Grand Traverse Herald, August 25, 1898

Dublin Core


Grand Traverse Herald, August 25, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


(Syaiti> gtiralityae M»yam

Grand Traverse Herald

Dr. J. A. Snyder,


mjCT BAnAS. ri

w. F-. HiA.E,s:]a--A.,



Tbs Leadas TUas lor Va

Por Anything in the way of Farm m Olty
Property, see me.


Ovsr NsMsasK's

Office in ifaaonio Bloch


asrwkt Csm7
*ans««sM r. a

' A:
O. H Carver gs

•om u L L'l. MUM, 'mmm 1.1 a khl




Merchant Tailor

OM Uie alatmsi •«« Use et
8priafflll7las ol Woolrns m>«
ea mim. wlitoh will be Bade np
ie tbe Lauel »t7l««. aod at
neb Low I'riM* a* will earprto*


liO BLUFF! 5s;'.„

SJa %kss?sS5^^

at 315 Front Street.

L)o ^oti


IjnoW ihi^?

A Summer Cottage
At Old Mission Resort

uSwSu**1^ aad

arM r^toM

bbyfarttoalariuuar Mtoto.

— : Uastara relssioat ot Batsia aad La
I Ukei;. as at heart both ostloet wtu to
laeertaaapsa ooaAicV Tbs peiai el
•Bhrarto Ue iapliod tbraal armiast
■eras to poar down raUar Uaa (all la
•^■loaadia Batsiab iaterfem
dr^ lloftoabappeMUatUodmSa-CBaarrVl-ayaistler. Thta ratilUto al,^ wksns oatlssa at^w



HssS stowsstia' vMa.

ras siaadlfK'aloBS wlU aa
tlar hsarl with eotblac ia Us world
to dobot hsteoto tblrt;—
eallt s dsT sad follow tbe
liveot an, Adjount's life
Tbea thrr* eaae s tlaa wbsa Ue
tb.'k>wkvawo..aa'M onotr; called for troope. -Hoots aad
eddies-'-qilekl; followed, aad Titiop
i started for tbs sonU.
SIwU M as rMlM.4lkv.s Bsskm
Armv bradqairuraat Tsapa wss
.hroarsd with ofU.-ere- Ordsfliea were


lieb the
, Chioese
Chloesr Uoveraaeat has
. tatinr wlU Ue Boar-Kotir
aaj bbaer-UsI beak tor the btUldiar
of the rallwsT. It now appears Ust
tbs Bossisa Ujveroasnt bks objected
to tbe loan, and has warned Chlaa Ua(
to proeeod woald be • - ' —

- . ~.i,.
dowa Us oaUri wlU rnai vaUtoW
aisd la suBcisal tqIsbs to ■‘-nrrj
everruiat la lu paU
Saab a «s2

loss el It ilea, a far ermtor diMbto
oecarvad la Hear Qwak ttoaom. OaL. U
bet wean T-,. --y.. When » Ilea wer, lodl aM
oeaslderiar Ur rclaluis
Chlaa and Boasls. No c
valBSdaiasora Uaa 1100.1
tactort- to lalerBaUaaal la
I oSvrrd
MssBsb' ■ KrsskM^lv w^i
for Uls io'------------- ’• -to be a
wives wL........................
who followed Ueir
rw.MVBOS NMbilrmr; craercise of power.
irwvrisuui • MselrasiksiJ fssH
si coarse of aelioB
psUs la the evealar and Ulked <
partof Uraal Uniain would
aetto. ,>rv.. In Annat.
el diplot
a dirael
.. .
.ttraaee at St Ol
of la
ao aspoasd to the
., b,
hot this action, so far as htiB raurr that waaI aot
to MorSo.
beep Ukaa. lostaad. full lBteaslt;«f Uaato
atora aarhi AW
1.1 iy ^9dbur Ackto II wlth-MriW
iDcbea of water la
- an
-M hour,
la Aanat
or bas iw ur,'


r U llwlf-ikoi'* iko Issl

sTiruSs*""" ““


I Utr ■ooBo'.aa- IIM tool

fusolBB litrrfrrroiw____
otrl to-eirbt pn^-vrd wiLk Ibo trsoosvlliw
CbiBS li tboi modr s buff -r la a aew
wa; bsiwvro in* oppvainc pollcioa ot
tbs two (iBol ootiotis, mod Bt; br txcosxl (or ooaio HbIJUt in Bakliv a
Tho LleuisoaBtaalalcd.
bB a
I, S<>t4

stvosw-olo. ss'ihstr'.so


A-sg'A^Bsar ■

A floab daabed ap
Had abe nail; tofased Ua <
wbr? There was ao Uae ter
tioaa Bbe caas •at read; for b
blaber band ai
Into bis.

issts-UMv saoliasrsIS.


LatMt l<l*u aad AppUaai



Traverse Olty. Mich.

T^eal Estate


R.C. OAt

I* WIsrdswa rWMSs lb. w



e Ueir predlctloas la

half aapected taead Uelia. aioa


« conu UlEM WaBK MU,
- •^srrsa^‘us=-'r‘*“

Tbs Bsa*Wst Bala.

obe r*ts her tr»lB for Port Tampa I



ar. Tbs second storm was a variubls
cloBdborub The abuervar saooaadad la
aea.ariav Uc raiafaU of Ue teat
Uoweraiida prn«.a ot Ua aaeoaA
Kievea aad a half lacbM worn wsmarM witbla aa botu. Tha rato raafa
and snppori wera carrlad away b; Ua
torrent of water, aad tbe faU racori ot
tbe stura was aot obuiasd.

kotvl ffwooH (hst Olf ht a tvw
. .....,aaioiioTC
disliael tU
slaad for a
Tba Coloasl aeraMd mucb distarhsd
rorsaiaverpabsap'lteold iblasaaaoa; knewp as tbs ALDBICR OOTTAfla
n a'irbled.
A, abe suppid for I
esWu's^' liar en
He walkvd M Uc window
the walltorddj .l.,. _. .
TTtbiat la Us vrrp brst nadlUoa; cost over »aMio as It slaoda.
Parttos oat at tbe SBply psradr,
cued bv the aaU-as wbic!
have ■
la starUac aad haallaf
quired a foothold OB Chla..
owBlac bats eUsr plaas aad will sell at a fraat saerides tietio nsh wilt bap back to bto desk aad AdJataalLAldweli
Clsvar. , who was , slfslae ordsra,
Uls eotlare new. laqnlre et
-Ab.'Uealaokiit Chivm : Haw fled I —T7.C OuI'.sA
rlaasad Mt ol tks eora.r of bUffsaad
SB KLsee loo anto
U !• rood to s*«
^Bidnr* Wbaa shusa ara atraok. •is.
-BdMSsUal IbsCotoael was pulllaf A isue ooe kaoWs I felt rAik>-r lnor>;.
Oar Natteaal Atr.
Aero wosat BOotker womso OB Ue
ffaad ia ^n-i with Ueiaeiul ol bow
Hoea the farasrsvsr Ulak wbaa ba
‘nsTul^&laosl sat d<iwB aad aald
an Jnaa wereki.cmed ruea to Ue tleld to w.
tlie hrirbi
tUsr sharp];: -Art joa bos; CloVOS to Irok oat taro Borw.'' tsid: Uerv aiii.
Ibsbalir; Ur yuror pail of water t
and .ansutied uanle to beewme aa U
sV-r; ot boa tbr wear; an
r ibeColoarJ
abidlora of tfar Twetit;-fli
. Uru- BSBSS
rtrl stepped into tha broader darins
.1 ia,lbr Arbilor b.-fare
la Uls waj: ke was sappoasd to ad­ lirht -O. ib.R jou didn't haow." *bs baatiai
baatiaro. stiauialed tarlr spirit. ^
dress Adjaiaat Clover as LltulaBaai, ssid. ana point: d to bn .Irevo. Ao Is-, siaciBK ■ Tbr bur bp-.nifled
abd to sa; Uat Us yoang laad was signjs bORoron the wuvld over wsssew- Bren tbe w. uod d
aurprtasd wnld bsplacloc It lalldl;. e?tfaere-Us B dCruao
that oelcrupplnd't"’*aty tl'r ara.........
kedids't object, la tael, it
-U It pca.ibivl'" It BseBsd to him
m reasrrd from Ue stroscle of
,_________ Bto bars Us Coloasl spnk tqsl nolbi^ bmdale'JrtJlloDt esBw^loUreck rrpuUiet. u( the old war
to bin (salllarlj. ool; ii wassuvarsapirit tbst saa; k>ars ua tbr batUolu III* Iri.oir'
tleids briwev-B the Adriatic and Ua
^1 aa not bos;. Cbloasl.~ said Us
• OolD< to lbs (root.- sbs rsprstrd
b.-s .tJirrsef tbe Tweat; Crat not asturaily load

with a amilr
In bl. lace. “1 sbsi
bavr se-uoncl; art lbs last
Ills Best important that Ua aaa
-How old do JOB UlBk t aa, iHo- abl; meet y u llisre "
It as I s.a! upon the qo.-su.*u ut our nstisaal Uoald b* patieai aad foW-tamparad.
—* aaksd tbs Udoesl.
iboBkb It wooid m- a p
lor aa ui.tossparad maa ate saaU;
Vb;. 1 duB'i hasw. Culoarl." saw • err cmaslne the wide
.poll toe bast team
marod Us AdjaUbt. "aot so; older diaar l*ar.ssbotrs oi ,r-trs was pla;- [ war Pits
H hs. brea suu|t for l.ire*Ks sues that the baraeas Bto patocU;
,_Uaa ;pu oafbt to be **'
inc "The Servaad.."
• Y..U
. - will comr quarters of a ivnlury.
Ii W b-co aa lae.eryws;. IL ;oa break a traoa a
>e Coloasl
lor ae by and by aad brl. ; me l. bear in.piratioo Ui liraJ fevl vu wear; strap ooa't tte a kast ia It w aaad It
be paper kailc.
-I went Ue ausi.-," she said
-.It will saea asrrtara
It was p,ayed aaid Ur bur - • .lewire.
Delbinr for me plover. I like old tihirs when we dsneed to Ibe^ ri.-aoe at bAUxis by tbs .lup's bsud
farma abeald ban was.
depend on ;oo eo oBUreiy a I e( Ue reffimeatal baod.'
rvea while Ue I'reub.n aud Vso <
.^naedlas bandy. It to Uas
forever;UiDr. ihsll am rolnr to pot
ware bi ioii swept b> drsliu-ti..n. f
... employsd.
Uls perMsl setter tslo ;our bends. 1 ^atr'shr’ssked
oae b it a woaaa It is sunn >t tusf..rrfruotuf twqAsaid
Hive Ur boraesa fsw pelalon a*w
WBBt ;on to ante a proposal of oar- e,>nld base asked such a qiiselloe
s rsla ol .-ipsiil.k bslirls.
I^Vaptism aad Use.
riace to s lovely ;onitr lad; foe me "
nevsr before knew wbal laaell
lie uyuan. tbe lyrir of ia« krast
t .saa out tba Isot of •nr; boras
Tke Colonel wassneb embarrassed.
• aa' -I wonder if you c.aid for­
whan Ue day's work is doaai broU Us
Uls face war red noder ihalSB
me if ( tJici you lust uow lonely I,
Backs and biessia UarooBhl;. aad U '
-A proposal of aarriarr!" evborU tbs
-but. no."
Vor a laua.Bl he.iniji.i
■ flew o'
"■------ra iBcliaed to bsat alluadsr w
- Qoat^otorlas
thoacbl uaty of bis 1 her. tbea,
/ tus nu.iers of a Xi'-bicaa sure, bathe wiin soaw
-Vca. iraB;oaebad told me I was '
rvaeabered that she hsd refused I
. Ssiaeat and uken op by tbr ' Kara JiBiraal.
fraid of a woman 1 woald have laorbflower of the arm;. Uat abe had aKoiem. of the are. saved tbs dsy for |____________
d at him. 1 tried to speak to her sboBl
It least at tb balUs '
-WssilR Along Bi4;hma;a : last oirbt at Ue bop aad when abe "^e" me.-she said aoftly. ............. .. liiAtnTv-'
Uul "Job
looked at ae with Uose .tend; bedwa
d ofbisllfeittoily'- Isabsi
s;m ol beia 1 couldn't as> a werd."
'■Tbea it's Mlss
Miss I.sce;
tracer'.- " ask Ue Ad- twoda;s' joarary fr.» a railwa; eta-|
of weeds grown sioag Us raada aad
» disViaulty
tuity aatiunal Amerin
are psraittod to aealtor Uato.
Hr ms; llslSD to thirty-ssrsa air,—Er.............
-It i, Mbs lace;.’'
seal* far and wide, is aaorasas. The
ba^ls ralu a dsy sad attend tj aa Ad•jVer; well. Culooel." AdjuUat Cio jatoal's Uoussad and one duUos for
dul; of de*tro;iag Ueae weeds sasas
eei-peealvod tbe order just s. he wonld year*, but thr blossoms of bl* heart
to be Ust ol tbe la^r. bat bs WlU
:bb season, la the s,-r.«t wbeat- aot wuraijo lb* ocuiU* of bi*f«HSM
bsve received aa oidrf to appoint a asy rsmaia entirely freah and tear
CrowNic section of Ue Pan Joaqaia lone SS be U bos; os Ue aUar aUa.
caaUia for the rrvrolts.or rant.
aa.T trivial tkln(<
There srerc tears ia Ue rtri's eyes valley, a fisnl bsrveeter has beso in sod be iberefora spesds aora time to
taraad to bis desk a> tbe Colonel went wbpa be finUhed bis stsw;.
"I am Dse wbiub cata, Urashes sad sacks tbs destroyloc weeds on bis (ara dartilg*
Clad." she said as sbs pot her baad In wheat fTOwln; s» li"J seres dally.
•e Uoae who Utnk an Adjo- bis.. "I tbeaebt yoB woald tell me be- Ttaeaschlos. wbcb all iu sicklss an
waadi to
aolblar else to do aave us- fora I left tbe post—I ahoald banstoy: la ass. eats tbe ea.irm.>os swsU of
wnld b*
Bfty two feet Bifbtor too men ar*
lisa da;
^•'•‘And now. Ar«»s—aowr "
UaalsUke. He
to a It
■'After Ue war," abe ssid.
subject fur dlacaastoB io (arasra' meetriard
So yoa. wba pea; l« Us aafet; of ia B tra-bour dsy.
Tbe aaehioe is arraared wlU a cea- lags, and sUto laws aboald make nadaoaaV Us selecu tbe Ooloaers order- tb<me whupo latoUtUs. aad for tbe
I;. Ue writos lelteraaad slras papera. bicasiar
-loea wbo wear Ue'Bed tral bad;, which is Ue reralsUoe slds weed k.lilac eoapalsor;-UL
npoa the
aad DOW AdjoUal Caldwell Clover of Cross, reaeaberr these two Coaatr; lwrot;-ais fool harvester- On soeh ItopUUlobe Hcmocrat.
Troop N it asked to write a propossl
r.aad tbea.wiU Hla will. side of Uls main sickle ts a Ulrtemself alter.
for bu Ordoaei to AfOM Laee;.
1 fasppisem —h'uUwirtm fuul sickle. Wbsa tbe maebiae beran
jesr, tbe Om-tlon earlDc.
Wbeo Osplaio Lester went east ai
nii/.iU, Enrnisi/ .Vein
A rneer enngkt to a____________
bailtspwlslly for It. posbod
rouraed with a foldse-balred ;onar
wad by Ue raportor of a KhUpdntpkto
wife Ueuloaaat Clover daaoed wiU
haeeeslra tbrougb Ue
Bicycle Doa'is
ksevy craia of tbr Islaods Io Ue Saa ,eper edaittod UnlUe adaUnSM
Ue bride at tbe reeeptloa rises Ibea.
of bto Block wbkb wen knewa to blaHoa't
JoaqalB river as rasiiy
-I aa Bare -A sbsU aot be leaeir
eelf woald gll a saell eelaaa. A cheep
ttoe-t ride astll deproasi'd.
would draw a wngns oa
.''sbeaaid tobiio.
-1 And tt all
Usa't sic stf ybor wbeob
When, however, thr. sofii-r
grouad waa brudo^t lomsl^cnltaa.^^wU.^ww
!w aad lateraaliar. aad Uaa in Ue
-to-bt of Us mscblas
rsbebrd. tbs weigh
____ Jter my sister is ooaiar to i
-bito " detected la cbrap^Ug^itoM
Don't Ulok ;os own Ue slraeta
Tbs; were proasasdlnr tbea and
proved to be to rres<
was prodaesd. not by clarer. e( whtob
Don't drlek sleoboiie bsrsracesdar- aaah lato Us soil, sad
Mbksd npalUesia (eel of baadsome
engtas oonld not perform Its work as
aaabood beside ber and aadd: -You
'will like a; stoter.
Sbe in not a
twe may be tokse asa toir sMpU.
UtfS was grasl lora of pewsr
liksBM. eke to alL
tas utl at ;on plsBly of room.
Don trine yoarball enewpt wbaa it rsaedy Uu Ue elde sickles had to be The pabltcasrbnpa encbl to be grabaara. and iadepeadeai
id brave." And
fal if aeUtog worae Uaa pepper ar
Is really asceesar;.
troB Uat airbt I
oayaane pepper Is wood- It to Ue petoa
Don't eoasidnwa bills hneing eroas
oatpat'of to Ue ooaiar- of Capptfbsp, Uto b^to^b^^ f»^egnais nlonC tbe wn;----------- •a-law.
arm IS «(>i nod suu aaoks per day.
Don't ride at Us eapease of aems. Next season Uaowaers will ess it ea
ev re
aselssaad lotoraal ornaa
Bplnadoaly. where Ue; will be able
Mra. Uator bad
Don't alteapl to aeooaplab feats lor to eapley all Uree of Um sleklen, Ua*
eoaeb aad wba
Two-UIrdXof al Us Istton wUU
Kiog It Ue largert bsrrraUr la Ue pam^ Uroagb Ue
of Ue ••
Clover which tba body is nut prepared.
Don't altsB^t to ride rspidl; put aa
rid -Hanwr-s Wer’-REUABLE AMO PNOHPT
_______ _________
BbleofUa wheels ! electric cBrslaadiacYo qaload pasasa
by Electnc.ty.
waa beard Uey walked toeetber across f«rs.
sabsuntialiy psrioMsanb*
- loic»t
to tnralac
. ooi
Us parade, aad It eras Lieatraanl Clo­
lag eot^^ly^y^wtW •( tteisfttd
ifttio always
alwaya keep to Us
ver's bar'-'— ------------— -■ —
aad Ue
Urasber. pad other Impiemrato. aad ^7f ikeas aboal M ear esnt l»
Don't let yoer pride force yea to beep tUmalala Ue aproatiag and grewlag 000 peraooA apaak Bagitob.
np^tU tbe bataaee when ;oe feel of some kinds of eegitotinn. And now, 90.000.000 spank BnasUa. Ti.WO.1
aiurest Falls InMoatoas. which ts U- Uerman. U Pmneb. II rm.ppl
Dsa't expect pedestrlsas to fet e
eoaiar tbr great woel-growlag sute.
itob, U 000,000 Unltoa aad lAMA*
of your way. Make It year baslasea
toU 'tbit all 1
?o maebinra for sbesrtnr sb*-p are nr- ... .’ortagesm. and Us bnispii
aboal U# eoarteoas yonaf uficers of * pd a way aroaod them.
ranged la a loag, narrow abed, open so gsrlsn. pat^. PDliab. KlOBleh. BoheDent ferret Ue wbeel is aaiter ai
one aids. A siegle line of sasfUag ox
aelUe slave when tbe hand of tl
tends overfarad, aid from this SO grxnisb. Itonlsh and Narmefton. TkM.,
Pood aad Sals SUbto ia OeoBMUoa.
Hder Is Bostoad; and Ue slcbt dla- Ibls eeblps tall Tar shaft, by BOI
poat. There were a Irw litllr dsat
..lie only epe-qaartor n< Unne whe'
rides oeer Us prairis. a' picalc
ol '.anlveTssl J liou." ractes. eeok cal
smpluy Ur faeUiitos et Ue posul 4e. .. and tone, qaiet bean on the vetorototo. am) Ue cable traatmlu
raadaaaad Uca eae da^tbsra rsae
power to Ue dipper by means of sii
Ur eoeaeetleas A mna need* oely
steer the cilpper aroand.Tbe him— sol^Begltoblsnrsnfei
Sr^S^tfor htodepartar* UstUek D«'i overtook tbe iaporia
work eUeasrlera.
A small SirctHe
It to claimed Uet Lake ftrto prod nap
c^i ra~ h- Adjntont bis peealisr
‘tVbl^lS:';‘*t; '^e motor of six-korae puwer drlres Us
line of Uafuag. Tbs motor to sacb ns
Wta Ue doloarl bad roBe LVatoe rlcfai. Ia ovrrtaklar and passiac Uea to ossd aoder s Irollj ear Tke *o a
-at ClovM 1raced back ia his cbalr and >tesp to tbs left,
cbleos operatod far nearly three we<
elasped bis bands bebiad bto bead (Is I
DusH wbaa rWiaf strakrbt al
and Urared It IM sheep, arersci
-ly l« sheep s dsy per^mpebtoa.
UsaL Clovar ot Troop X.


Baal BaUta Baobaaga


Travaiaa 01^. Mich.

Us bi211rfJw\waliowi' Ifuiy’;;;
-a aiUw^bM a va,; Uuu at a

When either a Chamois Lung Protector or Vest
will be a neccssitj. We can supply you with either, but
you can economize and yet have something jtfst as good
by buying a chamois and mahing one Good values at 30,
50 and 75 cents.



ii» raoKT KTaaBT.


E.'-iRSrSi&f •■ “■





MmaUSdiNloIliiki! All

msil prtlera raceire prompt

Ms4ltea.OiBVisni. Hlai AlbssT. >sk



BcytJies, Snaths, Rakes,

ScreeR/Doors anfWindows,

•Vde—Money to Loan
as eaS tiw a'afv"!.



W. J. HOBBS, i46FRmT sma

Carpet Cleaning Worlcs





Sanrcjorabd Civil Engloeer


r blc;eltol

Rack; Bus and Baggage Transferline

Fountain Point ^ouse,


tVR Mel h riUMUd <a <hir Uke
U BlM tFMS rnoh. U to reecfcart
(nei Travww Ot(f o*ar ibe KestoMa
A Wwlbe—toro S. L so Fmek, Umm*
RrMMsWt «o koMl doiA. Bast ecOMtfUetaltut to Hertl

Best Livery In Northera Michigan.

Bawfe aubtw at OtoiM ud li






■IIIBIiSiatS. i

r-SChOill. i

Broseh’s Meat Market

Choicest Meats, Poullin and Game
ZTo-wS. Aa. Seehaos..


.apartnead epUetoa wtoVIcmr;"”"''

J. w . C3-ani Tt •tXetrb-

STo^rrBTu^oac^ft'^f^irtie'roS: i


bs bad speat wiU Acosa and he fso* ; Uat ao other rider to cluse in yoer

Ab Added

Lady Betty Ceaalagtnm. ba*lng bad
_ime diffsrrace of epieloa wlU tb*
le wasrntoc away, thro be aaid tolp’-»B*a lamedatol; Into cold water »rtoh amtoter. iesuad of peUleg ber
laeslf:-Wbal's Ue B-e of ay frJihe »hso ovrrbratod alur a Mag ride■taal eoatribetioB la U*
plate. a>r*ly gave a ate...,
TUsbavIncoecerred several ffandays
iriagto U* rieer bank '
aea^a after abe leevea here."
w dnW m^elotUegjM
Ue ink—' My. bat >,
. .------ >------------- -- — - --------- --------------- --.
--------------hen .be Is gone." Then ! U»r
*»>■ .**-i -We cod dto wi'Urn o'nr .


SSJ-.-'lllK,''- ■


S'? ar.'S.jri'a

,_.AapUa napumdlk 4e>wBpMtUa

Ustesf hl^

babied U_____ .. .

SoaU Dakota, a:

eomed Us bonHsMgar
isMtinn fnrplUd wMb

htoewanamelsetoed oftheColooers.
and Use toagfaed ashcasw tb* tote-j
torepaat Uei
Blob Old Panper
Be bed to write Ue tottor dJ
wall pl<
boat to a not
over agala Uen.
Thja time be signed
Ae old Beaaiaa tody, who waa
Ue(&«d-a mmoooS enlled U* or-: Itoved to ban amna. died a yaar
---------------Dr. Cknl---------- ---------Are yea
• to Mlaa
at Ajaodo.
to C
Aad when It was dome be
alaa. however.
np aad down Ua room
ned all i ber iNirV*- neither sseney or jewels,
deetor “beL with yonr »

Fmb. Stit •ni SmoM Mrab, Stusagw Itc.

KaUwnyain Bade
Uemanrage aniy own year (artte
entire eonntfy.

himsn UnToTSTLshewn ftosM.

eoeavy was in wmsasn wena niton
and Ue grat msentaoUn •( It bm
■ads to Virglnls-to 1(19. The tommOiw
was deotroynd by Us ladtoM to im
to ITM than were anly twmtymton
baad nf sheen to Sew BonU Wal^ tab
aewUeetoU ton nntoed Or-----------lrnlto.SewXntotowd 7

&BAin) TRATgagg HKRAU. ATTOXTSt B5. 199B.
DawcT wtu. oar giao.oeo.

On Tkk* Oar* «C

Waabl^toa, AagBA l«.-Aodltor for
b. prepared tor ..yBlIa
tyBakawpoakiaoSee for' iBferBtlaferBi
tba PfeUlppleea. aad eaye that the eaati-

*15C -

Bab of tba aplatoa. bow- after the period troB inO to Jaly
1891. bataetloeladlagUaeapUfea la

aear. that tba adalebtraUoo wiabai if

wlU H|Bla. Tbla
Bwera Ua Algeriaa. BritU. Heatoaa
aad elvU i^are aad tba
Ua alavs trade, aad abowa -that tbr
va'.aad at aboet (to
Uailad Slataa aad tbiake that tbelr
000.000 to roaad aaBbara.
rataatloa b tharalww doabUaL
Of Ubaoa (it.toi.oo4 waa dlttrlbTba atUtada of tba i
atad a* priaa BOMy. AdBlial Parra-

areldUaeapaBaaaad pollUeal a


tfaBial wbleh

pc•dhtCorttoWUc bM* by Ik* for
o%0 po»«ri to toeoTf tko per
•flbopMeoeoBBle^. flUe
P»IB B»y M wall
k» U*. I

alBr yaalartay lhaa ^ hta

U m»i* ap aaytlBa aiaea Eaar AdBiral Dewey

•t^BOboteabOM eoallac aUUoa. daetroyad
■ptoht aaBrtUai wtu rHaaMihMatT


toB (I'M eal bp

Hoatiyo-i fleet
Tbe treaaory oBclali aatiBata Uat
by lb. war daparv
Adakal Oawcy will raeaiva aa
amt of (be oBslal diepetab to Oaaaral Booay oat of Ue Spaaiab w«r aboet
Merritt dlreatlag bis to daoy tba la- (100.000.

awraate tba right of jcial
Aapwt ll.-Tba itebUilaebM
MUacnyatkaforolriA'axUt X»A ncMtly Mt ud apraod le

k akd''-laabl-

with the Ai

iag that the Bllllary oeeopat|l<B ft
Uailad dUtaa seat be raapaeted. glee.
etroag hlal of what tba praeldaat bee

«Aa^ apoaUa «bbM.

b aiv«raat that be aatkl-

il»ililr» of tta rnociaena.
BM. •>< AoroMlalan froai iba


IMpa; Ibarataaal waalaUbhaa iadapAlaal tepaWfe; a prohiVlUoa o( Ifce
of eaportditba or aa

patea the persaMat laetallBeat of IM
aad etripae wbererar they
taaaa rabad. asdtbalbe

Loadoo. Aag. l9.-&eeordiBg to'Ur
Boag Eoag o^raapoadaet of Ue
Ua oaidtaladally Ball the ——
lUa ladleaU Ua aorreodar
ilhe PblllpplDa arehlpelege
of Ua
lo Ua Uoltad Slalaa
Hamu aataced Ua city be had a dlffl-

I aeharc

propneB to

iMVfBbylBpraatlagtbataat apoa

Bsiad by UgbUt
Hta. Delb Slau of Bo)
waa Beeh griaeod oe Tbaraday to
reeoire the eewa of the death of her
brother, BearyColbem. aa. aged aad
reepeetad eitUan rae Idtag bear Wad
Sdal It b e
ka* Tarh. Aa(aM IT —Tba Betaldb
.. - —------------------- Njlagton. N. y. Mr. Colbora. who wai
> ^lal layt ibat wbaa „ U» i-ir. M U«
Ula the w
if the Toloeta
of Uto wrek waa loading grain
' «Maiy Al»ar iBd aba adltarial
g In aarrlca- la baela before a coulag atoTB. and
tbt Hadlaal Baaard. la wklab
•hen Ue lead waa nearly fleiabad it
It le belbead the prt
rtfteMB ware Bade apoa bin aad
ligbiBlng. IntUBtly klllI itrack by lig
aodate hliajrlr to tba dBlrae of the
Ing hia nod a young ■
with blB. Tba ^le m
tikaUaraiaaclaeiaf aoUlara at
and Ue boraca alartqj ur rt^ to the
bam. hilt Mr. Colburn * daughter, who
'■It b Bcaatbuereal; Utabr
Phlladalahla.ABgnt l» —Tba Mlehle aoeideet. a
iWMbaaadbtntaadBaretkaal eaa gaa oaral .eaamcaBayba
>g tbe door* before Uey rraebad

It -Tba praal-

■»«lHlrB tor Iba fraadoca of nUgiom.

