Grand Traverse Herald, July 10, 1902

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Grand Traverse Herald, July 10, 1902


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


^rattb '^1CW9Kt%t itjCI^JlIJll,
JULY XO. 1902.




___ Vtol Oeve of I
OrwV Hi
kMosttlwa ora toan a ToaOakc. Ubobaanda n ebow
aMM-eawo to Ito Hto-i a' anda toorvea la
' .toiaba koUtowbok MU new 1^
of to eaaaa pn«a
-1 don't
ran^ a to irmnad by benvy Uavto orar poaaaaaod to M ak.
ovlia ooalte'l
«NM vUli Ua
rv and the Ito ■*rriii land pin■nd
FtetbelaU M 1 <ir 1901««
__ nnybow." to coMlato.
to^t thr bnlMto (mm bouw
ham oM o( tb« fioMt amoitm
tod Oea IH feaadattoe ato borlad
■byward by to laaeto forea o< to
vito fraa within
tkUco Itat they wee't aokleo hoa
TV- Sra azplorar of to enva diaDT.rwd that whan Iba aealb wna
MWt to to
J«t n^.
laA to plnea ml to able.
«rer ahowB » U>Mn«rk«t AUth« U..flicrl«»ilUMG»
________ anraaaronad Uta. ilnaaelt'a dtd on fwl It ereep al a law piwtl.
is PUidt,Cb«^
vttb aaa
oaUr I«ua It waa far tha laoto
OttMlle B. A K. Stock.
■■raaoclnd' I'a to cUddeat I'n Hal to tota WW balll over to an•ad tttripM, both Pomist ud Dobam alneatol niebt
Tban don't touer wtlb an inner doa Suing
nf«tic. TbM* «• will n«k« to
nny Inntwla batoK a to; I atwt to rloerlr Htalaet topurale of to onva
to eity and boachi Iboar poCa of ■ toll la UCB a way IhnI to air van
tonr ofdM *l U» wy low»«t pricM.
Rbacry. 1 vwad to boaa aotoihioc
M^etaffo of to
otoa tet to nppM and bear eoaae one
A elgbw
•oll^^itnH idTIl^ot Mtoa lui- pnla ay rookinc )nM ooea "
Bbr want bto to hot riair. and
■Mi to to tooMar
Toll to ito
tbare wm alienee aroond tlw ablr
I'B n>l aORT abe fM'laa”
CAPITAL *100.000
inrfroB kl,atokb. followed by enebn
Aa aoea aa Rea ML Hn ~
ling of a door toi to bolMlng
oonMeot l
It waa Bulbing l«i to nnaw*
itUa poSa -Woiu
PUtuCtoM, 8tMm Sonar •fwl J
[and to otban bapbed n
lag of to luoer door u> allow oftbo
r look men Uka at
A GcMTil Buktac SMiaeB tme
brlatlna Badeara Paid.
eiit of to gaidr. bat il hod a MTvi«ol"
bla aoand.
tuud. aeO WMd t«aU
_• beoka oflfa imU eon.-. —
Within to abW to vieiMa «W
Hiaer cea.
lifMd sp toa nop, Md aaad tha
raanrkol>lr ebang* 1* aolad la nothing boi a eapboord froa vbteh
w aiaeka. >M ncktlj m
3 ter Ccai aUMred « TUk DerMiu.
nalgraau te ABaneo. Tba Sni
4>dl. •■tok*
wave el laalgratiiB tot wne mettle* in lin modi*
tto bafora.. to It VN
va Uaa a CO. i
The p
ranalvad eo tone aliocwa a to tot to atrip el wood
to look , iba tokau aad atarto
I ta Un*. w to u
atnry van of Irtah uetionamv
Johnson Block. Phono 73
' Travoraa City. Mich,
Aa aoa aa aba akared to raotr;
eolv be opead long ononnw
ta to daeade froa IS4I to IMO.over
Ma OBaatto '
' '
O. e pTM Ot O UBO
If It
->vaa baadred and S'ty Ibeneand
aataed to baaketa
Iriahaen oaaa beta. and. U to da- emw kep 0|Mi to wind wowU Bar
" Ha'd bacu te tblak yoo «
mda foUowag. orar a alUun. Fin­ to bnildlBf to leeeeia
ooalac, Loentla; ve'ia )aa
Tbr gBide weal fltot HelBlng to
fa yonr ohlofcan pia aal anal. ------- ally to Irtab wav* ealwidad and a
er feelenlag th* tor. be tnrwod H
ton to abla Cbm to atautrr and
-owly nmr to Md a to elaap tot
fau vUo'a celac to all down to will te law. alaoat -aa many Uaraane Inla it ton glvieg its qstek iiribet
Too iboald not aeflaet any pan of
aiBo bet* ae aalgraiad fi
darted ibroogh to dea e* to fecee
«T Earopran oonnirla «
Toct toilet for tl.e lack of Toikt Artl*""^a»i
Tbaa'a Drnay'a
wltalB emi It opw. Ae aooa M ba
IM. to Oermen lai
poBa; I'd know
we* taude be aptaad an inm ring. end.
aoTOT khnt
Doaa'l 11
eddlog bu atevagtb to tol u< to
«• Veto flaiof Polanr' -- ‘
gBide wbo bed leaetaed wItbenL
Ire torn pnti to old ToaOnlor;
U liaiian. ■leBBed to doa. Vita emr ana en
PUWDERd. etc.. ar« *o pleoUfal '
rmay'll na*a kaev. H
Tbe'reaeon la thie probably
Iim la to taoto end one OWL II wne snob
at prtoM viUiiD tbe r«M>b of alL
ok aa natnral u ay ova
Uie (act tto Aarrtce> affufde to l-ae) aeMerfa to gntdee to bnndU to
salMr «Lat fmal.loo deinani. for tbo
Hia Bonnall bad baeo
labwer. doa. end each omBber a to .party
te esptain. bat
iatroTeaeot of U» baif.okui or IMifi
ran throngb ta turn ae the doa
tage taveberno eboaoe: at aooa na and laiana fora to largM
Hoo»>■ tblrty
«r aoi).
ebe bed pal toeblakin peeand veto aga of tey Uboewa
Tb* avo luelf te a
paffi apen to able, to people eeel tboaiaad aeo are employed_______
ed toaeelvee. and (be aerry eintar rating fa tbe eabway tonal In Maw
iwn. ta. iMrai. r„er trjia,
York Uily, ■Ina-Uuto of wbna are
end cbniter baito
1u WbM uCall rrtju,*,
bBt toy my to eateat of to wee ta .
Hra Caaalnfi tok to aUleker
N„T.r >.aia.. a.»« •acniM
thrifty laa. and lu paopla aaea te be aM vet k.oWB.
and bu wife ander bar
Pm^ Bilai nonb ot the rwlnnee
attaSad with to taaiiy wort and to
ebarga. "Toa’ve aet SUter
la nnotor and elBoat eqaelly bennunow I'a going te tnaodaoe yen to prloaa paid, and anny of IbM have tal aveni rnlUd Creteel Onre. Tha
been known to Uy aaida goodly n
bet eblokaa pie and ccaaa pa**gclda beUevett
ivetta^ MBO
Stnag'e Pralra tnike ay Ibni ahe
fooBd that eai
N- l«»-l» err~-Ha «K«
. dOD-l kM>« vbatber yoa'd eoli It to'cbe bini <■ cMiaken to antoa
ThcEmrnnit S|wcUlisl on diwAsn
tba other
a pickle or atew Ut boi valor «a'n to tana baaalf; and. U toia'a any
Boae twru of to Vlad Cbve are I.OOS
a U gtatlfytBgly naaU.
•nd niTger)- of the h-)e.
in, Lecreiu Hciuiell; bot U'l aoaa- cbln^ to Dooke iMto ton ebMeo
feol below the eorfeoe of to. carta
and Thmal. Office o\-er City Hook
Allklnde of wterd eodtowoMfel of
noeaae. aa l>oiy Williaaa cnlla IL a ‘^'*1 *to"SSto*U," langbed
1-r. nel,.~'tlua--«.
gained by bnnitag llgbt, •
Store, Trat enw City, Mkhfatuatuf. nod '
yoaag maieat'e wife; "Ibeae pafli
Baa* Una ofo a dellona ibuogfa uof torooBe.
taoM yua n Ua
Welle and oMItietle prl of
Prairie "
■nd to
"(Joae Iota tbe .Ittloa rooa. Hra caa vU. told anke
like hie;
le foil
edoBgh otB
g Bticfy to Boel eoaotUg
pie rue Uie anpper UaKebt. and It’a a* era na tok ve>e W be toepnrad la
eeivad lb
.ter..-SL LoaU Utobe-Itato.,
liut to Hu. kilclienaa tbe aontbaaddar Itorty'e.
Won’t yon tenab aa to pnlntliig a portfall of bar i.......... .....
10 Aniiial Now wbnTa Uia trooUa?" BOfca kbaa. Hra Bannalll
Doyen and of iMaurilDgli wilh a aalla
' llreay Ureeu ’. geinf to aka crana thlnkleonUltonV’toMfcad-------oblofa era* wholly laeki
l«Ba w Ibe aoppor tool '
l^»r Oroar! Beaea
^Hoor Hia BaanaUI Haw told to
Thteto did. and when b*r work
to look u to piooie
Inat anrna.
Salebad aha eant It to to qntwn
A toruado oonldn'
In'l a'' pn'
poffad 'ea. "
aworde. "Hav bar anjenty
we (oln( ado? "I'a aspUlB___________
■aotor klaa.” to alia te tl
anil berllfa"
boiled tggt at praafaad nataalf. Soto
ween not thooghl e< eeretal ymm
A few dare
later the Mid '
•■T.bal netb- brtgbt-taond yenng wife;
Ma It any aonod etmnga to apeak of
eartoelr III and to pnyrirlnae
laSa «e yen can lentn; tbw’ra Jna me nno 1
fora an
on'bar • at* la a ebureb, eapwtally in view
oan'l lei toa be pot on
AndrUtbov yenbew w aoka tbna Heanwblle t
and yoo I
Phiratolatt * aumen.
^ arot to pataUng. and to raenll
now hare mfoe ta tliOB. net
luoki a li
w boon before lla Sant
M to rery a
jty tu k**i> Bowy ta. tar '
Tbonih"it*toaJd l^Hm B^toll time la to opotnUan Dr. Watrlao. ___
' ntMMarita kt*.
------------------evwyhedy "
tok felka venld sevar gat throngb to eenrt ydiyetalan. eataed Ida Kls- rbanl. fond, ar* niaany krp otaa;
pndalng tboaa pnSa and avary w ard ol'e boeae with laeOwctloM from to wbere. bat Tor to pwerrr^ta et
Poor Dnayl Yon'ra aid that ode It batder M laU tot toy ware qaean tn take the beet poalble are of book, and rooord*. wgotaor erith to
iwioa. Lnoota; yoo'd bekta aare Draoilla Omn'a Bba went boae bar Soon afia biB twB* to Ueaat- ellem plata tol le ofaw of great
yuar uity fa to ooaa wbo bara M.aai
OB OolalardlBl. one of Hi* qaam’e
beroookinc. t waniad tbU a ba to
ledlaa ta waittag. with a large boa vloe. far taetaoo-. le
beat aootal we erer fot op; to yenac
nvetadlllOT bariaBel After to fell of benattfnl preeeou. amoog loetrioM Mirer, aad
M B aery
aaiater't cot hnok, and ba'i bteocbl _ard Ufa nha'i M. Ind na aboMo te
V. A. umnu.. E r. A
K tre e*
a youf wife
rife; Uicy'II
- ——
be iboaTtol
—■• leara and nothing u ham with; and
nob aaa A
to'i net froa to oily and of eonia all ay ^a I'va bad^avar^blnc te do end a See parttmll a Uule Priaoea
■mv atyla. ond-O. ONey'a
Yolanda, below wbien won wrlttaa
F.BROSCH&SONS eraaa pnff.' 1 oon't tblnk of any
aoBO kindly worde by to qnnen batbme alaa."
■LelmecooDd aaa bow ay oblok
enra Mtoa:
en pla'a eookinc.ton we'U am wbnk'a
it Will I_______
beet to do boot Draiy.''
Bonollkop oMng baaoU to oaU
_inB or u drowiy Mta MopU.
BiAn taSaenoe wfalta a
"I eoold aaalt that oblektn pta aeralag aa to lolMad ova ba
peet rata wban eboH> taia Ibolr koto
PwltotoT aa* *n*aawCHr.t:l»a .
.wry totertaleVoel a
yoB opanod to ovon doer.
ta to Wind and whoa penooekt
fWtol ptCau ewtt to PWt Yaia.
Statag ta Lake Krta----------------FMI wic wool in the region wanted. 'Am just back from the
■qMvk a
a great deal land when pg«
UnuMlI iwtnnad
“ »'t7 ginpUy toTT atrnw le totr mIm. or at* vtry
■ to ooaU Sad no fa *■ **■
,, East, and have arranged with eastern mills to use alt the
eitklng tooB.
‘ril aaa tto to Bin- ____ •
wed given _
to aoeb
ito/cM a—
I . II .■---------wool from this section of the country. I can aflord to pay utar'a wife gaU n ptaoa oftbat: I cUH'e tetot and anrwd enaeo alike, that to top le In onr na­ tmlleee
tod^bto to Bub throw* ap |4toly Bow waa ay erena pnCe?” wne tive tab^ne to Bogliah epnrrev U ear
the highest ouuide market prices in cash,
ill also buy wonldn't be aftmld a eat one of yMT
ya LewMIle aad a. LeoK I s ». m.
ehiokon pea 'long aide of to beak ...aiy’e dial aaga gieaiia.
Bala wlU esae vl
hides and ginseng.
te lot
Pa Petto, am Barber HaalaoA « 3k> A at.
I-Iiy enkerar 'a Now If only toy ware
r tacMLla
oat Ibidr took* aad
n. 11-lae.m.Ma to • Mrocik eacON
loMtau where baU are foaad It.wtU
KB U Ibey By tata to
wa'll ooniriTa to eiahonga Ibaa fa
’’lu’baaa. Van toy ae good ae Itaved to deeou egg* by to aillMn.
How Back ntb tbare U ta to
Oraey'n If only 1 oonid Bake kbaa. yonn? Henaot. new, were toy. Hra
for* la*«
Aad Mioald
to . to-to toAP
BfJIPboM lao.
I’d do It In a BinaB: bet yon'ta to bauell’" Sbe looked taw Hra Ban- Marta* of inU apows onitag woald be
miff to
tan ■>• tbolr a
only onr tn town wheae laSa to be ■nU-tlBoavilh nob wtacfal. pUnd lard to my, bat it ta nertale tol
1 -'-f—r can el Weltea oe b
depended on to paS '
lag oyal A eoal Marring fa a wad
[^ll:He - a. RAl.laUreadRei
"Wall, I goBB Ito; ll'a only I
ot pratan
a BO fbeaer al are
we ta eta*. aa>
to* kbraa; it won't Bka aa long
oonld I?" Hra ,Bn^l
rto atot to t Bkeof teyaadb
■tor two or ihrea •*—— And,
aldea. 1 taka to Lava Urway anda
Upidore ar* mot vUb ta to teato
"iTBty. L___ ,.
,-------ptaoa ----------" ,--------- torn hare been
to narar tand a obanoa loo tanra taUnegtoi now deo'ITOn
of Java whoa web* nr* oo Mroag Ifata
auend and tolr wat*»B toraM from U ivqolru o kalfa to eot ttaatok
- oooL
Yon know bar folka vi
taonld tab you tbenlder for y
Tri' somcNpf the appetizing preparations of health
oryMal to mad color by .to roouag tbto. w* are MU. Aepida val^
ao poor, and Andrew Oraa waa em
"O, no. It'* BOM wolL Toi
There U ao doabt that they *

foods we earn', such as Malu Vita. Grain-O.
a Biioaiat' Ur d'oever pcortda t
bed* aad do ao ii----------Pillsbury s /Vitos. Grape Sugar Flakes, etc., etc.
_______of tera. vbetor they are
a bob
*Sf lovera ot aoc—Oeueg.
abr'a tryiag ao hard to be niBitBdy!
Mai^y people use them in place of meat.
nijaet anka to paSe nad Hy tbna ever Imra to mUt nta* oak* and tad
HnnsateUAB. ItoB&oL
in.^ond got bara vttfaoat banang bar
WaymOetoylmk BUc,DXTBOIX
il U raaarkabU bow aaob
*Hn*Oaaainga Toae with a elfb of
(alUifBl anltob leeni vbtab 1a pf aerehal.
Wall. Lnciwtia BoanJu U
tee to ,1b* driver.
They Hop oaaa owta to tatoai
846 Front Strtot yoo’ra not a eniat. yon’ra aa awfal
gal tatllBg wbaa drivea ap to the olrtaip ta eaa*
BroMh Blook
good, depaodoblr ObrlMlna waana;
------------ubtag. and wbai to ^-------- Uu ptalrto
and tnni'e oboac .M saeb an to be
BOO Aor» Wmrm ■For Mmlm.
to my BBHhing men
will Uara to alow sp wbra apanaebToariH
naae ■■■ aao worn
Tbtra wa* no Uma to waaU; eo. u owBllowod hard and wa* 1
Two and ooe-hkU milei from {rnnd martcL Good anil, mostly
doablad ta Syria dorWg to bMI 10
ion aa b.r tolar bad gooe.. Hre
inm^y loam. WN a«y.
Fifty »«« limber, will bring *2.000 jit
onaell at aboet Bnktag lb. pnSa . I'll oooBo ova
—wA aartbtag___ _______ — toUto bo wlU elup
'nuifceli 6 kcrei ordikfd: 67 koesieeding; 12 acres potatoes; 6 koes
"Kn. BonuUl
WUI yoanally* UlU
M; »» koes tAtnx-. 8 acres com. Bkloiw* of loud, iododing
thU eamba go thraewh faliMtao.
vwdl, (cDced far pattore.' Good boose, with
Oalibo b aim grovto. *> toa
iL Fe^ min
meiiL Good «.nian tenant honse. Ucme
amawuafiMA ThoBaffalo
■array* aaed hawom HaltatoSHma.
OBt-tf^dingSOsSO, «-s(WT
tawmeot. wilh look fi* toHing
wetoo: yoa't* a Mgbt betlerw ' 1 ; if
rota are UkUyta to oapmaaM by
Bosemenl bun
com. Tool hot* S4i4«.

tlaCiUlIT TAUOilllili!


Real Estate-Insurance





207 E. Front Street,







Tire Insurance!


Money to Loan on Improved Real Estale Only.






A'OSlLM.-.SSr ■



11. tiiM Him


Cbtst Mrt Bargains.


Fine Farms Cbeap as Dirt. L'«n

«wiMP --i -


» a 0Mitd traptrst Land Co.








FVesh. Salt and Smoked Meats, ^usages. Etc,


eiitnn iupids ijimiuit nt.



\A^ool \A^mnt«d








Food For Summer Weather!



THoa. a. BiHuteuc









Fruit Jars, Rubber Rings
and Jciiy Cups

SOoM and MslA


give pooaeaionat core.

fa^ m port paymenL

Price *8.800 if sold « one.

SIS West Tenth Sired.

We have a Rood lot of these goods, our FniH
Jars are the Ball kiad, coasidered best oo ih«
market, with pcvcelaio to(rt and best rubber
Tings, the jelly cups—H pts—popular size, with

If you are thinking of buying anything in the way of


tin cover, at 30c dozen, aregood value.and that
pickling vinegar is excellent.



If you want

to oveo'e rtgbL and ala* u new. 1
■ever open to oven door wban toy're
bnktag; taaf* Bby *0many tolki (nU tot ewoagh to Uara B eook a ato
St to ooapay. I've aovor derad aet
on cnaa pnffe-toy keop
toloakBtWaB.Mdil’1 ta* Btatato u anybody oto to taka
OB. Mowl'U pnito to vita ao; te I kaew they ooato'l
taUk and ctuB
na to boO. and oka
make to
1 had laBMtnadogs* nbd
>e botliag Bilk waea ta*
a op. end to taoaw Cfwa
‘ iJl^lB Sltaak'* FtMrt* talk* Bgmo tow from ta*
'^r^a^'emk*. wlBt'e bappai taal iBiBilla Botooll vto’i oaltad
ed to 'em." 8b* looked at thaB a

I b^ato^h^^^



Boookl Bat Mrs Bnaaell teU that
Sbk tok bold of to adga of to aad hw work vita Otaoy vat ta to an
tUB of aailWBiiMt; tod. vSto at
loM Drwu Ml kwBlf otogakHM ta

Vj, \Om

*---------------- ■-

a "Saa raw”

taMrbtda bWk

something good, here » where )ou can get it.
a itoliBta akau

and lots of other good things to eat.


to SUtas'a ourabedl Ibifc
abaal Oraey Oeto’e |B«et ^'4 ba

do not fail to look over our large line of handsome artides. We also carry' a fine stock of WATCHES
CLOCKS. JEWELRY. ETC Spectacle Fitting a
Watch and Clock Repairing—the best
gradb of Work don&



WiU sell with growii« crops

ow-foonh down, balance to snh. or wiU take city projieriy






toktate fitabmaty. tarn i.--------------


1 alwob-da:


* da tot toD «g
wtaaW ■toaa, aa-


to itod U to Moma SoSMa to
aaOeoi* a 4WB: ba* u -tot to ted
«m«( Otota** MHStaffate. tatogb

to dwrUtag' wy

am. »Md Mto to^w^od to smaS« A ifiMim biWMM you met
^----- tolmad by *te



0 4
0 9 10 0 0 0^(=^
■ lb* nllw* Maid gal

eat. by Alhaaa. f: by
•la. •; by raagaMa, A

B MB «M kiad. anaadTba tap aboaUag aoataat took ptoaa
ia>lr ktad. arhlob baa baaa a l
■ tba aav groabda at tba Wa qaa>
laag alab.
•ba dar had baM aada aafaawly
(baardarottba Faa«h at Jaly aa«
oald-bet harakaM me
Tb. aWf wn ieUA
___________^ ba £a. aad tba li«a at

Oraad'Biiptto Paraltaio Oa.
laaadry. O. W. LairAto'a Oaapkaatoaob Bn Bayal ThaaBa
OeT tba W. «. KlMtoaU Ptoae Oa
Tba WaUa-HtgBaa Oa..WUbato^ Bartak*Oa.A ?>. Pij — aaA tba Be-

