Grand Traverse Herald, October 16, 1902

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Grand Traverse Herald, October 16, 1902


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




T^vxsBX arrr, o^ui<d isa.tsb8e oouwt*. kxchioam.

^nnaun hiMnii!

Tire Insurance!



JHoBcy to Loan 00 ImproTcd Real stale Only.

MttnwMnmdr fcr tW UB
t»dc«riMt mb the iMU
liw «r NorAia ud Fmocr
Wcolu cm ibovs i» KotbcmMichip.. : : : , :


t& )oos

C b loM %mm mm* cm
VUU Pm aM bpoa ■*• >poB «b<
H« naond Ulf ; avay «UI



oaald bM aa a eroa tbe two
I batwaaa IbatovB aad (ba hoaa of hl>. wblU bt Jay til la il.a_____

Tniv*r** City, Mich.

to Ht. Hanar to borrow

Ua Hmld wbo apral Uaiwlaaria
ibf Mathwiwi pan of Kano Oareltaa
aaenr tba BOaataia folka aaar tba
top of iln' Oraai Baoky 'aadi tba
foUawisc aoooabi of tona pbaata of
life aaiaac Ibaaa proallar paopla. la
aaotbar eolana will ba fcoad a abort
arnela fro* (ba Obrlaltan Badfai
World 00 ibii aaaa tabjacL-£(L i

Fine Farms ebcap as Dirt.


Ho. UB-Ma aar^ *i sia >n.i> ihi.
mr.mmt ral>m W-M. Abo.1 »u r-na
Uanar fran ba... Hua. IwlU IBO. nm

no T__________ _
rbleb aouadad lita a lara bow
r bell Tba Uttla daacbMToe
soat aaavu:
aw. la It ^eiobiacam laa. ar bad

Cbtst an Bargalma,

b 6nnd traotrst Land Co.



Daw iraaobcrJiad eona lo towa. oat
.f Bill Ooaprr-a ktafoUa. tUt ba
woald bold a praaoblnc aarrlee ai tba
Oliarob Boaaa Ibat aTaatiw. aad Iballod DM to acieod with bia fanlly.
' r disaar Jin. Uanij laforand
m Uia arrrloa woald ba*la at
oWloot. I atld 1 did not as---------- Dd Hr. Honaj to nr (I «at to
ba la tba afte.aooa
Tbr little (Irl too W bat Botbw.
aseUiBioit "<>b Baw, wtBt'atUc>"
"\WBt do roa Baaa'" Bid bar




Tba ftra. wbtrb aheold Ura baaad

a roa cat oat of ibu. I bara
robforyoo." banli "Veo,_____:m. Who atood aa ekaa aa
ihlr. mayiac apon tba Sra wltb



ahai, OOM uabw; eoU. rUfB.Cw anMl (m>: <o ^

taa Mldbaad (ba «tM.

>. vbiah ooal4 b*
ir Uweraud wMdMap.
diac. cMUhMt bMlVDtii.
aaaly tor bUbiiadalnn wb«_______ ,___________________...
W tec-D or UMm a tht mmie: Miil Onhaa acapod
In dipiad oei «ka etda larUhhr wiU , ttna. bat a ibr •_________________ ____
a qaan dlp»ar. a hoaer ol hb aw ; vork Inloaad hlaalf <Uat4*d b, On
M*. ala a rae^ma Ua palmaJ ooadlUa kaowa a-ladai;" U»
taSarMO, for ba wai a cabdidia fa qraaB bad atnrbad xoo aaoh at tba

Km» •
hv -I »m- u4 u»
». IItwi . tb. lat, m » *• u
Usl Mutd va «Mk »M Ib..
T.V tkr atei. lUiw du...
ri> tb. (ul fvm
w nw.
rhMcai » ban aihl U>ia
A»LtbM«kelu<>!<.hu> '.aMi,. m

put* Qi«M, StwuB BoU*r and f




r^S^bMatlar a
boat II waa loaad—aa uldaQlaUe
A- atap apl ' ibovbl OtalnB.
laatara with bolat tna'-iarad U aad
Ha waa ncbi; for ool ooly was him *A*«bS'w It ap at Ors
a clan atdt; lira aaotinr haai waa lalarr lacraatad. »ai b.- bad Bora taiBoda for a plaer of cwadle to pot lo rare for tba paraaii of a )nl paajtwi
tba oortaL Ba took toM Bniobaai Ha bacan to taka tanona la bIb
Bipal" QiahaataU
tor in
aUowad"tbai iba ptaeaof' alocr aad Baoallann froa tin aa- •barply to l
maa wbo andenicod
aayar. a rhearfal old OttMa who IlC- that portiae of Ibe wrwk.
Too HI
BSTsr eBell that ataff. Thm
'^-l will work BT way to tba too ol evloaioo ben la
tbit boooam yet. " b« a
• .rs

lick orders, at qatehly
borrow Hr. Harrar' a rarolrar. Ha ar In oooSdmoa
o^. Mid Ibe daaper wa. o»ir^
waa OB hUwartoibaebareb booar
“raaa' Oeoi: yoa tiUSo. ' tba
Tta Baa ob-ered Gnhaa acata at
(opr^. battehadacaaacoekaa- oU Baa ehi
>od by (be feadt* Ke awaaow
wklah ba waa to pat ta
will ertr >tnko hit mts
taibraaaalae. Ha nid
UrabaB i kaowtedca of eboBiatty
I wat Bewtan to ta fooad
________________ I traeind and foacht alDod blB la coodttaad. Bafwa ■
an-u in lUa
ba tad I oat Baa year bad paaaad ha tad laarm-d to a«
dot Ian, aad ba kaaw ha bad
bkdaotliBi are oat a obarfa. daMraialBp tta ax
aot mpomoat and wskehte of ora.
Thla liaa bla beyt waca pdlBK to Iroa. ibaarmal, boar aad abnllar ubalaaeaa wl.icb BB.t ba Blxad bad (ad
t^ tba furaaoaa >n prdrr to predaca
rolbar lo laaara Ibaa a fair ahowl
r pwpar ebealeol r.welletM.
day ba rataiwad tba larol- the t..________________ _______________
.Jd told at ba bad aada
qaallty, raqalrtap Iraah aaaaya almotl
Uia oat of tba ea-k Sebt li________
ad aa pay for hta twaadblac: ba nld
Ua praaobrr la lUi obatca ooald ^ workuic 11 orar aad orcr,
paay mlpbl wtib 'woSt rnirai mmo
"Voa ta beaa toaaSar." ttaatear- nMUIUp tor/ita. USTSlZ
"Ht. Bant drop ok. ma^^Mtd ^ dayadawwadfarBHwoeka aad* UUdacl'l U? oacbl lo er told blB
or to away, and yoa ta bdia Ain't
Botmd^ Titr tat yoa aad BO kaowa
' aaobad-' ibaa tba baai ha maid.
aca. aadOiataB
> alao raa a atlU taU la tba awaa
"(iota Iba torsoHA aror do Utlt eat of tta ^bw. wUoh hm SeaMta
wort>" UrataB aakad bateaoiat olt aad wehlad Ho eaxMlw tf— - - •
ap^lta wyh. Helbai


LT sr.^iris’saA'™


two p. B.. two maa eaaia to tba
beoaa. aad aaltad Hr.
r. Hamy. iwbo
ann. owt oa tb<
a few Blaaut at
Hr. Batoi mifMd hit poaiUoa aad
Hr. Hamy tarn
toU atahallU
iMda Bor>
. wUs died taiwa*^l«ta4Aate
to lake
It wat bar nqaaat
> tba prastSlac al"Sb^ aU abmi'y^^ Sobaei"^IVhu tba Udf .aid. " tapUed tba
nob bar fatMtal mrsod d«r bata."ta told OimtaB. "With
9aana^ Hoattaf la tala taip ym wea’i |o Ur -wroac.
"8ba aatd afltnooe,' wbtU bom
Wa any pat aaothar maa eat ben M
Hanay ttafalL talBanuhaepalBoinabta
Tbes I Ivannd tliat rraninc bama widow Heora. Wbaa Hr.
' oat the Iteaaaa ba wot oboat to ox by r>ie( aS m xaddaaly."
I tom at tin
, tba BOBO at BoMy Moon tat
iwdra. aad tbat I
Atfcte ‘-(or ob^VMU
UiD toa<t> aad___
iwlli atr
tool ta bMaakad."
; for he hta calaad a Iberowh
wblcl. Batl ba forded
marry blm" tat tta____________
dpa ef tta tatlnon aad ta tad
rat pit! for mBwaad. Bat
U (be ehereh iba wialar batera. kbt “wa^mmaTM^^hTwat ataid ------------ om ef the Boa. wboa. oa ta
knrw. tta taoeial-------- r~ rolood
idowt wara boarded ap. aa llgbtt
.. .Id ba Bead ta tba tSimotm.
Oa the way to ibr charoa 1 aakad qalok. ABd Wbaa WtSoiTHm oaal
Hrs. Harray what isitUa tataat by
aakiBf If had boya wan rtuflaf tba
olaat. ya> a tklUad worknaB aad a
She .aid tUt whm too lota.
The yooB* saa wbo waa with Hr. capable dirmior. OtaboB. baow Ibal
_____ tier -watboachllB towa aod
Ban (ui to dnak they maid Dot (al BdMoa waatad a Ueoota alto bat bt
bOBo. they woahl go lato Uia Uaioh hta doly OM dollar a^wao^ th^
boota to t)a>-p aad to»tlBaa woald
rlBC tba brtl. Bobk rode ibalr bwaat
lato tba obarcb. aad thara wata ballot
boln la tba waUa whan coat and of a UetM ta a
Mr. Hamy amtad hit
”ole^<l me*tf'tat''^bor£am
n-TOlran had baaa dUehia«wL
' lea oaaSnaed them rixpIfilmB
I aakad wby tba doora ware ael aot poaalbly tel falB b
bmkad. «ad ^ rapUad: "Wbaatbo that tba ta^ prwa, m ta wml away
b waa balll throachataaltaf laaliof 'Blchtytad"forhatad"al-■AB ODd af^t. ilr-'lliri friiia*ii
arpaawra. dr baeaota Sbt Soots lowad lb ba mmad al that QaattaHy
wan warpad. tbry cooM aot ba that
"Tea doe-l
olatt aaeach to laleb. "
.OBhUap haU
So wbaa tba waatbar wat toe eold
lo bovt Iba doors opao.


• r-^nTT* ***- -****
SLfTsU'srs.rrisBs Sti[ra?:s:si'5a#st

OTtr to
baU b




Fresh. Salt and Smoked Meats.. Sausages. Etc.




F. BR08CH&80N8


\Tm..................... .

to order, (comptly.

Only the-vety best matcriii

Btcd, sad fatly piaraatced ia e*«y respect.
'Tbu dfe taaOe to use a* w^ ai seU.

Tbrr are

aotntadeofdieapBiatdrial. aad girea a flashy
ifurii to catch the eye; bat are duratde, comfort■Ue, abd BdaL

The cheapest oa the maikei, quality coowdered.

Oacc tBod and you wtD bay bo other laahe.

n» stall stmt. * Uictor Peterlyl.
. WoolWmntmd
AH the wool ID the raeioa wanted. Am just back from the
East, and bare arransed with eastern milb to use all the
wool from this section 6f the couoi
latry. I can afTord to pay
the highest outside market prices ii
in cBih. Will also buy
hides and gins»g..

_______ aa,n, ri«.« m

Pood Tliirtgw ■to Eft


■IK JTwTiil'S.*'

.................................... at all H the wUd
or tbo atorapipa wat
u window a paat at
oat af tba nab to
..........................-0.1 Iba aneko waalS '
BU tl.a boua.
Wbao wa arHmd at tba obarerK,
qalte a oeocnwatiOB waa tben. Tba
sao ware rlahiad^by^r oata^

On haw BaUar wa« a iobm waa
aot TSty tar Maaaaad In bit iwmttaa
wtaa hawaat to the Booby MooBtetaa
10 waka tut fortaoa.
Tta waM wat the wool, ia th«w
Says, with pteaiy af tba wild Ufa Iwt
which oxlm ooty in

J. J. I

ami Job Work


....-- .... ---- -

|i^’n.«.iUiOiBo< i»>>w wrUuv


tie »r .>(




Wtafar baWtated. Bt (alty MM 4rf "SUIT." “MM IM" OmM]--------------tta eborfc: bol ta raoluita
PltaUy be eeai for Otataa
m hlB a pWrala teetan.

i tta
I for.

"Bow «e yoa «*w IhlU ofMob
aaaaaer'; oUad the rlWtw aflw a

Ho poaeeaaed aim


Ik Bed a ^r ef rseeel aboaa. If emoa ef Ita twalup mpwlatHdaal i
wore moke (ta betea la IbaB Slinr Onwjmt. and ataod for work.
4 tta bolea la hit
taad Mfeodasd
pm tlae^MBlh of ibt btaaatt Ua dwky osawim.
Thoea tardy BogatalaM*aod woBM. wltlitbWr
-------- -- --v-rl Toleta paaaaaoai taob
■kate^M II rraladed aa of tta aa-



L'ss..'Esr»i;.'r3^.,s aa-r-i'
kaateol laiopu ha VOoU .
----------------- j^tta ml iH Upj|


lad" hla raw otaaa. Bt



al hit

flam WtU ta oat tan
. Mta. tad tta film I
' —
•Hr. DehtaWflw aata Orate
Beta left the
"Mata MBOtaaok'" ta iTitolBit
"So yoa WM fliadf T-oa roll arhlteL



ii^mHhii wlU ^ abatafiMwto

^UwlirTwl^ toa^ Hl?MUr

a---- —"isrrjsf.;


ml^oaTw£wmSS ta^ — mnnWMmta^,»
ofltoo. He bodtaofl arark

ssSMMrssr-'"**'" K *’■=

"Hota*■»OtaM toUoBfleawpflo
•he mWw M flws ta ■Thant ool
^ —*» >««

sBfl CASS Sts:

mo ter Cwt KatM.

m tta-

'w^ ta7£d‘ti*^r!luM
M •oibeeita "rniptami"
paoftaemraaalktj «MU
a mmpiaaa." BemUI-

Yea'll ni «*er badae

wiiitetoSS-^ ^
. dea-i koww wlmt________
to do, Wr." Otataw
"I kaow l tea'
- dtowark

■ ^ V!rtj£.’’
- • p^oUbitaBoa



r.s.KS'ir.riiir—^ SiTS'-'sKjsiiai^ac
.'.’ai.'TKi.n.s’Ss S:5±5“.iSS"“~"“

Ba waa a amlL aaeotb
Tta lallreod tiOMwd
whom elothat> looked
loakod at Uwopb
Uwa«h ta
ha wUea tiaa tali iiiiiia
loa. Ha waraa Am wm Utaa Soya tad Biffetaat “rrr'nff." matter drep^

— -■'htela.r-lL-taSdW^.



tald Tow.

BOOh whloh SrSothwA oa ooftb or

Ocw, try B
pseksge o^




HoAtlaci aad waa nrviy borand
wtkb lobaooe laloe. for taeh aaa aad
ly of tht WOBTO. had aa ladtrldinel by llwtr foot U tlwy Sid aot
whwa they ooald opti la tho alate.
-he taiitnir nood oa aa telaad, earrooDdad by a dioater atraak ol tobaom
IB tba Sear aad wall baltiad


lo dunge stM&e of
your old clothing

"O. tta

Ota dag^lar pIwUted la thinw*
Tab be deet. Hr. Batter,
of akltMBaa"at C________________
I of the aea. a aon ted
la te Srtt teMor to la faibar
on raaaUad ilUeL
tbU world Ho*
"I paeoi yoa ma’I iwtra
hkt. aad lookaSaroaad. Tba
. ____ lai worry aaar tta I
BO l 'lowed OB Iw________
lap tta boy* aa lorMatta
ra taaiad m tba aaM Hda aad fan whtefa thoir boya an poUf it
maa oa ibt wasL Tht eharU
Ttan wan .want dfirihtr aoy mearad.
"Tts. laao, ata 1 wtU,'________
boy who woai wtoi la ifeoaa Soya *wa
satwered "Oa ap Ooitaeaeaaad
no larm wladowa Sited wiU
---------,Aaatof fteBiTkO.aaaaobaide.
itaa hnkt laae aaflted appteaw:
Than wan doauk doora la oaa aad,
Bat than war treahto ahead fw
Ota of tar Wtian n>daai to *too
Oraham. Yoei weal dlneily W tta
ParUBBla, Iteoky. Mtab.
oral BaBBper, sod
ibot jwoa.
Dad baaa dlmtargad oatelrly, o* nypdaafc Tryphow, l loowto. My.

weald ttedly kaap tros

The neat time you are in town get some of our
delicious fancy cookies, pities, olives. Uble reitsbes, breakfast foods or some of (he thoice gro­
ceries we carry 4a stock
*11 <>>»<•■


»l” h.


MiOn ActtyLUt.
.................. —


,n „


& MBfMw *• «1« M»>MiM ■*>

IM ttirt •

te MMMtr-

mrnmk mumw
^:mm ^ ttmmrnM
m0mtm *• «hMfta*»«f HmM'
^ ir« ««•
1? PM. mt^mmm 0«f pip


I titaia rnd H. Warner. I Tto neatp of tto lotol pouoBte
« Lkireii Jcarnal, refer, idanaf tto qaartar aadlac Bapt. tDih.
tatax apportioaadlohlx ebew aalBBtot. of| eear il.a
lUaktaad. aod told: eertaepobdlaa Ihne tocalto to IKl.
Tb<.T ara. u roaad Baaiban. tfl.OCU
tear at toOlOM tfi.QOO a r*ar Bi«
am.uou >B IWO, Tney anP.ooO tollowtae
... >Baa Uwr ware IB IP aod ool; ihowlna lb<. t
three tboataod doUare fmaMr Itoa la IBK Jalr. Aa
IP . DulwiUieiaading tto loar>aon' IWl end IP.
w totll. tl.anofta groaib ot lUk etau aod ooaotr. AoKMMlfa tneit of oabdr aiber UUoc iJJOl U of eeptaaol lOt------coatpoor atm boa aaeaial
larn taacu. poettoaa oftrblcbto...
oat rot baao col anr Tha ootnpnn.'
of taxaClOB will to
rtpltoUiad at IlD.aX)
lo Ooklaod a^tr
Ibu jmi cton
laiaiuf l<


Jito A. Bumm VM MPMMto •
U pn« toll tom to mpM
frtM. to ftop Him to 1:10 Ml.

m«pH toii to wmU tom
trtol M todtoUP Pm •«•
immU M m m toM BtognvM

''^Ain to^ p to mi usMt tto
Mr UtoPp ttol I ton Mpto

«to tottoi
PP «P MM pto MM| pQl, Ttoto iff tto MTtoif JM A. HtoPlItoPM IPtotoiMMtoito ■WTM. ptoi toUM TMirtM U*
■M if IftoM Tton m m iritot

pdiaPUh toatroradttotoUlood

taportt tor tto yaor abaw
ainUtol wort dtoa. Than it
•l.Oil la tba btoldtac taad oMto a»aiatr- Tha raBinajn elwrad the to
Tba toUowtat emtrt wan Petad


‘£wM Tloa IWdaat-itn. i. W.


.. thuxj-Uxt B1
tali^ Bitbona. at

Given Away Absolutely Free!