B» WBT the priaattaB whbh aacaoB- la gattiag away troB bare tOBOttow them with Ueit Hemlog load. When
tbe Are wa* eaUngulebed boU bMliea
ifer, at aoBapalala.Brt oar Baa
Borniug. It waa flrat tbooght tbe
ware foand to be burned to a criep.
Aattaca. 1 aoaU not fo tbera Bjaait woald aarely be Sbebargod froB the
Mr. Oolbam wee Ue fattarr of ooa of
At ukBd aappIlB; I woald wllltaply YoaaBlU la tiaia to loaeh Detroit baa- Ue -allrer klega- of Colorado, and hia
ikTodaaato, If I eoeld bava ralleead
day Boralag but tba preapaeta are oat fatbar waa one oi Ue femoua patrtou
who. dlegelMd ae an ladlan. helped
ao bright today.
Urow Ue tea Into BoaIon Harbor on
IB arraagad aad
Ue nlgbt of Ua famona Uoiton tea
eg aUeli ready for their db-


chatge eaeapt the pay roll,

nay ware both diaabitd.

the oSeefa aapraand a tBr that there
Tbay wore followed aa wHlbeaall^ap la
Friday aftareeoB Uare -waa a rt■ba aa poBibU tv other aappHaa,
that they woald aot gat away baf&« peUtloa of Ue tubmartoe diaUrbanrc
"U thara ww oafarlaf asoac tba Hoaday. Tbabeyafeal la aa naoai' la the bay. o« Ua We^ue-toDg elub
bonaa. wbkb baa paulod Ue realdenia
rita. aaoMd by wUllal aaflart. tba tala troBa of Bipd agala.
of Ua city Baoy yeara. At flrat there
B will all be bn
tmrbi to Uirht at tba
rlriblsjtgitatloa of tba water.'
viu. save BKB.
eovering a apace about Ulrty feat
wide; thru aa upbmrai wbicb Uraw
large volune of water into the air
about alzfeai. Piacce of Mlgiugi aad
daaea la hU ability to float tba Crbtoatleka ware Urowa aome diaunee abovr
t M —AbU tba
bal Coloa. and aaya aha wUl aer
Ibeaarfaea. It waaaerarBl mlnataa be­
glrea op aa iaag ae aha la le bar pro fore Ue water reenmediteueualmlB
aM party a
old Uroiy ter Uie Byaleriou* oeapt coadlUoa. Bobaos wDl leave toU Uat
ow tar Daba. gofag by Iba way of
fiterd waa drawn ap to laeeiee tbaai
lunkea Umber. odglaga.nawdnat. etc.,
Maw York.
te at the botten ol Ue bay Md that
aM tbay-praaaatadaraa and OTo.a
Ua eacipa of gaa geaenUd Uere
neve B
Am aadbaytaBlala. AatbaOoeormoara Ue aphearul.
OUer tbeoriee,
■» paBil. with laaiy ebaan tba aaral
Waablagtoa. Aogaat IS.-Oaaeral bare beee adraaced. but ao ooa baa
ttia^B froatad the
Sbatlar ha* lafonaad tbe war depart- aay aecearaw kaowledge of Ue muae
r.aad ad- aaalUat after eODtelUag with Ueo- dlmllar emptloa* bare oocorred at In<MMd
brlafly. Ooearsor Plafraa aral Lawtoa. eoBoiaadiag.tba Dapari- tervaU during Ue putt 15 yeuia. und
nlwnye in about Ue laBa place.
wM atlBwaiAi aatartalaad by Oaptaie
laat of baaliago. it baa baaa eoeelodBkpiy aad ela< aad waa praatly ad that it will aot ha aaceaeaiy to aaod
Clond-Durat Breught OeaU
pkaaad with kb riBptiea. Lata ta
Bare V-oopa to Baatjago for tba
Pitlaburg. Augnel 19.—A cloudboral
a tba party rataraad
up flaw MUI Ban UUmoming maaed
a tidal wave la Uatatreas that en­
Ubatty. Tba raaarTBaapaal to laaTO
cvaaa aavT t
dangered Uellvaaoradexen peieoaa
MteUtaa aoBa time Batarday.
WaahlDgloa. Aagnat la.—Prealdaal Flva ehildran are mtealng and are aapaauuxT'a rsccuxa axcirta.
MeKlalry and the BeBban of hb eab- poeed te be drowned. Tbeynre: Irene
tbc deterailaa and Relg* Loftaa. Ueaerlvc aad Mnr-_
UOB tbatoae of tbe Aral oBdal
dal a^u furet flhangbneaay. aad Kellie flaate.,
Tbe Bteelng children. togeUer with
toward brlngiag aboat a raaloraUoa of
i Voo Daldrieh raporta troB pie ee aad order la Cnba a
nose older peraoua. were ataadinron
bkiv laat.


Ua porch of a brick teneBeat hooee
of tea Cubae
wkaa a gmat wave, twenty feet high,
Aa there la no loagera bpaabh
la tba fleld ia Ceba there b ao loerer mme down wlthoat waroiag and mr> for the axbloace of the rlad Ue 'porch away and Ua peraeni
|*b1iB ■ of AdBlral Dewey.
Cobaa army, ind It U. therefore, to be WiU it. Tba older perfbas ware rea­
%M a^l nffinlal Karlb Obbbi
regnlariy Beatared oat of aarvicc. The med.
Mra. John Leftnimad two acabaa DO Idea, boi
NkBBbacKaay.r^Uea to tba aeu of adaptlDg tba <|Dtxotic Idea of paylog carried oot into Ue Ofala, but
tba Cebaa aoldlare lor tbelr aarrieaa reamed by aaad diggera. Tba wi
lA M the Obbob eraber Raberia Aadariog tba war or of BBOBlag tba ra- Bade a.beralebot-vala effort to
^jjlHLapyalt ahowa that the erabar
Ue ebUdren.
tpoealbinty far their payBaal.
Mh Kaalla after the aarreadai
Tba praaideBi baa. hewerer. a plao
Mkalil that Ooaaral


ataard the Kabarla Aafatu for

ifbrtatlaa ta Baev Kecf by the fall

k^abh ediaen were allowed to fO ftaa lo Blod by rrbUh the taaaireot aroy
aM. aaaaeri'oaally.

Ooaaral Aayaati

tAa^hla ta |o whltbar ha
DW AdBiral



hMtaproaaadtoHoM Caag aa the
rtfciiia warablp be eartblaly did
U M be

U aeaelaelaa. tba paper eaye

U fata be fartbar abearead that eadar
tiharraanBBibaoaaladadtha bpab.
fAtra^atMaallawaraatlibarty U
pAaad to Bpala or Hoac Reap.

^TaeMactiB, D. C.. Aaraat It.-OaeA IfperiU b aow ia aMote paaeraMwafttaPbiltpplastaUadi, aad lai»BtlBi aewt blB taalcbt by the
aMa. the Ivairaat leader.
hearetary Alger raeeleed a oablavMa t»B Oaaaral BbtIU aaklag tba
akalelttfatloa to lay dawa
Mibata-pwary go«tr«Baat ol Iba
el%. bad tba praaldaat told tba
My of War le aaad blB aabataatlally
ItWeaBe tsIarataU
aite Lawtoo at Baatbgo da


nbbte tba aSaet that tba tlaltad
WMBbfBpaaalbta ter peaaa ia tba


aad that all

‘ tVhUaUamilppiaaaaratebatreaV
at wtlb iMiaa aad Uberty. lalarfar-

Borne on Furiongfa

BQjab Bignlow. one of U
of OoBfony H, Tblrty-foarth HIcfaiaori of reoogBlUoB of their
gu, who went fnnn here to Ctemp Al­
The.plaeeoBUBplalBIhegnatlBg of ger laet Boalb. arrived In Ue city Fri­
■ga to aaah toldler. day OB a thirty days' farlough. Ur.
d by a oartlflaala of aerrlea
Bigolow llrm in Luther, bat anlieUd
from here and will Bake Ule hie tem­
the Cebao geoaral la eoBBa^d.
porary home aaUI
Bade good oat of the poblle rce.
eoBpany. Ha statea that Us leldlara
wbaa tbe Cobaa* aballbaraaaubliabad at Camp Algrr hare
atabla goreraBeat which the
togardlng ration*, though they
UelMd Siawe bae pledged Itaalf to help are slow In Bomlag while Ue iroonaare
brief lata aaiataaco.
ootheaarcb. Bigelow was sick wbee
lo addlUoa to tba* prorldlag for the
Ua ragiBeau left Camp Alger
aoldlare af the Cabaa aray. Ue plan
r eoaaldaratlqa by the pmidaat
Ua* boapltal.
Ua waa given
eoataBplatn tba Baateriair late Ur furioagh to lemporute.
Ue ataua
L'altad tHikiaa velaaleer arayof a large all Ua oUer Brahera of Company
aanbar e> Cabaa aoldiera who are
warn well when he left
ABarieaa eUttaaa. Their ■arieaa eoald
be D*ed to good adraatageWa bci
Aooldant to Oetralt Deat
el tba rarion* ImBnaa raglBcaia to be
Detroit. Aagnat 19. •The feet atea«talaed oa garrlaoe daty la Caha.
et wlU an aoddcnt
errAlas u aa^iu.*.
bar dawn-trip froB Von Uuroa. while
eromlag Lake St Oalr. that will d's
Maw York, Aaraat ij.—Tbe n'rald'a
able ber for Ue ameoa The eonneetadrlece troai Maar.J^lDli tbal
Ing rod. Uroagb
BpaaUh aSda'a k
kepCaeeret Ike proi
from the boiler pane*, eoddealy enUaaile ta well
ploded. ernebiag Bacblnery aad Map
that the iabaWBata of yaaila
lag tlBbert la every directioB. Hlalag
irly eaPMtleg tba Aa
mm All
aball Ua city, aad ware greatly ai
roah for life preaerver*. mea aad wopriaad wbaa tbe tro^ Barebad la.
daad aboved aoeh oUar
waa Ut baTealy-UM aaUra n
aboat bat Ue steam wm flaally abet
that fired oa
tba ABark
off and Ue panic rahaSded.
Tbe euamer lUrtae Cole which wa*
Captala Uraaral AogaeU'a dlaabBl
paaiag. towed Ue wmebed >ie^er
■a Ua lake and look tbe
off. Moene Weerianaiy hen Uoagh
Ue mmpe w^ mlmmW
Spaaiahaoloer ia 1

aMa with tba Bllllary aatherlty of the
DMad Btatis will aei be telaratad. biB aad aoeeptad eely ea atroag |
la atMbB M aaaklBg WaahlagtiB adelda. 0»arml llarrtU Bb that be bad
>Aat Me ABariwB flag wear all pabtlabaiUlace. aad wta awalUag farther

It la the belief oflba
peadaal that Ua PillpU



bv o( bar ftri triaoda Friday attar-

Dr. Miles’ Nervine

Effects «f Tobacco.

K Oanwn. Aled n( ,
at Ua hnma g< Hr. ,

-I tberitg. aboat right '

tof H«*

of ttaaeoaUy b
that way.


anted Jmeph W. Ferdncy
L Mr. Fordney te a waatUy
aad manataeurar who

I Htaam
nieagbfere O^.
. RellU
Tkb la a flaa dav eoBparad to what
a.OUv* aaf
e bare baaaWavlBg. TUa coaatry
> Folgbam. HUdioU Diiihmiy
getUag alee aad aaoL
T baUava
li eoeler bare tkas It la ep la Mleblgaa aad Bertha Hariey.
atUteUBaaf Ue year. TUk aboat
n wma piamaat sorptiae Friday
bardaUpa la Caba. wa are harlag It
eg apoa Htea
]aat aboet aa bard aalbo}. bat aot
qalUaoBaeh alekaaaa. alUoa^ wa
haraoarflald boapltal CUad. aU
tiaea. Wa bare beaa eaBplag aloag
Iba Blaa BidgeBoaBlalaa. Pretty aka
Mia Liaalc <Hdn ontamlasd aboat
(fleea ot b*r (rUada
aayUlag t
oaeoaFoartesaU street. OaB.a
la to map la i weed tbay •
:. lecilaUoA* and dclictom rv
a boUar. Wa bare aot got
yet for Jaly.
Ddat iaaw wbaa wa
wUlgetil. Tbayaaaato be terribly
alow aboat eatchtog np to oa. Tbe aall
^acpeap pretty well ai we get oor mall
Franete Bayam arritad Tbamday
arary tlma we go lato
IS.OiM Baa BBreblag all MgoUer. Ua
whole becoed Dlrfaloa.
> aee by Ua papw Uat aoae of Ue
CoBpaay M boya are dead of fever.
gotalettcrtroB 1*14*0X0 Will 8bIU:
be le well aad bariag a pretty good
Uaa. Wa bar* bean haring aoBe roty
I Barchlag. Tba laat day'a ^reb
ISBilea: It raiaad all day aad wa
bid te wade throogh Bad ap to
aeklB: when we woald atop we coald
bhidly puU-oor feat eet again,
ware Jaalaa wet a* drowaad ra
Bight aad bad to pitab oor tanU right
in Ua mod- We were all wet Uroagb
aad bad to ttaVn right in wiU oar
oloUea on abd wtiboet a BoaUfx
>pper. Tbe nest morning we dl<
have aeyUing but three hardUckt Ice
brrakfati:, bat Ue Bula got aloag
la timr for dlener. It te
march, a* Ue male Uaiaa can't keep

-a a visit to hte danghter. Mra K. U.
Crowell otMoa^afaeat. Mr.«aya«a
te am>ly alghty-eevan yeara old. aad te
olUtpUpeaia ol tba weatern rera; having soves wiU hte pareata
from Hartford. Ceea. when bat a boy.
to TmmbnU oouaty. Ohio, u'c eeanty
which has aUoe been made ftmoa*. at
olFrmSdeat McKlkley.
Ur. Rayaec' heme te wiU hte pon.
>e same rid farm of two bupdred
which be Won Baking
Ue wildameea. aeoriy eiaty ye<
And now after afl Uete ymrm be te
*UU able to >oumcy alone and make
anoUer vteit to hi* friead* In Ukilgan.
xlMl Ml Mt MlJte Ml ML Ml «K MUdl Hi X

‘ unit HEWS STORIES. '
BMUn ot laiermt FtOB

Part* of Hichlgon.

* Ml MT iriMt MC W W* W
We hare It
We expect t

Onuaua F. Uaoo.

Santiago de Cube. Jaly II. 1
ABFu*;.to:—Weare on the aide
hlll,right under a battery, and Uey are
firing in the eity of flanliago de Cnba.
It Ik a flnr eight to aee. bat I am rather
aervon* JuU at preaeot aa we Bay
up iq It twfore night, bat when Ue
timeoomea I am wlliiag to go.
are firing bmry on b>U aides,
hare got them ia a kind i of m hora^
shoe fbape. and It I.xik* foolteh for
to glre Id. bal Uay are hard
Wa made t>ae.rea.Uegnate*tebaTg«
that te keoria. We drore Uem
bUUSO leal high. Tbay era at
tbelr pita an-i v>-a will hard to drivs
oatwhlvL will take aueh Uaia.
There are abaut ro Trarerae City boy*
Wall, it le time to get dinner,
do not get mneh to eat bera.
pork nd hardtack, coffee aad >
baa to do all of hte o*m cookdoubt yon will-CblBk I am aarvoua
you figure Ute Utter
but UebuUeUareflying fast ia erery

Mr. Ed. C. Qma. cee>prii.w<iB Ur OcatraCteteKri*. Hartlar*. O*^ ei
■aid I>r. lllka- IteoumUTV
celrrd oiv-e teocU Inn it

uairUst tb«(jivr..-i. and .eeaUlK me
aterpsadrot. prorlM lo try r - - - - ■ - ■
• - l*T. sm.='-

I>r.' Uc-mrdte*
*«H>:d ly all d
ruunudvr a p-M
puataeilee, £r»t It
roodi-d ILrjkue
DB. HILSr VClill-al. oo.. Cltbarv IihI

TIanor* from SSud Mich
Cbarle* I'ntpmaa of Company
Thirty second Mirhigaa VuluBbrr*.
arrived in »Ue city
Famandlna. Fia
He eal»ivd
hi* uompeny at Urand Haven and fur a
time acted a* ttewavd


ta Chieaga

Hr. 4

Buaird tbe wawv to aakekma vtMh '
Bebrlda BlUtaty poritks ta Ua own
eaaauy.andtbe taUa ri hia IWiMy
Aunaptad Jail Esenpa.
Uunl WlU a hrlUtant rad, nm>
Friday* aorotag Sbcr'ff itlB^oa ' ly pr<
.bold atWBpi .—' "■>
being made by
Boorv ot Ue It* T'^ >ody to ohureh, anal «(
petateera In Ue eoaaty JaU
tbatraaeapa. The one
dlffatod widely tt
pecta ot havtag baaa t
.ytbtag rxrr witaemd 1^ tUa nenmnotUe only oa. I. Ua aebeBa, te
y He wa* ami.d ta Ur pew yrltb U(
Frank Bankta. who te 1a iaU
«mg woman when brr talbm enan
trial ta tbe Ctrmli
mutbe al*l» A* Ue tnber mUavd'
large of tareeny. Aboat two weeks the• pew (hr ta
Mil Knx

flimpaaa dwovered that an attempt had b
•Ig ibrough Ue w
pngrem Bade Tba opeuieg had b

-re'ol ekaBlaatlon would bar* lad
Suialllowti wa* uaitnily uadi Interthe lower floor *a.l .are ie one

make it easy f«r every prWiaar le '
** l.laed to Cheta.
e j»U to get away.
Baak.a wa*
EwIiU uUnd of Thaw* Unfa
trantfrrred to erne of tbe loner evil* “““ wta*Hy OibummI to ebaik. Tba
*ad brrealter hte IbcUaMiun. to gat

“A FAAfCCT moD-i


EntaMlsHbd 1700.

Hr*. W. D Tamer te ralrrtainiag
only weighing IS.-pounda; hte
Mrh. B. H Ctedy of Ane Arbor.
Bother we-igha abcul I7i pounds.
Hi** Clyneet Ctevrlaud i» *i*Iling
B:kloed, a little town with 'liu loMiB Isabel lUmotoDd for a few day*
habiUDU near Horner, te witboul a
Hr* K A. Deanteof Drtrott. te tbe
eburefa. Sunday aebooi. a doctor or <*•
gneatofMr*. Helm* BreWof
pres* o(B.»- The town dom not neem
to feel Ue need et any ol Ueee modBrvin Billipg* came up from Urand
ul yet
Bapid* Tbuioday for a vteit wiU bh
sd one ol Ue n
and bealUy towns In Ue state.
MU* Chrailor Castle of HoDoloio, V
novel aehemr ha* been devised by
S A., te tbe goeal of Mr*. Mary fluvan*
llnibnell on Company of Sarnia to
change Ihe location of a to.Orii barrol
Ur*. II. I). Alley mtomed ThDitdty
An artificial lake will be tram a vteit si ber old boBe ta New
made and Ue tank Boated to Ue de York atate.
-aired lomUon. which U over one h
HI * Alice Lindlry of Chleago.
dred yatda Tbe tank will draw
rived ta the citr Friday for a t
feetof ivator when empty,
wiU friead*.
lieorgv L. Vocky of Chicago. ba» bcAldervitn ( <ok and wife are oatrrtainlog Ur* c. M. Alden and soa of
Baplda. a (lo.ouo damage

and U doing great work wlU hie.
incb goaa. Seme ot Ue boys tbl
UU won't laat long but I as afraid
There are aeven or oar boya woaaded aad one dead AU in oar rogiaeat,
at none la oar eommay.
Tali your friend ferae Uat he had
salt. Five yeara ago Yoe y. tbeo
better atny where he It or he will be
Boy of ^aeteen. had hte leg canghi be­
tween bumpers and vraihed Ue bates
[port. K- V
^.Thi* war life ia not what it 1* Uoagh t
hte tail on Ue abecnce of safely nppliHIM Fannie Ugdea of nuffaIo.e te
tote. Thv treat yoa all right f
.Areek or ao. and Uca you mteh it.
Mr*. W H. F.mter.
BooU Haywo^ ol Ann Arbor. btoU
'Yoo spoke of pin. I have furgolieo
.Mia Korma Hontago*. wbe ha* hern
bow it look*, bat can spall it aad that «r oil). W. Haywood ol Uat city, and
the family OIL H
aiUiw U
Alba Hay*
Haywood. Ue actor, write* from
I lamed
Friday to ber
iM atari for
Clondike that be wpald
The b:.y* here de sot drink'.
>a on the mbV AngoV wlU (45,We have Pice lot of boya is ear emmade u. the gdid rvgioaa. Beorav
Mrs. fl C. HolTaU and daughter B4pasy. Co. M. »4tb regiBCPt.
ly be played a comet In a thmtre or- na left Friday for a two weeks'trip
Jaal Uluk ot o* way
eheaU*. for wbid^be raeeleed
to lirand Bapid..Uart and Detroit,
et gold per day.
viall friend*.
Mrs. Jams* MBTvfata be* re tamed
Mew Brick Block
from Ne« York, where .be went t->
at ^f^^CnaTbavs to go Architect Dmo bae eompUud pli
meet her baUand. who has just re
forabandeome brick bnildiag wh
tamed from a vteit to hi* old hoBr la
tetabe ere.-ted by Dr J. D Hnnj
apoa Ue properly which be recently Scotland.
Mlea Floreoce Keaelbom. wbo be*
pnrchaeed andwhich waa Utely
bean vtelltag Mr. and Mrs W. 1'. Crot
pled by EdlHIbertaaaeigar man
rhlladelpbin. Aogaat l».—The
■ar of Webster tlreet. rrlomrd 1>ar.
wervae af Bbode Island left Ue nmvy
flhc wa*
aanaUllnaryatoro by Ua Wood ate- day tober fauBT at Foltoa
yard to day tor home.
The$ a
' ‘ by Mr*. Cititaer
Tbeballdlngte to be a Uree-atory

A. W. Well* left Friday alght for fl>
Jdaeph Ob Monday be will go to New
York for Up pnrpaae of tialtlag Hon
task Poinv where fate ton -te >tatioonl
WiU Raoeevrlt'* Bough Bidera.
Ueorga U. ttateaand w.tea rived from
Ihtcago flaWrdayto
flaWrdsyto visit tbe family

of Tboma* T. il*U*
UiW* t*timed to Chicago Mneda; . bet Mrs
Bate* will sprad eomr lime Ji
Ed. Wbreirr. who for Ur
aeatona baa played ihi.d bate (nr Ue
RoaUera. ta*4 eccepird a like po>iti< a
pa the Urand Rapid* Interstate League
lodge room* of Ue moat sosplcU and team. Ute many (need*
modem daaign. Trarersc CHy Lodge will wish him all hied, of
JeoaUaa Sprmgoe of An* Arbod.
Ko. n. K- ol r. bare tbe leoalng of
Past Urand Master of Ur Odd Fellow*,
Ute floor under eon»if
te Baking a fhw d*ya' stay la Ue
He-ha* been eonaecud with the
Fellow* for over fifty-two year, abd te
dei-ided upon.
ipleted Ute will be owe of Uaelderi Ilriag past grand patriarch
brick etractoraa
ol the order taUe state of MiehlgBa.
C. B Doekeray. The
pnrpcae will be tusM feet, and bealdea. there will be a prirate ofice. a
■horiband iestmelloa room aod anoU
r aeberate reooi tor type vritera.
Tbe UIrd story tejo be nnoafed lor

Accident Near Wihl
While driving boBS from ibe fui
of Ml*. Adolf Eateer. which wnt bvld
at WilUaBabarg. the borae driven by
[hr finta Nerv. Hra. Jeha flBiU ol Barker Ctetea and
eOi, deUUlaled waam________
John Itler o( BIk Btplda, bn
CpriaacBmwfU Or PIcTev-i FtToriit P».
te q>rri.]lr
fcv frightened at Ue can scar the ee
_and Ue ladies were throws eat and
boU hart. Hre John SmiU't Irj-iri a
not aerioaa. bat Ueae of Hr*,
lalcf are very eerioaa. bar bead belag
badly emthed. Tbe baggy w*» ton
plecca. bat Ue berto waa ea>«bf af­
ter breolriag trem Ue rig
Tbe tadiea were Inkeo to Ue oeote,-ry and Dr. Clark coilad to at tend Ueir
Tbaatore bails tag atm Froalatreet
knt been hoMd by U. Chin tba Comp ay. Tbe awee. eoryiag a fall ttae ol
int. neffasa. apteee. ate.. wUl baoiaMd



Cycle Works.

Brazing i^pecialty.

('l■•-•]H•at uid moot r<-I>aMr placr-1<> K«t yoor Uejrle repaifod and
pul ill

runiiim; onlrr.

Hare bad iwreral
rrral ytMta
yrmr* nperiooea
rtperiooea and

know how !l ehijuld br doD


t>I<-yr^le auudrim at alxiDt <v*>L
and to rt-iiL

Nfw and aectnid band vbaefa fur'aal^

Hlmec ^rr iMa trial.

ELLIS, 311 Front St, Eut.

’ A


Hotel Whiting


TuvEMi Oirr. Him


Mon Fro* mad Btrtotl^

CooaoUaaoB aoA Sxai

... . _

Front ii-eet.
vfau* WwiaaUT (ria«weed le the •aow

-OMrdt Fib

of Ueoauidr eiwridur*. neatly eovrmi'
-------- gtiUspicture «*.* buir B'Boal large;
— - — •
eauagb toailuitUe body of a Baa. ’
“TMoiigbl to haee been fiewr in
Tbe veaiilator Uroagb Ue steel ptal- yoa» dtenplinr wbm tbe tog arm bttla.
lag bad been carefatly removed aad $|m>v Ur tod. aud ynaspuU tbe aUld."
Ue brv'k atoand it dug oet In a ba*>msl if I bad It to do oev

The graalte pedeatel
antil a lc*f day* tiare, when be
lantotaa^iovemer Blair baa arrived
givcB anhoeoraMe ditebarge lo <»ingaadwillalooce lie placed
to thi* city aod hi* wife, whu
in puaities is Ua mpltal *>i*i
te BB inmate of tbe aiylam
Ur*. Frant Van Black of Lanaing say*
that the aiMirr boy*
trmtlug Ur edge ot a carpel, with
Ueir army mporicne# and would
gatollne to destroy carpet bugs Thar*- liar Uicoier
day when abr stepped
that be h** rrcnvrd no {my from Ihwhich Igalt"'
Iniuotly she was an- ele flam for three moaths and could
valojwd ia fleme*. but she suoemded in aot find hit name apoa tba pay roll.
amuiberlog them with adreaa. but pot Ua^htak*tbatUtetecaa*rd fivm Ue
until she bad'bran aariouily burned fact Uat eacL company wa* allowed *
about tbe bred.^erk and bands
keep their capulo. while a regnlar i
Johnnie UrRrllar of Yale te only llimy mptsin *bould
year* eld and weigh* i:r paaoda
meaeurm round tbr cheat 44 inebrt aod
la 4 fort U iaebr* high , Whan born I
weighed oaly arrra piaoda. UU fall
M. Lec.v (ianneLt ba> reteroed from
irrchaei la Omard, pnrU i
ber vteit at lirand UapidK

steactare. 4SzlW) fact ta diBenalcma.
The lower floor ia to be divided Into
tiro targe aod Bodera auroa. The
front of Ue aecood story ta to be de­
voted to a init of fine oScaa. while the
bock pari ol tbe eaorc Boer te to be
ranged for Ue bnuaem eoUega of Frof.

wta. Ue g.

to the %*. Bv'Ttem* m



Good For You.
What ia the baat of Naluro’a voKotabla •timulanta for tho Nanroa M»d

To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men



What praparation of thio
•tantfa on ha own mortM;


** Tfeo Uad ttat CwMa**

DRS. B. S.&CO.




