Grand Traverse Herald, May 22, 1902

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Grand Traverse Herald, May 22, 1902


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


▼OL. XLIV. /


€raad Cravcm IkraM

. t^th.pwMicatia'hml^-aaiW.

ever ehovu to the maAet. All the

207 E. Front Street,


lateat Nnveltiea in Plairk. Cbecka,

OppnUe B. A M. BiKt

anti Ntripea. both PoreUrn and Do-

Traverse City Stale Bank


Theae «e arill mnbe to



jroarordi-r at the very loweot price*.


Tire Insurance!

c ■erchui Taller.

Plata Ginas, 8tMm Boiler and Accident Inauranco.

Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.
3 per Celt aUoirea m Time bepaetiv

JohnaoveBlootc. Phone 73

Traverse City. Mich.



‘ tbc baby," aboold bavc the txwl of
If tbu qoalUy of tinl*inrdar. Hoop or othvr artfelaa for th.
loilM U poor, thee yoe Mtdaaecr tha
raloa Of 1-wIlh.
W. bate a foil llna
UlNKd for iBfaala Uiat an-iIh-





One tlu>ly.

Ketult: •

1‘erfecttnn in

1 ircaling .liacis*!! of the ey e. tlie


C. A. HAMMOND, « «,


n of B^hl aiul -Ihr
...jfuhalian and euminalHm free,
omcr oier H* Ci.y Book


Traverie City, Mich.


Real Estate.
Mortgages Bought and Sold.


Fine Farms Cheap as Dirt.


MlMI, WK-dUBl.e. Hnll.nKB (-


Phvwelan A ■urweon.

Oua tl*

(S, OK V.)


* » Brand Craoerst Cand Co.

(iraduatr nf Anencan School of
atroiiathy, Kirkavitlr. Mo. . ..
Ijkdr in Altmibiwr.
Ulosuircoa ApplicaHon.



Office Honn: U a. m. till S>p.


Roofta 901, SIN New Wilhdin Block.







Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages. Etc.



w^arwva M^^iwttW» at «Jaa

L ux’Kwnio.
a. P a T. A.


n. a iniBAAT.



Oaar PatWiBbaaBtata.

Rn Kinds

Derald Job Office

\A/^ool \A/ein‘tocl


-iSteltB-a. ltoS^■.
' aad Hatar^ evesimn froa
■■ - rhoanW


AU the wool in the region wanted. Am just back from the
" E«t. and have arranged
iged with eastern mitts
milts to use att
all the
a. and Kalkwka. Ta.m. IWV W€)ot frOm this SeCtiOR
n of the country, t can afford to iiay
the highest outside market prices in'^cash. Will also buy
ttaW IN..M r. !*►■. »:
ides at
and‘ ginseng.
KBUIK. A«wt.Tr.wrwlWy

Office and WarehMiae. 7S« K. FVont 8L
t-itiiPBi riiooe I-^I

Boll Phnno i:ia

aoo Aer*

for Sal*.

Two anil onc'hkil mile* fuRu jjoml marirl.
(pBvtdy town, acaae rloy.

tiuocl soil, tnreillv

FifI) arm timbre, will lirini; $:I,l>HO .vi

7f ptu W»at /« gtt a

■sarkre; f> aaa orchard; 67 acres leeiiii^: 1$ acrea pouiewa; C aem

9tl acn* wheat; K acres com.

wmxK fenced for paMure.

Balaoce of UiiJ. tadudin;;

Good (t-mnm hnoae. with suine liksc-

C^ r-ni

Feed mill

a*t:«0, S-Moiy and kttcraent, with uiola far ahelling and Krin.lin(;
Toed hotae 9lt«(l. on atdbe fonnaaim
3SxSU abd 94x40, atoae Uaeroem.
and pee |ioaKBiaD at (Mce.

Btartnreii Urn

WiD aeli with ipnwii^:' rio|it

Price iSJfatl if sold at once.


cne-faonh iknra, Ulirwe to suit, or will take chy ptnprei)' or unaner
farm ID pan panaetit.

:I1S Wea Tenth Street.

Potato or
€orti Plantcry
Chi er Bras* Spraytr.


do not fait to look over our large tine nf handsome ar­
ticles. We also carry a W stock of WATCHES..
CLOCKS. JEWELRY. ETC. Spectacle Fitting a
specialty. VS'atdi and Clock Repairing—the best
grade of woik done.

SIT Front BtrWW

TravaroaCity. •





eakiac Plasttr,
Come to comer Front and Cass Street.
You can depend on treing sened rigbL


“iSVta£t I


(■ the i^a^Tcr'Sam'lu^tim**^
Irku him awfaliv. |I yoe buvea'I mat
Bal Ul taa popalatNm af Baaia Ba
him alrrody. Yoa veUwayi tboorfat UUa waa aal lawlaaa
Ttan van
a aidcadid maa.
fataUaa, aoae tat tavaat. wbi





BIttt UMrial, Cine, Cvincnt.


hSart tha aaa sAia


Cand Plaster, Parts ertth,
H you are thinking of buying anything in the way of

iTKJh “Maf

air. If <bU Iw
•wav: that
Ilka biBuatf. b* baaw. rsrstd froai fi bla WBToa
crela W ei a day. Hal ba had alnady kjjibuoi
baf* tc taa Mr. Unwn twioa
Tbmwaa an oiaea tor hlai la Uv miaa. ihr
Oaea or twioa Jaaa «o« a
ta|>artol«edaBl kindit told bin
Kr iDoai thaa lu dfwtrad
— opratnc WM fllM
4 oe br tbr tH-owailiaa of hla M
•I mil
Al twr Uaie lieauae ao olMe
her aad outer, duaa dataraoln
u dtao-irury that hia knee* Aoufe far
"liliBM wbo.^ha'viaT^Bk
a loac line aflerwara
Hr waa sat
I Ua. nrafally aad driiu-rataiy raiomI oar whi^w. Ihra IM other,
oua of tba owaara . .
IHO tb* atraM %if, aad Maally rah. Ferru «J Now Vort a -addruly and alaace haekwanl
hrd (hr iMwIiliy ylow apea hl>
IIU hat rmr wbo bid
Iu an luaMuce It caae to Jaaa itel
iiotr aad Ihr unhrallhy hlaaafaa apou
ainblvaah auav diRI W iMd lawa oareUaa with hi. lamp
b» cilia. Tbr colon did ao« euuc cO
. ..
_____ ifhiaa la Jaaa'a fana -ud tlMl a ray or ao bad ibMUItM
very aacerailBlIy uadrr thr dry baad airuck Ur Pi ma aad ho aaked Uv. di^i troBi th- aide of hti Ualy.
trnhirr t«t hr chaaced blBaalf teu Urwi lo try tba boy iu tba l>lao
1>U<» of a
lO baa jaal fallae aiok.
a liaadaonir fuuhotat man at X macb
Ilia uihrra a moiimbI or ao, lUra be
- |ail.-ia> If hfl»>ra||f la an-d of a waab. aad Ladv Jaof
aud a Coapaniou ataried back aa
a waul to wort llial. <
r«aliu~1 Ihal ihit waa Harlciab, Itar ■i« with tba lamp aad jdrk
«ah to IBveaiifate.
Jaaa Ihusctil
trtc taatliH'
Cffno- (b. ahiUMH’
BudcainMr vixuic nlauvr of Lord alek miBM had caal off.
waa aarely Inal uoa
Hal tiM
Tba (Utlcr.
Uliou. wlhia'lt taa.1 la«a bar aolc ob (ajt vote of nn-lal |rov«d of dar|> taa
rda aiwkfai by ooe of the a,ra (are
« u. la., u» inn to ill f«aL
It waa a njlwf. of ciMtt(u tot him.
H. ko|d rotna far
1 tbal
tbor aad fartber. till at loactli hr
'-U*ve'y»r<»i.'lwhta U there la
II yruooi. but tbu did I
lil*iaeU («illrely aloea
Ta. aaother Ucbl yoa «a ata-II ballar.away tbr sliay. ftbv tb with diyat voioat of the utnMa ahtaklac aow
tjalckly Jaaa look a reaolatttai. Ha
■ ddlaall. -awililt I.
woald uaiinaalali bia lanip it waa
arlaub a. be alraintlod with Ibo
ily apanloai thiiia to do. for
Plaally tbry tna»4 alloi
a I*iut (in liif rbir, br«aa to apoloylae.
laaa did aol ao(ior tbia. llewuK.. ---------- be l.we ai«bt of Ibe tata-Ve
"1 aa.afraid.Ladv Uedbora. I bav» >aoy with liio thoanht
How tu>|>i>> after (hat b. Blphl UrulHevahly be
doBc raUur aa uai^ooabla thlay. 1
worked in the loai la Uu intae Hut -bu nwcln.
doo't know wliat io aay
Id taraed
tan^ the
wick down
d^n with
r.ra (Uily for a week! bind aud
'hea be thacrud Hie
oar or lira aiaal dolUra
■i ilitek. air. .-roB liad battar aay
i-b aa be coald earn III
Voa will aadarataao. of
d walchad bet u
itmar aotblay.
- uoaiMdily.
werkf with hli itiwu
(bo taiibful coatau. ili.i I oaaaM raoalva yoa aad banoa
It apou bis.
yard, ta biud, lu-ru.'•
•naioeir .Ure.1 to hmalloj. SaM^Iy,
________ , - abarp,
fceea whiatl
l.iliaa iro'rvtcd. “Aaat Jaaa. yoa
' idicaoiaa.
I aaeocaa aa a dra
Vou oau t
a peeallar
' - (aJI. Jqui TSlMd hii
atm.- wloa a ai
not re|e«l>>l
lady Jauu tamwl flercaly apoo bar. to liatee, bol ae It
a Urnhevd one of tbeia my. •hut I made
".kodlaill Iwiu DoUnna Bora to be WMI oe with bU . .
laurai Lad? M.-dbeiii
At any tab-. 1
Jaaa bad nuitbi-r wah-b nor tlw-.- •on I aaw a ttiwBier
do Wllb you. yoa—dlarraoafal otalidt
rat dufptirioa III
He did a(S kaow doB'l oar.- to «o farthi* wiUnaila
Jaac: Would 1.H1
i.ui luiod
lakiar Liliae You faatu cboauayoar patli aud yoa pluoeof aay kind
iiaht.tor • f.-w iiiouihf r Shu baa lawn act. uiaai rt|M-l no ayiapaihy frva taa bow Btaay boon he bad beea al
tbIa they
lb tbia
relarwl. and Jnaa.
lueh of yoaad-aoincbody or ^^iwiruuta wm Iw r^y for vjja la Hat Booo laerMflac
ililBC m-ire eaally. oaatoiualt ful
hiui that he had bu.n workinc a Uaa
li. bad aow BO lirl.i aad
Harb-iKli otrriud liia liaud, lial ah« Ituo . Hit ahoulder. aad elbowi acbedi luaat not luae al«ht of Un- Biea Bal
BWu|i| by wiihout Iflokiaa al biiii aud and hiB kueee w>-rv l■usIlI■l■na to fM-I: aooa Ik- did. and be wi
- Vuuaa-ni tohava laa-n vary
llle aliir. it waa aarely ■rUtac:
Irti lb,' ronn. '
ocaafal wllb Uliaa; ahu H (
f to qail wort (or tliu day.
••PoiwamiMid I.lliae: ' ll ia a
l.u.Tfal.ildltu back to tbeoHura aud a-."V-a. 1 Ihiukao. 1 Ibiak It la al horrid l^>w IO bur uuriralad iDlalM. Jaaa alBKwl imve ei|irvMi< a
noil. 1 aa|i|.i«- w« uiat> luatrlM-t; bow late It waa
iiHBI JiDiu lo wriluaadaay *'
it alarm la a aba<|i cry.
Hut IkHr fell tare Ik- kiiuw Ibe way alooir;
tba woo'l la- auirry wbee aba liaa had
rained blaaelf aad uvea Uien did
a IKiIrlioiuaud tnowa the tratb tlb<- Hie paaatfe; alao to tba apol al whii'
to i-irk hit w
1 ihould wait till Lord
I liad hi aoun- off lu-r aoni-buw.
Lord Huelotd nodded uoatafally
Lord liaotord w
oou of tba daalt- aad foubd that bu had to Iw Iwck ia the place whe?i^ tmdl..fl hlT^ia
«» ooald Mill haw
lady Jaaa'a
ii___ __
I- aal nutiti* i
duiT u> Hfk ili.a-a Jo
that uiab( liiere rrlied a lelier_____ Ihoaabt. Thuie Uy
wh-D aalllrlenly taiur
rnsl dlaunre away.
Liliau'f inidb. t iha opened II irlMiii ! pllea ready llie e
rtmy llclil tnran
er» were roup Jaaa made
tnai a iburoBKh
ll (tvw
uof lilt to alMl lain thr inaMae
jiinrlI "
I'*»» <>r
"Ilial l.illui at Oral raid ainuctbior
Ib-ar Jaeu: I don't think Ton need I*'*"*'
more aad more diatlnol
Ily tueaut of
II. Joan I.etan to ai-e thadowt niotinr
alooa l•e■ar•- bim
Mooo he nwliaed
lie ibirui
in* oueicaud bat been ireaunled «»'<». U.rice, Ini tn.-re Waa ao at
II a wild Bjoiuru’ tlie
| w><h In
tbsi they wer*ri(hi Iwlure bim aad
ue It lbaday<ni.K fellow. |’riH-Hi
had nut lum.4 any le.Ua. Tbu llt.-faU
i|oiii- hiuiduumu. al tlie limn, and 1'qaite
e lar*e..............
m <
bad K-tend l.lni away. I irci aiuuatM<» marryiua d.-e. ntly ai
relialde. rldeilyr niaa, wttli aide whu- |<1uWTl ll wi.iild uni be ai
a all *a liM ' “H* more luii-ruli
u-rt. aud a ver.
, ,
watlil. Joy afier au V.uurTy !
.more of wauderiur Ul enaie BU(m ll*e **“■
.\iul th- ciiiTuraatlon Irtanrlied ofl
luHoat unw. a. ....
In tut. trraeaocui- .ul-Je>da illl Hie irral
waa. wnald la-Way
Kir of Ibu carriace wbee’t ootiirie ao
funbtraud iBIlin-l
uieliKaleu.mel. lu I “'at nunu laii luniHwauil
' Hie B'riTnl ut Ibi- ti-ry deiii. antlhliir UiHk with ortiiw |auipli't tuill hu Uh>|. am tblna ri.u »-''‘ad and k-N litiaw-K onicealed aa
d.lil|. ••y..awet.-wonil-rin« cliltdO'ii:"
I aud uA«u,.,WMb^|l«Mtblebyan*Da(rfU^
ull wai Bhuoai
.Ilian It " naked Udy MtulAnd, (.■eutler tbnerhiu oonilurover (uud forluu- in rou.lai[aiioa tl
Jaau rnlloweit the men
.. _____
-r. .lie aai diiwu aud White to In-t jcimmln-i U.< inu.l bate bm-u
Hi did an wall to tblak oal
f>«r. for Ihoaiib Ib-n- are shrabhny
-- - -• (Urknea.
•kI itial-lmr lulullliai___
■ loop Ih* way beblu-l WhlrUi be ooald
Iboutht (if It
He nt rely aald :
innil.'. waeu. ... 1... ui
Juan wandered aboal for aa hoar iw cooreal hlmrelf. Mill b.- did aol knew
rati- 1 «r- diilni kuow l.tltaa. I
I mm, then, at be waa oa Un- pniai nf wt wtat mOTOMM hr mlahl !■-diai-ov
MIm Itniiuion
ulofi iwaa lure. l--er—am
Ob>ada VM» now ireittap paUithe iiinal (iria« ap ID det|*ir aatl of relartiin* ere.1
very K'ad lu he^ ll •' Afier a few
rally dlattaM '
monienla f-aiialeiM were hi-ar>l lu Hie
Jaau ooald anam-ly re|**re on exu done a tlilutf like^ tl
Hial alatoal «bb«M bla heart K
•all. aud Imdy Jane'a evebrowt ruae a -lelpliia Telempb
they armyl U tleaiill
Voa. l^ve It wa* aurnm cUmallou
liUlu hlchur at the nalia.-d Ui
luoalhor the eaiiyeo
Why, Im hM
le Into tbu liallat w
lewtoihlu very rota moay tlm-*1
anil: inea aaotbar. and
WUal Jaaa reaa4.
Iiruimr la a terraut of
Added Io thla aoBUd tiiere came that •Mio weold have thoapbl of a iBarepe
tach ek|e-rieun-. "Yoo are lute. m>
Far ap amnor Hiu a|iart of the Mae ol voieea ejieaklair caallooaly. Jaau a wire b-hlad HI
dear.'’aald Lady Jaue. laueli pleaaed Hiura
____ _________
IniM—likeIbe o-_
*'h.-a at a o'clock Dial tatalac.
with tba
aome imteuini bird. ItM tba- llllle T
be that Hm- moniloK had ootaa and Jeso. ropaed. pal*, dlnr and almrel
•Uome am
bale tea la-hw<- yua la«e of Santa Rolalla
ll la rijilit ...
exlioaaied. appataod Io Hr Urevaa'a
haam- your
tbe oouler ol a imam like ekoavatloa. thal Hie miuera bad retaraod to tbelr cOok, 111* mprelaiemlNt. le aay ita
workV He did not lielirve Hilt poatl"Tliauk T
and ao rutiniinHy <l-ai|nied
■ (Ha­ ble. for, tbooah tin- time liad (Mmi-d
ll yoa loaf aad draan to bim ia bU lonell
"Why. ItboBcbl too a
aeei.iB, Uiid Banfor-I!
Y(W coa l
rr -Uii-Ctly above tl.
m of Hi*Bla*.bare
Blue, oereu. , in
Imairme Ik>w bored, aont hae .bc-a
Lecead ha* It- that
taTrbrea looking for you alnne y<
ll to briDg 11
in KMT by a amall onnipaay
Wbar* hare yoa b*«r
aaly there wm* the plimi
roar arrival "
wbi> eecaped from p
t. (ben aaolher aad aa
".No: Keolly' Hee-he.-’ I hope yoo
boar* later bu .mod wliii Hr. Oreeta,
have et
-Ujoyed yont ride?"
of ooiqu-r and ailvt
Hr. r*me and three erf Ih* axwl d*
——tt tbe wall There
tomalned wa'choMm of t
I ]»»(. of aatl eld* til* BOBlh of (be aeo
Cleat depth to a
r bla body to r
Where did voa |tn. lay dtwrV’ a
to nurarib tlie irtmaare.
"We'll ooi U-e trap lor t
other side,
mly Joue "1 didn't aee youae
Thr Kaau KaUlia ol l«T bat doabt. into II aaByly. (
vutyalcbi." Mr Orreue Mlt
u-djta. and I
re thaa tweli
iu.. chaaired onaaldetabiy from tba
have DO doabt we'll (wb-l. U
. . away two mi____
"Ko. -ahurui.liM. "For ouee
Sanu Eolalu of Idld.
And they did. JaM re tbe aio*
cate of tbe tntoo yard wo* onlo
ihievM were ee (be luiai of enlerlar
mere, mod Mill
•' lanher

«.ih tbe laaaeL
ed." And abe laa«faed ruemli-tood ilien- waa ail
are Jnaa ooald tell where I
leeil. adiirably. IbnUtbl Lord Banlaibolir ehanb. the cliltenaR «i
eoataof bandrad
. _______ -ja|d*
a of whirb ooald alcnoal
almoal be a mloer by Ibe lillle Iwiakhrur circle dolUra
nIUra and a half oeer
for imod a
Imdy Jaap Iboaeht tbe new pr-ioin •i-eai oeur the mnaataia topa
Hal if of licbt. Hot Hilt H«bl (BOM from ars."
rs." Hr. Furle
Furia retd
. Ibe
next m
id lawn (liaotaytap l•e^<■rd^ra. luit ll there hod In-od a chaace In Hie town oaadlre laeuod of loojia Jaaa'e eyre lur when epi-aklor M
M Mr
Hr Oiw
iiaelf there waa bat tlule iu tbe ebarlake. "llehaereTBf aelhUki_____
I men naarrel Io him. Tliey
■ And where did yoo go tn'-"
of IU I.
aaay tlBee over. I fre-l now that ve
naked. wliiJu Lllliaa demaadud apoa
the wtaiaper.
sva Ita reealh <rf Uk- loal amirM ooJaat like tbe ooudlta
tba loaat. apimreoiy maeh tn klod by
The oiluioa
raare tarn-d acalaai H>a tafarre
an>«pd ilw Utor of tbe old oharidi ia fkACtT* (b* lad ibuttaO. Ua tathlau»ety
New York or
Data above,
abovi waa ooDtlaatl
loyed taom Balalia. H* ramemtawed tiow
- - wbBI la mora.-' Ur.
- St far hod limicd ttat a good moor
Imdy Jane waa uanirlapd
aad rteltmaded by Hia amb
I "ptva
■ giao tb.tbu lad a
I pn'there esailla* had boon etolua of
- ................
All Hial
,.ji laid. tyiuyuatbeir nalawfal li
I pure la Hie Bin*. We OBU
the ihoacht
What did yoa so there tori" Jt'aa
better thaa we oBB
oaadle* bela* Ukiei fro
verr dnll read!"
l•a( 1
bretaOTea blBeelf
.... Uiriae of tbe Virata aad gram
• rogei married, " replied Llliau.
ooi h-U. bal
u aad levetad ~
AocbrerlBlly with her mooih full Lady
atulen Bomi
Mb both Ibe
tr Ibioc. toe. oeoaed hiia to fret
lane reoeivi4 ralber a abuck.bat Lord
........................ ... workad u
Th* mea bad a Btoap of
,y 'i minu—ww* nuporeM
M trltli baaket* attacbad to luru
tbe ore aad of nwUaii It
. Kvea wbO* Jaaa lookod tme
•e aoof at faa crada amrltlac farnioa* la boata Ealolla.
Vre; laa'i It fanayV wJd Llltaa.
"1 do beltere tbe rowwla bare aome
wanrio* b--r luvul ai biia.
I at ovee ll daabed apoa Jaaa afavau marermaa Onod lakao.
t*(9v-l way of ealam-K ■l-e miDa,"aaid
"Bal wtml lUd yoa roally du Uueo. Sn^rlntunduut (JreeDr uou day to aaa ------ the area war*.
They were eeab oB
Hltalpam rersrU
mlaart from kbe town et taaia Balad." told Ullaa abrajddo IMM are bow tbit 1* pemlB* bod acala and ocala I
Ibe mOBtb of tbu abaft I* _____ M of how tbr mlDewaerel___
Rereally elerrei
Lard Itaafonl rhaeklud hafely■rlar tbr atcbi aad the ea- Bow bu had the evldeare of bla owa •Ika wtra woarad from tb*
Ihuerbl br-aever hwl mel aoeb a d
Clau faoaau and all ancuitly lookM "
JaBB'a dm impnlau was lu re- ■IU herd at Foatlaa aad taniad loom
:ally homiaoa* pin.
Aad whi
‘•Y*«. It wimid ba Impoaaibl* for
, aed a* haaiily a* pooMbU Ho oaftaUloDd. riMBuimaltare IbmDu,._____
la bit____________
__ hor­ • am to ootur tbal way. " Mr. Oald .
« waa tbia Impobe Uml ta lori- iMODd1 It lebalwted ital loladrer
' '
- tsar
fear buimn to ertwp ovw latdy
rll rrpitod
"1 harraa idre tbal ly taraed hia body to po
Aa he did
alao de^el^laj^ Mily.
Jane Hot tlie Med to ealer talo aoeb
*T hare a paamiruway of tbelr owa. •o a loore pteoc of on lieoam* damebJokr at thun- aiiprorad to br.iiBd laid,
me aeerel eatraao* mad to (ba otb- ed from tba Irelpe aad arani relllac
will, a weak amiir; "And who did
atd* (d (be moaomla.
Yea ki
away at bu feet
Tba two maa nrerID tbe old day*, wbeo tbe mine waa aat bim. wbe bad for tbe taomeoi OBBtan of tatlre dare. ItaimM Aa^*WIUlamt." mid Uliaa. lt«btly.|mM workM by the Spaaiant*. Ul tba *i- reared thair^o^ prttaM ap tbetr ■tidta bar* ata rtfad itiwa^ aad, aa ,
ina her cap for man- tea
ratioat war* amde wtiboal maabia“William" wiu lb* I
tba dIreetiOD wbawre lb* aeaad
nooiiioO am
namu- UdEJaav «>a|ab 1 breehair
__ _
rartaUm of aqairrela
■irrela wyiJ llkre
tuhllv. to Zvuid aa^aaa BC. Llltaa eoaid reailv elimb took Main aieoc
W'tal Doire
ttat, Manel,' vita to oBarad a bemr aa
lb* taBBel with their boriMit of ore (me^a^irftta

• wire
Wehayu oome apim more ttaaa imt “••rdta^l kaita. Uta,'- Maraul re
lav. voa koow Have yoa rvur baaa each teaoel la par eseavalieaa "
IvUila when Ita
mvd hr uiMial lioeD**. Uwd Baa' tbuajtht we had reearely
mtgot aaliMl* Bl(bt
lempkid to
kt fa* u
Do. II Toa bar*--------------• noi. It I*-Aafa* (poke be look a reap er itn erore Uw Mianail, aad a Ian* i*B df
isto *
lertfard. a* taoagk m lb* petal o mmay baa baaa aipref.d ui tta oaofaaay
atraWlBMd krldl* paMw m«v talfak
h«kt at ran anlb latrrrel.
J-And so we tarn: m leaM ae far a*
air wimU
oar fcaowledce of (tarn uximda Bal Well b* knew i
Hie loaai; je*— I waaorr lam
I am (wriala.
4 ormialaa atata U.OBD aeraa, h
where my baebaad
itV 1 told him to aed, "ttat
dm bare.
laacnbare atUI oNml
will (BtaUoomr la and bam
Mta Ota af Ita tanaal tadI bretaMtabe had r>vea (be I
_____ . ata to OMttal him*
" oetly. all bu (act tamla( lb« eolof
at hli niattacbc

UH oal. i,Un«r- b»b»«BB bat
UlukB. with au au or 01
aad rfiaoof rhrrted him.
"Ul. I.cn1 BaaVewd' Hr
Hr taraail la <lM|alr to Ladr Jaat.
at fill- waa bryoed «lvia( aay balp

”TeH.r;, K“

Commercial Ptinfittfl


TlMtlMd Air adatiniiUtad. AatlMbM» bmiI for t«lM (rf pata of uWawiiw Oara la Ibe mu *( aatiaepM»a*4ek«iltaUoaof iMkramr—

t lai.


