Grand Traverse Herald, May 24, 1908

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Grand Traverse Herald, May 24, 1908


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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tl.It A TBAK.







Came Ovar In Pear OayA 1* Hearn NICARAOUA'S ATLANTIC
end 17 MlmitM DeM>U Fog aiHl


In Faur

Bits UNDER BANK AT V» Men Had inai Started Tbelr BMIy
Taskd When the Bnitora M the

HVmr Wapae.



Bt. Loan, MoTmw n.-TBe coal
Ney Tnrk, May-M^UaU-a
dnera of MtoaoaM. Kansas. OkMrecord U tour dayA U boura. 10 mU
born and Arkaaana bava rullaanl
tbelr demands tor an taeraam
Tbe gUat Cuaarder DaaKaaU bnd REFUBLICW BOLE
m and IMW man vrtl] relara to
cabtern water*.
broken all traaeaUantle raoorda
work Moaday.
pile tbe baadteape ot fog and storm
wheo cbe flnUbed bw trip from Urer
pool and QoeeMtown oS Bandy Hook OoUiU of the OUaeter Am LMking
and It la Nat Known Whdther
light iblp e«ly today.
•■NWlnf DM ThtMMDM
' Thera Waa Any Lam at
Ufa Or NoL
Unte, Hat S.—ThA Unure of th*
New Orlaana, La.. May ».-OaWe
ar«M M4
adTlcna report tbe total deatraeUon of
• PMt AMM Am CMMd KDjlaltsd
tbe aaUra Mearngaaa nary on tbe
«efUC Hi WOftKlItir
dumped rata «kn Water AfMr Him—
AUantle coaat.
«>TM « tk*t Medes
Atoa Oot Bum
Tbe ganboat Ometepa, tbe aoU rap. OMMMKW»rMMf«dla.U»4aot0wenutlee of the liUle rapnbUc U
4AT MMD Ika 4lM«Ur Is lU 'vM*
wm wreckad on Cora
Latter fMoeiwad Prom M|aaouri Baya
na^t at IlMilMrtcD £u c
UUnd aad wiU be a totnl loaa.
That tha Crap In That BteU
A OermanbrawntroatwaigblagiaM
; tlw Utm M 4MM PWDOM.
DetMIe are'Ucklog ud It la sot poanda. and Maaaaring || In
If a FaHara.
known wbetbor any live nrera kmL
from tbeDpofhMtMItotbeCBdor





______ _ _____ .
I on tbe
hatdeaWp lllav deaoap. waa UataaUr
killed aad C. bMMakl, tblid OMiter
ed uraM of tha ohm eeaael. wm aeri•outr ta>arad Ual BlMit while retoralag tioB a plMBVe raaort oaur town.
Cba btroat««k« *ato crowded and
tbe wen wore rMlag on ^e leader
. wlMB n brake.
IMr bodlM railed





.tiHo«T ■hOmkiitv at«act bay

a BaMiliud ••• Mlar WMb n#rtU* CM flea iMa ClaMly MfMer
• ' 'OaifML
A bpd lareot in t
prapertr ta tbe vIelbUr of Bdgewood
aad BMbwofad Baaday night, aeeeral
acraa at tea timparai lanS beUg
•earraa wtu Srw Men from Martg'
rcaldraeea Mibarad and after i^ttag
41 for aoM* time, tba ire waa goUen
«Mer onatrol.:
' It Uaa feared for a ilme tbat tba
raaliMM of F. «. ardiall would be•aaa IgaUad. but «hU waa eared. Toiip tbait
^ MPouidenag •»


Car at WhNI Jtimped the Traek at
^naliig and Wracked thi
Oaa FUnt Noduetng Its
Capacity One Hall.
OaaMpoUe. Mlcb.. May tt.-Brli
lUMtall. tbe eelt-cnatcaaed Morderer. rafaaw to talk today. He aiked
ndalrter and tbe Rer. Mr. Broorat called and wm ckmeted witb
Ibe aocnaed mou of the fMvnoM bat
decltned lo eoy Ybal oecurrod.
Poeple Will Fay.
Lnnelog, Nay tS.-^l M dlKor
tbat ooder a Jotot r«aolatlaa of tbe

ate may attend tbe eaereUea of tbe
onTrtlUg of tbe ntoaument to Bteron

Wrocknd Oaa FUnL
lAaeUg. May
A car of pbrai
lamped tbe trark oo tbe Traaalt ratV
way today and amaabed late Ibe gaa
work*, breakiBg tbe pipe* and ladae‘ AMaaadee Maaoa la U Um dty-to- Ug 4be capacity of tbe plant by
. day riUMjalMg
I aWawar Delay jo* I>Kk
naaug #,aMa<
t, tke aiouwer «fn .glee regular axOuntoM every Bag^ from Maaoab
Laadlag to Wylia aad retura, atap- Had a Hard Tima Doing It At Ouck
Loh» •undid' Bat tha Beora
ptag at l■l•rtDodUU. pouu.
Waa 11 U •.
Ube teralabee a Tory pUaaant piaee
fce recreailaa dailag tbe warm
Tbe WDry baaefaall tram defeated
Ibe .Buckley tram at Dock Lake Bus­
by a aeon- of 11 «o R. Tbe
«TUy bora bad a tpagb figbi In many
wajM. but won OBt by aoperlor pUyTba Buckley battery waa Harris
Ibompaoa and tbe Wiley battery.
41 BMMUg Lota.
Ssztoa and U Klrchoer.