Pi p m fpri Pd to Wtatod Paielita.
Saeratatr-Hia. Padtoa.
■ mi to MdMiwtfabPoot ~ aBanr-Mra. J. T
M rnmm vard to m fatal
«. Hb«m«m’ toIm «m JP a
■tta Mppy at to tpoka tb«i Pi
Tto Oimad Tiararaa Taaeton' to
aeotallto. m tow adaeatlooal erauOtWlWM IP liiNntoMMdtl
UBaarir two e'aloak baton Jadfa
Haru aallod tto Btocnni coaa
At ^il to aaoB ftta Ito pncnn
(tore U taoab of laltraM la Ito npmi^
art to to pnatoP wUU tto dlant
PM BUtoaa to tto nutodtoi Hr. tlpu an ton to to at ralaa to all
PbPU. PMMl tar BaiBtoraa. BOdt
to Ppm Paler plMoytoP
mi Mato of
hp at ptMiMIlM wad daakrad
mt m rrtdtoB hadmwa mt to
hM PoM kla Vila artth nathP
IP to lOM-IrBpM
p ■•VlaaUltatloB _____________ .
P. rmbli mto otmtoanfa Oradai/taplJ. H. Tlea. Otorlattta at M apapp bam. avlr tuB nSTblaeat^ Bapt. V. M. Aa«te » pppa of m Mpm M diaa. Pataahto. -'Bplnl Arlthaa..........................
D MtoBv



to toil ifeai It «to m itoMi of m
mr mafMmMMMadDatrtaa
to iipii at toPM a aaaBoaa aa
Tf- Jrr**------ ---------- ----------lapa ttmrn mi aaUad apN BarpatotaPM ' ......................

to aP wtom yw.M toptaplr
^ m. Tto mtal af It yaata
aanm lafv aaMtaaMMd to Xaw Tack aaal vat aP to m
Mat to Bjowa nona aod Jadr ■atl BtdaytotaikOatotoapailVad.
aM m Ttotiai at m mr. mt
»y. TMaatoa
tota Balw Mtotitf m
la M amatai aa« iM m atop
Itmipiki aaaPad la
mpla'a jrtiM at toakatoforlto
praaattrttota. «a«yatvlNta

a tf m bean tf ptoUa
pm. arlttod tf m Aatato-VatfM
Ot. ■ towi atnalivaap tf ■■
IM«B te Mi la oltMtat m Mwly
M ataaita Maatflto«Ba<'
Hm PwtftoTtac mav
atomHaamyamt teBPto
aM to II wai P«r«k to m,Mb
. Mt BoM II will prakablr to ton
la a law dari. tto a»tap la aaa
to kCUPahto to trW aoi to
tf a dtaMtaacato la m HUMMiU la tapd to itdlat
iwinirWattot wotaai Mkprlat tfUwMtM batta
did BMwPto tato U

rdto a taxatloo w
___ ________ i and Ugfaur to d
Id eeaia tbu it Bat baeo fa
"Wbat aboot railroad tacaliooV be
WH btkad.
"Tba abowiu U ao lea taToable
to tto peop." Bid Hr. Vamat.
"Tha CToa aaoaoi of taxeo pd by
tto nlli^tof Hiobigab Jao. 1. IP.
I ril.tktU:. Tbu aaooBi
—.reaBd euodlly, except fa
retro IP.4.S. wbeo tto whole ooooDy
ndatoi from the iMioalua to
A Unle lata oaibe npnhU
nto lecUlatloa
. tlon rail
. (to. rate of * ________ rallroadttod tto (TOMaBoeni
paid br tbote eaponiloot laa pad. droi
to coy BlUlea dollara, ttoa to a BUtiUO
aod a gaartor, aad oo Jao. 1 tf thle
tear tot amoui wni ll.P.aO&St.
Hearlr, aaorir doable wtol II
. Oaring IhU P r
pv mile Inoieaaed t
:t 80
Tbe beoedl nf toll
Jlroad taxaUoo. broagbt
repabllou panr, U fell
by eraty tazpayar to every eonool dia
vial in Htohigan
Tto apacifto tax

A KeBedy
r Love—Kiln Olbey
towtot*^i*p*JaJtofroiS^ iKT^prl Kirk
Aoal fond'aod to dutrltaieC
Abur Oeotel-WIll H Uerbea.
(to dlanlett aoaordUii to tbe
Ouaeld-Kaner Hatteo Banka
ofehlldiao. In 1»1 (to total
lo tto KtgU'e Talea-Btopimed
to IP.
Tbe BattU Qroead-KlUo Qlotr>*
ll.OU.UOO. SO.
(UB. I
For Ito Fnedom of tbe Bee Oyrne
tame, wblle
tba next year a ...
ihool dlttriota of tbe Tewaeebd Brady.
laal rear tto
A Deth for a T»rgoe-A W Hanbmm' reoaived oaorly a mlUloo aad a
half doUan. the exact 8gnree being
tl.m.OlASa Tbleweet.W forevery ^A^ipeakled Bird—Aegatta Bran
panoo Of aobool age to Hteblgao
Oattle Ocaaeroraw-Oearga Barr
•aren't tto Sgant at Imod ibowtog
tha grOB amoont ot tbe iwlBBiy
When tto
Oetae Lift Up Ttoir
tebaol tend tor IP. bot It to largely
toeraated over mi of a yur ago. tto Beedt-Payne Erkaklae.
par eaplto aBOont being kS.U.
.|«alnu»1.48 1nini."
‘■TbU U a etoB tone of too
John J. Twaddle, lormer ,
teqaeoee. It pt taaginary.
U gmeee work.
work, la
ing uioraey of tkit county, it in this
BTlota. yee
city 00 bit way back lo Grand lUpidx
.Mtlca. theI nrlBOry aobooi maoeyi
Empire, wbere he bat purchaaed
paid took to the pao^ to balo tham
tr •
it pohUo aMolt exceeds
KMlofataBMiaelertod a. Ua
ieta and eooa
bm a
“•^SSa^ nM ifina mt ton a
direct twarlni on ttate '
utti^'lBO aeret, partially eo
Jan. I. 1881Btaia Tnamy. rae
with hardwood, a fine orchard ol fruit
ireet and food buiblii«t. Mr. Tweddle hat abo boi«hi 160 aoa adjoiiH
int oftbe Empire Lumber Co.,
"Tto ftrat tola Bi
will Uirav the two (ami into
thix e iU make a large and productive
property, and Mr. Tweddk expeeu to
otilixe the place for fruit and Bock
two ytan tbe Uali
•I paid Into the M
• •
ee Ja
practice in Grand Raptdi, bat employ
•MMit. if ma ippurt'eoe
- tod bol beta raealved tto a competent penoo to look after tto
treeeery tenone bal
balaaeae ea Janaary detaib of tbe work oo tto farm.
1. 18M «hn tto
qetobod, oaatreL e
Him Balmi Ooald It aow aa t
ary mambar tf m Bn tflMtBiattf
Ttorytowa end BatfBty. V. T..9
la allglbte m a «mt ta a MB eo
liso af BftBM
Bor wen lepelre
_ kep*
Then wu
tbea for tto I

______•“ . •ss.-.


srssi^tL ^



|l of y-.—A —n*



a^ .a
ticketA-,«.fll„.emitlinct the1*-.IM
to anAA.ial
equal chanceMritK

Positively only twenty tickets will lie given out and every htrit^’t chBm will
'j be equal, and the drawing will occur as soon as the twen^ rigs are sold. SO come
|i quick and bring your friends along. Notice of time ot drawing w3i be givei) sod eU
interested requested to be present.
MY PRICES A'RE LOW considering the quality of the goods offei»d„ *Mi in
addition to getting good value for your money you sund a good chance of gettioge
fine rig for nothing.

Some one will get it. Will it be you?

Flower and Thwu—BaoBloe Vhltr
Tto Keacer—Aoba DougP Bedgwlet.
AUene—Uary Tappao Wngbi
Onto tbe Eed—Pmnty
A Perteboard Onwo-Clan Uarrir
Haaru Oeoregeoae—BaUle K Blvaa
Tbe Strollan—Fnderto S Ubmob.
Tto Leopard’e bpote—Tboaat Du.

Soft and crook^ bones raean
Tg bad feeding. Call the diaeaM
Hekets if you uan> ta
■iBiffiin tf i^pa^ ta
growjpg child
chile mu« eat the
.MUy~ «Emmr% tight food for growth. Bones
CrarytotonBtutf m -^5.
must have
ha\'c bone
beme food, blood
must have blood fond and so
Bred aad It warthy ef tto
on through the list.
Scon's Emulsion is the r^t
BwetaiT ot etata. "ikat maonm
piBpli lam ekou'tto eoadaot tf treatment for soft trones in
children. Litiledoeesevcryd^
give the stifine» and snape
that healthy bones should have.
a UettrBi
Bow legs become stnigfater,
.The«BB tf ml
111:1 rtii hall'll
loose joints grow strengerand
■tain wafto aad
metoleb talaed
d ta...
ea Fml tenet FTMr. tot fer., firm nest comes to the soft
taaatalr aobady waa ban. aad m' beads.
Wrong food caused the
trouble. Right food will coic it
In thousands of cases Scott’s
Emulsion has poMCn tobe tbe

a avapr H aaa tf m batf Bate
Mdtfm ktadotedlaalim latfa
t UH ttolattollM tf m
p to kaM mMtotam
mtaPi MMBMtotwi far mt tto
m totf aiMtomtoti top-


The foUawtag beoto tove rveeollr
baeo added to tbe Imdiei’ Ubrery
Tbe HtodUBMOore ot Kesoy-Kle.
or Hoy 1
Tto KnolMitf Typewrlier-Jobe
K. Bange
Oblldten't Riffau—Kau Doeglas
Teeag Hra Teddy-Barhen Yeeb.


U tamatfty. ipibBwPaa
m mk! vi* mywntfto
m a ihettotb taalliltMi
tto ataratartolplthaak

f Beuifinmg with this date I WILL GIVE TO EVERY PURCH.^SER OF A TOP i

W Ooldto toiafi Uie UenU
two Uraod Ppidt popart. edlUou of


rtrai Vtea PnHdtot-Mia

-pi. ft to I. «to imitowi


taabar a fe* dart a«o. »1U to baaetor tboa at M topaaad. Ito loaa ratarr of tiala. "la not peenlior lo tto OaUy Et«I< «<» Jp H- >P aod
to Ito taabar will to at tana p.000. Oaaland oouir The paopla of Ito
whleb an eery laiar' I aCOM an toaedelanaa of
taaatod of m.OOO. Md tool! warn to.
eeltot tooTnnire of Umae loaf paai.
ai^od laa nlaaof aara cbaa •),«».
Tto oae of earlkar data paUlibet tto
wbiob bae Llaoolo
an of
4> will hrlac (to total «
inatdtot tod Jobotto fa Tloe
Haory B Ctopo U eaod|.
aaoaedtaf P.P
TbU It a aiole taana." ataartao
Blobotd laipbatg Miat tiBt wbUa
itoie fa goeania of Hlohicao
Watwar. "(tot appatOa to the u>
lalUtMov aud the potoaiMot of emr Tboa W. karty fa npnaeatoi
It U olptoto* iUtaly mt tto plant taaporat. deaioaai and tvpobUoaiL
tto 4.1. dtarlot. Tto tMB ■
Tba atata tax lerr tbta rnto la ooa
■ lie laieti wa atwi Tbe oet
wUl to iMUl. :
■atLIloo doUan laaa ttoo It wnt a r«r
TbaI aqaaliaed eal
TalaaDoo of prop.
aod peraaial. U blfto
BBQta property. leoow
>r. at B reBibder of tto tnaUa■ Ion.
tba ToUa tbal (to ______ bad bw
p Boelatr «t tto OoMraplJ
deyt ef tto war end than tan OBllBd
eboioh wu told laM weak,
medlatelr foUowlag.

'”p2lC£ar"r:a .......

to PtoMto*"Wtor>



,«Hto Mto atob to M
Pi Dm totoiMMp. i


AalUlr uitl
a Hllmasaae

■Mr Jto" Md tto-------------totga btolaoto

iitotp co* «toto toa x«Mto
»M«, totototo. Mm Bp Vnk
taM «M DIM Bmm. to tort
smM if Ito «M ftoptoM
MB Dtoto ktotof iU Im pM

ypppi toiltollpyi Mwl
tt rtoMk top Ml *M ml M

brupse a toallbj

Httopo- Ito ptool tot tou la op

pptotoi «toi mm mrn»mmi.U

.rnrtam. qilr*.^ toMm
: TiC'toMw M toMM oito itop
ii«p *• «Dmt to Ito lIMpm
^S5b PMlto • Mtoto tom
pm m m dpdmdd m m

9 to the blood ato qaiekcB* tto cucalatioB.
St prop
lor tottbe ak in and vigvr to tto araok aad

Write u about jw cue and oar pbyPiaa* wdl ctoerinUr adriac aad
help yx in every paaiUe «ar *o nfM yoor toalth. Book os bkad a»l
•Iku diacaaca In*.
TU mwtWT mncxnc CM AlUmao. <to-

0» u OM Of tto tom«t iBBitor

f»PlHlP<lll iMMUvfWM
kM MmMm «M *• «wc<
•p iMlMPM, IM tt to MHhM


M aTt Mton tomito lu u u to
Mmto* tto
eittnl ot tto dam
W. 1> U to

• s^ul vuUns: *n7 ol m body.


127 State Street.

TriTerse City. Midi...act. i, 1902.

€. 0Hll^m«
You are probably ioteretted ia .all or •
part of the Mioviag cpwtatieaB. Tbc]p
are all money saven aod it will pay- poa
to investigate their tncrilB.


Dre$$ Goods and
Cadies’ Suitings
Suitings in
Hopsacking and Zibelii
Fords and brown
coronation colors, oxfr
among the richest weaves shown, are
54 indes vide aod are of a desiraUe
weight for ladies'sutU or skirts. We
place on sale today 5 pieces 1 AA
while they last at per yd • CHEVIOT SUITINGS in black, oxford and brown mixtures, live more
pieces while they last at per '7R
yard..................................................... • • W

More of those uc La­
dies' all wod cash­
mere Hose at

...ZSCzA __


56 inch Suiting in oxford, black or ;
brown mixtures, special things for '
ladies' suits or skiru, at per KA ;
30 inch Suiting iiusnow flake styles, ex­
tra heavy for ladies' unlined QO
skirts, at per yard....................... ‘O®
Many other special 1
dress goods departis
terest you.

Blankets and
Kgvarietie» in aU sizes ot blankets,
some special nines that will please
you. Atnoog them we have the hie*
gest aad best 50c cotton bbnkrt in
tbe city.
itMsnmd Uaaket. an oi>

For a good strong Stock
sing for bo^ aod

_____ _T*

will find they wear longer than aaf
other at double tbe pric»

IOCf iscsl$cand2sc
UitOeHvear for CMe$
We are agents kv the MoMiaf had the
YpsOaotidoderwear fnrladieadDdchUdren. All thedetail of perfecticn
i Every button b
sewed on to stay.
Botton boles are

finish are in keep-

in extra fleeced
cotton and all wool at per ^FMcnt—


cf-sn.r'tE-'.ss-Ui s HUMOURS
Hk M* B*Ut^ «MbM* tna

wimiiti iwwunw
BHii. tw jMt« Wt* t»mpp»4
bM» liwfaw<4. MMh
OM0t-r ■>4 VeT»b«
Witfkmm UMwm, fttyornMMl^Um
«W Mtrtw to lb» iSUKm*

mTSm mU

Had T«T ^
wwlliw » 7«M ac^ bM «
Akf«.O..MMlto7to«.M4hMtM .
tWHbli* haUia «D lUamndtvr. ■BMn Onr hM »*

«M . rulltoi^wrtotoa teitof.
«ar «kM iba. Fm Ml iii» «uto
•Mrttac ia (toly t«« yim tfaw.
Ma laM hto Wm» to toU Maatiy.
ton* bta ••FhvMDt aatt Utar
tto4 *la. Aa talUl Z«ma im1*w
b Ito «V. kw toal to tartly a ««aaiwartia. m M vU*‘i toma*

ad ata yaataaat ataid cd Hr. aad Mn.
TlaMtor OaodaaU «aa taU al tta
Mptaft .atatooto TtaUHtoaaapea
•totto Bieatoi «U Ita tar >1 dtod.aad
tor aaarlr a jaar badtan a paal


wrltortaa* a* a ipab Ira vedmap S«ar2*.^
«U1 aeaa taka
- ■
witoa taakai
WatatotetMn. Baitoh to aatac4 aav dttaa adllMa(ataaafylat
toe toaaatol aai ban tavtoad by Babr Bartok daara w Tiarana OM7.
Mk Otadvtok. vUa c« Ita tottola Mlaa FaMto Ttanptee UattoM
«ta altoaiadiil ita Ba«to^ Kav
VatktatoaSfaaitovaa. ItUataaad attapaadaUap
HtoBM KalUaTtaapaDD aad Mwtoa
of Ooloiata to Tto: uSTiSKSaSi?




Mr Valla look tta OliacJ> roia ibi>
• dts a Ttoll to Ubi.-aj

Jto^iak aa a datocmie te tta M(
ata »'oadte« lodp of tola plaer.
A coed amay fn« toU


p^rrinc. pirl:.>i>k.aad to-.aiifyiu tta
ifaii. te itoMteBC Ibe aalf of,
•cate.' aad daodraC ar-d tte tepfuea cd
tabto bale, tetoba>u..<.eMieori.f.u>4

p r.aily for ibe oiwtt w
I.. iiBui Uiitu, wbito onto, t
.■toad alaesbiet.

be yi^ef' tte^l^

m a, tel tta aertbr.

Baby llraa aied«aneyad to acunmer
^ eMm tofatitoia. Tta anaob of
noil haaBtlfal aai
dtoaaaa to aaddaa. lu procraee ».
id do rrry Imh- datep
■ettom urribir npld.
liBBdrra. of sllee 10 kill
> liara
(tlren tl.elr elilldreu Perry
iota Oeny to taUdtoc e attr cellar Darlarto- Palaklllar
. aaa
.. tell ttow Ihl.
'field bar*
tmtaaet l.*etH«kodii
> 2 beveraJ farseri u Marl
I laen iroabled with Mr dr
' of
-- bi-ar*
____ j
in torit cornb.ldf
and in, dBard ad owner of a bear tnp
Tta lato ofSaiaMayasd Seadar
........................... Id br»in war■aa oi> blab
hat toltrfeaed vlUi pcaaie dl«to( tat
dll; to ib<‘
it .ptod for wbaat and cnaa. aa par- land by aootiacUrB drlrtoc a new 1 bait. Tiuy touclil toe adriae of aa
Ml* to to ehert tbal tear tanwra Aad
•• ■
itadian who waa boowti u ba no to
'ssBlfat baareatoblBc.aodtatoldtora
to teed torlreteek.
Stopa th« oough
' wbal belt to tea and care ibam a ItqOce« waa abuai all cal betee toe
--------the Cold.
laid to pel on it ibai woeld aairly
beat aad to quta well ■aiaind nd
uaUreli»aoVuaUk.Tatae< rar..a« >.i!sc^lai<«i bln. Sara eeuacb old Bralfr
tta nael el itaa e p«J nop.
~<Uj Nei'are.aan} l-rv> ».kkib.
there Ita erxl BaraiBB. Al-


Mtoale HabbeU o(

to rWttoc bit



tailaan bar« oae dar laac weak.
Tba Wtodaaa taro Pfaittoc ‘


Great lO^Day
■ c ictadajr
Harinc r^

uau^Qier uir.
i niuritmi: cu» m oven- >ieptJimeBi. naTiac
renal Ibrrr rv loaih or' toll and aiblcr tncichaiMloc w« arc cnnnWtl
ha ri<-ui. and thii will be a iirariJ of^Orlunity to buy your toU aad
nmtri »at>i> now at Krtmiaiy (eiccK Come m and compare notn.


