Grand Traverse Herald, February 20, 1908

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Grand Traverse Herald, February 20, 1908


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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(BtntA ^atoeir«^ Mi^mih* s *
of the greataet needs of ihe tamer.
TA tamere’ wires, wbo work eo
bard, could help sare oome of tbe
money that goes to tA taloooa.
Y. M. C. A.
TA speaker edrocatod a T. M. C.
A. as a place for young men to spend
their erenings eitd spare time. There
sAnld also A a farmers- department
here tbe young men from the country
Id cceeludlng Ida dlsemiion o( the oould meet alone U they desired.
There are In Trareree aty,
Eftr toptc. the opcDkcr gnoted on odltorUI froo the New fork Independ- lodge*. » for men. » (or women and
eight tor both men and women. These
ent on coodlUon* lo Ooorglo.
Law Can Ba Enforced.
for aB.
In taking op hl« eecond topic.
Oochtln quoted Wiman B. CartU.
City Hall With AtA
Thera Is enough spent eaeb year
newapoper eorriipondent
that the law was actually
In the aalooDs to provide two city Bpuker Aid That Man WA OrinA
Town WOtfW Met B« Deed WKhotrt
tag enforced. Two weeka ago yeater- halls and a city AIMs a more uaetul
tA Liquor and tA Man Who
—lODBO ftp would Bo
thing than merely a gathering place
day In Detroit, the ‘lid
Alla It Te Him Were Not
Can Be EnfWood
down," actually ro and not la tbeory. ot tbe city fatbera. A reading
AIoa to BlaiM.
Baportoncea Elaewhora.
Ctoao npT ^liy cortalaly they doeod. eonld A Aded. not a reuBng room
Tinea hare'cbanged aloce local op­ with an atmosphere of quiet. At
TA Rev. J. A. Cuby. of Ae Chuioh
tion ooce carried in this county and reading room where a man eonld talk of nrisL tpoEe Mt Ae llqoor que*
• m PLACE OP the BA loon.
it A wlAed. more lu the nature ot
kno^cd out
tlM Sunday ulgbL bM aubject Atog.
• MOTinp plaluro alieWB.
oocrt. The judiciary ot tbit country Atel office.
"Who U l^ponslble For Ae Crlmw
• Beat rooms for men hi eteroa.
Mr. Cochllnn then told of th^ free part as follows;
,once D vicUn of the saloon, the
• «(«p r*n«o hall epoD.
JodgM aa welt aa tho bar were drink­ AtA at Calumet, bow people
of Ae Liquor Trafflcr
• Vawiff Itaiea ChHaUan aaMdaing men and were in aynpaihy with cUtaea Atronlaed them and these,
Mr. Oanby, took as bis text, ‘Te
• tion.
the aatoon. NoW all this U changed. could A Alow the reading -coom it denied Ae Holy ud Righteous One.
• Pr^tomai onpanlsatiena.
Brary member of the Snpreme court the dty ball. Athlng facilities in ud asked lor a murderer to A grut• CKy hall wHh fraa batha.
U oppoaed to the traffic; Judge OranL Trareree City are pretty Bmlted aald ed unto you. ud killed Ae Prince ol
p( the lilehlgae enpreme court. U a Hr. Coddto and It M too oold la the Ufa, whom Ood raised from tbe dead:
hoyt’ elub roema.
iMdar In the work and our own Jndge winter Ume to go to the^y There whereof we are wltneMes."—AcU 8;
Hakt hornet aeelal patherino
Kayse. of the Omit bench, ainnda are not as many Atb tuA as there H. li and
Aonld A. A man wbo lolls
ready to enfotee the law.
•Jau* of Nauretb- , by Ae
• Uaa tha bMwory far a aaltlng
^ar at Bast Jordan, a Artender dust and grit can't A cheerful uhless bud of lawless men did crucify ud
• and pickling plant.
he U clean and the free Aih hoi
wd 00
oonrlcted ot selling liquor
*lay."—Acts 5:tl. J3
would A a powerful help. The free
mlnore and Jodge Mayne sent him
Me spoke to part a* follows;
tA Detroit House ot Correction tor batA to Calumet pay tbe Calumet ft
Who killed Joaus qf NatareA? Who
M> Aye and the Detroit House of Cor- Meela Mining company else they
city vaa tba one by the Rot- D. reettoe U worse than the penitentiary. would not maintain them. This great lurdered Ae aon of Ood? Wbo was
of Aat crime whlA was com
TA aaeerUon la often mate that eorporatton ^Ito dlecouragea drinking
on OtffgoAa? This questloo.
Aardi Bimday night, the Urge and!- the aaloon baring been driren ouL aA the men employed by tb<
korloB «r tba Anreb bolsg fsll to tba tbe draggltU will bare a monopoly flue epsdmena of physical manhood. once settled, ud settled right, was
settled wrong In tbe light of modem
deora with kn intaiaatod andleoea.
ling loloxleatiog liquor to A
saJotm eihle* The Roman soldier*
Tba apMkar dMdad Ida aaman inip ■ted as a bererage. But the taoneat
Tbe ebnrebee can also help- Tbe
atone were not Ar murderers. Al­
ttree baadt:
draglSBt will nerer try
Oongragi^nal Aurab has roomi
r we ag- to eonnaeUOQ with hls'buatoess A the baaeniapt whore the Ayi meeL though they nailed Jesus to Ae cron*
peet after the aalbes goaa.
> A would lose the trade ot wo­
There Uiej can and thrust a sword Into bis side, Aey
Seeond-Can the Uw be toforeed
und children who make
maA a legitimate noise, "blow off were only the agents of Pontius
Pilate tbe Roman procrurator who
7Wrd—Wbat nbaUtttaa are anff large peroenUge «f his eustomeie steam." changlog to
for the aalooh*
and wbat A gained through selling rererence when they oome to the eominuded (Ilcentedl it Fllsle wat
alone teapotitlble for Aat crime.
Mr. Ooehlln drat warned hU boar Uqoor would A lost In other bual- rooms of worship npsuire.
an against the beUet that if Ibe len. It any man started e drngetoie Aurch sboold Are a rendetvou* (or After examining Je*us be said, *I
DO crime to him." But still the
aakna want tba town would
to arade the Uw. be would sooa A Ay* wd
of Ae Jews cried out "Crucify
gandlaa. It'would be aa b
and pn^A. In VanBum
Mr. OoAUn then told wbat the Rev.
' Cruelty him!" PlUte was totown bacaaaa St plaoeaaWt
Aty OM drnggUt tiled tAt and A ft. A. AIUngtoD bad
» lanwnd fton yooag and oil
»w omndtog thTM meetA to jail. Cedar, bow be hartog been a mill mu votred to crime eimply beeaaae A
glaeea that dlrert the produets ot
k«nr"«»Bt (Ay needad. ao ffttod op weakanea to tA fsee ot public opin­
Uhee txtm bdaebdida. Again, tbe to regard to t
tor the
gjmaasltUD lo tbe AurA base- ion. alAotigb be bad Caetar Ablsd
him. and granted Ae mob'* reqoeet.
i^looa, the ebitf dlsterbtnf daffnoL Mlooe. Mr. OochA arid thet to tA mttt -Wftk the rmuH tAt the
wouU be lUBWtBd tfW poUttea. the oetaat It sAnld A understood (At ud boys came in auA namAr* that Tbe murdeiwrs of Ae Chrt»t were
Ae JewUh leedert and tbeir follow­
ggiikei BUtlag thit In the U yeare there was ho eutwUtnte tor drinking tbe satoon patronsige was hurt.
er*. Wbat did Aey do? They never
be bad been bare, many thingi that and gnmbllng. TA aaloon'hat beau
TA Home.
would hSTS beao beneBclal to tha diy referred to as 4be poor man's club Tbe Bpeaker then referred to Amos touAed Je*ns Aemeelve*. But when
had beta aMstraAed by the uloon. bnt It Is better tor the man to bare MnsaclaA'B paper read at tbe Lin­ mate. *tlll hoping to release Jeeut.
placed Afore Aem Barabbaa tbe
It would be an
no clnb (ban one tAt brtoA rnto.
coln qlnb eaytog It was tbe great admurderer ud ask them to vote
Ant there would be leaa eriae. leas Mr. CoebUa stated also that
ot all. It Ae tatoere and moAnoo, leae deMtstloa and tower appll- BOdabOlty ot the saloon was largely ere would loA to God Almighty. Aan whether Aey would crucify Barabba*
Christ. Aey voted lo crucify Christ
MUoA tor diTOOa. to tba dret yeet orer setlmated, tAt many toca drank would .come tbe Alntlon of Ae
to KauM City, Kam, tUfiOO wu akme gad to aDvee. to egpaaetlng ptoMaas of today. The borne U Ae TAt was all Aey did—just voted tot
oAer* to do the deed—and stood by
aarod to court soptA Consider tba on tba "poor nmn's deb" taatnre. be graatact eoelsl
dearuaae to cAma that tbU
showed bow mwb um a saloon keep worU. The wives Md aoAera should and watAA It done. Por All voUng
and AU alOM, Ae apoatie Peter
OaoiBto, to tha drat two weeks under er bad tor a member ot the clnb
not toll eo Ard. Aey ebonld
charged Aem guilty of Ae murder
toe now law. oMtatt the pdloa eourt bad no money.
range AHr woA tbet Aey can greet
eases wen dooa away with. In Kan It U not neeesaary to Are ttrong their husbands Ad children In Ae of Ao CbrisL 8lnA that time prao
MS City, the seeretory ot the Aseo drink io enjoy aoetoblUty- TUie erentog. TA nelghAm ebould A in- Uealty Ae whole world ha* held the
^ktotad CbariBaa ragettad a deenaaa speaker aald It was ap leatnre to walk rltod In or rlelu made to a neigh­ JewUh leader* responsible for tbe
to Alla, the MuAer A easea ot desU- town Front street (A nlgbt at tbe bor's home. He recomaended this draA ot Ae Bon of Ood.
tottoa WM auA l-ea. property TtiMs Uneoln dub baagoeL There were subject to tbe Woman's club and YKlio U rraponMble tor Ae crimes
caused through strung drink? Im­
many tUIIoib In town. At the dty every orgnnlxatloh in tA city.
wee quiet and tbe only pereooi
Tke ante tor Ae evening was turn- mense sums ot money worse Au
kept bp the dty kad retoraA ai* saw Ater or Hare aaleans were three lahed by a combinatioo of Ae
hood deAuAed; home* broken up
I tor tbA
;lHsene ot Trareree City and yet
tog ud erentog Aolr. eeveral
ud property ccoascated; entire famThe great eodal eloe. whlA al- an oocaeiM like tAt Would Are been Aeae Atog given together wlA
ways toOows tbe aaloae. briagtog dto- great night tor the ealoona. Tbe duet by Mr*. A. L. Bkchani ud Mis*
aaae and mlafrr, miMar whlA Ae mra dtttog at the banqaet tabl« Carrie Bari ud a aeleeUon by a fratricldec. totanuctaca wit
An Uaaertbe
iwer before
didn't need Itqoor. After tA banquet quartet coapoaed ot B- R. White Dr.
I botrnrt will become leaa and leae tA aalooas were all dosed bat tt was B. 8. ealA. Hirker KtrA sad RoArt God for Aese crimes, E'-ery daily
god tbte win reaen In an Improrad poeelble to rlew them end from end Bderards. all of Ae numAre Atog paper Aat come* from
tew£^ U crtmM. Tloe and
Moving Pteturee ghewa.
t. It homes are Appier. U dl- One rtiint tAt wlU eatlafy the
ache*. WOOS, murders. *11 on account
voraas are fewer, tf police matoUto- needs ot entertainment te the mortng
Of drink
n'bose crime* are Aese
UBea and eowt ezpeneee are lighter, Itotare toow. the erowde tAt attend
Pram tbe mu that drinA and mur­
ders to the voter wA give* fall voice
tbe town will A Improved.
the tour to this dty
to favor of buslnets. Aere Is a line
to tAL Tbe admission to these U
He* a Dead Town.
of responellile parSe#
Taking Ae
Tbto wffl BOt A a -dead town" It bnt the price ot e glass of beer and
fwrlplural example referred to aAve
tA aaloou go. There are eome "dead It tA exhibitions are not of great
a model of ethics to placing retowns" to tiffs utata, noUbly Pent- ralue. they are at least entertaining.
water. At It was BM the going ot the
to blame tor tbe crime* or drink*
tarmen- aons and they rUlt them.
taloao that eaaaad tA demlee
1. The man who drinks Is not alone
rather tA ttrlpplA «< »A toreaU, tA They are a beoedt to tA dtp and Hr.
responsible. Society consideie him
era Coming
raawTtag A tbe eawmllle. ^Forty Cochlln auted tAt he proposed to
guilty of the crime which be commiu
aaloou eouMat bring Umm towne make a tour of them and he expressed
baA to Uto At tbe retorattration ot the Ape tAt all would do UkewUe A coDvenUoti of tbe elemenury while under the Influence of drink.
_tA denadA land .and tA whirr A tA and encouiege the proprietor* to keep Sunday school workers of t>ie county Tbi* concinslon Is correct, hot It I*
tbeir show* up to a high eundard
Mwmn coeM.
will A held to Ufft city f\b. U and not all Ae truA. Cerutoly every
who drinks must know tAt he
Farmer* spend much money In tbe March 1. This will A an anusaally
TA wbola logie te Uffe:
enter* upon a career to the guilt ol
doMnT speod bis money to a saloon. saloons and tt Is aald tAt they Are
crime. But after one become* a vio
A will bny more clothing, more no other piece to go. One
fact Aat C. D. Megg*. of
tooM. epend more tor bU wife and er took Mr. Cocblin to bU Asement win A here ud Orent Colfsi Tullar. Um of drink. sUil he can purchase
where he had dtted op
ebUdiun. It leaa la tpani
wbo was here at Ae time of the Sun- Uqoor in almost uy saloon r>-en
Mkxm. more la epeat In legitimate room where the rlaltor* from
Ay echool cooventlon. will Are when Ae taloonUt know* tAt be Is
drunkard ud a dangerous man
ooutry could rMt and Mt luneh. charge ot Ae stnglDg. Mr. Dowling,
bade. TA epeuAr then read
and goeelp oM Ath another of Detroit, woi also A preeent
The habitual drinkers represent A«
tracts troB an Adieu by tA Ator
ney general of Kansas City abowtog while their wire* did their trading,
It U expected Aat all Ae eleraenu' largest part of the customers Many
.tAt bamnaas bad Aen helped hj doe- laratory and a gas store will be
ary worker* ot Ae county ud all In- Umet Ar poison I* sold from Ae price
Mr. Ooehlln advised other wA tcraeted to Ae work will A preaent when Ae salesman Aewt sAut Ac
tog tA Mioons. tAt tA benk depoaita had tacreased one sad onobalf dealred the trade ot tbe tamers to at this aeettog.
II. The saloonisu ar* not alone re­
«ror(to dmllar piaoee.
■fllWms ot dollars.
sponsible They are Ae UcwnsMl
Oraage Hall.
A PropAcy.
committee who cu sell Ae stuff. Uke
Orange biQ is like a good n
Mr. ooeblto then tmre the prophecy
Ae Rmnu soldiers they Ave Ae
W. W. Fairchild Hat Tab
«At tf tbe ealooBB were cloeed ben ebnrebea. miy open a pert ot
permit to kill by means appointed by
TA gfOBge should Are
that we would Are a bettor town next
W. W. Fkirobl
»Ud Of All dty, la Ae Uw Alootffsti are more to
'paar; (At we would Arc a better secret msetUige some other time than
BOW located
Columbus. O.. where bUme thu were Ae Romu aMdler*
bustoau year ud A expressed tA Atarday aftaraoon as tA AUdtog
be has Ae
for the death of Christ; for Aey
AUM (bat to tA eext year. A would Aoold A open all day. It uAnld be
tarnlUre storage warehouse.
to pat Christ to deaA nnder pen
warm and the torltattoo abouM be
wA bad left tA
Fairchild. Angbter BAel and i
alty of Ae Uw. while on Ae oteet
r a bettor employmont. cone eA lUel and goerip. TA store WitoBf. left Saturday aoralng i
And Ae aaloonUt* wCltniiy and de
(boy would eipreas (Adr picaaara « Bbonld A Apt golBg and tbe coffee Cotoabu where Aey will join 1
itAratolr go into Ae boatoee* know­
|bot as tA grange can help solrc


*We wovM MC tke tir«v«T making
st«rcb or ptekllng Iftrm prodoett.
k*re *11*8 »o»dered «liy thore wu
Dot D pieUlng otoEOB bore. « • Itttlo rillago like Borkler «» oocnro
ulUDg lUUoa tliot topplioo picklee
for PltUbOT*. why esnn' wo tore •
ultlos Md pickling plnnl nod why
not luc the trewery (or Ihgt por-





ing tAt Aey are toktog moaqy fm
tAt which U not bread, or awareL
or ahelter, or protection, bnt pMaoa
to Ae body. deaA to Ae sonl and
dcEtni^OD to Ae borne, ri—wigiy
tboae wbo sell rum are not totaadtog to A as bad men as lAy are.
but Aey ar* parUi crimInis In every
iDstut And Ae moral conaetonc*
or ioclety to Just now awakening to
this facL Several ealoontots Are
sold Uqoor to those wA committed
These judgmenU at* beccmlng more and more frequent.
m. The offltlaU wA make Ae
law and those «A stud to eoforoe
Aem are hot alooe resAnsible.
Pilate was to part to blame for Ae
death tff Jceos. Mltb all Rome A
bind bta. Ud wlA full Afore
bowling Jew* wA were eaytog. ‘Hr
tricDd of Osewir." and dellv
ered op Jedot
WAt moral right
bal uy mu to allow uoAer to A
pot to death when be Aow* A 1*
Innocent, and U not obliged to con
Ttct Uml any mu wbo license* a
buslnea* he know* bllghu and kilU.
simply becauae Ae people vote for
do It I* blmaelf a party to
the crime* of Aat boali
Ave leas respect for torn thu tor Ac
sen wbo wear tbe white apron and
do Ae work Society la learning
where to place Ae blame. We glr*
offleiali credit for good deeds Aey do
rhlle to office, aird blame them f«
tbe mUtake*. The
are doing pretty clear thinking on
Ae problems of reaponslbiUtr. ud
this fact alone meant deaA to Ae
liquor trafle.
IV Tbe men wA vote for Ae
llcqnsed system are Ae greateel
crimnal* to the wboU aeriee <ff responsAle parties
Vi'bo murdered
the Christ? The whole world uswera. "T^e Ruler* of Ae Jews." TbU
judgement ha* stood Ae test of
morahsts for ceoturte*. How did
Aey do it? They eimply voted for
A put to deaA ud A* petmlsalM wu iruted by Pllato aa4
Ae Romu soldiers carried out the
command. Ack of Ae drunArd U
Ae Mloon keeper; Ack <ff the anlooft
kMper is Ae officials: and beck
Ae officials tr« Ae people wh(> vote
lor tom fully adscIous of tbe fact
that be wil stud by the Ueanqqf
uloon. Toten are not
for wAt officiaU do wbkb Aey did
expect or Iniead. Al A*t hi* dir­
ectly resAhSIble for
(hey empreted ud inUnded that (key
sbonid do SiDA (I li poulble fer
us to Uke a pledge from Aom whom
we support to favor of, or agatoat Ae
raloon. we beaome r**Ahalble lor
wAt they do. and it crime Ames of
ihelr actlAS. we are Ae greatest


Ac Baptist church ywsUrJsy
trornlag. the Rev G B. Lockhart
gave a blstpr)' ot the problbtlon move­
ment. not UklDg soy text but read
from Ihe s--vAd cApter of
KaAkkuk and following his subjrot
re many valuable flgurra and tdeas
favor of local option At A* front
the room wi
I large map wlA
the lemperince area indicated abow
4.1 Ar ADi of Ae people of
(he foiled Sutea now live In a dry
territory More of At* great victory
has been won m (be last 13 montA

ciUteoahlp and our nation are to en­
graft and Iniquity
rept aslA.
TA people
reallied Ae force ud truA of Dow's
aod Fruces Willard's argnmenu Al
that pur* llring ta prscUeal doctrine
Tbe argument baa long been gtv<
Aat Ac ateUshment of tbe aaloon
would bring heavier tax ud deaA
lo towOB—lo abort prosperity would
end. Pim. that we pej large amount
for ihe labor to prodnclng IL la buy­
ing tlM worA of Ardware. w* boy.
$34 J7 worA of UAr, furtotw*,
$23.37; au-s foratshlnga. dl$.J4:
elottong. ri 4t; cotton dry good*.
$i<.»l: worsted. $Uft«;
$lL$d; bqMT. Ilgg.

Tbe rallroadt will oot emptoy tr*qMUtor* or aaloant. a mu la ahot
gat from betog a doctor, lawyer or
even a bartender by baUtsal drink­
ing. The following aute* are dry or
wUI A by I»0*: Maine. North Deko'a. KauBM. Oklahoma. Georgia.
AUbama. Florida has 3t At of 4S
AunUe* dry; Kentucky. >« out
nf: Iowa, a oot of M; HlaMaalpto.
70 At or 76: Texas. 147 from Ui.
NebruA ud SouA Dnkou are moi
Au Ae-third dry; Arkusu. Areequarters;
MlMOuri. ooehalf: Virginia bu 7S
dry cotintiea and TAneaae* only fAr
wet.j to Vltglhla crlmtoal exAnset
Ave decreased tl.07< Ar eouhty ud
in North Dakota, jail* are uaeleaa
Maine hu 1103 Ar caplu in her
$100, Hlchicu M.70.
V.‘lih a populaucn
t - u $1 Ar cspLla • 13.5*7 "00 moat
ie |M>>d Afore th saloons cat
The saloon As A-n railed
mu'* club hot in rvBlitv, ** one-balf
of Ac Auntry uy*. I* 'A pAt mu'*
(rap, Tbe result of Iwal opOon would
tv * large bulldlhg where tbe farmer*
AUld go sed leave (he city better,
voiee. tor Anting If tA hioney
were expended Iqr good Instead
evil. Ibe habit of sAndlng. esseni
to traA wo'tjd nut snffer and clUienship eonld Lf puriCed and prosANty





Certlfieete Awarded Him Hm 1
But to Hla Bletor, |flr«. kl
Winnie and LMWr DeeeriB
■ng HI* I
No sailor U eeUUed to q berth ti
Davy JoneY locker
tffa tost roy.
age bu beu Bulled untoH A ha*
croaaed Ae equutor ud been duly tal^
toted into Ae myvtoriestotkedaMin
of King Neptune. Frank Dazdeto, •
local Ay. *rbq (a on Ae btottoabtp
Hinnaeou m the ertone to 8u mm
cisco, went through Als inurlme
snd writra u InMnaUng neeout eff

tt la a totter to hia etotor, im X.
When BuyoM eroMM tha aguter.
be to treepasetog ou the piB»l*tj
Ae ruler ot A* mm and tbte mUm
Ae god VWT Ugrr. fftoerMnn bB
trie* Aem In open court whkft to
ua (oaows: ttud ot ttn
ue the ngql NagtoM
ud hto court bourd the *Mp aad
mud Aat tbe ship A tnitoed owar It
Aem and ot oomm tA Alpleau sub­
ject obeyt.
TA judga ealto off (A BBaaa «t
or. board (A Alp aU AV
«x>p«v.Aforu bbn. "OuBty or ask
guUtyT- asA Ae jadga aad la deeftf".
Ae culprits plead sBBtp ta Ad
hope ot ctoaaaey. Bowwm, jaMSB
murt A satorwad andjftA a toadabiB
impartiality. tA udurt

FMl*. BalL Beta.
Mrf. ftarnh A. Van Wagoner, a ReeL
An otfleer graA (A feeAtow wq«
dent of the city F»r the Last
and toroea four pills «on te A
S Year* Died gt 11:N
b*« M' totoftiliM.
•mthf NtgM.
TA eliaalBg toOu M eoApeasd «l
soep. grusaa. dour, pepper aad otAs
Burltogh Ftotcher. a former tealdent of Travera* aty; died SaArday
at Tk^moavlU* from (njnriea which
be reoelTed .to tolling from a elelch.
dying a few mtoutea after he fsIL
He was 40 years tod. Tbe remalae
were brooght to Als toty and funeral
serrloei were htod today at Ae Carter
euaplene <« Travet** Qty Tent. No.
$71. K. O. T. M.. of wbicta he Ad been
a member tor about It year*.
Mr mteber Itad been a resident of
Elk RaplA MDA tbe deaA ot hla
wife It yean ago. making bis home
WlA Mr. ud Mr*. Jame* Mltobetl. ot
that place, wbo adopted bis lltUe glri
tortella. Upon Ae de*A ot her moA
er. Ae child then belqg foor waA

Mlicbcll and tUUe BiUlla were Mr*.
BrooA ud dufbier. Mia* BcrtA.
snd son. Clare Brooka. MsUr. niece
nephew raapecUreiy of Mr,
Fletcher Tbe Arial was to Oakwood.
Mr*. VanWaaenef Oead.
Sarab A. VanWagoner, fA Ae last
i y.-*ra e reeUent of Ul* city, died
t 1130 last night at the home ot her
rn E r VacWacener. 3I| Barlow
street, pnetimcmla b<«ng tA cause of
deaih. She waa 74 yrar* of sa Bfr
le son. a Augbter live* In 8U

lud lobAr from Ue tradkaasa. a atos
big mouAfal ot Mlt tear Is opted.
YVhUe A I* iteftg tAt out of kto
-lOoA A to pteagud Mtd a Wg tsak
Of water wberq tA *««ni drasaadi o(
fwttoe ur* aitlAil A-a ABfote
bath. TA meretfai Uag tbw tote
pity oa kito paalcBot te)*et sad ftum
- - ‘ Um wttb a paseport to aU .kM
It reads M teOovs:

"DOMAIN or FapTUNUi wmc

»*tor Of TA RaA^ lAla. Te
eaUora wArwvur y« aty A, aad ta
ull aeruaida. sea asepeata. vAlSto
bAtA, porpotoes.- deipMaa, tetn.
•ela, abekesu. Mmtara aad mte
poUrwog* and aU oCbw Bring (bite
ot Ae aua. Oreettog; Know y. Itet
on At* etxA day of Janurr. ptastoam
tandrud and MgbL tt Lttttate MA
aad longitnd* k$ degsaae aad » ttlautea west. Aere aonurad vlttoa (A
IAHb of our royal dnmsln. (A U. V.
8. Alp Mlnaeeou. boaad sowthvsrd
■for Ae strait of mwpntiw pad Pa-

d»c Port*.
eald vessel aag offtoera aad era*
Aer*ot Ave b*en mnptrtH and pav­
ed on by Ormelva* aad ov Boyal
"And A It known; By an yu salL
or*, murtnea. ludiobbrnu and o(Ats
«A may A honored by hto p
Aat Frank H. Dunlrta. Artng beae
foond worthy A A n
trusty shellbacks, has besa
Mrs VuWagoner wu a native of guAered In our fold and duly tnltlat.
New York state, hrt when fonr
of age moved u> Hlchlnn «4A her OF THE DEEP
Artni*. where she realdcd the re-Be 11 further undenUwd; That by
mslofler of Ar 'tfe. Her huabud. vlRou Of Ae power Invested la me I
Wininm VuWagoner. was i
do hereby etuemud all my subjects
aad wAked oad As NorAshow dur honor and r*spee( to bA
ern MkriMm asylum building when It wheneve' be mar eoler OCR ROTAto
waa under cooKruetloiL.
Be died RKAl.V
eight year* ago.
triaoAy this order under penalty
our royal displeasure. Olvsn uaFuneral eerWee wlU A held
' ou.' royal hud ud seal Ato slxA
morrow atiernooo et 3 o'eloek a
day of Juuary. l»DS. Neptanus Bax,
"Davy Jones. Hto MajsstyY BerlA."
The whole fourteen Aousaad saOsome part la 1
I ud Ae An lasted all Ay.
l&rate to Analy prtatad oa
RrlMde er Ml*. C- M. Fsricee Very
PBRftmeut Ud bear* Ae regnlattoa
Arry te Aam'Thrt She la
seal of Ae ury depurtmcBL At tA
Beriouely 111.
top Neptunus Rrx to sbowu rldttg (A
TA many friends of Mr*, c M war* on his w«horse and bearlag
P»rker, of Fruklln *tre«L are very aloft his royal scepti*.
sorry to leurc (At she is ao aertoualy
Around Ae edge* ar* msmalds, tobil that s coosultatfCB of phyaletoss etera. staifftb and I
Friday, and Aat a eea moaeten. An octopus baa tts ams
atiMd- aiYamd A« parckmesst aad at (A bob
ance WbUe her condlUoc to yet
la the Amerimn "-fgrave. sA b Aiding her Own toAy.
which to very graUfying «• Arj One hudred *eelor girts sejoyaft
friends and to> tboM wauftttg qyar a Talsatlac InacheoB id tta Baibotf


gym St Ann Arbor «( mmm Friday.

m B«»I4a Mi«k, Feb. U Bmb
Ctaatme tet. tMrtjr ma os the Im
AM S* pnblBC,^ i« Mrr«« to Um
^HMt. ftae anui tm Utom laebM
ttlek, wUhoxLt M# » UmM, troa
errter o( Bkk lake smm
•cmietkiBc good ftw eoa«awrt
The iram <)ihage io the veotfertogether «ltb a alee pnoa to aahlog
. the ipoftt DOT# llralr. After two
weeks of amreat wwcher wUh soth
ing dolag. 8aa fialth ia bueg m
bee basdific oat SO emfa a bethel to
^wy^iarheto oM got teto bit poThe ttigb ecbo(d eeterUlemeet
e bat been a ooeeoM tbla winter.
The eoone .cloaed Wedaeadar nlcht
wHb KM Kenoti. the well ksown
magMaa aad eatertalner. The pr*-



lyia^aad n la i
a be readUjr plaead aaother mourn.
The tadlea of the Older Batten
Star aao 4ao«Dg a'!
the work (a beuiUMtf done and la
In all roapeeta a credit to the order
patting It oet.
Tba Bee. B. S. Tall of the }>reabrtoKa* ^NTch it orgaidataig a aodety or Obrfatiaa'BBdeardr fttn the
ponng people of the elrereh and Ban­
dar adhool. After a prellntnarr meet
dag Buadar Brimooa at the cbarth.
•n Who are latenttad were Inrlted
for a onoM oewOag at ftie home of
the pMtorwM Mdar. at whlcb fline
the afaataMoa will he perfected.
■ (WwBBle hea eotd ou of
r atreet occupied
br the I
L end «fll bond
adnatt «a -the eeanat lot healde her
rkidaaui. Bba eipeeta to oenpr the
MV ooltage heMetr. leering the larg­
er booee 'iotjoot.
»r. Bhle'W
eiaa hhad a aerlou Une
with Kdmaaa In hla Caadij. Bother.
■Vlie-snf daoghtar being 10 at the
altBe ttoe. AU are much better, and
Mta X«e1U is eMe to reaoas bar
-work «ic^ the eealor data ot the
SUh aateoL
'«!■ Mle LaForge retvracd Tneadhp Tran k two weeks' rlalt with
ChariM oerrer U enjorlhg
Mn ftB Mother fron OUret. Mkh.
««Kf Kohle reached hone Moodar
•fiMng after a boMaaaa trip In Ch)>
«M0 Mi Botr^
•BBe-WadMe llgbta plared a Banber
at tnAlfld Jokee
hfoadar night.
It la «M the Od«ellow gnrt got
aePM ^ the daikaeaa aad oalr the
at the oeter gnerd piw
Tented e daraeat Bpoa the •treeb

He bed beM in e loag tine wtth tp>
phdd fcrer.

KUtrM Deeke bed the nltfortiw -

'" - - - - - -

-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mb back FtUar.
Win Bhodea aad Hattie Bonua
were anntod Befirday. Feb.' let'
With anow from three to (bar feet
4eep, news Is rather aearee.
Chartre Barton, who haa been warr
low &W a long time, passed eway
Monday. Fob. t. at « a. n. Fttneral
Wodnabdsy at t p. n. at the M. B
chaikb. “OtaiVy“ was one of the
eetUera. e iorlel Mlow end aerar.
dance was coaplete nilen Charier
gere then e clog. He was an old eeldlar aad the heereri will all, he old
BokUeoa. A vtfe. foor chUdra, aercital aiater* and other lelatlrct moara
Ms departare.
Mrs. MarMu. Mr. aad Mrs. Wayae
WclHebael and child, and Xn. Cbas.
Barton an oa the sick lieL
Mr. and Mrs. Cnprtls tetarnad to
thMr botae In WaterrUet Monday, af­
ter a pfotracted rirtt with W. MeMkhaei and taatlly.
Hoddleeione shot a tyax laat
wMgblna 2S pounds. This U
the tenth lynx "Had" baa shot and he
la beglnBlng to (eel esoeedlngiy poffed ap.
Henry FkUcreon bei retarned (ran
sonthera Nlchigen. Mra. Pattereon U
reported a.UUle better.
The depot caught Bre last 'Tuesday
but fortanately plenty of help was at
This Metnre shows John and Dan Ihrm was a swift, a beast very rare four years, he has beet
hand, aad the Uaae wa soon extlngnlabed and little damage wu done. NlchoU. of surer Ijike. and two la this part of the coohtry. The game the death of 5» (oxes.
Henry PatteraSo is on the sick brntbera-ln-Uw, Will Derlsoo apd porfi.ts of five foses, the swift and 16
Hsery Andiewa. of Torch -Lake. Wnd rThbliB. besides about thirty pounds
The picture Is reproduced Ihrongh
a bench of gam« they brought back of pike.
the courtesy of the Dctixtt Free
from a week's auy at Barker Creek.
The dog ttr ibepirture Is the prop­ Press.
Amcog the animals they had «<tb erty of John Kichols and In the last


John HMrta. Aupervlsor of Am
Tewnrtilp. Makst His Official
AonoMeemsot Today.

township sod the prlDitpal buaii
man In that portion of the coanty dw
elm the Record to onnoenoe ollelelly
today that he U e emndldeta (or the
repoWkea BOnlution for county
traeettrer. Mr. Hoxale hes eerred the
coanty on the board of euperrlsort
eight years or arore and baa made
rery rmloable member of that body.
Bp to this time there has been no
other candidate to

IraTcisf^ati State Bask

IftM Xk Uoen An
XltAmk Ij Onr-fHL

OBbtitiby mptyp Hake Imgm UMd.

A. Tracy Ley. PnMdcat.
B. noyd CUaeh. Tloe PreUdsM.
Samod Oartaad. Caakier.
a: J. Maynard. Atat. Caskira.
A. J. Hartlsnd. Aaat Caahlm.

lo be oosi)
^ - mccU

the kuioev-t.
iscieoce reotc* that
, neartr sU diseeae*
hare their bevtamog
in the disorder tU
^UMne Btosl iaiportaat


kidiwv, filter
sad panfj' ihcldoud—
Ihst is their
Tbcrefore. when )-oor kidneys are «esk ,
or eat of order. \-oe eeo undentau-l bo« j
quicklT mar enure body is eflecle.1 usd
orgma seems to fail to *- re sick or '• feel badly." bc»n=
'UkiUR the greet kidney remedy, In
' Kilmer’ss Swsl_,
... . beoul


A Gcatral feuktv BvdBcss Dm

1 Fcr Ccal aUaMCA •• na: bcptttto

kklacsw are well they will

uck'yoa csa make po mitkidne
Ttic tmid Biid tbe c^rsordi[inary cfleci•lof|_
art, the greu ;-----------------I Ih. Klim
ktdnrv -rcmclr. u suun resUu-<l.

ktdrituls lire htylirst for iU wonderful cures 1#K, P • si •
I sun
of t;
; dutmsing
■sing esses, sod is sold

......its l*y all
I druggistaiu fifty-t
sod onc-d'dlsr
Usit B sample
_______ _____
l.y mail free, also s.pan
•• tcllii
mi BMok
Tidoarav Oily
how to find «ul if ton have kidt
liladder tnmUle.


I ut'.’w



when writ ing to Dr. Kilm-f*ifi Co.. Bing- I
bsmton. N. Y. Don't make any mistake. ■
but reti»einl«r
Dr. Kilmer’s

Roop, Poradlse; John Holmes. Penin­
sula; Fred Mills, t'nioti; F. 4. Robinron. Jd ward, city; George Koch.
Whltewnter; G.-orge Payn, 1st ward,
city; B, M- Dtilley, :rd ward city:
Benjamin Hnllcv, tih'ward. city;
I aside from his dUUncUoa as a nation­ of s re-elver. This (i the first time I oil alone, s^rcr.y able to s
Metcalf. Oih want, city; B. Ral figure, his rare pcrosnallty seemed iB the history of the state that such ^ the kindneto of the paasei......
----perrsde tbe'atmosphere ip Grand action bis been taken against t town I route did mnrli to comfort him. His FVw. Acme.
Rapids and create (or him Uje wild­
it R slief foe Women./
est entb-islain. With aueb addUlonsl
Judgo B. K. Burrooghs, |
In tbe Wk. |-HD>rr. !&!In tbe clreiilt ci-urt. appointed F. B jiiiurinw where death took plaii- dJr {iT*sStoi?
wait w
a riv
plmsvat bwbrarv n» wM»Sa'> III*, try II
MaaBaebueetU,^ John Barrett,
re Gobs', AwsireUUB l«of. It I, ■ Mt.
of the bureau of American Republics, on the petition ot tbs Federal Union! I'Tiru but thre,- years of age BesrefBlIlBC
- illBg rrwBlSIor. At drnrrtsi
CongrcEsmsD Foss, of Chicago, as well Security company of indlanapoUt.' Frank's mother died, snd was burled
M Ambasiador Justlracd representa- He also granted an injunction to re- at Ads. where ab nncle. James
Utc of France, bearing a message strain George Leiwich from further nrUtol. and two cousins. Mrs Tom
from the world's second repnbllc to acting as supervisor of the village Drady and Mrs. Bd. Clark, now- reside
the world's greatest republic, there and common fields of Cabokla and A sUier. Mrs. Gertrude Morgan. hP
was every rcaaoo (or one of the great- (rejn collecting reatals from the ten lall-cr and two aunts. Mrs. Isasical gatherisgs that Michigan ants of SCO acres of valuable Unds.
Mliehell and Mr*. Cora Chase, live ti
Cboicu Unoolorod Japan paTticnlarlf fine flavor and
Tac court order resulu from an e(- i-oweii. Mr*. B. Bristol, widow of
ezooptioDiil atrenj^b. If fon bare tremble gettins a
all parta of the state more than S.OVO fort to readjust tbe affairs of the vll- his uncle, wau the only mother h-tea that is to Four liking try a aample pom^ ofuia
gnrats and the' banquet was one of Inge, which were cnianglfd as a re hart ever known, atia his des^h tolls
one. We will take pnr ehaoeea on jroor oomiag hac^
tbe greatest ever held In the state. taU of the allegid failure of Sapor- I 'av ly upon her.
At.the speakers' table in the big bsU vtKor Anthony Bordeaux, w ho ten-ed ' FineraJ arrangements cannot bo
;at|, iinUI word is received (ram his
were the rollowlng:
the village Ircm I&&2. to
Accretnry of War Taft.
Camille Droit, his succestor. Jjn.rn.0 l.ihor. who was sent a tnessago this
M. J. J. JuBsernml. ambassador from ; luiircted In r. utals.
mmm Kraa«
the Preach-republic.
Founded li* 1700.
March Jurors.
Congressmna Gdcrge Edmund Foss, j Cahokla. The flrM white t.iileme!;!
T';.- jurors for the March term ..f
of Chicago.
|m lIUocls. was built up around the
Congressman Charles R. ScUrm, of^iritslon ettabllubed l>y the Jesuit fa I'lrr-Jii court which convenes March
«-r.- drawn today, the followltig
■-hers in ITM The honor of the first
leinc the list; J N MartJnek. Ut
, g|^isginan Samuel W. Smith, of; toundation belongs to the Rcv.jAques
»ard. city: Charles Irtab. 2d ward
Plnct. one of Ibnl order. Like
C. D- UiPoitvf. SJ ward,
CongreumSA Edward L. Hamilton. vBl. Kaskarkln, founded „1 few r-.,r




We Believe

Price, SSc per poof.



