dramond
B B Uaodrtok. a ItnTaUur man of
Butloc Uar* and nfter
HrpreaeqUU*** of a, OnaiiUn dM •• .Ureknl •
■ndtan. and A. B Adnir rfTtobae,,*. '■««•»
•*<»• Burdrred four Vy* Arceckaa cenpaBy wbo vmitrd LaU..te*«t«Bad a •».«« *lock^Bi.'“«‘


“• »'V“-^-Y.FkTribann

,o hBtwby cerufy le
city Uat Iba folio.
uliowloy to aa *c- He wa. a veritabl.
e .v»t ot n-pair. bl.-kill *« a
U aad thr nmatnirtioa tbereol i be
uat of realrrial
aalrrial ia*ed and tbaj,^
of ivory. )i I
b isaterlalwaa
' j all iberr
Uerr thia.
thian. toxl
toianmimr . i.r lire atUMic
_ of Bcanr duiDiT Tolan.e .li-r a
' day of wrak iu bl. d.em-T'. ..ffi...





lafuoimt. uTllatana laya that
Uk^e Arid With-





CTirUffi——'•“'r- “• .'s.-ss.-'u';;.'™;'



tbr U.. U. cIboVII wal« }«

ind uV*'*coti”or akid tr^icra by Ui
n.idpe. r«*pr.-ttolly»ubmU thr follow
(DC prloted report of Mr Ikiditr
l-.nlr; J Wultria. of Wla,t,nrln. baa
Wn n-ti...a’"d i.>'a fnv'cinkthip In
-!U..*rd by Alderman Goodrich tVtyor nr.n »r uarj *' l-endi. i,« Vakrr* and lu. k'i* Xr* V.,rk iit* haa Manly C lljdpr Vrmployrd to aatitt
aa,c.. nn afiKr.mra'
I'll* Attorn*; Glihrrl la a iboruopk
etmlaaUoBcf il U CampVll'* water
tranefaiar to thr end Uat U« Cii; OiuDcil may be rr.|] informed aa lo tb* Irpal
aUU* ihereof. pr-Derally. aod eapfclaJly




..... .

tilk. ur.- i>. rli tj.i .1 !■« abin ufflua
kt.'lilowj. I
Jo l». worn a I'.b dif.
fCitiit .U,.v
taken pla<r Her cM.A
v.rlT.|Wt.,g ttiih bl* la;L.
. .
uu.l -nreU f*D.y
au.l In* m.dluT trill Dot let him
lli- ",
falbnr n.c^. 11.41. .4..a. a w.-k. aad .... I'*"'',* '‘I'
taje Lihiw-,.T the nl.l prtii..* :•
elariupDI lli-aitr'. ti.ic— ..f hi- fr.c
Wlllnr |.-T..:- !«• i. IcL-r-i lb.
*n,uriup...rrt.-..Mal-.nt (he -V
oii'i'-r w bi.'b lhi. Vu'«». an.-o.l-.-l
W.-l aiwll iav..|i l.r hi* »!(.. t.. r.yallv jo «■ U' r
IbIK. It tvs- iiMi-ewl-:.. I., rni.rtain Ihnwben
ro.altT«itl..,iii ih. .................... .
*nd.tli->i,i.4 ntullli..
k*(«*nt ''
tie irf tile h.ioo . ...j.l II,- prill,'-- m * TIu v um. -lit om- lo dL
red -.r Alderman line
fri..i..| (.. liil-T-d.. »'iU h-r l.d'hind. et'd ha.'.
Io»l*t ajq»»t*i>.v ibal
I the uotiun of .1 IP... Ii-n,
.,I i. I .* wi|l.'n.i . |..r ifantn.
Tick UaVUr mauer br refrrre
bit-birr -f n...n..y lujd i...r,iiy
A--;,. 11,4 for rbiih hilla to *h|q.I*DlroiniuilW OB fire and Wat
y, ta th- It......! t, make • t|.|an*n..i. 11. N-ni ■;,* i-.o' .«iull.ii.-l*
tbej. V in*irui.l...l Ui lourrl
i.l lif.imi
nl.r. ni I iieod )■.xur..
,-jS 1- imuoi
lelh d:e(
a. rl, fiir. —1 la liliii.
aii|t U4- at Iba IwU. i
I chemical rocliiea
,t^D^ orip^l^l lOolioD aa^ Oakwood. Oaklaod
tnie'l. E~| . Cbairinan of '
nFircaodlVator.i.i,.. ,
- Itelrrrlnp to me a.
Iri- lia.juMl.wn JuhHu.'i.; .i,.trtp..Ti..:.iil
taken bribe C. latnon I'ouocll a
lol prophre* uu<
p.«ed,uu* c,
Brrilni' 'i.f Jan..srv 3rd. a* s-t f<w

«*v -lntini:»oa till. live uid to «nid
cy-ur Alwil,
ahailna VUi>. In a
tl.r prlbtcl clipplny hereto anct
tolw«mo.,M,. i., tl,..|l,t. .tUabartca
.1* rtrii IBS III mto. ,p
U. alhreaA to co-o|
bee t- 0> lliat l.-r Ibe (rrtio—
ii.u ami
areniM. pupoTU* L'diiu-I
liunrd. mv ebarpe* would b* lea
aaadto.tiu u-!.n-:^
•ear S.OM.UM biHheL*
I* w.-aiuK Vi
.1 wuiicr.
at Uebi.ujrh 'aa aw k«*rd I
lame Ulp oimpany win
ul. wbi.1
Hoerd by AldrrBao M.votapae
at (Irerit Bay. Wi* . for tke ropirt ol tbe comimU** U
(T. Will i xtruarr ua irauretora. ,
releed tad ordered pU.-mi aa Blr.
«•> bare Ui i’4.l«td
MoUun carried
toitli t-merful suii tw,
Il to M.i.1 ll«l the
• waaoo in a
Ini4 uuimmii-uie .\i
away and lay (<-r i
or ibi. bailan i. pr.di.
Id aa Uarualb e r .ndlure. Ut wii
fli:biu«.ui r uflnrtto. .\ku.rt
K. W \ •k "h.ww,,mrriniat. ' aay
th- (lulT pl.waaDI e»..iil iin-li.-i.M l«r Uat Ih-ir ml* 1- ID l- ttcr al.apu iban
rener*.^ rriolcla^ *i
'phu coq Zadkirl i- lUjt--mi..a-..(nl r- rutu» Mill ■( any in
iKu of the Bee alrclrir
lu lb*. U-t four j.ara
.at a preeioa*Be*tlng tie
tiu inaagornied lu tb- i>-u<dlki.
'j.),* lui c ar to Ibliloruia to at as
il Eiphlb and KraitLl'n ..ire. t» ami
.-mo-Vo l-.u taadv tm
,*i Key
e> and Ledar
Lrdar ..........................
brad* Tbo kiuR of mimI.-b u il.-aiMl buU ndo amt Ue olurmt baa town
fur fartbtr tire* to ooo.idi
Jaiqe* Uriionoush. a Cblrapo
l... deaili. ito. .ar'o liraltl. will p.«
Sorthaea-.ero tr*.shi -aslnerr. «i
Btaptodlall.c anbaltud.
ifi' a li>.o,i->iiv* a
4-y.iar ..I.l till; by fiar l-oiatTr that
prodwill to locUaa-CT.d y.t aaidb.r
coini^D)'* muetb atrnva. Chlraa*
r*q t.nuj. a S ib irall at tV- |wni to
J M. lii-Mxuawtki
no. ideut.' tbc nsian. <d which 1- md laouiucl i,> Mr A
MautrotaeTT of
diraird bf Ih-Mura. "
The K.M-iiljiro X.tilfe coUlcry at Glel
EitUuiuui;. l-a.
will. Prtaaalai. Kil-rta. rauchl Bra an.
Imick.. ly.ih.T to (ioIaHta, »*#;
of tbr nflcn men l.n.uihi to Ue-*ur
p report w secepird aad ad.qitcd asd
fare aevrti died It I* feared that tarn
larri R. K.wcker.' l..ii a t,,.:iiu.,r." rdid »:/»■. is Tran*
* Urbta' rdrred played, (hr eontrart
Ur pmu -a-m, drlicu by !*. J. 0«lrly-llve plheia have periitHd.
eaplre with Ue rapirntino
srea-*l,..,.«io.i,im. HewiIltopalM
•X prii* ti»bt I* aaid lo Wr takri
enli.e n
for (boa* alraa<
place m-ar lb- tlllnr* of Rio. Wu.
rfUuuri.f bdried by yram
Iwtai-ea ti.o yuunii .i.eo feiwreB wbon
IJr K.jrckrr u
Mr T. M F-tra «f UUu<b. Ey..
extoiedaf.od. The men fouchl Ihiny
inly dr>n- il.r f-ecaf
lle.1.«. .if to>)L> au.l rs- Bcy Ibal h
la—Akl.rmra I'arkrr. M. ah
three pnindi. and the wianet taerlvci
> dtoa.«ir. out of lie*'
tto aaetbe loaer U.
Urdle. HocUounM. (torriaoo
firu. -J 4.: 1, by 6iBDtbe tml* (rdlecl.iy wb-. l—wiar m. lafat- sue .aan.
Caaaio* W ('lay'a youns aifr haa re- Jabraut
Haled witb htiblw *• ua alud.r :.od 'tUi ■ qd'r

aeqair- rai-.ttu.-c Ui-r.irWatoJi of
:>|.«f. Fl.lla
J lSto..*.-i.n. Cal., destroyed (wo
A-as I
lire I..W..
la-a aad r*0.(l « worthof »he«t.


-Tb* manaper* of lb* Blaarl’R'eiarof i
Grand Bapid* baeaa'nnrel fraiiirrlol
aeoktap eltaar*. Tbr; bar* 0*c cla>a.a (
cendnetrd br Urea of Ur ladi*. of Ur j
toeirty. twoof wbten are en-i
tiraly of boy* ranpliip tr lo l* u, IT I

K and
1 Ur Umewhea I
I of tv'liotVa
apt V.rh«.t ot H.JU.4. ...d. hto trfalo
AlmVrt oMh- <
... teat kno
wfaleh for or. r
tioop Poecaph
qaarter otaecnterr
'UpriMP Ink-.
At U aua it la Viiafad that Ikediph. ralne Tbc Pon-Dpln* wiIbeir blM..rtr
tbaria apMaBlr. whieb baa wurkrd
r ho*** eau 'rr B IVrry'a fleet la die na'tle nr
Bk* Erie After Ur war abr weal li>.
I dlphtbarla
lo the Uinber trad* oo U* preat lake*
and aboat Ulriy-flr* rear* apn wei
Okto^ bla^
aallad up lata a litU* bay. where ab*
ha* Mar* laid. Today Ur tire Vra are
aa aonnd aa Ury were whra (her a ere
rb*ia waa
awtelar wtU Ur wind* lath* f.irral
ana. .
on Erl*'* abort oeerfy * centary ep.t.
ba*a ralaed tarribU ba«ne
Waller Ckrr. a ttoatb B*ad cRv-rr.
_____ abarp la Tbatfoad tewaUlp.
ITbn inyttarlaQaly ditapprareJ abnnt
Mr ML Moe*to.«Jt4ap*r*laor Wilber iweatr yraraapo. leaelnp bl* wife and
htow tb* banrleet Icaar.
Il to a w
thlldrre In. nlBrat de-Utatc rircam.
wbaa no car will earn U* dopetanra* on a farm near Hentua Harbor,
haaretarnad tadAatbBeDd wIUMti
At XalnBaaoo, Mr*. A. W. flurlBi
lacaab. Ilraar* that hr wandend
•M toi. toll^^^yt of bar
.and WyoBlapaed Wathlnrion for
VMdrUlapalMMand Iba kora* ata.k
paBad'I- Cvneof dnU. apopl*>y.
Started a paper fa Jaitean aod aftn-.
n* n yanr-old aea of Ckarla* bm-rL
arnrd* weal loUe KlnndlV. wber- be
adDnoaer. waa attacked by the piip.
bad'pood leek and eatne oat with a
Htonna* and lap* U*a beooB* ripid
lafff* aBoent •! datl acJ a half Inlrrand be UkB no noortobrnBit exeei
rat In a ear; rich Bln*, lie expect* to
Unt a hieb I* toraad down hto UroaL
join hto taBlIy aooD.
An obi baeVlor Mrad of Hr. aa
lira Ikarlea BrltMI who lira near
HMtoBors. kra atracb ft rich la tb*
abay durinp «« h-mr* tbarr
KlcwllkaaBlbaaaaaidh* old cenpl*
Bl.mmaMbtotkaaleiraob Pawten war* lit daaUafroB Uaplapnc.aud
1«T traah
A diapntob froB OIrlwlUa. rmaala
- a»lll« Haaaoo A do. ed Orayllnp
BUnln. aaya: "Thr Kornlras Ir-ni
ton«Uag.n ayay M ,D^ nt
Ilirry ranpbl Be*
Br* bnnday
baaday and
. ...................
oT th
Bftarn Ben bronpbt to Ue auriece
eafOnBied. Utooertnln tVl tweoi
toff^^to^^nt's M
flee oibeee, when* reoap*
* Reward Babtaaon. of Oananarn. Bet partohrd "
wtUaaar* dlatraanlac accldnnL
H.waa walchlap a bora* Mlop abod when there wi,ald br no'(.tj-rtioi. tn ihiHaVana.uf Hlie llir' and-bol place ofantal atrack biB In
Nalloaal Bad Cmb. thr an
tk* «yr.
Ha will prakabiy. Icae iit
Tb* lonpm tonipbl tral* whieb ea
■•MmaS-’ nt Meekepo* polled
,tk*r* Mooday. It eonalaied of nioel
«B*cnra.alz|yof whieb were new fi
«M* lor nra In abtppinp lop* in non
mm HicUpnn.

than ever


<NB aa affeelad hoaaa. aad diad.




tbsolDlelj the Instil Ha loilf.



wa tronbltd (HU
- tbat/trariUt
—---1 Altod dro^y;



U- .—Ilptaplalra U*

W- «. .I4» a. wui

[ Patents


le KiTncay. ol tV <od uf

--------------------Coagb Cat* ewrraaalrb
ly- Thnfa wvi yon want: 3 O.
a* (i


Lnan Burt vUJ bo atoond U Titrm»y. nndra cScaprairnl trlU a *
BaennrT. to play Jaaela-'ithB.
an btoad Bmn. a etoaa .Liu. 'Ka ’ «nd aba Bay


« V U* Mb'brae and dri*^ all km
" from IV ^
(mda; le’«< tbr Uw

“‘SS^SSS. i—3

<Ui rw. wfll mmt wtih
! •MMl

: *«U wUl W te«amU« ••bf • twf«
'Mb Bbau> wi«U toM

goods, good lining, pipe trimmed,
extn won cat and made, good

tortbebeaefllof the Y.
A. o( the KraaroltM chareh.

Thaiaday evaalar tha Iwdko' WUat
Oeb aad th^lr hn«baada ware hoaplttth m*(U» *ltk •
ably aatcmlaed at tha heoe of Dr.
MMi M le M»n » taUlat ttel aad Hn. d. B. Martla oo Waablartoo
. ^b*k«dttteth*«OBBVWhlal
, ttMvUlMrtth*
with aoeUbUlly
llaico eoatn
rUa Friday area
aad Hia. Pol
aeotbweal ot U

A to tha bom ot Ur

ga^aa. Ae ca)oyaUe orator oower
|>«Ml MU lac 00014 not fall to mall
waa Boaaall part la tha ereaiag'a eai lE lartoo* damca M it aet aa aotb* tertaiaaaat.
laaaotailtiM offlelal roeoadi ot U«
tiatarday wai the Urthday aDBirori aaaatr.BooiialoaairooUbaaalmpu' mrj of UaircUat A. Fox and hia
' BMaeM.a>dba7«a4aUciospataUi
frtoodaaalcad the dom! 4aQaioaade«la. Thlarmtaad
oaatrau thelKhigh regard tor blo> aad
! ;0Uat doafV oaa oolj ba aaciaped by
hhtoBlly. Hr. Poo h a member ot
I ibtaaaeUoaol aaoltabla ofiaa Mid- tha Borne Foram and it waa hie tallow
laf whb tfra pnol vaalta for tbo rec
itwia ot tba order who iaradad the
orOi For tfaU maca aloea a eooaty pnraoy of hie domaatk drvle oaawaroa.
I MUiac beoci— a ptmlaf>aaed aad TberawRwa acwre of them and ibjy
' Ob abaolata aaoaaalty. Whae aoob
all had a Jdly time, tiamta afforded
baOdlac la ptaaaad a
plwaaat paetimae and Ura. Fox aerred
^wmd which piorad bar akill in the

These are worth $7.60, hut we
offer them to you at..................
Come Early.