Tba lAty park adtfUtM u tbe moat
recoM tract of land to be platted and
.added ta Trurwve Oty. Tbu baa
baea raeaadly idatted aad loat ra
^•orded aM eoaUata of «« Twy atfttiMOTWllMliUg Uta. Tbe landa lUa
sortb of Ibe aKylan between Bliib
. atcMt and BIwwnad aveaoe and pr»-

Tba ftou. Or. QMorU. af OMcagn.
Cbeatn on TanOi BalkaL
Baltlmara. Md. May M.—Tbe Rev.
Dr. -Wintam Quayle. of CUeaigo, waa
tbla morning eleoted Mabop ok the
teMb ballot at tbe Mttl^W


PMm PTMayk Ranald.
Vevar. lad.. Mar
NKAoiM Casper, a yaaag warn
be dtoeovery of a ploi to blow np tba
•bant 14 yean old. dted at tha aaMVevay bank today, five arresU kave
torinm this meralag at % a’«M Ram
MB made.
Injarlee received yeaterdv amraing
Twcfiir-two sticks ol dynamlta FLANS ARE UNDER WAV TO COId- ^ taUtog tram a toad oC to* At tba
were dlaeovered beneath tbe vnslL
unns' tambm camp.
A fuse was attached and ad vrH
Mr. Caspar waa tap iowitoft
•eadlneaa lo dratroy tbe atraeb
abont 10 o'etocA yanUfiay moratng
and make away witb tbe money.