UaaU toB.toadtog aa tbaptoada tbatiato vaa a IIBIabtory to
.f fliittoa'a MgOaela Tato'aOabto
attoaa of taa dollara. Braaeb Oa.. Witt Uttto Era. Oaele Ton.
Am adaay aad flawy
Topay. Karka. blaaAbaaato aad all.
abd OoiUa tiad for aaooad ■
el oaad toe parade.
twoM baata. 4aba UaBsne.aalw
riaa. Tba tia vaa toot eg
’ Tba pabUe enratoea ware bald
Mlf of flBrtarAdaBa.ealled Mr. flaan.
la voa by two potato
the Caatral aaboel park at > a eloak
tatla afrila at toat diawtoak tba dJaofHaaceak. dritaraad partowaar.or
Tbs oeeoad emat vaa a e bard tooot
ae>oggiiig wbaa toe Baru
rate torgaly aWMtod. Tba Beatvtib a prlia of tB. OanU took Oral tog vaa tolled te attorby Baa. Praak
la. toe aaorlag batag dan vllb Eto Olla. bafere tba emd. aad |ral.anrMt tiaa far tba r
tsalad blB with a haadsoBS boeqerl
■gy. It la aBBaaal for aaab a
Bob^ariib Broab a aloe
ItoBill^ win tnar a few rat
on roaaa ftea Mr aad Mn K
laeofd aa toot of yaetarday to be
M a lece traak. la three areata, to
A wlaettM by Ktogalay baad
prlaa Oia Allay
maobeoloyadbytoaarevd. TbM lu*. vhieh rieraa baata w.-rt- giraa.
bigbsal saota vftb Bniaab a etoaa aaa- InarasB offered ptayar. Tba aiagtog of was aaorlag bat U ttawa.
Tba nua Beat tea ban a flattoriag
oed. vbtU Oartla woa tba r —
Trararaa Oily balds toe boaor of
rito Ird by Dr. 4. A. Seydai
taaad eaaaldariag tba
Bkiag tba drat aneey to tbe t:40 aaeean to araiy lartlealar.
afaalad by tto baad was pa
laMMaaarawd aaaldMta
Tba iriM aoaay for aaab araai
IBied to by tfaaaa prasMt.
After tba trot, vtaiob vaa wee ia Ibrawaoalgbl waathto na vaa aet rary ktod. bat
dar vara Tara
alrldtd into tliraa ivlaas of Uiy.
ttodiag Of too daetotaiioB et latopaa- beats by Lady Uaalira, owasd by Mrs. tte paireaa of tba taaea aad tba 110101Tba aaeldaat to Algar Otay aa tba
ty. aadivMty par OMt raapaoMraly, daaea by Her, W. T. Woodboaa
0. a. Oot.BBddrtrM by Hrery KiagaTlia araat yaatrrday was tba
vortl> Tba bsA-vaa vail iBadled aad
tooot of tba saaaoa orar tba toy.
li worth twice aa Boeh today aa
jaitbatvbaa It VM rapartod tbal
agraal aaoeeaB. Owtag to
tba UJary vaa act fatal tblaga ntba eruwd
Tba 1:14 pace waa aa ateUtagiaea,
Mr. Ollbart gaiaad tte
MBad tbrir naraal Paartb of Jaly
balag *00 by Ella Olla. Iba tris iitWort tea boM bagaa by A. E. WIIat vaa not r»ry toica. bat CIkm
oala aooogb lu be paaMl
a aa tba (oaatotioe far Iba pbotoBa tey man-of O-Ooeaall toilaan,or
IlwaaaHg day for tba raeasaad
well plaBaad with tba affair. ^ '
Haaeook. la
tbrea Brmlgbt tegU, grapb gallery of Bmiih A Prlaa. to hr
BU roBBria ware
toe BStobart of lha Orirlag Park AaAll lbs prlaa viaoan taread thair ala aad tbeas who had Iba pltoaaie of dniaa by Mr. 8aam, aaa of toa owa- araatad rroatlag on Uaioa
•atoatlM vara broad, todiaat aaiilaa
merj late tba Traartw City Had baartag him vara by ao
an. titraogvr Q. tba oal-bratad Chl- jololog tbe Uaka Arum pai
riraHag la btHlUaoy tba aaa wbleb
aad Ooo alab far taprearBMta.
Tbla boUd-at, tbe piaai for wbieb
that they wllbMood Iba etoar aurae- togo paoar was baokad baarUy at Iba
tod dltaitoMd tba lala daada of too
I drawa by P. E
I atraal torada. far wb'ab Traa- tlooi aad attaadad tba good old faab- booknakar-. ataad aad wtwa tte iao>
aarly toorala<.
Pally *.000 paople
:. fllrBDgar U bad (allM aer- wlU tea nodal
arta Otty it widely kaowa. waa ol iomd naBag. Tba baad agaia farMW tba bast raaaa arar glaao to
a tba bigfMI fsatare of tba fera- orad with BK>re BSaie aad Iba foTBal aral ootobat la toa nBBatlaa of tba baiU oa Ite llnaa of tte flaan
MttoacB Hlob^aa.aad tba Irat
Tba Baddy eoaditloB of tba pan of Iba BdaBiw waa orar. ttoagb tporta. aad a good dtol of aMO--y tan Of Ite kite la tte largeM cllin.
lag af tba Misblgae elnalt at«H a
probably te tte ealy briek
etiuged baada
Wg aa«aaa aad ptoaad TiOTataa Cl^ totaats dotarrad away vba vaold albPeaBTilla.' award by balldiag aroatod mlaly for
arwUa hare laraad eat bat aa it war ofsoiiBalnUBoaa follevad.
to a pwBMiat plaoa to tba alraaik
Motblag lia.
agoaot was a long aad racy «r«i
Tba flra vorka at aigfat abd la Ktaok tliaraaa. waa a (arorite and aba
Tba anwecka to tba araalag gar* a
Uh- balldiag
glarl jaa talto to a glarieaa Paartb itoUaea.
Tba tbird beat vaa aflataibibl- Ideal for tte parpoaa
At II e'alaek. toxeagta Ifai araaltoat vat atyward frta tbit aecBae of
aad tolly IS.OOO paapla aal opea tba
-ark of BKM vba bad too aatlor to
rtrtr taaki aad arawdad tba UoIm
ba Bade tlia Aral qaartar thS9>4,
Tte lot U flatlroa toapad. aad ttaa
Muga, tba pBiada waa feraMdaad
atnat brldga. aad aaadry baaaatopa
toraa qaanar. ia l :40S
BlrsogMO. balldiag wlU te B feat (real aad »
tlMt of plaoaa aioaHeat.
aad aa>oy«l «>• gotgaoai dlto>ay.
This vaa as
Tba dlnday waa aaat off aa tba eity Bade toe mile la I7>4.
Pilot MBO borto Bofaarta, aaribal
Tto Mia aad boat Mrrlca waa
aarkai alta aad too rirar teak orid- gratifylDf to tba Jadgas and «> plaaaMliMt aad tban waa llttla delay to at too toy. with bta aldea. Praak
KalliOay flta afforded fliw raaBfa groaad (or tog to tUarter Adana Bnt tin tatter
tba amrala. altbeagb bvlag to tba Itotolltoo.
aa aadtaato of maay tboatoada. The tolled toa qia
A. a Oook. J. H. Blakaalae. Prod
iMMM atewdi all did aotairira
orevd to tba r
Ovtii. W. W. BBith. Tracy OilUa.
itoadala Baa
OfaiafotPollai BauAbtd a toige W. J. Bobba, P. O. BsaaaDB. f
that tbla raae plu-ad Uia Tni
D«d|B. H. A. iBBgwertoy. Dr. E. L.
*■» “
OltytraokaaMBg the baM faaU-aile
AahWB aad Oaarga R. Oroas, ai
toaybadUMladHnhllyle aalt
oei aalBiala alaoat Baa to Ufa. aad eoaraaatolba
ad by tba Boahal’a ordarilaa. t
tag ottMr. toalr.watto traabla
Tte t:40 trot vaa flalabad la Hum
largaa aad Jato Parry, x
TBriQBa other tuatorea.
Allba bead of thy Itoa ofiaarob
la tte araotog tte dirptay was gar- atrglgbt teats. O. R. oanta ateer tte
iBO lha vaU-kaowD Kalkaaka Bill- gaoat aad tte teoraat wen liffbtod Vila abMd la tte flrat
to U. K. aad Morthtoaurn pUyiag
taiy baad. who toreegtbMad tba rary With aagalBoeol farilltoiiay. aib
farataMa regard to wbieb they are ling with tte taaad of barttieg bomba
la Bid air. Tte nlaattoos eonlBad
beiA Pollevtog tbaa cu
eity nOotoU to aarrUgat. aad aakl to olilefly of Bid air flraworka, altboagb
toara wen- aaracol Other arlaetteea of who flalabad
aa aaioyabla ktod. It vm a nagalO- baliind a. H.
la Ite saeond but
k^tar aay araaga Tba ebaaihBl aagtoa. tba oU book ant dls^y aad glrea aarly aaougb aa Udy BaaMra went wdar tte wire
Tba ar- Bad ladder VMOe. (faaae Oily An i-o- Biat alBOM all oaulda rtalion Imd anally abate ate wek tte rnea la tba
iiapBiim vara aarttad oat vito ftoa Na I. tba book aad toddar plaely of iIbo to eojoy it
vagoo Haaparlel. toe aid hoae wagaa.
Ttetitt paea vaa ana of tte baM
oradlt to too
toe <)aeeo Oily etodao Mo. t. with
avaata ef tte naattag. Tte inee was
Wbib- it 1
tba oartoaa totoried aad rolanlaar
aotatartad oalll 4o'eloek. after tte
botrarar. baa a
Wg klak
tte orovda Wcdaaaday to te ani
beau pqllad off.
with Jaba B. Bato. wbo (ailed te AraBaa. Bade a rary toe abovtof of
aaa Bate raetog Ihaa vaa
Pira oxeltlQg teau were p-~-( aad
- ahae^'.fet hit log
rUtogaibibi- the Are Agbttog fasIlIBn of Tiararae
Uiaa,il vaa a aUll giai^ ditaf
Ite reanll Mama it to real batveau
to the BeBbart ef tte Tr
Mf>» aaaea flra tocartBaat to bIbMlrbgaa R, Pan- aad l>r. KedBoa.
■aartoa Panto af 'Mhaa paaaad
Olty IDrlrtog Park 1
Tte flrrt baal waa lakao by MIobltMaUj^^aaaaf TtonttoOUy'a
Frrrytotog la tour pc
bad doer
gan R. alia tte ttaird.
faniah ite beat of sport
teat vu giraa la Sir Baary. drlrea
' Tbaiatoef too aarly totomlag bbd ,plV. Than vaa tte Ltllipni
Thanday It lookad aa if it
Oterlaa Oanaalaa. the ttaa balag
left Ualoa Miaat to a aoadillee elaaar Ispeaaiblr to bare Bay mtog. bat
l:tt<4. Dr. KteBOD flnialte Aral
lyraMtobUBgatoorlat bad.- Bat tba der VBiee ate -Are aagtaa eemplaU.
aa Ite day |>Bed. It vaa daeidad to
toU liMA bat vaa aM beak to moot
aravd was eat dlMppatotad aa that Tte Rule paepla who intlalpalad to
dolafa tte > :«0 paea ate tba t:I4 paea.
plaea beMaaa he everrad luu t
aaaaaat. aad the aatioaa arMta «
wbieli were to bare oeearrad 'yaalarBoaiy'a ptooa an tte atretto. to tte
raiy eUaaly eeatoBad.
day. ate alia* ararybady free admlaaaeand imi ana of tte vbaela ef Pela tba lOO-yard dato, kUaald,
totlw gmtea.
Moteagblia. JaUai Vaaiaa.
m'a aalky vaa wreaked. bo( aa it
TborapaMrlUa atblato, leek tba L
Kart ia tte porter eamr tteol^'t
partly aa aaatduit lie waa allovad to
fieailba atoR aad bald U to tba tape,
Id tte raiw. It vaa
aad Bey board af poblie vorka, etoatalnary.
toaladiag Ite atoaa oraabar aagtoa. envd at tte Ueek wbca tba
rten Uie Hftb btol
to third. TbaBBaww*««lMt
tte aUtot gradar, ate. Ttie atreat roll­
for toa
aldartag the eaadmea e( the amat
Mayor O. P. OarTrar hte tte heoor
1 tte flalah entll
TbaCOrarddato waa a racy pratty er waa to tte panda at Arab bat ted
to te drapgte bat ate (ollew totar, aa Wadaaaday of opaotog Ite fliM
1 e-«leek today..
aeattot, totog foagbteat froto
aaatlBg of Ite Miabigaa TreKtog (HrTte vtela aflaraooe
to IM* batwoaa Haaeld. Bay* aad ItaaaldBol kaMap»ltklba not of
bald aortb of Omte Baptda
Ia tbla pan of tte
grant aport aad arary lorer of flna
Poaaigtoa. Maaold waa by piototUy Iba proaaaaiea.
Mayor Carrar’a raaaika vara tianly,
4ba gTeaadf ted all tte
ayari,aad ibtro vwiiM a foot to- inada toms also alz atnat sprtoklara
ate altoeagii tte rato apoitod tte flrrt
IwaM Boyar aad heatogloa, tba fro- aad tba waiea aasd ia (te maaafaerace tba boaar raaaliwd. Paltowiag
tan of eaanat valka
totoVlMlag. Tba Baa to ibla r
I tte addrau anda by lbs
Pellowtog tola toBaaiaartial tete.
waa racy goo ieoaBdtotog tbaaeadlUdiaa aad UMUsan-Tboaa vba
AtoU Ladarto raa to betoaf iMdtog tba eld raMma of toa airli pooa ten (roa Ilia old* portiau af ItogwaaUr
nr. vboas raakigrew tlilBaaraad tteatoM. aad Mo bare ten
ally BOrt li
Ibtoaar eaeb yaat.
Tbn aama tte dagM team ef Tnrarea Otty Tnt Mo. ri. 1C O. T. M..
who pmtotad a Aaa appaaiaaee on a lha past M
baasoBa float
aauitte (
Matt (olllowed Ite Gaacda ef Boocr
Mlttiag flnt aed aaaaad.
Ptbotog dafrea laaai et tlm OoBtaaio
raaliaa that wa ari yai bat aa L
£e woo tte aiaoAtoff bread Jamp
aaaily, ate tte etbar iampa ware all
WM by Haoold with Paeatogtoa «a- wtto tte baM to toa vaaiara part of
BBS to u itei wa OBB eo laager
laaUlrliAa. tebi
M atola at Ormed Haplda raaaaUy.
aalataetlyan toa old tlBa atprea
Tba Itelaa vara fonawad bj tbe
Pka aiBMiy af tte rartoM araati
>Q "oaWda" la apaaktog of ite
todaia WoodBaa of Amartet drill
iar pertloai of toa 1
toa Wirt
BB. atearaoBBateafCbptato Jaa. too yard dato-MteaU flm; PtaaBttetetofiao. Moote; Boyar. ibtrA. ttoaa. aphKUaasB TteBMolla
aad plaaMTSs d
ate pratMled a rary On
vtto Ibair teadMBi aalferas ate
• BTMt nya te u I
awake baatitog i_
Tte Qaau) (Hly band were aart to town: (or it Baaaa.a targa
week ate mato
to axpaaaa.u g« telbto
Thrae-laggte naa, to yarda-Pn- Itot-teadiag tte neltoa of Ite |Btalrele. tei gnat errdlt
■toglaaate M«ol«. flrat; Boyarate ada wbieb aoototoad tte rarwaa tober
daa tte BM Batarday amckod too eenelaal
Udarla. aaaaad. Tim., t «-e aaeoada oragatolticGa of tte eity. FirM
toa teat tW90 Boot arar bald la 1
targe aad baadaoBa floM with flatHtotelagtarate Jamp-pBaatogtaa.
Ota Mltolgaa. a aoat ttet woa ■
Brat A.l feat; QIbba. aaaaad, ».« ft;
"iad BOW tobabalfof Iba aMoeto- IBM to grary parttaalgr. ia 9(10 ef
Lyaaa. third. 105 ft
Ite way to Vblab Ite voatter
BaaBtog brdte Jamp-Haaeld. Bnt
HitoigM (MieattVor toatr aSorta la aoagbt to haadlenp too vortena or
IM ft 1. IT s ft:
Idaetog toU maatiiB bare at IhU tlma
Tba ftM-fer-all trot VM pM
t third. IT * n.
aadva -troeldutoatoUy tbaak Ite Ite terdaM foaght rooa of tte oftirofltolal atartor.Mr. Adame.vito wbaa
aoon. It did not look wall ia tba «m
yoc will ao doabt baecat baM
ivebaau. wbieb verr woo le
aad. M.8 ft: Lyeaa, third. >4 8 feat
gBdlff;>,byOraeaUgrllaf end MeBaaatog high jBBr-PaaalaBtoa
Ktoloy nepecUrely. -Bat afM ttet
ate Mnald.lU flr« ate aaaaad. qdlt tte eoBBC* toberatq.- anlan.
it waa ray Moeb of g boragCBaa.
ankan hte aa aatcraoblU bate
Tlia erenta Batarday wan axaltlag.
too ether tbrea hmtt telag foaght ewt
'Wanly daoofatad, ter itetr float ate
lohlgaa B woa aal to tte itoi^ hot
ftOM Mart to flaisb
MeEtoey Baally
aarpMBra gad >o1b«w glgo hte
’ toa t:n paea aaflaiabte rriday
woa, tte (ggtoat ttaa abowa balM
aad. wlto
■aaa flegt
Ua tte float af toa
S patoU ate Bayer toird
Brnooe. 'Tlan. tte. Pmb gattlag
vtto (U.
olarka' anion vaa a teaaar with this (oanh Beway..aiibaagb te dtdael
Oopuatab ate tte gaan Olty teaa
sBiQMtlra daatgaa “TbU ii oar Mart la the laal boat
1 baata by Raff Time, tl
htil toam craate kata at tte TvaUlh baayday."
Ttetrn foraU MO «aa WMby
iBOnd Bora bta all ba
aMat park att o-otoek.
It was a
MBgar O. with Ella OHa
ra of to aiMy teoL Tte pMtohlaktog tone ptoaaa to 1
M af tte Iftbubettowogall
gpllaiaf tte taai tool Ite laeal MB.
aala. all too athar hama barite
by iBaahlag ibalr bits, -waa by a
Moat MBO too aaM Binat .
eea drawn.
taiataaaa btrwBbnifi tolUaaletlia
■aareofsta A
Bate laaB aaaatte
Ite (tea (aradl MtwH aat BnItoaA
atoa kiia. bat Wtaata. wbe kapl Ite
ep W8te a’atoak, bat a*lbM baal
hlla of Oepamlto aaaUacad. vw gtdMUag tte Mraagth of Iban' <
•Iwaa bean ted ban MtOad m falbattar eappert tbaa altoar AHmb ar
aa la tte uiy. Tbe KingeUr uwa: O H., faartb. faartb. toird:
Pargaaen vba ptlated far Oepa-Blto.
aana aaat leteiag tba
<ilk Mill Oiri. ibM. tbM. tanrto:
Olhaoa. wbo played toft teld fa diaplay.
..naa Daritog. Bru, aaaaad. Brto:
- daaantadrtp HaCtalay. aaaaad. int Men
-*B«ataa Olty. waa tte Mar ef the
png. gautog ail patMtt eat. .. relieved. 1
g IbaOetoBbto
Tte iitalli af tba Mate
Ibaaate toa MOMmanl atdw, oatll^
Oa.. Jallaa OBBpbail, Onto- Vara batag dMnnad at tte
affdgaBbarafbalUttet iaafcad Ute vaU B Inaden. 8. Bante * On.. J. M third baal to toe (iMteaUtraA
. Mfa oaaa. ate tertog tbraaoM^ Partaab. Plabap .Kymlkn. tba Bntortweet vblab nartad pally <dble prtM OwBiry. t. . BtoM. ate Pubm•
Phyg FawMaeaf tola eity tnagto Mtofltnag. TW
MTiag toWa aa tba valka nada It
- I far tba aaawda to
Tba taU tatoa aarly





! cur aad a Mrgr fana «_
A. (be fanew. lo toeMiehlid pretebly ratol If toay'

Uo iba oacaad floor, tba Main «
w geaatal leeapCioa |arlor, wl
baa a larga eirealar bay wiadce ou ' '
irtowast espaaara aad a |ve>a«-i i '
lag bay OB lba..waM..aetiag
aa Mlira gton froet.
-\l th.
aaal cacMr of UmT flonr. ocea^---------lag with toe raaeratoo patlur, i* tli' '
draoatof ronn. BUad e <Ui rrrrr ap-''
pitoaor for the eotolen aad a
Opposlta tl>a eiroalar lay aad oR o i
lag (raa tba rraaptim |telnr, li a I

doable tbe mpu-uy cd i
A new nompuiy will beiM a'pqwr
When they start nibalag ■‘■J to n>.i |«o aad a tell Bllm
1 e.ek. toey wtll bare al**^'.^" '*» Mwblgu. tea Work
• plaalag mill for U* ^
•“ -- --------------------re ef (.eilder:. matenal


arabway into Iba opramtiag ’
Tin akyhghl !• a tlagla alo|e. 1
luito (aac la riaa, with our o|rwlug. ,
la to# atn-ia* nnbaaat r>iruar ul tbit
it waahrs, lotions, aalrr
and u:;aii!ttr« or aay cxtcnal or local applicaliue. ii
fleer 1* aaoUierTgiaU dark rouoi.
on top el
All tba lateal lia|»«rlM«W ia Ihr ; jixt as scnsclcea m wueld be kiedling a
the ie4 1.. ri.ike it hull
Tree, iLcae j-is-e trapurary
rIiiI )-i:t Uir r.ii-ilin and pasaagea of tte bea-1 atbl tlia
toU Miildlug aii.l B--ur> Oaiiili A
lifun. hi.I tulirs enun fill op agUB with Doms.
Ibioe bare afairMi au |wlua 10 laair 11;
Taking culd is toe find atop towards Calarrti. (or It
eqaal to Uw rery lawl ui <li- g-ll. or. checks j»Tspiration, and tbe jjuisuoooa acida -ahd
la Ite largeel nci.e
pw iuwior va|«rfs which should paM <dl torough tte akie. are
r wurk rooiu. will tlin-wn teik u|ua Uwaoeou nenbrase or inner akin.
Blob, eiopi U
intUnimation aad ezeeasive fimr of inucws,
Ua|drfluiwt will '
-waa will t-- *iwtr-d ' •uik h -I which IS ateorbed into Uic Lluod. and thraegh. tte dmlaticM
. tally R-acli.-s rc-rry part u( the ayatoa. iarulring toe Stuou b, Kidaeyaaad utbrt
tarts -f the bu-ly. When the duease aaaunca tte dry (otm. toe tdreth
Ussm.-S rrrerrfmgly f-njl. Uiediag lieadacbea are Ireqaent. tte ryes so), -•
Tte general extenur Biiiali will t
healing afi.s-lisl and a cxinataat ringing in tte cars. Mu retatdy i^« Um
Vary plsMieg TBreatlre weu (r.u
o»t reach tte polluted Uood can cere Catairb. .S. S S rxpeb ftoM tba
will te faced vito red
circulation all oSoiaiec tnatter. aad when rich, pace
Wlto eteoe trlautaga. aad tbe eunb
Uood U agaie coniciBf toiongh -tbe twdv tte
mocote tocmbranta becoBC hcalUiy end tbV Okie
frenl with cMpBOa brick asuitl.'d.
active, all tte diaaffttcaUc, peiefel eymptoasdiaap.
Wlto rubted aad le-ueilnj juiau Th^ , pertuaoeut. tboroogh evie U cfltctod.
ilee wtil te of galraoued u-ia. a. ''rt-e- 'Mwe'
will al«e te tor faringc of ili<- tn.i S. S. S. licinf a ilrictly vegrtablc Uood panCer does out dersawe tbe
Stotnaeh aod digestion, bet tte appetite and geeeial bealtb Tepidly laptow
badcr Ua tunic rfiecta. Write tu ebont yonr case eed get tte beat ncditol
AdyoiulDg toe baildlog of SmitI- A •dvicetite. BoiA eeUoudaodokie diaeaMOentonopplkatien,
Price will tei-Treled auolbrr buiMingj

what you
don’t want
tor some­
thing you do
want. Sell
what you
don't want;
buy what you
do want.

ail'll^ wttobia

togatbar ^

A “Cent a Word"
Want Ad. In tbe Detroit
Evening News. Includ­
ing The Morning Tri­
bune. will do the work

Over 100,000

Copies Sold Daily.

Than which there is no better made. We also have on hand several

that ^re in g<x>d condition and will be sold at bar^ins.





;4{ 127 State Street

Traverse City, Mich

Feed and Sales SUbles 231 State Street.

Implement Store 123 Cass Street.




Having recently purchased the stock and business of Geo. Cams. I will hereafier conduct a'fint-clasfl Feed
and Sales Barn at the old stand. ?3i State Street, opposite I’ark Place Hotel. 1 will also use part of this barn for
a ararehouse. where 1 will unload several car loads of machiner)’ that I am expecting in a few da>-s.
As 1 have a large farm a short distance from town. 1 am in a position to han­
dle all kinds of stock in exchange for machinery, buggies and implemeats.;
1 have at present about twenty good work horses for sale.



These machines are too well and favorably known in this locadity to need any further explanation. They speak for ibenuelres


Milwaukee Junior No. lO.

Milwaukee No. 6.

At my implement store I will carry I targe and complete line .of
, I am in better shape
Machinery. Buggies. Wagom Bod :
rtton ewer to sti^y tbe sranls of my customers. If you do not find what you want in my stock 1 srill order the Si
on Abort notice.



Vm kMwlMnrlOOTrS
wf, iBWBAAt yaw Vi^

n not going to tell goods at wbtdesale. as florae
of my oompetiUMi daim they are doing, bat am goiiV to oRer yon fnit-dass goods at prices tbal will more them rapidly. 1 can boy goods in as Urge qaaotttiescheap as anyooe. and am always willing to give my cuttoosers the beoefit. Call ee me and be cooriooed.


3ARNEY ANOI :r80n,

» to pUto tar OopaoM to Iba Mtah

■ «teag,bte«MpMitete«aMto





daiBBado 1m to* -UMto '
•" loBoaaa.


