Grand Traverse Herald, August 21, 1902

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Grand Traverse Herald, August 21, 1902


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


(Siraitii ®iral»eir«je Ujeralib*

Arasi CravcTM mr«M




Fbr the tail WMoa ot IWl «e
have oM of the Bseot MwrtiiM

•rer ebown is the nu-k.^ All the
biMt NoTFltiee is 1‘leide. Cbeeke,
•Dd StrifMt, both Foreign >od Do­
le. Tbeee «e will make to
Toar Older at the very loirtwt pricea.

Tiarersc Qty State Bank




207 E. Front Strteet,


• iti> tw ww~ wtu t»
Lsd WL H I at u Ite tvIBfei >•

0»»atae H. A K. Block.




J. E maiMAHTEl,

CAPITAL, • 100.000
SURPLUS. $60,000

wnwM. Lodl«llentaDlT.u.r.


the eo«BB7. eed thr aeTBtmir of cb*
•mto, who is a Oresd Army mna. is
come to Mtr B spMeh. Tb'P'nfls
int BP BOm# mmnd mm the pUtfetm
to n-pnaanl a camp ctaaad. and they
an- feme la havr a seem Settle and b
-------- aad da all BiirtB cd iblacA I
______ will be A ictaad efalr "
Tae eyea af tbr slot man sparSl*d
a raised bimerif ap en me elbow.
"1 iMKon It'U ge off all right if tbr
Otaad Army boy* Imre eharge of il
Tbey alwmy* do ibiagi
ap tnn.
My woald'Bt I like IO be right ta
ttetbiakorill U'dettrapwteilii(le bleed t 're get tall la me to we
that batue aM lo bear that good old
war maau; aad war bom odob mara.


Tire Tnsurance! “

a I erir kaaw oM taiaad teat tee awtal I
apaa aa Tteta. earn
« my torely
oateet bolbtes. -were
' 1* of I
looking at tag add a* wdueiiad a*
two t.-ery beat* (bat bM yoei arrivM
(blaagl, tte mad. ll was oa*^ Uu>*
gtatefal ODWatiymew ter* eteoted _ Utee that a maa tetaU tbere was
itelr tamer. 1 am glad ttel Sate right BOOM BteCak- Ibal be wae ever ’
aad }BH Witel* ha. beew laid (n ibelt
"T1.1. ooople, "I.* oeatlnaed. "
m*mery: tet 1 Uuae uf ilmw ancar
r ear of Ihe big leaUi
eadaiM bstoe*. e
that man. Sila* 1
we* e ooublv hantaomr mao. evte
bero’e apirlt aad did a hero's dta«U. els fewt *M will- Ite Mild of a Orewhom Ita- world kaow* at '
ama atbleie
lie marched tote (te
It has always tee« a aoaree
oScK and wub tte w-lf pomeadoa of
great regtel te me ibal be laeaM
a man wbo Imd bv-ii monted amny
of my sigbt at tbe cln*e ot tbe «
yam regitier-d.
Tbi. u tte way
Chat I faaeeaever kaowa wliai
* of bim. I wooU give mad
taka him by the band again, aad te wife.oil bim bow be oflra atlmclated aa^
"He never
ialo Itad oSe*
helped me by hi* owa qalei cnorage
in Iboce daya
1 winder if Bilk* teTbi.^?! thraagb a Iwil boy.
ramble alive today, aad if >■ where ov. r. te -IBU teasing hi* wifp aMel


Tfea Utead Army beyo


Army Posu an- eomtac trem all ever

Real Estate"* Insurance





"Hcf* he I*' Here la Iblp wage.
Tb* rrowd toraed toward it*
agoo aad .aw Jeanle standing
Tte ir-Me Bl a.,*.*.
» wagon teal paying no heed lo
Tb* .(arda ot Norway and i
Ubcr'i apparval effort* to ha.,
ThtoagbOws^ -aad Rally 'reoad
U noted fer ber rrligioua
teligioua an
tbe Flag, Bor.- ud all Iba otbar drat •It down and keep eUlL
and family daiip-do I
Tb* goreruof walked W tb.- edg,
old aaagB I'rr aaag aalil I wa.
■ p|d- riy royal i- ra-«iai:
m tdatform aad called oat
baarBo. I waat yoe Bboald ge orer to
um* for Mlelde enii-luymeol
T^.Jma.dMT.ia- MbBtd-r
"Are y<m dila. Wamr-"
ihu erUb*mttaa.^Jeoate.
1 gaem
u eh-dr>-Nee lo ImAiag af
■lam. jael a. sare a. yon are Uw
yoa're got a deoaat aaeogh draiB left
welfatv of ber two
<i«rl.tu-lbiib*n> br lArlr
ip Ibe trank. Yoa go: I'll gel aloeg maa we «*pd te call 'F.arl.a* Itair
M Ite mme
becanae yaa w. re oot afraid of any
aU right bere by mymif
................ .................. ............ BofinieblghUb. dart ea. lb. Mar • am ,B» M
"Why eealdb'i yoe go, loo, falter'" tbiog How are yoa. Ftall?"
Idaced 'chBrcki wori-r " eo long a*
dohnnon Block, Phone 73
Traverse City. Ml^h.
Tbegovrraar wa. dowa from lb.
Be i^ed ai bw a^ly.
ale'" L.
be mid. "do yaa hlatform and by tbe .ide of Ite wagoe
en IS a member of Ite
IB a moBMel. and iJ.e apflanar of Ihe
'ahgelioal Mriy aad wteu
crowd was dral.-alng wta
“T(a.Ido. ibaot
e wo* U Kogland la li»' tte retuff
me« Claei>-d haade to In
teep qulM bere aaUJ
ae wiwi dime by tb.- low eharota
minetp* bila* Wara* had
Tb- j M„ud SaAliia .A Inm Ur blUa abUa look better aad yoe arl
latlv auracte.1 fierShe atb-aded
yoa did tbrBB dayi a
rial mpeliags uf thoaa who devoted
platform, v
(be teat. I boegbi tbr
emaelire 10 telleriBa Ibe eoadltioa
Yob Bhoolcl DOI nrelrrt uy pA« ol
large easy •
towB aad a ptai of m
tte poor and got maay"|nii
Tear loiU'l for tlir Isrk uf Toilrt Artr
loot TbeebHvlng
aoaHah yoa ap a good daaL Wr eea
r falan- work at '
Sb>- to
tbi. wa. dooe. aod _P .t*n-d.‘>lf
ciM wn. p T<X>TH KKOHHK:*. HAIR
drira orar to wbar* we ma baar
'.t friend' that
(be Salvattaa
hoar tlip
Brarythlng, and 1 gaaea ttel if '
■a Iwr nalm aM tb- gnat
J* da.r
Aad wl. ..I 111. .lav
(bam ttel yoe are a Utaad Army
wbleb tbe feibwere of
DEKS. ftO.te.-*. HHUMII’ltl. PACK
a tiiB Uiml of Jely aed Um bol
Kootb ha.p
ha>- ntoed U- hWPCbw
1H>WUKK.S. ric., on. so i.IrnUfol here
rrom 1tbe
Bloae mioagb lo tbe amad for (he gayly oatanwieed barm* from
gUriOft Boat
b> dae more Ibaii a
goreroor'e mmege and tb
ml [nen witbin ibr rmeb of alL No
yoa^ bear tb^p^iay. I'll aol
drew the gorereor aed bila*''
PM u„ss‘
BUUW wl.Bt fA.d.l0P for tba
Ibe hotel IP Ibe towp. At
of lb.- ibip Innicv of ixAsoa ^'I'll’b^aT’glad bfin ae a boy
lmtirov«m-ol of ibe liAir.stia or l.-lL
dilae wa> la tbe cleao. cm
to tbr otroaa AaO I think.
voudB OP the UbI beak of ib* licUs go toi
bed tu lb* beet room In tbe b<
far olf to iha ri(lii of tbe desty (bat I
d to bim:
mlltod ter Ite
Now. roB'll Hey ngbf here BBllI
JB m. ..
WllllppIPP Ml
aalboriied by
I are abU to go ou year way In '
of tbe Foartb ____
A grpilt
a Then we'll »-a.l yna oa y
ke earn# ap with (be naiag
. tbe
bigb Iruat
riliploa artiu will uaI B cirl <
lies bAaci
;u>C limply «un. and tbere wa* Ib* Mf*l cwrtaia- way lu good ehape la tta- dnwiag eme,|e.m.
in* oeeigu wuma u at'room
Is. A wide ty of a i-uol day. Slla* Wama wee a*
jcoTpd by IT.wldeat Kooeevelt was
bappya* a tend, aod bla daaghler aaylhisg. Y'oa end yoar dangfater at* eahmlited by a Flllplao aamed FlgabniBBird strai
Jauia ibamd In. nimeara. They
' tbr gaeeu of Ihie town and <«oniy roe. Ua Ite obverm «•!* apptete a
buu aruuud (h
(aei a* loog a. roe'll accept oar boa female Bgaie dUd to a Bowtog dfa|v
oarelad bo amay weaiv mile* «
b.-r fluabed 1
pllalilr. That 'a aellled. "
blag lo break tbe daft moaotoa'
*ry wUb bor balr atroMBiag Mtue
'And tbeo be I. tu come on lo ny •I.UBlderv
trip, aad Jenalp hatled wlib
Above tbu u UuoHbed
bomr end make me a Kmg nui." .aid (te denomination of Uie <«lB aM be­
11 aayUuog ibat woald girr
dasi oaverro, and ebr
Ibe gtivenior. "I am going oal to low II the word-, “FilipiBoa" Ua
.»er pleatarr Hbe ara* ap at br
queally posbnl back ber bat and aipOoloeadu mrmtt tn a few we-k. aad the reverae ei.le i. an AnMwlnan thleld
Bd l.vr bruw
r Btiil
ktiil law wub a slerrr ot
I’ll iwe that yoa get three all nght 1 beonog tbe .lar* and suiina. with an
!«• r drea
Her faor I
eeen map a goal d^l worse off iwgle pxebed ,abuv wub Um> ward..
eliabby garmaeuta. bai Jeaale omde
DC uerer ll
yoa are gel well andHroagoal "Uuip-d State, of America"
Uiem clean aed aeak. 8be waa^taom <il
......... youpg.
' in Ibe braeiug monaiain air.
lied wbea slip
feaadia a UuU box
a ■DBitn.M IP ib» leoi part of
and lhai '. )aet wbal I U.lak yoe will
i^tbe tt
k aa Ola G. A. K
ragou lay a lall. wofally tbia
do. oM l«y. "
la bre taUmi. Sbefai
alio would bar- bcoa l.andSouc
AodibatwB* wbai !»' did.-J. IA tneud loaemaUrp euglaeer said
to (be 1
»l of biB eoe
Harbour. ip tbe Uopgr,-gaticiuali*t
(be otter day: "If 1 bad followed (te
; to him_________________
MB be awoke.
I look SDOBI U.c a
farm ae taoaely a* 1 have IbU emgtaa
"It'll oom* ID migbly bandy." be
iKHDpIipici. .iBirirpd witb
tor iweaty-eli ypaia. 1 ebeald bare
aall. "abd I'll wrar my old army cap
nuwJ by Ibr bwi asd ibr mukiee
oweaed owe uf Ite teet forme to tel*
Uial 1 hare kepi all tbeee rearm. If*
ooontry today. "
lie did aet my
We'll be total
w >ick thai ••O'- ooBld forgirB - ■"-----------'"1 bare t>eoome a rietim'of euliirt
ngfal oat. bat leCi as te aaapaot (bat
Ibeta-ll be iaa." eald tbe talL tbin man. ae
fviOi. fr,-tfBl bmp of bir vstbtotbra arto gaiMoallo aea. " We read ao aiaclj he hada I mete bat experteune lo
pay any atMntuo to aa 1 feel three aboat milllooe and billion, and gen ebow f<« bl* life work. A aacfal life.
gores BOL teiber. Iiooalda’i time* a* strong a* did yeatetdar. 1 atal arrrage* auwaday. that one oaa
will foraly <v
M JOB from tallbfaL
gri ipu.-b boltrr. or wr woald bont koew I woald If tigoteool Tbep aat hrlp II
We bare flganw la oar
pMBiateBi U
light IIIIO Qaiurs. You'n fe.'IlB( tbe Ibaiccg and mr' ----------- eporte. oar ba.iapM and at oar nieala
Think of IM
I life-loog <g
rtgbl op"
rel Bgood dwl '•
Aad that leada to Other Ullage
"Ihare eared
Scrois ea U 1 v
a h'aliie Umt erery boat Uf- euu
year breokfaei, anc
an> ap bad 1 oao hardly brBstb
teiuuig OB Aai^aen territory?
ed I tall
milk Irft "
Tbe girl terued half way aroai
.1 11 enuUier way.^rery few niak
and iboroogb"Wp'llgei
bp wBgoo am< sad looked el
1* Americana are getting marn.'d.
oocnymeeioii aad ermpasby is good place where We can see aad bear
P wedding bell* ntur aroan l ibe
It a'l. woa’I we?"
.T teop. Hrr heart aebed tor bioi.
world, ll may beat Newport, oral
• iMa ■■. II. Armem*. War"Ye*, we'll be off la B eosplr of
■D.w'1 }.« ttaiak we’d belter eaai
aul 11 geu cooler ‘ Tlien 'e a lows i boara It will be mrlr eru tben"
Armoak '
Emigrani wagmm wore loo aommoa
iW milee eii-ad
1 (biak wr'd beM
~ '
Ufa. where tbe enltan i
a* Umk
iBWl bIpok Bbul wr cap gel witbia i in iboBp day* lor Ib* one la wbteb
e laktng anotber wife, c
ookgive bu *M. adoUar's werthaf
■lie or
of Ihr tuwa Bad tbei Jennie BPdber father ro4*,to altrael
etedk IB bu tmamnee bamafw* antll
uUe c^np I'm afraid that tbe barsL anr altaatitm. and little ta«d wae ing It* new childra biloh epaoeurd- (buy Imd toUnBM him timl (ter oMld
'111 give OBI 10 Ibis b.-oL UId Bally paid lo them a* they drore Into the lag to law."
"mafcamamge. " Tbli wa* tte gtaoi
town and oel bertmd U to tbe great
i* feirty tolb nog oow. '
Tbin followed la dae order reml- packer'* homely way of myibg that
' I gneop y e'd better dose yoe my, etrette of barren plain where the oel- .leeepee* from tbe groap of yooog b* did get take bl* eooe lain Ite Mm
jpoala 1 hate to loae auy Ubm- gel- ebratlon wae to be bald. A platform men. all of whom had mkee pan ta a«UI t$*7 Itod riiewB btaiae** capec
bM been arreted sader tbe ootleo- weddlage, aad tin- etoiiee begaii whao
ting 00 out of U
■ 'B Borr I'll be Btrpag.-r ngbi away. woodi on the benk oftbe rlrar. There tbe tall, Ibln oae said:"Mad at errry
■a* to be a barbeoee and maoh fmetUbi WP'd be IP aa bvIbI Ox if tbe
ale art te tte teonder of (be great
« and geeeral bllarlty after Ibe
borBPB Bboold glv> ost. bo we'd better
lioaea ol Armoor. Tte Toaag man
peecb-maUng ib ibe aTMaaoe
nop end net (ben sp e linia WbM
With Bolbtog bu bimto. 6a* aoibtog
towu u If'’
Jeaaie drore the old warn qaile
I where that
-ll mael U- PlatniTllla
loer to oiM eld* ot tbe old pUlform
rmeal wa* loel
la lb*
rool from this section of the countr>’. 1 can alTord to pay Tb.-y told me Imek inbagetowB (hat Bder
a eotloawood aod laid to tar
c«ar of tbe y idem
the highest outside market prices in cash. Will also buy tbp 0. (1 (own 1 cam. to woelo l»- Kbar:
hge IhiDg. a*
■u Wiu b* real ebMy end plaaeabt aad
ely ae If they were a
hides and ginseng.'
It doB'i eoem to me lo be eo Very bars aM wr will eat b* la (te way derk_____ .
iwniig for a fanentl
Tbe ealy 6»g .-ver allowed te
iseb of a place, aliboagb I eas eee If BBT oeie mye anytblag to am I will teal wedding Is wl
-rber* ao irrevet*
.huvp tte ekare and *4*110* ns> tte
ul II iB a good deal tagger thae 1*11 Item that U>-rr U an old eoldirr or meteaaical ealeider
Ml* of Mr aery u Uw cbartdi '
kgelown. t eee a olemp ol (reee a IP (hie wagon who I* *lak.and 1 geeee
Offioe snd Waivh^.732 E. Front Bt.
"Tblogv*happen la tbreee. laid a bnmd wbi
Bfll Pbnne VfH.
, C^tixens Phone l'>l lullp or more (bit elde uf (be (OWS. we will not be told to drlr* fanbtr
mark* owe of Ite
I 'll drag alopg asd oamp (here.
r then. "
er wtUi a _______
lb, r.-acb.-d (be clatup of treer io
It tbey were eo little in Ibr way
a ship er a railroad die- most impremlve algbi* M AliAoir^
etaa aod drore ui(o tlieir ------ ao CM laid anything lo ibem
aeterer a eyinop ite editor who ii the mewad wrvio* bald evpyy iwnitoy
It eharle.
1'bee bIm anhBuieswd When It cam* lime tor tbp epeaklng lo bandlmg the dlvpatehe* will remark mwaku. Biteaded fay all oitoata aM
(be boreee Bad IpUipcmI tbem oat OB begtaJeanU helped ber fatbor ep lo lo matter of fact way. 'Wbere are BM. Nwrly all tbe -kmomlMltoB*.
la ttelr aaUeaal, MsamblM*. teve
ibr ebu browB gimaa OUmbing la to Ibr frcal real of ite wagoa aad prop­ tbe otbrr two'"
(bp wagOB. tbe (brew out boom blan- ad him Bp with plUow. He wae B
'Here isaearloa* lllaatratloe of
keU. mhicb ebe epread la tbp doabJp patbetle looklag figer* a* be mt Ibara. tbli aoclop
Ao old te-belor wae to
mm oa* braaob uf tte gw
- V be (I.P (Tp«e aad tbp wag- Ib* wreck of the great, stroag man be mamed. Tbli Ii Ite Uory as he
Tr>’ some of the appetiting preparations of health
TbeD elw helped her la(bar
tea. Jenale mi beelde told It to hU meoe: 'I ngge.1 myeclf
(oc^s we carr)'. such as Malta V'ita, Grain-O.
BBk duwp wiwrilr oa tbp
(te oowd cam glaaeee oat in tbr besL Ml I think that of
blaakeu. mytog ae te did eo
of enrloBlty toward Ibem aad eeraral all tbe oaiflt I was jwimdeet of my tokpo of twpBOt.

Pinto Clnnn. Stanm BoUor nrtd Accident Insurance.

A CactBl tuMag BiiHew Owe

3 »er Cau aDvRcA M Tine DepMUt.



Money to Loan on Improved Real Estate Only.







Fine Farms Cheap as DirL



Sr.-? n.. 'TSS'-.;

tiHSt art Barqaias.


"fiPEUSsaTTr"^ •’


fcaMbTlI Jt *. ■>


c. a MuaaaT.

w » Brand traotrst Land Co.



iAKIQftlGRTIEiaTBniR. Ri Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages. &tc.




Via. A. a. a A VIA. OsratiM.

\A/ool YA^mrvted


Ti^minsi Till III! TTii MiieiAi



PEBB Marquette


TUeUaeaAlr adalaiaM
- Aalw aaad for lelM <t |


Baafii Tkella m.


Food For Suminer Weather!
a. Bw CHt. Pm Her




eaMrWnUssA PMAw. !*»■>- «K



PilUbury's X'itos, Grape Sugar Flakes, etc., etc.
Many people use them in place of meat.

au*UBOa. A«<U. I^WW.UNT

J. J.

248 Front StrMt

BrMCh Block

aoo Aor« ^•rrrt for
T«oaiidooe4iaU 'mika from good maikcL
(lat^ loam, some day.

Good soil, rdmil)

Fill)- am timber, will briog tS.rAHl at


If you want CO bu^

market; 6 aerea orchard; 67 acres seeding; IS am iiouioes; C acres
oata; $0 acres wheal; $ am coen.
woods, fenced far paanre.

Balaoce of Uod. iodudiDg

Good 6>rtioin house, with stone base-

Good e-room tenaM hoose. atone ioimdatioe.

Fee.1 mill

SUs90, S-aic*r nnd basement, with toob ibr thelliDg'And grimling

Tool boose StitO. on Pone

$6x60 nnd $4x40, none bsscssem.
sad ^ pomemioo at once.


Bssement bam

Wm seO srith groiriog ert^a.

Price $6,800 U aoU at once.

cne-foorth down, balance to nut, or will take city
(arm m part pa^L




<« uosUer


else for

j-our kitchen you will

S16 West Tents' Street.

not make a mistake if




Our stock of Tin and
1| you are thinking of buying nn)'thing in the way of

do not (ail to look over our Urge line of bandaoat^ ar*.
tides. We aho carry a fine stock of WATCHES.
CLOCKS. JEWELRY, ETC. Spectade Fitting a
Watch and Clock Repairing—the best
gAde of woric dooe.

J. lT. -M- A.TtTIJSI JiIK:




NOT the cheapest kind.


( to gel OBI o' tbe of tbe old eoldier beya elO|ifi*d for« boot*. I bao Un m shined snlll I did
lie eiill
No, yoa
eaest wbao pataing tee wagon aM mM need a mirror. Tbey were p-rnepdii't lap me. Jeanle. 1-ie dowa
fecL Bat DO Ite day of tbr tragedy
beelde me ID llw ehade aad take
"Hallo, oomrad*'
BaJoylng tba Ite rain wae laillog in (orTPOta. So
1 boagbl a imlr of gala t»a tbal mmwell ap *0 as 10 protect Ibooe lire--________ _
Laed! ai
mlaatra' ooBvetmlioa. bat________ loae boot*. The fan fel l-oar amvrd1' 1 ibeegfai 1 lied m
Ibem were loo mate eagTD*e.d wlib 1 emerged will, tbe be« man from the
ibelT own aOalr* te mrry leag
Tber veetry room aad Jesi a* we rMclie>l
bed tbelr wire* aad ebildran to look tbe lited
• a4 of Ih.
U>r alale I ImAMdow*
**D wu tim
after, and lbe» wereeo many of itetr and eaw Item
It 1 do belierp ll
• • eomimde* lo maet aad to greet
( down there lo (bp
las Wan* , dell aye* tngfaieoed
a Baab came to bis hollow ebaake
"u^i a bmaliral wed<liBg.
.cb a big utoag a
*Ml te New York for a |«Ir of
al t got tJ
b be bM foubl flaallag la tbe
I wa* IB (be war Ibam foar
■e Be took off Ua c
old eap aM
day ll^iwx
yeaia Well, ll I did I'd raiber gtrne warad It: aM eteaiad fa*
Bad goi It aod eBffarrd
all it'a Ite b*M led lb* way la the
fiom ciu... ____ ________ _____________
broogbi oa me (baa lo bare Hayed H
tog. So 111* good. kiM realnvpe wbo
hoai. aad •birXed wbas my eoaaay
swarm ea aaeb ocv«icm., poi bigger
needed me. Aad I didn't wall to be
allpewra ov*r tteaalln W,a*oree ai-d
drafted isto ibp eecTlop. I wbb (be _______ dpUnrl_.
b*m drew woobw mockingt.
Orel oias loyolODtear IB Uie eeaaiy. edteetey. It wai aa l____________
dir woald aot slip oo lb* ley
Him', (be moaey heldlag oal. Jeo- tenUM tea teart of tb* old soldier
■I teal led fnm tb* road Io tleetep*. laleoding. of ooone to
■ Uh. htere'e eome left, father. '
in Ite Uul- I Bbp did Bot tell bin how pllifaUy aeldiar boy. oM bM M ble maw to
"Tbe.oetamowy was witboal Baw
Mil wae tbe earn Ml ta Hm etd lb* titet to many a Meraaly foagbt aad Ite bappy bride aad brtdgrenm
leatber wmllel la bar poedeL
ll badtla. Thma wa* teaar opaa «te*r
woald tmre added lo fat* mteary to wteatei^iKtte gnat tera** of
tmve kaowa ibal there wae bat a te* wnr-Oraat *ad ttkirmaa and

magi, dollar tall lefl la tbe wbIM. 8h*rMaa.aMU
aboBt tbetr dtiaaoeB, aad JmalB
|p.4'.te.Ttorkept stlBnoa
_____a llttto toteir IM of
"U (ter* eaoagh bo yea eaold aford
(be lawa la (be Boal ad
ttok wite rer^wl atfeoet^ atery w^waU toU
J Bad get me a boufr cd
both krld* aad
aM It arver grow Mb.
eeemed lo do me a IM of goad."
eext y*ar I wa* beet man at a weddtoff to Paaatylvaato. b wa* a (proB amt tate te Iteir tal aSalr-aU waMtoc* are of ooubb.
1 ap tee mdlaary aM bat (hu WM vny aywrial 1 pwridma
Ufc- tet ate ad a opamal tmlr of iBteM bate*** tar
- fcaew it weald (ate alt tel
khs n.rwdrm
k was to a MmU rity,
ad bar meaey dor (te
Itten te* iiMeliM
aM tte Daoeteba* mow kM taaM
>. tel
•I Bte
ate dUaadmie
totealaab. Tte pair of ovagteoasl
..-.Mdo($«aUte « •
telpadtertatear. 8te irnttoteafgaad. IrsM
waa W.IB fsaaroo* to *eap* mi oat1 tbe mate ipwu (tea MUM Im
_ter-( bemt wtoa te ted fame l
twiee mead my Uf* aeitertteedbto
•brwar U «te« old daya. aM ta
motaw ted teda him Oadipaad wte_
terparm wae aatpcy and tea $M bOt
lbgj*Ti oama'I mt w4 gsd oat ««ar
baowtaaw tee aM bar ttMO UMt
amm wwa te te tad wtdtote

We can show you good
quality al reasopaUe
We would be glad to show yoo these goods.




mm «teik


WBB «»«nka


OeU lb* teeadrr.
■red at a
Iambi* mle r*MaUy b.-lc
a Naaouafonalrt ebareb la t
Tte ebareb It eiloaud _ .
kaowa loandry. to wlueb a m
wbo wa* not vary lofa lu bu Mpagraphy. wa* lo take tte wiMly wa*.
tog ef a premlasni eluien
eluiea a
at tte
lewa. Unfortnaately
.....................................f.« tte
te O'
tte wariimg was toft at tteV rbarob.

