Grand Traverse Herald, April 17, 1908

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Grand Traverse Herald, April 17, 1908


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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loss IS S250.000 FELL UNDER



Later KMIaaa tow»tto Were Airaotod ACDTTVIU.A POATOPP1CA
aad Are Naw Oalag Hold at
RtoroM Atroot AUUon.

Tbentaa Mtiages waa obot today whUo
attotepttog to dUporoo a crowd of
nea. Tta nca oaoopod tat later II
woro amatod as aaapeeta aad
AOeiMNT OOeVIMtP ON A VARY bali>g baU at tta Aawooa atraat ato•TAAR'ORAOA.

i' ‘ -

Mm Wm ah RMint M • LM«M«mI
OwOftOM HNMHra ~
«M NMMNtto R*HrM«
Aprtl M AMMm
MM WM« MmM7 iaJvM mA tkn*
ftUU7 tM«r«A. M • tad mta «t
• »MM 0R7 MW tar«, tataj.
. Tta MMk oomitM m «ta FItta
talA, FvMtajr A IW* CMtto nUraad.
. Tta MM
ridlac m
MMp «>»«• ARd Mwta tta MMk.


M ORr. Mleh,. Aprtl tU-At tta
ItarMtb AMrtM.
I MdM> ftaMM Klta. «f Oratlot.
u« lOflMl Staw*. M MUMU

• «■ ou-

S* ■....................




htUlo—boig. Mite.. April 16.—NotKD Perry’s boast taagbt gro thto
at I o’rioek aad for
It looked M toeagb ateoet tta oaOrc
nilage wooM be buraed because ot
tta high wtod. Hard and otkdeat
work oo tta part ot a roluatoor de­
Aryan Arrived at Jaekoen Thio Mer» partmriit. howorer. oared aU bat the
Perry tasddetae wUeh waa a tetri

Lodtogtoe. April 16.—Tbe
at SoottvUle. aear hero, wm robtad
dartag tta alght ot over tfM. The
OOATAAAP QATAIIAD OPP THA fiMt door was forced, aad tta oafe
dyaaarited aad completely wrecked.
Long Wao JooletM.
Xmrolt. April lt.-Ous Long, a eha^
actor well fcaowa to pehco circloa. this
meraiag obot MIm BomH OUberi at
her room on Hrst stroet Ho tboo
•hot hlasolr dead. Tta womaa
shot tear tUoM aad her woaads are
regarded as tetalr Jeak>«sty-WM cause
•aiiavad That tta I
t Af« HaW Aa
AryM at Jaekoen.
twoaa tta Oaaka aad Ara
Jookooa. April 16.—Bryaa aad bio
Atm la tta AhiR
boro at 10
o'Ooeh aod a roeopUon wm held
Otaafo hotel. Mr. Oaaipaa had aotttwaM toraety aad thirty poraoaa o
tog to aay about tta ttate eaatral eoB>drowaad yaaterday wbaa tta ate
Mittooa' actooa at Lawlag yMtenJay
ablp Oootolof eapatoed oB tta «
h«t sold tta atata eoavenUon would
Tta bodtea of olgfat woro roeoeorod toautwt tor Bryaa all right
aad ooToeal woro roooaod.
Other* are boUoeod to bare baaa
hold betwoM tta doeka aad ara atUI
to tta ohip.



waaa Woro Atataa
WM Prom Tholr I
Pteo Ataota POlL
By Wire to Tbc OrMtog Rawrd.
0«TH. MAY n.
MUtorA Utah. Apri7 lA-^louooo
woro ohakra aad pooplo tad froa
ttalr honoo ai a roaolt of iro ahoehs
of aa
The ahooka woro alae toll at Nowhoaao, Utah, to mlloa away.

ma m sam


r ■
tta JWNMtAH* M tta OrwtMl

High Aetaal Atadowto Rroparo a CriiaIMI Caoo and Will Oorry R
Thraagh to tta And.

Aobo ot the Hteh pchoel otaioato.
to oidor to aooutro a
, haro anaagod a
: trial wMeh wUI toko plaoo April
la erdor to nako the aBMr
nlD Mm 9 M ardw to olW« tta plate from hagtoalag' to end. U
IWMMW, who wo aoMtaf taro that aqaagod that UaroM Jahraaa ahoald
wook. to wo Mo oMtowDia td «
eonarit aoae ctUm thla Moo. a warMm *tk «9 tta dau Mtood BfM ter raat wiu bo owora out aad too
tried to the prooMce of the lehfltora.
to tta waato tocar tta Bwal la cartytog bat tta plaa. Jahraaa ooatMMAaiBhtoM MU wad ooBoi m • Blttod ■■ aUogad aaoaun oe Yorrio
Paareo today aad there are aereral
MUte. «(;ftortta. tao <
aaoe ready to owoar that ta htt
tta XtatrtM M OotawMa «
aforo BeaUDDOd P^ree with a rock
wolghtog oororal powdo .and thM
ptowM tM tote
r CoWapw reportlai trtw kicked aad pomolod Mbl Pea oe
wUl hare a warraat cbargtog awaalt
eoutalw ta '
tta ooMR mm OThaMr bin w aa to do giMt bodUy har« looo than tta
; to dta
ertate of aardar and tta trial wOl ta

prlaltai un.
Tta cdM ot pabtte iMta. acrteol
tona AwaiMM^t, iMwt tedar a
atotoMWtt* toAord « tta doMRvtos
a to whlM It

Mitf tta dobDtnhUo to tta raatooi

toitaiiiaiMt WIN At Otvon at tta
e«Mi AotaM HOMO oa PHmr tvwiao
>t ter tta bMoAt M


Death OBtered tbe borne ot Captain
aad Mn. Alec Mercer. 634 Moaroe
•trooL at 4 o'clock Tweeday tDortoas.
took away tbe aged wife. EUen.
after a two weeks’ UtoeM. ‘she wm
T8 ycaro did.
Mrs. Mercer had been In poor hea^sh
tor tf yoaio. bat hnd been able to do
-work, not bring coagned to
the bod until two weeks sgo. when
•ertoooty tlL Besides her
nA ohe leavee two soaa.
tenaerty of Northpori.
aad Whiter r. Mercer, ot Grand RapIda. A tokit sitter, siro. Patoer. aad
toeeo, roride to Hamilton. Caaada.
OMtoto and Mrs. Mercer tenaerty
re*Med la Canada, but hare llred to
Mteblgon nrnay tmts. maktog Uialr
haiM for a <hoe on tbe Mantteu IsL
bAM ftay tare Ired lb tbit city tor
nbMt u years.


attOhd tta groat eamp reriew
which moote to Totedo. Ohlp. June

Mr.ind Mrs. Jamm C Oailagtar. of
too Aomror lolaadn Had a Very

fishtog lauBCb which wm parUy
toned and sank to the bouom of
Bay tost tall. Is botag rebulU by
Mr. JaMMO. aad he expect* to hare
It ready ter the aoamm’o rsa by May
1. A pew Htoee Idhorse power oagtoe wia be ptoced ta the laimto.


llemeHoo But Ttalr Priest DeelloM All 0«ero of Aaatolaiteo Leao. gS7,gpA

Klagara Fblto. Jtprtl lA-fTamc*
totally dtatrtood tta Mg tottery of
tteWbltman A
Co. M Bt Gatbortow neroM the
Ntogara river from lals city oarty this

OFL 0. T. M.

Manistee. MlcA. April lA-Plrt
otarttog Cram buralag rubMoh yeoter
WM swept tboagh tta
snburt Oak HIU anUI It
Maatoteo lake, a otTOM ooathwoot
rind raglag at the time. TUrty-Aet
teoooo aad two geaeral oteiao won
hjiaod aad about SM pe^o wan
rendered homeleoa.
Tbe arerage less dn each baUilM
nm atom' tlMO aad tta aroTMo to
turaaoe wm oaly ^600. Tta goods
from moei ot the boom wore aaooA
Tbo suburb hM no kre prattetior
wksterrr and tta blasr was procktoat
out of the reach ot tta etty ayatom ARA. CALUE THACKER CHOSEN
The homeleoo people wee* all
housed tost night aad their good
prtiteeud' They are all PoDot aag
’Jtelr priest decllaeo ootalde ^ariri^ fbree OeleMteo to tho Otari Hive
xMe. Mytu that all tta tooan wBl
Were Etocted nac Heat Mootlog
be cared h^.
WHI Bo How la Tbto C*to
The two otores were owned by A»
flow OerilBookl aad
The ftre started la OoriittoshTO store.
An oil day eeoolon of the county
•stcbUo not the LAdUs cf tbe Maetehees was held to Moceabeo ball
dclegBtes from Nortbporv
Empliw. ETfe Lake. KlBtatoy! Orawa.
Old Mtosloa and other hires bring in
atteadance. Tta
tta purpewe ot pertocUag tta county
otgaalMiloo, electing new county ofTHOMAA AHITH't ATQRE AND tahtoalioo. etoetlng new oaonty ofleers and tor rieotlag three drim




OIRCCT NOMINATIONk village came Nearly Ae^ Dootreyet

Attorney Oenersi gird Gave It Ao His
Opinien-Cmrdldatea Be Care­
ful bf Dwteturoa-

buah. Fite Lake.
Sentinel—Mrs. Crandril. Orawn.
Picket-Mn. Elmaa. Old Mlsataa.
to the W »
Great Hire were atoo elccied m
‘ollows: Lady Mlaato White. Tin*Bay RJvo; Laty Ubbto WUItomBmplre; Lady Blanche Porter.
AlteraatM. lady Mary Aobten.
Trareroe Bay Hire; Lady amy fbreri.
•empire; Lady KTaltred Ataroeder.

Maydetd. April 16-—The geaora,
■ tore and resldeoee of ThomM toaltl
WM burned te the ground at lt:3t
Lantdag. Mich.. April 16.tbts morning the family narrowly es‘
Oeaerri Bird to an oplntoB today
captng with their Uree aad mring
boMe that a majority
notttag but odds and ends cf riothtog.
tolled Toters to a cooaty TOOag
The loss to esUmated at
the adopitos ot dirtoH aomtaaBooi
Insurance In A. B. Curtto’ ageaey.
ouffldent to tarry tta question. Thlo
Bouatlag u tl-4Ab.
dlsposee of the proposed eont
TaaooU and VaaBmeu eouatlea.
Tta s«ri SMettog wHl ta taM to
ophilon today Attorney Qen- 'heater, aad had gained such bMdway
erri Bird holds test any candidate *that there WM no controlling IL Mtos Trareroe CRy to June. fbUowtag tta
tor ofllce who wiltully procures more;’Bnger. wbo to emptoyed In tta tomlly. U-anaaal review of the Great Hive.
Tta gusts wtae MUriatoed t
than tta maximum number ot stgaau™ lo . noU.»tl» P.UUO,.
» “'ST noon with a tae pot lock dtansr.


who slept la aa adjoining be
but tta «re had shut oS their
through the doors and they
obOgod to make tbelr eocape ttroogb
the bedroom window. Mia. Aoritt cut
Eighth Orsdo OIrts of th* Oak Park her foot badly on the gtoM iB Jmapiig
Ariiool Will Keep in Toueh With
from the window The tear omall
CwTont Evowta.
cbildren were lifted out. but md
—time to draas. only grabblns i
Tweaiy-dve girls of tta seraath ‘ ptecea ot cloiblag. but no shoeo
mod eighth grodes of the Oak Pork.auTed
•ebool m« at-the
^ to thr fact that many of tk*
Mabel Houghton, of bat Front rcHdents had te*u fishing all day
street, and organised tta I, C- T club, before and tome sine* 1 o’clock
The object of this club Is to keep In opening day of tta
teach with current e»«ite and fori
„^oo tta people te get a»
serial purpoees. Tta foltewteg were
m the podpto
^ere sro-med they formed a beekri
Prcldriit-Jesste Aohley.
jwgade wticb Mved the town from
Vke-presltaat—Gtodys B»er
deKrucUoD. as the store wua tn tbe
Secretary—ImDore Henderoon
buslneM portion and had -bot
work oi tbe bucket brigade beta time­
Sdltor—Floreoce Clement.
ly nothing eoeld haee Mved the towa.
Committee—Bla Markus aad Egaa Tbe store was too tor goue te
Tbe ereolag was speut In ga
The tomtlv *re bring cared for
and music. Eght refreebments betog the home ot Mr. Bmlth's fathor. Dtrtd
Satlth. but M toco M funtltere can
be secured they will go to bouoekeep
Ing. Two of the Mule oneu are suffertng fjoju ser^ coWs eoatracted by




Otar aamta wUl be throws out of
aag tta IMS ts esUmated'
t om gSM.OM. partially oowrod by Rtetaegi ang Jaeab Hatoa Juww*A
tta Latter Escaping Bri tta
Forioor Berng Caught Bjr
tta Trocka.


ctatecter, aad during nil
tbe yesro of her UeaUdism the wm
of paUeote and aeltMcrifek Beferc her residence In ihU
<tty the had become a member ot the
Baptist church, but had not IdenilBed
w u. I. «.b», »
bMaoir wttb the local eburcb m she alties of the primary act.
WM tmaaio to attend oorrleen



Tta loM WIU be aboat IIJIOO on tbe
bouse, moot Of tta coaUeis bring
the coatMU of tta eri
about 4« or 60 baohoto
Mrs. MUa RooBoldY'bouoe caught
M did also Bwto HIUY while the
faania to the asfghborbood and the
church abed atoo became tgrited trm
tta oparkA The Are aririen :
aged te aaro tkeo* with pmUcaHy

Charto* G. ShorwooA Teat Ko. 136.
'rareme atyi'MIwya HUl. €16. WillOtaoa J. Parker. flA Old
Mtosloa; John A. tanaager. til.
raeetoo City.
The fOOawlSf oCleoto were eleeb
Omnaader-Jeha A. UoroAgm.
Record keeper—Cbsrlm O. Bher-

Mr. aad Mrs. James C Orilagber.
of too Boarer
Wodacoday trom a six BMbtbs' visit
with retottroo sod friends In IrelsaA
They visited tbe old hmae of Mr.
Oallagber to tbe aortbern part of IrelaaA Mr. Oallagber bad not seen.,
his aailre town for tt years, but
found few changes la tbe place,
Bla Rapldt, Mtch.. April H.'-^lop- -■rorythtag was tbe same.- Mid Mr.
Gallagher. 'Tbe only changes I
tog to dtecorer tta aaa who was
Id WM to my Diendt. of cosrte
ttonally raMtog hU cellar. OeOftr
ly of them bring gooe. ”
Hamm, a Mitbrook tewaablp farmer.
ptocM a oet gob at the oatTMce. Hts
Uiyd maa. wont to tbo collar tor a
pibtoer of cdder. Opeatog the door,
Will Hove Fish
ta eapkidod tta gaa aad tacMrod the
Hawk in Coe
ooatMts la his left am. Teotorday
Tta Pteh HawA Jons A. Jackmmt

ta MOM
to tta
0 actooStoMM.
to ta to chat*o of Ctartea Oaatoa.
the am bolow the ribow!
A Aao NtarwB taa boom artaagod.
ODMtr Oort Robert K. Wtolttr
0ra aa adtroao upoa tta caMpatga
M Ctota BM
OMkr ta apeak ttpw tta
tta taUtotaMo aad to Ohtoa. Othar Air Tbemse Uptenh New Aeat WIN
tatataM wm atoo ta M*oa.
«todo AiMrtoty Neat.
A totat Adtobii m ttotott t^ toe
» «> Mapow et
Uadoo. April lA-eir Thomao Uptoo iWiiida to ta mim to tola twd. ■h new Ahamoek will be laaached
Mif tatood to MR
at PairtteMiheQyde ca Aatarday
aow wHantator tta ApaMMA

:mgifijnirirl riinl Waa Tetri- .

emwH Piwm Aptota.