>Ti<ly alfkt
(ta acM 4»
hM tWM Uto Mrtta*
V»MB.M«Ub4MiMfmlUUhM *t.
•IM a'etMk Wiwfcy alfklU «c**toa«d

i br qakk. «ka
, .bak «M
Ukwfd toUacTMhataknrfna



baA to MaaMw IraB teba AaC:^ Tba
^aalof Iba nrr
B«la( trala Aaa to Inn boro at a^U
rffandap aorata
ooatd Bot rot tbrOBfb aad pawwapai
hanr »nro ant on
IbaO B. A I. to OadlUaa. tboaoa l
rla (bo T. A A. A. Thoom
to( trala doo bara at a;« laoeoadoA I
Bat tba Pntoaala amhaa of tba
ratttop (bf«a«h aU rifhL tbeafh
dab tarwed oK to (nd lorea. aoiwUkUtUalata.
■taodtoraadanrpplnant Aap wn
It •rill ant aaarlp dimla npa^ttr
AaBan* <• tha roada la bat Bap
(ha tiliaf (an ar^ aad a had
Tha aid eordarop read
rBBaU( aoBlh frwa Hltohall'a haa
•mhad daws to tha laft. aad >t
(akaalarvaaKoabtef aoaap aad la­
bor topatltlBluwtaa].(oed
A hrld(ohnaloo hna
awap aad for a (iBoVlophod aa tboa(b
thabrld(aatMIlchaU'awoo1d (o toa.
la tha road la aoaa
plaofa (rea Itre to (hm (aat deep.
tba raspan.

tftol of artaj«7. Tfcb Ua»4»r u4
UfklaUff ww* Ml*«r*d bj a Allan ai
nia mkUk MaUaaad Maatilr aaUl
•ftar Uraa o-eloek ;aaUnlar
U WM aat aBlII atiar Ihal Um Uat
U* iffMta of thaitora bafu
Ml Abobt toH pm\ (oar tbi rtw
ibow ilraa alNrapU rialar
•ai Bill mb baeaa* a torrMt inm bot did ao ^lal daBO(* la tha
tbon-toam.of tha bap
tbi Mjrlas n«a>da
Uai talo BoaHaia rtrar aw Wait tba •rater rm onr tba And-had to
BaappUaaa. Thafraltaad
Tbi waW east aa fait aaJ fartaai to thtalowaahlp werrtldo bddlp daslhattbaUUar at (ha Dtrlalea atraat a(ad-to Biaap plaon, aad tba loaa will
eriHtar aaalA aol eartj 1( at liat be eenral boadred dellan.
Ore of the wont nll« of tba atom
— ‘waatof tba eitp ti (ha laa-foat
uaaaUatibavalvftoedad Iba flit cat la IbabKAII bMweeB tha-'lTwla
For a ttow
■I of Dlrtalaa itMat aaA baahad ap Lakaa.
laaat (hi mbte* flaoA eaalaf to follow tba old road dewa aroaad Ibr
aa. TbanaaltM ba battar iBif- lakB. m>kto(a carp alnp bUlollBb
A (haa dnaribad. Callan of Await- (or the boma '
Al ReaaoD ll(htalK itraoh tba ban
of WIIItoB NtwBmo. paBlap dowa laaalrbbaam. Tba mb of watar 10 tba alall aad killlar two Aaa konn.
aA awa; (ha Haaiath itraat brUn. calaad al Atoo. Win. iw'•aoaptloa a(
(wa MBll hrUcaa oa OaAar KraaL afaw ton elapbea*'<>aof rtbar damaca^m doer. a<i>>'..irh Ik.' ban waa
tall of iMI BR.aWaBa'erlL'
f ia:iy of Nctoi.n BbIiIi bad a
Thaloaf bridfi oa Waal Proat alraat
-OH.p. '-••oir)up. At>L-itV:V)
•ml at niaWoe atmt •m aaal iwrpl
li^hlli-k' eUack Hr. 8<r‘' *
airap aaA raaAaroA aailaia. whila (ba
oa 'r« 4trr atmt. ral-' >»r »
haabialaaf (haaUaaa oa both aUaa
... In wl|4.t. lU chUd
vara biAlp eal awapA( (ba DMalaa t(raa( ereaalac (ha alaaplar. "A o^-r.-nu,- tbr -ed with
' laalar aeoa ra>aaAAba lop of (ha bub brokn plaatar froa. -l>- -.ralla.
«»A rrmAaall/ anyt oam aadl a rmt paBad throB(h aaetbar ro<>B aadrr
aUaaai aoaa raaboA oaar (bi atraaU UanrpaLwltboaltoJaria( it to tba
BiL aadootapoaaplaua froa which
fraAtallp bittIbc airap (ha asbaab. (ollowad a pOK dowa late tha
BML aaU). la a ihan Uaa (ha whola
(aaa a«aj aaA (ha lorrraat nuhad oa
Tha bnt Ath alarp of (be ari
to (ha <>ab Kraal briAfa. dariac (bat
Mraelata oil ta aa taeradibla ibori toll to aoaaaetloe with tba bi(
ifaaaorUaB. Tba Pnat itraal brUfa Aa Mr. Cowtada aad C L Doaiaa ware
tola towa pnterdip moralar
mtofOakalmtauff.rad a l|^i (ala
•p paaaad a plaoa wbare a troul
aaA (hi Mraa* wkU Id aeeaBalatloai
•aa had Aooded lu haaki aad <ar a
a( UBban aaA lartb baeam sora aol«
tba road waa froa two
BBlaooa a( oaarp parA of adranaathm (eat oader water. PiaeUlp
TbaC. * W. U. railroad brlAfa oral
•rith (ha ml aad A lallp tba Wadi- awlBBlap al0B( to the alddle of ibe
md werelwo bl( apeobled trooL wbo
be ee)oplB( ibelr aaaiaal
eaperiaeoe. aad lanrd oot to let the
(o bp. with tbr air of dol^ a fa> the drlrrr. lo pnra to coae
thep will probablp rr(ala their ehllI. irUh (ml draa rrlib elorlea of the tiar wbea
Ibrp -'eroaed tbecoBltaeBl.''aad tbalr
lelUapadnataratoatba wap.
|»B>a«ilB0k plaoa abOBl flaa o'aloeb
i. C. tlirla. who rm drlrlap a Inn
paalarAap Bonlar. HIraat CuBula
■hmr Kallrp im oat Ufora dapitrbi with a htarp load, orrr Ibe VVnt IVoot
brtdfe. jiul (ot onr aafrip
laablac afiar Iha ereailafi. bo'i »aa
the hrld(e (an >rap and hr bad
peworlm la alap (ba-UAt ahleb a»^(


aawpihlBf bafora IL
Tha (mlaal daaaca to priaala
yrapaKpimaloat tba flat (faroafb
wUeb mil amk r> (ba alalalgr of
SoaU Oidar ilmL Tki raaidaM
Prad tendar «m aoaplKalp Ai
aM (U (adllp iran (amd to mapa
thmfh a aiooad alorp irlaAaw la
heat baaarbt froB (ba hap ahor
(BBlIp a( W.
UrlBA aa tha aersar of AUU aad OaAar
Mraala wan alwooaipal'*^ d laara
a beau Mika Lluap. who lliai m
Iha Wat Pnai atmt brfdnwai fonaA to raaaaa hU bom (roB hla bar
tba awaai of a boat Tba ham'
ttiA aaA tba watar raaehad to Ita aaek
bafanltwaaraaaaid. AbombaloatU( la H. a. Melatpra wia ooelaad
wUhIa aaiBelaaBra aarrosadad bp
win laaaa. Tbi watar mabad onr
thafaaaaaadlbihomlB aaoaa*
toAaih (hroarbu Arp laad oaa
watan with tha (aaea ^ im badip
liiitiiiad, Aaolhar ham baloartpc to
Prod Mabradar. Ar.. wm aUo IIhI la lu
awala era aad waa aol raaeoad oatll
aal lo.wa. whoa II awpB aaban.
Tba freat aUpa of tba mldaac
WUaaa Oela •ran ton airap bp tba
Aaad aad it ww (ba amh of bmbiac
taBbar wblea awahaaad Mr. Oala
Oaa. Omairald. alfbl alark al tba
■otal Wblilac waat bom aboot Ara
••aioBh. bat (ooBd blBialf oat oS bp
. warn Iroa hla boBaaaar OaAar aad'
Math otraata tia waat baak to i
hetol aad preearada pair al wadtaf
beoto aad laaindrd la it*iUa( lo bla
AmUlBf. Haap alallar laaUaori
Tba riaarralaad la a b^i aanr!
' baton baowa aad (or a Urn It
thoo«bl that It weald hr aoemar.
ban tha boea of Iha Ibarana Clip
LaBbar do. eat awap lo allow
towoduBtothaitnaB. Chlaf nl l•eU(•
Baud tm oa Iba lookoat (tob loa(
bolara Aaplltbt aad Maportaltb im
■o«U.d of tba ooadltWa of fklan
Abaot T olalaek iba watar la Ui rtnr

oeeopaau wen ttrma fr
Al tbli poial tte r^bad of IbA C. A
M bet aarapad icTurp.
W. H. im watted eal to tta ratnlsd i


Train n that road enid
w lanwd to lake the

tneh to npelrad, whtoh will he l»aeAlaielp. napaap ol eaeiin an aro
* ef tte C A W.
M . anrmirBi3|»Ul.i
iBUl.aapaceof am
•Mtoto^tt w^waeh------------ ---Aaptt aUtAaC
Then wn a allpbl washeat n
M. A B. S. lAwafc Uhe Aaa aad
■MnnlBMttpnethhooadtnto •

Tha W. C. T. U. will ■
SL Pridap to ttc parlon ef tte CM
aal charcb
Thli- will ha a
- aneuap. The eebjaet for
a will be ■'The Herat ObllpaUoe ol tte Eaploper to Facloriae
Both Haaee are Kaploped. or
The Moral haemlip of Mrlep Wapee
(orUlrU Kaploped to Paetoriea- AU
anttaem. npeiiaUT ttoee whoee daarfctenanttae eaplopad. are ouedialtp
torilod aad aorantip arped to attead
aad talk onr tt<e all-taportaal qoeen wbkUba wallan of n map
Actoaepirlettpieae. Allantocltad
to attaad aad fcacea. frtean worktop
lor tte eaen ab>eeL -rer Ood aad
Bom aad Katin Uad.- LeoAo*
ntkaal. Hia. Chaetoi Taapto; ittn-

---- PM W7. Mea. S. a Uod.

abaiwh. whtoh hki Jaat ban e.
al a ant of AIAOO. Tha batldto( B
aad woad. aa attrweUn (aatan belac tba torpa poMtoo
a plllara*Th.
to fmv with lu aloaa
pUlara. *Tha
ratoenrp pardaalpa. whMtaw
tlealar. <aaa tba ■
nrt. aad who. like aU tba m«
took aa aelln laumt to tta »«ona of
(ha Omaaa people to boUA tta chkr^
aeu that (bon U Beta entof'todrbt-

adoBB OB the baUdlap. tta mnep balap raliad ttrooph tta aatlriap
Bopi Baad waa npaetad lo far- of ttc diarab BrBb.-ra.
■ lanbeaaptod
alah aaato (or tha dap bot did aot ap. aad ttep ban
pnr. Tha local baad of tta P4alaaala plaped aod their afferu war*
BDckaaJnid.. Tha propram of tta
dap rm opaoad bp a aelaeUoa bp ttem.
attor wktob tta pmiAal of ^a dab.
(. K Brawa, aprta brtcAp of tta orcmalaatioo aMBa dob aad lu obJeeL,

alwapi towa llbenl la all the pUa. (or
addtop to the bailAiac faad. bet tbe
torpor •part ol tteaiB. aad tta bard
work amiiirp toeompleia It baa beea
bpttapoed pao-

Uemcratlc ralpa ttaa ta earrT oa
tbawardurtopttaBcpebllcaa admlateuatioB. Brarp on je tta Bepublleao paiip froa tifl pmlAbal dowa to
tba bambini addlar bad raasoa to ba
proad of tta oearee the ponrBBaal
baa poraaed.
lien Hr. Hllllkn apnke of the Aaatt
teaaaddlar^oae ol the
Aaeal pooap Bea. It le tt 1 raak aad
llrldul ballot of


briup proloerd
tbr erxcld e dmaad pt a ase. inlMtop ftCtMc makisp pnAta. wbicb poe.
vro0 iu wicbiwulr
' it»rto< etkler. In
Tlw UrzicBu Finaurbr <f FrtooaiT <f
(be inw-til pear ttto dtotmrol tomaito:
nataa.buli epaed awO. IhiM. wtol tt
k tada; I t> u if* acrtruJiare ihaa ha. 6am
U. (.. Uu. out a ctM '
a. ami
.fn.lil.Bte I.
U.II1U.. noetnw. ton tto- mteo _.
II. U ktoe. ^ .to rrieiUi-. Tb. km


•nrr ttor k.0r oolj Dt the
J. A IPW« ra.. AiSu, Saa

pie of tte elllapr.

K. B. B^wa. praldaou P. F. LarAto. alooe ttacharcb waa crowded lo lu atn^llp. Thrdedtoatarpaarriere
nantarp aaA Joba J. Inrdia. Iraaabdd to ttc Boralap aod eooalc
“Tftar aaatta aelaatloa bp tba boaA. tod ol pra-per bp tter W. H. Halbort of
Mr. Browa totrndoecA Saaalor J. W. Norlhport.aaableocr»oo»9 Brr.
•m nedraA with nCtoekUa of TneemCitp, a eketeb of
tta arpaalutka ot the etaurqk ai
tcrtalalep wap.aapmelop ble oa. aod a brief htotorp ot lU aarip bl»at haetop (or aa aadloan the torp aad of lU alrapplca. bp the Brat
nbllcaa club to Uraad Tear pallor. Bar. C..D. BaaBleWrof Thempitp. Ba Baatioaed tta pood aoarlllc.-aad
doaa bp tta dab la tta Wt eaapalra eerctoe bp tte coaprepatloB aad
aad kaaw it eroald ba ot atUl son m pmeal paalor. Bee. A. L Dirlea. Tba
lattaaratnapalpa. wbtob ta bat a propTma waa laUnpemd wlu aoilc
aod waa nrp lapmaln.
lime awep.
In tte aftoreoon Hr Ceeblla had the
Hr. HllUkea li
aad rzpraaaad tta epIeloD that It east naoeual ezperieaec ef addreatinp tbe
-a Boaep lo nalataia poaea duHop IsdUoa ttrooph aa lalcrpnur.

Tba atotourial eoaeeelua ol tha
Eraopalical Aea-irtp of the liraad Bapidk dUlrlct coaeeeed to lbi> clip Uoodap eneiep aad will bold aenloos af
tereaoacaad ensiBpa, rlniop ThoTa.lap. The aeaeiulte are botop.
bald la tte Fini Eraapelleal charcb.
The (ollcwinr aluwlera ban amcral
ad ecpcct to reader llterarp prudcclo»: Bee. J. A. Ftpe. f K Ben. E
FmofUrsndlUlAda: U Urpwa of
CloecTdale. J. U • Seober ,of lwawu:k:
Swank of Kaehvillr. F.ttrt.eaerer,
ChledoBla: H
Voelker, H'er»ej; A
.Kuetalcr. lo

la; F. K. Arnntr^p. 1*»4>odb;
'etoa. Maplah.K.J J Marmball. K.eertoe; U A. UIdL ML FJreaaal; K W
ot Chief Apabie, wbo to aseh lawmtaad W. Ilruwp. -Utib ot IV
ed In ebaieb aatun. aad a brlpht. al taakep; H BpllUar. Hart; F E Wai
trmeUee poosp aaa.
Tbe pnqiep eerrtoe aeaatolcd of
aeraoo bp Bee. B. Uoueiba of MepI
dtp. aad tta raceptloe of loorteea aew
■MBbara, follow.
Tba dap waa a Aee eae. asd tteebarcb.
ItA VaJua UosUble, ChAngiag
to lU bnalilel leratloe Jeat
From Day to Day.
e^Uape aad (aclap tte bloc watere nf
tte bap. .waa the erain of allraetioD,
oot oelp for mldeaU of ttc rlUapa
-r*. but lor people far allee
arMBd.aodltwin bealeaptiaabalorc


DZFCiroeoi tee fbioe or buluoi

tbe aeaorpor tte ooctaloa pae eae from
ban beiur polittoa
Ihirlap tha aezt
tte Blade of tbeae presroL^
eampolpo. aapp of tta old qanitooa
PlaaaaDI Social Eraal.’
win tie dose awap with bat there an
aad Impurlaaloen to taka ttalr
HtoaUrrirudeHostapua ceurulard
place: »K ttU win teralp be aolred abaot alitp peaap people Tu.iJip
[1ht*wru.<d |p<tf«<l-iaPt>wiUu( am
la tta ripht wap. We map sake BI- at her plaanat home on Muu atmL .eoeal <14|I Ji- Mrilr.. luwh- li) the wtiur
tmrij tn me* • ■.■..tal T>-t*r*^o-;rr
Bor lalaukM aad iBall arroia belcrse- Tbe enal waaplren la boBor of Uiu HwhWmn lUtuUlnl.
ttallp all <|enUoaa will be aelead aod Illrde Moon of Kalaaaaoo aad Ralph a inmonie ta< m-wnarp «> nra ef tbal
.up ba Ant Id all ttlapa Hr.. Haaletlof tbtocltp. who are aboat to
HllllkeBclaaed.aBldiibaartpaapIaaaa lean tte dtp. Ulu Huore haa beaa
Ibe Am i»Twuia if cr>*-t
A oDomin^e tn frama reaoIaUoel 00 ttepBcstof Miu HuBlapae fur some apoti pour arrival li. tliu ef U.-xiio.
death of Prinw Fred Corep ol CoBpa- tiaafWK aad to aboot to retura
lo to the hdl.-^ Ilrk-t
The prirtoep H. lUbUiehlpaa. waa appoiotad. ttdrhoaa. Mr.-Haalall Inrn here tp|w«f lb-' L«nj.4iuik LiiIt-'iTr'-uainiip.
oeaelatiap of W. K. IMIraw. A. F. Orap Tbaradapaedaataraabort etoil with wbHi«j> .Int.-n out >d (h« roiCeid
btoporeaU at JaebauD. will take a Htalnl? oatl..iial h-pldcti'a. i>>d i‘. r. Lardto.
I'rcaldeet llrwwa lalrodoeed H. 0. poaltloa wltb a larpaahue Arm to Al- Uhiup to-r.- Ii. all It. pnt.p<n« pUcr.


Dodpe ot Tiarene Clip, wbo rraa
had had a aai
bnrtllp reecired.
Haper Baltt rm oot aatll leap aft­
Hr U.dpe(<pineedplMai>remti>eer
er mldalphl looklap after tta brtdpea
lor.- brli.( Witt the elob add eald he
aad Acer Bill dam, aad
tkoupbl br *ole< d the teot-aeaie of all
tta danapa.
pub iaaai whsu bb welivised
of the rmboul ee tta tha l)i:iBucr*U pnoeataad hnp.-d Ibep
C A W. H. tba tnlaa of that Ilea
weru ihaokful lor ttc oppurtuull/ to
na eatof ttadipaad to onr tta ti. pel Into good aoeletp.
B. A 1. traeka.
Tin addrm of Mr. Dodpe
Tba repalar C. A W. H. trala wbicb
kual el< c|0eat aiple aod
nap wiitp biU aad ilorlaa
arrlrn here from tta aoatt at 0:'
He apuk# ot the proal errou that
op aa far n tta rraoboat
aaarBaWi. Bara tta pamapera
t tbe oneUep of
tianrarrad bp U. J. Horpaa'i taean tta club one pear apo, out tte>t of
(rale wbldh bad backed Anwa wbiib bae baea tte kappp urtatoatioa
from tta dtp ai tar aa tta walkout of a ebon asd rietorlone war.
tnaifemd tti bar
He said. "Tbe club lUall Ita irlbeU
panp wtalrb bai dna man pood
P«<E Wall pirn tbe esael rale fall
la aap utter.
otter, It
n leal
to also a tribute
Hndip Blpktai4.: lBehw. tti beaee of tte bnt an ai
whoa the
wt erer kaowa here.
-toe a
totratloB ef aSalra pmt enau
Tha pard aboat the dwelllap of T
baaa made la blitorp.
.. Trepaa wat snUrslp cocarrd •
"No words are loaaiuarapast to
•rateraad eonldenbledaBapa caa
lie wtodoB bat pine aew plorp to tta
lapubllcas parlp. whtoh alraae;
butt alrculc lipbt eaapaatoa. aoma ef
done ,owrc ttaa aaptbtop elee to make
ttalr polaa balap ton eat. bat fortoaalalp tta daaape rm aot ao asrlou
uaed^tbi patmi
of either.

baloapiap lo Laooard Betp of Hlapbaa. waislaadlnpto froai of AaderpoB-i aaderlAklBp aMiblUbmeal pa
i ItoloB alraeL the eleele bull
whieb b. Idi Iha whifil -uae to
ireamroetaod allowed tta
Aa-tm to (all oa eae of tte b.
Tba aa.Bal iaaped forward
aad to ao dolap eaueed tta erapn
pae jo drop from tta aechpoka aad 'tta
no awep.
(reBtotTttartellAliaaeh P
Bakarp ttep oullMed with tta 1
poeL The poet me drmwa froa
tte prwBDd aod tbe bra rm di
lekad PeerlMten were la tta
at tta tiae aad each oaa waa aatltov
blfaa to aaWda aad all daara' d
Tree klrj-elsa. oaa beloopla
proportp ahBt Ita baaka wai praaUWlllUeaeamf tte other to
•Up onr.
Tbartall. «ran to a rack plaeed to (roat
Tba C. h W. H. lallraM aaCand
of ttb Ukerp aad ttep, too. wen
fmtip IroB (bo •aran* of tbi al
Hr. Thertell'e kiepcis
AboK OM aad oao-balf bUb thli ilda
of tha pUal of Iba BoardBaa I
otHIInr like aad tte owe.
Bdrtrla Uirtil A Power Oo. the daB of
of the ina wen to ttewepoeaad bett
pot bold of tte lien but were eaeble

let loM aad a Aaptt of lu fret A'
^an of M faot wn nrriod froa aadar
tha (neha This im aheal • o'etoek.'
•Whn tta into tnia t^ noth daa
bmal 4:io nm ttrooph the Ireek

Tha pmaa toof tba aeratop.
aaltad to-«^aaen of 7 to
tha Maplatoa bopa
Dtoaerim---------------aip paopU todadad.
cm to the'qaaallita
of pood Utopa whtoh arm broophl eat

Baikal eatoa of tte bMUn'HleB
eoBtataad. ae Aon the ealoe of the b*e
ooinape Aoltor haca to Mez^
U U ttaU ba aafcad. Wbp to it an
ttat to Hoak» mto edanhecs the bolIka to the atim tkOtor which hsmip
waa vortt Bun (haa tta r>ld to *t
p.Ad duUAr to BOW w.nb tat 44 cr 4A
o«u:-1 «iU teydp bp tciiiBiti^ Ua
eiwebwt aad orait aattatoruce '

