Grand Traverse Herald, October 23, 1902

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Grand Traverse Herald, October 23, 1902


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


^vuli>ttiit Mttnlti,
TBATmaa on^r. atum ruATvaaK oonirrr. kicbioah. ocroan 2a i»oe.

Tire Insurance!

!aJ«M > IMte. SMUl ««M ' «ftW> ! •Web tOMMl aad (*BbM tt«B lb*
ifcM 1^
Ma «al4 «• he?- hUta w Oft la l«ai- eloaa i—eh*.
nU. •a-TcMiihe-eptaM.d.^-l.MinMirt. tt» ■wHn» laa<l. • <•«
iheakmiyyoutM.*- H««7
— a. —w«a

PlAU Qlu», StMm Boltpr and AooMant tnsurano*.

WftttMiriMdy far tke tafl
tndroriMI wNb the ftaeu
Um a Np*^ nd Fttcr
Woelw rwilww n Nonb.
mUidh^ : t ; ; ;
Olv* u* • 0«M
^ took tkem or«r->Wcgmv.
* iatrt «T«]tbnig — 'm4 oiu
«wfcaAd«t euDOt be oceBed.

SI!S«5S ■


you ,-mti purch»»» iMu* diffcnnt il.nn,-*
howM llnii» Th«»
Thuumk »c urc iOm-lBc«n (Mtn.n.1
■ml id TiuJei *



BUkt k«» w>.k ,.«ir

Fine Parme €bean a$ Dirt*


Cbtft Mft BMFgalag.

% % 6niid tfioerst Cittd C0,


Fresh. Sait anti Smoked Meats. SausagM. Etc.




«.*>.• a* ti



to order. pranpUy.


^«cUl wkjoot mido

Only tiie-reiy be« naierui

□Md.aadfaUyfoanAtcedin-eren't'^petttte to Me oi well as wU. They "•re
not made «f dieop aatarial. aod tiven a lUMiy
ftmtktooatchtbceye; bwarediirabloi eonfartr

Tke dseapcM oo the laariwt, qt'alhy eoneidered.

,0m* Mod a>d jmi *iU Bay no other make.

ABwHatpetejM. bar. '^kTrnAAmtm

All th« wool ia Theragioawaated. Am just'back from the
6MHBd have arransed with eaatern mills to use a)! the
wod horn this section of the country. I can afford to pay
the highest outude market prices in cash. Will also buy
hides and ginseng.


Ofios aad Rtrsboms, 791E. Frost 8t.
aUsoas Phoae 4<$1

OoodI THInsB to Eai't
^Tbe next time you are in town get some of our
delicious fancy cookies, iHckles. <>li ves. ubie relof the choice grou oeries we carry in stock at all times.


J. J. OR

II wee vary ptcweel lo (It eo tlie
bRwd leei to ibe eeotili «o tl>e wll-______
low. ahd read aud diaaw away tho Deaa
droway atlareoeBe Bo ttnacht Oaa- taU that way?"
n.Te Oeaa. wl.o had eoafbt «»-• Mx!>attee laaflwd lewdly.
layi: la fact. Oeaanetfol eeeletleD____________________
' eleo of as ienlatod faroi me. otar' word oa't. TbWt.
Iv ww bun. Off balota
-------bosae. altcaotad by a eertoai adrax laak lwleie-ai«'they. MIH Dean
wlU) hli ted. apaodui
"Tbeyare.iodeed." e.ldUehev»Ta. IWeabl
tieeaaat in a mtropolliaa dalle,
■ya on tbr break, eewlnc boar
wblob had oaaiehi bar aye Iwa weahe ewIUnt "ThtT ate the »oi..............................
_________rued aad ba^iy. •• ‘
hofore "Il>u u oaxtatoly aalqov." talobeetet erer ww. How
facard ova by bit taotla old hoala
(lie lancbed. w ebe nad.
’’“wT*’ uSS
with ^iterwiik. wbo alom aaoBad to loterral bli

JMianlL^BbWerii maple $vnip

UytsisretUakiagef I

I in the w^ of

M «• took over oer^arte Ite of hn
We «kp cwfy • 6m ttoek of WATCHES.
JEWELRY. ETC SpocBnde Fittiag o
WoMk ud Ctock Repdritfr-ehe bott

Mva (acoaated IL "Baited lUa Dadte
,"l (Bva It IB aa." Chid IteaaMb

I aa apt « bra« aboal bataf hart
Md pmeUeat aytaU. aad 1 ecatas
w a aetlea that wa both m«o dom
aaM of tM WldlW preeaw ibatwa'
ara artf drealTad rvWBidiBp Aa --------arUnly of oar oaft ipota ''


iaK Uamrlara aa ala
fetlowad by a wlbk.
Aa Aad to the kitehae.

mir. and

.._i5 frow a tanbla dews (taae Is
from of a
_______M bow oo%
foor Bltao froB tSa
wlltaod tatia at
dHiUnUa' Tbaoolr
oE fr«B

BbTa w^

Tho Slid
ibo iooBWy a
a bate,

aad wlk oUaU."


I do h^ work; I aav.r 1.. .
I liali with bar faaad.Allaa dola* oeeld ha aad look apai L ..
"I'a polttaf la all tba SmiH I om
lUw balpla’-atTaf aa bar boat
•hta aaalli.' betemanad. '"riM law
(oac ui Iba Hru W Aa«aai la (Ui
taia I ttaoatbi of ka«la| tSai bai
I oerw bata teabd ao rtaUal a aial.
andltbiakillrteiyon.-aoRlad DOW. r?a lei two boye ter
"It'aadtar plaoa a
ICM'I Mar (o tbiakel.—„-----------tbe elty-wad tbr old tolka are abaate
BO ohUdioo h wora lbliwar—
car. aoob l« aa 1 maU oMy ^
mo ocow teraonywa! Air ya
Saptiwkir; ll'( a pood way off "


----------------- BO noom why Mo two
•Mid fBoate abeold horn ihekm Muda
ao eordteUy whoo Uay hade OBOh

3S.S? .^srsraair-

hasry. iU-aataUiix laakhar aomlo
battoead aaow the apariaia la (not.
Mu wa. hwlaalw to (Um tor Mwo
WteSoM tteaba mao hMo
klad of ooMei^^^L ewooi btaoW of
the wayMde fnaaea aod tha o'
anonlaU braaaa obaatad aod Inri,
atod bei. bet the wa( Toly tired a
ber loDS. daeiy oar ride.' Drihkla
loan braatht of tbs para atx, (lit toll
bar nlaea mriU with that eooaa of
traadom aod lahat fres oily on
rwl. '1 waSt^f yoa wao_________
Ucn which alwari oooeo to At
o toa WOWBO. BO* a weefcor; wa wai
Halare-lorer wbeo cnoa Ofals I
both werkem. aa'B^
aa' aada ao* wrad-.bal
wy laairblB' («M yalMW. mi' Iboy
«atla£r^ootbe nadlclnea of air. al|bt
"1 Bl«bt"oaawafod kba alri, awllaad eoaod, eo boantUally eeppilod
y the freot MoUuir Halare. '
Bba Mid Ibt drlrer. who ptoeaidad
•o laka dowa ber Iraak fien the------- Uka aa aa«ol o' licbl tat Aay
ha Teblota.
wbara u'bod ta
of tba


.Tand div
What a r-^oid^.
la eohOM carry b

irat Iw tandtedy.
Kaeh a ehaxBiac lllUc old lady ww
eomuc UBidly thxoo(b kbaitaM. All
abool lb*, oteau Badiu c^ bol'
aboxL<aon white oar.u Har oh
ra ao-plnk m a ablld'a aod bar maa
brhtht aad blic ai a yoam rm'a'
lafclw tbara warn, fox aha WM tar
(Bila ll«hSkd m>
of Boriktst ooa,
aodbrr imp
noar ohd ScB aa
J ap
■faa walkad
a to bar
oat a (Oft. aBoIl hand.
Badt HtBDaantaalel
t lacL' (b* i- - ......................
________to wt bat. I'll kiac hw.
aayway-1 Jbb caa'I balp it. dha
bald tha bli of habd la l-o«h ber glorad
ewaa. and
(lmpia« Isydahkad a
baarty kiw oa em^iha puk ofaaeka.
TWa old lady blai4od vaoy piakly. ood



1 BOW fra molted Ik

IteToy-" ihwmid hlasaMte baf-


“■“ss.srsri sa a
ssir,.v“£.sr„JS'd3 rr-rsiar.
. - aboot at
alar, arttb ao

SSL'S ■iTss.-alsir:
hod kada of (ood

rn^riC. -^S:”^^lteo*.•


«eU. yea aboaU tear




tfo^^'MiCaSd bad msa^y m fboUm tar srhlob al_________________
a wa Bay man. Be aoa aaabbod
aa. ekBaOr, bat I awaw I did am
- ‘om to tara
I waa ••------ *' -Hr. OOBteB. too'"
Tax Ua wwald atea Hr. ItealMk
A»4 Iba oU felka •
warn Uaa w
Ha bod stwara M ba a raol oaaBWteB.
aU. Tha raoari wai
BBdbe WM wMoBcblMlBBdSiad.
Uf. .O'. iKi MSWMJ. SB- ^ hM
Tha tom rMniM M ^ tMOa «Mra woa mry BluoaUri oma HMe
___ i aobeel tor ba Iwaa, aa' wm
aUaa dote' M' bolpo' aa' kaapio'
f Ma baod aad ibo aaaafat wbRa.
Tm old la wlai? Oariatate BM Sm
wm era ar BUiTllte. aa' I wmt aa aaaalak lie way I wm raaalTsO J oldio Uxbtea'Ma fwiata M MawM
am ba. Bara tbooeba o'aanria'Borer ogoBtrad (waTIbM aba^ bev
aa.-m' addtmoad lady Uka ba. M' wrry. bat Baoi eartd fa ay aoetety.
wo alkte- Ukao blrad bm. 1 yoa and ya I liad baaa pephlat u a qalat
wBBt la ba eohaeteA •'IdoBaobow
*^My faitk ta haaoo aolota wm
i«y tadly ahaaah. Mia Uaha. 1
WMloawhaelwoateiboeld dayaw eyalcal aad btua. Tbch I
Ohte UtaaB Uaas aa bod. BayatoBy
«ad 10 bavo U fet oal tbai It i
dt real! mt •abaa.M'dm'i
a atatoka, aod Hat ay fo«
I iaael
Too ibooM bom aqpa,
a! They fairly fali ova aoob,
___ a to tbeir eodaarera le abo
ibeir Bodytaa racanl Of oeorte.
oawpted It k|I. bol ay aya woe ep<
I wai 'aea^rk wbM I ^ tea M ad.
•d. I ttew tba whole tel «< Ibaa <
a aa of a







M err Sa .Ma UMIa word ad



alt dried ap JoM oa

hMaU. ^mabBowotea. M fate

wmaMabm- •>
“'X-JUl iablTar teatodSoM'waMU
mted aod

lelaateofeatae. abaa -|fnT— 1 ww U oMPa-_____
___pool Ttebt eat toward the rtaa*. qpM' sooa ometaoteobaiae.
( boptyrn'IlUho ll-Md tbo|» yoo'll AlbrowadbcraantMoBaa
aaniMeoaa reoad wm a looeb Of alaple beMo aware
aa. OB' oaya. 'HilBW. ri'a aawe W i. il. I (beapht I'd look ii ap. m4 BwdbB billligrl Ute both kMoWB.
"l^w 1 (tell!" erted Hiaa tte
taiv m' U hod. ft had com fa fw (ted I dU. Thaw twooUaoaakolh a’wa. fanatawa aba ad oava
hwtrily. oa they atetted toward

s-s is2r7.5:='-BK;

They are a Mia w ay woaaoad
^1^ to tbaw Uaa ia wwaWa mb


—r. weBtetBi teiro'mbam Pawaa! I'a a ya«m opl
tbmy-aa-l waoda if aba
■■aA Vha kte



?.l>uariy.-'cha Md. They aaU
riiiM la kaow itactete. OaoU 1 mm eUmatA -rwBladyOBMd
era Bfow
Ilka iMir*
"Hoa'a yaw fBah." Md Hra.
Pattea. Omalnarna af ma hood
M .m,
ya* MM Mawad it aak Tm M*i ao


"srhy.Uhadbaaal- mapma*^




a It ay


atem after dtBBa.

s“.‘v-ssiiba!r^sa’.,ic Jr'Q%s’SA--is!!i

bmr«tw bWeaa.




ao- trooad wlw.
y teter Uahotera I
atm, ^(tor. aad laadtar of waaie riad aaly tliMaa y

HAVE GeViUINE pure maple sap syrup—
nothing better made. If you warn sometUi^
thst is right try thafprLreskfnstoo pan csktt tude~
outofourseif-rtungpuicske floor; two pound pnek-a
... COM. yo« <mlj jOc. U is tc^ lor ■».: lUI yoo lu'v.
u<la isu>iiiWitopMi(hcoMw>tcroc milk ud it is
lemlrloGskc. W. dio ksve imre Bock.liot Flom.
(rmhitooiid, mitm <(alit.. Also oMlIms smi«r ol
Bratkbst Foods. Flm tamr a .itl. ytmt oeda.
.^..ji^toSMitimi..; !

: r : : :

iHfafeijititti. .

~.Sbr'%'s;ir.- 2=s^




yea won’i." raanadtel «hb
■ ifaaar daya wlU alwaya baa


848 Profit Streot



rvteva. "I tan aoloyrd tUi UtUF
kalk. rail Mbta-Mr- OaaWL wSta
^vr Sablaa by." maaddaitlaaeB*
Blk a llttU aad to (bow aoaa olru of
a dtepmrtioa to ba men aoolabla
Bat Ibare was a bllter eyolouaaboai
hla>« tnonal air of nea-baliaf tc Pallaa. Baa 'Ow oaaU' ap Iba modavarythlaa-wbiob bnlh lapalled aat
tha oMaaa'(Mda.aadBi4ewh.
-Tall ateabosi bor,"iha add. la amaeted Osaarteva.
—-^thuk I
"Oroaaad lo lava, nretably." (be
bar qalat. Sra way- "1 hove n^
M uy oar Ilka bar. Sbt u wcadar- tboeybi "Heiwao: Bawia'tbolby leek woU kmitba> •oaMa’i ti
HarrayFakiaa lookad aibaraluaw "kT* ^BaU DaatoB "betband"
aad Hlllrllte'
eua. bai kapi iba labia mppUad
U yw*«e~ter aaklu'
aaieboo .
lb .ttoaL wUob war qatte aa oddlRaal'-I'B om. aaratyl-'qBial
___D. Oat afteraoou Uamvlcva wat
rrod. -Mlad af laaoka?"
wa. inaaoaahir ratoa,' ahd 'aaly
elnlBC Saif adaei< ta bar wlUow.
oa wa'i* laleaa ofSB- *
>a- 1-a write IhU Blhstr. Tlii
laddMlT tha tall fora at tba altaaaat body onto b(. 1 fsow
foow tbaw two
ptlol^. If U'ftoo’ reatfal
wlad. "Mr. ntatoa,

u a gatal howa way be aecowwo
dated, aliai
COB Mly taka iw.l
and Aarw
Write fox p


nestaKsirMi. te Uictor Pcteilyl.
MIFool \AFmrvfcmd


olty ■*] tec WW the keotry
-He-, ap is bit r«--------- ----------------Inuaa Mu' Prttea. willlook moV aaewated Me.
. 8be Uwkeacter eearrbody
anet toUi araae with bat. ............................._i eel
■ oheokx - Be wared hU odiral eraaky. bet
wife, aad OU dowa wUh aiaaly was. end
■d lo k



•*« IpMCM OV r *

___ Tijrts »‘.;;5K





■•■oe u<uUjlrtu
-> r>lllI>K la uwLr ■

AtL CM M tyr I1/>WEM

— pi^A^jgtyElIS

............. WM tbr amwto. -I
th».Bm.«ar SLnSnpad wilt rti«m>«hG of yoaw.! h« wmow U wx Ui oo'oWop W be
(bw wbara 1 Ohwa la.
Ibat buWw wai atnaw with tiWtllM olooa Uaew be wwi i he neoh
me''riot whleb boide M (he «ok« OC woo < tmhw T»
. A..A hare
heoa a»-. -Oh. doax." orle.! Oeue.ion., "I. . aohtatlBaa.' abr abdad.aoe)oitttMBllr'
He held oal 'was oewlac’
i»i Dia '■Ilhlkteay(rU,ahd laMiy I ba«a
aUm 1 dctw (hoOKh ■ of a meo "
iboovbi ae aaeb Bhoat ear cood oM
••He woo-i txooble y«. hooey
wid fnaoda tbai Ifaariywv cat ahM
Id Haxrn " i'f bo doee be klo ;wk
tiBcnlai. li will (oee tat kaaOM
■' fii oat. "He'e aqaiet niaa. I
of aa. ibea(li. wMa I retaia la
Jdake yaxeeU tar ho» Oe )ati what
tetter, aa* i>oi a .*oeu<
wort^ aa a aaot pn«t^ SB(oa. Mr Daaion. wbaa I aa ta b^
Pritee* '
Wben-. tbe.Mbcr one'- 'aeked aeaa I aball leek baak cb thaw daps
witba tanlaaaaeaairi. I faat, byaadi


re .hou-in^;

I. wla tn.~ UU-


Wkt.lwr. I> IW o

■' •-








TravarM CKy. Mioh.


aSTaioad.' -I Int "1 hardly
t wae owiac.
I«d Mother ISUee ahd Keaefiyfcw
od-aodothan u wy wlad aM law-


iehMon BloeM. Phon* 78


f. ASA

lOTortt* rMTMt. 004 ih*
how MPi Owe aaii hor
blp of.tb* Mrda (qalnalL
'l^liafaaao. laaUao eoei aao rMo('. 1 bw tmh vhlMtoiia Whowhor— aaow nt* noibod u>4 rHnohod hor
tfaML li «M BM Moa o teo4 wartd.
faw taadtady tBM
iTWOiBhlo Baa. who two may now wwoit.
ot««r alt. u
it ooiy
oBlr cm
om oooia
omI<1 •••*•■*
•*> *« <tw

Money to Loan on Improrcd Real Estate Only.


