Grand Traverse Herald, June 12, 1902

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 12, 1902


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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6r<Bd Cnp^ IMraM




For tb« Un wMad ot 1«01 ir«


tUr Uaerge wa« Xhaold bader, who
' MB ia lha hoBM tor a yraMa.
-Haay thiak I «a do (or yea.

iveoacofthf fiiu«t •motto*
ol OOW atjtiMOf



IraTOSc aty State Baik

ever abovn in the mnrkxL All the

•ad UMa.

Intent NorcItiM in PInidn. CbeckA


nod Blripei, both Forri«i> niu] Doin««Uc.

Tbmn we will ninke to

Miwini. uaUBcMercbuilTAllnr.

A Geaenl ttntiat BwUcm Iwne



Opwdtc tLhM. NKb



eaaaal Slaoiw at the llbn^MU aod


ronrorder nttbnTer; lowenl pricen.


SURPLUS. S60.000


207 E. Front Street,>7(n<.

Tire Insurance! »“"F" -

I n U Ik. Irad a.

PlatB ClBBB. Steam Bolter and Accident Inaurancer^

.Money to Loan on Improved Real Btate Only.

3 per C«st Aili>we4 m Tl»e Depoiltt.

Ho« tutaua^aij duaar
II xu|d>d hanu' alMo ^ d «7

Johnson Block. Phone 73

Travers® City. Mich.


dralrX; aa ka< ar UuarI'aaUa ■
Ibr lada.
Hm h.rf'iilr

p o.

Tea ahoold ool
aoy part ol
vour loilM for llw lB<-k nf Tollrl Aniria. wIMB TOOTH lIBUMIKf, HAIK
Dbl». 8U.\r.4. BPOKUKK. FACE:
PUWDKRit. tde . are M> |•lMltlfot bat*
at lataeA wltbia tlx- r.«ah of all
uiattnwhal faahion <lanun lf (or the
iiataovoBK'Dt of (be halr.ttin or

WrSM. LTa-ssr^sttSjsr'

GHj and m )^ii-»i7-


M. HMinitfi

G. A. HAMMOND, « *


The f^iiinent S|>cculist nn iliteaxo
an.1 diiipcfy' of (he Kyc, Fjr, Novi'
uul ITimal.

Oflire o»ei Cit)


S(«c, Tincenc City, Mii:h.



Real Estate.
Mortgages Bought and Sold.





Fine Farms Cheap as Dirt.
Cbtst »rt Bsrsaitts..

(S. <JF V.»
Cradiuir of Aracriom Si hnol ol
Ude»jKtlI>y, KtrkniUe, Ua . . .


» s Stand traotrst Land Co.

Ijiily in AtlcniUBcc. . .
Ulentnreon Apl>1iralicK

<M Ham. tt'utai
M *ad
Md Ut«
iu«* <

Oflire lloufi; S' a. m. till G ]a m.



ALL nKM or TO*r PLowsua


koomi »II. t(>i Ne« Wilhelm Itkik.




Ala, twT,
< Kr M ralkia
rtr Urtad Baidd,. tMMi. Ti-Mn. A
dnm.Rauaa . lias a.■>.Add p.■
IIJIUM Hd7 017, Pir« Haraa. tYdada


Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages, Etc.

phone 4



rarBUBaidd. aad EalkaiAa. Ta.a.


PwTwiaNliaad PM«k-7.
“ a. KKHOR. AfMl.Travanr
_____'■ IIOBLUX. QaaL Pa«a dnBS.


Commercial Printing
nn Kinds

Berald Job Office

TiMUndAte namlBlflot^ Aatlte&r uad foe Tellaf et tads (d «aiH^ttea. Oar* ta Uia b» of BBllaep-

\A/ool. \A/a rfted

>WIVx>kF7. MarkiaaaUtr •>
llxda la.. «aip. B.
Watt fl( MebBehniMWwBd to Bvisid Vtalaa afMta at Tiaiwra CNv ai t Jda m..
csamaadrida B.
c. a ■maAT.
B. P a T. A.
YrawM UW
Omad KaaAd..

All the wool in the region wanted. \m just back from the
East, and have arranged wilh eastern mills to use all the
wool from this section of the country-. 1 can afford to i
the highest outside market prices in cash. WiH also I
hides and ginseng.
Orti«- and Wan honee. 732 E Froot 81.
Bell Phone 138.
aiiaena Phone 4-1

aoo Aor* W»rrr» fer Sail*.
Two and oaeJutl mile* from pooil martel.
gravelly loam, •ome riay.

r.oo.1 *ml, tnotily

Fifty arre* ihnbcT. wilt liring $a,fha) »(

nurket; G acrea orebani; 67 acrea deeiiin^; 12 actc» |k>iai«^ «'> acres
oatt; SO acTca wheal; « acre* eocn.
woralf, fenced (or |>aiture.

Ralaix-e of Uml, ineliulieg

Goo.1 H-iooin h.tuK. wilh Mnnc liaae-

Good ft>nom leoanl bouse, anoe foDivUtioo.

Do Vou manf

.Fee<l mill


20x80, 8-d(Pty *Bd basemcnl, wilh tratl* fiw AcUmj and crimlinp

Ton) home 81x40, on uonc

SflaCO and 84x40, alone baieineht.
and give pnaaeanidn M once.



ISaxcmenl lorn

wilh growing «ioi«

lhice ,*6.K00 if mh) at one*.


ooe-fbnnh down, haUnce toauit, or will inke city iwoi-erty or stpallcr
fnen di part payment.

.81.7 West Tenth Sltcil.

If you are thinking of buying anything in the way of


do not fail to look over our large line of handsome ar­
ticles. We also cany a fine stock of WATCHES.
CLOCKS, JEWELRY. ETC. SpecUcle Fitting a
specialty. Watch and Clock Repairing—the best
grade of work done.

O'. 3sr. Tvr A -Rn-NTTiig:
01T Front 0MM

Traverna Otr. MWh

"Yea. elr. tot I didn't thiak— "
"No. ol .oorre yon didn't
ehoald yoo: Ret 1 (mr year
dnllarv will never help the «allv
t’MUal A(nra -tad IbedeweU
cone with yo
_™i« al-out
,1 there aayinloc
KancamiL^i^^ nmllBC at toao mirbl m»i*.

aa bw later.
■tbrro-a MeMhody laqal
"Whoiaii, NargkiM

wiS hlmV- la
qolrrd Trd. UBOOtbInf hit rampled **Ted cave a detaib-d aecoaai oMn.
"Biierd nndoabtedly (alee." (vim
menled Ur. ('Mlleman
'Whole ap(or Hr. CaaUeaaa, an* wliao I
prohable 'luaLe ap ' 1 (e«r.
him be wmaa'I la. why. bwaakrd
yoer I. ui>wledjrt* ol
any o( tha (aa ' ■a. ao 1 told hi
bearke.1 eoald I
yoo won. hero___ _______
ela -"
•00 Toa- lio I BBd<«4eek to abow aim
"Uolv ihn be had a eear na hi
n^i^itiOB-iaw. I
rtri like Jorri'a ’
" Who U Jerri'
"Wav. the l.>etnua—Hr. lb<WKe'
m old
_ ell dm
■ Vh-h' Plan-r yoa nay Joiry went
viny qserr old
oat yen.-rday alieroooo '
Wliat kind
■ ^jn."
,11 rlcbt. HarKtfel. I'll m down Ilf a near har Jerry * ' demondivl Ur
Ctolleaun bi (nTx- bl> ue|ibew could
repiv to the ftrri qai-nion.
... (oead the virllor alulae
' lie' a ealloav plave ou hir vrrUL
ebair pa^ed oloae t\-

s?-iri:2iv£'Vi~ r»i.

I&.'Si't. ““■‘iPoN

rr"id?lto*dervi'Si.*“ ‘

^’^rocnanl. ttol liave lie,a maitto
tl I'elerrhcre o( lluv rroptinn oar
toi a more macaiSeml and awfu
i|iKCBdlF wa. Jiratobli never |Oi’Mat<nL ton flowed Hi d.w|i elrwuar dowa
:lie eldee of Ibr tnoaulaiBa
.treani. looked lire vride. molten m•ru. From flwure# in the ewrth nuX:
-■ earaiv-d,
eeraiv-d, deaRoyta
derRoyinc aniamt
aatl i.-i:elab]
■labliylife near the |i
• b were kille.1 by I
lielrhlxritut atreama
vulMuii-eranioii. in KomotoXka |ir«lv.blT auiina. tho • ol any Mber inrl of tb.- world in
An eroidioa meoiimei
ViiiuuikoT lailrd foor >
i;t; to i;si. and! ttot td .
which waa tar mure viuliwu dlmk
log >aai taia airrama. melllnc
into them
'ork Bao.

t^B8 old
wlili a lonc‘f cny
-Among the deiivUea, eb:"aald Mr
reord. aod war drroeed In a ababhy
"I'll —
boacli Bwat nepeoiablo ralt o( blark. Oanleman ihoucbtinlly
"My dmh yoaar (Hrod'" be ex. Uilr Jerry, Kay noihiii* aboot U.e h-a
of (be yewela. < lo aod hod llii
-------They Bfr re|».. _.
a Tell him to brine uir a luorl
ree of Ibe eoaoRy beOBBtr
in tbe libeary. Not a word to aiiyum
Tad'a "
Ted amond him ilial (oeh wae
r ihetr^K Uamdrailltoiy organlra.
raiermber "
ol-rerraltnaa Bpon Oie
Oartb-mko oanw batrladly oat Mte. aud pulUelvaakedbU baetuD
obeye< and in
"HI'oped to eee yoar nude I
hr tlinm an
a library aod m«i Tnd loiMna«
red the
thr toller'a
n llrown
down the iiaini Tad bad bora wan- lalenu 'im la my Mate.’ eeid tbe
Ornog about the boeoe all thr mura. rleiior. In an aeoMt wbiob plaiDly ■lie tny duwu aiion The Uble and
.lioimJlty. "Hi am a
alntggl- geiug on U-lwrenaao
□K. lor It war a luwery. dnrxy day
a cloth tofon- Mr Uartelmao.
uialAe. aad thrra >a doU.Id(--------artanaed
■oth Ol llii-iuiih-i|.-roand Beat. 1
IT<- in the nl7 atn-eu lor____ ___ —to to eprok. ban' voar aocle war footman war imiuacualely
oat to me aa man of «
;hl or lea ol Ih- wo-ken
ken elaaeon
onotn- bo.v «m aoch a day. Tbe (or*-- poiDted
--------- ------------- --------------xoca^t
the aoce|4,Ht garb of a w
r aad (nod to
o»o bonn had (liar far )
Hr. ('.Malleman uo(i<-.-d Hu
.ni-k aa lie eiidtnvored to
irarily ua tilr hkliila
a pair of old (arliioned bine yam
f the hole
Allhoagh to
"Tbrodure'" blr nnole.
"wrivtere." wliiah allowed n very lu
I war Jort «oinf in r.«rcU e( yea.
the old raan'r rpi-erb aboald lib. tolow ill. r.wtaleeve.
w hu irmiier Bor try 10
am oDi tiled bi no ool o( toaro "
•■Whvdu you Wi-ar iIkm. linnet
o (aniiliat to hir ear.
d It waa endiail ttoL
Ted’, (are III Bi> ruddenir. hat
demanded the g.-utlemaD. poiatliic U allhougb they di-uih-d him
.IL tor eblr not HI thoact
mtnaaSIr. Uarli.-mau added."
the WHeteta
ill woold ree you bae' nrlve to cai
’ y never nt|iped him h
I ir nut a plaM to whiob I oan I
"Them thlngv' Why III—Hi alwavi ■ be elragge
■iragge Ibay
ibay all.iwed two or (hrmvuu, I em rorry to aay. My (rleod
wean 'era, " vtammerrd Jerry.
oal ]nal Ibr in and
Hvrict liar telem]d>ed me be u ill.
"Yoa do. cb- "Ur (Vullemaii rod go ruaming hr ibeinwlvea. Il apaud that lie wirbrr to eee me al onoe. ..."Let nie tell voa of my people.
denly aeUMl the richt hand of Ui. imred aa if Ihia |nnieular Indlitda1 mori ms aod aball leave yeo .alaae Mid rbe old cenileiMn. etroklac bi
' (man and poabed back tbe Inud alhml heliaved ImIIv, vraa an.ter arlone l>*rd. He btlobod hir vtoi
There war a broad aenr nchl reat. and vrar sow Iwlnc iwevantrvi .
well." o rpooded Ted. tryiSd oenrer to tbo crab-, and rn»ed It oim
iia. Iliewnet. "To hidetliaiv " Iv ,lnim breaking bomoka Tbe ead of
toriwak obM-rlolly. ’’I dare ray l it eloarv atoat him 1 bee 7»«( pnreha
demanded. luokiUR the fellow ainicht :ihe klrugglr waa SOI witneaerd If da,
•lu very well. Too won't lie
fn tbe eye.
Woold yon like a flnV
II will never be knoare wfau colaloa«. wlll.voB. t'ocleV.
"Tlial arar, »tr. Hi goi ia the 8oa
"Wall—<r—mv denh bey. If bit'a sol
the dav. Iial It
"urernwbt. 1 expeel, lauicer
macb tnubfe. Yw toe. Ilvlnc oi> d>n eampaurn. ' mnl Jerry,
I weal
I wirb tobrawa.T >011 now"
tug bto digaii.v.
Caeilrman nood bealuiinji al
"Ttol aikr. aiy itoH. yoa gotabo^
library di«r with bir liaad on tbe
a Hntirb pnre
ion ablju I've a
Ariaoea Fled, a M hale,
•Y.W. mneb lpo*er than I
My frleBd.**^ou're
mark before
wtrh." be re|dated.
la the maaeam at tl>e Uulvanlly o4
mghl. No. .vou don't, rlr' Yoo
"Uoo't vou worry aboot me, Unola eland the vlaiior. "You bar v
rihiBa at Tuanm. bat Juil baea
-ill nmala jaat wber.-you as-. I
-iraad blr cloved to
ni (vt on all rigbL" Mid Ted,
ilaned Ibr akeleton of a very loit*
tote rang (or llie |jolire. "
rhale f .............................................................
tbe deaen ■
TTie nixnlly (uotiuan croaele-d lu Will
-1 dou'l doabt It. my boy." letara
1- eoruer.
dMr. (-arileman. -’Voa're nrnallT ... .died Vheni; and aoouwaa al
The End bar eii-lled I
"Voa got 111.-Jewela very nratly —
very well able lo oare tor yonrMU. dieply alieocbed In the WoeoaBl ae wilh a .|ie<-ially made key to the aafe.
ever be Imd been ia JeiTv 'e. nonat u(
That Irn’i wbal worrier me. •’
in which Ibe
ni be iKMind -bol the boy war 100
adreaioTe la tbe Dark OouUaeoL
AnytbiDR 1 mu do—"
obervaai tor yoa. after all.
Y.-*. big flab come ao far inUral
* 1 taot. tbe vlaltor did not 1
Coma in bore.Theodore, "intertaplawn Mid.and Ir dnubllea. a (act. ttol
ar Ted expMled a mlerlomM.. Theodore, be la yoor benignant
..j Ur. rartleman aaddenly "I ve
rinaallyallof aoulhiroriern Ariotan
lid. Then- vrar very llule in the
auuetblbg to ehow yon. "
mfnld hi 'a mo
ratlva recardUK the ' work” the
Hii nephew toHowi-d him Into tbe
d -bwi.ceaUeman liad aoaimpiUlied
lilwary in eome wonderment
.Wbiota lalei
ler. Bi«
high aud dry when Ihi-waleri raeadao
room vrar almoul rom]detely lion ___jnc the blacka, toi porbaia that Iba piihoe.. prmeiI
I 10
.. be
trom that regioa
wtib bookidielvea Al the (anber end waa baeasOT he had a boy to daal wilh
.d the Jewala^lolJewala eh
aad kneWB bov’i likae and ditllker
a blub mantelpleee and
Il la more llkelv. hnwever. tliBI the
mon. o
■eride them, boilt Into tbe
. . alone the line of etory uUInc 7>d flab ventured mro Hie gall of OalI bir 6
Uh' door of a rate. Hr. UaMla- Inoame vaatly Intoreeted ia Uie Uibe lug coaSdenee ia hi
and waa waobed Ly a Bond
lia owu
amonc whom the old canteman hml
led him M tblr. opaned r
afvia higher Unoeven
"labored." Wbbo bla vlaiior lalimaitnher Sudaol mice from a eHenitCr
M....' door, and from the dentlir
rtaadpotol tore toeo mode lu the
the oloeet brongbt obi a xmall yaiian- •d ttoi any little eonirltouau wonld
nedMih box with a ywllocked lid. belli alone tbe cnaae. tbe toy !«( a
tome region, lo tbe oDivmliy moorTill! he opened with n key, which dollar-aad-eeni valaattee apoo blr In
llol.ler. bor*riuxn ol am ore ibi- tnakr and lower >aw of aa
ureal and ran apotaln to examine
eleptonl. wlilcb were foazd on tiia
the ooolenu u( bit pane.
Ybiiib ileerri
Tbe aloe of (be Jaw
rn too mloaUo lerdofoighl almn to fierform mili­ and taakr (iroeea ttot the animal waa
Vlian be enm
tary avalnuena and do omny utbor
later with tiro e ver doUara lamoof Utgar importlcor than the elrbronchi them bose from tbe SafeD*- eroae half of ih< •peadtng money in
form Ib hot and atouil al tdwnt of today -Now York Han
poeii Oomtwny'r vaalla tblr manioc _______________ _>e mlMionnry war
Al the
aluntlM'' ol the wi ■rd.
to clMo Ibem. I nlwayr clean tbes •MBding by the librarytoble with bit
- "OBgii-flle,’;
mya It. lor wo Irort them to no >ow- toi cm. nody to depart. Wbilr Ted B that order. ’Ttoyuke‘u2
. .
a aliort lime, oxye a LoniloB paeler. Is fart, they an more of a oei- tod been abmnt be bad evidently re- Ble" nrdar whoa cnniiuandMl lo do an fwr. will to held to vnriooa lowM of
lOTtKl blr glovea. (or to war now
mnee to ar than a plonanre. and If it
BOil march
' by '
' otglila. Tlix (b.- Iloale Vlene and toe Occraao. Ibe
waan t that many ol iham are beirao.l foot two deponmoulr forming th- old UmAt tbe boy ooma forward with hir ooaeterman-li
loomi «e aboald be clad lo cel Ha of
e the other ooMu toovinre, the hair (alra. W
be MW. with B atari of (oil to tbeir kneee w
Mr. Holder "Foirer aax Cbeveoi. " Uooutry
loor morota oroaod II.. _
‘^‘•Tsot they an on oar handa. Wo Mo-l tnrfwlre. tl
iBin on wbiob gIrU will he Invited lo roll ttu-lr mebnoit ooreelveo lo rell thorn, and they miatioaory
•I of Jerry. Xbe oa-' ibeae intelligent oulaml. uki- ja«i MB a to barter ' them lo rxi-tonge for
moat bi-eared (or. They an very val- to ttol mi (I
loot in the (am of a pyramid
Fmcfa chiwp Snery mod trtnketa. The falra
nable. Yoa don't eflon roe eattraci del tolln.
»ea tokee lU ploei- wltboot beolutlon ore unelly in each iilama aa Tnlle.
hir clove and Booepato tbe
like thoee Bowadayx
Aod nmolnr in nn indiooled inaUtaB In Kobe. iWnilloe and toq^ona. dlon
. "That lao'l tbe potuL however
anlii (to word laglveo toeome do—
Wbea Ibe glrlr here etdeoled the
exiMted to cImb them ihU atlereoon. IlMBkx
"My dear yoong friend V be exclomfonr on white. They nn * ymr o
•d. intUiicTed'a aboaldrr. "yoo har on.l ae bnnUaeare a lot uf extile or
eniWd away. 1 mom ro- (or than' a toy hamong a thoBMiwI—bamong too to (oond. Mr. HoldM myr they t
Uiya la aMtltboBMBd HI might my.
UI am dano Ullinc how ill HyHek may be.
nmbeennuirv diaonlt lo teaeb 1
hong aeVtolr
MO'l c«> them tblncr bank low aafi Ugted 10 'are lonad one ao yoong on eqoel nomlmr <d mon woold tovo
lit tolor
iDlIia or a« to­
fceeplv today, (or tbe banka are al­ moved by .tbe nroda of my people.
He bar iralaed them to wak
iler glrlr to part with
ready eloaed. Aod I don't wholly Believe me. my danh boy. to be yoor
>-va; and etmoai any day brenn tiieir block or to____ ________ ■ for
or a Iritri­
iron thla old anfe. Ii'a lUa proof vmy good_^f^d and well-wUbor.'
ilriving them olaig tbe rtneie fla. After tbe loin ore orer le fpolla .
(an eooBpb.bnt aa old woman with n
_______ tovrs. or tot.............................—
on boogtit ap by on og.sL
snir o( rciawn mn pick the look la
idler dralerk 10 Faria osd elrrwtoro.
Uridfeo. wltii Urn oed
1 to the an
(WO miantea We mldom keep aaywnw.
)orl like boreea 1
Il it affirmed tliol a good droi of dm
iben- Morganl let Ibe old I
.hinr «( valoe.ln il axoepUnc
-idod. Tbe rteen moke a bondT
tbebeotool (to Llmnxiato
at with B ver
Now. I want yon to bear u mind
road ooefal team. Hlrelaimod
at to London.^
tot U________
bora. Don't
(be fart
........BO other groap of cattle woe over
of the honao nalll 1 get tme
troinad to iwrform Mgeiber._ Ur.
abonlder aod deelon igala I hot bo
tl niarn tome time tomorto
ahoald olwaya to "bia rar r good
Nobody will ron-at leoal.
rightly regarded a. a token
friaad and well wiebor."
expect nobody—ao yoo won't to tre
boTvory Ivw know Imw lUt lairiC
Ted awoke ia Iba middle of (to
bled by viruon. rai7 w^iU be obU lo
, ben oeearlunalty aad aao that -Ighi with a keen nmemhraaoe ed the
aPrmieii ethool
no one ia foodog aboat tbe mfa door. yewela to tbe mfe to the library. Bo
Men mot to I
W enraa. tbe aMToata on tomaM.
tbey wWe ^^anad" li» hsM
The London Jnnem hot no orttole ap tbeir right boudr to frtnl of thorn
Yuo'te xrorriad. Docta," mid rows and ran dews .to (be lltnry. in rmrard to the danger of motatoatog
riilL oo^ tha alaearle yormge ^pa with the Ufa «
Ted, "I'll keep WBleb. Ooe’t yoa fret Ivatythlto
light OB the oMsm ahone Into Ua (oogae. It mya tliot
room IB a mmi ghoMly maimer. Be
nl to oU oaaaa.
to toirarad a ttille and west bock to
left lying obonl to
hla right liand.
- olwaya aM yet. If Im
lie koapa it
I eloatd- nmy
nr of iBlrwRoa fram aei
tore a xranpen oonoaoled to il. aos.
at n vm early
ao long ar aha liahlt of li
towafera. it brnmae tha eoaUM (ot
tag ia parritxed in. Tha Inaoet rialan (be two right boBda to grrop mto
■'1*anEBSM aemem mTIo Ub
Ua locked tbe Makel in the mfe
ttot oaaaa oi btood pMaaning tore oUmt. oa oBly (bar eoald foil aoaar• Mkd. I
egniB. and a little
bean diraotly meed to thra practice, once to giTVB that oo wisian waa
Ibtory. "
d wa
war mete Xboa ]
nad lha tooL thrrMora,that (be inwal ooneealo! In alihrr af tlmm.
______________jt Bbont
■mg I
•nlheritiaa do all to tbrir power to
ForMtrly. ttorafara thir gagtore.
iMpU to ao abnl
M pnbUe^teirotenali BOW tto tokrs o( loyalty and frianll
“PoraAoiror-'ro be amyto
•iilp waa ooa nf reelproaol dlrtroM
ngnt then in the lltoory wUb hm
ire gtiniiwt eonma ef
•• ^didtomlagroph _________________wbolnairi no mttUI
•nl^ atotopa xritb ihaD ungom.
"Ha dida'L
ewnile. Be eperaelaled the ____
donee blr nnole w ptoeed to him to > HUy
"nla ao mMb than xrosld load a aanthere toemed lo to no good lanaon (or
Ik rig*
By opan of ia own orooed and dl^lay
on xhlrty-lwo timer Ua owu wolgtat
— - jiMhadaUmla. “to or prot ralMMring work. A derp Mcb ir
•si arosad the Bxw (oar or Sve feH wai^l areryday. ThU
room 10 room and (tom floor la floor.
(roto itr kSM. and the asnb dag away
U waa • dall day.
U Oto of bia gymtlow to liap|iii4 yoa to alt hMaMdwnuhllaUlha bMMiti TbM a boge traqk U ksek-

i!!S ... .



"dr. j. w. gauntlett.
ntvMotan A Burvaon,

k- ,.aU M> '•> Ina
A. a b.u akr auuU laad
K.-r. I.,,.d.kun.aa

d yoB left him altoe (or a few
itee Willie yoa weal apelatn fur
yw eouintatlou to hU mlmienary

Ire Tbay an aanmnh
tataalve. Tbeir eammlta an oL.
wava ameklac aad ofua glow with
molten Ura. Itoocb they an clad to
M.«sai. MOW aad an oovend Xrtib
eUclara. n>e vvlraaic erassid®* sm.
vrrr cnaa, toi beiue witaaMril tor
only a few naili re or Kaulan enelalr
•waken toi liiile altenOto in
NL Aboal (otty of the meanLIT of vulcauie urieta. bat Ibaoe
■Borv than 1;- are actiii.
. - fcr Ih.-ae volrnnlr c«B|atoar 00oarTT-d tart fallal thr .VvatAia volmX III' fert high. 00 the eon (heart
( of Kam.-b.lka The eroplofr
■ ^eniniwiiied by mbh-rraaean
bllnc, ihat were aadibir for SO
■M..ea ^'heee idu noBieim an- nfMB
atiendeit by'Tiiilrol nartbliaaket which
•omrlimee niae the warn to a gnat
liFicbt aoedlnc (heeoavtaad rweeplae away Uie lent. u( Ito nallven
,Ilia war (he oaa- 'dariuc Xbo noMt

Vou Cran^^
Dye your Silk. Cotton. Wool or Rag Carpets at one
boiling with 1‘UTNAM-S FADELESS DYES.

Cen Cents Per Packaflc.

US*:" ‘



„jr’7fr.£-dTd-Td- i-s.


Aid” dton^^jSr^toJ



‘'b^^iWi^aMltor^dldB'l expact

Call on I’rokop Kyselka for a package.

fYto mtHT

fc CASS Sts.


pmd Jorry. the nndar baito. M
Biting on nla cool to >n gat Jorry


eery good Mandi
did not wiah hla m
paopio. bat Jatry
- t with lha
Ha armag


SSJis.JT.'Ss: ,fs™~

Who waa ha.
, tatoarotsH
■flimaa a^hl

•aabod to front

Thso. with aaaalant

____ MdTraUMdIo on aprlgM

Bxprmrad to the sakah Blirnm.'
rfMB tha lart,;' >a dmtoi^ tn


h^wMiV laM. Iba toto 1

w kitOj ntfmcu
AliMotlai of tlM eoutr Md la*
• r«id«t bM« rntoWd*- y-n.

)Cr. l>*««y «n tla< Umm ^ ■
e*U«l l«-P«l »« m hMTT »«rt
t thli Td«r.
ttwr* •»*' »
wl »TnBa Ip tPiP tb* n

Tho dioftftdi Broad
MOM Voro iUBBlBBltd vlth
l Uapft Tbo bride wb* bItm


o**Si»dBU WM bridPft.

