Grand Traverse Herald, January 13, 1898

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Grand Traverse Herald, January 13, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


Grand Traverse Herald

ntitwma* oirr. •



KAxmi. mm mes.


ACaala tor tba oalebratod Ama<
UUIa. Paapa. Plpca. Eld.

CAPITAL >100.000


AUflrMT* at l^v.

‘Business Cards.





l^noW {hi^?

au. Trmrtrmm Cllj.KI^.




Doctor's Prayo/,


'‘Pitieits ail Laag Saifariag.’
Bot m»py iwtify tbal mneh of-tha-


ng of A chrouic form i
y «D(1 wfely t-art-.!


the'Elma ^natorium. conifp IHUi




Travi-rw I’ity.

And marr. it

you have

Pilra or any R<>ctal trouhle. Kid­
ney, Bladder, or Frmale Wnaknt-ss.

s^’iss jsi— cs.i

yon wUl make no misuko U> cunOB. SLICS. TeU-phon.- IHK.
Office in Sanatoriom.


Uon roomt in McN«mara‘B store. •

Money to Loan


Carped (^ning Works

Traverse Citv. Mich.


awl. a MMfi)

dCiril Engloeer


Crowns and Bridges.


VttRliMd Air for PainloM




portrait^ AiM'


latest lileas anil tppliances.

tamakUt'Mvanl ft bar aaperb
Walar Oolar Perlrftlts to repUea
eba^ eitood-

AU-l^ORX <

BB. HIOaiH8.~

Kbert grtetaraa (^Eda of eheop
M^rrtlbOT «p tbr fMUuw UU


^ V’K^BA.Ha-.AJZN'S.

R«al Eatate Exchange.

Potatoes and Apples Waited.

vvaxarar. aworv


olaaa ol akAlp and


rtaa dead

•Tbara.tbatto«at«ha bawlred
at tbeaa att ptetaraa.-


Oood verb aad alnlcfat baaiaafi
•atbote ariU wla oaaay Um.

Cliiise Sacreil Lily
F. M. PAINE, Florwt



Cross Cut Saws...
.^es.Ax Hand’es,.
Skidding Tongs. . ■
Loading Blocks - g: .
Air Tight Stoves...
Box Stoves............
Car Stoves.............
Building Paper etc.
146 Front Street. '




..........^ "


-6oj-^ .y™T. u.





Traveree Cit^ Mich

: 3^,row‘aeTtrtbTraad'::riSd^^°f“ul. |



In heiglith and weight, the
short th.‘tall, the thin the fat,
fit thein'all. Every on* can
depend on getting a perfect
fit. The largest line of new
Fall Styles in the city. Prices
right and satisfaction guaran­
teed. Give us a call.



Traverao <’i(y.

.............. ._.,'~M"e:;:.m;'rbe
hgum.. the ruvwuit'-^T't::
Tbeo all the workmen .augbed.
-It eerv un.-otofort : had ga.ned abeltet o( Ihealraw er eaam.n
Joe bluti
Kio-iatack. at a point wiUi.o eaty bsriag
ir alter. rard
let a.' an engineer lovpe.-u
able tar b
bear ’<htiaai-a
bit mart: -re. and ifan.viblng iv wrongl
ally the I. .
-•«*»« A*J »■
•* lh»«Cb be pou ..
If a wrad apprarn in
penten lefL greally t
iber at : h»
bad a ntiuo of goutU on bi. way the bean
»n patch
yiatcl brpniltit np. if* hill
allboQgh be wat tiUI
w bi* motber't cottage
Me ^
Ur little
ktoaa cr am thing riae fallt it la
■ replanted' Wbrn be enU down
Bqnirn Ilobaon took great pnd* In a and taid Icat. aod -at to aCae'bt.
aambor of 6o« borwn which be owned. ed that hit awkwardnea. -a. greater a tree be alway. plant* another. Aa
aooD ta one crop it barewebd the aOil la
-ano bn besalifnl
worked ovrr. rnanu^. aikd forthwith
{ wa* cberiabad aboee all the reaV
lal'day c7th.
Mwe to another crop
It it rwumatI dbe was faalUaaa of fona. alyl
tbat aioe-leattanof the agrlea’toral
iaeuon. ol long endoraeoc. aod. a
ewner proodlraaid. ' eonld tbo
light read j iheeo.
the enjjy.ment of a peaerful aluiuter.
= lee than ctululcbfd t
I be wa. tndclenly alartlBl oat of elcep'
p.aXd op Into terdir.,
relloW-towaiBsa alw> ,,pHted •and Iwd by a loud pounding at the ball ;
oatb* aleebar-^'■^Ibafawaatiag^'* be ailed from [ :,V7r^
‘ ^^^/';t^rbe*:'J
a. and with got
aSMol the beat In tbe state were lb* wlnoow
[ Ibcia lo preeeal tbe water from fli

• and are now. to be found la Oooj,' Br'« U>f
log a-.y when tl
Indeed, beyam
boy-we;r2; quick ' replied the eolce of J,
imgatad by a
When the tqelre imebed the
ind yemrk old S
prioeipa) ibeme of coBeeibatio
feaod Bleckaore lying, fane down­ of tbe dilebeaara
the tarmare wba they as* logrtbcr
ward, on tbe stable fluor. while ktaad- boo wicker work aod arnne
It wae a Irtab.
lug oeer bl
and alone
Nearly bait the
't ^ £l dark laatc
ting Hi* team ra '
yon doingr bedesaoded
barraartag to Urn
rnonnof tbe eoaelry. are abad
lenraly with
1 tbe ban to Bateatlrely by the work of
ame elatierlag ap
-Tha fellow stole
ped bia.' aa- LoMdoa rbam.
tbe gaecl driea.
driv and froa lu back Nat algal ITlaemm nad I I
Milla called la exrtiad tema tar bqoln
Eaplala yoanelf.l Wbea Lard DeBMtn wa.
tbe bewildcrad eqnto. | ladla. be bad a -ablharty.' <
a IIneide tealaalag on eereaaV wboae tpuelai dnty
"I—I put aa
Priaeo*'box etaJI____
laJI. and wbSB
be reach- tend
Uw eleitora el tbe Tteereg*!
apoa tbcplanaa'------------ed tfaraagh tbe baod-bole la tbe door oa tbdr ebooUag caenraioaa
BeUaloopes It laagbtble band la Ibc iagoneday fro.-------- ----------------------*'
— «k- nbikax
old fox tap tbei bang bt ibe gonary.
Tbca 1 dlBbcd ont of tbe mall aad
laaGraed tbe yeang M- tied blB.'
tWlir bt^gaeeU- oeJ-iyBenL naked:
BtochBor* a home tbieT Ultyonl- "Well. wiBt tort
of apand
aportW Lord-----low.
aateit tbe baa'laMolgl
bl*r caeUi
-----been., bogty. wWa. robe»bd all.'
-ll U pBBiWer re>toed tbe aU g»

Choicest Meats, Poultry and Game.
EVD-wl -igt- nnoFin-Q


llooklar piataraa, to tba praat


work h* .iiacorered • - -

.M the cold storage, If
n Farmcrs
l atnieis at
<n I:;:rj=";i.r..r'
a distance wish to load at otheri-;.j._points and make up carloads I
buy at any station. Write me what
you liavc to offer. Will buy c»ivr
apples. Sweet cider and apples fur
S.” ”'



baaltbp kaoblar pertraiU la tba

da)%bt ol tba aaatonan »bo ear;





Ibrir “Aead rl*Mwa> aebtMa."

pat ap a laa«a aasbar •( bar


JotanwD Block

Brosch’s Meat Market

pat ap bp

tbeMBlnidlnf ^i^^oha'a U

tba aBdor
^thu cv* oj
4«MhMe. 1U Um pact «ra hav*



Tl.eL>«<liug Marchaiii TRilor.

like an oU




When either a Ch.iinuis Lung ProtfCtor or ^ v.<t
will lie a necessity. We can supply you with either, but
yo\i can economize and yet'have something just, as gtnxl
iiy liuying a chamois and making one Good values .it .W.
5fl and 75 cents.

•q P. CaMF»PJ>-»B> MUMI

U« ealdwi: liRte




•tateUM brareell.

•oM or OtOM


O. P. Carvers

0n» IIL L I. MMUt. iPfdrti H. k I. BM.




1 Ki'iiriiS;


I Real Estate
Dr. J. A. Snyder,


*.■>«». Tr.w—Olw.«k*.

___d, aa Sat
"Beta. yon.
tbeakde-bar b
Jea aisbe<
blBaclf u tba atBoat: bat tba rraaier
ba baaie the lea* hb ap^. and tba
aqaire tea* out lo iba bm atoraiar at iaatracted two of lae (ara band* to nad c
the delay before ibe Bare »a* pro- — ret la beklad. aberrapoa ba druppad aba. ban
ly betacea ibe thllU.
barrr«»r<r baUdooo. »oa* tuef- daarhten.
bqolr* lAibaoa waaa
- __________—
aeaber of — .-eta»:.y eoo
e»orcal tbriB. aad Iben drr>ee.
BoraemeeV l*n»let-llTe
l*n»lecllTe aaaociatl.*
aamxlatloo aad oat law Ifce birboay
, . forbla Mda. bed ta^baw
Ka lt«-^oaeraa- a w >. of s a b Sad. SC t » • ». Alllaproaad: Ke baUr wa. bnoad to aaaitt ia j After a *hon Use t
xraed qbaea. abe la bopt la aaah »
KarblM M
.aptariar the Uief «ho bad .tolea Ur. i deiiae LS>D*r of tree*.
rwar of-clutioa la bit pall
palace tbatW raUUaaa
Mill'aborae. He dr.>Te
•• b V.n Ia<>nU aloar U
Su t sv U a. AU timber with rood
itoppior aerer tee bar ducb a Bi
• ablued brtnrt her
brr Into
Intc a poalthB
mlthB atleadad «Htb
Haple. Ileocb aBd,HaBl«ek. NaarOlaO lAbc. WUI wll forteox
terlooa drawbaoba aad bna '
! foUooed for a isite britire rearhiar an
At be aelcaowlodren aa
] other road Tbt. rxteadrd.nrariy oarother kiar
liar aa hU' esoal. ao >iae«B
lallel tritb Ibr iborourbfare spun a tu-b
•p Idaoatiter .mQ be hit
hU roaaert. ^ Biot
• .owo ■• ....................
tOr'wIrS.^- wHa.f
' Barelrtroi...
' Here
Ileretbe toaod .,oitr a party awCB. | hit feauiret an. hiiu to> Iw
br I; 'whui
whu^i ~55iiur'.ttmari
^a «Rurt^
! o^ r. a a.
bled around the barn from «b<. b thr i their accuiapll<.e. bit weanne II.a.-b- where rank » of bo BOCb laportaaaa.
bone bad bees taken.
tVbo vat Ibr luore t betmo-brii
belptarbiK |i;. reeurdrd 1
b I.
thief and a hioh way had Ue foae " to deveiie them
Tbrt* were the ^..nUoot that rrcry ; Tur moaieni tl
one wat BO.t antiou. to ba»e aofwrr j in Uir borrr te.
,lt. ptBione
« palace. I
i. back t> I
tme eery fr
■ K a.-I<aiijre It an unuioaliy bngbl |
fellow, beiatd. "and tan tell whal't I (
brtl lodo if *qyt.-i. cab '
Nat Mill* bad the ttoleo hug.
.foe told bit employer li'.e ,
r bad J.v.vprered the plan* Mf II t.-V
gj uorth ted acr.w* a diagonal roa.1 to
T.. trll. bl* 'rll.'.. .
Ibr prlbeipa: bigbea.v wbrre the uatjet
|I.> .earned from tl.e.r Voo<er»aii..|| ,
of the bone aad eebicle were lo.l in
And now Kla. k
III the reiser,, oil.
tbtac of laaBT
drtt UmnorXecr «r..'~
■lird .whaithoulj he done
.mal: Ulaad m t
lid lao-i n.irtli.ri..t ■
|•or^wrd naalhat glean by aa aaU.
I Nat Mill. w. ' .|uan naaied Uoebel ta the •)» a(
e -ltruMl. A dewtrlplloa of U U fatsM..a raarblDg o.|U ' ed by tma of Ifar guetia, AMaafath
I Kakeo
-At that diaaer.'' hi «ya, “I
ai> Molt aad^J <;ale apphw that npanad Bcea Itea
i.gniro wettward
to aad ibrougb lb h-lly eooolry to UiUt badar
^itgbtreu tauadred yearn agoi bread
ware. I.kke Mlcbif.
made from wheat frowa befora tba
»agge»t|.ini Tlbe
Oblld.epof l.ntel paBWl Ibrongb Ua
Defeaaing an Opinion
.e of dilrrr J.akV liood laad. eery detirablc.
r> tnilet loath oa n
K.d >ea. and .pread with balUr that
mnttly oaderpood enlliTmlloa aad can be bonrbl eery reaaooable.
vr*r> bratnp 1
wat made wbenKiUabetb waa qaaaa
A beaalilol and fertile tabirland. I.
eyed Uinbee,
. to arret 4 laiirt loalb by ti ._..o brbool Uoute. Uood larm. tan
nobton. ’ .
of England; and I waabeddorra tha ralag above the bluff, that riae aloag tl • i N|uirr nobt.
heaey labd well watei^. pood dairy farm
t'ao be btapht rifhtway they
I the party reaebed Ibe '
- - wbaa Colervof....................
Ibe 1
Miacret near Marficld rood laod and eery cheap at 8r><Ki
. Ibai two u...
luiBbuvwa. playing barafoe
barefoot ariUi
I U.cblgao.
3 Bllea'eaat of KlDpaley.
Klapaley. i.11 coder pood culUeal.on. tiaod ;
...1 liial way early
cany io ibr
-looking Ixryt of Oeoua
, I borte bad pats.'.!
The applna war*_____
i Borr'
.1,,1 t^eh^p or trade lor ci
wieep In the aartbeo jtr Uken from ttB rains
Irharactrre « horn they fouad a»l
or more of roiuprli Tiie wmoal waa utkSB froB
fr n.r-v wt. then urged on at a rap in.aneatlrnl i
id pi. r. loj. b to Ibr drhgbt nl Black j h.-lpr. trthere.l
a ebamb. r io uee of tba pyraBlda. Ihs
are iikerardent for prodoeii
nior.. who hetrlily t-ongrattilaled thr . •l aniT and Srro Tiiry
abalf loan eld wall
Twenty year* ago Squir '
op .p .iwoing.ucb aa eteellrai pe<l. after il.r atanner ol
lor teearal eanlAUe proud poBBwir ol ten
b»Ue>. dyed
lldt though Ihry druer faat
™ood ...ingjanio i
ta earthen crockda
eaty mind k..* madr• him rotund 1land
ano lO'adi v tbry did ant rundowutbe| imtt readr r«c'aroii>.>p.
Uty water, aad tba wlaa was raaoearad
; tuppoMd lupitire., .l.w -.leieetive etperi
' -ov- from anold Taullin tba
a city
' of' Oar~
wurtt I loib Thetw wrm alt
laau at tha taintr.f I ble.
acb bad a luoRUfal ^
grartog la green patluiet.
ruuf ui i But been reuwrered.
led wrttera Hiehlgaa
a icaapooDlal^lb*
pride of bit bearL
But Un
ueldtbad ma<i* addiUonal
.ev.-rde boontlfull
orceawry. aad be bad de
tMled b.
of it. 1
lilding, larger!
erect a new
i.ring .
aliout two tbtrda ol a gaUi
lit appoinlmei
defeoderi bili. opto
tweet, aod aa flaely
bote already lo hit pm
dingly be.-oolraclod w
llj^iD. be deelima
ckrd'iotp a .bat imUBd of being a. be Er.t c-oaWild Baaiu In ladle.
.Idared him. -t-o-tbird. of a mao, '
I that, ia o
l> a whole oar aad «,melhing
r fri.m the dri
India baa bees deaaely popalatad'lB.,
tecur« the betl p-wtiblr result
I H-if- .•vr.
louaaoda of yearn, ea/al l*U Uae
e e^bt U hare aa >'ttra helper^
oleD' I'leaar a>k sqi
_______ enariy
jvt>,000.000 LabeUBala.
-The InBueaoa of Treat
.me a* tooo at pcvih .
Yet largr^ rectua ol‘the eoaawy era
l-no.-r-tand the tuS.- b«r ..el
faceeia ewl by
men and attend u
i • l‘ l» *»‘<1 “
““I uaoommon fiw
.tied lOU. ret|uUillun aod the:
■-------- •There bred ab
the «iuireapoor w,dcw named Mm age at .Noah Van UoU - 1-.
Ellit. wbote only em. -I.w «n. ...teen ; ■^ua. . k-'iui.g It.
: apoD [nAUaet
; Rer.-a eN-two at Hne
year befora lem ea Baby
ibwa by
Joe, aa be wa. known Ihroughoiil , towoKbip .v.oid 1
Hum laoeiOg t*io ana
day. aad
id wild bcaaU.'elgbtaoa-3*aethe neighborhood, wa. tali, of tieo.ler ; w.iblo a tpa.-r of
I written tlmni the influeace of Im
-tba of Ibem, c
IV.UMI, by SMka
and flower. ..n the intane. aad lilt
bfiild. with large Head- large hand. auA a t me left behind
targa frtl. and act very ttroag
The I
agree.1 ihtl. while their influence may bite*.ead 1 f«i by Ugar* u.-----------------aut betpecifie. It I. like that pnvlured T0ta«* eoaBla* of BBahlad
by agreeable turroondlog.'lo any our are not tba lean eaemia* of aetUA
aa, of which were daetrovad byt*«B
who I. ill or ditlurbr.l.
Many great mind, baee eonfette.! u. aud t-soupolaccied.
Tbi* terrible daatrucUoe of haaes
ia d. ep and alinott pettonai love for
la «'U'
e matter, j
,, ,„„wo by aa eat
iadoo doe^
i the rev.-cnth -f.if.
aaj lieing iblag on aoooaalof
■ of that writer.
“ ‘
day L
ger-lo aoula In UieCDUrae of
atm for great
fa. Irarrlinr about the country un gratloa. A ^oa* Hindoo
and br.itaimg- mf'
l-bit lecturing toora. he alway. had a be pomooed by a r—'-----,t hi. moth'
I loeaturibg Upein bi. pocbel, and yed .iger than bill oil
Ua* haea laog
IP*. alJTlch 11 around the girth of aoy
IJi.e logobomenigutv^for awhile uu lr.,«rlal!, big fellow with at mu.
repUlei and bcaaU.
lar came i>a which the ,pro»ed The «|utre, wt... wa. at heart
ukiod th«
lamferencr of racb ea la the blua boob
barn wa. U> br ralaed. | a k ind maj. althongl. a hill.- pO“«R™» | olher'a waitta
not erldcBoe of tbeir
ible* ranched a.S.aiaa
, io m.nner, readily gave b.. caq«olr j|„
loaded with alatia- tfaiatiB*
ordered aboul E»y ernryboilt.i
Ii wa* by thi. tin.'. lal» in tlie
,nd i*en when -.e waa in England
aod, being conacioui ibal be .-..aid not 1 ni..iilh of ^veplenitw.. and tl^ mo.T aid
w„o|d pull ■ala bit.daUing
Bmall SooaoBlas
oraol.UieglaaUof Old
opetiUoB la an fama of twIUwed that.' ..r Sew Kag______lamlwayi
Mo ahin to
(lo'IOpof thl.. riqoire |i..bwju repri , ioag etiongl. to b-a eyea
lo aland neBB n taw Blaor
maeded hiBaerercly on two urvhreelthe darkne... an 1 had b^n "> «’■ i
la 1
whao be waa lirlog at JlcTer waatea.
ll I* tba ataall uoBOBina
jn. igbb.rbo «1 .•! -N.«h \aa
Roll • , l, K»rtut. he uted to walk oeer to wee which bring pttmperfly. For l*k nn-Noah Van Holt, a neighboring farm. I houae ab..... i-o'clocb uo U —
naJi be
t JO on aoB* InrB* wa •Iwnya ana net.
er. bad com* lo the Tmlalng.’ aceoia |Septettibn mgut. he might
It.' he taid. "Wllboul a bow danoe ol thrifu biille with * Daichbor
ufleaum "
Me aafd to the there la the
Ipaaled by ayonng oi
' Ab. J - —. ynn tblBk that bread and bot
I iBora, whom he had ri
BlackBore wat aoparraUv two
it owni you'"
three jearwmlder tbtu Joe, and of nei
Adapt Ufupa to tba Lead.
ly (be name begbl. laoagti of mu
Racb field of tbe (era b lHp4 .
red Ibe .hadowy ulij-vl i
teemed breaking
tlroager build
- oji.
- ■bOfl
>Be ^>edal aae
Bnee dna MMlte
>el It mutt be c
eery excitedI orer the oi
Ur waa a atraager ia Ibe place ai
lion for l*« sail, tbe «wt rM*tta ■
aalarally attracted much ttb-ntioo.
tartlliaaUoBandneadaof tba v*o»«
waa uoireiaally nnderatood that 1
crop. There eboald bn no bnabna
p and aileol Ihlnga: the water, ralm
• igila of n
placid, with bo laad in tight,
bia family wat
aarded fui rrmichlag behind a bee- ,
'lobeaol tky. and. aboaeail Iblogt. log ibc enpt to Iba land —S
did not bare u
I a .ighi that made the .
r your eye* aod think of the fomt
beebote U;
nd Uug.e through
ton of oil bat been oWnlMd «««
'lod^. he ImprsBed ibe lam
Ik of thr *1
late alteraooe nudi
tbu k growl* «1 tbe toagac of a alagle wbaia.
tvory windowt of
■nentl^lje a
Web lo tbe laagtb of tteoand a Rbb.
'oae ..f
iovtng i Mr Vaa'lloii . hou-e ojined oomlewa |
■ Biles bn* Wa dawn traa tbo hW
a aingU *(ddar.
>B« Inch'of rW lam« npM OBO
^ .
- .
---------- I I. .0,1 . o,..meei after dtt.pp.-d oaef
LtlU* > troit in J*t>a
equaa Bile it oqalealaat to nbiW 17,,
i*'alifo'’»Led the the.tli. and eame dowD the .ide of the :
tv «r H'lgiuo Mi.tno gallaaa
.fled ihtM greatly,
.bird* band' waa e.oe.gro-0 wall a. tUrnlly a- the 1
• land of pell
inquire, but toe -'la
tall a* that la otf aolw
According lo a reeent AmeriImer
alow of Intel.eeC inaugb of BOIKia. night fall*
there areal least eoeeataon bBMeahh..}- be etjaaed aa open apatw
bulleUa a couple of aere.
land a abort lime afterward, wh*a
lion oomew of all alaea.
[ BlacfcmocT wat the tubjecl ol dltc... and bewdek for a large ttack ..f .Iran o.reo a large tmet for Jarmi
Allhongfa tbe flap of ikla wbkb «ortalon. heaumojiMied upauiliieol coor ibal »u.«l <n the fattuee near a co^ ,
era aa elephant a ear b of eaaaMwnbU
, little plol
a anrp. -____
, Iting earirt
I age to any that be didn't like ibe loobi of tree* aad a* be did to Ibe flgnra twirmled—a few"a.|uai tier Ibe ear IBelfIt eery aaall in proloftb* fellow, upon which the a-|ujre
iaaawered la a mcatwareaaUc loae
... ’The oytwr grewa from tbe lanUe by
• Doo t you, JoeNow . rrally. yon
throwli oni erery year rlaga^^do*
I Boat be eery careful and not let tl.aek.
,w-bat yon Ib.ok of him
would wound h.efeylingt ter- awerfd by the appearan. e of two men