•oM sSuboMR^’iateoy.
•*eaod!" be inteteilt "TbM'a

sx-m. - trserjc

NM IIUIBS BP tba aiiliw I

m. vtm rnrnmimmmt-

'/ ■'


tt« t>-

<«w w *mlm • m*>rnM mmB

IKgtfy ssrrar.'tari;

^ *i^' »**■■*»»■*

toto to *M to* MMli *r**—tot. Ml
o to* toto»— Ato*—* to*I* «h*M toto MT tokto Itod.
ton»-toiM to to* toto to to* va*U.
m.* to to* pt—a.—Mtoto Mil
tM atoM*. to* ba*-t toto* to tb*

t «« vril Wskw
to*atotom aaiiWw■. ViUta AMm toHk.
I <f tot Iriwto 4to-

‘ psrsa^.'p.'is

r MUtaktoMMM**. Pm
■ iiimll. «M MiMtoM
f totMftofto Mtotaemtor
toMtoMMM to tM Mm**

b**a adjM— vitUs tvo
A* U 1*. to* *p**fc*« did BM
(tol M potol to to* tarn U>M i( «•)
lb* l**d*( to to*T*p*Mi«Mi [*nr. (M
to to* DBlMd HtotMi. wbc
•mUt to«*to>i *M*i a oamtla* *1
lb* *trik*.
Stoltfa ptoand to to* fet*!**
eouamto to*a*U*B.
000* dtp or *nr—,000.000.000
jmt i«M «lo*ed. Ba toad* to tot
..----------.. ----------- ^ rr** nadA

1-tollMml mrnt M mU MUtoMtaf to*»

Ato itoiiMi* toiM to* Mtototo toto*
tmt Mf. fctoto** Hfiwii to *«■■
toM U« MfMtotlr mU «Ml
IM to «NMI MlUtoM ta*M* Md feii
feBMrtoif* M aMi* •>« M. Mrto>
m *rttoktocU»M«MMrr. mtoto*


MtoM «Mto*»*Mta«*Mi
i»toM tofiiii— Otorwdb
»Siu >» *11 iilliMli >toM

M •*« 1— HVWatt -told to to*
plMtoT* to*t hU pn***e* PM to>
Mt. taito Mpt—d hU aadtaaa* ai
.*•* Or a trltto **U7 or tvo, to*t
drapadlaw a*rioa* t*Ib aad eoemi.............................................,0*
to dadpHotn** r«>
irbewoald tab*
•ito Ua to Imdac Ui toarUac *b*t'
■OH* **d tolaf it Mto a* It toft tol«(to. n* to—** —at— tnllacb
to to* Ul* 8*th CL KoSbR. aad be•pb* fe* bt* *aar a a Motfalr.
tototrma to to* b>*MIb« *b< lepbUan aaadtdM* for to* itow rnmt,
tall to h«*e* to bUk« U aad
to bl* oeaiUn*Btf. I
paid a tnb*i* to tl
•odtolvar tovbMh Ho*. 4. B. Dtr
baa fQietlad bl.dsU*******
aao fr*M tob dttonst. aad **»
*aad*dlB'-dotoc tolap.’
n* Ip—«* oaUrd attntio* to to*
aadlMaa* tbal MilMd «b*a'b*

la toll ally bator*. faoioci** Ml*
■to aaiBldayad. ibkIdu tocn U toi
aadltoo* Vito to* tom paaUoo.
w*«*” Vow all —todto *M rMlag faU ilato •* CT*r
ladatoT a*d ptotparl^ (rcryvbn*
••Wbai jxdloy 1* IL.” —*d Mr.
tolia. -toat ha* toe««bt a^t toi>

ipaaklac of.ta* M
tto*d to* oaaMiea, “Vbtob
bo— yo*. ay btoadr" Be
*d oat M • rotatatloB to toe dwao*
tbelatov to —VBoto Mat tbare
I BMC* —t* fiM ttato »-t'^
• to Aawtaa. aad pMalad ta Ito
toet that V* Me* Md a preteoM**
lanff fo*W y*wa vbllr — va*« an
«em dloM—tol. 11 to «b* daty to lb.
toOpU. aad ii «IU «*■ U Ibelrprir<l*r*. to ol^ la tad tab* * b*aA H.
•totad ifaai|)M tobtanlly la tarot I

At — til** to tSmium *i*f>
to —« ally, Xt. AmUh po»M
toat to* damotoito p
t— to* te* **d «al—

Jgm MP ptoito* toto*fi« litoii,
..... tototfito—»w.^Mlitoto ■•totoMtototow
.'ITAto Af— «c to* to— —to**'

lor Beowrtot. ^iob vt
___.arerto Utly baad taadar
MM tao atoeetom botoie. doflBC a
altar — totottop.

I to* aur ftoM*—■

■Ill'ItW to MMtoR toM. VlUUto
AMtoMto. to* to—Mto *r Mi •—

V ?


i. ':i.ftoto*ai*pto*toto*toi—gMito'.:.-Ston. a**— fwr«r•«■«>*•
( to* pHtoto tovto—atMtototo*


■OB, A. bJliMtoM

*to—• •( Ml*** toto* (an* to
IVM tMtoOyflUH Aateotoi
to* ooaavy. toatouaf toto U to* r*' ' — alae*— vlto
to*y voald dl—aIto to* —mm to
maU aetb*«aa*fb

the Iriecuh of Char— P. Back
ta** racahrad the AOMaoceneni to
to* wed^ vhkb occurred at B—•
Atod, MtooA OB Mood** of tlii* *eek.
nw bride va* Mto Botoe Mae Caldatol, dai«ltt*r or Dr. J. C Caldtrcll. •
ptoameat tatodaat of that at*. Mr
iBd Mn. Buck nadiad toi* city Suvd^.aad «ia be U bomto tbetr
friend* ia k fimmax ho— to 618
West Eiftato mm, whidi i* *11 ready
T>Z*«neCityrOBagna.a gradaate
ortoeBi|h8d»ol.flBd ooe^ an
itapoftau potot— « tioa pctodeai

to to*p*—A Alt— «m •ad b*M witoM to toe bride <
toiDalm rooM.
The fluiriap c—toooy vm perAtom, Al,«li,— At — b—aatof to — p****ai ■■iib, to*** va* aned to toe bone to toe bride'i

a aMto to IAm.floO.ooa la «if**Utte*
":«n«w •— Mi ■—w—
•——I— to —«aaU«lagi*l**M Md*t**y«toltotoiia«B*od wpM
. ^ Mtomn to TO—a— to— to — peafcM to — Mto aadpooe
fe — —r ^atoa —totoMi.
9—to —*a «b* MUof* vt* *•■
totow. b— —I Otoiatoad'*
r to Ml— aad voald mmp m
• toto aiM Uto toil ^‘TOboU."
I Ha TO—tot. “TOv B*to •- Mtoad •AOeo.flM tolrar doUan am
— I*M in y**n to lopablt
r ftoto— to to — Ml—*1 to
' ' — Wial *Ut«r
> •—.flOO.flflA Aad Mat vlto toto


c lb* m*to a* it b*t
oter — Batlaaal baaka
JOB— mad aato acpatoatlMa
I't bar* Mj ma
U totottot bU addimloaaleM.
to Aalto paid a (lovtof vibaM to
tot vert to — oattrnd HaElatoy.
■to mt—m ptw. hto oeoMBmlt
toUl to paidtof —p at ttaa
totoapb to* eaOMi atora, to* ftorj
of bto dealfa, lb* ••■atom at bit
•ioery; aad aoet
—I vlto Tbaeder*
toa niiptiw* ft—
. Bto'a plltoc yok* by to* wort
to MaCtatoy, vamid b* brea«bi br bit
ao«—toto—liadto paa**. p—prlv aad r— tertoamaL Be
M— tool h* aad Oaopiiia** Oar<*db vaald b* ifa* I— tve to leart
to* nUptao* to toto* lato or to tore
to*to pm to *ay pa*dy aad Mlflab
toccip paver.
Obalraaa b----------------------------ttoto erptac tbeiapbUaaa* to pt aat

Jtor. B.




Paeeatrr far Proax

M «a* U ^*aatoatob*d —»■•
' to *ay.'-Ah*'**U (—•)" Hr.

— b— toai'toay voaid**mda)
•to toptoto *a Mm p—i ■— p**
— aapMi—* **m '
B* apcMto —•
to pmat tim. to — di—*ri

I tto***M — Met toll Ammo
MV bad JMI itoiwd*) b**fbt u
—.•OA— m— to boato Am*
Ato —OtoMlaad •daialMrada
toat tom toaoaMtaaUalMd
nitaMj •—.000 to bbU.
•Om —UnbtoAd—
•u —■tdMttotoUf—(• ..
■r*!**** «*»■■—to—aa‘"
— —MtoCMta—fl•* —MAI *—
— «tl— IMlM*aldb*i*"iiiHii.
aad pda— —— I—«—tovaJ

1* 1— — UUael* O—ial empaay
laoMd ItAOOO caaalp Vm* m aa old
pUataRoB at Baraha*. La. Tba*
beipbt to Atly foal aad
plrth to wraaty-tva la*hta aad fee
yaan — prer* baa b**a d
by — (OmMay. Tb* Bip Fear
road jdaotod 10.000 ma am tadlaaapollf — tom year, aad —y bar*
pror*d aa praAoblt aa (boa* la Lo*la-

Tva ytot* apa — Rl* Oeaad* A
Vettaro ptoatad tt.000 M*al|a
Ftoro. Clab. aad May bar* *
v«ll BBdar IstopUoa Qfotaa bar*
b*M plaatod in Haiylaad. Ha—.
W»«t TlrplDla. P*mv>*hBia
la Hltoipan to mt — tia* In dtSar
Fat saorly tve y*an be ha* aarred •at elloabM. aad lb* r*Mlt U —l
— olty a* olty attomay aad bl* lapal Ivooty diCataot ralllMd o—r
aUhly atvtal (Im** baa b**o pt to *» provlai tbalr ova Oa* Bad dav
I Mat ioctotty pay* aa i
* Mat: bat aaeb tlm bit ee*
bar* proren to to vlie aad ]ui. aad
bi* opieloe* bar* b**a Teeoplol**d a*
ralaabl* to — a.aban to bta prto**Hr Oroai It aeoeneoBt peoil*
Vamu'i Olab Friday atiaraoea
too* by *0 ; O
axtolknt pvwaa aa— — ltad«Alp of Ml*. B. J. BIctlDa The ArM rt
paper os tba prapitoa vu by Mr. Hip
«lBA lier aebitot brine Uricio aad
Hanntrr to — AntoMii Onro-aet.' 11
dhr ipuba of tba benirt rHcrtvan'l
drtl ooosplrd Ih* raal Otroau forralt ' *
aad of tbtot aaporalilioaa lu reeaid ft
to tlx foraaa vhicn Wrrr (or to tuaay r <
mtorlM itaelr boar Sto mtoilnnad ' K
Ibrir aicnlloito vbeaerar —y br 'i
eaax tiled ol tbalr oaaetr far*, aad I P*
tobi of tbalr lore for aaiara aad — i
(oroat trooiom aaddeaeribwl — ebarae( vltriea vtaleii —y iltll tore,
their lore of liberty, tfarlr varUle
obaraeter. Mtor bodily rleor. —ir
virii 'of fratanlty and tbalr beaor.
Bararat Are aleaiepapart fallevad,
eertrlne — early hitinry to tbe maauy. all ofllxoi toiar rtoaadloply la
MrMttne. iboa«l< of nteaariiy aaota
eeedaatod Hra W B. Hardn told
of — tranalUoa frem Mpaalaa) lo
Oheiatlaaliy. —view — fimd—
Otox H cAiiAo.
p, Otarialtaaity Ibrvaph Ea, too*. ftoB — iloo to OOMtaai—.
HU* Sarah Lee nre a brief Matoh or
H* i.i^irrmny nadv — Ftaato. MflaA
— people to ibti e
Toau ia — orlD* to bl* ianhood.' •P*®'** tltooUaito — ralpBofOtotMd lav BO* U tna local proiatotoa
oirUlatlOB aad adaoatlOB
Ihaettyareaorr highly
Ur OroM UaaailtetoBev.Ydrkjjaaoiip—pMplaorarvI^ ha —ed.
at vaU H Uim of —
AIA lierlap bean bora soar Boobaa-,
tor la I— He Mine to U lohlpaa
vllb hi* parreti vbao but a y*ar olA | >e aru ** B®“*a' atoo ta Ur* a H. Btoliday.
to —1 while a nailre of Kav York
Tba Chlldras*' Boar," vltb aaeoa.
to la really a prodnet of Ulofakpan,
toriat palMd bU odaMtlon and tx- (mlBoit by Hra W D. 0. Uarmtea.
va. aaab aeJeyMl. aad rlelto obUpariaato la till* *lala B« aaearrd lii*
torly adaoatlos at Grand Haran. pato by Usto BalUday.
Hra. Qaoepa Boyt para a
vhora be atlaodod a dittrlcl aobool.
Ra took a eolltpa praparalory ooaraa tba Ufa to Lo—r. Sbe told to bto
— Hortton ladlana Hemal at bard horn Ufa aa a ohlld. bU alsdlM
M aalratillyaBd hl*pi«atp«BTatoaimlao. and later enteral — Ualraralty to kUahlpto. pndaauap tros loa. and Haaortbao In an tottoatoim
— lav dapartomt tol— In Bap- maaar bto Maapa bom — OaMoUe
kliat year ba earn te Tnr- laUflon and bto adrsnoad idea* vbieb
ilMd to — termtias to — tr»toto Olty and itanad — pneitsa to
hU pttoaatoOB to pa—arablp with osa
Tba tody vtav I to bsra plrM i
4 fail to—to olatoailM. C. B.
Tbeaaa Laiar ba faraad a psrteertsabto to impsr* U tor — teaotablp *riM J. J. Tvaddte. foraMC praa•Mttop aiueaay to tUt eeoaty, aad lap aad Hra Blpptoa AUad bar ptoH
« Mat Um ba patoad a ralaabta ax- vltb aa abto papn as — MbJaM.
inpiaa vu osatoteaMto*
vbieh vlll be to praat adi—Ispa te hla aov, a* vbes vllb vaatasd vu aBjaysd ta aU- Tba
" Tvaddla ba bad araeh to do vltb mHdMt to Ma elsA Hra Hlaar, batop

■aaHnp to — Biate FaderMa Upto mttara aoaaaetad vUh —
I of Woma-a Oliba at MaMvfSs.
r Ba 'pemottoad lav aldsa tor
tlm attar — Arm o( Tvaddla — drat eiar K—t, Hra.' T. B.
A Or— VM dUaelrad asd lato Hay Bbamaa. pr— at tba bsatoaa
rtawaolp vUh Uailad ■aattop, — osiy ttom Pt bstosate
batop—eosaldaeattoato — ptoea to
toldtop — ana— taapato. It
rated to bald It at Park PUea. vber*
— basqate tau b*M plraa for —
Mr. Oraaa ia to arery way a vo
naaltate. aad viU poll a Up «
Ba vUI ba alaetad. aad by a U*
ipmitr beoasM — poipla to —
ty, repardlaa of ptoitt—taltb to Mte«f— to a aot to Baltoraataaerary wsAdMoa to bl* abUi|y IteLRavTaab. BtatoapaabtapM
asd bia eosaetantlou taadaooy te do -Id attMdad a —*• artey aipht u—r Mat vhlob it Jut rlptaL Sr«y tU — Mqatosd a ossla foe — cn>lap teodas to Ita valK
OM M—d rota ft* Oaetm B. Onto

A aad *t*ry — to ll to pv-

There is no money in It. and besides I don’t have to.