*r. ;rz:„oh't:T';7

moPAdi-d to qAnohtog H tolor- the
ameal of the depanmeo.i
HlMBTftllMPf OodftrUMMltoPM otTBok by liftlitnlB*. A looeh of Um
Cart ctomphell. Aod IS. and MaM!
oleetrte BAd la to—e way dartrd to. Kelpm. aee.1 l». hoib Madeai. to the i
ward the Ben. -rtktoc eneh one to
Ad Mtmjr-'
mnr '
•laellT Mm —bo opol on the t-idp- of
. Dsutoc. ttaMbtPr of BllMm BOW. BpIlUtod iImIi bom wide «
f, « ...n T,™,..
Aft and KIlM DubUk. okI wtf* of
noth BMB arore kftoekrd dow«.
tl toyeme kuo-o.
TI - voAg ;
D. frn«tit ww bon> J«ly »• «"«• '
toowed upk4 a.Ml for
IhT-Vi —- died Mfty SHK im
Tory -MoytodP
ttYM of Mtb. BilTor.
Mme. .Ihoogfa Mmir to}ori
e*. bat Mm girl Im* l>-.-u ab—oL
MtftMPift. At ftp oftrir oirrbarrvoft Mm- Poto Mftrqootto toota
HiB. btod Bodfo* ol KBCftAto, who jroT. of a mrioA Atare.
Both will remain ,n«-hool at.l .be:
«BU MOMd *0 thU ftlftM
riftBOlioobooL Tbe hftll BTBi iPotllly .xpiBMlDd Ito ptaft-w Ad oooToytoK bft. lM00.TiMtiBC Mtft K. J. Boehtol.
A Ate eapm who wa >mB1IIbc
pM ■!» «M • TMldMl of UlU
oo®* IaA. MtortMd booM today.
tooocBtod for Um oooftftloo, Mm elftto
the MW malt In a Hadtoa bank IaI
cU7. 8b. WM mftfTtod to Mr. Wriflit.
*l«“-to~a»i^t-T t.or Blie.--t.
VlUlftm Hoono-y who iMo bom yUmotto. "Oot ofUM lUrbor loW llM qolcL ad orbrn -bl—Ito.
■te|iped in becw.Ma
the lum r
w.«n tiM
Aatut tS, iWT. ftPd
lltMr VnA BechMl Mrerml dftj*. re•Wft itoOlocorTllB.
Dmp" U Mm Plft- ooloTB. bloo ftod
oeler door,
iberaalt toctatr.a-.11 to tb.-A.-Imu.
tiftce bfti livpd hPM aaorlr o» »>•
lemod to blMAftbo today.
■l*rr. bolftC dtoplftyod OTor Ih. .U«o.
I'lie ftOPBdl OBltdc of prOBii
whether the lioM took
dredud i-vnty fifth annlverearr 11
ttm* Obai lat MttOTftJ wlA her Iftmt
TIM I*Orgft» OJMBHl Vllh chOTBft UBrollac frolgbl ftCAU. .UBTellB*
adlaned, and
olT poll.
It to MtooMoto. Tvo ohlUno. UU
TmbU'i "WA*. WAf> BB.1 Ottot Pfta««to ft««*tt. other
Uir doer toot afMT him. He KH
■Ml Hor.b" lr»« -otbor*-^ **“ *" t)M D.y." tooK by Um *lrl.- oh«Bo of
toood tliai toe Into wa worllog
MAM* wvk.mftd toroofl, b« tit------too oobool. TbUBombor
olAly. and that it wa ai to open in
Bi voll M ftll hor brtof ilfo. Mm ■
Boo oon. As loBtrBXD.'iitftl qi
of her panota Mr. and JaU thre.- hoaia. m
ftit— ft bMBlItftl OkriMiftO (Idfll ftoa
••PolounftlM"bTMoy»rl.*or BTBi
Dewitt of K.-tn.
K.-rnwood. the oelMde coeld dd anytoinr to o)-u
Ha William DewHI
(ftillt. Tb.- fBDPfftl oooOTtod M T*mMOoyod, II -to ptoy-d by U FoooThe oBtlDd BFBB oloMly feUowto by
before ibal time. He myi it i. tlebylM
dftp. Jane Irt. *1 «»m h««
tolft Bod L. OoCDO A one l«ft»o ft»d
■Ml vv.'Ot wbtob hju toM ft KloOB
Btal time lie eetr made .aob a treak
o: B. Oooporof
er of And-aea. tnd..
MM. poedoptod br Mr. lafttaftP. A
M Ltoftyolto Ad H. Koo l A M« oChI. and that be will try to
Mie gaeot of hi. daaghter. Mia. Wytore* ftaabot of .jBpftUitttftd
HAry U. Matoewa a yaa*
ti U.e lato
••d Mlcbbor* woro propoot ftod foland poiailA MBTeitoC freight agat of
*^rollo-ln* tbU. MlB*adoli* Soheook of I'bleago U
Itanoo of Boyne Falb. my.
towA Mm rtoftftlBO to Oftbwood. vIm«
to. »l« Far. WA a member of tl.e
i tbo—t*’^l ‘
AoebtaiO loehttoatHiat
AoftWfttwtlMiMwroPttPoim^y. and two l>oan Alet be Mchod
r Hie MiohUTA 8uroh Co.
toeide of it a 4 inch troof-and one
bto Lome id liiaud Kapida. ho dropped
Charlo. JaciBW of OhlAgo to io
New «»— ttlift.
three InclMP long. Now toe >iBe«luin
doad wltooal warmA. a TletlB
oitTA toutoe- oooo.<ied with the
ioeb Croat |itactiee> eorb
The dtoto oecanod
HiohtgA Biareh Co.
tunong it. taoe, lie—
PAIowtog toll paoM toe "ladlA I ;«o mil Boning.
Frof. C. H. Horn left thto morning BAy trout
ciBbia lU* oily WB* held Thartofty Uultoto.-e- Drill- by Iwelee iflrto,
Matoewi WA well kaowa for Hacton. whore be will delWer the
r-|nlied to ioHriy tA great
to Mm oOoe of Dr. J. A. Boy<
I with brows amooc the railroad laeii and ihipper.
Aoimenoenient addiA. to tor cto». of falifoml. trooi lu the »ireoi...|
Md toe orpaatoftltea of too fttob
ma«e>, who perforttMd will, howe <rf mi. elly aad made freqaAl trip.
ranging In weigbl from tore.- u> eight
toll! ereatas.
aad artowa They pr-eutA a retj hot.' on bAilMA. Be WA o^MctaUy
Him FaoI.
rtoited al poAd*. Ad woahlil not to erllK*WUtoB of «.e eUb were olootod a pntly api-araii«. Ad the drill wa totlmato with Ja Kebooud Oaroy
Kliufley ye.i.Tday.
remove tin- re—rirtlmj. a* to iho man
pmtT ooJoTod
M to. M. Barry tbea Hall, and fto year, thoy had l«en
B F Mroen wa in toe oily today nty of taklug tbm- big tol.
IWd-tk-S. K. While.
"A 8««d Trial-100 very warmfrtonda Only a few we.-k. ago i
M hi. aray from Krw Yort to hi. larg.- ftto mu.l do nearly a. ma.-h fo
. eeOBtory-lMTl T. ItomiMtoo.
[detoloK maastf; Ad Mieo earn, the he wa. hero aad ylMtod wlli. Mmb , l-eM-nt luoatiOD la Cheboygan.
ward dlmioltoiog the Kpiek of lakahlTrm0unt-O. T. BAtor.
dnuaft. -Dolorea or TI,ro»«h to. „f;wi days Thooe of Mm aM»«
goodly iiomber of fi*b.-rmvn.
dliseUr-OtaAlA A. BkolPlrto of Sorrow." Thto wa voted to. 1^ fnm here wore Ja Kohoo of
Hie PoulUc water work. ii roimng
boto dmaut orery prow-ntod by (
Mm' Itoo Uarqaelte. W. Oaroy Hall.
A OocrBeld farmer hM a gander.
repiwt jo»t til. .I
Pnoel. AhooL The work of Mtoi H. Waiter K. Kelley Ad Fre.1 J. Beciitol. Mut, eTldenlly .11—ppronng of Mm
.how. reoeliH. re In . loM. of e.pend
dor. ftto to OM
method. DMd by a de<-lvrd Ad hard
• hy fill.oU.dU
Mmtoal lUXial — ttoar.
wortiu An in Arlng for m faintly
The followlag prograB wa gl».-n
U to propooed to hare the etob
BeUer. w. re Apeolally .-ajoyod. AgoMlnc., ha* .-oaxed Hi.- eotlr.- toood
totoof M boM Bale eoioB ef Mm UBBirt. orwy tort WA W.-U lAeu, at toe home of Mm Jwty BaMlvA al away from h.-r Ad it now bringlog
Cedar toe lAl of toe WAk by the paOlty. aod toe dlraototo w«» appototod
aMb« wm eaooptioBatly
(hem op in Mi. way yAA
piliof Mta. Clara Cta-i
• eOBBlttoe WaOPftto AW
._________ . Aot of oharaetor. aa
HiMid go. wtto BO Ihooght «
Flaoe dael "Baporb Walue.'
oftofttidht ktod. The A
o|-to of Mm play aro a follow.
liA't forlon. oAdiMA.
Him Mamie SalllTan. Mra Oiaw.
tm WA Biftd A W oftBto. a
Hra Kortoa. a waalM.y wl.low-B.
Wblli- William McKte wa. diawlfg
"Oainlyal Polka"-VlolainowltU-r,
J«UB Of too ontofttoftMoc
aloobol in tA IwaAt of liU driut
-Mamie WalU--OoanlatiUnweU.
KaUm.Ao, too Ihieid
(toog, ••Oaddy"-MTa. Oimoe Faa' BAlB. titooel ftxiJaotod.
ploded. ATorlng him from Aad
paallA.horyowufAlOA-L. Faofool with the bartitag’’ flold
Walla. "Wild riowi «"-AlblB Vi.rato.-d aptlalr. where Ae of tA
“Kellie tnag»»«. ^ Koto*-. techll.
elerk. Muew A ovortAt about bU
I WalliM-Tto lAtodAl. tooratory aad Bakl..„A daet. "Byh
body .•altogaltolBg the flamea Thm»le»~A. WaratauR.
Olara Dloatotoe, Vwla Olewitter.
tol dlfoour welB appolotod a ooa
Aaat Boh Of. a narae in the Hortoo
WM no fire of Ay kind In lA cellar
Kaltv "SbowM of BoB0--Ctoia
Ad tA CA— of toe eaploilA
^i...ieM aad Dr. Baydar aad Mr.
-APAito. TitolohiU.
Femr FarUy Walta"-Olara BIa ayrtery.
Bkalohto wBtoappolatPdMioekapa
Anilrew JohnMO. a T«t«A I
haU for UM t-ldtof of tor BoettogB.
meC arUM.
picker. arrlT.-d In St Joee|«i Sonday,
oog. -MyBiolAr U Bigger Mm.
- HAlcated Ad MiOWA
-C. Soear.
u.--QeorgU SlUlwall.
Diaam of Bata WaUaea"-Mia
I fatoer ;
KellU WlilU.
Uidoight Fite AlarB"-MUi Bn
Mon of hU e*tat>-. ealo.-d atfiSS.OOO in
Motallef tator.
ABMrtoA oeln. Jehn-m hM for
Hatama." Oavo«0r-ll
Chicago .-nrooto to Swenden to ertahTboftotare of tiw eToetog'l aamhai
BiM. I.
Th.. KoHa tnawlo
IUI> bl. eUtm.
&mg. "Come Unto Me"-gqprtot.
WA the oddtoB by Her. a H. Irrlig Paalto. '• ApoUUm.
Tuetoay WM AlAky To.-oday for
PlAO duel. "TA Palm."-MlB
of Waal Bay Oily, <m "TheOhrla8eaA S -FMlla. U robbed hy
John Moftl.y
ltaa'« BqalpaoBl for Borrtoa"
II atmot aingsr. Tom PiuolMt U lAoh- Nellie While. Mra Clara Craw.
WM Mrack by a Mreet oar Ad badly
in the Can. Biake"-Mr.
WA waldarail to. taMl totog of Mm •d by bar piMfal Mory Ad befriend.
Heine Vogel, ao of Mir
ieny BalllvA.
•aMM otoyAMoo. whloh I. high
city dteman. wm MwI by another
Vocal daet, "OomeHoly Sjrirlt"gndB ter to. addroA
fllOBA while Arelemly liAdlilHI
A lAiorr
toe afwwieoo’
Bom t.—Fire yean Are elapor.! Hr*. BalllTA, Mra Craw,
AO Ad Vogel oarrie. the Allet
"Ftay.-r and PamlA WalUe."Butoo* WM Mm oddtaa. by day Fra- Ad Paaltoe hM brnmnie a oelebialed
AeofhUhlin. Ed Cope wm fAling
artut. andor toe dob.- of Dolorea.
wiU. a rifle Ad didn't know II --m
"At Parttog"-MU. Mamie SolH.
WV A to. Mh)eet. -OrrtoltollA to engAM »(•>'
loaded. BU Imud reeeire.1 U.e rhargi-.
Buday School Work." H. gar.
> (Anl At BOtAr’. pUtare. i
Kldiard Bemln. fell At of a ee«»d
TM7 toMtarttog and ptoUabtoadk. .JO*. Mm DoIotm of lAlr Amlrar
.lory wlnilow to the MdewaU Ad had
In. y.ii: OET Ttin
OA of Oh tool i-TW hAid to Ui. elty. U rartoBd to Mmb. Otai wjoletog.
eev.-ial rlA broken
II U bopad that be MB b. eoMred
Dartof too play toiA ma.leal asm- Sra Ulee. Mra Clara Craw.
At Oharlotto Her. a B. WtalUker,
" NarfiBa."-Mra Clara Oraw.
hBe.lhl* ABBOT fM to* mm. work, ^ WA. glTA, lA Otri a dne aelse|B-.idiDg cider of the U. B obarth.
to b. Mb* for to. Saaday «*ool Ma by Ml. IsTAlle arobeatra, Mte
Trooi rteblaa t oau—.
wA retonty took up Mm |rfek Ad
wartor* M to. Atlra elly. p-hap. to Boooda two plaoodoot by Mlm A.
The ttoot firiitog oMUal of toe MioTel Ad WAt 10 wort a too m.
eoMMeUA with to. meMtog of Mm Woiaborg Ad L. Jardlno. Ad toe
Knigfato of PythUa Adcd Than, ayMem Ihero. hM alroady boeome a
laMAholiA oo«. -The Skidmore day. whA Mm lari batoet of fito wa. Irodor In lA InUrrot of Mm Uborlng
4ha addn*. of MIb B. Ooopw of Oaarda" giiA by abAl «• Ay.
weighed la at tA .tore of WUpeA. BA. he Arlng boA wleetod to perOMAll daring Mm woBA'. hA
etod to eeeralU. dreaa eoaU Ad high Bartak Oo. J. M. IltokMlee'* Abe Are a
atoo a TB7 tae tAtare of th. dataUm oMier MA Aalen ao to taUe too Male of wagea whlrii I.
Ma. She spok. al mb. loagto .mThe
Imdly Mml toey might )aM m wal mtly •!.» per day. to ll.Tk.
puMlIy of to. work of a bum obac
TOMi Mio. "TA S»g toat PaaoAd
Imre kept toolr fito al Anm. TA to eloet A® to I®" •toy*
*be we.-k
UmOWmo.. BwriOMaad lBdiaB*ot myHMrt." Aely reng by MU. JBl weight of the fito eaaght by Jay and ii foond at hU poet in Um palpil
ladlA Miritotr. whoro MU* KtlM. HotBaUi. Tlwa earn, aftae paK>U. Bfatkeolee'. portie. wm
88<, Bandaya. It rw|»lrtof BUarday Ad
Bare of tfaU oily U al work.
Blm*. "L-M Kindly Ughl.” bj
peanda while lA bwil tool toe oMmi. MAday to A to Ad from hi. appoint.
twalr. flrU allirad to white.
which are at dlffcTAi rmrU of
eool.l A WM n poAda
TA TaUdleWty. "Oat of to. Bar
TA Aarierl killing Miai wm made lAsBte.
B Into Mm Dap" wm a r«y fine
Jallw Mv, A old pfoAor Ad
war by Um party eompooed of ObarU.
BMBbM. glTA by MlB Anna Koodof toe Boet icomioAt and tnfloM
Olllfa Bd GllArt. Aagait
Am. She apoka fMltogly of t A work
Ad Jad Uaaeioo, wA went away OermA farmer* of amr Bl. Loaia Aa gala of •ifik.RM br- taM yoor. la lA MhtoiU,of what It bad m-uit '
,IA by III. daaghmr. left 8t.
Molh of Oopoffllto and bnaghl Umk
fbU Vito a BAUto badgot for to. toe olam ef laof. of Mu ir feeling, at
mmeucy abertly after Deoerstopoanda 11. & W. FlnkU Ad CbarlM
oUraKpAdltatM will ^oUm tau
tA Mhool Ad Hieir doaIrM
artog t
Ba«I alM made oattoea Mmt II tool tlA Ay eerv-iDM Um FriAy for bU
BA aiMke of toa deep
alto aai
home la Pine Rlrer towaehip
two flgarra to toll aboak
which Mm preamil clam ar.
TAMOn««f lA IndiTldaal ftM-r cBtt.-d A tA wrong rood Ad In g
TAMiiBmuil brWdi UM
abOTt to act mil. and bad. lA mem«r bU dAfhter’* pretAt that he
IA wa*M follow.:
of Mm tobool Ad Mm kiMdMrt a
A Mw wrong toad. Uey mid he ki
aBooMng farewell.
for A had trareled lA road
Ber. H. P. Ma. gare toe eontA 40 yeaia. Ad Aew where A wa.
going. HU Aaghter beeomlng nrlgbtu gtoeAl wtto a Mocm e' apem-d. Jumped from Mw AtrUge Ad
plaaoa and Mm Adleoo. wA rxpaolWAt actoB ooonlry for her '
B.U.Iag fine wrr. net dlmpHeyhMDMAA
petotod. He qoA of to. Mart M.a»
toe olam are aAal to Bake In Uw
ShepAad. BeUSDy.
wsrid.and gBrt Boto helpfal Ihooght
Ad raggortlA to Mkmo who Are
■ppMianre al Bl. Mary-. Uke. three
computed toolrerk of lA Mbeol m
BilM nortowoM of Battle Creek, A
wellMlboB wA are .Mil lo odiooL
Hemcirial Ay. At UaM aooc were
ipcocaed lAVath M—t lA '
noMc-d by lA farmer. uUI Mml o*y.
,TAy proAUy oame At of tA
Moco and 'K. 8. '
greond Um night before. TAr. on
• of toes- They appear­
ed In Um mme lomlb.e. aow-ding to
1 to A ereryltilng. wA U a Jack
toe pfOBOW farnwra oevewteA and
ofalltradM, rigoodfAnoMitog. He
ago. to ezacaly Um
too go»l.
Knew bow to A
J. W. J.T»I« ...
tomlHT. TW. U toelr firMdagaodAll loMrtgbl.” mid Mm
la toU eouty, Ad m far
Be urged toe Mpreme 1b- Total ..:........................................................ K
............. ir.lto
to toe Sate.
portonee ef iieoeaty for oaoceB ia any
Fatly twe Bandi-d peraAa teetadtog
Totol................................................ Ml*.** line of work.
AM*bet Detroit WOBA Joined toe
Pytbian. Ad lAir famillM, onjoyad
. utand Mlai ter too «Mf. »i.l»i.l7t.
rank, of Detroit MMA wgba U
Following IhU oxoell—It, addiOA
lA tcAt of bnwk woai to Um Pythton
TA Ftral word tootr. a gala of Hot. Fr. Baaer. la a tow well
WhA Him UarMm Palma.
lodge rooai UM CTMlag. UwMO
$u».n7 In itoUy OTcr laM ytor. Al ward, tool were BoA an-.
WAltoy yooag w«ba ami davbA
Appy and deUrton. oalBlaMtoo to
a talliag ofi of •1«.014 to pto
of ecM of toe
UMOoetoM belwaA too |>nu. of J.
preparty. TbU U pMtly d®*® «
M. Blakmlw Ad a. W. Kltoord.
Amaad MA Antolnetto Vorabarg.
Ii WM OM of Mm fiMM «]¥«« arw
TA maileal
to toe |«
—rrrd to tA' lodge looma whlA U
B. Oirard.
• lytogagooddoaL TAia wore thorn
L. JardlA. H. Nad. U
wA BOTcr I
latA Third ward. tiMM Uagals U UMCar. Z- WUUad. P. TAckor. A.
otoor* wA Are — had RmI t%U
to real mBIc ef gSi.toS ami a lam
HMllmAlel. M. Harry. U AfayBajooand Bgt‘»x B.ay -A
poBMhl i-opcrty of WOO.
MB. L Mobto. F. MHUr. K. Baiuto.
Tftivty of gauH, BOl To all
TA Foorto wardtoraaa gala ef F. RaltoaAry.
nr It wae aicyal lea— and Mwia
gl4.8M to real Miato Ad of pBABl,
TA cUb eolcn wwo MUrr Ad
WM plenty tor mrytody.
Um: UMcbuo bomo. "Cat of «A

U to* PifM. ward Mmie to a goto of HaiAr IWo Mm Dtop;" and lA riaa
al iW Hotel WhltlMi and oereA to
gn.414 to r«l oMmU and abAl M.IM
ewar. Mm Lily of Mm TaUoy..
toe dtotog room of Mm todg. rooma
itniooly prepared and j»«
JAa Uak. a Boo werktMU
•I at MB any I.
d. If tAre were aay tAn
Aodga. taM hU hai to Mm rivar. Ha
I aft-II. Al WM aotoad wtto a did ael Are all tA? darired it wm

Vidpw of IbplUP M. A. DiPinwHum dilUnD mttIm bpr. tvo

Mldftftd Mr. Milton Hftft


of Ml- BlftPoiM Joyto.
Hr. ftftd MTft O. Loto Bllnr IM<
•d yoBiordfty ft«o OhtoftT) oftor ploy
lot moot of IlM MftooB to Mm U>C«t
olti.-. of Mm Woto They •!>-« oerrml
-•A. IB Sfto PcBoettoe -Uitto* reto-

m* ai-o


^ cirreUlioo Miat the acrid. <
^ carried to Ibc sore or nicer am_____ .
irritotod aad infitmed. &, S. 8. will parify an
inyigmlc the etosnaat blood when all Adiment« ^
otbtr hurtful mit.Tiato are washed out, fmh rtrft blood u tamed to the
tli».wd twirt-.. mtr tiv-cue* form, and the decaying flnh hegiA to bare a
■-"■‘r ..1 ......1u..
Oar diav*»t ed.ieed Artetrr •.■. a.,

,,i,x.^^.iaaa lor

thattoiroAmnl«d cnlitely«se.
table.- It haild. wp the Wood and
toeca Dp the getteral ayatnn A po

no .-barge i. made.
on Wo.«l and Skm
srwxwrr srmcinc co^ toti—A. ca.





PftMbMU, hw mald-B. Ram
aaUy A. ToBpktoa a .uoel ringor
-H. DI
Torn FlAhw. a poUoaiaA-


D. M. Osborne dt Co. make a splendid line of HarvestlnR
M.achinpry andweselMt.



Feed and Sales Stables 231 SUte Street.

1 Implement store 123 Cass Street.



Harine reccnlly perchnsed the stock .m,l Im.ines. o( I Iro. Caros, I .ill herral.or conduct a' hrsecl^ F<^
t and Saks 11a,n at tho old sund. r.;, Slate Street, o#.«i:c Itrrk llotcL
J a warehouse, where I will unload several car loa<U oi machin.-rj- that I am expcctitiK in a tew da>-fi-__________ _



\s 1 -have a lar«<- farm a short diswnce from town. I am in a position to ban* |
die all kinds of stock in rjtchange for machiner>% buRpe* and impkfnep*- '
1 have at present about twenty good work horww for sale.



, These machines are too well and favorably knowninthi* local' iiy to m*ed any further explanalioa. They speak iot Aemseh

Toiai.jrrrr:\.......... .>

3ISV VH33a /. f‘X-4j


Milwaukee Junior No. 10.

Milwaukee No. 5.

AND inirLtitn.d


ariurt K b hU il ft* )W IM*

i*bdlw A wy
HAwwarid. SodAtiUpUkkiA
AtaMBAw.« ym w«^


than cin- msoJpMbe wants ol my enymmem. II yon do nol find whnt yoo wnm m my smd. I -.11 order dm »mo j
short notice.
not (joins to mil sood. »I wholdsnle. a. «mm I
of my competitors datmdiey are doing bi« am go- I


" w ' B " yoVfirn'is^Vooi’s"prVe;. th«-ili move them -pidly. 1^ Si'^rnSl'S^nlS^
n. chenp ns nnyrmc. nnd nm nlwnyw willing to give my customnn the bmmfir. CnII on me nod bn convinced..........


CiUzens Phone 126

123 Cass Street


Fm laMats aad CbOdnta.
F fow mrr Fooxo wiDti
J^taDoo* tatbo lataot laacuaco lo
4**4 iln MBn*r * Ptatao’ huabor
11 4 bit Of f.»bc7 -ork to
* added to tb* Hot kBOfbt ot tb* Uoair>T vUfa ber U> tbe OBB- <BBp ban a*ai (ta^Utaa. Xtaoaaaod
Btr. U moy U* «o b*r tap was BlMlo ifod. awnaRtod and Imtalr of ouaari. Pr«d. ToMoka.
' Uli half Ibr ttma. b«t It anm as an vftboal kaoFBroUtiTialaABMaBtaa.
btbaaab•xcwo for atitlac on tbc ptaoa and
|k.TS m* •nj.
leaad trip
f atodaBl*
taMU U* ctrrta « tooBlpeia.
.'o (^talMTO. Mwta aad both estnt.
p who ripen to CO to Kp.h
BBbntatarr >»•

Bofne- LoaT* Tiarene OinkdBa. B. HobttaaL TO* ptar Buiny of th* BMrwt day aad Fridn ria H. * H. E. R K.
^[| 111*11 of faacp work an to b« •Sa oeaa^^lh Paopta>^«lt Oo.
■abaidU* ia Ibo mornloc
Mc4 SB dnoon or ablrt waUla ta>
\^y:............................ —
irvro I'M Ball M**.
for Caaemrrt* be
L W. Oaanlartea. Aft.
M tf.
* and It coot*

A.' HltahellroTRV^^

(oradontaoraiec gitm Sau« Ditaie*

bm. ofuo aoeh madp aod eSMmotad-

far a haEpBoo ftaa Water Pinbs
for a doBCB «f |ilaB white Diaas Plata


te a Mt uf 6 ptaia white Cup* aad Saaeoi

rwlicioB. a* b* espaota Bolbl^ bat
of bta

for a let of fi dectnied,
Soup Plata


All dragiats, to&





tailored to please

br a bo* of tee*Toilet Soap. 3 caka ia a
bo* hghlp perfoiard io-riolri. ro*e or be&>tiope, tbe kind loo alwais par SSc far a
te tbe beta SUc men'* halUiaaB under.

ISa Front Siroot.


6.SO fa* a' IW fSror. decoralrd Uinoa Set.
rhoi^-ef 9 dccarauoriL Better Umner Set*
at S6.40. $7.»5. B^.CS. 910.SU and 91».9i*
A ^jccial lo per cenU iliacouBi oa aUne

Threw aprcieri ttet IhMBno babp-e
fr. Obolara intantam.
- «nt»ew
l>r. Powrer'o

«lo ta ntt eat
aad basud lo
tb* caetar of a

tiae deep

ma d|K
while Ice Cream Doha

Don't Accept « Siiaiityle I

«( Ktu
Sdwatd. baa arrirNl ahiad of tlio eaTop-a waran.
Ooloaol HarrinpWm
' t wUb bin It UoBt aad two
Kinc HnnBolIk-a fltt to Klnp
Edward. ___________________


far a food taxed piaia white meat plattet



I 2C

tealarfe barrtaTarSoap
teapaireraatSbor Lnca
bi d taicei* ef ihe btaS taichp tj Paper
(w foad taxed Flom Pou with aaan .
In^ *ua *1 3c. 4e. Sc. 7c, lUc all wortb
. doeWc
fat groiioe Rawhide whii». cheaper whips
at 9Sc. ISr. ISc ao.1 lUr. we ad rtm the
beta whi|a lot the Icata numei
br a larfc aixe Janlineer. red or freen, 9Uc
tethebesi SOc Itea knee
tate* 4 lu 1C. bu)- )u«r
me lie on each pah

twali bm aa.1

; fRAeici ET S-rORta,
Tfva Stor*thatCiv*

araain*. 2

____ m CtataS noT’aoiiMta.
Onb tb* tan is toad* all tfroBBd this
aad Joi»*<J dalatlljr to it. TO- n«n
af tbc uoaMrUne diak 1* aaoi-Uiuto
anamaslad witb a tlnj aoilmldcnd
ceBTaeOcBal tgan a taiwn d<ioa bi
vkdte or colorod talk. Two or Ibna of
tbosa ■aadtiaoM Blake a baodaunM
MBUBlM fur a allk « cblF.* »*l*L
T p an Dot morii tnwbir lo luakr.
but coot a imltr pniap If boucbt ta
TOeo than an thr nr* rokard Uom
ablrt waist sal*. Tbaea comlirii.' *
dalatp tnraoTar roller, two colfe and a
fur tlx- front
It of tbc watat.
paebllac roetomr. TO uitrial H
Ua* Unro. aailawMrml In bnvp wUU
talk. Tb* rdc*o an arallopad witb a
baarp bottosbola adar.
Tbta pnr eoltan of colored tlcxn an
eoMldand ■narlar Ibaii iboar of tan.
Tba* eoitara routr alraadp auinpad on
IdBfc. pale blua. r«cO and »cru linen,
aid all etn- haa to do li work out Ibr
Men. Tbep OOlp coot froui 10 to 12
eoBt* tptaca. Tbe aUtrlKo and orr

Tba Ealatitaipo aaaalta Kawa aaptalw Ibnae Uoodrad annsota that
IBT* taw aosB abeai aonthen Hlebltan oflata aBd bare ban eradltod W
l(iiBt ftalee bp asplBf UaU tbep an
alBldp tb* nilBOtlOB of tb* tiwanaa
bed* of tbe HicUitaa fralt


TbaTwomb Saw Tewfc n«iB
ow in aaap sp tba Bodaan i
PvkAUl, has aaoag lU liontaai

$ 10.00

ilMlp r.aoo.txa aad
TO cru A t-oin IN (INB IIAV
laa* LotaUcr Hr«e VUUar IWLkl.. All


$ 18.00

Loaale Dmmta, tbe taiUil woodor.

not*, eeeaidod lb* AfrliBB H. E. pal
pit at ^iBt Boadap. at botli aorrleea.
paan old. aad hao tada
mad* of tbao*.
1« olatma. airiSe be wae 3
To mak* a Fnncfa knot Ibr tirrdl* la paara olA Ha ooeaplea tb* palpil
kraBCbt up tbroudt. lb* cbitk. Ibao lb*

A card la the n»w«paper* ha* asv
frind tb* HortlB ftaillp of Hoboki
timt tbep on boln to bkw* tboa |3.OOO, prowtoc OBt of a 1300 dopotat
amdr in a mTlan bank otmU pear*
aao. Th« falbnloot hi* boak
tawtlp aflar tb* d*i<o«lt waai
tad **0810*117 ferfoialt aboal ibo

tataot oaaa. TO bsitrrflp I* aada witb
a Bate braid barinc a faorp vdE*.
Wbaa the botUrtp ta cwnplatad. U U
Mad witb fta* talk bat win. Bom*tttaeo tbe tare ta aanrd with Unp qua-

piBBwa pod fear moro dotatrrd at tb*
kBaa to form a rooattc. Tbro* plrcra
an an wlrad.
triib CToebot braid U taklac tb* ptae*
t the noolbrr nualmaorr. and
tbamlac offrrta map be eouirired bp
t—iblalin Utla tare with bee>p cmbraidrrp to white talk. Tbr klarir Aotateau* taer U oaiipoart to W roallp
lb* talsta tbM. it U a faarlrul ap|>UCBl^ of arra aaUn biaM on prihiw
Tbla make* rbarmliic Uuiier

aabola for wlodowa.