terteer of Codar
Pnsood Awoy
Tuooday->Firiwta| Atwieo Wi

Bmsuae of eome stnago Btak of
tomne which caosed a pllo of wood
to topplv tori before tta cur on uktok
ta was ridlag pueerd, Myioa M.
Rletiaita. of no Wadow^ oNwri.
____________ mltoo from ttaStiita
eamp cu tta Kniknsta dtrtotoa eg tta
Pore Marqorite.
Mr. Hekards wno a brukomaa aad
In company with Jaoob Batoo wm rid­
ing oc tbe grot eg a BBitag te U
(tapty enis which wars botag pmtad
rite tta woods stand of tta onglBa.
Tta wood tad taea litod olorigoMs
tta track; was placed then to tta .
srtnter rime aad had been tioimli I
tegaiher by tta onow and toa. Tta
wtather of tta tori tow
eaaoad this to melt aad wtan tta Stag
of the otrtog of caia was bat • tow
tern aaay. about a eord ot tta wund
mpptod ot and ten oote Ita ttack. ta
raltUg tke car.
HalM tomped tad ttlnlm that Btoto
ards trilowod'klm. but he (eU aad
tta rear wbeeU of tta dotaltod oar
caught Urn Just undri tke tato, malag down bto body aad «
into the ground, death» bring
uaeoiM. Wbta plckml1 up. Wo
W. body
was doqbtad ta tbougbbtatadbeta
ta had beta
to a Mooplag poolitea.
Tta body wuo (atom to Itario

by tta unto


to tbto city loduy- M-J. Itowitt wag
the coaductor la ^aitu ri the trrin
and otatea that tta oeridta hap­
pened at 8:46 p. to. Mr. Richards
had been ta the ecopkir of tta Fere
Marquette tor about two sad two half
years sad tad a largo aambw ot
friends, bring Uked by alt who knew
him. He wss • member ot tta BrotharhoM at BailwoF Ttatomew.
Mr. Rlehardi tad lived to ttri dty
for about six years, coadag tram
Bcoldeo tta widow, ta
leaves a UtUe daughter. Btatriee, tvo
year* old. He wM 32 yearn rid.
Tbe remains were brought ovur ea
the tl;W Per* Marqaette trato, gad
were met at the depot by tta BrWhorbood of JtaRway Traimnsa. wbo
escorted them to the Andctan «ndeitaklta tariors. The poll bearora
wen BA Seymour. Cbartso Bees. WID
MeOdn*. Sam Bryaa. Barry RDv
aad Barry Burkhead. At 4 ririoek
thu aftrrcooa the I
lied the-------'~t to tte tame.
110 R*odswortb otrooC when they
will tie In Male until 2 o'etoA to­
morrow afteraooD. ssi'itita tatog hrid
at that thar. Tta roiaetov wfli then
be takea back te AadenwY, aad tee
foaeiat party orBl ofiwtopowy ttam
back to Kalkaska oa ttote Ma. U.
leavtog here at 1:90 m to. PMtey
moralng. Tta funeral will ta taM
Friday torcBooB at 1* o’rieric fteta
(ta Kalkaska Olsciplw ehareh, aad
tta remalM sriii bo latetrod bostte
Mr. Riehardo’ mother.

Cedar. Mick, APrti
hto home in .>dar. April 14. PWBp
Henry Mohn. aged Tl yeors. 6 months
aad 3 days.
Hr Mann wm born is Oermsay
No*. 11. 16M. He mnored whb bto
pUTWsts to this country, eetthng In Vovfiq WomsB Passed Away Da
Twrwiey At 7 O'cista Aftor
tta stele of New York where be was
Three Matitta* llineta.
marned July 4. 1369. to MUs Btsey
Aqa Kent, wbo rarrlcr* qim.
was the fatbeu of 12 taUdrea. !0 of
Mrs. Kate Undaay. alto of' Chartoo
whom arc still E*lag.
Llndssy. dltd
Thuioday at tta
Mr. Maha.mored with his wife and heme o> ber parents. Mr. and Mrm .
chUdren to Michigan to llgl. buytag John Hclgee at WUHamobBis. Soma
a price of toad which ta-redeemed umd ago. she WM aEBetod With
from tta wllderntas. near what Is typ'-oM aid eonsttapttow toDowod.
now Maple City. By hard work ta ber illness dattsg bs^ fWao mawtha
aad bis wife made tor themseiTet a la additloa te ber htahasd nta par*
AS ta eote. she lenves a brothor aad sNtor.
fete old age creepteg npoa Wm. he ^ Lindsay would haun taor 9
bought him a borne in Ceter wberft yesrs old July aeiL
The funeral tsndeq -wm ta at t
be Mved at tta time of Ws death.
Mr. Maha wm eoavorwd to ISIS o’doefc Baturday at tta hoata and at
sad St tta time ot bis dsatt wss a 2 o'clock at tbe Mofhodta Aari^


mciabor of tbs Coagn^triasI ebareb
of Cedar. Be was atwags known m

uM'^iy tor tad be todt a lane clicle at Mtads
who tacam thrir kwa.
Mtelu April tt.-Tbe a rialt Witt tri^ids at CbdlUac.
Bay Shore MoRMrifle company buildTbe tom. A-'T. Porvmoa toft today
Tta bere^ temfly huso the
WlUtom OittoTd made a bari
trip to Manlaue tMa moratog.
tog aad eoutURs wua totally fmtnr Aar Alba. Bufim ORr aad Boyne PUlto.
by •< tta ewttre cotaBimanver. formeriy of North- munity.
JakhBlMkse wota to Mgatstee this ed by Ire tori ^t. Imoo tHJW,
Tbe origin of tBe *o to YMtorin. be- pert, bn who >m beta maktog bis
Tta ftawit wtn bn hrid.At tta
rnmmg term days’ riolL
to tee (dare.
chaf^ tltanAay. tta i—oa by tta
Ao«ori aaf Walter toockash. of
Japter. were to tbo cRy today m buUdliB WM owned by the m Port- eojoptair h Ttolt wtih bis moM
,RST. Mr.
land CUtaeri Co-, at Bk Baptda
lottar retstrie* at Northpert.
the Cedar «B».

, rime Fttawed tep Ariw*
Than wW be a iilir wweHng at
Grand Trarerse Ornagn Bstiirds/,
April tttk. This wm be an' na day
toe tta E
and toODth degrsss win be tritlatod te
tta hwtaOtaL This wflJ te toOowod
by a Braage feasL Thto teari wS
ta pan of tta totttolery aovotem


OKAMft nuveittc HEiuLa. nuoAV,


Gtttl Tiarerse Hcnl4[~ or Miad or tka mUa tkap vaa
' tlaa» balkre ka t
a ot tka ley batk. Tka y

Twice A WttK.

MHiM r%mU,


....TIm ftMlM



nowoiiAaU eovMc.

«f lir. Hon. »t
m BItMet cMiTMtkM. to OTRirc H»
■I Alta W AriaSkto Mo tb« Bm^eotH
<Wi«t I* »•
Ia Mtanlir. • •wppnter
mMW MMM aU to kit MhuU. r«i
tkit !• gfMtf)' itmwl br tbe kDoob
•Cm tkat ha-plBiraC • t«lr and booorAM* MA It *M IB bto pover M
dpr fMMft t« Mto m •Itctloa abMBI*-«WtlC». bat ka leH tkat
9«|IC k* at tka floM or a «lolaUoB o(

4toMM*Ma bMlMCt priiwMai that
«pM«lvaM.M«MiiaA kta boalaMa
«W.-aM ka akaaa'Mwt tatkar thaa
«i»M M tWI^ kla Blvaa ware . _
dkoa^ Ma WltpiM nl^ haaa Mt k«
WaM kata ka* laUr }aatUaC la takewWrtCkiCaawaa apM to ktai.
IWi lijnii I ff. •• «t waa kaotra voaU
CwMaoua; kot Mr. Hall raialaad kU
■Ma«MNaapaet wat (ka toapact tad
MmM awaaC •( aU «ko kaao tbe


iMiarkable vkao ka kapt kla vlU to•atkdr aoCMaatly to kaap kbt hood
abora vatar. OOiarVlaa tka cbaacw
are Ikat ba vnM aoi karv kaea,la­
te tka tkftet voter
Taok Ueog Ckoaea.
Mr. Uovatt taok teas abtofoa vbeo
ka fdaopad teto tba vatar, aa ka had
ter aararal yaara. aad did
aot koov vbatbor ba voold ba able
to avtte or
bite ODOt «C bat did aot Wka time to
ralevc hlmaalt of 'hte raet. aad waa
sreatly baadleapped by tbe weifhl
of hU etotklas. Ai aooa aa tba boy
aafa ov tko baak ka
tka poatadtea aad aaat kom tor dry
kte day-a work. He
Od for bli bnrary
aa the c.>rTaet vm vary avltl and
tba bote la which ka Jompad la very
daap. Tka lamparatarc ot tba water
ui ba teustaad.
Tka aarrow aaeapa of tee Uchtaar
did aot prova a waralns to otbar Mdltka aeddeat. aad
to a teon time three aaall cklldrro
vaot oat oe tbe wall at tba ebate,
two boye aad a mile tfid.
them more tban nlae or trs yaore old.
ter. Pctaityl oaai tbas away.
Mta. HeadsoA who came bera trom
Grand RaMte b few Bteathe M». a>l<l
tbia Bontes that jut a year oso thte
maatb bar oMaat aon. WHlten, wu
broogbt borne badly tajured
eotlteioa wUb an
ridtns bla wbed akms tba ateeta
at Graad BapMa. Tkla boy alao narrly ueapad daatk.




E. a.Xoper^M J|aillB>M. T, a
I ama carpeoterand bare had a



Tbe Bupport tor Mr. Hall trom

A savlHos pmm toak im
fUs Strang. ralUbIc tank
Is a good partner far any




person. II accepu ai^
anoant ol
and works twenty-tonr
boors every day.
Start NOW and HERE.

Almjit everybody


.......... sis™...'"’

Old Fasbiooed
Plan WaU Ps|3-



mmmtk bMteytas. that ikt ekUd had
•Sss iku May. vkw ba vu told by
I OteHjr tko teoUtea of tka

tr. itatr

Salve. 11 hat uved me aofferlng
the aadtellarB. a is by tar tbe beat beat. ICatvu
lag aalva ] have ever found." Heals'ceva
bonte, aoraa. aloera, (evar aoru. r
tarlaliu ^ Mr.
■ima and M>«a. 2Sc at a E Watt . ,,,
vera tod to upM aad u bad boao Soot Hanuh A Uy. C. A. Bugboa,
»Makt. par IM Iba. |S«kM
Drug Co., druggtelo.
druaad. per iM Iba ....SHCte
auurad pravteoaly.
Mr. IteU. hoveror. adhered to bte
Origlul purpou aad In tbe coatut baHteaa.
»♦ ♦ ♦ <a ♦ •♦♦VM# V ♦ ♦ •
From Tbsraday*a Raeotd.
ay.-ud41fo<:Hr. Ktog.
la iMte ol astMlng endlilou. there
Cbicaco. ApiU lA—door—Wheat.
u no lime during the prti May. »24c: corn, Mlae: uu. S3>yc.
The Jumpma Off Place.
Detroit. April 1A-43oae—Wbul.
oeedlngi. that Mr. Hull could uot huv«
*-CDnt.umiMioD baV me la Its
ban eleoiad bad be uJd tbe word. Mke; cora. 4»c: uU. Me.
ami i had almost reached
igb ot Judge Brewo'i delegate*
log off (ilare shen I
being aaaured beyond a doubt.
try Dr Kiug s New
Ne Dlscoven
Mr. Hull'! nomlaatlon wu matte.
No East Buffalo marbeis because of ;»«u> lo}3 ssy
say ngn
rtghi DOW. It saved my
, life .Impravement
pravemeat began With the jr*l
vlib a very lorcctnl addreu, by Cous wire troubles.
i bottle, and after taking obe dor-t
ty School commisaloavr Oeo. U. Cr«u
ntty^ae toad, of ^tou
ol Graad Traverw count). Ai
ateac ot tbe conital between Mr. Hui: brought to yeaterday. the commiulon • „nd ^ c. As a remedy tor consh,
paying 55 cento, tbe market open isiul cvjldA ud healer of weak.
and Mr. King, Judge Brown wa* eU-.'i
that figure today. Two-toad* ' l>ft>g» and for preveiirtog poeumona
ed. W, W. Smith, of Traverae Clt^
sU V„...l
hem. nr
of Iln«>nok
arutock. I»i
- rt I'*'**
making a tooHoo that hU elerilon bt ^-«tel, .1.
made by ooclamatlco. Tbe attitude hay, and one .a.b of Iran and cokeu^^
A. Bugbee Drug Co., drug
ot Mr. Moll la tbe cnntui wai praise
alw weighed. Good bulneu .gutx. Trial'bottU- lOc.
worthy li( every reaped and Rained is looked foi by the commission
tor blm muy new frienda at tbe com today
teenth Judicial Circuit, la chan
•ELiTirra PRicaS.
The alieroaira, aa prevtoualy au
Suit peoding In 'he Circuit Court
nounccd. were R. M. Blelbv. of M'i»
for the County of Grand Traveree. to
lukac county, and Naibau Froneh. ol
Cbancerr. at Traverae CHy. Mlcb.,
OD the flh day cf March A. D. 1938
Kaltusfca couui).
Mary Dalgrc, coniplalnaut. va. liu
Tbe coDvtniion adopt'd hearts
eeolntleuf Indcraing the adDilnlMra
|Uon or Prealdent Kooaovilt aud ibISc fenilant. Husan Itolgre.
candidacy ol Secreurj of War W. It
that fair
rti- there
Taft, lor prevident at the uatiuuul
I. Tvcddle.
a ordrrTkli conventtoo proved a nia
d that defendant enur his appear '
for t
ulonal sandldatra. Boo. Flour. H. L. A eo.1 Brtt. per VU t9»h ‘ inee l;i said caure nn* nr befuru five)
nonihs Trom itbe dale nf thto order.
Ci. Oovall, of Traverae aiy. and K K coru meal, per 100 na ................ »L4« tnonihs
and ibat wubln IweoCy days Uic
a.mada.'Ot lubelU county,, both belug
plniDaol eauise this order to he pub­
preaenl looking after thitr fcnwi.
lished In the arand Traverse Herald.
eneb doing a little qolei work aniung
public'Stion tu be coiitliiue.l
eek for six weeks I
jrom i-arioua )>ari.i of the JUCofomany Wu Par*armad By Ute Rav. Irici.
W. H. Irwin 'Tharaday