My buggies were bought at prices that enable me
to give you such

ExccptioDally Good Valucsf
that you are SATISFIED that 1 am entitled to a FAIR
LIVING PROFIT. Then again my margins of profit
have been so small that I have not made money enough
off my customers so that I can afford to give away
that little margin to those who buy now^ A SMALL
PROFIT ON EVERY SaLE is my motto. What you
are interested in is getting the GREATEST VALUE
possible for your money: and if lean sell you a buggy
upon which I am making a small profit for LESS
MONEY than others will sell you the same grade of
buggy when selling “at cost." it will not take you long
to decide where to buy. Then if you draw the lucky
number you get an

ScOtt^ Fr*l"^*Wfl **** bixvri rtiaa


You stand one chance in 20 and some one of the 20
WILL GET IT SURE. When you want a FARM
WAGON remember that 1 sell the one you want-|T*S

Tr«eree City. MICH.. Oct 23, 1902.

127 SUta Straat.

€a Ulilbeliti
Dm Sim


$f.S0md $10

men’s SuUs

We have pUced on sale two iou of Men'i Sutts. the ipecul merits of vhicb w«
leave to your oVn judgment feeling ceoSdeat that you will concede tbeoi to be
the belt made, best flnisbed. and of tbe best material of any you kave ever seen
at the price at which tney are told. We always give >you
virioes for yoHS
money, but you will find all preceding eflorts eaceeded in ear $7.50 and $ioae
Men * Suits.
LOT NO. 1 consists of fancy Cl. _______
and Plain Blue Cheviots, well
lined, nicely tailoced, and all good fittert.
LOT NO. 3 consists of iti oz. black Clay Worstedgy or Mack
tbmr superior.’


M.000 oatelpa tiaa
stoA Thmaia te ba to osa grau m>
Shytock was the nun who
absrd, sasr Dsqaeto, sot tto tom wanted a poaai.ti homan
, aat at as —rimMt to^
Thm «re many
Tba maa ara ta ba pUntad for — U- ShtHocks now. the COnvalcsBste, ^tal ^ivy
^ consumptive, .he
sickly child, the
—topa to sot a sa<
t—. wf to II a tabby. A (av y— .wooun, all want human flesh
■pittara vba to m*M—lUtooia. a and they can get it—take
«M 101 toi* Uph aad « f—ta Scott’s Emulsion.
V. a— 0— SMily M
Scott's Emulskta to fledt
A ladtoteL Oasaito Wl
Barruas a* early m im had and Uood; bone and mosde.
■aad — eaolpa mae to ladb—to
the nerv^ ttra^gtheu
projaela ita«totop daraUltiy to vsed
Tta aslaOa — Mm ■—tor mU- the digestive organs and they
OSA tm BtoM UK. bvt yaan apo — feed the whole body.
M*tea*pptr vaa irtiatoed, asA —■
M—. TO. —rdto. Bsbart T—plu
For nearly tiu^ y
•ditt PPUtmtm ta —taodeatepa-



....... ... toe fiat ^ Ttan t. ao'iteei^^Po^
or otber miaerto
is &

OroM. — repbUm dooIb** tor
year* Mr Ora« hat praeOead *l —
lo— bar aad In U vidt
Kloa*. well
•OM tiMlIeci c-ocoitII*r. He ha*
beta ■ tudsol to — lav vbils ptaotieiof bit irnfiMlim r—iiutp (bat lo
to admlttod (o — tor do** not aork
— ea&of tbe lerm to indy fur * rood
■ad aiaud iMl U to* paepl* Mb*** Itpal adrlMt To Hi. Orm't vIm
tom toto <e*to*i • tmt tmn u>
baaiim* aad prefatoSoe.b* dMaakI duin** (to vUoh tot


«to* • MMtr *
MwraU M«tototoc

__ toaa

____ . BleltaeU.
_______ ,__________ ..
-_____ j body aad Atotrey
life-piTiop propto^ of toe blood, waderlap it —a aad vaMr, arato
tod**—*. Tb. IP—«r tbe
be oTwome i— eanied oet to toa eyatoto bto— the ptotato caa tape te
i*Hw** «**Mp***»*»to*.*«p
pet rid to MalarU and it* aSeeta.
/•ptoy tMt M Ma (*ti *11 to*
& & 8. do** tM* aad qaitody prada—M cstiia
—• Acto* totoan. *—*d (Ml ir to*
sto to<atoMb*d Md—t**
ptrlMlito ■* to*r M4 00*1.


Nto totofm »W<* ~*««tl
Ita ptoM. •» ««wllr «tol NMlTtA
Wt MM*
to to* tetk to

Tbeee atBM—tode poboM — Matobed Mto tta b—A a—tekcA m


CWUfls'SuMHfls «Ml Dmss Oeetto
A ,6^

" ‘****

*»od «d*kt.«»iai

great giver <d hifenfeb

- liT v,—S-.A.,


9mUr. «

feM • MMDfirtM


fM VMMP to4h* HMitkl*^
Mpi IlM WlMM«MMl«Oa*WIOMkMtelef *w4
I »r Mm fteMM » MM»li «f

• HcUtea

AMl*r M »• Am Alter lete

r V.
• Atetof MtehM ««Mgh M



lortroB tbt OtwateBreaai RMntd
M. FeUatt lafi Tterttep ter nbieaga.
Ltlliaa BaamKb baa brea aagagad
trash acteei al
tteLtertaca- te
Hr. ate Hra. A. RaMM*« rf teu
rliltad ralallre

FMw Iteitw* te Tmrmi Ot?


------ ------

Mr. ate Mn. FfiiMaa Raite of




H. Doteaa. alter'«■ It Hr. ate


Hla Era Baae rpeel a
eruh rrlaHraa ate fnrtea li
Clip tbU peak.
^ .M
HlaaBtMple’llBtUi tea________
> Mob aebeol al VlIltaaabari:ibU
, MMmMIm aim W piM «P
Tba Iteiaa'
Iteiaa* 0{a)< «ltl bm»i at tbs
at Hra 0.
- B. Hafal Taaatep al
. Mm U idvMM 'Martranarto «te tar waaMnialalaa; ___
lareooo toplaa
r«0M» MTstoteMfeteteWUlaf
MteteM miM pomom.
Olaa Hanla ot Aoda »ai Rping to
kMMteiT rm^m. Mte'ii
MdWhiiaRa ateatittea. Ba Mn ,1TbaibalAldM'
BaabMil eoc
lift bta RBB oat of a row boat wbao
- INI teaa gate late Ij
Ite baiBMrt aaagbt tba atU aod iba
gate Mtea. •w«dte» »UB aa aar« aftmioeD, Oet.,M
flaab ate llpaaiaBW e( the eetlra left
IMM Md te* MONlM
......................• abooldrr,
«te vfMteMMite tel.
Ha" la^'Iadlbroke tbe ar below the
Mr£7tE«aaL*Bl aaUa bmt Uelbow. It li
Ate Mtea tte wte* Md
lbs ihoaldrr will te Btr iiitp
TptteteU. ate ha as anieU
• -teMliaay will
rasalaUV wMktf 1
ftra frsB tbtUiM
In>««teia eater Aowa." Tba;
Mi'l IMB
Aldaraau Dr Pagur at etempioiilaig
I VTjHaB M DM OMld the Idea of latndBelBg b uebllc bub
msM er rtnaate arm itei IM la Oiwad tUidda. He bee wrllb-ai to
tta*'iriSa£«'^lteSa *te
woald ae aeea M ealM BpM aama) «atoM •Ilia whu* ha** taob
WalaaatetedaBaraaatatiO .. __ j aptte detiM ot ttegmt
■pitea is opuaiiee, aad from the
paar eU aaa. Traap araa taagrp aad telM For fbtt rraaoe alate what atiina which will aw gaiMnd be
Hr. BooianiU hai to tap
bopa to lap a oteeibeiaf <«a befon
rraerdiaarp laixmt. a
»ea coaaril.
aubrlp awaitte bp pa>.................
SdM of peliUaal opiaiaa. '

• »»

; lAieu Cfancy fibrict, all wool Cam*
meres and It wool black clays. We also give you a choice of too
loo suits
that we. ssold At Siooa last season -they are of various fabrics—well
made and an extraordiriarv bargain at $7-5a
We give you a line wool Kersey Overcoat in blue, and black, also 4
tine all wool Oxford grav. long or medium lengths, made right and
nicely trimmed. These coats would sellin regular ebthing stores at $ie

One Month Free!

BV OVKMOOA*r9 are great wii»mM>oi.g the wte





We can dress you up. fine pure wool dothes, that are made right, have
the retaining shape collars, lapels and fronts, will hold t^r Mtape bll
worn out—a new feature
ature with
with our
our clothing
this, season. They come fa


*** u*o'


mixtu^ .

•w*ii workmanshi^in fine all wool Kersey's and^xfords—dres^. stylish.
T*HinK« all the go.



■;‘v^3.*«assi'S r,7?K'Krs


and the |wic« righL

Here is where we can dress up tbe little men in degant styly. ~ It's a
treat to visit this department if you are interested in children's dothing. Suits range in prices from 75c ty $50
$sx». Reefers and Overcoats
rang in prices from $i/x) to $500. AlIways glad to show you

Our telM.

K.S ia:^s^^-sss.v.

Mao ante ••• •ajl*a a iBte OtotoWa ar. brrute erilktea.



s.-as-.’sa.-JTis'”^ «i.a'fei¥SfSS?Si! CASTOR IA
for la&att sad CkiUreiu



malM ate toopl* bopUa of tea ftfm




BaaMa, Maw.


ad traa Mt reatsi otaeTpailaBH
teraat gUl with a aoCa plll«« vAlcA
Ibap iiWO^ wa«* sartM to kaap ler
a saB*^^ TIm Kiri- «t tte aAaria

Its Coming our way—There are r^sons for it—Our low prices—And good honest value.
■ '




TO craa a cold ix oxk dat


.\gain we are here with a big bunch of unmatcbable bargaint that will keep tbe crowd coming our way
for some lime. We have l>een aearching the markets for the prat three Meek* and haye iHcked up a lot of
good merchandise cheap. You will reap the reward of our efforts if you make it apoiattosay us a visit. We
mention a few but these are only samples—there are hundreds more just a* good. Our.tkaiemeot is a bnv
place- -the biggest bargaint in the bity are found there. There are some that try to imitate onr modes for dodoing busines but they fall far short of mark. Our ability to handle such vast qu^tities <tf ^eods enabtes us
to get the rock bottom prices. Thats why you get better values here for the saime-athount of money than any
where else in Northern Michigan.



Union StrMt.

.at th« Old stand.

Misses wool ribbed seamless
Misses'fine all wool cashmere

We will place on sale $4,000 worth of Wool D«
Goods and Wool Waist Goods at the
35c goods at 19c; 35cgoods at 37c:
40c goods At 30c; 50c goods at jQc: .s^c goods at 4sc:
6oe goods at 48c: 75c goods at toe; Kje goods at p8c;
$1 goods at 83c: $1.35 goods at $<-os: $<
goods at
$ $!.« goods at $1.38: $3 goodsatSi «.>.and$3.50
goods at $2. This indudes aU the doakings.
You will save dollars if you will uke advantage of
this sale. Come in whether you want to buy or not:
we will be glad to see you.


-£■”.131'".!*:^?:!^'*' .15
Fancy Comforter Print...............*k>


h“.y.T . ..”
UBfin gypittf



Light and dark Outing Flannel .Hyi

Plllon Cases
.With wide hcfh.abargain at.. .'*9
iah S

od valoes-o •

"u'rJJtafancy W Minwj.
SirsagOalatski Stecs
These values
be equalat the same
uadies a

1-anc/neck Ribbon. No. 40..
BBtm SSI ■ w— r^e.eweiAI. itol

iiitncRS for cvcrypwwy

Childreos Toques, nice cok^

...Rt Pienscr Civery Stable...
My rush is over now end 1 have a good many
horses on myhands. They must be sold at
some price. Now is your chance for Bargains.
I havs a few cheap horses for work, have some
cheap driving horaee.and a few big work
horaee. Atioafineblg black mare, 7 years
old. weight 1600: a pair of good brown maraa
weight 24O0tk fine pair of Standard bred bay
mares, drivers 6yearsold. weigh 1900; afine
blocky gray etallion. weight 1400: agood pair
of black ponies, good tpdriveor work. Kind­
ly give me a call If-you srant hotsaa.

o:.;^ '.o;k do.;bfe
^Kri.^S«.i.drco:o..:::: ;io

wnn rsiNfVw

iISS’sJS » adn

^M^kwywool FMO...... .


quality Dodsaleat...

— kSte iiimiiii k «Mi&

). Coi^

flood Underwirar

f« Wirthpw. D. C.<
'nmdBr, wfamWkadbM aticDi
ii«lheMt»ul iBt—of the
G. A. K. Cvtit Fttvte wbo •


We can fit them all in undenresr. &s are show bll the desinble styks, at prices that
are sure to please you.■ We meodop a ieo styles only tu MEN'S GOODS TO-DAY.
FL£p;CED.UNED at 89c. $2c. «6c. 4Sc—both cotton and «oo1 fleeced, id plain aod
fancy cblorinas. all particularly eood values. The 30c garment is a usud 30c
quality, and the others are equally kar.
All Wool Knit Underwear at 98c—In plain and ribbed styles, jba laije range of
cckringSi^uch as Natural Gray. Flesh color. Tan. Broarn,'el&. Jrjiis line em­
braces qualities thaf generally sell at Si.25.
THE L.^DIES should make ita special point to see our great line of

« « new Olinter Cloaks


, ^

_____ Jp»r« Hooie o>zt T««od»T. 0«t »lli.



We are sincere when we say we bdieve we've got the prettiest styles yet shown aod
the v^ues are immense. '.Vecan save you money on your cloak purchases.



Dry 6«ods

omot. 004 iwOMMbM
TM I ib« AaitrUa iriDclpollV ll ulli a
_( tuo <« »»r- the ae«li« faar. vorj of a tlw wbae tbt roUac Prii

\i oiiBUIchabla Prim.

G“iB5Sf.s:T-iT; c'S’^!

Tba MU of ibe eur haallti aOoar
of Ua lnaao;wb«a
lnaao;wb«ai U
m Doblllty with
•ao. fat qaaiuilita aspCBM

i5c!5 s.-as^'g^r.s:


hl«ber elaaaaa. aad vbee tba lowar
elaaara hod o« tadnaa afataai tba parMoilou of ihelr
____ lopaclon.
lopaclon. «bo*e
law, and vboae oanwt

■■ tlw



^USCT tO^ LlJAX €■ iwU

.alUlhU tWV-OB K>adM. AocBM lak.;

Tba adopHM of Iba wpoH of tbo l»aHo|f»lartoafo<'4ba oomW •>«««•: bim Is rnm
mmlSTL ^aoll-Uo. « M Shart*. laol«lla. Jailor n*)«iiior'.
oranaartod hr tb. faaa. esalsolao of faa. Uad b, low.

Dafortssata^ \t»

K bei la hla cfoa. la (bit
;b«M«aa aldad b; Ibo wbel*
_________rj of tba pattp eoart la whlab
aha raixBod. aad bp tba tatbar of tba
Baroe ArU'a (Wrrata wara tbrowa
iota irlaoa aad Ihrrataead wltb dealb:
To oara tbaa tbaclrl pntBiaad to
writs a eeapronlalBC iKtar. aad to

of• a Ooort

t hharliharpeas as tba
br tba Doehea>,
tlaa at a baUcl'
and atlaodad bj
I Baron. Tbaaa
aiatslat iwoofa of Arla'a parfld*


i..'h «r411y .11 —1
Cheviol. lullr wvoh Ojc
|U>I } pw^aaWll, per rani

: 5i'.Eri«“tssr
'CCu,; U.r


b«t.l Mpk-uiw. tLtbUj I

U.o-< while ibey laal



Low Prices

Udiei- Eauacl Calf Bak.. WeU Solaa. Cabaa
h,S..vriy«Nll.Stfi0.$».00.$3.«)Nhi 4.00
L»liei Via Kid Bda, New Heetaad Toe. very
Ladi^ Via Kid Bah. Haad Tam aad WA Sate,

■cclon, lutly woao ^

BalisTlBK Aria faltbiaoa. ba
td bar ^ rrqsaatad Uta twad
I U marrtaca. l^lar.
__ _______bia loro for Aria oooqaeia.
aad baalalH bar with ti» latralloo of
podboth tbair Utos with polM.


*«T *«-)'............................. R.eo
UCM Via, Vrieeor aad Boa Cak Bah., a saw

............................. .........2.W
•Had to (anotlca. aad tber ap-

F« w tim b. bUir iNtil
«l 41



Rncing For Sale
TrvvbTM City Markbts.
lewadat tUB Uwfd
MMaaintTnia report la made upon Wadnai
bay of aaoh wmK. Tha HaraieTia rv
oatad. iha bfU s( Dr. Ai
rtaioia for ohansaa in priooa.
pafamd haA to tba olty for eonaettsb, abd tba bUl at Dr. tkwtoe
Tba Wll of MartU A Bm for $10
1 aalr-af BralthOBaar Bopkiai ad
far $110 WON at
Tbt rivart of tba aoM

;ss£;':,r'"'"" -

I hare the agency of the

Brown Wovrt Wire Fence

This is

Can be tM.fot 40 to 40 caou a rod

sold aeiriraiety.