on hls bond nad sbeAlBsm. ft wan
aoae, waa captared by hand by
not tbnngbi tbsi ba wm antMaMy
small taopa Saturday In
OREATCR CAUfMET WILL HAVE tojnred at tbe time. bM ba wnMBMS
ebuie of tbe' Hannah A Lay
and vamalned aU tke aflarMnm At
paay*a grist mUL
sapper time be partook U^tly
7%e boys. WUHe Hardy, tie 14-yearfn«L bM skortly attar R waa amaMN
Id son ot Mr. aad Mra. Frank IMrd)
tn uka Mm to a fkyakMm.
DtoMet m WMah Nmv City wm Ba
of U7 SlEtb atraet. and Victor Kraau.
and to rare of LamM Myara.. koate
LaoaMd to VnMw M That »
the ls-y«Mvold son of Mn. Kate
Uapar of tbe BtoafwT lambm BamOlBarmR Lnngnagna Am
Kraam. of 1U aant FlfteanUi street
psay. WM stratod fcr Kalkiak* oa •
•ablng off tbe cknte when they
togging trten.
saw tbe Mg isb struggling In the
CalaaoH, Ml^ May S.—Plana are
shallow water of tbe chote.
ander way here to nomMna tba vUCMUag a biM and line wbtati wua
liga el Onlaavet with eight oLber
Instantly nabbed by tbe fiib. It wm
towns In Uon^ton county into
log him to TrnvMM City whan Ba
as oulckly torn out ot bU mootb by
alnBto ctiy. vvkieb will have a pope- eonld be takra to tbe aanHnrlam. A
tbe irou^ and the .boyn .throwing
iaflen nf Wow and wlU ba the
down their tackle Joraped Into tbe
Mfgeat dty In tbe alale.
I to meet tba toggtog ttals
water and cornered him, after
WUl be drcalated aboitly and U they which reaitoed iMs Mty. aBoat
straggle vritb tbe slippery gamey telaneteaalul the matter
c'cloek. aad the paUeat WM ttfeM M
BUS landed.
•aM Hto Name Was Fllapatotok and plaeed before tbe pM>|de ot tba die- once to iBe. panUaitom.
' Victor Kranu wm very Hortnaatc
IS Cmna >ram Elk RaplB
utet for a vote.
Mr. Caspra did not ngatai anm
In bla catch Ibla marMng. Prerlom
Where He Left the Maam
Tbe preeeat pro)eet will
doranara, bowavar. and death took
to aiding la Mddlng tMa dab
Barge Frawtonac.
le wentternd Intoraata of tba cnppw place at t o'clock ibte BHrnlag. IMkt a noMller oan.* bnt even
ponniry aad wlU create a naw boalte bit peakatjaiBsaMi tthf
one to be prqad of. It wel^ied
iw had aome from Hkmaatt. ^katm
On muaday aeenlag. Traverne abont eight poundk and mans
be had rateMvaa.
tt«a warn
r Tom
City lodge Ko. SU. B. P. O. &, win neuriy 24 Iscbea.
arraagammito tor IBo
have anotbor big lidtIaUoB.
ea tba roof ot tbe aide porch cC tba mrats planned or under way ladnde
dtepoaltton of hto body wfU Ba mada
will be 71 enndldatca to receive tbe
a posiofflce tor Oalumel. several of- •HIU tbrae are brard tma.
ed there w;ltb tbe Intention ot at
BitUtory oeroBioalea and this
bulldlaga tor Red Jacket aad
•too will oloae tbe regular meeUnga
log a ban wiDdoar wbleb opnaad at serlce of paiks tor Red Jacket and
for tbe nuBiaer season. Tbe toeal
be porch, and which vrra left apan' Imurium. TBa Lac L« Belle Treelodge bu made big airldea during tbe NORTH CAROLINA TO VDTE ON o admit tbe fresh air.
itoa ^ power company to pnablng
PMt rear and adde^ a latge Dumber
The man wm flrat aoon by Mr. vrork da an oleeirto railroad throng
oC well kMwn and promlneni clUaena
SbltooB rarber In tbe evenlag Btaad-. tbe heart of tbe copper cbontry from
> ran. Tbe Petoatog near the oonfectlonety atoro al' Cainmet to Mttoawk aad wUl
key lodge baa been invited lo attend
MarvlB, on tbe Uaion dlroat
Mohawk to
body tba meeUng oo Tbunday
Agalnai Maasura BW Ma|orltp
Lra U Bdlle and otbar points
' wni Ba At Laaat tOMO.
ol^t aad It la aannred tbat there will
Keweenaw county.
a largn aitendanra from ontalde
to believe' tbat be wm a saapM- railroad to extendtog to CilsiMt aad
Ralelgk^ 8. C.. May K.—North Car­ oua*cbaracier. Shortly alter, npoa rethe city. After the InltlslorT work.
many of tba oM mines are botog robaaqoat win be spread and a pro­ olina will tomorrow vote oa tbe a
lurutog from down toviii tn rampnaj [•roed.
lion of problblUon or no probtMUea with Coouty Clerk Bobert B. WnRor.
gram oajoyad.
Tbe dtotrtct ta which tba ra
mao wni aran to follow two wo­ will be loeated to to May
1%a lodge la bimtHBg to aacura a ^ it to conceded tbat tbe state wUl
dry by at least WBOO majorty. A men who wont eontb on Union straeL aalgoe. Thiny-nlaa dllersat
laige dolagntlan to go to Kalamaaoo
Tbe women crossed tbe atreM and rages are spoken to CalamsL which
to attend tbe state contention on
Into tbe store of George Dayo,
lone S aad 4. Already a large nnm- against tbe menanre.
preeeat Is tbs largest laeorporatod TELEORAM BENT T« HIM WAS
tollowtog. Boon after~lbey village to tbe Oalted Btatea Mav
ber have declared tbelr InieoUon to
ime out and ooaUaoed eontb. the of the Ftoas, ItaUara and Aaatitons
make the trip and U to probable tbat
the apedal car to bo ^talnad will ba
lan inrntogback.
are mra of meana and have gn
illMl-to Its capacity. If there are
M-ben be wm tollowtog tbe women neeee to Ibe commnaltyBy ordte at tha Btearaa Lhmbir
tbaa enongh for one car there
he kept np n pretty good galL and
Tbe territory which wUI be li
Body Had Bam Fraparsi F»
win be Other cars available.
Archie Jmw 1L Enadlant
walked aa atrai^t as anytasdy. Bat ed to tbe new city te aboot alne