Ibu wak, ?

wa if avttiBc uBita cold Lm mr iatrodacf yoa *5ilrit Lard B^atord. "
-Ha«do.Biy buyV laidtbti

‘ *“»!SiVXS^d‘“*ri5-f.r.-

— IWlOriEV TO l-OAN —


Ss£l. ' . ■ “£S^

Lori Baafore swvad a titp------------

Real Estate" Insurance

(alt ■
have one o( Ibe fi
of new »tjlM of


oh-tars that-ihai
la tbia way iaaa
MSetaat ir hla if ha eaahlMl
eat! I-Oh, Ullaa. myfon hit aaMW a^ otea.., anri m <* Ih. aiJ?.*
< at
Ttat bhsn waal on.
tdticdarfaal il~ many
and tor
. aad
la bit etaa...- .___
> U th« awr






ad tbry were (imply porleot, so I
sew It wat all ri(bi
"Uliaa!" Mm 'Umoat
MlHekwte'Ita door opaMd ^ w
YiIm sleWM of bemalf bar aea Jaaa. a Md
■rtoc bimavlf fur ta»
1 ^d
_______ „_____ bv raUdos hi* B
Witt the tack U emu baud aad
tac traa amta from Ua ttearert wtta
ttaattar. Hefrtaardaad palled m
edly fatUeta. whiU Imdy Jata Mk


ad*ta» praaiirere ta tta re

WML we'il hareta taareXU.*'
iMdtta one addled a* ImM. "1/
of thorn feUeve ataal tba mtare
I aa tara w* mv lota tat for bol
mo Ttat
OfoM voaM^ot
va au taarea ooA
■ retredbtm. Haw

. , ' r-—

dtaltaldo H U*lHt >a aaafan ta

ItaTi^tataij Ptata if^ mjta


ftaiHM ap taa rtrre. Beaidreanam
df ABtattaa Biimma to poBtare Agata
aUoHtaa are airatal aarraam walIm4 aa taa waati af bUtaeU tad fata^Iretaa ruiptae HadrehtavUh
Om hi* vlf* aad tddUtaBaad Md


a OaMa tiratl pava
tea d Wam* oa II. Idlaga |vvi
tO» Blfli i*oel
lekMtolka vkalaavaaot.
tr U» JuIt telfa >»>«» —* *» »"*— «* lag a Mmt m «k* nad. k* «aM bta
Hi^ ii*«d rrUu. Tfc. gMtarUf Ut mill - - aad told hlv tk* tUkat
«M Md la *. ^ev L O. ar. aali. teMeaala Ba Ikta

tb* Oaitad Klagdwa.
HIM WId Ptdl *M ratoiate
MMtlto eptel la Orate Raplte

vkMi «*a baatetly daeacalad *»
tk*-------- •— wtU> Ik* «lt eolM* aM
Ik* Bl(b «idM»l UMk aad aoM.
n* artr iMt d lb* awala* vat
ivwita VMaadacbarfafvtd »J. K. Otawfard.
dal M)ayiat. Tk* d«*ia» vat aa vdght boaar d Cteadi. aad laravrir
____ _
.ad vat gfMUraJoy
(or $bf OIraiplaa AH.taUe
ad Tk> at^v^ M tcl^^ Olab. Uradoa. Oat. U la tto dtr to
MMkIldi aa —tratalBg aekool
aad vlll lattrad. elaava H> pbrtKal
It B* trill ate glratpaelal
o Itaear la botlag Tto
,vUl to flted
wltb tto Diwry par
gmaalad vUb a
«1U haratolb fadlltb
a baan thap*. o Ik* M d vUak
Hr Otavford U atti
vataat vordi that garaa kiaiaa
M Ifaa Idtatit; d th* MdM ar
1 waton
iar for vbooi li v*. Utavlrd. a
rtar tvMabl* faaadag eoalad
I. O. O. T.
h*ld vtUi Ibat* dfavlag* at Ik*
Tb* foUovlag aBo*r. d tto L O,
}aiMa Tb* pldua* «*• ***■ ^
J. T. lode* V**a latteM lad W*dLoalt* 8bd»d. Barbara Oorbatl aad
Btadar eraalv bf 0. H. Ttootold.
nor Watah, aad vUl to Wgblj diaad
L. D.
taBTtaln d U>* aaeialna
F. a T.-Ttont BalW- ^
lea trmm. aaka* aad a
a T.-W W. OobU.
V. T -«ffafi**toa.
Tb* aaaaal vaatlag of tto
Oiir Bod ft Oaa Oleb vat h*ld Fridar
attalog la tk* oOar d O. P.
«ht aaaaal r^avit d tk* a
aad Vmarrr toovtd lb* aiab to to
U*xatUaat ooadltiaa. with
at* oatb tokaet la tk* inai
n* aaaaal elaetka d d
l>iadd«it-y. 0. E

Jaala HlUard BartdpM*

Jobn WalMr d 8atMaa Bar va* to

*°B^M 811*010 I* la tto dtr froa

toirSli-U bSr^M‘^«Iibdte“
WtUMm BeitMT r»tati»*d judeHar
froM a badBM trip to Mllvaakor
A. K. Porte eate etor tre«

Frtdd. BtebMl faetlred vwd kr
■orate troa Anwr
r itoal a iaoto* long
. tbat U vatbolag
kapi allT* aaltte for tala to
atte It It It BMilIf M tar to did
■at ddar to dartlag. vllta a bl|
la vUeb to Wag At data tanta.
b va* tetaadfer MlepkoM
ftoBM that tto data WM Mtoatektoddtlto pete. OB ttodvlfa ddad
tto d*M. U va* eaaftil bf Ote Sil*■ aad Parrr Bappar.
pv. wko.vvlotto VBitc aad
aaagkt tto awvtar viU. ttotr hatea
tbrovlagtoadoatlw baakatottaa*
atewte IL Tber tried to pal U iato
a vaohtaoUd. tot tbit
baa Ball, ate tto dd> daplratoed
Wtata He. Btabid
leate tto dtb la good eoadltlom ate
to tam^ it baok
lattoa«BarimM Tto rarlair Uoar.
kteMItodab Uoarelr a
It tell........fall B Isetoa U IteBiate It haarr la balU. U hat.aot
vdgtadt tot vlU go tBer* autor
iaa ttoa it pooad*. Ik* goowal toffotdaa aMBg dtbtrM I* that It
will vai^ aboat I* pooada Tkrdth
la ddi« voU ate ViU ptotobtr lira.
la atbtaptte to beat Itai. dd>.
r-'^- aboald lOMBtaar that Tibt

t taro

talatotdae* botv**a
aWte d K tad. froM tto Kaigbv
d Pytbta*. tot oeted a great deal d
■ laMfoal ate tber* it protedd omt d

It «■ at dnt decided to ha**
ttoaBlad oa Mar Bib. bat oa tateaat d tto eo—Mo—t oa tb*

M Ik*
a* he

Blaktd** va* roted ■ r^rlr
nad vlll pat tbe aun* ea
vork ftBriDg tto ooMtag
did far the otgaaiMtioa ia
tto ragalar haila*** d tb*
•maple aBoer.'

otto -tb«B from the
are *1*^1 ate ameag tto SaoK aaed br aar
•■■pi* dart* vltb Terr
bright ptdpKto d a tteadllr laortete wmbteiip.
R«)0**l( tor* altMdr be*B roedrte from Otortoroii
ate Ladtetoa for tto diraa of
IteM Raokh to I
Aatt potata Tto

!>. aarrtc. 8. O. Hovte. A.W.
Jahtaaa. B*n HilM. B. B. HaOor.
Banr Hoaro*. H. W. OaaalM
toaiTh Blato. Bd Bov«a.
Cbav. 1. W. Haaite, W. 8. Hoaa.
ft. B. BoUldar. Bd Wall. P. a OHban. a OriaCb. B. 8. WlUteaa,
jato A. Leraagar. Ohaa A. Imvtmtt, Wat. Urr*. L a Wtela. a
F. BMd. Fnak Uhrat. Ftaak FMadtWb D. K. Wrakoop. a L. Uk*.
Oaa. Ftolp*. Otoa BaiiaMal. J.
It I* bard to Mil which
Hataaleh. F. a HaatoW. a Atea*.
ad la Urn. tto uao. mioirOaa. A*. O. a Baaai. 4. W. OUto.
tor. wto hm llred tto
ft. J. Oor>«.F. A. Bto aw.atdUefc.
limaohed tto
Banr Oibto. E. E. Hibbard. 4. W.
iandt. 4otol.vp*na FiteH«nh. gonvidgood
t. W. PaidilB. W. a Patbvil*. Oaa hli latbMW *Mrr d "Tbe
Baaad. Q. R WooH. 0*o. R
r a Pina. R 4. Falgtaam. 4. a

a aC

Pkal Imvrme* Doabar
Him OMn Baba*, la vhtok tto aatfacc
rtarnoitrimfl that altboacb a aagio. to
U mtobb d vrltlag dialacii
tto vhlle taee la a* amaidaa » atrU
d tto dar.
mMadte fratarr d tto p
a a toriev d Dr. 8 Wi

Baatea. U R Oartia. F. 4. ImOlte.
Jae 8toto. Jr.. Owi. W. BaS. J. W.
MiiHfc—, Cite WtaadtH C E. Baa«aL O. R Tvlor. 4. a HeOeagh, A.
«.tor«k.Mak Wiaak-.Jr..Otoa Omtete 4. R Oaateoa. W. a BaUrnk
’ 0. H. Been. 4. T. Hnaimb. Bm Wlltotm, A. Hmalh.
aalh. OtfB. Melan
r O. Haateaa.
a TomOealea.
Iw to te Ibm It va* liateied ■ vltb
Aadta. Frte Oartia Wm. D*Kar.
ohm* «nmtMa ate grralr *ate*d. m
am. BlrdakU, A. R HaHtea*. L. M.
Hra BamUtm-* lertov* alvap* era
Bmutei. 8am lteda.O. ROUigat. W.
U EVvtU. W. FlakU. tovl* Otdtte. Jafaa Oraad. C. E. Betow- 4.
a Bappa*. A. Movmam. A. W. Itoft.

Wt beer a haedtnnclr illuKratrd book on akin diieaaa. vhieb viU baaed
bee to all vbo with it.
tHR SWIFT SFBCino-CO.. AtkamM. Om



tb* •rivdlMoa to Iteia t>r Prda T.
mm mMte. m>Mi •
a. Tnagtoa ate F. U. Morr. A* *oee
a* II v*t aBBoaaote ibd tb*r ««(•
to (Idl ooaatrr to aladr
r tropioal dreealair ate
Uvl tber Blgbl Ur Ibr dtloa d '
■nalalde. tto BrlHdi
dragged far W or W ten br tto nlo*
tfalKi magfal abeol hi* feet
OTM cam* T*rr a*ar nnatog off tto
buiiorl ooolrl
edge d tto dock, bulag ■topped by
wbldi U tb* aolaaUtor Date.
Tvo faoiUld of Uvo*K> paopi*

la tto boiler foam alinoi a o rlork.
tbenir atte elmtnc for tie
Qmad Rapldi oev to* a gponinr
(.and Ibr eiHoerr* of
a gel Ihr r<-*l thing
chop .*ej, bird'* o-.i *^d|> uikI .Hb. r
KmtUr dalatin wbra v. locllard

tto momr. Hr vest to tb* bom* d
tto grooer ate got bin oot of bed,
bat ttolr oorablate oSorU failed to
kxai* tto mltalng pookrtbook la tto
(tore. Ktatuo tbmi vent borne aad lo
bed. Upon avakaalag la tto a
lug Uie drft Ibtag that eaagbt
Charlie'* er* va* bl* poekettnok
MtnkOar Hartal.
Tto birthdar •oeial gii . br tbe an open vladov and flO ate •» bill*
Bpvorth Laago* d tbe to BdH. K
. He tfalak* to va* tonoM
Miorcb va* a gnat ■oc«« aad lb*
Unr>- atunbd laooanl ver* weU oa- atetrar* vbo bncma* frlgbUmd ate
irtalaed vltb tto foUevtog t>ogi*m; throw tto moarr la tto vladov.
lo*tnn.«Ml 4a*l-Hovte Brotb-

Commercial Prlnlina
All Klnd»

Berald Job Ollice



«bll* It

glTMi br lb«a to aote dtiMir frtood*
To gel rid of a bateb of old eallo
lold ooff* aad eollara Hn. U Blom
'be pi.*
■art. d Horwar- Pd >bem la tto
bod ate
ilobae naga 8b* left tto root
. ■emaat aad fate hafdlr P
liroagb tto dooryar wb*a Itort
. lood exploKon ttol vtooked
llobao. Oa* vtadov va* blovo
■*d la Hloblgao tot beta *>90l ool br
til* Orate Sapid* ft Itelaaa talivnr tto door* aad eoren d Ik* *Mrr*
d aU aboat Ike room, a*
It I* dried -Hlobl
oblgao ia
Hr Ilia*. latookilcbm oteaalU of aU deooripSoninier" aad I* beaatirallj
timted ta color*, tb* tael* nod ■kill d tlOB* aad tto Millng aad valU v*ro
til* artlM bate aalmblr did>lar*d la raift*<L
Ohmlt* Kmom, a
tin- lllatUBUi
I d Howell koK |IU0
toeribed at iragth ar* tbote la tb*
aaaer ttatartor night Afte
iDBtelat* Tldaltr of Trnrcne Oltr.
IlnUblDg bla antordnr nigfal tradlag
nod ibU eitr Itelf vilb lu «
boo* and nar^to
• atetarMte.
tire aboat midnight It va* tliea that

did vlma oomlog oet d blr *Upor
bl* arm* a* tboagfa ivltefaiog
til* relmaad mr "U«t b|i!" He wiw
banrlng to make a boat when tb* *o
eldaat ooeormt. Hr. Hath va* able
to b* baok at work tbl* atoroiag.

Fir»i.M U HiiiKI-rx aioMeand Copirtg to UrOer.
Lue-ed Tr
Beal Work ■T.nndiipMi.arAntVMI.

li,.|. Hlrli (tnrrh 0.0.
Inlng of tto Har qaece. Him
PlaaoM Woodward of Piaukfmt Tbe
qnaoB adraaead aonv* tto oai
■ded br a little girl b«vt
mown, aad atuteed br tlw alt maldi
mor. Tb*v> vmo followed br W
gin* dt*ted la whim, vbo vn*
Vlad tto Har pole Tbr erovnlag
eorraroar wm performed br Hn. Dr.
B. F. Oreea. la* ormm va* ■•**
til* ■pecMter* afte tto oerein
vmo emtoladed. Him Woodward.'tto
qaaea. 1* om d tto most po|wUr
roang Iteia* la tto ooUtgr. aad bm
* mmabm

Hlch. Tel Na. AT.


d tto Kappa Kap|>
ry narli

t of an
farmlag land la
vMiam Htohigaa. bat biT*i
lIlMuU B*e, vbe. ll 1* mid. will cat
It ap into bolldlag Iota. Tb* farm U
looaud at WoodrllU. on tb* Per*
Big Rapid* aad
White Oloml
Fo*r baadrad *oldler* from Fort
Shandaa tore beae detailed br tbe
■k.- pan la tto
tb* naTdling d tb;

Recllatioa—Hr. BioMlL
Prnao *olo-Hte Fkaal* Waltee.
Voeal dnel~Hn. MoUladar aad Mg It tto laritet TiUage la tlie M

vlnlem teUgraph i
ereoMd at a eoM d bU.OOO aad U
r tto
Otombar d Otoi- gift to tto oltr d Hadron from th*
ea tto rod pf
al Dnrell.
mlllloMc* pbUaatropUt C. H. Haek
ir Tb* gorermrof ttoatat* will
Ptaao aoto-Hra SootL
frv dar*
aalmllar pUat will to placed tm lop amber d oorntmutn d Kate mtUUa
ik* veto aotrad.
of tto Haacelc umple M Cblmgo ate
rill mkr imt la tto aueoU** ll U
Tk* (vKor ate iMgae dadr* t
br lb* middU of next week it U aibo *z|net*d that tto traamrr departtern ttoU daotei ttoak* toaU vbo protad ttot BMoaagM vlU to pteMg
mat VlU cedrr emd tto coreoa*
•0 kiadlr aadoMd u rnkte tto atolr
•bveen that dtr ate Detroit.
Btt*n ta be pneeat at tto pan.
Voml solo-Ror Heagh.

4ol.o Ormagor. a farwr. okekad
death <m a enekar vhU* ratatsl
from trading at W*K Braaeh.
BUvlfavaavlth him.
aatliigliU laaafaa grpar
raa avar, tot were atopp
neighbor bdpod to aartr Hr.
Oiaagor tato bU boom, tat fadore
Itor foaad a doc
MB had aKd>«d.

A railroad nmo airlriagM IT—mlv
M Other erealag from Kegai
mtprUed la to mM *t tto station br
hU (tot. vfahft to had loft at tlie lat­
te piMO la tto maealag.
Tto dUMaaetotvona tto tva cUIm U aboai
•OadU*. Tto deg bad fellaved tto
oaek ate ea tto arriTal d tto trala.a
■lav frdgfat, wm lb
n« aaltel
bov*T*r. ate ll U doabtfal vbMtor
Ret. Iliotet Bldg*, d Hart, mjt It vUI rarrlra
to rae*lraJ aa cater ftoa tto Utd to
Tto raldmo* d Pdar O. Bmltb d
eollael a debt from W. L. Bbafm. aa
Elandg* tevaaU]
Btofet rdnwd to *MUa vortbd ed gU
to Pdoaker. Wtaata to trill tor* dwotblm.
ate tto mlnUte entriad oat tto al low*, oar* maadi
tto toUM frea bUrw Iknt ebanete.
reirm ttrlklag tto ddilor
Bldg. UM

Tke aM*tte of tk* Wotea’t Olab
Frlkarafletooea VMoaeof tntrroK
book lofan. Maktag. m It did. d mvmam'.k.iir*. '
Hi** Hrttle Vandanrorl Idl todag
VTilar* d tbe
for Ft Warm, wboro tto thll tIHI
It tlte Tto program va* a
Hn Aaleb. Oa Hooter oto will to
maiTlMl Itoe* to WalM Hobm d Oolambia Cl^. lad., focmertr d tbl*
lag prteat. ate Hra 4.
Tk* trot taper oa tto pro­ oltr.
Andrew Bel* loft IbU ■oralag for
gram. br Hn. Btte*. v*a rate br
rum. K. V.
Him M«hd Bate, bar *ab}*ot bdag
Prof. W. H. SteffoB* ba* gom to
■■Some ftm*tie*a Aatbort of Hot*
York on boKaam for hU faltor.
Bto apoAe of tto bringiag ta Ilfht darBo vlll br goat aboat two vaaka.
te tto •priag beam cteaalag. da
' A. fv-pmii ot «a*thpoct to*
Tolame of AtMattc HoathlM d thr
«arlr ao'i. ta vbleb apptete tb*
nammof *aab aatbon ate poeUa*
bovsll. ■
tea. ate oltoc vrite* d aote, vkom
work* vrre joK beeomlog kaova aad
appteoMM u ttot ttai*.
Bb< vret*
la *om* toall d tto **oriM ate atrl*
d William D*aa Hov*Ua Ralph Ooa
aot, Pkal Imwtaaoe .OaabM, BaroaK
Tbomtaoe-Seton ate olhan. not for.
g»ttte «to Tdadil* BddltloB to Am
rima liteadr* mad* br Bdward Kr
•tt Bale ate PklUlpa Break*.
Hm. HoaMgn* gar* aa

o(n.y OHS CSRT a wo«b.
«C4M vrra caogai

told at tto pu>.

al BaK Jonlan TtiorwUr.

week aad ddaiU deoadBaUag
OM*tte* d tto tdapla. Amoagellid
tfate* doa*. H. B. Holler vd appelBlMl htdodaa. aad Hod Hilte •ortr of Lrelaaaa ooobIt to he i
led vltli 111* O. R. ft L br
■aaielan. Tto *1001100 01 a roproaeatatlr* to tto gatbote d tto onto to Tmtet** Oltr. levlanao ft Haototlqo*
•renlao VonUd at It
8bb Fraaolaoe la Aagoot va* toercte
k vlll *erTeio dmv i
BBill tto Bdrt aedlBg, tvo
UU probable toai a amdiag for
ork vlll to baU oa tb* ermite of
tk* Sth of thl* moatb to oeefar tto


ooaleK. Hr. Oadakr tadar ref**ed to j ,«„ut of ^^mci5blc bl*ckbte5*aod^Sd«V^. nd
allov tto laaranme.1 pUaoed u, br the Ik*. Pnnfinttoa of the Uood i* ttoonir noadr Iortbem*ictoaa£a
'n*be* aad
and powder*
povdoo cna
can <onlr hide lor a b'
Urminbea.. & 8. S. endients nU pouomia*
aaaartl d fbmli Rie
lilkmt. astidold the Uric *te Mbn nc
Hnrie ha* granrad tbe Blktrvrrr amI tbe blood to lU
ca*K«a aabed lor awl il.r eaniiT*! tr
orgeat, ate the Impl^b* b*ld llte* AegaK 4 to » i« riiM
U«a pBM ofl throngb the natnnl diaamd* aad
•d la be oae'd tb* gir*lr«t rrent* ef
S. S. ia the oalj goaraatete porelr Tcgrtahla blood
tb* kite **er omidneted in tho ap|.i
......................................BO Ataraic. PaUfb or otfarr karmfol niaenl.
Write a* aheat yoor nae aad oltr pbraieUiu viU adyin vitboot ehargo.

E’.vaaorrrtM.iulp tiallr e<

Btobea bad* do ad aaad
talgb M Aaa Arbor.
A vote
toed tor brtedi d proMte daallr idtied fardTl.

It U ad aallkolr ttoi tto Britlib

tt. Pirn*'* Pktoir ear* b

D.O. K. K. MmUbo
Oa Mar »«»
tto drat n

^v«Ii-T*.’ 5«>*> ••

tto dQ todar.

Tto arib grade of tto OdVal eoboel
■rptUnd ttoir taaaher. MldOtr*l*r.
la n Terr p»d«m MaoBer Fridar •ren­
te at ber room* at tto bOte d Hr.
Hr*. Ooortad* on tUreatta elaert
Tto aaaCl7^te*d Lo«.l Ho
Tb* ehlldrwi broagbi tbelr ova towood* probteg flavar* tto Iteld left
L Hadar Bonttoom. H P. A..
■eat*, ate tto ereate vara
Itoir *UBiiM tot* to afeao* ooraar.
TMT delMAtfol one.
irlagto vtelbda lata tto vooda
nooooat of lov btaaobe* Oa ttolr
Pneldeat—«■ Loodoa.
aaiilrertwr of Hr. and Hia J. a tdore itM-r foaod onlr the dm*
btegear b'ft.
Seewd eo
: Honraa nod tli* ereat va* rt*7 pHa*
aloag ate etovad op tto atUnc.
Booordte otvetoiraallr obaarred vltb a dlaaar |tetr

tedat d IdUa Haotb Trmd*. D.
O. B. K-. laKalgbUd PrIblatlialL
Tto —Uag vaelnrgelr ddoleclto

ne Detroit V ,
<m1 Morning
Tribune VW

‘^’’'iL toulj^oTHdlu Oltr 1* la

terr-nor Itoobald
trwdarr-Otta J.

TrMrd^R. J. Floatog.
pov«rto aotID reaoT* Hm tap to
Tradaet-Bobert <Jbtdw*U.
ptetaaaitr Mtto dtr- Ttoaiat
Hareblo Aalboar Petetrl aad Juo.
wat tot aot r*i ban daeldad.
Plaaa v*f* Miked or** fora Mg
ARar tto BMdiag Itonemto
Jomed to tto UUle Taron. vbar* a
aadtedoaHi* big atv UadlUae gaa baaqatl va*gir«a br ttoo*vIr elect­
ed ptotlddit. Wau Idodee. ate "
Bad Jerdaa v
nkarni at Traren* Oltr.
: it Kill in lb* gaao.
a aadtor d olbar olBb*\that


tto Vbitte todarH. B. OIU d Bortopad t* to tto

ridte Hd 8uitor.

Tto dab d*otd»d to Itat* tto M
tefforaaoliitt r«v. aad Bd Broaob.
r. a Dmmaai aad Frod D. <tetll


tnnm «p ey ta* moon, aowtauag urn tytmt o
r ate iludouKontthRmghtbd gland* ate pdtBdU
■ late acribable lining aad bafsiag. and ex**aob**teUr«adaro*r*mRRB.
leeiaa . amoomnaa nd-1 tb* rMlov. mOtrr diactotg* fatw aa a •an Mr Bearte Ivmtmbli*

quickir and fuiclr cured vkb


Pain Pills.
Abe bO paint aicb ■ baekacto.
paint, moatblriuito.dc.
■Vr Bile*' r«m POh vt tm* Mr


1 I have also just received another lot of those elegant

Kmvoald to eat late
k*r to ^ baafc door. Oeaoeoaatf
Tto oddaal loeklag eoopU tbai
•ok ool a nmrrUg* Uecarn to Warm
omtr ware John L. Bansb ate 3md* Denton, both agqd Aft ate both
DalnrB«a«b maamim Jul
dt f**t di laefa**. vbU* tto tnsam
tt efaoam a* bU partmr U atei
ttoa two f**t ikorte. bar tote nmhlag Inal a Udl* aaorr bit vaUL Hm
bdghi U eteiUr tear fed tanr tniton
Both pattte tor* been part
Tto paepU d TtlniaalagteU ate
rteMilr can Ur* aadiair m ptiftlm
tb* eomiag rmr. « ammoiy. Ooatraeu tor* b**a taken hr tto Mi
a that TtelalCr to laim aboai
ora IkU rmr.

Ugbtad hmdprate ttotetbebiaal« rarnb IBM tto vma. Tto
dn. ate m do aid varai
aater bilad. M flamM or*p( ap an
h« aad igalb*d bar dtma tetbmt tor

pco^ bare been cntolrd tt

etc.,vkbcecdan. AsaptmcM*
acire. wbea taken on Bw approadi d a rconing asaeft.


HIdlate itr**t. W*M B*r Cllr. to*

Hn Mmj Maagm*. aaaU i-dme

*t>r. HMi* r*U PHb dri«* m*r

^ 1 have sold one full car load this spring and have just received
my SECOND car load. Keep up with the procession and

dar Mlgbt tor* bra mmh m



of Cod Littr Oil is the nn-ji'
of life, and enjoyiprntof )•■.thousand? m'en'wonKn ai
When appetite fails, it
stores it When food i>
burden, it lifts the burden.
When t’oulose brintfr
the plumpness of health.
When woik is bard ami
duty is beavj', it makes liftbrighL
It is the thin cd^ of the
wt.-di'e; the thick end is food.
But-wiuUts the use of food,
when vou hate it. ajid can't di­
gest it?
Scott’s Emulsion «i Cod
Lit^ Oil istbefood that makes
.oo forget your stonadh.


{April 27. 1902.

127 SUte Street. \



1 1

Bfcrrt>ci4f akl, urbHi eU Oeatnl
jUamnli dM aod U wa« found tb*t
lajadtrtoei *«n-k i^raUUMi liad pnctlcaUr vipna out bU ontlrr fortsne.
Itat Kvnn Alnirwotlb (dKwU ertaWUh
Umvir Ml a AtfUt. K(>m«l of tbnlr
PK. Ib<7 arsw-d. »-l>o tod BDddeoIx
(Mnl (tonarb^ rooippllnl to can
ttoir own lUlBC luid folknnd tlila
cam. and ~tto art" rcaralcd Innora•cmltJrtto had tM«B famoua.
l>n«iaHr brcaaae PTCrjlof
MCKcatcd a Oorto a alaq. Bra
vimh draidcd aialna
flrct. to arRucd. vton
ypar atop it a norrltr and pccqik
taaabl flowaca to tto name of awc«
CtoritT. >nil to know link' alvei flairera. ud moneb lo uukc
m«. tto Ihr vOwr
r i.lnrtoBrapto tod
^Bcd dlBlofllan at xarl-.iw calilbl•• 7 n-ualb
lalciil. and no be
laadlian aa tqvrMor li> an ol,
larr. wIviT to c/nW cato *
Wtlfc akjUebI wnrt. Tao Uic
Bran Alna«<irtb »aa pniMlrallj foe
^en t<x bla old nvinHatM.
Fcr ihia
ma itoekfnl. for tto
terk daja falkiwinR faU fnilirr'a dcaib
tod bm buido more aloamx I7 Ibr rrIMIed Ttoia of oHf conmltalcd advton. irbo falM to api'Ti'i^l^ tto
fad Itol tbere ara name urn wto
weald nitor cern inaa inonrx Indefcndcetlx tlian to drjiradmt opoa I>orrowed raptlal for tto aurwco of a
totoidona vttoiarc. It ml blm a tittle
ai flnR aa one l>j one Ida frimda droppri off. Uot In Ito rml to n-grrtlnl 00)7
Btelxn llolw. witb o-boni tbirr bad
bam an -ofwlmtandliic- at tbe ttma
at tto craito.
- Anaamnc nope, tor fathrr. tod
bam oM of tto Una lo aessiwt ito
flwtal abnp. aud « bm Eraa tod toItolaed bla new of Ibo mailer and
offend akl Ur.
bad derlinrd tbe
nope tod atonnod
flaelarlac tbit “
yoonsatrr and that tto rlidiia p-nenOOB waa *olne to Ito dosa. Tlim be
bad promptlj mlled Errirn to Bart^
eldnrlj aeat.
T wtoo-tlM-atmiMT w

Save Yoor Hair witb
Shampoos of

emOa, acalet,
anrfaeaa, atlcDuUlee tto bair follicloa,
anp^to tbe roou wUb raerex
.t,aad makratlieliairKrow

■tadaeto lo poi.
ev IM Om, too R
rtoi md me.4 m wto
tbaelaai.- "Bo
a Milt wbist
H. D. Olraet. of Nwtb Atea
ladlaa."Bld tbe deetof. and tbi aadtaia. waa flaad m by Jad|p- Lowell
tail cndmti pat on tbalr eoota. They
a tto Daltod 8CM01 etoeall man for
are op in umt baennai eftbi* Intrs.
peotoc iMtan aadreaad to bb wife.
oo tbalr pemanal eenfert. nod
are detimlond to brare tlie wmlb of
tbe doctor iboMd tha
keep op
lonnaa bar boaband dl.l not tori
■My to lay bar (an to Bay
City, where ber {>naU IIA, Htw
Jninei QrnBam at Undne. Moeday
a doaa of oarbeUe acid and
foo«hi tbe doctor* deoperately wliea
they bttnapted lo admiBlater antiL Blie waa Anally orerpowered
and liroachl ool of dancer. Tto wan•c(.l* all tbe BOee reamrkable:
■ao of ibe (aet thai aha liaia
tmto la am*, and ber baabaml !■ a
atmdy. indoatrioo* uvaanr. He waa
witboat fend* bema*e be lad Ja«t
paid OBl bb Mbey for feed for hia

m Hoaot Vraortoa. waratoc reaaeb
to k.wp a aafe diataaon. aa tbe niu
inriplee loektoe toward Fnapeu u .
aboot to (all ia. All mide Imdinc to I
the maait are cloaed.

Sign Board | i
_____ .. ^


us from rach locality where iuch boaid
needed. We paint the board three colon,
putting 00 ^1 nr-ces&jn' information EN- ^
TIRELYFREE. Thi-se are-a great con-X.
venience to residents of a locality as well
as lo travelers.

aiareh orer pato.
Bema mb. ■
rpiwlnt. etion.
Inatanl relief. Dr '
Tbpowi' ErleelrJcOil. .Manrdroai
r foniitore (aeiorr ba* Kwa '
Ito OnadRajm
Rajrid'a alriwdr Iimir'
Flrt Thii bt--*t ooe
b for the l ielu. .
iire _____ i/actore nt (mrlor table* wd
will brsin opermiieioa
bie wife inM to prereai lory ule caa to oblaim-daMinal. V|].


Bamilton Clothing Co. ^

Beware V «h> drabr wto Irict U wll



itoandNol; ato i.yi^|^

rr Travcfse lal) ami llraoil Tiaxcrv,
I only in iht ailvcitiicroetil.

Pbe PUT a tmppx Uosll "Tlieo poo
itin-eHrer aln- aUiid mriMWtly.
“(■arer to mmled.
manlnrl tto akrllcht If It bad been
beeeamirx llaot X-m •''•Iba-Ibat I're
been bouerx for a alabt of x»or face
or Ito laal Irro rearaV"
“WelL" air- retunieil. with a liar
root. “TOO uil«bt at bwM Inive Wrtt-


Uixaiiv.: OroinMNB^


' Ktoictarr bnxa Ktomiaia
a am. Ill ml , .itnrtoi. iro
untafv Ito cMnaiol Iiqv4

ma-WPiE cm 5 a


Rea.l theSl-tX-'l-M. I’KICiili (IFI->:J{KI'


ror I>iun IHiliahcil Gbst Berry Sns ll.e no
tiling ami well worth fplb'.

