Grand Traverse Herald, August 28, 1902

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Grand Traverse Herald, August 28, 1902


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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For the UU MMOd o( 1901
hare ooe o( the floMt aMortaxeU
ot atm aylea ol

Real Estate"* Insurance
— iwioreev


SSv - :
Tmcnc Qty State Bank
CAPITAL, t >00.000

•hm ia the narheL All the
I NoreltiM ia Pbiiia, Cbecfca,
aad Htripea, both Foreign and Domeotic. Tbeae «e will make to
foot order at tba rery lowrot priree.

aarMM. UadUcSerchutTaUv.





207 E. Front Street,

Orpnlle E A IL B1«L




Tire Insurance! -—r'"

A CeiCTU Bt*mc BmImw imt

Plate Glass. Steam Bolter and Accident Insurance.'


Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.

} ter Ceal aUbwed H TUK DepMiti.





, ^ctsfirSsSSiS;,


Johnson Block. Phone 78

Traverse City, Mich.

Voo nhoold doi oe«l*<-t uy ibh ol
yonr toiU-l for Die Isikof Toll.t Amol«B wbio TOOTH UKU8HB.S HAIR
PUWUldRB, elo.. HR
HI pHoM witbin tbe
uller bLhI fHHiiion d*ma<i>lf fur Uir
lB|]roTeB>«i of U» bHir.HkiD or t>«ih




eR»*D lUPIDS I mOltllA RV.

JatKgJ!gS'SS~ '


FMaU ulk k. rm W*|B.. ll;lu

Fine Farms Cheap as Dirt.
...m. rl,». l..Tr»»M^l'llr.'ni rhHNd.

Wto^rMBto Bank la KaakiUB cltr. II Hi


« LMWnna bbA M. La«a. 4 a> R. a.
.<tMH*aTa^BartM<He«l««a,«aip ■■


B B Brand traotrst Land Co.



V* <ar OttMi kliae., I'U.acu. IkaMa


O. a ■UBBAT,
a L. UHXwooo.


iMBTeMNnEASTaiHR. Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages.'Etc.


nnrmeun * sur«Mf>.


Telephone 4






\A^ool \AJmneoci


All the wool in the region wanted. Am just back Irom the
East, and have arranged with eastern mills to use all the
wool from this section of the countrj'- I can afford to
tbe highest outside market prices in cash. Will also
hides and ginseng.



Aatt. et es-

.Seek €t eiA aekaiMM le erol
Bwn: ■> U a a.




a. »e»aB., IIIM B-B«.B
MUnHkaa. I



fiHeiTi imr-B

' *


Office s&d Wsrebow, 73S E. Front 8l
BeH Pbme 130.
atisens Phonr

Try some of tbe appetizing preparations of health
foods we cany, such as Malta Vita. Grain-O.
Fillrfniry's Vitos. Grape Sugar Flakes, etc., etc.
Many people use them ki place of meat.

2«B Front StTMt

Book and Job Work Glass
r-> and Other eiass 0ocds.

If you are thtoktng of buying Boythiag in the way of

do notifail to look over our Urge line of h^dapAie articlet. 'We abo carry a fine stock of WATCHES*
CLOCKS. JEWELRY, ETC Spectacle Fitting a
specialty. Watdi and Clock Repairing-the bett
jgrade of work dooe.



dlT Fr«nl Wf—t

Travr— City. Mloh


•n.: r,s:








Food For Summer Weather! |
Broach Block



a^Tf Ib.-'^ta'Ml*



>M Uw* Bm liHtdHby (VtBdlH hw OHI taa'aaa' am If Annt Bm
A number of ytart ago. at a tOVM
or iL SB’ tbMi ihH M Mr |o oot No Bria« bar bank wpb m
KBmriiDe taa nalekly ap *Bl:
waa naadtap ea tba bank of Bta*
bar boed aad aliawL Ua b.-r
Barer, ta Jeff«*eon iwaalr. New Tort
bank abe atoyawd la Ibe eoatta <
aad looKup acrom •«* win*. HmtK
ber tt WB* very Nataly baieorafort- oeeltaa atm. be* of mnd 10 ue foaad
loM A* fwo of -HOI HO' (hot •mU ably farmabad, aad tbe bad «a* sad* tbeie aorth .<>F tbe nrer, b* mid «
aad a Sr* barued lu tb* opna prat* a ooaple of cmt«Ba of kb*>i-piaa. .
buow—bot Hb*
o wot
won't lu> all BC
ILv M HMBHl kwk M.
" Bid
EmawllB*. a* ••Why don’t you do anmetbuig to tmIt lb* roM to Mu' basteH"
p uU ,4 kf« 4^ nAtiB Hr*.
mafr ^^folki iboold
W4U.L l-T am.\T. IH.
— 1
atuiwore it.
boo* 00 Bi dLu'etbon IoUhhoIU.
III* window IB tbe low** _
**•>** •■how lu -um
Mid bbtUbh. UHlBcly. M
A aaddaa liffbi aiwanc bi tmiweve
Ob loot op tbo bonu Mrf hihIh. weal by
■prove a
e* oow.
■ Now bwo w« bHTi moronom ubb bar ey** -"Tbere'* Aaal Bai-----------ab.rial At Ibai lb- aativce laopbeB
wi k»ew wtet to do wllb. oa' thon't polo' dowB lb* road. moU
atld. naalBit Into tb.. kliobea.
iiallyafid heartily. They anppoiad
Aoat Bsaio* wlib ae boa* at oa '
M.-. 4k-ic lb. 4>ui «e Uf..
wa* lokion ibeBn aal ao
. Tb..,Wwi...»lk«.«-«b.v
Wbaa lb* htU* old woman wa.
mill of arpunwoi coold hare pertkHbH.i.r«i»W4lfru»w»*l u
^a^!o(b'^'ir*>'l^ / mSY OTrr tb*
.. .
that time Ibmi any nn- could rr^i '
•lak. aad ibao dA Ibo foow. Bb* Ua* a few
Hi.lbrwwb 4ll. tubKi'HBHb..
profit ou * |ilautatloo of 1
‘ - awalB |wa*totly with b*t look bar B|
"t bop* yoo'll Ilk'year room, .kani ..»*i u* >he
___________oe. aad'a btaok worWod
V.I0-J l~«d tbouvb U.I • b-i
ipplv 01 iiiol*-r"
bood ta bar tead
'I'm oota' eovr Eame*." ab* caid. a* abe opened the mcobanatitil.
,.1 IbeU feel i
, HllK
tar *•• HU' BalL " lb* add. "I waw door of tbe eoalb rliaBt«.|
Abbi Kaaloe looked aroeadfrom lb, own OiM'iway fur l.nuaiu,:
tor pel bvr t.r *be« bm abeoi tbal
•nteb for 0..^ border of uy b«l .jBfortBMe lealb. r bed to tb. bri*-bl timber u, ,beir d.«n*
loe.t ail
flie. from tb* neaily rartaloe.1

rb,-te two m-e oo tbta
fprvwl I wou'i twfoo* loot "
a level uilh the** of
Wbas abe wa* oould* tb* fal*. U>
oreau waa tbe acarf
t of III* tieopU- of tl-Ibr road, *b« (arMdaroeodpad look
C hoe b'-tu •tliehlop.
ad teok at tb* buoa* a Bomoot. It
oiled 8
a to Ibe rocker an,I pal
Hot lime* Imre- nang..! The iptao*
WBB a lat|r* rad brtok booo*. witb a
T brr eyea KheOi.ln't
n Ibe iwlvaie lai d. in the AdiruBwlda porofa (a frooL and roOB* oo
*,-kt will k* 1-1 nauai-d in Iwelre •
' • of tb* balL Aloag tbv ay a wonl.
rant oat eoftly. Uo Ibe
Hra Poodw
lo omclai re|«rt*.
a row «r Ulae boabca Pro
Ji* u
Uippod oi er a iTOdl. by
pi* alwavi Bid
Mr*. Pood bodo't way oat J,*
rer lolb- loeprr........... ...... ..................
to ooaplaUi of aboai b«r
but iw^ve year* iiiore. People
a *br
e tboB«bi
tboaybi *0
*o bi
' m (lad .. mph 1 naked bi t lo are beemninp lo realir- . verywhrre
aav* bar pltatar*
to lo^
Ic .
Ura Pond
a. abe tbal no umber •oppH i* iDeabaaallble,
BOW. IblaiiOB of old Kaato* ai
aad taalcwd nf Uupbinp at a rrnpotllab mlt Bird, tkiri] r»n oa
tlon to Iilani Ur*, for a |rofll thrr
: U par* oa* to t
' ao.l Ibe •ound
ire IwpiUBiap to a*k aeriuutlr bow tl
a*' Hr* Hall liva
belpil« *fna bwA wriiien by Prof Jeba
Down ata ra Smm
,__ tndrani aud
Ulfford. of tbe Nee York 8l>re Oel- .
two oblldieo wale ranlb( aroaod id ber father all Ibe
Ic«e at Foriitry. Ceinirll rnivrnity,
tbe enow. Wbaa lh,-y aaw Mr* Pood Hunk wl,al
ruo.'iHi. .
thta *enoaa ijaertiou
aoiwored la
ooaiup tbey tao to the (aW and •aid.
UfH. Pond _ frylo* d0B<liDBUi
M- »mpli-*i aud moat ouBviaetag
ollfflbeA Bp OB It Ub* wa* a atoai.
Ol, liietHB • »v., b. r orrt* tBre..d a
ro*y.obaek,'d boy abool taa ycon old;
i biK blu.- (iBRbaai a|
liractlaal liari* of
Oo* of 111*
tbe olbai a Iml* pin. wfaeoa parpakacii.tin# It.
Sb.- lam..d wb.
ibataiM Wort It ___ ileiot.-din
. al aiBila aad vanaal ayat told ibatr
Worata-ol ol tb.- farm wood lot.
owB etory to all wbo loobad at Iter.
lodow lb. loap I
Tbe »«niy aide of life to both arBoth cliildrui gut down from tbr
.. bail U-'O oilDR
^leeof tbe Roath Alnoan war Imt
,« bundnca wbeo Hn Pood aton»d before
uai. lia. wa* b< l
been daly deeorlbed by iievv*na,> t
crop of
ri«re b-fore paiiieriue b
art. bat ab.- Uid
lied ire.- Tb- I- i 1* in*
tb* kilebeB. " aaid tl>*
mar l«- oue i
(•a (o loaad that way." plaatant 10 Buo *- -......................................
. ID a l
____ , .Btablv tealure«of land
potnilop to a brink walk Imdup (b* work of (be_______
I Ihawl.
naval btlat^ that ta
laliou, for a etand ..f tbiilly ire.-*, w
duwB tbe aroaad tb* aidi- of lb* boaa*.
ler of wbat ape, edit* more to taa
BapltmUe.1 to
'aad not rzieniled i
naoDlry road. H
eelliap ]ct,v of laot
bxr (ao* waa aboBi thirteen yaar* of ape opaoad tbe
|Bd ID UH' wiud. HL
uiakUip tbr ataoile.
oboB door tBaaawarlo Hra. Pocd'i
IPDrido vub the Ould. Tb* bar* l^ada
I (he
ki au etample tale the kerof Mr.
lek. Hra Ball wa* aUltng to a tbe bine ^aekeU fnaad Ibrew. re por
Uolclmg U... Hliavrl toeetbsr
W Vappr. liviog four _ ,llea wrat
ilr by the Bra. rocklap a nblld otalekana Tbeae little latlU of yellow
Ided lu EoiinelD*
plA too.
iiatobtueno. Kaa
Hr ml
lob bad }uat fallea aaleep. There Baff weie qaickty adoptedI aad aoim
»!».» Hb. I woliM (bi- KHN. bet did
r hundred tree* lr„in a
not HUlllv
Harauff Buctn faiabled
bacaaa pn«i p*(.s aad weui with tbr
re pUnlatlno at tbe eud ••( tbe
lak*. aad a aob eaoapad hla lipa al brtapda lo liloemfoBb-n
Haring t
«>tl. the b
ar of growth and
amt thti
repalar labraala
>wed in
marofa tbe rl.loka were
Wbat oblld ll tbatV aakeJ Mra kettle; bat wlire HuJ from .................
iim halt*d
two (el)c-e 1»-1» aud Ib*
did uoi look ai Pood, taking ib* obalr the lltll* girl
(uau were >i-ld at l,-ii
c-cb la
broapbt forward for ber.
tb* (TOBOll Wll--f> they gli-u
He Ob"Ifl Banuy PHoa; bi* motber diad kettle ■
(I.* bunwB wmrf oo
calaed twenlr-i
aaawered Hra lIslL
.. and weal lo upeo yaatarday.
Uif w>B<lo«
lifted I
Into It
forth* fro
"Yon tnaab Ib* wotnaa wbo
8b* dida-t encily
Tb* I
had oibdr p,-!*: a woouf
tblBBliig. OO an .-ighty _ err* patto
OBI mwl^ ta Usg CoDtrar'
id It. abe had am
which ibi-y caretnlly tended I
At the el
(Cl ahow Annt Banii
ecorered and Joined bi> ma*t
Kidlaml waa
I- pUuliDP I
t takea bim. 1 bopeV
an* ati.'Ctiun
Tbe ol.l woman wi
her dop wl.lob bad followed lb
m lb* Aprl• -ly eti.-r
uoiy a duianl r.'Ume. colled asi
u Hadibi camp, aud need ttr eoltaral
ally lo oiaie bimai'lf nw-fnl by aad tb. at in ol III
"’’froui Hie' Jeaklne'i
ibing borae* aad brioglBp them » aixiy *■ ru liolUi
■Kliia Hall
funeral. ain( ye " aaid Hra. Pond.
I: a goal wbloh lir<-d, m nwmail wnia an a
IdluK Tlie colander over tbe laitl*
"Tbata araau't auyon* elae to take
on uewapaiwrn aud colmccvi. and a
After roonluip -very ei|Mi*i—lathe elove, and droppini! llie orUp bIm Tbay wer* pola' to aeud blm to
r woe, niurrabb- lamb wlib eore oladiag all iahoT, the !««• for which
Uw inorboaae
Tblnk of 111 Saob a eye*, wbiob tbey need to batlie daily •b* tend woald have ceuted. and Ibe
luo« fork from
plcki-d t
lUU# fellow too. Hra Prtot with warm water, and aronud the IBteraal Mvroled—a net frciOl of One
ibe iKillii
; bare any relatlona aa,ept ai
eek of wbicli they tied a rlbboa.
a pood a
iTerlu Weal PeaBeld. ao'aba'*
• I et|.
Ua tbe marab In Uloemlouleln
an old maid, an' aaa't aadar* oblld-bile in mmp. aa offloar mw a bine
> tea rrara. or iiiuelern dollar* tiab .
Kaairv ai.ook tier bead. 8br rea. 8b* aaid oat an' oat that abe jaokel diaoorer ao oi. anbk lu
ruty-Bve a-at* a yiwr. la addl*
... n a aBt near tbe itove, abd woBldo'ltake Iba cblld. So I jaat dinddy river bank, unable to m
turn to Ihta |Wobl waa the IDoeey T*lurried
irned il.e (rool of —.
her dree*
____• op uiDked
blm np tliu laoreiag and aud dying of eahaaktioo - Jaok gave Olaved for (be ire,- ent lu Ibe kWO
r 1.^ Dtpbt Iwoopbt blm over bar*."
kick low* If II waa alive, ami • •

-Jobh ll Sj.arv la Maw
fade u Kmm. llne i-oi
"Aa If yon liado't eaoagbalready
nloredotr "Oiael brute.' mat
.„r»e pray *u>okia(* aad worn abo*K.
- Ob, ba won’t b* la the way: I
d tbe oRloer. -'b* might li-l It die
L>Do of tile *boe. WB* laoed WlUl a can play roaad with Nad aad Slaay. 1a peaoel"
piece of browu (wlae
It * about aa eaay lo take care of half
lo a few mianle* Jack eame baek
"Well, ab- never waa any baad to
d,>ceo oblldraa aa oe* "
with a ootl of roiw and ibre* ebami.
mpera. a arnall
lake frleoiU. *0 tbeoouldn'l really
That'* wbat yea aaln wbaa yoa aad (bee* foar. with a eoldiar, war
Hug la color and ahap<-,a preen pm.
ipecl ffiurb of a Funeral." Bid Hra
mk Urale aad filaay. "
ed bard for an boar, pot the Dm
"Wbo'e Kuio' Mr take Ibe
-Ub. Llula'aa teal balp '-wllb oat. dtapgad ll and>>r tbe aliad* of
an affecuemat* loot at Jba gUl. wbo tnw. and broapbt it water from t
a^wholeml* droler^;^ " —*"8am Tarboi'. be'* a
waa waablag pao* al Ib* aink. "I river In tbeir liata
DW. '
The officer waa n-citoinp aadrr a
eonlda'I gal along wiiboat bar new.
" Yoa'U -uy riRbi alou( wItb them, AadKedoealda 'l get aloeg wiUioat
aady tree, and rraa ib-o felt half
• poee - T'woulda't *e«Bi Ilk* bom* 8la*y. Heeaa't bear ber oai of bit
it ye nowbi-r.- elae. ye tired wi ' algbl an' ba'. a* food of her a* 11
ezpoeed to tbr foil plari- of U
lU' Jentin* *o Iook ''
midday aan: they had beantrorkii
die war really bii own *l*Mr "
d Mfcing a maee whmh i> tue
Tbe old voraaa drew • looK l>re*
‘ --1 all tb* morning In tbe Ote”
"Wall, ibare’* Jake, too."
) end o
rred-MUh biaicd mi
lat wa* aUnoM a tisn
"They all
bad givea ap tbel^ well rarm
Ura Hall Uopbad. 8ba Imd a ibln.
-wia tnikyaarr roar.
.Id uec
K-oi DO room for me. ' aba aaid. ale
aader a wapon to mre a beoat
tallow fane wbleb had never bem,
■Heat aadrommercially known
ly. "rberv'- el^bl . hlldreo. "
pretty: boi wbeo ab* taaghed abe
•anrla ami tbr Hire* oltor
An eayceMi-D of anaoyaooe iToaa
" wed a **( -of iierfoot teelli.
ro are call.-d capuckoe*. oapoma
Hra P-ad a faoi.
Her lipa UbDMB
Ur. Ball woald be Ja*i loat If be
If tba aw
ly ttiev bad wheaaver >b* w
dlda'I hare Jake. " tbe mU
rill-amalleal cwprn ai* tbe aWil
eep oool QJ
LTi Jake b.
nrmbl* aud brtnp Ibe moat m«|*y.
> blp BOW '
-Vary few mpera arr Imported la
laa at all
Jakv'a joat tb* l>,*t boy,
arr *i«k«r* t'ramp* naaally aaatpn
aba aaid.
ed aa Ui* .waa* wbao tome pood
"Aod yoa really a
palloa* of tbe berrie* la vrtoe or
twimmat drowna Hat erami> in raoj
'^8br”didoT bev notbiK. ter leave—
Tbe work of hoitlinp tb*
oulv til* fnniitor Ti* Jeoklaa b*
caper* H dcuii, by tb* wholeaala dsalaally It aflaeii only aa arm or lap.
took tbai. tb* taam eom* I
may ba, only a baud or foot Aar >rra"-WatoiafftoBKyir.
at Ibe faneral wa* a-taoetb
and belplaaa. I
modarakaly pood awimmar can k.wp
•Well. I a'po*. yun ve looked oot
■Ba'ff eeat y raa iigbi
tt-tem wruwa la Japae.
afloat with oo* arm. or eroo w............
ther plaoe'-- *>id Hr* Pood,
wfol bard 0) ilolbea"
tb* bm of tbal. ya* good *wi
d fried lb. laal of lb* doiutb.
Thom Urleotal Yabke—, tb* JaM-‘Oh. I'll mi «e to Bx him np *c
ar* drowning erery weak aa a
ad wa. taking tbe '
' '
ae, wbo do ereryihiup-nraiiy aad oii am I gotop to worry i
of cramp If aaeb fatelltlac
tbe atovF.
>w Boibmp to po to waate, bora a
abooal ttek." aad Hr* Ball b-oi
The old w.ioian did not 1
of baneating tbeir wboaL
klm kba Beahed fao* oe hat breaal
ly claaaad a* drowaiapt iroia
medialelv. Her faded blc
Inalead of ruU.leaaly cmiuip U down
-ffbaldocaHr Ball aay? "
and loa* of Barra Tlila eomc
imtffbt l»-fore I
with e acylbr or s rrei«-r. thry pall
"Aboat lakm' Baaay- Ob.
ha'a Iba faot that avary owe u tan
love, ber brown, kaolWd
ap BBob ol ll by liami aod elip off
wtUlng. Ha’a at fond of ohlldren at ctalldboed to fear tb- wate
liaoda wen. ooutretohed to lb* frtead
Ibe roou with Aron- for they with
1 BBL Be mid It wa* a atmme to talk eomaaaaagr
awim- to keep lb* beaollfnl lunp poldea
There waa a ueibaloai
o' modts' a oblld Ilk* thli v> th* mar lo fear ei
:ramp Tbe everape opin- (tnw* from p> tiing hraicc-d or trufcBovemeni of ber lower ll|. for a mb
1 am glad bU moUtar
the man wbo ■• attacked ea. With them Uiv aliaw> are almoek
meat b. fore ab* apok*.
didn't bmr any talk ol It.
BUa’d _____________ Hap ta deep water i* i
all* aaid
"Vea. I're been roond.'
a* ralaabl* aa tl.- gralo
They al*
been ]a*l wild
Bat the wa* to a good aa drowned. TberrIore, wbao
"but 'tain'l ao .way (ettiu'aa plaaa
ttakuited Md Uiro Mllroe.1. Md^aro
worked ktbd of atapor tram tb* Brel "
nmmer taels a leg or arm begin i
when a body yet* old^ 'o' I't* u
- I a'paa* yoa eoaldn'l
amp, be la frightened aod In moat maulag*. baakrta. hata. .lod baadrad*
aoliardallmy life I'm ktoder
about that atllob fur my baa
lacw -Btirely eat of bia wiu
H- of other ibtuga Kvru lb.- waate 4
oat. Aud I'lu Uid ap i-ouaiderabU
b”*e* bia bead. b*c>aa to atilaab aud from wearing arr turned into |
with the rbaomatia too. off ao oa "
"Why. of ooarae I ooald! What * to
tw and etropgle, and then poe* and oaed.
-•Still, ya itot a plane, t. a'poae. "
-HU' Sauadera. aba mid aba'd lak* htoder ■ Lital*. yoo bring my wera
baMat eat that top drwwar la Ib* ta­
tptet kb* iwlmaar abonld rasamtae.
8be won't alva
sr It that ba can keep afloat with
Ib^h. an' I'd bev ter
Baaay bare on Iba loanga: ba'agood very very liule effort if li* will tern
_ Jl liaa d^ermiued to^l. If
8b'- apok* la a >low. It felat* vloce, for an boor'i aleep yal, pmw fmla m Me bam aad ^p hi>
the old Librriy IwlL If^M
impi* malic
ai If tired oat. Bmmalijle. loukiBff at
;ffotl'’l!i'*aoaamfal iV win iir lb*
— •wiiami
Hra. Pood laa^ tb.- atlieb tba of floaUnp, whiota
ber. IbooebI wbat a tarry UiUi(
7 if lb
rtsli of the bell we.l it the Mia._
wa* to be eld and triaodleta a
wanted la a very faw mlaale*. bat It
If Itgoe* to »L U.ote
wa* not of ber enxAeUd badrprmd
Hie' Saunder.'
^ waa ibiakiag a* ib* waU*d horn*- arampiag limb will froiaa ly relax WlU b* Ute aixtb
* Brat }oarward aa boar laatr.
ll wa* tema- after a Uul* aad be will am l.luarlf
m to AllaaIn do aothlu "piik*
dagltetauia twigblar took Uma
dollar* a
r bar aeold a mil* off ;
to bar anil oomaly faea.
my yoo 0
into tbr band* of ibr 8
"I'r* Batabed that baraoa mart
ah' alie'i — ..
tto Amrtteaa* eraoaaled I
That * tb* raa- laat. moumt. " mid Kmmallne, a* I
wbat'i <ioo* for
qaam of Hollaad ■•
Tb* other fimr Jourury*
moabar oama la. " I ra ml right bi
rtobnel of royal peraouM*
bar* been to Amerioa^
by tbit window arar alaa* yM
To Chicago in IMU, t9
« an awfnl hard time iber*. Anal
ra. wbll* tbere ■■ h . ^____
ilM, to Sew Orleaua lo
'-KSr-rywte* bar -oUm.-a
•iloet ererytbtnp a hard—for aom*
folka " aaid old Baaie*. after a
t indlea, ar* alao of pruat rale*.
cmaae. 'lAn ll * eltbar Hi*'teaad
U Oelorado la«
Ob ber marrlog* with Hnnoe liiwry
era Of flilaa Howe * plana. "
Again Hru Pead'a lipa Ugbtaead. to paahiag baary ptoem of farelmr* tb* yoaap qaaeo eel bilde SO.uuO.uDO
-impaled load on
Sb* imaaed tu wart of waHilag from ow* Bid* of tba room iclbaotb Mrica. lb* omapaBMal brlop that
Iba aiak 10 look aioaiid al tb* old at 8b* waa ap than aaarly OB boar. Ib* iBUrudl. wfatcb is aaariy 130,000
by tbe auir*.
it-fiaaadart." kb*
-------------- -4....-.^ J u>*
yibing't batter'D tb* pooraamag|a U tbere an no chlldraa Sydaay tbroagb tb*
•ater^M "
T-r-j te
~ to tore
>are abaolai*
Prlaor- Haory
pow- oattytag oabaAa aad an
« M diapo^ by will of ^oou,u»
Id old Eoaloe, rlaing attfSy.