Kul! ai/rlti-1 Blankets............................................................................................. Z4 ^
l*i« .Sample Coau. Skuu Uhl Kub at S3J per ^ril. oe

Elk.,,»™ ..a ..1.
Tta nataie of (ta imrpeaad aew
pate la tlia raeotd.of ooetBlntolory np,
y,, ^i,iia taalber or tars
ballot froB a Haekla i>aapllal bare rzaBtoad tta
m R A.'Alcer btobc
LBjt oeanblend Viacheeier laid bis <>
ptoDj pieaaa tad by too i-oapeiltire
and .the c«eeral I
OB^hlfh ft^ arebiBeteaadpradlol toalUia aaw to
tl.a work el aniwanac tban
etlBltoa will ba aaa to tta beat of iia
kind Sa Uit Biddla waat. Krery
tareBl arajdanniBK to to DOttl. U known totpoTad appllaacr wlU ta
linBlIad aad MntoaM to aerc of bar.
tne an idaal beaplMd
tar I
^ ****'’«sJ«.ewihtadflc«.stertVate§ukA5.lcrUta.te.
Full ate Bed


7.V ifauc. fa.................................................................39

Ch.l*eo-5 hcaei Winter l odetwear. uptem.....................................


M«» A Wtonen-.iBl CAiUmn a sa.ple C.loita tort MiOeta
at SUc oo the dollar.
M« i hmvy Wteer Swetoem, 50c kind, far.............. .................................. 29
Men-a hciiT Ve«- Jeney Orwtabiru, regular price Kfa. Ute


Kteae a bertor rirca, tbal br ae oeOir cC

Hra Haadanaa 8»in to a

Ifta C. E. ^laa k Ul at. ^
D.H^ aad Pwd. Byaa ad La^d



bato Ota* la lb. llir at Tlaiw lair.

tad aa'aaaltlii|(:tltor tma
a ben
jd paopla aana aat lo vlifau hi
atoi'it. Dr. Mollaaaa ad ST
«aa toe Baaaj.

>to« tataitay atahbeai

’ Ita oral taatotaalFUal hat
tad alaaltto' Ucbla ptaead a» aa if UlanlMte

ipel aBygaa wta Blchi tty te aaeare
aaapply ot acad vttboel dm patttoc
ap'tta aqairalaat to aots rt lha

» M»k| oSHSriXlT:

bly tocantad to to. facE Tb. do,

For Tefcet. ud nbildraB



’ueb»*-.r-..l Tt.1




•IM Iteat tta eleaaeh.



I fttTtoW Ct^

rttatota- .


ai’ Katastrto Oil. At year draatota.
At Bolted. Tbyte 4 IteHhrt (Id.eagebate parahaaad tn aaaaa ae tta

Hra. 4. Jhta to Ttatop TClatiTaa to

■‘•Jeriut fur r.m.iUiiuEai


'tta aetear atoea ot iba Baaiea HartawtoO.000 Uaiatfle Ubnry b

» oily

aaath .aide el tta tay. with daektei
tiaetoce. agd aart apttog vUI pat
W4WP toto a taiallei Ibnantr.


« Mlabipto'i kaaa eaop. W. R.
Vead cd Bevell daBoenUe oaeiitel cBudidau la tba aiztb dietiUca sakaa aa at kted oMtou
Ita tea to MiahlcaetaBBataattl.m.m to «l.«B.«00. Tta ^ at
kaatataa rtee bOBdl.Utokl

Bdlto Maaaa todt Mtotay te too
nak pwwUlapBtatoaBtof toavtotatoBtadalSr
Htoa dallto OetaahM ftM to ItoMt toapaad Ita vtaMr.


TVto to j«n wltai Palaktite vUl
doi^lt. Raraatatitatottabaaaa
te laaBBl aaa, aa It wUI eara jte
taera ot aaiBiintt.
—_ — —
ttaadeate data aoi nil yoa aaisUatte aa tta gieal repali^ cd PaU-

fitoSuT ""***^ *” *
^Vna£^S «d Utoad Mi to

it-I a Btoaaka to toewte* that
ibe tate eaa't ta eared: a Bt.,,


dne atoea, kOaBte.

—Complete line Of—

^Um\n fom la CaaatHi^ IRai/ Ordtn SaMtedOffice aad rarda SIS Cake Jive.
Traverse City, Mich.

gommcrdal Prinliiifl

herald Job Office



. and Mn .
Mta FbHtAjtoato wtoitadbMa
adVUntaUatadta tnaa PnakHttWitar arantof.
rl^ aad Mn. date “
- taa B. OMmltoa
WU^JMm el Uted va
«L Utotonpaiiaa

toa^af i^to



ktoaaal tokaa

Be Sure You
Cooking Exhibit
20tli Mnij
Ste^ Linrel Kuje



lids exhibit win lake place next week, beginning Moeday. OcUbcf U4


BHBtKaBsasdCaeeeScrredeveryIMy. Atttamme
ttee see toe byline of

M m tt» (ou MD VOW inm
This is thellme to put them in.


10 down Bo}V Cerdwoy Koee Patov alway* d»irte
Faahiori Bo^....................................... .....................................................





(Iraod TrarWto, la faeor e( Oweae Panto.


B»l«%ta«orto »e 4

11« Front Sl, Woitbutg Block

Xraverae City. Mich.

KnleTprBt i*fbceri-i Old Stand.

.Su^^■ea*oIs io«. K WlUwn.- l.nmt- : C...'

Bough Dressed Lumber. Shingles. Lath. Doors,
Windows. Mouldings, and Building
Material of all kinds.




SOO^Mee-aallwoolBi^ Pum. all clean gooda, to

South Side Cumber Co.

kggd Snip to hto MMtototo
^W^tod,------- ---


’^Stod-rtetoeHed.?^ mn.

Tta.l year oldebUd et Otviato 8aa-

n. (bf Ye te INd
M rttaipay. pinnaanitly. B^alatea


■-rertx- • kj^aa-ssa-a/


»ha oMaa tor a toan TtoU.



Plmptog, BtackheadM,
Red, Rough, Oily Skin
IVevented by

21*“ dL*** wiJtaiSiS ‘‘

Co., toacbacntMi. K. Y. Whoa wrtuaf maoaeo reaAMiblapearouaortar IB thupa^t.


Mta aaatatatta- • otatolaal
•“ U«ald
taM-WIU ta papad mr toa raaaf
glMta Mtoatatatatoaimatoad



teretot Pn^^Ttar^y^*alr,dliad?SrTrtoade aodnelchbon A

r. J. BaU of KarllB
• BlM atotata U vlUtov
mfAur tanU a»« vhiah 1

1 lale>r re- Labe leeiitoll. i> mti nu.i. |

.ok. Mi Sisi'i M’S:!

Xn. Atalaaa HeXradao taa had
-aattaa aanta attoek eClOaaMtoto

1 irr^iSiit'sraiirtsi^':'’

Bki^ toe ttoabca lieB
Tta UUaeto look hartweod Hea ' Wm. Octt
W«, atoliea.ete.. XUa
(NB PtobB-a dork toto Baratoe
ton atpraaMd. that
Ttan waa a daaetoc patiy to S. 0.
Raet. tta'peetfateyrenadytoimbera^
peat fate
T. H hall totlairtl. A teleadld to toto riaiaity.
Bet llUle f<*» c«l rtpe; tba cwop “
(tow to Ita npon aad ftna Ba^
a eery poor oca
Mr. Teller ef Tb'
IbeaBTprtocpartyal A. TaaToBal'e
Ttotaa. Mr. Tan Bai
00 the arrntoc ef ttiabto WMa perBriekiea weal te to
vlae M baar. aad awoomu that tutytoaaBi
Kr cd balac eenpaJM le p> ataa
aad ptelT et It wine tony atoned. Iptoaraat ereatoc wa* epesT rese nlar
*• ' I« Bto-Uof Ita latoad ft etaaced aad aarlol i««aeeto w«* left i« a
aqaalJy. They caiae i token of Waodtoip
naluea- ft etaadi thr h^taai ler ha yop. aear balac
.. ceeded
. 1 .J. B Hortoe ibraehM iiau beibeto
■rried by. bet ea.
toreaabtoHttaPotot oa tta weet eide.
" . I et oaa aod wb««l. Uu eaw Bade
If y»Q nead a med^cac y« jtoefadLwuS wet wUhnreytehliicerir ttaat aad aa_______
aad hi. Vbtotn
«. AildlydfBcttetDBiOc.aadJi. (Uaa eeld. bal Itair walk ot tom milfo w beto.-U per_____ The
___ _______
rou jrtay tan a lampA bottle cd ibtr e boete warned tors ap
wbaai l. oat of the beet ranatiee
Kata Vaa •Batkirk,'a tody Wi»rar IntredBc-ad here aad te takBc tba
who bad barn bUad orar > prrtereavr.
etonbotheyea; i- Jobseoe pthmd $lb>
toft irara
Ura Aac. Hto for Tiioltr
Trielty baaplbaapl •' ceainc:
caaisc: a falrmaoo'i
fa]ra««aoo'i work

and worka.orf the Cold.

Aaimaiat^NN^^Jil^ taaiaow.
t men tafltataaad araU paaa.rrad.'

aear tba Biddle tta dec etate aad
naber an an ata
4tti all aaak to tta bettoB; qalte a tate ^ ttotoar aad patoae


I. toaa
. Japth Btaph ef WaltomUla. Pa.
rtitoWwl tor a vito aaS neal<rrt
MvUp to«a all a*to toe sea
_____at tora taaa a aartoaaaoelVtaMw to toan tat iMtptotto Vito deal
aaaamd. HtoUcdtortlatoeoaatop tealy tatoaton, ta dtoMI
(lel ad tar tana aad ana tbaava ato-

lb-«ta mppm lart
fimtf vaald ta pafcad aa
taMVaapto Mtadann tta rlrar aa



S*g^“e* *tJ2i
»b- lbi.nt»..M.*«to HiraMSftJr
t o-eleek toe faawal

aiatot ta tta Bt. data'a .ilTtr aad
unatoal I. 9m yaaii tola pen baa

• rijn; a; !jr-a.“oc?'af •«s a

Inc part toatitaktotyi art btod-

eS«ptoto« la (h* «*•


4ir Swft OMn SMtet

more room
for Our eiotbing
By the time this reaches you
we hope to have the McNamara
store ready to open with a part
of our unusually LiRffi FAIL ST0(X,
bought to meet the growing
demand for our goods. This
drill give us ample floor room
for proper hamdling of our in­
creasing trade, where hereto­
fore we have been cramped
for lack of room.

«J1t tbis ame
We shall have some exception­
al bargtiinsfo offer on certain
lines which we bought at a low
price. Keep watch of us and
we will not disappioint you.w

Uamiltott eiothing Co,'M


Id. ikOd

top. MaMVkfliaB torn to dtea tote
aM to daM to laatea toa hate V. aa


WbM toa tote aad to*ai

bar* dial dad te ton na
. BBd toa ‘-bn* vbnlk^'Md

Wlm lk« th* Mta
all «hn» «M ttobaya Bay *m« pM. to toa late
ittakMMafOMi rwummiar. aad toa beaatetttod avay tioto toaat.


Wik to •!««« Mktosto««»tto


worm $100^ sui. t*M. at...................

bat tott* VM Mortete that toa
oya bad bate toto*.
mat TkUvMteUovodbyabytoA.
' tea to* tottto* baa ton* a
had baaa iarltad bat vat* aaabit
MMI vat* md. Bar. D. 0(N
Ua. vbe vu innai *• *a keaa
taail. to*a M la paj«r. aftor vbkk
aU to* a«tob*n |vnni ao “i

n* fitolltaa af toa aafaaa
^•^•BommUOmML OIm Ito- bon toantterlat ttocmptete*
fM to Ik* U ym* aU m to Hz. aa4 •aitited* of MMit. Ha. Aid
Mn. MHt. D. Mo>—. ad KUmi
a batkand va* avay tna* baa*
Aikatw to Ik* w to Mr. sDd Hn. aad did DM r*iaa aatU tola aota. I
■r AakM* to W*« to - dMelr pinatoatad vlth prlaf.
Ha Ottbott. tooapb to* «boVi *nAttorn k«9*. Hgtokv «Mk IkfM d*ao*i of bat mrlM* antol *aa
Crtoato. toMi7lMlr. Wiltoid Hlnto*
I ap Vito a eoato* ttot U alaoot
Mi Jv«Mi«totor*apukaaM.aad vbtab U to luaU

iAk to HOaBOS.

BATUt to otoAjrtouM.

qaM va* «wr*d ny to* Min at to*
MfBiag, Mi «ilk * Ttov atoe
at ptM. Ha Hvmb'* Cttet t* kan toaiak. It va* it tar • kiac, aad
tiTlM a M» <aU Mat (torta* bad a* only aaab * aatan a* ban aoaU («Bld*«* teaUaa va* dn* to Ik
}*• itotoai f« Ikatr kMl at *• Oar. beL aad b« aasy frlMd* aonav
Af»vtoba*B*toep^a«aa c
hM aoM«* at S^avaod. S*
Vito bv a* tooaph b« yrlaf
Oailr aor Biota* *a*a**d*d to
by Htn Klta Bayb** ai
a taa, •* lb*nata*d haak hafar*
May natoMd tte oatokM* to to* et^.
bar* ha«a Baootd nnlar bay*,
aM Majad U »«B to ••* to* taattoU
•ad Oka Mnyaa va* ikU. d*lirMto«
Mto*. Jay Btoltb wMt OB vUb tk*to
to* papn* n •*•*! rtlday •noiim. IfiB Olbba vbo rate • dn pap
tiaiwitt aad tow to*B atobart
Tm Vila* Of HMday Sebeal T<
•ad »ip**Htn to h» back a*tatd*y '
la tto baat ia to* aealag, tot
. a Qaraott ipok* aa BtetlcBk aad
tlto* tor hit (tete vote.
MMid to to* ally.
Vlllten Onai
kU tbn* fl( to*yoaB« aiaa v<
TM IM patotiTtoy kaan to to*
ofaene of tb* obateb aad taato* «l|y (toaaU. riaak Oarbatl aad
,aao toM to toat to*y total aat la
loM AihBaD katap la to* **ath toy acbool txoarteaoat of tb* bon
to* baai at I a'toato. Joka Vrtcbi giad* af to* ttlpb •toaol vfaU* Olea Md firte w ibaTO-*. AftwbB
■a WM la to* bfbto iiad* af Hob by ib* Sbo-a*-*ti qoartat ate
un." "OMto *Bd Dteearto" tp
to* Oak Park (tovoL
I* H. (koB aad "Bov to 0*l
to* Uid Paevte 10 Slay to Buitoy
Bra Vttotoc. to* iiafktor to Faal
Rn. D. Ooeblio gar* • in
W*totor. tt)to to ***la« a boat trito
bodk* of BUott Atoaaa. rr*ak Oec
Bea"Tb*Obarahus y*all
toM la It *a to* Oral Wood
OM 0*'« dato, aad to* to*B vat* bM aad OIn Motiaa. vbo
aftoreaUiac fw beipL
Tk* bcM* an eat toll aftor- by With Too Till W* Maat Acate.

Vtote tote hat FteM ter to*
M*t to boat* aad Bcaa
Tbu toanlaf vhU* ntwhiap aleap
14***ttoa vbaa *b* mw.
Onal atom va* Idl vkaa to* beyi to* tmj Oban. Xham Mec|M tear* np dntfad ap a«ar lb* pliwt
ili aat rtoata Bataidar araalac. aad
a to* boat vn toaad. apd tol*

toM. Alton


Isuiy ladlmte itot batea*** la u
dliMtteB te brlybuBloc la Trara
fflty *ad^^^^^^CTt
at* t^

Itel It va* to* yoaO

to* boy*
r^git^ e*ma va* Ttollad at *bev*d that II bad BM b**a van
attott of to* yaaay BOB vka a*l
CMAatol to* faai oTto* yaaai
taaad to to* daervay. hatvata *BMlad*aak
Vo aad aT^d raBCt* bar* ban
tanta iaer aad ibtoaatdaor.
aim. aad baa aftor
toted aaw teat ha vlUtolsatotef
•atof totoaak to* wtadav. a* to*y raparwd that to* bodln te to>* or
•to*Ht bit MNtto a baltoi ~
ofto*boyfl bad a*il**toi to totoc a k^. Tk*y
•*«r* rm» to vtea a tMto •
I, vbo lira*
ONdata ». :L t
aM to laotoad l* t*l aWafaU Itoi arlteUy «tM atontobatecrf
aate. Utto aUatote Mato UMto ana to* aalMM a* ii*ha* ^ a jMka«* «(
iBMktoto tooi «a*i M to* bate
patoh, wlto aibtoarldMMM «f a I
Tb* beya had b*ta oat to to* boat
l^«MMI^B^«*_Tato »M. A 11

QBHia a ModWI aaiAuatato
aten* aia »wa Mod b*m to m**
fba«Mitea(dMai Xamweamly.
«»n MBto MMtoMd haato. a*
to aMiai to toto aaaa
i^k Itollikii at* M*«aDhaavB
«» /te tete «*a toM la to* n*i*

aclaa vitblB to* p**t ynr***
Baiaey AatorvatoabOQgbtatl...
SoloBoe tt f**t fraatay* oa to* aactb
tid* of 8t*t* *tx«*t. v**l of Wblllay
* Shaa*’* tala* batM Mt. Aadtnoe
. already yettiay avtartel oo



Kg new ka of..............


n vM An vll) b. tvat
j»d Qpmim <t BMy oa

jua recdvte.




Eleyaat uylet.





Tbc brv II

ttyk B ben.


The nlu«

>t deal te to* pare of IbeM foot


An aav pooto tote taa^—ut

$ to $4.4S


The syin win plane yoa,.ate
*0 will the pricct.

Sfeinbera’s g£Sr*."'
Fencing For Sale

new Fall footwear

Brown Woven Wire Fence
of Clevetebd.



Best Wire Fence Made

Inspect Our


I btve the lyeecy of the

o.*c! b5»KTSr‘


DOY-O* MooMy, SucMt Utb.

tenaMS* vS^'un'^Kv fc.

Prices Cower Chan 6ocr
Mm’s ^ Bak. *r«y pnr whd. $l Jfi. $140.

*1’*............................................ 2.00



n>*N are tarn baildlay* oa IbJ* let
Hr. StooBberyer will iBprer* tb*
liayt aa to* property and laAb*
fatato VtU «r«ol*n laprorte
MraetBr*eato*oon*r. Tb* ndai***
of to* rala* ol tote property Bay be
' ite vbeu It te itaite toal^.


ofiotenovat ridktekBUy lov

from $I 54* to $10.

to toT C-aa be Mid for W .0 *0 eeott . rod.
^•‘9 y^ltarai^itoBnt Slay*, tuiuble for any fence, can be
Cun kCr*uS°°h£t
•te eairteyr batlnnt
Tb* balldln
Write me aad I will
vtU b* *tae**d aast iprtnyaad vm «dd aeparaiely.
b* of *itb*r bilek or ewBoat. Mr. call on you.
Abteoo ha* not yot dadalMP 4a


a (ntk OMte
. *tSS.»&. AMtoerhMafdlOaadtU nit* pa u
.to «v pit* ym *ait* natty vntb $]M0 lo -«1A«4.

