Grand Traverse Herald, July 03, 1902

Dublin Core


Grand Traverse Herald, July 03, 1902


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


EOAM. JULY a 1002

%nmd Cr«9«rM 0«r«M




nnciMi i Tiiaoiti Ki!
btr» ooe of tb« fl
V At;lM of

,Si^ - ;


207 E. Front Str^t,

UiMt NoveltiM in FUid^ Cb«AA

Inverse Qty State Bank


Tbeae «e will maka to

jonrordpr at tbeTPiylowaat pricni.




A Ceien] tetkUt BnUm Dne
S 2C1 Cell «U«we4 M Ttate DepMlu.


OppmHc H.A «. Block.

■nd Htripm, boUi Porviffn and Do-






Tire Insurance!
Plato Glaoa, StMin Bollorand Accident inouranoe.

Money to Loan on Improrcd Ral Btalc Only.

like atrong anaa ^ran be <Lrelo|ie<L



Jbhnoon Block. Phone 73

Traveree City, Midb.

YoBsbonldnM nngteei any part o*
yonr tcllot for Um la.4 of Tetirl AHte)M wiHD TOOTH MRUSHKG. HAIR
POWDKR8. «te . at* so ptaotiral bar*
at iwUm wltbla tbs f««ib of alL
amlter wlial fasliM dsnanda foe tbs
t ot tb* to or tseib

ftjhou, r. S-. ArrfclUrt >M MrMMA



E.‘ii55CUSi“-‘-|-“ “

71>e I'lniinent .Siweialid on


and iurgety of the Kye,
and ITiraal.


I'm, Nose

S.. t£-7-l*l >tr~
ntj.sbtMlwsr •!
{..nsc trailura.

ORice met Oly fIncA

Suae. Ttaverse City. M*ich.

CJSirsr srt B*ri»la§.



Fine Farms Cheap as Dirt.».B.IVI,.*l«Wirt.
Id-tii) w»0 Ulsl..: Will.t-INI lur J»A»
ss4 cud rad; r>d


» » 6raati Craotrst Land Co.



PhrMe**" A Sur**^.



Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages, Etc.




Jsiwat. a
Pur arwid BmOU. IMnSI. TaM<k lUlM»o
s^vat.SaiAB. Il:« a».t«l

UMp. »
MnAi-Q.. fcjHip. I
a in., II :a> A ■ . s .a> a K.
r«lterM*«SAna PWoAry. I* p B_ ««
a. r. mcnum. omi pm ai-s




800 Aor*

Copd toil.


Kifiy acre* limber, will hiring $a.noO ai

S> acres wb^feg
8 Acres com.


Balance of bn>l. incliuhng

Uoo.1 A-iw j house, with «one liase-

Good k-f^Aenanl houae, ■ me fnundalMB.

.Keol mill

BUxSli, S-Morjswtd
S-Marjswu) Jaaiegicnt,
baiegicnt. w
with tools (or shelling and grilling
Toni houae%is40,
,s40, on stone
MaM) and 8H*tk SoaA baaemetii.
ami give filMcMtnal^Bec.

of all deacriptlons noW on Bale at

J. J. Bl



Fruit Jars, Rubber Rings
r-^and Jeiiy Cups

Uasemeni l>am

WiU sell with growing croi*

Price »S,MIO if lolil at once.


r^^alance to mk, or will take diy t*°faiy or stnaHrr
{am dipai^^eni.



nmitet; o
fi acit^uuianii
aus^orchanl; oi
67 aoes
aerei scwiii
scedingi IS acres pouioet; G acres

woods, fenced fer pan^.

Office and WarebooM. 73S B. FroptfiL
Bell Pbnne IHtt
Citlaena Phone 4«1

84S Front Stroot


T«t> and one-ball taUes from.gncki market.
gravelly loam, tome day.

All the wool in the region wanted. Am just back from the
c---------------d with eastern
-........^ niill*
East, and have
mill* to t
wool from this section of the country. 1 can sRord to pay
:he highest outside market prices in cash. Will also buy
tides and ginseng.


SyS'-iiiiniiS yiir*iMriili*irii' WvM Qi^ B«k SM(, DBnon


Wool W^mrvtod

THO«. k. ■MAOUt A SON,



T*4epb(WP 4

W. L. BROWN.8I« West Tenth Siteel.


do 9K fail to look over our large line of bandtome
tklet. We alao carry a fine aiock Of WATCHES.
CLOCKS. JEWELRY, ETC Spet^e Fitting a
apecialiy. Wbteh and Clock Repairing—the ben
grade ol work done.

817 Pront atTMt

Trwvwtw* Clta. Hteti


__ _

ai*Mt* *BarebirT_____________________
•aa him. Mr. Barobar wm amktaa
alam- ta bl. ttady. a* wa* bit

diny yaata ago cm wa* coeaidMed
■dkiam^lag. "UwtUbolda Bl oaly for tb. trad of animal* au.t Md bli oama. and aamr mi
koow jm
•ba fwodnellea of boarhoa whiaky IB a military cloak wtilofa ocmpk
lild hU laba.
I'm aot go- afaetared prodacm. aaeb of which
Haeebm'* anxdeion*
(roving a ralaahle aniolr.
«rou--d. aad aba waa t.
omrnarotal world
Witbiu Ibr In- .Jimin teve tb* inmrvirw which
re month* a cominBy bat brru, e r. iiura L rrprclaly a
l>)MW k—* ra Mat tkia«.lb.>.
a* Mr Bawhi_._ltad with S80.C0u.0au capital in
r'* tile b I barn frniaaetly thr«»»ni"Oelag *o may bora aU aamdMrl" Maw York, which li to ddal In notbIWra'
"Ke. 1 dea'i tUafc to. I'll wblapar,
elm Ihao oom—boyiug tbr cbrll---------- —. tartrtad lint hi*
bef.raamaatB'ytalL"aad Batb eonI gikta and n
«B op
Sded bar yJaa. with h« pareal'* moe
........... ........Ibe ctrangvr aeicced.
wrte abet, aod toar bear*
* door* were
aama aa mach aora a* all E<
<b* Wile h*lo_____ _______
voior* ao.l tbrir fooiawp* a*
o* they :paen a but od bm-k add forth. Finally, towapd
iianymr. Tbr *
iMly of
iighl. ill* myairriaa* 'cuilnr wiwt
"Bara yoa tald harV amad Bal|dL
my'* faeton*. i. .
. *1111 mofflrd In hii clink. *o
"Me. I'm gotag to wait Ull yea grt at 7k,«xi.ouo batbal* ot eon
ibat II wa* iniiiocunU to gain any
tarn. If (aibrn mot Bod a plaaa 100.UM baabalt a wark. aud al
idro of hi* fraicira.
tM'a aaimbla. l.mall aay ____
________ __________
will br
uit—ol gialD
Th* yrar* arot by. tb* war wa* hasT (uaV UL th> nrai
aboat It to bar. aA go aa aloea: bat aulltad to by-urudnet*
radmed mari(b*d. tb* pmiilml I
If arerytblag U pteptHoat. yoa will
It bard rraa to

ra.vlra iaiac. ikr.^TU.
dad aa oa tba apM la daa
" ' laoad^yi to ra.viner
Bercliar'* death,
pliortly befor
ready to taka
‘ — - boy

tibal ll.r {oodert ot bu
twFoiy y*ar» laM.
m. that
that It waa
da}i tl uorr
rn Ibat tb* mysUrloui
i*urloiif tire agar
«r,,«rw. wr'd bx> >M 4.«luS(..B.rM«tb.
(hao feed for rain*
rallir and
ainl bogk'Muff
bog«,'alul to wbo had oalad oo
ctarmy wiaiar
tbroagb a duiillM-y.or'pnrliap*
Abtebam Lioeeta.
awl.siuvsU. neki m* u‘ hw« w}nrt
two> mile* away. Ooma
Oom* at aaea.
anea. Will
WtU tba gnat ot tba mtllrr wbo
...______aod stn'o of ibca* day*
Matyoeat the •miloe.". wa* bar
Yri lb* eorudrld i* aad ulghi* of atroggla, with alt tbr
rv>Brl la 4B car
t-e U,w»'»sl»srt feUtar'i talagiam. a faw '
Ibe place from wht
'britly aod eorrow
of a ■
Batb bad hardly r*ad tl
(■bdncta a* brrr.
for It* Ilf* thiDA L,.— .
.I'.rrarata' tw a |>
(ataca aha bad oe bar bat
4 aoi
r.. rebber. maetUg.-.
g--------------- ___ —jkaa down hi* ctirw^. ■
- for
' tba
*alad dn-ailog. Im a time ao-iarmload <-vao hu oo
a. w. «Bii dmwe' •
U^tlm yam nad a doiru other
of-matrrtal* whleb
>a.Uii> sa’...
BBtar Into-tbr <
As' lusk- itoa»« .. slllbspii
Ha had Uaralad alcoa in dlNTafer
aod at Bight from Vaeliingtan to
'KaDI Martlml
Aaal Uanha:
.‘Ud..a.>lln. lUkaBa. dra lO..
~ luklya to gala tba «yminlhy aad
U. ..rldWxi.
..b.««.'raii> U-.ra> lh.W.d»>i
"Oa tba laadlaa. baagiac oat •oar







olotbat. fUbatbtealB amomaoL"
Alone f«w boor* that night tb* tr
aba aallad fma tba raar.
HI* reararotiM •rl an rtanidr
illed logflher to t*ay<* *
”1 doe'I know bow to lallbar— ____ibrr ebrmiMa. and today iiraotl
IheOrdot teltira aud tba Watcher
I MMVka Hama.
- rUlbaiaoba tarpnaa'V
cally all tbr •larobnaMl ip Ihr Uulird
■Polaodt Why. daar, ibai't wbara
dmia* 1* madr from oon.
1 was. Bora
aad broajtbt ap—JaM
tba. woedarlagly. "Oida't yoa my
tbs bill______
•• lroB. the ajina,
_______ ______
d ^
Orvar vrrrv tb* ittavtctioo* and
- ■'-1 OBI
on ibv
lbs bliakc
bliaker raad.
leligloiu belief ol Alaebaia LiiMOla,
Martha Ulli
Otlmaa's votes wsa
OOU.UVV^^Kaio.^W^aan^k! *wh>ir Ibere U ao donM Ibal tie IwUarad ta
-hi. ••as. sbo bsraaU te___a-lrembls."
• foreign prodncl mad*
Ir from
laayer and nnd* lint the *oarer of U*
"No oea alatl I'm going to taka
oUnxl a Biuiusut later. "Yob at* goli«nt. pumioM. and mgo atarohr* ca
OB wbao I go aad tbal'a }aat a>
41 tbers—lor the sammerV
lisici's i)BiQk ear dslaoled a Joaglag
Tbara are four narta to a krraal
Mark -|-wala of Heme raaar.
u U.e
' torn
tons for bar <old trisnd's
-----------------------erlng. I^ '
The oaa mao Mark Twatn ha. moptn; ibeo tba liard.. Iliuly.
niuly. or glutii
‘last's whsi fstbsr mya He’s
*-d having fun with ibOaleti*l A. U.
• pan; tbru ibe •tarrh, and laat III
tlrsU ui foinii u> ibe seasaor*, and wllb ma-lo Potaad, asd wa're going
•aiue. Mark. Uolooel lvalue, Tboma*
Ua wtaitr imul which exlrnd
lavar good amOBg M Itra tbara all aommar .' aiplatoad Ibroegb tlir up' ami
flrenketi Heed mod other* were masmutaer's iralta
air'i too bngy Bath. ladiaody: "jaH yoa and L U> germ.
l»ra of a merry inrty oa board Haery
a mag Ultia boom of oar own. "
tJM'ra, aa* Uiinka aud ao wa’
>1. Regan'yarhl not long nner.
Ol tbr four paru the garni, at
-Bat—bat tba moeay—Tvaoe moo- tba aiar of tbr wbmi krrorl. i,
M (o try Pulanab^Uigt Oita
the nneogameol of raau al tb* kabby.."aodtbr
Tuau fonnd
fonnd hlm«.lf o]<poMU
It'f aiJ tulaa.l tvaurl a
wnnklad tarn alowly mallod la- wrlghi t* eoiuidan .. iha nMMt Tl
Uuaka aha'd like to try
ta water:
Culco*l Fain* It • .
tram K
areiU■ug fanny to pby daaf.wbem
able. Ila blauiry
K***ia moK plaa ooilou arad. for only a trw year* ago ooloo«l wa* talking and la
lluti'a wban liia bou-1 l> aitaalad—U
wuuilertui: \ua caa aaa
It wa* look.-d npoii a* a iiaimucr and
•>l lakr.,, aad imla vtliagra aaag matba *tareh aud glacoar mauutaelurrrr
' maaad Aaat
.aat Martha,
Manba, ta a b
aocaa biU Leaida tbaiu, and away
danrtofway. "Beallyr'ai
nil on ao eii*>diiieol to «)al»l Iba eaJO tba waat, in {Uata vtaw, k held of Brtb'* arm for rm
OB a claar day
cbetaaca of Mart Twala'* hamor. U*
■ girni a bath, aud Uir light i
iglg torwad
Had OOL while tbr *tarrb, i
aud glataaii remaliiad bebiiiA
-J floolda'l ba at y bapplar DOl—bol
bla al Tie
bit .elbow *" Tba
oett Ubm
auyiblogabrat It azoa^ wlialt^vk
Aflar tb* obrmi.u found that tbr
If I wan golbg to tba oilttr boma,"
» fanny man ntiered the (amiliar
ripleed little grrm* oontaiiird
bad awt bin, abowa it all. aad li'»- daelarad Aaat Martha, ovat aad agali
«rUi more than any ulbar oa
* mrgeidiooa trum tto hiding |dam>
ob. aaob a ebaagi- from bera wbara
UI of Indian oom tba waeia c
goodl Uooclbem and mercy bare fol- Now Ibe garni* ar.- pul nndrr h
d yalJed hit reply into tl with anoh
roe ana .-Sreilreueaa Ibal ib«>oaar
Dot avcoi a rock aolcaa ll'a U
m, Ul Ih. d.n .1 -J I'l.l"
1! rmliul uradol pamma. Y..
>« nearlv knocked uoi of bl* obalr
imgh the tMU'* cida Mark
go oat of
aad tbal't all yoa aaa
lullaa aad illaa, abd ii'i ao moBOaattoffitnr li ft broom* a]tnae tor threw ap bu hand* aad cried qalta
gnodmotbar?" aakad
He (Womlard Iw woold out be fanay
II ink* and go inok to tb* mill..
■Manger amom tb* aUla.
Ooruolllaof golden aolor. Iran*
bA gUboed at tb* Sforr in blaek pan ni. and ao tweet and pore that It
Bomant Anal Haktba aloaod bar ayaa
and waa a iditld agato. oltmbtBg tbt to make ear* ab* wa* aaleap
ofieu terrea a* a inbaliloia for olive
"Mo. the'* DM a relatlro-hae OIL Unlike otbrr v«grM>le oiU. it
-------- -- will ktaud for y*art in auy ellmala or
ra bar tatber dacload to mort to
mcel InterraUng plao* I* tba tait* ool
id UUnota
Ulinota "l-l Wlab
wlab I w*t*
Faro barrel of ...orof * lower factory. wb«r* Sa*
or or brccmlng
goiog wUb yc^lo^M tba old
BM poaod* tb* otauotaelarar geu aad »|ieelal l.raod* at emukclrm pow­
_____ —bat—Uni meetj.
oboot Sts, or elk rant* a pound—nice der aad powder naed for *|ierttag parbard. DOW l-B eld." aod aba laTolBB- -nieielaD'l a thing ehaagad 1
(wloa for wlial wa* thrown away a puMW are mad*. TW*
tartly rmataad far tba oaadla—bar eaf*w yaara aga
wbwh. Uk* all o
ly meant of Uraltbood-wbleh had
Oannhbat ba* all tb* onlward
I of the •
U the road troagbt fOHb^l
u haslUy laid aide eo Baib't aa‘mpUier—«rof lodU
odU Yabber, *
DOC. "I.^ than mlm yea. dear. Ho
ktad of ebarrenl.
(intiaa a oerlaU
odor. It l«* mad* of corn
. oomaa ta ao eftaa at yoa do aod prieedMtghL
_____ d ool of tb* gerem.
"UtbU lb* place ?"a*i---------------------- outergoa* a talphnr trmtmaht aad a tb* oeat of a gnnl deal of BxprrlsaaiBd 1 th Ul Blia tba raodlag, bat
yea'U bnag o» a maimg* (rem aa they drew ap bafet* a tmalL wood taklig, aad tlia rabber tabautatera- tng will, ftoa oa^, boxwood, mapia
"JiiM aaa that eoay ■alla
boiar." aud tba tpoka tba wecdi w
and aab obarooal.'^
___ /—aiaioat mendly,___________
mendly, Bath tteagbL
Tba .looial abkretnl aaed te —
Tba malD i«1di la favor of eon
Bath look tba Bambliag band, aad
rebbar u Ihol it mn ba aold for aboai _nnnfa.ynte ot aoKikeiem abd o(bm
alipiiBd from bar obalr to tba Uula
oae-kksib tba pno* of Faia rebber. tannd* of Saa powder la aoda. cor----------- ----------- ,, Aaal Martba't laaL
which aeala aboat St a (leeDA The prUlng Iboagh tl o
She trofvad. paailad ai Iha obaagad corn rebber ma ba need in rebber paaa. which are"be.,
•cptmwhm aa tba wnnklad taea-Aani
boota, blcyela tUem abrol rebber, wa ta kiln* lUa any otber vagalabla maSUrtte M grown aaddanly pnla.
Mr twooriu. rabbtt baaTa Uoairnm— tertal need for tbr «ama porpom.
to oaarly all elaaaaa of rabber good* Tbaaa dried pm* mnka a very do* aad
IM graalaat nae I* ptehablT u ma- llgni oharoaal Ibal to ta great diiaaod
"Uyoa could oely"in tba maBafaMBie of 8ae gmapowUelb baatmtad.
■Tati tail aUld." mid Aaat Karatr agala pvraa af ralaa, for Ila
taa, t*|MOTiBgiy.
dlrialag oata
"I'm Tm %1^lag in all tba oU
tboagbia "I'm old BOW. aadbaddoi
iablaaodao bM crack aa do
Prlboao* Irma iba krHaaf Prtaoa
WBBO*A" aba weald my. a*
I iBTte'i tba Boeay. 8ol ma aad
low aagy tocaac «a '
taU eta avarylblag. aad 'iwUl aaam
naa regatabl* olU
TW* oil to alwi aaad for mtdla leadalaioat aa tbeagh I'd baaa that* my* vIm'ww^ etranda. I^hig oat oa
tba hllU aad raJlaya t^^ly^aba^ lag ta cere oil cake, ot which it forma Ban ta eoBTea of tba war cf tSiS, bm
iBibar. Prtaoa Lmto of Hama, leaboai 10^ «t.^^mHr of^thu to
It watdoak wbao B«U
qaaetad tba cOekde amd mm of kba
"I'rr icMitbtag ta aat y^ dtar.
aamiaa rm<»kBm farming ^ of tta
tagr to
to B
aad Anwatp to I
aaa aatlla
father happaa to mlaol tbit b^V
k baary caatnmar of i
"Tba cam of tba Kobiaaaa Maaafoe
- n on tba «
The Irel Mg ablpmaow war* la IM.
wbaa Baropa look S8».n» wortlu Tb*
• tnmgmb
oazi ymr Ibaazpart rmebad fea rata*
'Itroold ba-ae tbara't eoableg 10 |C«okdmiodkmml wen , .
n year ;
vaol our iiarUag moa't tebeol eloaaa
• ta the aomaa cd kbair akkfmatlr
.......................................... oA. aatar largely
Wea'l wa ^va o dandy u
a tba leadlBkm of tba ham t
taaolt. dnvtag.
la the maaefactnie of lett aoap.
Eilli aVfe^wbar*—Iblak of'tll^Abd
Bad eon oil tl>*
tl.* IBO*t
only Imlf a mllr from lb* bolal U a
mctotaoery. daapHa It* iwtoaofSna
aad took btr tniraL
lake—real water,
babd ttod*rly.
"It'ialmeat tba rod of vaaaUea. ■larelt. which--------------her*—that wa ma boat oo
eo a
aad awlm
aad wa mam go back. Doa'I aaom'a
to. Uarrali for a whole am
Nnw Baglaad!”
Kaatu,d!" and
nod Ralph
Rain* caaghi iboagh 1 arer eoold Uara acala."aba
glncca*. or degtria. The
_ .islar'* arm. aod Imitakad a Stou
•am. To mak* of eWrefa
teooe bafoR tba opM grata, for tba
In Iba dly of T
Aad tba dbla'I bare to 8af«M Safe a aabmtate fi
>to It to
Bight wa* chin
aad tbm
rt-io-biaa am- letanod ma Ufl Aaat Martha t'
* tmb t
"May I bar* a baart-i
______ Aj drama tb* Mar
■dy 1 fcaewV' tag with Iha larad among tba :
dya* and colon ea fakrtm. pai
"UmvewtS^x^ taapplaamid ealtoo. aad alao may ba aa*d
aaytMag 1 arar diA" iboagM Batb
Tmtomma-yoamg mBibU”-«lmk ta. tf
leag^tfuv "mklag Aaat MaM
.UoMof nB«“ woota bacomam
-Kura «swra


■sir,'i,T!S£SS,-. r~i

“ is:5’T.r?s.“dS'.s:::


'-'■ r.LS'iTTS









asST .21____





•T'.iirsSfist'S''. a—.

‘■I’ea wtrfcad aroaad aalamHi
cw fem aU aiy Ilf# aatll tba wo .
did away wtia betma." mid tba motMMB."Md I karaaottoad pantaalarly tba a*__________ _________
oatlM. A famaakatmaama wUfea
-H-tl'. a plaa." bame Bath, ah- yagwntkaa tba dartl hatm holy
. ----------------- to ftal tlM a
fapty. 'aad It may laka Mi e< mamar
—moc* Uma yea caa ware, rtrm.1
waat to know U yoa aappaaa that*'*

••0U*|>1. pmbopa, my prinici

Jan are the Ball kind, conudered best on the
rings, (he jelly cups—S pts—popular rise, with
till cover, at joc doten. are good value.aod that

____ ________.. okimet. Tkto gladm to
groaad law maal aad mlxad with.
•■■a to amd aa.........
w mmla
.. —_
Ifod. Tba aoba
aad hafee an left bablad fm .
md iba imu* bare foand Ibatr



wrnMM. tm^ttMrTim** ma^at ba
w^aahUd., -Bal wirna^berm^

something good, here is where you can grt it.
m e—llyla la Mae

and lots of other good things to eat.

IBM *n1 pay ter tl with what aiy aapeaaaa al tba baml waald ba?"


...... .“uWSS

I may

pickling vinegar is cxcdleni. If yon «wram

sad CASS Sts.

______fard BaMber’i pandina,
Bar. bmarl fioorOla. Jt.. taUi ta
Tba Baatey Sebaal Timm aboat a letabU laeldaat
■eldaat of tba yearlBM,
year IBM. afar­
ad Ball
Boa. at a Uma of
tar iba arooed
'awfal anurty i

■a are gem

Welkave a good lot of these goods, our Pniii
market with porcelain tbps aod best rubber

It you are thinkiRg of buying anything in the way o|

Twa* wbara aba waa

it over ,dM. and tall
yoaowrMaiaa laker amtoatgbt."
■*Bto'agaBBmUab."mld Mr Uam- to IM eomtntiairalr aarraw yphrea la
moed. a* Batb mAIr olaaed Um
thaaaoacBiic world and tbr agncnl"Tea. Boaa bat Batb w«ald
tatal poMbUiiMa of tbr Unilad Siai*«
tbttft of IL"
il bava reached a attgr ol
•t tar bryoad tba <Wl

IWr'.ray (ra.ral «


OTpr ■bown in the narboL AlUbe.