ottaMtaa o( leaal notor boat
mim» la caUaC ti» the loot that ao
A praUy borne waddiat took place
■•Mar kow larta tkMr boat, tkar raak
M aMw aaaaalB asd awM ba a«alp- Tburaday at | o'clock
. .
a 10*' «aC ■«i«a« McM. a kome ot tbe brhle'e pareate. Mr. and
W. a Ncteon. fl6 North Spruce
vklto Hgkt forvard. a vhMUa aad aa:
WlktdMk flBf bait It Iker Mvlfate tbe.
•Maaa o( Omad TraTone bar. Board- Mtae.Oiace !•. Nelron. ibrlr dausbter,
MB taka^kaliM wttbla tka ooatrol of add Bdsar A. Baxter, aon of Mr. and
: fta atata Md aat aflaetad hr lorani Mrs. Baxter, of 201 Nortb Spruce
no lav to pMa •treel. 'Tka Rev. W. H. Irwla !>a^
the eeramony in the pretence
of about to soaeu, tbe bridal couple
atandtsg nnder
•aillai. matstierltea and
balla, tbe entire decoraitona belns in
white and sreea.
The bride wu cbamlns In • sown
«4 wUte laudovpe. and abe urried
brtde'a roaea. Bba vaa attended by
Mtea Olive Nalaon, a oonain. vbo aaa
«d In blue. Qlaada Nelaoa. ateo
unw HCWCTT kAVID LITTLC a oouate. wu the but mu. The rtns
euaaway vu oaad. lliGe Iva Dumble•JOI UCMTMCft
UM beliig tbe ring burar. wbtle the
flower flrU were BUiel Batter, alatar
of tbe srooa^ aad Alice BuUrrfleld.
MlovlBs tba caiomaay tea ertsam.
cake and troll ware aarred.
Both youDf p^pla are" well known
• TUMBLCO aod popular la Went aide Mrclu. Tbe
The chuTe.
the Hisb acbool
ta IWM. and ilnce that time baa re■idad at borne. Tbe groom la eni>rfay Mt Pi«M ttw Pam Alaa
pkayed at tba uylam.
A raupttea adll ba beld.tbla eveolog at tba bone ot tbe grodm. Mr. aad
ftmrtt pravarr.
Mia. temu Buter. Tbe kappy oonple
r. S!^e-7aar«ld aoo ot have tba but vUbu A a large circle
Mita. at »4 Sootb ot trtanda.
•traat. Marlr loat kla Ufa br
dtevalM TMaiar aftarvo
M»/oSaek vWJa Ckklaf astka Caa o(
a HaaMb A Up rmapamya chau.
I»a IM. iWo vaa alttlot with bla
ClM kMdac ovar tka vaur.
kM •« by aaoikar lad
tp paaa ba^ ht kin
•r-tka Caa. aad M tanas, datekad REte CITY convention" WAft
tka «k*r lac vke MI viU Urn. The
IMM b«p ■hmC to ellab back to
•kWtr. kpt ktiia.daa. want dava the
•idlk Haaroti. » Mark at tka Meal
HMDtp. VM. ffUmlttg to .vorit
tma nvptr. a«d nv tka lad Call ■•
ta tka ^Mr.
«Mr. bat
ba bad aoi aoUeed
thid tMVkad Call
Whas tka oaa
filkkbad ^ M tka book ba kakarad
pMt tkk VM tka oaly oaa vbo bad
ICPa« to. oap) ka vaa varsad by B.
WIWMM via vw drtrtac paat vltb
hla vita. Hr. IWhMa pa>M to blm
tkiit a-bey bod feaa dova tbe ebuu-.
M^MT. «#Mtt na to tba kaak back
W-tka aai«at aiu. aad atrtppiM of
MaioaM. plOMad tato tka icy vatar.
M M than oat at MMit. aad
Mb/ Bavatt tacofd to avlm nttb the

tka diatrtet would ba ibrava with the
■tu tram tka autbata paH





.7, Apt. 3. 10, 17, 2«.
Poultry, per lb...........................
Fraah Lake Flab.
Report ^at the iron WeHu Would
,Clo%J la Net Wclumc Newa—
II taken at once. Cn^
' All Werit .FieMnB.
........ uc 1
au Baplda. Mlcb.. April U.—The
Medmm titM prr ICO
tint aemion of the meeting of the Ro«a ateOk
it,! Wacnrr Apple.
Preabyterr of Petoskey Synod ofj®''*®*" ............
114.00 p-r 100
,Mlchlgaa. was called to order on
- .............................. ITMrC
.......................... 00m KlberlaPoacl.
Ttotoday ayealng at the Presbyterian I
l-.r.:v Size 012.00 per 100
chBitr by'tbc Rev. A. M. Ellloli.
Petoskey. After acrlpiurc raadlng]**®'*
and prnjer tbe Rev. Mr. EHlotli*^*”

,1 ble Nuraerc.
uraerc. u vc teU
preached the oermon as reUrlug
i,^:.!ir«L and3 .yon save agents c
moderator. The communion aatrs l^®*’
misaion. All
Al! sto<-k
sto< ’ true to name
dmlnlatercM by the Rev
.junJ froo from diaeaae. Address,
.Ittec I
erMda W. -Aoll and W. Mdeboibam. BboMdar
Tbe following offlccra were elected Btewa .

Fruit Trees

........ ,


for the eoaulDg year: The Rev
Sldebolbam. moderator, end
Cbllloo. of Traverae City, staled clerk.
Wednesday morning, followln^l
Bide pork ............................. g
devollooal exercises, tbe mlnu-es
....... KK-I
VesI slews
Of the previous meeting were r«*d
Freeh Lske Fleh.
snd spproved. Reports of pcrmsacni
imlltccs were received, and new
standing commlitces
during tbe dsy the routine work of
tbe praebytery carried out. Reponc
Indleated a proeperous condliion


SL"S!.; Z.

BacJ City. Mlcb.. April Xl—Tbe iw- 'hevairt of the western suies
publtean coovenUoa ol the Elcrcnib ^nlng to bold a national corn ex­
in ttei cli}' position next December
7Utecday. tor tbe purpoae at nominallag Iwo delegate! to tbe repobllcan
aaUonal convention, vu Slled with intarut from atart to knl*b.

hWb Hr. Hawatt aMa tnivad. aad ly la tba,41airici with the <
tA.MMB lha boy cuaa op to, tka
iWSlu and pot kte haad «p ta a^ tuU daiesailoat, there bolng 74 oi
a poaaiute 7k.
Taere wu iaienac Intarut In tbe
m ilavill Jiade tar tea aad srakboSISte katen ba had Mm to sa oatcooie ot the coaveaUoa. there bea to tka tef three uadldaiu tor eteefloa and
apsoatta alda ot tka rtvar. vbara ka only two ptaeu to SIL Tba candidatea were H. 8. HoU. of TTareru
Vtt awtelad «a tba baidi
City, ptaoda King, -ot ^mv
T. a Mar
OteM atripped off kla eoat aad wrap- Judge Mtebaal Brava, of Big Rapid*.
ffsA i OMK tba aklvarteg boy. >vko Mr. Hull came dowa trom bte borne

i| la thie aotamoWte ot Fteyd lava wltb tbe aolld oopport ot the
aortbera ooaattea. M datesotu. aad
ty. vbeatoyad
wttblilm «bU1 tka teat
Mr. Hall aad kla Maode bad
iMt id«ht Uwt
to eopaet Uat aooasb ot tba Kteg
dteasateo from tba ooatkara part at

All dnigglsLs s
The fijnt seeding of spring whfc\
tie scasoa was done by farmers near
Jara, a. D.. and It Is thought this will
be a tavoraUc eeason tor tbe crop.
Maine, speaking of aectric teitcre.
*ii to a ■........................
hare wltb ns." It deserve* to be 1
voriie evefywbete. It gives quick reller in dytpepato. liver complMnL ' ‘
and gaaeral debil­
ity. Its acOon 00 tbe blood, as a tbor
lb pnriicwr
puriiewr makes it eapartally
eapartall; useongb
tot as a spring medicine. This grand
aberalire tonte to aoM nadw guartea at 8M . Walt * Bona. Uaaaah
_ lay. C. A. Bqgbaa Drug Co. drug
storat. 60c.

Traverre City. Mich.
hrancli of Illinois Nursery |



The objection howe
: bceii that they would
fade so easily. Nov hjw ever this is rmirely otrercome in our

Permanent Duplex
fa0( color ingrains which we QOanUiteC kPt to
Borders and ceilings to match. Comes in all colors
and costs double what ordinary ingrain does but lasts
for ever. l:’<vorth it.

Inverse Ctly, Hlci.

The Hohart Co. prop.

$18.00 Suits for

The report ihsi the Iron Works of
Itoulir), ;>cr lb..................... .. ,.ll0!«r
IkJUpide will be shut dowi
period or tome months beglonlitg Hoy
to this F.uatoc'. |HT !>u............................
1st Is not an s
village. A large psri of tbe busli
of ak Rapide U oonnacted with ibe
irau company sod tbe closing for
nioSlbs will be s hardship
only to tbow directly employed
the various departments of the
pony's work, but to ibe geDcAl
Many WomsPi Praise This Remedy.
miry. It it,^r«aUy hoped that the
lar-off.ijMj not be a long

IT elcoine when »
good; ud we feel that
when ouV digestive orgul
Klng'e N'-w Ufr
srilon of kiomach.
H. S. Huli Had taa Balld Support at liver and bowels so perfeclly
can't help lecIlDg good when he
Caunttea Wha Stay­
these pills. lie st 8. E Walt A 80ns.
ed WKti Him Until the
Hannah A Lay C A. BugUcc Drug
vary I
Oo.. drug stores.

Fair Oak Nors^ Co.

Not really old fash­
ioned btcauie they are
always s:yosh.

$20.00 Suits for


for $23.50 Suits

for $25.00 Suits

".The store ol big values provides for your
choosing the most phenomlnal Suit collediaa in
Northern Michigan, Prince Chap, Pony. BaUcrlly end Novelty, in plain tailored and fancy
braided, in Chevron, Shadow and fancy Stripes.
Many of these are exclusive styles; the nu-

(orlly came from an Eastern mnnniacturer Wed­
Its the style and i

i '-Barney" Prlcca

that make "Barney" Values so desirable-

Train will leave Traver&e
City at 6;30 a. jn. Returning
(rain w:H^leave Gran J Rapids i
6:15 p. m'r’ fluikegon at
6:30 p. m.


T« Grand Rapids. $2.00
To Mg5kegm..-v..42.00

The goods go on sale today. No time limit
except when the styles are sold.


beadle block

(Next to^rlhcil Bros.)




OEWOUIB-A. Tracy L*7.


*Bt; B. Vlay« CUKk,TlwPrMM«t:
•nml OwHnd, CMklcr; A. J. ll«^
and. A. X

IoUm T. HuuA.
C DM. J«nr


Mnm, V. W. Ml

$ PV CM llMfCC W Tim DCH«tt>

keep dairy cowa. or vhether
tiuagt that walk OB foer
anBiereiy took like then. Surt rlghi
doat try to rate a calf tron a poor
cow; feed veil, ceteM of poor stock.
Nobody taket aa good care of their
cova as they knov bom (eicept my
aelsbbor. Mr. Ladd.) ! hare tome
cova; oBc gires C poarts and another
3 paans at a ndlfclag.
I thought of
aeu.dg the I paari cow. because she

- tbie.’ hut dbatlr deelded
(o teet the a
mllh of
f my
my cows
batter »t. The reaali aboe
hotter tat Ja toe 3 «narie of this eov
than in the C qaarts of the other
Rate catres from pare bred rtres:
oar eovs are nwngr^s of all breeds.
We sboold sll oalle In keeping only
OM breed of cows and

agency of
b«maa yyeqtHWt and lerej enltiratloo. oMng a cuUlTsior viui narroa
teeth; sot cuMJvadbg too <tep after
the Aral colUtratlon. aay two or threv
Inrbee dera is my idea of doing Uds
work, r la*. of a ftrid of » acres
poutoes In vblcb the crop was rain­
ed by
deep rolUrailoo.

1_______r K farmers
hate enough bonse

Of the barn. It is beat to draw dlre«!
fram toe auble to toe Peld or else!
keep the manat* aBdar b abed. aBl
toek H over BeoeleBalle'
in PIVT.
ni»i eat *
' to
. A Corel

For Thin,


You eta irugt t mediciae
tatted eo yetra t Sixty yetrs
«f experience, think of tfati!
Experience vltb Ayer’t Sir*
ttptriHt; the orifiat! Strtn*
ptriUt: the Smtptrillt the
doctors eadone for chin blood,
vetk nervet, ceneral debility.

the three nmlB elemenu of fcrUliiy
re nUrogen. pboephor<
potash. Clover anppUes all of them in
the deep roou
ap fertility from toe sabaoll and the
plant collecu and digests the nltil
gen fromi the atr
r and
a - stores 'It 'In toe
Short rotatioB of crops nre beet In
which clover U ohe of them, as clo­
record of the eane to see vbeUier *<• ver runs out In about three years.
spread It evenly over nil
are making or loalag moBey 1 hare
One too clover hay it equal In tor the ground.
Ik« MM ihh 0sa* «H —-------------------- --obtaiiied some ■garea from Mr. Ladd ue to eight dollars worth of commer­
It been anld that if a farmer
Mrtag records
of (vo of his covs. cial feniltser. By feeotng it we save has M loads of nannre lo baol it It
abovlag sriiai can be done vKb com- about 7t per cent to M per cent of it belter lo ite a manure sprtader than
■ by good care of them Ose tor fertllUer. worth tlx
do it by
. band.
gtaC of a SUD VbO would DDl
on the Mnd.
• After• clover bay ; as I
A. Van Auken—A manure spreader
nd her as
9 cut ibe roou and
3blr of It will psy tntereet on toe lareeunent
ordinary—*•joit a oow.“
loads of xnd morettosn Chat. A
load of
an sere Is miual to
pire SMO j indf of milk la
stable manure, We
clorer In : nure can be sptwad ’
year.^H ^ 'orai boiler fat. which
do _
-h ’ an orchard by sowing Blienuie strips! .
. IB three minuiet
. . and
443 poends Of butter, which eoM to clover and
alteraate; toe work bettor than can be done by
at M ceeu per pound on yearly
strips 10 rye or oau. i
'tag toe elo-! hand
tract, and toe valne of toe skim milk
D August. Cut t
- by the
and, i
tor toe bou was fl7. The cost of 1<
h Kuib-1
uh the ground as
Boys' band
added greatly to
toad for toe year was abo*i t&O.
ig will exhaust
Ibe pleasure of' the
and LOdT—While moving from Crawn u>
A HOlateia cow (also Mr. Ladd's) naked
iktj r;
progress during
Traverse City Thursday, clothes
*re 10118 pounds of milk In a year, nake d cnldt
of Ibeir org>
basket containing various artlcla.
of four per cent batter fat.
Clover hej . ■ good for all kinds of toe cloae of toe progi
made 473 pounds of butler,
vote of tb
liter, brtngfcg live stock, but a cow can't eat enough
Please return to MS West Ta-etfUi
I14I.U to which must be added the of It Ui do well without other food.
Apr. 17-lt
value of the skim nllk. tM. You will'On toe other hand
W, D. o.
there Is danger
danger o(
- .....................leading too mu:h of It to a borae.
A lay liver leads to («roD4c dysproBt lor each oow.
To feel strong, have good appetite
Nortoern Mfchlgan has the repuuUon
L«dd glvee as toe dally
of growing toe best clorer seed. One and digestion, sleep soundly and cntbe wbole system Doan's
0 pounds grain. 20
2t) pounda roots farmer raanxed fsuo from a
wagon joy Ilife, use Burdock Blood {Htlers.
l3Sc per box) correct the liver.
16 pound* biy. W* might nmke 61
the Igreat aystem tonic and builder.
load of clover seed.
Ibe Blom '
e coDsttoaUon.
If ve fed toeid am '
RotoUon of Crops. Robert Swaney
This Is an Imporuni study. A good
gnrm for Sale.
One of toe best f*rm«
rotation is corn after aod. followed
by oats, then seed down vuh rj-e Traverse <
I properiy. well locatOr. two crops corn In
succeavinn little ■
•I grain per
. .
» 12k per cent on Investpervon doee not Uke tbe-care of cows would be better, after breaking up a “0<lvf culilvsilon; good
e 62.000. I have some barg«»<l frame banis;
he vtti probably not take good care June grass sod to more ihorougbly
In s Also 79 acre farm at Lt
. putung
of them—It needs a dairyman as well kin the grass before
sowed crop.
frame bowse and barn; tv
as a dairy cow to make a
then au.
oau. then dor coltIvaUoo; adjrtnlng city Ilmiu
Potatoes after sod. iben
the buetneas,
. -ick block m South UidoD
B. O. LAdd—If we want to make n wheat, seeding toe following spring B<1(........................ ...
South Ask for AIM'S PootXaw, A Powdor.
tOb toe wbeai sowed
previous Other property 412 and
Mceas of dairying we most
..fall U another good rouilon. 1 have Union. Three fifty foot lou east part
good car* of the oovs and study
of city. Closing out everytoing. In­
boemesa. and km ............ best metood.j"®
st Grand
aad give careful
attention to Ml toe
^^rSlteJire-I have found
buck- company'
ly's Store. Goln» to iMve
i^MUa. Regular ttmr of milking,
' vheai toe surest crop to seed with. I city.
at 6 a. m Jttd S p. m.. is one Import­
have loel several seedings with oau
March 30 tf. 1 tw.
ant point This matter was tborooghPOtotoes.
ly UMed at gn* experitneut etoUon.
r at iwcular^ pUnted In alienmie strips with poiafeedlM ano toes and swewi com.
I seeding toe