The effort* of tta Ualntifr wan coa-!
•aad te radaason to praee by wit-1
People eaC U. V’allaaa. otargod with asM that Haary UaOUI wa* ai
fcegery. This la' tta ouo la whkh Val- tb* iBfloaae* ef liqaor (ta das ta wa* •------- r—- ---------- --- »-s------------leas was ehargod Attt taring ehaaged kUkd ata that taprorymdUqaor fro** I
- j dJatrifaated, It.Tpfi; doaatloaa to tta
the Inee at ae order ter school
eOlU damage mae k still <m- i F®W' a* bo* of elottiag end tasoral
copying the aueatlon of tte CSmall i
doeUotttaPoo^n WUtiam (. I
g toaanort bla tother.w
kted to tha oalendar h
waddle Paiebia*A' Cm
gar for the dafrasaID tba caaeof Uxxir Metiai .by ber
>xt'fricod. Blixabeth HeUm. Tt Aogm»t Ballaer. Fmsk Votmha. Aaloti
Norolay Sr . Aaioe Koeotay. Jr.
Jotad A. Jaekioa. Pmtt A Daria
jeeted aa DOS of the dataadaou wea
00 formal aoUaa of dcatt
glTCQ la the case. Tbe .<
Jeetloa waaorerroled by ttacoort.
I'rntt A Darla made a motion
•joaab tbe writ ot eapUa la tbs case
Edward A Kaativra Willis 8. Re
oo tbr grooad that tbe allegnttoaa
aa were aot made fr
laowledgeoftbe alllaBL
C. U. Tororr argoed la behalf of Beat­
ty and the court oTcrmled tbe motloi
'Tbe caas will proteblytmot costa i
dariag tbla term for trial.’
' la tbe mar of W.lliatu niackmaa r
Jaatea B luya ct al. la wblcb Ulackmaa esrs for damages for toiea impriaoemroV i'ratt A llarit made
that Rlacbmao be reqoired to fernUb
ity for coate. wblcb that genUe
agrerwjtodo. Hr will

eUlerted ata paU


Tb* plalalir. ease wa. eon-*'
eloded aboat J:10 ycaterday afternoon. I
*at<-* kn*cui t.L .-avam.
The detonee eadearoewl te proe* that!
esarws r. su>.>. wn.tbe demaead Mciiill dU aot orecarr . At a amettog of the yoaeg

‘includes anything you may want in the way of a Sliit, •
Overcoat, Ulster, Pants, for Men, Boys- and ChUdren’B
use. Fine grades. Mediiuu grades and Low priced gradea.
FXJLL VALUE FOR YOUR MONET every time, wha^iever
We invite you to call and see our stocks.

llqoorte iaeapackte h.m to ihamlooat ^

yroeg womad's toaisly wa* orgaai
with tbr following offinrs:
Orand Chapter Officera.
Pmidmi-Hrs c: T fiteot.
At tb* merUng of ibe graed cb^ter
Vice prsatorat—M. itertrodr Spragae.
ol Boyal Arch Meeoos. to iirand Rapids
liecratary-Emily Bouad.
yesterday. (IMU we* soted for tbe
Tnaearwr—Daisy b BolanA
MeeoBlo Home aad the followtog oBlrTbe offi-rrt Otet witt Mis* Spragae
a were elected:
Monday craning al : o'clock lo
Oraod tOgb prlcet. Charles M Nor
draft by. awa aaJ oOBsUlatku.
tea. l«aslBg; dep-jtr grand high priest toe yoaeg ladle* latertated to tbe work
Frank N. Dark. Nurtbtblr;graod king of lb* parkb arc deairad te Join tbi*
the object of which 1* te prnBeobee r. Webb. Ustroiti grand acribr.
r|d« the ebureb with hymnal*, prayer
William F Denfirld. Sagtoawigraod
book* sad sorb other thing* as ^
treaeurer. Emrrsoa X Newell. Detroll; BCedlul ie tbe ebureb te make Its scrgraed aecreurr. .IvaersuB b. I'aoorer.
Coldwater; grand chaplain. Francis A. I
Mita Atlie Uogbc*. Norfolk. Vg. w.s
Kladca. DstralCgrand Irolurar. l.ouis«. ' frightfully burned os tbe face and
Uoodricb Aou Arhcr;,grand caplalo of Deck. Fain wa* insteoUy rellera.! br
- •••• f. Wlteb lissel fialra. wbub
William K Denfield. Saginaw,
tta Ibjarr wlihont Irariog a
grand prioclpsl sojourner. Charlsp I.
It is Ibe fsmoo* pile remedy
fiUeeas. Vpsitoali’. grand royal arch
.ptato. Horace S. Maynard. Charlotte.' Tb. .*<
grand master of the third ml. Joho ^£2i,“i
Barks, ciildwatee. graod ai**ter ot'
tbe ereoad .ell. Mich*«l B McKee. ' laisriw
Cryalal Falls; grand master of the first:
Kil.Cbarlei ^ Speaerr. Ho.-t iiuraa;
w. .t>h
grand tentinej. James F. MeOr^r Dc- ’

oalloair art.
Uaeoaaty. .
oarry party of boya aad glrli
good Uaa to bolld. Tha
itoldaM.aadaeaB»ll aa at the home of Willla R Foou of WaeiFiroat alroel datarday arealag to celr.
CU.00D la booda will be ae
bcale btatlloeotbUrlbday. Tbeeraa
BO» aootbar eoaafy
ig waa pamd eery pleaaaatly with
iGtte aad games, after wblcb ligbi rcircifirUye* Oraad Trarena wiiboat
aaattablaeooaty baUdiag. lliaapleaAlpboea Plaree. formerly oi
«daiaoaaCraal«tala. aabmelac aa
rm ot the SaUriwlBe
BaUrprlie Uto
aathaMoeh. latbe nrj baart of tba Arm
aanr MBi tbo oooaiy a dollan be- leatadthaamall traiUlag formerly
copied by tbe Chioeoe lauodry. where
tar the rift of Haaaah, UyAOel
TWa ta a mnar |a wUeh tta whole he will pot ta a Bae line of taocy
oentyihbaUbe tataeoatad aad take gnmarles aad eoUona. Tbe atora la
e ot tbe People ea Peter
fritataharii«1hawarhwUlaBd par- new balag fitted ap aad Mr. Pleroe
riolattoa of the liqaor law.
ready to
it about aaat
Baaally dooe. aad H te a natur (o will ta rei
wax pot trrr lempurarily on accooat
wUta wa haea ban ooaaUoa to rotor Saterday.
TraTsra* City Harkat.
Rapid* yceterday and ttated tbsl b<
. arata.
Tba oaparriaorm hara doae
Satarday aigbl whea Ueo. HeLellae of tba iUi aaa of the dafaDdaat.
cat ef defects in tba
Below 1* a list of the burleg so
bad effected a rary satlslsclory settle
r f%kt aad have aoud wMf aad wall rsteraad from tta braoeb atora of HclUg Pfiecs ot ysstsrdsy for groi
mCBl with tb* C
taaUotnartaapaoplatoo>|«aa thalr Lellaa A Aab, on Ltotoa elreot. be
proTiskie* anil farm prMu^ ia
«Wmo la (ho awttor at the polk.
loaDribkdwelltog Oiled with Fortaarat dismissed.'
Immcdtouiy Joric* rsoeirrd ie lb* rsesat
ere aad their wircn. wbojtad eome to Alley:
ds Alley swore oct a t
CharlcToix and * dsstai •®'‘ flrar Fork prr bbl. new .
Mrprkebim. The earprke waa <-om.
bad bran commsossd. Ilsaids* a libarsl
wml Clrar Fork per t1.
plete and Hr. UeLellan did aol boow complaiot before Jodge Roberts i
Ika asMtoa Homday alght waa
-Ibort Cat Fork
enUt aeulsmsat Mr Mc.Vcal
where ba wac for a tow laoatea la. Bat Swsers was renrrrsted. lit walrad
abort «M, hot eoaUdcnbla baaiso
__________ __
_______ _______ __________
Short Cut Fork per P.
'ta reoofered aad eatered Into tba amtoatioo aad was bond orer to
spirit of the eeeaaios with hia Jolly eiroiill court to the tom of »oo bail,
nlgbt for liriotl Rapids and will begin Msal. II ■.'’.troHrst
(Ptadtag et fire bow potot foratala- good bamor aad all preartit bad a good which srat (umkbed.
Tbe first case mll^ after dtom
duly today as under of tbe new system Frol. II. I. A t o. Best
FhCMUMto A. «. Peek’s raaUaaoe Umo. Games aad social eUlUag
that of Tbe People rs. Ed. Coleord. of gates on the route brlwsrn here sod rJJ?
■wm mtoreod to taa eeaimiUr
charged with baetardy by Nellie
Rsplds. This position is ternstroog. Tbe Uetimooy occnpled aboulf porary but if it snlU him .MrMr.Neal Butter per n-Hairy
oec aad one-half hours and the Jory
Should i'rt*n>ery llutter.Ib
m Jamla'‘Uilmerp waa aorpriaad
bis baaitt demand a different position
tad beta sMa of (ta boota at tbs Saturday craalag by a nomber of retursed a rerdlrl of oot gailty
Curlier aad thattba racer da bad boaa frtonda ttq oemaioa balag HUa Oil- !i:3L> o'clock ia tbe ereaiag.
I.. SwsrU. who bea be^ to Jml
one .lalt per bbl
feaad fa apartsei eadlUoa.
more> btnbday analmieary.
Maati eocraet aad a medal of a
Him Ada UoatgoiDery antertAload
ery, preferred by A. A McCoy
arrmagament. aod considers that
Tka aaoiarimi added (hat tba hooka
airaigaed. Ue eatcreda plea of not tb* eofflpany bas treated him fairly
aad aeeeaau ware a madli to Treatoi aamW of a taffy poll at bar
! Saturday algbu Dreaalng
guilty aad being wllbout
fianlemenla b^e also been with
O^d Ra^ds parties injured
Ita soBBlUaeoa fire aad water, t
*ppalotefi by tbe court to defend him.
aama dtaasler. Similar nrgotlatioas W'a« -new. per bit
jrtam waa ratwrad (ta matter of aa- tog'aiynCTam.
TbeioforfurmatioD allege* ttatfiwarta
Toeadaynlgfat Hoategue taU wi
to progrea* Witt biUs Caw of Ibia ‘k'l. Vo 1. per bo. i
otelalataff ^ taraa at Haaly
met of miabtlity sad fraternal gnod; WB**tayiog al the reaUcBce of Wllllata city and Ihc nafurtuoates who lire i" ' p“,aujr* oer
Dedga lor aa laenatliraUM of tea wi
aaatraot at B. a thmpball A Smw. r«- frllowahlp. Tta ocmaioa waa tba Joint Flke. whom ha employed to aa*l*t him C^to'toeolx
^tiag out Cbrkima* trros for
toateltotloa of‘the recently elected'
parM that Hr. Dedga woald
CiTiI Service Examina*
> ouuide markrl. Flke reqoaated
Bn tier per P
teofpioptr day. Tba oBeore of Ttaearee Bay Tent. No
er dci
adtaaetbat Hr. Dodge K. O. T. H. nnd Trareree Bay Ulrc. psrmaot for aerrlcM rendered aod
to adranee for board,
Ttaeeremooirt wei
■taiUini (tat (ta work wonU tp- L. aT. U.
aaaaaneaa Ibtt Ibe Coited States
a stranger to him.
It is
taraattog .and it k declared that the
qaira aboal owe or two daya
1 Ser.lce Commission bas ordere.1
that bwartx prodooed
IMga had alee agreed that U the city work efybe ladies excelled that o
to be held by Us I.
After the lettallalloa Ubica cheek, which be offerad a* •aeorlly.
itaaM need hla teretac for a loagar men.
rd to this city somsllma brtweee'
Uma psadlag the aoaplatltm of the were opread and the great galbwing made out to' Us owo order aad puidate, of March l.'.. i-i«, and April Si; {111
porting te h*«s been signed by A. A.
peagotad watar worta aystea, U that aal down to a apleadid aapper.
commencing at uo'clocka m. fur '
toast waa ttoroaghly appreciated nod HeCa{..i.Soa. Tbe check tm*
warfc waaU eoaaama a year
wa* draws oe tbe First NaUooal tbe grade* ot Clerk and Onrrter le tbr iim-p.tin.
octol feataitaof tta eraalng help.
ta woaU aharge filoo for tba;
. make ttk eac of tbe moat oajoy Bank. wb*r* it wa* proren *flerwarda post oftieo serelce OBlyxiUieo. of tbe
I'ctted States ms be rtnmi
aUe affaire of tbe year for both teat that HeCdy A Sob bad no a<
age Itoittellons for this examinai
Flke k said to base brought the
' Ot Bay aad Cedar itnato aad hire.
) tbs city to aa* if It .
good aad
aad aa ibaaarasrof Bfbthhad Fraakmraed
Boboal N.
Ua airwit. Ita eommlttea also reHim Hjaala Walt, who ha* tanght to tttog. Mr. McCoy talltog him that
»teHadfarthte (tan taflaciag tha lotaforgery. Tbk k ■etasUalU]
Umb at the other(hrat erbkh ware pro- the A Flmt grade lo the Oak F
> may drain
the eaac as priatod is tts Rx.»xibaa raaigoed ber
eidad tor this yaar.
bool regard lo race or tb
Uie apprehraalos and arrsat
HtloB oa aeeooat of poor beallb. Tbe
I adopted.
or roligtous tWlialions.
of Bwarix. William Fike wa* the first
Whaa the tagart of tbe board eacaaey k balag filled by Him Edith
wbe baa filled the poaiUon of witaca*. and tta imUi
at pahUa
Tbs narpTU* of AU
gsra was •ntouatially aa abors auud.
eadot IB tta A aad B first gradea.
«ta Mat flea of Uteraat
.So farther pAgrea* was made bafore Jones A Cu.. '
ateaaavafttaoaatortha ofaaaga
A new aad rsloable rftrk ef an
of Dr. King's New Discoe.
eery, sars that
tt* ooart adjotirnad tor lb* d*y
tta tfahydnatattheeerMr of Cbae
eaa tecared by the High sebool la tbe
last winter his wife ras attacked w
Swasl. alias Swartx. was La I'lHppe. aod her mar grew so »<
aad Fidat Ptoeala. which baa caated ao ehape of a large steal eagrartog por­
taaah commiat and larited ao maay trait oi Abraham Uacola. Tbk 1* tbs foaad guilty Tnsaday moreiog of tba <ras that phetuiaiu • l Cuwdea a
sing for err.
adMamcfromtatstastedpartlaata tba pietare wblcb ba* bseo exhibited to crime of forgery, aod ta waa takeo
termed te derelap into Haslr &
tts Stote* prlaoB at I
gagm. Tba aoat ot tha ehaaga
Haring Dr King's X
tbe dkplay window* of tta Uereaetl
ysaterday te tsrTs a term ef
IM. tta total aaoBBtoftharopart of
Dlscorery io store i Bd selling lots
wa* proeamdat groat adra
Ita beard of patak worta was fiin.K.
id sriJl adorn tbe wall is U
aty Oarh Blahotd ateted that H.
mW It 1* rained at $7i.
Vahiitey, whaiagaulageet a direetoaod w<
li of tbs BIgh school 1*
ly ficrthadlydaairta tha eonneil to
King's New Dkoorary for
'paring to I
ipossd a fine of *T5.
tioa. Coogb* sad Cold* u go*
^ataaas aeosef tta dlraeUrtot aad
oable and St
ed to tbs eosu. brongbi tke sipaass op te do tbk good work.
It. |(ic trial
atead a radaeUea of M oeata each if
famoa* Amerieao.
twesr more ware tahaa. Oe moUoa U
e jarpoae of aelaettea and altcadtog
Hie lienor ylolalfoa ease against
tnadaeidadtogarehaaa two.
Aidertta detail* to tbe matter a roe
tael* Blsder.kU dkeoaUaned oo acBteaHeaterae noted agatatt the prop_* ba* baoa appointed. oaa>i*Uog of
iBDt of tta abasaee of a material tritCBoflhaalaAitwM Obario* Back. Bd. Waitaod Mlm h
FroaseaUag Atterasy Tsaeddls
f. (ta ordlaaaoot of Bates.


Mraatl—y. H, left town *gUb W

,'.>d I. .

, V "*



Reliable Dry Goods, Carpal
aad Clothing Honsa.

Are you
in business?


You may need Blank Books, You can find a
complete 4ine of new stock at
Front Street.

Haskell!s Bookstore.





[“S r; b. ..Uj

tbem of

' I'r-nl Str.'.-I. W/rr/lmrc ill., k




We are the Artisfs Headquarters....

■S: JEiS-

rr,“. teryeare"''

“■ -S’


Boa. Ferry Haaaab ba* pmmkad lb*
HlgfaNefaooI a (AKrait ot blm**lf.
iteBdcd[|to add to tbs otter
pietarae to the Casual building. Tba
additioa of the portrait of the firat
. Aldirmta OralllA daacrthad hh ekit taaror of Trarerae Qty and tta pioneer
tattatBetoryofttaCtaakalFIreBB- of ttk regloB will bo a fitUog adots«at to tta rralU of the batldiag.
ttagalebar Oa. atow whkh tta OeaaeU
ttaaltyfnfarateryteprtaUag th
‘Bamattarwaa ralarTed to (he <
telMaaoa ordlaaaoaa aad they e

3l prepared lo go oo witt tbe eaae
against Riley -Bwaata. therefore It
eoBitoasd orer the term. E fi. Pratt,
atterasy for Sweera strongly nrged
that Ibe case eome te trial tbk
fats elieat bad wmieed examination la
nrder’i oonrl aoa* te tara tta
dkpoaod of tbk term. Tbk
tbe tbird ume tbe rate bad coma ia

Babraraak for tbe-'UysUe Hldgeu'
t aod it waa aa iajary te tta bosl—a —>«'■>
Mahlag Tar la War Tta*.
of hk cUaat te baee tbaae charge*
'UI ba a taaaUf ol spcctacolar aad maha Item was prlated to tta dkaatab- alcal prmlBcliso by the efaUdree of the baagieg oear kirn. As tta proaeeater
ntday whkh atotod that to R«r- aabool.
eoold not lake np tb* caae at tbk
1* eonrt decided to let it go
Tta eecood aemaeter of the High
l*raa*eater Twaddle asked te bare
aehool will begto a week from tecaerItaUrioftar. It waa also mated that
row aad tbaia wUI be a lame toeraaae the cape ef tbe I’eople ea W. 0. Holdaa
thk k tta grot Itaanraf tta makiBg
to the aamllmasl. Tbare bare bees coatlaaed. a* it wa* aa
tftartoBtwtheraHkUgmB. Thkkat
by the depety alate game wardea and
■ lUftlii kaaarrer.. briy to tta stobt exnected that official or a roprraeetttea two- Bwptka of Traearne City aoatlea
J direct ttc trial. H*.
•agadtla iu maanfaettte to a limited
el for tta detsase. argaed
way by taad.
BU later.
. that b‘s elieat wa. deriroas of baring
te Blatter dispoaed of at oaea. bat
oald aot total. -Ita
Inr cm n mora hsuaniaa amk and
w riaaaea srUl ta eegaalM Jasoary
far a kne tlM tbs bostoam-waa earrtod
SB aary andanafally. TbUr manata^
Tta tort Ugktotn* pasaad a tow retSfy'sna toasted aaar tta oU HhUaoa qniriac that tta aatara. roMrie ----------------- --„„„
taBaa.nanrtta ipot rrhera tta J. B. ttoa aad pia^Ucaed camaal. | oa tta graaad of deaerttoe.
fMUekOa.’Bfaelotynew standa Af­
ter tta war tta ptont seas bsnad down
Mead. Blixabett MoOUL ra Aa•ad Ita takasm was AkwmUanad. J. ilea abaU ba gtea to all .
fast Baltaar. Aetoa Norotay. 8r..
aad brtgaae. sritt apatal Aatee Koeotay. Jr.. Fraak Yetnta
K. Oaten aad WUIkm IMtoer mob
tan aa of ttt raterts naad by Barbaek rataona* te tta eflsetaef alaobolaad andJ. A. JartaoB,traatalteB ep afta
AYoasf. •yttkltkalmar.lhattta
Sapertouadrat o„wn k arrnngtog
Mkitaef ter ta tta aorttsn part
d A I'mlte a,

aa n


ABfitete was...............................................

lyinTMtm.atr ■


TtaoHlilnngtataAi *


Announcement I




\Vc liav't; TuIk- Paints. Water Color Paints,
Alliatn Brchheii, Canvas. Ai-a<1«'nii- lioard. Pastel Crayon and the
Water Colnr PajK-r. BIcikUt*. Sluinpet. Crayon Holders. ,
If wc don't haw just what you want we can and will get it
shortest iK'ssilrK- time. Wv arc here to please you and' will do all
make vviTvlIiini.' •■ali.-fa. lory. Wv hare studies that we rent.




Red Sable and «
Pastel Board, W
for you at th« S
that we can to *
' ! '

M. B. HOLLEY, Manager. *

miaoaioH BMon otj> sroaa


i We me ready to
jTlie EDterprise Grocery i make you low prices
W. J. BobinnoQ baa bought the interMt
of Mr. Pteroe in

m on many lines of Shoes, Socks, Felt Boots,


and haa mored the atoek to Ha 2S8 Front
Street, tha old Wwws,ni atand, oppoalta the
old place, and haa added largely to the
ntock of

Fancy and Staple Groceries.
He wm be glad to aee old Manda and make
new bnaa. The best plaoe In tba city to
bay Good Orooarlaa at Low Prlaaa. Ramamber the plaoe. 888 Front Street.