' -hv—* Itaa


.*^2 00

Mine* Calf Shock 6k, we. U.00 Md

■ 1.26
Boys’ Solid SehoQl Shook *<Om Dobf'’

• 1.00
Youths’Solu] School ShoBk E«hty4*a M

Womon’t SSppcB. Sk. SSc. «0c Md

sns rrLS“Sis»“

... .76
Work Shock solid V •r.lLttMd




Men’* Fine Donpato toock very bbB

................................................... 2.00

pr^rty^ eo 'toe eoetoenl
__________ Uite ttrvru.
n* ooatldarutoa wn I4.SOO Tb*
ot toe
lo^—‘--------‘-** il« feel.
' Siaptoo By* (liM he b*d e<
ra ibM tbit lol bad b*eo ooatlto
_ n oa* of to* pottlbiUOM tor U
Ccd*r*l batlaiay tit*.

Late’Fine Eid toock MV boBi* Md te.


.«hr toa^ bate to* ptete
Ml to b* k telto to a teto


tat baate tBd vtto a nU tote ti nid
Tha baya van pnbakly aoM tea vtel
«te|M te tea aai af nUtec. aapatteUy
vUhanaaatk BipntnUante
tela aUy bar. Band teal Ikay vaab)
•« Ubabtfav ate te BB* abaak

aSoct la baio ited Is toa
I fn toa bate at Oln Utimii
I AtoBM aai Iteak OnbaM,
a( tea laaldnk baala van to
BM* teevnd ntoafaayf '
I aaaa, aad aU toa rate af to* day
Hk BnBnaaUMteeUli
ateU U VM «Ml*i*Mnaotelte bap aU tea Ob* isrlo toa top. aad
tnte to* bay vn inmnd
toa Bank akap to* baato te aoBtia.
ate eaatlaBUy. That* te. bovom.
Utete .bepa, ana asMay toon
p»Wtte la toteraanak. itet to* bodbaya Mt Bteavead
faatol n toa tea vU| batlaad bate ant veto.
bank la lha aor* Jaal aaal af tot aU
teiiae am to* iMatin af .Paateaali
■BaM VIA fte asate Tb* nU
tenoboMtente fattoarvtal
aaar to* Orte Weed DIto Oe'* date.
~ tiUin Uaadik* boat vn toa

A Heavy Dold on
tlie Ghiist

ilBMttkteik*ato**aa.a*to----Bwten tehMVB to baMatetaate

toto^toaktekteitegam iwiiiIaU

^ U:«teton Oak lito. tote*'

I ■!



^i»lte Idka. Oak tote. Bito
'A,ajMtearMato »m «au


S.E. Wait & Sens


[f >*011 have got to the

to buy a new arioter suit or
overcoat or both, we hope.

s. Tb* Harald I* not


will come here and

give us a chance


to show

You will be

we can fit you

at a good

big saving of money. :
it pays





South side store for good
goods at Losrest Prices.



J. B. Bato vUI ya to tb* ited with


W* U*te U* vctU i* Arviity M ayte*
ntqMatoyafprmtorrins OaryMmote H>fib'b*dto*ito*Md naetetoto MacOTvaorvy valcAforw* aiaboto*
cnaate to* ^Bnt coB^teo-Tb.
fioB to* tolMd toy telU be e*Bi ate

IMmicr KNte, 7 te.* Mr MT «f 4


Ac«r M(» 6rr Mr, nr,

xertaraMBMvtecb. <»V CaAcf m Star*—Oar
*tk«*ar( l*«Mr Bn ebea*
CaMssbMV**. BtearMw
e*M*a wtet* aa* *!«** A •

s:ii?=2j5is 1vaAte,
MB. HK: ftek.


needs repiactato perha^
Jos no. u lunea tin wnad». • (»d oippir

Saulk Side


Ttok N«to BobUi


At Uu old Stand

nw Bsy tea* «* toe laite Baaday
te HM to the Mto. and if tkey da.
M te* wlU be te*d tanttoe*
torn to toe tBivttoSMtottm.

Hknk n^: aoM.»X:


ptMt where you are ready

have in stock.



Commercial Prtetlng

Tor You


bna aay bao* aapalaad. ladpiap f>
to* pte tevhlab toaanteiBB
l Vhn H. J.
VteteC 1
Md. to* ptetr vhB* 'b* V
ivn kMM vltote tea toM

Frank Triedrid)*

the gainer by ds>inff >o for

MIB H «*e 4**P aad ton* b a «an
•I toaanad* te annte vMto toa

a makeJto mstake «

trouble indoced by expoaure. : :

I to* Ott date VM tMad v

» vn ktpiBptetto.


Wc BBtt the Btoi 8&.00 Shoca to toe Otr.

te the bfTT

TrmvATM City fidArketn.

totep loeaate tar aay Ban tf to*

..................................... -V........................

lntoB»’tooeklk..iH4«c.okd.....................f .60

chitis, or sny kind of pulmonary

Mn of “Riebard 1II,“ which vu
fkoaen tor his engagement here on
Tlunday Oo. SSd, *t Steinberg’s
Gtand Open Hone, because of its
ideMt^ tor^ magnifieance in ton
E. J. Snyder, under vhoae ditcem Mr. Whiteside hn apu^ lot
y^ is eonfident'-that tha produc' tion trill excel all prerion presentaticas ol this poverfid play. There
win be fifty people on the lUpe, to
that toe audience viD not haw k
apiae the popolaec.


Mcn'i EmbbI Btok SlOOl StAO ami

At this leason of toe year may

some of the good thingswe

LQ SaaAiy afttrMn TtaHl i
vltobkanaUn laMak, VUUbb
Vatotey Vito toa taaaab af V.V.
XaUe. V. g HnniM vtto Utate
(Hate BiMte Vito toi teaaabaf
•ana Oto Vto toa tMa laMto
afONdliak Bt^ te la to* aaaiab.


' .............................................. 8.60

Our White Pile kd4 Sw*« Ei-

ureogth of bis darly manhood, hn
taken cn tour this aeuon aa eqnipoeril in the way of fccnery, coctoines,
and 'Tzopertiet*' thu are as oeailr
voRhy tlte vorits oi the gnat poet u

■arab that tba bate Baal
tteteaad tar Mt U to* lay. T ban
vnliaad tatoabaMmaf toa baad,
dmbrtM Han taan af tba bMa
vkiak toa bap* bad abtk

Late’ EnaioBl Caft tooca. $Uto SAW

prove total if not cared at ooce.

tot aU kinds of coughs, colda, tooo-

'to* atoteo a< Oatokai





albUltr efiai)
TU« atMaeoa aaatbn
vUto vn
m tiaatlteOr
barlapbnavna Ip
Hate Ite Oo'a teak.


toon tor pwtltoiw


From iu high thiooe the cUbk
draaui has (or yean been practi^y
dep]^ and toe lighter gmto of eatenuDmeol has prevailed.
hn been acaat eocoangeiBeDt. in *
■MteineB war. kir u actor (o devote
hte lite to toe clntict, and only aa
-kMlteni tolteia m aaao ted*.
tel vbo te an aniu (or ati't take
ne ooiy

tAk ;«ite ••• aateto aa. fteak w.
Mte toU vn ite fnaatetea te lb* hubeea xooaaoi
m HiMto «af daaiA Gaa
tote OtelalB QoBf* JabaMB however, there te raanifetted
of to* Onmai bad taaad Ik* body «f
toe enure country
VhU* toe
Man> aa lb* b*a*k. Otoar
a at to* into at lb* bote
to* boat bar* bad a ■aawvhte tlnlln nlpla
Whitetede, one eVtoe teithful, gratewn anttenadmi* toabi^vn*
Aa a aaam af taB. Mthiap nan fill that the advent of the new era
■yte* to teak la *hata Tb* beat
find* him itiU in the firte pofect

a. Oteaa an n III II
- -» mmmm mmr
tetete kvtelbMntotea
mr. «tetea«pBbtoaad
te likiilteilMtebakMte

Ihitgioe- Hioremoe"

liikaitorMtoltoa* awpal'apte

.. ..................
teMpteto* aapn tewapa. an.

;..................................... -........2.00
Walkers-Shoe* tor*pBotlcBcn

MooUi-W -M
Illy 7ototoMlltoa-. ■

An «iiihiA% fiaemodt ofCbMware at

Ofy Boi^Si



ia« owi^ T^VilBB HritALD. OCWMB^ 16.


Ml JUUV to 1W Bi^ Setool
» tewtUatoU USI. LMlh Ma..«to* topUMaf
^ PNtoMBM la • t«MW IMH M aa ar*
vaf to
: Ifto aa 0«Ma PalTiaHlli.i, tir
. Jato E. laaM, toMlf«<

VM aaar papato Mbta fear laM^
«B OM« Bapto. vklafe feaa baaa fear
taM'teaa«altoa <haaa«a
towtaf to hlcbttoatoitoa
m m feafvr aaapta laaUptap
to thM. aad lhay wlU raaalra
to (ocwr tor* atMlaad, and aip
iat feU ballaf tot toaa ad oar owa
nf-^l----- •----mh


larbaMl. attar wfetokfeawlU
* toaialettttaltrtotbawlato.


‘ ****‘**** *




a aMU top Tiallad aa oU


r B. Hoera. to arebltaot. b dnwiat piaaa to a feaadaoB
to A. W. Jaferaaa. to be
adtoaiof that of Alibntiia Fraak
iltoo. The baJldlac will ba of
—roloBlal aijb aod wUl aaal
Roao. Ur. Jahiaaa neaallr aold bb

od to raUfoad. to Dr. Loekbart
Ur Uo<n b aiao diawbw pbaa to
OBt dwallioc to Hn W. J. Ftefe, to ba aroctod i» bet ptopBi;, ea
«a« tka baat vUh oaa (oat wiaralr ir aerthtoni .-OBar of Saab tad
Ngitl U to tta^ Ua vai faU of BtdBaa arnaa. TbU vUI ba of
to aiBtU a ballai (MB aWtatoaur <-«leBla] airta and wllleoti tS.OOO.
«d hlB low. Tha «faa» ab
M fea had baaa Urtac vaU. a»
thr Twealbtb Cast air Qab will
OtlaaBaaaoa. Tbaia b Bid to ba aal Fndar aaaaUw biabad ot Thua«B ad baan la to rtotaltr aad to
oak. wltb Ubi Blohttaitoi an aftar tba raat of
■Tba (aataal Bllbw miaa 1' bare
IT aaocalBf of to llallaaa who
an aapterad aa to Uaa of to T. 0 .
U* M. atoaadttaaita tob balJaf BaraaBBdo «aa falllT of BOaloc
aalb of Jeaapb Ootolaa. aad Farb baU to amto. Ba trUl ba
totolir torpad vllh to mardar toV. ato to oaatoaaoa vlU
blr oeaei loniorTow. It b axI to bara to tofal at to aaaafas
a( to olrealt *coan to tool
aaasly ito vaak, aad to baaa to
r aU aloaad ap. If poaalbU. bj
to Uaa of to «to.
ramado'a hip wfeara ba vaa aboi
b paato aora ••/ah
tot ba will ba Bbla to ba toaad aU
MOfto8aiaonaBaM>aopia a

OoBsbt aod Ooldr. baaasaa It aSwa^
eato. In mj Ux jaar* of Bba b baa
(ailed. I bare known It to B*a
nra (roa Throat and Lonp dt»wbo eoold fat do help (ros
____ ncranrotortaaodr." Uoth-

H. UBda cnarantaa BtlUaettOB or
rafnad prloa. Trial boitlw 10 oB
tUcBlar biaa. kOc aad $1.

Ura- Wa. BaaBid twiaca to Bar-


"Wbra death aeebad rarr near
■nm a tmn iknaaoh aod llrar
iroobb. tot
cT^Dr.'Kto'i• SaVuita
Saw Ufa Pill*
mj Ufa and
and*Sara parfoot bBllh."

Um btoBuwhato lowatolp. aad
mmaif two aUaa Iran BaiMaa Baj.
Thar «o >«• toba to* aar bban (or

Out of town customen get prompt ser­
vice throQgh our
Malt Order System.


Dre$$ Goods
More dress (foods are sold here than in any store north o(
Grand Rapids. W hy? Because people'realize that they can
always hnd the best assortment of anywhere in the city--ei«ryihing fresh and the latest the market affords, and at price* that
are always consistent with quality.
Our line of H.\LF DOLL.AR dress goods is ccruinly
worthy of yofir attention. In it you will find Coverts, \'eoetians.
Granites. Cheviots. Sert;es. I nglish Suiting. Shepher Check and
Chalk Stripes. You will find the stock lust as complete in all
prices. New plaids lor children at Ii j S c.
of W’ool W'aists at
'. per cent less
IS than regular prices. (See
Uble, center aisle I

It has been a good many years since any gariTiwbr
such a p
B^e as the Monte Carla and no wondi
it is a handsome
........... - style
well whether it is plain
daborately trimmed. W’e have them in all the popular style
effects—invened pleats, umbrella fronts, box fronts and many
other styles, in all the desirable shades. .Also the Monte Carlo
Velour coat in Louis XIV’. style, fur and jet trimmed.
Suits from $if to $40. Children's coats atall prices. If
you intend to buy Furs, don't buy until you have a chance to see
ours. What vou (jet for your money is as
as the price
you pay



Gotten Goods

This small space scarcely
y Leg:ns to tell you about our
linens. People appreciate more: anil more the wearing quality
of the Milliken linens. We are
particular in buying to get
just such kinds os our long e.xpenlence has found to be the best

Iff you are particular as to the kind .tI linen ,you
}eigiaiin, German i
Irish, you will imd it in our stock. Those
that we are selli ng at 11
rsc and 85c are a su(>erior
quality of Irish Damask. Other
c fron
Napkins to match all
}ths. Dresser
Scarfs,i, Towell, (ringed and plaii . embroidery, buck and linens.

The November DeUae^ is here, also
SheMaad Patterns.
They are besL

We have the best brown cotton at hvc cents we ever sold,
full 36 in., nice fine quality, runs very smooth and even—5c yd.
Better goods in brown cottons at Oc. Tc. 'c. Bleached cottons,
all prices, from oc to loc. Lonsdale and Iferkley cambrics,
long doth and nightgown twills. loc to 14c.
Silkalioes for k»>mfortables. large variety of patterns aod
shades, some very pretty lapanese and Turkish patterns, loc.
I2‘7C and 15c a yard. .Also the large figured Robe Prints at 5c
and 7c yard.
W’hite Flannels in all wool, linen warp, silk warp.

Ca<H«s' C«ce Collars in a big oartoty ol sattoms and st|

Hr 7»c. $1.00,

Underwear and Gosierv
.All grades of ifeece liniKl and wool hose art now 00 tale.

mwriil. toach Mi. UcOonaail «
MM. Th« bold tot to batter
pB^ra pbaofeal fend, aod tot I


warm underwear you
pensive ’. W'e are doing our part by putting the price so low on
many lines that you save from one-fourth to one-third what
others ask for the same goods. Our stock is complete in every
verythmg fre
from the low priced cottou deeced up to the
fine soft lamb's wool. Children
~!hildren's combination suits tsc. Ladies'
cotton fleeee, fdur pieces for ux.
Ladies' wool ribbed. 60c:

"Keep the feet warm and head cool."

Extra good grades of

Children's fleeced hose. 15c snd 3sc.

Extra good grides of

Ladies' fleeced hose. 15c to 50c.
Children s wool hose, extra good quality, ribbed, regular
made, 35c. At this price you get something worth your mooey;
others up to 50c. Ladies' woo) hose, all grades, 35c to 75c pair.



tmMte amUptm is Om»m



means best
dressing at
least expense

for'sale by j. w. milliken

I Grand Traverse Region.



Ball Maara aad Qaerm Ba*^ »•■
sisad traai Ohlcafo ital Tbomtar.
Basrr Bailer U alck wltb a«ilat
Olao Bilrorof U.I* plae* aad MM
Late Ola* off Trarane
Trararae O
liad tea M of ibU
vlabei <dtba^B
ter* tba
Mr*. Baia md Hr. tad Mr*. «>■
Hr. aad Hn. Bnlaard ratanad laai
waaktren Tolada.
Hr. aod Bra. O. Leu BUrar W(
late aya waa as Sena rlalm

tba astertalanaeil »»•*“•

thrmbtsc' aaohlae ii aaat a*
Wa ted tte plaaaara of Uateatac to


Pieoaar day was otearred tera la
lb* H. K. ^tdi teat Frttey ataala*

^BHawai atetekea «ia,aoalal •

Pateitdm'i teal 1



IbeWoeltaKitebriBeithe best idem of ^
Ibe bat
is tbe world kimdi &
of woeacB 'of good ttste, evea tbougfa tbor
•mm me aodenie.
TbeWecdtexUtdAsdtforeverTdaiiiKthit ^
kdrdiswoiiMs’t tBkvii«--pBrewoolbbrks, CJ
WOTCO. dTBd sad c« by eaperti. and gann«B
cf srtidie liiia desgoed nd fissbed by attisB.
TimaiwctiwByleiof FaUandWinwsuitiare
aimumd bsa Ibae it a diaRuag y^riety >o the oSeriag of tula.
«m^ wi^seid tefsate tkifti In Woolte* deaps. G« the
Wdbitax book of mylm £»


.JOm BOm asA Bastes
tsdtmtes amrbftivUm


”* “ *■'” “*
Bra A. B. Bnltb aad IQai Gtaea
Patelpbar vara taXCarsna Ot|y teat
ateBra A. M. Baisatdare
tiga HNlr tttp to Toladeaad

r ft. OSTis

Psyae See** to Seetbport BatBHsrevmlas
b. Kanii mon to Oood Barter
Dr. Hlitaw Sat
Balter homt.
J. Valter* taa*
' hU r

-------- Bowl Hasp teas tea.
at rnyttem. bars satead to
____ptb ^ a^ bad saC^ Tbm
ClTS rtoasaateatlb mdm lU* to

aa oBa* ia lb* oM

Tte waatlm of dtowtol So. . ..
aalaaaa aomto Saatey aebool srak
nU te laid a OtaUkArilte. Baaday.
1 art enaei M la tte two yeatr tot. K. ItOA a 1 o-clort.
Darottoasl *erTice—J.a« Bedilavte Ml oar lows laai vsek
R»«. P. VbltB^ '

Bia ft. Btoteid aad her^iltei.
Oyda BdUwaU vttl tears tv
tanOaeUteaalaOU*. Ba
(»tU a psamaa la a aten ftaa
Br. Bteam of Hmrlatoa Ml SsaCtepmiar * »ator tera baas tok-

Tte two haaat taim teUi tor


5ear in IDind that our

Finest Men’s Suits sell at..........
Dress Pants..................................
Fine all wool Underwears.............
Mackinac Jackets and Sweaters

Mrs. J. H Aken. Prea

This IS a store where you may purchase Goods at {from the very
Cheapest way up to the very finest, but all at reasonable prices if you
consider quality.