Bbe-Te*. t ua •
Be—Ob! Yea war* pted to pH aap>
badp. I pnw. Yw w*f* •• janp

tarn to atolac for to* peas aad aaja
ornrntMMiubwmtmmmtmiu la toOwrrd Lp to* pnIdiBg otoev. btrd wbeo I mam
te* pi'ialiltiit tad said:
latats 1* fivur of to* UD wm top
•Ap*.-- Paaae. -Cootiarp, «*.•IM a dad* napoas*.
-Tta <ra(a la a 0*." .aBBe*aead

M WUhto

M fe» wUltofMwta IhtiMil-

...... .

n*«MM«irlff. Vlikt*'* H(tM»
r te etarp* to tta UH

mmtUitUrn* <m»tfex«kU*(mm*l»«U«k :b*hlB4* M

a«« «f ftwmm m^m aad ITS.0 toM. A iMtp M<«> Biu
win ka fenillM BvmViHi. SMlth*
k«i«iU h* i«atakr»U«>t>»
B«m fhUi A amhaMM f« •

>1* «aa» af a tie toe
nptoBtttadMidlacTM*. lattatzatX** eTUa deoaUiatkeal prtrllei*
Ita TkT praaUeat vote* 'Ape.' '—Stow
Teak Til

cao ta DO dmM that nep
anSrr froo tewtoate which
tod tta ortete. or at l**at Ita (tooelpU
atnagth. Id ttair own nfOToas apprw
baoaloB that ttap are or are aLoot to
with U. Aop uo* of a dosluap Indue* wakrhilOM
aad pet ill* penun Ipinc te tad wli
tta (acDltba akrt *1 (ta DMBMit wl»
ttap wuuW natnrallp ta laprrted
ta W7D|>tad III alaiutar Uaa alu* lira
oat to iru ur nlurtp nln* times In
Dotblac aertniia to apptataa
uarL nap UOt ta iD oilUa I
aanaal cmdllkm, and tbir* la uo do
patebt eiBt* u( wakefuliKWL
Kow^ an butw—)rn mliinlra erea—
iMiw a touc Um* III tta iDiddi* to tta
algbt wbeu a |>i-nwB wlata* to ta slacpIw and caiiiHiL If a aroaalloD to
dr**A ol aidmtamluB. la allowed to
(be uii>d.^*iw-b a iiertod aimpip

nttotoTtaWtoM totoktoff^nl
M>*to*r«to* km to
•r Us pMMMl Bbty. hM tow to Af
UUl U AMtot w «h*
• ywdvbhttoBwiton €t to*
lUm4«(torwStaft. U'lSBicb«r hak7 tolu A* to flotw to Iw**."
-to ton U Bltoknll. to CtotohoUji? >^3-^ ■lllll^l■^ >«yto
OX. BtotovXi. «to «WM BMrir to*
• s*n. tod toTttod «>d ptod to*
MdtotoUfnwdi (reaXlftoto
to to* BtoafenU
•dotonvoU *ddm. dwtot vktoh
tonad U« will. wkUkglftotoMk
toUttototo tm totoltoki* pwstoit

ton wt to totor w. n

da. Vm tMT* dtto‘1 do * tobw tat
«M to* toUMT. wd to toto to m
ton sto ooUtoM pris* to vtol to to*
oo*to to ttootoi
to« wMto im totaUto. *pp«
tauftfelftoUfc to ditotoiw to to*
olototoUtotolfa* tack Ttod toOol
■tawood otato lOb’olototod toplod•d to* toUr. Tto wtal* Ttlkf* «M
* tod tto wtodDwo to * ankto
U4to«*btokto Ttartortoto*
■tod inliilh loot* Uto to* be­
ta* tolta'ktotobMM oo Bto

AttaCtan. Wto. rwwtoa nlto
.«MB*)***rto*pto«taMto alto

to* katplar b*U*** ata waaU
ktaUtatotoaob aa dan
■pto* n**t dttoktof iautoto. *
tot «M ftoXidtolta M a tot* Into attr. Vta baiflarnda nap toi
-----------wtaa* ta waa aatil tta
nur oicht. »Ueh to potot to »
arldn’a aalM btaa^t aaickkn
Tta atotottaa to to* Kt. Pltotoat
ntaip bsaid haa taaa aallad to
to* i^«tato> to tta enaoe whit*
tatop la Biractod* aantarp. Pla
a (*w at ■ tin oa aatoa mraa. ttap
tare tfnm*. aatU toa wtata •

Aboa* lb* potok all s«a lli*|^e**

To tbs frlMHl* *t OtswB wite a*
ktedip aaalatod te cartap (or oar dear

In tar

• •

A tenita aala *bd wtadnn* sw«i

Unto, aad woaldm

Mto*to«r totb Bto4 "Prto. PtaotM.” wtal
aaUadlatatreai ta*. Tta '’do
la add to tar* woikad tta eU ■*
lapa” tataa « Ua patlaaL Atoatttop
ta waa doaktoal to fiia Vaa, tow dap* •ta'aaUlUp to pap Ub. ta pa**ailad
aa tod TtotlB to ptow «B la aa
to Bnto. M* MaHp ft y«M tod.
to tta Mlp tofrtotop tontas to • to- toto Kato dta Aa atoad to n Ita

JobB W. OesMpoB. a jBiUce to tta
pwe* la Jetaty City, has attabllstad
bte otela to balap eoaeldsnd a no
tobtewmd. BeammoettaatoAaaa.
ead thet ta woald pire a baadson salt to parlor forallore to tta
twooty-Srto mpU for whoa ta tied
tta BBpttel boot. After offlclatl
tweely weddlapt be oalmly took aalo
btenlf a brtd*. to whom ta has
plrea Ita pmtead parlor salt



n to W7 ton Tbap awalph

lAwtate* ta Obteasa

to^tbe U *
iternTbi. —. ____________ atttaeldTbnriBktoBEaaaBO
__ dllall * alipfat rioaiTwaa aad,
apate raaertod to Doae'a Kldaor PUIa
Si* ArtaanbmAiRBa wltolB
bat aM la mOa. Afwr toU axptateaao
I am pted to odrfaa tbeiraB to Mtars arm’otsaehtofrtei^aatoan. Ttae ,
te a**d to a pood kldaap Badlriaa "


IwwBatlat. toa i

** tw®**


idMt bit towate ttoSoed
E. a E I
1 tadastrlal rapt** to oaataro “‘-‘•‘p— is Utka.
at lUatei**.
baa beea ptaeticaUp ItolatFA. Klteta
O. F. Apt.
ed fnaa toa oateid* wotlA Ttabipha. W. OvaatepfasB. Apt.
« tf.
bto S IC iaelasira A BBBaa
I------- talltoaddod. SpMdal ladaoeanti
SteteWItlator John
At Bar
wap asd talapB^b coBaaalt
ta offmd I*
tom toroopb
. dally papan balap aawhaeaslarsto rsblUk Mrs. C
Us bead oo (be Fearto bp * Ay rook
iTM taaatan to Bapfuaw will pin
el. At toe teat eeaeloo to Ita tepUte
dallp laetare* aad daBoaMrM*
itad a bUl topn.Vw K*d CWK ta
food pmdocte. Tlilt todW Willta
teal toe *e» to Snworks. bet wi
eolqBoaudBSBa patroeap* Is mautd. wl^toM*>. Ah SI
daoed ta withdraw it boeaoeeoe*
For forty rron Or. Fowler's SsHe saye ta will rtlatroild Strawtoery baa kaao
daoa Ita btU ai Ite uasi ecaaieo. ^
. lay. Osleaado. Tta et«io la the ttoley
aiarrhota.bloody Bos, pate teu
ttoioBeb. aad tl bos aetar yal I
lo do fVeiytblBp ctelmad for IL

to Spht 1a tta WilHpplaro.


Tl tta Fntt 6rmn it tmi Trvimaid /UIMik CMrtiit:
That I will l<c at the Hutd Coina Im the pon«»e of Itkins la.tert ter
cvcrythinjc in rtk Ime to Nuiscry Stc* k
Vrooj the tamou* (Ireenini: Brot. Notset) to Muorvk; Siidi. You iD know
iubbert in this deal
See us before you wrier if you waat
, pet just what you orrtet. IJalei w»-

Call on ut It you am ia any way mteretted,

1.1. KTTT.

n Con el Cinware

• .Tiu> Ktakml tl Cht Ktchel Sun

biotn-lf lalo plaoaa to

Ukrs to

Wtal makt* Ita Bos
Tt! Atmecr's F
«r*p, Trateree i!liy.

For Uteau aad OUdna.

Tta KUYn Hill AhrmBNiU

a. toop trtdyplaB ap too tana. Tbay
tad haw Udtepla Ita weeds ataos
nwtt Kkta tad Bwal WoodBmm BtasSta toBtrlla.
wfMBto BaaaMory Boot far peeto teak wan two peed laaUap yeoap
Stab U* BW bta bow MPtestedw UlwMkw peopli who dnitiid la
hwdana BaatayBanlof w te
loAdad ton. Stay ssaarad Ita UWBtoOooUyOtark Bert aad
BBrited to too Bo*. Ftaabsr. Ctelto
to tteltea Loikata sow rsaairod o
pt tm tta XUwoSkso obtto to
peUwleamtitaoL TtaXUwMkoa

Itie tati......................
aud rabs it oo too tejared spots w
aod frerio^ dopsod


it *o(faiap_Jiko Paiokiller te titoo oat

Thte oteta will ba olosod Friday
sflsaiiowa datiap tta warm waalbsrn—boaelip Friday, Jaly I Ith.
__________ J. 9. MUltkaa.


HiB 3aaaU Hantew waa pored te
dsotta ta a ball at Odemab. Ok., tbe
lal kaaekta* ber down aad repeat-

“ ffi."
Yoa TO do U with Anoar's Fsftlll
aaea Aak A. F Orap. Ttatwae Oily.
Pratidnt BoaaeroU baa twra lartled and will aeeeM tta iarilattea to
tta Owrt taka haatttw aod Bebiap
clab lo ioio tbam te tbrir aobaal
baal eo Otark lateaA BellTar eoentp.
MIB.. ihle falL

CliBwaie. Woo.lcn-

Kveijnhin* in Tinwaie. tJr

and at lltc loweal tmres. When
WTicn in the dl*.
alv, rail at THEKACKKrr «orr
T sivl
uvl learn how we
w give you a .Wjlta's worfh
to luerchandise free of charge. NO Bl.UKK—we mean but.m ever) «Uy in the year al

CIW Kacket store


I '^1:

Ata tote A^w Wkh CUncUBA,
sBtato ----- Ate nm. TUi
UM .1 on toys telBat htor,


Bstow. who tMS append ps Miaka
te caltatns n^H. *'—Isil-

WMBfc OOi^ wn

wkk----prow ■n^a^MW^n
. T

Mmlons Use


Having purchased the entire stock of the well-known Pariaer Bros, at a great sacrifice it will bo clos«d out at less than cost of manufacture. This sale will be one bf the Greatest Shoe Sales that the people
of Traverse City have ever seen.
This stock consists of a fine lot of Ladies* and Gent’s. Misses* and Children’s. Boys and Youths
Shoes and Slippers, all made by the best and most reliable manufacturers in the country, mostly all new
and up-to-date styles. People who visit this Great Sale will be astonished at the wonderfully low prices
we are asking for these goods.

MwrA Aro JuaW a Waw of Our terloaa

Ladies' Vid Kid and Patent tip.. Renolar $2.50 Shnes
LadW Vid Kid nnd Patent Tip,

ReguiarSjoo Shoes


Misses* Vici Kid shoes, reguUr $1.50 shoes


Misses- Vici Kid! Wdt and-Turoed,' ^Ur $2i» shoes

................. 1.96

ted to bte a
iipalilla be hatx 1a B|llhms bat
rmmt aharictemhat^a^I Wb MteUaaa ««B*aAtod I
innim «pw tta ateko to te- '


- is


Men’sOil GrAin. Lace and Cont!re&s. regular Si-soahoe .


Men‘t Satin Calf.' Lace aod Congress, regular $2.00 Shoes

PEM Marquette
TOu^jnam, a
- - r- PbOW. PwtBwm M

Misses' Vid Kid. Welt aod Turned, regular $1.75 »hoe»

B^- and Youth's Vid Kid and Box Calf, regular $3«0
^ gg



Children's OongoU Kid Tip. regular 85c shoes

Kid, regular $iA» shoes

........ ....... .................... .

Child'i^’rDi.i^’ aiid Vid Kii itiiifar’^f-as kkoes
Infants’ Iteiigola aod Vid Kid. regnUr 50c shoes

1.25 ^

85 S

35 ^


- RAmorrhbor Th® IPIaioo

os F*rorrt SWi-mmS:

AAMHdteAw I* toaawMbp. »paWTOMdUte tea |teate«*lto*
-------tegw.toatevwMw MiUws. Iw


T-16 5
1.46 =

Boys'and Youths'Satin Calf. aUsolid, regular $1.50 shoes

Mmes' Dongola and Box Calf Shoes, regular $1.25 shoes

OiiHi WbaBlarafiawysnataai____ ^ onto IteWte. ten, was anas*.*


ISale CommenGes Saturday, July 12th, 7:00 a. m.l


Heooe tirolew. sttalos aad

Yaon to raSarliip relisted m a mope, dpeenter*. wbeo poo
■ as* oanral
«M konw that for over half a eaeroTT
AiBoar's Pertilli
__ _____________ „ ,____
pile*pleld at a
froB tta farm
plaalteed. Tbap eai
tta eamlre prepartla* of I,_____
______________ _______
A. P.
*— j ’
mk ont for Imitation*, tbe
OtetmtoL Ketto - tsllt. At soy drop
there It oolp aad beleop baofc on tbe farm.
Oray. Trarerse Olty. sells
ir peootnr, "PeiTy Darle'.

wMeb to* aw an*d U

>»-*» - ■

SS7t OB* wap. IB.U roaad trip IB
Oblaap*. HeaU aad tasto lacladrd
eo sMamen. ln*r Ttartos* City
Bgedap. Taaaitee aad Friday. PAOb.

Waa* Sei



aaataktoi* to o Ptoato pit wAara ta
tad teUto to tta aIfU wkUa Ifplag
taalada to* otoasia Bla aatoal
Aitoto Watd. was toaa. tal raa
alUakawaiB^ TtaM wn tta



Tiatet ta eoaaaet wlto s
| Im** Tibtbb Oln HoBdap. Tmaadap.
! kVteMto.r **d Wtdar SAA a. ^
iTbondapSASp azi iIb aaPaBaar

1 tooaBaite to dollata
----------------------------r A (ti(.i>l« o!iB HAT


tow aad I
pl^ toaUaawapapar «

.wtan, WB*TOM aro Baa- ^ n-uw ~---- ■ ta*be


Owa-a Kidaep PlUa. aad tote tedaeed

Lamar H. UoIsmu to SprtapBold.
Mo., lias refasod te adopt tta
to Frisbia. ttaoaph for dtoap so
.woald hare mired Sll.lBO. Loaite
Frtibii-. bisaaot. li ft him that aam
loo ooeditioo Ibatbemake tbe tomapa.
bytlw eyekm* to Jaa*
j but he refases te do ea Ba had a
Biaaoe Bower, of tloloa. aped 13.:
10 test, ter* tees baated fima tbs
I year te ooesidtr (be matter.
bp tb* city departataot
u Allowlnp thirty fast for aacli twletmlop to cool off. He was seined
with ctamps aad drowaed.

dww*. aad wtaa oaaa ttap get tola
thaptoawotto ttaaitaOwada
tolalh. or arto tta talad Eatataa

eABM. B. the MBB* heiOe —-

srsr.sira.'sy-a *

Tta latp maa nmoitae blomrir arlth
Ita obop woraadap* abunt tbe ra<w net
alwapa btoap t* Ita avUL-Cbkap* eaoia Pmter Hilbon O*.. BaCal*.
N. Y.. *ol* apeou ter tta Ualted
Btotaa Bnntar tta aan. Doaa-a
aed taka BO other
Idle Ulk la Ita autk to a,baa,
Aa a nil* people wbo ta<4: polleL etn
(be HM*t rePec-llona.
Some «u*o are bom M*Vp and a
AT* lockp to bave taeo bom at all

ksaoBic PBono

ktd*.pv aa tta pate w*o aboM wtan ,

pay the coaU.'-Nrw York BerahL

, tat MX to to* taiti* «ta

tatolta takd to to* Park Bto**t
to dto arwlto to to* Paaito to Jalp,
Uto. «taatan*WMtoBd*ap«toatowfr to Ban* **taal taUdtoto tomtatod im>«*d aadto
to lAwtol lltn, ton
totolM to ttal ptotoA' Idtotoatot Ctal r Pntol. MW
Mtotot to to* Twtalp-tosto DUtod
■totto toBtato la to* PMUitoMA
wiUtoto *cto* tot* aUtaey toft.SBA

ate BaBb I* «b* WteeorWr.
H.' ezdalmed (ta rauUbal. ataack
tea bla Upa. -wbat kind to 1 alplBla
Ibat «r bad lor dlDurrr
»r earrltawp,- nflled bla rook
ooM aap II waa a i-rtita miblalcr.-

aAir tteatrr aan>
i« my whole life to Bordn-k
fit par* tar ouiurroa imwralt sod
to his salAty Blood Bltwus. Botoaloas aorta eet«red my body. I ooemod b.-poed eart
B. B B Ims mmle mo a perfeetly
rnamo." Bra. Otarlia HaUosi.
bte tapao. for tta uso meU out spmd
as aiiKb oa bte wife ■■ ta bad oo bis
Baoerr. Thru ata trealnl bin iropltp
La ao DDWlfrlp auuiirr. aad ta
jbt salt for a Arurce fnim brr. Banlo Uioek white balbtep. B<- a
Tta eoun pimolrd bis petltleii. bat do- S3 yean oM aad a ear|wot*r amplop
crasd that ta staould pay ewU and aUim tta Battle Oroak Inm Wipkt’ a<

•tolMdto ItatoB tonlutr. tad 1*
udtota wtoto abtot fs.sao.dio.

*«alto*tarBstta»to^ ItatitofiKkm MdWto to t. r Btato’a

BiBtaaoutaafte- <
I E. Bnu Mtool. 1


e-.s'oT But. eoDtolRtep wbat I
pni max admit I waa
waa aa
ao aadp

a pntnarttPBwiiUte
In w hmn* to to* te*B w
In** TtavssB CMteOdOa. B. Mr*natotaa. Bip BaU a
duaadPltdapvtelL AM. B. B. A

Doet' wait aatil to* firm is ill
A nbeboTRU BoslI bey weoked tele ^
down, bat as* Amar't Fortlllsers
■ tta dlftroltp. aad kaep It te pood ooDdittoa. A. P. a slore while ta tboapht the (aeiate-1
Uiap, Trarm* City.
tor waa aot lookup aad "heokta'‘l
saao biBh howerer. aad was ptoap af................................................
tebiu when b* aawUsstaphetd dap
stolea by ber fatbar. Her atotber
TO after Ita bey. •»*»* to* stoleo rofttoto bad aspaiatnl and Uts. Joor*
moa mdl« te bis taelb aod brlap It pater oneers aad sea an offerlap
was liribf than-. Tbe pirl U ais yrara
ttair earrtees to tta AowHcoa.
bock to^tb* store.

wttaptoatoal ToaaMaa to a toUk
-toritata. tana* tonpa to tta
ta«to» b* hta )to»Mto«n)M to* CMItotoUkdapar^ra. BatadSOO
toitdito to to* totofctot panda to dpaatati taUakara (or
toar ttod

___ k«U*ata***«nl lallrata
AtaUSSOtotoeSOO Aajttoastoto*
V«ntotof*A TtaSdU
ta tv to tato. Sentoltoeto

Id kp .A. P. OBJ. Travoso* Olp.


la tavatooav kp tstol i

ite Mhw WM«M«,bnfa lfH.(MMr«M

Trate wtu tam Tniwaa d»a>
Titoa. B. Bato«.to- topaton


’T'tTO'WMi-BM CiWy



gj^‘=a."at lA'oaS^

SMiiberg’s Dry Goods and Mnr

tur imtmr



V Mam m4 «>>•


As Mail we SI
in (hii Gm whb M
It prkM that win it
hsTC we bm) a
ctanidde sad ilesiralde siod: ol Dry Gonai. Clothn*. HaU aod Katnitoii^ all the
nevem weaves snJ enaieriili
moat icioptinf priret. Kvery ilepaRBest will ammbote bbcraU>' to make
this toe emtest ikotoimratkn of:

(ha aactMm Mh*l«aa AwjHm. dtad
PrMar tnaiag. Jalr 4th.
llwat>wlallha aaaaeMaK. a*lha
lam af a lea* tmmmm 4ar. aad altar
waaktar lUaam whanenn «ay «et
iaokad (ar M ba the la« afllfa. whaa
aha ymtalaUy aad withaat a^--“
fmn Iba ■atbariaraf Aa
lac ahadawa lata lha tael af tha Baa-


Mtoa Ida Ohaatto aad 3m Obttoto af

(klaa Uad. where thin It ae--------

MItaleaary aecto»; m«ay al plak aad
aay alihl.
whlla rl—“— (ram tha ladim ad
ItwatMtaprtntobaatadid Per
IfaaPratbritaiaBebaroh; plak raaaa
raan aha had htanlr aad aalml; (rraaDr. aad Hn. W. P. Maatea e(
looked dtalh la tha taea, aet kaawla* Dalralt; beaaUfal raaaa (rem Hr. and
Mamat (ha eaU weald eeme. Hn. J. T. Htwimb; wraalb of
CM bat bar meat
latbaata tram Ur. aad Hn J. A. Uoolaoa
a «nr kaaw U (ram M, aad aod Hr. aad HnPraak Baadlm :plak
amH7 plian* Tfca »a«bar» *•
rat ataadllr aboal bm Ufa work, aad wbtle roaea aad ftrat (ram Dr.
Mawaaaitf ttM 4j
tfcU ymr with a Hteat ebam amat btaatifal to
aad Hn P. P. Imartea; Amarioaa
U MM* mom lalMMt and mam and eaa. U aU the laatr etram aad twla
btaair roaat. Or, O. £>. Herat: UUaa.
er Urtaf whiob matt hen bean bam. Habal aad OUrn Batta: maaaaat aad
her ehrlttiaa ebanoltr *rew more aad
•tor of rami. Hr. aad Hn K. 8
•Bd ■aartheamadaordotlan
Itr faltb
Pratt aad Hr. aad Kn S B Wl.lla;
«M» taft Ma. II it i*e«a eaMla- ________ ______
«mw wmk. aad
tUoat. Mr. aad Mf*. J. M- Rat^rtlT ttaal «« aaa fM tt* peCfU Ocd at barPblbw waa a nrr raal
try: wnalb e( rad aad whlla
wtaamtwUAtm. b-mam waal- mamma to bar. Mm wet daroMd to
«ajt«<Talbaai haapiiaMatB^
htr abareh aad abaioh wort, aod ll
Mat, aoordial walaaM aa«a
It Ibtta la Lher emdal ralatloet U nirlby: imta, Hn J
I*V«* Miaa«t..nma.mar»a
Tranrm Oltj- that *a wlU partan Mkfeifaa't miuapelli
ha Iba moat mlttad.
VhatvaaaadbadlyUaimrfc, a*
■e haart waa met* tndor to
ttm. OmrlaiHl. Hn Iriah aad Howard
«al af tfaM. vMa ririlan eaa tpnd nil a( aaoaetlV Ihea barm, and
irtah. Hr. aod Hn L Roberu, Hr
a fcv haaft la r«at aad taamatlaada- etaarlttei. wbkh warn at lar
aadH^U. HeoMfao. Hr. O Ira of
•na a( dmattBf ibaU tatim Hat M aoalda
U baatowad ai
Dalteil. Hill aod Balpb Aadartra,
^riat aalka Tim aaaaaU aboald
Hra U H. Pnit. Mr. aod Hn W.
aat a^ael la aacam nllaMt altaa
H.Poai«; aprayof oaraaUoaa. Haaara
white lli^ am anltehta. ana if «my
Baniam aod Bari; roam. Hra Uooroa
na Ml iMMAtatair la|aa*td. Pmaad HlmHInobeeoib. Praoi Dr. ManaM*. riinU bawadticatfaratht.
aoe aad lili aon Prad than wm a
aad meat bl^lr aataawad.
larfo axqataila erom of mrbila roaea.
liUoa aad faatbmy Bewma and a
of aymimtty Ibat ban eama la alaoa
heDdredAnariBaBbaaaty team. Maay
bar'illaam aad aftarbar death bam
tetooda to Detroit. Pmillao aod oU>m
mx hen aaadad to prara tbia.
imru of tba atala will aaed tbalr offmThan, waa aaraa-rteota loyal aad loft of Aowart dlroetly to Prattec.
daroiad wMa aad molbar. To bar,
Tba fmnmal waa laifaly attmrded.
beam waa lae orator et Uriaf. aad ita
fraat nmay old tlam frlaeda of
Daniwh. «Mah wlU atpiala tba daoteiM mood alwaya Brat, wUbaaaa- Dr. aad Hra Hanara batof praaaalBttaam that wra abaolate.
ant from Pratlaa. Dawoll aad
Par bm tbera haaeerae tba lart (bat
roaadtof eltlaa The Bowan ware
—fmtiia otalldrra e( Qed.
raamrfcabla fm tbalr kaaaty
Per bar tbara la ao friarla*. bot(m
proTaalao. ooa of tta aotli
them who WlU mtoa bar aad oaod bar
teffa ■'
ItekMIam. te wblah yaa laqaira
tima werdt ota >alHo the daya
afar.-- from
eatelln to tba fapomd rarai (rm dame. tbara la lahaiu lympatby. amdiral atoff of-Oak Orore Baailart.
Urmy raaU. Oan Ba n.tU. (rote
whUb mae'y. rory amoy baarlaare
at Pitot. Brief
traimm Oily, tjm naudrornTraramradlaf today.
H. K.O. a
ty Bit. Or. HUoball of tba Poaitoe
tcnOUp loOuiltelMB waa patitleaibytariao otaaiob. and the body
ad ter arlflaally la April. I«>. orar
Hn Haaaea waa bora i^Paltorlaid to mat to the baaatlfal
toOr.JaBmaO.HaaaDO la •lery, tbe I
[ tba older
s of Dr.
•ate Tratarm Olty with
Tbay warn Trastaat Balm
blmaad tbalr oaly aou aad ebllA
of Trararm tniy. Backu of Datralt.
Jamm Prae. la Baplambar.lSU. Tbalr
Btairud U. Is. Hbltoay of Trarhoamlma ban ban arar iti
attar laMtttaa wat had with tba
I Olty, Or. Barr, taprrtolradrnt
beUc a-1-not.orat of (b.
ranUlMtha airrteawUl baaamb0 HleUgaa-Aayliim for tba of Oak Oran Baaltariom at Pitot, aad
UttataaAa*amiilBnt Toarmta
ax-Traslaa Bawymaad BUward Bmilb
ilara Ita oprataf te Itttt. Bba
tee la BapMmbir. IMI.
Pontiac asytoin.
irarm ao aaar ralattrea omaepla iliur


tpfl «llk

t ea

ibeaa fna aa

Baptambar Mitt


Ml tta laaia aa

ttaltmiiha amiy olam (am

la Saw Tork Oily wboar fmbte bralth
prarratad bm atlradlaf tbe feam
A baaatlfBl aad impmaalTe faaan]
emrlaa wat bald Hraday
paea. la eharfe of Bm. W. K.
«rrlBht e( tba Praabyterlaa eharab.
I by Brnbep OUteapte. wbo
dawn from
Cbariaroti to
atirad tba atrrloaa, aad Her. D.
OD0bUa.oribe0oi. .
md ateiptaU of tba a^lam. Tbe oaaka* waa plaead la tba treat part af
tta terfa ateera to Dr. Haama'a
to tta admtolatrattoa boildlfaf. and waa aanoaadad by
a fMOt pMaaim of teafraoi flowan.

