Grand Traverse Herald, April 24, 1902

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Grand Traverse Herald, April 24, 1902


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



TRAysBSB orrr. orams tratebse coumtt. kicbioan. afril 84. i»02

8r«i4 CraMfM mniM


noiaiiiiii iMiomiKi!
For tbe hU «r«»od of IWl wr



evM •howo ia tho mArkft. All Ibe
UL^t Nov.'llic* in rUi<U, Cbeckt.

UlU hen- tool


■kI Htripeo, boUi ForritsD and l>o-

Trarcrsc Qty Stale Bank

Real Btate»‘Insurance

btv^ <»e o£ the 6o<«t mmotimtmiM




Tb«a an will mak.* to


207 E. Front Street,

what you

on»,iic B. I. a Noct

aid ri Umori. ikM, rH.eee'
eml roun' Uiuenl.

your i»nlr r at U»^ very low«wt prinw.

CAPITAL. • 100,000
SURPLUS. S60.000

urr..H., uitlne ■crchaiii^TaHor.

A Gesena BuklK Bulaos
)»cr col alltwcdM TMKlierodlL

1=lre Insurance!

8TOOK CowaAMiC*.
r.iT II

Johnson Block, Phone 73

1------- — r* t-k^b'i. It

H.. b. den.- eaMd a-h>Al>'
Kled .r due eed Md.
»-i > ld.eMd Ut (U.I... mi-oil

Money to Loan on Improved Rat Estate Only.



Traverse City. Mich.




the IS0*1 Imporant Bcmter M livb.«»e. nMdn (be ta>( Msr for ttt
teth. tb» bnt Toilet Pow.lore. and In


OMr B«k BM,.. DlTBOIl

TW we-ve W >• ■>

ftel the be>t ot

aud Prepsred Fooda We have a fatl
line of the beet mantaetared ml »oderate prie.« UiHb.'n t«» rely a|«i.
out l*teeeriptlo«il>o|ianBien!. Wo nie.
out. III,' poreet Dmj:a Yob wilt find
i«r twi.'.e liLeoer Roode. -poiioUr."

Ass^i^jssr •


C. A. HAMMOND, « «

jstilEffi.sra'ws- ’



Real Estate.
Mortgages Bought and Sold._______ HTA5!‘B»^k*'

• M.ply «...... •

Tbrday waa ooe of Ooiobr* . tateu. Tlie <WI window* were all OIWU.
and the iwiti motion or.«tod a plea*ant draft, that eartted no ■ncmetion
of ooo(b> oroold* wiib K. ti wa* oar
Ko. ill of the naiD lloo. ah.l
doctor wa* No. ffil.
darwr. wme ho SSI, yooi
ahd bit
boilL with Ulthi
trray e
o*|. tilted hack on huh ad ia true
I alert on
hoyuli larhlon. He war
9 to tbe r«
dolor, too, and keeuly a
lee of hi* jdioe. He helped
Id ladle* and ebildren aboeird. I|r
alt Le]K
lede tbe I«uMea„
11 the '
a (liaip luiirrTUlcio


One *ni.l)-.


6k trdvtrst.

a.rt.en.1: S

Perfection in

man with pay lialt
jtaobe on tbe book
a very well dreaaed man.
4 deeply ioler«eie<l in lb,
trip Ue bad boatdi-d tb.- car while
No SHI war iiialde eollectluR tares,
and, «a tbU eollectiaf nrooee* took
eome itme. the inny-bair.-d man bad a
I'biuiee to make a atudr ol tbe roadbed
a* the ear nunbhsl klony.
He ~

treatit^ »liica»CT of the eye. the


diankal cortcUion oi niglil an.l the



U«a.-r. B-dh0«e* mxr Tlic City »-«*
Travene City, Micb.

We have Many Otbers.
Booms for Sale. HoBey to Loan.

Land Company





Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats. Sausages. Etc.


ravara* City. Mlob.

Who win get one? l>rop me a
[xtal at once, pleaae, amt get a ni.'Uc
the ftnt time you aee me.'
Call-for lae at Wait’d I>nig Store,






that tbit little h<
1. tl.e
cloth^**thenJt'ibat yoor hat
U but a poorlT paid enii.leyi-. the
deeire for iboo^bioM^l laN *
ibwted ai
Her L-.......
color reee. 8be hehl bar dimp
i-d chin liltl
•■liollaok ........................abeu*k•d wiU.
> mBcdTioV ihaaktal'tor^'We have
ar health, we have a rorv home, we
Are osr little HIrplien. "
• Kh'-- rrh-d the old Biaii. "Yon
-Ubi tM>T, oor tialiy bp*. HU oaole
tutllepbPD. "
U 8i.-rh.n - the
. .. re|«aii4. aoil war ailcel t
•omaoL Theu be Iteotty add-d.
».■>• him.-'
"He U adlei-p," replied the y,
BOihet. Then ahe looked at I
haifel mao a little •-.■-relv.
. ebe mid. Uui »<‘or
Ueorge te not planned t<
sd. 1 ihink yo
r are both aim*d tbal Ueorge
,piBwlau4 at hi* true wi«tb—at
I 1 Im.r triad to mak- bim i
Hat he Is didag th. beat be
He oune
What ooblid
Iu heetirol:
ot collode wiihoBi
Irdee of what
aud thro bo

ana. in U'aablnftkno.
VBleh for the a|ii*afa_.. _________ __
Rooeerell either leavlBC tbe While
Hoase or rerarutag to ii fro* a '
' ride, aacooiiauift
Biiauif bv his erder
Taking advantage uf .be |,
spKag dav*.
day*. the
twesident umtl
wav* walka Hal II u ool nee*
for tbe weather to be perfect,
ground dry er (be t*tb aa entJ. ,
ooe to start tb. laealdeot ou bcm- of
conntry walka
Pr«tid.«l Koiwevell ie aa ardent
lever of tbe cauoiiy, and Is M
buoyant and hapRy a* wh.-n. rb
Korfnlk yacket. oordaroy tnuii
tough hder bat. bears boou and a
luit of leggings, he atarii for
and* IB hievele patbabndle fatha
good ■■oButry roads, ami tl U eafr
to aav tiul there is not one ol
eerlnihd wavs leudlng off th
rrareled highway Uial the |
done not know,
li is a .Uaeall
It K. Bad
,c- and si
.,1 the walk. Oop Ilf ih, n
,lo (hi* I* Uiffiwd PiBch
fur the L’liited Siatea agn
imrtaeel Ur. Plndiofa —________ of foreet ism-rves and prlraie timlwr
lands givn him a great dsul of eitwriruce as a iiedeetrian. and mak.a kirn
a ke.-o Obeertrr of everything abooi
■ Hresldeol . Ronai-vell
Wb.h b■ M'b.le
, sabarb
e,(olpprd for biird^nse.

(be iretldanl'm
*r>- girrn to Ih—
----------litioo ol tbe TVi'tldeoi's shoee •trikes. " and the affair often
aerloa*. (or a whole dl*
Honee fre
e Hona
qaiDlly nggesis asimom hi- has leap­
ed or a stC'lob uf maddr country ibat
hatolMMl out befme (hr sAke
shnrieued bis walk.

••blween yon and me we will
alder bia
(ueorsafally- t»om.-.
tbruagb all these grades. ' He Itaned
a little forward, ■■Tl.r feet iu”be
slowly said, "lam going to make him
aecretary of (be newly organued eom
twny at wbal I tliink fa, will eootider
a vary aliractive salary. " He |*n*ed
Than be and looked aharply at tbe young womKa i
. ...
from bim
looked a little iwiKfellv at tbe gtmy
Inteolly at Ihe |irelly
' wouldn’t
_______ ________
you laagbiug over
lag hand* with you. fakber. Ife lunr emrpet
kaow. tlnee 1 bad tbe tbm’;" beaaked.
■Ko,;'ebe qnli-kly answered •'I m

—---------at Ko. 3.M as be ooaatod oat
—npe uid tbrnii It tbio fair hand.
-No,-' iiiapped tbe older man.
‘•How an yon. latberV»
‘■Well coough.
How u it wilb

sr.s'“SL r.“’"'■


*hl!i'wd'‘*l^ ’*'"**’

Certain ktndaot black aau hav* IIIlie vellow auuwbirta dumosi ot kbeir
work tttt them Ooee in a white these
Imie yellow fellows wHI go eu •
. and tbe ■ blaek." try lofeiua
_____ back 10 wort by oatUag oB
tbelr looil aappb. U tbal dum BOt
sacceed they will allaet ibe amter.
ta feeoe or will make a eaid and get
aoidbargang ofyellowa" into Ibe
the "yellows ' ,uaaidntaBd
ends by
. a oofoBV for thrmeelvea. or
give lo and setlli down ku wnek

*^s a well known faci Ibat fubbtu
re tbe moet delermtoed
delertmoed -of abtm
nbtmal eirlker*.
la tubbil roltmU* lh*«e
nearly alwars a oertuin
rabbiuwbo '
digging and trruwlv. abd
anted and ,httllBr
psur to grow (t
to make the |paemme which ooubeOl
all khe Iburrows la a hig wunes.
th.-*e ,-------------------------------------pasmge. Use a*
WlUsoQltl..■I (MX mir from sloau and|(BCT«l*.
and (lie oummnnwiwith ta mdangwred.
llol Uw large digging luN-llagl** «p
wort and sii abont browning In (be
.imstare all .lay and ntgbt. aod anlcM
lb<-y ehiMse (o go to work Mmln all
bpw rxcwrailoa (or frreb rabbit taallle* hare to *toi‘

Then the aroae and creased ov. r to
II- old man and look his >*nd and
leyit down i


TSiiB eaisdllieo of afflilni ha* been
wa* noiaed when *om> WU yard* cd
lb* aounty nwd feu aw»y belvMU
dayligfal ami terkI
It wts----------wbs alt there
ID the aftMuo
taaoy in th.

the wotetarv's eredll tfaai h- could
keep pace with an ordioury t«4e*tri
thru be letorus from a walk
an. bat wtvru
ly. DiamOBBUug be mud*
nrreidant be bu* a runfol. ling •Uteovery Ibai.lbe rum
__________ r»k and does not <«re lo
move around bnaklv the (ellon-lug
An adjoinlog fleld i
r^mldi^ Many^an abuSu^
*^^int» tbe adieiK ot Uov Wood In
1 Imy ha* il ylel^ lu ew^
til* While HoBb- aangueel a few days
bowrecr. tn spels It ba* sank SD
ago. tbe ptesidMX has bad eeverul de...Bclmey. juo^. W
lightfal oouiitry vmlk* with him. Tue
govareor geueiul I* admirably Blkad
lor violenl exttolM and
irealy miabir.
straage pbeHany »( tbe nreiedanl'a
arr niegh rtd-r*. wbo I
ed to hard riding over
the paiu _______frtghteaed t
miles on fool over a iratnh groubdabml hU bonae. b
paa _ oftasi aaoompuDv lbs
treeiitacl oo bit walks aloal Wash
luron. Many a lime
time tl,a
tlie )it«*idenl
has b-tuned to tbe White boute after
HUrbota- garden tnot new hear*
a omsiiMttotml ol aevsnl qllee Inok-- --ihlng CD Muoli aau
ltd out plaaarelalailalm. Tbav
----------------onmnnloD brought up (be rmr a
ugboal tba farm net*
ruaa at
ai lima^a
Binnic* Ulet looking tbe pietnre
lleo. only t,
aa tnoogb *woll
roe and eoareely able to rvueb bU UpM saddeuly as
fallen out
■ai OystM Bay lbs- ^dauf. All
Thl*,-Ing toward


Io“ hi?


Hldos, \AFool mnd Fur

I have enlarged my business and have arranged wiih a
large Eastern house to handle all tjie fur from this part of
the country. 1 am prepared to pay highest market prices
for Hides, Wbol and Fur. Come and see me.


Pdiiils, Oils,


ssiTiSTL’s iifdsjrr"




uialea, and refase
<w driving *w*T (b.- uia
watt" wbafevar.
i (but oe*i and will bed
ling, tbev leave (heir sggs
lilt and onhaicbable. and
,lng Will Indnee ibem ke rokucu.
olalr bird* rrow bxlismely eua(wroed ai eueh limes, 'but (
BO remedy, (or (
and wri-reallen ib^mule irtU uaet*
atlaok kbe female, (boagli tbe Ofn»^

••Very well." laid tbr gtay-bairdd


•■QvMing la the tdetuh-a. and Ibed tbe
fanu.-r lo^B for troubl.
They B,Imi
and"«noou^- aboai. ami wbwi milk
they ------------I
mg lime r----------------ob}eel>ons «iUad^aBd^^
______________ a* mafaia
ocks. when (bey gv( on a B( iff tbt*
ilnd. actuatly are>lled“*W(ker* " lu
Cogland. and ate likely *o been*


IV ftretrb of ooBBCry wtih tnteh
t«iinU along ihe way lying i
other side of a oomfiehL it tak
[ue«id,-Dt bal I
fence and eUlke brill
rough ground, with h
mud-clogged shoe*,.
il «« never deepaired
Hr ever ha* a Mory lu Iradr for his
walkiug oomisMiioo.
. .
1-11*100,-* U> b-:. aod all (he while ke>-|>
ranger.'mg up hi* stmuiy •trldriii pace, bit
Looely cheat iiuBpIng like a flr>- eogiue. bis
.. _____ _ . beg your jurdoo.............
old men grow iixHiliai, yoB know,
rough rider Imt poshed from bis faor.
Bui here. I fanev. 1 can ekplali. a
n>|u,-nll> tu>|n to pick up a |nbIh- of Ibe boeloeas timl brooght me w
to shv at tome mark
1 came lo tbe city to hoy
ik off a (Wig wllh whh-li In- Be
Btrolling lotereil in ihe .-ompany
I lain Ibe tide of his teggii
employe* yoBr husband.
1 hav>(hr prreidool maytaatrain In
I looking over ihr ^^perty, and lii
II In Isoghlng when in the < iivlm
m( of (he «’blle Hcaer. lie doe* not
bit apptuiumv-. ba. at (he same time
en tlie woods around him ahrlter
i from tbe ertllrai. anil '
I am tree o wiy tbat lo my mind b,Is oat the man for the place"
He Itartle thi- bird* from the iie<tg,-i
|iaa*,-d and cleah-ii hi* tbroal. ihe tn* lusly laugh.
young woman *teadtly regarding him
Li iMViag the While hones foe a
■ He loH me (hat b.- had prom.eod to walk (be iwesldenl Is ool lnfre.(nenlly
■Bain in (be employ of tli* .vimiuny moaowd on hi* hon^trom which b
I sup|Sas- he will ki-e)i his dismount* oo teadAg Ibe uaidin
of the (own. leaving him to bis ordei
"He always keepe bis word "
Iv and laler mevling liim el tiuiie esa
"Ooee he look tor prenioiioii
vnnienl p
" Yea He hope* to he made a surt- deni lra< I lb* Wliim House by i
r at Ihe bam* when (he yisir ii oat '' norib front door, uu-d bv all the v
W,'U. as 1 have made up oy i(or*
t ami slghtaeer*. but fteqaenily
re* bv way of (be iosih front-n
1 tlwt Ibe is not Ihe man for roaire. Iho* avoiding anyone ooiil
1 10 offer
off. him *•
If he sboul
oBlsIde (he Wbite Honi* grounds.
a Imlr I
beeretarv Hay and
(or tbe I
bnes or awistani snpanolendenl *<
of (hr eabliiei olb ii I
llw prMident. built is a derldedly
milduffmir. and it marb I*** pleaaure
than when bi* rompuniou is iejuiped
by nature and oUwrwUr for a rvul
aoilplongbing expedittan over anon

Um«t the emn into the |bo|i

and uintU all day. Tbe oldeat "y«grm.ier." sfier a "roifeteBe*" ot this
kind, will try to nnaab up bit mn,
briuee like an unbroken colL

°^^!mk*. father? Oh. I ramemlwr
You allude to tbe unfortunaH
young man in Ibe Sanday
«» young man who
ipew me all
btatk* aod tended awl
0 w.cmauroBAlt. A
V- Ison
l.on BO hn*k:
I knew voBT vote* the Inaiant you
(alber. and ihe end s
spcAe. 'mid Dm yiwng kromao. "U
kb* Dtanol
t* last like tlw vote* of George. '
Ko.! ■•( I
Tbe old mao hoked aiiatouely "
I carry hrae my tid every 8
werd tbe Inner door.
lighL^' He taagbed a* b.- ■
"leo'l kbai boy Btepbeu awake vet1* eye on tl,e Interior of Ibe ca
e aski-d.
iBt can I you got aometblng bet
>(tb«|taTbal evening Oeroge's Mulling wife aboni town. Mr*
leareTiarwe,Oty M fuUi»ry to tbal
mer Ovorge at the door, and pal her walker, but U mi
"Haven't tried Yon ai-e. this w
rnr (trend tUi>ele IMtmi. Telnd.l .1
^d vmid
arm about bis neck as tbe Mop|wd bim aoeialand family
Ibe bMt I eoald dennorlhe buml
sedeMt. «U>e w., ll.Saiu.A-a
in Use ballwBv.
bmlofqetrkmod. which in Ita ^tof tbe bicycle (aotory. and 1 promt*
pw Rdeakieoe. her l-Uj, tset Hen.i, tebd.

the aaporiBloodeDl (bat I would M
TtmtflaedreM.a.aiaa.II Se n..
■Aouimmoe of bsr effort to ptaasa
Uibeomidoy ut tb.-mail a Icaal ..oUacke, eadMlIe-eekre. ttf
U the (OM Aal
tb.- presldenl wa* *bowB a few day*
"U-ts it r*tb_
eat t( they'll take me oo. and Jaei
are., Ili*a b . AOflioe uiHl Wurohoom*. 7»2 B. Proot 8L
She *ltppssl away from bia aod - MTU wbeo be look bar tot * drive.
lx msattas have fmed. Change bne
eKkBatWU end K
opended Ibe (urlor door.- and Ovorg, Wbsa Hr*. Rocwvull com Bpeo the tllniclnsvra^ qutoktSf Uleev*.
Bell phrwe i:«X
CiU*eiii Ph««e 4M
» the EUingwood belt liur. "
Tbe old man followed Ko. S8| with looked is
Tlse old man wai eilling in tb.eotlect.ebalr lu tbe dlmlr llgfao-d coiving_
d. KBHOK. a^i.-TrevsnBWevro taklBf Itme to chaege her
drei«r mi. and a new light caini ‘
Bbe wore a *oR wVlia wool
BV M plilowad agalncl
gown, while slipper* and over Ibis
Mt Ibe little boy
■Yau are Bmrried. Oeorge"
A* tbe k'v'B gray eyea reatad <
••I wToke you Ibat I wa ' ‘
Then- w**a litile *11611
sdore. tlie eldaet son of tbajoee
'. tatlwr. bald ep hit hand.
"Aod I l^*_Uole
rad. "Sleplwu't
I* rually tbe rough ndrr of ibe
-. In Olevelaod
..'hy can't job? W'e live a> Ko.
IVir *a tuUnvs
KMd. Il eovers aboat H.OOO *a*ar*
(bey Ihluk BO
tl * laigar tta Sow Tert
even aelgbi-mUeo
(aUmr "
iMa. Three Urns* a* torgawltaYork Wwld.
The face of the uld man bar
mrk. twice a* toqe a* Bavtaa.
The aatborltie* uf aeate of tbe
aod lie book hie bead.
. eoverud with haaatUal ititomi, ta
towue where fmallpox ha* appeared
"I tave very liHle time.'• b
tete ordered that all dog* *nd eat*
tvs TMiwksy. Mtrkissw City sad Iks awtk.
nt I-BICB rtM.™ M at.
tuanlng at large *baU be aboi. Till*
vtvs M Trsewse (tty aa 4tWa *..
■'Teu'll be wuloomeauyUasr •' Tbeu
fact tbiU tbe batr at tbeo* animal* UM,, Ib. omUT .( mu lUTlU
Pwter aad slssoutc saes awik aad s«ih trvwi
offer* a ooacealal lodT-ag pta* ter ud dmrtW -Stl, d«.u.«—— dlMtawv baUi atruady."
e B ■tTBaat,
mil of Use appeoaehing ear waved bit diasuae .
iLem afaoal aod
tend and wm gmia
lUta arbatae taealy«Me
The old maa aigbsd at be tuned
... ____ rutativw. ta h Uae to Japtuck, bomabow be
, dlfhtberla or
l^^tervwtU Ihe
•Mrtei (ever puHeut by and boi lo let
Whim tbe t*d of tbe line was reueb- gkeir oliildivw pluy wttb dogs or mte
tte^ bakug M the (amUlaa wl
_* tba lataar SI.000,900.
>d he tteiTcd from Us* nr and loakeu
• obuareoaaayboeuasMaod <
At the Qraad Oaattal
about him Tbsu be walked over n
r Tern
Tact aboat UO itainis ^v* a
kbetmrters' UtUe emiiou.
"Will VO* ktudly dtm* ae Ie Su
Bta of
oiM• earba
too «a
r. Cunwall MiM?" be mid.
MAftigtaa. ttataauabMM
icwaboal ll.aOO.O»*y*ar.
Tea stnutB* luter tba gray-hairud
aa kueekad al tbe door «l tba UcUe
Mtaare U the gtadike Ihhr makes
^**ur^ta riy*T^tt an
to fean
kmhea by tbe% of CbbUfO. u^dto
young woman rcagusdad. li was act
milwb^ lugloa. "Tb* huMiu
a tavwatde boar for aalUag. but tbe
aequtod. 1 tapoaay ta taamptag.



"Fare, pleaae.'
The gra.T.ha'ted maa ilipped Id. Ba
tter. lain hie chaBye iiooki.d and drew
OBt a ball dollar.
Aa l« pqel.ed it
toward No. SSI be ■ligtally
■Uytally iBkoed
iBkaed bu
"lleorirel ' He DOBldo f refwea*



________ phwmnt Jlttle fiarlot
keen gmy erea tiuveM abenl i lu
__________ retsrued to the
tew yoar twrdba." he eaM. "bol
wuBid TOO aiad |>Tlu me a UtUt ol
your timet '
She looked-at htm woaJenn()y and
thro eoebel hleerif
Too caa-t loalty le- happy b«e."he
eaid aknir--

Brushes* Putty. Ss




Heatai 8No 11a a.
Taaeday and Batardav e.
ftoB. Otbarboaraw •

H you are thinking of buying aa>’thing in the way of


do not fail to look over our large line ol handsome ar­
ticles. We also carr>- a fine stock of W.ATCHESCUX:KS, JEWKLRY. etc. Sp«l,ck Finine a
M«dal^. Watch aod Clock Repairing—the best
grade of work done.


J. IT. ~M- A -F?.TT-mmT~

•It PrantBtrwM


Tf you want to paint a house, one gallon of our paint
will cover jeosq. ft. two coats on ordinaryaurfacei If
-you want to paint a bam. we have gpod paint at 50c per
gallon. Come in and see iL You can paint your buggy
with our buggy .paint, not to exceed 75c. and the job
will-please you. Small cans 'of paint to paint chairs,
tables, seuees, bedsteads, or any domestic article, al­
ways on bahd. Our boiled and raw oils are pure aod
no higher in price than the adulterated. V’aniishes of
all kinds; from half-pints to any amount. Brushes of
all rizes and prices. Don't betiute to give os a visit.

Er-Tsrrj’j; icss-ff

"7-’S's.’?.s=2 ras’-



(liMB wa. ua air «( toBum^mt ta bar
ibal tbe old mu tikad.
"Thie U the faoaa of Vo. »1. 1 be-


Oaorg* Olaxiar
r. but be ta BO* -____
Bo wUl ual b* at borne auHl ate.’■

•il aboai at oi^. wh Ibtaiog bta
own taagbta and aUowlag btaSaltow* to do the wma.

■B'l fur*to* taade ta to BO
ymn totntad fioa* tarn thus
«M bn uU HMU. aad ^ fM- AoUar to aaaMy ama dolta f*
■w. Be
.ked ba leaked tired.

_________________cartaWB. ta *■

aeuruge dally rorta of 1.100 Mtaa
Bo other Amertaa etly ta*0 toMy..

Bow Ztata'* odogoto odigUo
lOdtasH*. iSOO'Mito* away.
tadoOMoftba toitotog dtatot
kdaa pigs or* taMsed to M
m«*0*ta mad* to dtow taBL

tata tawedM Mttm ta Mgr 4oto

Th* UHla aicht 7M aU a«B cd UoCL:
toaMtBOl Baottoc H tba flaak
Pny had atoty aacrev oaaa*a ^ Ladder Oa April Uto. tba fatdraVBlac
WhiU lowtof eOava wwa alacatd:
Playiai cai tfa* Htw bau bo fell la.
bU o)>y oBuiBatoa. a Unit aoroa rw oU bOV.>a« •eeycmac M vl>r
Uai Bay lulp.
He aaachl at a i>eTmaarar J. H. S
>eetla« plaak aad UBaafod lo draw
eU oobM U wae tbe one ebaBOB
U a baadreri Oat be did on Ur. Pny
wU (bat panMa bo Klvaa a latalnder tliat tbo waur liai a (teat atJeba E HalatMd. wboM boa*
lloBtec oblUMa to tbe nalac.
I Paradtae towaUrtp. bat wfaa
aed tbat after bU experioaca oUhO*
baaa a well kaowB GbatTOar ban
kaopa abarp lookoat mad «e tbai
yaara. aat death eOMa tbaa
tbair eblldnw do act r» is <be way
early -VadaMday araatoc of bb
. oa tba aMU road aoar Bofi
Bokrrt W. Ualioo of Baat Bay
aad MltoC.'vHb a box of
toWBiLlp. aad Ulw Joria Beariaa «f
tbat h eoaBlnod. dlraotly opea
Oood Barber, wen Barriad Tbaiaday
bb body.
Itbtboacfat tbat doath
aontoc by Fr.
laataaBBaoai, TIu rtetba at tba
At the ooBoliuiao of tba
tneady waa draak wbaa the aoeddeat
tbty rotorsad to tba brtde'a
boat wban a waddlMAlsMs
HaltMd waa to tba oUy Wada
aoBber ot rabtlrea aad
ad parebaaed 100 pooadt of tab at
frlaada of tbe bride balM pooMl. tlie doek la thb oily. He woe
nuy ntaned to Hr. Ualbo-f boar
by aerenl pa^e to tbaaftoaooa. aad
to tba BfloniatB.
Mr. Hallaa b a b Mid to bare baaa Boab oadar tbe
proaparoof taraar at Baat Bay
toflaeaea of lloaor. Toward araatoc
blip aad Un. Ualba baa a wb
baotartodforbb baMO. mtocoa the
iaade to La
able road poM tbe Birmby wbool
r frlaada of
U axtwid to tboB tbab atoa petal aboal ba bUm fm
wtBbttoaa aad baat wiabat. etly,. It appaaia HM be baeasi

c, a»d Hta
ttoC ih* B*T. a T. Bteaik. me*e> of
UfMoofaoroh. emeiktlBK. tbe
*M otMaM tj Mlw Molhk M. Ox«■ «( OranroU. Hub., ood ttubMt
MB «M Ur. a H. FUb of ThMpHBTill^.
Vunfol dMOtMilU
tDM* tmi cBtoBUoBB boBaUM (bo
iwkn. and o aouty mvfm
■Modafur ttaa etTOMy w a tuaU

Obur Kaflaaer J. J. BebboU et tbe
H. « K. E. nlitoad bfl Iba otty laat
Tbaroday oa Mf way to Uaalatoo afn«
Mac la lurlaaaa esaaty for
tiau He wye itet tbe road liai
U> BMb at work oe the ftadlax ot tbo
rwblot way frow Oodar U PtcwtBMSL aad tbai aUoady Doariy dro
Ibealarwi ullea of tbe onaaalaB '
Cradod. «» crow of SO aua la ««
Mad la HablraB'e oaaap, aboal tbr
mllea fraai Oodar. Anotber oawp
batac rsapaiadaad ao addlUoaa) we
wUl be at work la a abort tiaiB.
Ur. Habball ataanad a Baiald taimar tbat tba liaa to Proraaual
woald be OMfdetad tbla year, aad
At tbe nioraday aontoc aoealoB of
tlut then- ta Uttie deabt bat tlial l)u
tbo board. ObainaaB Walkar tppetotBktaaalne woold bo poabed oa to
od tba followtoc ataodliic coni
Bertbport beat year, allbooch ba
aodcstoc to tbra Uulz a
doae DOt tblak It will fs tbat far BiU
Ftoaaoa. waya aad BMna Beall.
Utaroe aad
' A epaelal auotiac of tbe
waaeaUad>Btwaek to oea
Matter of oitaddlac tbe fTmaobiee of
the Tyavacta Olty, t>ealaae)a * Old
UImM lailroad. wblob erplrad April
. tdtb. It erat bopad tbat tba baa- aadBaaebam.
oUaa. wblob wat oaiafmUr oocuidared
OroBBdi oai
ht tbe aeaboll bafore it wai paaaed EyaalU aad Hi
two yaaa ace. weald be eztaeded
Ooaaty poer-Blitlaea. Doryeaaad
wllbeat delay, bat oe Betlea of At- Boxela.
darwa Haatltoa It wmi rofatrad
Tewaa-UiMtoa. Ltotoa aad Daryao.
Prtottoc-BooU. Bblbee aad Baecbattoraer aad tbe
wof Iba whole,
lotM»l *» ‘■‘s oaoboll i
Bo. Pony Baaaab axpUbad tba
•itaatlai to tbe
votda There aeawad to ba no deatra
•a tba t«ft of tba aldanaao lo bold
«p tba Matter, bat tbay wlBwd lo aet