1 9c

for choice of :i Ntlet ia 4 jaeix GUt* Tabic
Sel^ :t.V valoc. '

I 5c

for a line Polohml C.laa hige aiie Cake
.Siam], 85c valoe.

IJ5C f'^«


All a

lock C<mi1., ch-.lic of ;t sJiaj*^ jij

8-V *us]«mlet on the market.


lor three larf>c tire. TotnUen heM quabiy
i-laa, 16t value.


for clmiec <rf otir .*iik-«-s Shirt
well raa-le ami u]r-ii>-,late in sty le.


f°> d piece plain, yeilubci] CUe Tal>le Sets.



bo itklivKiiid Ghat Cauon well worth ISc.


fov '■* foU si/e lorn <jf Uie best loumUs Snigi
A>r a new golem IlKMim Jli.Mer, .I'l to K-t 1'

-Bof I did.- to amir.n tor. “I
_nr>le, and y>-iir falber m-nt Imek Ito
MIIT. wariilio: lue that any k-iier amt
anqie w.iukl not reach jon. In
of IlMI I wnde half a donri

aUigosi^finei*oli*ed GUss Cracker


a 1011 piece Diqner Set decorMcil, choir.ul V deroaaliont.
for-a act nf tsu plain white faney tliaiwi!
Cogs and Saucen, well worth 5Uc a set.

“1 ean'l l••II >uo liere." to unawiTed.
Too'if tore to elye
* »i:nllvi.."
d mcnlalil}-. •Tiil.e two
platen." flic aucpwlirl. and r. In- look. Utile daud ato plairrl b-r lisiida
liU abtnikbTK. -Von iniiiid Iwx-'
floiebt-I. -d.n'l yon nnllte Ibal
two neealirm make no ■Rlrmailref
“And .v«n will manr or-r to arketl

fir a gomt

iKe pUin while Pblirr well

fi* a large tizedrtnrn ttone Charalwr, 35r
Ar a laige size Servii^ Tray, ISc value,
for a Na X tin Wadiboiler.

11 Special Sale en
Cadies’ Suits—

Ar n jiairj of gooillK-aty eoiion So>. repuiaf |j| i






I^OSTLY late arrivals, but the =
■ I* time has come to close out {
this line, and in order to do so
quickly, we offer the following |

a teal lOr Tomh IJru'h.
for llic lied-"•Hr Knee I’ani* ma.le, jjuarv.leo! mil U> rtg^
1 lamiiKi/k. Well wvrtthT.'M*, lictler 'v*

All $ 10 to$ 12 ^its reduced
to........ -........................................
AH $ 17.50 to $20 Suits reduced

Ribl«.1 Ib-se.
(!ai-lcii S|irinUits.we have llieiii all sire*
ami al all i>rires
for a Imi <if I'ag*! ami Knvekigies. II sijlcs lO
the 1-V kind,
liw a Roorl Can i lg>mrr.
for a lar^c t>ar of ihe b
liesi Ghretioc Soag.,
a Sail I!o». tOi- kiiMk .
a I n/. bo'.lJe of Ihe Iwwl Mach-ne <>d

All $20 to $25 Suits reduced

Others at Otbej* Prices*

for 111 ql. Galvanireil Paiit, l>ett quality,

“I re^nMrl two dnkea and a m
Tbli wlib Mwinliu; tm-braurr,
. marry a ptoMatirapInT-a a

for a Urge tiu ilonUe Roauing Pan, iccuiar G(h- kind.
Stick to The Racket-Store, the only
' best ami grice* the lowest.

Ao«t to aaa “and fwnotnber that jot
Bonpaan raeatloB U pdne to to net
tovt tto noowat I tour tbM ato toa

f ill Traicrse CUy.

I verytliini; r

RAOKe-r s~roRE,

132 Front Strwwt.
way to Ito Boer
il In- veii<|iil>brrl
ami In a few year* benre rroubi to o’>V a war ition- «tih1
llred to 1
.ri.. perehnitin.. Ilian inv
A trorr wbleb Brna bad amt to ber
I*., or In definitidx atontSm
M bam (Ttersed noopmrd. witb a . Jth
nl lhal BiielamI *l»ul>l |Kn(tot Beta frooi Annannc Hope iBtl- rerx n
ir of eiiiT
eiiiTTOinallon. at. It
■aOto ttot be dedred an fartbrr alM In a a-iir
la onh 1bn«
i« that
*bi. r:
ran Inaon- Itrarr
mleratinn in lit* preaenluiid
tto nape taoltr to
Ia”to fmure.-I.l.bon
:ure.-l.tabon >
ato MBOrtto Bras ttot to tod tatoa
aeo that IWa dton wnald to


TKn Store tb.atCivo* You Carirnin*.

6. milbelm. «

Hew Store


more Extraordinary Offers in that

Jm tsTor^ Itaaoma lobe. P
Stn.'wBs af amaadto a laavada iMroaaa inaalea of lUa. I
■aa troB
dlatHoU. I
kiUar tamm
tnia «oU
fM tbb
tbta U olaor. Bi Perry
ato la bla prefraaliia ttot to waa e«- Darla IbtpkiUer
4>kiUer 1| the oldeat asd
ady cnant for
rataao and ameamaa. all <d
r*q rmra d hard andx. aepplrmmt- whlM on M___________
M br none loo larertoea Brliic tbe flrd er la rianoa* play or
jmi, bad WTOOgbt tuarreloiia ehancra dw. Breci^en- Ibe
la hU appaanixc;, and none wbo cotnBMBtad OB tto ezrelleDm of bla pboioTowa*md~Miilar;a Montaok half
mpta mllwd that tto aniu waa a laeod. llrtiicai Jamalm. U L, aad
Wb wto at one tbne tod brra wrlwbo elaba* to be lU year* old. Im
aaned to tbrir bomrw He waa too
preod lo rctblnd bla to aaaoebitra of la«t beee ■arried tbe (oortb tlm-



bla axMeoee. and tbrr la tm tod
fltoa foreottra blm.
Aa ebitf operator be waa auppoied to
narelar .patorat anperrlUoo over Ito
wort, and one aftenHwo. polne Into
tto dart raen^ to feM a rwini: derHtoer tondln# nrer aome pta««“Ur. Alnawortb.- to ealM. “1 wlab
pM woaM loofe al thla nmatlre. Mr.
Jaakaoa took It while jwo were at
lanrh. and It doeani aeeni tn to qoite
llflbt. Re oalf t<nk two, at>d Ito Bnl
toe waa loat mtlrelx tbmoeb foe.*
Alnaworlb eareletor «Knl tto plale
aad held II op to tbe rahr licbl. Tton
to tore
laae of tbe wnnuin to lo\ed dearer
tbaa bla life. Palllnt hlmaeir toseth
ar. be banded It tort tatto nperalor
pUa allp nwa bla hand l«d»rr Ito
elber eneia eraap It. "Mx fnoH.- be
toU la aarwer lo the apenlor’a fwnapploBX. “The wet flla a»nwd
OM of n>r binto. Iknd down Main
•m ten Mna> |l•.ndrT«>n lo WTlta tbe
Two daxa later ErcIxB
1 Ito opi-nitlne roua’aad
aatlafartVin that tbe
tor flmt rWt. Aa be lomeO I
0*1t» tor ato *nve a err «■! mrjr
“Eranr atn- ciuqwd. “la li nwJlx
ruiL both hand
*Tre a eoofeni
a« to bnked tala tbe tender exm. a
lx optomnl to bla “I vnubed r
Mat ptotora on pnnnwe n> that ;
Wtold bare to tume donw and p
«toin to n».-|______________
lane iMni.rrrr it Tnumu.i




$0popular this spring. But tbe Prices-See them

Hats. Tfimmed Hats. Sailois, Shapes and materials of all kinds. '.Vill
tell you about a few- of them.
A hahdsome Street hat, made of the finest of Milan braid, artistioally draped
with buu^ul silk, the hat is actually wonh $7^x1. but we make it g 50


Another stylish street hat of t^o toned fancy Chip Braid, drap^ with
fancy silk' some caught by beautiful ornaments, others adorned with graceful
quills. Several shapes, good value at $5-50. But 6'ur special to J gg

For Ibbati abd ChUdro.

$12, $15-

ni« now 0n«r you lb* Biggest Bargain* of the Season

The laipeat gU( whiob TwMefm ia■itala baa ertc n«et*«d (roa a oelered maa waa that fnaTRobert P. Baptut. of Oalway. K. R.. wbo amt a
ofaeak ter fll.tlOn to foaad a rrmaomt
Ibe aebnol
waa feraierjy^alare la Vitirtala

Tte KU Yn Hm Atnp BhcM

Every day from people who have
heard of our extra values in popu­
lar priced Men s Suits, $7.50. $to,

Our buyer has just relumed from Chicago where he secured some of the very
newest things i^ Millinery at extraordinary low prices, tbe season being about
over with wholesale Millinery^lhey were glad to dose out stock at a >-ery low

Fannr-Cuban Braid street Hats, velvet trimmed, beautiful quill of finest white
kid, a viry stylish hat. never sold for less than $3.00 Spedal

H«i .

miTon QomiKO.

Ito llr*. All tni~» Ifew* l.os» * Thm*

Poor iwriBmta of Oalled Sian
UUeiy are to to left to Oaba to'atonlaaaaarBBTal and eeaUw


At Ibe acaofu tbe rmaable HeriMt SfMuar toa at lav laid aalda tbe
pm Ibal baa aaarebnd laeli a powrr(al toflomoo BFOB tto Iboacbl of Ua
omtBiy. U bU
Hr. Spramr

Of iba atootochaa
oraapa mU Hatoaplatou aM'oon.
lalad tarn. Wbm It
..daet Ibrto Pato>
killer b a reardy ttot tor aarir fallad ato tbe aoranM atMka . torn bam
eared by it. Aroid mbaUWIaa. than
bbat em PUafclllar. Pwiy Darla.
lie ato Ma

Another Cuban Braid Street hat with velvet binding and bands caught onJeTt
side by beautiful omnnenis. and the right Side adorned with a handsome dou­
ble wiag in natural tones—this hat was intended to sell at S3 00 ^ gg

Other stylish Cuban street hats in large I'ancty of shapes, velvet bound.
very neat, worth $1.25 and $1.50....................................................

Flowers md FoKaat at Bstonisblngly low Prices.
LarM American beauty- Rose with buds, perfect in shape, best of material, just the thing for evening wear................... ......................................
Tbe most beautifully tinled. three spray Foliage




Large lull Fon Pons, all colors

Is n any wonder Ibat we are dohifl tbe mtllineff ■

^ Cbe Boston Store*




If you can't ctmie in person—
’ we »ni send you book of styles
and nraples of doth horn
whid you can order by man.



Baa a daO^ MMiatf
im«J. Tba Hc«aat aifiA ta Iba
htatMTO* *jp*^ Maa^Mj


a^UaM Mum waa Htfkirlam
wbaa Iba paapa baadlad mi«.4»
•allaaa _________
wm naaa Cvab
Trararaa Oily H ta hara tba •*>.000
Oaratcla Ittaary balldlat. tba la
’ M raqaiiad by dadraw Cbtmcl
. , irnaad by tba eity aoaaaU
araalap. Tba totlawtaf fa tba

By comi«8 lo THIS STORE for wiiM you need in SPRING GOODS. SPECIAL
LOW.l'KlCES prewbil in evciy depAftBieot.



SaaiaMiT ef Btaia Waiaar aaa I

iwMittlaa a< Iba aaaaatl la aapparta

iMt CTcalac br ftofwiBr koA Mrs.
Bam kl UMir bam a> Wkahlmtok
Thl. armtef tba orebkc
tiB at aldat paptla vlll b« aialtorir «tarWkkd. Thaae |«tlk( *1U
MCtCkk ..IkatiaMilkU for tba
■llaai wort Aodc bjr batb om-o
kl Iba aaoaart Hokdkjr at«kt».

At $<Jxir$S90. $7-50. $8.50. $IO£0.$I3DO.$I5DO. that ant better vatoes ihAO ‘you’il
expect to find. . Brii^t. new goods, the lower priced grades well made, the fitter qual­
ities strictly tailor made throughout. You get a correct fit whether you buy a low
priced suit or a better one.

lan wbe refaaa la far<
aalMbk alto far aart baUdW. aaw
ca witb acTlaalaial ata*
ll•acatoae be tt
flMolTm. By the aoBBcU U Tmt. tlatlaa The law trortdaa a pa
tfeal Mid alty aaaaW Mid
---------- .aad II doM baaaby pMfa UaaU to eemdy witb tba raqaliiMM
afaaU Aa£aw Oaraatia.
RaaolTad. TMtl it wtU farairt a
aaltaMa alia te Mid balldlac aad
will BMlaMlB afn« pobllc llbrai?
taaald baildlac wbaa ttaelad ■* '
Ml af aot laM taaa
a tmt.
Baaotrad. That an aaaaal leyy ahall
berfaftar ba iMda apea tba MzaUa



Aqwncmi ptaata at F. I
mine for Iba appointMaat of a oom'
Mluaato aaranaalla far tba baUd
laf. TliU taaalatioa waaaafollawa
ThaHIma HkbaloBd OUmBataa
..lamlaad TBcaAkT kflaraoak aad
OTaalBf at MllllatT Baaba. erar Aft? ttaatMataaalaetlBc
b<im balM ptatasl ta Iba anarlaoIaAlac Iba jcwac ladtaa of nw u.
B. O. aad Biddlai. a»d
Tba (raol parka waa d[
ABM-r*«B Oara. <fca dlnlac
Uploe iaeka aad Iba baak parlor aad
wm raoB la tawIXB flapa. aad tba
taLlaa rapnaaalad oar raatwHr aeqatrad rmf'-'— tba Oaci at U>a
dlffcn-Bl mbiaa balBC Iboaa of tba U.
^aba. Pwto Blea. Daalali Wwt
iDcItaa. Hawaii. l*blllpplBaa. Baoua.
wbMi lh« Uallad Btalaa Iwa a

•oora kept bp Ba*»o dalla It
prlate to Iba day wbaa Oaba bafra. that tba alMraoea
prliM wara waa by that tabla. eama
tioua balB« tba farora. and tba ladlaa
wlaDl&K belaf tba Maartamat J. V.
Braekao. Daytoo aad Dr.
Tlioaiwno. la tba araelng Oaaa aarrlad off tba beaon. Mn. F. P. IwwUlatWalcand aad HIM Bobarta
iTlat na bonuof tiny foratfa



kitraai. with
of k eOBtlDBOBI
teodgfk yrat.

Ian teoHrad al F

•KlMM-r toU^

M(A Mabaat Cbrilata B MU ■
la otaUtas Mm. a B. Maaot
DM ■rtitaibMi af ItilwhM ta la

faiBlrtad by ter anata. Hta A. H.
UrUp aad Hra Balpb Mam. Htae

Addle Ota wlU rat ttei Ibe taT
baa a royal paod ttMC ftnarally. Hra
IbU alty [te|irna«»l

taa. and ta boon of^' a
of bar fitaate ^tbn
uatataali Ibe tey. Ira
atea wan anarad. BMoy |o«araia w
lidi tar Htae Obrrta aad a rary pU

An IdMaf taa wart of ate wataa
warti oMy b» abtataad traw tte taM
af Hr.steHraOanpa Ibat tbay pMpad laat year 4M,1U.W>
•attateof awM*. otaaBdbtr ■aa«ga

Bow Mout
that Spare Boom?


6oing tolurnisb this Spring?

U Tlall

lB| In tba city fn
Obarlaa HaneoM of Hertbpert
ta tlx city today, f
Uoa. Parry Haaoali rrtaraad Batartey nlfbl frow OI>lea«o.
U A. Pratl of Aan Arbn la la the
Lataad Tripp aad H. Z. Daria of
Klcftlay ware la Ite alty today.
OaoitaK. Uabbalnof Inka Aaa U
I lows today.
I. II BoDderaaB of Oadllloe waa in
ba city today ce bla way to
lx ciraall ooart al Obarlaroix.
J. J. Uabixll. chief aaclaeer of the
H & M. K. WB( al tba WblUap to

Ceresota flour has been
on the market a- little more
than ten years aod in that
time has become famous in
every important tlpur mar­
ket of the world. When
you buy Ceresota flour you
get your mooey's worth, or
MW get your money back.
Every sack is sold on these
terms aod you are the judge.

sBf Oethlse Hsasc.

L Paloe'e ynno.

Uaaillwn OanaiacteM


JoUaa Blalnheric.
Prop Blalabi-rp e Blare.

Dr. Slareoe left tbla
tt. Pleaaaat to read a papn befort
oakaa, eoffee aad Ira creau me
ibe fena of a Unltrt dtatea fla«. tlia Bute Heneopaltale aooMy, wbleh
with r«l and white atripaa and a bine
Arid with wblla aat maata for al


RelbbleDry Cwds. CATpet



For the ladies. In addition to the large line already on display, we have just received
another big lot of new things just designed-by the manufacturers.
Very handsome
styles. Wenielicvr we show not only the largest, but by far the liFlST line in the
city. Prices are jtrn to $.;.oo. See our Silk Waists at $^.3.5. S5.Q.S. Sq.75. worth $4x10
to $6.00. A big lii'-e of Wash Goods from $c t>er yard up.

Hr. R. L BbreaAeld. fn a
put ta oar aaploy la tba <

pabUc llkn

Daniel Btamp, a ral
..n, vhteh will tM«tD to urlTa
wUblk two qr ttuvo dkra. Tba (ae- rar. dM Friday a>
7 wilt foohkblj alkrt ap aarir Bait of Hr. iMke. Ilf Boaa atraat. adwin
A. B Btlaaco. preaident of Kiairayean The faaaral took plaea Baalay.U la ibr oi^ today on baelaaaa.
tee aftamaon at I e'eleek
O. A. Bricham of Orawn la la tba
rreldeara nader tba dlrootloo of Heally today.
PbMMO Peat, O- A. R..
Hie. Otea. U OarU airirad from
I be imatly laereaaad
Hra Alloa Btelaa Wait dia.1 al the Walaxb. Ind.. laal eraelnc to Join Ixr
I aedlataatdate.
ome af im aleiar. Hn P. H. Bara. baabaaO. wbo la anployad In the KaoTbli ti an iMtartaot dMi
ais:tt p. M. Baatey.
rd oBca. - Bbr waa aoceapaatad by
The faunal waa bald frOM tba Bap- ar wMhtt. Hra. BllMbaib Ullda( add to ibla oily a voy laipt
daitry wbiah will aMplny a fall fora. tlat oliarohloOakwOOdeeMalaryTDM- rano.
li« at to:» o'claek,BeT.W. T.
•r, It la proba
U. W. Powar left today on a boal' bUthaidartaf Iba fall aad Mriy win- y
BkM trip down tba O. R. b L
, tar tlx faMory will ataa ■
J. O. Bantanln of 0»bd KapMa la
potato atarob. bai ran aMreh will ba ■
in the city ao baalnan today.
Iba iwlaelpal pndaol Tba factory ta
O. H. Danae of Kortbport. depaty
. belap pat la flaa aliapa aad wUl ba
food aad dairy oaaualaalaM>r. wi
, the baat eqaippad plaul af tl>a kind la Hrai Wall waa narriad to Koeeh
tae alty laat orealu.
, Ibaeoaatry and tbeoatyaaeat tlx Hall of Old Hlariea in 'B tad Head Frank Inbolakt rataraed today frOM
klad la Iba aartbwaaL
tbere for a eanibar of yi
UfBBi! Rapide. wliara be haa baao ria
denbaadabe tea node Tararae Oily Itiat fn a few daya HU frlaoda are
AiMlid tecTfc
bar berna mmI of tba tlna cioa*. and myatorioMly laUlac of a waddlnf
Obartn S. Ooopar m
aealdMt Batard
Old Htnion. wbo will rapral to Iran Bdward BaaUey. Wlltiaa Doaplae
I eoMa rary aaar
of bet
taaarloaa tfaotfata
and J. J. Uabbalt. eOetale of ibe H.
waa waaad araaad Uia alwfl that Alei Boadena. the aqa of Hr. and * N. E. By. are ta tlx eity today M
m tba Maalilaary of hlijob
Hra Tboaaa Baadrtea, died Taaaday aileod tba aail atarud to aaodena
, oa Waal Fiaol .«raal aad la
Ibe tey (hare
araolacal bU bona on Taatb
UMokfal U»l ha U allra la tall what at Ibe aaa of U. afMr an lllaaM laM- rlpbtofway for the T. a U A M.
ba kaowa af liow it happened.
•loae daoDMy W. Tba fena
la abawiaf a fTleod Ibaworkaraar Priday aMwainf at
TraverM City Markata.
' laf of bU aaw cacallaa eactae. and
>d waa anMarriad.
I had aMrtod It ■olaji. aad tbaa tornad
WM Mkaa 111 with Tbiaroport lamnOs upo<
lay of aaoh wook. Tho
lo Horaldlanot
. OS tl.e Mpply af alL Ha wai (oIbc
la the wiatu. bat
to tan CO a IlMa man aad abow lx>w waa tbcNwbl that ba 1*4 raaplataly
. Iltlla oil waa laqalrad. wbaa Mi aoal (aeeraraid. Hr laanMad fall wart, bat
a«hi la tba colter pte mi the amft. Jaaaaty » waa \akan 111 Bflala and
' aad he waa whirled oror -aad arar the tllnaM nwBllad U hU teatb laat
, aboal Um ahafllBC.
araalair. Ha Iravac. braidra bla raUly the aaplaa waa alawlap Uraa. a brat of frieate wbo wUl
down, at tba npply of caaollaa had
I bean oat aS^ Tba mbb wbo waa with
hlM MBcbt bold at tba drlrlac wbral
, aad aided la atannac Iba ><aehlary.
Hr. Ooopar ted boaa whirled abool
tba MMfl two or three HMaa HU eoai aoopeil maatliui Hoatey aTeBinp. aad
a Ibr city water werta to ba to
•ad pan of hit ahlrt wara ten late
eat la two or azeaBaal otedltloB. and (irtne tba
ally Aar and •eenoMtral ararlaa.
parliBMi with the Oabaa paapU aad Ibiaa plaeaa. hta aye waa badly daa- Slaea Ibalxw lataka pipe waa pal In.
tba naalt will ba waMbad witb taMrwater paaiped baa baea fiaa froia
art by all aalloaa. With tba ^ waata^lnad oa
-dax. aand aad all alMllar Impori* . aa bU lof. Ml
aAoaakBd laSaaaaiaf thU fonra.
, and Ibm hai bran no eoMpUiat
■aat. bewarar, Oaka will ba aUa la latad anl he waa atbarwUe laf bar paapla folly Jarad A pair at traaen Kuwda that
(I tbay hara flalaad. It ba ted la hU otel peaket am* iwiaud
d. owlnc to Ibe paoperad
li faatad tlial Iba axparlMMt wlU ba taw a topa.anda mnkaaa ol lallen
a fatlara owiaf la tba aaitra Ugj laadad « thoa«b they bad baao oi
Od ap by Mice. Dr. Beane hlW
I or Iba
t lawarda a Mril ad Mr. Oaapn. aad ao aarioae roulu are
aapoetad froM the aacidaat. altboafb
ewT aarrow aaeapa.
Tbr oondlttao of thrptanl UaiealiaoL Tte-Ananolol rapart far tte DMR>lt-Wl.aat. » nod AS; aero.
year aodtac Hay 1. ItOt. teowa a foolHitea Vtaleo and a party of
aaldaaa. Haira Bmllb. Hand Ilea. lax of A«S.rrt.U. with ao omdiafi of
Harta WllltaaM. Dalle HaMr. Beralra of iberaport >bottatka
Blaaper. Otadyn Horpaa aad Har)nlc
Palutyl Mt oa the Ta.n. tmlatauar- ralaaof tte ptaM M be AB.ItaTA
day Wapead lU day at Wltea-e Chaad- Tbr arlxtaal porahara prtra wnaArt,W eat laaae tram all aateertty anepi
Ibair owa darirra
It lepeadlawd by Maiay prow
MMIteltbe expariwaal of Ite Oahaaa will fall, aad Ote Iba Warn
will la a few yean booMa aa
ta tin Uallad BtaWa TUa iw
to ba Wte.bat If the Oatem Aad tbv
mamrn tala IteMaalTM. Uaata ta
wUI an ahHal w taklaa thaw ta aad
■Irtad than tea baaadl af tba
aart af ■aeacBMWt thal hw baaad

Also Worsted Styles, that arc really worth $i.7,s. Sixio and $3 s.s. New spring pat­
terns. Sec our window (or some ol the styles. Come in and examine the quaiiti^—
you'll be surprised.


Ri rkra>«
M .—
IV lUuXratl.x., U<e.teu lill..«re|


If so don't fail to s< o our lim- of li dfooni
Suites. Odd Ih-i-ssi-rs ;md CommiHl.-s.

dnn. rtrWral'-ellur'-eetl l'•ulr. Wni. 1.^


.activ like cut. Ited h ft. high.
.. 4. ft. u in. wide,, leai earving: dresse^
large, well mad.', with iNx?4
iNxjj bevel plate mirror;
cotumiKle to match;
golden oak finish . •

Odd Dressers up from $9.00
Combination Dressers up from $7.50
» ^ e^modes up from $4.00


Tull Dnc eanxtSf mattings and Unoleunts.



Hiw>nn. l-»liuu

2ie p-naoN-r «*rp«KKT.
, M>-t

Tho Bast is Most Satlafaciory


Our Shoes arc Right
So are our Prices


Uk- >< ibu iTlr .4 lrsr.-r>. isi>, lu

Writ's* if;, m X’.

We are. never undersold if the quality
cuts any figure.
I'lNGREE Shoes at $3. Sj-sa S4 and SsIWCKAKD’S Shoes at $3. $3.50 and $4.
M EYi-RS' Shoes at $2. $2.50 and $3KINDGES'ShoM at $1.50. $3 and $2.56.
See our Boys* and Youths’ line of solid made shoes for
service. $1.35. $1.50 and $1.75.
Children’s Shoes 50c and up to $1.40.

Tk-rrBpra U •- crlrrMl tAai Vrldtj. Ibr I
Mmf ifJwwMil,fti w«.i.'r>0'( la th..
•II oter unRM ub-nM~l Hi rad raatr, (TT
Aid ll'l- rur.'hrr
tllj uf Trarrra
rad iktm
tbM> br. Kkr tra i-rajpr 4 Ur

If tn}

ICIVriraBr. I., .hr

*A>Xi7»rBnKon>rnd.t>iai rad (•Otko

HwxU, (iH-wwMraiararal rad >-.rrablxl u.

rair.xra- n >br i-ni -d Trra.r•n..rX».,«b.Ulbd.l .d MM.lBtb.

I'ndry. tbr
labda; X JoM raxt, « tu vrbrk !• Ibr


Ibr (radtrar .d rad|.eui,«i.rad tbrbrauf

* *diSf4?S2ra

Ok OM RtllabU Ismail.


ravarad rad U-m.—d Im _dl inrrl.. ra.. tbr
Wlkd>id ur ran id Ibr r.«I raaia .d rad


Frank Triedrich,

itf r.'SX,



Are good things to provide while house dean-


ing. Many cbromoi. photographs, certificates and the
like come to light which peed preserving.

School eiosings

U Ibe cnunln -thne will call (or i

larger vnounl than *^-cr of

eut TIowers
OUR STOCK thtx year wm be the brat time aod (kill can grow cw
that noDcr can buy. As to

Floral Baskcls
fid laiwiiiaiinfi. wf iVrayi lim to pleate Can BU then ta any
qoMitity. uyle or jvira. BI-AR IS MINI) that we wfll be beadqaartm te aD kindt of FIXIWKKS niiable (or

memorial Day
Trsnk W. Paint, Thrist,
t\0 Wm lift Stiset,

TavBM Qly. Micb.

We are especially provided whb a large vari­
ety of mouldihgB with which are can frame any rise
picture and do it at a most reasonaUe price.
tfdag pioDeeis in this county for this data of
woric, this store is in the best of condition to give satissatisfaction.