*w. B’, T=r A TtsjgiA,
SUitaiyPiflinliers Vow Is ttao tim* to bny a cbosp fibm, on paymoBts.
Oood looatioB. 6 UM below.
tni House Heaters.

Fresh. Slit and Smoked Meits, Sausages Etc.









Tbe eyeball

Tbe grcyboond'eoeaie lo bar* fSwm
oped in Irrel. UealaB aad abiahlaB
Ouuntrlea. wbnrc a BOrtag objeet la el*1r at a long dietaaae. and goat tpmt
therefore nrfraeory toanaMeapTB.
to oecrtafce He png.
Lord Keiria bfltde tW lbs lil—il
bat of tbe earth bae aotbiag to do
wiib tbe cIlBatae. Tbe earth. MWf*.
Bigbi tic of tbe tcBpeataf* of wUtd
iwo Ibrreiaail foM balnw tha
oral Ibc Ireaglag aatat Ely
feet below, witboat at all afael^ >Ib

ss.Msa.’siTr ‘
-n-. Um ... kOMl UMran.
if tbe two plaaeB to
00.000 BUaa.
Mlm Kata

_________ Tlwi«iiU»dtopi*y^«vn
;Hm* wWoh i»*»H »«>prto» Tr«»»r
Af-w «*• ^
«k^ tolMU in pabUe M
- - - - teomt.

two. tod aereeo* aad enahl
hCwrllk* air to to* room.
The partp waa chapereaed bp Mr*.
Cuvitfdf <tr to* Cl>v qr TVwiwra*
J. & Hartle. aad a* aooa a*
Yoor aeUttooer*. Ua Flrat.lVeabj
toe ctooto had arrived all j'daed U
lurch of TraveneOtp. Htobi
to* rwd march, to latptrtec moak
______ Firct GoBCnrtolooa] eUarel
bp EUaworto Bale, the eOaoorate aed
Md lfc«T* «M liul*
added tatt*to"
oharcb of toe tame plaoe nmp*S
•-WtUmI critSdM tran ■---- --------fullr
lloEorable bodp li
-'wiieb WM K» t« m p»rt erttt* FTifT*iB. beaatp to to* ebaacea aod nau* of raut^ito aad)oar
place aa rleetric arc
ilW ndMl «M eMiwaal; ea)Qr*W« toe march n* evcelac waa eprat
llfbt at toe roruer of Park aad Waahcame*, aad all ttae}ollp wap* hao<
lartob klrreu ia mid clip, aad that tor
Mb to to* taTltod r«—»»
to pooac people, cak* aad Ice crcaoi --to* map be done a* aooa aa ooovrar* «( tM *>MI **d t
d br drii- were awed aad it wa* a late
n C Thompaoe. A H llollldap. It H
mrmi«*Mi*wrT«Ib7Mn. H*r- fore toe partp caam to a eloae. all ._raer. Uolarp Tba-.ker. nCoehlto. C
proaoeaelac It oo* of tb* moat *B>op*- A Hammood. Jaa
tto. FpUoi*ta*Htb*|»torf»«:
ble aad brUllaat aoelal rveat* of toe Bawra. JaoTBradl
,_Jle. Wilep K Wripl
: [. WHrox. Joba ilillk.
op*. John ii;;Q
carman, nr H
were verp (
“UMto- la dotoooi*—F. Tlw*
EWilbrlm.. C
It woald be U
B Steward.• CM 1^1.
•^Tto*. UU^rlrl.dsB-t err." wiU
to Kive a detailed deaeripttoB. U
Uori-d bp A
toe petiUoB bef rrfrrr
brief Uiep were at frilewe:
PoMIc Uctaiii
Hr* J. B. Martla. Coart ltdp of
->TU ?ieUri-~9t^ Hals**.*

Fnocct while brocaded aad apaaclcd


-Tb* Hnk»feid--MlaDl* BabtoU.'
*DaaHalL.^^^dc and Tm*.-

Bin Bobeel LTomuB.
•Oha SnkrLjwaBBto ia to* i
Af»»r to* toll call asd toe
■toOnea HnUacaCararwl toe
mm with atolc which waa he
ahst •paa!to* pn«TM wto a
Jttftl daetaMUca^Utled. "N* ttecu
which WB* wdl r*'M b7
30m Btoal Hom followed br aa «*m;.
’•Urn .Tark ih Barij TIim." wHttoa
bf Bto Bua Batoat. aad tMd bj
gr.- brBvbertJftoaatoa. reeelTwS
Aaerino^ato^br Mia JsaepUo*
Maraaaa w«h waU rlrce aad ahowed
dUlt«Bt itod; b7 toat led;.
MteBhwtoBattoabaip lavorad U>*
■aiHaii wllhay
toOewed bg a
id.- b; Fred Smith.

' Th*«ahi«dfaraB
ahael t*aek|a.- waa r«toB to J
latlafto. who rare a pUaalar U
«*aah OlaflimUac to* IreahlM
i>nat bad. to* )op* afterward

fowa. «n tmlnef powdeiwd eoWere.
Beleo Moore. Bcaaliod: pal* piok
caatamr. dalatp lac* Setae.
aek permtaKhto of poor hMor
bodp to build au opra tbrd adEdith Baaticev Jalkti eoft wblu
'le sorto eld* of ap atorr
inperle*. •iofr red roa^
It career of Slate tod Ga»
Harvp Kocelaod. UacI* Sam: bice ................
the >lj>race of wepoa*.
Setd ehed will be <M feel locp. i: feet
li feet birh and will
hat with bice baod aod etare: loar
Iroo rcKjanp.
Frmoee* llicmck. Karrieeav; while
with pellow each, aad elaboratolp
Moved bp Aldrrmaa Jabrau toat lb*
trimaied with fold aad white aarcileoa. petiUoB be rvUrred to the oommlu
Pit* aod Water with poi
power to art.
osr larce Sewer formlap the cap.
HoUna carried.
Marioo Pratt. Klcht: Mack cate*.
Traverar Citp. Mich.. Jaa.
iUnr alar*, atar aad Thtbc if..ii./rul>fc. the Jf<iir.r
UWUyoJ Trui
Bert BavUaad. tovalrp officer la foil
coetome.of bloe aad cold, with award.
Stove Urdla. U. K. Arap offloer to
Mae. with broad red ctah.
Fraaoe* Feller, doao of Are: black
velvet bodke, rvd tklrt. little Kr^aeb
lae* np.
BartoaBeddeB.SammerUirl: a
hat, ahirt waitt. whit* dock akirt.
Barrp Parker,- Summer Bop: v
dock teoak lelv
Harp-Beater, fled Brnw; whit*

Alva Tplcr. Meek: to leap black
robe aad hood.
■ma Boebec. MaU of tb* luto C«a
Urfrbtoek Uee ocatamc with white
lae* toie.
Opal Bohh*. tlcaca Victoria to her
Cirlbood; ptokccetaiDe aod cold eiowa.

EUaworto Hal*. Haaa. poet over from
th* old. CDaatrp: Qermaa eectome.
’oodca ehoe*.
Bertha Doxle. UoddM of Liberip:
white, with loar. opea aleeve*. cold
■dward Mrrawin aad Mlaai* torpeaeoroeeU and with her beevp golSro
W. B«ati*c. Oratee Salto aad Mia
Btaa Boltoworto. la to* c*a«ral dia- hair Sowlac.
Waltoa Orap. Prlae* Cbarmtor: elabuiiiilyii whbb foltowad Hear*. Fraak
onto edatame o( pal* Mac puffed aad
Waltoa. Bftet Jlekllaf. Bobart E.
act off with black.
Walton aad AaO Matlefar took part
7.*lla Vocelaooc.
Briea ol Ttop;
la to* crittf* report Mia Jlekltat
white Otcek cowa with patters ia all■i(ln1i1 liiillii illinll II iin 1hi part
ver, hair beaded with ailver.
irf p^lB to* aadlaae*. aad aaked
Edith Tboma*. c‘l»7 Sower c>rl: rwl
ttetUMj rofralB frea wrltl^
capaadcaah: white waiit. Mae ehlrt
vrito whltoTwrderUeoic* Thirlbp. Ownce Waehiaftoa
ia kaoe breeebca: aatia waletcaat. lace
iffle*. powdered qaeneaad ooeked bah
WetaaB-a Olab.
Btbal Tbomaa. PrteeUU: black frock,
' Ihapnciaa at to* Woaaa^ Oob white cap. nffied kerchtof aad caSa
Fridap aftoraooa waa cae ahawlas ~ aer Browa. Mcaieaa eabcllciv;
la^ iliiinli iel nuiliit iliiilj '
Bombrero aad enll bearllp trimmed
toe dab ha* baea
cut aad erimeoe.
Taetowtaf to* hlitorr of Uraaa. Th*
pChdbam. aHulb ctoool hero, to
p*«t>*a patedap waa ia chart* of
complete football oatSt
Mn. d.-A. Haora, who cave to* opeaUlllaa Oorc. Sower cirl: datotp
while frock aad bat tiimm«l with
loitonof race*.

IhrWhfo'pfofodof OoMtaallae'* obrfo-'
IHaa-tal* waa deaetibed aad a brief
jihihtojto— W to* ooee^nl Bpcaa'tta* partod, with It* craal achUvw
i wat* *M« atatcBoao aad ele*c
I Kia. Gartor feUowed with an
! paper oaOreaaeaadartoa rale of Tartwp. ' «n can a clear toeach hrtef
dweriplica *( too dlSwaat tMb**
TBtla.d*aeto« neat e< hdr time
toetahjeetom of Uiaaoa bp too Otto-

betof deairpeadltare* aad Impr
hc eSeleocp
of tbe
Fire I>epani
_ . wiefa tooSer
poor coetideratlOB tbe followtnc

A clew
Hie Otaeo* aad to* frmi roeaptfoa
anil well bba. wa* followad bp to* |wtoaUe Mop of hi* apeadp death. hU
ta*t word* ahowlac to*
op toadcrBM aad patrlottom of hie heart lo
Otoaea. to* oooairp of hit adopttoa.
At tot baalaeea meeUac torn* brlcbi
aad Umatp t*l*etiip* from .-The Clab

Beard naatlwwito Hia. M. K. Baek
Baah Boelpw. with Mn. B. U
Bjoacat at <*lp. n. Tbndap. Hi*
to r*vt*w -A Blacalar Ufa.’
PariiaaMitarp Drill with Mn. Jeha
efiUt.Batardap.Jaa. ll.atlp.a.

Ukra ia tbe nriWr *u«r« of tor dtacme.
tor luan- Thai apoc b tbr •tomarta.
------------- .
really bnfoa to dir
b (i .e* out Tbe --CoMra



Xi^y'? tS

hn«a. beaUm them tad dririsc oel all
baparilim Koaew mcdiclar dealrfawM
tot orrr yoa to take an inferior aabaUlale.

>drr.i.amlir>ie*>r<r.uarT>r PIrrcT* boUr*
Mrrhi.] XMworrry aod. Ilwat itir-scnl. I did
te By ll>r llinr I had lake. Imn of Itr *TW
betllrl bD wo:* Met I arw m oUl I bad
Utr. totee btUn riial na all I l»»dcd 1
(<x weU and altocx altia.
Wbesrm ctmuiiiauoe ia oer of toe com*
pbcallDC raorea cf dmae. tbe Baciat oerfrct
remedy ia Dc. Pirrrr'a Plraaast Prilrla.
wbirh are Gear* rlfrmi.e, yet abaolately
mild and btrmlraa Tbrtr orerc waaicy

Omv FHcdriek. svaave; Uoe aad
rilt coal, red Turklab inmvera. wblM
laCRiaa. red tea
Wlaete Feller. UlUc B&reep: chert
pellow cowa. Wc lecbod hat. Uee
Hoeed bp Alderman to
tato. ahepberd-e crook.
to* eooiBiaaicatioa h* t
Emil Kcrllafcr. Uaoaata BiBea. Vito placed*: Moped bp Aldermao Moatacue to nraa«.^'*ir'2^™ia''lcO. .ort
need tbe motion of Alderman JJairl- a. R. X. L t r I'o.. aSI.>. IVBI
>ea Bldr^. LllUe Eva: Sowlac
toB t--------- •*-................... ....................
hair, dove colored cowa. ptok'aaUa aad
refer It to tbe Committee oa Fire
D Camptolleilri.. a
laee Ummlac.
rater to toport at next r«ril»r meetBdaa Boldawortb. Maod Muller: bic
Amradmeat aad oriciaal motion at
bataadloocaleevad aproe. bap rake
amended wbre earrled by yea aad aap
aad Ua cap.
voteaafoll------EobL Waltoi*. The Jadee: evcnlac
mtamc ahd ooaaieaaace marked bp Cook. Imrdle. aed Bcallmj
JodieiAl cnvllp.


It* P..U
r.C •lllbm.Dwrwbrf .tie.,
l^b^brna. <ili uatpirr iwi

Pal Drsa. Drr. •Biavi


are all cloV-d un. and u( no ute Tb
ia tbr iruto. far I utod them aod wou
bars anntber air aocinr fur a pi'
i lbior further I i-ao adrito p.m


b R C L e r I.. rlmrw Ivai.
WllkrlB. Banal t du. -iJi.iJlra


lac lb* clip poor, or each ponoaa a*
Grace Baatiaca. Sprier: while eait. apply to toe Cite IW Hatter lor help
and claim Ibep uaaBotr*t work.—have
i w^ viMeta aad
bad toe maw coder ouDiideratioB aad
would reapeella!!} report toat U M oar
jndemeal that toe rreommeadatioB ot­
to* CTtv >-oor Matter. Hr. Wllbalm. it
a pood one. aad w* tab*Dli toat to<
rand forvmaa. Ur. K«IIp. b« IntuweM.
bp toe proper aaihorlip to emptop .ach
SarabGra*M.AOirifrfTbdap: Prat. nrrvoa* a* are mmi to him bp Mr. WUbdm at amA labor aad ia toeh wap* aa
map hnt cnrvp ont toe ^«et ia view,
la cmavMdtw Ufa matter. ye«r commill** aranot
'toaap toat it
vroBld bcwrili
tl with
U* n


Trunks aa low aa *9.00.
xmir true, rn-' Idlay It Oom b-iI Uraili.
Urvlii-uiybruu. wife of to- nil touva
la krmluiat OratiO l%i».ni.4. lea. lapi

f Ikr VUy qf TVannwr C
Orxrixnxn—We, the majority of toe
eemmitlee appoiatrd bp poor hcBOr*.
Me bodp to laroaUcale aa to toe adviaaMUlp. aad recersmead toe parebaae
of a cbraxkal Sre eaSloe. bar* aia:w
poor iaat rerdar scalinc. held Decmbar 6. IUPT. 1* po* taairacud oa. bad
lb* matur andor caaalderntloBv aad
ooaaldariac >bc mallar fall* bar*
*d that to* rrcommcBdRlcm*

JOII.\ T. Bi;.\l>bE,
US Frat Stmt.

Uotinn rarrird
ot,.I bp .Alde.roma '
lerman Ur . from WaH'l ti
derman ilar
1 tnim W arn
pointed at a nber. of tbr ,1-ark


Trawsras City. Klohlfaa.

VVf li.-ivc a ft W Uusex t- (if Nfirthcsn Spy ApplcR,

^ spicy anti juicy

for ihis year Ibvy arc very ^'ood.