a H-raoo enu ^ree by lb* bltbop

Blotebe*. Sana. Flmplee ney don't
B*eBBeklee-|Anle*SaJrr. It plori____ 11 CiBBM «PDl to Trarerre deiltefaea Bmama or Salt Ebenm
>t*h befor* it It OBrt* «an Upa.
'Olty OB Monday
ebllbUiu. InfaUible
I), y Hoxrie and Prot Ryaa drorr fm Pllpt hand*.
S> at Jaa Q Johnwm and
Travaraw Clay.Mloh.
HUa t-"i- Bolaa »1U lak* to the
Sortbport TBewlay prentop
P. a Mead-* disp etorea
naraks to RiobBOOd. '
i EaoBU N<<l*oa of Oilf* Pier loade
Mrs Oars Pteln. of Maatoo U nak«»‘l •>»"• «» Tneaday.tet.
r.BO. laSd. ana fkm- Mra A Soott of Detr
top h_____________
baeD rtalttoc ter broihar.
tly a Tltil of a few tteya
Of Ea*( Leland. left to
Tte MUeeeBolmee Ueniertalnl
Tei-eday aoniinc.
a yosiw lady triand from Bltopeley.
Jrae Deetvr
Bncil. lad., left
-r of Bnxil.
for hi* beiu< TBewUy.-Bflor .pendinp
rarieitee will be qaltr apod wbl a fas weeki a Leland
Tbomai L
Mbere wUI not be wortb i^top.
Hr. aad Hn Jaalaon ipesl Baaday Arbor remo.._
at tlM boa* of HU* Oeapn of Tibt Leland on*-Tb<ir*daT laet Tlie
•ts* Olty. where Mniaalion met aa plemaantly loeatsd iD'tbe " Bhawes
IS where )Ou gel the new «yle* ind (^te clo«e prtcet. We *r* ju« unloading xitoOier c«i load of Iron Betb—*« catirdr different iml
old (rtand that tte ted not *eea for Albion Laderle laft Pnday mm
for TrmTera Olty. when h« trl
twenty yean
wini TOii to see thetn w we wfll have, commenring WEl'NK.snAV. OCT. ICi. i
lend tbe Dockeray Railnea* oc
the oomtop winter
HU* Era Bb*i of Kortl.pon w
Mamn Tompkin* aad Jehn and By
Drew an pciap to attend tba FarrU town on SatBroay
including eten one 1>ese lew will give ix>8 a little idea of tour opportunrtt.
■obool IbU wtoler. It rpeafca waU for Mn. D. Bosae. wbe tan* been rulltop relatiew at A«aie. relanad borne
tte yoaap'Wte<a Friday
Mn. J. Rudd of Katbpvl wa* to
town Saterday
Mn a Kastoo--------------- -------Tam laird and wife frea a fewwiflk*’ rtolt wftb relatfree City callen oa Bamday
U Boya* FalU.
W. C KeleoB wpst to Nortbport
ber ooamn, Mn Httofoeth o^^^
Hta Etbel
baa. os itetW toy sxesnlen te Ohio ontey
Tni- Hlaee Era'Bau aad E
of Tninra Oity an tte pi
abool beaee.
of Z limibaw and family.
Tboa* pomp oa tb* eiesritaB tte Uba*. Paatni reinmed from a i
Utb ta PvUaae. lad. aad other itay
at Trarem Oity on Friday
olaae* eoath an B. E. Vheeloek. L.
This No <1141 Iroii.Bcvl Hands I Thii No. 871 Iron tied i
This No. 87U Iron Bed Hand* fi
Maye aad wUa. 0. F. Oardaeraad *B. K. Plekerd U to CharieruU'tliU
4 ft. li m. high, ha* heasT
! pretir and will nirelviuil one waiit- ■ ft. 0 in. hi^ ha* heavy po*ti^w*h
metfasr. Oterpe Oaipeatsr and wife. wet-k.
iron lidrt.J^I litushed with three ; ,ng...........v-j r_ i..i----------- >■----------------------- c.s.Ji... • . bcaced. bii brsa va«*. and teMs.
Fred Bordeanx and wife dfore te
. HUe Hartte Shorter of Sabto will
rv a ..
. _v----- ^
I bras* r**et» e«ch; hashesvyupie
rUil ber (Ute. Hn E. Tharp, a lew Korthpon Ibnraday.
roal* of tMTedenarael. either white, .cocoe* m a*aone<l colon and inv ! ifoo cida aod coda; limbed mtut ed in aaorted coion eoaiod; on
C. L. Dayton ws* a iJood Harbor
day* thl* weak.
green, (unit or blue; any wuith. 8 ft, 1 toe-, it.i* *o clotelv braced that it be *e« oo the Boor to be faDy ais. toreitb yon in any axe; thii tied
• r.
.1.. i:v_
. •
. r •!
Oari Taylor U worktop for Jtea He oaller on Satarday la*t.
, _____
ha* ali I tiiefa biaeea, aod oOp
Leri Pbeati and family of Oood
d'at$3.7.S. ■

D. Qreea ba* teen to rery poor Barber are ri*lttop C. Oankelow and
tealtb tor tb» pn*t few weeta
Hn. Ltoxle fteaer of Leeael Oer•d to her borne
r a falitafal i laaer-* labor to
Many prayer* po wiji onam )
(Itr cuiww *ari.
Wbat a Trm
ate to lUten te tbe
k bnt tbe teetlmotiy
. . .
retidenl* of Trarefae
i* C fu 4 in. ioog, 87 m. wide, ha* ameteen bcAvy tempered
Rebt. Pain* aad ees* am a ehort City it wortb yoor meet oantol at
tied apriap*. b covered in pood grade vdoar, teretal odon
laatloa. It U an «a*y matior toln
rlilt at tba bona of fate __spbwr.
retara eeetipate *nob proof a* tbU. Then
toidectframi tbe &*Bkc baO hardwood «kd teiepMcnrdy
tte erldenee moat te emclBailar.
(tsot niitod), b itoed between
-----------------------Read the fallowtoR:
Hr. Jamealiaaphray. of 501 Weteter
heavy canvaa (act burlap); cooebet is
HIM Vito Biwtopttoao. lb* torwar atreet.
boaa of tbe toll wa.ra at tb*
toaeber of ifaU MbooL wa* rUltlo* Oral
MB* of ber eld adieten of lItU ptooe or MX yean 1 ana ttOBbled with my
kidney* and baekneba or wbat I all a
oamb pain in ilir bart. wbieli '
Baheal will tucto tte la*i of tbU eerere resdared m« mUerabla. I
•oaib with Hlw Oten Frita of FtaaktBH a* teetiM.
^h*"u‘’uma M patofal at Ln.Wa hare had tame eery eetere troet* tbal I ©oeld hardly oontitrw at my
telaly. fcUliDp ererrtbtop.
work. ProcnrtopDaan aKldaeyPUU
Exactly like'oit, very preny golden oak frame, nicely caned,
tea an faaar eatttop eotni Uice at a dru (tore. I oaed them with tbe
heav) bolted leg*, ba* SO bea 13-inch tempered Meet (pring*
fm it to ripaa a* It U eery mat attetootorr reealla Tboopb 1
waited for
Ute tfate
ite tall ta aoBoanI of oold do sol ay poMlleely tbal tbe nmedy
lied with wire and rest on neel ban. canvaa lined, every button
ta paimaoeolLy It it a fart
lasleoed wnh washer to they never can come off; covered with
Tbsral Braeki tt Fiaafctert lia*
6 toned \ icton* \'elout; for a handsome xnd durable couch it
nad Doana- Sidney PtlU.
cao’l be beat.
xFaale by all dealen PrU.
omtA Foatar-HUtinrs Oo., Batolo.

S. Benda & Co.



lUhere tbe 6ood$ move Fast
Speoial Sala on Iron Bads


Cbis no. S03 Coucb'


Our Price only $4.75

Cl)i$ no. S8I3 Couch

after smrty a week'* atay bars aad

tfate TtotoUy.

aad t^ BO etbar.

X Osbn tba mIbBMtar Of Plan
fato bad tba am oat on tba read I
maM tow daya detap eema as


Our price now only $11.25

Our fttlilise of cooebe* wiD move at the tame low pice*
Leader of Low Prices c»

Otoasaoh Tanaat aaS
1 ebepptas ia Tterata
y. Alfyapanateedttaa


1 Btdmm Suites

To Close out Below

So one doubt* ibi* that has com­
pared our prsce* and good*. When
we grre them a solid oak 3-piece
Bedroom Suite lor $18 76, or x
solid oak Drener, exactly like cot
with French plate besd mirror,
open loilei. neatly carved, ha* two
large and two small drawn, lock oo
each, and niedy finbbed m golden
lor only $7.75


Or thb No. 1(W toUd Oaktlrcwer, sice golden finbh. large Frendi
plate l-indi bevel mirror, 2-tocb
poatt, mortised frame lor base;
wdl made, exactly like cm, only
$S 75. Commode* to matefa exatxiy, $4.00. Be<b to matefa are
6 ft. high. 1neaUj carved. S-inch

» GOST *


• fck2£J ^


vtih tea dvaUist
*Ha Oraahob hm tea saw boaat.
Baoir Bnofca aad vlli aat vltb a
teary tea at Batoak teat wsak.
tesa asd tsmUsia vara -da-.,
SvuTam ter^

Wa ate «ala aa» sow that a haak
will te aatotlteted to ftto«Bk.r to tba
tsar fatara. A party tieafladAsa
bw paulmif the tea freoi la ad tte
U ateoel lasmnytetteBk

B■ii'kte wte ^Uas nmteg

Oaat MaUa te rldCtef to Ch



TMw id ^idrtteR



K-'-lsr :il

Papar—Pred Barold.
Addraa-Ber. Uoobr
0««pnl naarfca
BiTcanN report.

S is5

twaan are taklsB sdraatofa of tte

Remember Ibat we Sell tfac Uery Best

-Mn. J. H. Aker

fTom !>«• aaosa tte
Blfb aobooL It 11
klla Um Uroi
udrr efar >
doecw-> eare.
' Mr. Halatead m able l<
town Saterday. i
**- I,

Ba. Oact OteafW i« tteUto* to Ds-

EA Hilda aad wtfa of barm
•tr waa allaa to tsvB tel wsak.

60c Gloves at.......................................3Sc
60c Gloves at........................................ 30c
60c Mittens-at..................................... 25e
26c Mittens at......................................15c
26c Gloves at.----'.................

J?/r tight Besttrs U Bmm
-A) different styles to seiecl from. Wt
hare them from $L85 up to tbe very beat.
Here show* one that u made in three
Hxe^ and we sold nearly 800 of -them bat
year. It hat polished tieel adcA i»ed
from lop to bottom, caM tron to|^ 18 inch
openii^ for wood, twiag cover, aafc ikaft.
Very.neai. For $4.60.
Nine diffeieni arytea nf ~
Beaten iom $7.75 ^ to tW
beat Miitoe 0Mfoser>w $1$M.
Cook Stores fanm $5J$np.
Thirty-two diSercst ewea W
aetcct 6o^
Tfab b tbe 8-11 Woator Cook
Stove trbb 17 iaefa oven. $4 qL

Steel R*BcnfreMM7.iOte>. Tte Hen i
Sled Range a a winawr. Hm v«a seen
tfaswJ jt of tbeiB have teen sold trow ewr
store Mnee Job. i. ifBO. and mda dissati*-

oven itel win mve j-ou aa p0 eeta of «u<ir
loeL evt wee of oar all Meal coofas
Niaa dttaant Wylm to Mtel from.
«artDg at ai}.:5-

SPECIAL Cut PRICES'on my EN•HRE line of FUR ROBES. These
robrn were bought at SPECIAL SALE
from the MANUFACTURER. Here is
a CHANCE to get a good ROBE for
PRlCEta a a a a a a a,a a

13 diffeteu (tylei and dte* of abb
make of beaten to idect'ftna.

.a tee asaertmaat of Kapp'i Cardinal
Red U-^ Tteae are mat pmoted or
Maioad..b« H* tte gewBtoe Kopp's cotend
gUn*. From U.*$ wp SeabMwtiia] Uap
that atiad* B i^ high, p toefc ronnd
gioba. Oiiisai bomar. ter on^ apAj.
A toga Ena of p^ amtosd gto*

tor BOV at rte fadieriea. ^
Tbiibitei iffiim niflilal tuiiiil ftsV Ilrilm TakcaSOio.
wand.hesryboaer,itOB w^ screw dnft^ tor
nidtel wiwrmt. Only$S.16.


Uwte KsteafT.



JOHN T. beadle:


Wholesale and Retail

r ...



- hMdadMiMilMnMkia UtMlMT
«(•■• riT ■■■!■ ' HatelM
h* b at (kte M«MMt raotru


IMtM UM th» fuiMinl taeMM to .
dlTMMUItofUd fM tto Mlirtlli f
f a M« etotto. Wm MMao-aiiM


Th9 Kind Yon Have
Always Booe^

THM. •. BMAGUt A Mk,


I, to Ml liHMUl «■ tteaA«■; *-«ktaMa

WMM< ■%,D*TB0^

<Pft }

__ j»«f»**trt**.
SavTart <M ll-l< —MMI»»r
- MMr »«*

Bears the
! T..ujjj^ »««.of U«-dT^..^. j'^SSSltxx„
! too .d ir^il n*. •<
I f. Iha
>< .U tW (•

] u> Im

£:• JL-Sr I■/"•i,- Jr-E.
.«« «• fTMt

• fnj- <<





C««.te*t None.
, o. a. Out ii-Tto




«k if •• Waan Ulmai. ^
wmm Xtei WMfeM iMklkf «•
III if -------- 1 ^ <01 WMMiMMMi

XiS£if^i“u,™.bo,d..,...... .....................................

lari'* <

did not taiow wbat it waa to he wfthoat a pain or an ache tmul I oaed pour
----------------'- - •• -


for Over
Thirty Years



* ax»np«teA from . Li e^ of the
t cdoalrT br women wbo have been cured, trained
HtnMMo com, uid por^aas
re liir root
«e 0*to»o«Bd aad ate

6oe cf Mmny Women Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's V^etable Compound,
^Kltbout Submitting to an Operation. Writee: —

IVMkifea*. U UfUMiMi
im1mk.thL u-Tm TImm—n
uto «Mi MflMBltr(MMttaWU


FwStoto Sifnarerr «r

^ Bmm kM M»lfew Iw a
Fk.. OM.
flNMMBflfAnwt D9«>>Fh
^ • iMtf *m*r.
•i M«
«M. A «HtMM •( 0*7« «M «M


ki.ction Netlcs*.
'•> <i~>dTr>''«'



Sairii5“tliM isr ixii.r

For Job Work of all Kinds QU at the Herald Oflice


TT.T.T-. OoalT.Miri.

A Oraduate Nuree, Convinoed W Cures, Endorses Lydia E. Pinkham’s
' Vcsetable CompOhnd. She Writes: —


Vaa pnuat—khiisteniietoUib Biekniavehad
medicine* In
K, n«fchMB*a VastoabU Compomitf with otWr roedicuie*
in cane*
___ ____ _______ . _ used oonrinoed me 1
Doctors oertainir diuM know tlie value o( L^dla-------------------- --- ^-------d llial you deserve UU aplcndid record you have made. —Voure very tmlv,
709 Betkubien Sl, E^^ii, Mieh.” <Graduate Nurse and President Detroit


Mtqy Pfayeidans Admit that no Medicine Known to the Profession Equals
EwPliikliain’s Compound for the Cure
Woman’s IIU,
and We are Permitted to Publish the Following: —



>BA>, ]fD,4Bdshaffiruk

. ..........

r,^^. # >urH£Y

ovarian U^Im. ^ “ toMinirjloro

Sdfewngth^ta^ Lydto JL
n aboold tot for

Buggy Sale


•pjeut. JCkh.. M IS -O— bnUMta ton. Mtoltol MMlatton , wan tni.



•tor aeetotin. 11
Mdiato. la (to
~ anniaeUv*

to tto nfgn:

tUi itoM an so loMRM
. __________ who an
ehanlm H ton fm

Never dries out.
Poliahr* stove
without toilitig the
Absolutely uo wwte.
No odor.
Don Bot rub off.[^

On account of mooing into
new quarters in tb* spring


I Will sell any Top Buggy- Surrey, or Road
Wagon we have at absolutely COST
PRICE to us. lithe prospects are that
you would buy a buggy of some kind within THREE YEARS, take advanuge of
this sale. You will have the use of the
buggy at least three years for aothlng.
When we say COST we mean it—i "
guarantee to prove to you.

^S^aaontofy haawiUtoa 4N MSms


g?.:jnsuss rsr.srs

Mlnr UalBc to amy otoaSt Soiiag

I Closing Out



9 It . was
ittot to
!*" ^hU»

To any person or persons purchasing
vehicle of us between now and Jan. ist, ]
1933, we will give their choice of any ve­
hicle we have if we cannot PROVE to ^
them absolutely that we sold to them at ,
the exact cost to ua

______ — ________ ____ __________________ Af«* tortaf toss U
*l‘t?2Sr.iin. — nr— - * *«" « yaar.a.a.-b-l-




. We will give to any person or persons who
are interested in baying a buggy and who
will come in and iMk at our stock an
ELEGANT PRESENT whether they buy
or not.




We have nothing hot the very beM grade
of buggies. VA'e give a written guarantee
with every one. We have .58 different
st)des of the latest paoem. bought in air
load lots at the very lowest cash proe.
See them, boy than, save money.






VsanM Satosrat




aiilliat to On. ■
______ bum. I
Watolacan Ool.t -UontutoBito
r Hltoi^ was ihiowB (mm Us


I sell dyruunite at reas>


onable pricss. Estimates
I experienced men fur­
nished at any time; Large
sioede of 40 and 90 per
cent dynamite. cat» and
fuse on hand at all timas.


traverse City
Itiiplemenf €0.