Grand l^veree Herald and Tiayewe Pity TtaaBoript. Qoc^datMe
Stan of Dr. Fra^


taetarta ta tae
of TtarSM
BVTMI.E. a'T.K.. sad Tnynt
BS7 BtasTss^ BlrhiPsMOoounsBd.
•r a & Vsdw wu prsMtad »lta s
(be Msbstsssf
n> ■tsrUtaf report tatl WiUlsa
CUBSot hsd droptad dead Is s bilrber

i ,<7ba Timsass Otp wetot; e< toe
t Saadie Woi« OaHd of <BOrta dned
a iia daaselel ymai Des. Ilall Ita7. The
r oitosn sad dheoun deofae to tosah
seflmof MXtSMfitb.
• an who o
1 osids toe work.
Follotrlsr' 1
Frida; sftaroooB ml Um WoBaa's P’***
bad toe ooapma;
a»b wBI be derotad to Use Qreok drsB-!
rbc sppreefaUto ot|>|oeJrod.n«di
toe ^ »s* f«4>ooalr dhiptored sad I
Aa srcnce of stoat St pereaiw n
coirod dfetolar toes. «t>am sad tolldred. TbeortSBof toeSibs rcr; klsdl;
OTito roriawofj'
datiroa^ Aeotoi
ooatribaiad «M la cato skids w
Hrm Brbwaisr* trsaalrttoo of "Fris**- *
i. -A PtoBisf MU- aaad IsMr. tV was Bseb to toe Csild
•etoaoaHoosd-' sad s .rtli .tad; ofj«« ^3
Is . toe sorts of kelpfalasB to tor
Jsaoa sad toe drrtossita.


tVcid vasreaelted Osuods; of toe
] SO;emis,.toc eoo
A FtsaCoaoen
of JsshB IlesuUT. tor Ssttoae Ba; batol death of Mrs. Flora Witsoe, daocbur
rato Belody of toe bomae
keeper, <ru hsalitsf lopt toor BilaS of Mr. mod Mrs. T. A. Hitobeeto. at her
.—eo eorrcetl; banooe lied sod
;ll0C ta* sorto of dsiUoo* Ba; Moods; Borstor
perfectly Iratsed. may to said to to
froot of the otd BersU bendlmr »>j when be wse bit oa tbe bead b; a lor
SI rears of acasad l■■llll■ oer
sddtac isrro (Is.
terribly Wobed bat msas(ad | besbaad learrs two jtrang ek»dres.
Be «UI to nod; to take poeeel boB« aloae. It -as
oat tooocbl
tooorbl be '< Death oas soddea asd doe to dlpb- ■ "•*«*«• “ toceplrodld ruterteiamral
piree la toe City Opera bouse last reeaestssek. Be ba. now oo the
Beorer. bat he is tolirr to- ; toerla. Ttab sad scirs will to a aboek
Slop by tbe todies' Ariel Sexlrltr. tbr
track a carload of flise bo;;i
day apd^siU-probably pall torourb all ' to ^ rreot Baer la Trsescto City aad
I Smith sisterv rapericoced ‘the toassricloity. as Mrs WiUod was fomely
Toalrbt at toe rerlral nretlo; is tor i '^■ckt.
Uoos obleh toe prrferttoo of toe dirlnr
a fsrorile here. I'rleads a
FlretU. B.eberch Uer. J A Brrady.
art affords. Tbr prorrasi eostaibed
A Dosbl. Bleak.
toe paator. sHII prrack tbr arrassni.
dtfllcnlt sod akieb retjuirto
Tbe owetlBfs are rrowiti; Is iotereal
artistic rsrcurioD sod Ptrlrct
U. A K. E. ear Tuesday
each slrbt mod toe reaslu are rrstifs-.
c^roBS Larki.acedsrrrn
sersj sc'ru lavakes.
Boatbs.laIH' iraialay. Tbe li
1 who presentee
and Mrs Frank Laekl.
laf to toe ebareh Bros her. sod [sastor. trroooo for toe Trsrrise City I.OBtor
Co . met with a serioos accldeov Ooe ^ Bohemia slrrrl dii
A atas ssBcd C^rtoster came
' bb <rt> rra. badly noshed
; urnooo aUour odcck.
aad perfecUy traiaed. This is oce of
city Satardsy from tmke Ana to bare j bitike^
The uefortotoe best eatertalBmeau ever presented
piece of metal rcarorad '
A Free ResatBA Room Needed
la any Hlyb w-bool lectare cou
alto so sccideol is East I'root street sod tbe Massper bad
It tor resldroce of Mn. P. J. Cortil Ibis city.
>111 sod SDffered the iclury Dr. AaderaiKi seat to drcB Ike wounds ',
Uoaday alphc toerr was s fait atteed.
It «ss s sarrorr eecape. ss tbs ssd set tbe brokrp bnees.
,aoce of delcpates from toe rarioos
- New Liurary Clob
Boat loBChed toe eyetall.
COBUB Seclai Event.
cbnrcb toclellee. to discuss tbs proThe proposition to oryaatre a



Friday William Heiterr aod Xel.
Pro! Uortassb bas received fell cr-. posed plao of a public readinf room fo>
eoti M. Smith, rateotees of a uoiqoe cbeslra parts fur the solos in tbe mla- lyouDf mro.- Tbe project was toe enband TaloaWe device for lockiD; aod ,strel perfoemaoee Vi to firea sooo oo-1 Jeci of ao asimstod discusaiooand comadjuallnc store pipes, reeei'ed tbelr ^ .ler tbe suaplcesof tbe Uustlen
Act- miltees weTe appointed aa fotlowa;
Eiscotire—Mrs. P. J Cortls. Mrs. D.

briar fi«k ibioms i

"fsthedays begin to lengthen,the cold begins to strengthen."
You may think you can

sry cinb saoDf ton. yealiamea u
L-iiy iocliaed that way has met witb
prompt approval,
bsturday siyht
Bumber of yoony men yalbered al li
Deck sad
Tbe plan was received will,
yreal favor sad tboae' present at oner
saursd lato lae Idas with avidity
AfUr euyyestlous ss to toe furmuls ui
orysalsallon toe yeotlemea spent twu
koara la dlss-usslny curieoi aveau
Alurwards Mrs I’eck served spprti/

■ Oaa.W. EaSwUlamuBe toe
datlaaof toaeOea.

Jobs Umlor Is saffertar from foar
baakearihaesaaad by a fall from the
s I
Ftiat Pnabvurlaa
MSoIdlar fl< toe

BofO. P.,Oarrar ^itayatoarlsye. Tills is eealral
aad aaavaalast for toa BOB bars.

tatay aa;^ with a<
aaa«B aad other efaarab I

■Wlaklemaa of
Maaistee. viaited frioeds ia toe city
UwOaataaaehealboaaa Friday •
abort Urns Friday ea toalr way i
Fabruaiy 4to.
There will baa
food yreyrsB fanlahed.
F. E SkeeU. eecreUrr of toe MlcMiatHadapoome.
gaa Agriculturai college, is is toe city
looking op matters ef laod beloaglng
to toe state.

_ Thera will be a al

J Shaw.sBotoerofMrs A H
da; ftotoeTraVanaaty Lamtor Co.
Ttm laya ware broarkt troB Twla Bellldsy. has arrieed from I'ort Perry.
Oou. to sprod tbe winter with the fam­
MatBtala aad polBiatols aldA
ily o( Dr. Bolliday.
. Bobba. H
D Campbell aad C H. Parker west
t diphtoarla la tadlaa- carp Lake yraterday to speed the day
tUa.takaow toatbertwa ehlldraa Asktaf torongb toe lee.
IS ^ tahaa toe draad dkaaas.
HMa Fannie Blosroacn of IVloakey.

alons without a

Winter Wrap.
816 and $18 Gamients for
$12 and $14 Garments for


and ao on down the line f
Why de we make euch pricoe P Something wron« with the coodt ?
Yee. agreat fanlt. In our eatimaiioui a eupreme failure-they haTaB*t
eold. Yuu might think them ihechoicaattliinga’we ebowor have ahown
tbla eeaeon We beHeved tbetn to be extremely deairable when we
^bought them. It eeeme to be Deceaeery to make a price to sell them.
That'a what we have done and we.fovite your ioapection of the beet ae>
aortment In Traverae City.

Prices range from 76c to 89.76.
Wait for our
Whiti: (iooUs Sale
ill Fehruary.

aad Mis. Dsl.y Ko.-h,' The '
•“<* >'
A. F. ABdaraea of naeiia.
I ..III S— ... II..S
! orrstlrerE'mer llrowa,'''i-biMr. Helm |
ally Tataday.
I sad Mi >>sbis Krupp. The debate
Ueo. M. Hborter of Uadaoa. lad.. la;sBdMiB
Mrs Amaods Dsy, aged
vMltlBC bis slstor, Mrs. A A. McCoy.
| wst decictrd la toe sftlemstire There
Eleoisd Uijer
moeibs sad
Sbr bad’ bees s>'
well as luua. up to early Sunday mum j
a. Oobea. formerly of ibl< Hty. now ' were tbl«,< preseal sod all earsrol In
iDg. wnea she i-sswil iiuialij s->s}
rj '
Of Kalkssks. was l^he city Tneadsy. [tbe ditcoMloa. which was saiBsted meat active spirit# la Traverse Cit;
uneipectadly to her fnends Her bes- '
. J. Mor«an and dsorhierJaad iaetnicUre1-odre. -No. t-i. K of I‘ . bas been elect­ band dmd eight yeses ago In .1 ugusi i
I a Cb kayo for a two weeks''
ed major qf ibe Fourth Bagimrol. Sbs IravB three coiUren Mrs biixa
Will Enlarge tba Collage
sHlebigae Hri{mde. I 'niform Raak. Tbe beto .>obaaoD. Mrs W:l bur l.ioton and j
Vialeld Dtr
Tbe funeral was large ■
J. LGIbbaet Mayfield, was ia toe
Several addUioos to tbe roll of slu- ^elrctfoo was held by mall and ibc re­
ly attended.'Uev A A. Dariiog prea.-b I B—
by Mia deem of 1‘rof. Dockeraye'Casiness col-' solu as reported by toe several eom- log toe larmoo at toe Wrifoni ebureb
legc have been made ibis week, smoog ' paales was as follosrs:
Mrs. Day came to iiraod Traverse
A A l>
Mn. F. M. Oardaer, wbo bas beea I Ibe^. Miss Hay bmllh of tViUlams-{ ForCulooel. John u. Snook received thirty years age last (all
vitltlBg ber paraets here, bas reioraed - burgb. Mias Maud Ball of tTezford. | eleven
taUraad Bapida.
! Miss I'baai of Sbnlaed. and Mias DaaFor Major uf First Batialioo. F ti.
Mra. E. J. DIck'rmaQ of Soloa. came ! lord nf Traverse Cii.r. Frofrasor tk>ck-,
Urnibsoa received eight votea snd
BSW Noreroaa Butter
r tbr'^
to toeelty yesUMay ta suead tbe eon-: any is rraliring so'w some of tor re- j Folgbum received three eeiea.
best thing of toe kind ever
V. snd , ^
which may be seen al toe_______ Wbiteert last eeenlag.
j wards of hlsenergyof toe past three iForUsJorot (Second Uattalioo. WillCaU for E E
Eav. C. T. BIOBI weal to East Jordan ]
>“ sslAlisblng a llrst clam boai-1 lam Morgan received elseea eoles.
had Ceatra) Uke Tuewis.v to coadoct j
umin^ scboul here and tbe la- ] The above rmult is hereby oWrially maebiar
dvs-Ti|ipliT* Cl"'U.l
>m ic five m
rellgtoas aerelcea.

patronage will aooa force ^ promulgated aad following dectored llultcr from
him to avqnire mere commodloot quar- legally elected a. olBeerv of toe Fourth ules. Yau turn tor wi ccl snd tbe iz
cMoe does the reeltrrs.
Colohel—loha <1 Maook of Hasan.

PtursBeat is
aa vary,
iratablnya by with frieads li'Ui
Joha aad Ueorge Aab baee reiarned
(ram a two wraka' eiait to their eld
boma at fitoeens Point. Wis.
BobaiA Bex aad toe Hisara Hartoa
i« toe Mate Board
Bax and Stale Jobnaoo drove
a taSvti
Bapids Taataay to

Ill .

But why aboiiM you when you can buy


■a Bial. who waa aatjeetad
grama ^aratloB a few days
lyvd M aWa to ba


Hannah & Lay Co. ;

(be pal- Sbllily will make a road show, which | i’ieri-e
j I. undoobled, the enmiof eotertele-'
Imretwlil to one of tbs HBBt ever ! J t Millsr.
• •*'''’'*• 'rlraa brre. partloularly of the blsck !«. C. iMapra.
Tbe performaie, will 1.
There wl'l to snother
iry at Boloo Tuesday "kUr b.uI'OB j
lofs. Thealelrb shichfae wa* •i.itiif
i week St wbich lbs rsporu of tbs
(Ivre s. IS tints arm m
slawad arooDd arelMl a lof. one of (hs
■ Itteas will tocireaead It Is hoped
lay rslraskaenu
lefs of Hr. Ilrellbaopt cxmlnr toJ’lnim Lyceum
some deflaiis . plan win to dwlded
■uellny will w beul stth<
Tbr JiiBhir Ly<enB held aa inlerisitwaea Tba lep aasbroWea. Tbr le.
rmldraoe of Mr IWh Isnusry ;s.
Jared maa eame to Trarrrer I'ltr and •ng Sr iwloa Tursdsy aftefaoou-aed a
pleasaUI sort loitrocilre pfnyraai wse'
Restly forB'
bad toa boae sal.
Ttie sub
Aaauaiy M srlll ba Ua Slat AABlrarpreseolol.
Todsv reyulsr passeayer and freirbt pirted and ulUcars elevud
Jecl (or disi-ussion at tbr not meetlap
my of tba adaUsta of Hlehl|»B to Tbe Mlefairua
s, pebllsUed In
The'laeslloo for debate was, ' Re-> srrrire up the ilraad Rspids. Kail
>S[«0. past, or.-eeul sad
Aaa Arbor, bas beea so'd by I,. A. suireif. Tbsl the conatry rlrl makes a{ .1 .Soutbotere raUniail bdylBs.
future " There will be three pspers
Hataida; -airkt a valuable boree Pratt, who has owned sad condu.-Ird It better wife ll.sri s cliy ylrl " Ths at-I liar is bow completed from Vsa I
upon toil subyect and evrr
awaad hj WOUaa Bali w died afur a for toe recwtly oryao-* unustirr wss lak<4 l.j lirorye Raff j to S^stford. the latter poiin belt
:ted to read np onu
laed aloieni sssoclalioa of ^br onircr- ' and Ruth Thorn, sod the aeystire br mlUs soultaesst of Kalkaska,
abort atekawa
itlme aad be prepared Ui eater ibi
sity. Tbe mayscine will W .•onsoli- Klon I'aldwcll aad Will rtilaihall Tlte
Vesierdsy s parl.t of ofticlsls o
sir. BmraiOB of Klaffalry la prapariweaiy
dated wtta tbe Alomol NVn>. sod Mr ludgcs derided that the country yiH r .\ W M . which bss llased tbe
ter to atsrta weeklj paper la t
ibers no the list.
Pratt will br tbe rusoaylay wlimr
made the l-rst
licit wife'
II tbe city e
. plaoa ta a abort tlmaTbe sdjosraed saaosl meellny of tbr '
New Boat lor Carp take
Tbe Eab; Uffbt Cbmara Clab will
loauyurmlc tbr nrw service. Tbr of­
I R A i Surveyors
■uateea of tbe fmod Trareme Ayn j Pnok Krtedrich. who Is «
aaaat at the raaldaaaa of Mrs. A. ~
ficials were tlraersl Superisteadeot J
bulUirtl Society was held ia the eooci)- p,^ot for the Wolverine Dasoli
Faek Friday araalBr.
K V. Aynew. Asslsualdoperlateodeoi
The work of careful lospccliup u( tor
bolldlay yeslerdiy aflerooon
A fsir ijinr compsoy. for the territory
Drake. Tralc Master A D Hart.
reposed rootos (oi tbr proyecUd rai
Thorlew Waad of East Bav. a
for nest fall arms discussed. Sul so sc- ' „f Uraml lUpids, ha^ sold a sis-hone | T^Tei'iBy'Enylonr'
road Uirduyb LevlanAj cuoety by ast
Aa of toa elril war. aad who U a? yean
ibtj, power rsyine to (ieorye Hcltner of ;
of holloos Hay. began Tuesday
ad aye, la aarkntsl;
yroouds offered tor Ibeme for discus-' Knurbe. lor his
Trains will hr ri
vsyoT Hums of ths*. K. -t I railway
ioba E. Oarilals of bat Bay, fell
bnt aolhlay reyardlny tbe fatme i-arp Ukr nest snmmrr. The eoKinr ns'joTiows'
cnmpssy. '
F I'lujeslon. sgrni of
frea a lead of lofS aesaral daye afo.
dtcided apOB.___________
, w„| be dellrer, .! April 1st. S. C. DesV»-nburrn at r, i
toe company at Muskegon
baniof bla lay qaita badly.
• . oeen eoyayrd by Mv. Fried ;
urel.iny there si « i
I s mreUny of tbe e;
arrived here U) begin the work f H
Dr. Marie E. llertOB la eoeSaed
of toe Ladlta' Library Associbtloa Ibe
Hurray, agent St this t-ni will s.-enm
bar bed with iUeem aad srIU ba aeabU fellowlay appoletmrnts wrrr made for plsctny of roBlDos ia this part of the; ,i Vaaburea si 1 mp. m.
psny toe surveyors' 10 l ompl e stallsi stole and he will devote bis e
Leave Vanburen forKsIkasks at no,
taatteadbarpattoatafoT a few days toe year: rbalrmaa of board. Mrs [..
tcation le the butimss
I veym w.n"b, mJe along tb
(ionir: ball maasyer aod Janitor of
Potstoes U tbs loe^ ■arkat itaohed
I>Bve Kalkaska si t p m . srrivioy !
^srp I-skr, s
Bosicest L"iisBS L.voei B
library rooiat, Mrs 0. I’ Carver; book
tbablybaatprieabf Iba aaaaaa I
P “
| suygesUd route west of tbe
Tbe Ijeeuoi of tbr boslnei colleye
da;. Tba frtaa taayad |roa tl la H
belereu this .,i, *n.i
H. E. Thlrlby, Mhs Sarah; andli- met Tursdsy aiyhi and discussed ' CoonecUoo. will hr fnr TrsviBf oommlltM, Mrs. A. 1. Ilsvllsntl. ,Al.e .lueslina.
"Ui-solvrd, That tbr hfr
, Sorlkporl will be looked orer snd ik.
Mra r. J. Kaaelsad. Mrs. E. h t-rall. 1»( s fsinirr Is more Isbnrinus ‘b*"
| rvsosr.-es sod (eoyrspbli-sl isindlUnns
Is will »prn iipschrapersnii b
rrporte.1 u> lbs company
tost of s Iiiercbsnt - Ths kfiiri
(lirret roulr belwsea Trsvr
t tty and
Daktral taka, riaa U. r ta;«rr. ren. Kmsdlry. liny