Iw** aara raryh.

RcalEstatC"* Insurance

For U>« Ml ■





fetMUMM^bm wag bama

*|^WSMa MMaJm ^ ■



nuv yaace ago ta Japaa Iba kgrtpuar warn prtakad tackekly,
ggfdm ware «aat eat oaly afitr Rwk. aowm ram ta Pmto me ratakd ta gfeM
Tboa* wbo were mgagni apea ibta ^ ftmk f
dtftiMtUrtokfe: tbSTUraa
' '
fmAtarnttaato tUfbbimw fed**
down ko^U lbm killiffklRk' -^-

* wegam at naiaat at wm mam

viam *i PMT Staat Cmm Ibe mBlk-


WtSfiaflMii « Mai
KMaqr irgabb.

Italtial « fa* Bafa Bartaw Ofab
tabtota Mtow_______________
B. MaOaagb fal* mak fam ww
a aaald afalfa Unta
k Tb* nr *1 maw waaM

•a. TefatM «ta tarrapTta Calta taraal ptapan
prwd ar 1 vata ta rv fata I ta
aaaipota tad I tapa rrrrr aM tan ■ai* to fa* faaifa, pandtoff fa
wlUfa taaa tad wart fal* tartata tog*aa abMt ita Jai taaalr. vhU* a
fa* (MakUata rlaiarp ataa
plarta* toaiad addad ta Ito rtaaaaa Ttat* btl* vat*
I fata faar aMdt to fal* totata
U fa* Iffa aalr fata* Mfa tna
ta* Mtataa ta tod Mr.
Ml to Ita Mxfa. wtfaaat a hit. aaafan» taMfara .datat
--------------- ---------------- taihfPrcal
aaa^vlfafat elltatatatal
tall. AfMT itat. .Ifaaagk fa*r nad*
lataa tmfU Dsta* Md far
alrtog taTatl ta da ta to fa*
ta tal paRiaa. wa aaan
atofa. far UalM (Ml bay* taUad 1a


IkUfiMk m4 vlU b* tmmai tm*j

Mi wuuw « «u to tu MMia

WUU war daataatad Ip far U«taai iMiatUa aad kaaatr ud Ui Ufa *nu para
•i II «M M ttlMCtli VlM
kitop ptMtiiWi U MMi>c «fc<
•kOTi OniMl etmam !■ Ibl* m«i
«U1 U (ftwai Mi vmA. tat U «■
M ta MpuMthuita i«Mi
> ami fat ptalataa faay aa
. (M w ta ta«MM btat *11 M (
Ita wtal* ftatfM U «• wkW.
aaara ia aaaaa* vtfa tal fat
ttapwirtaBMi mpaa wi
ptapU ta Ita atata faaBBllBtaf datati
taHjr «€*k far Ate tea
ta fatHta. Haaw& Pitana. whaa
pnUlaatarlaa wlU iMf U*t la fa*
Ml aataaa ta aar tUta. We aiTW
boB far OMd Smta alt tawarai wtiaw aad faalMrlfataU vmUmm MpalWrMi
mf Urn* IBM imrtu ft. taMm vmU ly aar alaata* aajaaaaiaa ta ayaiiafar
ifta Ita rapskUau Urtat tf Ita
MfwwMH «< mh* !•«.

aaralt oar ayaiatav aad
ata fa*
ta U»
faiaacfa Ua dtafa ta ntaidat Haail tatal ta Ita Klalay. W* raalU* fa* frtta probl*«a aad tariaaa qaaailaa* ta atata.
taraliB aad dataiitlL. wtfa whk* ta
aaatadeaad btaaby «it**** aar taatatUfarptaiHtaioft
aad aptaaral talta
M to;fe«i*«M* K
abUHy. Utafrttraad dwtia fcajaai toO*Mi Bfaifa Itanfay «a* whiaii b* a* broacM ta btaroa
all paUlaatolra.
’ aflMMB iMta. Ttai Mr. ' Wa aatdtaUy apfata* ta fa* raeard
ta Mlahttaa'i aaaatan aad fapfaaaatallraa la acMranee taattan |«
Ita talk* adraaaatatai ta aar

aad to faaak faata far fa* aarvlata
e^TBtalai* tafa Ita imaldtait

••Oirwiw BU«kM,*taM ftaOtai'

im^ ta «taM kte «

. ,.
j». U w»
*■. ta far MtaMtar liiiMM. Oor- «*r*d idadff* ta fa* aatloa.
W* Irtadir aqaata apala aar tayalty
«Mf BUtataMvrMtataUr. ud wr
ta fa* taaad prlaalidta aad taUaaal
■■■ UtaltTtaBtayaUy."
■♦atabMfc rtatawtattaMr.______ paUalaata aar panrat laal tfaraad

faMMftaiIrfarpHktaw » tatarMfaa ta taytafa ta far frp»UlrM

TtaPnat I
plaran and*
to fa* aigbfa
la fa* am faar toatog* aaly
twalT* ta*a wtaa ap. la fa* trih.

vub fan* uiB. itar taitod
fa* faldi ma gatog aal wilb fa*
kata* fall, to fa* aUfa. a hit by
aa faatolaU. adaldta'*
teoM vifa fa* dnt raa ta til* I
Ttra alia aad aa attar la fa* at i
tatlad M brtac aay tatauafa
atata. fat Ptaai atnai boy* a«al> 4yiac vlfa fa* batta fall Bal U fa*
aigbfa fa* hakioB vtal ap. Itoitfa
am ap aad Mrafa aat Paaatogloa got lU* at am. Moatoga*

d fa* tata*. aad 1
fa* ptote. Kaaalg atraak oat. tal

aad ‘pai
tog Daakar. Thl* aadad fa* m«ar,
t^toatmato atfeltowa:
M.iLPraat .......ouaoooid*-?
Daloa. ............oeoiluio 0—«
Biraak oat. by Harfa. If; by PbaBtogiaa. 17.
Tvaban hiu. Wilbala*. Matg**.
Tbta* ban Uta. taagly. Total hlM by Preat maat,
Bit by pUetad ball. Btaal*. Moata-

«t fatal tartaUa."

fan** to fal* Miy (at lb* tan
taMaa, aad Mra Btaarat ha* tab
fatatafata ta faatr tamaarhatat
%*tafa Balghfa am Ladtofta
Ito ■taam wlU apaad a parttaa ta
fatMtatto Ua- ~

I ta fa* tall IB* fatally *U1

■ «. MUta M


Wbatorta OaUaaA

-Mdwto A. WUday ta Vaa Bana.
~ ~
Ita PaMtofaHA-PaUtaQalbaaB.
tw Hmtan Mata Baard ta
Bm-Pfatob H. Kathy ta Wayaa, to
to Wrighiaf Oiaabta.

ry* aad lliMiraad a
............. ... at laa* an aim
wabW wU ktdaay aad bltddtr fawbl*.
aad both aaad Iba latM graai lataady.
Tta etod aad Iht toimadlaa aftas ta
fanap niitmaoaraataad. hJtaaU

e.ata|>*mpUatital- aniWtnn
— " -aciaBm away c
moakU Ittwr* rw.
Two raty pnHy "taan” partlet
L lawrtlarOr. Ktontr
. H. Y. ta am aad ware gtraa. aa* Jaw Ufa aad aa*
fa* Vfa at fa* hem ta Hra
K. MeatagaabyHia A. W. Walt. Th*
Oily aa fat taitof ta palla* nUad
HalU* Raaato aad batrtod bar away trtnaad rtfa wfatoa
troai faan to bh nmi palrel wagoa. fa* oolaaa puk. gram aad whiia. taTbay tare aM y*l Ifacaad what ih* lag aarrlad eat aa far at pomlU* to
alfaaoaaalatn wan agalaM bar. tal Waal
ttoa ta fa* game, aoaaltnap ta ptoafaay wan aal atriou.
aptda laaa eakaa baa boa* aad eogaa
rt wan dfty ladt**
aad a aUil larger aambtr IliU aftaaort aaaaoa U bagtoatog aaapd
aiUidBlntoa. TbabetoUarr
toraeaa. Ta* prim ytartay wan
formally opeoed aad tararal ta Ita woo by Ura MaOaagb aad Uta K a
aattagaa an oaoapdarl for tta
Dnpraa. Mta UoOoagb neairtog a
aaar aad artrytotog taam* tarorabla baadaoaw baraod laaltar eat* oootaiafiw the meal saaeati
togaotabaek aad paaetl, wUb the
dale, Jaw M. bataad an
Old Hlatloa ha* kaoWa.
Tta Old Mimaa laa tai htaa n- Wbleb ara* aaeand by Mia Moataga*
ai Haaktoae Ulaad for tta oamU.
Uta Daaptia
Dtapm rewind a imi]
imiy tagar
tcr Jaly aad aad ertan aal u abtoa. Ita
Imaa Bay aad alUldm ta ta yaatarday. Uaalar Roy Walt acted
SprtogtaUL UL. With iwo mid* at
................................... Wgl* Orefi' aarrad by fa* Utom AUe* Walt. Ad
aad will Blay a

* far Hr. Bae>^ aadar•aghly how to mak* fa*

Dr. tad Mr*, a K. Maalam ta Chi«o with two eUldm an aipaalad
10 taka pBMinlDB ta fa* Baa-Hoiiola
aomga far Ita hoi meatta
Bitafagal aem baa talmaaitta: Bar. aad Mn. W. K. Wrigbl ta
haad* ta PaBBtogtaa'a pllctad balto Tiaram City dror* dawa Heeday
Berth U aal to Batotof. at the toal laai aad opaaad faelr ptotty Batama
bait ta fa* fata* waadl tar* Itad a aolWg* aad wUl May aatil Aagaak
•Blttary. A* It waa b* Mm* Hr. Wrlghl la paaiar ta tta Ptm
aatarary aaa aa fa* Ptaal amat Praabytariaa taiam ta Trarem Ol^.
-Dr. aad Mr* T. A- Bagaa aad dhUdThat* vara t*a aaa aa fa* Uaiao

dariag fa* i-~ Tbay tm* lamtracthy aad Baattard.

data Btaabaa aatad at aMpIra, aad
aWdlta faith la ampirad a good gMa*.
Th* Proa! ataaat Maai wa* anppled
to allafftataM di*auj II ct waakn by fa
, .
. BBtlaa. Wa taro aa •alU ttorllaad aad Klboatse. aU ta
piaa fata waald Utarfai* wifa fa* to- abeai will ta to fa* gaa* aasl ttoa*
dBBttta* ta Ita Ualtad Stataa aad
vaald Itaaia Ita ItaUUtal* fralta ta
fbaat nraat ta play a
ptaata IMO.

Mta. tatafatatafav!
’<BUti tar tat* ta^

aa* WO tawa V I
____________ • W y#ii_............ -

a noo. Hra Bagaa aad fat
falldrta WlU be hw* all nBMor aad
Ita doatar a* bu daUn wlU permit
igaa ia aaemary ta Ita tUtooU
Btata hard ta batofa

>'* <tab Aaanl
atob wot bald Pnday ananwaa.
Bxeellaei nporta war* and* by the
Ftaatdaat. rtot
Boafa Bidat gatatog arapa- tog ametory. rcreordtog aaonlarr,
rt ta Ota tog to fa* Phil. taUm. tat to Tlaw ta fa* paaC. thU
fa* 00**
will ba walrad. aad tta Barth Blda*
Uhaartoa. whieb waafarmarly held
a faMmytalnaad by fa* tote Hra U. B Bafa.
Tbaaauaal addrtn ta Mta A. B.
Parry, tta nltrtog |naldret.araa vary
taa 8taw
haMaa ta atata affalra aadar Ootatacr
Aana T. Blla aad tta aaalaat aad Th* dahmttoa ta Campaatoa Oaan elab datlag fa* part year aad apok*
baBamUha aaadaal ta fa* an
Ttaram Be. d. rofaraad VHfay am. ta tta pleat far faafatare. Tta addrm wa* llMaaad ta with giaai tolartog freto Otaad Bapldi. wtan faayta- aai. Hn.
Madad fa* third aaam) arnnhly ta
Wafam aafa awiadwiata tafa* waaihra UMtlgaa. Tta dalamUfa to tta aOo* ta imatdaat.
Tta faUawlag aOam wan *b . .
tal lawa ta oar atata aa win Jaally
fa* follawtog
Praeldaal. Ura B B Mtoer; rla*
aad tafataally tali*** to* awwar* ta
taaaidaat. Hra T. Bbarmaa; i
' ratal* traaa daablataialliw by
Tin ptaMdaat. Hra H. a Darla; n
■ ta fa* tal aa aatatai "
aacaalarT. Hra J. P. OUlnmoad. Oanto Mob. Bm«|* I
pla; aamapoadlag lacntaiy. Hra W.
W* lb*o ■ aafa. aqaltabtoaad ataa- hagia. Oelto Dana.
Ur* prtlMir alaaUaa tow by whitai omean aettog with
tarn na
fa* aiMtoatiM taall
a* taltowa: Batto Baaata. P. a K.
Hra B. Brlatal wa* p
Uarr Braa*. a B.. OUr* DIU. X- Q prlnd TbatwUy araalag by bar frtoada
fa* paapto aa to aaaai* ataalata
B. dItalia* Padfa, oiam;
tobem'^ta tar dfty-lttb MrfataytytapallUap aadw* aaamm
WfaTM, tffatowr; Bra Btalfa,
Datoly rafrafamat* wan a
' m M fat aattaal. palaataitog aial aaentaiy; Belw Bhatar, 8r. P.
win two r«7
nairlMllBai eeaaidaaattae ta fa* a a.
pralty patted plaata.
Tta Ooardata taaar aeataal*
Waai* gUdta Bota fa* adraaaa- .fa* taUawtog: Kaam Kallay,
aal ta AMarlaaa todaatrta* to for- lato; BtoMaBanh. madart ha
alga Matfcata aad raalto* Ital laag* Utara Yaaag. raator taaeari Ida Pool.
Jaator taam; Oahy MaLaa
Mary HIU. Kalta PlUmra. B------- friaada Dr. a P. Watktoa of BratoKaUy. taaean; Kail* Beymear. 8. **4. Hlaa.. Bad Oarld B Ctaapball.
W. i UUdrad Pamaea. J. W.;UUtoa Ttady H. QlUla aad Otarla* B Bata
tataBitf graal Ptaarwa. B. B.; Maty Pybaa. J. B ta fata ally- The mratog wa* rary
ry, tal m da- Haad Uoedy. tomalM; Banto Baam • mlly apmt. fa* happy gram

With far fiSpt
axaaitet watt ta Ita
bfaifan wifa fa*
ttaliaaan totaaBBta’ pfa^ty M
ltaUMaan.aadMM woodward*
batUa gxta am faaaatotlm
W* aerdtolly
aad aan____
tfttaaAmliay pnmdamfa* aSana ta Pmldaai BoanraU to
y tofaa^fa^toatitay w
Oanmta daraa T. BUa* ytanatoy aaftmfai tow* igatnljlUinl
- ' I faatr wm
waatta Ita taaMUraly arar bald
haob with tta laarola ta fa* gm
ta dta mia. aad tta Ufaal aiml
amtatat tta aaaH* ta aU fata
a far itaw
■ata afaMrt who tod fa* npahUtaa Tta gan* ta tarn ball PMfay af. Oaan Kaat ta Otaad BapUta aad
paafata rtatary twayaaiama- ~
aaota batwaaa fat Barth Bid* ta taulaUtrak wifabawa aaptata
«y aaaaw to tta Mata bat Ka*
Pmt mm aad fa* phyatt ta Uatoa they natalMMd bafa ta fam. Tb^
I. aad aaariyfa* faU
atrlrad to Ofaad Bapida aa TwaAv
fata wa* am aa atary taUab
wa* girally rnjfaad by fa* taw wba broatog at 4;U. atawtn mt by
im. ta Unit I
ton. aad w*
will aBaela*

Bmlfa. Hr. a
mato*. Hra Ohaadlar. Mr. aad
Hra H. 8. Ball. Hr. mto Hn. Hn
bnt Balab. Hr. aad Mta W. W.
totfa aad family. B B Meltoy. Mr
Tabay. Mary aad Htoal* Btotaar.
Laid**- Aid itoetMT ta CaagneaUeata
ebareB Ur. aadHn P. O. HnmaBa.
Dr aad Hra H B OarWr. Hra P.
Vrtrata. Hr* Uharir* WtlUalm. Hra
J. A. HeUaaaa Hr. aad Hn P. a
Ur mto Hn J a ttoalo. HtmJna
eur dmito. Ura J. H- Atm. Praok

1* vafaT patofallp iBjand.
Obtoto W. Immrt. a yr

Btnl* Omk. mto who bad
•aob Ottar a weak, lafi Prttay to Dawnla when faay wn* swrnrt. ntoratog faan. Bataiday eraatog.
gat ta Pantaad. Ml aad dltkmtad
bn kan eap tta waaad did aal tael
galakly mto aa« li aa. bn« dmarn
•d Ital a aoadi* wa. Imbrtdrt to bn
tar*. U wa. mm>nd aad toa mlaat •

aad Htn OifarOa Don Mattaa.
Blggtoa. Or. ArehtaHaPhall. Bmy tiailfa. Tiaer Uillli aad
Jallat hga wira far |»U taa
Tta addram of Kar Moai
ttaalariy loeebtog
Tb* Uaimeot bottle aad Baaad atrip are
tta baaBlital.1 llfr ol fa* yc
yo^ w
Obiactl in
... ocarly crop hoai&old.
aa who waa «I tow eallrd
They are the weaiuaa that have tarn aaad In
fata earth to fa*
for ahiah Uf* trorratiima to 6x^1 old Kbeaaattoa. aad ai
" ..................................................
aiM with loviBg rucod
« at the
euulJ he ia B
m aad 1AM tb* yot
KbenmatiuD it eaaaed by c
^ _
wbaa* Ufa wa* to aoaa aui
ooditiuouitbeUood. It U filled wifa acrid, fatitoltof matte* that atotiM
laloa md rare taaaty. Th* tnly ta the yuisU. muscle* aad aema. aad lioiAcnu aad utto aoe aofaiag
napplirdertmullyeaadiaiodgetteaegtiny.conodiagpmtielea. Tb*y
laytolh* mUUttaa manofltoiarm
ere deiwaant there by the hlood aad caa b* reached only tbioufh the blaaiL
(tvea by lovtog friaad* aa tnMtaa ta (ubbiag
with liuimesU ametimn relieve lemponrily the acta* aad
affaeUoa to faadriaxM. Annog (boa* wink, bat Ufaeae are oaly aymMoma which are luihlc to reUita wtfa every
vrta gave brdaUTal taoaqaMr <v
OKeoIttawralhcr: the rea) diaaaae lie* deeper. D>e blood aadayateto
a wan Hr. and Mta Pnuk
lolerted. Kbeamslum caaeot be radically tad peftaaBCeUy cared
leaMdy doe*_________
this ae fauraaghlp
OoodHah. D. B. Uorgau. Urao* V.u ootil the blood bat bcea parifin aM BO __________
On Von. Hr. aad Hr*. L W Tlok- aad promptly ai & 8. 8. It aentralim tb* aeidi aad sards a______
^ ta tkh. atnmg blood to the aliteted paita. which
tam. Hr. aad Hra W. Oarer Hall.!
diaaol VC* aad waata* oat all loreiga matertola.'aad tta



aad Travam Bay BrwiogOlrela, Hi
Morgaa. a P. Ilarls aad family, I
- a perfect vegetable blood porificr aad tooM
HyMk tnroi*. Ura O. O. Ball, Hra cxbitoraUeg tonic. Onr physiriaa* vrUl adVlac, wifaoat charie, nil rtio
d J. Wright. Hiai Hath M Rammy. write about tbeir case, aad we wiX aead free oar apccUl book on Ktaamstim
Jak* aad taam Parmeh. Dr. Aadarb
m smrr veeme bb, ABam, m.


Tfre Detroit M
Evening News
atiS Morning
Tribune hhki



Than which there is no better made. We also have on hand several
r nuuaim u a

that are In good condition and will be sold at bargains.




127.State street

Traversed^. Mich.

Implement Store 123Cass Street.


Feed and Sales Stables 231 SUte Street.

Having recently purchased the stock and buuness of Oeo. Carat.'l will hereafter conduct a firat-dau Fe6d
and Sale* Bara at the old sUnd. 331 State Street, opposite Park Place Hotel. I will also use partjof thii.bara (or
a warehoube, where 1 will unload ae.veral car loads of tnachincfy that I am expecting in a few day*.


As I have large farm a short dista
___ _
die all kinds >T stock in exchange for 'machincryrbuggies .1^'
1 have at present about twenty good work horses for sale.


Tliese machines are too well and favorably known in this locals
ity to need any further explanation. They ^>eak for tbemseives

tab far a
paaied by bit faar U
an afalMi wa* giraa. wltha-Urtog
ptatan” aa fa* emWal tgarn. to
taal. faan an few btoata <
laat that wan aat imami

Scott’s EaMdaioa

Ita wan baptwaU
aapt to fa* aigbfa laatag.
Tta Balm

You Have Some­
thing ol Value
to Dispose ta_

Mia Cnm. Mr am Hn Jaa O
Jahaaaa. Mto Ona BpmMr. Atm
Babana. Him Bagadara. HIn Oaya*.
Mynl* SaaMmU. Baban ■OaUwml
aad famiy. Hr. aad Mn P. J. Pa*,
m. Mia Abbeia Hra Ball. Hn.
AMI. Hra J. Swaab. Mn. Uaa B
Amlana Hia A Siaaab. Walm aad

^ B Wataar. ifato, ^
warn aU ta blaw ap Maam md
toggadabrndfal ta paearndmam
tata bd. paakak. g, wwfa.p,Z;
rwMaaa Wataay
wbor ta Mafaad a «.m aa'U fa*
tap* btaw ap tanaal ptoan ta fa*
Ptoa wm tadgodtaap to fa. me•*
taaa. aad a deem had a gert lUal ta

to aU ta whtob fa* gram waa a
ar. AUltatawingretladwbtafa*
mny BaaUy breta ap.
WbU* fala party wa* to piogi
lad aagaa ana wn to tawa. aad tta
aatta* ta fa* mmkay. wh* wa* lad
abeat far aWoat* by a atato. wwe
gnatly aajoyrd. Tb* Bahmlm arm

d la fa* taU far a
play aad a Mg toon wan
ably dlmmtawi. tar faelgam wbleb they
. rt* ta fa* party. JaM wtat
wa* playad far aU li-war^wgrtb aanfort dartog faalf aiay Ibai*. aad baartog It had m Ita oanto aal elm.
tat tta bm waa heard ta leamfc.
'Thaak baaraa Jafa BmtU h aat
fam waaawoUayridaaHwadfaaMty
Banbaad Ita Baafa Mdn taPnai ta Bead* take. Barth Pnk aad Bal
ttatal. bat aa fa* ptaym a* fa* Baafa dian- Bana. taabaU by W*wM>a
BUM. hartag taaMrad a «*)art«y ta Mdt ta Piaai tonal toabad fat a****. haad. Ttmahatad ttaplnganta
aO ram hm wa* fa* ttgalar aaafaag tta toirtm tommy. J. A
ilmryaad B J MaOamM. bigb
I la play at.
attar bigb
Bin*Ua< Unamaa aad Oafata
Ip mrt'mt. ato to«
faan a. taip
ta T M 4. fa* Baafa Bid* mn wto- faattaatambty aaaama Tbayata* BmmtsalM la walghk.
attg-by haaebtog faatr Uta ton* aarttod bom* aa* ta fa* brnna ta fa*
wayta Ita edtota Wtamaarwhlab

BUta. fa* mall wa* faaatrad
bavlBta fay fn> fa* Bltta afaa
■ Otawl Palleara aaarad ta aab
aMalfaWaa ta Oomaat BUaa a

}*M haw tta taaa got
mu* tta aar
dMy. Abaal I
ta tar friaadi aad eanrad wtfa fa* Mraw 1* art *xptotoad. B.I fa* waa than,
pta*- Tta
waa fafat ta piarfag gmaa
mn abeai a teal fam*. all mi
avar with fa* tatoa ta maw.
■trad. Haay had told twa agg* *a real*, haw
aad waa a rary Uraly blM wtaa
baaaMfal gift* w
waa talaand trm tar ^aom
Mia&W. B
Ctorla* Ptoakito took bar aad bn
aagoaad pUead-<^ irrbos. faai
btaan ta get rtady.Aa taka bar away,
tta baa had aatrt fa* faga dUb waa
far fa* eeeaatoa. wild nan to>taa- mbably may baagiy..
naa taaiatog tta ptfaalpal pan ta fa*
dnnnHnaa Tta atodbaaid waadafa*d wifa reat* aad nUtax. aad tta Tta faaaeal ta Clara 8 Brntib oetabto wilh iwadatotaa. amllai aad aamd trm fa* fantly naldaarr ta
faar paraata. Hr. aad Hn. Praaklia H.
aimt marailBy
baaatlfal baak ta frra* aad ]
aig* af-L. D. far

i 4. W. g


At my impfement store I will carry a Urge and complete* Use e<
Machinery. Buggwa. Wagons and Implements. I am ia better shape
than ever to sop^y the wanu of my custafnetB If you do not find what yon want in my gtocfc 1 will order tbe tame
oa abort nodee.



ing to offiw you fim-dass goods at prices ihat wiU move them rapi^y. 1 caa buy goods in as large
as cheap as aayooe, and am always wiUi^.to gi
itbe benefit. Call 00 me and be convinced.