‘ Sen will. ■!■■■.■• mUI
“I will (aad bis artop
lad toa Barr-t to toe bopWeaat atetd Baa* Maped all wim. nd wm
awBj fcaabaate TsdabtoWaaCwM;
rtrr piMMt wlto itoMbwi
toutrefMaehll- Who aarw to bp MU dWarad.
Bat aarlp to toa mIm. m# t
m to totife.
diea. tnia tbr PM old brto ap. Bat
dap. to eatMtd aaaM- Hr fcrpt
Ato toM to Wrlf to M
toa «M vtaalp nioaea to r baarr
•atatoc U* bMd aadlooUM apta
Ito toA. rU Umt. to MMr vM.
to patoet erttr aad nU eaeard AHUM to Ut *V:
'Vtm ton to Arr tin rrMto« mb.
aaale. Vtoabadtlaaaaartbrtoil- ll^'erat'
irwM "Keak!"
dm all tat dan aa a tov.laa* beato Batbrtae
-Trvmitortoirrv; tofIrAtrtokr.
a ap> to tto dlttop taM. and taktof oC
tea Bto.
tvrr'r ctortor te Xirrr’r mm
ptee Md«to rad toapaBAlM AeU- ttoli toaee aad ctotolaca. caaced Tbc bop who alwape saan to Ae
ikpSae ooald Jeet
Mtnp bmard aa top. U Ibe
ttoa to twfm order aoaetdtoc to
< 9w>mhmmA
eee a ale of wUd coes sUtec rnp.
Te tor W «fto*t: to Mito rto vrr|>.
toe toleh. add aar VBl
etaa aader it. aob lUUe pair <d etoto- Vbo alwape keape toe Hcbl te rtow. Eoat Sew after toes and wat tooe
; .
M « M ta l«tf
Aad else to be a saa.
Her ArtpMl itaMht to rUTMT 1 top.
lace alrtac aarea iu own pair of
VMM, «•• it Mr fM.
Tr Mrto bbA ImA; to boto rto MB bafata aaitoc aad carerd with ema I tooaa Abe had toe cortoeitp u at- Baeb hope at Unaa wUI craw to be
I "Oh. deer Soak 1" BaeoarlM. aad
Brn iTBto brMvrA-re VTMB VM aad raM- Bap to Miecoed vlto aatoa (bra and foaad aot a bole to
The BM wbos beade wlU calda
laatbetu to ull bs soetas ebe wae
•ttVM ttr iIMt «f tto Mr. Mw
etoaaaaa If Utod. A eamber af adTbe fatara of ow tend; and we
•;wlplac tor tarn toes brt
diltoaal reetpee firea to tor ladlar
Sbali epeak toelr Mse with jclda "'PoseUKoak'
Her MiArM bU-bM tottok my,

All boeor to ibe her wte to
: Bat now. wbai do pM totek liapBU toBMlr toto rbMA rBd rVp
Brfo Jellp—Veto ear aapfal efr
A mao at bnn. 1 sp;
peaad! The rerp oeit eeraso WBe
Sr Mac tarirt «pMttriMd«rw 'Tnv ton to life dll rrttlB« rBB.
BNCo. piror to r doable bailer, add om
Wboee tecoad m bto ebiald to toto.
'wm alBtec bp tor window, at-ro
ptol of water aad one MaeadeaCal of Beat It bu( a Imie ba« boldiac eboe "Hlcht alwape wlei tbe dap."
r'KMk' SMk'" aod erer w mur
ealt Ulaeck oar bow; tore rtir to bationa ttremc IlaeO toned and ooartr
'•s."KMkt'" Mended .-loee br.
ShM MM *• 4r teMi>
toa oaee. ell rradp to replroe
ear aapfal of ea«ar and a iMepoeafal
, Efflr IBS to toe dos. Yee. there I e
“A pUae," MlA b Arrlrr.MBwkrlMrkrlgM,
oase. toa drs Old kook; ud wbei
Sto MM VM>M Miter M*m «M wraA better itMAlat AlnMlf m toe
a wrttod sold. Vbea oold
do PM ttlnk *
ArMBBdtorceMriBptr tonltord.
aad Arm. tan mi aad oat to dioae,
Anotbs leretp kook: two kookt
Wm mm w ArMferiflhMTAk. ttMitviU nradlBC or r <an>r< to 1 Aerre wlto tola eoriard or e trait
wee. foar. Are kooki pea. a whole, lVra.MCnMtBvaKaUaMtBtMatiMta(tatea
iMto rlrbortolely fribItorA, heTtoa
Tbit nap be rarted bp addlac
[deiM of Ibe hendaeae crap kMka'
d Chraato IHmsIi d tea Xltevh
oee aapfal of btoacbod. obopprdal: The Aral book Irll qoll.- at hoojr.
-----------------and ebowed bit frinoda ell ebMt Ihr
___ ___
■•BIVICIVM r ptoDO viu Arerlop.or merndt wbra tor sco U pat oo to.
eook ; ar add two dlrUloee af eboeo-:
Uew~>.r. eme.
rrrv to derrlep. r flrv to
jord. But Or wooid o«.peek| DoBntecetroeicbioM>».nL.'tbe'loltowM vM wtQ «mikr itfbt
to hU old eoBimdaa. tbr Brown jieeee. | te| lelSri
rote, vbtob rrsrr w here r tmttto, or Uto. Bieltod orrt bot nler. )ut be-: B'.rpoae koowe tori toe deror of
lerrreBrrtocftom toe ewre. A Mp-;‘'noa wlto eacat^u delicbtfel with
.# JMtMr MbMi trcMtlhM
He had SOI a broken !•« ibU Use. ; -Fmrrmn!
ftaito. er Brplrrrm bmn to it
fal Of ceedad rautot. or etonad dalec . ■»>' mddlo oakat. aod (hie feel sap
Mkr «Mlt wt^ MgkIPM as And there be wot. wltn bli
----r rroBA. vbkeb i
be atlllMd If toe epnp fac u foaad
-re aleo exealleaL
aooble fnenaa. all baodMmrlp
SMr fmMter tMMMteM. rr«r Am toe ptoBo. mer. to nrllv.
seal ilsee. A obaapi
Per toa nvlt eaaoa. saati oae ptoi
rd. Oeeee ere Joel mt vxtnu
rrtor froa eooM reBree qalM eetolAf
' ^ VMk IrCtrlfet ved4.
afvliif sa (O Uy it f tisir
of eirawberriw. iwpbarrfre ar peaob- eod delMioot home medeortlele mop j
VfeM mm» fM •> to Mr teat
nepo d toe
I IweIre «it.| kMkt ■trotted
“Aaf liTTB BoM. «b*a etrerk, pro ee toroafb a clreo, add ibe >olee of be Bade IB a few BOsrBle ibee. I
Boll locnber Mill allcbllp thlok half.
tsnow wdlMmmromgam
abonl oe prood aa oMld be. Thep
Arrre b rertoto arabrr to rlbnetoe. -a oraape aad half a caidal of
- •
.ABM IM tea 1
fAim tor«mM tMlAr. m4 M
Stir aatll toe eofar It dlsolred. k pint of croBiilatod rackr wttb Qarr-1
resoloed lIi winter ud See "mr.
to tor teersd. tkerr muj br to to*
raattec tee aempa d aaros Dm tea
toep bod te tbeir nrm coaec- | alm-e. ! T. H. Marm.
reoto MM ObAtot tort tola Mrel
blood. Poraaa atteralatm toa kliteyk
;«HHto atotoAlkrMtMfMMrprri erapator with rear paittoeUr aet» few etaetoa fralte map br bcoped oo edd'k tableepOMfol of better. tb<———
Mr. John Taneo, of Hartford Clip,
mto tros toe blood toe omsw'
^ tertotor'rAtoi
i-eai Kta Teapw.
Iod,sp»l *VpkidbeptRmbleieBMb
•aA that vllt br ret to mociOB bp It
CPOlMa,udtbMprar*DatoeaaBthe )Blee of e lerpr
Aa BocHUi
Bocliy- iparrow,
tporrow, mom
M o aaorcb fs better. I bare iDprared te
Prail Sece Paddtoc-Cook
AM to U MMi^torAtoMc. irl^ «bea tMt BOM >1 rrmdrA.
rntottea white so seo te follow UAha
o bo^e. lltrbted. te toe c
of 1 ererybudp waate to know o
'-Tbt ewber to • Are pUBO reat u -bird Mpfel of waabad eapo to Me mt Ibe betirr dmIu. etlr well aad
ratL DEtTJH Ae«0 M
A little tiink e
srelk. opM tbe estoe ol
of Brapa , 'tor.1
r«M ~^• >ytertoy.ito aroar Aajr to rap toal toere nr raae- qaart of sltt, addiac half a M|dal eerre.
IMtiro epatos. beto o( orUte
PronkllB. wblob craert
craoet toe blc
tbtoc «tew abort a eerato mm to at ilMil tatotoeand eoe foahb Mprrlobcl* at Pork row'* iooollM with to oae It. The (olka all tap toal It Dr. toU raiBdlp te tola dtaaau
M toivaairt ar toai tba* bom km cal aaob of warhrd eanmata aad tllerd Are to elebt Bteieee. and nsored
Bartmuh medleteaenne s* U matt ba
uaoozM eatarrh S-toaHMipa
ifaMao *lrrax
ilrea. WboB too eace It Soaked add
giaaX.’’—foba Vaue.
The metal Pranklio. aa ererpbodp
irtOBBArdlkBea hair a taoepooefal of crated aacsrcMr. /. Brake. o/Pacratoa. Ombt*.
knowt. (potto a Ue wlc. white ewelli
•er-fearth iMBpoeefal of sit. e
'*Thr pMMT M rlMkM
If poo do not ditero praalpt ami aab
Te Mahe.aeee br tVaehlec Btoei
Mt orer Ibe ean: and te toe
taarpoMtal etoarsoa.MU a rapfal
Share Are pMBdi of rood white (tm erery m*.
qaenl eretis toe bomeles tparrow
•Bfax and two U«Mo e«c*- Tan toftotoBtriMi
> to Dr. BartsaB. ffMBt *
tMp and pel Into ■ eaeoepu with two Todap we fire tbe ator? of Krrol taeeiro be bed dieoorerod an ideal
Btom. »kr M lM«A
It of poBT eaat BBd be wB
qoarte of belltec waiar. Keep on tbi Koeh of Orown which poo will oU plao* fs a ne*l.
epiaaatd to giro re* Ala MiMhtobd*
Aod Torp lalemUDC- It to col
Be prooaaded to uparlnwoL Dart- wm a waff msbM.........................
or aM tor poikt of toe ms> Are BOUl toe tMp to disolred—eUr- be rarp plssnl to road oil
nlkeAHOaad torn
M orer alM. "—wL a
rtec eoaetaailp Add fow ooBoee of
«inHr«tator7M.MdfrM 7M
ttstoa. fs too next few wmU. oad 1 tlnp bit of rag. aad aborod It into tot
PBtalBt B«M toa
to a rttS troto; add half a eap•M fftot 7M air oMl
hope PM WlU oil enJOT X M moob mt
opratec hetwen Mr. ProBklte'a wig ■A kkteep troabto, Parana ■
MM, ae tort note *i
fal of tacat^ Vbea the paddiap U fs eee. Bers aee browo Map whi 1 •boll
MlwMtt-vtto BM: Br
and laft aarlMlar.
dowe cprwd ^errrlbe top. retsn nehtec woolen coedi.—Imdiee Home
Tbe IOC failed te ealcb OB
aeeal ersi 1
naooto Bietal. aod tllpped Mt
I to ODT to ibr^lM ftrbre tbr paddlDC Mid.
C%TO nr a rootter ud two beat.
WM steed bp tot mUe hose ballder.
Saco aad Ooeoant Paddloc-Waab
AeUchitel slad to made of diced momsB aleo co** Be tlirae beat
and aborod wop hate acala. Sersol
Mart to tke plrao WBealaori
kit of
pteeappte and oelarp. nlacled te I bacon to keep acecxuit of Um oeet of
Eacltob (panowt fotooiod
ar to Jblt, toe eorst owe qarrt of sUk, rddtoc
eqael jarta. Draw toe slxtare Itber- Ibe feed toep ole. Soon ofur tbto oreobd toe ctatata’a obMldata. and
M pUlBlp to rotor tnm falar trlt Wbre dM add Ibe'baat- allp wlto a sapMitolae. (o wbieh
tor ptMO tirru. Bat arlM. M ap M pelfct of Una boa ear Mpfal of whipped eroau baa bees added. 1 beocbl nil tbe ehickoni |mpa bad end b««aa to cap toe drat.
arfaed to pap fs toes wlto test.
Ha paid no aiientlon to toes, apd
ftpitot toa MorA BBdatoa^Ddr- eacar aad three taUrapoobfale of ee Sprinkle Orta Ibe eated klleae of sited
tlieee ebtoAni 1 Mid Main bp aaiaal soul dnccod toa obatteato
U« r*4 1 arrato tbr Beta, tor me
It fxrtrd. Pew toto a baimd almeade abd paeana
rag bate into tbe sartor Aflate llsaa
paddlDc dlrh. aad bake iweatp stoTba ttasid tort It laft bto baab it
M tkai glefar laamklr, arA
Bmi toe wbiteref toe oeve to Parfasa to now roiod a leadlotee.
alld Ml agate. Baddenlp toe Msps
ear tkaaoM m tot ptoar.
to eoaet of Tlotet nlw betec partlo
I iSTt raleed a nioe Book and did
I to »
toa Bate-tBSerteC rparraw txplod.
nrumrvMeltar rad attMabd
toe paddlBC- alarlp eeothtec to toe nerrea
not tear tMl a rerp few,—not
M to tolto. » totoMM tor
ad. Be sUad teto hit WraMBton
tprtekto with two teblMpetstele of
than a daaao ilnp Mea I wat to with toa ansgr of a epaloaa. ud In
r to
tor vMA’i Am
Br pee are tor aeB«^ r jAmm Ctetrd eoaaaaat aad bten la a aeel
Qates vrapto food to eel os fritleplTanlafs two stttect of e**t ibrae steuaa toa antira
aap far car tolag Arpead oapoe la fM. Aarra topeolA
tore s peBskte ktaka a rrpsp of
did net cat oar otalekon. That whipped soft bMattfaUp
aaimbAlafiiMA vbrt arpreaa to Aacal Ortas—Pa« ear pint of tweet tome poBBdi of eecar and a pint of
■ne of mp bad look. 1 A
C lit raffled ftetoera.
to r AtoM la a plaao aaap to la nal- Bilk te a deabto bedler. aad ball a
bOQCbi a white rock ben eod w
toe rlalis sawd bUaaalf ons Hr.
■ aeMbBtablr to raartolaf
oaptBl aaeh of Hfw aad aico; eook
I boo<bl ber 1 Mlp roll
Pranklte'i ancaat bted. ud slslp
aatU see to etoer. Add baatee
'AbA that it algto bmUp to tort
whf(aia(twoaSKiaBd atebtorpooeUnm eampbs ebMU be placed wlto that c«ed aseacb- Think aU tbtaa
ialefraallte Pewtatoasold, aad
BIO pallaM bot two. 1 expert to htTo
rd to to AreUBiM. or to to Ararlap- whM tap raid tei» eat aad aurra with be BOW Ulrerware aad It wiU DM obMt Aftpbene and polles Vbaa
iM <BBla.mA larppaiMckBBa* MM. Braid oar aed oba-haU oap- laistob ae loaf aa the aam{*s cas to
to toe Ani of Jaaoarp acate 1 iihaU
. Bllrar ebeold mts be wi
' teSSv vmST^ Am MtoSto
iTltOBMMt. rrle (ato suit, tUr tele it toa bMMpelki
toe dtetef toes. Dtak ease
mtaade ae toto will rlre a wbile Mil taaU af tors to papa and be aad I
MM.raA war to a( two acre aad Cn
WlU bapartnara Tlien I'wlU
nine te (ram tea klielWB. and
•mUV M Brad at rrrr i M «eaU hapTtea tbtofc Ucas
bold of bs dns'wito bto taeto aad
pUr to Afiewwid vtoarrMtortoTaMe oilelwb seks a spltal
atand In mp bnitecs
pnUed with aU bto sight
fs Meel booka It to eapaeteUp naa- One 1ltUa ohiekea hatebad wlto one toeBcht ba WM at ptop. aad paUAaee BpoDca-Oaok sfe. sitt aad flB te tbe laicatasilp wore eobool ptrfeel lec aad toe elber eaded al tbe
M ebook hlB off. Bat be toot
■CMM abera, wbM root add halta
> ai waU aeetetbekare"!
bold agate, aad poUad wlto aU bit
plat of whipped SMS. Kate Md
kwaa." Paptr, alltate aad M oe
mifbi toward Ibe fclleban. Tbe
mm la a babp’a rsllr ws
- wlto a bwlt Mara s ebeMtos
eat. bet eUdoto will s
It I Isre Mid IWMtp p
toe areold aot c« with ^Is. be tu
Km pbm U ItonettMi Usara?
tbe book.
roaeleta Mamsa helpa Be
bate, bad toe aagt sesant the eook
aialA tot habp^ Mila to fbU withwlto sp aoooBbta I bare mp two beard a groM ulat. aad wbw tba
eataUrp. dto
Cs uaetlp oppoaila awlboda ts Uttto baatom hau toal want wlto at raaobad toa Ulcban dos ebe sw two
Did pea arw oowal ap haw »—<•*- to
TbrAkLeato OhaMtototoUanUlar.
toBortec food (res hot cad oold trsn Mloblcan to Oaoacto and kaok.
toattea paw wbM tbM naU Iske
m toa sbla palUag tot ^efa VboB-tea sold OMSter lea I faas I as sol a rarp food tterp rtaak Ml
of tbe wtedow behind U.
‘•b tsatonUa a babjcld wm ptap- BM folat oa I te (TM aaoklac stm,;
I. wrap a oloto abMt ti o
writs aod totek se Msp too loec Uttto Dtofc, with hie {mKT red bow
teatoad of batef elarlAad aad aaad fs, (MB hot wMs: wbaa It eento
^ m Ito MV toto M «M Vito vtot taAvttk antA^ b r
Erral Ko
oeefcteB, ar at toatl wtM for Mpi
oe hU DM*. WM op OB toe SMe Me.
fe^.aipM to «rvHk m4 toto rtov Ms ‘sMkttau'Bbd kto
bto elawi aad teolh eo oMayead wllfa
aU af «s pMtwn were________ tel, to Iteen awv; aosp of
told WMW.
Che TwelM niitiimi Keata
toe telerteg MS that tbap wen glad
teAAaMp tor tat lanbtd, tad tor daU aod boMo «r seat « pealtop.
. Basse!" Ofiad EBle Brawn,
up tot eteak aad ton, eru b
laUAtMa wtoATW to tor I.MPM1 toran Mt iBteeadef bteM teada tela te pow (aU boom dtantec cat tarWM tor «p (CM toa par- BMd oeBp. OeU petataae are toft to anl pos of wUte paipt s ensai if "doaeetolalarelpbirdl"
TTm to tbe wMtos teat Ukea Che •teaitffl-aet ef a sm,
KoBkl" asaased tot btri. aa
aawraadMoU; rteiBwaadsaM art poo wtob to sake old foralMra toot
Bsa Brows laekad obI d toe dos.
"Bmp sm to toaMAWMMkto left MaadiactetiBiapptoadaMpts
A white raos fs a poiiBc ftoi
Be spi Die Base to Eenk!" teoat- When two Wapa
. to tor vrrii, vtotor (rat, aad * deaM kaadr olMtoad toa waat of aarttec rear: IhatoaaaaatoMateaA at rerp Unit ax]M
eltos tend:
•ar aad aatea tot are la(i epM fw tlia tea M ^ wUM eoasal s istet oa ed BOo. laachtec. "Be oasa ri«hl
eitMca aad adar w aaeapa: aaap to toratwra d wtaotarar ac« s eols.
down ftas toe tkp. "
toft M dlsalra te waate waM
"Tea. be to a wild r>os." rapUad
to tbe deared aiticto. We here known nm*lowB jiinnii to aaib U
Vbea aaanlac losaies talwapepol
Ibrato toaeak tUlapoUpound* in OBO week OB k li nskee yos «Bl bans. Stop beBg, cad
veto are wad ter dtob ep aoBO te ihto wap (s ooop: Vaob
(ed beets aD ciBoad. If poo
MMad vtoh tba ps^M A
atotee. atpfctea (ar dtob teweto, aad aad Mt ooi aU Naek cpoia ew* antU Ba WM dark «np. aad bad a blaab
beetle, come back and get jobt SMcp.
to tetor aw MAltotoAttohtolii
tonla for baidart; teoisi aed sen toads aad pat tbreach a (roll «ste- Mtlpa ors bto taek Bt wm UspLtege mat bo^ SKS^ fat oae seoth'b ttMtscBt. ILOa
''S»-«to teMtoi to MTk rtowT. M aad sr** to tot f Unto srtow’bar BIO wotaad toft Mtadtet eat afebape s, wblob radaes it te a kne palp tree tec M If ba bad a brakM lacBbptbf.
aaal to watead bp aet toatolM el eras aaedi stfctea BrtecteabeU Tba Brawa tasUp faas Mood abMi
"Tbr iwvrtd tnria Mrito. aad hrbp draft WbM toa eta to boi te as. aad aad eaa aa mawl Ttato sakae a Baa iBd bobbed IhtlrbtadeaadMiMBt
Mltoi M wwto Msaat aap prtaa Uffato era toft bamlM: tte Atofaw are reap aad arolda atralatep tbe Map toa aaw coos. Ceafc wm saeb tolB^MAVEMEE orrv. MIOM.
aet propwtp atoanad ate drtoA. aad WbM It la Bade, white to ra lias If s aad Ins than toep..
mraatobkor." ^
toft to ww^ telM paa teppae to ba te a bairp.
Bat tear sMAa «p teatr siaAa to bt




R- iwssrtrssnrss:





Handsomest Lots in
Plat. Inquireof






.r-***“^ ^**“
'toMkMAto tor___ __________
• IHto Mito wtoirtoNrrvrAtoM
‘ M. «to UMr
AhMto* toM WTM «M rMk • prav
MM. Mr to tor Utotortoto W
MtorvTMi'r rtototerMMlrVM
«»to tortoHi vftoMtotortMtoM
tol^toterAtoU«M.rMk r|MV




^MT-aMrrlMrtotol Drtorto

totetoM toMtoi irtotMil to

phatob at tot MB of fonp-Awarawtota to to eBamal. Aba elatsa to
* kisa. eWeerto aad asto bar ralp rcMitle. wUeb toahar'
a ooald be setil bp the riaak
aaad (or twMV-rtcfat peat* Bhr BlAArUpteaiptektorw
.................. re toft to
brrpr te hw srdkdar aban eapi
bp tbr IsklMrreS
aad seal for the waW a( araabrtea.wktob Mp aaad
. to tea addUhs of wm sit.
Toa ooald twababtp Aad ttsi Ms aas
stood lax-

aw toMM. tor VAtoto iMMtor
rrlTM. taUrwM


We Uad Ills War

To bafts thi^ ia vocsica aad lows pciM far i
1/raocraMgeBiivtheaatsfaetiaBrMdMtoe s t

ar(G do sen ttSB half tot wsk (s rao. R eeflM Mid wttw: dde
csqter to Pm baaiAapsi a a

a toe aAaes era aet

toatM toal WteMMattoM
•m. |WM»Sir.. rapaar.
■wna a( Ufa town te Ur asaM bM aat
a Uttte te Aa with »M MaaAp tea
hMite ______________


a to toe aid wop-l A

1b (aanb bicht aba takaa a rtoaplr

.MAtortoMtorUL^tei MMrtor
AtotoMlMAtotor mkm toArr. «M.