.boat Us
' lha latB e« Fes^&star I
teiba paatoOet win1 oai&ia Jasi

If you
are looking

for a mill that can supply you auytUug from {
Wheat, Corn or Oats, drop us a line anS vre ■will ]
m try and interest- you with samples and priceA >


Tbe BAMUtoa aolfalay Cb. trill bsraaftar keep tosD store opts oaly <b
Yaaeda;. Wadastdar aad Saiardsy


Yeoterdsr Ooo. W.JUS rsedrodUe





Id Stoll. Dear
of--------------------,The dwelling
toe bea
o'clock Saad«'1vMmV*’w^to»‘1n-'

Heumaau of TraeetM
Morgan of Poetiac.

iUre contrnu. furailare.bedding, cloth-1
lag aad provisions.
Mr, aod Mrs. i
Death Caused by Gsngrene
Stott were at a arighbor's sad toe oldA pecuUsr imm of blood pnlaoaiag
esl boy was alsoswa.^from boos, leav- rwiolied Tuesday mornlag
in tbe

Remcmhcr thcrcT. hi




it earaa raogbs. colds, broeebiUa pneommls aod all toraat and lang f


Haskell's Bookstore,

lag three younger ctaildrea. toe oldeai I death of tVilliam Bawrll. the well
about tea. in the bouse, snd thry were ' keown pbolograpber al bonth I'sloe
and that is I iH Front Si,
CBSble to save aeytolng.
Tbr fira^streck Deceased
Markham Block.
ae otupl ie such cases, from s and leave# bealdea a wife, three daugbatovi pipr cbimaey. Tbe lose is a’; urs aad two sona.
heavy one to Mr biotvasheia nearl; | About (out weak# ago. wbMr Mr.
blied and scarorly able to work.
Uoawcll was draaainf. the nail of oae
i ef his toes eaagbl le toe hem ef hU
Reoskah 1^ Inrt.Uauon
trowsers. turning i
toe regular meeting of (.rand tearing ^
it (ram ibe toe.. Hr Boeu...
Traverae Rrbrkah Lodgs. No l«.S„ur. . m^,,„, the injury, though it
evenieg. tbeolScerareoeotly
------------------------------------------------- .^vrtccled
blowl polsoolo,
were iostalled and the following were set io and other members of the fool
bname diseased
(iaagrene waa tor
tVardcB—Hiss Mary Sirabm.
i result aod Or Martin eras called npoe
Coadnctreea-Mlas Myrtle Uooker
; to traal the <-aee
It was tot inuatioo
I. G -Mrs. Aooa Lnmiey.
0. {i.-Mla Aoaa Ueable.
I Mr. Boswell was lo sick to aadergo ii
Chaplain—Mrs. Myra Fox.
, Tbebeealt was bis death aa noted.
OorSaviDEB Department
B a to N. li.—Miss MleBir Smith.
The fuaeral will take place (ram tbe
1. S to .N. G.—Mrs- A A O'.S'eal.
family realdeace. comer of TweUto sUew« latevvM ISvreea
B. S toV u.-Mrs. Martha Brows
'and Galoo streets, Tkarada;
L S. to V (S.-.Mfs. Hlnale Lair'o'clock p.
daeWd by Eev. J. B
Otgaaist—Hlsa Minnie Browe.
! Free
Hetoodmt ehatek.
ncrairr cxKxctLLMD.

arriead In the city Taeaday nlgbt •
re party toalybt ie Bu FrasAlBaabeel baildlay. A oerdlal larlto- tarday
«laa ta actedad to everybody to mtr
Oharlic OolcBtaa and wife have gone
taad. Tea «Mti admkatea will be
> Hntehlaon. Kan. Mr. Coleman Is in
bealto aad a ehaage
dlmaw praa adeised by hU phrslclaa.
Tba fatotr-ia-law of Osirt- Emory,
Mrs. D. A. Slaru wbo haa beea riskwho aadtaeed toa aspataties of two
Muyeoa ae
mml elal^le aoclely event,
of toe year In Traverae City. It was
gw aUI. la n
of toe gsMk eo b
siricUy (aU dram and the c-tcmc.
by the ladies diapiayvd toe moat 1
le to about ayala.
Tfre SaUh aMcea. wbo e
Tba dab party ytvaa da toe City
yin toe High schoollect- rich mad baaaUfal Uxtura. The cariy
. OpataheaaeFridayalcbtwasaolBeAl era eonrar la toe City Opera hoaBlaat
ti toe bast auulai eraala of toe wleter. nigbv ware antertalaad at toe borne of portion of toe evealag was given to
daaeiBgtto toe Inptring mnic farli area wdlBltamdsd aad It b pwera Hr. aad Mra. B. 8. Bell, wbo ha<« met
Blsfaad by Prafeaaora Haruagb and
dtot toe partlsa are beeomtay miiie toaa many Umca at their, aammer
btrffans. Imler a baaqnet ricb and
rara was eajoyed. The tabim were
Mrs. Wright Oat
I. aadehiid left beaoUfnlly trimmed with potted pinam
aari; adtobdty,
Aeenatarfer Syraenoe. where they aad smilax and ^delieaeiea spread
y tora to Traeeraa CHy p> fiasatly. Be
11 maka toalr
ilr home.
Hr. Uambi;
Tbe psr< jMataaaadtoe raatdaaeeattoe eeraar wUl Isaee ia a (ew days atter ba haa
„ AdMt^aadBevaathabaetoaad wm daaad his bsalaasa aSmira la the city.
•ova bbtSBUy bate toe Ant ef aeut OaSatajdiy alght toe tamily
d h; alargo party
e aMUEBa Mutotf Ufa lot
naaaa wnogitkwail at toe borne
? W.McXatltom thegitvglspeed RcT-* sTYte rrenL


rvoUrel. Joe T BroClv. B J
pFvotSoau. C. a. Bvoor.

^ <• P>—»‘ }*„*^*^ “
J. O. Johnaoa-

will prove it

TOTS Mile smt




that loves money will al­
ways buy at a place where he
knows he can get the best for the
least amount of cash; so he not
only buys his

here but advises his wife and friends
to always do the same. We ah
ways give the best bargains in
Shoes, and that the quality of our
goods is better than is offered else­
where is now no longer a question.
A glance at our stock and the pric­
es will at once dispel any lurking
doubt you may have. We call es­
pecial attention to our line of

Winter Goods.
The prices and goods are uuapproached in the city.

The Hannah k Lay Merc. Co.



Gjand Ttavegae Herald*and Traveree City Traasoript, Conflolidated^ Jann^fy 20. 1696.


Hi»H. B-OoKtoMf^^k.
TbewcMitb* MltaUi* «Mfcn*
Ou» WaUMm. Bor teiM. Alfrad
Bokiam Md
Hr. SbavM aad Mr. aifW* of Bod‘ ■eo.Io4..hM kowkllMoerMonood
•ICC WokoAoU. Iflof c»o-half ailo


twdUM of Ue kidaapa.
aUtUM ItUeetdawaa
Ua. Too fraqont te-



■ ar K bai
Ud4 tut BototdorChae. 4>B*e b estertatolBy a krw
l)«o B-..b.rW;
♦. ..m.l Or. Ff^
Iraa Ue aoaU ear* of Ue etata
. C. p. T«l-'
Loelie Kaoreaed eloeadaecrp
-ra of •ebooi at Ar^ oa
Hr. Ober.ood wife wbe <-------------------


ladtaat )o*t (oil to oUit bU lUlrr. Hr.
B Ooal*k.arc*ew*llplto*edwlUlbe
rp U*t br be* boocbt load asd
aokr bU botae here.
Bp iBoltaUoa of tb* Sir KalfbUoi
tb. aewlp brceaUrd Uopio Oitp Teel
•MVlad to »•• tboo) bwk.
*04. o( E. O r U'o Ue decree Man
olSleeplac Bear teat40*.of Ue K. O
T. H'*. a^ a>enben.Banberiof .boot
vUlwtap koHae» is Um Mde all. drooe ooer to HopU Qtp ooe
«U Mod.
eoMlay loot week, sad aaeulcd la loiFnd Powleo UobTrto booatocsls lUUBralseoedldoteolDto the np*te>ohor Bwlr sbooUar biaicll ooOM leocdtO T-H. Aflor the Beello*.
.HlMOfo- .OMofbUrpwlatedlpOf- which tbep report oe belop o *erp eo.
-tbo lOM 31 of obM
Dr. BooeWr ^ wlfr iloltad oor
Tbep would like to
•to«nithoUUor portal loot oeok sod eagrileat loDcb.
tto ftntof tbto.*emsr oediclBco
fcMovB Bonrscurr. o1k> rfrlsr li
•AiMuoaolUio cblof laoUrrol M

tkoy loot

____ _______ ,3Bd»Btosd tomUr, oloo
IteSMtoJiidd OBd HiMHot^ Cos.
wonoBooC On BBDber •horktllod *t:
OwUeFBVBlI'sooiioUrdsr. It wm •
•OfprtM OB taU orllc. M017 PowbU. Hhr
WBB BoirprlBed (s ew; mbm
■Mfd. DiBOM-vaswrrrd osdit
fwMoIrssdtSlMn. Thor* wrr. loir
. taaotdrtkdv «>>••■ AlUrdlBorrow
kaorwaodpBBtlBBlBctBf Umbob
ZlM.OIrimd lBodlBc*lik Ui«oi
Hro P»«r)l }B«t bBTtnr txrarbt
; llHan«BteftwerotqalFtbrfor«


Au OBT Uttl* fBlS«TiBd» htre
olOBBd •itfaBarvtBBUdprmlMteaed.

Choo. KaUf HhooUiv Sen M Trot•mClty.
Obi BfObonrk BOir.bBOt^rtM.
BL a*«hlst i«B^ la ptBitp »aieh
<har EMoat osd Biebsrd Wi
hon tone to tkc irDedk '
Un. Daaold HoeDnold. U ofola
•H7UI. ‘HereoBdltloaliBCThiBO.
BoM. OorloBd !• IB Ur wood* wlU
UiWctaoa. OBd Chao. Qom>Uu drir* ^ CHOP. OorUod * t««« to Ur
Ab cpm bm*Ubc wIU Wboid la
AtbUb Ufk I- 0. a T. Boat fiotonb;
•tBBlof. Om ed oor mol food Uuw
MvSfdBpoadwl opoo.

Ub 4U.
Wbcs ProBk <omr booi*
«VB)U«*eboelbOBB*. wblUcrbr bod
fOWBfM bood ororto. h* loaod U*
KBBBBfBUolMlp Mood*. Tb* look
aiOBOttorBOtlaa oo Prosk * toor wo*
^^7 Obuwod to hi* B»Bol frsui


.—-.wibytli- *TThk ocbMt.^

k wwfekKte Bdd

' W. B. Crowrll oad HIm DoWv rtalud'
Mrod*b*rct(otaido7«Bd BaodopHn. Aopor ood lltUe irlri of Uillrr
HiUorBUorBwUolMrB a<
fkoak Bixbrosd Fioak Koob haro
- •oUBBBoad basllof lar*
AbOB twrr

tVblleep'hlluy woortl
eiwbt oeow.-'brlDCisr Ue teeU io
ootact with hi* face and peck, ookloy

Mlaaee Bbbb oai PmH Ella
Troorroe atf. oUiod titaada ben
srd*7 aad beadap.
Mo*t«* Herald Ui'bbt wUbcated hi*

{ ArehOibba Hi
Bred LanM aad

f*. H;BrvHaM Mlhi.p’.,-,- ,wie.i I
perenu.'Mr. tadMit. E B l-rlce, I'k” '“e Hargrmre 8i. r. bat tV
A'aad, laat eeekU'O'-'nM-uou are *rtp diflereiil
•hqgelber anperitr to UeAiuA.'vAbUrtl. wbo baa beet

a borne li
11 w^ih tbe aaeatim. U aam<
Macb lioie and labor bare bm ex.
rrltlBy. '
eck loet fala apoUed
^tuddeolp MatFrldap.
K. of.Mifwankae. and R..l.t
IBu aittarata.
Praiper BoeUa« at U P. Pas'* la«t
LaalerUubbr aad Hiaa Flora Duaa .. _ It of nikay... were at the Wauka-1 rocrditM! atm.wpberir onmlinoija to Ue
I siIuiuibib w<>igbt. wbieb i. bdl f.
Travetae Clip. Salur- foa orer alybt Batur Up.
Tialtcd frlead. i
The Epworii Varue aocUl billed ' punmla TV auem.anetfr L-. attacbid to
t-dirk' A-d r ■«•. with our aa*lo''a forfridar rrrnlrg b.'.twen poatpoord a troio wliirb pt..>T-t* f.t«-.-.rd fi
I Ue fq.a.u-t tupT'-ri ut tb- foait c
Wetlaeauap af- IB ai-coont of the Br-liB(r«,
! Tbu uicleonyBapb le at i.rm it Urbrd
I to tbu fbwtw ride Ilf the n-iiri-r IruKk.
^Tb* w^^ MU appear io be eUll
I but aa B. U'iiiy Ikiuiwiu tin-kil" iti
Bd. Pox It flxlny bU hoo*e la yroad bomr ol l.jwell FriBk for a coaallBC |
WVidrrmao raw* from Charla- ^eUJerr'll. eafety iu dewumdiug tbi«
parlp. A rrrp pleaaast eeasloy
u,<i,„k4nT. to .p’ •nd the dclicaf lu.lrani.ut.J« lu fulurptuta
otpleelaee bl* wcddlog.
I BdBler with bU ri.oUcr at UU place. I faeti n<rl w hi re tbe framework M ill IoUrv L. P. P.>x aad daoirhler ere yo- Peee«<l'
lay to Cold water to *l*lt her poreata
«)rn.e or,
>t«« '-v..gluoeU, .npin-me pef-™H. UeUdrirley W.tPblte(ord-*aew
for a rUlt
klip Ibe .-Xl« rillinil- IliJile v-ilb kll.r,
teoB had bauUay Inyi at WillUa*rife of 1
Mr. Putter luug aiiit rebiBlod. Ual
budp U ioTlted loatteed.
' ?'»**
Ur ood Mrw'Wilwm hod
r a rerp band 1
U« M.atbur'. wert to
The opeier .upper ylreo at Ue hame
k enoteal with .
b. Mnmu. pn-f.-wirr uf m< |enrt.lo|.T.
Ueir weddlny olybl.
All hod a pleaarf K H l».rora laat Taeadop alybl bp
tbe IrUh Fair .in [The Utter grntleiDau baa-aid in rrla
be I-adir*'Aid waaaaaoee** VU *o- alx other
turn l.j tlie flyiug of kite* .■ tbe Virp
r aad anain-Ullp. aotwIUttaodlar Chleayo.
iweia. Wfan ha. yruutiiil idevutiou : "If we\'uul*] employ
poaeol oryaaixlajra Ladle* Aid eoci
baea the pant of Mr. K..................................a atriiig ra w ire bating do wi-iyhl.
*0 Sun that tbu wjud |tr>-Mnr« up
J. for
C W. Leeyoea l.onojeet o(.Joy* u- Bryaa a
would be wb.illy lii*pprr.-i*lde,
rh UeUIrd
ard baildloy tbeaew ebureb
The rlr* uf t
Re* Madm of Honor. Wteh . will.
aa mote ond uioro uf ibi-Mirui*
n tbe Lord'* proper.
lialtier. Mr Loatlay. helped rut Ueo> Hi. ual
'Tbp klnydoseoBe." ebaaire wh
Md elyfat leoB* wort ol the bool
d.p Bontlay, aed occupy
tbe pulpit
ipecl a yood
I’and U{war
the Coar'I. ckbacb.
will V a full
Pbllllpenf Bote* aad
The C E tuple for nei
•e DiaiTie;
wealnr i> "Vraniral .ppli
eud rclur
hr Be*litnde«'"Mall VI—i;
. prnrideii I
fdlUll. lU'd
I*ai l•,•ml.»ry aad wll*
Ed Ru-Ja
it Sutton lUv We, We . lu.d flpk.t.
Trarelar Uty. Monday..
OLD ituaiux.
undenitand I
I. coniemplaOog bor
and act
- Ml.* MaVI' i'hrliia vUilcd
Mr. Kehl'.'.hore, l>
3 CbloB. K. Briokai
artual liiu Lvbnt-e iii a v.
.trick Itxukerv dr, raUi oad to bU
. r n
mau'ii r (raoi ili.t iliw-nb-l
caa^ Elk Rapid. Iron (a^ace. Suboebool
HUe Kellie BtoaeU yoloy
quarter, whrn In town, *e
Tbe n..e.e..,.y fra u-ui.
at Oydeaebary.
nfmr a wreral
JobaaTe Drewealertalaed i
tv-iK-diru oleiiu'Uie, w uulri «
U|W*I and Opal, at Trarerae City, laat
U IrlMd* Belordap eTeniay.
>w that the mraale* are Brarly
Hi*. Ballew faa* a altter elaltiey her
there i. llule alekneta le nor ri|.
Hr. <i.» liiaham aad Hia. Empire
(roa Ue euuUero pa..........................
. and In eoniw-r|ueBce Ue doctnra tatiim.
Silica ba*r bceo oa Ue alek lUt (or
Mi* Maddox bo* rtnraod to bar
Vurr fine Mn-1 wire w
e-rUit wlUber
Lii-nberman BrUtoI U poablay Ue
Dr 0. W. F/allok
de Clip wa. kite Ipi aLiug away am
locgioy on mrilon dee, Wileoa lownIn tewn'U.t week b
t Dr F J five jiuaud. In tliu mire.
Tbe baollay commeBcod tbU Frallck'. b.hp who wa* rerp III
boBeTbpr«dep (raw
Ilf wire uru rmiuin.l fra
back ay*U BuDd*p.
one luilu lliu lutal wi igbt .ortaluitl br
A laiye circle law at the ahinyle
The Ml
a kim at tl(ui allitudu. im-ludiiMi thiBilf waa Vokec while In ear: two of
Mr*. M-cra Ke*.',r who ha. he.u D
^Jrped a coed the haad. aarrowlp eacapi
PrW»p olybl
n.'Wiimg apioriiiir. wuuid U-abiul IT
eytie.1 of her bralVr. B. <) l.*»'le, ,
topper, dkoce aad yeneral yood time. Injury.
pimiiile. or c.'i imumUat u'beiKliVol jy,
TbelBdieeof the Cib'
Cook Boikra areompaoied ^ Mia* 'irft Wedneadat (nr S-otb Bend, lod
V wbidi > tbe limit of aiceniaa
will b»*e expectk U remalo laiieAi
Hr*. Wb. Toapkiae, Prid,ap crealag
irdaj: reioririoy' in Ueji;;,;’^'"'"'"’''''

s.".; ar„sc.i'x:-ci

«. U B

Tbe maatlas are qolu prrralci
BU tlelaftp.
Jo* IVapejp eame ap from HaaU-

Clarence Pender of Chleeyo eow o
eapica UeCitp Hotel barber abop
Mr. liayador* purcbeted a oe
portUed eutter while io the ItapJd*.
y JenioB aad J. bl TerwUlty
ia Eloylep one dap la*t week
Ur Pre*bpvri^eta'!uvb''7a*t ^oIb!
Dr. Soott. V. K of Cadillae woe call.
hOTJjJJtBrdap bp owe of R. U. Peter
S'. WmioBt of Cadillee ku bob
m tbe Lascaater bouea In ,Ue wort
part o(.tbe rillaye.
Ju ChBobeil aad Jbba B Reyer i

Ruod Uk- Lltererp met a. t^
la.tlli*r«dipe.en<Dg 1 be di-; ,y,. ^

fra‘.®rriTl vXl out'tbe lligbt
the Hullece-.-th h-wp^ul clinatlon can I,

ealiaatioa- Tb. ounbaUbU V.ny
E I, IWV and tVilbor Kciybi
Aaexcrediuyyood Um* U ^ppec' '
Tb*ae debate* are rerp leureallog i
finite erenlia.
prodtaHi- In tbe w*y that it make*
Mr* Wm -------------------------------poaay pcriple butter able to apeak behrrrelf

Mr* lieo Swaltutoa U eery rick.
John Huff wa* iB Trarerae Clip Hob- Mr*. IrrsK^tater of Mooroe Ceotra
froato towBria.t Sataidap.
B- Caw U ill FaltoB ia atteadasM oe
bU moUer, « ho I. rerp *>k
mamlat Hr.Ae
a few day*
Arerp \Vpnko-<p aed Joe Farraal left
Moadap (or tV Biy Rapid* boepltal
Mr* Tbaratoa waa Ukea quite alek
'ul Saturday, but U'better
iritlnyRcT. U n Raryer left Saturday
Ralkarka. where be *riU remain uaUl
■ee O Brien baa ^oead bU taailp
Cooloo (arm. alx mile* weal and
Borih of Ue tlllaye
AH* Ixing arri*«d Moedap
be will take hi- place a* '
la Ca.e A CreUer,'* mUL
.Sereklah Slaekflacb. wbo ha* beea
with relaitrr* here atoafa paar,
*d for bla Vme la Walarlw. Can

airiki'i Uu Lrtakrra atsaiu.
Iinniher of
trf kite
A i.iiniher
are e-ui up fi
^' Uo flying gntii
------ -

la Ur pUl ten d.r. IfoweTer. .be I.
BOW iBii-b Viter and we hope os Ibe
road to reeoeerp

Friday e.ening Jai
■er. of Old MI-<J..n,J

I.rniiii:-.! by f..-o.iug
-ale u:urk>*l in
>xu(a» tif tbe


^^•-1 t

'Coau'LcaathwPaeCeataClip. .

