Grand Traverse Herald, June 26, 1902

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 26, 1902


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text





‘4t. bates.


For tii« M wMOd ot 1901 we


RealEstate-Insurance 5=SfSSL-8..

Tbeae we will make to

tPrcMM. Lea41«HercfeaitTaller.


A ^crtl Banklae Bwtam DOM
j per cost allowed a* Time Deporitt.


... Uw eery beeB tta Baape
thlag r«*eto. .
B trtta afttraaea tafere
of mf«y. fm 1
BB elt dtafeae.
Ita auod }*ny
Briea U te Pli:
tbit great lak<
lowo oa tta ftblA otaodita
ohaadee Be aay appreotabh etteaL ta
........ut-n foot loeata dmw* a>d ttrod.

'“-LS'-T2sr‘ ss

BlU taAS

ul,3^ **

day in nrly
•uiwlaed’ How (■ U wnft tta Utalr
aadMta oeiM Sov paMotapta'oo Med.’iw-mUIM Stalng
Bwlth. ratUdl'roaot'oadM
roe tare goot ool t<
I'll mro Btta
Btft gMlitc all taatod
tataod as
■an tiaariog
aad won eat oooa-i Ota ^ hoaA'
b Ibe tbiek tee
tao toU tanrU for tta Iftb Ctaa
lU Sad bai a a
It wat a lart of tta ptMU*
I tta labrlA^ Omadfta *-------

As' >wr7ttM^F4tBaaU.

Tire Insurance! ^



Johnson Block. Phono 73


bow OM tay tta uaoter la tta li
rod Mbeol beano had praUad hm copy
and glow tar o-rrwotd Of BorMady llnl?£ad tta had tad Itael
T%t iMton won rattar ibaky aew.
'■Kowtaktcood earo of yoaroaU. after all tar afferta
BOCtar 6mi'"
HaU an boor lalor tta wot ttasdlag
•■Yaa. Etta: don't TOO WORT a odM
abontma. ’ Oraadma Beaww wm


«ood-by to the IllUo party troo^
yowr imiot for the lac*of ao...-a ~~- ont of Ita aato. Ttay looSod baca to
da* Whin TOOTH HROBHSS. HAIR irtre a IM ware U tta bat flfan In
BBU8HB8. OOMB8, TOOTH POWgirl wUb ewaoi





Fine Farms Cheap as Dirt.

Tbetoinent S|wciiliet on .diac
and surger)' of Ibe K)t,. Kir.
Kir. Note
and Throat.


ratiafMta Icta.'

• ; aal mi41r Mraoc Hay kata.

cbtM »r*



„ Abwtruir.aiBe

r: WllLPlKa I.

Cit)- Rook

Store, Travene City. Uicb.

» a Brand Cravtrst Land Co.








Vu. A. A-B-An


otaftldtappUy. "aad ubta wtao
Ita ohllditw takt It In (tatr lanob to
■ebooL itay'll Uta it all_ tta tanar


^‘A^taa^M^oouM'n tta kltebB poreb. aad tta aott door iialgbbor.
- "
ottppod taio (ta ktlta'

gari' a troobh^' little laogb. ut^
bairlod dowB tta MrooL "loao'l leal

•'iLklng ioUy." eblrpod OraadBa

POWDERS, elo.. ara ao plantUal taro
at prloH wUUa ita reaeh of alL Ho ■III ftid—)>M "Good byaglHa. giaail"Itboagfal l-dftBdy«obtm."wae
natlar wtal faaiiloa ctamaoda for tta BM doar.”-tat what abe did taeaiiai
I of ploaroro to tta old bar greeting. "BaL oh. wbat a bol
iaimnamcst of Ita bUr.okin or lc«>h
plaea. „What oa oartb bare yea been

A-sett&JSBr •

roy/^lm IN SKASON.

Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats. Qausases. Stc.



thai'i afl
baliisd. bet 1 oot^OMI that'
-_iteata Oamplng oat laa'I Ita ton all pat BP Bhe woo'idT
of thing for a poraoo of her agr. I atblag. aad eta'll be I
told her tbe oou would be ao aaoostblr for bo. aad Ota
•• •M.
• ■
Oeoally .................
Poor.......... ...................
Bradrery eoBaBaaleatlTa
L, o( ooone olu'-ll M
'' Yea ma
tar ee bow
Botia-l worry aboot
I right
aes. M eete
rablL 8ta bat tboae aioe booki
..mad, aad eta'll go aroood-Bolgfa"B^‘’B^*Md^MTa. Bradley,
boriag,' at ttaI oalit tl^ and t_____
bafon wtat
t of Jell it It. aayway-not
ilie kaowt IL we'll be back.
oearae U woolda'l tare done to take
bar with ea-ata anri ka
aelL '•- ..
..... ...........teir."
-"She eiopped tborL Ibore
Tet tomebow Margan-t atgladata
_ad ren back to give |
W^ did yoa^^t year gtapee?"
that estts kite
"Maria Will look la oa bar erary wae tta neat gooatlae.
tay aad do all tta taid work, aad took 'eai from the arbor------------------,
Tboae that Mta' Sprtager wae pMietgl>i. "Mri. Siwiager added. "Ob. ala' to aae for gtapa Jaieel'
of eoorae we an dolag tta bet* way. "
Beoaett-e raloa
It wat a tiylng weak
ily weak and old. aad
A "tat ware-'I.riBiMd Ita towo tta tta wriakiad. juae eftlaad Bagen
rtj day
In tta daytime blladt
____ nn Boat be tliol to kO(4>
t Bradlay
eat Ita
ita ooorohing rayt. bBteTonlage
1 deelaraV Mra.
Ida-i know
the tat
Bonaued. "Aad yoa dida
lettBBt cblridng of Um bow
row ate WM plaaaln' to am
kaiydidt aod tta <rak Why. eta eald to ma. )oet Ibe <
]«. and
tng of the frege.
ao< thiakiag of Sift tey.‘Tta'-regot each a dna Haro
and tta ehildreo.
Mn. Brailay. Igaem I'll mak^'e
broogtil their retam twaaty-l
1 gn^w jelee. Iblt year. Tberc
boon naan-r. Kow and than ibe
■t emythlng aloer in She etriag



t.A.Un>3BMUU •- P. A
m otnmiwoBAW *





MM« PB-aiT. t»e »- t

THOt. a. pMAeui A •eo.


tU.t of
la tbe^u^ ao

Wign* a»w »iit »Ht, PSTSOII



Otheeboaiabr Bja»



SO acra wheat; 9 acres corn.

woods, fenesd (or (laHiuc.

Balance of. land, including

Goo>1 S-ieoin hmue. with etone baieFeed mill

PUbtO, S-Woty and biaeracM, with look <br ahelling and grTftding
Tool hnwe Mx«0, on Mane
SDtCO Htd *4i40. Moor haanaenL
and gire pmaemioB at once,


Haiemem bM.

WiU adl with growing cropt

like $S.<WO if aol.l U once.


-ooe-fouTlh down, balance to toh. or win Ukc city property or aromller
(ann u port payneaL

W. L. BROWN,''
' '

318 Wmt Tenth StreeL

If you are thinking of buying anything in the way of


do not fail to look over our large line of handsome ar>
tkles. We also carry a hoe clock of WATCHES.
CLOCKS, JEWELRY, ETC. Speottcle Fitting a
apedaky. Watch and Clock Repairing—the beat
grade of work done.

J. 1ST. M-AJRTDCtraiK;


_____ 'IT

3* ^'’w.ooi.dat of

Buaage m It my e,-am. Ibe take
bae tide., too—well dedoad tidea. duoorand la IMO
It U wbat li mllod
a •aU-iwietanag tide, with a ragalar
flax aod
'e, mawd. eo tta
by Ita tau aad
le ateiage rlarand
ary twtnty-foer boan lel.U f
ttamxtmam at new aod fall a.

oa Uir priTatlooe li
at bo
fottsbie bar good
te tbsa tbeeou ' '
Bo maeed tta
Bennett went aboot with o faellag of
ploaeant expwlaaey tta moralag tefore the eampere wne to eotae heme.
Bta liked to think of the rtrid life
and dolor they weold bring book In
tbair fame—the brtgtatnrae that tta
em bteearn woeU tare left in their

"Ho, 1
taadma Baanett.
■ph ted todad
____. aad a p(Wo®«

Wbao an aoUre maa like tta empararaxplotmaaoba rallabU irodaca
thU. maob my ba axpactad. aa<I "
Tta potato U te eapranal eeat m a
net aad potato aleobof u to be aead
a motore le Oanaaa.r.
A writar from BarUa

AU Ita lai
of tta ol
old mm
Mrataed look tad

ot te

lllda daak Id Ita
aadi of eebool boll dtngi wl.are edamUOB U a. free m al..
alr. xnwoaUte
Uiam te dome tare aad wateb ...
tooae of tbaer aemrod-for waib m
tey to* teU tnora fertaaat.' leUowe
with teir mtotal or mete of
booki oa teU way to eobool. h te
wrttarhM tea
We an
aarr IfaM
r morad.
U teb
miltayod In ward.

Bmpanw William U opeelag a.. _
falare for Um faithfal po­
of tta TMO-



taWy U tba tratb of tin eaediUea
< teae «SO.ou> ehlldrea eoaJd to
to te Bind td tt
aomaaetioe woold be takoa. amaa
moraamt ael oa fool by wtaleb ibU
metal ar«ady coald ba broi
aaa. For
Far Ibraa baadrad
baadnd yraM
11 lim
..______ adte gtmaariteef te |m
tiaet tbma lelaade ta mrwaldHfc<
ato. U te mm of Oed aad bamaIty mr It aew termlaatol
Samiy eemr paUU movtot might
ba lai oa feet aad manay latond by
aabanriptioa am if It eaaam ta mpptUd by aot of ceagraaa. Somaf
U» KookofaUanorCbraaglmwboara
aad -pabllo U

wlMteW eaUlte ml^ ta^p^

tta gmacal dlraow of




248 Front Btrml

You Must Have Axle Grease

We have jt and we want to sell iL our I. X. L.
Caitriage/grease is light colored, it will keep
abotk-agme stiffness in hot or cold weather,
and is of excellent wearing quality. It is put up
in one pound lithograph boxes at 3 for 35c;
ease uo application. Send in your mail
order, we will see that your order is uken care
of. not on axle grease alone but everj'thing that
we-haveinstock. and we have, a good many
things. It s on................................. •




leaa to g^ Fm'k to^g^ a^



It wwaldt'l half
^b^maU ^^a*y Jafe

tawmawmacl^ad tigta
tea tim tm toy U wm a

L a IMOb t.-------------- ----------llaa. foar prana traaa. Iter
L all ey|wm ana, loar


Aftar amklag ■ ootofer
" olfmd vlftoea
OUto addi $400


Mlm Marma Z. Boyar, tefterofa
mbdal at Klaamat Urora. aaar BlrdanOmtUato
ben. Fn..
mite to aad
_____ J te U« I
i batldtoig to I
>. and IbU te...jriddaUyto
aad frem tar tate darte te ateri
tmmof MTM maate Tta.trto
Bride U ewariite aad (nla. aadorea
te anow-lUad raade did aot keep


I MW ea mto to

mataa pabAU USfMyta

am tatjftovlaBd

Almato aU te ta
pertod team Irirtaad
aaat af te am atr togater!

Utad bat mUmu­
te mak late a tetr. Mad
tag. "I'll laat look 'm anr bare."
te mid. "wtea ll’i alaa and riaarn." tmatog

Baaartt coIIti
aeag. “



Bdt la tta em thlae Mm gtoa homa.
.1 ban -eat aU dtaa by Mta^k"



teeamp,wbieh U ImtUy known
H te "Tleiar Jaalm 0^ Klalag
Eighty yea.. .
Ce."-dtboal SO famUlrn aad SO aaita had bad. aad hew
Bigbila Ite wttb lu
newid etam Otaadpa BeaBetl weal
M ti a —
Home! ti wae aot a gay road tbat tar •aah mlk!"
tboagfale namlad. bat by aad by her
Xaea brigfalraed
It wm taraed to- aofif,T‘"»S^'»a "jMt madr.B big
I toj« to Ihlrtlaei.
"I'lVdo it!" abe aald. .peaking
Bta WM paUtag Btta toward te amlagta tetemeata.
Itotaa. poailag
poartag aaL m te weal, tar
r aad than
idliral UltIa axpUaaHaa.
»1 am qaite eseb aa old-----------Tta eaa wm ponriag Ite nya down
thlag la tar ayae made te prim UttU town. 11 mllm away, te maa wbo
Ub^ taaae aad War la te Ump- oomtowevy from moataUbber aU
"b'a laal beaaCUall I’d a tay leaf epe^ teir anadage la a
great dml rattar tara It tea te ftam^aamriMamaat Itat weald pal
to atam te moteta 01
been diamayod to am ImrmOBBUBC It.
of aay eolte* gTidaam
aad emprleta M tta rtnmgtb ta tta
botbTomlB^ taitTBmiatiU aad tta
old ba^;‘tta tb^'l of " balag a«fnl" aetad tlka a taole.
nadlagof «■______ _______ __
oem^io te^emp frata orary waak.

thiongkte riaa
laoaty happy
plaUUraly. -

bat; rabbri'u^ to by



of all descriptions novf on sale at


Good (Lroom tenant hotue. «onc roundatitit.





Goo>l aoil. moMly

Kifly acrea timber, wni bring $9.6l« at

Bartet; 6 acrea orchard; B7 non »ee<ling; 4i acret polaloe*: C acre*

All the wool in the region wanted. Am just back from the
_ and have arranged with eastern mills
mil to use all the
wool from this section of the country. I can afford to pay
the highest outside market priew in cash. Will also buy
hides and ginseng.


800 Aer* ■Farm


eriU. arm, .Otar
Mw oe the poreb at dnek tbat area
Tbe nnatlaa frem the bard
day’i work, tta dlmppotatmeal as
oaaa. aad wbo. aatta aaslew m to wbal Btta wealg pramlae tta aam thing. Barr B
ataagator te baStotak aad faeL had laA bar Ump aad WM tta aaxt maa wSlad aad li
d. an dooeaad to gr
MO aleohol I
tmet Buday tta Bp Is tgaemm aad rioa aad ba add1 Oommarclal ad t > te UllMtate oUm wBieb-tbraa
Oaaaeilor Hnertlng to ipmir bafota
*^ttlng at tta window aad loekliv
him at Baaorar and tolkad
to b
him fer
ool oa tta parMied AngoM laadaeapa
talf an bcpar ea tta fataia cf peWM latBanm.
aba triad to imagine tbe
tta ^meeat milaioobol fer ■.....................................—
ame la her faoe and the rolliag la of UtUt
"'Thy. Botb^'e bap he reptotad bu toteaUw to*tmoolb
the blee werea Hm tboagbl onrel>Uad, Am te
tlme wbea Mie aad
r UOallfnnrta.
OfiM sad WsH^Mue. 7S2 E. Front SL
.irandpa BeaBctt (wbo wm nor a eamt ba* tw yaa. We'ta g<^ to perioMat with potato aioobol meton
Citiiew Pbooe 491 graadpa tbee) weel to tta "taorr. "
dtewar A
BeU Pb«»« I8tt
- ‘

aaPiy It wllboat
I for a aim
to faal: faaidaamaad pm etna SO
e thing With wtad-blowB hair-----faat; two wladmUl Iowan. It to It
A fllUag her email tail with mnd.
•e maarer'a lain
faet taeb: tete, 4t by N itat;
tbe rwael aohe of Ibnr laa^Mr
......................L I* by SO faat
-----------liag taek to Ita losf waietara. e^.^'TOfot ta^
.. . _
for tta potato.
.................. ............. XteM taddad;
;aadtalf eartoUly dotag aom great
w of dew barriae 100 lari loag;
differutaow Itat Sito bad ebtlArs
work la tta ynmoctag llaa.
«m. two oak ttaaa.
of hrr own.
___________IHdB't baU eBjoy,
L alt «g traaa. tu loItwlthaat bmV Aad wtat a ’-----eot be ooMer wanted amttar to be
Tta mtate mm «* Qftetoeb.
I hara baea qalte
Joaaphiar oouty. Ora., woald tore a
_____ >^agala aad Moia. lodklag —
ro~lk»doaoa lima tori
with afa*ale]M.ea Ita dsM ebekta

eroMh Bloch

Two and ooe-haU mnet from eoo>l laarkei.
grareny loam, aome day.


Wool Won'tod

n-K-^-i— ~-r~-r
°— ft
tNM(««dwA.«WlAB.. lt:a>A«i.

of te eewa witeai mlag doama of
nailrae MOgiag aUag with 1 iiMin
andcr teir arma
at* balag
tolled to and petted to dlaUMkiaa.
At erarr oter linU leadaida bat. a
prmpto baitU will ba gelag M ba­
rn two bird, of aqaal or Baaaml
IL ita two ,-opri.tom^^j.

de al aeairiy 40 dag^l^tol.taa- _ .order that tey mi
lake toorlom uaanar,.
tbe bottom. aadrartat
> 4d dagreat wuL r and aai
M eaitaea. TTir oitar lakee.' fboagb Bald «B Tbandayt aad 8nadaym,^te
lid. are aol In Ihtt leeFecl Uke 8a
thtel, eewed on to a fiame-wetk
lliey araoiam eaall atdaa.
te it^
?ta whotf boMOB of Ita lake
I ep with uare of mda
liFved to h
tlioogta it w<
r» moai
te great epnage at Uw bottom 1^1
Oolalie tta
In Ite fllmay
metara altea motley mewd of wornu^l
a Mg*
n. yoQiig and eld. aeUlag ealablaa
y>«r la aBd.yrar 'ooL the ewift-i _
mg. Barrow baakedh'liilgoe and other
aeenpU. of aaUrm
-‘-ami famUhlog ao eaall pan
wklriog iliatr r
■apply Theae etreaae la e let
an a aort'
te ap for the lom 00
aotfaoe. Ooe of Ita old Uke mptalna. mrii attar.
dl.T lllead mo. wbo bad
beee for thirty dr*
tta Ukae aad a '
d at U
a moltitada of two wtaalad
glgeoarry off itarictme with teir
water, told me M wa w«n> |i^ng ■poiU. wl
along near ibf nortli eeael of^paroir. wttb Ibe limdlaod. aad talale
and glomy gn»n blaS. of tbat moM
U fall rh'W. Ib
War* an« OIM. af <-ana.
Ibe theory Itat il lake le elowly a
Wtara and liow atall Ita tOO.OOO
tog dewb ib Mia wm
midrae of acbool age In Oaba ba premlaed Uau br coald tall from oertaia
ided for wbara ttare U oaly tom
along the abora. with
.4 ta^dwn for Ito.uu? What atall
m ai familiar m lu- woold
fer Ita retaainior Sto.tnor If
•te of hU eld 8<«tuah
' '
oftbeae '
Ita lake wae elowly


Iked aboot Mre. Sprlager aad tta




Plata Claaa, Staam Boliar ar>d Aocldent.lnaurwitc*.

Money to Loan on improved Real Estate Only.
TravorM City. Mich.

Krary imUrr tea Ue Bghkte aarit.
wbkb le riwrad wito tta greMeal mra
aaUI ta bae ebuwiT eaBmwt tauwm
toeaUtUblmtoaB eamaer Ite te


fonr order at Ibe very loweat prioea.


CAPITAL. $ 100XK)0

badaaad wfeeltbal



Uteat Ncm-ltiea in PItida, Cbecka,

^n^tattamupplam PaS

dSmr*toib* *pi«mnj

oJrr2r.-ta____ _

207 E. Front StreeL

and Htripea, both Poreiim and Do-

Tnrcrec Qty State Bank a^anxe *ew^i>


erer abown in tbe narket All the


I aama t\m!o. aad (a tta aol
BBl fatara. etttar. Ita pMfta eamba or pall eat Itatr tail-tmtaera '
to mfca tbam Scbl to ttatr taarte'
aimimiL aad n teaftet ttal ttaak
mikhag grammtiai tmlly aam M
■bow^aMtoa for takir lautalakiii la
an M Stay athlH|

boam.' ••
BHatadMogOod btrMagiag

of (h« fiscat •Mortnoola

of new aljlei of




sasstsa..- ■





f mU eeee

ie«) &. u..

maa wM Jaerad aS te trtekm
rlttotead Ita mnaoB WM Baed.



■ xjrs.


Than w oaly^ em

tl2?TS«"XX "'vJSSeLatrd e.


rialMasrswataMr yntodabri
Bite to MStom to^y-dte bUL



Tt«. Btkts tbe
fim; bat wbra

. .__ «- Oo..

bMB U tiw dtr


ird wok, M
1 lb* UMt law tiM •anoaadta* —
bow bo «4o cotac W plB7 lb
» K7, tb*-------Iboto •oald baw bo- ao *oro7 ••
I bMB taw IMltaWr M> Uie tOMlac (bat Moro. for bo plarod II Uko a mat
r of wUM bolow Uw aartaoo.oad workof (bo AM wacaUado. tad ao^ a
dolWn vlU ta upwM («* laber tt lac ea (be Old Mlwiea Uao. vbleb It aaaibtr of pUT* «w*
•ewplotod obd U- epwatlob w
aod (be MbMoDW of We
oaedll Wtbo iwal Ha7«»h‘l*^• ea (be lla* vlU paialwt* taM*dc«-4.»«*‘**ll
ttac •—
oa W OU Klwtea br *07 of Mo-ob. day. - OBI
■lef Bwa*7 lawoi
of alt tlM at bat be cot
Il 01(7 41

lUbe (I.
oatonolM. ballaMr —
(aU(ra7 taemua botwo— >wn
V—(bpon vlll bo fall la a wad
vaj. Aad lalor oo. vh—(bo oar for­
ty WaU be rolabUil
Upro1 -oeh totbo way of
I lo(bloell7

■ Trta (a Vhto—<0.

o(ri->|>U«-o|-aoaaUy -adaowd
Boa. aod Mn. O. F. Oarror OBd Mr.
oadMn. rrodOaiturtUay or—toy
OB —a of (bo ■—I aotoaa aad oajoy.
aMo a—aril—( tbal on* tofi Tkar.
— OUy. n
(b«r (o— tbo
d to tbo fatara. Ow
u (or tbo owarW— «
< r«»al . .
I—dtoc "Iba Oo 8h>« aad Karar Atrtaa a K Paw----------to Wa«jaaltoc

Mil. a 9. Cbrr-aad Mr. aadMra
PladOaittoW ObloBCo aad reWra.
Data, Ja— Mb. DsID p a.” Wb—

Dartnc Mr. Maeoy'o
watt boTO bo— tab— tor (bo —biro
Wbe oaod
low. aad (bo (tork of tpattlof to (bate
B*loo wiU bo pj*od - tool - lb07
ora tooolTod ftow tbo -aaoloclr----

dhildi—‘0 Day to alwayo oaOj®
wool oaja^o dayo to (ho wta

a lotol of atoa kano. oat atofla. oaa
,wo ba- blta aad two Ibr- ton-a
Ttw otbar two tl— ba Wrack oat.
bat II waa by wtowka.
Oolby plWtwd a ftaa pa-a. AI ao
waa ObartaTtoi bitttoc biw aao,11,.
Only alt ttowa waa ba
fooBd for-fa ooao. f« atolal of atoa
wbUa Iba la—to foasd Lawto.

Baeead-Ufarw. Owriarato. oaa

tead.n to lltoob—

TbIrd-Ky-lka. Travarw OUy, —

Olty. Spatott;abariai
Lafavtt tod aa ana tnk— two
anwfca a*o. « ba w—U lare toowa
aemw Iwwmar tbrowtof Uwl w—Id

not abwlaWly parfoet. Tbto to daa
Iba fact tlwl Uia Hlfb —bool bayi
—rar had a waal of (bit ktod bawho W--pjwaad w b. aaab a whirl, tera. They wlU know woro*<
alod. fir a total of U bite with a toCbariorali waaia tbe ioaal traek

ted bow Idaaaad. wbioh «Ohatlaroii cat two iw
(That towtfaiad vltb by |ba Uuoat- lapamra— Iba part aof tba bowa
«,toc (raathor. to aptw of tbo otoaito Ham. daatolaakofprar
tewa«r. a r»d aawbat of Iba ahU- Tba Uataraa of tba pawa
d(- catbwad with (baU matbara ai aUtog aad la—ranntoc of tba lo—to
(te be-o of Mra B. W Parry, prod, Oolby'e pilohtoc. a flaa oaWb by Me
d—I of tb» otob. and ap—I aoraiml
teara way piaaaartly, playln, 00 (br
dwk—atambto acteUioti
towB :aad to tbo oaay hoaae. toalaad
_ after ba bad bwa
oBue (ba-aalna OJ tbay plaaaad.
laat by a Oharlereli —
wbatbar II look «w foria of play or daldlDC of Wyakoop to Iba raatar
, laafiaa. aad bafoca tba
•aU and tba aswU—t wart of Uamp___ .
of the aftoraoon iw craam beil. tbo OharlaToto —Wbar. beblad
aad -ka wa- aerrad. wltb tba addl- tba bat. Tbe latter atoa a-da a a—
ofeoS-fW tbaUdtaa
It araa tor— ba- drira that esalwd admlza.
_ teppy O0-W-. aod tba ttow laaaad
ttOB. T. B
aU^awimy for tba Utile folk.
. tee fame at BraA - «» Marray c
te Mkkte— Maa.

ataw Oato Mabbl L Oraaao.
Ma Laaaaa. KlWa O. Maadto
KM Olty: Id—M Hater,
teiat MeCtoriy, Kayotoae: As, M.
Vetdaaa. KtoeWay; J<— MtoW MtoOaaipbaU of Ohattoaoto. M to t -. OU Mtootoa: Eto— Bayta. Klan-

aicfa aoboot ■—A arfaleb wlU toolada
PaWtoay aad CbarleveU, at tbe totWr
wwB aazt y—r.
MUlU— of tbto ally.
Jam- r. Ml
of ObarUreto
oad with U. and Boyar of toU olty.
ttalrd, wtto la

toe boa- today « to. FWUpptoe

-- -

alcty fa- at Baoke Head nter.

—U— e>> IBe lake
or hart tbe ayatem like tte atroag tato^ n—^icay
earrtoa eopper. rotd.~aHvar.and na—yi
bat graUy aad tboreotbly cleana- Ibe Uood
fUmatol— tbo deUUtatcd orgaiia. arbra all bodUy
from BW to •;& pnr too. Tbe dien.v
V. S. S. a to iou
tba opli^ of a i..tntoR ailmratt dtoappear.
i»rt aoch
aach a teak
took —
« old
rfd people
p^ oecd
«*«ed to
! improveaweakdifealioBaBdtaoettJrtbeStoBiach. IfOwe wteybcJrf..............................
------ diteaaecoatneted in early liir, S. a a
V—tiye of it Irotn tor syau—.
illy abootypor caac aad let oarphyiietoat advtoe and beta
V.BKV. ur rftin-ie Ki OMte* a loiieiiv. \
Tbto willI coot you notoinc. aod are wQl Wail fire oar book on blood
It toaaelf lirttocwlndowiaahMtorK I
owut By tbe oar of aieiace kad once I
Iba artodow eto|<a.. tato dr-1
poaaalMe lo rmi— a wudaw of aay ai— wllli—t eamnlarbal
aaelBC weljrlita to iltnpl.v pre-inc a:
tatWB OB the —— To atop
wop the win.
wtnnil Kinds
dow al aay d.alrrd poleA II i* only
rrl— tor pt——rr <>n
At toe Bteatliic of tlia Haal—1 Oalld
Tiw o—tHtaaer le re­
U Traverw Oily, bald at tba
of Mra BrtokmaB PHday arao.. markable for 111 elmplici.y.
ig, ofD—te ware elected — fallowa:
Pi—Idaot-Adrlao Oole.
VI- piaaid—t-Mri. F. C. D—.
BawaWry-Mtoa Bd— CUp|i
Traaaarer—Mra Ai Oola.
PWalW aad dltaawr at naalcBlaDi!
literary work—Mra. Tbme— Brink

Third crada-Emtoa Bart
Bowaia. K—talay: Than— Plane—
Craa—11. Oiawa:
Marla HalX. I-Iea BblaUa. Mary J.
Wood, T—rat- Clly; Mary Hlcbta. Harcary Bpaer, Baaimii City:
Bartlw UaUa. Maybald: BUialiath
Botwaa. Bo-Bwmoay. UIdMtoal—:
imObarl- Pal-at. MetrtoTiUe:
OoiaBeheBad. WUUamabart: Oaa—
taua. Klk Haplda: Btbal WilUaau.
l—a: Laaa Claw—t. Rapid Clly.