•r nrba ami
tanep eoUan C« taka tbrtr ptatm. Oaa
tapta hat a arsrf tw par^ toat aod
rM an awlli.
TU* la iMwocbt
wmaid tbe twek twk* and tied In a
bow In front. Aonlbrr baa a dal aalkr
etatar of block ari. witb wbitr applhiar
«■ U. and at tb* Jotnins tbrrr ta a
white oat aewrf two parda lone Ord Is
•ta* bow. tbr rod* rraiAlak Ibr korro.
when tbrp fliitab wllb a ruiBr uf tb*
o*t. witb a tan rnOe at tbr lollom of
tbW. Ituil aniXbrr la a iro ineb Mart of
AMtad whli* nrt. wllb nai
rtaoBoo at aorb rdc* aod c
«tadi torcral tlrnn Tbla I* atlll lua«fT
thaa tb* otban aad (oea twtrr ateoad
flh* Bcrfc aad ttta. tb* rid* talUac bta

Greatest kind of value crou-ded into every \
price. Ue sure to sec the line.

new Block.,


T\*hat to “normal” br
sprru arrm to idoc* H
llllp to bi
itenn- of
______ecmllp a..
Baaltab arlwol rhUdnn w itb a mi
wbal atarillnc naulL HfU l-l r.
of tbrt
mr tbewr r%noiiiuiii<in« in »iiii«-i
lldnn orr l-rimlbwl. mid Ibr io.HI
ml *xp.Tla rivr adilri' lo lb.- lannu
Of tlnwr w inwr Ibruola .W roiw an- li
ond of tnatiiKHt. Onr writer bii
BMieoslp omm.'.ta ihot -It «l-.ul.l 1..■ r iBrior nnir in lakr »i<
Tb«i*r Who rouli
M bnir tbr wbl-Hwe lolcbt |«p a do.'
tor-* fro 0* ftwIHU-A-hlriBo l*atl.'



In about sixty days our shoe department will be moved to the
first floor and occupy the place now occupied by the hat and
pant department. We will begin this new department with an
elegant and complete stock of the best shoes on the market.

In looking over our present stock we find
many lines of good. first>class shoes that
are somewhat broken in sizes: other lines
that we have^ecided to discard, all good
makes, but >ve arp going to buy from
fewer houses and thus avoid so many
broken lots arid odds and ends. Then too.
there are several lots that are somewhat
out of style, off toes and lasts, but of ex­
cellent leathers and well made.


r mwDt fifirm prori In roTWl
lax raalartata and wHlInsbla-Huturp
ot BncUud- and two p.wiw axirr lo rrrkdoc aad narcrtlnc It.



But it gives you choicirbf a line $ and Siaoo
Suits—one to three suits of a kind—while they last
—which won't be more than a few daj-s.


and make room forttie new purchases we have divided them
into thirteen lots and placed prices on them that will move them
quickly. Don't delay calling as there are only a few of a size.
The earlier you call the better your chances of getting shoes for
less than manufacturer’s cost. THEY WILL GO QUICKLY.
LOT 1-Coota*u qf Ladia- Patrol Lealhw aad ;
Vkii*. ia the rtfulaiboM aad high
top, $180 valoe*. to clo*e at....
LOT 9-CaotaiBi Lailta* bgh


t JO
J *^0
Vici kid.'

turned aad OooJ)-e*J writ. tQiular « / OQ
tl6U aad 93.0U ralua lo ckM at
I *.70
LOT 3-Comatnt

ladan’ertn 6nc Vid, tamed,

friiitaitoo.aad latai'refular $3.00

LOTIU-Cdatata* of Vootfa-* ujvto-citac
^worlh$I.76, to doae out



LOTlI-ContataaofUtea Fate Vid kid Shoe*
mbtatonatad bee. aO aobd aad
worth up to $UD, to done at....
70 V

LOT 8-ftetatata of men'* Patent Laihet aad Ve.

Lot 12 - CoitaM* of Childreti'* JtoBgota Wedge
to 78c. to doae at.....................................

valuta^rioae ta!^


LOT C-Coobta of men'. Patent Laaihe. SbS.
top*, to doM J

tbe Skin, ScatR Hair,

lATT 9-Cootita* of yoolh*' calf tame^ afl Mid
wo^l.oo aad $1.25, to dote at

and aB taxo,

value* up 10 $S.UU, to clo«
*1 $2.98 aad.............................................

Pitawrvc. Purify.and Bctatat^y

LOT K—CotataMt of Boy'k I'riow aad Vid kid
IlretaSborv an «abd, aad worth
| -9C
up to $2.00 to done at.......................
1 *Xa7


LOT 4-CoataMs of 100 pairi of Kloenbeita h^
an <hoa te men. all leathen

ixyr 7—Cantata* of boy*' caU *han with Iteigria
»>|j^ tal
aad wmth ap lo

LOT 13 omtasu of Ladia' Fine Via ki.1 Shoe*.
French Keeb, aeweta bsu, $4.UU
iriae* to dote at....................................

•nd Hands with

Otatata-to iBprovr ibr rotaptaxten.
Ihr ktn iMtnp prcratrnl lUI tar cum
take* ta taiall qatutltlr* will liuiwi


“ “

B'bHbrr Ibta ta true or Ml ortrBi'*
Bril* lo Ml ua II li nwuefa that tbr
tdn pnraita amoac tbe faehJonaHa
TO tiabli ta bp a* BMana iMltbp.
bowwnr. Wbn* tare* dor* ire tb*
r«lr tt imdip dreroemr* Into atacn-p.
Vlt tolw n^iMod^d;
Oampbm fwllns. wbatrrft it* cArrl
«*o the eaa^drxloa. irod* U> rilrrm*
wrafearoa, taraltml* aad oa rrrr-|wnW taactnc for al**r>. to mo If
dda map Impror*. yncr wlla ore Ilkelp
ibraacb tb* coniplxw bablL—




Suits—handsome goods for summer—The bargain
of a liletime if you find your size.

UI. OfT nu* (Br.l. *• Meil

and aw at tbe rod I
K*w VeiS TUam.

at Mat* of anbaiipltaot.

Hiuaoni op W.aia an CriwBBa
Boar, OBlnril tip funroai Onmrawr,
tar kaoBlUptac Ita aklo. bw rbBWiac lb*
lalliiimheu. kw




This Sale Began This Morning at 8 O’clock Sharp


a 3mm il-Tb* faoMl
» tk.




« OeMT iC »Mi *tf. a U Dv*>m
•f Lktakd M« A. r. Battle of B»«aajn»«*CI—

MB 04 «#hlT iopkM cJttM of
HUUaB. OuwiriMiiin DoMk >>m


Bamt hu

Ml cd tttta olty. aad O. a
•r ttoftbiwt far Oaribo. I
(Mtbi. who teat ta
Mooeod that hi vUI aiool »bi
wMoapt—i 00.M. TbUoa«ba.
boaaatoac. h«d foaebt'aad .
alto iM aad It trill br a baty
oUlblovW tbaloarr Wbaa tfc
tor b taaUy arittod.
t that tbi
It vlU ba laM
beard of
___ ________«r 1*00, drourod ttUa
or U. Oartbi iloetad by a BUjartty of
3. K. Uamibiil. lha tba laar

(C Ibo t«rta KImM) •
yaMfday aad or l-a»y attodad by
Lay friaad. that *0 hae Mda ttae.

tiM iB on O^dor M tbr Dit Cm*
•o loacer cooMcleJ with thii Knre ia my war.

jk04^*%ood HaNaSabe


ToanMbaaa^yataoM ««•* rotttm 0aw
O^ireoCMWiAaKkAiKA Kotaavitb

U»i ad Balaiday orolac by i^
hba took oarhollo aetd laMOd of Ibi
odlelM IM aha bad boa a ~
dylac to abat htf a boor.
hod, traa laid to oat boaida bar I

barer wreied «p' wbb t»j ^adaf «f ay Uad.



Lion Coffee

FU!.l.l>W THK CKOWJ) to thhsinreanl n< ■

men** $«it»
Tba faaaral of Bn. flaaadara
ioataa Tbaioday aftioa waa aa of
ba laiaal OTor baU ter*.
A tana

lea; A.B. BlUar. JoaBarUMM. HUI
Imm Tltaa of the rtr« Matl
Ow. WlUlaa Bebartaa. Albart OeatSerai oCoioC* mt
i arlrU made, wurih
Oda. A. A. CttaipbaU. Albatl Orala. Baok rrtaraad yiaurday ffoaa
Tba/aaotal war i
lUbart TtBTla. dea Ballaa. Oaacco mdl. wbara ba attodad tba aiaia
»■«».•« ............................ #4.95
C<»vr'.^Kt I9«a
of W. tl. t
fe to Ui diatrtot. He ti htfhi; naad oaieyad tba ulp
Ony. dr. Bebart Ball, dote "
Id » «iAtaB«a o>d Ui USaHim Bella Hanhall of B
Laitar. Tba>tkiac of
ii non tt>BB U or«lBBtU7 «a«Mra K. 0. Tartly at lafeoOdaM
died u lha airlaM i'riday
ca «lth ttri ofotlBC of
toe. 8ba WM tba oldaM daaebtar of day OMralncrtttin the taally of C H. Hula
thl. ba «** daelarod olaotad by a
mmmb DoRBfk itaBda w«U is Wa*Hall HaabalU eaa ef tba mb abet Tha)aiy«i
war at aly half a boar Sba will tBOboUy imoIb oU aomaa
ad hU BbIlUr and itnMtb Xal„ of a . Oarthi clalMd that ^ by Chartay T. Wriebl ‘bear Boiplra vfaa tbay i
rardlot efoe
' ta*.le.
taHioWeiBato folly twofolaid. H. tooat waa'latalld. aad prooaadad abat I* yaara aca Bar lUaoaa wm
111 BoralBca baalaaaa
worth SIS. SLi.ra* an-1 S1S.SB, ail ai #9.60
IM. vofM trell ter lU* aod of tbi by qaewamnld iroo^li
aurlbatad to tba ttacte daalb of bar Tba Jury xnk tba trom aaaa of MIm BaUa Doaclaa Utl ibliMt
WiTaaita dMrlel aad trill bi iMi to OMpbail froBi tba oBoa
Catliar aad aba baa baw a era
.fUllBBi aydar ra Tba Boat Bay IC ria M. * V K. to apaod bar
anrnnr''~‘~ **111 aon danac bie ooa- waa triad before Jadr- Ob'
r arrr alaer bla daalb.
UBBberOo. at
a-clook Wadaaa- Mia with friooda la ML PlaaMt
lac tana. Be vlU b. oUelod and tba Lalad. trbo 1
aiulSofakin.1, a.icih SI*
Uodariakar Aadaraon aal
<ky. Tba ralM of froai *0.000 to aad ralatlrM la Bli
mdar a rardlot to to»ot of Qartba.
paepU irtn bate the atMot
40.000 foal ef Ion la latolrad la lU
Chiblrct.:* CmUiietc
value* Si*-‘OaupbaU appaaiad tba oaaa aad the
tea* to bit ottorti to aooaa
ad two ttatan lira, ad when hw oao. —------- aMfribwalla ia Btlar- aj. M.B
I to Kinci............................61.65
fOd tof tbewboU dUtrtet -KooorA ajBaata ooart ordMd a ratrlal. TbU laooal waa bald Baday aftoraco.
aay fw Ibr piolalit aad ¥. H. Foi- Iry bla Borsiac a
Mra Adateldr Daytoo. wbe
llayaa. who wboitHad the oar to tbr
ra rpodlBC a few dayo at Bllnr
At tris the Jary retaiaod a
Tba aBoa of d. a MaOoeeb'a fad laiy oo tba facta Tb' Jo^T daoldad
ISTS. Ih^etl
MM'k in (he eiu.
aod Oup bkk
at lha eotaai of BIciitb atraet U fartw of OaaipbaU, which wlU fo- Mdwrad lari Moaday to Jobo
■ebool, loft tbli nwrBloc for bar IsBa
Tbub tbo bwlof tbojary
RcilAMe Dry Goods. Carpet
ad Laaa Braaa.*f*a alarod Taaaday
hlB In tbo oBca for tba bal- wholartalB a abort llM for ftaais
Mb Plaoaut.
aiebt aaata a >ob of barfl
ad aolhtbf Uoiuc
.ed allUe b(tt to da. Tbitooaptioo WM fl»oo »» f**
of tba
iMdoalbM baara lha BMiia of
tba alary for tba attro tlM
Kpwortb LocM of tlw Flrat M. B. rat to lalad thU aftoraooo bal >r bOM ta Mooior today.
The betldlac vaa aniarad Oortba baa baa attoe aaJad»aof obarab ta tba eboroli folara. sod
MlMKabarlne Moon U rialllac In
rill ntoTB at It o-olook mmomw.
Moacb tba ataWa door, aad aecoa protwta.
Bid moale rrore the order ef Tbo «BM ef TloM Priartyl ra Tbo Plyaatb ad other polau la accih
tba Ody to tba oBoa, vhleb U
tba aralnc.
TowBahIpof Ba« Bay wm taka tna arn Mlefalcaaet H*«d The banlaia **1*^ "P**
After a iMproMpto pr0*ta»
Mca A. B Barilud left today tor i
adraortbal aarraa aa a race—■- With tba dapMora of Oynt Bloaeli iB the oraln. fanwoU wordi
rlait la Utad Boplda
tor Oolorado Taaaday it laibUe ■IKika by K W. dUalall ad Her. «. Jadn May;
dartac. tbaday. wllb
local polou Ha Moy aak that It be
bU Macrtnr lo MIm Blaaeba Boaab.
af old abora. Thera waa ao o
ibMlttod oo briota ad ibo dot' '
the diawor, aod aaror U la faot. dar- «Ucd> oeearrod la Ba fall of WB ad
a wordi by Mr. Laaoa. ~ ‘
lay not be cl»««
InfltoalebL Hadlboyobtalaadae- baa bookapt
BoralBC a baair
BoaoMlwaa elaeled to
Tbo CBM of Pblladar I>arii ra
otaa to Ibr Mfa they woold boro farad
Warra Balatery baa com to OopoHr Lwaoo aa third vlor praaldal of Aribar E. Wilaa waa pot or«r
bat Uula batter, ae tbare U ;
tba hwna aad Bmloa Bobortaa to Una ad will probably tooottUdoat mlab for a few daya'
I'br those who ioi’C .a comfortalOe plac« to sleep.
M«ra Ibu a few doUan thara
E. M. WllliBBMia wal to Oarp
wh« n ihrv selecl a llf*Jro«m Suite .Am! Rood Itrddini!
Mr. Iftboeb aad MUa Roaata wan
ef ereri.
Isko Ibla aaonitBC.
left Iba olty. The loNca dooldod to
from <nir line stork.
AoM A. Mannr
««»»•* •
Tba Iblaraa bowoor. aooraa a bo* allad to oanlaea at Wlu<Uot. Oa
Prof. W. P. Needham will lave to.
Mr- troB Fiuk H. Mann* «
of •ablBf Mkle. oalalBioe laadara. Ida. Oetobar. k, 1*00. by Bar. a a lara to tbr <
II. .Imt.m Siii'.-s in elm. oak. mah.>i;;iny.
KTOuda of dooortioo aod oa-apport.
Uao. IroUart. aad abat 100 fllr- Biad of that plaea. Tba wlUMaaea to Kortliport borluioc Jono ta
A doera wm caiaad In iLo com of
tba Mtanay wan da^aa Ollvar ad
Mr. MeOeaeb daaply tafiola
ra or at YtMilaail dBriny ilioaan
After tbla ooiIbOm wm dlrpoood of iay RBMllra WIlUaBi Kaaiell. '
IM. U tbr Iblaraa waU aly brlae AmIU Ollrar. Tbay did not Irara ttMM pnaat taraod acala to
(Toudi teinic deaanla aad BM-i
tba olty tofOber ad did Bot ntai
Frank Wolta a It to Smih BoardOdd Hrr-ssr-rsiin-lni. Ash.o.Ak. nialioi*
locMbar. 00 that at tba Hioa a oi plouTO of tbo orainc- I'*
ud wafon war* oerrod.
apd white t iiamt k Sro. S17. Bif
oil wan lakM in the obm of
that tbay wen Biarried.
loan OMklln ra Warru Oeaklln.
tot tba Iblaraa Ml two r>od redi Mr. Bloeoh left tbli Btoralat for Adallfbtfai I
ttaadlae b^lad tba ofa. TbM Mr.
tba rariaky abowor itlra Maday
i> in.itch dti.s,t-is, ill all liuroBMlB
MaOoash wUl ke^ai bUiattdoa
boa kooplBC beoMdorlier (alliaroror Boatlr Uoloo ttraol. by MIm I^lrla.
n Uabtni.
tlBOe bar BOtber-a daotb toiM yoara HIM HyrUe Oardoar ud Mra Ana
Chin,„,i,-.sin oak »ilh or .Uhool n,i,.
oca Bb* aay Mb bar baboad to RoMor. ta boor of MIm Btta O-Maal.
HartiaatH. Jua 11-Tba dultia
ror. MS. $l.^ ^lO.^S. ami.........................
Aboat *0 friooda of tbo brldo lo ba > tba Knot qnotla of oxponaloo
will pnlsMy not te-mobed by UxTrcvsiws City kdarKsisBolb Mr. BBd Mra Bleaeb are woM
laaoet. ad tbr aralnc
Kverythinu in Springs an.l Mattn^ssis, iiji
. ilaroport ramaOoupon Wear
ksowB aod ooh baa BMay triaada
blannlal roriaw of MJehlca MaoaCay of each week. The Herald le not
wbo wlU alia;lB bM wlaliat for
B«i wan tire otdar of the ora- booa util anna tine Ulo IbU oftoronalble tor Ohansea In pricea.
ta now teltiK aricaed
l-’cather l*illoti-s. p'-r pair $5.00. S3.S0, $2 ;s.$i.oo.
rola the Bapttat oboiobad bytbaPermanoe. la which tb< Arot prlae. a a Ibo floor of tba
Men iaibalrowabaaL
Iba apiUaaao wbtob baa puotoaUd
A Urea Baaber of Iba
tba roBrkt of tlie apaakon ladieataa
m teieUa O'Hol. Mra
bath hlra aad both MeM of tba Mm- ebarcb waa eallod Meoday r rali
that tbo two Ihlnla maioriiy roqalnd
wBeaa wen proarat at tba Bapttat eonaider tbo bmUot of eraellac o new O'Nal Tooalnd the booby prior, a for Oomnador Boyata'a broader
abarcb at tba BOrBlac
baUdlnc or romodaltay tbo proaat Ua wirlatle aad iMtia
plu will ban a dlOall
I boaae wm rory laattUy doeobr Bar. W. T.
Mtara Than waa a iteerd attadnine aqsoealnc tl
a Iba aablaot of ■■Oharl>0 of the noMboraud the proponl nlrd for tba lany. ad darlaf '
AU bal 1* tau o' U w: Ip the
rwMdol tbo pleaat balldlnf ae- erulnc dollotoaa nape paeoh waa sla aro nproMtod ■
aad F
PariV-” Ba took bla irxt
the cnal
MMtf tbadrtt ehap- wrdlBC to plan mbalUod by &■«»- earrod from a lam a»-Cl*« !>«»>**> CatberiaK. ad a
i tor Bo,nbowl nadar a bMatlfal bewar of MlPannUflM
MT «. B. Wait waa dlaoaaatd at e<
la*. Latarlatba cTMlac. "•daoa'i ten aod ozpanalrs ad tor Raoordar
ildrfablo lenetb. Than waa i
ta ram.
Farcrilo" la otoaa ad bm
In faror of oroetlnc ai
{sal. Bheold Wataon fall to dotal
n U tbatr offllettoa, aod to keep tlfoly BOW bulldlof. hot ibU wald cakri were aerrad.
axfsulan. it nama likely ttert ba at
■aalt annMMd fna tN wU. ■ ■
larolro a rxpmaa of from CM.000 to Huy teaoUral pmaU werr raalr- laaal will win oot for n-olactlon.
Th« Bdst la Mom Sat^»lhctory
Bar. WoodhoBM ^aka of olMriky. MOOD, whteh la non thu laay of od by MIm O-Haal.
Boysta wlU te n oUetod pfM«
ibon fool Chat they eu lake
Tbo omployaanf J.W. Mimka'a
■Ion ad otben wbo hare baa Itaen
WM addraattac. aad aifad that
ap at proaat
Tba oarontlon at I* o'clock adebBrily ba tieai a nut of leva, aot a R. Walt
dartne tbc pact fear yoara. can a Rnnod for two bars Battle Orok

ta MB^ the raolplaka dopaadwit
Modaltnc of tbo moat ebarcb ao- fanwrll rooapUoo In Ilia baaaBiMt Of and Bay City an eandldaiat tor tba
eerdlac to ptai draws by F. B. (bo atore Mceday oTMlnc. la besot of 00*1 oMTootla io iwt. with Ibo auBal ha arfod M ■
After tba Baltrr '
a BIoa.'fc. who U loortnc for Ool- Umat In foror of Ibo later.
». The rralBC waa o drUchtfal
tba tbli the Bead of parity,
I at ooBo Irnctb.
■■Winltm tnuB lha world. Hamid lottad to tbo noUaolon of tl>r cliureb, ooa. ad :
Battoof Bay. iam iO-Tbo Bne MW
IbM ttaoM MOBMnal torrioot oapba- to Mbodl lha Ida propOMi to tba
■ Ibo Una Adoliotoof bolel. tba Ueealer Part. U now epa
Beaten aad no what ea te daa In boeqoct waa apnod In the orpat doalaod lha brllaf In
tbalttw Bonibo nalltyof the fa- lha way of tairia foodi. Ttir re- anBMt of the blf atora. aod U wm
mbMld the aodelioc of Ibo ohareb aeoordliic to InU boor wba the isrty dlnwrood. Uauterbaa apared-bo palna oor o*paoB te make the botol all that eald
bon yaan afiar parity.
te dmired, ad wtll ba rody fiesi
TboMoMrlal nrrioeaof tba For- to »10.000.
alartala bla caoau 1> the
Wba olreali eoart
MMa ooMimd attbalr talLoada
bM poMlbla maoBar. All modarn
■dm Maday attar*
amallat oddnaa. fall ef pfoetkal
l-lt lo-ih
iBoloded ■
“ ^
A loMl Medial Booloty
the ooart room waa wall flUed. lha
taatdilnc*. waa flra by Bor. I. P.
I of ^ DOW boatalry.
iiad Tandaiy oi a tonllnc called adiaau teiac larinly (
$1.50 bui's a Misses' line all solid Kid
at tbr oOw of DC. A. H. Holliday, i
.. total apa l.aarinc the Bartbrphyal
.-OMadaoeUK Ibaptlaooor, 1b
Shoe. $,koaod$>uv>hCbild’sftiie Kid. all ntid
vm MiOa,'* ao~rd.
otaaiof tbo olty toiac praaal
the Uttar dealn they wore aot dlapValtar Baird of Wl
A. H. BolUday wai taade Maporary poUtod. bot tbay will aot (o( to bear
Shoe, l-'or school shoes tr>- the Ma>f‘r Sbor: they will
Tht aCorti of tba paalon a
ebalrma aad Dr. O. B. OAaaa h-m- the erldooe U tlio OBM atti aast the olty.
Marril Bolrd ia ta tba olty today •n-*-**'- third rowi. onidiBiM .._
petBiy aoenlaty. It »*i roled le September. M tba pottUa of the danot rip. Ask to sm a Wrt WVather Shoe.
kto Mtoblia M. B. ooeiaraea ko adopt a eeaittotta and by.lawa aUal looM tor a oalUaaooa waa frutod. CroBi OrawB.
........ .
Hr. and Mra Ftaak OaBaatt
ba baU ban la BaptoMbat. U worthy Ur 10 Ibon of ll.a Decroil Medial
of *0 Mat oodlal apporl. ftoai tba Ualo. with aaeb rbaacaa m wen
hU pla to Ibo eharr- of anr- OnwB an U tiM olty today.
Jamaa Knont of WillUomtef* wa
TtaroraaCiky la tTT—T te atept It to leal oadl- dor acalaiC els. bo ttmwwd tbo efleet
KU harr u enneo otaadiar U »
. BUI to lall b4>Pir IB |ar Ml la aa.
torlaaBlo la harin bra aalaelad for
of bla caflaemat Is awbitarnkip, Is tbo city a IbiIbm today.
Hm.'Frod Wlckateig of Elk Ba^vlitttcubatal aad elUaainmtaUy adaatollowa:
but otl.errUo looked cool ud aa
ad ieAleid-allj «iu dmbOlM ttko PiMdat-.Dr. A. 8. Kowlay.
dlatarbod aa br did tbo day wha te idf ta Tialtlnc Mra B. 3. Tba
prtdi to aMlny la atorti
Via preatdat-Dr. H. H Andar- WM amaled obaimd with tbo erimo.
Eit-'Uaraa of . BIk Baplda waa
U Ibo olty today.
Baorotarr-Dr. O. R Ohaaa
(M Ibr niklB, alnwd, aaiard. wll
a read by I
a M. Hainr of Fife Imfco U U tbo
Troranr-Dt. O. J. KbmUbA
wla atead to amka hit plo. bo raTba fellewUc teiatna obartar bob>- ■padod.lua flrmad ateady.nloa. olty today.
A. A. BMlea U to tea olty today
ken: Dn. O. J. KaoaUad, A. H. ■•NMKBlIly. ttr.” Wbaartodlfba
BolUtey. H. a AadiBaoa. H a Gar- ted aaatad eontel ba aald te liad. Ml Sanaa Bay.
W. T. Soasball wMt te Lathe
8. KowUy. A. U BoaraU
aad qaleUy took bia atat. t
Tte Onod Ttarora.- DiHricrOraw
a. W. a Meoo. F. P. L.
Tbo attorney* for tbo
Dr. E. L. Aabtoa. Dr. W. T. Thirltan. W. a Uoa. B a Mloor.
PatohU ft Orotaor. npnaatod by W.
IMb.-------- ------------oawUl te a
O. a Obaa Dn. llol- P. Crotoor. Mkod Ikot tte oa« te oa- by ud Dr. 4. A. Saydar ten com
Ma S. 8. Ofay. Snnlaiy.
etanb worfcan praaal aad than an Hte.y. Oauaa aad BoaonllBl-Tboap- iinaod tiU oexi Mm. a tte poaod Onnd Kaplda to attoatd tte BiMtUK
low eitUa tanrad with noli a eeatar- •M wan oteetad delmtea to tbo
Of ln*ofltoioo*-*ta»a to lafan tteori- oftte
W. O. aad H. 8. HaU ban rateinad
mm: maaidly tbeaa aioat oaMUy medial BMtUc to te bold la Pori
B the «tU) ad rtfa ef Jac.
kaaated aad of Umr pepaUttattea
Aattaay Worfal of Onad Ha^
B will te of I
a Varietj mt Truet.
bHBdl to tba olty la
te trial
tbo OM pro- U U tte olty a bariaaw aad rtaUlae
ttcod list tba
Tbo blK Irat easchl boro tbli OOOdM . • M poaaibU. bat did aot Fruk Friodrleb.
tUa Ihreacbal tea atam that tl.U U tariac ban awrmetad tbo attaatta of wiata to daprin tba»rl»ar ol any M Mra A. U 4oyoa U U Oraad H^>You want dependable goods. Spalding's
Idiaa rUlt. tonaiilii abat twa
a Inpanal oratra. ap^ ea wb«n tbo Ueitad Btataa Flah O.
hU richto. BO tba ooa went orm.
Athletic Goods arc the b^ to be had ai any
la teUered
wmfca*«ab Um KBlbarlBca oa te aolly
AI tte
and are always reliable. We handle
raUtowt. the Me flab Him ban boa
efteapo^an. liowUOa- -aTwwUr'tteeMda^l
Ml ad Etta Btowb. efaacfed with
Hn-BaitOaien bMCOtetoeaclqaaUty betb m a dolicoy Bad caso aBUwfil eohablMlla. wm pai
Mits from 25c to $4410
iw to oocep* o peritta wUb Bnrwa
Tba fetUwUc ta a latur
Clubs from 5c to$i4»
I whoae work U maad eelnd by Fnd Baefalel fraa Freak
Masks from 25c to $300
TteoMM tef OordaOity BaaC

oflbaMlob- Oa n. WtUUm Otaownt bM boa O. A. HaBBoad Uta OUodo a
lea flab ImtabUc atadeoa. which wtU •attUdMl of ooon. TbaoaMuaprit
U U Mlden peraUMd u It
Boa. 4. V. MilUka tea r»o W>
iBonet Utorait;
of OUrk Oabeta n. Joba
EerteTtlta, Mich.. 3am 7. 1101
W. TrarU at al wm pat
Hr. Fnd BoteteL
FIRST—We win fdl ra Dreo f.ooik die*|>eT.
wltbateaaia. U tea oaao of Jobs T.
Tnnrm Oliy. MIeb.
SECOND—We wfll give jon a Sundanl Hatlem %re with «act>
Minneapolis is the great­
Dear Slr-1 oolM u
Oblboa ra Hobit VUaa. priaelpal
$3 ak of Drew Goodt.
- dafemUat. aad JoMpb 0 Ontoa^to^ est milling center 'in the;
t caaieai offan ten baa
THIRU-We will aeO yoa Silk* cheaper.
world. Its dour is famous
toraad over to ya ad aUood In yar Tte appeal oarn of W. 4. Oiler ra in every civilised country
FIFTH—We wOl teO yoa DMiaa dieapev.
Ite*. CHmll ba baa a dCtettfyUc aqaariam. Han ya lUll |M tte flab EncoBo BtDwo COM orwt by a|
andCcresoUis the sundalin? Oar eammUaUar U ncy aaxSIXTH-We win ten ya Snk W«i*B chaper.
, aa deoa tec rwtorlii appeal
»nl by which other floun
a OM aambor of rialien bM a
of Acnm Enicbt ra WUUtd Erowa.
SEVEjrni—We wBl aeO )oo CarpeM cheaper.
•arily nqntn aemo apmlti prai
judged—compare it
and good hammocks are io profusion at otu
teat tlwy an aleolboad tmi.
and tba appal aoM of tea 4. B. Un|. are
EIGHTH-We wffl mU ya Window Shade* <he^wf.
that WM eaaftai a alien Ubm- a«o ia UcA Oa ra Myra S Bnaaa.
ana by teoaa wbe an to aaaUt.
store. Erety style and color known are to
Matelaae Tte treni appal oar af If. Oba- with anything you have
tea naalta le Ibr cbBteb paeple ladl- tte earalto of MaaklMe oV 1______
NINTH-We win toU yon .Lace Catuiatebeaprr.
be obtained here at pricn most 1
.rtdooUyaod tte cOBBanlly U Unto Olty. wbteb BmaarM r Uobaa I lor Oon va Ttionaa Htetto woat to evCT used.
TFJfTH-We wffl MU yoo CtatbiB* cheaper.
- wfU non tea Jaatiry tte otocto {■!
Well made ones irom $100 to $54x>.
. TtercBM>ttartiaUkh^ that give* belter rallies tba •redo.
fate to properly od ptoaatty a
B teat taralrod two or
J 4.a I .
'Aay iBfBtoallM that ya may ten
tewwoiMMa. r.aayhoa.
arUI ta ^flly nealr^ ^ tte U. B
Tte retrial of tea OatheAUmpboll
altteCeetdawbetoattiM MbaU
Tte >a*y la tte Oon-BhaM aaa
teotoBnefJadcocd PretatoaCLao. iMMOMBty.wBteetopUud alUJB




Cbere i$ Rest for tbc Uieary


* ’ $10.00






218 Troni'Streel.

&!r- •

misses’ and Children’s'


Chat mcars



Frank Triedricb,


O 014 R«H«bU SlKtiMlu



Ten Good Reasons

mben Vou Play
Base Ball

n||W dte O pa rite a ta SM SMi tim.

