Grand Traverse Herald, June 05, 1902

Dublin Core


Grand Traverse Herald, June 05, 1902


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




6nMI Ztihtnt 0«raM


mi< uiuav,

For th« foil MKWOd of 1901 «re<
iiOT<> one of the Baeot owortoMiitti
of neir


Tra?crsc aiy SUtc Bank


ntiiciuiiT TAiiomiKi!
r o^ofTB in the morkoL All the
iatrot No^eltiea In 'PUitk, Chock*,
ond 8tripei^ both Poreiten ond Do­
le. These we will moke to
jonr order at tbe very lowest prices.


Real Estate"*Insurance
r- AflONEY TO' L.OAN —

WllfcUa.dkn.f.a I.

207 E. Front Street.

li.Kbar< twvsm.

OivwUc EL A M. Black.




F„r lb. lU-tu’ i-^r- .< •» <»-« •.
>„M. h.1
. teal

i»lb- k... I.-.-

T..kitb.'<uAti?a Il> rl-'>


SURPLUS. $50,000

ntrroiiit. Uodli( ■cr^tol Tailor.

■M aw

■—n —

Tire Insurance! --F"
Money to Loan on Improval Real Bute tJiInk


Afcr Cell «Uowed OB TlOMDcpodU.

-11. (.UI VwelS .«.i

Johnaon Block. Phone 73

Traveree City, Mich.

.otj... >n
ItH- t-M


low*, all borne boy* aad
IwomthI ap and Maer Be harl«L tbr
led* moBer ibaa H m*e.! to rom (bem,
Uasb liraac Uma tb. y errm bo|a4 in
bar* aDtifibej
Ibej .S_____________
*» pay for ik
From Urn sl
"new rombtaaliim" wa* a Iweedt la
I r kladmoa <d bmrt prampaed bla
all that we osre to know Tb, -----------and the mokaei w.wr tbr only ft
Ibra a
it they had hi
amy ntbrrwn.. t>br a


the «amU«wi ao.t 1

- a r-oeW look Bi
taut froen Har.lw.rk. hr tmd l..r«l a
la hand then- wa* •omrUuBf *^
h«r»- aod rmmaar aod drir.-B oerr to
ilial blDled al a time when H '
rail apoo Iri-wde.
■a look epnti aa'i made him
Thre Wrer df-ltcfal,.d to o-r btae.
nd hn.j.«ahlr atwenl l.fta to .•|«w<l <m* to ga*. lalo tbe taev of■Uae
bol •“m-l'ow Hm'» eop b
M* Dii:h>
Hr drcltuod the taritw * er. It wa. smekledaad Ibiii .V‘*‘ 'bi'-ke.t er-wm aad
has half.*
iBBOe Ilml -auwit hua<io. hi.wrerr. ai hr wlabrd to tbkr
bar imadket..|.,
th- drat train in Ihr tuomuic from ,
and If three U any
an-l talieno and eDdoTniiee Ijifr,.,
tbe steak the !■« '
Wlui amawd
Idrwrd ham wi
• Thr remark Ken erer amdr
l(»Mu-d th,.yr dlno.-r biitll •. a cl.iri ■h ill Ursirr of the
as. to Ihe elf..a |>A1 It wa* a piece
mad thee, after dae ■ -------- |orcia.emaiuile..lA>b,,rMna bie^M
no arenonr of tbr . litMrTti'e IwrTT
Hr r»piv-rd
i^Wened bu
bia pl-aenre
fl-Mor ai- Is
‘ ing
and knoeks l*p> .oallleer.Br tbe idm
iara|-«l I
.. >Ior.i an.1 ibry were ID fall
H ■•-rerv
- ronierBlioo wLeo
ihe mat
iwr BD.l b..
b.- dad
da Bol be.lUP.
miriel ol a .•etil.-no>.
ear. be thimcl.i.
I'O bis ere 1-11 upon ber.
L... aotl
t. l^fr dar* and this
d.oly stupis-d eti.lratlr diacb
diBcb im
Tbegtswum rehai. -sidosuw *«c«
d ap of Itaeai.
t<« U|»r<M“l
awe| IB. enmer way by h.-r
h.e app.
a|.[»«. |
IW Mtl.w: tbr bktfwB
id wiihoas kaowlaa why . • “ I
Hr watrlird bar inlrnllv wtiil.-;

lie WorM Ml selcetr
Whai a dl- oar
rl.r irlar.-d. au.l at Ihr rW, Wbrn I*
» car
srm. that ei; Krmki
II mssi U to hare 1.'

r - ““
r« i.5.T.r.:.7.

Plate Clast, Steam Boiler and Accident Ineurancse.

A Getenl UaUac BsRnos Ook


lornA bardl* l*a* ihaa tbeii own tdilldtwa. 'Sto wa**daB*>4 a* her BrM
woold taor U1II1* play cm* of b«r teaeber W planapd. aiad hi
artiM of nosmaJI miwtl; and
pie«a ; Mrs HaM»k aabad.
iwllet. a wood I
a Portlaad
p M r
>ecii< from lla tn ibcoe
expeclMl Mr IlwmtU mmtjn eld fnepd of
Utile tbe war' H.-aWmloter'
Haofcicr.’ Inli ii ww> aeT.-rml y.
■be war* How |«oiIt dr-emdrbe dv,'
thry ti.da.en btm. cwie»
Tbe liille koaket she been
wkroml. H. ha].|;
bu lane abawfv
Ml 1.1 br irm.r-liiia

“ iB"'^

telssr - --------


Mlk. La..r.-r luadr Util.. Mill.






One sluil)'.


Perfection in

irealii^ diseases of Ihe eye. the ine-

HAWrn, (iwm)

TSr'.IEr^ ’

chaoical corrertioo of


imitation and cKaniinatuai free.
Office over The Citj



Tnveieaty. MidL


it it


and the


Real Estate,
Mortgages Bought and Sold.

Nsw Phone SB.



S.. IlS-lm .m—aill» tr..i
..I}. ii.«r r»llw»j d.IM. A*.aim>..

» NA 6rand Craotrst Land Cc.

Ostcdpalhy, Kirkn ille, Ma .. .
I.adj' in AlleniUnee.
I.itetatuteun .^ii|diralioiu
Office Ilnurs; 9 a. m. till 6 ji. ni.



Kooim a»l, 2(13 New Wilhelm UU k.


Pepe Marquette




m ken- Tr«»w« <S(j mm l<

Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, Sausages, Etc.


Tdephtme 4

*«---------- —--»-




iklUiM. mmi I


Commercial Prlnlina

rw(«arWFr«>aB4 P

nil Kinds


yitolloedAlr »<lmli>lit««ed.
Mar OMd
' far rsUsf
TsUsf t imlB

letoBdwplidiaiM OarsUllMBaB
MasawdalwtUaMtoaof i

Rerald 3ob Office

Mar. a ina
iralie tar* Tn.w«. OIT a. tnikpvii:


Wool 'Wa rfted

Var^Orw^RatWM. WilaMm... amt IMMi


.All the wool in the region wanted. Am just back from the
East, and have arranged with eastern mills to use all-thc
wool from this section of the country. 1 can afford to pay
the highest outside market prices in -cash. Will also buyhides and ginseng.

!c»l?la.‘. « Ju n a.

u. ux-cwono,
t>. p a «. a.

Boon; a«slla.m. ItotpB.
tsaadar asd flslardar eredisf* froon
TtBA Othabesn% Nnwlst------

/Office and Warebottae, 732 E. Frunt 8U
Bell Phone i:ia
aUien* Pbone 4>*I

aOO Aor« F'arm ^or Sail*.
Two and one-hall miles from
loam, *nme cby.



« i.«o.l soil, inostlr

Fift) arrei limliet, will lirmg


If forWMft to gti s

Baikel; 5 aem onchafd; 67 acres seeding; 12 acres ixaaioes; I! acre*

HU tent wheal; » acre* com.

-eroodi, feoced (nr iMutore.

Potato or
(^m Planter

Ralaitre of Un.l, indmling

Good K-room bonse, with stone lia^

Good O-muoi tenant hooie, Mnne foundation.

'Fceil mill

anallo, 9-tlor)- and basement, with look for sh^lmg an>t grinding

Tool hooae 34a«(). on' atone (boiMlatias.

86s60 and 24s40, Bono basemeoL
and gin iiotsemion at once.

Utacitienl l>am

Win sell sriih prowmg crojis

IWe SS.NUt if aolfl at once.


one-rquith down, lolaace lo mil. or will lake cily {woi<cf1y or smalliT
farm w part i>aymcnu

an’sr Bra» Sprsytr,

ai.'i Mesi Tenth Street.

If you are thinking of buying anything in the «-ay of



do not fail lo look over our Urge line of handsome ar.
tide*. We alto carry a fine ttock of WATCHES.
•CLOCKS. jw.
JEWELRY. ETC. Specude Fitting a
Watch and Clock Repairing—the best
grade of work d«


tMwalllal era
IPtaiio. JJillu: w*. at, afliwtiom
citild and xbe ntmn.i wor.lii]*}. d t
tlud trirnd wlio bad ai«-u..<i n in
aoil d. iisliifi)] worl.l lu
and I
rraictul lull
l.*xW to di>
It all rr. niMl

■ hr followitiE May Judf. Hs
's luilr yirl ea.r a lawn |wi
invilod nil lla- .-hiMron of t
I'.a« llllir Hlllir Ui.d

CAf« «rr Bsrgaias.

(S. OF V.)
Gmluate of American Sdionl of


m^w-at, t
Mb-r idHml.l
It >lir abnnid

Fine Farms Cheap as Dirt.
wad llaiW. SOII.nSB lor




old aud bricaa U< taU to

Yob thonlil not ai<K><^< tn.r pwrt »(
year iniirt for the lark uf Toil. t Am
elM vein TOOTH HKUHHEt*. UAIK Millie had u- iiiaui. en.t iti,,J|.' Iiart liTr4 »iu<«-l..'i
BItllSIlibil. noUB-S. T<X)TH POW
-DERS, W)AP.-(, riHOKiikX FACE OMilliet'. mull, liail iKi nHKir7 la ^|nt.
POwnKlUi. etc-, mn se |.l.-»UrDl Ik»w
at prloM within lb« Twach of alL No OIllTlhr |l •\ioo« jmr. hoini _
roalrl hrn. fit iH'riiiTalio
Batter what tanlilmi Jetnaiul. for the
lirr lM.|ra wrrr in ram.
i. bt of the bair.skiD or
’ li>r lunlh.-r failiHi iii.ipad iit b>iii
«r mil.
{. aiidiliFii BIX mouth, lab-r. Tii.aiiK larti.lay... on W.1I1 >irr fi
ly riay.rl
I ula ..riraDI
1 thr yirrltr lilt
...asTthi. hadm .hL tM-liuir thal <1
l.lao. WB* BBcb Ui
'.rr in Ii
..iirow aait Iiuk.IIo.
Millie had
h.-r fii
trirn.l. in Uarwiok. lor th. fl
rliild oa
to liutTpr uatsidr ili*. tHiUM; ti
IM Uiv iilayoO. unlit th. ia4r
. n-d and luTlh-d h. r lo com. i

^»gl lu. H Sle> Ik.'* <Uk.. Tiamr-' >»l


r S"

Think of
St i.'U dollsr l-il
Urt au.l
]»tieil«.t 1. cumin
Ise-insto hoy yoor
real* al ■ ivo- . rat o|i *11
xia hare in Hr- world' No'
trin .
V t-laliTra, Didhina' Wl-ai '
If fbi. This woman was )B.I almat bee are.
only mo marh Ibiouer. ao.l with nodi
ahois ie*. l<s.k ID b.rtaor Wlmilf
HaMniek/' «ld
r- mr Uay fnendt in eraur h.yi- u>, this woinati were rbe, lui.l hr thoacht
l•m«l>..r in Ihe home hori>.lii.
ti.rir sju-ing rDei.)illit;. "
blorram. uI Ibe a)qil.- oodmj.l
•| gaese iMO were never 111 our
Ilardwiek Mine.. ' tuswered Malhr. where Ilir hii.l. and toe brcrA and
Isuahinc Birmlr at the id<«. "Ko. alt the rwrei wind and the
■ lirtrrrl, Ibi. rtres. mBB- from l*inr'" Iwie'iI seniblur were holding hlgli
vn t uni wiib..i.r iwtde. shi- alaooMl at .wriiiral Ihaltmr.' Hay da*.
1-1 think 1 will take lbe>." tlrtor iN.Hi| to olwerr.- H..- rffMrt

.'OIB. BBIll
Tl r names

ilaBrork. wmiRU hie lntrr>.«l

n a. OT.C.MBRT. Atlunay ml

J. 3sr.
asr. ltd- A -RTiuaizg:

TravwfM CKP. MWn

Sr Ki„r'Lr,

finiah.4 1.
|ira<.|lcinc I
iH'lUr. h'-r Ii
Wltfr A luT.-l
ll war a iiiiit carlim.-rr. •.oihroid.t
ad witb tuiT lili.-e of tin. rallry.
Maraan-t mu.ImI ai Mill..-> aelniira
li.ia. bar tbrrr wrr.- Iran in lirr i-yar riir mid i.all to lirrw If," ha|r
. |.v dare I .lu,,r aaii 11, tjut .lira.-.audUira r.mlioDrd nr Mill... lo.,knd
at bar inijainnaly. 'Mt larh.^ U.bcIj
It foe III.. Ihr wuiar wr aiy-ni la IV
IP. 1 wort 11 oa uiy l.irtbdar. and w
• la litilr 4rjr: wrfbnr only, m
:hi.r aad lathrr and -ou.- fre-nd "
‘W'liat a Imrir |lirrami'' and did
yoo bare oihrr )
.at. ouyoer
ou yoer bii...
birtUday;" arkrd Millir. who lor.-A 10
hiwr of (iMar KBla days whu f rtn bad
iirvrr koown.
y«a. books- and caud'
lilier of the Taffey u
my IWWD. and a braaiiTBi
locket, ooutalaiiic
--------------- -- a tataiaiate.'
.... Hies Lerh-r,
mar 1
______ ____
~l 1tb. rblld ra«rtl*
Her friru.l looked
ad ah-n. ae rhB DOW." am
fate, dan-d
Hal IhrDrtt



mi,, him to the retresb
ai lor.
lor The
to boll, of
^r*i>, wba arfr soon on meb
fri'iirllt l.-rma that iIh- K<utlrauUi

tollnwed IW


•r way
w Itw o(hrr KeerTwIf.
rom.'ler la the world war
iim tame* If iluu btowravr* OBTi-Ird at (he rale
an hour.
. 11 If. tulle* dismnl. Ibu*e oral
vsfeH I,
Ki. W.-ri .knMr
. Thr KrakaiM
d ov.w * wmnd
4waUi of Ihr BI

die wm. icoducinc by tM;r *ar]WUiBg

Sea waves wer.- rrralrd by the ea alma tbe m-aiiler lli.- meaoesl
plosina wliirh;dr.imTi.d iwo llctnHi- looked *■ ♦tanW ar rbe could l«nrh of rwlirle-s la iIm- Mon-.
IWk from the .uii nomlrd tarrn hi«sr* imjlw- »lrmii of Sand*, all tbr
.V ai.led
am. Iln- hmir loving I'-n with Ibr I town, and villagr. n, the sboswid
"I. ibal wliere yOB do yoc
and SaDiatra tsmlmiig (be .trait.
what" tlioaght mil in bis min-l.
uc .'* ^he lle]alred. sBiilinic,
ad. lakliie Ibe rliriveled Iiillr rmd I all T.swUand *liii'i.itig there aad Mt.I in h»
Ixiid. he
.r look.
looked at them |tw lues IB Umi Vi inllr; niaad a
tidal wavr at Mmk ia.Sfre< high;
lib * KVrwI U|«ll 111. faw"Nul Ihrw-. Iimdam. If
They .mgbi 10 Imiel.
"And bvr nareir.
----------------------i.laad .It mile* o]
long ago. Srebrrr."
1. brrwkiug
and ll» fret high ta a d>.|iih of g
Itir heal 1 *I SI. .ponin,
r konrh. if of IMI failmm. »..d ct.-.i«| two
"Ml*. U>i.r.1
- *|.01b-d.
He drew a .hsr
Uarpvtei Ir-oiT. 'lFrof Mtih. mys Ikw- are Bade
"Let me arkwl for
aam.." tepli.d
ediT Tiileaao.. in Ibe Uuiled K
Uilllr Mirprued 1 1 ber loru at hi.
iImI have leeo i|Plet'fv a long «
'( afford tu jsvy for tbore
.«w day blow Uwit b
ir lull, geuil. wumaD ba*
... she 1. nm : •arrted;" coolia
n-d Ur Darni.
••No, lad-ed. r!h- 1* all atune. H.T pirkod Ml two of (ha b-i
ih.r died Ia.i T.. r. and ebe is eery —er—ool.v Waalrd'ffti a___ _
"And (ItaT* wliai t in gi.iiig to give
Kizio-n veamago Vra Sarah liOeA.
and lonvlr "
Hrtmklyn. sr.mred a diTiwoo
Ik 111 laHier aud niulber dnad'
IIHII of plan.
plarr l.i-n—and >■> I kiii-w whal
virrlek K. Tgwkwnral ma
Foor nrtV lie said sulllr,
Here', a dainiy Iliile
hin». Ml. loitered to le Irag .
.n! lo.T
-.1 in ihouclit
ihoucM for a momri
moment, but ;radi*tie. are
•^d wbi-h he«tt. drelMl.
A* he risise he |Hll
into h-r
a nalere ie bardrti her
/h-“e“d«‘^b-‘Hve:^" hr naked
iixud. It war all he ■ lainii.l
■o br
him aad to d.wden (be
w t sb- qaictly t«i 11 into her mi
affrcIlOB wl -h she Ibooghl had kesW
biu S|>ml fbrse ymn
het"-. thal yellMW
Willi tlir
in auother roaub r aod brooght her a ill wanilrnng aboal iIm- amntry. Bar­
I'a.iiiiiiig it out
Mild her rimir. " Fhwae Uve a waL " h. imlA er renmiumg la com plaisu aM
"I lisve rome of the fiurat bauana* We - «ilh a thooghl of aoM
Mrmng- oom|iai>i.Hr
l«. War ouuid- In.' gtaunds. LarTvlag have ever lied in the Mote. Thei.-I
Ira't that I tiaeoDe? {'ll tarn back
.losm Tbe at- •
atir p.-t far too. "
i.»'« oin daugbirr
Millie liKj
He iIk- |irepared frwit la her
Some dava ago Mr Ig^womt waa
han.laad Ilieu. going 10 Ihr tgik. r'. 1 naked h. ewU ar ib-of a Uwyw
Imonler, he limaghl two of the twri : in HnsAlyo
iliif a» ami srs* loM
Hr .lid
, ilr.1 her, -If on
ifalonukies that had bren 'briiiighl in that 11.
Im- Wifr bml foaod that (ha.
.\y right ■ Vloek, (Ik- l^rge* wl
Ija few mluates Iwiore and thal wen- charges
ml me. and Inal Vbn
.ludxv Hau ock had iwiivid.d 1
dmimao ilie .loot to Tak- the Iiitle -taking eTi ryls.lT hangry dial smrll- had arten

respetivx hoaaA*
"My miilher alsray* wwala aam* Ibr .levee
MUlie Iliad■r adira*. Hr. Haomoiher aod daajrhirr
danghirrof lb wm
■k. a.k.-d
i.k..d her what sJi■ don.. eon «f mokie with banana* aud 1- Tie-moihar
Slw likes I in thr etanrl. room wbea Ibe fatiwv
ih Mr.
Ir. Uamh.
Uarrah. and Uilli
Ill the hois, yoo will like tlnwr.
oarawBT seed* lo b'ka lifil wr hairn't { name in Tlie jndgr in a few woirdt
.*i<wy of ha. radik-D
radile duappeamner.
kta.l i'll b-t Ibr radiabre maaio ! awei-t tlw dr-res. from Ibr books, aai
Hauiorv and ber harlitDd
baatwod arid
loiAr.! at racli olher lu nrtgise.
whirliTiirrvM4 a* their gaet.1 failed far them. TIrrn. looking ai ilir elork. 1 Wife. Tbeo Uir itaaghtae threw brv
hr umL "Tb.. dillvrrr wagoo go>w : arm* aboat ber falhrr and wrpf;
the happy lamplr
wnr a frieud ot Him lawCi i. wliom ont Id ahoat Iro mmaiaa. aod
I bare Ihe dHver take them f . yoo
•' logeiber. —Cleval dVuda”^
-T knew hut slig
■y. A i
Ir'C roe have roar addr.-a*. aoywav.
evriiing baodiraf rmlisbraia'i anloe tlu




I pal t^ gentiaman a
a* tu tbr n>lTlaability
ai>prwrr.l. bcnalhlcaa
ihongh from harry tog.
Hr.bsAeil iWidedly ei
10 uT alireidi
lab. bar
bspiiy wlHiaL
aiano.uf qaiwiioo.
• -ry and laagbilet greele-l him.
.be pood had beea draggod r
• ODil ileworda have been
Fears of a acooDd
■d (Tiarlie
■d all awt*

efore yoo dri' I
Oalamet and Hrcla Mialbg
.. Inio her imla I <wm|Woy la to have tl.r Inrgral whaei

tlM.rbmalthr "tTMWe"-aod wiM-n |'“"I’-Hot. It la what Is kb-waaat
■be gate ib.- addtwe* tl-re wa* a ••"■I
“id l* *i»0 fmt ig dlaB.
bare lb- (Town aiid wear tl 10 the
mmething that aoggratM (be old and
”* “* "?
cbirdeD's parlT. and lUTitiiia- b-r tbeo
Iwller d*y* aod that Imd the elfoa of |"" hundred nod fifty baekria. abdb
and I
.w. iigTh.mlng a rmmdiy grosnog rea-; “■~anog f mr feet iiz larb^ by tbm
wheel revidea* «W*b
wort ofCMkiiiK orer (be Anwe .•■.uU
There'* no duoM aboot It." 1,* [ l«e*el aomp* ai lu aa|«eity of awrth .
be bi.|:uu
at ome.
d to hlmartf a* the little gentle. |“»d refaae aod domp* it into a iroai^
oalil ImrdiT bellere her
torwd awar.
■* ' •*
'rLeel. wbasme >1 U
rood I
me, aod for (be iien few
t he water In a alfi^
go- carrled^iwy
think of little
tie cIm hut lb.
.'I the part
t (be bemetifal
lotto, thirty two It
.......... ..
s oagbt to be In
pink irowa.
aroond tbere~ioeighl
tonight aad look th* with a tw.-o*y-<ix tocb holr U
.Vt la«< II
, and whea .he
gruasd over, t ielirve ] <aa do a ilw (vater. aad weigh* «,(SX» p
I raallT dfwa*.el to all bet Iturry, lutp hi* .V*
deliutit knew go bonnda
Wb.-o. be
. . rooH
s]«ak he begau bti g.iud iblag for ber and the reat of aa
SbeTl have aonwTbr aasirrsT ef <Mv I'
She threw her arms ahoal Hiss Lee ainhiglrr
He wa* asaorod thal Ir at the mme Itaw
r'p D.«k.ex<.|aimlnjr.."Wh;
maid I- ptrdoord ca only erne sondi- thing to rwt tomorrow taoldn laaBoai
ally my fatty aodcaoiber
tioo. tliat Ir- mvke a fall and free ex aadeookieaor I'll know Hie naaB
lU codmotber had ]<re.ided1 a eery
il hir­ Stic brba
the slip
ed lha
Imlc hooar, wbet* veil—1
inw, whieh.tboa<h nout w)(hcMil eonfatmC a eagle noB. lo
of tbe iweltleet pink k
relatrd'I.U alory.
fur tbe
pink rtockinn
r year, Ir-foie while living to
______ ...
wwri. of tbe wtiDr sliad. at ll.r d
................rat la tbe
arm. OardeUaod (
How lor. It Millie Imaed asd
d-m*nd<"l hit p
had to m- eWaat to 1
>yed ytartac al liei^ll 1
a Le.4rr and
TIl'TO a WTrl
goper time,
Hi : Hawrm-.
Otaot mtd
arose, and
a and a ktodi
f tocdcU Jeffrnonwaaed
____ To
________ _ tU ^verb allgh*. whlol. ooald e«
ID her
"Ibey .^narrrled in baate. torekBit
"Imay bare eoiB oe a fool'aer■Uelf was tairyland
Soon afirr Ibr LaatBS
urd. Mn Walowrighl. bat eeer atoee
■ ««**■■ LBBm 1
hmutifol lawn and a—
left Pan* aod mBRir.t m .imenoa
V* Wa to the city I've bnw tevlag
Iichled by rhine.
lanierui ar H. haarl aoeldretallT of Mr Leaker'*
drswdfal time about a mom. Ttssye
Tbe Urgnt
toleptoto awilelilmard
M>/elL Urn luxai
inuoa maDM.'
death, aad tbeo a ramor trwrbed him
to «IM> wBid
---------------------------------1* at tbe Oarthtodi
-oMi ffISB*
Idnm. and be
- ictoage. Kew Tart Oily, '
.. -. c. for a____
tlBtloag ar'
awl hariog'-MlBM*
----------s wa. peoTtdad aad there r
illMB dollara
broad piaaa*
UB hi* reton
r* rtviBind lo aiieod ta So
tba BBM
of*T waa a loli la tbe Basic while vino* winter.lw ined id vain ft
».K0 Btoertbsn.
ThfB a
peifortaers were henna refreahhad bO matoal
ala aad Millie wa* tdaruur aa czDKatre, aad b
bca^ .Wr want a lady wbo know*
cinacKwaie of drop the butdketobwf
idav-ly aatblba <rf h
wbai a boaae ta to emae aod Mke owe
UI I be somiBietwlioaee. -dfbm a child
The areas which MuUc <
tor>a U we will tod lire boars
one b- well n-membyred. aad
weaU yoB be wiUu* so oob* nod
I raotdiaiu Imva I
took bu idace in^Uie nuc. t
hi* iBbyett aad etuMty
tore a rooB tbm aad keep a* gotogl
- Mra Uaarock wai.U aome owe to 1'br real tbey knew.
All of aa laroiib oar own noma and
I'UytoT -OoiBa M Jmaealea.'asd I
line pswU of laagbkir met him.
•hall Imv* the back parlor aad
a* afraid ebe woald aek me. so i ao< and the lodge Bid. (Baealy. "Toa ____ adnem ou of 11 for faetag a kind
alaetrteaaw while tbay are la jmbHb.
It of It. Somrbody vdd her Ibai yoo luxTc related ey*ala,ap to seven of ahaptrone to aa
Va'te aoi a
■aid plar. MUtie UarrifW. bat cfac o'clmt tbU evvmuig. t* U with the iBi loL Afttr yoo bave triad It for a
TW laaplr of Fall RItb. Hath.
last fonr boar* we haeamow to dwsk wbila If yoa care so gn oa we'd be Imvr puutK ted tto wWd gsay aqaim4a
la tbr ardgl.lewtood. Ooe waa aictod
Year have oaly lo bi«ia tte story la- mlglity glad^to liavr <mr .bnakta
HitUe floebeil al tbe mere Ihtmahl stewd of endllic tl. Ihtrr for Ibe aake of Imrlog a cd|of iileytaa before eo many jiKiple.
eoflf* amor a toy tliat I* fit to dni
e wa* seiDired to tentasa where
Wr know Ilir faoaao we want aad caa a MBdly eiaato
.1*. bat Mtee Leeter'e .nnomoe n___ foar.1 iadead. fog a momaat. pohBed get it. We'll help jea movtBid wa'd
AtoMltogeacfalt kfaitow* hetor
Ueeir felt. She did bol lormnlat. It.
efthewccld aaac warn hatre- dike to de >1 aa bb a* w* bo trtto- prehibtta-ito Tarkty. tor aatharibaa
bat ebe felt anirmsdoaely that elDor
htmaalt. be Bid: "I BBSt oal teamT^rwiag yca-4tol la U totowdiat (tom a* dowPeam A toB
berkiod hmdwr bad dowe w meob
yaaarawilltog *0 Imip a* oak De
whito wa* to haw* hami jHrao bf a
- bw. it wa* tmlT ncbl *ktt ebooid oagbt to anOee • 'to M thal U
yoa xhtok yoa caa b* tadtoa*
Otolst^ fdirdaiwaalWtWdiBiil.
kenome «ae of what bad b*ew *a
aflag bm af toa gwato toto Brlyai.
_ lerwaMy girtn brt
And eo, deAad Uim L»»^. ar Mn. Danab aa.
ndteUmmimsffi—t.e af >be otbera. ■be beoaiB aoamhNB. waa feml of
;*liel«(iibe^B*aBd lakwnsed w Um aiadmglfmtote beeaaat abet
k^a^ oUiflaff^ nBtg|d*o.m
T^aete^'teMMB to Unto
__________________ _ who aaBlled_____________________________ _____________
anwwTBt npaa W. aa Mae of laakiat IwopaopU happy for ilU.
oU Wo^am^^^^aM^wIto


ejvirrt..... .