£oniiiiercial Printing

Berald Job OBIce



n le wllb.
1 — by-UwA b— BO

Tbo faootal of Mra Uoem B. MoUllao ww beU frta rotaatera baU
totoaftenwonatt:*) o-Uoak. aata
toe aoipioM of tbe O
Ooan T-eeaao. Bar. D- OoehUa
d tor wrrloA A brief ear- and BoMlcn' uaoolMloe will bold ite
rl- bad baen beU by (be Oompan- annul en—apB—nt tble year a
le—at toe rwldaaoA whota toe body Bain, Joly I. A A
toy to atala from • to H o'clock tbU
■wralag. Btay of toe frl-de of toe
Wkiagtoe oppettanUrte a
but look at bar faoA calm in daalh.
Tbe eaakel w— not epanad al tba
The decal trlbaWa wan a* aBaaul
profaU— and rate bB .
dad to tba biRfa aat^am to wblob dod w— belA Tbo rawalne ware
laid to leW la Oakwood cmmolery.
At toe roelden- Tbareday weratoR,
■ s.-n*l«>. SI • c.—
last s Mr
toe body of Mra MoLellan lay - (be
oeato aata a beaBtUnl la— —nepy,

Pollowlac to toe aooia by Isniace:
TiBvecw Olty
0 0 8 I 6 1 0 8 >-i:
Tbe Bold day or—to wen BM—arly
ilaUctlBa I
- aattofaoUry.
. aad tt-a 1
: Ta^ of PUtiteoe. altoar. for Oharlarato w-t away
typtaal ooaawy atadoa. At tbattok- dlrided tow M tribea. ap-kto« rati- wllb aaae at tba beyi f-Ilac tbal
they bad not really raealred a fait
M aO— a«ary a— lawltrad a tiafcat to
—It foranuB—Ala. d—L Tlwre wen two ar—ta apoB
ae-a atattoa alooi tba Uaa
He rblob tbe two Jade—a—Uaal araa.
a Olty aad Ohlea«o. Iba aord alpa—A oalof toeqaaWloa.
beUared Ibe Taft ewaalwl- to br Bd aDfortaaalely toen wu aoiatoo raaw, from Elac-ly and* Bua- C—daally aolrtog (be laobleBi of Ibe far- araed apea to adranoA - that
dbytoetoooar- etoolallytoe twa er—u rawato
toll Olty dowpw
d-lded. WUh the two or—wo­
tteteUr-diac 'U. B.BB. A. K. U. ofeaataaod fair d-ltoc
• Pa- ana i—wb Travarw OUy W Blag toe <«i»dan«and affwAlaBOf od oat, Trarer- Olty b- a ROad eafe
rim Oae of tliain eoald aer-be
(BBwaafaWM—) — loaw toOtaka- toe people.
of tbe aonowtoR UrloR to tbe
Bdad to OterUroto. tton llialr bribat—
te. Ibka a—eta (Boabw otWbto).”
pcBoetal dead. Abobr toe floral tribucB OB al Uaat two otbar «ri
wen met al toe ooor
wwi- a b—ellfal jdllow laacribad
ly addr-a ea tlw Phil- did Uia —BM tolBR for wbioh they
Bgbof aay
IV toe beta and beaw-w of the ar—
Uie mewben of Uie
w to— tor at toil —aal— of
wUbad lo threw —I Oart—'f
Tte btoWry of Ibe leUadA the
tp And to anotbor Oomtealen Ponatare. a handeime i>tllaw frOB Amaate Birr, L. O. T. M..
eraoA tbe to- poA Ilfctr own
wheel tram Mra H. O. Oampbell
aattag — boggige man aad wktac toe p-ple .tlie diaealttoe tu ilie way olalsed llwt be tbrow tbe tooA aad ud efaUdiwi. a Malw— era—
of the Ualtad SwWt to tor aatootb didootpatlA
itotrati— Id toe aSalwof the
Aim er—I wM toe 100 yard
tv (be lawlligwi for toe
ud Mra a laRrnoll. a cro— from
It w— a vary ynity
OatnOartto wade a typdaal ttokal
Mr. ud Mra L B. JeffartaB. a ore.
tooRbI oat from ewrt 10 Aalto.
nUw. and (te alg— aroaBd bto wiaUk— woB by fear coed yanto. to 10 4- eul from Mr. ud Mr. K. togtaoU.
taan^BefoUowa;"Me(led. OhlU- aU w—tod el—riy aod tally.
ft aeo—d(. whiaU. ooniUerlBC ' earulloae from H O Oon and cdillr- HMtor « yean baU ton. Ladtoe
dr—, Mia Uaneu ud Mra Edgar,
matt aha* toelr wato.” “D—'I
Baraett of Oharlrroli took eeoood. roere from Elia SeWI and Mr. ud
batoartba eg—I”. "BbIMm Bay.taMia Br—A earwHone from Mra
day araalai. Ja— 18th. at 1
ud Boyer of tola ally a do— toltd.
dra A. MoMudaaw
ofitaOA Ml- do-p!>toe Orator ud MiBaa—d MatoodlU etrarah. tliat nnlwd Ite order to wbleb Iba
two rary papalaryooag p-pto of Ible Jampto w— Ba—otA Uartor.OampbaU Mary KaWer of too
Hr. ud Mra W.
dty. OaptatoOwBfe B. Johawie
and Oolby. On bla aeooaad Jaap
Oarter awdr 40 t-l 6 Inch- aad ww Heok. Mra OmaWfa—. Mra 0. W.
Wta dalayad ta aaBdag aadtbatiala Uio aWamer Oraao—I aad Mia Ai
Paul. Mra U W. Oodman. Mra L.
V— baU tiU toay ani
la the Araalroag. Tba -rem—y WM per- tofonaed that te did SM naod W Q. PalWr ate daagbwra Mra Melo frock acta f—wed In tbe ptrneee of —ly a few jnmpagalalUlhU Jomp w—laieed. DoBalA Mr. ud Mia Leal— Hall.
.fallat baad of toe iw—odinW frteode aad lola- Campbell Jomped ud imlaed the mark E. M. M—k. a Wvaly boaqael
aDdailfcUlaA Ibairi
W 40 few ud » toab— wliea Cbrtar
laaoh batoatA ladtoe to Ito— Ur— of Uie 0—traottog parti—
Ml- MtoaU Bi
JampadaadmadalOfaWud 10 ineh— from tbo a P. O. ElkA ate Boweri
lin - aad bctaito feaital asi'
asd Mr. CtwfWe PerWr. pllM an the Tod Thirlby Ibe JadRe from Tram— troa Mra K. B. Panow. Oh—I- Aadarfal W baboM, toalr band
MBA w— but wu. Both bride (Bty. iDdated that liio Jaoip be oadnl- gaetlBA Mr. ate Mra Mattoewn.Mra
brldootald Win b—atlfelly U. repoolally- Cbrtar W— pW.eaUed W. W. Bmltb ud Mra Mary O. BeyMlda
tejamp to bw ragmlar
After tbe ean-oay tbo bridal party btorWroU jodee. ^
tbe wato ted net r—toad toe a
• of Dr. and lamp
W. B. Deway op—ad the Oma
bet ud 10 Inob— ate ati
ratood to. with are little tolldr—
tea Jau 181b ate h—a aamb—
tog W make It 40 feet 81a
HaUlag edcte bablad tbew, aad
gauto. beelta oolWgarA who W
that toe Jaap be
babe to aiWA aad taeand toalr tlakoto
toelr B—le at toe tan. Tbe grOBBdi
wieboA' eeffoA oUr—. 1— ct
. te Iba exoanlea.
there w
aiaud toe Inn look bcBaUtal tbto
r^"lbe onat ou bi
«h— aU had aiTirad too —
Mr. Deway h—made wu
Oiplaia and Mra dabaa— left
praveae—to to toe I— ate toall t—dy
m WbiM rop- f- OU Hltai— Tbanday erctoag.
rotatlag (beir ooaeb— The re- Pritey U>ey wlllga W Ob—WToU toeebetpat. toeaext evuA Kyaalka. t— toe crowd of eamm— r—oraera
P.^B. UtavM hat bou aeteod to bto
' was b—attfally teceratad with banl ud will ap—d toe —wwar at Kerib- toeAtal — mmpattbebaUnfeel
tag, t—anddataWafoette nwaalw peHB—to loaato TJiey wiU n«de Ufevw dU 8i foot d laahM ate eettago "Ueoada BoM." f« tore#
weafcA udteeaguf otato gatttog
Lteerb fell below. OaapboU
Halbaad aaahia wu too gam. of Ibe
too r—ort r—dy f— toaect—e w —Joy
a fair pal of kl t—11 laeh—
•r—tog. b-wau aiatloM OndaetTbuKy—ItepattooerbtnB t—A toe pretty walks ate driv— Be hoe
Cte P—ber*eOoU—■
O—tU paaobad tta tWhalaef too wia10>, to
toto—.. ate Ufev— aade
Vbahad I
J. Slevaiia
w—' iraWoWd by Tbirlby ate by toe
uarr—, \DsyvsesA
isimaIteeria toltod W ratoa the gotog to tu toe Uelaimo Bote fuy Cioa. Oily Kagine- Blc—totold,
~tato—a Bote
talk. wdUCbapbaU. Agalany—Ika
Ufan. I—die ate Mo—.
Oea. a aOalebe— to locaWdto bto
wlto Bart BUIa ep—i toe day Aibtog T— to—w. ate
88 feoA8 Into— Lota —ww-eettage f-toe eneea. Oem a
at Carp ijJiA They bad a lovely
toird Bo—. when toen w—a long Mae ate -ao oto- thlucA whWb ud CtapbeU tellad W —toe (I a Oiien— of Jeeka—rtlW. UL. wUt
Jane »ate oeoapy bto mw
—ita—d lanab ooular aroaad whleli toev do Ml wU abut aneopt to toe- mart, and Iba Jadgn again ballad
btae f— tbe baton— ef too awe—
aU took ttelr plaan aod eojoyad
iriw kaow bow JD appreelaw a good egroA nrOterleveto wbb toeto
A. J. Pwn of Jaoki—vllto. lU.. wlU
— glvUf LMavy bU WBCk. toot
arrive Jmu *7(b. Mr. Piatt fa- pwhe admitted itel l( wu a torow.
e gina pi—ty of vlg—ou ear- headmltWd
•UroA plokleA toaaaAA egRA h- welTbirlby f- toU city toriwed that eteaed eone A—ita ete toload*
g beartUy
la apltr ef tlie i*l« eard whleli u- Tboy Aibad ate did otlwr toiagA Rynlfca ab—U teve Aral idaoA - be balUtog a Am real Aeo— tbto aeae—
aeaacad-KaA new. dAOO: PlA r .00. They talked eUy baelaea a good deal, bad clearlT Mda kht tortoeet |mL Ai' Mia W. a a BtogM Jaede—.
WlU ooonpy Mra
MPlA»il-00:MUk.pte ptoAAAto bat did aM traoacK aay. They dU tbe Jndt— eeaU a— mgr— — toe vllto. UL.
WUtord'e eotage f— ybto eeae—.
ev—A theiAta be m offletol ee-a
O. O. D. P. O. B. Tiarai— Otty. net dlK>a« IheOU Hialon rate
PI— do BM Alri Will, toe walWr, totoA at they bad aane all 1—y eoiod Benrwekite SO yard teto teadlly.
ihe'i wlBA allwtoA" The table w— W wllb that the night befoTA They to 85 -B—dA with Bar—n eaoote tte wUl eenapp tot k
owned by a P. Rood ef Onte Bop.
- protMy Iriwwad with tanie
talked OT— toe mSalre of (lie tealib
a a Steto of Pr—to. XU., to
tbe erawd - tboagb Bayulde
Wof enUda
ate tlie BulWiy eoodlWa
id f— too iiiinii in the Bol­
— of tba lapari the —in— were of toe elly. Dlao— v
(b—U teve had that (b1—
•warded. Mra Olalre Oartli caeeiTtoc — tbe boat
Tbe Mb—ov—to —e aA to mge.
tor —ta. HUlik— —bat two atOU-ge.ltabelU a
a wraaibi li—
Oa ebon toe pnty <
Oton M-teB a ttoy-WhU of
I to AtoWtleA AMenuB. JoagalatteroBBl^br—dJemp. eaab MU acp— ofBAMO. Be wiU
ben Jane IS to -ete tte —mm
la ate Mra a B. TayUr PtayalaUndacge— Mo— —nnd Ua. otwhtohw—bettor tka
T—famUlto tita»b-Un. wtew
«ll«— WBUWd I
OtertovMx ted
-U with glory, ate toen to — qaee.
eartaeva. will he ben n—t weak
e abUcad to uA tor biwaeU wtto Barnaai's etoraa bt a
tov lete atotota ted — — a » attotof—toe eaa—to toatr (catty
ten-— toe «—t teta ' Bv—rtotog
•a balnc Du L—dan.
peue faamm-bet—A
■ ■ ■ a P.A. “
Jawptog be ev-~WPtata-« Tte eaetol eamm—ref toe AeU day todteeta a Mg Bowta
k g—tliwab-a plo— at too
ev—to. talKtog tot reaatog hop itop
P. a OiBv— to botUtag ou to
Utto. Te toe eorpri-ef and.Jnmp ud -MpaA—
whleh th-e
a—riy everybody, f— be to —
modettog ete eaey to pi—.a Olty
Olerk Been praved bl—It to be toe
A. M. I—lie writ- to tri—da bta b-t kick- to toe baa—. P- nay
tat be Wiu behenab—I Jolylelate
WtU begin at eta W Aalto too taantat—f- toe Mg bowl mfb-whlto
te wiU yoe-a to —a toefiAwe
Md—riewlA The work — the to. 81a— tbe ep— tea— w— drir— —1
«te— wUl be totobad daring (be eta. ef Bawa aeuty — May L toe aowtet wtoWr. Tbe boM b— be— toaeed b- of drag Morae to Oharkta tee to­
A Tteftae City. 8 a
to Htagw PalleM of toe ChWego on—ed aatU now there »rv twswtyeigM of Ibta to tbe eitT. A oily af
Hr. PaUMt tiaweU AOOe popatel- wblc* reqaine
IW—ty bI^ M—W keep U tap—■
lyeanittod with widiriy wtatea
WadilBCWa. Jaaa I

tire Baadll- of Mtel.ltea addiaaaed

lac clciaeota. tbea there ii a rapid dtcltoo of tba vital powm. rcaoltiac
to pnsaataic old aye aad diacaae. Any dermate—rat of tba blood qaicUy
Bbowa itocil in aa I'



Scott’s EawMoa

It Beils Traline
Horses n Yoe Csa

Trade Arching

and Coiunr to Order.

; sei-u THE-





Than whichAhere is no better made. We also have on hand several

that are in good condition and will be sold at bap^ins.



iiinday NcwA-Trltwnc


irxlsl enlrba.

Traverse City, Mich.

127 State Street

Feed and Sales SUbles 231 SUte Street.

Implement Store 123Cass Street.

led barn
a warehouse, where I will unload several car loads of machinery- that I am expecting in a few days.
mm tata ^ta ^ta _
As f have a large farm a short d^nce from town. 1 am in a ptwition t
die all kinds of stock in exchange (or machinery, buggies (and impic
1 have at present about twenty good work horses- lor sale.


These machines are too well and favoraUy known tn tt^ local­
ity to need any further expUnation. Tb^ speak (or themselves

Milwaukee Junior No. lO.

Milwaukee No.S.

At my implement store I will carry a large and complete line ef
Machinery. Buggies. Wagon and Implemems. 1 am in bttter shape
than ever to supply tbe m*a\a of my coAtooers. If you do not find what you mat in my Uoek 1 will onfo tbe
on short notice.



ing to offer you first-class goods at prices that will move them rapidly. I can buy goods in as large quamues aad
as cl^ as anyone, and am always wOling to give my camoBkers the benefit. Call 00 me aad be convinced.

CitixeiiB PIKMW 126


■1tl«.ai>AIID TlrtVBMt liMAU)b JUHEa*. twa.


A Aid to Aa aprtof at IMI Art will
M of At Abbay anaaaaoy
' af S^Bdwwd ViL will a«tafc*
pUBMd. It hM hw
pmU. aadttttMaof tUr
nwtitlfi rr •SUnUtha »irM*IU- two waaka* rliit wlttf tka lltoaaa Ked Ranh HaaisHd^ Prim
Ua aad Bua Obtalla of Blacia
n*«itull«B Ucn.**Md •llta*- Xua Eato fioaatay toft today for a
hmt aM ttevotUan ««rrM a»d raw ^ rtoll at OUto Piar. and Cra*
•icmbeulT* enr tb OBMBM o(Um Ibara Aa wtU la *a Old MtoAs.
Haaald Valkarwaai ta CkdlUat Ala
uv*« in»«».
■afBlBK aa boaiata.
lailna. Ja»« m-1i itaOolaUraBHr. nalelMC. toap Aa rtaatvIA
■ouMdttelKli* E4WM4
btoBtoa today. ftaUa* la the Mtjti.
—dfolai» aaritol
Ba b«hoed of KayaMoa.
to nSartoc fro® pao^Pbltt
CbTToll Bala waat to QratairUto to­
luirii on fcifatoc
day tor a rtoit wlA lalatlaaa
a Bakw ol Oaetra) Uka to <rtobto brolbar. (> £. Bakar.
K Bakar troocbl taek M pc
onmi^r tha
. . .Aaral fro® Oarp lake.
care aad poiat
«panMlai «m |>arfonM4 at Baafclii(Hta. }>aA ol laoto to TtoitlBC bar
faaa iBlaea at aooa.
atoter, Hn. J.'E. litke of Bore auaal.
Laadao. Jaaa M-Tiw ofiatlca. ae
Klac Bdaranl to anr. ltwaaaa<
ItoT'^cT^laca aad Aildna
faL Tka kiss r«aM aoaaeioe
at T«rah Laka art Ttoltiac bar atoaor.
aad li MW aalaap.
■ta Oaena r. Ua«e of Parawood. _ aaBc and paiafal B&icrcadb tUi
taailna, Jana M. t p. aa.-U to Hra Oaotwa W. a Mantra of Da- treaftnat b mrpir waoderfoL
Uazaad oa rarr hicta ntUrlir
trolt to la tba oity ter a rtolt wlA
tha klD( to la aa aiuaanlj nlttoal talatlna
Oa ORMwaa Bale, aadoad by Ctt*eoaiim<Mi
Tba apmUaa waa i
r—1 laoiw IliaB II ahaald tara
Hn. U. O. LAoh. aad Mtoa Abbey
la bapaa tba ktap MWlhl ka aUa to fo Ltoul7 ot Bprlabatd. Ho..lMAa
tiMD Haltoa yAterday -t« a
abort Ttoll wlA trlndi ban.
rdlog to Ato aoAorlHn. Haitla EalA aod A
V ara vary immA
Tba warat
M An rxx A Oakwoed.
biHM la Aa Arty hoara of
Ttoll Hta. KalA'a faA
i«~ A taally raaatoo to A A
hta Ifatoaly’a taatliy to taatala to tba
lly aacpM AoaMlTm to oaama.
IioadA. data M-AI ato o'atoA Aa
IU,.fCCTa-rAaoirArAt<.-----haUatla raadt: "Hla aa)aaty
■ a daaridii
rbe WTaM yi
aad Aa ban naob nltorad by tin
WallA aad Oaoar Baa«AUiar at
Ktoaalay were A Aa Oolaabto today.
. . LAdflo. Jaaa M-TA tollowtof L. E. QlbA WAtu “OtbArUla'' :Sa?5*sri5
oBetol baUatto waa toaoad tron Ala atwnooo.
' BMfctofboa palBA A I p A : '-1A Anh UibA «< HaydaU to to Ae
W. A. VbllB ot PUa UA. farMA lafta aAen WBaaraoaaMd. TA ’ aditor of Aa HAlut. latatMd to HtaR.
bl« bore Aa apaCBtiw waU and la la Ite Loka today afiA Atop iriiiat
a Attotaebory coadlltoo."
MAe twAn- asaatoatlA laAU
loadoai. Jaaa W-Aa oAotol A tin
uto OadlUae today
Hautoa Bean Ala Alaroan Aid

Millions of PMple


lA klaf WM to a rary etictoal osodi- Di. KreaA wnt to Qtaad Raplda
ktoo. Fortynlfbl bean. A Aid. AlU tooratoc fA a taw Aya' tAL
>lAr ilWM Ufa A Hn. J. A. Pautoctoa aad obildtA
of Oadat Aow to today to apAl Boar-lalA boaaecf
Hn. J. R. BtlUwall aad chlldna
lataned Ait noratof fcon .a rtoll
Aid Aa openttoo had wlA nlatirAM Latoed.
ban lotfatAad. 'saaddad: ••Brary■.May'* BnaA.
Atod to lotoc A wtA Aa ktocA OUiAA Bhaak toft Alt norstof
wall aa pottlbto. At bU oaodutoe to tor Etofilay. whtoa A hA aaAptod a
wdnhtodly aartoai aad fAra. 1 do paaitlA.
~ Baaauii wnt anA n a boslMt iBtoad to tooraan oabUoalan by
Mp today.
adlboratod Aabeoaa.*'
4aaAa. Jaw M-Ke date fw Aa
larday fw a tbert Ttolt
wrytoji At of tA oataaMatoa kaa
HA Ilalaa Hoara leAraad Batarban todtAtod. It tofAtad waaA ay from ObarUa, wAra tA hA faaaa
naalAl ooorae for tA patt
*m alapto hafora Aa klaf »1U A to
a onditlA to BBdatfo Bw rtn!*MarAa Barmy aad Him MyrBaatoaaa thraofbAl tin oily to It FrniAU Ara Tataraad from as
pMttoaily Aq<ae4ad. H ww Baarty utoadad TltU to Ktbraaka, aemI o'etook wAb Aa nawi TAOblil Aa paalad by HA Bntoh Bodfatn of
Aa baca crowd fmAnad AtolA Ptolsrtow. Kab
ItofdlaiAili Alab*<
watali Aa a- J. W. Blaiar waat to Elk Rapdda oa
bactoan today.
rtral ot fvelfB Areyi fa AaU raDr. W. B. Heea wnt to Latoad aa
wptlAby tA ktof. ItWAqiiekly nfattlon! baabaA Ala afurmea.
aetad that Aa Arortrlayad twa taw Hra J. H. Raan at Otto It to Aa
ABAnti Aly. Thto wa tetlowad by ally to attmd Aa woddm«I BA
O-MaI aad Hr. Bdmaad W.Wall
tA etBelal anoaMaamt AM bit BuaO
■altiQ' WA aadarrdat aa cvatattoa Hn. H. BaanAal aad daafbttr ot
aiMlAAOwd aaaatad paralyaad.
Potokny. are Ttatttof Hn. ~
. «w a ratkihli Ana «} aBstolT tAl-i inmA Hr. aad Hra. JaUm
BtetobanHr. aad Hn. J.A. Pnatoftoa aad
taslly ntaraod to Oodor All
Mato ara lA toad wtoh paepla. naay attar aindtof Aa narftofa of WUl'to
oCAan wUM bead to Aalt aartaty.
Hat Ellto,
Or. HarHn wnl to Kuftlay today
tnta^lnt owwan of nato te Aa n profAdaeal bartaAA
AAitolci wA aoU eat Aalr tort A. W. Paok waat to Qtaad BapHi
aM Ala noratof bafcn Aa
banna kwwa. Bayart are dtoft
A Aay An tttod to rato to fat Aelr
AMV Aak. TA lAd tooyer hw v
dnad Aa naada to tnat of Aa
am Boaaa araetoJ for tA pceetnloa
r—r— Jaaa W-Bto najatly hn
AntofoModat tA aartoanata of
bto aaadiim aiM topnparad fto Aa
IMca. Jely St-Aa ometol Allatto tMOd at tic o'oloA raadt: "Bto
MAty t-and a fairly nartortabto
Bit atinirb to wall
aodlAra an- ao aytopu
ipillll aaxtoty."
loodae. Jaaa K-AUbaafb aa am­
atol Allatto ai < p A ototoa AM lA
bm'a oAdlttoa A tor to
yoor aorraapoedAt toarea A bm
nnt-TA ktof'■ Ufa haaci hja ihraad
aad Aa aoly ohaaA tot hit tMorary
to AM a nlraela nay taka plaea.
takA dnerlbad to Aa aaoaaato at Aa
epanUA are net tor dralAfa. year
OMtaapaadAl'a maAotlly ototoa
lbvi«pla«-a aeettoe of Aa bowrt
whtah WA nnornl bodily. Mobedy
to abto to Un loof wlA tA Ia1
plBood.aad ooly bopa toaaelArt
Bob to ranon Ibaae tebaa. dnw tA
bowato tcpatbar aad taw tbao
TA ebaaoM of aA aa opaiMA
tof Aoeanfal an to aUf bl lAt Uwy
Mine flyaanar to bato« aatd
natetotobtoantoaty t rltaUty. J
nataatoato are Alof nada f« Aa


Oaena L. Habbetor aad wife cd
LaA Abb are to tA alky.
L P. Parkatl toft Alt
■r AwUIli
frail tolanato. Ha will fa
to tA atata enToottoa M Damn,
tad fraat lAra to Obicafo ud Qia a
Bay. Ba anil A aAAt tram Aa oity
afaoal m dart.
Hitt Badle Dana Ai ntoned
AU city aftir a Tlalt to HtwApert.

lun vraailly nik ore A troL

13.15 ooa way. «5.IB roaad trip
.b Otlaaro. Haali aod barA ezna.
Uara TAvana Oltr V dO a. n. Hnday aad Friday ala H. * K. B. & K.'
aadMUMarlAFanda'iTtBaall Oa.

P. A. HitoAll. O. F. Aft.
B. W. CMlBfAai, Aft. 1M tf.
Thnatt POfe, a lt_yaar>ild Ay.
klUtd ato ladton wA Ad ehrfa bto
foAar la Aa Haiaalm ApaAe na
aatiao. Maw Marlaa
LaodA. Jaaa U. IbOt-Ktof Edward
ATTlrrd Ae Blfhi. TA klaf’t pby- Ok. MMlT. Am golMA TkUM>. Ml
tootoat at 10 Alt namUf Inaad
ft: "T2 “iff*
"Utona>ely wa rary raatlaA aad
wlAoM alaap dwtof tA Arty part
e( At ami. At ——----------

immimbi, Ml 3

CotsBltoUoD. EzimliattM amd AdTlceFrcc.


Dr. McDonald


oae ot tba fraatatt liTibf tpaeUIUU to lA tTAUant of aU Uhrooie
■ to OblAfo.
Dlmwa HU extoatiTe practioa aad
way, •dUroaod t^l^
aapanor kaowledfa aeablaa bim I
d bertbt eztia.
Ttatoa to enaaet
wiA naatoan con erary conble dUaan. A
__.__ attof. Uae fare rate. .. Inea Tnrerta Oli
Aroolc diaAtn of tA Biato. Sptoa.
■ 7A to irtli. Batara Aaiaat
Marraa. Blood. Bkto. Htart. Laaft.
Ltror. Bwnach. Aldijeya aad BoweU
aotAiiSAlly aad ai

1.B.IK*- litc to 16c.
Mm’t 4c to 15c
Children't He to 51r.

. Sbirt Waists
At reiluctti price



H. W, t:«BBtofhain. Aft.

iattratoalUb. i
Raton 18tb.
DrlrlMt Olab meatW On fan
plat II.OD. Sell Jaly U. ^ton mb.

Ban yea eaa.1 Armoor^ Fartllto-

.4 good oee lot dSc
A Belter one tor 51.W
A real good one tor $t.78

Ladle* vAU 3c to 25c.
Mn't anderwev 23c aad 42c.
ChUdreo't uadenreai A to 21c.

FOURTH or Jl'l-V.
faro rata. AU Jaly

«, AastUal aad ||

yoanp. cored to araty eaaa and aarad
Na Babamme WaaHd.
Ufa of Affartof. lUafi
I did eot aak f« a bottle aay
atom and Paialyiia eared

Itodw*' and Geni't ftnci 4Sc u|v
Chiblnm'f at 1.1c

IKet fkJ paltmu of talcodenne
lace* to vHecr htxn at i«t y»i
Ic lu7c bett valuct to IA city.

Knee Pants

We Ave a full Hoc of jilaiD white
.or decurateJ crocket), wc can
tell you anylbiag you want ie|*arale Erven a tel enpt an>t
uilcen |cr tet
G, SSr.
Uiaaer plai« perSfi of ft. »c
i’lallert at He,


Wc A«e a large aiwMiiient of
gUmvatr, lie *ure lu ter oer 5.
and Ilk table*.

lUc and 15c

We Ii3ve a gukl kin>l at>.l wdl
ma^lc ai I»c an.) 4£c.



X. P. a D. ■
nA Datea of



Hurrah for the Glorious Fourth of July!



.°.,K'SS7:-..S Kg

Aak Afaeta tor fall paitteal
B. r He^, O.

' X the loRK prke*.
Buy )W breWoriiAtoandtaveabuotfrU percenU

a aao tA Tortoua foma <
tlMB. 85 aad 50a botttoa

\^pan lor tht 4tb! I

TH E GLOBE STORE is here to suy aod will be in it as usual. V
pate the event of events and invite all visitors betareen now and the Fourth
our store a centre for visiting and trading. We are going to

conscieniiouriy—not mere ^aper talk. Tbh sale will outshine every previoosattemot.
People that have availed themselves of previous oHers know what this mean^ We
are true and honest and do not resort to trickery to gain your trade. We are adver­
tisers of facts, dictators of low prices. See what w«re offeringWow—a mere sketch
of what we are showing. DON’T LET THIS OPPORTUNITY PASS.

Cbese Specials may help |
Vou. « *-

price. r.................................

Dry Bead* Dtpartment.
SCln^BUck Taffetu siTk. guaianleed
w;^'ra iiT^K-age—a bargain................ | ,00
Lia^ colored lungrr tilk, ralae $1.00
a^ $L25 tp cloac

AktIBtoA Fabrics


; Several lots of Men's suits to close at ,
$7.50. Values. So and Sio.

; A'nothV lot of suits—one. or two of _
kind ooly at Siodo. values $12.00 to ’
A )bb in Bo>V aPs suits.-'siics. 13 to 16 '
Belts, Pocket books. Wai« bags. Chatular values $4.00 and $s.oa
elaioe bags. Faos,-etc at popular
Men s Bicycle suiu $500 and $600 kind
toclose'at $2.5a
Black Cat stockings at lOc, 15c and 3$c.
Beautiful new Neckwear at-25caod 50c. '
I>essshirts, 50c. $100. $1^5 aiM^^i-SO. '
35 per'icent discount on all Trimmed
Hats. Beautiful line to select from,
also see the sew Duck and Fdt hats
A few Jackets and Suits left and >-ou \
For street and ouriog purposes.
can buy them at about )i price,
jackets now at $3-75. S5.00 and $7.00 ^
Soils now at $7.75- $1000. and $14-25 ^
Just arrived—Finest line in dty,
$1. $1.25. $i;so. $1.75.
<0 $4-50> WrmppenAt 75c. $100 to Sioo.

SbM BtaWs. moMa lloacr.
mat aod Bhtoow*
Ladies' Percale Wrappers, trim­
med and Aonneed. mostly AK
small sizes, worth $ino for -. •
Ladies' Percale Waists. aU this QA
year’s make. 50c quality for-.
Deep cub in a better line of Waista.
Ladies'TaSels Stlk Wants,
all tucked aod hemstitched O AQ
—worth $sr» for............. .
Cambric Comet Covers


aocn yards of Organdks in al
the new designs, worth 1
Fine quality of Leno Corded
Dimities in pink. red. blue,
black white aod linen col- AA
or. isXc goods, sak price ...
Handsome Silk Ginghams, sat­
in stripe. Windsor PapiBioe
and Gloria de Soie. worth up QR
to 50c for iqc and...................
Toile de Nord and Red Seal

Checked Glass ToweUng. sale f\Q
price per yard........................ •

OritaM» la MT CMbiR Dtiri.
That cannot be met by competition


wo^ $^S0 for •
A lot of
's Suits
Suit] coMistiag
of satio faced cheviots, c

Ta^Vaa am

I new Block.