Tbta enat pine to kooor of tbe two
popular pnuBp paoala paa oea of tbe
meat eajopabla ot aodalp*! fnactloai
ttto aeaeoD. Aa'laproaptu prupmu
was readaied aad. aa aaoap tbr punie
wen amp of Trarenc dtp's
nttd pAqap paopla It waa e
aajupable. Vocal aeloa ware naderod
bp Hla BobarU. Htoa tVllhela. Hr
WblU aa<r Ur. llaaletL Tba male
.loartoL coBililtop of 'Hfnn White,
•Bier, atoo faeured
UaalatU Kale aad Uaal

aod BiphI aud da.stb.- str-.ti. nn-inru!
cd tw luea, b.c.ih and i-hildiM. w-il.i.i

of a ticki-t he lOnnu. Th» wIucdk to
•uarraoped n. l-< tfaiinmitlilT^li.d if.
rlcttoi* wh-dbrr th.p iwu Infeet Hill.<p Bi.inx aod .< warw- tin- pn elcr pic
Ucm uf the I.MUT7 ticlu-l ptio-law n are
of U.'xln.'e
rtomm wb<> llu'cu;li
it an- pmiwititlp p^ujiiwtl. ibi' tbi7<«t..i-i(c<1. Chiv.
fol liir.-.tlKnU-ui in U.-Men ntollv..
neb taoU *> |a-itali. 10 nud.- lip
the adturaicaiif fnv.MlnaKt- id mIv.c iu
with aoapa.
tbe UnlbtiStntniruanWa ri' bA pretip aelecUoa wai pleea br Mils Is'.an (be
td |cid.t ilin.uali
> Cnwford. aocompaaled hr tte quartet, fr..>>IInr an.) the M.-tlcci.
(itter pleaaaat aambeia were piaaa ItKbT}'which I. altutntlu-r ill (aviir of
IllufCaniiiin 1> a fanirite ImaruediiiB'vd bp Uw-friveilvi-r fai-iixi* to tile
Uailod butn. That It Uiuadeaw,<d
Bpaoial CkmeoU Heeilap
(ir. tte porpKW' <d d<v>i4bni and wIlliTha dasuactira neapaa ol the al
out a ehodow <d cip.. UTi.ui .a (be peri
aaeceeluted a apteial aaetlDp ol tte ct Ita awn. chat 1( ba. <c will bav. mop,
eoBBCil lo taka laaedlaU artloa lo poaAble relatlnu (<• tbetr w-fami-e. pmplan ttc wrecked bridpia to ebape to enl'cadleiiae to Ucxlco aod ether ailadaltof tnnl. II to ntiaawd that err pfidBi-iutL.aDd Mien ualiui r>antriw fully priiT.-. . WIn-u the Anurlrao
tta daaape to tte dtp irl’I reach
adronte <if fm idlvir ref.-ta tn hinnelf
Ip Aiu.nooaad
tt eooodl toK U ace M a bineHalliaL be d«Miv* to have It
whbt eoald be d
ttadmiuiri that b<- to-llcm the adu|itlcBof fmnfruiprbptte ('nitxl Ktolie
•roald ricuuee tlm dilTa-rirm- l.-tweia
bp Hapor
tbeealoe-of tb.' ule<r l>ulUia to tbe
tta matter dlieamd at leaptt. Th
Hlnr d-Oier and tto- p.dd l«Ut>a lo tbe
mall waqfthal tta l'>anl of pubU
(Old didlar.
•rorke wen autkorlicd to act to eon
It to kjKiwn u> all. -f rrarw-. that tbe
jaaettoo with tte eoBBllle ee etml
ealoe of tbe aile.-r lalli-m ..f whi.-l. the
world trea tttolaadof (reodon aad med welki to aakceach teaporarppre
allen dollar of Ibe rull-d h
Ilbartp. "Bqaalaadualeanal riphu" pain ee ibep deeieed adrieebla
|iMacn writioK w
alwapa has bna aad alwtpt wi:
Thle deKnielloe of tte bridpee 0
It. to pidd and tbe
r e.;na:
Hill Creek nrim ttc eeppMloe e.
it;h rnalmainina
Alderaae Uoedrich to tufa tta ^toe
top the [.dire .rfi.iiurpie.ruiuint i-i n
of tta creek tote ibe bap aad sow that
Ir<4 lu iiwa ouiu
tta Bad of some aen ideqaaW aeoai
r rt-niBcBlM a I cedri. npoo
aUlap ttapeod It baaAoaeaad to do to eoalrol tta ereeb era (eaed to ba
terma .< b«a] «imtlltp and t
lap. ha eoapratalalce tbe dab aa balap Bienarp the prr; tt will receln eeattosu apuo the wuiic t.niuat Ito- oidlisi
•IdsraUoB. Tba Beard of pabllct^orfca ct ttr- biddn. Hrtv to Mrxim a dtlTtPAfwr aasM (7 tta baad. A. F. Orap
est cieeniiueato)
{cvvallt rrU.
raad tte (ollowlep molutloae, which
dee lo ndnlnp and bwaliur I.«al ronvoOP—tbr tree and ulimll.d mluapo of
.ip adopted:
dleor, WI pmamile d.ntaodwl I7 .
__________ Fred U Coeap, a an
tain aertiuiu and rertalu fa(i<aa>to
Borloaa Cbarpa
ofCoapetipM, rhlitp-foerlh rapli
tnilbet SUtn. ~
Hkhlpaa VoiaBle>-r*. aleoa acaberof
In McBin of HapAeld lowBahIp
be dtopi
tba HcKtolcp (Tab u( Ihto towa, haa armtedbp AberKr Hiapaoa Ta-odap of Hrtl<ei atv at (be
diadres 0> owow tb<i
tb-eii few eniDape
told dowa bw life I
oaaebaipeofeeeealt wltb toleat
>08or. ttmfore
porpoaiw, tbe peem.e.t if (be
ct.aali aerder. Tbe eoapleleaat to eharpiw, Vfab-h arc (to- ajn- to a1L to
Bmind. That tt
ellluatoftbtoteweilaeerelp (arl tte Efwid F H-Tkiae. wbo alltpn
lop the .ulp reqalslb- tcvlinlnarv. aad
loaeotoaeofttrir brlpkteat aad beat HcK-llaeeaullMl hla Witt a ree.
(to. Bddiu.e <f ttto mint ebank to tbe
juaap BBu: eae wbo waa erer wllliap TheaecnwAelalaettatbecbaeod tta calp addwl ealoe' the Ih-zlno
to aacrlAae telf for tbe bea.At v*
acora ttrooph to'iop eboupiA (nm
(rieade aad eelnraallp mpacled b) coaplainaet wbo refo-el lo atop aad bolUoA lato odo.
he Ared hie reeninr to tbr air to <
Beaoleed: That we eatnd Oar beart- hia to hall HeB-ll aapa he wadtad to
"Bat the p'tmtimi <f Her .
falterapattp to (rtoadi aod nlaUm baea a talk with HnpkiBe apn a aal•repk and im|.iticit mupan-d to (hat -f
Ur Wblchdaaaodadaaaulmaai aad
ttettoiU«18CaM. "il to orp-d I7 '
which lanlead a toraberr^ef ttc faa
> aod net to bto rataUm.
TocwIntP (ra- alv.r, *‘auf them
ilpofUcRIII. Tbeaomedtm U ee
belon JoiUce Brows, walnd esaatoa- Ito'comi^ poid."
tha aod «m boaed eear, aod nlaaaad Boot dnefWlre and Boa atword or
Bento to (be ratiie rab-proe ,t tnw
oaAMQ tato__________________
re of !• lo » to (aror^ (
Tcr eotStoop. L'lidv tbe (nw toilBUta
Fin at Caalrml Lake.
cparin Ibecridil of a nclDtip
'Oeatnl Lake. Hieh . Aap. M.-Vaa- ttlBttlpBotttop tt do Witt tbe eatoa
terdap alteronn at
tta drp kila of itocotia. Ito miow on-npm tt tta
peoiilecf all nauiaa; it meieaa bnlli.B
ef tte atan mill of Uhsw. Browa A
tm frtced iw (i>i. plana (be piecnCo. im damped bp An wttt all Ito BMiit eUBpapa it aud retorej It b> iu
rteaadAltn LladI
idlrp.o( Chtcapo wen
eoBtoBle. Tba Im i« bKwaea An aod owBcr smibaopud to ealtir tt A. with
irtalaed bp Mtoe Ttaall ttoBmd delton; parttollp laasrtd. aa ha Bap jOauB. Tbe mdit <f Mczln.
•to at her bom n Kaat Ktott atmL
topond today to all Ibe Biorp narkoU
Tba kUe will be rebellL
eawrtatoant eoaetoud' to tt.
<f tbe ercrld. Itararripto left a bliMkpaaaklap otwaan of eoapa bp carton
lurp corplw tori pwr over all ito azartlelae Maat tta riaa.
The ArK
peiwa and iktcmi rbaipea. bbA pr* tta
priie wea wn bp -Htoa Ckrrto
torrto Uadlap
tBBBroaBMKf (bia naatiT ioiA i
’ Hn A W.
whiz ^oe Ow^ ahall
ipola Ibe fnw
to ttcir
•eel<tB»rrtw» pr«eit«tna
' lUlJ'a CBurra CaTw. thaicf (latdap. Tbemdll cr •trmrth
HtoaWllhelBiBnred to a tiks asa-'
<f tbe Cailad fitmtoa woald hare an
Bar. wbtle Hn. J. B. Hartto ntertoto■
ad iritt roettathm.
HtoeTnetoaerrI ana euanir n lae ktaaC

BMtol Antom BAAed la a aorp plnnat


tt the cb.»i. toUc tbna unnd

to tte ataxemeit whic-b i> tbirriD made ailvrr which to wiett al ttu wnt.
top Ml, ciiu J.T omice in New
and Uuidtai u Uenp {cnlunri la Hra.IcD fur 10 ana per ooncr.'
' HeateU Bielac Lara.
It to ridtoUe Tv].«uci to tte Indinp
dillp t«t>T .f (bu cite (bat a v.-ln .f
sihtT vaa rifuck iK-ar nuaetinpa eefe
nxeutlp whii'h nuu h.00U <«D<va<f .11
etc and II imnnait pnid tt ttc bn.
and that durinp ttc |«M f<-w m.nihr aa
bianp aa fd ptiw|«etira eorh wn.-k l»ave
Aned .«! 10 B i*a«k Tei,. aod dticrt

(aemble eupicu err brinp
lu tte aua it Sae Lola Putod (bm
arverinxf rilrmpr whirfa no to-nli-ti opoa tn pu'ld anuoal pndUa. rari-

U-f.c-, aud Diaae raloaUr rtl-tni-n.
made out icily lu lb.- wst .
billu rlu nnko-iwo minra. tat of la^e
and nrfaor ladi.e <f on' in the oIiLe
nnoiw ] bare further bora a»an«l bp
a ctciwreallve and w.-ll Inbriunl ndi'Di if tbi. city tiuit tnodi-n. tuiniup
tbi. iiiDuirp 1. ticUy In ita infanrp n
AkSI doriiip the nezi frw peun H.ti
•rill antiwi.eibe mtotnpwirld with t
wicd.rful liurttijo of lu eihi-r ootpaL
Tlx- lUUilUR law. if Hozicn have »..*
ncule v.-rp faeinUe to loriwupailia
aid luv-Miinrit. innrirtp Hmfull iinxivtiici and cojujiniat rd aopttiup valual'lo lie l.uiy Aid. ('odrr llte
i-n-w-fit Liw, s illi'a Miull rzptiw (■»
••<k-nicui.e-ni.-.ii, '■ time pir.« (be pnej.itor t- nraTtain the .eal.
hI towiiptirc |ci
of bto bud ami
di-n-lcipnieot map wi warraiiL Tba
an- till ir-r ctoimif tti
erry t. ludd wltt'«i
BcnW nid the
furriur ublip
1 Uk- lart if tbe
1 bare ivfiind bi the n<reot raidd
toerKw- if Mltir ffltntop -.qn-ratbaic to
Mi-zii'o muI to the cajraifdtoaip latfite
tbi. ludu-irv ifTir. aud la plrldlnp bm
10 nnlir tlal a imUcsL ai-toal riew
- .} ■ra'kinp inviwtnr^t
to Mrzimi alKrr
with the eZ|iRTBt1ia
<Z|IRTBt1ia if mlluip
tteaileir latilon nf Ito-lr miitia fur froa A4
pet iain'-_aid poflto pmBler than csj. to- to aliuuH aup
otbir Icpltlmale IrnluiUTp are belup
tuade to n.i.miR Inei-. UMTpri at IbU
time tbe n if Myl-d Uiiu-taltiMe if llic
Vuitrd btaUe an- itoclarinp (liK tte
market value it cilnr wxold lu>tl.!»
pr oonn- if it w.-n- ontf.ranBa allived "iTinajmsjp" apainiit itaadats
wx-klnp tt. p-nniade the ei«m <f nor
cooutre to attruipt tn make a i-rsamndltTwicth |I.*l*proiukebrb«r»alaOye
eoartu.col wbirb ran lc> and to b-lop

Id |aif •'ap nicicw (nr ttc divlar
lint luim-taltlsii. nr lb>' wjual aad.ccDnim'Ut i-in-oto(ba tf two mtoab aa
IU1BH7, nto be wvnnd iw aaiatwl I7 1»
pal cuai-tmml. FiclunatelTfcp ttcBke
<f all tte (brrattmri luUeiwU cf t«r
oesmUT. aladuto aud ne..|J<-(e drotal
of thl. aa>iuu}C>oo con to- ijmced
lb.' papu. uf nor nantip'a blidrsp
Iu the (unuatii a if Ox' Ana atot lav
of (hi- rmindSiAtie in ITur tbe pni|KWttra if ailt% and in.ld fir tto ootoa <f

wiaM md pit
half if I pr rant valm> (n eitter
pddir ailvi-r min. andbi'nswBlbd tta
marluc vultx* to ih-tonmm' tte qaantltiiwif mi-tal nto-hmiii abouU oalain.
Thinar JcffiTwa. alw> tbna ozyatewed
bimor lf at ttal time:-^JbcI {plucIplB
will bwd Ba tt iltoncard R«ai pcop'tiici. a]li«"(h.r. tt iDqslre tato tia
markxt pncT- <f pokl to tbe aerersl
nioDlrlra with wbicb we ahall br


Bee. Wi'lep K Wripbl to 1“---------------of qolp tb* eluar (rieed. aad relalirra '
(be ootted ouap’e Parker IVaaiDprkllTD Apurrd aa b'almaaaail'Mwa Hary "*'*' ‘
(irrenaUBd aa bridaaaald. Toa n«oa .
ol tbr dwrilixp Were prettily arrsnped ,
with A iral offwinpa appruprlaU tt ae
jupoua ao oivuioe.
Ttp briile aod
prana will reaide to the rrextcBca:
where tt* cere«..»y waa $4 pef DaV SUTe*
aaii whi- h ka. been prepared aad a. Ire-, “•••■ ■*- >■■>■ •*•■< kfva.x.i.r. wradr
Ip furolalinl bp the pnxia
-ij a.v. ur ti* in
.wntfular. trefar.
tbe (u'uiabtop. aad ann'lutuicnta are
maap plfu Unh narlul and JBAneaul.''x
from alDrerc friend*. The couple are
b>ibwcll knowo aad pipalar to the!
The (room i. tt* Bephew of Jnba i
T. llekf* to wKme ,ttra he bold, a ra,
apnealbir pualtiiiD
hriunds from far Am** tClk Kapxb
will yum is haarlp wlahe* for tws*e KlK Uapida.
-. »;70a.a. .
Ur future lupplnraa of tbepuaap briJa


Arrjre Erat Head
IdWtel.M Muwlna ..
Arri*eKIk Uapida .
A kidney
with ' i**Kla Uapida. .
B:«up a.
barlLoiean* lasi* k.'tnr
.. ....
Ira** Ui* Mrreaatllr fki'a
m*ai» weak bid
i‘ nr.a.
K*ad about frwf, »'«;;k-.Kotol WKilnp Bad l-Brk' Plaea.
OMD'a Kidnap 1'
dtalrlbatloe r.
a pap r. aad call at
rc t'o'a l>ro( ll-pt
llaanab A Lay
THS A B 0 or IT.

. is:*'"""'';

t“uild®ra TuaJfS^‘.‘^rJ

dap. aad Satan
l.frull will be
--------------aa at asp pMat
*>»». : aloap I'eBinaBla ahara kpfaalap wat *
quit bdwra. eai.lT aid I.-ei«*. m- wc ui a boot
•. I»U .■« Mr.
III*. Bcrrr
B***r kiMI-ri

IlM.ib*eiiBAc*e<ear*. ihamabr* erataxw
•tninc. All draawa.Wcnr(l. CareriArratred Uiwkkt asd ae>|Ue Irra. Addiew
apritoc Ueradr CB. tiauaca or Hew Vvk.


....A GRAND....

Close of Season Sal«!
iR now in jirdjrrcsK on Sumnu-r Goods at

Prices That Must Mow Them !
Our stocks in various dcimrtmcnts in Summer Goodt
arc broken and if you find what you want it is

a islinfirtiic Aretnili»p.adVB tilpbtle ondcnwlmd. and ibi- nwolt waa that
It did nut i-m-oUtt. In 1*-^ an ««r*t
•na iitodc lo wraile tbe pantp of nor
pnid and nine rnUta. uut I7 bptolallTs
cnariniioL lot bp ndBciiip Ibe qoanti
tv If pdd to Ibe piild cotoa Tbaa-wu
twi the diffmaer if a few irato botwiceb Ibe market ealoe if ocr paid aad
•divrr dollar, at that titna. hsl tbe tow Oomini-ni-ini; wiili Ipulixa' Skirt Wai^ «• offer thf
wbicb divlarcd (bcB niual did mf rrnv’ular liOi: ami .'lOi' iiiiaJi^iiv fur................................... ,
nimx or in tbe Iwc aAu-t that diffirButrular T.V ami 76e Waints for....................................J... j
nue SilviTWa. dtohlle nmVrTalm
_ ,
.a. if'l>A4. aad
Bc^lar tl Waipto for.
.iiMcl not
toadnaiTwan^SS.^ D ISM. (All $1*5 ft'aiato ra*rl|61'ier.

Dollars in Tour Pockets.
Beloc are Oil. 1 Fa S tin Ant Biieiiis Offeref:


f 38


which t^e n. t^mtf wlrvB M Only
Only a
A few
few «xtr«
exir. fine
fine Hilk
Hilk Watoto
left (aiwria] to eSoof'):..............

3 98

in (*«nt*A Fttminhinp IXefartiDent we are alaaking onr at-,
teatfy low pri ea.
biiM it timapb pmckallp pieiM tMOea
lOar famoa Triaa>i>h Kfairto, (he 75c aad fiSc <)iialitieai{u for..
if ezrhaapn tt tiu' bokW
Aad pe< with ttnw> btowwiBl
(araa to Oor $1 and 8S»e Sbirta (Mae brand) ro for................................................
view We are at tiw ioaan atna
tt beliere that (ree aftapa veoto
apiece If silverinptt 4S ooiUwiM to
f I to la-Jd. wha ttr BBe frae-oata
the aait..
cncld »n and did not nake 9b «i


■ 8 78

wirtt cf HlvWxiinal tt (1 to pold (l
KMtt 1SA&. Tbe free ebtoapaefaUm
dinw mu afcct iu natkra valar to Mrahm. ItK a* it did m> bSm it to oar
cf tta
y—^ .i^
. wUk
tober aad all wbo taap ba ataapclled t
axrpt >( a« ito aaoBad valaa. wiU b
Iherccallif ttradufSkeef tta<h!fA(B
BbtepnUeptB tba Oaited toBloB wUoK


8m then and e

iTince yovadi.

Ever; department is teeming with hirgains scM
r^ardless of cost to close, at

The Boston Store,


Mr. Bad Mra. 4. C Uwaad daavhicr
Babr. ofClaaaUad.ara IW saao
Hfi.3 HcOarsoU aad taallp.
W. UaaaUcU Ua oatlaiaa wlU


•CfrMkm la

Aaia waa

Kottoa to Tax Papwa.

AaOpaaCMUrMot Mac aUa to mm
aaoa to Uj baha
«tH rira aa Ua mm* aararai auaoM
Uatyoa <roald dkaMaaa craat aa U
•avaroaUatotan oa paa for a Uttla

Mca. Joha Ma«lta ol NUul la aUUac
bar daa(htor Mfa. Mriadrtak O ‘ “

SummeF Shoe Snaps!
inapslf H

5Ssi5;£rSrsra .—a

UalWd 8laua abaaU a»ar aJ,art^do«l»
tna orar aaf inrtlaa of Caotnl'Baart
•t wlU arayea>.“ laid Baaatar
Bafflaad aor Ua Caltad 8talaa «!!
aarapT or esleolao aap pari ~
_l A
mtIco or 4

^ «>i^^VaaaBoa toU^to^nj^
bUp'eerUlo ~iuBta------------------------ ---dap troa a rtolt to Kalkatka.
t Btlrtaaj aod Mr. aad Mra. Brock- Ipaorwl. aad lt,eaM ramalna tor aaab
iBdlrldaal to darUa waara Uap aaa
wap ad Bhartaao iwloraad booI Boat oooaeatSeallp

dap aft« a rtolt wlU Bor. 8. Satoborp.
aa arlU
Hra i O LaafworUp wlU laara to- Eaowtocpoe
dap (oratwo-waaka'^lat Old Mia- op poo wool
poo waat Uc_______
prieoapoBcaa pomlblp Sad wo aata-> a
Hr. aod Mra J. H. Plxlap of Toledo aoUrarrapoa to aatao. Wa ryt yn
ra rtoitla* Mra. Pialrp’a broUota.



to Ua Waotara Baaitaphara. afur foar baaa no eeloolaa la Aato
Odto ao4 4a»» McO'dPrp of Bap atraat abllUj
lad aad «ra raaia. W oaa of Ua
Itoridealbarotllatuoa Map waa la
-KalUar do wa iatoad Uat poo aball
.^nMrhaUaaraaUlakltU^. Wa
traaaad partMi aaUafaelJ
Ua dtp Taradop oa hto wap to
wa qaalldad to appraalata Ula trot bp
Bare ia a Hir propealtioa:
pe after bera'aa.
' •
TT: ___ ______ .w..
to Ua varlda hero la Aatariaa.~ i
__ -a aoUlBp. pira aa ooUli .
. Mr. BeaaaUal aad daapbtora. wbo
ouwM. .tlaaoi aad nlMloa.
bare baao apeodlap Ua paal-oaU ia aatiafaqtorp ackaowledpr
. Oolaabaa aod Platja atartad
pawbaapa. Wa bare autod
Ua dtp. U.
aftar Ua fllrbl of parrota oa Ortobar 1.
and word, will po ae ferUer.
im. whaubp ua Waat I.dlaa-l^
oalp cloaa aa wa bepao
I—tters from Baatlapo. aad aaaw
raqomUnp poo b
hdkTad to ba a part of Aaia-aran
Saatlapo da Caba. Aapaai I. wv.
•vrarod. «aa aad aqaaftar»ooUa
laqilrad to coaraj aawa ol U.
a>arM to Spala
Koo wa aatlc
data, dap bafora ptatordap aad pooie
Uaaaaaadratolrt aaaaacaotl
■otapIdlrUat U raaebra lla daatlaa- JooatOlhtodap.oojoo can aoa wb
dap alpblfroB Detail tor a rldt wlU C.
Moa UU a dap balera it la of Ua oor- clad of a Mbil tpatea are bar. bare.
prople wboaa praat eSorta to plaaae
Mowarar. dooe Ua tall of U. dtp Doalaa aad famUp of Beat Bap.
areoa arerpi
HraCbarlmJabBaea of Mraad Sap"Sa^iSStorp oaw tiaa to tj|*b*l «>l arerpUlapforabaUar.
Krarp BOO bat two la oar eempaop Ida arrtrad Tamdap for a rialt wlU
ivt»4auo lria*ph aaor Ua droaj.
Ira. Blchardaoa ol 8uu atro
laf Latlaa
Bat Ua Meat auikioc baa had Ua malaria aad aaarlp all
A. V.FrtadriefaBloch.
Him Baaala Staoa of Uraad Bapida
-»—f la aerial aSalra la abo«a la Ua bar. pot oVar It sow aad are la baltar
abape Uaa arer to aUad Ua brat wbo bai bami Ue rtoltoiat at tba toa
Itditoeoa or Ue Bkto and
■oUoda of Ua ooaqaariaf P
Wbaa Pop. dlrubdar VI. rrproMBtlax whieb I treat will aoi ba loap. If r«- at Osaae Ula aaaaoa. oame to Hoadap
The oalp r;eBrdp to Ua aro^ld Uat
WlU Him Alma Urapraa. wbo baa beaa rill at oBoeatopliehtoNiot tbadkto . rwo*
UaaaproMaaUorltp oaar haaaaltp paru era Inia we will be oB Ua tolaod
b'foraUtorraebeapoB. Wa will more there aa piaatat. Him Braaa wlU apaad
lB«lrUa of Ua aekaowladfaBi
. ildp aa(
froB oar praorat oamp to be a lew dapa wiU Htaa Iteaprca
la Map. MM. ka 'did aa la apoaiolli
Ha bMlowad oa Bpalo
Yuo waaWd mr to aap
tobdoutlna Iroa Alalfbtp Ood. a1
leak waat aad aoaU of a llaa drawo aboottbaCabaaa. Well, to mp oplatoe Uap are a worUlaaa eat ol aarapro.
{Mpataupola baftaaiaf «>a
Tbep atola our bUnkrU
M lurxa wat of Ua Anaaa
■ III * UarlfbuofCtorlattoa priaort ,aUekad U«m to po lato battle, and
Uaa aafaa»7 axtotlaf la Aaia. aa i flianra axbwblUnt priora forWbaooo
and fralu wbkb tbrp paddle toUa wjlOparaBodaoaoaaatoooat from
iB ba tbu baUara^. aa ColeBbo.
Wapadid. Uat Ua aaw toad waa i

mm llaBBUeti of Milan, ia
Uapamlof her aaa. Dr. J. W. Oaaat-


Hra. n HcDarBoUofHandoB. aaia-

poaa to Bap View for a tow dapa.
Mca Barrowa aad alace. MUdtod
BawleUof (Iraad Bapida, ate rialUap
Him Berrenra.
Y. E Denamore ot Haaoa. Mich.

Hg-nnah & Lay Co. i

tlow to a Itot of Ue barlap and aell
pries ot pstardap tor proerriaa.
prortoloea aad farm pr^aets la Trar

1: The Schools Open Monday, Sept. 5th

Htot AdaB^ oaa of tha Uaebera to abort Cat fork per®.-..
Kloof, H X. * Co. brat.
rlrod to Ua dtp from bar aoi

_ \;«2sv5r..2SJus:___

Mra- M. J Bddp of RatoBaxoo. attar
apaadtop two waaka rtolUap Mra. B.
Prau. storoad home Moodap.
Tba Utoas Bollp aad Horloa Bound

IliiDi' new in cverythiuE.

w- .....................................


MtoaFraae Ulbaoa rataraed to bar

Cam of TaankaWr VI— la taaak car frisC. aa« a.Ic
Jor.arlrlilBrtB a. CaHae Ik. ilia—. aaa
haptaelBberroraodirlto of Cbfcapa Blaar 4ra. (riaae. ailvn B Barvl..
A.T. BuFaia. —vr.a
ra pasta pi Mr. aad Hrt. P. 8. Doris
Suf doi^B ofo: "la it for aoUlof eama aod we all went to aad pot tbein
Ueblll and aow Uep of Wwhlaptoo atfrat.
Uat dpaia boa bau made a bid------prod abape. We are wlUto 10 roda cl
C. H, Uora fait Moadap Is Bst IkMareaid.
■h^ua aaoa« liriat aaUoaa. a a
Ua tree aader wblU Bobaoq
aws wbasha wtll attaad a
lUUaetaela to Ua acorldT It baa
bw orO dmllop to nla two drlUio- ebaaped. It U a mapaiaoeai tiwe. aot waaka-asalna of Ua uaeben*
rerp blpb bat apraadiap aad 10 feet
Usu Ortoolal aad Uaeldootalaroaad at Ua baae. From all wa caa
Eoe F. Votraba aad faaUp. tonaarbear wa will ba o0 Ua lalaad before Ip of Uto dtp. bate arrirad froBi Cbl
Ms MeCaaber of Oiledpe. to rUtlap hw braUar. L. J.'Bltoa. of Baadalpbatraat.

Haoiiapo da Caba. Aar. 10. toOH
Hn. 4. A. Mpatapae Bad aoaa. Bart
Dxaa Muruxa-Tba beja are all pat- aad Oarald. will po to retoahay todap.
ttop bettor; I know of oolp two
UiM oa tba aicb lliL 1 waa on Ua
Oonatp Oraopa'i Visit to Ptfa Lake
Hat aboat elpht dapa aad loot aboal
ThaaoilqsrtarlpoisUBp olTrartwoBV Bra pooada aa near aa I caa arm foaaaa tiraapa will ba held with
tolL I wear a alxe BBallar aolfers Fife .Daka Urmap^ WadamiUp
to plaatp larpe for aa. Wa bare toVn^'^enuKe. oalp drpaalard a few
Ure aaw aalfora aow. Aa ala- Boalh* apo. bat Us aawbeia Uaraot
arabripbt eboek fall of taleat aad
past eraam colored duck. Ooat
eaffi and porkat Upato aad
Mas Of tba Spaniard ban daaa Draper ahonider alrapa. all triamad wlU
^Uto localli^as tolly
wroaa ad U»t aailoa aa a aaribaad
^oUralj too atoa lor 1
Aad toataad of drirtop Bpaia
Itrelp aod II
torU bp barbaroaa IpSlaUoaa. Ua
The folio.iwlivto Ue Prepraa:

slU aad power la aokac
lla abd ebaiab Uaa a
i. aatll to daBaa > Of thaat
. Mamasta ad alpbt Ue traU of the aarIpatBto Uaertoe waa dPaaaatfmtad la
fold. Tbaa Spain took ap Ue work to
'ftaadaad paiaaad It to rlitotop. ~
Boraaeat ot Ua Saptaaa to todap
•raod to rlpbMoaaaaB. alewlp bat IrBaoea eoma mad aatlona

Thare to BoU|ap at all pelap oa bare
and I can't tbiak of aapUlap to write.
Tba oalp exeltaaeat we bare to dlppiap ap taranlola* aad walehlap Uaa
BpbU We dap ap aboat tweatp pooierdap. Tbepms^UIcks fnMt la
IBP and dip bols aboal
deep- Tfabp ukr spaelal plaarara la
trotUap orv at at alpbt. bat we are
Bead to Uem aow aad don't alad U
ap BOS.
Tba peaalaa ralap asaoa hat st
aad wa bate aa haar'a bsry aboi
and and a caiabow
. alphL
Caba woild
woald hr
ba a pood
pits for
lor Bdwatda. s h^ald eorreAIp prophsy
[.hsy IT)
(T) U
tbs wsUw.
hara tba B. ■tplertosana rfaa
I bas mm asn. «borllp before
Ue ,aoaataie loOtaa ap blaek w
Ink mad wiU a few cloadt ea top
wfalek aeaa to sflaet Ua anallpbl erer
the antira akp. It bsu ear Bsworkt
pen ars s>. Wa aim

wladoa ot Ue orarraltap power
gaw^ aa Ua aeale at Ua tolalu
Had Oaba baaa parebaaad bp Ua
Oaltad Stotaa la Us -M a. aa waa pleaMt.Spato-a bold apea Ua attoln of
Ua world oaaU aot bare baaa wMbaaStaaUaowtobpfaUBraatarBB. Still
Spate bad awarkto datoUa aato
top of Ua praal ptoa of Ua aareb
She baa daaa il
Unfc. aad aow waat toare tbs atapa for
sabtoraaMa. TbaUaarpotarotolioe
msHu a aatobla lapataa to tba trapla
dmaaot Uapaat (ear aaaUa.