Tints. <^arts and one-half gallon Mason cans, the
good kind.'we stand back ol them. We guarantee satisfactioh-both in price and quality. Our hundreds of
pieces of Table Glassware are handsome. They are
worth more than we ask for them. They can’t last long
at the price we sell them for. If you want any glass
goods for your table remember and look at ours. We
sell this assortment at locapiece. some of the pieces
are worth 35c of any man's mone)-. No extra charge
for looking.



Hra. pSJi?Maa*
to opaa tb* door for ber
It'* kinder UoatefT oaL aa' I got had a hern am ia blaarw.
ullMl Ibroagb."
Joto Blaofe aad bla family
••Tbere"' mid Ur*. Powd. a* lb*
reaubad Daabary. Ooa.. after a_____
door eloted on tb* old woama. aod
-b* mp ta a "pmm* mbimte.
her foolateiw wwtu board
Art .
l.MD mlia*
BW of tba pa*6
Blart. who U mid te I '
"I deeUral I
eflerad Anal Baaloa a aal mba.
^mbar. It Ma'I no mb m m. an'
"1 gmmeb* woaldat bare earad
'ha raal toady le
piL"mld Saubtliaa. "ft’a awful ----- ,------------- -- -aMMfoawvMt
«ia't It matbtr?-to think af bar
going to tb* poor bdHB?"
-'Tbal'i tbr worm e' poor
_ma" mid Hra. Pond, a 1ml*
ably. -Tebrfar knew what tbrT'ru
Bto. «tote.
gala- Iw da. AaM aoblo* dUH't
---------r rlgbL 8ht tod widwh oa'

* SS^pTftad^SM tod tor* a Md»
gbiMa 81 bla daagbter fawiWii

mr.toHB twaaky ymggbii»;fBttoa



_______ rdifiratt

rtadtef ChortMaad PaUawtUhSM
tbs bead rt It

Tb* king off Ham awbs aa aotey
Borpa of MO eliptoam. aU waU teMa>
•d fm milttegy.paiTBmi aad aadar


H«ty Ch»e,saldietmOaMte.
sn Niiiaal Gusid, r«nn>*d te h»
lam » C3ab0R*sn tbi. tsarsis^ ste
(bon »T*it with reUlivet n tki* otR.
Mr. ssd M>«. Howsid sie colaG. W. Old* sad wife of Hsrtfatd Midi.
Mn. y W. [ JanhR and dsaRhun

kiB. dtellBM* rctarecd rwmMsr
Ml sDd Mn. B. H. Vbck of De­
mit rsttned h« aig^ after a etoit
widi the ttttBp of Chat Heoa
Mitt Loom Amo^ of Ciwd
Rsptetwtebai bees toe t«ett of
Min Blaoch Steixnel of Snttoa Bap.
fer tbepato two we^ retmed
I). I.adi St M'slton. sre the pacti of ' T bone Fridap.
lb. and Ma KnaisiMl todsp.
Has. A. y. Fric^ hai goa
Mn. John Wbn* of Soh». and

W*m« « '#M atHta.


bslL Owe of Hn beat knows
aifstted Mdsr MS
to ttst ossilu m-silR 1
_________ __ aftttMfbMllwr M sariR tu eltlaas. ‘ “•
prsttiidlsR trip sad fewsd tbsMa alOrssd.
«u*t aU lb* Astt b* leokad at
iHliqr «• k* VMM ••
1^1 lia iMiwrM-MMa« m t«appeared a onali *pMb set matt Isr« asd Ml la Witt oril sOttite.
HMMSt. Tht «
ksa B Ida bead bat wWeb. u lb* lu.ssdtMttt*>UTB*teR BlRht.
Is OtarUroU
trsli BMUred. Uwiwnil is no* i
ttew* a poBBR fat wbkb b* MRS b*
MMCMOkM ttei Cdir Md «6 Uw
ba* beu off.«*d kart* ■an* at M;l»no«ime«ainoa ercwtaallR the whol* apptr inttaA
r-1-----Is IfaU put (kr
___1 .ki.:. It................... *
«R. Th* pasSR to tt* tea o( u ordi» wsltnu** of Orasd Bs|
wtaMiMWIte artinJ
1 bp Mn. FreiJrich
-asd «as S{«uldil«.
ue( IM ■
t a^osaSitol^
4 of ladutrr f«r
Z^^sldi lb* fVettw uTw^he^ohlli
Monos P. HoagUnl left the cilp
team aad MDK4MBI UMMd imthat It did n*i allow tb* oessell dute* u SR* wtwo II iheuld he *kte U
penerJap morning for h» home m
ilrol tb* ( lint*. H I. ]r«l airacied with
aaila in tb* snita. fast
te na tea mplor^ lo te
Chicago, after a brief vwil with 'Mu
latia arrlad a frsswd.
ter WTcf^ tocmwd bwtam is tbi
He has sol been in the eato I I DM thMld be towird. l-Se trea-mroi
Hoa la a fonlbt* hmwIi .A.U HoHenberk, at the home of Wm.
ellr m mil M • alanlMlwi i> ted*
•ipeeMd. Betel and beardlag beaee
Afteen yean, and will spend a moo I ttee ImporUBI emu Thit
•ndonMUlwohSBdaaaaasdbMie*- Hank.
tbnach Um- kdd*d bo*iom of U>m Sard of iwolm wbm D*o**aiR
preprfetors ar.- watehtog lb* m«r*M{
wlUwosldb* adopt. dbR
Mitt 1-ul. Tripp took the 10:46 or more in thit loadlitp befm retui ' veubU u do* to * diaSMd uMinrn e< th* of the plan* with faoltagSMaeb ana* |
who rnffif Ik* tewr- Tb* tmbIi raH tb. lotsnm of both jarlte.
<• okftoo*. b if • Rood tUk«. ml UK. Olbla. who la. b«« *<• oblsf At 10 e'eleok Obslraas rrtodrioli ;uam )-etlenlap for a thort rtap in Pe- isg lo hit wettem boine.
tblug aklB to aw*.
- pw>pl*
is woaoMsR tb. fsilKal, ^ to lat* to auh a train ud lottey.
Sterata OitR effcin, jwiMfc
A prettp Anil Arbor girl sbs tanta-j
T. Bam wa esltod to maid*.
•1—Tin te • ■lalWlBdwVr. I
Mn^ Art HoUabeck ad litde too
lUtog ter stesdp at tbo golfltoks a!
__ Bata, la rapetu* to a raqaato
Is MR mpsol*.
Tbf B(«d ct
Mptl leh ThuiwUp afternoon for BeW ' A ttrooR effort to bolsR n*d* bp the __ both and the »tm* xreai remwiy.
beewae* b.- watt'l *eot-1
froB lb* Bodlasa IbtIM W. a. Brr- liite, ahere ihe)' will ,*|>enJ a fc* peopU of tt* Boo H bsr* Pratideal
TteU hsf s imptetlM bnfsn
w.-’L ffl.i!.' tekiag a h*^
biTt, a praulnrsl frslt frewcr o* Old .lay. with her mother, M ra. K Baker. Boaoerelt rUii Basil SI*. UiarU
U, BSd Ik* pralMi 1* telsf isTMUdM- tb* ordisssa a I
by druggtit*. lo f*yw-t"effort te eonrinre bee that be watt‘1
•d. vUok a»7 rmil Is tk*«Msblub' Isd wa. wdoptod iTtb- oossoil Md ttt Ulmtoa. to addrm tb* n*. tiBR.
Mr. anil Mil H. K S(ewal are bU weatern itlsstsiR. Tb* eosull
a begtnaer be mug tto eilek eo far !
Mtots tel >atsr tewr k*r*. tad ws* sot bolU b* wesld ttk* all W. Hertart ra^noded and .aid: "I viiiiUng in Princeton, lU.
tte he kooeked nnt ttra* of
bMletr I Toln tb* ••sIlsicBU of tb*
Xte smsRf as suUr b* wssrad.
MuHa.UGra.-n of Mt Plcaaal
wa aU*d a ad*r bR pKipl* a tb* ProinnU when I mj
also ptmtt'eti*''- —
al ih. to r teeth Alter « hours' omtetamg !
SSd M lb* isT*aa*Bt if b*ll*red *0 Tb*
Msjor. tree,
te all about iu 'Inclittnc
the gtie«,of Miis .\lice Wait
te. th won fosB.l lath.- giMU .
b*sal* eta. wltk tb* skssea «d ^■MaRa Alted T, Frt*drtrtb, jmrt- that we bar* Ibe
8lndl*R will k**o for ORCtar Bap to
dwt of lb* Board of Trad*, who alwtiiiM'OrKilmer

deiiuet has aaderiak.-n tt* )ob]
OOllR of)
pstaaeallp priiiBt it to tb* pr«ld*al
T.. U tor* and ^ replsnliBg tln-m to bar rubs i&<
UsM tb* Obtet <d »br fathorliid.
little hard a llio lajde Cilv thit su.ming tor a vUil
epbad b
At Ires MoastslB as attempt ws*
lapn***d lb* adlaa with lb*
' tbep will alay.
Bos\ for th* eltR’* ilh frienilt aud relativ-ev
„o*al„ of a nodlfRltH tb* fr**- woUsr*. Wba w* board that Ua Uenuuoreiii foiiu« Travene City
blaM tte
obia iwawl brtb. oossoil a to ste* beard of trade bad taka ep tb*
bop bm now hold, a j-ifilion a. ttco- eor-sld bop. of BosrI
Tb*p did to. asd
Uaoapisbl* to ib*laplt*U«. who
ra])lier and bookkeeper with the rlaitlaR ivlstlre* tbei*. Bo wu pUpV nnU Is s fbwt bsis
amr*d tlnl Trarmr
ed to And eoppur bearing .|naliiie>in Mto-beli Lalmd <
m orptoMd to Intal tbelr owsoR OltR woald do eTarptblng h .
iierica Car and Koundtp- Ca.ol iDR Is tbo 8t Paal yard, wbas
a ricioB* liuree,
tb* benldera The farmers k.-|il.islet.,
faaad.ullI lb* projoot *» tb* aa* *»“•
ikely I
nslerptU* wbiob Deal a (ood UelroiL
IsR bin to "eoBS." Tb* bop noiot
alB> tb* islaat* of tb* rltR. Jo
log roll OB Um. Mstttog a
to the P.'Blatsla ad llial the
Joe Werner and wile returned
gardisgthe wenderipl
ed. when Ibe fellow drew a rereln r durtlDg .iploreiOfR work wlib idt. : sbool.-r an.l bn-akleg ooroeal rib*,
. «S.’ Is tia Rm
icti will do wb*t*T*r U
the Soo thit morning sfter a we«
asd polsMd it St tt* bop. Other
wUtk hs* baa *M spat bR Uw a
ttst tt* boora of direoton of V* ba** heard map MR that 1
with .MrL IVkmcr’t )>arenu,
gmen identity ll>e out emp an aud Freak Hvdloof. a aaeiles hand
eUldru mw tb* tceo>-*dlsR asd told
boUMR for wcffeisf poopU. Tb lb* Bnttd of Tisd. did pot tak* tb. OltR U tb* BM*t bsMllBR ad
.......... IS K A I railroad, mme >s
KearMrg* ^Ampdaloid lode. coste.-t With a freight teal* and *aspolio* oBe*r, wbovstUBcaasBd wosas. psrlloQlai natter sp ba*s«* th* oooboII had sot irlalSR ettp Is HI*U«a. and that beD asd bop ataeat a Bill* from tows, Should thurprev,
iR lb* offSBlad tea ulou. a dose 111 datp; op lb* oosterp, tb*
road i« sreded.
lUmvo, Ki*.
n* fallow wat arreotod aod plaoml Is
board lisd eusaldeied that tb* eoaspil o*M it Snob a Us* wosid nal
, *Ow Hate hor.
or. iU-->. h.d
S,ui.|gL t
B* refsaM to >«p aspUilsg
MRlbUparaa W bo i
bad doM It* OntR to tb* ba*l oflu imtbl* for frail Rrowen. to read
»T Ir-i.J i;* d»rt.e
Mu K-dith Gi^U of
tite II bouTL JolmoT*. 8 *0 fnesdiy that they eemr asd look
vote *am ho aiiiul. 'l*,.u:b ><
tt* affair.
is Rosn M eoBU. As eli
abUltR batlBa is BlBd tbeoolLtlUl tsarteu nor* qslcklpad eosM<«'
Te*r*f0f age. died at bl. home to m yoar i«ckeUto .e.-if sonbare any
We>l I'jghih'iirect.
■ ba bm poopsad. wblidi «
taiar**to of tb* Mir. tb,' artim.
B tdowlsR open.-d.' thaad topld* TuMdav morning. Ibe »»«• f<» ttem Monroe wU think
01 of fmll wesia be itin
Frank Gannelt
lObapsMS ud StblUkR, farmora. owstb* predseu ison
of Srrtbl* burn, regeired the .. would be, tobavotlmitor
drawn this noon.
saatm of ifa* osriov a.
eoasoll. bat to f*« tb* tolo* of th. PVnlt fttekar*. women ad boj*
qoaner **01100 in tew '
As* faato*. In noBDanT with olhet i P'S* 0“" U
George W. Hall of Wes» F.ight ■'4. Keewoaaw oossip.
ooasiT. got eat
Asd plentp of emplepmest dori*
fcr«W ream Hb bmkh 1 .■« t> |.shsTsboa Uboal Is iboir egstribs' wesld renor* a obatmotlos
obtldran. b* wae amtuung
id a* ttep ti
proAtsbl* wsetw. belSR
It belweis two; off..* a
Mds* a dsfiSR lb* sienafR sxpona. weeld Mr tb* oarrRlsf oot sf tb* iwo- al« to Ret 00 tb* palsfsla qaieklp
earth and later mewed ttaep liad
Oo* ol the burning freRtneato O. parttoa Tliey will <
ad OniR «MBISfSBM>t U boiBd tet for a *tra«t railwmR- Tb* t
Dr.Maet’ Remedies are nU
■ and at a moderat* rate of fare.
te go aronsd a larg* oetcrop of booldIgnited
on guarentes to
with Ros, b<«n ad *eal ad wlU ing his slaughter, Mrs. A W. KickarU. .-ta. Tbep liare been doing ttU for malM tan away from him. Hi* one*: Caildn-n. ptoyiag with nUbes
TtaU U tb*
benefit or money icluaded.
.sob a rallwaj asd a llso lo Old HU- be with jm rlRbt slosR."
Itet May they deelded to atireeted bl* mother, wbo unotln-red ! started a An- that d<otn<ytd the eallr.
K I>. Klliotl of Shelby i* the fiuesl
dBRlstboRW vbleb wahtsc
dee asd bslloTod that tb* nedifioS'
Hr. B«rb< n Mid be realliM that
Dr. yam tedkal Co., tenaiV tod.
miner of
theBamm. bnt not to time to MVlgiam erop of Mote Boat of Boboolasd woaes as aU tboir own. sod It Unoa mdi^ wooldjt0(rre the dlffleal eapital woold not qslcklp nwpond to orhi**«er, Mr*. W. M. GanI
Wellington tireel.
toficbl tha tb* psbllo •booldsldlB
tte boy'* Ilf*.
Inrltatia* to Isreet sole** treated ' George Miller ai
*T*»7 WBR pofolu* a
„j jsepoood fesBobtoa wa. read UbnmllR. ad harlsR baa a islli
to Charlevois ycsieriiap.
ttrssfb bR Prof. O. B. Dettnaj.i
ma he nwdilp Mw that at Ant tt*
Mn. Frank Brcnclt went lo Chica­
Uoe bR *Mtioe.
tnieoiod Use woold b* a loiiBR in- go on the CItarlevoix pctefiby.
Fite*at laba Ov U d**l«BM a
- , obasn* fro** tba pratast trasitmwt. bar* b<- bettered a* nub
Mik* Kriher Horan hv retnmed
tesaMtosl* tb* Itopatel psit vbte ebiB is aSeet ar* a* foUoaa:
MrsRenata* poMlble tbosld ba Crom a t isil with rclalivc* in Gransl
tea psRi U tb* pn«ria et tb* Odder lb* MWprepodtlomlb* I
mrid SSd tb* dtFolopsuBi of lb* a- |BSR will be nUso-d from paRi
E. Brows, aotber .
data TladUpliR vblofa wlU a of ap of til* ooit of parta*. bst after
Mis-s Julia l.ipj. art - . . ,
■foa will mon SfaJR lispaa tteesplttlia of ta Roar* than pap
Milwaukee ansi is a guest *1 i'atk
mfm lb* psopi* tb* *sla of IsWUl' lb* aat Of ll.WB aasallR sntil tb.- MnilB.-Dt* of Ur, Herbert. Tbet* I’lare.
■nllsbaa oFSTR amaullR. la- oxpiistla of tb* trasdidBO. a loul of were *er«tal otter peutsfol* psopi*
Nicholson and wife
ioeUdlBR A. E. Portor. W.
ha Okr Is Ttsvaa OltR tbesld M 00.400.
Mu Vernon, la., arc making their a
m 0wmt Is wbiob mrj eltiaa who XhaptOTldOS Is tU* old fmebU. Haritaall siid P. F. inrdi*. all of nual visit lo the dtp.
whom look a deep islereM In tt*
wahs MsU ak* pfUto. sot sloa te srhltelliB hsi boa ibidiflod
.V 1*. Hough an.1 wife of Jas-kson,
tba* who au Witt ibtoi hssds Ite that tb* OltR absll cteo** two abilra- nretloR.
Ur. BatM at*sr*d tb* Old Mi«l<
■mbsnM tb* ssaasa ofii
tm. Uh' oonpap two ad the afth |iropl* Ibal Ti*t*t» OIir wesld do are at I'aik Flare. Mn. lV«gh 'ta*
been here some lime visiting het
bp tb* otter far.*** .ball b* **teet
Ralph Haste|l. Mr. Hoi
(allwap orporl nddln* auld. of
br b>-li<<r>-d It woald t><tteol^. tkeisoTUla IsttUeUs** hoi a ■bon ltB». wh.-n peoph' finm arrises] this nuotu
Ruy Woirl ol I'ark Place letil^r
t ipi^tsl hifhwaR iam« b*ltif b. t.- ooold rid.- OBt to virit tb.' p.-0| is enjoying a visit from his fallier
MTldca ML
ot Old UlMlen.
an.l sister, Ro. K. C. W.rul an.l .Miss
Otter Uso* will liaro lb* rlfhl U>
ttteasdaiwotfciscpaM* ttaRm SM tb* teobt of Ibt oonpasR far MrcrnW.10.1 ofAllia.
HaetMT KraM*.
I porpeoa* asd tt* ootsiwap sup FrasL LsLpm. W. H. AbboU asd R
U iBltt ttm IB ateatlaR sod la- eoUeet fan* from p***a**n oulortsf iO.Jopai RBTeapartpFrtdapDlRbt tea
>*lac tlttir FoestleM. wbiob U tt* dip from .*aoh L.-.-—------- Urge utUBbrr of their fri*o0 at E*«t "iTr.'*Md*MreriR R Itreok.-n of
BWlU ba trmatlnlal to amp Um
d iMU tee teuian npua asp ott- Bap. Tb* aallvM from tt* aarroand- Wa<.htoRtoa •treat ami tbair Roe*t*
bMism Is tto omsMsltR.
and Mrs. A. W. Uin.l was
llBM ihw oompaup sup operal* lu ' ioR cabin* were ot.t an.l a As* time
tterilp Uteto.
*Dleped bp all tt* rsoM* and Carp lMk<- on a Attlug t'XcnraVwA ww eUs** U fBggMWd. allswIuR ottwn Cure wa* roarlpd and otter Hte-t Lento- asd Ota &i.epard of
Owte to th* afafiiiiu cd tt* bik tt* oUr tte ilfbt to tarn off tin earState itreet bar* returo.-d from a rltil
0s*MBttsfWb«pgsl«bftQOdWai reat. oat wte* or are poU* of tt*
to a diseased coodition of tt*
with friends iu Ontml Ite.-0 and otter orgiai of digcftfos
is7l«w*r"tes teetea, “—r~ MB^ap at map ttm* dsriag Atm if lai a hear before
B. Oran.- arrir.-d y.-«l.-rd*y
d *1*0.
fttotstei In* fdl it saoomrr toa- w. islaiste oftte OltR dmuad each ed for their heme*.
from Cbteago and Is spendisg a few
tof«* tt* Mat* asd loeeio teUltto* at
Th* UiUm of tt.- Ilou* MUric
daps at Hark Plaee.
Th* booo of 08.400 rrqaliwl bp tt* ioeUtp of tbc rint H.-tteditt ebareb B. O. Iteter and O. W. Hillre of
—“-R th*
hasp sU this
K dallRbtfal turn- at Bari BdT Alhion are gnest* at HoMl Whit tog.
is**el riasehaU* to oompol papmeM
3. M. JobnM of UhleaRo to'spoad- uam* rear BfOmue s vhUr t ew---otpearibl* damagM. trill be aUml- ' Fridap aft-rnoon whore thep war
ThaftpRsUariMbaT* baaaum
salad eattelp. u th* ***** Uw cor- liartaiaed bp Ur*. Ueorg* Isrdieasd ing a few daps here.
-at dews, tt* RTooTo* teat sat,
Un T. Flraaos at tt* cottage of tb<Ih. Wilbur S. Crowell and wife ol
«( that pelst
Bttte tt* freot ML «atra aata
tonsor. At as iofortel wMioe of tte let eland arrived Iasi
The UM of Dr. Pierce’* FkaNat FbUsM
Bsm bar* bus addUL and sew U Tb# fotfaltor# elaaM wa* MOdlAad
visit arith Hr. Crow.
Will core that fold'
. wiUbepsiribl* tt plam alttaalsap to prerido that da* seUeo ahaU be
: old time friends. They
, Muarp. so Batter bow latf* a* bow glraa tt* eomiuip la oaM of aap tIoCrowell's, 713 Monroe sueeU
[ iilttilr*. Tb* Jalla Marlow*t«e- tett. laatMd of tt* fiaseblo* beeom- a(|er wbieli a mgram wa* glrei
Mr. and Mn. J. M. Blakedec have
doorittcfWbu Kalfbheod Wu la lag rsid ferttwitb.
lag of hwdlDgi bR Mrs Dr.
gone li
Vlowor’’ aarrlM tott* drop* aa wide Th* eUsM U tte pros-ot fraaoblM
Mrs IsafsMS. Mr*. Soman and St. 1-01
u0 t*w sad tt**L uwMlu all 0rlnf tb* ettp tb* right to parol
Mra OarrolL DaUclotu. refrei
tottto otbM large aoesofR. WlU M B«ad
re *WT<id to abeat feetp guaato.
htts, tt* BUBO H la the laiR* *a«. twutp paor*. to *oUrelp otrioken oot
Ail city visiting friends aad relatives.
The*. Smarttwaiu atated lo ngard
. G. G. lutes reiurnetl from Chicago
B*olab«tR'* Qtsad buslwap* onjop- to ttU laal TnTiriOB.ttst ttU iwerUioo
bethis morning, and he and his wife will
*d tba repsttttas HbariBR eu of tb*
MSR. bot ttara
go to Central lake this evening to
anugad teRM aBpwbara, asd
and tb.- ert-ntog wa* grvsklp an- S)K-nd a short lime with Mr. and Mrv
sritt tte teagM tte bar* baas tt* Mip woald bar* to bare
jepad. Tb.- morioal mgram bp 8law- .\. F. Cameron.
ttsd*. It to canalalp agslppad u waU
an «c Steffen*' enfaeMn was ^ren to
a* tt* rsfR beat la th* large attaa.
Judge Reuben Hatch and wife
apoe asd approrad to ttootde.
their nssal As* mssoer, and at tte Grand Kajiids are guests of Mr. and
wbte tlnp oam* asd then the frasrloaion daneiSR wat todalfed to Mrs E. S. Pratu
ttlM *• ameodad aa a wboir wa* ap- for,an boor or a*. Tb<: beaatlfnl
Fred IV, Hedblom arrived from
■light os tt.- water, asd tb.- eratt Chicago this morning lot a ten dava'
^toh aUm Cditt BUm. a *tsdMt Is prorad.a w*TM on the ttwre and the visit wiih his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Dodge'* Trii«Mpbp Mbcol of that Hasp to tt* aadtoaa* estored toto
to dlMBBles* rriatlTr-«e tt<
altP. wkm** h«M* to is Aldas, to
Frank R- Adciiau of South B
te«. Tb* tel laes or heard of bar es> tor Uw mtanod ebascM. Boa.
p^atr "‘■‘•‘‘I* wa* |o«nal aBd'aarWM *1 tt* Hiwttwmtea depi
Mr*. P. A. I-indlev and her .laugh­
smUr tororod tooh ebasRM a* woold
. Otoeago,, wb«(« ah* WMt to m
ter,'Mre. Smith, of Chicago, are the
' e rwriMliw. to Mko bold H tt* m*B Ibarater Bword.
■mis ter Ziaa Ottp M rtoli bm anela,
guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. FulR «. Ftold. Tb* tote* raeaired
Mrs. I. S Crain asd her daughter.
OltR'* 1
Mrs. Samphaer, have rase to Qiicago
for a few dan vuit with 6ieodL
Witt tt* OltR'* tolen
woald be masR peon before tog «s- Mrs M. 6. Witom from the eoulhern |»tt of the *1*1*. arrived last eve­
KIM Site wa* to Tm*«*m OUr tropria* would ba mad* to pap. Thto ning. She will spend about one week
bR Dr. 0. 4
tet.wteter, darii« the mestb* at
with her son, W. E. Wilton.
teaaiR asd n*taaiR Uoiatog totogMrs. Jemie^tiU left thU morning
MfbR to tb* tonal WioImb Gales
I for a two weeka vkil w^ friends in
tees. VbU* tt* gar* AldM a* bar
Chiogo aod Milwaukee.
^MoadteMtb* mM tte tt* bad asdHr. BaLsa
Mrs. Kd. Hardr has gone to Mliitc
so hoM* toparttoalaraad so relates*
to Hr. Btoof* query
sterar ttas aste* asd aaau. Ur. as to why tt* beard Imd raoemmeiaJ- Cloud and Grand' Kaiads for a vish
Ftold, wboM lamUj ab* wa* gntof to ed tt* free am of tt* *Bmu 10 a rail- with fn\-ndA_,
atoll wfaM to*t beard boBu *mb* to
Mr. aid
Hobbelt, who
bsr* bets a*e*t towntid to bre wal- Be{an*eatatl\* B. W. Haattog* eb- ha>« bete
m visiting, his coute K. W.
tonaallWBebewbopaldharas- toeted to tb* eUmtoBlioo Of tt* etoum Hubbdl^->
left for their CBxetaeyou. it
» rii.- Ir. t'e»e>t.
tMsaafo* to tte tolagiapbR lobaoi laerldtog for a spreial btghwap
* l.le How euljn*ju»l MK*
iwn>e at
cejcouyoun. AUcuomUv*Uuu rr**.
ttewaeitttosdtog. UtelEldar ws* TU* was.oM of tte iioiBts aigad by
Maj. kitank Whttnep of the Second
Um whta OB tb* oonnelL
la esnnrt of tte aetios of tbo R^>meBt\Mi*^>i|ui National Cuaril.
who has b^enat Manistee U the
board of Tiad* OhatoMS Fria
stale encamiS&t, is here with his
.^^iilrUCCT?:. Olive rare.
ieterfrem a^Bottos eoseen
wife for a visit a-ich he> jiarents, Mr. Dnwvi.t. av .ei. A.t
HeaM torn waafc. Blabadforaii olectno llpo laorldtog and Mrs. C 1- mitoej.
]>r»C I. a Gilbert has letmtwda Ubeial fianebtm was gires. aad
alier a week ai St. Johiu, where be
BfriAnatoe, «as of rttoM are tor tbo itoUag tliat It wm b*lls*ad tte
third gnds letos te th* MOoodted anteemaay lullwap project* betoc condneted the'Teacbcrs' Institute.
J. l_ Stanion went lo Kingsley
w* tor tin Ant ends
busnscss this tnewning.
Miss Rbea MeirtU, Jack Merrill,
• " Penj-and Mte Perry, wbt ■
EMULSION would bofld you
guests at Park Place far
ID, mcrusc your. wdght.
time, have gone to Petokep where
they will *i>eod a week.
stfo^tticn yoir weak throat
More Yakwhueu of the Soa ia
0idkMi^patmincmwith ohl friends in ihb
was a Wnnet Traverse
would b«^ toUke
New Phone 126
: is BOW in buBoew ^
Traverse City. Mich.
123 Cass Street