dChflpmlal Aiaat far lha mama that
lha Diiirwiiiel hat mem werfc e(

-tea waatoai ]Mtor. libniy aad
aU wma BUad wUb (riaada of Hn.
toaira aad af tba famtiy.
Itet ebote. aaaatattof et Hn PrarU
Dtokarma. Him Mabel Paiatm, Bart

rnada aad MorrU Oaokm, with
aHaaltaa teat eamaam faae aim made
C 8. Kaayaa aa
U katt far me 10 tei a Bpaelal Afaal
■rate. «e had da««a OaboU toM
-Abide Witt Ma.
. Bible mteetleaa by
ba toepraiid all H
Mr. Wrighb Blahop Oilteapla md tta
to (be dtetrial pelee to Beptemba
pnyatatd too Bptoeofal bertal ritaot
i«PL Steam an II DIaarteli to HittHr. Wilchl apeke with firal toaltof
l^aad aaly two Bpaetol Acrala.
af the aahte ehrlattoa
Who detom eoly part e( «mlr (Ima (a
Mn Muaea. aad bm
tta ttHA Bo pea am ttat wa-ham
haratwy waU Triiiil farrrtotral
ahareh. of whttt aha waa
Ml Maatta talla me Hmt ttmt an
bm. Ha rrad IbaMa Oarlyte'a
hrlhoM te hit mettm. feand to Mtt.
■o'a oala hoek, and dwaU
« of tarn
hn«Si la tta paafite. mrf 1
aaa tta bam ktod o( aarttoa to all
ttitt ar tta llih DteWtot aad idmll
.ipnaaapalatleaeeomfiUtt tlmlmaali It te ImpaaHbU ta hate a Bpaalal Afrat aadiaad far aaa pantoater
raola aa m Mtt turn latemtoHrar.
aL- t Kpam ta bara a Bpmltt Aprat
PMlpaHllBaBr4lalrtM.aBdahaU bapa
ttpmaUraataa IihitUiI Mon bo

Alim Ofv. apod It. an a( BUaa
Orap, iBomiaaalkaafcmafKalkaaka.
kad aaartaw aacMa team daatt ra
tteatftthaat of the I :B poatof ram
WiaatMafBatobadaad Dr. Badraaod had apod aadm tta win
tmsiaalt. wub Htehlfaa B a
aaaaad, (altewwl by Kaabaa.
Gray made arwhloaiom the
bam aaar tta todfat-aaiaad )aat behpRaabmioa
cfttaeoUialm tbrawto* kba boy Bat
M tta Maek.
Balb harm aad ratky
pramd orte him. bat laoklly ba wat
Mt'atoppad atom Baabra wraiudmtoa win wltoaat atorak. raly
■ittM oB hte feat ra tomrat whra hr
latram ttamewd

Tha hay ww 'tokra down
I to Dr. Ocaaltett'a naU
•d Ktrra arary a

WlWham aaartoltlaf Him Bella OaMM.
r BiBiamry, Bow that the rate
OaatpaOaaaod OaaadBapMatoto
daloaa U TMaalt; erar tea tbit tta cdty aa baWaam
• barm, thtn la man Uttte dolai
Tbaafari Webaaldmaf Otaad Baptda
M eity Mrkat. laataaB e< baalbalaf Mawmimt Ibera. Hmm' ^ AmeaB. HattalMB af Oraad Bapltt
ban eoeetdambte bayia* aad mUUf te to tba alty oa baatoam aod mopplaf
of (nil aad other predate ea lha
I Park PteOK.
auoata. Tbla la aoCaaeordla* to tba
Hn -Joba P. Bobha. ttUd aad amid

te to tba olty.

r Holdreca. Bakraaka. aod Latbm P.
laaaaa oad A. H. Haakal of Chtowo
pamad toraaph tba alty aa tt«ir way
to Penal tmdfa.
Hn Blaekwaldm. B. Blaokwaldm
aad U Bteefcweldm of Bt. Umte
ad Ihreofh tba'olty today ra tbalr
(ay naorta.
ibto Maned to MayBald
Of atear apradtof
time to toe dty.
i. O. Ootam. who tma bm to tta
toe fralt eenld b. boapM aad anldall dty ra baaioaaa. ratarsad la Btofalotatbm.
lay today.
kat ii (m.
Joba Blaakra atortad totty to HiihU aaat, Hn.
Bwaoara. wba la ra bm way to

Tided. Aeeordla* to tha eity'a law
Indt ct (relt aa well aa loedt of peialeea or wood, ahoold be. tain to ifaa
olty MTkat.
Uoeday a load of ebarrlaa waited
a leaf time oo tba market, bat aa
bayer waa mdy. Tbe bayen ware
meabmaa. parbapa mak-

Ilaatb af Mn. A. J. amB.
Hn. Ttoala Haa BeoR. wtfa of Dr
A. 3. Book, diad at 6:10 o'olook
Tbarsday ar^tof. at lim boma oa
Park straet. aired r yaara Bba Imrat
baba that was only a day old at (ba
time af bm daalb.
Daemaad bad a Tmy wide drala of
frlaeda to tola ally, wbtra tba baa ipddad for two mad a half yaan, arm
steoa bm minriafii
Bba formarly raablad at Ptfa Imka.whsn aim tta bad
Tary wida dnte of teirada.
laaclit to ttt kindaciartra of tta PUa
(mka aetaoel tm Bt# yrara Mm tebrm
bmldm bar huhaad aad oblld.
motom. (atom rad two hrethara.
Tba raamal WM htid from tba
MdTtarlaa ohciah Baaday tftorooa at S a'otook. Bar. H. K.
eerramay, Tiw
by tlia eboir of
Hra Baettwas
Urn chair waa dsokad with roam aad

Ueoiye Blae, faramao of tbe famttara dapartaaeot of Ute Hannah ft Imy
.tile Oo.. baa r»a to Ohloafo
Hra. OeoTfa Ohrialtoanra et U
to Tlalt (ba Uf ospodlieo nod
ter retors4-d boor lodoy after a tIbU
ettam for hia departwito Hn J. F. Oarrow. el ais Wabatm atrwl.
Hn DnB HnOoaatd
Jeoi U. Paurma. fenamly of tola boTa retaraad from a Tlalt to Hn.
oily, now o mtpmoa orobitoet ol HeOoaaU-a motoer. at Pdaeo.
Ubtoafo. la to tewo to Jela hit lamlOra. Uaar of Uiaad Bapida !■ to the
ly.whotaara bora bon aoaaa ttom Ha dty.
will ratoTB Toaatty aad bU famtiy
Hn. J. A. Hoen liaa rm* to Ubm
will emy a aeeplr of wmkt loanr.
ry mu to attood tba tcoaral of KdHn O. W. OnwB aad ttlUrou i
ward HeOlampha,
Him Sybil Ompto arrirad teem Rob Bwr, wbo died Tmy aoddraly Bamrtot. Taaa.. iMt erralof for a Tlalt
with tbalr ralatlrm here.
Hr. aad Hra. 3. H. BlaU-r. coo DauHr. and Hn A. 0. Bootttofm
ate aad Him Kata Dookaiy left tou
Obimco art- foeate of Hr. and Mn moratoc fm Uraod Uaplda aad CblJohn P. Oa
CBKO to Tlalt tba fanllan atpoaltloa.

Grand offeringB in
Summer Wash Goods

Hosiory Specials .


Men's Shirts

See our fiarifn and tbanrstie boB.. ><Kkl $l.uu Seplijee thins at
ery-in |>bun Idackt sod bncys nl'
......................... -.....................79c
We will coniinoe fiie
llh-. laje.lltc. 36e sn.1 S9c sn.1 Snretl plain white, ttiped and ed
Wato Itress gOo>ts sale vhich <iflie c-oo»mre>l Ihst we are lesdoreil nevli^ee sn>1 ootii^ shim,
-n ojijmrtunily to seriirelhcn in ihitdqvmmenL
these hubby wex rn oudras siM
very Ulcst an<
and l« styles
|•efcsle peKliRces are eleRsnll
this tnann't chuicm
made, yo^ liack, foil ihirtA in
Cl an aver^ of d«nu $ ih<
f*a. ma-le just like a rustoni
U you limipht the rnsicrisi aixl
m4«as h
maile slnrt.»hilelhcyl«l. 79c
mailc this up ysnir self you conki

Special offer of
Shirt Waists

rsit-isic anylhin(; on the price. Urals
Sliirts and
Drawers to
.■\ lirpc collectloo of Ktench
lualch, sale |irice.'...............-23
i.»'ns in jilsin white, beau
Men's hue rddici shirts aiul
fuilyliimnie.1. uith line Hx
drawen. in a varieil sliowImr; msrnmct aixt tucks, sn
ing of rtiUirs. i allies to 7fw.
haic lace, al#> a pMsI xssti
iiirm ofjilsm lilsck.wnh luckinp
cnibn>i.U-fj ami itncllm): Itiuu

Special Corset VaJuHS

(58c to $2.69.
Men's Suit liitnains at absolute
IScsnd IBcToUe de Nord Gin-- ik» nn:;lit man clous somber (ewt
hams, Matifla and ftoimci- full Sec OIK ll s|ieoial uumliers al
line uf choice colors to i "
(rnm, sale |isice.................
I Oc
.ml Ik- cumiui-nl lliey ate ut

S4.75. 6.75. 11.50

Sew art'ial-. m

Belts and Ribbons

heniitst raunkirtablc, dressy am
Ix-sl filling tt-sulis of skillful(xw
set making, heir in all styles ansires, sale

2 I C tO 1 .50

Suits and Skirts
Vet)' nutalilc oliei lU uiils anskirts at { tlicit ailnal
elmice-ollnsion, nunc ra
make >,>ui seUiluuis at a hcai
di-nxinni id «it regubr |irwe.

relanraa to Cattr and 1

Dr.Haatar aad taaiily teara toolffb
for Dowall. Uleh.. ta attood toe fan
oral of Dr. Hantor-t tatoar. TIm daetm will rataro Tnoaday. tba 8lb.
J. A. PaODlogtoo nod (Hully of
Mar an to tba olty.,
Haoiy Raam of (^hitofo waa to tba
ally toU waak oo baatoam.
Hn. Praak Yaedm hat ratornad
wm aa astoadad Tlall la New York.
Mn Treablood Uaa armoffad to
praMioa ottaopatoy to BU Kaplda.
Haodayi. Wndnt-tdayt aod Fridays.
Atthar J. White of Hapte Olty
epaot too Poottb to tola olty.
Hrs. J.

Harymral aad Him Hatea

Hn. Uabel Hortbrop Axlell of HlaDtMMa U epaadto* a (aw dayt ban.
the c«M of hm moUier aod wife.
Ur. aad Hn A. M. Mtobote aad
daBKhtar Dorothy at« tlia fomia of
Hn Mlobote' mothar. Hra 3m. Oar-

Drf Goods and
1 Steinberg's Utliabh
Clothing douse, a
New irrall rirai
Keban Ulustl & Mba have «iMed !
a aa* wfaolaaala (rail aad rrndae,boom to the old Oermala.- huildirig,
oo Baat Proot alreat. Tbe huil.lia*.
before Ita ramoral from tbe Pnople'i
BoTlags Book site.waa oeeopind Sy U.
iOo..of whioliam
Hr. UlBstI waa for a good while a

Both Robert Olostl rad hi- soa are
aiparlehOKlmao to tlia wboteaale frail
belaaass. Ttt format was noe of the
Kn Prad lagiam aad oblld rataroUratui
pioorers In ton balsoeas la tir
ad last Plgbt dom a two wrttt' Tlalt Kapldt. and ttt tollar lias Iwen lu iIhwish bar parrata at Patottay.
(rail a^d i^eoe lioilness almost all
bis Ufa. They will doaWhw. make a
Dr. 3. Kmaraoe Haatm aad fa
ttTB teMaad from Imwall. woara BUOOMS of (heir reotare.
(bay auaadad tba taavnl of Or
Traiers^City MarWot*.
Thla report Is mada upon Wadn
Haaiar-s (athar.
Hn O. Oochito aad oblldran ttra oar ol each weak. The Herald la
rataread from Olaatooati. wbma ttty
ttvw baao rpuodliig tlw peat Dra or Hn Coehito't former
Wilterd J. Bant It spaadmg a WH-k'i
Toralioa at Kaaale Lake, baoliag
aad Sabiag.
H. B. Oaraar. eleetad as Tlua
ptaaldeot of ttt state madleai aoelaty
at tba last aannal maatlag. will Irara
toll areatog for Datrall, to meat
with Iba oBtoan aad oobmIIIot of
toe aoolaly. la U>e bolet Oadlllao toonow to parfmt plaat for tba oiga.laatira aad fm toe raeogaUloo of
(tt eoeaty metaltaa

toda| for^o
DOW to Obleago.
Hn C. B. Btoffmu of Lalaad la to
ttys, aeaempraiad by bit wUw
Him Kmma R. Lewli left today fm ttt ally.
Hn 3. a Btlllwrll. Him Panata BBieks WlMl riusr
Oblo^ to look ap asidmmtuar atylm
aad Mtoam Jet aad Hay
to gowaa aod wrapt (ar hm dmamak Blnmg ara
ra Tlslttog
telatlras aad
tel^s at Lalaad.


J}»tralt-Wtt t, maadSO; rare.SB:
AagasUa Daly Cemady Oo. aad baa
tMlymraied aa aaMmaal af this
It wtnapfaar bare (or
Og.” to which Joba Draw,Otto Bktooar aad Att Raima bare toiipsapd to

There is vet}-near three months (< hiil wralher ahesil at as.
We ha«e a gnsi nun}' Imt aealher g»>Js tiul we arc xniious
to sell lhat B'ill keep you roid tot a luile mnnc}. T1>et« are loo
many Ihingt that we hive tiurkcH «k>im to tell yoa abuuli. M
we will mmiino a few:

Wash Silks. 6(V limi.............BBr
Towslu Moslin. rate kind..aUc
Muslin .leSoi, toh- kin-l.


.Alexandna Silks. SUr kind. .83o
Rolieiu Stri|«s^........................ ;lk

!‘“r?v*Tsr^T" «m -1. .T

Dimities al 9c ami.....................18c

11 CwoDollarSbo^


real Maadsr's tteerd.
H. B. Olll Of Mertbport wai to ttt

oily erm Baaday.
Uaoat K. Tbamaa of Bloax Palls.
Iowa. Is la ttt (dty'fm a Ihrm wmks
Tlalt with raUttrra He U sdU aets MTlm u (Im postoBtos thsn
Amoac ttme (ram oatUdawf tba
A. White of Fife Like was at
ity who WOT praaral to attraf
tba WbttlBt yastarday.
(aarralwmatttMbm af Iba di
K. Bill of BU Bapidt to to Iba
ad. Rtelntd Aadmw. the (attm
motomaadlwetootomtof Dr. SoM olty.
J. P. ObmUa rad C. V. Bnathra of
Cram tba
itogbam WOT al Park Plara yaabmfrleodi of Itt daoMtd at PUa





Farm lor Sale.
IW «W7





ttt toot dial tlwmamttnare all elan
aad bars beau IdratlSed (or yran
wtia MM bal tor rary bigbaat olam
of attnetlraa Him Jaaa Uakar, wbo

Ukr, bar old barna.
OaittoUa Bowra aad Alim Hateb of
Haay braatifal Bocal Mtttm taatlBad to ttt aalaamaad toraefmaay ■prtaglald. la. passed (hroagb tbe
frlaada Amrag ttt Boal eCtiitote oily yratmday ra tbalr way to Omaoa. nem. Iradlag mao. was la toe mm<
Joba PaUanra, Utos Patoersoa aad
baaatirdl pfiiow of whlla aad
M from Jraaatte Hlllm. Hto- Him Vogal an al tbe Park Ptom ra
Bklas;" Hr. AUaa. aaotbm membar
a A. H. SodUtey aao* ala HabUa. Bmttt Orayma aad Lu- tbalr way to seme of tbe tty raaorts.
Day," tmy awamly aad Hr. Oeehito
Ir.-aad Hn P. H. Oateao am bm of tbe eompaay. to ra Bagllsb Aelor.
haddioraa wraato trom
and was (or Bra saasoas withBlr BraHawed with a noahii« aod baaatltoeH aaaaal oetto* at Edgaweod. nlr^ aad with Aagastto Holy's
1 family of
tal Bmorttaira af Hra.
Him Boania. aaotom atambm.
leraly Bowan team B. J.
for saranl yean with Daa't
hoam Ufa. aad her daroftoa to bm wtwol ahUdrra Whom Hn Seelt fm- aad Hn Oeotga Hills Bagon Him
imaa's l^cedm Tbcotre Oo.-aeAgDMls
mmly taaghl at Pita Uka. BobtH
rladged raa of ttt ftaeat dramalle
„_-Blranras tttt Haw York boMta
Wallm. Hra Pirak Haadt. ttt Pna'abldtof IlfA" of which rarlli lUa bytmtea Q B. aoalaty. Or. aad Mn Penal Lodge, bow aawly aamed Ha- of; Mi. La Bolr. wbo tts bara s^ Every woman FBUGOLGGY
dlieotor to Haw York fm lOysars (or Should Own
la bat toe baftoataf.
Halim of Pifa Late. Hr. aad Hn.
Hr l'VOTe>
toasy of (tt grmlmt paodoaliras asd
Barry Oaak. Bn Baattatl aad Him
alan aaehaa Itt Daly Oe.. Otto SktoBnattalt D. B. Hyakoop aad family. farOmaraara Hn Ora H. Btott. am. Jitoa Draw. Bsara B, Dtola. Att
Hn Hatadara.Mr. aad Hn Wm. Un-O. P. BMokIm. Mateo, Orarga ~ ' ra. aad otoan to with tola attioe:: Hiss Alma Hatoaa
Hatoaway. wbo
ad lawt^ Btrlttter. L a Htoar. tnetioe
Wrlgbtaad.Hr. aadHn an*. Wright
bra fast eoaeladsd a sraara’s
In a H. Ktom. Sarah Oa«
Him Bdra Olapp. Hr. aad Hn a
eat wltli Rlcttrd HaaskaldlatMoaB. a Howard. Tba fanaral
torn Daattm aad BaettI Barth.
ooly last
saL Jalaad <
Hn TimbUa, Haada
WOT.ia Oharfa of W. B Andor. Bardga. W. W. Patroblld. Bari Tytor.
Hr. Imbraia of Uood Barbm aalted
era ft Bee.
Hn Ella Oiraa of Patrakay. Hn ra frtoods u (tt eliy today.
Tha barlal took |dae>- from tot Omtmaad gaSGOa, Uaeege
Hn Dwyer rad ara Cbattea at
. Lrato A. Pratt, tcrmmly of
ome of Dr. Haamo's ciKar at Poett- aad Laaaa^ Omytop^ Hn C
___ ally aad who was bare Taaai^Owym. Hn Dwym's era. wbo waa atosad to Hr. Bmtobsrg Ibat Ttt
s Tri'tty.aad Dr-HaamaaodhU
ra «.r* aeeoompaalad to Pratlaa by
tojaiad to Iba wratt Pridi^ algtak
Traatom Thoa T. Batm aad Btowmd
r. O. BaaOToa left Ihto -mmatoi
tts braa as BakUs Orrak. wbera ttt
OL. Whltoay-af tta aaylam. Tha otoferMtoarapolto to attrad ttt MakiraN>ttaf1p«..alte*»btraaraura/somn
m traatam wbo
Ttt aboa matt of Parkm Brea tta
Hem H. Q Iterto aad Ura. W. W.
bara aald rat tbJ-Baaraiwalg ft Oe.
mga o^ a b
Ultoto-11 of Uadillae. wh$ wax aeeomTteto slOT wtli tt eesm
r—tod by bit Wife. Uaa. HaH of efOetrolArad will tt oraHai
tba prraral atoad to ttt MoH<
"NoSra Of Patition to VmoataHitilitm waa datatoad from eomto*
Wm. OaKay aad wife teft this mar
by Ilia sarioea Utoam of fcte wife, aad bleak. Bodm oharga of F. W. Yoa« alag tm a two woaka’ ram tie. g»Traatom Battat of Datrall mat wbo arrirad bara TbarMay algbl aad 1^ to tbalr aid boOT la Maw Jmmy.
tba party at PoaUra Amoa* friratt lorttaad ttt'siott Friday. C M.
a Brtotol wrat to Kalb^m'tM
from rat of tba oily waa Hn. Jaaa aad W. 3. Pmfcm dmrbd ttb
Klaaay af Pott Barra, a mamb^ Of ra Itt IStb of Baptrrabm. ItoB, te ttt
Hn A. a Bmra weal ta Onad
balldlag aew.oaraplad by M AraaH
tba Pratiaa a«lam board of traamaa..
aad a warm pmraaal tetead of tta
Wblttay Habball waad to Maoira ra
taadly. Blttop Oilteapla. Dr. Oarte e^u^oad aadm ttt Brm awe ol
Tr U k«
a a
Ana Arboeaad Or. fteaalO.
3. A. Praal^ra rad toaUly laMraPartm died Hay td. noB. rad Q H
Bpam «r kUatatoa.
tot teem a M 11. to ttt laisa larMr da
I aad earaa
Hx.BttHn PaaoyH. I

CoiRpeteot cookg are tbe
best judge* of floor and
coMtaot j&e
testimooial. CereMtt has
tbe best repetmtion aad
commands tbe best price
because h is ontformlytbe

Frank Tliediicbp

CD« OM RtHaMt SbotiWNi*

Ywf tre


At ttt loweti pomiblr
irieetwhanyoarisit our wore.

J1 Carae QuanHty of Hen Papers
Some tommy ifiiHtA bave jaa been added to ew
already ooraptete timte aed we fcaow we w «t« JM.
Speem! rareiioe maH be made of Tariely of petterra wkb 18 ioeh border which raua for lU oeDts a

Other goodIkmp of eimiler ratwe me

alra to be etaraead.

•ttw to dte. Or. Tteampara waa
aalM to load afim a ttaat (Iraa tt raA ttt BiHMma

to Bawma wblah MteaUyaxiuara
m vmgMhy awradii to Dt.HaaaraaMkdaraft to (hate lam wataa'


Hn Haitto Orldter of tftia alty bra


dad ^ *b n______



fMwMbabhNi^hB aaM

> M paata*. ndaa

OaMa. 0Mb mt A. h. flM a(
M Owf tab# Bn- MMdaltoaat I
• nma( brihaa
nap a( BM btnda mm
Tbap «aU aanMK «hn

tmmrn banl

Thb rtore will be eland BHAp


af M Voarlb af Jalp <
atBB Bapldt. had airlTad al WUIbbrtirii ibm ~1r- bafeaalhaaoal&M. aad iwe aoaehta had ban bfl
n Ika atdatnob. aad cb. paaiiarn
ted IM bft tha ontdin Tba aantha Mia traeb
awltth, whaa 1tha Opar. awaapi

rmlBf ba will vitfi kla
a«la.OM. Ito BaptM «kM0h bw<
will h*
kr Bar. B. a Outr
of riM 4UlM Uo OkMMO. Bot.
0«T7lt OMof tho loodlDt BovtlM
IMMtt la lha mm. Bo will
feb OBMtkM U TiaoM Oltraadol•liBr.