Dealer in Wall Paper. Qirtaiu. Sts
and Crockery.

iitf atAiw taAv>B»BwEi^jMAY aa. ibob.
Tte* Mf • mMU« •( Ito NiMMl- tM WHM LetM taarOteA MiMto
«tK. BreUa aad One* Kdtsaa aad llkda H. autep. apl—waf Baa(U MUtr «MU>1HW.
dxdd. apa tk* ^ <rf Um MOV Jalla aad Flenan Baaeattel an ewBte aad lb* tatter af VlUt* H.
^iidta* aaeapU af dapeatBItrt. aUebp aad W. Fiaak Bllsbp ef tbl*
mTHitkia M
a Jelp.
wood, at tbe aaMic* af Mr. aad Mr*, dtp. .died tiBBdap at T:U p
of old ace. at <
aarblB* WiU br tarkta* tor tbe eoma *. Atetea. abapanaad bP Hr. ef tbe
a«eatnp*Bi*. Be bee ben 111 tn
of bonoowaere.
aadHn FiedOarHa.
■> IiTmUt. JuaM.
Feknarp tt. aad two works ace ee
looke.r* end tbe aalaBl* IbeBBlrea.
ulcs nil* of lb* T. a I..
oaw WUh«B.
tUe eltp for Bedinl irnfi
Than who tere the Beltn la
. $1«MM * N. nlltnd
MUttH H*eT7 OMp- .___ hB a* altp aafiaae* Maadap wUeb. bewenr. felled to eU tila.
bane are teriuc » new hoi etalU
. »SMM Ml Md O. a Bum «r Im
aT*ala(.l*fi peaMrdapaaiteO.iLftL
rtted waa bwo ta Hew Yirt halll in tbe ad art RsUerp oaed bp
to ban bm
t> tar Hacqaatte. wten te will take a
Kareh tT. iSm. Be caaer to
nltanl eoetelp wbn tlw
nrt of LnUni eeaa9 ptellloa la raUnad waA. Be will Mtablcaa while attU epoaac
(tronade wwe eaptoped for fain.
murtv. !•» *>»y
!«-»PB~4 ter* Uw Istetlaa af aane aaw Um
ie hi* lK>ae la tide sBte Sob* Btee etaUr cill b.- beilt la tbe
•kill Ptidv ■■ MMBt eT tbc «ilt
He waeaaeaf ibe earlp eoolia* teddoek. - eo that wb.-a tbe
tlM M. * N. K t> U>1« eltr.
idaoeert of RoaiwaBaB. Be wet e tlB* eirircefor Ibe raert there wUl be
s per Cert •&•*«< «TitteDevMit>.. WltliM W OlHk WM bn fbibaek
waa of etarllnc ebueeier, ead we*
Iteit too Aa* airy hex etalli.
aatrettellp eateeracd wbeteper be war
br 0. W. Aibtoa Kasdiv b
Tbe wort of <ln*Rin* ead flooaiii*
a. He we* e awabi-r W tb* Mm tbe tr»-t hu slttedp twcaa.eua when
Baiddtaa *eliu«*k( i '
ik.Tnnra cnr.VMu
Ibeiiioet oooiir tta» will b*lhe,beat
idB bit widow, doeeaeed Imt** belt Bile track ia Uw elate. A ier**
'cbildTBU dm eoa* ead two oooUac paddoak is also beit« b«ill
^ tlw Uak -Park nhooL Both hare deacblon. Tb* eoa* an llntp H. of
WebberrUU. Oterie* Edward ef Kte•Pl.oo. or urtdfO iajtia >0L Be
Ctwlaale tbb pter.fian Mt. Pbaaaak
W. Frank aad WlllU M. of
oboaetbe letter-__________
irnwWiiitaTIrr af a T. Qnwo
tb.- Uli
Mp father ea.l xlitn- hnUi died of
Oeerce O. V<wl of tbb oltp. a looo- BOla« with aaeb. Hbe Tteohald b a UiU eltp.
Uw Oellp Baclo. ebd Fn-d W. Slltl.p.
ioni|«ioB." wrilee J. T. «<«lh*Twottre BtMaaaatbePneMaiqi
Tiareno Ottp (bl aad U waU kaowa
. ot WreadotW. Mlelu. -ei.dl wee
. loiif Ubc elreeletor at
ihe teaw frichifol fete
la DelTOli The deachardead
mnr1ad*t 8 o-«l«di
ate Bn. Addle Wawre. u
it a«w.
Horlep. iS«'2u‘’'o,'‘S™
" l.-fi eu ..balleek of Pariiaioola
list with falcli MM IsecrnneU m the aoboole of tbe eltp.
MeeoBe ooaal.r. and Mre Oota Mel- •llaalc Doacli and r.-rp eererv lua*
•harob. Kav.
tmablo. whirl, eo .-xselleBt doctor
nit of
Tbtj ham foot *0Blh
could uni h.-l|-. hot a few BoeUit' ae*
loedr aw
ttm a abwl *Ult, alter which ihe;
PiMdeoi Alfred V. Pnedrleh of
the Trarem Oitp Board Of Trade.
will raaide lB Ibt* city.
£Ii, «
H tide to tek>< fnrUier stefidYor the and ell Tl.tou end Iwu* trouble.
Albert Praw'of Oiaad Rapldawbe I«i aenari tbe fMlewtB***atleBeB to
the ollp fornembere f« tbe
.wr clioTob
elwToh w*»
wa» Held
held I1 Trial
*Ti»i boitle*
oome. iree
free. uaueni.-M
!l“ »
baa tlw ogatnol (or the twtIi
d Uw C II* E. 1*. a
•< ^ B.W*tl A tiOBeand
ProBl aad Ualcn clrMla. waa la the afBanbatleri
Otee. 8. Hale. Dr.
eli; for a line MooiUr. aad araal aerth tlilp
B Moon. Jaoeb Farteeh ead How­
Mondej a(l.-iMai. Hcaaralf
parte* i« arrln aa* ard irtih.
reFneeaBtire. tola* ,*iwoa. ate .«i; !„VN<2LTl^.mS.
H eeaaiittoe will be eakad to ee- fro. tbe w*.i.ldetet
MB It «•(* her*, lb*
*«t !Sl,.*^ll An*
e* aaap aaaiee ai poeelble eo tide a* wril. Her. 1.
* Enkewi
. derm* tbe nmnwr.
n> <U
pariapwUI b. Muup
that the Board of Trado oaa fat <*
Up John Kse.-r. ehtirman
Boatbe, a^
for wblebitwe
(>M H..uicr'* H
ot tbr old enmnilUee. and he eiaw-d
Taeedar «wi~
Brel dap of the taateed wtiboeteap aiiBiintrtr;
Uw meeUa* wlUi pnper. U>«i pre-' mm. Ae.un. a civil war
pea aeaeoa fiw baea AabiBf. aad
B-liea' Ibb eoaaitUee reporU a tented the enhjeot of lb* ..................
Itch lot Wlurh.-*ler, lod.. wni.f '**M
Oeortr Hat. Jr., aad Dan Heriaa eel.i.-ke. long tiin.' in eioic of
II* oon«ntaleted the wett tide Oeth- ' doetoi's trreltunni. hut we*
*mw.l lb* .lap bp a trip to Baae lake,
nllc-t on their partial eaooeM. and ea- ‘wholly
- - cured hp Hr Km*'* New Lit.which waa tree to lie name Thep
f-oareged them In |w*h oa and perm- PilU. whlrli werk.-d wonden for her
breachl berk tnih U>an> *1 al^t «l
rerr In tb.-ir work. lU- eiplained ilw
for aktaf.
Jeha K. tealo. R. V. Ferri*. J. O.
tb* biphop in n-irenl Uulp »c at 8 i: iVnii ft K..U * Bii.l
The Bel. wen- the anUr of ailiMIloa irotMT aad Oapula C. B. Baraa
Jiw. G.«.ti-. .Ire* nom.
Iba atreel to ihr erealnc.
Seen sod eloekboldeni of tbe Tb.- I.slldln* IlM.
Gold Be.-f Mlnlat On.. Ltd., re erv-d aad ell were pinsed with i
taraed Hondap froai their mlae nnr Idm pro|nsed of beftnaiu* the n
die Haalltao Olatliiiil Ita ibnald
pal ap at erarp iBtpnrtaaleraa.nada Kel Porte*.. on tl.e Uke of tbe
wiUi e haildin* ll
M. Aim
.4 •III
Tbep arc a rmi oearniener to all Woede. Cleaeda. where tbep W.-ntfor will eerre
of IbeaiiDeead eehool end ohuroli psrpoee*. the lower
perefloa mreliac ererSmr eaaatip
of the ralaa ol
. aad hat* brea a raalare of tbl*
wine need m e uchool end the
Bna'i orlrlaal Idea* for maap peara. tbeb looperlp. All of Uwb are rerp
ee e pleoe ..f wor«bl|v AU were
Preperip plaond Ibep nn- naap need- noeb pleaiod with what tbep fooad. iBptSBed with ^r leot lliet the pTM
Hr. Haalo tea a aanber of ftoe peel* for tbe new ronenwation ere *n
lea* BiUlak^w aad ta<iiiim«.
pleoei of qaem nkea tram the nilae. bn*fat Uiat Uu-rt-1* ererp probability Psid up CapiUL
ThrHaaM~irBn~eM'wtll wake
of whlob will nu at ot*h a*
• •
TtBreror Ollp a frieiidip vtcll Pridap M-OOD io Hh- too. aad b rerp Bae of aneh an lameeM. In e short time
Oralis iksned e
of till* week. Ttiirr will In- eo rt«a- qoani n work. B. F. FerrU
oaraaaieal. Imt )nrt a Meadlp ■peelBMia that will raa ae bt«h ae erected tor e obareb end ib.- entire
•rettac. or eoarn. Ibere wlU be pH.UOO to the too. A BBBliar of epeciKK t.AKB.
e lohool honee
•bwillBR. Maaioii U nld bi
la of the on tere beea eesi to tlL
Tbe site tor Uw pr.q«*e4 baildin* OUP SaVlOrS DepaiUDCnt
t^a^Tte%.>^llSl!*lif bare eoBe rerp fine eliole. aad tbep
e* ooosldere.1, end it wa* the am.
T* *----- lir Hw a.. ratMlm will ehnw th.' loeal trapebMer* how pBol for awop. At tbe HUedo Bioe.
to UirOold Keef Bin. kiBl BoliBeut (hat the bn. poBi-j'
'Li.:;:,-; it
U b done down ee O^^Oreek.
.1.-. Iieodlae H bl* place elioeld be oblaine.!. ellherj
----------on fron the
BB*.-iMla ~lwre beeo made bp
‘raat nr IJIviiioa etreel. K..v. ' w.«e ,
Trarene iHtr U>d«r. Ne B. Wold Roef ailae ten be bandied jost
oweki roo*edthew..u.euo* U.*
BU* M ralertalii tli* I'adllbe
tbe exeeUetiee of tbe
.id.' todo their iwrl. e..d
lode* of BIk* Tharedap ernnlait. pnpertp teo readllp
will pal ou a eoelal or enppet Inih.
There wUI be aereral oaadldaM to There hare beea •*5.<IV rrortb of
r foiete
lalUale aad the tUIiIuk bn-thnw will etoek pat eo tbe narket and tbe aale
(town bow lb* wwk t* done bp he* Iwao ■taltfpiBR.
Trarene Oltp KIka ABaeioelaln- All of Ibe lo.wl peoide who weal op
Bioa wlU follow the lailianrp orre- >*nlheailBe wear i eelt-tetliBeil
wail* that eeeme to epert well for
Th.. IVntnl W. C. T. 1). will bold itelt projeet.
BtoUn r * moetia* with Ure. Bamload, nruhtiuttaa ctreet. Pri.Up
rwnnoa alt:M. All are<-*t<-d Tbe Trererw Ollp, Laelai
to brill* aa iuoi of lawel teniMaaoe
Wedneedep la Ibelr eoadriniietioB
ecalaei Uw M. ft N. B. in Pro­
Now that ihe spr.iy
ter.” A foil I
I* daeired. bate Jadee Unaerr'e ooart.
good spraying mate
Tlw peUlioa of tbe T. O. L. ft M.
AU ledlee. wlietber armlwr* .u- aol.
«■ irtsnBd. and tbe ettonept for
ere mrdiallp tnriied.
Ibe H. ft N. B. bled an aaewer. Mr.
J. J KBblbe7l.liblef enftaeer of tlie Pratt for tlwT. t\. L. ft H. ttleda
B. ft K K-nilniad. ooTondep el.
tbe lail plere of rUfat of wap for tlie
la tbe n-pip of tbe H. ft K. B. It
If you are in ihi- market lor any of these
of tlierted from Oe-ler to we bold tlwt tbe eoaH hee no jaritgoods it will p.ay yon t<. gi\e us a c.all. as we
ProtniaaoL Hw wirt of (iiwIib* ia dloUee In Uw oeee. ae Uw pro|ertp
bala* paabed now la seoUona V aad A. ttet It la eOBcbt to eoodeBii la elnadp
carry a splendid line '*1 th<-s<- gojxis. and can
Half of tbe retlited impeitp anil need for saota
make you nx:k bottom piic > - at
Dr. rtaak floldiwerth twa tqaaed mdln* b now cnapl.-ted, ead U >•
and Uiai Uw Matale does not
kb adkee io Ibo lUaaab A l«p Mer- teidthel ter* will be nuiBin( late fmrlde aap mode of
naklb Oe'e hloek.
Wblte tbe ooart be* aap Jariedl.-tin
to wp aap qasaUoa exoepi Iba xnatlar
at of wap for nilraad omeiaxa
Probate Jedfe Lenacor iaitalned
of Ibe wood wort of Ibe inWB alalrt and lb* anaBellii* tbe poaltin UbI te bed bo larledic9. a Piatt b ereotta* a
of Ui* Iran work. Tbe interior now tin in Ibe cnee, end tb* petlUn ot
loeke rerTBaaL Tbe pBlntla* ef Un­ tb* T. C.. U ft IL wa* not reialTed.
roof b alao Batabed. ud now Ibe bope It ha* aoi yet bendelerBlaed whet
Or. J. U. WtlbeliB waa able to be will tan their ettenUoo to tbe roocni Uw farther {cooedate in tbe OM wUl
apaa the elnet Taeedip far the Brel apwain Tbep an dola* all lb* wort
a, 1.. ft H. WiU [cotetlaw (tnM hU reonat eerere illaeaa Ibeateelree aail the oelp
bip r> to the nic«B* oeart to aeenct
rteid Unlor M the ead* of tbe U>e eftp will be tbe bare a
t aad ailddb Bafere of hti left
. *an off <■ e nw at the baakei
Detroit Jaae Mb.
. oeareetioB-for tbb
dlearin will be held at Ut Plneeal tbe M. ft H. B.. aadetad bp Hoa.
e* Smaithwaite nd Boa. W. B.
AU Hw toritalieee ace aal
Fester el this city. Piatt ft Darla
lha Alainl taaqael to be Iwl
wan sttotwep* toe the T C.. U ft M.
^ 9uh Pbee Hotel Pridap erealBK, betntena.L Tbe ooaatp oeoreaUao Bdawrd Backlep. Tceeidaat of Ibe H.
* Hap ID. Tbe UakeU wUI ba placed oa
ftK. B.. WilUaa Doaclaa cnwal
Iw held la Uw elreolt eoort net
ale ta a dap la two.
is(. aad J. J. Babbell, obief
Ciaaer. w«e k# tbe an niceenl
w wiU be n
amlBC wa* eat of the beat aad net
Summer Uiain-v, rv.clieni
Alfred T. Friedrieb bae rate
Keir, haixbnoie, iK-rfo-t
balpfal la tbe htaterpof tbe Badearo
from e Mp to Aon Arber. where he Tbedtel waa elosrd lale Taeedio'
materials. si.I.-.iVil ucainarenaet la tbe ci^.
fining thoet, i^uUt fS-f-'
riatled hla Bather. While ewop b< efitetnoa bj whtefa the Aeteili of
erv —»].ccial vjlnrveluet
Tlw wallia are la for tiir aew brio ebo rblled Oiand Repl.U and DetroU three
bto^ of J. H. UlUeH aad Staalep ft ead allendad the Onnd Lod*e of tlw Frtei ataiwi wMfteelded. The balldrauBB. at lb* eeraer of Pnot aad Kni*t>b ef PpUtla* at Mt. Clean.
» ofsbe aew Peopis'e
Maple elrerla V. A. Dna farabbed Mr. rnedrioh eBtn ttel Iw wa
,k iwrtfteee..........................
Uw pdaa* for hath lwlldla«>.
laoBiaed bp Grand (Aaaeellor Cbro _ foBWee twe feet eifht iaelw* of propLADIES' OXFORDS
lbt> People'e SaTtn**
Ward waa reoeiredbrae pietrrdap of
Si^ccial rc.liKinms on
The cooil.wlil.le, •crvkc* iBPonaat ocenBlItaea of U>e teak lot ee Ibe ftek. Hr. Lefoatae*
the death of Hbe tmax ia Detroit
Slrf.'. an.1 $l..--i Oviot.R
ablc an.l Uiiith (onwcir
aa arra^wneat wiU. tb*
la the ■erala*. after bat e rerp ebart
pariUaeaa ArtaadeMale are beta* mad
t* hria* tbe reMtai ben tor banal
Ooaatp Oltrt mnataw aad Ooaatr
Trraearer Boxete of Leelaaaa coantr. Mote «w<t waU aad wUl wirt
The UrtambieTiMfer Oo. fan beea
beea to Obarbrotx. when tbep iBaceneelieB-wtte Uwlr |npaaadad-i
awarded tbe oeawaet for haatta* tbe
ditiae. and thU laiaBar tb* haad-1
taderte bp n writ of neod
hrtok aad atone far Bb* paria*
aew beak telldlac. tb* addtUee '
Strap Sudals
keeedll aad allow the eld Hantloa
rtnai aad Union etreet*. The m
Sir*;, Sifi.Uk —an
tp orden. wbiel. war* allowed. to tlw BteWa BHrtrtd BBBt twei
Cool, ea*>-. »er\icertai will acfcwcale nearlp 10 carlnadi.
*>p baaliNB Meek for Sir. tefeet**
Tbe whale eBoaat of tbeae crM.
»l.n».bS.ef rrUebeiaaaal Oteriertex -ill iw «teeted.
Tb* talldia* at Hr. tefeet*** wiU
will here to pe.r •I.Ote.S.i, and twelei-OBQlp ra>.a& Pnweeatia* At- b» S4*a feet U sUa. two alteia* wUb
tomp BbbUb*o( twelaan eaoatp. lU tetoBaet. It wUI b* e*al U apA!!
— new,
tepe be wUI take Uw oa*e/to tbe n- Braaee aad atrietlp meto^teie ia **•
rp partleelar. -It wiU te baUt ef
SuAlltol3l-ioli.l*n.l‘ LJft
*ha,wiy «,-l
i)lc* — ieix and
cite aad atert
Tbe Hl*h aeliool bop* ted Uwir Tte teak bathlh*. an»>diac to
Wert wa* brwaa Wedaeedap oa
Me bell elatbee ou tetardap after, U» pleas, white have to te ehaafed.
tbe baaee of Bwi Jeaieca n th* per
MOf Wlatb aad Pla* etioeta Thr oaa. aad Itep delimr.1 the Boode to
B proTlde for tbe eddiriMl'
of the lot. WiU te M feet 18
haUdac b to eoet M.ooa
Bmiib te Aeaw USB till it wai mllp a
Braa bare Uw eaelraot. aad the plaae eta. Tbep plaped ealp elx tankart ee iateee ta width bp 7S feat deep. It
l.err. Kid Khvrt, KklTipi.
tte Marwa Ueb with faU
wen dnwB bp W. A. Dna.
than ee ao bcb- time to pimp
8|iecaJ \'*]ac
dap. The Aeae laaa bed been
aad tee fraetwiU be ed
p.dle.1 to bat BKaiael nBrIp halt the
• 1.00.
Bwo la Ibe Hl«h tebool teaua. a* Itep
far tee ftrat Waip, with tMia
eteased piteten abaoet ereip taaia*.
few tee aaeaed aadltUtd Maty
tin eemaittee at ib* Pearlh of Jalp ftnd Uwa tbe Aim paoid* «ot snip fraata aad terra oa«B ecaalBa
two naa aad tboB esB* to bp aeetMeuiwblle tee Btsh wdMxd
bopi wen ptapiaK Ixrte. aad wbea
the BOB qall asaaklw, kbsp bad U
Opp. Herald Offico.
Srtller of Good Show.
rntth-KCm. Ot. A. B. Bam.
bteft Wirt Bafte IImAbv


la Silk Parasols

The uev things are bII here. We did not Cftny
over anythtDg in this line from last season, so sre
show nothing but the newest. Children's Paraaob
i>Xc, 3SC.50C. 75C and $ij». Ladies' from $t.»s







Cir^aliofT this~ w&Bk"2.M

Fint'Dimiliesfor waists and
dressrt. in prettylight colors and
many dark onesftt
per yard.


. Children's Uce
Hats, white and
i»lon. JSC. up to

White Waisti.
just received, bel­
ter line tnan ever
at 90C up to.

Dress Ginghams
ChaUies, l*e«aJea.
Dimities. Big lot
at per yard




Cbat 36 in. Black Caffeta Silk
! Is here again, just the thing for waists skiru and Petticoau. ami the price is tbe
samu SiGO per yard—itsa wonderful piece of silk at that price. It will wear well,
alsu better grades at $1.15, $1.35. $1,3$, and $i.<K> per yard. We also have a full
line of colors in Wash Taffeta, suitable for for waists, etc., a handsome ^ 00
Silk at ■
-.................................. /.................. J

Colored Chambra Petticoats just
the thing for sum­
mer :«;c and


Bed Spreads the
kind that always
brings $i«>al


Sundard Prints.
good dark colors
at per yard




I ..^UT-nrrvi lu

ihis section
5CK and .

Sun Bonnets,
made up.ol good
percale and made
well at. each

■ $1.00

No better stock in this part of the state, f
We think we have about what you j
want in this line.

J. W. Milliken.

Farmers, Attention!



Ladies, to Get Good Sbocs
and shoe service it is necessary to get
good leather that is well put together,
and then, with a good fit, you*ve got
shoesthat will give good wear. That’s


what we want to sell you -and it is
what you get if you buy.

Special Low Prices

Gray Bros. Ladies’
Fine Shoes.


Utties’ Shoes

Ladies’ Slioes



Ais&es’ aod

UtflBiH'SSiMS >1^

ChOdreo’s Shoes



Mor« people, both men and women, will
wear Oxfords this season than ever before.

Will be the call all season and what a stock we have for you
to select from. All the new styles and five kinds of leather.
Cool comfort bringers at moderate prices. Remember that
buying here, you buy the best and the prices are from $ 1.26
to $3.50.

Udies’ Shoes

Jfifred U. Triedricb


This shoe is as near perfection as it is possible to make
one. Perfect in shoe value, for they are the best. Perfect In
price, for they are the least Three Dollars. Three Fifty and
Four, and you pick from five kinds of leather.


^iB2. 1902,


Tto ■llHl» of «blrM pi«P. «p>

ttnb Matal Bpito U qpln pkk pi
IP pruiPl *i>llNI
JbpOliBt Etahptta pf;Optat Pipiwd
Dr fto>bta‘p tpall; bM

;STkiil uWi'wi

llA. BPtaR. Br.. b*pcr*iek



M^Artar riitiMi^ W i

Atlp^ TtaPM of Ortar apUad PA
friMdt tot* tataidpr rrtoiat-

sja'?su'ns.‘«r LSiVi

MihropkM Imp wti
t*l. bfaib ta* opu
PI **7 ^Ip*.
ToBPkpta* Bord


W« ••• imnl tuaan mtr te
toi.Wl■MBti Tl>« aanbMto eemlair ap-


Hanj Bhm «r Tmrarpp Oltr !■>■*d tafoppta pm Satprtar on bU «*;
M Port Otolta M Tiall fab foipbIp

U4 teatlr of tUi piM*.


Jm. Bf»'



J. a CroIPPt fau totPitod fiwb bto


ABpttbOtook btobiPiriacriefa
vatar tnm to tto Mitab of
tto bid P»bp. Vbarp II b boofa ta d»Ptobi pI«*I. tarood fbrloT «ln«t. md ai a raUafa *Bd caratah. Maor
*u>; --Hard prert o* ptan beta
of Ito er«Pki a«d taookt ta IbpIMTfalb br fatobaad «BP to ta* OIril
mrpwl ftp real* oftarvard*. hrebr tlbi an- fall of tto itaaV tap teapll
ta tto ptanttad of a pboUI qaaatin af
Md la OOP ta tto atnabp fortr ftan

Roabb. bet I btoat *• ■**» barr
e**d PI bPoli eel<l trptpra* tbrlt n*dTto Cltr drat Mer*. at Uk* Ltatelnw. Jan befor* I cBbbip—■ “
ae. waa laratad bj a ta*k car taj
a** Oppa'p Etdaer PUb 1 trap----------isl tribk. Tto bPTk aa* ta panelt
Dr. Pratao b borkloc o* Db *ddl- {Mlraxl. Sral BoUetap II ta efaprefa
Uae to tto droc Pier* to to *t*4 p* PD c»* SoedPT BMrBtaK «bPP II itaPired .ta PB Kadlita rpatraa. pad tto iiltir
bbd Ib llpflifbtteok refatr ta '


tor frovlat witor fat m (IM

hawk followed eloeelr •»

a a B>ll«7 tod p tat* nutot M

“ to a tor addl^
oot bar* baaa
^mtalaasr. Sbto to y wai bb*
wltBP*B*d BB •xc-lilac ebaaa
Jpp HaOplIr b lepplriadPldaWBUp llk/atraace ta'tSlSTJw'aqpiiroU. Wrdp pod dUtarPod ftfarM. Ai *ad forth Ihnech tto eataUieba
PlOTlIr tap hawk aalaad iu pr*r. bet
«M vi^BMtoded aadtottad ttob
pad 1 wpi potapUr ta tectai* faera
WUbp Tiatto et Tipipci* Oltr pad
Now 1 waat Ito paopU ta
Bar. Mr. Tbantoa drllf*^
Tiaran* Oltr to
■leta plaeed tto bird ta a eaca
• - ■‘--Mill AddipOrtta- Wp H B. ebareh tatf Tbandar
Tto bloettac wbtab p
Tto eeltiratiOB ta tax for Iber b a
r TOiPPP «fc*r p»>>f*^
Tto toad ataad baa toaa botod to
ttoeeraoc onnaita Cbaaftr'i Moca
It tropld PBOb IbBt it woold apr*
a*M Detae* (twa Bpptd Oitr
Tb.-ant faetorr waaoeetodi
- bouer ptaei Bear tto tiltow* to Ita B*nd*r PtoPKdPP
baUdlac, ai It weoM br
vWMd Mtoda for (b* targaattr o> tto town oad
BpH Orlp*. b poUttac hta ho*PP.
Pi^ Prtu fetifUM* ap tap W«>
airBt. I Will «ladlr fire bliietrr itotieelan ta br rcparlOTer mod o^- toMi OToeMd ta St Cbir. Saaltac aad
lone of Deaa-t Bldaar PilU to ear Uena eoentba TlMar elx bille altadr wbe oalb oa m pataoeaUr. U
•hr laallr ptafMe froa kldner eob- rradr etiltae atoel 4.O0C tone of
Mta. a H Taber taeai Eta«ebT
ittaa dar will to-okaarrod a* pUinl aod witan to keow what aaneallr. for wbieh Uh- fanair*
tea bPto Ttaittac bar cUUiaa pad ____P. O Olltort baa pnbbwl
-------- • to ibiaap to brlBC rrilta."
eelrr aboel yiO per toe, deUrorwl at
friaadp ter tto |«t work. 8b* tatl to dallrta tar erattoa. PeUdatoUief
taa faetorr. Uader fprctablr <
tar baair tetorleiUTBb Will to di*«a >•« w«oklionr aad with food oeltlratla
rraak Vada Sbith wapTlalttac kb
rield will ar<n«e aboW two ta
w dar taat waak.

ttad MP to
not veil.




traataar wlib fieatr Btfhta. Sakata
PtodrtaptaBItaabeara; batlar bold
Mba Btaal Babball ta T»ar#r*r



Jpbpa Karaea took p trip to Ttar
arae Oilj MeSbo.
H. B. Otll IPlt Btatar ftwOhlcata
Baaa iwtanwd froa Tiar
■n* Oltr Taapdar *r*ala«.

iJfeSiiT'pS.'""*" “
rWttaf ralatirMBi

Oart Baattat* brapaMac bb kOBta
rfc bP«aa Tat^aj oa Ito feat
tba of Balb Brea bpw oelbr.
Walbr Nabea aad taadlr bfi £
daj lb tto Bmtot tor Ohprbrolx.
Bbtard TkeobP aad fpbllr bare
t-^tayljtod b haO^ taa wall ■toed to Ito tbPbiiaa taeoct r
*^iri MeS^u"?iu alek vita taa
F. M.
I ■!* I ^aliii
D*erie« UpiuMot Oo.. waa ta
TTC Piaj dtarc to Blk Bapida taat ‘Mawaak.

THK NE;W store, a Money Saver far you. A gUnre
nlue* we offer iclb the PWry of tlw onprceedeWed Uij: Uismess we
areiloing. JuH tbe gorsU tbe petpon iletnanJs. aad
1 >x>u can buj’ old and umleLOW THK CROWD. We
lake advvtage of every trade and pay taih for *ame. Thal’t why
we uadenell er'eryttody. One visii will conv ince tew that we are the
leaden of low price* lor New OooiIl We buy direct fmm tbe manuo as to pave you inoaey.

a aad Art Bobm waat to'
mm uir Mtar-

V. K BacAai ta Bprfcar Oraak. toUadatHabaltotar-


Hba Bdlta Bordtoai laft Baadap
far tto 800.
Hr. Artaar Uolta
kb beoM ta Ctaitaco.