Good iUeatber Dow for

' l)aitimock$




CM fM BiMafi MMlM tto Jote
3. T««ddK foTMlr of tUi sitr.
wbe bM laM bM «rM oa •
bud ta • IU4 «l»l. b« b-» «•

s 90-c«at tOowed w TUK DepMBk.
UmlM at *hU olty*:

- f¥

I ii i


Mldilcaa Sncafa Oo. waa iiald Frida?
awrslBf. Tba ataln at tba empaa?
WBI IwMr Is lb* pMoa of Bar. ora la a hl|bl? ■aintotar? eobdltloi
JohB r«it>w.wbe ooaiat ft«a> Utiaoii Tba alaocioa reaaltad la tba ael<cwilt arriTa bM ibe laat tloB at tba faUawtat tOaora:
cTtbli Mtbaad «ll)atuaa<
spaa Um work at mialManac M tbr
•Bbw* of tba •ubanb. at i^eai
Wad ba* baaa reealT«d tnu Oo»al,
MWk. at tba dwtfa at Daalel HwiaT,
*-»w et CW B Kamr at thii gi? Clot Baoe hat Mtaalttad tba
ooMtad flfaiaa of tb« taotlMi at
■aaaa teaimut talla ~
eeaatr. a aatlar at Mala*
and TT T«« of >««- Baalda bla aca. tala pa out of taxatlaa Iblim
C. K Hanar of tbU cdty ha laaaai a will ba aboal eitt pa*100 atagaten
Ian ?«ar. Tba toUawiag ara
and aaotbar aoa. Wllliaa A.
tba eaoaelad official dgana of tbe
at liawaid Oitr■ afiteelt?;
riTrt ward .
id ward
Third ward .
*77.»04 !».««
Foarlb Waid
rifth imti
9M.07& l« S&S
Mtaat. Now a aall
baaa auk. ao aaUar wblob lida tba
BtxaM tba

IHOa dno. Oaa ooB aatfaa lor?
baU OBl ta a laitaaneaal than that
awariad. bat tba oMtawai teall?

At Hie BMOttag at tba Ualtbra
Bank. E. of P. Taaada? aiglit il wat
aital? decided to qaad lu da?t
iptag laoM Uor daring Jal?.
PooBOla Palat hat baaa nlaeledac
tha plaa aad II it ospaaled that Iboa

Tba plaa that tba aaaatttra b
depiad aaaoa a goad m and t
baiab«aiac paopla at Tnroaa ttt?
wiU gira a ipleuUd taapeota
arUtUateachurhadaa aloaat
land, at Aroonk. H. Y.. bat wba all
atba ranodla fallad. waaradba

an adraaaad aaga.alta aiad teU woa-

dofml aadldna aad toda? tee It pateotl?walL" Deaperala throat^
tang diataaa ?ield to Dr. Elag’e Hew


Oolda Uc aad 11.00 boRla gaara_
7 to nake tbe oallng ptoauil teed b? 81 B. WaH A Ben. and let.
O. Johan Trial bottla fiaa.
Tba Tiarara gi? Boolara g
aad Normal latkiteu wUl bare l. M. Bhkala ha*e bean appolotad
cmmltua to atooi tee grobade
aad make tbe praUmlaar? arraaga.

Tba Banna man. who Uul? mar.toda alotl?. rich Toaog wotM to

Na'wLltoHltoVb^ ^oterte h«*te
pofal baalte. Intolllbtot tor
' - Jaan•—
t. Para aad
(nmrla O. Oarrar ea Saada? foand PatorWanborg hat talortul from
aad all Lirer —---------»a mlaeUa data at Ue camp oa a tnp to HllwmakM. Hoteegoa. Cblaad HaaUtM and repott a grat troabtoa Oatto bat effaeUra. Ual?
aad be weald give $i
aot in tlw Trarerw gi? roM
to lean orbo did il. Be baa baaa oa■oe'a drag notee.
ng to take ]>toM on tbe tad. Ard
p?lng Vieta Meetagoa'a fiaiaa amp
and 4te of Jol?. He a?t tbe mating
Circulation this week 2,525.
tba oamp aaearel? lacked. Soaie mU- ie being looked forward to willi
eraaat bad pried tba baap off, broken at b? laamlaeot booa ormetm i
eral aearb? oitlea and araral atrlogt
. Ktetaal Kwdl tooK oat bU flut dt- fte OaKal Laba Ualon bat laaod tbedaaaad left It epea. TUtring of fan boraa will ba here.
tauahlp papoa Maaday B»rota«.
tba old Odd PaUawefaall at tba oa- eoold not ba*e been the moUTa. a> Howara, Ur. Wontoug alw fooed
aa at Ualaa and Stale atteat. and flteiiig laokla. twoTltioat and
IlialU anoUia mating in a naorb?
Jalia* etalabarp U baUdiaf an
faraltbad It fa aaioa matinga Tba
toara oooU ba arraoged to follow tliat
wall fras hli a*el« ta tba Mai
•rat mating la tee new plaa wUI aa- But tea amp waa toft open, at
btaak. a didaaet at o*M <0 taat
a entoed. ate ap tea pomtoat. in tela olt?, man? more
tonorraw eraalag. and all daleSeracwl Ohleago bora Pild ap apItaL
gala are raqaatel to be praiat. a
owaara emu- teal if eaoh aa arrmageriaL
alaoMd to ao aiaelleat poalUao ta Uh$14.0M
ratloae will ba began ta a intl- CWB be made earool ortoade of SifTlBS.
baWtabla ooodilioa. It bat
■rat ttada at tha Oadlltoa aoboaU
elabmUea fa laba da?.
tbe wrath of Hr. Cbrra to tan nook ariU be oat here.' a It artll
Dratta iMuaO a
be batter worth while to
Saada? morning wbon Be*. W.
part or Ui
oat fa two loea than oar, a tele
E. Wrlgbl eaload tba efaareb ba
wato baa tbU ait? aad farreai
cit? Ie a ramau from the great roerarpriod to Bn.1 tiira haada
Tbe baa ImU game ■ aad Aald da? tng cuun. la riaw at Uiie
i-».im^ n|d>oUtared polpit rbain
lataiaebaa. Hlab.. Jaat *. ItW- cap?lng tba tronl at tba obBreb.wbieh •pwta of Trarena Olt? High tebool Haa Mr-Wortborg will make ao effen
totera a meeting arrongad JB Bel
ba bad nM bad an? inkling at batoa.
Tba • aacaMa aid daagbM at Mr
Tba Ohrlatlan Bodara aoelet? had roll High tebool. which ware to bare Ulra. aad If ba le
Mia. tHa*k Haad dlad at faroacd
tJl tl.e boraa which ,wlU race btoe
nartad tbe DMwameat aad aaooiad oooorradat tba Twelfth
aaa Imlt of tba earn laqalred. aad
bare, affording a grand
Tha tooalpti f« tb. Bt Fmaelf tba mambara <d tba oborch liad done bean penpooed b? mataal eontant
people In that oelioe to
fa oaa weak. Bate
wltnaa at M fan raeiog' BrarTthlng
what orlpptod at tbe pnwat tlma. le iKwtamliig Anelr fa the meatiog kMitffiiBtlinitimtil
Tba EolgfaU Temptore hare
and whlU CTiartorciir wot rod? to
B 8.BeU. PrOiaiJ; Jee.
raagad a Ana axcaraloo which will coma aad AU tea dam and tba leal bare and teata will ba more tan trottan. roaean and paoen bare than
Had Satarda? will ba Obildno'a toara tbit elt? b? boat on Satnrda?,
laami were toad? to
era appeared In a aortbera Hicblgaa
Oaraaiba foafa. A tea pM
Jane II. Tba boat will atop aa the tee lateraoB at good ipot it wat de­
wUI be Blnw and dkaaar aarrad.
wa? Borth totitertoToix aad Pataka? cided to patpooa tba eraata ta a olt? at one tlma.
■ tha ttaatnan. atiad to and will rooh tha Sao aatl? Snnda?
■be? wHCooBor on Thnrada?
ratag. The a
I at aen weak witbool lalL
M^wOaokb Jabllaalaa
■otn ttera era Saada?. larlng SanBoUi tame will tbne bare a fall
alter dotarr at bU. bate ball olab. Aa? eraalag fa Mackinaw Utoad weak leagw to Wain. aa4.tba areaii
tteWylia tM. The? teal tba tad Tte? wlU toara tea totond Mooda? of tea Said too*, a wall at tte bam
ladlBB taaoi bas aaar Booa ?Mlatell elt?.
will be aomapaadui^l?
B of tba NontorlUe fana and batta.
Now that the sprayinR season is on you want
Bella MUU ntanad ton Batarda?
Cauaern’e Dar Praoram.
good spraying material.
from Obioaga. harlag bad a aaoeaiaFlra of tba tool teareha etearrad
fal haatomm trip. Ha will prebabl? ahlldnn-eta??aBtorda?with
aUa Laba Da? <
appralara Trararm Oil? aboat Jana 181b
irt. baing ailed tbara b? prlata azarelma Tha abarttea ware
mo eoatol to help attto ap wall AUad. and aU who warn proaat
of bto Bwten. who died aejo?od tbr aecwolnn
1( you are io the market for any of these
The ipaelal azarctoa at tba Am M.
The Oart'a Uaioa bald
ton Bapkamba. Mr. Sorrenaea wlU
goods il trill pay >"OU to give us a call, as we
beat afaaat alz woka In tba E. diarata wart- bald to tea arantog.
carry a splendid line of these goods, and caa
lUma Heaari. Norto aad Arthor tba iwogram br tea Banda? ahool
make you rock bottom prices—at
Kbaa tba watt faU oaB'i ilaa.
atae. bto aoa. wlU attend to tea ate tba obareb teoto bring rar? Ana
aawaal alaoUaa at afflaan wUl.aa
At tea Baeend H. K ehoKb tba
rnUUng batlnea at HarrierUla
tea ban rafalar maatlni
. ragmm aru giraa to tea avactog
Trararm gt? tee Ibaaddad dininr- and wat grcall? eB}e?ad.
Tha atMoc NaS. Uaptala Ooo. tian ot batog the tal? plaa la tea
At tea Prab?terian ehoroh i
Ua-wi'taai] at Oiaad Baraa. hna bate
ladl« at tte Oral Dldi Oe'a da* fa tiala to prodaa oocd ituelk Few inmta. ’Roeoa tea Partobtog.Imre girmi a tbeaght to tbe peaaibiU- mdarad at tba tagolar Satea? aofaool
3. a BaM at Maalwaa Thia U Mia M and Importana ot tine
inb trip d tba baabwhleta la d
Tbara wee a Urge attateaitea a
•« te J. g Waaaa tot tte aaad
rpeatol OUldraB’e da? azaratoea.
Bx-Ma?a J. W. I>atehlB laoelrad a
axeallcat pKWfam WM giraa.
Tba deoomiaae at tea Ooegragattoiml ohorte. wblob won pat ap ondrr tea mparrtoKm of 8. Otoafc. ware
ptall? aad affaatlra Tha ootor
Bobama waelwhttoaad giaem. Ora
tba idattam waa aBapaadte a great
Taa baaa ewaadaad aeoapladbr
tmlf elroto of oratfTaaaa. with white
mted aaa tea dato buy Stylish. Durable Shoes lor the
-uniug V from thto. formpat. WH banad la tbe grooad ton
Fourth of,
ranop? affat. Below tee
might. Sappaaad to hare baaa ot la- ta J. J. Twaddle, tormart? {woaecal
nttdllf? eriffta.M there baa baa Ing attone? of tela coaat?. wbo to oo taml-oirale of arargtaeo hong-"'patttiao ctooabiHag ta hare ter mat trial fa altogad fraad to eoana
wilha totedaal at Hantoga It to mid
Until July jth we offer hundreds of pairs of new,
, wblM ate grami. ate tea jwlmai?
Uiai TwoddU traded aeow Waami toad


at Babara. and Boar? Uoibr, etc
MI?, at Bamaire. ara In tha elt?
affiolal boeiaata Tba? ara loalad at
Part Palca. where the? wlU anaaUKtba load larbare who faatra not ?at
tlia aBMBleaU^ alto tbe



Onr Savloss Department

We never carry
goods from one
season to the oth­
er. The time has
come to clean up
the Ladies’ Suits,
and we know
there is only one
way to do it and
that’s THE PRICE
We have a fine as- _
sortment of styles, colors, and sizes how—this
will not be the case in a short time, for when
we cutThe price they move fast. You can buy
any suit in the store at from 20 to 33 per cent,
discount from this date until they are all sold.
This is a m'oney making proposition for you,
as we carry the finest and largest line of Ladies’
Ready Made Garments in this part of the state.
_tll_K 'VA/AISTS — Have
you seen this taffeta silk waist, like
cut? If not, you should: in black and
colors at $2.98.



finest showing of White Waists we
ever had. Beauties at 90c, at $ 1.00,
at $ 1.50, at $2, at $3, and $3.50.

at 39c,

50c, 75c, up to $4.00.

J. W. Milliken.

Farmers, Attention!

BUIE Vim nns eRSi,


Rere is
Vour 0bance
aiaii Btlom Rtgular Piius.

itaad ban Ttaarmla? la laaka pn.
fa tte aptaiv of Foton Ledga
OMork Tte ptoa baa baaa gnaU?
baaWAad ffaiing tte pan ?aar aad to
moa oufartabto and pantlar
■aoB than era._______ ^
Tte tetogatoa tram tee loot Ara
irpaimmt toft Taaada? fa Hoitoad, wham tbe alaae eoaraat
•awtaaonUm. Tbe toeal rapraaaaa«vm ara Ohtof Raaato. 3. W. MIUI
tea. Jaeob Fartaoh. JaliotJohaam
ate Aiban Patert?L

antom at tte Datratt Madtoal dapanmmL Amoag tea gmdaata wlU ba
Umla Wabba. fomarl? of tell etc?,
wtewitlgn hli degra tram tee da-

tote Bor Hattoga. and tbe
I to tbe dolwae a« mttoSed
With tba trade. aUagtog that tea toad
ad era mleraptaoaud m ‘
Y. p. A C. K. Xtoetia.
ttet fmod ted been aaed to tbe traa
..laamimaaaalatoottooaf offiaan
______________ s
of tba Friaada OhitotiaB Bndoara ao
■fc of tim Salrattoo trmj
lhieolt?WM dueoattooed obool ti ctot? aaeairad Saada? armtog ate ra?orai«oBad aothlag baa been daoa mltaOMfaUowat
Praridat-Oharia N. FraakUa.
to rarlre toteran to it. Now,
Via praaldmt-Joba Tramaiaa.
bawara, aa effort wiU ba made
open tell Aald and OapOain DezUr of Ootraapoadlagaagamiy^Ita Wtol
ante Baptoe to bora lo oendael the
work. Hatlmte ara'batog held oa
nieeli arar? eraaing and a hall wiU
aecored. Ctoptala Daztor
OBargetto aad baliara Ibal teera to i
I? bcre now to eacora mai
Laakoat-Mn. Bartba M. Fteatog

a B. Ba?B0tdtet laiand hai
amladtaatlaw bto uma ta oota
fan tea togtotoUTa eoarraUaa fa Uia ate WlU aatarmto at tbr Botal Wbltt tea eoGaUa of tog bllUaid raemi temorew aad Fri­
m ate Btaria fa tea rapabU da? areatog. Mr. Shaw will pla? 100
at Ihtra but WUUida ate Jaalor-Oarria H Wood.
Mz. Ba?aettatowaUkBawii.abtoaBd 11 ball! a ao eeoat at peal wite
wtU taaalra araag mppart,^11
a Bar. B. Howard Brawa
Mtoa Bdllb Baid taa baaa alaelod
Md Hn. Blriaa Iwwto waa a]
____ iBai Mr, Btew _
ta a Aaa poittoB to ter Am grade ef
I trick teel of tea waU
tea Urate Bapldi ateaoto. wUtob aba
tm blUtorda.
aomr ot
will aaapl Bba wm atorud la a pemttaa to a mbarb of Oalamrl.
tea baatd tbara warr ra? aas
arm dtaarminad, ta aaoara ba amha pare,
Ttoaa. bat aha daettoad the pealttoa.
larg ter gradmira from ter Ual- batog a tnri aitatetog fram tea H.
rateW «• Btobigaa teto?aa ara Frad * B. B. prapari? aar the d .
: ita teora. aotb to a polal br?tmd
O. Maaaea of tbto alt? fram tba mad­
toal datartawte Tto?
Jaokami of tba old tetogto mill. Ba wUI ftal tea
Otlra Wmoa.
M^SaU fram tea lArj dapartiM, Ool IL Mb. fdftal? of thto
ffit?. bat MW * 4Sr Itea. fram tea
■tehml ^T-n— ate Om Frtod-

reliable shoes at special cut prices.-

$2.5d SHOES for men and women

Only $2.00
Only $1.50
$1.35 SHOES for roeq and women

We of the Crockery Department tell yov "A
ly tsrindow
heap." One glance at our down sUtrs display
will tall vnu a part of the story.- Come up stairs
a few
moments and we will show you some of the ^
■ ■ fancy

' plates, gold band bowlA
souvenir in
old letall manner of shapes, with "Traverse City" in ^old
>g cups,
ters. wrought iron candle sticks, glass measuring
fancy vases. large janfiniera. Japanese lacquer work and
looking at
hundreds of other fancy novelties. While lookin_
these see the other new goods in fancy china, silverware,
cut glasi and ebony, always the newest in these beau­
tiful goods-

Of every description in all these different lines. Ster­
ling silverware is always most appropriate. Just un­
paged some beautiful articles in eut glan. the hand­
somest we have ever carried.

We will sell you ch<^ of sets of our eoonnoas stock
of handsome 8. lo or iz piece Toilet Seu at 25 PER
rom our already
eatremeiy low
* "-------------*

Only $1.00
These are the best shoes you ever saw
for anywhere near tbe price.
S1.3S LOW SHOES for women, easy and durable.

eut to $i.00



$jjx> SHOES for men and women



SHOES for women, dean up of Several kinds.

Remnants in Brwssels. Velvets and Ingrains, at jost ooebalf. io many cases enoi^ for a smalt room. Be
among the first that day. Tbete goods won’t last long.

eiil to 75c
65c SHOES for children.

' em to 50c


$ij»SHOES for boys, szes 11 to 13.

eut to 75c


Rva ■ TK mam PIANOLA

every day until further notice. Con­
certs will be given in the Furmtofe
Department on the ground floor from to to 11 a. m. and a to s p. bl and arc
ei2^y free. You are cordially invited to hear tUs srooderM toKmawnt.

And hundreds of other bargains going at proportiooate
reductions in price.

Jllfred Ui Tliediicb

Ahnys the Best OffiUlttes. always the Lffweit McAs.
The Old Suod
Opposte HenU Oflice

B orrw, fusiOM.


itr «f rala MM »aak.

Hn TbOMa LaM and aaUd ad Lo-


n WMfelv ia T»*m OU7.
Mmm GU»7 ti «aMMlali« thi


to aaa ptoae to toe baMaM pma at
-Caac tbma wan meaa ttom a
d ooaliM to ttaa waUtof la
w ter toair perlebtoc temlUto.
Mia OlBBT rlMud Mra OmU* cm
A oalqna aaeBoa toM wn baldal
M ba onr hU tnrk. whUa drt*ba( Tallow Birtafa Ohio, wbaa tba paada
Willar tpmt MM 8u*v at Hr. aadHn J. HawlUofT
*a idlaa far ttaa BM|dn MdO Cd Bn at tbe tom Hllllam HaOaBaapb were
namtra betdga.
Olcr ridtad bar aaraata aod al
eiv^no-gh «aa a inblail
MlM LMlM BimWr eaUxl m Hn. ad^ ber BOtCr on Hr. Pt
Hn R. a BbMtiMa vaa nUad to
OoM Thandajr.
r.'and had M aoHaa to hM aaloitn ooBmpATtoa.
Hiaa of Ibam. flUU
Hn. Irrta Difitj ■« tat* TlMMd
UTlaltlaa bar noth'
Hn Sncv ooa dar OiM
atoe. aaU for ID eanu aoab, aa
AltMBoaihU harlac
AUMBnltb at Poaeli «
Jaadarad 60..... 1.4.
Ornaami by prl'af al tba fanaai
t ^ B°^n
U at«
of toa Boon Paepeld Htoblar, _
PtoaltoMd'*Zito aaefaJtoS
ymre Md. Mmt aad kUlS Otear a.
ban eempellad to irptaat toair
M Tlcuo. Htoklarton
toa tm pMattop tortap
ymr toimad a toad M hit aabeel talWantomfiMnlml. T'. BMwett; lowt, win wyn pMdped to fappart tbe attoar ratoad by tba oMd wntharor
CSrE3|P^P{ 1''>>*>tn.-K<>.lpur«<m-Iti.Anrlet:antrait, nublr to onki. SmI. a bar
eommlttoc an tropam. Hn B- B. Beereaaee. '
ranted eat by toa bnry rataa
|mM fer >•« 4aa«btK Rabr.
nulWriiii.U.v''in..'-i Itol, 1 ni.*le watdi vHh lan.liomc fob; hOcoTnrana
millaVUMB Borad Mat vaaktraa ..jndabafeao ItarlBf foe tbatr bane Bbandau aad Hn ^eiiatpa.
dkl tiuptiwcc. lit 1.K w»i to nuke 1 («i.. lime liefe ami tlieti puna <« the veiphj oC tor nek to mu
, H.TI ana way.'to.» roaad trip to
rua Lake to hU bcMlicc Bn'a piaea. at
VIn.low, .\ ^;ue*^ Wiili eicn }iurrha.e. m. i.iiUer how Unpe or cuuUI —j-mi ouvdic a wtoncr.
OtaDd Bapida
TnaenaLbal hie tUpbt waetolaroept- iObieapa. Haala aad bertb laoladed
' Oasna Piam. wtio baa baaa tU1(HlnLUaiaBMaekataft for TiaV'
ad aad be wee breapbt bi^ Tba — ——ten LtoTr Tnveae Olty
kta Hmbm Robart faraancalno '
ena Oltr tbta moralaR *M tbe Oaa- mnitl faM hlpb, MTaa Sna rlew
boyMnalattM-mylap; "Imali- '
ant after apeadlac > lew ,dart wia
m., 1___
my aato oatil death aad iDmaIn
irUtlToa ban
pmoB dewe
Mbar.^bMt Plana.
> toe Beer amtil "
pan Ltoe
Hn R Oeek of nararae Oitj u bmeh, wbara--------Mr. nd Hn OloMt Plano atari Iba
Tbe itotoraMb of deppoaa. who hae
F.A!*Hlmtoll. O. P. Apt.
Ihlawnkfor WlaaesalB. wbara tba;
Oaaataftom. Apt. H tf.
t£a U loocaa. al
If daaaltop too popaMee ;by hie orien­
Hin Hair Kaicbt apnt Bandar a* Tnama Oily.
Clothiers and Hatters to His Majesty, the American Citizen.
tal fptandor. Bla toppapa. wblob
team M 46 faM to Mapth. —
amooBtad to over POO .pMeao, waa ptl124 Front Stroal
Travaraa Clly. Mich.
Miaa Habal OInlaBd apoat BM- BTaaiallnl iMiitrb ...w<H.a>Ua afnr. alao a namada far tba Snl aad ti
if Dcoriy aa torp* aa
aU er«r Iba decU of a qtaetol
aaoa, deaa 16. alba'eloab; aad}^aa Vldtory Meetric ear. wblob It
of etode ttOM for pMaM, town pi
auamer wlJab broapbl tba '
flam CMMla, U took bit hlph' tamblaa. tl will teal 90 pmoo*.
Steam power will be oaad la proprll
.d by lUv. B. Holar ol •omt farertlx aatoer. There an alia
in aarraatotwo boaii to
Tb.' 17 yearloea.i* lm<e t'vd
arybody eerdlally toa^ erpaa to the booae fat th
tram tim ablpta tbe there, aaaa top a n>e Mobtoe will be completed PhlladelftoM la pnwt uamter. ■
toaa they belnp allowed la toaefa '
a» bodlap opra air eoe.^vto.
A Fine Line of
Wart wiU aonmnna thla wa<
tha maaea wort aadar tba oboni
toe Ualtad Btatee to toe ooraattaa of
Her. 0. H. Daim of BaMoata
Hln LelD Holaaa with aoow trkada
Klnp Bdward. arriTod: to Lendae
Baook Of tbe 800. tola week damaaa- early Baatoy moratop. Ha wot ant
tniad Itotltbey poaaaat pood ■
at tbe elatloa by J. Plerpoet Hoatoa. end to naob uoud^br
........_.lyoaa boa*
While eamptap eat with a tarty oa 'Jr.. Edmaad Xdaaolo Rayllm of Raw efeerrtett
to bameal
bafaco MbtIbc for Toanta, w----' bowel
Char arlU make tbalr bana for a fav Tond tonUtoa«toar«bhalldla»°d tbe TabqtomaooB rirar. tl>a7 atartod Tcrk. aad Hm. Hatmera. tea of Baaalar Waoaore of Kboda lataad. who tbe MByotocr ailmtawaad aeeldn
eaan Tba Maotrie pUnt U wbleb abac to. .Maar bad to»r-H«to
ooearinp peea to tbe an
A Full Line of
Mr. Haaalwuatweri M balac
a amall dc«. wbleb aoon daMrnd laM
There la aaly c
ed to tbal pMaa.
to.' wood! aad bapaa batktop loadly.
pal op a*^SM2*toal wlj eoM hoM Tha todlaa toapaottof aomMbtop an tmjneloaa .Brook Boaee. wUlto u eet Patoklllar. Pmry Darla.- Heware of
Hn anna win kaop-tioaM
apart tor hM aao.
•iVOta tiigD.
Same time tola week the aaw poalal
Tba P. M. baa a MW oMfk. Hln naaal. followed tte aalmal. aad die
Hn X. u. Indi tea nam
ooTcred that toe dot l«d at toy a btoi nrd. to be oaetolly kaowa aatto lallabonr Uat l>r. Tbomo.-!
balp of a rmai lady ban KU Bi
laotrloOll. A call Uae Irr. Tboan
HMtHary Baadaraed hn Mfttlia eab. laettod of haMltop bank, l>ow ■HoEtoley" card, taartop Uie par- F.elec«rie Oil Al yoar drapplata.
nit of toa late pmaidant. will M- ee
erer. tbe todlee reaolrad to ei
—______________ja blaely daoerbrato. which they did after aeiM
ly work. TlM- oab waa brotbed dowa
from toe mao with a ctab, a npa wa
Tbata tna act baaa for r«an aodt a