CttImisPhonB 126





•ktaW, Mm bad



toBM»bMHa«rMtodltaa, mateto

iteBbBBt halfWtWBthin) tbt ten te a patato taw aad te ted Mane Kaa* the 1
tr. WtatotelMt Batovbta^tod wtate as ttebaak wtta.a
laagtetafte. fltwMwtiat—By at
ttsoroighlan fooad m erne appke. aJfte Ttemm q^^te*to!Sw^
a BteOtot te apoytag wllk parte
or kite rllteol hat aay eteot ee

•mm It M ku
At dMMn an bopafal of
Wifttiar vUkou tar i
It mj
itekta* «mtUM>4ta:q«lwJa>tot
M ^ war •• «■*»-

Wmt Btr Oitr WlUtaa A.
p. a teal taU op«alw. kM eaaM itektef Mt betet a Ike Btfft
j«t>pwtr. rtikt te ih. hM irf
Um eHj, wilk Uw t<c« of ptttiaf
«ovaatkafltkM«tfeaal bfoaadU
Bkoald Ike teatl

OOTCk Ikb aturaaen. He cnatlr k
FWtteteil the lebaat* aad Ml ao I

n> aa ptte or any ^
of the c^^ar tk^ gnmlly

bt taak il vtU bt br ter the
^*5r. D.A. Orvtoo. te lit Waal Ninth
let «U|ippiag aeal that
It aarwktM ta Ike eeaalty. tar
•ht tend Utt N
tbt tlMt voaM wealbartbayw
I 1 waat te
be cleat to tbe 4oek Uaa aad tte
oaalte llM
pte oeaM bt to eeatteaetad u te 4asp
eeal dlrael froto Iba aiae Into Ike

d aeaM to ladleala that qalM tmMr aealdad abeatthektad
ae« a lhaUfkieadie and theadtft white woritacat Ike
Be will Iita.
t.wai tatted at Baahtiwr
Ulaade U|wa aad kte brida. both
haa pateot at 10 e'ekak tkit
aad teed at follewt;
"Tbt kiag of Dewadiat. as tbate wtddla« toar
to BsOe)^ wen toread to abandna
taatd a alpkt of aataral tteop
the trip wlwa Htehawaka. lad., wat
Tbe (toon had taea teller
adofdflu aad two tlokete to* BoCtla
1 Ike ear. Ha te a imilroad aai
yortew of Ike aeloelal traopi tote;
Wire worst an'ttoabUaf the tept
Slate ftaawtd kept at tiie klas'eiaCtewata.
te Ike
IbdIsI axptett bold that kit «a)«- Sertaaw Socar eatepaaj bar* Kwl to
teaaed aooe of Uwlr towla«i. aad la
tytoaaw pncUteliroal «<
all pteteUUtjr » acMt wan iftteroy.
Thtp do BM look Icrraj
h te eeatldand tbe latl day of daacte tnm are- IbU, bat
thalte nwliid a UtUe tell aa tlie
aVaated fnmad. abeal SOO peaadt U
KeO Iteren ei (Mar.
tkeaen te taOeital aad harakaa
a worm! hardly arer warfc is a
y otUtebl'
abate by eome Onlrenlly
larte uaei of laad, bat an acnesaa hall ptayan who an taI tbaaarI
I natlA>d ercr ftalde aod ool It
reytac aaatp oa Otea Labe.
oattepatehaa Tim an aroal Ubely
jntefbj------- I-------------• baa aad nel
I be faaod U todfrooBd. InlaoteatbtirWaterlA Tke OadarItert de­
atatera bean foead la other tend.
bated Ikea. by a aoore of IV to 1. aad
Hn. a. a Orow af Daarar OoL
date haw Ike Ooo<I Harbor beyi fol
iBooaoM ttet alie bat a criuly btar
(hate laaaly aaore te out etptelaed. wlileh tbt waald be plad te awap te
aatett it wat Uuea«h the coodoate te
Tbt touB te tbU plan bat eot beeo
deftated la a grme te or* a ytar,
aad Ikey here atet aome pteUyteno*
They are loobla« te
aun watdt lb eeaqate.
1W Otdar teas btd ealy ttam ernaa to tkolr dteetadlL
Worthy of
------ r- wat Ike tot work te the
Otdar dw koyi. a Kwtler dittla■aUbad Uauelf by a three bate, a
two hate aad thne tiacUa-Kolby'i

wot at tetert wet toe.
WkiktacMM. Jaae »-Tbe ataata
pteaad Adwiral Bohlay an tlw
nttead Itel with tall payTha bean aoaeartad la the aMsta

0 te «ni.eDo


tete aatlnly both Iba
I aad boata pem teiaaite tbe
aotaage te dlear ta the PUiliflBaa
Tha boBte pootetloB te a aaUra tegI pteridlw that It <

k Jaae ifr-TIte (alUn- te Ike
iwMnatteOakahathadtbe rff.-Mte
Arialag fren tbe telaad away laigr
Ateirlsa batlBett iai.aetu. laotedtec Arowar * Oa.. BwUl A Oa.. aod
BtkM. Fear te aa ^fraoUag aeai-

tnate te worth aboat at asoefa won
’ ool ap late etaakt. roatte, ete.
Tbt waead aaeoal atela baad tearawMt wlU be beld la Owatto Thanday. Fifty baadt an ospacMd to be
aad tbe •
laaledea a puade followed by tlie
pteylBctetbe "Blar Bpaastbd llaoaar," la wliltei tbe 800 wotlclant will
kalte aodar ooa leader.
At Clan Aaaa (hntlt, aped II. hat
tea awtetad. otonad with the wardar te the I year old Iteaai too te
Matt Pardee, who died after betag
piTa.1 nrboUe adA Tbe girl bat
■ bal glree do
She wat laklag can te ibe
ohild la Iht aotiwr't abataoiL Tbe
Oartte girl te la jailTbe lltt te Jaae wHatwiil Ike aor1 ipeolaolt te taow falllag in Ttriou
netioat te tbe oppenaelBenle. Light
flurtlet wan axperteoead la Maritaetta At Itbpawlag tolt aa laob
'mae down sad el Iroawood neeiyly
twa loebae fell. A torat gale raged
Iwka Baparior aad do boau wan
ebte to raaun ei
Mtelgaa MaznU well aa a dairy
Me. There an within ber Uwite IW
tiease taclortea aad 140 cnamertae
Oartag tba ynr IWI tba predaoad
nearly foar liaae at waali eoodaaeail
silk at la any othar ttata. while tbe
twadt ftflh la the o
tewaae waklag. Tba dairy boalBMe
bat iaeriatifl oror KO per eeat ia the
lawtan yean.

■ tkte yaw. Btet gaal ■


Bnraet te VU4 Btowbto,

fajto'mtoto M oiiu"pto SHtei
Mr. Kalght aad Mr. Alrold tore
had tba Bteeiwer Fttebaad takr aroaad ialo il>e bay at Khrtbwbwa they will toteh ftiiiag
Boom teethetar^wn have b
iMleg their bay.
Jeha Jobaaeo baa tba beet ktotag
told te wtoat te aaybedy ta tkte vt-

7 wta- I7lh aad Stet Sta a. m.
F. A Hitebtel. U. I
ly drag
H W. rtealagham. Agv

iyaan old hat apidted
■WteteMctearat Adrtea for
I ehaaoa ta wort on a partat }ab Is
Tetow Cteitae an reetoOtir.'io*SiJ5r»?S‘ ¥i

3ire pou tblnking of


and taka aa ether.

a. A. Keleoa has aeranl fame
laliog eordwaod from tbe Snltk
are to Ike llule telaad off hte plaea.
Mr. Banhanl Ito beea at wort for
Alpha taama cm 0. H. Melm'i plar<'
tto fete part te Ihte
laaepa Llghteky
rrWe dallart^tekto ta.
Rer.Hwwaa Swltb of Tnrene Clly
noted the palptl at Birntey toanb will all be dnae Ihie week.
Harry AdaBte.~ikrDbwagtae Weak,
wka te poehlng a wbeelbarrew acreae
7 to i .
to plaiat to tlw Paaito oeaat to wla
Oartte laet Baadaytoa. aoeecrdlag
Mn •ProQty and Mn. Blight of
oead a wife. He wae 1
lay to Him Jewel Bml
Dowagteo paper
_.HIe Baker te working te Hre
lolmae to (to bride.
Lena Polwaleer weal to Batet Wed
oeedey to rtell frtndi.
Mn. Etia Bain te Uolorado it rl»VIATWa
tag her tannta, Mr. aad Mre Ran-

waaked right

Pere Marquette

I leave Ttaverae '
«i> a.
reek ageot

Uiit V

Hregraw te the IJaanerle eaevauioo te (Haal aad Oreea Lake Beeday
be beld at laterlochiia July IV. ma.
lOil^Durollcwal a-n ioea by klra
^'KiAi-WeleooMCeddnti-Hr. Fraek

tbe Sanday icbool.''
by Mn. iTha*

i * *""SaT'S*

>r wailaatil tto fhrsteaUraa
down, bet aaa Azwoer-> FenUCwn
aad keep it ia good eoMitioa. A P.
' y. Tneeraa Otiy.

Fred Eaebenberg te Harlaetto wae
kilted Taeteay aornlag while dging
aUnwirr oa a taleptaiae
use pole fa
for tbe
»y, Ha'Te


irtean doUan em* te a large taw milaa a day for 1.000 wllca.
bat^ te e'^^r'eom^Fnak I^te.Bt Loate far apptoprlata aaaple from bU aalghbor-t
r gardea a lew aighte age (

For Utakta aid GUUra.

tbt Tamous Wall Paper Store

Til KM Yn Im Ahnrt Bn|M




Tntn will loave Trav.-roe City . vpper peeianla from the Palau m
;lta.m. Ralekl.Ki.
Ralokl.Ki. Bae pooler# or of Detroit. Mr HrNeil aow o
igreU for |«rtlcnl n
! tr.Olu aotee of hardwood teada
Tie an a terrible ton»-ol to tl>e
Wtot * (be eeorei of Imppy. tigor- folkA aad to some older odea
It nored. Uoaae' Uintmeot aerer
Iwlaai n-lii-r. pennanepi oan.
aeye enoog ead eetlTe
At aoT drag otore, 10 oeuu.
Blood liilier* don it
r ta IKO.OOU,
Fred Wane
tod. Fory
no fooad at ooaui oeua.
B'tol aukei tbe m
moat prodi
e bae i-een tnmplng Ibe eoaeUy ae farmer* ' Armaar'i FenilUei
>a BDtaelte mvn-h-r. He bee goee to A- !■. liray, TnTerm C'lty.
KaUmaaoo to rtetm tbe fortoae wbid.
beld for him by Mark Park;

ia lev water
mmediate eaan of mmpo aad
s oftea tbe dtelealiea te tbe 'boweU
_____ follow* tbi eee


'jsi.s;?' ............


is ID full force. Thousands are taking advantage of it. Why not be one of them? It
will pay you to travel a long distance to visinhe Globe during this sale.


etotMng and 6cnts* Turn

Toile de Nord aod Red Seal Urea OingHami. always 12}c. sak price............................... -0<|
1 yard wide rubleacbed tocting, i«r )std..


Double fold black and wbhe Percakt. tak
price, per yanl.................................................................


V Checked Glkte Toweling, nk price ^ yard,


.f: 11-4 already hemmed while Beil Spreaili, tak
iwice................................................................... :...............


Kacdient qualicy Linen KaiAim, per <Vu....


. h«h lining, wiwtli $12. sak i« c............27.48

lineil. worth u<> to $1k, fm.....................................29.48

Good quality Shirting, worth 7c, fur this sak.
per yard............................................................................... JJJJ


Nice cod Summer Conel, well stayed, worth
4Uc to 60c, our price........................................................... 24


baa'been idle Maoe Febrov-

All the latest designs, at the lowest prices.
We also do

Uaa IL Jaaotoa waalthy yoaag!
te tadteaapolU. lad., te rldtag!
Deck fnw Kll C
>, Ob., to!

ir Ve* I •> BOH Mm

Chihrslhtce-picce icstce suits, nmth $1.00.

6r«*t talc el Shots

B. Haraay.
Kaeltetka I7 Oon White.
Repnn ef eel^U and eollao

J. K. KaBDB................
Mn U. S OtUnger. Be----------.
All iBtenated in today eobool
oik an lavited to diibbA


Mtei Matte Tim

aatl. etarted la pta^lto ptaaa wbaa a
Oiw baadrad aad alaaty-aoa yeoag
wen aad wacaea wan gtraa dipt
... tbe waate nek. Wbaa t_.______
te degnat at tto BtaW Herml aekool l^jaBrto to ha a thraa teat garter

*°t>ina«ioB led by <*. a Dya.
Ilili^lbnliatlao by Oerl Fleber.
Il:lt-Telk by Miw Martlw Karae]
Uinner and social boar.
I Ji>-l*niyrr eortloe-IU-T. J. W.
IMi-KertMlien by Klaa Hapklat.
a;li>-paper by Mn Hardy.
. Ot-aenl dlMoetloe.
V:»V-Saleot taadiag by UUte Hor-

PAiotiog or papering your home this sumIf so we would likir to have a talk
with you
«)u We have a lull line of

ton wUI to oliteAFritay
u dailag tto warm woatbor,
tag Friday. Jaly llth.
J. W. MilUkoa.

te tto earth.

Why aot nteemon wheat Ihie yeari
Yoa eaa do It with .Atwear’e FertlliAte A P. Ony.

gatberad at her kowi .
.... _.
,/ied Ber
teleraooo and
ber orleb-----nletaate
lib bint


FertUtean an aa . .
plaalfoaA Ttoy aatee frow tto farm
aad beloog
uA on tto tarn. A
Ony. Tnv w City, Bella thaw.


Oharlot a Bmitli. |>ertteiar te Che
[laaw bae aa arldamle te ten
loiel MoStaatm at Oadillae, will
Baamber te
ballda large additioe to hte hotel
nag ban aiUotad.
dorlag tto oomlDg
Catarrh Cannot bo Cured
- te Att*lwith LOCkL AFPUCATIOKB. e. Iky
ieel K. a Moon te Tn*eme Oily.
r<BFh tbr Ml it !»- tMie i'. IhUn
Tto Oraa.1 K^td* Halto C& te to
to atoerfaad by tto Ug eombiae betag
te taelada ell tto match
plaateOBteidetelto Diawaad Malob
Oa. mat. Tto Uiaad Kopld* faetory

amUirJoal what the OBM«Be will ke<MBat h-predMed, bat ll
tkonh a geBeial pagalywa te badantt
woaU malt, aad rebel te the awtmimei oaBdltteM te sot la dgbt

gtoaa ta tto aibte

-laaa have brokoYra their <
Forwle by all dntera Prtaa M A.*Kel
weaad an- being todiy poanded «
escla. Foeter-lfUtauB Oa. Badtea
tbe eborv elf Ih:
M. Y..

aSi tSe^t^un?.. Tjp:

aU wkatto leave at aU ate deiBgn

Wtaa tea kayaapBlvtoclvtBmaBdd

Bald by A. P. Oeayftenm Oliy.'
■ that ttowteHtMBlauwbia la mm tto
riTh^l ^WkaL^*^^Mh*^
•A UlUa Ute
tkm. ttot Doaa'B (
totmato tba tnil to ha aaaa "
haar-e deto.
ntataa^ dya-


^tTbtr::. aau-ar-tek

tov tattiea » ato’na.

itaa at MwtNBBAwMalM Mtrf^ I
atwtatbawdtovwitea. imt Oamm I

Mini's heavpeteton

Ladies' Kid Shoes, stock tqis, suk leather
counters, cbetp at $l.^.«alc price................................ .67
lAuliet'fine Vici Kid alt solid Shoes. }aienl
leather lipv equal to any Si shoe.onr iirice#/.FJ

icing the ist of July we will give
one di^lar's worth of merchandise free to
every one of our customers. W'e will ex­
plain the particulars the first time you call
to make a purchase at ;



Belter ones for .

\irsled p

M^ black wool cheviot jianu. worth $1,
Mai's strictly all wool wnystril )>aBls in noib-

Just 89 pain left te the Cnrwn, Brand, guiranteed $3 shoes, in hand turned and wefts
patent leather lips, 19UJ style, nw.v......9tJ7

Ladies'Kid Oafottb or Strap Sandals, patent
kalher lii«, latest styles, always sold for $1,
sak price........................................................


Men's Satin Calf Shoes in lace or congress,
worth Sl.&U. sak price..............................................


Jlen's Vid Kid Shoes, latest toes, rope
stitched. $160 values, far........................................ $t.46



Men's Canvas Shoes, rubber soles, for.................


Woman's Serge Sbppetv robber sides, for....



The store That Will Alwaye S

TMI e:
118 From St.. Wursburg BIk.


Roterprise Grocoy 's OU Stand.

tto ground, terutne ew hte back.

11 here at altewliare; other
Mn. Oaear Okvpote te an tba tiek
' Hlllidate Oaltga eaa boaat te OBe
faUWal Blaowaa. el teett.' Philip
oe^te latl Bamrday.
Tatted, te MBdItew. Tatiawat a
telioo] took aa aiov
IT. gwdBBlad tton ia IttleBdbat
tte to Leland latt Tnatday ^ Carp
aot BtiMBd attedlat a poo
. WMtalBea. Be U aaw 81 ;

We*ve Bumped Up
HUMOURS JIgainst Jlnother
Good thing.

White aad Jlwwy wtot ftthlag aoO
litkt Friday wltn good tacoeaa
lawpitrll the ley lag te
dr. and Mn. M. W. Harrlagioa ai
'. aadMn. J. W. Dlekermaa.we
gaa WBlat ta that elty. A large a
aauag tba old
oh- aoldten
St Wto an eowplatiM the pteati
Monkport teat week.
ptpaiag baUdtage. Tbe eawpaay
Mr. aad Mn. Btapbta Doaatr wan
paeia M aa epwatiag wttbia a few eallad to Bagdn by-Ute death te bar

Sample Shoes
Kof Men, Wo(l«^n and ChilJreti that we haie boochi at
a vet)- loB- figure (rooi one of (he foremon manutecturert m
the couiiin. They are in (be correctayle* for summer and
' tell near—tbc-he'ight ol laehion—the
and most poi’uLar

Batnaltetba dawaad'te laatber
thtetawoB that tbe Ug wUteharealvaady begaa lo_ akip Irew their May
» Watliiagtea
eat ka keep ap with ordera Ordlaerlly trteily wwadlawber teallewad to
Mad twa woolki te etenilng be- toe wat bora la l^astaana eaaoly.
Kew Yert, Apni it), 188^ aad df ' - *
Tm ragcste bare oboara a saw
Mr' Petaoo' wmi ir old eattbr te^Kte
with ble iBotIter.fath■iakIvHi ta eacoaad Dr. Elite Hot-

WtSamYouJUmpst Bsif.

On 2nd Floor

ta OoM«eU then lirtt a
wke te « yean old, oad bae alweye
rpM. y.-t elw hat
It or eookir la lier life.
At Ti
Arirtag Ike hot* Tow Pen. owned by
Dr. Mtefle oa Ike raoa tranh. wet
nttatotylhaw by tbe baret- MUag
onrbaakMaatapte Uw.
• *ma. tba AiaMaa otaltkiB
pnanted ta OeBitBl Oraat bg Ike
•aim te Taifcay n Unetel Oraat
.trtpanoBd Ike worlA te dytag at tba
tew te Oaaanl Oalby. anr Btatrtoa.

SaA. teaUtetetanewal onkarda^MBe taw. tba
•■wte wkk* It aotkaowAai

________ wd.mgb.eteeMhaate.te

Oowba. Mr. Dafitaw. Mr. Browa and
Ullnr lardla, allot wbew tod bean
aad Mtet
id Mi

Mlw Kalita McOarty te Twmw.
Oily te TteUtagtar aaataad aaMa,
Mr..aad Mn P. F. Urdle.
Mtet Pnrl Zoalak te vlMtlag her

H mt Mito.

B«.wy.. XiUteee te WemM e« CCTTcrea Boar ia ita l-m te^b^ teen^

Stt them em dispUf ia the mem theea eaae.

On Basement Fleer
en's loliJ iboea, in leieral leatben-eier pair
ManuCactuier’s |rice $1.60, re- J
lailet't |*ice $2.tW—Our t«e..............



AO find daw goodt at a great ti



ry goods Dc

^ 36 inch Blad


Taffcrta silk, guaruleed

1.00 Several lots of Men's suits to dose at
$7.50. Values. $Q and $10.


79c" Another lot of suits—one or two of a
S6inch Percskooly.................


.5^ ssi''.

Cbese Specials may belpi

Vou. ♦ «

1 Eawwl—kt..


lM..radcai-d. Bbe te Hrt. HyraBoaah
Jorte. wife te rnd P. Jordan, oi■ ban.aad^O. Wiai
Bbr lat beea very
' ' '
pmlaaol la ebarata aod oharilabU baaa aeat to all the
tbab ktadam.
I. la an aaeS«M aad natal eapaeily
at t D'elote.
y. Mo --laoeUy
ktdy" It batter liked teteon highly

Prepare for the 4tb!

ClHs time H is Tine
tine of*..


kindonly at $10.09. values $13.00 to

A Job in Boys' si’s suits, siter 1 j to 16
todose$i-sa$3Aio and$5Da Reg­
\ Belts, Pocket books, Waist bags. Chatular values $4A»aod $.soa
elaine bags. Faas. etc-at popular
Men s Bicycle suits $500 and $600 kind
to dose at $s.5a
' Blade Cat stockings at loc, i$c and 35c.
BeaiAiful new Neckwear at 25c aad 50c.


Dress shirts, 50c. $iD0, $1.2$ aod $i.$D.
I 35 per'Mt discount oa all Trimned
Hats. Beautiful line to sdect Irom.
also see tbe new Dock and Felt hats
For street aod outing purposes.
A few JacketSAod Stga left aad yoo
. can buy them at about
Jacketa now at $5.75. $5.00 and $7aw .
Saits oow at $7-75< $iOAM>.aad $14-2$
$1. Si J5. $1.50. $1.75. Si. to $4.50. Wn|>pers at 75c. $1.00 to S2.00.