MO «>acgeiag.aBd irtoWriAB

Cmd Plaster, Pail* arten,
Bliit Wtrlol, Cime. eemcitt,
ealcine Plaster,
Come to comer Troat and Cats Street.
You can depend on being terved right.'




CUT, mcB


CTcalBK. *faW> bmlM tha eeaptotim ef Um Hlcb ioheoi eem hr <k*
OlMsef ifOl
Umit Wg» t*e be« for (fc* «
«c b«ri>. tb* Ct<7 OpM Boom
*0 U«te(na«4
bam nr«Nl .wv. voble ic et>«la
IB tte HdltarlBB.
TbobBll i»ooBl«d» b»»Uf«lBfpMcmaoe. Tbo K(«li oabool eeton at
Mask BBd fold bow froa Ibr demo
at tba eolHof to thr eonon c( Uw
mem. end me dnt|M) lo bmnUfml
toUo ebeet the awe AUbrfrgotof
atm awe brb>v IboreeUlffaHwoie
beuUfel fawk at erorfree
(jenM wiU) white Sewn, npmowt' tw ttx' eUm colon, ead eerr IbU le
fmeefel feoloooi liow tbe Htfh
■ritoel bUck end fold. Oe tl^ awe
Uwlf the eUm eolon. white ead HIU
fTM rmnlled l» tbe form of boattaw. wltb a mmiWTaa of tbe dUe.
Ua. haw hbore tbe (tafe to the e>


The MM


THE emoM: nws ASSY:

The eartalB wret ap for tb* befiaaiw of tbe fwoftwa at 8:tS. «*eb
■ember eC tbe elaa belw

tbeelBce.Md eaeh boldlaf a eopf of
tia lllfb oebeol aaaoal. In wbliA
tbej all feel a ^^Oalde prUe.
WBo the "Olart*” from Hotarfe
Twelfth Haa^ nac br tha Hlf*.
eebocd tdteru. witli Him Obarlotle
Helm atibe plaao. Tbe tatoeatioo
br Rer. W. T. Woodboaee followed,
la erfalob he fare thaake for tlw adewmfee oaloyed bj tbe roeof peopU
at tbe Had. and larohed tbe dlTiae
Meealw oo tbe eehoole of tbe eltp

Detroit. Mieh.



a Birr. Na 1. to O. T
a TC*7 IvieL


T. HUIUm < oaded for tbe"
, 111! iir^of eheerfal Pebrnmea" tb* aawhtj« totol The Wert, ftoefc ww ti
oaea. Tbea Olaade darter reepimdrd
*^^||. miem Dr.'n^W
(or ttm efam* of IMd. wmklw at tbalr

Geldea Hedkal tt*.
«ei« la tbe Hlfb edbeol. at their beard of edeeatlea.
pHdo te the eliild ef Ibeir Hbore. The LeatoBtttoallofUmm)
Uri<m.aed paylw triboU- te tbr faltb- modedtotoeaddmeaef
Caleem aad tbelptalaem at tha memtb* Iowa. '
£*i of lb* Hlfb e<*eel laeelly- Hra
t aamiwr. a roeal eolo. wfcieh wae MedkuBS^
marii eejoyad that he wae twtoe mer be rebed oa H
to Biaetytiled.' Tb* momd bote beroMia- CBir
eicht eaem oA td
ed. Hia Holliday, who pleyad bto oe errry haadred.
eaimewv mn« wlU> him. tbe
Ohatarter of Waetaiavtoa. which Hr. lectlot beiec " Yea'll be ae Aa«el
Kerltnfer allied te tbe ntirlw mp- By aad Bye."
Kellowlw thla Him Otmm Hael
l««feeed bli reap
eer ee pleulw Umt ■be
ebe ww remlled.
roealled. einm. He rUu. Yoo W. /
Wl«p rnmwke aad a
Mr* Dayton then mo«. "A Bnmmer
ed briedr
Voolw " with Him OlmrlMte Helm
whr be aleachet;mated that dream* pf wealth or aa
mir life weald aet tempt oae to eoter
Ihledeld. hat tb* Joy - of-atoaldluf
obaiBuier, of worklep for eternity,
npeo tbe lit re tlmt aie oU«io oad.f foroed to tv.pcmd w.U. a tblrdwelee
tl>e Imad. aad can be etaanited Into tlie lloB. "Tbr Broken Heari "
tmar- of O0.L He *i«kr of tbe fact Him tomiau OoweinanTedbe (are
ell w<wd.
tliat tally three-foorthe of tbe


■poke of hie pride la Imriw
friend* ae be fell that be bad in Uk

After th.- cloee of tbe pcofiam. nrrebmeau ef delieloa* Riw* paaeb
and wafen were mrred in Uie library
ro.m> by Hra U H. Horn. Mrm. K. H.
Kydet. Hra A. J. Doyle aad Mra
AneaOooc. The favon were IIHee of
lb.- valley.

; farafhed iato Ito

brthe Vhoi. end tbe toamiauoa a m—a *o-c. >.m<aa > man
CbUU ana Irmi. (teimic dyepepato. torpid ami (alatM B««r. bldacy
tiaoldea. janndicr and batounew arc Ireqaeatly dw te that tortoOic lee.
UaUru. SoxiaufaamandBltoeBltbyBaBirconectiBtlmenWBibcCBBW
khlncva toa to act. and art peered into tbe Uood CTtrfmt BBtfl
tbr liver and kidorva.
Ilaalarfae cep tmk ftir. (llIttK the it bt«.
. pollnted and tlofftoh that tbe potoees lilecidly towk
row wlUi a «hnq of an- Port,: - ___________Stmaclca. boatSirmea.alma^ratieai ifajttow^
aalrty *fae M (aieeaee nf miB-! indolent character, appear, deptetiaf Um •yrteat; and tbrealeaiac life iUeU.
------------------- -------------------- *----•--tbe body ataldrttrty
»b~.t oxrr hri


■Vf rsuic.™.—». ™rz"S£“.,

lea word £-^
lOMli w»W« Order.!



m at ino. Hr. HarUafW r



•t oat of naHh Oreek thw fn.« j
L,d the k«c«1 ha^i^ia^ and
•ay« plary In Uw I .nn«s !*i4te !
.Imnrt fr-m the &f»t dcac. Thcrt U no Mcrcttiy. Poterii. Amenlc
Tble D no arcoenl nf t>w m'llun’iBi.. or «:htr mincni'. in S. S. & It it etrlctlr and fhtirdr a wqrctaMc remedy,
wlitab baa lanffat •rcnart-.oipai .Imv
Wtitv u> a%mt \>mrcaac. eadosr ^yticiana will fUdly hdp yon
■ Uiearale.
Mof tl.-tnJrtd-'' theii advKv U> rv.;aia your bcallb. Itoek on blood aad akin dtocaera aewt
iRBCinC €», A
iloe, tnerina >t fe P

Si £’>“■'


id at ed iIbm-tn IIh-foer ha. ilirre
nd f.w lllertun-on '
the •obj.r-l. The Umvt (|.«1ih ..dire
of Uut city. Ih'- orsBii >4 vereianiam. ha* beeet fl<md.rt atlh
aad n-que
.a hadioc ter

£ommercial Printing
nil Kinds

Berald 3ol> Office

Dr. nm*'* Pkaeaet Pellet* arc a

alamnt aaeoolatioo. and of tbe |wlr>
. dice’ Iv.............................
leff* of beliif-a friend te them
Hr. .Nerliofer ^e la doelnf ■
t'rW Sludo. BRMi 70. of TwlnlBR.
..-w word, on the Blamni amoctalloo
ly of tlie wort of the tmehrr*. hm
He a-f. rred to the frieodtoiia foniwd. ariempi'd te liyht a Bre with a quart ey aa wall. A etoek eomiwny le beux
nised Ito elart aa aplarr oo *
tan-well lo lli*.jl*<ie of IWW. thaok.
loyalty that ehoold e*lel amouf can full of Raaolin. teiiiLiiiR
moUtemle. A farm of ix.aire.
be puute for th.- |.rtrlle«e* thal
An exploeiim folluwmt and
monlari and the pleaeani a.
they here aooorded and promleed that
■ tlml abood bind lopvterr all
.do waa Imdly baraed. He will re.
eh membm of (he ela>
mmlaaM of the elty eebooU A aelecn-r hal hie faoe will be letribiT di*.
be an td.ed American.
lloo by the erebeetiB eloaed Uie tn>Bind. Hie ««eape from deoU. wae cloter te forolah food for the be.-. |
•Tb* Ked Boarf" by Veaal* wae
little ebon of a miracle a* Iu- waa Till* with Wltal the bee* late (rmu |
tbe flowers mod other adjaa-nl elover |
■aw by tb* Hlfb eehool ohoraa l-ealone at the lime.
Tbefoeata of
tof dlmeted. a* wae all the mule of daalred te depart were tbea exeaeed.
. field* Is calcototed lo funiisb fur j
Poer new meea ...
nf amallpot have
tbaareatw. by Hr*. Dayton. wtH> and Hr.-*ldenl SmIUi called the baei- b4i.di^ven>d ToVloo«ht^~*ooobt^l‘b*B»klOBofteo*ofbaoey.
Him Helm at tbe plann. wbea Mayor
Meioe to order. Un motion ef i«umpa.tfewd*y*an.lit.if~reda TLeMiohlfan national pnard w'
O. P. Oarrer. preeldeiit of tbe beard Oharloe R Back. BlliworU. Hale wae torve aniuber o( onvacrloated peraone; bereafter to yiv. Uwlr attenuon 1,.'
of nlBcmUon. le a nral epeeeli. jae- .leeted croaideol for Urn eaailniE eraeexixwMt. The diaeam l.M been i »"«••> fl™ l*«>Uoe.
Pret.non hns
amned the diplomaa He etaled tbal Ur. Heck blnuelf wae nominated fw
district f«: been made to anpply each comiut
it fare him ftrat pleomtfe lo do *0. thil poettiea. bnl dedioed to allow
a very mild | »“b rwulation itoo sallery tarcet.
and ammanilion with properly re
t lb* elty wae i»oud of
hi* name lo be voted epee.
leremenle ef Uw elaae aad I
aro ItnlnR i *l»~d cl.antea of powder,
Ohaa R Hack nomloatel towtle KaU.
tbal ttie money Inreefcd totlmocheole
opal the U. of H Prealifent .\nfell
Oeorf* H. Cull. a mlddle aRe.t

y tbe Hlfb
aobool rfaorae. tbr "Boldlera- CboraeOom Goaaod'e Feaet, waa fraaily eaJoyed.
Tb* ealetatetT for Ibeclamof IVU
«M flTm by Him Obarlette Hath,
her eabjeet helaf "¥1*1*0*." 8be
•poke ef tb* daily raeOae of life
with lU bard work and eftee dreary
oatiook, thee referred lo the rUloo*
tbatoome dariw tbe bean of dally
matlM. to obeer aad lead ee> to «i ndl waeted. lo eloainf be «pokr of the clam of llMi a* rlo<- |ireaid.-Dt.
wlte aa Invalid bnehand and
and l>rora .\dam* ^.1 Lombard, rep.
aed the wa* oeaiamoeely elecled.
brifburaad belta* tblafe. She olid
word ef eooooiwmanl to Uw elaei Cliarlee R Back nomlaated Hiae
iUbr tbe lltoraty and medical dr- at-veral cuiall children. lleinR 00 a
that tb* rtariont that
MetUe O. dray a* axantatj, and Uie palment. Iiav* ordored "Mat* on" In rented farm In Royal Dak. has. in a.1
lira* ataape U>«m aad aioald tbm for fa tbe fetare.
atUadiaR to iwr boaerbold
t eleer eOW. Ull- WOfdl of wbloh
Profe McAlroy.
better aad btartmr tblafe, that they
writt«.byM«.M.B..O. Bate*, noiDlnailon was eepported. Kobert Kaowiton and Lane of tbr law departin aad eelUnR milk In Ua->illaRr.
Walter waa aim be deare Uoe within tbr eoal.
he meele by Hn. Da^. wae
■red and planted mvrral acres ot
Dirot. have eliniifi'Hl thru williORBeei
beHmrlHted and followed till they
ned. Bdmnnd W. Walt wai
•aw by Uie clam and Ih.- besedlofarm
In cropa, and I* buiy allrml
iwrmll tee lacndry .lieplay.
Imd mao lato fal* beareoly borne.
Bed. bet be declined. So Uie
eed by Her. WoodUw wai
«n- i* no roewon why the boye loRand cnltlrailnR tbr muir. Hn
• of Ur. Book wa* elected by a
to eleeliw. Hl*< Kaeh uteoded
elioald n« dpo**a» ctufurubly as Ui.- husband was atrnek by aa rlrctnc oar
woloeme to Iba tataimaol of am of
meaibert ef t
aad has Iwo unable in'dr.
RirU,"ls iWlr venlict. It I* now
abt dream* of tbe clam, aad pladfad then ahowered wlUi tl.r oooflratnto.
roeoRnUed a> betaR up to thr no .-da anyUilnR aiaoe. They oomtuenenl a
the memberi at the etam to tbe fol lion* of many friend* who crowded Pratt for treaaarer. and he
I At BIr Kupldi an Inqneei Im* hrri. anil aRaloel the oom)wny eome linw
Inrlwof the etem rletoo of doty te tbr plaUerm oad mvo <'XiwroaioB mooety rieoted.
held te drlrcmlnr the esanx at thr aRO fa ♦lO.tOU damaRc.; hot Uie cae.ktarooffa Ufa
Uu motion of Iwvl T. I
their pride to tbr poet and iwe*.
u not hero trinl yet
dote of Walter 6t.«r.
yoUowlnf tbe mlaloUcy
aed food wlabr* fa tbr foian-. 1I.M forma
Mr*. A. W. Olart. wife of ContractHammattoo. "Tba Oreat
w and Uw retlrinr eeprrinteod. who wa* found lyinR on a Ioburc
Probten." by Kdward Beyt
t. O. H. Horn. w<-re niede hoaorery tale heme Snnday monitnR. He h
brnn to a danc- and It era* foand that
eltoll we do with tbe nwtel
•mber* of tbe ameclailwi.
death wax caoeed by overrxi-rtlon.
etomd to be the freateat qoeatloa beWill Sohindrhrttv. nf Ibr Bay City
tea tbe aatlcm.
yacht worka ba* Jael oomplrlrd a
nmepoafca pointed ool that tbe
aolotiee of tliU freat pmblapi Um la Id tbe hlttery of Uw ataooialloo. it Onr of the mortdrllBhtfol rvoiU in twin >er*w ferry for wnrk on thr Dliio
Nanpo aloDO won't do I
Uw hietory of thr eitr took pUc<- laid river at Harietta It ie to f.wt Iodr. help.
inetlwi indutrUl adamUai. aaeb a*
Doctor* tajr
_..c «...—*.y
HlRb .ateool It fret besun and liae an in-borar iwwto earned 00 at Tntoeefw aad la alm- where tbe fenaer cUmre of Uie ach'
. tbr Mwlier* of Uw rr rnRiiw. H>- will lair hi. Iiliheatembl;
ttor tautitame. Be cwrled eat tbl* metwlUi «m;h ahrr aad wllh 1
croft .town the lak.-e to Ti<Irdo.ternr*:
HiRh reboot trndrrii a rvceplioB
Idm l« iu lofi
of im, miked over old tlm
Is tbe belt bHp." Bat you must
m ynotloal work I w 01 li
contliioo lu u«e oven In hot
Iward of rdacaiioo. toRi-thn rrite
natl, and np river u hia drelination. weaUier.
with a piotnn of tbe eoadiUoai wboa
Ameriea doe* iu doly by the nefTO, that the Roeate brRan to Rather UD feWelMciallv Invited Rerri*.
a water trip of t.lOli milea. Hr. II >.aK.w B.S liirl ii. seat (cv tm-ssaitih
K..TT a
and Uie btoek man beonmee wbal
Thr H.(fh aobool had been cirewrd of Scbindebette will Blart ar« Rriiay ,
Uie baaqnet wa* Berred, the IWrlirw
iij sii.n.
Sv- Vusi.
•Wbl te be. Hr. Boyet'e part k
ooTled on Beam for tbe eonatloB. and tee Battle Orrri will toot oely eapply I
UE. seJ f, •e.slldiexrawaU pretarod and flaely deUvered.
room was boaUfolly drroieted ar wald with hratlb food*, bot lem•nd i-roryoM prvernt eeemed
The"AnTllObor»*"of Verdi, wae tborooRfaly enJoylOR the evatio.
wllh a profettoa of cut flow­
BBBf In a voty plrariw manoer by Uw Bhortly altar btao o'clock the tan ers and caadl.w in fancy eendleBoye' Otoe Olab. after whleb earn* qael wu Berrad. and tbr RttMU ro thr ■lleka and wltb banUuR In the HiRh
Um addrrt* of tbe eveatw. "»*
eehool eolort draped trora the center
..f the colllnR te Uw rararr* aad etde*
It a H. Horn.
aa wrU
and afur Uw divine blamlBR had been
Hr. Bon bafan wlU) an etiireealOB tavtaed by lion. J. W. Himken.-fiar. walla Bv>« the blac
a aaLBoaiao
at ttaakB te Use etom of Itn fa Uw took 01 tbe followlBR mean t
dreorated wllh arttoUG picture*
Form, a par* and ]icttnaTwnl codt*
toma ef Um loTltetloo la dellnr tbe
ingaiuld >e* led irquirrtutwUkrn
•ddrom UUe year. He tbaakta Uwm
ofi lu i»o-w from liow to lime. 1*
mill more mnwUy fw Um falUtfala il.y puadrr
aeos and loyalty that they tare bbowa
miiiiie wilb {•
dartne tbe part year aad all tbeywa.
beta nf Uir bard ot edaeaUoa and the
•ta ciiomm i rnUtede f« Um *
inrllrd RuMte who were {anoont
loiee of the week of all Ita aebeoto
Joyed every momrol of the tin
ef tbe eily.
Uie very fnll.
Wr an expert* in the Irvalmrai
At »:», Prof. K. H.* Ryder, tee roHlllM'e "Bto with tbe Bee” aad of
UriuR priaeipal of Uw HlRb acbool.
The tabtoi wen -drtead wiUi fine etepped te tb* frool te anaodaoe th*
Kltaotoairlo-e "Bomw" a* r
(BBtlaf tbe extreme* of Ufa, the ada- ■I flawatt IhrooRfa tee psTemial OMr- laORTam. bot he wa* oheerrd aad
■atodawB 1a tba traa mw aad Uw taeyof Prod to Smite, iwraldml
ebreml nncll be foand it diflleoll M
what everybody expected that be
OrMtd Raphto. Mich.
After Uw taoqooi. PrrtKfent Smite
RoiDR to my'. Be flaalty roI Ibr
of Uw AlDDul aooelaUoB. after a tow par ot the aadlenoo. aad smaonnert
wall ehcooa word* of ioirodac




p Mu ll siiireh »•«.

H,rlu Trl Bo ■



“Scott’s Emulsion


vala* ef
beoka alnwet tadtopeaeaMe la Uw
wort at maklDR aa edaottloo
wertBbop U> which and Uw looir by
wUob U.e edeaiilon to bolU. He
atpad ttat BO par mim Uwlr ofqnrtamlllre la eobeol. a* there to aa om
na la a haodiad wbe eaa make •)
tbe lom aad OM one la 0 theomnd
wbe wUl do It.

Hallofa ot Elk R^dde, ^ I
of IM. Hr. Kerliacm eiu
id eolird
fa ih* te

^ I have also just received another lot of those elegant




mate wit.
Him Hatel Bate*, memba of the
laae of HB*. tee aroeod oUea Rra<1a
ated from Uw Behooto and thr rarliwl
ftl Ita baaqnet.
Uw firm M ratpesA
Farm Q Oillwrt of Ita clam of ifW
we tta next oiled apoo. UU word*
err a* weaal foil of.wii and ^inx
Him AOee T. Boberto of tbe clam
of IBK Uwo oanR a Iwantlfol
life, flebool to real life, aad
abDold make Ram* of U. Playliid at eolo. "lb* H(«rl'B BprioRtlmr" by
Wiokedr, wfalcb war«raatly enjoyin
tUe io Uw eeboA to a daaf
by tbe aadleqoe.
tblBR. Hr wbe yield* to tempi
-tam-totekiaca draiaraie riek. fa I Tta alamni oration was Riven
otaracter u fixed, alae Umto eel. by Prof. W. P. Kerdliam. bwmtat ot
tta elam of IM. Hr. Neediwm liae
tfo. la Uw llich aebooL
not honored the oralion with a oamr.
Tlw addiem oloeeJ with a beoaUI
ptotar* of ter rlRbt odeoaUen. aad teooRfa H oertalnly deerrrre oor. . He
etekref Uw ordinary man of-today
who breome tta Rtrot men of Wm6rtoU. and tn tta cooetdrrallon of thr
The Boye-t UUw UlobUim
UilaRi that n
wn abi>r<- ttair frltwo mloellono, "The fiptoam'
brlrf emdyoTihr
"Dlrfcery-Dl«*ery-Doek." ‘ew
and tearaM of BeoJ^in Ibaakwhite wae mete eajoyed.
Hraifad Uw Boad-rt thy world
PoUowlaR thU. Him Loatee
raeltrd a branufal leRend In Uw etyle today ot Uw qaalltlea ttat made
* wTitteweai- Praaklln the Rrtat and aarfal maa
Ttac poem uoe* teat be amdr himarlf in rrtte ot adUrtlyby boro
He walootn<4
of tbe moot t>
Uw iacomlOR elate aad otRod Umt
they. wiUi te* test of the Alamiit.
Ktoyd K. Beach Rare tea vatodto- make of Uwawalves Uie very hot teal
bl* eabjeot talac "The Ideal Ood ha* imdr term capable of brlaR.
of tba iwetof him HtoaU Bail Rave ter rropoorr
fa ha elaae. teat ef 1W3. tnavery
— V. .^"-1 .1' IE
the Am*r|. rt*My
bto look tor- *lte :
fa Uw clam of
xratd. be iMtared tea Ideal

•• l«la« etroncof body, etteac of I8M. after which a fla* ertoataa w
mlad and imte la Iwart. He Rave ta rendered by tta irebielre. 1
maaaaa of men who tave. wltbeai feUowed by a UumffaUol i
from Roy Tbompioa fa Uw
Umtlvea. aad Rave ae tbr keynote -1»IMr. Otarlee A. Bkelebm tbm mBR
of tee trwly mtroeeetol Ufa, a deo
a bmaUtal UlaA. "«-bro 1 BoU

'< I have sold one full car load this spring and have just received
my SECOND car load. Keep up with the procession and

Make 5-rtiTteloninn when in Itaeh,. BKWARK Oh THK C.YNV.kSSER! Whv let
le yoo
•*•«' ta a half <Uy of t-vait vxloxWc tune ami {swiiUy eril roo tome (—'-----b«y yiwimv extra hwhts tunc amllhcT, hire. - Von come to thee dtv oAen arid tuaallt
boy. Weharo OSki-dJUARTFR ACRK
ITS aihl CARRIAGES tor yow mspeetka. If yon
OK FLOOR SPACK filled wnh utcfal
see what you want. BUY to aad tave from H» to 30 per cent, the



Crao^rse gWy Implema^^
eillmaePkear tt*.