UafBoa b rbltlBC tataUre*
A. Baiaer pad B. T. Pnp drora to talbtralL
Tktoaaaa Oltr FfUaj.
TtoUdba' Baaotl roe
Thp rwa« maadp ta Baba Hato- bold P tap bPMtac at tto
Hra J. Ibekto Prltar. Bar

Prof. B. J.
Ctoa. AB. Tbarp b ridlaf a apw wbppL

hto Pddta adto

BaUea b neettatt a aow

a a OablitaU ba* eob(dpP*d ta*
eddlUee to hb bora taaildtaf.

a a ObapboU left tab Wtok fee

hJ^MdjriS" klTtatate^

a bb datb* at

Ilf. lUUaa baa tokaa ..............lie ta
■ latawB tab
blew tarn aad bbanr patliBcta
Maaroto^Dr. Pajto^ BelMa* Bay waa
B. Ttorp. who far a aabbar
jaanhaa wbtitoa taa aaettoa.
al^ bb iMittoa aad wUI tarm.
HbP UUbn 8tad*bltod trieadr
Id totatbOT ta Battibe Bey tab
Hr*. B.iteipb halpla^itari

Wntard Wata

OTA ti* and BartT. ta bbta o*«

A targe porchBOT of Ladiec' Fiae Sboer, all sites, at Ibe price
of ordinary foolwear. Our q»l
qm cash oiler
offer proved irresisuWe to the maker, bnt we are not allowol lo meatioa their
name, a* they ate sold in thb city for $3. We ihaU offer
yen the choice of the fat for. per ]iair................................. $1.77
lAdiei’ Itongota Kid Shoes, soU leather coonlen. stock lips,
worth $l.*6. for............................................................................... 77
Men's Kai^arw, Calf Shoe*. .fouWe soles, aolid iaher nle*
' and coBUefi, every pkir sranamevl, worth $ff, for.............$ | .37
Boys- Satin Calf Drcb Shoe*. IJongota tip. cxteibion iole^
Boys' and Yotah*' King Ctain Shoes, haU .looble aWes with
proleeiefi. eveiy pair warranted, for...................................... 1.25

Dry 6ood$

8. W. Portor b In Trarpeto Oltr oa
ariaab Phb waak.



Attoraey 8*p*teai ta Batteot Bey
war la towa Tkaroitay.
Hb* Oalb Btaab flabbta tor week
I tto dabM Bar OTbool Haj Iktb.
A aabb*r ta frbadi brt at Ito
mtta ptaylat


35 pwcesofexcclleDl quality 6ne Dreb Ginghams in alUbe
new rskra. striped an*l chcckevl, wcrlh 12)^ for...............
2U pieces targe figured Silkaline, per yard........................................04
60 piece* of light aad dark Percales, worth ffc, oor price...............05
An excellent quality of India Lmen. feU width, worth «c, far
15MI yrlsofShiriing in riripes, ptaidi and dseckr, warthTc.
Slrqcd Tk^ieg per yd.... -........................... .....................
10 piecOToTw^ mixed ChaUie*. same design* as 60c goods.
42 irveh fignred Mohair, yorth SSlc, for.............................................. 24
16 doz. lAvlics’Percale and Gii^ham Sartaonnets. wcath 25c . | 2i

eiolbiiia Mb 8*MS' FmalsWtoS

Sil Ti.1 .onh «k.


after *

J°iSSr.;a*-“taBor.. Pblta.

I OTttnalBbPWl will .to flrra ai
_ unratollTkaratay. Jaa* Uh. by
Tto (oriTPl aatrleea. arbkh-------- taerndOT kalewta* blfta *obool d»r. Baroat eoeapbd

Men's Stnppd CWriol Snhs, worth $5, for.............................. 2.98
Men's CBsriiBcre.Sahs ta neat nripe* and check*, well lined,'

Hllbx arrired

Mb* BbbP Hook PTOTl to Pott Oe
tadp ibtanbr. retarabi •aadar.
a. Paalkarr. who
Bardook A Oo. taf Obbart. watt

Martta Bmwa ta Lelaad «*• ta
town thb week <b baplappi.
Ttote for tto y. P. a C B. Seaday Hv fitii, Yaryiat talpab aad
tbalrato. lOor. 11:1^
HIM Ibtlta IbMM IB»
tay to a« kobr oaStaTer
Hr. Boarbppb b Ul u ihb wrltlac.
Tetae for tto Bpwettb toafn* Bea-


W. Manta. C. a piOTnln

Bon. to Hr. aad Hiv&> K*hl
Taawby. Har lOta. a daAin


rap flTOT by Mr. aad Hn.
bb w«k at ttotr bOOTP.

Bell B*lb PBbP ap tiob CUeago
tapbder OT tto Ultaob for a taut Vb-

IL .

In OurBaroata BMonort
Heavy figured Cta« Butter llbheA worth Iffje. far............ ,
iteavT figurevi GUsa Wuer Sets, worth fiOc. for.....................
sue complete lAmpt. worth 40c. far.....................................
lAnlerwfor................................................ -............................................

Four quart gtabOa Can. tin |«8ectos«U an over for 25c.

nUat aad feaad ertaytalat O. B.
J Prior ppntabid Ito tarn bn___
taewaad by Mr. rtnlOTiae, fv hb mb
■ft. Wb. Fanaal aad ibafblixi ta
Olpa H*«bi tmmod taraach km bl
KaawwWatBhpOT ta Oba AibOT. aad
Darel ta
- wot* ta towa 8bb-






tan. bat *li.......................

Wilh Hamlsnme I'ob


, mo frri Ilk*
rr oortr»l*d to rr«ebtr
tr. Kldmrt aad Bow*b
- * d br 8.



AbaUa'BlaehM ta


rtritod lolaHTOT aad 1
tab weak.
HIM Btolta Battow OTrttad Mpital
.pp«tWtOTa ybU vbh O. jbbaii
m4 tabUy ea Idgktaewb FetodWaUb (taa^Mta Tottotot Olty ta

5C to
Stran-11 ais
Siooo Men.s Soils
SlJ30 Mi n s Sweaters Men's Suits
$7 50 Men’s Stiits
SSOO Men’s I’.nits

Milk Paiti wilh slnuaer. aoU ererywherc far 40c. oor priee..
Two package, of Carpet Tui, far............................................
lATge rise Wooded Spom, w«lh 6c. far...............................
Nouneg Gralm................................. .........................................



m fnat su BMcrgrbc Graetry OU Stuff.

Splendid time piece.
SceourSi.oo Men's Hats
Si-eotirS« 50 .Mi-o's I'ants
SO cent Men's Shirts
See our 30
as Mills
S«*e our 5 cent Canvas
See our $5.00 Mi n's; Suits
See our Si.?- llovs' Sll'ts


S. BEINDA & 00.

I of Stain* of Willtab
HeKtakr |w***eled to
H *H^k^


Clothiers and Hatters to His Majesty, the American Citizen.

B' 8*«ntar Ar»r.

al Uaard aad Nerml B***rrr to
> ta Ito exrreb** at « «> p

IW tear PM arW

A Fine Line ot
poplen or uk ac*eb for^pu^-


........... ...



for abor* oocarioe. Prrr Harqaettr tfertoi«T^.riv..u>. .J

Hoar. 1^1

.j ..t—1



H*r ta and ao. Libltod for
laWr to Mm, H.

A Full Line of

Traill will Isevv Trarmi- Oilv at

• •• I lostors. -

TraTcrse Oty. Mich.

118 Front Street

Bab Watoea b p*IUa« a a*w j

Mpadabu Baxb* aad 0
................. .....
Tbllan tael e

"iTPoalt mmm vUb faemr.


All complete in canvas case.


i. Bowar* b rerr tlek.
> ta oar Mwaebea an iwriarIM to pat la oebpat aidawalkp
tab. Ll WlbDB rauraad aalerdar



br Hrp Ltael* Orolaer of tl>li
Bba ba*....................................anaacr it Into
tto ehiflkp (Uw
fiartatabrp '

baaa vbl^ bb b«tNr.

‘ Hmlin II BN im


Hail Cbiripr Hanpo Maaa. of toraa ■
tOk O . "mr taf**r*a*P«< ruTrntW
from Elda^ treaU*. 1 aaa hatalr
•rerftto ftoto dall aeh« or aeat*




Made-to Special Measure—tnaierial to be selected by ihe vinner

ttff toy* oiooo'oTeu
tto opoUa ukre t>r Jadi<
tw froa tto HrrbBP wIh-u>
to daffatrd lo taltir I* tto 7«r
a C. «ai « muDlHj Of »UL

trip M OpBPta H toTPPtltab




at ill! rapt-

Hr. ud Hn. B


SUnon' llr. Pbbpr.


d OffL Mppp* opII...KPbPtatUj^O
__ M* tar* bero bear pppp*-----•d a* ftbodt PI Oodar
U\m KoPtl* BPaffMt rbilpa bar pU- ta* foltepripir ta Tt*rr«**Otta. Brtap
KtaMP Ub *«ppripnee rf yopb
tarUn. 0*(L Ok*M*t Bplarta?
Mpad PbPPM vbU*d bi nvi for p


Tbw't a Rock in our Show Win'W ane are offer absolutelv Frw of All Charges to
tbe 3 persons guessing the iibrect or neereat correct aretght the foilowing prizes


Ml» Zeaw BUtoi b **»!*«>•


Qrtl. » »m»ter »«»<-


My Prices arc the Very Lowest.


DeofwiUot taUiaoe*. Oa.. j
aaffiwwl for sit boeths wltl. a friirbt' K.u>ru>r. ti
fal laDnlncsorvoD hU l«x: balwril*s,““

kUn . Areim 8alr* wholly tV ^
la fivrv d*T<
For Ulcton.
PllM. It's (to butmlvrin
■to world Cure Koarantowl Oely
toe Hold I 7 8 B. Watt A Hons and
Jas. U 4ol>l

For fit) Work of all Kinds ail al Ike Herald OHIcc

your homes; have made alife long Mudy of it and have got it down so line that we can furnish you any article
you want in your home, from a nice Parlor Suite down to the smallest article you use in your home, and at the
veo' lowest prices that can be obtained anywhere. We will meet any caulogui- house prices on anything and
you have the advantage of coming in the store and seeing the goods >wi Jruy. BRINti ALONli YOUR

Same dresser with larger bevel French plate mir­
Vott eaa figure from tb« Follomiiifl
ror. for Slv 75how cheap you can furnish your homes.
A beautiful Oak Dresser, mostly quarter sawed,
Fortheparlort Carpett Jjc, 3sc- 45«^. , genuine quarter sawed swell front top draarcr. bevel
55c. 65c. and up to $1.15 !**’ yaF**/ l-'rench plate mirror, .would cost you $>2 any other
nice 5-piecc I'arior Suite, solid oak or
place, for only $9.75.
imitation mahogany, covered in nice
A good solid iron Bed with best fine weave, u)
pattern velour, full spring scats, like
cord woven wire sprmgs. complete, for $3.75. A“y
cut, from $IQ 7S “Psize.
Upohlstered Seat Arm Rockers
ers from
fre Si.js
A fine iron bed. continuous posu. scrdl top. whH*.
groin or Wue. four feet five inches high, any size, lor
A full spring, spring edge Couch, from
$4.75 up.
A Tine iron bed. continuous postv scroll top, 5 feet
A fine solid Quarter Sawed Oak Parlor Tabic.’24
I inch high, any size, in white, green or blue, tor $1^75
inche square lop, nice quarter sawed oak
We have a large assortment, right along up to the
shelf. French legs, all polished, just like cut.
most beautiful bed you ever saw in colors, for $16.^
for $2.25.
A nice bamboo Muric Stand, 38 inches
high, has four shelves 16 inches long. 12
inches wide, like cuL for qsc.
Solid Oak Center Tables, just like cut
16 inche square top. 50c. 18x18 inch for ' 7«l ^
$1.00. 20x20 inch top. all solid oak. with
nice large shelf, for $1.25. 24x24 inch
/ { \
top. $1.50
Biggest bargains in Bedroom Suites ever shown.
Cannot be duplicated any place. These are no cheap
made stuff, but are well made and
well finisbed. good quality oak. three
pieces. Bed. Dresser. Commode:
Dresser has bevel French plate
mirror, lor Mily $13 75Next style, finer looking suite, larger-mirror. lor $15
The next U the luggest bargain ever offemi in a
suite, all si^id oak as above, with larger mirror, genuine quarter sawed oak. swell from top drawer 00
dresser and commode. A suite that would cost you
$25 any fdacc. our price $18.
First cU« quality solid Oak Dre»er. w«dl made,
well finisbed. with three drawers. Frendi bevel pUie
mirror, niedy carved, for $7-75-

Cbc moMCC fa CaM«» bM
not JfflteiMl Us Jliry

We are selling a good, solid, exteittion uble, that
will seat eight people, for $3.75. Our next price »
S3. A fine 42 inch top. square table, with four inch,
nicely turned, round legs, for $<'>.75. From that right
along up to a fine, large, heavy, quarter sawed table,

Some Bip ei«s* Out Bargaiu*
I* DM** eiMtK
One set. six chairs, antique finish, for $q. If these
chairs were golden finish they would sell readily for

CDs nave a tot Of Odd CMrs
One. two. three, four and five of a «y1e that we
will close out at about half price. Here it a chance
if you want some odd chairs.
We are still selUog six good, solid, srood seat
chairs, painted and striped, for $2.85.
Six g^. solid, high back, wood seat chairs, ekely
carved backs, for $4.75Six good, solid oak. cane seat chairs, brace arms,
three stretchers in front, for $0.


♦m8 (itoWO tHAVigi»BHERAU). MAY 82. 1908.

fWUUMkTMt. Th.dUWb.licc BMtM cfaat riadWak the Oiaat 1
cfqcMIltMUbWwuW tedUM- Mlaad a friecdl? aMitadt toaraid iW
fMitlac. la tb» .fndonMt oT Bt ABWtaaa rapabUc. 1 talMd M
lav Ui anupU. aW «Ub to ptwaot
(he Mate* at ytederiL* (ha Onat '
M .need KMwd to fir«T«at Meacac
■aopUof ABurUa. lo ha «ot
to Ike de.Ui oHy. The Meaeb wUlac
tnm H>e barnM flMb U UerlbU, uid PtaaidcolII
I rapUed Uamk
tbcacOdUnue abet M flea ap Iba
of boTTlnc
dead. Ac rata

UntbU UiBl Hw r
woald oartaiatr ad«*d (he AmIa paopU the enuM (lUanta (e raealT. the atatae.
raaidwi, Mar l#-Tlu Tiuea i»4aU
adl^ateh fre. fUrt Oa Fiaaca aar- Maw York.- Hap 16-The hl«h price
iBf that UMM o( banac dadan orbaaMMito a wat riot latheaaBt
dda fbette tbU mnlac. Aa ana;
I Iciacd la btawUat which
to all (be Mihcte oa Madttad Betfon
luadea. Umj Ifr-Tba Talaciaph’t •traata. The police raaecTM wear call
ad oat Mra Baiafa Kfletoa. who prohM jaM ratuaad fro. Bt Piarn. Iratcd acalcM (Iw prinee of Beat aad
flu dne than- bare oeaaad benlaa. lead the rialcn, wac arraatad.
Tba Palaa U dill tlirowtaa oai aebaa
to aorthward.
The eenednadacl
cMca tWi the ctrMmi of Bra wlileb 8p the tenae of Iba wlU o^tha lau
Bed 81 PUrre
Potter Msar, iiu widow. Mra. Hercite o( (he Boooute which evaaed lhaUoowe Palmer, aaeeaadf Ub aa
aad eUaad learlnp daap crertcaa uear bead ef an aMata oanaarraUrelp aatlMaeaba aad Uraud Rirteaa.
aeatad at dB.OOO.OOtL tli. ptopertp
Hew York. Bap 16-lir. aad Hrc.
lolctlp to Mra Palmar aad thalr
Piaak Ooald will tall rridap la their
. Hoiuaa aad Potter. Jr., bat
paebt HalaalU for UarUalqae. In the Mra Palmar U ctrae almoet aallmlt.
hape of raudartac aBletaaoa to the ed eootrol of tlie eWmato dUpotUlcc
• larairaa.
ef it all.
Hetelaritti. Hap le-'rba fellow. Mt lam. ^toatka t b
1^ caUe«iaai waa (eeelrad bp Me
moo, hae brnTfor two di
aarp dapartmaal Ihle cwraloK froai
0«iuln Melemo. ercUar Olcoinoau. lac ap CBioka and M
■Bt ImeU. Map 16-There are ell no U■ rltaalad mi tee Mleauerl rirrr.
thoomad rotne>«e from Fort Ue In Oater
Fmaceaiid 8.00U from KIbcMoc. In above Omaha aad bM been faaeUeallp
(haatatbero iwrtloiu of MartlcWM dead for ao paara Kaporw mp (hat
aad Bt Vlaoanl »My uaap peopU
parUbad. Otbmn an caBnrlcK and
dplSf for food and water. Than te Oaol««Uw hare mbl
bp lb* water from Uia Mleoaorl
rerr grtat dlOluoltp In rallnint aad
( Into tba llaMetooe rook for
•arlBC CO amop penpU wiatlarad oror
Mcli latfla arcoa. The camlwr S peo­ mulec of (lie monalaln. bat U>.< peo­
ple to ba fad or eared for U mid to ple ate (eartal of as craptloo. dbpUiahltb
liocdoa. Map l»-An odk-Ul diepatob from Oorcraer Uawalljm of
>loo which haiaelall ttaeslptieb
tec Windward lilaode tliU marniac womeo of tba caactrp sealac lalo
mpe: "Tba Mai aanbar of bodice aura wladowe whiBli dUiOap caaaa
faoad and bertod arc I.OOa, There are
aad rlailcr* ta tba
IKte tee baiidlat.
MW Mice Alloa HorUe. aiam
U ara uppllad. Jliaa of Iba beat of the laU Devi 1*. Mortoo and a ao
aacar aatalae oo Iba lelante are dam- olal farortu la the aaat *Up Jautllp
■CW mrlimalp. aad oca ie aomplaulp tereaite tee Ooagtam atrul aotraaoe
barlad. The craaad U eerarW bp aad bnnp down tee hall, a eaaa car­
atem aad all
ried ciaocfnlp la bet rlgfat haad. Bhe
Orar t.000 ara cm tee relief llet Tba waa mrTpiBc tee ttrlek Jaci ac MIm
Mpttea U denrmrlBC- bat tee lara u Alice Booarrcll dace, who ha* cctebIlehad tec tad. Him Mortoo wac
gewaad la aa attraedre ooctema,
Feat DeFrasee. Map IS-The at- wall ultad U bar alple aad complex
taapm of loot the dcml la loo. Ilwacadark browatatlor-inada
»t PUrra, came scar rcaaltiac la the gowa, with a eolootal hot U maioh.
IpatelBK of to iBOpte. Armed caaeda ami abe carried a Jacalr browo adU.
paarutad tea kilUnc. Tba aaU.cri- with a rraoked haadlc and a cUrer
Staa ara taklag eerere taeaiarra to
ueirallBglt ttea corded (to
1 the monaat apiserod bp Uw
>hcol lows. will, ito bacdU
Port O* Ptaaoc. Hap IT-Mt Paler
Uasaia abowlac Ufct of acilrllp. dOWB.
The CMlapacd aH«e an foasd U he A vadleata of Mluompalle. Dalnib
Chicago capltaiuu
boaghla traet etamlllioi) acrae of
A aamberof rboale
wheat and flax land* te tea
dead aM oear lOO. iw
wan vallaj to Ajctelbote. N W. T. tl
t. bare bean amalnd.
Urn aleog the Uaaadlan Paeifle rail
Oa Franca itet ic bU eptaica tlu (ri

The HaUeaol W. Q T. D. ha. anaocaead offlelallp teal lodp Hmup
raat. prmddeel of the Werld'i

toeotteetd tetet mmt Ut
halMca wriMuaftec Mead.
Oany tec a ho— U bimmif. wte
tea stem ecrort arc Mgsd at bo
In addltka u tea oOeen aW e
aamberteclaaU MSmte. tea (M
tea amp »d ■cmbmi c< tea
pllal earpa. tec ratud telp DUU earrima
- . —
_ .
•acuref taolccp 1a Bar.
raid Oairmcitp aW aa expert ta recard u roluBcati Bobwt T. Rill ed
tec Dsilad f

Illll.-T yrtll Il.e-il SmTH'sGnEKX Mol'S-.
At pome lime
TAis- Rksovatou. No iiutU<-r ii.tiv lus'ilthy you arts tliL«
and it is probably true tliatt \-uu lietel it a jm-at
Ui inie,
iixl a jrnftl
^nfii'd--ai niore'ilian vou liavi-anv
deal ofto
itlita of. Of aiurse.,
I K” i'iiTttund feeling ludf siek
iintl not ftive up, imt then- i Hot (inlv HO sense 1 it. but
it is «laiip*n>us.
The momenl you U*^ii 1.» tritlc withUiaonliTstif the
stoinaeti, liver ur ^iilneyrv the nuunent you jieniiil
blood Irtsililts to po Tmi!*»rrert«s|,
nnit'»iivrterl, you atv ninitiiig
niniiiiijj illie
risk of serious complimlioHs aii<) I’.-avingali ojvn dt

mined In a gold box, tba. pri'Matatteo
ceeompaclad bp mltabto ad.
« cwrd acalcM aop i ■etdcct U Hu
u aM a raapimaa bp Mr. O
Uaf. Bilk baoaat* wene, atraufaad
Mam tea MrreW baarlac ^
of tea taco ef
"Umc lira tea Blac." aad-Wel- aa Indtac w|aaw. of two daraa, ef
soma u tea Klac " The Bpaciah and beaaU aad rapttlaa aad pateagoc at
■vopcaa Bag* ware aead In dacccauoc mriiOnn teaaeleol lugaag* aaalbte tee amn aad atrlpm were ocnaplc.- faated ibaMerbo Ito other dap on
caMp aherat Darter U>a proeraalec
eatllac of
>bta of Ixml Brown,
anlmnof nneeaara.lad. Uaadrode a(
people ef all otoMaa
Iba plane
Brown to lotoeaeif rallgieax and
dmrea te tee
laroh. U* atan te* aten* are dl
lawm to hto iwayetr that Gte.1 woald
maattml blmaalf to tea world ilml
all Btcbt brilave in ubrUUaalip. “
mpv ilml avatp night for Ihinp paara
prapad rarnaaUp tor
Bar. D. Oootilin taimad Tbaradar
Wile baa baaa
Iksm Oater. whan be amiimd i
chsTob itmi twmilp pear* and tararal of tea
Mdw people mp Uia Imago of (ha
wmaa to aa exaet llkaocm of hto dammdwita.
The UaitMl Stale, oratoet Dixie
teeetorch w
lanu ef Umroa. Bar. D. Oocbltc mllad hem Btooklpa Wednmdap for
tanpteg food
ahd Bat. Mr. Mlaip. of Paatea. who
tor tea coCarrrt bp tba votooulie
WUI be tea
•aa held te tlw afwnxM aad te the arapuen ■« that uUod. The roigo of
■ tuatiuttec the tea Uixi* to aatimiad al X.60D
and will. It to mid. to aoMclaat to
m ebareh war* held, with a
Bar. D doohUa and the rich* feed tto people of tea Ulaml tor Uo
ad of fallowelilp hr Par- aie^u dope. The t«lk of teTtei^ wu TBt^md eol ef Ww a|.pro|wlotlim of
BOO mode bp ecngrvm for tea re
Aa ejmreh atan* act aader Iwictal
Itef of tea aagarara, bat (bare mn
teepteta. with orar Itrealp aaau
At pnamti the ■ervtcu wlU . to held aUe ooetHbotemc from otbar aeanra.
The Oaramo maammSakkarah. I
U laa eehool heom. bat la tee
fatan a ehamh will to tout WhIU late Ptoateg, baa baooma a total
I Uraud Trcrram al Haamblte totead. og tea cam
Oblto. Ttoiwmacgmi aad craw i
I of the weak Bav.
goveramaot. Tto Sokkaiah totl IhMa
AiMI M for
TIaUrta. Map i:-Tfaa mum
IdaharapUbi the eiaptec of tee wi
Dr. Jabac U M. Oafrp. te* apcotel
. and aUtdam of Ber. Imdwfc Wolf,
ef te* Uallad BUM al
r. and Kara Jamra
• ccrnminos «f Kt« AUcam^white
C*d»u— acd 0. Tmoidlu. bp tba
to Ink* ptee* BAtsidAT, hpe MTtved
■Mm Jar a eaudkal tm$t at Paiwia At Msdrld. AAd bra* rraMvta with Cto
BaMaI taamt. te Amwte •

llto .M toll
k^ .1,. a( Ito wetoww

» ter <teor OO. Parw•tete* medter Oglmm. Morphtea •or oterr Narrofte
wtenc*. lu see te Its gimrmBtee. It dratrwra kkarnm
terttambtod Wlml

William W. Tboaca. Uoilad BUtaa
mtnialar U BwaiUo and Nerwap.
tlm inaldcwl Wedaudap
praaeok-d to him. at tea teilaa
lliollH ikud deiidly dixasesi.
___ most
. .
to the
Mac Oacar of Bwodm, a pboUgrai*
You ought
High to be (Veil—jterl'tvfly well all the time.
of tlia lour, ratoiuntlag him olad la
The iiioinent you *p<*re»'ive that yiHir internal inafan oaUom of Ugh admiral o'
chinerv is gettinir el<^5;«*d up vi>u ought to get hold «if a
Swadicboarp. The klac wean a
tometteealaraed broad blaa ribboa bottle of Smith's G;i

lit-VOVATuK soul comof aemmaeder of tea Baraphim. the
ance to take it at oiuh-.
bigfaaai order ta Bwedac. and tee Mar
It isn't «»mi>oimded *>f harmful drugs to temi»orarilv
UMDdar of Bt Olaf. tea CBlp
poothe pain or t»> ra. k and grip- the delh'ate organs. It
of Morwap. Tba portrait
rontains iiuthiiig but root-, aii.l heriis of the linvn
•Igaad br tea klag-e own baod "(
- Tba pietara U a rWikiBg Uka- MounUiin Slate, ami its b<-.iJiiig, eiinitive.-streugthenacd, baiag tea Um oaa mkca. ing merits are weJl known i.i the many llmu-samls it
mou bU majaatp aa be apprara has cutvil.
Udap. Mr. Aamae alu mUad oa

Utile amillag.
aaaffeclad la
te blc
aatelBg wtourei
wltboal wtot 1. oemn
"pnmaoe." or. te cxpreMlr*
■hoBl"-aamam dlmteoUve
with other
lag Mb. He Bcami eo email, u r*c
tie aad medart that poa look ta rale
in bU eCBdool at teal tiam for tomt
of tea foroafnl paneoal tralu which
.-tialto which I.e hoe ax
arelaad u tbrcM Mmcelf ahead of
Uioae who were In tba race with biu.
MexI U Bring tfaroach etoce In hie
Spine machlae.
aalope knitting, omkiag cmtiK^derp
aad Upaetrr. It U bardip endUoble
teal a nma u oUerlp fearlam.
plelep darotad to tea
penatt (hai ever fattiaclad raeklem
haman aalera aboMd dad dallcbl
tanep needlework. It U tree, never
tbeleac. aod H. UanUa. aa to |retcre
to to called, ad.uiu It fraaklp. Bobart toeie Blaveaaoa aleo foaad knit
d bp liurarp w
te order loot

It lubs always nr.Mpeitvl without ndvortisinc, whirh
shows how gtasl it is.
j.ivxuit tiwiiers liavi. d«tennined tlwt everyUsly shuli bavi- a eliamv lc» try it,
and Iwve given us iIhi
ageiu-y lieri'.
It Is a Usly-biiilder in the l*est sense of the won! It
is a bliXHl puritier of tlw highest ]«is.sible vahu-. It re­
stores thi‘rieli lil<»itl«»f youth til the veins, ami makj-s
strong iniiscles heidthy tle>h, < alm iieives and elear
If v.iii want to get th.M-lostst tiling to an elixirttf lifi
that lias y**t Ufii (list .i-ivd, }Swmrs<5uKn.v Mi»i;xt.\is
Ukn'iv,\tou is what you
W e don’t iiiiiki* anVwild. elaims for it.but
-simply ih*s.-ril>n Just wh it it i airl just wliiit it <-aii «lo
has U 1 doing it for
We know it can d.f it Itee.-iils.' it ha

Tided ftral tec beach aad tbep
ba giTCB a good time te teccxaal
eaa. of botl.lag. btutteg ea
water lake aad game* In t
fletet. The eoUage will eeetteaa di
teg the opae air cucem. Mra Schwab
to elccalp tetocactod With me te tbla
aadertakteg. and wr both have oar





YC You Could Look
MJI 1fIIMtofmiR..totovlbF<wdlIfcia
l.i .-bv-b I.e. Mtob- li •rcitoriL
•in ivlv. n«, Iv« •-•tJ •.( TrlKl. .1
<»n-4tolb.I n.iu/«U> -«tod b.Ib~o*b

taircCtovtrte Tm gmUm (b* ted



S..U-. >• tovrlij ni.e. Ibfcl.n per™.n~•to 1.1 rmar.4 fcn cnirr ciWl-'l •' Ito ea
-fctonvrt.a. .ia.rduv -4 UA-toel. ■* itod
A l> IMI.ttor. .Ill br-4du Icul.V •-ivlw .
I. Ih. liixb-.l l.uO.c.allk. to«lb fi.u.l d—F
-dib- r...iri
Id to- ni> -d Tc.v..

III. l,4|...u.^-fc-F.nitol Ivirl. vtol

-<4 r.<vi4uaaM'. a4lnU(H tour
rtliu Ito-a^aww... .4 xfcl toiai naMml

.4 Hirtr

■aU alUto Ifctoii V.-uil.xix to. xU ana VM
;aul (,. tovi (..uxp. Al a toto-n -4 Ito
•r4to. -virl Ito tofcl ntovll. toU vl Ik- '*‘Aad‘n toranbFr-4<l-r,d Ibvl allblK !•.•
-r-4_l. -411- u tofcl .-.Aiali.-to «ltola..Ul

* '4*^*itovir*?4 /nrii*yi»ra>

.. V toxppHvr vnaird. pildaM aad


fc. to itol.ltov.1 la yto^ran

NmtM>orTa> neb
e Mbtoiiivr. tv«,4l.