. Maatfaw waa bald at Fife Idke
laat Friday aicbt loefelac toward tba
. atcaaiaattoo of a faMe aad flab paoMrira ar^uaBtloa.
Aboal twaaty
pMMlaaat Maaof tbe lawa }olbad.
Tba eb)aet of riw aMniatlaa, la ad-

UaaMro. a diataaor of all Mllaa, of
tba dnd brA aad ZaUeo MMof Mranl detadae aad raador It poaaible
lor U« He dab ia tbe Uaaiatee to
Maob tbo eroop of lakoa of wblob
Fife lake la tba larcaat. The lakoe
are alM to ba atoekod by Uie ftrii

Booda aad bridcaa-Bbek-, Uatebizu
aad Oanow.
petitloo araareeairad froa
Oliarioa T. ai
for panalaloo to balld a dam
the Boardmaa ob the aoolbeaet >4 of
I4 of aeellao A lewotolpMaorth. raacall weal. Tbie b
aboal to rode aoQlb of tbe plane boolloaud to llie petiUea preoootod by
IboB at the bat Boettoc of tbe board.
The petitloo arae nfemMl to tbe OOBBittoa OD node aad bridcee.
nfoaU of Dr. Fiaak Willett of
oofaoo to Boorpt toe prepoood
•eat offetM by tbe board for
bU aaallpox Hlbet oeari.r «3.000 w
read bat Doaottoo arae Bkaa apoo
Tbe board raeotrad a
Uoa tnm> Tboi. T. iblaa atattog Ifaal
be had ptoeed to tbe oBoe of toe
ooaaty elarfc boond retomaa tof the
Otaad Ttarena Herald f« I8W. IBM.
IvOOoad l»l. wblob aeapleM tbe
mo of Ibb pMor trOB ib Aral
pablicattoo lo 18S8 lo tba pxaaaat
Tlie board aeeaptod tbe rol. taadareii Ur. Batn a baarty
of tbanka aad aolborUad tbe
eeaaUttoeea baUdtocaaad rossile

fond, for fiwB tba Moke to tba toad
wae erldeat tint be Hd paUed
teoad in a rtreU till tbe aalMol fall
tipped orar.
wagon, with tbe box of ftah. faU
raotly opoa toe body of Halawad,'
waa pretably tnataatly killed.
o'eleto wbeotba
yooDg aoo of WlUb Eaaggt. wbo waa
tba rood.
toe rlc aad tlw borM atlll lytoc by
tbe aide of tbe toad.
Tbe boy weal
a boBO of Ooamasad Joba Sfaar
key. thtokinc ttot tbera had baee ■
TOBaway. aad TOttoy to c*t lulp to
u the rip.
ploeo whan tba tnc*dy bad oeoorrad, tba teal of HabBad ware aeae
•UokiaefroB oader tbe box. They
.red tba aracoe aad narefaad I
elcot of Ufa, totoktof at drat tbat
Blcbl be ealy to a dtonkaa atop
Tlieocfa the body* at all rlplA
aa appareal tliat Halitoad
BbonS Ofaaadtor wai toBBCBd.
with Ooroaar OImm aad Oader
Oartbltwy want to tiu aoooaoftbe
oal. A eenmar'a )aty waa ampuuled.wbieb broBcbt to a rardlel of
aooldeBlal death by tolUag from a
> falltog apm
bln while toloxb
Uo toe body won fooad »t ai to
eaeh aad tbrae botUoa of wbiekey,
eaoh loitl.T dbpoaad of.
The bona of tbe daeaoaed araa ta
as yean of
age and hae laaidad la tlie eoaoCy fer
riy 40 roore. He learae a wlfa
U the Eleadike. aaother at boau.
ibrea daagfaten to toe eaat aad oae
OB tbe tona. all ot wboa lure toe nepi«t aad aaWeB of all wbo know
toon. Tbe tragic ilaatb of tbe hatbaad and fatoer obbo ae a Irrribb

tbat Mwa for toaort parpoaaa
takataa rary pretty body of w
aaneaBdad by Iwrd
aad aSorda
r^oe a taiMHe «Uac eoa
tba beet Uaok Mm deblac Is tba tbarolBBaa.
It woald ba aa Ideal potet
r w. tu V. U. <1


TMHatald ta.iadabledH Wallar
OnUiek aad Ura. John OraiUek for
aUraeaad olirooU troM ibalr naob
at Fanaada, Oallf. Olira powtac b
• aoMparatItaly saw ladaetry ta tbla
aowtiy. aad bai aatU laoaatly baaa
iriaitblw o( aa axparlMeat, bat it
baa aow pasad tbat atafo aad proM.
Um to be oaa of tbe ImpaMt boat•ewM of Oallfomla.
Thli year tba
Loa Aacolaa OUre Orowort’ AMoeiaUOQ. to wblob Ur. aad Ura. UtalU^
Mm. baa ao.000 pUoaa ot allroeU'
aad 4000 barrob of oUraa, aad taa
poapaob for aaxi year ate tor a totU
larnr erap.
TTarnw Olty paopb
wbe Mto obco toatod tba OaUteab
aUm prefar Umm to aU otbore. ibalr

bBdanuoa aad dalioato Barer BMi
B aa raiy dlBatoat bos tbe Spaathe only dlUdiy b
.la cattlac eaoacb to Mpply tba daBaart
Tbe oU, too. b of aapertai
qaailty. Oa bee tetata froB Oalifer.
ab neaatiy Un. Onlllok breoebt
wllb bar a qoaattiy of oUrw aad ail,
part af wblob bay ture placed ca tba
BorkellMra. Tba bob cd Hub. bow*Tor. wUI ba dlMoad of la tba weal,
tbtooefa tbeaMoclaUcie to wUeb ibay

AMI atoc* Tobaarwlof ibaClka
MiaaMI boape Friday Diebt to 8tobi.
bWB'a OMod Kara a aaccMtloa of liu
Bacaltoda of tba porferMBoa. TiararM Oltya beat Baalcal laleet mad
aeeaadj artleu wlU appear to tbe attnetloa aad
tbe Baaaor to wblob
ttokab are betoc dbpoaad of a ei
ad boaM b aaiuod. The pbl fer re^ oarred aoab will ba plaoed at tlw bos
•Bee oa Uu toth ot tbit Boalh.
. The oeoiBlttaae are bard at work

Cnad aaooeaa lielb aeeblly aad to aa
Wbtia tba Btoate detHli an ao< yet
MBplaMd, llbdaeldadio bareaao^
dal party to tba lodcanuBe
tbe Btoalrel etiew.
AU beldcn of
tbkab to the pMofBaaee wlU be aaIHlefoe of tba li
laoa. patlsre aad wta. Oa tbe
oadday. at t:to la tba aftaraooa
dadbaHoaearamoclaa will taka plaee.
.•adar tbe directloa of paad ledca
oUlira la tbe aTtaitoc tbara wlU ba
a BBad toOl aad raeaptiaa tor torlud
meoto of tba lodce.
. •
. Ob tiu tbbd Bicid tbara wiU ba
- daaaa feliowad by a pmad mobI aaaatoa.
Uatfaa Boratoc oftbairtof May
tbe lodca will ceed a apaobl eoctoa
aadaMaortboe U» Para Uar
tor tbe ooBninoadotloa of Iholr .
wbo daolrt to ipaad a few boon treat
•totM- The trato wlllco aefarae
Rapid Olty. raaebtoc tbkra at day
Uebt aad tba oar WlU ka pdokad op ky
- tbe n

IM ban at Mbt A m.. allawtoc
Bbaat BrearHibaaniahtoc.
Otbor detolb’ wlU ba an

tba for a baaqoM waa oaiitad OBaai-

of tnt waa allewad two. 1
a dntn toallew toe panaa
a briar sanhor of gaiab, kal il
know boyoBd qororiea tint two ooeb
woald koaaMaay oa ofald ponlUy
M parpna af tba ommI Mtowtog.
Prof. V. P. HaadhoB waa cboaa
a aloBgl eraaw. by a noa tool wa

• pton oad eany oat tin an
auati fer tba baagaai. Tbaobol
of tba rarMaa eoBaitMa to ba appetuled. with tot praaideM of tba aa• ap(B all qooaMoadar toe tapewar that riwUba

tioaa Itol do M a
toeaofaay ooaal
nfamd to toaa b
PrwldMI Sallfa WiU aaanqan bla
eoBBittoaa Uootoy U peaalbto
Already a eery aetlrr totogpM ta boig taawi to too anaagaowBli for too
boaqaol, aad tor rrooptioo tbat ta to
Tba Oily Opm Beoae
ba taeored aa toe toaqaal
hall, wito tba A<«daay aa tbe plaee
terboldiiig toe roeoplioa.
of tiu elaaoM are p
olaa headqaartaa. with peaalbly
beotoa aad acorea of totoga to help
atrioUy alaaal good
Tba ehlldran of Uu elan of IWe wlU
reoolra a wolooaa tbat will make
glad ttoi Uuy an allra. Toaata
aad otoar tbtoga-bat toe
baat worfcoaaUl
it expactad Uul tl>bn wUi ba
toa mdaatn ef the Bigfa Sehool
iMde the olty aad eetalde Uu
Meat tooaoTor before at aay
gaahertoc of too
board of *
aad reoebad aa a
It boma nUared. fer U
Freak Vlllett of Int
waa AoeUy aattlgd for
baud toeoitol that they ooald ntae
crigtoal bld_ of S»». and Dt.
VlUen eoooledad nai oa ba ta to tola
oeoatty fer bit haoltb and aa a toll at
law woold >lo btaboaltoorranl boadeUara worth ef damage, be
baiter aeltlc fer SaXL So toe me

by Ooaaty Clerk Valter. lb<t neript
“ " Oilbart. arwaa patted o
lerey fer Or. VilteU. Ooaaty Treat
Steward drew tba obeek and Ibr
lone aad ttoribta aoapanae waa
tp to conoee.
tiea with Onea Lake amallpox.
employed by toa k
bnr.1 to tbe amallpoi oaaaa. wot
raaead toe amount ot bta bUU at
ISO, by toe Or«a Luke boatO. and to
u aaeigaed hit aoeoent to that
Tlie aoparrtaon
tU-e tbe aaalgoBeal. allowed toa bill,
toa ehaok waa tent to toa man and be.




/ ".

TbanpoB oftoaSaoiM ewo^
lea aad too raMlattoM aena
ware matrad aao aaopad. Tba pttaolpaltntan of the >«ootottoaa
too adrooaoy of mbmI taotoli

rarity day” Baa

ttkaef tot StBB
tn-tOlBba "raelpae to ha Mp af the

(BtoyMMya oa etob |ri»tarit
tola ttaa toe bori wna «f sssb e
to tor tadanUaa are poMod era
Aeeept ao MlMtoMa tar*Cattoa Mod-

Tba CM^STseoM UadkalAM-B.


ael balp bal tooalt
ptepla aa a role da aot
go ta WMfc ta tba right way
BBltoABHMa. Knoyetu
la aot eapaH.

pormit it that of
getarud. H Cbicago. UL. wboae gratitude i<
beadt tecenred faaa the 1
Dr. MOet- Nerriae proa
her ca ouke thia «
•ll a«4> ur CTt« pkamu
UT MuuaT te tbt rrry n.-rUrel
MiuetU. Mito'.SeTTiBi. Ahtuucli
1 aa pan >o r«m <4 tff 1 ■u.l »
•DMkoUo tictd bcaiB,qiix« thr imUlcd terra and luun mtlal totp.
I amt lctl<c«midaitl»ulaj-auk
rinulHHuu.* OnlHcdlt )«en.

BahOtob. aad aa a
n Ttupa.
>pof Un DtitoSA
la tadiM

lore to tba laaoaa MaeWnnaa
If w*
n of
great aoola.aod li giiri oi anntauoo
of oor-own powan. The wmug idea
of Um- rindy of art 1« often eam.d oai
Inaind of paying at
teattoe to to* areat ntha ex|xvaard
to tbe Uiamnrv
plctoiea fdand before ttom. Ibr Uar
Troebrra nboald wnieli
aSeet of Ibnr tbiega open thr ■
aonla of tbelt papUa Thry
aot aaoiao janey nud vanrd
4nh)ecto at onr lUno. aad rlioold Ini
ivraa tor alory on toatr pupil, and dr
relopr xbatr higbrr and batirr idraU
Tlir moaioal part of tor

Muli- Nervine
it a nerve tonic and attengthbuilder that uaita right in reitoring health inunedixiely.

Iboogfal. aad varr liataoi'd to wllb
ilu dceprol Intanat by tbo mamben

which waa bboIi -ocyrd,
“ toamuDaatal rolo by '

ef tbe elob.
The Aral papar of the a
read by Un KUa V. Pwry, waa
wriUMi by Dalptatiu Dodge Aabtuogb.

exhilaraung took-. Our phj-uriaaa wUl odriae. with«l cbaryc. all who'
write aboal tbcir caae. and an wiE tend free oar apocial book oe RhenmoUaM

.of! tumx-« ftina litoc t» liar. 1*
a d.y poadrr. ready f.w nae-by
tniaingaiUi cold aalrr.

We tie rxprrtt to the tr_________
anlU. Wtiir ai.I wvbuwbrijfM
ae ran le-, U no x»l to you. ta get


ti-dbnuui«i.wi bmu^H


Oiwtd Rsftids. Mich.
It BTvtaUi,

.. barxlkf. 1

leaba & Mortoem railroad d—

glyeeriue that Hu bnildiiig wm. dr '
to a gaai-nl way of toe greai
moliahrd aad lb. mfr bloa-ii to aiou...
tor world. M Barked by eearariee.
Wtodowa were *hnUere.l Ihrooghoet
It OS te MODtloo toe ntalie of
■e town and > lery eitlaei war
■eoktog after newer and brtd
Ku trace of tor liorglar.
(I, tolngn to Bony eaaea prorii
id and ft ianot known wH-iLIbe old waa bailer than thi- n
rrre aiao blown lo pliuea or
peelally to tbe way ot borne Ufa. tba
modern Aat dwrUen knowing
of Iba peace and ooBfert of gaoDlae
ttxmxfa they hair
iBxnrlrt onknowii a wotury
At the aame timr then baa been
great adTaueement to the art. and act


I 1
toa gmt reapooaibllily ilial hat
Hue plm-ed npoo our toooldere dBrine
Uir luat few year*, wito tbr aoqntai
Uen of new corritoty.
of oinb women waa
tooebed apoo. tbelr aliratam. and
toelr gnat dnire to brilor tbriiieelrtu. their own looalttiee. mod tor
-Id at large. Sl.r deplore.! many of
liiherilonoe*. au.l orged (bat we
give to poob-rlly Duly good Speoktof of to.- BBD.v totoga iMiaaalhed to
by too po>t oantnty. tba concluded
by declaring Uie oleb woman beTa.-If
to be oae of iH- moat aaioor tobart
tanen of tbe eentory—tbe .(rang.
dfup-touiktog. aympa
toetle woman, wboaa power will be
faU more and more for good Be Ibe
yaara fuat l.y.
Following' out thia taal liar of
tooagbt waa tbe next paper. “Tbr
power of tba home Dwkar.” wriiteo
by Hattie Bmlto Dogaa. K. L. for tor
■•a fllob. and read
bykliMSpngoa. Hot one aoel to all.
Ood't-anleera. tba Mid. liraa forj
la Uuir ra-onU of'
(onli’a morning, we nod tlut womna
nmde for a -belp-maet,” will.
power to aextat,
aad ramedy. H« graateat
power Ilea to lur ability to riMta
1 boon
Hotna boa alwaya broe
of tor key aetee of the graateat
nligioot. and itt power baa ba.-n soieoraaUy raoegntaed.
Sba apoke of
tbe oo-BtofUag ef natioo*. and toe
raanlUng etauigeo In chanotar. in all

dapanda apoa iu BOnl tafe
tota again.cblrAy an ImiiroeeBrBI in
tbr aataiv of adoeaUoa.
Boi ibe neolM of odaeation dapond apoa iu
Ant tMlsstogi. aad tbeaa an to Uir
gml ne>-d.
tbai. Uui toe Botbar. tba H
M. toaaatia

tbathm boea oied li
______.-.Wt eU Kbemnatian, aad an
edatin in tW bttu- with tbit gkH t
dtacBxe aa tbe Mniwkrtnua of
woald be ia owdere wariorc.
Rtminatuai ia caaaed
_______with aerid..irrilstiagt*<sttar that acitloa

• ar-1 •-« .Bd •Ml 1 ■•Bt

br* aobJwt ba‘«W
beritaga nf
tor Tweetirto Oentary
ioei waa a deep oae. and wat faaudird
Speaking Ant

thoM wao BOri atrongly emphaaiaed
Uu tBpoiBBoa of beau Baking.

fiBiUir ebjocti to

ItaStoi^nUi linimeau aoMcti^ relien Hnponrily tbe acbc'aad
SraetatoU Ttatajt
Thtajawarlo toe gnat poiBi. I
^ ntnrn with eaw*
aoicriiy of 01
----------- ebange of the wentber; koc noi eueoae. im» cRpa, luc-------------------------,-------iniDiag givau.
ClTni. I uv laiccted. Kbeamatum caBDot be radicaUy and pnrnaacatlr cand
» pahlle acbeok.
ebUdrvB! udtU tbe Hood baa bne poriAcd. and ao noDcdy don tota ao tooraeghly
both eblldm ' aad promptly aa S. S. &. It acutnlian tbe arida and aesds a otrcaa


w aiieeial <

ertolac at tbe maattog of tba Alaaanl
u taid. die not cure to tarry, bnl
totioo of tin Tiarorae City High loft fv parta nnknowa and Moubody
aobool. with an alaeot ataomwl da- waaoatlBO. U appeared that
Mof toe
of horBoay.
Tba daelaioo
a waa pai
W. C. T. U.. to aentao bat waek bare tba aaanal catbertog of the aa
e, aad aa aSert
the Frlcoda toareb. waa well atwill ba Mda to get It cat ot toa
loodad by woara of tob otgaala
who attaadad toe Bnallpoi own I
dinlloD potou to tha'au
ean arar ba foonA
tolly tnteraand to tin eaan of
reel froBaaalBBai pototof rlsw to
of a ooaniT poet b
tbe bbtory of the orfMlxatioo.
toa aaperrlaora
ne progMB Friday aftaraooa
Tba Aral 1
won aot elnr ttet to«y bad a right
eeadaolad oecardtog to tba pngTaB
10 ewa eaeA’aa iaatUotioa
irtotad to tbe Herald raeaatly.
pgt orar tUl toe October to
held Id whidi
tribato waa |utd to the mtaorj of ter of tba dattaa that woald darolra
tooae of toe B«Bban ot tbe rartoae
lilB aooo war* aoeh that 1
aalon* arho lure died dactog toe year not feel tbat ba eoold peiBit hlaanlf
aad toon waa a total eal of
aad aytopatoy war maiiiug tor tboae to bold tba pealtloa of tnoldm
aboat 1800 OB aU tbe elalBa.
who had loot nbriTM dariag toe
w. Bo'bareolgBad.aDdtoei
oe prtoUag rrported
to taror ' of prlnttog too proeoedlaga
Aaoddnn by Un. P. B. Tnrb
IboDgfa they bated to'do It
ot too beard, toe report of tbeta
■Tba Ueden WaBOD" wax ooe ot toe
Wbae toe rwlgtuttee wat aoerptaA, ar«road tlie OMBly Moram to
teatana of tbe aftaraoeo. Bbe
DWeTor, niUag waa elcor. Tnd U HeraU aad the Eagle at eaaaL Tiu
traated tba eeadlUeoi of toe pranat aatilh. city editor of tbo Dolly Bogb
1 to print tOOdoptMof toe
with Iboaa of a few deoadaa ago. and
' I BOBlior of tlie obn of IMA waa
topaBpfalM form nt
:lowtog lanu toe Ufa of
eaata a pagcL The npert of tbe a
’ tin wooBB of toe
Mtarked to too toab bf Ooaaty Clark
eat tlBO.
Valter ot Ur. Smito’a own olaa
Tbe leetnn Friday artstog at toe Ion T. Poontogtan of -Pt.
i to an tocb parta ef tiu
Tbaa toe auttar of tba aaaiial gatotoaded. aad toe rlawa
artog waa lakea ap I waa iog|
OBleyad by toe aadlwua
tint ibe ball ot toot year bo rap
Tbe prtoelpal faatan of tba MMiea
aaothar oaegeotittr waa that the
broogfat np Friday afBoat exgel.
tatBOon. and oe awtlee ef Saparrtaor
Damw waa made a ipaataJ wdarof
Un B. a Utov.
It wax ooa tbat
BMloo aad nppartad.
boatoen for Banrdoy aaeratoc at I
Dcaw iatenetod to tbe eali)eot ooald
jet tbo aoan of tba 1
Tbo toildraa of the Otaorloa FTHbok Borad to
The report of tbe <
U T. L. Mac a-pratly eotig at tbe
aad groaadewai roeelrod
eloaa ot tbe aflenwea aMloo.
aad adeptod. earrytag eeroral'
ot toe eooTBitlaa
be Bade to the }aa
^'bm b
taat ta tita rrpatotlag
letnetooe-UrikOOkett. Un;^.
ot Uu aailra bolldtog. Inxide and
oa. Un Ketoi.
Im^ae. aaJciwibbriM tbe kM
e^ wx.
The eoBBltaee OB roade
nporiad tarocably oe tbo periOoe of
itCbariaa F. aad Bbm A. OadaoBM
to Un Haigy,
for porBlaaioa tooroel
Fiaaaeee-Un Fbh. Un HeOlaatbe boardueu near Koyat
key. Un Uartto.
paUUoB wae graatad.
The ooaaty ooamtiea of tbe V.
Dr. Pienr'a G<ddeB
Heatot toa tBraaaan
a T. D. eloMd Botor^ with aa Uedual
MBBluae work. At Ibe eeaaloeof toe
exaelbal aaoettog at tbe Friaadi enrw dmM^
oiber diieewaef the
fall board, hewaror. Uu r
eunarb end aandof O P. Oarrio, BByor aleet of the
brga aa it woald lure beea had it aot
olty. .........................................................................
baaa fer tba foot tlwl It wae San
aapertotoadeali of too
' woneo wan kapt away on
poor, waa roaHTad acd aotafOed. The
Hurd iilntad Fnd O. Oortta
eeed Ur. Ctarrot.
F. a Uarria anad toa prinlM* of
Iran toe local oalooe aad toe oBeen
oriMtoa coaaiy graaBdi oad balldwan ton glrae.
fM UePhortoa Peat. Q. A. B..
The feilowlDg oOcan wmalaek
tor tbe aoaatoc year:
>a raftmd 1
Pnaldool-Un U. B. luooka
Vice praaldeat-Un P. J. Fbh.
liritT ef the Hoed-

f0Mry~Hn l«cu of
: lalarleeben.
. Treaeorar-Hra (laBael Walteo.
Followtoc tba elarloa. Un Sbm
' Walwa trad an exoaUeol PM*s B> tba
Mtateel. “Wliy fmta aa L. T. L."
Tba paper orooght eat waU'toe need
of tob odaeatbaal work ai»M

ioa.-alttau by Un U. A Voedley
r UianBlaaa. wot read by Un Mha
. Boato la U BBoy Idaot war
taoad. whteb. ablta aaw M a
IL wioa fnU of trato. oad wUl aCMd

Commercial Printing
nil Kinds

Herald Job Office

Neighliors Where They Boy

Their Plows; Harrows, Culti­
vators, Buggies, Wagons,
tic. Four out of every five will answer-at Ferris*. Ask them
V why. and they'll tell you because there’s where ttrey;..get the

Best Value For Their Money
because the goods prove just as represented. Our aim is to |
give our customers the very best value for their money, whether |
it be in a high priced or low priced article.
Those LOW PRICED TOP BUGGIES were clearly such ex­
ceptional values that they sold like hot cakes in a hungry crowd. I
I have ordered another car load from the factory and expect j
' them in about ten days.
In the meantime we will sell you our elegant

$65.00 Leather Quarter Top Buggy at
|l until our $45.00. $55.00. and $60.00 Top buggiesarriv0.
We still have a good assortment of the celebrated

her holy taak. la toeae dayi. wlun
ao Boeh ta taid aboal woaue-twark
woBA-a Aeld. we aboold not an
dar'iwriBate bar plaee at molber and
bOMr-Bakor. Un Dogaa' paper waa
foU cf totpinlloa for noble liring.

Scott's'*Enu 1*^41 is not r.
good mcdtciiit.' fiJ f-Tt I> ik.'k
We have nvu r. «r\J gi\ ing it
toa real fat jn.rM n. Wf don’t
datn You'•IV SlxHl'-. iiltiul«on builds, nvw floJb Fat
people don’t vint it. Strong
people don't need it
But il jvu are tlsia Scutt's
Emulsion is the medicine fur
vou. It doesn't tire you ouL
There is nostrain.^ The w.>rk
'is all oatund a-nd easy. You
just take the medicine and
tfiat’s all there is to itThe next thing you know
you fed better—you eal better
—and yoo wdgh moce. it is
a quiet worker.
Sen! for trt« MMde.

HighSrade Dolson Buggies, Surries. Road wagons. Gentlemen's
[ Driving Wagons. Rubber tire goods and Spring Wagons. See
them before you buy.

E. r. n



"How food dtaaamoBwalte snap.

«f «b« DtmmaUe OnlM of KalcM* of ,
BIhmmu i> Bonhm Miolilv
VlU Ml ba tbn taolt et (M f*Ue«* 1
I Ip tbe (


- . 87 fc* « “k PW ToCrt ScL niedy ijecoratod
«wi, I. a.

ta bloc. jwn. pink, or taoaw. $2.60 valor.
$5.98 <or a liat pine l>ta>i>rt :
the dioicz
dtoicz of
trf r^i
r^t different
differetit dreoratiom; micdc

.! o».d

nf lalli Prrl-'- Ttaide.
M«Mn! MmM«: M*tter.:

«bM Um tnla trom tha Borth imiacbt
la mmiij aaTaDt7-a*a paopU. lacladlac aboBi aln; traa
eao makinx a abon ruit. 0
ad I9 dM-aalabntad
j>l«a«Bre*ot wblofa wa* ha
Fraaithal Boaam Baoadry J, M- Oalrr. la Paon. dorioc tha Otaad
Opera aaatno In OliloMO.
araa to be tala bair day
A. E. BaUlafer of Hapla OI9 la is
Tha arriTat of ttaa txala fto
wn today onbaatnaea
aanta. bovatar. waa bat a aocr
af ttaa detain to foUew.
ct ttaa aftaraeoe waa ttaa meaptli
aa>M Boyal 7Ular Lae A. Oaie d
Kaata Taspla. Oiaad Bafdda A fa« to rlalt with mdallrea
B. 3. Palftaam te rooftnad te bte
Aayi afe Mr. Oare wrote to (be Ueal
T. .
Miiitar/ adrlaiag tain el ll.a fact borne by Ulnam.
Mr. and Hn. E. L. OarteM of Hethata apaeial ear weald farlOK ibt
Otaod Rapida dalagmhM.aad ao«ina<' doe, lad., arrlrad laat errstac. aod
may decide te maka thi* |dbea tbeit

DIpbIbcoia. *ora tbra*
lani rallaf. |» imaini
bomaa- Eolaemie OIL

for a bottle nrcaner** Bbd Inker I


far 2 doicti Hook* mia Eyn. bbde t
attenetl tim.


tw fondmrwe Pouto Mkdten. 6c val

i 1*

89c torpood biaefc Prftieoatv' Btsilr of beat) Mrr*
cerirml tatecn and vrrll «onb *1.25. We
purantec thn to be the tnf tkirt k* the
money is the ctj).

lea word
lOaah wMh Or«ar.)


4bU weed

Detroit. MIeh.

I Ana Arbor tbebeao-ef Jotani Imne Hill of Jteminir^ had the! A 26c f'* » S««I Tde»ro|w and Ur|:n *ire»W'*-V.
L.tbaoldhaobalorwbodtepp..r.d!tridr.Ofhte MMbroken Prtd.,by'||,
66c. C4e. 76e, andH6c.
ami K6c.
I 9C •'» pmd
over ihiru liyirt rxi-.. ----------------M Good Friday, waa bnifcM into by the nerldanial dteebarct of both tmr
I 4c
far San Silk, atinK Stidiffetrni ealm
r* and fr&oda They fooad bank!rate of a abet con.
The fan kicked
in blabnraao drawar ^owtaflmiacteBlly to tenia-the injary. Hill
Ikdirt' *aauncf V«u, a nmd qialitv and
be bnd$3.:n> osdapeclL
Bte^aiUad the daeC be aboi at. Iboocb oot
. well worth 12c.
fold watch worth ISO WMdbo hid ' of aanaon
aaOer «aa liaam Hi* valaabla* were
*-----------------------------46cjw gtMl, ibeta'* BiiniripaB andenresr anem.
airdteoad in to* Ann Arbte teTioft
-UiaM K-m fatebtUm - rmi

ebewalnx Baron coontr
enewainf. maron county.