HwMw Ms mat 2 BSD
s at OM I
(HC MiMkm. MIeb.. Apill 17—A rafVl«r m«Mtac
aru bald to tto (eraooeo> or
AsrtJ II. oTUr wibcb
t MoaT^ouiUloi AteM

aia^Mn hutf. Moohsood the hrat
mi fer dlaeoaMon: -AAraatMM Ol
.................. I the keeptoc of Bee Mock
m D^cnratec."
to) Map, M. i. OnmoK.
II tahae ahoat as sach totniiy la
the soU to ptra a crap of oora as a
~ H aM there It nor* nmThere are tv*
aaaptor aheap: neat tad araol; and
■ha^ maaare i* an aacaUeM tertUler.
HIM hM hew tk lo Me per poead
*1to« the paet
«ve yeart.
iMa aiMpa tofii a good price, and
dhav^ pm aMitfa of profL tbera
feat Is «• aathard do na^ good la

_ s:

aU'SBS their naaer* It a r«at banrim, howarar
tta^ oridM^
M he aavad tilth acne crap, each
d« ry* or
or r
rape, haiaa* taratoc
L Aaothar adraatag* la kaepa fraU tarn
u the
-------------------------- d at math and bother
they naka: other Mack nakat
Mart whlth It Mtlh imtMlifinK. «*Mark
paeiany darlac trait neUag. Sheep
via eat aay lom laMarMh eaang: swhere the sweet com
la B eiaatur* of habIL Barly milking spring:
■ot ha aaid of otherJlock. rar thaae
1 tber
there was a good catefa of cloUme
at algtai MvM^a peraoa
Ml dhtok aha* are heat for
ihere was none where potatoes
bay or atalka bMore breakfast

O TATB OP MlCmOAN.THE PRO- for said county beM ut toe Pipbat*
.. coert
. once llLtbe city of Traverae CUy,
on tob'tgto day of March, to the ytor
Grasd Traverae.
OB* thousand nine hundred uad sight
AC a aeatlon of said eoart b«ld at
toe probate o81c«, to toe Mty trf Trav­
R. Whlker.
erse City, fa aid county, cb to* 34th
Judge of Probuie.
day of March. A D- 1908.

Hon. FVed.
R. Walker.
Judge of Probate,
On reeding and annng the peUUoa
duly vertfled, of Ullie B Wtanto,
reeenung that Stoabeth Acker'S
lifetime was thq <Bwmm at a certain
lend contract, Har
D. 1365. 1
Ibe time of deuth the legul, v.
in a Ache
.. _.
heirs of said decesMd and uQUed w
vey to oald UIBe 8. Wuml* c
inherit th.
real estate of which aid
Uin reel estate tbnrelB discribnd,
deceased died aeUed.

In the Bvaitor «i
toe eslate
George Baldwin, deceased.

It Is ordered that the tOth day of which sal^ conlraet was oaslgned and
transferred to EUiaheth Atoer.
April. A. D. IMS. at ton o'clock In the
Said peUHon
furiber reprea«*to
forenoon, at aid probate Oftc*. be
lat sold HUxato
BUubetb Acker
_ enton
and Is hereby appointed for hearing
- day of December.. ..
A. a
aid peUtloa:
without ■"«>*»» the eonvnymne* rw
It I* further ordered that
at pnbU<
quired by sold eOBtraO. and tool OUthereof be given1 by publlcj
ver J. Power* has been duly a
a copy of II
this o
•r. lor toroe s
e LMt
wm and Teeed Bxeentor of tbe
L---------it of Mid '*
Ssld peUUoner prays that a •pnilfle
i drenperformance
nonce at said contract bn de­
d. and
end thet the B»eiMor of the
____ Win and Teetament of nnld de­
Judge of Probata ceased be ontoorioed and dlrettad t
Apl 3. 10, 17.
make and <
___________________________ said coBtr
said Ulile 8. WYnale opon tba a
Sals of State Tax Lands.
tiODs I...................................................
ipoa It II ordered that Teem
Ransing, April 1.. 1908.
list day of April.
ApriC A.
JL O. 1308.
reby given thati eeruln
next u 16 o'clock to the I
in the
e county of Grand
raverse bid oB s the State for tax- be aaalgned for the bearing <

iirii tn Ksid county.


described In statemenu
forwarded to tbe tftflee of toe Treasur­
er uf oald County, aad may be seen at
said mftte previous to the day of aale.
wUI be sold at pdblle anctloo by said
Treaanrer. at tbe County Seat, on the
flnt Tuesday of May
next, at tbe
time and place drsignated for. the Ananal Tax Sale If not prevtoosly
deemed or cancelled according to
Said autcmenti contain a full >
lion of each of said lands.

MMi aroewaea. slm aii Other perOCBi
IntereHed tn sold ewtotc, are regolred
aeasloB of nld eoart.
tbea to be hoM
to to* probBto Offlee la toe city
Traveree CHy. isd
show canoe, If i


......... iss's.isa:

be granM;

•nd tt to further ordered that Mid
intete^ to^sald^Mttt* ^tSTtom*

«eof. by cBtmtog a eepy ritriflo
order to be pnbUshed ta ttP Ontat
Andltor Oeneral.
Traveree Beield. hi
end circulated tn aptd eomtt, ton*
■ueecealve weeks previoao to mM day
Q tatb of MICHIGAN.THB'PRO- of bearing.
o bate couft tor the county of
Grand Traverae.
* sesolon of the probnto cowt

Apl. 10-17.S4-3L


» aateaat of faM

ter braekfaat feed grain and roola to-'
n to OM cow. Sheep aonaOmat
Some eemplalnt has
■ or brtog M kidh M tU: to* mm.
made aboni roots Ulotlng toe milk.
ad fanso. bovbrar to from M to 111.
with Bh at
- .

ingen and stable floors than otoerstae. also to leaving toe milk to
toe etabie after milking while flotobtog the dtores. ft to a good thfng to I
.............. ................. .......... i h«lp4
curryr the
tbe cowa.
a model oow stall j
to pr**wt toto. aad the Mwep ought
rfbed to tiK
Mkt. Farmer, con­
to be ehasgsd from cn* part of tos
front, a manger uu-l
If a rack 1
orchard to aBoto«r. to* orchard being
I. lust in froM of the I
fewtsd *to Jg^ Sheep rarely tramp
cow's bind legs when atanumg. U e
Rght oell wS^ard. Umbs aold for
pleoe of 2x4
:4 which the
etep to front of when tbe U
Ues down—
$4 at tbe age of
thU keeps her cle«n; 3)6 t 4 feet' U
eaeogh room for the oow
.h^JTalwsy. Mr.
treatmest and it U bettor for her to
_T» —
mmra. ay rae* aiw help benelf to
- water
--------- whenerer
----------------- —


be mrittocL W. R Pratt
fl to advocate keeping
Mdoo with trait grow
U to beet to rate that
stock that tbe todlvtdtMl
> beoL Rogn are quickly
torwed toto moMj.
with other otoA wlto ndtaw
my plom orahaid dU
eutogthe taltoa Mom
nmUo tbni

waott It. and sUll better ft the water
to warmed.
The tovesunent of $3 '
took beater was money
well toveeted.
Tbe water aboold be
beeted between 60 aM W degrsta It
lakes from 60 to dO per cent of what
cow eats to keep «p her energy
Mte. therefore we most feed a
Mberal and batoneed ration to order
to make a profit. A cow wbea dry is
lien nagleitsd. Not so much grain
aboold be red as when to milk but
plenty of roou and coarse fend. cold

.i-dbcee tonect i
- gna ofcM l> wiM Oa ban
groiml tho
' ims ton that pan outiito than to the old toehkmed
-paatora. It to bast to
tray, tons glvtog sncenleot food all
•Mr name cni
winter. I would not dtocoottone ral»
tog roou enttetv htit n alio would
*1^ twMMg to the bogs when pens
greatly leissn the need
~m(s. We
TMra WMrty ripe; the hoM will grow
ought to nnlte on any one of the prin­
cipal breeds of caitie. Mtber Oorhnm.
sen ho* to whaa the demandtograat.. -________
breed, using pure bred
ra. eot aad tteralOfi wbSB the prioe to
sires. Iliere U not so much dIBereoco;
- boot. wMeh to onnally
to May aad
k doeanH pay to rate
hlnfc. toe teat aod e
dora la SB ontoard to feed bops.
hlMt at St. U>ou ahowtog only one
A. Vu AitoM—In pnulag to seSfl
dollar dlnerence in value of product
•M. they Aool
*oold be put to about
of Ibe best breeds, but U showed *
Mr toehae deep,
dnep. ellber by
e dlBerenee of |24 between tbe best
hfl*HM ami ptoirtog them to. or by
poorest specimens of tbe Mine
and then
tret piewM
piewlM the
toe land
1. A pur* bred Hot-*-^*- cow at
tag with Al «r dtoe.
toiprty oa W atr aad toereft
lOOM pounds milk to a year.
m>t exMmt the eaU. and by t
BnUetfn Dumber 334 of Mfcb. ex­
ta hiM to eat to* peas you • ...........
periment suaon teUs all about bal­
anced ratloM. A fsraer can grow on
Jas. Swaney—4 have had good re- bis on farm all the Items of a bal•MU Ip wralBc oato to my diehard aneed raUoo. In the crops of peoa
•ad tomtog hogs to aooa alter toe osu, («ni and clover.
A aood cow welt taken care of will
•■to wore BP. The eaU nwde a good
gifiri for • loof Uote oad toe hogi produce two dollara for every dolUr
Of feed given bar. In ralMng calm
dMtrayd «D the wormy appMa.
M. X fWMH f Imv* a pofUMe Uke cere not to have them too t ' -Mer: give
pea tfnead oa a otooe boat aad wtlh they will run to fat when older;
tbU I move too* or bogs from OM them teed rich in protein


Arid 10 another.
Hens can also be
raovad tola way. Shnep nre
then hogs to ant wormy nppte.
■. O. Ladd—Hogs nr* gaod to na
orchard but must be
s toe bark Of
toe treca. and will eat good ap^
Mte. lohn IrnSmaa <
aa the Isadrr to dlrau
: pottltiy .to eo

i touodoeed

•vorybody la the coontiy shonld
keen MRry. | have had good re■aRe wlto Ptymouib Rocks bat think
WMte Wyandmun better. Tkto breed
Ime on the good poluu. i have bad
tone trouble and more prodi raialng
Mtor and
thaa wlto setflog
ywmg etakiks with cMck food bougbi
at ton Here, Uter <
sera aod nlway* have pkmty of wv
i^ 3^ to4W.^I also k^ bees and


4hs Ummmi to net with trait,
have good
toi»^ toe wtotor. totragh eom nt
my arigbhon Ml half their bees by
Ddbirtag to eoanertica



■--------------- .MMSf.. Rlk^


■tlk her ss long at poaolble. I tvwd
whole milk to calves until they are
a wwsk old. then give half skim milk
a* haft
If troubled wHb scours, feed some
WHghtng and teaUng milk uke*
very little rime If ready tor It. and
even toe hired man takes more Intereel ta toe dairy busluras when this
to dm.
Mr. Ladd iben took up the dlsens■ton of toe topic asrigned him. -TUI-,
and the Oover naat. Wbai Do.
till tand lorr •
Ini, to bury ^bst to left on tbe
troand from toe prevtons year. Sec­
ond. to pnlverUe Ibe soli. To do thcee
things well we muH have the bent
plow rather than the one ihti draw*
earient. and the wide
board harlag rnneb carve will
better work iha mac kmg allm
k Uttle curve. Plow early, sod do
a good lob. If toe sou to to good eondmon toe pMnt starU qaickly and
toe not! boKto molMure aad tbe plant
trows wUbont osanailoo
nnUi aat««. TYwre ahooM be a loose surlaoB which nnU as mnlch. destroying
—Mttea to tbe noU. which
ohM tot noU to dry
•Bttol to changes to

When You Come From The Fields
At IMight
Are your feet wet?
Are your shoes full of sand ?
Are your feet tired?
Did you say, YES?
Iben you sre the nun we w&nt te
have read this.
We have a line of work shoes that
ale waterproof and wearproof stay soft-keqi their dl^le~in high or tow cats.


$1.75, $2.00, $2i0, $3.00, $3i0.



$10 for Suits Wortli Up to $40

We have anelk3ldn"lieUowstongae-keeps
ont the sand~The sole of tUs shoe win ontwear 12 ordinary bark tanned
soles-ft has been tested and yon wilt say
the same after yon have worn a pair~
Orily $3.00
We are celebrating the 25th aniuversary
of the openiog of the Friedrich Popular Shoe
Honse and are presenting a Sonvenir with
every purchase o! shoes amoonting to one
dollar or more.
Be Sure and get one.

We have arranged Three lots of beantifnl man tdlored Gar­
ments at Prices that cannot help attracting the attenlioe of
any lady that appredates valnes-and a look at the heantifni materials will only add to the proof d thdr ;real wotO.

Lot I consists of tailored suits made of Ohiffon
Panamas. Voiles and Novelty Goods of the
very finest qualiiles. They come in blacks*
Copenhaaen blues, gray effects, etc., ai! beau­
tifully trimmed in silk braids and buttons.
$10 00
Values up to $40. Special price



$7.50 for Suits Worth Up to $27.50
In this lot you will find blacks, arays,
leather shac^ in checks and the beauti
beautiful self-colored materials. Jackets silk
lined throughout. Made up of Panamas,
etc. Values up to $7.60.




$5 for Smts Worth Up to $12J0
These man tailored suits come in neat checked
materials in the wood brown and tan effects. All
jackets lined throughout with silk. As the quan­
tity in this lot is limited it wiii pay you to come
eariy for selection. Remember, values
}tK rtf)
up to $ 12.60. Special, a suit.....................................



QRAND TmWtn'MIiaiA'FRIDAV. APRil. 17. 1«e«.