, %: a

kMctarateae e* s aSriMw.
eaaatoilv* HnwthkTd at CNda,
Imlu ttal te do*, aok kaaw
■rv-. bM that Ibaae whUb be
geoetolly aatdaat. retailed

Si.“£!rLnr.ssrT: s.;

watwtaMMMd U wa*


ired tbi* b-kRiam 1
oa* ef tte___________
"1 am earaC bat plaam- tawak tte
ffMtly w my wife. "-«a*U^-

Aa IrlMmoB wbees tm- wm m
Plato Mat bm Mead, need te krtf Um
- —a maMamt te tte kadi^i.
ted aleo lo be ae poor «* be was
y. Oaeditoaarigbbermrthim
___ J*M: -Bow BIB yoo. Pmf
fetaL"-axaiaia*d bis aelgMorsym-

Tb* Ltaa brldfla. aew $^««. to
bum. U tte laagem to tb* weeSd.
.et^« wUee taaW *M ta aad Tba
roadway U aerrmty tarn abeaa water.

HT'.sras.'Tssr; S'sas'rart

• awdCw

■*a«aae OUp^Aaa
Matalwaa of OaaA BafMt. took
AasAay Atoaar a Old Xlatoa laa.
Hr. aad Mra Wa 8aj>ai ef ObitatiM Hfmlv atar- »• Irtia^*
to b* In te •stotartB it ha ■o are refltlertd M The ba

^ ow.

E. F. FeM of Mte it *


Mrk. W. F. Cappea bad
of ladteapobttreat Park Place tor
' e euBoxT.
Ifn. C & HaitBOB asd dwH
of Chicago are at tbe Park Fleer

to th, it^aUlltr td tto
Tbt MtoUtoB
I loctfaB te tb* atoUtou It It
TasUe wat tot Msba et atttaetoto
mt thto • mnl -Mtaiac
Btortot lift art« etottoaaU toy amiae, Alla K. OraAorg. IryAla.
atmnimOlV «o.U W
Tbaiaaia l»>toltt oa Cda Oreadog. SprtogAald. III.
tnot MtMtioci hem tbrcMd. tad
8eTtralaf Hr. and ktoe. Delee Basaell at ChitaAmMUw hr ■ rood thlac f« tba 1»<bU9. Tb»-tottr to-worth Uoklac toe totter wort tot broaa toetli
etoytogea Aey aad alfbl. bat ora
tort OBd If we boeVt talltUt rtU ialatdaU fa niton*
ptoaaJ with tot ptoet that toelr etty
tot tote war. hartog
M it be offtred and M •Tt(7 btUM*
will ba BBch Iowa.
tacBbltotoU tatob ortHtottoMCfOM
Hta E. a. Baekley aad toagbtaa
to potoi tbe TTO)M< oloBic.
BprtogAeld. tU.. an gaaelt MBateTbt aniilbUO «f Mtolaa Utood.
las eatega tor tot natb at Aagart.
bowerw. to qaetUtotobU. b Uie Srat nrtaat. aaltted byON«olo H-odrte
OJ FrliUT aatog toot e dellgblfa
to eoaaand of toe alp aad tot other
ptaoe to* owsw «eat net wbbI to wlL
bafirea tot bato with anartoIs feet, toe prin to w tor eat«( tofhl offleon of tbt *eaeL
mellow rart wat aa a tot pleaeem
to to to(f>M snaatiea fiea tot "
a>oytd by tbt happy owatrt a 8au
toadM etoaar a tpeettotiee or i
iato comic, toe beOH- at Hr. asd

bot It U otolBed by toote who Ito**
etodled tot dtatla Uwt Barnlln ud
It law baa toaraad tiitt aa totoad to Wllao will lad, with litUt dISainiaaMe. that toe adstaaa ttot
to tbe pealbto nnaba of TOtot
woaU be IKtaerte, batanlea - "
erti. while Hoga ad DeVriee
wiU aa be likely to eeeare ay Vreat
etreacto to too ward*.
Jaet bow
A idae of lasd AettoaUr
, two
will ttad
UOaorto IstlawoaUbtfariwtfaowntotp Arlegalee ii
abto. There an to be leer of
e. a all are well k
atoblitoed to tbe United Stota
aadto order to aatwa toe pnrpae ll to trae. bowarar. that al the tan
It It otoBoiaUr AalabU toot toe tokt eaaae lire oeet effaetirt work lu oe
fteUea be loatod etoa to toat tonft eertog delegaia wa done by frtaU*
MtM of popatoltoa. aoh at BaSate. ot ttoMltoad Wlleon.
UtoraMBA, OUeafo «r Mliwaaka. At
to,the Orel ward Healln't friend*
toapUa it alealatodto be a raotalt- etolM ten of tok-dsteen deirgatae
bw tad lalatof tatla UiU faton etoowd. ad tn the Baood It to teltor.
atag giea o)www ■
ttol the delegatee en abai eqaol
iaaltetMed that
AlTidad for Hoabs toe Wlleon.
toe Third II to told that UrVrla
M a tloe. with
11 bare a* Aelegeto ad Hsmlln e
Urge t nojorlty of tbe nmslnder.
The Foarto to aid to be abont eqally divided wlillt In Ibe Fifth toe
nitobto. to qabtog of Otasd Tiar. maa dtosUae U aid to prevat
«rte bay. aepeetolly of toe weet ai» Jam bow tor other eandidela for
toe BMMtr ef toe wai aaetloeed toe Ihto oOoo Had It aunly •prcnlr'
atftoat diaonlty.
The ary AejortMot wau a toatlen whtob le opes
M haarly sU toe year w peed Me. asd
There will bt so oppoeltl^ to Oeo
a toll tov to iee-boaA eeretal wake
erary wtaor, and taetllitot fer teabtW tbe ptoa to eMA walbtreety
latAeqato, Hsrtoa Ulead Aen sot
praat a rtty torerabto Ml leek a
for tlie totctla ef tbe

4 w* <a get It
■aeaa Tfce B

AAotaal WsttM.wbe bet tbe aawe
to ekage, hat geot to Wktotogten to
iakt bit lepst ast Ml ef a taere at
wlU red batwoM torat er fear vtty
dbeiiBbU inpeeltleat.
ftol If it
•bneld aot be too too, er Martoe to­
ted U BM Mllablt aer aeallaMa. per-

Fed your pnbe a tow ntontet.
U it r^lsr? Aie you tbeti of
breath. ' after tiight eartf^
B» going up ftaifk. tweeping.
walking, etc?
Do you haw
pte in left btuatt. tuk or
bettveen tbouldw bltdet, cboklaintiag —

Heart Cure

Amitb asd Ur. Berth will foto
Hra. H H. Toapfctot who It 0
of the oottogt ■■ Uader tbe Plsat'
Aeld kr ell Orwetlete.
b.M ad wlU ritit at toe Hatagae
Or. M>lee MediMi Co-, gikeen. led.
oeuage for a few weeta
Ur. Vaaghs U oaklsg lOoi
roTemena In hie aCUga. i
Aeeal elide to tliitd taaae by tbe poeother totoge glrlsg It a eat of while
deroe* MoTOIsy. tbe base eteslfhg et
tl,e little gtoat. Kebee. aad the wooOat thing toat ada aot a itttto
dTMi moope Short *tO|> Iteipbell parthe comfort ad ptoaterr of tot no
aer go^ to tot let eream toda foa- pettated on tbe tail Tbe Uetag* clnb
Ise-apwa*: Tony Notovny. o;“
tain whieli Hr. Oamatog* he* rt
ipbell. a; Keboe,
lUy added to bto oouftotloaty Hon
Novotay. J b:BeUy. » b; Wlltola,
aod Boll. Atldera
Hi« Unrroll Md Hr. and Hr*. A. J.
poUl of Ibe baa* roa
Soon ot Kalimawm, Htob.. are gaeate
er* wa* third toe*, where tbe oan
at the iwstiy booa of Hr. aad Hra
rho eaeoewtot to gening
antltlr.1 to retre*I.Beat* b|<ob hti er
Dr. A J. Preeoott retanad m TaeeIvaL
day to Ubieago after a week al Tbe


The biggaet g*h ot tbe emeon, a
M>, peaad maikallBOge, wat booked
yeelerMy by Ml« Hate Ballard of
UOimnga UL. to Uarp lobe. |a*t off
Oat aall Polat.aed wai tosded afUr a
rele .traggle. by Hon. H. O
Uavto. who wa* a* pUaaed over the
Ml tbe young lady wbo booked

^.^MillanJ Brteford of Yrinna.
Ohio, it tbe goes of Mr.
■ t.anJMrv A.
W. Jahraut al the Octonaxy Club
hoDte on Can> 1-kke.
Meiuv Itaac Hoover ind Samuel
Hoover or l olcrlo, Ohio, anivrtl last
e«ht and wiUbe gucfU of Di.
•s. Sny.ler for

visiiing Iter limtlter, Kalfih Haelrtt.


util* W«rh-ll« Wa
gmie tev* PoHeh to eatily appItoA.'
SretofctellgroUy over ll« etov* and ful
Aaaprloto.l>ru*b lighil; with adry rlotbrn
A kelUani )e> hlark lu-.tre I* obulned.
II to An
nf. IttoudulW. ll atU nut cubofL
betvtofiowarte u
It rant i
Aiy op. It
dote not
iM.t riM-d ii> le-Inoaur
bofereneiiig. Y<« nen-r ihr<.w an; <.f ll away
bMote 11 cannot to ux-a. It |.g,<>d to tbe
tort pineA A S>4^'i>t to,. laM* kiugrf U



ntor that evervoBe aey tr
e J*..ll-h' thr mariufertur
have drcldrd lo Vavr a
hot at ev.-ry houv- In Ihii ritv. II for any reotoa yoo fail to Rcriv*
a bui.a*k jnur d.-sk-r fur * trial parkage.

JoBCiih Gtousel, well kmiaii newsMn. John I.amioo and Mils Aibine
Thor]x, wbo ha* been her Kue*l. pa|«v man ol I Htroil, was a -giicsi ai'
went In Maniaee lotUy to '
I'ark Flkce l»sl mghiencamimienL
Miss Kittic ilar.- lia- u-turm-.l
Jacob Koehler ux1 wife of Chicago,
mir lot a two uc. ks i.rjli.m. fimn
wIh) liave l>een viiiting the family at hcT.lulicsin the In.liin u-x-MaliOn
K. J. Morgan, relume<l home lo>lay.
Muuutain \ ic*. llklali.mia.

Uanager Aoguet Hanoan uf tbe tovincible* picked op a lean Balarday
•nd went to Willlaatburg for a gaae
ue ball with the tmm of lhat
plire. The boaw team oommeneed
geulag their mae while tbe gaae
waa yeang aad kept rtgh*«» nmnlag
iglioot the alar lantaga Tbe
Aaal wind-Bp waa 111 to 6. lb* IbtIsolblto'BOdr>tly laklDg toe lamlleat
iber of toaa Tto battertaa were
Aioverand Urdle for Wl
aad Novak and Sntfka fat lb* city

eommercial PrliUina
nn Kind*

krttl and Miv Hanimii Irfi t.>Mlv k-iii
ay a »Msit al (iayliK.I.

Rerald ]ob OUice

Ii;l thewagon
you want

Walter Wellman, Washington
reti«m.lent of the Recor.l-Herald. in
the Saluiilay issue of llial jtaixf satd;
icreivc.1 here from
utles lhal there
of a struggle
met the vacant seii*l.>ttoi|i. Ilwrc
will be an cleciion by the kvislaiurc.
whii-limeettmjamian. .Acrurding '
tia.lilion the honor tolniigs lo a m
fioin the eas-icm |>an <.l the stale, but
Ihetcis i«K|w.-l of a bitter snuggle
;he McMillan lolloeing
behalf ol the dea.l scualui>s son
C McMillan, on one hand, and the

Tbli I* tbe Ant liar that Hla Bal­
lard ever wont Aabtog. Abe bad a
Hailtagh F. F. Giaar. R W. Flene. ptetore token, toewtog bor boldiag
a a Oartto. Joert* Klaaeeo. Frmat op to* Ato. wltb o tod to tor otbrr
load. All Blngtaaa toned mi to ***
F. P. Uwton. W. J. Bessie. E. K the gml Alb. Wl tool tocro nr* plenty
wl» MB iMtlfy to toe bnt eatoh of
tor T-r—
ThU to a good otory of
W. Dess. Cbariea
Miofatog a Ug Aah.tltorvtoiv .hot it to
Ttrhaetia. L R Wtonlt. OeotgeHoyt.
r. Q. R BMgber U K.
_____________ >Foi. Jastte H, HmBewyeoe to Mlehlgaa Uwpaolally
rae. a a Tadar. Br.. Wllltoa Love.
iba work rt tbe Foratoy
WaltOB. Fkask "
whlto ha* Bade r^d
1 OlbtM.
iBldre taadtog
to toe reel
liM of wneu Unde to toe a
to Waablngte a greal deal rt attanBm to glean te aattar rt doe **ad
pUnttog and tafocvatlag waale I
at wall a* to ndeem taade a*crt
L. R
Utoveland. naiwedaeUvr of Bao* by idanttog apPraak Uatot. W. R Hoea R D. on cbm *nob eeadi at will hr raluble
Hergw. V. R taltb. B. G. Bc«aa. fwteaetL

.Icn Smith of r.ran.l Kaimls may push
him into the la.-e- Smith has ma.le
a brilliant rer .it.l in Washingli
his admirers think he woul.l m

dlliOB. planting plant i

Tr. fENim “

geenlg'i Hartlan et totoelty «n*lWylie if^'^^tarleeltM to te baa*
toll gaae atI Pepntor IPotot (tonday
to the I
r 41aggtog
Bg ■aad eeottaaed tbsoegbMt te
M tiM- twtotor* mit u by te visitor*pftobrr BstU u'resiWtM to toelr

tostog tey



cMdik Tbetr drive* toeladed
baggers, tbrre bear bUa. aod
asd at BO •tag* of te
they wen toroed «n look to toelr laarela VcMUg Darter
bto for ib« loadaaod lad Wylto'e mm pr«»tte.a-_- *i _ A-k
goemlng ail te ttoe, atrlkimr Mi ift
ot toeaa Thr two raa* tey aaMiod




oooiouoei 1—1

rDrOgaaeb toreed mi teir
toll MBB-koewB *a te -Fm
Boy*.-' Mto te Etogbaa Uaa ao
OadiUac. Oor tare rate fer tem
Uw ebon ot Oerp Lokr. Aa •olboetBip wUI prevail M aU roart
astir erewo akeed anaad with ilbeto
hat*-off aad watted tetotrere war
aAAte Ug enwA* a toe toroog fi«*t pOlBB wtthto a rndlae rt W altoo
RMtotoa Fbtber Krdte ptMabed I
AU te boatoam men rt te rtty an ■lb- aeno* te Aloood for ibud tee.
“■-fi— bad toelr Utewvwd todtae
lie troop. M-DtortpUaa.'
LatoHanktof to* Third Mi- la lava AaaM to te pared* Md ta kattecy te tecdob boy* woo te
talked oe "Tb* ..................... fill
> ore* tv toe* aod woo oet
aid. a* they dMbttorewlto to trekleg
Gte>laii WUU «M- Bitooaotrt to* ostoameatel
« tool it osw pHOlaw re ba.

UyhyodMMrtUlaa «ba
•tarttoa^MB wreateanil

Ibr genllnm and kiedem tlwayt **■
•uritied with womaabood trem lo be
almoat ■ mincle. While in georml oo
wemas rtbeU egrtnat what abe reg«c<^
a* netBrel
ml eccoaeilv
‘ Ibcf*
- - t*
'-----------------old noC rUiU; be free Inim tl

X fCr^t K?wtt PPracriplioa
wurDCfi well, Bad give* them freedoo
dSi^SS ioaemmi(Mo eed ukeration aad coiv* femelc
*^rwUsrn ere invited lo cnnmlt Dr.
pierce by lclt«, /rer. AU correepuodCBce ilrictly prieile and tecredly «n>6dcetial. uW without fear aad witbont
fce to Dr. R. V. Piem. Boffelo. N. V.

«• lk> bra ts >kt werU •

■ eastern Mmliigan,
coomietr cure of womanly <Hwe*r«
il is tuggesteil lhal the late Senator
oot accept aa nnknawn sad ospewred
McMillan succce.le.1
Thoma* W.
Btute to it* '
Palmet of I letruil and that in 1K(»
TbeBi«|lib bvt
Palmer was chosen the surceator ol nmrt DtTitoRe'a PtooBStPUlrta
Tbomaa W. Ferry of Uran.l Haven.
ha>i l>cen (he
western cenaor a iluten years.
In other
words, with Conger of I'ort Huron
ami Palmer of lletroil in tl»e senate,
both |4aces will be heU In thr east­
ern lection. The Washington friends

ofWiUiani .Mden Smith think* ihis
wouUl be a gooil lime to have hinory
rcjwal Itself and let the two senalorthi|B go to Burrow* of Kalamaioo
and Smith of GniH Rapidv There is
abo siwcublion as lo the i««ssible canof FotToBy ;on Jlaly Irt to ■
te •w llM rt tree ptoatiBg. will have camlulaci of Benton Hancbett of
rt all work wbieb deal* wito : Saginaw."
te erewtiM rt fonaM where
Arvatol iMpcwaai
. wbieb totee only
Mr*. C- C. Smmg ilrmc lo Kalkatreeantly been takea op by tl
I Idday to ailend a joml rally of the
bare been ptoeed osdtr IbU dlvtotea
-night* and I-mlx ktaceabee* to
The Aeld work ol tedlvielM to
e held this rsenitig.
Miss l.iUian
ew being MRied m with a faroe rt
Finn accum|>*n>ed her.
i BMH. Field itortlat are worktog to
UiB Kate Novotny of CH.I Uta
IS in the city today.
rj. Keb

r asd J.


Dr. and Mra J. -A Snyder wi
t|Kmd Suntlay in Kingrtey.


to sAdtotoow toelr own Balsa
atwwA* arrtvodlB map also frowt Bay A a Ftymaa. Uoo. A- AtMraaJL
aMy.toctoow.OnMtd Baptd* aad atoer
ptelMM ef to* Mata
Al Ba aertlag et the OmBbI labor
A Bata olten imitom cam*
to* BCtto Bad wa* AUaA btet* It UafMFrlBtyorwkte.BMa of ibo d<iMted Henlwoe, takiag a tort*
alto at too Labor Day e*l*br
looked afar, aad toe todiMIt to Mtteked Bat tber* wwe Ik.- Bast aU pout to a MUhtaBM llial
wHlbeovoa better than d*ma
cno vtatten to eaap yectorAay.
Oaap ItowUy.
... ................. MMb.
Aagaat- Ik-U to a gooA baatoaa pcoaker lor th* day
partite for to* a<
. aad to*y
. O. H. Neoly of i
are AgartagM Aetog e*Bany«r
t leadrw.
Aa*BiMk*r. wbo will be lIMate
(Mttog to* priimt Ilte aad laoAtrl
to a toe aalliary itoto beard. Tlay With te gnaleat tolaroet by aaii
and all etoar* wbo an toterort.
will havo to do BOO Uiaa tola hewevar.'aa a aaaba of to* oamfmf to laborOoe of te bert tMUM ef te day
•nrWaal {wteetoeyart forte to |«y will be te axhlblt et te Are dteirt
wbieb to neecatte jx on* el
' tor Mpptto*. Tbey b«y toe beet Uata
to getog aad aipeel a pay to* te*** te bert to te atole. TnU will be
atoeA. bot to acvatal laaaaea* tbey
iMttetog a*t only to te hondtvd*
bava nfaead M Bad* with aard
>d probably thnaaiul* wbo will Be
to troa te eattoaadtog oooaBy. bai
te paopto of te olty. aaoy el
wboa have never obm te Are taaai
B bare bero qaletly
e. -Tbe atom wll
lo toelr totoeoeB aeiaad- twtoraed ta-'tetoaa* will get oo
Maata* iwto*. wbteh are high aadaekate laa te the *0*06 of te
Are, tor eeaaratlco* vrtll Iw
vrlU be Ihrowb ae to te acta
al wart rt toe AepailBMot. It will be
a lae aablUttoo rt te Aeponaeat
rt whirti Travatae City it to Jartlv
peetoAly yacUrAay by to* arrival
cfOwr. WtoIrtA D. DarWacfladlTh* baa^rtKalkatoa aad (todlUc
ana. aoBBofoatod by hu wa asA wtU taratob awato ter toe oeeatleo.
itopa Haaaoad of to* eighth eaval
wbieb will be opro
ly, U. A. A Tb* gevoraor to Martog Mly to UelM aaa. will be latorbatat Obartovoti aad ran Awra ler to* lag M all. aad abont ftv In prlate
Will bo hnng ap t<w te wianera
Tbo loeal aataM havo
a BM win M khere Iron
aed B'torfV^u


a time.
Mn. W -A. Ahhach and chiklren
from Kawktoo.Uhio. acnimpanied In
Un. Orren are viiiting U Ford Fanning-t. at -The Pine." ■ l 1-ong 1-akc.
o C S. Baniei of Kal

ehfle^Vialton ^mieneiile. *ei«
■I >vou>e IU« cJ Iiihens lerHeulr
■knred te. been. I wBered ftom
...... (U-oI tie keen. **>1 le Ike
ilMuktor ee.l •idr; ekUr ik« t-ehatwea

Trato. Flask Btoitok. a a Itomw.

Beadty wa. e Wg dw for Oeop
flawtarai Matona. aad toewapdt
wan earned tote toe Aslt Oily by
teratteadefrea Ibis totality. TW
A Hertoeoearti left ban
wito atoe coatee yeterday aeralag.
eU c< tooa batog AUaA. asd toe ottasr
hare, peeked before they lesobed
Ideal weatotr ethdl '

Itodrge Chaie baa retword from
6mena* rnorl, where be , ha*' beea
cook mg in a fine calc 'tiacc qatag.
He era* taken «ck ami eompelled to

certainly have a a-eak heart,
and thould imiBediately take

Hre. V. K- Wright.
Hn Kraeet F. Aalto at Ohltago
ad Hre Or. Kdrth ad ehiUra ot
Bell. Hleh.. opead allege'BaKbat ad will May atll toe
bagtoe fa Uie yar to too aty. Hr.

Hr. Dartowaaoet Athing with tor
ice* Diaee* ef bU wit*, and Hie*
W. Suward tor traasanr. K. ■ WalHelen, a bo to aliteea yaai* old. book.
Mr for olerk. D. U. Cteadler for ehrr*d toe nMoiter Alb.
iB. Gee. R Otoa for iwoeeoator.-Ja
Sbe auoo tnmed to* hand 11m, M
B. Hare* for maeiMtatlve. or O.
'hioh wa> taMMed the troUer on
W. Oartl. for oIrNlI ooort ooaua
which lib* Ael> wat booked. ov*C to
Hr. Davta and be bad abMl a* laterThere will be a oonleet for l
eeUag a qaarter boar a* be ever epeni
aealntllon for tarvtyot belweoo
over to* 00*1 eulttog legal eaa*. II*
P. Taltot aad G. H. Aliya.
Anally enooeeded to tedlag lb* bage
The deltgalra eboaaan e. tollowi
and than all baadi dropped baH
D««* aod iwoceeded le yell lor a fru
DrUgatae-f. W. Patehln. R. Jmtonuo till all I
Hetgaa, Howard Irlth. J. A. Letaa viuinlty knew that aoaetbtog anotaal
igw. kL Wtoal*. Jr.. Waller Uorasgrr. (od taken ptoer.
Waltoae OamphoH- »-»*“ ®<*rrle. F.
a* lakM to Blnghaa.
a Hexton. K. R. HeOoy, Uavid
wltere It wa* eacefolly a»ewired and
Chapbrll. Herhart HeaMgae, Harry %.-lgbed. Il waa JB*I fAr te.-t long,
Hoatoa. J. W. HlUUee. H. Oartoad.
end weighed ecaelly »« poond* and
W. a Ball.
Detogakre-A R •Beonrtt. R

Mr. aad Mn. J. T. Beadle have rv
tomed ban an eztenctod trip eaa.
viaiia] New York aad
other citin, is additioe lo ipeodiiH
tbort time in Detroit

Your Heart

with tottotattoa *

to tl^t betot a braeb
If fafattd. aad tot owaar itoeitae. to
r. H. BoatUa of Blair,
aaat a priea A a«tober ct tot board rank WUta ol ttoradlee. A. J. Dtal tiato mtole tot aitoatpi sot l«a« Vrla of Whitewator and O. U. Uafer
tlatt fee eatolto eapltoUttt for re- of Oatoa fa tot aoataatla of regltten pvpoeee. asd wat lafecBtd that aoTAtadt.
tot property wat sol f« alt al aay
Jatt what tiM (
The Board hae takaa itOat to ■

Pat McUooaU of Pelteey. ii a
loew rkiting hit brother Daft

Bow Ahost

Shake a Box

1‘tfOlB iB WtofM

Scott’s Emulsion

mB»ba»tla»4«oAii iMrla*
lar tetkloc kdM»..TH«)r


127 State Street

Travi^City. Mich.