SW torMtoUlrrtoto.itelMto
fto IM Am M tortototoMim


Sks 7

rstiMlp at baMB. tea Mrial
Artadteteato emssst, and kbra
iBMsd wf asa(aUr petewteas to

p to tea Unto toM white
H. OM bM AM^apIrrbtoaMJi
ottoMB XtorptelM la to bM bM
•pecteUp Astfird bp the wttolaad
.................... a bappp a aas la bto lar.

Iwriblite a( aary(alw(Maw- A
a tor latelM BM taaAw alto teMMbtir baaM m abd arok war Beat VUkM wwaid MM aavaok Is
bat water aattl tot amp totofcaae a shaM tepc tev'wora ia a |InI»
AAA a AbMatec td Iterate mA m






Entarpffse M


Pita* d liofcu ftoBM

iiiiirnf toaUbimUty


B W«*t
Mcta to to balll M Fifty-Msto dmt.
(Tatay. Obia. bAm m ah Bn d )
- Tb* oilqB* tMXv* d to* biadtag ' toey an to a*MM a glm ptoM *M
Q»Mgt Aim VM glMBd by
• VlU to • ata*-Kvy mwm Tbw play earda TVa* faartoaa beaBa mb
- tortrr erlll eooaui ■*Teo lloore vUeb riiaile oblUad while tb* WotbUi d
day, Tk* act^ ambM d paid ad^ anUard fv gmrral adBtala-^ <B* to aaia to do Im to* U. 1km
> ta aChbvgobBapiBi Oa*
BlB^ VM tD,«T. Tb* loBl lo-iBMiT. *Bd nligloM VMk. to* ivo|tadw. bam atoo agmd bbom to*B- itad e*d to* Weal Ualfy paopK were
^1*“’ I top door*
door, betag Bt
.et aalda
aald. for a l«Ury
toUry ealm to ie a torn oamiU d qatat
tool Uxir relatim vm Ibe
ITbe tovM trill to iroTldai
Mottor vt-ei le Obieagn.
idameravamd by m Bat* l>
ItoiWM VlU 1*1 (beta t
•lemur artie* *ad vUl 1
bU brotoer eaemlfMeal fa
diAtoO. Tbeoetapu
date ta *TMy iMpae*- Tb* e dthefgiri go 001 oa M*M*y oftamooo *M
too fair 1* S4.«0. To this
dta* with to* Jem Oa Twntoy
o*v ebarob vUI to fUo.fML
addad i(.fao ta HBBlal peMli
arm- j aftoraoeo theie vtU to m aietle tolU
qeirad by tto earn at to* BB*
tUllag(ve!ta tor baaM of J«m vWie he aad folk, vh* imMW •» "«
rtoUM VM giMMd- Tku lb*
oj toe Bmru
ta Ala
• vttballdMmpact A laBllT
vlU to s lOB d alBOB «sar(ly Ban. foraerly a enrepaptr voaaa. Wobm viU besofc toalr
teeatoo twik tb* ptae* d tb* ♦
PE.00a Tb* iBOcUUM to« • •arptas DOW a Bad Or« *ai*. at Keaa Cllr, ball man (bbUm* vtU ake tm topil.000 left er«r bm la« paar *ad hM talltao tou tc< • terma* vbleb nsber oa Saoday.
Al PblUitolpbia.
will hare flO.Onu to bMta vilb IselidM >» aOM d MaduEataM- Joeepb Badlm d BobokM.N J..
. BBld to*
ml year.
ka routy. Mieh. cte 8*^ It Prad ' nou a dlToto* ftoB bt* wife temaa
d toe Ladle*' Ualoe. Hardy vm banged fer lb* kUliog d | ah* U 'a aatta** deed " Mra. Hod. boatleand sootMloo
d Asa AibM. Mb. J K. Biagtaan, Oou and Rtobard SolUme. f-llow laoa. who t* yoang and qaiu goad dri-ni'' of «»• Pt.H»W|ibia troop,
wife d a BstaMlMr ptdeBot. ad- pnxpeetet* tiOB Montaaa. IBriag . leektag. cootMtod to* adln** haWt
raaeed to* Ittaa d iratlM «P to* bU lOMromUon Km Han ytatlbd , nro yaare ago aad new go** to to* K. Aaeswoo. d To. A. Sittl. w
^mm «e<i 00 lb* ebildrM'i ptay- Hardy aad vm ktad ta him. Ue toe ; Ibeaur im or us tlBes . a weak. amt. vMBarrtodteUia. Hel*o ^asgKMBd* laiTOMdtag to* lebeoli aod Bight bcfece to* haagtag Hardy mtjehtady to yaaMrlUcibovs Bar baafor bay aod told b«r k
doM on a««** bM d vdttoipbt* •oU I*gai*« asd the vtll vb >‘lMa Battan tdal. bat piatatlrrly
opanrd cooTryv! ta Ivr b*ud.-i I >! ekalBi that b* dm oot get a good
ehUdno Bore tordr
•ad b*r Idea rreelrad eenslMrabl* ta HtaUtgao. I.:--. aerM-'l
toriititog by hit Aiedd* d toravood Lone. Hooking oeenty. Oblo.
] eelred v an tamta d a peoal toitita ,
fir Soionadii, tb* ouiodlM dM jtlen. ba* arrimd at to* Indiana {otaea '
Hr ooanly
While tb* vbel* eoaotry ii agog oru iiloetliM el Ato«es,aaaoum (by dia.
toa hard oml •mb*, aud tbouMdi eoTyry near Cherooea l)>r plaer vbar*
aoeorduigie Pletaiel.lbeKaoadoataM ta Wbli* oouty and the .-rltne
of fBBiUa* voMartag vlierr tb*
bortad t
(b* delmi d
IMI b* Blgbt
ottl* d ml li oOBtag troB.
ilans and Tbeban* by Plilllp
tlsBu of Bead* oomit iIu braeed
Karvdon. D8 B C.. o( a nuaher d
ap ea a pdl* of eliiok*. tlx idetare of
ll'i a great thtag 10 (>. ■kelriDD* in a good etai* of pnvermtoesla uooDly al any tlse lion Along ltd* on* el tb* skelauoe
lay a Mriaa. or plk*. earned by (lie
I Uootfoal Mayor Oeabtaue bM
*>peotaUy donag
Uaeedooian plutlaur
ilTod a letter from U J Pavel A
oeal etribe -riankfort Pairtoi.
ta Kev York then vm a toab u Oo., brakers d to* eity, plactag at fat*
•dllaUy npererd toa* daring
toa ibb d gl(n.0Q0 for to*
off Marqaun* Tbaraday. pay alT laie* eo to* Arat .lay d eolleoUao. vbiofa hmk* to* nword la Uw rduf of potolble distrm in Heatr«al
vbM toe Mg slMBW O
ameoat d inon*y |B)d aod In tot da* to to* fn*l laBln*. PnelporetiMonmbar of pererv* ta Itar. Tb* ««tl- »d Vito tots Booey it to be Mid at
aatod totol ruMlpl* lor toe day rMofaMd pacam ■nabta to pay vlU
took, and VM ftiB tvlsaad.
r* ti fr*a. aad *0*1 biiog ekargaod Saally a aeotm 10 fret long vm *d to.BD.oni. Tb* largafi sl^
Myoual reyddu vm troa to* Vanjatau tbt fand. Tb* lallwv*
blovB avay. falling cliev d (be
oerbllM and Krv York OestmL Thta lUrtagtbv* toy* latlBatotl tbdr
The bM*y itoe ibeeltaf
____ I to* «took vM Bade m
eaoe ta tlir Urv of one cimk feriraadi
ee-op*mto to bring cord
etmtgfal throegh m if vlto a ti
b* elty to rellem lb*
•SOO.OOI 1a^ AMor .Mato paid taivoot!
to Ibe toortogadeoal.
Up* bam been ubai toted
• Alto* BooMTall't aitraellTa
gevB for to* OQstag *M*eo U
betag Bide ta W«*htagtoo tnm
^ «“• Wll vHn. BeetoTeiri veddtag gevu. to leaom • art d falB toetb vbleb H j
On Wednesday. Oct. 15.1 willhaveacar>
it* Bile goyre c'xeltod VM toppoaa.1 ta* bad .vaUev*d vbU* [ffT!* ** Wrt.
Mierp An •X'W aoohin*
load of fine farm and draft horses from
d aiim
m*aM? '
i. M a lltUo obild. It vm. toovn j on Baettnv, vbleb to. MtgvB. <Uipdiana. which will be exhibited at Brod>
ber by ber ita^otoar. and Kn. I ol*r*d tbovrd u* i*rlb to b* ta tb*
1 a eamta aarebMl far (Mda
- «a«« Aliee oeoopbagn*. Jau as tbs Isttet bad
hafferi’s Livery barns on State street.
Ixeo opsaed im i-oUre leaglb a rela­
abonid bam eto* (gown tor b*r
these before making a purchase.
va aad tImvtoaU. m ba md* a
vhM abe gnv ap Wbae Kri. Rom. tive of Baetiaer't raM.-d Into toe
Mitm BeaSarndtogfraliOto
arail vu. here a few daya ago Uto bivrattag room vltb toe alsetag
gona VM ml to > natolMtoo Bod- toeto vbleb bad Ivea foaad ta BaeMtato. and later tttod o[ae toe aleader
WbMtslalM^Bgmta vUI. Bnattu-'t va* mSrriSK ftom a aerere
toiimiaeegimobrt by b« Bother case d aeate laryaglU*^ Tbi palo ta
it vflt be one d
gDvu ta WMbtagM am vtator.
aaaaad Bamlf for aoaa Ulne
ba* bm working a* a b
Btoe soar Baua. Hoal. It bu Jut
lataad that ba b ta roaUty
▼aUMBT Do BaaaeS. a aplMdidly odoaatod RaBtan nobleBan.
who. baring taal a gnat d«al d
AlaafcaBinaa. Ua*
tr toM aak hi* art*
idaMreafwbalp BbboS to a aintig
baltarw ta doBovMto prloei^ea Md
that RnaKa vlU bafore long
1 you boned good
mpablto. Tbaoeantbor*
• feat tall and ptipertltaaBly baUt.
lave you moor) on Fimiturr Md Stove*. Weena aeO yoa better pxxto tar km nmey tkM yoi
kny dMvkere.
ve I»t
JiBM MiOartoy. a ooal dMtar ta a
our |uodt in quantitiei uul pay cash; ve have no red to pay. as ve ovo our baSdiof. our atoc^ wire <
andMqi^ Im* bdp; w
■mU way ta lad Beaton, by hi* forevy tell i-ou Furniture on the ame margin as dry goods ;uB because vc itoa'l know any better. This iatuis yo« a Mviag d’ at UedSDperceir.
d^t aoo BMm bM Bade a fortu*.
ta daiBDM of tha real trasa Early
to A^. bofon toa atrlka tqnned.
lb. HeCtfrtoy bv toateaal vedd
Ha ardared l.iWMw d ooal
ftoM toa Itolavaia A t*
'WhM tbit arrimd

One Month Frae! '

to tto Mto.

M it to toMfkl Mt totol
totokM to to* toMr,*«to «M to(M
itHirtll OmMm wtto
■•01^ *
*MI lUtoNt taitf
toU K.«ibta «tlh 9bM»

todto. II to told. «to UUto Ua. M
. kto ki«y to MtotoMUftoci
wHto* •* kto MM. gMktoc kto Up

Onnd Bifid* bi** U O. T. M.. *M
>tol mt E. U. T. If . Tuadv
. Tto mi «W iapto*«Mt*d br
mM« HeUod tod ito U** *r
OiMiaiidw Om Htob
n» wtodtos alMI* VM itorti
to tto patoi it dtm ef m
i B*t. Jobiri. P*im* otoitot*d tod M to* me)*to*i tt to* tom-

■mml tki totoiiiitoi. tod toti to* IV* mii woddBd. *adMd*d; '
«kto k* feod toto II «M IB- rm ism to * fimmM OM.'
IV* totolMitoM

^ «■ Mthw*
iCJikto OK. J*-.Mdto* amvorto
3HM MMftitjM
MiMlm tahHdkrOM' mi t* «» it Ito MM MMMta
t JtiM BMimI Md will to
vrfiMMar kMwtiikiitv.
k*U te
to. to ill
»i «•!«•««• 4nnir
vTa Mcm»-m4 iki v«kkM N«. ttoi tototi vtUtodiSMli 10
iiiiMiyiii lijiiifikii, w*
• iw^totUk. SkMit HMtia)

Iniks MifeiMi
-■m*. «M* to it* to IMk. M >•


. SMil If MMh, tot toi toktli w
M tomito. Vrii ««k te««y
mikm (toitoBMito
«■ VMtototo totoiMtototo- ni
-ItoatoMlw iM ittoiNMi. vtototo

.lEF'totok tti toiuw «0«i m4 M-

ktotowM toiMfltoi
;: tttoi tokMMMiM«H«toM._
Itotok ,«M* Mtotoi • to»


Tto told* Wit pn**atod wllk • torn
Wbic ta vbiob to* aatrton «m neenUd *M iUe * mMIt wMd*d M*titofl* **rttkMK VM dlM Ml.
Ztorld QhM*M. i torM*t lltli* iaar
iMOaia**. bi> teosd Iton tod* cf
*ImU* Is Ik* rtnr edkilalac bl*
if umd hw Mk*i MMS* «r to* elm rtr.
(Mb M ire eaid to lb* 1
itoM tod to* MM U MV to to*
ui ef boKMi H* fan mii
MtoitftmMtM bum•t M ObtMce *M hid tod*
MiPtoiill Bm. wki toT* to.
mM* of ttoa Md hi* teoad (hoi they
KMI tot to*T. a. U * lL<tod
(I tolppini m*
MO to Ikl* ellr, *tu*' JMIMTtooTBtwbl*.
BMb ObiMM vlU imItoil M tit M to*7 bMW to* two tm- __
Is* qmlM a mb (tsm bt* dliooeMr.
n*r*ilto* to to* worid.
WMI 1* Bon TilMbl*. * Bsabm- of
too toolto h*T* bm feud to oodUIs
MMK7. OofUm it
Of good qMlttr. 8*tm») of
tMM todtot pm of iMirtfOM to* pMtUM‘*
eblldne veto ptojlsc vlto
•toM MM to to* fMC. MdMtotof I*
toe toell* vlmtb* dtoeotMT <d H>*
hMm, MM *f kU oeapMtaM. if •Ml* Vi* Bid*.
kKfMairM«k*toar b*hHMyU«fu..—1^ HelgbB. • *obirb ef
Tki MK Id to* ItoltoM iNVtoMd M uiy-T-«— ooapleud a vam whi
to* IMd MiiU piKdil, Md M tot- rd*a it • oorl ef toO.000. A ooopl*
if TMnafi Itort ptaM VM a oov PM
bit m dMMid f« biUdUc loli
_ tobo-MOMtototP M
M *0 \«tMt mi to* OMBUtol
MMH«f to* md cr if to* Mtadd
<dik*agto. iudmmii Bm Mlatof Oo. iktiod tk*md
bMW to* mawMtodlk* toiotto* lOB. mplsg lug* faMtMl A lW|«
ib*t d riAa«r> Md labtoin pnMjM 0mkl» Md bMW to* britotn
Mtj bp MMhM, to* M* Vko
toM kilMd k*m Va U- Tb*
toi.wM iCto

MUl itom fi«i dtferwl
•M toe iU tom if to* ioatototo*.
Tto MM ffSM* in diMi toaUad

•mt 'iBMd atdarrd a mbit for
U* vU*. Rb* VM iot 7*1 toad, bat
remd •» M toigtal toil toi
r »Ml* tern. m4 Mi !*«toM7 bMbaad mid toerb vw bo obaoM ef
ber UtlM too My oet Tb* eato*l
VM MfHly trlBB*«. bat> week
II to Mto to -MMi toM OmHw WM oiapaod aadatUI It etood ta the ibep
HtoM to toMt « tlM Ommm
I aod Bid
Mtotok u wtotol— M laqM TkM the I
la* plaai kls vU*
ahtok «ai Ml to e^iM iff «M"■p aod aiMM" datag bMi
kooBvert. tlvMayaar^detoal
dad *b4 ilm II VM
Ov^toaMMd»dmito«Eal- fM^ farsM iBitoad at hli vlf*,
v^*r*apM,ooa*to tb* Putiae Pim
jm iiMflillill to Mli«aU *Ko*t Md My*. ~1ka Job* «M M hlB."
Itohtototto dtoimr Bltolfhi, astoM|BM*dB«toeapt tomto«k*paimdtMrtm.Md
■pbM tot Mai
--------to nUited
MtoUBtokatiMMliV toMa. - fST* a bflgktor light. BMioald IhU▼mLMp.iVlMktogirW.MpMt- te MrpiM to* Data* pnAoead by IM
doo. Od* or two dev BOB
if to toi toMW tow ivi aamd MM
jMikid bM vhIliiliMMPinMa nllahl* dttam pedtlrdy a**Mt toat
itot d VMM Md Ml kdlBkoC too laU d too MoMd «M Mriod ap
way m to pndaM plainly
tomWhMkMd. BbiMmMWlM
hd» bil wt totoMumfMdtid WimmEKD.BaaBtagtoeBavapMi kMi 'hM.Md toiMMgmpW.. pnoeb d (bo *W d too votlA Ototk» «M« U TMM dd aM haf'baM- era. d aaeler MtimlMW.M timly toItoei Mat It ilapiy dMotod to* and
VNf B. TMto. toopMagMtokIfM d to* B*tod.-Weekly Kevi, Utlagpail vb— atom tmm* ha** vm »m mauto.
tetoiMptodimdto* rjlivBM
Bt tM. Mi •MMlynckwotl
p’''wm MMpmito * Mtam
Mm. mv dvUtomilMio-



« Jl earload From imHaiui «


Cbe People’s Store


Sr^r----- •m ak^

B*MM< Sk «t

t>»«- *««»