(f They make cxcdlcnl jticn. sauce ami duiiijilitupi. and
#*aro nut lad calinj;. altliiiu|r|i lil?lc l«»o cri->:p ycU It

Minr.l by Alderman Montatrue toailb* action of tbe founcil already Uken
ralative to the purebaaa nf a cbeaiii-ai
fire encirc be deferred uolll next rcc
uiar meeUnc.
Molina cxrrird.
Moved Ur Alderitiaa i:<»drich the
Manly r Ilod«c I..-employed to aaaJat .
CiU Altorncp llllUert ic a touniuch
etaminationof U 1) Carapbel.'a water
fr*D.-iiim to tor rnd that the Otp CouoI'ii map be w.-ll Informed a. to tor
lecxi ttabu* thereof.
illuD toOelri

J if difffronl with Our Si|iiahhos ami Pumpkios that
A arc rca*^y for rh«: kitclu-n, and s<> vcrychcap-3c«iilK
4 for a gocnl sizwl »in.-,^ Ciirruls f«ir vi^rctaWo soup.
# with lilt'c mikturc of calilyane. prunes and rice, sort
f of German mixture. I>iil it will answer fur any*nation.
^ Try it. You can jfel the alwrc of


Moml V'
n<1 Ihr la > of AMmiian ci.rui.
that the raallrr Ur rrferred to Ihr
niitlrr on Fire aod Wapr. tbal
they br iaalrurted to interview Mr
liodcr aa to Gic roiiiprntaliao for aaid
«rrTi.-r» and report at the nrxt repultr'

0 Corner Front and Cass Sts., haverse City.

eadrd were duly ci ^
• - - ■ ■- Mdrraillhra
'bC up ia Ibrpipr-at tbr
Mill I rrrh br rrfrrr. .1 to Ibv Hoard of
l-gUIir Wnrkr to drtia« >omr plae to'
In rrpip would aav rrmedi tor IrouUlr mad .-aryr out »*mr
wr bare oaed i4 tbit firpl fur a to toe beet intorevu of the cilv
Mr.lioo.-arrlrd. riicioe, double iae£
of AHermaoJ.
.rmaoJaUran*. duly
II c«i:uni rm-h. and ba
if the tnmUIr poll •
■Iher lr..uUle with lUi. macblB*
Vour. Eeupr ,
11 J

The Woman Who Uses


Keokuk. I.iwi. Iter 1.i
..bu K'onir. En| . I'birf Fire lirpi.
Trav.-m- r.ip, Mirh
I'hamoluo" firr exiincuivbar to band,
t ill nay truthfully w.- neirr bad toy
u.h i-xprrienre at tim -prak . f with
hr .-b-mi.wl replnr. and i-at't .'r h.-w'
.ny .uch rraull. .■oniil Ua br..iich1
iIkiuL at "aloppinr of Ihr aci.I' . <,n t i,


Waching Powder

WbIIo.-.— WUui la tbl- r.m.,u JtdiDOp
ia. t a.=ni4. Ui. Lmlc U l. od.* ladpe


fini-hi-H her work as

Wallni-r—III-dtaon-t wami till.'
a. fiti.i .if ii.iuiM. in.i: i. iluiub auliuMi.

frcsli .m.l



her Iuhinc is dean.
ThtN. K. Falrhank Company.
r.|. r—I .|.*i I ».vhiiwyoc'
■rr .. W.llal toir bounliun
r iiiaortnonrly morvd tor
Imi I'm : '

Bi.l cel alone tbit macbii.c.
and oo dept- it without it
W* haodle :r> to
prr rent of ear
alarm* .ilb tor Cbampioa. aod a
towa lhat can't harr walar work*, and
a cim^rrlr outfit. waBU tbe rbemlcml

St l.tiiv. .S'ewVurk.
H..I ID. Vbil.drl|>bij.

Big Business Bringer&

Very tVnlpy..ur.
Sooth Beod. Ind.. Dec
.Inkn Keaole. Chief of F II

cel fi< tors
bmall profiU a_, .____
aalrt are our rvery dap doiaca. lYloea os
Sborr aed KnbUera nrr fixad a* followa:



Slirwip........... ’...*1.11

recard* to tbr
■■brmieal tire eacinr. •Cbampiuo- 1
can hicblp recommea I it. for it bat
brea in nerTum fnr ten year*, aad ban
' ' Mtlet tlop
ptoc over aa yon apeak of
ia toat a fire droarlmeoi la n.>t cem
plot* wltoonl one

Mf.. S WflJr Tl- Shw-..,............

- do brrebp certify to tor coanril
sf atid citp tfiat lb* fclluwinc it^e *<rornte account of toe rant of rr|ialra
on tUveU aad toe eoMlrnctiuo ibrreof
eirpcaae torreof, aad tbr aCrrct or place {
wbemoch snlcrial wn* oaed or Inbir


rU.-^.,rURth>a(HbcAd 1.0d
rKsll Sliona..78o
■|iiHrrn'bC«lf Shoe............... <.

78c \

KubU m 8c. 19c. 190.396.890,44e'

™„ r

AWr c.rodaarr warranted firol ffrad*
«r monry rrtoraed.

A. S. FffYMAN.
Kroiil SI.


• '''i

i ...........-

Prai-tii-al Stoeman.

Obtained by advertlaliif
your want* fn tbe Heraln

ti,(- world over that


It Pays to Advertise i
I Make it km>u n
ili-- imlilii at larg*-. in as few wards as poss
) sell and ai what |>ric(.Adhere strictly to tbe truth, riiu
) to in the pasi and will be in l!ie future. >-<.111 have fo (
.1 e li.L-. Ix.-t-iLour mot-

\XTeb finH fhaf -if rto-ire Not to mer charp-.mtl resort to some 1
W e Una tnab 1L pays „thermer<.ham's!aleofw<w hence the i
enormous trade we have to bej^in the year of i.v>8. We will offer Men’s. Boy's and W

Hored bp Al
Ab Lardi* toa.
toe roBort be v
xland claim* br Md'Uimlaf^*
Moved bp Al«
Molioe carried bp p«a and nap rote
t lollowt:
Yeaa-AMenaeo Montarw. (food-

r.. tor U.moniMe to* Movor and CUo aonandJahi
Kapn—Noe yf tor rupqp rVovrrac CW».

Beadlt's. Kifit«lBi»rloe.quAUty’aBdstylA

< bief L I F Urpt

A W Jtaaaix
n .MoxTai.i'X.
Clalmaand AOEOoata.



Bobss ia almost STsry ▼ariaty and pries aad stock
lai^s to bslect from.

muaic ro*p..ctfui:y pou^.

If e. r.mimrllB IM.. aai-rtrp<

TnverteCitp. Mtto.. Jaa. I, lemt


toi. enp'i.rl

Ot am) laCtrr Co . .

P C. Ottaxai
City Atwra
M.-ved bp Alderama Goodrich
toe recuemrndaiioaaar toe City i
arp be aecrpM aad adopted aaf
tax be ordered remlttod.
MotioD carried bp pea and nap


-S irS' I

Thriluicl that tund. in

Ton OM flad say kiad pf Olovs sad Kittm la stoek at

Joliet, 111 Hoc. S-. I.u:
Chief Kennio-Yonrt rr.,-*ired I bare
tore* doable tank, v) pai each laok
mschlar*. Cbamploat. bare aacd toam
•-'I. IS, and 3 yean revpocUvely. I depoid apun toes tltofrlber it lamser
jat oar water toppl) i> dcflclenl. They
rao to all firva. about
per annus
acid nerer alopt over: it la to Im
Von scat turn tor lank
idr down to empty to* acid
Voora inily
J D. Htii.t. Chief


roi and Mae trimeetoc. ekield. and roaetteaefrod wbit* aed Mae.
Kate Moore aad Edllb Earl. Two Lib
0 Llrle la Kloe: complete coetomm
aod booecu of pale blec.
JamaJobnetoo. Jack toe Ulaat Killer:
while waUl. red aad black tlaabad
daableh Mack boee. red allppon. ferooaakalfe.
Ethel Roxle. Blepele Girl: abort
black cklnaadlorr>aa.-*triped atain
waitt. eoqorUlah red hat
Waller Tnmball. ttoetlcmaa *t Ih*
lath Ccolarp: eorraelercatac eectome.
Bmtoa Keefe. Dapbiae; datotp while
raHed fowa aad Sebo.
Ed. Thirlbp. dollp Jaek Tar: aavp
Mat nilor Belt.

Lemoot, Ti:.. I'.-c-. ;e. Ir:-:.
Chief .1 KcBBie.
ihar .Sir—Voor* recrlred and i-.>o
tonu notid. aad ia reply would aiau
ui pou Ibtt we have in uar a four wheel
ore buodred calinn Champion fife eil
tor the teat Syean Wou:d not ban
any ulbrr io vae at 1 deem the l'Iuuopiuo toe beat and a.mpleat to baoAlr.
alao lu recard cl over toe acid,
it ia nni a.. Wc hire Bad loec run* and
orar ruucli ;^>*da, and reiurned wiiboui
uainc tor rncioc an I when la lU pa<'<
a«ain In tor roC>a* faoiiae von coo.d
a.x tee one drop of leakac
We bare
mad* a raa u far at two mi!t« nnt ol
tbr .-ilp hmiu to a farm boot* and ii
tioodtoeteaiBlIoK Ifpouparabatr
a chemical cacine I would adviae pou
to purc^aae a Caampim. torp are tor

of work ia ihe city toat coa'd br
performed bp tbla claa* of labor, and
*'-- city dkould br directir tbr falaei
ebp.—and. fnriber. in oar opiniue
proeredurr would bare a uadeacy
to Icaaco toe appliratioo for aaaiataaer.
a* toe Poor Matter woold tbro be io paruaeat. and if tocp were of oo u-f
poalUoB to •llpoUta toepplicaau for torv would aot buy torm. liar oriclihelp from tor city, that ibrp caa bar<
-inr clip Joliet baa tour Champloo
bejo. only on coadilieo that they work
riaea in uae aad are Cdiac to pur
iiw oo* more- That ahuw* toat lb<
Y^ifr committr. torrefore. rreummead toiarmane
Id all larpe clilct and amall
A B. Okuc, olher ia ^ote't
bare a
n 1 MVbaa eaciae. two wheel
re, aad we eaa-l uw
ed aed adopt
aaidc; willioc to tell .t
It at aev prii-e
tbr Iluid
MoUoa earriail bp yea aod aap role. Thi.mavbinBiaaaairistcbi
>• pumped Vi. and air also n
I certala

tVheo tor rombtoalioa wacoa aow
uu wa> built It watduar to tav* toe
erti* eipeave of keeplar a faorve to
draw tbr Hook aad I.add*r track at III
trea. Now that it
It vecDU oec
pet a Chrinittol. let
Take ibr hoee wacua poa now bare
Citp. Mich .Jan.'1
:l brartoc axle* oo. take off a
inib/r. (Ar Mup..r u
. and other tbtoc* that aboni
ISrCilp..; Trurvr
be earrird oa a Hock and Ladder tear
ted caakr a r.imbloatloB lloac War
\Tu:vK\ — Your eominitlee oo
aod Cheialcal
>1 Eartoe.
Way* and Mmut. whom y..u .l-recled
ihea bar* an ap to date to iaapect tbr book* of toe City Tre**place of See apparatoa. Itcaabedone nr»r aod report at Ibi* aieelloc- would
in tola wap I'laee rlth
rltoerooeJO calloa roipectfally report toat they hare been
ilcB acTOH tbe wacoa
-able to rarry out your iorirucikio*.
eea the for* and
•m toe fact toat tor Ciir TrwMuret
r to enallie the
'ormed ua that h» buokn wrrr Bol
weicht and pou ha
at rocJi a Ctaemi•ted. an* bar. not been for eome
that will not re- ..^k* paai on a<-coantof hia depeod
qcirc two borae* > draw It
Yo*i Inc oposTii* aoo todo thin work.
baa. Iberefere. aaked ua to gin bim a
few dap* more t(me io whk-ta he baa
promiaed ua to p^ hia book* ia proper
PrMBi vwoo luaCeU
order, aad at toe earlirat moment at
Warea a* •u«ee*ie.l. re.M> inolu
which br irable tocomplate tola work,
IIMrlxlnl r , UH-a kOM
- a. calkui laliki lua.W
be will lap tor book* uprn to ucr- IdapecUoB. wberroooB we will, immediaielp. meet i-arrfullp and iborouchly
tcrnlialxe tbe tame and prepare to re­
.de.lfer halltoarlac aile. toiltl tn
port to pou at the next mreueptof
Kow aboct ladder*
It ia jutt aa
(kraacil. We. torrefore. aa a com
portaat to have ladder* at a fir* a* I
aak vonr indglcencr aad furtoer
to have boar.
. nnlil the next mretroe ol
Tbe prearoi warm aoawen tbe par Conacil. in wbirb in carry out and
pQ*a well eaouffa for email beUdlac* pictb pour laalroctton* lu Ibia ou
but there baa been tome detop three or
four tliDca bp walUnc for toe Book aod
Ladder trork, orotoer time* wbea o
ladder or an ear rraa needed, th* wacoa
Moeed bp Alderman linellui
waa probably half a block awap laploc
lat the rrporl of ihr committ.
huae. You tatve.oo hand aa rood a accepted and adopted *
truck aa aap eiip of ibla alee aemla. aed
Molina carried br pea aad nav
bp maktoc a fere aiteratioaa It eao be ar. todowa:
fitted ail that oa* bora* can dravr it
Yeaa—Aldermra Hoolacar.
with all toe ladder* aecemarp. iHaaU- rkb. Cemk. Lardir. liucllmaritrl. i
Cria aloar akelp with ooe aol too and Jahrmua.
rlp.aacoodaa poor* 1 Tbit whole
cbaocp etc ba made for lea* tbaa half
toe prioa of tbe Chemical which baa
beec reonmnieodcd to bay- Bp ebanrr iht ifnir.r ntid Cl'u
Ibt rUi/yl TVnm.e I’lii,.
without b*^ ohlicod^ to awiara^ «
snauxn-tVe. pour Committor on
D.imvaad Aucuunu. bare rxau.ii>rd
claim*, and barior loonJ
U?plBC that tbe abor*
them corrwet- woold recommend ibeir

IW. B. Pop* paper. She f«** a abort
Leoaa Hortoa. Mtoaebaba; briefat
Traeer»e CUp^l
Mleh. Jaa. 3. laM.
oanonrp of to* blatorp of to* eoaatrp
ed ooctame. embroidered moewtoa
fnnto* war to IRl to to* praarsl
.thrif..Morofd^. tbr Jf.ipor
1.1 Cilv'
Cora Waltora, Hella Rloadlke: cowa
tIaM. aad apokaof to* efaanaiap lead
Cuun.-lf cif tbrc(l|ii.f TVdi ■ri'Up.
of rich pellow. cold colored rcac*.
aadhaaatifalpaopto. Oar owo dealr*
BobL Jlckllar. Kloedikr pmeber;
GDmAaisx~lD nar preacat lax roll;
lone frock coal, while mtoiaterlal there ia aa aaaeMment acafaxt Leo
Solomon. wbMPOB taxr* have been
ebmpuled to toe amoaai of S2« IS
Tbl* ia on perauoal property, bat I
Boffp pUik I
d apoo tovmlicalioo toat Hr. Solcr
« keep* BO coatiacal or permaneei
epTOCdb pave aa lateraat. ck of oicrebaodtor la tbl* citr: ta«
tar pop*' m Bjros la <>Taeoe. Sh<i
he brine a eon reaideat Ua propartp b
r*v* a abort bat eemplcte aketeb of hU
Ufooptoblatolrtp-aaveetopaar. with
ElU Sbroard. ColamUa; white drem. tolc laa be remitted.
too aaom whfob led to bit torowlac
Wawaiflatoto*araeiai)W*r, with all

ttV of br. PtcrarV titoSea Med^of^ia.

(Bau. Will any our exponance wren eoe
Cbampio* ehemiml eaciae bodt bp tb*
Ktr* Extlecawhci Co. of Cblo^o. Ilia
It aaUrely Mlitfactorr and wa* oonalder*d bp na tbe beat attor Irplnc
before pr^rebaalactVr fooad toat Itaa Cbampioa eaciae
-aa mneb lem eompUeated. taiwr of
rumptaeUoB with le* llabilitp of oormIoB. aa w«U aa ouer eaaaea
Aa to to* tkipplBC over of arlda *f
bleb roe apeak, we bar* eerer bad a
tar of tbr klad aad fall to tee bow
toiacooln oceer.. Ourenclor baa baea
Id eoaatant aervke for eixrbl poar* aod
without oee doUar'a eapraa* for repair*, aad darion that time .e ban
ha* tbe moat trvfor parrmeci of tor
clip Io lb* Stale of Miirblcaa. brlac tot
old cobble tloor make apd tadip out ol
Tbr eaat teree rear* we bar* citinCulahrd el^blr firr per ceatof unr firn
with tbia i-betaieal uriae.

a (ioodricB toat

Tltol's a fair offer? Aay
oor with imfvire Mood, dys­
pepsia. riirutnatiam.


“ TIbs IClikd that Curms."
Bay A bottle from your oesrett
dAler. Aad if you reorive NO

All PmSSiat* Kaafilt.


.•\i pritfs wonhy of your consideiaiion. Thanking you kindly for your past patre
I age, we w ish you a most Happy and I'rosperous New Year.
, Bov* fS 5U OvrreoaU for...............................81-99
' Bova $3 OU rUter (or............................... . . 1.7ft
I Bui * ti 00 Ri-efen,
I'J aad 13. for 27ft
I* 1 >diU and End* ia SoiU. rrqftilar; wmi tl II tad f 1 JO for ..re9*od99c
t Some at....IftO.l.-re. 2.00. S.OO aad 8.90
: Toath* rt 75 SuiU for...................... ..
* Toutlie $6 00.*iuita fur.. 8.67
> Tomb# IK.-IO SoiU for...................................... 487
1 toaLha «8 JO all wool. d<3abl«-t|rMM<>d.
I Mack Cheviot for................................................... 686
I Meu'ar;JObUekCbeTiotBait,ele^t.
ly trimmed.............................................................. 880

Men * 8i.00 Uaw Wurate.1 ^ulu................ 887
A few MeaV fine BHavn- Overcoata,
•old al f7.50 bi-fufe the botidBjraaow 6 89
Uen'afi8J0W.»l Borer Ovmnato fur 680
Men'* extra henry ChiachillaOverca^
regalar price IB.UO, ouw........................... 8.M
Men i beery UUwn. •tuna rollar........... 886
Moo * rJO bcAvy black fVriut Tl.
«ter for........................................................
All oar Car- Orercuata nod biitb jirieed I’l•ten will g'l al irre«t reduetkoB u prieeo. 8m our famoaa Keraey, taaoMfien abort
atom euAL only.................................................. SX

T. a-.BIOST,
I Popular Olotk^ar, Kattor aad TaFalalMr.

IM rra&t 6tx«ot, Trarana dtp.