KOOB.—Oiaas to rtolUap atsmb..s. p Bu-Addtas of Walooae, 4. u
BattacBeld. Mslcr of Pile Lqka
___ ,______ _____ MeHuHaa. Htator
ot faaoaa Uraapa
The pbiloaophep ot Low frlcoa-:
Toerbes. Usfivu..
Frails a baaltary Fstor. Uow
pa^ to rats
vt trait tor Uat

"%• have



Wbat to oar iMt Bold.
Uap sOmto'
r. D. McBao.dMald.
Uow to Wtoh aoUm
I eoeld ba ia aoaM of Uos toblap
. BUer. r.fe Dabe
ExeapUBsUoa of Ua Dawrittae
Work ot Us U-ds WiU Bonratlo
torUaodot Ut Osape. E O Dadd
Tbto Propraa to aob)ael to aUf
Toadar MU pataew^ far C
Thera wlU ba latorsiUip fstorr.
latsrneeraed wua tbasarctos Hsk
a rtoil WlU frtaada
and radutiuoa. <te.
Ms «. W. Ulbaea of Wst BIpbU to axpeetad
atset bs pose to falskap aad other
marlt for o rWt wlU frtaada
E M. Mn. Dr. Anar and tm ebUdraa.
SiMsbarp aM aoo Alaa left JaHaaaa. ftoie. sUraad bens ystartop. aftar a alx wr«h*' rtolt wlU Ua
-to from UacoaaWT wtoblor Haw York, ba ba .
>1 will lad board by
aa WB^ Tbap will por- familj of Or- C. 4. raaaload
.................................boardtof tbraslrs
%m- C T. Bwat aad toatlp as
aaasb at toU a^ wtotar dry
taaaoMblr rats by applptop to *0«

Hr^4«ss nlSrLd 1


, IIOI.I.EY tt CONSiltLE. ,

Job frmiing




To prlcM thBt BT« 1ms than Qie cost
of the iBBtBrlal, on

...Shirt Waists....
(AU this seiuoH'B BtYlsi.)

Jus!3^"™ 49g, 69c and 89c.
49c tieys 75c )o 90a Waists.
69clia,sSI.OO and $1.25 Waists.
89c l!B,s $1.50 to $1.75 Waists.






Uncle Sam

Th. lot iDclodM nurly — .'Um.


Drive the-^nisti out of Cuba

At thMB prioea to oIob* out. ^nick: - 88c to $2 76 QM $1.36 mad $1.60 to $4 00.



Light CBssimerepnits.
well made, value $o.00.
at $3.75. -

Special values at 89c,
$1.38, $179. $1.98, val­
ues $1.25 to $2.75.

SS.9Sfor$7.S0 laliBs.

One line st 35c Kue«
Pants at 25c.

littitis ia iirdaHttaiaits, it

UUli DIT SNb, CnpM m CMhii Mn.
■Ta- o vax’ BO





lain UtopT 8 a. t

will ba oat e! has to a dap ot two.
hope U to trae and Uep as aslap
troopa sriy dap. ao It map ba I wlab

that y«m all want.


(All-ara of Utoaaaooa'a aaka-l

otato Raitlap: UaltotaBtot Culu
rtProdubla 4.0 Batlariald.


Home- ^

FINAt SURRIdER is Fish Bros.’ Wagons.


CalUratiap. Md if
ba Farmed to Ue I
E. Dotcaer. F.fa Lake.



"Hew Idea' Patteres Ire the [qual ol la, Pmuas Made.
Tan Cents Bo)s In, St,la.

wife abonld aot be
Dradpe; Why Ue eboald pat — UeBut. Ms A. R. HcEu. (lardald.
U a Cedar Baraap a Buoans o
otharwtoeT Ib8 bbepard. Fite LUe.

Boban Harry. UarficIA
irra' (iirto.
Tba Btostloa of Ki
. -sCity.
Ira Apos U Dadd, Tra<
la Moacy Haklap
I Ua
ler, YofiaT

and Uicn Uie aizra and the •

Ink nflfBU arc i>ar atMac line

Ib^noniU-r thi' date, and liiat we er»‘ the hiqtdciutrlcn* for all th«w (;<kx1k.

Ullian Boned of Port liaroa.
MIS Pradda Halos aad Mia. Cora

aapo fs a rtolt wlU (rtoada aad ral-


W.- .-arry all «I>M are uaed ia the Bieh A

III Tahl.-ta wc have Ihq larirrtit st.x-k ever nnpackivi in
^ *tyJe*-biB{eHt and bext for thc mattcv^veroffcriHl.

>Uraed Hoadap from a UrswMka
toil to itoaUsa Mlcblpaa.
wars aoeOBpanied borne bp Mis
puTtXP axTn orTaxyxx^o.
trade BUtoolOraod Ba^ and Htoa

Barao will ptre eatortala
BorUera towaa. Tbap left bare Mob-



School and in ihc country e«'li.«>la-'

Mra. CtaariM BosaUal want to Detroto pstardap to apaad a aoeU wiU

_cnie at Laksldo, Mleb.. aftar
WlU Ua laaUp of J. C. Horpaa of top

IMieoi tboapkt of Uo world,
rear aasUrlca of error. b<
what BOwaaratU ba Uo me

Th. n >1.0 Bill waul SCHOOL BOOKS.


aaoUer weab baa paaaed.
Daa*t worrp aboat me ma. tor 1 as
la Ua beat ot bealU oolp aot rarp fat
aad will be bOBe to a taw soaUa
aesl. Dora to all aad wrlU often.

r-taam aa.1t

for a mill that can supply you anything from
1 Wheat, Corn or Oats, drop us a line and w.e will j
I try tmd interest you with samples and prices, j

Ua past ol Mlaa Zcltoa Qataa.
Mra. L. K Olbto ii rUWap at Map-

war for
HoBXiau Raoo
_____aot to ba of Adamic
aod Uarafnra ware dUar to ba
Aapwt t.llto.
bnlMUd or broafbt Isto Ua oharak.
Well, wa sored before i bad ttoia I
It waa aaator to ^ortorm i
latab tbia aad I bare aot had aap Ua
wmkaad at Uaaame lima
aatll todap. Coiopaop H oalp bad aa
toaaaara Uap bad amaaar^
i see oa alek report tbia maratop.
^ Uto daotoba “BUlbaa apoa BillWa are aow oa Ua lopol a bUl which
loM. wbaU
WBBBlamlp eat oC. Tho Btohttp of oraclaoka Ua dtp. aod are toaida Ua
orlpleat Spanlah llaaa.
tUopooMruB Uot BoreUao 1».<
to Ueraaemaef oorbi
SM ware extormlootod to bto time.-

Oallad Blatm, armad bpaelom baa
Buratoad bamaan aaia to arart erarp
faWMatojarploBaabtod. Tba blewa
bora baaa tarrlUa. aad Ilka Ua I
tewbaltfrOBhaaraa. taradtopai
hare baaa eammaadad to rafrato from

tn rntme

Dr. aad Hra Martin for a weab.
HiB-CarraD'Kallbatrelaraed from

naraoBlaUa baw world a

■UUi^t bpDraparUotUa odraa
toropa waa i
al oMUmUoa to
1a aad Boaa. b

mm mbw.

The Trareraa Clip Baclnes OoH
.ad Ksntal lariitota effas aTS we.
lebolarabip for oae-Ulrd oS Ue r<

lieboal opaaa dapL 'inhati
After apaadlap aome Urn. to UU dtp atreai.
C tl. DuvxKUT, Prop
Mlaa /.able Uabart of Maple City baa

Tbep doa-t aippaar to hare aap praUUa Aatao eoatloaeu
Sat wbao ua Paelia waa taraalad to tada tor wbat are hare dooe for Uem.
Tba HpaatoMa are allowed to po oat ol
Balbaa aa aaioohad for qaaattoe are
tbalr llBB for IralU aad Uep will
Tha oallrB oawlp dtoaorprrd w.
astofUelrwap to dirlda wit%
Uaa foood to ba ‘■haaUoa.*’ aod,
aoldlaia- 1 know Uat at tlsm aa
irtltr Ua pale ot Ua ekareh. Tbap
’ aa alx Bpoalarda bare mat one or
Uubaaaao lawfal rletlBa to w
two at oar U>pa oat la Ua wood, aad
PTBiamiii of ■■abrtotUalaaUea''
bare kHltd Uaa. aad ao oaa
j^ma Blikt doom.beat to aaa
a arrr hare Iraowa wbo did It. I
I IltoUtaraatlocto read io Draparto
'•notolloeual Boralopmaat of Baropa' tarllare Ur traacberp la all d'ae to the
otteera. Tba Spaalih aharp ahootara
wbo ahot from Ue traaa aald before Ue
battle Uat Uap ware ordered to ollmb
Uoae troB aad atop Uara aaUl Uep
"Mibb Haxiao aad Para." o
abo-.oat. aad toabool erarpUlap
Dnpar. *to drUtoattoa Uat mlpfat bi
iablae. I aaa toll poa aoUlap aboat
Baropa waa crad-d oa

TWaaUMbawlU taeaUtomlnd 1


Oj-d. 3^eXla'ble

|If you
are looking

uVm^^ ei 'i'Drip b

tar of Dr- 4 U. Hartto arrirad Taaadap
rraetop. 8ba will be ealortalaad bp

111 mil) mhi[ bnkn liaes iclinl ii pin.

IE^a,~n "k- IFi‘i©c3j?icIb.


Bcarar Uadtpao wa ean fo

74 3Utrm-nnicrM-$300. fS.60 and $UiO LndlM'SliOM
68 psin-PiBVTM-<4.00. »&00 and $6.00 Msb^ Show
60 pnln -Pincrw* $S00 Zudlw Jnliats nt............$1.96
llSfpsirs •‘Pincrss" $8.00 wad $8.60 Iindiw' Oxfords
St $1.48.
80 patin Lsdiw $1 Mud $1.76Oxfordsst......... $1.00
78 pbin:aaasM' $100 ud $1.86 Oxfords nt!. ....... 7»e
OhUdru'a ud Kisses' Oslf Show st........................SOe



“iJ^Oela wa. a44ad ia Ua tfaatj
pM;iarthataaiaar Barlma4 •« Ua

B. First in War,

First in. Peace.

^ Yon will hav6 no
^ peace till you see
B those Nios SHOES




is very absorbing, but there U some- ^ '
thing thst touches the average lad^ ; —
more closely. That's why our $1.98 :
Fine Shoes are having such a sale.
They are handsome fitters. New
Toea They have Fine SILK .VEBTINa TOPS. We cui give them to
you in either BLACK or TAN.

Regular $2.75 Shoes $1.98;

A T.TTT^lTro "V".
crixe low r>inoa Slxoe JAaaa- ' ,

(Uumutiummiutumiumm lllllUlllllUiUUttUW

Trtveree Herald

State Bank.

WmiMi WfM.wh»btdMr» b«r~
Bareral raat-Ttauera
m nn^
UfhMlar Ucadar alflit.
B d. MatyaBwIUhareaaai
-Ul wear* fn>«i Ue FWmnB' UaMial
BMa la the raew thM fall. Lately be
paiAaead the trotter. -Joha B.- fr«t
wklek vtUfatartoi
r. R York of Stet Jadoa. Ae becw
woe broeyht bare aboai two weeha aye
•Praakie'' aad ''Mar
tho faat beeMB breoykt hare
a abort Hate ayo by Mr. Moryas. will
a-laiariasnealMd aieo SyowTa the fhll raaea


^•W7gWi^E««n 1

IWa waa a aeallar of Ike Ef^Ut'

oatoa tbaC A W,
that tba year of wvksap eo^ld work
all Biybt laA alpht ropatriar
Hra J. O. Laaywurtby baa ycerired
Uttar from bar haibaad la AUaka.
kUUay that ba hat eaehad hU baioaf
Ian aad atartad apoa
tear ottbraa aMatbt-daratlea
tbe refloa of IbeTaaaaa rtrer after




Oaern H Vaa D/ka as .:aploye
the J. B UraUkk Vaa. teewry. waa


datee beer. MiBday. Taaaday aad
M. Parker*, W.J. Parker. C Paly*. T.jWrtaeeday. The boaee'tea« wtfl br

llenoB. Acaea Bialtb. Jeaais Smith. I Bede ap of tbe beet playan of the late
MaryaiM Salih. USoBle.W.W.SBitb Uiretleraaad tbe Meatetaa CtolB. aaka. B. Steward. Dorse Smith. R. H.: Uy a very streay teem. Tba locale
Steteoa. Allae Smith. Rate Slmpaoa. i will eoeeiet of tbe toliowlsy: Baal.
Barry 0»>ba. wbo lataly rataned
H. A. StHeei. J. Beeaia.B Raaeom. B lealcberi Bailer. Braaarr. LaadboB
froB Calaforala. la
Alrlby. BetUe Tiablla. Dr. Aoap-; aad Oleaaea, plicbcn: TbompBoa. Scat
biefatbarL K- Gibbeof thU city, it
aboatta aBbark io tbe loBber baaiThey hare baa^t errerml
Votraba. t-baa Wabclm. 3. W. Zim- oeeitre Add; aad OM of thepUnhera la
laryetrmeuof'bardwood timber Bear.
;HybtScld Tbcoc will be yreat yamm
SoBBiteity aad will «re« a pleat a
.aad is* sport teaeaared.
- of that place.
aratoraea a«. a.,
Bid* lor Bebool e.pplma
will bermsBed.
Ie blddlay upon tbe anpptle* for the
a* fellow*;
Ipeblle aebedleot ibie city eeteral of
Preaebiay at I0;I0 a. m.
LO.O T. Dtieyatee.
failed to eoafora to lb*
Guaday lieboel at IlrtS a. a
Tbe yraod ledye of tbe i. 0.
L Tn* coDlract w
Y'ouay people'* encielr of
tekea plaee ie Uraad B^de tl^ week
fo^ awardeA to Heekell's Bool
Bndaaror at G
WUI Usbla atartad Setnrdny to ■
tbe loweel rryalar Mdder
SoDday erealay yoape) acetiDy
tbe aeilre dtetahce OD hit birycU
Poliowley ere the bidder* and
attaod ea a deleyeU (rem tbe local 6;l»P ■
If there ebeold be abcat the boe*e a g™/ ^ cooaaUe
lodye. MiMJeBBleCBrtleiealeoadei- <^ot LaudeeDoBlel (tbcrvdbyma'
* j Baaoab A Lay HenmaUie Co,.
ante and ebe bat yoae to lily Be|d
booki which beloays
by Mlet Mabel t
wborepomeate the JoreaUe Trap:
At Biy.^oid.
th . wUI j>lB the f
! E W, A. Eowlee ,aot laclodlny
eyatioD^roD that plane aad
If yo. have sew friend, or r...w» ia [
as pera).................................. |
paay them to llraBd Rapid*.
towa hladly
H> the kt ■^a.ioBm A MeaUer....................... i
llatrodacetbcB to the prater- j M. OleottA Ca... .a................ ,
BlyS I

Ika elmlB allowed w

eaa alty aeaiaUtee Prtdar
of B. W. HaaUafa.
Boa W. W.
Salth waa ekeaaa e^trsaa aaAs W.
Baatlaca. aeeretai7 aad
ward eaaeaaaa were aaHad for Aaraat



W- O.
A Market,
Thna M-wa Oaateae hdlawiBy Udlee ai* Mked to
lihatBaallybreadeSBllaiy ar*ai«fbate la the Eatartey Market to ed that the
F«mc GlaaB are to
be held aeat Satarday afteneoa at
Hukelfe bsobttore. fioB t to t o'^brk; Tba datby ball pUyera wQI play h
Meeietee Srteatday aad teaday aad tU


-v-i' ..




BrpabBaaa Wai* Oaataaaaa

SV cotAbVtvs some

VVvt btsV

\ia.Ws MDC \v&Dt tXICT Vt&ii.



coaotlm. Hr. Hilllkea did rxlremcly
^rmiaid If 1 csul
well dnriay hiaabort term at tlie extra rtwleriuftlie llKitaLii that a feet yrart j
my friend, on rank, I would
. .
.bwnl one* abeve. My
aeaaiiB, aad will be ylren a cbi
ayo a yrallrmaa from lows, J. J. .1
.K'uv wa* advised to yet Dr. Kioy * taaabaod
cootiaoe the erork next winter.—Baet
eovery for Conaampliue. Couyk* and
yanirloc a alock
Colds I ysce it a trial, took in all
and the prorraB, wbtcfa was printed ia Jordan Eeterpriee.
It ha* cured B*. sod
nfactorr of irkat I* knawo as the Kerr eiyhl boiure
tba Haani-va few daps elabbrale
Fine Hontonl Preyrem
tbaak tied I am raved and am now ■
and eoauiu featarea of oananar laVenUialcd Barrel aedutber rrnlilated well and healthy womaa. Aia! bottles
Ae Tiollo recital yiren at £
tamt Valuable papara apoa Inpor- bery'i Urasd Satnedey afternoon
10 eu. al S. K Waif. *ad J.ii.JohnUBi topiea la dnada} achool erork will tltoaded by about tfarre baadred
Iboteenor Hem waa amined by Hiae and eonaldcrsble ttuck eabacribed for
Miaa the eaterprte by aeveral local boeioeaa
a San Wilbela aad MIm Mabel White.
Bauirdar MnAnry .
meo. yriowing tojbe lateoeu of tbe
ere of WiibelB rendered ro<m]
Uariaad eeterteiaed tbe neBbera
n tbe project na* abandoned to
the eholr of OraM ebareb at the re^- bar neaal cbaralny Banner mad M aa
In another part of this irnpn spprara'
be tskeasp later oa.
an ailrt rlisemral worthy tbe readiay.
dmoe of the lorBer. on Waablafton White preaideJ ably at the pUao. Proer *m abteoee of nearly Sve year* av If* for tbe public yooU. It tell* of a
Borat rendered ecreral rery dlf. Bach BUBber of the eholr iBFree diilrlbglioa of Doan'* Kidoey
worke of the yreat eompoeei Hr. Raaaell reiuraeJ aad waa aot loay
ritad a triaad. aad tbe olborlor *>a a
Read it and. call at llaansh A
aed iheandieooe were ie- iae«teiny a ootraei with Uai entervatT plaanal oaa Vocal and iBatmrc. Co •Dray Dept.
prmiay aad up-to-date firm, the J. E.
Boatal BMle ionned tbe eoterule- teaaely pleated. The reeitale t«
Oi^ilick U>.. Tfan firm ba*aeouredibe
asddelleala rcIreebaeBto were low will be popular, aa the Iral
:iutire rlybt.tO BaBafactBie barrel*,
oaa of the Bat autleal ereote of tbe
ceactateaaud other reatliated wali. Cook, tbe well-known
Twenly-See little lodtpa oblldrea from
ael* ander the Kerr patnnta in aad for
Ml hU round* Ukiny
Will Oo to N-w York
the State of Hlcburao. The eompaoj ordria for all kind* of fruit aad oraaRe'ph H Uea'-eu it about t :> le»V will sot b^ny U. yeiUsy their plant
the ally oe their way to tbe ladlaB
•Dtel ttorh. Pleaar wail for him.
he city, hariay
echeol at UV Pleaaasv Sobo of tbea
la oprratioa. a* a eampleu set of
rtaalioa. boi a elUou with W. M. Whiuiey A to.. maebiorry Usovr on haad.
d beeiW*»>.
and retail deal, reuf Ji Imoj,
takiv their flrat trip
nber Were t
rreaUlaUH. barral ii made on a
A W. M. AND II .0. R W. RYS.
away^troB tbe plaea where they bad N. Y. Hr liaticu bat rraklrd in
machine which ba* a yaaranterd
panad thair aatlre liraa. aod bomacapacity of five baadred per dK'- 'The
ilQkBMe atrafried with tba lodlao tbrer year* ba* brid a p>wiiiun in tbe barrel i* made by a»iay a *tralybt ptr- Eueampinrnial CieclaatU tbaae haes
sell lickeu Sepk trd to Gtb iaehuive al
shoe department of tb< C/a
atoMem depleted oe Ibelr taeae.
allal-edyc shaped plroe of wood in- very low rate* Return limit Hept Ittb.
Danny bit stay berr be ha*
etead <H a Jointed stave. It 1* simply a Au.exteDkion of-1lmlt to Octonr
made many frlead*. all bf whom »U1 Slav aad the derisc ' fur mak;cy the will M made upon deposit c
' *yenu at Ciacinnall. A;
be a..rrj to bavs bin Icavr. bof
barTTCl or or other wnlilaud parktyc
the book Juliet T. lUnnab eufferdd a
tine eill br yU<1 ui l. arn
■Jet-waaTia*- machipe
The a>au
tall trea hi* bicyele. which re*i
ascece*'. Bit rcaiyiml.oo at the Co’a.
ire fed latn the machine by an operaad U a backward diiluealloo of •
store will takr plane in aboot a
hw cad wblle paesloy throuyh it they
of hit wrUte- B* wa* baadllBy 1
After, a sbort visit a.
« friend* a
into a web oompoeed of wiry
elyar with oaa band, hariny bold
asd alau. A* machine not only
tb* baadU bar with tba elh*r.
;m. bat cots the crox* for tbe,
bl<7cl* ran lata a bole with tba reanlt
head. beveU tb* cade. caUttae elate of
. Tb* injary wa* attended by
oniform leaylb aad aeaaBre*' the
WUI Lease la Mnaasn Block
Dr. Martin.
lenytb of webrr'ialred tomaVea bey-je Kalyht* of Pytbiu met
InaoWay the death of Albert BerDlybt a^d eoaridered farther the pUa re! of any aixe from tb* ordinary Soar
wle iMl week the rraideeea waa yiren
•lap to the larye Ueree which will
Icaalay tbe tbird
ae Wexford eonaty- Ai* wee an error.
rae honored peund* of ham*.bnildlay noatemplatad1 by tDr. J. D
Mr. Barwie eame to tbi* eo^aly la tbe
dried or sal) Beats
Prool street.
fall of IKS and bad nlway*
This melhodor^vkmy paekayee 1*
tided that If Dr. HnaaoD would droor.
alone, bat tbe
ate the catraaee to tbe .bnildlay with
web 'may be used to hwm all
saiteble paper -iaalead of leavi^;
tbe wail* white, th* iodye wonld ae- kiad* of boxes, crate* and other
hlyb royard for Urn asd uonpldared him
propoallioB to lease the Boor tilated p-iekayv* for tbr ebipment of
ae.a BeBber otlh* family. He owned
frulla. veyrtablea. meat*, poultry, hardJ1 Aepedu repay*'
Brr year* with a prlrelen of
a farm U Grant townebip.
are. canoed and bolUed yoodt
tebdlny it to tea'yrerv If I>r. Muntra
No better nor more eolecyrUlny par
ooooadea tbb tbe boatd of tnuteea are
empowered to exeeete tbe irate. TnU tiet euold have been found in Travetac


VS Si S\iVeTvM

aHckUr lejand Salanlay BoraUf.
A lar« troB a yriadlay Baehloa atrack
A party eoa*i*iioy of S. J. Palyhaet.
C.E BlcyoleClob-.
| The yoodi >'«* beea eedered
bla M Uw taoe. USIetlay a lo« yaeb wife asd daaytater. Mr. aad Mra J M'
Tbr aairaal buaiae.. meeUay of tbe I
«»«i»ed before tb* fell term of
U hie appar lip aad aoetrlL Dr. Ki
Iiyriy aad O C. leyriy aad wife
held Hoaday
U E Hicyel* t
laad draaead the woas'l.
Batordey afteniooabythe t;to IJ B
of MItaOriaU asd
eveoiny at tbe k
Tha ban of Bd ard • . Wall at
Repnbltoaasof Sblna trill bald a
ofScen elected aa folloai:
I >8 Cedar at • e'vicck p b. on
Kintalaj wa. ..rr < by Hrhular tbe yraad racampioaBl of the Itaiferm
■■rMldent-Bev. Wilsy K WriyhL
ufay. tbr Gib of Gept. for tbe pur
ralj.- aad Son'^d U> ibe Raek K. of i'.. which Uket place
Vice |•re•^dent—C. H Horo.
of elec-Uay six deleyatc* to attend
lUnapolU Anyuet St to »
-a lu ea.^taeU ->f to/.'
BecrrlaiT-Charie* Lancaster,
Aeotbrr parly left M<mday afurai
.od (at 111 »r Inp.
Treasurer-Miaa Celia UrtatL
lowoablp coBBi
BeUtiey of Mr. anti Mra K C. ComCaplalo-C J. Ebaer.
any other bucisam
!plon, A. V. Priedrteb aedewife. E. K.
I coar before the imuce
M^y. Lawreoce li. D-Zite. tlrorye
Mr. .V..1 -i.. leei-. e-.».i,alSi'- ,
j Dated Solon. . Aey. rj,
K<aeaad Paiw K- lA ileoBana.
J tv .Di<-x>Bu*a.
l<- . of trait
:u llaein.
lieya dcilyfalful *urlal
. in tbto rear
Eodorted 8enatt«r Mliliken
•peal and the pru*p«M» I
The action of tbe tVexf-rrrt o
Of eaeeaUoBallT:floa tialt. waa broafbt
laadar orVwoafo b)r Kraab Hmitb.
> In elecllnydele’ work sad play of tbe club
There w
(roBi bU 1‘aalotaU tarai.
UeoDaUiMl yatea to tbe eesaterial
. t. of 3rekw. (J. n
of Sweet Boa^b. Vellow Traaaparesl. Tormhie to tbe eaedidacy of Senator tbe outlook for the rloB is tbe Booth* ■vith B bad celd which ..............
. sod .freqaesV aeetlsye
DaeUiM and Red Aatracbaa appleei Al- Mlllikee. makes eertale bit renuminaInoyo; caayb *el ie and Soelly
aled la C-onsumptlae.
Pour doc ton
aaaadar peadMO and Lata RidiBood tioa. aa br he* alao the eappirrt of
ymvd me up. “Jie,
aayiey I could llv e but*
eharrieeaad e^abaaeUtul lotof IraiL tiraart Trarerae. Lcelaean. aad Brnrir


drculatioR this week 2.325


vs Smmexvse.
TDt \Baiw.V ^oviT VTaiit.

e Grand Trar-

r. t>. >uJ>n>.