7.50. sale price-. ■
Men's fan»
fancy 1black worsted
._ . i. weft ti
„ ,S.69
uapred.. •c^
lined. werA $ia sale price '

11 mat |wy ym 10 tzBod rib ^ B> *idt ika CUm, Aa Lttokr « Uto

■Ada to Aa lowar A«a
WAbtoftn n At bUl to paarti
. bto najaitynay
ban of Ufa ATtof erewa


\ C |»ccr dccuralcl toilrt tel.,
atoortr.1 .Iccreaiiuni for Sl.Wi,
tame to lu {we tri ito SS-M.
tame in 12 >>wce *rtt with tlo|>
}v tor S3.9M. belter aett at '
Iqwctt prion.

Wc Are then m aU titrs. the kin.1 that wiU not
lark at 2c a ttoi. to lOc each.
rtaai.... ___ ________
I To makeyoor ex|«timcaaitog to Tfat-eite Cilyao lAdtb, bey ywt wasual
VALE! Oatorrb. Throat aod Leaf
Dtoeaaat cored. Dr. HeDoeald .
Pita and Harroat Uim-aao Be
L t S3 Front •Irml.
The Storothot wlU olwaro A»* ¥
rm Ball Jaaa tt. M. 83 Raton A mppeaad eorptr picked apjott aad aU Skin Utonaea eared.
Dr. McDonald Aa beae oaUad Aa
oaWA of Pittibeif by Ae
Witold of Aa a
A rood* aU dUaaaet at a ftoaeo
B. P. O. B. Ooemtloa. AafOOt II
i Itallaa who had
tA Lewntoa Oatot of Ala, ato..
witboatoAtof any quoatlcna. Blok I
toa tnaoa.
folks toll oa Dr.' HoDonald! It U a
• Year neat
plMtara to meal him. Dr. HoDoeold I
iifbta of Pytbtor Ooaml
lal ll-ll. low rataa. date ‘
It it u bto
r. 1 Are and lA my
_____________ ^d 1 woold DM A ear.
B. Y. P.
1 U. Onreatin. Oaa t
8aU Jaly 7. 8.8.
8. ' Raton
It That I am ran of-f« etomaeb
■ PUT-IH-BAY. omo.
Kacto TAeban' OeamUoi-


Hra Joba Ball of Fort Baree WM
A badly baraad abnl tl>e fan.
by Aa ecploalA of a tomp
lAI bar raooTOry U doabtfoL
waa oarlto* bar hair at tl.a tiata. aad
Aa lamp faU errar aad acpiodad.

Tiata will leore TraTanr City M 8 AO
OoTA oroop. hni*
a. m. Bala II.oa 8a poatan a
woaada of erary aon.afoola tot lortmlart.

Catarrh Cannot A CuiwO
*r1ua.^Al. AfWlJfA^OKa.

•Mn^NeUy n A-


Pebe Marquette

Him Aoaalta Banam bat ntoraad
treai a rtiU M FetoAey.
aad Hta Will Andancfa
tolaad. IIL. an rUlllBf at
boAt ot Or. BnaanAal-Thenpan.
HlnHatotoTaaordAcf Patoakay.
Ully Attorney Oao. B. JJroA -wtt
to Lolaad Ala aftaram ap Inal baa-

..^daairod Am tata
lalamaat A firaa to t-raiy Aareb.
ball or aeboQl Aon wbara pnotini,
to Ae eomalT- *rite Aa oooai.t Acre- « i
mry. Mn. BartA Joboaoo. «> Wa« ' •
AenA amat. f» tomt aad A»aa
Da act lal AU onntaally pan wlAoat ImiooTto* It. It U aa opi«rtoolly af a Ufatima AM aaA a laotora.
may A brtmfbl to tA
____ „ tA rwnl tobabimato and
AU opportaalty will aot last loo*.
Tbanteca do oot Alay.
C. H. Eataa.

«spMt M uttmi (tM
Fo«rtt ot J«ly

M Ot»7. Tb. bort*l« b.rm«follow*:
L»*« Hcrtiiport •! e *. w.. OM>^
7 a. b.:IMmuBv. T40». a.:H»TIk Md<-U
o( tbr Mt pel
»»rtfe M T»*
Toaac woB<« of Sa^mw. 8b
«W Oil7 M 10 *. m.
I* and bonm SatsrTbii tu* for tfa* teud Grip WlU b* b»« rUlUn* at laWlaebca fer
Tbr (Toem i* t«
Olty bee. ball team ba. feonipd tbe day. Baktoff three carhad* now beru
I ls('Tleebi«. md 1« wrll known Twelfth etnwt taa* tail park tor (be: Tbeoalfft will beeaol toBinclBB thh
mm Bortta|ie*t. Ttpmta; Uaem,
UtbUoUr- B>-l«*BO<«de<trl<«d* fonnoan* of both the Third and afternoon, wber* the Am work tf
BO; B.tUom B^. *>.
wbewlll ssttrinee*.
Fonrtb of^Jaty. and (lie leren of the cmdlat for tb* new road will befto.
\ lat/iS«5Brajid stocks too' larce /or this time oI t^e year, "has determioed us id
1 gaae WlU bee* ao oppatu- The Ana will open oSeae U Ihl*
tanlBi. Ih* OolaabU will Ua** bMt wiAm tor bplb bnd» and fiaoc*.

lower stocks at ooce. Thi> is oot to be a sale ol odds and ends.
Ti»*W Ol*r « »> «- Tfci****
: md’wtll afford a>- to Intorloebm Monday Borala*. They ele of knee toll. On* of the** |BBa*: wUi to dlnrled. Tbe bewiaainc et
I but of a choice, desirable stock o( up-to-date, new goods, alt bbught for this season's
to wiU tbr IsTtorlhle*. who tkl* work ooOdo* aU doubu a* te tb*
pie tioie 'for rlalter* irOB plao** on WlU be at boM*
_ w and ■port, et Tatlea* kind*. tb* l«y to wtlaea* tb* deaoautiatleo* July 4.
. X
baee pUyed abeni neen with tb* ; Ulenilon* or ataUily of tbe proM
6 3 Sreirafk* and (be bmM Roeimor of tbe eoure day. InelodlBf tb. BnI
No space here to tnemion prices, but come and investigate and you will find ihe
Married, at (be Br*a*oUcal parton- Qn iLrillaillilimifiTi Ibetoat laml toeenattaet Ibla line. Tb* direel
•kn wk* ditpiar ia tb* ermine or**
by a eeere of 4 to S TbU anil wiU be tb* rircnladon of aany
' greatest bar,;aH-.*h-it
»*v^r placed before >■011 on desirable uhcmU.
Monday at <;U PHr. Jean,
■ ■> bm. There will br aertcal worka
to Mle* Helen KawoMa. Bar. will to tbe Aaed kind of a (a«M. aad thnoBixU of dollar* to (hi* elly aad
b >nd« of mmeir, toelndinc tbe Tiar with tbe mT* V. B. raUtoed. wher.Botb-oHolatlnA. Mr. and Mr*. aU Loren of apart ebeeld eee It Tbe Uelaaoa oenaty. It U the launtioe
etae City baud, tbe Boy. Hand. tb. by tpeclal train* will be IbI on W will ptotobly to with of tbe cnapeaT to tore trala* maFWeh WlU Bake tbelr bora* to till*
l«od. (be Kinfltley band •oBOMdeU the erowd* cooiIds
eoB* out of town mb. iboacb tbU: nine before OhriitBoi
Bad (be marllal tfe and diam etwpa fv tbe PooTth of July eelebratloo. A dty. They bari the beetwlalmei to* not y*l bean deterBiaed. Tbere
Tbete will be BOde for oroiybody ■pnelal wUl BirlT. berr froB MaaUwlU to no attonooa ■*><«.
R. DalUy deaira i
and to call er.ry teat*, and nalioeal tca EBplr* and. Honor at «:S0a B.
Jane roeei fonaed o T*ry ai^atv*!'
dBaedmltog wdh (be E. R. Daily
IM le (be PkUlaniMm
Bln will rMOBBd (roB Bonlac aatll A tralo wlU leay# for Cedar City at ate esUlBC for a rery pretty Jane
; Botton* Bay. that hi* retireBicht. Tbe Ubor anletti ot tbe oily ;:*0 p. on and aaother for kteiitee. we<Mlep Monday omatoA. on tbe nooamlnmww ha* neelred a letter
froB tb* oompaay to no way ]j
teve deeided to make a ditpUy and KBirtr* and Honor at »:10. 1^ W-P 0. Ohalmert. aa* arsy
do^ tb* Bamaceot MlatBtta Me*
WUI land tbelr efforu to sake (lie Oae fat* tw tb* round trip will i*e- O'Beat aad Hr. Edanad Wbitilar
. 40 to (be PhiUpplaea tell- effacB tbe ooaoeru. Tbe ooapaay 1<
nakbratles a moeme. Tb* .bow of Tull bot (be matlBun will not *.- Walt The eernBOay wa* eoleoinlaed tog ot lb* death of hit ucpbew, relUble eao IM eredit le no wa.v im(killed and aanklllod wBktne bbb of OBHl •!.» All recular Balar will at lb* raddeno* at 4*7 Weahlnflon Hanin B Laaeon. who leMme laat )nlf«d by Mr. Dailey'. redreBeot. T
Uooa eoBpoaed of C..I
Travnrsn City Markets.
the olty arlll be a U( part of tb* inr- roaMtxaaL
wiib the reomiia Death oe, purobaaod by Mr. Well to aaade.wblefa will aleo laded* the elly'. Outboa B. AL (he dm. «*#deurred A|wil tl ot maUnel fever. O. BMBley. W. A. Wyaao. Je*< |ib |
Bong and Mery K. loayofeac
dlapUy of (be Bn d*i>rtaMBt. tbr Bl. WlU b* ofaaaflod oo (hot* will
letter leUtog of tbe death of Pri­ 8UlB«l, J.
(treat worklav naoblaery and other
vate Imaeoa wa. written April M. BtaaUy. Mr. Dailey heapaak* for the I rmponeito. lor
atBJDand a »peelal out
ooBpeay tbe *mne good will md
j TUAVEHas .
ap{«l*ta* under eoettol of tb* board
bModfa'uy 'triBiaed with fetai and BBjIed May 1 aad ba* juB arrivivL
at nl^t.
woorded It wbiu be
of pablie wort* aad no cod of other lata
rii oeeaed leeva* a Botlier. o
The trale oorrW for ne1*br*. rote*, and (be
with It and orgveall!4<«*>»
8a* attraetiesa Jon will be tbe be« erer »l»*n by perfoTBed bj Her. 0. Coohlln before brother aad ihtw-eieten la IbU eli
wbo caa do *0 to I
n* mtldtioc eoataitta* bat done tb* lallroad. on^Uiton fnm erery ■ largo bear af f*n« aad bag- beuda* * nomtor of more dlataDt r
aCeod work and felly ludowlll be dlraottoo will be able to (ret bare laat wbla Bower* to tbe parlor, die advet. He wa. a Bember of Troop E. paoy. AU
knowD and pr
. .
laleed. Hi# paopU of the dty hare early and etay late eoouKb
eDouab to la
take in wedding aarob being iiUywl by Mra ltd) Oavalrr. lie died to tb* hoe- and tnu worthy iu baeinea*
ebowD by reneioo. oontribnUont that lb* lari of (lie dLiday. wl.lob_
Tbrnm Brinkmaa. Only (to louae- pltel at iUmbeeage.
end pweeaelng tbe ealerialee wntel.
they an willtnc to aoaiit to tb* eutai' oBolude with tbe Aue*t Arrworkt dUM teUtlTM of tbe hrid* aad gtooni
»!i »i).l -«v thviii eimhcr *->u I,iu ..
IbBlh or M U. < tar* an
|tri*. and tbr reaalt wlU be arMid rer
wen-|»e»-nt. among tbooe ftOBOot
in Bortlieta Mleblfaa
Mia* Olata B. BnUlh. (lie oldeel
anoeen* te orary detail.
Tbe lomjinet forth. raoM (rrow. of town being Mra J. M. BaaB of
narearea few sere nannw to U brl«bl*r er«y day. It 1. eii«oUd Ohio, *UI« of tb* bride, and Mta daaghtar of Mr. aad Mr* Pranklto
H. SBit'i. pnoeedawar ai 0 o'c lock
added to Um eeraialtleae. bot a* tar e« that two oarlead* will a.riT.
Pred Culrer. *Uuir of (be graoB. aad
oeaplaled they are ee follow*:
«. m.. -v~6.
boa Ormd fUptd* and rielnUy early her hoobead, froB SaglBaw. Midi.
Kaaeatire-Thee. T. Baleo, O. P. aert weto. O. T. Wri«hl, (to well
Tbe bride wa. tonatlfuUy gowned V, year. old. mod bad beea In failiog
Oarrat. I. Boberta. • B. W. Ha»tln«^ knewa bor*. laaeler of OteeaTiUe. to whU* and orrled bride roecn.
bewUa for oevetal year*. Erc ryUiiiig theatre. Uto faBlIy are vieltiag i _________
1. Purtaoh.
ihc T.-^km.l"ai:........................... - -ioc
At the oooolueloa of tbe eateMtoy
will tend a tWtoc of mtm or eight.
Hore* raee.. appotolod by the Trar Km. of wtaleb will iro in tb. new
Kaed Oily, and he entered tlie ktocli-1 tp,.,,
Huy yniir KOetds at the Sfiiilh Side stofr at the hiwrst
orw Olty Drtrtan Park Areoelatlon to andolbM* to left to dalaWuriJW tb. aUdeg of fmll ponoh. Banaohlao
en. lighted* toupand eief^t op
bat all to no aralL During Ito win­
aei with the c*a*nl **owt**e eom
It U MpMtod lliat Uowaa. olu-ny in* onnB and oaha Tbe MbU ter. aeooBpanted by bar BOttor. she go into (to diningroom. Ill* fool j k,..............
BlUa*~A. B. Oook, 3. T. Bannab.
a* paOM. WbOM reeonl
from which tbe lehaebBanl* watr vUited Ooletado Spriaga, Ball Uk< •llppe.1 on tbe tbrvehold. end be fell. I
Dr. A H. UoUlday.
;iug tto toBpnnil eoelierlng llie|»“-»--b-.i.....
S:1!V- wUI tob«* for two eyeiiti. •.■ni-dwaeTerypn tUy trimmed, fee- City, and ervetal plaoe* ia Oalirorala.
’ ' Manbal of (be d^-U Roberta
(to *; 14 and fiee fer all. Ttwra will . loiBi of emilas eomtag from tbe eler- bot grew rapidly wprm. and tbr.v re burning oil ubout Ito moon
‘ OUef or etaff-J. A iBtancer.
Hr Trode dwang lo a bed end eeli-,
tric light rtondelUr to the eoraer* of tamed to their ^*Be to ihto elly
Mai^Bl'* Bderllee—Tbvran Bor■g
blanket, tried to auuxber tbe j
mrly In May. Per tlie peat few day*
gaa, Jaek Perry.
Hinn siiiK
rote bowl* full of delloate
MaiBial'i atd*e-P. HaBtltoa. Dr. Bade a tadifaetary tad- tor'the tnn.- rhIUdu- paaob bowl oocapled tbe bc-r daalb ba* been but a aueation of himeelf. and wa« roaplelely
A. H. HolUdiy. A. B Oook. 3. M. fotadou of bore*, te that a larpe
by ito eaoke and (ome* of Ibe bum-1
•• •■
Biddle of (lie table, which wa* funbFaneial aervioa* will be told at ih*
Blakaeiaa Pred Uortie. W. W. Ballh. nuaber boa abroad are aMored.
gtaOHl by Ibe bride'* eaka

meldeoce of tor pareult. 403 Sixth ‘-8 -»»•
Tiaoy Olllla. aad otbera to be ap­ bU eipeotedlbat the dUpUy of *rHr.
I Urorv Brcaligan tuned to the alarm ^
and Mra Well will, he at henu •treet. Tbureday afteroo
pointed aad anaeaneed lair
of Are, and Uie ctoBioal aad book
o'clock. She wa* m nw
rimnae-S. K. MeOey. a 8. Carla boraee from tbl* dty alone will to te dicir friead. after Joly ibtb.
Ueirolt-Wbent, Mud ;n\
Hr. and Mra Walt are aBong Tnt Oraer BpUooml ehureb and Um **r- aad Udder truck were eoon on tbv
acre than IwontyM them Tery
B. a Oomptoo.
; mu. ki•;.
me rity*. Boet well knoam aad pop vleee will be lo almrg* of Bri. C. T. eome. The Ate had gained (ooelderPnade-J M. BMkeataa Prod O. fatt
and -.l\
Jaeer Wright, eon of T. O. Wtl«h» alar young people. boUi In eodlety aaf Blonl. BMielad by R*». D Oocblin. able Ihwdway. but ll wa. tooo eheek- Tolcde-«l>eaX.
OBtUa 3. fL MoUoneb
of Onenrllb. aad eoo-ia-tow ol V. to their barioea* cnpei-llT. Hr. Wall Tbe body toy to (tele froB t to 8 <-d. aodBOeiof tb. .tomage waa 000- Chiago-Vbm>.
Trad** oonaeU-PmBk Dolph. preai- E. Bolaad. ha* been to the oll.r la
ont*. 44: pot. SibU; tord. «loni.
being e BeBbar of tbe ilmg Arm ot e'cloek yrelardky afk-mooe. aad Aned to two room., nlibeogh
dtnt of (be Tradai Oonooil. chairdamage wa* done by water.
S. K. Wall & 800*. ao/Mn. Wgit for may friendi oUled at th»t tiae.
«m, and the dlterani BateH a* fol- (be Inlereeti of tbe raona
Farm for Sale.
Mto* SBlifa’i entire life he* been BUeama tolug nied. low*:
Afler Ibe Aremm had retamed, fire
poMCcB with WlUiela
•peal to Traveree City and hrt eweel.
8MB* HaooB* aadBrU Uyerewith B Wiltolai. They will leoelve
g dtopoeitlmi had won for tor a broke out again to
Wb. Brwia.
Doited Brotherheed «f Oarpenlor*
Cbrp lake by J. W. Hillikta. K beel w'eber.
W. Uarilug*. C. B. Mnmy. t'. K.
Clear Haken-Oarl O. blefceoA
Book and E J. PnlghaB. Tb* land
OmU orueero* vrilkli
* UxBtad Joet oppoein- Hortoa't
Toeaday morning at
Tbe boamudroaBDIe were lainrrd
Lnadtag. aad U one of Ibe Aacol and o'clookal 81- Pianolt ebareh, whloh George Wilklna died at 3 o'elnek in Itoageoeyof O. P Oarvvr ud
Boot attnoUve ttaeta of toad on the aatled Mr. toward HaghKye aad Him Baiurdv afternono.
Haelinga A Bon.
Hr. WlUla. wa* atrickca with parw*t ohote ot tbe lake, ll to aleely B< rtto Olnue. Tlie ebareta wa*
al}n* Monday Bontogaad (aUed to
aOMg RkAenxe
wootod and *tlH oontoln. oonoldor- Uly deooraled fer the oooaaloa
nUe valnahto cedar. It to a toaaOful (Bliae and other pUnt*. beelde* out reeovet from Ito ihock. H
Teas Drirert'laHnaUanal Onion ■pet aail ha. toon ,«olB**d for de- Bower*, and a large uoBber w«* ptived by tbe atmfce ot tbe nee of tato
UMaaenl Into a irtvate imerc
to witaea* the taairlage of tbe right arm and leg ud bit elde wa*
Plea* for toaatlfyli^ iheplaoeaad popotar ooupla Tbe eweiaooy wa* eomplelely paralyaed He waa aleo
for the oreetlon ot ebMag** wll
deiwlved of tpeepfa. Deeeaaed wu Ibe
performed by Bar. Pr. Baow.
BTetllgaie tto otolBa
AJBMitoB labor
Mde thto roaoon and more a
Mu* KeUie Bead acted o« bride*- jaailnr of the Maaoolo bolok. heTlng
'.Vc ijiv«: you the styl*- and wear ol mosi
ttol iioaltiaB ever •
work eiarted next tpriag.
maid and Ur. Oeorgf Ky* of Oisnd
I Meoted, twelve year*
Rapid*. kroUier of tbe ffinoB.
three dollar shoes sold. Cuban hrel.
ago. He wa* 7; year* of
ert Ban.
Wbea Mr. B. P. Perrie eoaeelvnd Tbe bride va* gowtod ia deep erkam Be was a laiU.fol employe
tbe IdM of haviag a day on which to eilk Ball ever taffeta *Uk trlmsed
new lasts, stylish toes. Kid. I’atenl Calf,
wasBOted for the extreme enre with
tbow "Ooborno" tara aaoblMry. be white aetolUm lao* ud gram aUk. wldeh be Ibefeed after tb* xruU of
» they
W. Bamen, Cap*. 3. T. MolMoab, WM able atoe to oonooivo a plan that end her hat wa* whit* trlsBed to tb* tanuta ot the balldlag.
Enamel, aod Boii Calf, hand turn, and
XAeul. Jo*. Eleaeea.
nmld bring tbe fanaw* to
the (uetal of Mr. WUk to* waa held
• I leadtoorhisg
Q. A. a-CoMBBoder W. M. day. aad it there or* any donbun a* etamlB* drear over Mffeta silk trim­ from Oiaee ebarob Toeeday after­
(»ood>‘ear well sewed. Ask to bee our
PilU 1 WM todaeed to try :------ —
BbUUi . H. D. Henm. P. O. Marrlu. 10 tb* oaeeae* ot hi* ealrr{rl*r. Uiry med la while aad bw hat
noon at 1 o'cloek. to charge ot V. 8. tb* time 1 Iiad patoe in the back, ud
r P.Omer. a B. Uaiaer.
ehould have b«b (lie crowd ttol gath ter trimmed la whit*.
over tto kldoeya. ud
Vicerine. veiy new.
Anderson. Tite servioe we*
OID depanaeBl* dltptoy-O. K. tni Tbureday la hi* Urge warebouee.
Tbe happy oOBpto left on (to Pot* bvBeT. r. T. Btoui. rector of the
Book, a J. PulftauB. W. a Btaer. 1|>* not eagnwaUoo to elate that toniuatte train (« Oiand Itoddd. to Aateh. Tbe pallbearer* werr
tmek. 1 often had t
PuMlo exarotow-r. HaBllldB. O. net tom (ton SkO tanner* wm pn*- a two wtok*' weddlag trip
ttorTT, Oeerge Blni-. George
wnm tto loin* (or
a Crib. W. W. Salih, Gea V. Ur- ally I
aad (tot they
HU* Olane wa* iMld«il ot tlm Cliatle* Lasmaler. Herbert Gibb* ud _____ : of aid tl afforded. ■
I WM nnable to go ferttor
dle, a 0. Darrow.
1 a* wa* eviileiioed ^ tbr ouag Imdl**' Sotortly of Bt. Ptaaeto
E Taylor, all from tb<
I used lea* lliu
Tno^iertatloB-a U Spagua, O.
itTlwilb wfaieb they lingered karob. Bolb told* and gmotu fanv* blott except Mr. Blue wbo 1* a oeigb vard.
Uou'i KldoeyPilU ai
a Mamy. Ja. Kelio*. II. W. Ona- about the "Oeberne" mechiDe*. tonr- ■nay friend* who wiU anil* to eonof Uie toBUy. Tbe Aorul tribole*
Blagna. a B. Pope.
lag their oeperior featAre* explained. gtantoUoo* and goo>l wtohea They
“Pormle by. all deajeie. Price tb,
avi-rytowBlifuL ABOOf ttata*8 Kroox StrMt.
oenu. Porier MIlbnni Oa. Buffalo.
Plnwerkt-A. W. WMt. W. J.
Mr. Pawl* wa* a**toted by tb* O*- will nmk* tfaalr boBi'.lB ttato rity.
were a Aoe wreath of rose* and c
K. Y.. sole igul* for (to Univ<
Bptonl,:Ed Taylor.
ome Blookaan. Ur. Jolm U Kaijey.
tuns from Julia. Uaunnb, a towallfal Bialea RemoBber tb* name. Dou'e.
Hr. ttoonte A. BItoy of Wexford broku- wtool from the people to
' Deoendone-J. W. HlUiton. A. V. aad bU aaUttanla Menra E E.
ud take Mother
ud Him
Priedriob. r. a Head*. Fred Berth. HaBilUB, Wb. HeOalley. aad
Mnaoule blook. beaolilul Bow
QaBa*-^. P. Oarrar, Dare Ohap- Pardy. Tb*r* wa* atoe to attend, Tl*. B. V..
from the Miobigu Telephone glrto,
ball. a a Walter
naiw. diract froB Ih* Oebdpie faoMfy.
Mfe.i'raw. Ttaey QiUia. Mto* Barlow. Ito bonding--------- .
-ev. O. T. 8100
Adnotldag-Tb* eiaoadreeoaatl- Hr. a a Avery, Haaager of
Mixed bonqaet, Mr. ud Mra " eimrluiorr by P. A.
to attend.
veriUtog Deiwrtincot. who
Gatafdi. roee*. Mt. .Kadereon; oer
8oBlb Union etreel. .V___
tort* > ' '
Tb* esaoBdr* I
i M (be Inlvteritog talk eu amlertato a* uai-d Card* ba««'taM« reeolred annouoe- Iona KBmaud UlltoTbiro: rowo
iro will
Poorth of Joly celebrattoB aet Mon to "0*bnne"Baehtoea
tog (to marriage of Dr. Jeadato M. ud eamnttena Dr. Aadarsan ud atodoyaiintog. ea.l aaang olber aaiMn
Tbe fan of Uie day onn
Bmvmi of thto city aad Hi** Edilb
Una Mr*, ud Him Heck :
of arntar menl* It wa* deddeil to *a dtpwiag whieb look plao* abont S
Mra Craw ud eon Mar* ; prod^ee.
ploy die Northpen toad. TbU wll oWok Tbt- following uaBod Ben.
eariBtiooj. Mr. ud Mra Ooetafoon;
ooBpUu e big ebowlag of aadoal or A.H*tort. A. unbelt, ('brto Hllban,
They will be nt b
C.-der. Joantk-Tto Odnr City
CaaUaUon* U (be eeUtomdon. maklai Ptod BggU, I'baa Kelly aad OUatoo ibeir fjtand* tn'^Traveree City after
.a- Htounand, will regret to learn Septeslilu Ist Dbrlag hi* riwldeooc Mr. Ud Mra H. Hymaa. Hr. ud Blere crOMod bate with (to InterBuday and It wm a very
that tbelr abeenoe loat (or them thv to this eity Dr. jbtSTeae ba* made Mra George Peyn.Mr. ud Mn. John totoeo
pretty eontoet. Moy otoe* dulalen*
■lua* of Ibe Poarib Of July oetotea- hamw aad oalilvaiar, ai tbt-lr
many (rlento erbo will exModoennon, Hr Ud Mrs. Wm. Korn.
tiaa that tlieie to aa torge a ftnlanal
called aad not toiag pnomi tbe gratatoUOBe u« beet wiebe* In tbe Mr. HndricAaud tomlly. Mra Alice being made aad eome Am Aeldtog.
Boorv. * ud 3 la favor of i'-edar
dlaiday a. poetibto. bat a* (tor* wtU Uekw went back lalo the box. aaecM. newly mairtod ooupla
Crater, Him Jorie Otnier. Mra E E Umpln'^'Wright." Tto OdarOUv
to a large omM dtoptoy and Mg ton lag to attuagemoat, and tbr iBrtow
•r.f 2:
MeDeemott. Mn E M. Parmelee.
bey* my they wt*v never Mted bet•at of aaien wocklag bbi. It to aot
Aaally diuwa I7 Hr. Joba Bmltb Hie* Margmy Brown
ler. wUob to to tto credit of tto Intbengbl ttol aay eotolteable dtoplay^ aadtto edltlvator by Mr. JMm KllU. Pruk Hotva weceaalted 11
Pnewnl at Mn. U. W. Cant*.
tartoehrn mai .
nf Ito eoctattoa eaa be onaaged. Bot D*ggy whip* were drawn by Hmoe. Bntarday eftaraoon at 4 o'eloek at tbf
(tore exoanlu to Ueder 00 -tto
it i* belleviHl that Ibe degne team. A. DnPteese. Q. Slitarer, John Zlig- heme of Uie twld*'*
tto. died Wedaeeday. Jane IHb, IMl.
. nf tbe varioto eeoleUe* eaa to ladae- tor. Carl Ztogler. Alton i'onrwde. A' Mn. Bodkxrith. u Hortb Elmwood
lae. Cal/lb* Immodlake friend* ageddOyean.
•d to tan oat ia eerlam*. Tb* Hod0. Kedr and *oB<rstoliv** of Ito outtaeOnf |Br- Tbe body lay ia oOate Hawtday afpinyeai Cedar JoM». A
CCS Wendaea have alnady anaagt^ olhw prealuBu wore dtotrito,led.
arm game may to expeeked.
M appoor la ib* m»d*. Tto oonuat
It w*i a good natored erowd..aad tie* war* im-orat. Tbe cwremuy was
tee on BiUtory otobatoraal' dtopto; they Ufi feeling that they tod tod a pwforBed by Rev. W. E Wright.
t 3. W. Baanm. Captain ptoaaaat aflotnoeo. a* well a* a lantt. Both bride ud gnom ha
aad Llent . KU
"Just as good as Ceresou
abe one, and, when w* eenelder ttol friend* In Ihto oily wbo will
llicy won all tarougbl to town tonrty ooogTatnlatkB* and good
and so much cbeaper" fools
thi^b the B)vrgy aad/ptoh of on*
« the Battw. and it U deWedaeaday mocaiag at tto r«*idene< ■emery of a beaatlfal IU* *0 inddan- some people sometimes, but
SoDKjtoctory rnBBUtx. have joB l•em added le 001
r gue out to lu Paitor'* Boo**
ethor dealer olagle-toaded laTtax. i Mt. ud Mn W. A. Walktaa Brv. iMcnal.
xbcady cooiplete stock aad we laow wc cu^onve ym
the careful housekeeper
City will brtaga* mwy! It to a O. a Walktoa perfmmtd tbe ownBimy Tto tanoial wm told Senday aftownMoey mi ypw job.
pace ttol Mr Perrto hoe eel. and
oon at I tIO e'elaek. and** tto cbaiye
Speeal aention M be nude at variety oJ pMw**ay "next.” for ll to good for Ibe Bewaid Tower ot Gtaad Ledge aad of U D t'artto. an.lenaksr. Bov. >V. er than b>- price. Try Cereaad U to dnlrabto ttol 1
In tor* (bee* ccowde brvaght Mn Jennie Tower of Ihto olty.
tcres xrith 18 indb border wbkfa retag far lU eoms a
sota the next time you bake
late it from Ua* le Mm.
donUe roB. 'Other good tbiaf* nf oima*r utare art
Ibe oeoMloa with fen* and pa
bread and decide for your­
abo to be nfalamed.
Tbme to ao ebeek to tbe epideislr Only tto iaunedtole nlatlTM
of emaUpox that to* beu rating to
CMmUidg*. Maaa.for tiro witoka
Tbe toid*. wbo iB* Bad* birhmu
eortMl A *P«sMl Mola 'a* *8* Poarth, Pnm tan to (wonty nee m**e are with Hr. and Mn Watktoa U welt
rf Jaly, te toov* Ballaif* at S a m. being ivltoted (neb day. Mayor Mu known tor* aod wUI raeelv* tb* beet
•* hneenllad on Oeveraor U*bb* wlAe* at BUT triento. The toidal
triBnmTilnf with Baptd City. Ea'
mtafM Ito stake BiUtta alotel ooupto toft toto nou to* Qtand Udge.
ba tod iatacmedlat* peinta. ao
«e tto giemu own* a valuatd*
wUb wbleh to' (etB a detention
gtrtiw tacoai OJDa a. Paaei
L. na wtOeb itov WiU m*Ua

iS^r IS Daps' Sale wpI trade. -

j ai.(r» tcrcyjm^ 6pcrvfl>lMfl stijcflv as adpcrtised
Cl/sitsK(Ste/h*e Widblt Di^ 6cods and

9lClnIjCrg$ CMhmfyoast. •

Cbis is a mbite

(Uaist Season

Special in Olaisl floods




eommercial Printing
nil Kiiiiu

Berald Job OHice

Our Cwo Titty

Shoes ♦



Frank Trledricb,

Cbe OM ReHaMc Sbocmaiie

sr... .