What tfaia Boy’s

Mother. Says









Traverse City, Mich.

127 State Street

Are you looking around for a good Corn Binder? We ask you to look at


the; iviii_wauke:e





Noted for Accuracy in Seeding and Perfection in Construction.
Headquarters tor the Famous PAGE WIRE FENCE. I can fur­
nish this fence in all sizes at Retisonable Prices.

strictly up-to-date inall styles.


(T you knew bow scorn

on State street I carry a good stock of
Horses. You can find what you want in
thir stock-at prices below the other dealers. We are always glad to see you whether
you make a purchase or not.
______________ _________ . ■



Him Ida Newtosd ha* tetsnied
ftm a teit at Beaus HaiboL

.taob« trip to J. Ha

--------- to ftototo«to.«
•ItototoMffc frte. of
V«v Tart tkto i

M*aid Bai Tilton, vbo Itot Ha^
malatoaiBinca toko ahoqa to tto
I DtUl *o(fca ta VoM AMoa,
la OB Ua army I
wftb a baokm paalbla Ttora pas 1
abonlder. Ha M
Btoaoanod Jaly b^ at tto 80a. and 1
lA itora *m ae 4
aad to ttaealedA«D0 aU« to
Loodoo. *boe Ito Injory *aa attend­
ed to. BaU tbaraaot
n«^^7' - ■'■'ITS.' ^ aJmI ntabatea tton 4a bat one «)lr,
another to tto
Lttn'toX* kldaty arentiom wu PaiakUler. Petty Darto-. hteaadtcn. boae yeototday.
Old Boll, no Oaato ladtao ebito.
vbe *aa a aorrlror to tto *an *agIf lann aay
ed Bgalaai tto Indiana by Oen. Caa- Inttofaooaa. tnatant ttotof la eaaeo to
td at tto ArapAiea Indian botBa, CBU. qnmiaa, aortStoti to aoy
OolT. OU*. BanaaioUie
BO aboat a medlelae vbiefa dora ae _ . .
aacta good at Doaa'a Eld«erJ^>K Oaawr battle at tba Uttli- Big Ben.
a bts btot gala pent and tto
dtdme.-in IBTA. and afumarda eaierod the
Bocaiag foand a aanatot o*l
Bert imienng of Grand Tiamta
aerring entll retired on
I dealeia. Prlee SO
Dlatncl Oianca Ko. 17 *111 aaotnllh la It. Tto bird aaaaaiad Sn laat 10
ilbarn Oo.. Baffalo, aecoBBt to age.__________
E^Lake^Ot^ B^Mber ^ and toetoa baa Uia Upa to tto Wtoga and
a for tto Qniud.
cmr W|«a
tto naar. Doaa'a :
toTiad^ dagnaaaabm an valgfaa Stb paanda. U baa sla*a
-E 8. Gray. Bierator^. Saa inebaa Itog.
* <*
OtotlN S<ue. an 11 yoat old tad.
TO Cl'&k A COLO IK onn DAT
‘•Ibada ranntng. Itching ante on
diad In Eaaton. Pa., from Mcraaln
to Dot al*an bttogbt aboat by ebaaga
rigantW amokiiMt. Daring Itbe laat my leg. Saffeied (ortarea Doao'a
cd air and *aMr. Tba 'ftay-atbear* of hli lllneae be imaginod he OUitaiaai took a*ay tbe boniog ao<l
and oominaboaaa" ara jaat M tasoaptlbto , to
dlartboaa; daa naacally to over aat.
:io*llng Green. O.
II la **oa* to Itoagtoa nUto U


«i« tom •• ood of too
tMrtoihoototo tooocy «om«p
m (to tortko m to
to oma.
tto yl— to * amalWM a< aodtoton to totog Ito toU imMn of pob-

V. O. Valaenaad
raokae ttda vaak.
to Ihlrtam en
Hortb^&Uoa on Ikaitoay.
Hlaa Sibal BMav ano
Bnail frionda on Bataidny ari

of .fcmmiry fiftoontottn »n n
toponibtomd iGonmUn mmtto
L kotoen toftoonr la tto etol Salto aod Hn. Anaa Egelar to ttaTone City
MtaUaretoa paaitoeftto knmUl la Titollag harK, Hn. /. Laird.
ttoato af to^J^ pol^to^aDd to Otoa. Fnalaa*ont toTnnne<)ity
___ m*. Jnoa DaAor, Seett Staadek.
tto noat OBornTtolTa of tbe plau ad- Banford
Hodtott, Hla Unfaam and
HnWIUlaBU toBnaU. bd.. an riaOo eoa potot ttmo U to 4>«anm» ■Uag in lUf Tlllaga.

la kidaay aoba.
> oare tto kMaeya
g^jealdeBt totla yoo ptalsM OBleky nItoTod b
Tla' PaiaklUar. a nfa.
Inmbaeto fiSl Wobaaer.



Olto Bam. Btoh.. Aag.. M-Tha
lUamvtnc auttooa ea Slaaptog Bear
Mat and Sooth MaalMn lalaod hare
both Matlana toriac antaad t



«i11 ibt *rll to ter me. . I ran •|iio(r
im many .lenrablr jirmirrliet ill thi» an1 otliif rounlict. It
will co-t iiothmi: ti. l>wk o\cr mir lisL

ehatoad. rmlla arrloaaly. Perry DaTto' PatnktUar it tba only partly raUablarsaady. ksandtoc.

tban wlw tova mtoe tbe vallan to
tto Itople * atody to yaora am tto
neat ndim aoanta an admatod.
Badlaal pe»ttoal cbaertati do ato
■ m gomnntet totarmtito area to tto estaot to aal
to tto Boal Saida and tto railnada
ttot eeatnl them, on tto gioand that
oeal la a pabUa aaeontly and UM tto
pnbUa iBUnat la paramwt.


l_ Of. BRVA:NT,
501-a Km wiiiicUii Block.

UsBT STS .Mid or Tstovea. bat Astlkr tbe




Obt*. Jtoa Ooaaatt. B. O. &. toa
boon ton aad aiada tto aaaaanry ar—I------ -- tea tto bolUlag to tbe
hot booaaa for too BagUab anttboato,
oMforttoSoath Haaitoa ataUoa on
tto lakad. Uw ottor oaM fer tto
Slaoptag Boar Point auUao. to be
weoaad la tto hay tore, aboat •« feat
tnm Oay’a plar. '.dwla P. Baoea.
•wlatoBt to aoperb mdeota to eontonetlan. la toaa to akaohaigt to toa
votfe on boto boaaaa. B. J. a Ho*oaaaba. to Maalalaa. baa tto oontaaet
for tto amettoB Of both.

Mid-Summer Clearance Sale
Will start Thursday, Aug. 28, and will keep right on for Ten
Days, Ending Saturday, September 6th.

5 ii«h I'ie I’latet. iJain white, per let


Steamen, Ka 9, made of heavy tin. for
thb laie only...........................................

r, the Stic ki ,
Itodies' Summer t'r«s with and with- <wl kleevcs.our 16c and Kckuul.




Disutor Pails, medium riae. the S&c
kind, now . L..........................................
plain white Cups ami Saucen, Knglidi
Hire, i*t set ot C.....................................37


•^Ailin' Shirt Watoti. all tires, our 48c
kind, to cloic out at.................................24
Indies' Shin Wauts, asaond colors,
well made, our, re^alar Tito kind, to
close out now at...........
Re^ liev? ChiUnn's
the right

Real heavy Tin Waih Bolton with cu,^
per bottom and copper rim, $I 60
value, BOW only......................................

Nickle 'plated to co]>|>er Tea ketilet,
$1.26 Taloc, now .... ^..................... .

bum G to in. writ worth 19c a ttoif.

Double Rstosting Pans, good liae,
made of real heaty toieet itto, 60c


Same as above, large size, only.............
inattera, plain white, 10 inch, thif nle



•“ "■-r»-ss.r


12 <(t Galvasiaed Paib. teal heavy, this
aalc toly ............................................
e of
InO. IHc value.

3 .|l tin Tea ^ Coffee Pots. J5c val-


il,i, S.J. >™ 1., Um. .1





C <|t Milk Pans. 8c value, r

ham kMtod to i^oSS



Mdium sire Frying Pans, 19c value.
oatao nSm yon know bo* to aaa “
A. foUo*lv---------------







well wurth $1.50, now only...............- .96



Wme sets, aamnof colon, nicely ilecoralc.I.
value, i«r tet...................... 65
gowl steel, p
Farury Jardiner
35c. 1)0

One lot of granite Ctoanders to close
jSSaHototay. Stooogiaplnr and

sorted colo(% .V vtoue. no* 2 for...


Good size Class Fruit Stand, 3flc val-:
^ASlto*^&^'Beekoapar. OtoaBbta

•°asr’s&~r t~*—.



«2r liooi.



cCtr&lnrt. BmUm,.. U W.1I..


Best machine Thread, lUO yds
on a sjjtol-------............................. fe

Kail Bnuhes, large siae............. $e

I am just unloading; my

oant of lia pop^
ST^ttmtoU toy ottor ooUogo In

BttiW tbeaaalna to tto

fto Wanti nM OhUna.

Sixffi Car Load Today
The £act that U»ave SOLD FIVE FULL C.AR LO.\DS of these goods
this season is the best kind of proof, that


Wooden Spoons, Urge size.... *e

S00.1 b»4.... 1.


......... ».

srttf's best Red Ink or Wnt-


127 SUle St., Traverse City. Mich

or colored borden, esitoi.... te
i:nvelopes, tU sizes, good qoal- ^




' A bottk of the best Carter’s


gooJ b,k

Boys'Suq> pair.... «c
Aluminum or Bone Hair Pus,

San Silk, an colori. per spool.. *e
Curling Irons large size...........$e Goodlarge riie Bad Combs,
Paste Stove Poli*. 10c bosei
Wire Hah'Bnnliei, la^ size,
Wooden Bunei Ladles............. te
16c valae, only........................7e
Good Perfuto; per bottle .... t*
Badtorwh^Bdi Pins, two
pmsno*^ ........................ ft

............ ^

1 sell a high-grade, full leather upholstered and-full leather top Buggy, such as
most dealers ask S^^ttTfbr. at Src. and a genuine fully warranted hickorj- gear and full
rubber top Buggy, such asTnhdrs sell at S05. for only S45. My S60 and S65 jobs are
the »me exceptional values. My goods are BRIGHT aiid NEW and I CAN and
WILL give you BETTER VALUE for your money than you cap get elsewhere.

Aug. 21 St. 1902.

Shdf Paper, toe doien ^sheets
| l.igtnning ilnltijaiei bores, to
for.......................................... fe . 1* used as a jiencilbox; just
, .. ,
a I the thing' for school children,

«atth26c,DO«.................................................. ............................. ...................


Wimped Toilet Soap, coroes 2
' "
close tot the l^ per b
Best Laundry Soap.fuU site bar.
jierbar.................................. i

Good Penal Tablets at Ic and 2e
to jiuauay,
Pencil Tablets, the •^'yxlhite,’'
Fibre Lttnd) Boses, tbe small
the largest pencil tablet on
e 7c, the Urge tise oal).. ffe
the market, only................... i
See oar new Parfaf- Lamps just reCompositiM Books...................... 4
oeisedi prices range ftom »6c
Good Pencils with rubben, taro
} pet ceot. dtoCtoot to aH o«
Slate Pencils, 8 far................... 1
Good plated Collar Bmtoni,
with pearifaa<4,5c kind.... U Large bound Slates................... i
Egg Beaten, only..................... It Good Hudlagc, per bottle.,.. J

To iMH this Mk,*ai be a posittse lorn to ^ This tale coven ererything of yo
jM have a dmaoe and aave raoney.


Xhe Raelco-t Stor
•sa F’wowT STMKirr.

twM «Uadberd*r


by ChBtrwMB J.' a HoBnw. 3 '
oaaatioa wa* tanad orcr to Alb*d
LerUBebaaia wMasUad ta tb* ehair bay aad J. a BaiBay aad tba tlMa
EtaaloB Btaalcn. 7^
OalM teerdOT bt Prat. Oa I-------- WM glt«w *04 for a bait hear lb**a


.«VwSs^‘%2-*si-ysa Ka.*7:.“s.£5pj?-J=TI2

ItAVISI. MaOOT «r Kst.
PCUT F. FOW«W «r w«*-

'^JarKUMUkTliLAI■ *r FMftm
^'»OWI» A!*WIU»*r 9t V^M<

XVORTH SLOO, tlSS. SS.60. AT...............

ad a* fnllowa: Oa raaelaniMt—t. F.
I to proTtda for aooh
The MlU wobU bat*
a OObart. U Beara.
F«piM«U i*Uw*y prcjwt •»«
Willeb**. Utaa F«U, E J. Oaao^
Bln Bbais* of Fob D> Imc. Wh.
------- •—UUWCrf —
Ur*. tHHarw. Bra Wb*al and Bf.
it«M vUeb wosld aet }M>]»r41«- th*
,^h^ B L 0*Tli ef Elatbry tbao Bra Olbbaelir’*
a» «b» •«- U»« !•• ad a* follawat
aaaddrt**; tablaet. TbcOaatreyArM»-Jofaa
Met* ebMeWi acalatl Um
Ab'lo tbc
BlM A. J. Bolart.
<1 A. Tha^
tb*d*af. It
(toe of la*
•he bat* bMa leokia* eter »bti fM Welob.
^d. Br^ i
iIbImm. H. a Bart.
te lb* *>plellaUee ef aa *1«^
F. U. BubUb, Ftaak OaaarW. Oba*
nilwar llaa.
--------------- •*
a. atli-ode
^(■•tad.aad • r tba MUar will




1. L. Wi



biey. oifl

ItT pay yoB to invcR^

B% new lot of..............




Fife L*ke—W. W. Bnwar. P. T. •oer iirimto wbi^ all ptweeoi’tonk i
aad tb* rtU»*oi »o pa» aa ordlaaooa
Peltneo, L. a Walter. A. V. Vileoo.
•bleb baa bm aptmtad la pal"
B. ObtU. D. C. Leaeh. W. A. White. the derpDonal exerelf-* of tbe merehr tb* Iwdlap botiD*** «ldJ
Bra HarTTBope i
D. BeBaa. Frank; y,,
, aulpbl I. of rioter. C
U (b* eoBuaaalW^ M a
. ef Cadtllae pao--a jpe.-et ef Bra Praeele
Hyde, Wbl F. Oauit. J. H- Boell.
Sir. .. .
low I preji^ i»y San- | family *r*r SanOay..
Riley OralB, L O. BnaU.
of a fi** aumwlee of eptaloD. .
Sr’^H^I^I-1 S(ra Frank Sayar. rMaraad BunrOrant-F. B, W.lker. J. B. BabalL
Th* B«*ld baU*t** till* aeDea of
of Barker lh«o talked on ih*
| day cToainp from a tra day. tUH
th* Beard of Trad* aad elUieet me*t- E. CaoBta. Joba K. Eomedy. J. U.

juR receivevl



Eluant uylrt.


and Walking

The nc»' 11

aylc i» here.

tai «U1 roaall u a *»Hl*M«Bt of tb*
diOealtr whkoh bai eoafreetod tbi*
fnitc* for *«B* tiaie. Tbl* pap*r ha*
uT(*d auar tlBM* that *ora* B*aa«
b* dertMd wbareby a fraoohia* ooald
that •«*» b* aeeeptabt* tb
•7 aad at tb* Mta* tlm*
Mf««atd tb* inure*& of tbn oitx.
Tb* aettoo of Frtdar ntfbf* talberla*
tbal a aotubl* arraojwaitcl
t on* aad all
djOBld ba employed to glr* ll
The eltlmei who
oe.ldered lb* matbr hen- doa*

•XU new gou-bthi*«uinmeT-~are


particulaily ' plcuing-

and an elcgaru lineofunwm*,


now here tor yopr mapectibo.


.The vtyin will ideaK ytm, and


Ot«ea Lnke-W. D. Bridp*. Vm.
Dealer. L, W. Lyoe. fl. Ollberl. B

WAisTusSt ne.