Tab.. a-4V.. tbal xto ba. Ian Icirfalto

itotoAurla^ Ibvl pito^to’raUltal laa
n^.,vnmbFto.4 VI vet iiiitoaiibia n.

to. .4 Ito 4vtoB ||4 Ito tol-rvi-


dlli'Ul i,al. V4 i-kv>ir~


- -■ la Ito aiUI^4 Uto tototo >^Bvry

It to) tonl VF vttoi-


k KllUiri^HUT


_ e-. idlFrt 7r»'


(••tov.i^br mn^«^vT ito^biMifcMd


*wV la S’ *S

WlUAAM fcWviSNuK, Tlani. .
33^ Ito toSSx'la’mTerStZ
lAbx.iB itomp c4 Tra.iwOip. aad mua



ur Ihal. dv-aiar a

Mvl. >4 Hv'hi.vb. I.> fcll
■Ivlfctolto-lv'b •'ntofcl.alrUti.l Itolwr.
Kv li.naivlm.l.d ..r Mitb mVMO u vto u.
torn .4 toVl.b—tonl. Uid vU Mibto
If. .lr».«.||..Jl KV.b.torll' -4 Ih.HrvV.'. IV tovl F.IVI.*. VC mimtoi M. u-nurUAifcIitfc.1 1- Ito VUlec- .pix nil. .d irmf VI V ■ II. -w .4 toVi nvin, llvto I.* to
Trmr.M •Ilj^Svdildi. anuto.. I- ik. to Icvfclrevl ltolto4»l. •A.ivttonif .4Tr.«
.torlM,. la toVI nnal.. aad 4vtorea».If
avi llvto-1. , .Ii, II. _vl vitotoal toitoM a-d
.4 . .
I.' ’ AvU
Avd ii
II i>
I. (unb..
(unb.. .adrmL Ihvt

L-AhMAtiHAUA-U Ibr*m id Mm

•^id'Tto'pr.Aato' fto”ito euaeipul
i;rva4Tn<rr-, to Atoll vl Ito PnAato iMrr.
U Ito a.Ub4 .4 Ito- FUato v( Ulrsai

mw Umv
id iamld'


Wips* CecAip Seek Bldg. DCTBOIX
• r.ivn .4 xvi •-ivl.' mvi to«d u- tuto

2Atn SAP of Map. \ O. I iK>2,
al too V rtork la ito (iravmv. al Ito (nat
dwr <4 tto UAijt Uuato. la ito uip >4 Tr*.
■M ixti. la (to Ikmalp i4 UiMTlVavmm, la

. AaaadmdFd
. atm toad at aa.

yui pFpiixi. atol_JI»I^Jto_to*i_rf J»v juU
ffSd'irfia* d.
A. map to adadllFd to rrUato.
to^mpamam ‘■**”"*'’*
'dtor pirM





2JTSi's: p'r'csssss.’iai-fiixii


Trittocmv. >1 Ti.imto lYlT ttUMA W



.k-i,-^fiu” rrL?-uTr?;(S


Allm.'].lvv Avuvac

ttoriiifc^'l'l‘'l>iVd.r.d. tkfcl'Mfclenbu, Ito

IVtoal ball ..e-,. (4 Uv- •Vlltomn (rs-tl__
.4 ••tfcvi.lvtoUi -to. lun

' Ntofc.-i.'hFtoto tovx. liu^bp eetototo



luu pe.todMy.',tur 1 yia_^.4 xvl 1^.




■4 HiUilAitol. Kva
41 Hravnt
-Iiunb^T •i*ivai ■•■4111 -4v
III, tr.
«| .s. a-nb.4 Kvar. tov

Ua MAia^ vtol Eliar ito rtoitfcto. d«lp rxi

pIkMTX yoTv^-«to
ynw-S^-m. m
»?3yriiS4r5i‘ti2 pm-anTx
•-torttotompctototora.^tototora^. 1^.

•Titofto' niSSi

iS' to.‘i JiLto.-i 3,


OaLX.'I IIKAl. I^TATS-melr ,4 Mvtil

m-: lit::


*“■*’*”- -M va, lAX lb.4,.4 S.ilv. I. krto l., .K.X,
.into ,4 Ito p.toV |4 tob- r,.iiUm.d
S.nw IF to-Fvl.- .I..*, ttol lij m.»«l.»-4 lb.1
llv IY.4ei.. i\Kin l.r ito
Ttoirr—. B1..I.
llv Ub da, •. M.>.
A II nto. vli n,.a,ll,. In... ,1x1 A... .arr
.lfci.rdl.rc-Mlii.a- ... vto—«. llvHr rlvmi>
.,h Ito l.4to»«i.lbi mvl
totoi. eel tou All ■'■toliujn id tovl <fctol to*, r.-) airto lw|»to.«l Ur.r vlfcjni. lM
* ixrl, fcl lir 1-t.fctoU- unw,.. I.
II.. nil .. l>v..r.' ('ll, . f-.c rvABiin.u.Mi An*,'.tAi t.r l.'l.iri' III. .-b 4v, *4 N..,riu
Hi.1 Mi.-li .1......


CAB «■* .to to; to vie NO .-• •MAto to Fto
rmtotoVtotoX II to r.Fiito fto. to* AA





:CT.\nB^- Yto


(SnS iliw?*kV '.«* »Z

A l.•K*VUBa.
Ju'lp-uf l-edetr


iboui K.bMli
sbsehilslp (rac bp RtoU.
idtam bv. Kibnw fc wmwi_______
Co.. Btocbemloe. N. Y. UrtMA wvklnc >»«>-

Cuwl ImmM

,to|•y.'.l• .nv-b to.nxM'eto.lul, aaiciFd
xivai II to irdto.0 Ibvl PvvU,. Ito
itod «v
ttovVctolB. to^tot ly tofcl AllrTT
l\«n. .1 Um
ui toIV .tod KFYItorr'. .A.^ ..i V.-lolAri
rr»x— >1lj. IV >ud "toinl.. I.f •b. Itob.i. Iri-vu.d M.rtrwto.—
'■to*, vr.. e*4iuF..I Iv uavaf vl a .
SM <U) ..Iv-Ivi. r IV II vcvl itol nXi-lAivi,
V4i. Itoal..
tto- ■■
•III U bxtobv.wxto I'.un. .al^artoMp. •KVIIVI-t dvitol S-vruil.v lr>I. Itol.vjrll- iTtoldt’’•.vin.
lb- ..■lilv.4 JvJ. .to.a rmUl Ito . «ldv
n i
Ito MO,re v< Ito toOIfctoFV m.toU to. to
•bfck B.41 w- Itoto-K C^ fc. I. dVF
Act II 1. luntov tobml. Itol
tto-evl. .4 ihi-toAfc. .!.• |•|•FI,•; vtol.vt-. .FtobO
r.i,ltovav..4 Ibito Hvtolrtol vicU I.,- virl
.-, .4 -,4,.4ito-. fctoyirjtojnm 6-to


I ALABAS11NE COMPANY. Grand Rapids, Mich, t

One Month Free!

||« •■( Ito

• bv b Ito toal4.towdOK.I

should be usixl in renovating ,
tot,"C,-;i:;-t. and disim'cxting all walls.


Al a I

'a li tot;, i- -______ _____ ________________
U.».,| I-.
I>rv-«| Itovr itoto
.flUD-I lU.. ..l*n
Atotoi-s.rnl..* Ito'inl}
U Tfmix~- ^^.11 y Iau

and Ollier disi-ase germs arc J
mirtured anti diseases disscin- f
inateJ by wail pajicr.



ttoxtoW ^ A.m (. Ntok '
Ul. c Ito .VI. ■/I'nitox-iK,. to toU .torn- .

Kalsoiiiincs sre temporary,
[, rub otf ami scale.

WB* ell Id ptep ASd |ieid oo
ktUatiCG for tee moineiil. Wbrn
did let go nl* hold
bit clMcr’t limd disnwd lo cb* old*
end li* foNsd test *]ie ws. ddooccciost. A terMi'ikS loud tbst Him
mwood bsd nunsltieds psnisl
bscter* of the seek. It 1* (*sn-d eh.will sot reeover.


In Use For Over 30 Years.


I ,



MIrr ,.. in.
xto.Melr ^ to..

The Kind Yon Haye Always Bought

SSl.M.L I‘<^X

Jir*rs. r

• tol-rUav-.Bbvim




dwiul eurae of the mow dimeong cxi
Kpee seed x medictec pec ahccld have
itainSOe-andJI xuei.
moipl* bania el tbit

f BduiB the Simatore tf

more than a tpiailer t»f a eeiitury.
This is the kmly medieiiie whi.-h we guarantee, ami
we agnv to n>fuml tbetuom-v if this fiumms luedieiiie
fails to iK-iiefit the siiffi-ivr. this gives a ehamv to the
skeptical to try it lil our risk.

able to move from ber bed. Mr*. Wm
Wsgser of Newsrt. K. J.. mw Ler
teaghter Sdss.
peera old. bora to
dtslb withte A lew feet of ber bed.
Mra Wsgser be* bcAS siiAble to get
of bed for A swste WhUe bet
c* WM Aliccot III* child pr^oored
mstebra Asd, wbUe iiUping ' witb
tar i-iotbUig Asd tb*
WAgSAT AOreAni-d
teodlp. bet tec elilld wu fciAllp
bused before AmitlASee Amved.
tta ftiA. which tad qSCAd AbOCl
lOB. tad bcee qcaKhed. Mra
Wegsm WM foesd to lie ocooiwcoo*.
^YtnelngjvM^i the ktewpi end
Hr^ MeKlnlrp be* given sn uolim
lte.1 order to] a
Thrr* .
lo Ito koo
Dr. K.lmei't Swemp. snd to keep trvota Ibr floral pied*, glv- ••
" -.icley e
ip remedp (uUlIb vvwp
curing rtoteiatton. peio In Ito
back. Iddaepx livw. htidder cad cverp pen
ef the unniiv
I' eoneecv ItoWUlp
te hold water end acaldlng pain In peering
h. or bad edaei. lolto^og am cl touor.
wine ar beet, end overcamai the. enpleemBi
neeacUT ef being cohpeUad lo go oflea

SSI is-stnsjr,;


,• |.«

r eblldrcB. Oliarlac M. Bel.
ddmii ef III* Ualwd Slatec 8M> I
I tore
.OKmd Bcm-I. fu'-teg New York
bapeeteecoalb cbor* ef Staton Ul
and. acar TocubtUIc for Ito bencBt
of poor aad lick ebtldrco of New
York. It li expeetod Uml from l.BOO

•“MS' Of Jtote. A. Dv

TMh KlaB TMk B»to Alintfs Bcugkt. Bmd wMcB te tem
UM ter wr«r BO ten. te teuo te Mgtete <


r, cadegUM ef tea Haw Tort
m of HoUtal HMetp. Oaorge
aa. naraUr aad aateor.
algfaUaa aawrmiar ctinu—
partp- Maeara BUI. Oaitlt, RaeaeU
aadOapt Borchgrwribk ara amkli
tea trip audar ilia aa«|deaa of Iba Ha-


snrm’s green nouNTAiN renovator isnt
AN experiment OR A THEORY. BUT A

Onlrwntp of Mletalcaai (Uptate C

Ip to map AaMwuooi.
will to a gacat of tee aatloaol
vantton of tlw> W. a T. V. te Forttoad.
Madrid, Map 17-Alfi
Tba 01
PSM old bop. waa mad
Ongeo. Wla. while te.
ttolLBficr two d«pe' flgbtteg
•ocaaaicatf BimUi tbl
red te a plapfal eeaflto with tor
tte Madrid ohambar (If daimUaa One rabale te tec aeotton pen of tea
cr. Him Pearl Mcteanread'
prerteea of Ohi-LI bare baea comwaa teoku. The two hod beee
platelp defeotad aad Umlr leader* cap- plapteg for aom* time wtoa the poaag
ama cnogfat bis stetar arooad (to oach
la teOOgaUloa of tec ■
aad Upped bar band haek. She
Tbraa bandtad
. tee Ftemben aa eaterp for him to Mop. tat bi
epoa Andrew
mcolm look
plara te Oalldhall asd eonalMad of





Po>' !>l

Is the Most Ecofloinical
Greater in leavening strength, a spoon­
ful raises more dough, or goes further.
Working uniformly and perfectly, it
makes'tht^hread and cake always light
and bda^ti^l, and there is never a waste
of good flour, sugar, butter and eggs.
W^ile Jl actually costs less to make a
ba^ 0%iiscuit with the Price Baking
^■k^than with the so-called cheap
posyders, there is the additional advantagl^LJictter and more healthful food.

Mvte *Mat Md* >■
eellewa ptrla It waa to
Kreete-Oanadtaaa Boll two eapfaU
aad aaa oapfal of rtoh
Bill or erata tawiibM.aattl tto Btalan foTM a a^ toll wbaa a UlUn of
it baa baea dropped to oald wator. aad
Um rolled betwen tto to
Ito fedpa tot been Bade with Bilk
emBi.aad If ao aata are to
Taka It
tto toe aad


la Ito BMI BCladed ipet yo
,bMI wall enUl it to«taa to. «rs*w
■ad. tore a pit dac. "Mot ao teapae
Ttoa tara Ito a
a welt, ear to wide ae a ohareb
Intaaoaffh "* late tbit pit hare all
uau. It they an
|oa. aad Bl It to a eoM ptoia te hard- tto remaabU rrfaaa ihiowa. aorertap
Wbaa ton tot atlU e Utile •oft, with Ito dirt whieb waa ukei
what yoa pal la eanb day. -rcet to to Bjaane wIlB a (harp kalfa.
■ay It. laui.
Tto dirt diaiofaeW. Ito proee
Map'e aa«ar la delteleae ea a frail
Yiar frUad aad Btoe, dBc Saalag aad oaka Blllac This AUto« caa decor pari Ito aasl tto /oUowtop
atow. Xtra Hartto Utay tf Tiav
yeer pit will eeeiala all tto
to Bade of whipped anaB allpbUy
Oity. wrote tor aa oiaay weake ap
atldsBed wlUi celatlaa aad
amele wbloh wa irtol fer yna tbU
wa^l wilh oreibad or powdered Bopla eaed for year plan. TbU klad of dirt
It wUi aot totanwl oar
Ith iBe-thlrd caad U the
■a B BBoh ae oar older boya
Mepto aapar la alw dalialeaa la e
aad they will dud It fall of good
BSB tor old taahleaad ladtoa podadrioe.
So be ■
dtoc or uy BiBpla paddtots. Stove
off« idpar. oooa*h to aell Ito
s,and add It to a oapfal of bat
Jew fer a i toapa,
to faitblal aad uae.
la the afctop eaa pau Ured of Uw
all dfoiarto or mmam li aew aad of
ime eld thtopa eoobed Ito bo
. itopairat qaality. Hothtog eardUe
way. Uwe an two or three obaapsa |
Bilk or craoB ao ^■lrokly ae aapU
to Ito matlarof repeBblee whlel
BBcar that la aot tto fmhiwf aad tto
Thaake to ear Soaahlae piri to
TooialoB aad Oerw-Ooek a caa of Hart. ■Ichipao. who
Wliea tto blaeelti for the Mwtoff
, aatll atewed dowa llikk aad ibe llttU Obiaaae boye aad pirla
tao totsle an rolled oakpoaed a iBall
a Itolaepooafal of betThla to a hButltal May Boratop.
bloet o( anple lacai toio Ula. witta1 otBllai
aad yoar ptaeldeal aeado tortopprm
oet ereahtof It. aad roll Ubb toto
MRS. M. K. C. BATeS. €WTO«.
.lefpappM. Ooeka
top to yoa all atsd hopee yoa are ei
tto Maoeit dooph.
caa of con at Ibe
It every Blaate
eati wlUi a aborp btoeeit oatur. leerS-bet. ready to aerre poer tto
M two plaeoa of maple aopar
Upetbar. add a
btoeaih Bake thaai to a *My
daye ai
fartto erro aad earva hot with lea
Ow ksd OTwa»a*,
('abbape Haddtop-SItee Ito Bb- plBaanofnauUapMr. Hebtord-e"A
ilia, wbaa prt
Ho mmum how boi4 X ««rt,
tape aa for elaw. Ptoea a layer to Ito ■eaBpeuUaroia."aiid 1 wiah ev-1
Hobo OImm weald'- liko to aiItpbl aad Bakyaad
X olw*
took u4oM,
to the Uatied ittoiro ea|w
fmti tbU pahjMtt.eoatldagablj. bel tore atrsokaof Belled Baple aopar
Bom tiat; I data net ohM.
lltUe ptroee of totter. Bit aad pefp«r elally obo ami boya ooald read and I
OMllr U doaw‘1 atad u U yea «at tbo throepta ttoB.
They an eieelleal
I aiax rt» MV dava'at ter
. cover with cold Bik Uver tbU take to heart tto bwaoB It toaohea
rifbl BMBBiBR of
aad Baba ao apnoable otoape at tbU
l« ubcmI Willi a arlam atela:
Tto key Boie of iiBt woaderial
eprlBkle a toyer of brad eruaha,
If toewod of detop i
».-M. Y. TrtI
1 mm wart vtih a wtil till aUbt
Iheo anottor layer of eabbape, aBeoa- "appeal to the peofsle." la also,
lap aad Borr Bilk, aad thaa bread bow Baoy an worthy <sf bring iraausd
for aad aaalaot dolaf
* Ofar and o>«r a«ala.
aaddaalte that Iho boal.lliint to do
raa a eteaated aaet paddlap. aad aaUI Ito dlMi to Ailed, itoe with t‘w vital aSalra of life: Bad Use
ptoaty of Bilk U added, havtop dommnt oboed i« ilraek wisea Ise
Ottr tad onr acalB
It to to doaa boraaB yea nally it fell, oh, how II felll la By leal
I BBM vaah aad oamb aad Mo:
The opptotaallyfor the right
weald lalhM do It that way. lAee yea
it pood 1 tod pat la ratatoa. brnderaBb. aad batter oa the top.
fBdy to bake It. It
Om aad MM asalii.
do U beeaaan jam waat to do It aad
Uke. aboal aa boar aad a half to
tete I Boot aaailr Baho:
1 1 pM froB ll w
aot bteaaaF yoa hare ta
take, aad dartop that tlBeBakea that a large paraeol of the people are
Utaa Mid to thekllebee doeoi'l
little heU to Ito Moal aad add sUk. drlfltop In the canaal. Blled Ufa
Bka aood paaeakea tor breaktaet yoa
iBaMkevat ay vert til
ITile to ae delUate aa eaailSower aad with BO eel pan«B. ao ofajrot, no
to eat aad do IhtB yoaraelt bM
doet aot Btall.
goal to be woa. )uet Btmply driftliip.
yea waal tbea eatable for yot
kI way for a day or m. U
ibwa UyMM»-Ualf a eoa'of oora to aaywiMOw. evety-wbere. wherever llie
aad laiaHy. tboatb yoa woold imibor I aerved ayarlf to throw
paltbroapha chopper aad liBlxed etureal oatriea Usem.
Otm aad OTM acala,
Ttiey ar
aae oat leUaiely to a r»d brMfaat Katfaer lhaa Bake twfi tripe to tto



> IBddtop dUb, ttoa add

To ayaad away m By traoty vbael.
It aa aceat eoBoe to the doer
Or (WM'Boatti IlM *ady tta«;
■aethkai yoa wealda l bay It yoe
To waadM away thna«fa the na-klM- ooald aad ooaldat If yoa Woald yoa
aad eoarteoai thoaxh yoa
Aad MbM Ibo wUd ae«m Mfht:
1 year ooohlee baraiac
Or «D oBal away to ooaw ahady aook.
baoaaB yoa woald lalbM
Wten I eaa road a^ vrtta
wot atad bkiB away teoliac at if he
the face of Um
Otm aad erer afala.
laaet the Eaey Olwlr bopae
no tatea taat I ban to do
AM all for boa* aad lend oaaa
Aad trlaadi Ual tfaa heart bolda

ehldroe-t atockiape
to deroad wbaa then U a
yoe rreet la nod. yoa do it bfoaeae
■alii workaway thaw
raltor they weald be
Aad BOTM a ward oaa
Bat briahM Uwb wUb a aaaohlaa terkahU aad nMootable la r
bM. ttoa to tore a pood Use fer aa
bear yoonalf.
■a U yea do thatord thiapt to
yea laally waat to do then, they
totord. ll-t all la Ito polBl
of view.A tMtooly oU tayiac te "tW way
to hart what yea waal It to
ll Ib'i tatolap rata to ae.
wbatraaban" A feod deal a
barteeM at life weald be tokew eat of
la erery dlapled drop I eee

JliMWif ikt&hti't tMe.

It If «Ut tab war uhBfied to
waye tlwa tbaee aoatoc aadar the

drltted late Htne Ohno a while tfa
U't worth leadiac:
■'Kraryeua hat to da aOBO dlB
able tbiattto tbie world," mU the
|d«k toiikiil aoBaaef tony lotto
woBaa of twtBty-dre wbeee eaBpleilea looked Uke a Wt of faded fiay
"Bat ibrra an alwayt f
waye at <
aad the ehetee i

WUd Aowen aa the bUU.
The alaade of pioy eapalf the day
Aad orerwbela the towa.
It iB't talalap tala to ae.
U'a Mlatop ratee dowa.
U Ua'I iBlalBp rail) to ae.
Bal taUe of aloTM blaoa.
Wbao aay toeBmarlap bee
■ay tad a bed aad laoai.
A Iwaltb BBto IhediMvr.
A Ip for hlB who ftvu.
It tB'l Mlatop Mto to Be.
ll'e Mlatop rtoleta.

area dtateand.
a U whM after her U
‘■raaaadl lUaaBale the twe
of partorBiac aaplBBat dal
perliape the rery tey arrived.
atottaaeJ the piak chaahad n
r eoMM te her that ahe toe f«"Iticoto badtarty. liUbaB
waal to keep yoani aad toaltoy aad ■aneaaaeef the rery .
tea weald hare the Itaal dwomed of
ttag. 8to Maply torpat. Ttote
expiBBtioa paealble.
ll U aa
book u dall. B for ecaae ether poraly
aeldeh nataa. Xt yea arMetitadto bad to to foqoUaa aa V> be allptatod
a It eoBB to apokwUlap. So Ito
dMlh. yoa woald May ap U yoa
OB poea late the ralUy of hiBlIlhaafht aay aaa aaeded year eeetoty.
B. ato rowi alia will ae?M pire
or yea oa«ht to taieh year aaabraM
dicr party at the prior of loeUp
ary. or yea eaphl le aead od latMri
ad. U ll'e aay eoBfort ato oaa m
to Obtoa. tr yea waatod to do aay of
ttoaloryaf toe of ttoladUaof
Iheat thlate.1 wealdal eb}aol. bal
HeKtolay'a caUart. who
yea daa'L
Xt ie tto etoyluc ap bepare
a laaebMO aad larlted aU of the
toOB yea feel it year doty la da ae
thatle Boktair yoa eld before year ladlB of Uie eahlael exaopt
Hbo." Tto faded womb M twMy- rhea the party bad ooaaBbM «
Ay aptalaled the bitiiii looked
dra aicbed. aad the bhaMy woa
roand over tto proap aad tOBatbed
tarty waal oa;
■ Tea plre bljt paMea bacaai
thtok U year daty to aatartol
BBfca year hoaae idawaat far
haatoad-a Irtaeda Yoe alway* look
Ukaacbealat the fnet. aad tore

"We anaU bMe. aO I thiak we tod
•‘■fa. Blaak toB'leen
Boot thepaaMaoaBtly.
•ativ. whatroipea
p htetoadeaad

ward. I (ire pwtiea tea. bat aot for
"ttaretfal bBVMM! X (otfol to torttetii Bka
1 aa)oy thoB.
IB hM. Bow ooald 1 have beaa
peeMparea fereBl dtoaarto By Ufa.
aad By oely naaea f« aot doM ae
Utoaildoa'tlika t
1 BBaot aacape aapl______________ _____
Itohe tboB Uphtly ae peeaibie. It beeped tor ae a tokea at panka to
waaa-t rery eatlmitoc
eoaa dowa tBaedlatoly >oat a* ehr
aane ao old third oobM
wae aad ]alB the vrly. Tto elipbtMl
OBBe oae day aad waa
Bat I <
toy aad alchl hermaM :
toM wollaad ao boBa «toa I
Baad fM two boaia te tore
kiiad. I do II of By owe tree will la Mto the bBBB. "1 Maply ta«M
wdw te bare the fowa, I weald willttoir Maad two toan Mta. 1 laU
to Bake KtaWlaak aae
w m W.W. iiiH vi veim mm in ■ ,«Utoa% wae
wv ^
ptolatotlilawbMyAMr. Che pMat|tt la thak H«hk.

, uafurtaaau euffrrrr bke my erlf.
-safferinp for yean with what a,e
paand to he aa IsearabU Baled), and
anar a pml expeaie Unirrrd cuatuliBg pbyateUai wlthuol aay beaefll, 1
waanooBBeated to try Perviaa. Aaa
a UMOvs etal

------- '•

.ate mrtm f

paae an la nhsodld
wbteh I owe to Ibe an « rernim. ' of oate vafae ae Perwao.
'•After MAJaro fra- deaea J trH rto
HIM Jalto V. Teller, of &M Prairie
cflbm aad itliom aeed to (ePr
•tnet. MUwankeo, WUl. to PnwidrBt sj peed
Ito Ocraiaa Youag WoBan'e Volon. I
Her oplBksa to Pefiiaa U given la t
,clme."^Mn. Mtry Htty.
fuUowlng wsode:
' hire, ralhrrtae R. Hrraw, m N. lUm
_____________alia. Ill,
I -I have t.

wllh two beatea <«pa.two lableeinaefala of Bilk. Bie tableepeeolal ol
Belted toller, a btph eeaeontop oi
Bit aad pepper, eee teaepconfal
toktof powder and aaOelMt Boar
Mke a thick totter. TliU to dropped
by caBll epoDateto to a paa coutato
lap a lUtle bat fat aad triad
from the Savor Ibe littU frit
fresjanatly ealled eorn eyelen.
cir u r>«cb a pool he aeee fv abend
in Ibe diMnBee.nad which be U bonad
U wto: Use bob. who. If be give. bU
vord will Uaad by tto froBlae.
Witl yoa pabliah Ito toUowliip reeipe Baking bU wetd ne pood ae bti b
app bBiM aad a ooapU of Mai
fer BBklnptoklnp powder* We totre the maa who la wtlllap to epa:
fall of eote aad two of boklap
u perfOTB a leek that 1. eel fv
der < I fell oe thoapb it oIboM aeeded aeed it for the (Bet tblrty-Sve y>«n.
derrick to sake tint paddlap rlB I and al aa avenge roel of aot Bore blB U do; aad Bony otbv qaalliliee
Baefa a mi
toto a cap of Sear aad atiirad it to. thaaSneeoeeoleapoaad. It Ie pare I ooald maatloa.
booed to eaeoaed.u wto. lo be tneied
addtop Soar aooapfa to sake etlff ae and eqnal to the Imet.
cake totter, aad topped II trayerfally : Thne-fearth poaadi of tartarle acid wltb affair*.
(aeiereaaof tartori. aee paaad
"Be then falthfal ow a
toto the oree. Wbea a few b1
1 took aelyiMp it warriiUp nXwataa. we an Arm A HaBBer totopt. aad I wiirBoka thee ralar
^ Then two ii«tediMU an the
rv Boey thtopa”
bBalifally. aad By ipiriu look a
whole thiap,
tot it U deeba tto
Afropoa of nil tola. I waat tell the
boytnad plrto of Hrt. Hntoe’
Wbea It e
u ta Ito table at dlatolar Olnb nboni n boy who oai
BIX thoraaghly by alfttop tear v dve
a few teya ape to aell Mi|sle
I. netop a larpe papvr naiad oa ■yrap
He wm a boy aboot foartrea
old aad ooBe with a yoaup
Uslop Uke acaet paddlap! That'i Uw table Then will be three aad
ctoarth paaadx. aad ll ca
The yoaap Ban wm a
ael befeea a klag. little girl, aad
hnUlap fallow wllh a very «
BOW yoa- iBve feoad llio oaBol im kept to MBM of the aapty frail
meet ttiM Bid
baapoetolt." Bat I eaa’t, I'dMIb- If yoa wtoh to Bake a leB qaaaUly.
er tall eOBe other yeoap tooBkeepM. BB ve-toU of tto above. Tiy It. aad
who. Uke ayeelf, eoBetlBee BBkei yoa will Bvr Boaey aad avatd the of Ifar nadavaleped cob; ay bib
Me of toe low-irteed alna baxtop laUfeUmMlal; I work, and do
U H. H. a
caa. bat 1 OB aot aae of
X have elate aeed Male cake aad pawdan.
kaowlap mmo.
eooklM to tto Bae way aad with ax
Ae Ki.pTBieil PoBeae towto.
Ha Btoed ter the yretrieUr and
oelleal bcdib. oaly reBCBbartop to
Wbea John gmtoey Ateae WM AS
toad hia taiiMB, He faadeyrapu
add Bore ea^. naeaaliipor frail,
bU. aad if we waaled to imrctoM to
and to enoB eaeaeahorteatop, to make yaanotope to bM to the etoe
Beotoa aa old fnead who eBook bto ■vepalbB loB we mold have It at
ll yea ahythtog aboal BoBbltop head aad Bid: “Uood alBMT eeati a paltoa. bat to tote Ub
IBoportleae. yoa wll
will Jaat have lo aB aontop. aad bow U Joha Qatocy Ubb Sve paltoaa. oae daltor wae the
AdaBi lotey?" "Ttoak yoa." wm price.
yoar owa |adpBeal or latalUoa. ae
We Bid we eoald aot aSoed to pay
did. bat the IdB eelBf «a Be a pead
toaty Mate; oer axpoaiB were larpe
oae. aad the boM of ll U It werka Qatoay Adnaa hlBnelt Ie welt. Mr
qnIB weU. I ttoak yea.
Bat toe
ad we BMi tove aave preSt. It we
hooB to which to llvB at pcoaeat
lived aad kept tto battoiB ap
The yoaap aaa toltled bU poMiiaB
biriimlMt ^‘^-r****^ It la MUecii
npM Ui fooBdaiteo.
TtoM aad toa
t haapfaly yoaap aeatooe tove aaorly daaoeyed ll
toef ll pretty waU
Well," Bid ay
atjake yoa leap
te too BOBOy. etphty aioB e paltoe
fv toe ayrap I weal It ead yoe waat
"He palped'doi
able, aad I toiak J<Aa tfaiapy
Beall It." Apato Ito yoaap aaa
Beat. Tv bawa.
will have to Mive ael of It b«
eUrted bb poMtoa aad daoBrad to
mod M,y. aad
ha hliK U qaiie waU, elr: qalto AMB'I kaow-oad to tookto aU be deMDMtor toaki
wall" Wltoltollbe
■ftietolly >om' wUi we an. aad U
the Uj
we Ae BM kaew, toM we bbm Map
Mi. With tto aid Of hie Maff..

etp Dft

He Bid. ll

u Presideal of Tbe tlmrtmma SmtUtsrIum, Celiuabat, Obbrn

le .vnil' !il





Ito prtB to met tore. X baked et

oBdfcaewe tobtov twe: aedkeow

BtotodlkMiUwat. ere iiixslc oi iisi'.s|> milctiU. .US.1 ;;sM-n a


iMii'ls Ics t Jls-fs tlsr ns-; I'.il an--liii.ilslc. ivsnil-ni:ili'c. u-! iic.ll
< 'i-c,

rise •'iii-.t|iev( on liii- iiiailcl. >|icali|\ s'-sn<i.lm--l.