UI state street.

127 SUteStraot.


Ih* «We tram OUb Bbtoi
SmUi Kasim Ubad. ThU
«H sesralrad br D. B. Dar
Okasm. vho. Ikraath Uw

____ ly words aad oartlaUty b
So faal at bma. To tbaaa ^
WBloosie J. B. Baraay M
Aftar ataciac a rooUatiQ- w



raad by Hra
Bblat^ttaa of a Soaday a^
ta^*w ” It was ably diaeamo^ b«
Hr. mihi^Ms. Hra HeW^.
BaaMy. HtToom and Hr. Pratt.
TbTrrpert of tba last oooTeolloo
was Um trad by tba aatealm aad

0-7. M eeaaMmblc lab« asd Mfmm, mearad ttrr l<«*Uir psUII
tram -11 tba inmliirat P0«a of

l-rta of Siberia an Beaded with Amerteaa. Oamaa. Japaaaaa aad-olbar i
facaicB (ooda aad f ' "—
b dlmppaarloe.


For IbfkBU ud CUldiyg.

The sftanm aasaien was opaoed by

m KM Yn Han Ahnys Bmtt

• "

All drasisti. IOC.

He aim had kept ml
wUebJia rapaated iba drat PmlmA ool leetks was tbae mbs-aaaoi

lha blaad a cam|d«t* raoerd f« ta-e
Tran rftewlBC tl» oamber of rraamU
aoatbt mitar (bora dmrlsf tliM

ar Borraa nor eoBBiBnlratioB »ll*
tbalr ovoara or friaada The aateb
Ihlc orrrlee la lhaaa raqiam will be a «ira» breadt b
^pplac tolaraau Tl.e dUpUrliif of
■braale will )«of KTrat ararlea. aad

orawc of mid rraaala with
friaada, tl>aa roliertiif tba aailetf aa
toJUM ir wberraboau. ae reaseb are

SMrt OsMs
Rep Babooekof WlaoeasiB sbaTwl
off bis loxoriaal black bmrd aad tbe
toadnli him

Iaaaaii—Pc An..Vvii.)n-TsiA.V> nirrsf»4d
us-dsr S-A'or».S"Psr

ttoJEM 1

IkoU and frestest of
_____ domolCutictirkRdfolyait
Rflfc Thh ii the fDOSt needr.
and Konoaiieal treat-

hunoun. with £« of hair, of inianU and chfldratb ever cotn-

beltaTO lhal tba aalooo



2AC M,..
*I.J7 '•J-tk t-s.1v‘» Gil-rou
ft,ml am! back-

«-'>wn Waist, .ra.lcl sad plaited
' ,


CallAF ItlA^ Skirls


S2 98 bmvaU.l}'W.AIMlW.Sl<Tl.wril Ud..eJ an-l libanmd
Knilv -rth

buoda. aaOod oor F '
it aboolA
A talk waa tlm ci
Wbrai on tbs ^mary o:
Utm Jeanlatooka or
call lilts dlseassloe was


CoAcn Ciewh. .Wi. il.mi*.wrtt«. w«h M.76.

1n«ur Baraain BsunKri

~ '

Ijr^iaAk.a^e.d’ioltn.MJTAMJihis.kv. »,>rih 6^. Iu«..............


vied Uuli-bn Knlicv «.ulh l.V. Vs........ ................................08

7 iiu

H..UIAC iu«. SI..IV l.iftrtv................................. ,................................. ;


oi-afal abd isofltablr i-oeTMittae a

•• nbUli rradi

Loua Polmalara. Secretary


A vooog lady from Barrao ooaoty.
Keatooky. kidnaped bar yoothfal
temk bim to Galatia,
a-aBdlM a few dara at J.
tBtanmd to rile Lake Heoda
8ois Klokenoa apeal 8l_ .
Hnn-looa. the ttarat of Q. W. Oljda.
Hta. Hary SUasoo liaa nnrB.M)
from Oraad Rapide. whetr atm ap««it
tba wiumr will, bar daaahl^.
Hiaa Abbiv HeOally oP Da
tbe coast of bnr father,
Hemy Tripp epedt tbe S«b at
boana.Wm. K. Klckaraeo of TrsTram Oitr


e apeadlag

dl.ln'l. I last took Um 'boll by bit
boras. • went to tbe young nm a borne
Um oUier night, aad while hb parrole
•lapl. ttole blm oat from nndt«
own vine and Bg tree, and here 1
rrady aad wllllag to become
wife.” Aod wiUi that the paid Ibe

liar stage driv-

■iSlTu”roote for aa-

foe. took Um papera aad raarc(^
to gat married.
Tba groom U
yet atmlaad bit majority and
bride U aboot «8 years Old,.


Tliu't tafa to I* a day witboat Df.
Tbomaa- Eoleeuic Oil in tbe boose
Keser ran tell wliat momoM i
fideot la going to hapimn.


A qneer dooaatlo annual ooa
HeilW. Halm, who baa------- . ..
Uoe lias annatvd on tba farm of Wil­
Bgat bla heina at tbU plaee. Iravea liam Bploettrtoataer. of Palmyra,
bit morning for Oblcago.
where a molberly boa bovora aooie
Hun Haade Slitra baa takni a poalyoBBg fclttemi wbeaerer tbe old cal la
Uoa at tba woolaa mill.
away. Bo oomfrauhl. do Um kiw Dad
hioDda at thU plaee Satotday.
a-iAu .ma
BUtra have
The many friaada of Prof. Dnni- It. they stay oootoatod ander Umir
rille In thla plaee will wish to oor- foster moUmr. and old imm tlta by
M-Uaasa biha ahlagU- mlU.
mtalata him ou bit marriage, wliiob
lly pontag her approval of
Hytea Broderaoo baa morod la E^plaoa la Ttaverm City fWitb hli faUmt aad
last weak. Urn bride halog HI
sa Ibe railroad.
Bad! aad newly formed trait bare
. Dembrilla
SHrSMUaad family ate borne again.
bean dropping at a great rate from
bare tbal '
prarandoheorytraralaBofTlon ooooty the {Ml few dayi.aad It U tbongfal
Mr. Hradtord of Olaa Arbor, patted
inomaUylargt -oropa of t‘—
has bsM taken to Uie boapital at
tbroogh WWB Banday.
TBCsaOUy for traatomu
ImWBl sum moved to Trareim City
MS hlnmomad. wtU drop to. tbe
ga. or below.
dav, whioh was grratly approclatod
Mr. UHity bat taken tba pentofBoe
by Ida aadlonee.
«e areSSd alttlag saemben of Um
•ml pat U a gtooety stare.
Hra. Heady of Oedar. waa la town
A. Soriptan it cnl agala.
Mia. Hopper la tmt maeh' better
“l?S^Tc of Aon Arbor, ^^^hla
_ .^ve been, macriad.
■■4 abb to be mt.
warJa the k-obelora la the popolar
Jebaaaa Harr wml Boaday wiUi
of- UmIr camp on Um bordemofOlSB branob of congram conatltota bat
Lake la a oo«iila
aligbUy more Uiaa <
« pm
par rani
rant of tlm
ozivtaBra for abont e
camp will belaazivb
In tblrty fonr of

Hr. HmllOT preaehnd at tbe
to^nytt air moating waaI well I


Tbe anek before tbe HealUi DepartOlarraoa ralrbaaksla flielag in tba
aUngla mUl lor Hookas & Beyt
_mot of New York seised a qnanUty
■p Gao Pw aad family of Tia<
of staff Iwlng aold for baking powder
City te ^Uhg alAamaa «ab
which ibey foand waa maae from
alnm mixed wllbgramnd rook, aad
smped It late the river. \
The BsnlUi astboritiea are tbaa taklag affertiv. maaU to preveal Um law Um c«ar tbli aaoaoa.
■odaotloe Into oor tnarkeu of tnjorMr. aad Hn. B. A King w«
mt aabaUtataa la place of wholefrom Uia raaort today.
>me baklag pewdera
S^ley Usdorltnf aad Him I
Aa alnm eoria only two ooaU a
Hoyt waat down to tba retort
pound. Ibero it a groat tomptatloa fm
•a a BUilBg trl^

^aaS^ar^ riielr
^nndwed one fine aalactlcm. Hta
toknew that ''
lag obaervad Btoce
aa It al-----------_______lU. the aver
of old ooldInraW
the earaataty. UaMn to
aadgebaraa: adayetn.
to Um rnkmory of oar teldlaga



liuti while Wash Iloal sn.1 IWho. B.rth $I.2S.

l anry g'll .le>xieate.l Night 1 Jiii|is. woilli .Vh-, tw..

I i.u-t]Si-«.- liiixct.'s ol-! stia-l
s a uwaKUKK.
jBtee W E-IMtou.

I 18 Front Street

Wurzburg Block


Prices for Neiri Week

Commencing Saturday. June 7Ati. and Continuing until Friday, j
June I3th. inclusive.

KorsniceOUmllefTj Sd.Si vrioc.


•« »


gUss Wairi Srl,75« yaluc.

for a hoc Mown glam Waict Sri. fnviril
glam a very f^c act aa.1 worth $1.33.


for* 4

Cait«,‘rexi-rii!.W, a uvcful


f.« fou. iVigv ../c TumWeta


fo'l W f'"'

j-aun*1r> Soap.


a i'k" fo' Mtmo a»l <hil-l<rn'« g>—,1 Idark' |
Kddm.1 Hose,



f rr 4 |■ril» ofmrii'i Imavy .olloo So<



f>H U.yv'jirii^ Sl.irt Wairii, irgnlsr 3.V |

thing <m the dining table an.) well wmth $1.

for a glam l.mnoa Squnur, 6c value.

I 7e

for s4 iwxc glam Sri, conwRing of Butler

hn 3n>)

I 9C

Sc •

for a gooil tire ganten S|iruiUer.


hr «*'ldrcn’v summer Veri. .» f-nu.

to Hi.

fof * roll tixe Croi)uri Sri. >6c value.

I .24 fur a Euof Carpel Swceimr, $3 >^uc.

,;.«lMiBUU« Veals brtler kibdt
at Hh. Kk, 17.. 2u.,2.'m.


for a large rise none Cqs|mlot. deoiaated.

.if U^&jh^.huic Th(es.L


Dish. Sigar Bool. Milt I'.trimr and S|«on



for 34(kl of the Imri

I’arfor Mslrhes, SOc


juM r
for souvenir articles.
If )-ou want
of Water Sris, Berry Sets, 4 |kc< -.Sets, Salt and Bqiwr SliaicTs.T.>oth I’uk H<AlcT»,Celriy
other articles. These g.—b H' lie foun.l only al
Oil Bottle*. Vases, and• several Ml

Front -troot.

Tha btora tnal tilvaS Vou Barsalna. 1

HoUimaloaa Umir dtrad for • • Uiat

WlUlam G. B. Bsrtaa; eae of tba
beat koowB ebarsetera la Detroit.



nrat'rasa -aU Was

Him Warn Soyder. who 1
of ihievraapprata to ba at work la iron Moon mis
nod so far Um oalirlta have
Is baffilng the police. Vlihla Um pataw weeka many boasaa aad a asmbm
of riraes have baaa a-tered at aighb
aad ploader of

Privata Irtura nealvad st Haxlee*
City from GoeasltoBSOo. C
which wsa daatroyed by as <
Is At«l. my Umt the fim
torielaal erapaat ware tfarawa tram
•••g ACOI__________________

‘"•«ssaaadtrem thla c


Sled Meat I'oiuvlcr and Ire I'u k................... ......................................
tiniiol ia>
landv <>r new Cb.-x.1air CUvnrair r>mw4>r
|.K^ .Ird.

£^‘‘^rP0Wtmr'toaeT rf Wiljl

night, etryrari^ M
aUstaa aad ImilaUoe gooda
AUm baking powders eaa ba detect­ nos diatoratiBg bU aa^. Tbe aa
ed bv Um hralth antherlllra by cbamIcal aaalyats. bnt Um ordinary bonaekeapor. wboae assiatanoe In proteotioc the health of Um ii-oplela importlOt make aehralral OTmmlnalioe. She may easily know tlie alem
pewdera. liotrrrer. from the fact Umt
they aiv sold at from ton. to Iwaoly lU‘^'^Bvety "f^rBeo"tbo^d' i^ve
b.^ oi p2i*iller .Pervy
lOBsd ran. or that aema
apoee. or ctaas. or piece
of erookaty. or woedna ware—ia glvaa with (be powder aa aa
AaUm people oontinaa to reaUu
a of thia eableet aad l-nte boolea >5 aad to oaata
I lariat oa having hafciag

aaaad by Um Ihlevea

.O I

1'eriunm.l Ul.v Talfiim Plra.lct. B.nh ISJe, f.w .........................

C.nniJcic Walcx .Sdv »««•'

Strawberry ig Ibe hemra Nmnre't
epecifie for bparel oomplaiou of every


. hart's addreaa waa axeell


Two pai kjgrA Sled CaT«i I mkv h>..................................................

Ole are showing an unusually
attractive line of

Jsige Clarke of Bk Umit has
vlelad aad Bned Imavlly a onmber of
,rs fer aeUlag baktag powdsra

Atoodaaay wm
PruSytort*^ l>
Ibe Botlalra team:


Teuii., aad had boteelf mamad to
him at midnight The oamaa of the
nappy oonpla ware Kolwrt Hawom
and Mlae -Agnra Vaaea. Booting the
a clerk out Iff Imd to aeoar
mry doonmeet the Blae Oimae
belle told thla alory: “I am of legal
wlUi coma little maigtn. bat ibe
yonng maa ben with me it yet a boy.
aad thla ts why wa had to raa away
from Keatnoky. Bla i-rv-ta opioaed
tbe. marriage bMwoaa oa and aome

as 00 yarn old last Harcli. bat ia
-illl qoltB aetiva.
A fet^noda aonwiaed Ura Jna
Wall UM Boailav. last a little tnfortaal aatbnrioe to remind bat that It
bar ettli birthday,
hoot cleota tbla wi«k cm Friday
baa beee a very saomaatol year.


U|>an hat an.! Ooai Hw*». lar.. hr............................................. .... . , .Ol
la,»nmv!*lCAlSlu-Ulirs.Ariv.«.«th7A-1«rii*u.t« ..............-

ly Jail Um. aad ba ambeaeed tba
eitiortaBlty to mean U by bsylag
. Wf a ■allOB of oil. fllltog Um cna op
With waur aad potting tbe oUwr lulU
of Um porehaaa prior la fall poeket




acbool work, tborafora,
Bmlred. Umt we wlU do eiary

I. whioh. la daja beB Ihla. hai baao Imi-mlbla. Voem)f aad laito ateaman hare baao



*' ai s s M jS «a tw PrvUAr AWrt ut wd

a shaved b^om la it ymn

iMtbnm .



Haary SacAalt aol Imlas o rm
of ibla omoetatioe. Him Oraee «

- Aaolbar (rrat faatare of ibit ac
Will be Iba baaafii to bn derirod bf
Tamil that bmm with mieforta*



apd Aaoia f
________ .oadisjr
‘HoWriby fare a W la-

>litun<iaaeitiau|,M.i.'iTici'u skiat.
einuto-i 1./ ci-TB-> lA <MArau>T,
MW Um. (tie, I.MrlrraMW Um aralls Alia

eaa of ibe taoat imponaai Uiat i
]------- .« ooorram thla laat aeaalao.
la tUa. Uka all bii aadenaklni
O. H. Dajhaabeaaperaittaotaadimanstlo. raalUlBi tba *rrat pobUo
ha-aBttba Improramnat woaU ^
eom. Is hli nfferta to flaaae tiu rbmbilabmaet of thli eable Hr. Ds7 l>aa
bsM abl7 aadstod b7 Ceo«rM
Bl*oi> la WaahlB«loo. The aaeoam
la csHlac tba maaisra th»a«h la a
asdll to Hr. Ds7 asd IH bmmdla wUl
prvra IM »sioa la a Twy abort tlma.-

.......^.............. .
.1 iw Pnim >m~

Om; ml*or>lmc id *ow tha impeat—oa of Bomth Hmatm aa a harboa
asd m i>oraaal«7 of maaaa of roc
Dlmtlcm vUb Um. malalsBd. la both
thraa maaooa. Iba aombor of
aala so taklac abolie la ttaat harbor
ware for raofa jmi ia tba TloiallT of

if :

Vosr bowrif esaW tisiocdaawdl
_» your nnscia or yoor brain. Csaesms Candr Calkartie train ««r
boweti to do right. Gcaoiae ubiett
tumped C. C. C Never told i-

Tba boiglarias


Dress Dats
in our millinery Dept.;

Be sure to see tbem.

new store
۩r. Troirt amUimeii'



aa 1

I. H. P. CHU- UedOm^

■iriT^ by tb» m ct < ■e H. ft B. >. daa.

A SeOowa

mt. S. H. BooU. R. CmU. tom wom
work wUI L a Baoll.

r. &. Wattar. C ■- Ornate.
a Park aliart. Brlfhly.
«i» be
Qm Ufca-W. D. Brtdrs. T. Law----- '• M k «U)dldKM for Uw mMbliaa ecmiwrinii tor ttx ataw mM*.
Mr. MoSkUhM *et mcbt tU« bOM,
bU tbow vbe fc<»« Ua betf aad an
faailiMwltb bli •uallwt qudltlM
■ad hl« p«blk) (plHt. bar* aitad fala
lo Imnu ■ caadIdMa.
Mr. HoStft
IM aU Om i^aUile qsallUM for th*



Lion Coffee

it. a Ollben, a-------UopLoko-a Boward. A. HmL
towarm. • lar»o qaaalltr of erased
mow mtol be bar.- and li 1* mid that U Weia a Bi«ro. •
MayAeU-L. V. Daall. B. Tm«.
a abipmmit U ob tto way.
Jb a rary ohort «ma aew wi
1 . poell. A. TaaTaaaal. R B.
expect aotlTO operaltwie
Pe»U,e_A. Oibba A. R *««r.
r. Dean. B. Bpaef. J. P. TlUoleon.
B. Witaoa, W. Bpartlap. A. B. Bllalap la the rm>f of the Beadle Monk.aod «o. 3. a Brown. P. Wllaon. 3. Baff.
wbao the tie ronfiair wee remoTod.
PmlBrala-P. t Browa. R O.
the woodwork bom lote flimea Tto Udd, A B. Porter, A. P Otmy. H.
ftredepartMt ertiopaiebed Ito Are Urdfe. 3. 3. tardle. A. B VaaXawith bead ebemloaU wUb little dma-

meoy tlial enlted to mapUpe Mr
Olarrmoo V. Slater and MW Mtoel
iaptam. T1m> oeremooy i
wot oolj
ed at 8 o'clock la the pro
e of the 000-

tTMdlap l-ruee. The bridal coople
were atteoded by Mr. Johe BUter. a
brother of the ptoom. aad Mlee Eltol
SMIar.a coatia. Aftv the onremoay
they drore at oooe to tbeir aew home
oeWaitMlatli rtreek whioh waeall
farnlebrd aad preoerod for theni,
wuero they *iH be at home to their
I plrea to fralt eolli
oenee of a dlreet metl.od of tmarpor rrteada Both bride and proom arr
tatioa ato r^d DaBtit to tlie prmt well kaowa aad popolar yooop peopl.
maikea Loolaaaa aad Oraad Trar- tad their frleode will naile ia h.wrty
ttalatlone aad pood wlahea.
•tm eoaatiea will be prmt gaiaan la
tUt repard. MaaBtaetarca will elm
TV-r M we MeeeleC.
to atlBBlaMd owlnp to the Impnrrwl
ProL Horry Dnmbrilto aad
ap amikeaa that tanaot to raaohwl dlnet DOW.
(Rpital will aeoeemrily
fedlow la the wake of Iheee. aaterjvtmeaad muy dlreet and lodlrMil
bnaAta will be Ito tmIu.

The Jnoete

eef ttoelreait e

raae ia thii elty next Meaday,
Jadpe Mayne oa tl>a beooh.
Tto aaleadar thia ymr oontalni two
orlBlaal mam. eUrea oirll aeli<
aad twrira ohaaemy mattnta.
which tea are dlroroe rtdte. two
tto Utter beinp eoaMad. Tto oo
plate mUBdu U aa folUwa:
People re. LewU OoMBt aad Mlee
■ Bleak. (Etta Brown), almlaaleoliablialiaD. Prod a PnO* for tto proaeeatloBii.. PatablB ft Oretaer for
l^opb re. Joha A. Harfiaraa. merdar. Pnd a Pntt tor (PoaecotloB.
Pauhia ft Oretm for defcadaBt.
Philaader PnrU re Artliar R Wilaaa.amaBtpdt appeal Ohderwoodft
Dmbw for pUlatUr, Pntt ft DarU
W. 3. OUtr n, Bnpnne Brown, i
peal Pnuft OarUftwplalBtUr.

foridalatlff. Pnd R.Pratt tor do-

H. Ptnn for pUUtiB.
Uatlm for fUteadaata.
no OMdea City Bead Oo n. VilHam OUmtat, Mjam on tto cam
Underwood ft Uodor for tto pUlntlB.
Oaear Jtonami rw Owwpe W. Bato•tt. amnmpMt. Underwood ft Umlor
for ftolatiB.
John T. Oathoon n. Henry VUeox.
amal Patohln ft Orotcar fordafendOlatk Oeborna ra. John W. TmrU
•lal aMimpBlt apptal
Pm O.
Oilhart for pUlaUa. BmnrBiwnlM ft
' Baa for defeadaato.
Vletor Palartyl ra. Towndblp of
-Rut Boy. amnaqalL Perm C. Oll-

bmtfiw pUiaUB, Prod R. Piatt fer
ROtoater Gore rw- Thonme Bfaaaa.
tiDTtr appeal Perm a Qilbart for
plolatiB. Ema ft OarU fer defend.