.. •


Naelep OdI of Botoa tewaabip repanaapMdotuK baabalaof wheat
tW 100101 aoUaaa of the
eaaaaaea to be bald os tb
prtated la Mother arta»a.
The Udlaa of ABaada Hire No. ill
BRlawealaseraaBaad aaka at thair
haUoB frlday aftanaoa aadaeaalar-

Aa a

dta. Bear the Wa-

^■abaait elab htmta, woe daoaced by
IhaatarmTaaidayBOralaf, aadla ba•Mfbphl™*:__________________

LQeary pariare at l;W p. at.
Dr. H. O. bdyar. lau of the Arm of
BaUlday * Sawyer, will apaa daetal

JmUm Vwly Satarday wae the ic
blether la Botrlaoey el Bei
Dawlu aad Klee Sadia Ocapa. both

oreBlny at7:U oatbirti. R A I didaot
arrire ilU l:tS, barlay to wait at Waltoaferthreoneetloan. Tero more teeUoaa anired la th* early boon of tbe
■oraloy fro^ pointa nortb of and IdolBdlac Port Wayaa
Two hearily
lataatlaadad the loaded eoaebet breaybt in the Bralnoolant of tired exeataloeitla
a at drMCo Ball
Aetday nlybi after U» la*t arriral
Itaiaday. They
r Mieeeta which qaalify
had beee mfely tacked away for tbe
atybi tb* hoteU tonad every room takoa aad bad a euayyler onaM la after
WhIU Odta UeOarry
toaU. there
dm HeRae hlU (hBday he fell traoi
.Id have bees diffl.-Blly U Sadiay
MaMeyclaaadanlalaadafnetara ba
plana for hb weary boat*.
oay tboee at tbe Arh ilace am
• Wd Bp aeml daya
foUnwIay; P. B. Hitebell and
iM. B MUeheltaadJ. G. MliebTwo of the Urt* pUta plata pUeea
ell of CUcUbbU, who yo
lar the aaw Prladneh Uoak erero brohM yeotarday. oaa of-Uwa white beiai
pai la the appar wtadow and the other Blear*; J. W. Browa.’
Geeeye H. Newell aai wife of Oiaad
la taktaw troB tba wafoa.
BapUa;N. L Borten. W. W. Beemao.
m Vanyhaa. Abb Arber^ W. M.
■Hlaaaarritad Satarday froB ladlaaa Alberteoe and wife and Mra. IV. B.
far W- B. Sapwaaa of Norwood
He Lrwb of Aibeaa. Hlcblyaa.
At the Hotel WhlUay tba tdUowiey
IcUtheelty eapplyiaf loeal dealere
are fosad; E. H. Kclaoa of Wyaadotte;
B. Aiwatdaad wlfeaf Wyaadotle;Mta.
3W ladM at Tra*B«e Bay BIra. 5«. Ora Vaoderahlp of Saadseky; Dr. I>. A
n. erUleeloya^leBtBaet Bay to- Snyder. KeBdelrmc. Iad.:C. B. Porter.
■Gwcw. Bbeh ow le to hrlad a haeVl^barr. Lesa Hairte. Detroit asd P.
fcat of eataWee aaS the feod wtU be
aeread la (aaeeal at the diaaer hear.
Th* L. B A M S. BxeacBloB from
Uh aapeetad tMt the C A W. H.
Waetaoa asd LaPOrtc ssd tbe RateHaiae wlU be neelaff la thair i^alar
matoodMeios which waa to arrive ie
artar by ta-day. Tba work of repairthbritylaateveaUcabootfcls wa* 1
the wHh-oat aa the track aeai
bear* bebisd Ubc. arrlviny bore al
aboet a;*! p. m. Six pewtsyer eeaehr*
eaptaity with
weM Sited to tffHr
eamioobu fr^ B.
BaSaU asd other
a polela
r from (Mrtbara Ohio. Isdiasa
tkiawbeaa Aa loww Seer. «
halwiaSttad tar the Jewelry k
rartbeH. AN. B. raUa< Bari A Banam. wlU ba a
They traaafmrad al h
i^, At TA Q. B. A I. trsia ala* broBC^t a Ury* samber tram tba
Saiwta •. HeUUaa aad Hoda Rich
hBaeietaraad fieai a two-daya' oaUaR
atUlaad. Onrn treat ai*d a lai«e
aaBb-rofbOBtarathereaalt of thair

TttTO 'Sa.VV SVocK
V(t ^W'Dtv^’fVTO.ttvVs.

s. AO.^vVVvW
sjmmmtn mmmmtnmm'mnmmmm mmmmmmfftK'


St^sHniMtUisU UUGB},
OurSaviogs DepartmeBt E
eKci-Mtrr rxgxcstLKp
SiIRj DtHin BtM U ml lU TVI tl| C«1
~0f all klodfl osed in botb
Cijy and Country Scboola.
The best aworaSent and beat TalaM for tbe money'

prorlaioteOBewblenUltqalle probablr eas be eomplled with. Wheo
tbe palepu referred t<
They have
pleted tbit will be one of the Saeat
om. an .bondbalidlny* in tbe city and the KoiybU Urye pUnu plenty of
of power and thn railroad*, and
of Pyibla* 7ill bar* a baodeomc asd
lake wlihic a etone'e throw of
factory.' tba* affor.llny exw|e
tloaal sblppiay fa.:iliG>«.

Ae SrelBumbtr of the coarse w.
a .lectare by a I >nel Ct pelaad. .who m>
yrtslly pleased Oir Traverse City pro
pie last waa-n-with hUfaaoa* Ireture',
-Seeiny tbe EepbanuHe will
care, «o have a laryc aadieace at
orBiapprareaee he-w. Th* remaiainy
date* arc aa follow*;
vembert] or ra~Tbemaa Dixon.
;mber t.—«iki

rtOloe.aan of

Pebraaty < -Ladice' Millury Band
of Bntoe. composed at twealy-threc
Harebl.-EdwardB FryerTeetarr.

For $5.00.

*..< <ia>hl*r


Bar. V. F. AnrttSB waa ii
yesterday oo bie way from C

will eoTtr are* baadrad eqaar*

Trarerae cop: He. with aaolbcr a
to help, ebt bU ^y tSroayb
roadlee* fereet end eras tix day* oe the
way. That ia tbe etoff tbe plcmeen of
Grand Trarerae wa* ma^ of.
atoa wa* aaperviaor of bis towaship for aevmal yraia wbaa
eooaly. Be ba* been a local
la tbe H. E. cbaieh tor it ym asd eepacUlyUth* early day*, did a yreat
deal of work la hte ehareh. Be U
•Bj yisy th* doelUiny yme* of life
aweUear^ nat tram setiva

...Fire Exfingflisher..,

School Books

A Oraad Aavera* Pio

; at Pialte, Beacie county.
Aaratoamme to Grand Ttavciee
year* aye and be era* the Brst ^a
drira a team ttraa^ from I’Uttc





A Haadaome. Highly PoiUahed. Solid Popper Maehtna,
affording parfeet proteeriea from Are. Tor atmpUalQr. ef'
AeUTenem. doxabOity. •eoaony and aafety they ham no
They ham no oocka, tangea, nonpUacB ormlma ahmt
them. It la abeolataly Impomible far the maohine to get
OBt of order.
To^Ncateitlaalmply to‘’tom it bottom ead «p”a^
It wfll throw a etmam, 60-ft. oftoe lltr lying ehemloei tnld.
They ean be found In the Hardvftm deperteent of


' ■



OBlAiro TiU.VfeH5E HKSAI.T>, AJffOBT »B. M»».
y af Ealhioka H
BtaMba B


"f- ■


yMUt wtottw;
&«M.CW«rMl KTWtlM-M B«rM

MarAeakadOtawd BapMsMtko
Ba»aathamaa*laf d<
Tbaaabeal baw
Aaaw «e*k peaffi

. Mr. Md Mr*. Ha. Omo( Elk Lok«
IUa«d Hitk Mr. aad Mr*, d. 1 t^Uk

^ loWla WMti


*•« T. C. Ito* W* to


Bertha Boll«ab*A of Tr**rr*a
a^brabMoMlti^ bcr parni*. Hr.

■n Hrilte Ow»»Ui«» f«l rt lw» ‘ 2f?
m taaloM DO* d»7 Uot «Mk.
BwOorwU »**binvBui

saad H*f^"Her.
days la^Tra^ar**

t. a H*lk*r k*d A. F Bofktai
Mr. *nd Mr* J*epk SaMrr ktlcBded
U Tr**vae Ctt; Mood*/ o* bwl*<
j* fsB«»I rf Mr*. A. r •

Orl*AdM**Bdf*»ll7w«r* TWlMrr* U*a*b*rf l4^Th*i*d*7.
Hla Uul« am** of <Hd Mk
n Boarkme aad two eblldrra ni
_«*.*ad Mt*deCr*<u*xo( Elk
E2*' *"■“
Id* ri*ll«d at fruk door*' Uat T
Mr. B*d Mrs D»rr*w Bad ekiUrea d*j.
Ar**t*mi« (riMida la aoatben Mlelii* Mary 3. aweklBC ha* roti

The paepU of North HUto*

'par. li eaam:

t>raeood*-to apply on

M. i. B*ri M l>Ma*k*7 it rblUnc

Mr* TolebofOM>elt.BaUi«ro(Mr*.
OOaa. M her* rtaftlBc wUh rvlBUra.
QclU* BoabortroB kar* Bttcadrd
•arrlea *t Oaia* Baodar.
la a triyia too
Haddtar iBrtl___
iBriteUoaaar* oat far lb*
■•»r aod
aMelUa thiawaek.
Win laTaaaa M raealBA tk* aaflc
Haialar. Tbay
They «U1
*11] ba
b. aarriad fra
Ik* ratbdUe cbnreb at 9 o'oloek n*i
Uao Bckatdt took a load of wbaat 1
Aar aaralna.
A . Mtb.
r. aok
MMaa Maad Paak aad Carrie CMd- tooa tbi* oaak

Tb* potato** proa a tohB* food
crop acala tbi* jmi.
Thera wa* a dene* flrae at Haary
Cropp'a Sstetdey Blfbt
Frad Aasorc* of Cbleafo. who baa
beaa oat here rIslUsf bl* sieter. Hr*.
Dora Lndwlf. departed Monday.
Balaa. daofbtar of Hr. and Hro L.
F. Lsdwif, M rery elefc with sammar

baa attradad th« esaalBaUsB at LaMad la*t Tbaradaj aad Friday.

hm^ataarM Uki- ^^1^
garra of tar Lakes to tl
tbr *t
IsUod* next duaday If tl
waathrr la farurabl*
Harry picker* froB all aroaad <
•trramiaf Into tkr berry pa lehr*
laat boadaj.
H* woold ba oblifad to
tb*B U tbay would look lor tbalr har-

Rarfiaad Brotbar*.

M. C. Cbta cal*
Urtbdey tod*y »i
bora call la to •*•


Tb* rarlral maatiaCB will eeatloB*
Hr. aad Hr*. Q. M. D. HaBoat rUtad atOraa Uaraa Baaday.
Bor. Hr. Tbaobald of Timtw** Qty
• la tb. 0««T«ca
HIra Myr*.Aiwoodef f»b<
b bma rUUarralaUre* aod

I aaa that tb* Rapablicao* bare a
•otle* ap-far-nduen*. to b* bald Aept-

r* of tba death of tb
>r. Mra. P. 0. Wlaaia. t

Mr. aad Mra J. V. K. Saalay rtlarard boB* to MaetoB tba tut.
Fred Arery w*at to Kalkaska today
A rery beery elratrle etorm rkllad
this rlolalty lest aifhi.
Tbe esd. bet BOt
I Mra. Adolpb Ksbar oecorred on tbe
Hhe bad brwa a t reat eaSerar

Urand Eapid* abil
a Katbardllaal wralc.
Hr. Wrifht ha* aeot to Ohio for bl*
wlf*. they *XDrcl to Ureot
tm wmt of Jemea Good'*
Tb* local •bower* tpukro of by Daoe tb* prophet iBni* last olgbl with
•U of tbandrr end lifbuinf. orar flrr
•cbMot aaUr<B*fht la peil* dariaf
itaeebowar; tta'a bekrl*air*le tk*t *
bare bad fur a loop iIb*
Hr*. JokD Wblta b oa tha*>ck lUt.
T. R. White ba* morad iato btobosa*

y**r back. Hu Kaleer ba* baao
idratol tbleBalfhborbeod eboBt.O
- -•»*‘«7
re. cuBiBf here la a rest aliaera***
Claypool baa boafbttbe Moyer
aad ekarlat tba bardebipa that natarul board* si 8. B CeU’e
ally fall to tb* lotofa]^ear. Ilrlaf farBaod
to aa* the fartau diaappaar aad tbe
K-----------------------boBM for tha winter.
land mora boaBllliil ovpa a* a reward
of tbalr berdtblpB and labor, aad at
Met a eomfort^a bosa that Buka*
III* eoBplate. dba laara* a baebaod, A»r*UOaan*sa*drB«c.
foor eblldras aad two brathar* to Tht followlaf I* aa aaeoant of tha
.saac* doae by tb* atorB la thU'
Ilya* far aal bars beard.
Tb* aaoraon* BBoaat of waUr that
fall awalled oar lull* •ira»B to •ereral
1 It* aaioral else. b*fInaior aboui
3. A Derldaoa lost a ralaaW* bora*
laat *ra*k.
)au"‘wa*M oBt lb* colren
Mr*. Sir*****'* Bother, Ur*. Pled
risk, reuraad to bar hoaia la ladlaaa A la^ fern- uf
(Utia^at ror“”rije'lriDVto"
Mra 0. B. Oraacar, of Fort Wayaa.
la 1* eiraad^iwe
wbo ba* bran rblilar bar alaUr. Hr*
Tbs a«xt oasafe
E Woodworth, ntoroed tobor hoar duBSia^e coarse of
«SB war
The deal
the mill ef KorrIaA


/ B- Eeasn. Ptwt.

loward arbool t

ar. by tbe OraaT^ieWai*.’ It M
aatalifr crtCbrlat. balaa MbiWt at
all tbe Oraat Miatan' lAeaM at Iha

iBT 18 BOEN-'

look* forward with' aad alraady m im Iwaaty-tfth adUM,
tritk^hieh tlTSth*™ paleliuuSSTjewdnljblto fllladara. A rerwral of

___ ______ _____________________ ___

Ur* ajT^irad ihSrjaramUd

rired Uriday f.
thU place.

wife aad aoa
.*1*11 wlU Iriaad* in

> Uli plan Hatarday
froa U<* pla«

I 3 E. Il*y of Anatra.
$ r SUTrnotbcdall*.

alalUie woald follow.
I firaa by M.
I to by Silas
WhlBBtry of Cadi
Soof: CkrIsUas UIrd tb. anoer •>
A toecklBf reeluUoa wae flrea I
BlhSCbe Norris
PaprrbyL 0. bat:
Raeoaroe* of lbUr«at for tb. Saaday
School elaasaad taaeber. Iiiaeairlua
lad by UaAha Bara... la tbU dl
oa tb. adBMioaal prlaclpl. <
ilsf. "To procMd from U* koon
le BBkeowa." was breofht oo
Tally Tbarpthoafkl that tbedlHcally
tb. Snaday School teweber had ia
maiataiaiaf ialarast wa* dee u
baBllaal abseaea af tba taaebar.
Ballett declarad that ba knew
ataumaat to be troe. froa hh
obaerratloDt. .
Tfcla seeaieo cleaad by alaflaf.

srer ’


I.will move into my lu-w four story brtek iitoiv aU>ol S-pt« mh.>r I. and 1 don't want ^3
^tu move a ilullai'a wurlli of tln‘ inoole I Dow bavv. I have Imu-d unUiiU- and bodsbl a (uH ^3
.■.„.V r....................I
,1,11 <1...
fur uiy new>:il
1 will
wllI ibr.stock
I r liatul KeSttTdlAASOoBt
will be in
S— 1 B'ill qootP a few pricop, spai-c wont permit ine to <iun(r aaoy.Aml

A.good,wellmAde.wellflnishodBodstesdat9l,50 Fonnw prioa t 8.00
A ^d Excelsior MAttreM At....
A good iron B.d for....................................

160 FMHier price
g.76 Former prtco


tBte* Ultch It OB tbe etak lletra. Ma^e Hl^laoe & rlalUac her

h of Ckli
___________ ,_______ tbe family of Philip
Boraatala, retnraad to her boma aa the

al day* past. They ra
Id .Traesrae City tad

‘'Hr. Him
Hi* Aof. Saafodiler. who ba* boea
Cot. mill. . _ ___________ _______
ok tor aatrral bobUu. atsrtrd last
B« wm laklac toa*
week lor tb* B‘f Re^ hoapiial.
•Baaawwlth aa amory wbllait
~iUl Robert* ka* flat la a Beat mar­
•UUIomotioB. Ui*l*ftarwiwa*i
ls ta* CalbosB bbildlaf.
«r tb* l**lb tbaa ho wa* awar* of
tb^ *10*09 U arm a UUI* below
Itaa Ellib lUty ef Fraakleat ts rallelbow. eatUar late tb* boat.
lat ea old IrUad* hers.
Bboobef Bsplra drtraad lb* wonad,
Ml** I-to* Cralaor retarawl from bar
tialt to PeltoD flaiardoy last. 8h* wa*
>*r oofwlB. Mta Alma
Um*b*fer*b*eaaaB*hl*arm B«r*a*
Fiabw^ ba* Uk*a hi* plae* U tb* Bill

t>* Baaday *0900! rally wa* a fraad
Uaac Moydarlad wlf* retarved H
iraeiB Tk* FortOeeUa. Bardlekrillr,
. OI*B laraa aad Ulea Arbor aaboot* day to tb*>r borne la Atbeaa
Hr*. Hm Triplett aad altlar. I
mot bat* last Friday, bad a plcalr
tb* crorr. Ib*e wwai to tbs oberv.. Powell, esj-yod a rMIt la HasMta*
whMk wa* da«efM«d laeld* with
Tb* Ilaad Boy*' eowcert. wkteb was
aratpoat on aoeoaat ef U le dealk of
Wr 8WBlB*tOB. wUl be fir.
flrea Batarday
win be aeread oa
. aa*t«i*o*
w Ur* b*w*
.: Far Mb last two bow* w*

etanad Hatarday far LaRoy. whata Mr.,


tbe tVanlunoaad erenpird
tbr U K cbnrrh tjaaday
The funL-rnl of Hr*. Mary Haldrrmaa tra* b-td from thr CuaprefatioBal
ebarch Uooday aflrrnooe al : o'clock,
aad family of Ao
laaaiU* lararUit
weak or lar, .lay* Id^lhU place.
Hi*. T. S. ‘Rnmefarry aad Mr*. C B.
Dari* of St Lieis arrired Tharaday at
tb* Wankaxto.
On acooontof ike ralo Taeada;
-if last wsrW the locial wbirb
fUcB at Rr* P
. E WbUdeterred oatllI Wedaewlay.
OB Which nlfbt

w. WID B*u to you Itr

il.« Rt.iVc* fnim
Vtm p‘l a writtm jruaranly
Slovr. (ibi- l«rrl niovr u.Mil> ) hut til.- Klov.-B niSal tps aa Ib.-y
^ you will uwhI a aiov.- or’aiiylbiot; in Kiimitura, (.'aria-U^Jibb.-*,

ir lionsfluni
Itiit.'a. ('iirtuin^ or ii> Tm-i nuythiuj; to (uriiiali

buy At NOW. Cash or PaymeatB.


128-182 Front Street

feojk: bkos.


Traverse City, Mich. 3


Th* R U topic foroozt Saaday U

-OoUf te Cborab.- Ps. itt; Hal. i:in.
ii Rooksr of M

ankae is a farat

Armalreof left
-.Hr. BBd
oo Sosih UaalNoadsy for
toa Island.
- The Uieae* Boaeafall left Taaada]
for their home.
Mr*. Dart aod daufhUr of Oread
Rapid* arrired Friday and are the
---------. Hleifred ^oieitatoB



r«.-IraB* Batey of Howrae Coatre flyar Taasday.
I la town lest week.
ir ELoop U baiu
addlUoo to bU rcaliai
Viaaia Abdaraea, Nias Uardasr
Ettle Teal aad riaesaea Datcbar teak
bare ef Edward A. Hall
Ue teoeba
•track by llfbtnlaf duriaf the s
Mia* A«a*raaB remais
City laat a
MoBdty Biffat.
Two b*
ibf to *Uilit amoDf Iriaad*.
. _________
bto bay' and frala Jnl
by hU
and tom* faralsf Ipelw It wa* oely
by bard work that Ue other baildlBf*


t of Chieafn arrlTed IsrI

Cbarll* Tilley sad ll. F. Hoxlb
ic at SIX O'ciOL'k
o'ciOL'k this meraiaf pUy taraad. Moeday nifbl from Ibelr trip to
lof hedoc wlU ererzthlof la the Trarera* City.
liaae went to Charlerolx SarJ
uoBia* of tb* atream M eemu dutaa
rh**od*l tb* anil wae brakea
Tb* boUer aad cofloc aaed la ooob*
■ with tbe water power wa* tort
Iu tide: oae corner of ibc plali
jaet cisibi* ebote tbe mad t
aitrad tb»< dedlealloa sen
Iter. 1 be aUl track* *were wssl
away down alreaba fur auaic diatai
and the Jof car Uat the railroad bridfs la TraTera* City Hoaday ai


; s:?.a’-■3r£i.‘3-»;jsS



oa oua MAviowfi
CM seer
to pabUab.

Bcwsrd&A—ItelBf akaly.
Oaataa 8. R—Nat rapre*aai«d at tbr > Vatai
ran&tlM. Al lima A Bally waral^
iriy prcMroas.
Ueo Daaflara Ml -

loa at OrAar Raa w»

tbraafb tb* aaa at OsaaMOl^


____ Kdwardard d HeaxM Aasat f*

,. . ,
. Uulua eaabrrof oorlowB*pr«pla th* deeU of Uao. U. Sw*in*loa.
ale* added to the work
Payee of Tratri
Mttaadad tb* waddlaf daae* at Mr.
_______________ MrikiBf th* Wl^rapb
Uubartof Molls
Hlarheb Oatarday araolBf. A late*
win that conica from the ioalb; It
day* lest week tlaltlec
Mwpaay aad a food Ubm wa* rapertfoiowsdUBBUlUcsM* to tbs depot
r. A E Palter.
Tb«aoeiel fltea for tbe bcatAt ef' which It coUred Breimf tbe ‘
' ■_ Tbo maBbar* of Ik* W. 0. T. U.^
Bet. Ur. Heyward oa the lOtt-aetled itweDtdowD bad aeltlBf flr* .
baildlBf. Mr. NorrU bappeaed to be
at Ulra Lake
tbe depot at tbe lime aad
b*r wa* praaeat
C. E yteodworth aad aoa froB Fort paaalBf
tb* afsot Hr. Wyokoop who
raadciad la tb* Wayne, spaat a few days laat week aronaad
I1t*b aaar tr aad ba *oob sxllafoiebed
with Hr. Woodworth-* alsUr. Hr*. B. tbeflr* Not inaeh damsf* aa* ‘
•w* a oovi apeoBO xrooi oar ■oioi.r
boy. Artbar MevU. Hob* b*b«* war* Fraak H Falter. Co H. 91th Uleb exoeptiaf tbe dmlraetio* of tb* it
added to tb* Ualoa and qalU a aambtr VoL, dl*d at daaUece Aaf. lOlh. of ty.
Llfbtolsf eatared th* faara of Wb
*IC>od tba pladf*.
pbold fetrr Fraak wa* os* of th* Nswiaao llriaf two bUm west aad
tret to aalMi la th* HaaBab Rifles ----------------------.L
afurthat oBpaay efl^ared tbalr earhad recsbtly
ties* to tha cotaraaeBt He baa lltad pareba*«l a flo* horse to amteb oae he
Freak Todd of Cbleare arrirad today her* shoal Slteeb yenra, hatlafBjt
bad. Biakier oae of tbe Mst
fararWtat bl* old bom* aad to look bar*
".J**" .» ““
alter tbeb property b«ra.
the bora wa* set set OL
^Uoof^the hay «
acarohad and
Hr. ML Palor waa *o IU a few day*
laat weak that hU (aBlly wa* rery
moehalarmad: bai* battera<

Mr. M*
latalf. attar aa abaaara of I

«^r» OyTM *'Oad

.mmlUM^'tte next as>* A^Ma^ Mrs. ImMtelattha
* ba B^ool aaa
IfaraMh flsrtb-prraram.

Loaf Imba-.

AaFdaawha adasHsatt

.; --------


___ ___________recBBotacatlitBa
Bor. B Booatoa —■—■ {Ttba dadl«Uaw of Ch* cborah *X Omna Haeday.
TbaW.C T.U. wiU bold iu r«c*Ur
AAlty Traila.
, Hr* B. W. Bath* aad daaebtar Miakl*rlali*db*i*Tbaraday
' to Trarorae City.
Mb* OaiTi* CalUraa eoBe bOB* froa her* lest weak.
teplr* Hoaday
Ur sad Mrs 3. P. Tillotaoa draea to
- Hr* OaarerDowaar ba* a abtar aad Tracana City aaBday, ratarAlaf Hoe
Mole* oMlUBf bar from Trarari* City.
OB Hr. aad Mr* Uaorf* Heldser eooat

Fbll Shmldaa. Ilcbt-brwp*. at Folal
...... - > bar* laat
It rFriday
7. B~dbwidtt.
' Mr. KiBf of Trarana at* aad Barrj
Damboll took a apla aroaad Olea Ukc
-----.--------- r Wha^ a'dltMee of
•boBtlOBlla*. Tbaystartod froB Hr,
. Hr*. Hatealf aad two ebildra* traa
•axooft. tbI* *1*1*. ar*'h«ra 'rliiUac


a vary aajoyable aSalr.

fsUoul ckareh of Osee* laat Soadsy.
Mra. Uarlba Bodd retaraed Ike last
ir *Ult toPetoakry,
■k froa bar
rroix. etc.
■d Hr*. D Taylor w


U. aHasl. aoUst it M
taadaat feraUb ta U*
____ Iraad rraairat u-iw«»rr»ra*
at *t
«l that
lo (0..'8*°^ ^

eamra of tboa* who will I
reaikn Pro^m.
'aJrrice l.d ;
' '
Repot at Loaf Lake and Uarfleld by Jnha Adaai*. opr
-aud. w
>!Tl;res inumuHT tears to mt
aiuthereaa be eaiiraly peerraied.
<iao. Craker of C
Tb* beat Frirad tn
»tr**r*r |
^ " “J' •»*: . "Oa^
Fii*sd'*«barabof Leaf lake. Aafast R^^dinV Pm s- ■ Vnmhrr of .r^Jr. ; “““M
smh, im
Uroix la
pobsaews sx-ruox
Tb* Prcsldest o^ad (be
lief by Hie* BUlard, • B. ye p*«>« «“
ebeoiaUlr free ,!*«—with Uii. freat work. AM* man
I Rulcklse aad aalra. Dora- IIMI a m.. with aahort prayer.
: Saloeblr end atlrartirr mu. hook eo j" *oana, *f pod ebarck •laadlaf,
.. left lor Chlcafo Tharaday. lowlBf
iBf UU
was tbe familiar
P*P*r by Howard Hoorr. -The boy*'_
, aaad-1 •** «"'•
ilird - ............
Baby » Bora." by
baee Ic
H^B M RaU U Called ap lea*
-lie •niley. D F. Horle aad
: iBf brr oame aadI addreaa
addra*. to ih*
Un BradBM.....xHampach want toTaaeara* Qty
rolaurs—Bor* are lafloraced to RefaUlor Co . AUaala. Ua. ThU
stay to eUy away from «*ed*T*cbool book erwtaia* pricalea* laforanllua ta lolTparticalaraA.
by Baa-atUodaaca efmra.
Stady u> *11 womra. aod po oae ahoald fail to
Serlploral readlof. 4> Psalm.
know what boy* like
Teaebar most teed for it.
amb*r ef farraat prayers intsrmiafled

td daarkter ara rialt*. N. W. BerrlBlnoB.
a* la Trsreive City a ^

Ika factory a. I mill ha** abat dowa


4"Jri."‘=s 5S.C

next Mooday.
4. Kerdkam aa^dsarblw lUbri
A at tha HaoaadJmsIr Stowe
kaxoo Tharaday.
HU* Alan Uespre* of TraTaras Oty
came baUrday for a *isit with friaad*
in thU place.
Hra Ella CsBifcell retaraed Thai
ireeUrth da> frcB her *Ult at taearal weeks
I* selfh- AlfOBae.

lar li Ob tb* alek Hat.

Bar toe aad hU wit* wUI

ima, M rapartad la be slowly Imara la the *o*U port V tb* ataia. pwriBf.
Hr*. P. E. WblU aad C B Bate* and
Tbay bar* tbalr wbsaU with Ibam aad
expect to b*f*M*oB*tiB*. Otl*-<>>
rblt ratatir** Bad JobB. wall, b*
pnbobly *Mlt tba *ebool ma'm.
Boy Nob.____ ______
*01 te B*

* daptrted lest waai

MiafMrtba Lawr Mat baat'^aa
M 3. Daoatar of MIJwaakM U »t>aBd- twa oarka* rial! to bar paroaUr-’
Mr. aad Hi*. J. F. (katas* of Iha
lac a few day* la tawa rMlUaf r«Utb«f*«sU of
ABarleaa 9. 8. L'. war* tb«,
. Hr. aad Hr* JardaB aad Hr* fitaa- Hr*. Jobs B«rd*Dd last w*ak
iay aad* a trip ta Trarar** Qiy la*t Tb* Suday arbool rally at Olea Ar­
bor prorad a aaeceaa aad all bad a (ood

Work laid dew. oa
tack of Isteraet esd aoa atla
Order «*B-lat r*i well easts
Aueadaae* forty
Loa* Trre-g* r •anil.

day. H* will attaad
ad tbau
3. W. Patebia. C. H. Aabloa
attUU bald ibar*.
IroBioa. who are apaadiac.* law day* Berry Flaadar* of Trarata* aiy
la Iowa Mat week
CarpaopU war* esey msebtboekat
with a*.
Tb* Ladlso'Ald aeeisiy will fire a Q*lt*a naaebarof oar people want
eblekaa pl« aoepar at th* booB of W. to OadUlse datarday to at toad KlafUac
wday crenlaf. Aafa
L. Frisk. WadBaaday
____ _________
will also be »errod .
t.Thara Mat a ealBaUa yoaaf ukra datarday to k
Um wratbar M faroraUe. Frio*of*ep


I. deba*oe't be***.
A. • C*rU* U Tbitlay ti^A* aad
ratetlraa la aoatbara Hlcblcaa.
H. BhaiT will aur* hi* plaUt* cal­
lary oat of Iowa Ul* <ra*k.
The ehlaf aUrsetioa la tew* aow b
fmadkml tbow.
' JobaMaydrlraaaMW apaalaplac
' of lb* t*am that lately dirf.
Hr*. iBttl* fuIdler baa }aal had a
BOW bare eoapleUd.
B. Tallar will bar* Wa koaaa ready
' Iha rdaort at tb* aoatbara aad of
Uh*ba*ar*w>>i>«y»liti*ba*ar*w>>i>«y»lit- A1
__,alae bat a aamU *aUbaat ea tbi*
d of tba laka.