otfcreil mvw at n.licnloady low

I'hc value-- au-

from $1 r-Ho $10.
It. aad Bra O
**feinl*P^er io tb* Sonday'Sebool j .
altractton. ef
ooraloa lau Sonday.
Rt-r. Jamleaea being
Eronedr'of Tiarrr** Ctly.
>w Hetart par* an IntrrrULeapXakw^BearyHoward. Warreu
Alfred Day then par* a talk on th* Sander Biw
trr YoanpPeopla'.maetlng
PriBury wtwk, iu elaiouBod proml- lop talk aftrr
leal, Leeter Wella a Btewo.
i-olnp, ullinc of Iwr trip to
U>ya*ld-L. W. pB*ll. U. S'oenp,
F. L DaelL H. Smilb. Prask Baokey.
Derolloaal *x«reli** i
Paraolee-A Olbba. R Ca»o. A. B. Bet J. W. BlU*r of Tr*
Slhttoo. A E Polret, Wm. Siwrllap.
Tilt n-port.
It oo rmolarl
Beery Bparllep. J. P. TlUeteoa. R.
' MrONatoftMT*■JOK-.E I'OR P*Ut-lb.,uirT ■« WRIiI
,. r**d and aco*pi*d.
Speer. W. U Wil»oii. Fieok Dean. D.
n .'••DpMI, ItvPorkMn-v
sio. *r. BrserABD.
Tbl* report I. maOeupon WaOr
It* it R**oItH. That we rdtnrn o.
tiar of each weak. Ttv* Herald »
arifelt thank, to oar beareo
ra*I>on*lbl* tor cnangr* In i>r,
DrMBO. a. catMH.
Oraw. K J. BHOkmau. Beaty Debm.
•e sot to aelanmlM Ui* euaooU. tat F, E Brown. P. F- Ui^. A. P.
rathor to r*lUr* tb* eeaoell of a tta- UtBT, F. L. JohB(or>. Jr.
That we blphly apiteeUt*
ITaloB-J. B. Byera 3. D. Hilton. the iBiplrallou oar
eecretlry bat
pooDMIlty wblob tb* member* fell«waiar-L. Seara A. a Prey. pireo b« ;n oar work.
wa* Impoeed Bpoa tb*m la eonilder
BreolTi-d. Tbat thi.cionreoilon i«nK.,U. Wtaltr, II Bobba W. H. Baird.
iBit tba olty'* foter* welfare
■ vote of thank* to ilrotbei E*t*»
Tb* malt*r U «p to tb.rMooei W H. Ayara A. J. DeVriea
hi* (o-wnrkm for tbi- penlileat
Trarene Oity—
jTli for Th* aelfan- of IW Sauday
agalo aod tba Betald belUre* with
•ohool work in -or coocty.
maby olban tbat tb* fraaolil** will
Reeolrrd, That w* de. plr deplore
J.aW. Palobtn. B. J. Bertna. How­
bott all otalarla*. and eoable tb*
ard Irlob, J. A. Letaaper. B Wlaala. tbe b-ndeoeTr to SebWili deercteHoe
«j rv*T«>, Dn—
>or Influenee both by preoatetan to r>i
Fiiilfr— -------------*‘'— r*ealT*d
Jr . Walter Loreaper. WalUee Oampiniple to eiliiTBte a lerwar* waUoM* U vtttr oltr of S*«
bell. Lana Hebm*. F. 8- Bailoa, B.
Itaatb HuU.
renoe f.> tied * d*v
<1. That efficieiil teachliip lu
■odaBd «bkb b* bM Ttallod. Bl*
Mary H’ic<l«nan. .UugUlcr of Rev.
ll will
11 l«tbemi
tlie Suuday
•OMMlt* aanr*. kaoBladn af tb* and Mra Ilea Wiedeman of Kii>K*>o>',
itidUbtiip t
•aOr* aod Dead* of lb* aAloa. aad
lUeo. 8. Garlaad, W. O. Hall
day of n
llooo.- ira___
tb* tmaoBBead «B7 1b vblob b*
l(-wolTeii. That the hearty iliac
leen yearkof age.
It eighli
Peceaaed wat
.telaa* hi* epIaloeA Balaa for bis
K W. HaeUnp*. A. H Beaeeia P of Ihii rniir«Dlion era doe tne el
UI|ih Amlomrfi went to Kineiicy
cent of tirawn for the Myal maai
MU>7 B*v frieada Tb* {MaldMit pea^mltalni the Ixaly an<l urange to F. Ureer. H. W. Pieror. O. B Onrtla In which we L*t<- lx«n eutertalm
aw* th* taooUr «< apaaklac bU hare it *him*.l to Albion. XI tclu. the ijor- l*
Frank Trad*. Fienk aad for tl.e rSoru ih<-> Imre made
BDad to idala MtM *e tbu t>Iala former htm.e of the family, where SUrtek, a f llarrew. F. P. lAWtoa. make oar mtvlinr amont; Ifaen pleae01 and oonifnrtahlr.
nnifonahl*. B*
Be it
II fort:
ptopUMaj aadMMad hl». a.
tuneral •en icet w
Reeolt.-d. Th«t w* Ituploiv
aoidtalltTor th* taaapUee* *>l
i|*Minp to r*«t with ll.eofll'
hielm Dmika, on* of the old piehta^ Bot aloa* a* eblaf BacMiaia.
W. W. D.aa. Oharl.-. Jobi
ot ibia oooBty. died Kalarday at B. Wlouio, Ooorp* Boyt. R. B. <iarbal a* Tb*edcr« Booaatelt. ;d*Mou*oma la Sfiipaley ef dropty. !>•nt*' tba ooaftdaae* plaoMi la hi. adHw.IK.-ifolly *obmtll.-4.
. .
E. iieopbey. L. K. Dlbb*.
d we* fll year* of ape and ha* AlMi.u Kot. Jama* H. Boaroe. 0. 6.
Mlalamtiaa of tb* oooatrr'i-aOalr*.
Detroit-Wheat. 77 ;.TIV;ooni. «KTh* |Ba*ld*ofi Ti**» apoe 0M tro» Ur*d betv fer tbe pail twenty.Br* V*.lar. Sr.
William Lore. Frank
PIv.ld.•nt--^^ II K.t*. lUtc*.
yaare Tbetanarel wa. held Monday Wrliou, Frank lloldiwortb, A. L.
Vie**nt-Mr*. <J*a W. Mohi* BMlbod of dMOlBC vttb tb* gnat aftonieea from lb* Elapeli y obarefa Ueohant. P. O, Ollliert.
fethrr. Unwn.
tvoeretary'-Kobc-rt Bimey. Ttarer**
r tb* dlieetlce of W.B Aedereoa.
K. J. Kolgnem, F. D. Bamn. OItu
i —--------------------------------------------------l'r*auir*r~KninuBcl Wilhelm. Travr»« Out.
morelnp at bl* boe» Id Willlam.barr. Kyeelfca. B. M. Otmnlae. Will ThtriSaix-niilendenl primarr work—Bra.
, i~o -* i*-*
y*an old aad death by. Owirpe W. Imrdie.
O. A. Bore, Tmt.-r»r City.
woi eae**d by pteeral dtldlity. mi.So]ieriiilMui*nt Horn* D*pi
Um. K Oairleon. W. W. Falrebild, work—J. B. ItarOry. Ttnv*rHfeaarel wa* bald Boaday aftoynooa
deal TbU r*o»*d7, appUad vub rtemth*ehBreblDWllllami1.arp and U K. Oleeeland. Frank Umior. W K.
itai>*rinl*ndri>t ai-rmal
ftrMBOM aad rat wlih i*a*ea. wo«ld
tb* body wa* iniamd le tbe een- Boon. D. OeoMla. W. SL Smith. E. Bartha Barney. Jr*« *r»c and offloer.
lapori wa* adopted
go far toward eerraetlat th* **0*
C Hopui. A. 8. Fryman, 0.«. A.
•laiT at that plae*.
whlebMar aria* troM ooMblaaWea*
Sl.-*ni*. M. Tl
____ ..eportrepo
road aodaocoptSerrolarr'e
Anna M. BOhaid*.' wife of J. G
o( oi^tal. WbMi it la kam tbat tb*
od; eleo tho treaearor'. n-|iort read
iRlataarda, lb* Janitor of tb* eoanty
: booam died early Koaday
Iha Ilamry each *pole for * tow niiiimotelap la tba Urtap room* eoaspiod
«UI b* tWT alow to atop
and tbe order of beatn*** a* fol­ nio. on the iired. of th* orpaiiiced
tb* family in tb* ooerl b<m*o It
Milaa for tbolr ooad«rt laid dowa br
lowed below. Til* reportt of butn Snmlay echoot work
dfegotataMWi. PabUellr. atao. wUI wet only a ftw day. apo tbat Bn.
Then 8.-rreUtT Alfr.-d D*y .iiol* to
uamltuot w*r>. adopted.
tW children of ihoir power vrhiob if
baatarrdaBmUa pretaatlpB fer the Rlatard. wa. takeo oeddealy 111, aad
Th.- chair appointed aa teller*
newl Rphlly might aooom|dl*h *o
Mae* tboa Mw failed lapldly. At Bnt
iMMlac paU:
O. Brighir, Waller Lotasger. P.
it we. tboaplit that aa operation
9m Idtltla
rllh aonuUrdlo and Q. E. Boegbay. The ofBThoo
weald reetar* b«r bealtb, tat wlioa a
on. of tbe oaoT.-aUae took tbe en*- w-mitoo eemo* h-d by 1 r. Dot. aod
eannUetlea af payMoiaa. wa* held ll
Ihi- U-oedloiion by Ror. : r. Ureen of
tomary oath of oOc.-,
Old Uleeinu.
wmfeeod that *b* wa* loo weak to
]>el^l*> to tbe euteo
C H K.lee. I^eeldrrt.
alwpMTlalta. bat tba watarad tioafc ahd*ipe*Bnrlaaltr*atm*ut. StimapaRol-erl Hiirrivy. Secretary.
'ere ebwteU a* follow, by
mt wtBd-iadatad aoaaatB* eaa ba da- latioaefth* bowM* wa* tb* eao** ef
.00; A. 11. Stiaran. Chaa Oaderuoa.
MW daatb. Deooaetd wee U yv«r* of
paadad apaa to mal
E. W Baulaga W. a. Boll, E J.
eg* and laaTc* a beabaad and a too.
Br. Olutrlott* Merlin, wife of
Foiphom. Wm. Orant. H. L. Bebba John B*rtlh.iwho dle.1 atPetoakey in
mroralirar I
WlUlam E Rteliard*. of tbl* olty.
B. Smltb, tmrlB Bnberta
May I. came on a ti.ll to the home of
Tb* feaaml wa. held Booday afterS. W. Hamog* plaota inhomtiia- hor brolher-lD-law. Br. Oorwin Roxneoa tram tb* eoert boe*e Bar Oema*
Uou Jadg* J. II. Boaro* for reprerae- borr.ofluland.tbe nth ot thi. month.
She ba* been to poor health for n-rfwbUaaa eoateeUaB Friday attar- Oeoblia edMIatlag. Tb* bum Star
IT* Id tb* (tat* lagltlater*, aad a(- oral year*, and a lualipnant oarbnnel*
lodge atModed la a body. Tbe R*•oppert* from tbe ward* bad drT*loi«-d Iteelf. which wa* oje-rated Bion at P.-to*key and it wa.
a tbe B
tbooph Rie woald reoorar, bot hlood
OB motion, mad* by i
]*>Uoalnp wt In. aod ia lou than a
tavtag reoaaily Jelsed tiiai order. O. Ohandler. for •berllft R. K. W*l- week from th* date of her otoulag »h*
ur. for elerk; Uoa W. Slewerd. for ismedqaletly away. Her two eon.
Boaotlfel Sonl plae** war* praewted
IWInp la Pelii*kry wet* eenl for. bat
Oea W. OartU. fer
by tba Fiinm Star and Robakalta
ealt eoon eommlMleaar: B. B. AHro did not reach bore notileM- wa. dtad.
•Ida* toorao of ilagle floral pleeeo by
Bra Bartiu wa. the daopht.-r of
Almon Vanphn, ooe of th* flr*t wlkind Mead* from Tarleni pan* of lb*
work ap«ta fer itaalf asd tba ec
tlen In the weitctn j«n of Inlaod.
tlea did waU la agala beMrtac
aod elK. twin .l.t.-r of Bm Corwin
A* ospaetad. the eealetl fer n«Mtr

Mean, a laving of S.H| to GU iwr cent on >-uur
For t<«l.t.« of drada J. W. Patehln Roxbnry. Sli- h-av*. two aou. and
llirae daagbler.
itaaada protdd aa^tlac hatOti
aam»d Frank W. WUran of FnradlK..
purtlu-u:.. }tiR now we arc doling out out entire nock of Crocketj-,
bat it la to tb* etad^ of (abb at th*
P. O. Ollbrrt named Frank Uamlla of
Tinwire, GUxsware, and (Inuiitcwxte at cor and Iwtcw.
ll will |ay
aaafBab that lbin»wa« ae btttor
A»v V
Blair; B. Beatagae aamad A J. D*- Mpe'laK'-rtrai-tKl.ta'v
)uu to travel SO milet to aecure aunie bf the snap, at thi. ule.
taaUa|MaaU*fMb7Var'«t tbab.
After aojevarntnp in ^yfleld for
Trin. ef Whitewater; L. B. Olera1lH7 ar* aO wall baewa elllaeu aad
I'raC Harry Dumbrillean.l bri.Ic
lanJ named t'baa. H. Ilapar ef Un­ 0T*r a TNtr with their daBitbier. Br*.
Addle Uihb*. Mr. and Bra. N. S SarlurneJ thi* morning from Bunlkkville ion. Balloltiigranai*d a* follow*.
goaoi left na laat W.-dneedat. vlaillng
where they have been t|ieniling the
FtrM ballot-F.
a few dat« la Trati-r** City, thee
T«xilalvioffine..qu*lil} -l-4 lln-wrv Sheeting, the rcgulai tk
dMa batwwB ti*M. bat talh«r a •ummer.
It will be reinetnbcm], Frank llamllc, IIT; A
coDliaatBp their Joaraey tnSt. Jamra

arc oflerme vety wadal mducBMeaM m mki. Ooe Ime
I go at $S VS. AtMtherlotofSIOandSlI Riiu go a
!f.6o we give yoe idKi renOy worUi $15.60 to $16.01

VO will the 1*100*.




Traversa City Markets.

Farm for Sals.

r—rr;-----Evsry Woman CC||IHIUnCV
Should Own rClilllUUIOl




' ’ra

needs repiacing, perhaps.
Just now as harvest time ayproathes, a good supply
of Crockery is .-tiways m-ttlvtl. «-s|Htcially whrii cMra
help isjmrseiii. Wi- can help ynti nicc-ly. See here:



rMB A. Baokr^d Kiiaday

Dlnntr Phtts, 7 ia., SOf set pi b
tysttdied Cpflee Cups, $5< set pf 6
Deep Dishes 8e, tOe, l$t, sad 20t
.\n unusually tine stock of Ctlassware at
surprisingly low prices.

- out

p~„ „.M„.

Cify Book Store
dshsrt Bee<h«rCs.,Prpps.


20 year gold niud walcb. till)«r Cadit*’ or einl’.—Our
rrlec. art lower than cheap
eatalog bouMa Bring your
Catalog prices and prove it.«

Hew Goods
« « Jlrriviiifl Daily


New dross goods, new Hl/evir and Rondeau cloth.
Porcatienes. Waist goods and Notions. l.adfes' new
Capes and Children's new Coats for fall and winter.
Men's new Suits, Yoath’sWcwSuUt anti Children's
Suits and Overalls. Staley's Wool l^^tSerwear—nothing
like it.
We are tilling tip our store all that it will hold with
first class goods and our prices will be the lowML

B Uisit at
Cbe Globe Store




Dry flood*

MbreCjrbo ifcbtha *tr*a«ab tot- emecially byhigh adioal aludcntt, that
1^. DombriUe nveil a |>o»il>le demonctration at hi. oreJding at the cloae of
aod other Rudenu aafely embarked
the aeniorclaueactutiuii to hUk Rap
before tbe ceremon)-. • Mlien the >.
cunioniRf returned >Ir. Dumbrille
bm quietly married and he an.1
batweaB Qoe. B. Onaa hi. bride were ^ away from the hoiK
BBd-V. a PiaM
and worry of the dty. Now that they
have returned there i. little
ad. aad
tba wtaaer had Ubia douU that the Hudent. will
O|qiortuntty farcongratuliti.
caje, et]iecia]ly:arhen acfaool iv ratle.1
Tuetday-------- •—
aad Ua abUlb b r*4pala*d tbreaKbeBi tba
ooBBt^aadJwaUvbakhowblM. Ba
vlU Matem aieaUMl eOetal aad
BBi wbojMl^BBpla BM7 dapMd Bp-

VMtorBartr Pt*w*eI qaallliaa. tat for tba ablUv
Mi. and Mix. Porter Caffi|>beU of
arhlah mkr. a man eapable of bold­
ing M MopqnMbfe an oOe*.
,.................... Cami
Bo ana ««a*tloaa tba fltnaaa o< ly lay* dairn to being one o^he c
aetllett io-lhi. r^on. When a babv
a year and a half Md he came to Old
Br. Moorae-. wida .and ai
MbRWiwith hi* parent., in 16J1,
talbei holding the poailkm of gov.
Ala maka. Urn'an topaalally daM- mrai blacAmnith on the Indian re.,
nMa aasdldale. Few Mraogar mra ratton at that }>Ucc. He nude hit
oenlfl hate boas namad tor tba oOca. home in thh rcgioir-.unlil he wai 111
B«y. Ttamtiivtiakottaagooden*. year. oU..when be removed to Green
and no ftroi«er oomWaartea ot S^ Bay
Though no reUtion to the UrnotaM mra bra orra be* namd by tbe ily of H. n. Campbell, he wa. much
OiBd Tvaecoe rapaUkoao. 1
mlcroRcd in the notice of hi* death;
Henoaora ofoto to benl bacH
which be read in tbe daily paper*, and
tlratoy tar eflMe. Bow IttomnI
‘rncewilh a.formei
Uaal tb* tmHn Utaet. whkli wlU b*
tat tbe rapnblHani taonli
to look oiKC more upla via eat tbl. (all by niargor ■
Ed hi* liojhood. He ha.
liy ttma any ttat bara maA- tbl* many ratereRii^ reminiKctkcin of thd
etowtr famoai for Mg mk}oritt<«.
^yta^TVaverra City wa

Blna. They eii-vct to at tarioaa
idaoea *D toetr.
Ui*.'Bertha Itohha »l thi. idac* at­
tended tl>e lemcht-r'. eznminntii<n mt
treTcne Oltt.
Bimrv Bab.1. Prarl aod Helaa
81bb* .taried for iltelr btitne in Eaaknkee. III. after a Tarallon »i- ot with
thair brother, Frank Oibhe. nnd other
n-bktlTe* ID Ihit i-ari of Biehipnn
Bint Kaby Koriek hat been noralog
a rarhnncl* oa her ncht hand with iateoae 'aod i-Unfol ini<«e.i
Another of our vacation Tl.ltora,
Bie. Detnna Oampbell of Royne Olty.
'who baa been .prndios two week.
Ninth taJlot^WllRm. «;^ln. wiHi Mra Thompeon aod family. went
________• laat
Friday. «he
. aeeompaiiled by Bin
Faaale Tbompioe,
tbeteaUiale tblat
ne family of Arab Olbba morM to
Tnvom City lUa week. They will
their sew home aa^SeTymtta

a B. Hager. «.
S*eoad tallet—Wllaon. fi3;BamIiii.
4U; OvVrl**.
Tl.lrd ballot-VII*OD.U: H*mliu.
*0; D.-Vriaa
Foortta baUot-Wilaor.U; Hamita.
4S. D..Vric«. S.->.
FtUb tallot-Wlbea, U;
»; DeVrUa. »1,
anth ballol-Toe mMy vote*

'*Bra A. S Bonam u la qnit* poor |
brallb of Mm. tat 1. eomewtat W- \
tor at prearal.
Br. Oirhart p*c**aled m name of Oea U.
OroM aad F. & Walkar tbe
Fred H. Pratt.Tba tall!
end. Hr. Ora.'.


IKD Toe mectlBg wna railed to
a. 1 -JO by th* (wraidant. Q H EMe*.
Ibes followed a Ritwt aoag mrieo led
by E J. Oaaadet at Oatar Ran. altra

Sma'~b^ ^ Hcrbkd
ehoKeandeaol the ARiaehan vari_. wxS*??irrad^^*DSSk "
Mr whidi ncak wcB


Ceresota flour absorbs
more water tbao ordin^
flour, and bresd made from
it retains the moisture Ioorcr. Thik is a great advan­
tage to those whoonlybake
oiice or twict^a week.

kind, for............................................................................................................................. 04
l.i„™ Cdl,. w-dk -c ,.C ,H.l.

£ommercial Printing

,.H«.................................................... 04

Ij«lie»' licxvy Walking Skirls ‘heap »l $d- «»r l■r«c.................

I .Oa


»’ Tumitbing flood*

no Special Sales «
Cow Prices eoery^ Pay

1 blue hexv}- Cheviot Suiu.
Ring from, worth $7.50, o

Sd^oTSum ..sdHl, »U fa tl.W. Old ,™.

BeraW ]oh Office


Men'* Coedaroy Paaix. r^larly raid at $2.28 and $2.6.1, otir
Men*. Woe checked OvetmU Jacket*, alwayx




Women's Slippers......... 25c. 50c, S5c. 65c tad |LOO

SbMS €h*9p€T man €ver
toU focTl 35, oor iwice



ean aad iBMcctCbc*. Seed*. • «
DitlRVaol Cow PricM—— '


Frank Triedricb*

THtt9tMM0tlWVfeltBaMEftAli>. AUOUM-^ I
late ttt iami i

aiUM vnmlli M OU Itl0tm ^
' 9«iato m lh« tmiamia^ Tb*
■<9 ii b«rr M« Ita* viU b* pbAT
«.• »iir

—........................................................ “

W A>|.». —

kto dalle Mealy,
■boat too batoeb beaaght to. The pnealliag prlee
Utoeeaue betoel. bat to cent,
wae paid Taeeday fer «ae ebtoee
lawl year the Utter pan to ;ABcael
the twice laaged boa tl to $1.10 a
ha**L'At ttm tlaetbe iwta* was a»BetBiallyhlgh.sad thu year aboat tbe
aeeage to fseaer ynn at tUe parted

W Be bed ban talUai fer i
atlM aad hl« telB ww u
aqMM. HeUani »»«•**
NM A. B. ead O. A. Bri«baM. TmaWTtcM wtU be bdd »t hi* late
mm no* afHnees at «hi«e
at, erntmema by Bar. Drev of eegar factory. Tbeo.
mitUU. TbefaaealwtU tela
leeMT. & AadMOB. Mi. Bric•atUed ca hi* (m la Onai
tawaMdp U Aacaat, IKS, aad W al- to tbe (woleoL II ie n
baaeaMertb* aMatjra'

bciUtog of aa eileatlre pUat. o
the largect in the itala. Tbote tofcreated. and wfao Will doabUtM

■ea* Otoi ....................
aMtoUha Ohp.lfeaMy.
Sepk. l.tbapehUesMi^tothaety
a the Meeistor « Wcetbeeea
arm aet opea aaUl Taeeday. tbe tod.
railway eca^ay aad tb*T. O. U
TUewmwteeaU toa atoeal ebUdiaa
M. nUtiT* to the right to way to aa oppeetaaity to attoad the Wg eeUthe Ultor oat to the city,
jbcattcagina by the lahar Balaaa
ter Is MU the cahleelto a*
Che Bsrald abeal Two weeks ago
aanoBaesd ttat tha new 11a* wocld


o*ar independent rltod to wayor witbU ttia right to way to tbe M. A S. B
bee net yet been detarmtaed.
i*rt*M tor sawte.
C. B. Maiiay. with hU umal yachtig athailaea. hai bean aetir* ie ibe
Uteeaila to tb* yacht race* to to held
at Kertbport naisday aad Fritoy.
For toe Kortfaport peoto* be basjarehaaed tb* following |«l*a: One
gold-plate 7-day elsok. ealoeo at C»:
eo* fUrer water eel. ealeed al til;
on* aUrar lamp, ealeed al |IA
la addltlM to tbeae priiee locnl awib-d a* follow!
Charles BoseaUisl. Boston Store, pslr I
to tboes; J. W MiUiken. inirflnel
bath towels: J. A. Montagae. fine'
bamboo fisblng rad; & Deads A Co..
Ubtng enil: A. E Hobart, City
Store, s flae oanoe.
large hamber to boating e
siaM from tola city will alleed tb*
aad they ar* deiermi
bring tnek some to tbe priiri
irapbie* toe of oonsldiiabl.' raloe and
re well worth etraggllag tor­