torown aioaitd him. aad bla baarabi]
&a* panpoM for ball aa than U at thcTH B. ebanl..
My Prices are the Very Lowest.
Three vocoeiS were patalM tbreapb
tba irtiiat tlaa. Tha traaa art to Hn Ra raor waa 80 ynn old .laM wu eairlad to mmp. wbara It already Fiatbaab areaK tome dlauacr apart.pood aoadltloa aod baaboMWorw HoBday. Bar frlaada paya ber a aorTto Mat oar. vbo vat tbe t»>nri
aodwaaraqalM eaaUaat that Ibaaa rtaa.
wbateraaa arohard tola yaar
Joa OteBberUla U al bla pMra
iMilbeaUlewalk. Sbe picked It up wllb BSna&T cu, tUKaim m Mew VmK «J)
ban a pood crop of bait.
acalB la tor K. « P. H. depot.
of a peeallar aooldaat that U re- a llUle paap of fuy. vblcb wea oulcAly
panM aa mlraealeoa tat Bot attaad- cUndaveybyalookofdoobl. Thla
ed with faUI reaalt. A mao ear. ooa- VM eurceedmi by a eliib of drtenalaa
Bar. Hr. Darla, toa BraadaUn. aod
Tlieie it a tul*>(iala ol laluL- -ii I'l ~
latotop W BUS. wae totop belated ap boa. aod abe qolckyj^ ber ttepa until
the orrrtouk tbe llruuue la front of
•hlpment wai made by Hand ft the toim UnilsiMeil aiili me l.n -uli-l
diB IlaiT. llotMan Bobcol boy.
pal naettoct
ber. -Here, yon dr«pi»d thlt“ abe Oorrow and it tolaedad aa the Ar*t of and earhaibir. Tlir nun aln.-tu the! Iu» ordered a fatimUle rejiort a
1 lb wbo WB. to l>* ral-dlatortoa
of elcvptod at tto aaitaea. tbroapb taid.
haraai treaaa
putilop tbe bill hurriedly loto Iba
Iboamoda to be need iu realock- liiissihililic^ irf till-, •miiilti aii.l n’l..>|bi
III rlaw. dle>l (ran oceratady and
mlatakea aipaal it waa oairlad ap to wouwa'a band, aa If abe f«ar«d ber
top tbe depleted reldu at Soatb Atri- ha* tonic ulea o( ihr icUinc »'«Ui oi ,r
Mae MJIItaimi .'HecbNi t
ry HI. dlpbuaa wn. baried arlto
u pleeat attbatopof toe itoft purpuae would weaken.
a a Browa asd wife rialto.! J. L.
Uml in carh leition will rciii,;rii/i- the pr
to Wa*mi
Waiaan' paaplaat BIk Rapldi toa 8rd
Tba entlra party waa damped Tbe eecoito women took It meetoaaadctou
from Ibare ant oa too rook pt>4 hat Inlly aad atarted U
earyo of (iliMntitdaa oo the atmmHn Bhaat
toa SrM
ec KaTaOB. wblob Ina jaal arri.ed
BU blew oat till. froiii Unto, wea toe ImpeM rtft ei
an raooad where each hat
InOouarM rietBap Wn. Pbalpa
nc imeteslcd.
wife'a hmiK.mi akiap her for a l4r. twrud from Ui.- laMnd
Btotoar Pray aad wifa attaadad toa toe coat. Only a few yeara ape tba -ll'e mlue" and coolly took It from Ibr
pUr. I bi. Ii tbe *eocod tnpedr to of 7.n*> Inrrel* aad to.Mi eimlei
Oaftla Aopartoa aod tanliy ■
^aMMta' naettof at BU Ra|<tdi
a Inalaaea happtoad al Um OaluL. C. BRYANT,
aa wbo waa pnltlop It In ber
n Olaa Haraa Mat wtak.
ft Baela mine aad atoa mee wart
toon plae applen
Rcuuns 6tH -2 Ni-w Wilhelm IH.i. k. toe Uiully wilblu a uoeth
P Tbe two were xUrtap al each
Bant, to Mr. aod Hra Jaan HUaca
iaataally klUad. aoma of them batop other at tbe poorly dreeard vi
ca. Hay tod. a daa«bMr.
eat btodloap down tba abaft maay walked on. “1 wonder If It really waa
WUUan iriMea baa hU aaw baan
not mine aa moeb aa aoy one A" aba
Ed OopatoBd iBiaad bit barn Wctl- laadrad fcol below.
Tba child of Oaorpa Phllllpa of mid.—Kew York rreto.
Anooc toa aanbar tiiat rltltod Blk Oranil Raptda foand a box of bindid aobi- toblau wtore aaotbar mambar A mao may be almiily mollub dnrinp
Mlf^ Hn Martoa Serlay, Hn Janaa ■If toe family had left tbM. and apoe bit UrrHme. but to the obitnary 1
WatMM and eblld. Hn A. 8. Pnr eatlap aereimt of toa tableH wai tab- It U alveya aaM that be bad tbe
CteWUUaaa lor tba rat
and eblld Paal and Bytoe Brown.
Ml rloteally ilL Tbe eblld waa mkeo
Jaaa Wanar aad family rUlled at
lllea to tto
toad Wanar'a PMday.
omre of a doctor wbo waa obllped to
OUbort Pray mat with a> aoetdaot work teraral heart bafare Iwpoaoaa- Tbe men wbo bvnowt meoey borwblM ptoytop ball Batarday. to try. aad Iba rlatlm aal at da^m.
row* iroDlile. Tbe meo wbo Mode
For bargains for our customers, and to keep up our rt-putalion for furnishing the best goods for ihe least inontop bo oatali the toll ba pat hb fan
money doeaD'l need to borrow treoble.
popetaper oat of Jotot Dr. Taiiatekla
-SomerrUlc (Uaaaj iemai
CJ-. We ftave got it liown so fine now in selling the large .amount of gooils that we do ilioth wholesale and re­
Mr. Md Hn Joho McDomU eoM- dtimd toa waaad.
toatodtoabcaldMwad^ ton Bat­
tail) that you can buy anything you want for your house ne.arly as cheap as the small dealers can buy.
Wbeo A iM man neUeeo tbal bM
or^. Tbaro wareabealleRyMt- latl^Hto., a»:TUIltocfi
wife enria bee hair ooly Joet befoec tba
mkmt MBBraerawaaldlnTaUkad
»-eallbar Bobart riOa in toa
■ oM alek
to bora baaa fdoaaat. baF atraan.
band, of Bd Oepe, aaotbar lliumaa.
Dtato ramiMd from Inleriial bamerri, aad waa qalta aaaipeatod.
Oopa la aomptetaly pnatratad orar
evtij tine, high grmle rarragev IVc Umght llieni at a lurgsin
The three piece aolul oak bolriHun suiln that 'we kU, one *lt htoa mple onleama of ttoaoeldant.
.11I miiiiMi
hirniUi ytnj one
me ai
at jum
just aUml half }<v-c.
(dr $13.76, one «)V far $18, one style far $18, on.1 oar wdul oak
J. B. HMolaad tot eomplatod klia toaapb Bb blame la atMebad la him
AH Steel IVagcm* he llic boys.
drenen tlial we teU one MyV for $7.76, oac style for $R.7.'. an.1
wall for
Kaaoedy-a hooaa.
far the :nafeRBBata aeoarraoca.
With • 5^
tVe hate a large line of them and
ooe fiyle far $9.76: there are but two com-rras this side •>1'
twalre ynra Vaparbad baaa drieer at
the) are all steel; HH2U mh boa,
Kx|nils that can buy as good suites or dremcn one centres*
heat wapeo Km f. aad waa Iba btorl- Ho aead 10 keep It ap.
■at Bramao to toa Mate. W^l«U0 Doan'e Bldoay Pllto will ear* yoi.
7 and I« inch wheeb far HOc.
1 handle the quantities,
than we scD you these, because they c
Ttarmne City people eadetae thla
12.24 iiv'h Un, 4 inches dee{>, K
Otreali Men li da
as the)- can run but taxtiDear an- aa Bnauroa* mad bald
lalMI Bttoiay to Jana MMfw week.
an.n2tn.hwheeh.i« >l. Hs$K
tr any rhfx|ier than they
Hn R D. CampbolU of Jit Park
Idtaa'i day to toa H 8. ahanfc. Hr..Ootoataad wife aad Him OoMtaot.
inch laii, 4} indies ftee)i, 12 ami
rwmadmmHMa aawtoiawttoe mat of Oblcopa, oirirad Hoator.
can one. 1 n order to i;rt
Pllto are aa azeeUeel remedy for
IC inch wheels, good IWg one,
the iirire and freight rates
[e they da to prowtop 1
Hr. aad Hn Bmartowalte of MaeTton will ba aa •
Mlaa ace to town toU weak.
$l.r><i. Airreal big feUow ISaan
■top toam down. And too
they man t>uy arailoail,
. They roUar^tb^
It la toe loSattra tore to
\m. r, indies deet>. Hand Is
nr. or 70 sititcA
to Trarant Ul^, ralar^ boom toa
inch wheels, far $1.78.
SrM at too weak.
Here i» one nf the l*rst
Baa. Hart daltrarad aaa of bU ai- Tto aleaattr OnakiiM oalMd at thM
lurgains e'er oflere.1 in a
aalMat MWaaai ItotBaatoy. Hlatoxt pert
toon time; tbea dlmoatiBae tbelr nee
nice ilining table: the U<|i
it faoad to damat 4. '‘Babali;
when they tore broapbl aboat toa deTbare waa aa aocldaat at a la
totm tbttofota leOod. Btab
Mied toealu. ------------------ ’
IS 42 iiK'hes fi|Bare when
darn and ha wUl Sat bam yaa.
M'hat can }ou j^t more
tamp amr HaaMHqw laM weak that will I
closed. They esiend sis aad eight feet, large legs airely hnned,
Herbert Ohnadtor of Oadar BapldA
tolltop to me pane____ ... ... ..
Ha are tortop pMnb of
paeoUar to eeetral waya A I
rnnihwt out of far a little
Idle eartealto. bet If abe really eaSan
just tike CM. A table that would «wst you $K m $1U any <«bet
Omm. ima aad wfaaal »S pramMa a owe. aiTited Tbanday aad wlU rraet felida«ru>cild weU. a dlaMa
money than a gool han>.
I aoMepo oa tbe petal.
ftem ber klda^ aad wtobaelokaow
Hr. aad Hn Martla Boafi an ea- twoBly two feet, aad yat wbta Babad whnt mtoOf la ampl^ to oblnto la■ mnrk? We ha»e a Urge line
rito bleak a&d taekla trat faoad
faoc,$B.26. ir you iseed a Bice'table, fto oMmimlbiA We have
at trices that <lefy sorapec^
aei ta bare baaa^iajorod to ilia laaat
Pormla fay all dealeru. Price M
'eatetuioci tables that wiU

tioa. A good cluscty "ovea Palmer Hammock (toe Maimer.^iamIba MnaptM Ibtop. hawerar. waa eeala. PoMar-HlIban Oo.. Batble.
tbe fact Ibat tok wall waa bat two
imirk is the be« made) far 76c
feet to iliaiaati'r, wblM toe beam waa aad taka aa other
They range bom tlat right ‘atoog
for a ftw di .
.-one for $6.
pood Moad aalmal al tooMl.MB
o{i to $H DU. Can ptoate yoa
^^lUdraa'a day ^1 be ebaerrad aaadawetpht.
kiirJsen CabinetA the
A dtopatab tram ha Fto. Belltto
«B anything you want.
mosi esasentent anicle
MMa Harriet PMlat left Batarday' Al Doraad Boatoy eraatop a epeetol mya that two rUMpea bora baa
A hamly Wadi Stand far
manlap far Tnmm Ully. wbere toe ablMraa-i day eoUeolMa ww taken
ed aad 76 paraoat klUad by iba
ever put m a honse. Our
Mnanroom. TV l(^ is l8is2B
will raanto lor a few daya
toe HetliadiM cbaioh. «-blM the aroptlaa of a tratoaaa to tba Mrrllcry
No. T has a top S6x^
Hn HalrUU Oiay of Tneram
■mVs, has shelf lS{s2Ui >mi*
ofObMto. XW tarloaa atapttoa of
■aches that does for a
CA to »4 todwt b«k. hat 1 bwi
kitchen table, one drawer 24 s21 iaches aad 4 iarhes drv]>wito
with lord rods on each side
, foand tlial mw toe boU net. Tbe
three .Urisioto far difetent articirs, one Soar
ware alao ttmd. Hln Harwich ear.
and a nice large drawer, m»4e
Him Btoel HlaMmw totl Cor Trarbia 24t$l iDchcA 14J iw*es de^ »itli lorti__________ “oi
to hard wood, niedy Saitoed.
aree Olty Batarday aoaa for- a aiicrt
lioe. one pan boldiag 28 |N>oads. tbe other fiu
atay wlik bar alalar. Hn J. StIUwalL
sell Ihme far $1.76.
baoa'atobla to Imee^^tod liomo
poa^orBour. large kne^np board 24sl7
Hn Harr RaS of Beyaa PalU la to The Health Drpartmaat of Kww 2|Maa aaeaaal ef Udaay and llrtr
(Urgatos to 6ae Bedtntim
York hna aetoed a qBaatlly at ea-oalllacbev We are lelliai: this cabtoet far $LW.
ad Mtmp toktop powder, whldk H mal
Saite Beds. We V.e a tot of them o« ef high priced seitcA
to toaaa abeat It: tot wo know Him
We have eipht difctW -Myles td KHthea
fpond to toot clly. AttaatioawBeal- Btoema Butart eaablad ma le walk. “
They are 6ae heavy beito, niedy, carved, over
-----at Oadar. 1—
It by toe law prioa at totwrtMA "and » Ibraamtotto ‘
Bewllap Onaa. Ohio '
wtUbartoUymMMd.aitoa- '
sia foot high. foU width aad Me
which It waa balap aold to toa depart^
tollera oa Babday Met
A Itige liae of Kitcfaea Capboards at $S.T8,
BampMt wan mkoa a^
worth from $«.6U to $fLWl.
Oewsld Q--* ).#• a.
We give yea yom chniee far
; Bar. OMtrlaa H. OUrk baa
repotted toe aCaS te be -aa atom
AlMcliaeofBabyCartiaceA Co-C^ aad RedinBisCiiiA
1M." wbleb naalyole Mmwad te HMlTBanfiaSr^ O.
Hn XdtoM
Yaa wfll bad anyUaag yea waat
A faw baby carri^. jtto lie cm. with all Med «ear. raUmr Iwm.
be eompneed ehleOy of almm and pal- Oaly aoe.
Hr. Bble mode a boMaom tr
gears and wheds aH caamdeft jam lie a hicydto far $<.76. Goto yooi boate at Salehs lloote Fmrutoiag Store
BayMaai, whan aha wUl baH a ttr- Boato ItoBlMa a few day apo. .
a powder WBAftMtead to to danCmts aB prices from $175 ap. We have^ some big bargaim to
at the very lowea iriceA far ■* •faff competitioa.
Hr. aad Hn Ralph Atttoaaa of
Hn Batons and aoa arbead iiara Xmidre rUlled friindt ber* Uat week.
bam Biami Mm Ttaaate. Mr. BatPiaak Pleber teak tbe OtorteroU
aUS aamaaboat ameiitoina. they Mat
eraatop for Trareree Ouy.
mam wall Piaaaad with the aaaa~
Ttoy ban moead to thaOaOlM to
> aeanlMd -abaa«'- artMtoi
■Kb tony pr—---- ------« a paaMlaa Mara baraad a tody
toad. Tiiay oto aota to to Mdt 1
baU to to*
‘ W oftbMr
laboktop powdm. tot ktpfa a
anamortaitat banato are ibt 1
nanamlml. bteaam they po tar
toamaadpnbanltotml hayttodpaan-


■ini KiSor^ ssr-'




ji;; aiw.iooi;-.,-














jja^.SSSS SL.”E=‘’“’



rcasr^ oa«...ato.B«to.









KESrj „*!sr



• ers's??:;_____

J. -,.. SSS.'SiS



taro, whloh. like the
iberattof tbe ear. U iallaled fiea
aodalt of the U«U XV. period. Uall
laad-wred. while it li aid ttat Mcb
of the brea hedatedt la the two

'Jodoff Dntslli idiber.
«Mk .laotl
llM bowoa •Ifhl of hw «■
hoU «MMt lier 4M«. vhik
ptOVVM Mir
■■ dlMM«d, ba<B


(hv bMpUMoT ■
ma «alr ba bM taiaUam. b>
or oluMar.
frea t
bnM of boellb to^ forn>e ibdkr «M Mie with SMO
mUr dwtand
anollhin of ooal M Uw WllaOB <atrM
pexlDlhe etoU. A elnolv to the
Tl-o lUdlar •» botiBd fraa
OlankiHMl to Dalnib. Both *wm1i
wv> «Bi««i u r^-nn.
Aumg Ihf
an Jo«pb Hr- hM dedored* qaaiontlDe. whleh
Omw. » wI>o1m]i> mao of SmU Hta. beoB aiqinided taa]«mrilr. oad Ual
i> the deelr* of the itale lioord to
Marie, MIeh.; John Ouipbel). lookrapprea the emaltpor plane.
oat. Orwalior. Ulab.
itaeeot ia Iheworld Kdoaarl
IMr AranrBotbaI de Balnl MtobeL foraalr o
LoBdoo. Jbm k-Dlepu«bee froo of lb» wealth keel and aoM iBfiaaatl
PretorU nw'lved todoj iteu tliot tl>c Ban in 8t Ptarra ha« arrired in Haw
Been are earrwHldiac Id Uria naa- York Oily. He war la|ipy deeplle He
Ih the
iBrnrerldted oondmon. (or hli wtfe
. l,«d KttohaoOT le retwha w«N wUh him. barlay.'eIbe nracei of Hi VMle by the
a One from ni-reat .
Piealer Baluberr read; "My hearty Miebel. who Uanatlre of Pert de
the day with
relatlTMal the tine of the tUtarter.
war to a jatlefaotory odORlnaloa. "
•land left BL PierT<' to
Lord KitdMDer will nmalu In >010 her as boor before the blaei ct
Booth Africa. It la bellored here, u- rune deotz«7e<I the eliy.
tll Jaly. to that caae be will not be
The Britleh V.^eMy forBally
la Battand at the liioe of tlie eawoaPort
It te Uioosht that ilhabaeltn. U. One hnodtod aod hfKiof Kdward doee ool rterire hie prae- ly mnlee left oxer from the loadlof
•aoe, for while he Blybl fnce the of the Itaaaport Me Mlobina were
foituitlee he woold deunrt too inoob aHlpp>d to Latfar^ Ha. to*rtl>er
tot the tnl.-i«eu -.f the people «D the with the rldioc uan of Uie Britieh
-bias hinU.
-a aod wtU be forwwdod by
to t'anadA A pobllr lale will
be held there Priday for ditpoelnir of
dBktaode that the RCreniBent hai ■Bob property Be Ibe KritUh Ind at
heeo BentlallRc with Dr. Koyper. tbe camp ( apt. B<leo left for W. '
tlie Dnioli premier, with recafd to loirtoB lart Dlclit. aBd;tho offloert
iparloc to leare iJieoity. It te
the Jloer del««elee to Boro|». aod hat
rawaalaed Ibea all tafc nuidnot to Ibe eleriac of a bBeliiBM that hae left
BU.OOO.OOO la thli oosBlry.
A eale of tborlbora eattle at Rolfe.
Iowa. Iiae lirokea tlie (rlaa reeord for

Mia laare a Keller, of Meal
m Va. a girt of ezaeptlaaal b
aad a Tillage bella. adrertlad
aatrlanelB] p^ tea
at. Ihtakiag to barr tpal.
pllee inierectcd her ud eb* Ingaa i


I with. Ihe two rnltor*
ITla to tbe aaetlagw tramp
id at tbe Kellor borne ad |n>aaployaent.
Ha wa ragged
:lerdayead wae gateel
He tell la tore
with Mia Laura, aad la eplte of hit
being a tnai> ebe leaned _bU lore,
altboogh ebe Mid lila ebe mold aer- r
think of aarrylag bla Ua Batarday
Ib-Bry Banlgrent. one of her eakawa
Hon. apiMTOd. and WM rr>re<ad.
.»iay lUfTT Willlaaa tin other
a with wboa ebe bad corteepooded
to appar. Bat eba walteo all
day aad be tailed to pal la bU apparana That eralog tbe traap qnke
of bU lote aad the told Urn ebe lered
him, tnt coeld nerer marry a pool
Throwing off bie diigniee, Mar­
ty WilUama
yoaoR. wealthy ad
drwwed in the height of faebian. atood
Mia .^elbr
a qeiie
. hot all
everoeae at Ihe

s.sxi.S’litz and 1 hraai trceenB. eJ
(tew 1- Mten.'-W. A Cuaur. HrauBdiTcua.




dlttrlat thle aflerneot. To.- oaalnatlas wae made by aoelamatia
Ihe MaaBt good faeltng pmallt

Pa tin alstoeatb tisn ia three
yart Mfa. lUaaab May Oartbnela.
^ K 1* alaelBg Iron hoaa Like
Blnrioek Holaa. bw baabaad «a
eeeded In loatlag ba eaeb of tbe
ttaa la rariooe ]«ite ef tbe cIlT- I
OOP oaaelM he fooa.l bn In a horplal aadergolag aa ot«»tlon, wbiob
hekarwaellilagaboat; another One
Mn wa worklag a cook la a nttoai
aat. "Brafy tlae 1 dad har,"al
Uarthaala today, "iheayi. ‘Joe.
aa BOW nady to go bone with yoo.

Prof. Baalllaa narberl.of tin Ualnrdty of Ihtthvinala, ha atooad
Inkaat la tba Sadeoa
hy proelaladag rial It U poatible that
Ihey aty U any Man nffet Ibe fete
of PaM^II. Hannwlaaenm and Bt.
Tbe Tillage of P.-rk(UI. be
^ la riaatad ea tin reaalat of aa
aaaiat rolaoo. frebably la Ha day


that tbe honee
InlUlat pagwu
(mined to go (broogb with their part
la a cToliuble aaaaa—end a a i
ter of fae< theee tar-foated ]ntfi
en am being drilled canfatly nearly
erery day.
of UnU edaealla
the eort of oproar that will
be goiog
of thle tmlnlug le tin riding aohwl
liM b>-ea
made iUeraUy ae naea of flage ad
bating In ImlMtla of tlir Uriih
The flag* are parpoeely bang no a to taoh tbe
of tbe horeee drtrra heiieaUi Ihea.
While toe atmale are being poi
throagb tbair peoee. boo, dmma aad
played blalatAtadaadtfae
cag of ohlldrm wlio are IM Into
riding eclial la ordor that they
react tbe part of *'nptr«'
eoamged M lUnoe aboal ad t
ad cheer llnlr leadaet
Coen., ha a epidaile
of raloldea and peepfc are greaUy
Within a maaU. eeva raloeeanwd. . Char)ea H.
tbe drat Then followed In mpl.l aoo
eeatoB John Dooglaa Adaa KaoffFraak Wood. WillUm Ballb.
PoMT McOaltr and Tlienaa Han.
MoOaire waa wath rft.OOA Ko n«aoo U rlveo la bay of tbe oitM.
Torn Blcaa. a Chlmgo llBcniBii.
reaaed he waa ihoeked to death. At
< o'oloek the following afteiwaee
aagiag a etiwet win. when
I oat oo tbe croamm of the
catch a win. aad Ibe pert
Beat hie oiaiadee mw hie writhing
fora with elalbeT on Are aad Uay
ahootlng from bli body. When
fdoked op he wae dmd.

Mr. M. A. Asher of THE FAIR, 221 Fi-ont street. Traverse
City. Mich., wishes to announce to the public of Traverse Cit>*
and Grand Traverse County, that, owing to ^the fact that we
want the room for our Clothing and Dry Goods, consisting of
Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods, we will close out the en­
tire line of bazaar goods regardless of cost. We want the room-you take goods. This is the best chance you ever had to pur­
chase first-class, up-to-date goods at a positive sacrifice. Come
quick as the goods will not last long at these sacrifice prices:

bhlf.'Wie l?li eed'h^em^h
l.r.ed nc I ilite
tbee pet.haic
pet. hewje

¥£ You Could Look



»i.D. »'■

ttV I 'ri'r'nV


Ki^ Clem Keel Ta yoriBce the Bleef

- akltabe,
hackmeed cadition {anrrd.
abe. badariie. elc.. are cared alio.


> a^ c
tK>B aod uU-ei
wetikoeaa Vte
tU* aeba they
1 vUi dtop « a (r* lien today id let r«a

eordiiW to hit tberry tbeie ponred ool
Ota eatt nei ia geologial
aMun <d BOltan anlM erbleh nlid.
LAed late tin pritm paUtadee. Tin
inotoacr alw tl.lakt lint Hew Vert
auyaadthe Hodaoo
hw.aad to iron hit exHeotioa abeol
the rirer art tlnl the water extra.le
fartbor aad farther.
At aiaarllle. V. Va . Hra Obarlet
Bagtr. a widow 7& yeaie old. aad Joha
VlUlaau abMI tbe
At Bloekbobn a eaamtita ttta been
lairiniT Mdsdey. Hn. Sager ha« f.w
rmn bMB Ao alBOel bepelea tnralld : created la ooort clrcli-e by tbe diaoov.
aad baa oalr been aMe to gri aroaitd ety that one of tbe <-rowa >ewela ta
with the aatietaaoe of a eana Two miMtng from the royal irnaanry. It
laabewBllfBl rnby of-«SS eamta and
hoan after the aarrlatte. throigb tin
acarbenaer of her >oy ebr Ind coat if an hlatorie gem that f.imixl part tff
attde ber eaaa aad wai fritklng ahnal the rnynl regalia. Tba police of alt
tlie Koropean raidali bare been war
m Urelyai a oolt.
She jonped
rd to be on th.- aim.
foar-fooi few* wlthoal a.
A compoBy Uae been iBcarrmird
m with bar liaanaad diggtac-wecaa tor bam laMadlog te go boild in Ueaaaoat. T.-zaa a factory
« U aald lb be a
•Mag laaMad of taking a haoeyaooa
The eaid
Dapaty Halted Bmin Monhol He- tal le 1100,000. and U held aotUy bf
RoehHi, who haafan arriTtd from oauide twttiea Tbaa te aaoUH-r add.-d
tbe waot. rKoru tbe |ieo|ib- of Umar, M Ibe 1U( of arallahlllll.-e .of texae
It haa ^ jbowa U
H. M.. are greatly eiclinl orer the
he manafactorixl a lop
appearaoce of aealrlty la oToloaiioa from It ma. te
lor aalMtltnle fa rwbbi
tow allee from tbe
:t la tbe dliee- berednedto make an ei cellaat illalabrioatliig oil: flat II
■altaa. and other ingiawae «—»«r from tbe orMer of tbe dlmuwhlei
read boUdlag aaiariaL aad Ual It ta
largwt ToloBDo of tlie regua.

eew eov m bockaete. AIM ao pain (a -ler aide

.■■para WUIIaa lac alrtody wllLoeat Itaea and glam and aHra.
Mamd trial, of •hlegaa.aad haeax- Meladed U the mr patahOa tmtk
Mkadapnmim fna Herr Knpp te kabaaadarittw. The oar la aaM to


"rhe mple’a (temnoo Seaak UedinI
Adriaer, a book omtainiag looS pagea



*•.! r»-.ed-oTa ib- uAYr-e to- tl-«ui-x
.<lMb r.D Ua- .-uul) -a Orera] Trm<at»-

aih. Ulae lief H-rtar—.'ID p>r> oc


Clothespins, live dozen for................. .»'l; Towel Racks and Kings, selling out
Washboards, selling out price............... '*7 ; price............................................................ii‘'
Jardineres. selling out price............. .»t> ; Picture Hooks and Wire gelling out
at cost
Teaspoons, selling out price, a for- - -Ul l
Large size Lamp Globes, will titany
Toilet Soap, sellingoutprice. J for-- .01 ■
lamp. selling out price. 4sc. Sf>c. • - .iJ'
Doll Go-Carts, selling out price............‘JO |
Butter Chips........................................... <>1
.Ml colors Window Shades.complrte,
selling out price..............................
Salt and I’epper Shakes.............. • - .(*1 : Extra heavy Tin Strwpans. selling .
out price........................................
IOC Opal Ware, each..............................o.’» :
ImiUtion Cut Glass Water Bottles.
Synip Pitchers, spring cover............... -O^'
selling out price...........................
M(‘dium size Wine Glasses, selling
Elegant Parlor' Lamps, selling out
out price............................................... *‘8
price......................... ................ Sl-i*'
Handsome decorated Cracker Jars.
I'hc Storm.” black and gilt ^me.
selling out price.................................. ‘Jl'
selling out price........................... .
Bohemian Glass Vases, selling out
Beautiful decorated Fruit Hates-• price.....................................................lo
Large bottle Machine Oil. selling
I )ccorat^ Sugar and Creamer, a pcs -U>
oiU price.............. -............................
Large box Shoe Blacking................... .<iJ Lam^ Chimneys, .tc, 5c.................... .07
ironstone China Vessels, selling out
Colorfcd Shelf P.ipcr.pcr roll......... ; .<*1
price..................................................... I‘J
Flower Pou. 3c. 3c,^and....... ...
p'lour Sifter........... .................................<‘7
Garden Rakes, selling out price .... ‘.is
•Coal Shovel........................................ .01
Com Poppers. Siclling out prioi.<tl
Three quart Water Htcher........... *• .1"
Pouto Masher........................................ iri
12 in. Pie Plate, noneware, selling
out price...............................................•*! Large Stewpans. selling out price— .<>■'>
Ice Cream Dishes.................................. (W
Tin Wash Boilers...................... -■-»
Children'sjapanned Bath Tubs.scllWire Carpet Beaters................ .08
ing out price........................................S'"
(iranite Coffee ^ot. selling out prife -ID
Brass Curtain Rods........................
Lamp, complete, selling «utprice- .15
Large sue fry pan, selling out price .<*s
Large Washbowl and Pitcher.selling
out price-................ ^.......................... 5'J
Glass Cream Pitcher...............................Oil Comb and brush case, selling out
price............................................... .<•»
Large size Butter Dish............ -OC
Base ball bau. selling out price........ .<i7
Fancy Glass Fniit Sund. selling out
price.................................. ................ IJ Large size coal |»il............................... I"
Six inch Statuettes, selling out price -OS Large wooden faucets, selling out
Hook and Ladder I'rucks, selling
................. ' .**■
out price..............
.29 Coffee and tea cans
Silver Fruit Suuid, $3 value, selling
out price..................................$L19
bracket lamps, complete, selling out Rocking Horses with seat, selling
price .................
out price..............
Hammocks........................................ .45
Little Wheelbarrows.....................07
5. 6. ;'foot Step Ladder. selKng out
Flue stops.......................................... .««
price, per ft............................ -04
Pencils. 2 for.................................... .<ll
American Clothes Wringer, selling
5 cent Ubiets. selling out price....... .<ti
out price................................. $L0ii
Large base balls or rubber balls • • - - .(C
Wonder Mixing Spixin............ .01

n.., aii41h.i .w-k -tk-.a-l (Hrtk..-«lk.