ghipawat By UsdirlMiaf
lodge vrlU go from here with tbe lB‘
xm an be saw Mr. Bbltooa nad toag by two miles wide aad toclndra
lentioo to bring tbe stale conrenUoa
Hr. Walter, he begao to suamr. avl- tbe villages ot Csiumet. Hobswk. Red
Traverae City tn 1*10. and tbe
p Prainaula ' townaWp Sunday draily with the toieotlon of convey- Jsrkpt. Lasrium and several imaller
b ragsM tor Travene and Trav
tog the tmpreealoD that be bad a Jag oomuniUea
•I convention will be held
gram from Green Bay, Wto. Ms aie <aty htdge from other lodges In
Arcbie June IS. the toUovrlng being
MM teinng him lo hoM tha body
the Btala. Indicatra tbat If proper
Mr. Shltooo vraroed
the program: “■
liebolas Caspar, tha top MaBsr ■
am la brouglit to bear, tbe coo10:30 a. m.—Devotional eaerctaea abont tbe man. and told him that ba
wbo dted from tbs atoete of toQlw
reoaoB may be landed.
thought be Yoold bear watebtog.
by Dv. Turner, of OW Mlaelao.
trem a load of toes at tba ■taaras'
Wib tbla movement ^ mat end
About 10:30 srheo sAltog to tba of10;4S—Words of greeting by
iatDbnr camp Friday morning antfl
:be InitMUDk of 17 candidatae. a large
•re of tbe ShltooB boara witb -Mb
tbe arriver ot bla brotbar. John.
crowd la dnnrad for Tbureday night’s
in:5fr-8oag by Helen and Berate wife, beard tbe gate trading to Ms
On order of the Bunns Lambsr Oo,
back yard ratile. Walking ont tbe
the renutos of tbe yoMg man hnd
11:00—Paper. “The Needs of Our
bMn prepared lor sklpoteat by Hr.
Sunday Beboot.*' by A. P. Cray, landlDg by the gale and a ffiaa oa
MS and were bdd saMeet to Cho
all toura oo tbe root. Tbe man drop­
order Of relsUvea. Tlds ^*»**~f, ofll:SO-DlMwadaa by WlUlam O ped Eat down upon the roof, bnt Mr.
forte to locate say lalatteaB were kpA. W. iahraua Called to Oayten, O. Tompkins.
SMtoon railed oat tor him to come
By Ah Unenpected MaaaapsiDeiratl. Mich.. May U—t develop11:40—Redtatloa by Delay Cmbb. own.
a letter fonod apao tba yoang
Oaath Waa Iwddan.
• Is this the Hvery atabtor aHwd rd to the pnlk* bearing of PoHce
sfter dratb from bis fstbar, Fas
mlaslaoer Bmlib. tbat the dell:W—Song by Old Mtosion tt^ooL
,ar. matted from
A:' W. >Jabrau* west to Dayton O..
r expects to prove tbat aaotber
i::«0-DlnDer and social boor.
"Does It look like one np tkanT'
«]«.. It to suted 'that *
Boaday called there by tbe death
imperscaated Smith vtoliing tbe
I:30-Duel by tbe Mlaaea Benson. Ur. SMtoan tepUed.
gooe to Otaen Bay w vtett Mlaate.of bw aged notber. Mrs. Andrew
ru and proartslag Immtuliy for
l;40—Prayer aarvloe led by C.
After a little more partny tbe
and spoke of other msmbaii sC tha
Jabtaua. A wtek ago today, Mra. &tea.
man slid dowa tbe post, and Mr. BkllfamUy. A telegrsm sawt te that mdJahrana rataraed to Dayton after a
Song by .braee Netoon and Btbel
kept kim uotll Policemaa IMt
dress WM returned, tha aEWsIs haviau In this city. Mrs. Jabrana ac- Gray. Archie.
Bowen came aloug and be wu takm
Ing snsble to loeate any oaa bp that
rompanrlng her. Mr. Jabrnos did not
2:10—paper. “Adult Ctoasea
Ibe dty lock up, where ba wm'
knew tbat she wad even 111 ao that Small Srboitto.* C. J- Helm. Truv-jaeen by a Record reporter today,
It has b
Ibe meapage was a sad aurpHac. Mn
ra City.
>1 juai had too much to drink.” aaM
WM married ive ream ato at Km
Op te M in twha Tadey.’
i:t»-Oasriei by Bwe^ Sunday Ue man. '’My name to Jobs Fits
toe. Honghtoa coaaty,' that be had
| partrtek and I bare beea fottowtog
: nooa today, tbe goveran
to tbe boepital at AskUm and
2:W—Address -by Dr. Tnraer, of Ue lake* for M or SO yrara. I.«amf
•moaMter. which
to ahabad worked at Hurley and Uptea.
Old MlaMon.
orer from Eik Rapida Batarday M^i
RedUUon—Alima Biewari. Ar^ie. where I have been Bailing CO tha
Trovana CRy Mntne Beat Oa. Tp Ohm
Bahftnion at Cadillac.
Reettatlon—Dolly Grubb.
Fronienac wbleb to dtong ooal
Tbe cloaeet ao far bM been tt vmd
Lattm were received In tbe dty
K. Alllobee to |
and Utos|work tor tbe cewient oompany. MHa- aa while the Boatb la atm Kay IS
rOaiae Wan CtM ta .
from tbe Traverae Oty Motor Boat Selma Benson, •eeretory.
1 my borne to to ^raeland, but
I prany vrea
company today by proapecUve bejrera
aa OB my way to DetrolL*
of motor boats and otbesa. says Bat1s in the dty vMUl« and wlD i
la the dty Sawtey attmaaoa Cram
nrdar* OndUlac Newv n waa to tbe
here to a ahert Uma.
laatlag. being called la Mortbport bp
eSaet Ibat tba company wtn give an
A mnrrtaga vtm
•a Dowaa M..<»ampaey rata
tbe maeea of Ua dangblar. Bst^ ate
rxbfbtUoa bam at tbe bant dab oa lemoao ai tbe paraooage of tbe Flrat Thaieday ;
. Northport this merateg w
able to get tbivMgk Ip trala. Km
M. K ttoureb hr tbe Rev. Joeeph Dat- W. Canto, tbe eentraetlag puHlMi Bo- •he baa Men vtelilag hm aaaL Mn. Idootagne look him ant M Ms WHto
Tkiae ot tbelr boam wM be «o n- ton. They WlU make tbdr borne to tog U O.- Cooper, of OaMti, aad Bu a WUaaw.
Bteamer tnaktag too tiM M OM boor
Traverae 6iy.
| Mton Clara Woigaat. ^jnrgMiy.
Mre. Oeorsr J. Mracy. of Cbailotfe.jaM M Btlastaa.