I Tnrom Olty aartral yaaaa, eoBlac
T boN ^■■ad^■t^^y afbar tba eloM af
war. bariac*
tba Oabaa aaBpalca is <
I tba Dalted Biaiaa aa*aliy.


gnde fa rwrirmra


DaMt-Tbaat. W a


r a>d$(.n^

r-....-,,.:; bjd. 11410

• are aoie ageati «* 1
o|)a^ Paper Pana
alkywed^ieqaal to any I
p»en>-aaypanen> lOc.

R.M T«v».__________________


Best Ovenlb 48c to 75c
Hen's Duck Coats $1 to $6
Wii^CaiN 35c to $1.50
doves .IOC to $>s.. '
Mittens 5c to 75c
N T1esa5c.soc.7sc

S. B«nda & Oo.
Dv Dautafche Laden
TrwvwraM OIBy.Mloh.


\Vc toad Ihci wurtd in dlmily o{ Wylo
and qoaatiiy «l ptuduetioo—“ur p
r Ihr
cuversemry watch. lor —

»-er, fan
vr nnami -..w. —
fir* fall dncTiptina and thaprieeMlad
that every /raai^ Jtmtitr trOt ikrm/ir.

*I ha Naw Efwtand Watch Co..

DMdiR If Lm Mm.

Buy their Clothing. Hats. Caps. Underwear. Hosiery. Gloves.
Mittens, Ties. Duck Coats. Ulstera. Overcoats. Mackinaws.
Jackets, Pants, etc., of the very best store—the store that car­
ries the largest istock and names the LOWEST PRICES. We
can fit a boy two years old or a man of SSOrpounds.

genimerclal Priwflng


Ho.'* Braret........................
Uoa'a and Huy'. Cdlobwl

Frank friedricb,



Mail orrlen lor taaie pron


ia rity






Write nw andl will


Asatia aa« MIm Maad fcliabary. Tba I
itfafid qatatly la
tba pmiBBi of oaly a fow laUaaats
i friaaib by Bo*. D. Ooabllb. la tba
I net laacitobrtba

ISA Wront as*.

Weukerz. <>« «w 33.50 far M«
Covemor. 'oar 'oe- $4.00 *W Me.
Yerme Labe. C-hioo Shoe, vay new.........8.50

call OB yon.

m (he dollar

M«’$ &Ht$ $3-50 to $*s
Orerco^ $i.S» te-$»$
Soeaten a$c to $$
Hots >5C to $3
Uoderww 250 to $10
Sox sc to $1^,
6oy«' Suits $1 to $7
Boys* OvCTcoatt js w fc

Wo-au House SUppa. S5.S5. 6^ M. TC aal...90 i
River Shoe*. Rkdr* Maka. tbebaa........ 3.00:

Stays, suiubie for any <ancc. can be™i 5,01.1..

tala polo

ChOdrea. Kid a4 Calf Bak. ayt. aw) lol. a
wear $l.tW aod $1.M.................................1.2^;

Best Wire Fence PUde

a MM belB« tOI BlUaaa
4 tBd of tba aeoaty Msof
i. $K.00b, wUA iatXMUlf anthadol-


Yoatb*SolidSebeolSboe*,riael8 to X »14».
Boy. Sat» Calf Bak. a r»d aaaa. SLWaal 1.25
Mens Woriiac Sboa, .slid aad good vahw, $1.50

•rd Kaamllb. Os?
mskllsRalUtaarp.i. Boon Alleotoo.
Lm» WalUea. Maada Darand. Oasllla


Boy* Wa Weatba. No Rip k«d. Mayas make 2.00

Tm Globe

Wntai M Ediwiti
InwaOII • IMipi

; 2«*MraMiaM«MSc»,<Mk1 w CaOba’ w aori—0
I pitna arc Isww Oaa ebtw
CUalaa kaasaa. Briaa ft
I raian ptini mi pn»» a »


.r '

Deeds repiadag. psrbaps.
J w<

w lumw dwe wn-Jm > riod wn*r

UmmrFUtn, JhL.iHHtlf
SwM CMIIm 0«a, SSr MT .r «
DhtOMm *r. Me. IS.; aW,jM


tottsii*. , • . - ku. G«t|i i. iMll
hi«yn ■■■mniiiiiiiftyh.M. 0ftMi«iv.wfr«tL«jL4rfM (hi.
i»xu»i>wfcbTi^i. &q». U tb. CMI ar Mn. X. to. Ui

. 4 M Md| th« «MUatMt b» ■■
ttaMh «<jr«nate. CUMPm«fU«* aUrbawbiTatth.


r ■» «kebMal«|i«trel»i< >wi1t 1


In buying cloaks there ie only one way to buy and that is



■iHur Bieoio.
.TbnndafCTcning >V0lie Eail enter* ‘ DroftalaauoO a<
taioadafewothiiftieodaea tWoll
part of tf)o worta.
lus twelfth biitbday anaiverwr- a'
ha|i(7 cmiag wu enjofed V «1L|
One of (be pleatani leaiurei of the
et-aniBg wot a donkef game in which
CenM XonupK won Ibe fim jirire
adva Maipm HoWeo thecooaolation.

■ yantlaa
Ika U>an4 aaa w« taaadlaklr mg. Mr. ValMt la reaaf. aaarartU,
lakaa tm Di. HiRW* aSer whaa aa
m *a«ad ttal thabaUat
a rib ahaat <aw iMh brla*
Ifea tern Md ctaaead a«i


OerSaTlBcs Itoptftaeiit


,Cba arroirar aM waa a *t (hart.

■lletl peunu were terveo. Mn. "jaiboe«weer
EaH wu aaaiated lij-the Mieae* Carne and ttorence Eari. Willie re-!Slkt|iyHftll» UralUl nj luato
oeived manv handsome aiKl useful'
t. toadu, Pr.wd.wi. rtatoBeMlioe.
from hit triendt. The goetti J *• *;?T** **""
Ipreeanl i ere as foUowv; l.ewis Holli.
Kehoe,,Ro> Simnn. ti^rald
[ooiague. Harold Jahiaut, Newton'*^'
right, hjnsi Ganit-. Robert l.ou-'

ttaQaaawi adlhaal9«oaa9
haat aad iikmlaa Iha nUilTa
aMTila at tha aariaaa gaadldataa
aaMra'amr of aaa vWan to fo
tha »aofto aa alaattaa mr.
9. Wdaoa. too rrpabUaoa aaaatac of daadi. will ha
VUaaa lia roaac
aadlaarr atadt^ aad ba !• haowa «U
NtltezB.Klefelcaa aa oea of the
riiahia mm who ebaid ba ehoeM (or aa odtoa of paUle Mat.
Xf. WilM U a laaidael of Klacal«; Ba WM haaa U ItaBUM tonaUr la Jalr. im. aad U a apUatld
Maaala eC- Otaed Tiafona coaotr
MBhoed. Baya^wayaUradtathai
towMhlr, wiMtaht la biffair tofardad
■an of flial ptoaln aad la da.
lUawhartTor ha laar be jdaoed
Ba taaaitad a lart of hU adoMHea
«ba dMatot ariiool -la Iha
whnaa ba haa Brad aad apaat erne rent
la Um Ibaetow OUr tileh aebMl
lator an a raof lo tba Hl((i aehool
X Sbaberiaa, Via dilor laariof

Keller. JearhSimms.- Hauie Petenen.;
Margaret Holden. Margery Clark.:
MOKlIe Bennett, lidna Jahraus. Beta
n. Cfee^iia Etmer and Heieo

ROBatra waliss.

topobhopa - eeu r (ec
Mr. Value u rypieal prodool of
Oraod Treeww ooanly. Ho was edaeated In thla oeoaly, toTlag breo
iaPIfa LaAe towsabi|h aod
tteodla^tba diMrtei aebeob
Ibera eealog idneeana OI9 lo enter
Hitb aebool.; 1 He la a giyoata of

J. W. MlLLlKEiN 1
UN>y Cake fibanccs

VaaUacafiU. "Dr. EJag'iKrvI
ThifecUttehM tt* mat <h> MmM» Bm
vopalw ta XMiMB OUtr «o*^ «(Mi
Th* fyiaUcM let thatMa<ht»«urfMBa
«Md aar IBwieu
The MaalaI U« McT^t had bMtokse ltopW«»^TTi—e.wh»»*>*>»
aatlaf> *1U Ko
fWT popalK. ,Tb* eoasnta.
M4b«t Viitat oflMraa
ta an vtth
h^T hoapi^
paa arrtaaL Tbaaa wUi ba la tha |
aatoar alo* -—r'^-r’Tt
wrttv be Cmmt a«m
BeerroM who hn had dMUagi
A. A. XaOor yd Ua ri«M toiad
~»e< tbaaontrala
■ thUcontr vlU^tM thatthaodka
aatalr'ae beaw wata brtiiea.

garment we sell. \ ■

27 iacb Jhcket in dl wool
Keney trom the Ataeriean
Woolen MiUi. full satin lin­
ed. stitched on collar' and
around edges — a genuine
leader, at

4S inch COAT, best Kersey, full warranted yiin lining, tucked all oyer, 1 K AQ
inlaid vdaei tnmmings. a wonderful coat for..................... ........ . ...
MONTE CARLOS — Elegant showing of this popular garment in all KA OO
^principal shades and large variety of styles—prices range from $io to VV»wW
FUR JACK i;TS-I>on-t caisider (he thought of buying a Fur Jacket .lOQ.OO'

Pmrmtalre padre Was the
taottn of tb* ereniag J. O. Hiddletoo wplaty. ito Bwitletaan-* ftiat
|wla* aad A. e./T<icl tbe eonaelatloo. !
Mn. J. V. Slatar, ladiu' Brel priae I
and Ptoaoet Oreoowtky tb- ooosala-'
tloo. Befrasbioeata were aerred.

CHILDREN'S COATS - Never have we shown such a desirable and i Q AA
■ well selected stock from 2 to uyears- Prices Si oS to......... ............ XOsNA/
No mother can afford to buy a coat fnr the little ones until she has seen our line.

i \k/^SSStx Walkioe Skirt ftr $5.00
Special- A
Sf>£ClAL-S0 du. Hmtoitcked Sviis Enbroidered Haadkaretiifito. lOc, S far 25c
I oca: AMD CHAiv snnat

Don't throw Jlwaf Your BoDara .
By buying
mying underwear uuntil you -sec our line. We pride
elves on the selection of jour stock. It is surprisiag
how Vwell satisfied .people
are to buy here after a lime
this comlooking around and comparing,
■ ig. We ’like

parison idea; it brings us new customers every day.
Stham shrunk wool ribbed vests and pants ^ 1 AA
a very satisfactory garment lo buy- • i • • • ^ X w
Grey or scarlet wool vests and pants, extra 0i AA
good value,-01........................
............. wx»wvr
/bite Australiar
.very 6ne and soft-ThcK numben we wist you to ato far u ite oidetwMr a

____ -

CLcvBiJm oao.


y it twror* tba poepU for n-alao
Hr. Valter U daMretag af ty
tdaOM of tha whole eooaty aad bit
MpForten WiU aot' to ooaSnad to ty
lepobltoao raaks. Bt wUI gat a Ug
eetn aad than It ae poatible qaaatly
tat that for aanton two yaan ta will
tba paopto in tba ooanty talUiag wWh ty
toUm to ta Vwbleb baa ehanetorin

ty ta« two 5<anotbtopabllca

MtbtalBO Feiato.
Vadfitoday-a abwtaal atoas waa
ada of toa naal aerara al ty aaaaea.
I wmtdaoaiaamnbarof

^ Mkao blrib—idialwMi toil

t te «y oaito of ngltoir of
I ad y wUl y a wwthy
a a HaBatt. wy haahald

abBlty will aabla fete
wta oat
wllb yo of lyqM-iyaM
tm whlriiawd:

: ty faeoM af Hr. aad Mn.
r aa Vm Btoraath stoat,
dayglag orafy naw 4a «y I
aaaapi aaa. aad tbU ay ton
wbloa Hr., aad His. Eldw w«
ty ttoatta llgfatalBgaMcA.
Bldtf ydJMarinn arhaatoai
aaMoad baday atUl yae Is bad.
ay weald gnbaUyyet boea te
ly btnad, Ms grau b^ wm tors U
ty wsU et ty bad roon Jail y
ty apet wbara aba wm lylsg.
n* toof of ty hoaae wm daw
aad aeaty rota asM|
Utoba WM irsiagr* by y«tog plMy kaeeked off. woad weak toleaiod
I Mde iaty
pywriy of ty eaillog. All ataat
tta booM tWHlgtatsltg ployed lu
aotio*. ood Bra yy wan wta to ty
■uae wall of ty biMwat by toe
flalA Ooa wtedow

y toot wlMd la aarrbiig*^
Dc. aely aamtoad.
Hy naataoe Ol^ Boaatoal. Ty
awawnay wm prteate, ealy Ifaq^ iaiMHr. mi Hrw
diato ralaUtM balag ptaeat Hta Btar trow tolkty «r toMh U little
Mt af Otaad t _
td H toa baWa. WM bridaa. aaid. aad Hi: TbaotaM nyattal,
abiatoataftybalda.WM beat
I Xt. A. J. VaUsoa WM tMatar af earlak BMAtokfafiMcUelwiweM
«r tta elir affend e'btary lew by
a of lb* Mm tolf MW1
ben. wM Mteek bp Ufbtotag eRd
M fata. ta4 awrtod wblto tomfWsMsr* eMbelp dwtrapta bp


Traverae City and Sik RapM*.

A Heavy Goid on
the Chest
At thb leason
the year may
proto (ilal if not cured at oocc.

Oar Vhne.nse «Bd ifnct EzpectMUt it ty bew paepuatioD
lot. all kinds ofeought, cdldi, Uochitis, or ant kind of palmoBary
troable iaduced by ei|>o|ore. ; ; ;



Ibe weditog rmpttos «>

eattaWe toaUagta— ——

The .unequalled n


Ftai eder epdeti-imr
a balld-

red M die bp tta ball.
Ita Oa. IdB. «( tWtelHdiwoaw
HMrbea BMpLOtota


e top Sled body rangel

h has i

a perfect baker and fud saver. These two facts alone commeod it to cveiy
economical housewife, and that means every housewife in tbOM lnede^^ times,
and espedally during these last few-months with tbe price'of coal aeariy oix^
readi. Yet bet a tiin^ complaiaf about *'bow much fud it takea." It is *1k>v,
little." Oof prices are dill at $45 to $55. Ask one bnndred or more customers
if they ever fouod fault with tbe qualities or prices of tbe Majestk.

. A rew SPECIALS ~S0c

dettalM Mtoe (Uaiag repei- when
tae siBfc wta wUu IdM wee b
hOIr earitod ooi Plab ata while
eecta Idak tad white


joaa Ihe enuy ol enlhoritsi c ;i uiu
toe foot ■» in (he tooethctocrenof-g
Queiily" »re<1s
need* no fiinlier
finihef e\pUini<i-'n.
•^UEEN QfAl.irV" tooMWeil..: henJtomen end eeriest tlioee cei-r nic’r. 1 lies ^
srirelegaol in eoeuunetion, «i|ienoruiquii
'' ity. jet inodeisle m price. The lelett toipei I
awl neweM leatocn.
.A I Ji |

tta eenlmW of tta boo obA the od* jolaug boUdiags One eew wm eo' mad b« ttab

t pU ata wbWe Mm WM eantod
.......................the b»M*l partp ,
■tad la tori Ubtau. la
• beta of toe
tatateAwbUbwtaMaktawUhoBH haMbtawUhoB- '*

I Tta* I

It is apesitivt fact that thost wht frp

r while eUk «Rd ,

I «to bta fVetodato


Robert R.
Umm UM RM rwhrw.
rvo MAoauBS 01 Ota.
m aadfaea ora
ly fMleat aalHuarticle-I liaea
ammt bla odaa....... MToleotaor. BeMrradooUy
laelBdad to fib aehoet tbe Oonaa eawpalga and •
wltboot amaiBwr (ba baMahipaot
ia eiperlaoea. and (aead
of tba war wlih (ba
aarerUlad. 1 bare keown It lonra ! desCTIa ^rinweddrs.
eownca eteMerittie of tba aoo
taffann froai Thtoat aad lAina dla-1 ,
Orand Travene.
aa^wta eoeld get no talp hem: Bttbdwtf SmHag MocMM Cto.'
flow tba
y WM rewardad by tha paeplaofiy
aoSnty with the DoOaotloe no thi
lepabliaBB lieket for eonsty elerk.
arer (rtean la tbia ei

best all wool Kersejr. guar­
anteed utin lining—comes
in five different styles—the
best coat on earth for


•dt from $2S to $4S- We daly cany tbe very best, for experience has taught ns
they are the dkeapest Inr our cnstomeivdDd they bdieve ns.