O I-' ■>“ f-.iaii -a iKateTmt—
A>> rao-« ..I ite Hrtteb- l'••un I,a mU



te iSCtette
Tlir■ ?rr^tJTSa*1lg

atUDTM-. • (ar --I



at UW C-rlok la Ite Ik. ■wSaraastU
TlU. el ttetr-wl d->,r »r Ite (-.Ain B,<ur in
te m> .a T»eY*r» oty. (treea Tre.-ria
•-«lB1V.Ba-aieae lUial laneatte

erT?w*Tte‘ateWl''«-' e^


dte •«

>iA_a yoir


Beware of the anvasser
and Sis Expenses!
Bay ygiir Buries u4 laplemeBU

Oarera aa Ohio Tlllag.-. hae one of
when in the City.
SOd WBll ytd
.•be Oral amdallona la the Untied kind of faeL Tbe dUcoeemr of Ihe buy. Our Tine is >TMn-Mwajx.a
llneeed ell preceea darlarm that
\R(5K STXKK to ariett from.
oil ia io aaany reapeou eo)ierlar to
gpaaiae oil. aod that ite ehmiw-oe
hUtho} Ure dw-Jarod that in Iran will eoaivl it. mbatttaunc.
oBatl eooMItate a day'e wort. Bxlra
Tbe biaadaoaeet two ycirata earc in
gay la rtaaanilrd fa all crenlma
ie wald are tboge owwad by Adel
BerrKrapp ha< Ignoghl to perfee- pbaa Beech and ClarW M. Bofawab
a the aoleruU irea which Th.' Bt. Iraiotan reeelred hie ae a gilt
*------fnmda who. not uiattiTt with


!• a—<t..l i-« tte a.tet«A w md. tetma

amrelre I toB the

loe eUwed la ta^ a(-iuc> ola»^i..«.


a i.mM—.-It.!.-. .< riiiiaa
. a tte.Ml. .a A k—■


mU.- Pain Pills.

her oletiv lee haring been am
eh.- renewed ha lore rowe ad they
Willlaae ii mid
lare wealth ad eoclal eta.llng. I«(
took tbe dlanlae of n traap
laaapected. what maner of girl
HleiKeUer ea.

With ererybody who U to lake iwrt


ahouU be prorapUy .
OKrted — but properiy.
fiiin cure* arc more harmful
tba the pain.
you would be eafe, take

*A> a lenll

tea —tte >V.lte.<««n 1.T nM
• u.M;.teW.aaternmk-(mn-.te tte tea
-■I Itv...t«JI«< te»

Our entire line of Crockery. Glassware. Graniteware. Tinware,
Silverware. Willow and Woodenwareo Shelf Hardware. Deco­
rated Chinaware and all our

b^SUULY. It preyt upeo the
intcBomtl powen nwre
I( coneumca tbe
vitality fatter iba nature
replctiiUt it. and w
fuM what monnit a tenpon^
n of tbe

At Ufay>‘Ue. tad .Ueene Han Me
(lolcheoo. aoUiv of "Urattark,"
g eompe from death'
e elmalag a deek a old
pleiol wa aeeidi-nally dieebarged.
Ibe ballet >aol gTaing hie body.
Wa. Kline, a Ik ymn old Kew
orer AtO.OOO. Red I'rael. a VnlUoiijied York boT. wa charged with ae
Ibe Ble at O.tHO, l>-iii|F eold to
Jaai- •—Tbe exeoellt
oeay of d» fnm a book (tore
ler A Baa of Hartwlok. lowp. The
OOBMll ael here .raelerday to
price for feBolae waa tTSd.
or the Batter of dotall la oarrylnf oat
malt* «US aad for the entire bdtd
i|.Ute hie ninrae at tbe
the faoacml nrraoder. HodlDoaltiet
■ •
u thankttrtroUy oollege. where he ha ctodied two
■ban of Ibe Ullaolt Andubea yeara
lai aarrlBe la aiwiar«d for Boaday.
BOelaty atur yate of aiUmpMd aonl
Ml. l-elB Ania at Work.
enailoa bare begno aggreeelvi- artloo
PM DePsoae. Jeae e~Tlili aora- to rtoptbe ale of Mrde and bird platog. Moaot Fnlae. afMr tea daye of
nHt. eaal np eaormoee cloada of
Boke. The an roee foar feet aad
IMnfeUaniB- The utlrM beliere byaaauberefraoi
tfaa ialaad It te be dtwkwyad on Jane
U. They ban been fear ttriokea for evety nilllna/ad d.-aler la milliuety
daya U face of the tact that I'elec good! In Chlaago. waning tma.
hae bm qalet for dayi aalil thir Tbe law darblda tbe killing or atoh
atenlBg they bare been preparlof fet log of other (Inn game birda Bagllih
dtalh or pieodinc with tbt- aatherttlem
eparrowe, erowa mow black blrdi ad
le cm4 (bea away.
ehieka hawka





sjsrt te i3sra“o;


Saturday, June 7, al 8 a. m.
and will continue until every article in this line is sold. This
wit! bea splendid chance to buy a present of any kind, to get
goods at the same price that the retail merchants do. All our
new $oods received prior to this sale, such as dinner Sets. Toi­
let Sets. Decorated Parlor Lamps, window Shades, handsome
Pictures, Graniteware. our popular Fire Proof Ware all go at
first cost—nothing reserved. You will find a hundred other ar­
ticles in this selling out sale which space will not allow us to
quote. All Baby Cabs. Go-Carts and Sleeping Coaches go at
cost. We will sell during this sale Wearing Apparel for Men.
Women and Children, at Five per cent above cost which means
a great saving to you. Also Lace Curtains. Summer Underwear,
Men’s Pants for dress or work. Felt and Straw Hats. Ladies’
Skirts and Shirt Waists, this season's make. Extra salespeople
to wait on ^ou. All goods d^ivered free of charge.

oannPkMeSM SS*



Timm OH,

f .1



The Kind You Have
Always Booght

^ llto On.

Wte 1 «M th* «nM Me naM.
MBWiT'a ewearat eeanar. Oire tb«B
w milk. U.a eft deapimd
tU Ueb tOMd u- tla iMIi.
______________andetbaekndaMaoM% thicklB’ iirtt
updialiaa. DarorMa poer Mblo nnd
Mr b*T «b«' etom.
boem witb dalalat. tba fealbafr wild
Ux DwMcla- BMi
arret bloaom and ■oldra red. wblob
b (iBclnc faU TolUeklBC HBt:
eol*. M' boUr-Mnkt. «B‘ MMl ;
Whan eklM nre Mne nod eliMde me KTow. at) nbondantly In our Aelda U
Ae«ea» and BaiMaabar. Make poor
tea table preHp with falnip ebina.
All kboal
doer m’Mewin’
And’dM dnre ere hq>n *»d l»f
WbM tW bnUMflp weor. tb. whIM aod now aad tlma take pear Inarhfandllae.
mm latbaweodA boillBf tlia coSaa
iff inMbU to be.
b lora,alnfla emit ttioald
•rer a wood dra. aad poor frtaada
la io Hna.
Oh.lhaepennMpl«rlbaoloekM willdaelara- tba dapa apnatat poar takea net at cma HaM, and It aboaU
An’ the Johnnr-JeMp-epe. bobbin’
be little BMre tbaa i«eaar<l laic abape
d-lanar dapt «
Bmp tinw (be wind Mowed en ’e*
tba pear
ieet M eftbep donoed f« bmI
tbair Iln-A
Btrikinc tH beer e( JmmI bare laea wemea knead pie eraal
lar iwM.
aa if It wife bread doofb, aad It fOM
An editorial writer with a
Ain’t BO_________
. from eatremalpalala bread tha wltboot mplBf that tbar alwapa bad
/ That aha had In her ol- «ardln <■ amtlaUM bat ifirea to thla walUn<
imr piaA tor a poor craat will apoil
*orld a atatamenl In whlel. womaai
tba {arm. whan I'a a kid.
tba bett pie. WIA a lltUe affort aad
map faal aema Inlarect. aapa llatpar'a rat the kmf into .
TW a imakln It Ilka paaebM.
iDshae tqneie. ahapa aa dmlied. ra praetlee one amp roll a obbI to a
Ha daoMraa that l>e raoeotlp
An' I kind e- think It tanrhaa
mOTM tbe Inilde, braili with maltod feel fit preaarvlnf tba circnlar form
That what aoma folka eall Imprer'
boMi r. and brown at oaoa la a hot
maklDf it eqo*llp Ihiok ii
manta map br pied *ln«i erta laqre eitp and llatenad to " aerapa of
L 1 mmamber of bMiiaf a b.
Tbe reaoU la anloe
eeararaatlon" of H> womau wbo paaadid!
1 BnaoUMa tiinmphaatlp to mp
edfalm. Ha pabllabad the Teaall of whieb to
Bewadapa ’laln’t ee maoh tba baantp
■waetbraadA or f>
», aaparNfu *i|>>
and. be la TMp. '
Of a
at 'Ha tba dstp
lew Is' bia mind aa lie dwalU i
That aetaa foUa think blndln’eo
be dalecled.
wlmt it daaotaa
’am to fit wlmt tba echart aan’t.
well that mp mothar'a eklll
Of Ibaae 60 woman fonr were Wkwo eaiifnli Inf a perfect oliola and alwapa fitliaf
tlx prime
An' It raaUp aaema Ilia Unrar
lac aboet oooktmf aod raelpoa. aai)
If milk. aiU the Hn ware a rerMatlmi lo thU mme
of bceod tn three copfnU of
Tea tu nmka tba aallln' tggm
-------------All thr batter tbap air aaltad wltb and leva affaira, and tram tba lipa of thn«- beMae efft. ooa eopfal of aof maid
Tbar* waa nerer nap lafl-orar
u. Imlf a taaipoonfol of mit ate
be Ml awap. porlmpi to
tba (al^da reU tbap Oa'ak
te rlpplad renmrka abnat oloiW
and b* loTfottan, tn mp niotber'a
Baa tbia little banel. o' daliiaa!
Heme Cliaer will plro
to tba eoa wbo will *l»a ea the aobWhp.-a ban’fol of 'em phaaea
I'at In e d<«p cartheo diali. wbleh hai com., oat ereo. and when abi- bod a
All tba peal bl« modem remw tba* >eau of oooretmrton of « man Ukau
eook io a aloe lltti.- latta l.ft, it wa. inrartoblp
mi Fnmt atraal anp ftaa been botterad.
tba tieb folka think ao fap
•a tbap
When the top bae nr
■tede tow urtA a tart pte. (wllboni
WUb a Ctrl I think a ai|fl>t of.
Pmimpa we ran p
looaett ihealdot wUb a fiat bladed
upper enxti or a mnoar pio. antom
An' ahr Mkaa ao meeb dalidht of
thine woTtli wliile bp lhal
knife, aod ponr lo erne eapfni ol milk. tee bid planaod to bare •
Jaat altdi dmr.
Wben the lop eraaU tba eeooad end lor a freh {da aeit dap. aa
Umt abe'a pit pied caata. 1 mpl
■Coma, and leat in Dip eliamber of Iblnl tint.', repeat thie operation, mud Ima. the CMA
O, pi'wap witb alt-loob raaeathan bake nnHI no mlU ndb.-r»a to faUhed. eretp aonp of
«e." waa the oordial
Hl^-prload Iblofa for hlfh-tOMd
had fone lute piA Tlx chicken that
bnap arttp wotnao rtealred from an tb.- toallDf apouo.
Anolluir wap of nalaf op tbe oremb.
emapatrom mp
old ataioaiaUiica aod friend of bet
Let tba folka that eaa aSord 'ai
prlbeod. who atiU llred in the IIhIf I. lo bake toe aerapa nalll Ilfbl brown er-. moldlnf Ixard fora dinner wonld
pap the prioB an' taka 'em alL
tone bnoftp. for then wa> nereonntrp Tllln«e wbleh both Imd ealM rad erlep. and poond while hot. l^nr
Oaa't bwrln with them o' matbera.
>rer Iheae holt a pint eoob of boiUiif ermnytelnf left. Aod I fare nerer
botne for manp peart.
M a trlBe aweatar’B other* '
"I will ooma. dladlp.•• wa. the iralar aod milk, eorer and tUam u- OMMd to be fiatefnl for her pnoUeal
That 1 aaad to aaaa Nowla' I
pmap replp. and two happp wooka lil eofi. Add two taWeapoonlaa of
■mtatar'rp cardUiwalL
I H- Pcatp In Fraleranl Home
tba baap worker rented Hrr-1 bodp llfbt brown aofw. one half cop ol
In Ux lluleroom raliini aad aplee to taata. Poor tbe
10 iDTidflp for "Aont mUtuie Into e well ftoaMd poddlof
AWLDiii aoiaifn
di>b. apriokle witb biu of better,
Woold then ware more wtJiaao to- and Irte aboal twenlp miaotea.Give tbe faV and imJi child I
A aeaann for almpla ilrlod wlOi
dap to mod toeb earaaafklndlp lurl- Seleolad.
ihlnwelf. Two Hofla bad. take bat
ttakindlpaan and tbe Maa akp:
ttataiM-awttb 1


tfa'U baak la tba ammhlaa. pan i
Aad wateb tba babMaa fo iroatinf bp;
We'll miklolfatahaatbeptertaad



8fal 1 ooma down to tba rirar'i brink.
PaaaieA t>n*l«A look npi
Doe-t poo Ihtok poo aaa almoat wa!
I'm not Bare tiial. poa bare nap ep«A
Bel poo're aaoep faaea. aad poo look

'•Harf^had petehealtbfteafraaf |
top moMha afaLAM hrvfnr U re- \
nd make* me fce/ .«p rnifrfi; ro ;
MH^ /ao/kradafreardeaftfurfivi
rfafaMpArribdAbadanrrrpafoA i
trwthtmOr *V fhar a fea- bof/.V* of I’r^,
rwoa boa remeead oH pafa aottauide a
mw woman of ae.—MlSS AUCE

PaattaA pawt^ look ap at laa.
1 do baltera poo eao almoat oae!

Aprrirai Remedy rorro»lif»lion.SuurSKimBch.Uiantuca
ml LosnoF Sleep.

riah 1 ■
Do poo Ilka tbe wladr beat, or tbe
I Ilka tba btrda faeoanaa tbrp coo riOR.
And I Ilka poo. daiaieA and—arerpOh.*te.“ieA

dal.iea, down


TbecoBlOi: of what !♦ kn.iwn a- llx !
new weman" In our e-Mjiiirr m ii.-l ;
preeted t'.v ererjoOA a* It ebe »- r<- » ■
pn«l ble«IOB. r-‘ •’ * ■' ------"•••'

■^be nowera aad the bird, and ihf
wind, top-tear
huped with Hx child io lb» aamnuir

ade from a hammoek, wfaleb to
itxlowaM axqatolla ean e( U
uol atH tcbad aiiOx la Uh- aaaal
a had. Sbe had elffat or ton U
but boof wlib toe two enito elm
toprollinf pinaMdiM ebildraq >•»
feteer from tea limb of a ti
In bar ribbon
TlXM laiur
aeam lartlrotorlp from a ptatif Una aide of tee
Ute aM^ttfwr tba other dap
mack m teM pateamd ap la Ifa mid­
“WaaMd. bp ItoadrorUaa
tette at te* braaktatt mUa
dle. aad a aUok ran thraifk it «a sC a fall er nUea. (Mtontnf to with
tkm H plain ante, la aMll Umllp. Ux bane ef
Hap pin. Tlx arasb —■ lawfatear John toft
wh«T tee mlattem la ae* alwapa at
atoaUp faem has uaakwimt.-fleod
M tea eiftal nr nine o'elofa train bold
bar baaia: ilea
whM be vrant to tea Worid * Fair.
TbU* makfar amHax m foa
ted tee Icarl
IB Ux onn to fa h
I wbMhm tea naiffabfa'. paufrat child
IwHclfUnmlaapafaB oU fac torn

For Over
Thirty Years


X wild ruM
ed bp.
X blae flower* abewi-d far wlxra

rad tlxr

irpnodotmt-d.-Hre pnxil'l nii.l -*
»rt.»y twnlU fr-«i Uio ii-- -l I'-ni
rriu- at oHfe t» J*r. lliMiii.ii, n>iii
Ifal nifbt, a. thaaren-

'We"au'’VoTa tbe child who lore. oi

be pi. iw-d to five yon hi* V1H..-.I0- mlprati*.
Idn-m I»T. llanmmn. I*fetol.-u« <-t
ilariman etonltarlom, Culuiabiu,

Jonoeih, IVttt
1. Hiere anpiblnf pn-ttler tlrno a
plotara of a j.irnp fabj or a wee bo.r
or flrl; Yon all like fwanp pleinreA
ao we am foiuf to fire pon Kinx toibp



TIIKI n-vu wjNwis.i
"Thl* i. the l.lril. Nal. Hxlyonj
mw in lb" cedar tree, ,wl"-r*- y»n mid :
»linnj: alexi dmuB mnbii-i.-."
i.y| Hr" Doelor.
of (hi* an-niinR ldli-oe» >
to-haiRi Id llie vuiill |
who du nnl ne>4 oiilll Je
alnol* nn-lv I’xfiD
fore tlip middle «if the
wine* an- v.-rr peutl".
bird.; Mor. Ih" ii-rlitur
atli-r llior (.vmili"*
oare of lh.-oi» l>ia. rixy wnndi-ral-ot
In fltx-k* of twinietinie* thinv or fnny, :
kn-piDR eloae tcRiitlxr, l.itli aiu-<i .
Uv-y Or and wtien tbi-y tolr ilxir
•eat*. They *ixnd moat <if iIh- tin." )■>
;lbe tre. • wbi-re Ib.-y f.-pd. «hl*|. riin:
on*- anollier in Ifair
wav. n'lid
« will very aeld.iui mv then, cm Broach Block

126 State Strut, a Uictcr Pctertyl.

of nil descriptions now on sale at


JIrMmd nt emn’t C.W«.

stronf ropiA aaeb M are amd far
rwimcA and haof tbeelmirbyH
of a ptoaaa. the Umi
a trvx, or Hx rafter* Of a baia.

XE>V •i'OnK.

dnnn-.'i ■
iM>iKlln«lni''iii alr-a.l*r-. -to Hr. Hanr.,en.«'-lumt-u*.
I ,«■


faHooi to'tbair aitp frieadA to whom
iiule, If anp. mote room lltoi
ne WatrbM ibe IMm.
meaBlalo and am abore reaort
toqce bed. Haro llio .loepisB
taeenl matrtofe of En
tabooed bceanaa tbap are to at,
fnral.bed aith onlp naoeamrp
.Ire for the ilooter pniae of the eelf Kield'i lUafbter raeallad to aa oid nltnrx. Bee tlxl tb- clolblof c
Mhool team of Un. riald’a-tenl
obom belof now tea wife of a promi- walatand arm., andkixpiba head
eaterti^ mp
■■Imanol afford l
nent Kew York attonep-a failbario
wail of manp
covered. If teara i. anpiblnf po
onpnbliteod .lorp of tba arratie we.t- eblblren mnnol do wllliont it la frete
Amerieaa womaa. Tl.e reaaotit are
Thtomh tee pom. of tbe teln
p*at tbamitate; dapa that map
Tba dapa wi«« we had a
There wim rUltem io ptoapael one
tee bodp 1. oonlinoalle ihrowio* off
tot* wa to ilea noblp, to wsrfc
few friend, to *paad the ernnlnf
afteraon In tee Field booaebol.l ami a
i^eaalp. to pUp border, to da aU
polrouon. rapor* U tee ht«d 1. cov­
with OA aad fata them eak.-, lemonatrlke
ered with tbe bed clothmf tba nnforimr iaber batter ae. ahMid mdi
ate, raapbecTp rioefar. or ice cream
tnnnle infant will fa breaiblnf bad
iaaa brief aa indeed a ptlden
impar<-d bp oonaltea or at tb.- little
Field, waa ralalp endaarorinf lobe
Tbe aratafv child aoSan from
aanmar.-BawiB O«ood atebar.
bakerp. are faat baoomlnf onlp
eri-ri-where at onee the mac
-morj. Mow, aran in tha nmai•BluirpaandFiaU" appaamd la the
te"H>arilp” lor
klleixn deerwap wite a folio io fal.
mladA toea and amlecUooerp. aod
nor Uttla eraoinf partp beeonea
"Oh. won't poo watoh Ukxo pirn
X time tee ehlld erlea he wanu
tarlafa aBlartalamaot.
BatanObaar faala *«T ■«*
me lor wbfle I ran op atoira ao inla a food e
ftadlw a bmrowad ammim to*p.
ll|M of a orpii _
OBoealadiei' raadiaf aool
and hare Uafeed Utllr aM wUeb
Boelhrand rofrtte blm —
alp.' Tbap held their maeUnin cm al
fan laid la tba olipidBe b<
.Id rain team-pon'd batter fire
Health Ib-ixrt.
Uarted Statea H
am caab week. Hie fint pear
teal bookor tbcp'll be boned to
tbap rod Roikin and 0«>t«c BUet. nrl.D"
tbamaritacd balnf brief and
With Mook maeknem H.
la tea KllekM.
At tlM rloae of «te* meetlnf eakr Field allowed bar to eairp off bin
pelat. bUtbia:
hulMd Of boldatA trynHnf email
fa food tbinff ef life aia net onlp and cbceolata er roll, aad tea
uemon-. On rotaratof tee waa 1
towel*, toife enoofli lo hold
m that dallihl ifa ape. ar e«. ar mrred. nerer anptblnf mere not
Aad to find the oren door wide
•IdM of a bot pla or |iBd<llnf. and
a to Ifa palnta,
make of donim. Ueklnf or
d tbf elaae
bMnlaelbeaa thntcMaanjop
teofb aod Irateerl
eoormi. tbiek orate A boUer Deed,
from BlpUnt aad Jatome K. Jerome.
tatfa heart
"Tbep'ra rained!'' eha exetolmed
■Hfal thlaxlD One aftaraoon the aoclatp met at Hr* In dtomep. "Why didn’t pon keep the to be two beddera in ramorinf bet
Tbia wortdii
Uilnf* from Hx ore*, aod the low.-l
itaall. bat we ean applp; lia faaatlaa DupUp'* Whan tlx Hma eama for oren door alini'
el.ceoiata, tba waitrem
dtaet to ear own Urm K eailp wa
Keep tea door teat!" Hr. Fielda
ire towel
haad a few little tbl^ la cmrererp- aalarad with a latfe bowl of eblekcB repMlod in rerp
' Tha boatam laafliad and ball
Whp. poa told me to'watte teem
il. and bolder* bT^^e
The food Utiai* of ilfaantorall apol^aad for the Iweaob of the r.-. ararp inatant, aad I'd like to know
troHimiBtrale. - ’ ■
-------* bowleoold do teal with tee oven tanJt of lildiaf when tbap
bfttatomijop.and thap ai*an
needed. Salatp-pln to a tape fartaoad
«a be fad! Up a few foldaa fMapM laaflied. ala the mlad. aad aiAad for door tent!-'-How York Tlmea
and nan lot poarorU wbatbar 1 am net tba^rarlpe. Tbe oe« meetlnf Iwaa
bald at tbe beaae of Hie.EmnUtUm.
oaa'a boomsown andaiwon. 1
wbo added a fanep Mieatt lo tlx ml
Be ngaldafatr a< tba taalla.
1 wa. eUlfod not loof ar> to da aU
hare a habit oflaekinf It into
atfan. and do net be lad iato maklaf ad. tlompetltioo and anrp bad aelor- mp boamamrk for tbreo waak*
■tedlof of
iwaapaf ammtlOM that map hart pan ad tba laakA and tba i*ettp dMOOOIsf doe allowanea for tba tael
far aboal tha ^k or tab.
lata peti ware acan no motw Oaa bp
; I waa not aaad to It, Ux anffer
aod mrea the
4ra a balpt^ hand wbaa cae li
inf I endarad from tired and aohlng
on. 11 1. handp. too. to wipe ona'a
ted; pethapa It amp be ealp to atom baoaaaa tbap oeald not afford tbe feet ixnloatorip maat be tall to a da
tba dltti of f^ bp all women wbo do boo*-work. band. apoo. If poo Imppan to be the
u qalat a erplBf babp.
the kitcheo from
apdbew for an lDralld.loeeek a fala- mtod bad mate a naeaaHtp. and to- I foanda eertaln amonol of real tram
towel rate.
dap Uia Kaakin elam 1. a ced einb.
fraqoml oliaufca of tem-A hot wo
with prtaaA and Hie beibaiid. eoroa
iBR Rlru «>n aeldom afford tbla'li
bala bi^ip. or apnamra of tba la to tba etoborata anppar. Tbia la
A bat footimth ararp olfbl with
Bp hariof in the honaa a onn of mlonlp ona of amap teMa* where one the addltlcm of a little mil and
hafa to her who la lo tioaUa
ion and ooa ef amall freon pteAWitU
weamn with a dlah of mtod ar Ita
al af fap ram or afaw drops
bottle of mareenaiM dnaaiof.tea Inhu aowD the
Be awnp with thaaa who are happp.
.to. will ofton fire mm;
fn-dlent. of a dainty Mtod ate alOlva amlla ter mHa Let pao|da tha alwap. dimitron. oempaHtion.
a I finallp
fat tbe
'mdloam Baparate tea m1To ratara to tba "oliambar
faaw that pea fad fappftem la the
X a mlxtnte of tba atroacbit upon
amooth flakre. and ftoror
tl waa mmalp a clean, praitp
eat mloHi of earbolio aold. eampbor
witb lemon laiea; than ptoea
m la a email ooaatrp bom* Tba
aad ammonto: focr ocmea. of tee flm
oanlerof tea mtod dite Blnaa tea
tatbliwarld fie food bamaw of the
to ao onnea>Mh ef tbe other two. Btlr
wall, aad add to team a llula of
Into a foot baUi in tlx proportion of a
Ptooa team In »mall
tfal white lella af tba li
torfe apoeutol of thU liquid to orerp
lattaoa Imrea aad arraafa tlxm a.
Be taadm aad Wba Do poa
two qaartaef bot water. It will five
faraiab f<w tea Mlmon: teen ponr
wlmt tbat maaaa! It ■uaa. thlakinf
Mponoalm over tea wbolA Tba
alwap* tea beat, baiat alwap. tba toted dariBf tha baap wiatar. On
map be need a. a border for Ibe
•tate of tea
tea tottnoe u net al
Uka a btomtof. U aMaa. batof faith- aad a few farorila book* aad ai lb. faMbkafar^moretoHo with tea tarnIn teU cam tee faratob may be o
fal. Dot onlp to tbe OM pan lore, tat feet of the bod wat a ebiau ebrered perdmo tl^ am
amtaot the llrer—poor
cffA faoUod fard aad eat la raandA
predecUaf tba food aam. ami balaf laonfe.
tu ttmteona ami
aafw tfat tbe bonor of It efall be
Bratp woman warn, to be A Uule Ifa baiMn waa kept
if yea wUh hot laiaed btosalt (ar
Cltod with fratli and ftafnnt flower*
teMktaat mka teem tee day befera.
will be abto act onlp to fire ef the foteerad aad airaafed by tea illtie faa^M of tbe beaae.
food thtate af UfA bat aba w
m tea ptotm or from mold, fi-t U imna fad ratoe aoetlp aa
If poa meant to fake teem Immediteat added bar mite lekrard. mtelaf tee limb of a troA and ifap 1
tbom fcnlb ham aad Ixmaftar.
Aaaty'a rtoit TteamnL Indad. Umi TUtof aeau for poanf m old. fat I
atop. Uxn Mt team la tea rafrlRomooldwUI ehaek nap fnrtfas
WM Ifa kaynote of te.- whole family, ia pOMible to fare a mneh more twin
and oax ef tbeir fii*t fimt effort, wa.
M o( tea pMri. la
affair .of
anmmefi ..mmtlp to a Taaaoto aooatp
Dol to make bar too raach at Ixma.
wblob will fire
anma amoanl of
MM amp Umei. a kladred ood la
Maklaf a triead ana of tee family eemtoM at maeh lam east.
mma Traimae Citp hoaaakai
I often. atsA tee telpwretelaf rote
If pea tappan to fava an eld oOot
ef many a vlHtor'. olbarwiM enjoya; armofair Hml baa ooHlrad tha arnfal♦•Wanted, at i
«pper yea wi
Ua ririt.
oam of Ita lafA reanora tlxm onHiala maA man tender
ly. mwlaf team off clom to tea
Jaat tbe woman.
o tee Brvt knklBf.
Aimefa to Ux arms and sidra two
peaa. fnod laefcinf or IxmaV. fat or

rwsbtec s.c~u»rv of

tep e


Tall wixt tea wind, mp a. tbap pur.

ttapa of keen dallfht In littw
tUncA nf Jt^cma qaeatlnc aflrr
bmatp: dap* for tba maklttg of
•ran biaad* bp belnc a tree friend
loetbtn; dapa whan wa mapaelaai* oar lltUa Urea bp
A bp friamUp A

tana, old ar pemof. torfr or ■
TlHto. "If theeoo»/look. laBBpmx Ifal eaa boll water wllboat
xn alx to naked to do nap azbonlBc. Aap peiMm that tblaka Ifap
. 1 do net wite to knew it, If
aaa fill tbia peelHaa call al tba
tha amid will not ataroh tee table
CMea Btoek Tarm. oae mlto wm
aaa-hall mile ao«tb of OteteUaf poat- elotea and eoatoanUp leave* the rrfn
taraur dimr opea. aiMc
I fram tba other ml, and above all dellrt-r me ti

Ufaah^MofvlMW nor>fca:nil.

maa AHee Oihn. wr
Eterenlb hireet. Brw.kl) n. N. Y- «

WooM TOO like me lo tell poo o.*lac7
Of wlmt I

Bears the

pietaros ovary vraek forawhtle. May­
be auine day wr ean have acme of onr
faby brother* or •liter..