Are you looking around for a good Corn Binder? We ask you to look at

tme bebt

Noted for Accuracy in Seeding and Perfection in Construction.

Headquarters for the Famous PAGE WIRE FENCE. I can fur­
nish this fence in all sizes at Reasonable Prices.

Strictly up-to-date in ail styles.


on SUte street 1 cariry a good stock -of
Horses. You can find what you want in
this stock at prices below the other dealers. We are always glad to see you whether
you make a purchase or not. ^

at my sales



a fine speaker and a prominent national labor leader will speak on the benefits of organized labor.





REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILBOADS. Union Headquarters: Union Hall. Cor. State and Union Streets.

HUs CblU Wllbar retaraed t
to f'barUvoli Seiarda;. at
Btaplre PaaettoiL Midi.. Aap. IS- ueae
tall with fnmds to tbU place.
Wede; Oo*e; tm taiartAacar r
Ura.«etan Wyae and fanlly aad
ytateeda; br a tm wbld> ta wai
lertoD asd Harold Votes ar.' tta
tlap epUtUap aad etHklap hla to ita wests of Hr. aad Mr*. Powers
KoUad Daoie. wl.e bas besa ill, U
rlpbl ptato as U felt Tta fltd
eeetertop. '
Mia beta tta proto W tta kae
M CMit HU iBUawU vm loeked Ita lip brokaa to two ple.-M balow Tbs baad will pl*e aa *t(«ntoa
•tm tr rnd a. Bskw. Hr. Bskai Ita kaae. He waa aiteatad bp lire areaad Ita bar Hewday eVoutop.
KlUaaad Oo*a; aad Ita; esraci to
wnmljr Mneked <1m *««iM c
Jwsr. tat Jmif MDn*7
ta»a Ita 1«.
■rat Md wld ta tolUTta ita verdW
atat tlaseapo. U slowly reoorenoi:
tMBjwdeBb Aadmr* UwTtr—
HUs Oerti.- Harris of Ohisaro is
Ultto* hca pars'Dto. Hr. ead Urm.
ttotal llairU of tot. ptooe.
Mrs. Klotardsea aad daaphur. who
Altooapb it U. protable ao fair wiU ta\e taen the poetu uf Mn. S. W.
d of VkM PraHtanl Fiwik a ta held tbto jtmr. owtop to lu botop Wilton for a few days, retariied
1 statstory arUM.,Bad«i
ttair bom to CUrafased.
MBSU« HWB. IIO.OOO tall ll ' ' '
drove to ItoUod oae da;
VsK If-Usioo TrMt Oo.
taiatsd psmUsi for tank,
Taeper arrrieae ware talk ie tta
rsk. il-Madmutssmsta
BssTt eoltape Baada; m
MtMod u tnai rn>k O.
Ml «Ut Mtnlv MMI th* pnmmm
Wf Mlaaebd M aece b; Jsd«« H*r»hr M It RMf* tert Ubev iB JMkMti

fbh. l»-nilid
tedmrs. tta etaffs taiaf ooe o>
VUta ta «W MBVMtd. fisil !>■
MM «> taCLOM.
rUk »l nstalw Hs«7 B. A»
dtaOTMiftadMld tsUMsdtatlO.etDtalL
Msr S-rnak C. sad Usbij K. AaAvnktasdtaar to tta Hsoordefi
Oant tor Mtl br PoUw JutUs talUta' lull, tat ml • VM faraitataaad ABdiBVt

Jal7t-r. a Aad
la lUstadsr-s Ooait.
galliy. Trial tat tar Jalj •.
Jal7 R-Baosrdar Allrad J. Harphr
dUltatard Jair ratal for
Jaljr It-Mal BBtatasa
Aaa. It-Aadraws IMarl lailtr aad
Mtaaadsd to tta Vafta eoaaljr ^1
Asa. la-Btatoatad to IS raan
tots tabs rwa Dar.
nu Uks, Aa«. I»-Tta Field da;
Utraa •atardar aadta tta aaM—k*
tta Fife Lake Beeort Ottapaa; waa
gtaad taobtaa neia arar a Un
atavd pve«at all da; aad aata UtwTto

ta Uad
. laat tad Mta
Jampa a |>to eattai eoattat, aad a ta«
' of «ta betaaea FHc lake aodBoatb
taka tatat Mt vtotan aad m a bu
af taeloe opera.
Ita tot MB's IBM am «ta «f Ita
BMta ataaaiiti atuaettata aad la
m. Jl WUM took tist tatae;.
Ultaattoraeoa wen the'
aad a la* taaniaa otaiata. Ptahna
taae tta jaabt ra«e waa the total I
ItaiitlBC. tta HtQnlla. rtw
taaasd boa Ttaaarsr Olt;.
"r—■— ewaed ^ Dr. WalHr, baiat tta ataMataata. Tta eeaiae U;
beta tta beat boese areaad tta Mat-

A beveiT ta tta lalaadMw a torn
atatabtaafaUtUinaBd aettodaarat
aata for tta Beeort Ooapea;. U tta
otmBwadaaae tm ftraa ta Q. A
B. BalL
Aaj|. iS-Tta Field
^ tald bwe tUtor^ «M eae of tta
tatat alblelto toeete.ttat has erer
tokta pUta tan.
da; wta aa
idtal M aad a laife aad MihaaUilla
attobdaeoe. AU tta
aetaU van palled oS U tta Meet
vUtlmita alM Botobar of ptftiolPBAteleeaeb. Tta 100 ;erd taab vot
vta b; MoBold, M waa itaW.jatda
Maitto ef Ortjial oatHared tta etaad-

r E

. Marita aad tta looal tssMa will take
ptota Tbit U tta aam that w
he** base plajred Aagast 9td. wfaae
toaesaartotattala bns«la«ita laJl
fUjmt tm wreokod aear OadUUo.
aadaomof tta ball teams wen
ptaad. Orta two faaadrtd wttaaewtaianjlai tb.- taaa ttaa aad ll U
aipaotad ital toote ttoiuta wlU be
aete atale Setalar.
EU fUplta. MIoA. Aa«. it-Tto

raltabU bBildlw- A bus* mm
Will ta bold to tarttar dlaoata tta
ManiBoUe. four atooee a
ba*a been raool*ed b; ananas as
.......saasn of a taoeae tardwhiehU
Id to laltad oa Utobd istoad to lake
Baptalor, S& alias fast of Marqaatte. Tba UUad ooasiMe ef
mod U owaed to larpe {art b;
W. a Malta! of OUrelaad. fvesIdaBt
of toe UUrelaad OlISs Iron eoapao;.
K S. Follalle of Ubieepo, tla.' litee■ideat ead peoeial aaaapw of toe leUoeel Poreatr;. Flsb aa.l Oeiue

The ktop parr nadUoer Hoeda; to
ed how 10 aer tbU kaowls^T^ Sir Joeepb IHoisdale. lord aayu

- ledpe It
.. like a na-.-bln.
hlu.., of lilllf
Tslne oaless yoo know bow A ose ll Uuidoe. who |>.-.«nted tta eily's
Tbr folloviiip yooiip I*«ple
i*-ople lsara<-d
Isarp.-d oonlioa pttl. A'iTt.oo. towArdf tta
ktop-s bospitel faaiL.Tta pifl toeladed Bor* lhau in.oou tma; daantkias'
pesmoos aud an- uo th<- road to
from tta |■oom< qaarteia of Imdoe..
3 W. Habtail. Stea(«ieptar and




yra^*B^naTl^t'>^tipea^ uttl'l
'waipbad l«> poatae Iraa. aatll 1 coal.)
aleep like a eWld. nntll 1 eoald read
for ibrra boare erny eeeatop. aa at
UP Ispeaslblhly batata I fcmmesseta
Ibe iraanatot. 1 arill ptodly plee
to Bay tody wbo coYU on m per
ly. If ota nelly anPma fnm i
to brita ralk-f.'S..?__
aad toko aa athm._______

bOI-3 NawWiinalmSIocV
^^a-sj^.<i^s~a iissU^ isn.- ins-,

ThU tollar.

Tta J. O. K. pare as lee a
Aaesa lirem. sieooprapbet stod
eUl Id the iwrlort of the
UeAkeeiwr with CUs.- A OrM-rr
oliosob Tl.oiwdar e*.wiop.
('has rlltoo. Bleiiopraiitatat Northvellalteaded. Tta tthUe
m diPerval
eolors ni Hlehipau Atylan.
fall; derwrated to tbe
i-has ReoMUB. Uea Hapr. H. K
of ttatatobowaBdarrn _
lill. Korthport. UicA
olrt'le. Tbe Joeion acted as ml
KenJe Holeoiab.Knokk.s-prr. Straal
end did ttair work mil. Pioee
Bros . Oil;.
Hildreth Doekerar. Bteaeprapfaer
A daorlnr i»rty was
and Bookkerptr. t^lnsrii* TeUpbeae
LtwUe ^ttape^edneed
Aobtafa Black. .BtoaapteiAer '
PeioblB & Oroiear.
«-ery plseseal ereatop e
reODle Ratoet. Cashier llerdi
■■ entile Oo

>p of the laU tma.
a. aYbS^ a Jaekseo. of K.
Tta aew pleat ef tta Ladtopton
I otraat. beyond Barlow etraet.
"Hard work on a farm hmli
Prait eoapaay U now to active operaWBS in tba I
my k
Ilea aad espeets to handle abmlto.- while
afl.wwards. b
war aad tc
Mt» haabaU of paaobaa Larpaqn
Bse down, and' for Iweel.v y.-brs 1 nerer ba.1 a days-s pood bealib. Every
eetto.lhU rlelBltT on acvvMal lAyelciBD oonaaltod said I had liver
as well Imva
' exsaarirermtoo. Ttafralt
naad as mecA cold vtoler as ttaeU
U eomiioaad of la-oeh and |iUni medletnea. dost tofote I aommso.-ed
to aseDeae'sEidaey Pills I wasalaaasdnambtn tolwea
Bteel msfalyaed. Aral Bon.-iap 11 to
smtora. toolndtop aomb
ebarol. eoe Suntlay montop when it
larpeal irtowan-to tba coonty.
Frost Monday Blpbl damarad crops
ee tta lew laaditb pattotReni
atoad focra anthem aad toek of rirbeans nfferod ______Hta a knife baaa tbiM to> m; ^dneye the |*U ouold net
r. Slaaptome
see Wa mnlv '
A H Todd, tta '-peppatmtot
ktop." beta tboasandacm to mtot
mipbt he ex.
ihU year and has already bapaa dU- As
oollT wllh the kU_., ---------tlUlap tta prodaet. Tlmaph tta aoer- iete.U and 1 wae artaally la tortate
tbirel. 'How I want Ita people
ipa U torpor ttaa U^ yonr's ta .-tIta fellow.
ao torper ratarns is oil. ewtap
lap; "I nsta BcVFii boseeI of thnn-s
Cidaey PilU
Tbe blonitop whirb

IS far tta wild aalaal
frUat* at tba Warld-s fair has I
awarded to the "Haptatauk Aatoml
shew of whtoh Jota Barlto of Hew
York u director. 'That it wlU to a
*at* Uipa and tapaatop aahIblUoe of
ttatord aaitaaU as waU ae of astamad
baaals U todtealad by Mr. Harlia'a
roapfa pUaa

aepled aud
applied to ttair erery da*
IT life aad

s ^ liMALMier. HoOa*
A Sue
I Ueo. lLaaa.-o.
I celled toOhsr-'prentio . Oil;
lit Booda;
o^arc >BBt of 111.'eerl-I Allie Head F
Tta; w. re oeptarMl h; lodleaa of hit aai . Ura Wrltie*. (Treasfrr <\x. On
The tla ktltalpab tofentrr's old eow Oh-TerCbaseaDd faBlIvof Mltine-*
tall, whteh tm oarrled eU tbioupb
ItaeitU war. trill be ntop at tta
Mwlal reeaioo el Ow^. taH-A
t^aa tta repln.'cil was reorolbd to Mrs. John Seen is ill atthUvni-l Dais* iioen. Btaxs. _
Aopest, IWI. Bcsir FuDUae, aoose of' top.
aoldlare atoU a bell froai e aeiphId etery
talUe Id vbirb UUa UiUer of Detroit
the laplaual partiolpated.
toted. When
beyieBBtob<UBe.,to ■dS. tta
...I Hlee Leah Foaeiaia. a oleca of Will Haah. Bienopraitar and Book­
batalod. at aipbt. ea tta
JIObarlN Hevpl'r^^tved Vadm-eday keeper for Freak Deamond
aew. At tta ftrat r_______________
and mauy more secored tbeir
tta patrtoUe fhnuer ratoraad it to |
______ taucatlou at tbe Traverse
Ita boys with Ita
City Basin<-ss Oollape dartop the |osl
year. There ar>- maoy mor.- who bavita «a it of Ita pctoelissl tatilas to Rtodpe.
HUs Uelcs'k of Boyne City U tta poe.- eat tofore IhU wbo are boldtop
vhub it was carried, aad at every 1
es.-ell.-ut iioulieiis or an- dolnp bosipe.-st of Hits Winnie UapnssL
ankm atooa It bas called tta old*<
U. a Rnosom. who tas loan visit- neei tor tbemselees. This aebool has
a praater p r n-nt of iw |«pil«
top bU eon Kraak Id Raaaomville for placed
d inaitiooi Itum aav olbM collepe in
tba |a«t ten days, has rjtsrned to bis Itta
> bav Ufa nrtop statioa u Ulaa
If yoB are ioteresle.1. mod desire to
Haran, kaevo at Bleeptop Bear Potok
Tb.- HUsM Bertha and Mabel Dil- fit yoanatf for a SBOoemfol Uf.-, .-olrr
vtUbe.OfMMd Aapast «X WlUina low. wbo have l«an tta paestf of this eollepe at ouca and be laepar
Hn. 8. W. Tilaoo for the past few e.l to flll some of the positions
Walker, for ll years a |aaaib<w of tta meks.
rettmi.-d to their iiem.- to that ara la-tssntlnp tb.-mselres to ito
Uta atriap riaUoa at Oraad Haraa. OUraUnA Ohl<L Tbaaday.
enerpelio. t«actioall.v •-.loealetl iedlkae baaa appoU t id oaiitoin of tta cn w B. H. Pickard of U-land was to
at tta saw sMitoa aad Otailac Robto- >wii last week.
na. vbo eervad to tta Qraoi Haven
r R Dookera^propr
natkm ttm elx yaaia. wlU be sarfmi
Ofaarle* Uerpl.y.
Ha I. atoadtop aail to Ibe oainala.
sgieetet tlmt threaleu baby's
Hcoday of Three
Horlhport Lender.
Cholera intaotom, dysratear,
maetopliU. al the' api- of A) yestrs. life.
Bay .Ulty tare beao ivtodled by
___ and daaphtcr aud diBjTboaa. Or. Fowler's Kxinoi of
frlsede to Boani bis loss. Wild sltawbeny a.-ver fails to coshibk
mooth ebtat wbo nld ttaa Oae drasa
peeta at what ta Btoarad ibam
Priim Henry tas ss
aatoalaUaply low prteaa «a tta ta|m- at two o'elook. Tbe WooiIj
Aiow^apb mid will •
saatotloa that tta poedt had beao whom be wae a meml«r, 1
ij daiaaptd to tta wrack <d aa pall laorers aad rata the ss
r crave Tbe reUtlvM wbo attaedttajerrlno from____
from oot of. town
... wan "Itehtop betnorttaldi were tta
family ef Trararea plapoe of my life. Wae almoci wild.
(Yity aad Him Leah
■ Paontola.
-------------_ Tiaor.
Doaii'a Ototamot eared me quickly
aUe from Tran-rm Oily. Other rain- and nwtoaaaaUT. after deetor* had
tires eeoM not to looatod.
tailai" tt F. Oeuwvll. Valley
1 baoBiaa 0|iatatlva a taw yanta
etre.-l. Baar llea. K. Y.
bat trUtaU arparaally UtUe Betel
a. tta CalaaMd aebool board wfll
Bridpes aad daaphlar: who Adrlesa leeaiead from Aastralia
BstoblUb a rebeel for tta d.-al to oaaam vuiltoff Maude to tl.U tell of teiTlbla drouth tu Hew 8.iath
DsetlOB with the olty pablte eeboola ptea. rataraed toot weak to ttair Walsa and l^oeeatlaad. which has daVBiaied tue sbrep raanhte ef that
Ita Uw irorMas for neh a aebool to hme to c^hioapo.
-m of tbe aoattani colony
say dUtrtol where toar t«piU caa to
mpovoBr-ro l-iuht.
loos of sheep hare died aad ■
Moaiad, aad for erory aobotor
Mil pay tta dUtrtol «1W s
tUyoa Ita eowaitlea that tta eral
yataai of Up Uapaapo be toarht.
Tbree tare bas« man* oaees like ibe ael MetMapbey. tta cheep ktop of
Car aipbt paplU hare baas foand foUowtop to Travere.-.Ottv. Breryoae AnttralU^ loot over l.00U.M» toeep of
hU herd of l.HO.OOO. >nd other Urpe
and a Uae.-faar (roto tta Detroit
berteri tare been rqoally oiifortoetoMBenU wlU do a

data dtaU taerroL Tta pUat has
baaa paatalaaU; idUJtor sboal a ;aar.
Htoa Oalto Wllbar of Ctarievoix
U tta toaaallBe tta ijatota baa baaa
ataated atoiertoll; aad tta pitalt*
■odslad la sosae aasoiHlal reafvota.
L W. & Jolmm aad family of
. .T Ulmnd arrirod Last week t« n
Aa Itaiaaeed drplac aad twlTarlalag
apHsta has beta pal ie ead it la et- rUit wllh ratotlvea and friends.
Hta AU^UIj^road from Baapaated that tta hotory WiU bapta
tkdi week taratap eat oeaMst wilboal
Bbtaaotfa ne eepaoll; of^tta
pUM U «0 kerreU tail;.
Uap retoUrea to Trartaae City ter
Ita past few weakv ratatoed to ItaU
bamtolbUptoaa Sataita; ares
A fnw iaata of aew wtaal bate
■iikilil la Hip BtopAta 8U(;-t*e Hra Oaurpa Dam. wta tas
Otata U toe iwtoe. AU kraap
taw^^ keea taota or leea pi
•mt tta betiaf U toet toe satire aep


Krary oae U eaiieea. yel away toil! ley
to eceooiplieb whet ttay drain-. ThU the
U to aoae mn aot Ibr (eell of Ita to n-toUate
apatoet British L^latobla
ter prohlblliap tta export of eedar
k«e to Ita etalee. They aflUai that
itojioaeible to pel a chaoee to str^
etrtke {etoe. ton aol was eefareed BrilUb
a blow tor tU-aselvee Bat the msaaBtoetanap aoo.uOD.>orilT of fellem oomr tram a took of
laecUaai rdocatMie Hauy po ihroepb
COBBOO ecbooU.
aebooU aad
e*eu oellepes witboal acqaUtoK ea;- of n A>«rat dat; Badtop ttaU way to
thiap mof- UtoB a book kbowl.-dpe
“be; are eaahir to ap|Ur what ‘ -


Cottimcrdal Prinlinfl


Bn Kinds

Dr.Donaid McDonald

Berald Job OBtcc


For lafksu tad OklUtoB.

TIi KU Yn Rm AInrt ^


In Nrv VorL City tta pnee ef dometie sisee ol aDihiarii.- aoal ms oo
a.-eda; ndrenoed to |P a toe. aa la
N«*eof*l etaf- Ih" laioeofHou
da;. Tta sites afT.-rl.-d are store, rpp.
eat ami hrbkeu eual.


A cnwl i-lapo. cf fleas bat
worrritiK Alh-chsar. Pa
employee. A mail mek Iftruo New
Vatfc wbeo .•prned was l.wod u. to
a.,^ -,0,
l*H|s and iIh-;
OUDd trip
Leave Traverse UitruiWa. ta. Mottday aad EV.rtav via M A'K. B. R H.
and eobii.wt with I’eopIs'sTniieit Oo.
' Maalstn-.
F. A Hitohell. U. P. Apt
1. W. thiomnpham. Apt.
» U.
to* tvisk llsnsHral Clme tohlu

Lightolnp elrook Hra Frank Kellar
of 81. Loais 111 . melted a peld
mtcb chain whirl, was aboal her
Beck aod alsn foar potd rinps ou fcrr
lefi hand U her riphi band was an
ambpella «lib a ste.-l rod and the red
was iwitei'd OBI of shape. Her Utt
sl.oe was liwo oft. 8be was raodeivd
Boc-oiiseloo' tor ao honr. but baa fol­
ly recn^ered.
Stop* the LzouKh
arid work* off the Cold.

Nvi'use. n.< i-S!


A*. Y6 oue my. to SA roand (rip to
Cbieago Henls and berth ioeladta
uB sbniuers. Lear.- Trareree City
Monday, Taeedsy and Fridav. »;f0 a.
- -rU H
I Line at Hanirtee
F..\ Mitch.
:hell. U. P. Apt.
I. W. (humiaptaam.
m. Apt.
U tf.
Hots Zemba U ai last u> be Ihoronphly etploft-d. Frofmeor Blrksland,
e Danish acinitisl. haviiiK consanmd
to bend an expedition for Itat parpon . lie will hare , six comiwaiirne.
and Ibe ob>ecl of ibe expedition U to
elady the ]UiraeaM-ua oouaartad wlUi
aaroral diepla; _

Mr*. HarU E JackMm of Balilmoc*.
UA. wa* widowed by the dealb of
ne TIae is Man tUrara ft ■ Aiiarks bar bdeband ia. tba civil war. A
of snrli dUopdet* of the t
ape of T* she U aboal to marry
taoUra, morbos. cpamps and diar­ brolber. Wm. Jaektou, ar-dSi. wbo
rhoea : bat tbeae oomplatota ate eomace dariap the hcMta tma. wbse tl
U danperoos to mwlan Ibam. Pain- year* for her sake.
killer U a ramtay that baa navar fatlI'se .illes-i Pau-Cass.
elaod tbr aprarest aitocke tare town
Jisi.auiu.u. skum Yxwr
cored by It A void sabatilalea. ibete A |..*:C.Ti.vto
.sulW. S-TT-SS. sue b-S. ssd im
U bat one PbtokiUar. Perry Dane: tired .ml'.
It f'si hs.e •msruss
nsBt sUw^ try Alk-n • K..S km It
i'PL and .'Ae.
Irs.ssmUm (■>*. Ispn-S >a< Bsll-. lihstiTS sad
ralleu.wm Metu-.™ e.ea» ssdjsmsns ml
sU rsiu sad «»• r—i asd Try
II ksUr r H fj sit Irasr t ssit II I r- -m

: makea tadipnettoo tm-

HK Wll.l.

be: in

Traversa City,
Park Place Hotel,

MoGdt, Hnllli, lUBl 25n.