teUUi am aaaaal pioale al tbst eaurprlae are a J. Hcrgaa. Denlei
Ihanter. la White Btieb Dake. W. K. Melley. Q B Bongbey
aad Ur.' Borley. to mldltloo toocwlde
btera. Then wUl be aiaMa a
■aaM aad sear f«tam te attraet tpltal.
It U demned to eapitallae tbr
paay for laaOiOaO. aad pcedbly Uiae
ed it.
Gee. B. Vaa Fait, of Ohiaage aad boodt fer an additional •PXl.'uOO Uter
Hwweed, atoe U alwers woeking few CO. Tbe procpecu look krlghl tor
the feed to lb* rretea. to eaeto the tbe oraanliatloD and It U Md that
oid Kialoe Bnoel Noc«eahlto iMUgatto*. and be to* beea ae- ie a etue tbtog.
tlitog to bis aBerto to wake the Q. a Bocgbi-y has bean tbe priaie Daring tlm early part to tbe rvsor
lorer to thr proleet and bu eiit-igy teaeoa tbe oottagms came prejni.-a I
maettog a siMasa b to hoped '
UBsepaada few goeste i
mk* ti a panaaMt cwaaBlntl
the hotels bnt now tb* famtela ■■
rraeiaw tbr l.abar Uw.
wito toaettogs the toil TbandsT to
with crowds wbe ioleed l
Perfeeled pfatbi for tbe gnto oelrAagast to ertey year.
October. Old Miwioa beii
btatloe to Labor Day wert- decided
oertaUly lad ;tt* slisre of pleasnnPnday. and the arranges
svekert lbi> semmer. A gte^
and coeld say only s few days
kdlabigaa Tetofbme Oa fer Veettn
In tbU part of tbe iBU ate now rap­ owing to prerlonsly arranged pUu>
togafiw the totanaii <
idly ^nearing eoaplMon. Tbe pro- to go elsewneie, bst all
paay to eorlb.
~tam arranged riral* any pact Fonrfa been beta are rery mceb pleesed with
r A. Bidted brUfe the B
waat to Harttijiofl nmreday i
w place, tbeli rooms and the good
r Jaly eeletwatiou*. it 1* ml±
baaatUal aMee* ef Um Oahrtah Plaaee
n» oonra fer the bieyle raoot wiU ilnge to ml. wblob tbe hotels to Old
*mMt. t^ere aa la«a aad bead'
to lb* oes- >- a dlcancf- to three mlla. aad HUloB are noted for and qnil- a few
paay'i Itoaa fiaa SbIMbs Bap to mat tlgr* will be Ao lea Uan cix enirie*. to tbe rooms an spoken for at KnnliHoasrand Old HiMluD lao for
petot. Itfaaebeen decided to nake Au eetiaDoe fee to fifty eenle will be
thtoaztenaiaaaloDoe. Plaaianalse etarged. tal tbe {nlse* trill to well I9UB,
Md a* teed la eat a* It
bgtog ptffeeltd to reach Maple City. worth going afli«.
Among tbe reeent arrirals at iliieie to look at He alee Ma«i
Stoto. OedarOltpr'Otoa Harea. and After tbit ereat the stfeel gaaei Old Hialou inn an- 8 W. Snodgraat.
bfaaA aet tteai ea* of hi* Leabard ethai patott to Leelaaae oeaaty. The
L V. Hoffman, LoulsrUle Ey.; M. O.
ptaa toaae. whieh eesiatae l» weU eeatpaay te aakliig naar exMiMout wlUI«paU«Nl off. Tto panlelfnnti Oonnor, Him Ann Sb.iw,
■itl be noloo man only.
' HlBaqaea a< IT to- to the BorttMta part to the Male
Ind.: lies.
OarliiK tlie aomfng one of to- aoet
a new to awa ie at work now baildwill be tb.- exU- Leopold B
Mn. &7M of EaA Ragfaib meet tog Itoee traa Walton to Petoekey.
billon gleen by Ibr city fin depart- eineati. 0
hto ■Ball poa in a ttrj mDd form.
II will ake pUo* at II
L. V, Pond, Toledo.
She i* the liaa ol Mn. Bocen. who
u a Danaghw
«« aSicted ione tine ago, ana) was the oily Taeeday aigbt oe hit way to LoT<-n of biaa ball will be gieen a MartliaU. John A. Earret. Kan Clsir.
cqnaed to the dieeue, being in the the O. A. a eaeaopBMSI at Central anoe to wltni-a what {nmiee* to
Qllletl. Jobn A. ilaioou. Hrui..i.
toiaehoaee. Thecaae is atirmelr lake, where to delirered ao ad- b* one of thr prettiest eooteete to tbs
Harbor: E..MoKamara. M. E. WiUni
aad it tbtma«hlr isoUted. with
At Park PUe>- be wae BH by
little or BO dai^ oT mfcctioa oot.
betcreen tbe Oaeen Oily aad Asylnm Li-ttle Marrle-Lncile O'Kssl. Danrac
local Moada. Beat
aide. Mn. Rogen it fTtigm^ ttoeahkotlto
Ibe two etrongett aggregatlous Caldwell. UinoU neiluet. J.usir
tbr city. A prim offiS.00 1n geld Sfflitii. Ada Sniitb. Maty BetturT.
B and taeto preeonl.
to tbe winners and «AW to tbe Fria Beitaer Ohsa Smith. Oracr
The Mtadtef Mies Edith U MUkr.
This game will be
wheat hem is west «f lb* el^. will
fr«- to errrybody.
M«mto hue Itet eb* li eawteaelj
Welob. R. Fleieber. Ooloms: Mra 1.
to* with atatoei (erei at the hoto*
Wilsoo. Snnfleld.' Mich.; Mr. aoJ
ad bar raad^mto. Mi. Oer>. atar
Mra E. E. Hiblnitl cr Trarerer Cilr.
efani.' by John Bnsb
atp- BdUh weal to Maple
At the Boshmon' Honse—Alex R
Otto ton* weeks age to rtoil enoog
Yarrid. Kew York, K. Y.: Mra A.
Mmdtaad ntoMm aad eeatnatod
Van Duesen, Artbor Van Doesen. Aring if I
Ite dtoeasi while Tlsitl« al that
obie Van Ocean, from Eran>ton. Ill
iniad* with tea* to the fii
Mia* Annie O’Dceoran of ETanitoo.
piayi erer eoni est by tbe b
.is a gnat al tbe B
AdMi Bltaa. toe II year old cento ebtaiaad to* bnildlag wiU be aa ead trader aolooa will ean ] nptlf
o'clock. Speaker* at thee OenAatoew Vlaea. a UnaarUTlag An eaeiw mHaB thea the snttrr to gcltral eebool groands. atUetle eonteeti
Mfaa aoctonat to KapU Otty.
aad tbe big fanny
nIMad by a haU to his toltoe’s hara
As tbr resort >■ ston U m arteg ii>
jfatd Thnatoy. ead btoen to
e^en to otnalt
ilese the gaiety leemi to ineimae and
naall to nteaad he wae badly ■ana
Uto* conrt
nany are the hop* held in tbr bsll
•creel Park.
to toe Mds. bask aad toad. Be Mansometime* as often a* three time, a
tortoe aan Dr. O. W. Praiiok aad ten o'etoek Tnaedey with Jadge Another mi
onto* baneh.
, with Hr. and Mra Cummuig>
U toe early erenUg aad tbe day
to ibepetUientor. elaee with a grand ball in tbe City to famish tbe masie. all rare ii throw
I* tt to tooagfat toal he wUl ra­
a Karriband other* to
attde aad Iboroogh ea}oym«ii( wtmi.
Opera Honee.
allv U bleefc 9 to Hannah. Iny «
Tbe fotlowlag 1* tbe oeaqdeU pro- to prerail with neebing to sadden l>ct
the little AMfhtor to Mr. Md Mb. OBMany-t addlUon. to* patWon wai
the thooghl that toon the time for
laa for tbe day.
OhMtoa W. tUlhoan, to iU Ma*
ng ap and geod-byr* will to
■baet, was MtoMtally haasd while
atgwntot to daanmg U the ense
bore and tbe happy yoong people will
9d»a. m.-Bai
at hMaktool a few da^ aga. Wk
to^qieegi B. Oetew at al et. FenUlOKlO a. nt—Three alto bieyele
into tawMUp board at oL wae oeor- u*. iBrtlag ectaer Front aad Daloo
hvparentitoe ehUdgol holdtotoa ratodhyto* eoari
meta, west to Elmwood aTaana,
toigM. aptoMag toa boiltog oMtonto Tte dteerea eaw to EtoMew 3. math to SUteonth street, east to Oaa
IMa Its iM Mi little Usiba
./oodaBb ea. Joaeph M. Woednaa •tract, north to Oaa aad Sate etreau.
Sadie, Ef.. was evlnos to lam
ttMUyhaiMd.otoslag great n
wasagnUbMaghlap. Theenerthns EaCriet mast be in by Sainrday night Ibe eaase of the rest imjrorrnient in
1^ Dr. Bwanton amnded tfa
Ibe towltli of Mra S P. Whittaker,
bad toU and* ndeltamant fer
cr befete to Oeo. B. Beyl
tlaa and tedny to* decree wa* giaai- 10 JO—Al Twelflli etrt«t park—Bell wlio lad tor a long time, endued ontold enfferlng from a ebronto bronehUl
tBte hetwaen Qaeen City and Asy- troabla "If* alfdne to Dr. Elngi't
Xhaooert hao
imaemt Prlsa. •S.OO: gt.OO. Ad- Kew OlaooTeiT," writes her heibebA
mat to* pattttoa to WUtom Snydre Blaaloafiea.
«he«attAoorootoe cast side, and ea. iMtBayInBheruo.. towtaald* llK»-BaUWticm fay TiaTera Oily onred ou little grand dangbter of
bats and doton« are
aored to
let Md «ha enaaoato Bait famish
Thnat and
Ig to* tointe by John
Long Tonblea.°‘‘<^teU.
B. Bash.
anntoa Pacaerg.
and •1.00. ' Trinl bottle*
■Betwesn 9 end 10 street game* for 50cWalt
A Sons and Jsa. U. .
ebytoedtaapfo WalM a Finney, who ha* faeas M anion mea caly will take plae* a* B.
drag storas.
Oo. for seme Ubo. la pre­ follow*:
toon ttni* for took raee-Ftist. ll.tO; eeeond.
The BMaU to ladoMed to A. B. pHlat>elmr*U
Doton (orahMkattotoatBSplaBs Pndaenh, By.,
WheelbaiTow laoe-FiroW tl-SO:
te which htotoiBto yasclytoaeaa aecaetotheel
Mr. Dehnn lapeeti tknt too ptoB erep
a Baa's laos-Finl. fikOO; i
hs I
, U.OO.' '
I this (all. owing to toe ft

Circulation this week 2,525.


ftank TcaaoBW, focBoriy totol*


■m yeaa. and local c^talista. Tog to War belwaen mipantaa and
laeona Bex eigart to winaei*.
hnra toon Uberal U
Ffilfi ip Capilil
• • $50,000
lOO yard dash—First, fia-ODi second,
le Mato to tbe soap
- - .
/aha F. Ott A OcL wUI dlseontUe* •LOO; third. 11.00.
the oeiMa perie neetaea if to* pbat OtoUcle raoe-Ftrel. «3.00; aecnnd.
her* can to dlMeeed to. Mr. Flaaey's •I.oa
nntapeay will Ink* the eortala p^.
MetolaMyendtoe other aaebUery, en. A. W. Jafaraa..
which oeneist* to a toaaer. heltor aad
engla*. band aw. sheftiag, etc., will IcOOp m.—^ttoot-iniade.
ITS ihne 9weM m
Awww n
ld»-Addiaa at Oeatal etoeto
baMd. Tto talldtng
grewd* by a-M. Neeley to Seginew,
• aoatnnywUlbi
totetatei that be toall derote
or Ourireuwcii banctr err-cuvd
SJA-Atoletie erena it TwelDb ais
*U Us tta* to hU leaber '
to: leawa CITMI arrtol SIlMUloB •»)
adreuol ireMiDieit.
«t pnrk. opai-tc
whieh preroDM tbs nsotiary
JHiet. «Lt0; aroeed. bM}$#ttltl«»t9raluttffj iiBCML
dn pole Udamy. 1
MPenaeky so e
Btandlng brand jemp-Fint, *.90;
aeecmd. ll.bO; lUrd. AI.a0.
«l.n: meeod. li.BOMbltd. fil OO
Shot pnL 16 lamnd aboc-Fliat..
«1.W; Moend, tl.«0: toird.
drawn Thattoay.
Bassart IbrOwr-tt poaao hammer—
teeMTetoUaalai na:
FiiM. ILto: eeeend. fil-BO: third.
Cansa OMy^
wnrd'Tlaa. Uamatt. D. B. fit.OO.
tOyarddato-Flrat, «L90; aeeend.
--------------- Jraage Mato, a D.
Third ward—W. W. Dan, Wa U- Banning Bre*4 Jnmp-FtiM. fiLfiO:
eecMfi. fii-fiO; third. fil.OO.

Oor SaTini:s Department

ta-lnw. WIUUb Otoria. who
BpMlil apoa eamal waakaMOfor
tokweatow abetn to Ito Up by Dn
Mwtfa and Bna*. The patient to itUl

United Btmrn Sanatee J. a Bar.
saw* atrtred to tha etty Mntoy
■nn—intotll by Bon. A. a Wheeler,
Daliad Beat** Hatehal for the Woeton Dtotrtet to Mtohlgaa. 8. M. Xnaon. aellittGito easttm andJaa A.
Oaya. rereoa* ototooMr. to Uiaad
. Beiddi, arrlead at nl^ aad the
-par^wmbootoBtolnto dnitoa *

Btolnt *• waU as aa latanattag ewiy
ttoetiag to toe htotory to toa loMlty.
Iheg^todMgtr iatoNMag M
ffli&l hewtoeadeanttgastotol.

n. BapaTUI-

■ to toe prUtars and i



Co show you fbe new fall
lines of gloaks. Capes.
Dress 6eod$. Silks. Silk
Satin, gerduroVr and
Uetoet maists, ttlaist
glotbs. Flannelettes, Outing Flannels,Underwear
Blankets, Etc. to to to

Good Shoes,

Shoes that we
All at
tow Prices. '•
Now Fall Shut la, ii ill
Dipartniots. « « «

Tho are
.bijctei.i aii.l W-itct than
.hr ,..lK-rv Tho arc iiia.le
1-n.V' arcl..« !«..

|.M, |.75,2.M

High Gut Shoes
walrr-,.r.K.f h-«hci. lap
s,.:o,»cl toniUrt, aLr-o-

neoer has there been such a bewilderina dis*
I play of foreign and domestic dress goods, siiks
I and cloaks as we are showing this season.
I Qualities never $0 high, prices never $0 low.
Coo busy this week to tell you about it, but
I we will gladly show you through when you come in.


uur price

< i.Ikts al <-i.lNMu$3.iW.

Women’s shoes
;iO(i [lairv new .fall shore
for wi.i.ien, ijsiem an.l ki.l
lilK, hnc stock. WuuM be
Uat-aiiis 'at
|utcc no«-

Only $1.50
all sar that wv sell the l«M
tho, reel saw. Our Fall
!:iic thK rear is letter than
c-xt-r. Uim-.n the chihl-

50c, 60c,
75c. OOCUd $1.00

Misttt' aod Childrii'i Tas
Shots all

Girt to 75c.

Seller of Best Shoes ti LewesiWces.
OldSUhfi. 0pp. Henta <MDce


1-0. O. Millar. D. B.


Condensed Smoke

Ikn Most on to* shea** to Carp Ink
by Bee. Q. B. MoOntok to Pen
Mto. Ohio. Bee. MeOalrk gim
. plttaranei daecriplton to Owp Ink*


For smokiog All kinds of meats. It will
preserve the meat fo» any length of
' time, keeping it solid, sweet, free from
mold, flies, etc. It imparts a true hick­
ory flavor to meats that can be obuined
in DO other way. One bottle (75 cents)
will smoke 350 to 300 pounds of meat
Every bottle guaranteed satisfactory
or money refunded, at

s Drug Store

tbe 6ift 6R>ing time
IS ^LL THE TIME. Not a day passes but 4 somebody's birthday—
somebody's anniversary—It's time to give somebtidy a gift. Our upstairs'departmem iswhere the gift givers delight to come. Always
something new and dainty—just what you wanted.

there’s Cut Glass
No handsomer present could be purchased, and such beautiful cut­
tings. Many entirely new designs, sugar and creamers, bon bon
dishes, finger bowls, olive dishes, water bottles and glasses in endleu

7aaep China
Nothing so delighte the feminine heart as handsome china, and such
a host of odd pieces, in all the newest and daintiest colorings. You
can make a person happy with a 35c piece of china or you can spend
S3.50 for an elegant chop plate Ad hosts of dainty presents at al*
prices between.

Uo nicer 6iU than a Beek
ays carry a full line of dainty gift books at 35c. 35c and
And we always
e lai
50c. All the
latest copyright books ah soon as issued.

Souvenirs of traverse City
The best and most appropriate that has been put out; ao elegant pic­
ture of the court house on 35 different shapes of imported Ge/mao
China. Sells at 35c for any size. Just what you want for your friends.

Summer Vasts 'for Summer flowers
So many long stemmed flowers and you ne\*er tiave a vase that is tali
enough, so we got these on purpose for you. All plain glass, but the
plainness is their beauty. They sell for asc, 30c. 35c. 40c and 50c.



every day until further notice. Coowill be pven in the Furniture
I E>epartmeBt on tbe ground floor from 10 to 11 a. m. and a to 3 p.
I entirely free. You are cordially invited to bear this wooderfoi m


Every Dollar We Save You Is Safely Sayed.



S7l« U. bMtar.

tta waa taSd am teal Mdar •
8a Bldar' Hn Obaa BIoob nd daBcMar i
Tialtiaa la Ladiartae to awa vaal

hM btm



Mto Edftb Hilto. who bad b
w tba doetota aely.
UklOK aaia of lltUf Oladya D.iaamf
T. AtkiBMB drora te Tra»Bf» CitJ
tba peof>U by laadleal «eotol^m«m
II daala ta a popalar way wtib aaoh
HlBeBMB KoDcBBld mad Ht«ta aadHra. Joha Dafo etfUtOwri
Ur aad Mia. Vrei WlanU drora to
«tb» BBd liaM HoBtacoa e( C —‘
Buptia aad back SaadaTaptda Tldatad Maada at ibU
4in. n«r. j- U anjoytof* '‘fj*
roa a M irrof Ohleano. who w«t
n trwB Birab ««ed oabts
. Uka <reta oa tiaimr Loaf
naln to a aoapla of
Flora BalliacarU all ytacia Lalaad Oanada bar Inw tom^tlilojr
of CblaB«o naitad with frieada.
tUa ^ea ter a tew
Uaca^t tad Book d
____ _... be narriad
today la tba Pneadt ebmitib.
Earl Obit and failmy. who hare
faa.^ TtaHtoaUra ClaBriit. rataniad

*“D^2jTtl5‘*SSf’tti^r’^tba alS?^wboM’^lha‘*^lritd *8tJta.’*iSd


Bala U BMded for omra an


ax badaoBrea''nanad

I ^%la raadaataa aadnrakreto tati.a»-


Only a few suits of a kind sold at such low prices you
surely can afford to have one.

$s.po to ^IS.OO
Sample IRari't S

tbair dapartaie to the f«nt to
tar oar eoaatcya* 8a('

T Blad ia which

down lifa't weatera alone. Aa tl
ler aanllxbl falU ie laarhaaU
iwt eaoot hit lowly bad ll
____ perinc wind oheacetb an a

This is your gain and our toss and you miss a chance of
your life time if you do not take advantage of it. $ I to $6

50c on a SI-OO

w£«£ saTiss-—


Our Strong Vafues Support Our Weak

.yalncy. Qrarw. Aagett l.'.th. IKW.
^ir tfer II.TOld.
Naibao TinRlv. a
of Oread irar.-m c ■nty. Uicbic
Oladttoor, C
lied at lilt hon-'
roil, on Aofott -■•. 1-----1._
- . . }•-•
at Old Utiwian SeptUr. Tiorl.- wet born In War
•to, led ly
10 a. tn.—Pielte
ooentT.-Ubici. March'.loil. ISS.>: wl
B«T. D. A. Ui
MOlM. M«S «»«• T-»
Utn. W. B. JohoMO xarr a aartaT be «•> .It tnoiitbt oM hir parrt”'
Admit or'weUoaw-ReT. 'll. Herdetad whieh war aajoyad by .-myooa. _Bd manlimallAW rr*»l on tba bearfa
Bar. Baxh Kaauedy wif<- aad iduld eonb of ib« Laiilia UoltBpa dataiday
HaapouA—U. WiUobtv.
AifB Pwk ba«Te*an>«d fns a B«e
oTealnr to a nciaUr of relatiTeaaad
mr tb.' .llrtnci acliool
frlaade to faoaor of bar brotliei.
Datlet of Baaday tebool and anoel8. J. Daiaa of ETaaetaa, 111.
ly oiiporiaaiiy *of oMtl-iiop an edaItn. H. aalth Bod dayhWrJBM
Uoe oOcate—J- a Barney.
Ur aad Hrt Blltr of iolado. O
Recitanoa-aindya Uilnore. .
Ura A.
Wint nboald the Boatbv tchoel •
Bbatar of--------- ---- eonpliibl-Ura U. Ocre.
Fraok WUeef looaday.
The tiJaot daoabiei of Mr. .
ad olhi rt 111 cane to Grand
Bonr—Ooca Bnitb. Elea DaUallA
ktn. C, B. Kebl ta ill at tbit writtog.
Bar. Badiwth tf
Trev. rf snonir orer the Hatteroa
Botkel dinner.
8. J Daaw of Eranatoii III-. U rlt- trail, which at Ibtt line iwteed
1-JO-p. n.-OeDoraI aoa« terrMia.
Two Bon bead of aatUawaram £ 1S£^aehooI hwe^Balwday..
ItisK >>U iwraatt. Ui. aad Hn. B. J. OiroBph an unbroken foretl of ISO
Value of
aaooiatlea work—Bar.
•d w tba Mok laal Uaaday.
geiu a ooaibrr from
oalghbor- Dane.
•£bar 81.1 if d.-tired. ojkio paTni.-cU ot
miht For total- yiwrt id .-oniwny Van Ankeo.
^•imgetee^QewBowmwweaiihe bead attaadrd the rlioai Taea.Uy.
30 oeolt extra. Atk Airenit fur ft !l
Un. Fred Bordaaax of U-laad it tba with J II Hou r be or- rali-l a taw
Rec-itatioa—Zean Indd.
V other to Wmlkar Harrla.
TwitlcaUit Tint It out alone fur •.
Tba A. O. A W. » R wUTeyora eaett of Ur. and Ura BU Bordet
mil DNif wher- it. now tb
Knrnal work-Hia. M. Barney.
-------------------lau W0L_
A tt. piople Any iwrtoU who to. the
mod fanily.
Keadisr—Ura Oilnere.
Asla«atM( bU iataraalB bora, b ww
Frank Kocmaa of Ulaad Wat
Tbe Bible ia tba -bone-F. E.
batwaeBBIaok'atebooI boa«
town Banday.
Eail Bar. thm Wblltwmi-t towotirtli
Ueorge Roe*n of Toledo. Oblo. U
be r—paodc-d to bit conn
Keporta of Banday tetaooU.
the neat of Un. .s V. VUmo.
Editor A. 8. Brown <d ..............
irtV rail aod .-ulitt.-d in Bau.-r.r ■•h"
Uatio-Uapleton aebeoL
Ura iHarTey It ill at tbit wnUar.
Firtt Brriiu.ut Mirliii.-an ArtiBiry.
CB^^yrarataraad tma itraime
Cloae at 3:00 tbarp.
and renainr-d lo lliv k-ttIcp till honOunp maMtnr aloaed Banday wilb
UrA John Bolnat, Btciaiary.
byipeiwia.'' be wrllea. "nir wile w».
oraMv diteharci'd atl- r
Xr. E«M.wbo tebaaaatyULu
V. Buot of iBty Oity U rlaltiee
Wtra'lr ran down. She bad no.'reninh
BitaiB with Howard Doan.
or rigor aad taff.-ted
Tbl^^r'rane 10 Urtttuu in IStO. where
UiB U Boberta and bar Rraad- tbit triasa.
(lom her .lOBach. bat tbe irud E!-rafter ranaimnr for a f- w nonib> at
tanfater. Jama Bol^ of kUywood,
trie Ititlen whirh h.-lped her at oi.oe,
r. F Blaal* andjrife left Tartdai Foretl (}roTi . iIh-t r-uor-d to ColJ.. an Tlatllag at W. Doan A
and after ottug four boiflet. the i< • i ,
uubU oodBi.e, tetflinr 00 a honeatrad
Itm-Ir well, can eat tDriliiog. li'.t
ortr CUlekanie.
The aoatal *!»»« »T »be
U the Boa
Kn S. V. Janott at Trama
Igraji'd tonto and ii. gei.ilr lax.\pril ith. IWt. Mr.
I the Uoaioa HaU Satard
Ur aad Mn. IV K. Dd^it of Bettoai
|| vlattedbariMta FridayaDdi
from a jiaralriic .1:
mnallliee aie epleudid dor im, .
teriHI fl
in town Satorday.
liiver." For lodlgenlioa. Lo*. of Avitiuord• CO naoare 1
of loot, whri
Hillrr Of OaUalim. O., WM ia
...-tty aratlyeTerybody wont t
.•awayaataadaylao^cTor tba Bl>- ibow la Trarerst City aad. pteny
______ __
r____ Cladtiom net i'ltv
aaarly ararybody csMaft, too.
Dortb of toe Kaaefa bohl TnorwlaT
ir> Ur. Tiugh- had I
Three flaa aaw oenent walkt an
iiai.ul Cliriillali life.
{ Hemloex bark i* becoming M-iirre i
I Utcliigan aad tnen i> talk ..f a n>
1 In prleeA Uiongh It 1» now i|Ooiol <
I to Horthportto tba
tate axe
Me fellow mi-n. He 1, avc« a wife, and
Tnia will leave Traverw City i
a daeghter. Up U. E Cro... of Ol.- ' T:At a m. lUle $1.00.
S«- port.____ John Sanborn and family of
Hto Lola OaJMat of Ti
goa Cuy.
or aik ageats for patticolan
To toe* llee I aild.
Trarerie CitT are tbe goeaU of Mr.
wm egcd a law daya
Thefunenl aenh-i i were coadael I
I From friglitfol di-Bgnremi-iit Mra
yMrtSA Be had BO fanily ot nUKanoie Oallrger.
peer. Ol
of IrtUrange. tia
Hit. Foetb aad eblldraa rf,lU*ila. Utoi la tliU part of the atalo.
trewet rtalre t
ilea’a .Vrnu
the following gaeatt Tbonday: Mnu
Atsoeg tho*e
thoi.e who ai;
tot BMaadad ebareb :al tbUpUaa toDber. Among
n ber liaad >
W. B JobnanaotBk JameA Beaver
paT ilie Ittt trilrate of
quick care ex£u< fd all h .
^writea ite
Itland, Un G. U. Dome and Dr. L rem-ct to oar ilejaned comnde.
in Borer
Tiekeu wiU b.- aold
B. Coi-n.
fnend au.l neighlor, wi re Otrar Eatin Era:
Un a. B. Gill entertaioed la boo- no, HarrcT TingK a brother of the
malm ware takea to Al^aa for baraod
Tbariday ere- di-o-ated. John A Tbar.-r, aod Jotepb
laL Ur. Weldmao-t fa^ly have aot or of the Iwdiei' ClBbTbanda]
ittb. Auei
nlog.. Tbe eveoing
. ______ wat
J tpent
epent lo play DobbiuA all of whom bad been former to retorn uatll Ootobei
mmle to Kor
Uamertrj famar faaa*lbe aimU box
lag pragrettiTo
padro, after -which retideulH of Unnd Tnverte coaniy. leotioQ of limit will b
lUt dlflbaiai tilt trail eoatlaf
were the
TravM 019 It wUl bo batter.
Erma llotl.
Botbey. Oampbell
Dttnr. Banborn.
Xfx Oao. Jaatatea baa raw b
and Horey and Uetm Sidney Parfenav bare to aptad a law ■
Cbaa Aebe-tbara and aboot $100 kiee. Vtibar Campbell. JaUai to- bay aad aone farntac
Bontt aad Otmrlet Porivr. Prltet
ad laat ~ ■

toab baraad
riven. Un Bathey receiving
It It tappoatd
On aad aa
School begine Uooday. Bept. lit.
bra taw woeka.
UcMTA William Badd of Wolook and Rieliard Bodd of Clev.-li
.re tne gupeu of Mn Xartba lit
beqaiw a lean to tbe labo
tlicm lo you at al-oot aiiat tiict
tbit place.
«Bmo of tba VMfW Da. maa. It U aad.<ratooa ttol th^
Tbe Janior Eeagne gave an —
Dok maob laaaniioa oa tbe mllL
ream aoetal Friday eveulag. wbieb
Un-O.K. Ualtmaa low beea oi
aa well atleaded. Frooeeda $3. (U.
vmtew ten with Mteda at Uek lUt the part weak.
W. H. Itotet ia bnUdlag a oottage
Hn Ot»A ToaBlarioom retanied to
Bnokmawand teoj^lar at
ar brnae attar an ahn-aea at Mvoral oo tbe reoott lauuaili nortb of (be
Braoh Hotel.
CUeago. an trititiag mlmtlraa ban.
^ U. U. Dame apeat Baatey with bU
UattTikatt’Ttot ^JraA **
Hi.. Bameaof Omenaapeat Buetey
ia townMaO^'a alM Mn. S J. Brink- kmoi aabool another year.
f Colamhia gave aa exearaioa
ay Uaaday eTening.
Tba ooraer iteoa of the new HL B.
teaiah wtU be laid TaoaiUy.
Mb. Tba pmlding elder. Rev. U. D.
Oatrel. will take oBaige at the
Ura. OfaaA Webb apeat Banday. 1>
SatooB HaU bu a»BlB ««a»ed


A. F. Marliititer of Elk Raplda alaHad hU iwnau t»day.
Tb« IkA qami4arlT owireBtioo of
Baat Bay aoil£lair 8e
aoelatlOB wa«%ald al I
boaaa Aar. 3rd. aad a Tory anianaio-


.. . ramilT.