T. C. IN 1910




The pwlMttU la «U la
ow and Mdilac br U«mUum.^
frail OK* tbM TMT. «BpoeUUr elwrilM and ABMll tralta, will be a bearr
OM, tbe tree* eDcapiBg bort deepit*
IM 11 bUzsanU «( UM vlBier.
rte Mllook for late applM.
tat. la Dot 00 OBCoonwlnK, aad It
la bMMrM that crop tUa rwr wtU WILL OO TO KALAMAZOO
aot_ be 00 boarr, partlciiMrtr M tbe
troH bore rerr bearllr laat rear.
A totlar r«M*«l IRMD Mr. l>lpplD.
«bo booCbt appMa oo tbe penlMala
UM Toar, aUtea that tbe Ulwoort
went COLLSO fruit crop la pradlcullr a fallera.
bODT7 ft^t killed all tbe earir trait WILL BE AT INITIATION THUR»OAY NEXT.
bad about tbe Mne tbe Ute troft bad
■eaaad far eDoogb to be aerlonal/
4.» WMid. D H—M 0« Uw BrttlA- bait, aoetber froet caiae aad killed
.WIU RaoMve
4m^. WbM« HWW
M war*—Lodge Hm Mad
Waa M OMfML Wm tlw
^Wblle II ta a llttia prerlotta to ^eak
OroM Oalaa In |lambarQM KItM.
of prices It U beHered tbat tbe prteae
tMa rear will be auoal to ihoM of

IBOd W CM moiE

BMuai ID TBS on ^

Parte. O.. May
wnro tnatratly kilted aad 41 terribly
lainred to aa
ed the ngar reteery hare today.
Tbe workmea bad laat taksw np
thHr dally task wbdn tl» boUan IH
gn. demoltehlag tbe atraetare.
tbs ratrac
Net TBaa«bt ThM He Waa BartmiMy
Fdlowina tha Diaeevary of the Flaf. warn wreeksd.
Hurt But After Baphav. Mia
Five Anrate Hava Baan Madm
CwMittea Rapidly Raaama
Twafity-Twn Btteha af
Dynamite Found.











9aiI nnctAwin.
'Tnrcrsc HcnM


Falla Hair M ^UBflflfl ata taaB ta
aia net in gaod
Wre aot i
and are net patrtotle aa. Me- OLD MttSlOH PCDBO ^ABTY WA*
Mortal dag.
Tbare are few gnpia la ^T#aa
Snail 8ta. Marta. Mag 23.-FVaak B.
. bat ten bu aaaaa reiaUn wbo
toberta. a priYste al Fort Brady, has
toek part ta tte atraole aad who t*
tone* beir u fllM.Nb.
aow alecplag
>4*0* of bto good fortnae
Meaa U tbere were ao fepretetoed to a tetagram (ram Wale* aaeaatatlm af tte teaUg to that orlttbe dtate of Us tateer. wbo
leal Use la tte aaUoa’S Metaig. tbe
led £«OtaO to Roberts aM bto aister.
tore ar tte eon*try that tboae toaa
Roberts, It atan Icaraed yesterday,
preaereel ahaaM Mdaaa ttea tolgr^