EafsaeOarpaatar, who Mtatbaam«O. A. B. Hall raaalrod a BOW
^ of tb* Bdaaatiaaal Mpadalty O*. tt
toof laat
lUttM Leaohbery wbo ba* baaa batroit. foa* to Bailntra tbi* a««wi^.
nalUac bar paiwauMr Md Hiw A. T.
Brea** r
qm Ularary PUaa is that dly.'
Bac*B* Fiaeb I* ■pawdlac a f*w day* Hr*. AUaa LydaU M eaty si^
Oark. wbs baa ban Mefc far
with bM pareat* b*r*.


IV. U. Rea of Detroit Uft Friday
fc^ bU home.

Mrs Kllcheb retaraed Friday from b
*Ull with frirad* la Traeepc City.
J U RcajaBia of Trareraa C1iy*ai
red Hoaday erealnr and is a faeat at
th* PoTier Boi
Mr. aad Hr*. C. D. BaaBletor «f
TbompeonrlHe arrired Monday alfht
for a risit w|U their saay Iricad* '
this pith*.
There will be aa Ic* erram social and
eat-mlai_____ __firm
._ ...
In tbe tuwa
onr week from next Friday
- . .ralnf.
BepL fml, BBder tbr aa*plor> of th*
... .--------Ererybqjly is la

9 eaautw enam and
qaarteriy meetiafdfihr
H. E ebareb of Noribport will be held
' • ay.' Sept

ParcaU daalrii
tbeir ebildraa bspUxed will pIcSM briai
tb*a> at that Ume.Hr. NeadhsB of Chicafo will lead
the Bpworth Leafaeaext kaaday
Tbs Sar* La Oilpp* 0
Of ttraia
Thereiaae aae aafferiof


Saturday, Sept. 3d, 1898,
At Geo. Moir’s Bam, Traverse City, Mich., at 1:30 p. m.


........:”vr. -

the lifbt remed'y. Ym are harlaf'^U
all tbroofb voar bodr. roar llrer U oat
af order, bare aa appetUt, ao life or
ambltloo. hare a bad cold. 1b fact arc
rampletaly aaed ap. KlaeUie Bitla*
rccCy 00 year Llr«, SUmmrh aad Kid
neya. toae ap tbe whole srstem aad
make yoa faci like a aew balnf. They
ard faaraalaed t* ear* or prior
price rafoad
ed. For sale alike Drof Storm
of 8.
E Wait aad J. O Johaea. Only

BaeklaBM Anuca Rale.
T>* Base
asT RA1.TX
Rai.tx la the world' fee
Cats. Bralaea,
8ai*4 Die
tneeia. eall
.raiaee, SoraA
m. Frrer Sores. TcUer. Cbat^
la. ChUblalaa. Coraa. and all Hda
tloat, aa^ poalUTcly earaa PUaa,
rafandad. Price UeeaUparboz. Fbe
sale by 3. O. 8. B HeU.
’ Mora Ball Talk.
At least trro more food fama*
Me ball wUlbeareabanlhlesaBa
prorldlaf data* eae be arraafrd a
tbe Pace Pewee OlaflU. Tb* pUa I*
for the local mrmber* of tb* laU B
Irr* le aalu wlU what la Uft
MaaUia* C61U aad play two p*
tliaau ta this city ana twa
-------- tbecritkalbocrwaibercea. Notbiac detalta aa
asMl ahoat Use yet. bat tb* plea
- of aU tb*
A bath of this ally aad 1


TERMS OF SALE:--Four months Ume-will be given
on approved bank notes, real estate or chattel mort­
gages at 8 per cent, interest or 6 per cent, off for cash.

as represented and satisfaction guaranteed, and will bo sold to highest
bidder. No side bidding allowed. I have 20 horses for sale every day
at the same bam. Come and!see for yourself before buying. I will take
all kinds of stock in exchange for horses.



eM OB On kdo* or tte woM (I
tar* of OhrMsite ColBabM- tlM
wooM faBVB woBdend «kr U cUdBtt Call

II i« «oa. •


JUiSiissssr» M W Mk



!'. >.


■». kiMm.


kw irif« MDdr.

vtad mpl tdasd. b« lo Uw»«ko
bBf* OM tklla Bate Ui^ait
pUMUonr o«l4 m> dc
karteAlB Bk HieMak

•kwith lk*lBM<iaBtiir
ham the Ui«mI qaew
ktey.L.tnti.B The
Tba Mpado.
^ nr and Ike etvctrlc aa> araelaolri-

otbtowwk toagsi npairtog bnd«tas
wagoi «—ki«.g Tboa wan Jttj faw
Mg 'ngem tactorfM to iboae dark and
a good band mada wagen oaatblgtncto>
«r. Wbtothto«to«dotognothtogalja,
^woidd Btake waguoa. and wbos
Wbot* trtbea or bM* am BoiieUiia
Tbc be>nr t« ao antiii^ tnUdi
tfNn wai lota to trSkaiist taerfc tbe
had to wall. Tbla atoto Itoa
woodcBlttr. BaeauilBwiitneiaiid.
to boBtoB aad dama & ^araxa i$' M»p» a tn^plaoe. IVn waa go
rU to«iD«er. Ha HM n)r ballda 4am than, bat tbe t»Uofc»wtth aln
had a etov patsk andbe tnada the odto

amr <d aoUttra.
Wa^a an papir namtaeianfa ,
Doga, arolraa, )ackab asd maBr.ctf•



arnrlSITaoUa-rtar »M«
las dar win tali <o Sasdar
■an »8 r«an.
bat to cbto)|iiD«

UiaiweBtlato cwtarr M tbf tarastrftmt pcskd aonxa to. aod


Ob ; tb> OMM vffll M M

< «0B tk* MU (M's tardm.

____ at an and a4<a>a aa


ymt ])toiod tiDD 1181 le UII and
bosTttr? to MIt, bal oolr a 88 r*-F
ptTlad boa tin to MO], aa U la sol
diaialUatrA .
Darinc anr eastair vbcaa Dantar la
diaMUa ^ 4 toaanwtoigD daj falU
ttoxa. Daring anj onltur
abto latnadiTtoiblabrd. II
(alia ea Bondar «>)7 *
MOO to 1100, tor toaUBon. U viU fall
«p Bandar « Uma and alao fran MOO
to MOO. M and M Mm
tot fnm two to 8000.
Bandar cmlr 8 tinm, and ao troa ItOO
to 1(00, 18 and 81 not batog diirfalbla
brA . Otauto
that, to
apraking cd to*


» apeaklng to the i
» to tbo date, kfardi A bat to tbe
r Horeb 4Uia tbal are inaog-

totkatalnaa-toaM '

~C. 0. toatot la Va

Bne la a table abowing ben
ttoaaa Inaagoratlos dap falte <n racb to
tbe areas dapa to tbe work fnn tba
pw JWO to tbe pear 8000:






■lOlonr, U.
aH..ntor to the Banouft. and Onlosal
Laosard Wood, U. a A. to "TBddp-a
“ ora." toner tbepaloBr to ebdrfamBia orreing ttodr ODOntip to tbla
With Spain, tbrp are in-niDdoaalp
In tba galM to "IVUl BrtokbMe.*'wbieb to tbla toatonee la tollp
■abassrabUBrigaalba hlnaandgcOd

well lo ear tbj
ip fella on Soi
--------------------------- -----------rb A bi
tonnaUp todeoied Into cMor a til Moo.
' la dona I
a Upae to tbe oUer, for tbe ootgedug
preaidrnt bae
no oaibariip aa aadi aflar
a no
>1 o'rln-k. noen. o> bUreb 4. wbetber
that dal e fat 1 <s Bondar fw OB anp otbar
dap. If. ihmfort. ooraatai oboold
briwm noon <m Sandop. Hatch 4.
sots OB Hondap. March C. fur tbi
aralae to tba pteoidrnUal Atboritp. tba
tooontog proaldaBI, baring taken tba
oath to toBoe. woold be qoaltoad to par.
fonn tbe dalp. Boeb axoae noeor hM
II aalgbt »Ba~Pbllada1-


amtoata priaM to Cpbala wan tooilfapnaaic tooot theirownflaib. Pin­
dar addimed bli barp tfaea; "Xboo
qaraiAea the raging tbondtr t" Motto
-------------------- ar with Spate'’ 0res at a.”
toacsidtolMaoa ttodnartorato Ckai. j
_ vOloTfr asd Cokaiel Wood tbne
aMo Boeoa tbe tolHta to act opos tba
toiitoM paBoitlp poaad. aatallp boe
■1 M madtotoa doaa tbe tool bp the
dp. neophtatosa. to bla aaiap «'
■ibltdctos for the
> land, eroiaac«t)C- os tbla prlndple. The Tbebana c
witbost wtoUi« or Mir- tba pipe for tba eora to tnaopdlaerdi
a stptaautatoftgttop people
and Sanorataa ia nU to taro eo
Psm Claw to a frottp, brown hnli
•ancal OMliDaL Tba bite to tba a
oi,-Msa ^ todki. dmsnate no lea i

iseirrs,' '


goodi tfatt tto Maaalr^ «<, a»d tbe Pbrrgian pipe waa itnoinoMsd.
r toolbrr. who__________ ____
aHUhr. •alpdamtbttoto,!^
«IDUtoto Oaliforaia and todma'

np other toatanesa to IbeealiBS.
tt would .
a. >B
to wiuco
wfaicb luueiu
tbe anrltnia. bat tba

taghatoabaepdroB a
snap child to paolBcs
(BfMari took part. Harm
S Km. Pom Kbb.

isdabtopeto. Bla l«ir to red gold; hla
opoa are bine sad tolgfat. Be U tbe
to bla tetotog papa. iHcwac
- sdatotBie
at the ................................
PraMdfct hot iegradosalp I
gsedtotnd ao tkalt with the
M ca
coat., I

aea^aBBBWbobad fees

hotel, ^ctogfera awsL Eadi esereptttod him. oattl ftoallp a roporter.
who bad )ns beoi paid oO. toriiad
bta to bare a mack with him. It war
■ good asack. too. and U took all tba repnrur'a
' Boep. hot be aaid li

Hit topmae bisek. alwapa beM hia to
: bpcr few bU
a own
own aakc

n w«U ‘
Ineidcet resiioded me to tba rich
08 few the fact ilsi be la goanUan
to man wbo told tbe poor man to work.
Mn. Wood, nea OcBdil toolth. IbUag Be asid be eoolds't get woric. hot «U1
**(rp bafaiee wune'n anptfalng." p.nng tba rich nan sOd. "Yes bos woric"
ItotoRfl 7«t toedmanptaotaat blafa-l fioBe time after the rich Ban fell into
htorbasrasuMe ngaal to bia ear-1 the water aad caUed to th< potw man to
( re«wo him. "Pwlin." Bid tbe poor
re beUslmnrd tocan. "Boll Bin'l ewia." aid tbericb
___________, ___ _______expeihw. bee- man. "WelL"Bld tbe porr Ban. “poo
tog attended Irlndn^rten at the White Builawlm." Wha« a tnan oake alma,
Bobb wilb "tbe derclandglrU" aad it ia alwepa well tooasadar that aont
fbotaa a narked petomKS tor cne to dap the aitaatlca tnap ba iwrcrBd. and
•baa Which asai.nal would be Ho- tbes tbe man wbo cu't aorla an«
mill......I tb^^ inHag • drowiL—Baaim Tnreler.

Foml^ba^ to pitob toB


low R Nif M OnreoM h Aip NMte
at atop b that wkiebtlMcbef tbe

-Allrigbt.*’npUadlbe)Bdga. “Jm
aaa tbal ba'a
■ - ■
wboi eooR I
tutor ajaoot ’

“Katwa nmr makn a mialaka to
giving tba anlnala cs tbe gloto Ibeir
..................................................... Unde
AUtotiparka "If tbe Aalaticalepbaat.
for toetanck bad btos pland to tba
north MgM aooe. think wbst it woold
eoai the poormston tor sto
phlago Triinme.

•* €W«an tmn wt mat tttatt w awu. m
Thoipiag, sape. aut, lonn.

well known, apple ddar. U allowed to
toand lcsg«tK>ato>.wlllbrcane-baid."|
Om HiaaU CoagbCoreaarpriaaa paoand arts that itwUl com Into Tto^.
pl* br iu qalck ram and chUdraa mkj
■lUa cider deabr Uwapa had pleotr take It la large qnaaUUca wftbewttbe
.-------.. . . -Mforltoalf tba
wr Ttocgar for aln Xbe fanner* and bnt rapaUUoa of
n arbo atopped at hi* plaae oonld ' todar (or eolda. en
drink ««
to aam
bard uucr,
cid«r. wblcb
a«w»ra n*' a uiuta.
m-uttM i; ibreat or obattoale
rba. J. it. Johntfaer took ool to a tin dipper at 10 oulta I'
drink, and. tbeaiaeto-tbedtlnkwaal.

S.’S Si
tktoegk ea tbrit


tom li- niotuiiauw;

"I mei'iet IH. Will____


---------------------------------- - -

. -........ ..........Diehl told aa to
ehr drrUrd Ih' apprcwrti to
lark to alrrp aaakmrd tor i
toeucki ..D rii

•- ,BrtlbrotoartaaeurMAN4UKB aad
Kark of the ala amall plriatM ma.T to
dioerlbuil to a aiBgle"*—'
" '
relM• • • gtHwardaiMl pU.*d
arp fwo per pr«r Boeloae arif addmai-n ri^tl.r
«d aaerdepe for partieolara lo A. P. T.
laber. Id tlw .•nlw in wbkb
P.tdrr. UeaenI IfaBager. 19» Hieblgaa
ATa..Chksgo. III.

d^, and tba next dap poo will
bo awfnUp alok and amr. and a good
dttl dranker than wtos poo wtst to
bed. Tbe
to nU bard cid.r. and bo worked ffaa
tba Unit iOf Jilaoe boalna
iOar. ai>d tbe fanuera oanw
like aniand in both
woold 0(
and their wtvn U«ao U
alwapibadtobavi' ac
tog vidbd thd aUMe Uno abop. and
tbe blacksnith. after eondping
aondping tb(
with a few dlppccfala
I to hard
bard ddir.
aroold take tto- abura off tbelr beam
■sd pot on new (awa. wbetbir tbep
seeded it ur nut. Kcr ChU acn icc be
would cbaipc a good roond trier, while
in nianp inatanm it araa noCiued be
ohatpef<r tbc cider.
"bni, aa U tbe wop to all flnh. tbia
blaikMullb died <SM dap. and then
faoaium eootoa enine esL Hu lift an
oRatu to omr MAOue, and to tbe oellar
to the cider ptvai a gnaa nnmber to

OeWiti'a witch I1aa*l baire baa the
laigeataale creep dalee in tb* world
Tbb fedt aed Ita merit kaa lad dleboeeel people toatiempt to ewuelerteit It.
Look oet forth'man wbo aitrirpu to
decelrepoo wb-t> roAoa" for UriVltfe
Witch Ilaael lialra. tkr great pile core.
i. t>. Johnaon

’v&rss pV-n..

ncik sihI irrrd netn arr raataiord la le.
eeul bw It.,i 1111. r.« Patrl'niplr. Tbr.

•» l<~r f-*ei. te '

....----—,,, .

18p aad pet I hate w. ram:
I w.ek led pet 1 Lan- ae heada
da« kwS end (unii iau Uk> »■«
Mak<w*rar faaaalr tit wwtA. ihuae
aiiboei ea epe u. nlA il> d~'l.
Perto-'liM! ».«k tb»t n..wrj letec*


I JI.E.I.R. Sum Buusioit.
Trereraa Cite to Man btaw oa Hondap.
Hap n. aad ererp otarr Headap ihereafler. Trmla* learr Trarrrae Clip
I W a. m.
Brlaraiag iraiaa In
HaBblMal2:«0p. B.
i i--------- Rr.nnd inp fare i

To XBr-a nr WU»-I w
I'W flTra r<w full IWIJ • rt
A^lbuixfc to s>n,i a ajih I ^
. I.* all Cl} work W"i« lad <l.n»
o toiyr to r>—i.-r fi» 1--1I.

-*. A .lllTvnKU., Ueo. J'aaa ....
li. W CuavilOHaM. Act

put -mm i.»at

'-MknaalttNU tin eoa
Mfurwj-l.-. -iwwud
o lerlle dhapBrnoamenl wbrn pai
.. .. tlmeol.
OrWItfa lAitle Karip
Ma tta-Cw
Bioer* are p’raaent. eaep. tbaroagb IIP
In BoCiuDa. panto the Uatp, aiwM- or ;
Tb'prer* e->rell[«tl.>n aad
bia cido- and bad bos amiiig new alek knaderba joataeeurc aapuutakr rw-ta. a gr>*>t rrliiir. aworlur In aiumv
>>iiak>ckUd. le iH-ttoiw.
rphatw.wfai<Aoaiiu Uxuu J U JnberoD
till far. norri. a rare >pt*i'■-WaditogfcsBcar.
mm.aalraU InI tl
tto l'l•Il.d Hh BUMMER TOURS
a-W In Utta-k urltoduio . I" la- Indadit, |

OMa Per lirlr PM Deg*,
the glan ................ ....
(he obliging click to the taaliiooaMe
1 wai tainl;
whiai* of
wbo bad ovri.
bora •poll
apot led bp OTcrindol
tolgntoe. Bbebad
■tip looUitnafa in her band and
WH inking tbe otbrr artirjta witb it
I diaKliehid wap. "Tbia ia net
II cnoogb." afac aaid. "and the b»(t
la not fine e-ncogh."
*’lt la oor *np beet grade to gonilt,*’
■oggrated tbe cUck bait BpeUcgctlcaUp.
"Then poo ought to get aoinciblng
better. Vra. roallp, poo ooght," exelained (be willfol roatotnrr. "1 can't
lakeancb a elonap toaibbniih'
• trnk/,

Ka>l to'Ol
to Uwffalo. New York aad M.wtno,'aI
pleeaurc io aan'rom-ing tbai ampir
ranreaeale hax-b vB uiadr f->t the exteeSac epaten of Hunuer TnurPie
Tlekeu asd Ihrnorh ear eerrltw to Ihe
principal Humoirr KraorU of ihe Ni.rlb
and Baat that far imot peer* hare
U the title o:
of Thi^^k'arorlle Huo
KMurt Boole.
____________ .-Ip illnewelrd aatidaintiIt prtoled broeunre entitled '-Hpe.-ltarn
Hummer ‘Tour*” ie oow In prce> end
will be aeoi toaop addmeon receipti.f
iLree ecau pnelage. Tuuri«l» will fled
' Iralle <o oooauU IU pagre
. .. .lag ibeir eonner Ostlog.
Citp 1
Ticket Ofli

Ag't. Cbloago..

ntoU.iia dn^ind.-iit. a dinore eci


CREflrt or Whmt
A ('.4iio Iiitranivl luul lrrf>.- a irllainal.
Adrliik aiiil lm>u>-wr..
A tiurk 1.
I.urla.l and Iratu hu.ka.
1 to Uai and k«r>- a link- iwke-

A ttnbbora epogli to tickling io the
throat pielde to Ooe Hioote Cough:
UarBlBB le effect, tooehea tbe
right apou reliable and jut wbat
uC*iwo i.
iuiaikantviah gtaiil r
Biurnered tha dork, with a waeted. . ti acta at ooea J. (I. Jebi
"Tbes pcB want a tootbbrotb
r poor,
wafi.e ilu-giatil luta
"Yeo. of coerae 1 do. and I wfM
takeebarfcofacnalloftlue here, atluuai tl H.iiitd ou hnxer lala- eiiiplj.
tooethlng pcrp aofi and mp dolnj)^.*'
ediog to wail ruolUog Iron oor exI tbla M.H.apka Ua. Imt
Pt lhai tbe
replied tbo pooog womaa. And. aiitto a
otlee adrertialog.
Halarp (WOO oar ■gtal had two hnwir and tao iiKiulha
ptoec. ake. added, wilb on aSeeti
Tbnvrocu. I( to- pHiU oor <wg In iwrh
■ Mlfrlopew A. V. T. Elder. Oeoeral mouth, bewTUld ewelkwr tm rwga alsiultanruiulp on n etupir aiomarh
. Koka'
lagcr, Ito Hitelgan Ars. phk
ThI* anner. toncin.T, d.a* nut n-in
'■CertalBlp not.”r«opcs<led tbaetorfc,
■uUr Bttidartarp. k* a glam might ns
with a eordiol anile. rHeta an teat
call for DeWiu'e Witob ounahlp ta- auppowxt lo haw ttxpm ito
broibca of nare qnali(p. 1 had onrmiue than one egg In bla n>outb atoao
looked tbnsi. Here ia one with hair oa Haul'ftoer, tbe great pUecotw..
TV-true anewrr tto-n upfawM to
nflaa allkand a hisdlcot aolid gold." accept aoptbleg , .
br brran awallnw u>^ on nupcp Auuua-h
Tbe girl fmdlcd tbe eapcualTr trinket
anr <W oa wuukl lunu a gUm'i
tor a tMOuenl. and. witboot aeking tbe
.. . kfol. cw. aahehad twuhnid*. adoubleBoutbful
pth« eaiA‘‘TbnwtUdo UareltnsI
with the otber tblngn plesae." Wbas
•a \Klcb liaael Balee
IhifepailedBajden'a father geta a bill umplu of DeWitt’a
bp tbe naaotac-.
bom (be faablonable }eweler. be wUl bare beee
proto of tbelr
doobtlm be Bored to aoetios bp tbe terete. Wbat beltar proto
«BlTp."Ooe loolbtewah for dog. **A #0. ” lldeaee Id lU mei lU do pou rrant?
:aa. eeeldi
It if noonooBBoo thing forabopVtoai la a ahip uto a ahlpi Wbeo ahr 'a
kMpn to Mew York to be called opos
UliuD la a ahlp UU a fluurt Wheoahr'a
toropplp tedlet artklee tor dogA
kepo blrdi aed oftaer dOBertlo petA
Trelfa weerawrll. People bare
learnV Uxi ta a ahIp like a cailurf WVei
Beane motb uaintiUi tpedal litiB to ed that DeWitt'e LllUe &rlp BUerM
cssito and bnxbee few jM dogt. oiM aa reliable lltUe pIlU for regab
a flabwtogte the n
a epacial cosemton to tbe athnalana .--------.. —eoeaUpaties aed e
to tbe toir pwnenof
> peta tbe
Tb«p don't gripe.
prieee to dog combe and
»Up Mgh.rYork
(Mng Beat or Booth.
If poe are goleg to Ueteolt. Toledo
iS^Hlddm Aruaana:
r bepeed. wk poor loeal ticket a
plumU-T. WBTM.tamaT, abuum.
•atlekelritY. k 1>. M. E B.
Bxeelleat teals urrlee le a festerp ed
H. r. MnKU.xs.
A- G r. A.
Ku lU.-BbtoogLeUara.
Omr Mac to wa aad roB to
Per broken earfaeea.
bitea. Vuroa akin "
A toiataa maa to HeltmlatoIp pliu there le
U oee
n liable remedp.
Bm oaiaa waa auUaa
DetViu'i Wiub Uaael Haifa
Ko. I»a -KMereal: Hur. tau
you eall for l>rM'ltt'adoa'tacerpt«oeBKo. laT.-l>ruppcd Word, i'uuto
teoablM,andUotteD tbe reenltto ns terfrlu or franda V.« will not be dleb tbri Ulttr tiw toe
tehrwilad taint te Ibe Uood. 6. B. & : appoleud with DrH iU'e Wlicb Bead
■ MTh •hinini lawr.
4^Xa< tori tapia.'r *11 in, d*r
wry towalM
Ko. 1HB-:
•ratp tnen to tbs dteMW, osA
h. X. caitw. *..Kllto,
A Sulla 8 Sioch 4. stutor 7. ftwrwi.
■ Pan*
8. Btaac
Iv. ASBOl.
:. Brand
u: Paga pate
jw. petapDOti

Scrofula, a VUe

Fv IiiteBU ksd GUldroB.

. i* «-*? J


Komanewa be eerp texp te e teuquho nctliei.
BafoR lore grew bUsddt became esp
I wwpt. »a««ei..a»u wMrerd.aad «a*l?aWa a* terHgfated.
Kowtoneswbo beUeree te coeAbocHi
wry towrabW
bMireu te tuml deftoeHtp.
b'* a oarl glri teal esn krwp a maa
teteUiv lone csongb tbal be'e /eUp

ew*t™ the pi^tm^b^ln^Sdnio^
• —tttvFtenHDtiaji*Htit*r~~

Tbe wonhle with wcmies te pelitiee
H that tte9 ere alwnpe wantlag lo rip
wrocnbl to gold. AanadingtotbeBarttend Oragosian a trodida aepictorfegsigeBd totew*^ ea tfaet told to
Darld to Isecl iLa Robot Brace attoebm to tbia piloa to work. lle»BeBmaetae u locidint to tbe life to
Froderlck WillUa the
the jemmi omperorto
attampl had bast made to ptoaos bln

traixt h*rtxa w

Ply Nets



rrite. to* «ea a^B^imii.-A. n.

Ky $6. $7 aMd tS Single Bsmess eye the beet for the
money In the atnte.
S A good^Donble Drivlns Hemeea i

8 for $16.00-

Tmnki, Ladle*’ and Gent'a PatcheU at AU Prioea.
A Lartre Line of Teleeoopes at AU Prioea.

U9 rrftt Stiaet.



TraToroe Olty, Nlehigaa.

Orderefor^lob Printing leftatthe

will receive nremot nlteFt'cn

If you get tired of drinUng Tea and Coffee, try


for a while. We have all kinds of Cocoas and
Obocoiatea We have

Van Houten’s Cocoa,
W, Baker Breakfast Cocoa,
Stoflwerk’s Pure Cocoa.
In Chocolates we have Baker's Chocolate.
German Sweet Chocolate, Lunch Chocolate.
Hunkle Bros.' Chocolate. These are very fine
goods and the prices are low. -


M o«Hb saendtodp U sot. ba fa ’ tbe hrmage waa giras to a dog.
tosiplept^Wi ttiaB SMU-tottlad iBBadlatolp epa taktoc it. died.
I aaok wto afttowetd haogeA asd tha



I Headquarters for_

Biitteg wlte te.

*«bB epc* 1 kM>w atatood
CtoaBBiatareBiagaito Kansd there 1* et lento os* « tbe
I to e*<wp hreiatooHa few tbe
hiea fftot deal to do with
Ufa. Tbna la BOB to It than
BMibaiea haaatoaoto all be can do or
»**P-«“toal»eodtDln twedietong



•rr:: .