I tanee aoad Palnkliter for j
diartmaa. rtomp* and rnnn,.

52c f"" »^>r terpett «rr waAbnwl, and jutrher 76r


Harrer'rripp t* worklac l^^v
area Olty.

Mra SyWcator Onto ratomad today
(reel a vUil to Seotta Boanlawo.

t It to a*
(or orphsaa aad depaad.-nt
Mnd....t ei.iidteo,
iTbe little one* w ill be kaptattbei;:!*^^iJ^’Si-;“^^\*','-‘t^
too be jwovlde.1

le idtnatleo for aaumll^S^ thiel**™*

Jallai Karri* of Cedar Ran U in
the city on baaioae* today.'


sun I

Hra. iotlih PauBlactoa l» io Cedar
wiiTfr^'DuMSte?^hE?"^hte;‘’'r^“®^ Preaerrlnf Oo , of vA.lrten,
vUlliBB lieraou. J. A. Pesetpirtoe.
been rteitinf raUliroa.
- hat eoairaatad for about *00 aerea,
OoBiity Oleth y. E. Hlothaw of U.
TbeUdlea of tbe Ltfthian efanroh and will |wy tbe farmer* r per too
land Bitd hi* wife are ttaa reaeU of fBve. very tseeraafal aaterteiBmaiit delivered at thi* pUm.
ttaalr daarhter. Hra. 3. K. Slllwell of aod ■anper la*l Wedoaeday evenioc in
Eirtath *tra. l.
I o
„ Tf^rv- ,
end work. Off thn Cold,


stop, the votigh

I 7C h-r a )[.«» kttahen vde Utok 2-V nlm-.

far a terKO bcavT Ba^ Spoon, .y yalSe.
•or f.iul mutt Saaticnden. Msvn n Spht
wciffat. ISc value.
for a ROD.! 1 qi Ili)ipez. oadr of one pieee. Re
far a 4 or bonle rt the'bem Machine Oil, lilc


'rt 24 thret* offhetf Paper an rotir^ 6r value.

I 4c for a Rooil liroom. i5c value.


l<» S |4l<rs of goal Needier lUcrahir.

Chat Spring Suit

now for

Musical Merchandise.

you want something stylish, hence
we invite you to look over our new stock of

m[[ iniynis.


Sheet Huilc, TcIUbc
Nachlses ud Becards.
129 Front St.

hand made clothing, whose agents we
are in this place. These lines for the
present season are the finest they have
yet sent us.
No wQ^rer of the above brands need
be reminded of their extreme durability.]
and fine fitting qualities.


Hr*. .Mian of Baotpvrt betemrla•aae r.-oeaUy. She left lier borne and
wattnd barafooiad to Iteoit aad wa*
Ifoend Ibrre la an •■zlmaated oondlItiee. She ha* now b.-eo tekeii to the
jafylom at Tnvarae City.



We have the new suits in all the various shapes and pat­
terns prescribed by fashion and you can own one at such prices
asthese: $7.50.$8.50. $ 10.00. $12.00. $15.00. $16.00 to
$22.50. Boys’Suits $ 1.50. $2.00. $2.50. 'up to^lO.OO. Be
sure to see them at the new store.

*ie. milbelm.

lanrt taimea. U>r

Giandoa Slanley.who imtbaan 1
iBf far aome time, i* aoiioaily ta

eor. Trent
and Uiiien Sts.


Selling Fine eiolbing

■•a** Taaar OMrtak. Tiarm. cn* mrV

Km W*m

when.y«i irmle .


Pater Van Sickle, a fanai-r of Kortb
Ifarearo. elalm* tbe record for rawtaclMBUo. Ha i* tbe owner of a ffoek
ffMtad by ttaadiraeof Kaataa Tampla.
of 4b ewe< that hare bvna him W
aaMiHiar of ttaa foliowtec:
lamb* till* aiwinr. All are dolnr flaa- ------ iiiooe'and Craeta. —_____ ______ _
Yimr. ri ■[■ 1 ifiillj
Bepal Tisitr—Lee F. Oaro.
the ladiea aod Mend* of n food cardIt. Serealy foar of them are twioa
a-ilJJAJI o-.M.vs.W Twin..
can aodoi—
Vaaaeabta BtaUk-O. D. Kealir.
b-hw..n- «c,.4
tbfoe are triplet* and two are elniilp.
Amarlte, |
Tim eldeat eacd hou*i'
Otaad Bmtr-P. W. Batderf.
_________ * Sea*. *1
Tbe awe with taripleu i* i:> year* old.
Mahadl-J. B. Johaaon
hale and baarty. aad to all appaar. --Iladelphla. OTRaaiacd in ITM._____
ibcrot ibafirmof Kathon Smith
HofeataM-a B. Batty.
plamd la rhatfe of thalr Hall Order
lOM t* (rood for Id year* vet.
Dept, the oldtet illuttaiad Catalofse A Son. flortela. f* now w amt daily
Ja»-a. A. Kianth.
A n-«idani of (iladitoec war oat iteattemau. Jame* Viok, formerly of leek* oflar the l•atiBe** ahoat the
Baoramiy-Prad t. Piabm.
-iac teat weak Haidar ....................................... ... «Mkimt a liappy Rtvau bouea. Ha lay* claim to a lonfTtaaoam-W. J. Pa«a.
waute of
.bte rnuamme inform^
anoa in tha atata
Haaial-Oaro Pltarlbboiu.
He rejilled: -Ij _____ _________
*! • ... JuBt reoelved,-te;*han any
■atalb-^els iHmp.
oaa’t fo boBi* now: 1 have Ibrea pi.-o filled with balf-mma and other illn*- not in the
tb ratlta at
tworm F. H. HadAaa. John B.
•omayai." Kordidbi'Ro. It tare- tiationi eaeloacd io a vary otaaela
bl* father to .Pnni
oat aftarwaivl that it wa* all liRbt. er, obowinR rleveu vartati
baa lived in ilie *
Bm«a Miimiar-Thoa. P. BaAiaL
Ai, and tan varletiaa of
>.fartberej —------------- '—
VeUewinf tlm work Bm baaqnal
not try te daaorlbe tbe
wiU take piaoa U the Oity Open three roteo.
■mplluj^ offer*, aead for ibatre
' '
baaaa, The mana aad ptoctam are a*
-aldl. e-A aeak.-Ibr ulrkvacMl elll u»t>
. ttatetnper


mv Stofw or Travara


HcOonald 1* workioR a Beaver

Ml nwe

far a bei with 4 cake* oT Uaiar Btaten teilrt
Soam Iltc value.


idld teomre FMdaV

bot;<>r tW hem Sranr PeWt. lOr

Vouf kith! atteniidr. >t rallc! u> ilic a!.nc L.« ,.rh*v on higi. gtmU- g.ei.U. wh^h vtvu

Ohrtatian famlUea

Crotear and wife Sundayed in |
Editor W. a Jannao of |tae Klamley EeliO U In the city today on basiGeo. HrDoaald moved hte fateilv
into ilie Spoor boate» teat
me. weak,
j The
Khl* laaTOoBee
Beet Sufar comimoy
Uoa. and Mra. O. O.-^Lncta were
iteta Kiva
buefc (loa Maeteo.
Ttaa train w
tbarnaata of frianda yaatarday. rv- their mlatelar. Rev.
wife Tuaedny
net by a «raat crowd, there to aae t^a lamirqr to Waitoa today.
I Ima imported
load W (BR
fan. aad tiiay «w It vary mach.
Mlm Hooker of Grand Rapid* U
from K.'btitaka
Gfl the terma Soma
Bqyal TItiw Ctaro waa eqoal to ttaa rliltlof Hi** Dallee of Saeend atTMt.
ilty ha* h
eacMlea and deported hlaaalf )aat at
P. J. Lillie l*r( ita* olty today for
lonriag pontteot* ^tb lotel (anaen
a man to aaeh a peaitloe ahoatd.
Btaanaao la tbe leletaal* of the V. V. w^!Kl" fw'Ta'e *i,'!baTld“
beat* to mipply tb- inda*try.
Ha abe mw ttaa taamor of ttaa lerldral
Kimball Oo
)Aek Year lltebr fee AUm** fam-tM
aad tala frindr Mjeyed It u meeh at
Hanletl and
H. aafiios of
ttaa Tlarwaa Olty people
Korttapert wree In the olty oror Son- 'teefml!
IW Kalkarta band «ara a ooooert
at tha depot bafera ttaa arrlral of ttaa
C. K. nraalbM and J. P. Oherllo of i
“ '•:
------------------------------traUabd ttaa rtelun were fraotad
t.Blldinc te
Blncham wore at tbe Wliiiiee yeoter. D the Lntl.r
with rood maalo ae tl>ay left the
and bteckamllh .bop
mala. After the dapartara of tha la-


far a

fork'dopblreakra white ttee or
, Glyrvrinr «aap. IHc yalon

3C . f»t Mrv I-crti* ami Iron Mah-tlra. R. value.

• Oar. lb. ovart and .v. tb. Ufe. • •
Dr. Wood'a Korway Pina Syrnpearaai ...
eooch* abd colda down to th. very
^ *1|«“ ““
“ »'>
verce of eoBfamption.
boaae ftp 61.000. He vna bid
-------------------------------] tbe would-be pan-ba*er‘* limit, but'
Tl.e EvaBCeUeal irntberan Obll.|foQcl,l It* tlml It dlffarvnoe aod no I
drao'a Friend loi-iaty. wliiota Im* a jteJi-vra* mada
erahip io Hiebicaa at over CK>. I
------------------------------ly to inouirias •-!.*»■>.**■
■30* ll.*l Kl. > I.*,.ukl l-ravai b
..-th.-niSd lir.-t*.r*n-C vt tl.*l *Omlr
___ -.1; 1* that II rhmsaa hlal bmk n,. —

CtampMf ef Kortl<ort la is
the dty today aammeead by tba aaddi-o daath of bU tiepbaw. Oetmid F.
Hra Prank H. Bmlib and dangler
ratamed today alt<-r a trip ttuoerh

will be lOt yean old on Headay



tawmUlBC. 1


far dddieh-* Garden SMt. 16c valae.


KnyUrSHT-ltinmcaa PenxUin' Ware, real

a a K. K.
TM MWlntlet) «B> naiMdM 1140,

IdOOBRi waa oollaiad by ttaa polioa,
ttaa Mrblaa elappad 00 and beallad to
. tea patrol wairoe le waitlof. driren
bp Jta Babar wilb eea of ttaa traat
. efthafiiadai>n
Tha haadeaSa were pat ea la a Jiffy
by SpaeUl1 PaUea
I baedlad
late ttaa bairyap
WBfM by PeHefoara WIU Aekmwei.
BdBeaaareBd rtaak Hartlrr. Ttaao
tha rw« aoaadad aad ttaa rid daabad
• pway aad down Froat am«, ttaruoRb
Bmu Nrael aad flaally te Park Piaoa
helaL wtaeta Oaro ncoaadad le ratabti-a*ay taU IdMUty aad waa ralaaiMl
U tisa for dlDBir.
Ttaa Otaad fiapida tiatn broopbi
nan or aura frm that elly. a larva
aamber flea Oadlllar aad another



HaHa, aatadolia aad falter qaartal
Mamra Howard, Boa«c. Plttpal. rlob wd Baaart.
. ... ...................... Dr. L A. Tbeopaoe.
tSiMte.”Waleete*"-Pam a OHtawt. Trarafae Olty. '
■i^iteii Pnah tt OUrka. imi..
tWPMam. Oamoit.
•■HlaMlmtm--^t Olty Otaerea
•«Oar Baby"-Lao P. Oaro, Paid
lapntel Prlaea, Otaad Bsidda
Sav-Obaa. A. Skaleber. Ttarataa
Tom, *'Bandom TboBftate"-«. B.
Hampkm. OtaarlareU.
BpaaUty. ‘*Ttae Irlih Btaalen"Ohaa mpfiaa bd BaMty Jarrta
TtaMb-C. A. Palmar, Maaletea
■paalBlty-Bart VlBala. Ttaretaa
TaMt-P. C. HatteMo, Oadlllac.
' BpaHally, The -QinaaB Atehaamitaa”-R. Mlllm aad J. Olaebanpw-

Oar town wn*


rvryad U.I weak
« not when- they

S^Harvla te vaty lot* with


~ --


Ima moved into Oamr



Hr. and Mra. Bloom are DovlnR ioto tbe Tolteo eottaicv.
S. Xtenmora still mrnant

i* only a part »f our “Wo Bu*lne««”Bl* Cead Hi tb* Fumtebina flood* trad* al«o.

Ole $«ll

Yguhave been told how some of our competitor? buy,and how they will save you
moniy. ^ewill only say we sell both DEALERS and JOBBERS, which Haces l!s
in P^ition ^ Buy Hii^ht: and until further notice wc will sell all kinds of

The he« $;l Derld)

I^d TinislMd BUts

Hat ramie—anil vlunr the
Nonbern MK-hiRun al T<ttr

sr.'Tu.S’ “““

—-------- vrinip will «ou.

to $ff.lHl.

Sarvina "at tbe
ohnrob a.-vt Sunday mortilac a| 10 J
Yoe are cordially laTiiad to be ia<

Vaebt or 6on Styk

26c to $i.s«

gra.W* Bivl *ha{iea Chikl'*


2.’-?.“ '*-'***'•- y^ffbaaotGim.


Khbrr Stiff Ba*oui or'
Ttae haadqaarten of the aaeratary
wlU be in ttaa weal atota of ttaa new
HoMoa talook. adjolnlnc tbe Pythian
> aoutb. where ha
kalL wbtea ttaa aaoratery will he ptaa> auniaar.
twtta look aflar tlK'eandldataa re
Jlr. Sutton* from___ ___

eotra tliatr meoey for inliteiimi. and
Urlnf la a O. Belllucer-abaasa.
to wail npea all retariaa wbo arr to
Hte* Faanle Blltott wa. apMbly
attend tl>a naraniMlM and luqiiaL
taipriird Tliataday eraatne. abe raAll ttaoea wbo bare aet paid ap and ------ line bonw after eervite found the
tel-ea BaU crowded to twalcoTM
baaqaat tlebeu, an ngaMted to rUit
ttaa ateratary a* nrly a* paaalbla. ao
ten^ aalicbt token of ap(weclatloa
that thata may be
delay in the iiro-


KegUgee-Vk lc$I.60—


verv Urge aMonmcnl «H

M'iD make yon think

I giattetnv


want rmn SGcloiS.rtl.

M»n Dttkwetr
Than you will bee to

OR «f our Best

some targe city ante*—

hnet—6t>e Tana, blacki

Better polterm llian ev -

-Kie, 16r, 2ir—Kanl

erliefatc—2Sc to7Sc

cy (-ADfamidereal. 16c to
sue. AIiobett.V‘«Kk

Carriages,Harness andFarminglmplBiiients


H..t)BMof Kettbpettia la the oily
»od^H H. Ohriat, rirl!
ta tbe dtr teat erimtnc and aritb a
C. Hanay Ml ttal* manioc for LeateMaooaaty.
F. U. Viaton of triUlaaabatt la la
flm aily on baolaiaaa '
B. L. Oinmpioo of Sapid Oti.r la in
W. a Haasim U U Oantial Imka


Q. E. &. F. P. BOUGHEY,

Cm-. Cus ud SMte Sts,
r r tTnnrcTOLVx.i

SSKKteS.,..,- '

anil PeTTin't wrD
known GInvv*—From the
cheaimal In besl—23c to

'in the i

Travel. <lo it nan.
fartahfy. We show ev.
rtj^iag in the line o( Travelii« B(|Hk

We have no TRASH nor CHEAP JOHNS. We are HERE with the GOODS.
Our stock is LARGE ENOUGH and prices LOW ENOUGH to satisfy the-most
careful and cnnser\’ati\x bu>’er.





a Curao

line cm-'

I,rare* anyThing you will


Aiaaa of Urn wort laid oal.
. T. U. Gtepal ftamiJatmaea
A terfe crowd will be In on theft JO
OR held teat cvtelnc at tb*
1* ekarcb wa* iroucmonad a *bi-maln-ftom tbe oortb tbl* aneraom. a
Mte Tbe bou»» wa> full of latnartbicdelatallonfiote Elk Bapida aa- pc Itetaucr*. Hi** Hayar from Good ,
atbar from Ba*t Jordan, aortaal from
“pprt^teM^ "^tS“SSVr7rite:
tbiftei and YaoM and another balob
rtoiMOndilteo. Itae Maatelae opeelal fuya a iuod tampatMoe arteetioa I
Solo*, duala and sberuaea waia ammia
will bo la aboat fi e-oloek, in tiam for


In pc*' variety
>ln«ti>—Kioe line uT

rmni Unc S»fi K'alv in

UK Otfcst EidiisiTe Canute an* ImpUsKiit Dealers
I* Traverse RetUi. Alvan Reliable.

l>aiiiiltoti Clothing 00a
206 Front Street

Craverse etiy. imd).

THE ORAftB TlkAvi^B HbMALD..hroiL 84. lOOk

I. .0 MU to to* totoily
f MBtoMffl'r*
■MtoMclT*tU<gtlr»«O.OeOUhntu« g4lr»«».0eo Uhnfy MMtaf. y bmUh Witt 0M1
tow to to* «>«r*^'to*toto* at Mb
• Kift b tollT optwiMid.
IM at a rite U tor Mt cgaridwUoo. Am« to* to«>Wi»i» muntoll
•ad to* Ufc* At*sm Mfc- TlMnan
atotvMiKhI* riMto «tow wUeb
oilt b* tokca *p for oMitoa
totar. WIto to* taoMtoc B**fa
at tor |w*ai lltcwy to* p*mo* ot
tl o*B mllar tor odwtot* <
Iwiuinc tout MpKtollT fOr*Uat pwiw. Tta*n U BO doaM b«l tool (U*
elto vill koe^MBto t»«l>*rir aaiatato tor lOopoMMl baUdtog.-R»aort.

* to* ten* of
tto *-(M«lual Bls-'oadtli* hoM* «t
tralMBl Mul other frlnid* et to* popalar boo vto «a* *o (addraly called
sway Boaday.
tto "tlriittaal Bi»”
Ooaald P. itepbell.
Taay Kortey. Albart PaMrtyt.
Oaont* Tarbaok ao<l Bp>>* Orellieb
)iad caa* to toeir el*b boaee at Oorp
Ukr to *po»d toe toy. te** ot
waa at work oo toeir MoUu*
taaato. the -’Detaf*" wte the
•treke of Bpoplazy eaaw that bm«ht
death to-Dlek" witolB atel three
Uisk era* tasMatoc apaa the bov o>
toe beat toe aiafeel letter* of to* aaae
vte to* haBMr. with wbito tto
Mwn war* b*la« ta*tMWd by Oiak.
wawad la (to atr. aad wte It aaw
dowB. Bl**ed to* ipot St wbieb II wa*
dlraeiad. Thb wa* rapiaied ton*
llBWk *to*a Dito laid dowa to* hannn aad waat to to* elab boaa> aad
rtrtecad. |ae*lBC aoBie of tto u*o *t
wort la III* kilote witoeal
It wa* Bol tooo«hl tor a f*w aiaala* ttol aaytolBg aartoaa wa*
MtMr. bat *008 oa* ot tto awn
n to* oUb tolaeMI tto reoB
teoad Mr. tteptali lylaf oa' to*
fleer. H* eeofbt to oroao* bin. bet
foaad that U« ay** wm tolled beob'
aad to wa.K*qrtac Icr toaoto.
wa* naovBd to tto bad. oad «
M* wa* plw hlak Mr*. W. V. K*Il*y aad Mr* O. P. Oarw dolac
oeatd do 10 «OM hi* Ual mammtu.
Mr. aad Mrm. O. P. Oarrar aad Mr.
aad Mr*. W. H. K*Uey had drlw to
tto lek* to epaadte day aad wte
itoy arrteod itoy ware tboeked to
lean (he nd a*w* ef tto
Tto Mdia* appUad bet elotbt te (to
atriekaa naa. aad a maetaid teat
mill, bat (toir affoiti ware tatlle.
Wbll* to* ■trlokaa Biea wa* b*l
oared for at tto etab toeee eiton bad
baniail to (lie bate of Oooei* Bela,
(artbaad lelepbaaed to toe ally tec
aad alnply a •abtsffap* la n* ^
, eete W the olab bease ter tto rwt
‘ tto day. bat ee noB n to wa* at
Tlaeed that bit Mead Dlek wa* mlly
lU. to nade aU bane la nee

Urd *0 pnloac tto tit* ot bu
frted ter aay eoadddenUe Um.
Mothlac wai ooUtted, hewmr, that
aeoid add la aay way to the oonfort
of tto striote MB. wbo wa< '
Utlau to to* ear* that wa*-1
abewa bln. Up le to* aa>M
■ tetb entyattsrt wa* and* that lyn-

aw. aad toartly afiar I e'olook Dlek
brtehod hU laet.
Be wM m^okaa aboal 10 o'eloto,
aad did set ipato a wwd hen tto
Mm that toeauredlto elabbea*^
Bom of to* frUad* wlie eanoe '
hU bad«ld* toeacbt ttol at tin
wa* wtolwa. belaf dao*
and laid atel Un. Olhn* foal ontala that to dU net rasUasatote
.honttotlM towa* atrlekra aakl
to died.
Willard Oanpbell aad U* sUlar.
- Mta. W. J. Hobba. alartod a* ton le
werdreeebed tbM aad dror* wttb
aU pMlU* spswl to tto elab heaea.
bat iBoetod ttoia Bfnr bu dtnto.
. ad aad to oarad for tto body. wMsb
WM broBcbt to tto oily flaaday
Ito priaf at the .-OtlplMl Bla."
•Bonc wbM Mr. Ctepball bad alware to.* a laodn. w*. tosoblap
to* Mtrton. Tto pMMt pkK
owrindewodall toase wbe wan at
•ttopUaten pnatidi oa Oarp Into
aad (toio WM May. Ditotodattooa early la ;tto aaenlap faallap m
well M to ew did-aad M aaen M to*
bte wa* potM Mdy. toe 'M
Six- ware pUaalap te tab*
' a* ttolUfca
ITtetto newtof to* aadf
' l^oCef Mr. Ctepbell metod tto

OB Part *M*t for
Ito v«t* ton* to pv itolr
to*l r*to*o**totoe d******^ r
U to* toMWa -otoly to* tab
sad Itola*. toraam ot omo f«to»to<s»
eouido la to* mu* iMkll adjolalBi
to* tarlor vtora to* body lay. t»*
..tordto* bcottor MMtonot Dlek
la to* Oorp lAkr Clab. Tto** ww*
10 hlai. parbaia tooB otoa
toeocb to«o wMT aeawabo
^l*d Ui loam* frlaad*. The
k*t wa* alMI toned wttb flobMIttsl pUee* that to*
Bun utUHp tab* ooald derl*.
Ttir faaarsl waaoaodaeMd by TiarM» Oily Ooaiaaadavy Vo.
KatobH TMBplat. sad atlor to* t
et ooafart had boaa ipokeo by Ber.
D. OoehUn.lfa* Eat«bta TaapUta ea>~.rA«r w. W. SlBito Bad PT
W. T. WoodhOQ**
B*«. OoeUlB'* (OMifc* w

anoalliM. Mr. and Mrs Mclbiw* ef
a; sal ftea. Mr. and Mn.
Prank OoedrUb; saraaliana. Hr. aad
Hia Joya*; plak waa. Mr. and Hr*.
Bartnrt Joyal and Ma aad Hr* Bart
UU**. Hr. aad Hn 0*0
MeUllaa: plak aad whit* aanatton.
K. M. fltolM ; May lUM and
uUm. tUldoa BarataadDsaM
Kelly: teU lUUa. WiUaad Balpb
reea : wiMth of ptak roan
earanUau, D. R. Day et Olm Bartmi beoqaot aprlap Inalli* Hr*
TbOM* HiCatoeek. Tbrae ah* aanl
niaefy ef'to* day* wte Mr.
OMpbell a* a littU boy atto to toley
liaptbe tarn aad plaklap (iriiip
itetnUaMlf: aaitelan* Hr.
and Ml* Jeba Bonaa; apray of
Mr. and Mr* L, Hotort*; In
rooM hen hU tiiiwd.
O. IUm of Cbleapo.*ad a tarp* i
ot pink rose* hon John CboMr. ef
Otsad Bapld*. kU oanpaalon oa bU
hip >0 Hawaii with tto Shriaer*
Anooff toe •tapaat floral pl*pn **01
wat oua hon Oadillae EU* Ladp*
n. It wst a beoattfal plUow
* told by the Blk*
Doaald P. Oeapbcll wa* ban Pah.
II. iat», la to* lot boon Iwm ot
foully la too** day*, oo (In Sad
tarn la what wa* Ite BUlr to
•blp. bel Uier taeladed la Oarflrld
oa* of toe nod popeUr in ihU oliy
aad Tlololly. Bariy la bU yoeap
maubeed be baeanr Idantlfled with

teapht bto toeiiiBf* ttooi too** who
t«o*lnd hU boaaiy. HU kladaoi* ot
bnn. loy*lty to hi* frt.od* aad abor*
aU.lil* loro aad daretloo U hi* aiolhaad UBtly. He laadad the bead
ot eyaipotoy which etUlad bnw*M
Diok aad to* nnabcn of hl.faaUy:
aad dw*lt teaderly apoo to* il«ath ot
to* fotoer wUeh oaly a *li«rt tine
acetiToefbt prief lato to*-to»**bold
and to* eennaatly. 8,* *pak* of tto
■tela* of Itofleeeoaod a* an elaetriolaa aad hi* aUIlly to bbodw the
tem* td tear* to to* beaedt
aadpraetleal an ot hamaalty. HI*
bondwhlab aallad bln
> frlMd* wen ipokeu ef a* rrl• of hi* Md«r toort and lore

sr*e Ohaplw. aad later Bmlaaal OonBUBder of Tnwn Oily Oenmaed•ry, Ealpbh Tenphr* aad liad for
May yean told oMoe of Oaptala
Oenenl AUo aa oOe* U toe R *
He WH aleo aellTe la tto
Hyatie Sbrta* U addUlee to Ito
Mr. Oampbdl
of tto ehartar nombenof Traren*
Oily Ledp* Ko tS. B P. O. Elk*.
ra* at an* Um Exalted Ralar of
toe lodp* Me wa* also a Mub
Tnean* Oily Lodpe, Be. 7t. AalphU
of PjthU* H* bod alway* been actI lodp* work aad wa* koewa all
erer to* *nt* a* on* of too no*! «*n. fratonol cooUty work.
I daaoaaod wm on* of tto erlpinntan of tto old Boy* Bond aad
Hr. Ooyilia tai|Ba***d tto fHead*
played aa iBahanant la that
with tor pnat pi*f whloU wraey tto
liearti at toon Meadj who cai *
Alway* kied baartad, whoU-natod
>d loyal te bU hUnd* -Dtok"
Oamptoll will b* TMCubanil by all
whofcaow bln well. BU paru
Mo. BU wa* an aabltioo
eoelal lit* ead that waratli of t*ellna alway* at tto ditponl of toe
whloh blad* ana to MB aad itrearb- troieed anoap liU trleudi orotton
> be kaew to b* la Bead. It Itt
etini aold of bin tint bU btort
we dad *0 onay aad slaew* trIboMa blppn toaa bU body, oad tbore i
aooe wbo ooald to eaUed U* «nai
a* Itoe* yoaa« nea pay to Ui*
ery ef Dlek lotoy. Tb* ntaen tor bi* Oar of bl* etoraeututie tcBlu
loyalty aad ktadnM ot b«art U aae of bU derollaa te bU notoar. TbUte
oaeed aad be was eftae
tn.friaadrt»|t-May Ood-. to dva eomfort to the BMtber
I WM a man of mer* than ordlaadfamUy oad atranpUiro than to
ability and that wl.Ufa In aatorear what U piraa to them la b«ar."
Darlap tbe mrtUo lb*(>boir.eoii*i*t- took waa done w«ll. Year* apo whn
lap of O. A. flkeleber, g. B. While. l>U fatorr. tto late Hm H. D. OampDr. 3. A. Saydaraad 0. t. Boater. ball. started to* city water w
p, -Oooi.iUMoB.- -Kow tto Day wte pood biwlaem men prediehd
U Otar- aad -Baoailfol UI* ef ftUUre.-Dlok.-WM toe *tBrdr#*^
port of hU bUmr and beesM
Wtoa Un offlaefi and p»ll beann apor aad eoperlataatet of Ito w
ef to* KalpliU TenpUn eaUred to* Later to wa* (aperlBhadaBi of
Wtor* Ui* oatoet wa* placed tin
larp*ly dae toe eoeoM qf
ewart. Jewel aad to
Otak Wh* plaehl apaa to* Ud ot to* too** baalsM ventarM Hr be
eaatot anoap the flower* Tto form an expert •Iretrlelaa and liU *er
el tto ............. WM oUd la bU
other elUee. wbara hU aUllly wa*
Kntpbt Templar asltom.
Tb* aerrle* WMaffeeUap aad to* ralaed hlphly.
After tto aaleof Ito
vtvw f*ll by •MyoDe wm i
aad.*UohieUphtiBpptath*aaa I.U
mled. Wte the a*ak*i wm
Willard A.. MlablUInd aa
lotto toom th* fw**l itnln* of ‘ “
eapply baetaM la Un e
. .jmr. My God. te Tb*.-." flooted
apon to* air, aad the {mil beam* 8U whlcb te proepared aad whloh
KatphU Dr. L A. Tbenpeon. Praak fair to booOM a latp* boaiaM
of Um toat when bU
Ftlodrl^. S. W. (Oralllok. Sam OarbMlowed itoobUa. 3. r.
aad W. B. Peaur.
Jeot of it ooald alway* depead upee
Uaad It teaderly la tin t*Uo1*
an anay In toll
Tb* praeanloB WM Ud by to* toad,
by hU beoaty.
fallowad by Ito Kalpbu TempUr*
•eeno la Ha* Tb* Bla* lodpe He will be slaoeraly moeraad. aad
Otapwr aambemp forty *0*00. liU memory will to kept preen la tto
UieEU*«7:lh*KBipfaUof Pytoia* beart* of all wbo kaew and lored
•0: fecnad la apmi order oa Slat* and

to hlnaetf t

hter hitaM ted to to* Albert KoTotoy aad JeroM jrUl^:,
17 of DiekCtepbeUTaaedayaf- onteUa*. MUe OoedaU: tek iteC
m WM watolap. Banc U toe fnina aambex of eld hlenUi epny
T of to* eltyte toMbteeato ef rod MdyaUaw roar* Mr. aad Mi«
W. B. KaUy; wraalb ot iom aad cm
»U*oe, Wn. Battoh and bnUyi



come* ia acate pomd
packape* oaiy. that»ptb.
OarM ate ttaiforauiy.