Tbe fioett display ^ hotiag stoves
______________ _________ ____________ia oenbem MichigHS. AB the aisea,
styles and prices that you can ask for. These are die "srannear stoves you
ever-mood oext to." Every man should have a horde. evet» home shotild have
a stove; every sMve should COOK from our hardwBK departpMmt. Thisistouod

to the Lamb:


■oMnt C«t u M pose wool
yoor veol liad rnocb finer
and prettier, era Aottgh
j^r vool u whiteaaanov.
.The wool in my natty •



Pewta dlotaa t» IteatatriStlo

ibaMa to tb* ■«» nd < '
•fibM vp to loat.nila

ii.i £jrvj=s;.“;ErL5
wid to baatoMS Wa an aoRT
ban> thaa ao
(D bat vtob toaoi n
to (hair aawlHtoa
Whila ptoTtM al adwa llMla Jarta

,S?S!iEI,r "

Oel U
Htai SasaKroop of Cbicaco la *lainic oat* at pnatai
Joa Barman la pattlnr ap a Saa
aume baaamanl for 1 Aadarnoo on

j^ia cleaned, wot*eii, dyed,
cat and stitcbed by peo­
ple who have studied the
making of good stylish
clothes all their lives.


Hrr. B. Boamnat. «)■« baa baaa

: Sl’SS.-.i.'KfS.K'SS.'i'
-----*iar Ibalr rartnl maetoca doHap


Grand Traverse Region.

, .....
to Tnaana Oitf

j-.'iSsas,!svsx— t;i.-‘S.r.“TKr.?irt'G
_______ bar U aomaviat Moiai

ans. bal an aa astoa 4»»t7'




_lN.Am e»tt» » STtSSl

vrlU ba M JOJO

Va-A.. ...k..! .ai_.l.

Fnd Atkiaaoa bad aaa Eom of
Bottb UaltT Mob too lUlDbUWadbaadar (eor CUoapo.
Mn. Oar' “
, barelaltii
Boprrrtoar flahar apMt leal a
la Ulaad;
------ •

Mfaa Btokar Wba a nOar for a fa*
8«a at Iba botoa at Tkawat DoM.

Fnak Piritor. aoa Baptoe aad Hr.
Taa Baakak Waal m boatb Haattoa
lliaala, nwialec oa aaiM

■aa. Wtoa Pwaia at EU


^r' to2*a5rtotmmtZJJ*?i!r a
ytoter na. Mt Plabv nld tba '
, toka OB tba lalaad vblah It a
tbna qaarun af a 'mile kaa •
MU itradaallp riaktos; tom
Baptda atal faat lovar Ibaa It «aa.

■n. win Blbodpaad of mntW
Og toyito, bw mnato Mi^


_ ....


Wauoa. to BIk


Ohaa PraH aad Kn Ufa Pn

addtos a aav eoaaan to tba

----------- Obarlarola. mada har panata a aboci
Tiili laM vaaa aad Ibaa tall for T»»„ ana Olif for tba viator.
tj ataltlae Chai
— ------------------

Ot**Sdto*****"l“^ Dadter Ole
** "
Hta. Fnak Baafaaa atalMd
, motbar. Hn. Johaaaa. of HMa
, dataSaadar.


«aa M ambtoa. £>*• aatoaSK

Or. w

^Ihei DlllCB baa toorail to Uka



had aaawvlndmlU
La plan laai Pridaj.
J. J. Ktlwj’i MV itora will
be raadr for ooeapaaer.
which daabtoad aearl) (1000 -


"* tba atfbi of OM. etbtba
‘ aad foaadtbeaaerlntbeTardand

rifhi In iiaa ll^£ed^'iTvbl?u
- ‘ iha^ • •
-.......... ........... tan of tba aanb. Bto
bp tola Uma a Ursa envd had satfa •
erad aad
ad a daapitaia
detpatnia «sht
dsht vaa r-ad«
aa maab aa potalWa at
aria left. The dato vu tarad br eatline a ebitoDal batvoaa iba Aan tad
tba bHdf* pan. bal a Ursa thlatla
■bad at tba aad of tba treatla vorta
aaarljr fall of ahlnslaa toUovad; i
Ibt iaa letldaow feraarlr oeeew- .
bp A. lUpan. BOV oneapdad bp Ur
aad Un. L. Pbaatt fellovad. Tbara
Iba An vaa oal off tram tpnadias
fartbar. Tba atom and keraral btoar
balldlata took fti» bat'll
ll V.
vaa psl
befora aap Mrtoat damafe vat rt«
ilMrTba arista of toe Sra oeamt
■paterp at tba Bill had poi bt
Bias forlbraa waaka.bat
I. Tba loM ll aatiiaated al
10 viib flvlp aamall laav.

t«ok «lib bomr Ob 8kto Ktspiitoa.


1 Dvrli- ?hlakmer*toTv“'£ke
__ __________ k,,|itoavfal«lpalakmarlabo»a'

Wi.«a to tto battU? n.«a.TtoiaSi!r
Taatah baton It

J»l «»a aad to b-------

evne aaraUtii.

It will not cost you much lo go to keeping house if you get your goods from a practical
house furnisher. We will furnish you this first-class No. R Cook Stove. 17 inch oven,
large shelf on back and under oven door, kicker to open oven door, stove guaranteed
to give peifectsatisfdctionioevery respect, just like cut.
I Cup|k-r Bullum Till Wash B..ilrT.
I Vu. K Iron Kettle
I inne bandied Steal Kipmi; Ca,.
I i..inl Slu«a Ibpe
I Fire Slki.el
I Wash Ui.h
I lo .,1 UlSh I'ai.
I Svimef
I Ihiielii.g Kan. lo ,il .i.....
I CoA.e- Pol
I Slo.v lidlJlI.e
I lam,; Kandlrd l>.|.).,
I lar.c liaKdlrd Ural Fort
I laif.t; llsridled UaMini; S|H>.n

1 U^^iHtle«ICuT> l.a,l'.2 o lncb Pie Plairt

A beaatitul initaiion Qiuner Saved Oak Sideboard. UtM bevel
pUie oiRor. two top driven. iveU fraat. one lop drwer lined vM
veltet, uoe deep tong drawer, tv. doon. aU niedp orved, veil made
lb every way. an onuineiu to any diaiag room. $1178.

I wire Pouts Uaabrr
■ loose handled KoMin^- P,„


I larpe surd PimrrvmK Krili.1 Ojp^^Bottom Tea Krlllr

MaktoR a loul of aa eight piece Dining Koom Outfit far 8S4.T8;
or any pece aepirate at Ae tome price

I leceuUe Stoanirr. «-iili cavet
I Toastet

32 pieces of Stove Furniture,coc iplete, Vito tbit Owk
'niis Slot e it no cheap cor
vill lumito you this outhl vilh

Slovefut SIlTfi

V(e have cheaper
back. oak. a
chain, a great deal
cbe^ erieatiOB table and cheaper i
bat thaw aw good
RDocK omameou to aap
dining ^ uti toe bwgew
eat ofe ever made
- pBrahu
Farnnore; but ve are dettnvined to get »C .imdetosigpwte
ibc kail 0

II You nttd So

Our Prices en CsaVtosItea Bcckriut
*6*48. white wood top. good
aolid kgs, securely boiled,
yntt like cm, for $1.S0. .
Ezlensitin Table, wlid, veO

Our Na fill Book Caw aad Writing Desk eonibiitod « wade «d
S^ Oak, veli cnade aad nkelp finitoed. SILBiahkh, Sft.lia.
vKle. gltw daor^fun kngthgitf eoe,ii<V. krge vritiag dS with pigeeD
hoks, OM drawer abd eue
door on other tide, S*U
. beeel ficadi plaic

6 Kitchen Chain For $2.50
Six solid, veil made, wood
seal Chairv nicely painted
and striped, lor $2.86.
Sit Long Fosl. Cane Seat. High Back Chain for $4.50.
We CAN and Wl LL Save you money CD Home Furnishing Goods

jnaubie toeiva, boot ef
eomptele vuh caMor^
oely $ia76.
Thia benatiful OwtoiBttion Cane, jwi like cat.

Our 6rut Dining Keom Outm Ollw, $24.7*
Si* Solid 0*L Caoe ^ai, Loog poai. Brace

wide. French linci lalrrcr,
lOalG. top hand mrsml «
toape of dregm’s bewi

fiiaaUpox haa btoktn oal al Bopoa
Palla—tvoor tbtea naa* harlBs
tolllUt ______________

Ur. aad tus. T. J. Oania
bviadaj at Im araak li T»i


DtUf tin taao Paaainm to Tnnfn


Oak Top F*lention Table. 42 inch a)tiare
top. five Dicel) shaped, large, Ruled, Tonf inch

feck and keys, cast hnw;

m tba rtfht thine attbarlehl ttma.
An qalablp la timt of daoset.
Baokaeba It kldMT daafar.
Doan'^Ww^la^qoioklp.^ d

aaaUdb wbtob toa

-SSS'”'" bw bMp. Mis V.

la .8 Wblwaty i
U qvartwiT waalto
ardar and Bavdap.

We bare Uoa difctent
Wpka bad prices between
totac tvD. We have a
hwe aMvtwtot. n dUfacwwyiw « Coobina■a Idtow AKV OM£ oa

**^^D^”Kldaap Pllla aarad »p Ufa.
Tbii taatoi a doobfal atotomaal to


^aaa Sitodsp oaavbw.

Urt.-WarM U Tttp klefc.
, Ite 8. Otobatt hat ntoiMd froto
A.r. Varllmw Wtot 8»<bp with
■rt. MaOimor________

Weak) COM (Wl 818

■-J lUa.
Plaatp of arldten to peon tbia;
Ut. konroa Uorae. of T«S W. 71b

SC, SI.'
pbptoeUa 'a tnatseat tor f

te^aad^bto I c^mescad Dcmn-a
Cidaar Pllto vaa to vnk that 1 tod
MbaiatoaonMtbeeoor. A laar
lalaad bo to naa the tama
...... . ma al Iba aama ilna to tfai
(bt deetor-a awdlelaa to to# aplttt
rorlnor aiz dm afwrl eetotoea
tba traatoaat
van p«n blood aad befon I vaed cm
boz ttor wen clear a»d recalar. 1

SpmoiwI Swim on Iron Bf^a
These lev will gi. e you a little idea of your oppanuahy.


rottoU bp aU daalan. Prtoe SO
aanto. Feator-ICUbm Oa. Bamia,
H. T„ aoU aeaato tor the Uaitod
8lataa Banatobor the mw. IWa,
■d to bar and toka ae otbar.
This No. 0144 Iron Bed

C tatoitai Wtol to Balkatoa Wad

To ClDSBOiil

‘iron ado. bed
It wub three' vn'r
a —■
not bed
te “«
little meoeyutoto of b^atoinel. eithervhi^
in waarted colon and any
®.?" 1««; it " » doaely braced that h
8ft6uL 4A6in, exactly Uke , ,„ely is very sobd. These will
c«. only $] .75.
„„ ^ gg jg



eoc Gloves at........ ................... . .Me
50c Cloves at.................................. 30c
50c Mittens at...................
2Bc Mittens at.......................
25c Gloves al......-........................ Uc


mi. Mb Babba toa b<
bto da—bur. Jkn Maw

. robes
bought at SPECIAL SALE
from thb MANUFACTURER. Here is
a CHANCE to get a good ROBE for


‘nm No. OtM Im Badw very
*d. has 1 ia. poato aad vel
tanitofoaia awy Me; tUs bad
bto aO I iach baaeoh awd atoy

In our S-tovo Dopwr-ti-nmn-t
e inooey fiv everybody that needs storea.

We have a htge upd c Gflito Iwe of i i iijlha^ * paa

at a little air tight hearer

I. hk,

This Na m Iron Bed Winds S
ft. 6 in. high, has heavy poto. Vito
brass Vtoe on each; hashcavyai^
iron todas and ends; toa bed maM
be aaen OB toe Boor to be faSy apptedated—h's a bcaaty and oJr
«5-«. ,

e, juK like cat. vi)h good laip draft in
It. vherc you can take the ashes out. for
56. Larger suck SL86. $176 sad so
idiabk ‘■FI

Fnaa that t» Him baW hot Msw.
far $1175.
Then eemes oar ChBcrfnl Rooed Oak
80 iheh wood, heavy toaac
m draft, Inigg toad door, top
.. jaw ae cat. far BB.?!. W«
in faar siaw up to toe laigeat BeMd Oak wadt, S iKhaa
r, faoge eeot# to heat a ctoeifa to aiteeL
lES-Seady al know toat *e kbie
._ . «c
Baa Baa
' ;vitb«to «ae Steel RasK


A Bice Paitto Laasp. 16 iatoea h«h, ,___
Na. I dotoe elytoc Oa cto,

WecaapiMsewhotoaOfal awl pkaam




tek* ar MM.

Im bolw

mw with
•<MW woktw t Um Iiiim.
>U laanlac* foltowd mftrr la«
had BtfM >p *• Ohaiel. at Raclud.
Atler Ijiiic b«r>^ tat
a mbi«c;. U>* ttmomt Ga|l'*hV>Mt*k<p
J«0*7. 1> vhuh •atetal ba*dtfd
wtiiU' tht
VinoM. 1


wM» iwfiii* ir «k*


tawp U iMM Mw Mi*w>« I

Braoklyu ravv >ard, wU, «f» p»««la|'j3jj
ap Ibr laaa<-bloc Wt* trr tb» hatiU- |,UMd
•litp Toai.r'K leal BtMnnotl m«u- ST
.c-iatioo. have btwa «rvl. la* fa* «ha ,
Jariey f«a tfty yean. Tba tell ban>.
•■d hall ai tha Mip u lyiac aate
'Iwiva or foajtvra fr«t of .tin acd
: wataa and la to partaoi ooadinw.

tb* tMMd IMIH to MlM«W Ik* I
M««»«P»t»Mmla*lb*«Mi- i

MW towlwl u Mprito -

Twadbb* nracfc.
IImI awvwte ealM
W* Wim lh*b«adaf
W *M* Vi* Ike b*a« a< VtUtaa MaKlaha- Th« bwd .ad IM
•aM -'UalMd arntm af.Martaa"

Mw a* wit *• I* wwl«>< wf<»L
I maMmm fnpmt «* «*•• «r pw•*whiM*»«* «»*»■**■■■“***>*
MM tonM t» MiWrIhahrW*
WMMW MnM hr *• IM*

“Oa* Oallar" atU b* ik*
.blx^pw VMM aaMiu ».
4a^dMP^M Prtb*. alw W4^ U ttoa” ta Cte ptaM ot tte mMl
I aasbm I. 1 w ** aWar atf* *

at Otlwait airiact. vtea Ebaaor
Oanrad* Buphiat at BoMoa hMaa*
Mi vlb at Dr. Hart«t Edataad
at Bweblpa. Tk* rarenoa;
ifOWd M Ite bridarroa-.
Bad «aek hair aa hear to lt> parf«.

aaaaPTvO) k* |pMMi.b«


-*<WlbaPai*r»k. Oai. i«-Tkb Mka

pppp* MpaaPN' iBwplPn to la
«rfl a PMUkUP a(tlNPPk«ai«p
iBMiwwa* tew pMNMad
«a IMw Malag. It «U1 laqato* l
litowit tea** M *aMb aU *te ,
S&toaak taW.*wtoa*Mpaal<

I artn tev* M te ■
Mb tolipatto MpPtet.
«M to to-te htod to «

U>WBB>T« »■ TBk tUa

Young girls at
tois period of life,
mtoina racloo of PauutyUaaia. landor their mothers,
toe . Ovaol Ar«y poM «n« that
■«.to «eoaa,««. a ». o. to, „.,h
are earnestly in­
vited to write Mrs.
Pinkham for advice; ail such letters are
strictly confidehtial f she has guided in a
motherly way hundreds of young women; Thaa
1“ ihaarom mayor aad <l>* ban<taand her advice is freely and cheerfully given.


T-.a^ aaJ




1*^* JJJ

etaettoo Noooa.


--- s5si'ES--s;“S£'S- ■



patwMM to »• *n»- • too* ™*
am* MMiftoc m vWto Uip. Tk*

t to lb* mo ar* dapoaito of eratad ha
ha, I. aaU te bavo mPal ladla. aad
I aarad tte torer at Ilb*Iadtoa\r»oro-

la dtoMM M* } ahUaaC ava* Ite aad

, said te PB* Mi P

ConiMt Nottc*.

'*rin!rl Wat“
amdaao kanaaW^ *M

tola gathrrod ao<l ct>» I
>rma thai it '
DO. fall IDIO I

Lydia B. PUtkhaai-a Tc«vtob)a ComsooDd has balped many a
>OLg 5irl over this critical period. With tt they have gorn through
eir tmU vith courage antf aafety. With Ita proper oae the young
H is aafe from |he pts-nUar dangeea of achool yean ad proparod for

ptoH*aW.n«pw> te«-

fc fioPlial at M* I


aaad. tha hrida

I wU te taaM aay aatblaf bf^ party aMharad Uleaa panoaa.
aad ail toead '
>WMIto«adarUhM*«ato»to- vfcUa *» aarria* «a* to proeikat.


sTjsss. a


___r dlffiibatol a aamhor of hi.
, Britoai braad at elgan to toldivr*.
------ 'aa. eatpoatoaad plrkoia. Wto«.
ho (aaad as lapaiad aoldirr M

A Youqs Chicago Qirl

' ■r^-_ I


5tudi«l Too Honl.”