(Iraiiitf Traverse R^ton
PtUar «T«a4ac
rtas fTV* McKeai« vu
Om MdptMU at
«( a
s nrpMM party la
bOBor of bar NTcatMBth
blrtbAay. Ice
crean and
ane cake vere aerred
acrred aad
and a
in»«WB rumitm niia efaaab weak pood Mbm aBjoyed by tkoae la atiaad'
iMl if ttrnS^Hm tail ta fM
Mn. Praacae Tboaipeoa and Percy
Ma aaaarad that It
tbcaepMe mored nwa ttl* place la
ibelr borne ibw reeeaUy purebaaad
Bear Baekler. They have beau reeldeau bare tor aicktaaa year* aad ibe
beany coed alahta of a larfe cliele
ot drieadi la vUta tbeai.
Mia. «.ay»e Maatpold la
bar elsiardB-lBV, Mia. Peiar Math
■ Kla«»ley.
Mae. Trad Tabbarer «ai taken eudiSla Bartba'NalaciB apaat fttA
Ml Matarday, bat U bcUer boa.
»ttb Mr alaier, Mia. Oao. Boardo.
Mra. Henry Tabbetar ef FUa lake
tUa plaee
Mmm bagaaa. aad Jaba OaHha CUM Bandar (a care tar her. Ml«i
W bMplac Toay Maialt. bvUdlaf a HaMl Kidder retnraed fim TusUn
Monday evealQC. ^
Mra. Bert Banaoa It entertalnlas a
Mm. H. Uoadaek W>4 lOae NaiMe
r fTtend.
aalw ttlled ea ttolloaa Biuiday.
Ted Saxton apent a couple ct
Me. aad Mra. J. N. Moboa ap«t
■ dUb Mr. aad Mra. days bare ibe laei ot tbe week, rep:
:lp( Mr.
**■ Baxtra'a •'budtelor auai
.rra* nant.
Tbe roada betvaea NarUpart
Mn. J. U Olbba and Mr. and Mrr.
baiaad ata oulte caoil no*. Tba l_.
ban MH
Wl .ana
Md wa
tbe maa
roada are u
cett^ alme'ar vlalied orer Sunday In
. ana
raTorae CUy, vWtinp the tamlllea ot
^lUra 4nM0 daMfaion reianted
...... Holdcrofi hat cone to Iowa .
vtali trionda. It U nDcerUIn If be alll
AfrtI 14.
iMiry wfw
•*tM« «M (alt «• HH. All •



tar bat«n« baaa abav down tor ra-

**Sa Ladtaa' Aid aoHaty will oMai
Tbaraday afiarnoaB with Mra. Tbaa.
Bnllb. wba wUI tmlab work.
Mr. ^ Mia. Mmiar. Un, 1. h.
CibhA.lira. B.r It daaaa. Mra. Frank
Bayaa and Mea. Hati Bar*a«uiend and Ben v..Moa of Hodga riaUad
Mr. and Mra. Prank Sayera Sunday.
Bom. to Mr. and Maa. Balpb Olaaa.
Ajuil *, a baby girl
!e eoaU^of Hodj
Lyle Sayera of N. ParadMe
M workMn. mjab Kidder aad Mlaa
lag for Dave Mautg
XMdw rataiaad home to Tu "
- .
Hodga vlaUat «| the vaak. takiu wtk
SlUtdA at tbalr idnar. Mra. Fred Ited Mra. Prank Sayera Saturday and
«b«B they bare b«aa vli- Sun.

Tbe AM aoetaty win mSR with enJayed by a larse----------Mra. ncabatb MaMCBld o( KiBfxlcr ptopnm Interaptracd wttb raaitaca
April a.
wai Ktren, after which Ira cream aad
Mra. CMaad flf 1Klngaley M anrtns' rake were aereed. Proceada weie (orr Mra. Rklpb Obu
Carlbaek M rEmiag bar
Mtea BMKb Carll
eaaalnK. which waa In tbe form ot
annt. Mra. Cora LeBaroa.
an buer pbrty, u tba borne of Mr.
April 14.
and Mra. C. R Kebl laai Tnaaday
There were tblpty

SMIICTLANOboard baa viaaiy dc- Tbe (enUeman arara fnaabi aa aa
im ot one hna- Tbe coQinniac in diarse tor tbe r
di«d donara to grade the TUkocblV
bili wWch baa bM the aeeaeaC dot ; _______
. .. . ran and Ida i
ran In
in which
eral aceldanu lalely.
IConieeu were gtren
' J. P MatbewB and Mlm
Daley Brywi of beUnd
U ria-;
itlag at the Tntrarae Lake re*ort. fwon _... .------------------Mr.
MUa uraae----Bentall -gate aelact.
_.. aad Mta. Jm SMtger drove Mi ng. --------------Lelaod laet Wcdoeaday to atait iheIr'tMa on tbe rloUa, aecotnp
dining r
-aoo rruk. vbo baa been iadlapeaed : Uiaa Urace Kehl. Tbe dlnl
White t
Oar acboot waa cIOMd tor kevernl waa prettily drcoraird inB w
days Mat weak on aecouat of our ng and green Tines. A large uble
u«cher Mr. Krelta and bln wife both the eenier of tbe room bad for aeeuttring Ul.
, ter piece a .beauUful awtngoea lern.
Pred Atklnmn maJe a bmlnea* trip, The gu«t8 were aeated at aiuaJI lato Cedar aad Mai.W Oty last Sainr-jblea.
Dalni) telreabmanu conal>idajr.
mg of lean of almond lee er«aia. tn..i
Bd Phaatt want W town last Tbiira- and white nut eakea aad Eaaier can
day and returned <* Saturdar.
dti-. In chanuing lItU* paper baakeii.


baaa b---------------------_ .. _
la to ime In earrytag tba mail.
a SeboBald c( Trarnsa Oty waa
In town
D Wadaeaday
Wadaaaday In tbe Miarcat ef
Min dtrlKlna S-rhaub and Mrs.
Joe. Seott went to Manlatee Monday
I take tbe aalt baths.
Tbe boat LaeUnau la recelTtog
•« coat of palm.
April U.

y. k:

-m .,...1

Ed. W. R. CampbeH la apendhiR a • :i res
at the tawn ball on,
tew davi at rtuDor.
i ti.f-irday ev. ti;i
At the eleeitoB tbe ftdlowlng lowii-' Mrr. Warren nuore auu cbiiuivu .
wera^^ied' Sunerv'!- .•'rrivtd home on Tbutaday laat froml
•n. C siiraan7cSrk. W. B Taiiii.
r»u... i:iki:ik-Rapid.,
xpem the pwit
Rapid., where they xpeni
II; tr^urer. Edward Kebl



e ..i -l.l-.-Cl

t the state ofi^chigan i

A aarprtaa party waa given at the
bone ot 0. C- SMrUng laat Friday

tbe aortbrra
where be baa born
6. r. Hodgaa made
to Trarerwe City laat Tburaday.
P M. PMee and aoo Myroa.
Mr. and Mra. Prank Saxtoa
Sonday a) South
Mr and Mn. Wm. Wei
at tbe borne of Mr.
branch. Tbe young „ , i Sunday
green branch.
abrougb bore tbla momtoi: n bli. way;a
Orin Luce.
Idiea aaaitlliig In tbe
I Treverae QiyMra. Nahum A’
Avery It on si
. (ware ibe Mlsaea NelUe
April U4.
Uat. but M ona tbe
the gain at this
Caber Bwoara. Prof. Pull
Pri)• -IS
mellow baritone the
Capl. and Mra. W. P
apent tbe day hi Tyarerae Ctiy.
turning tbla evenCng.
Hundrada of Travaraa City ^Readers
S. W. I>orter left tbla morning for!pre«-ni
Know What H Maana.
Honor, where he wa* sent aa a dele-j
gate by the K. O. T M. M. Prom
go to LndlnctMi to' who win leave soon wltb bar faibtr
tbara be will
for Bruce Minas. la»I Saturday after-

a»a»asas«ea»as aeaen w nnasnasn

OnAida OMnt cvtrfoUjr tbe aaK-tp of d^ositan in tkta
tunk Tbe U* definua tbe kind of Becnritkd «e oon ac- J
eepi, {BobibitiMt exceaiive lonna and ab^ aD gpecnlotive io- ^
raaime&tR Fire timee oacb jreer we hiiva le rnblc fall
aaora lepoTtsof ooadilioa to Ibe State
siMitMMC, vbo twice a year Muds exporta to exadm *'
our laeaa, luoka ned pok<ua, Coont our caah and aee ibat
the Bank is in good csoaditioD and oomdiK-lBl in n soft-,
earctnl andDor.



«" 9j


The kldneya are overtaxed;
Have -oo much to do.
iHl about It In maay ache. |
’bey iHI
I paln-a
tlarkarbe. aldearhe. beadacbe.
Bom. In
Burly Bynipiuma of kidney ills.
, I Mr. and Mr<. Pillar and ion Henry
*• iruubire. diabetes. Brigot's
Mias nt-iix
Rena jyiauiv
Muoro of Travel • <w-: and fatally left Saturday for Pellatoa
n> the
Ibe puut week «l ber,.,bi^
,,i„„ ,„n.
, I'kOf bar »t>eiii
where they *,|,
will Bwk^'tbfir
« '
returned Monday
Monday. Her |
-ntdr other sons. CbaMIr a
home b.-ie rv^umed
«->-d*panlrd her far a short |

1 .tree!, Traverpr City. Ul
la vHslUng ^,
Lovell SoUl
school (miperlor. WHbur Steele; }ua|Apill IS.
says- •■! have had uet^lon l« 'i'***'
ticea of,tbe peace. Pred Banmbrrger.l April
i lloan-s KldiM-y Pill, tor a aertoua kid f
la Tmv- i
Hoauy H
hII. Antoine
Anuune San
Barilett; b<ard
Inev .weaknt-s. with «hleh I bad an! ; Wm. Cuirry r<-iunie« tbarsday from
oft review. A. P. Anderson; iveiYL-rr.
fered from for maov years Tbe kid | a months- visil In Benton Harbor
Homy Seott.
tnev seereiloDS were weak and umial t »i»» Lottie Shearer, who has been
it»rre dty one day last week
iiiral III aivpfwrance While louUng | wortlag lor Mr. Will Oee. retunu.l
Css Bertha CorCe*. who is tench- slMut for a fure. I war advised to) to her boiiw In North 4All.
mar tJIlls Pier, vlallVd with Mr..;
ikla ovonlng.
y OaadadtT Tea: to Trarcraa CUy
Honn's KMtiev PlIU and procured i day
Tbe Weman^el
.............I Drug C
« •( Mrs.
Nela ManlgDld attended tbe blrtb< .
party e. pay McKeage of Mayfleld dav afternoon.
^Uled. The acbo. and pelus bad
yleter. Mrs. Will Ci^k l->a-l.
_______ _
last PriJay nlgbt. Ire cream and cake .Mm. HoeeVebl waa giten
irely d'tappeared and tbe kldaeyj Barker C-tvk.
I torn «F iH- bruki' ihnnigh the i
BAl eurprlse at ber ' borne
was aarred and a very
ikiie>. wa. banished. Uiu. Ball, the nurse who baa Is-en
»< S-Ussa astwnr -a dema IM
Wodnraday e ■Ding by about forty of w« :u u. reatue him
brsn..n«lOT.,Wn.e eoebj^jn
or uile bv all dealers. Price 10
tor will Hunt, returned to her
H.nrj Wlnebcrg waa a T
TlalUng her lady Meada. Music, gamea anJ
I. Powlwf-Mtibiirn Cu- BuEolo iKrae iu Trsveiae CUy Thursday,
tMItwdlwrvasr war erne >hM It tUlsts
rofimbmanta were en}oyed.
; City vl.‘iun- S&iuiiLiv
r York wile agenU lor tbe Ualted) There wlH be a. Sunday scbool
Osmr Anderson of Omena apent
Mb. tmo of Suiiony Pr
Itrnvcniloo at the miurb Sntarday.
aad Sunday In town.
ihiongh town PridaMtordsy and
,. ibiongh
<...-_ih.r the name—r-au-a-rand Bverydne Is cordially l^viied.
Tbe emertaliiment given bv the Ca- Lcland.
no wibei.
| Ardte Munro returned Toeuday even
dels last Pifday evealng was murb< P.ov Cautourler o
na to Dq^ Lake Sunday.




ts flic
values In our New Spring and Summer Houi^ Furnishings
Cannot help but please you. The best time in the whole year to get the variety of choice. Everything fresh from the manufacturer, clean new and upto*dateln the latest styles and finish. Special attention given to outfits. Our long experience in this particular bosiners has placed us where we know
«*at the people want -We do our own buying. Wo take no risk of paying men big salaries to do our buying, thereby incurring unnecessary expanse which
thU;«te»wum#r must pay. Avoid the big prices. Come to your rgHable Home Furnisher and get your complete outfit. He WHl help you get started and
charge you nothlng for the generous credit arranged at your own dictation.
....................... '

bkce Caartalns


_____ ____
• pWa»e 1
rnble liodof
obbdoI I
.. V.-I____ 2_ w
-«------ - w<
Th. »ewditatj
dwigo in Bmwknwtj^HttogVnn.
nod Iti^Poinl Onn
WinnonnSUiontobeHlinwiin*^. ThanV-W«..incided cinug.

tke rtjin nt rWrUevs. »oo» in urf

it will pay yon well to visit our Department of i'pbolsterid Fnniitoie. aa
we have tLe very choicest lie ever shown in this i it/.

Ihn TOT Uict

Wo *te woU oqniWMd no* *it'*
Boon Sails and odd Dimmie and ate
pr«i»ml to aoit ttko mst pastieobr boyen n we hnvT tbe TOI7 latoet tijim in
Oak. BiidVETe Maple, Ui^ogaar and
other hard wood*. Owing to oar laifte
paiehaaa wa oan give pon aoae €Ztr«
spcelal-bugnin*Ok PATHEKT


I ep fro


Combination Book Case
and Writing Desks

Carpets and Rugs

Extra ipecia] valors in Book Cas^
and W'liting Deaks
Then- Ls no
poeeihiUty of beitue rliseppointcvi
in qonlity. style and price.

aid kdliBCe.

«r wHumj
tan tBvtUir iB MTBiMt..........

jSSSSSS^rw^ed direct from Chins, par

................................... 11 1-lc

WDwffl tot* jon money on^aU kinds of Floor Cowrios*.

, NV


. -$7A

Oae PATHENT M)WI the haf.
eace la weekly er a«tkly pay
acMU tays aaythiBc la ear stere.

Have DO equal. Come in and let us ahow you this wonder­
ful Range. It,is the best for all purposes.


uf too Bsob ia jmMe
. ifior line of Ea«j\
.o«r tape!
Boctarw One large



me Pn^defsOop

^ W

Parlor Stands

SO diflermtolrlee to Hleekbom rankl­
ing in priee fraea 7Sc to MijM.

Library Takics

The same fvie^ g< cboioe ee-in

rCAST PATRBI1S ftrsBgtaEt tta ea^




'y^X' ‘- -'■' '■’•‘'i^-'^wsi





WllM. liuviMi MiuiA rkmty. APniCir. mi.'