:;:z ^ J---'


rules. Acme; George CISTk. Blslr;
, post and A scat of govi-rnmeDt fo.- a
L Moore,
chief of the wcata- i,rgr area of the surr.)undii.g cjun - 'kiMrt Roush. B.vst a-iy; Wmian
nud. rUik. Fil.' Uke;
I try.
Jolts BarreU, filr«l.;r of the bureau , The vllluge wr.* ’..•gu.i.v formed nn I'-t.-rson. Garfield. William Porter.
Of American republics, representing II j der the laws of FYsnee and I'lc oifle- iirsM. U»niei E Cramlal!, Grewu
l-ik. . Enroy \V East. Ixmg Lake.
mm MajdaH amd la a *ert time ex->
I of 8'jpcrvlsor waa created in ITSJ. li
Coming, Ma.vflc-ld, Jacob
Governor Oolld, of Massachuieus. has remslned in force since that Umc. Enliig
«Mta to lam «v Waghtagtos tn tMU
1, o< Cailcago.'
ihe village still being govvine.l by
Wiliam Cotter, president
•MRa'AU BKlety an pMbbIbc aa
the laws given to it by Loidt KIV
$mm morn «M aalc tn tMe ptoee
Mr. Hoxale was Pere Marquette.
This village was Uken under ihc
no eWldraa taklag a candidate tour yeara ago and TreasFk«d W, Slevena. general counsel, ,inge of u,* Virginia govertitnent
[ j:m. as the result u( un expodltioc of i
Browa waa nomtoaied but at a of the Pore'Marquette.
MWiirtheMWMmiMtd tbMr phaten
traaanr«r can only hold two terms.1 Senator Smith
•>'* swreuries. I ^id DominUm soldleit uadiT the Usd
Mr. Brown mnrt irtJre at tbe end of Charles Huggett and Frank Doetberg j prthip of Col Clark and Capt. Itow j
IMMM U tm mmi mm wna.
Mrg. AM. iHMMkB irat dhopplag In his preaent term. Should Mr. Houle j B^ Kennedy, of Grand Ledge, as-1 man. The inhabitants of the village ,
TmmmOtf TMBday.
reedve tbe nwnlnaUon aad toe elected, sistani doorkeeper □( the house of rep-lsworc allegiance to the new govern ]
ma. fUo IMTMt M harlBg a larl- he would serve tbe connty welt in tbe resentatlves.
j ment and merv of them Inter nJdeii' jyi
•Torturing Ecjema
la h« trasnirr's *ottlc.
Every speaker waa given a rousing,
tlWloe out «he depleted rank* of,
Body—Ooul Not
------ 1----------------and enthnslasUe reception, hut It re-.,ho Virginia troops. whi<h were then'
Wivereo Her Bodv-Could
i «r. Meaha la •ttaadlng mt.
Sleep—Doctor Said Sores Would
The Mag BMple wAMirM a aMgh
malned for Secreury of War Taft to ' trying to pacify the Indians in Illi
Frank L Campbell aad MUe Myrtle receive tbe greatest ovation ever ae I „ols.
Last for Years—Skin Now Clea’.
1. Thlea were married Feb. 12 af- corded any atngle indlrtdual who ever j
Pieot Election in ifre.
I M to aw party.
ftoorge Hows, who was strael
ternoon at 1:30 at (lie home of the'stepped within the borders of Grand i <nir first .-lecffon of cU r -.'fterrs r
1 thraewBtovM the Am Arbor raU- ___________________________________
groan on Tenth street, the____
W.'Rapid* The addresses wefe timely, _________
j(hp ftate
ot Illinois
_______held In 177X
tost Prttor. was mored to the H- Irwin oBcJaUng. The bride wasjrioqnent onj forceful; dealing with „nder the orders of th-- governor
ItotoMB htopual TUMay awcBlaft
dreaaed In cream voile over white silk matters, of great moment, not forget...................................................................
VirgiolD sod all of
liibabitanie |
"I Lakcjrrrwt pi-w»un- In telling you
and CATried bridal roses and the ting the oenUmcnl—the memory of
given the right
whai a gre»r
u wa* f.>r to- K- u-m
brideomald. Mite Lottie Thles, stater,tbe immortal Abrshs Lincoln—whlcb
During the revolutionary w. r fa • fuii<->jrw Siu»i> and Culii
/ RtodBP. Mtoh. FVh. 14->Mr.
of the bride, wore white town and pereoted this gathering upon th«-eel<y . ho,(ia on^n was the object ve
•tab-RlkWtoa. U WateiB. WUbw rarrled pink roses, Louis H. Thles, bratlon of hJs birthday anniversary.
nf th- . ip,.dJtions of the Indian** and \ srax ail ov»? tx-r Uxlv bi
Vfmtm MA Lawiaace Marean hare attended the groom.
Tbe wedding
The addrtss of Sec^ry TsfU white inroiu- sent by the OrlUsh
haMwatortatoias in ffritpe. '
march. Hearto and Ffawers" waai“»1>at Would Uncoln Do Todayr harass the frontier of the colntile..
unto DBtoaA Moagetaon
dlad tftayed by Mra. C. B. Tayior. Abonl
^e feature of the fvqplng. It Several baltle* were fmictu near the
hrng. 1
r aad wat horied PrMay. forty gnesta partook of a dainty three- was a masterly speech by a maalerly vtliage, hut the expedUlons tolled In
r»r»- fnr a v<and be
.> (I . her ... f.-.,!. 1 t..>k
->k hre
■mnered a* iheir purjHJSc The FrenchmeB com­
conrre luncheon eerved by MUs Rboda |
»><> will long be
to tie- I—*t d..ot..r i I Ih- eiir r.nd
_ _
|one of the finest ever delivered
posing tbe tow-n —ere Icyal In
that I'll- -'■.uU ha«-.- tUuntil •he
But if I liad de­
A( <:50 Mr and MrakCudbbMf'toft PoWiicol patherlng In the sutt of support of tbtjr new alleMance. acd was S.X \-vwrt old.
pended '.n tbe d<icrm mv bat v would
jthelr efforts were rreponslble (or the Lav.' J'Mi b-r iiutid sad died tbe
,for Cbleagn and oiher/polato
ler/polati AspectAxp<
you AAY.
j treaties wtlb the lodian*. which saved want < ( a. !.
Ing to be gone aboat a month, after
"I u—.1 ull l-x- renv-iiSanator Smith Not a Candl
whlcA they will be at borne at SIS
1 mauy Jives oo the borderland
m' ri-it ai.u 1 t.-r-^lnd i
body T.l.iM
rr>- i
Grand Raifids. Mtcb, Feb. IS.—Sen­
was St Cabokla that the fir»f child alim-t
alm.-t rr-. d^.-tih. 1 brei 1 *aw _
Tenth gtrweL Ms. Campbell was for
tbe pai»f h'w I'-utirur*
ator Smith sprung the surprise of
tbe tost three rraru.
(.•r ireitattn* ,k.n. '
the C. B. Taylor Cool eompohy and,«T«lh* when he snuounced hli with-■ j, »aj only a rough hewn log alia r warm waire si-. I ■ oti.wiraK.apand uiwwl
hat lived here alm^ all berlRe. Mr.j«»»wal ftOB the race for the noBlna-.,.Hnked with mud and roofed with
Campbell la s marine engineer and
*• delate at large to the ns-■ clapboards, a dupilcat.- o? iMj court eieor en-i
a. it re-iM Se. i »h*ii
boO« are well and favorably known. (ttonal convenUon sod placed In noml- hour.- now sunda on ih,- Wooded
ont of tow* guesu were Mra. p.jn»Uon John Blodgett, of Craid RaF'iaiacd, In Jsekton park.
Carl, of Manistee. Mtaa P««1 «<to. cnember.of the national commitFrank Scott la Dead.
Canfield, of Manistee. Mrs. U G. ibid- »«»- whose work for the party tw com-:
Death ended the suffering* of <
m^ed In eloquent terms.
Whs j of Uncle Sam’s roldler hoj-a at
Bcnator Bmlib's
than 1 o'clock Friday morning. Frank Scott CoUcufa Removes Dsndrtlff sod
osexpected. and It
two vtotera from their feet. Not one I pasring sw^y at the sanlurium after
Soothes Itching Scalps.
Lincoln Club Bsnquo
____ ..of,k.
... ...___
' Warm ahainpo.^ with Cl
Illness of _______
Grand Bapids. Mich, Feb. lA—The but knew

L u


It w II toon be time to be looking for your PRU­
NING TOOLS an we would like to have you call and
examine our stock before yon buy. We have nearly
all kind of pruners but the best » the CLYDE' DRAW
CUT. This pnincr is made of tool steel, hand forgul
and fully warranted. .We alfo have the small hand
prupcrv pruning knives, prun’og saws—m fact every­
thing yon needftr trimming your trees at very low
p. Ices. '

Old PostoUfee BnUdloo



‘aWant the Proof’


J)r. A. W. Chase’s


*0€ mio *9 tototopo Drug Co.


emtert .for the nomlnatton and the ap-1 He wa* *4 years old.
went £r, thm. atxi failirur hair,
aixteenth annual banquet
I ibnrtruff, rtretmy
Onutd ’Rapids Lincoln club and the ptoBse conuaaed for several minutes, j Frank Scott bad mide hi* home
;he irritAted. itciiing
It was the one thing needed to remove wta hU uncle. B Bristol, since he su-riacea.
su-rioce*. •itiniutote• the
Tong Maui's Repnbiieu club
kxMD the scalp *kia. »urplr the____
„M, h,.
passed as one of the grenteat everjtbe tost appearance or cwtiFuuoB; wae i; yi-wre uiu,
ui» ..C.
uocir pa*
with etiergv and noorxhnimt, tod f
bold la the stole. Of coarse, the pris-Jand tbe action of the senator brwgfat away two years ago. Four years
make the tiair
sir gr-.'W upu*
upuB a sweeO
dpol figure of the oecaaiao was Sec- lorth cries of "Bmllh's all right."
t loot January he enlisted tn the Unit
jed States cavalry, but two years ago
rotary of War TWt. who was nofipi. ------------------------KrerrtliareMlB^l,. Cturn. a*4 Aauuea,.
dartag the day and erenlag wu V^TMm in Hands of Roeolwer.
tost June wu discharged owing i
«■» s( Ciuaras e-we
K. I wure taw IWJa. (-wugtoetod to the aext preoideot of tbe •'^^Ule. til..'Feb. 1!—Tbe vlltoge III health, sriual trouble making bim tws ORtwrei IVW I U. Hn> uv **•,»« Cute
Unitnd States. Secretary Taft u on oP’^bdtlA the oldest sectlemeut In ! xlmort belpleas. The yotmg
attraeUoB osemed to be mogneUc and imBols.hubeen-pIaced In Ihe bondsimadr tbe JouGiey from San Francisco
rT n—pmu


. - - -_______ -

- . -

our coffee
, liK-rt-aslng Is S
that uur coffee U well liked. K»w 'Hen why fbi^d you
casii for goods that are sot good euotigbl For the money
;>u paj for ilii-m try 4 jround of OUT Trlp.e &irnd »« SO oenti per
may look c!iea|, to4’09.
but cinpare li with other rof
toeoa. bi
•.peak for itself.
■ and see If U 30c, .
If all fO r 33 cent*. It 1
nboru t
- caiu U- Improved. The t,i‘ I* so perfect 'bat
III* to Mill almost every one Oiai
t^ To compare Ihe .<
h rh*a)"r mffee. It 1* not m-jcb ni'T- ••*t»-nslve, tx-caase H ■
K) much farther; It doesn’t ’take *0 much to make a cupfal.


Our f‘-a: Brand Tu Is worti. bragging about
i- I- put -.ip In >4 pound sealed lurckar-s. sealed i
:>f Japan and itm opeoeg gB the ru-iomer gets It
lud ■ pr-n-jQ win remember that good cop of Seal
Sea -trend T«a tor
> lo-ig time

siwaya uniform, so if you wont



1 rroni Streita.

thaverse city.




R0HON. ‘. . . . .




Mwdt Hdr« LBber •etli in CuMUvat|cocnB)b«rafor pfek>
t profiorUfieg ta
tbld «ooan^ •thlnv but th« bqbi^
<llr oflaS^ det^ lu npid growth.
«>' «•
dnrioc the boertag
g«iuiM U
^ ■**
crop^ lea^hred Um eeeh week
in o^p^eecitre the tndts wlthia
, tS
R the glkM wMeh wlD be
•aeepi^r the pMde taetortcB.
Fejgaimcre are able to grow mot*
thaaBD«»«wo botm beeaoee or tha
leak or help. ChIMrm caoaoi be oeed
la the 'work becanae the regetable U
iBo hearr for then to baadle aad



Wm Hake U Better.

Rare ealt handr for tbe aaliaala at
Dorn be In too great a hurry to
ererr eeaeoB of tbe rear.
ror hogi all that ii aeceaearr «a to realise bo your wood lot Invectmect.
bare a good cleaa pUee whore tbe Be eatiified with a permanent twrefeed OU be pnt wttbout g^og to nue, wUeb U the Intetrat on the foi^
Bad.or manare while the; are eatiag. cst eapiui. This interegt nay be snA good farraer we know fane erery tciially Increased by managing the
bit of grain be feode aoB feedi the wood lot Itself BO that the thinning*
weed aeed* to tbe theep and poultry. always bear a wise proportion to tbe
He aaye fcodlog weed seeds b> borwea yield.
and MtUe !■ only sowing trooble. and
Meanwhile the ateady rite In tbe
that It
i ralue of all foreet products wui- add
Trooghi and feeding Doors cleansed Bttle by little to tbe markrt ralue ol
oocaatonally would add much to tbe the Umber. Years benee. when you
proflU of awlne feeding In many jneed It. tbs wood lot which has supoaM. for many bogs are by nature nllrd you all along will in all probawncb cleaner than tb«tr owners win h.’lty bring yon tar more than at presallow Ibens to be.—L. V. B.



Badly girdled trees usually die.
n-hea tbe part girdled Is small and Is
covered before lhe"wood dries out
with grafting was or other
which will protect the Inner clttues.
the tree may be saved.
If the girdled part estenda entirely
aronnd tbe tree U.wOl be neevsaary
to etubllsh BOide connection between
tbe cambium above and below tbe In­
This mny 4s done by bridge gnUtIng. Ftir thb pnrpcae use long acioiu
cut to k bevel on each end. Insert
end abpve and tbe ^er end below



moat Af.tbe picking as wsU as tha
The cr«m 1* a^talrty prafttabU ona.
tbs priaf'ptfd par ton by tbe taetoHM
ave^ng abont «it. asd on good soil
Bight or alas tons par aors caa bs obtalaad. In aante hMalltlaa evso mors
can b grown and iwy farmers re­
port groat ndoras of ftOO to |1M
The soil which is bsat adapted to
the growing of enenmbers la tbs
. gromd U bsnAp. .gtaTslIy or clay
loaih*. Bandy loasta are bast aulted
for gnsrlag eocumbera for tbe early
marirei. B« fbr plehiss which ax*
T tha gmv^y'aad clay hattar aoitad.
TW pkkls Indnatry la' oonftnad
BMiaiy to laatsdea north of the'clty
of WasUngton. ha .tha wara. loag
asMon of tbe sooth ta not as eeo■ anHpl to tbs growth aad
of tbs puu U tte cooler and mm
rstMtivs soil of__
If Ua______
U the latltDdciaf eeatnJ N’ew York
tba'piaatlBg aaaaon ba^ about tbs
Bnt of 7«ia and mns ap to abont tbe
«nt af fviT. Yba barveat tram tbs
aart^ planting baglna abont tha last
Of inlf and oontlanag. nnUI tbs wines
ara dcatroyed by frpat. Gacnmber
wtaaa atw anbjaet ta toany fongoa dlaearaa and iba tarnOr who ralaaa tbe
enp on open
u obllgad to wage
a oonstaat w*f m tbsaa aad npon
aecu aa ws^. Tbs moat dsatroetlvs
tosect U ^ atrfpad baetls. bat they:
are not antlraly Immons from dlraet
appHcaMoBs of partt graoi or otbsr

All bogs, and espSclally fat once,
must have plenty of water at all
times. They need U In winter as well
as In tiusm<r.
Baying the pig at weaning Ume hi
any advantagsa for tbe purebaier.
A Tltlt to any of the large sU«
yards will convince anyone that buy­
ers put a premium upon unlformilr
Of Block b) paying more for a bnneb
of cattle all one color (ban they will
for a lot of mixed colors.
Never milk the first, or fore milk.
Into the pall, tor U contains liacterlB.
See that tbe seed corn is 'stored in
a dry but well venUlated place.
Spread tbe manare at It Is prodneed. and lU soluble parts will enter tbe
will be found Impoailble to breed tbe coll and be scor^ there for use In the
stock and fatten them out. butwttb
The open oianger and the overhead
pigs it la quite possible, aad In a great
It is rack are both capital deitres for the
adopted H ii equally poatlble to both I wasting of rougbi
breed and fatten the cattle which are cow's feed box Is so constructed that
■he has no tlqubis in throwing out a
Tbe last ayitem will frequently. If large per oenuge nf tbe grain given
not always, result la the improvement
If tbe cows suffer from tbe lack of
of tbe farm and of its Increased fer­
tility. wberwaa on those farms on care, food or shelter, yop teM suffer
which dairy cows and atorc eatUe a lack of inemns from them.
Ware crops bad In your section?
only are kept, tbe value for occupa­
tion very frequently bscomsa leas, Did yog work bard and still lose out?
bnt tbs Improving farmer U tbe one Orln and bear It like a Christian.
a bU own ptospsett, pres

tarraen as a body snst^o by protonglng tbs term of life of tbe grow­
ing and ftttefling stock which they
Bo many persons seem to be obUrloni to the fscl that a very eonslderable portion of the food consumed


Near Wajiand. Ohio, a farmer's wife
prereat tba dsatfMtion of tbe erop.
They mut be apnyad with bordaaax mads a quart of rock candy and wblsrnUmn eaaa wvery ten daya or two: ky for the regular stock for tbe fam­
wcaka^^r tba vlnsa bare began to ily colds and act it on a window till
of tbe kitchen to cool off. A swarm of
Farmers who contamplata growing bees oot on a winter's fSgbt one suneaeamben should write to tba Agit- ehl^ day.Uckled tbe remedy with
ealtaral Daparimant at Waablagtoa tbe^most imeiesUng reaulta. They
for a eopy of fanners- BallaUn ' No. atnof two borses nearly to death, at­
151. entmad 'SpraHog for Cucombar tacked a tramp wbo waa passing Into
wild run which finally ended In a
and Malaa Waaaaw.Farmeo' Mlatta No. 243 also gives dive head first Into an open cellar

Not very long atnee I was M the
bant of a friend of mine, a bard work­
ing and aaMgaOe farmer who does
not aeem to be gaUtag rich very fast.
Me bad
V-Cbaped mangers for his borsei and
they pulled their bay out. scattered it
over tbe stalls and wefe trampHng It
Into 4e manors as if they enjoyed
the process.
Aa bay was ibeg worth aooethlng
Okc a cent a pound It is easily aeen
that they coold aoon gat rid of the
pi^ of a waokM wort.Bogs. too. are fad In pens knee
deep with manure, vbaro maeb of lbs
cam is bound to get too «Uiy for
even a bog to asL
Some boracB and cows have a mean
hattt of ailaglag tbsir beads sideways
aad toaalag out a good part of tbair
grath with tbeir Boasa.
FM- Such esses tbs fasdiag trough
should be cot up iato aman compartmeats or upright pl«M« sbould be so
fixed that they hs’*'
*«"“ to throw
tbeir heads to
o the
t1 s

The young growth abould be spared
as much as possible In foiling and
hauling the logs, at reproduction
must not bo forgotien. If the seed­
lings are given s rbsnee they will
Bclxe It and grow Into sapUngs and
poles. Saplings and poles are already
valuable, and a little later still are
thorns* Ive* crown trees
All cur '.i:g should not be done In
one spot Jnst because it U a trifle
mors convenient to do so. B}- taking a
tree here and there, where It can beat
be spared, or It ariiially better down,
just as niuch wood will lie secured,
and at tbe same lime draw as IlgfaUy
aa poasibis on tbs future supply.
Where the sUnd Is composed of old
trees clear eofUng. of course, may of­
ten be made to advantage, mpeclally
where aalghboiing trees will rroeed
tbs opening to a ne werop.
Durtog June and July It the best
time to cot timber for poeu. boards,
ale., as It has better lasting qnallUes
when cut at that time of the year.
i bars soffit bnrr oak ppsts on my
farm wbkb were cut and sH green In
Juba 16CS. aad they arc atill stand


Be Signed.



!- ^


Write Onl)'LOn One; | Side ol tte Paper.
In tbe dip for two"'talnutes and aot
less. The head must be entirely tubged St least once.
Qraat care abould be taken la dip­
ping ewea wriib lamb or they msiy be
•ertously Injured, lambs are bmi«
likely to be overcome In tbe dip than
ewes and great care most be exer­
cised In every part of the work.

will ‘‘rattle" a little when perfaeUy
good, but dent teat SCB* ta U4s mlft-

If by aoetdeat tba eggs la tba taeabator become oeevtMatad do aot gat
exeltad and roll then aroond. bm tl
will only make mattars woim. B tba
temperature goaa up tn tbe danger
potot tbe eggs abould aot be taread
nor bandied.
Cool according to dttactkma neat
out with your laonbator. But bear ta
mind tbat eommoa sense aad Jodr
Never allow anyone with soiled
s tbaa printed «bands to gather tbe eggs. A very lit­
i OaUgtwr.
tle grease or oil on tbe shell of an New Omcord. Ohio.
egg will reader It worthless so tar as
hatching Is concerned.
Don't let tbe baby enSn tram eoIf eggs become soiled in the nest zema. soi« or any Ucbtng of tha
wash then carefully iu clear water skin. Doan’s Ointment gtvea instant
with tbe chill removed. Soap must


Every year hundreds of tbetmands
of sheep are deatroyed by scab. Tbls
contagious skis disease caused by
tiny mite. It is rather difficult to

radicate when it has once gotten In­
to a flock, bnt if sheep owners would
dip their sbeep regularly and do the
work well the dldsoase could In
be toUlly wiped out.
Tbe ticks which cause the trouble
tnolUply In large numbers and spread
all over tbe animal. The aheep are
restless; they scratch and bile them
selves and rub against posts, fences
or escb other,.. I,. m... wb,i.
wool begtnt to, ttll
fall o. 1. !«.
time if tbe animal Is not treated, will
entirely disappear and the sheep
Sheep scab may be transmitted to
man aad great rare should be used in
handling animals affected by IL In

of four ounces of turpentine, six oun­
ces of flour of si^pbur and one pound
of lard often proves efficient. Mix tbe
ingredients at a gentle beat and rub
In well with tbe band or with a brush
ai the same ilme breaking tbs crusts.
A sufficient puniber of these sciout
t\Tien this scab affects tbs body to
should be put in to cover the cam­
bium from the top to the rt<ou and all any extent tbe only method that Is efcut surfaces exposed sbould be cover fectivt- is dlpitug. It is cheaper to
a dip than to attempt to make
ed with wax.
one, aad there are many excellent
remedies on the market
I Dipping abould be done ImmedlateI ly after shearing, or, beuer. about
Good feed all the year Improves two weeks after, provide4 tbe anllgood blood
I uiais have been kept on one part of
At a rule the offspring of Imms the farm In tbe meantime. Ten days
ture and pampered animals are pre­ - later the entire flack should be again
disposed to disease.
(Bpi>ed. The animal abould be kept
The amount consumed above the
life sustaining point brings the profit.
nie profluble line of production Is
mfilntaln good benlth with early
Cornmeal and wheat bran In equal
part* make* a gno<j ration fur gro*
Ing pig*.
Ul>erally frd animals noi only pro­
duce more but b*‘iu-r mauurv than
poorly fed ones
Tbe horse needs dally exercise j
and likes a variety of food.
Better methods, better stock and
belter tools have doubl«-d the produc­
tion* of more than one farm
Every cxceaslvely fat animal has
been fed at a lews during the latter
pan of lu feeding
A proper rtilallon and *;*e llllacc
will do much to keep the »oll suppll.-*!
wKb available fertility.
MTien the pigs are not growing well
they are eating boles In the proflU,


Some horses hive teudar bides and
do not uke kindly to a e
grees Pabrenhelt. Aa exealleDt plaa
bruib wlU soothe tbe tan
tamper of sack
U to wrap each egg as gathered In
borae. while tbe peralateal uaa at
paper. This protects tbs eggs some­
tbe earrycomb may reade- him riewhat tram the acMon of tbe air.
Turkey and goose eggs will keep
lierfecUy for twenty-one days
eggs ten dsy^ and duck eggs oas



u,,„ „ o»l,
freah „
aa possible.
Write Ufe day etch egg was Isld on
the outside of the wrapper and do
not unwrap
Place tbe eggs In boxes one layer
deep and turn regularly eacb day
ti| placed under bens o^ In tbe Ineubaton.
If eggs are kept lying on one atde
for a week or more they will aeldom
hatch healthy cblcki. If they bateb
at alt. The yolk asUlsa to oee ride,
tbe retuU being a deformed cblek or
none at aU.
Be earaful in bandUng shipped
eggs. Some people ara tbougbUass
enough to shake them. "Just to see it
they win retae." and (xweaquanUy
lose the entire lot.
Have a special Uma for toruing
both bsfiore and after pntUng them la
the Incubator, and do the work earefuUy aad tborongbly. as rough. Indifferont bandltaig after the batching
proeea* begins }f more disastrous
than before.
Of course when tbe air la excluded
ir a certain length of time

To• Haaliag
Healing AI
Air of Hyamaf. «aM
_ U»
dar Quarantaa by S. C. WaR
4 Sana.
catarrh Is tbs t
ease known to humaalty.
ninety per cent of tbs psopia tn tbta
country suffer at one
s Uma
or aaoUtar
wHb tbU cranmoo dlst
It Is a germ dUsaas aad baaes can
be corod only by some natbod tbat
will reach and destroy tba gema.
Thu If best found la Hyomet.
which may be called tbe dlraet naatbod of treaUng eBlarrii. as lU-flBadlcaUon. token in with tba air you
breathe, goaa dlracUy to erery air
cell In lbs nose, throat and luaca;
kUlt all catarrhal germs; bsaU tba

aad Tltollass tbs tisanes ao as t» render catorrb BO longer poaatbla.
Tbs unique way in wbtcb Ryoaal is
sold should dispel all denbta as to Ita
curallra propsrtlsa. for B. K. Wall
A Boca girs tbetr abaoints gaamataa
to rsfnnd tbs iwtoe to say oatoTTb
sufferer tbat Uyomai taUa to beaedL
You do oot risk a.Mt«:dflnUac.ltt
healing power*.
more fair to yon than tbU, wbai* a
leading druggist takes all tba risk of
Hyomel glviag
a tbe
Judge. .
leaves yen to ba
Feb. r

500 Men Wanted

go to add to the bnlk and weight of
tha anImalA bnt is utlBxed In tbe
man keeping them' alive, or malntenndiee.

BUgbt aad aWdaw are ooutanUy
attaaklBg tba planu aad tbe graataat
cars mom be obaarrad at an tlmsa to

minute dlreqtioaa tor the application
of tba
er abOBid ba wilboot it.


Professor B. E. UtUe of tbe Iowa
station has conducted a series of very
interesting axperimeou to ascertain
which is tbe best tomato to grow on
ordinar)' toll. Ho worked to aacertaln
the adaptabmiy of the leading varic
cd by rigor of plant
and yield of fruit to this locality,
auidy the effect of different methods
ot training upon tbe yield and to
learn aometbing of tbe relaSre solid­
ity and textnre of some of tbe lead
ing commercial varieties.
The seed was sown In flats tn the
grecnboiise Irctwecn March 31 nnd
April G, and the plants sere pricked
off into two and one-bslfpots between
AprilII 14 and April *3. and were final
ly tro >planted to the field on Msy
26. Ten pianta of each kind were set
out. Tbe soil was a well worked.sandy
loam which bad previously grown nur­
sery stock. It was in good physical
condition, but could oot be sal<i in
be In a high cute ol fertility. The
fore part of the season was wet. Inter
ferlog errmewhal with cuttrvatlon,
while the latter part was escesrively
The seed which produced the best
rosulu were called "nie Best of All"
grown by Burpee.

To Buy At

20 per cent. DISCOUNT

Doan's Regulet* e

Among lie crop* wiltablo for irte<n
manuring special a’teatlnn may be
drawn to serrad.-lla, which Is much
grow n on (he sandy soils of northern
Germany K U said to be also «ul(a
hie for medium and heavy soils, and
It Is elalmi-ri issi i,y its use an equiv
alent amount of Diirog.-n ran be lo
troduced Into the soli at very much
less cost than by farmyard manure

S Remedy Mimh of the Suffer­
ing in Traverse C'ty-

Fur and Fur Lined Coats,
Portland, Spring and Top
Cutters and Surry Sleighs.

At 10 to 20 per cent


There is hardly a tatm*iy In Trav
erse City where (here are not one or
more niemb«-r5 who sutfor at Brnes
Thc wide differences In the attacks from the effects of a weak stomach
of bud-eatlag birds In different seaavail­ ter eating some fc<nd that
a supj>er late »•
able tfiformatloo goes.
at, or It max l>e that the etomarh
In isnw thej- were extremely In­ Is sc weak lh*t’scarc-ly any food Can
eaten without i-alix iJ dl.
jurious to gooseberries and phsms.
The only way to treat a Condition
although the winter was a mild one. of ^a• Jkind aucc.-ssfiilly i> wTh Hi-I
During the present winter, except o-ta. It
Indi- I
>ar tbe homestewd early in tbe sea- gallon, weakcvfs of the mugclc
>Q. they have done hardly any harm the stomach and l•owel*. and restores
the whole digesllxe aystein lo h-alth
I our gooseberries and none at all
to plumA
Cret well and strong by using MlIt h> difficult to Imagine what deter­ o-na
tablet* Take the rs-roedy at the;
mines tbe conduct of birds toward first symptoma of Indlgesiion, when
K.n I
fruit bads.
you can he rnred eartly with a few
In the winter of 1M3-4 they did doses. However, oo ease of stomach
great damage to gooseberry bushes, trouble U loo severe or chronic for
Ml-o-oa tc overcome.
lo tbe followiug winter they hardly
S. E. Walt A Son* sell It under an
touched a bud oo onr planutiona.
absolute guarantee to refund the mocey onleea It cures A 5o-eent box ia«s
We want pedigreed seeds as well for a couple of weeks, and will do
real good than a dozen ixoxea of
as pentgreed animals sad we want the ordinarv
digwllvc tablets
quality as well as pedigree.
KCb- W SO.

A Large Stock of Horse Blankets
Our stock in the abova lines is the
largest and best assorted in the city.
This Sale will last 30 days. Come
early, while^ the assortment i& 'good.


'80; aeoaod hen, 80%: Ant pa
84%; aeeoad paOat 93%; aac
pea. 183 1-lA
Beecher A Oe.. Bead Gtty. Ml
Bnt eodaral. 82%; Brat • hea,
Bq>ort'ef Kortbere Wdilcn Pm)In MaoetaUoD, Mi «t Ti«Ter*c CHr.
IHehIcn. PH>. Mb lo Itb. IMC. Mi.
A. Tpdvr. JoMi.
Tbe *«ot
naiMMU*. teitag OM «( th« want

wm McCwHj. potato boy«r tor p
C3ilea«o hoMC, pusoi tkrm^ tbs
rtty jraoterday m his way to Ktetalcy
whetw he «a look o» btoflMn.
Samnrt Qartand «Mt toHrairt Rap­
ids m hMlMs. tpdayMr sod Mto. John Webber rrturaed
to Ktes^ Ufia i»or»tng after a abort
stay in t^'^.

<K bIUi pua. t I hj B. a. CirUlia
of Bk lUpidt.
Uibeat aaorlag p» oat~
•Ide of the dtr ftootc A OaMiaciM.
robe tiaaeri. gave .om pair far

Coralah ladlaa Oamaa.
U E Tripp. Klnpiley. Mleh.. Ant
Pbr the greataat »«»ber of bif«i ooderel. 81%: Gdrd cockerel. 88%:
onbtde of the dtr. aeortag M potaU Ant cod, 81; aeeoad hea. 88: aecond
pallet 88%; third pollei. 88.
mod orer. Poote 4 tas iboot «M bird! M obiblUte.
O. A. Garni, aecond eoccerel. 91%;
Tbi •ho«» toUad 8«4 «)Mi «M
Ant police 80%.
tba bnrMt.:MMc OeMj failowad
White Indiaa Oamea..
br WWte.WMbAoun.
aw»rd.'“ '
U E. Tripp. Klngaley. Mid.. Bfre
wen pM folhFW^:
cod. 88%; Ant cockerel, 82; eecoeit
Winiaa H. Taylor. Uagalrr.
eoderrt. 88%: Bnt ben. 83%: m
eockcrel. 88
ad cod. 87%; third
ben. 92%; third ben. 93%; Brat pul­
Oliver MBteiB. aeeotod

let *0%: aecond puUce 88%; third
the beat aa« UrgaH <H*F*«7 «*
ittney. Bm pallet. 88%; 1
oae vinetr vu woo br X W. B» ODd pullet. 88%
pullet. 88%.
ilrd pull.
h; third
Black Breasted Red
igMmia A AM 00 WhUe WtaaMXaa.
80%; aecond cadarel.
rwUfhaat •cerlac i)en. 8. K Walt
: Rni
A T«raer cave oae Jack kalfe. w«a
kiini (.-wft, urat and aecoi
and second pullet; Bm pen.
waa WM hr «■ r Hoatar <M Kottlad
Whit# Plymouth
teIMn Atabright Bantama.
C. A. Carai. Bnt cock. 82.
niaworth Hale. Brat ban.
hitf'woB hr
aecond ben. 82%: third ben.
W. wnion M BlMft Jan pallet
Por Uitbcwt aeertv cod. Jobaido
third pallet 88%.
A Tamar aare «oe Jack kalfa. woo third pulh
. Buff Cochin BanUma.
Ralph Vlskocbll. Brat pullet. »l%.
bp D. P. Mtyd of CharlaroU os PartJuff Plymo..
Robert Barney. ]r.. second beo.
. B. OllW. Central
- fbr Uchaat acorlag eaebarM. Shar coefc.
I. 88%; third hea.
hen. 88%.. Brat pnlimn A Haaiar cave oae pair of let 80%; third pullet. 8811%: aaeoad:
u. f. Meecb. Cbarlevoi*. Mich.,
Clovea. voD br B. H. OarUale of Elk pan. 178 lAlA
third cockerel. 8S%; flmt hen. 84%
SmaUa 00 Rhode Ulud Rada.
Allvar Wyantfottaa.
For hidMit acartac haa. Campbell
W. n. Ebner. Brat eodaral. 80%; Ant puHet 84%.
PakiR Dweka.
Kardware Co. (ave one Tatar, won rat hen. M; aeaMd ben. 90; third
.. W. Qmmennaii A Son, Aral old
bp r. W. WIlPM OB Mack Java baa. n. 98%; flr« poUat. 81%; aacMd
tnke. M%: Bnt oli
old duck. »S%:
Por MfhMt aeoflK pdUat Pnak pbUet.'8l%: third polX 81%; Bnt dnke.
Trade sna a Jack knife, woa by T. pen 181 18-18
J. W, Wetee, Bret young dfake. 95;
W. WUaon oa' Black Java.
84%: Bnt youcx
Tor lady abotrinc beat
dnek. 85%: aecond young duck. M:
Plymontb Rocha. BowUnd
82: aeeMd emA. 91%; aaeood ood- third ,onn^^uc^82^^
cava oaa pair ladla
ant 82%; turd codarat. 82%; aacMra. B. D. XBama.
oad ban. 92%; third ben. 82%; Bnt
Hn. E B. Adams. Brat' gander;
puDat, B2%; aecond puUat. 83%; Brat flrst SB dsecend goose.
pen. 18S%; aecMd pen.*'118%: tUrd
We wish to thank the oMrouf ot
tor Nettle c. Gray,
pen. 184 2-18.
'iibow fra their Hberal patronage.
■leat ecoriac
P. P. OUlett Parwell, Mid.. Ant and espoclB
'■ally the huslnesa men who
Slater pare one at
hen. *»%.
so gen-------, ----------- -- ----------- - Maaek Of (Rartevola.
T. T. Smith. city, third cock. *0.
placed adverUsIng In Mr caUlague.
BbK-h Java. A. Vi
n>la being our sixth annual ahov
pair baya- aboaa/ - 1. Jamea 1.
pallet BH
•aff WyandwNM.
vancement. —
.............- .
C. KaU. Oravm. laeK.. Brat cocker­ hlrda eaWldted. bnt als<^ In the qualJ.'a. WhU^' mtva one fleecaion
(dl<an.waobyS.A.mof OeaUml el. BH: Brat pullet B3H: aecond pul­
let PIH.
are also pleased to note the litLake.
C B. Manvine. city. BHK cock. temt that the fartnera are ahowlng
aet of boreeaboea r................- -M>H: third pullet It: Brat pen In good ponUry. *nd hope to see the
o by J. M. Knlcht on Rhode U- m Alt; thlid pe^. 177 B-ld.
dav when they will all
___8 Redi.
J. O. AdaiM. dty, aecond pea
AMbcrngb the Judge »
mcbnt aooring SUver Peadled 180 MS.
and late In airlvln*. he gave univer­
VyandottM. ranaeia* Sapply Oo.
Parti-ldpc Wyatidattaa.
sal laUafacUon. and we vrish to thank
agva one brm pddiocff^aad oae pock
K B. om. Oeotral Uke. MIefa.. him for bis courteous treatmooi
third cock. BIW: Brat hen. PJH; third the exhIMtora.
hen. 81%; third cockerel. 88^
d pen. 162%.
D. P. Mooch. Cbarleroti. MRh.. Brat
P. W. wnie
mheat aobiVnx I
cock., 83%;
83H: tecond cock. 83H; Brat
HMle Oo. due bUI t
- 80%: aecond coderel. 88%;
Poultry Prisaa.
or MBB. $10, won by «j. I. 8J%{ aecood puUet 88%;''
acortnc Bind
Brat pen. 184%.
Uttte Tbveni gnre raw meal tldrat
Jodpe JoBsea Tucker arrived yeater•ilvar
u mnnk. waa by W. .U WUaoa.,of
Love. city, second ceekerrt. ;j,_ tft(.nKMn at 4 o'clock from In>nd pull<
IH: <
JHBheR aowlnc Bambarga. Chariea
•»-» I..
WDIMm A On., one naek —
sbdw prerioot to boarding the train
food, won by B. addtafB.
J. A.^uld. Chartevolx. Mich., aee. for Traverse city Tuesday night
HlKheet aeortnc AndalntUn. Majea- and cockerel. 88%; aecond pullet
WM delayed m account of the bliiUe CToeary Bo. gave-oae pannd Nt- 88%: third poUet 88%.
xard. He la hard at work
Jratle coffee, won by Kenneth BhnA
Black Javaa
fllaon, dty. Aral cockerel, Northern Michigan Poultry nssoclaF. W. Wll
Hod exhlldiois, and as fast as the dvcockerel,*91%;
cockHtfheat aeorlak Red <Np. lUleiUc 93; aecMd «
Onwery Oo. give one pound MaJeatle ercl. 88; Brat hen. 84 %: aecond hen. plskma- are made the pens arc tagged
ad pnUet ^(h Gie winning cards.
tag. WM by Bdd Gray.
N%: in
JRIiAeBt aoorlnp Anccaa, Johnaoo 94%: ihl
Brat pen,
One of the first to receive tags this
DlW^^gave IS In trade, woa by C. 187%. t
A'G. Rhodr Island Red.
jaoming was the pen of C. F. Hunter
'’Blghaat aaoripc OrplBBaa. f. A.
& H. CariOa. Elk Rapids. Mkh. >rlM has A display at MoiUed Aoeou“atasMA Boa cava one rnaor.^ Arrt cockenl. 83%: third
as.' He received tret on cockerel,
& B. OiO. of OMtral Lake.
Bl%: Bnt
rat pan. IBS IS-IA
- - It aoariiitt Hambarg a
J. M. Knl^t.
• city, third oock, 88%; Arst on pullet, flrst on hen. second
Lak A Go. gava oaa 1
jaooad ban. 89%; third hen. 89%; iniHetr third on puHcl, and Bret
thoM pnllet, 81%:
. .
aeorlng Bondan. Me 181 8-lf.
Other awards are as follows:
E A. FOX, .Central Lake, Mlch_
Silver Wyahdottes. enured by W.
'f adBHireeUy. m by^ 1 Ritter.
secMd cockerel. 82%; third cockerel.

Bymn Biotheilon wo Mp
. oRared
. Ebnep—First on p*n. first cock­
81%; Brat poUet. 94%.
bp Shempp A HonUr for beat Roae
erel. Brat ben. first pullet, second
0Mb Brown ii^ona. Blgbeat eoonng Game. Oavla Ogai 93%: second oockerol. 82%; Brat pul­ pullet, second hen. third pullet, third
one beat of cigara. woo by let 83%; second pullet. 81%.
IP of Klngaley.
Black MlRorcas. entered by
L. Wilson—First cockerel. BraORmllct.
C. tt BMln.’ Big RapMa. Mich, Brat pen. Entered by Arthur Mar­
Biat cock. 80%: first ben. 80%: third vin—Second pen. second pullet, aec­
acortig Twikay, Wm. _. puUet. 89%.
ond cockerel, third ben, third pullet.
AMott gava mo'eat boiaa aboM. won
~laek Lan^ham.
• bfJJ. P. Maaeb of Chnrievolx.
rk, dty. first oock. 83%: Entered by Mr*. Earl Adams—Third
BBbaat aeortnc goooa or ^dM, J. first beo. 81%.
cockerel. Entered by Wilber Abbott,
tingle Comb Brown Laohoma.
soeond cockerel.
wan bP Era.____ _______
W. H. Umlor, Biat hen. 81%; adcPartridge Wyandottea—Entered by
Beat pair of Pddn dada, It given ond ban. 88%; first puUet. 81%: accby Onn Baton tor Brat and SO eanU Md pullet. 88%.
D. H. Mecch, Charlevoix—First cock.
tor aaotmiT Uad by J. W. aimanerman, C. H. Goodrich, <hlrd pullet. 89; Brat cockerel. Brat hen. Brat i«*n. sec­
and J. W. Weeae. each geUlng TSe.
third hen. 88%.
Md cockerel, second cock, seond out­
Beat pea Plytaoull Rod*. Prokop
let. secMd hen. second pen, third
Kpartka gave ode wash boOer, wm
C. J. Bbiwr.*finrt cock.,90%
-). Walara.
ond cock. 90; Brat eoekbrel, ,90%: cockerel, third pullet.
c the Ughcat neortag Wrd ebowa aecMd cockerel, 90%; third cocgerel
Silver Penciled Wyandottes—Enter­
lady. pMk-yotrnd Uarneaa 4^
wood ben. 89%; third bon. 89%; ed by Weston Love—Second cockerel
puUet. 80%; eocood pnileb 80%: second pullet. Ihird pullet.
_________ L HnrrU. .
third pnllet. »%; Brat pet. 189 3-18.
Single Comb Brown Leghorns—Bn
iDwIa. Bert'
Meniod Ancoaaa.
1 hair eat won by BPa
C. P. Hunter. Brat goekorel, 82%: tered by W. H. Umlor—First hen
Bnrt hen. 92%: Bt« poRet 92: aer" flrvt pullet, second hen. second pullet.
aeortnc partrtdgeMlored ond puUct. 82%; third pullet. 82; first
Bntered hy O. H. Ooodrtch-Thlrd
m with
^ pen. 184 1&-18.
hen. third pallet
Raee Cemb Blank Atlnoren.
by J. ------------It is expected that Sudfia Tucker
Blgbaat aeortng partl-colorad Mrd
win be all Ihrongb with hit aeorlng
w&oot wdshtolanae. C. B. McMnana
Wr L. WllsM. Kingsley. Mich.. tMlght, but the show will
A Oo. gave one food chopper,
rt. 92
Br« jBtkceel 82%; Brat pullet,
opan tomorrow In order to give the
by C. P. Hunter.
1 paUet 81%; Brat pen. US'
Rlgheat aeortng Bnff Bird. OrtnneU tkli
Arthar Marvin, ttlrd cockerel.
I. 88%: people a chance to vltlt the exhibit
BM. oAorad dne bUl of IS to ap, 92%; who were held away by the storm,
by C.
full Hat of the scoring will be given
X be completed.
1b pMWoa don
cl. 88%.
ad iiaU) BUmptag Wi^ of Bver
E (UM^.''dtyrM~oB0kl^ 92;
ad, Kaaaat »aa oaaAaU doaeo
Secretary Wilson, of the Kortheru
second ooMerel. 88%; first aullet.
80%; sMMd pullet. 80%; third pul­ btichlgaa PouHry
fbr.lgrfwt Btotday of Btoda M- let. 88%; first pen. Ul%; ieoMd been busy balancing the aceountk of
m, 178 8-32.
iMd Red*, poba NoTrtB gave IS "
the show.' and atatea that all premHoudan.
Bw. WM by J. M. Knight
fnms are balag paid, and there Is
J. J. Uttar, dty.
Por aeoMd diaplay of Rhode taland
balance la the treaiury. The ssaoelaBdi. Ckarlea Borough gave |l worth
Um was handicapped by the weather,
had fair weather prevailed dj^ng
__ Cray*"5'^ fi'Jrt hS*'80%;
ond hen. 80%^ 3rat poUet,-81%.