This cut show* our all steel, guaranteed spring con­
struction. When you i;ct a vouch with this construction
you are never iMtlhered with strin);s cutting off and letting
springs lop down, as these springs are made in a solid,
steel (rame. and it strengthens your couch frame.
THI' COUCH is iipholst. red on heavy canvas
INOT DUNl.APi. ALL these bUck dots you see on the
bottom are the patent clinch buttons, run through from
tbe top and dmeh on a washer on this heavy canvas.


the tmimrnt of all Chronic
Discun. HU exieative iracticc am!
su)tcrk>t koowlclgc enables bim to
cure every curable diseate.. AUchrosik duektes of the Braia, Spine, Nova.
BI00.I, Skin, Heart, l.ungt. Uver,
Stomxch, Kidney* and Boweb tarntitirally and luccetsfuU) treated.
I>K. UclKESALU'S toccets in tbe
trcaloM-Dl of E'cmalc DUeaset it brijdy marveiout. Hit treatment mafcrt
u^ly woom strong, bpautiful and
attracilve. Weak men, old or young,
cured in every case and saved from a
<ife of suffering. lipshiess, KbeumatUre kntl ParalrsU ^cd through bis
celebrated Blood aud Nerve Rcrocdies an<i i-Uscotial Oib charged with
elertriaty. THE: UEAE' MADE:
WALK; Catarrh. iWal and Lung
UitPkies cured. I>r. McDonald cures
Fits and Nervous Diseaaes. Eczema
and kD Skin Diseases cured.
Dr. Mclkmald has been called Ae
wiurd of live medical {pofession, be­
cause he reads all diseases al a glance
wiihuul asking aov qucsluioi. Skk
folks, call on l>r. McDonald. It ts a
lOeasiire to meet him.' Dr. McDon­
ald never turns tbe loor frtaii bit
Those unable to call can addrem



Kven pair ol shoes must be sold by September
first. It will
'ill pay you to lay in a stock of shoes for win­
ter. as ,youI can save from $1 to $2 on every, ,pair of
shoes. Do not fail
to take advantage of this great
portunity and save money while you have a chance

Look at Tlioso Giviog Away Prices.
arker Bros, price $3 and $3.50. closing out price •

DR. DUlil niOlUlD.
Tbe SftocUlUt,
248-S60 EaM Fullan Street,

H. F.Mw«tiar

Bimita apo lorn Sataay. afirw
my aeeiie. tbe larera parted.
HUs Ramaey hepped tta eBrap not to
ntandoa bar. tat ta keaatoed abdaWiiao tta ptrl mw him po
awi^ ebr fell bnekwatd and swotata
u then eappoata. bat aha km raI. all aPan

Patnkillar coama from
Tta ranaeo for ihU U c
Davie' PainklUar U ih
heat remedy extoal
lUlii. Uaima and em
which are of common eecatrsnea.

Oise .




lata bs^

CM bntoaa.

One lot o( Ladies’ and Men's Patent Leather and
Enameld Shoes,
wrek and tnr^ s^et, very latest styles,
new toes.
es, Parker Bros.’ price $3.soand $4.doHngoutat




Men's Satin Calf lace and congress shoes, {‘aricer Bros.'
price $2.50. closing out at

IT PAYS TO auv or ua.






I )>dd mnothcr BMtii« Maxlar ■
!• kaU W Ut fri«4>.



ou :

Aiyef UMte 1
Tattariat aa< to

• PeeiBKda^.
Aplibtkmectii« far fiirtoer oeeamtakaaauMtoada
tMiemieoertha project anUbehdd
Fridar areDing to Sun^of^ Gnad.
UMl. tteto M har t
dcWfatnaa. A *arr «««*»•*« *“ Tbe beet uat tocSccT prcpr-^—
Mta^nr tto UtUa paofito a>4 tea ai meiVed to tbe todntttal
adaka«afaa«*ad. Wo--------liitee.
---------- ■— tbe araal br
FoOowii^ are tbe anuhti
the board i»i»erl bjr Pnaideat Ftied____piattr
Maada ptoMtod bar. _Tt»
Baaeatin-noa. T. BatOa. ___
Baatlm n Maatocaa, B. U 8ja»MB. HaM Thptot. DtoU IW7. M<
UlM. Lacy aad Obarietia Bwta. gaaTfi- C llaTla ______ ____ ^
Babp KiAlaa. Wkinmet Bamaa Opal L.'urei ii^2. W? W.
3. T. ^
OiUaA. Darla Baidan. BItaa lAaia- fif. 3. O. JobBWB.
rlal-J. W. HUlIkaa. PWry
H S. Hall. B. 3 HottaB.

Mn. Harp Sartor left todar I
Worsted^ etc.
.voaeaks’ wur to Cbicaco, ««ere!
Boiler letnned dto aank« tnm\
toe wiO attend the fan opeoia^
Xlabaaa and otocr jitohem potota
0«y Leooaid letaroed fotadar wbeKtheybave beento toe buibef
ftoaa a two wotof* rtoh with itoaDrs b»ineM. Jbey will rctm aootb to'
*"wuwMTw4Jiarih •rawML
about aatydayt.
Mia a»n Oaelae
Loo A. BrtotoBaBof Cb>o«D. wot
to tbe cuy Salordn 00 bia way booie, Friday and Sanwdiy at 8 o’dock.
after a vtot with hii
at OU
““ "P ^
Maaisee today
on twinea.
Judge M. C Baefa.
Freak Vender to Batten Royal. La,
oey geoer^ ci tbe United Staten, left
Lce'a Pout today far Watoiogioci,ac- it risrtiag u the borne to bb daugh­
ter Mrs. JaA Moody. Mn. Vender,
who bat been Uvn^ in this city wiB
Mr. and Mrv Wai Eboer aad Mr. aeaxopany her husband m fait remrs
and Un. Will StOet have retniaed abd tb^ win locale there.
ftou thnr camp at Long Ldcc.
Mn F. H. Meade, who has been
Mia Alice Wait returned today
AU new gomb ibb tuma^-nre
from a two weeki visit with Mia with her motber. Mn J. K Gunioa.
uftevril mtw at. roboifoiisly fow
' re the •leath to Mr. Gnntoo aboiu
I just received. Elegant aiyles,
Hoan. P. a Uaaoewd. O. a Oeeh- Hildcgarde Grewn, at her
: weeks ago. hat kelutned to her
i. Urn.
home at Lelaad.
,«oIbnUBk I .
I both in IHea and WalkitiR
A*V«i«A^> *■ OA«B*an af*
of Bit B.P1^_
Mba Roac Wood left for Chiogo Charles, who has been io tbe west, is
j knglht.
Tbe new 11 gorol
am) VI cIcgaBl linenl UB wnku.
$ to $4.48
t(»U)- to attend tbe milllnerj'.open- eipecied in a few dayi.
tillbatoi. D. OoohUa.
A a.Utiiti.1 «oi.I
i style is here. The values arc
now here fot your inspeetka.
Puk HU^ RalTu^ 8utlatiea-J. V. Bannaa. Ptoak ingt.
EracMtDocrb to Qatoey. III.. Is
1 |>anicaUriy pleasing.
The uylet will {ilease yna, and
For values S-TfiU to 9K. We can
Mr. aad Mri. Fre.1 Colver aad tot fatal to Hla LaelUr Thaotold. _J- Fn^hw
(dtase you.
j frooi$160lo^$l«L__
to will Ihe
chiUlren, oho have been tbe gueot to
KalW. S. E Wail anil Citnily returned Saginaw laiay.
tat toa Panlsanto Light ft Porrer O
A I. Kieney, to .Grand Rapidt, M Beagbun ^ geM to Hllwnakta
foraeriy to ihij city wat here Ihii to rMpcaar to a oBmaeat (rea bb
BOtbar-to-Uw. Hn. bUitte Hlllia. to
oming on bntinett.
dirvol toe inoapwKtog to to* Musk
MamamMonred t»a neood prlaa.a
Aamant Attorney General .Henry yard fa blddaa wmlth aptawMl to
Chase to lAoting. 11 in the city today lava baai bnrlad by tbs fenue ow
-• '
Oacoo. D-Uetoo. fruit
a connected with the
of too tBupoitf. Dr. SuliooeraiB
to the ttate.
, eonantrlc phyatotoB. wbo ditd
hod naar^bly elaaRed luu.
a 11. Vlick. wife aadsisrer are ia fawyann ago. Hra.-HIIUt nosotly
Bar. H. Ptoaar. who H^o" JtoB. Putt. W. P. Grot- ,
ity from He
■bile digging to toa yard feand a Dlek has bare a meaber of toe I'l.i■er. S. OarlaaA
Ird 8tota roRator army for a nuaber
Ian eonaintog savaral bon
Arbittatloii-W H. Peitar. J.
dhlihotnr. Thei»rty
and bat seen serTler ta the
HanlB. P. a PiBtt.
Pbiltpptoe Istoodu He to there now
ltotertatiiiBaot.-akna Peeahnal
ing here ami is the guest of lirlaa Booay. Sawnaper roporton a
Voodbooaa and thay eaue ladan with A H. HelUdar. P. O. Ollburt. 3l.
bant far a Rood tury did a llRb dig- ea a farloaRb. aad attor a brief visit
a Bante. P. ♦nrabari. P. Priedneh.
will rejela hto r*Rimret
gtog thaaalrM and nnaartoad aaotoBasqe.-t—a. a Oarta. J. A. LoeaaMrs H. a Wilber of t'«»>»ff*<x>
jer. ¥• O. Uoldtn, O- W. BaS. J. W.
at Jar eeetalnlag a chart srbleh
the circus.
ba* Jaat loat two caaarv birds whieli
appoaed to be tba kry to aoat |1
tbe odraneed br, in bird
pntmd hli BWr««to»too ol tlie kind.
oou of bnnod nwaay to tba yard. Hra
aaeta-O P. Oarrw, 3. W. HanaeB. Soo lor sevetal months, retuteed
hood of 18 and IS year* mpretively.
HlUio tom ibowad ll>a .
3. Suinbetg. Otai. WiUiela A B this city yesterday.
avorybody ala oat ef tba yard, peas- Tbe lUae ooamda were very Bar
A rtrj lia|<py aaxpito party ^ Cook. O. E. Hnmy, Jaa. Eeboa. B.
W. Oanatogbato, E. M Po|». E "
gnard tnond It and r^MaUoBs ttofOe and only oeoeed tbeir tnlliaR
Majile city are altembng the circus
- - SOD-lB-bw a few dayr before torlr drotoa.
b^faTaiS WaA Bid^
AndittogH^. A Baaaaed.
this afternoon.
Al Saalt SB. Marie aaaeeiieemtot
Boubar of hie frienda. who oaui.- Irlah. A W. Bartek.
efaaab arrlvea
Mia Kmraa Oberlin to Binghain
TraaaportOlon-R. A HaaaelaaB.
was made ttotarday aniaR of toe
.ten mud atay
Gootge BaU. a HUwaakoa nan
A W. iu^ard. 0. E. Boek. 3. A is the guest to Miss Btole Hunn to M raoBBUy loOBtod to Haskegon.
lasMdtole beildiDR of a biR faeiory
tocPToatni wt«fi
State street.
ealabUBb B large pcmltiy fara whlel> to itoaalaetarr white bmbL The:
Just now as harvest time approaches, a goori suppi)’
uiaui.eanrted oakea mod water bAoo Leon F. Titoa.
C M. inielps ami wife ol Kalkaska, be otalaa wlU U- tot brgal
power eoapany liae t«nvictod a site at
toe eaet end of toe Am-ricaa Boo. ami
of Crockery is alwaj-s needed, especially when extra
Wat. HoHlUan. «» of tba late .... terred. Thoee preacei
hat eeotraeted to delix-r l.rgOlumVutod DaUad Biaiaa aaeutar. hai to lAwriBC. Olaoaa Lowriu. Anna
help is present. W<- can help >-ou nicrily. See here:
a a;,^ Iron Cedar this morning
Dlobe drliven-d by Dec. 1.
anaimr-T* toat if hU Mnlto wiU par- Oarbe, Oltw Oabiwn, Boy Uaborn,
aitaiprtsu Ha U now aa«ettoi
Kiokrl for tbe ptoai to br lappltod
the circus.
ail ha wUI ha a andUato a anaaiad Btoel Oebom. Helaa Tenker. Boj
toad mi'toe lake Harm rod.
Mr. and Mtv S. E BUcknun of
hiatotoer. Tin aeotiaant of bu ana- Blrent. WUlle Btraeh. VleU Btimab.
la HUn .lived In. ttoariiton. bytoeUlrrRue ainceal budborr, Oat
A woaaa of Oreeavllh- .walloared e
I-eland are visitors here today.
dbtoey will appeal to wany whUe tot WilltePaaer. BMelleBs'tA OMUwr
HoBUalm uoaaty, and ibis
Dimmer Phtt*, 7 im., SOemH mt«
illywoR avrrul weeks br» wht>li
aeanry ef the aarlea of hU dlatuOlar.
rs. Mary P. Ktchols who with her agent of the M. A F. E U in town to Hobg
foiabedletoerare frato. hnt already Klekeraee. BeaeU BlUett. Max Baa.
DmmdM Cetlee Cmps, 3Se set mf 6
to oaabto tala to vtsll te etoer rtowb to be a ftoR.
let told
Ila. Roy Benfeneber. Loe Bomlaciber.
bet toe isbartff followU-en
Deep Dishes $e, tOc, tSe, jnf 2hc
iMuy Mairee. Lonbe Howard.
Travera* City Markets.
rs CarlaiMl, died very suddenly ol ilolmct are visiting friends in the city. ad fast afar blo ami I
Ttvie report le mado vtpon Wodnwsat toors
The We-qae-teoc clnb Jure oeeet
Oulure Monday aflernoon. al
Oav ol oach week. The Herald ie rvot
liir. and Mru Horace Bush of Giron.e baalto ofioer of Obtbo.TRea ha*
Irene more tolltbtfel petty than the advanced age of 84. The funeral
tnelble for chanree in prloes.
(tot to Pritoy at tbe elvl> honae. wrvicc was hekl Tuesday and titc sleatl. Ohio, are visiting the femilies raportod to toe eate beard of bealtli
An unusually fine stock of Glanware at
E J. Hamnmnd ami
,(l Neil Bnllen (lataeaMOf saaUpaz derelopedoo
Tbe erealBC wat peefeet. Tb.- etreng
surprisingly low prices.
toadar. At the WHU Uaa. be it not- anrtb wind Ital tal berei blowinR UmI)- «-as taken to Rowes for interthis at).
beard tbe stAWmer Harea City while
•daaheiM a hnatoaa ann a( nn dird down, laarln* Uie aatf roUlnit In
Misses Rolieiu tod Hazel Kehoe to toe Siraiu of HaekiiacL An eZJulia, the S-mootbs old liai^ier amltbeir gnesu, the Misses Schnei­ teapr to toad
nhUity. Oaaaral B. A Alc« It n- in gnol warea Tbe aocn. umriy
of Mr. and Mrs. Farnham, died WedTlie orew t
fall, waa ahlnlnc down span tl> nesdsy al their home, HUM Webster der of Grand Rapids, drove to Carp
4 aad tor staaaer Ufs Tba
I. nakto* a-aeet b>oatlfal tighi SI reel. The funeral will be held from 1jke yesierdav aRcrooon. where the)were the guestsof Miss Eunice Kelley braltli aatoeritlM al Pori Bi
And within tbe elnb bona ware orr the bnure al 2 |>. in. today.
and Obiage. between wbieh
a baadiod people wbe tripiied
for the evening, reluming by moonmmt of toe people of the ooantry toe llffal faeaatle to aaaie fernlebed
■■oIbU toe cteamrr pllrc. have
tod cnaaed a dlCerent new to ha
Debmrt Beeeher Ce., Prsps.
'^'Misses Watson and Bethel Phel)u eoUSrd to br ea toe waleb for toe
by Btewart« Btegai, uU a lau
■B of Oaerel Al«er Anee the elea
Mn. E 0. Tyler baa retonad frna of Kalkatoa are guests ol'Mrv Hen- beat
to the aahalaed beet eftoode. The
Hn. Prank Bsailtfla Rare
Brsrie Katoerferd of Pitot
ison of Webster street,
a rblt with friends to Poteskay.
real tralna to Ue aarrtoM to toe ptoal- UCbitnl lU o'oloek dinner Pritoy to
proved beiwrlf to br » Roeeloe bstolar
J. C. Dani«b aad wife of
-oa WntoHV» B«rd.
ftwt'a anhtaat ere betoc twoegnleed. Hr. and Bra. W. J. Bobba. Hr. HtmioB spent Snnday liare.
LooR Lokr ftaarday. Her brotoer.
Miv Chas. L Snifka and' dat^hand Mn a O. HoOatt. Hr. and Hrt.
little l yeiu-eld tov wandered eel
Mrs. Edsrard N. WUay of Obieago ter Irene of Chicago arrived here yesOeorf* O. Bata to Clileate, Hla hat Joinad tba Parc Plnee Rwesto
onto a dook al Bay Port, and tetl tnlo
tenUy. They are stopjiing with
Tbe child remall
LntUe Umrllaiid aad H. a BoUey.
E W. Bodoan of Feraat l«dge b Mrs. Fred Schrelle, Iriviskm street.
I liuto Braie rushed to toe
in town today naktog pnrofanato to Her husband, manager of W. U. letIda to nt ena enar toe eeoMila to
Sneatt fonad tlietr plaoa by toe taaort.
h oHice in the |>rt>duce exchange cod ef tbe piec and raised tbe helpisee
theaaMnndheeaae n ralnaMe toatoaunaonidi. on tbe knek
little fellow to tbe saifaoe. wben sbe
Hn. Kay Wail baa rannod frea
*T----With any Mber aaadidato wbleb ware oaaalloaa rery witty and sreek-a rlall with bor pareaU la Cadbald his bend out ef water ooUl brlp
Tiaveise City about SepL Ist,
tola qnaltty eeaU net be aeontr
arrived. As sbe U bet rlfhl yean of
tnnltoiac no and
Cotton has it's uses and du^ are many and importanc
his relatives.
ywa. Otoer toed aen are belath
betnc anarrored by tl«
sr- her bravery appealed to every,
HIM Plorensa Waltcn left tbb aorerine Marshall am
Hut you have no use for cotton in yobr suit or orercoaL
|ar« to Ilia body.
ntog for a vialt with triaoda at Adrt- oils Furhraan of Milwaukee are guests at tor rreen aad ebr to aow a Rr
it may be of interest to you to know that in the great
an. Sba will eatar toa aaabnl eon- of I>. W, Stewart and wife. 11^) favorilr.
aerretory at Titotoaci tob tnU.
A RTOcor ot fUndlBR becoae e
factory of L. Adler. Bros. &Co„ of Rochester., N. Y- ev­
will remain about two weeks.
Byrta Hetdrworto retoinod t
of hla
CoL EK.Bishop.postmaster of Grand
ery piece of go<^sreceived^8ul^)eG(^to.a.test for cotton
frea a week's vlalt at Pita lake.
aJly-fWtplDR "Rood*
Loren Helateto retaroad tbb asorn- Rapids, who has been v-ttiling Her­ tranhtosMe. Hr amafed a alrror
a clipping being bmled in caustic pot&K; It is also test­
The iBTtoalUea, at tmO»t. a part of ing from bit vastieB ttip le'Bpwnrto, bert Moolague lor the psst three a (be hack of tb* ■lore, o
ed for strength and color, and wben finally mpde up it
kal tana «Ih-d oat with etoen wbe Oryetol lake and Pnakfort. ^
weeks, with Mrs. Bishop, retarued a view of the laativ It
wwe not 4nta ap to toe game at they T. A. OoDloe enaa ap today froa home this morning.
is a perft-ct piece of doth transformed into perfect gar­
eea OotoR fa batter, tbe elart aw
aalred netlaa that It 1
need to ba. wrat te Kalkaska PriPerry 1-^doo, head of tbe Na­
ments. W'hen you buy “Adler“-made ready-to-wear you
ddy and BM defeat at too bands of B. L. SaiUi ef Jaabaea aad W. E tional Btsenit Co., has arrived
toaa. by a non of « to S. Per- KeaUr of Albtaa. Park Plane gaeets, ahuwtou from Cincinnati with bis
buy pure wool, artistic designing and expert tailoring—
s ptutoad tia tost lantog. Sal- ere ipendtog tbe day flabtog on Oarp > daughters for a visit at the resort.
laid for. lala both offenders
all at half the made-to-measure price.'
s Baking 4 rana Monk pdteftud ' fte.
Mrs. Walker P. HaU of CiDcinaati. atmeled and tolled.
toe real of toe gaaa. holding toa Kal- Hra a P. Davis of Stota toreat ta-.
eotertained forty guests with a bowl
Boy Boppv. of Qrand Blanc a
V—- Ban to only five rana for toe earned Sesarday alght frea ai
ing party at,Seahtau-anU last even- tolp. fhaaaee eeanty. seams te be a
la tw IklM rrsB- <-T»llrsM WSM
eight Inalagf. Bnl it wne mongh.
tonded viiit to Hartford aad Mask*. ing.
dnaparade ef toa Tmey type. He
The Inrtoeibla went to WUUaas,y. Rrsnswr. . sntk-rvs-,
Mr. and Kirs. Wm. loudon and raised toe nelfbborbood. ao eels darbnrg Satarday for a gaae with the Hra J. V. WUktos aad loa of Bay
rethat II WiU ba an talnatiea to fcaap
of dalpboB.
Olty ere the gareu of Hr. and Hra lnnie<l from their summer's visit
toe eCtuec Olatod util toe other Unto
sad wa« Br- so srwsc- pVssdisc ■t It i-v
n«l. M «Ai IsU irZvst SJ wv rest is u>>
la coaplatod. aad that by coapt
a Jeffrie
toe tahitaaBaa at Part atreall
H. Sl Hull relnmcil this morning aeooy frea bia ho went a Utb
Mr. and Mrs. W. I).Toro|ftins
tar ;Ur waa arraaedlen etaarta ot atttet Fred B. Pratt wonld net be a
from Grand Rapids.
West Ninth street are visitii^ fnenils
aoll end this lad to the offortaf of
Mrs. C Rickard ami son returned aaafolaet eridaire to wamal tor
btoek la ftaltoad toe atreat will be
ycstenlay after a ibon visit in Grand em to holduiR bia for arson, li to
etoaed oaarly a qaiu a aeoih loanr.
alkffed lie al dies whiob daotreyed me- ——.--r uf ai |>r ml. svt k. IsU Wkrr
TMe toay do net faat Ufca nbalMac frea tba ooaatry aa well aa toe city
Mn. Chas. W.Jo>re and little twe boms
ta. Mayor Oairar atated tola aora- te allow bU laae to go before tbe r»swi A
daughter llorathy.ieluiTied to Chicago Jeek Howard, a yeonff Grand Bap- rlsKlBSU-WA. eir-wilsBdMare*
tag that be wonld look laM the aatikirS (TSdHII Kinds
this morning, after s|iemling two Idi bob eea of V. P. Howard, tocatrr aod aafca an eftortto Ian
a land onaatatoner of tbe O. E ft
inp to Milwaukee and Chicaga
. mb aoaplalad at cm far awongh to preaart tint be bae deeidedsc
Mia Frances Alexander ot GramI L BaUway. wne droned to Valloon
withdrew his name frea canal
Page h
lake near Prtosfcey whiU to ba
Rapids and Mias Blanche Kelle)’
___________ __
with the Kelley Sbti^le
wtto aeveral yoanR aeo. They
Mavfield, are guests ot Mm Kt
went to Saginaw this moniing.
rewtof Iti tony W sUty fvrl ef water
It bapp.BU qnlto narly Toaaday.
Mrs. A W. Wait and son Ham-, Gibba of West Eighth Hreel.
Hr. Btotobatg aigaed eo^lneb Huewh« toe aewto were poarlng in day aftaraeoa Mkur toe required Mrs. E & nogan ami Mrs. E W.
Wmiam Champion went to CadiU and were ^Uvl^ frea tba bool aod
rrantofiols Afar bto last dive
tna toe eonntry to aae the aigbl
Backof, td Jai «, fpent Sunday lac this mornizy where he will
Beward did not tvappaar and bto
noal gatleaaa with Ua whole I
"“rraJire oir, tocS
meocewdrf ' '
bend Wh to Plowa." aad tob at- with their siMa
oMinnleoa torn tallaed that b
ly aad hired a^ piled opea
aactloB will be teea ben an Sept
W. W. HoMswonh of the Merean- of WebberLBltm«aiM,S-A,srre.>Md k-sr; «sl
hiaaftati to bia two laaiiil rig. drore latli. being tor only eity* b-Mreea
emiioy a gang ofmen too ■nplerc the
down Pram atraal at tar aa rign are LeastaRaadBaaltBio. Harie to get tile Ca. is taking his vacation this job as quickly as poaiUe.
aUowod a ge 00 aaeonat to toe par­
P. A. Clausen bas rettnne.1 to Ori- net aeae or tnewa anylbto* al
NnUeJjoh^ln, wbo bas been tak­
ing. Ooalnw to tbe ebewnettona he bavy eaoogfa to warrant Hanagcr
bia for toa past 14 yran. baa ai
1 for further treatment.
BiBbly aligbied aad ewlngteg naMa Satabsrg to naug toe Ruaiantso be ing «'acalk>C\has returned from
hto baae
Mia Fannie Tavlor
Farm tor Sain.
baa, bat aa ba b very dmreu tt havOtawa aeaaly. 1
tWsrew as isiks ww> .if Tisiww <Vty
laugfatbere in tbe public stoooh far
tog toe unatlea hen. br drcdde.) Miu KiUbe.
ao4iU died aoae years afo, fanvtoc
te proceed with tbe Many nonrayAlexanller Sp^ce, of GlaaeDw,
■rieVad beta
00trace Hbi Kfib KlUler. wbe
Mto. The ennereto eaaa aazt and ... be aaee in toe aegseUe rair at ScotUtx!.listn t^eny.
Mia Tay-lor was to have
appantod a be eioellaat foattng tea Hary.Tador.Ueapportcd by a> aaMrs. P. Rose has retained
theharare bat
Oltl Miaioii^nhere toe has beet
Ceroota flour it naile
M nil wrae the atreato eaae tote Tiaw
iting for some time. Mru Rose wiU She win leai-e in a few days for Gnad
. It waa toe aaah fa tta pilot. Hnt«
be tbe goat of her siHer. Mrv FUa Rapids where toe baa a better poai- from tbe fftnon
taatog tnaatoing nbeat toi ,
of this city far abo« two weeks, and.
spring wbeax of MuiDeKKa
tbtogf'aUowad oi» pahlie bigfawaj. 11. la toe ascratog at to e'eloek btgb then rettun to Ker home at Fargo, tioa.
K & Cooper of HotvO. and and Uikeu-tfae be*t prdtedroronp near toa BoMI WUttog
North HakoU., She will be aixonsGemge R. Cooper of Ann Arbor, do^webe United Sates.
atraao astoe* UA *7 toe^'vt^S panie.1 bvher acai Uonald and Donb toe avtotw at T;X) Iben ware rUsl
a vkh. Mr. George Cooper is whb TM Mheat contnins more
va^meand tenedatloa aad spmial
Mta Anna Markus <d 839 Wash- tbe Intond Prea at Ana Arbor.
kH-fttveh than
ancle wat rtodi'etd by tbe ehoir.
ChieaAt tob arvloe tor new UrbM wI
Geo. E King of Skegaog Point that grown (Bither south. Every Womwi CCMM|geV
go, where toe will be tbe gaeft of her
knve )bB bH-B ptoeed to tos ehi
resort is in toe city today.
ooBMqumdy is more nutri­ Should Own rcmmmi
aer. Mrv J.Kmkb ‘
wao laihtd ea fa to* fttal 1
onto or sis weeku
Gibbs left Ibis aorning for tbeir borne tious.
wUl lave tor beet elmtfial dtopby
Mean laais and Win Wilber of to Kahmaron after a v-ish aito Mr.
toeoUy. Aner-nrarvfeet waa
Chicage^ left for that place SUartoty and Mrs C E Murray of Fti
aaladed aa toe waam
aighl. alter a two sreekt visit ben
barer hit eU bieada aalltog la Ua
with tbeir aoele Harris Maikau
Minpeeadly at bb hoea. UT ItoM
E Cae and femDy of Til WebMr.and Miu JameintaiM] dai^ tierMTcet. areeajeytog eaaplife at
. 9tm nwmL Tha oraotog waa ^t
■ Barba has been aak- rwaeapbaniOld.r
Le^ Laie. Hi. Cmb k taki^






r^S2i*Sr^ S-STTf:

S' bSstu; ,.

s3S«‘5rsrU'«!fc st-KsussL'if-oSS.;"..!:



needs replacina, perhaps.