Cbe Boston Store





Mm W. m. Bi linli
wu iMOa VriMM tieetdi Vhp taMBB wMto ItooAy j
uataMalhMMOfotooolM fcttbtl.
•rideir. JaM IT. la tba nuHf a B.H Om-H SMttpart MtoMaji
wao cirM Me otoaH fay
«.MdabM**ar uawdaf *a!'H BMBwr if Ibpla BHr b to 11
tto aity today.
t crowadt H Hr. Baaworthb
1 froa* OtteM Iom}|

Bncy poUUtBl MstwtUa h
Ml ilmiM •( oppoMBw wM tbc
MrtM nd doM^H «r »»rioM

Opua Boom awd tha Aaadaa
Mtba weak of the ooafMB
taram wlU ba BMd for the ai

whleb will ba a eery ralaabb tbby
toaaawboare to attoad the
aba. aad will ba a jaoOy tow
of tba ootatloa. It b
hare tha paUlutba eoatab a aiM> of
Mb oity. BdaMBlptiM of lb ohtat
pobb of bMMU
Ite. Ow««» BItoi ti
toea. latUMUMi. pabUe baUd.
»B-i .MwlHt. rvlMbb- dtiaM.
aUk. with aab Of lit prbol(Bl
baUdbfi. HMe of ib btaattfol xhw*
biUitr. Hi Mw MTid the |m(iU d
IhllMl WO 7«K
7«* >««<Ux uu* aad otfaar |nbb of bbfost to theoe
W )«dc»wit Md pwt—d maar
at dablMM. Tba
MM wM*w
tlw |K»aew
" '■ ' Wb —
of of tha priaoljB' rptaktrt of
pte. We lidMt* tl liM beea faU jmrCMBTMtbe will alao ba uuiladad.
the eOln otthe
I lha eoBplata {BOcraB. It b alto
Mete la • Bur eed Cl
propoaad to hare a eoMplttc Utt of
Mr. A*d ihM dcflat *e >est
the deluataa with the aasM aad ad
rwi bi wiU Make e tM»d whtab draatat of Iboae who are to utertab
iriUtrbw eddllloMl boMfiMdia- tbeB dojiMt ihab atay b the elty.
Aboat 1.000 a^dat of thb aoorei
dbaetory wUI ba prtalad. aad ooa
irtberifeid wUcktc UH wiu ba tut ta aaMi dalacob »ad to
caM> rotMlaiatr. Tbt dob^
wUmTvmit pMdbUfor Hr. kao» tioB ttib wbe It to mH
biB. aad wilt writo at oooe. tollai
iMe ef the Mejortty U e tHiMM ie «- wbM bt wiUairfra. u that tba ular'
ICTCnor wbMh wUl topdfc
tobartoubapMiMBd for hta
MM ia hb belMU ead eoaMcMe
*>>>• ^
kMp Ibr CMI tUi «f1ac. 1bM«*
fcnMlaat vha dIdJMt torar tte i
I of U«Ttfsw Blia. ■
ibM* if tmrmij •

bMM Will b- ——------------

iiBUt yeant ladiM of thli
aadltMiMacMtly orteU that the
erperieaet with a-Jack
MaU «m be the ataottCB ot ttl elty had
ttoke* by a bite tbt Pupw" of ^ery lew ttrlpoBoamaHattr. a«d tba etaetic. afabb day aftameura^ tba aua wet
■abritytf the
M of tba tbket b worcdbeMnnncdei
Slace WatMT. Aaditor OcacimJ PowM^SMM Trcaaif* HiOay aad BapMiMMdlat <d Pabito laMTMdtCB He.
PaU b aa laderMaMBt of the esoellealaad ooMoimtleal work of

MOMbK Oea Mrul bridce when but
tbt tooth eod they MW a atea'i boe
below Ilia bridce with bb eye yearbc
op tbrooch to opuiec la tae walk.
They wore nry bdlcneat. ead eeUed
to A. W. Bbkord. who wu paatiac.
Mr. aiMerd looked ebool and teaad

a. at««Mr BOMOal. ba
Me'iwo ablUly of that t
whbM b reoofabed thmghoal the
Hr- BUr b the aoa of the late Oor- (tOB ellber tide. Ba did aot path I
«aor AMtia Bblt.
Ubataad cbkalMd npab

Tbi wort at the
•o^m b Babhad
MMIy Utportaat
tiMB —laiaraM hare


■atBoba aqaally laipertaat ooaiiibrm to the But cal'
Mm. Aiaaes thaa^ the Oafeaa
tar. Ub to honcntted tfaot tbb
aoald aM hare baM Mapoud of at

iB(. aad the yodoK bdiu oalbd
tba fact that e bbb wa
Mr. Baaaie at dnt tbeacbl that
rat ooly bMcbatioe oe the tut of
yeoBf WQtau. bal fiaaUy feaad
tthara wwaoBta below, aad b<lICbk
aaOeleatly wall kaown ebool
ally, bol for lha uka of bb feBily.

to tho oppooiMMi of tha toMMObty thothltd tlBe that they faen
red by a tua oadtr tliU
yiM adrooBtod by the inaMaat praa The dnt tUan WU bat fell.
natod any brbbtbaat thbttaM.
VMitBaMtaa Mba daoldadaCaetlac
1 that there
■■ni.i talatlou at Oaha
Utb ipaM Bwloaed at aaofa
wUbthbtonraBMl haa fivM tba
to a laad dM) Bf featlac-aad tho Mgar Of the brldca. with boardt fetlanad
ap aad a door at each opaalac. with
aad a look OB the iaalde.
llctoabaM NMrtadaaltr. Tbub Tbore wat Jaat tooM for o bob to Ue
aad peer ap
• Mttor Whbh MaaU be Mitlad rtdht
tba oraMi U tba walk abera
. whMbbdbfwaedat
Moaed of aad bipertoat
t «aM Mtor tato tha Ub elelMed that Ihu yrork u hu
k Batthab- haaa folac oo for two
OM MMI ba mM, aad whUa wa owe
«aW *0 Ooba. the Ibohatgo of that
taty Maald bM naall U lalaiy
a Wa-au-toac eUb hare «
aarhaMatadaMrba. Ubaabapert
ad a L Taadtrilp u Mailer of tba
wUlbe raUd elabheeaaaad loeany ooltha lB.
the elobal the
tkaML^iaabaldy WUfaai
aide- pkaaad by the
beau b balac ra^liBd
UtaUac. Tbah
tMMadBBdao bMImwUI
froM topic hottOBk
■or hat thora h«a aay daAalb aettea
thacteaadi iBprorad M upldly u
Mko thorn far Moraatthey
hanaotboM dbpooad at. than are Ton.
u tha baildiBC b la ah^
bwi oaaotod whkh haro
la a aery
artbaty iBport Tho paM«a «d tha
it b propoaad to hare aeolal
. iBhBba aaal hlU oaHtai
. -MyahalfeaBtoireld. Tha aalttax
waaki aad probably
.at the Atbate aad the PaolAo
eau a weak. Tba tooi^ ereoM will
. hyataBal aaMr Ualtad Bto*
ba ezpaotod to
- tfMoaahaaoMtderadaatheM
lUy. aad the fautroB
yatoat at all the aaaMMewM of thb
' aoWM. rerBaaydacBdM tbbtea ben. ■ a yau. will be upudad io
beMUtyiec the cnoadt aad other.
iae iBproriac the property. Haay
ia rrBia~-ri hilwiia tha arteat aad tw MaBbwi are hatac ad^
The lOMln aad
the ABaatle OBkhoard hu bau awatteotthb
Bow tJial UMUoUeABtaMa hat Mkta
Miy fay tha Mcoay arallabb for the
parpM Tba pbea will b- Bade atfor tothloc aad etiiar ptua« that tha oaaal will ha balU.
Tbaco ere other pleat la view
Mj drreidp btar lathe
k MB ail that fiiini to
aCaMaTMUaUloaat the i
la oaaoal Maniac of the We.qae.
ice of the fWUpylM HU __ eleb wu told Wadauday orrMlac.
U tto odbaoraf. Oaiyar. aad ito
am ■
af oMoMi for Ibe raaoiac
whk* hat haaa Bade aitiMtiy by
■wnniladu followt:
Mtala oaraaw yoetaM
FiaaidMt-C E. Maftay.
BMia. at It wUl pBM.
t at net tba faaic at a
-ta< 1 r. Tito*.
Traaaonr-e. B. Wall
Dbtatart for two ytara—Victor
lUeHWBe. a W. Baalar. B O. Allay.
TM with BBoy Btot^hUb Bake
ap a neord of obo of the mom baUfmn. Tho diBfmbwlU i
tbaa, bat the noalb of tho aou
wbUhwlU haaMaUaM lalMMt
MM« u e MMiat fOMb af the wi

OMfBMlM. MM b tho oaoo Ot B. B.
BHtr Oantf b lha ehab. Md Bar.
W. U liiifa, ■. a. Baa B. 3.
TaHhiM aad Bdwaid WMb tram tha

Ba will
JohM thb yur.
L W. BohtoU of Bpriatolil, Mml
r cioap db
U«w*yfKM Woboa. WtoM hate
bau tto foaM of Baa. oad Mre KC.
LmcA. to abdt hb ibactopr.
Mb* Bona KMd antl^ tetoy i«r a
bit with Mr. aad Hn E -T. PmblactM
Hra lito M. laatacr ato chUdieo
eeaof laMyeu.
aad Mb* TlUb Idolacr letotard bM
„ AtiOatM aparb wlU to om of the alchi ftoB Ktocetcy. wtoce they tor*
Irutaiuofthetoy. Ia addlMoa. the hoM rbittoc ttojBM week at the
oaattBl funra will to tto catu of
of Mre Oocre* Otoafty aad
toae bell betWMe' tto Pciabri aod
Otcu Maker* tto old rirala. Tbb
Hn doba S’aiocr hu rotoroad'
wlU be, acoordlac to praeMI ii
OB a Tbit at tor toochcr’c hoB*.
UotB. o am Hoh aad hard foachl Hr. Oaotte Beltocr Of Etocelay.
Mb* Alloa BaerM. bead BIbbM
or Mn W. O. lawieaea. left tocl
.ICbt for bar beau In OMrOiL
J. C. VaaAakMhu I
BMaHMeof a etueatbl
BUM Whieh he hu. a
HiB itoteCby MoCatt Tatamed Batwith f«r iiiwl yeara.
nrdey froB e rbit el Oeolrel
wUoh prora that ibb Hook U
Mr. ead Hn H.
dormbbthao linM aad eaa be
idlaad.'arn rbittoc tlwU panote
wateotorodM aaoh botarpeaee. Mr. end Mre M. E A*ba dl the Peb
b b a propBiBtiu of oobmI aad taad
COBHaad ia aaoh
a telld Wock^adT rary bard
Mr. VaaAakM tot uBpbt whlob
to Bade Blu yaen afo aad wblcb
tore proru that hb
aadaaunaa hard, darmbb eoapul
Uoe. eaitahb for partac. wladow
MIU. crau wettt. atopa. eto.. at nodMate ootk The Batarial tea b> prodased ia aayMyb, tba orterBaad ia
detirad ooler. Hr. TaaAaku
a that it eu araa ba a<
bolldiac boetu aad preubat toupplant Iriek ia tbb racord. He U
herinc aoow oaw UoM Bede whieh be
upeeb to prere a tateiB. aad itoa
be will ooaaider the Better of r>b«
tato tto BaaoteeMra of the aBlerial

Bonder el Oedar U


FToa mday'a S

at tto Whittoc today.
Mre. Chulu Poeto of Boehutor. to
TbUiac at the hoMt of Mta
hwle ot Eiawood.
S E Well aad daachtar ' Htoato
tore COM to pld JfbMee for a tow
Ira F. W. OolTU and ehildtra
tore cape to Old Mbatoo for two
Mta a E Bom oad chUdrM of
PiiMbwI^II MCPd the nioiair
C Ifca B^'e pueau. Mr. aad
.. H. A. Beeatf Oak Park.
A. Khlioa of I^lhpcrt bin tto
Hly todey.i .
Her. E Howud ^wa. paMor of
the Prbada ehoreh.'will to book thb
eTMtoc. attor cotoc to Iowa Pal U.
lowe. toattaod-tto fnaotal of Hn.
Brown-e father. «
L 0. Marb. tto lewebr wbe too
beea located fn part of tto
Edward iBatBor m Uatoa unet. vlU
itonoee to tto MnacM Hook the ftiu
tf Jaly. wUeh kit wUl oeeepy
tto SiMpr Bewtoc MMbIm Oa.
Tto Odd. Fellow* aad BtbiHhi
win attoad tto




MBtl loaottoal "toto" MayooM'
um Ufa of Mary SpHaa. » year*
tto child wu ptoytoc aur e loot
it bal.
ape hnoB
the eaciu. aad u elie
Moopad w do n, tmed opoo
froB the "blow off"
pipe TtoTietiB-*
of ba body ware anldad ee bedly
tfau ha dulh b axpeetad.
eced It. of onr
Ooldweta. wu toot bye oelcbba
boy aad fcarfally ln)ate<L
BBO wu la .a toy loft feedlac tbe
bone* when be Marted loco down
ead BW tto bey with * fen pointed
opwnrd* Ue Mltod u tl<e boy to
loM oat. M tbe can wu loaded.
Ban'* l<«( aad feat with ebot. Pifty
tore heureBOTad. Bofartbr
leeaea fa bl* Berieo..
of Britton tote to
reoeiiUy by tbo'ap-

CrAnd offerings in
Summer Wash Goods
tl coMinoe the
very btesi »n-l
thix ecaaon'* cho*-m labni ^
al an k>cra{!c of elioiit \ Ihrir
artuil »»liie.
a* killowv

« tto wena weal

Hosiery specials
"a OUT farrit:n ami .ianectic ba*>.
<m in ■•Uin l>Urk* ind bney* al<k . 12Jr. im-. SSc ami »M- ami
Ik i»n«incc>I ih*t wc kro Icadef» in lliixlejianiDcpi.

Special offer of
Shirtwaists ,

>nti louchl the iDAtenkl *ni1
made lhi» oj. ywr «lf ton roulil
mn kite antthinc •«! the |W
.K btjrr fulleetii* of Kiemii
lawns m iilem wbiu, Iwitnifully ttimnictl, with ime Ham.
Iinji: invnmi:* and tiM kit, *o>ik
hate Urr, alw * (im*! auuninrni of jlain lil*f 1, with tu< kiin;
rnilroi.loy and m«etimn
68c to $2.89.
Men's .Ruil liar^-ams at. almduie
15.-an,llSi:ToiW.leNa.! Cm.. '.l.anri^ht niarteloussaerilSi'r pcins
Ses •>ui K s|K> ul numher* al
fmm. *kle }>eice.................I OC

1 It wu e eptrll end lerce |mrUec
lid rbll Ibe epet eeeh Dbht. Bertlsee mep ebot ot tbe ebence red
ball hot wm olwey* aaeUe to bit
It iBi oew dbeppeemd eetirHy e
meay teople beoalh eori«. Boue
•toriec are told u u tto
of tbr phnoOBoaOB. Om b ttael ynn
ago a WOBBB. while licbttoc a '
with keroeeae oil. wu borned
of tbe oil herinc
on to-r eloltalnc. wfaleh Icnited.
tto-n-by laiuc ba llfr. end ttoi ha
epirit bea n-nrnrd to rerth
•top- of e bell ot dn
Meya Laptiea of ileldiac meeirwl
toll from e nan tbe otha dey wbo
eeid Uiel ewey tocA twenly.flre yean
itoeB wu roBulnc
betel in Rookwood, he beddianaai
bb hooap and went ewey wltboot pay
Inc ta it. Hi* oooicieoa. he mid.
d him thei li
001 dooe Ibe c>{tiere Uiiec.
- e trip to BeldiuK lolely to bbBt
H- former leudlord end lay IiIb
tto lone doe tolt iloUeb
Al tto inlll of PfriOa A Boroh. Io
bed i: Bllee Weet ot Boror PelU.
tto remerkeble feel of ooltlBic
H. elilnclee in e *tocb dey wi
fonoed le*t week. Tbb le eeid lb to
the leiseel nolpat of order *bli
b one dey by any Bill In tto eta


re ere fanmoB in Ihit line with ea awmxni* aad twrol rvicty of riqBaif.
dy kjipeal to yom bes berineu
Nora befard
mum cumpleu and ilnirable Birt
*u--* of
m llryGooJ*.
inj vroou*. Clulhmc.
^muunc. Hktrinil
H»« »f*l yon
mmiteiHR.. ok the
aad nuierbl* at iwat IcBpune
r»g prirc* Krery dniartmcni
(Icjartmciii w.U
mU iwuntaite
iwuntaile l.l
l.licnll. lo auke
l«leiD0OBratKin<rfBeni«Ddi«*eUm,;ecmrtanemr<e.L R«i»cniba«ileUM»only| Sden

Rc Ihcssgingtoms -Wid.W iui

Recenttol U to the ol^
fa e rUll with bb ebun
Hn P. O. OeaptoU end
ry retoraad Setontoy froB a few day*
rbll at PrtoMey.
HIM Pbaab HInafaew n
In Lebnd Ibb’
eoooBpuiea by Mba Loreu PenolBCwto will rbH ba fa a few
Ju P. BerdiM, fa eoou Ii
BBba ot tto Pk Belaey life a
BtloD. aeei Pmnkfert. wu to tbr
oily today.
Mn U. B. Bora eod eblldieo tore
mud. laalailiBC Metoecon. Onuid tetaised from a rleli do aooltora
Raplda. 8acluw. ea*! and wut aide; Hlefalcen.
Artbor J. White af Maple City eput
Bey Oily aad WeM Bey City; Battb
Crank. Hilbdele, Aaa Arbor. I^irt
Ueioo. BeolM Berber. Si Jowpb.
Bllea. HoHeod. Tteae Klran. Uelo.
aet. aedllbe, Jeekaea. Hooroa. Pa.
loekey, Uberletu. Peletuton, PUat.
Trererw Oily, Booth Ubtm aod ManoBinae. Tbe npert of tto atentory
ebowed tba orcaalMtlcB to to b a Or. Cornell ora a cerleu eaae.
Hn Prank Wrilea b ooIotIdc a
coed Bnaaebl ooaditioa. Tlwtv are
forty-alBetm daUrety rbll traB tor lictar.MiB Con WrlaoOoea with a total of tdS earrien.
E P. MeoEfether a»l>r*W. S.
TbeoBoMa aleelad era ufoUawt:
aad W. E Moooi. b ton frooi J
Oratk: rice pruidBit. Ohariu Bllb. bn. Iowa, rbittoc bb con*
Bdlur W. E OoBpbrll af M
OWmo: Moretorr P. a Oobtrf Belbadi treaurar. a T. PnlBaa Hilat;
uaootln board. A. a Gibtoid. Tnr
Oity: (Merba T. WhUa. Bey
- Braae. HaMccoo
.Sac­ HlB Hanle Oelma aad toe On I
s’. J. Miller. Aon Ariiar. and BM ot ObariaTOlt ere la the city rb­
ittoc VlU Oalaan.
brer. Oerl P, Vlbea.Waal Bay Oily
A. B. Ptoacy of Omd Hapide
otcealatr. Paal a Octacr. Ilolbad. lotto oily to}ela bb wifa wbe !•
Bettb Otoak wu Mlaeud u tba out cpMdlaca few week* berr rbittoc
piece of tnulbc.
Mode Rteb bu letoniad froB e trip
B OtMd RapliU.
ma llienOer'r SaoM.
E J. MuOtmld ot Uhlo. formerl
HIb Kbm Maynard aad Hbt Oar- af thb oity, b b tbe edty te eprad
of Oatrpit ate foutt meatioa at a few waeke
of Mr. aad Mn. a
Maynard te
Mn L M. Petereeo of Manbte eod
Mb* Wllm O^th H Qnad Rapid*,
J. W. Bbhtr airlru hauo froa EM •wbe tore beea the cbmm of MaeRapidientto 11:» Bala.
N Peddu. Uoneroi aad Bbltli.
Mr. aad Mn. T. P. Yoaac ot.Mapb
City ere ia town today.
Haoter Oeorce SBittL
' Or. «. a Mom tnal to Oeip Ibka Mr. aod Hn Praak Weltoa left tetoday for a Oahlac trip.
toy fa erblt of arenl week* in
Jauph Oaata weal to Ht
Dura and Colorado Bprtoca froa
Vhteh ptoM they wUl take *er<
a W. PoaMw It Math 3a bariaoM ■do trip* to poiab of toteroet.
MlB Banaeb PMatactM U rltUlac
ralatlru aad Moadt ta Oedar aad
Maple City.
D. P. Boob of Labsd b to
oily today.

Steinberg’s Dry Goods and Clothing Ston

$ 11.50
and Ik timiime-l the)- ali- ui
\r« amjaK in

Belts and Ribbons


Sec llielu.


............................... 79c :

Cui, ma<le Jitw
ri.a.le *hin. while ilio'la*t. 7Q^

sale |>rH-»...........................45C

Special Corset Value*
.•.Knftioalile, dti-sM ami
tiiakinit, hae
si/et. vak |»W e. 2 IC fcO I ,50
Suits and Skirts
ViT\. miijltlr oHer <>• *utt* and
s ii.m. r,wuc rail* abl
:i >eleii>nti* al a hee^y
«Mi .e uvular |k*«-.


(jrt a suit heee and you will have a suit ihai will lit you
—a suit that will wear gotid and a suit at
the Lnwi-st IVicrs.
SPEC! M. in Cbildrrn-s Suits-A suit and shiit lor ihr
. price of a suit until July ^th.


A new line ot Men’s Shirt Waists at Si They are nice.
Call in and look us over.



OPKX I.VKNIX(; tlK Jtl.V 3,



Travarpp City MarkatE ’


.It report <e made upon Wedne*day of each woe*. The Hereto le not
oneible (or chencee In pricee.

■MearmaK rnnleal ami nr<-*la1..1
fwatr .<r Urattd Traaerw, f.Ktkr... .a


$L0O, 12S, ISO, US, 2.00, 2.S0
Uce. Gore. IfoUmen. Kid Patent Leatbera
new toes,' oew beds, new las^ new styles,
lifht aod heavy soles. See oor new Soothem Tie at $2.00, Its a swell Oxford.
sandaU from $1.00 and up lo,
oew Uoe. ....


Bwe Ke I
uaad otbaptoorc Wteet.
to* Po* a. 1
Doke' fomraod tbb ae
DetrHt-S-boet. I
oa a baetou* WIp to Ohicaco.