^ve-X^ lOi^
Hov <lo yon expoa to mt>im th* jbaOat <>>y*
^nmoia tf you pwpMt ■&
th» food ow »i^oviac cad
boa” OU Surea that
fio tha cnoknc without caefe>,
ii« thi cook. It caM»,
tnaa plaaty uf haat «dar|
tha pot and dtCiMai Ihtlu
or wot through tho aoen.
Thrrefot*. whm wodoag

ataam hmae nanaad haru Satarte sobig maih; haa tafem «a a load at
. Mr. Thlrlby aad Mr. Wkdta of Traa.
Mre. Untfaey lia galte low at IhB
-»• hr Friday
-Ta Baro(
M^Cltr ware hare «o haateam Bu
Bar^pe by
lor at her mother’s home.
|aad Cattle Ship.' speaker.
B'lUUm Riley aM George Frernmnljc-t. Duttoa. Ada
Mr! aad Mra tea who hare hm
r 20 ceup
out to thclmugar camp tor the taat 0( lUamley came aerem the pBtas
of Trai
oa Saturday tor a vBK wKh teak
spaat a tew days at her horns i
pUce Usi weak.
. aad wiS re- and George Freeman, teturalng ee
. i haa pmt reeadvad
ra of the dmth of his danghtar.
t. CbaaeTyho morad arith her haahand
4 to Nei^-lfaxleo a few
ago. boidng the warm
imprere her aaalth.. Hr. DaaMa wm
somewhat prepared
tor the sad news
dream he had a few nJghu age.
her aBter hare our sympathy.
April lA

Burl mooaUread B tnorlng oale hb
fathar'B tarn.
wn. Owakitghcwhe haa guirhmril
the John Smith (arm. has gaaa to get
kls goods and ntoeh from Herat
and vriu occupy the farm nezl «
Mr. B’etater U raaNog his mw mill
ereo day. Me has cwMooi w
igh wUb what he hm of Ids e
septum busy tbe most of


A number of fainmet from here
mdad the Buaday acbeoi eoareat
bald at Wexfoid yaaterday.
-ris to r
'ihere was a aarptW wood bee tor
E. a 1- d
Mr. and Mrs. J. Howard laat rrtday
auerMou. thorc baii« about tweire dlch. Trust Co., trustee.
oorda of wood cut.
iwhi. aec. 7.T ii. 8 lA
Allan P. UtUe and wife . _
illy Mam aa oaoloitaUa aa you ooadd widi
young L. Bradford. seB of nw^ and wH
I home 10 help him of swM pad aals of awH. sec. SO. T
*7, R 12.
Tbit, M maU, ta wwdMfol. but, ifion dm that, tha ** Now j
I dee. Omlor
Roelu H- 1
Paaterinn " Oil
doat p«fccdy ortrythey were treated and wUe, loU 51. SA and S3, blk. 8,
<Ua«thtt«xateaami4o. Iciaaiiidid
wUh by Mm. Brecebrige.
Mim Ida WUaoa gom a> CadBlac
Suad orok-aum. Mada »tharo ama.
Oeo. C ■
day td the Maoeabee oooraattoo
M. Hare
mti fuBy waiimaJ. If not with your
deBgate trem MUrrea Hive No. M3, T M. B U.
located at Wexford.
Marvin LuCore aod wile to Mlctwel
Homer Btaard haa aold hB hrm H. Welch, lot If. btk. I. M. 4 L. Co.’a
here and espacta to parehaae a place -h.
Trererae aiy.
Uillan 8L Clatr to James
•I Friday J. SctaHI. C. Cazun
WUcbcomb and wife, tota I, 2. i
. and B- Chamiiloa weal It
4. Broa nMw’s 1st adA Paradiae.
republican conreoUoa In Trn____
Miles J. GUmore to MllUni L. Core.
nty aa detegatm treat Grant town- ■H Of ni-3 of e% ol D|k of swB see.
10. T ». B 10
It' Bigger and daughter Phoebe vUFrank E. Slnilta and wife to Luriu
lled frtetuB here laat week. They like , Oavb. aelk ol oeB see. 36. T Si.
their new home very much.
Mr. aad Mm. B- Parker of Travi
City spaat part of last week rBiUng
friends hare.
R U.
Born. April A to 1^- aad Mrs. L.
Davta and wUe to Fred R.
kUm Bekah Wltaon apeat Tluindar
Walker. ttW of nw4i and other parLafca hu aiartad the'do* With TMa Luka.
rd U riaUlnc bar *slater reU. sec.
1 ys. R It.
^ More Btavane w«U bold aa aacUon
Min.j3evriand. in Traverse City.
aad wife to Wm H.
Pt*U drora to TTarene
A. U Gleason
Croukwrlghl. swlt of aelk and olhMil. Hottla Orey aad aoa Deo vaat
well for Oeot^
10. T 27. R 3.
re an hit aorry to haor
wife to Wm. H.
uoath^of Hotaea,4^ ' ~
I of, Mr Croakwrighi. neli of aelk'. sec. 16.
He learaa a Md?
Of mattroa to
6. Braoabrige thU ____
T 27. R » and aev ol sU of ncli
^deatlt. Ha ta Ta yean of
Ur. .Zue aad family vlaltad at C. see. 10. T 27. B 8.
an oM paooaar ol tbta * Yhe weather U all nght (or mit.
CojwBad's Sunday.
Harry Ursv and wife to Jaa. Cran­
Cbartie F«(e la Bot aoy better ai
April lA
dall. sett of swik and swli of sel4.
praaeat. bet A hope for Ua apacdy
■c, 13. T 28. R 11.
Minnie H. Burkholder to Marshall
tet. COttmman haa ranted
Carothers and wife, n«l4 of awki.
Sunday, returning Monday mors- Smalley’s (am for tea yearn.
sec- 1. T 25. R h aad lmi» Bataa Uat
SUas Buckanoa of Ponmaa
John PulBcky
• raada haye been rery bad bat Maarie Crawford of Weifoid i
Skopes. sen of
Mr.^ Mra. Will Clark are
tj. April 71
John Polsucky and wUe to Am.
--------------------- ..-kiuginBIkBapId*
IMmother orer
Burke Lesis aad Mao
were Bkopaea. ael4 of nelt aec 8. T 25. K
Mao Walk
Ha mored fron & V. HUI% haute ta- Buckley
_____ ___________^rday.
callers Salurd
Mm ftety Saakor of North Branch to the yoe Mark houae a (ew daya
Claude Dapper aa4 his mother were '^rah DHOh to Fibtrd Bhcata.'dws,
la worklnc tor Mre. -Mrl Gray,
at Heslck and Gleoganr Saturday,
neH. aec. 33. T 2S. R 12
The aodal at Oharim Oarr'a Ust i T. eiyers did bmlness At Buckley
t am. Nick Nelaoa waa the gaaot ot
HTIbur H Earl, guardian, lo l'lo)d
Mday nicbt waa a ancomd- A large SatnrdayMol Uaala Batm Pitday.
Sheeu. nwlk ol At-^ (undivided Vt
crevA Abont eight dolfam waa rala. Wiaa Daiu Oou;
33. T 25. R 12.
s at B<
BeaaooU and I
Ilbur Bad. gttardBn. to Floyd
SoBth waa la Bk
Mrs. .Mar Man and ohlldraa atari' Sheets. nwB of new InadMded B
ad Maadap tor HhvUaaA Ohio, lor aec. 33. T U. R 12Ji B. Aniidd bak bean «nlte a tow wmkm’ visit udth her pareore.
A. W. Bartak et al to John A. U<
poorly for eona tliaa, but ta bettea
The te. Mr. Sandare of the Porno- iBlosh. lot li and wli lot lA blk.
are ate glad to hear
H. U 4 Oo. s Pod- , » . I .
The (annara are'mevlag telr poia-Bldnay Bataa treat the Joadea wu
John A. Mrintosb and vidle le t..e:
tore for all tbe roads are ao bad.
her aunt. Urs. NoSalnger, a few da)s. ■r U Welch, lot 13 and w|i k>i 1<>.
April IS.
April 10.
blk. 4. H L. 4 Co > 2nd
■mo. kOaa Mlaola NaM Berea.
Mary M. Brows lo Elbe JobinKis
: a^aad .Mra. jHdre Lake haro
of i>ek, of tis >« aod swVt of
Hr. aad Ura. Ueteen. Hector Mc­ neli aec. 7. H 27. R II.
Lean ana Mr. aad Ui«. Walter Harris
Lunle H. Paria to Vern W Smith
Chri Walker ratufnad from hU W*|a- left last vreefc tor Washington and
Id wife, lot 5 and a-Vs
hlh. 1.
CMtlb trip Uti Monday. HB wife B Oregon, expecting to locate there If P. H.s 3rd.
>e country Is what they hope. .
Otiu-r Perkett to Nicholas Hayes
Aw WaMoO took (aa wUh
tel Warner, who haa been «ulte
Mrs. Calkins, auto president of the
of Dels aec. 28. T 27 B 11. and
Laarla Tbnreday.
alel^tt much better.
C T. U.. gave aa able addrern at mwM of ow frLVi aec. 3i>. T^. R in
am win oonaamoo rolling
lira. Bohr aad davEbtar of Bn
the Bendon chorch April «.
.J^irbolas Hayes and wife to OUver
died oa Meada bare last week.
into imr *.........................
Mr. and Mrs. Ores. Kenney vtoiied Perkett and son seV. of neSi »ac. 23.
Leonard Bickaon of Sooth Man!- friends in Homestead Bat Tbuiwday.
Hahbrtar______ __________
T 27. R 11. aod tw^ of nw frf.V.
^IMilay. town «mk; Bha tou cnme orer la the mall boht TboraMrs. C. E. Lamb haa been alck with sec. SO, T 2.. R I".
hKhway mamlaalooor: Bari day.
Susan ZImidbrtDao lo''Edward Cap
atr. McIntyre V Travarae Ctty whs
An Nearing la Boring to Carieta*
wife. cVx uf seB of
^^tutOraywaai to Uomt laat Tkure- le gnaat of Mr. aad Mn. Dumb
Siding todar.
ter aM VrMay «a hoalnam.
at olsbt.
A 10c supper waa given 'at Haakln-:
Henry 2
<Dur ooualy Beat will be at Hooor
Mr. and Mra. George Brotharton and
UU Uat Wednwda) . Preeeeds
•an aod wife. nw»k of nwVk see. 0,
little dtngbter of Bmptre were the
^ woat rta- gamia of Mr. aad Mra. teak-Sheri­
B-ayne'McMicbael has moved Ms
tttag with tMr aoa
Bahte- dan today.
family Uok to their Urin west of Champney. ne>4 of ae|4. nac. 27, R
aad am. L: & Bathe area tho feaaet
" R 10.
of Mr. and ifrh WlU Ltealao.
Mr. and
d Mre. O
CUude Warden tpeni
Kmam. who twalgaed whan ha la
Sunday d Gravn.
DcB Jarrett 4a vBttlng lor
When an emtneat spthorit.v anthe aftatMoo. IM ail ooma.
daya la Truveree City.
nouDced In the Srranton (Ito.) Times
Hr. Afong of Beimoala will apeak that far bad found a new way tis treat
to the Bpworth Lengoe April 24.
that dread Amenran disease Rbeumaand Mrs. Mills Rhodes moved tlam,’ with lust carnm^ everyday
to their farm last vreek. All wBh them drugs, found In aov drug atarc. the
phyaiclans were eluw Indeed lo suacb
April 13.
much Importance lo his claims. This
was only k few niootlis 'ago. Today
nearly every newspaper Id tbe
Aa Charl^^^d FUnny
try. even the meiropoHlan dalhi .
were going to Traverse Cl'.,
announcing It and the splendid Tvsnlw
horse became frighteoed near the
achieved, it Is so simple ibal any one
man hill and run away,
can prepare 4l st honte at umatl coat,
>wv- throwing
them out and smaahlni
log tbe buggy all it Is made up as follows Get from
pieces. Fortunately
ly they wer ' ' any good prescription pharmacy Fluid.
aeriooaly hurt.
Exxtruct OundcUoo. one-half ounce.
^PNayqgbgyaactol flxn be mre you arc sctiiis afl yoa
Stowari HUB B going to work fur Compound Kargon.'one ounn-: ComIr. Bagley this aummer. He has pound
Syrup Sarsaparilla, three
mored his iannly In one of
ounces. Mis by uhaki^ 4n a bolUc
leyY cottages.
aad take in tcnspoonfal doses afier
Mr. and Mrs
each meal aod at bedtime. These are
re vMtfng relatlrea
al) simple togredienis. making an ab­
George Menjrek made the drst trip solutely harmless nonte remedy at lit­
I Bk Rapids yesterday with his tle cost.
finw P«lW it,Uy
launch nlnce tbe Ice went out.
Rbeumatlsm. as c'eryoae knows. U
Oovwliali be
Mr. Bdgeu of Peotwater has come a aympioni of ik-ruuged kidneys. It Is
a contMiloo produced by tbe failure ol
from I
iaundeiu of this place.
the kidneys to pnuieriy Biter or strain
I i.
from the blood the uric acM and other
dance In the Haccubee hall Frl;
matter which, if not eradicated, either
evaaing. April 24.
In the urine or through tbe skin pores,
Miss Lane is rialUng her slater, remains in the blood, decomposes and
Mrs. K. Heben. of Kingsley.
forms about the )olnU and muscles,
Mrs. A. Miner eatenaJned
causing the -untold suffering and dtyoung people Satutday evening. Light torhiRy of rbeuiuaiUin.
TbB prescrlpHoQ Is said to be a
RreabmenU ware serred.
The farmatu' ioaUlnte. wUle the at­ splendid healing, rleanring aad Invig­
tendance was not as good as tbe one orating lOBlc to the kidneys, and gives
betore. waa sMU a good sesstoo. The aiBKwt Immediate rellel ia all forms
of bladder and urinary tronbles and
“Tin FloBr tlw BMt. Cooks Vm"
warns people l
V He alto
lew V.
___ _ _
long, has been
culled away by the sertons Illness ol
- daughter.
Bert BaUB* la going to Wort tor E
J. Brinkman this aumaier. -.
Mie. Dareow and dan^t* have retunfed to their home U thB place,
having spent tbe wtaler l« Chicago.
Mr. and Mru. B. Herbert, who tiave
been in Grand BopMs for aevervi
Doo> let Iba fool
Oa tame is cm eaoy iink it ^
months, came borne laat Tncuday. Ur.
Herbert Is in ver)' poor breltb.
tamte lik VtOric aad c» c»w»ee u back ol ««ay «Bce €< A
April lA




WiB Guarantee
Fun Weight* Flour

Lily White



fig wk fay your dote.

' VAUCY onrmi«i»o6m»iiy

south WIL
This to tne spring weather and t




lu Iffoid IsemrtS ereU.
ay Breih«AWTraimahu««.NewV«t.

Wilsoa'n reatdence
C. A. Bnigh’t UtUe daughter Lorile
to not very well at ihU wriiaiig.
MBs Ada Caraon to hooie from
Brntah for a tef days.
Tbe aaaranttne tor measles to now.
Uticd at the Byers- reskleoce.
Some of the tarwiets or ttas com­
munity Will start ploVlnc this (M<mdayi morning.
Charles Battler has puerhased a
new baggy, whip, duster aod gobe.
April lA




b hari
C.- iJs d=a^=~wfco
in c sc.tsc.T i5 6c
to Trhcn T -e v^-ant to
scH e Gethf?ah ^

•iMtdar Seboai cnRvmttion.
Tbe Great aad Green Uke Bunday
school coaveaiioa held at Monroe

habit d buyinf two
suits far the season. let us scH you ooc
Oothcrait suit.

roads and steknuas.
Tbe presMent not bring prrWent.
Mr. Banmrd. the Her preiUdent.
sided. Tbe program a. ber«l
given was carried out. with

You will lind that it will outwear two
. ordlnar>' suits—thus saving for you the price



$10.00 to $25.00

Maggie Bchell. Bee.