*v ttm « <nr


kMk «




»M tbo HBOOlf........................ - uotbrr i^ndrr oootbrr bolo nd
uiilliotte It *»tb b« b«id--------


r M b*'flood Wtt* •DOBfor.d
, -I out ftTfO to vitttw
» M tbt bMk ■■« voaitaa to W
,U>. te ink toMon M( r»

Kow It woo that tbo tbU old
BOod. -JlBBlr wof c«a- Bid Obf
atatlKir. lookite cot ot tbr window,
•wad ■ BlKfaty hndaoOM ronsc boo.
STBTbodr fid 00. I dldo t eoBo to
bl> obooldor. 1 olwoTo U»*d ttll M
Wbon w* w«t om to«Hbw. i-widf
Bid wtet « do* looktoc Boplo wo.
■ St tbo dr* BlBod

BOB. OOd fcOH BO U b

St MO biB bortod vb«* tb. bto*
<fOd f»l of UWOJ Bin



*^Ibrtw*othlrt7r«B M«.'fb*aUwith dWAct BreooB. B« tbo UtUocr
la tbe wladew tookod up witb (tWoo-


%^doot It o«B funoj ibot Iff 00
ta«r abo ateod. **l ten to



ina. Why. I doo't feel' aay dlTira loot
Juat tbo
tbe on
___ -.■•
wad to
iSwbo wooM bardly
wao rtfbt.
ten koowB I wao oUto.* obr wont w
jMldMtt of Ibt loaner froB Bofloo to «afte|l7. If he bodat beppewd to
9l3Swiwbk*n.B.drby------- «t bold or that eopT -of Ibe darioa
with tbe notice of mr barlof that “—
• ftnt ollbt U ow )oM^
pleeo imtk of tbe eprlac. aod
oLdlfbe wfote to Be-oocb a reopeetfnl
re bare
Sit* -n wlB^te^B tbo^Tomofe Bldod Mter. HIB Baose-ood we
L VM iBTttfd br Jodn BU*7. o
■Lr «r tbo oomBo <mb^ *•
JS uHf tMWoo. 10 -Pictbo PoK* Ur. Qolorr

-JhOBier abo oied. tbe oM aoB
aBppIn out befcee abe eo«M tblak.
^Mtear be Bid. aod a tbrtll e
waratb and color ewept aoddoolj
teik OTW boU baotta.
-I had to take a little ran op tbe
rwd-on boalaeaa.- be Bid laendaCkp^. -Let BO lower tbla-abade: tbe
auo’e la your eyw"
How ndnrd and yrotoioly abo
laofced! How dalnir «be ne In aD
■I am folD* to .

may ba lafaaad law or■ to' blD to tank liodlB erro anrr tbe-orsaaa
loacitbad bare ceoacd to petfera thMr kdtimate
bMo aljxe aay one had tera
death has been doe B
fal for bar!
BOOB wbteh bare not Uapalnd or to“Do yoo kw._.------------_
ber alteullrely, “you bare really Jared er deouayed r
ebaoerd vtrj Illtlr. 1 eboald barel
known you anywbere-DOW that I bare
a rtiaore to oberrTe yoo cloarly "
la eqolra
Bylnr tbo
-Oh. I bare ebaoerd far lootr
Ue' But aa
dead caa
la be beau It to UfW
yoo barer abe cried leaerooaly.
Be awred a Utile nearer. lUa aleera
Idee bli aBettloo with tbe decUi
. touched ber ana. Itluit ulk waa '
bla enetbode of oeerBlIy
iboot yoolh barlok dedJ 8be e
opentlro wbm death baa beea
oel tbat aleere a«al»»» her ana i
by physical ^mace. wbetber arparBt
os aoddea .oanuoer la ber eool
wUcta adtaKa of no natural
•HSolas op to Jemolab'a for a
Tbe pliyaldan saaeru
dayar he eold. -I woodn- If yoo
would let ne so alons witb yoot I aeeyet oC Ufa la rolatlle Bssoe
wae alwaye meoda wub Jeiwmlal
■ wd dedne. but
Bbe loobad op and walled at hlai. and
ber eyB felL Bat tbe ewtfi emUe nad fsleta. be aeaena. In tbe tree atiDoeaBaeod ae Doay of tbe yearn tbat bo pber*. li drawn Into tbe body tbruush
BOSS, at ooce^baurbed tbd bM
(Tied with a roab of tbe old tl»e amoo.” abe a^ ebyly.

bom ap. nislniiUrt «ltb tbe cbfld.
BS b* put tauacbB bU by' "
“Breej tboufbt that
mind.- decdi_. ..
recUtered la tbe farala by a cbu«c la
tbe Rrurture of tbe ealla. T
W a pbysleal ^aaie. Bute «r lea p>
Bit. Think ot a eertaia Iblac
tor of tlBco erery day for
ib. aod tbe reoBK muR be a buUdInC up
tbat part of Ibe brala lo
wblcb tbe cutter la qoratlon la ceoRdBlood Bowe to that portlCB *
tbe Blad macbioe aod dor. tbe c
ure week. maMplylns and eolarsb« tbe eella locally.
“Apply this Idea ibrousb
laOc concB ot tralolos eod you caa
.dUBU a ebBd a* n ooebt to be edn~.«~i Brala ‘"iwiay is tbe orteuB ad
the future.
•TtBrIy all tbe tbloklns you do b
daoo wltbeut your know
trequeotly leap Into tb<
troD newberc. aod they
l>e tbe bent IdesA*'
Pirtwecr QatB bar applied tbe theo­
ry b bb owa DumerT and ha* obialoed
tBSsiaf results Dtan tbe tralnlns of
bla UtUe buy and slri. who bw*“
adoeatbobefOB they were weaned. A
was made curly In cnlUrat-




alaee. Ula W.


tan allow tbat be la atlU uwhansed.
If we only nke one nnolbrr wbB be
«vea today-tf weBdy «»-tbae wa
an to ba Mfitcd at laat sfter an tbtB

ood »bro iodio

Stalhod • •*m uu 10 i«7Bwt
teMiawB tbf an fUiod ot u n


o-t-. tHiflr. "dbd ru tto TOO bow 1
SSrit iMdoittorooirr^

Sfsjsnrjs:”- =sr«j;^^a??

I ted m- iteoitfnMUawuttetMatitafr'
0 teUB book h*4

; ittood ttoHa.
Vo wte to
teat itet ol

,«M.te»« fcWMBl
t^'id-WlrOb- A. -Bsbt.
mum «te •< 0 nattlM batw. Ba


irtm^ Scurss?‘.ra
_ M BBahM ^ Ik Iridter nop. Tbe loMMt tbM
MjT »<_teUhd_^ SMibadMSdtbaioubkiatej
I Jl ted taw • uv Sr«M«k. Tte olr woijnn

ber. loacT
« uasht



n «w about to nay tte bb*
pau.*’teMU. *^.ywBte**
•MdaOBwlih^*.tea awMrty teart Mo. tea
-----Mk tte Ban 1


■t U«* acM uuk Utet
Otebj woiebed bla tare Bate o
wSS WBtal Bkubitlw of tbe «o- K. Mr.-Mr. BaallMr ate stead.
«Hb t BBBlfBt aOart
•Vat B «oM a* H was yutewday.* te
Wted. wBb aa uCart « bb own pntt.
“Of cowuayua w« tab* dtanar wtib
«( Wtaw. than, pan dor
. 1 dartt ktew that I caa." te
n Mka ywnr bBobBr
with kte atebwBBsd syeu an
k. *1 put wte tte bate
Ms bote Mia waihB pnekat te lan.
Ate te* nbftedMy ac.tbb was B url«*te tent ten ttiuw w-bar band nte
bWtednttt. Ba Bught aMM ad te*
BfCbn In n dateiw MnnB. Ttet ted
isan B* «f «te umyo te ter cMknte
■Mtate. Ur.* aaU Bbby.
aw a cteiBtuf HtOo wuy whan tb* bate
owwMd wite a wuaMb te Itwws
Ma aataak -I dtur yon Jaat iba aiact
UiTBiaiia by art V tb« teb ate tte Was Ofm WBUad nte
d ondar the tkoB BOt yen tte Bp* WBt Bk Than ba Mw»a<
iwtenad. I alat ■« no art (aidan Ms tend wttb a Bnaa.
*1 Mte Bk MIb AMtek* te I
•teW Bk tat H dann
tew tba etetw^ 1 alan wan. J^wa te ta ten tercr.1 dajk

arwss-sr^ -•gX'SgrJi.SSS
raateteW tte pawn anagM


My rush is over now andihave.agood many
horses on my hands. They must be sold at
some price. Now is your chancefor Baribins.
I havs a few cheap horses for work, havesoma
cheap driving horses and a few big work
horses. Also a fine big black mare, 7 year*
old.weight 1600: apair of good brown marsa
weight 2400: a fine pair of Standard bred bay
mares, drivers 6 yearsold, weigh 1900: afina
blocky gray stallion, weight I400;agood pair
of black ponies, good todrlve or work. Kind­
ly give mea call if you want homes.

iwdhr. te, nnd Ote Maa yak Ow

|r Ml Bte «Md !■ teote ttd
«tera la w piBB In tte wactd wteaa

d two bUb oat b

ItaB ■ aa tb* BB* diatanck TU*
waa aa neiaai tAtwtiane* aao ■
tte pBiaartty te baBta natera.
wte has tte CaeflUB fer drlrtaf pcatan to waft. wbU* te who cteld aacb
haOB paatte to walk nad bu 80 M
anmandhOBate. Mb ar* craaj
•wa a taam. aad It aoM bscea*
haaa tn ftte tea tent BBCaaBty ai
cMk It baa always bsea tbs* and. wa
•iwaya wO be.

• te ttaaadBRad ■ tb* Baa*
bM^ at M* hady. BBoatad at tent
hr tea atMeOte wUch tte >•«
wuUM teMOB tete It, wnaU te *•■
cunldtntbi tjmt teatetnateattwaBaak UHaatewho ted bwpante w e*Bt wtteW
tetteteul, -dU ywa te* yuar
n ^BfBtMgh
tette aiBwtteir
-Van; t aw ter;* M tatetted 1
miam thaa wauld be raqabad M
Hr. tiwiteB Bb IBB away. -J
dm a wan twa faac Ufb on the Bitt.
kte aUte ia Mara tewn thb or.

wys te ntatiod .........
atkaantanylte-. “Wten you die. Mn.
wn vat Bk Bncna te pay tte te­
al Totm mt
_____________ team. MB to

nil Nad*
Userable lotluin.


^Saj nan llMtkk f«r wba a playar taeklBlt aa hnid a* be tbooid tte
actual dsBBT port tall* CruB tbe npo ettate tb* Ud. and uktaf tb* body to
wUte III! * It tbraiwta tte aettan hli labcnIoiT. a Bile away, ImBMdlntdj salBiinad it to tbe powder tnatmaL to dftfte alaotck tcuMter
.Ud. »« «.» t.
BB* papulartO' tble yMr I* made ta with a contlBBiioe of tbe otbw bbM
MctOB IK*, tte boy retired tad
teictlBttr ana ptackaa tbe jacket and
Ml DO OBunoally abnerBal i
bB BB felned by U eiaaue band.
• ■UttwaawtraaBOeddBlIart
and tte
brfet*. bat waa net
My than ■an.''be.*
asoBk Tbeteadat tbewalatia
ate tnwabd bar nti
lHte«vndtvufud|tejkawiy iwterad a
Iraatapk ae It rtaora tbe paaRwMk It b «a ncB------- -.
■itaw Ma teaaM t^B Whliy **w o daw
~ ^'pwdWtewfaoUk.
AwolOMleon. tewBfkl iwpni loB fust abate Uitty te u eppooBt aukioc a taeU* te tte ai* te teltali7-»b* way* of
by ■fCtlBf bl* band andar tte Jackal
- n an at anca tbe boldaat and
MMla atoodl..
atoodMc near VMWlid oB a* atrauf and naUr* as I anr wak'
Btepnbaoatee. Aa a ral* tbeir
-- p ,k «in and bskad te
Ctengbt a< ila rallanas Ua t

Mb «;te»di tetb^teate


' Jlip


...m Pioneer Cioery Stable...

_ _
of twenty dlB*^
tbe TobtOe matnetlao ennnot be
rre bad aa --------- ’•*at RbpB tod tbe Mock* of ae many
A.M. te WeMM Aoklre aoO the drawn Into lire luiisa.
How thru can U be lupplledl Tbb* diflweot form*, and tbe cUBdra were
what they
Tbe epeulos of tbe football asasco
wert about to resbtrr In tbetr teulaa
brine* to Usbt a couple ci oew uunsa
lam rariety of *eon>eoicaI eaIn tbo line ot protecUon afalBat InjatlB rv tbe playen. bj* tbe Bt. Loula
w body: TUI* eompoODd bu
Poat OlapatdL One te a brsB tor tbo ecBBoo Bit a* tu basic chRnhwL
The Bit b Btniuled with oleoreoA
It baa beee lavcated by Hike Uu^ mod b tDowrd te Rand rxpoaed for
Ufjm aiajewbere of fn*
phy, tbe Tale ttalocr, and conaleu of
Tbe pcudncl b redoced to
eat piece ot Boe etaei wblcb le plaeod a powder. It 1* Ibli powder wblcb.
It tbe loelde of the ankle between tbe
doctor cUlma, bttns* back tbo
IT future eIcctrK a
Ualas and outside of tbe iW. iibaea _J lo life.
aa te allow free play to tbe anTo prure bb Ibecry (be InreetlSBttr
unlU oBrutlre
aSeetlre In rt«r.
ited ezteoelrely oo data, utk
•. .
-—Uktet b eulW
aod lorarbbly ba ba*
R sad lx
Ui^tbe BL.
Sack MeUaalBk
tbe Qarrard tnlnUeUaam. tb
I Put-DItenteh. Tbe teakB wttb
WItbtB biU a donen mlantea aflw
tbe am Hsne of^tertrlas bare ap- which tbe can te tbe ayuteB will te
tte ta«S dn^.
tbe anUnil'^bptaye'bsM of a
cuodltlou. Half an bodr Uter.
tu aU appearuncck the aobjeet b la bea
qatte ae bBitby a cuodltieo at
oAlcb tare taca
fte. Tte tnbe wblA wfll be put «o
■M life wae Ukeu.
tte *a* BL Leob can b.»a lacaMb
A RTanc* fBiure of the eipe
caBblbatlM of tbe two prtndplB by
ku tar cuodneted b the tact
anlBsl yet rcooodlated bae tu
white tte BaUBUB bnklBS eScefr of
sratlfted at Its awakenlac- Incarbbly “•“•-iBuMalBed.
- -ly. tbe muR decided
tank* propw cobRat* te a dou­
aaser and teeentmecL and Dr, UtOe- ble tc««k eboe white I* Rrundy
izaetad le tte tmek wba cntrcUad by
_ enmut pBdauad by tte nr Batma
and brake tend* and aboB of (be erdlpateun. IBon-iwaabawIn
erUcRCcd tbeir cba«rln at tte potCR^ wy type. aetlBC dlrtctly « tbe
StnwwonU. <be«atablBd
of tbe rerlrlB* powder. dbplajUB wbaalA It li ae eeoatraetad ttet tbe
than decs. nia. mice er Bookeya dawaward pan and tbe naottaw 4rt«
_______ fcne^" anU Kte Boosi.
lUflinllUy Mdtiis up bar wurk and
Erentaally. a, * rule, they daR late hteal p
Tatop eymptota* doe to tbe tuataet
MBMllter dMd tbe BBM ad d
e water and tbe rffect i
An appUcatla uf tbe
powder loM roaHy. bowerer. reUrrea
,tbea alBeR tBBudlately of all dao_______________ .
VM•utuMMM. SteBwasaauwinhb
tte metm batwuB tbe abeaq and nil*
Moaiawt. M tlM ^ **■ ^ ** *^
apcR a bBBaa bRos. Tble wa* aer- and a BaalanB tnktec trtect a tb*
natetedtean.: tattetdranVulaoeral y-r. ape. wha bla diaoerery b^ wheel* obtained tbrouBh tb* twiRirla
uf fiTMrtw te* Bbd dBibtatr
abanatt. •** b a*d-oi. b* b tb* tacklUw dnmaiy fur deralwlas not bea pat to aerere f«aL L poatbl* ako te tte drac of tb* tenet abOB B
tte teak* aboB
playva when It wat Ibut teuusM tnte
Aa latarmHin taetl* that tte htak*
ter* ktewn yuuT UB at Prtoeuton .when be. wae tralaar watB tbroopb the k« wai elite ap



od by tte ceodttlM te tb* rail am
U tte track I* wbL tea dnx I* teBMd
nad tte teak* prBsan on Ib* wteala
ally adjaalad »tb* ablfOat te wdgbt
a tb* trnckk a* when, for laateaek
tb* bmOb k telac raiddly ntartkd
and tte wRbU tteowa a tb* fteaaid
trwetta. tpoad k aka aoteaatlealtr
contrdhrt dowa knu and atn» gadB
JUR noDCb cwmnt can be perwinad
tn pan tbron«b tte trad abe* bbt
nala ta beU tte ear at anUera apaad
a aay (cada Aay teonae te atead
caosB tb* teakB te act wttb snaMr
fore*, kbd any daenan te tpB* '
DaacB te tnllB# te emrot k abrtatsd by tb* fact ttet tbe B*cnR

wend ate e

Joba benarad. tor be prodtad by tt.
Tac on te tbe ranat etceptlaa la
the way oof dallBcy to tbeoe eoBaeertee rrMBtly ban
Ral Mate


tte tel te otenekt fte-

8aS^ B kRk« «M

n Ito* tet­

ter a now fna Bltod Raetreld by te
Twer. PrefoBte ttyeknewukl -*
Mtc.tebo dedans ttet tt k a c
M Baike aad a paliny for tarlM
W wife Joan, wbo wa* tbe wife te
TteBae do Anaey. -U b* omy be
pinndad to tb* bM Jaaa.- tbeteRt*
k tetaatod w aaeaatala Ibe wUaw i
wktea. “and K tte said Jean ahall
te pkaaad to ten Mb fur a buebate
tten tbe ebulT ihan eauB MIDka
tn ten aom te Bdan and ter land.hate te wtdeh te ubtalnai la tte nan.
or iantk ton aad tte «ltb te n iiur

BhOB. ItM.tttkw ttet tte aa*
te on* te tte BB who tod tb* soBatt
te Acra atenU te pnaamd ta n
neord aa tte aboea. Bo wus to
- TW7 pcffoct knlfbt.-0*tetoi


SSTte to je-Bl te tetetortef
■ lohuBtefwoaaiBBBOtoBamaA

Rnm to tte tar wtal wt
1 • BoRun kwyar tte aCbI whB* I was ilipidu iRA
tqr a day ar two a toon
wtetrtadterRenttasabstB. I wtet
OTB to court to aeo bow ttey pot
tHte* ttouocb. aad iiuBly fteowod
S>rUte^ both plldB TbBU.
wuMt tte ahntew te »«*>bt to m
tete ttet tte patoaoB wte ratty, and
tbtt teBtef 1 Rttl to bk towywt
“VouVkByiB naaiiiniifaw.'
ay Btet Bttatoly Bnrfcl.' _ ,
“'Oh. X tent know.* te rtolad •
Tan amotr tent bapo to pat kte


my te noL but tbaaV
------------ tun
“i*^'lte.ftetaBf.'.bn*u „

um xiT. tetete t*
hwamkR » a tote R


Ite tet nBte to I




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