Mas. PissnAJi:—Iwiahtottaakrontot
eflt I hare irreirod through the use of lodla E. P
• •■ Oompood
PHU. ■When I PBS______________
and• •■
Budden^ aeemed to kaa my usn^ good
1 aad vitality. Father nM 1 attidM too
hard, hut the doctor thought different anti
preacriliud tooks. whi- h I took bv the
Quart w itbout lelkf. ifeading our <lay in
the paii-rot Mn. PinkbamV gtvai cuivn
andtlJKimg the s>-tnnonis duM-iiiv^l .inatreivdmiuc,! decided I nouldgi-.,- Li.ll..
B. Plnkhara'a Yccetabic CuniiK.uua .
trial. I dki not aay a word U> Uk iliMti'r;
I bought it myaeit aud took it accordr^
to diivcuon* Kgularly fur two huuuIin
aad 1 found that 1 gradually lm]to>\ed.
ami that, all paint left me, and 1 wa.s inv
old aeU once more. — £. Si.Mii-tiii;,
17 E *id St, Chicago IlL’


Ooa at Ma meat tolarealtod pama•‘MU» Pratt Unable to Attend School.”
I fara aaaag Ihoaa haaaght to K««
a Tart hy Ite AaMftow Itoat 8i fbal - -»I)e*a Maa PiXKtu*:—I feel U my dnty to tell all young women
how niudi Lydia E PteKPaaa'e wonderful Taratekla CoMpomad has
ao ter topM trip t
doiploriito. lPB8 00fflpleMynm<k>wn.nitoblatokttandaehocil,ai>a
did not case lor auy kind of aociety, but now I feel like a new peiaoo,
ami have gained aeven pounds of fleah in throe moodii.
W WaaMed Enaa. Pkleb paa
faMgM to Baath Dabola iftaan yaar* DM*—Miaa PlLAn, H(^. Mkh.
a hahy firi PI tba
Ml MlMfc-



pawMtoa OaaaatoaWaiktogMBlaT- _________________________
daka Bargt* at Ptcanbarg. lad.. fp
0 yaara htfota hit death ae««r apoka
to a hawa brtof. Tpr* aite ks pel
. at IVenbaic aad fall
to lew with her. She maniad aaM'llltomL Haal of Marion, tod.,
aad Barter waolve.l «v*f
to apeak agaia, aad kept hit vow. Ht hat tm fPStad a |aiani oa a pa
weald paat hit frlaad* oa tb* itreal ehtoa whIM U UkaJy lo pbp oalie a
• wUkoal ami a WUe. ttetotiTW wlU fant U tte (lap todBatry. Ltodar
Mr* a towmit over tb* divtatoa of bit Bral’i tytoop as Ippaet. ap»os
Uhoi U pved. aad II u Pld thu tbit
Ma Haimadf llHU teltool
•tola taanaaawiy Maeatyplaadar
I pot* ttea 100 toll** aS Bat voald apooBI to ftO.Ouu daily ii
li pfeMl «MM«Mm at bteaMl
tb« katottmi] hark Aatloek. twU.taotorl*. alOM. Hit maaliip- u
■jakPlaM ladtrUaal phelprowl
tfttatWltBdaiMaaaMtari. Uaaatalade toaAa*. Bahaawippt yaal to frop Baaao* Ayraa, waa tovad- an •torpicalty btaiMl molting pot
Tb* glMt H ran Into llilt paa osd
oM Mm M4n at aaiwal ihiltoia aa ad bySaaka oTland
drlren atawaid by aa («■ oeolisl to u to avoid ail IptoifaaMl

and tea kata
aaoli aa bobhia* and ,|o«dtj
htaata. iJtolber. big Soak,
tiaaa team pteaa te
k.woSdCnWM MgMwM
waW MaUtolaanaabylambltoc i paobttetoP*a*ltearaCs*waboatd|01a*a.- by
agato maa *ba bark waa *H plleattd atir atat and lUtoknt
Me. wd lira MaPIMay.ofKp
IMPdm'KL.akaaapatal haw*
W p fMW at hdMdaltealharaaa- tmekad ea tb* Uaklgfa Taltay raiboad 00 paopi* lha aaod of hoaidtog totlr
to Ma It^toa qwttar <d Waurloe. V. \ aapply of ooal tec tim colder woathw.
T.. Taaedayalghk. b waa vary Mr*, laod aaggaariag that It Ptghi b* wall
dblSte torn toa^ di*aa aM ptowd aad kb* tPltooL pUtoktog tte
and ad Ma aabto. Whaa Ma
worfcad BMtly aU Malr eaal tp the p
alghl laytog to tkaU wtotst supply,
aad did eol dfsaovor that tbeir bias
fall of sroabad Uooo aatll atom-

AlMawh toteUr Mtod. Valbar
XaUay to walM »» «>* Mtotoam*
M* ImtokadtopaainattoaUb ««•
----ry* EallayteibaaaaMadBBt


Haw Way
Ray ta


PalM a Stara


I A «M^*


Toak. hot Mtocpphod Got OdoU my-

Ite ted
*** gtoan Ckaaw
tot «te* ateV) Hte W tero at
tek^ttoa gfdtoaiy.
lf^_MaKtotor baaaro o< «m
HMEdTa. to kM II yaato ataga, ma

lo Witoo-Oder-te Dirt-

r £’.rMi*s;r


hoa.aod.or boakob or oppte
tolttog to pchorda ood tbo ' soomto
p«poao*»;53;*._,,p.,. umJSL Ii pop
SteteMto lite ptoa* witk Maaalo Molttpor.. Md., bakar*arokaj.-!^pc B*tpptjpte*.pto3^;«^
S&J^^aCteatetoapMtor. M _i. M-a I. ,»1.
■* totor^totom. pte I* aa* y*M hto
—*?• *»_■<—BaMppa


35.’i£: trtrr.2

*f tte -pert* to evaa paka a Itediaa. I HjH Oaato M* ^
tmltoo Otu oo IV






I Mil dynamite at ratos-1
onabla prioaa. Estimates'
t•xp•ri•ncedmen furniahadatanytime. t.arse
ck of ^ and 60 per
OMt dynamite, caps *n^
fMMOs jteM«t «iJ times.


Closinfl Out I

Bugsy $ale|


Oa actemt of mooiag info
tttw guarttrs ia tht spring
\ Will fell any Ton Buhttty. Sunwy. or Road
Wagon we have at abaolutely COST
I'KICE to u$. I( the prospects are that
you would buy a buggy of sotnekind within THREt YEARS, uke advantage of
this sale. You will have the use of the
Suggy at least three years for nothing
When we say COST we mean it—will
guarantee to prove to you.


To any person or persons purchasing a
vehicle o( us between now and Jan. isi.
ifoy we will give their ch^ce oi any ve­
hicle we have if we cannot PROVE to
them absolutely that we sold to them at
the exactycost to u*.



We wiHgttete0 a^ person or persons who '

S' Z-c-m

is buying a buggy and who '
are interest^'«
ind look at our stock an *
will come in and
ELEGANT PRESENT whether they buy
or not.

\S'b have nothin* but the very best grade
of buggiea. We give a written guarantee
srith every .-one. We have 5* difcrest
styles o( the latest pattern, bo^ht in car
load lots at the very lowest cash price.
See them, buy them, save asouey.

traverse tify
ImMMMnt €0.




& M. S. C. Utn, CMtM

■feet hr Iidlwt
at amwTi.
AalwriwaqrlUttafttrralMaft the
aedlad, aMroehareai
ear Mift a ftatew hook ta'
w n U. Tbw oae dar JM erfaw w fteawB aM aafteiaw hw Uteeer la we eleaet, deebUac
wftiWw rae wUI row wear II oftaU
eatUtttonawda. After• vbUar«a
: don flaw tba atoaat wtaace
■ppr. »• do aal ftioa bar We haw
wnpaalBfftM toraareMo
'-'AM BHAMM^tfMivkaiWMRr.
■ar aM leektac ■toaa. bat aawa
AM r—li ft ____ jlreedMWfttUtawiahftUw
laallr «aaer arttoUa. Va M bat
ftM fti jee Weefthi- TM oolor te
era a Dent an bwwr.
thNiA *■* W M oftr MftI
■'flapponWaWoaldtooakUr- Vbal
IrawUwalree. Tfct d
'WadOn? It eeaW waeh laat Was
etdiaarr tera. aad awoetber natl)
TMtIaw exparlaWM tbal ararrafta
r. Vbea Wa bM Uaraad to pai
Motit to ft Unto dlab aad
baa Md. aM r«< 1 doeftt wftaibar aar
at roe haoa anr «inB aar *oe«h« tba whaat-^law aa laaiawa doa
AM tn--*---------------------- - *—«—
aba wfti happr ftM fan pUaaara U
bar pUrWtoc Uatad Iw waaka
Tee Weald aloe jeer etotklac row
weald aol baft banaU wrloatlr MW
mj raadan are. no doabt.
It. aad dadlwr tbal Wato waa tor
AM AMMbw ftM
WB^erad darlac tbe dar la aawe oawar to wblab it aetad aM wai
Omt «bm'i Ivr* MftoUwftlft
paatv, aiWw U the aWeei reow. the
aoiat Wa did aet throw 11 aboal
o«aa.Wa awre. or the abop. Boe
an U aa a bamwar, bat aaad It pnftr«h(n'i ftM* W Man tsfMhv
wear of 700
oU il^ aioftiaa
eowa to hare a btph totard. aao
H b «hi w aMv
Wa ftwra tftftt raft hftTo wore *U d*r»
I ton ae doabt. a deoptoapeei tea
AM «hUa IM h—1ft <i«i >—a
I hftW fto doaM, trow wr oftaarra
ta ft «m4 *8(U. fttlM ftU.
It. Aaotbar pUrWtoc la a eUaa lami
ftlria bM tbair wara. tftai
bann. wlW a loa* ptaee ot wud
«ka Uaft M afatMNft'a atloftt.
at roe do. Wall. Il waatd to
kaottad at the nda id (tot it «aeeo>
____ . totWrUrea did aoL BeOai
(aU eat. or wlW (bo tftda tetrad k«oW
tar rooao* ftaWet ter roarpoeftel:
er.: Wa WUd aaa ton We taaaet
aa^waw wiU wear kacar ter tba
Xfta haaraa ibaa aMiiiftii a'w M
(baa dad naW plnaara.->Babybeed
fkft ftMiar «vi Mon ftA
ttv ftUoonfttM toBftUlftia


bawa. aM ihw after a di? at
peaaltda wtary the aa«r ahaw U
iaTtUlW Ibat tm wwt fte^a r
Mwwwm. Bat Urea weald raallr
laat, jaa Weald let Waotaftlrwmlt
while roe awka toady ter It. Tata
aC (be aU-darfowa; abake tba Wiri
(na flaw daat; tan We bodtw taalda
eat; aad, U It la aet Mtmx, hm
bath eat of Wa wtodow tw ft-*w

If Wo ennar cd a n« nrpel
locn aad pramta Wa deen opaaiac.
ot trip* OTorr oee ttot eaUc
raem. Ball It down at CBoe. A dec'i
tend earpai narta Wa tlaoea at wai.
aa Wo dof-oftcod book.
Dear ante, at a aaaftl Wtog. itaeald
toiarntmaib for tba neat ax'
diafttr daralepftNftl at Wa pedal at
traeUUaa. Aaaeear to ft daor mi
fteqmaaUr orarooftw br We attra'
are ratj drad. aM U raa ban a ■■Bet la Wt
p».~ of tba a
waaij (aaliaft ta WabaMaMorw
baafaa Wa back at tba aaok with walat
To alaaa aM daat a pUso on half a

U 7« vooM Ui rM ftllftr,
DftMroo’4 MAoMt^i


w bet w roe aaa bear il. apoaie joai
few aM aiwa, tab-briaUr wlW.a
wwri, Ww doap rear halraeaw:
aMrwwUltealawdawar. Thabo,
wfttar wlU ailU Wiobbtoft
waw «aioUr -Waa aajWlaft 1 Mow
■Mr CMMftft VTiMB fttli «a ttfti
at. I hantrttdUaaetWaWftilwD
M «n Mo OMIM M tho «M dtaelfiai
wiW Wa wait pwtaratoaaft
■onrto Md waft oter rM hr wftn
daaea. bke eS Wa boM Watroo
hftolwlhlavMAfeftl Uaoiduaftr
ton ware an d«r. daw Waaa. paU
uOwd ftttld." Ow word "I
thaw. lata Wapa; aad tat Waw wbara
«*»’'MW Am ft Onak wnd wMek
War wtr air. d tepid apoan tatb
far Wa faat, alwa ateaklafft aad aooi
aUppeia are a poaitln la
Wbw jaa ftot toady to
pat oa rear draaft do aol taka We
cw raft Moa were alt iv. bat a
twabaftft> MU
Mte whan M tind fnliat ftoi
COM ftM r«o vUltanodr k oeUi
■ftM <M onfttftf'f dMw DC '

Jftwnl4« eOM't bML



Vov ftil *U*fti Wtaft ww
wj. ftW it dew ftot tak» ftwrij ar
Uftf te do. Vbw eooa joe
tonwd tbo hftUI M wftfctl«

of oleAlBC o»«T daj. roe
wlUda Itwa
1 kftow ft ladr Wfti kaapo two aata ol

.A Mr Mft MoMrnUM a*
pMr te M hiAi III ftft

w Aa Ifto geoal nwftttoft
,^-w A»rithmAii>WMt I.


atoWlwWowBlatiwa. wtariacoftt
aw aaa Wr aM Wa eWw tto aaxt
Bba wr< ttol bar aleWtof dow ao'
•ww aallad. kaapa tnabar. aad wear,
ftaltir tar Wa omr4a whiob aba waa

iM tar ap

______________________ ndlfcaew
Wat wa hw la to oarr euatal of eat

*•«. AwftI hM >a»fekl>« en awIbrMd aawdft ftaewBBwtltnV moU
. «Mil Iwldlfwriownoplftoaftava
Md ftft* leek •MMI”
aw aft eU
&H M ftm roe ft bU «d e*rtaft
■nil Iknl wofde-imMsHeft M deOftlaw roe do ao, Itaar MU
iMir aae ttwa. -BflorttlMftaw
lk|WfMft.eM wMaM*a«bA.l
MnH IWaeaftldi‘Be« bteaMAr
oftMa weald leaket


Mndft Iftft la sw amoliftagMi
Mw wafee gwgweftli aaUM Md
Ml fw#a Mi w^lwaaaa aw

JOB wo ia Mftftla MaarwpAWwa
M* jM Ift ft ■irMdWftftwree
awa Adiw wm ftaftawar tefcw
»e aaaAHWftla iftd to ft weU of .. _
IWA ftM ftU ftaaaaqefttftWeewaoaft
Md Maftk. Waeldftt a pw aawa o(

M Ml. pear aeel, Mdla 4wt^ «M

.. nwftrtiArl^:*
l>e |dw Iftft—*M» era aw
■a* oMft Ifer wild ii*M wael ft

yard of
lifbtlr eral^
wan an flactr aarki er apeti, ral
■paMdewabrar Wan, ftlwarikeep
tft( Wt bftp aaia to the toaUanaet
Oaaltn Mda of eld fftat. wlW
which to oor^ booba. atatae
nab ftrtialn ka an dlfioalt
nd Urioa ^ to oorar bade, an ta
dlapaanbU to twaaptof aad daattof.
« aoooonr to awaap earpau

wur a.
dn; Moor wUb oaollto aM bpka
fortr ntoatn to a toodanM
Valtow dbaattan onadaUr >
WiU to lUHptoit wtW Wa
_____ 1
Bt woo to toft Wt tecBC, MaraM
toktos ttowdn tofttibn to i
■al Wa aapa



AMdewa Waatopa of Wa world
War da.