Mra. D. C. btM loft this naonilng
tor RJehas^d.^ lad, where she will
VMt her mot^. Mra. U. E HunitiigUm and old fitooda. Mrs. btod havtonaeriy Uv«d at RlMsMnd.
Mr. and Mn. C- a Ttrtaaoa and
three Mildres of'pulnth. Mian, who
have beM rtstUac bta paiMts and
otOcr relative* tn this city, returned
home ihle mornlag.
Clare miklnecsL clerk ter PMcr
Wunburg la hi* drag store at Northport. who has bm vtatUo;; friends atj
Saranac, has returoM to his duties
in the store. J. Hite of EaM Jordan,
tonneriy o{ ihta dry. who has been
taking his place during bis stisence.
returned last aight to Ida home
S. Garland went to Qrand Raphla
this rgornint oe hoalnesa.
Mr. v,i Mra. A. Romnthal 'Vir.
Never can tell when yoall nmrti a
leave tomorrow morning for Detroit. Ahger or suffer a cut. braiwr. bora or
Mra, Roeentha] lo remain tbgre visit­ crald Be prepared. Dr. Thomas' Be- ing her brother while Mr. Soamihai lertrtc OH Instantiy relieves the pala
—guickly cuvet tbe wouod.
«oe* to New York to purchase hit






- - "

... .ileb, fiiat
___eoekareU 88;
InmMat Wa* Held.
Ant pallet. 9S<1%; third pidlet. 11%;
Vhe laqneet over the body of Or
Ant pM. 181 18-18.
E E oni. Central Lake. Mick, nee- bffle Hbean. killed by a Per* Mar
ond hea. 88%: third cockerel. 81%;
C R. WlIccK. dty. third hen. 87%.
Beecher A Oo, Reed City. Mich.. ysateiday. The Jury tauad that the
mtn came to bla death by walking
secMd pnUet. 81%.
the ralliMd track te a aavere
E E QIU, 43baUi7 Laka. Ml^ aee- “---------- 1» and were overtaken by a
ond pallat^i^.
M plow. NO hteme was attatted
Co*tke Pere Margaette for the sccl«ekeiel.'»9%;' third MdwrellBMt.

t .

Par BMb by Mbaaaa Ora$ Oa.


r of war sod leading I
tUI mndjdate. was bora In ClnotmuU 8epL lA 1867. A nmduste of Yale
Cincinnati Law school, he liecmnVork as a reiraner. In 18S7 be became Judge
of the superior court of Cincinnati; In IIA) be was appointed United States
Bollcltor general: In 1S32 be became United State* cir^-ult Judge; In March,
inoo. be went to tbe I'bJUpplnes. to organize the Aroericau gurernment there;
Peb. l. 1904, he was ippoioied necretary of wnr. lie has rendered consplco^ service In tbc Phltipplnes: In iMcotiatJona with Pope Leo; in (teba; la
yoonma. and to American lueraats /ArourttMt tbe world.
Earl Dennis, who was with Ebeau
and received severe injuries, lived
several da}*, the body being Iskin to
Fife Lojee fur bu^rial.
ll.ubc third man. ha*k practically

of red hearts luspcnded to the cloth,
making a very pretty effect Tbe pot
luck supiicr was finely prepared.
Dniicliig was enjoyed, nntll a late
A feature of the evening that
much enjoyed was the sleigh ride
. PERAONAtwhich the guests took ptnlng to and reFrom Friday'* R«-coiri.
turnlnc from tbe Sanders borne, the
■». Charles Hatislovsky r-iuro'-d tirteht monnllglit and mild Mr mak­
this aftemuon from C*ilr;>gu where ing lilt* exceedingly plcarant.
»he has been for two weeK*.
R. 0, Paulin, of the New iTark Tea
A Good Record.
ore. Is ill at hi* home
Miss Inez Bnmpas. tne K-year^dd
Amos Uarlett. of Northport. was at dniigliter of Joseph Bumpa*. of Engliam, hsA not missed a day of teboo!
the Park Place today '
■8, S, McGarry retunted tn Kcy- tM« term althongh she lives two miles
During tbe
F this mornliis after a short alay from (he school.
*lorm. Miss Dnmoo* went to school
In the clty
r*. Charles Neuman uent lu on »k<H-s, crtissing over fence*
Cadillac today fov a vlt- ' -"»• frlemlH, mdv *-f(h ease, th.-re being only 12
Mr and M - C'lar.-m-.- \Urtin ief •chti::!!* o.i» of the CP ixlonging there
•lunug the storm. . Peter VaiiA.kenlis muri luj; tur HO)!aii on liu>'i
:>i!rg is the teacher

Re expect*
CTATB OF MICHIGAN. THE PRObe gone about three weeks, and
^ bate Court for the Coanly of
his return will be Joined by hit wlfe Grand Traverae.
the two returning together.
In the matter of tbe esUte 08 WUItem Cnstra. deceased.
Notice is hereby glvM that tbor
months from the 2tnd day of January
A. D im. have bcoa aBowtid tor
credlioru to present the;r claim*
against said deceased to said conn
for examinanou and odjratment. oad
Flr*t SMcUp Aran-iCfta that all creditor* of sold deceased ale
regalrvd to prraent their cUtms to
Cotoo)' in Cuba. ^
sold court, at the probate offlcc. te
said coonty. on or brto're the 27th
La Gloria Is the nsme that was g
en to the Brat colony eaubitebrd In day of Hay. fit' D. 1881. and Ihat «oid
<Mha after Americaa occupancy; and. claims will be heard by nld cosn m seven years' te*:. has throe thou­ WMmemlay. the 27th day of May. K.
sand Americaa landcwnera and oae D. 1808. at ten o'rtock 4n the toretbvrusaad rcsidenU. it U oa the nonh
Daled Johuarr 22nd. A. D, 1808,
tide of Cubs, a short tail from KeuFRED B. WALXBE
riUi Uennlnal port for one New York
«C PrtteBto
Unej u Port Vtauo.*thence a tootimlle 4-St.


To the man of means, the type of
Harper's %'eekly reodwa. La OlorU 1s
tbe best sort at an Investment tbst
any popular colony can be. wUh a
town a mile aqoare -the center of
thnusandt of acres of the cholera',
plantatioa land—where they have doac
tblngt ud are doteg them. There
men of mians who foresee what
tain si<iU arc ineriubly bound to bccannm be discerai-d

petiUon praying that SrV auttexrIscd. empowered end Uenaed to eeO
the Interest of said minors te sold
real estate therels deecribed.
II is ordered thsi the ISth day of
February A. D. 190k. at ten o'clock te
the fureotton. at said proliaic ofBce,
K -vnd is hereby apfioinicd tor h<-oriDg sold peUtlon,

It is farther ordered. That public
BoUee-tAereof be glvM hypubHcotlM
of a copy of this ordbr, ter ihiee *•*■
would-be Invostcr in
eoMlve weeks prevtaea to sold day Of
which you WDDid like to make a f
hMrtng. to the Grand Traverse liM
clr.aiing and profitable diveraioa. ihi.. aid. a newopaper printed and dreoU no soil on the entire island of Cubs Uted to said county.
that can exert that at La Gloria for
Jedge of Probated
But this may come under (he eye of
imc ambtiteas young man with a '
s.n- to devote.tlms^r lndu*trlou.-.l:
the Independent 1li> of a (roptctl
plan'.-r |f be bos a ilftle money.
preiMired to'.'clear up bis land, se'
out with ircca, cultivate them, and
"lay the frrtght" of hU malnteaa--ce
nntll bis tree* beglu lo brr^r f , '
can capture a iTlshler and bcU.-r :utcra to less muQ. y in Ls Gloria than
ven yean.
observe tbe possIbitUira (ha;
are dlsUnctly forecast for Us future.
Without going into fancy i>urtralture
Gloria is the suprrlat vcgrowiDC-ground for orr-:Te ..n.l i-ln-.
ai-il.; TI;t- r-.‘l—t.
; - ...- r
will. d-.lVc pmri (• kr. ;» <ih. ,• vt-c-*taitoa of cocnmareliLl ralac. but there

Atuck in Anow.
From Saturday's Record
Janie* U MrCvoy. Arthur Garland
and Mr*. R J Kt-eler. of Sag and Goorco Hnmlln undertook to make
who have been
friends a trip -around the honi“ In Leelansn
s e;ty, M turned to Iki-ir liodie coiiiiiy loit after devoting four days to
this inornlog.
the journ»y, Mr. McBvoy returned to­
I. Ik-rt Plant and two children day and (he others will come back t»
to MRlilstee for Simday,
night by train.
!. Hebert, of Fetuch. went home
Ii^ place*, the snow was up U
horses' bodies and being soft, made
C J Conklin, hi* wife and three travel exceedingly difflrnlt. In other
children, of Knleva. weni home loila.v. plnce*. there was no snow at all and
Mrs M V Han.-*, of Vicksburg, in one place In a vslley. thev encount
enl home today
• rtsl a drift 3(1 foi-t In d.-ptb. Tbe
Blmc-r McCoy, of Grand Rapid, who ro.ids art- reiiorted to be In the v
has been risltlng relstlv.-* here, vu-iil rha;>e they have been In years.
home today.
MIbs Man* South who live* :n the
Getting B-Jty.
City, I* visiting relafivo* in Kingsley.
The stale gunie snrden'r depart
Mis* Alllce Undqulfl and Ml** Ber- ment Is g-'tting lii»y In a systematic
ce ITerce kft this morning for i-nd-'svor to wee.l
t ft a strictly American coI.«vi.
ce those only to locsie who have
Gkand Rapids where (bey will visit
Efforts hhav, i-eea centered
grit snd the money to stick to it
friends for a few day*.
.... (he Saginaw river rtnentlT and
lhr«-e years before eoualing up'n
am A R D-CT.. o! Ibl. rtir s,.,,,.
„ , s„|,u
M from orsBai-rrawfng. The com•™i lo
l« II...
I b»» very llnie land for tale now.
;s irdl*p.<E«-d lo sell to p^ies
Ih. OrlD.cll MU.1C li...... lUl. m.™ |
I nrv Orkl-' '-ariitvting. then oo
n< (l-and Hav--n. .has j-ist returned
•k. i r who, w tiPB ihiy buy the fand.
Lloyd Thompson, who has
vl! La Gloria—snd fuha
rosult of their eflorts, Guy
been,the guest of Mra. Clias Hjlow. Stnlih of Zllv.auk'T- wa* arr*st<-d anvwh.-re fe- ihat tcaUer—ii no plare
. man ir> -o without sosn.- ?
return, d to her home at South Board- an.) .-ouvin.-d of .u.uiing the fishing
IVrn:»ii'-nl n.lonlrs arc
an this morning
law. being handed u Bm- i>f $23 sn-i r-.‘ni|->s<d Ilf shori-a'eht.d p.-“i
Chas. FauBt ha* retiinii-d from Jk l.t cams Fled Olto. of ZHwaukee.
i\ of land coajpani.-s urge and
d rereniiy. and pafa: pc:--at» ;
business Irip lu Gran I Rapids
and K.15 cost*
be doe-blits Mario K.idgecs. nf this illy. 1b
Th.* file of tb* se flnci abows ‘*■'1*.. of U Gloria,
vUltlhg friends ;n Cran.l Rapids
(he <iepart(nei:t .s in esraesv and list ' there actuated hi m'-r-|i i
T. L McN.-il hav.- re- hir.’ufter .tffeiMli-i* will .u>( be si
If.-me .r'rit. lA O’-iria want

tnrnert hmi-e in Petoskey ntter visit­
lu go with lines nf li „r SI
“'Iwbo hav. » lliilc cariial to
ing In this city
a.n-' Ibl fr flaes rengtlej.
l-T> t-.
liu-V.,- I
Mr*. C J. Brown. ..f Alma, is slop
Ief ei,.-etla;
v. lopmniplug at ih- home «f c F Zai-f
I -r -i
ratfc.-r * new rt.-c-'la
UlM Jcnnlng* and Mr Clark, tc.vcb ^,.,,11 Thursdsy s Record
:.n:l7*(le»-. — (r. in,Ml- d'clrr- .v:-»ln-t
KlngsU-y schools, are in
Taylor 1
:li.g (be
lb n-adlng clrvl.-.
KrttM-r qf Kbigeli-y who have beeo |
and mipov—:sfc«
Oiorge Noteware. l.-srher ..f (he ■ rUlilng Ir-erd*. ritunj.d home yes-i---:iJ <!• ert to :R<- S»*(-» ssatb H
Ogil.-nsburg Frbool. 1* In l,.wn alt-nd- (.-„!• v
I 1- ih- d-vriin- tha: hit made

c i 6.,.h


QTATB OP MICHIGAN. THE PRO« bate Court for the Owwty of
Grand Tiaveree.
At a aeenlou of sold coart, hrtd at
tbe probate office. In tbe
“raverwc City, te told *o
»d day o' January. A.
Prasent; HM. Fred
Judge Of Probate.
In tbc matter of the eotale of OMla
J, Bessie, wmie. Hilo and Carl CCorbtr. mihoR.


r ,1


-lirhwav e-.-n.-t'ng w«h tb-----------------------I Kairv and Ed. Monroe snd Hre. M. !
for 'rin- 'hotiMr.d roloctsl* >o
W. F. Harsha a Candhdste.
1 K. Monroe went lo Kingsley yesterday t ■' living-h. n-thrifiii. cow. t'. tb-.P, H.r.1, „.a„
M, M.r, ,
self ittough tbe Record a candidate; winchcomb.
r.ii;ro *• *:i Believe that, for t
for the n-|>ublic*n nomlmton for! a. Rickard of Charlevn x. who has '* «c • acd doa'i forget that ~Vh Ij
u that iruH..
•apervisor of the FOtinh ward Mr b«Ti vtatting friends
Hsraba has been a member nf the larwed borne .vesterdsy '
he h(KesL fran-.
board of eiipervliors tor tcverwl yearv , Mrs A t( Bennen and
• ;-.-1 *i-lspoKm
CIsrts hat Wa. -.
and bl» services have been very val- Gteeuwsld left yewterda.v for Kingsley i- .onr of piii.-k. A.-Berieaa*. sn-i :husMe. Ito Is temlllsr with the worl where they wilp
Dr. and Mra. i.iwu wants o-i.t ul.’ckr. re»olu-- fel; te "ci-n-v I'.i " I.«s sr-' to- *v;-devote* meet time to 4t and ha* s A W. Meyben
■f ihe earnesl. who esa boh) nn !:.-ar
esceneai reeerd.
■Mr*. Joe w>
> Rteffttey ■ :--M-gh to "maJiw good.' re- to tbr
ialfVewried or tbe -gwsu *0 kmd.
lor iMt stand l.a Ctorii ro-ildn';
Pot Lurt( Club. ,
George W RoS left yesterday lor
be t> ver; leari old, CncrUhiBr. iilri;.Mr*. M. S- Sanders entertained (be Grand Rapids, later going to Summyr- rlBC. growing, f.usbinf. .Ji i
pot luck dub Thursday night at ber bnrg. P* . snd fTtjm tbera he wUI .'go fr?3f
t si.lL-Oilid, uellghtfal. uetaiied blubom*, about a dosen ladle* and their (o WasHnr-on. D. C. Hr. Raff jeatcry
husbands attending Tbe guests came pects to be gnoe uaUI April 1. spik­
of Ictertt; lo tbe right tor*, of ,4t3*ri
enmasgoe.tb* costnme1 bring extreme ing the time In vtsltlog rolaUrra and
IS. ran be obtaterM wpbost charge
ly preny «»d qnalnt The house tro* old frieedt.
wrtttog to tbe cosaosur 's o4Bc«
> beosHtuI with appropriate rs!Jack Lltney of Sntlons Bay returned11| *7 Broadway. New York
[oBoe :j-S| pcBlBiulsr
. _
Butldentitle day decorations, the chsadeHer heme yvwierdsy toreoooo after spend­
lug. Detrcll. Mleb —IProm
above the dining table having festoons ing tkP night te tbe city.
I Weekly.


Ward Pans
For little boy*', big
boys’ or men they
are the be*t every
day shoes made.
Alt that we Afik is
that yoo try one pair.
Dorn’IJtfrttt the name.




den. Aa I was swtegtog bn the gate Hobem' coottnaei. -an' MB be ha^ tidM'M IL'to Jaanary! We has* g
aad aroaderiag what I honld do aeiL more tan. wont Itr
dog. her name to Kelhe. B'oU. my
taeo May Weatherwai.
i hoaad a gMat edattor of taraM’ feet
-Tee.- answered Fred. Thea
toitw 1a ao toag I am afraid K wlU >oa dBI wen to miaa only . week
ap the teta. had to aa few-mtanta^
added. thoaghCfany:
gat toft OM of the HcmJd. 1 tore to osC of aehoal. WasaT ft ba^ to catch
party of mi
-Maybe If I had a birthday to
BigbL I had aaac taonigh aolMera row—cuybe rd-nevot tril a He. sltbProm ytar taring Swnahlaer.
hsow that jhaae wore CoottoectU er!'
It wonM )>« hai« to toll which
Carp Lake. Mich..
afBeers, so I was not frightened, but
Tea. K does seem a atraage Jaaa-ni share my birthday wMh yoa,the ntccM of ml] the eatohraUoM dnr23. I9M.
waited ttnUl they
aald Habevt oatefcly. ‘hames’ George ary. It la one rimi we wti probaUy Dear Pisaidcni>tag tba ymt. tat one that roar ptM-A toil maa on a whUe horse, with Waahlngtoo did with me. ao' then
^oot MpeetoUr eoton U WaoUngI thwight I would'write too a tot
oocked hat ud plain tiniform. rode theteH be two of u! Well be a
'toTa Unhdar. «%m to« and et ftb- - •“ yi^tSow that I received
forward, and with tbe kindest smile ^V. won't wer be aald amlilta.
Sattona Bay. Mich..'
nuuTiCoaiM, and the Hagi ware oraa^ bottOB. t was very
to the world, naked, ’My lltUe girt, •• "came tbe owl-tMy at homo says
Jan. 2*. IMg.
•rrwhore. and the pteutna of WaahM tar M I «M.
em you give aa a enp of eoffeer
ch. I have a aiiter aer-j he** ol in> aaokml taaes tor gwto gamtag
togtth at« placed on 4!mpl*y.
I ViRt try ta k* tawtag, tetatal'' Mr kaoft thrlDa a-M« «tth happi- -Itow I was very pmad of being He.* cam be onr motto, can't nr be I would like to join tbe BnnaWn* **
Mta ItM -t* ■ninfgMiy aM ta
able to make coffee and batter cakes exrialmed. daUgjdsdly.
Club, ao please send me a card and'**"^
Bunafalne Ctab. | | vmir tm u>.«.............................. .
B«a. andabetagtodthatabeiBaa
HrMg tkta*.
■o I cnld t WoaM try. Tbt
I go to rctMMl^very- da}.ism«lm]^r.(ddaBdammtlwtblrd
'Spe^t ao.- answered Fred, “bnt button
rode into the yard, their aervanu
If I «v*r tall hi tprtaf to da
Hy t«arh» r ii i
a aad readloK.:
? to Miu Graham..

Wo atoHU alwaja ihinh of WaahM thtoft, I wnT -fty, try
forward to Uke the bomea. aad its a hard oeellaagnagr
"Not tm a George Wasbin
IngtoD aa a gnat and good
I showed the party Into the boase
1 Iblnk
t so . Thnaaiidi r! hmnaaMd.
k of
first letter to tbe Sanabloe Clnb so ogy. This to
don't atop to roalUe that <mc« be Mammy Dllaie had gone to the cnargood-bye.
do not koow of any more to Write
h It wasn't.
«aa jnat a eoamon boy, with all the tors on an errand, so 1 had thiags mv
crewtog. ueca-retowc aod aitod b
FVens yoor Sansbiecr.
fan and miaditef and otort In hU life own waj-.
Mabel Lurlrr. j
Rtogiley. MIeb.. text Ume, su good bye.
that any boy can nnderaund. Here
“A fire was biasing In the huge

Fkb. 2. IMA
fa a 'atory aboM when ho was I mue
!!tilr lister join onr cJuh. Write au>l aed ratoMSa raaraeiaal M wwkM.
klteben flrt^ee. We didn't have
Bngvald Ijtrson.
Dear PresMeet—
tell me ber name, and ] will aeod li/ r , ealTtoetocaafccawlaSUm. Pwp^HBL
eooklng moves in those days, but did
Yonr Hller to a very idre one, aud
La >t bast West.' panfcwton SB ts rstoa. temaa.
I will now write a few lines to you.
-As a small boy WasUhgton wai
a card and bulUtn.
oor baktog to
groat rond Iron
bsM ua* td ire amt ebseeto tocata, atatole
t have been aick and do not feel very
fond or toUowiac hla fatbor on bU
ovona. with lids to beep coals on. and
daOy toor Of toapoctlon over hU etweu ycc .2 Jum W gone to sobool
tau|.lre. Mtrh
ftAlU ym. Editor.
C«n> l/4ke. Mich
rtoee last Monday. It anowed and
tata to fact, ao great aa lateiwat did
FVb. 2, IM8coals to eranev. 1 rsked out a nle*
Jan. 23. IMS
the boy manifest In the tUHng of the
blew PMietdfiy and' U blowing ootlr
rvir Pnrid.Bl— \
gjSSSl Wdto.jta^^ __
bed Of coUa, ailed the Mg coffee-pot,
bard today, but not so bard at It did Dear PTosideot—
Mod DK- a card aad tatun?.
soil that hla father detormtoed the
A>. 1 have DM wrltcen for
and aoon had it simmering, then pm
tendency abonld be foatered. With
ytaterday... Grandma to here nos.
For Christmaa I got a dolPa emdle.
the paa for the' batter-cake* on to
net to let you know bow glad l wai Oniv I tbought I would write
8he came three weeks ago Wednes'tUa object in view. Mr. Waabington
chain and five diitotmaa
boat.-made them np. bad them nlcedaay. 9be baa been sick too. We do 1 receive your eattl I thank you very lip
appearad trlibt and early one momMy rrbool u out now
and I- am
winClooc. aa my
ly browned to a trice, set out a cold
take tbe Hfimld any mor« so I nniob. I am In tbe third reader and
tog with a bag full of a myaterloas
very gUd. My leacbor's name was “’r •* gwUnglong. Good-bye'.
N«mltar«r R
ham. and then invited the
aomatblng. Oeorge'a cnrloalty wat at
Floy JobnroD. 1 bate a little nephFrom yoor BuaihlM girl,
In to breakfast
I tell you, because I like to read the have geography and language ai
oooa arooaad. tat bia father Inalated
‘They came, toughing and Ulklng,
physiology. Qoqd bye,
letten. Well, 1 guess 1 *11 hBve
npoB bli acoompanytong bim.
play wItb bim. His name to ^tn j Ibate sent the Cradle BoD card
aald the coffee waa the beat they had
Prom your Sunahlner.
'Amed witb trowoU. they went ♦rer taated. the cakrc delleloua. 1 close aa I can think of nothing .more
Snyder. I would Hke to have bto to you for Bnln. aad boge ho wIB
Lena Terrten.
JMTrtly gmty. Tbe myntory ptorod poored the coffee, and tbe genUemm I write, ao good-bye.
name on the Cradle Roll. WII you like IL
I am pleased to think that you III
Prom yoor Sunahlner,
to bo a bag of Med
year cant and am,sure that yon mu
. tr gnuL
Lornine Davli.
-Mr. Watatofton took bit oaae and then aaked bow 1 happened to
have a nice time in school.
began ouddag lettora to tbe aoU. laI am goto/ to send yon a «^>y of
BMtcy Washtactoa ckteBy pOHMaod atmetlBg Oeorge to aprlnkle the aeod home all alone.
il* week’s Herald. Loralne, so you
Carp Uke. MIcb..
Ifkn. a tor. ba vwit fortli to mrror along the Unee mnrted ooL When “My eyet tiled With lean and 1 esD see your iMler in print.
eoald hardly apeak, bat manage to.
Jan. 23. IMS.
tb« groM vr<
the work eras completed the pair retoU him that, ererybody bad gone to
Petr PrcaldenI—
tarnad Moa*.
Smplrc. MIcb.. R. P. D. No. 1.
Waattoctoa etwttattr ‘‘Beery Borntog Oeorge wont to the SalMmry to aee OeaeraJ Waablagton: ,
1 tbonght 1 would write you a f<
Jan. 12. IMS.
and that I wanted to aee him worsH
lima to let you know bo* glad I was
ptoce to aee
Dear President—

> m BM(t«Vtka nttoB. Md at- At laat hit patience wne rewarded by of all. became in tbe plctBre of him' I tboogbt 1 would write yon s It to receive your card and 1 thank yon
Shk* bioi
In my red book one of hla eyea waa
very much 1 am In the third reader.
■oetog one UtUe biade, then anothor,
bine and tbe other brawn, and I nm-,
nntlt one da^ the boy.
tee U It waa really true. Tbe along. I go to school every day. My langnage. Hy teacher Is very kind to
IMtobla. rMdr aad roaointo, too.
no to to hla father, cryteacher's oame Is Mrs. Carr,
<iro'Met MO of Mtr WH WuMacton lag: *^1 taaDa me! Tbe Sowen bare oMeera all langbed -at thu. bat the her very much. I ato In tbe fourth me Well, this Is all I can think of
iMder ralaed hla hand, and they did
eeme op 'Oeorge Waabington!‘
grade. My etudles are reading, spell­ today. I have to learn m> lesson, no
not say anythtog.
Anothar bVmt lellt aboot Waabing­
ing. language and geography. There ro good-bye.
OeodoM In bln tod to grMtMM *nd ton when be wma alxteen yean old. “ -But wbj did yon not go, little are forty aebolars In my room. It Is Prom.
mildr be aaked.
. r
Hay Terrian.
leare home and be
a nice day, Tbe soow Is all gone.
Ban* nU tte «wtd hu tonnod k mldahlpman to tbe Oolonla] nary.
IVtlic again somrtlme. and tell mo
Well. I gness I will close tor ibis
tot ntoiT.
Aftot he bad ant off hla trunk, be blurted out. 'Becauae ] tried to bury time, with love to all the Sunsbiners
went in to bid tala nother good-bye. Jobn'B ten Uttle blddlea In tbe aaod.‘
Prom yonr inie Suoshlner,
roarad again at tbii:
She wept ao bitterly becaoae be
Age II
Allle UeClellao.
Carp Lake. Mich,
gtdng away, that he aald to hla negro but the tal^one aald: -ad you not
Since yonr letter was written we
Jan. 23. 1PM.
wrrant. “Bring back mr (mnk; lam know that It wat very wrong to hurt bare bad lets off snow
Do you Uke
D<'ar President—
hot flUag to make -my mother anffer tbe little oblckar
play In Itr
-I began to cry iben, bnt tbe kind
ibougbc I would write and let you
no by my iMrtog her.'
klaiWtodOM h* dtoptorod to «> Ugh a da- He mwlaed wt home to plcaaa bla
Bsrker Creek. Mich.. know that I am feeling well and hope
find you the same., I liked
other. Ibla doeiaion led to hU heALL ORUOOlBTBl SOS. AND BLOB.
Jao. 29. IPOS.
- 'And BOW. my little maid.’ be eald
that card and button and ^ank yoo
Thu Waahtagtito mm t
ntog a anrreyor, and aflerwnrda
Dear Preeldeot—
Mtor. flU whtoe Horlana mtw *yon may taU yonr mother that you
Hay I /become a member of the very much for them. 1 go to school
to Hte tviwad on thla one etaiple oet did see Oenercl WasUngtoB. and Bonshlne Club' I go to sobool near every day. 1 Uke my teacher vary
AhOttr aho«R bott la tnr aad to Of trying to make bU mother happy. gave him the best breakfast be has ly every day. I have ooe and one^ well for she Is very kind to me. I
Among Waabington'a'ctoet ebnract bad In a month. And you'sec. hU half miles to go. | have one brother
Ih'reading. Ihugnag^ geography
ire neither brown nor blue, but
nunil>er« | have missed a week
erlstiea was his Jove for animals, e*.
and one sister I guee* Ibis Is enough
Mnio WaiUagton i
PMlally faoiaea and doga. He “knew“ itTsy.’
of school. I am in the third
(or the first letter.
Mow-to 0
ahd will soon be In the first
ibcm at he did hU peraooal frleoda.
the Totirtb grade The i
nomas Jefferson said he was “the snd saw that the red book wai
Age 10.
LG Snow
Mtrwgtb of body, of soU. and alao of
bettakllled and mmt gracefol horse- even half right. Then Mammie Dllsle
n-n- deep here. Well. 1
Indeed you may l>e a Bunshlner,
of bis age,- and l:e lived to Vlr- came In and counealed to the floor
think of no more so good bye.
id I hope you win wriij’ again
finin at a Mine when every gentle- when ! told her who It was.
“Tbe gentlemen patted me on
^ rode M natorally and as easily
Barker Creek, MIcb..
head. General Washington kissed
|U he walked. He brtae hit
Jan 29. 1908
Naicta And fftm Us Aatawa of
horaas to tbe saddle and tratoed them ogstn. and they rode sway.“
Dear President—
In the langnage of the fennd on the
I would like to join the Sunshine
Be IMileai gtaotkm gart Waiting- talus. When only a boy he ww faA Ooorgs Waabington Company.
Mrs. Tediljr, josl listen while I reid to you,
I have two brotben. Oue I*
Pred and Hubert stood very sffll :
moiu for leaping on bis borwe and
WhBt tbe
ReaUty Co. » soios to do;
writing to tho Club today. The other
!lhe comer of Vine street.
ftdtog wtthont bridle.
Tb^tota offering indaoeiMnU; this is whnt the/ mj.
one wants to join too HI* name is
'Two mads btanehed off from this
ML VeriMD wat a favored home. >eWhj will pee^e keep ott pnjring taot Boy w»y.
Brayton Snow Ho 1* six years aid
cane here bs enjoyw In pekeb' bis particular street in opposite direc­ This la all for this time.
The action of the heart de­
We ATP goioR
otoR to sell hoaiCS
regafdleu of eoet;
doga and hla Mthful bonea.
tions. One of tfihse streets led to tbe
pends upon the heart nerves
See ns eerly or tbe ehesoe of n life time will be lofiL
Warren school bouee and the other
Age S.
Martha Snow
and muscles. When from any
W’c will slnuRfatbr tbe prioeg for tbe next 30 tUy*;
Noatwaa nad oue Washtogtoa mlwent atrmigbt np tbe steepest hill In
Beta are a- cooNe of stories
cause they become weak or ex­
No longer pay rent, boy a hone for it pay*.
-wayn dtopitred. .
Washfagtoo's Birthday. The first is
ton? I am glad 'hut you both wanted
hausted, and fail to furnish
‘Tm a^ng coasting!- exclaimed te Join.
ahotit a little glil wbo saw the great
Von are patting mewer in the UadlMd'a pocket.
sufficient power, the heart flut­
aad tbe second cbout bow Pred. decidedly. “An’ I'll go to school
Comn nod sec ns and you will fionly
ters, palpitates, skips beats;
(fats afternoon. Come along!- be urg­
bapi kept tbe day.
Veu bare paid for tbe bonae where yon lire bo
ao donbt.
and in hs effort to keep up its
I and ktodgew. taador ani
ed. giving Hubert a poke.
Her Pimishineiit
Tbe lendicrd says keep oo paying or ehe move o
Leland. Mich
work, causes pain and distrrivs,
ain't going.' answered Hubert,
long ago when my mother
Jan. 27. IMS.
such as smothering spells,
girl, there lived In bt slowly. “What ore you going to
Dear President —
short breath, fainting, pain
For on Smith Reality
Rea***--------Co. weeu rely
an old lady whom ■ yoor mother an' Miss. Smith ’cause
I will now write and lell you wba
around heart, arm "and shoul­
bare paid (or thisfibewf—'—
this n
twice, that is right,
yoo were absent T'
tbe ^dren called -Aant Priesy."
got (or Chiisimas. I got a gob
We sill ow D g borne ot onr
ders, 'The circulation is im­
oni own tomorrow night.
I to <MT Watatagton Sbe was a etialoL funny fitUe old -Oh! I'm going to tel! Miss Smith
peded. and the entire av'stem
bead necklace, a Mg, black ribbon
tody, with her hoMtlcg white
0 nice books, one from Mrs
suffers from lack of nourish­
ik^Jdhood. to mnahool «ad old and always wore a small black law my mother anything! ’Thsis etay Detxer. of
Port Wayne. |nd and it.
ago tho aama.
Mp. a Mack Bilk gown, a soft white ’ttough. Won't you come nowT' re­
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure makes
of It was “Old Mamma's Tor
kerdlet and fringed allk apron.
1 heart strong and vigorous by
tmvit.” and the other from my broth
Okllfiag. ordorty.
The children loved to pay a vlalt
“No. sir!” excisimed Hubert, -f er Russell, tbe name of it ww. “The
strengthening these nerves and
ror thaw Wathtogtoa of pralae was to Amt Prlaay. After they were all wool!”
Biased Trail. ' They at* totb very
Floyd U Smia
enrafnily aeated. earn child with
“You’re Trald!- said Pred, “an’ nice books I also got a cream pitch
“I had patpltaUcs and pain aiwund
taj hrart. and Ihr do-iors aald It vn>*
small aeed cake, the eager little Iscea you're a Mward. besides!"
Inmnhi/ l don't
n now. for
bottle of violet perfume, a work
anrr uainc slv
of Or. Ulirs'
lid tarn toward her. and one
-t ain't a coward. Pred Flanders
box. a pretty blue silk sachet bag.
Hrsrt I'urr thr— La/ttl-s of the Nrr.*lhr
the children would say. “Now. Aant said Hubert qrickly. "Do you kno and a big ha; pin. On Christmas we
and thrva boXM u( lb* Nrrv* and
iJ.rr I'tlN I am rnlirviy .iirr-d. awl
Prltay. we won't drop cnimba oc the wfagae birthday il 1s tomoi^ - 1
fori brit-r than I lia'r for n.- yaar*.
ee at tcbool. The room was
and 11 1* all tio* to ll»o»o mnofio* 1
floor, and we are sitting op straight coDtlDoed proudly.
all trimmed up. 1 spoke a pleoe call.
want i-j V./ kui w that >-oor m.-dlcln**
and we haven’t got oar knees etOMFred ord’nt reply.
tno. It rotlovrd tn* fruwi lb*
'Christmas M’ay Dosrn South.’
first d-—. aii.I I Vrpi rtgM ot) UU (h*
•r ahaO stead
ed. so won‘1 you please tell ns about
Tfs mine, an- It’s George Wasblnr In Sunday acheol we bad a large arch
pain In my • tuj' *o* son*, and I kret
Oa hoaork bright aeraU, to drapdom's the time yon saw Oeneral Washing-; ton’s. An' when George Waabingmade of evergreen, with a large red
tatr lead,
BohUac J
tm with your own eyesftou’s father Mked him who cut down bell way at tbe peak of It.
Hsart Cur* I
ror to tbo great tta bo waa caOed
Aunt Prts^ would ooant the ctlteta- the cherry-tree, he uid right oi “Christmas- In large gold and shiny
who will
to do hero
ee to her knltUng. look np
quick. 'I did!’ an’ be never told
le'tera. Ice boating is fine on Carp
hs win nrtund
8e devotsd Us Uto wtthoet favor or •kpees." and begin, -Wril. well, ctol- He! He wasn't a coward, either, an’
lake. Tliere are eight Ice boats
MHaa Medicfil Co., EOdurt, Ind
dren. it does reem to me^you ought But Hnben didn't finish his sentenc the lake. My brother Jurt got
'As wo have doaerlbod him to what he to know that atory by bean But nev­
beard the five-minute gong finished and broogbt It on tbe icc
er mind: 1 s’poae yon know which and he knew he should be late.
day. Brother Gordon has been sick
All Is raamd ap la OM word—, yM Uke heat
SwlfUy down tb street be ran with with tbe toothache for a long wuic.
let me aee. li most have
biigbl-palnted “CourseC- foUow- citing is fine and so to Ice boating
-Wpllu Chambers WHbor. boea to *<l. and 1 was aloe years old. lag close at hto heels.
Old you ever hare a ride on on'?
offera fine busif
that ear folks west to Ballsbnry to
Pred besluted at the corner only My :bqt they g.i fast! We have
tunilies for those welt
Friday. Feh. 7. IMS. see general Weibtogtoc.
one littto secood'longer, and then «hd a bit of soow yet There wi
ed In Bus.neM Methefft. That
-I had been Is dlagrace for a wbtrie down the street he run after Hubert' sntprise party on Cflfford Miller last
Itaw meatoen Joining slnea Ust rala why thera are now ever
day. and for paalshmeni It wai
“An’ you decided not to coaat?- Prtfay night, and we an bad a good
20000 auceeaaful ^aduatoa
of the Oetrwit Bwaineaa UhK
tabgvaldL«nos.S«ttoiis Bay. ICch. cldad that I most atay at hcac*.
mM Hubert a« they met tn the iRhy- time. 'There was a snrprlve party at
varaity new Oeing ao well In
•Bly poor little heart almcot brokp
Violet Poaalng's a week ago U-m Fri­
■artha Baow and L. O. Soow. Barthia growing eJty.
The ^
aHoTxnka like tt“ aald Pted.
day. and lat-t Tursday Katie Bnrk bad
tarn Cnafe. Mirit.
■'--------- ------ never better
tetber dtaagreaaMe while the great
Hubert’s eyes beamed Mth pleasI tofiay. Why
" ly no
rreda'Ooataaa, Bmplre. MIeh.
party We all had a good time. We
Enter any
ca- see cherry bods when we look
Brdytoe Baow. Barker Ctaek, Mich. laaMtaskato wm Mag stiaimed
Winter terra new open. Fine
behind the MTriage. tbe huge boaeh“Oeorge WMhtngtoo would
out door*. Russell sad Ancel were
Marne awt hy Martha Baow.
cauiegucs free. Write for
f raeca to hnrt at the gceeral pleased with you." be aald «
cutting wood St Mrs. Porter's aad
IL W. F. Jewetl.-Prwident:
wrapped la wet cotton, and the tam- •ton’ I’m pleased witt you. an' I'D they »aw hrec robin* and a whole
R. J. Bennett. C. P. A, Prin­
H. V. r. BawMna at* Cradia BolU
ty bnadlad lato the carrlagta.
cipal. IS Wileoz atreoL De­
Invite yoa to my party right now loc of black b.rAv They foond ever
troit, Mich.
-After they had goae t waadered 'fore tbe ppetman brings yoo the tot- so many liceeh nuts nnder tbe tree*
fitoconaoUtclj abeat becM
An’ weH coast tnis afteraooa.- and seat some to tbeir friends. Just


... ... .... WESTERN MIMA


k yow kby lUa wwit, (ntftof

* Seot^'t EmaUion

SeotTs EmaUUm k Cod Lkw <M_^
■ad Uyiioidiiimliii*. mpwsd’is dot tt b


Bdy lb* boby Out k M «a
'Scot^s Emuttion k • otaidy, SDoy.
cb**k*d Buk Mow Ml ofbwkfa «sl *bw;





L .*■



General BnUders and Beal Estate Deal­
ers. Hsnscs For Sale on
Monthly Payments.

Cllz. Phoae 2M

Traverse aiy, Mieb.


May Be You’re the One


That Is not using BEST fLOUR.

Then lor yonr Bread’s sake.


I,-rSKTcSr-’'^ '’'"'


.' vr






adding' orange of food Uss as ant* In the skUttal
ndxlng of the materials aad dee care
In tbe ooeklng-he It baktag. boding.
IS. my
It dosa to strict »t- i
hOBtaw declared, was largely lea^- untlon to the ptuver praportlon of Inalbto for Me health of btr tour sturdy grediena. Want Of care In any
boys. Its manotacture was so'stm^e
to fanthat I have uaed It Urgely In my own
family since my visit. Put tlx enpe.
Faith—bMndlr te ober;
AfUr AwMtt.
Lemon Pudding—Three tablespooathree
It‘c fMd we ou M7. wUk ■^b ta»
The Li^l along the war!
log bowl; to a quart ta luke-wam
plnu of bolllnc water; one-half plot
» «U*.
ter add half a cup of molasaes. a to­ of sugar; one tablespoonful of bstA Little faaahlne.
-TIM wlU be twtter after avbfle!
Fer len a UUle eimaUae we girt a
ed aatt and cake of comthree eggs; one large
T(M light will atnaa thrtwgh th*
preaoed yeast dlsaolved tn a cup of small lemons. Put the sugar and bollworld of ihenlte
doode o-erhead.
It*nakee a ripple of delighi 00 Jor­ lukewarm water; stir this Into the
■r.ft a saucepan on tbe otovs.
Aad flovera wlU Uoob where the
flour, beat well and stir In two cups ml* the com atarcb amooih with cold
dan's stonar banka.
thorae ware rad!"
of needed raisins. Thoroughly grease water, aod add IL Stir it
An- earth U beasdn' bright,
What ot the sl^ If we ear. with a
An' we drceoi not of the nlgtiL
put thF ttisture tuckena; then beat In the
For the Selda are green aroand na. batter, equally dinrlbuted. In them, batter. Reserve tbe whites of two
-Ttaae wDl be better after awbUer
an' the pronlaed land In tightand let stand over nlgbL In tbe mom- eggs for the top; have tbe otber
log light tbe gas oven, put In the whlte aod the three yolks well beat
Rt a loog. leaf war ta the UO>t
Jost a mue aanshlne! * • • We've bread si once; after ten minutes turn
with the Juice of tbe lemons, and
been with grief awhile.
off one burner and bake In all three- tbe rind grated Into them. Pour the
Bat ertater
«nr a pronlae et Bat a little light fram shadowed skies
quarters of an boor.
com , surch mixture
makes all the prospect emlle!
Sandoicbea made wtth two parts beat 'until well blended. Pour it Into,
Abd em we dream, la the darkeat
An' we slog slong the way.
of seeded sod chopped raisins
a puddlng-dlah. and bake twenty
An' sweetast words we say
>07 win ecoa with the numilnf Of tbe Igbt that gives tbe pronise of one pan chopped walnuts, spread be­ minutes. Have the whitea of the two
tween buttered bread a day old.
eggs beaten with one cupful of sugar
tbe BvertosUng day!
and one half teaxpoonfnl of lemM
Brea te oar eorrow we «r
A dish (or which 1 can find no ni
Juice; wben tbe pudding is taken
calls for a quantity of Kostes
A Weather Song sT Hope.
from the oven spread this 00 top. and
-nmea will bo better after awbllA"
Tbe rahi to In tbe valley—tbe mil
bread dried lo tbe oven; over these replace In the oven to brown for a
on tbe bUl.
are poured rslslDs slewed with
few tuomenw. Serve cold.
TiaeB wm be befterr U lor and
Bot the soal U In the sanshlne, and of wine to each balf-poaod of rnlslns.
Lemon Suet Pudding—Six ounces
* the bean U happy stlU;
This Is sweetened aod poured over of sueL freed from skin and chopped
la ft not Bwei^ to ting then eo?
For love to ever springtime, and the erasu, which are then eateo with very floe; three-fourths pound of
Bweetar to dream, whn tba darkh
kaosrs sot wintry cMU.
whipped cream.
bread crumbs; one-half pound of su­
o'er the blae.
Aad the world will be brighter
Teufelskoehen—Heat a quan of gar; three eggs; a pinch of sail; one
no area of the aageU are looking at
tbe monring!
with one-fourth pound each teaspoonful of baking p^der; tbe BOSPITAIB ALl OTO THE l^lTfBEKT PUCO PE-BC-KA TALE ABLE Dl TKEAnSe atfravABWii
of butter and brown augat; stir In Juice of two lemons, and tbe grated ^ATABBH <rf the
Awar wtth the Mgh, than, and tweet
Tb* rivor has no mimle as It ripplM this one and a hal^ pounds of catof one. Ifix the sueL bread
experiencing much tottgaa. Vowltoa
U a common alUnen t In Canada tor
ft'e tomad Paniaa a niierte
walk a mile easily.
u tbe PSA.
meal. halt a pound of flour, a ^und crumbs and sugar together; sift In at least two-ibirds of the year.
*Ttaaee WI9 be batter after awhfla.
Throosh tbeae thms eaam we
He oaa aer ft/s « good naA
Bvt tbe MMl is in tbe «ansblne. and of seeded tnUlns chopped flne. one
Thu condition Is no doubt esnsed hy
and baking powder; molsteo
to mske known to tbe pnbUs tbe afss happy as can be;
ounce of candled orange peel shredded with tbe yolks of ibe eggs, well beat- the long, severe winters experienced tn
Never Mindl
SHtertof the Oood Shepherd.
For lovo to ever springtime, with fbe very fine, a tablespoonful of ground
vlth tbe Juice of tbe lemon; grate IhU part of the contineoL
Wben caUrrh cmrr fsstens Itself upoB'
Mom mind if it balls or anowt
Hospital SL John. Of BL Jaha*
diseerginger and half a teaipoonfjl of nrix
tbe lemon-peel, and add tbe whites
the aystem It becomes aa otwttnate dis­
ProTlneeof Qnebsc.
Nam Btad how the' atom-wtnd
And tbe world will be brighter
ed spices. Bake tbls in small squares or tbe eggs, besten sUff. Put in h ered by Canadian people to be a reliable ease to eradicate.
A Utor totter raesivad tram tbs
remedy for Ihwe catarrhal dtaeosa
A s.vstemic rvmcdy-oae thst reaches lasUinUon reads os foUow^t
the morning!
buttered mould snd stesm tour hours.!
hat-shaped cakcu.
iodl whath baat (or TOO. Ood-Be
became a popular medicine.
every Internal organ of tbe body_is aa
Lemon Meringue Puddinng—One
are and core
afaeoluts necessity.
What ibongb the aklsa are n^emn. large applet, so as
leave a genrr- quart of milk; one pint of bread
Vhr ahoild 70a weep and alghr
Pemaa la Just sarh a remedy,
and tbe alngtng birds bare fiowb oui space In the center; fill thb with crumls; four eggs; one-balf cupful need as s p
•aarofaos out the canoe of the rtlsTisn.