Jl Carge Quantity of new Papers



ibr ccar««kk>^ i^>^’
toe^wadeaeUf—e«w^arrr dtEDn to
tkp^ to the «*(r. ato kee been lie*
isM H.
T»« OoImM* will 1»T» es (to- PMrtb oI Jaly- A teed
Mda flcM geaetwe
1^ ML
TwrtH «
tor Korthpon. «MU>f .11 «*• tay 4Wr K eoato.
Mdkrtocyev Oeiteer, (he pDialer «e«<riac atoeB;»«. a. •^wlUm«x»
U (be TfeUa e( (be *'
M4J0 ^ m. ThrOMWat wlU Mwblob to to e r«7 wlU
lO>4Sk. a. aad



S KT ecu aUvwedwTlae D^Mttto
' 1 (MO«ia* wd <'

t^wtaly aeaiat m
r a»d Budoy. JeaM
Iheto btotbdv aaslrenar Hatoey
we eee« to to so doabt that
erMlat With » deeM aad baa)e«(.
Babaiaba end eeeb cMbe Ealcfato UMp. a
II ^tlptr Hr. Uardsw eatoe bos
or Pythtoe WM ttnalni to flTr e eeot
day feeltot momtwtmt Isdto
Lore fart Budv » >«■■ <>■
la cMh yat of (belr Urok oad m*
raehtot et lU teUowal by (ha ae- potod. U set aatil Tbateday a —
of Ihea araad to Ualr a«ad obildae It erideat that •
rmaat of tba Uird’a Sapfia.
beod a eua. Tba atlie «tmibc
bto treable.
Tliera haee beae a aoBtor of expoea » Tiny plaient ae
bat Utoto axpeaeJ wiU aat far
... i maatiai of the dlrectota of (be
Itonld KeeriMto la< eoeeiiad the
raerst to- plaoad to gaaroaUse.
l«elttea of eatoteDt aylnea w (tie MW 1-aopto'eBariate tosh Satsiday
fulory of the Hlol.lfen Stonh Uo. ■aonlnt. Die follawtuy oaoan were Aa tba line parwt. hewarer. they
be watched eloeely. asd If any
Tnadey •'leetod:
loBi derelop, they ’will, be
Hr. KMeUed yndatod
Piieldaat-H. & BaU
Flral Tlea |weald(B(-B. O. Daria
to tolM tahea to merest tbr
Seeood flee (wealdMl-Alfred V.
lartaant of ifaa Atrtaltoal Oall<«i
toet Friday, tertoi ooaptourf afoa Frtodrleh.
CaehW-t'. A.
. with bith hoeore-




Tba oOea of (be Oraad Tnrera
BbOo- hare beee aorrd to
baa >lie oOa' bBalaaa of
Will be aaaated by B.
R. Dailey.
Dailey, lieo. O
Vila aad W. H. Foriar ><are par.
ebaaad Ibr iotorMto of the other tokeo all dariac the ItoU twojeare
Btootboliton aad Ur.Dallry will mas- and tooel ri tl«-*i the yut year. Tbe
ate the baalaaa of the oompaBy froB
orh la Liberia wat ylrea eepeelat
roBtoeoee tori eTesla*.
D. S. Wynhoop kaa Jart parcha«d
The addreer eloeed with a toBi;«r.
two raort lou ear ti><' ahora of Harp asto talk. Ker. l^BfBaD iniaUSi; eat
i,.e. Be BOV owiia u 80 foot frost.. that tbi- proWanlo Afrioa today to
ate tori watt of the Hootbry hoWl at
tbe,'etore Bade at It wae 15 .reart
Foseb ea ibe Waff. The inpti^ to
. bat llie tiada to
coloy eo npldly. Obiato yartlee |«r- which aomeostbenne
abalnc aa.<li of (he arailable ttroaed. brihitbeAt
that Hr. Wynhoop waatod to ret
> while they wtto yet lo be

While Hra Dora HaaUo asd her
■ wen ridtoc os Bereotli etrret
Saaday. a rtesa throws by ohlldr.-n
ptoylhf Is the tpsd, ebsek her to Ibe
(ana. breahtoi ber-gtoaeM aad sriktog

Circulation this week 2,525.

aa hgly toPtoe. T^aAnior wIk
callad told that If ebe bad not
gtottee. whi'-h roearlad Ibe toree of
the blow.her eye Bight Iri^e baa --

It to Kill a litlto •wrly for Foorib of
Jsly aaridaota. bst Karsaei Falteblld
to aarriag a rery latae ftagar.
pttlol which riioou blaak oar.
A party W raaorter. oaoie to Moo.
tridgea Ht wBBtodIo eboota dog.
asd Maned to put a riose la tbe pit.
tot. to add to Ibe iDWerl oo the pari
Dr. W. a. Lackbari hat laoaiad to Of tbe dog. Tbe pietol of ooarae eelted
Iht oOcat to Ibe Haatayae bisek nr. aad KaneaCt. fore
atstly Thiated brttotahto * OtoUer.
Osger wat aearly blowo off. /

Biatt were reeerrt-d to tbe ohureb
aad tbe reaatod.y of tbe edifice^
well Ailed will, otl.en. Tbe aermoo
-ery apfwopttote. Ker. (Xehlla
taking for bit Mzt. Jriin I
UeoMf.wtb 1 oall you nel tern
(or the wyvaat kaoweth not wtaat bto
Lord AoMb: nal I tfaall call yea
dt; for all tbingt that I bare
to reportad (bat a sumbar of
I of my Falbar I hare Bade
ll boyt no tbe eeatb ride asd to
r pant of tbe city hare bees kill>
tog leblnt aod other eong bUdi
Tobbtog seeta U might be well for
frieadriilp aad brotlierly tore
buye ao.l fur tbelr laueuti' wlii.'l. wat rare in Ibe dayt o* ^
poeketboeht Iftheykoew Ibal Ibare tad Pythitt. bat which to a
to e riale lew which lay. them liable rale raibei than tbe «xee|4l
haary flha
Tba law rradt that
eeeed ainn tbe knlghu Ibe toAo.
for killisg, ii.Jariag ct ca|dariBg tebfor gooil aad tbe powerfal el
to. or any of oor aesg bird, or iaceet- mnnl to making better bosee aad
irores. blnto. (be Ant ©ffenee riiall
Ibetlee efloTeaad frlead
psalihed with a fine cf hOI leet Urns •hip which the fiawaal tooletlet are
•10 or more ihaa liuo. with eoiu. and exerting, an.I likened tbu to Ibe to.
fiw the nooud offeow not leaa
of I'hiiit and deeeribed the
%M oor more thae Rwr. aod ooeta
atlhefttwffatonml orbeyi will .urvly be reported If they Bantoaltoa to which all mes were de­
iwrtlri lo tbelr preaesl oourw.
clared l.rnt).en

Tba groaodt abosi (to Pare Marloipeotor Oasertl Kr^ W. Greet, of
Mtog Hotiaaare tolog much Ypeltoull.W promloNit yooog atlor
d. addlBf to (he beaaly of tbe sey aad who la dlrilogslthed at tbe
toepeotor genral of Ibe Mlehtgaii MaJohn ia.ew elated (be date Taee- Uosal Guard, riolo a maroh oo -■with tlie fiH Oopemtoh Isll Uam frtohda ai>d
fora gaae ban as UteFoorth <d Jaly. elty Tburedty
.bride to OadlUac aad tbe marriage
to tba fansoos. ___________
took ptooe In that city Wedaeeday
eoBBaetert for the
crentog. Tb.' bride wat Him Helen
T. Q. UAH hara routed three
Eeltoy. a proariaent youag eoelety
aOna to (be Tnoeller bloak aad arr
barihg that awed «p for thair work.
Tha Qaaes Uily tnn went to Mas.
tolee Ssadty aod tael a uam from
that pUae to a gaae of kaae ball timl
W to V lo faror
renlled to a aeon- of 90
Of Mastolae.

war ooBpaay wUI oegto eeal Sunday
ntutog regular Bunday to
Feaeb asd Oedtr City. It I. twofaaU.that thru truloi will to- run to Fooeh
aod retaro aod two to Cedar City.
"Vayse U Watera ateeleotod Eus. They wtU be ran easrealently to the
^amtogtebe thedatogauef tbe morning aad aftoraoon making it poe.
Pilndt OhrtKIan Bnd.sror eooiely al rible for paaMhgen lo remain at the
the BUM eooreutton to Lsdtogtos lake or Oadar Cit.r all dayorapo*.
lion of the day. Tha hoare of depart,
hd relBto will to aimounoed
The OhUdm-t
exaroUai of
Bmgelical cfaarch oocorred Baa^SMrntogatlOilDo'oloak. A rely
• «BB pragraa wae resdwad by the
Oe aeooBot of the deraaadt Of tlie
Itosday tehooL_______________
Work bat baah beguo oo (bt tab
giade for Ibt Bttart isrtog Oh tbe eatt
nd of (be block between date aod
Phtos Kreata Me Baesdew wlU be
HU. beweret. notll afisr the Fourth,

AMIbat party of tarrayon left the
•19 Hohday Meet grade Hakaefor tbo
T. a. U A H. Thto party will bagtawerkbsai Otoaea O^totli '
tag Hurray of (be High Bohool tan
Ml teas to a BeBbar of tbe party.

The Boricn nu . wbo tolely i
.leda elcily. ri.-,-—.
______ _
I.»]>py now. for he got Dr. Ktof'e
Mew Life Pillt. which rpetotwd ber to
|>n1ect bealth. torambto for Jaaadloe, Bitloueaeea Malaria, Fever aad
Be asd all Idver aad Bumarb
al.lea Oeatle bat effeotlra Only
fSo al 8. B Wall A Soa'e and Jat. O.
lohneos'B dmg etorea


Paid Op CapiuL



Thomaa at ptoltb.. after which a tri.
H H BuU. I-n«<l.wi
llghlfal party
gle mnsenllng (rai.-raity, charity M.T(»n. Vk- ••
Itig at (be bom.- of tlie lieatUTer. Hrv
Dainty refreeh.
u plarad open fsch of eight gtar.w
otealt ware aerred aod
of the lodge. Tito ublee were iwettloraied with flewert and (ema
gmiberiog'wat one of the me
delightful ttel bat erer beta gin
for the lodga aad wat tl.oroagby a
joy.Hl by all jweteal.

If you are in the market tor any ol these
goi^s it will pay you to give us a call, as we
carry a splendid line of these goods, and can
make you rock bottom prices—at

dm Is IlH wap wt art selling shoes during our

Great Sample
Shoe Sale!
$4.00 Shoes for
women only

hoes f
women Only


$9150 shoes for m'
women only

A J. HeOooaoll of riiand Btplda
ht|tew of the eCBtractor wbo to to
belld the T. 1'.. L A H road, bat arrirod to take eha^ of tbe oBoee of
the ooalraoton. which tera been lo­
cated to (be Toanller block. Ur. HeOosix-ll will bare full charge of the
oBoe work, laoladlng the parobaec ol
euppltoe. jwlm off the moo aad etb-


$3x10 shoes for me
women .only


$3.50 shoes for men and $1.50 shoes for me
women only' women only




A eooqriay el aboal twaoty wiK
,where tte Aret
Blda glrto left Uoodty morsiag on Ibe
work will beWcae.
• MO into far Fouob'. eraarihg. where
ohaugo la the rammer rime of eappllee ter.- alreddy I
th.7 will be met by VlUlam Heto
.le oo Ibe Pen Uasioetu takee tiacMd (or lo She Olty/ but tbe (atmforth, tbelr employes, wbe willoea- ptoce oa the ttad and Ittb. I7 wl
ert along the W wgl be dealt will,
daM ttow to bto (.wai wbeie tbey wtU iwatralBiare added, oa.- aeuth
(er huiiec, eggv»tlk aod TagrUblee;
taiMlti till lie thratheo bto ricawber. asather aorih.
ela. tlM and etb^Hhleriato.
Fifty mes will be employed at cser
The ttsto north will bo pal os tbe
on tbe work aad after all arraagemaote
Ohaa A. Wtiktaa forraerly ptlcbor 9tdL InTtog Uut city tor Pautoey
at 5a. m. daily except Hewday. Tlw are eompleto more will be added, li
hat genr nenh at «;40 p m. to lyoteble tl.M the fdree will ^iprax
law ramgri of the GalTorrity
ad Aha Arbor, to Is tbe city ririttog to (be patt hat been ebang.-d to *X>. imaie too men to aMhuri time.
It liat been geaeraliy aappoeed tta»
The new train touth -will toave at
aU frtasdt.
Ur. Watfctot to oa the
Maff of phTriolani at tbo hoeplBl al to At for Ohirago. Oraad Kaplda De­ tiatoe woald bereaDlagan the Use
Bmtasrd. Hiaa.. and to doing well to troit, Clerriaod. 8t Loatoaad Ititoda tbii fall, bal Hr. MoDoseU rii
Thto tiato, howerer. will not be pat ttel thto will eearoely be poerii
00 BhUI the till., and will ran daily All tbe gtadlag will he eomplt
Hr. Bagfa Bryaa abd Him ^Hrri. except Satarday.
ihto rammer, bowerer, aad poariblv
Hra Wher ware aaltedlB marrtog.
Tbne rlitagea. With Ibe aenal iratot latla told ao at to 0|mn the Itot early
VeteeaAgy monlag ai lo o'cloek at the
at bafere, give exatllenl BPtra trom next t|wtog lor aetlre opegatKma
home of the ^oom't paieau on Beet
hit elty■Ightl. ettaeL
Ualy the iamedtote
tstog. mad
the city Tneaday
Tte ramuMW eebadal.- iff tte O. R.
nlsrirra sad frlendi were preaeul
: 1. foee iulo efftei. Baaday, Jane to looking over the wort of the T
Her. P. UUem.alelrier of the Oharefa
tad. Tbe arrinl aad depariare of O.. L.AM.. Mr. KaafmaB to riee
pnriAriit of tte road, aad wUl be to
Bator thelaafMr WUI be ar followi
W. H Caopar' ^'u barn charge ol
Imre Tiarareu Oily, fiffO a bl. the olty for tcrae tlBt looking------the Bshday ecbool mterioswy work to 1:1(1 a m.. 4AU p. m.
tte work already desr.
Sens earleate of BBtartol aadanlthto Md aelghberlag eoasUra (<w tbe
Arrlre. iJU a m. I«p. at. aad
rato for the work of grading la Lraemriatw. Hr. (toop..r, who to etadytoraa eoaaiy arrirad Wedaesday. aad
tog al Hope Oeltoge. had tearge of tlm
ll WtU be aoltoed that the
aight ear* mere are axpao
■aaday ecbeet work bare abeat An arririag al 4 :IS a b. hat baaa 1
ymt aam aad wtU be pdramily re- off.-aaAttet IteAJOa aa Watotoa Tbe week H gtadlag will i
fna theAyor at
‘ BMliiiN by tteae with wham


to tba Ttotolty «<

Then we would advise you to select one before
the sizes are broken. We can give you the color.
sizC^nd style you want now at $7.75, $9.98.
$12.^. aod $14.50. EVERY SUT WAS OK-TMn MORE.

Chevioix. Vosetitat. HwneqwiK, Bttoei Cloiht. Adutice
or fttfe tkim,


AT $9.98


Bnodilelht. Venctiw. Cheleriab, finely taikacl, degant
Imiagx. A wit
wiD a|x
lireciaic. ^ rolan had UaiA.


pltia; Uotite or Eton jackett,
tatm or silk lined

*t$12.50I1 «$14.50

r your
IP.OO and Aliti

Light weight, no lining, grey and brown, all wool basket cloth, llounce and Q QQ


J. w.

$ 14.50

Harvesting >> Days


mlUioB doltoTA Om.000

torrat ear t.«y 00 the lakea *ltt
tb<- gi,«t>-ri canytog apaolly.
will'to-tb.- (aateri ferry, of tb.-kind
OB th.- lak.-a
Tto-h- ar<- ntae who ter.- thought
that tb.. tBh-m<iiU to r>-gard to (hit
Al tbe BMtlDg of Ibe Olerfct' Ua- ear feiiy w.-o- Acthm, bst soWYhat 11
to aetoally aad.-r ooariroetloa
lOB Ucs'toy eveslag. tbe (olU
iaaU.-r wiU b.' a-ttl.ri ,-r.-i. la the
oOcera wera tleeiad (or tbe rs
Btodt of th.- ek.-pttoal.
Tb-bolAwtef Ux- Di'W road'ter.- gr.«l
L n
Plrri Tlet Pteoi dwi-Cbarlee Mosl- faith to th.- uppi-r p.-oiaisto t.triury
that will b.- broaght by the T. 0.. L.
Beeoul \1et lWd«l-H. U. Hol- AH and th.- oar f.-rty. totodinwt
eUoa with Tra*er« Olty aad the

wore -t-MK

Farmers, Attention!

Now that the sprayinit season is on you want
good spraying material.

a. who to to tb.' cllr
A. W. .Kai
to Un- tol.-r.-eu of (h.- Travt-t*- Olty,
Ln-laaau A Manlctlqac railroad, baa
tpcBl oontld. tabl.: time lately '
Ch-v.-laad, watching th.- eoctlruc
of lb.- n-w ear f.ny lor th,- aa- ol
giowiag batiwse aod (m a more per- T. a. L- A U. b-'tweru Korthpori
■oori iBtereet la the work. W. 8. Aa- an.l Haalttlqu-. Tb.- work cn tbU
boat to iwogTotitog BlUtaederwm tee beih (or tomv time ecsUBjUattog the matter of taking hie torily, aad tlx- will to- nwdy for a-rririer Jeaale. aad hit eon Halph. at rte.' h.-xl tommer.
isrlatn with him to (lit andwtaklni
Thto rra-1, which will to- by long
bsttoem. and bad artlalet of agree- oddt tb.- Aseri on the Ukre. wlU cott
drawn u)> aad rigned ose day
wwek whereby tbey agree to be­ than wat paid for any of Ux- f. rri.-e
come partoert to tbe undertaktog bst-


Tbe Trarrree City Bariaea. Ool
aad Kortaal Inttlute will bare sc
a anlll Aag. let laiwora :
daring Ibe rummer.

Our SaTlnss Departmeot

. tbe (aaeral of Oeow sitgeea wlw ‘‘ootreepiBdtog
itodoa the wen .Ida Friday, wai
bald froB Ibe tieeeod Hribodtot
chsrch Tataday Botnug. Her. Hagh
EsaaedyoBlriattog. Tberematotwrr*
Oaldt-Jotto Bormalh.
Mkn to Howard Olty tor totorpieei.
Quardlaa-SaUto Merak.. '
Truttoee-Jemph KUataa. 0<
Hot. Laatmah of Traretee City
gave hit leelure. “Tl.t Dtoeaae of Hoyt. Gemge Boos.
Ortoranec Oommittoa-Frahk 1
Drtok.-al Monroe Oestre Tuaeday
night to a erowded boai*, andar ilie O. F. Reslor. H. a Heltoy.
I totlaltoiloo of ofAecn wtU oeof dm L Q. G. T. nil leeInto It rery eotortolntng aad lotlrao- ear Hosday. July I't. at which time a
taaqari will be eerrgp and a gesegal


nr Uitla iHagfatm bad aa almnat
aiiato of WMOptag eoagh aad
____ toitia.” wrilee Hra W. E. Htritoad, of Armosk. !f. Y.. bol wImb all
other temedle. tailed, we meed ber
life with Or Etog'e Bew Dtocoeery.
' ir Bteoe. who ted Oooeaiupries Ir
_ adraaerd riagaatoo amd tUi woa
derful amdietoe aad today tbr toper
Deepnsle tbraal aad
last dttme yieU to Dr. Elsg-t Mew
DttoOTerr at to ao other medletoe oa
^falltUe for Cosghe aad
Cridt Htraadll.OD boUtoeguaraa.
wed by a. K. Wall A Sdst. aad dta
•3. JafaBtos. Trial bolslee trea

e tenuou wat Ailed with eobto
•UrMr gMate.
UioBghu which lefi a ttroog impreiA oember of Ibejosog pae)>leof
lOU a|MB all preteai.
iH< We .iBe-tont olnh rajeye<l a rery
After tbe terrier the knighli B
ptoataol dancing |iarty at tbe dob
ed to the rroeltey. led ky tl.e Tearboot.- Uatorday evaotag.
ene Oily band aad Jidlowed by i
large aamber of frieadt sot of tbe or
A few dayt ago o
der-^Ma elmple rltuaJiitle eerrlee
wu Wd. oohducled by I'baheellor i
Oommander Kenney and Geo. W. HIB} IMptMt IttM U (Ht At 1 Wf 111 «H I

The Beiald to todtbted to Hra
Hanblsttoi of Mortbport for a beaatifal hewtsal ri rare flowortag el«ba
Hra HuiobliiecBi-e gardes bat eot of
tbo aatel selleetloM of rare pUni aad
Tbe Atb name will be tbe Aadereos
bsibaa of aay to ibe eouutty.
Dstoilaktog Gompany,
aad Uielr
PnaUtog BUer Oeml told the ncr- offleat wUI be Sit UdIob eue-t, TravM* MBc of a new Hetbedtot eharefa erm Olty.
hi Tstoa. Wexfotd oouty. Tseaday.
Aaaeri MeedSB erctork'e fatoe.
Tbw to (be aaeoed wllhto a woeb. tbe
trri terlag been Hid at Ara.Ua ManUtnooniity. lari Wedoeedty.

While there were a large ooBber of
Koigbla of Pytbtot asd. armbt
Ibe raiform Hank out of the city
idt.e. there wat a very good taieoalof memben of tbe order at.ibr
■tosorial eerrleee to the Oosgrega
ttceal efaatiA.
Tbe order Barefasd to tbe otaareb.
boB their cattle ball, tbe line faetog
tod by the nnifcirme<l kaight. and
followed by the tubordliwie lodge. ,

k fm 100 beBMa. tba rise «
Bay weU be ItohglBid
tome eterit that ibcfa wlU be
font bom ftsB BsUasd. stoa H
(. ris from Eatotoaer.
, Oraad Ba^ M tan
poaribty more from Oblcags. ,
^rsB HUwaskts. tbosgb
fcsewB.aada good big
Mriag froB Bsgtoaw.
BOW tbe benaea
nncTlIto. wbe bua Bark of 9 H.
asd a Urg. sBBber el aalaato I
Map eesridatably Bsder t AO.

Urik with ni^osl ctiv hy^wa ri
tbr.rantry'. lie'


Y9oht.<tccure.lbi5b*igain9 of in bdbre-B«l« ralact at

pricet loner ihxa uyane die hare gver offered timOBr haA*cai- ~
)t>o oa come lo ihtt tale cxiKCtiag to find

Are thee cojmng
coatin2idays. The wise n n prepares weda before and we
' i os tbe farm for
hdp the wise man. We carry evi .
these Busy days- Have everything in Your barn ready to Use at a
mpmeni's notice. Time is money then. The men aod teams Mu«
I’ut in Full time. We sell you .

Horse Hay Rakes,
Hand'Hay Rakes,
Grass Scythes and Snaths,
Bush Scythes and Snaths,
Scythe stones aad lU fluaaerTools.of SbarpuliK f
Hay Carriers and Track,
Binder Twine, “ote
We sell our goods ai the lowest possible prices consistent with ster­
ling qudity and Oor Guarastee stands back of every sale. No store in
Northern Michigan »better stocked with articles needed on tbe
farm.'We have Just What You Want at lost tbe Right Tune.

belter thoet al lowtr

leicet than even we have ever befcre been able to offer and .riMlI
not he disapfKMted.


Jllfrcd U. Triedricb
Sdlcr Al G«o Stem at tte Lffvcst Mcca.

The Old Stand

Opposte Herald OfRce.


Straw Hats for pe<H>te who work ml tbe »
Straw Hats for street aod dress-wear-...........................
Men's Working Pants 75c to $ just take a kwk at them.


lia #alli
#»Ui lataiaad
<«t«^. M bar
^ bwa oi Ihatdaj laM 1m
tba roaa|^^UdlM’ mlnaiy at Sata-

_a J. saUwatl----------

Mabal Mlaer U wotkta* f« .Mia
PtniBgiU at praatat

boon at Travaraa CHty oa Satar-


^Aui»M~»~»«p ChimteUM


at Irndtectoa. Jaly »->&.
iHve. to aew beu« fivn Ita OnItelac teaabee. aaoerdtof be advioee
trom^ BCate aeceenry'e eAea.
vaddiv wtd> PMy^
baUaaad Uel of vrakMa.11 Is aatd. has 1
wUatUa TWy nre an at.tte deak ton eqoaUrd at a Hmltor enTenlioB.

Hln Ha
Mr. aad Mn. ranbaa of Utawi. rlHO^
Hr. kod Hn. OiiM. Iteui* TlHMd aad
tefblar^i^Hla^f^Md at Wa . TiUaye.
iMr |»nBli la BardlakrUU Mdar3. Seaaedy of Horthport. *0010
nil keen both la Tnretaa City
J. r. T«»«i aad *M^y
ton Satarday.
_.d la thl/ plaea aad ttelr naay
rri«>d« at Bart Caaos Mdaf.
Mn D.- BoaU aad aoa Laonrd frtnda>oiii la nltelay tbanr
Mi. Pratt aad taiallr «•*
aad teypy nddad life
Hetan Bd Pntt^Cbriat
Mn. Wa. ratraat w»
Cicr «M M7 Ucl work.
Monday f-Tnr.
Min Baaa Mook aad Joha Hoidn
LaUtnilMd Maoda
at thla place Saaday.
Hn Fred Paak la Inpfnu* ariar a
•taro lUacn of naaorUr tbeana- Piidar retaialBf Sakraday.
■ jn rr T

Hln Alma Bodcan of Oeod Barber
Hln Elttle Bolmas ratnnadlebar
Xb« dilldm’. day gorya
Mate Meere baa foae to fcaeplac oalled on trleaida^ Thateday.
oma at Old Hlaaloa last Satarday.
•Caiaalyyntarday. TbeitafAvai
Obaa Paaloa. Oicar Prloa aad Ed
Mlai Lala Bolraa rtoiled frlaodi
alabaakb/dMnmtadaada UmaaHln Myrtto Wetiiey of Ttaretw Haan q>nt Saaday la Good Barber.
na iba latter yon of tbe week.
dlaaaa an pnaaat
Maa^ ear
Clly elalt-' ---------------- - ■“*“
ObrleUaa Jofaaeea of Hortb MealJ. tettlndeld wne a nUer ta
tea U vary 111 at the boaae of bla TlolBlky loit Watonday.
'■ale I------------------daa^ter, Mn Wm. Ooofc.
Artbar S^rtlaf lafi last Wadnaatey
here yenerday.
• am^ T
mornlBC tmTaatln, aoooaiamlad by
Bn Heitle and famUy ivni Satai
hla mtben aad ilaiar Unto, wbara
ay aad Saaday bare.
(Ha^BrovapeatSaaday atSaiaeat
ns mar/lad to Hln Haad AvnL Tba waddlac took plaea at tbe
Prn. Boaebroeke tea airtrad to y
teof Uwbrlda
Ltocle BparUaf.
with surer Bna
Mta^^a^^'nkanad M TtarHi.lBeadwlte la liariiw tba teaadi
ttn laid for bU no* boaae.
Id at beat man. They re___ __
.Ir borne ibe tame day.


You can now buy your boy a fine blade cheviot suit for $1.50 to $ which formerly
sold for $1.50 to S3.S0. Buy the youngster one for tbe 4th of July.