CIrewtiakMt thto week 2,525.
A. t. D<vto ef J. V. MlUlkM'i
ktovMMtaa IUadv»4
will ipiad l«« «MkaM Tntm* taM

TW hmiUm «( OM(t« W. Lwdto
•Ml. 4. VsIglWB kM* ttk« •»
«Mto mMT tMMMw* ai KmbIi

Iba IJalTiibly
of WliMpw. wUI ba hwa MOB la taka
apMMMoaHwawabalatolo( tha
Mmi«i ^ Bn. Bante Badta Dakta a< OloMO. «UI ba «taaaa« la
bMW »aia Baa.alfbl aa« a kaU
rnmt an arrlrad at kar kana

Bf. BMd Bn BnBwtaTkblln^
Iba M of Bar, wUI bava «
MMJalr;B, akaard lha i
bteaaU hbai
I, abaBi«

TkaerapwlU pr

aawanad nd b aal a< qaaraataa Ha
kn n—id aa nan aartaaa aBaala
■■adbal^kaantniiiiiial waafea
aaa«BMr OTMknUac aa aaflaa In
'ttattavnlMkar Oa. TBa }ok b
anBanB bapartaaaa, nllhafapadmabanOa Of nna AaaaaHr
nan ba kabilad aalptanapAalha 0vBaa an baaa nd ara MUw



J. W. Millik
illiRon. m

toM fotaia. Tha fntlann at M

Thte ^re will close every Friday afternoon durins, the
warm weather bsfflnnlng Friday. July I Ith.

farabh 0 M Utal*. wbkA b
banrtbaaa*^ bpte*
I at M

in every department to be closed out within the next 10 days

toff «B Park, to halp
«P ><
atf(.aaO aad tba prtoa aakad for Ibe
lelB.Bl.ea>. Aaanber of M lead
In eltiaM of tha critp beaded M pw
par vrlth aabaenpttoa of 9900 each,
aaearad paatar
aad aaarlpaaao«b
dapaadtodap to MkaAp toe H-euCL

wiMat oarioai upaip. Tha «a«i
Bap Piefcatt. It b Ihoarfat. aa
dtaToted M Man tba aaflaa aboad |ii
wat tboa barklac toward Um ap
blait fiparl ao at to baace tlM
tbaefe wbae Cho two walat mmr to
•atbar. aad bo wallod loap taeacb te
apoa tba thrcMb let otaan al
thm hrtad l« }an(t Joot at tha oopiae
at Cha Spar alraek tha Malar.
•MBav Pbbalt. ta waklap U>a
tap. wat thnwB fian bit foot bp
.M Mac Of tba ooIUdiaf anf
aad faff btadlaap. bb baad atrUlsp a
awltab ataadard, malUat U la

Tba aapina af Iht Btt Bapidt tnlo
wilb lb eab all alMtiMart bat wUb
bam btad.-aaw laa wild,toward
Ttararaa Oiip. Tha wbbtU ralra waa
Ooatnotar Ajbort epn, aad all tba wap tba laaawap
Birlakad aal a waralac. Beau
of tba aanrn plpaa wara baral, bow
taartv ap Vraal Maal feotwa
arar. aad tba ttaaa taaaptd to nptd~
I tko
It the aaftae atoppad of lb owa
Uoflha ooawib faa BaMoaterlbo
arsordatBalm. daiac ao damaft
tarl^ of *0 M«k I
Firatna Owpar of tba Bptr. wbeaa
Bmlbetawd la tm
oma b la Batktcea, nw that a oalhal it will bo loA «*a (V aldewalk
Itaioa waa oartala. aad lamped joat
tar atlaaall
bafora tba tboek. Ha waa aorloaalp
U will hBTo W ba ataa
btabad aboal tha head, hb rlcbt apt
maarlod aad bb }aw waa badip oat
oa tbo bfl aida.
HU arm wai alao
Bn OMrtear. waikia a< Oteriaa hadlp ooBtaatd.bat It b ihoapht that
OarJaw, wte U n raan oM aa« haa hblhlBHttwtU aol prove varp aart­
baaa bUak tar a n«kar of ntn, war aaa. ibaafh thap an vrrp paiafaL
epanud apn tar aatanaa bp Dr. J.
Baftaear Piofcelt laavtt a wif<
W. Oaaalbat iktae waaKa Baaa. Rka Otaad Baplda Ha waa wall km
aCU la aaa. tka doeiar ai- ban. Iboaxb br bad>aaa oa tb. BU
paata bar M ratala bar apaaiihl fall;. Bapita raa aalp a waak.
Tha ^ wUab waa opantad mpn kai
Tba aaciaa oa the aeatl. booed Bpar
baaa UiadaboalMpaan Bn. Oatd waiao bodip danad that aaothor
Bar waa la Iba Otar Banrdar aad
M Md to ba atad to lake tba
waa abU la dbUBf^ oh>aab «alM
waU. Bba will baabb tanadwbn

---------------- - r.--------' -I.

______ dTd who._______________
perfeot baallb. For Oooffha. Oelds.
AMbM. Oreap. Hap Favtr. Boaraa-

b aeU bp & A Walt aad Hna aad Jaa
O. Jobaaim, who ffaaraataa latbfBo.

Fled D Otnla. wbo ha. for arvetal
tr. baaa amptopad to the oB
The Travrrm O117 Haalaeaa Oollen
Major O P. OrwTar. to looktoffaad Normal loatliate vrlll have ao *ma oatil Aoff. lak Improra----tbU dtp.
dertoff Ibe nmmar.
rarp treed appetormant
Imtelp Marrao
Marred id
to i^moi
Umden I
oOev of a B Weal, dapoip toaaiBa
ba ooeld DM diffeat hb It
laapaoior of tba HUblcaa Boreas.
e of Dr. Ktoff't Baw
Mr. Oortu M reaocaUad aa a oompa.
ml tontoaee mao aad tbU appotolm U a inbau to hb oUUtp. Il U
ptoea wbare ba will have a
I mtuded Bold b.v B A Halt A Boat
to Oroadae hu Said of aaefotovae asd and Jaa U. Jobatoa. droobu.
addte hb alreadp axtaniire kaowlI. aura will be eland Fridap
adn el Ux baatoaaa. HU famllp
vrlU Tomato to Tnvena Cup at boat



force of ama al work pottio* to aOBM
pipe from 0am alreei 10 a potol
<m Froat atreel oaa tbird of tba wap
from Cat. to Park, wbare two exin

are saeaeBitetad from iba fact tlial
I aewar oa Eaat Proot elreet at Park PtM BP Capitol,
aol lain eooarb to eartp off the SarpliA
aarfaoo eewataffo. The two aitre
~toh trnm... wtu drato Into tl.e river
IbroBfffa tba Uam atieal iwvrer.
Tha extra ooet of tbeae catch lBalB^
Oor SaWn^ Department
aad the mvrer to cassMt Ibam will
axoead IIT6 imtablp Hr.
BloaubUld. wbo U isp
the pavtoc t
iwoordatn ibow
Iba alie of Iba tawar at the oinai of
Froat ud Park Ha .had aaaued tlie
ooasoll Mt tba tewere woold pr\>to.
blp DM be torn rnoaffb to haodle il.e BW)BpmiItlB U IBlIl11«T IIB ML
trrubwi. Jm. T Brndl., B J
eartaea water, aad tbe faol Uial extra B K Hell,
VKr 1-nmd.ote
ITuk WMlm
eaM baaiD. are oteded U 00 rarprlai- <adi>-r Lmm P Tuu.Am

Id wUh tha proper ftoMo

Betdinad Imbatokl dtodSatardap
rianmm at bU bona. Tt; Third
treat, at the an of U peon
bano two aoaa and three daaffbtara
are hU tom. Tba toaonl
I b prlaelial af the held Taaodap fran
tha Oan
ab danrMaat. haa a nrp pro- Lattaaaen obareh. aadar Ibe dtreoI plaet U tha eaana at tao- txm at V. & Aadarwm.
Tbaaa are. lathe ncoar aaUaca
Leob Hocrta. poonnr aen of Hr.
a< addrinn l«> batana. to ba
aad Bn Banto MerrU at the Boatd■ma^BdlMM tavneton Of
MB River pevrer beaae. died at 8 JO
than. Mi. Ban baa abraa, aa folo'otoek Wedaeodap. Jalp I. al M an
Yalaa af Kaawladda.
of » peon Ba baroa two brothara
'Bnalp aad Sabllmllp/' “Th
te. botbof M Uttar betoff lU. PoBnaad wma a Forerler aad
eaniad H.OOO taaenaoa. Tha taaaral
'The klZlain mA Bathed of B
ooaamd tSaadap afbnoea. aadar
M diiaetloa of W. & Aadarna
Tha tananl waa haU tron
'naiMiilrmal cAanA BaaAip afaad-AQpob at 0a^.’>
■anna at two o’olook. Bar. D.
OonllB oBototliif.
Tha toaatal
ThanwtUbaaBaaoab pbabaad waa to ofaarn of M Fotaaltre. wbo
bodp. Heap bnoUfal
Jalp lA BMbn ladgaa el aarthara •caal tribatoa laotlbod to the m
Mbhlna an arpiabJ aa toAMpan to wUob the dotaamil waa balA The
aad Mb Bmlltaa . aba bodp waa told to Oakwood
mbHm at M a X. 8.. an tarttad.
Ban tw M naad Tie Pma Bai^oaMa,
b«LM,lnrlnAmmo Clip at T ;ll a
Ohnlaralz at 9 a


irvrtllmake do proB<

Diem-roim-H. n BaU. Jm> T BmOle. BJ
M..r«an. Prank Ba-^ioa. PYaat WMMa C. a


. Our Rnmrimrvt Snin
is always a suc'ceM. you will find many useful lengths of

Dress Deeds Print
muslin g Knit
Wish Deeds
table Dnens
Cadies bl'k lights
temeiing Babf deeds
White Deeds
etc., etc.

F-ine Shiii-t Waiste
50(, 75c, $1.00, $1.75

Some Special Valua in White and col
ore at.................................................

If you are looking for a stylish waist you should visit pur
section as we have most everything.

>Araisli Ooods a-t
a Bie ReduoAiori


ManyneWtthings added to ihe gg
Fine Linen Ginghams

Sj|k Ginghams redfc| Satin striped Swiss, pretty colon

Tim* WbM* ImtamH’ B—it, w*
mt4f up tkm htt «f them at t9t, $9e
aad *9c. Wartb mtarif damMt.

J. W. IVlilliken.

The great French Renovator and Tonic
—For two weeks only this great remedy
which has done so much gc^ in this locailty, will be wJd at 4S cents a bottle
(Regular dollar size bottles (ur 4^ cents.)
Ouarknieed absolutely to give relief
diseases of the Stomach. Liver. Kidne)’s.
and Bowels. It conuins no minerals or
opiates and is non-alcoholic .A fair trial
is all we ask. St.oo boaU-s at 4>;c. Two
weeks only, at—

Olairs Drug Store

tbi time to Decoate
Your dome ■»
Is all the time—not necessarily iast such a season, but at the time most
convenient to you. There are articles and itiaterials that are needed
all the year'round—first one thing'and then another. Were you go­
ing to use

Hah at M oaaaip CfeibitoB BadnTor

wBaka aaw tba gnaf

ThdlaAw Ml «U1 ha npna
an Mw at Aaan Bapaa O19. Oharlaraix. BalUn, Oadllln. Onbal
Uba BB BAUa MlJardaa

at thb ptoea. The eleetian ot oHoara
tbb-mentoff laaaltod aa faUwwat -t
Fretodeal-Jaha Seatt of Bapto
Ties paaHdaal-Maada Peek of 8ottoaa Bap.



♦Hrtnpart Fil^ I

Bid—il Baaa * Oa-aaw
aUcat math-------------------—
AM UD am al «aM n lha ffBdiBc
a. la n Wamal wap. W M•vlhaT-a.UHB.taad.
tanehlaa tar the Trnnraa Ottp.
H Mat Ualhaw aanlB fiaa lha apIbaba * Paalaeab nUnmd.
pw pnBaala. aad waat to kaMBaa TW aaeUoai n Mbb Ibara
B«. bain Ml ben than db
ba a BIBm


to aaooUoal paper, bp badtof B
vecere at M eoBaip. The eloatoi
otoa Ibb emtotwlU ba addnaaed bp

•aeaddrtnalM epnto| a


Men's S4.00 Sample
Shoes only
Men's $5xx> Sample
Shoes and Ox­
fords only


?.’..SoSj ,
Shoes.and Ox­
fords only

Men's Si.oo Sample



•d n
Mt naahad
mal wap M ta what Maid ba
4 toM t

m'onrti't W)(^l Samidr Sbors. all
ihr u>lkh Ualberx. 99.60 anJ
$8.00 SbMt ool)

rrnont->-Mn i. r. uiiiayia,



Ba Man tna Mdi to M Mitoa
r B. Baara *aw lha pban far Iht
Ma oddUbB M> Iho Halal BaKinn

WMlaC the parto« la ba Matrad
at M nad. auapl Ml

~ka aaltaa kaUdbcb towhMhlap»p,iaraap|a^a.
ad'll than MtoMeawaaldbaalni«a labtah
lawad a private prepanp balder.
aa U aaaadt aad aa Iba

aad Mb. lalna B. BMaa B Ihb

«dl will frabaBp laabi apoa U. b
nlMnUnadMU paplhaaoat
U lavtoc toMda Mb baaki nd lor
BoMn of oa# faal aa aaah Mda
Tha bark at M fnaabba waa |

JMbaBrawa. ttbbihaitihi
ThaaaMM at M moM hl«b«V
BMta tha Bilbo hnUp labapv- M la be oharfbd M nad wai Ml
tmmU bp 4aaUoa BwMnd U b opnM daaWoa n Ihb ^etol hapndtof apao wbal ab at M bcbtonid Ml lhaaa MO aiMa pal la
M bapplaai B lha nawlM ah»



mrtor at M oonpaap. Thera
MMatlaaMwhIab Mh
ba b nMdal aa hartoc tabta plan

Thb nam and M woto af paMhw
:M diMMotM nanban af M
M IM Mpa te dataMa ablaar
plaaadtoM hndo atOMpAtbahap Otaia Ba WlB pat Mwn* toMIUlaM

BaoeM vtoa




Women'. $15U Suapfe Sboei. made in thr ftrluh
tbapes, perfect fiiirci, duriBit our
8«*1 safe onlv.....................................

Womeo-i $L60
m. good fitter^ good la^iBg, onl).


.* Baetaao. Bn Ba-

Tha Uma of too atiaolt aoart waa
■optad Thondap wUb tto- w(aaab oa M poUttaa ot M T. a. L.
A U. iwUrtM tar
»o bp lha
Mil tobraad ay toM
M B. * M. A A A F*a« apaaMd
Moaaa-toa MT. a. U* B.. aad





" "■3?;L^“cr„'r::f,‘“'$i.5o
ChiUroa*. Sample Shore, betow «*ala. -rtulreale

Boys' Sampfe Shore,
Sloe valDcs. odr



3SC. and the nearest
Have a fine stock—all grades from ...c to
„ -------------------— patterns. Have you seen the heavy grass malting?
lattinff ? Just
lust the thing
thins fora
for a
summer cottage, or for some room in your home. Have it made into,
a rug. It coores in different colors. Better see it at once.

What JIbout that Carpet?
Too busy to see to it any sooner.^ Have as complete a stock to select
from as tbe early season. Handsome all wool ingrains, made and laid,
for 65c the yard. Tbe finest in body brussels. axminstere. moquettes
and vclveu.

Vutf Live With the Wall Paper
of a room even more than the carpet. It's face to face with yon at
every turn. There are many that are just doing their papering. 'Got
all you want? We can supply your everv need, no matter for what
room or how much. Our prices are low—that's why we sold so much
this year,
................. .................

Specidl for Tridap, Jtf/p 11th
Beautiful Ruffled Muslin Curtains that Always sold 7^
for Blithe pair-foe this day only............................ /V VCffD
Handsome Nottingham CurtaioA a splendid curtain CA CtttfS



day until further nooce. Coo-------------- cero srilf be given in the Fonutwe
De^iartvMt on the grooikd floor from to to il a. m. ^ 1 to|p. m. and are

$1.95 Saa^de Shore oaly TSC.


Liule Oeatt- SI.OO
Shore. «re 11 to

Jllfred U. Triedrid)

Jlitf China Watting?

Oppoiite HenM




___ _________
.. Bla la » la
U^lAkala haM a m*m«trnmFaanb al TraratM
Mr. aad Mra. Vaa Qatab »aM to
TtoTMH OHr *Hdi9. talaialat la
lb# araalat.
^.aad Mra. Ta. Utortd O
ifbM atoitod paraala h«* PrUar.
Mr aad Mra Bakaap at Ma Patat. UL. vbahaia bau iiuMat at
JatoUlaad.rtl-i«4ha-aThai*day. arDVIoc „
tbt trace M*cat- *ltb I

TtaManqBtto a fav MMatwaM

ajsnsjswmr'— 'S^'^
•irsss.'Vsy.Sfjr ■ j|j=j£.ag-.'S3.-5: »S^S*^2rB=«S?r

IMaaaitn. OUkwt e


^ J. 3. TwaMU «t Ommt
ji|j^MlMcaaaata..Mia. Babi

j-KJTK i£f^‘'.2r5a

25r !sri»^

atv/~ •avanl d
Taut (all* «bb(
tta^alMr. BaJrira aad >n«*

thto weak.

o,*'^3 is-x-xr
all at Olaralaad.
Ml. Kta Ba. took a trip to Tiac

ha fato «aak kaa baaa qaila i


U lU. wHM.


taraautUM. raaanU lalMc Imaa
Artbar Borttoaai ttoiad ralatlvaa
Mia Ofeaa Oaaa Mm Mui
la IqwB toll «aak.
Oao. atelMct
-------------------SfaH Mi *‘lha
Hit. u« Mia Mkr •
ga^ H
_lia A. B. iMl hMialatlT^rtotoaa^’tfa^
iBf hat tiaai aealban MlaUaaa.
Mra Bnaa. «W haa baaa
Wklto aaar d Ih. Wadort |»o|iU M. K.R.
Mtoi ABM MatooD toft laM veak for
-------------- miT fol.U- a
aal ta tiaTataa OU7 la qu4 Ihi
.aarltoTalMM vaal la Daek tofct a Tt^«Uh frlaad la BallaU*.
latu^aaBat. bat Uiar aU tapcna
Mr. aiOtov at Wait Bud. Wla.
baa aaeaptod a pMiUea la tba aton at


M(a BaldwU . --------------------- a a UllL

ceoBM atou aad at a to* tiatoaeati
*ttb BUto pi HIM I. we birr the a
M (rota eberoea


frrt deep. A cncefwl nb
■ by ettrtotaly curted eoP
■d tbe TfOoK aud mtbto
vore teapteu d Veoea aad of Borrbua
la wore 1U0 fret bleb, and her
eerdace af royal porpte baa.

Ur« w
Baa- oM to a Cblaanaal Caa j
tlrr a foud cowl It to balder 10 I
ttaaa tbr act at a ortro Tbr CUotmaa
re caekln a aintoB ebop far aa
bar DO beard, aad hto hair to of a ><«
1 ptonco Ibe UMat tolo bolltac
aad r«uy btorkoriB wbk-b tana gnr
for oboM tva nloalta. By doaaly al au ratrrtw acr. wbea a
lU 00 tbe albOMeo ta the out foru
Mb bnd *cwM be either aao* '
wbtia corrriv 00 tbe eataide aad
«r bald. Tbn acaln Ibe CblMat birr
ry rroo rwaalac oat
tbr toMt iwrtrto oirrooe eyalMD of dnrl'w the prutiaalotccokloc.
aay iMpto >a the wurM and do ool
wrlakto op *Ub acr. They caa etaad
aay aioauut of opIoB uouklac wttboot
A doctor oiyo tbit of ell tb»
Utrrlal lojory that would Mod a atepotleoUwttbwboiD It tohtae
oar to deoi. the nwl toiluor.bly ptr
wane man t<> bU ctatr or ao b
Bcylam. bo )uu bare Hnle to c«by. A
___ ___________________ Mfd to other
- .InaUK will look thirty wbea be to
mtten for ceotlmree lud chlliiUuB
'roty and wbra be la Bfty. It yaa rartworoore tod beiulUty.
k him bla ace. be will place It al lltoeM tbeoe aweet little w.. _
•« Iro )«ar« abcoA for be bulte oU doctor^ ordero do uot wrer eollreiy
le to be buBoraWe. and atoaOL
with their pneoocelred Wleo*.
aide be wlU be ree|iencd and looked tarty dlmcir4 Ibm Hr na
> to by all kto JaBtorw-Waablnctoa frreb air, oooeblne. ootdoor, eicr

tolttac bar na Mytoa al thto ptoaa
MIto Ita B«H lalBiaad tra. Tn*Vtaak Baitolai tea feu la ItodUlae «ra tniT Bairadar.
^ M« lar awl Wadord to aov vltbThaaa MBtoB bald Matt toaatblr
1 the throat caM ^
.aalaato Matlat la tha afaareh |arki«a
Monday ataaiat.
ittoa to ttklBC pure. A pood
Mr. Badd to 111 at tbto vriOac.
plUllaUte la blearbooale ot aoda. Of
thto one (ewaiiounrul may be ttkro la
taaibh-rfui of water. Repeat It U
boroli« dora not paaa away. Bt
taO A. K Paal at
0 * toifvMk^ *
PtoTataa Meawd are they who rae riMOlt. tc
liaaad a IM ftav*
thto la Ibe only acleolUc and baton
------Mn af tmnm
Robert Abru teah a Mp la Ohartoeiire. ladtoeetlou alwayi
IW IbsIUm d Ml MllekaU aad
roll iMt VMk.
rbwleal Aaacee have oeW. a OaapbaU taefe a trip to Tm?- comd by wblrb laodocu Urr baea
*at ara d a
rat- Otlj Ual wab.
fonued hurtful 10 the ayaleai. Vombluc
Tha aaMu vUI lalah lha alau SSutara. Tba Peal baa auoaupT. BroaodallrandatoalBiatBlbe wy be oiMated by nploiu drafta of
ai lhal lha gtmmtt will ba kept aal;
«aafe oa Mi. BM'i fean lulaht.
tw MOW eat baaalaUl parpoaaa aad itoVB ball Prtda; areai^
aalhluaf aa Ul^ at toaacaal aa
BalllaKrtokaM Wtl Tbaradar tar
Mavni la tatofa>««l aa the raaad.
to Kaidda.
Oao. MaOray vabt to Ore. VUa«a






rro—lM. «j) clesiw etaM.
%x. .'Ini, I ai.-klc .watch with
a (Kirrhirc here ml lh<


C^thiers and Hatters to His Majesty, the American Citizen.
>24 Front Stroat

TrevarM City. Mich.

lu I dewonie .*.11 lo -Ji’o tl. I■^•
ot I clilld dlie.ei,. li- It..- 1..1V . r I ruebluc eut<uii.diib>.
of NewVtwA luriHd lib iii... ....... .loin>y toto I tetrcrepli |«dr ei.) >~..m|ed
wnboM lalary to blDM-if
t> yvunc aeeuau ,r-iiipeiiH>ii. Tb.. uot^oe wei eu^ebrd lo pln-ee

FOR Sale

AFine Une of


4U arm S milcc tom KIk Ka|.ula—
80 acre* ilcarr<l.iale« traiWai *-'.50. |
Oteal ooBMernatiaa *n toll by
«l actr*,
mile* toxn KIk K;
Muda ot M. A. Boeeany of ___
80 aon arainl and by huutc. |>lmly I
too. Ky.. wbea bo n* be vaa tantof
yolle*. Utototoalawlr eteacodt..

|amcwiw.l, *alc at HW.
er. alee bti ayaa, aad bo auteewd He40 acre* en»l tiiclier »n (arm tnil,
Bto BMlady war yolle* Jaudtoe. Be awe Ueatod by Ibe beat doe- 5j mile* fiuui Cily, lak- .x tia.k- at
ton bat vtlhool beooki; Tbaa bo 8400.
woe adrtoad to try noetru Biuate.
Hill acre* d iani | niilc ihmk scIhxiI.
tho woadMtal Bteoaeb aad Urer
rvaady. aadbevrtIH: -Attortak- IS acre* cb-aird. 40 acir- IciueJ, *ak"
iactva hoittot I *aa wholly aond." or itaJe al $8. (wr acre.
A trial jetrree In wtobloM Merit fM
acre toiil lanu 8| mile* n> i'eaall Steweh. Utm aad Kidaey ttoa-,
blea Oaly toe. Sold by B. K Walt muito, g;oi>J roaJA huu-e ml bara,
A Boae aad Jaa ti. Jobuaaa.
take quick—
qiuck—poml chance.

. A Full Line of

My Prices are the Very Lowest.