“Der Deu-fcscl-io L_adon”

H. teitb aad A. B,*-*.--«S»?



ss’.sjr*'’ “ “

r.'S'i- S "‘liiSSTi:’

*'^?'t *


C-iothi.ers and Furnishers
*rrtevtertete Oi^y. IVIIohk. #

‘ "*** ll' "


Pere Marquette







VS; _.,rs
tr:; riTi,





rm For Job Work of all Kinds Call at The Herald Office

£d‘^^*^*lo*i?r^^t<ien of^l



left Wedaeaday for
Illle. WiA
Sd M bare tbe leg eat off above tbe
Dr. UcPhall la enjoying n vUlt
knee. He la doing at Wall aa aoald
ftombla aiater ot OaaadA
H. E Olll went to Trarepa- Oity
Boaor bad a nllroad aavling latt
dayUtetey BlgbA Tbe vloe preeldaDt of
. Ryan of Grand Rapidi wbo
the Alpena toad waa ben. A eommlttaa wet appelated to an- aboat tbe taagbi ben IbrI yrai baa been eagig•d aa principal of Uie Ireland acbooL
rigtat of way aed other matterA
Tbe Beaale eoanty Saaday i
tvaatiaa thM wra told


mgk. bat ll bauei at tree-

iBttoa at

! £Ev.X:' “

Un VacMUoAnaa aad cblMnn at

Traveree (

E T. Pray and Adolf Kalaet i
Ottwo ooaaly tbli w<«k loekini

Hn Tbamaa Pray, who wme takea
iox at Travene Oity the 1Mb, la no
BrooU want to
better, net being able to renru borne,
■antey attar aoat pianbii Tbe teip- and It la Iheogbt that an epentioo
pantove oeaaed to bay any mon on will be BL'Ceinuy to rettore bar to
oyr w|^. ^
leavaa a
aaaoantaf ovarnpplrb Irf'rtt


r-a tondf
Jtea Betty lott m tmlnabU becM
The poetogoe boa bean _ .
L Has U poatFnak Barry, teto-

Oax Uyera and Uixa Ada Fairbaokx
of BU Bapidi were U the neigliborbond Bonday.
Tbe many frlende of Ur. and Un
L a Btokerd were rormllr eatntalned Ito ereoing of the 3rd at Ur. Blekerl-e reeideam. It baiag hU birtbdar
Tbe erening wme eojoyed by ail.

rto”gaeBa*returned borne at a lair
to go atttr'ttoU boar wUblag btm many. birinda; •
yet ta oomm
Hr. Bolea went to Tiarerae Oity tbe

Friday evanlag

Ur. aad Ura Bamoel Seeley
a Banday.

Hn BMbe and abUdtia are ettitUi.tScOtt and wife of Tnvwrae Oirv
bW trleedt at CHarlercdB.
riaitto tbeli eoo Olaad hen tbe S4ib.
Mitt May Bratptaie Ttattad Moate
Baal Boon of Travene Oily Tinted
at Tvararae Bakartey aad Banday.
rleade In tbe neighborhood Banday.
Otia WebMcr met with a bad aonideat tto 33ad iaet. While balling elo^to^raraad FbiUp
eer meed be bad oocaalno lo etep ne
Berne te a teen rtalt.
tbe rap oyer tbe eyiiad-r while is
Vralay Wether baa aorad oa tbe BMtlaa. which proved to U- rotten
Vm. Wau pUoA
aod gar*
letting hie leg come tn
Brite Bttala aad Clayite Btitta Wl omittoi with tto cylinder, gnsdiog
bla foot to a palp ll wai aeceerary
aotey to OomfonWln~
------------•* Flanaoe Faney to tore me limb amiAuied beiweec
.afFxaafefanaranUtlw tbair aaat. tbe ankle and knee. Dr. CUrk attaad
Hn UTtBgttaMdftfabpiaeA
- ' e tea bats riUt^MrateoadtaU
tetahttbaMM 1
Blmm Cook and .wife mnvrd to
tire. & HMXte ia riUttag Mtete Sotad ramp iart wrak. where Mr.Cook
tanada te work.
Adolf Earner loot a Bar now laal
A O. FUrboaka and Ora went M
SiUi Olafk et AyerartUa. Oblo. ta rnvarra Oity Bataitey.
trittHag ralaUeea barm
B. a Oarder weal tJ T^tfarae Oity



fout-inch ^olilen oak frainv , nievit
No MK> Coudi. exacily like cul. la? a ft
Keel springs, roierol m
carvei, hcavx- boltcil li.v‘. canvas line!. I'.i lviii]<crol
lanry laitcrns licK udour, plain toji. an.l only $6.75.

guirantcvsl all sice!-----liiiicl so no bulluiu tan

-^--efdertwntrflwsl vdour^'.




ueli, exactlr like cat, golden oak ftame, mccly can-cd claw feet,
led runnnuiicm. 30 12-ioeJi IjcH Keel apringt. patent liutlon
iih haa liecn considered goutl ralue licfore at $]C, now

CoAted, 60 doses; 25c.)r »re
a new, tasteless, odou^ess,
fCTwwwrtlgal subaihfte for the
edebrated Squid CUTI-

$ I I .op-


wdl as for an other blood
purifiers and humour cures.
Each piH is equivalent toaoe
teasponful ^ liquid RE­
SOLVENT. Put up io
sa«w-cappocfcet vials, cooiainiiw 60 doses, price, 25c.
are alterative.
antUep^ taofe and digest­
ive, a^ bcFOod question the
purest, \swecte^, most suc­
cessfully eodcKXDica] blood
and dfcfa pu^ers, humow
cures, andtooic-diecstives vet

No, hii-i Louen, exa«iy lire ctrt. irgoiuunxna
arf l^cvauw the price it to low. Six fi. four in. long,
n'. legs liaUcit, 1'.* sleel
coverevt with choice ]panent good velour, and

Soai.Sr. m rmam tto ikla of cam
aodacalw.aad •otoa IW tfcl-kniioatirti-: Crncraa OcxniaKr. kor. to lawootiy allay ttcblag. laflMiiwutoi, and
jttBallaa. and •aotto aad bml; and Cm«aa) and
ctoamttMklaad. ABnoLaSnUtem
mOrtoiiw ram Ito mart tenartag. dto
awttra. *Wk Itm tt 1

So, S4I2 Coudi. evatilt like cul. g.ddcn oak frame, legs are put oa with l<du.
camax lined, 1*> teropcrcl Kcd ^wingA lOain top. corned in good rdoar, fretty

No, 815 Coocb, exactly Wte cot. with aoeh a pretty carted gtridenoak fremc,
full ran bead and fo^ cotered with five Uned bat Victoria veloar. 30 bat tted
gprit^, eanras lined; for a handscmie. durable coach it caa't be beat, and die

fiailerns. aai- color, only $5.90.

jwice oow only $ | 3.26.



Mail Orders will have our prompt and careful attention. State the color you desire for the cover.


- mm Oeok Odd wife aad Uta Q
haUte* «*wre to TttiTcna Wiy

. i:.. .

> toecOeet/Uiiitod&Ue*
________ athe rMODcreaMed by
toedNto«rS«DUorMcMain. Tbc
dEoraad boner me too gto to be
tow siiMd. Shonld, boMevtr, toe



tOfO fOMd «Uh

UHMlir M7tadr vto 0VP0»« kte to
- '. ne to«Mto«------_ _«M* opMir OR
L »or«M tlM tUKUtoap

. Mb bo dOM for Oobo ond
«>■ tar MHtoctbo bo« MM thM
K OMld boMdi. toktoc.lBloowldonto to too MM o ^toc da•too todoMi? to bo MkM MN to
*0 praeoM of nltot f« • ton>r>

dno wor or too otoM to i


too doty « tot proddoot, at too ratptodUo hwd and Iwdm of Ui party,
tt Mop to BMl help to totdo too dlto.

,11 —T ter Praddaol BoeoortU
do tolt btoera tot tOetocaa Ubt i*
oodad. Ihmtara itperM. open tot
Mord of a UBltod Stotot anator. tool
toopraaldtnthM raewtly^
toaatoacU tot i

■ ofDtlt-

anyoMhtBMMtoMIboMMt Mltolto b»0M toM a poUttoal Afbt >atl bo
•oModoMtoew ato that mUU no­
body ■alw toreoto ooftllntd dwdlotoo. too Mato at a vbelo awt

woo raiatdiin tot eoMoal tfatontto BttaU:
w of all Bioal todatirtot

teMtol into tato at tot pooplt hart
■orwdraoMed of to toe bltoety ef
laWaUaMoM too btyta*of toookt

vhtoh ho had aadtr wv
tar kb VBflOtkra. Bowt to totm pn>tMi haro tot tote a am) ItfaL

h%b oOee^ 1 Min »a*p« ood 6Q it
to toe bcM elmj obOity.
fricadi Mbo hove ro kindir
t detoe to here me tow
boiriepteMBUtiye, I into
to under my grcottol Uaiiki.
The General hu been in cooimICC with thoee nolitiral friendi erer
itoce Senitor blrMilUn'i fooeral oixl
era bera. General

aaeeitoc at 8l LoaM lor too
.• It It ttod. of naMBf too
------------ tool ando powatt of too
DtotodBMMtwd Otaada totoaaiw M rwolau too {olto ef toai trait
mat Aaaia Foele of OBMbtriaad X.
D..faBtbewM>toraUd tiaet toe katOe ef AattotaoL She tow Ured near
Bat ptoet. aad wm trod at by a
Btradtlor froB Ow. Jabal't »*mj,
t)» WM tIcaaUac tot
1 beeoBM parBally tonot aad look 10 her bed.
The rapeeBU lodft. K. ef P.. hat
difmtad tot pmpeaitlw lo tnet a
taaUarlam at Hot Spriacs Afk.. foe
tlek aad dltabltd fcalfbM. It wae tot
rolee of tot nproBt lodft toat it bat
BO rtfhM under lit eoatUtatiw to lax
tilt MOBban of tot ordtr for taeb a
The tullanBM pntitet hat

rwffiwilm of Joel PelWt wbo
■rod toe AtM toot ot BoWm Mill nnd
MM kUtod by toit AM ~
~nt tatber mad ta toll Mltfa
boM OranMallto bowed bla
baod et to poMod antar bto oxtanded
hvoaol a* toe Tatatonn wmadm.
lawy. an AmerteaB MB«to BraxU. hatBBdaa
m to toe
[tbetoaeorcM of
Be hat foaad
bee aaltod tolala. groMtof arm Pan
IbeoBBdt of Bllee alecf tae
riror. toe Jalae of wUeb proBtoM to rival robber la the world',
Dr. Owrfe BetMto. wbo for two
an bH bew delvtof to Ecypi for
at tbe Oalrerlaly of Oallfeisto. fane n-eobed Sen I
Ht bet aoonnd many
vatoebU earloa Tm rantt artielM
•fold Jewelry of ihr

boon boforv tht tepromc lodft for It
yoarru Pot at laob yocTloan loatiw H

Tto itoi Aibar AibW toaarda tow



• aw * too dty tova
iltclda* to aid too enaailtot to tala
toe debt. U tolt eon
Mia Otbaw. Mba died orm « ywn MlU toy It ifxin Mxt
waa opeood and too nmtat
S G Ba^eU td L

edto Ptaoto mu <

toto hUl Mbtab to taai ai foedaatto
fwatat tvery, whiab an waib



atwnd ber bed kept bedr toape pertoetly. Tbe Ml In wbito toe e
^bwried ww fraveL
Tbe Lawtof Sowr Oe. toe ewimeted u all ene-toU of tbe afar
palp iMaeed to Ohio ymtlea. who
mUI bm it far floak tbedtof Bantetta polp taw bew fivaa a
Oal attar toil year tba IndloaUwa ate
toat It wlU bava a ready ale tw Ito

lea word

fat lae ew.-eetlou of awrebinf for
tooth vrlth Ordor.l
.Iwtnliet la toe aaontty. .Poor;
dwlrapon bandrod boxer thlpped from Efypt by
Or. Belweratv on the way i« the
Bpoo tor miter.
Prank K«to7. an aerebat aad ow- aalvetalty. Many of tbe ariielet arc ,
Urtiooirt, while wallloKforo trato wltoool daplicatat in the world. ]
Oalvto Bint a nefro who toiU
at Tbotoaetoo. Oouil. looked bit lefo
behind faU neck end waUed tot ..•om Pwcaon. 0a.. aad who hat bew |
Detroit. Hietw
li'Bfto of the piatferet w hU band*. tooriof the ooantry with ride tbowt i
I. MWth. Totol
uwneat"toe wild mw of Bor-.
Wbw be attenped' to natwiriblaKt-ab.
OoYemBmt tim
• appealed al me Hotjfltal of U.e
Oily. Old XlMion and otoat potota
d Shepherd and informed the]
torlttd to partUlpato. O.
w tarrew that at Syracat.- Ihie
for bim to fet bit fe>-t free. For a
E. Marav of tolt ally It lookliiy atk he bad eome ta hat,- hie borot
irefan boar be itnitKled aad
tor too noatotn «f tolt ally, awitbd
then bad to call for tlit aid of tome
^ 0. S. Bato. rwor and J. A
At Louiloo Indy Baflaeo It rnl<iyn wblab rtaod ti
Xbtro araa laipo nambor of flnt
pUatan eraft on too bay and laany tof Um- diatlaetlon of erelTtof-tot
meit ep-tu dau oliarlty ibow. Sb» ekhIMUon. Bird eonw.-d two «oeii..ppo„ of h.-r widow.-d mother
owned to tolt dty. toeladtof toaaohbad afTc-d to plac- heiwlf w exhiW- borot. end thoaandt of people polA
teverel weeka
at. talltot booto and ralltoc eanooo
to tee hit bent end b.or
tiw. wearlnc ber ooronatlen robot
Lifhtalox etrack toe barn ot Steon ownod by Hr. Kairay.
aad oorati for toe bentdl of tht local him bort.
|iheii U-mrle, eoalh ot Hlthawaka,
Blodto.7. O. HeoitoaB, Dr. ttaoteb;
botpIMl at Iteck<-nham, EwL The
It .to aid that more babi.-t hav. lod., Albert Eiarie and wife. DlefiiFraak
riledilah. WIU
It rein of rii oonM li to be bew wined after Prwldeat Bo>itevell burt, awakened their danxhter MarfoOoeilt OU. tot Oolialo Qab. Oaapebonrad f«« admlttlnn to the ball, than after any otlier ekeoatlve of llie ret that the mlchi eee tbe Br>-.
boll attoto and etout and toon :arc a
when her ladytblp will be w riow.
nation are Waebtofton and JeSeraon. tt'-pped to tbe window, threw np ber
food BBoy Mtitof erafi owacd b>4«
ToDtwaa lelendcdto be a<(eiei.
Uendt. end with a fa«i> ank bark
alao. atotwe tooM toe rotttb of O. S.
teborton aStlr. bet the eewepapon X.-U Swain and Martha lb.lvln. both ^.-ad from the ebook.
Mra Henry
Bato and tent, 3. A. Hootono, 71o
fot bold of the ttory.
wy. KBU
aad the
»■» boepital of Orfowrllle.
Wla. wen married ;john»on. another neighbor, to rnn.
[oatofoa and Mratal etoara
nt'to n-op the fmt- here tn tbe ow'd .arrw of ao animal |
to tbe Are fell down a ctalrway.
Oood prtoat wlU be oBtrod aad tot
bareraatbrlU bo toe beet held to thU loFnily 10.000 Tleilor* to tbe Kike ear-1
uneratny. Jetee MUl.-t. anoth.-r
aallty toytara______________
of tbt patnu to bar robce tad w
nival Wltnaited tbe oeremooy. wlilrb ;
in „ auempt to are toe
tof tbt eenmlloD Dodal fwetwu
mod by Jaitioe Earle. The],^i,y^ u,,- batu. wae ovefooae
btr by Elof Edward.eoaple neelved «!UU tn eatb and lACjned tell enooneioai onder toe Aamea
Jeeeirii Bbitk. tortaur ef a raTOirtr worth of faroltnre from toe o
iK-aed bol my die at a
am Moot td too OharlBTeto tofor b
which it lolltTeil to ban >*w the toe ihew.
lory yottorday aftotneen weft w:
m lower Aaetrla
Ant Areatm with a nfalrtof ohamBootad by d.000 people. Oee
leiUbave nialte.1 la ievere|n
ber. wd of the KTtto otadle, died
Wednetday at bit boat near tonwt10 cropa The rlv.-r Kueeb I
8.-pi.-mber 1Wt. Pa. Ht wai 83 year* old. ud
----------------wry of toe drato of Pretideui MoKlali Of the Xatieaal Oeatirae)t Iwlnir n B0«..r iurantor. wat a eOBIbeni Tyrol, and caoted tor col-1mi morial eervioee be held tn all
tiwOa. DeWl. wbo an beildlof aam-yor. to tht early Iblrtlei Shirk lapav of a boote. wllb a teioll l>’tt |
,,i,nrrbee In Beffalo. and toat the
oMry. fart a ihert aad pilfay made a toTnlrer. wbloh to UiUtTad la two roraoni w.-re killed and eight in-[ nitj b. dta|wd wlih th. Bag of oar
talk. Iwaler Bemwt otfwded the bare been Uk- Srat Snorm ever made Jand'
ooantry Uebaea|i]«iut.-daeomalltifwt"potlBw w Oebanreel- with a revalrtof charalwr. Be olalDof toe I'eniral Tar- ; tee to arrange for toe other eperlal
pmelty. aad nld tbat with inperoo- ed to bare ibown thtoweapw to Oolt. „„___________ _
at Obloego hee.- ad- cbei-rvanoe. BtUiig to the ocoallnB.
laBaat the bnt aafar InAutry
opted toe report ef the tpeoial eoni- He farther eeggreu that on toe day
weald baeoMO Uw fitatMl of all
[lliaieoDi-cent a'following the enairerary. ti-eolel
mile taU be made from all p&intt cnrolf-e be held In (be pabUo eeboola
Tba botory ta to be am of the beet
Eldorado, to.. tpe.-lal aayt within tlie C.-ntral Pattengrr ateocla»rt. Laora Hankiat. of Rlohmood.
tolbeeouBy. UU betof beilt of
ton umtoTT M Ki'w Vork and remrn Va , laet week boned pel dog in
thiarl.t Jniaea. a raUroad Saftnai
eenerato. wd toe eiltoWi wd faiBen
who llTM at Clariw. nwr ben. to i daring tbe (i. A B eBaamioueui at a lot adjoining Oakwood eemetery.
itbattoaUe ornr toe oatieek.
ratoington1 She planoed to Inter li aloagride ber
Tlotlm of Boeqaltott, and ao taranly

of Mboni tuy be edected.

.tttw that It It feand bp will he attaektd by blood potoonlnf.
WatolWMa. Aaf. Il-Adi
oeirad by ww dawnnwt freo Uaa- wae atloediiit to bit dntiet
tatalitori to tot toraol faaro m aUdRook Uland traekt wbea to wat tarUe lopen a deeptntaraal to the fe(
tw talto tool Hr. Karpaa mIB
roandtd by ihooBadi ef BOtqali
and blttw uul be oaold owretly
the fotMer Wi deeideil to rw
He Iwtll Brr> to drive away tbe
rani life to Qarlu prertooe
towo dlrootly fra* toe
peiU. bat moke and Aame bad ao
eSe.-t epou tbe loteru. The mao wai
remain ai bl> ^t dar.
•a Utt I
IhMMaMw wUl rafara to toko the tof the loot n!fht and when B-llef
to tbe morulaf he wet Inoapn
Wto af;aUwtoBM to the Daliod
ble of moving. Ha wat taken vielaai
ly ill and it now onder too

to «y. hoMOTtr. torn toMt Id tot aiMOlMlf by tot ooMto
to toe MaihM Miotoa
toe pwaptitodt of Kr.

Madrid. Aaf. -Xtof A^diWMtaat
.toracantod aU propoMlt of tot ooonoUkM Brat he nany aa ■orepna
prtooMM wd tot aaneoaetd bli in. Del. Aac. ll-BlBbt Iwtaa ief Wtddtof toe danebter of
; klUad. Mx MO Mladap. aadttratoto- patpoM ef Boadtof the thattarad
on MMo badly bwMd by tot oqdotow of tore otoal dl>iiliii to tot DtlOMMO palp MlUa of tot ftnv *
MawtraBMOa.w - - of BiniewtrM pGBIBiBf ollflbU
n. ntkaoMBdmd

Mlcrobet ot no mibroew far Uie
lOBto-hl of S&0.000 eblli
mop book to tbt OlilMfo pabUo
K-hoola agalB la two weakt. U a qaeiaew being aglatad wbllt tbe
epUamle of typhoid fever cnatinaM
and tba clty’t lopply of lake water
nmlBi-fttllated. Tlien an no Al­
lan In tbi f*ieel baUdlafi and ibe

TpailanU had toe loMvol Mato rale
dorlaf Jely ef any elty la tot .late.
~lNn wen only two deatot daring
Ura Andrew Uanoa, of BenomiM. hat neelved a letter from btr
a Ephle whom ebe toppaeed to be
ged- Be it bogler (n Deapaoy P.
Twwty-oiffaUi Ualted Satet n«alera.
emrlng in toe Pblirpplaaa Jalj
w noi'lved t tetofraa from Uw
aandinf oAleer of Kpbie't teglmwt tbti be bad died from toe
eEoott of AtiaUe eboleta. and aleo
ftvlag the exaet looatiw ot hi. bootylag plaoe.
Epble U oat awart of
tat ibat a alatake had been I
1 raperi of hi. death tent to fan
er. lo hie letter be tUtee

of Jely.
Mr... Leanna wae to
affeata.d vrban al.ii aw whom toe leiUt wae froa. Uiat tbe had U have
wme one eln M read It W ber
Two enterjwUlnf Oweato yoong
naiiMa wemen have tor vai^liOB
ferer bard. Tbey are planning to go
u an exaartien lo Manlab-e, and U
lake toh- ot exp-oieo bare rigged op
box for oonlribatloB. toklng aothinflaetttaw V' ecuta A nomber of
tlwlr friendt api«eeiatlaf toe Joke
bave fallen la with toe edieBe. aad
la a few boort almett AS wae ooacrtbaled.