GifthdTVavenw Hnnildtuid Traverse <gty*ftnnkgipt<OonBoBiH.ted.JannaiT > A *W8
kte. «K of **H. oftC n. t
nr *w
■alAoHecgaa to gmteiek Hmgaa.
HMaiHaA Mahaa'a* hta Bag va
napaetag ^ate^oMaM aad tteg wHedaXerMeX-aaeta. a R. «r ll

Mr. OrBrHa. wte pwaa a mm m
Iteteaded Raat H^.H
with a


Ooan BMW QBMtSo*.
FMtoki/ !&• non taWnaUBC

mat tkt u«p«r«n«f tbea
ti tiM bawd of Mpwftain. b th>i
ft aftUor «U(b bw Tft-

ft rrcnrlnc fteetli
odiftf the cooftt; on hr
^•HlUftd totbft
AftqwotioeofoofttbirbftUi belnf
' lUii-iMia tbe BCftV ftlaoMftll ftciwing
tbftt tb« UBft H ripe to tftke oup* to­
ward* ft proeWoe for • pood cou^ ilrBetare. Tbe ftOKPOftt which h**
iftoeiTod Ub Boel faeorahU wmidftmttep aawftK txftrp Uxpapen Id the
H9 U ftbostdto.ood. holla the
idttpcaltlos toward* tbe exerciae

from to *40.000. Tbe avrrim

_______ Hr.
Tornd tb*
waUBMt40u««td-lersrood baiMlaf »t • «at of oboal'MO.OM.
Taeeday the mill of the Travpvec
Tvawfte Lodge. Ko. MO. I. O. O. f.. took
WolWr »t>Wd that hr Uiosnt
aty Lamter Co. begaa eatHw maple
The eftram
wojorl'j- In Urmnt farored ft
TterniheflegtbyHelghaad rail tee
largely attMded and aftar*
bnlldijir. IbcoBlrq-inUoD belof tbe
teea ao gnat tbat th* mill k fereed te
OW. lift Uloocbl IrOB SW.noo to •».TUB oe a day aad nae-qnarter Ume.
000 ftbeat rirbt.
• Work in th* lambdr wood* of
Mr. DaTjftftiftMLoarLftltctftTsrftd
Eaplra Lambm Co. U now betog n
•fi aad B & DaUy. the managw.
U.-C Uelebett.
abont MO man employed getting
towatblp wa* not io favor of a new
Inga, in the mill and yard* aad vari
Wardea-E J. Davia.
other plaeea The anow In tbe wc
Hr. Mftlehelt did not Ulak a major.
CoBdnetor-W. .1 Haggard.
k greatly faeilitatlBg the work of ptIt7 of tbe beavp taEpa\-er* la Majteld
R. S S —.laa S. Stablea.
lowftablp waaied anew conn benue,
1—'S. S.—Tbomaa Keefe.
W H While A Co . of Boyoe Uty.
hot thoee who did want it did not
B. S. toV <i,-W \ ecodder.
have )nat pneebaaed . wortb
favor foiac above tlQ.OM. Mr. hbepL. .S. to V G.-jDliua titoinberg.
of hardwood land* in Antrim eeonty
declared that Union lownablp war
0. <i.-W Millard.
aad will mnnofaciniv the timber into
read; to vow lor boodloK U>e conn,
1. <i -^A E- Fox.
lumber ie tbrir Djyn* Citv milla.
tp for the porpoae mcntlooed. Hr.
Dne-half of tbia land will be owned
Warner bad talked with manf io
Tbe Death Roll.
ur townahlp
aad foond aom<
Mrs. Mary Stepan, wife of Antooy
In feror of tbr plan Tbr ratimaw.' of Stepan, dim] of conau'mptioe at her r**mat were tromUS.OOU to *4U.ouo bnt hr
•denoe on Third atreeV Satroday mornthooght abont >*.'..000 aboald br raiae
Tbr dt; member* are lo ^ror of
years of age. aad leave* a bnatead and ba* b-.-cn making nctire preparalioai
atari bia mtirr plant. ini;ledlag tb'
two children. She waa a prominent
worker and member of the J. C. D. factory and -aw mill. The good alelgh
gsnllag eoftt.
It arrmed, however,
enabled tbe baoling of log* at
aociftiy. which I* the wuman't aoxlllary
that not lem than abonld te
d rale and w.irk will be given
of theC. s- I*. S.. and held *M0 life lopended.
anranee in U}e_#ic>eiy.
The fnnenl

UmltftUM propwed being bel
*00 and *U,000.
.' Tbft plan reeedved it*
tU lapatna Tacadej aflemooo at the
iBJon^ aeeUag of tbe b
A PulUlalendni.
ne fall meeUng
Ilelow I* tbedreoit eoert oaleodnr
Joarsed aoUl Taeadap . tor tbe expram
popom of giring tbi* matter earefnl for the wlfttor term, beginning next
OomUdemtlon. At that meeting a eom- Hondap. aad while It appear* loog i
mltta* was appointed to vleit other great maej of the caara will te qnlvk
mot tbe board. 1
and a few civil caaeawbicb will te eonmted at length. Tbrcalradar afaowi
and afim an extended toor
4 divoroe mam. wbieh la tbr greateat
htraek BoeifaTtraUj bp tbe mnlp
baOdlng of Hahon eoentp, at Imd- lumber preaenVed lo thla countg
r Wiem
Tbi* bnllding eat ie tbe noj one term of cosrl for aome lime.
I'ollowlag la the complete calender:
■dtbborteod of »to.Doo and witb
Tbe People »a I'eler lloatnim;
tioDOftbellnuoelmw. J. J. Tweddle,
tbo poareat to wbat tbla eooaty
for proeecntioo. IVnUA Uavl. for dead aap lb«p vieUed. Tbe anhMai
IbaiaaaUot tbe Invcatlgalloot .of tbe
eommtttee watpcbllebed In the Knuan
Tbe People ea lid Coloord. baetardr:
wbM tbe eammlUee retomed from J.J. Tweddle, W.U Foater.
Tbe People vi C. U. Vallean! forgerp:
that tbe r^ori vonld be praaeated tbla J. J. Tweddle. J. W. Patehle.
The l*oopie m% U Swarlx. forgery:
Jadgft Corbatt wa* praaeot a
. j Tweddle.
Toeadap. aed npoe lovilatioo
The People va Lonia Sladee, violaitoo
odtbaeoanlhaexpramadbiaview* la of the liquor law; J J Tweddle. I'ratl
A Darla.
The people v* Martin
tlonof the llqnorlaw; J.J. Tweddle.
OB* wap er tbe otber. bnt be wa* beart- proaecntingaitoniey. '
Op la frvor of a pew conrtbonae.
Tbe IVople va Riley S<
dad ini that tbe growing aeedaof tbe J. J. Tweddle. PmtlADarla.
a better proviakOD
Tbe People m Wm. O. Holden, vio­
to frelUtate Ua tranaaedoo of tbe lation of the game and Bab law;
badama td tbe aonntp than la
Tweddle, W. H. Footer.
adaedrf. While Ua Ume i* rip* for
Lizzie UcOill by her next trirnd
aarawt aeoaidaratioB be did no
Eliiatetb HcliUI V* Angnal IMlner.
bVank Voirona, Anton Novoiaj Sr.,
.mdaadiatbapnijeei. WbatUwaated Anton Kovotoy Jr and Joha A. Jm-kH a good bnlldlBg. anltable for '
Underwood A Umlor. Pmu
A Unria
a for tboaaadaof ibaoocBtp and
U. & Wind Bngliie and Pump Co. va
edtbaaoaatp. Tbejndgeatewd
ha wonld be willleg to axprem bte
fkwp in detail to tbe beard when tbe
fippit time aitfvce and plan* are to
dHenmia. Be might be able te offer
tbe ar1 of tbe 0
atiorMp* of tbe «

took.ptaee Monday nl l iop. m
the'famlly retidence

Sdwia Lambkla to J Brlgteai. *s
f aelt, aae 10 I to. ar 10 w -atoo.
Mm Hrydon etal toCkai
wk M apk- •
1*. t R. ar Iter-ISM
Ottmr Simpftoe ta^rtS) to C B. Keayon. parcel* la tec ft. I - — •—
.......................... all iCot
open to
Firat KatloBal Rank of
me Cllv.
• > blk a T
B City,

l-nrge quantitiea Ilf fine pine aquare
The Infant mn‘oPMr and Hn.
Deovgv Fiah of East Hay. died Wednm- timber, are being hauled to
zborenear tbe J E Dreilick taetory.
riay night of convaUiana.
Som- of the largen and beat alick*'
itanley. the infabt aon of My. and pine evee cut In tbla seylloc are In tbit
a WlDOwlgekl. of iAK Wmt Hay
lot The Umtet it being cut by Will.
eet. died Tfauraday
The fnaeral U« Iteenie for 11 V May. an eiUnalre
X te held Friday from the Cblholic
dealer ie -lumber and -a-juara timber.
Tbe Umber k being cut In Blnir towntbip and there will be ttu pieem of It.
Bara to Cetcb
’bicb win teahipped to Englaml fur
hVed Ueath. cUim agent of the t>. 11.
lipboilding pnrpoaet, ie ll.e-tpring
i I. Railway Co , arrived in the city oa
eaidet tbe tqunre limber .Mr. Bennie
» fret of logt
who bornrd a bo* ear at Walton
day Digbu Monday Sheriff Slmpaon
waa DoliSed to iotoreepl the party,
who were beaded IhU way.
local olHeera went to the depot prepared
to gather ie the much-wanted
Servlcoein K. «1. T. M. hnll. 1*5 Front
for the railroed bnt fortunately forihe atroel, at m.Sua. m.
Subject—•lleginnmg of Jetot' public
trampb, they aaw fit to alight fron
minittry of preaching and healing.- ,
train at ihr Webatrr atreot crae
Teallmonial meftting Friday at:
tbUfacland DOtIfied the ofiitera.
While the men were tra.-ed down town.
laorulng it wax learned that three men
anawrring tbr deacriptlon of the (agiha.1 gone eouib on n C. A W. >1.
TJiey wer^
Cloud by train emptoyea
'. M and there the]/ were gath­
ered In by Ibv agent Word wn» wired
Sheriff Slmpaon of the eaptnre ned
be wired back to bold the n

Ail ar*>cordially invited

Here are.
■ Th ree

Emm* V'eVay to Robert BnlLowaki
eS of fte^ aeeto t
nr llw *»».
John Gtnk to John Vasdervor a
BrarttUlackmore to Elijah E Toeer
3t : blk •>; InleHocbrn. *H»i.
Bta n and i; Mk r.a intrrioebrn. »Tivi.
iBtcar Slmpaon itberiffi to .Vniiuntl
Co. parcel
II w-*TS;.oi.

Sunday tehool. I
Young Poople t i
Preach^. T.p. i



W. U. Bepine. editor TUkilw*.
l'bief.”tay*: -U> won't keep bonae
wilteul “^li

ReliAblA Dry Good*. Carpel And Clothing House.

trur remedy nnlil '
New lliacDvery.
X . Olbr
’oao take iu place
we have a certain nn.
ugha. ^Ida. Whwpi

Ooapcl temce at ; p m
Young people‘a aervle.-S.U. p m
Bible achoolt every Sgndnv. atehur.-h
al U:<; a. m. Oak I-ark C'bn|lel 3 p
Thuetday eveniiigvai ; in edoebCliorua, Iiiiarlet and koloaioglug :
day evenlnga.
A warm welcome

Al the anniiaT meeting of the tedlee'
Library AmuoUtloe Hatorday after­
noon tbe following ofllcei*
A. B Cnrlia to
Travrrae City lor
Prseidenl—Mn. C .1. Keeeland:
laat week.
Mrat rice preaident-Mra /..C. FairSchool began Mo. lay morning after
Second Tice prmldent—Mm. Raltoa - two weeka' racni! D. wllb .Mte Lillie
Uorton n* teneber
preaidrnt—Mra. Thoa.
Tbe Udiea' Aid
with Mr* Fftrrant
■tary—Mra. H.
Bclal aeeretary
•. Reid 1* gelling a large nmounl
lingte bolu hauled to bit mill, in
Treasurer—Mrv W. Pound.
of atarting up In Marcb.
Librarian—Mn.. B. TbirlbyMembera of, btard in addition b
ooming drngglat. i. rapidly
We will te very
prenidenL aeeretary. fini eial aecrrtar; oearing eompletioa
macb pleaaed to hftve en apolheca't
and irtoftenreft-Henda
ahop 1ft our bu>y town tod within eaey
llatea. II Tbirlby.
Deaprea. A. L. Uarll
Aiat. librariao—Mra. W F. Calkin*.
Aaat finasciftl aeeretary—Mn. Fred
Report* abow the
. be la a moat fiouriftbloc oooditioe
Many new
valnable book* Uve
added to tl
Pbrary daring
lag It very complete,
ndditlona are alwaya of tbe Iftteat
and few libraries In tbe a
are more tip tu date in thia reapect.
Among tbe important changea made
iring tbe yev/fn the boildlag ia tbr
Ift In reganFTothe ball which occoplea tbe ftntire aftonnd door. Tbla baa
been renovated end next week will te
•omely carpeted nad fittod np at a
for buldlagmeetlnga. roetal galh-

Are you
in business?

Iber remedlea. eren if Iher a..
□ ytmn* juaiaa good na'Dr i
ew Diacovery. They are nut la

er failt to tntkfy.

to antkfy.^ KW trial h
ihe^drog a

The paaaeager repretentalivw of the
following roada. to-wit.
Ann A. bor K. K .
C A W. H. R I! ,

You may.need Blank Books. You can find a
complete line of new stock at

u u.

Haskell’s Bookstore.

<X A St. I, K R .
I- -V 1. K K R ,

kaee formed ao urgaa'zal.un .alle-l tbr
Nurlhern Milemgr Ticket llurvan f..r
the puip-wv of iaagiog and arlling and
pTOprrl_yo.-.»uBiingfi>r an lutor. i.angr
<el d>(tcriny

• D to the i-ouductor
DO. uf tbr Ii.-kri rrq.
of idrnilSral


$3.00. $3.60, $4.00 and $4,60.

for tbe .um ..Ptbirty
rebate nf let. rtcllarc after
ance » . i h t|
tbe ticket I.
I te pitied .
elTuafy Izl. . . .
Th.a ticket of cotK
Ktiic upon Um- lisei. of uarf pan
thi. agreeiurut, and e I be ,v,u
addili.n to tbe lu'keu of
Hureauof the (enlral I'aaceuger
ciali —
laai.r-d by the Miiei
t'eolral 1-1

TlieOlil llelinU- Shur-Haii,


:s;| We are the

Pftazenger ,
*Dce with t
that ticket.
I'aaxcngara deairing to b.
•d upon nil of the l.aea o tbe Cvo. . 5;
I l>aaaengrr Aaftocialioo. c I procure' #
Ucketa uotll further
irther no
qf the partiea which *i
e C. P A', but mual p


train, and eotuply withal) vhv other'*
lerma and eoniillon* of the CeDtrai I Ht
1‘aaaeager AW-ialion tickeu
IV. J RoblnaoB. haring tiuugl.t thv
'Bllrc btulneao of the onlerpriae i<ru
err nad alas that of K I. Kanaom.haa
novvd the atock of Ibe mierpnae into
be Ksnoom building-.’.'* Fruot tired,
md bft will be glad toaeeall bi* ol.l
rienda nod new cu.tomer* who .ill
lad nt bia hew (torv a aplendid line ol



.M. B. UOLLEY, Maoaxer.

raiEfiRicH BHoa old gTuaa

We are ready to
make you low prices


many lines of Shoes, Socks, Felt Boots,
Rubbers and Warm Shoes.
2>n pairs Itadie*' Warm Sljrw#


MitcEa PAID FOR nioea ajr


Oea B. Getty. toOea W. Farteikwh
of ft*h of aro S. t M teaw-*!.
J to <1*0. w. Far>






\Vf an hen- t"
r.f um? lo iht- pupil, tcachfr .in<l [laront. and by 0
ryilim^ llial i- iist-d or necJi-d in the scbooln tvt- wilJ be of Htlp to
all. S«iinclinH ' lht-r<.'
ihinps that we do not have but wc jfet tbiiem<
nd! p
Kindergarten Supplies Wt- make a «pfcialty. and^
wc arc
already bijf^ock.





School Providers.

Card* of Taanks-

inday acbool cloftqd
day wa*
Tbe acbuul ba
eiU-Bd our lliankato.
KrotSer Mnact. S:
tVbeeluck and
tanebera fur Ibe Ini
they ban- tak

Tlir hirlou* atormof Inal ftveaing did
ot prevent mnrly oae bnndre<l of the
frwnda of Mr. and Mra W. 1) Wiloex
taftembling at their
celebrate the toto
borte laat week.
marriage. While the family
were .|oieily pamicg the evening
towB calli .
If H aboald ba decided that we
Robblard 11. Levall v* Alidn Slay Lehotse tbe gueata bnral la upon Item
anmadp to baUd, iboae in faror vall, dtvorec; iiilbert A tiate*.
Win. Smith, who haa been
and aooD tbe bonae waa filUd witb
ere, reeeivKl * telegram i
Hanta good balldiag.- bet ftome are opSheridan Howard va Nannie Howard.
tat rolled bim borne al once,
CbMd per a •
One of
merry throng Aftar tome Um* apeet
poned to it altegelbar. He tboogbl hp dlTortw: Tweddle A Cron*.
owpvr BV leui
i* tlllle boya.ia tick witb the
ia ch*.
ctoaU be ift favor of a etruetnre u
Mnry J. Uvander va Wm. Uvaoder.
ten Brolherton wa* very badly hart
Ovinu. wIU a tew appropriate laat Etatordny
amt not a great deal evar*u.m, perHe wa» drawing
Ivor**; TwtedU A Cro...
Irawing log*
H It aBgbt be wtar to go a* high p*
Mftise Aftur *r yvevww mra ptaurv
an* iwedid
Ida Banwiek va Cbaa A. Renwiek.
■ c at eacBi lortj-Ore divoroe; L. B. Utge.
batket and butter dlab. ta tokaaa of down
at Edgcu va U«o. Bdgctt: divoroe;
. riba aad ^STbresat bone. Be wa*
efttaom from tbeir many frtanda
in Hvor Of a mew bonding
!D to Dr. Frallck'a of Ma^ City .
iXtobln A Loranger.
A dvUgblfnl program followed,
poaia. nad ba* fonad the
and bli wife **>1 for
Be ia la n good
Upioe Central Life Ina. Co va Tbomaa
nlace lor akillfnl trrotmenU W* bow
p fan
ivpimbla. While A. Oooloo et. aL, WII to foreleae
b* wUl te ablft to come bom* Boon.
be bad hot talkad price, be tbonght gage: Pratt A Davto
EecttaUon-Selll. Lardie."
Heary Schneider haa hongbl tbe pise
abont • woald be wbat oaghl to
F. a; Knnelaad aad J. H. Cole va
oe^he Hotgaa eight v; alas fUiaereeof
baaspeaded. Beargaedtbal the ad- Nathaniel H. Stewan. Kill to qniel
Be^-ltatloo-Carra O'Nftal, la Otatnme. land of C. Fulce tbat haa'a Urge
ditkmal ttxAroald te mneh lem than UUe: TweddX A Craaa.
Uifttory of tbe Wilcox Fbaily—LfttUft amoant of plfte and cedar, and will buy
all th* hardwood be sa gftt. which
amng enpponad It woald be.
C B.
Faeolft H. TrwnbJey va
will te takaa to Piaher A WUllamaoa'a
Mamaewaaaotraadr to place blmaelf------------,----------Tromblfty
Jr., dtaonc:
Dodge A Coveil.
*T 1ME1B T,
eaimmrd. la Blair be loand It bard, Patchln
A Qrotark
Walter Miller of Mlllcrio HUI walks
Kfteeral ol th*
of the
to gatttemtoooBtiderlt ■! a
K. RlalvaViteil
ntA.rraaahaad program cbeerfaUy reftpeadtd to «•- here toachooI.adlMaaroof fc«r milro
Bebaahemi nHtber lata eor abocnia
day. Snch eaergy and peraevevehce in
ptppto MPaJd set tow an a»roElaborotft i
prtoltNfar«M.OOeaBda taildli« tor
•mnU part of tte ei
tomWft ktet eott. Ba qaeatkato
a V* John A. Perry et al.

wteiteg to* Btajofity woftU tevor it at toreeloanr*: CMhUl A tiairaodftr.
wlahM lor
bB, tet *bU* te waa wet firoparad to ; la Um mattor of the petiUoe of Rot- tepploeai of Mr. and mV
aeral of the State frtawl* d«partod. hot the
a* aU it maat te ftpoa tte aadavauiad-‘ nf MIchIcae. for aad to behalf pt the' the
|iqrttMlteeMiptoMbaUdtogwM .et State of Hieblcan far the aal* of c*r' to l$* wlototBaU


frigbtfuliy bcro-ei- <;.'1Sl" fii' 1^3 j »**«« **«»*»******** ««M*^lHMHiH»*****»**^
reck. I*nln wns iaataotly relieved bv
~ '

■■ ■
i ■
DeW.u, IVtieh Hsxel bnlve. ehich




1 18 Fku.ST STKKKT. WCK/MH Rii Biak K.

returned Dome Muaaome anow whi.b la
0 tbe road* where be
lio to W J. RnbioaoD. aun^aor to,X
wa* working.
Entarprite (iroeert and E L IUo>-.b 1%
;c«4'rODl atreel. lor the beat gruuerles I'{R
Among the callera
nt lowed prices■
faOBftr Sunday were M
Dnrland. Wm Ix>re aa I Mr leiudon

Hr*. Jaa. Murray ia apeading n fri



J... Mri-loakt
day to wait fo

op on tbe 4 au train Frida} rveniogaa
vUited tbeir aiater. Mra. Jaa Mri'la
Albert Ruuah drove beer Salui
day evening. Tbey returned to Ibei
hume near Maple (.ity Sunday aftei


$1.88, $1,98, $2.4$

Oftaaeng.-ra ufon act
r Ifn.n i*ai-epiing lim
T and *11 tbr Imnpftr

lev. J r Carman. >-n-t..r

... gg^


Specials (

Tbft Oiaatft OlneevfttT T«i.