UtrlB Hetehia* etrired froa Rapid
Tobde-S-toat. ••US •»<• «*«City' today to etteiul tto
r. endMn P. «. '
. T«S. «»«. W
I in the city today. tot* 48Si perk. Il&«u; lard. »I0;
cotaninc tbi* awruinc on tto H. A
baby eorpB, tto child of fbiitur
a. E
etor. wu ooaaled b HaU. Ook
P. E Obry aad family tore arrired
inbyBonlat. Tto caeka
fiWB Qnnd Rmdde fa itaeb
aa'arbltaud are pbueatly loMMd camaaded by caadbe aad otba
OloBb of the totholic cborrh. from
h tto oart^ eaactal Err. ead
3. B. Marttnek wunlbd to OUnCoycModay by a teleinB ennoane- before tto bUu wu pot eat eoUiii
bol eliamd niuloi wore btk
inc the doth af bb tateltor.
WilibB M. KHtogc af the'Pint
KetioMl book hu been nlled to Albtooby ItoillDOBef bb deoc^ler.
Even' nuD knows that
who. with Mr* Kellco. U tbiliac some bread remaint moist
at that pbea.
and some jtets dry. He
Mr. aad Mn' ton Psttorc
Bprinc toke woo in the Miy Moatoy may n(M know the reason
OTMlnc te atimd tbr' •unbee ef but he“^ knows the differ­
MeleetB Wlonto. Jr., and Mb* Ethel
ence. It is ID the flour—it
comes from the wheat.
Cercsou flour h made of
the best wheat grown io
America'aod does not dry
t JHy ea
out like ordina^^r.
dtoua •
wUt btafnad «1m*7 af Arewuk*
>. bat It WlU aoear n An*
ad of Jaly 4 thb yev. I

toe at »:» e’otock. All *i
hrethin aadalMMeere atoad M}eto
sakB. BBlthaad W.dBaUof to tbr purkie. T^y will Meet M tto
total, tot boeUto* fa toe bobI^
Mtr aad Prad L j^aiodW of Del­ toll at OJO a'etocA ead ce *
MBtoc an beery.
la. Ohio, tore parotoied e tn
ebmnh to atody.
Fire BiBtiri H tto fanUy of Plod
WakB; wto Uro neei MortoaU.
Mbaad ViUtoB Heady tore HlpotooBod kydriaktoc nUE
MBM wu feaad te to a dbeaud
toey amedad tto laaaloa of their oU to toe Malta hud. Tto *I|
toacooaaly lU fa aoronl dayt.
t tto Hartal PeCMae Oa rrwtuMktto PlrMMiohlcaa lafu
ThayhedacaedllBak alM
Btoc (f .tto leclBtot toea to-: BHaotoe eleu of thb yur.JIa
tto hH» H Uaae Oeppu. at Boilead
Mahaf tto OatoaMABeab aappa
, crruly thtoaed Mt
Tto proparty b MtaaMd ehoat foo
at OatoBM wUI tor* lud
abut tosty BBatota prt-----MlboaMth;ofBi. HerMubay.
waalM WlU to told to Oahdwator toptoat Alto feet, a man M
tto proptrty wu aM hoacht iaa
apdahaM. BwiUltoatolh^
laesl yotr.
piMliilia. bat tto BOW owbm
Bar. aad Mm B. Howard ■
u tooUn ^ft to toe w
Tto Bad Jatoat toaA ef toe
aad toUdiM hate ruatnad troM
IT. ThbbtMof tto MU
. wWto to aiecttoH atoft. to
klawa. wtoM Buy warn
cahMMttoia MBtlaoaliWMd vUI
M Ws BMiM'n Ml

Frank Ttiediicb,



zh* om r*h*m« sixmiim*.

yiMf »rt BttffBg.....



Al the loweM poMbb

JUC .< IV.4UW-

KK'i.',: e-r.™;

[cice* when yoari^qa Mac.

n Carge Quantity «> new Papers

Sntoe>cuwy ri MaiWi, hare jaM beta added lo <■>

^arm for Salto


money ooyoa>ob.



be »<fe of wiriMy pf PM.

tou with U 'HA boda whit* Mail far 19 tcaU a
doable wB. Olho pood tU^ of Baida attMC «e



.. l;v- ••

JtfaM^Matlaaa iw >mv *o

Wate bank


otbar fftototr •

_____ Ji.4«lli«.
•taf fuBlMMaad

J~« aartfc •* ^
««r. wh*» ba^ll —X

a It la idotobla tto*
tito wUl to takaa.
BUth airool aow baa i


ClreultUon this week 2,525,
■ tor Kia i. gtrlfcar at gpria^ld. CL


Jaha A. Jaekaoa Mob .tnHa hla aelt
la -Mm Bar Baadar two alar(Me.
OM wal«hlaii M poaada aad tb« oltor
m poaada Tto Aali will to ahl|>f«d

teaaal A. PItoher aad toi^^altor
tt 9tt» Uto. wtn Mirlad Tbaradar
bf Bar. WillUa liaatMO of tba
MatoadlW ebaxob. at tto pataoei
aa Vtoitar atnat. Tto eoapU ladi
IWMAIalalr oa tto Wala.


crated oa qwwta of ttoaaw.____


Ocagb Ilia tto
Tto laparta at Iba raxloaa aowwll- qalckoat. calral can la tto worlA It
,U cold by &B.«ali aad Boa aad Ja
O. Jobaeoa. wbe gaxaatea alUdacI an IPO- Ha a refaad aMaey. ' Latpa batU«
Ufa tbe 1
«taaty, aod «mt Ckmp Mein. iOeaddl.OA Trtai bottlaatree

tor TMttor. J«ir «>■
**» pwpo»
ofntouc M*rto ppotoii atoll
for tto Baat iH*UU U. ■. <i>mnb.

Ito Oral Wood Blah
laaU tto
KOODa yaax.

who tora toaa iwlrlac the
to« Uiaa a baaM awaaa eo U.
wMah wiU to aold to Ito Uxtoat Ud- awallaat pay. aod boa bate dooa M
aqaallaa tto waft n« la tto taetory.
Uotolat ai It did. aaaniionnni<1 Iba
Sraaoe wai ra^irad With eooMdw
bla piaaiBia by tboaa affrotad.,
Tbo Hltolaaa Storeb Oo. haiantola MOtol aadlac la a daaaa. that
Boaaeed aa adraoaa la waiw ot In
vUto II Bar ae( to tbrfetir aa U.
•wployta to taka affoet Ito dm of
aoaial. U to ao» «alat to aad la
Horeitjora tbo pay aaa bao
toaltraj.___________________ <''«
MBti aa hoar for IX boon wot
tmM Bx baU Bal.
Tto adraaoa ti to to to I
Df, Braaa vaa tolM to K.-aa.« Clir
I aa bear. TbU will aSeol aboi
Heodar aotalaclo prrtona aa ©pi-raforty awployaa
tka BpoB tto IIT*«
aoo ot Arlay
HeDtoald. who waa lalorad at Iba
(Btoa al TlieaipaeaTtlto ~
Tto opaalod of tto Utcbl^Olxcali
dar. Saarrbodr UeordlaUj larllad
to eem» ao<l brtaf tbalx toat fid. aad
act la (orato tbalx poafcat book. Wa

Vito to «r to-“T


a a apiilBtor atarted off*
I. aod tto Am day'i
vhaa oea of tba
tore bBM eallad ed oo a
Iba taU toa tot «av txem hla haada.
of tbo via.
atrlUu MtoDoaald oa ll>a to<-k at
It wai afli r I o'eloek wbie Bmtor
Ito toad, oratolat tto toall la a toriAdaaai •llad tto 1:« pace aad H
wbaa tto dm bMl wai ]
Braaa (wortoil to traiwniaf
aad tbna Ito laeaa for tto day
___aatod tto woaoA. taklac oal
wllad off.
aaranl ptooM of Ito tone, ooa of
Tbira ware al|bt ataxtan. aa fol­
Itoai aa law aa a allTar qaartar at a
Tto toator alatoa that tto
mily Ullw. Oofoall Bioa ; Paddy.
MB lata a Jadr war to t
. i:. Oowploe: Daxm R-. Oao.
a-------- KrlUo B.. John Ortaip-r:
Hrowala U. T. S. Taylor: Oooao U.
Tto BaBbaraot HePtoxaea Pott L. B. Banaxd: Mabel H.. kbrO.
tliay StelBtl: Rac Tlaa. H. Hortia
arw liad a bailor tiaw aad do not
Tl.e beat wai paeed tn tto saA ai
axpoel to tora to food
tbe beary laia bad eot to Jael befnr.
aaBI aexi ytar, wtoa they acala tto taoe wae called.
laot Woolatr aad Maxray Poala
Mabel B. woa tto toat la t:SSTbay ware maotad by tl.e Nortbport wbtoh waa romxkebly cood tlaw non
toad whaa tbay airired, aada beaatl- ildexinc Ito eoadtttOB of tto- tiaek.
fal dlaaw waa aerrad tto-. Tlia at- a. R. Brerett wai tto drlrer.
lentoou wai rfoy idtotoatly
Tto oaxly part of tbo
OMBbm of tto poau and tto Woai- peoalead pood weather aad
•n'a Ballot UorfM. Tto wMbar oltar- crowd wai preaant than wai expacl.-d.
ad U tto atlamooD. aad a Tory Bo<- Btarh-r Adami audo a t.-w approiai
war ^rea aboat tbo atxiwu.
ate lasaarki to tto crowd prorloae tr
Bappar rraa torrad aarlj la tto ap- ealliap tto toat. aod tbon liitxodBO;d
par pan ot tlM town toU, aad itoo Mayor O. P. Oarrar. wbe had tto
> warn axtaofad balow. aad a -ntj booor ot eprnlBK Ito Aral ■
wai botaa. To tto aor- |o( t-r.-r to-ld nortli of Oraad Haplda
ot all ooooocaad. tbo Ttprarao aBd.-r tbr aoapleM of tto Mltoldaa

aa hr T. A. Oaalaa. tonaarir et
altr- tto Laalortoo Bawa apaala owtas to tbe taot that Ito beat eosid
»t wait
•C It la bleb_________________
AH who WWil frota thti ally report
Tto Bar. Joha K. Bllla. D. D.. ot
ttot tbom eoald be aa better antertalnBtaawaa, UUaola. la rlaHlat tto
Itoa Wooleay Poet of KonbportBaa. Vllar B. Wrlgbt tbU weab. Mr.
HUM. Wto U aoliai wala of Mr.
VrlcM-a wUI laaBob. aail Baadar at

ihtwU. Mayor Oarror laada a al.on
•ed appraiatat.- addraw aad tbea call­

ed Ito dm toto.
Tto .-cowd waa nataially dliappolnlad. bal tto wrtolier wae aol.-ly
to blame, ai U>- drirlac park bmooUtloa hai exerted etory oBort to make

tto ne>>tlOK a caenoa
The Boyi Band aatertatoed with
leilo darlBS lUe aflenoeef anUI tbo
it U to be added which rain epollod tto iport.
liUwM thoapbi that today-italn
will BO doaW awre to Inorraa
Or. J. A. Baydar aad fawlly aad
■111 matarlally tnlarfare wltb tto tol
law Bwaaora tba already lanto boalMr. aad Mxa W. f. Otoiaar wai
He of Ito moettap.
Ni ot Iba elora.
XI^^Maadar 10 aa}or a iBxir ttraa
The oOrlal etaxtar U W. ». Adaaa:
Tto taUdliw or tto aaw additloa la
tto MX of the baltdiac. whieb te ... ladfM. <i. ti. Rolwoiot Oraad
Raplda 0. H. Ptall and V. B. Bo­
rapidly pn«r(tola«. aad tto
•rnMnaael of tto otbar dopartaeata land Of ibUdly. Tto tbnokeepota.
ma. B. R. MoOoy aad Tom
ot tba tiera. mkai it poadbla to add

Tto Ttarataa Oily Batlso« Oolloea
aad Kor^ Uatitat^wlll haro no raTto adjaatard totolwi of tba etxoalt
'eaaraoad la tto aooH bwa I
W.-4aaaday. aad tto wawldaratoa of,
Ito patltiea to dlMlra tto tiOeaetloe ,

A r— umt-oau..
Itooly atarrad is

tail! aereia U.a piepeaad tl*bl of war ^^
(to T. e . L. A M. wai lakoB np- ] ,(r,aHbrB tto
tolar tbo aotooe ot tbo eoon waa ad•

1 made by



paaltM. Ha wai lollowod by B. X
Pratt f« tto T. 0., L. AM., aad hr
dm of


Ptid SP apitii.
, bat a oerlila baa been
d.^ M yet
> tuaadamai caae aakiap tto
can to imae a maodaBSi to oompri

D lb. pntIcNU caea
Sereral otbar matien waa oa
arad by tto- coort. bat Ito aly order
wae ta tto earn of Jamn A.
King ra Otiarlei K. ttolpa. a «wie
dMided ta year. ago. In which a
order ie aw made to eene-'t a oleHal mtelako la itodeartpiia of Land.



Oar SavlDp Departmeot

m call et the T. t
M. will to- oext taka bp
Tto attaMyiwtU apeak In tbe mme orda ai

.1 .«

dep-U I


SiMi DMMlt tea I* nt 111 nrj IM
TUMi.Aa X'
lnauT.-0-H.H.Hidl. JecT b»lW. It 1

Piw IMInrr om I*ealmela
Pornmaetor Had Im. roeelred I
of Ito nral fire Orlirory rale
lie, ad tb.' len .M will
aagBimU-d Aaput 1. wltb W
Uoble aa carrier aad Waller F. Ooble
ae badad eobetimio. U.e bad. of
both of wboni have Veo apinrod.
Tba mlaiy will be
>n a.tdllia l«
wblcb (i.en
will add to It aniideraby. aliha
notbUig ca be taken op tlial will
way Uilerfan with die work
tl.e earner.
Tto rale a Bally aatabllilied will
■tart tram tto poetoSea. than
Broieb'iearem.thanaiiplinpti.e telepliaa road to McManu' aol.alboan, tbaoce north anpliaplo llaynn
ootnar. Ibrooe ael aplinp to AhclilipaatoBc'. Itaenoe north to Maplata
poeloldors tbam-e weet to Bower'.
Uarfaw. tbenoe mtb angling to poetoSn. Tba laoglb of tl.e rate ii pira aSIV milea. tbe
■qeaiv milea. tbe popolatla earred
B04 ad tto namber of the baa-,
lb. tat. lit. Oolleetlon hozn will
ba located ai tto |wea-ut localia of
tto Archie peatoac-. ad ai Edg*
e aetabllibmat of tbe frn dell,
ale will mea U.a diecatliicof tba empa rale from thli eiiy tto
of tbe poMotBoe al Arohia The car­
rier WiU arry a cloead poach lo ad


nt Txarmai QlV. *»*»•• by Wm. H.
Blggtu: Mabel H.. owned by Bcajamta BMimrl of Ttonoai OiV.
by ti K. Emm: BUly BUm,

byT. A TaylorofObkaga.
Fiaok MotriMo: “Paddy." paadbr
tyiHriK. aCempaoooCTtaMrM01v:i
Ito a.. owato and dxirso by Joha Cxa-




bar OlSa loti* oCOMtoga.

Wash Goods. Dress Goods. Suits. Domestics,
i Jackets. Suits. Carpets. Trimmings, Ribbons,
I Linings, m fact everything that is odd or short
lengths. It will pay you to investigate this.
Everything will be arranged so we will begin
j this sale

This store will close Friday afternoons
during the warm weather, commencing
Friday, July I 1th. ^

Tall ones, short ones. Urge ones, small ones, those of
plain glass, but uii for long stemed Howers; cut gUss.
rock cry'stal and pressed glass. If you want a vase lor
10 cents or in the dolUrs, it is here. -

Even the best of glass will break and your supply is
lessened—belter stock up again. Got a good gum at
35 cento the dozen; a fine, heavy glam at 50c; handsome
etched gUsses at 75c. 85c and $ixxx Wine glasses, all
sizes: goblets and handled mugs, sherbets that are used*
so much, lo fact everything you need.


It to Urnre in iSe great bargxmt.

9!" Qreat Sample
Shoe Sale!
ipeciall) lelected mximxL arith aninuxl care

b) two of .\mencx‘t most rnnuaenl thoc TUDufactuin, iir going
below even wholesale price*

$4 jxi Sam|:4e Shoes go* at

$3.50 Sample Shoes go at

$300 Sample Shoes goat

$2.00 Sample Sho^o at


A wedding gift to buy? Some friend to remembcf?
Cut glass or HaviUnd ? A dinner set or an odd piece ol
bric-a-brac—a fancy dish or something in silverware?
Chip plates, bon bon dishes, pudding sets, sugars and
creamers, salad or olive dishes. The China Store al­
ways has just what you want.

A beautiful decorated lamp with shade to match the base—always sold for one dolUr—For
this day only it is yours for......... | y ||Cll IO


SS.fiO Sample km Mm.ior men

SL7S Sample low tboet for wo.


$1.00 Sample dulitm'* thoet




every day until farther notice. Con-,
certs will be given in the Furaitore
Department 00 tbe ground floor from 10
101to 11 a. m. aod 3 to^ p. m. and are
entirely free. You are cordially invited to Sample 4>oe* only


Dob'i wait vriil tbe boat valoe* are gone bat cmne


•*WK SKkJm *TMa

F.VCV pair of aboca told daring ^ulewanaued to gireaa good
aatwraction «a yon wooU’ expect if yco paid regnUr |rice*

Opposite HentU Office.


The big rush of spring soiling has left us with
many short lengths and odds and ends all
throu^RTthe store, and we will make a busi­
ness of selling these goods. THE LOW PRICE
that we will put on all of these goods will be
the drawing card. Profits will not be thought
of. A clean sweep is what we want. Most of
the stuff will go at

TTiOKK all right—want a new one? Haven't seen
the new ones we have just unpacked? *rhey-are
beauties and the newest and handsomest pauerot.Ali sizes and all prices and for all rooms io -the bouse.
Even if you use electric lights or bum gas. you need an
extra lamp or two.

Mmrii of TooMx.

BUaOlia. owned byO-OunnillBtom
Mi* UUMa Uoopsr. wltatdWaxxso Uoopai. dMFrMay c^solag. aged ofHancook. Artyaa by UmlaMycoi* Btoltomaa haatoad
____________ JaBa.
ooa mils eUlA Tto body lay to'
Baqtoy Rm II mi a'cloak at tto owned ami tolTaa by Fmnk BaUmt of
Tcitdiacc oa
toks Accaoa.
CIV: ■


and will continue until all is sold.


Slylixh shoe* made

IJ. W. IVlillilcen.


. Radmmd. ewaad by C B. Viai

■idi; rocM. Mra CMw
ydraogcaa. Mra Uaa«M ot aol gailv«wllb
cxtaaUoo*. Uialc
toabt bat HlUa bU
tbe JaiT awearrd to
BBtkm*. Mr* Oalktai: <araattca*
BMk to badarigbt ado
UmoRaakte; fbcm aad eaxtottea*
Mxa B. E. Orattca; cawmlt^
tocM: roam aad <araaUea* Mxa.


I.y B. B. Wall A Son.
j,^ y Joiiaioo. dia«i»ta

wtorr tbo anrawoou oa tbo eair wora

■r. BBlUraa.Bho Utaa at tto txoot Ihli MW Uoa. Wbaa tto rabolldl
Then will be two the neat toIMd aaar Oraaa Uka, baa klUad Bra oMplatad tbU dopartBMil will make
----------------iBMlrniU Uaa aa- a Me additiaa te tto aMoki alnody day. wltl. a Wg dald ta ctoA a fol­
plMtoBt aaiialaa to laalilaetB of that
M will be alw low*:
U larta qaaatl.
emidored ter ■
tiertxada • □."orraed aad ditrmi by
tora. aad Oraaa Uka baa alwara b
t' WiU too
William Bobackof 8t. Joha: Bttol
oomptela aad aeeapy aamaoh O.. owned by C. B. Wrlgbt of Owaqaot
diira by Oeerge OomMeek;
Itotxlad, at tto raaidaaat ol tto
Qada Kiag. owad by a B. Wrlgbt
brtto'a Mthar. Kia Eaigbt. In nta lalhU Mtiee.
Aa a aaoaMlen at wbat la to «
arlUe. drira by Oaoxg* OomUka tow^P. Jaaa BOtb. IMd. by
••Hankay*’ owned by Yoangw
Bm. A. 1^ TharatoB, Joba Oalrto aa aUpaat. maeeira qaartar rawed
dUplayad ----------V. o*
•BrtiBC aad Mlaa riaaa Aaa Ealcht. <mk todRiom all U
Taobat; Mlebiga A., owned
b w toa ot tto aaeat plaoaaai aBblta In tto blp rriM window et tto
oCItotaaotoaad craatly tojoyad by la additloa to brlap a tadloatlto ot Baj:BHBd of atoarUla. drin
neat U to to tto Flank Slavca: “Baben." owned
a b—t oompaay ot tri.wda
m ter aeam laoky
Sleek Oo.. drtraby
0«t torn boM Mkiae tod wart I ladinaod te eeoaia tbli Aae aait tree I>r. B. C. Una: Dt. Badmcnd.
wUb tba tbaop la Onat towaablp
A tiokol will to ptra U #». od by O- H. Wtee of Ttarace Oity.
btalr. Tb^ tora kllUd aaroa aad
rlra byWm. H. Htggtae:Perm
wwtoM two badly. OfttaatoaUbawwUlpatIto
mod by B. MorrU ot Vaar.
liMad to Joha Orraw. two to U •all tma. a opaotnp day. which will
Maataadato wB. Oook. Ttodoca
to4y Eemra. owned by Mxa a B.
Wtoa'tatoad aowa diatoaoa bal eoald
maklap axtaailre
Cox et Ttararn OiV. dilra by Haart to tolIbwM to Iba to Mko tbU oew depaxtry Klngaortta: B. B,owned by PH
aad ornot tbo me
Opda of Bay Olty: O. B.. owned by
' Tto aabadala tor Ito t
a A. Grow ot Oraad Baplda. drtra
Ittotolbiaeltr I
by Omwpe Bobaa: Silk Mill UlrL
owned aad drtra by B F. Porter-of
aattlonot tto Palnala. died
Unad Bapidi: Btormaa UlxL owned
ItoralbiarttralddDaad lOdlOa. at.
addaly Batnxday morning of
ad dxira by Dr. B. A. JfcMau ot
dlaaa at bli home a tto Paiaala.
Baaaor 1:10. owned by 0.
IWN at ddO a*d 10:« a. m.;l:IO wbexe be tod brad almaet<,bair a
B. Wright ot UrcaorlUe. drirae by
aadi:4tp-a. PremOeddrOttytto ealnry. Mr. Paaa awrad to U
Urorga l^ocutoek,
ttatewHlloaraaiaaO a. m. andd
pta from Mew Tak ta ld». ad loFriday will of aoaxm be tto baasrr
p. ». tbli li a dm elaia anaape- alod a a pkw et iaad abal 10
toy of tto meat; wUh tbiM
MMaad wilt be appm-Ulad
mtloe from towa, a Ito poataala. locladlap Ug H. A M. paxnter* -A&
MTlee wUl toptb aaxt Baaday.
wtorr to' had llfrd oror ilacr.
paeaic aod the ftaa-fCr-aU peer aad
tbr trw tor aU tro* Tto cotrim In
M. B. HoUv. tooretaiy of the Bier
aalB DIeerlet OtariAlaa Kadaarc* ebareb Baatoy at f p m. aad.-r tbo Friday'! tacm mo;
Uatot. hae Jaat-looelred two dapi dtx.-el>a of V. 8. Airioiaa. a
«-am. tou
*to» tore toa a loop Hm. a tto larr ly attadod by eld ottlora ad
Oxaea Dealing, owned by Bdwaxd
Ike Bait axe them of Spain tba- wto bad kawn him lot y.wra
TteiMy of Bcy,Olly./<l*f»«®
Odd Porta«al ad wore eat from ZaTto farral of Mta .Oapar Sab- Kcatiag: Ltoy Bamlra.. owaad by
ti^aaajM oaxla Axa}ca. a oemo- day wai allaadod by a large
MX* a 8. Ocp of TMono OlV. 4HvpOAda^m MX. HoUey'a Tto box
■1 by HMixf Ktnjmnh: Bonam
iialilalnp tto Bapawaaat byway
*:I0. owacd Wf & B- Wxtgbl of
OiawriUa. drirmi by Oeotg* OomAarbw Bom R. R- boyi; wreath rioek; O K.. owned Iv C. A. Oiow
tnia K B. bqyi'wlrm: ranmtkma at QroanitiUr. dritoo by Oaoxga BabRoyal Olfcla: Pillow. Mr*. McClai- «oi: MeEtnW O.. nwnto by C B.
Mr* DcOraw. Mta Morphy, Wxigfak dxrtrh by OtCPpa Oomrienk
Tto »ov *• tto oaa ot tto People
a. (Ml MiUer. ehaxpad with OMalt
a Row* aod Hra PUcb: iom aad
(• a in.a'ai.-* «'m. laa
ad tottmy. wa oto aly In miaaka Hadar aroalag.brtagiag la a ra-

to rlaU Oaap

ofttoOaltarm Baak U Amt ba baa aaadby Dr. Klap'e
w Dtceerary
Dteeerary ta Qaamp
naamptina It'c
avia. Bpatoal Watot willraa
ona iMe hare baa a
Arne at Qaamptla. Pa
rrilb' Paaatala Poial aad
airrhai. Ptoana. aad B
it I
Otmp Melatotb. «> that tto aooeuooFa <
wlU toalltbateeald toda________ r. I______

tkM trtU to •> ioa «MB Mlal al
tMB of Mx. aad Hit. Jaeeb Bim-

}»vCe>l •U»»e4MTlwDMi.