40 acre* :i miles toma whmil aiul

Aa BraaMee. Wyo..
dtopawh of
OBtoa «< eacmitoctoc our eblP
(locloflirc. wood timber on ptwel uul.
> perteet tlwuiorlrce to card Satunbiy Mya no* bae btwa fallinc at (S.0U |iet aira
to by no iBrano d loedcrB IbamlarMlwan aad to tbe mouCO acre iamt, 60 acres ilearml. 101
to a depto
piowth. Tbeev oinal hire beeo ■ aale
- bo oerred.
Mntuu of troth lo tbe fuUawluc JeMtkeea to clx toebia Tbe MMcory acre worn] timber. Kotel urrhard, weU,
ed froB
At Uyeter Bay. L 1. thato wui
U (be arletnifem at <ba Poor* to
it to treaatoi; botot
Today tba fenced an.1 walcred, gomlbuiUlingv*!
$1,4UU. eaiy terma
moomtac umoac the BooaereU child.
Broa.- I
TahalWaaaMMri wha vlU haaasr
oar Biol boardlnc orbooh the fair po
8oacf«t,pwdfoil.40acmtfear*>L|ree Soaday. .Wbito they
• bile af abaatHBtoia
W. H. Rtoal took a iclp la Trwreraa
^MaaB^-laallu to hmalMUat
TWlre ibair voand* frato {
Oily laat voak.
■—<— Aaoacet IbHr wlnuli* way*
Ballwrbmaty vaa eomplatoy bid- miles fruni i«tooMi. c, »1« l« acre. AtoMe by Oal Oluiea of
HtoaBiatebatget Trararaa OUy rebollete aad a tiam ni
bto may out be tbr leuM aenwoUe lo
cat) lerma
I died.
Tbe dc«'e motbM. -|
Tiliu^j in!?hj **** *** *^ ^ ****
•I* ml mamma. It to rek-utoied tbit £e
D. Qaito* d Ttorarto OUp vaa
.At lluoul Vmu, IU..uueeaawM
40 acre* woo>l limlicr. 3j mile* (ram receaUy ethibltod bee lalaato at the
Tbea they raaUfaed ae will all ttoopvaaaMaattha 41b by Dr. .*-“—•'*
■ra J. a liwuaa
Herer child, by lU eanla lud lie
tova laat *ath.
. from to. luta.
ttooa Paver Boioa Bella I'liwa Oar- •dtool and postotoce. talc at $fi |«r| White Hoaeu. aad oa pl*aaa4 *ae Mae.
aai iL MeOanbr'a taaUiaa.
0 educatloa.''
*y PV toe III
killed Priday. He wmd •
luSaauhartoNMl aa?*|S____________
acre, eatjr term*.
ate rtoiUac al tha baw ot Me. w
lalUbto foe Onto. Uoroa Bania
Mn. A. A. Btohblai
dcalde aad Piloa Ma at' " ~
Rooms £01)l-8 Ne* Wjilbclin VBhwk.. tor for tbe aafmal.
Sue aad Jat O. Ji
MaaU hata far W taaafwy.
Mia. «hata aha wUl a|ud the Mn avaaiatMl« Maaha Oibta u« Otoate «alf
M ««ta aaHad u m hair hu*


Oao. Btaraadaoed.
aaala al tba MaOaUap
Dr. J. A. Sardaraaa toallj of Tta-

IL^R ObM^ will
otolutibe '



Wa ata harlat a ta* aatr hot taja

Mil «Mt Mtahvh la aaiy dak.


Clyde Alroida to aaPaeiag flea
hcoltlea be tme drtmilure to dereiop
to tbe blclwM |<uaalb)e eflk-lrocy.
Mr. aed Mra. Mtaae d Bo*m karwho le copabir of aeeluc Ibc eweetoeee
tt are rtotUac ta tbto plaaa.
Ivy fliit lie all about bim. wbn. beMra Ooytoa aad tba Mtoate Bertha
doee out allow bto body or
loot SaookAto Uoatortalataichto
_____ar ud Blaea fro. Obaada. They batot e( Mra. R. W. Wltou.
*111 loaato bwa It tbay Ilka Ibe
Mra. U Bpauto aad oblldrea rtollk la Xiavreaa Oily iaal *eok.
6er^ vlll be bold fat lha OeaI vaddlataad a


A fa* MWtortMi, MoBda ot Harold

Atab maMeos before Ibry eottr tbe
iwanaah tea teHhuad a
N With U O.BaMto tha karca aud Uke tbe veU arc Indeed c*rlCMly aduruod. Tbelr face* and bod( yellow *
and work t

M trM real vam wiathir

• iSS




w| think tbto aomadfellfo to a healthy

Ma aad Mn. Plnlt aad t*a Aildwa^^Bnr iMko aadMaatoaoo

E?'S^ss.‘T:sasi —

wU Ure more of a aoftwl tbe catoywcot of



W« will cut tbe |«ic« on ce-enihiaft. merer nothuii!.


can uve from 3^ 10 SSje on every iloltor by Imyins n»w.


Stoves for eampilifl

reoeraber you have a very Urge dock to tefect fnun. lour Urye


y<mr bouie.

necl m

A fine hoe d porch ami town Rpeken Irom SI-S.', up.

A big line oS Hammocka, from a ffoml closely
Hammock fee TSc light akmg up lo................................
Same stove with ooe burnet, •{ mdses jmnaa Mix

FoUi^ l^n Seal* tot (he ),Mch n> town, nwely

ir health and Ure to

’m^Jd Ite

(lainled. tevi or green, tong enough lu seal toui
}«o|de, gmhlami strong, just bkc cut. tot ..$1.86

Maraaot aad llttla a« aaak la tba
Pa^ al Tiarerao OUy-

naT-'r**™* **““*""•*"

SXS"” *“



Have you a cottage lo fumisi,. .w
Oruceew-Yoo wotod hardly rail Mte
Mra very warm beartrd pemooT
Farore^Warm baaitrd! Ou (bena
trBry..»be la avtally coM. If ube rtmoU
' ' I IBM. yoo aay be eorr It would
toUaWne-Boatoo Tnoacrtpt

ncevi *o«De mhl boU ?
tot of oiofscy.

If so

iU> yem

A two Imrner gaaoiine too/e. joto Hke cut. for $*.T6

! can save }>ou a,

Scene goml. strong iron beds, small ere. ju« like

(111 Stenres from the dtea|c*l oj. to Use bcM.

Good spring tn fli them $t.T6
Aa Licebur matiieM, $1.6t>

Hdeo-l wrote a story oocr ttau
nebr vlaatoc a dfty *ueo.«wA
Ifeibbleo-What aldetiMked yooT
ScTlbtlea Tito eWa fatbM.-Chkaco

•Bhorp la I
-Tn ttwUI



M-bole omit for........ $5.n
A pkc iron bol. any sue,

.4 ft. 6 ». h«h, m white,
green or blue, tor.. .$8.86
A tot of wood boll at nboul
half price..

long and two short .bawei* am! one

wntbM boa at

hue tei

Mn Oeo. Olamt of M^al^ty
oMI On Poaitb with bM MothM.
Mn H. WtoPoaa. of Mtot Latoad.
Manap Darla aad tontto d TnrlOHy ure al Ibo baiel All weak.
-inP. Meator.whataaliaaatoaad.

A ml aatay weal trna han
taavom Otty to the oslatratkak

We intend to move $12,030 worth ol House i'uroHhing Goodf by ji^ 3^h to mike'room

for the new stock 1 buy io July.


srassK.£Air-“- aTRttirvxLrxK -“S.TXJT

Mr. aad Mn Piad Wtnia wwl ta

ever witnessed.

FoUing CanvM Stoob far eampiug. only............................................... i’i.

Mn INnha. ^ mm ta Baar
Iraba tor a two waaba* ^t.

to Onwalhotoiloviu.
thoyltora Blaea realded,
___ _________ Miaia hM toBi a aanowhaabaaA m audMothar. twe aiaitonudtwo laitoirA baaldai Maaj
rrlMtorlliodth.Pnak PtobM lu roeelrod word tiw tnuto la Oraad Baa^ Onwa aA
Wmiawlaq. tee^ oral lorad by
all who kaaw Am.
"—^^iTiTii IlMilnl laapMiMlM
Be. Om7 hM baacht bha Onto
to JBtr 4th. from
_____ Uto fa_
— waateMtea Mb
at tba M. I. eh i«h at WllHaMiteiw
aadhMbadyw ■ told to raM to VUT
_______ _________ ly to w»ll tte raaarThe Obariaroix lafi panM«no wd itoUaa aan.
Tbaa wm <na a dlMaaae to attoad
tba fwHBal Mn Mwtea. Mn Aaato
Wa «M aaw tolk with Gtoa Ham Real.
Mr. DasU Maidn. Mr. VUltoa ■MatfaUl..wUa aad aaa of Otaad
wo an harltoi aana reey wmm
~ "
T. a tetod td Tnnm
mMm m*. Jaai what tho
• aaelai ure audaetad
ky Bee. WUtord
• ■ Baatb
• of■ WUIwaM hanb^pbaaeo; wo had leV toMb^ BMtotid by Ber. O. D. Wn



JmlSncManct Mil On

6oon at) crow.levl lull; big asaortmenl ol anythin^; you

. aad Mia. Bankal aad two
■oa at IlMirhi an haio eaa





adOtaa. FbalTnrortoOlty.

<tdd Chain., one. (>D ami

Of Jamia O
the elder. ;to the c
bad bout to> watTprorertitol. and
bad a parlindBr tocnioa to aaytbtoc
that aarond at dtoraepoct oa the pan
ot hie e<BpioY«a-«boe aBcaktos ot la

80x18 mebev brass drawer jmlK
made to ah. me e Urge gtoia am!

■iMMattei to baabb ot toae B_____


BM tolMttee with Tby >ir|*lMkM"
Tte aroMba waa area by tte aeiplaa
m.* Mdt- tba beaMWM
d yMte aa- Btlsa of aa la>illlci.n tetoar, “Mil
ihl Tte Laed htewa vtat b*
trooL *ny bueboad
tnod tohaU '
-U lhal oar her «MMn troa PMudrtpble repbed -Too and be 4MT
kauw e*eb Mber ae reey l*ac kHai
yoa veer asarrML Ad 7007*
-.SMourety. td( Bb Ska. 1 tMte B

Big bargnmt.

Table. *a aem e«bt people.

::u:;2S^,^.uwTr: JTjrsri'js-*

fat ..........................................$a.7l




Kitchen TaUe.. 8Ri4X with
Urge drawer, far............ $L7S
Ailkia^ef OMsto


6m^ white act. 100 pitete. a
tte veiy Uteai aM penkM
Good *M attal. Ml abe. made *r
tefd wood, weft
dum. two toted aite^ te..................................

V.rk Herald 'MoT

Sa5“ —

at half price.

A good-kolid Exteaiua

with tbe «a
ibealroam aa
are tomiUor; 1 at to tbto rrnwrt tba
prWMaaMtoi aad tbe board aeetlac
Itetdoteooot paitob relleC retMla allauareeoorm. Oaly
d the paper.
4 WMk a UeabUiw oU tody at Osaeven appeatod f« partoh' reUeC.
*Bat vbat to year aaa.* aha vM
wked. -that be caaaet e^pwt y*ar
■Wioff? Wlat do y«o aeoor
■Wtaaaa ak.* ate irpltod. -te-a aaly
~1 anu Ibe—Ibe Mticr oa tbe ^ • amioaalnAa>U tte cai '
toaebur they touncA ttet vtei
aeon wu a ceaatoteasm Atoa
«Wte rnotoly at a prayM ae.'Xiiri.iK
Ml. aad Mn Wat Brawa at Tnr-

three of a styfc. lo doac oM


tubed. <ac la«e

rm teyihUM yo. wted ft* yote emtage*
caap a kte a yoa CM bay « to ChkiM



«r hMvy IWII

kV MTTMt lkt« kware4 i-M

bM «wep»



i-( lemter yu* with • toM of

Ue- PmImUmi nttan

OMraw’* PU>< «Htha hm o( «l.M
tta Mtel tea wUI ru MV tw.tea
AtOwMtiM whole Mth lonef
m *MBto BMMeadw the vote


eUo BeSo'e thUo Pooteiy U i
JToiMn roporte eora eat
OOP oodv voter tmi lha ««(•
imi\f *tene«vl. » ote tteetrogiH.

Ladp (terwB. otea-rotoa of todto.
•JtelUNteof te>lvbo voa faraalp Mtea Morp Loiter
itadaaateAtee ot Uhteaco, IIL. la oaapalted to teeoa
MbolU- ibeeaan of baaoelol Wtompba ot
teonte oite toMae. *i WTWol paaia ol Cbtetoa oo
vfoa oo4 two hooeei U1 berilb. flto bn baatoo dove to
tbanptacoto A
Mn. WiiUote ToUeo

Our Cani'jgM will fnvp oatit*
faction XW nudrAntrv thctt
In ;'® ®“*'***

•tel t'vo ether tecahen e( bar toteUy

Baba. Me.. Uw totter i»rt of Aoc
alp tejofod.
oal Vhara too will apaod aeeaaol
i-WItei •oato Ttetltoc tor aolbar. Hro U Z.
r, obd tor oiteeao. Itn. baiter liatia vr«e noWAnMte aad / OM aieaiar wee
aod ba doaebtan on Bwk tuc eli
too Mohiai (rote (bia tetrte
t^oroiteoa.fa Ladp Ibui
rie»T»atwidea Meiaal UtijKri. luaOaue
taatoa y ^^lQaijrT> '
White Cteed «• Ibe eortb. » alUa to

a ae the aaet. oad a tor aeoth
wEolwaoaoo baa (ted ep imllraadi Lord Oaroao win aoc a
r aMka aaaMt ba had ta tora
Oteef Uaed fUfdiU ostepl (be tten
aap Jate ao* bp tUe &.OOD totobattetorlM M Dowell oU etbaa haea tew loeii ot oiaar, ia aoolhlaaaii, Tba loeol balebat toeo
te«. All vita both •ac«h ud aoath qaatratod eilb Uw teoateipoUtp mud
eftbla ailT orodoea.
Tlw doau«e tewl bodp to reeaace boa ohot ap oil
tew pabUe oteofbta'beoaea
•a tew frail atop la tbla rrateo la ao«
Aa aCaetltei batvoaa brolbon aoew
iMoteBlabte bet aaot be wrrj gnmt''
oot of Uia beodebt
nateitep. Jatr S-Tha Tbroed poad l« Itobt viwo daolb leek ovap Joioei
Mte 01 Pllat ■•*• oot ODd tew Whtte- ood Heorp Oleau. forwaro l«*iu«
baad A Hellaod laaber pord la ■eU« orar Kvtoc. to riateiac oeutp.
M Oleaai ofod 70, oad bta brotbdewa the rirar. A allllae foal of
Uaarp. Ofod 71. tod Head leceUwr
loabar cel owoy.
torawap aod tormad to partaerohip
A voteiaol vraedad Iba O. R A L
oa Ibe tore* Uael of toad litewrited
I--------- r- Mo a at Heiaait KBctaear Irote Itoir Utewr. tteatowli
Olliteaa of Ofowl Kopida voa bodlp
o baetola. white Jaaaa

KharN IMoaar far rw.
•Ate. Jair 6-Kioc Kdvard-t
ter dlaaar lo Loadoa'a poor woo

t» oU tew porta of Iba do. At Blibop'a
port liooo wore tad. Tba deteltote
vancawip oU tad. oa vail aa rate
Mtebwa vboaa on«M ora balov a.
livtbc teoDdari.
Tbetetel ooabor
fadtewnotod to teJ( o aiUioo. tlw
teMT, vbiob ooal In tba oalcbborbaod of W.«0O pooada. iaelodad ateok
Ml kidMp plea, reel plea. boa. rooat
boat, pototeai tteta. ebaaaa. bear oed
Tba coaau woro paoaad
be «.<n> oelert oed aciraaief vbo voltbalr ■errlea. atte 7S.OOO
Trtutean vbo aelad aa voltero Tba
teMaa aed aaote oaad la Iba fieat oaad
op tK altea o( plaala. Kia( Bdword

labitbaeltr. Ha atotaa ibe rea
aOipiarar Aadroa vara broacfai v>
Hodaa-a bop pete ataorllp baton bl.
d^orbteo. JoM> I. bp ao Maklteo, aaai
Mite aoBtraUw tral aovaefADdraa'adaoU. Tbte bob npa teat Aotee ood oewiaoleBa woro kUUd bp o
baa tribe of Brtlaa aoo teltea
Mftbvate of tba Hedaoe Bop poal
teth ta bttef Bteda of teip rooorda
to ^ too# tod vbw ktllad.

Saw Tort. Jalp 7-A toU volffatec
»0 poMda aad baartec too loaerii
•■J'rtara <d Wotei ITdO.*’ tootel bp
Aoovaakaaco, boa bara Melaa tl«te
tba BMito aeboeear Auroeter la Jarmx OUP. »to Jaaola toeteo
otteUte aakad tew apaate of Uw boat
bitoka Ito ball W Boctead a o
Bella* lltl trow the (oeoreaal lo
SlM Mvard The poUa of Mav
tart an looktec oot ta rta old ball.

dateoiorie* fa
BeaoeeoU ta o aoeeod tora.

bad baoB awrried aod left two doapbtero Wbo faroUion U^oni tacoUier
aad added MtbetradSaMtetteaaM if
lador Uw dteoelioa of oea mtod. Mo
• IwrBle aeoooDW wva kept, ao todt’Idaol tedpw epauad. ee oradlte cirea
o U.e oar 111 vbteb Ito ottor did oot
.piaor- Tbep Itvod tbrooeb tba tooc
aon vlIlKiQt oaa >rrlac word or
rote parpoae. Ac* daollp ooaipaUed
baa to oaaaa ntlra work oboot Iba
anw titehaod Uwp died oulp oaa dap
Tlw forabaad of Tbeodon Roiwarall ir.. ora* oal bp o plaoa of fiploc
Ktow valla to vaa oatehrottoc ladoI Dap ot Opiur Bap. Ba bad
■raciiooktrtooo.old botite
Ofal attar -Uw akplorioo. (0008 ote
fortewtel bteadlBi trow o daap catei-

The Fv>pte-< (tommoa Snwe Medkte
Advuar. u pt^cc coetn. ta ecot -ncciptof r> ene<ca( Wamfiafar'
of owUtoc amJ,.

rteno. Btebte. K. Y.

pbopla of ProirtovllU. Kalamaaoe ceaalp. are gtektoc reedp to oatebnto o aolobla areol tba fiftiatbaBBiearmiT^or Uw old mtoatoa arteol
MoUtrtnd far Uw ladteaa bp Iba tote
Jooob Blolor. 1
cUwtadteaaot <
o MIeU.
ertot bUtte

L of Hirtto
Uw Ka«. Sloter-a a
^ ood bat
rooK the bell to Uw old aohool booao.
.Iltof tlie pooac brnreo to lean of
oUwr Ion Uioa Uw Imppp boaltoc
■roiutda to paan ago
liba baa faaao
ted to ProtriaTiUe tobalp oetebrola
onaieamrp Jalp *. ood olll rtog
old ball eeoa men. prrbapa for
Uw lote Umo.
White btedtog etoden ol


V ot Oeote to UCTT. Tbo gteaa mat
plooad apnght it atartod go»g and
boa kept good time orar sluoa.

Trofflpa aa trolo oaeora te tba loteat.
Tba oorUwm tteoiSn roilvap te aaia a faod aw* Ironvood wtUi
mittera. aad wbwi Uw RtogUog elraaeoBidatlBg IM tonr of Uio op■raloteiloo dotorstood otumpi
imde to vnek Uw^Aral tmto bp
Uw oaa of dpraalte.
la MTaa pteoaa
Mro Hattap Bravd', ot BeaaaTlUa.
•ok vaa blovo op jut batora
led., acwl to, wUte allttoc to bar Uw otrlvol of Uw trolo.
toadtoc the Doetaroteon of tovoraod^ uoto to lima lo mra il
For aaetrol moatba the gnoad ot
portion of tbe ClwplD miaa fau bMo
certog to. eooaed bp Uw mtolag oporotiou balov Uw aortooa, and botb
taatera and 61 Baal Itooo
pot to graol e^woaa ia
kaeptog tiwlr reodbeda ia tba atetoitp
ap to Uir pnwor gimto.
Maap ear'
gioTol liova boaa oaad la tbe
I preeeaa. bet Iba pit oadaroodpov
hlo. Tbev
I Utet tbe 81 Poal tnrti
VM ovar 1« peon bid. tortoc will ba ■
ovead bp tba poaaf teup'a anal
- - or. Attar a warrp "bop
. boate eea rammer olgbl
croobled M maob u Ima
a tetaml Ito touloom. aad sl- Uw Bl Poal. oad il te Ihoagbl Ibol bp
tboacb dUlcoal aoareb
Uw grade raa belter
eeald aot ba foaaA
ba kept up oad at radsoad aipeaaa.
tew bM teao vai aoeaaad of atealliic
A dog olBteUd with bpdrophoblo
II aed Mr. .Splratear proapUp dte- IMad tbroogb Varaovtbne vaok*
It U ballarod Hal Uw •go. oad bitdogi aUTM plgi aad
aap eoatatood tto aeoklaro vbah
BaTorol oalMte blUoa oro BOW
tfoWB tort to tew loti atel toot it attlotod vlth Uw loWao Saroioloaoa toeratep aotea bp tew
Imoli bittoe hove not pot ghowu algu
Madflnod oed holt totoilaalod from ot tba diaraae. Than it oaaatoraoloobol oaad to '■dlateltetp atop'
UoB la Uw aaigaborkoed aed tba
> Uwte. o bl« bard ot.eottle atei
> board ot hteiltb baa boaa apad ia Uw Oblow* Moek pante oa Uw
roarib. Mora Itoa a aooao of aaiBteU
The brard ot atate aaditora baeo alawl death to Uw reab. Seaaaa
lovadUte ototoiof Hoaaa OlaBimont
oed blood
of Jartaim. tv Uw boaatp of •MO tbe
atote oflarvl to oeldirai aellattog la
taoka. Oea a I aaerlp tote hte lUa. Ibaoitllvar. Tba allovom of each
tetem te o rorllT. II ataallp batog dteUwB too. A' olaaad gate eaaaod Iba
•oear.te wbaa aarb etolma are Bted
UoobU aed baton It voa erer. tl oattool tbe aoldlat had paeolrad tba awamote lop to a baop , aema Itepoli
dortog Uw p^ 40 paaro
boro*, otbaro vllb aaeka broken aad
Oo. E.Tvaltlh

Mtebata ot bar towUp vara ovop ot
tow ealabrattof Uw Toortb
Whaa feaad o eopp of Uw doeterotloii
ot etoiobad to bar riefal bead.
A Kite boat M« vaa killed ol 8aa
ilpUeatar'i fortn la Ootewo. K. Y..
•ad vbra tea toterlar voa eopoaad to
Ttev the batotor foood o aoekteoa ot
n....t.Hoaa loM teat aoiiuaar bp
Eothtpn touatoo. a awaa ot Hr. BpI-

MIohlgaa totaavp.
k ato Haw York
oaa leru ot tew ponte. - A dtod wall
•( oattte vaa wtot Aoollp breoctat tba
nor rort of aatoete to 0 boll
Y«v P«>ple *ra owon ttot o inwadeot toad boom la aew to |*oenm to aenhvoatero Mtoeaaoto oad

_____ , eatebrottua <
Ooanro. Ham.. >
tba |wrt of aa Im
1 oUwr amtanol.

I aotaobte
oofa. bp te>r
ral onwtete of Uwir metber, a bl*

At Obieago to « teeg aliogiiaoad
_mote«foilv'adaaat *asl Yu Bor­
Ibm tba dap alter ibalr birth
in amt Hotelaad ateaote tTtevAuiteBaparta from oaatnl aad nertbaro goa cola oad eomeep aaO o oomptela
eooBUrfetter'a oaMl toeladiag ptetea
Ha* Yeah todteote ibol tba eoaltoo
fv mrtiag •l.ou) btite. bate bora
•nratoetJoaabaadoiw moop Iboo tnoad IB o weret eaoll Tba dtmoetba' atan Farmw* mj tkwi oUbtto.
twatbpaedoloTteon rotUac to the
barbaoA A dateUot paUea vm ratCa
MAt. aad- Uw oolaaad tortep o.opa to pnraal a mob ot budnteatpaaWtB.iwdte ahtoBp at avow. Umt ptetram tottatoa rtiartii ot lte

: Beware of the Canvasser
and Bis Expenses!