tobd porM
tote at tb* Um bU wlfa w
body of Un*
T lor her ; WtlUaa Zlm
te tar* lakloted ape* heraeU tto! Ito earpet olraalop work* of K. B
woaade wbieb prodaoed deatb.
iObapto. mi with aa aecldeot TaeoiltypUe woald eeem M bajday toat reealtrd In eery aarioo
olmhU. It may be claim-!jnry. bu ripbl l^t toiop Ixokea abet*
Ito kai* and hU aakle brlap k todl<
WTMohed toat It will be a loop Uan
I* to wtotbm tot* U poeelbU or faefon it U bMled.
Ibla. toon aeoM to be a dlCeranoap tto pbyeleMeof Ito city. otmUi. and
SoMOt Itoloeal doelora claim that Dear to* ehafUnp a*ad lo roa to* earopilepey. *0 far hM (OodaoiophlM pat rlcaalap apparataa' Hit orenile
Moally detetn Un rtetlmof-to* eaapbt te the etoftac- and to wm farMlady et tto power to eemmll orlote. ribly WMKdwd befer* Hr. Otoplo.
; wbo WM aiataln. oeaU reoeb the toeeea if to deUred to do *0.
IfiMoad atop tto macliinery.
BoMtf tto I
'the maelitaery toea raaoiop taatrT.
rtee la toe Hortoen Hltolpaa tai
woald eeem <0 tore flood {ii U peobabU toat
Hnmf*rplriBplotolllp>Bt MUmoay;har* beeo killed A* it *1
Itonaimr. bowrrar. ny toat not loape we> fortaaale. thooph
oely U it ponlble that eptlrpoy dipi"
badly iajand.
eaa** eael. a crlM a* toat whloh
--------------------teh Terc*.
•rem* to Itar* baea eommilMd la tin
My frail traea an aaw ready for
Ultle bedroom oa Cedar *trMl. tot dollrery. aoue earpla* A rood aamthat the malady mlpbl eo effect lu bar ot Wapneraad Half Rirer. ftol at
rleUm that be ooald eommlt orea Ueo. MoU ■ fee<l ba».ve*t of Martel
V. 3. Stover.
eoto a crime m IhU ooe aad after re- PUeo.
edpe Of lb* ater. Ctoe* ot a aenrwtol almlUr elmneter won meeUoaad by ooe of (to phyUelao* Me epleiOB WM plna. bewoTer. m to wbetoor It wMpgeelhU Umt to* dUeoee
tram wblel. Bmptbtm U aald to bar*
nffered ooald Imre taodaoed (to
erlM with which hr U ehorped.
Dr. Mnaaon. medlnl eaparlataadaat ef Ito aeylam. etate* that U u
noopaliad by ianalty axpem Umt
aa epiUpUe. U wte U eaUad to*
paet-eplUpUe etai*. may ooatmil aay
In to* eataloffee witooat tto
net koewUdp* of it after bU
reeaam tmaenaal eterlUea

In Our Hands
Tm auM be flttcrwfae
ihaa well flrmH.
Every »rring suit, pair of panis.
hat or article of haberdAsherj' for
men or bo>^ that is in our store is
from the newest productions of the
sweiic St isanufacturers «f thecoun'e want yyou to see the extiy. We



that we hav.^ selected for you for this season. Our range of prices was never so
great as Mow. but we cill your special attention to the magniliceiit vaJucs we are

OFFERING AT $10.00. $12.00 AND $15.00.




Travaru* City Market*.


r otianpoe In prlo**.

It is mu a qu«-stion of how cheap a spring w*- can furn­
ish you, but how gooti one that has solid
comfort written all over it.

oey bat a tael, aad
ate* a of tto eplUptU malady, bar*
ot wbieb lo their
U *mte they weald aerer bar*
baea ffallty. aud ot wbieh.
mlDd* tonam* aocaiaL toey had aot
.Iplilaat koewUdp* They bar<10 tto peetnplleptie inm. nk
eo loop joaraey* aad oom to (tom
nlro* U a fscalpa eooahy with »
kaewledpe a* te hew toey pet tton.
Dr. MaoeoD *tatu ttol In kaow*
aetolapof toU
of kaewiap at ptaatal wheUiet it U

FiUs that long felt want. Trj- one—If not Saii!if.-»ctory
your money refunded.

Tor salt bp...

9 Un death ot Mr* I
ooald tore been Uie reralt of epiUiiey
ty fos t...... .................................
eoable me to take mv eon Oeorse
Ml* Hiln HIU. a aUler of toe mar Ado Arbor for heoimaat
trad wooaa. elated to a Baooed n kladn'-e* U itnmtly
Perth last rreolap that tton bat
beta Boeb domartlc tofrllolly lo the
' ily ef Harpravea She MM
Bsraep Anderson. I23 Cass Street,
to* raport Umt toll WM Harpr

Brand 1{apids Turniturt

wltb his spray pomps.

Ml* Hill cUted Umt tto meet
a* domMtle dlSiealU** bepaa
immer. wte belli Mr. aad Mr*
larprarM wore tU.- aad bad to tor*
toe anaudaae* of aBata* Seranl
ta ware ampleyod at dlffetMil
time* At laet. wbeo Hac|r*ro<
about ito hoaee. a woaaaa w*
plojbd of whom Mr* Hatprarra toeoM rery Jealoa* She nw aud beard
tolap* (tot did net at all m*.-l
Afiar toU WOMB left. Mr* BarpiaTM nid thoopfat Harpnro* rUliod

Ihb naralap at t o'aleek tec kU
ptattUlMiy bniliip- It U net kaewa
MMBOk Tlalkte
bow tep ih* eramlaaUea will nk*
tot II U te thoapbt that » toa to _ JLlfl'i.
dtomod of la a day. aad petoapt te DIO mm miauib...


VM auK KPUin

Wall Paper
Newest Styles.

Best Work.
DCBlap. HU wif* wbo
parUally erlpplad aad aimble lo «>dram barnlf, weald prepare hU tap­
per with tto te bead ttot tto ooald
am, aad (te wall for him pmlmpe
■ •
1 dayllthv aaabU or
pretmn boMlf for bad oaill te haetaaadeam*
Hr* UaifrarMbad treqtetly loM
te eUter of te kraeblet aad of t
tael ttot 'te hMtond deMred a H|mnUoB from bar. Hr* Hill aqto te • tOUteroBHAlJItiiell lorwoT tb
aUter to oaoiBBi to a Mpantloo aad
a dirlaloe et lb* ptoparty. ef wble)> Di>T1< WaSTB^^ IMfUl J-mn
Harpraroe had at that Ume Dot '
Mr* Haiprare* mnd Umt toa
•• m^uja plarn «Wr* R 1. .k-i
weald not eoaeant to a taparaiioe.
bowerar. M tbe lored ber.hai
and woald remaU wtUi him aatil Un n<B KXIA-tk-d
died. Ml* BiU tod traqaaaUy 1.
ad te alaur that HarprarM weoU


246 rront St.

SHttiuiite iiieePlim.

vui Pipu Dffinni
sjH- 11*


MM mM.
part OI
of our
oi Dusinesss is oow
ms pan
Qow comunea
combined in
•>ur regular book and sutionery store. If it's
I >ishes you want here is an eit^ant i^ance.
Everp piece of our earthenware is guaranteed
not to crate, check or crackle in the glaiing.




From Tuesday. April 29th, for
Balance of Week.

Be Sure You

men's Tine Dress Shoes
$1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2, S2.50

«( tbe

21th Century
Steel Lanrel Range
and ter* why N citalJ
all ettor raapn la

Quick m4 Unifonn Baking
te EcuBomy of Fuel.
e mn<i NOVEl.

10 a. m. to 5 p. m.

At Julius Caiapbeira Hardware Store
W. OUBa.

always in stcKk. Our made-to-order curtain
department is in the hands of cxfierts. Shades
for large and small windows made cn short

i iere is where the bulk of the Wall Paper busi­
ness of the coun^ takes plac<-. A reason lor
it. to be sure it's all on account of the high
quality and low prices. You will do' well to

• The Famous.

ill* elcb wHb whloh, Joha Barpt*TM 1* eappoecd to tor* monUred
hU wife te beea foaad. all eeretwl
with blood aad hair, aad
bu been foepM U Um ohaia of erideoe* ttot .Xbam«eaaed will tor* te
toe* wte to eo^ bofen to* ooart
toy kill te. bat tto tieto
OB kto mardor
aaraar enarp*
ly RherlB Leenard
Otayeoa. pelBptoetay with him If II am
wbe totI beto ia
of Ito bou* cr lUe.
• ncrnlap ef/toe hapady. te Mr* Bill MM Umt Barptaret to*
been raoolnp ibteopb bi* property
rapidly for a aamber of mnaUi*
doM te Uilak Umt to toe baea rUII
Ito mretery of db* womoa'e d
te tto WOMB ef wbam Mr* Bar
low ef roM aad <
ladiap ot Un waapea with which PTBTM WM ao jMloax at te baMtot
aay* toot lb* moa aad tto womb My
eld ***m toat tto erlM WM
iMd SU." who wen at Un <dab hoaee
tore BM at atoer plaee* m to wm
at toe Um of bU death. On II e
• eat a pood ttora of tto
Tto bladpeoa r** f«ud aader tto
roed “Dlok" In Um flower*
atepeUadlaptram toe kiietoatotto
AU WM tMslM of Diak CUnpbaU
epant a bad ai^t al to*
lahad. It WM aU aerorad with
U a nenerr^ nimory wbieb wUl
to ^rttoed a* law ae bl* hund*
atoll lira. HU loyalty a* a I
1«: *(]M
andUa worth ai a mb aad hi
whlu flowen feem Trarerte City atUa of tto bleed Md te f*
Ceresou costs a tnfle
/ tto blood ef a haLodp* Bo. t». r. * A. H.: emy ef
Ufa that toronp* •oaphl tado Um rto roM hon th* Orte.^x<to Bool- maa tolap.
more . than ordinary flour,bnamtotoy. Haorood by too** who era Star; a eneent and elar ot ite*
Tto elab tod eridtely beea ito
WM Ml bantriendj la lU*
aadU of a aetaoai eaw. liutorfl- but it makes more bread
hyaotato* rlotet* aad
rianlii by a irnfaetoa ot fleeal
flaUdln TMpU ot Otaad tUplde; pti- rood, aad waaU tore
and better bread. We don't
lap*. MbUn* lor* aad parity, aad lev et while roM aed Baeh*
While It Uapask you to believe this until
fsUewad by baadmU of fiaunml wlth"BIk* an." from to* B <
tmUuaa. bU body wm bona to Ito B.; IriaapU ot ptak and mam
you know it. You can eas­
PMT*. Tto mnenrad head of toe aad apoiMam hen to* Kalphh of
beeo MdewlthtoU WMpea.
' of (torn r—latr aoaU. It ap. ily prove or disprove this
PytoUe: lyn hon toe Boy* T
athoBoyetood. eptay of roMaad eanmU*** hon the peon tte tto wnMi tod b*M nkM. statement by baking' with
4ofwbl^to WMoeeof to*
Oii-b: epeay ot t*d ana y*I- by (to toraat wUb to* Ufl bead wbiU
im: and them wto did bin
* U U Moflatt ao.1 A. V. bar life wm tolap beotaa eat with' Ccresota.
Pen and hyMloto* aad to* clab told la tto itpbt Imad ef te
to*** Hr* B. O. HeflAtl: epcay of nd
aoMCabU to wbieb they bad m
eortelea*. Wlllu PaaalapM. Tney
OtUU. M. B. BoUfy aad a K. BaU: toaty Jail .
nnmtimm. Mr. aad Mr* H. H. Pif*. r bit wife «
looedfalliapUatondet to* bean*
It WM cne ot (to lanmi fsincab la
ttohUtoryeftlneUy; beeldMttohatarnal cooUtU* a Unp iin* ef eanUp*
followiop to tto pr**e. when Un Imot th* Kolpl>u
jdanwcn mcfUd-eot acoordlap
dom toatoarr b**a *n*a aaoh ■
peefatloe of ion aad baaaiUal flewen

f .............. ...

/Lifln Coffee

rbleb ton taea at^t
papat* Be ahU
■d ny« •
to U not polity of aay
Jmi what Ua* *f d*f«na* wlU to
new* Aay *flsf« la lay tto reepn

417 South Union SL

A medium priced line made in every fltyle,
todifTerent shoes. Satin Call. Colt Skia. V'ici
Kid, and several other kinds. We show tbe
Strongest $3.50 shoe in this city. Our $300
Shoe gives good service. Our $1.50 are
solid, dot aboddy made. CaU and see oor
new spring lines.

Frank Friedrich.





• 9M.*M

3 per Coil tUwetf w Tlat DepMtts.




liM bMO r«e«iT»d br Mr. ud
Mn. bDloT* et'HAtol e< the dMih
werklar * oUla in tb* fold BnUi tb«
thtft CBTWi in, nnd d«th vw fxAnH« ted not
n. tat tber
ted raotatlr looclvod t IKMr tram
blm nntlnc ttel te «m doinf wnll.
nd vtaU bo .hear tUo (nil for ■ rl«t.
Utarioi Oertlt «m onrriod Mosdnr
lOOBlBS iMt 10 Ute Ltnlo Hetnu
of MnpMen. M (he ebnrrb of Bl jet•|di nl (tel ptnae. After (be ooemoer
deUeiooo woddlnc dinner wei
eerred. Menr tendemne fneennu
reeeired by tbe bom oeople,
who will be et I.eoe to tbrlr friend*
on Wetl Beroitb’ etreel in thU eSfy
will reoelrr------ --------- *-•u end rood wlibo*
Xiul Wed^^r w tbr (womb eneirrnnrt of EamrU Reotb't Unhdnr, end eftrr eebuol ten of bl* liKle
friend* (nlbond et hi* boi^ 4t7 Oeote brlp blm eelebtMr tbe
ooenilan. Qnar* were (be Order of
tbe erenlnc end et rlshl o'eloefc r<EoBott reeelred men.r oiefnl praaeet*. At ten
o-olook tbe UttU imnjr dtaiereed bopIne EbomR wool^iee aeoy mm

to Oednr Wedneadey.wilh » new sen
for tbe work on tte iraraiinn of Ite
(toB Oodir to Pnx
TteiMkoetbe third orow of
• et Bony ooBpe AM ore new et
•otk eo tbe (radlnc for tte '
lOB With IIO Bon et wMl
Tte E « K . E. era not t« .
eWe (tel (belr UnewlU be pnMwd
Into Kratbport (bb yrar. bet tta^
otnM tbet there b Teiy little donbt et
tbedOMplrtiea-ef tbeUmie Kortbpert new yinrFreteM Motai.
Before Piotade fodfn Lotnoder Frldeyoeenned Ibebenrincef tbr will
of tte bie Meraeret Oodboy. Praof
of tte will WU Bled end en ceder ellowln(tbe aeme wu Bodn. Uttm
in end letMn M
■ran rlroi to DeletO. Kln(tby.
end Trank Otaerob nnd AIM E. Pel
eere ep,nln*ed epmleue o»d
rt B. Welter end Oeor(« V.

Oenitei* tbownnde tere feud e
Tte onny friend* of Mm T. E
Atateu will b- (lutly lawmted in
tbe foUowlax noUee of ber wed.lie(
froB tbe EtolBmee TeUey. iPb-i Apne end ell Urer end Stera.Bh,
Ouetle. end wlU exMnd eoeenteb- timibU* Potely renteble; nrrar I
(ripe or rrankra. Only Me et 8. E '
WtltABiB-iete Jee O. Jolin*en-«|
drof otorce.

tlBi tbe teppy erent bed e
Wedneedey nichi none tb
tbe town by enijrtie. end be hu eiuee
benlkepl buy reoelrln* ibe beer(y
OBMCmtoledeu of U* frlende. _
Tbe bide b Era. T. E Aebton
In tbv e*Bte of Tbeau Wynk wp rriw fau redded tor Bony yeen et>
heerinr wu lied oo pratate of 'tbe
Kerft EUwill, end proof of tbe uae wu tied.
Md BP CdrlUl
Derld E Wyukoop end Adonb C- i 5^ weddln* ocenrred eboot
- .
. ioo|> were eppolnled oionlan.
o'eloek et the Pnobyterinn Simts.'
Kelldittet end A-B. EtlneiB epornb. .
r* end WilUem E Omlor end Trank by Rer. P. O. Beiley '
rmlor coBBbelonera oo cleiBo
The bond wu Bind Beiordey ie Ae
A Ruiu. Roulu risoi
Our Sarin^s I>epartment
metier of tbe eetnle ef Tbomu WynWeAed down e teleeraph llu
keep lo tbe teobete eeort.
•• • —
- EllU of U»l«n. Ie..
M«e el ProbeleLomot-rBetnrdey bed
to reinlr. ‘btendiiK went d.«p
burd e petllloa for tb<- rale of rent in ley wmler.’" br writee "(eve me o'
eod e eoub. ll pew!
(lev v-orr
t in (be ecrate of Cborlu Erne- c-irtblr ooldeod
r. TSLrssSo-^vSs ■
eorar ibity. Pinellv tbv best donor* i wsi or ...
n Oekbnd. Eeb. SiOM City
> fool foevi
• bod by lUmehe
. ooorey
pleolo of tbe
lend rootnet.
Iceeld (
(be Omnd Trertra recloa lu Cherle- AnMderwuBBd^byJedp- Urmn-lDr. Klo,.
•oine (toe lo Joly. Tbe oere«"*v.cr7!
etertrd et Kelkeeke. end e eom- t Annir (bdhUB.
r lMF T
lend elf Thrut end Lou ireoblcebr .ui
Blttae from tbel lod<e will rlcit other
. _i
I E K. Weit & Sou end Ju O. John-; '
■•rlera < om MeU Meoer.
^ Price lOr end »l 00.
lodfe* aaoe (o (elk the Better over
Tbe reflOB eabceeed will be froB
proCbdllUo te Peteeker, Ineloelre. end
le Bl(b Sobool LeeAre ft
It 1* espeetetl to noke It oae of tbe
le for Ae {net yrar. From
Heeoeb' eront* In (be hi*con* dering
(OfT of tlie otdig In thl* regtoo.
U*1 yrar bu I'oeo tbe
J. A. Welbora he* etertoB oot to eeufnUiooe tUbeertuor
of pork.
I wu Bral (terted im the city.
to tbe srey ef boa* eod Tbe teleel tbu yeer bu been of e
ne hu e pb thet wu hbber Older then ever before. lekeB
I tat one heed, tat wtA



elty bei

The prlee of potetoee in (be ol(r
Tmotey Iteied fram » to 90 orote.
On Widaiidiy it teoabedW eenle
He«7 L. finfcel of Traracee Olty
tee Boorta OUret'* bonon e* blfbeM
in Ite tMeatlBe oonm In (bet InMl-

Tnetei* Ol(y Oo* Oo. e*. tb* City of
Traren* OiV. bn* been denied by tbe

The eiraratlnc bn* b^nn for the
MMO bnlUlngt dABt* OillrU end
■Bntar * Tonnt et (be earner of
rr«M Md Mn^ Bteole.
JbwI* Sdwnrd. ibe 10 teyi oU eon
•( Mr. end Mr*. Will Derrow. died
tneedey. Tbe fnoetnl we* held froB

▼tolar Meoiecne he* taipped e In*
tl-toM fneoltne Innnoh te Wrlcbt
Bra*.. Bmdd Olty. ll U n «n* ereft
nnd an* of ttetent Mr. McMeine
1>* Indie* e( (be aratOerteUM.
B. etareh aoprlMd (be iBiMr. Bm.
Bngb Ktanedy. with n erinf new
pnlpUehnlnond aerpe|. nnd aeWnit
B. I* Hilebeeek. wbo i* blind nnd
«te«n* e oennin of Ibe lem E. D.
OnapteU, ww ten tab wwk tra*
MnwiM. WU.. w ntWBd (be fnneral
dTPIta OeBpbelL
W. B. Mrownel) of Settle Creek.
tebn«d the racttloraor (be now
Mnrata bioofc end IB ebeet two work*
Wtli opon op with e Intr- itook of
■MMAl eorliOy noreltee. ele.
The UUUone' Telepteno Oo. tere
noBpMode Uo*iD Klk Bepld*. the
Bnl MTTtee betnt (Iren leet wi
Ite ooeepeny U new propoied to (tre
tee kow of eerrloe to tbnt tewo.
r * Ym r ef Mnplr Oity
rarner of Brant end MopU otreoi
WUI pet mp e Mn belldlof (MTOfeel
UelwlncMndof Mk» ni orijrtnelly
It a E M«B te* oooI to deltrer two n
ellriBii tbl* RirtB(. Tte Brat wlU
ke el Menton. Jene d. (be eeoood nt
Beneerr. in Soettera Midilfen. Jeer
19 or lb. _______________
Blfcnteh Bobblne, wbeee hnoe te*
bora with bb eoo. P. E. Bobbin* for
•te prat (brae yenr*. dbd Wednoedny
of BdUcnnnt etynlpelee el tbe
ymmi id* of U. He leera* f<
Bhtl O. Benor he* retnraed trea
Ohioeto. wl>en be te* been on
h (to Mldilfen
• era beint
B0*rta Oo.
nnd* 10 oBri the teetury on <
onrob tbb wook.________
Bnnk rriedriob b herlm Vleter
Mant^ne boliden*w (e*otin» benob
10 te 90 foot orer ell,
foot banm
end with n «epeeity of Me
Unn*W BOd*lwbleb proBlee* to be
lo*(. noray ond rafr. It will h* randy


rftbe _
Idctoartfoar beos end foor *)>oel.len BOB* to Mr. Welbora
inetty coed idee.
In (be jil« line did not lire, bowerer.
eBein* were i«reli*erd by S.
&. Oo.
The HePberau Belief Corpe lied e
eery rojoyeble (etbrrie( Mon<br
bfler (beir raicnbt Beellnf. Tbry
UtUe ennnter to Era. Muray.
ow of Ibelr member*, wbo b eboot to
Irare for Portbod. Ore., her fotue
boo*. Boeierkv«err toed* by e
ber laeunt. (irlu word* ef Aeer
end but wbhee. te whlob Mre Mertu raoponded wlA re(TeU tbel *be
tad to Irarr ibeu Ar bed *o lou
eoobled srlA. efier wblA e delnly
EbtabT UwendOrder Leepie
bpnMu ope fl(bl ecelnot tbe
loon et tbel pbee. end eoBi- of (be
peopb tnleneiod to the enforoetnent
of (ho bw were to Ibe eiiy tetardey
eeeorr a werranl for tlie prof«ietor* ef the aeJooe ef Seepntlbi A
to. tat Au tar Ae uellet hu not
beentekenap by the i
Mruy. and oo wamn
Tbe KA(el*y re

iber. Ac eeeeert I-y Strwert * BMffen.' orebeeon. (ireo u e
nember, fne to ell
bolder* ef eoeree llckeu U *piu of
iieriag A* year, the
net irooead* of thr eoeree ere Unter.
end e brprr *sB tbeo reer before hu
Imwo «*ed tor Ae benebl of tbe HltA
ne toiel rreelpte bri yeer were
ll.Wl.dO. while Au yeuTbe tote! b
fer Uu-oeaMe
.........tin M
Sale of (lAeti
«ki7 aO
Koeerred erat rab
404 »
aeb* ei A.- door
» 10
ti.ei; It
......................... •»! 00
Opera Boom
Itl 00
Prinllu end bllUu .
. »«
Eurara. eutap-. poeiag*. ole- 10 «
'ommlMleupeid iMdont* for
rale of llckeu
... 8! A
' TAket* reranivd .
Book, end eobeel rappllm
- -.* end beoko
book! ft
for oomnu r(8 w|
Pi^ fra’^bTubtal
. . t.» 00!

lOU the meoy trieod* ef Ibe bl*
DoneM F. Oeaiibell who won- ben
Tneeday to ettend lit* fnneral eret* Dr.
Pnllek of Mtple Oily. D. E Dor ef
Obn Harm, JoA Idlaey and Derld
Bbb'r of 'Bnttou Bay. Jonr Belli,
ran of Oeder. Relpb Oeae of Kla(*ley.
1. Wbitmea of BooA Ana.
Bi Sharp of Elk Replde. A- a
OoQfbei^ ef EU Beplda. O. A.
Helehlu of Bepid Oily eod Arafat.
~bBWMi of PooA take.
E W. Bum of Elk Rapid*,
nbeoefc nf
Brafy AldrlA
ef Ooditbe. Ueoira EuaeyotCbdll
bo. 3. O. Orowar of Klnitsley.
Mer Mui II
Tbr deb(0te* from Trarasye Oily
EooAly meMas of Friend* wbo wool
toLon(.Ukedo otuod A* .loerterly
Bg- reidrned Betordey erenlag
report A exeelloet umiee.''
tbeub A. enradenie wu emel
Ber.' H«nry UsEiaby of Ouwoy.
eeuto ef tbe bte ptuldeot. wu ll
{Aoclpnl *peeker. One propoailioo of isperteata >
(lie loeel raoeting wu Ae pteperal A
bold nil of tb* eretlon* of A* qnnrlerly B«eHu to Ihl* ell.r inra
nlletutely nt tb* foer raooAly
iupboMof the .lurter
referred lo tbe
tU*> nod llwT era A 'tepori Aree
Boetbt frora tU* tlB*.
Feran «eruci*-« Ulft.
Ase prelode A bl* eermn
sy Boraiag, Ber. W. U teefaeo
epnke OB the Better ef A* «ter of
Andrew Uera««te A fnralel. Ae olty
wlA a Ubieiy talldtu. He opok* of
the llbraiy Ant wu U bb
b A* pteetig* that it (Are
A* )de« and A* gnu p»d that
did (be oily. Bo OlUed Ae< e Bn*
brnry in Ae rtffal ktadjiU-MlldlU
weald do tb* rara* ter Ab oily. '
Bar. InofM ntged A* awi
■pen A tbelr elderaen A teror of
Ah iirapoeltlMi. and not A let tbe
etano* aUp of eeeoring thi* (nu edditm A llu- enraouou end beooSobl tnflnenera of tte city.

Tte hrt**t lend of poutoe* tbe* ter
ft-tea Ibe A( haelbg e eeow of
tateted <B tbr city nele* wn* bron(bl ■ten* frora Batfeofi hey renebed ter*
In by Jeoub Birmley Pridny end
: Uootay one of ter crew wu ral**•bnrad by W. H. Melter. Tbe l<wd , tu Tlie BBD wu Harlo FeUer. (lie
i—lelii* l<*i, bodieb end we* lold :eook of Ae log- who
tor n 0*M> e tubeU the eoiire loed
betweeo the EeaiMira end
lUeAeedpeUt Hb ebeeoee wu dl*.
: eorered wte« A* tog wu etaTAo
. high wind yeeOM.r JletUrtBlotendlbeboei wupol took'
tefeenk rai i
eboot fonr Bib* A eeenb of tb* men.
wbo wu rapeled A bee good iwlmA. H HoUldey wu brakra. eboot BIT. It wu tbongbt ttel U te Imd
•wolre feet fnra tbe In* dlreetly be. fellra orrabrard lie enold ktwp eflou
w two boeeee: A few feel BTwral buere Ko eigu ef ^ M
fuoo and A* tag enra* A
ly wnid ter* ranrad eertou ooold ■Ibe btm.
Be wu Mried and

Extra Ualue $9.75.
■ N OI K l*ri‘ARTMK\T *c ere
f UT>-«i<« i»l \-aliirs in lailira'Sun. ii
i oiiceni
* <lu|>)uaic these »uiti ebewhere i>e lew then $13 to Sri .'si.
Tlik kne rel»esem» h«u .litiereni .txlrs.