. %


Cify Book Store


not a Crace of 0ofton«






Commercial PrlnMng

Herald Job Office


no Special Sales'»
Cow Prices every iDay


is: ss-

Cenee41es»*ctClw««aesd*. • •

Frank Triedriebs



■mg MWID iBAviitWteBALft. AuMihtai. iidi..
. Bean, ttal g kkto mjiaar M yam, tonwa h
M*rif*i MS hfeSmi
Mtaday OB Ita toto. If* livw maUe: bnt Dr.
■ ttafaatUy nto- ClM-eregalato tta Uv«r. parity «*
daykfe^toFraak dark aad Ada Bmr Or**k vban ttay bad bear
. on Bltoto *M*I Friday mo»a»w 1
andor tta direetkm of L. S. Oento
fS^ both «f Fife Lake.
IM. wIto aver IM dto. aU aant
*eg*namb*refamiowtogfrto*d* dng
dto- Tb* largaet Ito wnt a mtojM* Ebto DelMcy and Mm
maamk B*v. T. P. Ullom ooaNMOMrfe, both of PaiMliae.
daotoittahmaml -rvloa Tta
*■ “
heated to wed Friday mnniig i
OePlt, PM W. QMdeta H. BltoM*toS*wCtoU*.HMaHaBtowv



a «. BdwXi .
rmItUj tM

m> "Vttutr

ot Ik*

thwaih tbs dtr aboat I

Will Sattb, Doa MaeiB*. Philip
Ooladwih aad.WtU QaM eta hash
fkeathairtrtp *• abartsToii. Pataskar. Harbor Spriac* and elbar yetaW
m Mr. Matva'a jaeM. tb* Why-HatWbaybadadaigbttaltelp
Mil. data P. Millar bcl^lbaHaraU a wtoty of beasursl fcraaaa.
■MU tbaa balBf orar thirty aaqaldia Mat** dMMa plak pataal* Me*MM bat freai «M plaal, aaa dacb
day. Orar 1» tleMMi baa* baaa
eat teaw ^ pU1 la a Moath.

tiiM bOBK wax panted
Friday to Jflta R. Bdgeamtb
and MiM Frukw Ben« both «f Fife
- lyMeai for Rlk BMdL <>
uatanalv* )eb and Rlk Baptd*
!wiaMt(/tbe«eeUy riioM of wUl ba weU dmtoed when It i*
the We-que-teeg dab Friday afterHr.
b*l^ busy to tUt
uoa. «t Mr. Seyder of SnydemDe.
aln oc oMai work hi* ^rtoar. RoyOUa
Una* HoOtoy, wtU took after tta
B. Cate ol Sotoo has been feachkheos latdy. He act a trap
___ ha* eai^ a
o«i. He baa it shire aad wiD bni«
ay pcegraa- aad faatlvltiat
u. uave uacn Hcmi uu*
— pelatad to tb* Uanld aad >BM»rd
m Ibla waak and will br widaly dUjoonted aiitil Toeaday. Ang. SCth. to
aoitthecODWnienceof the local *t- tribaM tlm^oat tbia part of lb*
UlU aasoaceeto* avaol* to
J. wabclm bat eogaged C S. Ug t*d and fadaot latur* aad arr vwy
An>oldorMsaittee,adrygoodt man
Ibe auuoeae—nt U
of •eveateea year* ocperieoce, a* bead atoaotlru
ihst David Boyd, tteaaon* of
of that depanneBl in hk store. Ur. tb* Htablgaa Ptdwattoe of Labor,
Arnold and bis unSy have aheady aaaaet b* b*nlo deliver tb* addnn.
atrired ia the city.
and C U. Bealy of BaglMW. anolber
of tb*
State Senator “Cid" Satj^ ol
(arqnette, enDector of cnstotns^ the to* ton eaeuMd to bi* plaoa. Mr.
Lake S.^l^ diwiict. wa* in the ciiy Kaely U .aid to b* as oloqueat >p<nk.
ocoaferwith Jndge M. C. Borcb. •r and bU addnn will M woMb It*tMtatantattcmey general of the Uni­ taatogno.
ted Staley relative U
Eimar Larson and Mist Violet
Ward Mae orcr froa Elk Rapids
Tuesday to attend the citeu* and one bibiUeni will atoro that Ibt
of the attactioaa they vkned wa* Jua- bigger aad bettor to tmay reapeoto
than wliaa tost >eo pwr*. Mr. Waltice Vcriy’a ofice, where they
fortane to toe toow
boatoea. tavtog atartod with a llUla
wagon eiroaa Buny ytart>go uaUl b*
Detroit Today has the (bUowing m
whtob ha* guto.
I aniica] note* concerning a Tnv.
aanitotiae. It U
K Chy young lady: "Mm Daisy tb* toM ala of tb* t
Shadek, a popil or Harold Jarm, f- iiT Bothtog bat bigfa claa attiae.
at a concert whh Mr. Jarm tloaa, aao to tbU the Wallae* aggr*.
be grrcn at Ml Brydgt*. OnL guUoo 1* Mpeeially to be eeoMeaded.
,tn<fey evening. Mias Wendell wiU

: «ha slat* taaebat*' laatilalt for ttU
eaaMywlU b* bald U tbs OMtral
Mteat baildlBK of th* oily bagiaalac
AawMt as aad oaeUhalaf for «r*
*ya. ■■patlit.adMlE. J. MsKaaof
w-a— md Mia FaaaU Alfea of Mt.
vUlaadaet lb* iatattata
Mr. and Mta B. Briatol aara tWIJ. W. Sister wiabes it imderaiood
MB at <ba9 Hawley Baaday aad
Mr. Bristd U ataa hit patM aoa- that the notice in aaolber paper that
be had kaaed'h new bn<± building in
Elk Rapids and would tnoi;^hlB stock
into it. appUed to his himitnre busiin that village *Ad not to the
Mr. Brfetal'a poofe*t w
' e. He wiU cmiinoe to
r. UidU Friday M(**d
in thb city at the old
WnswfsWeMticaBntMte stand.
TUsla lb* daiaMioadef
Frank Brosdi & Scot beooght from
ilDM M b* Mippsd taa Ibla
II Mir-*-‘— Snoooa Bay a drove of twenty 6oe
■-------------catOe, avenging «"<»


ChM M PaHM dahn BMnts it ink.
^n MMtNM**i«l and traaM*
*«• ef kh* pans* of «b* sity
sndwUl trytoanloy a (sw daysM
Ms sMMe* at Bttehwood. Stand
W. W. - SMlth Ml thl#

aad two aaaiauata, in tu hour*, adiatMce of eighteen milei. One of the
tw«e but wa* captured
each tine.______________
Fred RobinacB ia lainnt a wheel
He left it «aiidii« in torn of the
Herald ofiw far a tiae 'niurtday
aboat 8 p.
and whea he wanted
it it wugone. There hare been ao
many thefts of bieydet in the city ol
lato thtleomabebevelbereitar^
largangat woA, buying then and
toippiiig them out ol the attic.

> ef

w MM* vltoalty an Mplalali
WMM laaael aad atpaat tbat I

Thmewna. to toet. anly ene ai


bast feat* c

ualiaal* aad oSert a delight totha eld
folk* at wtUat an{edaeation and
■aaifor tb* youag. Tbeaat'aUsoa makaa a ^eeial pout
of oarrytog Bat Lbecm* aad this year
b* faua the boat tb* toow ever enrvled.
Tb* borm*ar* all alenk and by Ihelr
>w chat they rsoelve
The inrada. arhlla delayed **verat
boars. ;wa* exaellent. aad formed a
Uf (bow to ineU. It was wlteraaad
by tboamad* on tta ■treet* aad to
eplto of tta dlffonltie* eeoeaaured to
eaom datoy tta pagaant wa* aot loot
nor aay of iu featonw ellntoah-d.
a* niarly S o'etoek b*for* tta
arfemase* wa* itortMi to tiw
Wg tout, ahboagh tta eld* toow*togaa basto*** maob (urller. Tta rvaatogp.rfarmaneeop*n*diwomptly at 8
k. Tbms vrete folly tlx thoe-

U to a iMfB ««F. tb* bssritsi
toMintatUssaMfen. Thapttotpw
farthe wedding
hMM) It M.H. PauklibwiM ar* ofMinLociaWe^aiidDr. Guy
tfU piaottfaL targs qaatoWM batag
Noye*. The ceremony will
MiFsdtoMBeM OUatford aad Bss- take place at Grace Episcopal dturch
at high noon. Wednetday, August
STth, and they win be at '
ibMtMwItoaMttosIraaa Tbna Coiombu, Himoati. where Dr. Noyes
Mai tBlM war* put ea for th* h*i a prafemaitoip in the Univenity
^jwto, Itnvito hi aifto. TtoyMl ofMimouri. '
toy. latoUatotolatatimi
ar*tcrii« tioagh M
WtoM. My get Ml aad n
iwOI b *Pto tto toW anMl tsalag.
pndated by tfaoae driving K end
in toai direction.
MaFlNM Peal Bn Ik. O. JL ftem toe
tank ii near toecndoia great iron
to to* tsaalsa of lbs tod seldMe aad waier mam. *bo« four feet in diameM aad is aet into ground to a ape*
. whtshi* I* toat win be very eonvenieoL Water
nsssr *( tost Jaedto Aafnat M. IT was turned on Monday.
Mda. AMnefSl.Wttrto*teand
m were peeaenl at toe
trip to* hstn MW—If CM
eat pert thartoay attar.
|toBa,iada last* aaMbMsftoaaaMdoBsef ttobaal
ra wM i» fewa bai
M toe eeemnt —■ between the InvtoaMae Mi toe Aarlaau. wUah
toapsM pMl atotM mttw toy* waewMkptoeletlertoembya
*•* to 8. d- Mttoto. WtoBbana af tee A Btow aad Efetfer War*
ha* ntos satM to ftoadsM wMsb hair*
kamey far to* A^luma
toto totnto to to* Mto and It la ba.
' IMdlhto towUl tov* stoyhaUa

I* nearly Ibr eapacily of Ita

•gbam. Agk
Ttalmagtake aad OartoldBua.
day Seboel Aaaoelutioa taU It*
salng’* g
alMewfe to Hr. Faaal
Langlmka. Aug. I> . Or«r I
U ef tlH- ai
at, all of tta ■

That is sold cannot be a bargain. Regular
goods must have their important place. We
print only the news of real, genuine bargains,
that are the result of careful buying, or of unforseen circumstances that warrant reduced
prices.' Aug^ust is a clean-up month with us.

n war* well
asvaml nriton froa
tta ooaacy. tta *oulh part tt to* Mato
aad lodtaaa aad Ohio were praaeoL
IL A. Hall gavr tta addnaa ef w*l.
wa* aad R J. Oaruiist ttapoeded. A
a* l>ugtam wa* tuniatad by lb*
dlPerant teboeU aad Hr. Maito. wbn
tta asmmar at KeaL gave
tooioeaelTCtieoawUb fair graph'

Shirtwaists Shirtwaists Shirtwaists! Shirtwaists

8e Set tta Maner.

Bheriff V. O Kltogar ef Unto
i.Qt bom* yeotrtday after making
Unto selUrmrat to Ita totere*
I nan wi




For'the choice of
our ^ored well
made 50c waists.

For your pick of
any of the 75 cent

For waists that
have been selling
at 7SC «d 85c.

Wallam 1

this is Mout
the 6ait
you’ll dave

I* latter^!ily
ibv lady warn
Ui* etiMl aad wa* with ima f< w
feel of tar wb«a lii* attaolioe war
aeddanly ailed by a mao to tta
etewd wbe told him ttat be waoiM
■rtdewith btok AInu>*ltoUD*diately. bewever, tta etranger apologi­
sed mytog br had madea mlaiake and
wtan tta atarlff tonird to look fur
tta tody ata l>ad dirapiiaarrd.
Poritar aeareh failed to loeaW b.-r
aad U>* abvrlff followed (be clrciu to
Ibto city Here lie again net Hie peo­
ple who eeiUed Ita oan by paying dts
wbtob toelodad tta(> tak.-o froa

If you shvc the pood things we
arc oHrhnp in Stmide shoes.
to cotne. anil Come quickly
as BT have marked the re■ntining Sample Shoes SI but
little nure than Half Price.

tta eoert fee*
aad Ibr rtarlff'* expenaea
New* tran Ulee Ku.
TH* arrival* at Olea Lake Orchard
B*M>n. or Olaa Kay resort, a* old
tim* goMU know IL •■onpri** for IbU
Ur. A. W. Sunllay of tta Uwto
tosUlota. UatTieoo 8naU*y froin ('or.
atll, Mr. B. Jobaaioii*. Mr. F. Bartaad wife. Ur. PrlcheU, wife sod
daagbter. Mr. U. U. Vial. wife, am
and daaghtar. all retidanto of l^bb-a-


Among tta ai

Children’s ready- | 25C SUI BOHUETS '
all sizes, at



ed tta
aftrraeoa rid.- eronnd U
beotr beai whieb to
ptnprllral by airs
ThU wa* follow.-d lairr by driviug
partir* to Hlll-T Hill and Eaplh .
Fiebtog 1* in- xliaatiebli- apon. In
ctodrd to tbr Hr. B. K. Dnrf.hnndeeinr eatelxe oi Aah to­
day nddrd a four pound, t- n ooao
Hra VanHo*>-D and mb Ibv-. a
gfaph to nibatanllat. Ib> giv
nnmbrt ef 88 Aah eanght at tb- norrow* la*t Friday, which |wev.-« tb.
malignrd Friday to t>- a larky
Tbr Olen Bay band tp-st a mtirv day flahtog for brook wont with


Stotta! Lints oi
Htguiar Stock
at Spcciai
Cut Pricts a



It’s Time to be Thinking
About the probable changes wilu want in your home, W^m to arrays and add oDes.^The
range your furnishings in diiferi
new goods in our

Draperies and Curtain Dept.


are the handsomest and most artistic that have been placed on this
market. The most expert workmen have used their greateAt skill
in this year's designing.


....-------- ,1,0

Ittllr graed daagbirr of a


It pceiBvvjjT J
______ „____________ I*, all Tl.voat and
Loag Iroubira Oaaraoteed bottle*
too and 11.00. Trial bottle* free at S
B. Walt ASont aad Jai. U. Johneon'*



Onr SiTlus fiepartmeit




Beautiful designs in all manner of colors. Those diat are woven ‘
in regular patterns and regulation size and then we have some of
--------------1J by jbc
most-------------------------------artistic Persian stripes
are sold
tl yard. 2«yds.,
enou^ for a cover and 75c to $1.50 tbe yard.


All grades and the greatest stock we have ever arried. So many
_ , ..
, these newr 1designs.
* ** comers.
We .have all kinds of gimps
... ____ J. couches,
cords, nails and buttons.




The new fall stock is here, and such a stock, all si^ from small
ones for doorways and in front of pianos to the largest sizes, long
wall rugs, beautiful Art Squares. Velvet and Brussms Rugs lor Par­
lor or Dining Room. No one need go without rugs for want of
Styles to select from.

Sdleraf Bat Shoes alLpwat Prices.
OUSt^ OFF-BcraldOOce

Condensed $moRe


So many handsome designs. The beautiful Persian stripe,
Navaja The solid colors with the artistic Grecian stripe.
matter what your favorite color, or the surroundings, we have
harmonite in all cases. The prices are fnwn $1.75
es to h;
pair to $15.00.

Men's $I.T5 sedul Satin Calf
tore and Coogren shoes, cut to onlv

niing I
o on!)

ether Itoa* this ooc
opaiaM to toe oUy Bmito.
A MW riaam to saggerird, altowtog
Ita olty tta right to tura off tta eartank oat wba* or aee potoa of tta
aay ttoM daring •re* if
to* iataiwto of tta cl«y.d«iaaai1
oearaa. '-------x
Tta iwtomi tmn^ paevida* that
to* oemptof •h>» keep to lapalr only
paved aaeat*. bnl apew elaam*U ad­
ded provldtos (faaQkll atiw*«:a**d by
She eempaiw
'h* kep* to reiaOr MU) iRMBtaH HfMt it I fVJ IM ML
by tl>r oompaay, lAtbto It* traeka
Tta bond af to».«U taqalrad by tta
pnmmt traoebfia ta eompal pvmant
of poaalble damaga*. wlB be elliatoated mUrtoly. aa tb* Mato law oovmi

fnn laaaUan tor taa yean..
MtoetofV Beaato thiMd oat to to*
AStoaregalariarallagsfltobaatd right, aad yultod far to*
btoyMM to look ont and turn toto*
to paMto work* Friday aranlng,
Bat h* tantod *r to tb* left.
I toto B*^ wba wa*
etot whfeb WM to to* rsato* oMM.
I. and tad to*
-Wtoy toakapto* BMUrto totaktag
pr ef hi* right tandpnfcaa off
.......... .
aad it was votad
r to* kaukle aad drtvaa taek.
. hand wUI b* arlpptod tar
F«*hM* to ton* to toe oHf.
tatoHM and toyla to toto* «
*. after tta pahUe
•itoly tottM to to* toty iaihtn. It
bwtpwtodthat ihaywUI aeataboal
rammni af to* hM tors*
at tta pttomto marked ita*iaali«
On* ^ to* praatta* alghit aver attn at to* twvura* Ba^itol. whtoh ba. L. K. OIbha I
Mtoaiay wtowHaaaaH ataU 4«
imdaotod by Dea. Oarnar *
aftocaatn arbtn a Mg
■bocaw. loadtd wUb tbIaglaa.aBM aad FmnkUa atoaato la* ahoal a year.
Mtoaa b to baltoved tost tta
In btoare to* toaakla* aertb wtod.
WUI* ltha*b*a*apaytogto«*lta- nAiMtt wUl meet wito tta approval
Wito ■alanil and aWnaakar agraad,
• mlIrMd eaatpaay. aad Ibal tta
Md aU tb* •tbaraallatoweaaU onwd
la* will nM Jtapanlto* tta olty-*
Ula*kada.toeagb to. waaga
Mad tavu lima to give. Tb*
to M toto to* pansMto da*k,bat bUldiM tea. to wbtob It wa* lasatad.
to to* Baud of Tnto t*
loerttieto. itaftavtoas
rreatotatmittoaMa* to
aeuMU, ttol nutar to
•^laa* tar d*to fend.
■l**«tatau^ b ahMo* to i
•'to *0 iaatoar goto, rwntoi
H tod a MttohU to- to»*ah)**tMdtom*k*towgmH

the 35c and sw
grades at per pair

i and wash goods at

toni|ile Short

All Sadie. Ey.. was
tta eaaa* ef tb* vaai _
the brain, of Mrs. 8.
wbe bad tor a loagtls
gtlB*. eodored nntoldseffertot from ach
achronle brooehtol
iroobla "If* all
— do*
da* to Dr. Slog*'*
Mow Dtoeoverv."
- wriW____________
write* lut- - -

Oltar Itosa will bar* tta right to
aae tta track* ef tta oompaay for urmtoal purpuiM aaid the eempany may
eeltoet toraa from iwaaetigata am.

1 WU

LMr' Faqf Nm


SL-'A) Tan sIkm

Ita mvlaton to tta eld fraatotor
terarfaitottanbaa b*«n raodltad ae
that tta ally ahall ob«em two arMtcatma. ttaeominaytwoBadttaflfthby
tta ettar four, wbctoaUtaaaalaetrioal expert toaldtog outald* Ita elty.
. watot* that the dtyataU
hava tta right to pntoham (br Hare

Remnants of


The prtoelpal chaaga eaggaatod to
that ptovldtog formvtag tatwe«n ita
traeka by tta oompapy. Oader tbr
aaw propoaltioea tta oompaay will te
ralaaasd hem paynMot of aoy of tta
eat ef mvtag, bat after tta explrattoe
ef am years teU pay tta asm of


at reduced prices. |

weird Agnre* mevrS to Itg'it and
ibade to awert Bo*le of Mxtogrd liiatrameni* and mail non. followed by
popnlar “fadgra." -nd'-d a
happy sammrr day. Mr. ByoaB Heat­


For.choice of the
Si. $1.25 and $1.35
uradcs' also many
better waists at big

We will not carry over from one s»son to the other one
yard of Summer Dress Goods. We figure that it is best
to sell our 15c Dimities, etc., at............................... ... Bo
Our 26c Thin Goods, all kinds, at.......................;............ «Bo
Our 60c. 60c. and 66c Silk Mulls, etc at......................... BBo
Our fine 40c. 36c. and 26c Ginghams at...................
Our pure linen 40c Ginghams at......................................
Our 5c and 6c Lawns and Challies at..................... ......... 3io

(ll.rrflamlSXOi) Sample ahon
» «.l,


The Aotoam put upagok arttel*
af hnU. falllM npe* soma *f Paegu.
acn-a Panto to Ttetonaatyto.
toaatartto On ft* aoMt ttaa. hn
Otoria* Banal* hnd Ml right
dM bit tMltatflen to tot *M. . tdlydaBiMwl Friday night to a eolMd will •• toto to* *e«iaia laU Utoan aritoatomlm* klapal* rider.
OhartoahadlafiUabam* Bt<:l» lor
to** Bay. aad war^mtog to* btool
lib toap of B. J. Plamtac. when
. aeorotatog alang from


• Btwe* Btotoaw. Frank Staana. toy ata Friday and S A* a m. Ttar^
ItomSaom. OUver Larktoa. B*« j*W- **»-to-b oar way. M.1* rwand
Hailea and Milton J. WUta.
MltobsU. a. P. Agt


Frendi of ^ Pen-

CIrcalition this week 2.525.