• sof
Love knows s oweeter mosle that the chipped seeded ralsina. sprinkling of buner; one cupful of lugar; tne'' hnndreda
healing and strengthening Ibe moeoas
Nmr mind wbei a world of wooe
taken as dlraetod, half
It raanlts,
birds have
juice of one large lemon and half tbe! Th«M insUtnUons dc/not healtoU to membranes, and tbns giving Katare an he best
Botta TOO down with
give their endorsement of the remedy
Fbr love to ever aprtngUme. and tbe cloth and plunge In bolllDg water; rind, grtted. Heat tbe milk to
ty to peiturm her part of the
Mrs. Etu Bo(*er, Elundara. B^.
rosioraUve prooeae.
reees are his own.
leave room for the paste to swell and boiling polnL and pour It over tbe ment of their poor and
K. W. T., Canada, writssr
Jam whatli boat for TOO, Ood-He
cook on( hour. Serve with butter and bread crumba. Rub the butter and su­
Among thfwe InstltnUona is that of sand Portina of valoe in treaUngold and
“I auSered wiib pelvle «tocrh vata
£g;t And tbe world wUl be brIghUr
the morning!
gar together lo a cream, and stir the Bisters of Good Bhephi-rd, S
plain cream.
OmrA bead* Bla tkr!
rhUtheHospitol I wrote to I>r. Hartmaa, and aflor tak­
ing treatment as be adrl
Ut dried peacboa ttond in tepid wa­ them ln;add tbe yolks of the eggs the following endorsemont 1
I am now cored of tbls most trying
Ob. lore It ts that leads us from tbe ter half an hour, then sUr aod wash and the lemon Juice, beaten Aogetber. Th0 Peruot CetapMay,
I tba black Aifi>t
affliction, for which 1 am touly thaakCoJumbva. Ohio,
Mrrow of tbe night
to aeveral watera. Soak over nigbt In and bake tn a buttered puddlng-dlsb
fUyiaf used Parvaa
tntoa tar iba
tba past few
ful. IthinkPUnuatbe.bwt tnsdletoo
To the beanty of tbe morning—U tbe cold'^waler and tbe nen rooming until arm, but not waleo' Cover with moatbt, for our atek
andpoer, waara
Satoaei om fvw lUsk laat roae,
forcatsrrh. I never felt hotter la mp
splendor of tbe light;
meringue made wftb tbe whitea of
DaM ta tta loreHneMl Ood adU
And every gnrdsn blossMua. and ev­
are big and plump and look almost the eggs, whipped stiff with one-half
cr of years.
ery sky. U bright.
like freak frulL pour off the syrup and cnprul of sugar and a little lemon AagmUiO.ffOX
Mhr lAMdd ^ alt ABd waapt
but is ^ly prompt and aOalSS^
And the world wlU be brighter tn bod It down before pouring It over Juice. Brown In the oven to a very
catarrhal dtosaaea la the ^nmte stoga.
‘eruoM cmiaod to aiaappaar.
debcate tint. Be careful as a mcrluthe moraingl
After a rontinned use of the remedy.
Mom mladl there Is sweat lepoee
“Aa to myeelf, two bottles hsve
hbto to
gue buriis In a moment In
. this InstUnUoo has found no roasM lo rlnced me thst Pemaa to ntognlflosat
With the djrtng dar—at the twOlght'a
Dried Fruit PoaoJhintlea.
Lemon Washington Pie—The Cake' rhsnge lu good opinion of the remedy aa a tonic.
A boiled apricot U an apricot spoilFormerlr I have looked upon
Before the treatment I oould not
soak in tbe morning and —One cupful of auger; one cupful of and expresses luaattstocUon in the folAnd BBto the TaUor-dM one Ood
iowtog teraui
walk foe aqoartse at aa hou vltboat lowed to beooBs ohrum^
pnmes with a tort of contempt, are W Uun .und .mil n, mLddl,
a writer in the New Bra Women's the next day. Add tbe sugar, a half spoonful of soda one-half teaapoonAageU rear etope-abal] kaepi
MagasUe. bat I have fonnd that there pound to a pound of frulL If you then ful of cream of
a pinch of
firmneat, and a row of small Iln- er instead of usually being as tar
and yolks of tbe
are panes and panes, and tber oow Judge by tbe looks of the fruit thst aalL Mix the
weather take a little leas hot lug pockeU for nstortod buttons to apart as two Uringa can well fly at
baa a place on oor table la tom It was ripe when dried. U needs no eggi. well beaten: alft in the soda!
• Alte e( aB the weather
I easily put to. One of my comforts one strong effort I mean that boys
shape alBMet dallr; tbe nee of medi- cooking; tr the swelled halves show, and ult; add tbe fiour and cream of| water
• All the world can aoiOe;
tartar, and last the whites of tnej ‘ Umon Syrup—Five piuu of water; ! has been a "reserve" button box. very as wen as glils. ebould aarly be
etna for agulating the stonaeb and
spots, elmmer. not boll, for two.
• Find a imU oaaahloaUrer to unknown, and the cblldan hours. Both sprieots and peaches eggs, beaten siiff. Bake in three |a<a i>oucda of sugar; two ounces of distinct from the bsgket which con- Unght to eew on battona. Netaratly
• Warn roor aool awhOe!
shallow Uni. Spread between the: tartaric acid Boil these Ingredients .talna opiy tbe aorta of bottobs that the toeoder of the family wU sew
MpadaUr have
oniuuallr cooked at above are tar superior
cakes when done tbe following;
minuUR: add the white of an are f:. common dally ut^. This box butloot on underwear before dtoutb-.
bealtbr. At generalllr cooked, aeined fruit
• Wto o( aS the ahadowaLemon Ulzt-are—One snd one-balf | ‘ « u> elver It Boll live minutes, aai. ‘ coftUlna my cards of new pearl but- uting tn tbe respective osmers' bupeetollr In hauls and boarding honseo
• or the loneaomi alght.
cupfuls of cold water: one cupful of wheu cold,.add the joiee of ten lem- lone. aomeUmes cards of sneh butdrawers; bat It seems to me a
panes aa not onir an
Four Good Cakes..
• Baar the morkla'e mnsUBottle
and cork tliMtly.
as would be appropriate for most' proper way t
sugar; oue deaaertspoonful c r butter.
but almost a dlsgusUog dish. Tty
• Otoam tba dreams of Ught!
MoUases Layer Cake—One cup mo- Boil these together, and . dd
l.emonade—Pare the yellow r!ud <l''vt«‘es at most times that I have j buttons for 1
me of these recipes, however.
______ _____________
.. com slarcb
... lemons In thin pieces: put bought ss bargains, against a time dl bow far your boy may go from tba
toblespoonfula of
To stew, wash tbe fruit several lasaea. one half cup aour milk, one one-balf
'•'Bar tht beOs eUar rlagte*
times to warm water; put in a poroe- sugar, yolks of two eggs, two cups rubbed smooth to cold water, WTiet I n in a pitcher; squeere In the Juice I need, and alwaj-s the sets of buttons. ever ready womoa'a bao^ and neodlo*

TUath tha ana aad moon;
It thickens, pul In the yolks of two | of four lemons; add one-half pint of j still good, that have been ripped froi Would you not be kind to yowr boy?
Uln-Uned vessel gnd cover with cold flour. Ode toaspoooful soda Bake
e.lito wta SOOB bo Btngin*
the Juice and I sugar and one guurt of boiling water.! old dress«: These last are strong Prepare bim tor snob an amorgency.
water; let stand all nlgtat. In the buttered paper In Uns and put Jelly, eggs well beaten
• *U roor aoal’s ta taael
grated rind of eon. lemon.
look at tbe two soU-bripful boys
j SUr well, and s. rvo either verj hot j upoo strings, one kind only on each
morning set over a slow flr»-wnd let frosUng. or any kl« of fllllng be-1
string. Som.
they . have long • In my own hous^old. I know U does
j Le„^,n
—One-tourth pound of! »r iced.
thorn simmer, bnt never boll, till ten­ teen ths layers.
su l>etween senlces. and some- not' make them any leas maaly te
sugar the! Iroiveriul Drtnk-Thc Juice of
der.- By this time there will be very
mes short ones,
know how to s*w. and that It float
one leaspoonful of cn-am of
little Uquor on them, and when cold onehalf jup butter, one-balf cup «w>-ljuice of two lemons and tbe grated!
A llitlv Unt mast come In here In |
“lem leas setflab to i*ai« aoUthey may be eaten plain or with whip­ lasses, one-balf cup aour milk,
rind of one; tbe yolks of two eggs tarlsr; one tablespoonli;! of honey:
sister UDnacesaaiT labor for
ped aad sweetened cawam. A verirty taaenpful of white sugar, one tabletbe butter and sugar by beat­ one pint Of boiling wai<r Add more connection with rlpped-off buttoot. U
To aem It to glm to oimpir Ua
of flsvon nmy be given by adding a
ing them together; grate In tbe lem­
the OospM of Cheor. and hr tbelr
Thltaoundt M like morall^ag
c cold'
I good enough and to Intended to be
UtUe tMn yellow orange or
on rind; add the yolks of the eggs,
OotoL steadtaot, soanr esampK U
given away, while the batons are loo I am going to "do some more." Jfltbrind during the elmmerlng procees. taste, one Inch square of grated choc- well beaten
with the lemon
. he a bMp ta tbooe abont them.
' good, never fall to supply ihelr place* Ire-and buttons are not so tar apart
;i.,‘e"iith’'p»d j''N.r
Or-sliced lemons or oranges, but In 0I.I..<li to looko . Unto; .
wlthla the power et 0T017 000 of na.
li, „o
«T», to.
'A button—the mainstay of the
Blih cb-apor but proper sized but­ as some people sof^oee. If aa out-ofthis latter ease some sugar win be IW0.W. D» wWt. rtootior
BO matter whore
Croom O.«o-B«t to.oU,«t ..a„rto.o, o.ih .1. publlr"' So It 1*. In a certain sense, tons; for perbaiw the ganneot ma} sight button cornea off. which to the
required after tbe cooking to flnubed.
ooa mar tore ptooad ns, aa
sayi' a writer to Crood l>e utti ri.v iiM-icM ID the poor w^ian more honest and thrifty, to now it oa
To steam, add s half-pint of waur bolt. 10 1.0 1-rof. Oo, t,.coot.l -o.
haastltaKthoa^ that we I
to a pound Oi fruit st once after stash­ »i. joll. ot 1.0 ,m. ood .hll, or',,.., u,bl,.nooolul. or .os.r ibd B. and thus worthy of o’lr attention In you besuiT It upon, because shq baa again, or u*e a pin? Should
nur fiearrh for clear light upon all not the five cenU that will purchase really be as whole aad orderly as w#
ing and let them steam dll the water oo,. 0.11 I todoMol or ..«» mlll'. vo.rt .itb too. lol„
flhadr places.
outwardly apRsar? U yoo or your
matter* rTmuer-led with our domcetic Its • mainetay.''
co.,-Tbre, rtpfol. ol
to absorbed and the fruit plump and botlT U, .l~ OI . .01.11 ,ra. tbr~]
... To otbare to gtrea the ablUtr
•"coiinmj It U r«-nlly auiprUlag bow
In buying buttoDs Judgment as well children let buttons come off and tuy
soft. As this must be done In h dou­ toupooblol- ol boklnt bo.d.1 .od
«r the word or etag the aong that,
„„pooo. much of ciiod and carcf-jl thought ss taste must be exercised. If you off. 1 think I am no very shrewd
ble boiler, there is no danger of tbe ttodplol ood 0 hut ol Boor. »>» UH
win bo a htop to manr. In their
, tor, oo- can. aoj should be bestowed by
■ cun. buy those without shank* (or guisser If I say that you- let other
fruit sticking or burning. When cold tbk. bUI . toodoplol oIoilU. b.ll 0
ahlae maktag. One of. the aweeteat.
I heard one s-oman call things go undone: tbit yon are pot
iBfCOpIOl Pl.blt, .OCTt. oo, t-f
BOO, lb, donor Uld .OUT 1, good home k-ep.-r upon button*. Any 'roots,"
meat whotoooaled of'these alngen grate lemon . and orange peel over opoonful ot coipitorch: romor, Irom ,
Iboucht or care that lncr»-a#e» onr them), a* shank* are very apt to thrifty; that little ni'-nu: and moral
to Fnnk L. Btantoa. wbooe aoogt ere and serve with plain or whipped 11, Bre .oB .b,o portlollt cold. .Ur'„,
comfort or lessen* our annoyances break away and leave either i cheap buttons are lost and not
oo fall or tbe elmple, everr dar af„ „y„„. ..
I* always quite worth while aod tc or
'i ' -tlob uselres. Many In- replsced. and that your life is not
company dish .remove tbe stones lo tb. bool,, .bit, OI .0 ,Bp: B.vo, '
Mire of Ufa that t^ And a home In
with vanlUa and spread between tbr slble, I - wMles of tbe eggs (beaten I a*k you li« go OM-r With me the re- genlou* device* hav,- be.n Invented quite so good. BO -irBing. so well or­
tbe bean of emy reader. The poems wnen cold and place tbe prunes tn a
dered, so h»n-*t a* It sbonld be. Ee>
glaas dlsb In alternate layers with layers.
Btiff land last the Juice of the lem suit* of ray experience witb that to take the place of Uir Iroachcroua
wUeb bead tUt oolnmn are all from
ery faralU uLoulj be an ethical eulMaple Cake—Melt two cupfuls of on Bake In-two pans lined with but which may rcB-m to .von trtvtai
thank In buying crocheted
bto pan. aad there to real help and In- slices of sponge cake dipped in or
B.mons for underwear are of var- or buttons, or any kind tnal are aoh|I“*’<^ aocJi :>. and If It hagtna
maple sugar and let it become partly tered paper.
aplimtlaa ta every one of them.
tt U no mean or
cool. Add one cupful of honey, and
ped cream.
Lemon Sponge—One pint of water; lou* kinds VfL.-n a large or tnedlem and win wyar out buy more than Ton|"t't’
I" ginning,
Prune Puff—Chop flue a half-|Snt
one ounce jrf gelatine; tbree-fourtbs
Hie genelble Adviee.
of etewed prunea. after removing tbe milk In which baa been dlasolved
pound of sugar; the Jolce of three servlrvabie as a four bob-d bone but (ato your reii< rve bux. and yon srlll I
Too grnmble at do weatheis' ways.
A Good Claawslng Fluid.
^ beaten ton. Mv box Ib marked iL'tS: BtW« , I.n.bsbij lire lo the time when you!
• ; edd half a cap Of sugar, the level teaspoonful of baking soda. Add^,^^j,^.
A-drownln' 70* delights;
H-f 1* a cleansing fluid which to
fine American, elnd hack, bone b-j'.- . w il go and get them out and e^igrat ‘
g^ak the gelatine In cold
whiles of three eggs and a graUng of pinch of salt, a scant cupful of hotter,
Ole Noah stood It forty days—
»n-l true r»-vip<-. as follows:
lemon peel. Beat the whitea to a stiff
Warm tbe pin of wsivr; add
Forty days aa' nighu!
|.i!ii of d«-<viori7>d beaxtoe; oite
Oihetwtoe you may tramp siahy
troth and whip light again after add­ stiff sponge, spices to salt the taste, gelatine, sugar, and lemon Juice. Sdr tone loo flattering.
, .i.c- of alrflhol. one oonce of apirtu
i would advise alwayi getting ihe ''l<*ck* f march' your still goo-f
ing prunes and sugar; bake half sb one cupful ot cluon and one dozen it well, and let It come almost
Too keep a frownla' st de sky.
f ammoniM Shak<- well before Bring.
boor (n • battered dlsb and eat with plums (halved). Dredge the fruit boll. Pour U into the dtob In wbkb four-holed, although the flr»l cost i*
fia^-ly ■’'’'ro
,!; will uke out grease from all fabAn' wMp. an' wall, aa' whine;
well wtth flour, and add (t ifter the It to to be served.
whipped cream.
greater than that of the two holed
Are yo-r cJe\cr at managing yur' nc»
Yott'd better all be eattofy.
without .nj'iry to the erion. Ap­
A delirious steamH pudding calU sponge bas been thoroughly beaten.
Lemon Cream—Beat one snd ooe- becaose they have twice as much Isundr*-*** tf *o. you will be abb
Aa’ rise yo'a^ an' ablae!
w th a sponge and rub weff. When
tor three gills of raw prunes stoned Add one cupful ot preserved goose­ balf pints of cream to a stiff froth: chance of staying on after being pul i-*r-iiade h.r to fold the butt-.n* to ^dry rub over wltb a sllcktly warn
berries or curranu; pour two Inches sweeten to Usie wltb floe sugar: on. since one can u»etwice a* much »id- the garment before pa*»lng it ^
Ught aa the Way.
' Iron
It Ib good for KBOWiag all
made from haU a pint of buttermilk, deep in a pan lined with buttered («- squeeze to the Jidce of four lemons; thread and twice as many 'retaining ihro'igh the wuuger. You ar>- a
la all the atora-owept nlgbL
' Mack goods aod leaves tka hands
per, aad bake In e slow
three tableapoonfuls of sugar,
add one tablespoonful of gelatine point*" of cloth Buttons and time are t-ir.ate woman If you can d-- iliJ
la all tbe dreary day.
. »oft and white.
il of baking soda dtonot. you must mend and buy
soaked to cold water and dissolved to saved In the end.
Oive oi Tby eartato U^t—
solved tn the milk, three glUs of floor
Vt*here [.earl button* are adopted grumble the more.. It to the deitruc-j
creamao Ham on T«aoL
a little bot water Poor Into an o.led
Thy U^t aloog the way.
and salt and nutmeg. Steam three
TTiere is something peculiarly de- monlA It to best to make It the day for underwear, aprons and wash t.v.- wringer and the unmaLsgeab:' ^
remaanu of ooM boiled
boors, or. boll two boors In s butter­ UciM in the flavors and fragrance befdre It Is required.
dresser, it 1* wise to adopta uniform , lancdresf that baa rauiiit-Lcd
make a whit* aaWce cf ons
Wbero'er oor feet amy tioed.
and quality for two reason*: nurateri
nurateri of
of studs
studs u*.-d
u*<-d. Mo*;
Mo*t arntle-:
ed jMddmg mold.
of lemoBs. It to but tslntly repro­
Lemon Jelly—Soak one ounee ol
O'er reddaalng blooais of toey.
A eort of sublmsted charlotte to duced in the oU and essence that gelaHne In one-balf pint of cold wa­ Flm, they ran be bought In quantl- tneo ran boast that every .ingle wash00^ gravoa that hide oor dead—
e cupful milk, i
made by lining a buttered podding bear the same name.
ter. dtosolve it In oue and one-half lie* and thus are cb.-nper; secopd. ai-1- garment they wear ua* no bui- aall and pepper Add tbe bam to this
Thy Light aJoag 4he way.
•y #111 tfrtis upon iu bui 1* en;lp<-Ii rireed by;
flUh with slices of buttered brestd on wretched substitute for the fresh plnU Of boding water: add replacing lost buttons they
1 poor It over buttered toasL aervthe.bottam and sides; fill the centerltroK. which sbtMid slwayt be used of soor, the grated rinds of
When Bght ta wrecked of Wrong.
lem I always match tbe others and 111 jlhe Bloq*. They are a romfurt: and If
with stewed and ssreeteaed pninto:^«hn it can be <Mtsdned. Tbe follow- ons. and tbe Jnlce of four
Whore stern foee dght aad aUy,
Let It button holes .and are quickly folind th.-y are made of *ilver or golA 'innead of bone or pearl th-y are a laxAad deepnt dangara tbroeg—
cover with bread and butter and, tog recipes bare been tested many come to the boll Take tt off the Are in tbe buticwi baskeu
She—Doctor aato I most hasp my;
bake. Sift sugar over when done and times, onA If the fllrecUona are care- and cover closely ao that the neam
Rlght here I must lay that I hope ury.
The Ui»t along the wayl
mouth ohni wben to tbe cold nlr.
eat hot «r eotfl with cream.
{fully foDowsfl. win give saUafactory Cannot escape; in ten minutes strain DO housewife to wlthoni a button. Boys and buttons ffaould have an
He—ru opaa tbe wtodow Iwmadtoto-^
Stnagth for eat* taak; aad atm
Halilne ouy be noaked and stewe*-|f«Blu. SBcseas in making articles It lato moulds previously dipped mio basket or bag. I prefer the former for Inffmate acquaintance with each oth- ty—Loodos Sonpo.












Pages r te 12

«1th an expen
The St. LouU MsDutacturing com- reeedve mon atiebt;oa this
annual wa««s.
pany came oeii with the proposal to it woMd seem that it could
Bmeb c
erect * factory and remove thetr b«M to pay. eto»cialy during the
Induatrj eoptorlDie wrentg handi*
Dcas from St. Louis, Mich., to this usasoA.
papar Mill.
city. Their tenns were considered i
TOa next propofltjon wlikrii rpcalr- condemned f(^ that. V
out of our fwacb when taken In coo-|
.opUmIsUc view of our pneeet
eectlos with (be benefiu we wouM i Bealdra tbe annua; meeung of the cocdnii
wax thp paper mill. and all. In baslneas I
The Bupper roiomltiet* w
be likely to receive from this plant,! ^fd ^ trade last January there
t. ai rou I
pame purposeT
- ...............
*• “ InduBpoued of Uin Abbott. Mn. Bailer, forar in in OB)
Tbe mauer was dropped by (he boar*,^
'»»> meetings of the .„t,»
enure ,ry,| f^ater That U U ImportantAaE
Mr:, ^tak. Mrr. UJiler a 1 Mlu several years
, ____
.istributlon of a half-mil- and Ull late last year was considered
called during the past year.
called I lion dollar pay-roll In this region the by our cUltcik- Indepeodeotly, some
*’** **
oivvra house on
last June at Otcena
I of Taaatmaatar.
summer. Will you get any of them disliking to give it up. oat; April isth In the-intertwU of the pafor tbe puri'Ti^e of tarrylnjc '^e ------coming
propportlon of It
Will I* No question so far noUilDg bas been accompusbed ■ P""
pi^Ject and the other era*
, oe:uoo tbrouafa U> completion.
about IL
beyond negotlaUons
I ooe which It ts safe to say will not
lYesI- rather to lake on sotne form
..... Ome estahtlibsd
B Oil-1 make It possible for tbe people to daIf for any reason we are unable to
Lnlveraal implement Co. tori'"'’?; be forgotten-^ day at Omens
ulaotera "
" J*”*
1^' -------ffuvsts of President
Santo. •
toaiumecter of '
eveulni! say- elde whether or not they thought the carry out the part left to us. 1 venminufacture of potato idaoters

attf Bird to net »o many natter of sufBeletit moment to put
- -.
say 1It will be many vears be-. it^d other agricultural Implemeott :
raembtrt pnaent lai>t ptiMnit. forth, funhtr effort. Later develop­ fort we will again hare an opportun­ presented a propositton wbereby
»ub.^Icb employ*
the •
ments went to show that the parties ity offered us by a concern with suf
patenu «ul
to tb' stork o< tbe pro-;,^, around, appruxlm^rr^ ‘
b' nfici
at the other end would have been
floieni capital, backtng and respoqsl knowledge of manulBclnre and oar!''*’**'d concern. But more than all we
It ti really aroDdcrfuI, lald (be apeal able to carry out their part of the billty to give this regton an Invest people were to furnish the capltBl.
enjoyed oureelves. There mpioy from 2&U doa-n to halt a d
notlre the ebance made
eleven meetings ot dlrec•
so It died a natural meet of such magnitude, without bav They were Informed that withoiit an i
leal. He UId
Ing to Invest a single dollar of our
share or this to tbe fact that
«'tboul There hsre been
excepUon of 'less'tbu half
oa-n until after the completion and op would have to decline any negotla-1
Eaealsior Plant.
__ .E senred tbe viands Instead
I'lght meetings, sttend.'d by your sectb^
- ‘
these I™
give anploymes*
The axeelftor plant of J. A. Carron eratloc of the project.
ihe gentlemen. Without further prelaitz and Scbuman Company, a retnrr n-n| oirers. number unknown, to their people eleven or twelve
Tbe Hannah A Lay intereeta bare
in the year. The BtaJorttF
already subscribed to the bond issue
'esstmtetsr s Address.
to tbe extent of *2S.7»o—practically
Mr. Ollberi spoke eery briefly sim­
Mich., proposed to estabhsh a aV«*«l Thv Bi;2 i-i-l * of this board meut tor the entire (wHv*
ooteaixih of tbe total asked fc
ply sutlnc that if brevity was the get on
station Id Traverse aiy provided wc;r-n l-.i tbv the fullowUig
In considering the wage paylBg toINTERESTING ADDRESS BY HON. soul of wit, then he srould be very ...
of the
advanUgeoua location
witty. He stated (bat good, whole- tadneMaents were offered them from
hundred fifty acres of cueam ben aadi
mose Important althoagh not a mini
confidence and loyalty were nec- different pofuU—bet being desirous people in thU district wbo have
facturtng «enterprise is tbe Nortberm
y If a town were to soccced and ot locaanK In Traverse City ft»Porld- means can take the enUre burden ot
lltcbigaD s
(he subscription. In order to have
' flnanefal aseistance was rendered success, everyone must do his share
raabls them to erect a bundli ' In proportipn to his ability—staniog
4ct» ft SMrtp wao Ra aUctaS Praet
. Bdward Payuon {
and Instal
sebinery therein!
with the'-small property holder, witb
‘ EnteraiDmcn:
IMO on ■a the sute of Mleblcau. Tb* A
GMrt For EMH<n9 Yaar—Vain■t«o*uion to manutacinre a eorb . ».(,n,T'7,,i'
E> the liilhS
126; from that, on up to the largest
' 1T<1 00 employs *30 people at good i
,kAr snd »hreddtT to the consldera-,, m,' i.I. ..
CMber «
uubscriber* of the heavier Interests,
- mtf
U 31
1 of the Industrial committee, ThU 1
‘ ‘
Duml'erod with the mABBtUtBXtig te>
to your
liberal subscription on the pan
t» W)t»i Intaraat
dustrles as wage-poytas.
are tk*
hoard *f dlrectom thtt llnsi
lancbl aaHannah & Lay people demands
e (TUy
sMance to the exieni of 11,000 be- appmisUve sstJon at our hands. It
! four ruOraBdA
D'cvun jorenfc
plUl an.
esiended. Not having tbts amount on certainly shows s deep Interest In the
I'M c! f... ' • : . .
itly given
> consideration
irqnette. the Orsad GarIGi G
hand, some tCOO was raised by rolun- future welfare of our city and vicinity
inufacture of a UghUtng *
tary subecrlptloDS on tbe part of by them. All eyes to the north are
Isasna. tbe Manistee G rTmlliMfk
•ome ot oar .manuracturersI and bbutl- cirt-red
snd the Traverse Cliy. tiantsme G
i-red upon us. and correspondence Arrester under the patpol of William I “Tap, lelt-gi.ims. te.e.b.-c
ManbtUqae. Of iheae. the Per* Iterneas enen. with the miult that i
04. file states "We are watting for ulflord of Thorapsoaville was eonaid-■ *“
1 70 quette employs by tar the lartart
ereil by tbe industria: committee.
I Indukt
Jartry ti now with ni. doing s goed Traverse City. What Is she going
business, and with bright prospeccs
Bumber of people, tbto being dlvMka
The tall does not wsg the dog -P<'Clal trip was made to ThoopsuD- C M Neal. boAid Mil Part
lor the next flfieen years tir more.
headquarters for that zaUraAd tor
and until we show our band we can­ ilile. the Invi-uilon exaiclDed and Mr.
To be a live orgamxs'lon. we can­ not reasonably cxfiect tbe country GIBotd interviewed at considerable Bnieru'nlug Press Asa'u ...
t» (6 this sectloa of the state. The Peo*
• ntMt.
After several Inte^ews.
not expect to accomplish much with­ north of us to set tbe pace
Marquette distribute* pay eaveiiapM

Goats «f diPKisrt'fep ten yM»««]
commKtee meetings, etc.. It was H. Montague, apples.............
out meant. This Is reccgclted by sll
each month to not less thn M peRfurther encroarh on your
Bxp. In P M round house
• ^W. N. VMl«r, J. W. MimkM, H. •
—at thU dfflc I would like (o see time. We all know shat a street found that we could do nothing of
some ardon taken, amending our by railway—especlallj with an Intenir- ■ ufficleni msgnliude to Induce Mr. Tou! "'4 J. A. Carron .. Co
ilone in Trsveree City to wages at
• A. MtNMilWt. E. G.Fratt mM C. •
Glfforrt to cast Jils lot with us. The
laws, advancing tbe tnrmbersblp fee
ihlr pntnt being J247.SSO. the total
to date ...................................
on stH'iiMd a good one snd tbe
from 12 to 110.
|10. aui
and with our present
amount paid by raUroads hatas
capita] required tor lie manufacture Check for postAge. iavtu-..
meraberuhip, tfis would give us
000 annually.
working capital of about *2.000
lit days cone by the Insber tDfl»
nOr IM careoM. InterMted botlmere not ul our disposal to secure Schuyler Mfg. Ob.. ..............
try 1 I the Btalnstey of this iin—w
Bees a«s of TrtwM city gathered at
tbe industry and the matter was drop­ Paid B W. BowauB'a exp.
Ity t
f grantlog
second trtp .........................
OiEld SMI T««Aftty
and tor See
bonding for induEirlal pur'
Travense region.
tb* 1____
Sow* BsUiMd -to • sane asS sober
These were things we did not get CollectlOD fees.
poses through come misleading park
are stfl < r cooMdataMe
docs .........................................
either because we dldnt want them
scheme. If such-procedure Is l"
portance. It will M but a lev year*-'Illegal
ElBBUslon of (he seeds of the city
Stamps, ledger etc..............
lirvistrallon of confidence (which 1 understand it
1UI DA t’»^tore me im
- as veU as tte OMda ot modem Id- c. B. Usbiey, tbe Detroit merchant,
There were a few things, however, Salary of Bee for one year .

dnstrlel pratreM. enjoying meto-' who appwired at tbe box office
which we can congratulate the
n a legal tppearance by "cJiaglng the
the producU at tbb
It tbe entire bbODse
*2018 2* dlaie vlrtalty.
people- >of Traverse City.
devil around the stump." the other
giving the tlckeu
Above figures wUI not telly with last flru«a years
What Wt Get.
. . .
end sD detlrahle fMitnree Beldco has
rre.t outlay way: hot I am in favor of creating a
that hk
be great
the bank aceoupt entirely because class of manufactortcB bare
1 In this dty. or NUas this
- would return .o mm.
As a farthrr
came b
early In the year and arc some of the paymenu were not
Cited and enjoyed
- little
• llle girl *10.000. for tndoslrtal purpose*, and
{UlnrimUon. be told of
cdlent businem In the re- by check.
she moved
8 and
Bank account is as tollovs:
to tbe wisdom of our board d dlrectAmount deposited In bank
In whkh Sdence.ln the hub of tbe universe.
leys and other articles
since Jun. Slat ................... |17»6 70 . .
Arm loduMHfc)
reviewed i
the conclurlon M Mr. Gilbert's
printing trade.
Bal. IB bank Jan. *tet ......
U St will invite tbe euM
J. A. Carron and OotBpsay. now lo­
dred manutaetuiiBff
cated near tbe Orelllck plant on Day
lotel amt deposited In
tbe years go by.
su-eei. are doing an excellent busi­
bank...................................... *l*c
Fectorte* OrBsHa^
^ wlvrbole eudlenco bis friend and all present.
ness in the manufacture of excelsior Amt of cbeckn drawn from
lust have money
While the cry for B*w
1 the' vere entbnslastle In tbrir reeall be- "to do tbtngs.having been brought here from But
to devise some
and U Is up <
the bank ................................*177* 6t
- been pronounced k to a
tons Bay. after thcl ' h» by
meabs whereb:ly 01 orgaDliaUon can
the Nty's devMi ____
g to many and wlitu
SS 40 along ms line baa largely been da*
teecxd tor Ritnie'rerer^ K. Santo, touching upon good looking be of furthiler
This leaves us with
capital . the growth
The Bdward Pavson Msnufacturlng
g------ of
- the
- tnetorfee
" m tbe ns
mg adv
company was orgunlzed at the time of »3S.*0
r-stablished. BteUstlei oarefnUr entbcity haa they
of our last annual meeting, but had made by secreUry• of *2
ered fron offlclal eoBreae ahow ngtE
True It U, wo i
. .1 ban c
Increase tn thU dlrectkm. and wMto
the board of —i- and private par*
suit blmsMt.
Ues have not aecmpitobeff vM
It will not be r
to give railroads land another in sight) snd
1 will say that almost some may have expeeted. at tb* wte*
I of the eight Booths of water transportation.
believe we are better situated .In
Ume. these Influeaose have t-x-gae
»“rtng me
the pest
past year, 1many
» amnntr cave
a lIlaeriTHtlfWI
<» vraoe aunng
irspecU. and enjoy advantages
within our borders Utereeta «Udh
*rsSSr(^ The
a. -rtor
Tb* report of the secreUry wll)
will show superior to our neigtabora In Che in- ban feature—means i
trade as well*ks members have been ----'-BCOtnlng mote ImMetwwt-------*- '
iTti 1^
It with Sgur«
*<»’th and the resulu terlor. and with proper push and en­
vxtebsloe of
Marquette prompt sDd willing la the perform­
The tmpo
ergetic advertising. «e can aceom- tlaJ benefit andJ >should Jend all possl- round house. High officials
ance of tbe tasks asrtgaed to them
Isdustrinl 'center
pllsb much In the next few year*.
Pere Marquette railroad were serious­ and judging from the past tbe board ulzed by a gtance over the J
ble financial and moral auppoi
Street Railway.
ly considering the removal of the dl- of trade as an element tn Traverse products manufectured In (Ms
this enterprise. God forbid that
^ABdlteritim t« commandments, willI Ibear repeat
lestlOE before
rboud be a citizens in our midst wbo vlsluo headquarters of the pere Mar­ CKy s progrvwa will in tbe course of munlty^^ Oval w^ *ad wire
f.,|today is tbe street railway i
docs not have osme thought for the quette to TtiompsonVIlie which Is human event# Increase from year to butter dishes, clothss ptns. vrtre
of I
urban aystem between this
dish msebines basket
future of our city. Poet not the par­ more nearly equi-dlsiant betwesa year in ker-ping with the
Rapids and Charlevoix. We have nev­ ent look to the education and future Grand Rapids and Petoskey than we
t of our communliy.
chines, frolt baskeU
»d. packages.
de______ • that —
W. H Umlor.. Secretary. upholstered rocking ebsira.
er had such a golden opportunity of of the child* Tbnt question requires Bre. To increase the difficulty and
__ _
___ i a well I
slrabU dty. The
reallili^ this great asset.
chairs. Roman chairs, end Uadred
answer. Very well. then, equally onnsequent probabiitty of this move
TtioBdea OM and
' Hannen was then 1
• oottsideraUon by
HIsaioD furniture, con ctaieh. te«k>
the future ot our ilty should re- there was a t-erlous Gsagreemsat be­
SM* M.
etc. three
concerns ecgaged ex*
re our most earnest consider*- tween iheown. r trf hind* wanted for
round house •-xt,-nslon and the offl
Does Win G* RsUed.
tronu. and like
m nneiltlte.
Obask yon. Mr. Merchant and Mr Man
At the bvnlnms meeting last evencODSideraL ■ tact, diplomacy andgood
Ding of fruits end vegeubtot, ample
ntacturer, if you have made a suta«. the sRlHt ot the assemblage wes
rials of the company
It required
flooring, throe concerns i
0 do with I ntiiascetiK-ut to straighten out this
‘ “~| tact that almost nn( your bufUr
buHness* U so. did
log wagons, sleighs
ABtmto^'^e organisation voted to
omplUh it
ungle and satisfy all partle*. U was
chair stock. |
and I- trust its action w-lii meet with finally accompliehed at the enonuous
raise the doee tram tl to tlO a year.
era and like fans BeeeMlties- cBR*
the sppriibatlon of every merntwr.
that* I think i
of seventwn dollar* and flf
fecUonery on s large scale. door^odEB ‘
In conduslon. I sincere!)' hope the expense
cent* i.'f actual cash oiiUay. The
marble and granite moouaente aad
board of dinvrtoiM w;ll receive the full IV
remainder of the cr«-dlt for retaining
cot stone work, eooperug*. sav-mlU
support of every member of this O'" | h7-Te%*h
e bylaws.
■l; i«a.d laborers
machinery, iron columns and other
eanlzrlion, and work In harniony.
;nThe Gaitooet.
Iron work for boUdlngf, llgbtfttnff ar>
W* are not ssked for a bonus, but a unit, for ine financial, civic and i
lis-- and apporrtwterv,
iBotor boats,
we are asked to subscribe for flve__
f'Hure remora!
UuDches and row-boeto and enO-boate
per cent interest bearing bonds to the
jot h-iidqiiarti r» from Traverse City
y prMy appewance. earaatSont
entdnes, fur robes, woolen ^ovea.
Soeretjry'i Repsrl.
extrtit ot *200.(U>0—not a.dollar of
'an exirvitivly r--mote i«>!*lblllty
- the OBly flowers but the armittens, harnesses, brass print­
which Is to be turned over to the
t « the Ubies •
ers' gslleyw cigar boxes, two COBConstruction Compasy until the road
I very artistic the bead uMe »>►
.Among mat!- rv
!rns producing fiour and feed. ClgarIs eoartrueted. cars operated,
ay c<»pMJ* r ih.lakiBg. In addmon to tour pHoUnc
provislocs set forth in (he franchise I The y. ar 1»>'T has not been partlcu
I'l Inter uriian ca r.-rwe- as the Olio
offices incliidlDg two up-todate newucarried out. This is t ■'
’ ■■■' larly- cveniful In progresa nor has
Seed UMe were eeeted the guest ot
IS Itit.,.' ij-nii«l Impor'.i ite- Willi- the propapen with latnt modern equipfinsurfai support we ai e expected i been ooe of failure or disaster Our 1, rt »» s- r.rtscDi ojtlln<-d may not
mine. Him. George Cl '
bertd*# the sawmills prodne■