<ss: .1


Cailor tiiade

M.49B ■a
$K 91

MOR A KKW IIAV.S •-« err g*v9 int: <0 (UiighleT pricn .m

St\le .Vo. li—Suit of al! word Chmiot—cuiorv black an.1 na>v—»ouK Ibton Jackri,
Silk J.ine.1. Teftcta Silk lrimine.1—Sera

Style Nu 4—Suit made nf.ell e-oul Venetian—
Colun, lUark. limem am! navy. «lk bne.1
Jacket, bpels fared rrith Satin—j
uie.l with Satin ftaiuU — nceytti


I inn'i miss thii rhanre to get a fine suit a uving »f from T5 i..
.'dl |Wf rent.
Olorate •raoWlon.

3e lUe millikcn*

\ j\c Madarine Cnntera, Hyle V4. takes 4x8 ]iiatirc*. $S.
.. ............................................................................................... $5.82
\'ii-e Macaaine Camera, C, takes 4x:» pktum, (rice Jh.
nowsoUlat............................................................................ 5.63
Kacebiar Camen. 4*5 whh two double plalc holders, jrlce ^ ^ Hictrle Cemm, 4x5. with .lamSn,; ca*c eml (date
holders, »IS. now .-..............
Wiurd a Camera*, irdiliRg or bicycle style, with riny-incera, S14. now......................................
rrnno a Camrres, 4x-*>, .louble lens an.1 \'ir(or AntUr,
Other Cemeta Bai{;ainse<|uallvasp>ntl, et


“Tfs Just Tun’
For «5 to gel a chance al lining the feet that other
stores CAN T fit. One reaion is. WE KNOW
HOW: and the other reason it wc have

MKMB ....

BEI-T BROOCMES. The newest in belt buck­
les. The medallions sell for 25c and 60c. The p^rt
styles are beauties, sell for 30c. 60c and 60c. A large
line of new oxydized buckles at 25c.
B.Ei-TS. An entirely new line with the newest Dip
Buckles. They sell on sight at 26c. 50c. 75c and $ I.
est in buttons for dress trimmings. There are h^o
sizes, selling at 25c and 50c the dozen.

)ao<^TS ^3.
On^ljfeDS^aSS S//0£‘'«*fyOA/EN

SADIES’ O^OVES. The newest in black sum­
mer gloves with lace stripe and double fingers, at 25c.
50c, f5c and $1. Also a full line in browns, grays and
tans at the same price. The all white at SOc.

There are other folks who “knowltow.but they 1K)N’T have' gueen guality
' shoes. These shoes have all the points
‘ oT beauty that wonjen seek, but the one
i;nat di!-tiiisni}liiu<; lealtin- that characleriges gueen guality shoes is their
knack of perfectly fitting tbe fo5t.
Your fool feels at rest the first timefeels "at home"—feels "good."

RIQUE STOORS. All the rage just now. Sell at
SOc. They come in many haindsome patterns, also
have them in fancy-colors at the same price.
NEOR RIBBONS. Some of the handsomest
fancy colored neck ribbons, no two alike. 1 N8 yards
long, 6 I -2 inches wide, at SOc each.

We’d be glad of the chance to demon­
strate this fact. Needn't leeltheslighiest obligation to buy. Don't mention
"the siie you wear;" >-our f.iot is the
only measure we need.

Umi imt t^iak! smth shots tor

•HOSIERY. The largest assortment that is shown.
The black with white feet sell at 10c the pair, other
grades at 25c. 35c. 50c A fine line of aH black from iOc
to $1. The black with drop stitch, the very newest and
most popular, sell fronT 25c to 50c. A splendid line of
fancy hosiery at 25c and SOc.

Tbe bn- Ann are all fillet wnfa
-bK celra" eyeleu.


JIHred V. Trkdrich

0pp. BoroU Oftkt

WINDSOR TIES. A newline infancy colors at
50c.TSc. Used mostly by the little foika.
OOk^AR TORS. A new line in Hncy colors witti
4ace edges. Sell at iSc or 2 for 2Sc.
l_AOE OOL.UARS. As fine a line as we have had.
in the daintiest of patterns. Sell at $1.25. $IJ0. $1.75
and $2.

THE HimiuH & umniGNimE co.


tion; ever}' line of grace onJ Wauty
if aaniedty correct The quality of

: Jeha Partar ao< «ile
Ulaot ,
Modad tha eU aaolan’ galhaeiM 8 '
Ml* J<oalr Kaaao of Lalaod h rlaI Uta( ttimat aod talaaraa la tan.
, Kr. and Kn. A. Baaaaarae (d 8
I uoa Bay v«ea is «ewa lUa vaak.
Tcmle tor Y. P. B. C. t 8aa^.
April rth. Baaaal-a OaU. '

Swts aod Skirts
» il^reirt at« flamv. The
carcroUe aelcctetl all-wool
bbrica. the laalllraa fit. doe
toacieatihccqttiag: the currect, and beauty ol'«l>1e, tlw'eiqai«ite.
U>iLli of
_____ —I cotubioe to ;;i«e I'
tuocli adoiiied by wooankitul.

C. a Kafal look a trip *0
— day.
Otiy Taaaday rrtaniiaf tha
Topic for iba Bpwonk loa«ir Baaday. A^ rih-Bamaara CblL Laad-



AMaetioB la apalB oallad lo tlM faot

Boma of tba farmm frea here attbe aanteu oUa at Hr. Batry'a of Hr. ate Mia Talaallaa
jtlatarYbiB Hoaday UMled
ar SatioBa Bay Uai Batatday.
Hn. K. Weiaa aad daafhlar UUla
o^uad CO aooooat of lunaoliiagaa at Haple Hill aad Hri. d. R. KatrHra. J. Taaaottot ratanwd Friday
OTcalap from Pntvi
toe lake for thia pafa oI tba Hacald. nrib of Baad Oily, are rlaltlac Hra
nrtlaa ter.- man frindt ate reto-;
S^koaaer aad Mia J O. Weiaa
rem Oity waa la
vhlabla priatad aarly ia tba waak.
O Hr»a**
After riritln then Triim
r. Mleh.. da,. nwB
Bar. B.Mobrot Leror.
r. teptem vOl pe te T
rbara be belda the poall
tar aod white ba
te wtu
viU rampa »m nn- a«u
m tlwre tbla m


s. sss sss.urssi:


era bone ou ilia pealrto aad
____ Htohlpaa.
llv.- In old uor-‘---friouda ban wte
a wilblBptbam

wlU faa adBltl^ traa AlaoaUladlai Hra. a Hel
Idaclw bom Adaiaalaa aely ka ley, Hieb.. b
Sam of Ho taiam an baalla


to Choir Irinda after oast wnk.
Cterlie HaU ate Orem AmloCta
r. a> I were to Iowa Taaaday.
: 0. D. Whiloey arrirte ban Thart-



li-TsasiSr Sinus'S::

Tba Hdlaa of BImttf teonb ted a
bn tte leili aad ekaaad tha cbaite
tfaoRiBfUy. Alao baUt a (Ida walk la
tnol. Hra PtOaataar vaa oafpemn.
Hopen^vbeoplat eoeebmba-

Hr. ate Mn. Hteatyn. who tera
barn riwadtop tba |mri thm moatlii
at Trtreri^lar. tera rataraad toto
Miv W. Haim latmed from her ttelr tena at iWari HUb

3H«:hs ■

^*fba CBimlara tera''*tef«8 tte Pmk Watara ate vtfr of Fife lake
fnna vorifn Jake Blnlay'a bav teak diaaar vite H. . <X Wlmloek
Pan BteUar haapareband aoav D. Otaa- __ .
ibier natrd nnry.
ena mite aeatb of
Clamea Baaala la voifciiw for Hn- Hlaa Haanh lavinof Kayatna
ate dSo. Oarpntar of Ttertcar Olty.

K^UIUballdl^t tomaddl
Hi;^ttelrcroBa.rn^l?oM **** tiao^ tlR^Pna HatbedW elianli “^!‘l^lu^er Tiarn ■ Otty waa
^ ^JKlai^l^duiriei. Uve ate
I'Uffcrd Wllter It au tba tick I


adala rlaltad vllfa a

la tsaanuwa oen^ay
n.eoa tey tUa v<«k.
otter of bla enpiciyaa white a
ml r>oi feallBf to rstte
Bar. OlBi* la itlU beldlac Wriral
mriaaa bye and tte Utairat

rm Oily Bator^ araetop.


Bwatba. ia tmimrlap.

1 ite Bar

Hra. Bkivar u meofa baliarateU L. H. Oil
able to pet aroate lUa boon aooie.
Torch teka
Hra Hanb. vte haa ban rite for
Bona wetea la liB|cerlBc.
Kavtoi SkiTtr la vorklap
Batch-a aremtas. Hamlkaofaa
tten aoca.'
Hra J B Oray tiaa a aav itrlrlop
Btara Pika haa had tba mtriattaaa
to ton two borm vUbto a tav d^

otwtad v« bopa to bare a ebnte
baUilBX bare an leap.
It It aaaeaaaa that Dr. T. B. B
ridn tba paaaer
aqwta te teata at Ulaod.
Aeba Taokre
Um|h eual aaaacannM ban
ban nwidatad at yak
Mr. Ely of Tnrem Olty vlU vnt

Tiato rrUl Imve Trarem C:
L Bi RriaPl.a. 8eapo*ler*.
tpFiiu for lartionLare.

Sample Pants and Sample Suits
going at less than the cost of F9aw IVIs^orlal
- Hasten to the Feast!

“It Doesn’t Cost a Cent to Look.’’

> 8co(t. drora le (
. Ua^.
Htai I

k mat wtteMn.
y araatop. Tte
. propiam fer Ite amine vn n tat( CS^Oaftnl BmH; Hinny te



:NDA & CO.
Canvas Gloves 5c

Union Made Overalls 48c

IM Veer I Mbra l-irak Yrite* t

Blankets and Robes

Prioi- *4r a Ua.
aolaed- Sold by 8. E. vrall A Sou.
ate Jaa G. Johaauu'a

ate family.
from Giaad Ka|dda Tlianday c


Hr. Brava.tte iBBarii vbo hak ban
vnklap for J. Oalboao. to rrty HI
at tbla wrictop.

A few odd pairs of
Wool Blankets at
cost to close out.
I have about six
firstclass FurCoats
left which will be
clpsed out at less
tflan cost. I offer
a big bargain in
these coats.

John T. Beadle,
Tnrerse aiy.


- andayHiB. Haoty Soon aad daaphur
idilb drere v> OinaBa ttonday.
VlUtom Boon ot Mauto
ia to
oern worktop with Byron Woolaay

at tbr fliet lablA
Praak Roamaa of LaUte rUitad
fflnda at tbla ptoea Baaday.

me are $o Bu$v

I’uuing out goixls that we haven't tint.* to write much
of an ad. but will show a few of our many bargains that
e giving uur customers, that are making otrr store
hefidquarter^ for House l•‘urntshing Goods and keeping us so busy.

BiraU OjiTrapuddrara
Hr*. Daalet Ti.rler of Bata
at E. T. Pny'a a few art lari
Adolph Sainr, O E._^yi?‘rS!

We are still giving a


beautiful iron bed. any
si/e. in white, blue or

.. ............. Jit’
Wotdn'a Ibto rr
Bal|A ate Him Bertie Werdau nlattatoad tee roanp jwoplr of tbla
ptooaM Iteti borne Thanday ernli^ Buetop waa the ewdarof Ite
ereatoc. ate later
AU nport a pood
Mr. ate Kfa. Betomen reeetrad the
ted arwa te tbe daatbte ttelr tea.


toofaataaft Ttey reoelred afrom him a abort lima apo mytop
ba vat dotopvaU ate weald ba bean
tbla fall for a rlrit. Tbtytere not
tarn blm tar arreral yean. Ttey tere
tba aymimahy of all tea aalphhora
^ a^Pray boa^l a nw borae

Jamaa Wataeo bn^t a aav teppy
.U ifmt Batar- te Palrbanka ate Waraer a few dare
frindiat-Oln ape. Bari Teaap beepht a arw. me
anobla. tori vate.

Ban Goodrich, vbe reprnaatte tlw
Uka 8B}«rior Enittlap Veika.
arlod bariaan to teva Friday.
On Diitey bat ite Cnm opior
J. Oraad of Boraa Oily airirad to
>.lt oev beata
Jateaod AbilalABdame'tercn lova te toteoot
1— fambor
for tte Gin
Hr. aad Hra Jtte Tnm of 4
jtfaad tram ttelr vlatae’a TlsH with
vna CBllan b«e Uat Bauday.
lhair motbar. aad nlatlm U BvmI- Arbor Lamber Ua.
aa. Joha will tem VhUa Arnlat vlU
OnLoaokatedd ouo of bla h
nrt la tte- baokal laotwy la Trari^m

111 vilb I

to your dollars until you've seen the most surpris­
ing Olo^Hins Valw«s that were ever offer­
ed in Michigan.

PH>E Marquette

•Elate oar thank, lo tte frired
.ood by a. IB Ite rieturae aoi
ot oar Utile no. .
Hr. ate Hie. Oaal.-l VrlpbiHn. Villlam Bari U anSeriag from
with BIT ■•oat oP aud caopl.

po Atbennm, tea aeeand a poritbm
aa MaemBateer for R E. Baektoa A
BOtad baaiten to
MimBetote tey^ Bkaday

Per iBluta Ate OSUnfi.



BoaiBon la llraiy
Many rlalwn to I
Hr. HeUae U bolldlnc a atderralk
U B. Blbhy haa onrad to bla tern la froot of bla bonL a atach aaadMl Poor a
vaat all am town.
Tba lot for tea oberte wai loRpad Him Haaaoa from Travam Olty
' na^er hai ouiTad onto bU own aod find tet Tbartear by a bn. aad rlriUnp Kite Haakaind.
Hottaaea dron to NortbporiBonJ. U
Arary »• wnblof laad m tha
Alin tana.
Hr. and Mrs J. Otefiam vm la
. HlnHaadaOibbawaaalbomer
Mr Jam U batldlMRaa addition nrerra Oily Satarday.
Baaday frea Tiarenn Oi9Hr. Smith mum thla vote on
Him CiprEUle Tl.tiaday.
term ia Ome Imka.
Hlaa Tina Jtena of Korthpnrt waa
E. B. Bowmaa baa a aav bapcy.
B. OamBin look bia bna oat laal to (orra TUuraday.
Bar. Uraoo ate vita of Oman
wnkaadfaaad team ia paao ooodi
Hr. Bkata tea OMiad bia fanl
wna to torrn Thraaday.
tiao. Brary tvacm allre.
Hr. Vartiar of tetoad liaa 'oemHr. Ooataaad Hr. Baelae. both Hra L
aruead to more hia pooda ben. tie
tnraUbc nlacwaa. vara la tows on Had wltl
to tera team •>( the Park Ptoan.
day tec vaak.
OeaptaUUttoaa are to ardor for tte
Hr. aad Hra O. Daaola aalartalaad
Mr. aad Ho. Tme aad olbar frindt
plovlDR.bal te«irro«BiI
fraa Baptn aad alao tron BaiAck- _________
too eold yet lu.piaui aoythlaitH>ra Rtokard weal to' Trarerar Olty
rUla totey.
t Tottaa vaat to Hapla Oily tbr llUaela cetbR Dortta aboat tetarday.
na e'alook tbit meniiw. ate iba
-terirreis foiai nsth al flrr. left
B. Pratt bainorad hlaioodalato aad took frelpfal at Pltbar'a dek.
boya of iba town aad aU kite
Hr. Briekaoo ate thm otter par- Botn may be ten Oytap abemt Borne
Hr. Uealaraad fanily rlalte
an aticktop Uireepb U.e ofiloa door of
tte bona of B. Dettlaa yntnday.
A. A SnriODA if yew an on tlir torideof bUofflna torpe qaaatltyot
Hlat Bdtib Atklaaee U ritltla« tar Fteak Bhtridan aa.1 teially
wUttt. Hra 0. Daoaia.
d to Qln Ham. Hr. Sbrridaa ^na na be foend oa ite floor tin
«U1 be eaplaloet Ite tap. Alice J.
think they totnd to be ready to ■meet
Aar-a DWMBalu caaafroB Haalalaa lo- tbe cart wbea they oeoe. Tte baad
On. B. H
M te^aona drrdpiap at tlie eeaamand for
Ttentoea kaepaievlU teratteir
trial nna ttnr ihla weak baton tte Ttiitiap ter out. Hra Ptaak Kaber.
Ofaarin Oiteon aad family wbe
as of Tnrtna merad to Obariereli iweyeanaada Hemm. Amiottr ate Hall of Tnr
telf ^ tere Bwrte book to OIn
Olty Ticltad bar fatter UHi '
Artec. Ha name le Ilka bla old henr «ie Oicy wen to teva tori week.
Him Baum Mete ipeat Batarday
Tte Ladln'Aid Boelety viU m-- ate Baaday with frindt al Pert Uaeftte hten td .Hra Pmk miter aest
weak Ttuteay.
Imwyer Bofaerta ate too of Tnrem
L. V. Bheridaa. bla daapblar, Hia City, paute Ibreaph tewa Hadan-ockim. ate bar
vnt te d«yFtaakfori tetey n tte Oharlerols.
Hm S. W. TiambaU et Peteri BIU
TbfT vUl rlilt Hr. BbaridoB-i aoa. it riritlap friaada to town for a few
PUC vbe b Uebteoan fcaaper at
BaslaPalat. PW’avlte la qalte tiek.
Hr*. Battn ate Him Lna of Ho­
vUeb eauan tealr frtaada terp i
lla ^ BttaBded teoreb at tbla ptoor

. vUlnoraaBbtcteialmat oalalda of

iT* bu*^i!r*


, Hr. aad Hra U D Baa took a trip
' M TtaTota* etty Wadaaaday. ntofoHa Km nw Ln.
tacTbaiaday arailBC.
Twain yean a«o J. V. Salllraa el
t'ha W. O. T. r. aat M tba «Um Barifwd.
Ucaa. taatebte hu W
witli a raaly win. InflamiaaliaB aad
Hr. Babbary id Tiara
blood petoootop e*l u. Per two yean
ba aaParad laMwaly. TIm tba brat
dooun arped amiiatallaa. "bet," t>*
villaa. "1 aaad enr bottle of Stoeirte
»«*•«> ^ obartoroU atUte tere Baaday. Blttara and t >, bosnof Bateton'a Ar­
toe waa aooad aad
Hra Robert Jehaaea took a trip la am Balr>- aad rnr
Per Kraicieua Bea.Tmram Otty Tbaraday. Bbewaaao- wellaicrar."
Tatter. tell Rbenrn. Sorra aad all
I dtoordara Bclretrii' lllHera ha>
ral uo aanh. Trr
8. K
A Boat aod Jaa O Jobann will
kOtar milafartiau or n-raod
ly. OslyHeeau.

aoeiaUn vlU_____
Bararday ate daadar.•
rib. AU an-iarlial

Grand Traverse Region.


__n p-i.—^a mt foaad dMd
Itanday alcfai batvao) «ba Bocatiacfc
aad Tiaroeaa Otty. tylac la dw road.
Paaaol aarrioia «aeo bald ai tbBforliac Mbeot heaaa SaianUy aiur

. .
J. S. K^atoad aad family rlritod
nlatirn al Aemt Baaday.
Baplr TInitorlti* drere to Ealkatea
^to^rHaritopa arid forty asea
toad to Or. Otorfc n day laat week.
B. K. Orm woat to Trarnn Olty
tee Kb.

Do tte rlpht ttiap at 'te.


Ona'a Kltery POto act qaU
. Oan all dtotr^“- a.,.—.
7» W. Ber.




------terfluia Ivaa aadtr a rikyantoaoeatnnl fw fear veekv-------bopa te Ufa^thrn Mm

_________ ‘an;--!
daya after 1 ifnrat ite meaterat



like cut,

nearly 5 ft. high. wilj>'
best woven wire springs
has to cords, for
4ri only..................••••■$375
A beautiful iron bed. just like cut No. onq. nearly
5 feet high, any size, in white, blue or green, sec
cut below.for only..............
.Our No. 712 iron
bed. os'cr 5 feet high,
any.fize in white, cream,
blue or gr^n. for
only.................... -Sj 75
It would cost )-ou Ss
any other place.


■- We are still giving
those bargains in bed*
room suites. A good 5*piece. solid oak bedroom
suit. The dresser has three large drawers, bevel
French plate mirror, nicely carved toilet. I he rom*
mode has one large drawer, two doors, and high
splasher back, the
/ lied is over 5 feet
high, nicely can-ed
top. full size, -all
g«>od solid oak with
nice golden finish
afld well
oply.............. S13 75
A good solid oak
dresser, three large
drawers, bevel
French plate mirror, well made and well •finished in
golden.for................................................................. .....$750
Our No. 3 kitchen cabinet is the most convrtient
article ever put in a house. It has a 26x40 top that
does (or a kitchen uble; one drawer 24x31 in.. 4 in­
deep. with three divisions for diffe^t articles; one
flour bin 24x21 in., 14
in-deep wit^partition. One
part holds 25 lbs flour, the other 50 lbs; one large
kneading board 24x17. We are selling this cabinet
just fike cut, for..................................................................$4 5®


We have a large line of
kitchen cabinets, eight dif­
ferent styles and sizes
Our .No. 4 clothes bars
are bargains, just like cut.
33 ft. drying surface.
good deal enables us to sell
them for even 50 cents.
W'e haye lour
sizes and styles of
12 in. by s ft. long
cln be adjusted to any
height, for............................................................................. 75c
Our next size. 16 in. vide.with improved legs, (or Si 00
A good wood clothes
wringer for.................... $1 s°
A good clothes wringer.
guaranteed, for............$2 oo
A good bench clothes
wringer, just like cut. will
hold two tubs, for----- $2 75
Four styles of washing
machines, from a good
square washer for.... S3 00
A round washer that works
with a iever. for........................................................ - • $3 75.
The i-erj- be« wash­
er made, turns witu a
crank, a child ten years
oid can do a washing
with it, the very bc«'
thing out................$6 75
As almost every one
knows we have a laige
and complete line of
Furniture. B e>d d i n g.
Cari«is. Oil ClotbA
Shades. Lace Curtains,
Draperies, l aWe Lin­
ens. .Stoves. Ranges,
Tinware. Diihefi, Sew______ _______________
ing Machines, Bicycles.
in fact anything you need in your house, from cellar
to garret, at tbe very lowest prices. fot,we defy com­
petition. We more than meet it. we go below any

oSTTutei^itoal^ tealm ^
M<« ate mate my Ufa."

Semite^ men ordm.

-Tter Tearirr o« beri ritertkiB ate we wiB keml yoe tee very bte food, fat the »o«*y.

Wr^raA **>••«.

Varateate 414 Praat Sk

▼RAVKMSB ei*rv. M80M

__ JHE aftAtiia VttAVBH6B
pBtotof d nMatrm,


wbirh MBt o MTjMdo bat to aonh
of Um MB m Um btosd.
Bo wu Bra Tbplc* aoMp
foudwd btmsbt bo<* 10 BisiakL room of toe dcaaaWto. wbo bad twm
BOB bad beea a loBC witomt
aad tbeo aeeompany btaa m Ua
L IMrari. Ajrtl tf-Brtb«r U— tm
olBoot to iBUollllrHb hrir oad roaadi toirngb tot how whUe be
Emtioih* gomimmit viihoat the
bard w«n Ibbs oad nokeapt, aad be
|it*lh«o «r roriSllM U» toPTOwd
md riMt lat the power of epeacA. qaBatItr of Jewalrp.
IUmmIm <)t^ «>>*«■> ** !*««»•<
- a. Wrigtat.
a« owor m Uie blBDd
iMiWly O^JliJB WtUlw U A»dr«
i; ran or> OBd bad eoMBloed Ilf., toe PbilBdelpbla eoaaoU bu betHSrd
teTMigaod hUeliMtoot Um Jwkt otoer rltp lattan bp retamtog to
stoee ttot llBe OB eaweed aad floh,
mm foft llftMTlBX (tMlOB.
lirtos to a an. He waa entinir wUb
•tav* wmt into ctoet Toiadoy M
OBI totplaaoBle of torn a aar ateaia
■italfhl. vbM B«H1 PotMMB »»MTdehM>oc< Um MMloo p-odlof of aUlUtos tbe eaatr tBaterlalt of
Baton wblob Um UlaDd faraiebed.
»• mUoUob 0» MWU.W OOpMltL
Aa BBknown T0«Bt wobbb wa»
ne drrtOT U • pi«M of mooImbUm
nnok aad killed br a tiais to Bi.
br vbMi o life line whll* Iwioc «1*
Tbe Japan En
tbaL Harefa lA Tbe bedr wa ea*
Ihlllll am lU BtMlOOOt TMOMOI
balaed aad .a rntlllaa eartb waa [Mmed branm
■»blU..lBMMl oalooMtlcmllp.
g ito belief to Um
loleara berldeBUty. ~
b indtebd Umi ihb will nrolBlkM'
dirtoltp of ObrUt aad declaring Um
ba the Mtbid« c< nMOBltur life •> tm
people swxnUr ooa- Bible to be toe mlp perlBCt rale of
mt mm U>e 'Uk«i.
Oepblo AndrM
«r to sin Um aakBOWB
buwdUMt OIUI onplore of (be fN><- brilmtadB
a vbudld
faBoral aa.l Uhrlotlaa
he oooU rreeire oo rojell'e*
of bb laTWlios. «»d . eo »■ borlak Tlieslriwa* aboei SO. afUi
Nf( wbSu iMods Ijtoe era mod Itfl'l

moBirii IM Uma dice to


At»RILS4. 1^.




Tou very oftm hear people say they wish they eould ;
! get away from themselves Mid wish they had new arms,
new legs or something of that sort. This sounds like an
ible Ideai but as a matter 6f fact it isn't.

Hr. A»Arae «*i la etaorire of Um
abaaqori to Hew
torited 10 al
tmkmm pub otedoa u copbla for
UwooTMn. PrarlMuto Uiet be hod
■taiie «t Ibe rmr 00 HoolM bbod.
0 tbfllpulfor In ran lod oltoiteUMr be wmt
i( telepbooo
to Um MTTto- ebeen ran- He it
MW m ran old, ao<l oxpeeU to heTe
plMtr of -Use to Moke hb fortooe. to Um Baad-BoKaUr belldtos fertr
saaeu al the baaqaet board to the
•ow ttat he mm sin l>b oodlrldod
Hotel Rolaad to Kew York, aaeh np•HmUm to
laoelM of bb lonopUed wlU) a noelra. bard bias reUOM
apoed to a toaal wbi-o ailed epor.
Mwtn (M. w(«w Sne.
After Br. beVaalto bad dnlabod U»
Bow YoTt. April 18-ne ■utMoeot appboM armod Ute lianqoet boani
woo Mdo Wdar Umi Swift A On., ool wu plalBlr aadlUe al tl..- C^daso
■MtbSod wKb Um SMcauMi |SuBb to nod of tbe wia
beef. IMTO determloed to eonia tbe
Oor. While at-fedrib Dakota, to tui
tn MTbot. Tbb eoooen. It U aid. arbor da.r irolaaMUm dalsnaUas
hu oMnUr tdooed 4l.»),aai ess* iB Pridar. Afar S. u arb« dar. rooojomid Mnsa Ib }<ner Oltr olorn, to Beode that ao "elm tnw be lorlnslr
dole ml to deden.a to hold, u ratb plaalod aad teuderir eared fa m to.ererr afkool to poblic 1bstltnUou of toe etot.' to bmorof ow
Tbe toenaaad daoMBd fa esse br tDarirred pmldeot. WllUem HoRla-

a of fortaae, tbe report ara
mmmm. U aaoaafel. will nMaa a protl (d allhcBM to Uie to# baf oorporaUm. bat will work a iMrdebip tipoo
T*~-------r-** of Uborai wbo hare alfaadr kam totalad la UMlruMaleapplr br Um Bdraace Bade to Um prla
of baat br Um baaf (net.