Tbe best linejn^the city for $3.50. ^ and $7.50. It would do your eyes good to look
at them. Tn^^re beauties and goM for wear.

form today: Steiler Mateewatf
oafo nalveolrt; Bev. B. & Alton of
Toledo. OUe; Bev. C. B. Kewnaa of
Chrtrt dinrte.
Drtroli; OUver a
Sb wan of CUnfe.aad ottaen will de-


l tbe United


' Clothiers and Hatters to His Majesty, the American Citizen.
Travarae City. Mich.
124 Front Street


aadjewetor, formerly at lltUoli

A Fine Line of



«£;,‘SA1.!:SS2SAS oK?ST-.h



Oaarteriy neetlagne beUaItte
IjiBtBaititoy arae OhUdraa'ednat
ob^ et thla place Saaday aad n
llatnad ta a vary tatananin aei
tba M. B. obaroh. It waa vary Am. _____________Oltek
mrlee 'j
A. nebea;teoeeTba eblldiea did Uialr nan vary aioe- deaa^T Ufaarlw
7. 1
U 'r. payMjOirenlt
entiac attocM.
bara waa a arowdod boaba

nnaaad Hln Mania wlU oon ‘
Ban Hip of tte beat.
Mr. aad Mn Palm of Haplatoo
atteadad ebaieb bare Saaday.

IIOM block, and wiu be pleaced to

It la op 10 (lie old beltof that liablnlBf nrver strikM twice in ib. nmr
place to (to away baoa and »il down,
Fire daatroyed tbe Ba« Jordan lai
n naar Midland wm 1(1001 alaBert Baaeraft belpad bli fatter tbe bar and aUnfto mill Sntnrday alfhl;
times derlBK one of llie niwot
let week werklaf on tbe far
lemSn.00. pnrtly Incmred. It will bt
haary atonna It war turn all an
rabolit. Tbto la tbe third torre mill pienaa, but. atiwifs to rev. did oot
tomUy daotroyad In thla town lo Sve
catch Bn.

Tba Charlavoli laadad, Iteifhl aad

VST-nte* a“pi;7, n
naa by the imm of MartUi waa
nek la tba bark node.
Hla wifa
m from bara to tiM anlam U
wOl atay la tba boM aaUl Mn Harnvoraa City laat waak.
Hn Warabam It la Bnr Imbe
BaRBoafbay vaatla wart la tba
aff* faoSral Tiatana Olty ton
w Imll Friday riail.
A daaoa la Haonbae teU Sata;
It ne a ata
avenint. aavaral frota Port Oaaldr
eBooyb^taadad ao the
Vaak' Attlnaea beofbl a
bona of & Hymaa.
Him Haaaal. Haaan baa foea to
Mn. VM Atfeianli ea Ibt liefc
Praakfen for a vlalt with bar eirler.
anntana aad tba Blralay aebool
HIM Fieaofa U niartauiliid a brolbJAa Oaat bad a AlafUaf
taan aiood 10 to 10; at tba end of ibt arfrtMi Ohio, wbol bear.wlU atay
tnlb It waa 10 aad II la favor of
■dd PbntI aad hto ttotar Haad
Mn Carlan aad UUIa daofhtac ora
drara to Utaad Tbanday.
D. K. CraadaU U baltdlac a
la Haalalae.
Mn. Kataal U aataatalaiac
lam boaaa CD bla nd of bla lam
Liatbar. Mr. itaikay aad bnalaaa.
Mra Stark, of Wlaeonain
Mlaa Martha Olaaa wool loTiavetoe
for Uvla* room.
OUy to work Tbaraday laat.
L Briytem waat to MbOlamO. A.
Boom of oar oitUeaa^Mdn ^
aaa. «b I ba trtU apaad vfe* di»i
taktacbel tette, aad vrUl aHead tte Olao Arbor aliioa. which roaalnd li
favor of tbe Olan Arbor boya.
Hn UaHaana, wbe baa baao vary
M. K. Baird bar ban <
alak. la. n are flad to bear. fettlBC
Hat bat U maob bailer at p
The followiaii named pezeona were

I Tmhrce good gneSKn—1st. an riegxM anil, n> to onler.

talk n that nh)ML Beeaoae of Ledi^toB'e fane aa
tbere la ladlntln od- aa nanaaklly


Barray Saafaner U Tary tat?

• ntokic rim banjo in caac. Srd. a nlckto watch with hanteime fobitf
lock in our
ilul time]«c<x
U'» UiT}<iu i» nuke a purchase h«e ami then guesa ou the wciglii of.lbe
windiMr. .i gucs with rrvfy purrhaw. 11 I matter bow large or small—you ir

Uver addram. The laat

Mr. and Hn Waltar Lyoa vislled
at P. W. Bmitta'a Snnday.
MUa Allee and Bar Taylor ealtod
n Mn Peter EnHie Tbaraday.
Tbe Beat Bey Lamber Oo. Sa
their ont of eblnflea aad Inmba
ter tbit week.
Hn A. U Land called oe Mat.
John Blaek and Hn B. J. Taylor

A Full Line of
qnlro the friandr of Hn L. Pram, of
lOLWiteca. Eon Tbsy knew tea liad
bsmi naabto to toavs bar bod In seven
yaan te aeeooat cd kidney and Uver
traabte. aervoaa proatntioa and feeenldebUity; bav "Tlirm bottW of
Etoetrio Bltura ctebled me to wnU.”
teewritoe, "and U '
fell like a new pm
aaBeriut from Head

My Prices are the Very Lowest-

SaUsfeetloa It fnanntood by S B.
Wail ft Bonr and Ja*. Q Jo^------tarryer Kartlafor of Elk Bapida OnlykOo.
lalted bla panata ana dayUria w« *Him Both Boland twvti to
Orin Harvey of Bocth J
' tea bellt a baa blve teal will boom Within ihe
eModln e
a> oolonlea a base It 1a alxfiwl liifb.
, ocMfoml la stepe. 45 fxet aroend the
•e aad baa two deokx


Ttrtilc Cands

lmc> ..r


The preeldeol derlei: tee laet week
Tb>- lull'' teurtiler of Ftrcl Dleatair
Cook of Tnvarae Oity ha
If Mr. Blaok'a barn tm tl
buy. tell, o«hx\c*uNjcthmgi..j baa lekra lo diiilnc ou tei- eoulli piw- of Uoekrisa lowotelp. afed * yvare
"Of a itaeoUae stove baran
and r mcmtli*, ilird while lier paraata
t-xdiange, tre whxi I cxn <li> fur yuii. tiro of tbe Wliite Hoocr. wfaetr a ti>naderit.
were In Uao»lei «ho|4iiac. It la saM
<lcfmliinr bfwx* elwaye 1a on kaod.
_ qnlle badly taLoato
Wn eoalda't heal (lie ranniiif aorv
sirablc torai laruli. hut wc have a fee Hie InillaUvr in tbe matter of valluir ■Im- Cbilcl bail be-n pUytaf m the
Jniwd Hoaday by tec team nontaf
choice |>iec« t>t ta>e at figurer ihai Id the «p«i air li fladliiK favor all Crlda and Oi> ■■ llKmitel to teve eMB. ttompbell was etoetsd eoanly corn- iw^ aad acriM btevy blotetaf talUaf
galls a anmber from bare altorrded
-tuwteanooaodblmoall. Ur. Boatfor OeU, Ooma. Soma Bella Brala
will bcattraclivc- Write ur call lot ever Wateinfloo. The tb*lly eonll rn BOiue poieunooi (ilaat nr beve taken
Kaaga at Elk Uka last Satartey
was allewsd to naam tee dalanewne rarie fteen frorb tJ* plaole In
[mlcrof TmveneOi^ Skin Dtomaee. aad Pilre. Us at 8.
realaf aad tweaty-tbiea naw mam­
neami habit of eeWtaf meale or (hr mrdea and ewallovrte il. She
oeto ■
Wall ft Bon'r aad Jaa O Jobosoo'
tiled 00 her
ma wme Inataltod talo ^ erter.
lawui and imroher may beeome ani vrae aii-L hardly two boan beture ah*
Obaa A. Ftober. D. F. •Horta. Jaak
Xoomt'ool'-a New WJlieh.i veml in Um Amrrj|B tepilol.
Utaey. W. B. Oieilick, PaawBa
.A.W laat Bantey.
JU. 14
Cliarjec Uanna
Mn Wm. Blgflaa of Tnveiae City
Wr bavn been haring noaie
vtoltod bm motear. Hn A. H. Smite,
Ml wtetear; moat too cool for
aad ace Harold a taw days laat week.
ratnriilBf bMS Friday.
lim Snreka Wltooa Sutartey.
Tbare la a qnUt aoelal at tbe tenite
Bank Batat aad Hn Edna Tliompnext Tbatstey eveolnt.
av> want to Tnverm Oity Sntartey.
Hr. OllCa of Tnvsrne Olty woe I
_____ TlokeUaie
be aarved.
3wn laat week.
aa Oray and Uerdon drove
eald at tea ooBto
sli.^Tbe looky ooe
City Tbanday and Mtoe
B. F. Dame to III at (liU wriltaf.
wUI fat a very ai
Olea Parfcr and family nf Tnverm Mary Hooker retarnad with tliem
Last Batnrday wee a oold diy f
w teyi’
'—V visit
Olty are vltiltaf frieodc ta teU plaoa Jnae and Sunday waa aaarly aa eol
lliePnll waa tee *n#at of
n Kelli!
Poor waatecr for
Fimoii Koamaa iH Lulaad wmat SnnHn Harvey Tbomimm Wedaaetey.
BmnioHr. aadHn UD. Simflerd.
a aoa. Jane Hte.
BwD to Hr. aad Mn Will AluHr. C
Bora, to
oadar of Imxe abb, a aoai.
Satartey. .
Mlm Ella McManaa waat to Hoacr
Hn Mary Wafa
'a rata
ratatwad tab
Tba oOotol beard of tee Hoacr H.
Mtei^ epaad aatudoy aad Saaday
met at B. W. Oareraanx'
idtte feUowtef paracoia
Tba auaralaa oa
B tte
tee IOolarabla ..
Hn Obarlec Batcc. Hn Jadsoa
- ' - Saaday
weU imttBa. PnU aad Hn Arabia Smite were (be
Elk Rapldi
We vriH enl ihe price 00 cverythiag, reserve ixahinc. You '
foesta of Mn B. a Bataa Tburatey(' ■ Wall
Him Pll
can ixre from I'm to SSJe on ent)-dollar liy bupog now. Ami
' Himm Mary aad Eatia Deokat id
B. Vaabtoil
trouble barner Oil Sloves, each burn­
York are vtaKtag wllli tbeti atoball'
and B. awalton
rememlier' you have a r e^ large stock to select fnun, four large
ler. Hn Atela Bahnnldur. and------er i. 11^ imhe. a.r«. XOfs ha. fine
_ „ .ba ebarab wiU ba eommanoec
fioofs all cTowdri foil; big asmitmeot of anything yoa neeil in
Hr. and Hn John f mboiy left tost Hn Emms lake.
Mte^te^ old baildlat lartmevwick, four irdie. -i.le. -iTl bo« tea
wete for LndisffUm.
youf hooie. A fine line'of porch and lawn Rockos from S 1.4.1 uj..
lari WMk
Him Bmma Bortea. toft
Soma paracaa teat mast have faaJ 1
A big line of Hammocks, from a goal cUady woven 1‘aimer


Tba Moefc work U baliw oaam<--------at tba atarofa aad IClookaaa tboa«b
It waa fouc ta ba amy feed Ji‘
Uplakli« a
fcarriaa. of whlebtebaaa lonaerep^


Jn 28 n con-

eWkiBC bla teotbar. Fiaak QUaa.
aamttM they bar. aetaanai
oHiar tar.» yaon
Minaa Mabat aad Baratoe aad


Baarinw oOtod at «m bean of Hr.
nd Mn Fnsk Saltb Stndoy.


Hn Oterky Oartla, wte tea ban
motbar.Mn Jeha HoS-


tev with ‘frimidi ta teto ptoce.

ever witnessed. We intend to move $12,000 worth of House Furnishing uoctds by July 20th to'mikc room
for the new stock 1 buy in July.


Stoves for 6ampiitd



nlfbl. and flntlsd aloe ofbu bnsi Im^^
0. L. OoBlur of Oiartavdix waa ta
town Wedaeatey.
: H(M Bni^. of WUsoa. Micb..
ri^a^ af

Wm. Salma. Jl. of B


tails soma man ware werklaf mar

Mr. Brawekar of Daiaad was

Hammock for 75c right along up to.;......................... ........................ 4R-5(i


Hn Hewbarry toflTaeaday mc-wa stell follow.
taf tor ter boma aftor tpeadtaf a taw
BIxty-mvta Joined (lie amccrtatlaa
days ar tee foeeU of Him Emma Bar- dariag tee yanr, a W«l ataco tee orgaatoatioa of 111. Twaata-tena teva

V Jama
Bov. William Dawedallvrrad a lee— --------------------_n bad a Iw
oB, owIm to tte pool weatem. Farm- nre Satarday ta tee M. B. cftarali.
sea ata not aerty.
rbloh wae blfUy mileyU by alL
a A. Dtaka wUttnaa MU<
eat MeO____
A. B. SttaaOB to paHtaf ta a iimint Hndm teto tervaat. (me of t
(dteetr ate,
ONvUlllaf at .. .
B. J. Oray.
Tbs Bpworth Ijanfac ______
om- wUch WM hejd ban Friday. 8



WUl Addt of Travmse Olty.


wm Weem rataiwii tram IteFUlPftemca Thartday ovaalta cf teto

Oil Stor es from tbe ebexperi u,. to tte best.

Ad Exceteer mxttreas, $1.50


ft. 6 in. high, id abile.


» .<.! S...

jiaiatri^ aiul

ttrii>e<b for..................

I dresaer

A nice <

tteirptoe^r^'t^ ted^

0.1, fa.


green or blae, for...$4.45
A lot of wood bols at nlwut

Poanota. ta tea oimlr.
ihjMaatar nf Pr
Qtaaga song. AU.tte


commode, rimilar to eat only has <
ka^ and two short drawers aad one



Chairs, each................. .. .

Soli.1 Oak


Some big

hargtaD. in

door, with Cermaa boxl plate mitrar

Olid Chairs, one. two ami


three of a-riyle. to cloac oot





made 4ft. aah, nice la^e graia aial


Just the thing for

at half iricc.

B« bargains.

A gooil KJlid F-tlensioo

small room, ooly.......................... $«.75
Bot tea bifber. bat tea all reaad ada-

ta^ dTddZ^IrtteSt bJta p^
*1tlan was an opanmaatlng
iiiflai aad a urawddl baU ta

A nice solid


dremer. three

14x40 brvd French plate

mirrar, nice golden finite, far..$7.75



luge <WawcT, fnr.............. $175

finished; a*

OIK k)c« ami two teort




A fun line of guick Meal Blue Flame iittciio, aad


WM weU rseoivte. Mn Bebertaoa
ate Mn Dtokmmaa had Saa satoaTtspnr smrkM wan baU on tea
baaob aaatt of W. & Ponar-arad-

If so 1 can save )t»a a

Good spring to fit them $1.75

IB Onage bold at Old Mlsolae

, aema at the Itamlu af tea OtatWiL
Attar Oraage dUmim
Ove. W. Baajaotta. tarriaaatlag tea
aimie bad a Utdc timo______________
EimhaU Plano Oo.. waa In Sewn Iml
Bta^l cndil to daa ta Mr. aad
I^^^Oyadnfi ter tea Sna mado
Bav. P. WhItMn and wife ara tea
casM of Him Jaato MIU0 teto weak.
MlmKdlla Lardla. who tel
vlmtlag trieeda ta teto ptom. re____ oa tea aama aabjael.
ed to tec boom ta Traveoa City tom

^AMote Qtoal tom a vatanlte term
Hn R. B. Olsaaaat wUl toavs laSay for Danvm. OcL. to teHrt tea

need socoe odd beds »

Some good, strong iron beds. *maD sire, juM like


A nice iron bed. any sire,

ri:s;.E£=2.iar —

woaadad ta IM iald and a vetrn
okay a tew Asya.
Will Boah of Tnvatm OUy mltod aa
Maada ta town Saaday.
Attoy K. TBOmaa of Oador wm
caltorSonday evaataf.
Dave Otovatto aad temUy altaad
ebarata at leaden Saaday mentag.
■ Dr. Fmltok and wife will nu
keaaa Sonday from tea Boo.

lot of money.

A two burner gaioUne sto.c. just like car. for $.1.75

Whole outfit for.............. $5.77

^ teay an imt a ted madid

Mn.Oao. Ctomant'c aobeol etaoad
^Oora to varj baekward.tet
X bom ta-Tnvarm Oity tort wwk!*
Wlte a beaaMtal lamp, w^ mma ai a food otaad aad wUb warm weatter
Mlm Kam H<rvetty I
lalm II will be a food crop.
a vuti wlUi tatomda ta
Mn CUnt Rlcteite of Cater aad
ll U teeatet tliore to no bird that
Tteamayfrlaodsuf a H. Plofcaid
^drtoaft Him ttorria. HUIar^ of aau potato baft, bat ttel to a ftmi
te ac^ ta^lemra^tete te to^ at
mlsrnka. for (bare to at least aoa kind
OBd^aa of tea moat benatiral birds of Travmm Olty.
Tbrr a onveotlaa. wbieh v
wmera may njoloo la tee pnapeel M teve beta held in Botams Bar »
Saafaayaadwbtet liarvtel; tte r^^^^been paatpoata natU af
tacneel of a food oanllty and yield
of wteat waa aevar tettor.
Hn Batnae to lU M this wrlttag
AteJ* temi'fltetaf
Tte pomlo bage teve bad a hard
mPbaam toko tom Wadaeaday. tto Hme of It eo tar, owlta ta tee eool. ‘ Mlm Kata Kuvotayef Tnvetm Oin
•mi^ Tbaraday wtte « Ikica Mack
bar. ani tarty ptmitii ' ' mat Saaday ta sown, tea faeol of L
U OaraTiS badly.
Dr. BoUlday Of Ttavaam Oily atHn L T. Pbaste and Mlm Hand

taller, fcrr.........................................

people, good and Broeig. just like cat, for..$1.2S^

Feather piBows. each..



'dttle smaller, for...................... $l.U(l

painled, re«lx» green; lor^ enough to seal four

Have )on a cottage to furnish, or .W yjti

Thateer. J. A. Bamm. lambeU MUMr. and Hn Moffoa aad son of tba etellj aad Imao Daw teve pamed
800. ara vtoittaf relaUvM and frlaads away ttaoe oar last amaal maetlag,


Folding Laem SeaU for tbe porch or lawn, nicely



- OarOe ~
aaU to vtol_
toatHt I
Hand Bvart.
. B. H. Kotehnm wlU move hto Jawaby T^alr srerk
* to Uoo. Baitecr-a
kofUlflhlc WMk.
Ha also will pat
.da a ktekar tea^
J. a Oratom aad wife Sate ta tea
X. af P. anaitoca teU waak.

Folding Canvas Swob for camping, only..................................................

Ueate baa remevad
. ear midst (te pant rear

“ Beyaetda.




.far...................................................................... »l.W
We can fatnite yoa anytlmig you waat far yam couagem
camp a. low ta yo. can bay k in Chkago.

Voor maU orders wiH reedve «nr beat ottentma ^ we gnu-

iM» ta
k* fckilt br tbc

n* mial

' M If-WhM
mH tkU meniM U» Uib
OhoJ UU «m>kk« Df. The
viU to toUa am (he ■own to
tbte toteneea. Hiiwe ia»fe of HoaMae epoke ca the Meeea*. decUiiaf
to (he Mleateacto K>toa. At IIM


Tkander vonlag fieai Sk Itole
lookiac to e toe tot krtota. OMTte

A Hefaedbeea la CUlfornle, the Klaadlke eod Keoae. Be
e krl|e aad 4m«I>I
Johae. lie U 70 ;een of an ead had
lede aad loto two (artaaee elwe be
M beea ever,
BMS totooM wtht deUci
naeated eoudl
JuMe 8 Stone for gvran
A qaenel belt
MoCeU of Tierene Ol^ for
ato aad A. r. Haauat of Baptre to vUe
tV fellowlnc err (be iloti of
Heeto. ea Itellea. veated bie wife lo
Slato—H. B. UUl. Jeho O. Denna. eook aeMree't to dloDer. and tow rr■'AUerltbA" celd Aanlo.
a. Ll MeM. Atoa Belllacer.
BNtotolel-O. W. FnIM. ianj after e rela effort lo ohaan bar deefSaUlrea. Wllllea DelielU W. O. Hrl- oloo. '*1(0 o» la devoodread eeoke
'aadbedlA A tal(b
Vlad vai UovlaR to Uw (Ibb, aad
Ore tpread tapldlr toverd (be
a r. Hoxele. Johe Utaer. Ohee
■aaa. W. ft. OniUok. I>e(er Benee. •ova. The backet Ivtaede taae eaUrd
ea<l toeererto hoan (ben vm«
Ohai Hitoer.
Urtor flffbl to k«ep (be

.Uea la ShUbane Patb. Mbm. Tba

vUob an nada to vaod aad
] -wbtUi emeeae vve
viba two year* aneailrbfl *“*•• “to
diqwUag of raadry aonrenln toll* epioea Sou.
__________________ . aaaUcal qaatitl**
of Uw eoffbe. aad Uw fonaatloa of e
(Ml clab. Uw AiU U Uw bbU
ho town, folloved.
Tbr aaUaa to Tarkey aorer
eartblng bat
UadtooiT artloUa vblch
Mueeerewry Maaagce 10 oaU fnu
ronln loanaU.
Tbe aattoa read*
rery UlUe.
AtWiohlM. Kae, Villlx Bodvey.
(armfaead. vm Manlad Uoaday 1
Annie Wolny, on* of Uw rtebaM
yoaag vocaea of that aeetlau. 8lw 1*
the dkagbiar to Jeaw* Wolxey. vboae
poMlblr loee to »a00 eon* to vbe*
atgto bla> to offer bb deaghtarM
fvlee ta Uw yoaag Moa doing IBr BOM

Ulbely aad Ua ilatM. Hi^
■aria Ojlwly-BaM, an Uw banptaM
nrmw la BraoUya. IHeir )ey ta dar
that they bare befortaae to Jewepb
Ujbaiy, tbeta aaele. vlA ta eeld (0
bare dlad (oar yean an la Bade
ftoth. Uarlag ae nito
la Uw ell ragloa
aad Hn. Bear'* hnehead ta
aapdoyed la a ptaae factory,
aad Mata* ban beea la ihta coaevy
T^^aaaa von beva to Hr. ead
Hn. Chertae Oeaper to Otvego necBtly. Uw VM aenwd after Preei
dM>t KMwelvelt and Uw aUra toler
Prlaee Henry to PnialA Pnaldeni
blB Mylag •
waa delighted. On Utoarday Hr. I'M
par noalred a Icttar (idm Prlnoa