hit discharge from
frala traai daaBfratlng tte dag.
Mng cleared and tbto BKiaeg wUl go army sad left tel* week for B
are apt;
claim tbe mamey. Before leavlag
tnward pnrcbaalng a carpet for tbe
be thoBgbtleaa la tbto regard aad
rw cboreh at Mapletoa.
he aald he wcwld resist on bto retreat
tte aaeaaiaa Htetlg wbicb
An eaeeUest supper, nee of tbe boat tm.
' •VS
teaaM aat be tte can. Tba gates
t aerrad on tee peolanajiy
I tg gear* aad at the
people abnald be laagbLto treat tee supgaia
of the M gaara- oenrlce srili be
remunia of tbe Grand Anff of w^a ('
follow^ by tee card games. 1C retired with a pension. He wants to
tte BapabUe wlU reaped and atew
opar renrenee tor tboae who UMes being occspled. Aticrward.'s beware ot aa laceme to old nga.
number of those preasnt enjoyed
-I miKtkt lose tbe rortuDC.- he odd.
ten paaaed oa.
A (Ub pond occupied
st4*%ai if I have the pearton I will be
Jkgala we nagt Meanrlal dag to the
all tight nnywag.
TIM MmvMb «f
•toU-tko *«aadag at tbe Dead-' and not a dag lention or the teildrea.
For tec ladles' flint prise. Mrs. A.
He has a.v^ racord to the army.
tn« tokMTBM who «Bb for opoit-, ior aporta and g*Mea.
i*aatd Bate wek « proioot tkla jev
Mtoor and Miss Fannie Sweenrar were
ym the IHtaHtniT vin eee a great;
Bed. Wu Bweeney wtnntng to the
J^M MM FMT ud S«Mt eMh lava
Tba eenUmeot for George G. Covell
M *0] grottet m Ste of the aute (or eongreae to growing stronger dag the gentlemen's prise, Messrs. Robert
. -Va^ M Csdlflae to
ie tte gwiMt tawa are a&arMr aee- bg dag and tba papers of the tertheni Sweeneg, Jack Sweeney and Ben BckNow AritMd Will Use Fto*
taaa. '
portbm of tea dtotrlet are - tatlgtng sUne were tied.
Teatardar Ua baaa
atronglg to bto aopimrt. axeellent winning. Vlss Sweeney received
aad treai ao* oa. targa aiBbara at
nania being adranead as to wkg
Csdlltoc. Mag 23.—That Cadillac
bMi «tU W tatea. Moat at tkaao
Of flour. Hist Utonle Poner i
; M «tU M (aaaW baaa lor tte toawill in a very short Sme have a
Awarded the ladles' eonMlatloa.
aaa (tel tte tMale teai te a Agkter
lemon, nnd Byron Cregor, ibe gents,’ penUae toclary Is now ao assured
- MH Bte Mattera af Scab aad Uood
Met. A meettog of tbe Cadillac Tnrbottle o( catsup.
B ta ftMng and rtgbt that tea bedi
iiine company wUJ be held In the
^ wm iBWa «a protaei ter tetea. flakar«Ma aev 4a)>o mo gaMat balta aortbarn ponton of tte dlsirlct.
r future. Tbe new rompug will
»e caMtoJIied at flU.OOO and wUI be
(te(.«kM tk«7 aane wUkta a earialn dlatrlct tea baaa gmrtng ta UM^bnndlM a( Uw bate kad. aadte tte aaaa for mang gears uUl now It tt
Ibe torgeat Industry to tbto part of
e State. Tbe tnrpenttoe will be *eM ■> M.aM •J** Mifko U n Im- ■lacad to noaa. .Its cagdldate to pro•H«to Itacslvod Quaar
irte from tbatoM pine stiimp* teal
gaUte teeartf ea oa# cf tte aamer- greaslre and capable aod to a ft man
abound to this eacHon.
aaa gaMO af teaka. Tte reaoU U to repreaent Ite-dtotrlcL
tted ate ti takaa aad ter agge are
It ts expected It will make a boom
While Mr. CagMlto hcaae to in Trav
. a«Ma te tebar tek «r Me
to ttel catatc and will atoo be
■ae Cltg he to aafflelMidr broad and
aitaa'u tte aaaaoa was Ute wcD vemed to maltM of pobllc ln>-' Kalamaaoo. May SAWimt as Mr*, beneflt to tee fanners. The (BCtotr
aa Oai tte teaa *«e oai; portance to rv^twae^ tha battre ^ imas Klock A brid* of a few
white will be ktonted to Cadillac to
iiva teak bada. a cartala par trtet abig aad wMl. Tberetare. be to •nu. was Mepptog torn a cantage espaeicd to open laie this (atl. but
c aagtega a( tte ogp weald raaek aia- the daaeiwlBg ebiate bt tte dtotrlet. to front of her tatber's borne to gi tec pulling of tee pine alumps will
1 t*Mg tel te' U ta BOV, tte aaaMD Tte DoveU efUBBplfg^NWhlle oaM. to her own borne, a gang of womci start In n short dme. The Isctory
and telldran began thrawtog mate at wlH furnlte emptoytnent to n torge
. tUg-tete la ao aaiD. due t« cltawile a agioartn aod groaiiu
to tu
8b« wore her wedding gosrn and number of mra, 200 tteliig tekte
' ) eoadWInaa. (bat tte agav* k aet get
u ruined.
at tbe start
t aigignd gad ararr (Mtale tew tak«m
> reason to given for throwlagtee
' agate tte dtetnctloB « hadrada of
mod other than It Is ihon^t i
one to the erdwj believed mad would
9>a baga to «M 4 tte beet
• fMg^ teh la aertb^ watan. It darn** Baara, Wte Wai Killed in tik answer tec purpose ta the absence of
rice. KOr more than an hour tbe mob Pormar Traverse City
' a a Ightee frett birtb and fear*.
ftelda'TMiradag, Had
Passed Awag At Parttond^
about the hoose booted and gelled
LivMi Than. ^ •
. agdbbig tega tte dag gab. tte treat
and a Minad of police had to be aeot
«gtor abark. it atordi pteaaan



iS? air






-, *

tte tebwai and aa a paagab
daaglaad kf aa turn. Br alinpig aaklu tte ateaoa opea aaa noath later
map it ,4aea aa». tte baaa co^ld be
. 'pftepM b baadrpd Umea aa naeb
‘ talkv in at
. ?
ta Mklutete govendng
governing apaa
open aad
akmTaA. B pnctkmi mm
gaL oa tte eMtsilUao that dmtti
thtek tboaa tel know tte haU>« at
•a malt ta cenaaltad aa that tba
togWitira. V It doaea-t poaaeaa wUdam ktoag (bote Itaaa Mag aequli* Sk
Tte ptefM trovi Maaoa to a fbtr
aaaMg^ d|te teUteaaa qpnteeiod

ptlb te ate lawa.