Mat wa BMda to Um booa of t



tfUeer and

Baer drlesata nt Ibolr rr^aeat and,
Umi KltcbwMr. wfall'e refsatos an ar■UUoam mllttair sroonda. asroed
M sin tacUlUM tor tbe oeleeUm and
atmUat of nritm^ eemmaadan id
' -|—Ihalr poaltlOB.
TIm Boar
leaden bare toft Pretoria for tola parpaaaaBdllUBotezpootod toal necotMtitan wUI be neamed to leea Ihas

Hra Kate Afoew of Korwood. Pa.,
bdrlasat berlinciM u a reaUt of
wearliis a Uioe that ptoolwd her foot
She b mffatos from ^gnme. Hrt
Ainew bonsbt a pair ol opw aboa
areral wake ato of tbo^'eaBM elee
tbe Imi wtni for ymn. bol Um abape
raltod to her foot
waartos them for a dap ahe dlenonrod
a ellsfal abradm of the ekto. Tbe
BMl dar ha foot waa
of blood.
m>7 to ampoule tbe toe. A tew
dap* later tbe soBcrene wu foiud to
to Um foot and ankle.





poMoSee aad wu dellrered to Uaac
0. Wpman. iho BoMae mllllonalnwlo
-bom It wu aildmmri.
Hr. Wrman
I Um ownrr of toe Kook Cliff lail•d IB that rallep.
He budM toe
package earefellp and toere wu no
Tbe BMCfaioe wae inaetwd
In a irnkbrnid box to roeb a manner
i&at liad It been foitied as exploeloo
wmid bare followed.
The tofernal
taraed over to Um poetomoe aatberiUis. bat u it had no
mark m It. It ii nol known wberalt
wu maUed.
At Cliicago eirow patrme who were
urlvaiTlvab at Tneadap afleraooo'i
inrformanoe to the OolUaeam wlinueed a nnlqae aol nol down on Itie proileoHng of a eel
of imtofal oerae developed etoce toe
opeoing of toe ehow bp Olpap, me of
Um tolrtv.Bve iHck deptmnu toat
danoe cakewalkt and pU.v tmae drama,
when doing toelr "urn" in Ihraredapt Olprp had refoeed
> had gone m a aon of
alrlke all bp hetulf. luring her place
to toe ring lo an nndrretiidp. a tnbp
• leidiaiil. named SqairreL
It wa<
fured el..- wu ill. but h.-r apiMltle
toned good. Arcidentallp R E.
Soodu. her keeper, dieeorered ehe
badeoroa. Wlto ropu aad pillepi,
Op|Mp wu torowa to toe groaad and
the intervoUng oponUtos of paring

ld.-o’u of too rlotoltr of Prairie
da Ubelo. Wia. an jut awakeiitos to
Um faol toat Ui.-p bare biwn porlns
rude and betldlos hoaaea with sold
iMarios qaam. not dnomtoi ofita
Thia dlaBorerr foHowa
toelocatioB of a sold mtoe on too
faun of Bra E. 8- Ooannan tbal
iwomian to rival to oatpai the famoaa Smder. amUtod bp Keeper W. ,E
Blaek llille Soda.
Tbe rein of pre- UoOnma of toe wild animal deallea imrunrat aad a rqaad of twi-atp mau.
eieua tl hu faun traoed f
QPIMP wu rrlMllloBianddld nol lake
aad taker In aeretml quarrlu when ktodlp to toe tnwtmsnt. bat ene !•

reek bu beea taken for pDrelr road
Leadea. Amll I'-’.
and faolidlng parpoao for man.r peara
wUel. pamod between Oenenl BaUer
Tbtrir-cma miUloo dollan tn allnr
and Ua oOaan aad Lord Roberta n- briUon in tbe atmp otlloe. Kew York.
being melted bp a
die which bnrand to one of tbe tmaemeata. Kern bat tbe
BaUar«tr«*'Vo toat
of toe dn and toep doallp oreroamtQiarnl Vaam-a alewaaaa loasbt it wllhdat urlatanee. Twantp-ihree
le ton amamed eemmaad mjaelf.
batreUof lard aaed in Um emelting
the doapatebaa of otoer eSean alao proeeaa baned. Tbv hml
ware clno owl todloata Umt amtten
Umt it wu Impoail
at Um hatUe were to a hopeleaa mad
tl to rloee ibe doori of toe raall
to Whlcdi toe baUion aru atond. Plf) of tte nporta la tp eaitopra foaglil Uie dre for two
t nawwed dlqmtMaad
Best door to toe aeur ofllae
U toe aab-tnenrr. where tlOO.ODO.SOO
to SXD,000,000 ii Bisallr rton-d.
Staadlng enet and HgtRlp wedgod
a a narrow timee bi-twean |be beadhoard of toe bed and Uie wall. Uie
bodp of Hra tkuberine Doer,
peon olA.wlte of Jobu -Doer,
waoltlip reure.! arobitoel of t'blcago,

O'Brtm, nomtlr aoerporal tt toe
Twmtr-itoto Onllad Smiee rolanI Mdar mjt toe
pwioWre wlto oflhmn of toe Dnltod
SiaUi amr totoaPhlUpplaea. Be
talk at oUmt alleged «TaalUea.laeladtaRtboebamot Plllpdao womea aad peecd to ezplre to neb a atronge poeUm pollDa an aaable to detertbi auaaaen of aanalaUag K
. Tlie earoacr will be aaked ti
folk. Be ear* apm miertoc me
ton ■■BHil of the eoapaar look for toTaaUgste toe can
a toqto a auce bop.
Tbea tbe eelAdatiMleh from Otiiliaabna. Hex.,
ipi: "A dlRMtob toeeired to toll
aMe nUplBoa wbo wen willtog to oltr npi (bat while a ea«e wu being
lowered toto Uw Oooobeno mine abaft
tot eaUe broke aad nto.- eoeapaata
lotetoan SOOfeei. rite of-toe
rere killed oatright and'toe oibarfbor ere bellered to be falallp In­
land. ' All were Bt-kicMBa"


aottog bvlter.
Seorecatp Root bu madearrangemenie to maintain a light in tor
etatne of libertp oe Hedloe'r iUand to
Kew York harbor. The aleotrlul apIMiatas belonging to toe llghtboae.I rill be rmploped fot
Tim action le toe re—______ pereooal emferenw with th.-


u-iih what some phrsicianv
it is at any rate a
ihiti;; but p'-easani-.-.o3llaianUy il> liin;;. 1
have i>ei-ii tfcalcJ in many ililii-r.-iit way* and tried alinoat »very liiinu
that made any pretenliim-. ti> riire IiI.i.hI diseases, and tu no piiqei-a-.
until thri.ugh the advice of a fm-ml 1 was prevailed upon to try ^aln^^
Gmt.N M..VNTAIS Rkm'Voi.i!.
•• Have used three tiollles laitbfqlly.accordinK to directions, with w.niderful eflect—albying the il. hnig—tlmugh mil yet entirely ntret, am a
rarti* it. an.I have every n-ason .to believe that I s.i.m w-at
»» mu. h iiiii><l with the curative powers of
will Iw. In fact I
ever ready to ektol its merits.”
the medicine that 1 a
(Signed) OiAs '. Mil.ljihii,
's H.iii-u .\lbaiiy, X. Y.


To Whom It Har Coeoorn.

.>.eMli)..n«<.r.w>l tUi y^on nratMma;,.,. ..-k ,mr
and FbUulriicp. It aaalinUatr* the F«ri. rrautoio. ihe
Slwmarii and B..........................................................
The Chlldrea’a







The KM You We Alwj^s Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years:


If you have any hlood troubles or diseasee or disturban­
ces of the Uver, si omach or kidneys; if you arc in an enfeoblod, broken down condition of continual lassitude; if
ou feel that life is bo longer worth living, get yonrsolf
uilt over again by the uso of Sintib'a Urcen .Houu*
lain Rrnovnior.
Sick men ought to use it
Weak women ought to use it
Ailing children ought to use it
It is the one groat fkmily tuodiclno that can bo abso­
lutely relied upon.
If you have ever used it you know how good it is.
If you haven’t try it and if it doesn’t prove to bo just
what wo claim it to be. we will refund your money.


Sale of Slate Tax Lands.
-TATB..I Jtj.-HI..AS,

................... .

-•abl .Tulifu>v.l« viailaui a
. a- h
I <r *•*! (au.1.



to. ■»}

0«lft i-* Ml.l> ^ _

m yearsliHippIS *1*. IU.T *>u- •

*>*(....4a u

.Ua Ula. .Vau nf'SJau


ea wto^toe ap|*eval of toe presldmlLoiAagelubu made readp at lut
f« the bieonlal of ttic General Eederartm of Woman's elnba. which begins
Map 1. LltUe rematoe now bat to
welcome Uie blu ribt>ooed delegatea
of wbom rill arilre m A|ril SA
■snfat.panof Um ivogtam of enU the ricaeeatog of the
opeotog parade of 1m Fteota toe
of Bap I and toeftoial pi
toe folieriug dap. Flewen will
toronghmt tome ol toe
InetdeaU of toa bleanlaL Tbe floral
of SimiMon aaditortom,
where toe women rill raul, will be
Tharadev aad Fridap. 'deUcate
on Mondap aad Toeadap aad whlu
iHms aa.1 feeUwir immbSo

( toelr depaltri oenBlrpmee i
edtog Um aUm borne bp pareel

age atampe. bare paaeed Uuoagl
malla TImv emtato the atom of de­
parted ebildreu of Ibe rietog
Shrewd Jam. It U eald, devtoed toU
meaniof aeadlBg n-matos of fnead*
home, aad tou Uuptog the burp
freight elmigu It 1* believed tbai
poetoBloe aaUiorltl.e map toveetlgate
ew oag«air>sad u toere


IY-.-P1, JMia A

I laaaasv.

"■■snisdiuaiM Bliac ibv,a*nw.4at; vsfl

Bi-LuTi-.IS lavB4-rs>,-a Ibaalt .* Trmvvrsv



JAMK.« liUlliVE.
itoalt Me .H«rle. Okb.

: You Could Iriwk

TrrahtM. CvTT.Cow»..iiKlCoM.».<l.rB
wtiM i»
c. ai-iu a to..
!.» kcj. tf. V., I»l iMrIiiol bollle.

lb* SM

Tnir-r,. I'll; tb.- Or-i do; .* AimiI. a U nu:
Ib thiB .'OQ^ tl •i*a«ntur rr-m. ■«
flU-iboi ilu- d-rraunt. >lm>n iMtirrtFk.k
.d r..o.|.UiBu»'. -.bninr. Il l>
•«Um->I ih»i ib> oinwaMo.- -d wd non rmi
d.iil .M.nA*nl. H.-rl.'tfl tMrorVb. ta-mln-q
hM-1n V..I.II1 f-kir loilBIh. irr«a tbv dotv .k
tbi-oldw. luid In .w—'
hi. hhth-Amrw* hv

In every town
and village
may be had,'





matism is a disease of
the blood. Perhaps it I
is, and perhaps it is not.
in th>- un^ Twin-*- If it is a blood disease,
HvmU. • nvnMPtv |.na>n1.
' nn-altliu* lo Jd mmiit.ohd lk.1 -wd pgbb why isit the pain often IvraBIlSBidlkvrviB nan IB Mcb vn-k
».bk. II, .un—M.0i..v 1)1*1 >h.-nBv > suys in the game place ?
Why is it the blood
doesn't always carry the
j disease all oyer the body
boU.-l.uvl.* I oMpluual._____________
and into eveiy muscle
and joint Vour doctor
may be able to explain
it, biit it is all guesswork a
how. Omega Oil is what
In lfai-v*iuv II .*p,* IT.A1 *B4*nt 'vi
eiv tb*l Ibv MvwUBI. SalUn-* H Bi ibivd. ought to use for Rheumati
I. n..! *;.Ml>al.-r lb.. .I*..-, 1*11 i. ■ nMd.-tit
J.rHltbUad.bui iv«i*.;.e......... * It is to be well rubbed on t
1 Valil.^viij. ^
place where the pain is. 1
matter whether the trouble
in the blood or not—Oir
ei-1 uM * n*7 tbvmg to u. >TTn1 nh Ibv
I-.-.-—mibia dvTv Oil goes in, finds it out
*nw «vvMV-.-n blhi, uv*
.r Mid 1*11 *hd
holH-v ,* Ihl* r*\Vv *Bd u. Ar*u]. tU-wul
cures it. \N'hat's the odds so
long as you get relief?
Drink plenty of fresh
water ei'cry night and
morning while using
Omega Oil. The water will keep the kidneys well
flushcd,-and will bring about a quicker cure of Rheuma­
tism. Try this plan for two weeks and see the result, m
h^vr«rrh-'*• blR..'.r>n.|.r ul MUd UD £
ivotrv Vi ihl. .tfd-v. hhd In MVanU ibw..*
Mhllmll «ll Ih-lokmu.-a.b.^'d b; .uIbui
ln.Hl.<.l d.*vad>v<

d*;. l-.f..,.* thvHai«*l.>rv ,.v.-.-n1—I fur bi.

that makes your
horses glad.


-Ibr— •“T'

'i: ^
■Iml aiA lau lb-



• ’‘rtoTtoiu


pltoHATE nBliaa-v.TATgor MK-KlliAJi.

In tor bllla near Trinidad, Cok'
totw Ilallaaa wanted oti a ehaigo of
lit wlto Intent to kill, bare anwOaamSmMB. Wilbelmtoa'a
Iranobed tbomulT.-a to a fort ballt of
■nrnar. may u apmunea meai
Unto lost aod bloeka .of atooe and
IM the qaaao'a lltoata.
Pnaldml Boomnll hutoataape- harededed the omoen for a.
thtoagh toV malla Abi. goverament
etol tnqaliT rmardtog Wilbelmtoa'a Tbep are brorUp ana.d. A peaae will
------ — topeebeaeol agatort them, and a bloodp
veal it
battle to eziwoted.
The eaar'i, neloe. tiie Qtand Dai-bSiringdalA lU.. Dr. Perop L. cae Helena, who la lb purs of age. nTboaaaada ol gmteaae to-iag im­ Tarlor and rife bad an exclUog ex
oeullp ^opeil ..^frem St Pelerabarg
parted Into O.vmaar from Swltaer- perlraoe Willi a Imtglar al S o'clock
witoaidetdan itaSmt
Imtoawtofla ton astnardlaalT d»- to toe morolag
Tbe'>hl.-f. i
MBdfortoata' mlU ua preraalawere c^ttared
Un ad oaaaampUm. Tbe tabermloDooheu Helena was tent home while
ola aain Ibrmsboat toe eoaatrr hu
tlM ■ladeai wu rxllvd to Siberia.
Tbe oM While Boau I* lo be toovooghlp renovated dating toe romtog
Mtiaatoaie oknlp totoBlrd wlto Umt Oriheallbp Kldneps Hakt' tiBparc Slaad.
“be big “fu
Md intb a dtolag hall
lUI the blood lo poet bodp paoa tiaeacb'
Al Bew York work her beea <
fltv plaOM and poUabed____
poor kidnej-r ooce rrr^Mt'.....................
lamoad m imbUa aehool Ko. H
floertog. A monfler rag will be wov-1
'Wmt Third and I
TkU WlU be Um taigaal mbeol to Uie
wariA Wbea it la (toUbed Umre will
ba room fwS.SIt obiblrea. era
wmiMbotuto^uHe.toeSd^i CATARRH
' nt wbom will ban n w-patnlr doak
mwiU be irianitoed aad [
md ptoatp of room. Tbm will 1m
□taaMlldinnorparUuandt- . ^
UO laaoben.
Tbe aehool will hare
of Um a«o.ioo.|Bj^ ONB tUM
manp aerel (eataraa. It will he
alaom to toe almpe of a bollew
aqaara. to the middle will be a ooan
Todafrap Uwrx
haail butt, and makes one IkI at ihourh of toe
ol aeartp iS.Om aqute feoC ThU Ihey had bean trouble, bocauie ihe heart la
peoica of too Vblh- Houo
prUl ba eorarad wlto atqaarr
Dvei-werklag In pumpinj thick, kiine.*liig, tlM aondrp olrtl atrrioo bill
. Bare la wtoMT Um poplU oan plar polaoned bloed Aroagh wins and anenm.
.-waldoor gamaa to tbe benmeolwUl ' Il umdte baeonstdetedihai only urlurv
iroublet were to be nweed lo U» kidneei.
: be batoe. wlto bM and oold walor. butVHjw medern aetenee ptewa ihat n«af)y
Bare nr. to eompp me alrt.- of the all conaaulleaaldijeaaea have iheo beemBltM IB UAiep trsubla.
baildtog and glrU toe otoer.
If poe an Mek ppu can rrake no mistake bo voaU Uko to toko b riflo rith him
wUI f. eUaa romea, two ana
trOrat^rioctnc poar'Jddnepa The mild toUebixoUptomgh Sbooix. BoU,
a two Ubtarlu aad a earpeeter and Ihe mtramZn^ effect c(Dt. K.lmer-i
tte pnoldeM la «o ietorviow wlto
"Bp m 1* v«>p maah iBimriIp toe Mumalitp Onlna eaaaua norp
0.1 t^yoar brrlbl axiartnoaco. aad ho
ri a nml Japamw Hobtoaen Oraaea.
mlbod witli
Wlto pow
Vbe Uved fu 1* pure on a deurted
too .White
Wmd near Omaaa. off Ooru. Tbe
o_^., .
1 rill «omp boot." bDgam wu mea bp toa Jafanau aaaatar
--------------------iloa. "a»d If loBOOOOdI
•fa Sahtof aahnawar. wbo tomght
Mm a umalu tram Ua wild appaar■uaaad did not dan land.

OvertWork Weakens
Your Kidneys.

________ .

The Klad Tea Have Atwags Boogat, aad wbkk haa bas
la tta* toe_farm_M pears, haa horse tbe algwaiere qf
aad haa beeataadeaarbw hla par. aaaalaaperrlalot.eluwltalatoanr.
AU CouBterfrita, Iialfattona aad -Joat-aa-rmnl*- arm bms
Eaperiateau that trifle with andeulangertl.e bmith of


toriruen faito aad iwaociee.
I sg&in and make fou rigtit. All that is Deeded u the assisBefore aaomding too ibrme ofejaaoe rendered by Nauire’t own preducta, wisely inJwedm King oe* wne a ^ and tended and prepared for these very purposes.
Cireen !HMBialn lleneTiilo^we have a
eetr 1. a moet aoeompiiahed man. to Combination of herbs and roott which hare boon shown
■ to provide just the assistance that Nature needs in re.............................
. a theory,
nompoeer. He faualao dipped qatic building
the body. This isn’t
1 a tact which
daaplr toloorieslal Itor. obemlitrr has been fully proved \>y experience.
aad aatroaomp. ImidM totog a aaeWe urge you to try this mediqlne.
He amndr s
and it was di^
feel t inchn la hU atoeklaga.
DeporlU of flnr marble an —u . covered many years ago by a celebrated Scotch pby^andetlle toe Ohloego lioaar of owno- ctan visiting that State for his health. He found among
UOB, too feet below the nrfato.
the roots and herbs of Northern Vermont the ingrodienu
At Oraad JaaeUoa. Oolo.. an infer- of ^
......... ................. which
a TTifldieinfl
he believed to be the id^ blood
anl meefaiue iMaai-d toroagfa Um loeal! niMirlne, He WAS right, aS th
wiU testify.

MrutlimMatima; ■____ _

AodUI. fsnbvr

lhai «i.hR> Ivmit



Opto lUdL Mrah Oa.

Bkh. SeL


l-vall lL.-«b.»lvvv ab?
1W.4il.4i II 1. .vaanvl tbal m4a>, tbv M

l-aiiwaa.1 ibai il-- luSf»aUa« ul


sm» mar of Map. A. o. ivoa.

alMuriirk .11 ibv IWMUU*.. al llu fvuiH'
■iuu< ~4 Ibv t-u.i M..W. la Uh- 111; .a Viav
■'nv-l-.l).TBihvl-.aiat; <d UruaJ T»alvv»uM

IB iiv'i'<-uniy-a iirua

. ...


: a ElielVtAaE EALg-Mkri bavue bw



tad ata. oeaU ptog vita btea- tta


• •TiMP 7i>r.wUk fM>ri

______ DveetaUda
Bnttbaeabeea b
a bird;


\i'^l •!



■ ■'
w.. tt.

The difference of cost beween a good
and a poor baking powder would not
amount for a family’s supply to one dollar a year. The poor powder would
cause doctors’ bills many times this.
pr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder^ is
the most economical in the end, because
it goes further in leavening and insures
perfect, wholesome food.
Used always in making the biscuit
and cake it saves both health and money.
Made from pure, grape creai^f tartar,
most healthful of fruit acids.


ward. Ibe faaaaad tbe facM a
aaal ibMach tbe bteakea aad taad

. I, of patttac tblan vbara tbe?

aerteaaa^^ laiijU
Beat. Ibm woald be
tlili Tear.
It eaeb
bar own oleb foraear
etadta eaedBadiepert
ed lenort to Ibe


aJuae vlU renrara a fev
ot *bal BBT be deae.
la order, of eoarae. la aaaiB

uSoaib/T*’*dUpBS oT'iid^’SlU
T1^ aUeTi
^aeo »•>
“^eallj ojaaaed: •eooai
iba, aad plaaB l>«l an
Botbamfol or o^hOr.

err voBan aboald abo» tbe leoeh oi

nwiibiiianiimiiiii~iriri i

of Ibe ta'


n.w sm-


Ta*^'^Be la tbe irea.
Oov bat Muae aad papa. BerOa•DU% hear wbal tbe tOlUiM aBleleaharUe oOe-lopara KagrBlt
: baeBBB BMle waaiad biB to. BoBlel
m^TiZ^r^bUd' witkiwtde. ia-1*"* *“*®
ptor ioob to getbrn
g^u^rtae aad whea ebe took, tbe i
•-T—S*--------------_.»-y aar-ikorer off ibare waa aaetber rateaHae. {
____ ^ ntf VM tbe etfhtb raleatiBa. dbc |
that Ml ^ B«deBdiltb«e ware BIT »<»»»*«-1
eatlBB bidden, bat ebe vme eo (ind I
lo^ag for tbe drat ooe ttot ebe Bid
•eld Hi. BBte.-t^a .be w.b'1 gelar to tank te ear-Boe. i
ktedtolac'to do.
^ ^„ii -awe
Bori- wet* BBtad ea the oooa i
Do pea irallp llitnk •
BeaUe Bid tf eeme one weeU i
ber » ^ tied down
Ttap are all i-bdUag treB in tta \
eb. woeld go. Her aaelr Ctarlir j
A UtUe gM Bid:
, IlagBiteed.topall b-ff. Tbepwt.iedat:
sir beaalifel toe eBtloo for • while tad tbea Ibel
traia bb*
Tfaep great oai ot Ita !

la fiaab_____ __ _
tbe Bae taBnBBtata aa tbe Sret. tbea
told aad vrlfir aa drr aa poadble
«hrtw«h a wriacer. ataaka wall aad
nat 10 dry. Aa tba blaakoB drr
> waiar wUI eoUaat ia tba earaata. Tlile aboald be aqaaaaad oat
fraa tiBe 10 ttoB. Vbea. ibe blaakeB
ere half drr taka Ubb do^ ' '
(}>es aad bang them ap aaala.
_ tJehr tbeB- atatloBaBd who ebeald ebe eee tat,
know wlip u
tbe other «d ap. BtaafcaU when not
It erami a atianRe tliiag.
i her Aaat Aanie aod hie eoaetn K.wr ;
la Bee aboald be dbUt folded aad
Bat wt^eer
vtaaeeer rebtee ere uUteRof Bee Aaai Annie and Itoee grtee tbe;
plaredta tort paper in a traak
two other ealeutiaeg.
latnlBC bagt of aampbor.
^ -le torb grant • braato for
lUng toe hreotir.1. ,
_ earliiB—
iteek aad forth M vr eviog ouder WbB Beette greet to ■•ed tSat elgbl
bodvae onUB ea*
Bob elepi wlih her aad the wu leal
April tklB blue.
s. wbeie tl ca«^ Ibe eaa We know toep pteat trera laet fur
raaaBa caae no gire ;
aaUI I
twiagteg-doe’l poa;"
her hu good aiglit klw the Bid the
aftereoea. Tbe toil vm blaek. oool
•ad BKiiet. aad vm tertiliMd with de. Bela^liUte bop looked on with
uet were fargi ot all.and toe wu ;
ooBpoeed ba maoBre. I pleated tbe
ag wilb one.
S« Ihli •tided,
.. .. .V... Ka, ugvtM the plaate
-id-ril RTOi
■•g VakteUne Uar
II te plateI'Brl WillmlB
to Btaod aboal tlx



oeld be r>.
bloom vilboBi laJarr. Tbe bed vm 8o fll alere.Te tare pleatp to gin- to
gee. or vbleb tbeia are a
a mam ot Uoob ^ nmmm. aad vm
Il Algrape Pape to be ITiod
Bp diBBe:
_______ IreeTraJ beaot fe'. Pal tlie' aaxt aaauB wag Bel not for tbe world and all of iu
It wUi
reaew IbeBi
Diekem. not like ell bnya Kind,
Tear. Town eatborltlee eboall
f ....-------- u>n
Will poo gel B»e topdaataap trae ttal and geaeroug u lie gru be alvapg had
in tbe •
goan tOB going. He neger eoeldgee'
Kphr'S thtlWTr <01.1 UlUv. m.-<r /rum
dll tlie
iKetaMta sute Joanial
a dumb animal abated.
n, vh.-ti
»h«-<i n>Jj>«rts
rpjjivns Ithr

-iru.i.»<ll icll
One dap u lie gru going lo gehool j
April IV. IVQl
with aouM- ot bit frleodt who were:
tlie nelftabecbood. for Bble deeoraWe an going to jiriiil tbit greek igro Mlkiag aod baring a lot of tnn. tlieg I
Monee by two of cot Saoebinera-a
B}g« a boy mneb emalter Uun .
(fa. wrarr.
Flower eenlen and eor- of water, aad dll wilb paaeiea B* Siuiliini' tap Biid a Soiiiibiae girl ll..maeltM. Tlileboy bad been driv-,
aeri RIM a pleaBal aeaB of tbrUl
Pearl lag waited ginoe Valentiue i dap •-0 from borne by fate motoer. who bad imgHtarlkn
aad eb<wr;
Wbere tbete are water,
—toi- middle ot Februrp. and Olig told blB to go and find <
irorka etmple driakloR tonaBiiie Bar —Qraoe Oaile la Oood HoaakeeeplaR.
Marob SO
So it emne ot yunr
I nod not to ileiv big taoe
I Adte Bnttala. uf Kekaea.O, wrtieg:
of ggrteg mp Ufe. tit I enSeead ter
little letten an' not printed Wdep.
-Atwr Bilng ynor vuDdertnl Vvrau mootba tnun catarrh ot tta abanerh.
better <BM vbeu Beaat aad tMU relap know toat il te becaue it 1Kow wb<-o Dick taw bua. bu bean
m moBll.g. 1 bare bed gtBt lellet. Two botllca ot l-eruBa eared bm."-Hib.
M filled with pity end br graaud to
Mf^ M. a. C.4ATES. Edito*.
Bid out eonr tom lo grail a iiltle while now.
Urrle UleHaa.
D eoBietotnc for blm.
Sr. teg Ibe
" We wlU aBrohtobed.
If TOO do n>M derlee prompt aod Bttte
BBT be aaBod. (bM Rlrtaf dlfoin alKbt.
___ ^Ulhnxsend bgdtgteUngeprltelien de ^mo cm lande.— •omoeh lonr-r.
. b»
- ' |«t they ell hive led Be ginee uteg laci..rp rceull. from (bcoia .4 PetnBB.
Too grill like tbi boy lad no
iB. h> look
aad obaneur wbieb paopl. feel
DMuratloa of percbea. bakoalee aad ___ Idraa vara eoen te ttalr ateht ttorlB VI- know.
m to bim.
Tlie toy { l>eTiina. I can ni-w get enond and du * rite at oorr U. Iff. iiarUaan, gtrlag a
Rognavlto Bamma aliead M eaptain,
UetioB of oar foraata aad (be refor irlBdow ladM with Tiae. and Sow a ItebOa ber bead, the brigade forBPwffl Wllbelm tee TBverm Oily ilBDke.1 bin and told him how bie | my huoaewurk. end think 1-etnaa the full lUlemeDlpoor cam and be vUI
«d into lineWhen maBrne eoantod
IrL 8be and Uemie Smartliwalle.
thcr lied treated lam. He Bid: I grrateet medicine 1 eger ued.-’-Adle ta pleated to give yon bu.valnabte ad<
U bdBbUhM OB tb» tad-top^ elerTlee gratlg.
oeo." fire little fiwl veal pat oa tlm whom tUffiee poo hoNe read, are
•I don't Imiw wlHffe l■•go tor
RteatlT eniBBee the oharB of a eltr
Addreae pr. Hartman. Pnetdiat of
Mir; areta oooBted "two, " ten lilRlcbt ia oar aidat ve bare
will whip herd "
Thu toep door nelgbbon end gnat frieadt.
The Hartman tanliartiiB. UkBbaf..
5^piJnS^^w^^^op*w^rtSnR» Ue feel v«e on Ibe etatr.
"ga>dDlrk |
Uiie Peoiitegwe It • Boaghiae boy
table eaaapte of vtaat weaao cao do.
Barebod ebecitollp to bed, everp
tbe mrana i Ohio.
-1 candidly feel l>em
from Utaar.
He Bye be grtot. Uni
I will gige blm lea eentelf yoo bepgj
Ibe work vfaiob baa bees door, and tMde a ^BBr^u^f^ro^n hnllT
■tory fora UnRoaRi- Ireaua.
He U will Riga gome.
Uattll balBK doae br tbr Traretee ____ _______ SB grill .. . .
Palai efaould be takeu to w
Ivelre yurg old and It in tta fogrtb
Tgrnntp flge oente gru eooo ta toe ,
An»Tr^ Hl«d. poo nIdM m«. ,
•ad oaeonieRe (be aaeof«bV
boy 'ehandgen Ik-wu told to go eiul
AaoelaUao baa baan eaa of tbe i
grade of hli aebool.
- Of Mtm Um bm (litact «*«r
preWiiT painted deUrer graRoni, M
light of dap
rt gome bread.
(be dalrr. bakarr. Bafliet. ^udiy.