A. J. Wilhelm

IderbtNwe and win
gil of Rai
ipld CIG- rislu-d with
tU. plac • and Glen Arbor
Mias Emma Beqalsl
*'“'•1 optionIt that! lo his rrieodi. He raid be srns a^ng
Bay. vlaltej with friendss of Port I‘
icausetl Ibe pocket looks andJ vri
veils to, where nioUter wan. We truM (hot nil
Oneida fur the past two weeks.
IS well with torn. Hu toasus a fatbMra. Maggie-Miller aod two daugh­ -....... . ^ BP so. ' * V
Apiil 15
. two broUiei.t ami a tfator to
ters were the-guests of Mrs. George
sure May Cbrtot be their source
Laor Saturday last.
MONROE CENTER. com tori.
Tbe Konh Cnlly sritoul tlaricd
B. W. wood.
Easter ■•elS’lcca will be held ai Ibe
Munday with MBs tiumpah as teachchurv* ueu Sunday.
Mrs Rellncr of T.-x,is r.-turneri
Miss l.aorB Burflrnd spent Satur­
day and Sunday with ber parents re­ bomc today after siH-uitug several ihre
turning to her school Huuday morn- wreka with her niollM-r aed alster.j
dark wlate nniMd of
Mrs. lUrt* and Mrs.
In vlaltUig his dnogh-{ dentb has entered the buoM of SMof
Mr Sparling
Ray Mack U working tor P. J. Buri Ottlngcr and takun a Burh lovsnl
ter. Mis. BrusL
a'' father and groadfather from their
' -Miss Lottie Kelderhouse vIsHed In
‘ home, where he w.M be aadiy
Traverse Citv tbe past three or <bMr
Oscar Barth >cni home lo see bis
mother at Kasson. who is quite sick.
Resolved. That while sre bow to
He reports her a llute better
the 0111 of 'Him that doetb all tblags
For(he MeralA
About flfty of Miss Pearl Uur’s
Cbarlet Dnril. aoa of Lorenw W. welL" we can oot but reel thni to
frlebds gave her a pleaaaat surprise Diiell. was born near Nonrac Center, the m'4at o( Ule srr are tn Jc«vh
on Tuesday evening, as she was about June 1. int. aad died April ». IMS.
Resulvrd. tet we extend to tl
ready lo leave 'for the Bland wkura aged 25 years. Iw mooiha aad 8 day s. bereaved doughtor aad tamUy ex
she esi>eets to stay ibis summer. R^pTbe funeral was held at UF. Mon­ caroent ryuipaiby In their bereave
iag care (or tuuriau.
roe Center church, the writer offlclslApril 15.
Ing, Undertaker Hughes in charge
Resolved tel a copy of
The iDierTuent took plare In'the May- olailoos be upread on oar
BeU cemetery.
• nupy be pruaenwd lo oor stoter.
O. V. Holmee * having bad luck
He diud ul pneutnoula and was Mrk Mrs. omnger. aod poM ‘
Ith Us slock this spilng. He has lost only a sh-art time, which was a shock iGraad Traverse HeralA
seven bead and has two more .aal
are al<
St a cow last week.
I'm] Pierce and son Myron
callers at Traverse City last
The Udlea' club will :
MilesHeights, met with Urs. O. Luo Isst
Thursday, about rtxty belug prt-atui
and -each one tried to entertain ihriu
and Ihtir neighbors, making the
time paws all too soon, when they
to take their departure. Mrs Jim
s fiont Uayfleld1 brought four.1 the train, also

, Folkcrwuia moved Us family nn,
Char Box’s farm Monday.
Byron Hulett «en( to MaoioD Fri
day. returalag Saturday.
Rawlings and family have
muted on u> ibtir (arm east of i
- T
. noiBri and family vlsUed
and w-ifc sp<-nt Sun
day with
. of. tbclr slsie*.
Mrs. Srarkangast. of Buckley
Owing to tbe death of Mrs- Bowers
id last week

nded the Tedniac suj'B- Hulet
•T Saturd
vculiig Ito- reporu a
i a flnIt City Friday im business.
Sunday sohoul will It- organlxed al
le new churcli Sunday a' 1 o'clock
p. m. Everyone Is contilly Invited.
Mr. Herbert will preaefa ai the regit
lar hour. Ther.- are three nieoibers lo
be taken into full fellowship. The
Lord’s supper will also be adtrtnlstered
Several laili-s fiiuii Ibis Aid at
tended a union nx-etiug «t ihi- home
rs. O. l.uiv lasi Thursday They
rey-ori s large rrow.l and a ^•■^y eiiJoysble lime. Howe>.-r, the nu-n ibink
ibev have gultc a yoke on tbe ladles;

'll. afaou. teU i. aew.1 o. Jareu of «T«T “V^-Sait,
‘^CTU laU fa aoreJ ia ik MM. Fm
Mjrla aoJ wear t^yr exasL
PAR£NTS-Not« tfae MtrelreW at.
taefament covering parts wfafak Are Mt ren^
^falc —kia<kJouU.tfaM,^mM.tfaaare.
laovW • (>«•* JmI of

atrein attcmlaat upon acuM aoJ


0*G«nalM la gm ABSOLUTE SATlSFACnONfM8«akaMf7«nMal

E. Wilhelm

On Easter Sunday you should look as fresh ic your attire
as the Easter Lilies that will be bloomiog all orouad yoo.
You can’t look it.

however, unless your Shoes are right.

We invite every Man, Woman or Child to come to


- -4

t was tpem. C-oUecth

Cures Uby's croup. Wime's daily
euu aad bniare. mama’.i sore ibruut




our large and attractive line of

Handsome Easter Footwear
f of our st^mv
__are exclusive with us. We've just the Shoe the well dressed
will want ^o
Suit—or an elegtuitly dressed woman will want for her
^ Easter Gown.< REMEMBER no patron of ours everpays too much for the Footwear
* they-buy be^

luf^ vnpant lB.4«n^ ,«ar ' j MiO >* iE<t i
writ Attm
toft^he'IMHnr. mUh.ewe
eo«ne *nn om.Ib tfe*
wUi wUta U •amma Ua MiOri
salt «ad tee *g«a woU
thet dap. tf tt to poetoM*
ftft-tato M aefthte haktop di
and tor ad taper of to* chicken and tom * thin
topw of toertea
top- I
— r-T-mtomra.
■ '■ ■
-• nnetoer
wr wr'eHeton Mk
end WnaRT
BteOp th*
the tcMtoand trp to hare at tanet a pat a( Mod «r
a epny of Bowora and pi nan- tfer of the rtc*. Pour orer toe rtoe one
caaae w* ere aU la Oodh he^top.
A» BMMr OM*.
dad thee* itoo'leee wUh the ohael- erp tor the center of the table. The ptni oftoe trator'ta which the chicken
cooked, piece la n moderntelp
chadrWwill eipect thetr brlphtlp coln BP Mto tta autwt thttto. M« flah top IB tbetr preaedi
»r« ted bterTrir half an boor,
■ and thooU not
whtoh to the torp totadailoa biom ot
e the. pie to toe dab in wucb tt
the ahrtatlaa reUptoa. are coodap to poMiUd. ^
know that thane lore thoapbu, ami Natnre to in emilng mood at thto ciBe
of the pear, and brden her beni
fO Mp.M0f« Ikr EMC. «B« »C W oat atoadUp. odttlp. wtthoet atnaa lap plentlfnlip eo that epsn are aban- torge.ternt^ ftenn them properly, cut
etmla. brtnp (hoopht meanapei
back fttwx the tartner bortem of the daet. and Uiej)rtec to within the reach to nWft etieea. but not too thin, boll
Ktopdom. It waa not In the tre of the Of all. ror the drat »uree at break- uatil tender. Dntn off the water. Take
ItarMlth* ta«r
fiat. eeree oranpea. peMed. broken la-; aext a cn ft .Jqae ptoa. pot In a col­
«•■!«■■« *1H* (b« aoBl. nor Ib the tempeet of prtef. that to leBnenu, and theae amaped
ander and pour boniap water
to aUah. bat after
tnnUlac kMit.
plain, aroond a little them. Thto take a piece ot butter,
MP^ M •mik. Oj QP« »th M«
Bound of aupar, like petal* to a dow­ put It In a otewpan. mto tor carroti
at the man'e «oa
aad pen* tnpfthar In toe butter
BtiU BBall Tolee.
Haahed Brown Pwtatoee Chop cold •err* hot
ttoea tldt teem UapoaaibleT U the
Sirlap Bean 8a)a«~-One cep of
!? Tet then are belled potatoee quite tee and mlt la
htph nensoolDp of nalt and pepper. nrd atriH: beaaa. eft to Uch lenptoa
tbeae. and their nnaber to pnwlnp.
who bare tovBd U to be trae that the To each plat add three tahicapoons Heap oo a flat dtoh and encircle with
to* ot cold booed beeu aUeed. On
Klnpdom to rerp near n*. in
toe trrtDgjehte Mde of toeae top a altee of bard
of bouer
tu TWIOfT Wltk VU% UtMt hearte. If we wffl. It perradei
epeee. aD ttse. In Ita etemitp, lU on- pan and turn to toe potato**, premlaf holtod egg. Qatatoh toe edge with
Jy. and ertaped leUnra leatrea and aerre with
^potanoe. Thoae w* lore are not down eUgfatlp. Brown erenlp.
HP He, Ik* eradSed. to rtoM esd
toet to na. Thep Ur* nMK IntenMlp When nlcel)' colored, turn oet on a hot
fltnecHo eat*.
DeUMoue Nnt 1
than erer before; a deeper, etnnpw. dtoh and pamltb with parMei. With
Quu. hlekorp or BnglUb walnuts. i
bndar. bapptor Ute to the traedoB thto hare
Meat Porrupine—Cb<v eold coek- nay aettre wheat or graham bread re­
7<» Itod re- to tore aa nerer betoce. da ear tore ed meat very dne. add one-ftraith toe cipe. allowing twfrtoirda of a eepfol
of meat In bread crumb*, of nuts to each medlnn-ataft loft.
poae Ont to. then Butor. thp; M
Bmt Ma'tke IMbiCi
iteO Bt*
pototo or boiled rice: senaos, DeUcatc Pnddtop—Bon cogetoer one
drop the eld eomw. toe bitter aa
Mphlp wtto telt. pepper, and capenne; capful of fnilt Juice end one eapful of
KOMeBeUtei to «bea *U ireeH of loB>, and retotoe with them O'
little tODOa Juice, one epp beat­ water. When belling add three tablethe
«C tne Mi dwMto.en. and atock or water to pack eaallT: epoonfnto of corn atarcb wet with
to toe enlBlMdoa ot tbeW
>Ue M. Md.
cane to the world two thooaaad poar* pack in ihape on a preaaed pan: make little cold water, and cook ten mlntoctotOM one Inch lonp. put to each ntra. Add a saliapoontul of aftt. nigar
' Ttiay an Uvliif Otlll.
caritp a piece of bacon an Incb long; to taate. and fuat a* It to taken from
Hnw the etaTaal dhadew il_
toe Bre add toe wbUe* ot toree eggi
bUe In a quick orea ttatll brown.
.da ev an aed tBaraibt hm^
Kioe Bread poee with thto.—ThU btotaa naUl foamp; beat all togetoer.
The betterdp to apahoUe
▼eleae e( ear leet aM* nvadtoi;
lakee a railetp (or toe breakfnat. tocn pov leto a mold wMcb baa been
•arreetlen. and the boetana aeeMha Thke one plot of well boiled rice, half wet with eftd water, and set aside
JU BB.te of heart aod «hfi*reoBethlnp new can hare a ‘‘battethp^ ‘a pint or dour, the polka of Ibgr
thmik the aoaue, dm the ap
hardea. Make a torfM cuaUrd of toe
leneheon. Thep map be made from two apoonfnl* of meltad batter.
m tow toward ear.
yo]ka of the toree egga. toree tablean kind* of paper, ornamented with plat of milk.« UtUe salt aad one large epogofuto of sugar, add to a plat of
water eolort. paid and Mirer paiMi kpoonfnt ot sugar. Beat aU three topre-S*'*
. Eiywwaaotaardaadarttoe^
hot milk, pot Into toe double boiler
Hewaid wtoh a aed aaipitoa.
Beapem) a nimber of thee* br eoip
dlent* till rerp emoolb. and then edd and cook unHI thickened; etrain
Bn* thread from the ehandeltor otaf iBe frothed whItM of four eppia Bake a pKteer to cool. When ready to aerre
aaraWta of vwda rehaWei
iS aaraWti
the tohl* and the eteet will be axiat tn'ehallow pan* and aerro hoc Thdee torn the fruit Jele* on to a plauer ana
Vll^ fhdr tofl4 aad lettii« ep«
■hall we frtat* tha help nsekT^eO pIteBtop. Bnoardp eaadto ahadm aia Vfa Met receipt* reqnlre no baking pour (he cnetard around tt.
rprp prattpMhd to* place oarda
The luncbeon to toe eventng
j^der; toe eppi are eanefeot. inbe the earn* ehape. potoed on almoat ■toad.
marked more
■hontd be tefennel.
tarlMbto wtra. anr* a low dtoh ad "dtoked Wni Put in a rrrtnp-pea bp iu deSeteuaneca than lu etobo■prtap Bower* la to* center of toa and melt one large tahleapoonful of rateoem.' A ^le of mUed sandHhoM thar walk thraagh aO ■fe'a table. If pnmec are Maped laqiMip hatter; etlr Into thto one taaapoonful witees Is ft wars good, screed with
prteea. a eOrer dUpree pin. a buttofBp'^ of Boar until emooth and frotop. tak-. cape ot hot cocoa.
a bottarBp delip afU ha tap enre not to brown. Draw the pan
tread toln slice*
and add. gtadnaUp. <me capful, ft br^ batterad apartngly. with Bn*
There are aU Mada of wapa
Habaard tkair teotat^ aehe threack
of eold tmik. half a teaapoonftil of (p teoppad ham. chicken or «eft. Dip
ip with bnttortle* tboae bki
aall, and a daab of power. VM the ilfcea ft bard-bolled eggs In drawn
taa^ ^aie M eoaa I
Utnl end i
eanee come to a boQ and pour at one* bnttar and plaee between.
The IB^ onee that might depted Into a deep earthen pie plate; into
Olt*e Ssndwlehe*—Butter the bread
• -.-t
fram tte Miandeler Id an alrp group this drop Hftit < or leoa. if ao many IlghUy, epread orer one slice a (hick
the atafa<ar -haataa tahaM adr map be made of paper napl^ tea- are not wanted) epp*. Set toe dtoh In layer of offres cut to amfti pi'
toaad hetweea the tortni of pQded
and when toe eggs' w^ a little if^aymnatoe drew
elothCH pbm. Make emaUer onee to are Just *e*t”
r. Lay th* other aUce of■map for tontnena. to ranch to th*
dtoh. Or pon map eerre
bread upon It and preo* toe allee*
enrsen of 'toe table,- er crepe paper
tgli and Tomato—Put om plot of firmly together, Trim off toe ernsu
In an onlen. aad there map be a tra^
ined tomftoe* to a eaueepan. add and cut toe aan'iwieh Into aqaaro*.
■ brtlaWWSaul daoUap «R*p of enlan If wtto to* onehalf teaepoonfni of aftt. oae-qoar.
I—Among trait
braah pen danb on maihinpa la Week ter taaapoonful of pepper and one
aandwicbes banana take* the leadAOd
For a plaee - aoevenlr
ft butar and cook qntil
•light enriely can be gl»en
of trap paper and on- radneed onahalf. Take from toa' Bra by BpreadiBf each lengthwiae sUce of
Oh OMI « Mt «Kfc UiO ■
t leralp bntterflp wtto peldn ior a moment or two then add toree frail with Whipped cream rather sparwell beaten and atlr Ull toe mix­ togly. Cpoo toll sprinkle shredded «►
wOnU be la keeplap with thto atple ture thicken* Itte costard. T^nr
coaaut. pressing the latier well down
Mahn them ot
with a sIlTer knife. Boston brown
battered toast and serre.
aapm.and for inamentailoo dot with
bread thus traalad will be
fftor toe dinner baglD wftb
dot with
teuMMinnh W MU <h OG, oat. aad ter
To go wftb torae aerre
Tomato Bisque—8tcw enough lomadlferaat cotored tandanc Choeetata toea to make a quart of Juice after
Moek Pineapple Balad—Core
MMM ■» S M*
nau tondant raOad Into ahap* wffl maka
peel throe nice apples, allee tolo and
etecDant bodtea. Mae the
s rery bot and add
It to* grain of the fralL Peel
anteraUp a* poe ptoc* them into Ulo
1 Of soda dlaaoired to
two nleq oranges, remove the while
rerp UtUe hot water. 8*r wrtL and pelp. aBee '■ka th* nppie. crosswise.
>.?«afr M ttctM tta 'amkama at • hedp. The wlnpi ahnnld
tola. Spread the traaaperent eandp when It babble* up add a quart ft Ptoee a slice of orange on a slice ot
apple aad put toe double allee* In
• The hiMfAHoraaa, death aa*-^ na ttdhlp ■■ ponalWa on a eakn tin jreab milk, heated to boiling and
aad when the eandp begla* to Mtten ened with two teMpooofuls of aftt and glcM dish. Pour toe Juice you have
^ aatdaJKv: «H«ad w»^-«la «* Mat jr^ ‘ acoK eet winp ahap**, with or with- a quartor ft a teaspoeoful of pepper. oollected ever the fruit, also toe Juice
eft a' patten, white map
Mix torca tahleapooofuls of corn Of a lemon if toe fruit used Is very
«' wtth MMCfOd.
stareb with a HUle cold milk and aUr sweet- 81ft white sugar thickly
I'^tor Baater
Into toe soup, Boil five minutes, stir­ DeHHou*.
ttoa head net be « aU etoborate; toMr ring well all the time. It should be
Stoiiight Cake—Beat the whites
aoeeltr of arrtepemwt sad aarftnp aboot as thick as cream. Serve with of three egg* srith one cupful of eugar
emckere spHi. buttered one cupful ft sweet mllk.lo which
wffl be tor more appraetotte than to*
and crisped to toe oven. FWtIow with dissolved one toepooaful of soda, t
nnmber af rtande.
PMato SoufOes—Boll four good cupfuU of flour wlib two tempoonfuU
Toe mitet here aU tot
>.ua Mr aHI..»
meats on th* UW* tt <
elsad mealy poiatora, pass them
of tartar well etfied In. snd
Mice* ot bread end better,
through a sieve, aeald to a aancepan two-lhlfd* ft * cupful of butler,
ec neu aad ttop cap* of ehnaotote. half a teacup of sweet milk and a ta- the mixture for Urteeci minutes, then
cake ted io* eroM Hare ptatae at Hespoonful of butter, add to toe pota­ potir Into layer pans- When baked, fln
•aadwtobH wfto dUtarMt BDtote. aad to with a little M>K aad pepper, and the Urer* with wUpped cream, cover­
ataattap beatde* each a brown eandp heft to a «ream: add one at a time ing ihe top one with aa extra thick
rabbit wtto lU can prtteod ip held- toe polks ft tour eggs, bewllng Uior- coaeng. aad drop spooofal* of orange
lap aloft on a peper banner a sand- oughlr: pet a amaU pinch of salt into Jelly here and there over It.
the whlta* and beet them to * stiff
me* the Heart to ten. ft to hard wlte
Thoae who prefer aa elaborate
letttet, ttogM. ham. ntta. or wbil- (rath, thee add them to toe mliiurii.
to mt verdT tor thi
p. snd live where they can get the
to ao baeaUBl, ao aaerad, ao toD of erar th* BlBnp nyp be. B aorM anf heaang a* MtUe as possible; have Ingredleau. will enjoy
lap, that U «aat briag ito own prart- to nerre the lee enam woeM he to raaffp a well-buttered baktog dish
Tnttl FTuttt Cake—Cream well to­
tap to atary aorrewlip aoaL Wbaa make amaU wbeMharrewa oft of terffe enough to permit the soefBe to gether threeqnariera of a cupful of
■pence cake. Bake the cake la Oito rtoe without running orer; bake iwen- butter and two cupfnU of sngar
Chrtoi vaa bora, the aa
“dep to the wotU." prt it waa aot la aheeu and eft to chape the thi«a te mtoeto* to a MHk oven, serve
toe well beaten yolks of four eggs and
to toe aame dtoh In which H «aa
. aie Mtlpc. hat la Bto dptop that the Mdet and bottoea JUa In teethpltee
of vanilla. Brat tn al­
d. It ts lAce to eerre with meau ternately three cupfuls ot flour and
The wheeM «•
toaawp aaa telMftd. la seaatop
>. with BO iwnnde ot the cake with ileslMe CB thft have gravlea.
cupful ft ndlk. Add toe Whltra ft
A DaBdons Chicken and Rice Pie— toe eggs beaten to a stiff froth, and
out for (he 'epoket aad tootopiten
aoap *f hapa la lha heart
VDrtd. He toft aa, nhat ear )op mipbt me toroBgh the axle Into toe bottom. wffl fO well for toe meat courae. To
taaspoonfab of baUng powder
ha ten.** to to* itortoBa Buter of Long elender piece* of maearwsi make this delicious ple there will be and b—t hard and tong Bake tn Urnaartitap.
make toe handle* to the barrow, aad raqftrft one fowl, wetghlng abaft
oontenta are lee cream ahaped tv* pounds, one cupful sud a half of toe tonowingietog: Boil t
Dear aorrewtap hearta, prtortnp ao
1 poa eaU *lhe: Ilka an epp bp preaatnp the cream in­ rtee. half a cupful ft bfttor. two eggs,
cupful of gra
tern-' at ceam lorod oaa. do poe net to aa egg holder or molding It eare- halt a pint ot milk, one allee ft onion ooe-halt onpfnl of water. Pour It very
aftte to* deeper Jep neu? Chrtot; ftOlp into aa oeal with two InrH* 'OmT carrot iw* clove* aad some salt skraly.onr the eOffly whipped wMt-n
and pepper. Clean the fowl and cat U ot (WO egg*, bearing all toe time and
laUi na that thep are to
into joints, then put It Into a stew-pan
Me ahm taSi « teat th* Captem of
itinne to beat until cold. Add <«e
with tore* plnu of boQing water
Hapoeatnl ewte of chopped citron.
■teraa M wliMa m. Indeed, eer Ballp
pnpor I* toft tt mv '’com* on earth”
It to wMl to maketaU, boUdapa tlmea th* vegftable* and spdee*. Bmmer un- ._i«ed teftrift. plnaapple. seeded
ftote It la veeatbi* lor m to ao otera ft apodal note la the home. Hven tes­ ai tender. Dnlee* the fowl be old the tklshw.' w-gtwii walDuU and blanched
a asA oae teaspoonful of vaall««r Brea that we map Ure to thto ter. the sltetdcance ft srlBcA to eo meet ehoold beoome tender In an honr
teeply apimBal. srUl alwapa oocbL' and a halt
are. Aa «* wm« nWe to toe* them, to th* teUdran at least, a day to be Whae toe chicken U cooked add half
ftwr Chatea Reelpaa.
of pepper and three
to lire a* fteoalr la tamh. fttetaUp. looked torwerd to with apectoJ pleaaHere are four specUl tester reripH
■ of call and set aside until
whte thep wft* ‘Mlth n* to the Beak,
H It to marired by
lP--Mft wha Ao »M miad gotng to
toet to* ttn^ ftta* took to* plae* trrat to (he way ft dalaUly norred toe dm* for potting wito toe rtc*.
Watetoe rice and pet It oo to cook mMdeTaMe extra rime and expeaae
at too teakn ward, wraa oe. now thft eooktog.
la (be iteMAInw ft wew and dainty
to toreeqeaitsftboUtog 'water, w
MflMr«ft«ai*H* Mr a ttttla
It ha* been eeoMng ter tra mtoutoa
wMte to net M any areane «ao al
tetter Cnkvw-CreM eaehalf captwo level uaapoottfnto ft saR.
rate to carry ont la any home. TW
Bteasr to ptonaad no that it can he Oeek ttemtonteekmcer and then tarn fal ft battar; add (anatemtoa ft a