' '“

co. -lu.


MenV blue Ithirk Bcavxr Of, real, our itrico has
iHvn 5..>0. down llu v iru at............................$8.86
One grand lot of nu'ii'iySlK-tiaiyl I'lslt-rs. in brov
k'rays and blues, running F-rFO t.. O..HV j*o al 876
Choice of all our bitv's ami children's l’-lhU*rs. run‘nicjr in priee from .\iKi ujt to .r-ri). .Ml jeo
Men's all wool slv’ish PlakrSuil.
value at
7.50. go at..................Jm..................................
A lot oi blue I'xvills.
wtiol, markoil down to .
flood servieeable youlh's wool Cassiuiere Suit, good
\-aluf at tt.lHi. go at..................................................
A'k't of children's Ituiude Rtvfers. wttrth p.'OO.
liuced to................................................................. .
?5 dozen men's M.ickiti.uvs. I blackfi and {tlaids.
worth 2.W) ami 2.5o! all go
Collection of 20 dorw of tnlds and ends m men’s
I'iiderwear. running in values from 75c tb
all go at.......................................... ............

trpiue to 111-.r, -im.ii .uitigot.-Ui. a
glob-. Wl;..i It I-I.-I.... an .t.-Jl.ol
ntt’liug li;;‘i‘
'flure i. ii-i.lra aud'^
Tbure are txwt lirawlMik. in ihia
lamp. 1)11- ii. lUt il eauihii lie.tBr.ic;!
d.m'u 1 Xi- ;.-. .-re rluu ly. .MudU r 1.
Ual It <ei.3oi b'toniHuui wild lift
naudiiiu.’ I- .'HIV............
genuratlmi uf g.i. wocM n.-uli iu ructi a
fw-Mnre iIm! It . would (uri-.- it. way
OBI llit'-OEii thi-walur I«4Li.-i r-if .-XIbi- mvoitor wiyii.tlie oiiH- iliOi.'iillp
Mug llml the gat woaid ituk-uuutfplintr.liu --nr luluuri.'iu. Wjnii ibUti.| 1. i..rm.l .nil, ilw.jljli.l.-r J.ould

Igate tbl; (null, altliuiigli it'il uiuol lio
nwwpwiiii It. iB.ide Ini'uri le a-up,..rl Wli.'h «ii; caUb .imi u'dil loirarlnd- b-ld<r ran of tli- waur. To
tinpliir working Ilf tlie Inoip Ibe liglii
.hi.ulillu liiniitl ocr. (lir lyliBdi-trei-d
I'i Ui.
aud iliu lamp *g:iiu
ligliiud. Tb-1'Will.t.H l..i,g.4,.-tati.m
-r ga>. beenuw Ibe Iitn- uf U-dirMiii



Men's gi*od Cork Sole Lacc Sh.K's was 1.78. i
Men's fine Lace ami Congress Si ogs, was l.W'and '
■ 2.48. now.................. ..................................... ...... ..
Men's Satin Ctilf. Lace and Congress, was 1.48. tio' '98c
Men's High Cut. Tap Sole. LaccSlutes. was 2.78 now 1.98
Women's Kangaroo Calf. Button, worib 1.48. no'
Women's Dongola, Button.'worth 4.48. now___ __
Women's genuine Box Calf^iLace. Coin Toe, wprtb

n tviiliprip.rt
uhi'ii Ihr pn.
- S 'w-Vrak M i-re.iuiii*.
A rarre.|.uoi Ll III the >|iHlluUi-1d‘He
I.ulili.-... WiK, la* tir**i l|.•ilfU Ij.lig le
lei.d. uiu 1.1*1 ll*. li .d y.l.wil-. -friHIp
J Lung l-laiiil.ia"


3.1*0. nttw____ ;........................................

Women’.s Felt. Lace and Omgrejs. wt.rth 1.4)0. now *i 69o
Boy.s' and Girls’ gtKxl serviceable SIkic.......... 69C tO 87o
Men’s Boston Lumbermen’s Overs, was 1.7^^ now.. 1.86
Men's New Brunswick LumlK-nnen's Overs, was
1.75. now .................................................................... 1.86
Mon's.Hur.iii's for Socks.............................................. 1.00
Child's .\rlic.-. was 58c. now................

V I^iub you BM’Mng t
i.'.**] plara to lit- la."
.1 -i-hUdliilUlulltua

.ui.w.r—1*4 pUiii
5-.. }.- ' Il 1. Ill,
i.l,l llp.v I.I 1, y„.i,»,i I-Uagiuu
g l-l.ii-l, I -h-r. irr hu i. AH Uk

W« have made special reductiona in our overstocked departuem of Ladies'and Cblldrtn's Underwear. In the Dross
Goods department we have CUT DEEPLY imp tbs prices of
Flannels and Broadcloths. For want of space we cannot
quote you prices, but a glance at our offers will convinos
you of our crotbfal-bargaina



lais* kind—In

Glass Block
King rratimli
ig* of ndigi
I- pnd-lenii
Qflb-pn~,ni uwi i-i-t-ullp 1
fnrt tu iiiitft mill
aanal lif- Tb*
griBl »* ij1 b—I Ilf 111- jinremi. a- »-U
a. tV great n ligii.o* Bi.ri. i. (ra i.u.1. '
aotn-u]mm ,.l Iif-aiiil it* ul.Iigaium* |
a»*m liniig tu-uiiii'i barniuuy »lib
eai'b 1,1b,4. kj Um tier uijy r>allie
that all tb-ir lulin-.i.
aud ,
oxuuJOB. Tbu lip..tli,ri-.-b Ilf Hunt. I
tuDub •iiukua uf u..» . atiil uu fiud tbe ;
anitimunt a onblu aud iuspinug one, i
but we oiQia refill,-1,> iv*- iliei it ba* tbe ,
dreqiret aud wuliai nuauiug. wbirb re-'
ligiou reu atiyu li. re liiid. 1. In.plire all,
ofluir lhiug> wbirb riligi-u <«u pnari-:
bly iiieaii, aud tu pnl it luio ,-taal Ilf*

- t-n-...



ttraart tibi

. b Lind

Walter baker a

Aft«r hawin* hUd A UetAvy «eR*oD-B busineM.we «tm find
OtwlvBi ovar»iocknd in aU of our depattmoiit A W« n»«d
TMtdy esAta to do onr biuioMA W« cAnaot afford to mny
Orer onr wlotor stock for another asMon. even in th« fboa of ■
heavy advancea. We boueht our wiutes roodfi early, andar
favorable clrcumsunces. and we are wIIIi&r to eacrlfloe our
Iproflta. and aome ttema will go even hiiow tyo*t. This ia a
la atralqht
,bona fide
dual, a Renuii
will atiictly adbilera. It ie not to beoonflUtfd With ahabby
advertisements whleh
are mlsteadtog^. po not delay, aa a
waak'e buainess is liable to cleur rint fiotORi^ tbe bargains
whteh_wa cannot duplicate.

fur ibu.1110.1

D1.....I 1).'
doyi.i, Ilk-I!



iliiiu g;us. 'BED HOT.
wbidi i-v-e.
ap ibror:
Inio Uegar |ttl*. Till »*:
1 ,g,-.
li im .-aritide:

rrepreed BallemA C.U*t*.
A min i propoaiuiB wa« made Bo|
.1 y.iu, ..lilrue. to H E UufkU-u
long ago to the nc'ivBe of the Balll-,
i-liu-ag. and g-i a tree retapiBurr and Ubiurailnwd. Tbe Balt
,f Ur Kii
andobtnba* a bcancta rouning'
what I. knowo ■■ Alexxotlria jun
pill* arr iwel
,.o aod are
ouar Waabuigum.
(rertiuularly -Arelj, . - .
•r furry i. iq, iyin»llp»ii„B *Dil Sick llrailorbtbe line, lead
Wo prei—It. inraliial.lTh'„y are
guarauteurf P-Iv p-rf- tiy fr— fr-,m
urur> d-l-U'ri.pu-.u<KUn,^and b, 1-

ItmUlled by IMm Ladv Commandre
Mr*. Sarah Hill, followed by ihe lad.ed' riwd work lu bl. letter be eiplaui.
of the biee la a flee drill, dnr.og Which ' th.l lie UoBghI there w». a wide fid
tbe retiriag oooiaiasder of lb* itli fig bright aod eorrgeii* buy. wbo coald

^ Walter Baker & Co.’s



Travarae City. City. Mich.

A Luxurious Parlor
requires one of our
Guiles to
camjilete ihe ensembli;.
riicy arc worth twice our
ttrircand can't‘be dupHlatiil for thp money.
Designs are exclusive,
|.:tttcms • rich, carving
uniiiuc ar^ altogether are
useful and attractive as
wd1. giving excellent ser­
vice and wear.

J.W, Slater’s House Furnishing Store,
Traverse City, Mvti

Ifte-lSS Front Street.

i^zvJ JZ'ZT *' rs- “eSristi-. r
*lniBa-fa an,1 h>iw>>lk gremtii iQ-igi,ra'
tlie*y»tem. Il-tnu»r .1/4 sic |.-r I.,
s-.ld by J li Jiibowa. and S E tV*


Buekian'* Arotea Saiea.
KlAT 8*1
Cota. Rrai»r*.
Bbeua. Fe*er S<
. Tevtrr Chapped
jroo. and all riVis
BaBd*. Cbilblaiai
u.elj rare. Pllea,
Ereptloe*. aud p
It U ruBfasreed
agent* and lu other cuparulea leqoired lo|rl»*^»rt«t *

r iBoorp
Lady CoBBOBdi
MaaCBB- iu Ibe lailnjad B-r*ioy
,Bt« per bnx
Ai Ui. traDch refuBded. 1‘rite
and 8 I Walt.
of Uu Balumuru and Ohio U of nmald. tale V T n y*hi
L^* I.leuL
leuL Co:
Coamaoder—Mr*. May ccatde ealoe tV rrearen wure cann*w*u *»«* CaMMI*.
- £mor*
Reeoed Keeper—Mra EUaa pellitl to ikcliDe Ue offs. —Elenricwi
The HeUo^abad qalteayeod at-


• lal’atlas aoppr
aprerdand tbe* achaoce
wiren. 10*11'*°““' '
rhaoce gi»eo.
who wlataed. o trip Ur light faol
Tbe ufll-an

T.rd,'masoe Keeper-Mra

Loren of warm aoyar wiU'do well _
-Bead threoeial ri**n bp Ue Yoaay
Ladlre AH eoeteip ia IV baaemeat of
iho Hapiwicbnrrb »idAp evaalay.
We.Iep tuna baa beea expartooeUt
SleirfalBy U ynod OBd lor* are ooi
Tbaper rloltrd lay Id Wp
Mr. (Ityadorn keen* a youd deal of trauSle la bla mill laleli
bp apike* Vlag pot la tb* aawleyv Nu
•» bU -- ha. beeo beet pet. bet It ia rather

A Borel and latereatlBy eaotaat wa*
held la thr.-rood Templar k>dr* Meaoay rrenlay.
A prU* waaoCeredu
bU ebair la uV
1 (rae* e« eerare •e^ baea Uraa barber Uope Ib Iowa. Ue Vp wbo eoald rew ea U* meet bkttoa* la ayirea lime and U the yirl
L^hlhU. wbn maid driea lb* Bnet Haifa
j a The Irtaade of Mra Con Oarditer or
' P'7 Aar a pUmt oarprUe a law lae dap Uat w»
nara. The aroalay wae apeat trark waa all that earod Iv
Adefre< ftaa Kllpatriok.
^aabedlB*t w»k.


mo etirndrd ri

•UBd.pOD C Bl
Mr*. Looelooa ood ebildrw htoe
feor to LBUactOB
The UdUo'Aid atalbrlU Hio. KUPatrick loaoTboradop.
Mica Graoa KIocaB retanod boa*
feo" Blf Bopul. Wwloeadaj.
>Hra BoUldoj. wbo baa beao onp III
o( paruBMota. I* roponrd bettor.
HI** Co4ie Arorrol T».».
■ oitiUdMIiaMorioo Ittbb* fBcoaU;.
Bloaebe Krllar'a
Mood* ca*« her 0 oarpclte botoidop
Mr*. TboapooB oad eoo .Percy aad
Hr*. Praak beTen wsat to Abb Arbor



no W. B. U. b win Bert a

CT.'? 5^0 rroBd *BdBt«V
aalacUoe wo* well rradered or '
•dipt* of Ue eori)lB« oror M.

iitapjay at lloUl Wes-

4» ■waua u»
*c bm.
«*e k BM4 re Be LaaM^
Beaip OaU. 4 Kew .Terk wotrAimikr. baa iuTenl.d a Uuip ftr boslac
oaftyMma yaa la wbiA V cdaUMtba
akaaaa id daagtr prewwt taBooteoB(riroBeaefartV ,g-*]Bi4i;« iX tbaa**
Tbi* wilrip u bM H
- - tbevrlmla bl
lamp, ready. I*
Tbe body o( U I*
aort of BIB .4 bnma. ul-VI plated. wlU
B cajmeity nf .«_S galkm* aad Bps at
Ibairqx InUUDBiirwi iVgaagnaratiog jnrt td iV Ubi]i. toBiBAlui
In tV borare. Tbii iwm.l.u ef aa loam
BBd BSCDtiwcyiiDdre. Tlreobwrcpllndrr ia ol oat f mr ioebu. is diaioeiH
and U u|.a at Ibe bottom. From Ur
ir^ proji-rta cu orfiiuare gaa bmer

U COnwferdof Biy Kaplda.afor-*r rrUlaet of UU place, ha* ben
There la coBfort ia Ua kBowledye ao
*Wtiay WlU relatlee* and trl**d* be«a eftn ax^Mfd. Ual D*. KIlBorU
(or a few dap*. Be preached a eeip la- 8wBBpB«>t. Ue cnMUdJbp reWM^,
teraUay aermoa la tbe hall Boodap faltiu tmn wUk la reBerlay paia h
aiybtaad laUrBcd to bU bon* Hoa- Ue ha«^. Udwepa. Urcr. bUdder awd
crerp pan of Ua criwarp Daeeayea. It
oorreete IwabUlW to hold .arise aad
ecaldlsy pain iapawlay It. or badwf(eeU tolImlBy wee of liqaar. wtDbor
beer. ^ mreoar* that oapNanat
Baeeeaitrof belay
lebel Wealeh abd Matilda Ue« ban
•erlnyUe oiyr
le Beaalea.
daod Ucexti
bide bolder, i. foar Irn'liue bl^ta
Mike Gap ha* you* W Cadillac to eU- rflertof SwaspBoot Uaooi
t ataada Ue biybrat (or Ua
erfol BBaU eu-.u:;b 13 fli lon*a.r lb the (
faU daaykter. Mr*. Ke
CpIiodiT '■ l4- lump c4 larbid'. whii-b
weigu i..>toacbs* a|>>ai>daDil *
roa Baed
lu a Juu.p. id Ui> ti:i. put uilu
' tbe boat
drayrUm. price Slip
Hr*. Will MIU aad daaybln Joae- c-at*a^ oo* donar. Vno tupbarea
cyliiHler. tb- turaiU 'd wbirb it
Vec bm „mp,, bo«i,,Dd pamphlet boU newt eb'iwil wiibw greiing. on afaiub the car
rulllor relal
aliee* aod frleed* a ibU (ne bp mall MnUoe the Oraad Tra*- blih-r-rl. ii jeibio • t IA u Ttaudarrt.
-■ Ue patl week.
|c*Be Herald aed eiiul poor addre*. to
the gf.11115 Vbw <!■-TO Bud tboopa;
The Mbolart
ihe Elk Rapid* blyh | Dr. I
Afo. blerhamloB. .S. V.
riolk ol Ula paper yuarsa. cod i-f Iho carbid- bol.:. r mi Ku-n. the
lool from '
> p acr rrtorotd to Uirlr i Tb* pr
b. Idee IA >1. .taudnrd i> lawrtid iu ihMiVI |tee Ue
aaoftb'Offer. 1.41
;lea Hooder muraiog.
muraing. exoept
ut.iercel<ui<,raui)*l iulwilb a >|HtVealeb and ktbri Hubbel!
UftatbwBC bpatekseea
Eeiry iliiiig i. u<
ready fra tbu gen.
TV Laclir*' AH 'aneietr
* gall u uf wafer
Hra. fatrr>b Soura laal W^i
.ntotiienra. Tb.
.ciniii* llo-i.-irlnde

eaa ia Trareiae Qip U«i
MIb Mlna.Vooay U werklayr atBolei Wexfonl.'
W, H Sharer of SbarBaa *ra* ia
town SeUrriap.
Elwood l-eek of Vt'exfurd U eUltiay
>aka loaded Uree cor*
paiBpla aad aUler a few dapa
:b pototoc*
ktoc* loet week^
Elmer Coreell waa iB Lake Ado aHI
Will bMooelib**
Itboeli be* boarl
boarbt Ue Perrb
Empire laat week «a biulBcea.
Northpon Uepanment
Iona aad will pwre la the tprior
>* KlU CWTriMCaaCawd A
Whitaep of Tra*ar*e Clip U
a lor Ur Kxatko
There woe o llVUe .*1*1 dooee at
oo alt B*op (rteode here.
Prep (hall Ue eecaiayot Ue HU. *
rod. la
ia UU pl'ace.
Hr* KellU Corae'l. who baa be*a
u'^ap with frieodt
Mr Browo of Treeenw Clip we* I
terUm OlBraltM la rirlacII
dtayrooalp. Ill at her bomr. U maeb
Imander l^k made a trip
rip to Trarooe dap loet week looklay up puUI
b*lt*r at UN writlay.
rae dtp laat Friday.
laralay i
ArUor Morri. of TiBTerue CHp
TtaeUteeiarbiFtenu-Dtof Ue wratbe
rerae Clip wa*
^ro^ol Hob*. Lloderieot oae dap
orcaa'i BcImirta
Ibe aonpraafol flr
*. and eallloy
lluUrkitevbirb prTwBt
-a. Elaer Cor„
The Troeeree Clip llumber Co hat
I a aorface of tbrmi f 0 aqaare
[oare let i lo tb
Dtdo ortODKeeaeou to bap hcBlock
If at ■a b'lgUt o
Albert hat Ukca
ogi here tbic wialer.
- oneaodabair mile*. A* lDUii.-.nbu
ber Job ..f Cba>
IVill Mofeload wu Ukee
drawlnselm tog tnSmlUACUyyell'.
luedop. but Dr.CUrk eap* I
alaee mill sod wltfae* to blra ai
Bcmt, Ua aiwaoe fninework I. juiu*
I Biap lu afcw depeoyola.
a at pottible,
logi ibrr with trim loahwd of oaili
haradap BiybL we I
with uUer
tt-hile Ibe abitc ointlla ocn-eruiy it a.
We Ulked
ie'e L. to,dcforo,x.
whbViTlHMOifrtr'o'Sd'c i
U. de.
.ley It Working with IK«|- Pbll
« "Cl™tldc ki
pM oad It wnrkedfwel!
( at the psrtraag '41'Cor 3 e
I niotb ch<aper.
a Prop art wlU oo oor