Sunday aerri^.

auvftr Waading Bnrpnaft.

all tlirpuj'h < r Kocks. to doso out sbttrl Icnjjllis, odds and ends,
our annual inv
etc.. t»ef«>ri-our
infcntory. Trices <m somt^;ut
pi r ceol..
some others
icr cent,
cent. eetc.

rbed B Pratt (Cfltamitaioperl
> AmpMl.twk oftric.arc.l

tWd Ira


We're Offering Special Values


Iff Aabton to go nftof them, whet
other telegram waareoeJred nnnonneIng that the men oonld not te held
Winfield S Day. eC nL. aaaompait ap­
The eaplorz at tVbIto Cloud explained
peal: Tweddle A Crom,
thalaatfie night watobmns conld not be
Umlorfound Ibry were obliged to let the men
Oee. W. I'halpa va Chicago aad Weal
go again
The fugitireft baateoed t<i
warda (Iraod llapIO* and word was
Dodge A Covell. Wm. Aldvn Smith.
sent «o the anihuriliee there to later,
•Wm. Black mao va Jama Iliya et aU
eept them.
trvapaa* on tbe eaar: Pmu A Darla
Annual Meeting.
Aodrew Leach vi> Albert Welch, re­

plevin appeal: Qilben A Oatea.
It ataeud. he Mggaated that cmib of
' Sevgthem ba ooBaalted regardiag it
mUIer. aaaumpaitappeal: PraUd Davia.
aHo Ptatad ttet the plan* wer« a
Patcblo A Cromer.
tor o< gtmva Importanee aad aboald
Edward Adania v* Edwin W. UalcL.
eapam on the caae appeal: I'atebln A
Cvotmr. Lorin Roberta.
dl^ poaU be bnUt ebeaper
Mary Dons va Bath Darla, aaasmpalt
I a few peoB ago and thl* H a good appeal: Patohin A Crotaer. i*ratt 4
timo to maka
aaka a otart bnt before pro- Davie.
rilling all tbe light pomlSe ehonld be
William Haue^
0teed apoa tbe matter of arrange- aecnspail appeal: Pratt A Davia.
it and general plana. Jndge Cor- Patohin A CroUer.
haw iiapMamd open the board the imJobe Slrooach va Benry D. Tabor.
pertaDOftOftbelagalaUluottba prelecUiieal: Dodge A Coveil. Pratt A
peaad mo*a and arged care in taking Darla.
tha aeoomrp atepa.
H* referred to
Fred A. Kneeland aad 4 U.
tke eaatp of Cbebdpgan. which roted: Jame* 8. FoUett aad JnlH Follelt.
te bond (be eoaatp Itr a new b.
ejeetmeol: Tweddle
lag. bat owing to a mHtake In
Peter Asna va BnghUriOlb. replevin
HfilaWfn taken tbe baUding hw
appeal: Underwood A Umlor.
pwt baen areeted. Tbe remark* of tbr
mnltor of Wnl tor L Cocbi
Jaige wme takas aerionalp aad ap- from the........................
yraoHted Ibp the memboa.
tbe pratete coort in the mtato of
rdtewiag tke talk of Jndge OorbeU
W. Cochran decoatod; Dodge A
member of tbe board wat lavitad Corell. Pratt A Davie.
J. Friedman CL al t* Edward
HmoBt In tbe rarlon* to
liiltert.hmiimpalt: Dodgr A
tbageMral opinion w t
Ilrrmin Uyman va iiolomon Valoin*.
Ualt ahoald be to tbe ecai
John Pnldpber argued that th* ma er of plaaa
Ida L Hobart va Chaa Hobart. dP
iHoaM net beer
. but that
orcft; Dodge A Corell.
■t the matter of aft Pml tUng the q<
J'raocia HcHahoo va Imwrrnce He
. ttOB to tbft people msal be dlapeeid of.
lahoe. divorce: Dodgv .v Qovell.
Bft ataud tbat tbe people o^emO bad
Della E. Korthrop ra Wm. Northrop,
bona eeamldtrinr the proJe<^ad while ^ divorce; Dudgv A CorelL
•metararede btaldlng there,
FranlMJ SUnb^raWm II. Stanware olbari who woald sot object w hope, divorce; S M^brown.
iee er tM thonaand more. Ur. bowKldorna Uardner va Ma> tSardoer. <||.
avftv. tboagfat a anljabl* airactaie eonld
aroe: i'atohia A Crotaer.
bft hallt for aboal m.ooQ. Hr. Wight
Ilaenah Binkley va Joaeph iliokler.
maa atatadthat tbr Ureea Imkr people divorce: Lorin Koterta.
monidnei care to go aborr *00,000
NelUe lloorom va OiH IL Roorom. di>d that the Paimdiae
arce, tJilbert A llatea

Guaranteed to fit and up-t<MUte in st^e

a CvAfoo_____________
ftt a*X. aae to i M am I
Joka r. llater to W. M. Hm aad 3.
. Hearoe. lot «. tee n. LM. ar l»w—

Men'. Feh BooU .

60c. esc

Itadiro’ Wool L^fo.'in* aod
Ovefgaitort at cot prices.
Uoo't fad to i
what JIM eaa gat I
hero, We know we MTV you money.

in Alfred V* Friedrich
The PopolRT Shoe House of Traverse Oi^.

Grand Traverse HeraldTandljTraverse CSt7 Traascr^
Ms7 aar * Hm—



■ ofbealaaasof Ua noardMB Hirer Slactrlc Upbl A Power Co.
Iwa Wreod tbaoaupaay to add taora
tedlftlaa. Tbay bare dacldad to i^r^aar aaoUar larra dyaaaw. wiU a
MW. addiUoaal laraadea-

grStS^^^ Clra/Won tlilt week2,4()b

U ara na4a tbal qoaU ■

/^ ■ Vn. Jot. I
■ • ■ draalBC t^h

T». ,.p.H...rof..i».i.,n. a„

Tiwf K^^M^a^Trad Baebtal
waal to Carp Uke Taaodap
aaarbt MOj^^reb tbroarb ihi





b,™,., .. n„bi.o«
ihrooyf-d with people who cane
'roaiear.|oaiBted wiU Bet Cbarle* T to boU orymnir.aiioBi that
^ mouI. the aew rector of lirace ebarcb.
air Ue member* of both oryaaixaiioa*
The .turteou of Prof C R -iijck-'
The raceplioa
the ceremonie* a .plendid
cr*y. buiiaeu collaya' oryaalxad a 1 "« » happy oae and admirably or
.upper wa* .arrad aod aa ia;,
laa yaUeriny partook of yoml
ucioe La Tfarcree City aod Ibe yae*t*
Tbr (ea*l
preeeol •uccaedert la impraBalny that
fact opoB Ue boaored reetor tart hi* wa* wall aereed aad all kind* ol pleaVice pitkideal- Huy Tbomproo.
AdeliyLtfu: pruyrata wa* ren- aal *oclability formed a pan of tbr
Secretary E. W. .Moody.
eeablay-* enjoymcal.
Kcyular ntetme* will ba held nod
New Social Cluf
. Ilal.y H
U Ha*la1
Beciutioa—U k Holley.
Vocal Milo—Mi— Joeefa IViihelm
Ee.'iUUuo—Mr*. .1, U Marlin.
Iluriny Ue otenloy a apread of d
loo-- refreehmenti wa* *eree.i I
r« Sprayiie


Miebael tl»y. oae of Ue oldml plolen of UUooaaty. waa ia tbe city
irJEMeOanr. awaUkaowayoGOf
hatanlay. from BIk Rapid*
AMaaaar of Oraad Rtpida. to ie tba dty
U. Er Howe of tiraod Bapid*.
«e«alUar with C. W. UcKeal rarardnpeni Haaday wlU her molber. Mra.
iH kto lalt for daotarw afaioat the
E«Uer Benton, of Hprace itreei,
Mra Doff McIGoald aod daoybter
bare raturned from 1‘etoakey after a
tI*U of a month witb 'bar pareou.
Mr*. Dora CriKo went to llolluway
Hoaday to attend tbr weddiny of a
bbe will be gone about ten


I $1.00 Values for 69 cents

I oumber of Ue expert wkiet piay
I ol TrarerweCiiy met Friday myki
Ua room* of Jobe A. Itoraoyer *iu<
fanlxed a rlcb to ba know a a* <he|J
Traearnr i ily ithiM fldb. The ..iTitrr- IJ


beildaulUbledoek* at Foneh. I'roTe-,


kaakat teetory. caBa ap froa Bk Joaapb Toaaday aftaraooa. Ba wl
called home by a teleyram aBBoee
Mis a taw daye. Uae to to Florida to lay tbe aerioo* iiloea* of her father.
apaod tba roBaladar of Ua wf
Hoe. I'eler Dor»n, who t
the OtBiid Rapid* diauicl In the *uie
•eBate In l*vi. baa been la Ur city ee
Mtoa Myrtia Uaioraaoi of Ui. city
^ayal boalaro* aad ralllny on old
aad Piaak l•ontooo of Aabtoa. MIcb..
WM BacTtad FVIday at Ua boaia of
Mr*. 6. WlaklrmaB of ,si lyoaee,
tba paraato of Ua bride, oe Barlow
bo win be raBembered a* Him YalaUs^ na aaraawoy wia prrforBrd
ooMUia. 1* fialtlny Hr*. Charla* Roeeoby Jaaliot Jdba Verly.
Max 1'aloaalela. ber brother, i*
^ rtaeraa aaat olat for Ua ladle*' alao here.
U Sexier waa delayed ycolanlay aod
Dkk HeUlaley. who will be remeoi
> Get placed at tba City New* stacd bered a* Ue crack catcher for tbe

. Ob Haaday Praaldiar Bder l
Kali(«r dedicated a baadaoaa I
Aorab at Maotoa. airbt allta aoaU of
- Cheboyraa. At Ula maetiat »4i0

Daalcl BroUmoa of Hiller. Hill,
wu aeraraly lalared at Cedar Salarday
wbtia Irytar to itop a roaaway icoB
Ba w*i UrowD dowa aad irasplad
•poa by tbe boraw. aaauiolat Urea
brakaa riba aad oUer lalariaa.
Tba Baaoab.BI&aa bold Ueir flrai
drill la tbe Fataatora- hall laat alrhi.
Thera waa a larra ottradaaeo la aplie

Cbangnof Firm

Saturday alybt the grocery atoek of
1C Eaterpriae Grocery wa^oved from
ie BurU aid* of Froot atreet to Ue
oppoailc aide uf Ue *Ue«L la tbe old
of E. L. lUiuom A San.
tV J
Roblnaon, tbr Junior member of Hr
firm of O. Pierce A Co . baa bought eiil
3B .1 Soa.alM lbr Intoraai of O.
Pierce, and will conlinar Ur bBxinaa*
■r arw location.
Tba atorr I*
large, convcairol, proeidrd' wlU a
large- refclfrentor and as ice box for
bniter. dtc.. xad Mr. Boblo*uB will add Ingbay aod frot to bi* yrocary awcB
Soma iQieratUBC Figore*
Baaller* ia l*tH. wa* In tbe city
new .tore will br ready for bu.iTbe following compllatloa of Sgurea
Thartday Tw a abort tUH. He I* workMooday moruiag.
j*bowing the real eblate Iranafen it.
UI* county diirlny tba paat three yean
^rx Amao^draham. wboba* bcea
will be of apecial latereal. The am
Two WaddUiK Fraau.
with ber Bor, Dr liraham at l.uilioyof mortgage* recorded daring tbe
or *omr fraekx ba* amred to
make ber boinc wlU ber lUoy^ler.
e Rk->-iiB
Mra. U W (‘aderwood
1 upon Ue coople »howrr» of »loBank Offioera Electro
ooagraiolatlopa (ron bo*u of
The prlpcipaU were Mira
Tbe aeawal Bcetlny of Ue
Mule FortoP. daughter of A Fnrtoo
I Ue Firat Natloaal Rabk
ycelerday. Tba reporl* ahowed a eery of Eaat Hay. and Jacob Milbrrl of ligr•aUataetory baalacs* daring
Tbe Seld tonorhip Tbr marriage wn* al■d by throngaol frlead* nf eacb
Id offioera were elected a* follow*
H. B. HbII. praaldeot. Jaa. T. Beadle. family and tbe crowd waa ao great Uat
J. Morgan, rice pre.ideot*. C-- X. It WBI neceuarr to divide Uc compasy
Tbrretarr one oortloo of tbe gwrau rallaiBBoed, CMUier.


tbe Hotel \Vhit-]#*v-

fompwan. >t*U a«
-------- -■ get dc •riplivy circular j
llutter from •wret I
ulea. Vog turn
ctalBe doe* Ue


Haskell's Bookstore, £

StMkMUnlMlIMnl UAtttt). wm

He Can ■Keep It Now

Thoa. A Coaloti who won Ue cap
offered laat year lor the beat record for
aoHetUay lift taauranor for tbr Mulaal
BiebtoBoaooBBtof Ur
Life of Sew York, ba* made the
A City DiTwetory.
ia« of tba
a Wlaphoaa
aad arc lifM record of any agrat ie Mlehigan ayalb
• F-ahraer. a pnbllaber of city j
— “» tdlapboae la Ua aboa aura
winter asd bow the cop > b
lea* I* la UG-1
eTPraakFriadrlcbbcnedoat. Ftaak reuib. Hr eeesred Ibe taiybrat per waukee. baa come to Ue city for Ue
bad MdlilirabU traoble la ratlayiitob cost-of asy agent of the-oompaay la parpoae of gettieg Cat a coaplet*:
- Uf
bisaa aad Uadiaeotary la Ub< . Uc alBt*
• la
In laVT.
directory ol Uecity laciudlBg Uevl'Ia•avad what Blfbt bara protod a ooeUy
ge* la Ue coanty. A circnlar ontllBtl Aanaal.
iBg Ue plea baa bees uaaed aad irark
A aarprtoa party, wblob wia a
a ora^ral Ftahlay aad Haatiag of cMTBaalag ba* beca oosaeBced. 11
aataoctolaraat waarivaBBtUa boata anb bald Ita ananal BeoUag laat night la parpoaeai to pablUb a Aral claM and
offcrl Tylar Moadsy blrhk
Miaa asd eleeted offioera at tellowa;
oompleto dlractory.
Paaltaa earaasol CblcB«o. to eWUat
rrmidoat-H. P. Caapbell.
Uat U ralaablebcal
.a Hat of BOBi
MaMtola Uaeily aa^ baraoqaalauaeaa
Haeretary aad Treanrer—A IV Ja
Tbe book will be mHapoeed of good
bwa pdaaaad a party la bar boaor.
Bloely punted and wUl bare a
HMorlaa-41. B Oatea.
Mad\cofcloU lack and
asdtba aaabtarw.
boBidaUea The prioc of Uc dlraetivy
erillbcM. I'be work of gatliag It bat
wtu be prahBd aa rapidly M pniBlblB

c-t^wai •no.rixu *ruLsr» UR| DffiHti Iwffittfm I T«I In MR



An assortment of Shirt Waist IP Q AQ
Patterns at, each..................






eat thing ol the kii
bleb may br acen i

It b eaay to catch * cold and ,iu*t xa |
e**y to get gid of it if yon rommeoer
variytooic One Minntc Cough CCiirr ,
" cure* cough*, col
lid*. Oroachitia. p
>*ia and all
II Uroalaad
oailioo fromlhv S
it to toke. aafr to a*r ai
. Ira to purchaac the Flaal Stale airaat
J.ii. Johaaoo
:acbool building A coiamunicalioa w*»
alao received from iirv. U. S Rue. pM' tor of Ur Skaad EaylUta LaUerao
Renicenber tlierc
eburch. aakibg tor aconllaiiaaoe of Ue
'prraeal orraByemeat io raaliay Ua
building for divine aervlce. It wa*
linaliy deeided to rrlrr U* matter to
. the ' committee on
bullutny* aad
yTOMed*..wllb lD*trgctinii* to tlx a v»lnalion on Ue building, for tba porpoae
■if ofleriag It for *410. The committoa
■till »obmll lU rrpart at Ue neilTD*iet-


Your opportunity for Trimmings, Shfrt
Waist Lengths, etc.


u,e *' *' MoffaU. M »

in the City llo»k*torr. and ui coaalder iby prepoalilon to pur^aae
a ael of iBprovod map* offered hy Ibo
TeprMeaiaiire* of the Rand A McNally
Ue book. D*vra aod atatloaery ha*l- Co. After inapectlng Ur man* it wo*
u aad Elmer ba* alao bad coaiidcr- decided to buy a art lor each build
able experieace Io the newa bualneaa. lag. each aal con»lalioy of *ereo mapa.
They took ooaaeaaioo at once aad ar^ They are of tba lale.t improved dea prepared to meet Ihrir frlcod-, and aiyn*. ahowloy level* and eleralioaa la
patron* of the itaod. Tbe bovi are color* Theae will be valuable addi
Ji eoergrllc aod will make a *ii,'craa tion* to Ue «-hool aupplira'and -til
ol tbe bo.ioe*'
Mr Xorthrnp-will gBBlIy ;fa*'iUute the *ludir* of the
IcavcaoBg for Ht Morrl*. Mich., to rupil*.
a lormrr propjoin bi* pareoU-

A.;W. WalU of tba WallB-Biriaaa


A spleudid assortmeot of

aad aroodaoalal U»«.





Tba rourrKl i«l pl.t lor U.c rticrItolatota la the local aarkat Uoo- talorarat of tbe ladln'
baa bcaa ptocad
Hlaad- Mocla admtBion llrkru wilU
be aold at m. i: aad :::;.caDi> Tbr
1b^lTta*enaavLodca.KaTt. atafla admUaloa UckrI* aol.l for tbr
' lar. Kri*U>1. ohirh as. w
E- of P. will leatall tba raeratlyalaned
rirra laat Bcalb. wl.l not
dflar tba aaraiaraha
Bauticfa wOlaltdowatoaB dabofota ba rood for tba Udiet' ((aarteuSut will
ba valid for tba leetarr uf Hr. Ilriatui
hawiul. __ _________________
tB Ur :«u. NaaroB Uebru for Ibc rataat airtat the tocastly alactad
aan «f Ua Fcalareal Hjuic ClrolP
waft jlBatallad. ^ After tba laatallaUoe
tba aasban ae}«7td aa opttar ai

>iptoaauaet aaariy aa rood >« h«r«.

^ >

A great
silk sale

WUIe(toBlkettACo.baToaold tbeir
uie edye
. ^ Hot Tune la U
Ulia Battle Horbaa of Gib flapi.l*. ■Beet and l.elaad lor Ue porpo-e ol
injury wa* mauined. tbooyh be ibe .ipeaiay perfu
Matnaarhatdtpartoaol to HelaUMb bM baaa tbr fnaat of Miaa Ormcr Clara- trmo.fcmny freiybl car* by ferry be-1
tweeo lbo*e piiaU on larpLake. b.i
badlj .cared aad terribly Comediaa*. wao bry
* Klllolt, Caalkett A Co. will roc '
aihrr up the prdu.-u uf the cooolre I Jarred
Mrfcat aatll Jaa. IS, whao tba’aew
Mra C. O SmiU left tbr city for
I. li Kioy. Ue foremao. bad |
bompaonallle Huaday to )>md Mr.
I a amiilar experience aad^wa* e-|U*lly comrdi —chaoye of
■na will taka pcatnalcn.
V niytii.c—no,■rcr, 1* belay rejected,
forlunate other
i aad
' tea A. J. Bdrad la dolD( aaaaraltn- urgiBr the M AN
.truck by oiei-e* of me .1 which
talk work at Booth Haraa. wbara ba
:belr line are ai>w working for tbe Hoe were burled In all direction*, but
WlU R-malB natll Hareb. Ha bu brea
recedrad aetlou* injury
The •*«
In tbe oomiay voyayemcni i
tharoabeattwo waaka ud will conrallied at »lon It waa replaced aod more Uao aa ordiaary oae. aad
Mtb. F. U. BamUnandMik* VloU
tiaae aetlea work aotU aprlor.
City New* Stand Sold
popular pn<.wa of |n. Mood V .
Wlyfatman of Monroe Ceairr. war* io
the delay wa* aliyhi
I I* ‘jUito prwbahie Uat crowded
i. ■ BoaU. wUa aad danrbter. who Ue dty Monday.
City New* Stood ebaoyed baeda
I Kill greet tbe Brvaa fompaai
haaa baoaelalUBrhtooda iDMothera
Mar*Him Emaa UaBrk relurerd to
t win be placed oa **!• at Uc i*.
■ Mldlru tor a BonU. bare cauroad. Honor Friday altera week'* ei*il with Hubert Noribrup uild Ur taii.ioeM to] There waa a apeclal oiarliciy
Saturday moroloy
Hay Hrowo, who for three year* ba* ; i«»rd nf education Tueeday
Mr. Boall roporta ao andw there and her Mater. Hcb Wb. UraaU


Hannah & Lay Co.