B<% PaaryHtoaab i
baarbbMtoa ad tta

mr otv

p«4 to Ut b«M ia Bar <Mtr- Mx. AlUr hM}B«o«*]aalada9S.a» koMoal


_____________ .df tto
BaleMaaf PylblaaTaMiirariwtoB.B
daMad ta anawd aa torUallaB to


Stnw Hata for st
Men't Working {

»0»l4ir. «MMa «r ttaoMte.

«M *r feM
Tin MBtoa tocaa not* ob Mi.
toto'a ton Maatoy.



AHttb aSTitoi
, t'liT Tbanday. nOo iMn
way Wn
aaai M tol^nUa aoteal taoato ttaay
«w ivo data la tto toad, onr a papJaal Una Bgan to viad took
tto taaer t
ptoe to Waxftad

You CAD now buy your bov A fine bUck chrviot «uit (or $i 50 to which (nrfnerly
...Ifor »--------July.
$1.50 to.. ...L---------------------------------------Buy the >’ounB«er oneIII,

MIBl^ Friday,

”z. E. Bliatoa U Inp^ailW *»» ap-



___ _________

aad feed byea

The bea line in the city (nr S3.50. $5 and $7.50.
At tbem^ They are beauties and gootl for wear.
pcin aad drilebt, cot tto
cap la
BOBtb aad tvaaghi It ap to tto
IniKy ao ttoy eeald mob it. 1
wnOd Ilka to toia nkeo Uttlr d:

■Inea Ella HadUl aad Btbal Hto- nlAwton Hr. Oauaie aud Hr.^C—
«. VP~*r* ^ Mlnaa
atow and WUbai Onbbto dnr* teMHter (RB ^ AJ
|M« >— tor wwhinB*.
Oill’f Plat Thatadar-.
to ttolr arm
Hn. A. U 1^
^ TiBi^ waa
tlM- uhvM Unca to llntr Ut«<a
Broa. eldm toagfater to WIU
„ Oai Raff at »oyi
*Ti^AlaiUaa^ teaU; tU
V.B. m»’» ta T»»* ^^7:.
A* Mh TmTtHi a«r««d *U B*PWemadM-aadthatJ
irbwMntcllM jvmagtmn w*ins- uah.a.4 aom tlnbar aeM.
«»-. Bb^ b ttvllag aoBr totirr toaai w^moreTu cbltiiU bVu
ferd and I
lUre U tkc amr tatan.
Ortnell. wte toe ban a ml. aod Boldlan- renahn
Hn. Edvia Blaek ai>d Mn. Incla
Sling liar aai
(bb tova aad the adytoatag Jaly t. and will gtra
Alaalla lUllad at BaMa Wadaeadar.
md to toiBl

fraa I




taroed to tto boon
_______ both local aod lanraBtal by Mr.Cb»Bta'a----Dr.^^
ef TraiMto Olcr ^ »•
.. WtoaTtralo --------


T.. Iliirt- .;'»»l ;;u.'.vr-. -la. »n rU-.;ai«;wii. revs.l.- t..
nhUc in., lat.... icm;it.l. 4 Bi.Ur mai.-l.
>>>ii til iiuki: s |.ui< lux.- Ik-ti- SIV.I thru ^ut-s> .m tin si-vbt
liiir.-hax-, n




at HoBala 00
ao addma la

of Wvstord
WvEford for oirr SO
■ yrm
sloto.' HU ttoatUfaeoa.
dlwl ibb nmatag y
Obaa tri..ur at Dead Baiter baIM
U fo

A f«Btan of tto FoartL of Joly eata friaiula ten Wadaaaday.
tteogb^had ‘
■ '■
abatlMat Onto Ra|dda ttaU
Br. Hato aad Ctea Baub of Oj>i
will to Iba Uyiag to
Jarter vne Xnlaad aall.R ooa day
P.G OUtartdxm pMWU^Iake
library bolldlag
tto aaw library
fluAtr vitb Uf eUUTCS.
tlili veeb.
I Um eily by Hanln Byaraoo.
TMBten.MttoBMala l«k« K Hr. Packfaan baa baaa <i«ln ahA.
U^tK-r. H.' wa» highly b«p>-0l<'d a>
laokanwMeoCbtocaUto. Haam
While a tBDanI waa bring told ia a
aiaight. hOB<«t horia.-— naa. and
«t«ytU«f toob aha.
BMced lor
ebarob al rtacrio, la tto prorlDee el
U to »lv.-d by ail who karw
Iba VUlaaTrkr vt^MHn-F.
bid goodby. Jto a
Bpala. tto bBlldiag
Min bala &liM U baan. taartait Tto «
aWato by lightBinc aad aa a reaaU is
iMTlng al Poaaral aarrioei will
»h« aol.teL
pMide were killed aad » ware ia]ar.
*>-. 8“*.I bald at tboOotBall eban* tte 8
aohool aajoyad a ride oa the Loalaa^
A.M BaU ha. bl. bOBaa teMir ^
Taeadaa. alepUat at Ulasd a Mxvt
Oecaell oaontecy.
wa« idaaed
It by tto
Groat eoorteroatiaa
Hr. aad Hra. Hlltoo Oara ipeal “T «a«aa of tiaaa
e Uilla Pf-*
friatitto to B. A^ootm^ M Lr.ltigummiMt at II «'eUA AUwa InriM ladaj la TniaBadJlty.
jatoly nil. .
HaibtivtoB Pnaoe-a famral
eidaei ____Ky-. elevlr ebaomdcolyellow. Hi.
told Saatoj Is tte aflaraoeB aad to taiorof- OUl-a Pte
and heiofforedtet
aim hit < _
aodHn. Oat BsSot Bayee
TtuM that
Hi. onlady vat yellov Jaaola wtetoTc
wte tore baoB ilaitliil nlatl
Atlar liarrait Uwta will ba a
a« din-. B. waa tmled by tto beet dorat tl>e lake al.....................
bare. TaMnad............................
nfe an toloia.
tot wiUioet wneat
Ohnai^'i Oar wiUla Jaly WtfL
-waa advued tu try Eleetrie Bitleia
t It W.................................
tto wooderfnl Biomach aad Uier
■AM CRT. Kto Dari, aad wife to Battoo. Bey. Itb^todwe^O^t total!
aod to wriMa: •'Aft
killed Neiea aad.-------Hr. Boyle of Good Harbor wai la tre
I---------.on. fill MiOBged to
Ulaad Oto day tblf Weak.
e to a Oook.
rotoL. Prieat aad oae
that an weU-kepL
A party to r^enea Iron ^ oloh mey tTB(*a<l Uie.dome
, Uver aod Kid»-y troodo^
L Oaly^hje. Bold by B. S

Clothiers and Hatters to H is Majesty, the American Citizen.

BBV boi-

1 24 Front Straot

,gt aalv*9-

Traverse City, Mtcri.




Army to I'bb
aepb fer aa oailDp. On ttolr way o> rr
a "hallelajab ' w.-ddlag took plan- >o
nhllake. O.e brldr brla* <-*i«am
Baigaret DavU, who bai rliam i>r
alem work la 8L Lonta and tte
bridevTooSB Cbidata fharle* I'im.tM.
aoa rf.Obioago.

A Fine Lfn6 of

A Full Line of



My Prices are the Very Lowest.

- -

Tcaacaad MB Tatahs
Xa.L Torn Ti


It would <1n ynur ryes nood to locAi

~ '

Hln Knaa Hoaaa alalterUit weak
at Tiarana City.
IM Vletelaea asd tanlly of Tnr.


« Suday at

at Ht. HeOaithy-a IbbI

_KhiQtaaaP^ ti rlfUlat OaddU

Mn. a ]. Blifbt at .Bart Pandin
It qaiia ah*.
Jmi Batoiday taat ehOdrao'i day al
tto HtKBtiiit
It la Deadleaa to ny
tto toUdiaB ea>ayad tin day.
Beawal ef oor eitUau attaedad tto
ma Hatoodtat aanponaUoi bat

Me. Bad Hn. & P—tra. Min

a boaght a aMi


dlato aebeol tto pan year.
A.OiMnr;. nlll i^t^d
haring fintobad I

Me. aad Mti a Oam t > eallod
ton week oa aoeoant to tte
J.X.B^oM^ooMptotadBOOi- ____
Mr. Oaw'a olaler la-lav.
Inr wall te out 000**1 BOW bOBM.
drore to Ttamoe Olty one day laM
Hln Baton Halted wbaatod to Mrs. Mjon Oaoe.
Tto band otaad to being repalnd
Bbam Oook
Abe Bal»an an
Qtta^ iw F»r aad AMOey at


Bora, to Mr. aad Ha. a Heyt
June Mad. a boy.

W. B. Pmy to bolldlag a now to
■M Ink# to work forMtoan. Pmy HIM Edilfa brblte baa latobod to
■MOhiMty pooling tow*.
.Mato at tteeeaaty liae aad ntaraa
- , Hapido to bar bone la In^ ton Bataidi^.
ndrvro to!
Min Joaale WUoyaad Min Owvtoa
■ toon the took UM.

.jfjsi!r?iS£r3r«3&' ?*.?irs'£'?sa;ft!iS2

dlatag roon glrla
•0 Inibe.
V. Btorbak. who
Alter ter tto Mto three week, for
at ST r
I to 4«ito «kk

WnitoMSmriMB ^wtb woali

ml MBihoe
« teraCov

oat to BIk Sapid.

. Oheb Ft
laitoo nail

a O. KlagHey U oi

Hn. Banea wte hie bean 111.
M. to tbto plaee.
alovly reeoierlBR.
Bafcot left Itato BMralag to
U. H. Dame apeat BaadiW W»h hi.
bnUy la tbU ptooa
a.' family an
eeopylnk a part to I

ME tom
Mn.ta«ptR to Oiaad BMd. OM*
apoBltoaieaEatoa Saaday aadwIU
ME. aaA Mm a O Vhaaloek atOmdad akateb at Ttarom Olty Baattogoraabw.
Mta MeOairy, who bM baoa^ao
Twy took fm tto aam nm meatoa. to
Bor MoofOR u my
JUa.BtbalWlUton.aad Min Baggto MeOany Uft Tto-—*— --------- ■■

. Atlag with telatl
__________ __________.-Uiaad Tnram Ooaatr, took dlaan with a O
WMatoMMnlay. wa.
tttogead wort hmoHs

ate^ MarBly
M toMwIMm

Batondv- Ttoy mpait non fn


eattrr and get bl. lag eat qa

Hr. aad Mm. Ed Hayward went to v^ fr»
B. E. Gill attooded tto at
.mrerae Olty Baaday by tto P. H.
ban tbli aaaaoa. He eaagbt
Baring eoamitiae last week
MlH Haad Fairer, wbahm ben
Tto band will fatBlsh
Tto ball gane totvoaa Omwa
bane Ibe pari two veeka. ei)«araed to
Traiem Olty Jal.v «h.
Tiarem Uiiy Saariay. when aae hat
maririt vUhralaUise
-miens OH
a Oartls A
Oaear Dams ------------------------------------R. O. DUen-to Waifotd has neied IsBad Saaday aad will lear^ Taeaday
teat bolM "Otnriaal Pmyer.- °
for Fwoakey. wham bs bas aiiesKad
£ZL rtTti 17 M atofder lu *_______ lato Mm parkerN boBim.
lalaa.“Fmr wtlboat oeaaiag.'' ter bl.
Tbe U G. T. B-^towlag elrtos net
* 5teUaim'*Aid‘wri^’ tte Oeaten aadtoUrmo* a my foreil
iU, Hra M- DaibWl Tan day.
l^ml ebareh will glw aa lee
erwm eoolal .la the obaieh i>rl
OIreelaad eae any >Mt vwaa.
Taaetay eieeU*. Jaly
Hra Ira Crnwfmd aad Mm. Robert
will ba held ia
Deeko. who haw tom,
f frieoda toea. hat# retataad to ibelr
Waima knows tte eefeaes to eaten
Hra. Robert DUea kai retsrwed
mlriagaadhia ealoosaie enaa that m lateriootea. wVre 'jte baa been ,
from laterloobaa.--------- ------------------------tpka iV oaks..
ririring bi-r daagbter. Mm Fmak
Haary Msaaea baa
^Iiaw^Bany to MaaMao fs ririttag
m a deWatc to tbe al
aad Mm
w aadobildreato Tbamtae
aaak from ttelr crip to U
U9 epeat a
a taw dayi to Ilari week
with Hra. Albert Omla.
«n IriOtaS tea goaa to Mlaaaao
k a few
Mm. Herma Baatontrof Oeatt
trike, has tetaraad heoM after rial
Oaafaiwar laaagkt gmta paaa to
here. They bare beeal
lag ter natter. Mm Cigfatana ai
Bsatkri lari vaek.
oSat itoarirea at tte Uaotm.
Prtomaor DanbrilU aad vUe------tte gaaria to bl. aasda, John EU*.
Min Matilda lalaMM
aod tanlly. aamml days last wesk.
it ji nfal teen
ary AlalrM lari week trilkoaniMeeMm J. ^ WM rwalted ladny as
neateaeteiam at theekank Tbare-


bervaadiande _------- —------------ --

nampbatternkfol I
na tawwaiaad m


Stoves fer Qamping




Ikouble lattna Oil Slm-es. eaefr Imm-

rrmcffibcr you luve a » ery Iprgc Mock to bcicet fnen. f.,ui l»r;;<-

« S| inrlic* airnss

fioott HI crow.le.1 full; big anortment of anything >ou ncci i
your house.

A 6ne ime of porch ami l.wn Rorkert fotm

A big line of HriDnxnrkt, from a goo.) rloscl, wenen

Koliling Canvas Stools for campmg. only..................................

lot of money.

ner. flj iiutes aoom to,.,

Foltling Jriwn Vats Itw the [torchor ban. m.clv


[riintwl. red or preen, long cnouph to w*l f.-it

Same stile, only a little smaller, fn,.......................$1 (hi

people, gorsi-anti rirong. ,»ri bkc cut. ,ot.

Same style. Mill sn,aim. fi*..................................................75

nretl STKue OtU bnlsIf so


A two bume, gasoline Mo.e, just l.kc cut. for $.1.75
A full Ime ol i.iuick .Meal Bloe Flame flasoliiw and

can saie

Some goi»I. .tronp iron he.^^ mall sire, just


Oil Moirs fitmi the cheapest up to the lw«.

cut. for....................................

may^be you want a Wood Slosc for your

i iiliaip.- te 'iani)'.

If so we can furnish inu anylhiag

reootl S{irtng to fli then, $1

pau wriit. from «, $« S-pwre

An Kacclsior matircds. $l..'>n


Fealber p««owv each..

large Steel C«* at ,.



WW ootfil Ibr......... $.7-77

fo, »f..75 up to a fine



A nice iron bed, any site.


lha asaal to ttelr
taka Mair MMw. Mr. Daria peapla
feMyaUaw IMn Maaw af MMt

m hail lam nIgbL a



hamlj lilllc stme. jari like rut for «S.(U



Have )tw a collage to famish. .« .U. joit'


kettle ami fry |rin at aanw lime.


Hammock for 7teT*ht along op to.....................................................

top, has

it four inches wiik. wUI boU tea,




limr to




range. j« like ct«. te. .$.25.75

ft. 6 lit high, in white.

S,1 goo.1

gmnarlJue, fot . .$2.2.7

A lot of wood Iwb II nboul



H ood Seat


ririped. lor...............................$18$

A nice combination

Sulitl Oak


commoile, similar to cut only has one
long and two short tlraacrv an.l one



Cliairt. eat h..............................I
Swne Irtp

l-rgai- »

door. w,th Herman bevel [date m.n.e

Oiltl CVrri. ofse. two and



three to a style, to cloae oto

rafcle in ash. nice Urge pram an,I

u hait imce“ Big Irirgains.






Just the



' tv-d-J-f fSlrttdo.

■mU room, only................................. $‘=.7.7
A nke



.Ircmet, three

llt», l-d Fww-h ,4...
r*l™ tn»h,l..




Iwsedrt-o, tv..............S1.76

Sv»W. ,«k

one brig ami two short

tewoa. one door. h«h (pUshcr locL

hrid wood, wen

fimbed, oim large

drawer, two towto arms, .. ................................................................................
We<M faraish yoo aaytbiag yoa w«« for your cottage <w

piece Nt far.......................$7.7$
Yov Bua OTiteia win leaeiic ov.bcB toteotiow sad «c guar-

eaiap astovasyoaewboyitin Cbiaga

Um two ruter Irikan Mm Join
Dmaer aad Mm Baary Klag. who
warn to rim torty. aalM ea their aid
- Jte ruhsr end - "

Oaed wwiter Uaasded tarhaytag

r»d A.*7 i2s

for tbe new stock i buy in July.

store noiwd
WoikaMa am lying a eei
la freal of tto aev hotel.
Mr. O-OeaaaU aad
la town lari
Flood's nettoi arrlred lari

to oser wto baa tbe snalles*
fem. aud tbe mall la that It bars
^^,1.. lowo fimad wto wsar Ka Ijl', a,tanas' .
aiu. A ehatlrege.WBs l.miid by Miia
Kew. roDM from inrioa. towns Ploneoe Knight. «te llungfal no oas
iwsldpalter »li|4>wea
Mie Itol 1| .
abeot Ibis region tbal they are going
nt a new*|xpi-r offlee. and (hadereUae
to that or
by the amre hale tosm trylag tbeir
1 (be blind# <
_____ ____ tmvi rse City to spend tte
itet (to astdm
Pourtli. Tteyv.111 twotohly not n- eoadiilcm wa. (tot
(ledal boners n X bs am IA
RTTt It a. long a. ihto

w-oeiilng n|> mlnoows

We intend to m<3ve Si-’.ono worth of House Furniihing Goods by July eotHSmerttilte i

can live from 2r,c to :l3Jc on ever)-ilollar l>> burinj:

a TtsUing frieadi la this plaoe
Mm Oearge Jebnwn U
a. K. Olll.The new depot ben li
Mr. Fmak Roamaa to telaad ipeet
pletad and la a big to
Saaday to town.
ttot ead of tto town.
Tte Old VstMaa'amnnioo was well
Hr. Poaalagtoa baa bl^ tto sUeoded aod waa a aaeeen la emy
a to At itennaapJ
_____Btelaberg to Tniseas Olty vaa
la town lari weak.
Ht. Piarea, who w^ U
Min Jennie Aadsnee to Tmiene
Ity riri^ wilb friends la UiU plaoe


s;!sr-“‘- psu*.*.

ever witnessed.

Charles IVaakel, of Port Haroe
^ridny. nsklaglte


Jm 28 n conmHumnltla

We will cut the iiHce on everything. reserM- nnltunj;.


Falla, who

Ckeak to Boya*
a aanbar ofwoaka wttk bw


btold aceneal wal
aer to Gill', atom.
O-Hml Qallagar to Fox toUad va.

**w!u^Swarto parckaaed a aei
gaa laot week.
Hardi aad mk wont to 1
mak Harden
City Friday.

aU nfle
mile aeiA of tom “au iftUe SS^k«*oae day
Hobart Helaoa
nada tto Aa



TtrtlU ends


br to vUaan the haaa toU nuaa haMnto Oadar Bad (Hm Arbaa. toa Oa-


After July in t will be at a .
niaee to boalaeaa. » Proal .treev
TlieMlne. Helm aad Hotb
—. block,
-......... and
and will b.- plmed to
Hra. Otoa. Oook waot to TiaTone
re tto goeto. to _tbelr gtaadpari-oli.
I TOO call If yoo want aoyUilag In
City Friday.
Hr. and Bra.
my line. L. 0. Uoma ——•■ — Wilbin the l^outl.Uf>■
The little child to Hr. aad Hra.
a L
aad jeweler, fomerly i
Wllbar Talte died Taaoday, Jaae
MUi., to wbooiteg eoagh. PaaeiBl
Tbanday. at f ]>. bl
”r a Olddlaga to baUdlag aa addl
Ijmlstetilc or cvehaoRc.
Ellla. wte faBi bsM riaitlw tioe to tto beta at <V>dar Udrv
Bat Ut toaaly vaa oomplaley bid­ *,shtote,.x-l1
«gbler. Hra. Fiabar. to tbli
it Btokea

den by wve. blotote. aad ptmple. till
left tor BigiMW tbU
etchanyc. tec wim 1 tan .1.. lor ,.m.
ato aaad Beekira'i Anica Baire
Tbn, tbey raalabed aa will all Erap- ■tv inarkct lai't oi.-nti.-lc.l eitli.U-n Bay war
clona Perer Born. Boll.. ric«ra.aar. sirablc farm Units, hut
Dr. Payae «
tPDUOlea aad Peloo. from lie nae. la- choice I'leccs for m'c al fi^iiro that
town Balaiday.
Hn. Jtoin Kebl ntaned Batorday lallible for Oou, Oorofc Baroa w>ll V attractive.
Write or call toi
.mo a Tlail wtlh frinid. la Battle toald. aad Plln SSe at 8. E Wall A information.
Boa. aad Jm G Jehnuo-a
Oteek. Laaalng. aad Graad Kaptda
ed lato tte Jim
Hln Hyrtle
Rooms 6tll-2 New Willielin Blie k.
.Bod^^ died BatTto naay trienda of B M. Piokard
rlU to pSaaato to Inn,, that be 1.
nrlekeB with tto diae.
slowly iBOorertog
tline weeka ago aad ilii« >
rery Ant harraooraryba.
harreooraryba. toea dokM
Mr. aad Bra Ban HaUind of Ma­
to town laat week.
■le City V
to their naay trinuto la t
t Pratt. ObrUt. Barmy aad
Stow. ren la towa Batarday.
Hra tomb Oamptoll relaraed from
Leierleg Batarday.