Banh R KelUy ri. Patrick R Eel-

r. Remlagton Ti. I

(ftham T*. BarUy O. WUk-

Bento Hayam of YpeilaaU were
Tied Satorday by Ker.D.Ooahliaal hU
m Waahlnptoo rtreet.
left tbU afternoon oall.e Mmdatoe
unia aad will n»ad the nmmor al
the proom’e heme uaar Bardtekrllle.
The proom it one of tlw mort popa.
or mombere of tto Blp« eohool faool
y. thoaph bU teaclilnp here hat ex
tended onlyorer a year. Bot Im' U •
gradaate from tto oily Hipb ecl.ool
nd baa no cod of friend* la the oily
uwl tto rammadiap ooantry. where
to taaphtfoT a time ia the dUtrie
mtoolw who will extend to him Iheli
leet ooeprataUtioiia
The bri<l«
popoUr yoanp
•omn of TpelUnti.
frieadt there who will join with tb.
friand.oflbe promn in tl.i* elty la
wi*lili«ber eraty happiaom. Afmi
tto aainmn raoatlan thi-ir home wil

Friday tto WlUiamtbarp
toll tmm won In a Aoe paow from
tto BelUire City team, one of' th<boat amenr tanme U narthen Mich­
Tto rleitorepol apa eerr.Am
aanw and pood tmm work wae p!ay<-4
lap erory one prmoot with peirlotUm
oabotheidm. Tto rUluri wen-not
for tlie old Beg and rcTarmoe for ihow
abU lo'‘pMootn‘’ Ito lumi pltotor.
whom they eeaghioo honor.
to allowinp only one bit into oat
emorUI etrmaaaiea of the
rmy of the BepnbUe are
Tto b^ pUy of tto pamo wae aewi
beoatUalnod Uniireaelre. and nerer
ta the Ual toll of the Am with the
mere eo thu Friday.
Tto aemem
rUltoct at bat, with Dale at lal and
by Comamadar W. M
•eoond and third ooeapted. Dale made
Dokiog the •
Ay bit to Siomr. to (tow I
ipoaed of Aflme yoanp glrU.
Pear oo third aad-be to Qalu no ae.
ledby Mre. Oayton. eug "Oatber
oad. each piekinp hit mao. makiap
Ito Flowarv" •'Miohigmi. Mg Mlehl.
iHi-le. which le eeldom eeeo.
Amertoa." the larpe
play wae fact and oappy.
crowd prcrnml joiolnp la IbjUat »«rm
Anhn Tcrty. B. R Browi
fAmerim. ’
1 t 3 4 S-d T 8 P
Oar of the impremlra alea
0 I 1 O I 0 0 I O—&
R W. Baclinpa Joe.
W. Pleroe. A. a Beoamt. B. C. Dar- the roll mil of the ftmd.
0 1 0 0 0 0 n 0 U=1
The roll mUforctodeml
tUUery—Vlcitara. Wlleoa aad rwrl
row, B e. While. F. P. Ormr. Peter
(make of Oem|>ay M wu read by Bernr.
Wllliamtbnrp—Slorrr and tot
Kormntb.Prm>k Btadek. LooU Btrack.
pmol Tarboek aod reapoaded to by
Ktaak Trode. WiUiam Bennie.
die. Dmplra i<
Lieainmol Rlaaeao.
« wlU be pUrwl won [
TUrO War*.
O- O- 06rell, Q B. Boophay. A. trodeeed Jodpe Dabell for a lew brief
Oook, Oeoar Bimpeoo. W. W.
temaika Jadpe Dal«ll u himeelt aa
Bmtll., I- M. Winnia. O. O. Bhar- -Old reteraa and felly in eymiathy
wotd. Them R Bharmaa, W. W. with the epirti of »b- oomaloa. "
Demi. 3. R MoBToe. D. W. Kelley. inld plowiop tribatei to tto br
Om R Oroae. OMrpe Bh-ward. Dar- of Ito boy* of «J and
and al*o lo
Id Oox, r. a Damn
; tto ooBiage aod beavery of the ycaopPoeia
leraa* of the Bpaoub-Amenma
U F. Pertett. W. P. Haraha. R R
Tooehiop ref.-raoee wn*
HaRell. P. D. Marrtn. O. B Hetpm al*o to the Wotnao'* RalUf Corpe. by
the epmker.
Be declared itot Ibe
C. H. PraU.
wirw. motbera. eluer* aa-l I
W. R SmlBi. BA O. Hopan, W. liearta cofferod more tliaa ttoaoldina.
W. PalrehilA A. J. RcBcnry. L. R becaaae of the anxiety. tafTwiie and
Ctorelnad. M. D. Morpmi. T. O
MWi of the war which wrnap ttoir
KlehoUon. W. R Mooa. Wm. Trom­ l■mrutrlllp>. bol their fortilnde
bley. A. a. Frymto. Jolm Hopklno

Tto oommmillto oa permanoat ot- tme and btare (ntrlou.
Tto aenrioe* ware toaebUp. and
puixation aad order of boelneee re.
ported tocommaoding that the lempo- many of the old Teicraaa coolil oet
Totraln th.-ir emotioa ;f rUlble artrary orpaoimliee to m
which dele- deneea of the memoriae of Ihooe trytap day* which pare rmaon for Mem­
pate* to electod. aad I
orial-Uy. Aod wtoo tto clear tooea
of the iHiple eoaaded " tope" an addi-l
rmi plven to the arr. ioee,
wild, and that wliea tto eeaaty aomt
be mlled a call for whiefa olumd with t«aror by Her. W
itDatkm ot
of ^
a repre
T. Ullam.
Promixly at 1 38 o'clock the parade
the lepUlatara
lepUUtata be a
wmod aod tto llee of marWi wa> tokThe reinrt »
1 op ae oetlUed la Uio propram piewen< adopted.
Tto folUwinp loUor* were appotat- riouly aaaooneod.
Fltel la the parade came Jodpe Lnr
tall eity.
Kobena. matidial of thmiUy
R R HaHeil W
___ ■ aanonacOBtoat of the
Boye' l«nd' fellowrd. Icadinp the
HamiUoo. A. B:
of Pnrf. Damhrtlle will e>
iber* of Company U at tto i-eBoar*.
nrprtec to the tmebert aad pnplhlol
oort of liODOt to the reintane of the O.
Ito Bipta echool wbo are awny oo the iiiM ammped for Bleama drtepatea. A. U . wbo came nett, nearly KXi of
eannal malor cleat exoaraioa.
Ttoy ware fcllowed by tto
ttoonl.-r oooleet being totwem Belwtoattoy retnin, the hanTOwpU kirk aad Pertett for tlie erreath dele- military Afe
wtU to eat of the elty. aad ttoir nie. Tbe delepatlon to the rtate
by tto aehoot ebUdrea. bnadredr
friend! wlU tore la wait a while to
ofttomlnllnnwitlinape. .
eotloii ie a* follow*;
Wbea the liae of taarob reaebod tlie
oonnty prooud*. tto emwd* patbend
i. OIbba. MayAeld; Q. B. Bonphey.
abonl tto epeaker'e etorid. an Immeaee
Bmitfa aa
Blk Bapida. Jnoe 4-A Urpe
■ prewml today. Ibe ooomloo to inp ermOltyiO. A. Bripbam, . Blair: U Bonaeo-1 tbe rmdlnp of tlie peeml
t from bmd-iaanera, and AdjeIto aannal pioaio of tto Old S«dtU-n
F. PrtteU. Traeerae City: L. W.
W. W. D.«n peooeeded to read
The CoUmbU broophi Doell MayAeld: U R OlereUnd.
Ihrm. Commander Smitli tlmo apoke
laipo BBmber frem Norlhport. Sot
TrareiM City.
brieAy of tto oemelon ttot mlled Ito
tmu bay aad Omeoa. and the min
Tto drlepatioo to tto
andteooe topetbar. aad a ebora* of
bcoofbt another larpe erewd, while
ptrli lad aad dltteted by Mr. Dayton,
no eml of pleneue eama in by wapon.
bcaatifal tmtrlotle aeleriloo.
u mominp wae a rery pUamni
{nayrr by Be. . W. K. Wrlpht.
and at nooa oame the bip baeke
Perry Hamuh; J. A- lAraaprr. L. K. oad anotlior toop by the cherot of
Irteale dinner.
TtoKortfaporl bond
wot iwaaeot. oad hot funlabed excel aibba. Ttarerae Oily: F. L Johmon: gtrla. O
PeainnU; Tboa T. BoM. Dr. aI the apimker. Jndpe DaboU of B
toit BBtic dnrinp the day.
FUttilld. John*.
the exeelleat feataiet an the R Holliday.
Tto epeeSter tooshod on tto Uyalty
mptnm watoa ctiiriBp addrem bj Trarerae Olty: (j.
of the boy* wbo rmpondod to the eaU
Sar. A. 3. Bldiad. a Aflaon mlnaM Aome: J. K. Kmaedy. Oiant '
epamdt by Senator A. R Pnlmer ol
Delegate* to tlie aotiatarlal eonraa- of MoElaley In 18*6. bat to polntod
lo Ito toot that tto caU al that time
KalkaRo. and the
tion yet to be mUad ate a* follow*:
for 175,000 mon, while tto boye lo
Secoalary Eetaa.
Rer. S. Bleale, M
blue U tto aeath borted there 4U.030
ymroof ape. and one of Ito oldaal
W. W. Bmilh, Tnrerm City; A. B. of tto Aower of the land. Be paid a
I of Kortfaport wat pro
Sttaam. KlopaUy; W. R Fo*ter. R plowinp Irlboia to the oharaemr of
,a amdUl iarltatiea to
K. Hamoll O. Q. OoreU. Tiaracm Uaeelh, to the aaorlAeee of the wom­
aamteUtlOD lo bold Itolt next meo
,Oi»y; Wm. Saltlrk.'Aeme; U a Wal­ en wbo nffered at homo, to tto men
It thni pUee. aad it wac naaatmo
ter, Fife lake: J. R Monroe, Trar- wlio oeald not go lo to tto froot bat
lotad toneoapt. Bia time of tto n
rar Olty: A. 3. DeVriah Whllaw
who eappdrtad tto nnien ia OTerr pqelap being otonpod from tto Aru to
J. R Monroe wae uaalm.
Iblo way.
Ito Moend Wedoeeday in Jnno.
Iioeea a* ehairmao of tto ooirnty
Tbe addrmof Jadpe Daboll
Offloere elecud aa followat
eelre.! with fr^neat bnntt of npPratident—Ooorpe Craker, Omeoa.
pUnee by -the andieaoe.
Vice pnaideoM-Aatriia. R B.
ward* of tbe olty by the foUoertap:
'Tto Battle Hymn of IheKrpobLawit: Beoale. R II Keynoldt:
Aeme-Joto Hoiale.
i" wae Ibea caap. Mre Daytoo
Smith: Omod
oix. W. .
BUir-O. A. Briffaam.
■inplagtto (tonaae a* a aolo aad tbe
TraTane, R
Ka*l llay-Kdwln Black.
eliom* jolBiBp la tto nfn
kaika. Hon. A. :
Fife tokeTLDr. L. a Waller.
beoedioUae wat iben prom
IM Wm. Core;
Uardelil-Amo. Loop^ore
Her. W. T. Woodbeniie. oad all joined
R EeM. Balm
Utaal—FrR. Walker.
wtUitto obcmi la "Tto Star BpanTteamtrer-Lowell 8oara.:Blk Imfca.
Uiecn Imki—Wm. Dexter.
Rlalatiaa-W. a Aodar*oa. Trar.’
Loop Imke—Ueery Howard.
MaySeUI-L. W. DnalL
OrertOO were la atteodaaee. and
. R Pnlrar. A. R BUoba maatlng «w oaa of the be«t to tto
hUkory of tto aaae^tlcti.
roratod a anlqae the
m Cee«r tleo,
Haper. oUartft ycrterday.
Be ha* tod tbe
Tto KepnbUoaa ooeaty eooreotlon
J. DeVrUa
ol.areh ooanected by leUpboae to t
met im Taeeday-afternoon at UmOiu/ Flm ward-J.
Swaverly lUa. and yaeteiAay. by t
-oom in tbe ooaalr talldlap. MiUikai<;Seeaafl ward, a C. Oar
• mlled lo eraor by Cfaatrama Third wtod. g R Bongtoy: Foarth Peutory. 1
Omtiml toka.
ward. F. D.-Marrla; Fifth wm
Ktkaeka. Elk tUpia* and Oadillae.
E. ClereUaft
besidea many on tto famun' party
liam tlie moninp aarrloe xhu doretad to tto aabjeet of tocedlty. aad
Dra. Oltieen aad Rammy rmd pnpera
Day dawnto
bripbt OB tto •abjeet. lo tto eeaninp tto
aad elmr. aad wbea Ito aan roaa it
by Be*. Bmk* wae to

—O. <i. IVirell ofXraet
utnnL ^
D tton >x>ka

daya of «|wtng. Brary oosditito taer wed tto Uitod Armr of the Ueiinblle
e for tto obawvaaoe of U>e day
n boaorinp tto memory
ol ih.

Emma 3. Bill by nest friend. C. of tto minnlee
into patborni tto
A. Bowen, ea WiUUm R BUI dlHePtonoa Pois. Ha. lA aad befm*
Toreo. Fmtt ft Dari* for
>. O'clon it Wto maaUeal that today'
OBL I'MdiU ft l>otMr tot.
n tol R eld aeldlan woold be ngy
Sanh M. MeOnUy Ta Jaaue He •xoept Dnioe. aad aU ether delepa- Uritefew aafarttall
II wat bat a few mxmeati |
Tto report
Wbea Ito mlaaa Waned to Ibe
ae Idl- etety. Tbe Uae wne eaeortad by Jadpe
Ooerga R. Oapraw M al, ea TawaKobaeu to ■wnhal aad beadwi by tto
^p Beard e( Pt-ninmU Towntolp. oi
Mrtial baad. irittoi wat followed br
al. AtoiBtrar. Oectpe K. Sawtombt
Oomitoiy R abtol thirty wttrng. aad
nad Pmailtiwilka ft PoeMr for oon
ptolMU. Plan ft BaeU foe detoad
“teie Piokrttada Bey Pickett, PaMMm for sllmtoy and
l^Mtold ft Btot Ito I


The marvelous ' uniformity'of Ceresou flour is the
secret of its success. I'he
quality never varies. It is
good eveiy tlay in the >-ear,
and never disai^Mints its




M ihetorpama.


sru). *.

t lyca
BynK.ha.els Sterntfe

»tNl . Camimerr <Siiita.*w-ellmmk, a.wth



«th 5li. <l-'.*e> an.! $13-dl. all *>.$

Children's StMs

(U nnail !-l
n.-.Urm'* Suilv I


Oi-llu-n'. Ca'-.*n-.-tc Su.u, vatuo $-i,".'.

.................. ...SI.65
.. \H W AM.SrVl-ISII


EdUHt Dry Coads. Cirpel
and bolhlac Hodk.


TravarM City Markets.
Thl* report la maOa upon WoOnei
chanpea In prices








S6.50 Morris Chairs for
S8.5G Morris Chairs tor
!0.7S Morris Chairs lor
14.00 Morris Chairs for
15.00 Morris Chairs for

$ 4.25
S 5.98
$ 7.00
SI 0.00

I Grand Rapids Fur, eo, I

l)et*oli-Wb.*i. K2 aod TV',.eon


Cadies’ $150
Kid Shoes

wa* torn at B< .-ri'HarlorMan
ligfl. and died
hit liomral Ito
plaoe Jnne I.
•MK, ap.-d l»T.«r«, 3
moatli* aod V lava He haJ been a
ettoap and
yoonp man until
aad healthy
it 14 moBlli* apn. when *om.' dieofooeaf bi* 1-p* nmdeammm.
■eeeemry. H.- rerorated from
_____ .gooblee *ei in wbl
mnmdbitdmth. He Imt.......................

W«f have just placet} on sale a new line at
alx»vc pi ice.

le oa Jnna Md. coodneted by Kee.
A. Oreen of Old M(------Tbe lleM Orfeaial.
A nee
344 E. 8

I* pirea to tto betel at
It, Trarera.-I'ltr.
I Orieol -

dartar: i>*rwtaier'''MtoT in the
rural pan* will to thie remember
him. He at______a farm.T and d.-etne
to extend aa itolt
liatioo to ll.oee In
Ibal line lo mil fer tbeir meaU while
town.-----A---------------------------warm «
la b------red for oalT'1.5 oenca.' Heiex a
a ooblUI inritaUm ie exi
r» oft that n
the pi

l.ista. and



la"gr" FBHHUBY
I— '■:.'3E=gCTtsi,’';ug33:..

rhey are solid, made on new

have the style o{ a

$i shoe.

•W'l: jjivc biu value in this price shoes.—
not how cheap, but how t;f><>d.

Try a pair

and we will nivc you value rcceivetl.

Frank Tricdiicb,
Cb< Old Kcliablc 5b««man.


mben Vou Play
Base Ball


dependable goods.


■Athletic Goods are the best to be had at any
price and are always reliable.
We handle

Before you buy >pur suit be sure to see our line. \Vc
have them at Ss-oa S6-5a $7.50. $«<». 5iooo, Suxo.
$i3Pa $i5ioa S1600. $iSx». $»x»and Sjjco—all bin
values, stylish and nice fitting, well ‘ made—the gootl
wearing kind. We stand back ot all of them—we guar­
antee them to give satislaction. We have children's
suitsatSi.75.5J-oo.S3XJaSi-5<xS4XO.$S-“> and S6co
—all clean goods, the latest styles. Young-men’s suits
from 16 to iq years at $3.50 to $i4DO—-a nice line. An
up-to-date line of furnishing goods. It pays to do your
trading at tbe South Side Store.

Otaey A hWma Gmcr Ca. B

PUatwka-J. R 1

.KOI.U»M- THK CROWD t.i ibt* atarraml pel m

mtn*$ ShHs

b< will «•( ib» •olid miport of
eoontr. Holiwidi known alwii
«wro«^ h-air
bMB H"d«wl ■>PP«« lro»otb«<
(!«■ io (be dlnriot The Matorlal
UoUn-i--------- ------------eesrratlou «• And no bc^Uor ml
Wlittewatir-L. Booro W- B- Baird.
tbi« honor aod Mr. MoSatt will
ttoUmdle »>loeb *>ad lu perlodloa! 1. J. DeVrleo. A- Praj. B' D «W4*.
th* diMriet wall alioald to bo sealemptiOD. end It U eoppoeed that aome
P. Booro T. Bairdnaiad aad aloetad.
■perke ta eome way pot notor IJie tin
t City—
roof, and emoaldered tberv for 14
,boera The apper part
tbe tolldRoberta. R Winnie. Thoo
la a laoent adlMrlal the Oraad Ra|>- inp wee tboroopbly mtamted with
T. Betea. Wallie OamptoR O. 0.
ide Heimld rafen to tbe rapid and amoke. aad eoare of ibe woodwork le
MoSatt. 3. A. Loranpw. Hownrd
bodly dtariod.______________
irieb. A. R HoUiday. 3. _W. PMchto,
Pnnk Bamitlon. 3. ,W. MIUU
Taeadey la flt FnmeU ohareh, Allan Bmitl.. B. 3. Morpaa. aaU.
BcT. Pr. Baoer jwrformod the oere- B. 8 HoU, J. Stelabarg, tlarry Parker.
Md tl>e Importuua of ear ferrlee ir«aanllyio dfirelojiiair trlbotary
Wtot l>a« been aoaecaiillefaad
for otliar paru of Ibo rtala will be repmud io tiito oaoUcm. TlieeaM
maal of the ear fatty oyMem of cbe
Tiarone Oily, LeoUaaa dl MaataUqae
from Kortfaport will aorro to draw
lamteom qimaUtlao of ftatcbt faoU>



this kind.
Mils from

*50 to Sr-oo

CIuIk from 5c to $100
Masks from ssc to S300

Good Oloatber now tor

and good hammocks are ia profusion at out
store. Every ttyie and color known are to
be obtained here at prices most reasonable.
Well made ones from $100 to $5xia





^ Ml^lfOB BUrcb Oampaar f*adaewl ihla wtok tba flat OUB a '
b* bolil Bt Ui« bOM «< BsiBBte Paok arerr Mafaotoad ta MidhlRan and
tba prodset to
hiRbRiafla aad
qaatltr- Tha^Otorr wae alartod .
u4 b«lp te nk* n B d«r lev to t» atorir Kamtornad to bow workiat
br w Bll. Caw wfth- nmootblr altboaRb the (oree of a '

Imrs BOt rat baooma aa ftmUtor
vull AIM bBAsti far b bB*Bt picnic.
- epanUBf Bud HiirlBC and fBmac and. erilh Ibair new datlae aa (bar will ba
rldtlM viU be tba ontef of Ibe dar- to^ (aw dara
we Bia aboat twaBir-flre basda
A. Pack.
amplorad bow. aad ae eocri ae tfaaaa
Be tbcrooRhlr familiar with tbe
WBBblnctoa. Mar »-Tb. »
a BiRbI oraw will ba pal la aad
■nibs* Mil bn* Mne agreed tola
)»erCaii allflvei^TlaK Del
Tba biU cntrlM«l7.800.. tlw foree will ba iuutomd.
Aflaaqaalitrof feed to erne of the
OOO. and to addm<
br-prodaou wblefa to batoR taned oat,
■. K-,
'uve qaaabUu and for wbieb ,
[voTldn IS,000 fpr a ciu to a kotc


balldliw la TraTar* Oily.lltoh.
piiwnun Danifrb baa axertod
kia baat afforu to Tnvena Oitr and
tola anaaptiaUoa aaaaraa tba a
Mu at one-- and a bailditur aril
nnril)r folio* later ecu




• Sit

Circulation th» week 2,500.
Tba Good Tt<iuUn %t« Inrltod
Bav. J. W. Miller tuaMk a Memor­
ial aanaoo al Mo^ Oeotn oeri
Mlu Miaale Wilaou-rf lolaad f*
« a *017
veiy plwaut
Yla with Um
___ I BrTBBi at

M4g.8U, 1_

Tbaradar to
rilla aad fada

tb. M, m^^i^bat a toroa of

of pnpartr on the thoree of Bam
Bennie laku. and a property that will
Sir KolRfaU and Ladr H
be apt to appreciato to talne----- —
haea will obaarre Memorial aai
I tba Itoptiat'efanreb next Bondar idi.r. Tbr pertiea who bare
I nirhrir are A. H. Harrr. O P. Onr*^e4lr Eaifbta and Ladlaa of rer. Fred D. OortU. William Mdr
tiarer*- Bar Hire will mM-t to Ibeir rel. K L. Aehtoo. Jack PerTr.
I half paai nine abarp. Tbrr Oharlee O. Oarret aad Tberoii Mor­
nU ioto tbe other Tent and Hfea aad in.
It will Iwnmemberad tfaai
narrfa to tbo Minroh.
All memlian of Tiarnne liar blra time aRO a erudieato, lo wlilob i
an rnqnaau.1 lo briOR all the flower* br the name of Ulman la tAiionfo and
another named WblU la Battle Oreek
ilirr eu> to Mr* Will Atbton’e
an Ibe limderx, porehneed a torpe
BtoU atnel, Satordar afuntoon.
tract iii timber and waetn land borderlDR’ on Bam and Kenule Ukea
It of tbe motion to die- with the louotloo of maklnt an imenlra the InjOBeMoa leioad ORaliut the menee Ronte pmerve and reaort propM. « K. B. hr JodR* Mame at tbe ertr. with hnalluR, fiablnR aad eanii'
ice of t ba T. a L & M. to re toR aoeommodarionx BiRfat In tbe
the former from bnlldtoR a niidati.r ibU trnel ther in t>
acrou tbe proponed rieht of mimed tbli tract of al«i 20 acre*.
war of Ibe Uttar, hai been pnt or.-r wbieii bee now been iioreliaeed br
nalil next Monitor.
Tiarnne Oitj mas Tbe totlar learnOwtoR to the leaRth of tba nipnba prepertr had not beao
leaU to b.- asbmlued tbe altomart bOQRlit, aod now tber bold one of thr
Jndfa flneit campiOR Rronndi In the entire
MapaearrtTad SaMfjajr nl«ht
met of aeroial tbonmad ncraa
patUloo. botrcTar. *aa read bj Attur- Tbe piece of land bonffat te IrrvRn
Bar Hmorthwaita tfalt aaninK jail tor lo ehape. factoR on both Baie and
before Jedffe Maraa aod the attomert Bennie Ukee. It to a dellRtatfol rpot.
left for Lalaod
.r wooded with oak. and
an (deal ptoo- (or mimmer eiijormeui.
Tbo faseral of Olam Barta. a praml- There ie bol one other i>n«e of (*opB,«t fanaar wfao died al bU borne al eitr bordenoR on «itbi-r lake that ie
Hooroa Oob-r eorr aaddanlr of apo- not owned hr the erudlcste. and ttali
ple»r Bondar crooto*. oceorrad r«»- to behl br a Tnrenr Citr
tordar. Deoraaad h«e>* a wife and
oueebild. The onlr other cUibldlad
bni a abort time aRO. Mr. Baitx waa Tliedelf«atlon of chief olarke of tlie
koown tiiroojihoBt tin- i^outr. G. K * 1. oOcea in Grand Rapidt.
< perebaae.1 tbo doe ^arm of; who arrirad in tbit ritr Tbaredar on
tbeir war to Haokinaw on a tonr of
JudRe Mootoa aoma roart aRo.

Hralla^li 8aaa> old idooear
of Iblf nttioo, dM Tneadar at thf
of beraoo VTilliam near Bilrer
Inke, aROd ST ream Bbe learaa roor
eoeatbrae eoei lire at Irene l^a^e and
eon at Old MieMon; and two
BbfmM Hauuf dfawB bM Mto
MMie Bac daa«bu* of Peatoaato tovhtm*. Mn. OanSeld of BiUer
Uka aad Ura Saat of tbi« eltj. The
B. <: Hyt of tba tnaaa ptoon vlll ba fanenl
will br to tbe cbarch ai
Orawn Ttanredar at 1 o'eloek udrr
tba dlractten of W. 8. Aadonoa.
tov.haa bean larwad br Ibr aaTreau

Alfred V. Krtedrioh, paat ebaaerller
of Timeerae Oltr .LodRd Ko. TS.
BalRbu of Prtblaa. baa meelead aotlea froto Oraod Otiaoeellor Irao A.
Cbio of bit appnlDlmaul on Ibe mltotRa and par dum eommittea of tba
Frank Hamlin of Blair haf
■oonead hlmaaU at eaodldato for
tba rapobllnan nominaUno for raRit
aalna are Frank Wlleno of Paradlae
and Ohaa. K. IlaRet of Union townAtp.
Pawhto dk Ottrtaor morad toto ibrlr
new irfdoM la tba WlUu-lm book,
tetb floor. Hondar. la brtotUr down ilMir latRo wfe. the biR
ataal boa rM awar aad eraahe,! down
tha lower pan of il,a atalra to (be
MMtoRBa bloek. doioRBOt a lltUa
damata to the auln.