, bad bokad him op for 2
L. U Kteilioe. o I
. oo Uw Keorto
A vrtoaa to)orp.* He
ad to tor fopeaof OB
aaoad voaeorrMd
Uartlui. wbo fv manp pran
bu U-rn tlw luauacta Of Uw AlbaubrO
planurloa lu Iberville parUb. La., for
Ururnil W J. Hebaa. lu a cuorurm.
Uuo at Kaw Urieana reeenUp aald’
-Tbe crapa oot our wap are luuklag
wea aud everptbtog polula to a aurceeafUl ymr to aplie of tbe ntber ua
favurablr Uan lu aoiue aeitlooa. I balle.e (bat I tune utw lltUe aiatlrr (bat
«111 br of geueral lu(frr«( (o tbr public
r LoulKlaiia. aad (bat to *u lUlotiwUc
• iw loader wUrh I Lave Ulel; pat

oboul Ibirtp flea h

Uw opptoluunlra of lima
tafceou a dlguli; wkicb lifta tbem bigb
•bore all |«Htp tuoUvea and diabrort.
ra. A pear dcroted to Uod'a
•arvice (bap out bring aa clear etetua
ilia altaloed. but it will amute
ua Uw bm use of lime, freevlooi from
rbu apeut ti
Veokeolag regret and Uw peace to
nviTe aod *bo OU Uw Orvaalmi of Uw
bean obicb to D-I Uw Iraai of tbe coathird «ru|UK>u uf Uoul IVk-e bad to
dlilooi of .'Avlriwp la I'bnai'a tbougbt
rou lutu Uw oceoo to aate Lte life, vaa
Uw order of dotoluo Baa of Uw blgb
at tlw ruluu dtpul to Koiwaa Clip Uw
rM liuptotaikv. tVbal cornea Brat la
uUwr Ulgbl. klr. ItuU-rtauU. wbo «ol
Ufet Hte coUoaH to Uiat tbe ktogduu
Tbe device la aompantlxelp Ugbt
d bp aeivral Auwrl.-aD aclof Ovd and Ilia rigbiruumwaa abouU
Kd eaap to Iwtidlr and will U- dn«B
Uw rigbl of wap. Ue feared Uw
bp luule* A rake or fork rX(rUdi aluuf
York ua tbe aUtemv Dlkte aud
tbe eurface of Uw groaod aud pick* up
mm ur life
Ue vvaatraata Uw
dIracUp (o Koaaaa UUp. teopptoK
tbe ouw and K-uon II oC (he griMiud.
lure aid aervi.v ur wlnulug guudi fur
and a alghl to Chicago.
It te carrivd (o a klud of eteeu tocilue
self with Ibe tuvr aid aar.nce uf Cod.
-1 bare tneeted la maap taada aod
d U|> (be liirilur b) a wrira of (urki
No rnaa ran serve two mattera. fur
miTirra lUat operate (i> a *.->ri
have aeea maap Blgtui" be aald to a
ritbrr be will bale tbr tow aod luxe Ibr
opi>MliP Jlreeilou tu Uiat of tb.
repurlr of tbe Kouaa ('Up iooroul,
or etee be B-ltl buld to tow aud
•it tfy Uial Cbtor. TUeee fork, take Uw .Bl.
lirrltde rruiUteo wUl U^e la luj uwiu- table alei.r (be lo.-llue. aud
X.UIp Ibau BupOiiug elar (tu-u.>- It to iila.-ed lu carta
e aavliii; of lime atul laber vtU
Ibe bateiKV e( Wi' llfr^ I UUrd oUli
Ttw raalaatb <a Paoea.
eUi (tourlug OU. aud 1 believe Iba
tbe ouij aurtlvur of (be dUaalrr. U«
To be glad of life bacaaae II glees
w la a goud uue Ui-twnl Urban poo Ibe chance lu lore ood to w.wk
0 iTliulual uHtSiwA lu Ibr 8u I'l
prlauu aud aruleucvd (..i tbr gull- ta lul.-noted witb Be In Uw ptaol that aod lo ptep aid (u look ap oi tbe tiara:
l-urp.-- lo build for laaUiic tba
* ter murder. TLrtu <tepa befure
ba aaUafied
b poar ri-«acMi.
loadm "
tbe viipiteu be bad kuM-ked Ute kevpbut not couicn
wlib pouraeif u
er dova aud otieupled to racape. Kor
le wat aeolelwnt to the aubduo(laieui mvuti) cronied le Ooror
Itaree Urn briuv Uw baaauwat of
iba priaub. a bm be wot kept to aoU- Newbooae nukes Uw iwerl rlaio that
torp «-uuliuruwuL I did but Uwro the l.p Pla.'liig (lie culllug edL*e of a raaiv
c prosliullp lo a bar Baxuei Uw bp pour dIaciKla: lu c..cel uulblug Ibal
dale art (or Ibr BteU'a ex.
• IIIU) be p.rfe.-tlp aUrp.-lied. to yuur urlgbUu-'a exvwpl bit kiuduem
rcwl of bU crtoir «ud arni.-uc- ffom
livelitor aap> tbal the uwKUet af bean Old grDlleii..Bt ur luaou.ra, lu
the ftlea of tba uev>pi|wrt lu Kort da
Ibr ailuute leHb or pru)>Da
muce. (ourta-U laUra aauy
a>-lduiu of puur rueulea. ufleo
abarp edgi-. " Uleb uwp I. ami
»-ao pmeui vbeu r.-tH.'Uen '
.our fili-tda aid every da) uf
__ [wur fellow out of (be dung.
I'tarin aod lu aiwid aa mucb lime aa
Ue.Baa rvp weak aod loile (roB tort alrniiibt Hue after (bet ba.e Iwro puu van. B ilb ladv aid wllb a|.lrll. lu
of angle* l.p Uw (iod'a oat Vif duuea-tbena are Ullla
of uourlUiateol aod wh. .. brought ''. 11
il.-a that aftorteoia CBldatwau oa Uw fuotpalb 10 peon.tbe aurfarr, B’bm tbr auu «'ai eb
ewmlp able to aui.d aloue.
be ba* that Beorp Voa Dpke.
«1 to lw |-Tf.-.-tl.t niiouxl at Uw Lrin-tl.ial rge<.t la very marked
Uwre waa uudre (be M
and tbal a razur can be ueni a great
and buotad expreealou oo bia I
number of mu. * vnibooi airupplnc or
boulug If It to >iu|.lp pu.v-d lu a prop tblug- Hacrtflce and tear are cioaa
aoowUilug toleUlgrot looktog.
aod did
IKwJtloo Dear tlw wagaei wten It te oalgfabora. Tbr goapel ia oo InritaliuB
lu a baudoel. bat lo a barveal
mluulea. nuallp ba put aBap.
They wbo ring Uw ebaagea un Uw one
magic word twiler ougbi ever lu r«KK-lurd t-unrad itcbledl. A U.. I'b Bwmtwr Iba aaauclaUuua (bat dni aur« aod tbr algbl of
D-, profeiteor of oalaral acieocr sod rvuDded It Bebef la a word boro of
too boudrrda of dead bodlea Bllbto
r aod of bluod. Ua divitw amae
atona'a Ibrow of wlwtv our |«rl>' aiood ctartutetre at PnukUn and Uanbail
rolDrd upon tbe alUr. tod tbr uM
oo tbe old iirlaoD roln* were ruougb to
p of tcrnBlrial construriteu ‘“!!d meaalng to aUll • pan of il-rr«abpappeal lo Uw aeaaltlvr (eellugi of aop
tkHi. lito IbeiMie* are dteraatrle- teriaa JooroaL
L IiU( vbeo It aullp dawiwd u|ioo
ba( tbe lour wrelcb Ibeaa aai loa Bllp Oiipoaeil to tbto<- eapoiuwd bp gr
la Unie Thlova.
blf reaaou. Ibtoklox Ibal be bad otegtou sod *.-ieoli>u of Uw peat aid
If poo CBOBM ba graol U wflUag te
I pul to death and waa In tbe low- geiwrallp acce|.t.-.l Imlap. Profiaite
aglooi I catuwl god word! le ex­ Schledl boldi that Uw earfb la Dot area Ood Id uangi that on anriLit up uvu iBiprvaalooa. aod tba Bolld. aa we bate Iwtv laugbi for gaa
itioOB to bellete. but that the ceupv
a upon (ba focei of mp two
gaaeooa and ultlinatrlp wUI ba 0
pouloua tuM aw (bat Uwp felt aa
(n order to eolill.- a tredllor of a
ruum. aud that Uw center of gnebonkropi to )wo.r lua rialm. H i» twld
Itp U oot at Ibe .voter of Uw apbrn.
to ra Dickaoo <r. r .1 lal i' • -v. I. B
(bat da)
M9. that paymenla oo i.-ritout rorde I-'raare, where be «aa put
not wiu oot be r«iulred to I- aiirTan
luiu. He wve Uw gnuutog face of
IVoud to to ba Uw iwaeal foud.
dered. undv aecldn 57g of ihe back
tuilwcUe afleeward aud will
Rrlurk-fa Krii. a profraaor of cb>
roplrp »«. wbarv Uwp were reared
- dapa died a ratUig luaalac
lu Berlin Ue baa aeeured a patea* wtlboat aop IntenUon of tcdulring a
lalDlp auOered a tboOaaud deaUw
41 a form of animal fodder whicb preference and Uw credlta wen Idtor bU vliue -’
aawduat at it* ebtof tsgrevUaoL (teaaed daring Uw period when Uw
Re nrgiM Ibal anltoato ba.e a decided paymenla were Btodf.-CbICOfO Ualtp

•ap DP* tncfci liixv I«
POBZ bat if pod Wbialb-

t»y yw Baecibk >bd lovirtMits
wbmin the Ciiv.

See vbal jwi

UlU Tlae to v.MUl

Ateavo a'

LARGE STOLH; Io arievu fcoiu.


aiUeas Pbg«e S4A

"tt You Could Look
Al. telatlwlvereaadweltetomlawa
to wkirt you. COMB U acgfceved.


Cure sr-tSS iruto;. ter Ute day to )aa-va Ito year


'''to“tto toeli^to tee ewato to ttetoa b
' ‘ WuaaiB S”uni tol'aa^f'^^-r^aardiw
■ 4to^.*UU.*«-. U.I.. ..—cv a^^ rim|Bva
llteda>™4 Jto. 1.1... .k. k Ui ter'lu^—ua—d l.e te. r.auuuiur aad atUw
laaaurh a.v.*icl.eirl ilui Un laa to
^ dw.—vl. Ml all .atoe e-e-m. lawr

I... .to
Ito )...■ Ito prtouu .rtw. la Ito ni; to Tiaeurw CMy, la «id r..unl..awl te— .siwu, vtaayltor*
■te y—r 1... -by lb. »] a...*ia> teuaM M to
Hnw*.. tol—I A.ul .« w t.ntor tuteen. teal

wu-y to Utei B..MUM.

emSto. t-T Jalu.

^ -53'

aad te. btanaa ite«»


*. .e aww utiwr *BltaI.b- we-*,
aal >Brh u-bw aad tortew leUrt aad
Umax BU.. Uekad .a vbeureea— •• lua*
_ ....BW-lb) «br ■tomwlli MBb vww aude



II to .edepd IBM Prida;, ik.. ate
day vt Ja y. A b las. ai eiu'ri.ea u te*i.e.* tl*. teanaa towd ui.
-Uwliaeaulolal- .ar. repaired b. alM-r d a
—s.a to wal v .ein. IB.B Uw
IVulute OHS . . IB Ibr .11; .« Iravrrw V.|l>.
aad «b.«* jaa-., U any Uiw 1.. -k; lte


Aad II to rcwlkrr .*dmd. IteljaUd^aitote^



wrltera we
PbUlpplDn. bat auv
iteUua bald bp tba

Uklug for poiiug abooti. ne«* of
abrul.a. tree bark and oiber hmrp fnod
of Uw uue natuiv. aid. atoc- ripecl.
■ have pru.ed Ibal Ibe nutrimaal
eontaloed lo aucb growth ivmalna ta
m after tl baa iMome Bond, bs
ebserrea that with a tltllr mil aod wabted to tt tbe mwdoM will prera
to ba a bigblp oouriabtog dtoi

ring Ibe uanl dnuklag dapi la
Beottaad a nootrp frinri. raUtag al
tba doer of Idvd Bermaad-a boota la
Edlnbargb ol 4 a'ctert ta Iba after
BOOB, waa teferrtid bp tbodfmal tbri
Iba ladga waa ai dlaaee
-Bat I tbaogbl bli terdiMp dM Bit
dtea till b o'eterb.*

'■t'mtrr ggoaUi tola.'' ba c
**vuBati ware tmbeard of la Iba gvwMO (he raral mall oartter tm eniBKDt terrlea. Bat >oat before 1 kft
I dtetrtol teewo op M tba i
Maalte ttevr FUiptoo.pvaag tedin bad
mak <• Urn term ot o Hr. Map- poaoed nweroaUd axamtoaUoaa aad
poomatte. Tba
, mterabapU. ba foaad iba bodp had bna f1'r«
ot Mapnrd'a » ytax old aoa to tba FWpIno mokee a ari' Odld cterb.
-Sbortlp befora cumlag to Am
taak. TbacADdbad tritea to vblte
a ba vm ba bli
made a lorn of tba patodpol lawTlacaa
ai ptop aad drovaoA
(oMba porpttee of coodoetteg axamtea
mia. bat tbea ba rtatttda to gel teorPraii bmigi ao ibkblp <m pi
ttevo It was aonviatog bow moeb
rlad a^ Ut aB oC.
ivm to tba tlatoltpot Bpacta
goad material woi
If the Craohv arm made ■ to»alma ttaroefoamto ot K te |dabod at artBgUwfbeitltet
«• It. waa pabhaMp doe to oa M
•ao It te raid tba tram vlQ
ovo. tbi otete poMlwa to ba tba
anlaai to»yrara.


d uf ~






to Bary to'yjiiaa*I* te^

S2l“Sk'toto?“ "TilrteSi^rtir^ld'pn

.1 w lartear toOtaad.

■a tto (ertetou. te a-aga-1 (ur tto to-nagto {whhte-V ul'S^tWi^'^nraB^Smld.'a
aUd piauua.^ teai^ Uir^toai J ^u>

pvdig A


Traew- VMyuad te— teow. tf aay teer. be.
QWMCa <V K'lBAi-ATiob-toBatotoilM

KnES^teS''-^v;‘to“,k.%ccto teto ptolUte. aad tto toarug te* b

aatoririav.., e. W-to. te


OTAtk 04 Mli.'aMlAS 'Tto Prteatel'a.
reaU ODaaiy. told al ito l^rvlwto UOUe
u Ito nw to Tlutoto .My. uo Ito Mk

v-ist iTirSTUiKSS


luke to-ntejp. lateuleoaaty, toiato

*rtoTSsv3fi*J?ik;i^/2rto,i'?,:;7aad laaieOte wtoe aad farttoe .eitor aad urv
easdlaga war to kad u tea .............. aa waa
TtoeiMi a .t l. wteevd tiui rrkdar. tkaStk
day to July, toil, a. t.— urk.-k la .to
- - - - toas^^^^ te^ki-pa^to a^

aad III! ■l.lm u teul auualy, aad tea. *Md
vtekPw ■> Bwto It T nail

tola irtea. te Ito cily to tasaaev- UUp.
aad mow rauw. ■< aay itoea to aky tea


Ei::;ssi‘Ar«i=5U22fi¥si. '

rioted when iuuu-euti) ateed bp bit
cpalwl lirieuer- ''.VreaT ab -■■•mm
torurav - l^b^tedrtpb^a_T»legT»pb

beU bp m
Urea, tba retMlader bp Americona.
Tlw poUep of the eomtelmtoa.^. IV

^ocr^’^^lto'lte eiltL*] ■*
»rBadTnewaa,k.dd.vai tea Prutew .te.*.
la ter rity .4 Tn.rrar (Sty.
' Hvltwdai.



few dapa .
B-BB SI. PeieralHirg. wfamr Iw m*vI
arieeBi >>e.'ii.. He aape bk to d.-Lgbt
ed lu get beer again, a* be I* ionglog
for Uw tight of p
aiSoter rSoL^I mSw^P^w La^amaw
lb Bl. rrieraluTx I
are tdeoltfid here. ...................................
lo CDBipBoy with a frieod. be walked
tba entire ieoglb of Ibe Ne.akl Proa,
pakt (four mileai. Uw Cbetoout auvet
of Ibe KVunn .a|.ltal sod dorlng tbe
•nvU saw iMit IB., iwetu BO....-U Aid
KumtoD Udiea. ba de.-terea. .1.
He eiidalntd
uakuowa to tba drem tdcelp
torn by aaytnS tbal Uw^ wen,o.^^^

Tbo •

■a miadeliAia Zoo vaa robbad ot raliood ak«|Kr<ai


oUa* Uw falte* Mefol <>bb >»•
tba torar book 00 Uw box. Wbaa
teoto naebad Ibte pteea ba oaltedan
olltew oad hod Uw poeoon ol freiebt
lo ee totorpnler tba fal.
id ihol oa ba hod BO maesp.

paap iarllod Dr. J. itorrep laaia of
Uiood Kopida te latoatigote Uw baolHoa. W. LaoB Peppmoao. mernlwr
ef Borae rlnr let otbof Uw PhUIpplaa dell aentee cumlutam ilmaam U«a 1
ateo. wbo recaoUp arrived a( Waiblug
nperta Utet all troobbv ooamd from
00 leovr ut abartwa from Uudte.
•rto oeld voold be eomi oad tbe<
1 tbaoUwr
baodted if that
Woabtoguw 1
VM epoeteUp ivaitend.
Ba mjt o
tor propor faoiUttea all) UXU it BOW coren dviUU iiuaKteBt
nugtog ta mlmp fluw tlo per luoulb
teda of ondteouoe to aoil iaditidaol tof7M> per)<«r.
Ur. PeppviuaB added (bat (*•• lauae
taaa voold be terp proStohle.
late appotuUDeol lu auceeuful appll
A:BooU Sia. Marie oaatn
couta baa CBnaud a change lu Uw uM
wo let fv the »
rlaaalcal apXeBi of edUcaUaD under l|w
jiaroh. to (MimblA It trill ba 00a
lillW to Oiw of more ue '
ot tba hoaal riionb aA^oeo to tba apd terget) ou pnctlCBl
do great te Iba iatereal
> WohlgoalItepar taUaot Ilf tbe PUIplDua to aniulriug a knowl­
edge of Eagitob that tiXuu adiilu
gulag to Wgfat acboo) la Manila.

Uw Ookoteo
Larc* fertaaoas. haeo
bp bold apeeotoun oea ot
boDkM to o imoll leva to
at* fal law. faato Ilka a aaoko,
leva, hot eleorvl obeat (I.OOO.UOO to
Vttb 0 toed Ilka itol ot o tarlle
tba teat Ivalee ot Bflaoi) teoolbo
toa me o Aab. A hac blUtao
After o to dope' foat Bra. WOodo
aaoth flea It a teoal tenitploe 0|>
iteoria. of Hoaele. lad., who ol
yrarana. «bleb la raodaad atao ba
rihta bp o pair of cUriw *ja n tba
ollheocb atni oUto, U nlopofttetarad. liabedpUob
duead to o rtotehs. Vboa tew atort
tek «ioa* to ala.
and rv
•d abe voa o baoitp vomae walcfatot
aeoto tea atddte oia aaaol bripl.
White lielac to«o
polev atripra.
Tba blotecial
an tew propiiatead aba
weald aeon be alrirtae bltad. Mow
pooag mraVmo hit jote pn.poaad
It tea- eteUm el o atraan d<
at abe voold.tetory- Bat a
lob kea ba»ad Uw rtUl ot oil oitbaawa hadal^M ton ao aba
ItoUe apectoliato She taaia oot
-Ooteael Tom Ctovoll Of Kokomo,
lad:, vlw white rarrplac Urn moll ta pbpteaollp torapobla ot takipc aap
Dm Mtetoa le.Dalphl to lodteao. U

For Over
Thirty Years

ta the bok
ripped of tba cover ot (be bu oed
dlatlraed le rtev a mee. a HaacB(iaa.
aaaAlp atevod ovap with a aapplp of
ITOTiaWOi oed voter. Boll did oe(

'«hwr sold at

lute, to IM.

n-vnuTacEssis-rSEfi'! t- aaa«ua^toUraaa Traa^._ Ala
'“’‘“•ISSffiS "
CK •S-'WS'JiiSr S^STr^
?3Sg'Ja3:f ’£a*Kiit-“.Jr