n V
pmfOtAL FtANT.
‘Wbtl* tte qaeatkw of mtelag tte
•oardaMa d>ar nan ■aniinrg la batag dlacteid, tte matter of
age Atopaaal plant for Travone OUg
teoaU be taban Into <
It to,oalg « vtsUoB qt Oate wten
«o*t «pte lo tbto aa a aolntlea
yMjMi ate It wonld bo waU
IT work on tba
H.«HV tdttoa. than plWto are doteg ImuBtet wMk and nro taking

mite Cffteto proteesas tent da not
. bte^ the altr.
Vam, tee Poartbnan rtnr. ■
bate aftan atatod. to toptetog m
. leap teM nn open aawar. With
t||iw ai teeg are now. H to In
M te aqwer tte eeoond ward proper^
eawere were omtotTwolad
«t A ttme when It wnn-t tbongbt teat
I tep titr woeld grow ao far beck tram
' tea b» end oonaeqeeallg. «q atatod
aatea lltaa j«o bg tea dtg ongtoaer.
ap tey ye talbar bnek. teeir enpadtg
1i^ tte BeaidMaa^ mannea to
% AaaMb at tte ettg and tee old
■pwan teadagnnte ta eata tortee pao' fto Mag ter fram tte bag.- it a
M't^-teo IteM wka vetT
whan 4 dlvasal plant most be aerlOadUUa tea apoit
I tela

tm'^iaa tUt etty to n
mmatm of niaahto taota.

■niiOmAU DAY.
Mamortal dag comae next Saturday
M tea 0. A. K. and W. R. (
lalbar. WtU tee Bpantob-Am
wir ntarnna nre making nrrangat%a aeenMon. ah oocanloa white
dhanM be regarded as meat taerad bg
tea Amartaan naUen.. On teat dag.
iawan wlU be alrawa oa ite gravaa
at tea pnitan-a dead, old tcaeaa -wlU
te lima Id aad tee terrible time at
auarn and atrlte, though past now
Mkrtf bait n eeatarg, ^Ul be braugbi

sik Baplda. Mtob.. Mag fi^a^
Bam*, a remldwi of BU aaplto.lpr,
tbe past ts or more geark waT^ataoUg U(>ed at'lbe ceBieP Plfot on
Tbarteag about s'o'clock In the afu-rMr Heera was «ap(n>e4 makrepalr* wb
betog apoB te car tnck‘ cIom
>g tte lanorT where tte notoe of tbe
Mncblnerr prevented bit bearing
enr loaded wUb Hme atone tbat^broka
hMoe from a trmta rtlmblng a knde.
This ear dcacendod apoa him «roibtag him 00 that bto death was almtet


to disperse the disuirben.



Will Mak* a Numbm- of Improvemania at DrenmUnd TheaUf
and Bowling AlWga.

Bllsworth Hnlc secured a flve ye
lerav today upon the MooUigue bulj
tog tn which be to conductlog Dream
tend, the lease taktog tbe place of the
which capires one year from this
Now Ibat be has secured tbe
at the building (or a period ot five
yean. Mr. Hale will make many tmnts In the theater Ind also
aotorge the bowHng alley.
He Is
ptaanlng on plaetog anoteer alley to
the basement, and In the tbf^rier It
to his toieatlon to Install *So opera
chairs to take tbe place o( the toldtg
chairs now to nse. Belter provision
sriti atoo be made (or veotltoUon.
Daring the ala months in wbtcb
reamland has boon la operatkoa. Mr.
Hale has seeutod the services o( 7S
> whom be bM paid I2.4M.
He bas also paW a sum esceedtog
a R. A t. will Begin Jwm » and Il.TW to employes o( tbe tbeatpr and
bowling alley, and $4W tor lights.
Para taarqwatta dwne
WOO (or moving pleture dims, to adAbout tea bama.
dlttan to real, adveritolng. printlfig.
The 0. R. A 1. sammer steaduto supplies, express and Incidentals. He
empta}s from 14 to IT people tn the
wUI go into eleol Jnn* S&. aboot
tbMter uod alley, bto pay roU
week later teaa last gear and tl
er aebedule will cvodlsg $200 per week.
take asaei June it. According to ad­
vance totomattaa ibm wUl aot he
muck change tram tee eacellcat trato
service of last gear.
t will Extend Open HeartaecoffiBMdate reaorters
want to eome qp before tbe ae
Thara June 3 and A
at>aoa. tea Pare ^fArqaatte wm
special ualas |Md Wt- Louis. CbkiMag 23.—
go. Toledo and Detroit throagh i
will truly be to gala attire during
Bag View on Jana lA IR tt and Z&
BIkt state convention which will be
bald In this city June S and A
read)' more than 2S miles of purple
aid while bunting have been eold by
tbe dry goods merchants. Along with
ibe BIk colors there will be American
aady-Mang. Treat Have
ttga everywhcf*. Three wKl be
Baaa Bat Ote.
atm electric arte aerons Burdick
iticat near the temple, oo the lop of
white will be the word -*Welaome.
trees, tbere wtU be « heavy eherrT Tbere wUl be a dork 14 feet high.
Mr. Baers bad baaa a resident of
Dk Rapias for 2S or more gears, e^-i
ployed moat of tea lime to tbe'cheto-'
leal works of the Iron company. Hr'
bad been wottang for tbe cement peq
pie about three gear.
Bian aboot <0 gears of
age. .HU death leaves a widow and a
family of (our sons ud two daugbtata, all living to BU Baplda. All but
one at tee cklldrem. a bog of n years,
are grawn. aevaral wltb tamlltoB.
dangler, Irene Beers. gradu|ted re­
cently troB tbe Hlsb school.
Mr. Beers wag a Maaoo
Btandtog and a mate taapect
bar of tXe coeamuattg.