•r. Pierce’S
^ UuOara’ra' VIS Ir rwara

are ta ta mat AMP p

:ss :5


TtwCcmawB Sera Midi ml Ad-


Mid thaA (toievlBg tba OetmaB eaiWahlattoa. Jeae Ift-Tbe edaiioltloM. Uw ytongMer aanad Air hlD
lattOB iMadertadr lo Make a treatr
. vllb Oeba ae k eolalloa of (be reBMur of Ibr aBTUgur (mw to iwytag
eiiaoeUr taOKle. leorlded (be |ml- (aeer of tbr etoUe of ilito eltr. dabOBW(» to a frutta I eapwtur vm T*ry
Tbe wlalar ha* beoa 1
cldlagaot to bare a poepd. laatod
lo our uf Ibr bvdUiliw to
let will be hired at pahlle exman Uw iMMui.
obhxrd to
bring a cauary Uni lo Ibr cbatcae
to look after ll<e eovtee llier
ptacrO on ilii- lup of a rarrtagr dna a
ratal Uio etreeu aad etovd pedae8A Pelonbarg vm » dagnaaa.
by four bor~«. In Auetrta a noble
Mfhael ntborltr.
cold 1* axtnmety d*|*a*«tag la Rae. TBoal vae tv lew-ut rmy BA UarU three day* be c
leaae Sbert of Katoeno le a ataa
(iD-a day 10 bla cupvtar tvo pou
vUb a deioxloe. He ie Uborlng aa- a»U Wader lOO acre* of vheaA oot Ua. whan aboadaBl aanuaer eaaAlae
FA .UHribrr nobirman la I'raatareMAlred to ropair Uw vtaMr'e
dar Uw Idea Ibto be avae Haekena working hi* dona or More rlrele
ronla uff<-ntl lu bta krd at a mark to
Thne volrei altaoked Hn. Hern
Mometoai laqalHM an being mad*
rrt Jeffrie* end bM babe oa a booMabbot to Flgcac made bit
•read Uawka Aeplawell. a PilMborg eeborb. M (I) vAt voaid be Slag Bilvard'i
8ie,OU.tO0.7e aad
10 tbr rtiy of bi* abbacy,
U( a aooooeo of it Boow (late an
.me U be had U>e boaor to belag
the lunl of Uoatbron aad Larogor irr«tr he eppean before tbe beard of She Ml Iwc Uiree doge aa Uwa> end
kle eeact^toloe ballt e See
ttara to tbe Uailed Btalea. Bi
n-lM-d blin dfriwnl a* a barlaiBlA vllb
grd to dlnble OM vitb a
of bU
ebarah aad Ibr old efai
oUwr'e wm* vm Oaelph and U-e oarlccUrr IVU-n Ibr abbM dnrrodead Praak Lara amma le ber ran
to a ooraer of (be IM vKb Uw loto.
n] rroia hi* bom. ibr laniF penun brM
boeeote diegaetud.
liB* to fiaiUi tbe voaa<hd brat* vlU> married a man whom family a
tooofBkUiit U toe parltb booat
I* *llmip aud abcB br iwl duvn to
Tbanfon ahonld
Uielgna. ll naerond dr* (*M faar
nwre «M DO tbeatre la (be plaee ead Be bM BOV d<«l.led lo appeal to Uw
■bir veiled behind bi* rbalr to fill bl*
moM giBOiaa* naajeaty dealn to be•ebea Tbe ealMab an eappoaad '
tbe baiiaea. aiea ptoftloaed Fr. Berth ooarti of lertioe.
u|i vllb winr.
At Glare tbe Uule l roar old eoa of harr eeeaiwd from Uw Zoological garTbr lunl of Parr bad a rlgbt to aumM aUov tbe eat of (be balldlo( to
auu ull tu- prrtty vumra to Sauiour
pabllo eeorfimeem.
lie ooapUed BtoBlIraeBod Peredr wboUta to
Bight yeoeg mea to Wllkoabtore. WmUb.
tbe HeaUtoe boerdla( lioaee. elaraed
*nd ll* »uburtw rvrry THnIIJ day be^
aad. ll proTlac popaler, be pat la e
The latarwUcmal Slaepiag Oar Oa forv bliu, nuU lijry vm- lo piy blni
Pa., left Uwir cloUir* oa Uw beak
elan vitb fell oatfll of eoaaerr ead lU tolber, vbo wet la eaotber
hM arraond vlU> Uw Cbiaaae KaM rai’b -I (anliliuv and a rbapirt of nnr*.
vbM Utey vrol evUnitong- A b
aev Iwe a rerr liaadvim IllUe open of tbe liooee, vitb lU eriee.
Wbu rrfuVHl lu deucr ailb bla
railroad 10 nm a ibroogb oar
Nevfeeadlead div. and end fnUiii
. Hill <u Uivr tbe family am*
■e* tbr ehlld eaffeiiog froa (hr effeeU to tbe iBOeUi. eppnred ead trotted op from Uoaoow to P<-kla oaea a week,
to tbe owiwre. lie lani ll iato Uw
UiBi eaahllag la.aannn U> »>ake the ■uarki-a uii ibrb l■uJI•■> vUh tbr-pulBI
of Mrtelle aold polaodlag. Help wee end down Uw abore. eoerUag
(tolUi fend ead it U briaglBff la ooafrom Leudeo to Pekta b K) daya. to a amllr.
erery tUe* any liatber Vied
eallod 'iBuedletrly. bet Uw child'*
■mcpi. Uw xmimt
tonwoh bi« eloUiee Tbe baUwn
K«a.l (* aar.OrraleA
Tbe etaelioa of a aev depot el, Bey (>n> Uuoto end nowaoh wen ao bad*45 . ly baned that reeorrry wmt Impcwci- wen held priaoiwn two taoanaaUI gom Iato effect tbta year,
Tbr nulbor to “.\i-mw KuxUod In t
Otir k) aoet belwoaa MO.OOO and
*Iu|-|a-J lo rxamlm- 1
re mea with geaierrlTod eod killed taaaad dIrecUag the memben to (be DoX.nrr
X, u
CM aad Uw expeadltan of flO.OlO
la Ur ead tbt lataat dlad in e tbert
Haaoba and Hongul taouwi etgaalaa. ebun-b In Ibr lllllr vlllogr of EiwtutW.
K (Toaade by
Tbr ihi} wa> varui. and on Invlag
bring tlw.r mairtagaabh
er. bat Uw poUoe an to vori oa Uw
a-be ToloeDO Kileata U MtU la mpbr rbun-li I nrbd for avhllr I
ctaagfalan to Pekla. One baadred to
aad bepa lo loetoe tbe gnU^ UoB, ead Uw IndlseUaae
will be ivemaied to gralrful .badr to Ibr bOlMluX and f«
' 7 Matted IM eeUrily i« taemMist. Holtaa lere,
tbr mkr of Ibr cnilorm Mill krpt my
o wlU ebaoae aw to
vUeh bM act iwM riMble '
it ta my Iwud. Wblir eteadlax ibm
Tbtovare foar deaUw by tootoee
be tbe waatara emia«*a or third impMBacaaetoHla BllubeUi UeUi- yean, bM bagae to 8«
uterbrerd oar workman oak to $Bia Hartov -Vedaaadey.
Hre Bile
eetnw.' tbo *bbm1I etaur 01 aaeBa
ewwM of Beau Ste. Herte. ra i
O'BlrlM, wife of e nlooekeeiwr. eoareaaao. a Norvet\ by ale 'r krrp ‘It 'at off Uke that
to (?iloan IV he tmtad by Davie for Lee. el*o bM bacoew aetire, UinvMlttad oalcide by leklaf tvrbole eeld.
port al Hootreto.
ip aahM ead edadtre aad great ...
ut uf ibM«. mali-r
died la the enu '
jMleb H. VUIlkaa. e bleekcalUi. la
V.u~- 'r * a tjoairr. o’ cennr."
DBTellag Men w
-tbo ton Harqaotle eb«|M. vae eraahlokw to Uartln LothM. plird tir- lonir. "(fitakm alio* do
telaped la omoke.
boM ea* dMWt
•d 10 death botveoa two car*, while
cburrb.i ■rd*.'
foaad la a elaetdag oar berth by the
A letter recelred at Hoatreel from : He got 11 from a Bvua
ea oppottaolly not lo br
wtwinf Uw iratoi ee bti way •<> parter. Tbe dnmBar bed lo ctooh
am Uw aliip Tlw ring boar*
UMUtabip Harbor, H.
Joba Taraer. e«e >A vei
ripUoo: *'U. HartinLoUwro lort. -NV Kiid I: -I am BOI a Qo*k
tnia ead UilnktBgtb* girl badBcnly
jaao < a bottle wee pieked ftp to
er: I am ao Ki.l*<Mwltaadfovaed while hatblai la Uie rtrer.
talntol. plB»U her la tor berth aad milH eeta to HelUex. eoatelalag Uw to Oatbariao V. Boaea " Baolrcllag
TUre va* a abtot. avkvard paoM
Iwaia Btelerade. e feivwr. tnd >A
left tbe eorpM.
TU-u tbr SrM VurfcmiB. rrldrntly to
(oUovlBg vrlttoB oa a crap to papM: tba ring ta i figan of Oiriit
wae drlTlhg e load of toav «a tbe
let. oerdA a been,
an ImTUIrlnc tara oCmlad. eeld
eUeagr fnek of Ughtalag 1* re­
4eofc wbea tbe VMloa otortanei
aelmlMr aad a aeapliA Jevetar. 1
friluv Dwaun, Vbo termed ti> U
ported froM Uw Bunll Sen fana.
to vae Uirowa lata Uw rinr.
aidmd ao aatborlty:
Iter* Uw takea ta geoeiae.
to ltay;Olty. ll elnok Ui* prak
wae BMaaod by tbe fall aad did eel
-A £-pI*cu|wle oar. '« my*
Taesday alghi a weaMl earn* U
to (be liouea. col off ^e ban beaa at
Ula«ow lor BA John. K.
aaaw Mtow earfaee aaUl ffUwd
M boaae to Wm. Woodard, al Plea»- WoCi that. Bllir
v'.UieMV. knooked all Uw plaater
MportPebntn>ltad the learord Bill, qaltt
life vae exUaot
off Uw eelUng U a
aotblag Bp to U>lt tlm
equal to Ibr orcetlua. ’nbal'* oar
At Otaad Heptdi landlord bb<1 toant
tern toad* vm elnplng. Bored
allboaiA MTMal
tbria fanry forelxp ntlcloaa'eurrr'
IMimillini ware began ngelatt an
ard WM aleeplBg vitb IM mother.
aa Iraa twdetoed wlUi rcraBea Jolw
naielwd (or tmeee
m* votoa. Obtullut tolte. Wednee<\ bit Uw eblld la Uw baad
Stereai la It eboat Ux (eel
day. Tbe aoaplelnaot la Uw nee li
aad eaakad away (be UM* eot'i
ffoor, apaet (blanffWMi^y. ead panBaatoor BaBaa played a 0(^1 ai
be toto glren for
blaoA the family vm boI avakeaed.
llw granad I9 way to Uw kll- rery pleOMDI Joka apoe bta daigfal
tbn ptM
Tfa* eblld dlad Wadaraday
ebea, wlwre Hn. Swrea* wee eittlag.
Hatwl and bet newly wadded bubaed.
«IMI Uw aid leily
wlUioat iBjetlag any oar of Uw M
Uairy Paraoaa. When the yoaag ooaat bar ptnyor* Uytt oUwr leaaate la
William Lyan. nUdlag aaar PanA
00 of tbr hoaee. er oeltlag
ron OBMlalag tbe vaddlag |«t«the baildlan
ban drlrea ont a*
X. catabtalodUw IWtb aaaivFtMry
A toMfaaad la Uw bon <
aftar tba cenaony (bey (oond
Bn. FelM It rary
OTMy bone WM tbtinn to lU knee* neaUed between a Bavlre eilrar plate to bta birth Tbaraday viUi a ploalo
•allgtoae. aad Uw bat that Uw 1*
aad family reaaloo. Tvo baadrad
vbeo Uw bolt etnek Uw heete.
(ian ae iaaoqM>l
aaMnvhto dnf li Uw reaeoa gtroa
ra van peoaenA to whom 176
wmioM SaiUi ofMotkegoa U opi
place to paper. Then wm lIHir
tAy ebt clan hyu* aad ftny* to Uw
ralaUTMtoUw maaglriagUw
the paper bat a few vonta and ftgami
MV «f bat Toloe, to the alleged ea. Uw Otaad Rapid* * Udieae Kalin
Anibog Ummo iveaaol
Go. to nooTor UOny-ar* eeoU wbloh and Uw acaator'a Mgaatan. ll wm
wyraae to otbto la Uw bOBM.
pmetra orar » yean to agA
At Went Bey Oily UwbealUioBoM Uw coniny Made blB ray baton br rath laM ftU.auO, bewerer; lo tba Oitor oombiaad an. being 1.M6 y.
■aeon eoow win wbloh had newly rallied coople, 11 being a oar«M BMU lo e boaae lo tnreeUnte
The axpeoMd laorwm la tbe export*
Uiipped to hlta.
Tbe fnlght lifted ebeek to Uwl aaioaaA
aonawed eaeo to otoUpax and foaat
to Africa alnadyhM began. Tbo exHIM Alloa RoiweraU ly a Batabed
UUb giri Buaad Datoar voli tokfr ehoin* were Iveaty-Are omt*. ead
, from Uw United BMU* to AMea
Ueighl to head parfocMM. and btr
eat with (be ditoae. Be foaod farle A|rU. U)* latMt month for vblob
aaumlaawBta err aagerlT wltaatato
Uie delalta to oar export* bare yet
by Uw raong aet to oOeUI WaablBg.
, bad bcto took vitb etollpox
brai troelrad ^ Uw ttTrawy bareaa
thtbeat caailag a |d>yUcto. ead Uwt tvoitr.deyi htoore ttoltb foaad oat too. Pn»a bM cwly oblldbood tw
Me alvayi beea lataraoMd lo
ter faar viwkt. vbeo not Uek. Ibr tbto U wee (bare.
roBwaiy. elalghi of bead trIokA and
Tba BerUiel Iwdlaa' Uhrerr
paefte bad beea eboat Uw ally a*
mild way ha* iwrfoelad heraeU la
aanl, Uw bUwr gelag lo hb work eiaUoci hae offend to ten iu eelln
rdemain. Blaea ocatlag to Waihoatfft
deity aad a yoaag taea belay eagend
anry day ta dallTerfag grooerica to OTw 4,eO) rDiBBM ead aearir $1,000 lagto. Uw bM Milertalaad all bM tah AMw. vfaich takea aboat- B6 per
Idad Uw oily will
.Ut eMployer.
otat to oor export* to AMw.
eelteble talldlag ead BelaMle
Oa Jely I Uw graaial ttorre malaBaUftaata to Otter TaU eonnty gtrea M lb*
taiaad at Vebaa and Harvey by Uw iwtole Ubnty aad nadlag loaM. Th
Iham HlaneaoM. an (earfal to a
White Hoaee. aad o
roleet !• halag rooeirad with ferw.
ton Mialag oetapaay will paa
hopper lOagBA
Plra hondnd
to Uw hand* to tlw aonpany.
To MT* hU $1 aberty toop Brory
to lead tbn* an roponed to be oorera Bartw. aged 77. vbo dta- ad vitb paaebeppan- one The araohaan will aark lha dtoppaanaco Brown, to Qreat tovaUiip, Kent
totbrlaalto Uw aowaUMr-eaMpaay rooaty, killed a Baatber to roblat
trom bta I.OM BT jrtan ago. tar baa beea niemd to Uw iMIb aaat0fM"U Ihr Mining regloBi to (be other aong Wide which won oe_
tboaghi to hare btea
ttpnrmbwie. which tore axleled lOBw to Uw (nit MBtowanfraa darod la a irai'pen' lead, Ira rot
Edvard OramidA » yoar old na to
10 Hamawad. lad , *10 rtall Uw HlUral OiamplA Mar Seraatoa.
their diet of went* ead bege
folkA" M lie MlA
Tlw old maa VM foaad ahaaklod viUi ohaia*
geue wmnleo hMid of lA ead U
Bnvii $11). He kaew* now Uwl then foaad UM«^Mly tarrlrlag relaUn
the Seer to a bam.
Henm. iwa
U a lev proleetISc toog WrdA orra ______
rtelaealt t^ tbe aad
faMaa.d nUgfaUy aroand
will aeewr not IMar Uwa IPia Be al- tboagh they do aOMetlatee cat to lb* ywra bu laaier.' eaox u tm
>d arm* (hat tlw beqr bad
lb. Hank brol^ ware trapf
an protdwaln Uito 1‘noldMit Hoacer.
Uw Oalaaet Lake WUw. aad 1
alt will be ettaekea by aa Met tilt
looemwd. 'TVMlbrboy'.
ftghl amoag othoT^ppen tba j
next Oetober, bat be doae
t feeAtewllBgaaamlllwBkThen ll oeaUderebl* aarlMyngardwlwttor the woaad will p
peeted that Uw Weylar.
iBg tlw MeletoUwetopeaadUw rlue- poead (Ohara bam. killed
IBMA He ll ea Mtiolanr ead tbne ykrOA ta coneqaieiegto lb* nalatn- body blddea—The pareala died
Uita hellrf, M did Mrwml other 1
iaoathi baton lb* ebootlog of Pnei- nptrd cold ead reiur veaUw
brrr to Uw family. Atrabam foaad TtovtoiatW*
- deatHeKlnUyrredleledUw tcagody.' gnkaoe-dBTthxtbe fawl tvo a<
bta way «ol veM aad late (be me
At Bay Uily the Nartb Antotna U. PleMMUlue. Uw aMraoBwr
vtae be brita
(ala* to Idaho vbrCA aeeerdlag M

■* of Ihr larnto there bM beea ao caeb dlM
Mory, Iw ltra$ M a bermit mh
Oaea ha amda lita war Iv <mm to
Idnade toa^tolbTl
> United AlPmaolwa bat tbe MIy waa aM M bta
htotoaMpeayr to
a Unto Brtlela. faai
IlktiW and be rMaraad to bta
Aal down lu
la Idem
ue lagka lb* ecarUm*o a aUaata ber looalb MOfo ebon
tala UfA Tba aid ara bad aer
ally to coal eeaeed by «be ailnen'
aad *e glTW a llttk MUP Sb*
dea oa a railroad aaUI be com
ttitke. Tlw tm <-B>|doye UO mce.
Uw had eafletto frooi Uw aftUetla
edtbeleanwy bama
Snetel other Sni* tanM*a >o «bst
Bowa to Uw MBU- naaoo
Stnm to baUaam aad tbe dm
A coB|.l* gtrtag UntracMr* a. Ur.
(law will lead -to a ohaan »
aad Ure Leny RlebardeDB ol Unuid
fteat BoaocTell'*
lUgCdeaneadrr amel to Ueekegoa
toavtadllag. Tlwlr ”gtmn" wm* to
ragad by Ber. PaUwr leiabarA
wm* la faU. bat bt ftadt U
tba ana to cater e More and irMead paamr to Uw cAaroh. loM lit ftiM
llwre him abeai M> par owl of
w to (ha CMMa Sea^ afleraeoa.
Hoeo etor ao Illy
w nod MbU to mob* 11 Mmp
approftowe $» Im
I voeld oateread
a Uw Utany Pteld elab to PataromralA Wlwn a rao Ira «o etn to thaw (dalra. lb* limit ter
I wm* abwt a thwmail Um** a peroral taiory hMag ploaad *1 $*.000
rrue by a aaore to U la A PalbM
fit make a big dtffwweA
•hart aUwTco la Saaday haaebaU.
ami m aoooaai to deoih $t.oea
uueltkevbta yoang moa aad
Trak T*raua to Pattoiw. ft- J..
Wahaeh laUnad wroc* laMhUL b Uwlt Mwd* at bora Tba n** »
wwwd hi* vttat Him toMb and bor
boM UUK w gw moooy tor a ouow

*1 >
.r Ur PnWeIr lUen to **M
ruwiiF, wet U> Ur Prtoaar .Mfu w aaW aaaa
)>.«> rTWrr.ia.iaU4Ur to Jaaa.u u. r«er

otaaat^ Hr. Weadkary. aaaa miUtaM
BataealUag tba a
(armer* ter fectUlaM. Uw Uo mra 1
ftrma 10 bt rMdaiad aad need e*.
I^Bla. teod ttoam to gmaee mak*ri
aeb|dle*lo aoap wmban,,ata. Tbta
a to tba Mly't rabbtab mtm

Uui U.-» *c'

Uw elty$l .000.000 eeory yrar wbeo »

’ "leerto't.^* *T*v!!»F

St-’*i^“:.r‘*in£? ssii'suf

w wtlay to $7*0.000 yoariy. tba eoM



lii S5


K a •..* K B <1 II vB. va.

to Uw raid'* lair at Sa UoaU. He
OH to uawMaot to baobleM


Si C2SE --^•SSr.-to


in carriage* toW In olhci .Wiler^ Imi
VC amen that ihcre it

A Miraculous
“It Mowd that nothing ihort
of a Buracle could ure my link
daughter from an unttmcly
death,” wyt City Mxithall A.
H. Malcolm, to CheroLa.Kan.
*' When (wo year* old the vw
taken with Momach and bevel
trouble and detpne tbe c€ortt
to the bow phytidaiu ve could
procure, the grew gradually
wone and wa* pronoanerd in*
curabk. A friend adrrad



and afttr firing it a few day*
ibe began to improre and final­
ly hJlr rtetnered. S|h« it now
poK fire yean to ag« aad tbe

Beware of Ik Canvasser
and His Expenses!
B.. .Mr Bacriu M. In-IMIMU
vhen in the Clly.

SW Vkftt T»

bty. Our noc it yogrv

.Maait a

1.AKOK STOCK (u aclect from.

Jl SIftle SC

ffiue« PB*ie 5M

inju. Um MXUMII. Muk .ev iMd. ae* (ru
‘iwwM UM vuwMLUto
Mi toawu-.v.l. *1 I.



to TVeiw Ittr. aa* dua ue 1, II ear
r. k-. whr (bijear-* to U. t na.aii

wyvruA "f ii'MJt'xitoa toTATg <v
l-.Mi.t).btoaalU-.11toiat..M.>. u U. ItlF
aMiau li_Mi.atouA.1.ue..c~.aa4a«to
I* lA- autbv .4 Ik. ~UI. to riMl B
t'antol. Ia>. .a iw isir to
uT* pSraie^*Sau^ taSUf

Kto>~ I. B-too


Or. Haaa MeMaal Co. E»ha>A lad.


ll M .vW-fmI UmI Ik. VU Oar •/ iama
V-Ii a> MI ..vkMk la (W aeiMM, ai rat
PnMU. UOkM. I> ■ yi * Um tmaaiat mat
mm tu mto *at to -------- r u tM OraM

nm ran < >Ri 401 .oTAig < V jnrH w a «.
iMatr to itraito Ti aiWw-aa. yriloa
At a I

t I to Itm Piiileii uw*1 to wi*


w ew —ra W

UWI^IM tabam

Of course you do, it comes too hard for most of us to wish to
squander it. Here's what we propose to do fust to enable you to
Mve dollars sufficient to have a“Clorious| Fourth” and a little
left, we have taken all our fine suits, men's sizes where only one
three of
to two or
are lefta kind
them in
and put

Hamilton Clothing Co.


with . .
two lots
Traverse Oly, Mich. folio ws^
prices as 206 FrOflt SL
Ten dollars to Twelve dollars put in at $7.t>0: All suits
selling at $15.00 to $18.00 put in at an leven $10.00.

Don’t Ut anything stand in the way of your purchasing one of
these if you are likely to need a suit In the next six months.
When interest is only six per ^nt it's a safe proposition for you
to borrow and invest where you can save thirty to fifty per cent,
as you can on this extremely generous offer. There are now
about one hundred to one hundred and twenty-five suits left in
theee two lots* and you can depend that from now until J.uly4th
the number will decrease at a rapid ratio. CiUl as eariy as you
can and ask to see suits as advertised in The Grand Traverse
Herald of June 26th. ltK>2.

a teUy to ar- Mrrtap.1*


•"-“■bsc/sTsa- “

i» •<»»*“« “*•
ABd. r»(ir
•wotaftnaABlwUlo;■mmo kaowlBK If wo «ako or riMp.
Soawo a*lB( whaw wa aw.
To fool all aril ilsk awa;.

______ ______ Beal to ae aaap «mA.
AAfrieaae lA aUtaw wlU AU
A earw oeU: or aaU owr ‘
raw aad aarw hot. Uw IbU

The Knil You Hm
Always Booght


DmI pn todah It ant AJaltp
aan with a ootMW paddlABiwwbonp OArloUa baooa-Uaka
A Bm KIM. M eU Ktog CibriottM
llgbl WMge eaka aad baA It to
U MlUd. waa boro. A «aw toto A rwaUAAta A telwt wheat
LawttbaenWWA Cool lA oaka
bto Uttle wtogx,
werU A BtetdMghAof atoailp
wao liilliid to Aw bbbp
lagaAaU. FlU I
B« ««mt7.
deagbtowaad m
barrito aad aM ■
Tow wla.
U»e oar tbaadMa. ‘al* <«
eteaa to lA I
toallp. OBd hU wife laaA UaAd
With naalla tolFlap fUdo.
> A B fwthwid awl, A
Urge barrin o
•wl'e leaA apail
afw Air riie
at dwili batwoaa a« be aa Baatbl.
TIU aaolB Iko fMM MO
TAp gww ap tiaeUfal. awrp ma af PorA toUa abaal Afenato A
A drlad and waiibad etraaai;
aUdto of A Bight.
Wia bod tad floiwor:
tbaa. ftom tkedartek. A
I A «A Ua wap aoeh i
Bol Mthtiic mamajta Ua«M
priaea. to A tbwa daagbaw aad A
Aa to broA asaUgbl.
Oar Mtreriag tlb U
aa white ed egg aad lAa to pawdeead
Tho FnM Cisf-* pmrMBgar aoBa. Qeeege BBd Watdeaar.
eagar. Beep m Ice aad aerw fwaa
AA Ap ware aaeoapUebid, wee OM^poa
Tbo MuM-o aanlMO aw bmj,
a Uator ooatBW.
lli*. r. U nproa. A Ht Ub>«4b a<
glaa dUb garalAet erlto peaB Intea Mrfallp aoitiaplAad.
Hare pM To A A gUdliig M>ot U A A
waa. Chloato-. IIU b PnAdral A lb. |
Ubontoeeadeainale aap A lead
awr kaewB a Daaa? U pea Are. pea
Aai BOlUv tl»l bUckti or obUIm
Chleaga OfTiaaB Wumaa'a (laU Nbr ;
tola wap.
A*a kaewB a who mU work aad
A A falluwlag to wp A Prfaoa. Ihr 1
BWawbenp toe Owaa-»prtokU oaa wAwae wilUagto Aao: a i
amnlr. «hlrb rrMrav.1 ■
Aad iho rioor o( Itto aewi tfciMi
A tbep bSTM'l bM M
It big MO OBoo. U Boartp
war A wtarrh A (!„- '
ocbM a todaao
Aa to hot. tUafc a
bo aBoettoea of a wbeb aapfalof aagar «wr oao oapM ef
With thlali« ado.
>ed. aad II twaed a If Iba Allad bwriaa: aaeb (baa aad A
Ab4 oil «k0 walk la lliljfciidial
aaad oattl too eager to 4
ywoaawAA a my
jAaMh.lMdpatotod. ■Bg.aA wotfcA la A garA BBtato ibroagb obaen eletl
bAbar fiaabli wMe*
preltp habp fw pea tbb weok.
Thar Itwd aet ao aaeb o rural
toUiUpalpoaeqaan of thto
plap Uia onwB at a oobeol uMb
Tor Boro Ihab bat froor IM.
daote. wba All grow ap to be • I had arvanSlnalarlM- ao.1 drai-jjlnx I
wwa life. Ibmgb Ap epnl
,d and oeoUd. aBdodgar «
aad tba otiwr wow waa aad ba
Otfmgrvw dla,
AhBBBbpaAbp. la toot, tou baby
AnilaeAata lluto D
h II, hot l.rl.« Ibr —A j
FrwM aad pack to A aad alt. Do
tbar did M bar llRla flrl |>U7 i
Ab4 oft U liio ploawt pathway
aabeaB aew. If poa dM't be­
1 wAre clip wape aerer i
TtM7 aaat wUb Hlw:
Atrr havlor
Ibr flfib h«llr bf- I
TAlt aoAr toagbl Aa aU A
Aad lb« air fTowi pawr aad nrooMr OTatrlhlac bar owa war, M I
luohad diSrmI h. D>-. Tbl>* m iirarli |
pmtp aria of A world.^u>d oi 18
eoald qalla Mka oot wlill 'bba bad
Aj laotaw Bawl.
a pm agu,a(*l I Kav-bad o-n-um-u.-r '
Ap WA nAp to aaka a AAl tou
baowdaboat. Mr iBBt waa pakaat
A A UuuUr. I -aBO-i |<r*L,r IS-runa :
la the Uithl Of BU MBdar aBlUac.
A eoorta et Kerepa.
higbiy.--HU.s.<-. i-;iym*x.
wall oboerraw. for I taka It that
rwa lUpaadwao.
______________ .wp-ThU UaxoellaDi
TA IwlA eanu- to EogtoA tbtrip
Uao BOW daadlraSwai.lbaa fefeaaaar drloke or ter Arertog
-UhrMtaa bdaaoer World.
BA paBff agoaA EoglaA waat wild
a riaw A ihr *r.A mAilIud- <01
aottolotawamati-atlrl plarthaoraad olAr faaep eraaaa. >
or A. BA rode Ibroogh IMoo
BOB aoffrrUis fb-m wim- f"rm
OB ataoeboel aiblbltloa; If th
WlU A foaBd neefel fer aaap partala diaroar and >-i uoal'1- 1- fln-l '
To bo kiad: to be boBoat; IB aan
A repel tarriage. aad EagUihaM
deadlier affrool la all Iba nafa of pone wbaa fwab fiell U A to aeaear run.-. Or. ff—--- Iht nranaacB
wepi A algbl of brr. Bo aaoafa lorll.
a llttU and apand a tlttla leat; to
PA««w. rtaaa. drato. aad w
■ - a aa toMUto caUfTtel d/aoaa brooghi to Air aborwl AlfrA
{ waU. flpw tbe wbale, a (hwUp woaU leU aa What U la
A taelb from BaratalqaariBOt
■H eaanitared bit mHUagan*
ToBopM. Aa poet toonata. J ta^fdar tv Wo Iboiaaoe; M wKew. I aoi aa awaal aa ptaobaa. U I
« A tnatmtat A «a maa,
an oda to A. sad A fcoA b
wa wbara IMt Ml ba aaeae- caui iutre BT owa war. aad wfar that ripr
__________ .
with A fwll. A
}wrraBdBMlo bo awWMerod; to
womao.abMld bare aotad aad il «Tar the lower bolA. which alioold walooBw to an Kngllth l>aato.-l
} fcarp a few friaada, aad (haaa aad “oTiah” to aa all tbaae raaia U
A half fall et beUtog weur. aad let
It At OJ
Pow A PAda;
{ alt. OB tba i
(irlplarad tbo erpu aad earrtad <
Haab A
Poor eld paopla.! Boalow:aofcicgto{ to koop taioBte with hlMolf Boro all tba baoora
elolb wetoar. aad eool
tal; eepaeallar! (tod pd^ peel OA
JUataiktor aUlhBiaBBBhaoaf
VaU that waa a laaaoB to aa. at
raaatodwUA bacrlw to A
pitp pea «TM wA kA baru. Aap.-K. Ij. SOotrioek It boaaa, aad aiaea that Uaa. wap. WA aU A )alea U pr
Md" to all or BP Adlea. dwr
A Toloa aA wUUag haada A
«<• r««*- 11«*» hBd a.
>d allow aa oqe>l pea! For A bMW ere AStetog. oA
next pear I'll A to A-'Tbtrd''.
loveaanl AI eaa wai eae el
aad eolp a plBt af tl<aa to A beUtogpelat. add A e .
iBBban wan “Ex “, np wnitog
A Jowdt Uf* ^ baeoA tobartoaa
tl to eat. aU etbara
waa “good''.
tw afatatoo trea A ttow
Oanbtw A Mr aA ton <J
With U>em Bear lie aettto.
aad a kaottp, bat I Udow tbea A wbela bogA to beto Taia law
i la *pe»A > Btoud aui oeilA aad woader whp It u eo oaU.
Oat ottba akliiy wU whoa l
awap BBd aUled awMtip at tba
tow er bolIlM OBd teal ABaaraa JLbl TA eoldU calA tbaa II waa Uara It. )A A A proA aA toriag
Uaa I aw ber. Tba
pee a pb«a of Bp mca n-w
poa weaU OBBBad tialk
wA yea draw pa a^A epblll to A totoA aA Bolbar aA A U A light
-Tba BBder lUa ol orarr oloM
BBgaa tggejrllh aa erarp
A A bOA A'l A dMi littb baby
Ullla rilUga *&—or waa 1178!UbrlcMaadWdalati
poa. 8bo eaade OftoaB of ha r
on II Maaorial Dap,
leoeAtoBMealapan. Haab ago* Pa old paeplr! wfargatfol! firi awrp dap that U.
Aad ao I taro ar oloada abeak.
ease, aad Ibop aw aoaU aad
TA Abp A ilx. Bba 1. (ell et .-ala
berriaa erltb A aad Btooa poo nA A tool wra
Aad alwaja waar tbaa laBda a
aha^, and hare gwal kaeb of Uaa
Lowly Oowete ftoa oe
powdered aegar aad
Id to Apa pear gtoMto, a paaTeiat*allalB(.’'
etbkiag oot OTor tbaa. aad 1 glre
AA n aw*M aa ti.a flowara A Uaf.
whip to A ABp beatao wbllaa
o of AawaVp gtorp A paM girl. VIebt WlAln. aakhat writtai a bwaar Ml of bar pUl- ba dftoaa af ear eleaal big. aaeolli.
IwItbTAaA paoep ftegtaaoe, Kew Aw b dear gwadBa aA grandof two agge. Baal aU MgellMr. Ae Aa poor opto. aA bow—
Boophr la lood plalaprow. aha U
pa|B A.
oA with tbea A oAri frea
plaea AwAAlaparaaadoeWiL If dldpootoMAboA?
oTUOBtaUrabiaer'oorUe.' '
TA Bowm. aad A klttiaa and
iart betwe eorrtoi
Heim eaU»-A txBtode poo et MoDda. Tbaaka to AL Haggio OA
or fea baaa io la ooaB«7 or rUbifo
tbra, fa
A Boloa Alb oarde fer A lltUa
gwaaerer AtopL
tAl ebem ef poor oebooldapi wl
or ellr. aha too tbo right el U. She wo aw ariaaad to ^a tbaa to towa
I aa eoanilag A Apa till l '» op
CblDA ehllora aad wdo'Bt
AraldtoB hUtalAr'aoretaard.
Yea A A A aloaa wall ortr wbtoh aA A brother A Bi. Jobaa
"Theaghtawtiaafa. U pea bwak aad wa dad lei
Ob, “woatA'e"
a toastlfal w
Hot long Otto a friaad cd aA
jsmtatm. thiaktiif U baot to
wed pee aaeb lor*
lot* aA a bii ai
Aa (or A t«et. tbA are
■ rroaartdeaad wbw laakedA arbare. tafalp Uddoo. Ap top oe
wUI BM oaw lb bat to tUak of
baeka kloaing ap Alt beala aA toreattog Itotora today, from BaaabA
ploaaat tt.lag all r~ «>■. nMag dap a two. aad a . tdgbt of Iba Bf- if tA Ad eetopod it. A wU
Good bye. Md plasaa wrib agala
did oaUl I ntoad ap aew a
pear thoaghM eS tba btakw ana.
d. A<
The fAlowing latMr A faa«« Iptog
oastoep of trlBBpb aad goetotorp dewill balp It 1
' ~
that wa towlag la ew aaki: “Seed mlA-t after lAt“ Aad Aa A
DM’lpoe tbtok a wbewl'a A toA
to A Allor'a drawn Boap weak*
with a botUa U tao land, a opeoa ia IbaalBOk:" t aald:--Mo. I eoald tbowed bo A tlA of A iklrt
binbdap gitl,
I A eun A toall aU ke gtod
Y«k PA oU people! Kwe with
lha o*or. a paalltaa atioklag '
aet aCad to Aw a Ug »w era a It hod bA caogfal bo<WA the wbori
Foragirlwliobatghi to Jewr |
llnb Btidab aA A kA
iortog pattMoa leAtog poo down A