Theynldeo weddiay of Mr. xod Mr*.
Oeorye Heddea we> drcldc'p Ur Wl
Ulsy that bee erer bre* at IMd MU.
Up Ue app'oisnec of Ulsy*
eTeTpopralthlDBlleetf Old MUeioo
- Tharo waa bo ptBoobtBr ot Uo were Uere, and all teemed to esjop
FMawda-ohoreb SoodoT oa oeeooBtol theBeelre* bulb IB Ue perlnr aed
Aoartarlp B«Miac at HobIob.
Tbe yiMm ead bride
now IJ OTTOAftei
iaf iafcoBarol WrooBOia. B ■cr Jball went

Hr. Uaaler
Clb7 to 11*0.
Um Hbm b

-cker aad wile of Oleo
lUeea. were the roBU ol Hr. aad Him.
KltJobAoiB. PHdap.
Hr*. W. S. MoatyoBwp.aad MIb
Ploreeee »ad Holler WW>e )etk Ta*edep. (or Deirall, where tbep tW rotcola ooul aprtnf.


t»tar^l2‘rrr.«’'lu’^uU TkirdMB?

r“.v‘ ^

“TP^ * «** ^' Aap'uaTVi;L~Soi^r aSd'hi^



• ulT-rafriKB that I
TW* umre Bra twt* . a*uw.
i,ing H;*t win ai
. TLr edfiev bop bi
Lady Seryeant-I
t—Mr*. Harp Steaeea*. goB in hi. bauda
tdueg. bob V
Lady Miatrca* a Arae-Mra. Joae time t
)«*» -I Ir* w f* -*«).*
>e man with the
Lady SeoUuel—Him tMct
J A I'erkiB*. of Aatreui
I-adp nek -\—Mr. Uaad* Tompkla*.
MgBU. "ru lookiB fee mjoblef'
for thirty ptar* Beadicealp U
Lady (Mptaia af Gaaid.—Mra. Della
-WeU.tbai-.hU imm*.”ml*
phyaklOBa fur Ibevureof aei. .
wa* qalrklp cared bp nlBr DeWIU-*
Tbo ((B.-rr* of Ue Tent are;
Wlleb Uaael Sale*. tV lareoo* beaJlBg
PaatCuB —Orano J Fatkar.
Vie* for pile, aad akia dliMa. J. G.
WlU Ue Hrotgaa.
OitB.—Artbar w. Hill.
lAeut Cob -Joba K Smith.
brew lookiBgfcrpoB
E. E -Oaoeye F. JerretL .
bo got down Uu moraiag. "
P E -Wlliu K EloaB.
-Luokls (« roe, ebV msaa
Cba^-Joha L Ca-BlBya.
Sreg.—ArUer DeVol.
ariU U* abplyim a. V oa
M. at A.—Barrp B'lia
-Waal.- V ccoclooud ai V arfUy
UtM.ofO ~0 *d B ElmbB.
•ozud down U* olBin. -poa }m' Ml
tBd H. of U -Alarn Paawya.
himterBBUablba* Rt th« bawatT
teabi* mM



M atr'-Sev Xotfc A -

l*#re**ireul*K*T*riut , --T'T

Grand T^TCTBtfHeraM^andDTrftveree Cttty TraMoript, OcaiBoUdated. Janiiary
m ptoy boaau tbto euamar. 1 I
euitb* went UmaJ
Tbes be aave a great try and' staited
wbea I had tbu naMlr
totoam "tb* well, tbe ««U—tf aha
iVtillM' tMnacti tb**aiDMrl MpdbouU go toward tbi|l"
not huvB Umm terd. bat I did aM
•d ay amn* la tb* cmrdMi Asd fiek>r tban it takm'to t*U ti be
Ilka te stay to tb* bdaueaU tbetImaL
•'Who's buM dfoal ef ay BAtac
e SeU. fared hto way
out doon teawaalm My
IT* aU aatoM U* oinn.
My •iitor UotbesM tbetu. but cay other brotbIt was terily light, aad Mmybody
aad I am te a pieale ee tlic Fbank of
tolbabonaa. en*TttocCI*M*ra* eriU
iely. n*r* sro M *cbolBr« U
e field era* empty, aad tb* *oi«*
mmad asleep whs bto wimthful cymi«oa—llboyiaadtirlrU. liriahyea
a child a«* eitll
tte broke (be lawBtog eUeece. Be was
of Bewem tbto sammsr. I plMcud to tb* open chamber, ahaktog ioS by
BBotbei iniuni atom was crDD^T7 CbriMaa* aad a Happy M*a
tog on tbe edgv’bf rto M nil. abadtog
twuuty quarto of berries'Uto sumawr. the ebouldar and aboutinc tobtomr.
Y«a«p Good by*.
tb* Ateter cam* la kaaia aad tuaad kb
Myeoasto wm e«ur Bare tram Gin's
Alter tbe third abaku Jeff opsed hi* eyes aad pevring io
Mileai Bgsia fa rrrd agray Ir
Vboa year friaid.
iberv' Bbe to draeralngl" batoacto. Itaasbbdftkmll
Pier te two *r Ibras days and my hi* eye*, aad irim tbe qoeWiM bad
Ac* U.
A. Skau
Oh. whai raa I doVcraadpa bad hto gaaoHto lamp up la toes ivp>uted twice be ewtteMOBcb
as half tqiyd « ii)i ftemr^
Omeaa. that be popped core with. aiM
l«Mitok«.l>w.ia te
btv.-u bratT Tuini and tbe n* *m iB.-orT-n aad tkai lu wm irvwime a
-toZJJln -OI.h
ib.^ wm «a
old (Uhlag ucklv. Let me ales*. Uoa
.DBAaMM.BAT»-lss*bp tbe Baa- we want up there aad eUyed all tbe
*o Ivrl blKlies Ibsi: the
u> yw waat asaU M write sola- SterBupU'
’••Bt all aroaad the
ooie. to tbe tnudls tad. reumd
aiasebeelBa*. I Ilk* ay teacher little lake up tbare. We get loto
adl te
nraily to desy havtog meddled, **^lem dared nm de.
didodpog n
laalaa vary inacb. My teacb- sbrltoand we weal to tb* atovu and got aad Clwn. moderatlog bto vote* s little,
all on K<h.l
candy aod unta. apd wbea we got npped ui ibr dorr of tbe eootb phasito Htos Rlecdoo.
I r° to
baaod.atotd •uiioeriy. "OirU. bar*
aebiari aracy day. Sow 1 wlU MI what
edtber of you d.»e anything with my
ay stadia* are: they are tertb reader, tbrvv miiva from bora.
».•». .urwi-n-d lu h.'.
Krom your Irleud.
aseaad book la arlthaetto. phyilolacy.
xib'BL buteliat* exclaimed
Ckus BsKriATT, I
wriUof. tbs blcbest ceayraphy, aod
Ibe RTV*. i>-.idr bmi Hr
y. -Oh, cite. I'm •oacsryl
spelU^. Tbe best Uias I bad tbto teaUfa IrvuiLlii-R tuiv-r. an
aa was at the rally at Trarrrtc City.-'
tfa* rlii-k Iroe
C*t>fto> bare a (%rtoiioaa tree
u«-r..t pfaanra. but ii was
ly rhanre Ib.n- ws*
*d to U-rrov
aad we are c^nf *« ■P*s'‘ ptoc*«
H. Itrwrred tb- Im- aod drapc'-rf to
told tl.ioiwli.w rr>or»«rj.. a
ha*s aaeatoleraad twebrotben. that
h. a a »in.Imie |.r..MuVlr-. -jll tlm fruia orin*Ti I'l.w .1' ..d
1 (uryoiyoB
COtoadoed. Well. I car** I will rloae
f"* ai-"-"*
I l..rv.
.1 .,
p, Wi|.
gome ItoUmK tnetoy
ud*»a-iirI»..o|.-r*n..-.. f.w ll... i-oiil.l. *1 1,
l-,«. |-,,
i j,
te this tia*. r<*>DK tar >**>*
Clem cluinpxl d-rwo Rain, too dis­ Bmt'i srjvnigly
Ir lUring to tirratfav. be
appointed aid sUEty to try to (.-n qnieS111 Llbel'a
■ ly. and the m.i« avA. bto falher and
iCfa hr im-b
mother and baby Etbvl, who dept os
B*Ml<-«nlle.ltW6.t>er.l* iwr
-w ip fliv lane, grrat drop* of l*Erai"isI—kno.1
...1 -lAi It,.' -......... . ...
Iboocbl 1 eould
oruiR .Lwu hi* fare,
-V.... -.-.1.1 evr.-. . 1.1,r.r. ... I,..k ai d--! ,l„
I._k„ I „„
"1 thiuk r'a foo errufobudoi mean."
bat br(t-and4id DM bappem
wriu to yoe asd.tcll yos ibat I *m co-1
niollcr-d Uem to biui-If *■ U-slam^k"'l’*r n^r1.‘'.,t
iV*«l!.l" * !l
I'! VI ICi-l'fad*. I'•
lac to Kbool aow,
I like ray tsicber
med (b* back d.-o elu-r Uim aud wral
bed. Th.~- l..--i.rl-.
........... 1-3. P...|.l. ••
very aaeb. Bb* to very hind lu me. j
bi.--k Ibr b.<A did.nm tt
Bar faeow to le Oskaae
Her namr ie ,
off te lUbiug. tad BOW I vr rm It I Ibi- .1.4)1 Ringbaa dn-w d:
Mtoa Lltsle Dana,
lamcoloc <oc<>:
A* bi> eagtsT band* at
bavru I R.d auytbing lo tiab wilb I
wllhbevsoas l<i(t*y niylil to.
uk a I adg* Ikat *uu>.<l.ll.( -la- rauml llw rr-.u. - 1 ...
CCDVV my Krwd aud bie Ratgr bacr tbe and dr>-w b«
I slady arllbmvUr. epeiaoc.
ebe-k—l-(t me caily two Joah.. aud bop- .roue tb
Csofrapby. rradloy. history and yrmai.,
lliirw- biR ruouRb Ij' luluta whale* wiili.
.M««TaAat UAIJ. or. vjX.
mar. I am In the slitb rrwte now. We
•pUd. luto I
and l-vrk all mv lin..
tboupb Elbvl bad U-.-n I
bavefoar moatbi'acbDol tbto winirr ;
Km Etbel did bot nir aud Ib.-r.added. wiaariuR Li. )*w», "
imve mimed one day of aebuol When ^
• -.lie p.M fouru-el
an uply braiw on her f
eoms bom* from wbool I brip ma srt
bail ouoe w-eui a dr-wuinp prw.ti tr
Tbore wa- a I rn toll of >.
Bpper. There waaa oew bri; pul on '
atorr-d to ivuiviooioi..'. -xid wub.-iut
drfwvt of ibe d.ud uyl.u. I
our aebool bouse tbto moioirr.
There ■
lorn or liniobvRiui ib--oiui-inaim.-ui
nealy-two echulars on rail lbl>
m the ebUd.
Hr had Dot prorevvil-d (sr. how..reT,
We have aboot a tulle aod a ;
nearly, lu.-e.Ian
:nm1y a. U, n.d wb.-u Ctbel p*'|wd aud Iwriui i- cry
j bard Luot. nod cbijcinply
km U*.. ..ape
"nh- . alivet" .b-uied Cl.-n.. a* If
thtoieprUiL Aye i:
li.t.-miq,- i-'.
Ills liu« tVuDKl' 'bo rye uf a cremen- the fii ld bad been foil
plv. aud < l**i.iiiR b. r cloM- ui III* uni.,
domly larRc b.-.d. sud IsVt.-urd It.
"1 hire * about i.- rhnrwe in ten mil bo ran out Uiruuph the of.-u hut. w li.-f.h.. «i.bU‘ k
lies tUaU U ,i*b t, auyihinfi. " beRia^- Ethe l bad «ii»e m and down ' lb.- pram -h*k-r lug.-sl
.-yier t'ordiu
Deab Mrs. Barui—I tbougb l I woi
grov.-n road.
■uble a. no s-rurdsy, to* S-oo^ad^lt.y -i Apri;,
writ* to yos: 1 bave wriUea b'fiiv
Wbrtj qull* u»t bnmv. h.- tn.-i Kul* .thrr luedi.-ui'rtniRbt. bni It wa*. 'ii.—t n> o', tek tolike to ie*d tbe cblldrao's letter. ! g;
fern-we looiiil IIii.h. |.->ky .t-wk and 1 borrying alougvnb rtnmii (ucv au.l —*
vnralire h
%o eebool every day. My latehrr't name
>hivb It to .v.eip
ijrid 1 ju^t tuiiilibd into l*d "
le-i.-erlain and.
Mias Yulwallinc.
I like I.rrvvry
an boar, uud all tb.- fnuuly w.-rr out
We have IC whoIsr. o out
It li-:r. *od U.I
Mwr-biup forber When Ik- mkln.l i) 1 am lo tbe Hllb rrsde I bare
-t an-l i.urideel Sa.
b..o*L', CTeui Ur* Ibv taiini a* a .ipual
Ibul »ho wm foimd
I has been very atormy and I havr
kboula mlletofo
I etudy rva.iit«r.
wa. p-tievl
writlac. arilbmvlle. coograpliv. .pell
blv rUild a
II and Jeff Indc a
r. ray sud •niilitiR, Clem
x-m-.if Eili.'l .«c.
days beforv Cbrielinat.
We art
Imp. taui.b.d. Ue rauRlil
. uu. blled ram.
a faOR and a kiw.. w bub (her
etdae to have .peahioe pie.-.
Karh of IbreiRbt *m»U plrtiirra-eftay bo
pU-l-ly t
I— freei. Ill- »ur
Ibardiff. Oien wt ii-rdirub u
Baaday school temBier'. name i. Mr» dr-^ r.tod by a vliiRlewi.^ Uhrn ttovw
l.m d.vlun*l ho
I had a good time Tbaakveiv
•■r ■'•cm
l iUrl bad a lod boMt <
My ancle from Canada came over
a.l..4iinre rorrd
tbto fall. Kor peU I have two rats
cunay aii.l Clem.
md I..X of bait awl wrruiir. lv.d run
Well. I sanot think of
,11 ind R,«tbwl of miiw^toua
K>rv to writ* tbto time
I hope 1
What Do tor OUldrva
walto, ac.
Uk paaturv wbeto ■in. fi.r l.irn.wsne
ace tbto la your paper.
‘,'Zl I.'Z" .ui"*

Rra- »nd buH
-kblr-rTT and toyherry
irroo your little friend.
ttir.iaRh III*'
One du. k had two diwk* In from of li
wi.-U Mb're hi'

>nnihcr do.-k bad i«a durk> hrhiod U
i.n-dluK Ihroupboion- |0
Ibr - fi I iV n."
ben- was one dq! k In lile mid-lle Uo<
bonerarw*. Hwa . D-e Mb
v.ll.iiid for i.ieirlyl'Xiimlr
uauy duekv worv tlum alloRitlii-rt
fuo.i I. lh.-i..ud. Loop peai
Drsb EumiB:—I bare not i
to tb* iUnsurstoeelast ^nler.
Mr. M II V.ird, Ituddell'*. lll.aof L'.w ruVlLi*^i.Vjw’ll^',
In tJie animal kiiiu.l-mi of Aueiralia.
l.nRtl| I
rrrnraords uf n|u*> ■‘''•>.'1
gedng to ecnol, aod enj.
reel f..r.,pht ,rar. from ',r, I,! .••'.•.'•.“Z'AV.'T,'--’
-4uid a fiat rtwk m the .hudetd a P.riuin* 111" ni-m v. itiil.rTnl arv the
pr«(l wblcb I ga a by iL
Tim- will ei-wRtu.
of raimi,-*. tuiii.-d bto b..-k wuh white uni> ubi.h f..riii quii.-'a fualure
' tbe yoBiur plrU ' pend *r
sad boys will toon grow too old to go » A •!•'
' K‘ *ito“dl^4’"ir I'm.i I'b.'w^tl* w*d an. vc-n .•liit-inu. Tb-'liv.. ult.ip.-ibej
i.d and 00
lu i-lll.r— I', uru iiii™, ttoeb
to school, sad I hope every ooo tbai J*a-“
,Li .j .- : O!*'”'"’ the,I«l* r hup « prae-ud-t
ol i(d..ia
it'.-Jf. m which
Ibf ran wa* half an bourbiph. ilie mound 1» a pr.-m - uy
dhsDce vrill go for they will be animal e ■ In- >tag ktud with very
pnnd wa* Usutifully frill, ih.- Irwv ami
vary |lad wbea they are old -My' apwvdlt.
tm.h.' ibar l.ud. r-.! ii v. —. lr.--li un.l
bratSev ba* goa* array to gi- to Kbcol
(Twrkliup. lb- -ky wn. i-luudlm* and >he
h. wa. very glad
that he bad a chsac* to go lo school.
Jtoe^ wi^ delil’1^7 n.“l ”ito* to.'k
apaunat a .ntuar, f. It a* If b. r.mld etny
bapMmt time of the
tliere eeml.-ul te a day. r' -u if be did
t Arthur t I'art
always *o mueb fan. We are going to ' ^
« To *..ter A
fuiuid a dew-rr.-d
hava a Cbrtotmm leoe at oar tohool ..
boose Cbrtotmae Eve.
Tbe enow to ted.
>did. to
10 Oueuf
One uf iboalpnaut
ibo dgns uf U>* sodtoc
, II. A rvluUra' IS T.. qpeneh
U A • twip to whl. li
ijoniigplgnin it. I'lvtaliilng to the ran. Bilpbl ahow L
I uu* fUSlCD.-d
I 16 Is-iI* Anpnito
17 A rtvw of oo- Hi


Vmb ItM Eatw-I tkp«kt I «««U

wrtutor^ IUk*t*wrt»fc
fm»M. My«->•*• »

Yo«rUlU»*rW.d. CT>



Tw.. ■pra-t *<11
—f «tei 1


«(MM ia »> leaf. I ••
My MadlM ai* rmOiaf.
toHMC. yky-ijofy. n««»M>y^

•paUlac. W«U.CbkbaU I oatklBh
«<.wlwmdew. ToarfrtMd.
Ac* U.
8«*r Lmoow-

taa «o yaa I" ili mr, aad ttil* to what
!aa***oay. 1 r> toaboolaad «»dy
aadiV*Ular. Iaala tb* thirdfrad*.
Aad te pats I ba*a a dof. aod'hto
aaaa h
Sporv Hatoaake dof. B*
Tov Uttl* frtebd.
Dwta Bom>a-I.Jbescbt i waald
Thtototbesee^ ted Ua*. My stadto. are foorth readf ar. CMCnpky.rsBter. ^UlaCSbd


Iuk.te sbares
bare twa rooa* Ja aar Mbobl
My tsarters- aaaa* are Hr. Baratby
aad Hte HiUsr.
I Ilk* tbea rrry
aaeb. I wUI ole** by MlUbf ay oaac

Ac*i<ysanBa*b< Hajii.