.x-.i .in ' l.iii still lull no tqliii lu.ilc.

ne siait simi. 4 , Uiclor Petertyl.



We refnsd the pilc< of CxtoClsc H It Aaa
eive MtbhcUes. Ow faith Is U b uhawMed.


p to etton: a boy who had aa
ob^ltnllfe; e talon- u^br^raned
apcBl u be wbeeinev la life WM
*hi^lo .to
i.lta ivMty yean


Sate a hey b boand :
The yoaap man di< a-| know then:
todoaa'tknoe eo* nnd never will
knew: fvIsedoM >
knewtap owee
WtU be Bved froa tbe leep* ' ■i nabl
tkB-wUI vtdr know bow rnilvB
Otttotto eoabera.
lie will javt ll.
oe the aerfav ot tise oarreBI ol
eed telft ton aed toree. nalil
day be wUI to thrown on list
eed lh«« he wlU Ito rtnade


an aboa Md iMitbMl



a we went back to the «yra|i.
htn U lie aud tbe rouop meii
in imitaerahtp aad owiscM the
248 Front Btrwat
■rnp ttevUier mod Ise Bid. "No. br Broach Block
U IBM Use hired help
We de ntsl
owa th* eiTnp at all
Hr. R e»ii»
Ibe eyrai. naci he es-ol me to veil ll for
hia. I lieve bj ordrre aini ttoy can
net to dlvnbeyed. fv to Isa. traeled
BM with tlsU buaitseB He Digtl tove
HI pet II
nlnely oenl. e gallos nnd
for him if I tote to ).sdrilf
honee to Isoaer.
1 bave non
\\\- Lies* ui iKi n-rnclr Ihxl K iivPc uim»-rvt1l) vorietpful llsxn
row nfteritoOD to m il il in "
Csv-Cuu'. Cov-C'ini- IV IMS) In ant- rorxns a s urr-.IL IVc -l.s ii.d wndi
ttov bed thirty.Sve palloa.
am III .siir fnci-1. Ito a inmncnt ti> Isclicnc ilixi ar In be.
knew be ooald diepom-t-f i
\\c .1.1 axil, l■nBcvcT, liixt all khrauLI Imiw we i-nthnutvtirallv eft*
BBoeat. I knew he ronid dseptee of
twice the auoaai OD.I weBled toe (jr
■l.srw Ca»-Cinc Isciaukc aelixs r invc-digxlc-l an-l inoe-nervtliing il
aptoldldnol like toiop beoteo br
.nntaiiix, xml B¥ know ibxt (be cicmcni-. ivesUmc-l in CxeA.'inc bxvr
a boy. and we >l«sd M Arm a* Ie- d '
the ]»ecT to .lo al«i nc a'lxiin. In xll <xvcn '>1 Khcnnialifni, Cxterrh,
Well, be weal off. bat retamed i I.itci aiuL-Kislnc) Tr.ioblew.. Ii-inxlc Wexkncw, XaCdcixJ
MXttey. tovwp dl.poaedof Alii
eyrap except Bve pmlltaii^ Apaia
l•l•lullly i-lr. ae rontnnieod Cx-eCinc.
So uvnnditinnxny do ec
i.-...i.mirtil It thxl ac tsftcr in »H tnaxmx* lolcfon.l thrtnotc) l'«xi<
sf tto eyrap. mod mall
aad dnaeriu of
II. .1 s.-ii .lo lusi fin.l Cas-Cinc in every
all ar axim to >•
I voli.
li Bill |at t.iu lo cxll xml id us ci|dxin C'xsA-'i
I Hirndhi. a
ao well and etood w firm Itol sve toot
the lyrap aad |iaid blB aieely ccau a
palloa fv '


^ - -------------------V*


K-«l iuklrfiA{

•| h.ii Jl.- ma-le lo »■< a.x «cH av

of all descriptions now on sale at

boy foil ot eeecpv

If food la to be kept warn fv
ralMd w&od ew Btoe
aaewtooeoU ael >oM toe tatoUy at Md BU. to Atto-t fceew bv .
lbe>MnlVMnl..4saMiM It to the totod hettMBU toeelphtt omB.
arve to Art ap. bat on a oewed phMa oBd toe boMiiB eeiBed---------------Attob petottheboy
aM aver tot wator. v kattor mUL to
word ead hoM BBtk. fee tor
tot oBot to tto dev OBd
dtodaHOBhad BH
hat. bat aM ballv WBMc.
ived iBB toe dleeatMa teall: Mdl
hadaetptvM hlBOBy

Mato laaa toe aleeve of aoeak. <
lhai panaaai
aad lab toe p
MatoM toe atov atoava. b wtU
appav aad Ibv. aa Mpa. TMe to Mb

S|iiTial avsiioi. iiuite


u-c-l, an-l htllv giui jntcr l 'U i-s,-ii iex|<vi.

garden and flower seeds

Sat^yy ten^^v*^w^v

__ ______ ..

lo iii.lci. issiKiii-lh.

a bic assortment of

**5B^toyarUl he nvilv hold wllh
V with the elbow elaavad
BevnB evBd aed toto iwtd down.
aad vpaadia. wUeh awy
Uteetoeweel aannlvaa So watoU dgfatlBt the etoBeeB eeiil be wi
girl who faM tto laaM ir.lM
ttoyeawaea weAlA aei toiak toe ftOB Ufe tto tolM* tool an bu.
ly kiadiMai and totnitiv peHinp Ito
hMur of bv tooBar. tea Mid: "Toil t<B« wttatod ptovai of btote lUk wlU SaUmU aa a onekv hortaL orve- 1A« M CtlJ ^ Mto de yev *
bv the ihtop.
They tove the a
BejaM what It waayaar
oA hb ^.bt bb oAm^bw drop.
topeefbelM dellteaaaty eeelaadaf
later toU yea to brtap."
Hepavea'Mpkte raUaf aadnU; topwtop tto -oalitoe of tto bead tv
taalwaaBBT ttae bora
Xf yoe
They waatad leMe wate geode let bettor ttoa toe Ud v aaade ao tov
It. o7u

.\Ii rt-guUi vi/cv sii tt'v 1.

baeBorl man aad 1 waal Ps Ie-one .

"T-twelri- yard* at b-b-blae |va-

ay ItMU alMar-a bnm.
V. JaM to I p« b
Oaa-t I pat it t

Imeame aggravate
eUrblsnld. My
fsad did n-'t fllgvot )ir-s|.w
•letoy.aad IB
lU Uwl charm uapi I trito 1‘eraaa. II
made amlaa.ifini-. lllosik right
tost Uee
a mni>lete rare, but 1
W-UM Bsst t.e lock
•k to ilw r..rmer ri«dltosn tor a ih.BBOd d->llar«.
;ralcftilforto-togcar,xi ,v«i|drt.-ly
ellsotlrr thaa I iiaveslom.for yeara.**-

ThtlmtaMtiOe lacideBt to •pHoMwemtberU eapectmUf trying n*
« w-Otern.
_ IwfarAe
mmy vmrtctie* mrt eapecUlly prme tc afgrmvmloa. AU Mm claa of m/lectkmMafe Otfy tfWPTfAcW
^ f*« fprm "prMc CdfAiTft."
Ai$y witmma wlslUagtobc plmx4 on the list of Dr. tlsirtmsa’t potltatt tor free home trmhmmt nmt
sbouU ImmodlMitly »end Mine mad aymptoiat. dmrmtloa of ditemsr mod tremtmrni mlrmdy trtmd.
e ol
Dirmctloas tor tbm first mooth's trcmtmrat will be promptly mmUtd frtt
of cberge. No tree «
will be ttippUed by the doew. but ell meeem^ directfoms will be taralsbed.
AcMtf wbmt tbe mbove Imdies he*e to tey ot Ptrvtte es m care tor these emee*.

: aa.l ihev hiisl c
D Uijsriet
dlctnate to prt it
>0 o’rhsck ll
they had eotrtol a
aKsnimg and tod Iwii ten ho
the wev. lbs- dUinuoe wa. acs
tost bceu
worthy of being laCraeled with vital
wbal elrainliip a<i-l ri-llllisc atiH stim
affaire for olton; tisey have ao aflhln
lug iit look to gvl It Ja.i right, and
of ttoir owa that an worthy of being tisea I
eadledaffain: aad coald aot otedacl
ttBBlftiieyhadibeaoe. tto opporta
>1.1 fv
ally for tto right bbb wae m-ver ao oeoi. a palloa "
Ur tbi. iinie I ealervd ialo ilse <l>*.
eoBlOB aad Bid: "It aeriu.lotuelli.l
objael la life: Ito
I are a iretly eatert b
a-ho ll etratolap every nerve and

foB toaket, 1 OfOBbled Breral pieoB
oat eake op Up of
IL literally praaatop at the wicked
waMeof rood MleriaL I had }«
dBBped a eopfal or ao of eoar Bilk
the laa wheo a tlsoopht stnuk Be
Cswoibly II Bvored of laepliatloa- I
over" oar powoa, tou, and

Tl.* other two wiffwad tiwm c»-

i tall the beaeSclal rve
ttoatog to aee aiBr, i^Bh^t .vy 11
with aa attork of to prHi».
aB eatlnly well. Uy d<
three IxstUre cviB|sh'triy
be eatorrb ed the etumech, aad Use I mehsniJ tus- tu lirallh."—Jalto V.Ts-lk-r.
, aad the b-ivv.l
Mra. Marv Hardy, of Ml W. I\Jk
LI«-_ ^IS. —I S.S..W 1 '
toagald. tlnd-oot farUapa
wUh which !
< i,e ago. UU wrihw:



Aphe new sund, corner State and Union, will make
special cui prica all tbe week. We are now in a posi­
tion to tell ffrocenes cheaper thanever before. Remember we are located directly opposite the City
Market, the most conveoient point in the city far all
country* trade. Bm Emmuia. 19 Il» (or................................$loo
KoN»99eOil.p9rpl........................... ...................... .9
Bo., bolk CoBco. per lb. .09, 15c........................ Ut 150
Vrllo. l-oscha...................................................
Four o.k9.Fufh>ok'.Scouno, Snip....... ............ .05
J>«onSc»pPo-<i9r............. .......................... : —o.
Armour’s Soap Powder...................... .....................
Ark Soap. 10 bars.............................................
Bee Hive Soap, lobars -................................................*5
Veast Foam.........
. We al«a>s pay bigbett market price tor good butter

Enterprise Cash firocery
Oppteoe Chy Market

Ca State ml Um

iVai latia.
VtoTtew fUwicit; eeuoU ku
•wHll to uto ABtnv auMCl* far
«a.«e for a paUia lifeeuT balldtof.
«ikr a»faali
,af aAnOaaehrtorfor «ha
af tba
XiM Ira • Bantaa. daaicliMefa
of OhariareU. dm
•nl|toaa.almael of i»iato ia a par-.
offend by
Ui^alM. rteaatlr- A
for llaa fslaa.
«l Dafreit. «lto Boo)aBia F. itartaif


tailraad aldlage to from tin Pare
Wliat vlll nakr (bto

BARIME :y aimder

Laocr Cocpml Martto of tto nm
buyal Nartb LsaeaaUr* raffUatot Ma
twplarrd by tto Bona dortoc tbr


tea wHtiro a toot l*t<*r to
>t Imacaatar from Mafeklac
oodcr data Uarch IS. to wblcb to datto acthm. myr tbr toodao
Ktaodard. .llludlat to Lord UrUara.
Iba aritar aayi:
-TW Uai rnaaer. dadlac bimartf
ahinr. war JoM kwrlBs wbra to waa
aimt Ibroorb tba braA imed Hetbara

ML A. MiiahBll b gnisg to i
lira %ea Oook wd Mia. Or. Wil- thirty eere* of esta. Be ototom
«waa te Ticetne OKy j imarffay. tba bam mop for tbb aoBstry.
Tba W. a T. O. foatotr mot wll
Aa yet wo bare aOC ooea aay cd tbe
Mia. HaraU Bailey on Taaaday took
wermt tbal hara faetbared ea for tba
plaam toay are leporead qaim (bb

ate. wbo ^ fBffared «e with rbes-

• itasee ttet WH gleaa to tba
tall toat Friday aSgblweawMl
ad asd all report a good tlma.
HiaTaaAlbmtoaBd^aghtar wmil

ineotcr to aaaad atemd aboot dtUro
yard! from wben I wai. Fire mloBtaa
UIrr ba rto bto Brat wmu^ In bto ricM
ahia aiMl tbaa triad to cnoant bla borta.

lOdam «00 toe lOasl for
tba oiiarWTolx
Otariaeoii. The lomOou of Um taballdiotn ti aa Pint take. vUb




ni >!>••( to Ito Its.

I tbe Idtb: .waa menb

d for tbe Oret lion
mmm ap to Jadm ItooUdca-a
oeert Dapoly Bkrrlff J>wam vlaltod
toy'a boom aod feaod to aa old
.itoat bkUro
Blblo Umt tba bey waa mrly l« yean
rte, ara to br arretrd. A
code of atootm by wblcb tba
Tba former aaoumoa waa Imprla.
M( aatil Ibr an of IT waa raaeb- celdaa may cummoalcatr wttb tto tab
will alao (oma
Boyar tod toro ractotod alwal
talo fsrrr ibla year.
It yeara old aa to la tmaU of atoton.
A aeU'inr for the norral aaaataaea
Atlmwdl 4
of all Alptolru la alao to
ODdrrtaklDC a rl
Bnaltrodad. but to aocb Cl
tbr toorli* of b
Guldn birr al
d to rafeae la cootlnoe ■
cUmb If Ibry Aed tbat tbr loertat If
oaabla to wltbataod tba faligiM or to
can tba ctiann of aralbar would rroeaae
to a plffpro
billed It eery drr th« climb dai
atoabta pin. 'all-bloodad rairlttorad
Hr Mathaoneo to kaown aa

Fifleae mtoetat addiam t

"nu«b« by oboto.


A faW atlll banpoto.eea for *al»;
petfaapa Ibry bare kn« «kr» «oo.
P. Mitolioll kaa Bold kb timto-r to.
W Ilieka
Earl* peUtOB* ara aeariy all (lani
od Tba work b wMI dose.
W UoitoabeoghlUmagooidrir-

Barbart K. Boua of Staahm will
nto to tba oaral farada at tba oorBBttto oerrtMmtot of Kto( Edward,
to a saliva of Vayaa. tkto
■ olA
Be toa
ton a rart table piotm trottrr for ooe
m p«ss«. Vbre tto Oabao war bnka
nt to aotlitod aa a aoldJar. aerrlac to
Iba toU alcbi moBtto, bot >•ariaff aa
totold tore for ttoanaad atpiril
ba ttom enllatod to tto
Be aerrad eo tbe ahipo Olaatot.
Taaatolte. Tatmooi asd Terror, sad
at tbe pcaamit Ubm to dotoc daty
aboard the Baa rfaaelaoo. atotioood
Alffton, Atiiea.
Mda Filtoy wrwtoc. to abdaet a
mm. wbas two mee aatoed a aaraast Ctrl employed in tbe tomUy of
«. a Btoaa. ■apartoHodtol of tbe
ally atbeada asd triad to pat tor
b«EF itoodlto to an allay to tbe rear
or toa Kiaoo leaUasoa Tto jflrl had
vtaUtoc to tto Balffhbatbood and
mam. iyisc to wait. }ampad aina tor.
alarmed tto aeiebber.
mm Ard. It to aearly
Ms waafca ttsoe tto toat aimllar abwar attamgaed. aod tto poUea


Ilmo* Ooea aad Oeoiyia Paalne
-..wtl>e gontoof Mr. aa.l Mr* J.
Slillwoll of Trarme Citr laat week.
Nr*. P. Hoairri* at ilatMm* Bay
rbitiDg re:
and friend*
friend* for a
faw day*
Traveeae Oity
klanin Boafi i
oallor TaaoUy.
iKirM hi* fam.
ly ulo tbo UrawB b« mforttonai.

r or Ito Ln In
The tomiry treea are a baaatifsl
aaa ?annlBg a lame fool a*
u Itbe r<
fight asd other trait will be aoae.
frelghi Ifallir
Mn. Albert EMgn btolth U qalte Ball of a towry box of fiwighi
s it. tral*tog II aenrelT.
klr*. Patolmm
Trwrereo City with ber ba

is ttoportast rhetor ta the Ba^

bdpbm to tba floer. Two etan a«w 1
cocamcoccd takiag lit, l-irc.-r » ir.Mri
Medical Diamrw}- oad totle -IvUrU.'
BBdimnn>Tedlfinntto*Uil. Adcf Uk
te tweln battle* of tto -l>i*TneM ' I
improrieg em tiace.
1 am ouw is

pbMn of His OrasdddURM.

Ttorr are faarilict where Otaadpa-*
obit t* looked forward to wito dcUgbt
But Itore aio caber tomflir*
Wbere graadp.'* ridt b the tmedea of
a The chiUreo
dmad It bieaam
V know It will pcB a mop to \bdr
dtead It tocatto


-Wbat ^ alK
I your
TVby. greet mackreei;
Tblnk of
dub and harlnc In makr
la Ian or flnreo wir<

die all kinds of Stock in exchange for machinery, buggies and


________id tto ocfarr cagiB* o( dim
a aad aathtiem an dbeaaod, tto Inal
ten b baperiecUy digrAed. end tbrre
b a rcdactiaB ^l^nutntion


These machines are too «rell and favorably known in this local- ,

“ ■




ttoa bad mam to teheTa that
Ito isaottoa tod tl.a -Tbe PtoeA
Doto leat Baada.v. They are alpecrt
toft Ito city.
to^^oeltoa 11^ to tba bona
Afoasd St Jmnb ovtot; to oold
dto tto ripastoff of
.will prere to to tba lateal to
Ian aaxtPriday eraatsg.
cmly la bloem and

U e
Wm aet to rtpa bsfera Aaaa 1. Otbar bBtaOMl^JCUU
bm Maedi
rery aai
a aboal
rmia torrlM tora boao ptoked
aartyaa May lA
Thtw^mmm, a
pasm m<te
tbe toinrt drop to;
to yama.
Ototoare ffotaciato tba food tOe-


.ity toneedanyforthercxplaoaiio;!

MMmsm *'''j.
Milwaukee No. 5.


At my tfflpleniem store 1 will carry a Urge and complete line of
Machinery, Buggies. Wagons and lmplem>-nts.

i short notice.


wholesale, as some

I can buy goods in as large quantities and

as cheap as anyone, and am always willing to give my customers the beneht.

Call on me and be convinced.



Citizens Phone 126

123 Cass Street



Our siM-ci:il sales during March and April have lx«n a gre-at success, .tnil siill we are

not sattslu-d.


want to

double our usual May sal«-s, .tnd intend m-iking prices for this month that wc^now will do it.

n ever>-thing in the store, except Coats' Thread a^d the articles listed below, on which we quote special prices.

Indelible Ink. best kind |.er bottle...........................................


Plow drvis each..................................... ..............................................................

Genuine.cut gl.nss Water Set with tray for......................SII.OO

Pour inch clevis for.

Wash Bowl and Pitcher full size, good grade for-.

^............. ..




Six inch clevis for...........................................................................i-

Gla-ss Salad Dish worth 25c lor.............................................. ...


Dairy Tbermometors.................................................................................


Glass vase cheap at 15c for..............................................................


loquatt galvanized Pails fur..........................................................



Syrup can good value at 15c for..................................... ..................Bic

loquartdn PaiU..................................................................... ..

Good Haod Saw. 12 inch for ...........................................................


8 inch flat FUcs for......................................................................................

Horse Bitls. best kiad..............................................................................



5-SM •Hm TaperFfles...................................... .. ..................


Oil Stone in box for....................................................................................


A good No. I Ax Handle for................................................ ...


Cloth window Shades with best spring Roller


A fairiy good Ax Handle for......................................................


Alligator Wrenches worth 25c for................................Klc

Jackson s Liquid Glue. loc bottle for.................................. ...

Cycle Wrenches worth 25c.................................................. ...

Spirit Level, pocket size for..............................................................

A good sewing needle per paper of 35................................

Hog scraper only.............................................................................................

UfieboHleSoUcrio, Salts l™-..........................................

Hog Ringer maiieablc iron

for ..

Krs. Potts' ItoD HiDdles........................................................................





Two papers Carpet Tacks. 500 count for..........................




6 ft Buggy Whip good one for........................................................

Good Broom, good value at'25c for......................................'•


6 ft Raw bide W'hip as sold for $i4X> for.........................

A Misses Broom good grade................... .......................................

Hog Rings package of icojonly................ .. .................................
7 it Buggy W’hip good 50c value for...................

Wood pails two hoops


value at Si.2S for.................................................................... ...
writing ink such as is used in

Fountain Pens.................................................... ....................................
Six doz. wood Oodles Pirn for ..

_______ »

I am not going tq sell goods at

of my competitors claim the>' are doing, but am

ing to uiTer you lirst-class goods at prices that will move them rapidly.

Half pint bottle


I^am in better ^ape

than ever to supply the wants of my.customers. If you do not find what >00 want in my stock I will order the-same

A (airly good grade bouse Broom for......................

Alarm Oock. warranted to keep good time, good

go about eery lilllr.^I
limiiif lor flrit who caa do kUoeat. wnriu ..
w Friday.
Ill iwiora Soaday.
buaai wti* to emter tlrna tto sapply
ito^to* Coklco Uertic.d
DiaKWrry ttki ' rieaMni
Him Edna fbompaBa U able to ba
to Itod oity. At an toamaca of thia it
Bl onto, afiar betoc aieb-fma waek. .uurrAT ahuaiat band ef aga,a*------------------------^--------- . .
1 oeaM begin to get atout rrrj
Hr*. rioU Uke and Usda Uuntt mdinate daUe* aad piiaiuma to tba
Wba baa kapi eba 01
r*]incioat whim* of ■eeomd lAildhiXid
-Kaoa ben dotag mr work eier
trra ftatatog Friday.
to theciiy for tba
Tto .liSeieara in tkewe two Md men ■
beeJ totter 0
^rreaca «f bealth.- Tto one
n will obiee fialarday
bl* now •tarr.
Fwtce'i medtnor* to all wii
i* bale aod toaftyv'emya tab
aba oaaaM pel eempa
lariel Imko of Lake Abb y
are troabM a* 1 wa* I am now *:>!>
todemL help of aay tort tbre lyb OBT tietolly Saiacday.
ooe years old. aad I thank ro<i mu*
SI prtem aim to able to |my.
kindly ta tbe happy rrlirf aadrOre*
Bariiay. a wortlmrma
_______ o labor afUtai
>, bm lari eomplaWd fear
B yOB feel week aad rvn down: if
0*1 cuodon may be aftnirT.
yoot mcmuch u diwrdrer.1 ur d»
raacd ; B there b bran •trimhlr.
*n>n, b laitriy a rpaemkm cd loaad
itod ai a naelt baa I
Mr asd Hie. Wbaal of Orawe tM•Uunfab.* or kidarv 'trowUe- ti yen
much aod puca, iKh blood. To preodafoDdttoi to te toaaMaar aaab- M tiirtr doaghtet. klre-OreaA Baterblood b 'thu • aod aluggith. logm tl>e
t«r miat It to aolld aad teueof Dr. Itowe'. Krddei Helical l*uOarr Roaab aad F. t> ttrlar of
l*a. aad eaa ba maatai-iBrad at
•el f*anoaa tabetoruaa wbbh ba
p-matohml cnt.
It bar a DaTor alml
fck prunle arr iirvitrd to unindl Pr
tortosblefcao. L.oealeaptml totour
m. bl letmr, /irr AU (owaifio<t>i.
•Mto totto aew foodaad tl>nr to
a b beU a* aUbllr (rtrefr aa)
«imu.-h and digemita and natriUi
---------r*-ebl AilramUi.E.V.
__ talo. K. Y.
^wperiy Boonata the bo^.
at her haow Inal Satnrday
a ti oea lam testo.
dealer*. tos>rBad by Ito LiUe
Soar of Iba farmer* a
MUU.Y. D. CU> ««
At p**d br
km mrritoria-*. me-l
Mr. and kb* Oloe?
Imawaod aad i
era* Oity TliBraday aaaniag to aaa Mr cowry. Thi* mediriae
medirioe ewtta
ewwa dbma.a
dbBMta el
ing «l
b to to
~ »e»7
Aeatatorrof tb r Baay lOpalattmL Froaly. who b trary atok. Vr at* all
plenaad to hear ba M ea tbr way to
OBt Wbe Iba mUmaato ara timy rear
* all « tt. .

I'hcy speak for themcelves


Paper window Shades witb spring roller-.-................ .
ioDueb. tto lit'.
town, kidney*, etc..
Biing eweak.*
abo. wheo Ito dMr»*r-l
moBiach b enrol br
•CoUen Medical IbacuiI ery ' tto dbame* o< cxlier
oegna* whK-fa were earned
' by tto diareard «ua>*cb
are al*9 cared
• «I feel that I-«dd be
dmag aa to}umke to vcm
U I dkl aut woJ luu *
' mr caae."
D.nd W


I I have at present about twenty good work horses for sale.

Milwaukee Junior No. lO.

toa s taa let of raloable aaimslr.
n tbe male
Ko( ooa r
llna of any roe of tbr boron* wbo atm
ad UacM Cbarta Dow oHi In Ito- Uotme
of lorda wblla. aUboosb many of Urn
eaHlaat Knleln* of Ito Uarlcr were
BUbtono of tba RnciUb kinr a* faudal
bed* lu bl* puanraluo* to Ito- auutb uf
• alnsle tith- In Ito- pn-rkao rrum any placr mmiIL of
». and two lYatn-b duahlew.
Ihira prlnciimlltlat of tba holy ll.nnan
am|.lrr. ocm of two IniluTtol cuimitbipa
and llw Htmnleh. ISnocoam- aod Xathmand* lltlfw told by Ito Itokraof WelItortuo and I'urtland aad Urd* AlbaCiBlKwny piobahly all hot
ailiBum Ito- llct of foralco bume* bald
Id Ito lintiah paeimn.
by any p
. a* tymm Ellaaliatb
Oer mm
a alwayw firfwird to
■lacoralattoir OWB di«* wUfa tbrirown
cullam. aiMl iwTlmiai Ito n-auKa
imrmlnl. Aflrr all. a* * ralleyrand rriuarknl. Umt
I. who
ondamrati-d. lad,ad Ito
rooa.'Nutao and Qoariiw

I will abo nae part of this barn for

will unload several car loads of machinery that I am expecting in a few days.

Uau are looklag Sae aad a largo

kUrtiB fbowB hat ]
Olem fay atogtog America,
galsey Ime Horow. the giaai tomOtto Barth of Nortbpon w*. »i
eraaeo apaakar end arraetoto for U»
roUbiiioB party.will apaak arxt FriHr* J. E Ledotie b eery 111 al lb>.

« asd tratalay fad alwayt

seoaat of Icortoc ber and pamla,
ito taalda to Sactoew.

i a warehouse, where I

Farit Place Hotel.