'Fadto apoa a
O UMTliIrd. via tlM taiatea braM,
Tbineen yean iteued by aad Dick .
•to. TboT Bake pletaieaqae blta
Oeetl Hodge of Hodge, tea dear,
troB labor free.
uscil, xn.l folly guxranipcl in t\cry rr»iicrl_
aorioR color tbai pfaBM (be efe
had grown (« be a yoaog man.
gweet Utile Soulitne girl.
all obearreta
hi u«r x» well u »«-lL They ;
Uoe day a> li< wu walking drvn .
toer eoBRt vrte leaned.
111 for looie Bootog wit
BMW BfHr Mimv yo« vaUaaiXj
n.„ made of ^C*J. .illtvaal, xml given
one Dighl maBBO gr«>t tolbai oll.r of troabte wilb ber koee that BBk.«
toe (tree! be wu apiraebed by a fine '
Tbe peeB vhieh beedt Haae Obear
I aad ataactiTt vbleb ilteBid.-aad ttanetaallta
looking young mnu. gibu bad a pack
finito tixeatrhVlic cii-; ate tlurgble. onnCort.
thli vaek U worth poar teadlnR. All
lame, and tfau greek ibe lute
BBiohalto toe teexpaaelT* liiae palate
*e hope ag<' te hii lianA
HoM Obear’e poeai are grortb readable, and neil. Ilic Hica|icgl <m tlw luarkcl. 'iiiality ntetolcrciL
I orer, tbe good algfal brigade to go to bed Imoaeee of iL
bn'i il tUue m Mk* • Mt;
■rhlob are daiaUe aad eaa be mada te
QO M aaaite did pot (eel tike •III- will eodo bi- .Bp BKeiD.
'ill not
IBR, bat Ibb U etpiolallT Rood.
a^ miora aad ltete.BDd
and «>u wil! tuiy no .rthcr make.
.._____. tlie ohildran to bed that gray.
aap eat.
For grail
of ou other Suiil>MB>g wi
-KllB Hiadteb te Oood Hoaeekeep^
ff.ltBO txoMttor I
her, aad clleer lu-r ap while i
ThtBaadmUtHkudL------------------Thte made Dick lota eloae at ih.and
tl. the vorU'eraanlBRorer vita lor- reoadlBRt. and R«moiml pleeBDl oprauger. Who WM gone before Dlok
iBRaad laaRhtor.
conldtoy ••(hank yor.'
With HaaiUa — ■-------------------1 tell u what yoo did
ed aplteof t
Diek harried borne and opened toe
■d to^ht .. .
nraetlcal grurk of axlenBl - teapaorebendia Tbe firrt thing Dito BV grae
TbM tBvtrea-Uw l>BMe( tbe bM
•iBple meal doriag a
BMil w aa exprtgalea of tentr barletter addreue.!-Dick." Dlckbnr; bonte cltwnlag. Her
■adtb* bud.
DM/ BOU to^ot^ good. Me^liborBemie'e
Aad low (ns the bBit«(tta* setbar After tbe rala eaama tbe baretiaR erolTlBg an appe
ricdly opnp-d It and it read tone:
IU< vetd,
ttaliig laaob
■laUoot Bight eltar a town or i
on ValeoUix- Dap In (h>New TiffkBvwt Hd «BlB mid ekv. I biMdi
lip-eldr of manp aUnor dleeooU.------BcralDg. BeMte Up in bed Ibioking
Diok—Hair- yon torgotb-n tbe k in<I
Ow»—d er« Ood fiBlati the Aim.
of weeda. BbUiir debrte aad aaal^ l^'^*^^«arliig beraelf I«aiteil a.
rk« to tbe tOBlaR grfaeat
many valentteet toe gru going
et poo did lor nu- Ibirteeu ptwrg agor
Om and onr b* aitkB tb» 8*n
... ____
y obleote Taaebert eaa de Moalteat Ita Boat ueelloal o.- ^aorlden.
of b
WM to gel.
tyoo liare think of the little boy
Begtee te fou yean old
tta oblef ooerae a oeoI ot
Aad all Ibe vv U tbe 1
Ow aad orar ba «Bta «ta* Aovm
bBtod before maoTing it from tbe tin llgee la Boatou.
tee^faTon^wt^lta itaSf*rooi
She beard eome
pun gag.' poar mlttoo. ia Aeeeid ton
0<rw BBd OTW b* HVdt tU ibavK
end tbea. eltboogb (lie akin end booet
ritb poMe.1 plaate taeh cbm to or
eall ber oanir. buidid not want to
u a token ot lore whloli 1 abow you.
grete taken oat. It wm kept la .tape
M far M poeaibia Urer it vm poared op. Tbea ebevu ealled agate
Bov Use an tbe ekii
vtal toe gaeel maonneed toe "Bott gte'gotopind vent dogrn taiB. Il
wlibaUitalr deUeloufleh auee eeer eaien.” and
Moad ebrab
who ban ulled bar. big Jewelry atotu.
Otted by.
bad-lBf aad vbleb VM BMielp a taU-ptet of mar- Wbea Bemie get dogrn atain ber papa
rted dereloii
Tom. I
ooMtee. into vliicb a beapteg gpoonDick opeaeal Ita little box and
8e Otar Md OT«r o«i taOavado.
tal of boraeradlto bad been itirrad. Bid then
floa o( lavBtd if ear vork be Vaa
ac8 Front
obKm Arbor Dap all ortc Tb« edge of toe planar gnu gamteT ' for ber toat came gray frtai Kev Or- tonnd a gold grah-ta vito a diamoad Broach Block
lUi la Ibe ■inw vbiab otmr I
gritb tard-boLted eggt. and aome Si
Buai^ and Dovere and «BR.
leanx. U.
Of oonneRaerie ki
te tlieefaate.
' bavd
toga potatoee were pa Bed vito tx
t'aele Oha<te. Then
Kol Iota bitor ttat Dick and Tom
Pram the l>aart of tbe meibcc. «bc Tfae^ eloade b«t BarOal I
orrd rltlien or to oomoMBOeato bb«
pai« told her to bent and
'great into parUn'rtolp iu tbe Jewelry
' itHrt.
tan eap ot eeffee with bose
Viib'SiuSr^^ rato aad blaet.
lid find ix She began to look tor
Otte PenaingMo..
Bat^ vm teUov Uie (lad. brlfbt aabooU and laU tta ebUdtgai a baiaf
tbe liiddeo TalenUae. tat ocold uol
find lx Ttaa ebe thoagtaCiffotablp
Kortbptat, Hlob . Uareb h, IVQt
BaaeUae irtli eee)|Bar at iBBt!
Hitt iberbet te an idealteed fora ot
ap atalra Bta vaot into toe Iwtt
Dbt Hr*. Batne-Aa I Imre nad tbe
toe oOBBoo ibartot Bade from allk
n and looked bigb>ad low tat the lettere of tbe Saul.luen with merb
aad leaoo joioa
The m
The adUer trf Hobo Obaarbfraal
B. Sapdar Root, te toe otBB grito a tBootb. ri<
bidden raleoiliu gru aovbera to be int-nu. I vboold like to become a
bear it eloRiag. toagtoR rvaailT.
It deatiooa itet tbe artteleoa Orta
inoB end a deUdouMag of
lieftT la BB aadartaao,
em«. Bta tboogfat iwotablp ber pa[»
I alteod tobool every day.
PW*. “Fereatrr aad TOva laiproTe< Blariwae U Ood tad toaght it.
aa agreeable oeotrart to tta
wu enlp itateg. tat looked tor
My teaclmra'g name te Mlia Uadham
-Boat.” than towldalTtaad. While
^Otle batter toftbB
af tta aalorin of traaen dveama
way. Tb<- only place torn ahe eeald We lian twenty pet tabldtg and le<of
Fonr cape of Bilk, one aad aae-l
la mma w« ii It <d aqieelal laUraat
tertharoa! How aaeb feitliar*
oopa of tagar. jalee of three leai— totek of ttat ebe bad not looked te them df»L We tare a mile and
te elab groBta at III tnltar. Mra
Oooul tbe oille-atonee one bp aao.
JaiM of oae oraage. Hix tta Juiee of WM Iter plapraom.
When toe opeaed
ito lo vilk to gtooel everydap.
B«>t. te etaalnaaa of tbe Ooianrittoe
U nr* X jiteythin;;.
the (mil aad eagu tiU bait aeltod. Uie ilour Who ebOBld toe lee tat tar
gnil oloee. Kroa yuar frieod.
aa FaraeVr
We lildilfBa Stoke
Omb pear le tta aUk alowly. U xta
■inncev hcriit. i.agi, lixHtv etc. The leopartuiug xre bxl^Acnl mi
IJoole Charlie with a big baan.i mad
PedtoMtea of Woaaa-g Olaba (Ibe
to form in idcxi ionic xnd invigfwaicir. ahxri'eb'ng the a|qirtite, a
ant of eardboardi boldteg it in frog
------ Md-Ttttlad (bat eoantry beadllorot Boaw Obb beiaR atea
milling mxianal
mxixhxl puegofu, gtexilung tl
tlie ncrvr\ xiul Xariiv u a gene
aly in a fagttlTa tort of gray.
of lilm and on It grM tvialed in il
1 vlU tell you bova little child Bn
BBBberafUBl aoBBlIMei. Uteali
allk ta BOW vtrp maoh v
btaecT «
e fircnglhoncr wnhoal
wnhonl irijt
of |hc .iqacgi
vr apeat oeer «gro meathg
tenm -To Hp awnel Vilmitoa
a aefateet worthr Urn attMUoa of aU ____ _ _joRb rattar old aad not .
ieilluar the............
the loe ol....
eoalBR to aearpatB. te aadtatebly toete. aad 1 taad aaj^ t^tportaaitp ot
Betae grM to •nrprteed g]>e hardly
He Bn -pick ap a pin from tl.e :
voBta. UueotalaR lobe laatiaed
Bretewble aad aaataL
A ipttoal leariiiBg why Baglteb grooua tare
LuBoa jQiea te a great IrnfagiraBS
koev wbat to do or tolok. Ue-a
He can pUy with big Uttle etet
blata Bilk gegra te aadt vita par
to alloed taianaa Pranare toea I
bar te bu anu aad lold ber taw the
He oan tell maaBB when tta tahy
i-aa tba irbete of Uw
■ aadot t
bou or tgro before aalag
ore ear
bad grogrp ginee be had itoa her but
•dioa nd tam. aadlag aboal the tote: liey tan .teamed tta art ot kllng a layir oi elUad banaau.wli
grape te aa tetpeettat toelcr ia tta
IB Utaoa taetete. ibt fallaaB
•agar and tbea a little leBoo jBim; rt- Then Ita]^ great dona] to breaktett
He emn rBcA Ita etool toat ibe
tatetegof ooBBaallteA aadoftadlrtodtai tato a taap Soaaee.throaRh
paattag tblg Ull poo hare tbe deaired esd vtae Bonde looked nndr •
ber foot on I'x
TldBiiteahlRtar pteoa SaBetap
It taalr tatlta te^. aad. Uta tta ^ to ber bose aiaaBB rarteio tm- qaBBttiy.
LeaMD Jolee Id elegred

1 graaU like to toll Kobo Obetr la '
in. Bidtnt la a MH.
ma« le alee niea.
Tlmy aboald be
It bet frteM and te America cMvad eerp ttovlp oe toe baoX of tta tonrvlu Ibe momtegi. Iben grM an­ wtedili.
Aaoltar blaefe allk fogra te Bade
tteltaturraf (be UBegrtaaltB
I anarntond^Mo veil in aaap •toee and grbea eallrelp adl add Bglib Cre Tarp aarrev todit down tor
He ran Mach aoae other Iiltle cUld
te ae Uta a taretetUB. ttal all ha
Aaoltar obllgattea. aad a ratp araadteBoa Jalee. iBring tbea oa other Talt^iUae. tl gru rerp etormp
ator af taa traak. Ire B«n ea laob
VM dlTiaa—part of the Riaata]
MtoVWfBUIt tbe More Ull the aagu u felly dte- ont ot doora. to Beuie oonid not elide itg lettera.
Aad taBB make bte Botlwc tappp
ea berated.
8be did Dot mted ttat.
Uaal word that Mrteaade u oa ararr
bemato bar Oacte Ctariie gru ttan by betng a good boy.
. toda. tat wbleh tae'e aTtontota ItabtB; tboBat toe Uda atop abort
toe Tteltor____________________
' Bpeaid to Be U VM aa boor, a aepreeakBof beteg‘eDterMiaedr abo
If oar h
BBil.Boeet te be ferfoUea. Baltbte!
tbig viih the rety beet ioMatlgag to


hoihb. •flor^lo






5iSt'^' :>Bd






126 Slate Street, w Uictof Pflerlyl.




d^fD*’ I
V* teUt-ob* tetr

of all descriptions now on sale at


J. J. BREZINA'S,»*irraui«i.ed




etMpr^t Cskk.

For Job Work of all Klnils Qll al the Herald Offlcc
an Better Belore Vou fie JIng Fertber-



Cake a Doge el gas^tee


rai silt oinu u liiainir (01MK Kfi.

U a door oat into a vwld faU af
tbonglii. There te do Uar aov
laid Uila aabjeet, gnta M te tbe 1
tettaa. Tbete vlU t* Bore to be aid

oat ttat te riBTtd bp elab v


toe grorld. Seob aa Impreetoa U nry
leB bttcA'btae aod eoule (ami
• BfW ttptug to leultfre patioaa
ou ehlldraa voold gel a aata I
••Daring ay ten g
> dttoi
•art te Ufa
aaiof ABriM aerer BV tot eligtata
To briag a eblld np te aa at____
rUt prlaeaai
pbere of booka to urmnad him gritb
Jut follogra (be dally roaltee ot tar tbe grtvkt of gtg«l Btada froB ate te
Vito tbe.......
faaep aad tend bia fiadaillp to aa
................. te atm earrted degra la i
aigaeeteltoa of toe grorfctof Uu tetelpedal batev toe watet. aad ttallae
fteu ot toe nee. te rqulto
Ton de not aeod to Blk leetBl gteau
tftoe badtea-te tbe Uleto laeiemL
A to; pot map take a a liberal edaottoe.-Sneotaa


lie pUti



"lae tea sou near nteae te liate-aarte''

attap utoac tbe
tba point in teat.
totlw-grrttiag te ponr

i baaatUplta eUp *

SUrree are iaerratiaR ererp dap f
ttehaaillt ttoBtaoi almllBaUkelg
that before Ibe BBBer we ibaU br
graariag tta flogrlae tteeeet to tato
ioaabte In tta*arl.T ferttet.
Tta taoBiatamof tlrlpet aad aaail
ataekr la tOl (ta new
aad bb
Ber arntylite te eerp Mitad. aad applMttotUktaad graritobte tabriaaar
vaU M to groolae foodt.
• Vblt* akirte grill Bore popalm
agate dnrteg toe eoaCag ^Ite aad

aod aagteeird baek pmrdt. to tblaklta
ap aad aarrpiag oat pdant for oiTie
iBproraBcat la aU it. foram. (bat te
wiiiata-e grotk. too. QttBtbBlI
a work to vblta bm flat latUaot te
taaBlUpiag. te eltaallaea aad ordar
aaa go tode bp Uoe irtUi tbe a
Ite atowgtb vUta aaMaldtotta toaad^ fiotai o VlU tote
earTTiagoatof Ibeae dtaltable plaaa ■tea tataeae.
Fm Boroteg aad allI teferaaleera
That te a trert to be doae baa
tooM praopaad ataalblr
tlblr yoataan,
tain gegrat vlU ta Boeh-----------------

oeteter ewp fiaa
Ohltaea fBttwn.
Btead gritb bbII Uta of eottoa. aake
•llgbeei emiB of Wag aagleetod. It agoodlllteg ter eefa ptUeve Tta
— - '-•‘tbfi«‘l upeneace to me and eelUB keapg tbe tgalben tfcaa jaakteg.
teaad la
g prodt far iL' -Ohlcago
toe pod ot tta Bittvotgi '

Xuaae are nee .....

cpm mpi



_____ iteeTtOBoate IbaB r
April LadiB' Bocaa JoaraaL
OopiBOt ttaBeaaM Rotate vaak
BMBP af oar Tiargoae Oilp alab
vaBta. la tta Womb'i Olab a ' '
tta ladtet* Utaarr ABoateUwi

eap of hot —ila or enaa vtll at aue
nlleee kbe aoei eteteat aaaek of
Tbit te a ttapte, taaUp
obMiaed aad
SqaailpMatataad naUe u eWee^
te toe BB ef a dUatod glpurlae earn
iu. Obb toe tatter. taT^aa^ff
gradnaliy aad egg* grril beaten. Ata
aeta dtemdrad te vmar. halt the Sou
Blxad and gifted Vito Bit aad
BiB. toea ata BBl BBta trail aad

aadtaUttagntod rted afataa
te Use ftaarml aaBt Rtraa a
Mda^l at baUteRvalat,atlrv
thte dtfoetiea. aa II laei
Ita Sta a lav toteataa. ttaa tat aa
WBk aa the lat«ar UaB at tta fan- M fat


tariofoAtehitoe dap b«lnT«"*a'a 1^
Om bb BB.r
arrip vaj deeo
taaaaxtdap aapba





to skevteg ehtokea wtoeb hu been
enl-ap alvaye iml the tOTgtaak. aoel
^b^jdetoate tta btoWta ofjb.

Real Be
-------- ---------- MttaBbrbteuaa-


. J den e
__ _______________________________ _______
Ikan ata deen-B Mex aBptteta hva cdkr M attie.
OOUJ OOSrigto— labtoTWeBecaiC
■ada toil bp THE R. K. PAIBBARK COM>Jlinr,

At the Kv stsod, comer State aod Union, will make
spedal cut prices all the greek. We are now in a posi­
tion to sell ffroceries cheaper thanever before. Kemember tre are located directly opposite the City
Market, the most convenient point in the city fer all
owntry trade.
Sugar. Best Eastern, ip lbs for.................... - - . .$ioo
Kerosene Oil. per gal..............................
. -lo
Best bulk Coffee, per lb. joc. 15c
............... tic, 15c
Yellow Peaches................................... .............. ........... ..
Four cakes Fairtjank's Scouring Soap.................... P5

......... ................

JollI»OT.So,p fowite.......... ............
^^.So.p Po-ic..........................
B^H.vpSdp. lobOT...,.....................


We alwayt ^p,^liea quitet price Sor gopa butter

Enterprise Casti Grecery


Cor Sum and Cat


vueb W U tbr Mm er

M Omr VUI tWT* Mt
«Mk te tMr «^lio-4.»w# ud
w taff Biilat 4m il»mlnm
Am tmMir put*Md br <
Tbt •nmoa WM TftT plm

drtwb TRAVERSE WERALDJAraiL»24. 1802.
BntlPHataU -oetotawto Wa
whWb khe bees etetaad IWa toUp
.rotor, (Ms Pltatand asp— le
with -laaowa Tbeta-lly *a
bayddaemaf Tsk OtoalL
eonred to affair, aad ertdeotly
ad to weed areaad Biaaut Uo chaan.
ewModtatoth* —twlth
to x**t:of liaak Waltoaa aaa it baa
J. MeOo»ka and fatoly ettatad at
eeoBi—toto B. S. Ckaaeptaa'a yew-day.
ilCWatab" tea*Mble eo the task sad mke fnstle
ta at cbe aawaiT mlsaeva. vWta
aapbi lathe hita-rd ta Deko—aad
trcqaeaUr tall rleOau that the sow boasd to a aamber ef daya. M '
tmd arill hare to ta rifilniliha
laally PM Ifaioepfa -faly.
ton Itaclf tbewbelanle idaa^ter

«M>*T*d. TWUdm Wl •••*<*•
•• of Mtr d«rp «««* <«
card., s Mutlfnl chM »tod dUh
b taa baea aagfntid ttal one «d
mmimkM plu*. A*m wUhli^ttaU
.............. .... hapfrtMMnd
la taa doin who naida is tba Baigbb« >nr hem. tb«r drpnted for tbeir berheodta«iUtaaiq^Mftal> asd tows, ha* -orad hie taially...................


AODimui nMEtranBBE
pnple rWT dallElrttally laat week
•t theb bona
eo Slat* «raat
■■Bnrti" van the order ot the pros^.mdthe -ooalblaekladr." wae
latndaaad la the casM. to the *d
dtartasat of the eoon of tmar of the
vwld-ba vlasen.
faaad by naase of baaru. eat la two
ftaeta. the m
the pan of their heart ta the
aae tair lady. Heart*
the aaabar of
lha table at which they were to ])>ay.
asd the aeon ot the Eanei wae kept

cnta waa-sob aatayad.

men the Power is Off
Wbat Happens?
ktiow* Vital bappena w

sloe tlno.
If rvert lartory aad —ilhbasd. enry
.Adan> 8ob*i£a« asd Bl- Ella
takw of Ink* AsB. wan aniuoi >o ■tehaBk asd workmas. aaOiiWnnO to
larrlace by Br. Babeopk Weds.aday.
Rato* Orahaa'e atmt 1* with hit preeeet.
Bra. Aroht* Sollh wae rlalttac
'ilh bar mother. Bra B. ~
OIn Frask WrMib the tafaot eoo
fiaslal Wripbt. era*
t Hr.
Mr. aad
asd Br*
bon « Aeceetaota. Itttl. died April
tath. IKH. aped lb OMatb. and 1«
K—Itr how I
Lake Ass.

Bars, w Mr asd Bia. Soffert. laat
Hr.' taTalUa fro- Tist— Olty it
WTisp CBlD Jo— Selkirk'* fana
itaweak. Be tatead* to work to
Ir. Selkirk thU a—.
Tb—eHansah twi to She—rd
)d taaopbi Iwak a —I ef d—



^ large (arm a short distance from town. I am in a podtios to bandie aU kinds of stock in exchange for mkchinory. buggies and implements.
I have at present about twenty good work horse for sale.


A saabar of yoasc ladlea wen tl<a
r bit body a* be -taer.
Mtel. the .c larbinecy of tb* miU, be
wwtM know tb*l wim X men 1* week
a. wbeo fau ectlrilk* arc
wr>l ilnwn U not—______—
there i* MnnetblnE wronpwitta tbe
Tbe power pUiA of to body tadad—
to ttom—b
»itt III *-ociatW oi^tni of
-b »i.
•tioa end nulnlioo.

------arenslb u derivcl from food diEe«*d
end etMnntrd into nuiritioo. Natrfuoo
.*-e power which run* tbe bode.
I Dutntion fttU the body (*Hs. Tbe
iral chunce* br which food tacoo*
.... 1 into nuiriiivn take place io to
0. OaBBle baa told hU wart 40 ao(« Rumteh ewl diEcatiee to ootfiUe*
1 a 0—a from Ohio,
trwtx When llw tusnach U diaeeeed.
Tba Twasttata Oestaiy clabapeat
r. OtaTelaad ha* tesied bit ferm to tbe nutrition i> minced end the body’*
a taty pUaaast erastap with the
A. D. Reed of Thoa|MTlll*.
Br. power it red need in pcop—lioa.
HI— Haaaao
Olorelaad reearred 10 acne aad will
t DOCTOK’* Dibmt.
my oa to farm tbU amaoa.


tatai ffsaata. asd then won teiy-two
At elpht o’clock capper wa*
a-aad ta tba pi—m dtatac it—.
-sU halM aaatad at osa loop labU
a waa a ktep wlOi nd
*sde.asdltartaar dews the table oe

ealy nt e few cenaiii Uunsa awl >a*
me. lixerv.
t leoi|or»fe
...... .
wile linelly
penuaded me to trx Ur.
ISm * tfoldeu bledktt
tocovery uJ ' 1-leuaesl
Pclleu.' I took a* »«* ,
-tie. of •Col.lcD iIe.Uc*; |
‘ coverr ■ and two viol* !
lir. l-icm’* nee—nt ^
. ..leix 1 tben< lelt lo .
well tot I (tapped uk-1
IDE medktae.
Seiertt .
u b*T« (wml end 1 can do to
,_____ S kind ot work, can ets anr' thtar tot ia «tt before me eod en-

An eminent pbydcitn ta t lectnn ta
ewdiml (todeni*. -id io ntsUnce.
reeled to tbe uomteh.' J—t — to
—echeoic know* to power’* off. when
to machinety aopa *e tbe pbrdden
when be eee* • mtn weak. tued. aad
belpte—. know* the power b off. The
food to men eel* 1* w* betap eeanrted
into nolrilion. When food u'diftelcd.
end converted tatanutritiaa
ben tbe body. Uton to
debrient ta eitaUly end
elpdr, it ni—t be been—c it 1* inmffidcelly Doorubed, eitof f— bek of
food or beoiae to food eaten i* net
dipeaed aad coneetted into snttttioa.
FOpnUrle and xenetmlly Hue cooditioa
i. deecrtbed - ’weak ■tomack.' .or
•aomeeb trouble.When vou here reUted to w—k
phyacal eonditioo ta to • w—k • eta—
ich aad to •raa^owB* wiUtina ta

ta to ability of Dr. PlotS i Colden Mcdi^ 'UwcDverT ta cm*
■week • iUxnacb and'di****— in Eenerul
td tbe alcauch and other oriaa* of di.
g—tion aad nutrilioa 1* found is llie
ftet tot tbe worst and ox— oUtmale
form* of itoeierb trosble bare yielded
to to icfltteiKX of tbi* great remexlv.
•borne time b— eUpeed tince 1 b*n
written yoo in regerd lo tbe tr—tn.enl 1
here been taking nnder your inKroc^ion^•-T.Hr, E. K.tingmar».of >!inneepedUHina. ’When brW I eommrnml
taking your remediei 1 w— undei tint,
aient of a well-kBown tpecralun in thU
chy (and bad been for font moDlliti i.w
tatanh. asd etpccialle eunnat'h \roi.1de,
and I wa* rapidly geUing «or»e. Col to
bud tot I could not eat anrlbirig that
did sot diitre— me terribly.' ami i-w—
Obliged lo quit taking tbe doytur'* treat
nicnt entirely. 1 u— etmIIv mliu'e.l in
fleah. A* a laat reaort 1 wroU to > ou and
Baled my caic. aad after receiving vuur
intunctioiu 1 followed them c:.—-l.r
After taking five lioctle* of l>t. i’lvrce'v
ffoldeo Medical Uiirorwry and one rial
of bia ■ Plee—ht l-elltU.’ I commenced
to improet. aad decided ta continue the
—rdirineaand obeerve vour inatructiunv
tecurdiUE hyEiniic
me trectment.
It i* nou
eesrly ax mootb*
ttocc 1 comtseoce.1
tba eioce
yoor trraunent ajxl 1 can —v that 1 am
well and never felt better in niv life.

Dr. ISeree * Golden Meiiical IKwxieeTr
cnic* di—>—■ of to Bomeeb ami other
orgea* of dig—tiBi
dig—ti<ni asd
and uatritioa.
nstrition. It
c* to atipp^ of jam rich bloni
which ta to I___ ________ —................
give*I aUaogth
aUength for wauksa—
weakse— bcaniDrw.
For beariBc— of baeit. and puu tb'
Theta pbvwical tnaB oe tba plana o!
ruboBbadth. From a men only able to
work half to time, asd then io pata. b.
a man who c— work all tba time m
camion, ta a truwlioa girat enough U.
wEmn to oft RpcetccI •tatcmml, ”1
fed like * sew Btas eiDcc uttng to
•Utaeotety.BO TOO eXOV?
Do yea know whet to do in caae e<
emerge—y. accident, oe tuddni illnea.’
Do yon knenr bow to aid to eiek while
weitiog f«n the doctor? Yoe cwn leuni
bow to do thete and a tbow—nJ —bn
tbiln (rcao Dr. Kcm'* Common Senar
He£ml Adviarr. The book
Borr^tbas a tbou—nd ItTga
ia eenV^w oo r*cei(« of Bampa lo pw>
npce— ef isaning <mfr. Sena _ti ooe
cam ttamp* lor tbr clotbtoimd volume,


U— a D. Alloy. V-1> O. 0-.
M aad J. H. Patahta. aad B*
aata*. Bolto) aad TtakbasL
Bodan Wced-BB Hall e
10 to doece Friday aad probably
a bosdnd w«n taned away oa the
nttooa ef the to* anam aoetal. yro^aa aad toe* pltea by to U O. A.
a Tba pataerlnp wa* aeoew
•orry i—lealaf, aad addad abeat m
«B to Udtaa- Maaaty.
A pfla— wa* lasd—ed a* follow*:


All kinds of CmWfM’s Ca|.8
Ladi« ‘ fine ' \VTiite ’ Handker­
chiefs .......................................
Negligee Shirts, two collars and
Hats 1
at $2. $1.50, $1. 75c and


Aftar to i«t«— had b-e esio.'rr^
to* emm esd taka*, had Iwws di*.
goaad at. dasetag wi* tsAsIgad io ttU
s tot* hoar ta -i.................................

Udie,- Dress Skins

Summer Comets and Girdles


A good sized Mirror
Children's Fau BUck Stock-

I Wire Carpet Beaters

Mdn^sjips, all sizos, bUck and


By calling here and making your purchases we can aave you 304>er cent on everything.
ThI* U E WM atary. asd U n-ebad
I— by cat—I okEtah e—b—* ta;
gaat Bsi n«El—
ti U sm e

mmi to-MONT •‘TMCKn*



Milwaukee No. 5.

than ever to supply the wants of my customers.