flOME cn


Recommends Pe-ru-na as an-

Invigorallftg; Tonic.

Judge John W. Bixler,
formeriv United States

. m.

si sji" XrS*Mi»r <n»l







wfiaMiareaHM'* xm

When any manor woman, oftft pore graumde.wrlMs n* atotlM,ee»>
meeting upon toe beneBto b* ha* raoMvft from toe us* ft Pvrana, when
hedoee Oil* without nay aellMtatlon ec remnnersUan ft any *art,*nd tm>
nishee ns a roeqnt pbetegnph, *e that hU IdeeUty and rcteoaMbUUy to
idqaeeti(iw.tbmdo w* oonMdsr a
toe matter is b
We are at Ib^present ttme pwblltelng tnanybu
7a give toe u me and address to tnU ft eaeh one ft U
rode eneh a thing wenld bed!

‘Roma OeonteB.* 1Beme.Oa, srrltmt
•at afford* msplaaawwtov
testify to the trwe ai '
dartft Peran*.
sUpatlaa, for white 1 had teted a graft
many remedtea, tal note did me any
nroome that IWM aaqp teaftte sold

Timte aa< Appattter.
W. R.Pnrwinstoex-StoM Benaterand I have had ttaa honar to oothmsiid
ex-SpeeUl Judge ft toe Suprema Court brlgad* ft her Tateran Cavairy, in
aerapt tole volenof Texas, atoo Brigadier Oeeenl to Oonthe rnsrit ft Pernn*
• ft obUgrttentefctte v
dartnl afltoaey."
Mfiatfte Pwe.
Mr. OiarlM etewalha, Lextng
Texas, writeat
treatment ft toe nnmereca symptoms ft "I aafferad tram catarrh ft the Uver.
to* grip, wlUi white t have been affeew What X ate disagreed With m*. I was
«d for tour month* past, I hav* been to- weteandteverlte. 1 slept very poorly,
dneed to nsderge a Iraftmwt ft "' had rate ft Mood to to* head. I wm
and took DO pteaenn la anything. My teTeUM whs
>1 train,
fttev oatoglt oulyoM week. It la cw
pedally good in toning wpthaatomaeh, -«Tenr madhdna mads m* wen team,
•Bd has a decided efltert open my appe; ter white 1 axprea* to yen my heartfelt
ttte. I therefore feel moeh enconra^ .thank*. 1 firmly believe that tor all who
Ihni I am oa th* rote to oempleto rea- suffer to Uke manara U woald have to*
•am* teed eteet,*

•raft eaterth WM teal dentepteB.
“I have bate tehing Panuteff ata
waaksand am happy to say thft Hhw
bad th* deairad eSeeL My Uvm to In
fcood eondltton. oteettpaWte BIsnp.
prared.aad 1 nb lengra faal any el M
-to troth I am aevta hetesrhanlft
and foal stranger tku X havetoCM
BsadiiUaUdn* tethew

beeaweodsrfft. Myheweteemsegftar
Molote-werk. leentewaatUlMeteer
psopte and my vtoteala AlfnM eeft*
pletely, Xteteklnmdnrsdft ijitttei
-It has bean a bard fight, bat X eama
entvieter. Many thanks tor yenr kind

eupAil ot sugar and cream ngato; add ding nnd la delirious when aerrka boll them Car haU w hoar. BaMtaU
may bo maaat u baste by natigte,
three eggs—one at a time—unbeaten. •Ito whipped cream.
ape ptpor eft te flu strip* •»* «>
•Dd beat three minftm between eaeh
eaater Olving.
oorte of pretty reeopurie* buy he
addition; to this ndd OQedialt cupful
The giring ft ftfU at Buter Is be­ coneoeled from box**, crop* paper obfi
flour, ooe-third cupful cornstarch, one
ful of bakl^ pow­ coming mere prevalent each yearjud a bottle of patta. CMdraa lev* toast
der; then ten sule macaroons ornsbed In recognition of this eustom (he p/opantloBt. 00 let too UUi* omo
floely. oad'cuptul Of deaMcatcd cocoa- shops are full of toe moat tasdaatlng haveashare In plauag ter tola hoa«nut. one traapoontol vanllU extract. novelties to delight the ehildran ft Ufnl fesBval oaasoB.
I milk, nn buttered well as groirn people. There are (he
It te always oaay tt Bad olaboratt
cups toree-fourth* full, and bake In a downiest ot yellow chicks, nbbtts ft
aad expoaot*s«Hte tortettv. bat toe
moderate ovra. When cool cover wtto ■U colors and sUea, oraU nnd baskets
• deHcately grreo Msg. flavored with wMIe toe eggs are good to ^xe upon demand for ftmpli oaea te elHa sot
rtstachlo if one has it. pres* torosgh and better still to taste.
more than half aaet; asA portiralarty
a piping tube a darker efasde ot the
Plants, flowers, bonbons and book* aecepuble al tola •awaob tre taw
Icing to represent a ribbon bow and
always aecepUMe for gift*—and Ideas aod moAete for WBas toot on
place cryeuiHred mint leaves and vlo- do not forget that yellow and white be easily made at homo.
lef ao as (o form a sprig.
are the true Baater coloia. so lay In a
Upon a large egg'oheBft abrowbteh
Wster-Uly Puddtog—Put one cup­ supply of rIbboDS to lie up your par­ bue Is painieA a Chtnaman's amilteff
ful of orange julee and half cnpfni su­ cels. A note or senttment tn accom­ face. At toe back ft to* hood. obBor
gar to scald and then add two Ubie- pany the gift Increase toe value ten­ a tiny rirclo ft Mack moMte. te bf
spoons of mid milk, stirring until the fold. Here are several good aenb- uteed oomo otrasAs ft Mote oa>A
mixture IS creamy; then add one tea- mcnis. appropriate for almoat anyone: plaited 10 term a oaa. Hie head te
spoonful of grated letnoo-peel and one
fliled with platter ft pari* aad iimnt
May toe glad dswn
ublespoonful of toe Juice hnd fold
ed upon a hftvy owd ft watar color
Of Easier morn
toe hot adxiure to* stltBy beaien
poper, toe |eiBlbg (
Rring holy Joy lo thee.
whJtra of four eggs and-one table- Till, I, Ihe message sweet and holy.
paper collar. Before pUdni the conar
spoonful melted butler; IIU a crimped
dreular laavoa ft chamMs are
Tired eoulC forget your pMo;
mold Or a plalu bowl and stand In a
pasted on ter a pft wiper.
Christ toe Lord for you It riseu.
cool place lo become cold When ready
Egg abftli flllad with candy and
Doubbng hearts. He lives again.
to serve arrange peuh of cryatalRxed
la a Mulc fancy basket decorat­
May tbe calm eve
orange peel about the edge and on top
ed with enpe tissue paperand tied at
Of ISasier leave
placing whipped cream ab the base
tbe top ft shell with a
A peace divtse «1(h thee.
•ito more peuis.
A cu^rd lanc*
An easy snd ssrisfaclory way lo cover, wlU be balled with Joy by ttv
la flavored vlth orange or
color tester eggs Is (o use the aniline
sweetened cream can be paaaed
Olu* a goose or a terkoy Ogg teMI
[dyes (bat come especially prepared.
separate dish.
^ Follow
tn a stiff card, aad oaeat* aepae RUIe
1 e dm«tions and toe r
tester Cakes—R'bat tbe Ramaxan I •ill be good The name and dale may ftuff.v chicks or rabtdtt aboot toe shell,
0 toe Turk, toe Tteeoraks S wrtlleo I I the egg with a polttted then (111 Ihe shell otth candy, glue a
• tester cakes, «
* .......
1 Mick dlpi-ed ____________________
lelied lard beforepiece
put- of motto paper about Dk top
Early |n Holy Weak they begin to apout ..f -hwl. and tie with s dsiniy ribbon,
pear upon the etreeu, and there te no
except toe wriUng.' This make* a pretty way <
dIM pf 11. a„.k CMrtl; „ ^ ...
.1. I. u p«,r lh.t h. cum .»onl'
^ „„
. mmu M
IP .rut b,m.«r IP ,1 MI Ol. «
. mullpi »I ,pg, mb,, iu . bn at HIM ttai It MU
Ibn. Ma -blpb .1. bit I. tt. „„
oar Ip™ tb.lM «»
shape of
r fleur-de-lis, the Idea be-’ In colored caUeo that will fade and ! ly colored.
Ing that this ibree-polnted flower may
flttlDgly represent the mystery of toe j
three persons In the Trinity. In mak­
ing these cakes the Greek baker mix­
es four ounces and a half of butter
with four ounces tad a half ft sugar.
When these have been well blended,
be adds Bre well-beaten eggs, a half a
U he»-A« yon about to one any maiArttl is tbs ^tnyisg
pint of milk. Ao ooace* ft yeast aad
line ?—We an ki<>wD to all tbe Intit raiftn at tbe Graad
ten oonAi ft flour. Tbe dough I* left
re«ioo aa bead qiivtm tar beat ^nyiag (BStarial fit
(q rise about two honr*, after which
lowrai figwwa -Get our pricft before buyin^^ott
it la shaped. Iced with sugar trotting,
and baked foK' Chtty an boor.
Bine Vitriol. Ananate of Lflfld Antefe,
An tester / Puddim^Maltyn large
Pari* Green, Sal Soda, Liver ot Sti^tir.
oral of cooled geteilne tn a glass
Whale Oil Soap. etc.
bowl. Mould la egg theUs. Bufflclent
blaac ma^. place toe egga U toe
spilnkte with rft sugar.
nest and^prle
Shred flaelv some etuon or preserved
lemon peel aod plaee over the top ft
tbe gelaffne
ter llitle blu here aad there ter feafh
era. -tela te a venr Aalaty toektag poA

Spraying Time


Traverse CHy*s Leaffiaa Draa Store.

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