lend to the propositloi
community uken at a whole 1_____ •'
the president. John R. Santo; the
11 our objections. 1
iDg rough and finished iomber.
Did t hear you say. It Is too much prospered and advanced
reUry. W. H. Cmlor: the toastmk
I r>- !:<ne .
- part of good Cl!
2«96 Reepie Employed.
—that we never could do it* My am
prof. a Oilbert: the ireainrer. Sam
m-r- -mpl-y-d daring tSOT
First VIoe-Preeident.
would be. "have we ever tried* eoierprtsvs in rthe
«el OAfland; the speakere. in addlU^
r tbe msrufar"irlnfg induBtries.
to thoM Bsmed. J. W. Hannen. J. «
railroads and N-i-tbern MlehlgBa
:»ay of bul
rived a oopy of the prospecti
nmtkeB and Ttwey H. OUEs; a
spend money
asylum. Iv-t working people, who tw:led "The Awakeulni
Awakeulag of
the Grand : past season.
HAtUngi. a A. MusaeImM, a U, ^
^ ^ organlratlot
and mdurlnrs which make money In
ceived IT .'.:i Tda m wsgis, the nnmSpragM and the Rev. O. a Lockhart.!,„
r,t this
Travetae Region ' Did
read It [ Commercially.
our pOBimuniiy than could be done
*r employ.,I during IS07 being *74
and study
carefuny* Hbt
.................... ...
ot the Baptist church, who prooounoed
entire region has been ' to any oiher sing e sgr-Dcy a
c exr-»s of ipot by the same (nsti- ^
many ,
made ourseltes familiar ; active, vigol
the tavt
and prosperous. Our ll our reach.
ut ..Os a.-id the Increase In tee total
There Is more to it than centerlug
J. V.. ri..r.NEN,
prirducts have
t dnlatUy our thougbis and energies upon the wtth the content# of the t rust Mort-■ products
.mouo! "f wages during the same
ind.-d excellent, p.rUaps un ler the head of matt
The (Mlowlag vtnnds i
Who Gave induetnal and Municipal >.ar *::
pitces and we have had
arepared and tnulUessly
-locating of new Isdumrtes;" civic gage that Is <
..... and |>-Dding 1 may be perm
Wafer* mattery should receive a portion of isry* It we h
supply the demand. another grea
ll Inte—
• Our agricultural
Interesu -----were—
......j... which
t of our I
our aitentior, as niso industries and □s to condemn I
— M, Hsnnen speak,
• I er more prosperous than during the : ,tdered
BreOed taka Trout
Pototo Chips enterprises, already In our midst, diet until we ha
Prtessee of Ctocksn
(hat perbat^i mav require financial tMDce*
I which
denied lt*H for
refer to Uie
great pains to,,
Sotne may I
that the •period of
Your board of trade bas been on their cwsslderatlon
Hashed PoUttes
tU and mo.-a! support.
t «nr rttv tn *v^ur.- accurale flgur-w- ani when be i
PmU Salad
One year ago this orgaalzaiJoe
bow ever, within '
e.. f-iturt- Whatever ll can sblAem fi-Tm Indinduuls...
v«ted In real estate and buildmight be-is:
Odd MIed ma
started out with Just about is
reech and within our means at'
•OAO po^ o
Hot RMh
the treasury. You well mnember true if w« were s
tbe electrical i-wer “
' ______________
Uons made to the secr-i.*r, of stale. ■ manufacturing Indnstrlew of TtBvsne
... But'"
command presented themselves <
be'developed- bv As'm.
tM Cram
r. It.
'(OonUnued on page 2.)
Hr HsQtteS Sg«ke as fr.ii.vw.
city With a purpose to
be many I for consid.-rattoc Among tbooe cos- ManlKie.- nv-r Wh-n com
Salted AliDonda
Candy bow t5M> of this aouHint was raised stop and
vearu ere we reach that point
Very few peopb not ii. cl-vee touch curwey. personal Intervtews have
- ■
'-'slderod and lnT»>.Ueated may be men-;, reeource In d-vel<ndiIng Dur dty l
w-ould be skeptleal as to t) e ability ,vf i Poned - the follow leg.
Its iadustrie#.
shtage of cheap 'with the man-iCarturtiiK lud'usirtew ■ been had the beads Of ererT
The■ banquet was prepared and
any oorporation ever being
an manutactertag coocern In
able to |
Conc«v>s Investl^ud.
^l•■ct^lcal pow
irdlv bv over- of Traverse C1'> '
iloago. Ui this city That this
a by Grace churcb guHd. the
power' securstv Idea of tl- - vt-ni of our iD- muntty i
itself within so short a period as:
... e
^. W Bowman
and company of.tsumated In addition u> this power
nore in tbe right direction needs no( turn Itself
....................... _;* o< »
lt.(i river we dustr.aJ tesourv*»
A careful study Hons figures 1
to be questioned. This industry is at thirty years under exlsUng clrcum-i Kalamazoo proposed to bring to us a available from tee Uanlste-e
C. D- Atwell. Hra. Rickey. Mrs. '
ce of power'-of th*' figures whl-h have been com-: fully aad from autbSBtto
the present Urae employing aovec •tances. It meana they must create: paper mill. After strenuous effert* have also a further source
, ai>M~. Mrs. Gaston
" ton and Mrs.
r eUJ la aiL-'l'lhrd with tie care teat the bnporl- Of coorae It will be tmpoeMMs to sr1 I believe s corpor- op tee part of the board of trade this .
bands besides t«.> proprietors; the av­
' TMrtby. The serving
TTtng was
jlaacc of the work 4-mands will doubt-1 rive ti the exact amownta toveeted
erage wage ewreed ts ft* and upward
Mn. Uwrem
______ _
concerned by the buk-l In transportation matters. ano'JicJ 'ess be a reveUtloc. not only to our j aad employed in the vaGoei
_______ Mrs- CnriMe. per week, or. m ronod tl^rea. SIO.OOU dertaklng and one teat
coosequent prvjcet received some attention lapt 'isitors from abroad but to tee dwMMtedastry but It U believed I <t tea
Mrs. Bine. Helen Stout. Miss Wsld- annually and bids fair to become one mu^ to UA should be dealt with lib- ruptev ot Mr Bowman
.t aad
roa. Mn. OubUml. Mr*. MePhafl. tHss of the DWet Bubsiaaltal and long- eralLv. but at the aame time tee in- upon'tee Richland i*r.K tollure and year though too late to be put Into op-. ers within our own community as figure* secured are talrly <
dty properly
cooserratlve to a dsgroe
Steeds. Mra. Holden. Mrs. Bander*. lived indurtrlca In our city.
tee taUure of the pilvaie bank of E ' eratJon then This is a dally or ttl- '
, w Bowman A Co., at Kalamaxoo weekly boat se^c-e direct
Ooe of tee
tealous cries lor “7 attempt to oveMstkw
in tbla taalnnce. bare we not al­ fuaraeo.
Miss Stager. Mrs. Mercer. Mrs. CamJlrect between:
won. MVm OaMwell. Miss Pavson. ready reaped our reward for ~ the
The John B. Carter CoastrocUoa Tbe only tiling
vtng tbe wreck Ssesnaba and Traverse City. >\'brn industrial advancr'ment
ent which has
$7*0000 Imwtod.
•port of the In- , token i . 'last year by tbe trazuporta- been heard In Traverse City for' The resolt ot the canvnaa «»***»
Btoekett. Mrs Wagley. DelU money expended* I trtak so—and tompany ha* not entered tel* field U s very excelh
Mr*. Bto
-Ul <
Oeugette Morgan. Hiss Ral- •evenl ttmee over. Ten similar in­ through an’
QIUetL 0
trvaUng on pa- Uon caomiiRee not suflkuent data!vesr<. is tor the addlUnn of new tar- fur thb purpose shown test at #»*««
iBOUve; ; duitrlal
dustries. on the Mme basis, would they have I
toBbnry. Mtos Brody. The coffee
milM Inproposed ^ rould be obtained te_warrant tee sue-; lories to tboae
already estebUsbed. i tln»e teero Is tsvestod to rmleetefe
Gimatsd hy U B. StMkney. croemr.
cost ffi.OOO. enpio)' eevesty hands
t route. This will probably Men bare Iwen known I
B P*«» «-).






the yttMt ^-ttS ^SoZMor^r|i-

I^'SKjns; ■Siri’.o'






auNS TuAviatt

(OosUbm4 from jmgt t.)


fat «oBpMij BfunmfdB
of ar ptr
per, “It o
vu »o» *«| wh« —------ —
vk«l w scv «M BM tme. uS whet
tm« vu not sev.**
I fed that wtet 1 bare aald of 'oni
dtr'a Anances to tme and to mas]
la w( BCV. bat as for «nr flnaaoes ;
ear Let tu aet rlgfat and star rtsbL
Mr. Otlbert. bto attaiUon barl&c
been eaUad to tbe aaCter br b refermtee la Mr. Qfliir paper, ttara de­
voted a fev idBntm to manual trainInc aartac that in one prafrinoe la
Oeraaar with a popalaUoa aqnal to
that of tbe dtr of New York, there
were 290 trade acbooto aad to New

la Cermanr. El per «ent of tbe cblldrea below wbat to our el^tb pade
are recefrlna a
a result. Oeraaay to outstr1pjdn« tbli
la this dtr vbee feetoriea come
bare, tber Bust edocate tbelr workaaa and tbe speaker tbought there
: emptaatleallr wroas
wfib a STVtea that dkle'l teach
rouna man tbe difference between
Booker preach and a screw drirm.
Traaturerk Report.
The treasarer's report was then
called for and Banuel Garltad rr
ported as followa: At tbe drti of tbe
rear, ibere had bece a baUnee of
IllJd on hand; there had been reodead from tbe aecrdary. ILflS.fO:
' drawn hr cheek. »L77S.61; balance
OB band. -tm-fO.
Accepted and
adopted oa Mr. IfUllkea'a aoUoo.

hemia thuiiei>»t.

rtiwAav aa i«t '

tbe board or d
r».They might er- '^The FUrt." fMorchesui CfearaetorNew Orleena
ester pioBbersj
guarantee a sianll Issoa of bonds 'UMqneV Hildreth: Medley. -Tbe and
> have been in­
with as arrangement that tn case of I Talk of New York." Ooben; “O Wo­
falinre (which would be very Improb­ man. WomBB." march from the “JoU/ dicted by a federal grand Jury tor vtoable) the cltr would become the own­ ..Idow;" Intermeixo. -Topekm“ H. totlng tbe Sbermaii anti-tmn law.
er of tbe buildings as well ss tbe real W. Jonea.
Eddie FOy. an actor, has bronght
estate, or If more desirable, the title
county Beat
could be rested (n the cUy at flrstOeArat Neava.
the Pocastlco hllto secUoo of West­
~ Issued
CWmeet of Traretoe City. Its producu - in such an amount that combined
chester county. N. T.
aad puih. a money maker also.
iwlih tbe booda, they would be ample ten-i State bank, which recently sus­
After :o 'earn spent in the eerrlce
Tbe LlnctHn club would bare an at-1 securUy to the inrestort. Tbe com- pended. was senteneee to elx rnantbs'
family In Orange. N, J_ Utoa
trtdance ot (»o next year, aad handle I moo atock would be rubscrlbed by
xylesworth was round dwd
tboi ns they wure nerer handled be- all ciUrens who wonid be willing to imprisonment tor exhibiting a rerol
Because of the aire
v?r Id a “rude and ihreetenlDg mao^er bed.
fore. Tbe K. P. encampment would take a reasonable business risk
. _

tight package and
bare made a world wide repuUUon If they preferred to so look at It. ss a ner" to J, Ramanaky. a depositor.
State SaviDgs bank of Butte. Mont
they oonid bare had tbis building. donation for the benefli of the dty.
^uing of pure sugar.
Stole Bank.
Morocco, has de-lb„ resumed bu.lDe..
7be SolAlers and Sailors aasoclaUon Tbl? need not and coold not be done
grand tVhltlock M Toledo.
to knocking at our door for next year. ■ II at once It would be a going and cided to advatme dSOO.WO to Abd-M-j
Axlt. the .niton of Morocco for the!,,
They Ike na aad our central locptlon.
With auch a place we could prorl^e
purpose of maletolniDg the soldiers
t work for this organtzatloc
Foln' (pronounced ihlD
them with bunkl or cot beds in place
duty at the ports.
of atraw, tents on either side of tbe
fane) moremeat In Ireland is
rirer for tbose-wbo preferred camp­
txjniea to you fresh, rich nnd ctonn.
Every packnfe
ing. s dry place In any weather, and eoramlttee wse celled for. E. W. Hast­
cootnina one full pound of really good coffee—ptojtcrljp
meeting place where E.^DO of our d(- ings preCaced lbs report by stating years old.
said t
■mber ofl.
roasted and blended—uniform io quality nod Savor.
isens eonid ae« and bear. With auch (hat there was one enlbUdasUc face
old New York family, «„ed Wm-1
. k
‘ building a conrentlon committee sbseDi last evening, a man who was
Coffee a^ by
uld work with aeal ai
very active In the board Of trade, bto self in a Rslnc. law hntol by toklug.;^
«s. This should be a great
heart was InIt and be thought (hat
I Ireland, it seeka to develop the narentlon aty.
then was so excellent time to send
LocanU of the Cdntord lino weetl,ive Instincts and genius of the peoThis building wanned and lighted resohiUoo of eympalb)' (or bli long
sUmulste u.eir pairloium'
sod Instead of esrry sground an the south side of Gedney i p,,. ^
would be a grand central meeting continued ill
r. they cbannel w hile leaving New York tor j by reviving tbe Gaelic language, arts
plaee for all dUtens. a dropping to Ing ihe flow<•ers awsy o
ptnoe, where ereryooe would feel i»-r- should be gathered
Queenstown and Uverpool.
,pon, tut lutens.ry In that man j
may,!r. the motion to tnai enect earCroamrry men Of TtYsconsln In | n»*r the resif-respect and tbe ambitjon'
-------------— - —
■■ ■■
ryltig unanlmtously.
they pleased. It bss always
to me that tt to as mueh tbe duly of
coDvenUon In Milwaukee protested ; and patrloUsm of the race. At the | ^^h had found msritol obMstioas In the wheat rate ease of the rail­
a mnnicipsllly to furtUsb lu cltlzrus
Ur. HasUogt thee read tbe follow­ agMost the centralisation of cream | name time It (a organising move-:
Dempsey has filed a bill ask- road commltalon against the Orsiioa
eettng plaee In tbe winter. ing nominations:
ery plants to the detriment of the In-lments lor promoting Idlsh Indorfrlei.'
, divorce oo grounds o( extreme
_ ^___ Id the summer. Then me
R. Santo.
Khilrpsd and Narlgstlon company,
dividual dairyman.
If© rteaebing agrleulaure and encour i,nd repeatcvl cruelty, and Mrt. Dempsummer park featurer of the place
First vh
bofdlnng that the right to make retea
could, at amall expenae. be irans- Gamer.
S>rvant (or 70 years In the family |
tonned Into a aplendld skaUng rink
o vested only with tbe sute legJaUof the Rer. William Hague, thei
■Iml'jir charges.
In winter, flooded with <sae and TUtH.
ture~Tbe’ease will to~»aedUtoky
hls daughter In New Toik, MIu Mary | of Chicago courted Cecilia Dempsey.
cleaned with ease. This wtuld be a
Judge C Y. Hanford of the federal
great boon to many parents who canA.vswsltb. Is now dead. She was 00 and after proposing 3C3 times was accarried to the supreme court of the
yearw old
*1 celled, but In less than three moutha court, baa handed down a dectaitm United Stales.
tor an outdoor exMblts. and even
tbeae could be corer^ with canraa If
thought beet Motor boats would run
to the grdbcdi and Blips eonid be pro­
dded la which they could berth or Ue
In stream nslng dock line for wharf.
A July or August exposHloD of tbe.


McUughiiii*s XXXX Coffee
All First-<lass Grocers

J. ~W. Mllllken was then Introdnoed,
bto aablcct betas ’^dc laprorenMat" He aald;
dele ImprcTemeat la tocb a b.._.
Batter that I bare deemed U better


thlas. and call
' Not a acheae to work anr
leme to benedt
beneflt ererr
one. bet a ^eme
one. a woik^le scheme that
work. Many thlnsa can be done to
Bake Trarerae Cltr more beantlful
(without sreat expenae), more desir­
able as a place of reddenoe. and I
.toke It that mod of ua exped to re- aaJn here. CMnpr^eoalve plana era

DlTf f CL'TOiT'K'
UIjJ-iI-i i3 1
Bell’a $20 Men’s Suits.

and defeala'aar wprk alons proper
lines. It to hard tor m annlclp^tr
to work to a well derlsad plan tor
anr ledsth of time. '
There to e tract of la^ la Trar•rse Cltr. BTonne wMeh it n moder­
ate expenae. mar he gathered certain
thlM> that would do mneh for T»arerse City, more 1 bellere than aanj
things that are

12 48

sni) Ends and Remnants of all kinds
must go regardless of cost.
$15.00 Ladies* Long Coats.

7 QQ

r 50Ladles* Long Coats.

^ Q>T

All mast go at.........................................................................§

Boll’# $13 50 Men’s Suits! ’' ’'


r OJ2

Only a few left, ffo nt ...................................................... t.f*270

Boll's $- 60 Men’s Suits.


Tonr cboioe while they laat ............................................. a?«TO

Bell’s $2 50 Dress Pants.


. About 50 pair* left, gu at..................................................1

Tbto has
-The Market »te.Uusselfflan, E. 8. Pmtt, C. A. Bugbee.
dreet and runs to the west
The repod was ac«»pled and ad- Pine strwt abonl 700 feet Adjola- toboggan
lag It and aooas the rtrer to the care tor U
ptatoferoond owned br'tbe dty aui^ ed rery handily.
Waya and Means.
Tbe ways and mean committer thro
ftmadlng the Public Ubrarr.
aides of tbe rirer can. at a moder­
ate expense, be made Into floe green
aald. It does not seem I I^tt suited that In
quite poeaible just now to provide It i the work o( tbe board about t:.000
.and would not thli building help to<s year was neciwnry, that amount
supply this demand? Put It Is charge I being exi>ende<l last y.-ar. About WoO
I •
until Ithis sniouni was rt-aliied from
_____t extended on tbe nonth aide of they can provide
the river, to tbe wea aa far aa de- tbelr
them have ehai
large «
I notblng I
atrahle. and eaatwnrd by a walk nn- an athletics. Add a manual tralnlD ileved that
Air Union ctnet bridge nnd on past seboo) thatahallbeapan of the pub­ Icsa than a business proporition thst
the flourain.and nnd« Cams atreet lic school ayatem and alao open to tbe dues be Increased from IS to
to aigbtb street brfdge. flballow wa­ thore who are compeHdd to become a year and (be bylaws should
He then Introter from Can atraet to Eighth street wage earners before completing the
would allow a broad flU aay 10 feet high school eoursb. A email fee per­ dneed a resolution to thst efferi say­
to M tea on which might be con- il^ for thto evening achool. Some ing that tt was ImpoBstble to vote
nn (be matter at the mbetlng last
xtnietod a good grarel path. Ttlllow
trevt a«xt the watarto atrip of grass
work night
Mr, Hsnnifn moved that tbe report
on tbe other side, and shrubbery to gvenlnga. Ifa not true In other
hide the railroad embankment. This plaeea. and If you srin uke n^re. to accepted and adopted and projK-r
would make a dMigblful prenenade you wUl And
them-- putting
In'toelr artloo be takeu to have the vote taken
along the river. It would be an ax- time evenings at juat aa exhanstlve at he next meeting. The motion pre­
eeediiagly ooawMBt way for all work and tar less profitable. Manual vailed.
went aide psopla to itaet tbe taetory training means more than ability
Mr Ihigbee suggested that s meet­
district araoDfl Boardman lake, avotdboard off square. It cultlvai
ing of the board be called to consider
iBg all railroad cioaings, aad sbon- one to do and appreciate good work than and other quest
qucstlom not lees than
enlng the flMttate flnr nany in reachMuch botch SO days from
... date. Mr
,. Umlnr
tng their work.
felt the matter keenly fls he had
U UxM woalff pemit. it eentd easi­
ly be shown bow aany reUtlrel;
the future.
and It seemed hard to go around to
expeaslve tapraveaenU could
Add a reading room with free ac- the same old bunch of felloss and
mate along the west of our river eesi to papers and magaxines. Thla ask (or more money He asked an
would stimulate Interest In the pub , expression of approval or dlaapprolie library which Is located tn this|val of the proposition Mr HssUngt
same park, and only a short distance tolleve.-i that it would to easier
*111 from the memtors than $S as the {
We have an athletic club now strug­
' But tt to arauad aad about tbe ma^ gling to malDlaln itself and furnish year a little money had been raised |
.ket Bite aore partlcnUriy that I good healthful amosemeni (or Its by (wtbscriiiiion giving the board,
«mr to. speak. Travetae City needs
and the public. It's np-ttill something to do with. Mr Hastlugt
............................D It U aald. ThU
work. Give them a lift Our public moved that tbe sense at the mea-ting
ptsoe of ETound known aa the City
Markst Isada itself to so many things k«dequate facilities for iiraetlee or
Mr. Pratt moved that a rising
that Travvne City warns, and might game*. It's a clean healthful sport,
thunks to tendered Mr. Clappertou
have, ttet K la hard to say ' '
develops girls at well as boys and;
and also as an endorsement of hit
ooaes flret. bat tor the sake of l
has the approval of everybodv,
r and everybody stood up.
ginning 1st ns tste the building. A
in Grand Raplda last week
trentaie of ovvr >00 feet on Union
trough the Preaa building.
street would allow et a flne front
an expoMUoe bnUdlag. Properly
aigned. this oonid be an educational theS, and Is tree to any meeting of
' You know the kind
pooils delivered last year and the
force In our dty.
This building public character.
ahouid be so conatnieied that tt could
Pontiac In tbelr new coiinty kind d-llvr-red this year,' he aald,
be .extended wMtward troa time
Qg. which Is rilusted In the ' It's all won] and two vards long
this year.- he aald. "It's all
time aa It aeemed neeesaary or
heart of the buslnews district. Is pro-:
two yards tong.
alrable. If built 50 feet or TB feet Tided a rent room for men and anoth- j
deep at flist It would furnlsb a space
for women, wouldn't our fanners | ..n organlTSilon of the character of
ample for'any gathering of say S.OOO
1 their wives ao4 families drop In; the board of trade is similar
or 4.000. A future addition of galwarm, and eaperiallj »o when’child going to schawl, by
lerlee would largely Increase this. alongside tbe market to which they Grand Kaplds (or a guide, many difProperly planned. It coiild be ar- go If coming with loads?
iflcultl-s can l-> gotten aronod as the
reaged for aaaller gatbertnga. It baa
I might go on suggesting other: Grand Rapids board has been tbroueh
• beet claimed by tboae who are best
which this could to pul. but them and solved them.
qaalUled to Judge, that a military I hope this It enough to mu-rest' Mr Santo said he Intended to fol/
company could be organised and eas- you.
It 1» an enterprise the likeof How the example of President
Uy aaintalned U they could only which does not exist so far as Iknow {of the Grand Raidds t•oa^d. and only
Mave a •ultable drill ball and armory. but which every community should; n-nme the chairmen of the rariout
-Thto large room woold flU this want ■ ave.
I committees learlng them to
. periecily. and (ot out-door drill what
Mow AccompliahodI their ssaociaies. Mr Santee
aald In
. oould to better than tbe lawn exThto Should to iTked dpon - as a
'h*’ he felt a very warm re-fondtng from thto building west to bualnres enterpri-re, managed and
f-r Grand Raimis as it was there.
Pine street. Lockers, officers rooms,
itioUed by I board of busioeas
becamt- a full fledg.-d American
bartack and smoking rooms oould to men who would to publlc-aplrlted!
provided to galleiy or in basemenL enough to Hv* It the necessary per :
twiclusion of Mr SantoM
TUs basement could to ntlUxed In sonal attenUon without pay. A cor
addrres. the board adjourned.
many n-mys. it flntobed tn good sub- poiBtlon should be formed, an expo-1
The Music.
SUsttal manner. U would make a Bltlon company or any other suitable
The mualc wa« (urntabed by Stewsplenffta gymnasium with flne ran- name. -Bonds if neeewsary, and two art's orcbestra and ajl the numtoru
tnehn A pwtloB of It could be kinds of stock—common and prefers-1 were to well given thst th, applause
ased for dity store boose, nor would ble. might to toaued Inasmuch a*'was frequent.
Tbe program was
it to at all difflcun to arrange for tbis bonding would to on rity proper-f (-•pertolly pleasing and entirely suited
city offlees on gaHery floor.
> ty, It would to only fair that tbe city ; ti> the occatlnn. the numbers being:
It would to represented In the enteri’rise. | "Mlxlm March- tmai the -Jolly
exeell anything In Northern Michi­ Enough stock to represent the t-aiua-iWidow.- Kr--n tohar; 'Triumphant
gan. Tbe basement, flrst floor, and tfon
uun or
of nrel
QCmJ ssiaw
saint* siigu,
might to wawigoeu
assigned : uaxiuei.
Banner' r..
K Ti. Pauli;
gaUerles wonid carry an laaense dto- to the city nnd they would thereby Dream.- walu. Rosas: "Dance of tto,p)ay. Tito adjoining grounds outside
...................................................... i.Mle Maidens," F 8. Losey; “Tbe
i S^r.- as Joplin regl
igl We*


Shoe Dept.
iSO pairs Ladles’ Shoes.

The famous W. L’

tiuoe Tbe well known Gold Bread 6pe<
ia) $4 Shoe and Pineree $3 50 and $4
Shoes, all the very latest styles. Cut pricev

BeU’s $1.60 Ladies’Arctics, one buckle QO^
beat quality, tine Jcrvcy top

Our Cut Price

Misses’ ShDeS,' Patmt Laatber and Vici Kid.
sioRlc aud lionule eol«-s.

very latest styUa.


n,?„.,-:?c*rSiee9«c and $l.0g
Men’s Clog Robbers to wear over ahoes. Ladies'
and Misses -Slippers, fur trimmed and Ladies' >4 0^
First quality of Rubbers. Our Cu'. Prices pr.'tOC'

Ladles’ Warm Lined Shoes with ^/./^

Bell's Price $2.

I)ur Cut Price-

Furnishing Dept.
Men’s and Boy’s Heavy Winter
Caps, sold all season at 3lic.

Our Out Price /

Bell’s 26c Men’s Cashmere HaU /
Hose, liar Cut Price............................
Bell’s $2 Wool Underwear of 0 1 OQ
finest iiuatity.

(Jur Cut Price.................... S? 1

Bell’s Wool Underwear, $i aod $i 25 /:
. values, broken sines.

OurCnt Price................. U t L.

All mail go at....................................................................... Jb

$5,50 Ladles’Dress Skirts.

AUlate styles, most goat...................................................

$1 $6 and 11.60 Ladies* Waists in white

65c and 76c Men’s warm lined Mittens and
Gloves in Csifskin. Bogskiti. Horse (tide
and Buckskin fac«-<l. Our Cut Pnee ...............C


Madiaaaod oolora,all pmat go at........................ .....(/JrC

Great Muslin Underwear and New
Spring Wash Goods Sale.
Don’t Miss It.
Ladles’ Gowns
Btic valneaat.............................69c


Lakes’ Ckirset Covers
39e raluetat............................ 26c 75evaluea at...................
^|lc valnea at............................ 69c
$1,511 valuosat.


Udles’ Drawers
3'.ic values at.............................26c 76c Taluea at.....................
Wc values At...

...... 49c

Ladies’ Skirts

Men’s French Flannel Skirts, silk M>wf<i. can be
worn will) white coUurs. in tan. brosn $ J
k’reyand blue. Bell's price $2.50. oiirprioe


? jr7

.... ...

$2.-')0 valnea at.................

$5c Ladies’ Drawers


Mu’S Home^ude ftuttens, extra heavy

Underwear and Hosiery
L^es’ and Children’s Wool
Hose, extra values, a pair

Ladles’ Heavy Fleeced Seamless Hose,
Ribl>^i Top*, u rpRoinr 2l<c value.
Our Price .............................


$1.26 Jersey Ribbed Union
Saits, On.-ColPrue.......................OuC
Ladies’ Red Wool Shirts nnd Drawers
Ladles’ Non<ShrlBking Wool Under­
wear, isadO'Of selected stock, always Al
Solti at $l a parmeui. (>or price ............C/«jC

One Lot Children’s Fleeced Hose,
Special a

Full line of New Spring White
Goods. Ginghams, Embroideries
and Laces; all at Special Prices dur­
ing this Clean up Sale.
Globe Green Trading Stamps
with every 10c purchase. Free

Look at our Show Windows
It wiU Pay You




f}^j i


• «

4 U


5 M

.... I U» Of 7 M

S !S



It **4 It............


Lot 4t .
Lota t4 ■

1 a
n 1 00 10 u
os 100 fot
of imhik UgA1 00

1 n


1 00
1 M

S 41
1 01


|! ll* 1
l-to 1.1 3. 4. tmS^

«n nsu '.as •:s
js ’as
3s ns ils

1 Ct

i w IS
I 00


::::::| S„ ,S

li 1 of

V1LLAAC cr rirt

' ''


itf fiftiMitK
1 If ' U 1 M
( »S
«• 1 M ' I M
*• « ««


I tf
^ t> NORTH, RANOt It JftfT,



HMArfc>a OmmO AOOtUtm.


• tl

Lota 1 «af {
. •■»
11 II
Lot ft aw H CO tot ft, «e*pt nortj, so fw
10 »
1 07
P^ NaMOhY TMra AMItlM.


1 00
1 00
1 00
.. 1 00
00- 1 00

tt SO
S S7

............ n » or i M

0 41
7 41

1 00

IS 47

1 00

14 S3

1 00
1 00

ss u

• 17

3 Cl
1 17


10 a
3 76
U 1 M 14 a
1 09
1 M

1 N
1 94

LoU 46. a. so. 5L

2 41


Lou 1. ‘i t,'s. iKiV 10.11 tad'll
Lot 4.................
Lou 9. to.ML
1 13. 13. 14 aad ic

1 W
1 14

V r!« l i


t 26 8 04 81 M t 2 K Uu u
94 1 tt
3 40 ut 31


10 I M
ot itt
01 1 M

4 14
1 a

1 34
1 61



1 31

1 U

0 43
t 71
Nottt H Oflota

S It
t 47
• ft


1 00
1 00
I 00
1 00
1 00

1 40
■■ ■
Lou 1 and j .... <s
„ „
t IS
I 40
» W4 4 .......... t
17 *1
4 SO
4 70 Lou 3 and 4............ 4
t IS
Hannah L« A Crt-* r*nw
CITY or TftA\«Rtt CITY.
Lou tt and 34 .. .
lU It
St 77 107 1 0* IM t7
tt n
It u tiS 1 00 OS tt
01 r
It Tt tt«
1 00 110 tf A parcel ta ^ 7 daacHbad a* fellowi. < ____
at aonthenat eotnar of Lot 7 thence w*« iso
Us* et uAa
feel thane* north SO feet thence east ISO feet
o of tha
thence tenth SO feet to bcgtanlng
•enth Una et 11th atraat thane* want lU f**t aeath
0 47
3 44 ' 'SS
Han^ Lay A Co.t Pirat Addition.



1 M

r.3i7r»-"'.4?r7i oas ssrsTLk"

Lot II aad east H

aenth of th* lataraaetion with aonth Ua* of llth
street thane* waat ISO feet, aanlh IS feat, aau paraUal
with llth M. IIO ft. . thaoea
a. ft
ft to batfnnlag. <
1 00
l 00
(*• !•«« wen oi uae waat. iina oi uoioa aireet
raantng north ISO faat these* west 41 feet thence
nohth ISO Seal. A*M* anat to ptSat of bagto-


11 tt



OoRBenotag tt f*et fooUi tad Itt foot oMt ofU
port between aactlOM i and t thane* aonth 110
thane* antt M'fMl,thanoe
thane* want SO Seat to hastaaiag
1 4B
' Ooittaeetog 6.11 obaint aonth. lOJ chalna anat of
U port betwaan aaoUona i and I thence north 144
teat, tbanoa anat ill laoL thanoe aonth IM feat,
thence weat US faat to beginning
S to
' Fnrert et land la aeottoa eonunenctag Rt faat aoulh
«SS feet «HT of \ poai between aecUana 1 and I
three* aonth IfO feat, thence eaat SO feet, thence
north 100 feet. thiNee weatjo feet to begiaatag
1 46
Pnnn) of toad to aeeUoa oesBeaotng tS feet aonth
and m feat anat of M P<tot batwaan aecttou i
and t thane* aonth 160 teat, thanoe anat so teat.
tbanoa north 160 faat, theaea watt SO faat to ha-

Lot 7
........ l'
Lot 3......................... I
Lot 4 ....................... 1
Lou 30 aad 11 ... I
Hannah L^y-A
L-M* 7 and t......... 6
Lou U and 46 .. .. 5
40 feet naxt aouch.of north M

Staniag............. 1




1 to

1 00

. . . . I
Waat 60 fret tt“Lot

S 10



Rayalda Addition.
I Jt-nad It ...^
th U of tot M and entire Io4 »



1 00



Lola t 4. S. «.......... 1
IT )4
4 61
rnalnr *M Orntoar Addmofi.
Ul H........................


1 00
I 00
1 00

Ooodrtah'a AddHton.

1 00


Kiv-, v ::: i

« *i 5 i =

4 n

6 75
9 39




Kaviland** Addition.
I 74
Oak HalghU Addition.
3 03
11 62
3 02

Lot 1...
Lot 3 .
Ut 18 a

14 tt


1 waat 15 fret of Lot 33
8 It
3 34
W U Of Lot 38 and atut 10 fret of Lot 40
7 18 *
3 40
3 36 tt fret nest weat ot anat 40 fret of Lot 73
3 13
n 09
3 88
45 faat next weat ot antt 14S feet ot Lot 73
8 49
3 31
Ut 101 .....................
1 74
Ut 106 .....................
3 91
Lot 117 .....................
7 37
1 83
Ut 118.....................
n 62
3 03
Weat 17 feet of Lot 129ud eaat 16 toet of ISO
3 80
North 100feet tt waat i feat of Lot 134 aadnorth
100 fret tt eaat 30 feat of Lot 136 and anat 30
faat ot weat 3S fret ot Ut 13$
11 63
3 02
3 76
Ut 147 .....................
14 48
Ut 148
3 31
Ut in.........
6 05
Lot 199 ....................
19 41
6 05

ua 206 and


6 83

l C1

F O R ...
3 U


1 30


1 tt


4 41

Lou 16 aad 14


I2.’S.... ,t;



«•tf 1!«•00

a B. A t



Job Work


of every kind,
from a

1 00
1 M
1 00

2 31
North rife Uk*.


I 31
1 10


1 SS
1 35



1 00
1 00



Book or PampUct

1 00


13 Lou 10 and 11 . . 55
IS Uui.tS.5. 6. 9.10.





37 46
16 10



1 00
I 00


l 00

CaUlDR card

North Additlof
f, K. 9, 10


to a


. 9, 10,





n. 12. IS.^H IC, 18. 2L 22. 23, 24, 25.

1 52

Come to the office
of the

16 I
Lou 49 to 63 in-


4 46
I 16
4 45
l ic
1 47
1 47
1 47

Bewkera AddICen.
Utt 1 aad 2
.Ut 3 and 16 fre; north fide lot 4
UIS 3. 3. 34 aad 35.
Lett 8 and 9
13 ......................
Lot 13........................
Lou 18.31.32 and S3
Lot 19 .......................
Lou 36 and 27__
1.04 19 and 30 ...
1. 35 and 36

1 00
1 tt
1 00


61 0

lad t and «Mt 10 lent tt aoub id feat tt lot t

i 00
1 00
1 00

1 00
1 00
1 00

It so feet of L

1 II




Andaraana Additlen.

C ...




Crovnr Park Addltton.
t 71
1 41
P^ MannahY Pint AddlUon.



Lou 3, 3. 4 and entire louth H of’


Oakwoad AddWan.
Ut 13....................... 1
3 S3
AU tt waat haU exeapt anat BO feat ot Lou 26. 36.
tf........................ 1
3 03
AU tt Ut 1 lytog north and esat of P. M. a R.
2 30
Lou 3 aad 4...........4
4 tf
I 31
•toOU and Spanear* AddHian.
Lot 33.........................
I 46
Uu 38 aad 39 ... .
2 S3
WidMlm AdditUa.

OrtfM and Wlnnka^ Addition.

i Lnll 11 and SI .... I


1 73
3 tf

1 40



^Vand li .. . J


3 »



3 34
3 24
3 39

1 00
] 00


I tt

Lot 11 .

2) SS

north i-s of tot t



37 05

1 00

We*t 40 f*rt ot ***ftt tort of LoU l and 8
16 38
4 3J
« 1 00
Weat 46 faat of Lou
I and3 .................... 6
30 38
6 39
81 1 00
North Uot Lot 8 .. 6
11 63
3 03
46 1 00
l^t 9 ....................... 7
34 84
6 46
1 00
Hannah Uy A Co.** Tenth Addition.
Lot 13 ..................... 12
1 on
Lot 13 ... ............. 13
1 00
LOfi 10. II. aad 13 .13
1 49
1 00
Hannah Uy A Ce.'a Thirteenth AddHlao.
Lot 34 .......................
7 37
1 S»
1 00
na^ Uy A On.'* f

/Athena Raaort Addttlaa.

s as.:;:;;,:;:

I 00


HaaMh Lay A C«.'a Ninth Addition.

^....................— tt nald tot 4 tbanoa aonth L6 ehato*
Wtkano* vent 10 chataa thane* north tA ebaiaa
fhaaea anal H tfalu to huInnlBg
Adali AMHiae.

» AS




rsnrt ItTr^tbMo* v
ifSa to bactahtaRU '

. ■osaT-l of lot 1

St tt


17 64

Itt 1-lt {•*(. thane* aonth 4M feat tbanoa eaat
m l-U waat thence north 4>S feet to
11 a
S ^""'di
1 tfi
Put tt naU of B«U tt M
that vaati^ 10 mSa n

M Tt (art tt lot
m ......................

I 00
1 00

11 63
3 03
feet of Lou 1. 3. 3



firt oSicn onit M f-.. ,________
ttaun vnat SO faat to bagtaalag


1 00

Booth O fert tt
n 37
6 06
Lot 19................... 7
It «
6 II
HaoMh Lay A Ce.'a Sixth AAddiUo*..
to>‘» 4 aad 6 .......... 7
- 3S 62
6 66 1 03
* and 4 ............ 8
4 46
I 16
Lou 16 aad 1? ....16
1 46
Hamiah^Uy A Co.** AavonUi AddHion.

-------------potat la eantar of Aci
cnad tt sods eaat and tt reda aonth ot % poat betw*ea aecttons 1 and l thanoe. north itu rod*
4hnnoe> wnnt 6 rode, thenbt *oath UU n>da to
nantar of rand th*M* anat atong ronA to begin........................ 1
M 1 00
I St tant aonth sad tit f*at anat of tl

rutafn^ of MU tt •arttan.



if . 03
i 74
Co.-t rifth Addition.


aaki........... M
Lou 3. 4. 6. A T. 8. 9. aad 10
Lou U. U. 13 aad

1 w

........ 7
' 14 13
t S7
SS 1 00
Hannah Uy A Ca.Y raarth AddHian.

t 17

1 00

1 n

31 81

Lot 6 aad watt u
ttLot? ...............6
bet H of lot 7. Lot I aad waat U of Lot r
31 81
S 67


41 S3
24 73
13 M
11 73


Led* I aad 3 ... .10

1 I

OnttaaciBg 67 feet aait of nonbeatt
•Irt 1 oak HalghU addlUon.
Ueaea Booth
aooU 100 feet,
1. theaea
waaee cnat 13 fML toanee north 100 f*ef. tbanoa
vaet 33 feet to beglaaiBg
1 00

1 M
1 t
1 «

. ..

2 97
1 74


1 00

4 8«


121’,. ...
1 Ot

5 £3

1 M

2 16 Ut 16 ....................... 6

1 63

1 00
1 00
'I tt
1 «
1 M
1 tt




TaiBBtalsa da Mt daMe to tba aooA
of tba vtoUa. bot lot tba paopla (bay
bite do tba daaetnc. ecorptona. bowaver, onjoy dddllnc. aceortln* to to*
W^untastar GasaCta, and Itarda pa
craay for nnate of aay ktoA As for
aerpenta. tba bo* eoastrletor and pytoao an aaoaala** to oetodjr. bat tba
aatn Is tasetostad br tba dot* sod
TO TAP HIDDEN STREAMS. stlU more by too fiddle.
an>>y toe rtoUn; ao do ostrtcbn.
Wolaa* wtU atop to tba cbsa* to Itsten
« 0«4mI
U e«»eM«ful OtMr to a coraet Depbants are fond of tbo
Dry Or*it Plain* May tete. *«>octoUy toe upper notea.* Tb
•a eiadaHy T*aat*<-L*cil U^m*while appreciating rlulto and
fiote. cannot atand tba banaooicoB.
4riM Mraaiy BnaayravaA
wUI* toe ooBlea) aeal abow* no amonon on beartoc any tostroinent. not
aren tba ban dron.