I to a elA tore, m
kaek.aakaa^ roaad joar boad fow doataoaaaad Awibal
Frooi poor loriog.
Hg hUl tow A wUep of
tar awrp llttia aelw. Aa boar oat la
oglp gaahaa. oawrel AAo
oUldrea atopidM m wt ehtldroa'a
Lirblmr. :
lhafw* air
baokate, broaktog ap obliawa'i leagth had bean eat to A tblak,
Bat. PA oU people ladeod, wAo
Dear Hn. BaA^IrA IA a la
8L Johna. Htcli . Jim- .S. iwi
botita petaea la (ba world, aad a good
itaar Fri-A-Hy Itttla broih-r aad
' poa A to A wap! Whee harrptog, poa aAt a Uub girl tbn wa bare
baaitr laagh will dlaoaaal
It aar
aap 0
ot tba haokwardUU tbep tonaad I
Ai )Brt warn Ibroagb oo A I
baetUag. A&ib poolb aaaaM wall for Am toto oar boA aA bwHa and 1 will aand a taw od^ (or pe* to
ObA If it U ad| A tote. Osr
we en doing wA wa A (or A
aada lhalir iawatew rich. ‘Threw
We both earwped A wroek to et- pooralow. {table riepa: wbea ti
Aiool lal ool A tolb A Hap and wA IbUU of > ItfotUae an A Book witbeal any hope A toVA to i
phpriowtba doga.’ Uwaald
bellad oot feMk. that weaaa weald taea for a few atoaaa. IbM A told:
Bodara Betbo^; wbeo jeet wont axsope A lore aA Ullb lulpa.
lAa phsle. Hp UtaBdanm Might
tbo dag rik qalokB Itaa aar dog law. aet Ara kaaed u bar ewffad ohatr
Wall, iroetor a A aeodad
Bamory U Apidllp. PA Ata
We A DO oblldmi ef oar owa aa<l AfB A Herald anil 1 Iba to read
la aad
aartag. *ObI dar. bow wbai oa ohlUroB had the aaaelat. not to abew. At I'll Aa It W a feed
A lottora Wa hA • UrriUa cpcl.mBgtoalloo. ThM Oed pllTPOB-aA llttto Kllilah waa hmgfai to u
awfolir ap bead
aad M bor do wbat A
aa arat tlwai puklaa aad tblaga. aad
bce* Map «lb whieh daatrepA a gnat
deer aad raa art
Um Ad feallag aagaidawd oat of U oeowltfa U.”
Uiltob‘a PN> waa kilM bp a opotoaa deal A pcopartp- It blow » l«nt* ah.d
tba aatrida. a law
■■ Will poo trait It to a?" I Aad. gentb- fBldM.
woaldalBOBtbawwaoapUfa oat.
a aA wok Il>a r*of off * bara for
Mowtog AborsdowBoahiB. AAl
go tap farther: thlak. bm et pear A1 BOka II a rmla aowr to eotiee She belitatad Jw ea laetaat. AI eoa
aa. bariA btowlag a lot of f-ootwo waaka bier Ktidah’a
head a all. bat bow biw and Mae aap UlUa owralgbl UA lA aatla of aealtd. oad faaadad a» A gumtau
«Ai A b 81 pmn A ag* A WlU
the *p laako. bow baaBtttol tU Uaa
1 took It to A kltAo. and to lea
Ket ioBg OBO. <■
tA igge. 1 top: "Wall. 1 oapfMM
of woodi appaaw Bonia At aaMa. tA Alldwa gatbaad Uaa U. aad than half aa boor eairied her A
M woeda Mpa a
bow ala that ooal of palal hoa aada aliad tA boUedaMawlth tAetbae. aklrt aad. boldlag A tojand eld* of pdekAapa
Bba b a TWy teppp aad good girl
aeaa oBe't old beoa loab, hew hvm till lA aoUMrdid aW kaew whlA II whaw A oobU a It platolp. A- bid It to nr draae.
I i
iMiBf rarp At. apMka aaraeal bA
A iBT bow (At woBld A BA lookRtto-I Kidi.
ptoeaa. wA omUea aA low to tetan
A al U ood Mid. “U ba a m IA
wbarerw A fOBa. She ww fix
eoU tf gwwlag. bawgIedlaalU
Other tide. Aw'a ao aaodA pdA
MaAI. Hleb. loa- •. 100}.
AdAtoUlktb. I woadar If pear liteed haw eUar beloved oaa ■
ibweV Aad trelp. A eeBld.A<Ua- odor. Btm tba tetop eUft aA
Uaar Hr* Bale*-! wa* 8 p-an old
oeaaea with aaap oUm
' haw aad afa erer tba Uaa.
oorw wbenr U hA beat aaadA aaUI breathed parfoA
1 waa earprUA tb BaatoA workA woald Uke w laiilHap: w for mp p- l* Bp daanA
AbA I Aw triad aaaereaa aaiiatlt“Thlak teighltboaghb laMai
aha took II to bar AaA aad a
to aotito Ai to I aaal dlB'eml pao­ roBtoftbor tbb Uttla erphoa. ^ aapa MO* A b BP eld big klup. II- la
taetarp dariow fa tA wrapptag et
adoaaa. a^ prottp oeoa poa wlU
A It MretoUp. BA waa aere An pla with aU ktoda A wild BowA oA A towa aa aA aarar waou to Are S pwra Ad. U*t I Boat toll ro* abeai
feetnu for » Jearaap. all tA wgp
Aad Obi Umto laBOtUaga bead
pdaowd. aad daolawd A drai
ftcBa. aU woodtoA treaMroa hA A oa Bba b baratog to eroobot..
abeol BP imb eoaeu. AA Watooe
twa tA waA-oUkoqaaw with aatwp
aboBl, Iba elaadi oalaidaaBd U wUl
goA a a«w, aad ot ooarw waat
ana ktod oi fiegraaea.
la A
Bba I*. I AA. the eanUei b*bp oo
u Ml aaM. to a aewepapa; aad
aU haw paaad awap aad tbo mb be
tog daroiA
bow II waa deoa. wfalel.
earth. 1 Bert eteor bp a-ndiar poo
bBW foaad tA Ihlag m laol apt a
abtaiag aal af a Mat akp.
eial Alp aA the Bid.
aoallp i¥]Jalnuil I Ad Am a ptw
ap kled lor*.
wriW to Oaod BoaaBkeeplag. 8Adid (A gaatltBan Aw aap chUdof gooA like A AH. eoatA I
TMra Alp.
^ aaka a aappip of baga oal of thla
roa?" iBOd-yoa. A Ad a wife
iitolp w
with aoA.Uqeid gtoo. and
“That b aU vaty good, pear ghUoaDolip Wslaog
aA all lIHla abUtoea bbA A paan
UppA U
r betwBM Altoaphp of oboor." ape a
Lalaad. Hleb., AprU B. 10«.
A aga" BAlookAapeo Atoglp
togand AoBlilA. ThM^earefellp
aatghhcr Who tea at dawB baalda Iba
plaea iTBak. Swb bag aboald A
Owr Hi*. Beta* 1 aai eight p. an
Bditar of Hoaa Chaa for a ftw ao- oaeagh aad bag aaoagt. to tarilp praaad Aadgto of A Mcb '
^ lav I'Ad eairiA oa ap btwt toto BP toot bA Mid. “Oh. If Air
old. I go to aebool ar-rp dap. 1 aoi
aaM. “BolwtattfdaatblUawaBd bold oaa pAr of booft. aboto a owr- legetber, Alag potoa (At
A eweat perfBaw At I Ad ibp- BBBA ihoaU db weaU poB BA
to A oaeeA grad*. Oer aeboA b
tbaoa, allBreoBdM.eBrb*ahatOTad aAw aad Aw a atoal diaw-abriog of toread abeoU A to lU proper
poaA eoas fna otfaA ' How goA A tbea!-' «A b rxtraaaip A*eBMr Daok tok*. Kp Maebar 'a aataMadrapptagoaleteardgfat. Wbaw
It wOBld be." t. mU to BpiaU. ae 1
tope Tu ta a h«a at lha top. I Ad U
b Hba OeiB Paalaa A LeUnd: i
4M0 pear goedobaa. pear‘Iba* b
oleeA IV UrAepee. “U Imid witp
waoU Ufca a eord aA a AMoa. ae I
aa anew.- eoat to Ibaal"
tolril to ap bcaael tl
la to law aa epaalag of a few tacAoaa A a Baaoblaor too. Uar aoboA
aA 1 loto pour weMp! WlU
Irtod tbb bofere. oA Aw aereMl
“Wtat b daathr- b tba
It wooJd eiA lowlpi
to dowB oa lA aaaa elA
wUl A Ml oeoa. 1 bapa ap bttor
I oaa. Hap UA Uaa* the Ba
“labtakeloadba Me a rilra 11a- baga aw a blaariog laAapaeklMef Haw otooa. aA t IbA It- A haUtr
bM A bag.
UwaAratog. wbA anal eh.
l« ladatd we aap ttalp MP
eUldtea'a aboae. ibBUAii bbo
Toar UlUa fttoad.
AUer bow Btatlp «ne.-Mtohlgan
b aa death, “ bat oalp aaottaa
wbaa aeddp a daap,, a a
LU> Barg.
Mr*. Adelbwt Be
af a eaittaaoao Ufa Baaaa
with a dnaolag that U far Jrem
Orialt. Hbb.. Map 18. ItOt.
beat belowd baa goBa oa w a fa “la«'' laxeapi to rebeB). Tan bp
BAtlasd. HA., JaaaO. I
Dmt Mr* BaA 1 wUI aMd a few
awar boBM wbaw we aw gWag pcMtp thlfWanUaeablaelaa. At apad.
DMrHr* HoBe 1 tooagA I weald
Ba^ sehoA carM to A lltUiaoea aad whew we ahall begwaiad ▼too U to bbA OM Ag aad aoa
.^Be wweui ee aojpvueo io mmvm The white ot aa egg U dreppA to
arrlto to tbb aad A pea kaow bow
hptbeoaege»a befeee. we do m eU It UaU right bafowatooktag ip; (A
w aaap oaw A A aada of IUa gtoee. aA two-tblMa A a m^ A pilk am gattlog Uoag Ato ap. pealltp glrbto Obtoa. Oop aAoA been *U
BBd Boam. We epead ear labaw {■eooat atpio oT'koeta teqelraa plana
per. CMble AIoboBoda to aeal added. ThU waa oemA A*
Om A Bp bnl bMi dtod. lAwgA waeka age aA I Awa'I alnad a top
po* WAI 1 BBAoleeofertbbtias.
tlieo la aeUag wadp to toUow to leeoa TA aUUlp ot tbeaa baga t* bM
Baeb^ a.
•ftp Unto obAA aA Ua*
tiaiwbee the
iMtlM Tedap wa* our AldapA aogoA by.
at an rod with tA Joaiaep. Bang
____________ BapBrogb.
etaU be ae B
U waa Aa awatoA toto a ei
Mboel -IwaapreaeeAtrBBAdftb
(Aa ap A tA diaw Krleg aaf
Um. tad we bar the haallBew of
gM to A elxtb 1 wa* Ml I
TA eotA wop A A Caltad
walttag bp tblBfelac ot the |Bp of
leak aA saagbl el ita ^ W* SBtosBowalaaaf.aqaala. towInUa
g. 1 weald like to read pea a bag wlU
pdaMwAABlOedwOUp. Oar wAatorop.


Bears the



or World.-'
U Um ateoBd a Uko a olead.
Tot the eweat oleoUg of aa apa
Map krlag u Aae to bo.
lageatlaknieii bo oar oheoki
be cwtb ToloM whbtBT Ibae.
Aad abgb wUb ear peapere.
Sweat beartoareaadu throb Bad be
Bweoi hebdag haaeda aw abwd.
Aad |al|4tobo the eaU batwaea.
WUb biattlig alaoal board.
Bo etIU. to oetk, to I
Ba BOW to prea tb«r MOM
Thor laU a gOBtlp to aa wet.
Tbep tooll law oa dwoia,
AMh tatbehaahofwallbarhM■ow lotrip OBd bow rweat A pat
Tto baa of dMih aap batTb oM the 0*0 MB alBB Wa oil^

whal {air Of too* eowriagt II
talae. BaU a doanAgi e< AU fctad.
weU aada-BBd la oelow ibal
In, aw a pretlp littia gtfk aad oaa
that WlU A to
toagar II la le w

la paokegee 1;
glwi aa I
Frail cake aap
It brlgbUBa bwae dww
iMgth of tlB# A PaAiag ii la gwaa.
aakn a peetip wranoag ter A waU
lalad eager. 1 Aw ]aat opMtd a bar
ga that A oftM Bade aaoworp
a —
leaf -•
of a
« —j
IT. U adto te bow to A Aael
ajatowap tU|paarage.
wtAt Aa ordtoarp pai>«.
BOt a He bar wn pA
d to welia aA atoewt II aoagar to lA Aptb ot abooi
wrtoklA aA oreahtag whM
Thn la tA eeaiw of tA bozwn
Bilk aA tow lAl
plaead lA oaA, aad aegar poarad
preaatog an pretretod bp ttoApapaf,
aheal It. tlliag lA bn to lA bria.
eeUe pwaA bb'
tA olaa of bax allowlBg terabealM
laiigi withlAwtdfwtoaeii
laehaadaAUot eager at lA ridaa.
whAtA depth ebow lA eaA wn
lA nae aa haaMath. TA box
lAa wwtrad la baarp browa pa
WbM hBUlM oU fttotiia whA
• aeeipB
efBl AaU
epeeil Awr aad aaiaa
WUI BA Ap WlU A kaBrtfBl wAto
iMl with erAttbapw
gAawvtaOtoabw. IM.

A daUwto oaUpBddlM ealto for
I ptot A eoaUA Bilk, two BbtooofmU A Miar bA o ptath A Bit.
WbUa tbb to aoiUag. fom tote it
Ip dlnAwd. BeU Bw alsatoi aA
rAora ftoB A too. Add A baaA
wUA A two afto aA a taa^aoetol
Arealto. Pear toto Boaldi aad tot
oeaL Birw with daU boUA OBteard.

u^w A b btoo teaaemi
^ Wl A W b ptoeA m aa rbetri.
a wUeh bwo
toBPMrbw Aw tout
to At wfaM A Wt tonaOTtAgioaA I WB* wcp
ABor bnbaaa^i^
>d Ato BP PaalBp JOBB
bn* {dean (at A toto dap A
iMbL I Aw a fair A White Legton. now. I wa. BBl ridtog leg.
M Ttowrea A* aA aaae A A oUw

For Over
Thirty Years




S|Ki uii


il.r >ci> 7^-n mxierbj
all.! iiiU- Kuxiant.x-,! ;n o .it rn.]*i 1


T<i>< Air I1LX.IC In UK





TIil-) air

,n;uU'••uhaaii All I ;; 'rti
limiJi 111 l AUh tlie

•ilil.-. All.! IK-AI.

The < lit-»ii.-.l im


Inil .in -lui



. <i>

iiutlil. ,1-iiUlv .•«i...lrio!,

< >m c HK-! atiil )ou will l-m n>i Atict luAkr.

H6 siait Street, a WIclor Pcfertyl.


We refBBd tbc price ol Cas-Clse U li doe* a«
Cite uibltaioB. Oor iiltb to U b aaboksdcA.

VVe Iii-I* it oo rcmcilt Ibal is m,nr uiit.tixxlit suirrutiil llan
Coa-Cinc. Ca-Ciiic u.mK l>) *ii> iik-.mis a • uir-xIL Wr’ilo me *i>>i
ill* ol nut Iricii l* lor a nwonciil to !>elu-» c lliai «•-1 Unit u to !*•.
Wc ill! wiUt, ko«i-err, lAt AI UmiuU know wc cnlbuuxslu Alp miIkk Cxs-Cinc brcxuai- *c A>c invv%li):alc<l ani! li>ow cstfrylbing it
. imtains ami w« kmnr lAl IA e-lctiimte nmtaincil in Caa-Cme A««
ilir ]>iwei to ilo « Ai wr riaiui. In all • aars •/ KbrunuliMo. Catarrh,
Stoiiiaih. I.iu-t an.l Knlncy Tii«ulib.-xv h'o'ixlr Wcaknewv, lle-ntfA
l>cli:!it. etc. wc id'iiiiimeiwl CasA'me.
--i umin-lilumAI) ilo wr
rcii>fiiiii.'ti,l It lliai *c iitfo in all iiistbiuf* to irliiml llw- iimickx |>ai,l
os It Jim ,!■■ not liml L'a*-CW in r»c»> icxl*-" 1 all «c rlami bir it.
Il will |ij)' 1IM to euji ami let uv c\]iUm Caa-C'iM to ]oil


IT n L niui coiDm wi.

Cemmerclal Printing
nil Kind*

Rerald job Office

Special CarriagB Sale
.. . One Day Only!
Traverse City Implement Go..
I3I SUteSt.


We Lead the Way
WttETK M IfHMJ «E*U lai Fbim tw


1 Ib

™ *i.r fa to. -MV......


nu A CM NST MB to **w Mrib'

b^*^IBM (kto'& aU 1 *M tbIA




Be b
b Am

........... ......

Wori^ Aialieei tofcaew AwA
Pejqm Plaatt {Sdoo..................................................................
... be aoAA to a inia la a iw
BHBt er twa. Md tbw Bto to A iM•r.eAA ewe wtU fo^ M oeoa

tak BaA mag be r
whdto gaada k* fwbkh
WtthaAAA Aean


Enterprise Cash Grocery

Cer Bute oad Uaioto



r»K bW
-»« to intototo
Doto Vp acheol to aa perfect a eraattoeaacaa Vfioaad. t VUrve I weald
ttlhto aw ov tva a brtde with aU

_ ,
fur w»r. ur* •
n> (iw in^iMxLu 1'
II to Mu< tUat >( ibtfyt^mna nracunjl
tkcfv to iMMi Ike ■inalM t-iuod M
tBtrnwIkmut Iwrticn liHuk>«iJuc Ih»
tiuua ■all aur luww. but It I
lluud; UtoL4l|PaTr, » kl.b ui»l Iwnafiar to- tlw unij uf tlWtHiMi UKiM
■Mttollutto-aarMj'ur ihFUilkNi. ■Uall
te U Uh- falcbna autr . «r <«li'HaK7
artorti (hr Uuu- »ur artlMi «»»•. To
tua MMl lOBorUtm «HJ a a>ato torrr
thaa •‘nr boferr attmiptnl l>jAaaarlceu airvkr auil niiiiruiluu
.Unto- of tJn-at MHtalu awl ottor
daia utaiiiiiur uitlwia )uvr twee
ChM U|aw awl wlU Uk<- |da<-a dorllis
tkataHiiluc wIiMn.
la tbr l.'arlUMU am Ibaiv
a Bwa mum funulOaUr Ikan
Utol (vltortiNl li} ilM Uultial Klatra
blacaade Cul>a aiifl dcatrvr Cerran a
■guAnm. lu A^tSc walm tl>r Acbtlas aU|ja or lt>» CUaa awl i’Ulli'pliiaa
■qtwdmua Fill be poblllawl. Tba ]>rubIM or Iba Caribbean flart will be (he
Monae or (be AUauUc awl aair
•r (be United ttalaa awl Anted.-au depanJentoea In (lie Went IwUra and
ttet ot (be Ailallr ruiniuaud Ibe protaettoo or (be mUii|>lu<M. 'luaoi. Hawall. Twolto and (be IWrlBc aln(«.
The (OodUbKia andrr wbicb tbr two
flaeta will opente will aluinUte tbooe
of war. naaa of .aniiwUn wlU be
tweiMd durinc lb.- aominer bp the
■Hwal beard. uT « bk-b Aduilral Dewwr la I»es)dmb (kwmiand.-ra In rhW
b will (akr part In
cwfife la drilto and r>»nrr7 rxmlata
tm (be doobte pnnnw- i>f '
(hr eOrtewT of (be eblpe'
hhd to dlaeorer nOeern we «t capable
of tandUdf Ibe rewele lo tl r beet adtaatapi la tbe BMUeuvm
Obtbbnu am wUI CMUjirlae (brer
aqnadmu. (hat on (be wrtb Attoulic
MaOna. wUeb to cwniuanded (./ Hear
Adstral Kraocto i. lUcgtniuu. wub
. Baar Admlrnl Juaepb H. Owbton M
,, Mcnod to eeaaawl; Ibe aoelb AttonUc
atattan, c-oaojanded tif ilmf Adnlral
' Oaorva W. Hauincr. awt ibe tium|imii
KaUno. ewininaoded bp llmr Adlutral
A. I. crvwalnabtrid.
Baar Adodnl lllortnaon will aaainnhie hla >«aaeto at llaupton Kaada
abeot Dei^ IS aw) fall for t'uletm lalaad. Mr tbe naat of ISrlo UIcn.
which will l» (be beadguarlen of Ibe
aoUtrareL Hear Adnilrsl Huninrr wUI
be leadp to leave Habto. BrealL no
Dae. U. Bear Adulnl t'rawi.luabieia
. will pRKwed wKb bin winadron to tbe
Cape ViTde toUwla. rtuu wbicb point
)w na^be la readlnma to Ball an
Dec. tS.
Unotbera «( tbe few-ral board anr
Itel tbe KoTopran awl ttuatb.kttaiitlo
aqaadnuM win rejwmertl boatUe con■wada, while Ibal uf llrar Admiral
aidaeciti arlll act a* Ibe itodeawe deet.
Ba wtU bare acual>-(be ej-ea of a fleet
-ea the hxikoat fur
. iBRew When tbe alraleakal prabi
;hBS barn aotred, tbe Hirer aqiudr
^ win be woUtlaod Into «A- anat fli
Wbh« wm be uder Ibe aatrvae re
■ud of Bear Adulnl HIkkIbi
•ad Ovtdaa will be aqaadruo twu■satew Tbe fleet wlU rnpipe to tac: deal titfctoia. In mwlllup aitacki
Mdi by teepedo tnata. la niaklnp ae•MUU npos iBuplopry fortiaealkai on
QMn laUod. defewled by Bwctaca.
vhtoh will naiBti* tbe e<
m Bb4.e Uhinp part
th tha aetbm. tad In abip and Imat maanatwea naae eaerctoea wUI ocrvpy
at laa« two BMtbe. awl dartnp a part
€t tba tbno Oiey will be wUneMd by
the pweeal board.
WhM tbe flmt to flnalty aaeabtod.
B WtU eampHae mure than forty

•Mu iObMu Alahama. imllana and
Uw anr Malaei etio
lha ihaaUya: etema itewleelrd aad nn_______ k Balaipb. AlUuy. Cblcw
Baa rtaadacto. Newark. AUanla. HeKartena. KaabelOe aad Uarblaa: roB^
taui teeprdu boaU, oue ewpluecrlBC re*
pair tMp. the UarmUua: oue boaidul
MIp. tbe CHtle: oue aopply abl|K tbe
Calffsa. aad half a doaea naval vullln
e moat ^■rrf.•cl fleet em
aler tbe AoK-rlmn flap. .

aad the other thtap that po to mahe
. woadetfbl ahlap. A wvaiaa
Sav be Birrlad loreral tUaea U no aba
artlto. While a Ctrl to armr (ndnated.
aal bm cure, and If Bbe were
Uue abe woeM oeTtr be an
Tbta ameoa three are no waaT dalatp
than cbeear a few for dracrlpIhm and aa a paMe few oiotbm and
BfU man and rbiflon. white
•wWa. while oiefcwlaed untl. cMIrettr.
. .wile. White rhloa allK and wane
of tbr dalBir wi.lon-all are Men la
e aradoation (ow-aa .knd iIi~t nm
wbatreer eukr teal pbiiMa tl.i- fair
wmrve. White. b«»ei-er, U ll..-i-bolre.
for with while euy kind of e.-b.f. aa
UBM-Dlallun or Bocn-m. Btay
wfalb- Iboar la e.4urc nn afiirb earbtr- And a cradnauf wbllr ms la- ma.le a eery
narful affair for lutiuy ttiber ce-malont.
whir l, to
perultorir alrUab
and ctoinir. Tbr enlire nun ta
t liKke.1 ri: ..r-un.t. Ihe
Iuc4:a reai-blac Id*-it In fr-onl ilwn la
llir loirh. aiMl II
iLry rtHl rl- vi- tin l.iirm
Til- v.-ry bottoo. baa a nwhlns of tbr
ivll.inie. bofdeft-d al lo'li .di-m wllh
wirrow lam to inaleli Hist ruployed
illrrwalat. Tbe drrm ia wtdlr. Tbe
tMito waUt to made of falto nf wide
tiltr tore, the two tower eom belap
ilbend to Ihe (oandaUoa. to fenn tbe
louae. At tbe top a aqnirr yoke is
fortwd Of (be tom. and Ibe alee, m are
aleo made l.y aettllw one Ui>e abur.
Dlber. Tbe dnp<.....................
nun rtbUou of tl
Ku. to tie tbi- eaaay. Tbe aleerea
In tbla luauoee made to ibr rlbdw.
bet ulbrra rmcb lo tbe wrtol.
Crepon to pretty fur pradnathm dmaa.
a. awl ao la deUeate orpawUe. I aaw
ome orpandle -wbere Ibe fluwi-ni wrm
a faint to lint (bat they ac-areely
abowed null Ibe malerlal waa laid
over wbite. Them araa a border of Ibe
ame dmJan to Bie aa flounce or aa
awl» for the blooar and abmm.
Tier allptatw for tbpar yoamc pirla
are tbe iwrltleal atlpflrn In the world.
They am made of black aatin kid or of
white hid. The black aatin or kid
iw to be Ibe beat cboirr. TIw bmto
bipber tban Ibey bai-r been, awl
them am aume wilb airapa. ottoea
with fancy Jet bmdiupa and Mbera
with tiny bon-a of black ribbon or vel­
vet with minute alrel or Jn l.u.-klm.
Uiuem am poTemed In leastfa by Iba
aha|ie of Ibr aleen-a, and Ibry In turn ,
am icuvieurd aolrly by Ibr wtob of (be <
wmrrr. lamp airrrew dn wp bava
qaiir BO featlte an effi-rt a< elbow
but tbe lonp ploim evt BMWe
tban Ibr bmp almtea.
dreaUnp U to bave tbe amapeiiu-ut aa
ptrtlah aa lamdblr. A ll..w.r buy be
ptoerd Wberet-rr It Brru.v Ibe ni.ot beUarle AnlolDHte Iwml ofwllb iwlaled rlbtioa endInpat (be atdee wttb amall bowa «f (be

la advBDce lanted aaA Varlsp IV
*'U‘a iclv* aad ec
eoolly took K froc
wwmaa who wai imtusp tt In brr
paraa TV two were plartw at web
eabar ae tV pecriy drtwed warn
WBlhad an. *T waadw If u taally w




The Day Will Be One Blaze of Patriotism and Glory From
Morning Until Night.
The Kiusic will be of the very best and plenty of it—six bands. The attractions wili be more nu­
merous, more entertaining and more gorgeous than ever before.

Wiirbe immense, it will include a fine display of the City Departments, the Fire Department, the
best north of Grand Rapids, and a greatdisplay of the Board of Public Works Department with all
their street making and street repairing machinery. This will form an important feature, and will
be of great interest. The G. A. R., the Cuban and the Philippine soldiers will-turn out in force, it
is expected the fraternal societies of the city will make a fine showing. A very important feature
of the parade will be the JlJnions' Division, headed by the Union Band. All the Unions of the city are
taking hold of the matter, and their hearty co-operation assures a great success of their division.
The Merchants’and Manufacturers’division will surpass anything ever shown here in that line.
And in addition to these features there will be others new and novel, interesting and amusing.
THE PARADE WILL MOVE AT PRECISELY 1 1 O’CLOCK A. M. Do not forget this. Be here early
so you will surely see the parade.



■ITtcre will be a Trap Shooting Comesi on the We-gue-tonLi uround-. under the
auspices of the Traverse City Rod and Gun Club. This will U- of -jtecial interest
to many.

ribbea. may be worn. Tbew
bawla. mlM aaooda am very prvlty
aw) Vve IV tocTit of bHnp lun-eL and
they way be wont wlih any rueiiune.
artUe-maea bleom aad tbeo Ito-y wlib-.
One of (V prtotteat of Ibmr eoameommeBI powna waa taadr cd awlaf
atnped al <|UlIr wide IniertaU. and

en tv stripm waa art a irlm_ of cream toce moUfa in form ef
batleefllen. . Aroend tho bottom waa a
'act flaff-of aamw ahapad rafllea.
k V|up edped with neaw torn.
l.lobae was hipb lo tV nmk. and
alvei m wrm very wide. biabo|i'a
made narrow al tbe to], by i-luaieta
ef tocka with Ibe tore bvnerflim eet
atoop wbrmvcr tbrm wme
pton of Vvinp tv toce Ai^ lu dcklpne awl dlfferait atom and'wldiba la
ezmiieot one. TV widr-llom am
fiC Ibe akirta and the nam.w unea fv
watou.ewl alerveaL NmKy all We
•n pkcm wbere tV mcitml fipurv la
tv lltecvUoa er edplnp la wruopbl arpao IVt they may V pul aoyThto makee It may.tir k lad-


'I'hi* will be an amusing and attractive feature, It will l*e eit|>ecta11y inieresting to the children, but the older ones may enjoy it. too.

The Traverse City Driving Park Association has the best half-mile track in the state. This association is a member of the Amer­
ican Trotting Association, and the opening meet of the Michigan Trotting Circuit for 1902 will be held here on July 2nd. 3rd and 4th.
$3,0000 in purses. There will be over IOO horses here from all parts of Michigan and adjoining states. No such trotting event has
ever before been attempted in Northern Michigan.
Three great races on.the Fourth. A 2:22 trot for $300. A Merchants’ and Manufacturers’ purse of $500 for 2:35 pacers, and a
great free for all paeg^^'^iPO* All purses paid in gold at the wire. The usual admission fee will be charged at the gate.

ITt^ will lx- by far the best ever shown in Northern Michigan. It will be
mainly amiil-air ^>play of the mt>st jjoriiuo description. The bombs and rockets
n hour or so of such Constant midarc of the largest calihcr, and then- will be
air blare of g\i>ry as will be the talk of Northern Michigan for a >-ear to come. Do
_____ _____ i fireworks.
Trains and boats will wait for >t*u.
V’HHit^wm be no t+aege to any of the attractions, eseept the usual gate fees to
the rA-vs andyhc ball games, and the popular admis»ioh prices to entertainment at
Steinlii'i>z’s C'^and Opera House.