F. ktiUbaU haaaarw boggy aod b
lookiag for a driTfag horaa

aad daaghtot!
... UcEi
Tmiicbt t
Ttannr Oily j
OiBoe TbiMd fri<
aboard o
Dr. MePbail of Kortbpon
talk aboal aelUar tbe prmaat ohaiob
.wa SatarJay.
beildimr aad taSdl^ a new. or to re­
pair tba old balidis(.
Page of Cbtaago. wbu Im*
- -jy Pu
enjoytog---------------------------------- .
___ aboot Lelaad tlio pa*t few day*.
Ttoa at tba OoB|
Sariptaro'imAtor by Bar. Maltaos.

o( Geo. Cams. I will bereAher coodoct a firat-cUas Feed

r. BwMkw badUw
Iho beam asd did a

aa# bar fanKtor. wbowMW««S^oi
Aino Prior wont to Ttaveew-Oily
tba oaylom asd we« mkee vary atok.
fa bore not beard from tor yru
Him lataia hrmolm of Tranror I
8omr raaotMtatiemCbleonare
Oity. apaal Saaday wiU. the Mban I
Z. B. Hiaabaw aad D. F. Houle |
r da^ in Ubarlevolx*il<b,

As old family Bible mead Gaoi«a
Bayer, a lit Joaaph lad. freaa a tone
eato tbeatatr reform aebooL
waa foBsd sallly of tmirlaiy
two aravka ace, bal waa not aaoeptotl
M tba reform aobool at Usatoc br-

Mto Ijoa B. Balrtcfa of VaHor baa
mssppolntod rtaoonutorraad clerk
to tto totorior drpartmaot at iba eity
toHnlla. P. L. at a aalaiy of
aebtoto to aa toertaife to •I.MD
aaStmaitoU aeqaltoA Hlaa
iUlalffb too Dot yet dreidml wbalbn

Having recendy perebssed tbe stock a
I and Skies Bam st the old sUod. 2ji S

baaa vatr faesrebb I
Tm farmer tbai;
bm mbmda oaleb faa* OBlyhtoMolf


wuntMlK. but In-rare to bad
tdaal <SB aad viU raa tar al t«Mi aiz Imir dubdiad ba waa abut. tuca. aod our
rtHtathof Etonley b riaittog
Math# arary yaar. mj Iho baaU aoea
■Meal Imd lu IW nulil waaunrodared. witb bU seal asd asd Mra
froaio will atar fniara ostll A^l L 1 am talllim yuo Ibln ]unt teabow what B. Fiatow. of tbb ptooa.
■wil auUlar ba la. bekived
AU daaro of barte rpaUliit; troB
M. tboaa wbo bad bare oa^ ton^ frm ‘nerarae Oity toot Sattoawtoc. wUeh la fraqaaot to otbar
:x«B tbr flnu Ua alwayi ordoy araotoc aod—--------*
■cticm* at Uw atoto. la bora ansldad.
aunt fur rtiry oor. aod I
Baattoo (owsahtp la ap to
Kasla of Ttsrana Oiir to drlrbupa ha w ill |UiU llirunsb aod nt SU
IBtoal Uoela Ham bocBaaa att Uirori
tarell for V. Titooehll of Ibto
ptooa. Tbay ore down aboal two
daraf *ba
drrd pad us fret osd hart do t
dtav tol<lcM aerooa tba Paw Paw rirALPINE ACC10ENT8A
Tba towuabip baa Iwa taid«oa to
Bore, to Mr. aod Mn. Leoto F.
Orart wiUi no taada ae baod, and nor* cw rawtaec t
Imdarts, a too oe Fridoy toat.
aetol alaeitoo laa twaa oalird for
kUmaktoysm Detas. oor tato
May I* to rota boada
laft last Sotordoy for Ttorarte

Fe«l and SaiM Stables 231 State Street.

I Implement Stor* 123 Cass Street.

oraatoc waa ffalM a mnnim

(alar br rot bla ana
Ibirb and laU d.nrn


As 4 have a brge farm a short dtsunce from toem, I am in a potitton to han-


Ojlu ^


SurethiDg nest eggs each



Family Scales cheap at $1.25 for...................................................$UiO
Blank door Keys imiaBy sold (or toe for.......................
Copper Rivet$&Bum
German Snaps


lb padeage .for........
I inch. 6 for........................


Harness Ringsallsizcs................................... ^.............. ..


Two cakes best Tar Soap for............................................ .. ... •..
Hamen Buckles each-......................................................................


Kindergarten Bead* large box for ...... ...........................
S oz Table glasses good grade set of

Men’s 9 oz. Overalls with swing podtets at -.


Men's heavy cotton Underwear 35c values for....


mx ... .. .....................

Williams sharing ^p such as barbers use. p&
cake .........................................................................................................
The Daisy shaving compound in wood box toe size
House Bomben. white met^ oval okkel pUted.

Ladies’ Belts worth $oc for...................... 1........................................
Ladies’Belts worth 35c for................................................................
Good kitchen side Lamp with wire frame.......................

wiU notrust, each....................
House numbers fiat nickel irfated each —...................
Anti-trust tnatebes. best parlor match there is. box
600 count for.

Men's heavy cotton Sox........................................................................


Good Horsehide Whiplash, usually sold



Rogers Bros, best plated Knives and Forics for aet
of six................................................................................................................... $3H6
Steel Knivesaod Forks frith wood handles, set-.-

A fully warranted Jack Knife lor..................................




lUc«K.ifc^Su,prShdI *1.0^ per **


LcrceakcSocetaebcKIhiW,* Ike ~>,*etlor


Bdl Bleic,^ cp to «n «5cp.^ I !«*«■.•


Hickory Witilctree woods......................
Wiffletree Irons all kiods...............................

t Hr. and Mr* Edwin
tor program wa* giram batba lammlr eiolcallr W kf .. ._td.aa aod Wytio aMmalaUa aau' paaonow earirly of tog of May i; at Iba town boa U
ww waU paeaelaad and naMod *am
•i.H. wbteli wlU
I Biimkw M
Miaa Bawlia datoona of Tnaatto
tobUTlrr UbaprlagUma Oity and Mia* LoBlarOIMtol of K«at
many yaara pato Tha tora ratomod to ibefr bBaaaa aftw
a are from Fib.
will BtomwMhs


We are anxioos.(or yourtrade aod are nuking tbe lowgst prices ever quoted on thpse «
If you fail to patronize this sale you are loaing a rhanrr that may not come again.



25! Front

Traverse CHy. Michtgam

28. I908_


Our Clearance
mdr tao rirttaa of a ptaelnal
>taa. Wo oyn doatod oadooMy.
oCeno. Jotoa.* aoM KaU: -«r*n
oaly tod a unw m \aa n<

of tto toarww oipnod tor

■Mt Ms. OurtAl U b)M>r
tfcito tow iigm* O *b» *
iM«* Bsakw at aowtn wi
•4 fnw (rto«4i to Btftto CM.

Ion rtpooan. why


a. toriWMr

toU Jahe ta md.
nor. aad brtwi
. ploy a taHH-ta> ] ea. Wtot (rill
totaod at Ibr prmy ‘Madm^
-I tUak.- to nld. -V CTBBdno wota
■m nr a kin I maM ferdn yoa."
Oraadna paid (far inwHy. oad Ik
im no Waarodfw a doarr.

rmllT MOW. bt IWMC 'vtoJto ooto. Btoo BolU of BoottaBd.

ntoW Wt-» o»to — Wt.p»«a^
aad it W lo to klUto mrtf SWv
•« itot tto SMU W«to«U

“""■SZS .<».

javoBlto —.

mwrnbMl S o'etoto 8WW moniat.
ami Ui. B«l.M «M <»Uto. Ho fond
Uwl tto vilU of ibo *oh tod to- «.
Wlj laJoMd Itot U VM oalf • <!—•Uoo of 0 fow do7i BU tf ofoold to«
Tbo mentor OMt «M Ummita
o trtto tooo itoB to M
WtowL totot litowW «(» tootoo
to I—ftB.

___ .?«


Ball________ ^MiUof tto Tone

Jto «•**« *>“ "

••r^to"-U»lo HolUdBy wlto orItonl
.Tory otoMon f«
(to ttolr Boerr'o •orth ood we tto
ttaat OTW otoflX loMtoU.
na. (to- OB tto etoy I—I tofalor
Um to tto ototo. tto Itoo HatqotoM.
<Cto tto «U> to OB otolWtow to DoiRito ft» o few ton. wtoB tt wiU to
oorrad «p to TOTol otyia to ttofoawal
idB-to of tto rood.

Hbtmw. HBf »-OBto llbto. tto
to-Mdf ttoOmbBB fwirtoto. today
■---------------------Brorrwtawo rotor
aBotoiBCto(«kaaoUB«to tto WnoM

OonrBor Wood, to tat .
lotoo of ferataBOBl. a-aiod tto Oatowood itoaywiwtbyato ooppwt of
tto Daltod Statoa Ao tto Amorteaa
war tovarod. all tto wartolpo to
•to hartor And a —lato of to
Wood, tto AtoortoBB
ttwin «U1 toU ter tto Oaitod
Bteat eewBaatoo will naatosoa

Mra W. A. Dmm. datofato for Um
nh Totopla. Ho. to. of BatUno ft
•■a. totanod fwat Hi OtOMotoBi
•Bi4i9. SoroBty-foar daloiatro va
faaoWaiMofetto QtaadLodcod

Tto aobool eUldm of KItoatotk.
H. J.. brafwrwllt aoolW to ttonof tto Jotaoy otoaqaltoa

"kto. HbU,

Hto. Ho^ aad Ootof- Tto toard of odaoattoo bao doeidwl M
Wke |M|B to tooMet (to eUldroo hew
(toy way loBd ttoir aU to fottto« rid
Iti: BooooroU wn wmtttof io tto atiimpm. WIU. t.000 oobool ehit.
« oat for nwqBlMo la Ik
wblto bOBM fioBBda tto otto* i
kto tton on to ao doab
tac BBd otonad to look Bt tto «

OBblert wak. BB Btieapt to tm (to tnitb uf
Uottoory. Ur took ap bio
> hto betBOOlnd. Bow to i-harpr
AO per oral, of mnl iwlp and Ui per
reUkor. wrat to a rooa> oa tto
arllAcW WIk. Kample. an
door, plond OB old rocfclac
Ittud III Mr abuleaule un-k«ear
D 0 window mod ptoaud Ui
ID petot towanl II
tonU Ubto>orir:*ircnBd.
■omUt rato oad to luorias
la SbIiiUbiI .bra tbr aaia
a. to aa lariWUr body, ato to
10 roll, eblwta an tUilde a
to ttore .ton oto al.ayt i
ran uf -wmu ailtn. Ily i
to tto afwneuB at tor arrdtr.nt.*’
aao nay road wlU. naa.
ho.. II oo toppoaod tbol iallaa
Matovarioc tod a naWa. Kalr Uatoirarto*. to tto .onoa-o nUm of tto Hai-ratoeua fi
BBlrrtalty. to .bom to naAdrd Ua ct- br defnted It
prrtiurat. Koir noAdrd Ito Biol
B. C. .a. a .
0 frirod. oad to Ito afimuoa tto t.v
(trio rtWtod tto bwantfad. nrrytiw
' im aril___
rrtuinrd bU
Ttat rrrotod .
Botoattoro dwl
ttat tto daw eaaaot ta oxpaetod M bo plate oad tta art day MOdr 0 |«w«f
BOtload to aay oztoat boforo (to oad U'toii to caiBT to •
r CuiUpM With
of thlo iBOeth.
(oaUblWOL Wbllr to .0. roaaiU.
lottor from riraoldoBl KoooaroU . to m-rind o Botr fruu bU m
Kata ooktn* Um to mar to Ito n
la wbteh
tto moK of
I dtoooTor aad paaUli

-Ithtokyootoo tkoy will dl .
of barbarity by U
Botart Atony of Irwto. Fh.. bao n- ^
tto PWUpplooo bao boee
«,”to!told. tot rooolrod 00 reply. orirod a tottar frow Aadnw Oai»o*to OBda (WbUe by Biohop IworroBoo of
tl«. to a lOBdor roto. tto owol
tolooBtoy liiai ttai
, of tto Botioo roptotod: "1 ptaoodoa tto poBotaa IIW of tto old
‘to raply too
.at-o yoB aro paUtow ttoao ptaalo Mo nllnodon who won owptoyod oa tto
Mr. OarWlUioBt tantoc Uo
WalL IkBOW aoirle- Br. Btony waa a fnlcbt ees.
.d to tofoia. daaior to tto early dO-a
UowaU aftw
l^refoner WilUo U Moore, ebtof of
ttoweatbor borooa. boo toroatod a
••narlty air oooUaf. dry aad partlyto« waobtao" wbloto-to tto bottow
lier will koop a loow at a toi------atonotTOtondafTooa Tto«(.
Ilia etolaad. oaa to naBatoo-

n (to rinr a fvw wotai an- Br.
1 war oapWnd by a oaddoo
laotolMao faally will
. Bo aad hUioB woaU ban WltbOBtOBO.
pirloliod bad It aet beoo for
A bnaUfal while fHdlon. driraa
twne BWBBor baadmio of atUoo
a waaU bow thnoyh
from U aatlTr taoa. wao taol Botartto boory oowl tad ronowl tto droWB
day to a tay of take Brio a few ailleo
lac pair.
Tto bird '
OwiBf M tto dojaaodoo la tto lla•a ladaotry n tto oeallBOBt tto oocb^woarm la tto Botoalaa feroW
an ndaeod M Warrattat. Tloo barbill M Uio Upef 1*0 laU. luwol^t
■tw of BtawoU U Bobeaia tayo
1. aboat » tnaada
PolleaBo toleaf
(bat tto oottan w—ran oanod Ion
•rloa BBd the ooatton
ttaa oao-alzth of a poooy par boar.
itrtn. TbU bird tuaW bare beaa
TtoAaaWtan wlaiotry of ooauaoroo
driraa aVay U a atom.
It oortalaly
ao ptnaoMl iWiof.
eamr fnw a ynal dlotaBoe.
Tto Mertb nHo>T of **»
Aoaeo. awMI kaewa dOBtlW li
tawttau U
arrow for barliic doprired bb
avo a LoBdn
oaUa. with the
gltta aad addnwii molnd by tto oookof loro ooand Moth booaooo Wio
d Ito roaak Tto firt nya tlwt
• aad prlBoan of Waloo darlaf
too teoapht In tto^lod BMat.
inni Tioll M tto klBf'o dowUtnabayoBdlto aaao. Itow- are Ml ItodaetiW took tor feretbly M bU
•ddnaoao to all. or « norr tlwB oflloo. houod tor M a oaalr:aad polM
Qaoto Vietorto rooeirod oa (to ona- the loelli by my of choitloet
•m of tto dlBBooed laMloo.

II. (Moatol amplIrKr.
It ta nid ttat ao Ibo nouh of tto ro(varemin tot.rra ArrbUori
Ctariro r. UcKiBi oud Uro. IhanrrK
o uuator of tiuiainaut ctaono on to
to luadr to (be iDtrriur of tto Wblla
Houw. nya a WoobiuKluo dlapoti'b to
■to Nr. York Itmee. Tto Tlffoay
•Ion omra will to nfoond. Ibrovlac
■to leotibuir aod lobl.y luU a paBd
roart. upon .bli-h tbe blor. red aod
•nra rooioo will opra. Tto .bUe luoru. BMUtrlo In tto tubby .III five my

pone lu .Ipr OBI oil tuudeni fratnm
rvolm tbr'moDolMi to ItJ orWIool
njIunUI olaipUrlty.
la (be eaw room, .birb will be (naa.
fmnrd tu 0 otole dininx rootB. rberty
...... I. Ibr prr»-»llliMr rotor. It U alao
lotnelird ttat thlo ruutu otall
toUm—. aoiurthlBS Ibr Wbllr liuoar

0 aicbl U I
inlV la tto
..................................... t woo deouvTod
s tto Britlob borard tto Wbito


aooont of tto toinaoo to tinr pet down, aad eokiaUI
U and otbrr '
when paaper dead an bariad with
Oe. oflWi
BlaUnc of bUrfc awloat .III to added.
few laebn of Ito nif^ aad
Uia. Kouartrlt bopra (tot coaerm .UI
BaMk Tawpto Of tklo olty. U BOt ________ia Ito trafoa of all iu Loalouae iBotaaeoa oa tta of oaeb ottor. olio, tor 10 Jiorcbaar a emD|>trtr tabla
rlUa oaapleyao aadv Ibo «nde of
yat two yaaro old. tat ataadi ‘
Ito Idea of weawtta* tto reaalao of smk. of rbloa. cUnmn and allrto.
IB tolttoMoo of toato WI tortkio yaai, forwnaa. who nanbor non
I io baiiw aeriooaly ooaaid
10,000 M sk.000
atotUtdto aawhwot wiiwkii
«al tto UalMd BtaMo will bo omL Tto baildlac W a nnldpal
taka plaee tto of tto
pottar-a Bold too I
CBBtod for two BOW ToMpUa Haft
yaw-a read ledfo wtUto tald OB tto
at BoMbay by Haaoaor fron
ft iba oiber day. -Ita( yoo trllm
tardly rrrr bare any to yutit
to ao thlo year, to ~
W>1. iB tto pnwiBoa of BIsd. oa
old Jolnlar
ray M atMDd tto oerooatk
■n.. baab-f«aad-.rlatardiip. "FlowKl^ BdtranL Thlo waa the aawab’o
I by a aaperiBMo
er» wont ll<r In rTmaenata," be
•aa royan aad to U try^
>r. Tbto woald idUpnoef tto nld: -ibr twokr and odor of tbr cookhu; MK-me tu amu-.brr Ibrra. and they
{•eWoBi of a Mk of cro«ad for barial
tto |>a>n fnw KaraoU wao
BT«rr tbrirr. I’ra tried It desras of
porpeoeo aad woald ndaoo
llmru. aod al.aya wIM tba nna tw
ao roach that to ahriako fron tartbar
Ito dii^lfil'ef paaporo fron $t M $1. aull. I’ut Au.fTa to a nloua: ttoecK
and they fru. and bloom la apt—Lori P. Morloe la 78, J. Piarpeet
dM stopr- Tbr lutano anoke. 1 aepa of tto MaUooW
pen. aerrra a> a rumlcaMr. and (to
lerna «>. Jon- S- Kooao U. Raafuinea of (br ll.|Uu<
B—Mto. MlddlartlU.
Ml Ban H. Aadrrw Gataaflo «. jot
Ulrlbew. Ifyuat .ultei
tow of iBOBoa, Ella Jortaa.
aUan BO vtnroaoai yoaan*
Oraad taotaetw of
40. A Wreac trindtalp baa loaf oiilU lbrt_ - .
r.--Cbmco JourLy— KarriW. OtaoBrlUa
On*d iitod betwaae Mr. Mmoa and Mr. Inc tao foot that a:
a waw aad arc-'
«aaid at oanr wwpla i—aatto B. Mom»
Wtoa tto iBiMr wao Wytaiyn, P—tlac.
Ttaotoo for thm larklacalUettlBcta. Mr. Moctoa
yaara, May TenbwK. Oharlotu.
a partaar af faU tatbar. Jaliai Bpe
PoBttoe d^rao I
<So dry coodo baolaaw
iliawiT Maxloo law arr
Haraaa. bao Ito larfoW ooffo
af fralt anrbraacbi Iron Cata M
How York. Bto too B.IIB kaitaU of
pplaa. baoltoo a lot of otlior
owinf M
tto e<9 potMr'o Aold.


ovrulnc. Wtoa
anrral of Katr'a
ml of bl« o.B.
“t-oore, Jultaa."
all aatlun to
to rolired.
rroalL Did yoa (ri efaad
pUrd. prodoetta bU pn»f. U woo a
(uod deal blorrrd. u tnlcb| to rxpni
rnuB a Cboal plctun, liW tton wai
rrroctduUr tall a trridkM uU wuiaan
pmty yuuuf plrl. Kala tbnw
Bp tor toada.
-<UraBdiBar ato rxrlalMrd.
~Wby. ifa a yotm* cirl.- nld <*r .
M trlluira.
«ira enudna aa a dri.' atld Kate
-Vua due-l owaB lir erM uoa of il
'’^•oadrrtoir CToUlmrd aaotbaf.
“What a pkaaun to kau.,- moar
rd uiw of tto frUotra “ttat womru ■
mat arr al.aya yeaac la Ito oplrlt
-And friToloaa- nld oar of tto clrU
note clrra la Alrtlnc ttaa to Wudy
“.M say ntr. itoy «mr toruai
riotbn-lto rbitbra ttoy won at
anialtnetlve a«e.“
-Wby. U a craadma's pink silk." nld
Kalr. -MoBiBia baa U gp alain M irunk.-Wtai U atodoio«r
wine, bet BtoX pot
yoo brtlrrr..................
_____ jooff."
A yeans rirl tab.«

oftaeadoM «nem aad oeket u MWrane«.lMl
can NOW while (be iraBliiiiii w Urpr and Iboa nene
Jaw arbal yoa nnt.
Ronentot, you yet ibe— iMmiBcnlt at laoclicall) |wat om temo—anntbly or
uriy paynmo. with a wBifl anoan Jom.

Pianos from $167 to $235
Organs from $12.00 up
Wr pairaMce oKh and rrcry inotnuanit. aad yoa take
rw. chiBcrt arbew )x» bay of ut. Call eaHy a d get
6r»t rhini'o.

W, W. Kimball ^
n. €. strong, managtr.

129 Tramt Stmt.

Cwtrst Oif, mkh.

jFor Job Wort of all Kinds Call at tbb Herald Ofllcc


This store is showing unusually attractive lines in every depart­
ment this sprinK. and invites you to come in and look through the stocks.
To make it further interesting, we announce .a SPECIAL TEN DAYS'
TIL SATURDAY NIGHT. MAY 31. at which time we shall make SPECIAL

These Prices Will Give You an Idea of the Values:
Can euilaim

jHHrt Waists
We Um. the larpcM

Cadies* Salts
* Suits tAine Mile ia. Lel, rkirt ina-le Bill.
H.HBW c, aonbfll.Ml. tt t$ iS

liw *>f

Shirt WanU in the ritv.

Blaik, Nary, Blown an.1
Tan Seyge an.) UBhiialw.1 Chrrtnl
Suilr. - .
ihiouylKiMt. worth $l:i
an.i$l2-yii. ai................. 99SS

While Nmin^haiu l.aa
Cunaini, extra widlh

Waiut. io white and
cob>re>l, at............................
“ir (toy dnn yoonit (bry oboeM act
oens. Noclrirrrtto'*”"®"
-JolUa. old frUu.." nld onr of
laoMualra. nril ea to. yuu (u( ll.'
-Yoo an, old Ortai la Ida b-clun tto
otbrr day. tarakta* of Wrilar pbulu*n‘^y.iiwraubnrdttat. Oooo.“
•Wan. U onwmd (o mr lo try tto
inHpia oa aplHta I rr brard falbar
ny (tat my nnt-cnadmottor. .to
died forty^ra yran oso at a rrry old
axe. Hard U> alt rrrry afimooB b
obi rorklac ebair at a erftala wU
1 rraoind to try tto caarra on b
IrflUripoardrUhlhoen. Toe ar
remit I doot koo. .tot It a
any mon ttaa yoo do
-1 tan braid Kalr bai tto poww of
U,” aatd oar of tor
oaUlns op aplrtU.-I (wrrr beard of It.’* aaU JtUlaB.
“Try It. Katr.“
Tbm .aa a onlrrml dmaad far a
■ptril from tto bnma. as to qnWt tto
clamor ato ealM:
A door opaard. tad (to roonlwpait
of tto spirit pbotosnph mikrd Into
(to roam. Bto won cnadma a pink
Bilk, (bueeb tto ctaw waa tmriy conr:
enndma-a atoa btotWa. cnodma'a
po.drrrd wts. aad la tor hand aba
brid cnadma'o winHbot. frum .ideh


Wdnl BenoroU Uataaday
AoMllaadinoenJoyoB ao onap- eolrta aa tarlMWea M a ooWal eroet

Choice of our entire line
Sl.T.''>and$I.8& wault,
ciiiUacir^ laoo while,
fanev Ian an.1 rtn.
Uoidered cAccit.
«ii. Gi
Gibxtyle, « r„ all in
tange of maiargen

,wr |«$
Onr bN aTanwt*

m are )■articularly

Snu Waists



Roex. revenible.
$L«i. .1............................9U9

'Chlht'. bU-i rit... 1!
(eel, Rwl
quality Uaco
irorth ISic, at .


ewurs Drosses

ahadei, rath $4. i
I.adin' Ribbed


Klk^to oftMle.. Silk
north $S, al.......................ii

CNiUbcn'. Gir^d>a4
fetcale Dremetta mb S to 14
yn,atd5f, ..*lh«6rto76c-,
#f4. worth SOr; iSg. irarth


ro^MlS .
Drew Geodq worth ISc
P:ncli>h Catatnere Drew
GoraK86in.,alt ahadn,
•rorth S&c to »Ur. at..

WasD Goads
Scnlrh Ijrat, ttti; lanety


tmrth Be to Kk- per yvd.

Shirts, Pants, etc

men’s Suits

wblta waa tto ^ssd>(da of a apol
M oalf wtM Ito waidMir toraod li
tao Uda Tto larllatioo was paraaait
tmlwood box with soMaa aalU
aadcMdagolaapamad tto MaerlpUoa
iiollDWa: ■■Wa-ncelaclo
d-ap. Aad we itaee waal
tad; food and water Idea
Ttotal—to of taeao who nrtMl.
Braadtac Uoaa ready
IWM wan btoaebt oat M aplaadld ty: alaeka tak
ml bar.
Oonaoa. will
■ adraatan aad than |nnal fmlly aply-aTatm." Toddya TarBHMhaii’o Otaad Moadar onaiac.tto
wet tar
a Biawdid haaOB,

Men'i oouon Workin* Pania, amth tfar. at

whn bU taloBH aro mparly caldod
toarrml U'b>H|a
aad tto ranlia of naaleal timtai
M tto teach nduta
(to yoanc wm adwlcably da
aWBMd In MU Uiwaan.
m Jnne 8 ariL tto aaoieertan ol
Ttoa* wao aot a otacio aaBbor that
aSama Dana' Mrlb. -oallaanaa.
wlU to wadr tn rtrry abiwa U Mm
r anmaaly dUAoall.
t ia ato of tba foad for the pdf=
of Daria' BaaaroU boaar.
BUoaL MUa. (ar aa ax-ooafad
eaaa. Mora tbaa em baU of Ito rw
Blaod anoBBt. $10,000. baa already
tao erWioWia of Uttia lou piayad saatmUad.

nof oeroral ottor aawbata


Tbs bet sprlBCa at Teplita. Bohratak dalirend warn of a ndduk
Hriday. Tlw wain wa.
aadotan. Uaal

bodnoowall oaonb

Hoc. I. inKtaenlyitfisa tto Idabaa


Owlo«^.^BnjVO^Caf..l.5e lo

CDHdren’s Suits

duldrea-* Broatae Overalls of blae dmtm.

Snmli lot of Cbildren’f Soilt. 1 and 2 of a
kind, nrth SI to SI.75, at...................................... 76

Mto’o eouta Soa............................
Mea'a large mae Tarlejr Red

CbRIren’* Caanaen Sent, xabwi' $2.25 to"
$275,at...................................................................... SI.6S
ChOdrcti't Caninrre Kaee Panti, rata




Make year ariectioa .bn io the city. BEWARE OF THE CANVASSER! Why Iw
! iMw UP from one hoar to a half aavirf roar ■ralaaWe turn aad poniMraeO yoa none article yoa kam ootto
i im afaoet? If roe bar tom imy ertra fur hit Inne ami iirery bn
\oe cent to the cay often and eonalty

-wo me hare
of^rTw (impeet the arlwle yoa irwh » Uy. We have ONE-QUARTER ^RE
K FLOOR SPACE ABed wfth taefel IMPI.EME>TS and CARRIAGES far yoer nipecuoa. M ym
\ ne what yea araat. BUV it aad (are Ben lu to SO per ctat. the oooi of acaaraner.

Craoerse i^tty Implement


kta .ttaiucantak ilanlkertafafa..............

CofftearMUovHrtlgRto the goods and piicw. You’ll find overy^lng
juBt a» bve claim, Aui we have every article Mte adverlite.

-r -


Don’t Wait ’till tbt Cast Dap



Bod ttoaktof toBTOB tool Omta to
tito. Tto olty to wowdod vift rtWlori. tally rtollen balai bwo.
Tto Bamaa IMeiWy of tto UBiWd
wtIhoTory toato aod I

natao «ui pnwBt Jeba Miotool. of
MB. TtjaaBtiaaeetoorary
Wladaw. with a fold nodal ia raeocdfBtod vitb tto AaortcBB aod Qotoa aiUoa of tto port to playod la nrlay
Aaco totortwtood.
tto llrao of Mr. KobtH of Detroit,
Aoeowtooyto« Da FtwidoBt oloot to nd bio ( yoar old OOB. While nlUa«

„aoMl7 tton»d aad tto itoaBtodpo•loBtod tto way. Tto oothaol.
ooto atoac tto rooto

tto aad of tto praaoBt afa of tto
worid-o biwooy. Bo nrt: "Vo an
BowetttoaBdof tto OtetottoB
saa Make tUt opood tto
,Tto phlWpky of tto ytaaoBt do^. lti
raid. It win tootoiilar
eaatoao aad lUo an m aad oooa.
WUo W. K. VaadwtlL Jr . Uaow
|m—t ttoM to tto rd«B of OBO a«a
ntoc to rWoa Tto oairtBo wtU to
aad tto altlraalal an !• •• I
■f^-Ara totao powM aud tlw
Kotlitof bat tto man of tto Lord
will—TO (to world. Monealai
_________ to Boa Bomibo e>
will follow tto Wnt ladiaa dla
Soatli Dakotalo raportod to taro ooU
law aollholytattoOalMd:BMIooao
fBit of kto fam for $00 aa ana. BorOB yaaro ato Iw taackt tto iBBd for »
laaoaut an- Tto
Bo too tad no tad yoar
ladlHoroBt yoar aad Arc r>od
Oloao etaorroro la Ho. York
yoara Bo bao wodo wooo ttaaa«ood
itn.t. ata BO. tadi I>1. toad to Olty tolloro (to roloaato daW fi
tto How iBdloo haa roaetod ton.
________ ________
>d fold.


and Popular Iky Goods and Clothing House.

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