I'rteidebt-K Mc-Varntro.
Seeratary—I A. Ixiranyer.
Trratiirer—Irfiren Kobert*
Slisttereoa Saw
»treot, Ui cooimcmorab'tbr Bflh anal-i
Tba oflicer* will aer-re a* a Li>ruiailti-' I i
„«rri.a-r Onr parcic-f
I •elect •Bitable rotim*. wbii'ii it i-[l
death nr --rtoii. injo'ry were exper..larly picananl fcalurr of the ernilnr '
deelyeed to keep open every rrebid*-l|
I lenced in the min of the Tratarae City.
; Lumber Lu
Frirtxy ceealny.
of the iilub
l:.-yui*r uiretiii*-'
jplaat i* cultinp elm lomber lof
be brill on Tii.wday aad Fr. |
I llarriaon Hrim . but aB aecident cau*ad '
The larm
I a temporary >g*pro*ioo of work uae day areeiay* each week
befrhip I* twaaty. a* follow* K Mvlof Ue yrcalciro.iiar aaw* waa *halNamara. J A. UiraayrT. L Kuliert*.
I lercd by eumiay in coatacl if iU a doy
I. F'**t.-r. H MoBlayua, ’I'uu* T
-os tbr carriayc while iP motloa. Tbe
Hau-*. A F. laoK-roa. J IV. Trarb..
:a* broken into hundred* of piece*,:
Anatuer Cur F
Hollri .ei I' iBror. tv.o Holem .irikioy tome of tbe
I .s 'IraTii. \V .1 Hubb*. F l»
AanUer pba*eof tbe [xvlaaau.-oaBly | ^urkit
lieoryc Uarri*oa. who wa*
'•Uodiay near, wa* .track liy
i' Mi'labwb.l
Ue MAS K rbllroad eompaay to jf,,.
ilylay pie-w*.





conyralulale UaB aad -l-b
wl.b >•.»>
lonylifeof wedded bappiaeaa.
-----------------------------Bu<ma«a Collasc LycaaB,

lea^tulpinrru .if lb«-i
Tliair Filth Aonirarsaryeompacy k> Ibalmei. ticarlrn.. whrrr !
Mr and Mr*. Cbarlr*
iba repular drill* mod narlioK*
; |{jm-oiIi*1 eotrruioeil* laree oomlirT
hereafUr lakr place.
Jricndaal U>elr-b.imc on W*.hln|rtoo of j


m for a mill that can supply you anything from 1
n Wheat, Com or Oats, drop us a line and tfe will [
m try and interest you with samples and prices. I

Tueedii ereoiar a Barriaci

aallar of the arrlrltl ba bald oral Library ball bare foroed t
, le member* will royaye la Ua di»Rlflai to teak nnoUer-plaoe to drill. I cu,.,ir,n of earinu* i»|.jrunl national
M la tbto city.
qDr»Uon»xo<l there 1* Bo
pleted wlU Iheh’ore.tera for'ihe n*r, aoubt-of the beneOt. to be derited
of Ue ball in the Broacb block
Mrni, | (rum tbr ..ryaai/allon
barm of thr oempaoy d«voU«l •»»turrtaj

Tbariaelal partp to ban bora vivao
ta tta Clir Opara Hooae tbit '
IIB tail] taka place oa Prlda;

I are looking

aad ryy*-Mxau adoten. the doctor
Jidnt In.taiiatioo
dl*coTrred Uat the free 'illeer theory
Tbe Modem lloudaiaa of America
wa* not wbal It wmt cricked sp to be. and iu Anxillary. Ue Ftoyal Nalyb
lie repurw U* Borcoty at >; dryrraa borv held a joint IsaUUnUon of ofii
Tb^'pnocipoi* weft
eor» la Moatayue ball Hooday niyhi
rnlerUiKorot. |t„
aod Mi- Myra rkmodlan. !aboee
Heretofore it baa beea Ue cuatom U.r
the prorcrblal
uf thi, city
The ceremony wa* ,
----------------------------the IVoodmea to bold Ueir *e**i<>o.
borne aod I
br Mr aao Hn Slcklca
Welcomed Ua Raetor
I The coepte-wfll make UeIr boae In |.
of Ua wnatber laet .

wieea-rajoyad aairirbridr Tboraday
rrcatac oot to Ue bootc of Hr aod
Afum Lonraborr. A fior »apprr
arrerd i



fr« Mika «o. to tt*S«pcrt«MdBa«tth*Poar>olB>t
a rrowlacjWa Boaadlac. forallcccd
HWBborthip. M
lartofeaebBOoUaBdUelodretoba-tbabltaa] droobard.. aad brlarlareoi
Wiu a bappT raUwribr arbo aprai
plraualraratir. OaaaewaraladBlrad ooBlar popalu wiU Ua dwodlab raal- hia'rcBaea* ter all ba baa doea. The
In aod rafraUBeeU were a port of tba
oftbaelly. Tbay bora oot yet eoaa will ba twoorbt ap at Ua terv ol
a aalUbW place for a drealt oeart aaM wpak. aad both aide*
ua. aad at« looklar aaoaad forlwUl ba gino aa opportaalt.v
place Ual will aaiwar tbalr par-j tbeir atory.
Tba Baaiers SUr ladiaa are Mkiar
aUboraU arroeraainaW for tbalr party
to be rieas 'la Ua lodfa roosa Taaaday. Jaaaarr Id- leaddllioo lo.daac-

Oitrica SaUerof SolCB.
to baler plaaaad. l»u.w
will pw---"city naradoy la hare oea of tola ayaa A (oeaepper will ba aar*
treated bysphyaiotoo. Ha met wiU *OBi ao<l tbrir faBlIiaa
------------------------------- ibeeo daamad U* eaaacof Uadifbcolly
^ Tbe bill will be SU ceaW fi
OB aeeldaat la the Tarcr. aaw
Tlw Tbaory Dmaot Work
In lecurior r««>d raaulla. Itltaryurd.
ha Bail waa forced lato bi> left |aoo. The (rrmnd “qiareb
howeear. Ual '
. .
aya. irr. uarwer *..*n*u Ur optic bot I pruBptlr *i •:»> o'clock.
work well I* baraa*c Ua aod
JoaleB. foraerly of batUare to daorar Ual Mr. Keller will
ton* Bay
Dr. Joatcaj* oow la paiea tbe pipe la Ua ritar wa* not .ank Io
laaa tba BM of Ik
AnsBil Baak Haatlac.
ada. [leTeda* ban to*. Lower CbllfoiBla. aaonyb below Ua aarface. Tbe ol

abareHas Kilpatrick, aa employe of J
cer* of Ue departaeet deeided
be went to look after
WbU. at Ur aaw bIM at Maefirld. waa balden of tbe Flnt National Itaak waa
frxim tba near to tl
lay lru*ln*»» which will Uke bla »u relax U^ipe fros
■lay. j held Tuc«lay la tbe office*
areeraly Itjorad Toeaday m
ata£ pipe in a h
tortoer ba-k .oto the
i the old board <
waabaadllor tiBbera wbrn vae of
tnuke and laar-ben ^ Ue
1 Hull. JnaT.:
rB waa tbrowB oo bit fool crstbipg riecled a.
•uadpipa. and Ue work on the clptaye
badly. Hr. Feaion dre««d Ur Ucadle. I
’^haoye fl'K la llriicaa *ileer doilara. ba* been completed by Street Commi*
woBBd aad Hr. Kilpatrick will hr Boa Kraok Hi
Thi. .eaaied a proStable exebanye. bet aioe'ar Kelly and hi* force It wa*
bla to ret aboat eaaily for aoBc time.
tried Tncaday Bad prored perfeciit *aihea br f<
found ifaal door
A Pleaaant Woddie.
poller ll.di j.facbiry. ■ _
A eoBber of Port*ter* aod tbeir
pound, b

Uouyb tearcely
eaoayb baa alapaod to tret It tbornuyli
book. Were ■*.ued
W. 8. Baad. the aaalc daalar oo Toeaday aad Wedaraday Ts each aod
tkNilfc Uatoa atrael. hu lold a plaao to Tband^ not lean Ibaa Uat number.
tka B^Uat ehareto_______

Jannaiy 18.1898

Wa. BoaaOajr* BU» ct t%* Ca«^
!■ »^7 te lb* dura pnf»*n4

$ 'pif.wm.

that loves^pney will al­
ways buy at a place where he
knows he can get the best for the
least amount of cash; so he not
only buys his

here but adtrises his 'wife and friends
to always do the same. We al­
ways give the best bargains in
Shoes, and that the quality of our
goods is better than is offered else­
where is now no longer a question.
A glance at our stock and the pric­
es will at once dispel any lurking.
doubt you may have. We call es­
pecial attention to our line of

Winter Goods.

will prove It
WbcUer er not yoor good raaolaUoaa toancoalT Ue beat aad poimi drag*
aad raadielBaa will be a paying loveet
masV Wa will ^wee it aow by Uc large
Mint of ^traan wbo have proltcd by ev
adriea. aad who trade axnlralvalr wlU n
baataaa Uv knew we haadlc aoUi^ bat


The prices and goods are unap­
proached in the city.

The Hannah & Lay Man;. Co.




wld immeiue
<|uantmcs of Makcinaws this fall 25 per cent actual
value, and >jill nfade money On iliem. but at tbU prenent
.late, .ve find that tee hare .1.5 ,l,.ten Mackinaws on onr
hands ahd our dctcrminaliim is U> dis(«>so of < ■cry One of
We have markiHl them aU way
^{uy them now. TTse them
:ir St-iltli-s, Anywhere and every
nl for nine months of Uie year
e made we!!. Among them are
wear insit ad .if a coal at almost

Mn. Cl»rm CaofleM It .pradltr ihs [i'"
wltur with ter ptt»Bto.»<r.tod
|Tr.t«t. CU;.
Wo Brthtl.
Oeenrr Seele;. wb.
Mm W». LyU ^tl t week »i rife 1
s»ein»» f»r
l«ht wUh her ptreeu. Mr. tnd Mm ! b“ rewrnrd homi
Alec. HcOoMld.
' Mn Hell lEickerd leet with te »«ti
blipped OD lb^e..bnsklDfr
iweeb the wrUt^od eiltow

For 79c w© give you a coat wortli'$1.60
For $1.38 we grive you a coat worth*$2.26
For $1 48 we give you a coat worth $2.60
For $1.63 we give you a coat worth $260
For $1.25 we give you a coat worth $2.00 ’

a K. Hritkinta It r»<Dr W CbloMTO
Mr. Btrley oitdettrip to TrtrerM
aiy St^ordty eo btitlomt.

r friends and patrons ihat.vre hafre
tlie pricvsof our Jacket^nd Cap^
It will ,wy you well to buy at this
it de!.iy ino long, as the stwk is

^^^^Mtddot.Ji 8. WtU^tltWr. It i,od'''^[‘

Otpt. Lao* loti bit drlrioit homr Ittl!

''-tnterry u>.s—.s.. .i..u
o hot
bM btts Ttrr 11-_____
■MUor tloof tt well M ber frindt

Olnn. Block

Tvi*«rn. Olt#. Bfty, Web.

intotoBt wtothtr Utely.
Hr. TUMyonch U_.
•fBla otter t tbort tlcki
Wt lokt hH troteo o^r to tbtt petpit tkoU onmtd thtedre.
Jobs Utf tad a Oibcra ore worklbf
tor Hr. BeU ol ItterleclKa.
Hrt. Henoll k better o»»,lnha Cox i> rrr>’
Bkt bod beaerrboce of the In
Mr. oed Mm Ktl
Him lAlthorryoBd Uh»
etM Clt.v Soadty.
H^op«it Now Voor-t Do,
Hr. ond tin. ll.-vtb IVtrK-rWteJ tl
Blljofa Cox'b so Moodty.
B. a Uootew'o oktor oad ber faotbead
Moult OBd /.Stltlrcox Ctllro boadty
oro^tlorblB- Tb*y drom here froia oflrmuuB tt Klijth Cnx't.
Chot- Welboura ,
r. oad
_____________ _______ Iberi ond H. Altaiao of Cedtr li.
___ wolOfMaoret
of I_____
Oeatrr.ood Mr. oad
•. ICrtte .ludj ib tppudinc t (sw
Hn. JobaHoy
lobe Hoy oad dmaabteroad wiih bertlBlsr. Mm Sotcbicbeo
. AKmta tod »sb of Coder Rob
took dioBBr with Elijtb Cai ot I'ridty.
Joe oad Loey I.uplOB- etteaded aeet
la'tt the LtkeOB Soodey tad took dio
OCrttlroD eokfe.
r. U FHak inn to BoUoIre Hoe. I>tu Jodd wo* tt
Inooc lAke ItBt Sundty. th.
Mks Bua Boeklo bod ooevore ottock forimml aiootbe.’
otfolaoy loot weth. bot b bettor bow.
Serwol fromthlB pitot btrr brta ol.
Mr. oad Hn. CbUloe StoSonl o! Boy
ttsdlBC thr Bttlioy ot the Vrirad*'
View rklted 01 OloiCBce Stotord'e U>1 eboreb Id Tmftmt City.
' rnyor BatUar wlU be ot tbe poi-


requires one of our
Suites complete the MsemWe.
Thcr arc worth twice our
price and can’t be dupli­
cated for the money’,
•designs are exclusive,
p.'itterns rich, carting
unique and altogether are
useful and attractive as
welUgiving excellent ser-'
vice and wear,

J. W. Slater’s floase FamisiiiDg Store,


- od friend*
OOBd bi-rt. Nbr
loBdoy Blrbl with Miim .Vtnnir


Bor. OBd Mm K. .

Tbe lAdko' Aid lodoty will fire on
MMr Bopw ot the hooii of E. P.


-rUIbnr wltboocb dmrr to’^Mani^iii‘city”*£i“T^5^J'

Mr. ond Mm £. P. Bomta mtuyned
latt aotaiUoy from a three weekt' rUli
via frkadtlo Onlorlo.
im Ibirt wart two feet of xa
MIm Aona Royt it ol ko
day* fruB Troremr City
Will Dteitoa
drew tererol
hoy to Kolkatko loot week.
Potrick Pockpry Jr. it ot bone
Mm HiBooe Ueboeb of Proronont it from Dk Ropldt. norelne o tore hand.
TM|U^ii«rttt ber doorhler, Mm liermni. Vinton from Williointbori
•D fur a few dty* Itat week,
tt. Preroitof Ktlkotkt. rl».
E l* Herbe on Tuewlty of
OaeelOBd. Ohio, w
^'ba left loti w'odMtdty^f^^

Mr. OBd Mm a. Deeok. Fred ond Bd d.r'J^r^’Juit w’th friend.

I mnk Mojurer tod wife bare miirod
niothe hso.eon-Mtit .Uret rok-eilly
«eoted kr Um. Route.
Viol Proa* of florUeit oored hi*
rood. MuBdt;
ter'i work at !


, .......... ,-.-lbeck met with an ooeideot
i^iwyrV Wh,u.artwiocioe.hi*iood
tippaTotorand c»B|rht hi* hood, which
• •ul.ed quite htdiy.
Aodereoo. oor «uUoo oreei.
ned hUnewdutle* in the de
ha* mured hi* family ioui tbe
recent.y rt.-otod by Mr. Noble
Knyder of Kallon trritod in
Ittl week and
. Cate and Uruiaer'

an-l made theaged p*
IBP off Ike ouiward •
frine "oe with ihe B
ihourh their bead* ai. __________
Iheir btaru are yuiinr a* eeer
eroom firialy dw-Ured hr »ou,-l

A oumber of ladie* of
tt W eduetdi
ftdlowlo^cffle^'wVri ■ hk form“'iS'’tbV?pruiy.'‘’
Bnpt.—FVtd Kerold. Jr.
8opt.--^oeob Oree
•odT-fw iVoellek.
m-Wm. Belnebe,


Mile* Back tiorted f.v
Tbandoy of laat wean.
lawdes haa built a new
to hi. ball
the fanner,
opporltttity^ by

Hit* Bertha Speer haa beei
Ick li.t the petl week.
Mm h. Seeymiller ha* been rer,
with a rery had

The UdlMlar aimper to
0 tbeaeorlu____...
mibf tbeaodely. Uet
it reedy
Ueral* Orreapaatr*—.
Boword MooreoDd wife will cooUaet
Will Meeker retoracd from Wc
«e Breach ol Lcae Tree eeery' two
WI^ ot S p m.. BOUI we fel toowed let. la>t Toraday
Mm W. viinby. Whu ha. bare eery
111. I* lwiw.»l...


bereb. Ibcre be-

Will buneoBl
Rdfioed la a fern

JS'j-rr.X’i'sr^s, ....

Thu l..*™,

mlfhtletear wiraa own port of
yrapaety and ftt them lotaeoatad.
Tbe aomolrieeoot John Adorn*
IbabeneStef th* IwdlM' Aid a
peeteeteauetta. there belsf obenl Ml
■e^V Th* tapper WBakboaaUtal
ThBaeanlarwatapeBtiooreod aoeiol
akliaadaiocloc and moafe wUb the
viaBa A rasemi rood Use waaeahmi by *U pmoant.
The tan c*«t


■atAdlM* .
BoA Walbeer»a hod a raooway Bee-

Carl Mecdy loat a bone 1
fram luny feecr.

tr fBtur*.
. -IV will meet
« Wedsaadar. Jan. I

lorbler. Mr* 1
Tbt Uaebeit rrlurvad from tbelr
.Uoe eklta ood .toned aeboul Hi

It. Hyde from nmnd
for a few day* luukiny

Urdie ha. opeced a bloektoUU
abop ber*
and---i* _...
prep* . ,j
kind* of work in hk


t ferer; bar reeurcry 1* doobtfoll

.... ---- ,
The dwellincVoMe of C

___ J»'

.lOd Mm erase. Mr

oad Hra.

of the tire and proiapi
Bcirhbari meed it.
fifty of our ywt
al the hoapiiabl
Mm Wm Ikse

!sa"i£r-r„'>la r,“"
la*i‘“frtlir^^„i! I b^V4“i^hrjrnl1

3 yiat* with


“brn"! rite *tl
Itaint lisra it i* endruor
of kidu
Too frequrot daaireto urieaipor pale i a tbr hack.!*
otto eoBrioeinc preof tbatthakldaeTr
iSd bladder are out of order


OB from d:
■lend, and
ha kappy rreol wli
Mt iu tha memory of
hr tnaey friend* of t
>>oia iB -khinr il
oiaoy mo
or* of bappioe*.
. they hr*
-leb Ole their diamond weddlaf

=J ■
l.«-> rmaXlie. a


.. WMM

c *.«a*iM»-WB aMm

f D. Von <;iafi(. whoa* ad
Salton* Bay. abowad theUu.i.
loaple of
Tbe refaubla* look,
thr back, kidaetu. lirrr. bladder oad ffrowloff. like a lot of poplai
erery part of the nriBary pa**o««*. It driran lain the grooad.
------------- --ibUiiy w, bold

- - -------------------- , hcirbl I* about three feek and twaand

aaeasaoi dM. L >■* .


Be of
It hr n
’nday beer, aod orarcome. that oapleataal) (op. Mr Von (Jlago «m that
neceaeityof Wiog compelled to get np | ad from fire to *U (on*
^mra darter the Bight to Brio- toe. Iii* rery good for
ulldo^ the extraordinary I .lock feed. U I* ao btodc
effect Of swamp Root I* aoDB rrallued. i lag
•too^ BheJiigbrei for iu wosdei


*1 hoi
tkeid li.T wai t-n
Ilia frieod* and oeirbbon'
^np prehap* he miytat forrrt hi.
linrby ealUny
ipeodinr a .ciItr^^^aeai





otRaen at

laralfi" for fire Tear* .he l.a* br-p di
f'ridai | prirad of one of liod . rraatrai Blr-i
i Rap ' or*.bul*he beara her aWiclioo wli.
fneal fortitude and and -urpm
le I.*die«' Benefi' *o.-ietr will meet
ay. Jaa. Vl.l. with Mr*' U Midd.e- unaided, thougb Uit.'ir M.r.d
were marrird at <iu.i».,i-, Trambu
mu aly. ' >k id. l.>rc
rte returned Kndmy sirhl ; u> .Ulebiron' la ibr
ir famih of ri» eon*and two daugb:
. only oar »on baa brrn Ukra from
Mr. Iliae Keb. aod f..ur e
Tbr other rhildrrii ai) rladdrnire UI, rural* of ber muihui
.hrm by thrtr prw»eBo« on tb* anoiSoenaueerof Ibi. pUi-e.
.eraarr day
TAbem al) it wa. a day
of rrrai rej.iiclef ted Ihankfulaea*
Ml*. -Iea*ie John of thi* place
"AU went merry a* a mamarr bril.'
A dainty rrpa*i wa* aerred amid thr
•fraymoeyof rrerfreeu.
Moay raluabir and uaefu! prra.-nu wem recrieed.