Si0rifieaR«e pt Government Irri­
gation at Garden City,

R proTC Ita vortb Id Ibe ooe lostaoc*.
«0I ba of ImpontDce to tba rteb. bot
U yat anfattfla Tallera »r tbo
plain* wtn ba pcaaible naar Gardeii
OR7, KaiL, next qtiliic, accordlac to
tb^ aMInatM at tba aoclaana In
cRusa at lha worti. aaya a Oanlan
Clt7 MmapobOeDt at tba IUum City



k ■


Legend of th* Mivtlsts*.
In tbr c/lti Nurse U-geodR "Boldur. tba
beanUfal." was klllrd alib a Imorb of
mlstleloe by •'LokL ibe tnUcblef
maker/' wbo bated and curled bin for
bl* popularity. Tbr god* to aorrow
beaped cune* upon tbe offciwllafi ml*Uator. fiudileuly appeared Ibe God of
Lore and bcggod tbciu to future wbeaes-er Ibe) «aw u piece of It to give each
other a frleodly kl*« In token of lore,
tost tall apmt might lire Btoce that
Ume and from tbi* ba* cam* toe cuaton of BtcaUng a kiss from any ooe
standing under s branch of mlsUelOB

To raeUln tba a
OR aactloo or KaBaaa. luproducata
tbraolfa tba Urtc of watar at tba reiy
aaaaoo wbta OMtatST* Is moat (aseutla]
to tba ndatef of tba cropa. tba coraraIf for tba iDsulladOB Of a eompJai ayatem of poap* anil
valli ewtlDod to wppiy froa aobtat^
The earth and the Moon.
tasaas aprlngs and straama In escaoa
As the original oartb nebula
at lafiOOfiODMO lalloos of water Cor denaed the Ugbter materials were dtotba liTtcatSoo of tba adlacaot cooatry firlbatod <jnlto uniformly orar tbe en­
ure surface, bot the** are now mtoatog from ooe bemlspbere. tbe reason
seeming, as rrafeeaor O. IL DerBeat to worthfoas and barren becauae win demoBstrated In ISTP. that a por­
af this Tory ladt of water, wbicb It Is tion of tbe eartb'e crust haa been
now planned to orarcoue by tapping thrown off by Odal acUon, forming to*
too aopply which to round to the grar. moon. Tbe surface density of tba
M d^walts obder toe great plaint at preaeot cooUsenta to about 2.7. tba
M great depth. The ortglnsl aettlev mean density of tbe moon appearing
of toe lanto to Kansas found that tb^ to be 8.4. or not far from that of tba
toad takas np cUlms not wortb tbatr
misting conttnanu to Ibe depth reach­
patoa, n*r ratumad oast or aoutb
ed. The mom. it to compated. equals
vbasM they bad cosna. Tbelr mart a mass baring the auface area of tbe
«agn tapaed. and amaU and Urge oa^ terrestrial ocean* and a depth of Utir.
Maltota as far away at New RngUnd
toupd t^naaiaa* totarasled to arid ty-sU mile*, and It to condoded that
tbe must wbM tblrty-sls mllaa thick
Kann* pralrl* wbicb held forth not most bare been torn away over ihreeeren tbo moat ragaa proaisc of fufourtbs of tbe earth, tbe remainder
tor* facoadlty. The land bad lain to

to dercde* breaking apart to form tbe eastcni and
antll too darakipaant of toe sagar western coatloenta, with Anstralla and
beat b^natry with toe aid of imgetion, aoma years -ago. agsto drew at- tolaad fragments floated like great ic*
flora on liquid matarlals of a density
tosttos to tba practically dsaartad setof 8.7 or more. This great raptura
« Vow th* forersme^ parpoaeo. by gat'* tbe earth'* wirtae* Ita chief tmgtatvlng than blddea amaas of aocb •Urltto*. with a mtan aiS«r«o«* of
wadad mototora, pumptog It to tbe atm tbra* mltoa between tbe ievela of tbe
smHnetitsi ptotMua and tbe ocean
fbea and qitaaiUag oat orar great
areas, to transform what waa dtoeard- beds, aadma tbe V
1 tba Pa*d of tba firat actttors into a new land
af Antra for tba farmer of toe wnt dftc where moat «C toe moon bad
XatanQy a good dnl of public totB^ bean, tbe dry land was foRsed that
nt la many aaedona of the country baa mad* bnman life poaalbl*. W*
•ttaiton ttaalf to the aocccn or failure may consider that wlttanattbls changa
of dM prefoctad arork. mora ao to riew tbe earth would be now In tbe eondlif tba eaatam bald mortgage* und toe tton ot Yenoa, with water over lO
IsaNWitty of tbo aifiUeadoo of almllnr wboie aurfsea
■Mb mis In otbkr loesUtto* to the arent
of tb* anaasafal opanttoa of tbs Oar
same* ^ans to
Btfita* BOO* or tba water to the Ar­
kansas raney, and Its plans are unltina
sad anutotal To bring to* watw to
th* Burfac* a aartoa of waUs has boen
bond, to* aongate length of whlefa Is
■wt than foor mltos, and pumps
which were purchased from Buffalo
an to be bmtallad.- The projact wlU
hare SM walla, wylng to depth
from 40 to MO (eat and sunk to r«opa
at ton wMto, with one pomp installed
ferantogroap. Tbaae walls rary tram
twelT* to fifteen tocbes to dlamatar.
and R la astUutad that each group
arm yWd fi,S« galloo* par mtontr un­
der « flfleeo foot baod. Each pumir
tog Btatten la coonactad by auctlos
' a to a Na 9
pstoR dtlvas by a twonty-fira bompawn aarttal motoi Tbe twentydung atodoas wm be apatated from e
easIMl pewar ptonV run tar elaetrtdty.
Datlag toe brlgatkc ensgu this
puamteg ayaton will lift 80,000 acre
fact, or 10.776,000.000 gaUcaa
The big ditto wtakb u to cany tbe
aaat aanty of arattr to tbe dlstrtet »
be trrlg^ to. along wttb otb^ d<
at to* arrugamauLt. under piaa
gat praeen «f eeaatrnctlon. From
tola ishi ehsnnM tb* hundreds of
k tton which win in turn food
e to go forth.
nth wort bat already
proTsd a stonolus to tb>- •ettlemetir'of
to*, dtolriet and to prlrste enterprise
'already to Garden aty. There has
been a Jump to land ralnes since the
taaugoatlon of tbe wort, and pro*

I DEvaonm a new wheat.
VI1* Saad Are ■*l*eted WHk a MiaeeE. P.lfoasaor Greeley. Ooio. wbo la
seeking to derelop a wbeai wbirb sball
penake of Ibe lira i-bararterfsiw-s of
tbe durum and hare tbe qualHtes of
tba Egypilau wbeui. eapei-lally as to
yield. I* csiafvlly Mniog l>y band the
result of Ibe enms of ibrae two rarteUes In order tu secure Ibe Onest seed
for planting In the apHng, aaya a Gree­
ley <CHo.> rviTM|MiDdent of tbe Denver
Mr. House abelled bl*
wUeat by bsnd and wllb a mlcroocope
•elects only tbe largeat gnitcf. Bo
careful U be tbst n <; owre than ooo
shear D day ta bandied.
Anutber cooiblnaliuu wbicb Ur.
noose will try In ibc spring It to [ilaot
winter and »rdluary KpHog rye lu i'rbrnarr. bo|>lng (but bnib ms.r doner at
tbe same time aud cross tbe reautt lu a
tardy varleiy of KpHug fye. Tbe rje
will ul»o be crossed wllb po|iron>. and
UoURS sara be lietb-vea be can In this
way prmio.v a fiue breakfast food. 1I«
bus a arren uqn- met one mile neat
of OroeJcy. a here bis eaperlmeuts are

Wlpiag Out as Amy.
Th* entire etandlng army at tbe TobA tolaads has recanUy bean disband­
ed. R barlckg been decided, say* tbe
loBfioa Standard, that as army Is of
to* btotbar aae to tba kingdom. The
atmy eutotad at ait oaoars and thir

' LaoBardo da Ttod was paaaloBataly
food «r enags*. sad with this frtalt
aad bnad ha woold at any tone make

brnabea. etc, used in tbelr crafi and |q and for tbe said county
also bow to krap tbe rarara sharp ana ! Traveeae. under the provlatoa* 01 act ,
ooe toem to tbe bcR adrantage.
j No TOT. of the F^ibMc Actt of 1^ ^
{.every ballM tit wb/cs t
I -njapprOved June S9. 188S. i
to easy to eat tbe wedding brenkfs*t'^^
18»9* to sarertoln the will of tbe qbsI
t>ro>o»>'loB; that under, crtia. compared by me. from the orlgpot an easy to <Bt the w>>ek dsy din. '
Ifled electors of said county, wbetber |
provisions *< toe afo^said act tnol ntord* of tbe order tssoed by
nera that come aner."
or not tbe monufoetore of Hqaor and
<"e law* of. tbe Board of Boperrtsornofaaid Coon,h,
b. »-"■«> , *
-'“'s ■ •■«>»'
"» “•
What will appear very toteresiing
to many peoiile here Is the
token from * Sew York dslly .
'aanary, ISlb, A. D. 1*M.
simple preaciipUon. as

"£r: r:



___ ________ L____.......I..,


olhb brenebes
UlamoDds. and tbe olive berrtea nre
repreacDted by roblea, of which there
are flve atones.

have determined that when J. B. HamUtOD of Springfield. Mass, spaded bis
tuck yard looking for anglewonus to
go on a flsblng trip he turned up Che
eqalvqlent of ll.QOO in one spadcrai.
ays tbe New York Time*. Mr. Uam.
“ton odd And U an old Boaian piece
wbicb dates Ucfc at laaat 2.107 year*.
Tbe piece wa* found about two feet '
below tbe enrface. It la a large 00c
of pure copper and bear* UUo In­
scriptions. together with tbe bead of a
Boman with a wreath around tbe bead.
Large sums have been offered for tbe
coin, but □amlltoo refuses to part w icb
IL Tbe old place wu luued 240 B. C.



II. t I

"L‘ “.'iirr

counelU. ^ Court ot »id County, at tbe dty of
I Tr*ier«- ntv. in .old County, this '
«ta*ll he the ume In I tSlh d»v ol January. A. D, l»«k.
'8**' '
Coutiiy Clerk.

Will Open Abovt

At 157 E. Front SL. In the Beadle
Block, I next to Grlnnell Brothers
Mnsic Store)
with a Complete Stock ol

b- Pore.
be Frf-sb.
be uf ri,{hl potoucr.
bedisiKtosed oarefullY
coet yt.u but a fair price
be hooght amid oleen tum

EverYthiog at our store: is as it should be. You t
utmoBt ooflfidence in onr eood*. and our methods

We wauld like your trade.

Ladies* Suits* CoatSp
Skirts, Waists
DERWEAR. and aU kinds ol FUR­


Comer Bronl <V- I'nirm S:r<-cU

Traverse Cily. Mich.

Cloak Dept. CiothinigDept.
Overcoats are selling
at prices that show

We expect every winter gar­
ment wiil-be sold within the
next two weeks at these irresistable PRICES.
handsome coats, values $18 to $25.
d- 1 O
Your. DOW at only............................................‘
Values $10 and $12.

New White Waists
Special Prices to
Early Buyers

As Aaoatk RabbH.
m Dffitnarman, a Postal TelaBsaasnger of Pubata. Pa_ re
tosxnmliatad tost a rabbit can
rabbit on to* taland nsetb of tbr bouleaard and took it to ibe Peansylra
BU treicbt dtoto Bihr Babbit made
an aepactoUy liwty kick and escaped
tram Bnih Infolding ams. fleeing
among tbe freight can wttb Bill and
■ereral otbac yoatfa* In ehase. Headed
aff on all stdea. tbs little ctra tore di red
batwasB tba wheels of a moving locesnottr* and with a flirt of bis sbort
tall Jumped Into Bandy creek, wbicb
h* awam like a duck, and quickty dU
Bppaarad toward bto boaw in the

said electkB abiD br by balloC and
a ef tbe board of *
that tbe faalloto shall be la two Iona*.
CBS of wbicb abtll eeeuin (be words:
aaleca ocberwlae provided In raid acL
"Shan tbe man itaetare of it
Walter W Dean.
the liquor tratlI.- be prohibited wltbln
« Oraad Traeetoe Co.. Mich.
pnetlc* and to prove tbelr capot>dltles 1 Traveree. bare beeo received by the form snail beri'Shall tbe manufartarr ----- - .
most fltst abow that they iborougUiy
ei*d m
Manor and Be Mquor traffic be pr^
““ Board.
Tbe Soihen and Wlgmokcra' unloB To All Whom It May Capo*
to TtaBna I* Teey outagent to ha exB-bereaa. written appUeaUCB.
.......................................... Admit any
ibara to the aoclety. Only
addreoaed to tbe Board of

beckaehe or kidney or bladder de-:
rangement, In ^e following simple
rr *. d ^rJ
If taken
taken before
before the
the stage
stage ,,
ion If
election had been
u .J''
h:* requUlle el!:eTorewVr::
number of electors. tej:
.FIuld_E«ract Dandelion, one-half .
,h,a one-third ol *11
ounce: Compound Nargon. one ounce;,
qualTOed okclors of uld rouniy.
Synip SaroapaidU. thp^e „ shown by re.e.euvm
Shake well In a h^tle and ,
eanvais of the last preceding
JEWEL FOR MRS. BAKER EDDY take In (utspeocfnl doses after each general election for State officer*, held
meal and again at bedtime
Buutifel EvIdMtee ef Hawoe CoRfwred
A w*U known druggist here at
Now. therefore. It Is ordered and dl
home, when ashed regarding this pre­ reeled by tbe Board of SopervUori of
Tbe Jeweled tuilgnia of an olBeor scription. Ftoled that the Ingredients the uld county of Grand Traverse,
d*Academle. tbe bonor recently con- are all hannlvTi. and can be otitnlned that as election be snd the ume 1*
amaJl cost from anv good pre___
fomd upon Urt. Uer> Baker Q. Eddy,
lownion disbead of tbe Cbrislian Science ebureb.
ships, vlllacu, cities and election
by tbe I'>eDch gurernment. was pre­ further statedth:
wKIe this '^itricu In uld county, pursuant to the
sented to Mrs Eddy in re<.-ugnltlon of serlptlon U often .
___ ._ ,_e„. ] provisions of the aforenamed act. to
Uteraty eebterenieuts an her new matte affllctton* with splendid re-i a'certoln the will of Ibe elector* ol
borne In Newton, Maas., tbe outer day •UK*, he could see no reason why It' “'d county, whether or not the manoby Dr. Jol;u H. Wortben, t're*ld«ii of
uld,not be a splendid remedv for j («v««re of liquor
the First Cburcb of Clirbt. gcWu ist. Wdnefand urinary tra.ihira and back inc should be prahibittd within
•Che as 11 ha* a poculUr aci'nn <i|wn
of «*l'>
. .
Concord. N. H.


Tbe jewel la (be gift uf the mcml^eni
nost Itnoonam orcans and helolnit >'rviiun a* above directed, ahall be
of tbe Concord ebun h, wlio obtained « hem to fltt and filter frora the blool
*f toe neit eenei-n! election, for
Ip. Prance, ki.v* a Doeion dlspntcb to he foul acid* and waste matter j'‘''•hshin offlecra In .tvld several townthe New York Time*. The Insliml* 1 which en.lek'ief* .nd sufferiDg. ' totnv vlllare* e1tl.-s and election dIsconsists of an olive nod a ibIu bmuuh.i Those of ,.:.r r-iden. who siiffer can trtets in uld cotinty, on Monday, the
make no mistake In giving !t a tri.;t. | s:vh day of Ay-ll. A. D. ISOS; that

pat totog a fair return.



f>"W M+A

tor BeantUnI Waists.
Value 51.25

price you choosy from
icveral styles, regular $2, values

Other numbers at prices
from $2.50 to $5

Boys’ $5 Coats g 5Q

Men s S< and K 00
$y Coa.s at . 0‘VU

Bo>s' 7 50 Coai$g

values at ....«7*00

Bo>s‘ SIO Coais g^QQ

S20 and S-2'2 -50
®1 A
values at..........Vi.*X

Bargains in Odd Suits.
Boj-s’ S;^ 75 and S4 50

Fortunate Purchase of

They'are nil new and we are golao to prove
again that this Is the store lor SILKS.

Special Sale
A large lirre consisting of new Foulards. Fan­
cies in ombre stripes, dots, checks
and late no velty effects,
also plai n colors.


15 yard Dress Patter

all size« in this lot—
mostly 35, 36 and 37—
sotjie larger sizes, val­
ues S15 to SIS,

:i»') inch BUrk Toff-ia, wear
gnaranioecL Si.2}
-lOAiity A‘.................. ^88e

White Goods & Linen Sale

Extra quAlitypure dye TafWATTADteT
Value tl dO *nd
»l T5at ....................$LW

Dress Goods

2‘ inch Pran de Sole.
11.25 value at.............. Me

JamestowB *HII»


56 and S7
values at


A Kf)

Special Prices on Muslin Un­
derwear, Cottons, White
Goods, Table Linens,
Etc., Etc.

Value 1IILM

One case odd
pieces of

bought froffi tbs

21 inch Pongee
Silk ..........


Faaor Stripe Pongee
Bilk at .r........ .. - »e
fiOc value

enabW n* to ofht
60c. 75c and 85c
value* at


New Wielin RIk. E. WILHELM Front St





Hm Been Located in One Piece Long­ GEORGE TILLOTSON WAS KILLED Had Been Hi Daly Twe Weeks—Wss CLEVtNTH THIS WINTER IS NOW
Mlehlgefl Resident far M
er Thwi Any Other BuNl
Men In the City.



'' •

e- .

, ^



After tpeoding 33 yean
Koeelaod bnJIdlog an Proof street.
BUT THBIR OAUOHTBR PLANNED Dr. O. A JarrU wtU more into the
Book store bnlldlng next week,
and bid Urewell to the old taalHar
roome that be baa oecepted longer
Mn BNfar Wcmm ta Be t* Ledpe than any other boaloeoe nun le TnrBet Chanced HN MhM Plane
CUy ha* occupied one plaoe of Nephew of Mn. O. P. Carver, of This
City—Voung Msn Was Wall
•irt Time Enjared %y •
leae. and In a few weeks the old
Known Here. Formerly
Paf^ er PMendA
building win be rued to the ground
Sraking On Freight
to make room for the hands
Fifty yeve of wedded Ufe hare aet brick atractore which the Pint Na­
IIMiUy epOB Hr. mad Hn. 1
Mleh_ Feb. 17.—Oeorge
U 1873 Dr. Jarrla, theo a yonng
8tl<«r, vheae goUea wedding
TlDotson. aged 33. of Summit Oty.
remry wee celebrated Monday night man inat starting in life, came to this,
was InstanUy killed this morning by
at the home ot their dangbter, Hyi. city from Maine, where be had been
falling from tbe t^lot of a O. JR. A [.
Cora BDwhall. Ml Met FYont atrect working with another dentist tor tear
Mr. end Mn. Btfger had not expect- yean. It not being necessary in tboaa engine.
Mr. TUloteon was a brakeman nu«d to oheerre thM erect In any aray day* to gnduate from a dental ooilege before taking up a practice, bnt nlng between here and Pelaskey, And
except to apead It «nletly at
. the ereolng Mr. SUger. pUnned to at­ tbe apprentice worked with an experl- the engine was mnnlng dowh io Uie
tend Mge meeting, bnt to hla aar- aneed dentist. After practlcltig 10 coal drek, Tlllotson riding on
prlae Mn. Bowball intomed him that yean. Dr, Jarrli went to the Pennsyl- pilot. In gome manner, he lest Us
‘he eooM not go. Not kaowleg of any ranU Dental college, from which be balance and fell off. the wheels of
the engine passing over the body and
tmaea why he oonld not go out In the frndnnted.
•raalag wtthont the eoneent of hla
AKbough Or. Andrews, a dentlsL bady mutnating it He wm unmar­
dagghtar, h^’iraa going anyway and had been the flnt msn to erer prnc- ried.
Hr. Tlllotson was well known
. ehe had to Intom him that they were: Hee In thli city, fats aUy was short,
expecting eoopaay. Mra. Btiger wai and Dr. JarrU arrired In this dty in this city having formerly been a tim­
pot Infonoed, howerer, and when the June. 1871, Jnet after Dr. Andrews ber of the crew of Conductor Dalaell’s'
gneata arrired aha waa taken greatly left. Dr. Jervis remaining and contin- train mnnlng Into this dty. He was
Jn practice np to tbe preaent a eon of the late John D. Tlllotson. of
by aorprlae.
*^e are'oaly iO yean older today time. His flnt office was In the old Summit City, and a nephew of Hrs. O.
than we were the day we were mar Carter bnlldlng, corner of Boardman P. 'Carver, of this dty. The body will
Ned.- aald Mr. CUgar. aa the goeaU avenue aud FYont streeta, wherw be probably be taken to Summit
16 months. He then locat­ bnrlaO
Bled late their apartmento and of­
A pacnllar and ead fact In coaceefered aaacretntaDoaa. .And Indeed, ed In the KnecUnd building, which be
ItwanhardtebMleraUiatthlByoang baa alnoe occupied, the building then tiOD with Mr. Tlllotson's accident U

being one of three which stood
the north aide of FYont street the
OOien being tbe Beadle bnlldlng,
which has sloee bem replaced by a
brtek block, end tbe HcMsnna bond­
ing, which la occupied by the Famons.
Ft>r many yean Dr. Jarvis wu
only dentist tn this dty. Dr. E.
AaBton loeatlDg here eboot ii yean
^fur Dr. Jarvis came. Othen followeE.'bnUr now there an l3 dentists as
followe: Dr. 0. A JervU. Dr. E L.
At ll:M A pet In* rnppdr waa: AMtoi. Dr. J. W. HIggiDt. Dr. A. J.
eerred. the Inaahe SthM and Veda HcFbeU. Dr. C. D MUIer.Dr. T. A. PeoBowhaD and Dooha Chempney doing hallegon end Dr. 8. O. Sawyer, Dr. B.
the oerrlBg. The tnenn eonalated of 8. Smith. Dr. T. W. Tbiriby. Dr. J.
odhdwtehee, ooBee, I
A Snyder. Dr. Alvah Tyler. Dr. Bari
,-. ptektee, oUrea and aeoorte^ enkea.
Tyler ard Dr. T. A. Wllbelm.
brtdPh and n grtMa-a' eaka were prw
■Mdad to Mr. and Mia. BUger. each
the weed *Yinr louared in ^
MoMtng. Tbe brlde nod grot
aleo TeMfheand with two tendoone
■eevenli- ^eeaa. the glfii of Mr. and TRIPLE CELEBRATION AT CEDAR
■n."M. B. Wedrer and Mr. and Mn.

looUag eoepie were oelebratlng their
EoMaa wwddtng.-lor neither bHde
MWOB toated to be peat u.
More than tweaty Menda gathered
ia beaor of thla event, nmong then
J thetr pnator, the Bar. A A AUlngton,
of the Oak Mrk Congregational
ebunb. The eranlng waa spent lo
wdni ooercnatlaB and nnale. & C.
Mnnaa pUylnt the rfettn.

Irtrt on m


Jed OuearaA R wm near mtdalght
whan Me gneata dMpereed. lanrtng
t wlabee tor tha aged oo«p)«The mrHmb of the eoaple took
plaoe U yoati
fhw brtdt
aatoh tliilBw, Ton ym later
(her «Mn4» NBcflgae and took ap
thoM TCMMaao ta the ttOe tew* of
AatftM. whMw they Mda thetr home
WKU hM eyrtBA vrhan they mcftit
to Tiueiee Cl^ end hnvo etaeo re
Mdod at the heme of their daughter,
ooeegglnc a ealte of roomA dotng
thetr own bpdeekoeping.
lilt aw (M Lake Michigan, for Mr
;BBger baa been n flebemnn thane
' «• yMft, bnt ngreed wtth him. and nlthomM past TO yean of age. hla h*lr
and beard are atlll brown end be Is
ns hMky and rugged u many a man
af «A
Five Mdldrar wan bon to Mr. and
Mn. Bttgor. throe of whom are Uvteg. Oeorga. of Met Bay. Cfaariea. of
nortdA and Mta. Bowhall.
tret child. Carrie, died when but if
yean of age, and another dnnghirr,
, Mn. ttnma North, paaoed sway soma
yean ago In this dty. Loeter SUger
and the Mlaaee BUiel and Veda Bowhnll are the only grandehlldiaa. Fbr
•mere Una w yeen Mr. BUger has
been n member of the Mneonic Mge
of Charlevoix.
• '


MNe Sibyl Ch^a Called Hen By
llbieae of Her Slater.
Mlae Sibyl Chapin, who has been
at OrUnde, Pla.. alnce leal October,
wtth Mn. Jenea. a wealthy resident
of the notMa dty. retnrned bone
Monday. caDed by the critical 111^keaa of her akter. Miss FYaaoas
Ohagtn. ne many frtooda of Mlu
rmam wUI bo pleased to lean that
‘ aha M a UtUe improved today. '
mard A. Wright of this dty.
«* IBUcery E OriffUh, cf Maaeoemty. were married at the

0. O. Shener, Mr*. M. Tretmanjind
Mra. Robert Payiw Ware All

Baterday evening the people of
Cedar Ron learning that the birth­
days of D. O. Bborter. Hr*. H. Trotnan and Mn. Robert Payne came re­
spectively Friday, Batnrdny and Sun­
day, congregated at the home of Mr.

aomewba* of a surprlae to Mr. Shorter
general heart}- welcome wm ex­
tended to alL Music and p gucosing
contest for which Uie booby prUe was
awarded Mn. M. Uma. and the flmt
prise WM given to Omer Shiver were
eome of the pleasant features of entertalnmect during the evening after
which ell were Invited to the dJolcg
room to partake of s snmptuoei sup­
per provided by the Udlea and the
only regret felt was that one could not
eat more of tbe numerous good things
there. This occasion for Mr. Shorter
and Mn. frotman was the 88th mile­
stone of their Uvea and the 66th one
for Mn. Payne. TYie general good
Ume and good will feeling expressed
will long be remembered by the fol­
lowing meets that were present: Mr.
end Mrs. Mortoo Stevens. Mr*. A. O
Wyneoop. Hr. and Hr*. 8. A. Pike.
ind Mrs. H Honnan. Mr end
Mn, John Canneen. Mr. and Mrs. U
Lamar. Mr*. Phnnle Korrit. Mrs. J.
Tucker. Mn. J. W. Remington. Mr
end Mn. UcCOwan. Hr. and Mra
John Shorter. Mr. end Mn. Omer
Skiver. Hiss Bnuoe Nelson. K. Payne.
ChM. Rnnlngton. Olile Shorter. Mr.
Mn. J. W. Burkert. Maggie
Mr. and Mn. O. E Wynkeeg
OmsgMer On Long Trip.
Mr. and Mn. D. A Wynkoop


■ooa’lSrSo toTr^BoydO^ 1^;
Wright Is amployed at tbe asylum
and the yoang oonple will make thHr
heme in thie «lty.

koop and
OoU} ........... -jam long
er. Him Vera Is t nchlng school at
Soloa and win
t aeeompsny I
pereets on their wcetern trip.

WllllSB Armstrong.
Tueaday at her hone. 316 But FYoat
street, after a two weeki' tilneeg
censed from an Infected Jawbone. She
was 68 yean olA Betide* her fansband tbe leaves two children. Mrs.
FYsnk Gnham snd Bddie Armstrong.
Two daughter* and ■ son died In In­
Hr*. Armstrong had been a resident
of Michigan for 38 year*, her former
home haring been tn Pennsylvania.
Her maiden name wu LaPorce. On
June 36. 1871. the ww united tn mar­
riage to William Armstrong at Olnten. Barry county, and 31 year* ago
came to Tnverte City where they
have sloee resided. She was & mem­
ber of the SalvhUon Army, and hM
many frleM In tbe Army who re­
gret her departure, as she was an
: Chrittisj
her friends.
Although she had only been con­
fined to her bed bnt two weeka. the
trouble bad been of long standing.
About 16 year* ago while having a
tooth extracted, the Ja* bone was
splintered, which caused her eemtiauons trouble. Sine that time she noderweni flve operations, two of them
being within the last two weeks.
During all her sofferingi sbe showed

Port Huron.


fate at Kingsley. A. E Tager, while
1 Young Lady Pasaad
•witching, had fallen between
cam. Uie wheels being but a
inches from hit bead. Mr. Tlllotson
Hiss Mabel Purklss. formerly of
was standing near and wtth one leap
WM between Uie oera and bad picked Kortfaport. died at the home of her
np tbe man joat In Ume to save him sister. Mrs. Bd. Derrow. 633 N. Spruoe
Tueaday at 6:36 p. m.. after
from being Croibed to death.
a three months' mness, an operation
having been performed some Ume
ago for peMe abceea Sbe waa 19
■ars old.
Elght-Yeer Old Bon of Adam Exstine.
Mist Purklss leave* a mother. Mrs.
of Barker Creek. Broke Beth
annab Purities, of Nortbport. her
Bones in His Right Lag.
father. Charles Purklss, having died
several year* ago. One brother. WlllWUllamebarg, MIcb.. FYb. 15.— llam Purklm, of this cllv, survive*,
Osoer. tbe 8-yeer-oltl son of Adam and four sUtere. M follows: Mr*.
Bastloe. who lives on tbe Harrison Bd- D*rrt)w. Mr* Will Sylveiter. of
CedlUac. Mrs. tonma Kenecbt and
fs.-m at Barker Creek, toll from
shed last night snd broke both bones Hr*. Uzzie Neff, of Petoekey.
In hlar Ight ler Dr. Bcaee. of Willu PurkU* bad made her home in
city for the last two year*, and
lamsbnrg. was celled end reduced tbe
a large circle of friend who re­
gret her nntlmely death
The remain* were taken to NorthMIBBIBBIPPI GOES PROHIBITION
port where the funeral, will be held
Only Four Vetos in Benate Agalnet today, and tbe Interment will be In
Uie family lot In the Nortbport cemethe Bin.
ekeoo. Mis*.. Peb. 17.—The statu­
tory prahlbltton bill, which was the
■peda) order of the day In the sen­
ate. WM passed by a vote of 36 to 4
FYldar. The bill previdet that all Hfohng Oentlenven at Eset Bay.
shall oease on Dec 31. There are at
present only dgfai connUes Id tbe
UlM OUve Lackey's Sundsy school
state licensing tbe sale of whisky class was hostess to Ray Blrdsall*
The governor hM AgnJfled hi* Inten BK>le Mara at tbe I^-on cottage at
tlon of ilgnlDg the bill, which has Cast Bi.'^.'uesday nlgbl, a picnic and
been ^aased by the lower boose.
oyster supper being en)oyed. Mr
and Mrs. Walter Lyon being the
chaperons in spite of tbe wintry
breeses. the young people had such a
C. T. CedsTstone Brought tn Bunch et good time tbs’, they didn't return
home until 3 o'clock this morning.
Live One* For Trout Fisher­
The affair was a leap year party, the
men Yeeterday.
young tsdu-s caling for the young
rmm Seturtay’i Record.
Walter Lyon dotng the
C. T.Cederstene, of Krystone. Is all driving.
ready for trout flahlng aa be bas dis
eovemd an abundance of live grass
The cdty coutirll Mondsy night with'
boppem on hU farm, bringing In a
bunch to Bert Winnie’s bsrberebop so ut a dissenting vote, passed s reeotu-'
that Winnie brother* would be all Uon to dlscooUnue the we of the Abvoting machines until otherwise
ready for the trout season which
opens two month* from today. Tbe ordered. Tills means that the ma­
hopper* when they arrived wer.- chines *111 not be used at the spring
and that the Australian bal
quite lively but »eem to have grown
discouraged by being cenflned in a lot *11! come hack Into use for that
glaas botUe. Orasabopper* Is Feh election at leaaL
rusty are somewhat of a r*rlety. but Lardle'a motion, there being some dlsthey probably board of tbe leglsla- ciwtloD of the matter. Alderman Moon
turek action tn regard to the trout holding that If the machine* could be
Ashing ineson end resolved'to get used In Chicago, then the)- could be
used here. Hr. Lxrdle stated that the
reedy early enough.

Ibschlne* were all right If there were
lougb of them, but stated farther
that In several of tbe wards. clUzeos
Bmallpex At Mesick Caw
dlsesfranchised because after
Step to Se Taken.
waiting a half or tbree-quariers of an
The BcbooU at Meeick are closed hour, they had to go back to work.
on eecount ofsmaltpox. There are eaUb tniu. etc., without voting.
but a few ease* there, and pbyMeUns
are taking the
Mn. C. E Handel, who went to
None of the caem are cooaldared to Grawn Friday for a rtsU wUh her
be of a dangerous chancier, but It granddaughter. Mr*. Alice HuNett.
waa deemed beet to close the seboota returwed beeie thla afternaoii.
Mr. ud Hr*, w. P. Yogelsoog.
poaeiWe further epread
of the Aleeaae. It U believed to hare formerly of ihU «tty bat now of Al­
had^ migin In one of the nelghbor- legan. are the gmsts of tbeir daugh­
Ing inmber camps.
ter. Ura. Amll F. Neriinger.

Ml non I SHED






The e
evvntag. sewfat
speakers to appear on the program.
Among the vtcitlog speakets VlU be
Ormnd CBeacellor 8. C. Carlton, of
the "Boo." Grand Keeper, of Recorde
end eeali William Hampton. <■'
Chsrierolx. tnd Grand Pretale Prod
Oelrymcn EnUred a Promst Bmi
C. Wetmoro. eenator from Cadillac.
OleemargeHns I* Bhipped t
Among the local speaker* will also
BteU liwtitifUefle—Unfelrbe E 8. Baldwin, attorney, and othneea Is Charged.
<:a. RMY. Bdwards will also appear

-on the program in vocal solos, and
Detroit, Htch- Peb. 19—The pres- H. B. HaOcy will give several readent and eleventh blltxard In Htchlgan tngs.
thta winter is the worst. Prom Port ’ A banquet will follow the me-'tlag
Austin In Uie east to
Inis^d a verv pirr- atii t -.-.e t> sntlelpstthe west railways are down and out td a delegation
.. ~ ~
so far as tegular lehedoles gnplT.i'r^reT* Is rxpeett. .............................
Tbe Grand Trunk and tbe Pete Mar-; U^at officer* from Kalkaska will ah
quette appear i
be tbe worst a«f-




Will Rotira AugMt IS a«g Aa


Lima. Pm. Peb. IS.—Th* UslM
8Ute* fieri under oemmand of Rear
Admiral Evas* win srrtvo at
uwright will Bueooed Evans _
San Francisco.
WaahdngUm. FYb. IS.—R wss atstad
today that Rear Admiral Bvaaa «Ql
not preside ov«r the deritatoi o< tho

:' Attar Work Fraternal Crdee af Eaglaa
trOMorer. secretan tor state snd lead
tn|er«d a Vary Plesasr.t floelal
ilssloner. 1 . , ,
____ ____
The leglslsture is prohibited from
changing the amounts but may abdFive candidstrf wrerr lalt ated Into
Isb the office or land commisaldaer. jhe myateiH.i og Eagledom Tueaday
Hnnlelpal ownership comes ap this
night After the work, a soeUl Ume
was njoyed. refreahments of pickles,
olive*, celery- potatora a la dneheea.
fiicaased cbleken.-cabbage a la royal,
white, blown, rye bread and coffee
law allowing
ring I...................... being served. Chef Daridton akllfulI be shipped to attte iDstitntima. ly preparing them.
rt chai-----—*tn not
On scccouot of the Udlee' social
allowing creameriea-to submitt bids. sesatoD, whlc.h will be held
evening of March 3, the Ust
Today Will Be Oboerved WKh
BpeclaJ Service at Baptist

the warship* «UI start i
t win tm over <l




Thursday. FYb. 30lh.
served as a day of pra
vion* of the Baptist ch'
prayer i

11 be obr for m!»h. Three


special claas service tt tbe church I
the evening. Tbe meeUngs of the af­ ANIMAL ALSO ATTACKED BHEEP
ternoon will be held at tbe home of
Ur. and Hr*. F. B. Brown, 713 Wash­
ington street, the Rev. 0<«. E Ls>ck-.
hort leader, Mr. and Mr*. -& L.
Hughes, 313 Union rireet, Mrtf. Wm.
Thlrtby w leader, Mr. and Mr*. C.
C. Cooper, North Elmwood tvenoA
Mrs. Cooper to be the leader. Th*
meetings will commence at 3:80.


s the Supram* Court o
* Clemency of Oovernor

Finally Was Put to Death In a Bheap
Pen—ToumaWp It Agitated Over
OMuerewee end Slaughter
Will Fellow.
Ok Rapids. Mich.. Peb. 19.—A mad
dog bit thm boy* yeaterday after­
noon In Milton township, aons of
Harry Powell. -Tred wamar and
FYank RueoeE'' Harry Powell at
once applied tobacco to the wonoda
of hi* son. and brought him to the
phyriclant' office, but whether tbe
boys will be Uken to - nn Arbor or
t Is not yet determined. The dog.
. spotted bound, was kljled In the
sheep pen of a farmer named Byers,
where It was biting th* sheep.
Just where the dog came from could
ot be determined. BaHy In tbe af’rnoon It was seen running swiftly
long the highway, frothing at the
, every
very ai>peai
loulh iod having
*|g>earanee of
suffering from hydrophobl*
boys were unable to escape It and
after biting them went on through
the lownablp. attacking *eTeral doga
and sheer
ti wm bIso elated that
several other children were bitten by
the brute, one of them being terribly
lacerated, but these rtortej could not
‘ t-onflrm-'d
The W'loic i.wr.ship l« terrified
ror the rc»-i1’
and !» is probable
lai them win W a eeu rnl slaaghlerIng of <1dag*- sheep nod oinir anlmsia
that art

Roanoke, Va.. FYb :o.-Tbe Jury In
the case of I'rank Cauiborn, a yoting
white man on trial lor the murder of
Ms former sweetheart. Mrs. Ada
Jones, ret -ned a verdict yesterday of
lot gulRy Of murder but Insane."
Judge Moffett ordered Canlhorn to
Jal) until be ran be committed to a
state Institution
Buprame Court New.
Auburn. N C. Feb 30—Chester
Gllleite was told yesterday of the decUtoa of the court of Appeals that h*
must suffer tbe demth penalty for the
murder of Grace Brown.
The only power that can Intervene 1
Is the rmt.-d Sist<e Supreme court!
or the clemency of Oovenwr Hughe* ! Ui lOer New Law. Herr - M. Rose. *f
Grand Rapid*, it AtsisUnt Sen­
Gilleup's eouorel aald today that they i
ate Becratsry for Good.
had not yet decid'd whether an ap-i
peal would be uken to the l
Wa*hlni,gtnn Fch. >f>._fod,r l
rl»l«iicn 1-11 lo th- neaste
Henry M Rose of Gr-*nd flantd*. bea«vt»:*it -ecreUry cf tve
for life
Yeung People Wera United In Merrtsge et Home of Bnde by the
Rev. J. A. Canby.
WlUamsburg. KIch.. Peb. 19—At
tbe Methodist parsonage last evening
tbe Rev TkotcM V. Toung united In
Tore united In marrlsge Mondav e enlng at tbe borne of ma.Tlage Ben’l B.'ombead and Miss
Mr and Mr* \ Tlliam Richmond. 83f Ora Reed The young people were at
by Pearl Brofflhead. sister of
Webster street at 8 o'clock, the Rev. tended
the groom. »nd Harry Beckwith. They
ulr the Immediate r attves and Ictl- will make tbe:r home on the Brombead
late friend* of the youag people
ere prewent
young people werc
Uule RlehmoDd.
bride and CUretace
Moore, Both have a Urge nomber of
HfM ef Mrs. C. E Pybu* Wes the
friends to wish them bapplnen and
Scans of Heppy Gathering in
they w 11 make their home in this
Honor of Her Daughter.
Tbe home of Mr*. C. B E>ybas
the eceoe of a happy gathering
young person* tost evening. In hoc
ChieegD. Feb. 19—The Pullman;of Htoa Bdfth's 31st blrihds]
Blaee Car Co. ie to ffeeentlnue the
Tbe dlntng Ubie
Ue ef liquors In their
ated with
dining ears. An
A order which we* i*-^ supper of coyster
d in Phltedelphla wfthdrew
lie llquera..............................
from the Pullman . 1?.'““'.
car* on tha PhlladripMa A Reed WM very eaijayahly spent by__
Ing railroad and
young people, and batora leavtag
gradually extend thie order km f>ybin wax preaeated with aeve entffw PuHman eyatsm has eral beantitol gifts at china and other





being a knife and a pltohtork, ouso
near resulOng In a tragodj fa • Um­
ber camp near here yeeUrdsy. bat at
last aecoonti both men virO doing’well. A luBbri lack by ths Bsae <* '■
Roee quit hla Job and aaked Jntaa- .
eon, the teronSB. tor bU pay. It Is
This Roee r«Mled. Ud It b add
be elaahed tt tbe toruux wMk bis
punctnrad Roeeb bfdA
vtolted phyMMges and bad tbMr
wound* basdaged. It wu npoctad
that ooe of the mm waa totally In­
jured. boC the report was eolored. a»d
at last aecounu both mu were do­
ing writ. No paper* have m yet bem

ViOinKy-ef FHY Lak* to IffSk
Ov*r ROM to Alpus.
Boyoe Citr.
Mulstee A NorthwwtotB ntfhny
oot soerps «t atr*
veyori In the ridnlty oC Fit* Lsko
tor tbe purpoee of ufillBB fto Mm
of tbe road acroag toe oorton pertlOB Of the state to AlpUE tt to •»
peeted the road wU be a stnar«6B>
petMor for the forut prodaoto mad
mlnerala which abotmd araot Al­
pena. The new llae baa beea piotfected tor eome time, tmt tola to tbe Biot
aetnal work done tn that dlrecOos.

A T. Blaaky Received Iwtomsl l»
Juries WhIU Working to a
Lumber Camp.
T. Slasky. who has bem worffto a lumber camp near Sujmtt
City, was struck by th* limb Of a
falling tree Uondsy and enstMaed
lotemal Injuries. Mr. Slasky was
caught nDAwares by the tree sad
fore be could gri oet of the way too
■mb Btrnek him across the hack.
mpsnled by bis wife be passed
through the city this oooo oe hi*
to bis borne oeer PeUstim.