Maple Olir.Dw I.te.
Daaa Boma-l tbeaebt 1 woeld
wriuta tail ye* soa* of the Uiac*

veal to tbe
^ ears of tbe baby.
^lAtetopiek berriat. My oaole baa
SMBS to bslp my papa tbto wlste. I
havs' UiW brotbsrs aad two stotera.
. to dead. I bad Ue beet
I meet eloec

Aeae Lose. Mir*.. Oee. W. te
Dub Ms. B*T*e;-As ib* r**t are
colac to write Itboacbt I we*ld too
Icoloaekeol. 1 like my tseher real
walli bar same to Badie Klndoo. 1.
halpmy madotba ebotee alcbto aad
■oralac. We bavatotoof foa pUylof
tel wttb *aow baUe at aebool. Tbe
btetlmclbadwaeat tbe Ballytbto
aammrr. I bare tee brotber aad two
vatoteatbatfo to aebool.
Well I will
else te tbto tlma
Jussaii Wuaaum
Wvtiws. iDe*. Dm. WU. te.
Oaaa Ms BaTa*:-l »m pdbc to
BOW. latadyieadlBC. spelliac.
aal pbysi

I ba*s
brofben and OM
sMar, tbMr a»mm ar* Slaa,B*rmaa.
DaUamaad Charll*
CbaelU to the
baby, h* to very St* aud r«to la loU
• itocUpC latattblakofaayiblDC
r. s I wlU eloa*.
Yo«T« truly.
Bwaaao LsimwhWutor*. Dm. to. te.
t»aa Barroa Tbto to tbu urooad
Mm* that 1 base wriUaa to tbv Bn.
AAD lwiUb*l*ywfa*Uth*uihof
MS Maite
W.aru efat •«.«p*ak
pteaatbadaybeteu CMatam*. lam
ia «to* Afth ends- My atadlea are ruadb«, aritbmaUa. iaacasca- pby*>oIody.
•MCtebj aad ^llaC- tgotoiBate
ttotbshapl; my leaebar’* aau to Mr*.
WthasL Wa wriW a latte every
wmduy. Wall. I wiU eloa*. '

?w.u terra»-I am r>lhff Uraebool
. Bte. laata ibaUtbmda. I wtob
te*e««. Tb****i» IwalT* •eholara
tatUaasbaolteday. lUkamytediarswymaeb. Tb* boys like to play
U Ua bammer Use W*
keya play kat aad kalL Wa have two
aewu. two aalvea aad two borm I
Uba to fu lo aebool vary much’. W*
anebiarte apaak piaaes tbe day ba­
te* Cfattoteaa. WeU. 1 caa-t tbiuk of
aiWtU^ ate to writ* aboat tbto time.
Tov frieud.

Bub Maa. Bstbs;-: tboaebt that I'
WBBld wriU td ib* BaaALD a* I have
■ilteu a few t(te*
J If* *“
•Asul BOW. aad 1 etudy reading, arilh
Mlfe. writlBf. laacuag* aad apelUug..
TbieuaratwMV-tbraeaebola** gotag
W aebool aow. I Ilka to c* to aebool
vsymtte. My teabar'a name to Mtoa
Bmlba Beldairertb.
1 was plckiag
U tH •*■'
o do tb* b
wbea t OM* bom* trsm aebool I sny.
. U wood, aad teed W ebWkmm. I
cute I wlU have lo deaa as 1 bars to
Ac* 11 y*sn-

Yours truly.
Mabt B. 8BaU.a.

D»aa Eattoi-l am a Ultle boy
•Icht yuara old.
I fo Uuebw,!; I *«
to tbu third c**da aad aevural otber^
m*'- 1 CO to Baadap aebool aad
pieaeblag «*my Baaday. I would Hkv
to toU yuu tuae aewa about Euglaad.
wuatoaruttouuyuan ac* vtottlngmy
evaadmaaad p*DBpa. aaala. aactaa
aad itoMlai- and 1 apaat Otrtotmav
ttowa. I wMt irtth my aamma: w*
armw Bcariy tour UMatha vtoiUv tbetd.
I MW tola of’ate plaasu aad lota of
taayl^toc* than and H wa* vary
jate fftiac adeem tb* oeaaa «a tbu Mg
toaasar. I waautok tbruaday* c* tb*
oaeaa. I bad totool priiiato ci*«a to
me Ibvru. Tbay Bast ba«u aay i
Yoar* truly
Lotu Mica t


ItoaA bfiua- t ttomcht I weald
- wriUtotb* Tm
toateael Mwm


Sm hsh w Bote a IMM b te PlifsicInrHI Warn
biri B a Sate Ksaa ly B Cenaio Nettiod, tie Oiilf
' Dia*lHdifiiliickitas,ft"lhdaHaTsFiiL'rmtag. JsaaaiytoB. taps,-

ss,': ,r.^.s:








a.B.i.4 a I*, .vu 14 Tr*v.

ii’ JSSW
Uoaday. rvbrvsiy 14. ia«B,

m.l. w- .'Miu.m«.»nu*mm






: iU-r,i.,.«p


lUea scholar* io oar ■. -bool bousr.
(he Sanday aebool we ar* going to
Ur pieoe*.
I ilk* ,my toaeber rrry
moeh. ber name to Cordto Zimmerman.

number !
fl"""" »>.' -w.'mTa l.tte ]
j.lmr.1, «.r 1.-J..W
bkd rnalr U-eaiu.- acrv— want into !
the to-t .d .
wlU ap-ll tbe t
ig and stroi'k luioau.ild road. nniiMd lor*
ri to a fine rwif .
popular Amerluii.
exa-pi ly u,.«l teemA
Be bud poll.- but a frw >iep 00 tbto Cbieapo or Kt-w Y.irk. Tii- wuvit.-i
.-BMera rvwvvra.
t»d when he etopp.l raddenlv. Ibink.
borry almp oo nrpiiit Imnoevi. so
lug be heard a .Iraup- bird Tli.-n. ocob«v and a pdinjuau, ..r eddler.
You can po a., too with May
oladiiip be bad l»«i..mtot*kea. be,
tbr leerli. u. il wet
6b* a*k.-j me to take bur te a
1 am polnp to a |wrty tuiuucru.
Of raurw I t...k Ih. borm bom

iLm..- -* >u. u.«Mlvgclimw.iwuraa*


of lotuvw a'hen riuliil

-15“. “'K!?;;;?

k™.. a.™ i “1^'

Mas. Batta: ■iboagbt I
wsadd write a few lines
I bars been to buoday aebool
Tbe Chlidrve bad a pnod r^p
qbalf nyiop
today; tbe UUe of oar Baaday aebool
I Iuve4u wuicr Ibe partk-dT
It antneii, ^ „f
CTciu'» be
'Paal't lasvworda " I bare
an. gulup. but I am

Dot tmee going to aebool (or three
arseka oo aeoeanl of my arm
have tavo teachers lo our school, tbeir
l-‘'to .“no {i“o.7a'^“ *
Then- hml nmuj year. to-f..rr bees, a
MtoaMillarand Mr Uoraalm..«tdrlnk uom^log
, boom here, amt tbera w ere-till cleared
- them verr well.
1 wsa to
--------------{ field* 00 racb >ide of il.e nod inclomd
I enjoyed
inday aebool rally a
■RKo-. tn to- well ficlA 'IhWhl
wl did the dap *ay when be Rote tb* '
wbat I beard Ibam my.
ren kuuu

lal did Jhe
Jbe onli.n
onlen im hi tbe eookf I
r; but my bratbyr
aittert and one brotber:
died last Jepaary
wemim Urn lor
Vhui ^ the uur.
aueb e sweet U'tle fellow,
tie j «»wio
died with long fever > Ue wea juatj*'*^.
, ihccmvlrt call cuitlof b
daya hairufi
two day*'
Hi.-ur nutiM-nn' "
iliv tind b»y Tltuoiby mil I.
oWwbeube ^
We are polog toj
bavs an eatoeMomeat Chrlalm*.. I '
am gotag to Traverse City
'bet did be any atoit
:ncalu .Melwiu. of Marabficld. Mo..
grandpa and graodua.. ‘ pot.r- "too
" ' farw. p«»l "
yrur. I huVe brvo •
Ua.ler Tbu'
My (touday school leaeber
from a »-roiolou* aSiclion of
I bave mtoami three beuday*
.1. uf niv nerk. and all efiorU
! tbe pUmi.
ingtoo, D. C..
Utoaummer. wcjoal bar* two more U»Louto taUed to
Baudaya. Oue of my teuebera
____nt. After ail
tor, powder miUr
' Let UH- culkus
siek. Ue baa BOt been able t
treatsteot here, my
««a<~i tar tavo days.
I will cigar for
irged tne lo sutmitt
ltd the aoiuoe *ay when
mo^' if ibc
Y.iiir friepi. 1 *qua.n.vl bj^te bap <4 doctor.!
meut . fn.
Age IS.
! te>au»v
and L


For lofanU and ChildniL

.vi dtp.vii
dii t briup glam.
T»«v bntyhr-y w.-m
I- for cvirk. Tb.-y
lo totin.* tbe wood


o( Kjcte,


0! tbe Knife.

. £S"

------- s?.?r''£crk5':;s,''s;S:i

Deab Mbs. Barca-At my pan* take*'
u^2^ved^«o.^h^^nVrrt S*
tb* Hsaaitoand 1 like torvml tbe hi^
then m-rat II l^Jll •“''
Ue letter* iu it. 1 saw to the paper vbbi Ua
WBBied to aeb bow maoy lettea* UP beuuUfull
could get before Cbrtotma* Ignj “*
to Sunday *cbaol aud every dey *ehooI I
My aebool toaeber * asm* to Mrv Mary
Ko »sa -A BUdle Saal aojf
No S6X -UyooopatooMT t Legate
WIIIIaiM. Cbriiima* aad
t MautoW* t Hmauk
be bere. t 44
very Blec timeoa Thankagmug: ^I wa* iI
N<» *64.—AJonuBdeoiua • I Nccua
boaac all day- I have two brotheru j b Uooemy
te atotee. My atour will be ibrae " '
did Best ApKL Bbe to very eele.
SbetolastbagiaatogM lelkaoweoaa
aadsntBDd': bar. I am gutUbg a aew
diMt tuadei-JS to a Mu* oua. I wa*
nadlBf AuBt Hair's letter asd I am
gotag te aete eeaa* moaey to tboa* litUa Imbte aba wua telUag abouL
tbiak tbebMt Ume I hod laat aummw

iii'SiS: r-is?. -



c"lsrT»ineut began to diaappear. I
*. ttboupITram
‘‘ '* rMlr"'? goo*,

[ ed a booae tu u ubell (but would
cramble Into dun and all witMmi
n tbe
outaidii ot tbe
eud mrad ovet ftsu."
.4-. .™r.
TbtoesnrricncvMliketbatcdunwtw houto
anficr aritb deep-ccwied blood traublea.:
anteig the msb* Arall aaimato of
Tbe doctor* can do BO good, aod even ABMulia 1* the natUv
r. (g ktmla.'Ti
the IcMof
iu tan^ast
Uw bnuchef (Brily
tadcuirim iu child <m lU took.



.-V *-«**.-• .. a*..* Vn*


Aeooedtop to a Praoeb wienttox. p

rautoflbedtomaeuod teteV^per. «»« gav* it oa hto opinion that all anlmaaeBUy.
Valuable book* will mala u» Ml huaded. An bgUM t>ito
fa* acBl five
*. lemor baa noteUy verifiad the amte-


ID IU- '.uiw-uSt) Ul ucaod TVBvm*. laraW;


-uuui> 4..hvamldiM»mw 111 iliVte
lb-|wi-.i-> wiai to rmim W •att omag

Mllflo ilel
tea^ea Wmr^totki*

^ mmmmmo AmmeM.

A Real Bk»d Remedy.^bo-b umtief. bmted
to a blood remedy te^l M^trembly


uorr tfeae urw tfelr* pvaO* eertiOrac-*
— —
a* a—rarv MauClac -t A pvvewt. -:ll w mrM-tU. lb npl
fveurm far VKIT4 erxU mrUBeam. an* W U>»1 H. ttiiub IB
ve'*v*>.f>'*'e—*prn*e.Bn>i* r*:i Wlav m rvoiwra lo mear


(gserrefenf gerr/y tvgrte/r)

Ir, u.

--' i.?.SS52.’tSr'j==

iMMiaby 9M.9.na3nam.

James N. Gatdv^

Orand Trarerse Herald and TraTerBe tiity Traaeai^ OdnaoBdated. Jaan^ e^'l8B8


^ Wb«» ua Maser Ooa*.
ia as article eopiefl from Uc Farm
Uocrsal la a late Uosaui R tc aut.'d
Uat fben an get 000,teo apaal (or
baaco la a pur la tl
•no.OM.Mu tet bread.-^.wiulMaaorc
(orUa Intiam ‘
U* latter. Tb*

■ml M. B C. Batm, BaiMr.

Bamsel. cf llfl SleUvu
Are.. Bctrclt. tMla a War Unj
. ar U* SMS CspcrtsMs. imi ,


It ia* peiMM
tosadcr arllAclal aclioB maku a dl-


le^ botbgld kcr*
IlLMmait^ nwlnt hjwoM (k>M
A*fH«OM«pirafd UftMdg«tbcir
Ved4^'tk«*U(hii«imtad towb
; WMraad UadwB ItrhMoallUM
^tkM b SO lUtU •ad'ltac b BO

Wo wo»t Bsd sirsitiro BBd do

rs effort to expel Ua putwia.

^'iM'tU aSc>'’'B*^dto
attor two toblnpoonfsburmelaf
___aod two toaip-mi faU-oi aoda. Uoroorblp mla. aad Ir.v Ur^kea a alee
atop brewa.u Alarre eopfol oT lbi>
bator. a.aora Ifyoo bare It. will rr
foraerrral <
Sd*£ap a
. .
akoforafmb totter wbre rrqnlrrd.
For rbrrnddle aka. pnsrorrr a
>pful. of bolird rtc« OB. eoptol of
..arn allk. and lat UU uak orrr
alfbv ia Ue noraiarain laio a tr^wl
oa asd a bair capfob of d»r. to



_________ -yi«w r»4itig..

K7 Wo.flibor-0 Bor '

JwUhkUWasr.iotnirbt form, sod bi*


Sobosrr oowsmlr. *017 brsTO.
Ho b Usd BBd ersol. U rood sod bod.
AteMoasdobaroI Wbe orUlMto ..
lb* bsM. bom Um went, of aj
Tho SMBS Bsd (bo sebU otrlrotoHlsrWUoh at tho powon wUl bare Ito wbj?
Ibowertdbsoodtsy bb otrosgtb Bed
w rood or III:
rill bb owifl


"“i'sriiLf'.'r.i'f sir

ilnp a Iflbc diitaaa I
el of alt dUrtbraaked rice
0 floor with a apoonfoi of melt^r t?r jaekel to protrvt t
rd boUer. oBC batoa tfg. aad asotbor --------------- lOBFk b
be found rerp
kotallapialofmmi. fialTirorooBl)-. kallkfactorp
(or ...
lelory (or
-pleg out the cold.
aad trp ae ake to aa If tfa* batirr b
''acooarh. and. U not. add a little
re milk.
th«.o<b rouglp wrapped.
lomiap.oatmeal.or craebed erbrav llRie. draw la Ihr >-------■map
f to Bird la the aamr wap at the
ilaaafullaa piaaible. bold a balf
rWe. and wiU rqaallp good n->ull*
lalBole. and thee qoiekiv rjrei.
lim'd..-----------------paaeakea are
--------.' rerp
■ p..,t ihu
tbU»aerrral Umn. aod alm-n.! im
doak two
cupful* of alalr a,od..telp
laatrou of warmth will
la oae qo
at milk >rreral perredr '
Bob Ibrbrrad
aad milk to a 1 ^rt-l -.. ... ____ ... blood
.j patU aod
aoi atir
in one lablr-' e«ar*li r more raplillp Urvugb Ur
ifolof mrUed^buUrr.
mrlled butler, balf
half a ir*
ira ^rrlaa
dal of aali end Uree well-brilgn
t prrraoilan for oar who taker
Uea add )ukt rooo ' '
to a loop ricl-- in eold wratbrr la br brat
•Illiro- (1
i other f
lal the bullow of Ibe liack. aorl ciciaelp
ID grildl* c
■Wrapped ao that It .ao not alip awip.
largr bowl hal
ball aiilalo
- . Hot WBlar-'-te^ anarerr tba aamr
a lereltcaapoool
uofol ofai
iporpoae. I..1 on. r‘l .<iH be V'" ‘‘•'f
bleapoonfol of a .
oae plot of belliog
tbomoghlp mixtd.
, Upklng the Bed CodI and Comferta.
ban cupfnia of eoio muk
i.*t uir
mUtare etand at on* aide aaiil perNot Ibe Iraal amoag tbr eucumpllafaitlp cold, tbro aUr In oar eupfol of
or In wbleb one teaapioDfol of bak- ! menu of a good aurar ii that of mak
log powder baa beea airtni.aod laa'. i leg a b(d properly If Ue under abrrt
add two well.beaten rgga.
lodiaa ; Ire alratebed eery tlgbtlp orer tbr mav
eakoa abnuld br cooki-d alowlp aod I trew aod flrnilp turkrd in. icoeb dia
iiafurtwiu bratuidrd.
while Ur palirni U
To make ^bam* pancake*^ nar ttto .eliaogr the aherta while
I la bed the
e uod.T
uorler oor
ooe la rolled drnglb1 iheedgrof
I la.B llUIr hot water^and 1 tor p.
whicli tbr Ural waa lakea.
til Ur
1. aod when thep a
two rolla are aide bi aide. 1
aptag ■
ifal of bo
rolla oo to Ue rleao abcet,
of aagar.
r beat If be
rd a* eoc
a* Uep a
ic upper sbrel map be ebaogrd bp
I'ort .N-un._________
ing all tl.p ilolbru at Ue fool of
Btored S
bed aad spreading a clean abort
all Iierr lUit abort a blanket U
Ooe of Ur booerbold had br
I. Tbrnlej 1 clotlira »bonld Uga br ■
wltb ■ slow (eTcr Ual left him ru
. Ip at Ue fool aed tbe
melrrDgUaad murbl4lu luiad.
I'd from uuder. Illae
doctor. asTuatonaad to uoauealiag


*ll«JUMVsui£nfi/mrirbWo i

‘ , AadB^Skotsat ph»


Itoaoue I





- r.-iii'i'T.'S-.s

><»»«>»»» OttBffftto.
|lssMahn*UBoraa.aBdoars. *'IoaS'

BBlatorim of hrl(
were trraaarrrt np bp rerrp mroitor of
Ue boBirhuld to be repealed to Ur
dear Inealid. A* lor Ue diaagrei-alur
aed anaoplng tblcga tb. i were Igoored *»l( Uep bad ao rslatooee. Little
(rlctloaacraard alugatbrr Small do

' fhUh lUb kb opoi. s^ ara.‘•WbaVor
Iwfflaoihar.slBee-ISfo b o*«r
Abssl tkr ta^ad wapiT
eodkaowathomall. Boriretkopoed.