PrWto n.iiWJTeaerrr.
A deal fane bean worked rerr qaiat-

I). O. K. K. UMIee.
Tlir flrat inlttotocT work of tmlla
Rookb TampU. D. O. K. K.. with iu
own diran took plane Uet week
wlM one eaadldate waa aarorted
aorOM llie liot aandt of the d.-ieri
with protwrlr IminwiTB oeiemonr.
BetoR Ibe drat attempt at tba work
tbe o«o«a were not follr oooreraanl
with all Ibe detalU, bni nwardleae of
that tbe work wae exaaIU«IIr doar.
Iba.Impertol Patooa, whiob will moat
in San Prnuetooo in AorbM. Oapi. 3.
y. MetoUah boinR named aa alurTtnat<*e wen- aleetad at followa:
Tbna jean, 3. K. Hannan; two
eaia B. W. OonnloRham: one rant.
10. P. Oarrer.
Aftor tha work the mamban mt
down to a flne (aaM of eirawbetty
1 and ooll.«, inpand

Mtoda beta will be rM to know that
in tlia ritr Wadneadar,
ha wtol after a bride. Tl« faatanala
ranhc todr le Mlu Fnerieh of Oraad aad dwlied to aorraet a report that
eltonlaud tome time ago that
BvUa Tba ownauer took plaea
Taaadar at tha boue of tbe bride aad iweef hU cbildnn hail dtean>earad
(oond of tbam.
Mn oonpta arrirad hue Vadm
Tba oblldn-n want to HodRt raaentlr
on HatoHay afurnoco. aad a rioleat
Baa J. V. HIUct waa aalM
xterm eam< np. ao that tber did
Manor Oantre rtoordar to fsaaeb
nt«n ttml nlRbt, aad were not
tba tumal aatmee of Olam Bana
etad. Baadar Mur wnni to a
na tniiarml waa one of tbe toiReU
aan beU la Oraad TTarerw eeantr, ardRbbor-a perlmpt tboaffatlaulr and
tbrirbei^ at aeoa.
the laet of tbe earriaRaa leartoR tbe
(atbn went after them.
baau at Mm' beara.- raaciiad tbe e
tor. a dlBlaara of bal«aao half aad Wblla ha wae Rtme. a eallar rtoUed
Hn. Bclianaaa. aad lmm>M that tbe
toiaa naarkiti of a mlla
clitdnn had been abunt etore BalarTba mtoben of Uie OUea of ItOt dar afurnoon. From tbli (he etoir
aad the frleoda of Miea Rmma AdMt. Rtaw oiitil It xma reported Ibai (be
fannerlr of tl,li oltr. will be toComet- childmn had iRoome leal to aWrible
adtotiiafaet of bar emdeatioo (hie tbnnder eterra, and liad either bean
ifwtoR from the Warna Krb., hiRb killed br liRfatntoR or had wandered
aabooL Bhc wae Rlnm lliehoaorof awar on Ibe ptoine and met daatbdallvartof the raladiatorr. Had ebe
aad espotare. ae U
itoBload to tide oltr ibr eoald bare
oompleM tba oonree wilb tba atom

ad while Id UiU eitr. Tber
Maa IB haad br Cbaa E Mansr. loeal
aReni of the oompanr. aod totrodacad
to toeal people. Jaa Ealioa of the
Para MargoelU. Carer Hall and W.
D. 0 Oamaine, autoted to estortainioR Uie roonR men aad to the wrenliiR
tbey eiOorad the boeptaliiir of the
Elk*' Cloh.
The !*rtr oonatotod of H. F. Sclulmn. efalaf clerk In tbe traaearer'e
mc-i F. L Danforll.. necaetarr to
tbeReoeral maaaRer: A. W Uatea,
ohiaf clerk to Ibe imperiBleudeni of
ortbrra diTtolim: J.'K MerriweatbiT. eliief clerk lo tbe eppertolendaotof Itmaonlbecndlytoian; S.
M. Heib;aBr- abief elerk to the rUr depanmani; W. E. Seabr.
cbii'f elerk in (he aaditor'e otflue; T
W. Uoald. ehief clerk to tl.e |•meaRcr office: W. B. Oaueron, chief Mark
to the matter meohonlc: C. L. 8belbr. chief Metk In the parchaelnR de­
partment: B. <V Iwareaworth. M.lef
clerk to the Ranetal (telidii oOoe; B
H. lloai-man. reprcualing tbr i-nRlacer'e department: F. E. Hnlin. atTbe Iian.v atartad on a tonr of toepaetlon from Kletamood, lack, aod
eximet to make Ibe toar of the enure
line aad it* bnaebaa llieratemakliiR the Joomer on an im^ioa «r.
n>er left till* mcminf for Haokinaw.

of tbe OiBod TraTerae BaptUtaeKwlalloB opened Toeedar at tbe Bap
tl*t Miarefa of toil elir. with a rerr

Dr. Hor<M of

wae ooe of tbe feaiatae of tbe after
. Tliera wen delaRata* preeent
UieehoKbmin tbe dlatnot. at
AldcD. Ohartoroto. Cbcberfan. Ea*|.
pert. Oorlerd. Harbor SirinRx. Ealkaika, KloRMer. Patosker, Soatl.
aad TisTetae Oitr.
Tba report at the s
mlUea wae tend.(bad Bar. 0. E. Coa­
ler Itave a .err flaa addnsfon -‘Bute
MloMona-Tbe (ollOwlnR commlttoec wuv
poiolad by tor moderator;
Preai-bet. time and ptoee far Dext
raoraotloe-nC^-^oold of Eastport,
OiiardW-OhaitotMx.Hn. GUIle
of TrsTaru^itr\
reocired a toleRram from the aoi*ame
Raaolatleim-BeT. ManUea of Bar
noon <if Ibe euh- infonnioR btm that bor SprliiRt. iMrx. BrjMlr of Kastpnri
hi! decUioc to III. oaee df the T.C.,L. and Bra neblabr^ of Boatl.

Urtott at
of Alt
Aides, J
I—Mr. Uvtott
(heir inopartr for riRtat.^of war- bae a MeEtolrr
-r oTTivbMdaDd
aad near the Aral etorr front i
atone eonlon. The front will ba tha been eattatoed br tbe npreme e
Mbit Dnan of KiiiRxler. '
ToMdararaalsR Bev. T. B. HoRhea
baailuuaat le the oitr wbta
prtoMird toe aasaal wimoo an "One
TbiiiR Tboa'lmtAeri." tbe ctoir of
TtuOlirat Ool
tbe roaSR man wbo came to Sant for
toUUM to Ibe HiRb aJxiol to laeoRodemoedfor the see of taolbet eallRfatanmeBt a* to bU foil datv ibai
allkaL of aoparior work, luu
liRbl inbarit etotiml IUa He
swarded Ihta rear to Uonte llirdPratl db OtTU. nttainere (or the T..
taa Tba tetna of tbe aobotoi*htp 0-, L. A M-. went before the ea|*<tne ptetarod the ' onar exoeUesora of Uie
yoasR man, bat pototed oat Ibe atohava been aaoi-pied br Mr. Klnlmll,
to otdaln a mandamae to
Rle fatal defari to bit IUa and siRwI
who espaou to eater Ullral neft 8apbe carofet that tbey
tombar. Mr. Bndtall i. to be
RtataUtod spna wlnatoR tba prim oapramo eooit h.»ldto« with JudRe live ao that tfaeli Urea mlRhl not look
and tlw aollaRt- npoa a<*BrinR ao ra. LomaRor Ibat the probaU oonfi ku
Altar toeA
eallaal a rrproamtaUTe from
ao jartodletlna to tbe taae.
TrsTerae Oltr blRb aMtooL
JbM what eteia will next be taken
br the T. C . L. d M. hxe sol
1. led by B«T.U.K.N0RaIw.
deflniUlr daeided, althouRfa tbe lapmennlUee of (ba T.O .L. & M. elate
Ibai tbar are rubR to rH oat of tha
elir all riRbk It to probable that Ibe The But. BobAu Bebool ererk. roatr IhronRb Horthweau-n
^bUtoUoa aoetoty. tba ereoma’a bear
aaa will ba (ollowad.
aad borne mimlau wm toe pitoel{ml. mar oaak a lamadr tbi
aabioet* bafore tba Omad Traeerae
(ba droall eoait, aa they bald Uml
tbe eapreme ooeri daristoa to not oa
tba marile o( (be cam. bat Mmpir aa

ttoeat ML Ptoaoaat loft Widiiitoy ad the
araftbaO. B.L Boma warn ba. dtofauad of.
oMbto to RO. sod tbeir ptoeu will beltfaa Peopia n. i
ftlMaefaraapaaelbto br tba detoRs.: waa toUraetod br tb. aeaX aa krW
. is a mrdtol of •Illr.
Tbou who ton were Thea T. ' Tba cSatRo acaMt
toUA Bob. 3. A. UraaRer. g > oat of hie (allara to epnmd tba mx (or
E. nuefcer. O. C. Moffatt. Han. -ihe balldtoR of a MdR* ameoo tba
3. W. MniikoB. Dr. A. H. HoUidar . aamwx at OM lAka. otolmiac ttot
aad W. W. FalrefailA Hon. Parry it wae ilto^.
Baaaab. F. U Jatoaoa and L. fc.
Oibbe eraro «Mda to gOL J. B. KiaBodr wae axpaeud to Join Iba paitr
ai EiaRxler.
Tbo OampbetI.Qartoa caee. to flUu>toe wbetBer JadRe Oampball or
JadRi Oartoe. toe |------ •' iBoambial.
t Elect L a Otibart. to mulled to to. offiea, to bow ea
BOW of St. JotaBA ba* famtobed toe trial.
It to a acauoled aloMkm
Herald with a complete lUwof tb. atwtaicb bae been deeulbod ia
netloB* for to. next r>^«k’* HiRb di-ull to lb. Herald mraial Umea
flebool Ledara A Ho*ie eoarae. Tl.i
of au^ettoe*. a* will be aees.
eomirite uTim fine nambMx, all
bate asd meb Iba floaM is Ita
'Oar little daoRbler Imd OB almoU
It ii arideol Cbal tba biRb fatal miiaek of .wbootoBR eoaefa and
chaiaeter of the coorae le to be kept broocbltiA" write* Mrs W. E. Hariof ArmoBk. K. Y.. hot aU
op. «>d raloed if anrtolnR far the at- land,
other reiaediea felled, we meed brr
tractloa* of tlx- esralSR Jrar.
life with Dr EIdr'i New DieceTeir.
There are to be eouie osmben (hi* Oar niew. wl.o bad OcBiamplloB Is
rear each a* bare seyer before ap­ an adrasea-d sURe.alu need ton wcemedinise asd todar ebe 1* parpeared to toe ooonw. lUdiard Veai- derfal
fectle well. " Drxperale threat and
Hobeoa. toe Hero of Ibe M.-rrl- IbnR dimaee. rield to Or. KlBR'e Kew
'. 1* ooe of tbipe aad l«rado Tafi. Dteccer. ae to no other madtelne on
aarth. Walllbie for CooRhe aad,
tbe Tcrmtili, talenied
(>9ldx aoe asd II 00 todtlee Raaranualpior ia another. Tbe datea f.>r l.-e.l
br s. E Vail & 8oaa. and Jaa
llie wloBi nambi-rx bare uul all Wo 6 Jobatoa. Trial botllei frea
decided, bat tbe pamben ae Rlrrn hr
Hr. Gilbert are ae (ullowx
:« Will ha<
Caputo Kielmrd P. Hobaen.^Tbe
i»t Impr
BoTr." which will iselode tbe elorr
of tbe Herrini*'-.
IHdil Mam fer Me.
leiradoTaft. ."A tllimpeeofa
Sealptor'i eiadia" lo'thle a euini- The Bo.too man. wbu Ulely
waoo takas from tba aadi- lied a eii-klr, rich yonnf worn__ ..
Iw modeled. Hr. Taft lec. ..irb reatma
tund ia tbe Fine Ari*- BalldtoR dar- perfect health, licfalllble for JaotoR the World'a Fair, aad ia a Renta* dioe.
Malarto. Fever and
....... ..... Malarto.________
-kRBr and all il.iver and Blomach
Tbe le.'tan abonnde to
Gentle bol effoetira Only
Mr. Tafi worki in ctor, plaetar aad tronUlea
al a E Wall A floo'e aad Ja* U.
marl.te before bla aadienoe.
M'a dniR etcrea'.
.TillePlowerx.inciae of tlie
fraei raoooloRSee. "linn Unr, a Tale
of iha Chriet. ' -The Menhant of
Veoioe." or"Lea Miearahlee "
Uaro. tbe MaRlciao. Prof. B. L
D'Ooga of the Sui'e Normal. Ypeitouti
We eosMder Mare one of tbe
Reateai entenaiaare now lofore toipablie."
Oraad CouMrl Company. Thia
- $S0,0M
compaar ooitMite of an orcbemia In ftii BP OipiUL
- •
addition to a m>]i(bbo and taritoae SorplDS.
eoloiai. It ie called (be i-ompaar of


TbeTadot-OeedtoR HeeicalOomThle i* a TOoal ormaiiation of
I with plaulit. qainlette of
Toieee. foot ladie* with baritone.
;. Tbe la«t nnmbrr^ will prabablr
Mopriee Mr. Gl.oo Ukll.aobd V-oor,
wbo mnR at tlie May FeitiTal at Ann
>r toieepriBR
KeRutiaUoai ac
jieadiiiR for tola nnmlier.' If ihie
cannot be ee- nred it ia poeiible (bat
Hamlis Uartoad. the aathcr, a ill toil for B lecture on "Tlie Joy* of

Onr Savinfs Department
by '•■Ual
in. T.—n

SilEl Npttit B*M U r«t It 1 fF7 tor iML


We never ceury
goods from one
season to the Oth­
er. The time has
come to clean up
the Ladies’ Suits,
and we know,
there is only one
way to do it and
that’s THE PRICE
We have a fine assortm§nt of styles, colors, and sizes now—this j
will not be the case in a short time, for when :
we cut-the price they move fast. You can buy '
any suit in the store at from 20 to 33 percent,
discount from this date until they are all sold. '
This is a money making proposition for you, ^
as we carry the finest and largest line of Ladies' I
Ready Made Garments in this part of the state. I
Sll-K WAISTS — Have
you seen this taffeta silk waist, like
cut? If not, you should: in black and
colors at S2.S8.

' finest showing of White Waists we
ever had. Beauties at 90c, at $ 1.00,
I at $ 1.50, at $2, at $3, and $3.50.

50c, 75c, up to $4.00.

J. W. MilliRen.

Farmers, Attention!
Now that the spraying season is on you want
(food S|irayin,f.inatcrial.

If you are in the market for any of these
goods it will pay you to give us a call, as
a< we
carry a splendid line of these goods, and
make you rock bottom prices—at

TU Vtur tttt from our

Bargain tables
and fou'lt save 2St to $1 on
every pair of shoes fou buf.
AH new. stylish, reliable Summer Footwear.

\WE carry the latest in tapestry designs, the popular twothirds work, the moire ceilings, the two-toned pane!
papers-the newest is always here. Those new designs for
Parlor. Hall, Library. Sitting Room and Dining Room should
be seen at once. We are just as busy as ever with wall pap­
er, because our goods please the customers. Our great stock
of medium priced papers have the latest cl^signs- they sell
from I Oc to 25c the double roil. Our great sales have brok­
en many lines and these have been put in the remnants at
just half price. You may find what you want among them.


On Our $2 Cable
You will find Ladies'$2.50 and $2.75 .Shoes, made
with light, medium and heavyweight soles, iri all the
handsome summer styles.
Men's 1-lne Dress Sh^. kid and box calf, new swell
shapes, only $3.,

On Our $1.50 Cable
\kni will find Women's Si-75 and some $3 shoes, new
styles, good fitting, long wearing shoes.
Men's all solid, shapely, satin calf shoes, lace and

On Our >1.00 Cable
You will find Ladies' S1.25 and Si^S sho6. wdl
made, in good styles, and Men’s lace and congress satin
calj shoes worth Si.35* Women’s $i .35 Oxfords cut to $1

On Our 75c Cable
You will find Children's solid leather soles, sizes 8 to
II. Women's$i Oxfords reduced to 75c.

Always tbe Best Sbaes. always tbe Uwat Meta.,

The Old Stand

Opposite Herald Office.

Some of the late popular books that for this one day will be'
sold at Just one-half the Tegular price:
•■Bubs, the Impossible." Skruh Grand....................$..SG-SpeciaI 75c ff
“gtiincy .Adams Sawyer." Chas. F. Pidgin............, .$1.50- "
••Four, Gordyeeff." Maxim Gorky......................... $1.50- 7Sc
"It Was Mariowe." Wilbur F. Zeigler................... $1.50- "
"Jack Raymond." E. L Voynich............................$1.50
75c ,
"Told by Two." Marie St. Felix........,.................. $1.35- "
"Market Place." Harold Frededf..........................$usey- 75c
“World of Graft." Josiah Flynt.......................
$1.2^-“ 63c

A beautiful Velvet Carpet that always sold for $ I the
yard, for this day only —
.......... ........................



9 Depanmeot on the ground floor from 10 to n a. m. and 3 to 3 p. m. and arc I
I entirely free. You are cordially invited to hear this wooderfuT instrument j



B Baasafad'a ABtaa. Batbaad
Pbk. arsnai«bwaO»n-<IH Ooo«'*H B. (HM and mm dnrra to a O.
•load Botateay. '
Il<*srBai’. bat ns
Oaneo Hatoiv tea siesd a Boa
niiiM. w. o.
id a sow to partly aaw Mob ao bit bow. wbhA a4da
Vd falMasdpa



Mn Atirapd l«k. Md Hra. C.
wm^iarmr rlcl-

MV »B «k* mm. lAo an vertlac «■
l*rt Brtarday MMHt «


^U>« 2m. Pm

dMilliiiill nliarnli

f &e“«.

Uim Ltad. BMMt b la Ttanne
Oil7 far a dajri' MarOar l>«elMr. him SUa UeHMa. !•
Mat and b not aUa to anaad bei
«!buol. HIM Llltlao Orar vlU <akr
bar tdaoa for a«bUa.
aod wUa rblWd
Bancr Baba a»d Hr.. Bdn. TboMpne aad daoifbbr wM la 0«br Has
to tern Karry-a aad ratarawars Ox ld*'bT’lK'«f ofTadi^ WliilMaa
r. aad Hn Arabic aaiUi
Clara WOlbsu mss.
batlar a»d
MofHr. aad Hn
tiroaiiar tbaa for
rbitod Perry Warvf.O Diekenaao1 rblt
Hb.' Jasr Smrmt aod-Carrb Bbrc
ab of th
tbelr .ast and a
„ to Blafrtss Seoday.
van (ha rsMU
aU. Hr. aad Hn. U Beaar.
A. 8. Friu aad wife. Loob 0^
Hta. Bllai aad aos Oardoa asd Hr. aad wife. J. W. Dlekerwao aod_wlfa

Hit-HaUb BtnbmoTEafvlrb

rne Olty aad wen well pband
Jedpa Daboll’t addnn.U Good boapbl a MaU of J. W.

Iba BBiatwr of
Tbc fralt
or oat
ban br tor froal thi

made from tl

‘*5£aT l<^‘Sa*rf*^Baat I

M •fth Booisl meatiap at b-------8 S. Blnkwood- Friday ambp. A
Baa baaqM waa tob^ aflac white
pasaa wm la order. Tha era
waa apeal io a rarr pimnnt so
aad nob aod all bopa to be praae
tbr oatt saetlap b IkOe.
Hr. BaadmoD. wife aad ebil
t Oadllbo an la oar ally ibia a
Mra bate Urey ot Trarpm City
lined fHeod. )>ere bat work. towo for a few days
Wilbar UUI ot Bearer labad waa
) lowD Baaday.
CNuwoo Waroar aad wife dn
Hapb Olty oo Baaday bat. aad wen
tbe poaaia of Hr aad Hn Oaof«i

Hn. 8. B. Oata aad Hra O. W.
rbltad at Daa Wriaht'a.
fros Orbtt, bat Tbararoar ml
Jobs F. FanI aod Hr. aod Mra J day.
L. (braall won- ot TiarotM Ult; o
Tbace «1U ba a msibar of ebUdrso
from bora vbe vlU tau pan lo tbo

rrio>« wen brld at the ““
ontebMfor Childne'a Car alU|WbiU aad Hr. aad Hn
daoabeic, Jaoa 8
AU ara larlMd. aa
...M vm rltlton alTnr
Hian bexpaaiad to b aolaefraBtaiii. Jarca erewd. Bar. Hoopar, paator or
bal Wadowby.
Omi Miarota, waa the apaokar aod
Hr. mod Hra. DoOrn* attsodcd mada aa abla addrcM fur aacli an ocFnd Wiiiai- ot Hapb 'Oliy take, at tba noralty faetory at Elk Raplda
abaroli at Orbaabatf Saoda7.
ohantr of tbr sail roota batwewi
Hn. Lowell Boon U atlaadl^>or
Hr. aod Him. Will Oaihnmn aabraliiar, Mn. Oao. Oaroa, at Tn>i-n>OB‘a faoota waa BbOBt dea. Ion and Haple City today.

->arof <

City, who baa b-i-c rery IIL
flia baiBBoday aod
Ur. and Hn Ueo. Lee of Aupall
'H.«THH>Irt uaPABTSailT.
ved to tbelr old lionu at
hare nmot
liBlt Iba roof
Port Huron.
aad H. A. aaOare, abo Hr. aod ^
from Elk
_ .
Friday vranlnc.
Ka|>id>, whan abe lia. bean atleadbp
U. ft: Plekai
Pickard of Labad i
achool tbe |sat year.
towo tblard
Voile a namber from tbii way alHn Artbar
Bordaanx arrived from
heBw Friday
■by arealap for a rlril Thuraaby evealnp.
J atlll ‘-ooUoiMi to Bltrao
-leodt b tfab
itb lablirc
>wda b dell«l.t*
Lailiea’ Aid Soelaly will be bald at
Hr. Auaa Uaau'aThand.y afl
Aootbar waddta
Mn J. Bh-rea. i
4>. Noad waa io Ibl. Tlobily b
Boyd of Kit Hail,---------------------------------uf IhU waak.
Tnrorae Olty tbla
OanaBot Yoba. Tha happy ooepb weak looklux attar fab luleraau id •
to bod oaaeatad by tbe Hit
____________ ;rom KIk Hapld. <« thair
mob^^iyfawbnela aud riailad tbair panaU over
atnrnod from
the 8t«.
Hr. (HbU ot Trareraa City ood aadilbe.arb.ra I____
: isniea at
Ktobard Bcliomberp ot Good Harbor
Wtfa rlalted Hr. Olbbt' aad rapainiix tomi- boau

<|eol aoDdoy ta town.
tfaal t
Motbar, Hr. aod Hn W. U. Ult
8. W.
Porter haa acoaptod the
Jamea Klllolt
KMlon ilbaa Bored into Obeta. a year BOO. baa talani ipensy for the While Mwiap mateloo. ter Elltol'i houae
Hn A. K. Raraanl U ROtllox batBed to n-malu Id oorthen
tar. wa ara (lad to laan. .
Ueo UeCray took a trip lo TrarMr. Tiee U polnp to balld i
0. aad aayt tbat hit '
erpie City Ta.-aday.
houae aetOM from Vet Brown'a.
wlllnton thlifall.
Fn-a Hlabbla. left Taeiday to comUn I'offleld atwot Baoday witbUn
meuoe hla daliea at Bt. Joe.
rown lia. Ibe }ob of luak
H. It obBRdi tbe aUlta of Jaua,-to
to Trararae Oily Taaaday.
road to llOKararlle.
Iba anobf. We hope It say da
Hemilap Aaderaoo haa rataniUn. Peter i'oOcId r-welred a
r tialBtb. HlDu-. to ri.ll
ber I
to b----------------------------------------of.................................
aaa tbell. and mOMI from Mn t
■toUr amrrlad. Bar. L- ad
H. H Walcb baa boajrbt a oew
wreral nioallia at Chleago. where
Blavna of t'eUotnla
lia. been reet-Ivtop tueiUeal tnatmeut.
Ula. Ada and Byli .. t-otteld apaat
lor Ilia I
Hba Bboeh I>mb baa a«old watob.
panou of a’
. -.iday w
HIM Vara Wlae ot Oiaad Raplda.
a Bteaaal from liar btotber. Barbrrt,
Travcrai- City
plaee, r<-lnraliip t
wfio tel baen b Iba PbiUpploat for, and pboe. arrtred at Kofaeri Oariiantlie •-r-'olup.
ibm yatra. bal b now b OaUtoreb. tar'a bat Tutaday. to a]Mid Ibi- tornA fav froM bars attaodad tba’fartr





Hr. and Hn Lyoo’a

Tlx doen of Bindley cbareli
after liart
olaaad foe Iw
tbe amallpot.
Him Umbel Rioe
aa Ibe paeat of L
ter. tbla waak.
aad Un. Uarah ot Bale, wen
of Mr. and Hn. Ulney Bator
day aad
id Baatey
» aad Hr. aad Hn


Mpy. misiL. wiNva toa oaoMar i
S to p> bto Iba druf baabaaa
Mra Frank Wriffal rbltad Tiaram
City eatanby.

n'Jae Doyb
serad Mlake
Yoaitf Fata Prlaraoo bad Iba labtonanato tera iba aod eat Off Of hb
■unr ooa day bat waak.
It to Tiararte City
Work b telac eos
1 oette
aow dspot bora.
Bata, to Hr. aad Hra. Will Sraltb.
Jpue IM,


Tlx achool cloaad ■

00 eld trbuda yMtanby.
Tbe WDote abenl .
HIM (bddla Barry elated a m toeoeatfal Ima of tebool at Baal BaMim te baaatlfia follace! aild Bowen
Hr. I
TllltMl .
-bomaa Lindleyand L____ . ______.
Saratal wael from beta to Oadar ware dorm ten from Blupham for a
ytolarday to wlbwM tba telltamaba- tUlt with ralallvea and Irleada laat
twran Oadar and Qlra Arbor. Iba far- BatnrteT and Baaday.
Tlx Bohmmar L. B. OnaMp u lyiop
MX abort- bare belav loadeil with
wdwood for 0. A. Keli^
Hcaiin Eafpht aod Alrold have
aday baton,
y bid oat.
Htu tWl Wlnoe
Fiad Wbal.^ i>
rt oo Wvdacatey alid.
team aad a two ■
Tcarmae OUy.