^ oad Jamaad oear the ohylam taM.
laorlactbaaaUce. Tbe bona wot hart
mm* by ailraeo tnm lb* tmm er poaL
Va«oa wet tarfmiMr kart I. tho^,


Cbortn^-M.i'rSId OUo



ofiler^ oJd'
lotoa Ht^t

t»da from Fife Uk*

Von m*j bar* a; aoil bat the belter thi ooil the belt
Mri* WillleMd pamphlet both .cot j the fcahl. The regetable reaemblra

*«" Ji-rr

s fliL,^

■ it ittn^immt wfbitB wlU sat bq.oaiioalid im (ba baoks off
eaafh«7kHOT«ArniMhUM.b.tthByBBtTy(hMxsw»ciiko^tti ............

UMraM«< to* 4laato aa4 b«to«
t hare bM to Um rinr
I hm Ufbd ka^

A Sehool Girl's Neimi

tot aaaatac la plaj»*■»*
rrtoayelcht Papa aalla hh pbot
W ■ (*o4 aav atot llatt bat I
HprlacBUl. I pleke4 tetua ton* 4ayt
tolBkl^ tot btat ««
toit (all: H ta Bot aatli fas tad 1 aoaU
— rtrt&c aj «»»l« **
■aUieatlato*eoanW; <
thirty art bat (*w
to Un. »boui iwwtj-Sto
atirhborbood la«all*4 WbU Pit.
toUw boa. Ttor«fw Ctt)*.
•eW»lat.8«rritolU«. Mieb., bat t ^

atowl nmr. pkary

•M llT* Ucn M I hate kboat oq* *•<
ta«wrlUaf aaday aittar


ITl^ ■i



■ov ibv «nt^ mCw


L« »MTaB-l tooarbt J trosld
•rrittatottortotba Baaaui.
I re to
Oar toadwr’k aa»r f* Ulai
Va U8—Tbrae Sqeal* Poaato:
Airrito. i bar* a baby tlttor
rat (ear trtrks old the wtlrtatd
l«X poaadt. Her aaow it Uda. 1 rrCBt
toTiararta atyaedta*^ the citol6ed
■OB that wtirbtd «o poos'lt and wat
4t7tartold.aad can't mere a mctclr- all ost Whitt. le oat o( the draf atom j
oely U* Irfl thonldtr ted (oar flncrr*. dowu town they bare trrorattlraeakra. i
Rt It at Miff aaaaUke: hr can't rrro a jeiBl.aaaae ted a rronnd rattler. A{ ko
blUCD by a Mr raltlaa^t ' t A
faU.baad IracB hh plt.loa; hi>
T thi» tsinoier.
In Ur. Sapp.
1 bavt a prt dor;
rlfbt DOW
Tberi .are not t* !,
tac a Cabby. Be rrU! ride duan
■nsny tnake* hrrr a* Ibcrr 'wrrr where ■
wc iItoI to Altbttua.
Uy Suodtr i
M-hool toachrr't aanc » UInt Hofi*. ,
One day la October «r went fithiDfr la
UkabUba IttTOa-lame lilt'rrlrl
Otter I'rerk. aboo} aor-htif mile froa |
atoe years eld.
I fO to trbool rrrry
aa alUratof
ay. Uy teacher-» Mur It Mr. SuKh home aad bare not
lot been hchiiirtii.
t '
like hlB rcry much. 1 rlody rrsdiny. It Wat abool a (not InofI told
»old p
papa j
Were on the iof ii
wrlUer aad spemar.
lor prlt 1 bare

-DBaaBorTnto—Hy Bast la Bteolt tbit doee oat rtaeb ibe watto bttket
tealL 11'ewa a llWJa toll aad twe will writ* afaln.
I will bow uy food
Mttle'MttoDa asd eoa pir Yean tmly. by*. k'roB your little (rtond.
UzuiR L>


Ibtor if I ba-l nddeo
BaTW-1 Xbourbt I WUIIM
and risiled oar of ay
to tka Bcbaiai.
istordty aod today we
a aaiaedTep- aad Mia toe flfto frade. 1 like to
atofaedbar. I wi
cad toe little lettors to the llt.KAt.u
os west toa party
Tanaia Jaaira.
o run with ns bat
bar* for pela two eaU. Spoitic
four blr
drirerbcld ftAl to toe litre* aad
BartJeu. Pee.aiwr.
naaa Bonoa—I toeorbt 1 weal
1 bar* wnttoh Wear* ralar to hare arbrisliOAs irf.e be sill be foee all dar. I tbiok I bare
at our aebool boose In Ibe oftcrntsio j writlco eniiarb tor Ihis time, so will
rttfatfore. lasarirttoeycan
re toariwol wbea it la plcaaaat



tar toea nalll 1 rlrt
Papa aadt at peaaet eaady
Unlay aad he Mated aatli aa fare
aad totaht •rtotafltSed. Tha
paofdt btra ralM tarar eaae dM fried
alll with a kotat aed cook K la
a Mr kMllt. ksd at nlfht bara aorar
bqlllera. Ibe yoaar (olln jdayraan
the raat act aroaad aad Ulk aad
watch the aorar bbll.
All that like It
driek the jeiet tad chew the caaa
Tfa>y isake bntr of It alw.
The nlcett
tbinil 1 btto ’BMe thkaoDBcr waa a {
leo acroeottoa patch irlth the cettoe |

di« DaBedJadle aad a cal etiaod
Xirrer. I hare a titter aiz year* old.
ber aaBC U JUy: and I bary a little
bntber. He U fire years old. M ell. I
lUyed wa*B't
will toll yon what I caa do.
I can
gropcrly dlfettod aad fan him tetri
torsr. bit etuc U lun
Hr it a____
wetb dUbea..Awcep the door act
tar p.-t.
lam learnloti to ride bar*This Is^Bot an oncummos case
{•r* of BBauna'i bontc plants
The liflh of Ihpi U.isth wr bad
rh Dooritbrneal
1 Iblnk my ietter It loaf rnuat'h.

Oar LMtor Writ

w Biae. Tbaoluririnr
eaac borne. Rbe leocbcs *t Iw
Aadtb* broorbt roe ooeot toe'
tbUB Uw.
BaTW-l tboorbtl
ireaU w^W a (aw Word* to toe Haaai J> eoto*l lUU* alffat lampo. My sisi
roe* to Trarerae City tytiooi.
T bare arrluaa eaaa btiora. 1
little ftri atrea ytaia Md.
Porpeial rrUl be fUd wbea Chrltimas eom<s. I
ay Motor* will be bomr. and I rzpi
wa ocill bar* a rood tiros.

7". « rM fcwfiy bM _ w«

.^fwew ue e

bar Iw


isle>-l inr --rr. .pf
>h- lou
!«• oile>e
t-T 'heJl* «

missm 'mrnmi

MsBosy. F.bTosry JA !»•,—.us*.ciu«.vv.wia«m.

'Air Vs|C raiixc - .*> ssd finsllr -w- S...AII .J I»i; k.-.s» t l-.i or si> l..>is
bad tt Ukr ber l.-r --l,iv.| m l h-r i s *?.<>. ,tls< <n msr is i.Us -r Iw
ndiss. SI,' os. snd bsslikT I. r
-t.- iir.. hr iddr,..iitc f*. M illisnu' UM
wwfblst r.yhij.e.r I*.,lid., aad In i>it~ one Omioey. >.brnnrsd. X. V.


than ever

it caret all toe erlls «l
aad prerrnutbe erili w

rrbraary *6. UM,

the world Ibal
will a> onceatop . ____ of. .....
in any paitof toe body, that it abte
latolystfrand mwer.falltor to Itaan'
list it from yonrdsairr.

Our new spring lines of work
I and dress shoes, . Bought beI fore the advance in prices. We
I will be able to sell a better
I grade of medium priced shoes
I than our competitors. We ask
an inspection, guaranteeing
prices and goods.

rnusi to. Alb asy oi

gunliiitm ol ftteben. i


-Mraa yaan eU.
Illketoeta rery well.
FW P*la I hare a cat and t bntsr tod
toeir Mois* are Trlx. Ileaeiy aod
t earned 6! eeau plckluf berrist'
apat Ur. lilltaan's tbit toaner
bare two tUUn: tbelr aama are Ella,
aad liortoa
We are rotor lo bare an _
1 will cU<sc' bwj|. ~ "
lor tolt Mae by tolUar mv aamr and j
* .-y»ca|s>ie
Uy onu* to Netito toowrle. uy .


Boreb nab.

Tla© WOliLl^’8 liKST 130W
,) > hrrnrr.
. IBui ibro- Is

p*. aaa.-jastu r*y tu a*w

.. to'to^

i«s."l..s*. e.s,.^r.r*w»s.. psrustew, SS4 .s«. A». ..-.slisr lb W1WWS1.

,k. iw:

»riiFccwtt miaiTto.
IT.&.A4ILXON' Cl-OXari^’O CO.

Bfiitfirta«»Kloo ilolijSSpgi





Before another advance in leather.


j Fine Ualiy Robes.
Lap Robes. lilanUets,



Wilhelm, Bartak & Co.


tts l.o.sst



For the Next 30 Days.

r 5r£.”.£.s:,a“u


«r Stock prcpvi
toalGrwally B,odueml Prtoca.

:: ‘H-i;

Fii naaple >



lO. ISasd I.Vt






Gold llrdsl Floor Is 70e s 8m^ Trr H. Ton 3
. win OM »o othsr.




olTuiu "a' iw5*l3 tos


. Well,
aot toll yea all of
u bat I wnitoU
yoaatowat tbea (me ol
Iwaat to Karthpert with ay pepa
■^7., ,... Sh.
“Aha uk- ~ ..-.a.
aaaafrtesdttothe Raaday aebool
waaltoo. Uy uaebart-aaaet are
Utos UlUar.
•y ar* ■—
f. Tb-y
„y kwaet
eoDdHioB ... .
OMj'Uad. Uy peta__ _____________
a baa aad a__Mlai*. lasieadof^iDr
t* to Blaekt, and
' S.6.& dw \bt
Utoherat-ttoriora. I hate rtodea bar
. Ufoarb the akto. aad 1 waa peaa. i
aotoa. UybeabMaeland ratoedeirr.
kbsl sivsjs k«t TOO I
Ot . hsw tbr baN
aaeblebeaa 1 tpehaa ptoee lor ear
»Vs lhr< bwo tl
•aaday aebool at iba aalMaa
ala tbia aaotaer. 1 was ai
«BaHatr>utbe Baaday aehoot lally.



r'is.'ckT^ m




Chicago Merchant Tailors

(ilovesan.l Mittens.

It aineral mizlares in i
S.S.6. (eacron/.
o/Lloial n
bleed diseases sul has no etpal.
Mrt. Y.T. Back, ol Deltnev, Ark-, bad
Serefala for tweety-firr yrsn aad mcM
of the time wit oader tbr cart of the
coold Del relieec bet. A
Doao Uaa. Blr^Ae
aUl^ It
tpcdali*! said be
sTTltlBr I toearht 1 woald write too
cootd cote ber. tat
be sued ber with
■Bara tboM plrlarea -yoa fare bo aad I
tare Bp olBtor* dee. too. 1 her* ioel
feaa eat o( tot dtlh raadar laa> a bUbcrcoiwUtutka. Sbe
My etodlM are roadliy. wrlUaf.
etety MMsUed blood
aedfciDc aad drank
apMllBd. Yoa told m'to year wtleoB*
^ tbeabi the*
latter to wrtto aad toll yea aeair o( our


»HjKnrAqE akije-watiu^rtna

M. Born Sc Go.


. .
«luleke*taod most certai
conrbs. oolds and all tbr
troubles .1 iJ. Joboton.


nun. TtUnl
Utrif DUy dw

Jm uiBrr orr .1 Ibr elrftnt tmti el

I S-


;i “.vr.Er.ia.v.11 .ss

Physic iant r
lorway I',oe Symp be
rompl. piwitite action i
me tcubl*.
ure lor rnufrlis and r 'Ids.

tttaa Um. Battk—1 toeerht I
KuddrII I
toOBld wrtto to toa BaaikUi. 1 bara
hi years Iruio dy.p-ps** i
land ckruolc oontl
onalipailos ami was final.
Id hAvs "tor douro(|i
•writtrn eaee before. I will toU yoa
I ly cnn"d br nsiny
>inr UrWiii't I.llllr Earlv '
ttaadlnr. apeU'
aflilrs." and I Utoers. the fam.v
"-■Ir pills tor ail"
li«.a-^ltbaaUe. laaroar*. raerrapby.
iii.l other I stomacta and
Ml hies
J (;
Than art twaaty-lbree sebolus rotof
■K Idiwo ol i:
N'o need to (ear ibr approaebuf eruup '
0,-n .lu-nsll
aba paper. Uy Uaeber'e aatoe It Ulu
if yon hare [>r 'ybomas' Hclectri." ml
I bare a little rltrie to -ttol'i;'
Bertoa Boldewonlt.
I an
«> are" yeeta
■•tbd |.srl
Tbv s>iK\jiwi..d leii.Ts iiuisis prasldrnt wonldn't rurr it used at Ibe outset. .
aaboM. I tike BV.Maeber rery Boch. write. Thto to It:
"Aad we* ay «tork>r «ae* a efaUd.
Fer pato I bara a mL
I roMt I wai
____ 1.01 Try OialB-O:
A little child like me?
•toot lor tola Use. Re food bye. years rnwsr i.-lS] issSew
s psfS
set d ••KAlKto. iSr srw IwW .InuS iSslIsa —
And wbe be hoable. aeck aod mild.
Uir pis,- -t esDrr TS' -I iMtsc —S] UnsS II
Uka little oaee ebonid be?
Bama Kaarrx.
■ 0*^!*'l'k»”>? V'E\k** '*s.*Us'l r^ll
And did my Rarior freely ylre
1. tVhsi 1. ih.'ui,Jhwo( ti»
UteAaaptiw. Wk. UK
A Wlwl I- III." Iasi laillcy:
Btoll(e|orntofnl aeU'
. Daaa. Haa Batm:-! toeorbt
t. Blul Isilo-s.ulor >lt>
W'hati did b* dle tool we airhl llrel
KoaU ri^to a letter to the llatui-D tt
Oh, bow He ldr*d at then;
U.iihrr Ksa's (slIlnB?
>r did beteea.
I as at
Toort imly,
M«. W* terealaffa aebool. toera
Kyni! Icptrar.
ara Waabolaia la la t bar* oae alttor'
1 hare BO brotbara
tTPataewaadtoeeaew larMar
Ocab Enrroa—I wQI write you i
Yaaterday I played
Mr. 1 hare latondad to write (or some
•tody (oorto reader. aritbBatlc. bie- Uae bat kept pattlpf h off.
aery, pbyatotocy. fimauaar, Stat rwr- that llulr dor TM fbr< °>r <brce yeare
«apby.Mrl>lB(' Hike toy toaeber; her ata. We hare Sunday aebool a ijnarter
^MUSaU Saddle Klaratoe.
-1 will
allc (lam onr plan*. Tbry are rtr
f'T^lnrU.le. *. Likely: t TodretToy
toakiaebyrirtorttr aame aad afe. lafto bareaCbriitoiat tone tbrre ba t. A ts.lsl .d UDkui - In aak-.
Chneiraat day. It will be tbr first onr
II I III sude ( To nsiL
ii.iiiioii artIda t-.In
iln Wob,.
7«r Infuto and ChlUra.
erer held la tbto conetry. We bad a
Manteont. akk . Dw kr. iw:
1 Insi.ile t TW JojcTOt plania ,
Dbab Um
Batu:—1 ibourbt I troru lent olrbl—lb* Brit one wr bar*
’mWIt." t

sreaU iMto to Um HnaiA at I wrote had tbto wlaler. Tbr cbUdrrn aronod
In side. A A (atorbon
mm taafoM. I r° to atoool otkt day ban are aUll rotor barefoot. The fishaadatyatadlM are raadlar. epelllar. aradn here bare deb (rto* and torlto aa>rapby. Tbr to roue aad aat Bth. tVe oook and earrlea^t' Ridrc. 0 . uy*.
1 WwenwL f A
boy to
rr It rary klad to
10 IM.
i like her



Sold by^drorrtou. pri.

Wtot O* top Obiidr«a Onnar

rwy Bach. Tberc are aboat Iweattfaaraeholart to oar aebool.
I bare
eaa toil* tofo to arhooL
Kor peu I
bar* a UHk b*a aad ruottor. which I
bara he (aed aracy day rrhea I cooia
baMa froB tahe^ Aad I bare a llitl*
p*aay cat wkleb I ptor Klto rrcry
wrealaf. She It rary ea|a.
I like to
ploy wito bar. I rto* > «Ui etotr'tor
tbit Use. Uoad bye. yoare traly
- CtAa*Ur«u

«t<«Mtw raerriw'



to poltoD. If this keeiw’ra
tclltoir p'A'ii dltcatr they

Ity Cbarles S.'riober‘s Soot o mao
rbw time is partly employed to deIrer bobkt (oTarsaUaad make monib
ty colleclioos oi
nn and fire t^>iu security. .
drees SSr llearborn bi.. Cbirafu.

Data Has. Bates—At uy two sistcra
Oaaa Bp(Tas-~I fa to wboel. There
r*T* wriliat to toe Heksui I tb»nirhl
'•nie little hoytaad flrteed layac*.
rroold bar* ay tliUr wnls for me
J aaedkollraat Loar Uka. bet pow
Ure to Qate eoapty. Wr bad tarhry Maaaa *al<l that you coold sot read
ay jwrIUar
1 *o to tehool and my
. aoU'Bie Bot to tay aaytblor about ber atodia are rradiaf.. aHtomeUr. Ianruara. wTlUbf, drawleraod ipeniar
■ warn diabea bat I (otfoi

BcaeaiA. Bluott.