Borobako mj qabt mlsd.
Amt what aar bo toaomw'o s
I sera oabatod.

■r Ibtker apt “Laoe that ic
. BadhospaqalotBisd..-

and Ue
line bark like a rctarpiog tiilr
“It taogbl ua all aleaaoa, "oar of tbe
alilcnasBl loagaftor. -I bad arrrr
rcaUaed how moeb our haoploeaa dr
ir cliooBlag tbe plemat
ijecU lor Uongbt and eoatemalion. and lettlag rrrrpUlpg clar
alone. Hot ibr habit ioto which We
fell dorleg Tom'* cOBTalraornce baa
meed CO tlrong that wr Lare Oeter
mse back to Ur old wap o( gloomp.
dlantdan. BrrrpUingof a ebeerful
Oatorc that bapproa each of as atorca
gp for Ue eotrrtakiment of the rut of
Ue (amllp. and oUer Ulag* are cither
Igaorod or made to do dutp am iekra
maaqnendiog la Ur guitr of aaaop-





pgis.'11-.ijs- dulfop

“II IbreMhrr llilne. I bs'

•ill plraa- Boir (hat in ! '’’’•"'■m-

iw.'." "l.rh"’


Un [mis ik l.liH-li-i.

bottle of

Taebundr Signnliire et

hr same 1. tru.-of Ur
ling that eaiats when Be.
to be used A m.-e il.-aihlp
than it cause* .stuTij tint be

DrSi B(S.&C0.

easiunallp arnuod U,- edge of
pel* Is a lu iib deain.rrr.

Hotel Whiting


TBAVFitsr OiTT. Mich.

^ _ j Nature i« not girm jin'p. r a

FRIMT. FEBnURr 4lh. 1898.

Mother’s Friend

One Day Oolp Each MoaU

iithi' b
plii-d s.^i*ra) m,rutlL. Is-f.n- iiat,r njaiirs.
itmaLivlli.-advtrii <-a.y ao.l iirorly piunIrtK. Ii rvbrri* sJiiJ pr.-vriit- morning



rvtu.-Ml.r .-.-r-wiin-J luiir!—. r-lie-*.-. Ill-did.-o.I.-I fn lint di.irt
cii« liils'r mak'-" ri—oTim ra|hJ an"l n rdtOJU. r.Mi. ,iftor-,
purp-wi-- 'ir.t to.n-lj-'i- ro.altorl.r..| i.|
dangr-r and
aad paiu.
b, mail
r-—Ipi , f ; li—a-,

~ < i,„-t -I. Vim lis4>m.i.n,MiUWISliI).t>-r-4aU
-1..11-. S I..S aiiclnr'.-r faillaarmnli.
all I..UI. ..t Usrial Ihs-ssrs. Ihls. lalmoil atsi
r.r*. I
ruiula. ahlrkarr ,4l. „ latrli f,.>

,,... ..
To Xoung, Middle Aged, and Old Men

.!iTh"i‘J^i£*h^.'r‘uV£i.. i,s, nis*. Tar* «'«m- **'

11 - a

Lock Box 100.





d^ing of

eJol^^ fmi;

drlkste fabric*, alusded wiU teartag.'
breaewioftba qniek atlSrslag to tbr
A almpl* greeanUoB




■e It

t II,

iiii' i3;
II! id;
0..»kem-.~y>, an


Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, Etc,

DBW. Bky City, Dfltrelt, Hew.
•U, Ann Aj-bor, Toledo end i

Horseshoeing and General Repairing Done.

poinu SMt end Sooth, deed
eonneettona BtOopamlohwltli '

H. A H S. By.

OcaT Fan. Bffb. Tetaflto


Re-Painting and Upholstering.

Cheap Homes

r Uoion.









Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line
Best Liver} in Northern Michigan*




I International |

Oi. RiIiIh Siurain tldHr Pilit








aSsSSSSsSS::* Dictionary


.-I*..’.-,, d-..-TsI r-ai* .in.-r wllk a rapltal n< I

i)RsriI s7S ca'

• EIj's Cream Balm

. pileted neck
klrt rrarbirg to
lU*r two of Uea. and a|wira
keep oae baoging eoaeralrnllp - srar
Urkltobrntoalip Into wbra aamM

Oraa* Saataa.U

' The CeUlrfitci SpeeUHsts.




•esrl tHiadar. rat* Sh UR.


Ibcm parallel aod aboul
aboni firr feet apart
Tbr edmpaap waa
dielded croly.
hair beiag on uch
h alda of Ur room,
the apaer beti
tween tbr ribtaona brlog
Kach gout waa prorided
- of bellow., and a
ypaprrroae waa placed
tbe floor hrtw^b Ur two ribbon*
to. they all
tryinR by
0 blow the roar orer on to'
Knnnd. tViu bnU aide*



As t'> br Lair.
Ual. area Or,- ■
famuiai will. ,1* lai
O^raaure theh p.

poitore. wbea too weak w^rlphimAorxi-rilrn. prrfomr tor pcrfimiing |
•rif. ia ofu-n a gerat atralo upon tkr clolbra (hat arc pach.-d »«a,r. and
back of U'e
Which wi:l retain ita pioprrtirs p.r ;
a ioog time, can U- mifr iu Ihr to,low- ;
while hiT right arm anpporta hit ahoolmaer. cionamon ao.l Tun.,1.10 b-ui,-.
ward. Bred make but lllllr rfforb and
ao a. much orr . r,. ,t a.- wit! n|u«ivltb pra>‘lle<' can raise tbe patiral wlu
1. weight of *k. Ihr I iugrr
rata. All ili*t ia nr.-dnl is i.. tl, . 11- ;
r bar. of iDus'in * tb thus mi.turn
A BUtiard Partp
aod lap Ibrm *m,)og tiir ganuri I
A bliraard partp is a
llio't alnp with rrrs fame
and Uh- iDtllalios. w
light.. A U-si bp 1
Lllr rrrs
facing the igtil ,, n k.p show.
burd of Ihla noeel enlrnai
aioUr strain is only n-ss, n-l. as« t
Such a party waa gie,
laal ed. and the intn-fsi..ti.'u ..f as
in our nriglilsirbood. aad
quato shade is a-gra-r fiil t., inc
ageru[atioo w
Indulged In aniting
what It woold lorn
ont to b*. bat
light edold brtbrowo
tobarrUrlwd fu.s^ the wictl,-M
00 the solgsrt by any
1. bv mraiis tif aha.lra r
At Ibi- anpoiatod IL_
aembirdat Ur borne n
and ooe of UrUriareq.larated
bliuaird br pr.slo--*d al
fnruer drThey were-aliowB into a 1
which tbr ebalt* aod tablu
Tbe boaimm first


igcots f.e Ibr I mu.l Si


•SSS*ffWs.^lat*reUt Uam


Worms .Ccmiilstons.Fcsvri&hIKSS and Loss or SlXBP.

‘TiJne i **'l‘‘«i'-*^klnrr Pill, f.w mk- I-

ni l»markei'|. i
’Iowa map t>r comforublp arranged mp'hi-r Ur Is-t
tip placing a large one ondrr the back
I*,, as o.
ani) aboolden*. anil a runail oae coder -them up by
tbe head, drawing the lower oororra of culling a narrow strip :n
Ibe latter well il.jwn ao as to Bl ioto of til* Iroihrr. roil into i
tbe nape of Ur neck, Uu* gtrlng au-p- eparar airing, sew ingriur
BUacb it to the garmeai
port to llie bead
To ralar a prrano in littlng thread

' ssa^'bTcir^toto

TsMIM^e^maana faeerit.


Not Nakcotic.


ilow maat booerhold in nar land arc
la aeod of Ukumr leaaoni'llow maap
of poti ponng folk* would do well to
(ake It to b^t! Inalrad ul eomiog'
home from acbool wlih Ula rd poor
pm .-m.d hr Cc-rift-aa 8.1.r, the mort
trachefeartrritv, whp not Irl! instead
rfl-cltre akiii pnnljing an-i l-.utilylug
amtuiag locidrouwlucb upon
1 with Ue bellow.. iiUaa
,-rUmrn for paaeaka-aboBid br
•cap in Ihr wnrii, a-, vsll a. ptirrat aao
his profraaioaal gUtltj. aod art
rSaone Ue ordlaarp diar ipllerof ,p tbr (fforla to blow
Cboal-room: It will ukr no longd ooto the frtddlo. A
•peak o! Ur georroaiip of one
gire* it a alart
ibBt TMOl to oa tm neighbor.
Uaa to repeat that dim
aUr aeOdsB
1 from it
.rrrxe to waft It back, and IL-oft
................................. vcboui BBOU
tkr* a long time before either si
It to .joor cbe
ft^f*iStotUjf?£llo b at Ur TO.
r other lure
ae br drrlarvd the wiourr
poor brai
It haa Ur rffrrt of maklag eerrp.
an old atorp of
odp (rel at home in a short time, tad
■adid. to lisaoao Uonrcrblp aod tried to Impriaon
. m-at eSeclaal in breaking np tlir
on dark dapa, aod bia dia
tiffnrwi which so (reqaeollp .rule*
wbra he loond Uat they i
vrr the brginelng of an ro
Afirrward oUrr inmra
Ur box la which b
tmaghjir. lent
tore* Ueia aafrir. ^
to whicb tbr raperii
tried aoevccafalip Uet jnio U
The BdoraiBg ToilaL
la aaa tiaa waib It ...
of walrblag lor Urae tlrap eoci
rompllmrnt wr hare e»rr
trabaad bet aadarloaeaad
Leara bow. to catch and 'keep
beard paid to ^'wornaa w*» bp her haaTbea crea the darkeal dapa map br band, aad hr aald. in apeakiag ul
Ilb of • - ■
-Wealwaya Ibiokof her as a
_ to beat UroofbBp aaop
-------- ■
.ae ah. 1
■ ■naiiibisi ffrtAdlek pufened to an
pretty a
kes cm*, a* it raaalru so grcaaisg aad
How to Eaap WaraUt bast wall. OUara ooetosd
r«^ fautod tc^ drgreuongbl
ip brrakfaat table* are prr
ths\ Uc csku arc sol CO leader wbea
warm enough Uorpt for rldrrlp
I'V women who make 00 rf
peoplr. where Ua ArculaUsn la .lag- fort to b* dai'nip!
psneshu olft lato
glah For cold dapa more furl will br
hsorl (wo cssfaU of finer, oae tot
la Ug morn
HaiimUJ of bsUar powder and a qoar needed, aad draugbU of atore or fur women. from luokiag well
will need to beopenrd frrqumtlT lag 1. eaailp
' for in many a
•a «(* toaapooofal ofaaUi mU wlU
with a good aupplp of but. tbr boutrbold
old where the lady gire* a help
room dou not acwm warm, open U« Ingbaod ia Ur kitobea. a big apn
: MU fit whiles odUambeatoa BUS. window, wide for two or three uinutm will tbnruugbly proton her drea*. at
a»d ebaagr the air
KUe oapgrn of
n KXi. euoktag. unIraaDoe make*
a room haa boeo naed op. 00 amocat of
a oerrr dirty worksn.-r:.-l. --1 I- -V
arUficiakbeat will makr It teem waim
>r woman commit* aa error wl, ;t 1* so- -,. n . , raoegb to be oomfortatair
looka unrarrd for and badly dreaard la
H an anexpestod goeai makr* the U# mrooi--ooiog.
. MSMfl HffcUar o**r slgbl. lot
aopplp of brtls:lolhlag inhufliciral (or
oUrr woman, who w«sf» aay
tbr family nar. place Urcra of oe
u!d 111:
Hung to the brvtkfaat table. I* alac
g a mlaU-_..........
Blatakr. for...........
ia _
whar* It will Dot baeoma eblll- ^pera baiwrea the blaaketo. or
,-.r. r,-.
Frrqorul tnaalinn. hifianii
when tb* men of tbe boaicWd
iMorWSdcbt. Is lb* aorslagadd to
Khtorpa, Feaalc Weakoraa,
to aer a wumai
I Its Mtosfslof totltod Imua. aaalt
her beev a^ a«^KLIN W*fVr*““
CO . ewx*®*
e ia lb*
Rlghest HoDors—World'*
John Bresina.
Prokop KpaeUa
winlei Fair.
Gold Medal. Midwinter
VObebD. Banak A Oe
bpin Sn-ta ■D.U.'lta Ibsr KagJ*'rl.s r.
«as-. a siacls Wi ,a C.s *u- *s1 a
m> • Ur Ikai all ib- .Iwu*. lif^w >rar
B r.da<a*.\.l' a Praslsaaili
of a mi
. Itar*-. L**r.J*rk«wOwi.i,
^ip orrr pear aftorpooB die*, a
-totUwkwm Uariidlc asd Ulrklp

Paaoakoo or Ail Elada.
. Bsi^ the cold BWBtho botakaef
■n bdali an popular, aod oflos a war-

ssew ttwtU rsMd maple cogarlMlo« U* saatesks. iapet cs. Kewp
ttCMsnbPtSsdbauattosataU- ‘



him wDI rule real frelioge. to
SOM doreoDcera otrr tbia
tbii uuaalural coodtllnn.
but to tbe familp be aald. -Fred him
SifsMmohr wUh
well, aod keep up bla ipirlu. lie areda
to be OpurUbed mentallp aa
* Bo kBowo I hsos^apa
Aad la
tbe effort made
look of
Uoae dlrcetioaa. It wa* am
BbwUl moeb of a cheering aaiure
Ur coorae of a dap. Tbe c
- - ' ‘tome fruiB acbool
ibool iwlU an ac
Ami I thlsh that moor wooU bare eoaat
of (unnr
(unnp biaadrru oo tne pan
aome • w-wlited




etwJIal.-wm-w-'L.—gtx... ...

thu 1 'ell
groe,-i-iea." which,
tuteel. was aiiaple tni<b'. This oR
rd him. and lor Ur rsublishi
bl* trade, a lUbheal' proif of bia I
Tbeiwlus liareiUaapprartO Ir-innii >.<
lahurss for tie Iliblr aajs.
BI«I lU- M-ssJinK of to; kkl»-y bas s'
itoth r. pr.Kif ta broii-h.- while
I tm.a I fsa i. v
proTiJeo reproof la atwl aeeeptaWe; ;
ihrrrhp ■ i‘.‘. ,0 aod prudence an- la- ■
'•""’T “ 1



nos^^hars some foBn< lor wbal hr

Mkhlgao uenlrp n-g(Bc« and hu hor-'
reraallp need to giptifp uor'a aelf asd
not (or tbr good of Dthera Ita COOtla1*1*01 on aaUiTjtow.
nod oae.
whUe-csea parur* tor life
aad Udr cblldrce are acsaUlp aap- in* a iSeep cut orrr flee larbrs km*
plM. dreelop* more asd mou Ue luTurr allectoil Ue kklarpa Alsait
Bat wbp genrralii*? I will erora'^guUek-fi kidarpoaru-! I» M-.-l.
am] has been doioc ai rerr up-.
MHamo»-t. In a lew p.*nie.l arnieu<ss pai.
• •nr p pn-srnuli'i tlw f.Jkiailig aiss-ii :
If told Uat
“Tb. of u.y «»r di>.' k f
which Ue >nr h. ba.1 dbit* fwlo in my i~ I,
-waa almplp a
aplne ntalmsl me almnal uM.-s-, ni. i .
ijoel of Uc mot
It abowa him bi b
a at eompeUeri to glre up w--rl, < n't-.
I (S.ukl I.iiaarnuvrriabedwiilstm s.o.
"Up gpxsrrp $
aianl of gisss.
Mag aoblgb. am- I hareapnii hturlnsixtr.l lil.r. I
•o mneta
e duirr aald rarvHis wap. iretng 1.1 Bad Ts-li-f I’n.



. "S'


Oor irimauitatlu caDad al lid Birfii
BXB ArcaHie. Ur mUeata of Mr. QuUiin.
HummeL Mr. nummcl tiM rrleran el
Uc laic war aod irodud. to Ihr caietialgiL

Feed and itoir Niable to CoDMcUem.

Doaot reWaater SDctk ntfl ymm
taro.**. Toaeuae btotwatUla
iBDCT acoKT beoc.
Land. riU. 4i7 Md gmO, ttOimg.
Tbnbered toatoly otU Oefimifla.
- Bm. IlieewaBil. Aah. BaeA
eek. Me., and ore weU wMeroi
tohaa. rtowe aod brook!
•weag *oaa.fla* owimhNh^ «».

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