If you do not find what j-ou want in my stock 1 will order the same

on short notice.


7 ing to offer you first-class goods at prices that will move them rapidly. l,can buy goods in as large quantities and
as cheap as anyone, and am always willing to give my customers the benefit. Call on me and be convinced.

Citizens Phone 126

123 Cass Street

Has proven such a success that we have decided to
continue it through April.

Good and plenty, and are giving goods away at prices
that “jaW’our competitors. The following is a list of
new attractions:

Tacks. 500 count, two papers
Good Kiichen Side Lamp, wire frdine.
Mrs. Potts Iron Handles
Spirit Level, pocket size.
Wood Pails, two hoops.
...... ....................... : .10
Butter Knife and Sngar Shell, silver plated..
......................... .
Caood Needles, per paper.
3-oz Boitli Sewing Machine Oil
Lar^ Bottle Soldering Saltz
rorks, lor set oi six -..............................

Knivttahd Forks, wood handles.




"“‘oSr.'!''’............ ..................
Mog^Ringer. malleaW iron,


7-ft Buggy Whips, good article.


6-ft Buggy Whips, good big value.


... ..............................................-............................................................. ..................................................................................................................................................

all next week. Exceptional values in every department.


Milwaukee Junior No. lO.


kM^aBdflapi.aadthc rasAlDdaf taawrastap WMapast ta pUytas
-Uttaiyeaehn. Tahlae F aad O had
to —e saaber «t potata. asd had
tapU ra daeldtap paaa. which wa.
washytabUO. A Urpa ”Jaek Horsar” pie, tolT decontad with red.
while aad blaa tUaaa paiwr
- hraapfat ta. asd to latay alx csrh
dnw a paokapa fro- to box. tolr
SBttalfBltaB* flsdtap a nalintUs taaaah dataty trlBaa a* toy n
tae bom, Ua arhtoitaa. etc. with
' which toy pctwidad to make t
alphi -SElcaL
The wlasn* w<

These machi^ are too wr-l] and f.ivorabiy kno«minthislocaiilytoneedgnyfurthercxplatuiioii. Tbeyspeakfot tbemselm

U 1 ETCO up. .\l
brakre dim eiU>

with it -ore
of 26 I


Specials for Sat

•■^ ^



«sa«i of the Bl— Atiee and Barioe
Bobarta Friday aftsrsooaat a tlil-ble
tai^ plTHi ta hoeor of tatlr cant.
Bra i'ian Spataria west to
r— &ty yeaterday. morataE the
Bl— TasSlyke.
Aft— a ^eaaaol
anraaoes of ylrittaf asd work apoo
Br*. Bawl Htatliaw, aad ta—lly
»« of aaadle waft, lee
Ttaltad at Br Hta«liaw'«8aaday.
ansta. eakaa asd ooffee wan eerred.
: Cfaaa Hotter, who ha* beeo 1
Dsrita the aftersoosa deltafatfal able to be oo to tatUsao apata.
tafonnl —ataoal |n«ra- wa* Ertao.
Blackwood will etart Boo.lay
easalaMsE of aoa«* by Bra A. H
^ley- >Uta Bralya BorpuiBlULTU tlAEKT.


«d (be
----------------less of Ciep. Caras. I will hereafter eooduct a fim-cUa Fee*}
and Sales Bara at tbe old sund.
aji Sute Street. oppoHUt Park Place Hotel I -ill ako use part (rf this barn for
a warehouse, where I will unload severaTcar loadsof machiner>'that I am expecting in a few dajra.

Tbeb—tweTtocsplxtabewtexIo tbi*
I* to tow bow it b— bm door.
•It i* with branJelt rrautade ibat I
•to tbi* uwimeoitt wtacb 1 eita }oo
-------------------------^ whirrsJ, of- •


MtaM. talted paaas* asd ooffee.


Feed and Sales Stables 231 Stats Street.

;'s ssssisrsrsfii Ji.:;!

f e»l
to mecbloeiy ttleot
.noolen be'd kBow el esre Umt
-off. ^tfbnyoaehw^

O. Coat* U Ttaittap hU paople.
Bn. Lockwood ha* retsraed fro—
He appar pantaeaU
Br. asd Br*. Tnrelt an. raor
nio tolr farm. Her too. R. t'oi
d Pythlaeastay^^
rbo be* beea werktap Uw fana, i
tered baA oolo hU pUea.
> ffoodly
do* Dlxea U atarlsE baok late
h— ta aWtataaea asd the w
JoDdatl'* bow. atar ht* far-.
wsa a nry tdesnst asa Prof, asd
WiUl* Ba—aey 1—* retaiaed ftom
Bn. Wyaosc fesalifaad lha -aito.
a foor week* trip to *ootli«n Bitopas.
Br. Ra—7 eombtawl baitana
Atse laseh wai aerred withdeasd pi—sun wbila
SHerieoo or Karita U e«UUe to
qaiU a
a—rkat.;eT— 10 care
B potata
Osaat tas- it aUboraie rrrat* of tattap beea
. tastataal naaos era* lha eappat asd
—iUtaiy aaofan party ptrao at Park
Ftoa Fiitay by ita whist elah.
at work* to be located hen asd we
■aet II will sake a lirety iittU
■tah esapta tarllad asother ooato




Bin naaie Bawett took di
with Bln Btella Bmllh Banday;

Tha tatartata-eot Eirn by Trat— Bay Ulrc lari week wae aaaoemtaer-yway. The eoetnt wbiah
ndadlael aiirbl ha* bees earriad os
to tan* BcaUi* asd taeamoastot
-«*y tataed woe ItOd. DiTtatao
Apt. 9
Bs 1 wUI bsaqaet Ko. 1 ta the near
Hr. BonttaE of Bai|drr wax ta tewi
fotan. Vo. •! drew the <iellt a^d
Wedsany oa bonto-.
Bln M. W. Saab held the Be-bar.
Tiie board of fsperrliien smI laat
Ho. 17 dnw the ptatsn asd Hr.
Bfs^ar baU tb* se-ber.
0. B JohsaOB of Good Harbor <
ta town Taaaday.
Tbe entartainmeol aad aoetal at
■ok taka arbool jn—ed off rary
tadles vary daUffaltslly Thorada;
■a—stly. Tbe —tweed* amooated
sttosoos with procieaalrs bfwrU At io 17.40. wUeh will be oaed ta eeenr.
eobool tanitare.
tae Otadarlcc of the ^ae the prtar*
-- e Kettle Paale* rlrilad with
wan awarded to Bra C. J. Eseetaod
U at Good Harbor thU woek.
^ Bta H. a Oarla the former n___ a Fanaie Hinthaw.wl
rairtacaboeqaetef beoattfal oataa- ■taytaE with her (iater I
ttan asd the Utter a box of boabosa Oily, t* homo for a aWt
Bl- Faoaie E. Blaokwood U «

>ta-HsEd* Moody.

ImplGcnent Store 123 Cass Street.

waUlactf HIM Uute Bufff AlTiSMaad Fred CartUof -eetlap the iwh. bald
_____ raeOltyteoki.........................
olio ehanb Boeday
There wan aarrloae ta the ChtaoUe
diareli Saaday.

by naan of oaody hearta wfatah wan
altataed to artaf taefed to ihe
Manaoida Tta wtaaeref the cnat- pood prowliip weather fe
m aanbar of gkam. Biia Wlanasd.

tataad ot sot asd trait tae oraaa. aa•alt- taa^heart taN»d aake*. aoi
oake. fm aad white heart boo
taaa. asd ta-cande. At ibooooelaBaa of' the flaan aa iBpronpia pro-

eahool l<oom laat Boadsy with Bln
Bootapae at leaeber. Bba wiU beard
will. Bra S. Osyta
Tbe Gnat and GnM take 8aada.T

B. torto TbabowwwfaU'TbQ
I—ea to btal tol U lautaa la ba a
raiT ata* tewad — W&ebstchwUl
ba iiidl—d May 41b. They a^M
to ban to assaa chain tatawky
totta-aasd bopatoa tall boaaa

25c Broom, good value.


IndeliMe Ink. best kind, per bottle.
. .10
. Genuine'Cut Glass Water Set. with tny.
Wash Bowl and Pitcher, full size, good grade.
Glam Salad Dish, worth 20c.
Glam Vase, very cheap at 15c.
Syrup Can. good value at 15c,
Alaim Clock, warranted,

.... ^


Writing Ink. e»> U used in

We shall still continue to grive 15 percent discount from
our entire stock, excepting the articles listed above.



Traverse City.

aad tba (MsMAd wBBD
ttm Um Uq>Mt tto *«W «M l«- Ub ntU fwt^ te-



b* WM BkM tc J>U hr ObM
PoUe* tUuU msd Uofcad mpTtee i* » Br«M(7 u—iwiil wl
tW abU tbal tiM pollM impew
hnktdufc for RancisvM. Th< '
isMtir relMloM ct tb* tMllr
bi«a illinnml aa4 It tB* beas Bid
U»i tb»y wm BO* b*«T.‘-'*ea
•TM 'bM bMS u isiblld for
aaC u ttaMaaona
■ •aplerad (o«w« ferh«. i
alBorf b-tplaB. bar Ml ara
lac aU«al7 BVlaaa
TbU waa the aaeood wifa of Bar.
KTB.M and iba «M a.^ml yaorm older
tbaa ha.
Tl,a TrrdM of ttaa iwaeoar’a iary

Tba .^mS loefc paaaaaaUo at ibe
pOkB aaad la tbe Mlobaa Boea. faeBBBlaa that itat BWbt ban bean
aaBUaraaartDBfietrraB e—~
bead. Bat n bo« aa aMH «f Mead
awalBUon. eaO daria* a Harberl Barwrd. bratber at Mra oa u. faaTtBt beta U tbe tie aad ba•' ot
MeaBd Drllb bU Baisearea. di——d tba OMa qalta liB euratrd wl**- taBUeaaaaddhow-bf-Mtdtod wUe. Ibraly. Ba Bid Aal ba bm aware at tba boaaa ta
.a— Leefel l^hatt ladBiBl tfarla* tbe r
»tfa 'The «
aobarca uaara. ,
„,aia«. tba daOal balar Boat,ItelatlTe to tba fpaaral arrtwinB. ;aarlaar doB«alr diOealllaa balbaea
for poeaible etfae or a Bare daSalta
I W la aa ara 'Ualr aad i Hartiarat mo<l bla wifr and that aba rhaaoia.
o. <»_«.
. Tbe M
Ta^,hy te tolaa dM^tl^tbaaidebim wae bU a«ed i
“d bU eyea'
______oaU B Bi. l-rla B^bA
£t be eaa «-~|»« tbe rw^MdSuty
r Pratt >1 he. required aay otihecatBa.
keeat q«>et ae to tha
lo^t;aatbatl«£yof AprtlA. D..
tiar'd.r. bat ie plalaV alanaid Be
MiBd lield BAbtaraly aatll
IMS. at the alty af MraiB Oin U W. Patebla. ia reapofBr to ibe qoet|wdd ewe ot tbe oaoere afur the
<d Iba oout. aaked that tba eaae
tbe ooaaiy af Oraad Traea*. wItt
Tbe inaaorr of hie
flnduut id Ibe body.. that wbea ha
tana aM arma. at tba Bn alwaBld ba deferred tar a lew deyv at leaet
MBunterfalB. aad be
la tba coaaly afpBld ia aod apao
wife he loaj
wati^ Attarney Prail aBed it eaddaidy broke dowB. buried hU tae<-| There »e dleeuueedfrrely uU..
------- . —
labU while hi. tfBae ebook tlw «n of .pile,4ic flt« wb»h
u toU that tbe »
eohe Hie brother. ;aeoaeed bee been eab^ MaloolB
MakBlm ?l,r^3
Uke a
a BnM
“* “^
.baadeof aoB.'i
,tle loaked like
Bad bn
I be-j Hurfrueee eteled Bi. aaralal
ralBK tbelieyee
.Bled wildly, lihe Ie Bid to
d.«lded liy tbe------KCI toen-ilwre
etolaiBed: -'They're after BO.
wae : hit brother bad been eab>eei
ated lUatil
wae hU deeire to jDooeed wltU tbe
MwdJep^for iweotT ynre. but »'■“ ”l
.boat aer aad b
plae.. U al.oot 8iI0 feet In atae. Oa
tbe Bir'kiaiy F- to- eaee ac non a> poaelble. aad JadrUD affntiB«;neTer dieplayed Tiolnl eymptOBi .tranrle eoeoed. Itaubw
Family Sleepins Room Scene of Desperate Smuggle Me elda ctanda tbe bed bihUb Iba two
-lUe (be eoatrary. be woald becoae I tbe floor ta«eiher aad wbea be etraaBoberta attaiBid a daaU* that (be
ODOMII.' oorwe tbe dreean aad oobli aaoMteoiosefer a ebon ttae aad re .Itl*^ froB onder the woaaui hU oMb
-Walls, Floor and Furniture Splashed with
Mttn ba takes np Wadaaaday Bora.
.ne—. ooiered with blecl aad he
laf. To tbU Mr. Patebla ob)e^.
He Bid Ibal
Blood-May Face Charge of
aBtlaf that he vaatod two or Ibre* Hnbart lUraerd of Mooroe Ceaier while. It ie tbe Ofdal
thlewilr «
pubject to Tloleal aie
................. with Mltoa daya at ImI la which to look ap the
___ __
IW W~_.
aad a B. Berward of lobutd. »«tber. eiei*" «>“ >«
»» *• ... .. .. :uad that .... nwlnd Ibe woea.!*
Braaa enil
aad I'lOOiaDat
while asder nw of (be nwlle. It wae
tar. Jadfe Bobaru etated that be et the dmd wofuto. were pmeoi will. ‘ tor «ch e crime to be roBwlUted ee aleo
Hmer were eoBBOoed tor that parleilwlorBof tlwatt
Mated hrr HalwiUTae ihsi while
'reaU of epUepey.
willlac to rire the Use that wae their wivee to look afa-r (he taaenl
_ aod foand liU vile rtrlaf
be (Bd tad MBe dlBdreuBMil. with
OM. Tbe ealopay wae held Jart beMb Mary Haff«raarf »l Korth
while MalrolB to-‘ The eummadlaiu of tbe
hie wife they bud all bees ftzed up
the Ooor aad dlajUayia* tloleol ten- onDOQo.Aod reealtad la erBbliabUadar Mraat. Diet a alolaot and tntie dan«lea.aa tt la a #t. He eeld be gieptf there to look after (he tachme. Ibe oeaditloo et tbe rooB uu.l harBOBT imralled betwwBllNOL
nwdy tor tbe ai
Ibe woaada «il-uatU.JIy a. strea
death aariy Monday »amlB«. and tba pled wltli bar to «)bI«I btr aad ta tba ibore.
•aaae |«aa«tad U Uw mtU badroon itraffU (hay both tall to Uw floor.tiia Ooranr Cbaae .Btod that froB hie
- of tl.e HaistDTaa boae Indiaalaa that WOBBB DinqJOfi M IiIb. Id talllac saBlnaCiao he belle ed
r (he woaae
tayt hte trlta'a band
an bear aad a
a deaparate atn«U mast bare taken ba
Iba ed(e of the owaBoda. He atartad belt wbea be flnt bw ber.
ta raub oat to rail
Shortly afMr T dO a. B. Hcnday Oor.-i-i
. eoar O. a Oliaat raoelred a eaiaBOna
to aOM to Wl Berth Oadar ctreat.
be harried orer to the re.ldeaoe! wcaW «« «*1» “»*
Upeai TBehla* there ha «ae sat at nt If— Elettar
a doorr by IMn. Abtotna BlaUiar.
rT’ooroo.r at oooe ..BBoaedi A Ihoroafh ,e«ol. of tl.e praBleiewsar. Mn. Sberlff Ohaadlar. wl>o arrired lBa;»bo»‘ the booee
bo'uraa oe U
Begins FRIDAY MORNING. APRIL 25. Be on hand. The stock consists of $S,ooo worth ol l)r>' Goods, aoihing, Shoes, Mens Fur­
aay weapoee or
1 by Oblet Bin It there i
BltMT Bidaa tlia
rhleh Uie woaada ooeld
nishing Goods. Notions, etc., etc. Bought very advantageously. The stock is comparatively new. clean fresh goods. Our low purchase price
■'WelU aba-a dBd." At that Ubb Dr. o( PoUee Baaala Thm a ooroaer’.
a otbrr that. d.-eorlbiNl
us to quote you prices less than manufacturers' cost, l or two weeks we have been busy early and late arranging this su>ck and now we
Ohaaa «aa not avareof the aariouBottalac wai'feaad.
- J. W. Royeolde. * '
have it ready for you. It consists largely of seasonable and stu|>le goods such as you need daily. Kver>- item is gntatly undcrpriceti. On every
altoatleB Hartnc barn
purchase we Mve you a large percentage. But you must come early to lind evety item as advertised, as this sale is anxiously liutktal forwar.l to
brufly infonaad cf tba aatan
bia wife an well
Mcedj tba oorooar aotarad tlie Htlla
by all within a radius of fifty miles.

Mrs. Mary E. Hargraves Met a Violent End,
Monday Morning


Husband Declared She Died From Wounds
Received id a Fit


— nisi

Cbe Coiifl Cooked

Bankrupt Sale on Basement TIoor
Sale Begins Triday morning, npril 25.1902.

ilaaplasitwaiof tba Han
ly. loealad la tba aealb
of tiia liODaa Tbate »a awfal alcht
•et bla RtaaBtratahad spaa Iba Soar with tba
bMd bahlad tlia daer aM iht feat aadw Iba ed«a at the bed. taaa tba body
of Mra Harnarea. It lay apaa tba
Mfpal whleh war aoaked vlti. Ueod
. feraapeee aboat Uii«a fael aqaara
' ■ TbaaawtialattenmBbarofpleeaaof
> . Imkea flan a^ the floor, erlatally
froB a pietan wlilob had fallea froB
tba wall The bead aad aeok



wae alee opawnr^ aP»
apaa tbe aide nf ttie dreraeraad oobBMda It wae a trialittal aijttit and
bora erary erldtsee of a BMat derprraleatradSlA U|WO tbe had. apaa tbe
tar alda, thara wtae alae apUahea of
Mood and aUthaartoU tbe itary of
aa awfal enae.
IbahaBhaadef tba we Ban lay up- toUowed tbe wltaoirei were Mra. An- kaowa. eapealally <
totaeBbtaer, Hra. S bake aad Oa* | Vhile tbata av h
oa the eawoh a( tbe alUlat ««>“
Jatatas. U a prootiated ooodltloa.
Mn. Btabor tartifiad that abeat
tSD o'eloek SanraTat oame lobar
aa.1, iRtUTee Ise alwayrbeea well lboo«lit I
.<’ of them apoD tbe bea.1,
e of wUloh It ti eald would' of aod v.eryooo who knowt him will |
readered the womaa aneoe-1 be t>ed tobare bit iaaooa»<'■ reBb-1
eUlBed: -'OoBetoBy boneeqaiak.
HaivBTee Bid he bad helped; lUhed.
IfBOB By wife Udoad: hat ttal'e
’ It U Bid that HannaTB it nU)e«aoi the war* ot It. "
Hta Laku. aaotbtr seMhbor war
Bsr at the llae aad btard tbe aobtacdi aflt huTlas l
oBsoe of Ae ooBTorBUea. Mr-Smna waa tailed aad wae Mid tbe rir oe the laaer ride of the left knea
M alcht hare
M Batlouey ot aU oa tbe licbl hip. a tad bralat <
rarh a eoadi- I
le be waa Urn
lok of ilM rifht baaA
basA a .Ua
Mtetfaetracedy t the boseo ot tbe ri«bt t
lB*MU(aU«D waa bald I
In ih* eoaaoil nAma Maaday afw' bate* t e’olook aad aatiitad hU wife
Dots. Th* ttaUBMiD.T brta«bt oat
la toMlally dM. Bo aidad ber to
makta 11 look dartor forTIarpWTB. II
pal os bar aado elotblac, ooreet. aad
Dr. Evans oaa ot Ibt jAyalolaat Who |l
afaoea Be Mated IIbI tba tbaa laid
tb* aatopv.taatiADl Uwt It I
Ub *e ooald flnlih dreoMat If he a Tory Bv.we brali
wasld make tbe fire. Tbe taaaoa be tesple. llw rlirhl eye talnit entirely
infliBt (ha woaadide-ll
A There wa> aln a raptare ot
bad nMMed bli wife to dnBWBi that
abe hte baeu aAloBd wllb ibaama- tbe larynx. Ttan- wao alee a laoerm. leribrd apoD betaeU. or la the 9
tUBiorabeatayaarasd hadeaUra- tioD Of tbe tlinat, iudieatluK wooadt aw doawlbod by BantnroA
•a Jury after rvview
ty loM the aie ot ber Ml arm.
tbeeridcDB at Mtaiday atMraooo'* I
Barfiatn stld that wbea be bad
aatareof tbe waaadt aatteated aa meetina. deridefl that tbw« wat ao I
Iba flra ready to ll«tal be Isard
BTBB la tbe bedroom aad aaaieei awfal ilranU. BaiVTBTeo war beard aood Of ohBUrtii* Ib^rardlpt
la tbr B
otb body talUqf. He wnl late tba
aa ooald be ao ea atrosK.

The clothing ol this purchase
although bought at a big
sacrifice, is llie best and
cleanesblot of merchandise
ever bought under such cir­
cumstances. We have ar­
ranged the Men’s and Boys’
SuiU and Pants in lots and
have placed a price on them
that will dispose of them on
short notice.
I.M It-You will find Caswnwie
PaaU, well nuile and ilmlilc.'
BTSeaiwl............................. .98

Dress Boods
350 yards assorted fanc>- w«»l and
silk mixed drt*stfgoods.7|?c values.
bankrupt sale price......................
500 yds worsted tiress goods, small
effects, plaids and ligures. values
up to 3|;c per yd Bankrupt sale
price K»c and ■ • - '........................
350 yds assorted childrens checks
and plaids dress goods. 15c values
Banknipl sale price toe and ••
Fine crinoline amHinen gauxe lin­
ings. worth 10c a yard lor.........
I leavy duck canvass loc values for
Yard wide linings, values loc. for. ■
Waist linings and drillings, worth
IOC per yd. Bankrupt sale price
I Ticking. 10c values Bankrupt price
I Lot of tine sateens, lawns and pon­
gees. values up to 25c. Bankrupt
sale price.........

Mtde vlUiSelf OlUiir box, xxd toUl
Sleel’Sban. Dries Very Easy.

AU Sud aid Din Excluded
from Boxes., None Bett^


Ixus—You will find tVomeds
Se,Kea.«.J all wool Cawmeret.
Worth Sino. banknijH j*kv.
choke. ................................. 1.48
IV^V Canmere' Knee Panm •
worth fiikvlonkrapt tale pri(» .25

for Now Boydi Na SI Plow.
For Biacl B. !». H. A;A-*Jow.
For Sooth Brad Na 1M» Plow.
ChiibpioOib. 10a Plow.
KotAronriUe Na 18 «ow.


Craoerse eily Tmplement
euixta* PiMOd M*.

Ul tut, airttt.

Outing flLelbrnk,pp.»leprice..Wc
Yd. wide sheeting, bankrupt snle..3)ic

Painlert'Overalls and JjKkeU. ..29

Boys'flay TVoolea Smgle Coam

Boys' and Chndren's 8 an<l 3
pkee Simi roxrked ) and in
some inslances ^ off tegular
Youlhs* 8-piece Mx»g Fiats
Suits up to 19 yeaft of ige.
made of good wool camimere.
(bnnerjKice $C, biaktupt sale

at Uen'a all wool 6oe Wonted,
CaBimeTe, SAge and BirdKye
Saha, laagine ia price tern.
$15 to SIR, biaknipl price 9.98
I.M of Men's Wonted Saks.
BRMg and dmable.
aad Ited. Kgaiar t>iee $5.
baabupt sale price.............3.60




FImb. silk. 3 spools for....... ..........
Colored button hole twist, per dox Linen thread per spool...........
Ivory and metal buttons per doz..
Crochet cotton.................................


Cac$$ <■><( embroideries


Mea'a ^ wool CaMimere Suhi.
made and tiiounexl ■obsUnlially, good and durable, far­
mer lake $U». banktapl
price $6.SU aad.................. 7.60


sale----- :i>^c

.......................... 1.26

Uen't extra hea.y Uenim Oxeralls, worth rule, bankrupt iirice .36


mack brush binding, sekind per yd

per yd, special for

ChaUip.'lor this Bankrupt

,»ke.............................. 3.76



1.018—VouwillfiBilliieiiergrxiles .
'anil neater pillemssoroeKrictIv all wool, others gooil nniuiK.

Udk*’ aad Mtm-x Ma«iiMod.«
marked | off regular ptices.



Turkish bath soap 2 bars for.........
Talcum |>owder per box.................
2>c i.'tfcum powder, 2 for................
Face jMiwder ihe 2sc kind. 1 boxes.
Hooks and eyes per card............. .
Ta(M* per bunch - ■ .................
Curlers, each - ..............................
Silk ribbon seam binding, per bolt
Fancy garters per piir...............

Yd wide unblenchrf cheese cloth.
bankrupt s
Turkey red uble cloth, bankrupt

sale price
15-8 Turkey red uble spreads.
bankrupt sale price...................... J'N:
Unbleached lined crash and check­
ed glass toweling: worth 8c banknipt sale price................
Dice unbleached towling, bankrupt
sale price......................................
Ladies colored petticoats, worth up
to$2-5a bankrupt safe price---- l.'i-^
Mercerized . sateen underskirts
bankrupt sale price . .....
Ladies white skirts and baby dressy es, w^h 50c for.......................... '-Klc
Ladies white skirts and night gowns
tucked and embroidered, bank- ^
nipt sale price............. ......... :• 88c
Ladies’ skirts, night gowns and
drawers, and infants dresses,
worth up to $100. bankrupt price oSc
Ladies' drawers, bankrupt price- • 19c
Ladies'corset covers. 8c and.......... 19c
500 lbs white carpet warp, per lb- • luc
Children’s sateen Jean underwaists lt»c
Bankrupt lot of Ladies’ corsets
ranging in price from 50c to$i.>5
placed on sale at 69. 49. 35 ao/- ■
Hain anS fancy all^lk rtbboos'^o.
2. per yd....................................... 2c
Peco edge baby ribbon 2 yds for. ■
Plain and fancy all silk ribbons Nos
5. 7.9. per yd...............................
No. 405 all silk fancy ribbons per yd 10c

Extraordinary Bargahia

Valenciennes and torchons tc,,.3c -'Ic
and worth double.
Duchess and wide torchons 15c val-'
ues for.................................... .. • • «c
Black and white silk laces 15c valand 35c values for................. l-*c
FihevaienciennesandorienUl laces
worth 15c and 25c, for. per yard- Sc
Finecambric edgings, per yard..- 2c
Cambric and Nainsook embroidery
up to 7 inches wide, per yard.... 5c
*ine Embroidery and Insertions
worth 15c per yard lor.............. 7c
Braids and Jets ot all kinds divided
in 4 lots at ic. 2C 3c. and.............
Their former pricea were triple. •
Ladies' linen collars. 3 for........... Bfa
San silk and crochet co___ ...
spool ......... ■••--/........................ ’2c
Ladies’ black seamless hose
bankrupt sale price per pair .... fie
Ladies’ Misses' and childrens' hose
per pair......................................... 8c
Ladies' fast black seamless hose
fine gauge 15c values for............. 10c
Ladies’ fast black seamless hose
white foot. Bankrupt price 2 for- 25c
Children's hose small sizes i^rular
IOC values for.............................. Oc
double knee, worth 15c per pairThe Mankato raven black hoae for
boys and girls. 25c hose for........ I7c
Children's summer vests each-. •• • 4c
Misses and boys. Balbriggan vests
worth 25c for this sale
Udies’ Wbi
'bite. asd colored summer
•evelem, half si..
vests, sleeveless,
. . fine
ribbed, worth 15c. bankrupt price 10c
Ladies’ plain hemsticbed handker­
chiefs, colored border, also emb.
: comers, regular 5c values, each- 8c
: Ladies’ and Mines fine percaleaod
: dimities waiMi. worts $i4»for., ,48c

twaiainte ............................. 16
Mtm't and Hoys'


Men's 6m bxL Cxif and Vtd
Kid ia Uick sad un. erciy
pair worth $ir>» to $8. banknipt tale pnee..................... | .48
xnceoi me nonaetmA t-a
fite tale ahoes to be cfaaed oat;
$L93 and $148.
and aQ wonh 601a $1611 to
$5 per pair.
Ladiet'aad Mn*ei’OU Gmin
asd Uoogolx Shoes, worth ffl,
bai^it tale pnte...................48
Miaet' fine Siyon and -SUpperi,
worth up to $1 baahropt tale


Lsdiet’ fine Box Cab and IX»gola Shoes and Slippen, worth
op 10 $18(1. bankrupt price...96
lAdtes* and Mimes' Bhefc and
Tan ShoB. worth fims $LM
to $3. bankrupt aale price.. I .25

Lot of BaV Shoes at 10c, SSe,
4Seasd........................ ...........60
IM of Mibcs’ fine Viei aid.
doth Top. worth 81.W, banktup* tale price............ -.-.1.00

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