LttlU Oataa'-Baka aa Ideal nka
I a Waot abdat as toW WlW aM eat
to aqanot aa'toW aM a haU aqaara.
Tbar aatft totonattnadaknMta
ilp to ti
ntod oaaaaaat. tad aanathlat
UftfatfaUr pntty to Wt war of oak*
olll no WotooelL Or ptoMar atill.
•an paeA ao (baj will be
Bat each cm netn to a ps
anrir roaM at poaAbU. whlW U at
dm. aM Wa wtada (hair nUt
by aet blluc qaito tolf fall,
to WU nka rtna note ttoa tolf
Prooaad lo freat at abon. aad raa Uka falthfal nman apaad ttoi
oa tbair appetaM way.
olUdadaoatr etea^ew baU. which
U tto naa efibUdatotr Wto|
Fs nW bn a (adds, sy dnr tmla
Ud. with a tnaaW san at ito
Aaetbar paorty, aad (ood. Unit cake
It to anke a batch of "lanbln"
Aad Iba radds to narrr lati w UnU.
oakod mr (hto. aad tOok (ton
tol tto will cf (be saa U then;
UMMNh tUt tOfWbn. wlW Woeolate Than to aanr a meaaeat. day m
olfbAttol the nMl don nei
Tto forat of Iba paipon that W»pn
I Cap OooUea-Two lapfalt t
bar eoam aM Wo balsasm’t
ma oepfal totter, aoo raptal
watebfal oaia.
«oa».ccotntpcmfalaedft. tear
licbtly btfttee
toroBfly WUb tonga : floor to a
deaefa haadUd ntUy
Soil ratr Wto
tad opnaklo with aa«Br: roll licbtly.
ut la toreu aod bako if all aoda to
rot Uked.ntol>(Bte half (wool ntan.
tdd two rpooefaU baktoe powder
nn oal half tto aoda.
Aaat Vtaa’a Fried Oakn—Oeo ptoi
d coed todonaUk. eao toarpooatol
•r aoda, ma pint of taaar. foar OCB*
naloe well, two taplotpeoDfato of
■aallad lard, cr beltar, aay klad of
iptoa er Baroruf dacirod. float
aaka a toft deoftfa; fry to hoc lard.
•M drato la a celaodar or ea a Holb
lar n tto na —Udiat


Aa raa watok Wa oonaU Wat alow
Ir «Uda •'m tto Uni oataa Mar

** - -



What is CAS^RIA

~ ' anaerod wllh U crlppe ts ama
a and nothlac ba>tMd na aaol I
triad Farann. 1 frit at eaca that 1 had
It aamied tba riebt soUelna oM
keptftaadCylBiMTtac. Wliblnibm
waaka X waa tally mtcrad.*~Il<iBria«(ft
A. AlUrab.

Jiaeora partianT BowparfaeUy
"Br MBnaba.”nid Wa «irl
tftdnftdeoaa. "roBVanaB Wt bne
oen Wat tba Jft{a nake. aad We woe
larfalobaU mat. toreo-| real Wall.
Wa aeon eaatftn node arnnHat
ilka Wrai. I bnafM mto# back troa
«r nwmar Ofttlat WU rear, aM aa
•adtlt ■rtolfaMortotoataditlftel
laitidad to baaattof aboet IL
■ Toft oftft iwftfftoa bow iwetir It to
wtW Wa aolt tana daap bnrwftt ftM
"I Mabd Wmb aft haftTilj wfti
aatd at fthtftwft dra. asd haw
"Oh. y«
Mftin batwatft ftv atodr aM ar draa- Wan ata’i Doanear li
rocn, aM baa tba aaftaat nttk
ttokU whaa yoa pe Wraacb.
eaiftbU atncnnadllcMr- ’
BftU naekanl. ptoparly oeokad.
toUera; bat WU U nr flrat aea
•ood bmktail dUb. Soak i
•0 1 bM eenaWlw to Inra.
litkiril ever altbt, balv carefal lo
"UlC portann fran Unto atnar ml Was in tto dUb wlW tba Win
•row." nld Wa iM BUtof. "Trr aide ap la tto serataf wrap than
ndo it aM aaa.’’-Haw Torfc BnalA
oloW. pat late botltoc wu.
•t wban II will eisser imtly
7 attaalat, tbm tresera ito eloW,
Wa FW m ft hot putts, pat a lltb WM barlM dtoM^tji
batts orer It aM alln a tiaW
anltj aha waa toniwhat mtoc
im aad Ur onr It, tarrtaf Wt
•rw bat Wa awkwardoM wan
atm a UuUaM Wa waa aeoft «aft> toftim wlW Wt BW to aaW param.
Moths way to eeofc saWerel U
alCfal, to pat it
Tba danert waa IMof tnndaM
Un« wats oas
WaataMraolerod waitan wno
It mad a staaU s two aM
iot praftr. UnU fdak troatM eakw
drata off tto
to to aakn wiWWotaaenam
atmeapfal of
Plato of Wan wn bald b^n tto
Iba BW aM nl Is tba orta aaul U U
Teabf Udr. vbe leWad Wm
UttU brewaed. Bam wUh alloM
aad nld:
soft. kUny PMPU obUol to nttat

. to pntraw to Wt
Tba pruldwtaM Kn. BaraaraU't
now at We aaaWwaW eteftw of Wr
waM doer. U ta havatba wftUe haa|
wUb ft dftlUftte Wwda at wtto Wrtpae
ww fteaft.
Oft Wa fldtrWawr
ireaft wlUaft carpel will ban Wa ap
The walur waa nortof awar t
paaiaftae at totoc Uttnllr aoawa
MW dtllwU ptak taaw.jrfWbwr Wt *w. M Wa Wea«bh aa aato
•M Wan Wiar patoU flrMM epee WataftbaraidterwapUM. Shawn
Id Waaolan.
WaaeaL wawt leWtoft baakgraaad.
’Tea. 1 wULtoe." WanM. rtftW.
wkbero Wa twto bow bldatwiU
hrao hnw w«to wUl bald baW Wr
WUW watUft aad laaa dnptriaa Wai
Sosatisn Wt taspwiW ohttlnift"Bh pardn. Mn." nld Wa waltwiUtoU ftawbUtalcBttoWa fleer.
' tftfatn to be taraad ap In aa
aa aba arUd to pUft ap Wt tMptThe deep wtodow fifiiwjUMn
’ saws.
It WiU teas ftrsly
a BfAWatarod to daU■Ido. wbiUtba
, ran flowwad alik ftM
Tba tollM tabUapaMaawtimof aplrli. To
petotowftt* WiU to ta white wlW
dapsTily. taka a new w
ta^ at daUtftU fttaw aM rear
aatacUlbraM anrWa aalraca.
0.0 qaaft M flaar. oaa taUnpaaa of
Wt wlW wlU to teaad traelabU
nfW. place ot baton tto liae of at.
AUn BtiiiTtU'a teew
ft tasadaoad taw tbo ban
'B. CM aa, pwW ot nil. tolU
to blaa. TbU teaw U li
epft WlU Uba it ap ptopsly.
dtowlr awa-a ftow Wa iroaldrBt aat noasb to toako a MS bettor aM aftoU wUl appos ta food fotsaM |
Mo Booaarelra apartawet. at W> ■alt eaka of eenpraWad rnto an Wi
wbm ll^wd.
. Tba baaar U aOewod to
wadUtelj ftdletolat Wa ptwideat aad
tar abaat tear haata Kaaa
Ho. BooaarWfa foow oe We aeatb
boat will ha Wa rnmny, whieb wir •M flUai wtW Wt hattn. Wa :
petat. it say «|ko m
ha ft twveoaa nd. w to Wa walb aae to Wn tazaad aft aM Wa toaSha atn at paasa nlnt. Wraar
wtpet, with peottr Betmod eercctoar lowed to brove. Wbn dcfta oa
bti^ waWeA itaWtto aoap U iood
m Wt taraUan apheUtarr. Kaata. tUa.War natarftadwiWftpnaakr
Qaaatto'a brwi badawMwUl to haaft
bat BOt rabbUf tba nap m Waaalrat Vtoft aaarly dry pnaa.
It wiW aa old baadtseftitd
(cr braakbat. naranWamltod
BftCUW, bM Wa raedpa MU to ot
naaU. LbWt aeUradvatnta taka tto
ralaa to heanlaapan wbedatlroto
fcatahlaL IWatontah- ■aka Wa dWtaiew liuU nkn aa (Mr

The CUIdfasta r

osNuiaa CASTORIA ALwara
Bdfln tkd

Be tare ymr redds to w>oa(bl of
uraafth w ataM Wa atian of tto
rated ow of dya,
Arts baTiaf'a'aam* aUaek of U
lad year band m We wbeal, dm‘l
let It fllaab. wtotars tto (ssall •rippe, I ntoo asflaiad wllh dytprpato. j
Aftor taklnc FOrana I aouldaal my raf I
F^ Ito will of (to na. with tto ■Ur saaU with rattob. sy .aynas wn i
baUI ap, sy baaltb latamad, aM 1 ‘
belpot Uvd, aball eonqas and
bare ramataad tn aseaUanl atiaacth aad
Tics now fs onr a yas.«-41ja. ».,
If raadeneldniraprmiptaMnlto [
ary raaolto from tba an of FMaaa, [
wqUaatoaea to Dc. Hartman, clrlac a .
fslltiBtamaalet joar ean aad towUl'

toplaasd lociTa Jftft ^

«oo cratto.

Addian hr. Hartman, Fraaldm
Vbai a pirtara of obo voaati'i llfi
to •im by tba boy't artlon daaertpOca of hto BoWn’t work la tba lol
lewtagaaaedeta. It weold to baser■at bat for Wa aaptnUou of bard fact
aM dmir aeapiraotottoa wfalcli to
Upfelad. aad flsdt «b aebo Is i
ton ma boanbolA we ncrat to
"Hr BoWer ctea wt ap. bsildt ihe
be. aM ceti m/btaakfaM. and
aeo8.'’aalda brlcbtyoBth. '‘Tboa
too lau my father ap and cau bli
wnktaet and teodt him off. Then
be rirn (to other ehtldrm Weir
iiiatlnuiiil nndtUwsofl tonbool
aad Waa aha tad iba baby ton Wair
"Bow old U tto tobr?" atkad Wa
"Ob. Wa to tooit two; bat aha can
■Ik and waU n waU ni any of aa. "
"Araym WoU paid? •
"I rat two dollan a wnk aad tatboi
<au two dollan day."
"Bow snob don yoar soWar pair
TIW a bawUdatad look, tto bey
"XoUiarr why We dm'i wort for
"I WOBffbt rm nld tba werkM im
01 of yea.



WMtaMsta WM tatfft sUh ftM aftMftcn the health ar
teta ftsd CMdig VAfMiftLi dsalMt TiiiiiTiiiii



The Kind You Haye Always Bought
in Uw For Over 30 ^eere.

South Side Cumber Co.
SULXIIML.I1 lu W, E. WiUtomi Lumbar Cu


OnantojiWncfta half at a eaptal
Chop flat cfttaasUaftlmaMwo
pepper lUal aM Mn
weald hwl a bnrienUc. "U oaly tftUetaasar. TWtnaai
balfadmnftpa wnaion; ptac
Maatotlma.” Vatoaetcewtor nar naan add oadyMOf •
lenaWw ta aa asWn bakfaw
w Wat. bat wa kaaw Wat Mb
(al ad
a wUh niA vrtafcU Wa Wappad
falat haUt^ wean. Tate
aaaTiOjdwi >ar. Itferwtaaai
addcfta waUbaaIn
tays af daa n
a ter Wa aUawia ^UMac. »a
"M-qaaron ot a oaptal
ohM* dear, on Ranter at a tn-

fttMpa laakw ABW.ftM*e
a aM Wtm


tar aV

MeI aw^Mkj^ftMteeiU^r

fh^^^'toiaar'toto iJ!

nap Wn1a<

iM smhdMiaddtadfatm.
apamM atSaar. awaUtaatmacs.
tMaptaWaf btoWnttps; stasaB
aMdoa taHtttaaakn Fatata^ft
tatta fttarta*pn.««


—Compifttft lIrtftOf—

Wriu to rftft • fa* linn aa ! do not
maar Utmi la yoar r .
Oaerca and 1 tore da« aboet Iwaal;
baabato ot pobaion aad papa |Md aa
. We cat Wira omtt fs dlotac
aad ptattne ap a baabri bat at wa do
Uma to die It will ba
Ilona my lltUa flats died and alWeacb wa hara aootbs babj almoat
ft> lanta. riiU wa aOn oar mly riri
ly tnWar't aama to OUdyi Hyalt
IwUloloaefs Wtotlma. Good byr
Orats fi. Falls.
Boby Pblillpa of Otaws to Ito nO'
md to nod at Wo awry of bar tasFife Uka. HIW.. Oet. It
BS'a work atoWf Wa WUfctm. one
Dm Hra. Bnin I bara ears writno to Wa Banld bafort.
1 waa
sadaotil Tbli to tba ttory:
alfbt 7«ftft old the feafth of Aaeatk.
I CO to aebml rafatar. Oar taaebs-a
.toHtnOUdyaHyatt. lamaas■lokaok I had two haat wbioh
ly Utroacb sy third, nadar aow.
naiobad Wfetbs M. aM I •an Was
Oaele JImsU. Aant Sdltb aM Daolq
aU to caa baft. 1 bM aUtaao wUb
Harry war* ban Batarday aicbt.
aooUiw. twalra with aawbs. nine
Papa boachl a new lan^ abml a
wUb asotbs, tbiftem with aaoibs,
■uaW aco. Tba aasa of It It
loonoen with anotbs. Ian wiW aoPaUca. I wUl oUn now bmm to
■aa Wit U petal.

Rourh Dressed Lumber, Shlnvles. Lath, Odors.
Windows. Mouldings, and Building
Material of all kinds. >

PhalBg mnila C0m»*cttHi. IDAlfOf*p»S*MM
^ffkt aai ?9nh 5/5 Ctkt JNe.
Traverse City. Mich.

teaibiar «r Mr aad Nr. yM Inrara

WUw hat oaiy OM Coot? A ti
Aacaat aod Sapwsbs I did ftO( keep
eoaoL I made aona soaay U nUls*
Bow do bon dibpoae cf itoir beaayf
■y atfli and I tore a few Wlekmt to
nU now. 1 lUa sy Joan '
What caan doWewaaea pUyalt
■aW tnd aojoy mdtaf ta ik
I did but Pitch aad baft
Vbal aoap wmid
*>«i- ^ats
A broW (d a boy.
Who U Wa oUaftlanatU m raaetd
Oar PanntrltaaU Sanbaas Woald
TIan oat of stad.
raaily belcaf to tto Poaltv AsooUVbaaua maa anaa Waa a maV
tlm and I ibtsk wasaat oeantW In.
Vhm ba U boalda blmaaU.
TUt to bs Itlls;
Wbm to a otaok m tto ataU daansoat? Wbrn tl raat dewa aM ttrikn

tba •yrlac aM lota tto Realtry Olab
bat aaclswd to do ao. UytM>
seto woald fire me toll of Wa
kaya I eoBld rain and to fanlW
tto crau. Wa bad tbraa bn (arkaya
Bat I tod taob bad lank, mly raUtaf
alflitam, (bat to baa •tran sa tto
wtwUsitos. I as usMlap aebml
now wUb Htoa JalU UleaUy at leaW
S, aM atao aitofiillis two araalnci
waafc, eaa to PaafttyUmaift. Wa oWs
In Saw Tsfc tiaw.
U WU aanpn tto watte bat

Wby it a pta ta Wa fcllebm Uka a
been mSmf Tba noas It'i
(to banar.

WlUla Bmlth wat playtac wiW Ito
mn beya Hit soWs called bis
aad nld. "VUIU. dmt yoa kmw
Won Jcftaabeya ai* bad boyi im ym
teiday wtW?" Tn. Basm"f«pUod
WUUa. "1 knew ttol; bat dm'l ym
know I ns aieod boy fs Was to ptay
Look, b'auie. bare a.
t> kindtof

Atnr Imktac at Was onuaally fs
a sosnt tto UttU ma aWad: " VaU,
wbiob ktad to dlSsmfaslot say ba raserad by
pautac tto afttala ta bttllw wats
DasHn Batn-I tboafhi 1 woald bafera waabinc li



:iM i_o-i


Handsomest Lots in ths Whql*
Plat. Inquiraof


Tbit it We weather ttol takaa We
oat of ft maa. aM
saks bis Ud tl ilhr woald pay atoott anyrak* far a ftndietae
^ woald raaUy ttmeWm aM revtrp hit aitoattod cftcrpa.

Bttodetiredanide. Wc tore kaowa ns-dom pWtOH ta ffaift 11
poandtsmeweekmiL It makaa yoa eat bens, deep totlat, ad
fad bens ill areand. If ym areftot aatUSad wiW tto piwbin afa
bottle, meie back aM set yooy Mttey.
Larcr tto bonfa. aft«^ dr ofte fttowM MMU SLM.


We Lead the Way

r all aheatWUa
ttft awaftaWifttectowmA
Ail fMir la Be alaBftt fta bM

___ ^


VksgsPiM fwam........ .............................Jt


ior«ood guhlfty Cordtuoy WaiatiaRt in
«to^.«sdtohe.a}w ^ured Velvets
atdke aune pike, llieae Are popnbr
wAiK »*i*T**»« Im this seasoQ.

M M amfto

<« «M< kM >1.