1cm Harta,a fraalo
thii ricluUy, dtod Bantey omtiip
after a ahort Unata He Inren a prifa
Dr. Blau
City. Tba
wiuaont a
Aiehia Saaadan
A large teare of tee om ia yont csmwpoadnic baa

oallaat sop^
oatdwood yaah-rday



Hear ttatea in Ite |dowod field,
abowi tW old Bn»o U aUll witb-aa
Hn Fnd BaaDelt b balplsM
II la on old mylep. aod a traa epa
wa tlilnk. that we narer bare two w«The aim Arbor boya Bad qall. _ omu alUa to Txarerae. bol It '
BBBiber of tbair Maodi areel to Oadar ooma eropa aU right«haat
today far BBOlhar gase with Iba Oa- looked balb-r than aew, aad ____
good xrenthar ap to barraat ate qaallast Monday wUb tte wlad___ ily wiU be axeaUant.
Yoor oonoapoadanrxnrfu W<
ooaaty on ilx doth aad lav ptnaah<^
- Billloa.
of them
.... from_____
>od to fall prown cmaa la
««a dlaoororod bafon It ted fauMda
.. wbeta It waa alir.- with
traoy large ptooe, aboot fonr taat
Ttey were i-Iowisp ‘

■otb«?*EJr (te
-■ teaafiac..........................................................
Oladrk toamaaater-

. pau had draoBod np Uka an old lady
Md waa pteying nndar tte nkia tetea
tnaawteotte Uttla gtxla stes raay
iteta om waa a dcaighted Uttb gin
- tea waa ooa. DaUetona wifrMlisMti
SMOoMTod. TteoWldtsi sv ttey
IsB Jnit a stesdld ttso.

h will, hitobirne Wi; ^•ln1.
lIiL- aci);hi ,U lb- ruck in <mi
iij» Iw.a ainnit.



Lola llanh.

Clothiers and Hatters to His Majesty, the American Citizen.
124 Front Suoot
Trnvoree City,

of Hvnry illaoksaa lail week
The fraal of Taeatey nipfal did some
toapa aroaad bsa. bal mtpbl b*ra

ooa of bla
tbl. week.
H.nM I -orr..q.
here went
_____ _ - —____ _________ _err
The rain yaater-lar .(.nl- d a
to Trararae I'lty toter to attend tlx b--r of ImUat tbe Iwll paax
m--morial aarrloai. 'Itxr had a lorely
Onwii won a paine »f ;twll v
tlay for it.
ter apaiual Key.lunr be a ----r
then 1bat willi lal«rl->'»-i
uf 1 to
K C. Han aad M I
■•Will waailen er.r caaarV’ iiiqalre Iba frieo-U ot Hn L. Paaai-, of Itxir botidinp* op ti
Lawnaix. Kau. They knew tee liad otlx-n un tlx .treat
been oiiable In Irare her bed la eereii
LirluiloD. are oat fur Ihiyran on aeooBDl of kidney and lirer it Him Mlimlr Karl and
tcvohle, Bi-rrua. pnxtniiou anil pen
enideblllly: bat.-•• Three botllre of
Klaetne BUiere-. »e ..ii. •
Ixal wl.lx. fur them
id ID Ihrra uienllia 1
felt Ilka a arw iirrMii."
eefferiap frMO Un^ibe. Ilaekatee.
n. W. Revtuilil.
new l-ullOmK^^iI i
dad tl a in-ioalra.
Ballifaclbin '
Wall & Bun aud Jaa.
Oulv buo.



le U(t lew data

Word wa. received h
inp that Olrm Hart, of MuariwI -lied a* ~ " e.
! wUh to extend to all klnd'i-rnl
ite anil uelphbore lor tbelr nmdy il.r.
_________ ________
- »iMhy dariu.,

£^-£,r,v.r r, s.'~:noN*T


A Fine Line of

A Full Line ot

My Prices are the Very Lowest.



Wa are barbf aoioa Ooa raio. aod
orarthbc U ktowIbi oloaly.
Hr. aad Hn Oanoo Wans'aud
Hn BaeiT Blaffaot of Labad rbit■a famUy Baoday.
Hr. Ohaboiifa Imx bami aettlap for
Mteen la tbe ahon wateta alonp
______________ PraoM. ■
1^1 a few daytbate it
ker. Hr. Borooith. who Isa btae to Travaraa City, when- abe bat be«o
myaiek.U abb to ba aroand.
employed for Mreral luootte.
Tom Yooiw b Ibraotaood wii
John Jobnaao. Pelar Ctebonpaaod
Jobn Bi^oe war* rery plad to reoaire
BOM;BSBlay. Oao. Olasaat, K. Ilia pay wbioli ’Wa. daa them fur
aobotmor Uoai<-a
Adana aod Frad WlDob wore TIarom
r a year apo and wbeb ibey
Oily rblun bol TfaaMtey aad FHenable to eoUeci at tbe time on
ml of hiph wfate sid riomy
Maali of Tianrta Oily rslbd

___________; fnlght eoFt^* d£
laat Bbhi.

Ir i-iil iIk

o'^KwilL.'’ b''‘5ix




RU.t<; t
Iiuki- .1 I-III.

kiliea of Petoak.-y 1. bore ready
t ISari Wl.lrix'a wa.
daaxhtor at
to open bi» atota tb- Aral of Ibe weak. naeal boar. All are iarltad to o
I Uooday Hay
-IMma. lllraKa HM, L O. T. U.. and brlnp your friend, with you.
Mn HelbM Dike an-1 daapbler vZ -.T,
Tbe W. O^^ U. held ttei^winl pare an toe enam aoebl In tba i
hall Balarday ereulnp.
110 M.
When It rosea to nripiaality In
Un T. Wbalry baa n-toreed from
alilri'niau.l eolur.Hnmtor Lo-bte
Uloh.. when alia waa callsty. Lbala Baaee. Tnaaarar. L«ay
of HaaMulinwtI. alway. take, a long
dfwtli of bar apte
Balawln. Bavaral rlalion allaaded.
Tha Baaefii aoelaty bald tbair an­ ed to wIineM. the dratli
but la bl.
Isa onsm aod cake were aerred, aad imal election meallap at the borne uf
Mra Isokle Hay SSnl. The foUi>w- yvara old.
rery aajoyabb time wa. bad.
Ul.'Pl effort lx baa oaldoae erra hlw................lowed. ...
Un. E. Tharp la aide lo ba
oBoen were eleeU-l
Joha Bradttew albadad Hemorbl
Salre eullrely oared
■xf llcan>rarrd la a walaloeal aad
apalD after a Ifarc- laOBIha’ iUem
i-U-at-Mra li.
" O.
~ Lealir.
erercltr. at Tnrtrae City KnOay.
- -. Corn.
Cora.. Borca.
wliuwa. movtup avny. Isd inadt-r-{aldrt'of ideoliral material, a drilrate
Pnachlnp bare next Banter,e
Bkin OlMaaa. and Pib-a «.•«
Hyrtle Dexter .t»ol thn- <byi
iwri-le whirta u raid to hare b,
' Wail & Bon-, and Jaa. U. Juhuaoo’a
Oow bat waak. Bbi- 1. toaeblag
Tlx lllllr fellow waa play- cUlly woven for him.
Ntdhlop a]Un. O. Euadam-a braltb la ailll
lap with the revitei' when tlx oar- iratohlnp it liaa b-xn area al tbe e.^l|.
I poorly.
Hn William Bcaodiya, a ploo
Treaiarer-Ure. UcHarben.
tridpe eiploded.
I Her. 0. W. OUrk. after anrndinp
of Jobud. aad a ohartor mriober
X Y. P. & a & bald a boaiaoMl
‘jJIJJi three >»i^ of aaem-atfal Utax in
the Otanfe. waa laid to real yetlar
--'tinp In tha ebareli mrlora
day to the labad eeoietary.
HlMea Emma ViUoe,
Vilaon, PcM-l Rlobsou-I.
Ubto. < ban- ba .will
IVeama hen. a aoldlar'a widow la
Dnme and Kaiiiia Wlltoo ware aleolad
antll September, when te will
took B|> till
aad oared for I
dvb-pal<-a to tlx oonraollMl ' ''
back U> Ramd tbe winter in
telinic worl
teUdM. |nad.ehlfalnii. aad xnatE. Ibaii. aanpht
other cTemnp. tba
W baa aooe to Tnraraa
A A. bwatoer of Battoiu Bay
a Inob rainbow.
s oil wagoa for W, J. la town thi. wvte.
Ira Raapar took a trip to
jioorly j >r the paat few waaka.
Hr. Haaltmaatol aay. aboat m.OOD Uooday, accompanied by 1
Ur. Dowaer anil wife ot K
jaabeb of potatoao bare braa sarketod PhatL
your homes: have made a life lont> study of it and have uvil it tiown so fine J hat wc cah')urnrsTrVo(}^ny article
^ut Banday wllb tbelr aoa, V
at 111. pobi b tte |iaal yriir.
you want in your home, from a nice i’arlur Suite down to the smallest article >*ou use in your home, and al the
to tbe Oooirepatlo dtearebS^tel'* Him Dlanoba Eelley of Hayfiebl pi> ea
Jane l&tb.
uaaio leaaona bare arery Tbaratey

’'■“'Essr '

' Bern, to Mr. and Hn
bar. Kay Wtb. a aoo.


PAST OkBnaui


A Jaol
soak all


lar tarsi. wlU aoan po to Ealamaaoo.
rlwre abe ixpaeu to make bar boma.
TTia frooS bare door bal lltxb- das. ti aU klote liare nnr'
^UUla Horton and His Oitteal
eteaad tbair ateooU at taSrlotesi

xld la tbu u
Jana dth.
.... Parkiu U OMap ap tte in­
terior of bit (tore for Hr. ftebea, who
atook of elotbing.
Air. Oa_____________
for a D>-w raaldauea.
A number of elHaenkof thlf .____
win alteud tte Old BetUan’ sartlnp
at Elk Ka|dd. Wa>1uateay. JuM 4th.
Cbaa UBrian li barlap a-pew ..o»t
of paint ]-Bt oo bit raxideaoa.
ileer. 1. dolap Ite work.
Ut-x Jaoie HiUi-r baa beeu enpaced
a. one of th<- teacher. In tbe bipb
achool next term.
Him Jennie Roaa of Batton. Bay
a. In town tbla weak..
nisllve. anil frleote lu tbla plaea.

Jobn HoUomy,.whaH
fa-wlth Im.
een ao noorly.
la oUll improviiip and
a>- >1 able
lie to work hia own facin.


very lowest prices that can be obtainetl anywliere. We will met-i any catalogue house prices on anything End
you have the advantage of coming in ihe sitire am) seeing the goods you buy.

novnTPUi. iirxiona.

V»u Can Tigurv Irom flw Panowtna
Tbe poblUbed alalement of anm<
atranper realdlop la a fat.aWBy plao.
may be Wae euoupb. bat It U poaer
ally aoocpiad aa a doablfnl rvmor.
How can It be rerified:- Tbe toriident of Tnverar Oily.
E I'lanp. of W7 E. Kroot
atoeot, MV.: "Uy bank and kldoey.
wen- wete for yran and deaplle all
my Imowledpe of medleloae 1 wa
able te check tbe troahle. let i
can- It. tin lr«ralnt aboal D
Kldoey Pill. I rsxooed fbiawi.....
they ixrfomed half what Ibey | they mlpbi m^bly help me Af-

Hart In Krowu liaa a fine aew yaobt.
UlM LoBlae Jarkaoa elnaed a rery
K-oeaafal term of aebout Fritey.
Marry Htoteaw liaa 0|<eeed a eon■ no hrlp for me. wbeu 1
elf, 11
fe,'tioeerT aica;a taonr Tillapa. The
i rare myaalf.
ti eetteinlT.
balldtnp tea baaa sored wid tte b
■Praia well for Draa Ktdnay P,U.
when ttey bre^bl abiMil Ibe aineb
lor te-daoenlofi aad insenu a
iraaOB. Hwry haa oor beat w1
For rale by all drain
rn Prtee M
oeata. Foab-r-HiIbnni Oo
. Baltalo.
mapfrionda here, retara- N. V.. aole apenu fewr tte United
Pcboololoard^day Wllha pleolr •

fiviry Reader
of Cbi$ Paper
Should take advantage of our GREAT
REBUILDING SALE that is now on.
Unusual inducements in everydepartment. Did you see our large ad. in
last week’s issue? If not, look it up.
It will interest you. and be profitable
. if you need anything in our line.

Cbe Sale is now on
And thousands are taking advantage
of It. We are very busy, but not too
busy to care for your wants. Have
secured extra help to make service

Cbe Boston Store.

how cheap you can furnish your homes.
For the parlor: Carpels 25c. .isc. 45f.
|| 55c, 65c-and up to S1.25 |>er yanl.
«• nice 5-piece I’arlor Suite, solid oak or
imitation mahogany, covered in nice
pattern velour, full spring seats, like
cut, from Siy.75 up.
Upohlstcrcd Seat Arm Rockers fromS.i -25
A full spring, spring edge Couch, from
$4 7.5 up.
A line solid Quarter Sawed Oak I’arlor Table,
inche square top.■ nice,
sawed oak
n'« quarter
shelf. I'rench legs, all polished, just like cut,
for $2.35.
A nice bamboo Music Stand, 5S inches
high, has four shelves 16 .inches long, 13'
inches wide, like cut. for 05c.
Solid Oak Center Tables, just like cut.
16 inche square top. 50c. iSxiS inch for
Si_oa 30X20 inch top. all solid oak. with
nice large shelf, fur $1.35.
24x34 inch
top. $1.50.
Biggest bargains in -Bedroom Suites ^-er shown.
Cannot be duplicated any place. These are no cheap
ra made stuff, but are well made and
9 xrHI tinisbed, good quality oak. three
a pieces; IW. Dresser. Commode;
Dresser has bevel French plate
mirror, for only $13 75Next style, finer looking suite, larger mirror, for $15
'Ts the biggest bargain ever offeretl in a
■flie nexfis
suite, all solid oak as above, sritb larger mirror, gen­
uine quarter sawed oak. swell front zop drawer on
dresser and commode. A suite that would cost you
$25 any place, our price Si S.
Firat class quality solid. Oak DresKr.well made,
well finished, with three drawers. French bevd plate
mirror, nicely carved, for $7-75-

Same dresser with larger bevel brcnch plate mir­
ror. for S.S75.
A beautiful Oak Dresser, mostly quarter sawed,
genuine quarter sawed swell front top drawer, bevel
iTcnch plate mirror, would cost you Si.’any other
place, for only Si-75A gootl soliii Iron Ued with liest hue weave. i<i
cOril woven .wire springs, complete, for $3.75. ■'.\ny
A fine iron bed. continuous posts, scroll top, white.
gre.-en or blue, four f«n hve inches high, any sire, for
$2.75A line iron bed. continuous posts, scroll top. 5 feet
I inch high, any sire, in while, gseen or blue, lor S.17S
■^Ve hatx a large assortment, right along up to the
most beautiful bed you ever saw in colors, for $16.

Che Jidpanee hn CaMes lias
not nnected a# Uny
Wc arc selling a good, solid, extension tablc.^hat
will seat eight |>eop1r. for $3.75. (>ur next price is
S5. \ fine 42 inch top. square, table, with four inch,
nicely turned, round legs, for $•> 75. From that right
along up to a fine, large, heavy, quarter sawed table.

$om« BIfl 0o>« Out B«r0afiis
in Dining Chairs
One >et. six chairs, aritique finish, for $g.
If these
chairs were golden finish they would sell readily for.
Si 3.5a

Wt tfm* a Cot »l OM ebrir*
One. two, three, four and five of a style that we
will dose out at about half price. Here is a chanceif you want some odd chairs.
We iare still selling six good, solid, wood's^
chairs, painted aod striped. f(H-$3.85.
Six good, solid, high back, wood seat duirs, nicely
carved backs, for $4.75,
Six good, solid oak. cane seat chairs, bran arras,
three stretchers in fronL for $6.


rarate SHraterall^'s




pae* l>- 8o*di A(rb»
Bom ter «lo«a 4*lr an
alaa til* klac. B-wr ivUciwaa «iU
taowhl l>aek a.aooa a* poaibh. with.
aM tiM Ion of llbtRT or
The Ho^ an to baod oter all the
ara> ana ammaaiaai Is their f
ate at asder Ibeir eoetroL Ko i
to to ba taira acaliwt ivliooera.
cWldrM will be tsaxfal la ll>e Kbooli
Vtee iholr panoto itein-. Jlifla*
Will be allowed M Uia Boera for |aotaotte. Kllltarp oeeaitlec will be
withdraws aa aooD aa peaalbla asd

'Wliat this Boy’s

Mother Says
hat beeirtaM by the morhen of
Bsny other b<^ and cirk, rrgardific the wonderful ruratiw
and ttrcngthcninE qualhio of

wUl be oe tax on the trasaraal h
the seat of war. Three mUlios {SDsda
will br provided for atncklap the Boer
It totbe
' Lord KIteeaet.
togaiBR ef the paaer torau, iafomed
tba Boer deU«atn of the Britii
tettea reRBrdiag tlw Oape C0I007
labeU. who are Bot laeladad la tb.'
'vteiaeBt. Tber will be aab>eot to
Mai aooordlac to (be law of the ooloar to whieb thep brlooR
The raak
and die will be defraacbi
tat aa death pHaaltjr will I* laBieted.
ilr.BaUoar-a atalemiwtwaa
. Loadoa. Jaae *-Tbe eaWaet owt at
U«)lo detemlse the fern of the
tel aniKMUiaeiBeat of peaoe la Soatb
. Afrte. Tlie laeatiac laeled half
boar. Orest crowd* iratheted oohd
the forelca oBoe mad ao^natette
fieetad tiie talaUlan a* tber le
ObaaibcrUiD.rcoelTad a reanrkable
The iieople brok
IbtaacB the pollee line aad sar(.-d
ataal kU earriam, wavlmt aaiea
|M)kB. tooUtot konia aad 7eUia«
..•‘Hanah for Joe; rt* did It.
Ttaae dten far Ohamlwtlaln.''
^ lewloo, Jase •-Kioc Bdward h^td
a tevee at UL Jamae paUoe at soon.
AahUBajsafJ drove from BaekinctaB petee* to St. Jaaea. be paeeed
dhtaaffa aMrmou ctowda. wbo ebewad aad Mac. "Bale Ilrlttaala.••Oodtare the kla« " At the levee
tUked pease and •bowered oeoxralatetae oa the Uod aad hU mUielera
Baoa.Jaae »-The pop*. 00 beaHaK
ttaoewa of peaoe la Booth Africa
'tald. "I hope to ote^r
«> ‘I**
world'a peaoe. ■’
. lioaite. Jane »-The diapalofa aa
■aaacliii the ooBolaate of pnoe
•anaataSeaUi Afrte. dated at Pre­
toria at Dldalxbl BatsRiar nleht. U





doctflivd cminulh hr rwc evr-W'l
bed Ira >i>weu in ocr wrrk. < «:> •!
UaUua «u OircOed lu I v. Milra^ervtor Hid wr hrne lit »r. Wbewbr
heduheetbr f^hbiulrtlir Fp>>>»

Dr. MOes’ Remedin are sold
by an druceiat on pjaranlee lo
benefil or money refunded.
Of. toUee Mediesl Ca., EWhart, Ind.

the [an of I*rcel(toot PoIbo. wbo or
the wreta. which teadr me
ea»0 brave
,|y decorac
eaa aad rotan tea. tartoodr of tt
tiooa. asd Beaorli
Id earersl oi
Uooal Redoebt 1

modem Preacheis.


soMkc for OTor a wet a past, and a few
olRhto SCO epMtod
oatlre* are frlflitoned
I Bfety in fllctal to
eod of Keaai pealnrato. Tto whiha
are eleo apprebeneive of a'dlaetrone
uapiioa. hat arc etickiiur to Iboir
Par eereral dope volcaalc
have been taUlBC Saow for
___ unto* la rvetp dlreeBou from
Hoost Redoabt to eovered wiUi aebce
and Uoatacae totoad lo Priner WIUtom aoand U also ooverad with tbem
Bxpteiaiu and ranibUnai is the inicr
the moenlaln are iKOrd almoet


The mad. Tow IUv» Alwwya BoofM, ted wbMi te btalt
III n-w Ibr arrr SO yewrs. has barn* the alRttattuw at
p and baa bMW toad* under kto pw>
rrWoB ■dnrr ttolaftoMT.
Allow no oito to derrivo poa la thto.
AU C«N)ato>Caita. ImltoUoos and** Jart-a»«v>»<l'* are bM

teearced hrahh h-tbe;
II1- i:-!.!,- -t J- le ;

Pierce'* tkildca W-I1C..I I'-r- •
toe-eminence ainoiijr *11 pfr; ..f .ii- -.
the eon of
m th. -ifc.r
, (e^rmtioB.
c| drairctoerr>l roa lh«liriled irdltnortivl.' ariir* Jli- ’■

uf lralimuoT..ttot odenJ
hr Ih* rlmiv »oul l be moa prutnwlv

Co..S.^' *1" ISA’-'" ’"
(era w» wa«itq(«i }.."u-.i • • • •


Cbwtnria U a bnrtntee imbatitQU’ for Castor Oil. ParwCorir. llropa an^ Suothtoir Byrwpa. It to l*leu(anU U
runUtins iirilber Opkuni Mon>bla* 1
« lo .tU ruanuilrr.
still alia} II 1
C*illr. Itrrt

todepoaitA Tliai
9 Ih* aette
of Ibr IIrMbUbr oa tlw. maRnetle

:T'sr ■


i 1* Um
•• a«T
'I OMub' a -o.*i
(cd rramenl
i .1V..era].«ll...e.Ve«.lth.t rmUr.l---------

TI.I.- CUIUlrcu'B rsBseen-Tbe Slolhrr’n

Bran u» sifoiton of

.lean urerii.o .> iirai raid ■•eiicra
n.dki. -.'(h. nevra. inirtoraral icie**
. ..MaL .nf Il~ i-i.Nra-i .< -ncl |—itraa Bed
; I*. I»«n.,s ira-norf. It. raencec nrai id (too
..eil.oi.. lo lo.ldnC-d .• ib (iraiid Tvcneoc



(fee iTi.t l-mtir .f j.... »--ir 1- (.
Liini Tr.’nl-l-'.

VV'.II rare * rvwirh or erdd

The Kind You Hare Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years

ll.-r> .d raid .Irararad *JV Irajulr.'
—Ill (bar rlalnn w raM Pc-lal'
to-- I'rv-trat.-llOrr. IB Uir lYIr -d .......
(Vn.l.e raraairauia *iBl*Uoir*i>n .ira .eV

oVk.rt 1* tnr I.era-ra .drach--'



THOS. tl. SPRACUt A deR.

^•HOVlAi.E cAI


eanie precept* of reclituile. Tbree foll...en. ate 00 chit to* tnithtol thun
llieii Iriuler* Vet hrvdiife tbe pnxeUrr
i- a lea.u-i it u tuiural to give weight tu
■ill ii.tirmmu Ills very podtion amI






It a nsstor Hi-t to one nf hi* courtcRdlKra *cho to couRliiiig, •
1 rareil■ a 1
III cmigh OIK-e hv (he «i>e «rf
Pi. r.v'i t;..Wcn Mr-liral nm-overp.'
oiul'l ofT’V an umnger endoracmer*. a*
I-. the valae ol Ihet well-kaoa-a medirinc-uaruic l<« i-uchs; ■n-t if lacli a
ividnc m*ke« he the tiuir the woiU hi*
pmdl. »n,l pin. out the hiiic teUinxinv
(.<- U onlv rnlAfRini! the *«»of his
lienefenui. Pur il the worhl *t l.v'Kr
ch-,1 nf the aon.lerknew *11-1 was iirts.uvh.1
.■epo.-eniof TKilden bio
- in c**ra .rf <liw»wt of
leU) e
trapiratori- ori!»n».

Tl i. -*s tnw a* R«pel- that Or.
Pierre'* OoMen Me.liral Ihscnvem carve
.viuRhv lirom-lmis, weak ami hlcediiiR
tone. »m1 *uch <1uc»-ws of tbe rrapiraInrv oigun. a. Oi'-nKh neglect or utiskillful uealmenl m.vfia-1 * Util letm.
If «et
When tieopto uho h*
♦Tore heni-mhaL’e.- uf the ton
■re cured bv the uw nf the "liithere to ceiuiijto hope tor one*
hive h»l nirrtv hi iri--ntMRva
ftoin tt
local |K


sr> aikl ahunUnili
iicruf vnur giftr-iil
JJi-aoT homm n.ft. r
m t'hfii


llerc-. lliilUl.1. N. Y
Thl. ■•llcl Ilf iter
ter t-tocT* itthriii'p
«l June. A. If.
♦kill ami r»ip
atoi ni''
-al.-l ; ,i
ib- I., n.xi -d ra>1 -b- ra"
the l-d phisiciaiiphi
III. I'i.i
I'W-fCr. cl-irf OVI.iilliilc 11*11-1
1 1. Ji ....•4-.. e»...--'--.i4liu
enli In.
CLiii. •
Hide. Ilofla*--. N.
r^PT-i--. -iiaa-.n u. ii> i.«>.ra.-. .d
Mnl-|llr.^;..<Mi ..f i.r.».l Ir-..-^cui. -4
Iral ln«ve.m • b'.i idher
.^".'■'1’". S'.ir
a. Y-nl' lur-Uw**e*iJ




(Irani al
tunl. A 11 la's

to a tith- that h..s l-cea p --n to fv.
1-iercc'. CiivuTion .Vww
.1 .\ciwr. Il i. 1 TV'frcl v-i.v’-I-. tl..- I; .U*i .
of the Wi. as the Il.I.le u. l-vli. !i. t>-!ieftbea-id. This i-f-il virt. .-..n-nn. :


•rat (ire-on teivij-lW kU:-:;~ i-. piv ev.
prase <d tnailinK <*e/r. Jmvi I ti -pureral *i*m|i*f<prlbecJo»h-V"iin.l,
or idilv 31 one-ceat (t.viap. I’pr the Irapk
111 p*i<r rirarra
Apklnu ih. K. V.
llenx. Buflalo. K. V.