Parmer* war Pleaani Valley. Elk- lato-t e grave le tb. oemetevy. Iial
tan ooanty. are alarmi-d over tbe Id-I toe aathotilie. n-fowri jiarmltrion.
oartlooe ot a paniher wblab bat been An und.-rlai. r and eeveral oarritge
tdaylag bavee vrlto pigt. tlicep. aad . liadf of friendt were preaeoi
wlvea The piercing tco-am. of tbe |
animal at night have aronted fannert. .
toe bnle bat coaldaot gen
riiol al lb
In npertt to the war drperlmitot
tlie bralto aalboritlee ai Manila airlbote lb.- apread of ohalen largely to
the eating of raw thell Btb by tbe iiativea. Toedo beach, one oftoefoaleal e^ In the city, it where the flth
The board of bcaltli hot
ebollabedihe pcactlet and
geard i»w>li
•!*>» ‘'*3'
Good taint bave fallen
In weti
IndU Jaet In tlae to ave ih.- oropt
and nmevt tbe Inwiedlete fear of a
tamine. Tbe oenual pravinoct and
Beiar bave aUo been benefited
A berrowlng hoUday inmdy
ted Friday al Filey, a vral.-rUg place
ebildrea who Mere pleytog aa
andi Man cat oB by toe iaflowlog
tide aad drowBed befm.- thvlr motoera. Mho ware eltting oa toe leach had



fouodatloo. uf tlie Ohtrlevoli i
fecioty It wat ditoorervl that thi
terlal wa. coaUllc In
beet known building itoiira and
r-- la.img Uian granite- A iaffl|ile
. eeai to to.- etote geolc«itl. who
Srmi Ibe optalou. Tbe ledge from
leh tiie itom- wae taken it os land
lied by Hob. A. Kallart. . t-llea
and. being dltevUy

ta tot taUewtof Mtoma.


J. O. PMIan. tbe Aral gnbUe at



'Otiwal of toa
worldly Sevwth Day Advanttoto al
Battle Oroth have latol.r
pallalea and an being
« w
dotof. It it
eeci ai tot AdvwtiA
agaloat toa
btUef to a*
aflMal gaper tlili weM. la dcatiag
with lb.- life laearance qaeati.
qa«.-e freta ProUwW FJlea 4
White, wbe atyt. "Ood hat md.- gc
vutaa ter hi. prralc. Be hat a tpeelal eare for Ihrm and ib.-y tboal
dletrattnlt iwovldenoe by
In a pollay with tlw werlA'
Ameog to.-poaribUillM it aa electrie imiliviad froa Nrgaan.* to Mar
Wm. S. Kliodra. a Clevr
lead eapltaliri. hat bmn there toll
werkii.tcsttias luoel laniM ta the
tebrmr. It It toe perpee to betid it
ee an eltvatioe or tr.etle
heavy BOW fallt will not ini.-rrapt
tiafie ia vriater.
dtnved froB D.-ad nvrr fella fner
milet nonbean ot iliai city
At Laoelng oar of the
belougini.- to tbe Bcetoec Peimrl car­
nival gave hirto Tbareday moralog
five caU. The talhiw did not lake
kindly u ih.-B and oiw cab wat kill­
ed tn tor firroc fight IvtaltlDg
tl.e trainrre effort to ir]wrair bim
from the oihrra. Plnally m partitloe
WM tooved inl.p the eeee and the lioneat aad loar rube are "doing well'Siis.w.

r-wnret Be woW brUliu.1 grilB, aat eira
tggm.inaliabM. IMioMItat. II Bwr
IrbWM-. 1I date bri tmeiretwattgiawtlw
bricfe ura« a H Bwt t... ri gtavr awm
IMWiviasaQgaMeMamUita Bra tWet
BtM m ter riWv piriia.
BBic Reee
reinh ri ter trah-' ti i trou a k^a It rtai •
eUBt srikii

The Fere Martiurtle' Railroad o
gany will tooa comaeaec Uw rieelian
afaorw reilroad bii^ aeroet the
Hcikegoc rivet at Newvr' to i
Ibe place of i l.r eld oee which
ballt many yceire ago. Nine
leaded with eleel for Uie
an now etaadlcg on the in



Hew inconccieiWy Steal



1 7to tay of Ootoner. A. O. 1 «»Oa.

- A the helplesf child. eaUilinj the most
and markiac its little body VI itb oArnpitiable laSering. as
iveaotra and empliona. emtanhof the note Jand Ihioat, weak eyes. gUndular
■ellingt. brittlebooca, wbiUaweUingand deformity.
How can pareaU took Upon xacb liittie gaflerera and not rcpnwch
tbcmtclvve for bringing ao mneb tuitaj into the world? 'll voo bavw
y ditease larking in yw gyfUsn. bow can yon expect well dcvelojied,
baild op
ap year bcalto. and
} Cleanae year own Wood and boild
altoy children
yoatavenotoBlyralaigrt yoareapa^ for^enjoym^U^ ploiratra
mankind bealtoier and bappief.
idy reaches deep-nested, ntnbbore blood
Tbetv it BO remedy tbirira
S. S.
S S. It aesrehesoat era bcndilaiT
td imoreorevery
Uirt from Ike Wood,
poiioni, and
and bailds ap the genenl beallh. if weaklings
sre rtowing up aionnd yoo. right the wrong by
patting them on a coarse of S.S.S. at once. « it
s pnrely tvegelmUe medicine. haimleM ia iU efieets. and can be taken
gang witooat fear of any bad resnlu.
by both ol
yonr case, aad let oar pbysiciant adrite and help yen.
This will coK you nothiog. aad wa mUI also aend onr book on Wood and
skin diseases.
tme WWIFT #F«CtFlC CO., AttaBta. Ota


A Durablu i
Wail Coating

cir:: r*.S

Mumeu... '.tri .VMirt Hrur- >r«ac Uir

.. (.wVvlot

Ponni t i-ufr and jv-nntnrtil c
li.gmiiJdoraootirquireiuUUkcn •
6il lotenrw from liuic lo time. ' '
■ d.y p.i»dcf, really lor ate
niiaiiig a-ilb cold utter.

un— It tbr l»r u—


uuarvrci.1 •lid ibr wetawsl qatn-r i.«i

We ate evpevlt in the trratmnil of J
atlU. Write to.] tee b-w helpful J
uectnle. tl no owl lo »<gq. iagrt- 1



Brand BapMs, Mich.


ti.r. uri rik«»o—.

i U




■«. .elrSar. ta..mia

I'-.w Ihtl 4m. -twr


‘ ■'asi’S'Si.

Judson-Alton S33 Excursions to C&llfomi&
Oregon. Washlivron and the PaeUle Nerthvrat.


totKowW--»»~ —
m Maw Itoraa. Aaf. Xt■ ■nMiTtii Ttoiii tola alty today. Xto
■ vwaa owatoMd of a drtra ton

taaUr'ieAvlM the metal pataenlag
■ BMtoopMto tapMtid w a apt
■ B^taritoMMlptofaoBbBawtata- tatdwMMIbMtaadied tai

toa aarkok. Tbty
WlU bt mnafantand by a Lodtofltm
'. wblab I

OQ (Ik- lake than', it rendered doably
The. .laarry it .-xt-selv.
id it mattive at a depth of bat h-i
. t- Ktiieru aay toll it one of tot
itwl valoahle fiadt of balldiag
I tbt tiate. and will be .leveloped al

A Sogar Orove fara.-r owat a taan
which, altooogb offered tor mU at al
molt any price, ate not wealed by
lovert of boreefleib. Tlie lean
hoodoo which cannot be thaken off.
CBirM Bewe.
fiwk HaiTla. Wai. Barba. Jaa XaA soolii ot to ago Mre. Oerter HmedpBtoflbtiBahM of ttetoTwae
' ito, date KoOtmtok. Zaohartok Otoley and ton Fred were l«th killed la a
sotiead toe
riarTtot bat neeiTtd a r
Uw (Mlcrtd). daa Btokat. Jea. Lantaken ta pnvaeb Baboel Iward oAlaiTbe ehore al tne totne of ibe rnnaway vrblle driving toi. mi
(MBaapAdBriMB. MeUUan.
' hwibK. Md OrwTlbe WaMn.
U admit then b an emeTfaaey. bat mgaEy vrat deeerted aad
«btto}andMt:taa.Jttoat. badly
re andaeided m to bew to meet it.
were avaiUbe.
The awtliert of tbe Itmding bay bad toe letm
bMwd. foaaoory dwbttal;| Joha tof tot dlteoTtry ef new tar ttal OllvM Weodell Bolaea, wbo haa ahlldrea and oUiert amd.- berolo
with him mod be dl<-d ton g .lay.afroobay to the Aleattoa ittoadi
baaa appeinied aanoiauiafliaeof tbe
tot latoad ef Bealdyer. betwaw Bar- Untod Btatoa Sapreme Oeart, wat t.-mpto al a retcua The oldMt child tervrard
Ttylorbat laviud ihr lovrna fatilr atumpt to mve tbe
iMorMT dwbtoal
woanded In battle daring tbe oivil yoaagaet one br bolding it ap lo oto tblp of l>MAtar. \'an Baien county,
Iht dtfWMn.wort toealad
war and wat toagbt by bit nlber. Uw
Tboae who aitemped to reoeh to gay ‘'i"*
tony balldtoc. Thmt won Ma of
poet, over a wide emuh ef UnJIory. tbe children had narrow eeeape.
ditch by Ibe raaaude and dl.-d
totn to tot balldtop. tato eat
Tba iwe met by ehaare oa a frala, tram drewnlag
ttngglM to exlrlealc Itself.
■UMaoMaadabwIto* feel to dl- tord elaMly weaffa to oboerra
roended aon-belnf emiebed oo a
The dll-1. vrat to cloee lo tht road
At ;Ba»l UverpobL O., a .ira
of toe mU bad bow hraadad
. ttoy
Tbe Beating wm l<riet and
oat oenld not be mads
-omaa appeared on toe floor ai
itaan WM ao flfn Bial wbiU mw
wood FtoB BtobMw MW 1
"Hallo. Boyl" exwitoOBl
g.-iting Into it and wa. also
toaMftoaf for ewl had erer
Mwk to too boitotof. Tboi
park dariag aa latormlation Wlweeo very .lerp and grown to the top with
toe Ulwd. The Haoatofwlll
Tbm It a
ef vrvedt.
daaoee tbe other alghL She proceclana arartotof to ditoerer
tot botldtog and ototr MlUt
s la Ibe
Lbls.Slaoloor. an a. oe« will, toe,
,adto the eentetof toe floor, kaeli
lanettor noktrtot to toatloTaakea, !«< be feel* at deeply at toe
Wallace rirect. It mitelag WW-a toe i
and laletag her baode. prayed fervent
wUtr. Dm eofWMleo U explealve.
It eremt that [
ly. The Movrd elood la perfect illeoae
IbMt Itlaata my to we of the
Mr. Palmer, wbo U a Afer ot tbe
daToosof tot for awl dertof ttalr Aram eorpe at Joplin. Uo.. plan on ■ aatil tbe had Aalthed, aad crept avray UU't lover, alto a ring perfoimar. |
M tllenliy at the cama The dance Bvered bit eenaecuon with tor orga-'
abMaea trea tba PriUleS Uknda
Afe wnieb wat ated by hU graadfath
Ootseldsnl with hi. dUaptoea roaaB.-d. Ibe praying
The dlaeereiy to aanaidand 1 .
or throagboal tin war of tail. Mr.
wat an Batl Llverpoel moUier wbo imranee a aombar of bit attooiaut;
Mat by the ottetoli hart la rlew of
Palmer hlmeeU wae a eoldier In' tbe
aupeeied toat ber .laaghlar wat at mtamd valaable iHecrt of Jewelry. It |
He e^Aneae tbe deveal
vrat ibonghi (bat be had eoae tom-1
FtMitaat Bntiralfi rltit «> Onad
tbe danea
that "bit gmndtoa awr live to
to Join bit twssiheart and toat they j
■wita w Oatabtr 4 wUl to UalMd
w the Ara Um la may ymn
MlB Baaaley of Kew York, who U
a aeoBtoy lUll aailed aad
would l«*rt togetorr.
^taont wart boot. TbUntwaaewM yallow 4f at Ibe naUpox qaannI ytart old. and pnliy. wei
Maiahal! Prrd Barbie, aged
tlM la Aytet from a Bblp la tiieCbide oo bar Ucyele and after allmbiog
aboat »' jeraa. a tinsmith by trade
anga hMtar. Tbe Hans Oliy, a big
fteep hill Ml down to net ander a
verteMi or dnamed."
and a taU-willed fellow, hat mysurlaabae faalfblat. wHh a argo of aaneetaat
wm Mjoylng the
Boqto-bat aoqolned thirty
employAm tiaa. axHead la ptB from Uw norbeanUtal eoeneiy when
aetat of Uad la Veetara
1 MlaUoB ptneriM aad it. oAltramp. Be demanded ad at toe Folding Bath Tab Oo-and cn
. wbcm- no tolU atlabl
Hoaday nxirniiig. Aagasl 4. trapped
Wb. Aldw Baltb.
aeUAed Ita bMlto aatooritlee
BKmey and eterted to graep ber
eat of toe faei^. after workliw aboat
AMtowk ae 4a<a!B ptoat ter tot IbM oallpa had brakaa oat aa
MlB Benley Jamped to her fert. and
OBBtw of tot ehlat oiaeaBTt ta beard. Tba brat will ba bald fra a iDdeatria! cohay. whjM> ibey will at be pat oat bU hand. Bleed it pad ao miaeira Br liat not bean aoan
popalate from tbe Urnfm Uem
Tbr oOcer* are making aa
Onad BapUa ton baw aaHlad WM
and the aifo ptotably wUl
gave it a twiet toat eaeeed tot- fellow
tato daototoA wbtob wiU ant tot atay be baraed, taaeaBota at madleal aa- Tbe poltoe •dmlaUtntieo ef Uw to cry oal vritit pain. Tlie yoeug eSert lo aeamaio hi. wbsreabanta.
Tbe- Wexfor^ Ooanty Soldlen' and
tote la « Btaataa. wlU proatoda any UaclUae leeaatiy have been expieitwoman bad boxed with hat bretorr.
naUl iavaUent bfHBelglaa
astooiaUon will bold Itsanlag ttai tbeaey the* maUgak garaw
aad the next aoBenl tbe gar# tor
bllee. Parttee from eenwe the frentaaal eneampment at Sherman Soptaa
an^eanlad bqa lafeeMd '
map tor aaiprlat ef hit life by land
ler leee retoleeUy toroogb Oarmai
Many iMlne«t
Utetaytotatoiuw atiwdy w hto eaapl4Mdtolotila a MlBctac latt-bna.ler ao hltebia. ber l«. i; and 18
civil aad military antbariUtamrywatow to altowad to rlalt
TaUew hM baoeow popalar'al the
till tiilieiiil taiAwaid tbe follow,
B toree rlUagea
tice will be prrraol ana give addreat.
Man ef toMa. After Btto dalalta Oalvartota •< Obiaaga tlaee
ed it ap with a blow from tor thpaltried to Inch ma
ra Each retana aad hit family wfU
MtMMWMt of toe tim towlUto
Uat wbo ran over an 8 year eld girl al dar that nol bla M grata Then tbe b» entitled to frae teniing facHltlra.
ta Oawd Baplta amwoBwM far bit
BtadaBli and ao-eda SlBxlg. a Belgian eeeat klUed an aged aeanlad her Ucyele aad Aaitoed bar
Bberman basiaeee men ara mMlng
lOiiptlra wUl to iBBadtoMly
an MMrUg yeUew eloUwa, aad tt It manalBrabl end a child w
graai gnpaiattm fm to^ve
Sarah Sebmataeber. age »
aU tba Mda a< tbt new Hltotaeeek oear aad killed at Paadderioh.
aara. MM fonnd dead lochar room and
dMMlWty la ta be falaled yaUew and
Tbe widow of the late Bitbop Haaber
•r Bay. Aai
oil aw party toft OyMr Boy
I. for
wfaiM an- to be pla^ la tbe tower dltkw. Oereoar Jawee mid toat Mn.
tad died frea tMrvatioo.
ef the Oaibednl ol Oar Maretfml
raid that th.'
taviot at Palrbnatl. Minn. Eaab
ball btan a aaltaUc laMripUan and raw ber aatoM wan too ywond to teU
lapravMitoed coodlTMOS. S. SMAOVI A SOS.
atbwMMde graved M be bram. A few nU an tald to be of aeparier
day* n(lM ber Aim awd Umbe began bandnd tenea ana be imtyed ngan Uw Uaa aad toat ter aerrml daya aaltoar
tadtadamaaL It la mid toa Scha■ toeprtaMpI Motto of Itototy.
M rweU. amA batan tae aenld get*
leue when aehool opena
Typhlod gefoa. aoccfdlng to phytlL. wiU And a frMli Arid of aalivIty In the ayatamt ef tbaomndt of ibe


H. F. .M.-.l'

Wm. He







% n*









wana» at kta ttai«aB Im
kata d tta kBtfa •otape oat tta palp.
Inrtactba balla oa tta eta: ttara
taeald ba eu ptal d tta raw palp.
InrlBf tba balla u tba eob. T
tba eoba U ka«. ata pat ttau
bell la uoaRb cold watar U
(bate. Boil thirty talnlu aad o
pfaua: yatti
a ate^ ba aboat ou ptal d
itUlaUie baadac
water dter taalalaf.
Pal tba
xnaailMaa at ^ alaetwatte aa to bed aacaLi. aad wbu
Balt « (ood M tb* aafc* wUah
ad for ao ^a. aad tba naaaaTd aaab
add tba oan palp Oea
<m* iiifHMV ksM.
araak an laaimnd by aiudbar '
aleataa. How aeaaOB well with nit
teanar-Miawtop. wttb% nWa
atltaae of daa.
a bnidlBK beaaa plaxaa. whleb ud white i«PP«Ule a tea
arawn It.
Tba pr^raaa ^ thia atparii
rod ud taady. Iwd bee
IHd Hm> Uner. M wtdl M tb* kpi*will ba wateliad with letanat by all
crowded all day, a> Hie «ttal. atlr utU BBoeth. ud paar oa cradetiMfaed:
aUy w plat d boUtai hot'milk aed
Hot IMB woaM tl lBk»B M»a arebu
boll locetbte tor flra telBBlaa..add
to dowa U.
a (allowiaf aaaiaat Oblat
Toward three e'oleok d tta at- OBB teupoetal d aaRar. poor iato tta
Tbat eo^ «all llarondvttb
(tatynlfbl laaTabaee a Mdara l
earn, ud mtvt at ooa Cota la tattea
bla peUlabad la a (anBtt>«fa aaata
>a d eoeiRy 1
for aoop wbaa It U a little old for (be
Thaa.criiiMareooM-. tkadatotr
tebla. ud ibe pelp la (hick irntber
-ToBb<«|iartad baalwnda n-aolred
Tba Inralld lady to Uia annohair thu milky.
Tba eoaklaa well Oarend vi«i aan*0 for* a aoolaty to mlal tl*a Inpoai. looaed fe. bly at a idnak d nuahloa
w»j aa--t.
tloaa of tbalr wiaaa
The m wivea (hat had erapi In thruafb (be abalterOat boiled oora Horn tta eob. Itec
Aed ikU la tba (ala by (Hilah (paadI ot tba plan, aod wblla tba aa%at- lea Tlofo ud wea ahUitim dlrwlly ea
IBK (ta buk 1 to each cap of corn al­
lo| (or oncaaltattoo wai to pro*reaa tar ooae; a oompumtlraly altRl.t low two ea|a ot xtewed ud «UaiBad
A aaiifal bl bawar. aaatbar d oaloiad la a body. Hlor of tta<-robeb
tomaiOM. whleb ban beea well naeqaal u
ta) ata .did aot u
tooed with aall. pe|iper ^d bolter
T«o‘^'f(«hai *t«a »«. SplaakU bat tba tantta onr totaioed bU plaaa
« to tbe eoraar
TJie pale you(
them tOR.-ttar utilI boillo( bat
qaltr BBBoard by tba (rldfairel api«- floUhed hla book. _
Uie floor
baa add a little
Aad iwa eapa of aagar, vbiafe
rithie. flM 10 ladlea, awnly amlllOR beolda I>lm, yaVued wearily, looked
pt. dana aaaaa.
tba oaa
at bU watch, plokad. op tbv book
aroa aboald l>a aaar. K
bablad. retarnad to tbolr bomaa.
uaio, read the protao- ud Uw odver.
Two well btetoa eaa. u<- plat of
aodatoavaatanlafled with tlia aoooaa of tbelr raid. (teemeote. yawued more, looked at
rtrh milk, eoe pint of oat er (rated
A Waal (Nxpoaalel U all (ba
Tba aloe baibuda
hb- wateb five timu wUliln tea ulii(ti-ro cora. half of a waxpoutal of
ad ud naolted to makr (be berolc otte. aixl plainly did not kuow what
■all ud a level lablte|iooafnl of boltaatb (be prealoetit ol ;lhe aw iety. ■o do.
Wbae they wut. Iioweier.
Tie' lame (trl bad u liamoek tor
^od aa aoab aa yoa ilk* aC tba a
bis d Ibe buor. It «raa foaed that lier foot Koliody auted to n lallt.awayaaad
ba bad died d frlirfat.
Ibi*. hot afterward w« knew it to be
the eaae. Tta elderly woeau io tta
BBVixex ■■i.Axrxer'rviiTTt.iuc
Polka all teUed blm
' la»e nirker droj^ed ber fu. ud tta
Balond o1 oor eblUbe^. btm aafooe plot of tan.-T mode ax
Bterepad bla a* a worUiWa leateru (oll lireeie (ot op eaar«y ecK>a«h to
Bald ba uarar woald abiopot
blow il whe re ebe oolald ool rooeb tl ordiaary iritlerx. add oae baU plat of
earn. wiUi batter, tali and
PBI u effort tbat eta waa aot InBat. rollow tba rmU, tboa«h wa
iirpie'r to teete. dUr well (oAod
oomailflllued to make.
aay. to tl« latter.
tlo they rowed to om- aooltar^
•i l..- fair, ftall yoeac (Irl who tried (olhw ud drop ue labltepcmate
Tboaxh wa aU tbaoi with Jodcfnuar
io lioi bolter.
Itay'd not bo aorpriaed a bit
1 lu(ei.-it tatoelf io lac- iBakliif had
BMat. aad roll cat with akiU.
(Ttat tl, all ktoept hla mother »
rearbed a etillab to tar pattern tliat ooch friltet wlib a tatter coke lortn-r.
IM oar IT^tldraa v HW
' bniwuiu( eaeli eide evuly.
111 a eoddoo crlala cam,aba di.l oot uderalud. Ud (aaad
porta tala attancaB.
•yaaU. 8ta BU^t ba aaUad tha
Anaeld tba PlaiaA
fat thaaraak an artlled tha arBaotn(bat what ata did raqalrad uKottk
laalbiac aadbaaaa bm«
IB tralb.
■ tmt poefca* f«v M aM
fa'lia V>
anaf ba laft oan la tba aaa
all! <

K* <utotr


Baertfloe ud ooon«a WatieR.
Wo foal (tat. aonabow. tbara'a a
Lupad to llpa a baro'e tiaai'.
teak to Ibaa tall.
Lud ttom . ’u tbe eoldeal wraatloR.
It Bay ba (ba lack d tia daar.babd
Aad tba
Bat ipaa tbaa.
It aay ba (ba limpU talld-taart
whlob wo iMcd:
Ttaay-tl ba »ary
« will ■
rroa bati« Ilka bora, aplw tba a.

(That la. all exsept hla ai

away aaad.
nail ba r»d a
Per tba eoeklaa or taiUboed

II talplatay.
Tbe feeble old (eotlemu oo the
ooDcb bobbed hU bted aboat io u
ODcomfOteble Banaar. ud did ool
now wtat be oruted.
Tba two blu of (irii who hod play­
ed tapidly all tbe urly part of Unday r<«i-tad tta fretfol ate(e. ud
mid at freqaant Uterrala.
aa. wtat ahall wa do?" i

Rndar, rontiaat. If yoa pin*-.
•liBplB aoatw aod qolri oomtort aa
portrajadbalow wllb tbr Riare aad
white- drew, dropped bar «rork from
Rlittar. tba waaW aad extta»adane.'.
Mt trombUiiff buda and eold,
orWD III affofdrd. whirh attead Buy
'Uh. dtorl 1 du't know. ”
UoRa. aad tb»o aay to
Tlien .-ome Ibe AoRel of Urn Plaxia.
Whleb U to be prefei
■■Otra a talte taataad of at«h.
I admit ttat atn- looked bol in tta
Woa't teke tear:
boat like till- cmivniilloaaal ancel.
Marriace la iMoru’e ordained order
laata aload laataad of ary.
WM Inal a pleaaa% fac-ed. aeaily
for ublliiy of hto^d dmiieatio tapHakayoo aueo«.
draiaed yooat (irl: oot at all proUy
daa ba Blad toauad oT (aad.
e aaul aooeiutloo of iliat word
tar fair faoe wax .-v.-n diiPRared by
Toe'll ba flad lojlaad ot aad
few IreeklrK.
Yet tlie "aamelei
and clllerlnc IWery. la, alaa'
la lio boor.
<-tann" aboat which we ofu« rad,
Cboka year UUar wardt all dowa
ud which we aaldom nee, wa.
tta rereamoy only alRiiali tbe liotiat
Uoctly f,'U u Khe mored dowa tta
ot taadi Uffetbw lo ylbled mleery. to
Btala aad Uo«b laataad ct fmra
lie followed in o tew moolha or
Jaat today."
ea It ix warm." eta teld.U
by diToree or aaietda
- IO Ute only reaiark wfaleb
Bow Bieeli better the mmlexty ud
aUow.-d oana-ltte to make: "bat tta
atle d deroBI
breexe lx freotaalBR a llulv, ud tbe
p*»»y ■
»,eT xaya we afaall bare it cooler
orrew. Hit Beoteo. may I m.
Ttaataur at uu mnatlra boaaa- Diapalta. to wbirb t
fcaada*- •• •
^ UctHtaac tba
(Of Ibia arttole. ud
labar d tba Ammima beaaewtfa U whleb we (Ire below u follei
ata ttat taa due baaa diaanaud d
"Itialalta yeara«o today."teld
lata yaara. mod aevuai altaup
ata who told the alory. "We had
■Btarialiaa at It ban baaa aaade.
u (oheol matte, ud aba aakwl me
Maty d tba lataat affert la thla •
Ttaa Uie an(e1
oomB u u early train ud help h<-r epeka
«loa U the (atlowliw takaa tnx
and tar mother throBch (he day. It pickloR op Uie etiay fu In tar
iMaad tba Dattoll Joaraal d tba wu nlae la tta mprntny wbna I atep- all, ud reatorlBf It lo Um owaar.