I •TCT7.\'i''" ‘TT''T^'« ■’^i''' Vj 'l

1Wi9-«n •


rial FwtBu-

t MtdkrailMl br tb«
teilj fM nMtaUd trooi (b* M»el
^laM. Tmat7 «t tht mm ««•
««ifc MO. Bo «M iMt MrtdlM
badlr ofwxn*.
oworvMbBCIwUUr. tmt oil bo
« or fllM IW Botan bteh
1 tborolcuoaf koomef bUo«»podo '
Moot Piloo, OB^ boo Mloa so Boob boM tolrtat mmar rtdao ood eo>07«d
btoBjABtOMOOdM- 1> UtboouM
(bo poMtor «OBk tbo Ud bloM for
BoloaoeriiCo bo* boao r flOBO loBplloobt mocB. ood (bo
obortV et Hidtaod b ottU lookb* tor
bla. Tbo
a boo roaolTod o lollar fi

OfBod wllb Horor Moybory (o opobd
M«*V*>>M>bi>l>Modof ooo. tbo looBleo et (bo H|Mlob-ABoro
war oKorino to Sort Bbor.
OwiM to (bo D.ordor of Cbo*l
Potho oad tbe foot (iBt tbo eou
0 b Ml. o iwoml ortor boo booa
wad for (BBiato ban 81 Jeoofih.
hM ac, oolloelod 00 ttowpo oad took
a W bUoo tat
wot. diiooa
Tto Oo«Ube Bowo aguao It oot
H twolro looo or (oboeoe an oeU o(
MbU la tkat 0U7


dop Tbap tela
waako tiOB tbo ddewolk when (bop
oal Ot (bo boul. ood tbaa pot
of tbo
Mrc<l lie me I ■« SUU ■> Ttmrt Immli I
0. rago oad dropartao.
md tmlT mt le Ike kcor by tke eid nT >
to aoooo. Tbo theft woo oot dloobTorad ootti aigfat. oad bp ihot dao 5.' ?£j?rc53™'i;rfiei tk.ri.e^e-1
dtOO wortb of BBpUa ta
poaad of oad tbo (Wotoo hod dloop- to U »ki»il B* eeek. I-M-ettked^ l«^
(Mtad with tbo BOBop.
Bo-Hopor Cdword C. Aalboap of
Dr. PiCRc'o PhnoBt Prtkb 9U« con
T,------- rnioiar-*- of (bo O. A.
B. fv Kl^lgaa. woet (o Low Moca

Ot. t. a Kollon. who U (BTOUO*
Borofio. (oUtM o( kb Tbil (e '
uob o( (bo iMol lootwHoo
et O
DooBork, Mor a Oo Cbot doto (bora
•000 M (bo •BltOrtoB Ow
fMloBil, (be blog ef Rooob ood tbo
oapooB of Botob. OMOtbor wtita
dBol of BDobooiaod loBor dlglaMoDr. Kollogf osplolaod (be wort
^ (ho BBltoHoiw^M (boa oad l
of tbo oiiMoioe of wbot bo I
tbo Bottb Orook Moo. U
li to OM. TMOtoriaa good lunag. Tbo

(gfara haado U
eUao bt.000. while tbe
aboal 10,000 Ben.
CHIP. Blaad
pooM fMlab girl who aoBall
tng earboUe aeid. died baeaaB ebe beie*ed lapllctup a oterp loM bar 10
dapoagohpa oo-cailM fomoo Bl
tbo eSoet (bat ber
(bo old oeanlip ted iao*od faltbloB
(o ber aad tad Borrlud bar rtroL Af(bio otorp tbo girt tort
boon aad opirtA aad oaeo._la tte
of (be taailp. bogfed ter
oaeie. SiaoB Bopo. to abort b«. aad
bar farther oafforlag.
bp erowdo rt wndor“«

.S'.;. Pain Pills
' cinpltoa aad pterca
fw^OruO Oa
avoir.t Wa m

Or. Man M.oi.el Co., kapart. tod.

io drlrlag tekoo A blrad boTBir.
dog had kag b
apt a nfote. Barlag
Mo'aood o l-d poood alodiooo odrtrOOBO to tte eawlartootbat U tte beg

- blB- chief of polloe.
,ndafatreteaeoil woold nn
oof. pot I.U rtgbt faoad oa top of tbo
aaw loaf aad bo ai eleaa 1
anko. oad tbo olodgo oWlklog li.
otter doBootlc aalaal. orttaia oetoa•T.>5?“ “* *»
oooaod OTOCP boao la tbo baad.
ta ite tepartBoet jvooc
____ _d
aara al WatMe B al
Wnt Ban porta eoBploln Mot
BotloB on (be pan of Mro. BoberU. ter of tnloaoo laterM la Cbtoogo
ffedaeodap. Foar iboaoaad poan ago
te plaa to to balld a ooltablo Tak^S*.
seal tvrOToeOto
aad (baa be took froa her a b
aoiriil Boblag b rorp poor ibb :
(be topal ladT war wrapped I. oacrte •Mtlca for tte prollBlaarp work, a
iodlaa whiob ate bad earned
oiagb kra b aoklag B>
oad with aaap tbo bohuao b oa tbo llpe tu (tea obrt tte dM aad Mn otoaenu aad laid evap In a Broep- heaB with toaoad iaatoaoio. TtUo oewnag aida of tbo loogat. At Pnak- Boterto foU to tte grooed. It wao bagno of
II aU tte antoloo of oeofort that
forv tbo Beaton aad Obortrtotx. tbaa foood that
c. u Loegwono.
•be ted aotoped datlag ter Ufa Pear
bowoTor. SabiM 1> hattar. Mtefa tte oMMlo of a (Ball rtal of oartbOBOaad pean ote top Wtallo ICgppt aalmla wtU te pat law a eloan pea.
Lake Mtoblgaa aeaao to hat
maee aiooe and teeUaod rtrpatod wllh Bolrt Bad aad tootoud
aril wbloh daaoned loeal walan a
e J. O. Andenon of Oroton. H.
BoarpaS tte Boaarebp of
aoore of peon Bga
BTBd to ton oo oa aloetrie laap tte wald. Bat tte opade of too laOoollag halte will to prorMod for Oio
oao haad. bolding a |an of obw
boon Tbandap

‘ Uttio pkgA aad tbep wlU bo ' '
Tho wolU of tbo baildiag an obbooi aoralag la tbo parlor of tbo oaiu oo- rln la tte otter. Tte light oanwt Tortlgator
and tte opoo of a kooa, ttototp.......................................
>B; wbn daldad tbo balldiog eopiad
bp Mn. Aaioa T. Blla oad waa greaadod Ibioagb tte paa aad aa
Pllawill ha oL____
, rttoalp iBoalrttod te a p<
Iroo railing agalnrt wbloh ote le
partp. a Boabe
aatplo SoertM. BottnB fiaaoaaad •at (OirB of Mleblgan. wMud opoo and a abort of l.BDO relto caaend bar dero Petrie-foaad Ite bedp of Ite
royal prlneeoa With aaap c
Tbe BU Bopldi Mra Blla aad woat throagh tl>o for- lotoal dnth.
oboMU to (te etootln oprtiB.
leo tte ooSb wao ohlpped to
Dt eoBpoop lo pattlDg ortaaaln Mlltp of laoBllteg bar ao oBte txalWord bao Jart been reoei*ed of tte aad aader tte dlrwttoB of Prof. JamA now cold Bald that ptoaUoM to
I oe Ita plaat oed^U baglo d«ii of tbe WoBeo-f Relief oorpa kerrtboete of Dr. Oee. B. UnfA
nrtdrtahlp aagBoat tte werld'o
eo a. Bnaotod woo broogfat to
BBklM ooBoot oboat Aag. 1.
n* goorreor'a wife
Unlnroltp of ilhieago to ttejaopertp ion of tte prtlow oootal to tetog deProfincr PotOt of tbo Agrioaltorol tbb oAoe taoeoUp. aad hor rtott to
oa tbo wort eoart of Africa,
of tte Chicago Soeietp
dtog to lotoon rceolrod tea
rwiOTortng troB tppliold forer. tte
Tile detartiMol at agrieolton lo
Tbo awoU peetU la tbo Tictoltp of
doetor Bkpo te eaaart oxptoln bow '
tbo eellM« wUl bo oorerad wUb karea prawMilad wtlb a
got then.
genbaortntgo of tbo detolofoaool
nao la rwder to doteop tbo. ioBot in
largo proportp ter on Bagiloh eerTte Pi
tbo larrao oad papa atogoa. Tbo daoatbbeUeoedbp Blalag ■
rtiB. Be otoioo that oa (te
teoftbalBooet bpthioBelhod betaeof (^ iraloot dbeonneeof
tola te wbloh tbe atoeo an looalod
__ -nrj aaeonafal tbla poor.
on ^ -Bb oatb.Oog.ble
Itooantilahlebmot geld.
Hoxt pear tbo asporlBoat wlU bo nr, lao loot beoo aade lo tbe
. bewerar. lo oe
a oror o Bon widely ozttadod TlldoB Btao looottoo. Tbe dad U tte Bnnwblle Plnnloh emlgrotlaa
tboeoapaap bao
will add a aow loan of Ufe to tbe
nea who wlUn
me, la IWl. tte namber of eolThe Befbert faaly of too oblldrao. alae. aad preiwralUao to work
gtaau wao lAOOO. altogetber.
.UocoBoiid roar doot^torm. Bolot ortll be aade at oooa.
dald roqolno two *
BOBhrtfer tte Otol fear Maotboof
Paleakop tbb wort to oalobnto tbe
I91B wao S.OIM. Ootattod flgom obow
tj of tbolr
that tte gnat Balarttp of the ealinoalo. Mr. aad Mn. Joba Stdban.
yvt fcaolbto U bp eorrtor.

Tbe bBllp raante took ploea ot tbo
•rtnlim can ba. donlofM
pear, of age.
le Otetial Park. Bow Terk. are
•aoUBo. Ttaaooaoaooaddoagbtan
AiOaatoa. O . Toeeday. Mn Motwo tnoo. oao aa ABarioaa eln. and
Ian foBtllco. Titeta on foox Oee- tte oan of ex-OeWtp Btahlartiki
etbor an Eagltob oak. won plaal
.Me.1.1 aloialon In ibatoallpi
cernttMiuiir*. AllrtoMatetlack ROO.
•eat aad twil ander aaap BOBtte of eaolno. a forae
Btoc IMward. (ten Prlaeo or Waloa.
•oSrtlag froa a oeren altook of that te'trtbiiieAandBewe leaderoftbe
to IML Tbe elB hae growB to ta a
alloBDi Ur.
fedetal pertp to tbe Pbllippli
•tr~-cO •Ilk t'n.klvtfvoUc*. to. Fraton big teteg treo aboal 100 feel high,
At PIUI OMD Eooblar, tea of Be*. dowB bp awellep ear aadroUad abool gmtlage and Bemartal Ot that partp k“«"-r *°F m'^wueeiIk teStTpi. it- bel (be oak bao nmalniil otaatod.
K V. BooUac. woo bUtoe bp o noko Ite otTMt aad dngged oobo dtatoaee. whleh be wao o..............................
n A.t r-vCfira Bont-Proa. Two worto ago laadoteiw Artlrt
Aft* tte brnloB rortiltlag froa tte
PorwBO of (ho park dopartMOt 1
whUa piaplag <n tbo lows ot boa
baaled Mr Stoblai
told (bat Ite oak obewod rtgai
teaghi Im BW a pnag roMo
Mn McBtoelp. aad Man
drug aad otaea (tea bo ba* aoad
doorn bto obeeko ao te odor
prand that tte gaplagBoalb batowg Miho Ot pain. Ho boltono tbo .
AI Ite eoaototp tte rtolton wm ad^ed to a rtBsa. Before be eoald get eand hlo rboametlom
With toaen oaeb ao wen prohablp Blttod to tte Tanlt to wbieh rat tte
’ttereptUo bailed IK tango to
of tbe
hie tog.
OrtL Boeaeamtob. ao he oUaBllp lookAt Fort Bona tte Merebaato' aad


Beware of the Canvasser
and Bis Expenses!

1 stau SL

~»dUlae bfogwatly doBoitod tbo
00 of a H . Biaeloii HMdara Darid BoBoaa gnopod a Un
win Hd taMrod a iboonad *olb to
bbbodr. Howaobadlg konod aad
whUa Booolag Ua.
Pnfaaaor Whaolor of tbo dofartcd botoM >t tbo Agrtoo

obaModf bbdatbots VaAMgloa ho
Will OMBTbo tbo ptottiag efatOO
(oroinBlo goidob Tbb goMao
«U1 oaMla oortatba (d oil pUab
OM ko giwwB U Ikb oHboB oad
■aaatloa wiU aaoa (bo nrtog of
Mdooddolhwolo tbe An
a. Ptotoaaor Vboolor'o oao
at tbo ooUago hat wot pot bon oppMalod.
A BMtIo Crook tbiao eblldna
(clodnibttoador Bigbtbr pon-

cmccte PteM SM

p^toATC (MIM^ATlnir ItKMIOAJt.


I kao onalad o BlU
iota oad lallf
aftboili(mbyboolMO|«t»wloawM MBiaM <ko aoo of tokaooo

«M Iwkwaa

-hen m ihc SCC Wtet JW
Np. Our Time io p-oon .khrapta
large: stock toaeleet froa.







for ol*

Blaod apaa tte boldtog of
teow Ite aoBlng fall. wUeb will
ten a rtwelal doparuaoat tor ptoato
* botwon tbo opoi bp a folUog mtoed bp tte rteoel oblldtoa. The
ptn. AU will bo pallod tbtoogh.
ebtort It to toeakato Ite Ion aad oan
for Brtren latte
tbo boaltf of tbo Wloooarfo Stalo Focal ioart
ontltr ot Hodlon. VU.. a '
Mtip fcUad Hoodop oftanoea
PUrOora, Wo oobbot haao
teodtod to totaaep. ebUdno et oeoo
and teaghton alike belag catatoMto
aaa. Has. wao dBwtog goode fneo
The aabtoot to
tea p4« to klo
broaghi ap aaow ikU week bp t
• at tbo Oo«a. oU ariloo froa dtoth of Ite ■ntbon batoof h
........ ..............
» wao drtrtag Ite aiulMn Prod Boorta
Mato aad wia rttaM oa lop ot a gtooUaa otofa. white tepiied oror. pnel- et pototo TtoaA aad waato to tadalfo
lohaeoa to tbo groaadaador hla appettto te wUl ban to hairp
o'fMA A wteal Of tte WMt. a(p*aUBokog«BOoaatp a-- -

pnn paoA bao baoe barted at Attoatto
Cltp. A foartal dlreotor .
tte OnaoM orttfa aaaaU wklM rtoket
Uaad wllb oatto. eoottag gW. aad to
ihli tte Bookop rvpoood. attlnd to a
ctopaBitorB. A Unp telmrt lap bertde bln ewMrwto of b«a w.
aad ekUdna rtawed the bedp.
aboat tte body wen drtal trtbatoa,
a pdUow of flowwo baartag
tte totortptteo "doa.” UtOo Joe bad
John D.
alta. who oeatreto a gnat eban et (te
tadartrtee of tte Hawailaa totonde.

afteUaga. Tte parta an wecfctag aa
pootollp aa tte plan Poaah aad
ateriprtokatda Tteto trotiae.

aitow that Plteor UgMod a bag*
mt tkoaw It at Ua
te WM m ta

te be paieteeedaadto to lake
ino tojwoartre tte bard wood
forau wUrti tbep bear.
Boa. W. Leea PapfwrBaa. of tbe

New pattero* in fine WorM*d Men t Suitt-best naked we canywortb fifteen to eighteen dollars. Cor ao even

rtte to­

toado bp wintoai toltgiMbp wllb Baa
Pronotoeo. Kxprttt in hlo otoptap an
to ttet eltp liiolalltog a ipoMa beoltp 'aal Uatollaa totoad.
•fnt^‘-g U aad doaih brao I
« Mltoo (Bt ta tte Paelte eeeaa. U
tklag of tte ptoato toft akoro
tte wcitfc
towUlaloaeo bogto •gartog
gnaad ta a teort tttoo.
of ttooeaaoa
Aadnw Jacfcaoe. a wrtl-to-do ool oa tlie Hawaltaa rpaton
rttoa aad lake.
end teoMml of Mltoa to dead.
wao Mrtokoe with par goat to tte world, wao *c
lor the •B.OOO Oaraagie Ubnrp balld
dapa ago aad too* 4b.
tag. Ote .
ekato tteWteator IM at tteo
of odTlolag bto wlh aad rlx (ToaBdo at Baadp Book.
Mapto aad PM otmto far tte rtiUdiBi wartehe bad blddoa a««p a
‘ to artoatob tte
MBOt«.0aa U u.bp far the bort ooapto et tbeanad dallarA wbloh te
rttoeCocod. to bat eea blete fna tte foared to totnrt'to -taoko owtog to on pot d^rttod bp Baa nd to r
tte tortl baafc faUiM. Ttetelnan od to roTfdnttoatoa tte art of
■afclM a diligent toareh for tte bid- tag. Wo^ apoa Ihto pewtcfal woapTbo tBO eirU war aetdton'
oa bao terti gotogjia1 te pton Moagold.
awwt «ort metod to Ite UaiMd
ot foar largo
BtoOB Mdo to tte UlUa. obwton
odor thaiMte vartoao parto Bight te
. Mkk. It wao
eoBTooloatlr oblflod. It WlU
A ttetetoefkte
oado of dolin for OMdlaei
asnUlagoftte nldlon' 1
aM kte DotooU dtp
' «Mto to tte hoaor of ito
M^lp roarte Iteii opfroo apward.
bat Ite Bodort, pat seat abaft a* Tip­ pllad ta a teap. aad It to teUgrbd
ton to to nltond. tte aadtopaltte ton wte toll ta didoato rt
UataaflagPnlt giawoto Bfoaad Barttardan

Cboetaw aaAChleaBW tadlaao •
ladlao urrtlrtp aad tte United
SltotA Tte Ant bUI ptertdto for tte
teoe of 4.000.000aerto to Ite eoaf

gndaaUpmatll ----------------pooltmA raagtog to Blarp ftoB |U
pat BOBlb to r.iOO pn^ poar. Mr.
•0 groat I tte totor•rt of.tte PlUptaao toaeqelrtoga
of Cagitoh that >0.000 adalto an gotog to olgbl oebool to Ma-

You've found the right place, and don't need to look further. The
cheaper grades, ten to twelve dollar goodd. put in one lot »o clode at

Ttogtoto who tea glTte'*^|T!o(»
B^or T. Wa^togtite for ^ i
, enidepte •• rooeh—o bp Oteocol
orptete of Bow Tort.
Tte oaltan ba* ptoditHtod tte pabUulteotaap aero beoko to Taikop.
oaptogthonanoaeogbalroady, Tte
l-tatero aad beokbiadon tbaa <top*i*•d rt Ibalr linUboed, itar paper ow
e Ite oaliaa tor taltof. 1
Marear. wbloh
pnoHtolly wiped eat o< ertrtoaoo
WidaeodM bp gn. wao (he gint
aide geld oaBp, aad (bo ooooad
port Btotog town to Utok. Bet Iob

art to tell Irtko Otip aa a*ailabto
koUdtog toMO OteBgh to boU tte od.tedtetabaotoBoki
ilp.-Tten an il»tog aU wMoC tte aoocBte
to two high oabaol fcspA
rt to te Ltelo bp a lecBhigh bOBOc to tte BorBW
IM taUletod iato tte
Urgaetort tokrt latte tetaial gto
Mdip banod bp oaaotto poBrti aate balA Marlte. Ormal ote— *-■
baaad Ite Irtton of lao ooetolp taw
dlrgnad Irtrtf aMtaaip,
tbolr Bote. Oroal
bp tao afato aad Un
b of l«
ohoplrt will pnteMp teoapiB
Pklia.& D.. to loi
Tte rtettao an toCortag fno» daap
tea Boatortp br patao• ta hla
Mb. Bowalho rtawtp
«d oaip wboa tte fata to
btotihlt. aad tbap wUltaai
r btotelto Odlateli
Iteta ot tortpta
tair btao tor waaha.
tecto, o womm
J. a JoharaartUBoOM
•tootoo eg BowMtateotaWart

All above are wits of which we have only one to three of a kind—
about one huodred snita in all.


——’iSftvrruir -

A too «n«atoftototo*Bd obMt^

M. K. C. •ATO.tOfTOlL



toy B« aallHM* It to BM atokb
I paa WBWibar haw to .
btod 1^ yaa laabad darwaad to

fndun Chmiic CMnli.


■« by too mU toff tab*
M wrtacecn«Mfiw*M« atU,

I U teU *• Imrwmim.
Tk* all
BtUi m(M vMfe Mslat dM.
I • iBrtM mM vUb ba

«« 7*Uo» *MM w*rm von a>d
* turn.
And f»U ia ammj » Arad:
H«m» vMt to Wad tba «Ui«
And tow to *md ih( dMd.
A»d MUtotoi Btoodith woti btotoi
Whtto ttooto Biolf thttooi ttoow,
Aad TiolaM UcMB, ptoaud toon
U Wtoatoi looc ofo.
Bat MtU betvM tiM to^ root
Aad lndr lUr MlU
•prtop >l> *0 BOdato toTMdto
BatUa tot aentfa «ma
na «ider tiaaadt to* foatototo
Acaett It to aad fie
1»t Cboto ad Uaao laU to Mtotk

Moatoltotod paaefcaa bettor
doe* eoaaad tall. Bat toatoo
UbaaaU fatotaMd "pnBWTM”-aad
to to way faad at attowbeary jam. al^Mirwi. Ba 1 tor* >*M '
■afctaw MM* of bath,
aad 1 baUara I
wUl aaUyoa hew t did it. far really
toay are dallaloai to hath feawa For
ttojeaitok* year bariiM after toay
art praptriy
F* «“
BM tor (hto thtM that are aUttlaBa.
. aad alto to* mmU om*. allow o
loMtoaa-peoed for peoad" of
U yoa boroo'l nay Mato*
toady. M if yea doa’t waai to bettor
wito toa waightog. It to good to kaew
..,to a poaad. Maab to* toritoa aad pel toaot U a praatr*fag kattla. aad wtoa toa? boll
add aaa te«rtb of toe irngu. attirlof
walL Wtoa toe? boll ap acalo add
aaotoar foaitt aad tooa. Lai toaa
cook aJowlT ttll toey will totokaa If
dioppad aa a oool |>iato. btlac oacf^al
to Mir <rarr oflaa UM tbay aeotWi.
Poor la plat OUM aad aaal. or In )*ll7
MBblata aad oorta with paiaAoa befota oorertac. rorlb* pra.m** pal:
tot barrU* aad aagai. alto poeod for
poaad, tofatow. aod let Maud orer
Blfbt, BBtll toa }alee U ail dian
eat. PatoTWifaafln tbaCMd eoeb
till to* frail U elaar aad alakt to toe
tat. ttoa aaa. Of coaia* yoa
I fcaow that two a«pa fall of
of (too* “ooBfaotioB*'’ li Tory alee aad
UttU geae a good way* in *Mrln*."