P..P .’.to K-i.u .d
p -p.pi.- iwi-. a II... >—
U i»fci-:i



Tn.-r-ul— 11 1- Ural (rvtol. 1
III <la> -4 J>—A l> me al li>
. Ito f.etra.ei. >.. rararw^ tra Ito torafiwi
• vli-rail.ra.anilhal Ito *■ >1 .4 tl-. udl
irato-’Vfh- .M ............. .4
,,re. u to. .Jraald—rad.aralall-4toV|.
-rtulwto-. Ibr Irtart.) -e Mai . m Ito <nar.4rai
—. Ii-l-vratral in raih^vra^. Hr
.1 ntto Lrarl...l *rai Ian Vvra>ai1,

.viir. r4'rr.ta4V.'^^'.fci?rr


to b-4-to* .1 Uto IV-Arato -ato,. la' lira vit,
■ .I -pravira. iitt. alMl ranra raa—, it .-.v
‘ I'a. none ant Blma tk. |erilt-a..di>>j >rei
Bra)..4 iiatnl U iramtoJl. le-.k-e -4 raid

Si.'.— .. ‘'YJSlt'JTSSST____

(4a V-I.U ^

I-.I4.—I la the OtudJ Trane— B»n
araj "to clalci

ih. ‘!^ial^a'^<rh'‘a—

jittufV*uSa9> I s

Feed and Sales Stables 23 i State Street.

(I^^dkr'^ito 'totoltoTiri'-e
— ,4 Ito totod-tov ■« told


nadlar and Slias Ito- jirtilnrn. lUly
t-nd-d <4 Mart I-rad. aid-m J raki -Wmv
--1 |e.>inrai.-rac-«toe rhia(> <tol admiaw
Iran .- -4 — raSatoarai to (vaemll.- 1-..U.
> «rt.ce-e»—-ratoeratlald. I—e..and
Ural rarL aad tarltoe toiW and 1.-dinc, tan^to^lrad t* tto- >e-raM to nra^

ivmg ;
. .
and Sales Bam at the old stand. ;.;i State Street, opposite Park I’iace Hold. I will also ist; part of this barn for
few da>s.
a warehouse, where’ I will unload several car loads of machine^- that I am cxiRiciing





...riciwlral ^
Ttonvtoe. 11 to -eitrd Itoi rndat. tto
wk dav .4 Jan-. A l» iMt. al to -ivA.a
in ttobera-vra. toaedstovt >-e ’Jar tomrtas-4
rafltodtora and that Ito m il ,d kt. raal
tom II taw H raid a Hand, aad all -otov
to-ra.ra i.tovratrd IB rani iranto, nrv ciair.d I

.As I have a large farm a short distance from town. I am in a position t
die all kinds of stock in exchange for machinciy. baggies and imple
I have at present about twenty good work horses for sale.

Tvavre I-n ■ (tot mra vaara-. If aa, Itoer to.

tto xaradai^ April A tL.

(n thto rauto- It atoi arms (r*to aSkdavts ira vky Ito Kn>*v -J IB4 ito raid tod to Slr.iaaiito i.erra-raai.EImardlnmia. toato
ton* la Ito Mato .4 onrara. ua raidBra at
-(raid to-ijtwra. and Ito tomrrae ttoniJ.
-4 ibtoto-to |ra*drv>p«l HI
- - 4 ta toM —aalr. -4 Ora—l
wtoto amnra. to rari da, W

! wuara lafraledati aftoe —riwto -ra huaHa
~4e .4 raid laU. and toein u tlto -edra. aed
Ural w drfraui ttoed. ra4 uu to aatora ss
OltfihArE N’>THW MTATR ilP MKIII to a( i Ito Itoraid* ■ . *« wlltotutoat
f eaa I .aiai, .4 litand Tvar-era. a. y.
Aad 11 to fartto. ansmd tkntwtttoal* raw
I|.. I. k—4., ritralkal la aa -ed-r i4 Ito 4ar. (to raid ■-aapdauraas •aVatodk-A
... -to
'-A li lei: rai toratto fr-a. ihra dat- a— ra- *ra»d nr.ahitiasla-rant ~aira;. and thes raiB .
Lra.,l l.a rcBi-aa to (to-e Haira. ! pnttonttora tonrasraatl ttoa- ra ted arara
ratoi-v-. 11. ——-4 (naatiSrat .4 tto nl, Irame-A.t-eaa e-totou rarratera. te IM

uL"ii. :aruuJL .4^;




... to. |.r~al ItovV --Ulra. 1.. rant ! ted Iwral, dap. tee. (to (tto. atim p*»
1-r.Jrai. Ildirt.U (to Frtdrat. -Bi>. ta Ito . asitod Be (to (leiraraar- .

‘-"“fiSEBtK* w.«*ir« •,
t fsttews.. * .-mub. —

Milwaukee Junior No. IO.

TtaatmaadtoRuHeU eloaelp n
ml tl you hsvs htdaep er btoddw Iroebis.
Ms* a votena to teoim of «*«t
teUoatetoM^i^^'^hiac t*tadlttdAUtaMBdhpUfflMate The


Mp"i;'' aaiAtR.*'


impiement Store* 123 Cass, Street.

sinter .4 l-r-erak


lto*i-ida|.4 Jal, aadira PVi^ ttoi •! .1.3 .
.4 Vk-I.4.e toll, at Ira ./eba* la Ito l-4to I
rara -4 rar* .4 Itora- dap.

trouble eau»
la. aad makes one feel-aaihourh
had hesn troubir. because the toan u
over-working » pompuig thick, kidner
potootaed blood through vans and arteries.
It umd to to consdetvd Ihii onlv unnin
■roubiei were lo to traded to the kidneys
but now cBOdern science proves that null)
eP eonictinllenal rtunaira have itou togin
nL-.g in kidney trouble.
II von
yon are sk-k toucan make r.s rmsaki
aad Ihe eilraariImarpel
........... .............. ..tkidiwvrenrady U
site the highest l.-r a.
_______ .Kted. ’ll
U siaodi
wortelulcure* ot the Hum d.


IW- ratew .d'Ainra^i

Wapae C»a>T Bask Ud(.. UETBOIX


A. 11. use, a. niieilh. frieii lh*l del- - -

; ptnUlATEi^lU’tdl^.^Alilia RltVIlUAII.


I TTeirr.^ IVi, .ra IW IdA Ow W

All tto blood In pour body rasra through
ce eveiT Ihrrc miiuitai.
The kianevt »iv vow
{-L-ririers llie>-.hl-

j diffemal eqaralrian attltade*
tave bM« obtolned. Tlie pnalitont to
falRhlp pteiHd with the woA of the
eamota. ami he has rIv*
ete friend* these piclBi
tetol bp bto aateTtafk Tto- photo
Rimptat who aohtoved thto nsall ha*
to a Kew Tort till
te prlrilFRe ot ti-pnidBi-liiR tbe
piotev*, foe wbk-h the pabllahcpT* p
Wtat paople In tb* vh-inttp of
Thaader Boantato in Kortbeni VtorotelB eaeltodip rejimted Baodap
•iRbI a* a Tolmao i«ov«a to tave
taea an elaetriml alosm of Rtsat vloiBwa. TheTaBReof
iBbsaaee Thaader mooBtola enalalaa


lll.rali .(..•w

lie preeeai etah- of aetlvitp.
loAleada. Ohio. Ilvre Jobe Ulrektoonpldlp IS to oeaai
ed. aad oaaw *^lBnea of nanac to cr. He I* a pear of sRe. but lor
rise lo a lielirbt of feet or aor«. tlie ia*t IK peart ba* beeo safferinR
bot tbe DOM pcoaltor Iblac !• that from *ome etranRc msseotor ditaaee.
Ulthicaliic aevor (trike* tbe moBBlain. whieb Riadosllp robbed him of hi*
Rh BBtll be baa beoaaK ae helpTbe irou and eopper depoaiu In tite
iao(e extrad for from SO la 60 tallea.
aad an .eh-otriral alarm like tbat of
ttotmtU^ will mo- an lllamtette
lat mo U- ptolnip
In every toun
an.l villajje
A Bllltorp tolloo.
nuy be lud,
UuhtaloK near AoEoriieit. Bavaria,
at aa altltada of MO metnw. taret in­
to ttomoa aad tell to tbe «M*li. A soldim. tbe oelp ooeapaat. romped witli
tat alldfat lajaric*. .
Aariralla to nfferlas from tb<
■ffrote of a terrible droolh. Itoemv
a elook (iaee IMi amooat to r'>-000.ta. Uaemplepwl mtm an driftlnc
into tbe eitlee bp the thonmnd. and
them tbe (tale Roveremcote ere pro
Vidius them with ralief. Hbeep an
dplrur bp the miUMo. and area rabbit*
are atarvinc. . Aaimal* have atri|>pe<l
that ni.ikcs your
tbe torfc from tbe Cn-ee for food. A
liorscs glad.
a metliod of treatlaR exhassiod
is in slit Ih.- aainaTe iwlahknife; Ibr hntei-to revlv<-d l-p
(wallowioR hU own blood. Tbe aliaaUoB to aonavated bp tbe foderal
tie* «i fodder.

at the •into bu*a When hr plani
ed a iwtch of potoiona In Uie >priar
he tUoppod the tabm. oovmd them
ellffatlp with canh. Iheo r]wioktcda
handfal of Bit in the hill aad oovered
Tb* ttoteh be expctimniicd
ooatain* abnai ooe eiRhU. of aa a
e-eloek bp all I
crooad. Tbe buR* lisve ant moIcsled IMDi
ihCDi la the
tlie lm*t. (to (op> an
Rreem^itd viRorooi Hr had aootber
palch^lcli to Iplanted In tto ordi
aarp irak wlibeat mil and the bOR*
iSlKoedl Bltebeaor.
hare amriy dealt
dealrap.-d them,
afier to had doaed (he vlort
with Ibria RtMO.
Detroit, Map Sl-8ao
- Bear (>dar Pall*. Iowa. Mra Her­
Xeodp arrired from 1
bert HeakeU end tor babv wen *fraok
attoad Ibe Hlefalcaa dab ba^oel bp ea lUlouU Oentral |iaaw<aRci
aad InataaUp killed, ton. HeekeU
al affaire be Bid; "Iltoalaoel
was wherltoR tor tohp eab aoroas
tala ttat Ibe laealdeatwlll oome
tnstle bridee when the train roamtod
thto Call aad streeebra the lepeb
mrre and etnujk her. 8to vra* reimnp ia the faU mapalciiu tkiaatee- (emiiiR home from tto foaetal of a
Dhild killed tto dap before at
place bp a fnlRbt Bain.
a wortian Btojorlty la eanitna* woald
Bsaa a dmd look u> leftatolioa. Tbe
fmatlBRopon IT vear-ohllocasto.
oalp qaaette to whelfaer the repobli- aad proaonaee th«m a ram ih-limcv
oaa eaetol* oan do sore coed atiekwbte atrved toasted. G
lac to WaibtacM aad attoadiair F. Brectat l«s lovlled a oamber «
dtaripkoberiatm than bp ROlBR oat hU frteds to a dlnnsr at his home in
aadaotlvclp aasitUaE the repob
at wfalab
ttoae be will spsmd hie toble aooord.
loR 10 tbe biblical n-eord with looaeU
aad iiaaep. Fallp h.O.^ loeasts iriU
laed. aa Mr. Broolmt propo**. to
« totoad with the Balntoad at feast hi* friend* apoa loeut soap,
Gte Baven. Hioh.. has boto aUowed bsoiled and fried locaslA stewed
by both boatas. Thto laportant im cast*, and loaaals nerved la pie* and
prorsBont to .da* to the effort of D. otbrrwisa. Hr. Broehal Is a lover of
to as UdUM. B* B^s ttat io
H. Dap of Ote Baran bad (teRivasFiaam loonsis am served will, kldaeps aad sweeltateto. 0. Boha SUbrleff of tb* HalUmore eoontp her soya
I been bit onstom lo ml tocaats
While neat (bap Vh-fcere. Mtoda.
BML BaiRt WalUoR of Ihr Tiwth ta- and that tbep are (he tnoet twlatoblv
iBBUy. was apiiraarilvd bp a stoffle dtoh OOP pereoo ever ale. He bn* not
toodlnR oa them Uito pear, bowKoto with a te of tnoe- When ote
. bemaae on 'aoedoot of tbe dry
to the aoldler tlie nailre etoahed at
a ihep did not eota* op In
Bmfft. iWalltnff wlthbu emtm.
and he oalp like* loeasto In timl
ttai hU ana eeaplek-lp off. Ihaa e*.
Thep oam.p op half winReit and
mpad Into the tall ribb.
an not ae Rood tte
PTMldeal Boosevelt has had Ue pietan token 17 (imm ia the attltade of
■olBff over a high fenoe aatride bf a Over-Work Weakens
tana While oat rldlOR rceenllp hi*
Your' Kidneys.
borto took a feoor lo a manacr lo eoR■ffcei the aniallo iiaalith-e nf a photo- Biteiiky
Ciaph. and Hr. Uomcveli ewipiced

' Kax Alp. tbe blRh-wt tm
iianRc .The fUi .klpto »
IbiRh bone Isoke Uka a atl
, danaatoos and ctolm> lU vi
Priitopfar Ibe drat tto
fltce-e btotorr a* a teaeic
(o appear at bto oflte o* a bolldap.
Mr. 8aRs ba* mat baaa'wall fm aomr
» pdbe.prrilaac
ume and absented bimaeU froB bad.

Milwaukee No. 5.

M Ito Cr-dtol.- -4toa IB Itonif U Travtoav rar U
■ VI,. .ra (to 9dk day (to yrar Jte.

llin lltDl CIICIITC At my implement store I will carry- a large and complete line of Z
DUbblLU nHU tmiLClHtlllu MaeJuneo-. Uuggies, wagons and Implenwnts. Urn in better shape **
than ever to supply the wants of my customers. If you do not find what }-ou want in my stock I willord«»^ the same
short notice.




ing to offer you first-class goods at prices tbat will move them rapidly. 1 can bu>- goods ih as large ^antities anti j
as cheap as anyone, and a I alwa>s willing to give my customers the benefit. Call on me and be convinced.


• 4 Ura* Irato p.iaaidt|i ta rasd '

- •'


aiiKu a n to .avtoeM. lAal (Saday. Ito

^ to BMT^^^'teraisH **

SJr tTUv 1to£’CrW“.L

Citizens Phone 126

I' a(*.i«.at . totoetora
(tel iilHrra Tra»raa.( Up. Rte._____

123 Cass Street {



JUWL6. J90»


nokwihlaCB-dtiM >

ItUaitflhMW •urrt>Ba«a^
CtM itM tal BMttBC •»*
i« thwe verd^-*Dq (fa7 l>M
Timtwm .uoflil.

[ StmsbitK. j

HieHoiae of

U U i* <00 bard «bo CXM VU]
b* tOBcb: If *00 *o« tt wlU ta BW;


U imMt tUM. r-7 «o*T ««•* «“ »
- ta IM tilM tbBB (Olid OM. P*t And rataa aad
uii yliihad drtrm
iBto Ibo '
^aaka abeat Uk* baa'* naa. Tbko
<veb tm» botware two taadfab at At tbe Ibevbi «
Boar aad nb c«Btly frtayoa.
rtiodcr hy lbs »eU:
rabbtay In tbb way wltb lb. 0|a. Kata bwaoo to
UK IwMaa tM V* tbBttbot B
l»liD.aatll ibowbob b tbotoaybly
youfsia* BMd « «neU
Bata oalu^jaaxUaf ma with tba
. Tbec w« wMb lb. oaldab
IMB v« «M«1 vitb'dniiplBtpItidMr.
to b. bad. MbTiay ]o« aaoayb Ho draadtal dk*0€n ,'o writ, an
m thr carty bmtbIbc UyfaU
_____ IX.
Do aotka«d. batlafc.a.
a^^UfnswB It aaaoend y
BBd yny-baind boforo b« tba*. abr (Marly a* aaa bo Jadywl wLal will bo
tewdiBiB BpMkUd tiM world'* lilrr
Bmt tlw. yirt*. blMB »!»•■' Wbo» blBB oouUnBBl I»«*b BbOBt thta, ow^bHj for ear nM Hot ^nto riia|w
0«> tb* triaaainy «d ooo Bat taa^U tb* naraiac aad fra
Btotlioy toiOK
_ to do* It UBlmlr ,ibBlertlir- olb*r tbloy
Aay more and rolU
O tbo ftBireuwx- of
lltao* lo the ittuKO y.1 lo a. old fob* that tbal ,hat*r« b oa» to b. a
Aad'^ boar* betwroa fall of alrUi
^afctac A|»1I doy*.
riwald b. «b« dm yrrol qoratloo. ear tr h«r hnehaad i
. ed Use ataoisd Uwe it b not M
Bach ram aad oknmm mieh laaytaur
Why BBM oar yirli. aU of tlwm. do
BiooK Oie _
■sad taken imiD. to do tbb way a looy
atwlhlay oat U lb« ymU « orld. a. Tbe wlU'b
Yoa^knov H-yoo only wm* I
Wtec !.i«t A-rtny hopuBlHl l«wU* Ibrir brothfoi mm* Wby not at Ua«
tswe before I aw
to oor looclBK bobI* lliey briDt.
orya. tb. arbto
for a Utlb wblb be oOOUbI at honw? tfaoeyl>ao « fort) 7
JUklBCotBTT bnoseo bmorof U« Tben-'.at>bee for dolnybad to q«re.
troobb: yoo look
Uyer of elsertaatny betworw two of Tbare'
> take—a
b* traelad -----------Bfo«K. of tb. SpHBft
Tbere are Ured aiotbere who for yean aeck. And a. for her three chlldrao. Usedoagh. I bansed that wbca
aeUier i yoa re
Petfaata yoa'll tt
Bow tlw mmnx't tafwiboo* eliBDibBn bare baaa wot«lay day aad alybt to they hare of««w boea drowned. kl*ed lay fmlt pic to pnl half tm osore
wake tbe tray wy for tbr ylrU to yo lo death, booked by Use eowi. baatod
BBCd to (wim vilU odor n»,
Ai wr wrt KTOU bowl* of UIbob oo lb« tJ pebool and to ytadoate. Kobodt by th.- Useep, owny. many tbaoe la oo tbe bottom eraU and )mt a few
s )Uly fa PnAdle
kovne bot Ood aad tbe lootbor. bow tbrlr nolher't nleA bat thoy air bit. of boner on top of tbe trait. A
BMOteU. etwywber*!
Bov tlw iBB«ty pBrior ivoeUenl. till hard It ba. bewi aad how {latbnily Will allrr and wrlL If one Im a aore
Vaeatioe! We're off with tbe
aad bow ebeaifally It la. been dear. Usnbl Use Inunedblrty eeei before her
and Utt beta.
Alwaye the word ha* been "Oh. a
.bye of dipUwrb and llM awake all
ibibe ynat
ynatcBMOdM of I
•11 ploote la lvoAdo;and
tbe danyer. »l.-ctlny
pooriny all tlMlr Ixact. Bvayl
ytrl m't be exprotod ta do anythlny
nvlw oo lb* tree.
Whoa a ebattetar rbltt a*.
W.'ll ffeb to Use brook aod we'
when ebe yOM to eobooL” and thore'e
a and pbnnlac Use fan'
IWaBr ylft of Ood'a dear ooaatTy
•We know Iwr etrmt. her naBbariall
cood daal of irath ia II. Bet now. . (al, wheo Use oblld appear,
art the >tordy mae-liwM.
>nd we>-k'. apoo week, w*
Aboot brt nelybbora And U^t •
Dearyirb. I don't wippoee
tssoralaya. well ai.tar.
Tlier. b
noUilnc bal tsUy.
Orowinyol'l and yaarlod aad Iwibod.
.lalloo to nsUi a Ufa. Vbco Thukt eoBse of aMrtaf ta Use fall
rod UiU bal
a yiapdtlra-. vrlau
W* know h« Boeb*. mbry.
syoa:an right—it doa'i
(hnald, before job lieyln
;SB0t Use worn, 11 b


oltan. bot ytoMrdBy'i ood teoiar
tow’, b »nr with tfaaa.
Btrrr eoalcai to «aiM otf tb« load of
r ti ortrly arovded Jort! BDOoerMiy work aod wbrt aad
ui tbr BMBtBooB. tb*»
d*y U.
ovbo komr ]B>t vhBt » rtall thy «»r*n|flb b«."Tlir« b oor
larc boM MofaiBX orlcb'ior Bb* it bowBd dowB wtih a
■B or ootd of drooM iB vriclitof borrovvlDOBbl*. Vrloklod

tbiuk of tryiny yoar winy, lor
OrowUy old. bat yrowlay moetor.
Blybt. my . little by Use Bone no
oncy tmmm that Uod ylroa.
andeeawbai a bbmd tbiny It will
Uko a iMart ao aet to iorlny that it
be to ylre the woUsat a ml lo her
weilovB vbib It llraa.
ilndbaad* aad feet while your
b«ada are reaUny frow Use rtrml:
.tody- I'm the dbolpUne of oot
nUee and jodymat. of .Indytiiy for
of tlisay. and tbe beet and
Aleae. her ta* panalay;
■berloet way of dUdny at a fwrfeot
rcaali iato tbe orory day boavbold
llrlnyaDit boose iakliiy.
OfidI «iat iMTolaaiw
tbe ymu Koikin Mt^a of Jo.1 oisr
Bhe rwAoned iimcatt
Imneb of boawskeepisiy. yoodennk.


to what




1 «ak lav oo bw
Her weary
Aad bar wrary heart idlll lowori
For ttsase of Use p.pH.
Aad *e ooald not farobh aiere.
Sb. .W|st. Us. dnaauU. It *tos.d abe
And her .ptrtl veat to Hadea
Aad they Biel ber Uim vlUi a qaw••Slate wliat the perowstol yoar
grade UI"
A(pa b«t .lowly toHod away.
Uarlny Isor yartlal traOM.
And Use uaUm'. a|slrtt walkwlois.

____ _
bettm Uiat taallyB*!
liot Inklead of b.'lny ttsaakfal aad
happy for Usta Use eoocs ooisjare. np

We know Ism'. weight and Be idMoed i> letara to Use irtseber
kind rab.
iwer tbe ummon* to
1 vllUagly
The naaber of 1st. eollan. and
mie of bi» Usoea.
She cai

nkeber Ufr abnabli'
> tbe live, of otbera
anoUser nolyhlsor who

The Hartman Sanitarium,
Columbus; Ohio,
UI .•.«T»e|«sisdi-n--e will !• | .tn..ib.-r *.«n»n »
I... mnni n Sinlttrluin. I b, U .ineds .vaOdetiUU. No U-Um--1 l.'e-tiitrii: . o.
tn«t1tDt|.in ehni h; • d.Tvsrtra.-ut tmU.d.-ue-« will l. piven bp the
Upelmrbt >>f •sl'•1>s ipy th< .rxprrm wbh »4 “
• iwsiy S.' I

Af tov*n

■' kVHser. hmer Ui*B Pr. Ilvi


--lu...... ....,.r,h.a b-

Tbe isrtn<-t|»l rs riH..Sy h- r
Id haic.Blesl.** >

«r>sni llUdvavIll*. •
Il usd trsivLaada
' m.wi.T>.iie. I bale .

ijs-w.*.. I-.-! -IV
nil. usd .dirti'esrtai
iv. I.-.;. lull!, w.wrsli, > . k,.- eutamseeraMr ekfi
J1-U nriiriiu.

II iiktiir

«<.ni>n .'.lsllts.1] 1.1 the bsOM >ei
-Berry *iyfr«o*«
y.wr. w'lih ■ ihrirtiv l.pisle d.
rengrasn •«>*>* afcfi. I Mm wro'rhra
he.1 dnall
cSsratte ns gfsv op, «ad iwr osc niw
.riv-o isp >11. morr i^nUriiw i was sAA IndceU «m
.•lie.-.L -•■li- ^
/Vosii* / wo. s-rry woat.A*.
h-l <n-il
i.anrt r. me ) a i. r ^
-e -»t. ill. f l-tiv-i.