JInmd tbt


M thiek.woodblae ttat
ta door d that aaRolaz
HuUuwaal d I
ItlUe boBte u tba ed(e da K.w
aalB liaa d tba lliabl«Bii Otatral Ka«lud Tillatre. 8ta tad a brad
nllfwl. U tta BOM d aa totaroatlai bat oa. ud alia i>atd, 'Ooma
"Wa wael obI iaio tlie pamra lata
bayota (ta TlUa«e, ata w* fllled
.T with to
arma with (oiduita ud eardlaol
flowan. Tbu we watted lock to tta
boBM ud bet motbte fetebed
ata bl( bowla, and we pat oor flowara
aboat (ta roomi.
ud broad tat to a
a llUla dlouer
•oow M d tba Irwdlaf faaalUu d tta
er. be. tta. ud L
kowB. afeeal lOO peopW faeb>( aarrad
iBiblaway. A aalubU plaea tor tta dewB atom afolo lo half u boor In
■ loud la a t
aaimple lUUa white (Owb. It ww
two o'..........................................................
•VkiteBUy fitted op for tta parpeee.
toarrlra. Bhe wul to taa door to
Tta third week of Uw experlmul
them taraelf, ud teie took Ibe
awded tbiaaou: ud. ot eoaraa. Ilia miaUtar'a bat ud abeared Uia mlalate» mrly to declare how It wlU oobm
eat. Then tare bau acne mlatekaa
mode, aad Ibeae an belaf eernetta
Anyea rady?- Aad ata told. 'Yaa'
. aa taey appear; tat the proteOtan Of knd (taa tta two oteod bofere the
tta utarprlte an teB(alae of Uie
mialater. ud eta pat cna hud behtad bat ud into, the bud of tar
mother, who tel Ob U»- aofa. Am!
I tta mloixterte(U,'«'ill yoa—
alieteld'l will' tefore ta (Ot half
Thte laal wnk. Il wu tbe oxpaelattw
that tta latter fifara woald be tomotier lliat abe pot oa a white
what dicrated. A varlaiy of plain
lud teW (bat we all hadtekr
M oram.
Ttao when It wax
lime tor bar to (o wway abe ohuRrd
U O. Btewort. a ludlaR ai.wtaat.
tar dreaa apalB. ud we all walked to
- Im ibaagbt of II
tta railway amuoo U aee ber ■
"nierewentwo chiaf eoBoldtM'
I tta train come ap xlie turned lo
tteai," ba teid neeeily. -ruot. 1
ma, and xold. ‘Slay witb arntbar till
rrow. rn (at a totur to tar by
teoea far tta baxloen mea of tta rtllima. Bta'll to lonely thix eralo(e, arbo an eftaa barrtad at laaeh
Farm ud Pirealdc.
time ud do not Ilka to lean


teorrd Tbra. area ta tUa litUe tUta(a. tba anraat qeealtu eate
BldanUa ((an. Tta (irla pnfer to
amrk to tha abopa er ta (ba trail
flalda. aad il U dlBtaalt M (ot earn


" Wr do aot ban a termol arpul
mtiem. ear kaap alobarate boekai tat
(ta bate pae^e ta Ibe rUlata an tadarataad: Ilka
Pietmatair '-vUta.
lAwyar A. U autue, who la adlter
pad (tan oftta taitaiiime.
Imn not takoa la aateybod]
/eoarn, aad u far wa ban |
• alaocTary utaaly."

(irl Id tta wbeal'cholr ottrutr. ud *b>- weoi anud to the
aad broB(bt i
Uml ata te-ttlrd comfortably udor Uie
l«cr fooL
(bat moxl bare
celled. wlUieai xapponl
Why bad
we ul aeeB at leael tbU maebr

mad bu been Mkode intder hla paw*
Ba aBAcrow <» catala. chirp cr«
Till be foeU tba looatar. hu cr
Ha ou anek tba dot or lamb or cow,
Ata tbe cat taraaU cu.’r baa '

All CiMiBtwrfeltB, tmilMioM UtdtJit>t.<».Knid** are M
KxperiBM-BU that trifle arltb mod emdanmr (lie IwaUtlt tg
laftaiu Ated UtUdrea-BxportaiMw ogoliuit KtperiaMh

Ba baa aoaada that are nAad. atrip.'
Ba tea tbuder by like a lallway
Step at tbe atatiiBU a liraatb, ud
Blioaa aicb School. SUoain. Ua. « DM-.
Apply tta ateote ata ba off atala.
*'Wltb macb plnwnre 1 mommi-od
Be fau aU tta powara at caeh eoaWraumoUwbom^brxaOenoc v.llh
uy troobla of the rexplnuiry urexn..
u tarn right Into a
I tan been nl&c It lo mr fxmll.v for
tba pul fln or xlx yean and fled li f
WlUi all Ibe tsatroiDUU ever played, baaiiratabooxebold necnxIlT. Ptramm ia trmfymtfmmrn caUrrfi rruefyaad
rob away u a acroat paiado
- - h; aad wlM do all that It
tell that a boy la vary 111
If ta-a wide awake aad kaapia( Mill
Bat earth woobl ba-Oo.1 Uem Uiair
Ultel —
doll old plan If ibore ware ao boya



teutatanre. 1
011(1 albiy* Peverlxbaeaa. It curea DU
c«illc. It rrUerea Teething Trouble*, curve. {'(•((*il|Mti.i«
AUd Plntuleney. It aaaliiiltatea Ibe FwmI, r(-c((tate* tba
e >l(i(lM-r'e Frit!ud.

t Beiu* the Signature of

hCrb ii catarrh wherever lucaled.
Acnrex catarrh wherever lueaud.
a U U tnlrraql remedy: Del a

The Kind You Have Always Bought

*^?ty«B do not dertn prompi and xxtlxCsetory naullx fn-m (be u~- uf I’erimA
writeatooco to l>r. lUrtmu, illTiuc a
foUBlateOCOt of Ji^r ex»e ud be»)ll
tapleamd tu give yoa bix taluxUe aJTice (ToUa.
Irra I>r. narimaa. rraxhleot of


.\U livui.ll v/os III sluak.
l.i .u.Ui. imeiilitli.,

.S|H-VIXI Wt^xHn luxilr

Ihil. tl.r-»n\ l«-si nialrnal

U'l--!. 411-1 fiiljy K"4raiilciil m cn-ii lI-^|«■rl.


I'lixl Air mA.Vi- t.i use AS O'cll A.
ii,.l iiixilc ol'i bcap iiiAtrritl.


Thn aie
i;iicn x llaUiy

I'nu-ih in (-All'll Ihc i-ir: bul Ale iIuiaIiIc. GumiVal.

taka booey from ttam. Th* litiln
tbiayx an ac eote ll Imx lie, ii rain
>11 day. I hope yoo will aneept
Angoxt »i. lou.
tta eweet pxax 1 aead too
I (mm
It ia oot louely ooe bit al tta i-dit- my letter ix yetiloy tony *oooyh
OT'x doxk ibla moretay. w'.th
Good by.
brigbl aulwomt ablemg merrily.Prom yoor Uiih- <Diixbiii* yirl.
yen foor of Uiam It la good to
Nellie Pertloa
from ttam all. Bdnx ud Nellie froui
tar borne In Uie wild woodx >.f the
IA*bllu-« AOralet**.
opie-r penlaaalA ud Iroar. ud Uie
Nu S-I.IM ■ l a,..Hi
qnart of ooro cot from tb
dear older friend who i> a Sou
LiebUay mt oo the Iwnad trout
ud free from the l.aake: add
porah on* pleamnl Hay mnrtiiny tnmwall beatu ante, a tebaipooaf.
Lirbliny liaT.- uotber adveuten ud
ilny her doll’x cab with nheix and;
au(mr ud talt ud peptar to '
ox atemt ll It lx ladeed
ud aweei atarvy lu-1
Stir ID two ODiiOte of bali<-r melted
•biny moruiey.
nix Umronybly lO( Drop
Sbe vru going to yire her doll* •
Hodge. Mich. Any. IS.
Haytuitvalud tbr"UoMai " moat
at Mrs. Bal«-I tav.- hero ao
a etarloi u gay ox eowi anotoU L
boar 1 Lave nel had time to write to
On* tVax lo Iteoltwltk CklMlos.
uf flowers mold make ll.
| a
yOA Ual the isth.
A xiory Ix told of a wiie moil,
boy come down (h.- ate,-l wbixilKield
who. when ber email eu auonoo
00 iMd lliat Lirblieg l.itaed op
hulatenUoo of rauiny away from
... mwBumeqa.-er ob>»cl xwiiiyioe'
We went uat oo the ateamboa|
borne becaoxc wmxtblay bad vexed
fom bix bud. Al Oral abe tboaybl il ^
> u ixlud ud we bs.1 to wail
him, met tta unooBcemeot
ax a pl.-ee of large tope, (ben ah* |
came over and vreot tack ayoio.
oxdm ocqalteOi-ace.
>w il wu alive and a>|nirmiay.
the lint time I wax ever mi a
bbe pocke.1 up a xaall boodh
'Uoodoeaa me. " abe Ibnoyht "Ic
I mw Iota of my Irlaada ud
liiui to take away, xeyRMled (he
ooDld yo In A row boa) if Uie x
towD u a (ood ptaoe lo xtey fo.
Tbm the boy came tbrongh lh>- yaiv
lOI come buk ao XfxiD.
oiybt. and added. "Uf eourw. li
a>l atniiybi on op Un- walk direi-tly i
nad a yood time. Haxel ud 1 have
yoa really want lo yo, yoa
toward ber.
room all to our a>dvua ud wc bate
bat yoa don't know bow moch 1 xliall
Sbi- gave a terrified lilil* «
aland ud vre have ll neatly all (led Ioto tbe nail wliate-ata n
covered with ploturea
I am yo- Iato tta ormi of ''unli.—lee-iix-" oi |
iay to write to my yraiidmoUier
I.-. went alewly down tlie poth
(be foul of tta atair ora Befor.- abe ;
front (Ote. oi»i»eil It. Iheo torned Boekford. III. tUxel ud I are yotay could axplain the unu of ber fright, ;
to come don to Timveta.-I'ity tbix Lana, tta maid. |iopped her bead lo-1
ud ru bota for tta i.oom. where
flauylhlx mmx abODI hit moiher'i tall ud aUy a week or two. 1 will •id.' th.' door 01 (br rear of the ball !
oecx ud borai Iato teora Tbe treat­ xud yuB aoae flow.-m. I went down axklDg "If mixxBS lowed sUe done ;
Ul my brttber'x and mw my
ment wu not aeedi-d o(ale.
wuled a miybty fine peon e. I. .lixli:
motlier had met tbe boy’x nephew. My alaterx are all you bat
Icora. tepraobe*. lanyer or Haul ud ibe U brre. My bIrUiday
wu the :ird of this montb. ud 1 yet
lb.- ehuoM
lo Lii-blioy the ai
wolo,l either have Imd a apolled child hudkerahlef. a ribboo ud a leokiny
wbu cut wut O01 to twy tU- boy
ylom for my birthday [raaaia. Mra Uabltog followed, tl.oayb .lucrvetly
ling a few yera lal.-r to Had ttat tu tx oat doon Jnal now. I will eloa kuping w.-ll ta the rear.
for tblx lime. Good by. From
iHT (00 bod rally ran away.
Tb* boy mid if Leu wUln-d Mu to
Fdu Knight
» aaaae of freedom ix a moat aalkill tta e*l ta weald do an. and ad­

- amal la deollay wlUi Yoany
rlcA Tta child wbe it eoetiaa"Yoa tore loel oil yoer plllowe." ally ibwarted;ia enlmrortant tbln(x
•be mid to tbe feeble old (utlesu: yela ioto. Uie tabu ef figbtiuy for
"1,-1 mcanuye tbem."
wtat he tlitakx are bIx rlylita, wtatb8kiUfalfiB(pn plampadapttapil- ar ta lx Joallfled in tbe oxnmpliu or
iwe. taeted ooe uder u aefataB not.—Waabtaytoe Ttmea.
aboohler, aod tUooed Uie tired (toy
bead at ]nat tbe ri(1.t aB(le.

In Use For Over 30 Years.

X place it .o III eur.- It »n ■By..1t„-r
place, becaoxo Peruna ix a xj
iiiie r> tiiady. lliAch«xll,edli«we»hr.Ku:htl.e
CttttdatiOB lo each erpxo. Il,-alee
tta dlxcaaa by cradivatiag II lr>,in tta _

One plot of uadte (tom ooro ruped fivm (be ear. with b ooano (rater,
one capfol ot milk, two well taaieo
e((i, talt a eopfol of elfted floor,
XteHio well will, xall ud popper, ud
xwuupooofnl ot better. Beal

AhV laid the old (vuUamu with
wbo 'always maatetYs lo look ajilek
mtlafied al(b; "Umt ii ale
ud apu outeBted to tell the other
lo'l know wtat wu the mattet.
day jui bow abe amaayad to keep
-loUwa looktay nice wUh u exiwadilare of a modicam of muoey
yoolike. 1 ban fiolahadit:''
ud time.
ud ata left a co^ of "Tta Sky Pi­
"Il all lira in tta metbodical cora 1
lot" io bli toad: "Uh, thuk you,"
Mkeof my cIoUma - aha mid. "Keyta «kld jrratefaly : "1 hod exhaaxted
alarly once a week I apunye my bnaitel the aJveftiarmula ia my book.
o.-m (Oil wUb tepid water, to wbiob
-Dua'i yoa knew dial atltefa?" nak­ liaa bevm added a lillle liqoid amed Uie ouyel. bendtayover Uie Iramooiaudabil of powdered botOA
work. -"nmlUJattadarntDixaUb
Vbu (till a little damp I pram the
udiw ud orer. yoo know.
ikln ud lackal with u Iraa. My
tenUrollr yoa do the work' Lx
aoll ameryex from Uiit iwooeaa iooktag
low you tta Btildi: yu will Ilka ulin-ly ww. It eoly takia a few
jailDBt>-« ud Uh- P-«alu ore wooderTbe tired bite of (irla came tel
I am )oai ox corefol wiUi my
er. ud abe amilad u ttam while BNttwear. Wb<-n I dtemrd a tie
•ta worked tae Ira itilob, aad mid
(lota bevuat- II ia wllea 1 don't b
Tlien ix a niee IKlIr packaye ta my
il nridr ud roryi'l all abut It
pocke^ llial ma|t be far yoA If t
wnta ll oat
Um- tW at a U.
yoo I woold take II ool u ttat
doraa't take bat a mtaete-ud I
abody hlUe MU when Uie cold Irau prvwxtay doesi'i lake macb loayer. la
Ii blowloy. ud xee what yoo ou
Uilx way my Isaadiy blUa an- aamll
^ywitb It."
and I am acrer eoafranted wlUi tb.
,Jtmaaopookoceot briftat bite for aarfal paaatbility of tartay ootbiai
taro tiny dolliaA and tta happy to w.-ar,"___________________
(beau efXUia eaoU ewaen floated
One aC Iks l.maxt.
' bcL to ax tram tta little bill.
Tta hda of New York womei:
At for flta weary yoaa( BHMbrr.
taoaya x« feet Ibaf U lx doahtfol taUw oayol taiUiad bar dialr a llttla
deed If tba chraielan ef faahlu
.r a ttdeadly put. tookad a aofa
taoaa. HwUme HodjeokA yore to bw
keep ap with tbaat Aimed awry
papll aad pattern. Spread ib.- lace oot pillow bahtad tar bead, aad, (aoUy
drawtartta ufinlabad daratag—^
ce paper, eoaar wlib caletae.1 mi
tar boada with kta qalM m
Jilacaoultar impir ovn il
-I'm a lonly daraer." aamtilihad
It away brlwra tta Iravea
batealfu kta ptaam atapa lo fiatab
I beay onr to bar u ata danad. taOBk tta Duk ud'tta tande ar*
■eoiter tta powder, ud ilx ik-ti
Borne ora ray
and aiioke low. " Yoa barao'l bau eavxrrd with ttam.
Ihradx an u freah and rlrai
anlalte and raUf otbece bortarie ta
tea mtoaam. yed yea tan d
wbu OtM wove*. Tbix lielny a
aeaaaa. "ta wta rnu m^ rwta

axrrn tta dlttevwl tamlltea pnaapdly.
Bata family, or U tta family oaaalate
ta Bwaa* ud ta-u by
of a aaw ud hla wile, twa ar Ihru
famlltaa, hw im tadirldul tabla. A
(Dodptaa 10 ptero laiyo Inmpx
airtai aeeeut ef enrythtac la bapi af Boamked lime ta tat euwerx or
aadatttaud af aaeb wata aU la aaataapMata tta aeltar. ttay will
•adItadMd tta aaptua «aaad fte patlfr tta air u ttay ahaarb Ifa

la ma MBtw af acM

■toppliMt a mcteut to (Ire tar a few
( whiffa from U, joat
■bow b>i wtat a tu eoaU do.

11 naataof taate ata


.1.1 I IU-4I.

TiK- <-lirA]icsl ,ui ihc iii'irkrl, qiiilily .•■mKi.Irred.

1 lii.-i- iiM-.l .in.I ).iii Hill buy no other make.

I2C Slate

» Uictor Pcterlyl.




Munie Outer. Mloh.. Aag. II. IWU
DearAaotle Batee-I hope yoa are
well. I tave beu away with
to TiUi my ooele. Hr. Shields at
Frederic. Midi
One of my Utile
playmatu lien wuld Ilka to belong to
tta Sanshiae rtab. Her name
Oobb. Sta li uvu yaarx
tar aboat tta dob ud the
U.oogbt 11 vru olc*.
I had a aloe
lime at Frederic. Wc .weal Otbiag
ud bod aome uverol lirakfuu. 1 had muy drlTu mud mw a
lamber camp tor (ta flret time
went all ibrongh tbs big Ward mill.
It mwx lamber aad makex barrel
baodx ud xtATU ud other Uil.
WewutOBt tuUte Wanl farm
Then were S4 mu making boy. Tbat*
wu OTM alaa hudred acru of bay
ID oat Tber* an ovre fifty (boamod
youg frail ireu ul oot am Ibla lud.
tiome of Uiam are Uiree yean old ud
■ lllllr OKiles oa
two efaarriu
1 tave a yood time taro. The late

ded that tta only aray lo aooimi.lteb
tills fiai vru byonniDga xa»ll .lit
tbe cratorv't lolL T-Ois be did
ud ttaa placed the big- xqa'rinlBg
tliloy io u immena* dita|U fnll of

Soma time afterward annl ud l.ieb
liny ehoured IO a*' U-iia >larUiig out
to drrax Hie evl. Sbe wae going tu
take ll on) lu tbe book yard. A flight
uf brood atepa led from the took (orcb
down to tta yard. Leu IxtUuo-d the
pu u U'- hip ud itnrted oni tioglayyayly. Sbe repioaed tlie eel wax
dud. bat no the wry tup xiep Mr.
Bel gave n grai flop ud lude.1 oo
ber feeL Hrr xug ended in a xf-rech.
She jamped down a xtep or tw.. ud
Intned to a-w tta tnpolil>' creatorv
apparmUy porteiiug bar, lor at cub
•nmratv.' flop be lud-d ma a lower
step; Then xbe did yeU to mrne-1.
Sbe tore down tb,- atepa ud half way
to tta oorrlayn boaxa ud xiill tb.- eel
Ibi vralk after
'Takeitawav' Tat"
11 Bare am a hoodoo"' ah.
etatriu ud torly oki>m Aod
Laoo, like moat of lier ira. gas
ray excitable, an.) tbe way eta rolled
BP (be whliM of ber ey*a ud dured
I like le ride borubota ud todnve. ud wrtuetad wu M) very, very fuay
1 drove a mile all alone but Satorday that Ltebltay tanybed uUl sbe cried.
We Imre five mix ud all am mottare Au( taaybed too. tliongb mo».'ntari.
bat ur. Tile little kitteet are ta
ly axpaeltag a poliermu to appear to
My grandma U
InqBirv ioto tta coam of Ita lolmall
ud maybe tae will go bo tta bot
It doea Ul xoand so fumy ox It
oaxt week. 1 talp and try to ta a aulooked bo( perbapx yu will 'n>oy
bum Smut Imea I tergal, m
taonay ll u well aa did Liebllng x
padding all oloM yeaUrday.'tt
dolls wlirn ata related tbe tiory to
good. We ate it oil
tbem nflee qnlet vru reotoeed.
1 max) eloaa. With lorn from
Irem- Poaxeroy Sbielda
Ou't era bare taa rnelpa far that
pBddtay. Itnu! Thare ora lou of lii(U Boubtaa ccoka wbo wuld Ilka ta
wy Ik.

Handsomest Lots in the Whole
Plat. Inqi^ireot


Itan't i(->;lecl the klit-liletl sign af iiregulxril)- hiu see that )YVB
have al leavll one nxtutitl, cAxy RHnetnenI a ,Uy.
I'lUs. a»lis and black
(hsuyliu arc .lAii^ctout lieexnve
e they tlraiii aiid weaken llie
ilie bowelk
WIiAl tiniwxni ISA niil-1 bill sure tooir lAtalivr, that luocs and
tiTt-nL.dlienv the Ixnrels u.l slimuUtes llieit Tiimeiiieiiti. Sarb a laxAlive It CAS-CINE, kfl'l
)"'i I'l 11
mil firul lhal it. is
ing in the w,»M I., make aii-lI keep
r bowris cleu
an.l reeiilar. stfun:; xn.l hexIiM.
afillk'S TratBKII oflly $140,
SallshctlPB Gnsnateed. bar »le only Iq BiNNAH k LAT HERCANTU.ECO.


We Lead the Way

1.. brticT tliingt in groceriet anvl biwcr |gv-e« for life’t oeceraicr
U um arc not gellins Ibe SAiitfxctioo }nu .lestre in Ibeic psitietdar
I’e rxn ren.ler you mxienxl Atsiflxnre u.l taie )yu muy a doUai

k*i» lilt Iic« l-A-ttefTi Crxmilated Sueai.......................................................$I «

HowcuirwwpntOB Umir xnmmer
Irraax wllbui opuiay (tair cranks
Becoue they luva ttam uL


DurUra Batu I Imva' oot wrii•u to yu ta a lone Uma U (be marBtag wa eu hear (ta lilUc ofatpmaak
aod aqaiml u tta bcosa and cor
lit% dog (*a«tat them. It IBM
BP boa ta tta wooda ta toe au
Batbiny & tau in mUk and water time.
Wa tana u amay ktoda cd
tita liayhad aaftly. "liitaulU- miud IB eqaal qouUtiea. aod Bead
Tba Httla hammlBg bteda
''Wtaa aoue al u hM u yoa eu. taor It. dou wudata It yu oobm home ray tirtel aad
kta (trie of au Chrtattaa bdmeu ara yotay ul to cpcod ita oycbIv.
xoetaly amrted em aar xommarttae. en took ter oar motao' VbM ata
OoaU ' Meat of ttam au 4e taeoly
ja for ataacA bat U happou tM a. u^racQ, taa tau eiMil»i I
lauylra aaty *a«MaattetSu af

- wuk ckor (braByh:
tad DOW Ita aluda jaal baog abut.
With itnthlny
A atadow rosnd ud wide,
tad wtaa tta XU WM Bopiitay
nay xUpiad tta worU tatlda.

........... .... -

Enterprise Gash Gnicenr



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