. eiTv

For smoking all kinds of meats. It will
presen-e the meat for any len^ of
lime, keeping it solid, sweet, free from
mold. Aia etc. It imparts a true hick­
ory flaror to meats that can be o^aiaed
iff DO other way. One bottle (75 cents)
will smoke 250 to joo poands of meat.
E%-ery bottle guaranteed satisfactory
or money refonded. at

$ Dru0 store

Department on the ground floor from 10 to 11 a. m. and 2 to to. m. and are
entirdy free. You are cordially invited to bear this woBderfiU uHtnunent




A fWd Mr *Mk •«*<
•mSm ■>a4v- b0(l>
oitr BBd Xmimw.
HiMaioUkWd ll(nl» BaUrT at
tMVf* av> ■n'Tltj^ ihrlr bre

A. W. Motoit
Mr. BBdl
ikiUnai at------------------------------- ----------at Mr. asd ftn. BOgai Oatardof and
Mm. Mmu baltb at BoCalo. X.
to TlM*lii« har MM Mn. 0»«I^oJKanb ^ BMm, rtMtad la tfato


cwilird «u* ptaoTL

etthia r —


will RadnUabl of loala to I
OtfBrr. H. ^aafcla aad wtfa




_____ ■SSS£-3?u'.



Dr.' aad Mn Aarfta at Ynmn
City oaUed oa Mr. and Mn P. Ibailb

Mr. oao Mn An Patowr of lake

Mr. aad Mn Pnak Oilae rtottad
TnTTon Oily - - *

Mn Andhto SaiUi aDd:toacfatw
wan at Tnrern City Ual weak tuidnit wltb Mn IL BmUb.
Mn C. take aad daathtan atoo
Alta Bead, all at take Ana wne to
oar rtetolty rUlttoc Saturday with

Mr. and Mn Will :Jobaaan 'an ea-

UUlM Orv t* h^ at the

Mr. aad^l^^.P^j^lMto

aebOTl to Hkn^ak

8Mpbea HeOarTy ot Lane ^e rtoitod btoBlen Mn P. pTlnidle; al­
oe Mn lardie’t eooeto Uwfeoor
Daaa. a tow dayt loet wato.
^Ohartoy^tardla to Ttoittoc at Maato-

John Jamu bod a narltoR I
oo tba P. M. baek IM Weda<


Mn AMtoHBitaoa.MdS4.dlad
Bolorday (woatot ot the bona et tor
toMtor. Hn J. O. Bmaano. aad
waa barlad Meaday.
. Mn A. Bobartaoa aad .ehlldita of
. WiaTomOltr inat Witoiidgy-wlto
Mn P. D. IbyW.
Whlto raiaraini tran Tnrana Oily
Saarday aroeiai J. O. Bneraea'a
u qalw badly broi
OraeaThytor ralaraad bona Tan
Thnawaaa toaa# irlmata M.
Potan'a Itaiartoy alchl wbtob wn
. «alM lartaly alteadad.
Tto aebool booae to Ito Btook dto-

Ittoc Iba toitar'a brotber.


Adan HaoR la raooy.-riac
nrm lllnan IroB tri^A
Mr* EaiehBB baa been qnite aiok.
bnl to U-llar.
A. B Sltnien and tobtUy.P- Wltooo
and famltr and Mra O. O. KlMar.
aoD nnd MtB Winnie Rial of Hannh
formed a |mrty who Sondayad n( ^
Hn Oao. MeOooald ntotnad toal
Friday aventoR from a Bootta'a Ttolt
IB MoakaRoa.
Oooiily Traaaanr Oao. SUwaid w
a fsaltor in Inara laal Friday.
• Hn Phil BltUT ot Bette Omk
a matt at K. CbWa
l>. L. Bnt^ to onjqytoR the alRl
at Klayan AlU
Ralph Gian apeni Satorday in Pita
Tba ClUtani Tel<-|>beDa Oo. tare
Ri>eo aa odonaettona now with tba
ontaida worid ' and the liar worka
Benry Trlw will ba ya fdiur ot
Ito^Kl^y Bdm a^raopla

c^s-oo ±o ^is.oo



WilUama of Walloe.
Harper Kotpial
MMwr rrm

Mn Roll Andamo and cUlldm of
Trarerae Oily ara rlrUInc Mn And>-rauo'a motoar.’Mrr U HcOory
Tba Field liar clrrn eaih-r tlw ana.
picaaoftoa Pif- Lake lUmrt ( oa
pany oo Satnrday tort war a blf roe
twat. A lar»ra ctwwd waa ptasaol and
oeloyad Uia aporla> aod aaprciall]
eojayad the lrl|ia tu tba iaUod ant
tack oo Iba caaohor laeocta. Tba
loeldnul ha milad no
. owluR 10 the ahannoe
Jnat at
bn-.-ar. Tba roaraa toy aronnd ux
caatoni laUb'l and tamra from tba
btmt boooa and waa won by Ibi- MaR
ooltt.owoad by a otunpany of ear altv
aaiina and reo-nlly |«rohamd at Tnr
'me City. Tba OaunUeaa. ewD<.d by
Dr. Walbt. aaoemd. Tba Daentlm
waaihRbtlr to lead whan the >alaml
wai nwcltad. bat her oanlar board in
idloRtheUland atrn. Land '

Sampid Pan-1: Sale!

Mr. aad Hr* Platt Baneoi of MaySaid vlall>-d at Oaotca Boderr' laM
aft hare laal
. wbarr tor
will rUlt twlatlm.
Hn (tor
aad dauRfaMr Boiato took
In tto eireaa at -TnrarB tTltr oo
Tartaay; atoo Mr. aad Mn CIrrtoad.

This is your gain and our loss and you miss a chance of
your life tiVne if you do not take advantage of it. $ I to $6

SOc on et SI.OO

• ■AB0«X

Our Strong Value$ Support Our Weak

Mr. aad Mr. Jtdut BlamaUlar of
Plana TUUud Mn P.. Bmy
Brrty laal
Hla* tala Oaary wai to
Cedar Rea to aaa bor moil
Sataael Oaarr. Sandar leak
Hn Mary Albrichl ot Da„
ea^-do^Mn PiankB^Saaday.
. Waruar
ban qelta aorrraly laal weak. ' .
airaaartoR bark
Parker to
In tba wootto br nUad Gar P
band bim Iba rnlr aad aaMr. Parker
to him tar taned tala lirad
Jmr to Rat It in hU aye aad
n.wrly beret tb>- t-yaball
Hr l>
aOBT N-ttat new oad will Rat atooR
all riRfal ba tliink*


“Der Deutsohto tatodton”


Clothie^and Furnishers
Trtaartai-tota CISx, IVIIoK. 0



Pebe Marquette
m-' Annoal tk-hwabanfral or Ut-rmai
HiGntewlllba bald at
Train will Irava Tnreraa City at <i
A a. Hat.- pi.UX baa pttoen. <ir aak
aRMta for toll vortiesUra retrsrolDR
rxi-araion* and ntr* to other puinta on
this date.
at t

wbo waa boru Jari •<


Miter A. a. UrewB I
Tllle. 8. O.. waa..........................
nriaed. "ThroORh
Iobr •uffarina from
byaiwpala.” he wrilaa. "oiy wife waRnatlyrnn dowA Bbe had iiu.irenRlh

1 prwil di.inw.
•b.- tried Elec.
r<'l|»d hr
bottles. she is riiand after aeliiR toor bottles,
Lnaif Koeliao. the UaantlaM by Gbaa I
Vraln will lear>- Trat-rta City at alrrly writ, oao rat snyibitiR.
Andiwwa and Ur.' Walter. DanoloR |
A ni. Kata $1.00.
Bar poaf-n Ciond ionic, nod iia icriillr laxutiv.
for itTiud
laalltiac are epic
waa indelcrd to on Ihe island in the ot aak oRaais for
Uwa of ApllTer." For todlRt...
.............................. at toe U. A. K. hall to
(Tonhle. it-a
tolita.Htooaeb andLv
toe rranlDR.
At Uedlllae wbelrmle pmaie bayrra a lioeiliyA
________deorw. ihilr .V«cnaraatead
siliTA ca
Uar aobool dlatriet baa ^Min^ naearr al ready rsidnTonnR to make a
K Wait A Sons and Jar It John
ountraet rrilh fannm aroand thaii'
loorth teacher. Him
eityto boy all tto-ir polatoaa at U>| A
Rieat many eattle ara. dyiDC tn
oeiiuabaibaL Aa far a. known they iKIniMton dlatriet. Um . of
How-e Thla7
are unable to Rat any oonirecia at Vil*' known aa milk ferar. caoaail l-r
price- Tba potato otop In this roomy ■ f«»dtoc on wbll- clover mod riwi
will altnoal doable that of laat y«r.

To IMr* il«r 4 alM.

-n>e ueina of Baieca. the lutlr rltUrc In leiiewae eonoty where iIm- **•*’?’•






rr j;

arc. is to I*- ebaoRed to Esul* The . wnuw ti. quirk cuh- asrsTded all h-w
Bcciilri.l waa dnr to the mlalake of hope* It work* wootlm in Sore*
the tralnuicn in rtwdinR Beii.-ca for


rWjQllj PdUerr lir l.-t.

away wiib tome enpfoatoo.

AI For Job Work of all Kinds Call al Tbe Herald Office

jSooa and Ja.. O. Johnson. dnjRg.rti


.c nItt-T. itii' f.ic-ioit u.<iiic>t ihc t-mJi and we Unyhl llimi tu ar ran *fitmito

No K(I0 Couch, exactly like rut, lias a fo.ur-inrii Rol.len oak fra
cancl, iieavy boltril li-,:s canvas linc"l. 11' trin|«ie<l steel s(*ings, i
liiw) lallrtnt itcst vcltwr, gAtin logt, and only S6.75. .

• Aftolliolicd Icvt. canvat linetl, haitSO bett IS-inth lctngieie<l Urd f|itinKt.
arantcv-l all fieri ttmtirucTine; choice felerlim oflwH trlour CDveti, palcol
liifiril M
) IfUllont ran coac oil, onl^g | | .20.





tava mra to Boner loitoyat dalapaM

N>v XI4 Com l>, rvacliy like cut; k a lieaiily; gnUen oak Iraine. claw feet,
eigtht roas ol tufla with tlir never-mme-oA'-fcuttont. ram-as Imol, all steel rontlrurlioii. flu IS.iiirh best steel sgirini.-vcotere>l with tdected Cleveland velour.

Mn UdDRca
bar talber. Mr.
'8k Pater,. and hoi- tbrea aialm m-

No. K'l-J Couch, exactly like ^t, golden oak ftooe. nicriy twed
e>Rht rims lulls, steel crnHlrvation. 30 ll2-iiich LeW OeH tprii^ potent
fiticnert; thi-.«ju<ii iiai been can*i<lered Rood valoe l>riore al 81i


_______ tar L._.

'------Min lum taoBoo 'poao to MoBato
Mn PlamlnR. bar buatand aad
wnarT cMT.
•CHI. alao Mn Kill, daochtar of Boory Banrraa. aflat a vlail of
Will Cooper, tba Saaday aobool wreka wiil> Ibair falbar. riep iDun>.r
Mr. and kin Joha HM>bbd _
Maaua q«il Boaday with Mn H<«a- alaatoaan.aad aloeailoalok tovtoii- and family., aloriad for tbair boo>e in
Tbair half.atolar. Plorlaad-a lianota. Mr. aad Mn Oaa uw at Uotort Catpeatfr'a
•■oee. aooompaOlad ilmn. 8be will reVie BarM to a
male dnrmc tor winter to alk-nd
B. PUittor baa otoaod Wa alon at
totojtooaja^to Bortoc bto Moek et
Mn Oawca Clark of OUeaco. a
Hn Van tawwar ot Qrand Ladya i
• booibl Iba SamrtaulDC Mr. aod Hra Prank Al|
aod family on Hiller HiU.
Hn Cook oad lltUo daacblor <mi_.
Mn Pea and Riaad daochtar Min
lam eraeiac «e toe Obariatroto. Tbey
Ato Clark, troa Wtoeeuto. ate ^thad bw'u rtolttoc to Fmatan tor tea
tac Mn ra<-’* daochtar. Mn Mm
hoBa at MUwaakaa Taaaday.
Mn J. S. PtotoR had a eery plmwMin AUda Woodworth. Min UaMts PaBBia Binataw to rtoiiiat ant TUil with Ur. aad Hra. Aibrr
n Motitaad. Ooctia Halrtoadoad tatotlna
aad Metuto at TmTatae City. AtktoaoB and lamlly a weak ar
day, ea tbair aplaodid lano to
•oo. 8br liad nol bMm (hare b>
to aiebt yaan, aod war earpriw
Iba tiB|iruTeniaBto toai had beeo m
Mr. i_.
The etv|» toa myt ara Aot. aad tita
oMA And WlU to latl to the taaa
- Wab^lSlS. ar tba Boa tad onr-


K.'sraJ.'tw.'sS'.iT.s -

. £rZ‘’SSTilt M

Only a few suits of a kind soid at such iow prices you
surely can afford to have one.

toa‘!^ d oJ2Id‘Tn»SB^*^ix'*
of Pita taka waa 1

........ .............................................baa been
yooa* ana tram TtoitlDR with mlatlTM and triaiida

of waaka,
___________ ____ datorday
to faUioita haalook Ibraka to two. and apan'tlew
ana bnka fata rlfbt
Aar. 1*
alioai a «<
Hn. Vaa JBaakar and daaRhi
for hla and
Tnanday maraiaf be eta
:arud ter^U tare Roaa to~UlIwanliae Tba boiI>
bopaa to bar.- a oataraet ivbioti
T. U. WlU eoadact a
total bUaduam.
Hiai Kdua.Halin of Bardtekyilla.
a. Ttekata S oanta
bar atoibkMA. Drary. aad a tody
rettoc for bnl a
friead Ot i'lilaaip). w ho had b»« to
Kate Olaaten
rtoittoc to Wn bar
paran'a' faooaa' far tlia paai two
ford tbU week.
w.«ka M> Tiaik imt tba Ubarh-Toii
WlU Mawlon.a

Sampio Sui-fc S^lo!

Mn Mldmal M Hyon a
waa bariad hm Friday,
bar* to peerbnlto for oma

nra kiUCA

brock'a imiwnw to toto Ttllaca. Hr
oad Mn W. 8. Oordam.
Hn J. O. Baiehtnaet Rapid City
to Ttolltoc ralatiraa bare.
Hr. Waller nod wife ban- I
U-rtaiainc the reUowlnc rtoll________
- BoM. K Walter aod wife.
Mary B. OaU to tolptoo Mn 11 W.
wUa aad
Joba KaSady-a aaw boaa».
Iloraa to tta rraBaiaat to Tmratra
Ii of Trararra Oily.
Mr. Beta nd arite latoraad
Clark et Pnlaakl. Mich..
^j’ w. DIekanBB apaaa laal wrak to
> Ohio Iba latb.
' ' ay f.-rar a>«fon wlib
Bealth OOear Clark talaed the
. Tntnn City eanraaatoc tor ada to
-Bttoa that taaa kept A. O. Pbirtaak*' taa Ian aa eoaaty talrimBiBB Itok
Iba fair to be bdd Oak tot and ksd.
a. ton. tn tta ^
Mn 7oa Doyle aed ebildm of Tnoraa Otty tare baaa rtolllna bar
aetber, Mn Btyaa ei tbto plaoe.

8.,a Uala boa a hind bbb wontof
Mn T. Aadrowa. Mn PMdtoir a bU eera aod petataa.
Jataea aad Mn W. 8. Pray attaadad
Mr. and Mn S. MlUa at ■
<r» «Jon BatoUll and oUldma of tba taaaoBl ot Ooerca
«bo war Elirbtb etreat, Tianraa City, rial
Incortlla. Ubto. Ttdtod b<« hrtxf
killed at Tiarrm Oily by the Bier at J. W. Dlekamaa-f laat Uonday.
A KOcor. iba flivt of tta* voaa.
toal weak.
Jaafe AmidM eollad at H. W. BarWallar WaM aad O. B. Pny tare nnctm-a ttonday toak
Wm. Cora ot SiawbaB rtolBd bto
\or Oao. B. Pny ot daochtar. Mn JoIb PrrcBaae. alao
nlled at K. W. Uantactoa'i one day
M Iba irMoot tiao.
laat week.
8m»m1 Vottarall to aakiac Mr.
ay. ntaratoc ttotarday.
Mum Midi Uaattoca and taey
••d Mn BoadMf ■ rUU.
Rtowb art rtolBtoc at K. W. BarTbr lAdiM- Ala et thto ohctd
mm vUb Mn Miln GUouca
8. a Oata aal a wap to eateb a nl
A. B.
taTaDCicad Mlu Alloa that waa taktoe tbeir ahirkena and
pydot Wll......................................... .
when they pot ap Maodoy znontoir
tba wap waa oaaa Dorlnt Iba ferettontettaMurta; ««•)' adl qoito
DOOB tba hired man bnrd tba etowa
nkinr a praal obattarioB in tl>e
oda near whan ba waa at wort.
Tta* IhrodiiDC Mala* u aaklnc
1 on mint to toTMilKata ha tooad
ito oM»l aotoa arooad Um> neMbOloai wap. Tba riac tad eacmbi
faood. Uoto an taniac oal «aod.
M a knot on a loft and In Ibe Wa]>
Mn Blaaa aad Mn PMhaai ol£ frlaeda bna
war a laipa boraed owk wbieb waa
Ml *e Ok Baidda to Uw Dalob plaMn H. Wiiktoa to nilMlatolni
till- liilet toaiead of a eat.
farhiliar. Mr. Storer. aad bar at
liarbart OoUtoJ la werktott tor J
' Min Bail! Mlllt wlU MbdAtov Mn Book.
W. OlokutnBn fur a few daya
waa qalte aarloi
tejKthUtroek vtlti Min LalaOal.. H. Hai
faUlBC fiOB a ____ ..
kla* ot Ttanm Ulcy.
pain OB bto..
Mr. and Mn MlaMa' Wlllowby Iiay Uial tipped orar ai ha waa aboot
atapa to bU.
artib a aanbxr ot frtoad* expael to go
blB to Uh< boon oad ha Iwu aot bi-aa
inirtoii baa
bmu aowMIm Pearl AUinirtoii
eanplM tbto woi4 tor a few dayaj
abla to ba onl alBoa Ml toipi-a to l« Ui« for Mn A. J. WhUa.
aboot Id a few dayi. ■ UtM- arm aod
H<-r W. ji.
II ■luniiu
to to- ban tta worn
Cedar laat Uanday.
W. D. BoBWiy taa atanad oot wttli
Uladr* Itonaatofa.
bto aaw itobar tbrealilac maebliiaaod
ya^ deb wltb aeartot
tto taroana yaoMOPBea It a daady. It
to op to datr with all tlia lataot atMtoa Mlnnla Tabaror ratoraad
I>r. PnlMk oad wite took to the taebaaanu and Wlllto if a bottler aad fnoi Paiofkay laat itonday
oi^H at Mantoleo Btatorday, lalaiB- kaowa )aal bow to auka a
week'! nealioa.
tow Baaday atofal ea the oioaratoa
C. J. Barkmaa aad wlfk M. MoCarOao. Prita. a
thy and wife. Bart HeCartbr and
atoltlniMr. oa
Abble MoCnllay and Hn Kick tau.
t^bwnak ***
Mn Doeetooo aad her notber. ^
toy of Grand Hnplda Bnndayad i
Mn J. Rebartooa it . .
Baton, are apeadtoc a week to Sw- IMT aiflar. Min Wllna. et mrana Haekinnr UUnA
fdn with ralaUrae aad tilenda
Mrk. Ball. Bari Ball aad ttal
Hr. aad Mn Prod Vtoale M— —
ttaaau. Mr. and Mn Hoa aad dnayt
tteeaearMoB to Letoad Saadoy ea ttr^n a*Swr«^
BT Zella. of Gmiid R^dk took i
tba ai«hu at Petoakay Saaday.
the Leekona.
Mr. aad Mn Toaa 7ooaa <
Tba Maecabeat an pnpartoR for
Bnpiia Friday to-bid trieada-----------aoclal Id tbair liall on Iba «S.
atlTnaood bye ae tbay toara here
Wa iBd a imU frwt the otiiar ar>-oaeit wM or-tbeir aewbnae to Tne.
to«. tat it did Dot do any danaoa.
Ada Barntt of Graad Ktopida.'wbo
ktn Itoll Jobbolt to apeodtoa i
baa been ep-udiuc a oeapiv of waaki
taw dayi la Tramae Otty.
beta, retomad tool Friday.
Mr. and Mn. Perry WiUiaaaoi.
I ton with adoa«btM.
^ Ma^ _^^tnw^aad B. Batoa will nnera troo:iiera to OBaoa. Mr.
WiUtaaaoii hue barn
BphrtoB PtoytB tba failiar of Mn aona moatba bm m i
in J. a Brown’t anop
Dob Pntk died at bto aoo'a boma la
A. Sardar and
XowayRO Aaa. loth. Ba waa K jotn
PnyPeaMihaaa bow

nwa will to a teaee to the Bowen

Iba roaerton d both Kaaweod aad
Olea Bay aojoy »«T

aad Iba Maple City MB. raoaUtoc to
lator et Maple OI*y.
B B. piekndhnceao n Otoolo
relr oo tadaan
Mae Walk acooBtaalad b* Mn
Omwa aad Mtoa HlWacard Onwe.
fantotaraodtobartaBa aiTravnn

Every Dollar We Save Yoii to Safely




No. KII3 Courh. exactly like cuL
IKm't think it cheaply cxnstnicicil nor a
dwarf lieraute the price if to k>w. Six A. four in. looR, T7 indtea wkle, ranvai.
lineil, to-p lidinl, 111 Heel fprtnRt, rovereil with choice patlerns gooil »eW>ur, aixl




d tta Upbi baaaa at
ban- fn

Haatloa tolaad to
ahtofca tba O. B boU and axnon Kortli H»
iBBBontn ato nfn to taadla ebeefcii (ewdaya
Baraoe Grlac. Mr.
Aboot Btoty iK-iclibno aad tnaato BaaUay aad bit Botb


ul. tod., aio-

8. K. Blaekwood Bade a liaaioew.
trip to Cedar aad Uapia Gwf laat
Slir«B. Bon d Maoloo, Hr. aad
Mn Dr.. O. L. Paatoa ota Bor. A. **Mtaa
■ ^
ethar trt
» Wab-wa^.ra on


_ ball ckwa yaatwday oa I
BiU betwaaa tta BUI bora aad Maple
City Biaa. wbtoh raaolM to tuTor ot
toe MlUmr UlU boyt.

property ol tba towa to ooBptola too
nllincut Iba Ulao Arbor alda e'
uarrowa brldcr.
Tta Empire_____
Uiard otai yaatrnlay. wa toor by tka
-‘{toBa. mod toey will latoe a four
am BX to St tooir aldt of tta
brldcr. Tba WareUac paUB an
lOM tw It to to tatabad.

L WnwnMO. l_

.-ri5l5S."3 -iiSii?;sftLa3iiEs3' K5.*“

canvat ImnI, IK leatpcrol ttcel qvingi, {Jain tofk cotered in good velour, pretty
jalterns, lay color. .>oly-S5.90.

Na AirtCoodi. exactly like cot. with toch a pretty carved golden oak fraiae,
fall mil head arwl fo^ coterol with five toned be« \-Kl<jrii te(^, 3li itearscd
firing*, canvas lined; (or a hatMbome. dumM eoodi it cast be bcaL and the
price now only $ I 3.25.

Mail Orders Will have our prompt and careful attention. State thectrior you desire for tbe^owv. .



fMMl to IMI dl7

M«^rte(««*UUd vita «•««*.
sCuteC* (Mi all *w «• Dall*4
•iMn. TlMWwa(lb»<«4«ai
«•« wilfe AMHan BMtr Miu __
Um Wm *• bw te lh«iy^
•I httUm. J«S«m »mm a^Ba*.
wwty eravM wtlb MtiMi.
Tbi7 .iao4 M-d Ml blotto
Mtonlk ootit il «to tiMMi
wMil latfttott to bt ifcMoBtfl
tto booM 10 totp Ito Mvd ao _
Tto tei MoUor. io • tiapio btato
atajlle aottok vat Irloff
tto ooM
Mt ol tto tMtptioo toJL
Tto oaaaIttM at UolM B
atoll tofxtoWd to wato tto ftMolwao oalcaod • ploaa oloti to
tot 4tod bed; of ttolr toaar tttecd■aoto eoaailt, tto baotatry poU
batm neooptod aoa In tto attic
rata ood Oorator BUa tad bit
tto*. tto taa oOttn and act
«tto aMt apnat ooort oea
oatt ta tto dravioK reoa. Tto ittle
lrattlill)t nnaalttin o( tto eilp ood
tto ootot7 etooWt vat ■fra m
la tto lUraty. tad tto toitt i

what you
don’t want
for some­
thing you da
want. Sell
what you
don’t want;
buy what you
do want.
A “Cent a Word’
Want Ad. in the Detroit
Eveninir News, includ­
ing The Mwnliig: Tri­
bune. will do the work.

ei oia* S-iSIJS^ei
AM Atoar: aad Hra. Mabal L. AytM.
to Datooh.

Bfrtirtimi we adapted for tto
aeqalrtocofaoettor' at Imfca Ortoa
aaxx aaaaeB for aaa aa a
— aetot
itotottobraa to tot Prate aiieida
a aad BaatWaa aoataty.
to BasaUar Hate rally bare baa
« attaadod by dalraatra from
_-jot 100 taanebaa. Ttoea U a aaair
BtamberaUp to orar 90.000. Bom
vary loMtaatiar reporta vara made
cm the proTtdlaf to baton for tto
tlek, teed aed el^iw (or tto ottoy
Tbaoe toDear

U Aran. I
Ura. tolle


lire board. Mayor Haytnry; Oee. R
A. Alper. T. R Kevbarry, O. A.
Kavanob. Prank 1). Taylor, R H.
Pyfo.. toll U Barbow. Dr. J. H.
Krllocs. Ballla Oraek. and J. a St
Joliu. Lanaiaa.
Bra. CyntliUll We^.r Aid
foonder ao.l neii<l"at of tl>e lai
nalineal Snaabloe SoeialT. *l^> v_
n>. anpolated UUa Habrl B»>e
Prr«idaBl of tba Jantor brai
Dorthvatleru part of

Hoitol Stab t.