Mayan im
Ttsere bee I- niee mdusg in oorl womsa
Ul.lfordl hottir
Airny; bow
I iienon'Bed peaoe.
ll b KseUslny to harln* anallpox. and what rent
PoMcr. aSolUsn* Bay itaoMsine boy,
hu uio.un.iil 1.
and ri-ttlol ju.t to be with
pay. We know br maldeo I ttib a pretty eusry abooi bu rubin*
They pay.
Yi.'Wed from onu aide, her life ha.
Uar Bird Lovetn will like ilsal Oor muiy raeiwBs may iiiBLe ■i.|'l.'
Moray, batter end
.\nd bow a fnend et fbein wa* Usot
trinsd Mr». Irene Pomeroy ttUsidd-rsf
” -.„Ut hwi '.1-t iH-s ;
ere Use ooapl.
bs Use left Usoalder, and bow light
Hootoe Ueutre give, a* anrsTher of
msn.Jiumltii'c ;
use trial. Ibu |■eaee•mled woma
H« wwsr. her drmee. What Liebling'i Adrealare*.
We lsO|w else
r-l l.,I
day whiie reading my aur*.
"It mani Use knowledge of Medea,
la.1 foor. Triab tbal woald rai
4 Ilf- ! |w|>v. I eaiii.' *,v.e« an 'ad., read •< lb*
SlMlIwe yet know ' Ube earn, law
many more of tbem In elure for
M. -lUalib aad
and of Otroa. and of Oalyptt). as«l of qai.1i an ntdloary aplrit. bot May I
............... ______
i.iil.rp.t-s s hs-ssi-y eosmnhiopay rtw
gls-nlc' and di- tary nipsj*i'
HUm. and of Uebekab and o'
liM an added uoblcOM* and
Voeea af Bbeta
It nseanr Use kaowl- of cliataotsT.
Wa* It dsoUi'r Tb«b.
a. bTlng.
prs-^ilrd s-an li ..iSaln.ll al »:i .ice.- ' IS'-Lltig op lie- jwprt oa.- day *h<- bap l.tU.-e I am Dedye of all Iserba and fralU. and ■he mmsed. eortow oa ber part wa.
Taideea arve. a* Use fewndatioo 1
I-tsiilt-read anSlivn which cmiainsU
f(* «be seat a* ber elory in Juiaary.
■|.>rs«. TbU -Her will
will pr.-sul
balasa and qshse.; and of all that b eeiaUsmmL
s— Aiiv w-ciiT' .' i>.. r.,».ib*t Hr. lI.rUiian mould inwl
wa. bat a haMo t libJsi- mange and for a yelly Ihni .
Ral It si Jo«t a. good now. and we
b^iny and .weol in deld* and yroree change lor Use lorol
•nl ' y *.-1. |rc ..............
fr.i--4 chstBc by Ictlex,
noise yoa will all find Use l«i>oa> in besiiins a r-vular |s*<h-nl
both deUclon. aad '
............................. - -•lai-ly
ij,.. d.i'l.a
aad nrory In
me>l be a loner of etrenytb to tlsoee
wtlllen etui-loiwl s-l li.-t
.vj *■
l‘•'nlna mrt .«ty swra me id teaiab
. airl givuif il
uf urAhisbrrt andeympilellVbinA
Wa* it llnaneUl lom'^ ____ _
i-r '<r>.ul4,- h It pn-i.-nl. Bs>- raichiog say
SoUno* Hay. Miefa . May SI
Like a Ibab of light idse oonld revswl water for font lioon an<l at tbe end of
I'lJd.aiid u l-«c ae 1 have a i>-tUe la
Dar Mra Habw-l Iboagbi I would
to Oiber llie Iret Ude oJ U.U abo.
o,c |■w,. nsy tuBlIy nnds no ducaw.*'
Itml lime pet orer In oook t^a rioablr
tbe flni to aaggeat new plnil)
If Ibe ttpinea hai alMirbed write my Br.1 b-cicr to yno I know I
woald Ilk* to b-wr aboot oiit tub. j
i! r~c-l ter fr-1- I-Id alltM, -llratlh
Use futolv. Wa. il eonsetblny v
too moch of Ibe waur, add «>me more
There ate two or thnw pair*
9 and Ib.uis.- Addrm. tit. Uartaaa,
UnsndeeUior bankroplcy! Tbea ebe men-ly warm sraler. BtirOftra while
Uttt.laild here ssrar oat Isooes- every
foil of hope, kind, imtieat
nvuiofil u u
it eonka When the ttplona begint to
HrenUi art. and Arabian Isoabullly. " rnyerfal. h'o one knew Ibe Mmpa i clear. It may eeem Usiek.
Id tbal
aod the bens flew ap io Use n<-«l and
Aad ttat'e only a llule of it. Hay Won. that llie vaaslisrer had liad. oibuid a liitb more water, boiling
be aflet yoa bare foua.l what a bwalem leaisusd aigbl beaibbine•|0-Ck. .l'" I
jr tbit time. Wlseti qalle cb«r.
Iivsiiar A/I-S m Vi.k. -'i»iuil
and balUanesI In tinUfal Using Inlrlliyeot.
we have no right to jadge.
and Iba p«n~-d ■•i-nisl-rt i.- ’
us nit tbe uue. two ttbbhemeoiakiny b yoa will find
II. ..rjft.
Oiih li.c-svi) U-M tiial<-iia|
bat eonseway,
■pnoofaU of bmoo Jaiee aad a llttb and il clianged It again to a c«oer of ,,^ciBrm ol the boiil.- hsl-r
and alas eDoayh to lire for,
eons.- Tighb
Be it alway. la Bli* of the grated rind Hoar into monid. UI old bOQie. 1 gaes* tlsev will sl«y >,
ill-;. >11-1 hi'ls- ,-iuiitilcv.l III i-s.n
Uiete, and Ibe robin bid one little
by and by yon ootne I
•»** Use good in orcrythlng aad au- 11U k- II. UI.- 11 acll .i* -wll. 'n.cs aiv
I have got a little bea I
, «T,.,m only l.rn migl.i'
what rmlly yoa nsoel sbatra. a boose lody and lama harden, tale blems.
i-.« m».U-. 11.
.in-'. k'"i' -‘
X chicken. My *chool i. oot at tin. isi.iu.t. thof yoar own. yoa will wake it one of Inge. Use bmMdlotioa of «ach a life!
Oocsd-bye. from yoar Imh
,on.a back U..- t.l«.,L.i
tbe blrmd rpoU. oat of vfaiUs Uiall
Iwatoldnerer to let talip* go to
SaaUiiBe boy.
Clifford Fo.ter
lill I-I-- lliokcl, 'puhlv Kiciiulctci.
Uilne Use light and
■Hd. to jslck Use eeed pod off as
lore Uau Ui.ll help make SaaUsIne
bar.- bc-n. Use »*W the l»-u.l
U the petab had fallen. U b
for all Use
ISomMic AttUir.
l.leWlac'e Ads
live lahv. w-e. n-rt and wrtu
vonld «isoll Use bloom* for am
We kssov alsoat Use oook Ua I



An arlMttTBUc Bart Saporlor BOeol
a. Wli«a my loiipe were n
’onmii. who Isa. had Use anal tsom
I went to Ibe bed and pseksd
her of failaro* In Ibe way of doiisea- off aU -ecsl podA and. a* ilsere t
baving tried nearly
bat few flower, left, I snipped
.Mdoolof Utem aleo. leaving
( girls had come liMe from flower perfswt. By tba. doing 1 *l npoa a fine way to k.vp Ibctn In
hb way.
rant* aod that they <
bloom leoger.
Thrsse talipa m
And be tried lo do wsme eerrler
fine show two week* longer,
llhr Odd', peopb day by day;
dooble tnUra tbal eaase later I treated
He tad time lo ebeer Use doabtor
e mnie way. and to long did Uscy
Wbo oomidaiaed Usal hope wa*
hied her lo the oBw whore tlseae par stay I Ibooght tbe isrtti. woald i
eth'hltion. aad wa. fatl.-Mswhan'* Monthly.
He hail lime to help the erlpple
eooo iroBght face to face with
Wbeo Us# way wa* roagh abad;
brawny .{leclinen. wbo iwald m
. Tou-h of lied.
B* had Um* to faard tlia orpiian,
.peak a woid of KngUUi. WiUi Use
Im* to be a toooh of red
And. tme day. erell ■atUfis.d
aid of an iatornter tbe following
le «nmmei bleuBA
WlUiUse talent* Ood bed glrnilslm
roaTenatiOD took idacO:
and died.
Can yon eookV'
Be had tlxM to tee Use beaaly
Ob, no."
Id. of red halbte b one t
That tbe Lord *tread aU arooad;
Oui .voa waUi aod ireal'
pie. A flanael bloam in while wlUi a
Be tmd tia* to faror tbe aaiie
red hair stripe rarsnlng Usroagh It
lo Use UsUb Use eblldrea foood;
• ■'Oan yoo nreepaad darn or
nmde ap wlUs yoke aod bell m
He had Ume lo keep repeaUng
■traiie oa the slei-ve* of white n-rge.
A* be brarety troti«l away:
"I have nevrr done aaytbijqt'like
•'ll b *plcndid u he living
In red aad while wool A white i
Id Use ^slmsdid world letey!”
ebitA *Ulel.ed wiUs red and Crima
at Us* erowtb-llse erowdi (b
vlUi daman of mmll red hoile
rotor, "ask isrr vbat she con do.
looks well.
With oslmnem aod eomptaevoey Usr
Ttet be isevor limd nooeeded.
reply nun* back; "lean mlU reindefawtare for Use mlad
Wbai the eled. lay o'er hi* bead'"-Dolath Kewt-THbuiA
Ba lad dr«imed-"Ue vaiafailore.'
eoarv ia the letnoo taokei. Tomato,
■ly sighed.
aolary. eacamber. chicken or Waldorf,
Iman sikltta
any mlul Usal r.«|Bire* mayotsaalm i*
Ferlhemaa had liUle
To Use average woman there
In lib pockeb when be died.
smethtng very famlmUng In Uss- arranged
-A K. Kimr.
In Ibe oentet of roeh Jett be­
rlTl ofaloigikln
Kspceially b
fore eeadiag lo tbe table i.ertalUthe Use cam wiUs Mson womei
Ue yellow lasaket lageaksoaly faabtoaUis< long *irt give* tbea a ficUUoa*
ed froai a freah iamoo. Use (.Ige
A *aaU room or a dark hall mi
frlagad wiUs fwiley aod filled vrtib
mad* taaoilfnt by paporink of btaok Bi>t likely Umt they will t«y mneb
Use rtch drmaing
any aUroUooxl
and while. Oot all Ibe old magn

A. I nlA Uh' drb won't read Usb.
le tb. old faDillar plaoM.
bat vfB'l Ksaebody pleam tell il
A tooond of fomlllned Mbecd ropoct*
them, for tbelr ewo dear hAc and
Atlmeted Isev obMrrticB.
ter tbe nkra of all of a.!
Athiyba.Use.ttt. boa*, doma. and
be name to tb. .pM wbora
bartad her booM.
Aad Ibo yroaad wa. well KbIII
Bat Use Ubam dtyylBC ttarev a *all
Uao. pbatod booiwUi Use elorar,
HaaMd to took al lb. dliuan.
Aad plBoktty *e *bII up. looked
tbrouyh Use ey*
Aad taw It lined vlUs flyaint.
"JaMa. Ittsooyht,'' ttld tb# ymny
U. D.
Btttbtie* emiftod oraiy told
- Of eerobram and oerobUlaau"
"If* a yraat eariaalty. aara,’
••By Us* boaa.yoa oan tall ^
••Oh.noUsla««rais*e."aUd the doetor. ••Usal
Ba< a t«'MU.tfa oeolary MaU

JliwiHd tb* editor’s UbU.
It it Batarday today aad
' oat*’ Kol for the vM4~a brtof two
.face. wlUs a tooklay forward
to tbe Monday asenslay belb ealUay
ayalo ** Uady, bal tar t
year. A loa< raeatloa or
dnya a Jaae of nowarn. a Jaty of
yttwlay heafan AnyeM of
day. will pam bafor. tbe
*all eome with tu aatanus vaatbtt
aadeball call tbe
It will
a while to aim Useas at moralay and
Bitfal aloof tbe atiaet. from Us* nerry
Utile koderyartaon all Use way
aleog ap to the nadlea. Mlor. wiUi
open book. eMdriny a. they go.
aebool Mae will eaae ayala ai .
aol to all. A little band of brt^t
tMod girl, and nsanly boy. liar, bem
tbrooolerof TmrwmOuy'.
tbU week.
To tbea tbe belb will
' all no more. Wbrni they weal oat of
<h* doom of their eoboel for Use
time It wa. to Ucp oat into Ibe wide
worlA Ifbat a leader taletaU we aU
Ibe pareata alooc,
bat all of BA MtsMttlly Usoae who
ore neariay the lull lop of life aad eau
leek far down lbs- way Use year* have
Wttit Bta they golag to«o.tboa*
fararr lad* aad boau* lamba. all at
onae rrloord from tbr roattne of
. of boofc*and Madyl What are w* go­
ing to icB Usios to do. for they ma«
nord* be gelded (tUI 0 llttb way
They will all want lo be al the dolag
«( msasethlog for yoalh
and it tbe right thing Is
tbaa they nmy tdaadw ladly in Use
. .The hoy. pwfaop* will boob aettb
t ba^ world
More tbisB where eogbsM pant
wtseeb lata, .srborr riewrittly and

laving Uselr

aU tbe

r or llUe (sf
llavlng got a nficlebl qaanticy. fa
per or-'baag" Use room with an artblii- plaia gray or Mndio loee or. It
laeferTed, a dall nage gim-n i«per.
Aboat Use belglsl of an ordlaary dado
famea a Ihree-tnob gilt moaldtng
Bing all araandUse
eg. * feet. If
height of the room permit*, and thess
last another 'gill moaldlng an
Row b*gia artirliu''papering" vlib
Use lllasnation* of bUcL aod while,
which mo*t fill In Use onttre *pa>v
botvera tbr moaldtaga Tb* .vfaibUsal u Ml aroand Ibe piolare.
Ibe backgroBBd. and noae of Use
or graro vallpMser be allowM to
*o» brtweats. Do not artang* tbe
ptstaiwaby Ibe''eqaBre rala
arti.Ue effect wlU baJ^L" Flnt m
loot tbaa la groap*. atlxiog large and
eaalL and laMc them tm wiUs "irregeUi reralarity" All Use Undaeape
rlcwA iatoriec aad ealdecr lllnaira
itoo* and Ideal bll* Bay be anasiged
leetiiB*. It iroperly dooe. Il b
only a Israattfnl desoraUee.
afford* oo «od of
c aa InvaUd ar any a
who ramoina math tadoort.

m they war
Ule ualltng *tit nr rather beeoom
Useyars- obliged tnliold Usem ap al
isi- of energy and graoefal
r iHaVler U iwuud by tbr
^tade of Use Bkm wbtob hold. Use
aad beoomr^ . higher il
than the
other, and the opraiie bsp iitYbrrul
re siqo^briai
Tbb b
1 aad ill
s-ngth of time b
. of tbe
wrlit rettsba ftdB'ao long bolding ap
Use maltaial
Of cearae lb* reimcdy
I. in the wearing of abort akirtA aad
during Uselr brief aeaaise of pofmlarily
no. a falling off of eompAaiata'
aching rboaldtn aad tired
lly likely, bow
ever, that abort afclrte will ever gain
Use twUre spproral of gtrta

Wb.«l want ilowa to tb* •'aborv
cottage'' I wa* to aa* oor aanimfr. 1
toaad Use ta«sk*Mle. ptstt. gem paoA
eu..abrdaf raak 1 tried evmytblag
had ever beard of to omfce Usem •'
eooagh f<w oae. bat with very
•BCoeda Ue* of lb* “BOtivfo’'B«
jse Umt 1 aeed't worry-bar lbtng>
•ere often *A and aU I aaed do wa*
gnom Usem tbnroaghly. aM tbaa
Us* atoveand iri it bom off. which

Yoar mk* viU isot Miek if aflat
all Us* gtval f«
Bill gialBBt Boor befnre nalBg in
tt»iid1.f tb. meog band lo ral. aad battcriag tb* tUi yoa afgtBkle It with
•taeod cr mafias lialfo* it i* aa
.galdolbem. Thme b orth to tlU lor
amUyfiM floor it held* tee aaeb
ff a ptspa Ual^'Bod U m
«b* *eri<**f«diag.iM Ih*
bom for the baM tiamm

••Baworti urn *g*df*r. Tb«*

Bet a opo^ of ooe cap of eotira
wlseol Ooar. oo* cap of wliiie flimr,
oae-haU coke of oom|»rw*ed yeaaA car
cop of milk.
When Itghi add iwc
of brown aagar. mm '
*1000 of mlt. eoe-qaarler )onnd of
■belied hiekuay oat* ood aMagh' ea
lin-wbal floar to make Miff a* coo
bo aUrrod vsUi a msdco. Hat in a pan.
let rlar for we hoar aad hake coe
rm faff*.'
Oa* aad ooo-haU cap* of floar.
l.a*poisn. of baking powder. oao-baU
Wosivoa of mlt. ooe mbloapot

Llebllag and Coartland called maa
la's htl water l■aille''Uld Ci.aitort.
which rtally memed a very good
Il wa* ooTi-re.1 wtlh Use thick
eaiusdcofMI cider down>nl wliet
Llebling*' little round ••enmmv'
ached, which It had* bad tsabll of dofteqoenlly. what ooald 1» more
1 and warm *od' eaddley?" and

a'-reallr. trulr" laby tie- s
iiKsmBChtor Liehlsng u.rt
down, a isini. little h.-apby Use side of tlic lad
A Isnl- lalet »le-0
■mollir.1 and qniele.1 her t^id biiish-'
of ber BtsM loarvrlou. " '

. V,.,.

none." Ltebliog raim-l Isw i.eul
demanded to lui awe .truck w!o-P
j 'Hat.aBati.-.did yon . v.-r l.-r.T. km



-0 preieed Bguiui an aehlag at or i a Isoi water bottir
ir liail to admit ih*t ■
usolh or *ore thrual Ooort declared il
wa* Jett the most ‘ oomfy” eld Oomfort Its the «Ide world.
Traverw Oily. Jauisary IJ.
One Mid tttylif- looki-d dark iaDror chllitrs'ii-I am one . I ibcu
UebUog came from ecboul
base moUset* having fir- d*ui Utilwith her rosy Utllcfaoe imokered an.l
of my own, w ho give ilu-ir mamtear naloed and more "eammy aebe "
ms a ph-nly I.i do. but I alway. lak.- grofich Block
Uian abe ooald well ravage.
raoogh lime to read over it.i-ciilamii. ___________________

of all descriptions now on sale at


J. J. BRi

AantlA fertiU in expedlentt,' ap
plt»l a bot flannel aad Us.- black kit
too a* a anbalitah-. vbUe Uoart vm
aeni lo Use drag atote to bay aaolhm
hot vratcr boltlA
When il tame. alBA Ibe old dma*
reald not fit Uie new bottle at all.
and Llebling re}adttled Us* bare rabber bolile with aaeb aeora thu aaniie
apeetUiy tmproviaed a drwa* by irtii
of Llebling'* Isitl* bttnketo
aroand Use neck la aneb a tray Umt it
roaverted a bnOl* into a real original
baby, aad aa aacli.evee mere eoa
log Usao Use old Comfort hart

of ihc Herald, my favurlle
aivar* glance orer the chlldnu:'* lotv
before I lay aside my |ap-r ft- mu y
ofynar tssns'-* 1 *m fstiiilisr wllli.
hsTlng knoway.iur pan-ui. when ih- .v
buy* aad gsrU. uid I »inp an-l
think, where have tUrw* y.-ar. gmi.
Hat 1 mart tt-p talking or youi -ih
>r may throw Usi* into th.wan.basket
A* 1 have- a few *f»irfRseasts and Uioagbt 1 wi.nid L-ll V'c ^
•uity nl a ■•otir. uiilnt^sdy. who ha* gnu* whetearthly trouble* are iio m-r-. Wli.-n I
I liltl,- girl.
whom I am abvul u

of mv pureiiU. llrt lin.hvnri.
ebooirt tare b.-*is her -l-ar-n
The next night dear mamma
CMBpanieo on Msnh, are ar* ~>rry t.
uUll ia tad and u utrang* lady eeemed mv wma uman vboindLlgert iii .trnng
Mi that l.e waa sH.iom el »"-m.
to Imr* ooas* to live la the b
le old Udy spenl Biaiiv
She looked at ooe qarerly aad said
Id her nonible horn*
tl-r c'
budi " before ooe liad siakeo.
dma whe al on* thssi- t-rirhtene.1
mid dear mamma wa* asleep aad
r- all
II g'loe.
. . les of r
0 would go It) vim
aad she wmsld a*l
an bad gear eoastsag and U>*
r ls*r. whirh ire dirt,
aly ny of hope for Llebllag *•
mid brigliu
brigliteis. and si.* atitm-e!
tall* happT
whel vr* did 1i
D ta If stir ooald gel llie deal
ilrt g- and b*himm '
Comfort baby" aad ruddle apon the
lioa*' to *ai dinner wills u>
eeaeh *e might aarsv.- aatil IMS liam which sb* a*eiB*d to eeyoy w. miu*
-was cn|ipl<d ap an't
her lo wait, tine rtay Us* >u
■ome to our bnim-. but Inal hrr war
1 vander*rt off sn'ro Us- r!,ivk dark
ID h«r Totta aod a pttlfal tiille qatver
When her hosioad gel hnnx_j foenrt Irfv ntwiur. ta got <ta
of bet lip. Lttbtug mads bold to
••PImat do yoa know vb««e my new iselgbhon tag>-th*r to ■mreli for h- r
Iiwas not aniil rb* n*« d*r ti.»i
baby laV
they feaad ber, aod a* U had r»in*rt
Tbe ttranga lady ttarad iu ita hard Usat night ibe pntaold etst.1 a. «o
qeaoraal way a fill Biautt, and after eblllMt tl.e eoeld not mlt
•ring to baraajr. "flomoooa'i

tt^CpX«k*d!wed a^Ttodgvd

ear mottar *■■* t*‘ ^ rlntbr* •»
ber. ood mode tar or eonsfcrmblr a*
Do yoa want 1
rthle. and wbee
yoarmMBs^l A
nk her back to
aotsata tar
if mama
malt'” "Oil. y I.
t she lived IB
To r*}ie*v rbeomaiiB boUse
tm't naodlag it. itwoaid ta aaob
miu affeoud with Us* water
'be* hasbaod maw
which rsomme* bar* beea hoUad.
____________ t nsarly horned in
She woald sit la bet old arm
saad Jatt before .going to tad by tb* aaiaap aod yoa come vlfi m* a* «1U
V aad take tar oa|>.
next ttiomlBf Use {Bin viU ta
at a Btoa** and tee yov baby any
elot^ mugbl fir*
ivUavod. if
1 fta effects O few
UebUng moU after tbe ttmagv ttdy
i Kevar ollev cake to brown anUl li
Was It oot a ml atgiog of life
atoand brtiad tbe tad aod
I bop* yoa litti* Baosbuir loyt and
rtm* to il fail bright, which oag
eooagb vbao Ita qaUl vat katoed gtrlA always smad rvody to lend a
ta aboal doable It* baU. If it bagta*
there lay tls» aovrted botU* oUU talitac taod to Usota wbo arr old
to brown while rtalwt. either cool off
md eripfilad, and alwayr bare respeot
Use oven or pat a ahtat of paper
Let a* try looh <lay to
tar qalok ryo eaaghi ttght of a *eat for bM agy
do all Use good we mo.
»b* top. of a_________________•
Imnaglr yoarA
I aa it M **|rlta aad ^taaa mA'• ta*
Aaat Aaaie.
with Ooar.

126 state strttt. » , Uictof Pctcrtyl*

24B From StTMl

niQ n|||E Wc refosl tbe price of CataClie if It does bm
UnU*ulflLcive sgllslictioa. Oar lailh la U b MNaided.
till iviiic-U t!ui il iwcv iiniii-txall) luncufiil lh»n
ir n, ii-i) Irv any nit-jm v • iiir-sIL iVr <b> nm wnli
iH a miMiicnt lo lich.-n- ihil ac l Uiiii il ii> lie.
.1, Ihit all Uw.ull li»>a wc vnlhriMasiH ally r
. .im! *-v km.w ihsi the rictncni. nailaineil ii;
L-rio rtnwiul W|C <1*110. In all <a*ri isT Kbcuusaliwn, Cxurrh.
1, i.iu-r *inl KmIik^ Tfvmliicua, Fcnialc Weakne**, <Mii«t*l
t'I<. «v ie>i>mim.n-l Cav-L'isio.
So u’m mditsuoalli. <Ws «c
- >1.1 It thtt wi- l•tII-l in all inuam'rs In tcfoml llw itHinry poiil
I -1.< n..! Iiml Cas-Ciqv iis csrty tc-pc<-t all at- < Uiits hg g.
■ oil: i-iv still to call ati-1 let us ciplasn Cas-Cme lo vnu.

fM»i[ inTnLiufKjyiMnmnMHPi.

We Lead le Way

Tm Iwtlct Ihns^t in gtiBcfiri an-l Umcr i<hrs f<ir'Iflir'* i>r»e»»hic».
Il Kill arc fMrt »:etlini; flic uaiiilarti-'i SMI-Icufc in these pvrtaulars
ssc .a.. sctrtcr.Ksu mitenal .■!i!*n.l sa.c wni mans a tWIa;.

Willi Tws u mm we will seu fn tnii cut
Jssllis lirM t-Attem (Insnuhstnl Siq-ar................................. '•................. J1 0
mtc Caldumia I'runcs .
1 :i. iJan lUking HowJer.......................
(111 . ................................'... .
1 Ih Coflcc....................................................
] Ih Ok1 (Itrsy Coffer, brat ersOer i

l<l) /nr tlK-mi«iC) . .

Hake in asoderate or

ed looklag (dull le tb* kltebca i
latt vrbaa yoa ftal litad. Dent tty
bat ail down awhlK and vtorntt ynor
feat. That taka* lb* Mata off yarn
kmA amd aod tanoflt I* gfml.


• gejaaniwri^l

TnrrAl, any aiic, i»
Bl Toicw^i o, |«T inuisd
] It- I'lug Totaocco, arhife u latta .

ti Isxn Sonu Clawc
arul <«k liar Hec Hive Soap ..
10 tiara Art So^......................................................................................
IJ liar* Bcc Hive Stsap..
T jotkaget Jsxoa Soap i'owiloi .
. - tag*' Anoour Soap Homier....
Iiackagc* Hrosperily Soap Powder..



CaUia^ Hlantt |0( tk>j........... ...............
TomxusTlanU per Au...............................
Hepper Ptanu per do*.................................

Enterprise Cash Grocery
OpisQulc City kUfkdt

*€« Stale aad UniiM.

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