Voor beat chaane tn wiirl, ilinn i. .
ettlxr l-elen- Hie leav*-. ar.- nut or nf-,
teey have fallen. wh.-«i a ll.-:k
will toinetlmc .11 for half an linur
tree. ■trcAlnE each oili. r'*
fratlxr*. aad jMalne fond arnotid.
Tbi* trait ha* siren them the r-i-am
Hon of Ixlns ih.- mo.t i«1iie hitd. in
all llmltoad. One will li"d a dainty
aotiM'l and offer it

hi* mind to eat It. or r-toTn it io il.
ortRinal nanvr. All Ux » l>il.-.ncli a
U-Und. Mich.. April W. IWI.
Omr Un. Itol.x-l fave read many ' ph-amat luorli i. ROinp on. the amlabirdi make compll
of tee lettor* lo tee Herald and
tbooRlit 1 wonld lisa to to- a Kontein- loatea t
er. Plaaie w-nd nx a oard and tnlun. Ifo to the Deck lake mdioel. looR pointed topknot, wl«l a Ixcnmyellow border anotfar * tail bM.
Mj toachor.' name ii Him Oora 1*00I how partii nlarly fine are tec rortoA I live oaa nil la from aeliooL 1
fava two broteen and no •later* At al fanfiM on the wins* of a H.lrdwhich
il mneb better than rl they
:lnR flower*.
wa fO piekl
telrtexo pear. old. I take m«aic Ire- teould pick oneh other to i-lecre and j
talk abont
framix' noder tbeir
Boea laminteaaeiente
have a team of penW
Some |xo|>le liave ooinptoincd teal
letter to not too Icmf.
Mt. cberrie.. and
Vonr frtond.
have fiv-'O'.I.Im tee Dime of'Ck.-rry
Ltnra HalmoDd.
Btrd'; fat the Wiw Men my Umt he
Lake Ann. Hap SI. IHH.
rrellp MU very few oiierrire or olii.-r
Dmt Hia Balea-I teouRfal that I
« frulU. more than half of bl.
weald write to Ibe Banteiee OInb fool belnR wild berrlM. rarh a. lbix>ooee more.M it ha* bren .toite a while of tee eversToen )niill* r vi" roinnmn■Inea 1 fave written. I will aend pea ly call 'c-dar'.
aomeMnto for tee i'bliwae children. 1
a may be oallad one of Ux Ixab..
fO to Bobool BMP day. Mp teaeber li
iRbbora. for breid.a ieadioR R{»
alfa BOW. no aba to not able to teoch. poaaR cn maoy diffaronl kind* of da«Her name 1. Ella MeUaaat. of Uoeer. traetive inmet*. beeaucotwormt and
I am Mllinf i*para now every ttoinr- tee wiokad boetl.-a whieb dr.troy ao
tbe Blade fad LaJfdr.
dv. «
teto 1. all for now.
it to alwap. nioe 'to fave polite
Ft«m year little Trirad,
(•oldla lUlBA
wlxra tl Hltoabonl their beioR to poila to .ocb other
•VTxo we took Mr. Oedar Warwlnf.
pal him in a little boion-afadof
fiaea Imtm and borlad him under
Ulan There wa. qnlte » little
uanei uinixe.
Ve are find to weloomr lo aqine oT Boy aad Kolp. tee ihrae catA who
oar elder firla and bepA and so five erldmity ihoafhl il qnlte a wo.te of
a eordla! fraetlnf to Him MafaL
■Mrd .to fary him. and afire all wo.
over tbi-r went oat tote tee Ror-ten
Thla ia a Bird Lover'. aWry. Bel wa
1 watelied ter honep»ar-kle bio.>• to are if Mr. Bahy TbrMt or hi.
are all Bird LovarA ate wa not!
Tba eteer dap anma eaa who had
le brawn wife w^nld not come affaM paaHaR teraofh onr back paid toc tbair anppi-r of l.cxep The ret.
know teat when U.ey rrp to Mtoh
Mma to tea doM btlnflnf a befatlfnl
- ••
teev will irel .a whipdead bird white vra. feand IpiOR
r Uiink It ton to watch
Ux pate by tee alley fate
It wa.
bird net M toifa a. a robin, belay perKow Bird Lovcta try to aaa If poa
WorwliUL Cberrp
BSTM Inofaa limf IM oppar
nnx will iroixbiy bnof tl.r
pari wa. a aefl lovalp brewn. vrir
■moote fad mHbp. and on tee b
hnnte ef lonfc* fMtbera mtelaf a
poinMd Meet. Abont tea bate It waa
a rich yelva^blate. anS tbw* waa a
Mate line Hmmfh teaapA Aerom
tea aod Of tea toil teas<^ wmabsiftal
pellow band and on tea Inner *naf
(Mteari some bright rad apoto


«a atndled evrep petal enrafnilp,
and while wa were aorry tea Mrd waa
dMdllWBia plaaanra to be able to
bold It In ear hand nnHI we eoaM aM
all lu taenalp. TbM wa fol ■
tram tea Ubrarp ahelvre cm of oar
MMbeekaMlIad OrtinM Bird.'
a Oate Was Wing,
of It ww ae latartetof laa fctaf to eepr H nal te tea
beak fat paa fafinalte tee ataep
AMtaatohacaaln teabeek. Tbto to

ad Ifat tow

248 Front atrmnl

AIA AI ur Wc relapij Ibe price of as^:iBe il It docs not
(ive satlsbctloB. Osr bilb Is It Is ubMaded.


V\r liMi* ol no iciooK that i. mole univ<.-i-..IK --uriT.-'hil ih.ii
I ..s-t irn-, O-Cinc IS not l-V ant Wans a fVr .In not ai»h
aru ol O.II li.i-'niv h« a ■iKMncnl
lxlu-*e lhal *c<lami it to 1k'.
IW-1--*;■!). inmever. lii.rl -all Jmiil.1 kdhm- »c i-nt!inMa«>tallv <iit.'as-Cmc Us auf*' xe hate ii.vcvii-atol nn-l lm-« cviyvil'ing it
r-piiains, .Mi l
know that tin.' i-Icincnls << in Cav-Ciiiv have
llif.^-o«.Tto fits mtiM ac claim. In all < avx. of khcmnatisiu, Catartfc,
Sl'*na.ii. I.hci an.l Ki-incy ■rroiihlc**. Female Wrakiirss ilencr*!
Ik-fnliiv rtc. wc tissimi.ictMl
un.-Mnlukm.illy .U.;ee
lo ionnH-n.! il that wc oiict in all m-4ancc*‘

lisTT')...! .to ii.K f.n.l Cas-Cinc in mcr); rr-sixct all kc . toi.ii lor
tall and let ti* cxpl.vm Ca.-('iuc l.i



We Lead the Way

T.. UlUs ihmss in
and Irracr i»kc» for life'. t>ec«-uili.A
If MMI arc not Rcllin;; the totisfa. tirrn you ilcwte in llime
ndcr you
tou malctial
malcml asMkiancc
asMxiancc ai
and mu- you mint a .1.4Ur.
t. render





lar^ Santa Clanc Soap atw! one Bar Ik-c Hive Snap .

Enterprise Gash Grecery
U|>|autc City Market

Cor Scale and Cn.ioo.


Frtoay. the aot^doy ef Jvn*. A. O.


-dX" jcra

^*ie*»» I— ■tw.i.Xtofaa

. w*i* VnvSm"tt -




1. luid uotlfled ('ran ti
be lalorma!lon*i f tin- eorr.T that w»«
be roUowInE da).
Uad not be. John Henry, inil-iliotlni
for dark Pyuiooda at lb‘- tel. pbot...
awltrlilwanl to the oBlee. beard Ibe ••■iAnd MuUEea.'kl
bad told fmaa I

wm MM

lint Aainicd M

0» «««, lota Umry. Ii»t«i<l of P*«tcmuac ttx mp *«lr>F to tbr iioM
, IMV. booetit t»-o CMIU raff*

all I*rklr fratn Pw Cb»rlf» oroand
tfar MnM l«rl>T'> f
py voloolarily 0
odUr. awl
U till tunlnc
________ Ud •‘ilnxk.l t-ptow the rotkr iioe B*aany nfm«^ to l>y J»lui‘«
4nodatn a> the “lilrt w.lee oark."
SalartUy trbeu he meired Ida |wr mad<q>e be <au»ra fttrtlHT n-narV l-y to-

nored Slant.* that be waa tellliw ibe
trnlb. aad half aa boor laJer. uhen
Ulaa uoordeld eaar out of HUoioi.A
olBoe. abe atooped a

Uenry full ui»o

• t..,

-JabBoy.' abe
. .
Mr. Riant.* la sobul to rala.- Ur.

-Ob, fudfer retorted John Henry
Iffly. "Hero notblD'l Wby. HanaW-vii
ilek knie<l tro iDdJana and^ row.
boya for lb.- aake of the *1l1 be toeed!*

IMaeorerr by Pe- Oar »-hteh Mar
r»r. Itarid T. I>ay of the eeoUarteaJ
aurrey at Waabloidoo baa made the la.
[.•reatlna Bod ptoliohly Ud|.onaul dla
emery tlmt i.Ulll.uio exlata In rono
Ulen. t«>'attie .Vetr.York HtenlDE ru«l.
ile folilKl II mlled wUb III.- |.hie.T p.I.I
• bleb be sot on Ibe lalawl lr.Hu llte
lawro |ie«n» wIk> trere imiii.hia U- IrUomnt ndnnaBienoliVelj le.i I.. kiH.w
l.bliiiulu Bfid to port It out nml ihn.w
It iMvay trlo.n It np|»an In ll..- I«n
allb mdd tliml I>r. Iia.r tliliiia llml th.quantltlea that may l«- fooinl In l*.et-'
IU.-0 may l.e laraer llmn truuld n|.|aar
from tbU email Ira.e.
t any rale, arbat there la e»n pr-d*be itol out very n b) |«»d
In a»l>] ptaoira u-bleh )lekl from Kf. ivHilt to tlie |MIL That » bleb laI found came fnan (-urouL In Ibe
imnbweatmi |art of Ibe Uland. about'
forty mllea auinbweat of Ran Joan,
wbenee It la reacbed by *uod eraeoB

the fifth of a la-any. baa been rur.nlnK
DOW for a..u... «e.vL. snd aHarre I.
lave attained a iHUllhy eireuliiti.H.
aeerrdlne to a dla|«ilrli from vi.-uni
the Ikuidon Mail. Ill ap.noraim
le aliullar lu Ui.' todiiuirj Vieiim-iemtid Uttte of liair olU aid tlrreiva- daillea at »1i Uioe» lUe pri.v.
n l» laneoti-J bloMPlf « ll.e uttl,* naira are t.rce at Ibe kluaLH In
vllh 111* tOiMy »«■** pro|«ny eltri-cd
eliary of miin.D Ints It. ae He ) .I.ei
thilf tl» Jnol<» jartner iipdl.-.d
wIlblD the pun baali'K |amir i.f ei
BWtaiuorplxolt and Uttfhliis’.'
Bnrlnl to li>e bn<l l>ooLVer|rr
JUiB tlnUT waa eTM<-ullx ''tiuielMir
oa the Beta t}l«’wrller. Crecory ,Klli»
n.ilbo that rarry Ibe bride In Ire
netelr frorwa over (lx loiw nma U
dremovl In red. en.1 lb.-) !•
ddlns up.
Rpina be aoa nddlcs
op- owl tietl"' Jue
id eilli
lo« bU }ukf auiidm dwarf ornner t
iMidr'a enmiiortroenla
ctaled. west to teU it ctarwlierF.
Jobe H*niT «» not the «u*'f
ast la tlie oinre who bad fallen under
e orliAnally
tbe rpell of Mabel MoPddel.l. tor KItIa
mnon. wblrh an- hrlehlened by
. llH
bad taked irltb aiiproral on Lit trim
roay elmr of the lani.m*. U<d utal.n-U
tutor rt<r aioer eb<- brnl timidly |irrlaa are carried, aud lllumloaled Blent
avtad boarif at tlir uOre «tlb a let
blaae In eulor. Tbe ran.ipy llaelf
tv tram tba typewrlbr eempanr and
bad quMlj taker bar i.lan at the IHUa
the U»1e of Ibe bdib.’a fniiill,'. -t l»«f
dnk 1>7 tbe triadote. CellkeioUnlicuwoman 1» «m.d to ber weddlne feaal
tr. botreret. be »-aa not dhqmaed “
l■elnt•vl red.
wear bit bean upon bli alerve. a
family baa w.ollb or rank, lb.- pala
a Ulaa Mourteld waa
qolD la t.ry ornate, d.nxrabvl wl
diaeoo Leoda The Clilmwe i
wortloe allk or Ru'd e.»d • dlafrtayed
_ ta be Ida boota.
n Ibe l.rlda
In on artMIe manov. When
Joha Henry waa <n ardeal wooer,
■ppeara. abe weaca a ted vHl. and Hi.
coeotry acbool mlatreaa ever reeelre
Mtera m b.-r amvuora. w-bow l.le»lnB
lave rreolar tftbsle of frulL ami
la tnmked. are wrIMen mi ivd
eae la tbe ofBee could .Inampe J>
flenry to move aa qub kly aa wb. ii b.
Bdonied Willi Hni.el and nim-k J.-wela.
waa on an etrand for Mm Mab.d. U
Uli-h la nioeb more i.rt.vBl.'Ot
waa tbe offlre- boy la 11* lin*.-rIn Rw.dmil—Wonan'a llmur c'ouipao.
a«e eonrem of stanlon A BlomtefleM.
aad. unlike the mewnyefa. bla dulM
wve oonfioed to tb.' .dl.v. where b«
a Mllliitrr Order la Raeraewer.
ooold feaat bU rj.'O u|.on ll* djrk
Captain Veme M. Honvh'.wbo ralod
tevwB head alwaya lBJiwlriou»ly Ih-M
nd roninmnded a company In an Ohio
arte Ita-wor*. Par vrermi nmutha
ieriru.'..t In the Rpnnl.b.'AtiierMun w er,
' Jobn □eery
told Of a v..ry unOMial enter lie iH'anl
(lieo by no uOlieT of a Mlaannrl n-ci■ent at fan.|i Meade.
“Tbe Mlaeourtaa'a eompeny
IttR dowu a muddy road." aakl Captain
fact tbal Kina’ atteoOona
ad with a quiet appreciation wbleb la- BMrIe. "and prenctilly they mmo In a
plaee wbero c»ly two aloead e..uU
«eaud that Ibey were not-------- ’-------laaa. Tbeewnpany
a la tbe

Bat eeri

« tbelr ladytoow IB the

be ailed to mind Uh- nr.n. Imluiit
lea la wbleb Diamond DIefc and ofhv
half dlDie Ueroe* had dl.p.~Hl of all
oppoaHluo. and be badaouelit todcvld"
tbe Btaiuar In wbliBt be would by aoin.'
lirUUaol maneurcT cot ool nila aad
wla UIM UabrI'a baad and heart. 1
tad about derided Hull be w.wW r
ewe bCT tram the burnlnc l.iilldlne.
taMr of tbe fart that the atrurlnre wn«
—to be Orejimir. wb.w a b.h
-■-------- ■ wai forced Into (be sIlDatlcn.
TWi waa aMhJnc baa than KlancetaU'a Buddea Uilcreat la tbe new typearrUee. Aa tbe Joalv joTtner be wan
m nbeety to rail U|nui Ml«a MoorfieUI'a
amvlira. aad aeriral Uiuea J.>bn Il.iv
ry ebaerred tbit abe ma.b- her eUt
tram maorefleld'a prtiale
fivhnl cdiBi'l.a and ancry ryea. IVerhb
' |y wteroa moat Wall airvri cifBee l>iy>

TUcbl. by Iwcaa- After aoi
UOD he abootMl peremptorily
- XSew ronnd (bil pud<ll»r
Tbe eomimny had e.l.lenlly l«*n
better drilbil Han'tbelr commander,
for they leoke Inin a cnlninn of Iw.*
tV^lbeyhad paaorf H* water. I I
lened eajicTly f« tbe next cvnioai
Aftv aome delay tbe offleer ahoated
“Twoa tatre foun. rteht atuam


I •../

• -..............

iboelca at BOD volti will lorarltbly
praeo faul. but that «ueb la not Ibe
eaae waa prarrd tbe other day by
member of tbe InatKotloo of Electr
al Koytneera. who alaled that en
with bnMi be had aloud en t
rallt of the Cliy and Sooth I^n.b.n
railway, aat cm Hie lire run.liirinr and
alappeO Ihr ruonlne ralli with lairr
banda. He fortbee aabl Hull, prori.l.d
(be day were dry and Hie akin no*
aa qalle aofe for II* avry
,10 bavdb- ll... wiciw .......
ly ewdeeVd hla Inin f.e
I a ealde eacrylnE i^iir
ta which be michl fn'-l >be vlllnia and
>e time relain bU iKMltloQ. A of B.0UO ndu and e«wi«f-wlri. oil
at tbe I
few burn*. Another
that braasbt Jey to Jriin neorr-a heart
—Joy leaipcnTd
that Ibe baa of .
BMy cot him off fimu all cMOtarl with
Mta Mabel, but
lion of 4f. Olobr.
rcaaR IB an napl.i
fata at borne. Tb.refore be dlnweded



Ilia tiae ‘xma aooDV (ban be mtBMrd. M-tai «V kOV Mabel in'
taled iM^ivimi'a nillce. Jolin n<an knew -Ibe ol.l man' welLaodtbera
a look la Ida eye (bat Ualrd n
•and to Mlaa UibrL Slantcm elovd
tta door aa Ulaa kl.wrdcU entered, and
Jte Unry. eareleaaiy lenninic aEulMt
the door Jamh. cxoibl Ibewwuveeaallon aa raidly aa l boash be wire uto-.
any In (be tecuB.
'“MlBa Moorfietd.** (be oenhe pai
taenn airruly. “ibe letter to (-.wllv
that 1 dlriilcd to you yretrrday afirrbriac ari.1.1 cm*ln the marked
thla aavulne. No ui..- lu llw oOlw be■idea younrif knew thr .wiitrala

crralnmL. Harry LcM.w a ll.;.! I bare an
offer fnim Ur. uid.-bap. «In> u Ji
reUtec hi wiwllb. ycH llacry la Jimi
nnieaaonalde -and lahybb aa If
tbuuEbi I reoHy raced f.w Ibal old sray
brad. Harry U « ac<y about It <hai
be wcm'l do ate Ibo ofacallen far.*.
MoHier-What did yoo aak Harry
Clara-1 merely aakad Um^ «w.i
and tee Diy arrund bomlwnd-Now Vock

n# Knew t«. '.
heinc Rcnlly rhaffnl
He look Ibe Iwdlnaye
nary maid
TAtbafa ftrlEbt b.Mel*y.r.amtle*. “I
I Wb'Wb.wl
a-hyl Wbw
WOy end ll Urc
'ben I want vtmwar for m n.
* prill reeouimcHidlB*
' my aoo.aalad. I r*rall
yoa that you ace utterly
eti.HiEl. f.r J*.'..! Henry. I rider, and U'a vvlcHumr bbliv tbe
BVOttlW of ruinetiuriirra. be clatlod iMAlme 1 BHPeri Kr-BoD Kraariaco
tota tbe rlih-ra n»ai and cwafroiitM
that aanwmed ludlrhlaaL MIM Ma
tafa boav. Mn Mabri'a poalU*. were
at Blake, aad lu a l*rent of arurda Ic
wMcb tta IbiflVb tancaaBe wa.
OtnoOely mlted wllb eiiim^oaa frua
t Hawaii nearly'^bii.WiO ate Aalallcw. fti.
I ^ IritK Jatwaree aad SOAM OUncoe
dtarria bad rata Thare ara alao Parle Bkav.

ri i MTBin


Greatest and Grandest Cetebratian Ever Given in Northern Michigan!
This is merely a preliminary announcement. Later will come the program and particulars. This
is to let you know Traverse City will be prepared to welcome you all, and will endeavor to
keep good its reputation for giving an enjoyable time.



The finest display ever made in Northern Michigan. Plan to stay for the evening Fireworks. The
children will enjoy them.


The Traverse City Driving Park Association belongs to the Michigan Racing Circuit which
sures at this meet the best racing horses in the Northwest 125 fast horses will be here. Pursfes
$3,000, paid in gold on the spot This will be A great event

mM I «u a rwac MB. I
• npMar. OP* utniim I *mi ^ to t»MtW * Ualtod BUM* •nuur. H*
WB* «*rr ktod 10 to*, and d«1i« mj
caU h «M vM lli*« w* w»r* fiada•to* ln*a Ik* toue <vll««r. 11* a»Bj^
M* 1/ I had bpra a pood Mi>d*et.
BlMli>(totbcnM<*«rBir hair. 1 CM
(*Md that I Ud

a v*ry pot* «»■

(or a radlaa tt aUbt Ml** kaa.
ttopad to b* a awtblBB naaa *T Bia.
Isto which BO Urta* CTaatara <
bop* to paarcrat*. and at a 4ila
(b* BoxlOBB rapon (feat bar* ttoro
fm tha balffelBf tnt» bar* barn
aa to BBuac* tb* baalih. U'wcc
acMIlr tha U«*a. ot tbcaa who lahal*
Oat or tha aaa* of rvla and daaoUOca at 8L Plana there baa eocn* bat
•a* mltlcatloB oT tha bomr ot tb* apppIBac dlaaatar. and that la that tha
attHoda* to wbleb the dead wer* toaod
aa MK7 aid** Ipdloate ttaat the blow
wfera It fell apoB tbaui can* wtU aarb
I aaddreoaoB that U Mrftad out

-JWt hr-k r.«r h*a« 0T« It- ba
I jduu'i atwara ton out tb* laMt
B." Thru after pleddiiB BW to aa*7, *u Ur at DaiBB lb* raal BaBM
br tuM IM th» follow-


U* bad the a

lliioafb B BtKfekr by a baUdlat
MMoHrAan la BBBaaUy ifid
Mtbatasrallsfitafalty of Ma*w-'
of pwyarty wbtofe U ’
Bl^t taobaa artto. bat which it ■
ortheltaa carried from yaar to year «p
tta r«U aad aaaaaaad at a ralBBlito
at dioa Tlw oamw atrip
toad b
rt of tb*
IMrlu aad oeeapM a lathar Imporal poaltloa.
Aldarmtm A. O. Baturna baa applbd
I Oitmli JadB* C. tl Cbiiuadaa for
.toatmlBl IbaMyor
eounell of Ondillae from u-


roerrileatof tl
Hr. Hi
•rB* dapaaeM View.
a aa illeB^ laaMle* aad will
While tbe conlrorllriB l-ow.-ra I
*a*a a dadelCMij. Tb* yad|* baa
lew alUatirr ai>- tlrval KHtnIn and
ord<T»d tliBl on Job* • c*B*e aboald
JatPo on |p|wr. tlH-re U aleu ttw on
thewB why the tnjiuieiloa ahaU
rial Amerieaii an|i|«irt of tm- alllai
ba Btoalod. Tb* am b*J aultod
aay> tbe Japau (Make UaliiUbl. I
to tliBl city.
BB amaBre of tbe Ibrer iaraera wbli-b
tbe robato etand by Ibo ally
lo rommrrre. In novUmilou and In bat eaooonBod the batldloB of aoemml
naval aod mtliury wivtieUi. TIhw* mllea of eempnt wnlL
three power! ran dofy ibi- world, ru»d
CadllUr ii bavlBB a fraat balldlBB
wi- da not biwltale to aaaert Ibal
Dom. Nearly lUOaew dwelllnBhoDMa
alUaure la auBIrtenl lo euaranlo
are beea bolli almdy thla aUmmer
- of tbe world. Tb« mint •>
aad from th.- paem-nl eallook toasy
will be batU dorlBB the pamBeaidoa lire dwelltoBr Btaoy
ttpma are brlBB afoolcNl Iba UtBoal
■I Ptofeea.
job b'lBB tbe brick block of Dr. it. U.
A orbeme b beloB aired to eeniKHl
UeMBlbD and A. H. Wabbor.
tbe Pp-nrh Wewt Iwll-a via tbe itur
Tl>e dparrow-Kroll Lembor
modtA ABoww. Ptwiumil oBd S|>ai»
EobMb. haa aeeated a ooatract from
Pnrlt by ti.nma of a plsei.n. |,
Boffalo ooBoetB for ;.0» ptoem of
(be Immiuii
I’liria I

tu Ih* dar
feUi Ur. I wat a ,
m>nr to admit wbu*r w.17 airtaui point
waa III Biaktai our Uiitructun Ibliik I
knro- saeir than I ilHl. It turiMd •niL
boorv*r. that 1 didn’t f.iol tb«-o» »<t(
uiurli. f« o lMMi » e w*rr cndoalcd I
atpxl at lb* foot of the rteaa. Kobhui*
I did pot BUM ElBiDoo* Ibr Bra ptar*
after Icartac r«Jk**. I had Boo* lato
toomallam and waa doli« tb* work Btbzb. Caplaln Heuan.l’a pitam*
jrou tr* dolUB DOW. . KmtDOBa wa>
• aroiwl.rf»l Urd* f-r <n-.-«u wt
toarUnB*rho<iL NHiber bad adram-rd
after all Ibr bb-a of eu ••
br/ood tb* ordinary aud, ao far aa ’
pbnvu |«ol may m>i I-- rtiliiuTkBl.
waa ruaaldrrid. had not Birrs aOJ They B|>|arvally oevd ui> UiKlmarka.
pronilM. I atin looked Bp to Urn, how- The repulii lUliika they bare a nil
over. and. itourmberlnB tb»‘--------•'
netir a.-n*e. A hooded pljiion will
our BMlrat wrD bad pat
Btrabbt to Cb* Jitai'* wbr-ore It eauie.
jwra of early Uf* at teachiOB. foUX
catperted timl be would make bla tDark.
WlM-u ten j<or* bad rolled rvuud. 1
waa pan oB»er of a amaU eouncry pa- at kllaauuri valh-y. m-ar Ih-e -U
pn. aud, an luiiMcUat eltrtkio rotnIiiB to. I>y a ivimpa» tiul lia> llbv
*0, wr happwwd to auppot the rtfW cl>* of iBCcrpenmoh wllb ttie aem-umam After bla eUetion bo <«
ry of alato, aaya tbe New York World.
otBcr. aekuuwlrdBed bla iBd
aadaakedwhatbrronlddofuaa. Uy
portiwr waa naalublttoua tod refarrad
him to feia t told him 1 wuold Ilk* to
niaraeol Bif |>arty at Ha wxl
• •( loewlelllv*
drailal morealloii. II* c«*llr atraBBed
A BBfrty flm-twi'ker
tlM> inatlrr fur 11M-. and 1 beraoia a data- aaya a writer In tbe ^•|llb.d.•lpl,U
•Bla. Tb* faruliy ft* apiwurtiiB to be Time*.* The averaee email to.j jj.
a bHter mta Ibaa I waa aiood bf me. ally want! tu luveellpile tin- rnui
. BBdlwaaeboaeuloiuaki ibeDomloat
tbe DoiH'ipl’Wloa (d a nnv-raeki-r nll»
1^ 0p*(«fe prraeBUuB our of tbe priB- Belbrr too *<mB. w llb 1W r.-eull Ibal I
dpal caodkiatra. I bad ikM luaauatd
liBB a l•Uvk<«■xl fu.v aiel |>TUara
hU BvalUbl* puluta. bat
bUtnhd t-ye to abow for bla r-arlually
poInlB dealrabk In a eeDdldal* a^ aa
Tbb b bow avoided l-y l^'devlre Iwndewed him with tUem. I tat Mwa wllb dwrllwd.
amhi Itauoder* of appleof* and aa 1 did
Tbe tuae la almitor lo Itial blllrtTic
ao. bawwtilnt to look to tb* BaH^rf. emtdoyeil for dla-bareliu; ll«- *Tn.-kit
aaw my elaaamale Emtuotii looklUB
4owB OB Bw la amoaUbmeut. Ue aft­
erward railed OB Bw at bij' botek and
wbaa 1 aaked biai wbat be waa dotot
fea laid that b* waa atlll tearblBB.
Tital ««u:b aad tbe iMlueixw of our
pajitf Balnnl me att eral yeora latrr lb*
PMaloatlea of my |«rly f----------------I CBPid talk (UUy. and. IM .
taBB* 1 toBebnL ba 1l alh er. UHS retarn. elfll aervlc*. I had the faruliy
af maklBB tny brarera beltere that 1
|M» aU about It and waa dead rtcti
•Tcry UOMv 1 waa eleolnl aod re-rlevi
- ad for taro addltluoal term* Wbeu
Md* Bi) aiMxdi ou Ibi- UHB tbal i^ooduewd audi a aaoaalboa. for llw ilm
Om* la iny life I had cvllectod aoiue
1 pledB* yoo uiy ^
V aad dou-t knea

*Wbti an you dolas. I

that If I w
OdB* 1 could make mure than uual lu
•at nf what I dM abaurh. Aa 1 cn
Wbm. aad wbenaiw tpjauacbed by
waa BPaa dlSenat *ub><«b I looked
Wtoa to pnportioB tu luy iBuoram-e.
B« wboo 1 knew the aubieet well I
tararbbly pkadm IpwraiKO and
kmaidto beoullBbteued. In tbb way
1 fBlwd to roapecl nud Batlcred tbuoe
fertUi......................................... ■
t beclu
my acBatorbI roulc-*t by obll«toc peo­
ple. I bad sot bryoiH] tliat. 1 let thru
BDdaCBtoad tbal they wm h> obUev
me aad tb* other part uf It mlBbl ruiue
iBtor. In tbU wty I tuned my oterllou.
d for Ibe u d Imporlaut
k few
. latm my old etoaauair CUrrut-a
maaa called od me.
bear you are to benmaone of Ibe
. pmaUeul't adrbrrw.’* bo mid tnoani^>^'taaT ao. Bmmoaa.- 1 mid coaBfaallally. *-Yo« will reiaember that to
aalbB* I had oo* faculty."
-tm; yoo coqU make more out of
•othtoB tboB any man to tbe rUta."
*«•«. Tve kept 00 learoUtf bow
•BdoUaL 1-m wotilBB my InfiBUeol
mal MahUm to ba tba pretUawt hlm*5' brtlm tobH taeeoad."
'■n'bit an yuo dulDB. EmmoBir*
-DoiBB welir
-I mB*! *et my torome tbor* a tbom
mad a year. Cant you do oomelhltis
-I ofaall need aU tba ofBce* at my Abfmal for aubataBIUI |>unum-a. but 1
M*d a nerrMry. Woold you take tb*
-At bow marfa mlaryr
-Iran that to na 1 win net ba air
•vdly with tb* bml man to oar chap
ta 1 fiiaiimbir I jrn* tb* worn.*

lb* Voteaae'o •toapiloo.
Tb* pbywital ebatiBe* wrouBht by tb*
•mvalaloB* la tb* We« IwUaa U
' are each a* almoat to tax ooe'a vredallty. oaya Ilarywr'a Weekly. At tiulob
fa tb* rletotty uf Maninluae tb* madfata of Ibr am renal tbal wbat

da*prCTtaa batov. '»*k«ff'*aMtoi tbhakMfaa «fea •urtfeg aatoayrO- fari Pritt took
taa baaa rapettod totoa callnad caa- OBl, feai eptottatfa feokaad apaltah*—»—*ty
aathlBB bai dfey Btoto. ataUaatly >aa ^^nMpaoa
Ctork WtatotoU. of Part Bar- barhmad'to«m feeMaat tato a aald.
aa. plaead a BMbto at bbU fab U
"TTai ■?*.
Urn foaaiato la ttoal af tfe* oHy hbU- my aad M t^^^aa^^r^ ^lam Tbnpday
A law dnya btor if—a aba
riadabaakaa-j Mn.JohaDnaoTaB.Kra.
I tMlIy Ihpy Mra. L K. OalUaaof Empm
dartbt fanUaia. 1
b* t^ema of bartoffab to U>*
•aad aa*. added a ooapto of blaak
am to tb* rolbetlim. Bu labettoaa
rto. aadoabtodly saoA. bal hb

the Bold tab.
riabrrBMO ralBniaf «
totofrem Ptoa croak fa
Ifat the rooky blaffa 1
onpdoai. Tfay any
tfal they aaw ataok* baatai from the
top of OD* of Iba hlBb bVb.
a low rambttoB aoand waa- b -ard.
Upoo BtotlBB aeorar they
Ba* bot aaotl oamtos from lb* top
Tlipy mold act raaeb'
oeant of iba lateoa* Ixal Tbahlll b
TOO feel abOT* tbe level of tha eruk.
lib a rooky ri-Bloa. ibe bleb b
axteadiac meeial mlb-a wiotward.
Urray'a Ocafamael rtpleer.