Over 100,000


M. C. i ;iapartol aaeratary. B. W.
Baldtol. St ImaUi Imperial trataarar, C W. Pnaer, Oardan Orova,
ten; ttopartal atool. WiUUa Bratty. Talado.Oliio; imperial klfar, O.
R Btaabaiy. Ima Aaptoaa. Oal ; Im­
perial tnutee. Ed OaBey. LoalarlUe.
Ey.; Imparial axim. A. & Botklat,

Sapfeaie efaiaf. Belle

eaator. Mra. ledla A. Moaioe. Biveralde. Call aapreM laalor. Hra. P.
Ball. Badaen. Hieb.; aaprtOM ntim•ar. Kra H. P. Oatoiw. Hllwto'

. Mra JtoephlM Kblaoa,
to Mtoylrad Tto (qUavivKloMpaB DalCB Oltr. lad.; aairaaa mlatreaa to
' tottobata to tto lavar toaaa vara - laaaea. Hxa.
U. Yoaii(. ZanetaaMtacttorlaltara: VUUm Ali
TiUa. Ohio:
Baallh. Jtoa B. OcrUaa. H. O. Baltb
B.M. BatoilMa. Bd«a Waaka. B. P.
BItoop. W^t^laa OMaar. B. a

. Aint. Qaa. a a
iwaiA a a Briatat Datftot
at tto laaaptka at tto BomU Baaaa.
At tto aeaetaalaa to Ibe taeaptlaa
Btoitata Baara. Peraktt. liadaa aad
AUtBoa vara dilTae ta Qtotral Al.
«to*a TiBtiaii vbtra tbay vara tataatalaad aatU tto toar to tto taaer-

toattaad tto (Baaral vara Bra
Oad Btolth.: aeMellaa. Atvaed,

Mill itauraa toeladad Vada, Van
Zaataa. -Bpiakar Oartoa,
Tattaa, Laaray Baviaa,
OtvoU. Aap. iS-Tto viU to tto
■to Biaialnr MaHUlaB VM BM for
pratoti today. Tba vUI VM dtoVa
daly It. a fa* d^ tofan tto i
toad. TBr Ttiaa of tba aalato. U pladaad apvarda. To
tto vtdo* U laft tto naiteeaaa
Itotoina arano. Bacta Baad aalato
M ■■atotataT bytoto-Baa a*d W.«B
ttoaolh (ertot aappoit aatU ttoaa-

w vUta aaat aaaa


. Btat ara aato Mt |t,at> ta ap

rt robod UelMr.

, Aug. It:, — "Guthy
oige.1.' wa-s the verdict of the A
ee-s jui. tills aAenxMn.
Judge Mur]>hy finished his charge
bl Ihe jury that had Ihe fate to
Frank C. Andrews in its hands rc>
tired at 10:17 o'clock this nvoraii^.
Al } toe jury tv-taned a nwdlct of
Ooilty." Hrs. Aodiuva
ffra.Hod- Jadff.. Marwr ca
ed the Jnry on tbeir work.

Vbon the vetdlH araa rvndend. Uie
aamadeil te the eenoty Jail antil
ay when Jadr- Murphy will
bear tbp argniwiita for new ball.
|.t.diD* AO apibta to tto aap

Aa AtweAlat Met.
Ti.-ana, Aap. 16—The Hesra VtoBO
Joarn^ today reports that a veatel
wbieb appeared to be a laneeh from a
Baraiaa wanUp eune aloofftlde Ibe
Hoheoxollvn at Revml aodlnll
I dreaaed at a Bara! olBeer. '
boarded the HoliraaoUero and itol.-d
toao. OaL.Aa«.'lS-Tvo ttal be belooiced lo tbe Imperial yi
latottotoardto ooMrel
pMebet and asked lo l« taki
by the eapreM lodpe Ealcbla to raar without deity.
Pythtoa Praak Uatotoa to Wlanontln Tto rapuio of tto Stoadart appeared
atolDr. Jtoa T. Sattoto were to
by ehamv aad raw ttol toiTto graater part to tto aaaaloe
ter aod seised biag
>d to tto eoaaidaraUon to the eetifraaed bit inuatieB. tto .Mary
ltd ittoitoir 1- tto lava to tto
to kill both ralan
_________ _____
rapwtoi tompta to RatbMrs. Levii
ir was drlTias
atova aalaetad tba follovtoii
a Mtoy.

Tlavmra Cttr Wa^ ~i ' ~

i. Pa., vbeean 1:
rearad ittto lo tba bortra' beads,ahoct
10 atrike. Mrs. Derslioiaar paUod
her abotgan aod killed tto aoake
tbe first slot.
At Weal Bnpenor“tvetaty-oe.' laabaa aeroes live back." eras tto aai
Iraporad hy Jedge Ualley la the
oipal ooBTt oa tvia eoya. 13 yi
ape. vbo were aeoasad of barpUry.
Tlie boys ate Bobart aad Joba Been.
1 of a {Bomlneol family. It U al. d that Ibey had ootaiamod
larpe number oi

A 7. -.W — - >.T«u
>W Mb dtr ^
. A !■ »>». '» tJi
ra-Tlo.* tt tbr
<ttV>...I. turn. Mb. A


r.siBtr-4 I.. pOMBi Umr cHubb
fr.SBira iVMrt. SI Ura- PnAsle

Altwm.-i ./ tbra PnAeb- v'.Ain


«k] ra.
IhAt bra

able aatare Uto a cidtogii
irrita^ia^v^Ba]. 7

.. -......

by aa eatiaff aad paisful aora.
“ la
'I truly discoaraplnff to fiad after
aad (aftbfal ne ot eztera
ezteraal temediM that tbe place

Roe what part to tbe body it cornea. U aa ea^cetoaaiaeprrrions
...............r ocffiak trooble. aad Ibat the dr^. to ttose diseasra
ia latte ayatoa;or. Uaray be thataose k
e tatUGe aad fcecan its d
Tto blood mast be puiWltelaK tbe aora will fin Bp with healthy flesh
^ tto^^Rff^ ita aatara'I
latoral color. H is
d tbe acrid, corradiac
flpids are eaciicd to tto $ e or olcer aad k» it

MBtA IMBII .kair .< Ibra .--Ml
IM, .y Trmver— Or. itbsl
Biravna Ura Or-.ul i eon I-

iMli.l tbira IMk
- .
' ! " IMUR AmTmi'mA



l.'HK A 1^

for Job Work of all Kinds Call at lie Herald Office


NoihinR reserved. Owing to our extensive fall purchases, which have already commenced to arrive. and not: being
beios able to mve the
BASEJUENT 1 >E1‘.-\KTMEN1 as much room as we woulk like to, we are forced to sell out our bazaar goods, Cost or profit will be 1gnored. as room is what we want. This is a grand opi>ortunity to buy new merchandise at less than manufacturers'
s' cost. We have placed
the stock on the main floor and everything will be in sight. A glimpse at our prices will convince you that we mean business.


Goods worth up to 10 cents.
Glass Sugar Bowls, tllass Milk Pitchers.
Glass S)Tiip Pitchers, tilass Mustard Dishes.
Glass 'Porcelain,
Porcelain, gilt band,

‘ Toothpii
Holders. Glass l^pper and Salt Shakei
Glass Measure Cups. Wine Glasses, fine
Tumblers. Pie Plates Steak Pounders. Can
Openers, Nut Crackers, extra heavy Potato
Masheis, large size coarse Scrubbing





Vases, Spoon Holders. Creamers and Turnblen.


Goods sold up to 25 Cents.

Assorted sizes complete Table Lamps. Jap­
an Brush and Crumb Trays, fine decorated
Shaving Mugs, Haviland China Cups aod
Saucers, small and large and fancy decorated
Night Lamps.

2. 3 and 4 quart tin Coffee and Tea Pols.
Bronze foldetl Lunch Boxes, latge size Stewing Ketlli
Baking Pans, good size Milk

Goods worth up to 25 cents.
Yellow Mixing Bowls. X’cgeuble Dishes.
Bicycle Lanterns, decorated Shaving Mugs,
gilt decorated Vases, best Porcelain gilt band
Oyster Bowls, decorated Opal W’are, and
Children's gilt decorated Cups and Saucers.







Heavy Tin Drinking Dippers, heavy wire
Potato Mashers with^'OMeo handles.>. two
boxes of Carpet Tacks. Copi
pper Stove
size Zinc Brooms,i. Japanned
Coat Hooks.

Cheaper Water Sets at asc.




39o H
16c =

Spoon Holders. Creamers, Tumblers. Pickle
Dishes, Olive Dishes and Sauce Dishes.



Goods sold up to 50 cents.

Goods sold up to 5 Cents.
Goods worth up to 25 cents.
Fancy Glass Butter Dishes. Milk Pitchers.
Spoon Holders. Olive Dishes. Salad Dishes.
Bonbon Dishes, fine Porcelain Creamers,
decorated Porcelain Gravy Bowls, decorated
^ilt edge Pin Trays, fancy \ ases, Beer

Goods worth up to 35 cents.


For Over
Thirty Years


tomae the latter. Tlie MBiivev ol
____ ...1 was carried oat.a Janlioa wield.
- . .. City: Im tbe rawbldra. The father of tto
Hra. Praella J. Btor- b$s was opomnyot to Saperior.

. .


I II I M.)
t^. T.rSV
! .y lira- iraraara. .J mS- 1b mkl-«.etfS«ra BBS: IBIMU BMl .c lira- •traloUra J lb.- WSIra .<
. Si^raB. B.O.. .. keral., Cl.rara IkBl .M
Octotoor. A. D. I »03.
■jBlMB.ra.-k.ek III Ui. t
I vaMra- BM-lraM. bi lira —.

k. «>d
VB (Or

III lira- rnvi
raol CV<1
tb.«MllVt nuralnill
4lre«l AM] lAra f-rrara-Bt. J..OB A LraTBIwrar.
1b tbraiBtiV'r.A lira -auira
.r JUM a-SitfTT, IBM .< l.'.Bt iMbraTra-Bera]..


I u.. M.BI ■caAAv»..BSMB» eu-nra-i i~-u

: |ra... kSs] luB IB .BBl Mietv^ B.Blran|W1rarabU

Goods sold up to 10 Cents.
Japanned Match Safes, large rize Steel
Hinges, pressed steel Shelf Brackets, large
sire Pancake Turners, wooden bandies,
heavy Cake Spoons. Screw Drivers.%ooden
Cake Spoons. Cooky Cutters, all shapjs.
Milk Skimmers. House Numbers and Tin






up to so cents.




OriaRHito.. Aw. >&--Tto V«i

■...................nonat lla I


**Ab*-VbT—~«-*sH '

ISraUral.e OrBMl TVsra-ne Obbbit. Mrakleu.
•* Ura. tiiA Au .A Jrarari. A. I> uw ib Ut>«


-The B.XT General.
Ilxlha, lieUrc)- an<l I'nrcl a
lurrc iliih inornini; fruui . the. cx|ir.

vMh tto4a< imur. faUovad tto .hotopaoo to WaaUaatoai. D. C.. at
ootaida foard. waa nvardMl l>y
' '£ llS£a^M*VBa'vltb
raat^ atoa Bevan vtoa tto
LeoifTlUa. Ey., vaa eboaao at Uw
daaaal aatraa anlvad. Ttonaaiat
vao plaeal to a raalt tad ttoa Bar. oaxt plaee to BMottop to tto Kolchia
to Pythlaa. a^aaaaa lod«a.
Tto erdar to the Eoixbta to Eber.waa ioatollad aa Imperial prioee
Jaba Botaaaa to Bt. Unit. TtaU
tor. vUefc vaa la toM laat yaar. a
bat BU.100 to tba traaeary and in<
Dtveii. Aar l*->t (•
> tto Ualcty ci
ora aalMd to Otaall to kalphtadaeldadtotoeet^a Bt U»ia
mmj praalaititaat «B.tto to- la laot. and that will net >eiB vtUi
Btral yaataday «(tto latotettHova aapraaa todpa two yean banoe.
miw It «at attoBitalafr aa tto
Tto tiUa to aabUiae vtoarable
papalaity «f tto dtaatad tad aa cat prisea vat abeUtoad. Tba oSeart toiBi*aaMdeaaoto to arhlabto vat
Imperial prlooe. Jolin
toUbytoaaoUracaaa mt tot apaata
Bk booit: Imperial
tiMMtohigBa.ttolaMriyatayaat o( irato. W. O. BadtoU, Paorta: imtto iiailm appototod to attrad tto parial todl. O. P. Bammey. Ofaarlotta.

Utah A. teat Md Ferakto «t Ohio.
Batoevt to iiuAtgM, AlUtea to
tova, OeakraU d HlateaH. Ktaa to
BavJaraay. Haaiy Otoat todft to
- M^atototto. OaUM to IlUaato.

^^SAAj*' “^loiDl A^VRAnoM^

teoretory. to R O. WbtMy.

__ the

STm: SiMJ-Si-gfSg&C-


miiulier ofmaltm awaiting our altcnWc. are |•arti^ul3tIy |deatevl
Baapt of Otaod Forka. V. U.. fa tto
paM two ytan taptoBit tIm oliaooel- with ihe conlial recc^ion eucnrlcj
We evi<erl lo vitil America liela of tto Kalfbtt«( Pythlaa, vat ex '
td by “Tto I
to the Transvaal. We
altad yaataday W tto cu|>waa cbaotto tiatrway blddoa
to see Paul Kruger and will al'
Blp by
tote of tb(loa Ttov by t laqa la
teiiil fieiicral Meyer's funeral at BrusBar. Ban toea load a i
scira '■ uesday."
KatielaDt playad “
Afler giving out this Uatement
Ihe Boeis hci.l another conv etui iuii
y Boa..............................
• byE
and issueil another statement uying
that they ha<l deri.le.1 to go lo Cowes
row and have an audience
to Rev Hexloe, aod WilllatoStauaena to Delavare. Per m- the king.
UP.aanworth Tba IksTt- B.-ti(m in d.s luini
vat tto tdwioe to tba oooraniloo. R ward's iDTltailoa it raid lo be dee to
L. a Whlto vaa re-rlaett>d^e)*«au
BiQoi.wUoa they rveolrod tram
kaopar to loeerda and aatoteti war al>« Eroirer aUlap tb- ai lo asub tto Bnt~beatoi PiBtoTtot to the paallioo of i«b geoeralt and offer aa affroal u>
tto tMtoWa aaabaa of tto (tally
toe kUMt by refaalng lo aervpl bla latpaotoo aaatar to tot owl.aqoar.
^ -------------AUiaoa
tad BarTto M yaan oi tervier to Jolio K vltbtloa.
rovt. vto wtra alcraly lannlaltd

htoa ta tolp baiy MkUdto'a toaotad

3ears the


ala^: Braor-


ThvTmtomto assd flMUrara

---------«aMo, DpVoU; itolniian *x««a.

Caplet Sold Daily.

toatt paUUetoaa aad attoa alt
.fUiapa of tto
waaawr Hark A. ~
CMa, BMaalad tto gMUi
It bippiiil that >BMabeal tto
M tto Ohio iitoita retatnad
tto taail. Ota. Alftr totored tto



Ine Knd You Have
iUways Bought

■ar't teaiir vat fiven ttoa la tto
Bairb VaHUlta, 1<
baUvar te tto wooto floa cd tot
Tlie lloct KencVmk rereive.1
toott. aad Bt«. AUnd H. Boa. pot
Kin^ r.<l«-aril an iniiuiion to cn
oMTa KelltlltBatakaWbtMlMrtno tlic ri>\al yacht al Cowes an.1 >
ta o( tto JtBatDO oraotu Pntbybr tto txotatat Tto lantat b«totoa ebanh. wto ecadattod tto aanaval i
at to atortly u aae of •
alaat. aaad at tto Bnt laadlac oa tto
liili mxjbsty's };uewt
Trmv-TM- HmU. t ira bomM-c
OraotBotpiaL latddltioB to tbi
Boers dccltDeil. General BmUa Hy­
MP.OUO rrartooalr abocrlbMl. vlth
ing: -.Mihough Uic king hat conveyra ^tu-l
•lO,aiOod<M. UW bt paid, at
cil to ut his ilesiie lo meet
la til «lt0.000
tem lirevl lo wili)eaa the naval revie*;
ottopislag ttodtad niltnt'i
Ivesiiles which wc are very busy with a

■Bay aatoUtt vata to tto dty. tad
------------1* tot aftoBatai tto <
Bara of tto BatatU Haaaa vmA


rovs. rAiTH:»:rs


____________________ mtor^ras^

irtiiil toaieri^ ara^wail^ out,

biool is

haamqr aad atoanl leak
leak; tt?d£bi^GMtoMd^s^telA*
& a R la tbe eoly blood porifiR
ttod to raataatoed catady vtpe-

Fancy Salad Dishes. Bread Plates. Plattiters.
Milk Fitters and fine China Ci


Goods sold up to 15 Cents.

Goods sold up to 50 Cents.

Fine Porcelain Soup nickel plated
-Salts and Peppers, heavy- tin Stew Kettles,
good size Tin Baisins. Bread Tins, large
size Toasters, eight-inch Porcelain llatters,
and Granite Drinking Cups.

Hanging Lamps with reflectors. Patty Tins.
Flour Sifters with handles, large size Wash
Basins. 4 And 5-quan Milk Pant, 3.4 and 5*
tt Milk Pails, Jelly Strainers and large

bTaLmANOE of*


which was bought at 47c on the dollar mutt be closed out. We will not carrv over a wngle'diDllar'iworth of snmmermerchandise. ifprkes
will move them. Just note the following prices:
50c Percale Shirt-Waists to dose

^ Qq

WASH GOODS - AU our Wash Fabrics,
fondly sold up to 40c per yard. QI^a
to cAe out at 15. PK, 7X.!s. and
Little Gents’ SaUn Calf School AQa
150 Men's Suits. T. F. KinseUa’s price m to.

$i and $ Percale. Gingham. ORa
Lawn and Linen Waists to dose !t
$1.50 and $2 Ladies' Waists, made of mer­
cerized, plain and striped Ginghams. Uack
Lawns, white Indian Linen and Rfira
Dimities to dose out at...............VOG





ssp Z




C0W Prtees.

118 Front St. Enterprise Grocery’s OM
Stand. Traverse City, Mich.

w Ao Bro. wmi nm
• my BAaet Ae l .
re Bill.

OMqnvtof hoot oUmrAoa BaU
Aim OBtAally. Am pom ooor tbo
fiwit Fern off tbo .vrwp and n
day aakU Ao pooiAm ara A/
oelor A tbo ooMaad Aa I
altar pattAg ap Aa barrba. and
weAAgdooaaat iieiri Ae Aowa
Mrroka. omAebaObter AUlagpoAtom le tboir jawoto
Ueea aod mlt wUl rootora ■
ram Aa Segen oflm peaUng poAAea
or rrorOlnr <>i Aa gwdaa.
Tekpc,. tlnwara bright aad AAlagpoliAwlA aawopaiermoooaakoMaetally I woa set happy, aod to------ olly. Wbaa trogoaoay oaad A* CA
e ay imbla ay eblld wMOlliac will ragoln oe peibb Ayond tint
MMt of tlw tlaa.
1 A
woablag aod dry“Ooe day I md aa ottlele in i
Tka flcnran
toral m Ood'i Boar. aataslae wbieb ataud thataoMlb
a-a OMBtal eeadltion nSaelod tbi
Wttib cqaal BMtMM to HU mm.
obild. ltwnaeMwldaaaeaM.oadl.
e. If grrnan b apUAI opoa a^a
A»d flovn. ibor Bora oo Fttrata
mt aa thloklsit. If It warn ae. 1 waa
Ae wblla gouda of Ae aamner
DOaiUa fa ay taOiy'a 111 baalth.
eloAlog breoma apettad rrlA wwlag
Bot Mild taRvUiwoaeleap friaoda.
rba anra I pooderad ora It th naAloa oil le Ae makAl wmA oet
Tkar and tbair bnaCT oe oU UiMt.
» aaer It aeaad to me that baalt
ijnU wiA eoU waiar I
An a^oal rift la elowM oad kli«a.
waa hu blithricbt. nod that 1 heo patrlog iolo Ae bn aada
Tba; worry not
Wd \ij tor U

mkao it free bla by toneetinc eo
Ood'a need mnalttre tittle Mgaelam ay aozlaty

Baote bedlor oa Ibair WaiMlaH ebaor.

■A priaoo> maotal aUitade otasot
bedadjtodloaaootaDt. aodalAoerb
I Braly Hoolrad Uat hereafter I
weald not worry, bat weald taka tlia
boat oora of hie I ooold. 1 fell that
Be from the lelda eeaw
Kyaneatte eeana elitfat balp ea ia
tob hr dltoetlDic ny tbooirbta dBrier
oatrtalu lioorB in a naw dlmetioo.
rial Ita llfMd eop ees bi
■■UAabalpad no. aod ny ofalld
Of afeyry rato aod Hray told;
And all clr» laek tbair plaanro U«b bta ietroTOiI la baallb. aod now ba
la roaod. roay loekloir and welf
nab rlotaaa to Aa aoa and aky.
Tbea ato iMy entbara who eirb
Tm. aiiuK the Brat Mar Ibay hare
|>odt by Ala little wonan'a pzperi
onea. For Aa moat part they air
yeanA and It U tbair flnt AUd. or It
U aa oely Alld, for a woeao wlA
al A care for baa t
We do not know wbat ripfilat of
hnllay mo aat A eotkn wbea wo
ouapiy aalU oe eoe anetber.
Ae beat core of which elic hu kaowlOhriatlanlty waaia aelbloc ae
edge aad acting oouauatly A add Ic
awA A Ae worU W aotuiy peefcnowbdga A arory way poaelbla,
Aa hu dona wtnl aA eaa for bn
Aild. aad naM traat A a blgbn
power for Ae^rpM.
ThU ooble tilrfT-Tr— <ao be
to kfawdoma or Eqoallly.

JtiMiMf lit 6<l«*r-» tMt.

Om of lA craaleat aeoo
A Aa ability M taka AApt tor jriaatod. Tfceaatr eaay tblosa A eer
Aliy ilria* Aai an aoooyiait and brlAlAc If we will At them beoaoM
ae. They are Alota that do eeou<
ef eoeoyanee end brltabon will makt
eay lee, aed yal orroyllee we eomi
. opaiEBAalAarDweraAlaalfUrrera
Aa Brat time and oaiibt A A Aa Ait.
Binartepi they are outarAL
■oof Aakf H|ht erer a crewdad cAaet
-whara it A dlmatrooi to Are AArt
wat. And yat tbera deaaei'
ta any way U mand It
thoreocb rippAc op which Aa food
■aaot tin beam can’t afford Ala
ynramlnayAnotnait. Ii’aawfol- lytryAir. andean fnaltaa if one
•naA fral. Bat wbat’a Aa am? Whan
yoo waka ap A the nlcbtaad baar
Aa taA pearAc. mad yoa knew wbat
oeoMi Best. lallaatiy ffet apand nal
year» and haab- ----------------------eAhAe Alpaada
«h«f- oat A dry. Yoa'Il Art A
aay«ay'->aat aa wall A Aarry aboat
Hereoftaii il’afolka Toat Mid
Ahaadlmaad fetiatfal Aa dapaa.
Wbnyoa cbatpa bar A watota tba
AaaAA tba erta wbiA
Aba a HitA afer 4Ane
rooB bin wiA
cpABnd I
tffarAffi AAa
jedpa of oartlaamati. -yea nay raA
eat nd aacAie. "Oh. Haiy Aan.
why did yea da H?" and baar the old
faaOlAr. "X fterK." bat dea’i aoeld.
ll'i Moty Aaa-a way mad yoo night
An oipactao
it. Bo<^ off Aa
baiBt saK, aA aert Uma alt ap A
year cbab aad laK wlA yoar nym
opaa lUl the Arad A nt of bn
' Mary Aon b a atriiniy erlt tiU
yet aaa leoeli bar Attar m [got i
anU. SroldAg weaf balp n
a bit. At neA all Aa cosditAoa
wana Year Aant HaiAa llrm wlA
yoa aad Aa ba’t year aant. aA’a
JAa'a BA Ai «M facalty of MkAga martyr of benalf aad alwaya
baAg bait aboat aomeAAg. BA b
galA^A mm ronpAA.A wetda
bat gaaa aboat liA a graron Image Of
weaadad tmlAga tiU yoo fml u U
yoa maai aithoi ahake bar m arraae.
Den't da Mtbar. Yea eaa'I help it
Tea Are door yoar beat. LetArde
aUtA rrattAgandAym wreApe
jnaiAlf A aa oAMapbtro of Araeily
’ aad pearnfal aocaemAamae of he
waya Tiw «*«»»«».» ate aA wilt
aad A gel tbe>] of Arlag Uoabla
A bM Ime. and bagA A Aka notion
of yoar own AIgbt aide of Ufa. U aA
dotoa'i, knap rigbt on Akiet it f«
graatad Aet aA'i MA.that WA Ad
U’a AerlAblt, Ibntrlon, not A A
- werrbd aboat. WAt’atAaaa
TmtUA AbaArt AAg «
It btatbm.alfirat. Atwbaayoa Are
otwe got AA Aa way of It. it la mry

year way and ym eoalA'l tat if yoo
WDBld. Aod Aea life mttlm lAaU
at Ita petAaio

*'Loek ap, IstUe Bowar, dA'I worry,
YAoloodaoflei birak Aahany.
Jaat try A aafold
YArowo MtofgeM,
InA ap. Uttto Sowar, doat worry,
••leak ap. UttU l•oaIt. doa’t waary,
Ja« help Ae eld worid to A ebamy.
Jae tlAi tight along.
Yoar ewB Uttb aomt.
liOOk ap. Uttb heart, doa’I waary."

kUtgaret ratle oaea



Ara goon a Map fartbar and mid, A
not Atek aboat Ace. It b
adriea Aat an eight Ml pnti A.
and A tiM baalAA for It
A yoaag melbar. of Ac aacAaa.:
narrooa type, maantly mM. "1
Aaa AfcAg a oearA
'at tA tjmm
tan Mar^tor. M m maefe tar pA^■BAnany AA Anal AW
wBbtaffAtwotiy tar f«r Awaald
ffArba «A oAa U«A we dU.