Tranenript. Oonaolidatea, janBtMryl».IWe


Toirnss Cilj. Miedti

Us- wesl.-W-I .|usner is. *. 1-H KuWlt




Boil H for «M >ta:
mmmwittf. TWio^i^taUori
:p« S^Mo* of o*^~

I ^ OM^ npfaU «iMr. alfud
iB«41ok u>a dtpfod iBtoctip «Mi

AotUttMk tori»».lD»or«oloi »•»•

II tba cream to awart oar ooa aad a
aUtaaepoonfBlaof baklac powder: If
I to aoar aac acaat larri Waapooa

tor crowd ilaad farratoleaa. ai it did
Such perfect iBielUpaace at to aeety
ouooc of beip Vhe could extort from
lay of. tbe itrret. aad from tbe
the U.
• ipbolt—1 fearatoo
Irrrripe of I
ra treOB tko ftro. oM wklw ot etc
ae to toe cruelty
Om cup astir tiioppBd cold sutloB.
p liopnaltiuu.
Ku.-b deaperato
•tfr*brt^^iuin»i.-o«ko»d «M*. UBBtoonh e«p bUaolMti bIbobc)
of will- tui-b wllllDpaeot to will
ill-aat to ewtope tbe
bkofSmtDMWlifeeoCoo. Tlitbo chapped. Bbb. (ncMon bcW cbop- dcaperatolr:aod
.11 ompt
Iv to rerre aod pleave
. It. bb hour of ■
One etc. beetaa eBoeph la via
^vSiOMO felho eerro o^ u
. itop to pit -her lofloltely
UU BUBV Bale ead erC' laoke IbIo imthrllc
Uhellc fier.
fier, dot
dot ereo to «e>e if her
bBito Uc elM e( B wBlBBt BBd put ie e Jplveraire her . IB kept foreloi-k oae
Bll -th
pic Ua
i*osrBraand tbcm one cap o>
•UBlaed toseto jalae. bbfiax eeltol.
pcppeiBd Bad put la a Uaj ptocc
Emerpeaoy tiMa.
boner. Bake aheca lalBoUe 1b » lac
Aal tho beoea to BBoU* 4e«a.
r cottfurtiop ia.
cTBloon*: eerce wltAperticy. Tbc
notalBbeltoBrcdclkkiiid Wtara you here
uiuaa who
MwhotaBB'waBBS ie
ipBBT Ihc.v cea be (reperert el!
id port iheart idmioitterOtoanlB’booa »»i bBkiB-»ooTlac uf vuddru UIdov or
pourlar toBala jolcc oo
Aij wnAT iivmit.
OiTuip Iwro roared ia i lirpr fimily
nd my fitber beiop i phyil«iao. 1
Two lecci npB clftcd ell-wbcei
iir bid 1 jiumtwr of eiocricntci. aad
(tin Id b betie. tbea dip ieto cup with
Daot Bad din IB r«Bl pnlMBiai.
perhipt WPIBC of Ibem may be ateful to
mothen with youop childrcB.
u baklac powne littiplc
iuiplc medicinal remedy
.... tolhrr tot preit ptorc to dia k
«U tint ti»7'd Btarod
lie kid i«y motl.rr kerp a lolutloa of
Oaa>balf teatpooo aaJt. .
aalt water and bopii ooaataaOy ao
bind, aad If Ihe alipbtnl irtiutioo or
tore toroatdcvelopevl aawap oibe bad
It tbaeiolk* k
Baparple three timea idai.aod lore
Uaeeup milk.
our moulba aod tuoaili freely
Two u
AadpoB kmaw a* well ae ae
Ihoupht our puod health aod freedom
WhaiBCmila- Mibarbe.
Hit floor, btklac powder, tupar and from feren and cotiupu
aalt tboroDCbly
Id aDotbrr di»b beat wia uwiop Vo tor uw of I't
OobbU' bnaae to bo partiexta'.
lathe citeof ■ burn be bid ui wet
iba apc aad poor the nllk ocer It.
M wbBB taklB'COOMB (a too
oap aolultoo of
lipped into
orer tba dry iopredintt aad add the
l£ad wlU eonpa i^ uil *»!
batter. Hake iwealy nlaatea la a hat •kclode toe lit in pultiop tbrm off aad
nMBBdhaUlae, brooUBadebaiiB
in It b eery coolinp and bealli
Trip aa ew aaawBrea.
nut rebel to mucVipalui
CM Bad dtir* baBCBth nr f(
remediei- Oae eery
Da aot OBko ny tanpar awe
Two 1ml capt white fltfur.
.ti tieur in oiiop in
HBltn.akBltaTWBad tb
Oae leeel cop vara meal.
pnrple*. with eirholl
AatatBBdBlaokiB- daws
roab lerel loatoooat baklac powdri
ladtucb.arr often taken by m
BepaeUa- eonpoT tron ton.
Oea laeal taatpomaalt,
-n tola
aod cauke avieal ditlreat I often
Three 1ml ubIeipoOBt taptr
If every yuuap uuibet
moihcf ual) kaew o( I
Barbl Iba JolUac wbeeto I bear
virioei. abr w.iold be toankliU- na

atato»l4.1iir *fcoo>» p«w«»«>



OoBla'hara all Mark Blooal
Vtil, I aorar tbey ala-t eoaaa.
AU tUa f«B far aothla’-hon!


to do. Bad ta Bad da It. If It
«a totttUawaapir« ptBioan.arUM
a etBBNBl. ora ritit.t

... ...

tbe Haa bwraa to la«ar Una tbe

Hod doM with Bto peoplf ae a onaiai
toa with bto papUa: the ncra bapafni
Mtha narawarhbaefrootinn

neaM atoteeB aaaeaa to the poaad.
> thiaa (eat to tbe yard, a Jaet walpht
aadiBetBaaeara. It naaBi boaeaiy la
au Mtaca. parity la all ooareiaatkn,
a einrity at broad aa the raoe, eadlacb'

IbatdMter arooad ear notbat*
amber at yea renll sow tbe Io«e aad
MflotMO of tbe aetbar that hat pataed
»muf. to la tba yatn to oene will your

TWp w tte orvinaZ - PITCHDTS CASTORlk."

Do Not Be DeodveA

: man aril I pd ■
Cl afu-r taking Uwiu began tr.
1 u
mv all left me an.1 1 Ka>. i>u It «m-r Doan^KIJaey Ml. bx.-



“The Kind Ton Have Always Bought" : West Michigan.'

Insist on Having
The Kind That Never Failed Ton.


w 411

Drs.B.S.&C0. luisnE UD lomEunii ti



Tbe Ctltbnttd Specialists.

Hotel Whiting rri-i,....

‘■:rds SiftfTS ^

Tsavebae Otv. Mich.


The ruav-faerd .mala, h-iw the. nca
wxAhe aod rratore.
and plow.
Ia emerpraciea
aneb Ihiapai
and- yet
.derlully hen
healiap. lo Aod >nap flv the »pn'k. o r* tbe hear
- wonderlully
.uae ol luddea palai Id tor loopc or
Oae atmot cep milk.
aide from cold, I thiak munlard _b
[lo not apuil I
Oae cup datca chopped flat: Apteas iltoul toe Iwet mrdlciaell barav ^ worrylop ore the poatoble cl..ud~ ■
.|nickly*aad pels you warmed op, and
be ate^.
MlAtbe dry lacredleato topetber. relirvea toe torribie pals, i keep moaurd leaver, borax and wiu-b baiel
.- xtav .>f living of n
beat epp. add milk, pour orer dry to
where I can Iny m> bnnda upon Ibem
predtoata. add dalea aad batter, bake In n minute upon tor dnrkeal nipbt- I
la boi ore» tweo^ mtooict.
barr brea with youop molheri on acrI what do Vx.u
To warm mafliat. Jobeyuake. btoruli erni oocnaioiia. where they were help
Kluenu- eg..:
Irwi anu knew nothinp whatever of tbe
etc. de BOI apnakla
After tbr
An iotcli.gviii
■nedieina: remedira. aad tar hy spalb<
■rpelmuftloe in a clond d
sorer -with baato. wbea ready to ute rouaed. aail ll made me Icara what waa
Ibem IB a Ub aad sorer with B helpful.-.


Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting
a cheap substitute which some dru^ist may offt-r you
(because he makes a few more pennies on it), the io! gredients of which evea he does not know.

r.f wlr bv all dtakra.
a. pitcr
SO .cti
Vxil..| Uv I
iih ru.' Buffv
N V lulc agrnta
fur the I' b. B
aod tb* rdirw;* au letimatrand
r.ikaia'i, aad take lM>e(
I uf the iMBif.wt oi toe former
atortoinp oiuvt
upon ll
The St
be perfect, if tbatuf tbe< abor U to w
tolerable, whi
ng to
(ban a
10 which the Expectant Mother Is
• loBcbinov abJutI liiT toe« ondrr
exposed and the loretxxlm^ anJ
baclor In tor bh)l.
:i..« of the foot
dread with uhich she looks lor>
preat deal depesila u|..n prupi-ri
ward lo the hour of womans
ebanpinp the »UK-kio*a. both aa i
severest trial is appreci.ttcd by but
bacxpeeicd from Uiem
lew. AI! cHort should be made
abonid br wur'n lor laoi
to smooth these rupijcd places
IWQ wltbuul wavhlnp. e
in life's pathway for her. <
of teek whUe lo othe
r bosom
her babe.;

From the I,
tbe brut mile
I in tbe .-oral
mrly begin I
uma tbc
tbe lertt
-inldren atiuuld be
carefully wnv bed
Tbrae little teeUi
pretty, l.utwill niH.rvmniD

teu te«

used in the homes qfthe Mothen <if America for ooer ikirti
years. L0(^ CAFSFUlVf at the wrapper and ees that U is
ike kind,you haae always bouffhi ^-jf ^ ^ on the
and has the stynature of CjOt^^fffaiSCme wrop*
par. f(o »e ha» authority fam me to use my name ex­
cept The Centaur Company xf which Chos. E. Fletcher it

~t.n rim.

I . ,



One Day Oaiy Sacb Meath.

.. I atsi <'m^ "l;
.1 tar am, . ..

' mod BtiietlF

co-l i-> > i,.* u-i d»w lulisx nmwp.

imv Clw

■■ '.

labor «
Jvus G, l‘i

.1 bullrr.

wllbout effect. Tbea be eeatolad
ooallDBadIo deatol. taylap food-;
uredly. butat
beta* pUtolj iat ever boeae.
that It wat utelem
topatoae borar.
borer, bowrrrr tmop^W do
tba work of four.
It wat BOW anrly time for tbr elec­
tric to come wbiuiop dowB the o^
SoEDrlhinp mutt be
dooeatoBce -Tbrr
>rrr it do help fori
ruckiap team.
it." nid the bo^of II
It: we ahali:
han’tTbrli^oBO^d Wbluy.' do toe'
weli-pruomed bay wat led out ol
tbaht aad Old Wbltey takeo from
olber loaded wapoo.
dbr bad by ao
toe kpirilad look of the btt
ebiap Berk bad loap - - kan to toe peeeral level of
akyllaa Uw pveal ee
can teemed iaap
t wit


drawiep a
...^^pbrnSribe'_____ _______

baralaewyaaekamiboey frame, aad
wtto a laa«R Ibat woaM Imre laaaebod
a wurtd hitioraaUoabm ber bntoen.
■ba daabad wlib
wUb alratol^
alratolm airidn

aaraaitoa twaaly (aateftn

»ii*r-« bviwv


■■ *l«m‘*( 2 ,

luuto.of ,S*.rr.^W.ah>.*Bwawbw Ml

DRS. li. S. & CO.
Lock Box 160.


which .trt. f,.ro..ll..ogin th:.

mlarna." Mr youup alalrta, Jui
from uulirpr. w.mld be lueleaa
vtckroom. I Ihonpbv
Tbe pain (fvew
worae. 1 rnop Ibr bell at my aide aaibe
pirli Uad ^.located if 1 wbbed them
fur aoytoAp.
They were up ataira before toe bell
ad ceaaed iwrlnpiop
I could only,
>y, "Krlap boi water and flasaeia. aa
xio aapoMii
Thepirivfairly alid dowe tbe a
torm burridly eonaulliap
kltcbea. then a lauptf. and brknrw it. tony were oomlap
h tbr hall
Tbe toonpbl ol
plicalioaa oiade ate vbuddrr.




Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, Etc.

riciplru. MMrh<B,blarkh(wdsr

pjrvroud by.tVrwTaA Soar, tb. mom
rflfcurr toio punlyiax and bmatilyiux
Kup la tb* irorld, a. well a> piRM
•urMom tm UHlN, tuUi, i '



A Fwa
ertia «f brttt fMite.

uw, Bay City, Detroit, How•IL Ann Arbor. Toledo mnd

Horseshoeing and General Repairing Done.

polnta B*at and Sooth. ClOM
coonoedou at OopoaMbwltk
M. AH B. By.

Re-Painting and Upholstering.

Cheap Homes


Dr.^sMs Spv^DterPait

Phanhun MacbcRH

Tbrv CBUVC the ki«l.
V. to niter ali t rie
I'iJ and utiirr pa­
ws or impariiirs
--wtcurii till' Uloud.
n.-ullhy kklni-.i. liakc imrr bl.-M.

AnauTiia, l*mi,
Uucavc. Ualarm.
a.'ki.'l..'. i.Kit>ryi
I•mlnv DiMtwj . I’aio^in the AW.mam. j
. •- --„un li.flammatKiB

Slate St., near Union.







Farming Lands

ce .o

Hack, Bus and Baggage Transferline



•U ;/ ^ %!«5«S«
Me PlMMtBi. OvflMC. ■•cl* '


we'll core you' anld Uelen.
bwl aad protfaoi
reeded to ]>our toe bolllop
flaoncl piece
Nuw Hllaor. tlvb it uul with your
lan twioklinp ibeacaldlnpbol flanela were trnoaferrrd to tbe inaide of
tbe open potatoe-maaber. which waa
errmed .lulekly aod brmly topalbar
Vt lib anotorr whiak of Ibe doupbool
fork iboar prntrfol but flam '

Gold Medal. Midvrfuter Fair.


^ g^At. PETERy-y^

polalo-maabrr I
tor parf.iratad^Ua pi
iihrr band aba bi
band, am
labed tbe doapbouifork In a
theatrical ineeer.
llrlco broupbt a


Bar Tbea tba baa bane.
Thao iwlDpiap rouad two potato
tbe Hphu aha parr aaotoer: luratya
two-bumc power
rai II
lift at tor terrible
>fMUtatneateplpBtelearaad fiar:fa all an Thiaa. dtar Lord: bat Tblae!
Immorable it remalacd.
tfldenl, aaik
ereiclMd br

To Young, Micidle Aged, and Old Men


A Htoi for the Home Nuria

from ucDumbrred iweau bad left it.
WbWTbt day dtwM-that eUer loac- aad 00 iwoaaemed tolle topelbar. Hrr
nuat ^Blk wit looa bpeked lotn tor
> lemday.
brary truck ihifu, lad tbc inccalfhi beyawdeor kea.hat
nt lOldc
.. wbiRlelrrr—at
midr ................
flit to tbc
1 lilllr too iboo. toeo le^lbcor
Pfbta bene aad net are raaebed i
l hit to pirr her__________
■r. Wtieu hot apalieaUoaa
laa are
invar apraap upoa tbc load aad ■
re aball alwaya rraurt to toe
toer and doupboai fori
lork.> to bead. Tbarr
1 Udah. ptrebaaea. tint wt wni ny
DO laripr }rrk epoo tor bita. eo bread
Tbe tell bat nabat nere tweet tbe raat. tob of tor whip BO blow, do aapry yrll
Atodaerrow WBtaotaaatlB cala.
—Botoiop butaplriap of free rrto.
a loop,
ronnd o
It patieat etreaetb ha leaned thro'
tbe t.«ll
nd keep
It aUai
Aad weabaUaaa Bit way wBt hatt.
not ia t
Tbe - - . ____________
-KautrktU L. Stoner.
laddraly look
tor aipect
Iff of tickinp. hemmed top
Star teated
TbU not only keepe tbe
brr laeklr carriul
: fully, ibr Ult tbe dualrr from prUlop dualy. but pre, to find If
wtrp tnd
ind life of tba laaUlaatbOa eartb Ibera't aot a creatare
toc care and ooi tbe ale of
otom of ad
I Ttoa amll. dear Ood for Thee:
raalaca. ibe atceclaierd tbe ore'
tot olcnillv that drtermieca ‘torir
<Ttoaa partot than fern aad (eatore liaa of dead welpbt draft, aad. iwiar lanpto of aarrioc.
lap beraelf oer polBt off It to the left.
! Aad TUae tbey aya natt ba
pane Bbt Tbea the bird clacB,

.M “yeart-aad ••■laa-WaaUoaaaaanUaai
n wwrtd waald ba tba ballarler U.

w.Huco'a ward, w

<lBa-halt taai^ooB a

baato or aayHke dtofa to keep ibea:
from ibem aad eat la bottom of orr
TlMk Oad Bcafy nareiac wbaa yoo
tea mlautea.
that raabara saaMthlac to do
thatdar wbteh naatba dam. «i
Old Wh;tay.
paa Ilka Uor aot.
Btiac forced to
The wheel of aa otrrloaded truck
warii Bad (Bread todoyaar beat wUl bad auak lato a toll place in a arw
paramaotVolnetrert bad worked
Aof wllUcaataataad a taeary (flask aearly uoder ibr wheel
OB mkb U mipbt reach the parrmesi
-• hwadiadTlrtBaa wbkbtba Idtewill
aaaer haaw.-Cbortot Ktoiaticv.
k. the mea
aad all tbe ':prlea"
amde a flaal appeal
tlruap aad
tplrlted bay to pull
more Oarr

Tlatoltoatlr U >» ••0^ Baythlar.


Mild decide im.-np; w
claim to
The bahy'v
fr,.|ricet. and It.
.-.unplclely retar

tear thefacsimile signabm (f

ure that the change goes for­
ward in an ea.y manner, without
such iiolent protev.1 in the «ay of
N.tusca. Ilcadaciie, Etc. Gloom;
torefKxlings yield to eheert
hopeful anticipations ->lie pJs>es
d errry day
When tbr through the ordeal (.juickly and
Without pam-is left strong and
Oae aad
le-tuartb c o >weal milk
Aa a^diaiofoctaat i<
pivc it (
\ igo-ous and -enabled to |oyou-!y
. .honld b<- (wriortu the high and holy duties
uncltod butter.
kltcbea .
Foar Ublni
> aijr directly
If yoa awakea
waki la the aipbt ooupblop wai.-tacd carefully
HU flour.
I aaiiva ducta. are im- tio'w upon her. Sa'cly
aad ronnot
atop, pel
a kmall portiuu of
. mp the arch of tbc to Iiie ol both IS assured bv the
Inkloppowdn; beat tn- add uRk powdi
borax, aadf pi
rauulMhd-d.vav .tally
.vlw r.-i
use of
Mather's Frieod.'' and
aad pear peer dry lopradicott. <l1r
id lei it ilowly
the time ol recovery shortened.
add batter, bake twoaly mioulo
iiutaidr tbrrea butuming ut winter
hot oeen.
Tbe tMllraiKnow >ifu la tbr nelda nod
iiAt. l«^•rl•l^•
e are a few vimple eemedlea Uu
tbr wo^
Two and oowbalf co|o timlil
.Witebhaael laooet
Hut hare ^
ly the
tifeplaer i'
I kauw of nolbiap ao helpful t
alflad before Btcaiured.
a lirrd bmio
Id aa u> bathe tbe eyaa aa
luurtb .unBiicaicnt. and *aa rrliOrd :
Two leeti teotpoOBi baklap pow
A. vnog nod aa wnriu a* tbr heart

Two tobleapooDe mcl

Bat WBtb, CTaaa fiMn are

Thto tarllcalar pati bad a rery —
■epaiatloa. aad tba wonaa aepeclally
cute to b win be 1 bWar t
were oftea la motley
Coloorl V pot
ip.famomly with tor lara. bat toe .OU& Mr. PiMWt Wtol do I .
era were too moeb fur him, and br Bcy utim iBbri^ttMOTeapto Uuk
u.n'idolt. for. wl& It mr pfve
lltatod fliprlap aad all torta o
■•wify RBef, ft doea aot ruach the ca
Oeee Ualdame V tooki walk thremph Tl.e ciuie. tWreh toe polri; tbrrr t »
tor prtooa yard wbaa tbe woaaa were I.. BBik. toe attack. llo«l«ektolw*t
rirrviilop. Hrbtod bar walked a aorrr. in-m ditonkreil kldaerv tlwerfccr vhj
with ber Uhy. Tbr petooam, at tooD rauw nxncl Ibrtr actlue. it you w.mld be
u toey
ry toupkt
eaopbt ilpbl of toe
tor toby.
toby, iflock . urrd. Knd tbr from l> I'
■ '.•A. whtor adJrm it So. Ik Uiebicta
ed irooad. lad Hidame V. it
frarlap vufleicc. wii relieved to lee MivrU Graad RipUt lie uy> —
1 have M Doao > Kkldey IMI. i
> v tobyuUtry wai tbr mallee.
uar lod tbcB laoll
laolbrr of tbr • M. to toy It It a truly pvtat bk^Jci
b>vred to bold tbe^ebjM i m> Tl.inx veaii >pf> 1 bad Rrvouv peto
■,i..a wbik- la toearmy. wlm I wned
liupbed Ttoia I Iblnk'll wi< .liir
oaay ibrO Iciri..
r tbal Uie
. w-r« kr
•nvlv wrn: town » li
,«ldlU.e V bid! hi
the tpoke .1 out. • Th
. aulalMM h III
attac-ka bothered
womio of v.m ill it U
week wUI br ilK-we.! to
.<> trod Ibe toto
4rti-nN' Ibr |wib u
for half lb boor.- I liav
Sever Wat a cbiape to iBilADiaD- .'•rt.u Itatol r»
•n Oitlpip d
eouily wroupbt
Tbe wobmic became
tmeadable toeveti w.-rd of U.e wir- rcttulrwJ a grval
dePi. led at tbe week . euJ ll wit wi^ at Imiet to iiu|>


TrararOTCMy. Waara«1*paaptamhawPtryauft«M.

Best Ltveo in Nortbem Michigan.
PMd ai^ Bala BmMa to OtoMeUam *

TREES y**! 4?
Itebmr Wnw at

Pays for tbe Herald for

fwBoaka. Mapa. atm, adripM

puurrs g■

emom BBfl^fl« crapkto

fnr .air mr m



(mada rick. Ary aari faaUy ratUa*. >
Imkmad matoly wKb Sacar
«ak Bim. Bamwaod. Aah. ~
omIoA. a«B.. aad ara waQ wa«


Advertise in the Herald—it pays to do so.

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