> krais'■


tegfftei On wap ihakBn and to


tag ar baton U toUa at
to te* tem tte gim haikte flhn at
bow ar a told gHe* wap to a tow
m Una to ptok tea potato: plaa
1. M. *. b. MTOk CWTm
atoteaamto aU mdrto go OwtbitteMtdto. weal
parfaeilp aaw Ite ar an aartte
dUh ate pat te a «am plBto far halt: WItetenta*. Tinaaadtonpi
apt to dp WBP wpahn, aaton
aa heart to let tte iaBoaainawt
Udag to at bond to oopalr Ite U>bt.
Wto food af fa^ aad a
waptteglaaad to tte aateiaa. m
btoBUtaUr- Baiaatar to* nto at
la a lUite nit. gnt aa
btondadwUb wbita aaten on‘ —
toUNfte- to* peer prtonbtea awnee. *
____ nadWilater mfora
Aad how did te n
ok. wbrro did It take MMI
dipln bafar* paBlag la tea bm I* witebtoafc. TteUnaomptodto
Well, for «
te and to
to InpnaU** teat otarp mttoto «t IM to aatp aUghl aanpated wite tea
■ int.
toaab bln to teal-Unt to. to
llala'IMato togfonbla ate
targtedHmaat.arawld.-------- Un* ithtoh to mte to baatlag fer te*
0* IM «iab to tMI ««• V
Thaa tea bmtifal uinlali to baa.
. hi. tead agaiaat *o7teto« Unt
dlflomt warh nallali
oam wlU tanit. Oaa n
itow »r m nkMWB Mtto
bln amp. bto oato:
ll-a >**l aa ate^> ate eatp to ra- tnmat awavtaaaatod •naalan «dd' All affafMM dlMorw (h* vriHt
“O. toa’Upnftp'?'' ntodBtoto.
•atot* tod* to. a*d Itep
With aagn aad woako
wtwamrto^ TnteM^te*
ter* prerad rnmnUlMtooght mp pndlp. B*u aad oa* ol
At tte waitead II aaar h
TIN ilMitarr teM prlBtod to toq* WbnOadaaato aat to* waatoi
te* ad^ber't bm bsmI le ptorek*
Than wte llte petpaarrt wlU nto
A^toatteoooftWaaiff teotein '
•jr^MdBovtete totte toftcf to*
laapal; pon teres plaw at ball.
« bp raaatM toWml bin with
W-r rato't nrabataa.
tear Aagnte flown* wite tte rea*
*■1 kaow what tl to. dea'i poa. naa
_ ratnomtesmaadtollt
Ite b**d low«r*d> UN*. wa*o Bonbn
Invwaadwbaapattotelp dvaddto
to a bat pton leal dra ntoatas; ttea
na at tern to'baBI M* beadagstoil
mqaart at ln*a^ m
a tea wlaaon of tbm linto telagt
Tte daetor tooted at hi* r«ate papoot U aC tea graoBda toto a big
te* bnd Unt wot teml**ing
Wtea tte teal af a peal to to than.
^ bop* woald dadg* on* tiiU
fteaaat aap odwr win
It's* natp-a hoop with wlaga
-Wbrdaroaaotgat waUr" te i
nlf woald b* goiag with locb
**** ** ^'inm l^iray BW#
batinppn aad maotord. aod a few
alir. -toar
too to eeto atoad U to tte n
teat ha eoBid aot atop, aad w>
*'1tea wt ereaUlBg to Ite teto. *M farar lafi 70a laag w*. ate ro* bare drag* at aap mgiaiit«aatntlal elU al­
tanbtoem to Ih* daat., Tten
to np ntod tte ml rear (rag1 Jan na awap to tte teiottoap toa
aa onaato woabto. ate r*> pea atog
I awat dnliabla, U tte rUb.
Ttea «f* toNMBtoff to tbjr toU.
Wbaa mnm tald m 1 tettor aoA
dap after dap. Ye*
“Of eeam> B*a kaew-brti** (ha* I*
roaca an aol aveltobto
Atewcwd tfca* to tkj iBtoll—>
Aad a Unto ktewa blrdto, ap to* tr«
will hart np rapalallaa U poa kaap
rsT aBch UTCka II wa* apolUag iIhOitoffi Um 1*7 to (te wilt
Ao era* B* pea U*a k^ a-nrlBC 1
aa to toU wap.” te added Joktoglp
toad taa wite Unto wafen
tanper of ter nlf.
Bat Bn wa*
Tte Wtotelppm
Mtotond te<
tel aa Itovtag to* reaai b*
oaan ateaaa. ar wite Unto eakss. to
praup well p*«*bfNl for 11 oar d*T
Vte teaU Mon to7 terlM,
“HaagblarHapI naawapt”
Best walaoan aad faftateiag lot at■ writ aloog w te. ntoaNr.
Aad totanes irtgo* «to» tell
TUI 1 dida't kaow wtet to da
te wa* q*ii*
a large .-^f. | _
lit* n
How how do pee t'pen te koawr
ate to* tntoad aataa wte rra* to at.
giera ap inking hin,
to ite te7* eT-A»ld Imv >9^'
catarrh. irbJcbf
N. - What *ter»allp«nd*ua
Aad aaa* w* wool to tea nndi
fooad oot wbal BenI bnd b-uriwis.
' Aad todlf «toba to*
, bat ate U too wtok to
rrUrroff hr tte. Otc of ftewoo. (goer op iror* ffiirtM (ten pton
_____ _____ a Una wtea te* mall
nrerv ^
rmcffln onT mgp teem*., tm eU i*c grmnonaf
Wter* oft. to *v *te* hr.
mdltlaa u traroL I an
hop'* gmtoat teppfaan aaoaiawd to deato aad at*, wite a ktetog boik
» tar bad hi
Ihojw* ro*o ftaa Mor teoita
rrtefcanrftamrteaaref ftnwe. My ItemUe wea eeS '
gelag abeat to bU bar* teal,
Aad tea T*rp tarn blrdto ma€ agal
had laarwte
U* hod grown *0
wBorofowboflfbfoafk np <po*m. aododn-hottlnof ftewaamffrmftof
ipdagoad. la
00 ao bam ate nap
lomet tep
bop waan
waon aboaa.
aboea. aad U to Um aod em. aad Jaal at plalB.
p bap
I* nad ureng teal h* roaU iw«tlr
Tte aiBlitoi o( to* aifto
lain* bar*
rricp to are a oberton tod.
naip. aia. ato. dried, rattod tato lit- 4*11*
Nk a ta-nmn oror.
Tte Map of tumy o bov foot.
far bn. ate arraaga llqalMdirataai.
tto baadla* fit toetea loag, eorared
'There w*j goingto bo B| nnd |.ic. gioo^E.
ttel •ewbl tor mtoUo to «'«.
Ip tron trea tte trap It U
todap fa* U am. Now bow do pea a'pow te kaawV
Ate tear • ««W7 MM Moote.
IVm. T. Znc*. ot Was]
raon with a tropUto. it poteldc.
N gnw aptoto a Jote* aba gaaaan wtet 1 baord
ad Ttaf<
ribboB Ite
to aMlIte f«r**to Mr*.
nounla. Tte Sands* oabool aa. p.t-.wnw from at N. radial Klrret.
Light a brlgtal littU weed
totwr to tall aad Waa Just np eaBagiaaea. ’ttoad ot
Ir for (rirBdi and alatdp todi tb
going to Mg wagou* nil truatoMl with , |V»»
Bow doto MiHttoa’* bop* tote wtof. bap ter a taai^ »rw draMlag gorra.
wtawap. Hew Una* ebaaga.-Ob**.
had broil rwinr*' - i lake plrararr In nplng tbtl t ran
aaalal to m'a •
How dtoop* UN oplrtt »owl
W* will glr* IM a itelaal aha
Balte* water looked w teowlp aad pal ap nad cteqaM groaud* laid oni, cbreHully rrremnrod tertur.ff Pormn
Bat BO aneoB at aoret bag* will
Noring M taho Prevaa. Ia (aft
Wo bMT to* dlMtet eltr'* dll.
■ bar owB bogl^ ate to* wbal t
aad tter* wm to te a Mg dim.rr IW n
f.» eaurrfaal Jr.nU* and a
krepa beaae or
Tte dtod on MOM telow.
will do.
looklag forward to it (<w Bi»*i«-»reUont inoN (of gnwal nmlJtote bold ef baadt aad laa rigbl
eelp abaolsia. 1
Tte ooo toot *teto apa. tooir Mte
A mpU cd dap* afurrrard Ui* cirl
Ttere u aalp m wenaa «d
lua Borer fall, to ptwnat epoliiiBla
How slid* Iteir loaolr ftofM:
Wto told ttet ate waa to naoli
ia tb* Uallad Btolaa. aad It U
Aad all tte wap w* bnra it np.
p mp Ofloi, 11, tte roo..lrp. rJl**t-te.S.J,WTttre:
Tte oopbrr toot OM (ooood tteli that ate rra* golag to te nerad tow
fal if Ihorr U a wbnan dlllag 1
nadel boaoa of tte M rrgina
'Ttel it tte tan tetog to do. ”
.-l hap* »-«> *lch
two pnr* wite
aad, deaplu ter ralaelar poalttoa to aap etbar part
tod manan. te* oald to too
Tte groM obor* ttea woTot.
«* wa* nade. Tte a*xt
•oHd. The pealteaUarp ie U
- Enllp HaallogoB Hlltor.
Bn bad a Ttrr pmiy ralt ol and Ipwrt to
llan-hwl (oar dv
Wpo.. te* teU aalqae dlattoeu—__
Ol mid w* toll to* Mor teak
d gel well.
.-lotiNW wliH-b bo wore to i-horrh lutd Mr*: all o*"! Hist I <'wl
■ Kaan-a hate” ba* baeoaM ft
prattp ate 1
obsplala to Hr* Map Pmtoo BlmWte^ra ttottetod tetolB tetoSaadap w-bool. aod ho wa* g.<inr to . bad not a.lkrd a.icp In
factorp rtwnlu fr.n teo mo( fTeon.
MMI. wir* of tte Tier pmidni <d te*
i farad wtea* wa da diet waa altered, aad tte giaaallp ae.
Wte'f* I
tbotnlolho incnic
Tt.ov wot* 1
pnralpte aoff Wrtio at oarr to l»r. Ilarlana. gtrtog a
faoellp of tea UalTsrailp ot Wpon'
arbor (all atalomonl .< jewr m* nad In will
bmkfato to bli bona. Tte toatreehgbl grap- ted. with hi* ligl.i ■
VbaTI atrar aaat o«o>b;
drwttog toekal aba raaalred il
log. aad for o**r two p«an obr bas
UoM inoad bp flMnior Haaaa'a oaeb
ad white eollsrand t.Ioo ni-okiir. dgp. aoff Aoff tenet* n reffBnff to teplmod to glT* pin U* TBianbto adHow waoM aor rnr mto to aUmd
ptnldad OTsr te* opirttaal writsieof
rloo gntlo.
lorlb*pnp*f*tlooo( 'H*oB* hate”
To Meet tte conwat |oa*
r. aoU (ran that I
Addrre. t>r. Hartnaa, rmidnt to
tewldo ih.-rand walling (or ||w' «ff««p«goooBi.
ar* ibrar:
or to* toreir ate to* tatetUal.
_____ ____ -rpi., thlo.dat* I her* takn Foenna
Bqaal parU e( bolM eoread heat
Tte llftei «d otoar dara.**
letog to pro**.” ntd
Un daetor.
aod potaloM an taaparad. Tte boat to
■toto abaolaU toaage U eftoa *B tochopfNd ao tea a* pmibl*. aad tte mk m halt of a eaptal*to eo
uight bofoi*. and the rand wa> fall of
ate that Un
aeft. Btnlp ponton on eat toto ttop of water far tea attoatot; pal tow tea
L Bat II Iiad elparod otT and Ihoj
taqalrad Minalat nap h* giraa.
aabn A amll eatoa to ntooed to add deoU* bettor with m ptol ot faollwas abiaing hnallfnlT
It wa*
;uUi «zc« in anft. Sperial wto-tan marie
aarer. aad tte hotton of tte dtobw lag watoraad dSeb aaUiotoor. Add
a* lorelp a dap aa om wa* *oon
BetpatoatelnaU** moH to* Ml.
Brao to toot* who are to bwlto tte
i-t. (•nanplU. Onli ihe-vnp bew taaleriai
an rabbad wllb a tead el garlto
■Well, a* I nld. Reo •ln>d thoro'
■or took* my qatot aitod
lu at ben* etaaage toeald aet to
u^l, an.l fillip Kuanmircl la eietp ir*i>cc1.
Ate artet aar to laaHnaw't oaf*
nbleapooBfaU of tonaa latea. atlr
‘nik*to get a aaw ooob,
J a***r aato to Ite.
Ul tea aagar It dlwolrad aad poor
Bto It to Um aalp rraj w* g*l
of lb* mn. Tte wbal* to Ibaa nUad over tea barria* wbleb hate basa
Doii te* hoows tad oooo of a* immiohO
Mr ratter tort. "totorrlteiMMa.
dlTarealtood.” nida poaog aurttod
not ina.ic n( rbc4|i mtlcrtol. an.l uoiw a Sate,
aod Btoalp brewaad to a
teat 1h- bad |«tbod lb* galo ogwo and
Atekaepaqatoi tead.”
plaaed to tte tarrtog dUii.
aa; tat lb* non eiparl
catrh Ite rj-r: Init afcriiiralde. roint.irlbig tetllat tor frptog pan. Oartag
ttrapod eat bp tb.- aldo ot IIho. nad.
rerp cold wllb oraan
al.W. an.l oral. Tte cteapeU o« ite taarfccl. i|iMl,ly <-aou<l<-reil.
tbu oimilaa dtok* at Baraiade onTte (non- bid bln ao teat a
hpgtaaU raia* et ahaBge.ate
liuvno octet make.
ioB* oBl to that nab roead teewa
aa* bln.
rto* tte taalp dM areordtoglp.
aTMp ring ef tte oalao era tbrowa to­
"Tlioti il happfttd liial Bob'* •horft tet bm a tad fn tte last f*w
atprroaaB to
Tte tot* Iter. Drwitt 0. Titeafi
la a da^ dUh ot par* ton! aad browaatriag aaUed. aad bo eioopod oror to
r«an for gtrU to be qaltr Vogardtan
mof Ml iwwiBi te** to* taltorttoi tolateam ■nnal eUanlaa at
U* It. Jau itNO 1 eaaglii ■Igbt ot
Mab*l. Uieh. Jab* n. ■«<«.
nf teatr eonplaxtoai dartoc tea
ktoiltfal triteto to hto atolter. Tter* gowB.alwap* prerldad it ha* baaa paid on*p th*p
Bante lowering bto band 10 ran. 1
» al a* wto a* to*r rate li
ef tte ptoUar aad tte bate to nrrad
Til* aod 1*11 pot teat w* gM oar aaJlod oat to B<«. tel it waa too tot.-.
toot tbal U to tte wtaw irllb daniail
nk* np adria* aad canp a panaol.
wlUotottedtof eld fatoaT
garetobod wllb paratop or bates aad
at Bi-a. Ho
aad fn tee gieataat eonfort. aad to pin* Oer aobool I* oot tb* dm e(
toatotr wte itrad alwart tel aaaeai' torp aamnadtoga, aad toattoona- tte aaaal oaodlnaat to a *qi
1 an rlerro paar* .old atrock bln wite m.-b (oot-. a* ho wa*
pn**al aU atrato aad glare lobar
plalatag ate tortag alwar*. raaad
teediag to Uo bto abeo. tbal Hoe Irei
1 an to te* IfUi grad* bow.
epa*. tot her Iwt* a dork grm llatog
bigur ptoaaan toaa toM at toodarir BMOl (d taraltof* to a good Uitog.
and woac
wbtto aanll aaralUto to lb*
to H. TbU Itotag will aet offset to
ralliac Otar and om ip On nad aad
ate pariadloala. a abaag*
aap wap tte oeuld* eerertog or tte Uk*d h*r Tcrp well. '
To a na ot nlowe allow twte*
teM. Tteto eralte
Wc know of 00 mocily that i> imac aoiicnall) tucentful than
ef harparaaoU-Mr*. Rai*- go to BU Kapidt far np Foarte ef
tote U to atar to* highaat Ipp* of efdnaa. ate partloalwlp Ite naaa. balk (d moabad pototon Beam wall
Jalp. Zon Falrbukt to Ttolueg al daft. Bat It wa* ao laaghlng malt, r
Cav-Cine. Ca»4Jinc it m« I4 any meant a ■ orr.aU. iVc <i.i rail a lUi
all go to Mgblao tte boanatnoa- aad nak* ralbar soft wllb
MB to Map IndiM’ Hon* Joearal.
ttortoafrieudafniD* for Baa teto tin*. ”
aiii of iHir frien.U fiir a iDraoenl In telmc lhal we < Uim il to te.
pter*. ate gl** that Ured ana tte cr rtah nllk.tbea pal teroagb a Uftor
"Did ItepoUbI* elote*a.graadnetefron Blk ttopida Hp Hula aiae*.
«> .1., wwh, hnvn CT. that all ahoult Ltunr wc mthuoakiirallp cnaad com Um Udn a* weU a* tte bator?"
Habrl SUodaaalag.wBBtod m
.lof>c Caj-CifN iNraiuc we hav^ tn>«ajc*lcil an>l Inn* crenthing it
ton of a reoadtog poddlag dtoh. 8epVliM te got ap te wa* a
..«Uin-i. and wcjinow thal ite clcmcJiro-^miitori in Caa-Cme have
inm *r te a* a OhrtitoM haatoaraie tte nlnaa tow am Mia,ra}*M. haald itop*. wInb tte alrtoat eitp
Ho wa* cOTore.1
Ite i»«cr lo iln wbal wc claim. In all l atn toffttcmnatiMn, CaUirii.
. 8te warted rarr hard, ate
lag all beow aad striata.
Hab w- room nan don aad ataffp. It
din font, aiidltefo
A aatatoarlp k^ r
bp ptaeiag telf *B eoaor of tpiriu ef
o write thto Una. w good
fbiNna, h. Liver and ki.Inci Tr.HiUcu. Female Weakness General
whaa w* weaUaaM to freto raaato (Mlal-tell et tte nir
laraadtr aad a lanp. Ui* Uas
Uchililt <ac, wc rcinmroctnl Cai-Cinc.
gtog. ate alt rtowa at to*
aneartar* talked al
torrp (or bln
Hat, afiot
<4 all. ‘It wa*
walBBA of nil* of onmooto.
rrnifnmcn.1 il that wc ofler in all inUanon to irtond ite imi
Fran pear Iwriag frtoed.
anootb aad odd gradaallp a
- -----------------,oa>TB
pul -----------tof hi.hi* mnrl.M.1
u* if toil <Io
do n«g
ixd find
foil Caa-Cinc in cicty
tfticct all wediaim <ot 11.
falnteotnllk aadbolwai
and (ollp.-;^
!l will |iay jini to call aiul let
ct|iUin CafCane in
todapaadaae*. Oel.. daa* V. lent.
boll till well eeokr^aad **1

Peculiar to Swiiimr Pe-ru m 8mt
Prdmiil and Permanent Relief.

AteMaartori tektod;


“■ ““ “


Mmimltk* e4lhr>»Ukk.

126 Slat* Strut, w Ulclof Pcteiiyl.


flrkx^Cks-Ose.tru «
iOtt IB It a ■rtwiifi.


Intel ^'^Td

« battar.
Bnm tte dob wUb
aalt. pm»r aad a Uttto ealaap dr aaj
aaaoe llkad. I>eBr Ite croon
allp.Yattter* to ael a potot em it aad amot* Ite wbola

ter* telagatoil thto dalg to oU
ate weald ael ha aUated aaU
afttol'il to lb* tootlar barwU.
toal. wa all prelafrad to ter* to
, ao woana Uiaald traai tte
to. «a* toanhew totaf* laaiteb
nr wbellp to a aartatit, liowertr
wtea to* ptaparad tom Sea* Ua* tal tte totwr anp be. tar ite tealtb
ggo. to aa aapnaa Irato, 1 abet paat
bar tonllp to tofolrad. Iltaqaltw
Untold howiauad 1 tookad eat at bbib iBWlUgm* ate koowtodg* to
• ntote wbp mb gnat patoa
While I a
ntot te emeltod la tb* tora et food.
m at nr old I
Brt^at wUI woa- toora linl tb* bathad aet *•«• for naor roar*,
nr. nilk ate tead* rriU> ao
to* to to* aboald**, ate nUd; 'b*. naft b* ktod oa tte lower *lu)f.
wttt. I a*a rea ai* looklag aat at Ite
aato**at real berbood.■ ■Oh.rea.’l Itetr I
bat aba to
npUad. *1 wa* laektog oat at to* old arm*
ptoa* Wharr wty naihar Hr
to ^ to raawM It all 1
died.- Thai algU. totbaa
whoU *e*a* aan* took toaa*.
wa* lb* eoaaltr beak. Ttecawaato* aid**aad tottatawdapem rmltto
am dar tobi*.
all lb* coDUato of lb*
tolldiaa aa ellhar aid* of tte lahto. boa. aar Uial entaiB (ooda. a* mkad
Al aa* aal et lb* lable. nj tothto.
wito a aaOla that a***r Uft hi* eaaa-•toaae*. a**a to bto oaSa li wa* aa
alghtr.toar r*ar
If tell*—aet
NaUa-aet to* ■
ef imlllaa. tel at Uhrialtoa mi
ted at ubriteaa
«ad et tte table wto a famUtat be-


(^afa tor Itt Ite

highip raoen
bp a ntontUU nagaaia* for pc
bean i*p to to wal a Uto* <
Bat to tbo OT<
with tratar, daal it wite <
ra rerp I
waahlag soda, aad ap|dp to arepUen.
daialp plrkla
baepiag tea bmd wet traa te*
Ud*. Halt aa boor iff tel* tmm«al
Aap cold bakad or boiled dob nap
to nid to to a oar* eora
b* aoak to thann* waptodTBaab
SnacB mp Ughlp aod aarr* hot.
A ‘■TtnO' Bnb Ce**.

Take too eopfatoof aUbhol. m
aad ou halt oapoot on nil (obtotoo.
bir at aap drag Mara) aad two
eta^rltaet oanphor aad ^dlito
anaaU. k>aar aU to a qaa '
tto aod dll the boltla with bot
Wteo eool on bp ntatat:
apoog* with tte ntotaie., aftar dnt
obaktog tin boUto wall, aad bath*

Thto to ft

Um aoUn teedp.
dlarp. daoad ino: ”W* bad
wai UN bodp waU Md dtp with a
pork for dlaan aad Dr. B..
towal. eatog onaagb trieUea w
g*. atfoag ateaaa* aad dah.’i
oarrad, bald ap a rib aa bto fork aad
wtet-raddre tte tela. XtebotbwtU
flDdptaaatall at*a
"Bate, todlie. to what Moten
•eoatkaaiNT amid laapaat ter
Bt* waa and* of.' ■Tea.'nUl
arBaorererp dap at leal, raqabe
Pattp. ‘aad if* fron eerp
4^ }ototo white might
I te wipaAeat dailp rr lUi a elatb
am klad et aritin. ’ ” '
N ttonttelnaml*Bacetoa. Itm

atlto a otertVpaAw
ad with amriiig nap twtoaa
tte bi^n Will h
. Tb* wlptog oat eaa b* dOM Bttag
to taa ntoalaa. ate ao tea nlaatot to
Um dap will te n prodtoUp mat.
» WMI* pipe nnai te kept opn
toaa. It aboald aara* eeoaaot
«te wte lived to tte Inrd: tb*r with a geaatal diato pip*, aoob aa a^
tbalr labor*, ate toair
mieftaa rmlttog tottearla.
al palaontog at all tueito la On bas.
et laoMB astnet Obte UU Iblek.
dlpMbarla. tppited, ate.
a ottoage
tan toto tela a iapn ot tte
amaga. 1*1 aat a Unto, ten add a
aa, Mto* plaead aa lb* appar Uwlt. rmwad
teite Iapn «d da* rip* atnwbatTln
**««p fear dapa will abaorb-ate
at tte
keep Ite *U pan.
blaaenaaga. Lot tetogol partip dm,
I U* petal br
teaa add aaotter Iapn ot tea bantoa;
datok with a topnet tea btoaen
Whaa dm aad aald IBI
alana. bat it pea waat pear ttotolaa
gian dtoh. ganlte tea t
togtow Tte nan kaap t
Alteotnraarl*. aad pito wUppad «
ahter Boak."
Atnr to*
tiag*. a ftag.
wanoa can* ap to biai. tea faa*
hiamtog wlib plaatora. -Oh.! ana*
BoewparanU on aaw all tea i*«*
CtoMtal fgrtoal
that oanat aalp tran nnfaUp
atetel ^
eimtog ht. bate ate thaktog It Mad derr*n ate terh*. np* UlUaa Tte oanaal to of amw weaad
w^ft. HU haan gtowad tar a na- Wright la Uaod Haaavkreplag.
brItItoBt Um*. fnnwtp raltod
ntel enir tor a wen tot. tboaga.
' Tea' aba waat ao. ItnrnUy, *1 aar.. bat te* M du.
ar k^ tefar* what wa* to* mnar
ttel It is Hgtear. teaga
trial nr tanblaa"
Wbatter to altp ar aauBp. an
uat tee teat batete Una aUk oad
Aaitow patat to toU Uttalaato- grarldabanvU wtib tte liutoi
naoebn avaap klad at Mltot.
toto Ttofan* OUr rranii **te tola
bp raaralUag a liwi* aan

OmBdller-1 tar* aerer wrttlaa
to tte Uacald. aod aa 1 am
Htobtgao girl aad touche wtet. weald
lUa to b* a llllto Baatelo* giri. wa
1 will to toe ymn old Ite llte of
lalp. Mp bom to UitM nilto aorte
of Tram** Clip oa tea pnlanto. Wr
> to Oolewtdo tea »te orJaaaarp.
I waaawfel hemsiak forawbllr. bol
1 koaw to map
bop* II to aol to loosa
toU pea a Unto ot np
I alepc anrlp all tte tim fron TnV
eras Oitp to Cbkago. tel
age all dap. 1 lUad U tbw* for
II wa* aetop aad let* W look at. teao
w* ware two alghu aad m dap aad
look Uk* a tag. A #J wain took* bata telf fron (teleago. Wr got to On
to a wonaa who beldt temlf
Halaat to tea OMralag. aad tea eapi
tina a «K> gamaal den aa
tol batldtog tookad Jan loeilp.
who aoe^ ar otearwtoa baa a olaaahp
get to
eapilol batldtog
aet to praup oa at D*« Melaaa
a with a daUeato partana.


«rte petite


Tte hagi tbwnatin.

aad tad raaptarrln Hate lb* ear. aqoaaas oot 4b* }*laa aad aa*
thto to dlanlT* lb* aagar. Allow m
d of ngar toaotepaoBd at fnU:
tod bollaatU Uto telokllks Ian.
To take eak* tran a paa wite
wtea baked, lap a ema towal aa tea
kilchoo tobto. to«*n Ite coke laa

or Uw


eld bop il

■Bat. mnna.” te oh)or(od. ”!
>‘l aoqnataud with ear angel*, and
I'd to- a
If Unp mmo

lid of

mntog m teoo* to fwattp oi

'^Row, Harald. pa* most go to U**p
qatotlp ; eoUileg will bert poc ''
"Cbs'i I have tea ga* lighiod to
total/ eicp. Jon at tea fool ef Plkat
Pnk. W* eaa m tte peak fron oar
io, mnom. 4«m’t think II a*.
pa*te. 1 ter* om tea ear* gotag apxf. aod II I* *et tealtep. ”
oa On Oeg road.
1 waat to go ap
Tbtrw wa* nlaore far aem* Um.
ten* *em tim. Ttea afin w* left **d ttea te* small rale* piped •
tea Sgrteg* w* na tenngli n*n
. aad whaa wa gat to Udap
I wawwa b.aoo f«*t aba** an I**Inal Saadap nanm. 1 tad taroral eUnr* ellnbad Big Ball Ht.
aoald as* foar towaa.
W* al* ear ilghl-geaniid flgwr* apprand al
dlBBor pa a larg* reek. Thaa w*
loor. "Jaat lot m* atuk tte Bag a p
site aad mid m >1 tte bm af mv bed. aad teea I'll
go right to *l<*p. iada*d. I wilL Yoo
Paabla aad tte *all*p below. I tet*
kaow tte o-bor Bight gi*od|a *sld at
bm to Altma. tte blgbaol loeerpor teamoUog teat 'aoderttep
atad dtp to On world. it.UD
abor* an lord. Wall, la* mao
ia aUmp ato* for a wbito.
B* g« tb* Hag. aad.wtea t.umecbbat m gal* ttrodaf maalala* 1 lU* t* lookrd to ao bln BO bear l*Mr. te
ear owb bmtifal hap aad poaiat
with a (at iiuto d«
BBtoa hi* rad *h**k. beloing Um to
Wateaniap mnm aad 1 w
ood to tte’'prataeuag-'dag.
tet Vh

tea betom^ef dte taa.
ntoaw et two tte m m be lifted
-iM tor CHJ HSTtBlnff*paorWtok*
tte out* with oon How tok*
bold ef tte «nd of te* towel tte nk* Ytetn: teat to a pm^ phaa bat «M
n pi*ttp n Tnma* Oltp. Bow. If
apea Mte ten tea oak*
teto toto** M BOt too Hag aad tea
rlgblndaap. lltoaptwm
girto Md b*TB weald llte to
bnep to lot II oaelopalde dowB.
Eton m bmIb, wtllwtitoi
dm. OaodBpo.
faelM taaga* I* bioonlag a j
r at woddlacB aaoag poopto wbo
a date ef aeioftp. Tfla toagao
tod aad ebiltod la tte to* c
Wtea oaM. il to aal lata thto <


Eommercial Printing

Beraid JoKOfiice

We Lead the Way

To Iwttrr ibmgt in jpoccria ami town prieet far lifa'* 1
If i-no arc OM fielting the tamtortiaa poa licBBC
licwcc in tbe«c
tbctc |a
wc can rewia poa material *i
■ml »*ve poo maap 1

MU TK AB APPEAK ffE ill sai m fftr eia
— u


nghdaWBP ap to tb* *nad

"FP® d*m fm <MB.................................... ..

« *atoteto«niltktearto ar* k
iteaditeaf wait* I

N dttod ap Unald teaot to a gtoto

ablto lawa or
■ llpiStl^^. Aaaaud- tent wbito
Maaktolt tetete

whaa w* get to Oelorado Bprtm *te


of Ite bloodI of latnnia.
latnoia. Hu gn
I te bote Ite Hi'ilcan
cipil war*. and bto fatter wa* bIm> a
BBtoO toldt . ■UMgaenllp Ih* Iiitlej
- _____
beardnaoh "flag"-talk toj*
_ abort
tbon lift-,
Ilf. aod ha.1 ouliod Idiw*
of lu proloetiTo qaaliii.-*
If* wa*
lb* tnbp of tb* (aBilp till Torp reoaallp aad ooeeplod a mb la bto
noteor * raon
Whoa ibr now Inbp
can* Harald wo* pat to *Ioo|. la a
room adjoining bto okmInt'*. and. a*
te tiad Bom *Upl alooo t»fere. hi*
•nMI te«l wa* Bllod with Banolm
f*ar* which bo was too peoad lo4rll
to fall.
"1C* nightp lonmomo le bore,
nonm.” ho sailed. Ite Bnt atgbl
afnr te bad bore M«fca>l to bto liul*
wUi* bad.
‘‘daai Mommbor lb* angoto ar* am
POB aod^can^for poa." rrpliod

'teat 1 a*m i*M poa aaptedagol

teteatote nmmr wa Itood •*

___ ouar

Enteiwnse Cash Bracenr

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