The feliowiiig, wfalA A’P'arad In
Deiioll paper, la one of U>a mo
umAlog Aoldeau A to mat wlA.

•btar of ttomeelroa
a the yoBDg wife and
' wu atrioken down to die.
BBddeo, A draadfel. wl>cn A.
gmre faeUy phydeUn oalh-d
tniMtor In Ae parlor, and A bir mlAe prceeat i

ttom Aa tnA-tbera rru do help
TAo mme ttoqoeatknenoag Acn
Wbo rreald All per. Net Aa doctor'
It weald to orwol Alcllbe quo o:
aebnee go A Aalr dear one on aoel
an arraad. Not Ac aged eoA.t wbo
wu A to kft ohildleu .aad niooe.
Not Ae yeang faoabaad wbo wu


I bmrt Notaad at Ala
1 tba book

by tine all. and aAA gmrely
Tbu. wlAeot rraltAg for an
wet. he aped from tAc imwa aod opatalrn u tut u hb Uttb feel woald
wry bin.
riAodaaad aelghbom wrae walobAg by Ac alA womna. .They woodaringly aotload tba lul*
of Aa
AlAubeeilnbed oe the bed
Aid bb Moll bond on hla metber'a
••lUnM." ba oAed. A aweM. caramAr team, "b yoa "fiald A die?"
Tba moAer looked al bin with
•wilt iaulligneor Parfaapn aba bad
o IbAklag of AU
Who told-yoo-Obarlie?"
naked taAtly.

fraldAdb ’Ulyoar’

won't to ofialdl"
oyto In
>na. Aop bold ny faand-aa’
wbeo yea ofwa 'em. nanno It’ll to
light Aera"
Vtoe the family gatberrd aweatrlAoB at Ae bodaido. tnuulie b
apbb Uttb band;.
' -a-bl
My manna doin’
Hrr won't wake ap hare nay
;"ne. an

A il prored. Tliere wi
beatt-readerlag tarawelL ae agony of
lag; for when the yooag motber
tenbe had twoed toytnd, and,
tby OhaHb mid.*
twwall light tbere."

'Umroa help
haatond knewa-or AAka to kaewa
whlA b arei
alto apparel.
Tbb tram a yoaag wemaa wbeoe
lard aad maaler 1> tor abre A
AAga. "Fur one thing wa won
Mieald begtauAl." ab<- eeeUaoed.
■aad Itot la
load A kaowbdgc ea thb mhleot
New. Tom. my" hnabaad. b the CApidcal thing oe •
a bIbAI prlec for Ae ■
It eo for bU laapeetlei
beglaaeuMAe bmaUfal enatlm.
toraaigar mod aa.ra. ’Tbu’a
a polowtaa. Im’l It.?’ 1 feel like abak
lag bln aaUI I nmentor aboat ny
Jato and bor bubaad. Jam
■ well, bat be alwaji hu mw
irrttatAg lOMit A nakc aboot eecry
MW Iblng Ae gMa. For laMancr. 1
board bin any Aa other eTcoAg
TbatAIrt woolcl look b-tier if tin
uiaoh birb
ar ap. and that
hare bean made of ailk iaaimd of ifac.
Tto old HoVy! B'baa I
toar ttot wd a let Bure of tto
ktad yen bat l-at^gMS^Tom da
Aa dlffaoaM btowada k gore,
BoafewMhoBUod wtAwUKwd
eat Ao eery lul momcat. or
■aam vlU aaftw Ao cake and


Phm Aa eapoer wm BaAahed tub
bamloek toagh. ware made.
Aa Maakeu qnmd oeer Aam.
Aa tra wm attrred aaUI the •
gAwad brigbUy, and. wlA
boya kaakad A a etrele abeot bin. Ae
iraUdmt laid than anny thrtllAg
aeorba of er
warn ao m*aldean aad ae aecael mr
rtee bmo Isrtlag aeu A protect A< n !

WIA Ae Brat irimn of daylbbr
A«y rolled oet ef the bUokoA ud
nkAdled tto- An- fm breakfaM. ’-too
Be ny timmru III giee u well u tto aoa
ap they were well eat
t and ayrap u«etbor ami
A Ito Ay aad long before ea* eoe
wu Mlrriag eo Suaante
. I
A Aild wmt BMorily fettb A pby.
Bat A Aeegbt like a ailear tbiaad


batdteAaymo BnWnd Aka m

pmahmaaddraA Arm. pkana
AJataAAa dapA A foar Aohaa.
aad atrow Ab of cAmnto atAk. ’
few wbAa oArm oad a blade c
erar ibem. Tbao add mothar
"Of Aam few drape that I bald?
Uyar A frail, Aa aama, ubooi
a and ooatAu A IbU way aaUI They will eearaeiy band Aa Illy pro
If ea^l A bar cap of t<Ud;
the Jar A foil. Tbm aoald Aa ayrap
Bat L toe. am pan ef Uod’a giau

rraorsANiw m

Kept wAdiag A aad oat all day.
Aa am Una tto frail b oook
Tbroegh Ae happy, goldm bead:
ad. u they ate apt A^boegma bard Motber aaid. "DuUag. do all yea ma.
■tewed A Aa awcet ayrap
Far vea ara mrt of Ood'a grau

•yMctalc mur

Rtow^-.iera; Thee
lUwu frying cakra to Ae i"*h

■a karw eo nor* chan Ae gUaeug the
uf U,
Hake cake afu-r may good fear egg
PIraae. matuma. he., era —
water tofore aelag bet
cake recipe, uiag natnrial for
Or the etoad wiA Ita ehalloa fell,
boAhra. beating tto wbltu aad yolka
le,-!iBg. I Iranray
luw. why. er for what all aUaei an goAg akaliag oa ll.c poo^ -and
burner .bml airf dani
e ulUgatea a
after u«mi: n-ti-rai 1..111—.,((h- IMma
of olghi ogga aMuroAly to make a ail
qolAly maw nildew al A
and Manaitn 1 am rrau<r<*l |.. !•-*(««
od a gold bettor.
WlUi a liula
brih-mic catarrh b the truottr. gy» Ic-alth.
Sto wu only a eblld u aeboei;
It la dIOoell A iMK -r It from eecblaml tAt half of tto illrar
tenle ratarrh p-rradr. Ae wbule •*•Bet Ae Aeagfat. "It U |M of Ood’a
••Before mtlag year rmrUira f cawlf
eloAIng- The beM plaa I
>tifalpAk;addtOBMof tto mn
Am, derail^ every organ, weaken*
wAtioe of Alortdeof llne- eolorAg Said A the gold tottor aa
nor ear marthtag. l livni .m raricy
rrery tuarUuo. Nu|m>anmt rare can
at art* I abmld do aU (bat I
" WbiA mp?" abe aakA.
water dhd i’ani>i>-ptA for *wc yrara..
I a imipooafGl of Umo A a qeart
to rgptrted nntU Ac *y.w-nlc ealarrh
ooaren It UAadoep otaaga. FArer
New I ran cat with idcwMite. Rrray"O.
mr.ia rrmurvU.
tto pAk WlA raallb aad Ae o
l.rfy l•WInl^|lrl• nay l(ii|wtnvmint.
To Oban beam bird a
wblA- Hate yoo •eee one?"
Thu u riactly wbat Perau wUI do.
wlU> Uneo. ■Bake A Ally tAa
So aba balped abotbar AIM aleog
Ka.-ryianeavy. I .m I-..king IikrariM
"It woold to *ery raeoy if 1 Aoeld
Uim Alma fox. Aaalitaat IVaAiA
eakea aboold to aboot aa Aob i
Wb(« Aeraadwuraagb Atbafael
1 auold adcix- all eiiltirinB wainy-n Iu
bA yea if yenthad aaea ny lynnei. treaa ul Itnim. S. C, wnua:
take yiair
I Lnc it >t wera
Flak Almond Oake-Fat ^ pAk Ami Ar mag mn brr toart a Uuia
wuolA’I U>'‘Btoaafced.
not for Ifrvui and ktanilin I wmld
oakeatogelbar wlA a dclicaU pAk
To remora whim auAa from feral
Ua*a yoa loAed la (to- nmlarat
hare Ueit IB ny rrtM-c lo-itar. I raanna
ielBg, to WbiA luf town added
■hank y-n en.-iich Itw tb. kind Artra
tpre, rab (ton wtA ttdrib of
. aodet Ae pioae and A ilir Atu
bUaebed and omraaly otAppa
Ayyou hare gtren rec.''-Ml!<-'i AIJIA
pbor.tbcawlA aSaaaol wot with Ua■at?"
inclaoi wlAout rerel*
-tTtng nerh hcodni. I.ttiX.
Oorar the Ap aad ridm
oacd oil, aod dtollr WiA drySaBoal.
>na I WIU try A renN-mher )
Bald: "lloe. will A tba toat 1 ma.
■otmnliclDra. Hnl
■naoAIy wiA ioiag. aad on
Scaabw M. (’. Ilatlc*. eSHio*era.w A ,
Bangor Oonneralol
If yoa will oely help air ooi thu'.„in
wia .i
SouA I'amlAi. iTTltra firm tVaM
WlA hUred almooda.
1 wrar my Vest
bran. ington.It.C- Ac fidlowltig:
(Jraaga ChoeobU Uaka-Add Aop
. .vling A ny •lomai-h
pad Baglbb waAab A a rlA <
"A oonaidaiattoa of hnakful net
’ No. fUto-rt; if yoo worn Aat you ■ ►'“1'•*>"■>- -it ilm.e I wuuU U-«. ocreI bmw
late fioctAg. and em u a fllllog for
trnohlu na; we hare porridge,
nlgiit to obliged A May at tMMar fpi. j
'*■" “J-iJc aruuadme. bcM aafag your medidoe for a
I ha.1 l>-co riven up tndi
period, oto » fcW err. *»or* refirvto.
nnher of baeon. a aofi boiled rgr. (be oraage oolored cakea. Ire tto- Ap
lAarelinext SbdA*. Yob have
•-Oar dgy • Mrto aesr mr ew Of Or. Ifriftomfaw
Aa yrnr aad aldu aaooAly aod deoorau wiA
tU/moa’t pe—fAWa. aod I drebbv] h.
haired waAoA
ef Aoae yoa will hare A ete* m ibe j
■dvUKi IVruna ami
Piumpple Oaka-Pnt Ae wbiA or
"lahoeld AAk yoa woaAgcldnnd
beaee." mid Hoton a noiber.
ManaltD.aaderier taklag Ac Ri.vlh-lae
ailrrr mku togelber wlA a wbito
lely tired of It."
Koberi wairiM-d the boyr. wBo nail i ,...
,relied. My
fraaUag A wldA bu baen i
"No. Iliuma Ae aataral aad
|gr0WB irnot of waiilug. MarAg cfl | |„..d diet n il |wtQ inr any
gtawl pAmpple.
eeiricd brmktut When we Brat on
for the pied aad heonold ImHlv keep | ny
A the amtu I did oeeaMoBolly vary
taaA the b-ar.
lie wa> .arc mine
Or. & a Hanmaa. PrtsUeat at TBe Hartmaa Satatarlum. ^
U wl Aalaak. or ehopa. aad bet twmd.
body neat have hidden hu «a|w ju>i
Columbut, 0.,gln»aMcatewoiaeatrttaur1agatesuatai«emiiaiBa.
tot John woald leek Moaad
ApUgae bin Jnei Aeo ill•■iM.r
Tba foUewIng raolpe wu n
tai>b aod my, "Bara yoo got caA a
Oarol eame Id.
Her olaraki were
Amg u a raabar of baeon A Aa
pAk aad to-r ej.-. aparklral Mie ha.1
hoaar. Kate:-'and. ‘rdUkanyagg,
roll of naUc A bar hand. " Frrd
mrva lb rmdara Aal A iu |
yon know, wbaa ahe trlaga A Ae fern It will protc mtiafuA
Schaffle mid I bad a One Imab. naiu .
imM rack ’ Bo 1 oaaeed nal
aba mid. "How driioiooa vnur
woald to well for owuan of tto oook
uoratloBaon that neal."
caku amell. Y.-a. thank yon. 1 will
boA A eat All eat and {naA it orer
ThOBgh of ny "opiBlao etill” Aal Ac nu A tba book.
Inve aoa Bot wlir di-A'I yoa wan
a atoreotyped neal n
aad let me help roeV U, it ia eoA a
(tea pcA uf gteao AmaUea,
or later. Aat wu a raf.
perttol day.
Oooalo Fred aad tto
half peek atriag toaaa ou-foarA
ful. A naull. well cnekad pottioo p«k
glrb an eonlag Ator tea and uke me
onioat. one-foarili pAi of
ll la good to get a wonl from
of mil or cnAad meal b very aw- greea peppari, two Ursa baada mb■UUag wlA Aam If yoa are willing.
' oar Suntoauu again, and wa
tbiagi eggau wa all know, offer bage. fonr toUcapooBfoU maatard
Why. lAb, what bu gone wrong
alwaya glad A brar from nay at oar wiA yoo?"
Ac graataat amoaal of
feed, two of eloyea. two of oolary
Thu u
ia tl>e aaalbat balk; AaMod bread need, two of alliqnoe, ooa email box
‘ The toy* hare roaa akatiagaad
Seltm. Mich.. Aug. ». iWL
It raiy dleoooaragAg
toy waatad bm> A go with them, boi
of yellow nutard. foot poandi
Dru Friaad-1 tboaght I woald
ma’l Bud ny cap I’m joM aaie I
brown aagar. ooe oaaor Amoric.
Bead yon Ae real of my SaaAy
plqoaat mlagUag of twut and I
il anmewlietr aboot," groaned
Sliee Ao AnaAu aad Ul Mead
ubooi earda, for yoo A aead away for Kobert. "Oh, Uuol. if yoa’ll only
b a meet raoellont aloamAA
olgbl 1
bmraa egg.
Otto-r little tolka Aat do Dot hare
raluble {npretim were better kaowa
dtt aonawbere I'll do aayAiDg
Aen IdroA off Ae bnoe. obop eab
t yoa. And do burry, pimw "
it would Sad a pAoe on nuy
toga, otiiona aad beau Mgelbar,
lot of then that are old bat are____
' Will yoa go A Aa aiore chi'an
brraktaat tablea
A Ar
One lilile word aboat ny CanadlBp ■plou aad pat aU A a poraeblo kel like naw aad 1 doa'c want Aen' aay laad viAoot granbllag? .knd will
rnora. bot 1 knew joo woald like yoa (Bomlie cm yoar wiwd of honor A
frimd'a imal. It wu aorred oiAer tie. eovar wlA rlavgu aad boil Ar
Aen. Fapa took oa chlldrao A Aa bang up year Capa afAr Au' "
Aid, eriap. ud dry la a rllrar
old aeitlara' picoie aad wa had a lo UaraL
taek. or.Ae knad oot A.allouaa AA
Hra H. M. Edgeoonb.
of fan.
Aiet. Aa eraat pated^away, browned
'(-.oarmj will O. dew bow aAw
Titey had Ar bml ronnAg and w yoo ara," ertad Ae boy.
eti-nly mad beaten wtA a 1^ woodea
To ItUltae Kn ValA.
cooldgrt frreridea 00 Ac Uka. On
totter paddle (Ae broad haadle of
Wall. I'll Akea loA araeiid. Bob.
■eliool woo't Mart aaUI Noranbu.
knife will auwer) aatll aotl. ^1 at
bin. for It rwlly u ohane a my
"We loraaagel oaka atoarl
wbb il woald alort aooeer. Tboo w
broken, bettered, oe boA aldee i
wbaa yoo might to •AaUag mad
aad yet I bmlAA aboot naklag
Abrioate. not A aoak it. aad net I
boTiag toA fan." mid bto aiMer.
oaam 1 aarar know what A do with eoaldgo A aebeol qaloker. Wall,
IBM atop A Ul Ibb gal A yen 1;
Ae orea betwoee hot platm for to
la went AA Ae halL then Aey
Ae yolka of Aa r«ra."lmld A a
Uood bye.
niaatu before aeadAg A Ae tabla
wd bar bogfalDg. \
ootoAgtmoto-r. " Tbore ara all aa
Haggb CaA
"Oh. manna: oh. BWiI.. do eoo
of dlAu they ma ba oaed for," a
hara. --Aaealbd. "ll'a loo fanny.
aald: "yolka at .-gga work A well
Are yoo not all laAtealad A A
They waot laA the ball oad (Wt
It wu an Aagaw day aad Ae mie- a boiled mayoBnaUe drraaiag: added
A Ae bat nek.
oem (If Ae boom wu naklag bbek A milk Aey (aa to need for dIppAg
Aad ibare were tiie tuer loal mia
Some paddiagi oad (^lA a wbUe ago wa (old yoa a good
berry Jan on a well heated kllcban Ueimau Aaat
deal aboat Aam. They an nA
baaging on Ae rack. Son.
range: nerartbebaa. aba looked rool outarde are u good made from yolke
piokad Aen ap u he bad Arowo
alooe wu fram Ae whole egg. .
fan aad good aatarad nIaobief.-jaM them down ooe by <ne u be
a pab of eonforAbb. lew brol- one enure egg A Arae yolke aad ym
like oar owa SoaAAr boya aad girU. fron pby, aad u to bed never baag
od Utppera aad tow Uu git.
Tba otto-r day Ae pcmldrai Aol
then op btnralf il Ind act
Ain wu well aben bar aaklaa, Oold oaka ia made from Ae yolka of
of Ae boya eat canpiag. aad Aera A bln A look for Uiem to L
aggi. aad a eaUfaer of SlIAga aad
abowtag bar cteam-wfaib balta
A loon WbiA diMiag AOk. froaUag caU for do whlteo. :Tb«re are wu a IltUe alory of il A aoa of Aa
Naw York paperi whiA yoo will Uka
oat V abapad la iba Back. boA A leacnamr, poddirqta ■aaoaa. eookiu
1 hin’t ncgtcrl the tltghtcM xign of im^nUri
rit) Iml
aad egg balb for aiWTAg wlA aoop A read Tba iwaMdmt ’a family an
hit I'.u
traat aad babiad. computed to
at ibeb aamiam boon at Oyatu Bay
. aad-etewalog SAam ofall-' WbiA ara nade fram yolka alooe
ba AUaatb eoaK ef New York,
tto aUenw af Ao moqae nacn<
even tag,
and Au U tba plaoa fron wblA tl>ey
> Aa elbow asd wcro'fialAod
aoou baoame tired aad to wu obliged
■ATAd A go eo ttob oanplag trip Aeury her.
“lie atory la Ab:
'» CAS-CINE. to') «*»rn JV.U Irj- it >vn.
"bl rawy limry, papa?" ili
RollA A Aalr blaakab areoad
(lie easiest ihtng in the wnrhl n- make an.l kec|. ) Jnraeb «ie»n
ato cipbiaad u aim aittrtd Aa Jan.
ad. u to- aet her down a non
DoaUarAg oanp Bn. Ito {naidui
' ade it oot af an eld giagbam
ef the Ueitml Smtaa. bla ive
Alrt and a ean off wbiA ooe.
-tadaed yoo ara.” to- replied
Maab one plot of waabod berrim. ArAb aod Kamil, aad hU eepbaw,
Ae oeelut aad meet eeorcalnnt
"Say. toto-" eoalAned lb<
aad one tabbAOOaAl of powdered Philip Boowrelt. alept A Ae wooda
T wore, and 1 wbh arory w
niaa. "laa'l yoa deal awyfol tickled
Ve,,- inily.
■agu, let Maad for half aa boar aad Tbcb oanp wu A aa bnlated fpei
one. I -bare aaolbcr ooe Tory
aai 1 aA'i twA.
Am tab thraagh a eieea
Boald eoe
naA like AU far-boamwork.’’ A
eapfal of nlU, add three mblmpoouAa nanbui of Aa praaidaura
aaed. "aad for wAMw work
"Well. I'll ta haogd.-' mid the
AU of eagar and one tolf of a boa of family koaw wbtra Aey wore. I
hare a very abort AIrt of Braim and
geWtA Aat bu bem eor^ed A
loag pad A Ae eanp-abeat eight
rarn Jeeket wiA a high eollar.
half oBpfal of oold waAr. SUr aatll nlba,—aad Aa pruidmi. wiA ka
ny (woopteg aad daetleg A perB Bobody holiU the
sirad aad etraA. When oold add




r^OR SAl-i

Handsomest l^ts in
Plat. Inquireedf

Xhos. t. bates



rmaptoaty palp aod eae oapfol
•ugewB <> BBT ottor boam drear
of rlA ermm aad poor Aa wetted
We bare toitonier for all ottor
oae-forgolSag. MeyelAg. HdAg, mold.' Borre ganUbed vtlb whipped
dAing. oaikag. drirtag. oad what
not. tot for lioomwotk—why. anyAIng weald do for Aat. Aad m wonpAl
of rlaegu. fear
CD will pet on trallAg wrappen
ngw. two Aarpooafab of

It A a
lAiumoo aod a IranmoAl of eloru
A make a hot cpieed ayrap Wipe
eight peoada of plomi oarafally
drop Aam laA Ae bMUa^ ayrap
. yowaMra Any
my at a ttaw.
aner a few bqata of work. KoAac
Ibkiou labor ni^ mraly Aqa a mlt- tbaa ahiwly and wbm den. pb
Oook tba ayrap a little
abb eohiaam. aik tto werk|ag lUy
me oagtat Atom part of rrary
ffbm oold eaal op
ui’twardra)be.-;-Iudira’ Worid.

Tlagling wlA IbeeulAnael ef
oat ArAla draw bb riSe from
paA aad wiA a wbeop atwAd off
A Ae daikaM part of Ae wooda
"Uot tba Bn Martad and I'll ba
baA WiA a good. tU bmr for mpper." to mid u ha pebed hb gaa
laagbad tot eaUad


>Ullto COUMBTtMBtdayaww

We Lead the Way

bln t<

I praeldml atraA Mt Aa Aa
wooda md after a uo nlaatm' walk
they mna A a Mil atoran thu
trlAlad down Araagh laa eool forui.
Waeh Alwiea Aat ara AelAod ta
Va’Il follow Al. broA MA aboat
tbdeaboaldto eaakod aad rtaaed A
■aitm A a nib ato we'il eome ta
eery aalty vacor. A aet tba c
maUfal apHag." mid tba Aulbafoae wuhb« A aada
>1. " ato Am* we’ll attrAb amt &m o^naad wanton tor n THt K. c natuncouPAgT,
bgmtar AaalgbL"



traapoooAl of oog
I of bakiag pewdi
bef tottcraadn
I milk A nlz a aaft doagh.
taiengabtat aotqalAoa Aeh
AIA. Corar WlA Iho waabed b
■>d afwiBkIc with aagar. aeoerdlag A
iwb aoldliy. If Tcry Jotey daft errr
Urge taaapooofal of iUar. tboo roll
ap Ukc a Jelly roU. pAcbiag Aa awA
-- ugettor.
tuy oe a ginamd
pAA. atran tor Anty-ira or for^

They tout qcnnfcUto tn mu Aa

bat iranad wtA a


wm traa whm Akm from Aa Uaa
Wbm aa Aaael gru AA Aa mt
doa'l try A dig It ont. u yoo wlU
mty inA it A draper
Fat a drop
ar two of awM oil AA Arau; tab
wil kiU tba Aaaea. wbAb ny to raAoeed by a Mraan of wata t

A wJer. pruoaplly.

Only Ifae-voy boM outeriai

aacal. aad folly gnanalced in every mpect.

“** to me u areU u aeO. They ora
aotmadeofdteapmMcral. oad proa a floaty
iaiA A catiB Ok eye; toBote doable, comfcai.

able, oad aeoL
am WtA I
•ae wtra ham
bread ooraoal l
A am;^otJrm


*nK ehmpcM m Ibe matte, qaabiy eonidefed.

Obto mad aad yoa wS bay ao cite OMke.

i26stat.airto. » Ukter Pciertyi.


Eiiteiprise Cash Graesry

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