N<frw*y piltoK.

Oambnlata, to a

■ dtowoyad fey a laadalble.



Tlw ]>leaurel Nlai
ntai of toil
wetai t'*ma HeynnH. ta. parrlia.. «ta ]
have amd* tbe aailook for ...
WeU place m„d -*«ed ibato tol. ^ *,^'X
ami Blain croja eiaell.-nl
paint to aiake ilabnllMl'
affair. 11 ta aa aaeafad aaeeam
Hra torim Mticlwll. who haa beta
-il|di and Vraa Vyvkanp alalied
ri ililcwi of Ibu plane otoee berar*
The** lean
ir Toaiu; frleode hen tta week rlval
Orntoe. -------Orotoe.
. laal Jaaa-• from -----------led hv Mm
Mn'"M>ta^ M
la.-e feelinc Wi 11 for a few davt.
la aptu c-f Ibrtroal ud fmlbille.i
tbtmri. mlimte. tbiDkioB
> taktoB Teofwr medi- Ine. took
mrUoUe aeid toMead.
Pbe .lie.1 In
aad mke a
will ba aetwe.1 Bv
ataoi me bait boor aflea taktiiB H
eryoDe lavlied to 1
Mr* MiU-hell'a (wly earvitiaB reto•nr.
-!•■* w*N l>
Ur* MarrOriea Ima com to O
etn* prepar- d ••y.llu I
ti.e i* her aiK-le. Mr. tl. t>*>ta alwi a
ody waa takliiB bb hicb-prtoed
lacr-hee tall la*i Tliorw
pelebrafv. Hllll.lre*’*; I
dauabonc to keep bocaa for Clm. C
n-aideiii i.r Hordlekvllle
Hr* MUBntimaa aad b- ml a atoel trap to hb ‘«a
Ikav JoM tt
TIv hall WI
-0 lioaMNrrt
The tarty at Mr. Waraea't Pridav
Mr aad Mr*. |i)ia> Newtoa
PrldaeveolnB WN* a watT wjoyable affair at Wm BnirlK’* W 8*0'lay
to.- cnwai and cake waa aerred.
• Joba IMcbt and. family'





we luok off oar aboe* U-fuN eni.
. but tbe nrcvully of
couM be obviated by llir wtaHriB of
woodeo paltena. luui; akin*
atber Bnai aid lo unrl.-aiiUmwi In tb*
The oja-n air fnilt Wand abouM be
nbcdlabnl a blk- our alm-M an- kepi at
dirty aa at |Wr*>-ui. Au Inliwelliic
perlvuce waa made nt-vully lu lUla. A
vartoua fnall* waa pleki-d
________frum ooe aland, waabi-d a
lb*waBbliiB*wtTvanafy*nl. rromlbat
e p«-rf«v-i
All fruit* I
Incw for l

urn to iHe front. Tta emplctym of
toe mil blpeka •> Mmilalee have dUcovered that batblaf to Ibe atrooB
e la a aura and-aiKwdy care for
kuatln, and a pablio tato booae
taotable br built at oner In order
ifa.T<^w a ebaaee to partake

,alfurN( tnaerTr to VlTfiiata. North
Ctaoltoa. Sooto Caroliaa. tn-<
*ma, Teaaeorea. It 1* aiat
oiumlttre NporttoB toe me
'■ it may falriy be erfed (hat tta
eatolditbueul of thU forret rverrre ta
(he reftito *f the Soutoem'Apiaatoch
MniBUiaa la a omtier of sraal naI tm|«rtaBe<-. ' Ut. Oeprw mid
Waak.ia tliree
tta projw<i wai favored by Preaidml
1 ParJinBton I
Rooaevrit aad tlie arotv-taiy of a«ri'
iltare. aad federal acdon waa JaaiiminiiiB toe aMarm SO feet alioer the
BTOund; Nokhtoff daanked Mr.
' Sed felly by pablie aeouealty.
•aldttal wltola 10 yean toe Bieal
elhniwd npmul mwed off Ibe In
ll fell lUTom a ttolley wire, wbloh hardwood fom-eu to toe prepoeed rw
would be deetnyed eatirvly.

L- alao lUucmiua dlaamluatuj

tor lively aepCaaBecmrtaa'Bor hta well
mnir.1 beta Into a Uvr Jori beftov
tbe rlBbl tf way waa claimed by aa
Tta New Orleaaa eaatom buaae aa
A mMtwd bat l««i diaeov.t. J by J. rlectrie ear!
ItarltlM an dealtoc wUhamaa wltoQ. Bbodin ot kUncbealtf.
The paeaeue* of mind ot a IJ
b pdaaalam mil* ran tie n-unom- old
a eouetry.
tarn weak tta Norboy
Ically manufaciiuvd fnmi f.^dapar. wreck oe tbe Sk faal road, about two
aa ttramaWpJofan WHodb. Oupc
• of BHndluc tb* mlloaflum Amm. Tta euBtoaer
KW mUliiK ll wira
Uoed tta lad atondtofc atoiistble tor
Pont Jame.
Irnek franlioally wavieB bla a
• Ohumnma. Hr had lived toN
:UUlra.<toB.a«Betotoc wtob«.
aeveoal yean aod waa fairly well
to .to. AooordtoB to tbe Uailad Sfatea
not «top BOtll it waa tal a tew
feel from a hrah trratle. TImw
NiaaiaBua ta waa imt allowed to nImport of tta ta. '• aetiec. waa a:
after tavleB oner left.
A bor>- waa (• cihI .tm
a Ibr track, with bto leB* be- Jane to dooBM-1 to mil fea.-k and foetb
Mweru New itrlruBa aad Blaetalda
0 tor Uee and aaabl. to exit

Harvey 81anow of BIb Raplda a.
Him fall* Hclitoimiw ol laterloobru
Vtoried Mr. and Mn Jeoke Taeaday
an.l w.doeaday.
Mn Parkrr aud daoBbler L
have Nlaned botne from an ext.
Ttoll with rrlativea in Lee!


I tk
a^w- ~k

K.-V T. Tyndall |*vn.-h>

. mrab-r la 1


Al Faria Pan! tad a teiTibia a


l-iiwr ia
« « SII-KS « «

iS'o Ladies' Cilnria Silk CoveriOj:, I’aranun frame, (iermati Silver


tains. ii|> to

M.imifactuicrb' short Ji*iii;ihs. I.;*; v.irurly.
Ten yd

«jf fine «>rdi;il

1 limilk'S mill) Lawns worth

Mr* L T.Ptaam aad daoBbtor Mood

wttfe tta mamfa.
day taakkaadtfafi

yards in len«lh. in all

(.I r yd. oiir |nii;c lu yd for

jdain and


I’erijde Shirt

liiiik. blue, helio





Waist* itl nobby
black aiiil white

Sc^. ‘"'c



• -



Casks’ Sbirt Olafsts



I limitics.


Ladi<-s'While laiwn Waists, with insert-

1-39 -



loidies' Mercerized ISuUon Hack Waists,

Short lunuths




rod. |iink. blue and' liin:ii xolor.




lialiste, worth loc |n-r





}>rice 5 yds for.............



White India Linen worth u«


yd. oiir^irice 5 yds for.........................
Five yds of best standanf

also tine White loiwn Waists with in*
sertinj; and All-Over I'lickini'. OQ
worth S1.75 for.............................................. *J/57


worth i5C|H:ryd.j>ur.|>rici--....
Five'^'yds of


Better o

II [irii|>ortion as cheati.,

OllMrt a few Pennies win buy «t
Cbe 61ebe.
j doz. U*st Hum|. Hooks ami Ffv es
while or black, for................ .
2 stKxds (if Flmbroidcry Siilk

Red I’it'ored Prints fur......................


worth oc,- our |>rice


... •

Haig snap in CowtU.



rowels, snow



whil^ l.irdseye


and l.iiK-n liuck Unrder rowels

1 Q

(lositively worth l|>cand soc.for
00 in. Ble.ached

'I'aMecloih. jx.i

tively J>c’(|u;ility. fur......................
in. pure all linen or half bleached '1 ablecloth. 6sc value. Jor - -


Cadet' RotUry. Undennear, £tc.
Good quality checked .-\pron (iin('ham,
equal to .\moskeau. 6c vali











iontf. our price..............................................
50 doz. Ladies


black silk

double soles,



ladies’ plain black seamless Hose


Ipswich fast


2 spools of 2CO yards Manchester
Hlack or White Thread lor .... •'•'A
A iarKepize|iackai;cof black wire Q
.\ slick of wide or narrow Cotton
Stay liindiiiK for........................ •VX
2'full length of white or drab Corset laces lor................................. *VF X
Laf«e size Steel Curling Iron. AO
wooden handles, for......... ......
Conon Feather Stitched While AQ
Hraid. lull measure for...............
Mien’s Colored Handkerchiefs . Q0
.Men's White Hatiste Handker- AO
chicUfor.......... ............. <...
Ccjat Collar Springs




1 ^

knees, worth iSc. for’XV
Children's Summer

Richardson's full sii Spool Silk
.Bristle Shaving Brushes
Ladies' White Batiste Hcn»titch.
ed Handkerchief* for-..............
Kid Leather Focketbooks


A yard of s and 3 inch fine Tor.
7 inch Nickle Back Combs
tion Lace for.................................

Vests'in white, ecru and black

Jamea Radsen, Petra B«ocmar aad
Om Vaadirlip wewi to Maatotee oa
Ita M. A B. K. excuttom. loot Saufay.
John Jeaka r*«elv«d a vala^
baattoc doB from 8oato Lyea. Micb


widths. woMli u|i to S'.jio a |»air,

Ladies'. Misses' and

Peter faormeaWua to Travene. City
many daya ot Ita pMl wuta aa bwi-


175 mamifaciiirers samples of i.ace Cur­
:i lb.

OlasbaWc fabrics

Ton yds of


Samplt Cact eurtain*

black, riiibcd Hose with

tm to bmer of JoMa Vy
waa tta teclpieut of a to
^vatoable pneawt. All 1


worth :?i.V,,f..r..................... ........................

SO doz. Misses'
orltp apeot Saafay to Bm-


Of New Merchandise Traverse City has ever known. Wo have
bought all our goods late, after the manufacturers and whole­
salers had filled their final orders. Secured them at almost One
half what others have paid up lo the very last moment, and we
are in a position to offer you greater bargains than any other
nouse in the city.

Dtri'Sehrarer ha* Btovad faiammi*
id family acur ban for tlw auauiMa.
Lr. lidfarurer ta* tta bark Jo' '
tta State Lumber Ou ol Mani
aa.1 emploT* aboat 40 ram.

r*. Tern Youm ia euicatatotoB
aotoor. Mn Oaauilw ef Bm-

llaelf III im etraKB!''* >< >md ta
Maofttal(«A and to Ibto eeadiltoB
wae fouad fa tta hfa tal a few mtobefon mala Umr. .Had ttaa*
I tta mala eeaU lm*a

■It ifawa toat the baMa ora bafa
lfaS--<»Ha«fe Ufafafe.


Tbb b lb* totiaat


%rML kew an you feeilfa oMr
naked tbe latter.
'I'TC bad a attlrb to my aide all



.. oooo had a fmi lO the trap It
la almoel anbaard of for tbom aaimala
IB aohoul rloaad FHday
Tta tal
torreyspon domeatle fowla-or M
with a I
they do II b told M aomelhlnB
ehareb lu tbe eTariny.
aa they are aaeally toe caoatoB to cel
Ur and Hn. Knfaa Raim were i
■IiikU- eomrmel awardad MBBUppm
|Of^of Mr aad Mr* J. hVfiarkeli
,»Bla#BlB Brm to .eeemal yaart. To*
Idllwt wHI ba from -I& to tft feat IcHiB. •cale in Iba mtotoR diatrieta of
aad will fill so oan In tbe oODitroe- Africa Ik vCTv apt to affect tta laM
Iloo of the foBudBtlou for a totf* eapidy to «b.- uw»t pentuaalB.
lake copper dlalrlel now ooolaln.
atoel plant.
qalb- a aambar ef idle men. wbo tave
Nick Nelaon and Mr. Speoeer are
beeu thrawn oat of work by reelrio- P'ltoB hark fc* Haa Plan
vt of opemtloa* el tome of the
Mr* ArobleRallbwmiTlietinr with
lea Tbe exceptionally lilBb wbb** aer taotoer. Mr* K. K IBal-a, Toe*
-red by tbe miotoB oou|waiea ot lay
pomdtoB to bb doorway wl.ea
Hlaa Bmma Warner fnim Oabon.e
Ibere wai a Oaab of llBbtolDB fellow- aoeto Africa will ao doubt indaee aa waa tta B«e*t ot Mlae Koreka Wilaon
•xodBi of a.-n from tbe copper and for a few dav*
•-d by aa Beaiwally bnvy eUp of tbon
Kobect Wilton 1* makini; a nice
dor. Almoat tsmMlbtely Uier.' wat 1 Iron lUitrlotj In tbqae NBlcwamtoen employed ii. tta take Sop nor l>la<e of llie farm
He liae ll veij
torteoi of tato. faoford aolleed aev
a.wrly all rlmred aliuiB •>■* road aud
onl poeolbr ob)eeti fall to tbe froul eupiwr diitrlu are aaoaK tbe I
ero]ia planted
l.aad afP-r
afb-r tbe aUrm toweaUBBM'l
H.- fonad withto tbe apaoe of tea roda
«|DBN nearly lOo .maU Bill and onw- Beldi. wllb a Utb* number ef experi
Her. J. W Hillrt pnarli.d a Un.
liii.-n and drill oierator*.
llah, tBch aa -axbt to creakv which
meBKWial eermon at itaiVuliv ita
A taiBbI <d>e]il.erd doff, owned by Xtfa.
tad falleo darliiB ibe rain. The aa|i
fane Hamilton, bi* Jaat be<-n taaBhl
A OBiiolte bnibday partr «*• piveu
poaicton ii Ital a anudl WBlenpoat
wl Oarrier Berkman every afi.-r- ulleer Moyer tamtiUy . veuiu* by
aacked the water aed B>U oat of the
and lake toe mail to tlie huu*. bla frienda lie- oiiwni aud •■akr were
liooil tr tooek near by aad tln-a
Inilead of tavinp U div>|qied lu tta terved.
dropiwdl the atraai.’e eombiBaliaa
Altarl Crmlu
Tbe dmi !■ riefat ou ItoMi eaery
bbward whleh BolBhUun. afterward
rily to attend
day bat boaday: on that day ta teemr Ureen take
lwli»d him leather ap
ow that ta will not b<- nroded.
Clilekeo put
o be toe ord. r
(leoTBe W. KeUem, who foot yean
-Uiaod LedBe ludeiK-ndmii.
of Ibe day; Imi mere aeera 10 iw n..
•BO dearried hti wife aad two dauEb■eriout caaca.
tora at Kltol. Iiaa niaraod from BbbA tarty of Odd Pellnw* aud Itair
bad. He haa fallea tair U a fomna
toid.-a w«nt from UwUeoir* lo Tl.oai'oaBUH Irma Seolh'Ul. daaBbler of mwville toe ttb 10 attend the 1 i> O
end mme ban to Join hb family
K. oQOteution al lhat place.
aaaia. They had nmovad to Ksoiai-, ABu-ritau
« Bivi. Mr.
Vli., bat be wrirwl of bla ooutoB aud
or of A P I.rRa.-roae
ll will be a Imppy ndoIodIt Tboreday
A plmmat
dbe win atari from fan Pianclaoo and
rat and ei tnatilal evmluB «
OliarlM Mooiv of EbbI’wIchi
riideavot to break all aiioed reeand mkr wmtowuablp wai watobloB two ronaton
BBht, hit bouae waa atruek by llstit- orda Tbe oi.Bnleea la one of the miwt
-Xpert ebaffean to Ameriiw aad ber
alBB- After dolDB oonaldetmble d
macldiM. wtaluh tat bnabaud haa liu
*«•' tlM- boll ran alun« a elotlie*
parted from l*ari« cxiweaajy for Ibr
and iuatantly killed opo of the BBlitiuB
la an ediwclally tUu- one. Tbe
rmulrrm tooldeulaly kyiocktoB Otari.-*
laa Uorne rloae.1 tar «on-ea«fBl
Uaahaa fiBured to aeveral auto
down, tat aol Injnrluc blm.
leriu of acbiHiI iMt Friday
wuh BT*at anooeae and ete- I*
Ur. Knnb ot TcBTi-rN Oil*, wbo
Fcstorla In Harrla, fgri 1
eoatlJc-ot Ibal ab.- will be aUe 10
-aadrivinB a well for V. Vitkocbil,
, with aeveral olher amall loya,
brluff ihi. daiiDK imjerl to a *aeee*aheo about MU fw-i bauke denuand
pbyiiiB iu a iwplar tre.-. atrlva-l to five Bp.
ful conelnalon.
Idb to oablo ex'll albir by ollmbint:
TUcaAiwn riiiw-iurkini.
VVilImm Alklnann of Travene Hil.v
I'aaeeoBcra arrirtoff on tbe aieaawr
1 viatlloB bla iwrnnU at lliia place.
but Inal.-a.l of ptaaliiK illrrrtly lliroosb bbb. Tb* Uarrti boy tad climbed troquoia al Dotolii re|iort that tor
Ur and Ml* L. at>d Mia*
tb* paeklliB wad Uitu IW main vlinrKe alwat Bft.v foel whoa be tell, atrtkim
at ran tliraupb a aklm of ioe on eaKirne to tV.dar Tbnmday laal
plrkeirea<«. Itooorery ladoubtfol.
of tbe ett'kialve. II <nl.-r« a prliuary
tOB Port Artoor liarber on ber way
Hen Wilaey of II.U 'plao*. while
dirlakin "t tlw tube eouloInliiK a Hniall
PliUe the Waltooe *bew wa* ec
mi lIooBbtoa to Dalath.
Many workief at th. Uood Harbor alilUBbrtmiBv of iiow'iler or lUuuiluntInc votnnile to Part UarOB laal Houday peoide believe tola In b>- an aapreoed- mill, KOl bla thamb oatv.-ry »< \er.-ly
After iwaatoB ihnMish ibU
BlBhl an aroidcat taprnned on tl«
Iledlv laleilale for ocwly-fotined taPnia Kraiila cd lUia place luela
eniuparlment tbe fuar etlnula lo tbe
road near New Harea. Tbe JaB*ar
be found .« take Sapenor, tbooffb borw- laal week.
BtolB explualvc riiatpe.
iBNly faatcDod to ibe
tloiu.- ol oar riilaena ar>- aUeadltiR
me ot Ue- old aellU-ra tell about
lo «ie form of Ibe aafetj rra< krr tb*
>an at Lelaad Ihia w<*<k.
iwUmluary BlBual take, ll.e fortu of
BatlierinB Bp loealonR ilie alioie ol
Mra EAtotoMm and aoB of Kmplre
toppl..d over allowtoKt be Berm- Jaa- Ibe lake witb wbb-li to faake
aN TlaltloB at VTvd -MkluMUi’
BBTio iwKapr b-lween Ibe beat bar*. cream aa late a* Jaly d.
The train wra» ranetoB alow at Ibe
TeiTlBerl aod dleeonraced Uy Ibe
Oharlea Vivkoebil of ihi. pla
ttou- owtoB to a tmla ahead of it and
irorktoE tor John Karen of 11
{ireecDOc of ninlMBakea,UBDi Heifer
the aalmal Jnmped^ from the car to
•on.wbo lived with bla family to toe •Uy
tbe BToand. Tbe j'aBnar bad tarn to
town of Benaea, Wla, tore do*
eapllvlly ao Ioob that it appiwrta
-IB Mny Inetaoevc llie twentirtt
new realdeooe balU two y.wri
Belury family deeotn To |wr evui of daaad and tbe IratoBMiu, raalltieB tKr and moved back Into bU old borne.
It* UrlDB riiK-nae* to Ibe leak of ki-ep- tltaatiaa, aecored a nei that la naed Iialf a ml^e >wmy.
Tbe xattlec
virited brr
II. lll.h- to aartol work and tad bto^
«er. Mra.
Pratt of toia plaor-. a
> few
fore he imlited wlmi bad h>
terrided. One eventoB aa tta family
yi tori
T»rblH>k«y before tbe Aaaoebllun ol
onOrya- were retirtoB for tta alfbl Ibe mother
Mlm lUancbe lUakrII of
CulleBtate Alumna In Hmttui reeenily.
nl take, Benue coaaiy.
:foanda larBv cnake l.vlBB oailiebed. (3ily to vUlltoBal H
■ keynole of rleaullBra* W tliC
oul ihia arrioB wllb the teishuol Aaotlier (line, to midday, while Kek
iilon ot dual.” mid tbe apeckcr.
proapoeu of any year yet. Many toff tta taby to aleep. Ib<- taaae oal
"Dader mudmi eundliloua aa rtvlllmt. H. Pratt and family aad P.
Ooo ailVBiieea He plandard id ehanll ebulrr- lake froau liare l>eea beoBbl car.- aa alarm, an.l a Nlller, eollod
■a aad tamll.v milled on Hr. aa.!
by rich I'woide to dlSmat parta Of tta
ready to atrikr. lay nader tta Hr*. Hroiiierum aod daaBbtrr at Km
noanlry aad a nam^bra of ootlBBea will
iaa'« obair.
A ratll.wnake den plN y.el»rday.
adebbon'welfaN. WeaUake our dual- be eneled toe Gomtofc aammer. Two
fonnd tbit airiaB to a aMlI
Ur. U. LouB waaaa Kmpire culler
an oul of tbe window* and take out
•teel neamen will ta po< Into elewe by, and altboash bandreda of ve*t.-tday.
corpeU oat Into the bark yard lu l*4t
tbe lake itl*
Harry Tliompaoo of Cedar' Olty u
tta npulei bad beea killed around
them, and Ibe dual., laatead of latof to help earry th.- reaort^ aad will
dotard, they ec-med to be Ja« vlalltoB bla cnadiiaNBlA Mr. aad
tatmoed of. I* dmply pal Into rtrrolaMn U C. Hiller oftoto place
OB achedale Itmv. Tta ffrM of
inmarou aa efar. and Hr. Il.-lfartfam lo do adacblef vlvewtore. Tbe
Mra Sbabk and taUdrea and Mra
Jaly the Ana. Arbor will ran a epeelal eon decided to tear down tta ballddoaten aboald be waabed aud Ibe eardwirr* of KmplN oallrd 00 Ur* liar
pOtoUwletioolbebouarlntW. wbrNtba Unto lo Ita differeut reaorla every *0
wood yeetrrday.
IBwind wrouW hara a cUoiw to tarry ita mlaatea. The baaa fabtof to tta lake
Mr Drpew ad.lrvaaed to.- aeiiato fat
M W Parrani and wife weot to
nettof aportamea from all over orday ia advooarv of tbe bill appro- Maple Ullv yeetrrday to attrod ib.BCRU* away and drop tbem Into tb*
toe United State*.
prlailiMfAlO.QOO.aoo for tta parebaw fanml of ten. M S Deoamore.
Prtd LoVance .(aria for Orand KapAnetoer rival to Ut Olemeaa haa of
aerc* of land fiw a nation

ad Bway by lb tulrenal Brew. }uM aa
•nadb b oemamed bofoc* tbe buratoc
M tb wrick. Wbub river* have l>eeo
•WBltowcd up and oo tbe labud Of IH. tor mriliod to rtwep and well adapted
tre eomum-tal pnrpiawa
Vfacwwt a vapl rotate baa
CBbrly, aad tb funuer alle baa bteci te
oaly nmenk
fdaewd by as Ink* of Ibe few. At '
It waa aeretnl day* after tta prlaw
aaUM bdjacaat le tbb. wbk-h 1
Waaka «f« waa Bat bad ureapM by tsfeC. aad Ita pufUtot with two brotba ODUiBrn of the bboewf* tbmoon. kaa rfta waa ouanc up and «mekla«
haa baaa wbuliy deattoyed by Bn and a atrofa ctaar wfeea toe doctor one

I haa hafa h

brM boai^ca
Tbe KIta Ftaban- aiab ei
' Oea MeDaaald waa bameowarfaan Sauna Uawemore. an nld nlo- day from Tnemw Otiy. wbete be ta* 10 H D. a fram'^to.^
of Ibu tarioa. AM KHdav i^« I beea -wmkinB
echaol .loeed IVM awk. afler one
Tta faaeaal waa held of toe mo*<
-afai year, la
rill^haBlvtw to Ita
----- - -‘•--eh. bubwy at Ibe vill«.w.

1 thU tbay warn BOI p
Ita witlaa*

dlaMol, 1* pfaaaimi m____________
wUah wUI be «traw fa fa* Mdla*

Perfumed Baby Talcum Powder 0^
toadies' H^ptiAn qotton. also mercerized
clastic ribbed Vests, taped necks, some
all lace fronts, worth up to


1 K

forre. IOC and................................ 'XV

Ladies' Sample Union Suits in fine Etryp'
tiail Cotton, worth up to$l-oo. Oft

l.adies' Fancy Pompadour Comb*, Back
Combs. Neck Combs, edged ia Gilt,
and Torquoise IBue and Sets. 1 A
as and 35c value* for................. *

ft#T24c to-..-.................................
Lakes' well suyed Corsets, worth

CWIilw, Gcals- FnalsUax Gotos, Ban.
bps. StKS. Tmb ud Valises 11
TOT lllerestlat pitas._______

Lad^' Black Silk Mitts, worth

HO ^-During th'is sale we offer extraordinary
values-in our Bargain BasemeoL

Xhe Globe
n>tiit SM. Timm an. WnMq fact EUByhi Smart fa Sfa

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