AoblUaa waa allaped bp plaptog on
haip; OanoB, wtlh tba ua toatn.
SMit. qoietad wild and dntnken paotbk
aad AsilepiadM in a aiinilar inaDiMt


iMnoai^ Wood. U poo phsi^ ia a Mg
9 br hit age. aad tbe oclp aorrow to


to baf^dte « h«,A tou nn«bad,,^,a^.- „■»

tt> «n<h and tk«


"Kifto.'-oaltod toa aU 0mtl
tato Iba baad to tba atotok **to Ihto
VSLi jwt toss down ibaaa pair’
••Yaa. 'W lapUad tb* too
vlTuto.’’ toU a aaor«
toga botoaba.
atr^oto^nvcatn. “_________ _______
waaalliirlwitto abop tW Istoon
good nlgbt. na ana wai ba op to In
dura toa btoiteolto’a nsda ana a
than nrowetoa”—Mew Toafe.WnU.
ttoadrgoodasa. Ail tha Macks
gotfitovttfc ttodr bona, laalaai
tooetog. and the wages a^ tU
na b^ wUqnad tba Jo^to
lapatr WDrii wUeb Ibar did. Ucto to

taiiaa and lowca
nyaapdicraiKl pcatenaotiKcaaa'





£'#^^j!=riS3 i.’XJW






s a BA«M,

eoU *«ur aad M«» omm hoar. Mrate
tha liqaia arwr tb«
aad eaok <oMl Mil. 8tr«tBtbrpa)P.«aaM(arMa
taUaa boar. tbM Maba^Mok



An Op^ortunf^ Worthy of
Your Notice.


•blab doB ao BOah te ebaar aM aataebteoae-adatlrUte. A «riterla te
Ifyeaaafiar wllhbldaep dteoaM'
p or Orap* daUp—The Aar- Qolaar tape of te qaaaa:
ipallaMt artetapftwB aala^ap,
.tea baUaaaa te* It U ptiBi te ear aeUoa ef tbe kMaepe ar erieary erI

dtiBnad lered eata te wAUb eaarteM paae. ihte oSor wa Baba B te people
aoaaaa qatekipaa MkMl.^ aaora •baa te:
•be atUl atrappla wUb te teotpuitaw ofTrarerB flip ehooU lalarBt pee.
pl.wter. tfraaahla. te-llr te aiap ripe, aad i
abdaonoMof teaarip aia.
It bM UteadriBBaaetof aedlBl eeteeea
I tea r teH. aad 1
tba ktdaape. bMev alaoB te oryaai
Moktap. wblle (w both a peead aad t
t that aba tea tel 1
•fte praaaai laparlaaea to haaae
aa »;aaU Iba aarp b«at. AltboarbalJ balfefaaparaboaU ba allowad ter eaaalth. tare aot baaa aaMectad. aad
bal Ua eoterada I wMt wlU vara par­ tfp put of Jilaa.
a plaetap bafoe* poa aata aevra aa
■ «kaUM«»w.>
ted atraacara toaa.Ira»amber t|aa
aeaBb Eidaap FtUa. te a^rtor*
ma of mr meat aalojabU ateUa aad
i. te qaiM .weopalM bow far BO Map
a te baliaf tet bM of te aakati ofi
tba tesUp aa tba plaaaaaMat ^ kap- BM qMd of frail aalil te iatea «a*a
n»t to av faraaa cve«traalp; dll te katUa with eat (relv te&Bd-B aplrii.-----------------------rahUaathartof U
lhap aa« tell aaa alaadar;
beUiIewIp. Bttrrteeftea.
Doaaqaal far ba hU proBlaad bar tet 1
1 laid. "I lUak »biB tba : walpbt of aopar aite frait )b1oi.
bate. Tbla wot told to Daaa
I mhm tba arM i«aapa bg
afateallp aaa tba so
bp te qaaaa-a baU ahtae. te
P.IU tor BBcb ailaeate
; Ptaah Jallp-Tallew paaehia
atibrp tea-t, pate'«
dilleloat Jallp fjrcakaa. p^iapaaad
_>a dMd are bororlap a^
latura tet are daUp raeelrad of Ibe
iteUke,aad •bUaaotaalid aaaopb te
loa tep lerad oa mtU ^p ta te work tep
Id waU. te aoaalaMBep la partael
aathapde wltbtbiir Micbbera. I<
■eoa for bar aajatp'a dtelika to
baaefll. old
ibaeaBBaBad. BabeCtedaaa
far battar thaa aat too."
d aarriapB. BpaelaUp tba re
I eat la qoartan: add te fcarvalt
Hltebaa tha rmta la teUlaf.
_pe of wldowe."
BMd Bp aoterada "Thatiaael
aaVat oaa-lhlnlt epltaaad atlr.
It aecaa tel Lord Teaapeaa ibared
mteoadaDUp tepemet tbairadAa acad paiaea aioppad with ate
the bflief wiu bar. aad la ecw of bte
Add lesea Jalot
Babad baaa rWUad kit
leltera to te qoaea appaara Mtb^ Ufa.
Witb aaeh a aadtelae
la te pnaodloe
of OBa)eBoa.for
OBa)aBoa.for araalilp aad ba told tea that wbaa It
tbtepaBaca:.-'lf te dsad. aa Itara aa afar orihte Mad eaa ba made wKb
arp plat of frail Jakse. aad oai peaad
oftea fell. Iboopb tUaaL ta more Urlap oat hB
ep. for wbl>.•a wa loae tl
Boralar ha aaU -pood teoralac' of •afar
lopar ft
for WBa.
wapira to poa. we a
Bake a friw
aeBBotlapaapoMet tbaa. tbap a«*
Crab Apple Jellp-tf
>laeat la w^h Uelr Mi-lh Ufa waa
aarint Bt la te Bla
,dad bat poBid hla bp at
: a ajlaSh.*to^«a**T«rtt BobS
Btoeekladofiallp tb
.aldbeae Muta—tbaa Ibay. wbUa era are lapole Btaliac that tber are aot at oee'aalda.
haltaaep Id drcidlep t
teaph betraa aot thara. oral
BMP eiill ba with aa. aad te babaad.
waabaaaatbtelraotloa. Bataaldte Proealp aada It te Uaptlap to
te epa aad te palate la wbatorar wap te daopbUr aod tbe aoD Icat bp poor
fater. “1 traated tea M tboafb Uap Itteaarred. Waab errab te frail: eat aajBlp aap raj .lee wbea te people of Doaa'a Eidaap pirr*
I *■« UUl* awwt p«ft.
repllad aad treated aa with all eirUip oat tba atra apd bleaoa. blaek apota aboat te aaae of thalr qoeea ” WrH- awap free to erary peraoa aaffarloi
with kldaep allaMto at Ua aedaraipe
I eoald Dot do oterwla aed tool 1 waa ^ Inote. caj^tfbmlra a^ eeok. _A1_Plrateoae, flrel tarred
r eeparto a
te «ddBddreaa.
dMap rlfbt. boorarar aadrll to ma I lowooapoa
oalp Ult aae etasoa oSarsd.
raber thb U aot a taapla bos. tat •
' fail tbap are. “
Qolaa Jallp-Qaleea tet hare baaa ean Barer allow to ba eoaeldared tod:
reler alar tet of Doaa'a Eidaap Fill)
Tba aboae atatraeata of ap aoarada froatod wUI BOl Bake dra Jallp. aad ■Tbe trfl-ctrd Upbi of te eoa wblcb
• talhabiao.
baa aat atm raaa‘o>; It U foil of patboe
baa d>ad BT tboephu callier op alal'•prowp frail pira llula'li'
bBtalaofnU of J'plal protltoda. aad
A ted
eaaa la fip owa Ufa aeperieaoa I
oar floe frail: mb off
. ___ _____ rd taka
at wbo ba> left Bl- aaarip tbirtp paato
Mol leethe f - .
tetebtaadaUtaim. lea.
sa kaew. A hatbaod oa laarlap Mt tba blootoa
:llap arooDd iv The
aaade dark- apo aorclp blaaaea ae alUr"
aad awap I'd dp.
boaa aad blddlap hla oifa pood bpa to
aa te., tat
l^lSWfct kbd
»d blfb!
•bleb iba took ao aoOoa aak brr. aad If <
■.Cbat pee bid aa pood bpr- »»wbleb twaatp-flra loaVaa of tweotp aiaataa.
dtrtMTirweald tail ear aasa
I te IHUa Mar efcUdraa eoBa
Tbit frait alaorqolra oar poaad af
abirapliad. -I doaH bate to "
■opar to a plat of Jila.-Srbicnd.
of teaarlpcBrlrooarel aad tralniup
lhtetraha< aad aha!
Aalaftarwardi tboopbt of it. tet
mf*a 1a atar aed aadb tewBO
that fell to 1..........................................
MaaAoaawawoBldaoaear altar, •111 “did aot ban to- ratara ha boaat dell
PoUlnp Up fTBlt
baad-i panlap alou oa bla l^rlapi
dparlaa (
tbw tCmtlM.we«l sal tsC taws
Baparha aeibiacw do wllh k««p
are earth dowart. daarr
• did aot bare to ^ abow area tba oea lap frait.
The whole adbrat it Opht llaooah Walkar haapaoB,
frlead. •‘aaa edee of bar ’
BOB elrlUp to bar ebaaoa eoaMbba tope aed rabbtra aed porfaet aaataaloB
tarUtooe bUtakiap Itara. I thoapbl of air.
toma to vWt
If pee waal to hare aa aaaj tiae
a tiM wlk looka M ter W4 *0 UMk.
•tack, filled, and Urillcd. aa(^
Ihm te tha baaa of plaaaara. ae]opi
pleeta poddiapa aaUl a
derlop tbi frait aoaaoe. hare a abarp
or Itap will llqeafp.
paaoi aad aorth datropad.
halfa at hand for parlap paaeba.—
waa of Ue amtll.
Aftar tooklnp apoa tet alee I lookad pla, ate.
Olirt* aade lato Badwicbet ere lidID, tbet alwept
Thiewiap te pared trait iqto la
bite which teacteree eaprld^dt auae
apee Ikt oter. tea I aid, -Ela tet
u aooaat te ikiB '-------------- '
aerappetitea Tbap an ttoead. eho|s
aaeh tbiapi datropa te aot worth te
teeporIt fna taralap
toralap dark,
ed bp the tweeteet aspreatloni and a ped aod laid betweeb thio aUlcea of rpr
arlap.” Ill rock tala whleh pw
dalaet aoar ebarria for
cherry pr*
rarelp wleBiap aaile. Tha brow waa bread aloap wlU plecB of IrBh waureaa te jeiee latUed
I of
teaatalof wblekoaateBada. BadJob aarrta. aod
blpbar aad brataar . tbaa one oftea
Itetaaad to hit wlft aid hte afBiettoa. w*ur to aaka tba aprap.
aaBoaawoBtoB.aad te brlpbi apa
_____ praaerra aad jrl.
•lUb writs aaerta that theto
looked oot abarpip but merrllp beaeath
aad “aaraad Ood aa he died." tblak poo
.. dark clOBat. tet te wall
aor (trull atmrt in Ixmdou.
reader that bla afur lUa weald bare
Tboa oalp eaa poa prereai U—rentable Iriae apea thep ware—
d. T
Tba ___ _______ badup been InTimled bp
•oata ■'aweeUBf" aere U with Ualr (pa-loTlar twlakia.
baaa aora blaaad-o praatar
anthur* bKeme idantiaaka the oktaida of tbe plea aliekp
tea bte pterloaa life? No.
Ue ippe Uat Ba aad alwapi doat fled with that atiTB U«aaa Uep were
^dteaproeabla If kept where Ibare '
ertith obauclea.
U tbae iroald Dot baa baea. aad bte
^ M* wUk MOM fraa AaffMS Ufa bad aerer bOM handed dowa M
"Ua. diapaon wat a derotod aoU- alirapa trpinp to find Ik
.00 keep trait la a Ilpht roo
er to all bar eblldrea. It waa dot
aaeb eaa la paper,
In Uaxico tbe w:honl rbildrcn wbo
PMriTta (Um ^ -tora
«r aMBDUuflaltbfalaata. pa. aad tet
bar that Will bewaoe tba bat otall
re Barer biaa able to are te
bar* dune brat are alluwud to an
te Bote te world world Barer baa
teeaoapb diSereoce la the qoal aaUcal acbolar lo I'alapra aaboel. a
figmrm vbila purvunp Uuir Icoasa
tba it wtt wht pare Ua word 11
beard of Job.
Aad Job tbaa weald
the prodoel to rapap oaa for
aaat bia to Aaoapolit.
ban baaa at tboaph be Barer had baa.
la poaahlag appa" te
"It wut tba hope of Ur*. Siapaaa't
oUer. It tea bet. ell-dap Job
SoBBtliterer ba with te oee tet
life tet ibe atpbt lire to tee her - —
wesda wbp it la Uat BeOktnr
ry.—TSaraal a
- •
tea Ua baadiad phOdaMtetaataaadUteli tet
Bippon hai be. u ao qniet lalelp? He
«at eaaaed frail lla la Ibe pood aa admiral, bi.l tbe died Id lev:."
M tea for tep eoeu eaa or
MB't made a a]>«eb Uls amacm. "
qaality of tba frait Itaelf. the oaa of iu
Tbe tlpMeladaoa
"Oh. hadn't pon hBrd? Uliaeorqtatr
?olM iMtoad
tette of water, ao tar aa poai
^ooBMte beaarar>«( tbaOrtaat of teirrartedferat to all. It
*a paenacioia, and Ue doctor vcu'l
lo aroidibat to taa tea. to meat with bla aad IbepMeet oxeloaka of air.
rrlB and hackle- kaeplap tba OIB from bar dialap
»a^^ •«.
fcapiapt bBTlB aad orareoaa te trUte aad tau
tarrlB aaed rerr Utile eaoklap pteper- wllhoot tba nae of acraeaa. aapa that
teH^darkAaidwHkadalatp ^Up. prlaelida. eharmetor of aaa »aod aad atOTj^ to oaaalBpi aertlp e Uoraopk aba toka a iitlla olt of tap aai wroi It
into a aaacar. wblcb ahe plaoB oa a
•Mttoa pUaearaMpMalp. wamkDhood. To piaettoe la
aad madar all eireaailafiea alrilltp : Tba per* Julee of te prapa wlU aap- wlndow-aTll.
AnoUar bonaekaepar aeadi ta bar
ira the qaaltUa tel ! ar eaoivb to aake It pelateble. caaned
(perlanea to catcblnp flia la Aupoat
wkila hoL Ilka aap fraK. aakca a daUiadaaMtooartallowaaad that halp
arlp fall wbea>hrp aatlla —
iaiaadaaaBftoprowia toror witb
Jallpaadafrea half-ripa raoapber U* walla and <
Abe toke* a t
rtotcaaDOt be dUUapaUhed. eiUer bp
bc*h Ood aad aaa aad aaka
isOpan wMtaa “Doan Worrr
1 off Uaituapedaidato
eolor or taata. froa that aade of carr,* aad htela apood Ulap to oraatedarkeatbearebtlpbt. '
raata, while Ue qaantltp of Jalae from _______________Bjonp, polBtod atick into
te oppoait* aldd
Whenarer *be aaaa a
art baa taka frea te Cbriailaa
mb^ teDfroea pack of earraato.— coloDp that bare eetUed eloee uyeUer.
fatter Werld aad baadad ■■Craaaxthe throalt Ueaoepapalnat tea. and
Blaatet worrp.” Cat tbli oat aad
Ur adbrelra elde wiU bold te flic*
wiu area a allpfat thraak
Tbep map
alHb poorwork boakstarb poor
be eoailp wipwl uS aed te wark rapopotoriip. fraU jtau aad aar.
II wUlbaaon tAbe
ic pan waa aUzIlop boL___ ____ _ ..aed.
aad te rarp arxl _______ . diPrr wMalp. bat at far a
f wafer Ihinara aad proparlp aarked
aaklap te ooaeeraad tep are Idratleal.
Oaip oarraBUaad bernaeaabe aaad
The Wormw
np Let*.
n te pan
eopiTivriT DuasaNTCLC
I or-wHw It—te fa Job propar. wblle aaraolada hat
A taUer waa It arlnp hiaa» OD Ue
Blip wer.
teaatlra taapaei larper tralla troa
flap oot
tote ot aipht aad
Ir wap to brBkfaat.
plBBi to qalaoaa.
Tha aabetltattoe
elap toto in Ue aornliip............. Hep; all Ula. od a taltry_____
taltry a
of piaaalatod fa roSea aopab aad tbe
ear »» • rerucea •••«.
m will aerer BDCoeed." be Bid.
pa'tbal*? UpoBB
traiUag of both te «u<Ntr a^^te/rtd( top wtaa aaulap alB In Ue wap of
onleea poo Bead poor way* Reaeaaaat ooald ba toleratod. bet a few
btfort tep are eoaMoed baa |'
ertaa earlj bird eatoha Ue worm."
alloB of c i>p bicoa. bare It waa
both oMtaraa a fiaar eola aad fti
~A»a pea a wary
"And wtal atant te rrora. lather? "
atralfbt aad aallid taiUod of brown
Tbii waa te Arat bot- Bold tbe poaop man Bneerlnplp. "WtaB'tbe^raterfaolUh in pellini
Uae pcMtlpa.
PaaUlaritp with the waaUer broakfaat aoBpad bp Ue oaok.
Mery, or biada at?
poalble rtoalu of aatlap frait aa^i and ahe aridenUp waa not in poaaalon ^Mp eon." Mid the aid. man. "Uat 1U a.o.'.r-gl fraccaan. It b
of Ua taallp aaeret wblcb Inaerad
~Ba« did
ora bada'l be«a to bed at all; be rraa
proparlp cocked baeon at aU acaaona.
Tbe aejtl mornlap It wot area waraa eoaptad.-PiUabaij
~ leaiiea? Did tel mita. Oafalth.
ar, bet Ula tiOM Ue b*eoa wa« partael
peAHKim M»cVr»CH A CO^.CM.caoo
..paaia? Waltap BoddUapbadp.............of
No other a
each allea bad bean apread os a
otto lloB frea Ant to leak
tdy of a Borraat. Orarwork?
• be aere
Ronad MndwiebB
tin poa and Ula pat dlroctip on
Uoroopb tlirriap wllb a
« te
— ob-' "Bowaldaropoa? Baral yoa baaa.
lea lor aboat Alteao alAiatoa: tet
woedeo ladle to p.-areni Ue aaa troia
mp or dIaAoad abape. An erdloarp
itbatare? Haraan yea baaa om- adhariac
«a Ara wbea raw, whlah aeaaa b rcolt cutter ar apB tea.
- •
to U• I bottom of Ua batUe
ad parjerp eboei trip tlM el- wiU alone loai
' percelain- ____a exparlanrad apa erlapa.'aa whan petixii
AUlnq for Ueae mi
aooVad. Tbe bare lee Beat sot eoaa
^4pT Aad pee dan to aeae hen Uaed I
bread1 U cneom^firM-la eoatact with te buea, aa te laaat
A la aapoBOaia'.
■Bplelea of dampeoB would prodaoe
____________ a litUa loBpar
Braett Tote ceeklop Uaa Jam. tacaoB Ua poUUe- Ua rary ropalt Ua eoelaaa prarcaa
IB aeoktop poaltryand BBta la bat
fMr I IcBow better. That'a aa oMoa. eoa tUat aad aaada are rejected.
ear imI aaaa. pee warty, la Ladf frait ta flat cooked aaUl aefu Uaa wBUer. wbaa poBlUe, Uap. too.
aaabad Uraopb a 'perea atralaor to ahoBtd ba cool a«d Ara tafei* raaattop.
ft** tba palp froaaklat, etc.
Ula —At. Loutt aiolt Dgaocful.
< year fatbart WMea? TbaVa tea rawraad to te Ara: te aopar
ihaod: poaaca
' 1. aadUa alxtoia cooked alewlp
racaat >
r waa a I
aodatoadUp aatil ItU ea
d of pai
Tha eaa
tWIal kma yea to Mp tor poanalt? Uula eooUd oa a ^to la Ai
arUtartlc. C. a. atoUiTT, tbearr aoC a
fraa water.
lhai yea hararaaaea aad JaMlaaoa
JparaUa? I aM tep aa ter*, bet
tbnapb deep yellow lato rebp perple.
ooe wa.t ba.* aa aterarr blaaeiar e) 11 par
aad flaalto Ue darkBl aad riebat
eaal. aai la fall batoa V parcral lb aap bnarb.
Ip ora p«a trilh ewada to ooa
aopar to arary po
Feraaebae prtor aar taa of tb* aeClUabal
of Ual royal color for Ue oxIt aad eaok twratp-Arc
twrBtp-flrc alBBt
- M aralabraTAralca. Wtaar, •
wlhal all te waU te dark aal
amb ■•&)••, aa4 ban ab a.aner .tabCIrv
— .osraU. ______________ , ______ __
bta^r*b> bMtaCaJl beleaM par r*b> u
Onapf TalaiMihoee blae^aaaa.
A mapaBaalB of eblekea la an aaal
aar braacb
..Tbat yea aoo't hMp faeUap aad act- lato.cold wetar. Corar Ua parlaft and wap to aarre lafl-etar eeld chickan
Par Bra. prade the <
eoTB WlU ebld water, atew alewlp for
■ l(M>wMrrietb*Ma«l
pMyoada? Thatpoa wereaade bean aad Uaa aUw Ureapb a tlranp ,ten ita praparaUoB la alad.
eblekea la eat la aaat piacM troa wblcb
•r eaat. bM ts tall toWa
at aapt TVea pee aade yoeteelf Jelly bop.«
. bone prlatlc aad tkla ar* r*a>OT*d, aad
_________ -i
. DralB Aral ea a aaeb taopped la a mapaBaMa* tafora
uwap.fato obarpeOod with aak- aabalaoB
It tb* Warrk aa< a.paai
peMhalUapae poa weald babUa- etelb. oBd cook bbUI Usdar la tka : balap Blaoad oa bile of criap lattaee arMMdM
llqahl atralaad froa te eora and por- raapo* on a plattar. Cold raal la oomeiia^. aad tha aoo^ year ‘aaka tapi. Haah Ibe fnflt Urooph a e>
Ubb aertad to Ula wap lor a to* er
taa r*«e .. wan that tbw* tblre
■aha yea Ota. te bdUa fa yoB aad aaiTO. add Ua hoaled sapar and
..n.atM *>r*pl t*acb«t* at tb* pn
warr rra4** ot cllr or .lUbp* orhooia abo
Aftaaa aaatoa.


flflllM ■■■■ fill
aaaaaa aaaa aaa

TarTafcnta >ad ChlMltt.


The Kmd Yoe Rave
Always Boe^


aaa a aaaa aaa aaa awe

Beais the





- .--'SS?.



:::: : i iiiii-i




You Have
Always Bought.




Fne Distribution One Daj Only

______ Tuesday, August .30th,

SB=tASAfi8fifl«Atl «
=S— a


• I--------- iiliT- rmmifl
aB '
aaaa a aaaaaaaaa

Chicago —
West Michigan.

Hiuilt I Uy late. Ca,^ Dnl. BepL

w»wyh «a«







t^MteTdrilMte ua a*fav Mlta<ter.j^«l(ktr apiMa «ar tooa:


o. DI aam. «ea^
nd Stone Work, and roI prodraot (iraolto, Marble and
dearer xlwapt to keep'nr prim* low, voi
rlnp Ue qulilp ef w«k
wo are (urnlahiDp. .Uar extenaire baadll .. if Bonaarntol work enable* na to toccre atock on tbe moat adranlareCHia irrma. and tbe tancBl Uoa obtained rrrrrta to opr cuatomerm If you arc Ulnkinp of bupinp snptbinp lb our lice, it wool)! ta well for yon to call or drop oa a
card before p'.acinp your order.




FOB $5.00, OF

Traeerae OUp. Mlcb-

; One Can of RED SEIl
Carriage Dressing


MAkM Canta«e Top*

Bright as New!
We have mAd« a nice line of^ArnaM In many
-IM. A ApeclaL hanctoomA «nd dorAble Single
w« offer fbr

ONLY $10.00.
; W. O.0 Ciu.r7 th. bM lln. of Hor« OoU«*. SwMt
F.d., Hor» 1 othln* .no Bridgo Oollu PuU.

: Wilhelm, Bartak & Co.


Order* for Job Printing left at the


Who hu added a fall
. line of

will reeehra ommpt ettei





Owe aeath to SoMUaa Par-

tbocldar of aatlee aap be apllt to
alddla oaUa toaida laapUaiaa.
folloirlBp te alddla of the boaat. Tha
Aat boaa Ueald be itaered AnL tea
waaalleroD** Thla ia door bp.
lUp aeraptog oA Ua aaat all ar
le boB*t asd ailllap Uaa Dck
Ueepaainp. AlTwlU ataSaporfereameat, roll aad tie 11 rrcU. Thaealuda
of all ttaffed roaaU abocld ta robbed
wiutatur. Taaale Btaop aa
te prary.
added to> U

To hie ondertakinff eeUbUahlent. Tbe Amitnre will occapjr the front of the boUdln^
he ondertaklnff boalneM

Gold Mcdl, Hldorlaler Fair.
-tba* teaaarvalp apataloMr*
^rtoat tea elrUtp la te faailp."
-thattea*.- laid apoeond*.
aa aaa* iapraond aUh 1
a wbaa to Iha arap I «
■e with a eeaiede, Tbe UrniBMd ef te feter, aoter.
daepbla* frea a daopbUr
aetrted to a eaall ahUd. fleld
«aaM daaphtor pedd ae aeab atuato ead Itetaaad ae eerefeUp to
mu te child bed to cap ae to
Tbk WM
bale faailp. Brery aae waa aua
•AetrOto te oter. aad 11 aaaaad
aot OM eekad a aotbar to do a
top bM tel UarataaM tea


I! a- wad* far altradaacaai tb*
Uat* aat lor flrblllB Urrlr

Hew to te Uaa le pet pear tdepela

U* bean iBraef foor
______________of lettBBBiaae Ua
abriapa to lea orator, drain and aacerato tea wiu a Fraaeb dreaalap. lal
tboa *taad to lb* le* efaat for two
boon. Anaapate iBOBof laUae*
tote fora of aballa cate Bled dlth.!
Mix half of r-----------------------------------■-'
Urlapa and pet a apooefnl ef te alx- ’
. t«r* tow *a^ abelf
Drop lato each
otaUaepocafalot tei»aatotopdi^.
lap and aarre tb^lad at md*.


■ ■ ■ Rj ■
. **I
enr >aaa w rrara aaP 1 oa ar Bat tbwaiaa
Barr firm weBaranlWiataaaraiaamB^

srs'"'' - «”■

MMUaUpaakao^ Allwcwfcd


A Fan Oropi 0ms of tartar FraAff

Bam aeffiarara a allpht rortol
boa frittora
A lipbt bettor to
orlth a plat el A,nr. two toorpo
of bajrtor powder, a aeoat cop ot i
ana era. bBton. lipbt belora It to add i
ad.nlittta Mltanda bait taMpoonlol i
aopar. Oep aboat a aopfal of co d
bMled haar^ taa. a ad aUr lato Ula
batlcr. which It will be Mea to aUpbilp ^
ttlPa t^ that oaoallp made for frit
ton. The a------------ * ................................
Aa Um for f


Horseshoeiog and Gcoenl RipiiDg Done.

Ke-Painting and Upholstering.
State SL, beir Diuon.



■.aoroaut-B a m

Mi. Pleeauk, Owaaee, •effltt*w. Bey Oity, Z>Miolt.Sev*
•U, Ann Arbor. Toledo
points Beet end oUh: OtOAO
eonnoeOoae et OopMtfahwUh


Biqcle Sniries if 111 Kids

lUV FretatatAMraeMBaplaO^


Carriages, Cntteis,8ieiCb8, Eta

884 Union AtreM.

Mlchaal Booora-WprU'a Fair.


SmiiiutiNi or Tueben.


f? Toaara
Yeaharatokaa WBipb U« frait: and allow . .
*-erorr thraapooDda. Car*fallp pan
iqatekaalwaptotoelwaraa. People
« Ula yellow Hod fraa te laaaaaa
-Jd eeok U wlU Ua Iratk
Fat lha
Bfthyoa? Tbayu
aopar aad palp o*or U* Ara: taU Ara
or awra otlaatoa, aod carafatlp remora
all U* white aeaa which rtaa: add te
jeloa of te toaiaa and Ibok t
•TTtiiaa at te kar. yoau
------------ ---- ----------------------r*iip


H. D. ALLEY’. Frvprietor.

401 Weot Front SUopt



r* tob * * Part Oaadai, r BB
ailBatolMba ■

Traverse City Granite & Marble Works',



uiisni in loniiURD LI




Liebig Company’s
Extract oT Beef
COOK BOOKOd*M. uota Oo. p. O. taw Dta BM »




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