I tow toaa la to* toapa today,
ttoa* happy Btotoan, preodly gay.
Baytag to* q*lag>Ua* fabaiot ta*.
la avary wylag, erowoed Uaa.
Tbataarat* toaa for toiaty, diMptod
Aad ttoy too* aad Itoiaato awe*
Aad aaMlaa Mtav, aad wab-Uka too*.
Aad clkto* tor* fa to* BMttor'a taeat
“WtotdUlbayr' AbITtote'atta


'ettoB ap h A rarltobla etaaaa ol
pou aad paa* aad dlala* met bj
pata. Bow eeaU aayoD* oook in *o
oway tolagt at oao*. Uowarar. tb*
work moM ha dMia. aad with a grei
bla aad a Mgb for toe nadalabad book
la toeaitttog
- ■
toaogbu weal baot to tiM torelse in
to* awry 1 wai readlag. Wbat a dobUUfeab* had led. What praa
toMdl brattor bad pUyad. WUati
flwt ttoy had iMd. How ead
dtato of IHtle Annla I llrad with
to* paopto of ay book-thalr }oyi aad
HTTOW. Boana after aocae pato *
feta a*-wt>*a-"tootoar will
Wbe took toa aatllat. bat left to* fdeaat MW tola battoa oador aa" A*
r tto raqaeat 1 feaad
Boa to to toad ttaeagW aaddtoail ttot toe work la my kiuhao w
..................... hadooaroalj
with By book, my faaadt bad
toair weak waU.
Thto bappoaed^aara ago. tat I oftaa
totok ttot wa* toa faagtoatog of ay
baottotoaay what w«* fair la
pRFTtdadUoeald ha. bat. ladlag

II aad sea bow 11 worka Oalttrate It
tod *M how Itgrewa <Ooed bablu
ffowaswellMbadaaaa) Doo'llook
oaths dark aids of Ufa. It yoa ear*
heat yoa -will dad three sldM

Up to ev M«B(-A way dicaaaat
glransas. patlaawi aad chaartali
wUl brightse ap woBdsrtally.
Of ooaiaa then Is work that
qalne yoar whole stod. tot tiiare U
alMagnat dsalot work ttot to mi
rary plttMai. that ooald be aads
AwrIbM la a latMt ntobaa af toe
M by totoklng at ***** lliUe
Badtovar WmU mtmwm apoa *ai akatsh or poem that yoa tar* wad.
Mto far tola weak httoa IbafoUowHy Botto; Bt happy aad aabahap-


gaalal ptaet oa aeeoaat of a wlf* ta
has triad to pU*M ud onaaet.
at* aat all to paaids as wat tb* graal

wtnaatyaakladaal hatidmlw hit
aB*,bow Iwetod aaUarat" aad n, tadid. The ttoy god^that OBM ap­
raialy dteaialag aad witoiag, we
waatoear ttw aad aarw^
his hat. gloret aad caa* ^aa tb* patdaaatolag. Bat what Ood wat
to do I* to do fair aad baaatlfal to tobi* far toa awtoaot be was to talhlagB*‘Bptoeaito*aa*”U oarelraaaiMaanat Aad Ih* baM way to gat
«to sage of OhapfBaan. than Mr*.
■ toto lalraad Oraelay awapt into tto rooa,
witiwot a wotd waat ap to to* tobl*.
baaattfal ttlagi “ap to oat ■
aweepad oa tto gseUdtaa'a mtdt
aad threw ttos oat of ti>e wiadaw.
■HM toaarad aew, wto. whwi h* be- mad ttoa toataatly letlnd with to*
aaa his baaleaw aaiew, wa* aal at air of baring toaghi a laatoe at
of balls aad tot roekn. Tb* geoWMblag toe wladowa aad hatotog to*
USBaa aalaiallr fella trUto bet at
aallar ataaa U a toadwar* More.
traatBset, tat He. OreMay set
dldaalataUUkato* >ab. Baa
hlB at «aM by Blldly wrtog; "Ser­
es aMad bn. AM;to* thoBghl they
ala*.” Tbate ar* Baay w
tolagto aoBlddaUhleal
tow oa* code of anaare lot
haabaads aad aaetoer aad ptoaadat^abaataihladld; U ail to* ally
’ aott for Mraagan Bal let '
aaeaUarwaaaaototoaa hit. Aadlt
WM aat raiy loag bafoa* to wai DM b* deoelrad: ttoir ^t* era
kaawa wbarewr they are; aeoref
waatad lodal
tbtoto nn boaad w be l•r•al*d.
kMV ap 0 torer-a galtooBy
igb loag yaori of II. It to a
tolto for nae of ti>*B to aador tto
tad it to tto height
Baatybody waata to wia aai
aad to waaiU .U light aad BoWa. Bat of feUy to BortdM to* trid* they do
M. a* golUatty 1* a atae i
dtowvtollUtoawvaf wUto
to tore la a faaUy.
Aaat Patty
- tto nadert of to* Baoord who bare
-toto fa yean paal nadeaa of to*
Oread TiBTtaw Herald know watt
«fat U aboat MM latiaat*
Bow Ohaar baik aad at atoMartod
oat to Ufe with a good Moek of Saw
warld aad hae kapt fairly op
to* ttoaea, to* eeldaa toaraa to* Bdl«ar-aOoMy Ootaeawltooai ^upplat
bUicd wladMB. wUto taagaeU to*

cdtoafataaito mb
totoagb nU to* 7*MS that hare M
Ip. aad tto bmWsb of a W
U briagBlBMli* af «
Folks to**. ttoM ttoosaaim
a* ao <Bo alto la aU tto
wide WMld aoald prapan the**. Bat
_Fr«« hsai^ to pretty
yoa wlU av. >• U
Bata a t|Beial« af eartala dial
wbM toar* ar* aa mamr maw toil
OBitotatUtto tlM*?
OsctaialyUUwertoWhile. Utosr*
la aay oa* tUag that yoa'taaaoak
“Why. tor*** hew w* «eUHBto
botlar toaa aay ath*. aad yoar
Maad*^ U. ttoa Bake potat to
tot* ttot dlsb wbaa yoa
to*B a* year table,
*ad bomMop.
itoard oa* wcBaa ny toal bar
paMally was baked
tiled to tore thea JoM ri^t. aad
bar frlmd* won laVlto la ttoir praiM
wUt* aad Man
to*B, tat to*, fsartag that they And. Bad.
*tm as I qinsiea*
aad grewa tiled of
' -eadforwbyV-

teattoa *< tola. alMoat aagto to Ua reaelto, to toll*' 11w Janam K. *
I hto "TI..* Hto to a Boat
“W* nr* rety ftod af pto
aUtomofaa Watoabadaittoptotan oa toe tto; we toooght of toe
Jaiea. WewUadatea*
flam* got a apeeo wady.
••Thao wo toobadfer itokaUato
epaa tto tto with. W* taraad oat
to toa iMBpar. W* taiead
oaltoabaga W* pallad ^ to* b
MW taaiDpi ol to* baok W* leak
wytotog oal oa to tb* baak. aad
ebook It. llier* ww ae
Thea Barrie triad toopta tto tto
with a pocket kaUe aad oat hlaarlf
badly; aad Oeorgo triad a Pair of
a, aad to* aolaon flaw ap. aad
pal Ua ay* eat. Whilt ttoy
wero draaMag ttaalr weoadt. I triad to
nk* a bal* to tb* Ihtog with toe
alky eed M toe Uteber. aad tto
lleber eUppad aad JerteWB* oat
tw*M tto boat aad tot baak tote two ttot yoa had lelt to* beaat eat, for
fMl of Baddy water, aad the tto ndlIt did DM
ad oret aolnlared. aad breka a
ir al yoar lioas*, S
yotodlaaer." "Brer
that ilBe."*to Mid. "i toreftaek
’Than wa all got Bad. W*
ttot l«B ool oa to a baak. aad Bgcrt* to to* tiling* that I ooald do beet
wa^tep Into a dald aad get a big aad llial gar* By trlaad*
atorp ewaa, aad I waat bato tolo tto
boat aad broaffat oat tto BBal. aad
t that gar* nn
Oeocge bald the tto aad Uarrb held think toe e
■0*1 pleasnn of aay ttot 1
lb* storp aod of hU atoa* agatoM U>r
top of It. abd 1 took to* Boat aod reeeired was wbanadear aepbsw who
poiaed II high to Iheair.
had goee far
pall By alraolgh aad breagot It ee reeelrtog a boi of bniK- datotles.
I taati* that tl>* bttoory
"It wa* Oeecge’e aBaw hat tiwt eooklM was* m geoo, t kaew
BredhU lit* tIaUdaj.
Be kaepe Btoaie who asot thea. they BsMd so
that hat BOW, what U laft of iv aad mtoral."
of a wlntar'a eraalag. wbae to* pipe*
e aaa* o*.
are ill aad toe boyr are teUlag.
aytog, "FhBM don't uU on
Mrele^ aboat tto daagon they tare
(Baaed tiiroagh. Oaotg* bHaga It
down aad eliowt it aroeail as
HllTtog tale Is told aasw. with
siaggaratloos erary tla>a. Banls got
Ttaart of cooking, and ooektog
off wltb Barely a fleMt woaaiL
■tags la a pleaatog Baaacr. aay
"Aftsi ttot, I look to* tto BJMlf. «re toflasBoe orer oar faaUtaa Ihaa
we draaa of. aad ao IndasBO
aad DamoBted U It with to*
I was won oot and eiek at hsart, good, bowerer Baail. tlmt wlU lielp
lB|WeM the boas lit* apoa 'oor
wbataopea Harris took It to haaA
nr 00*0, sboold be slighted.
We beat It oatftsl; wa
sqaara: we toWsrsd it tolo erary fora LadlM' WcrlA
kaewB to gaosneliy—tat we oeoU
A Wnr t* itaw Ire.
aotBBkeaboto laic Ttoa Qoerg*
I and* a feetotoU diseorery al Ihr
waat at ilaad kaoefcao it tala a Map*
Mtnnlng of tl>*
— that hns toeto taaago, so wierd. ae
that to got
rrlffatened and threw away the i
III* lee to toe reMgerator: tot as
Tliae we all thra* aal rooad It oa t
liked to OM tto MMll pleoM left la
gcBM aod looked at It
toe box whan to* aow lee am
There waeea* great f
■y water eoelnr. I foaad wenid
aol oo. as Ita.l0* Mated of tb* papsir.
M that Harris rostod at toe tblag, then I tried wiapptog toe toe in
aad oaaghl it ap. aad ffaag It tar into nnneL Thta wae good, tat .to keep
free!, fianaal rmdy aad all clew and
toe Biddle of the nwr; aod a* U
Bal, we harled ear epittot* ol It. weal Bade extra labor.
aad w* got tolo the boat ood rowed Ftoaily 1 Brad a deobU thlokaew
old carpet orer tb* ooUld* lop of
away fioB tto spot and Mtar |4aaad
ha roftigenter. Tl.le ena a periect
noMM. Hy to* aoeoant from April
toUeU wa* ta toe* toao tto year
Uule Jahnay Mtd beea gaaiag imrtona. aod we oertalaly faad as
tooogbtfaUy at hU book of anliaal waiB aoBBBe*. 1 tad* Bor* ten
plotarH wbea to saiMtaly sailed eat; aod fraseo denert* IbU saouiar, too.
"Say. IB. doM it ooM Bash to feed
Oilstotb b aa aa ld«al eorerlng for
lb* kilebee eelltog aod walls.
t WiU ta doeoratlv* if it is
hi plaoe with tarMed half laoh |doe
or oak. aod the cost, allfaeogh qalM
BO IBs, TOO will ebesitally pay
when yea mUse Itel Ills "ter on*
aadaU." Tto eeillog Is qnltoly and
y elsaaed with hot wator. '
ooap Bid*, hetog taohod with a long
ad BMp. For to* lower walls I
an aa old aefl woolao shirk Always
Mtool a light. otoetfBl ttot. sj
oaa always detect lac nil, aad
always hare It eisaa.—Oood Heose"And a Mg spider weald be a good kasplag,
BSD] ter tto ipanow. wealda'i It
"And a drop of boUsm* woald b*
all to* fly weald waat woelda'l it?”

osad a* siauatog. nre *r*iy seaap ef
.toe edgtpg It It b esly tolf a ssallop.
Pot away In the ptoee box aod wbea
toe trlBBlng brglBs to wear
MB will aaalsl to tandlag so ih
scBlW WiU Dorar stow, aftor to* ar' Hals U hwadned. Lay one nailop

" Ye*. ••
"Well pa. OiiaUa't t aBD keep
li«a Bor-a aynr oa a ptat M ao- toabattonedgn Uek tto solid parts
tar. eat away aay ragged aads
id* pad sew to* ptoto part firBly
Bat |oM at tola poUt it wa* dlseorsred that It ww Oa* for lltfUJtoa- ■ad aeaUy atooad to* lop of the cm
ny to go to badL—W. O.
tmldery. _______________
lb* Bail Lake faamlA ,
la ptoering beeta that are ta be
need for the table, eat off tto lop* *a
Oblldtm are aol alike, net
took abore the bm rook whtoh
wn lodlridnllly.
ta takaa ap whol*. la preparlag ttoB
gift* of ai^iito-4f Mary U artiMis. tat tn the kettl* Barely w**b lk
her aako ptaarto aad amag* toe toarlag tto ptoen of >«*b *b. K.
dowon. Iwt tin bally tMeM
break tor *Uo to my way a* this aleffort* and
tow* to* oolcrlag aattar. the eagar
bar Bleat BaalM
Btber dntiable oeBpehad* to ntsof Miiak*
^of Blad aad
iota to* WMar; . Beet* eookad
waata to wUllltl* oat a wheal tor m
whole and with aataokW tola* wlU
tatoto. their eetar aad.toror, tat If
to «taaa dp-hls toartaga. ai
prtokod ttoy wUl Did. Lot tboB taU
Ub whlttU. Bhanagi are olaaa. tar aUttle kwratoer ttoa iwtok
toe boy's aool at l*a*t aadwhUsto ta *e* If toay are doa*.
u taakteg thea be Is grewii.
kmwiedg* «ad toilL Ifyoatokaaa

rUtoJoha. Uto

A rary {aetty gaidan hat to Bad* of
polB leaf tea. whUt to d*i>lTed of
IBMtek. l■ataboU oat la It a Utile
«the haodl** Blddl* of
tto ton. Is faced ee the aoder Md*
WUb wfato* ar aay other light mall,
aad hae a fall orawii of ihaengM m.
lerlal Mt ta when Un hole wa*
A iMge flaffy tow of toe BaU aad
irlato of the mma wiU Bab* a tat kladly WMdt of p
M eaal tad ptaSty that yoa wtUBenr hi* toart aad dnw hia stUI oiaaar to Taka am-toU plat of boy na. two
oad toe
naogalMla It too tocdid. eoBaeo
< tea wUoh. wbll* it My tor*

Take a seaat «op at totosatatoaU ceaaH. with iBBaliytrsB a
toeoafalof adt. poa apoa It two
amahaU ooto-of botllto wator.
LetllboUtoraoJwar. or oaUI tto
aaaiBer eotlage ibis doer oerrrlng: ftotaiaratonaadwblML loattofete
.waar Iwd tohl a boty qaality U •nUag It troB to* Ire add tolf a eap■aa ta ahnde* of graaa, wblMi tsl af sweet ailk. While It U baiUag. , Al to* fim Mtotolna at l»T pai**
Ito weeh tto toto to wator to whlto
I rary pretty a
pal ttoa ta a «la kaMa. tortakta
bm^dtaDltwL *toto*^to' aatotka
oa. aitowtog to.
. aodtag a UMobmm. Oeear
oU fttolBaad, 1 aato*c«. Toar UaM*
UgbUy aad pal to tto weea to
maiililjaaTM toed way ktodly to
aaBMdtmlt. in teal, thaagb 1 aoptoto ap yoar oaiaaal to a totoa baarl.
pawaato* W yoa b we waaU to
aadpoarltoogptoaoMglt Hat
hwTHiltokaawU, hoBka* M
Dartogtoa laal rail toe o


Hr* Heamn* C. Otoert. Atom Im.
Mrs. Beartatte.C.OIbrrg. napert-__
dmi Flax aad itoBpTxKIMUaa ei the
Oseta BshlUaqa. wrih« tnm Albert
Ian, Ifton, tafcdlowc:
"Tbii qartw/caamsM aa 4^_
raftareaM. taWar hem enpaaag I* fbr
taaan Wialber. CaUrr* af mvttraai
nag toad HaBneA wbfcb priwfmgla
rMbstonttor f gfiplM

*>Ketotag of to* Brntr of Fmn* in
the jmpart, 1 derided to try It end auio
teoadthntaU that be* been enlduf your
with *f*alag e*BM tatoel
c*«r* b tnir.
Of omksn that pep,
-iwareryif •n«d with the eattaferA toy fall of tmketa
lory reealtauUi lardfTom lutnglWuns,
Aad Stan tliat ttoy drop;
Aad all tb* alt glMBlag
ildrt It a null
With bright oolotm balls
ralaaU* tasdly BMdlrtne."
FroM gay Komaa eaadlsn
Aad th*s tor night falls.
Tbs Iasi ocatoar fired, tor-orowds.
••to. Thar ara alwaya gran, atm
■ ■■iWiii tagftowto 7»* pn
a*n aod amtafy w«b wbicA fVrwas
tott fa fb*** <B*f* A«s *aiwd auuty
Uaaa. A laige done ut Pctbus cI..>uU
be taken at ihefiiatappmnneeof sr<>bt
' I asBBer, fuUewrd b/ *01*11 end idlipMIto dnen Then b nu otli.r remly that medical netance ran hitnUh. a»
■liable aad quick la Ua acti»a a< I'u
Addnn Tb* Prrana Maillrliie
paoy. Culombo*. Ohio, f-r a free l•>.k
•ntlUed “Btunmer Cetarrh," ehlrh
of the catarrhal dtanen pu


Haanab. Mich . Jon.- IK, 11
IT Hn Heirs—1 am going to
•obeel and like to go. lou Thar*
<Hi eebolara in aelioolttnUy. Mr
W*e alok a luug tlioa. bolslie Is
wall now. 1 *B in the foartl. grtoe.
By ntetar I* In il.a sixth grab-aad ny
ksolbM U la toa thu.1 grade. Bebool
ileaad oo aorooal ol the lhil«ii
Heh. tat It hae beg*., again.
Today lAiW aod my bretorr Uanicl
an planting poutaa*. Ur bat
Uottfrted Ulaliea.

A frieod of the Sansbln.- dapon
- S,.ars
■aat lead* a* a poaa and writa* ni
. . Shtor
.r hr sad Mrs
Hi KulirrS prv*
How ta thit for a Fe*nh of Jsly as follows reaoeratog ll;
his |osm wae wrtiiea by a lllU*
Banelitea girl ;
boy whose psraot* oeeit to life at
Tbl* Ir a ptaur good day for Baa. Hsplrue, aad who Bored to Ulaltoa
ly. Waahlagua. wbeu hi- was a
eliios boys Hen ora dr* of oar talthtBi Hannah Busbtoat*.. abomwear* little efalld aod baa llred there '
alwayi glad ta bear froin, aad a yooag stoee exo-pt two yean to Erark
pOM all tb* way from Washlagtoo woe enable ta altand eebool bat little
Btala, who I* not yat a Banahlne boy wbilr tbi-n 00 aoeoanl of s defart to
eyraigfat, and that Is all the optat w* think we Bast bow Bake falB
portanlly l>* erer had lo go to eobooL
And iptoklng ef boya. wa bop* all a* than Is ao aehool. ehnrcb** or
near tl.ein. Tba poena it all
sr beys will bare a Barry Foorth o'
Jaly. osw of tl>*B gat blown
np by oraokan or benit by powder at My fothar and Bolbar took op a good
\ .
hart Id any way. Hen 1> a rats* good
aka a good boB* f^ae kid* was
Wu lore til* dmr old atan and stripaa.
They assrad lre<a. oat brash aad
Tba tahhar of tb* fra*.
worked day aod night.
Loag may It ware o ar all oar land,
They rolled aod lifted logs with all
And eitaimlaatad be.
tbalr BightOIre U a plaoe to erary home,
the ForeM Kman* tmma and
O'er arery sobool bonee. too;
drora «■ sway,
And taob tb* obUdraa, to tb* dag
faa<l to go off a*d let ear laad
Aad eooatry to be tr«..;
The fraedoB which It nimaeaM
W* wool pai to Krrratt, Way ool oa
W* Bnel preiaet today;
tto eoaed.
Ttaa fliBg"01d Olory” U Che tooaxe. Clear out to tli* SBeltar te tl>* idaee
Aad wotoh aad workpad pray.
Hannah. Jaa* ».l W *
Fspn worka.1 to tb* sotaltar l
Dmr Hra Batas-I theaghi 1 woald
toelb* died.
writ* a few Itoaa Oar stoool.
Aad ta take me of lb* kidei
Beaerd sgaln two weeks ago aad
Is CMW weak yak Than *n l& ohild- Hbe bagoo and the ■
rm to taliool this sprlag. I tare six
Bee's elMbe*.
stadln. They ara nadtog.aHthmatlo. And they are dirty *r>osgb any oaa
phyelelegy. grogiaphy. •paUiag
toagang*. I sm tm yaart old. 1
M elsTse ysars old tbs taei
eetli of H*p- Aad s)>e WMhed till she jnet aooldo 'i
taBbsc. 1 totok
foorth grad* thl* ysar. Wr hare fir* She wosb^UU *lK woald fall ton
fatot ao tor Soar.
aetasof petatoaeaad tea aorsof ears
Bat waahtog at tor emallar didn't
FroB year saiiahtoes.
•poU BanuB'splaek.
Bsmw BtoL
So aba ooma book to the raaofa lo
Baanah. Hloh.. Johe l». im
agwla try bar laek.
DaarUn. B*tr*-1 weald Ufca i
WTita a laBsr ta yoo bamnn I tar* n.a faaoM all rotua. tor ground
flaw ap U bmto.
oM written for a loag Ubs. I will
Tb* batUtogeanstaiidtog. bot rmdy
tato tb* third grade tbl*
tar* aleroD *era* cd pm
tare ooly eereo days mors this tats
1 tar* a pet eat; bar a*Be 1* Tipsy
«* bodsixlaee plgtisold foaraadoae
dtod; mw w* tar* elerao. 1 eoBe
Oood by. littls daak al srhoek good ^
sabool atouM arssy day
Jo* OaTltah.
«*-rs off ta tto fialta aod the «
H*-ash, Mtoh.. Jane bklKO.
DsarHia ftatn Itararntwrita Tto bolls of toe taeekt. and toe weed- ■
ta yoa for a taag Ub*. This Bomli
toad betU.
1 srtU wm* a tsw Udm. W* tar* fir* An rtoglag a* oal to tba rain sad :
, days ef •obool this .priag. I
tare itoyta OM ta wofk.atwly aU to* To tb* Bsadow way* fair, aod to hill- ‘
Ub*. W*tar*
od by. imls data at nfaeoL
•raaetnaf pa
. .
ha* ta eoltirasa tk 1 might a *Up- Oood by. little desk at otoeol. good I
I atatoa Boetb age
CM^ lilsqaltatoB* b*w. It wtU Va'ra
other bear* koeoa* aad task*
•nnady. pnai------- -----------------tally.
tastoaiw. Thta,U aU 1 saa totok Ata M gay ta eoM* a* w* ate ta go.
of tn tou tin*, n good by.
With are* a toagb aad aarar a sigh;
You SaatolBM.
Good by. Uuto desk, goad by’Poay Dsraadi HlaL
Froak Walcott Matt, ta Uule Polka
Hamah*Xleh..^ra ». liofi.
DrarKch totan-l sriU wittona
»U yoa ttal w* ara aUwaU.heplBg Bon* tlB* age llitU Waltar had ae­
ye* ai* too an*. W* tar* am
tata W dignsrito fata MM spaa
aad wa wUl tar* roMto
OB* trtaiBg taMBr.
aB go poB toe tatrd gnd* toU
"I BU yaa." M*d>aatto ptoyfolly.
Ttamata tftom Bbslat* at
I know * taw toinn.
Mtay. HytatodtartoraykladtoBA . "Aad 1 ka*w m taw totogs a* aaybady. I gee**." taid Haater WalkM.
statly.->*w Y*tfc Tribaa*.

* toelther Optam. MorphUte par olbrr Narrr
MWte lU Bgw to ita gtaimiilre. It drwCMjii ti'ni
ay* ri iisishnfta It ra
• til* FimhI, ft-gtilaira the
The ChUtUtax'a Pai

} Bean the Signature of

The Kind Yon Haie Always Bought
. In Um For Over 30 Years


.Ml rt-sular sire* in «... k. S|wn*l wagons ipsiir
111 i.r.I.-i,
t)iil> ll.c-vc«y l[wsi malerial
ilxc-l. sjiil fiillv puxtaiitK.I in

H#M|ppf*B'S7 n-rt iu*.lc.rf.lic*pin*lcTial, aihlg.iro a flashy
fiiiisli III I'sldi titc cryc; liol ate .lutjUc, ivwiilorrable, and ncal. 'nio rlica|s-st on the nurkn. i|ualily .•■insi.irtcl.
(Inix iitcil and }.vu w ill buy ii.i idhcr make.

126 Slate strrci. a Ufctor Pcteilyl.


Wc reffifid ibe price of Cds-Ciae li It dees Ml
give uHsHcUda. Oer tallb lo It it efibeeided.

anvof.iurrrirt. lt for a. moment t.i Itdiwr tlial wr • Uitn it <■> l<r.
\Vr .1.. I>.»'cvrr. that all slMmU know Wi-mtliusiBsl.(-ally cni1..n«.- Cas-Cinr because we hare invrwligalnl an.1 know orrvihing it

m aif HI II It IL iitiiGyiiiit S, MMk.
WAY TO BEGGARY."^BE wise in time AND USB


Commercial Prinltiifl

Rerald 3ot> Omci

We Lead the Way

Tn better tbi^ft in groceries aad loder prices far lifa’i aeresswiea
If you are dot getting the satisfartiun you .lesire in these pirticslan
wc ran render you molcnaJ eBislanfe end save yviu many a dollar.

so Ibi Best l-AMen CronuUlcd Svfu......................................... $1 00

EntBpsB Casli Grocenr

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