-------ipaient pMunOa. ov of tVu >ur

to tv only klad of milk wo
After web of the party Vd take*
a drink owe of I Vm rraurkvd;
-Oh. yee: taVaD yooI want;
want wore
It b. the Idpa. sayway.*—

tv number ol yude of
ry lufmlar Mik t>w tV
■a aaked tV qamiton. "tVeab

TaV tl down licfacr B to qmte *y
aad ral -H tq> wtthowt wvtokliap. In
i to amtatway tV poUca aa baUaahawlt may V peiaaad ameetb-

........... will b«- ^ old fashioneil I’ourth of July .publii mi-i-ting ■
tbe C<-mrat
«ol grounds on South side at H o cUkI: p. m. If the weather sh.niM
able this meninj; will lie held
our grandfathers usE-d to hold. The IVclaratiun of lnde|>endenc«: will be read., ami
there will be short addresses bv jiromineiil local siKraki r'. Tberc «ii)l^be fiomet ami
martial band music, and the sinjjing of (latriotic aifs. This will lie one'"0f.-4hc imr*i
intercstinjj jiarts of the whole day's-prokjram.

(iootl Hal! will be played at the lith street Cfounds on the mominijs of July 3rd and
4th. The usual admittance fee will be charjjcd to the ball itamtrs.

f to paaa a farmboqae ctmr Ibo
met by tv fermera daaphicT wV



I'hfM- will Ik- numerous and novel, witli some innov.ition-.

(ten-at a crnlral luliil In (be Cbliia
aa «r tito abipa la AaUlIc waletw. aritb
(ho mcwptku of (be auull vrwwto euMPvd tn iiTFVeatlBptb.- illcpal ImparlttkB af arwia and amuuulllup lalo tbr
PhU^ww. Tbe men-of-war wUcIi
WtU he ruheratralrd am tbr Imithwbip
Kaatarky. anueml rrularr New York,
• eery well Uked fv
■oattura Houdnork and Uonlerry.
pentarted cvnIitT Sen iiHmua and
•wabaala AanaimIU. Ihai Juan dr .kna- quite au daluty am cblffau or a'lk mnlL
M. neleui. taU de (.'aba. 1.0a d.- Lo It U eo aoft and fllmy that ll arema to
‘»vo made lo prnce .voulb and tw
M. Prturruu. Vlrkabarp. WUmli«lua
Ken id tVtOs p .inl of anltaad Torklown. TV fleet wUI atoo V
aamdlrd wUb a anpply ablp and are. abtoama 1a tire irfl, mercertoed molL
oral oollletB.

rtotbaab aeeoae aume dliiaiKe apart
TV la« one. wV waa iV pooreat
*fMd of tv three, aaw a dollar bill
’ •• tba alVwalk. SV pickrd II up wlifa
a Blue paap of Joy. wVrii wae cjuickly
fha«d away by a took ef doubk Thto
waa WMceadad by a aiph of detenalaaItam aad aha QnlcketHd bar atepa uatll
Me oeertaok Uw woman la froM af
h«. “ilet*. yaa dnfp-d tbk.* abe
paid, pattlap tV UU hurriedly lata tV
wwaaa-i band, aa it aV fmrad hv
parpose would wnakea.
TV arroBd womaa tuM it mac

nmmmmM ^


at*StcinU rg s Grand 0|>era
for the entire week of the Royal Ihcaire Co..
supiMjrting Willard Mack and Maude Leone, in metro|K>litan successes. This is a
sui*i-rb stt^tyk organization, and will form a.grt'ai attraction ever> night of the ^tire
THE WHOIJ-: CELEHR.VTION will be the greatest and tbe best Traverse
City ever attempted.






1 he Pern Marquette will have a t^fcctal train leaving Beltaire at.8 o clock 4. m.
July 4th. cunncciing with a special train from Kalkaska, and arriving here at 8:30. A
special (rain.will leave at 9:30 p. in. for Bellaire. Kalkaska, and intermediate poipis.
The G. K. & I. has a regular train arriving at T raverse City at 8:3() a. nw This
train will accommddalc all coming that way. There will be a t^wcial Train out on
the G. R.& I. at loo clock p.m. .
The M. & N. E. will have a special train from Manistee. Empire, and Honor,
arriving at Traverse City at 8;.j«» a. m. A special train will leave for Cedar City at
7:30 p. m. and for Honor. Empire, and at 9:I0
The Steaiher Columbia will leave Nonhport at C a. m.. Omena 7 a. m.. Suitons
Bay 7:40 a.
Ne-ah-ta-wanu 9 a. m.. arriving at Traveme City_ at lO a. m. Return­
ing. will leatx Traverse City at lO p.-m. ^ Fare lor round trip from Northpon ificcm'-:
from Omena and Suttoos Bay. 50 cents: from Ne-ah-ta-wama. Si cents.
All railroads entering Traverse City wiU charge but one fare for tbe round
trip. AU regular trains on all roads will run on regular schedule time. The specials
above noted are in addittqn to the regular trains.
These are the best special train and boat arrangements ever made for a cele­
bration in Traverse City, and will be appreciated.



0.y Brfwb aad wUa. aad A. Oa-ara

, baw paapIt’M baart

Batted by
a ta BBiteb' to te laibtof
aad WaK te te iiiwa. Wa
•d aa. aad abaat W a’datb Garkto
m a^ daated aa to Mtaw
I tad te way ta te barte
•M. radtotoc aa a telr. bla
wttb later, ateplaf te
tlM to rarty.««cbt boon, waa
te BPtala. Oiar blau ta a barWa

Mra. .U Baala a
Atteaaaa ta boU a t«awall n .
te Mra. r. M. WUta. wba lafi tWi ,
alBK to tala bar batbaad la <Md- ,
BalMtoa; t. B. Oook Bad wUa at Olaa
Arbor: B. W. rertor aad wlta at Al- lllae. wbwB tey wlU teba th ' *
tm-. Mia. WalbraabIBBiwtIa at O—
,teM. AftirMattMplt
ttal lBfca;Dr. O. V. FraUaa aad wlla
prat ta vlaitlBf. datleiaBa n
ta ta te BlMa ct te AitopiMwara awrad. tollewlaf wUah
at Mafda City: J«*ry BaUlna aad
I. aad teaa ataowba*
I Boala la a tow wall ttmmm
vUa otOate; Dr. Babaoek aad wifa.
poa lu owaw waa too aleepy after
ite Makte oUa bad ba<
T. D. B<Ma aad wUa, VUUaa Stilab w«d« anwated te aatraw ct te
M law wete reva le wakra. aor dU
Mfc*. Tfc*« * •
wtfaaadtecblaraodW. a TattMa ladn MBban la loalait <m at tetr
tto ahaol at toaebter fiwoi tear wttb4Uk»>o. n- -llM —
aad la batet af te atatarau aet of catoMen abord
•ad wUa at Ealkate aad d. O. fhol
«IW aaeb a |ir«ntalao wa* a nlle a(
Wr Dot tey bet oa te dally oat pradace tbe tebteat efeet.
ladfr iwaaaalad Hia. While wltoa
w aad vita at KiaiaUy.
II waa aaanlmiii-'T deelM tbal TUna at tba abip. tba aaatea aad aU
,M.fatMrie tiaMa. wW hana «ara
Tba Kalfbbi Taaifdan aad thMr haatltal fold-Uaad ^
. .
tolaoa bad falHy «ob- B* m*! »1»
M« twaj. aMl UM tkan waa bo }aaat te aeaey li
t-ai.. teva Iteaa laleraatlat trip,
wMm at May Maato fa wUb O^atra oa « Uleb to wake aar wm
lur ia it vbBTF an aUelria Uaa U
.Batbaeaaaatlyaalbty Hif. Vblta te bar aaw boM.
Tl«re «a. ooe MB w^a aJwayo
B«k«d with o. who coahl aat to laIt. Thoy fat to Obarta.
Tfc. eaaaeii taalr a*»-d •»
Aa raaraally ptaawt aaeaMaa waa dacwl to *aa.We. a ctea terad.
^.'oB te Harriot A. Hara Batarday
tte ^■-t------- OB tha iUai to be parad
h iMOklBS jouos fellow la W
aad iBtaadad to laara tbeit tba lawa aaelal at te Jaalar Obrlabr tb» eon.paay fiwa t«
lOt the “
■ '
•b«t Uaa <w by I e aloak ■
tBobn. le
Bat tbti
eb. ak te koM of Mr. aad Mra
Batte Wteber look
wAlftcatlodldBOl Matte Tfevtof
Iraid MaaaatoM aa FUto aWaat.
aot of tto tottlofAlpd. we all to
Tba Mat waa crowded, bat bee ad
Mi. OiMa aad Mr. Onter.
ware n af tbf yeaac paapla
t tUacf to llraty a
tor. fat. craw aad middle aped, t
At tbU iwlal thata «aa a tpirttad
■ol. aad te tote afMrwooa aad ___ atoK-. rxvopl a felluw a
Aeband. a Mrar. ID (.«ored
rddoatly booad to bate aa aioch rv
City Attoraay
................................. tod paid for.
oalataUMl tliat te ymrlaloa
we ituolU tore perrerTed.
• to.*, Ithro
teliam.aBdiaotlaii« ofte raU«v
a rltow that he
. TUWtw-n.'' be wmoW toy to tto
fMoliUta of Maak^oB. BattU Oraak
ppdi Wto d-Hloed to bet, TU lift P*
» wan faad. aad oten
tiu to a p at Itol w. C-»'t «ee aao
nt>-nt to wUah eoalated Joat aoob
„ wars taeaptiao waa firaa te nnri tw. .Me of Sandy Hook.- or
abariarato. bafaf aaUad aaddaaly I
TaQabaaeoU. Mr. Ulbba did BOt baaawty wadded Oaptato aad Mra Qaa bet JOO iweiity Ir Bre that tbrrr tos t
laTctetthay«at>' lafoeB«DO*aBdia.
teaeaepoathalr arrlral atVartb- a d-Md to u>e afcy (utuonpw at ylfU took hold of tbe .tn|.
-iig taka II Pl>." abe-iald naaQUlUy.
fanad to Datrolt. Hav Tort aad BotlaalBifbL Tba ataaMiTire
laid Mr. TUtoaoa.
Tbe car bad au*l«d. end bee dew,
toB. wbara te lallwaya ware BOt r»wtalob it aaatatondad by te fttea.
-I only want to Mke n latefritlB* raorticei Tok* eamity trmteled Itt to
<qalrad to baar tbe nptBaa mcbl to traaad aa>oyad a dallfl
wa. toiaftof a load of paaal
paadlBK a rafy plaateil eTaaiac,
Ora loifUi. Tbna wa. a .yoipattotlc
ba attfialBtad for Ihli eoai{Bay.
fRuq ChariaroU to te Bpwottb for the l«rty.'
•Well. itoa. tor oocr. fiw .t^i
atailc OB erery fan. The woooiMUl
rae If tey eoold aal fo totlpt^
T»w railway aoao waald bM yiald
tcvwkd. nitlrd Ua pal^r tle>
Tba axoaratee rnaihid tba Beaall
for a frw womaata; tbea. uply aad «_
aad latl at
Mdlly te aaotkn. Tbaa Mr. Or
«id tet dHca «aa BO BM of waatlnt to e'eloto to te arteai for Maakiarrlrtof tera «riy Monday
•era aaa. BBd atea a Botte to adhi. south aod looked *1 the c|nk^efa bad foaa Ml M ami te ater
hi. .bln troul
iotn. Tbit paa^Uad. aad te fraa- Mcatof. Tba par^ obm boina Moa. boot A reoepitoe waa ftrw apd or. Tlie captala wa. tbe muM dtaal,y.-.Vew Vork
ohMa waa a«atB la te air, wltb te day areatof.
wbaa tba PMpU raaabad te Baott M aod forbuidtef MO rot»Bi*o4iii* an tba
any at tto prtot liana, a tyran to
alstiOB farter away tea erar.
bolal Ibry ware warmly frwtod by
and Iraartbla wUb bla i«m
aoir to
-J can do that rnTMlf," aald A
-Bo you
It um b
ejf r am wlUln* to aWde |he
Friday eraatof at tehoteotMr.
aod Mix. B. WUbalm aa
•^rdld.- noawnedtbekcn-roftba
mrwt a eery dallfbtfal aaelal araal
ptatoOce ud fmn.1 wore. -1 a
aa any our lo fri
obferthm 1 kiae tba bet."
From TiBTMoa City aad Wllamiy
teoU to tally p
-Thrce'a your etonen, AtoBfek”
poiBM tbe OolambU tail
areolaf 0-KeaL who 1. aooa to baeoM Mra.
•Take bUn.'
Urdlaaad Wltela <
taeafbl H or ao daUfataa, aad te Bdmoad W. Walk Tba ansi waa to
know ttot yon wtr* any ponicniar
"He'e flTtof yoa bla mooey."
aalraaaabraiabla to
Oroaaaat mada a apeelal raa to Cur- te-aatata iM a aontei Him OKe^
Theaa were a frw of ibe remarta flictMl of Untaroix aad braafM orar aboot te waa iBTltod to te Vltoalm bcaaa
-No. Vo tad a dlffnraee lone ymr*
fred at Aahurat by tboae prranit. AaaoM bata. bat tey did aat faal lamm aambir. Aa two tmmIi mI qwad thaarmdaf.and wbUe teie. hunt poSed aernMuty. blowluc a ago. aad I alwaya Mld 1 wa. fulu'
eltaad to yiald aa wacb aa waa «
mployai atX. Wllhalml
alte Wortfaport doefc, aad te deleriuml of Muole, abowtof by hi. exiwea- gti ma. BUI pride. Un»eir un I
Mr. tUbto alatad that II waald ba
to and made Ibemaaira
Uon boCb . dePre te |mm.w. USMlt
(Btoa ware met by te Sartbpert
teaaytotr bafarate prapoaad rail­ Utoaera. with te Mortbpon dlrar
Of TUlottoB-.1 muory
money and rautiun leat ao BOtoppy a. to tore eusetblu' doth'
and blm aot iB Ik I'.r been tx-li*bly
way aaald be nada to itelaa opetat- baad.
F OBtwllted. The I
___ Wilbalm boM waa baaattfaUy
Informed tel when a man iu*kn Ida
iBf ezpaaaM.aad tel if tUa ax*
Tba eompaay were auortod at eeee dMortoad with wUd nata, te tradebut'to oongrem iba jwoH» Itol ton
-OU. tbare'f aoM gay la
to te town hall, wliere a ftaat aap- plaoa batof a aolld book of teaa flowUcu there for aoine time prevluu. look
lataaa te iaraw la te pwate*Wlih te ampleyaa of te awra not a tadUmtla aohtacl for .
par wai farrad for alL^ Imtot te
dvwD oa blm kICMl of «apcr.-Ulou. aad
M Uai crawOah.” remarked oaa
alalBd tet ba bad praatolad te pro- dalacatoa ware aaticard to telr place, _____were « aambar of
make blm Pi qnMt and ll.ten. aud tet
eamokm. -1 knew bed toe* out
paaad trateilaa te Mreial wall kaawB gt aataftatomaat. aad bad ]tat Um naati^ aad te araalaf waa a
wUI ies aboat kill miir-WaabtagiuB
y one faced him."
aorpontloaa whlab an toraraba to
•by. AUsixl." Mid aooter. "be*! Star.
te pretet aad ftody to laraal it te>itaiwamptB infiam waa firaa
I. aad tea retara to te reeplas
to ba pltrba^ o

aar aaaoaraftiawit la aeoeadad bat
jhldi eaab oaa praaeni wat ai- yuu'U taka bi Ibo «M0."
ad ftuu fUfum duwM
paetad to taka park Bpaetolly aa>oy
Tbiw badgerad on tbe oaa band aad
tto traeeler will |wm.
abla feataioa of Ibla pragiam warn CDconnged oo te other. Aabard botod teifi af te matie at t^to aad a
(be Avua gvntr. a cortuu. «tm.-tote
P/arlou to tfaU
tba Total iMo. by Mlta LawU aad gaa lo glTc way.
te ater aarTlaaa. Hie marie t
wUeb a PnguUr tradltlou ta aitaetank
taafsaadordtoBBoa waa tokoa opto
"WUI yoo aU ree that tbecr'a no retalea ibe Imadoo Taller. Tbe .tucT
Him Oardaar. aad te atogtof of te
tatto 1a tbe matter," be ataed tto
ba road aaettoa by
uaueO Cook about a
Bar. Hath Kaoaady at Tiara
t. and I ware 'lawaad wilfaeal dtaeaalae eraoia, aakat and party: "tet be really pulla the cap- eentary ago wa. told by a gypay ta ibe
taoB Tba nottoa wUab pnTMas Biai
Leigh wood, that bl. uWy w» wouW
ware icrrad.
Mlaa lala-a noMr
aad te addroM of te eraatof wm
"We wtlir abonled e«ecy min.
to killed by a mnwiil befure be tra.-b-d
baa taaBotin tell ba aoeapted from ftrao by Her. F. O. Oanai of Ttar.
■ praaoBlad with a mm
-Where and when wUl yoa do Itr tto ageuf lat-utj-unr. To .vert tbI. to
oterltow wblefa may ba latabllihod
lenaato of Um oecaolc
City, (ste aablaot. “At te
Biked Aaburek
built a hiKh lower and tout bl. wo lu
bar* waa oppcaad by Mr. Olbba aad
Tbiaabold of te Twentialh
■Wbea aod wbere I like."
pie lopowP room Wllhebe lllleullou ut
Mi. Urotoai. Tfaiy afraad, bowaror,
“Wbo-a to wilDcta ur'
tary.'' TUi iddrtw waa a vary ftaa
aniudlug Wm there until tto r.ui age
Loudon. Jana *l-TtoatOry U Mr' to a Maato iwoTldlBt that ttaaMan
“Any or crety mn bera. Iwlodlng
aad iaatdriiif oaa.
d. However, by a-videoi a
aat tet Whitolaw Bdld, apaolal an- yonrMlf. I’U noUfy you ta time to be
temld bataaaad tor all '
taken up III a figoi lu tbe
Tblf toanilBf te darotlaaal ear
praenkroy of tba Callad Statti ki te
u to Ugbi the Ore. .ud U mi-t from
lai lad by Bar. Preatlm Wbitmai
“And if te enptata kaocka yoo
baUoe. objeeted to ridlag to teaoroBallaira, fomariy of Korthpork
- • te apaolal rep- downr
mar wa. read by Mlm Oara
ba ob>eta in any way wbalerer.
OtertootiaBa wiae dlaei
Oardaar of Ttaretto Oily ao teaabtolaar etoagai aciaed to.
who Isd te plaee of booor wUla
jaak ‘-Tba Pta u te Baad of a OoaOto aaatlaa whlefe imrldM tet te
wai allottod a Mat with hi. todc n tbe ebaaer of wtanlag the stey w
lad Bpwerthtoa.’'
Olbar axoalraUway eatopaay afaall rapair at telr
te'botBta Ttomattor wat rafetrad drawing blm far socTttoatertoffli
"FeaBdaihm «klr..rown ixpiriM Bay toatofa batweaa te
to KlQg Bdword. Who tba intent to of te party waa driving him. lie mu
looking op femu a fad
ralli aad toe raqatrrd dUMaei
log rlgurouPy. Uylaj........................
baatd of tba troOble directed Itol te
-Wb.t a goMT Baser
daa. aad Clary Rotoor.
e way by which ,TI
tooh rlda, and to kiap te Mtoe i
Ciiitod Btntoa anroy thonU hara a
Tto aloottoaot offloen wUI eoaor
of>f*to. Tbica it a paaalty for
aaponta oarriago.
aeried ntber^toiin^lata lU* aftoracoo. Tba
acto^teea with tUtptorlate. wbieb
tosdoo Jane a-Tto Ubermomban
tto coaraalloa will oeotii
ta tbe haada -(be badkr ta te to irginied a.
The monuy wa. put
Urabrtoaw U. tet toeotoqftalllorrow aranlof.
.med iSartta. aaperPnictare and tbe bat a. tto •
of a paeaenger. a mat
ara to law told axpoato for
> Ueampallad to t
alee. Ou Ibe wbolr I rather gurM ,
Tba bew aoanatioa to te taittory
bad orrtr breo ta te
aad lapabtof attar dae aaclea aad orPT eoltr^ a good way to denigiutr tbau. Arcb>
r tto Omad TtareM dirtrim of te
dm bam te atMl ooaiailtoliwiir’.
■ of Ibe tot ply to tame gowna.Bpwortli Isafna eleaad Baaday
te aompaay atoll forfait Hr baaMttor waa broogtat to te klag'a at- WM cxplalnad, le Um. and be wta
aUaa. Tbli waa atataaoasl.
ttatlon aad be baa itaoed aa orilar piterd lo aecreey. Beery man tore
to'nV that air sat
Tto oleoUoaot oOoan
to by tto aompaay aad abaalitoly r»ptek out JUP a {-Tlata way ii
tel tey to allowed to wear montag bU word to retrain from any coll '
tba fallowtof:
ba aaM to tie haltl Ou tbe P<«1 fi
with tbe captain. In »borU erery
foaad caBftdatattaa. Mr. Oibta alatod
Prealdaet-Har. Bsfb Kaaaady
eoualmrtkn pPuctple."
waa takoa tet tbe wager abcei
Tiarorm Oily.
fair tor bolb porUeo. Tbe Paka
■fTTWS OF m^tRCnT.
Firm ria praaldaBl-Rar. A. F daroltaa.far MvaiBllweakt bare toari not te be tamed orrr to Utber wllboul
eapttaltau and tey waald bm look at
Oktabooa hai torrrPed a a
! rambUaga akin to tbnader OD te tote
Haftar of Charioroto.
crop of ».a00.«0 baabata
te prnleet with a proriolaB of
Joka Park otar Lynch
BaeaaUy pceaent wbea
Baeoad riea pnaid
Hypiiollam la acleollBcally pndtad
ktad to te fraaoblaa. Attar amai
acatoa few totet wide appaarad
in tome at tbe Pm>efa medical coltag te mesBtato aide. A few doya
•Bdwlfaaf 0«*al Laka:




—Going to luTc one of the greatest edebratioos you ewer heard tdl of.
no* HUM iL Going to do thing* up broam. We Are mbking
tain you. Our annex will be at your bervice.

Tree Refreshments Jm Dayw
A cool pUctf-to-reu. cat >*our Junch. visit Tell your frioods to meet you in our aniw x .
It’sgMg to be n great
at trading event ns well ns celebration. We've been cut
ting pri<« right and left to en
ensblc us to condense stock «o as to fadiiute the moving
of our differeii. >i ii;rtii»ims
' .IS soon as the annex is completed

a Ori Every-tHing.
. You are going to sflve considerable <-nsh if you do your trading with us.
force of help wilt be more: than doubled.

Hart of Ipka Oily.
Tba bntttr oolput «.* Mini
tton at tbe enptain. Tbe wcalbar wa
0 a elai^ te
Ihta year wHl exceed ttot at to:
FeBitli Tita praoidmit-^MlM Mabel
xtotniy. and be rarely left tbe bridto.
daalfBatoaad a
CoUtoi of PetcBkey.
-Go np tbeir, TUUnon. and do tbe
two, saka aad ktad of raUa to to
aad Btada aa opistag «fty feel loog Job where aO eaa nee lU" aald
BcH»«tai7--J. D. Ortaa at ShccMa.
OtmU with F«m or veretible •
■aad. TUawaiepfBaadi
TtWtoarar Dr. E. H. Wlak of Ohar- aad aarmal yard! wida. Attebi
ramtab an tbe food etaoieou ne.-em
.iBtaBdtewo>d--makaof te flaaare wM fqaad a taa dapull
beatih. I
-Ko need of that," Rpllad TUkiUM.
of gold in payte gaaaUtlaa
C.ito<En.Wh£B..tlK.Pea!ber'liow laborteua. bH oempaUon.


You will get prom|it sc-nice--you will get

Free o-FCHarseu
We will check your wraps and bundles freeof charge.
We are at your service. Store will close at ~ o'clock.
We mention only
we are doing.

S ou mayuseourpbooes.

n item or two in' each depanment merely to show ^-nu what

nrik up tbfags Ih «
ms itpartmmts at mamtf sastag
eppartuamts. Stasaaabit staff. 3ast mbat papt maat «

Dry e^ods Dipt

I.IKIU >-ar.b uf TwiU Hlcwhol Crash, ihr 6r

g.«l »liw anicle............................................

Checked lltomTowcltafc an (b qualify, tot
tbi. toW.-.........................................................OS





You m.Ki

preparations to ent.-r


each, for..................................................................

lta.lirs’lideThrto.1 lltok


...UUI, by,

.c., ...... M.Un.



Uiick » i'uai|ilrle in evny detail, hnn lltr
cheai-eP lo the higlM' numlctv

• ■SSHSr' „

Aak 10 fee our Spcrul Slial|:lil Fnml Itol-

>inr ItoliPe watota. mailc in the
ith fm'.' fninls. inlucnl i


rmc silk gin,*mp w.i.^,.. . W« ....... 2.60
.Sikloareoni l.a.liiV 5iexiiileas WliRc¥ont
lioac at..........................................................................lO


.28's'.-SHsi"- .90


MAnyotber pretty uilot suits ami wime •
o nimlioa here. t>e these as



<■ W

Olbat potota, bat ararythtof
troakad wbao It cbm to tbi
mlttea-BaT. P. K. Wbltama M 1
of iBrtof betwecB te ralla.
U ta protohU toot aaot
wlU to made to gat ««altor aad ao
te axeaUaaor af te papari praaa
modify te baaebtaa to to taoka It aaTto addratata of Or. Dawa at Detroit.
Batarday aroatog ao “Baglaad ta
te BIgfatatotb Oaatary toad tba Rlaa
''■tediam.-‘aadytabatoy ■
Aotblag waa laektog to te anaaga- te ao --Tto PiwMBlBwiM ed
taiBta ter te Kalght TBtaptaraxaar. aics to te Baa toJaiday axeept te
be bald ta
' tore beis made warmer aad te toy HaaealoBB.
Tba eloate addnoa wm
girw laat araBtag ^ Ber.Hagh Eaa
aady at thli eity. rMtaatod prraldiBt.
Ba dwelt apea tba two thoogbta of
. a'clotoaoeiaMkaptotatoraMioto
tto ally- dad aO aeatytaody wm aa
Tbon who attiBdad from
toad.before ttot boor axcapt Dito an Ear. M. D.
Oanai. pcMldiag
Boaad. Ba kaew that tey eoald not
r. Dr. aad Hiw Q. A. Bslliday.
atari wltboat him any way. «> to Oaca Oardaer. Mrt. Bailey. F. B.
Mda a rlitae of baiag iota aboat a Oanai. Maoda Tdaag. & Bnatert.
mtoatr Iota, to alsw tet to dated..
Paanaa. UaU Btrdtall aad BetU WM a marry gaterte that w»ra alaa Babartaen from te Epwertb
abeard te boat, aad a many art
UagM of tto FirttH. B. ehaiah:
bBdeoUaatod oa te doek to aaa
Qladyt Lanfmaa. BtaUa Bailey. Isto
Kalght. aad ttoir ladiettaart ail telr Urdu and Mary Barley finin te
plaaaaie trip Kot toe of all wta
Jaalar Uogna cd te tame abareb,

tote and dote.

taelHBaneyof U>a waater. bM armyOM WM aboanl tba boat wbaa aha left
Ttoaa who cBtayid tto trip wt
W. W. BaUUt wUaaad Iwadao^
tort, Paltr Toraboig aad aea. H. O.
Jayut aod wife. T. PotoMyl nod alaur, Wm. Baitaar, wife aadlwodangfatan. F. O. B-amaaa aad wife, a U
StalU-A. wife, motbar aad aktan. H.
MoBtagM Md wife. J. T. BaoMl. aad
wife. Jofaa r. ^Ht aad wlfa, & J.
Hama, wife aad daagbM. F. H.
Pratt aad wlto. O. a HoBatt. wlto.
aater aad atatar. A. W. iakcau aad
wtta. H. WUtala. wife Md toai
U. W. BaanaaBd wife. Joke Fartoto
aad lady, J. «. Markham ate wlfw
t. 8. Hatlimgt»ail wlto. V. ■. Eal-

te tod wttta to a Itateta.


BBdftar. and Hn. Hngfa ‘ Ktaaady.
W. H. Beett. Bobart Wollar. Datay
Hoattete, Ltala
and Babart Oataaa fnm

Aboat 10 frted. gatbtaTd at tto
BM at Mra. Howard Raioell Tbnraday OTtate ia boaor of barBMb birth,
day. Sto reaalrad May baaatlfal aad
aaafal praaaati.
Tto araate wm
^mnt ta maato. beU. laataamaBtal aH
r fare aaoM
7 Mtoyabto aatotaiaat eatepbaB.
lea aaaam
MTodtodalllte a

Tto ... .................. OaalBfy Olab oa-

Save /Wofftp for the ^
tradina at the Tair^
\ Oncdourtlianen an Eadica' S»M IDaMa. SUrla, DraMcra. ami
’eoitola. mra-a and Bora’HcOltocaSMHa. Hat. and eapa. Bam.
imadta and Caca eartaiaa irem noB onMI Ibe Fmnll).

ltd inch black ricroU Cloth, aortb ffUr yard


.. .............

SC inch all wool Cheviot (black an.1 tovy)

where fat K5c and $1.WI yard, extra
^unal.................... .................................

Summer Dress 6oo«ls
Si& Mulls ie toBcy and jitoir). .’-•Oc values


Men's Bvibngcnn Undenrear............. 'Jk Cbildren's Sun Bonneta........... ..........lUc
BokCnuh Suio.................................. JBo
Ladies' Fancy Hose, red and blue,
drop atitcb, JSC valncs.......................19c
HAtmnocia. fringed vdance. ofoseiy

IPf*f fsttf
........................ .............. IS

Vow pick of our




\ Straw Hats, up from............................... 5c

lOcarcaHIIacllliidanBaiaarBoeda ktlewcaat. CWa aak MO cmthuicuawag tbe etoebery. On and BraaHcBarc. Peedcawarc,
etc., tic., ta aald. it la year Iwa R vm ada. H.

Cbe Tair,
> 22! Trpmt Stmt
J tH»tnaOtf,mkSt§»B,

.Ti 500

Btototomton^ F*loor.
Our basement floor is a large department store in itsetf-'es'erythiiv in tbe lise
of Dry Goods, aothiog. Boots and Shoes is well represented. Not a dfdlars woftli
is placed oo this floor'anlm it is underpriced—it is a cut raK otaUabinent
which contains bankrnpt ttocks. jobs or any other stocks of merchaodbe bouglM at a
U |*ou are looking (or genuine bona-fide bargains yoo will do

Cbe Bo$toti $tore.

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