Mate Carli

w. iviii-i.ike:im

SU pi«» of foocy stripe Marie awl Prim Warp
Silto moariy smaB piecea, B 10 8 ydi to the piece:
thew silka have bets atong at SI awl gl 36 yd and
wn good values at tot. but wbm we say we are


Give this Store a trial—thfn perhaps you will not wonder why we are always 1>usy


Fv Jidiets
t* $100.00

mn Orders

\Drcss Goods Section


. BOW la MMtaa at Ha*ar>>>


totW tMT Ufa tbaa. look aa aatiT<
latmtla iha valfm a( lha «ainr
•19 a«t U «aa br IMT aMaa a»« «tti
hat 9H>—M— that MaMia L

BMoaa Mli^ balMtat ^>a mitteaawata aata«haU. OaiHt BaaU.
awa( <ha iwira^Mta. wat laairfag
a fanwaa Mta AaMlno
fba MthrmtMaallT
■a «w ftaaaa aad lar aa If «aai.
SMtMavaakaA otar bar aU attbl.
■Mitia MV aMad *a vtil laaarat.
OMlw avililliaiii ^(haboU

aajiatM la uiat atv. nw«
wand taiMd Mva <ha itapa
«te boaad a( adatlM ^ar
I Krattaa irpiiii a< a aiM.
rat aMarr r«ata (he afeataa 9
^ d^vae^tat aa aWaailaa haa:
haaa mM aa piakiM U ap aaUl Ma
lM» <av vaakk vbaa thavMelif «<
aaal aM tha )Ha|h prlaaa efaarfid (at
afaad hat mi afaatmjaatda w tfaa
hap av* lha vbala at# laaataH aa

piece kit in ibis lot. color

^ Coats and Suits «


It would seem that in the manifold changes
that have) distinguished gowns and wraps
of late, that "nothing new under the sun”
could be devised, yet there are some very at­
tractive new features in the fall offerings.
Style and comfort Characterizes the present
modes, anybody looks well in some one of the
models, and when a gown looks well and is’
easy, the height of desirabilityisattained. The
details of finish are the same as always—
the very best and daintiest. Quite a bit of
trimming appears on some suits and many
separate skirts, and on jackets and capes. Our
line this season weare safe in saying is the best
linethat can beaeen anywhere.
We call special attention to a coat we are selling at $10.00 and
you will admit that for the price it is a splendid garment, comes
in sizes 82 to 42. We also show a good line of Ladies’ Jackets
at ^7$ and $0.00 in Tan. Naxy; Oxfot;d, etc. and if it is a better
coM)^uwere thinking about wo have them in prices up to
$100.00. In Children’s Coats, we show some splendid values.
Ladles* Suits are in prices from ^2.00 to $40.00.


fine iipht weight, soft finish, suiable (or
suits, skirts, ragfins. Children’s cloaks nnd
ho)^ suits, only one color left, $i.$o goods^ X9
INCH VENETIANS-tbis line of Veuetians is recogniied as the best line in tkisi /\f\
country today at..........................................X*W
Fifteen colors to select from. This make can be bad
only at this store.
5r> INCH HOME SPUN—Cray and brown, strictly ail wool, heavy weight.
it is a special at........................................................ ..................... ................
. lity. (only
, one.............
colorleft 1 RfV
in this line—Caster—one o( the
[he best suitings made. $2.00 goods at....
at....... X«Crw
OETNA MILLS CHEVIOT, s6 inches wide, fourteen ounce
unce goods—
goodsextra quality fine worsted yart..............
.............. wantlthe best 1 KfY
vou more
fnon> elsewhere
nIsewhMW.................. X*A/V
cheviot, ask to » e this line, it may
cost you
KERSEY. FOR JACKETS. CLOAKS .AND CAPES- -58 inches wide, all
wool—heavy weights, colors Black, Navy. Tan. Caster, Gray, Cadet, 1 QQ
Green,.Cardinaland Brown, worth from $‘.25to$2.50yd„ sale price.. Xt^O
BROAD CLOTHS—one of the many good things this fall for dre
suRt. our. Men-eilleus Broadcloth, can't be beat at—
Thirteen colon to choose from.


’ The Famous ilNiS Broadcloth, has no equal, all colon and Black

^ ^0

Fine nooeilies tn Dress Beeds

-Btg sbewNifl of futo* you art safe in baying


Such as Scotch mixtures and English Suitings, also American novelties which go to
make <nir line doe enough and extensive enough for any largedty store.

Tors at Ibis Stars.



Dress CrimmlngSt Etc.

Olalstlng noDelffes
WHITE SECILLIAN is one of the very desirable
doths for fancy vrmsts. 46 inches widtf at................
Printed and Meullk Velvcu at
only............................> ............ ........... ..............
Fancy Brilliantines, t6«nd 44 in. wide, colors black,
brown and blue. 4QC and...............................................


;tc bu>*s a well made Flannelette Waist.
^F^rtnitie up Flannel \Va«t in solid colon

The reason whv so many come
>me tc
to us for trimmings is
that we have the kind they want. We aim to get the new
ings as fast as they are put on the_ market.
We at present
show a stock that certainly would be a credit to many city
stores. Drop in and see whaFthey
. -a^e using this fall. We
will rfot urge you to buy. Trimmings
ings fr
from 2c yard ^ ^0
up to............. • ■

iCowcIs. Sheets, Cable Cloths, Etc.

Carpets, Curtains, Portieres, Etc. ■•«»««

-60 |

Q Q|R for fine French Flanod Waists in beautiful colors,
the taUor made kind.
Big lot of Sample Waista one of a kind, selling at obetbird off reBular_price. Prices run from $1 to $4. mostly rise 36



A full line of Stair Carpea R/\
from, per yard. 15c to. - •
r. MalM. toteMaaadaaav
aMMiSa.-««a^ to
iktoavaaatotelUac. VhUato
fpl^ a>towartiaa<laa»a.a
fai atotltoll tonpiaal aviaato
• aGMMhHM la toM ato la
^a toa. d ttoi la laaatad at la-

Hemp and Granite Carpet
one yard aride, at per yd. 03


Lace Curtains for fail. Our curtain man
seems tickled ovp- his fall purchase.
He says he has more real baigaiot to
offer just now than you could count on
the fingers of both hands, and he
jqc to, per pair
sat $1.50 a pair.

0c buys a good size Cotton Towel.


laKcbuyb an all linen Huck Towel, large size.

»toa BaaM* ftoaaa al Aai
iv aator. haa toto hat i

toaa. vto^a_la«Uy mm«
VMh a a'fal vMa a< bar haihaai
m» mrmmmim af to abO.



This a a boy
jto Dov. tml. Th> wetto of oor tore n weU taken
va«iid)tovto *M vnt beie at —ctooC We take ocai pane in eetoui«tbBtodu Wevam the beat
bo«e>7«ntheBtwfcetattbrpncc aiid
ve MuaOy have k.
gfk^ Ladiea’ bow io black » as
good as the avenge IBc bow
b tow |i»T.
tSMi vW. aoU rcgdto « 81-00


at «to« Itodt la hat hU
•mU aaHhar taad aMvrita, •>« «to

to toto atMto vhlah


vm to

toataad hai I ayi I totto^a '
A aaaaikahia aaaa ef taaoawp U
a Fato* labttvhtovw
■IWIU tatoad vhUaalvaahtato
NfMga 1to9 aaanlaa aavato Mtoa
a«a VhUaaiaataUaakatalaMvaa
tow haktad to atoa laiippa*' •»*
toh Mi amah to aMa aa to btad.

•to toUvaa »—^------- rte aaato vtih hmUlt\ taaa*«al
•to? ftoaa. Ttotod vaalhatolr
itotod.aad to avavaaftoadap

, Outing Flannels

ir you t ish (his depannwm just now )t>u
vis boy your viniei's sup^y and led
that yoQ have savol sooie nMDCT.
ior dark ommg that usually
a>sC brings Be.
« dark and ligbi cokaa.
s7V stripes and neat cheeis sad good

Dress floods

.. 1.86
... 4.60

KsH M*te


4toltoarUdici'r>od*at— 0g
«g| flllil y^in
white. ^ i

DsB sSM Fstterss
t ter FBI



tomdettes extra wide aad Itory.
# Sr some eery new designs, jatt die
riling for wrappaa, waina dretoug wck

OtobtottoStofaMto » cn
■Ilfnitot^) fato............... nOU

and Voods

htok.sp bto.................. •/I/

y 71^ ywd far gsnndetle m riito
tv doable Ud,lnadKdttito
to pto tow. some with bwden. This
B the bew to of aoMdettea wade at the
po“-____________ —

Ato Onlii9 Fhwad Gowtet to dnldreo.

Qoir Gloves w sold otos or
sTCfC- toey tacks. Atosys wwe.
ihwgtov to tow yos H riw price.

Ftonek ;to’ ritirts w heavy riitiM io
iloobk faU. >oT r—1

bah vto. all Md asd dk 4^ V
•sdwaDlMMd,Sict»...... «J>IWe have tM nod oasdna n Oaldto'i
MoIndentotMaatokak >9S
aad a iae fiKj ribbed SCe to •# v


0« $1 Menerued Skin i> to oee
we would l&c to riwv you when you sie
a. It a a grew nutor st the price.
IVtoirw M bto tfaes ss low as B9e in

” t.od

«w> nout and good wdid eofan.

vooM bring 10c yard

•dto- Md ■too' tito* » 7/1


Window Shades, all sises and all colors fi^



-Un* —.

Gssatto Kid Gloves to tor-

FwdMUn « bIwA aad eotos. Nriw
didM tow such an Mimsius a*
ttoyew. Beaidw .to squto towt
Ptoea tan 6to l«r I


A^tohrito aoto and dtori^

■iiUrtt. CwlortrtjM* Qc»



see h, light or dark eolora.
O _ outing, cowea in mil] enda. bot

JlTM to bMkto <« ■>
dMto Siidurveai. ve have a Msbet
ttoseMM tot «a stow y~. >B •U

AQgte pair for extra size Cottao
on tan. gray and white.



tta nfif vOlhabagaaiaaCav


In Ibis department we are prepared |or a Urge fall businen. We carry a full lioe of carpets all ti:
year arou^, but in the sprii^ and fall this stock is always at its best... We show the bate assoftmei
of all wool Ingrain Carpets in the dty at 65c yard, made and Uid on your floor, colors guaranteed.-


sreighs jX fta to the pw.

Tbk is opr leader.
it eaa
aotbebeatat the price; asktoeeeh

84M)g££^,JSL^S2 ered
srith alkaline or Fcpach ssleep at
Cheaper ones down to 49c.



il» Boston ^tor

Ok Peeple'5 Store
till in ■«■ Tm T-r^TT - »—«>— *-* g*~- We«« »dl yoo b«Mf foo* to »e» itowr *“ ro» c« boy ebewbete. b««»« »r b«r
•VfOoaiitralJ^rUd wc>^ welto«iioi*ntlow.«i*ec»niP«rfc«Mii«; o« «xk U »ote coB«Wtted *od «<iw« toi hdf.; w
you I nviQC of It leut to pet ceai

Will begin Thursday Oetober 23, and last 10 teya!
In one yrarwe have made thb store (he ceator of »hc^(Ha£intefcs. w* htougunite this lale Co abow our
appreciation to the eetieruus public who have helped us to build up a busioeas we are lustlv proud of. We
come erery man woman and child here in the next ten days to share in the bargains we offer

Bargains in

nni unnMi uif pwb


»i nm «»K


37c to iBrot reiJ hesry Itrarct lineil undei'
nir the
inc belt
oe 60c girmcnl nude
2 I C f'>f ^ real
r« hemy fleci cvl lined aDderfor Udiet
Udic nlibed uCKlerveit heavy
It Qc
9c to
deeccvl lined, the ben S&c ganneni
the city
6c s PS” to goovl heavy canvas oulieiu, 10
2(cto Oiikbent and iiisan vooi bvMr.
uude ot fine yarn and art jual aa good
hoQie made .
I 9c to Mena all wuol heavy $ox. asaoned
colon, poailivel) the best tSc iox made
I 9c to Ladies bladi hU«l wool hose the
*5c kind
I 2fc to Mines and Onldtcn* heavy ribbed
fleeced lined hose, lik value, all sues
I Oc to site 1C Girls heavy deered uodetweai and 2c for each site larger, it snlt
yoo to look up this item u there
saving IB It f« you m bu
yard of good linen lovelmglK inches
«-idr, 8c value

1 large site |>eivcil tablet with
sheet of papei
7c to a nice large back Comb IS, value
24c to choice of * sites of varranied steel
Shears, regular 6<k value
I c lor a doten sheets of fancy shell Paper all
3C for a-large bar of fine Olycerine Soap
I C to a doten of Pearl Builons asso
3C to kitchen Kniresor Forks, Cc kind
I C to 8 doter Hooki and Eyes black
I C to 8 botes best neel Carpel Tacks
I c to Robber Corset laces
5c to G 4nten of beS Ctohes Pms
3c a yard to goo.1 Satin Ribitoii all colon
worth from Sc to Kk
8c to a good Ratof Strap l»c vtlirc

[IBI iinUI Ulf NKB

n tuiifftn w nviK

4c to a good site.1 real heavv Granite Cup
10c TaJae
4C to a large sue teal heavy Granite RasHi^
Spoon 10c value
6c to a large sise real heavy Granite Pie
Plate 13c value
49c lor a Sa 8 teal heavy Granite Tea ket­
tle SSc value
I 5c to a 1^ ^uan Granite Ibpper white
lioe.1 2V taUe
I 3C to a 8 quart Granite Sauce Pan 35c
C to a large sue G
•juaLty, 4(k value
I 4c toS quart Granite Covered Path ttc
9C to a good sued Granite Uilk cw Poodug
5C to U and 10 tn. Granue Jedy Cake PaM,
10c value
I 4c to choice of two sue
Baams, 36c taluea
66c lor No K real beavr Gal
98c to So. 8 real heavy Tin BoOer vidi
Copper Bottom and Copper Rim
29c to No. M ci^rpa bonoo tin Tea
2c to a good aiae (in Dipper
I C to a good tiae tin Clip
5C to a 10c Japanned Dim Pan
2c to a good liaed Pie Tin
3c to a good aiKd tin Waih Baiia
2c to a good heavy Fire Shovel
48c to a 6 galoo galvetttaed iioo CO Ctt.
76c value
I 2c to a 10 <iuan Diah Pan
I 6C to a 1 gato) galrenised itoo 03 Can
1 Oc to a 4 qualt Sauce Pan
42c to a good large sue Laolem
I Oc to a good Boys Lantern
98c lot the best kind Ibod aad meat Choper
has three separate kntrta, caa be a ' '
any purpose and well worth f L60



I Oc to 4 doeen cMjeUv Turablos wah t
46c to a doses of 1 quart Knui Cans
98c to a nice large Parlor Gai^> wiUt decsraled globe cheap at tl.SO. See Oar
have a large taaoRnem o( aB
laiions and sre gaaniitec yoa
ivtog of 60 per cent on a Park* L^
S3.86 to a 18 pieoe Toilet Set, while aad.
^deooraied.i^Kiilar$& valae. galy >
lets left, onto ooe u oace
23c to fsvered Otamben large aae. jiai
stone srare
68c to a large site plain white WaAboal
arvd Pitcher
29c to a plain white Piteher, good
I 9c to a ooa^.e kitebeo Lamp with aaSectaraadNo. 8 borner

6C to a 60 feet White kukd Oottot liwf
regular lOcW
8o to a dulda silver ptoed Kt rmilwto
a knifc. tek and ^MOa in a aeat twa
6e to a large woodea lah Bu
96c to a large sued Kioot Cutter a^aWv
able knives the SL60 kind
and wceth S7.60
39c to a W oi 6 plaa white Cape ead Sawcert, Eagliah wuc. legato «Bc kud
4cto atogt nwdtege of ftiiiag S« 8Wt'
IC to a togt boa oi Toott Picka
2e to a toge aiae Nafl Btmh
4ctoagoedMabreakahle toe Onto Me
3C to a good paring tDftfe. 10c nine
^ to a toge aicUe Bash Ccah
4c to a bar of WffiMM bw towtag
10c kind
2c to aboote ofCwten bspbtodk XA



IlMUotohhes of medfam gnde for every day
wear. Np one has ever
noderaold us on (beae.

Our business having outgrown
our already large quarters, we
have now moved a part of our
Fail stock into the McNamara
Building adjoining us. connect­
ing the rooms with two archways
-Th is wi 11 enable us to serve you
better by giving us better light
and sufficient room for proper
display of goods. We are also in
a position now to carry larger as­
sortments of sizes and styles
than was possible before, of the
increasingly popular



Mackinaws, the good
old woolen ktodi high
storm collar, douUe
breasted. No one can
' show you belter valbes.


To dote
liaMwalcrioaw L5»
goods at $iA>, I
a-oo goods at fivga—
my large Bae to scfact
from at ^so to $«.qa

utsters—are jest io from
our recent New York
purchase and prices that
will intcresl you will be
made at the opealag of
our new salesroom.

Several entirely New
lines, all the best taas-

Men’s Stilts. Overcoats and Ul­
sters on which we have enjoyed
such a large sale. We welcome
you all to min-ngW salesroom.


tSc. 50c. 75c. SLOB

SillTS -

Largest Uaeeversbewa

of Mena ffoe Sweaters
50Cto$4. a]l colors.

Wool Cwd Wi« Ugb

Yprfp set

$7.50 $10.00,
$12.00, $15.00





UrgerBae ihM ever:
from the che*p«K to
tbe$scrldiML Getprioei

Tbeae have etood the te« of
dme e'ad make « aew onsco■en every year. It's oheo
we -Kw euttowen lay of
thdrmits.*‘lhave wore Mk
far five yean and fa’a good
yet*—feBy goansteed.

GMUU {ffliiqf

The very bat for ^ Booi.
haviag tto saparion aad few
squill The aamber we adi
ea^ teaaoa sbewa Adi Aeae
arc jwt what we daiB: The






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