Tbe 8. D G club was very ptoaewDlly entertxlaed TueMv Blcbt at the
borne of Hitt Bemie Pmm. 70i
WssblngtoQ streri.
PattaA* M aQ

cclved flrst prises, while th* 1
Fannie Hork. Flor
Gladys Eller received
tloas. The
pretty and timely. In
table waa a mlnlati
ilstnre cherry tree
with red ribbon* ranalag to each
plate, at the ends of which were aBsO
hsichct* fliled with ctfdled eberilM.
Miss Olive Prase eerred llgst ratontomenu of punch, aaaortad rnkaa. tea
cream sad candy. The evening was ■
very plessant ooe la every detaO.
Hrs. /. J, Tbompaon.Mton« RapIds. returned borne today nftar Vtolti
ing her daugtator. Mis. P. W. Btowart. of Sixth stTML

OUND Tiuvcmc wiuiA, niuMMY. mwAiiv A nat.
▼art rtaak .
•Me n«iU« for Um baftH of tnte *»a
^ hste Court lor toe Ooualy of
▼art ebope .
/nak tahrm. toe bead of
wtULMMft *«n u ceapoM the offlcen
Orasd Traverse.
Grand Traverse.
Columbia Tranafer company.
•nd^dlTMUn with the «w«Mt eepAt a sssrin (« said court, held at
hlmadf toioy
toe probate ot*er. In tbe City of
port‘of the enure awherriilf. the
Wtu. «TTEM# ELEMENTAItY B. B. ter tba repabUeaa aomtaatlo
tUon cnapK hot he • poverfol
rth ds.v rf February. A. U. IMS.
iKkeBma la the Third ward.
tee ta »n««ne CRTe •macePfMicnt: Hon. , Fred R. Walker.
Lahym to well known, a practical
BMt Aariac the cooUBt rearJudge ot ITobstC-j
buBtoeea Btan and weald make a capIn the matter rt tbe ertate ot WTI............KIW
- SMiter o( toe (
Orwrt CelfOK Tultor. Blawar. aid I
aboald be be elected, Ftonla haiMIs ..................................... ISc Ilam J W.;aHaB*: dressed.
DewiliM Will Alee it Here
Jobs bfalloee bsttsg filed is aaldj
recdrlng rery atioag aopport
PfMh Laks FMi.
per toe Two Deye.
TheeMooa qoeMon
reaidAta of tbe Third
and determine wbo*?*\
la aeetnl palplu SnteT ^
at tbe ^ of death the to* 1 »»** •«««>» «■ **«•«« of saM
teUnc aT»n»eoti were made to toror
l<-d 10 estate and thrtr peOtfc* pewytag tor
of looU opthm. The toct that the
Inherli (he real rvtsie of obirh sak' the aUowaace toerwof. aad for toe aseontaiaed tone eoaciedtresaed Olrd aetofd
I ..gnmeet and dtotrtbrttoB of toe r«tot is ordered. Ths( thr 6(b day of .
to this dty Feb. t» aad Mardi 1. wlD
March. A. D. IMS. at ten o'clock In ,<»* **''> **“*•Freah fiM -Flah.
t to the com be -addre^ by Cbarlea D. Melge- ot
(he forenoon. St said probate office
It i( ortlercd. that the jClb day ot
tof 1—ific" and that thii totereat to
Halibut. p.-r Ib ................................. f2r be and It berehy appointed tor bear- March. A D. IMA St tea o'clott Is
Ur, the tomoua singer and eraagelUt,
on the aide of rt(hL
log Ksid oMltion:
tbe fotveoon. at said prabate ot*rr.
Tbe poUlo market moved Slowly
’*• .....................
It IS fiirtber ordered, that public be and to hereby appMaled for «xamAt the OoncrecaUonalebnrtB to the will alto be here as will be Henry A. yesterdsy enring to the Inclement Cod. per Ib ..................
notice thereof be glwn by pcbllcatlcm Inlng and aUowlsg said scconnt;
ereotBi. the fter. Mr. Ceebito took np Dowling, all these gentlemen being
weather. Only < loads of them being
1 (a ropy of thto order. for ihre
further ordered, that
weighed.. Beside tbe pciuloea there
raneed hr the onea who faror the thdr work.
a ro|>y of
Traverse l
were 2 loads of cosl. 2 of stone,
'srirg. 1
lie bakaM aad ananal BeeOas of nqoor traSto. dm the reanlt If the
Chartw D. hldga. or Indianapolis, bsy, 1 of com and 4 bead of live
Trarento Oty howil of trade Tuewday
- - ahowtnc that lod., was for eeren yesra the rery
stock. Aa soon as tbe w**
Blfht E** OB* of the Boat toeceeaM there woold be a decided tBpioreFRED R- WALKER. 1al.( a newspaper prlnie-t and elrca•iioceasrnt general secretary of (he In­ clesrs up the potatoes will probsbiy
Judge or PrvitiaU' I laU-d D said countv..
em betd hr the onanuauoa. The aent to toe city: aiooed. he ahowed
diana aaaoctotlon and two yeara the begin coming tn again.
aMBBtShge of batoneae Ben waa lep- that toe tow can be enforced beeanee
general accretAry of the Texas aasoA Oangerows Oparstieo.
raaeautlre of the naanfatta
pobTle eenttBenl denaade n and be- clatlon. four yeaie an latematla
the removal of (be appendix by a,
v-t-geon No tmi- who takes Dr King's
J. Ripley Cummings, »f years oU.
pnblto dStotola are -- Oeld worker and assistant editor
New ufe Fills Is ever sub)ec(«tl (n
e( the mmmnKT. TnTarne Cltr'a
to the aakMD and t
has mlded coaUauoualy on s farm
tbe Brangel and aeren yean
Chicago. Feb U.—Potatoes—A gea
(his frightful ordeal They
Bodt firot^to eittoaaa trare prae- be abowed that there
quwtly you <l--a't feel :be
near Galeaburg for over 70 years.
member of the tolemaUonal commit­ (rally easy feeling prevailed In this
eat and their praeence todtcated ttdnga that eo'nld be IbbaUtated tor
cure coti»t)|*tion. falllousaess and
market, yet what sales were reported
thalr kean toteraat to the pracrnaa the aodablbiy that to ^ppoeed
Itrta. :.V St 8 E Walt A>oas. lUu There now reside on toe place four
During bit many years of serrlce, were at former prices. Tbe demand
nah A 1a> C A Bugtxe Drug Co.. generaaont.
ABd daeMtotowt of thMr home toty. •slat in the taloon.
drug stores._________________________
he has done convention and InaUtote was slow, RecclpU were about 85
neydMwtoeetortheayofltolenglren In
esriy. but more are expected
work In every ataU In tbe union but
later. Buyeta were looking for low­
gala deflate toweU worth oaoddertog as they are alt two ad Chanda. He Is everywhci
formetlo* aa to the dtye beat lnte^
toeognized as an authority on Bible er prices, and unless tome oonceaaloa
«ito -«l0 to lltUB to attogeatUBi (or prnetleal to etery reaped and show ■chool problems. He to tbe author ot wot made they were very alow in tak­ Butter, per lb
the aaloon la not
per doe
procrwa. Thto gathering
maay belptel books and pamphlets
Hay. loose, per ten
lag, like ethera to the pa«t, snat bare neceaaity ss a place of reaort at asd to knosrn as tbe Tadians
Bales reported were: 2 car sacked
Oralna si H. L. « Ca-to MUL
MWee to ealttog more cHpeety not aboold the toewery be deeed. U could Cyclone" and awewps the^conrentfons at «Sc. lecar do,, at 6fic. 2 cars do. at
be pnt to %-96oi and
Tbe Ber. J. A- Canby to hU rcmarha with him to tbe onward rtiah tor ag- TOe. 2 cart <1 sacked) at Tie. I
Crealve work In the twenUelh
St T2Ctury Bllrie aehooi work. Tlif people
Msrket qootoble ss follows; Bulk,
takron keeper are to blame for the |go U crowds to hear him wbei e be Is per bn. In csr lota—kUchlgan. Ulnne- Com. per bo......................................... «Pc
derelopaeat of any aection.
•oclety by beat known.
•4 eotito of the todoetrui and
Iba .......................... 30C
aola or Wisconsin. Runla. choice to Com. 13 cfnaera
totodto totorarti of the ettr
fancy, CTCTSc: Dusty Rursla. Tiff
M may te aoeomplUbed. On the who TOtea to faror of tbe open eatocm
A Fine Bwalneaa.
TTc: ordinary to good. CieOc; com­ Steers and heifers, ngb*......... 2HC*'
In keepliig witb
itoer hitod; 1 toto of unity w*U iwAt tbe annual morllng ot (he Ed mon. showing front or dry rot, aa
Hosa. Uve weight per 100 Iba. 33CJ-«
Ttdi tl UK ward rayson Manufacturing company
•nB Id dtoaner
Use foee tm.
condition. C(>fts*c: Bfirhanki. choice
It waa jtcaUhBBl lait night that oftan lost tight of. a man voting to met Feb. 13. In tbe office of tbe
fancy. 63©7f«c: ordinary to good.
on West Front street, tbe
there b a daein and a pnrpoae among favor of the liquor traSIc IlitoUr and
«Sff6Tc; eommori, showing frost or Spring Umbe. live weight ............S)fct
the »—*«— men of the dty to get antolnklogly and not consldorlag the
bosrd of directors was re­
dry rot. aa to eondlilon, dlV0(2c; nd
tOgd^ aad to woto tor tbelr mutnal other phaatn of tbe matter.
elected fpr the ensuing year;
Spring cbickena. live weight .......... Oc
Ike Bet. O, E. Lockhart gave a
Mward Payaoo. William Artni. J. stock. chcHee to fancy. MfTTAe; If exIntetoau aM
adraar-------- *
^nnon In tbe mortong abowlng
dty. There was moeh
tost the dnesttoo to not alone bdng A. UonUgue. Wilson Cole. Julius
RXfTMc- Bark, stock Is sclllog at
Otot wdd toed to ^«»hd amoh that agitated tn Grand Travene eonnty Campbell. 8. L. and Wn. Ilea. A. W.
' same price ss bulk
Dartak. Dr. J. B. Martin Is tbe only
«n vroto food ter
and 13 other coantlea In Michigan but
toraty portioa of the vbgran was
one of the old board not ou the board
the country as well
UM with good thlnga and totonna- aglUted so efflelenUy U»l 41 per for tfito..^ycar. There were about 80
tlai iUkto la of rslne. - Tbe aplendld
This is Worth RsadinQ.
cant of the torvltery of the United stockholders present.
you will take BJvMtBffe of
Ix-o F Zellnskl. of 68 Gibson
tsurer, psetident
•Mreiw otilloB. George Ctopperton.
Buffslo, N Y.. says: "1 curM
this money saving shoe «*leof OraBd itolMa. waa -replete wlto
twporU 0vea todsy ot and other officera ss to 'rwsulto last
nuwi annnvlng cold more 1 ever bad
taggaeUoaa aad ahowpd
with Itocklens' Arnica Salve. I
tbe vartona aennona are of a neces­ year were read, and a complete set ol
catitaB. Bf beatoen and eeooomlc
by-laws for tbe government and con­ “T-..................
I'lW this salve <mce » day for
Ladies' Patent Cw’^^oe*
woMtT It li .ter toe proper appllday- whi-n every Irat^ of the i
srorth readUm by aU who are taUr trol ot the business was adopted. The
was gone •• Heals all sores Bold
board of directors was request
eatod to thto great quesUon. a ques­
der guarantee at S. E. Wall A-Sons,
in lace or batt,>n stvlr*
> fix the dale for a meeung soon
Hsunah A Lay. C A. Bogbe.- l>mg
T^e aMrwB of PieaMrat Santo tion that Is an Issue of moment to tor the elecSon of new officera.
Co drug stores. :$c.
worth . ItoUidng to and bU every man. woman and child to TravThe report of the omcett'showed s
mgtoawia retottr* to the proponed
aa It dlraelly or IndlrecUy aEerta the
Ladies' fine via kid shoe*,
tototo ndlitoy and totorarban propodpacity ot tbs concern, and alto a
tom w^K timalr ahd will donbUeae Im- wehtore of' all.
light or hea^ -»ole*,
Tbs day of the ranUng orator of steady decrease In the labor of pn>
priH tooae, preaest with tbe Importduclng doorioeks. Tbe reports alto
for only....
m* m*
adct that tots anh«aet wlU ba to the
Iti stead, has oaae aoand. sober rea- showed tbe concern to be pmctically
aora rapid and aobaantlal adrancA
free from debt wltb a good plant paid
Men s Patent Colt Dress Shoe*. $2,50 gmde.
■teat ooi only to toe dty but the aur- MBtog which has been ao aucce
■ flsSS
for only...
roaaditt OWW,'Seer^ty Umlor that a great awakening haa comi
years to keep tbe shop running full
fare p iatoO^t retlaw of
Boys’ aU solid Calfskin Shoes......... .................... fL48
wpto of the board dnitog the past fects tbattt wfll b
Tbe kbop Is now running In alt de­ Feed.'H. L. A Co.'S Bert, per 100
eivUypg pai It to to the eradk of tbe ofpartments and the force Is to be In­
•eeti aad board of dlrooton that they Itakoa.
creased from Ome to Ume
bare done diligent work and aecomcblnery can be Insutled. By tbe new
IdUmd all that eoald poadbly Ure
MJMg.. Hr t«t..
plan of ranning each department Is
all Men's, Women's. Misses and Children’s Fell
totoi aspBM with tbe UmlUd r«The 'resalt ot toe Grand Rapids under contract so tbe stockholders
Shoes £nd Slippers.
Berald caavaas, whlto Waa puMlshed can be assured that tbe labor
nie «uttotkal report gara to the, a few days ago- ahowt that^WUMam termed on a doten locks will never
...................... lie
BBdnm toes of the edty tor the trat h! Tatt to MlehlgaaV<ma«daie for exceed the eoatmet figure. This plan Hen.. Old.Ib
' IBM BB MtaUgeat tosa of owr to- to* praMdeacy. Tba, caaeaas was la adopted sueccatfnlly In many f‘.
»lrrwd» isOrssifs tfo».« sad Piixsi-r-le
■ .Knislion. Tews veil in L«ul..n« !.*«♦
- Btotitol and dgitoultwto rodmro ' earefnUy eradacted aalT tbe retnras the eastern shops snd >( It possible
^Vksm.l IB nnei-aoj~-r ca-wI lo >6- lis-1
At- rrmis As opportomly o( i Vfelfu,. .
amitoiMM term. dMoeatmtlag tbe tocrefore ate accurate.
to be In this shop owing to the experl
;«ri . shr-t.

«l toe tonal todatrtaa and tbe
The retaras from Ohio show that enee and fsmlllstlty ot the toremsc Porterhouse, per tb ......................... 16c
eurrivy »BC» sh- pur-h»» -■-«
lB\laB.trf #TT. i«e. twemy se<I turty ser. i
nt agrlodtiirm] -nre Hater" Foraker baa gone'on hto of the work.
i>« .WIT i«nn« or
Tor full i.anirutor*. sAlr— « <»!,
mmdto^t.o^.toe imwadltte jMaiV d way aad as a poUtleal force, has been
Tbe stockholders look forward
Reteraa tram
other fUr dividend thto year not only owing
fUtes prove that toe portly secretary,
iS too dtoWboion ot pobUe tenda to coattootly toercaMng to popnlartty to the deeteaied cost of production
but also to tbe fact that material, iron
that WM oapKdally totereattog
and that he is regatdsd by the peopls and steel, are to much lower than
tnatrMttny Ba gnre to tba am
as the man to wear the teaaUe
they were a year ago. when alt
that ahonld reedre
Bnncli Office,
tracts bad to be placed at a high
elMtel hai earwaot eonldna.
23 4fid 24 Penlnsoiar Bank Bid;..
AU thU to very graOfytog to the baste.
: nA. hBd the WBplett datall wltb
gopporters of Taft aad to graUfy^ to
- jrhtoh Mr. oriU proeentod the anbMsdielna that la Medicine.
led to wprtor ot oommendetlon. BU tottoe atoo who have net thought sen“I have suffered s good deal with
m^SnSai^ ate tosportoat and oaaly of hU betog a candidate
malaria and etomach complaints, but
Telephone Main 4424
IB koBoldiWtom to the have fr<- no dstore for a reacUoaary I have now (mind a remedy f
candidate Unl«M a material change keeps me well, aad that remedy
Hlaetrle Bttterw purify and enrich the
oecure. Taft wUl be nominated
bf^W.Minlken i
medtetne for stomach and Urer
neat and t
Chicago and elected no matter whom blea. and (or run down eonditl
says W. C. KlesUer. of lUlliday.
____ ,-g ot toe BOW BBSlghUy jmb- the opposition cbooees.
_j |(Bca-wOI Bimaal to erery proHleetric nteera purify arid enrich tbe
Bwailee dttoK who has a pride to
Mood, tone ap the nervew. and Impart
Magnificent showing of
Bto otty- M rdoeoee to a ptoUe Traverse region has been amply vigor and energy to the weak. Your
moaer will be refunded If It falls to
BaBdlac lor Urge caUiortagA eapod- demoostiated by the eathatoaam with htop
yoa. 8«c at S. B. Walt A Sons.
Bob pmpoow. mtanal tratotog. etCn which his bame was received at to# Hannah A L^y. C. A. Bugbee Drug
all the newest and prettiest
■Mt Witt Caror hat the Mobs pre- Unrtiln club banquet and by eiprss- Co. drug stores.
■Kited sheald not die with their In fions of men who are In dose touch
ones made.
Mrs. LMa Hamm of Battle Creek
eoptkm. Mr. MBIlketiY nggcsUons wttb tbe sttoaUoD In the country.
Taft-a addresses in thto state aad bos been granted a divorce from
or natotog aloog that Uae ahoaM
bo tamed oet and tbe eoamnalty fals presence within oar borders have Jadge of Probate Hamm, of Marshall,
the gtaond rt desertion
dona much to strengthea hto cause.
wcmM M tbe better tor ft.
Handsome new Postals from Ic to 10c. Fancy box
Tbe reelMtIon at Jno. &. Baam «■ Taft 1a a maa good to mrct. a man
good to bear. He has had broad exV.ilentines and lace Valentines from Ic each to $5.
perlenea. be has seUled grave prob• maBBar-credItable to himExcellent variety.
dacy lor (apnbUcan nomlnaUon for
«C toe bOTBd of dlreetm few the en- •Mr aad hto aatkm and toers to ao
man. Mr. Pelertyl has aerved
two y«« are reprei
man better ported oa the quertloas ot
Then again as usual a hoe lot of comic vafeotioes
effldently oa toe boaid ‘of public
M who wUl deroto thdr time aad the day.
works ahd is interested and well (p■oaktea for the dlyw bwelL These,
ic each.
formed In dty affstra.
the diteeton who hold orer. will
Frank W. Canmr a CaartdatsW atooBg oomWnattoo

FrsAk W. Carver today aanouaesa
Mail orders promptly and carefully attended to
hlmartf aa a candidate for tbs rwpnb.lie bahqod wea a great one
Itcan BCalnaUan for sapsrvltor
•bd «a ba ptodaeUre et great good the First vsrd. Mr. Carvwr has bean
when my hothand goi Dr. King's Hew
to Oik oouiaiuflly. Tbe almow
00 tts board foaf caomb to bseeme natuynTT." uys Mrs. A. C. Wtlltomf.
h&imoita bi|Tii<uii to teTortog
wall ae«aalntod srttk euodltlans aad rt
Ky. *Tbe *rst doM helpwl
a^tag ed. dam tnm «tM to |i«.M eaaaty atalrs aad baa glvea tatthfni me aad imptovement kept on onto I
rtdned U poands in wrtgbt and
^ ytmr Bbowo dtomly that the
aad «BR1«M «n4e». satbat ha will bad
Bty bsrttb was (uHy rMtoeed." This
befo < ^ argaBtoBitoa (illy
ttc'abiM tappart mbdMtos boMa toe world's bealing
BlidB^ teet that to order that tbe rt tt« wd aad bs r
Tsosrd ter coagbt and carts aad long
Ijwd A tnte iM) do thtogs they
aad toroat «lssasM. It provwnia paeaBMt bo«o«4ed with tbe memm to
TW MtokMui ^iT~DatrymMto moala. Brtd aaasr aaniaate* at s. B.
B Bmk Raaaab * Lay. c. A
Mty ,o« their work. We predict that
«n opn at BatUs Crank EuftMa
Drag oa- drag stores. 50c and
^ oomtog year wlU be oee ef prodt*1**. Trial bottle lOc.


... .





This Month
is a

Bargain Month











On Easy Terms

Cuban Land & Steam­
ship Company.

seueR Of caoo SHoes ^



By depositing
It in a strong,
reliable bank.

ConUdcnl that this bank fully
meets ffae pubUe needs, we len­
der lls services to all wbo
believe In keepina on the sale

Traverse City
State Bank
OMesL Luflcsl ma* Strongest Bank
In Nortbem mckigan

TrtTerse Oty. Blcli.


TAc Boinrt Co. pnp.


- |4S«000


MBBOT(»e-A Trmar Ur> BORMk. Mn. JaU» T- 8«>d.
Md. B. C 0«tU.
MI«M. 'w.

ppy eonple with many good
tor the futui
The company were then Inrlted to
the dining room, jrbare an eicelleni
iwaited them, The tablet
lunch awa..............
were prettily trimmed in the predominating oolora In canopy atyle.
draping to the center, where mted
the wedding cake, ©ompoaed of lU


S fcr cott EllffweA M Time DcpMlts

Clnalatloa mis wwt 2.650
Mts. W. Tarlor usd MUwle Brdu
TUtUd IB Buckler^TDMddr__a acbool hooM.
Mra. Byron HoJ«t nfwr « ••»«»
«UMk at psenoMDin. U eoBT4)«MMn. Bofut
«M auddeiar
Mfea Birdie
dIeracDb were

and white canaUona. Onauve
aeted aa beet man. The party eery
gneafaUr took their placea before
lace drapertea eery artlatleally ar
naged lor the oecaMoii. After the
aoiemn and moat tanpraealre cerr

1* at
(he hoc e of Mr.
BuMell who
for Mra.
taken U1 whUe than
Uiatlnc and Mr. Bidtialelly married at the

PoUowlng we glre a lUt of
wedding preaenti which were t
beautiful and useful.
Bet of dlahee. Mr. and Mra. Ai
-Of. berry aet. Mr. and Mra N Rbb
sail; water aet. Bflle Bogart. Waller
Bamtt; allrer deaert fortta, Mra. G
Oroee, Boulb Haven; allrer butler
knife and sugar ehell. ^ma Saodt.
Charlevoix; music cablnei. Iva ~
silver coffee and lea iwti,
1- bed spread. Ur. and Mrs
R. Baumgarth
R Oo.t‘ aet silver tea spoons, Van____ r A Unten; aet of pillows. Cha*.
and Aaron Box. berry set. Mary b.
gut, Gustave Lick; Mneo Ubie clot!
Mr. and Mra. U Brett; one dni. napklaa. Mr. and Mra. Frank Box; cen
ter aet of four pieces. Mr, and Mrs
D. Taylor; crumb tray. Mary Bogart;
center piece and cIreaaer scarf. Mr.

Bogart; five dot
iar hlU. Mr. Bogart: silver berr;
spoon. J. 8. Crawford. Neb.; luncl
aociety cloth and burnt wood phrto frame
,_t will he Mrs. J. Bboecraft. Toledo. O.
In a sbower of rice and old »hoe*
I"ab. «.
the newly rredJed pair left for a
abort visit In Charlevoix and vlelsdly,
where the groom has relaUvcs and
IfetcheU to
Re*. A. U Thurston many friemda to welcome them. They
I hM mid baraavMDMt. Ha haa
win be at home to I^ir
friends about tbi. t5th at The I
are acre the Ood
the bride’s fu<
will ha Bith him
rentad tnr
for thA
the present year.
weddUf was I
John WbtcheoBib. t
- - Dot meet Wad»
_i Mra.

_ at Oeom Martin rrtday

A Lattar from the Fleet.
The tullowlng luterestIng letter
tus written by a Grand Traverse buy
f Qeet with Evans,
Is father, at Wlldamsburg;
U. 8. 8. Kentucky, Rio de Janeiro.
friends of tba brlda gad f
Jan. :i. IMS.
a dainty supper tba bride aad groom
■ axil. J
toft on the evening train tor OharieDear Father—I will write
or a abort *1Mt. raeelring a kno» how I am and where We land■ of rioa amidst tha good wlah-jeg here Sunday the Iftb. and exi>ect
many frianda. while boarding ^ )««Ta bare before Monday for San­
^ train In Klagaley. They
dy Point 1 came negr
PKlad homa rncadar. They
ontll we raachfd the 8(a.
vrfU anki thalr home %Uh Mr. Mar- afraid yon mlghfworry. You know
fatbar, yoo cannot expect to 1
from me w often as before, (or I
several thoiumnd miles away.
To Mr. and Mra. W. M. Bright
'TOe'ir 'tV ime pmk that
Jga. II. a aoa. Wlnford Mania
LD sea from our ihip, 1,300 feet
J. W. tUn^rt aad (amlly and Miss high and surrounded by gathering
Bkekmore were ahoBatiig In Traverse clovda.
City. last Tbunday.
Mr. and Mra. F. J. Bright of Cedar w“ui ^country. Wt tha language
t*dted with bit brother. W. M. Bright horrid. We aee lou of pretty glrla
and lots of peojrte but can't under­
«UdAf afteraooa,
wadding stand a ward Iher^aag. . Mtlch

at t p. »,_whan
m, when hU
........ . ....
...................... -_.d In t
sad Hanry
. holy tmdt of akliteoay by ths R<

W. Rinehart
lane Hghtlag mrat
Mrs. D. M. Bright and Mra. 3. O.
»lght rtslted at the Rev. C. W.
iraUamr la Maple flty. last Thuw^»ll
tor A. Q
tita mlffc------------to. tip
- oter bla load
h part of
4 his
hie slali
alalgb. Ha aad
. 1 »W
tber prophi
riteta a«am to be
fhklag turtLs and aaeh haa hla Inning.
Fab. n.
Ed Phagtt. J(*n Baah and George
Atklnaoa are working for Tony Nemaakal.
h-red Atklnaon attandad the UnOpln banquet at Trav«rae City Isat
Mrs. Fhaatt oalM on Mm. Atklnaon Mat Monday aftarooott aad apaat
a plaaaaat aootal thaa.
Joe BMa* 4ra*t to Laiaad Mat
^mS^VMhoohll wont to town Mat
Moodaj oa baaloaoa.
Jokatowaakwaalatown Mat Toaa*ty and ntnioad the toUowqng day.
lira, a YMkairiill baa purchaaad
a new. Do Laval cream aeparator.
rriu AUdnaoD came home Batop
»t TiBit hli parenU
0 town this morning,
bar 01 raaldanto here attendineral of Mra. JnUaa Praam



Mtai TMmpkiu made her parenu a
*MU over Bnoday at Traverae City.
Mra.' LAwreoce has toond homes
(or her children. Mr. Hale taken one.
aad Mr, Lane one, #q they are all la
the Tuba achool district, whieb
«BkM It mneb pleaaaater (or them.
. Miss Oraea Wheaton baa ban quite
tfek. hot M gaulng batter, we
- I to Mato.
Mr. and Mra. I
Mr. aad Mm i
Mat week.
Peb. lA
‘The ____
Friday. Feb. itth. was the acne ct
most heauUtol affair, when In tb
r of about forty guests.
1 marriage to Henry J.
are well and favorably
Tha rooms were baanUfull)

STATE OP MTCHTQAN. TYIB CO.................. County of
Grand Traverae.
At a aeaston of the Probate Court
for uid Counry. held at the Probate AMd Green, Defmdant.
trffice to tbe dty of Traverse Oty. on
Sutt pending to the Clrcalt Ooitrt
the fourth day of February, to tbe (or tbe County of Grand Traverse la
Cbas &. Taylor, pn^rtetor of the
year one theusaBd nine .hundred and Chancery, at tba dty of Traverae City
City News company, offlolally an­
to tajd Cour-iy. cn the 16tb day of
Preaeat: Hoa Fred R. Walker. January. A. D. IM8.
nounces todsy that be la a candidate
Judge of Probate; for the republican notnlsailoe tor
to this ecuse It appearing frtmi alla the maueii of be estate of Wil­ I IldKvn on file, that tbe defesdaat baa
Do you piD-your btt to your ►Lerlff. Ur, Taylor has been a deputy
liam Coates. Ut« of said Ooualy. de

OVD btir? Cio't do it?
(oc three years. He U ihorHtven't eooutb hair? It musi . table
duly verified, of Jamds
repre­ pMlaact’s sollcllar. It U ordered that
ughlj tamrnsr wUh the duUes of the
Alvtn Green, cuae his
senting that ^TUMm Coates did to
be you do sot koow Ayer't ).*|ce beeanae of hU lo.ig experience
hir Ufe-Ume lo-wlt: On the ntoe appearance to be entered hereto, with­
Here's an introHair Vigor!
n roonectlon with It. There arc settenth day of July, A D 1»0T. duly in five months from the date of this
execute and deliver to aMd James order and to ease of his appearance
ducilon 1 May the acquaint­ i-ral other candidates In the field alMarch a certain contract to wr.tlng be cause bis answer to the ccnplalaance resuii in a heavy groa-tb r, siiy announced and Mr. Taylor b^
to convey to said James Mar^h cer- ant’s bill of coaplatot to ba died, and
It is time for him to make pubof rich, thick, glossy hair!
toln real asUte thereto deecribed a copy Ithereof to be served oa aaM
xot’B soHdtor wtUtto tweatg.
u,- announcement of hU candiJarv
upon tbe terms and conditions there­
Use this splendid hair-food,
'v« him o( a
to mentioned.
said bill and notice of this oader;
stop YOur falling hair, and get n:sy know that he U a csodIJaie.
represents Of SI
Said petitions
, »,

detonlt thereof. saM bill
I Mrs. T, C
illadsen. of Manning,
rid of your dandruff.
be taken aa eontaasad by the aaM de­
Bwyinp Heavy.
trulr say that Lrdla E. PinkAnd It Is further ordered. Tbat withNew York. Feb IS—With 1100.000.
ihle Comi
.--eorge Coates and CUrk Coates have to twenty days ths aaM
lOO to spend in New
d-jlv appointed execuwra of said «■“** • notice of this order to he pato
coods more than threer thousand buy- t» voo in wooIk. Fur years 1 xufferve t-een
I Uahed to the Grand Traverae llarald.
...-ni cities are to with the worst ;
e,-a for stores of wtwleni
Said tM-udgner prays that s (peclflc'a newspaper printed. pnbUabad and
inusllv doctoring
day tn New York.
of moaey (or medicine !>.TtorTnsnce of said contract be de ; drcnlatlng In said County, and that
City which caters to traveling wtlos- ; without help. I' wrote yoo for sdvive. creed, and that the executor* of said
publication be eenUnuad thereto
<,n<v In each week for all
Lvdis .-aiate be siithorlzed and dtree-red to ,,
as directed,
sod '
ts overcrowded and the overflow 1 followed
fol---------It —
id aad make and exi-riite conveyance of the'weeks In aocceciico, or tbat sheeanaa
E. ......................
Vegetable Compouac
» Ve
seeking accommodations
ba* restored me to per
perfect heal
real estate described In ssid cooiraci. ,. copv
COPT cof this order to be pefaoaally
'^>ale court ft the' c
smaller family boatelrles.
said James March, upon the terms erred <
Had it not been for TOU I• should
• lid have
aald defendant, at least
Grand Traverse.
been to my grave
wrry and conditions therein sieoUolied - twenty days before the time abara
said court, held i
Thereupon It Is ordered that Mon- prescribed for hls appesnace.
endorsed Bryan.
In the city of
Audi F Nerttoger.
Milwaukee. Wl». Feb
It -The pACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. ilsv. the 2nd dar of March. A. D. thOS.
Traverae Cite, in said county.
next, at 10 o'clock in tbe (orenoou.
Solicitor for OonpMiaant.
l»(b day at February, A. D. IMK.
Wisconsin decmorauc Mate cnveu-i
thirty years Lydia E. Pink- be assigned for the hearing of aald;
Praaent: Hon. Fred R. Walker,
session here today endorsed hgni's Vegetable CompoOnd, made
Judge of Probate.
William Jennings Bryr.n and Instruct- from rcMita and herbs, oaa bees the
Id the r-«tler of the esta’e of Marinterests in aald estate, are required ^ hate Court for the CMaatg oC
«aret C. FrankUn and WtUlam .B. ed the delegates to vole for him. gtandurd n'mcdy for female ills. o appear at a session of said Ooori : Grand Traverae.
ItankllL, mloora.
'ban to be bolden tn the Probate ofIn the matter of the eataU at AK
WUIlam K. Franklin, having filed
A- NVkeraon. deeaasad.
i^mmatioo, uJt'era- > Ice. to the City of Traverse CUy.
In said court bis i>ellUon, praying
how cause. If any, there be. why
NoUce Is hereby given that toap
for hcenae to mortgage the Interest of
•he prayer of the peildoaeT abould months from the 14tb day ol Pebrnsaid eauie In certain real cataie
'Ot be granted;
(bereln described.
Asd It U further ordered, that aald
tbaft- cMtes
ordered, tbat the iStb day of to lak Rapids yesterday afternoon :j'’_ ,
I to aaM
■jettUoner give notlee to tbe persons against
aald da
Mireh. J
rlock *1B and relumed today. The drive was 'VVhv d^TvoU tr>’it ?
nlerested In said estate of Jhe pen- court (or examination aad adjnatmat
unusually hard one, part of the i
Plnkham irrflea all side <eney of said peUtton. and tbe bear­
I that all creditors of aaU daI li hereby a cilnled for bear- tbe drifts being so high the w^odi I to write b< r for advioe. ing thereof, by causing a copy of this
requlred to preaeat their
big sHia i>etltlon. and tbat all p<
I tbe Grand
vrder to be pubT-" -'
ai>i>«ar be­
Interested In said esUle
Traverse Herald. I newspaper printidrvaa. Lyna, Blasa.
CHy o* Traverae CRj.
through them, in place no roads being
fore said coart. at said Ume and pU>
in said county, oa or before the 18th
to show oaute why a license to moi
vVlble at ail. and Mr Biongett took
day of June. A. D. 1*08. and that aaM
gage the interest of said estate
ocrcKs fields over the fences.
cMms will be heard by aald -oouTt
raid real tdUte abould not be grantth.-y drew nearer Elk Rapid. ,be Thuraday. the 18th day o( Jana.
lodge of Probata.
scarce, home parts of
r»«i.IuiK>a up last evening ba­
is further ordered, that pub
A. a IM. a ten o'clock to tha foraDoUre thereof be given by publlcall
the roads being entirely bare.
^ruuM- It was neeeaaary to have cooCongressman Townsend ta
of a copy of tUs order.
order, (or three a
Dated Feb. U. A- O- 1*01.____
Mlss Florence Hosier, of Prov.- MJerable printing done and there happy oxer tbe namber of congi
cessive weeks previous to said
mont. was In the city over Sunday
laiory letter* he Is recelring about
of bfwring. In the Giwnd Trai
a newspaper printed and cir- the guest of her aunt, Mrs. I La , ^
,„achines were not used.’ hU defensive spec-cb of Roosevelt's
"> said county.
ineeitiig before elecHozl. Mr. Sbuter Lemon, Chocelata and CtMUrd PMa.
Judge of Probate
To Break In New Shoes Always Use !
ntoee close to to Trareraa CRg.
j said I hut If tbe clerk hadn’t brought
the matter last night, he would
' erorofiigcw of

mdn. while on ahoro leave.
not beard from you (or a
I have
but expect to when the collong time,
itebes up with the fleet. Tbat
Is the boat tbat brings our mall to us.
We have lota of music and other
and plenty
lenty of bard
letter around
George and Prank and tell them not
to (eel hard because 1 do not write
• will tr
them all whan we get to
but we can't write from very port
we come to-l 1 have be« welt and
the health of tbe craw Is gent
good. We don't get time to get sick.
I guaas that's Uncle Barn's Mm of it
We have boxing matches and other
athMUc sporta which are very Inteb
taraaUng to both offleera and men.
Braxll'bai a navy yard here. .-I
■ thrtr uniforms as well as
don't ■tike
allhpugb they are sometldng
athar. I hmr the call
almllar. Well, father.
“Hke down." ao 1 shall have to doe
your loving son.
C. B. Freeman.
Qrawn. Mlch.®^’*^lf—Mra. a JWacken arrlred home from Allegan.
Q. A. Btogham, of Buckley, pmaed
through Orawn Tboraday on bli way
home from Grand Bapida.
D, W, Reynold# made a baslneaa
trip to Bhermen Wedneaday.
WUlam Yonker, of Traverse Cty.
i In town last week buytuk I»M
Tbe termers are making good
of tbe alel^lng hanltng thdr logs and
potatoes to Grawn.
There U quite a UUle aJekneas
In tbe country and Dr. Clark la kept
rery buiy.
P, Poteraon returned home from
Big Raiids this week.
Dr and Mra. Clark were Traverse
Cii.v callera Thursday.
On Wednmday, Feb IJ. a company
of MentM and neighbors met at tbe
borne of Jobs Anderson to help blm
edebfste hU sixtieth blrthdsy. The
was pleasantly spent
dUckan aandwiches. picklea. coffee,
toe cream, asaortad cakes, oranges.
bananas and caod'ea were served by
Mn. Anderson. Mr. Anderaon
preaentad with a bandsome chair.
Mr. aad Mn. Frank Hulett are the
proud parent* of a baby girt.
,Mlsa Kata Johexon left this morn­
ing (or Chicago where she will spend
tha remainder of tha vrinter.

WUh pink and white hearts vary taste
with pink and whtta baarts very tasteprlata to the day end occaslae
At proavUy t;M p. m.. the bridal
Qofta to tha Bavrth.
ptfrty nterad tha parkn to
John P. WbeeJoek. (or the Mat
aftatna at tba wedding march.
BU. W. H. Harbert advancing follow- ran a raaldeot at Leelanau county,
ad bv lltUe Oners and Bsasle Bos left Fsb. l«h. for Ooochlchtog, Miniu
koauttfaUr gowaad to pink. Gem
whura be wtu taka
flna (arm of 160 acme which he traded
•- Next for hU (arm of 80 acraa »mr Honor.
a bride Thomas ToSoL of O
_____ ___ .
to take poaaaaalon at this farm.
aBk titowad ta whlt^ altk appBque.
Whaelocki (amlly wfiLftBlow him
aad carrlad white
aa hrtdsBV
tookod vary la about two wash*.

Is It Your
Own Hair?


Charles E. Taylor. Proprietor of 9*e
City News Company, Ann<
HU Candidacy Today.


»> -tr. n™

Mr. Farmer: T
Are you satisfied '
where you are?
Wouldn't you consider,
a change forttie betted


Sl;uV~K:V ‘lidTS

A e bUuted.leKo7. N.V.

!v bims ITT needed
Mr Wimet bouxing.
Tbere is a long growing
D — ( b i • nKSnt

bimr and more profitsble crop.
You con raise sod market
some crop ovsrk t-i-ery
mootfa in the nar.
There are good markets
There is tn abundant
Th^'’li!DUlf*U* pl«tiiul
and evenly dtsrtibuud.

35c a [yd.


Reliable Ingrain Carpets

Brussels, Velvet and Axmlnster Carpets.

We show many pretty patterns this season—patterns
suitable for any room. We can easily please

These goodsjare made up with borders. Can be made
to fit your roomjor into a ruy. The patterns and colorings this season are ahead nf anything ever shown
in this city.

the country.

Our stock is in better shape than ever.

We bought tor spring close to 4.000 yards.

.About a

third of that is last season’s patterns bought cheap.
These will be sold at

Cut Price

whertjoo ire. strjueliog along

- - .
“ -g.‘
best thiog you et ef did.

Write for o-jr descriptive literarare—teiU
all shout Arkansas sod Texas —Id 0
hcM y~ to Succ-M.

Granite Carpets at 25c yd.

Lace Curtains


Doo’tdelay! GoScuttwewl
Yoo sron’l make s mt-take. Tsice s
Booth. Homcserkrri’ tickets are sold by
the Cuttun Bell st seiv low rales. Moke

40 C Ilf)

Rugs, [Rugs

We show this season the best makes of Linoleum in

j ing your time and eserg\
I uving so moke ■ high-priced
'orra which is "oil srorked

ycu in aiiy grade.
Good carpets from.

This is the Ruf* Store of -N'orthern Michigan. We show today mor»*
Rugs in the different sizes than any store this side of Grand Rapids.
We are complimented ever>-day on the beautiful collection. We show
miny grades and many si^es this season- It would be hard to qubie sizes and prices here for lack of space
However, we will gladly show you through the line at any time whether you wish to buy or not.


a roosidvT whether it', henvr
take advantage ol the wtmI dertul opportunities this icrri-


Ueno* AtgHMvrs.
w a fvw padocm t«

30c to $1 a yd.

Low Und values —
Good water —
Two crop* a year —
Convenient market. —
Grazing f o r stock thi
year around —

Cn TM iHoH le sUy
wkcre ym mk?

V rrady fur Im



Tbe Clim «e b mild and
You can work out of doors
(be year aiouod.
Ttwiv arc good aeboob
and (iiuinct.
Lise Rock ho. good range



ior you along
, ^ the Cotton
Route in Arkansas
and Tcxai —

It is not worked out.
can be bought MW ior
from $5 to ^5 an acre—
about one-fourth of its

p.iiut ,D hls ward.


Many short ends to close ont

straw Matting
Jast unpacked 3C' pieces of lapanese and China Matti*-g. Atl new—this gear's

goods—some handsome

14c to 35c

We are showing all new patterns in Lace Curtains
for Spring. Some are a work of art.

50c to $15.00 per pair
Anything and everything in the line of Poitiers, all
sizes, all colors and at any price.

Window Shades
We make up Window Shades in any color and size.
Let us figure on your job.

Stair Carpets
Big line to choose from in many grades.

25c to $1.25 yard

A good Cocoa jMat 50c.



Grand Traverse Region
ineral rf their finer, Mra. John
lb. at Bods*. Wedneedajr
Mr. and Mra. Bhiftiain Bar*
r at B. H. Jamea' with thnr
lid UielU^ who la aertatwlr

ouat lira. Ben UeUtroa. totartfa*
1 e>Mw.
her |»mu. Bi. and
Fastn. Ab4b7.
Oeoiae Bantek
_ Trarerte
C«r easier Im( fiaturdar
Mr. and Mn. OavM dIamUold aad
faULllr aiteaded the »eMing of Mia.<
MaolBold'i eUter. Mtaa Anaa Mardn
of BlaekBaa Ian hYldar.
Mra. Boar, who haa bare apeodltit
era, maned to her b-ja»e at C5ope

mtab iaat teiordor.
Mr. ao4 Mo. F. C. Oteoa atteaded
the fooeml of Mn. Wtsehcanib Jan
Wedaeadag, at.Hodga.
Mr. gM Mra. Lx-Barofl rlafled Mra.
lie Bam^ finer. Mm. Madlaoa. •
or KUlsaiey. laM noiaday aad 1




>. WaMh aad Bari VaSaerrort
eUrtad lor Trenary, c. P.. M«day
Mn. Mand BcoU «t THrtne Clt
»d Mr. and Mn. Bd Harrey of Kej
atone rlalted at Leonard Halllday
Mie. J. L. Olbfaa. Mr. and Mn. Paf
eter. Mn. Jaartaon. Mn. Manlsoli
aad Mn. Platt Batsum attended
tuneni of Mn. Tbnmoo at Kin*
Thnrrday afleroooa.
Mr. and Mn Ho>ha Tabbcrer
•tayinc at Fred Tabberon' darlaa
Mn>. Tabberer’r abaenee for a viiii
t her old borne la Tutln.
Mra. Roae and daughter VIn.
turned home to Cof>ettl*b Friday.
Mr. Tappen asd Will Taylor were
In Trarerae City on boetaeaa PHday
Uoyd Marahall wn* quite itek Sat


j paHy at the honif of Uoyd
asd Corneiu MarahA. Peb. 14. was
von attended, aad all had aa rnMa-

Augnsi Gras apent Monday i
Jng«ley with reUUvrw
Peb. 17.

Tbe Aid raelety Till meet at the
home of Mra. R. MarahaU. Feb. "
___ Joe Barken called
dr Inrltea
Bia Harrey Uai Tneaday.
D. O. Shorter went to Trarer*^
|aylB(*B^vfaU tma tlvlr old mend,
Bpbert IWrtkel. of Maatato*. M*.
OrtfBtl. called
_._.J Scott ha* also been TWtiac Blaine Marsh Saturday.
Mn. r. Bayen.
Tbere wa* a box aorial at the C«n
Pirb. ,11
dar Ron ae^ honae Ptlday ere^
*”m1»» OUre Wiorter of TraTerse Clt/
The Ladle*' Aid rotiPty will meet wa* tbP gneei n( ber parent* orer
Tbanday aftentooa -with Mr*. J. L.
Mn.”mnce* Roalnakl tlsUad I
Olhha. who will fnfsteb work.
Bob Wykel. who wa* well known
There wa* a *urpii*e party
here n nembrr <
reildenre of D. 0. Shorter Baturdaprmittnc
friend* nnd and antand Hsht. It being the birthday annhwraary of blmreir and jwn of .^ha
*^^S5Sl»e party wae held at Bieh- aamSs. Mr* Robt. Payne and Vtdr
ard ManlMtrt Friday erenlng. All TroRihK. Therp were orer thirty
attendhig report a dine time.
• fttfet* presept. Tber liad a gtm«**iif
Mn. li. K. Oitilw of Tiarene City rontaat in which Homer Skiver got
•erred at 11 o'clock.

A good

aad Mr*. Frank Sayen attended the


Harry Been came home iaat Thun
day ererlag Ban Detroit, where be
t Su Mary’s
had hU leg aatp«a' -------------------•hoapItaL He waa
Mi B«phew. Walter Braman.
aaa Mra. L. Bnselic of Trave City are gneata of Mr. i
n. Ryan,
Barry Taylor---------------aiore of W. B. Johnttoe after eehqo|
aad OB Satnrday*.
Mn. Pamr of Plgeoa I* the gneet
of her brother. Oeo. Buttan and fam-

MUdrod. The awns are
and Oeorge. Deceaaed was a veteran
<n the-«ivll war in BMhth lUliHt*
foneiwl took place
at ^eir bpae and bsrial was made
• I rife Lake cemetery,
nb. IS
AllMrt Matace te boanllng soo
Joe Chaae'B meh.
Mrs. Viola Lake 1* soeie bener at
thU writing.
Will Fewins spent a tew days

Ihgr AU*(>. th« Rev. S. _ ______
George Oonter and Hr. and Mr*. WUl
and W O. Carpeeier atteaded
Lincoln clnb banque: held at Trav
erse Ctty laat week. Tliey report ■
very prodiablc time.
The (aneral of Charles Barton waJ
held at the M. C. ebumh here Wed­
nesday afternoon. The attendance
was large, maay haring
Rev. E M. KoODf had1 charge
win. J W JatTPti. Ben A. Hearn asd
B. T. Haaklsaon. with Harel Baldwin
organist, furnished tbe muxle. Tbv
pall bearers
Corwin Roxburg. Wm. Clark. George
Anefs. Wm H Daniel and P C P»r
the Inland
ef metei
keb i:




•Bvbneea ao muf diffeieat thisn tbak oe^
(rt^i tbe Booetarr loafitntioa whi^ ia eqQipp>
eC to gire perlecl aerrioe in all department* o(
banking can the bodneta mpn hope to leoain
*-rbe qrateoi by which the detaila ia tbit bank
are eaiw for U thorooghlj modan and in nocortlanoo with tbe brat metboda known to tbe
leaking bnaineea All ita aff tire are eondnebd
upon the atirctest and meat oonaervatiTe linea
aii l embrec.- all ih.- departmeuU of a pro;>re*Bire ioatitaiioo.


ig the aoce tbroat for a few days,
lit Is better at this writing
Ur*. Alta Lewis and daughter Mara were yie gtieeu of her Aster,
r*. Bert Welrh Iasi Wednesday.
POr all of the snow and blow
ulp of tancT articlee
Mr*. Roudrk and dauphler Emma teacher. Miss Anna Waddell, nvisited at Mrt. G M. U Seeltg* Iasi missed a day at her school, alwa.r*;
Card of Thanka.
good warm lire (or the children
Mrs. Charles Uattoa and (aniU>
MIm Jew
Btnirberger gave / when they reached the school bovjso.
Isn to thank Ihvir Iriends and neitb
c all praise bet for In-r eud“uvor
Valentioe party to sixteen of her
irs fur Ihelr kind help and syniputhv
plesdc the community
(rboolmates last Thursday
neo Feaster of Lake Ana pa»r<‘d aiv> (or their beautllul floral uBvriiii;.
evening being Ptwnt after
•Ing Ur. Barton's ;lckr-s» uud
Ihioi'gh iDiir vlcialtv on b:s war lo
wk'e*> a d«|ptv I'lnrh wn. .ti-v'
Bardickrillc lart Saturday., to write
Judge Rarthe. Antes Bartlett
H s Ht I.I . A. V. FaiERKKH. Cra«5. WiLin;i.M
It (oiDc Insurance policies.
O, M. name rett’med Frl.’a- .ren're
Ha*uom«. F- H Hmitu. Wm. Lot ix.s.
Mrs IJndS Rale* and Zddia Rider
from Grand Rapids, where they
Stui'Hiln Lai Txrfi. (4E0 W. L.tubiE.
ere the guesu of iL-«. Oarla Few
tended the Lincoln flub ham
H. LLUAvrci., F. C. DfcMosu. Benj. TinaLuv.
Mn. H»le Gordon Is In Grand Rap- I* last Tuesday
Mr E>nle of Grace is itimbcring ihc
Ida takllkg a course In ladles' t.atlor•I ' *. CiiviSTEi; and B. B- tiarner.
timber known as the Horo'<- Pratt
Kidney ills seize young and old. I
A farewell surprise was given Mn. place, hanllng It tn Pearl Lake
R J. Lake of Lake Ann is movinc
IXnoan MIMlgaa oa last Wednesday
Come quickly with little wundiic, !
with Ms son Walter (or n whilv
afiernooD by aeveral of her ladv
Children suffer In their early years!
Can't eonlrul the kidney secret oerv. I
friend*. Mr aad Mrv vniissn leR until he can Indld his house and barn
for their home In Lodlngtoo on Sat- He has material <
Girls are languid, nervous, suffer I
fer a bam,
«yj*l and oniertainmeoi Friday alglitaOUTH WILLIAMPBURG
Walter L-iVe h.-ir a i
,lyiere/wtn he h »Decisl iDe.’tlg ol
Women worry can't do daily work I Snow IS SyiUK ugaiii tbi* muming ut the grange ball. A large crowd
Men have lame and aching backs. i
the p, * A M 00 Tuesday evening go<«i we will c
The cure for man. woman or child.’ quite cold and road* Tory icy.
Work in the M. U J<-gree
Mr*. I.ynsey is quite *|ck with tbe
Is to cure tbe cause—the kidney*
Sapper «i6;3».
much appreciated, eapaclally
Pvb. i:
Lkian't Kidney Pills cure sick kid typhoid (ever, the Brxt case of ibe
"lully. Ulshapo.” A lar«e psmber
nevikjn.l in this vicinity this winter.
mere prreeot from Bchdon and We*t
Cure alj forms of kidney suffering,
' belter at
John W1n«
Urin LHngman and Mr. Lash have Inland.
'iruverre City lestlmony i>ro«t« It
this writing.
the luad.iig ul (he Oval Uish Co.'*
Mrs. G C Thomiuton. IfS Elmwood
Jlnckloy Sat from hep work tn Honor.
Uni Knight '
t. Snielupr u( Jvfleld. vblu-d Ave„ Traverse City. Mlrh.. Says' logo on cars at Barker Creek.
work »1ih team
ling WL
wood lor »iiiumei'H»e is the
"^OfOrge ^mnbp!!, a oloncer. died with her ctocher, Mr»,^Charley Bar- "We bav.- used Drwn’s Kidney Pill* order of the day. tVlle boys, and Mr.
Deafnaaa Cannot bo CuroB
Feb. t1 19<'S. r»peea»ed has been an
Ramitels. the Brown brother*
Mr and Ur*
O Carpenter found ibat for kldoi
kidney troahles and en tbe old soldlerv. Sirr Klckenl. Free
Urslid for PPVernl years fram peraf>cn!
accomtsU- He wa* bom at Farmrllte. S
man anu MrCanc are looking ahead
V.. March 7tb. IMS. moved with hi*
(or summer
p*rente when a child to \Vb"'on»ln. arrived tbU morulog for * wait with thal wholly comrts up to the claim* of
Mr. Freeman is on the-sick list, but
the o*net> of this sundard remedy,
where he lived until he came to ri-lailves.
Miss Han-l AlJ-n Is home from her Vvp have often recommended and en- If l>etter.
Michigan. In 1868. locating a homeJohu Broomhead and lady diced
«ead In the town of Fife I .ake. In
Trwv;he year 18C« he was married to Mar­
•se City to help In the crly reoc'ie
tha Milk*, daughter of r’etcr Milk*,
I den>r*. Pi-ice
and war (be fntber of nine thlldren
II Sptingste.
Fosie'rMHburn Co., llulfalo. ‘
Bedde* bl* widow, eight ehildren are
New York. »clo .-vgc-blH lor the_____
nrles Rano;
r Chited.
mourn their 1o** Their namet of Joyfl
! The school of District No. 1, In(uoent
follow*- Mr*, t/al Knight. Mrs
The! Remember tbe name—Dooo's—and I ind has purchased an orican snd tn
fSarkng. Mn Lee Sayers, Mr*
Mrs. Alllc Milbous, Mn, Ar-ltakc ao other.
,t r-1r> pay for It Ae school gave a
Prank Eflloit and youngest d.oughter. i grip
.00 oangnei at traverae v^iy.
The ODPgregaUonal Ladles' Aid aoclety wOl aerre * dinner <m Washing








awmwwbs a»«»Mg»aas»ta




Marvelous House Furnishing Values
We want you to know the Superior, Direct and Definite Advantages so Freely
Offered Here and Not Allowed By Others.

The culmination of a life’s work to give the most substantial values at lowest prices with a generous
credit arranged at your own dictation. COME to the store of substantial Furniture, get your complete
outfit, or add pieces at bottom notch prices and terms that cannot help but please you.
Parlor Stands


AA Will bay a ffocl Cabioet i
^•VU, of ,oHd Uapie iiaisbed io i


Oak, 6 It. oxtMiaioo
Kand good aet of

Iv^Hb woldm.
fall bos rim.
goUan. foU^boz


We have a inoomparable line of fine Stovee
and Raoev* It will p«y YOU wvll lo look
famoo»gLlCK MEAL
AL Range.
It !*> Boperior
Range, in a clau by itoelf.


. Adt u M the vi^ -I*M* th« W th«l
eaniM the SUin^a.


different ityl» and aizee up froi


No matter what you may want in Parlor

Stands. Library Tables. Pedestals
or Jardiaere Stands.
We cau oorliD.-of EASY CBAKS i.
u, n .ne Bodiers. Diner*. Arm
supply you up from ISc.
Uialrs. HIjgb Ouir*. HinTls
Chairs andtXilldrea’s




We are telliDR a large
eolid Oak. (ioarter.aawed

Boy* this solid
Oak Commode,
fioiabed in gol­
den Haa lanre
top and plenty
of room ioaide.
This is a bar­
gain $4 00.

Side Boerd. French Berd
Uiitor, BtricUy high (trade
b ererf respect for


Prict-* op from SSc.


Worth "twice
what we eA for

We Lead All Others



Yonr Credit is Good




]:I0—OemaaBtl. the fter.
Omdtr Urn ■—picw «t tbc Orud
A aacrte aoa« aairlea. Mr. Tallar.
Trwrw OsMy Iviter Kbooi cwo- .
to atadr tbr Wort ^
OMtnl tlMgbt: -r^ OHM worte." tjr bov to “Ptad the stM ?
--------- ----------------------(tat:
tar CkrM.** To ta held at
the GoUen Taxt.- Mr. Meifa.
<Mf. Mkdw P*. t»tt ud Mvtdi t.
r fratea. Mr. Do*lla«.
vfll b* Md ta
< lb« CUr apan haam la thuwr of the . ervAta.- Mr. M«ici4:00—Ooalnc Mw. Hr. Tallar.
<Str Banter Bdwol
teitgataa tnritad to niaJa.
Monday Ewanlnf—Churte of CtiriaC

•uorter fbraam » Prater

«W. I>lte.<

H. IHaa, A
«r.ue—Oaot. 1

• Oltea and MMa
i« aad boar to um
. JobaaoB, rtrat

■wtar-MMa Bditb Hoteonb. Coir
,'dteiMrte'B tey—Mra. Oaraer, Pi
tpMfftaa Sinter aebooL
SaUr Oar—Mr*. Tbomaa. Ctaareh
■troat M. B. Sotiter acbool.



.Bgatywaa, wbat wa
Mod a»d whb wo an hare, Mra.
Olbba. MhrMA
Bataa; "ttn. OtUni

MooToa OenMtaa


t:tO-**Tba Starr ate tba CbUd.'
bow to teooaa and toll atartaa to Ut
Oe telMraa. MMa Matte Stoat. Cite


McVicker Automatic
Gasoline Engine

8:15—“Tho Greater Suedar Bchool." and Increase
the sulks
cored the
abould I produced upon the farm and claimed
coneentratlott, and )ui
ould b.' saveil and cared lor
be bnski
ked and very tborouEiilv dried , that it shoul
before cold wealber, and it would be I
aoslag song.
all tbe better If It could. be. kepi dur-ion
thU d<|>ood* to a ereai extent the
Important Notles.
warm dry place. ! nr.rdurtlon of all tb<- other crojw uf
Ing the winter in
The Bandar *chi>olg of Traverse
EipvfU-RCr has
Corn sBould alwayt be t<ri>-d beCUr extend a cordial inviuitoo (or I for.r plantti
Tske a shallow box. n.-, sj'tem of g.-iierol fnmuDg Is corocnlertatninem during tbe conrentloo'
in tw/ < three Inches dv-i-a with ph
»lt;:out Ih- ki-eplui; Of live
It) all delegate* who should report molit sand or tawdnst. place a
stO(k ti> ejBPurii- the rough prodoclB
Immedlstely; uixm arrival at the over this, ruled into two-Incb sq>
cf the lartn abJ tin- rcs-jlilng manure
Presbyterlsh chuyeh. where they will select tlx kernels from dlRvrect
reluroed lo rhe »- lI. Re stronglv recartlcneJ■
entertainment of each ear and place thc''it
omiuciid' J the us.- of c«-mi-ni floorB
be ' k*ro''i
romiBttt ce­
from each ear on oi
In HlalcUa und the u>e. uf pltuty of
lt U earacirtlr toped that ererj Eduarea, cover with another cloth beddiiis lo absorb all the liquid ma­
lUDi} will be rrpreeeinted at tbe and keep warm and mo'<»t enough to nure which he -.a.d w-ts Worth more
than lire mjIM excretiu-nls Nearly all
On SaUnUr and Hooter dinner
Ih- irolash and part <-f the iiUrosen
and aopper will be *erTcd at tbe Con-'
in the llnulds which nrv often
Orawine and *
CronUonal cburcb. To all except delthrough leak} flr.-0-s'aud lor lack
M. J Gilmore dlscuaa.-d the groseRates tbe nominal price of flfteen ing and baadllug of ibe corn
wfil be •
Manure may be hauled dir-x-ily
He pKfem a SBeep paatnre or clover
Mt'sle will be
tbe fctabk- to the field and
sod plowed seven Inchr-i de«-p In thithpl Giitbs.
(all. in the spring he nto* a dl»k
fExbUit of SqnJay ach.->oi
harrow two or three llnu-s. then har­
went In charge
t Mil Carrie
ge of
rows frequently until Umi- of plant­
ing. wtlcfa In ordinary seasema should
SeulOBB will atart on time—please tie about the totb of Hay. He plants
be prompt
with a hand.plsnter. being careful not
collection will be Uken each to cover the seed loo d<H-p. Hurr.i*
to defray expeoses. Any over two or three times before the
BBOs will apply to conaty pledge. comes op A-« soon as the co...
Mrs. J. W. Mlllik.-fi.
large enuugh to see the rows, he ciil- ' Itclewnw*.. lootljes,
Co. Blenentary Supt tlvates with a fine tooth cultivator.
Juat a* close as he om g.-t to the tb» disessej mrm.
brass resalting froia
1 guard '
erfng up^B young planir He contln- Cstarsh and drives
sway a Cold in the
WlUlaa Hawley of Hillman. H
Bead qnicklv. ^
<ars old. was refused ihelter at s
I Stores lbs bi'U
farm bouae during the recent bllzTast* snd KUJ.-IL
■ard and nearly pertabed from the
:y Brethera, CC Wsmu
New Y<«k.
cold. "



THUMOAY. nwtuMrr

ParmerW IwtItaiU.k
ae. aged > ate Tbab
Iptantlag a Md to eon U be did'shMM always be spread eeealy oeer by S. B. TOmpUM on tbe nee of root-bora ti
condition to grow.the gronnd when banted pnt. If sot props tor stock feeding. ..._____ ma. aged 5 years, wbo are I
Old Mlaaton. Mieb.. Peb. an—A
mourn the tote of a kfte.loTtng
igcis and carrrou. PTom ntourn
oar tamen- inaUtote waa> keM » I at least 75 basbels of ears per acre.lbauied oot at once It shooid be storod
,, I rnis ^
u aboat
aeoat ibe
Ue aecrage yield talcsdcr
taiesnc cDver. and better if ^reaJ
. et11, be et. 8b*
- 'WTte
— bMMe her hn
Oi^ ban on Satardar. TVb
TVb. 15
ite o( «aly
ealy orer
' a corered yard where cat-jgraian on an
• the ___
sute of HtcblMh. An Increase
ere or i sod chlldrca a mother, seren Sisters
People began to oome aboet •’'.t..
iwM_s «. ...twi. —t.h. Ii.. run iraap o,,.. It. shieh pack* Itjalx cenu a bushel or from
o’clock and tbe time between then
jSg) I down
to >1.5*
per ion. They are rslu-,
and noon wae ipent In an Informal if 'I, J
U a man I able as> a source of sneentent feed :
•oeMI Ttali and in diacoealng the warHarm a tan>duriiiE
ton 'duriDE the
sinter months and keep i dearly,
lU of a bne exhibit of (arm prodneU
for «taw t
to r«R la
lie for b«-damnia'Ii m
in a cjod
ifjod bealih.*
beaiih. and thrm.»: The remalna were 1
wUeb had been btooght In a. a
- - St con-j
-- ,-----------------------^ tiem 'to
... better ».
condition. cnsWlug
di .the Grant eetnelety the 7tb lost
ici; the Incfearrt ralnc of lhr
-{-(it act)
1 Owing lo the roate belag almost Imihe;p,«
SCO asalaiUai^
asstaUjpf the
tbe dry lood.
Beans rt. petatoeee h* a a
he anl-|
InstH^jn- eloe<-d
clon-d with a
m telec»elec- paassbie ihr (aoeral tcrricea were
noon and aearir one taandred people
0.» w R. 1
better crop
“ t!o* by the'band and all went home! postjoned until last Sunday aflersat down to eoeb a (east a* tbe la­
TZlse In ^e^M
“d land plaster fawUng that (bajartltwr bad been ■ noon, when tbe Ber. C. A Quten
dles of Penlnsnla Qrasge know so
rec'ipmend.-d loi nsc as rosree of both ^asnre and profit, preached a sennon soluble (or the
well bow to prepare.
the seed 1* ,
a-'C’-lte »o held another In- occasion.
The OM MissioQ braas band
Importstunt.- on Biturtey, Msreb :ut, sut.: The reUtives desire' to expraaa
prcfent and furnlibed some excellent; sb^t the rame.lasee of mslculclcg . tufficleni an of irnlt r.nd a pnwrani on i their si^-re thanks to nelrt^
music for tee entertainment of those j rte cost of eultlratloo
- ..TC
*>f liumn* or deeujlng organic teplcs rvlatlnx t.i fruit culture
' sod friends wbe did all they Could
present. Soon after dinner the tcMI-1 resitnE ir a little less. Tbi
S‘,5rmol“stu^: Tni
In a time of greattet teed,
. mastex <
tbe time o(‘ and rv-nderlt av.n^j.i. ,he ...ncral ror tbe Herald
------------------------ -------------the regular pro^rm
I i-lt-mcDla 1

' o:Jcr
ludd spoke UI .ae neie.-i.JOD ana care , suit- lor »mjh-k
I'here must U.- In the *<^-1
Of tbe teed. He add that If seed eorlt ! Hr Wlllobee Uiodgtl that beans isvurtj the list- of fen:!iy.i-r« broad
Is to be selected from tbe main crop were al>ou> as bard as potntoe* upon' last, rather ih;m In the Mil
.kprll r.rd
:.rd UJ7
u:i- sbs
rb. was un.t
un t,-.:'
It should be done }urt before tbe eron j the ..oil, M>. Basl. y said that In or-' In pltntlu* fruit i-e.» h< r«-com ■ Oo-\|,rll
Julius !•rs■:^.- Bi.i ramtty.
I* banested and stlenllon ahoutd b«- drr |o make a fair eonucirlsoo of 'he mended s handful uf raw sivuu ! tn marriaxe to Rop- rt I>-ckcr
glren U the character of the atalk-. | ferll .ly removed by the- l«o croar.! iciii- lor each t-ce Kf Ibis has put Fraukfort. Mich Two cfUldrvn w.
a* well a* tbe ear. 6elecl a stalk of; the bean rtraw as w>-’1 a* th.- pouto^ I een treafep a-iip arid It will no; in
medium tlxe. broad leaves, ear set ut j tops spread back upon thel
sluwshort shank Tin- soil and plowed under.
1 ly becomes xailable.
lid n01 be picked from the were done the result would be
stalk St this Gme but tbe sulks I oldedly In favor of the bs-an crop 1
Id t
t close to tbe ground I
Use of Fertilirsr.
and set op :n small shock*
until thor-| A P Gray *»* present by lovita-i
ougbly cured. In the process of cur lion and disc);‘i-d ;n a very ntilej
•ii1.«tance that was manner ibe
log much of the s„t.<
• Value.

- re and Use of!

A Reliable

Eifs CruiBala

m TUrd the Troobl*
One TbMOie Wear

No Paul*
No Dog*

..-trgalr.' s
tililfiil If we
offered 1
will Interrst
the lartU-s ah th.- one v.e art
:iow off. ling on IMI-ORTED

Artiflcial Flowers
The maaufariurvr" of th.-ee
g.-ods wero asar-l.-d a MKI>.M.
and IMPl.nMA at the MIl,AN
We bought a
neaiiUtv of them at a pnci- by
which we ran f'liiiish ta.m to
tr-r customers at

No Side Shaft
No Laichea -


i nglacs, Drjs Saws, Bun Saws,
Grinders, Latli Machines

Only 10c each
'bould s.-.* ih---se
tl.iv -f M C l,;.- IP
: H mile laKw
.in-.- Ihi-mM-lv.-r
.r bimn.-t
Bvervlxd} Is
ally In
Mted 10 vail an
b<'aumu! goous.



Now is the film; for you to order vo.r wocd-<utiina
rig, for sprint;
„ iw Hr iwfng
„ near
. Bnid
by ordering early
■ have i;
i: when
- you *-b^ve
- »i
.you will
it. I can (it you
compicle outh-.


and in fact any machine that is run with power. We
have all siylcb anti sizes of gasoline engines. portaUe
or sta'ionary. If you are in the market for anything
in these lines, please write for our free book. Address

State .-\gent.
Ib office all day Saturday.

Tiaverse Ciiy; Mich.
Office City Opera Sooka.Meek.

■t; Hpparat OoaSKtetkwal tearte.
, tba Bar.
, Canbr.
t:00 SpiBctol naale. aTrangad br
Kite (Mbba. aaatoied br Prof. Oraat
Cbltex TaUar, New Tort cttr.

t;Mt-A Word Qrowa, Mr. H.
DowUns, Datro^ '
«:4b—Addrate •’tlie Door of '
SteoUr^ Heart, ate How to Open
' a of
OI ebll^ in
. tbe | .

OuU D. ttS

Wool Droat Qooda in Plaidg and Mixtar«, 36 iDcboi>ide worth OSry
60ca yard at.........................^OC
Colored Jap Silks, 11 differoat oolora,
tbe beat valuee over shown at: 50c
a yvd daring this aalo



t;0d-DPTot>otial—Tbe Bav. O.
a:lb—A tecrad aoag terrtee.

l:U>-^w to toaeb with cbaS and
pendl and ^ ableet tenaona.
I Hoaee.
r reading
. . - .tbe
r. P. Mereditt.
A aaered none aarrtea. led by Hr.

Steinberg Bros^

These[good things to Wear are going fast.

It’s a great deal like "cutting a melon” this Clearance

under the influence of our Clearing prices. Men who
knpw appreciate a reduced price on such qualities as these
- clothes at one-half and one-third off the regular price.
The price draws; but the qualities hold; we’re making
lots of friends.

Sale of good-things-to-wear. Your slice is watting for


Here' also is a great assortment of
Overcoats that have been $14, $15 and
$16. They are big values at the for-

......... $8.95
You can do exceptionally well at less
than that, if you prefer. We’re clearmg a, 1<lot of Winter Overcoats, odds
left from the season's business, from
$10 Bad $18 values.
closing them out at...............v“»OV/

TM did U.- Mr. MMga.
J:»-aoMag .ong. Mr. Tallar.
te—the Kte. B. 3. n«B


And here is a high value. low'priced suit
itc(D that is equally interesting. Splen­
did suits of merited quality taken from

A special offer of 5ne trousers from the
finest goods made—Worsteds, Thibets
' and Serges in this lot. Regular
$5 values, clearing
0Q *9K

K -V
10:«»-nicrw te rwtt tor Mtaaowa
ate Cakek Baaa," or bow to vote tee
rou tor aH tear* la ta U. Mr.
t?:Oft-«*nitey oehooi auMc tor
telMiwa. Mr. Toltar.
il:W-4)«tot.toar. Mr. Dowling.


■ '.'.-xLo.

Va] Laooa and losortioos, worth 6o
and 6,- a yard

Here are the world'slfinest products in
Men's Tailored Suits. A!l models in
the very choicest fabrics, including
blues and bUcks. Michaels Stern’s
$18 and $20 fine suits, a
ciearaoccBt .

Botear aehool and make teem gUd


Embroidories, some 10 fnebea wide,
worth ISic and loo a yard


And in HosM^'—Wool Cashmere rLtn
black, gray, oxford, brown or tu.
Our regular 25c values,
1 f\o
Clearing now at ..................... ...A Vi/

Clothes for boys Iron
(roiii 4 to 17 year
Elegant .All Wool Suit
Worsteds, Cassjmeres and All Wool Hluc Svrgc. worth

.............. $3.96
An occasion to clothe the boys for less
than tbe price of the cloth. Suits for
boys 4 to 17 years, and a few
coats, $3
. and Sli 50
J J Qg
values, clearing at .
Bovs’ and Young Men’s Overcoats (up to
IS years). $6 and $1' 50 vajues in gray.
black or oxford.
Priced (or quick selling at - .


Winter Caps, too, are on the toboggan.
One lot of Men's and Boys' Caps that
: regular 50c values
1 Qa
now go at........................................
Winter Underwear Clearance of Si 50
and $1 75 qualities in tine Lamb«
Wool—farooi^ "White Cat’ bran*!. .A
rare opportunity is this.
DOW going at .

Fleeced Underwear at a price? Heavy
Fleece Lined Shirts and Drawer-t, all
sizes, now
clearing at.

.......... 31c

Blankets and'Qoil.s w-jrth SI 50 0gQ

you. don’t know how long it will keap. The crowds
are here every day.
.A; S4 65 you can buy handsome skirts in
lull pifated and other styles, all color,
and si.;cs, Weil worth
^ 6^
S6 and $7. for on y ....

Waists very preuy styles, that were
$3, S3..f0 and $4. made of Net, Silk,
Batiste* ami Brilliantine.
1 QQ
are sc,lmg at................................X»l70

l.adits’ Coats--Silk lined, in loose and
httfd styles, full 50 inches long, worih

Heathcrbloom Petticoats in all colors.
I he prettiest styles we have shown
yet. worth $5 00 at $3 SS ®0 OK
worth $:4 50 at.........................

srjsn. Sl.'iandSls. and

CarAcul Jackets worth
y g 76
$22 50 a
Corset Covers, can’t be beat anywhere
At $2 45, Ladies' 50-inch Coats made of
at^:{-5c. Our price during this
Novelty Gray and Brown Mi.xtun-v.
and PUids. Were
$5 and $6. f jr
Ladies’ Kimonas and House Jackets,
tnide of handsome fleeced
Baby Coats of Astrachan. Bearskin, etc
goods, worth SI 25, now.......... • WU
Worth 54 and 54 50 at $2.25. Others
00 I-ur Scarf-in the lopg fluffy styles
made of Eiderdown. Cordurov, etc.,
or the small Neck Pter^s t*«at are so
worth $1,50 $2 and $2.50
popular, arc going Iasi
to close out at ...................



Ladies,Suede Gloves in Castor, Brown.
N’avv. Black, etc- Choice values at
50c, but during this clearing '^QQr*
sale they.are:going at............... 0 57V
Ladies’ Waists, new. just unp;»ckcd. A
swell line of them $1.00 to $6 -50 Dur­
ing :his sale will go at

10 per cent DiscoimL
White Underskirts, made vert- full with
deep fiounce. trimmed with/five row»of
insertion and lace or Embroid- QQ/s
dery edge, worth $1 50 at--------wOG

Silk Scarfs or Headtfarows. very pretty
Pcisian designs, were $3.00 # 1
and $;i.dO. now.........................©l.Oy
Calicoes and Challies, best 6c4.1_
quality at........................................... *2^
Toweling, worth 6e a yard
Unbleached Sheeting, best 9c qualit) at.................................................................... • V

Children's heavy Wool Underwear, Nat­
ural Grey, worth 40c and 46c


to cat It
Be nre k is GgtiL He«i7 bread is an abominatioQ to
tbe atocnach beouise it (ornu io dough balls vrhich the gasthc
juices caoDot peostrate.
To insiire having light brtad it is advisable to buy onfy
that k^-ol flour which you ■know is of high grade and rrfiaUe. Traostoiy brands are ver%- apt to be oi OkMereat

Lily White
**Th« FkMr tbe Besb Cooks Use*’

WB alw^ he found of unifonn high qua%. It wiD always
ii^ bread. Some families have been usbg it constant*
hr for 20 years.
If you should ever hare the least ImI of trouble with “Uy
WUte' we would Hbe to be advised, because oq account
trf hi great populari^ it is subject to all kinds of tiickay.
and as we knew tbe floor is all right, sdien we are Dotifled of
trouble we are able to place it where it bdongs.
Always hay of rdiable dealers and see dut our name is
For tale by yom dealer.
GraaA lUaMa. Mdb

THUMOAV. mmiAinr«ttm.

». aad Mra. DoBbriBe wore roK. O. WlBBls oan^t tea Maekteac
aneartiered by tholr s^tdars oa tbe root weighing fortyoeren powads
14th with ooae fine TelraUcies.
and Thnroday of last
Tbe Maeoabeaa free danoe wee e week.
grand sneeeae. A Aae soppor was
John Ho^ln aad Miw LOne.rrlak
aerved In the hall dUUng room by of North mton apeat Svaday vtth
friends here.
Mrs WeottoU.
Sleeping Bear Tent No
About eighteen of the friends of
tn K. O. T. M. hall Sat- Belle Gee surprised her Etlday
gtre a dal
Id, BUl
BUI II. Indud-I
urdsy evening. Ifoi
og supper. Good music
rill be
^ furfur-1 Toe lltUe folks report a fine Ume.
ilsbed. Come and have s good Uox.
Mrs. Laura Stocking Is very lew
A general lurriutloo It given. ’
{ st tbli wrlUng with no hopes of reBihel Cob and her two brothers.. covery.
who went to Northport lor a three] Arthur Robinson snd daughter Rndays' visit with their sister, after be-1 (,y of E»k Rapids spent Sundsy at '
Ing storm suyed ten days, reached . honie of Wta Gay
home last Sunday, safe, alibougb I b. c Morse Is vlslUiig friends
tipped over several times.
I Traverre city.
vtslted friends here
list week.
Feb i:

So. msoy are bavriog
colds most like the grip .a
;cares It 1* the grip.
been quite
It was a mistake as to tbe county i CuHls Leighton t
house bunting; It wsf the farm reel- siek a-jih a severe pain
dence of Horace H. Hogue lust
Jual across He thinks be had a touch of append!

A mile daughter came to gladden] Mr. Noteware, i
tbw home of Mr. and
Mrs. Orman working a couple of daysIn the pest
Decker. Tueedav. Feb 11.
lofBce at Traverse City.
imlng Mr
Angus Griffith lost htf house and
John Hill Is Irlmmlng
nearly all the rontents by Bre Tues- old orebard A ntimbfr
tnber of t
day. Mrs. Griffith was aloue and. iteina cut down and elrlng • ....*'<1
could save but a fewthings. There ] pruning to what
Is left
were two howses and not tar apart. i
Madam Hazel spent the dav with
Both iMirned
[Mrs Golden. The Madam la SS
Maude Corey Is on the sick list.
[years old. the oldest woman on Uu
Burke l-ewls and CTaurte rtowner; peninsula,
log are
were at Wexford and Buckley Tuet-| Pade Elmon and Tony Gbertni
'drawing logs beyond Trave e City.
nenry Smith was at Sherman and I guess they wish lor more
some placet.
Glengarry Tuesday.
The Ladiei- Aid will n
Mra. Conrad of Pomona la caHng
for her daughter. Mrs Orman Decker 5Mra Ed Emory. Wednesday
Mrs. Spade died Thursday. Feb. IS.lMrs Emory win serve
come early and svold
of congesUoD of the lungs She was.ner so
the ,. leaves ;! rush
wick but a few days and she
a husband and elgb ekildfw'n; one! Thf fish are very plentiful In
about''three months. harbor. Some are making quli
little one died ------it daughter Is at the' buslnewt catching through the I
Her oldest
hospital < Cadlllsc. with no hopes ofi Miss Mertle Is home for a w
.^overy The fsinlly h*»e the sym-j We were sorry to learn of the dealt
^athy of the whole community In of an old neighbor. Mrs
ihelr sad aflllctloas.
Mr* Curveau when a girl was Emms
FVb. 17.

Mist Mabel Madlll of ElUworth.
who has been vlstUng HIM Jessie
Leos^ returned home last Tuesday
Mik Towers of Blk Rapids eslted
on Mrs. Lowell Soura one day last
Bertha Peters broke her finger
laat Thursday. Her mother has also
been laid up several week* with a
broken am.
Mrs. Bowman, who ha* spent aevmontbs with her daughter. Mrs.
er«l month
rned to
Archie Cat

"Had dyspepsia or Indigestion for
years. No appetite, and what 1 did
eat rtlrtreased me' lerrlbly. BiirJ'w-k
Blood Bitters cured me."—J H Walk
er, gunbury. Oh'o

A warn wave Ian week that satMr. BtaelwilUa aad Unrllr !>*▼•
tied the saow considerably;
aeved to CMar.
Card of Thsnka.
IUm LotUo MeOarry and sifter ..a- colder; roads ley.
We wish to thank those who so
na fpeat FrtdaT nletat wlUi their sisA son vat bom to Mr. and Mra.
kindly asrlsted us In the sickness
tar. UtM Marruerlto of Traverw Ward Beunett last «fek.
and death of our beloved wife and
The Ladles- Aid sddety met with
^Miw Blidle' taU wut to Ttar. Mrs. Earl last Wedocodsy.
J. E. WlnAcomb and Family
0 <Oty Tbnrodar to stteod the locOfM
The South MsdUou mall boat case
Ive eoarso.
Mr. Koeb aad fanlly «1U nove
tfelf «Mk to Troaair.
a Hflht 1 ngtfrvow bSTr Kaso O*
mo# Mary WUUani opeat last Beetina la the K. 0. T M. baU
>«t By's p •« Balm sa V- ---------vook aria ker slstor. Ura. OoMe. of ertinins.
' F. B. nsher aad son shut down
Tareroe Oily.
thsi tnllaAp tbe as***
Mra. Milosirry
roea to*- uin-,
,h.r~. ruMteir*.
vod boroSatorday^
heroSatoreay.- waon
City last Tues- ;!TSr-llh mercury trrrrlt .try up ihr i»rre
cols club
visitt bar BOtber aad other retotlret. probably not start op again until day. returning 'Wedncwc
'lloaaswd Itwrevnu bo brlisr tbaer<c we-a

, , la aword Dy'«(.'rrws Halailaerrwl rerntd*
TU Ladlor Aid vlll Boet via warn weather.
Arthur Dorsey, who was engineer
Mr*. John Wealth returned lart aot a dslw««*- All druer).*-. i'
Mr*, i. U. Crandall this i
mallei by Ely Brotbrra SB Wam*s Street.
Rfw Toek.
T sister In Traverse CUy.
r»b. IT,


Margaret & OrHSa to
Raat I
Loalar, pareaU U see. 1*. T !
Bin A Barndeu to Oeo.
Margaret B. OrtSln
lou I. 3. 4. Mk. 17. Act
Oacar Siapaou and wife to EUxa
A. Handen. e% lot K. all lot 17. t
18. P. H. S tnd.
N. T. KelaoD and wife to Abliab

horn In Madina

> married to Was Caa^

Waro«:at airii^'lVand iTrUt ;lo^l*^^3?‘rtl'T A“ovi ' ebtldren

5. P H. S tud.
Peter Tonneller and
ard B. Gamer, w
J. bik 5. H.
Ve*ne W Smith sod





Valter.....S. .................................
Ernst and wife Archie
. . .. ft- of
U CO.S 9ih. i part of seli of nw^. sec ». T « R
wife to Myroa
verted In



was i
r wboB have gone be*
under the Mbers ofthe


Christian Ankereoc and wife to D ' blk. 4. H L. d Co. s Snd
:^ fnijjfnl member till the ttoie of
Seranl. et^ of neli. sec K, T J7. j N. C FOx and wife
to B E. cmvti hi. deatb He moved to Monroe On*
R n.
' seta ol
ot Dwia anc
and wH o< net,, of nwl* ter, Mlrb m IKI. while tho country
D Gerard. eH of neV. sec K. T •l. 'sec.
1€. T 77. R S
I was yet new and built him op a good
derwn, Icu 1, : and 3, blk 4. P. H s
Earl J Cck and
»TIIK bo„, *here he resided abo« !4
Fcote. parcel, tn lot «. blk 2. OakHe was loved by aU who knew
Troutwine. Crower et
0 Alex, wood,
him He was an uDtlrtng Worker la
Anderson. nwl« except I
of sec.. Smith Realty Co. to Wm P Crot tce .bufeb and a class leader for
IS. T 2S R >.
an.! wife, a 45 rt. tou
and -Z.
Mlcblgan Trust Co.. Irustet's
and wife, n 44 ft. lots
and 4S.
el<- j«
t el. sa'V of
44 ft lots 1 and1 t. blk. 4. h |ll•a.Knt.

Is bis home wbv harmony.
.1. A Co s Znd.
Tlu- funeral waa held at Monroe
John Sn.vder and wife
Floyd L. Smith and wife to \Vm. P Center chrrrh. the writer offictstiog,
Bwarthout et a1 lots It
secOr<*tser and wife. lot 2C and n kV) ft. ' I'ndensker
Anderwon in
• and loU l.J. 3.
" ina kn rr. bik 4. H U * en.'s mn.
| Many came to pay the last rawpseti
seH of swti and seV
. sec I Herbert A Ststloni and
Io to an old friend and neighbor TbO
3. T 2(? R 10
'Hand E Wvnkoup. lou zo and Zl. rrmaina were burled Is the Monroe
E blk 10 H LA Co s 1st
; Center cemetery
He leaves a wife
Orville G Miller and wife tu John sod two sons to mourn Uia work la
Kelley, lot y Grover Park
done, but he has gone towaap tho rw
Henry 1
Will Champagne to John Rernle. ward of the taJlbfuL
see. IP. T 27. R ?
lots 17 and IS. blk. 3. WUheltn'. add ,
E. W. WoM.
osier, pa

Clothing at
The remarkable bargains toe are
gibing on even’s and Boys'
Qothing has closed out some
lines, bat there are still many
excellent bakes left.
Readoverand comparellieprices
Every price aad
garment Inst as advertised.
Overcoats and Ulsters lor Boys and




'I f

Thesa are nude of eit» heavy materiak, with
either storm or velvet oollara. plain fanners sstio
fancy plaid linings; extra wvU made and
suitiblo for winter wear.


Our Final Clean Up
Your Last Chance

IS THE WIND UP of ail sales on Winter Coats. Everythinfr is marked for the final ousting. It is a fixed rule
with this house never to carry these goods into another
season. Spring Sutts and Jackets are tieing put in our
department and we need the money to pay for them. This
win be your last opportunity, and it will not be a very long one
at that, for these prices will clean up the stock in a few days.
Do not think you can wait indefinitely and secure the best
of these bargains.

*21 Ladies' Loog Coats in fancy mixtures, some fitted- som* loose effects.
The former price on this lot of coats was S-'i to $23 Now placed in
three lot& and marked as follows:

$1.98, 3.98, 9.98
S5 Ladies' Coats in plain Kersey and Broadcloth Colors Jyrown, navy.
red and castor, made from the finest all wool cloth. The bulk of the
lot is full satin lined. Fortner prices were $1*2 50 to $25.

$6.50, 9.75. 12.75


Lot No. I, $3.50 Coats.
Special for this sale...................
Lot No. 2 r Costt.
Special for this sals...............
Let No. ;i $b and $9 Coats
t<{>coial for this sale...............
Lot No 4
$10 CosU
Special for this asl<-..............
Lot No. 5. |t< and $10 Coats.
Sptviai for this sale .................
Lot No fy $10 and $12 Coau.
Special for this aale..............
Lot No. 7. $10 Coatt.
Spsoial for this sale ..............






Aboot 132 Men’s Saits in nobby colorings of fancy Worsteds and invisable
ripeseand obiHTks in blu“. brown and bl^ effects, anisnged in eight differit loU for quick sc^lection.

Lot I—Consisting of 24 suits
that sold for $10
A fin
Sale price-----Q.UU
Lot 2—Consisting of 16 suits
that sold for $12 and
$15. aale price • • •
Lot 3—Consisting
isting of 16 suits
that sold for $15
each. Sale price
Lott -Consisting of 36 suits cha-:
sold for $15. $16
II nn
and il*' Sale price. .Ililjy


Lot 5—Consisting of 2*2 suits
that sold for $17.
SIS. S20. Sale price..|2,00
Lot 6—Cbnwisting of 6 suits that
sold for $1^ each.
Our sale price ..


Lot 7—Consisting
of IGsuitsthat
sold tor $18 and
$21. Sale price •

Lot 8—Consisting of 6 suits that
sold for $20 and $22 IC 00
each. Sale Price-...|j,UU

In grevB. browm and b'acks. msde cf Scotc'i Mixtnraa. Fancy tV.irstols and
Fancy 6ashmarea, atmoat all tiie* to aelecl from up to 18 year*


sale price.........................


Lot 6—$6..*i0. 7.60 and $-'
ffo Cft
Baiepnex.'............... iO.OU
Lot:-i5,$6, $7aq.i$i]
iQite Sale price.................
Lot K—$.$ to $7 5U kulU
gA rn
Sale price.................................. >Z.9U
Lot ‘t-$.5 and $>’• sciu
Sale price ...................
Lot 10—ih tails. AD extra
#• rn
valoe Sale pfi'.-e .....................vl.dU


14 Ladies’Long. Black, Fitted Coats made of hnc imported broadcloih.
Some half aud others full satin lined, ail
beautifully tailored. Former
price $16 75 to $35. now ..................................

Lot^SlO and $12 $uits.

14 Ladies' Short Caracul Coats These coats -take the place of cheap
fur coats and are much more satisfactory"—all good styles. Former
prices were $14 to $25, now

About 7-5 pair* of Boy*' Loos Paata, almost any *«• . in va’’j<»g ap to $3.
Tbe beet bargain ever off->re*i m the city. .41! m>iritei f t
n to.............................................
the Specif Sale at from $1 30 down
50C 3 pSIf

HaU Price


t .

$7.00 to 12.50
_10 Fur Coa't in the house—Russian Pooey. Squirrel aod Astrachan.
24 to 27 inches. Buy them at a reduction of ..................................

.... $1.98, $3.75, $5, $7.50

In this a»sortm«it yon will find aboot .300 Kaee PanU Soitt in atree from
4 to 9 year*. Tbeee oonaiil of Worsted*. CbenoU. Fancy Scotch Mixtarea
and Fancy Caaaimerea.

Lot 2—A. regnlar $2 50 Knee j| qq
PanU Bait. Sale [gice....-

L(M »—A regular $oU0>Knee
PanU Bait. Sale prioe.. ..3


Lot fi—A regnlar ^00 ^ee ^2 2J
i^anUSoit. Saleprire..

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