PbUadeiptaa during
be an esecUeat one. The earlier aptec grand lodge wteeUag.
pk* aim prootoe well tat U to J»vU to t he
Heved ibai tee latm- oMs^wtU' TMt
loidjR Of Blka to mata teU tee ben
boar very heavily,
State maailta grt beta.
A aamber of tbe growers Rgra al­
ready contnirted their teerHea and
while tbe prices arc sowsewbat low­
te*ooo V* agate, as era have er than laat gear. aUll they arc ex Mourn and Senats Becidad t
te te grartoee gepn. to make a calleat aad make it weU wnrte while
teaM tanlnat Umt dag batog davoi te latoe fraU.
WbMhagtoa. Mag 25.—Ooagteas
«l te •«««. gnmm aad pUgiim. A aamber of tbg CHNtof*-bUrtan BIB adtaora Ttfadag according to a
tetlgpIte^aR at tee atoraa win be tertr taq» gaaFa Wtalu bitotaiAiMiAon rcoteed today to a coetar
taoaed, tetap «ia be mtto tomlaeai Uac*. maag of tbe» tagteg addlUoo-laoee betwees tee bouse and the
bit tea dag la »M a teUdag. bat al tnd ta cart tta-4^
Jhl* leaden.

Word was received toduy ot
draih ot P. A. Clary, which occurred
In Portlnsd. Oregon. May 19. Mr.
Clary was formerly engaged in the
lumber tfOhtatos Id Trarerae City,
after dlBpoetoc of Ids property
here, moved
Uratid Rapids sbere
eeame stale representaUve lor
life Insurance company. A few gears
ago h« uemoved to Forttond. having
estenslve Umber toiercsis in Oregon.
Mr XUry't tondlg will be well re'mberad by people In Traveesc Cltg,
Clary bring prumlnent among
bustoeu men sad bts family well
known Id eootol rirclee. Mr. Clary’s
disease was dist>eies.

Leetura On Art Riven Sy Mru. Phil­
lips. of Boston. Was a ftara
The 1! i
» of tec Woman's
club who went
CadilUr 'Yrlday
tee guests oi the Cadillac
man's club wi-rv royally entertained
and enjoyed a rare treat ta bearing
tec lecture upon art given by
PhiUI|«.: « FUgt. - wbo has vtoiied
many of tee (hmotti art galleries
the worn and' has a rulh'Ctlou of
produetlOD^ Of some of ibe famous
palnilngi of the grtnt masters.
The laftoanetc met at the train
by tee CUtflftor .adU-s and taken lo
their homes whier<- dinner was served,
after wUeb they wore given an auto
mobile ride around the city.
then went to ibc CoagregaUonal
ebureb, pbere.tee lecture wn* given.
informal reception foWowtog al
white ^treshmenrs were
They raurrpad ca tee evening train.

^Bear aowy; ttataMLtag. M.
At tee Ctara of tee war. ta rateraed
to Hatag ooaotg mM to mi. ta was
irarted aM becuM a memtar of
tee RQddtatown M. B. ctarch.
ISn. ta docstad to Joaesboro. Grant
counlg. IM., where ta was Bailed to
marriage to Miss ItaHaaa tarnard.
who together with one danghta. Mr*.
M. P. Hnnt. survive him. U Itatt. the
family enme to Traverse CUg think
tog to bedcflt Mr. HcMrrscai's bewlUi
tat be grMaaUr tailed and store Jan
TS. was eoaflned lo his bed. Mr. Dut­
ton paid an eloqoeat tribute to Mr.
Mdofioo'* character, he having m
ay* boon a eoulsteot tertoiton.
War RaoeeA
The Rev. a H. Fleintog gnre a
brief mniury history.
Btchard T
Henderson enbsted as a veteran ral
unieer July 2. IWl. at Knlghtsiowti.
Ind.. to Co. D, tote Indiana. At ibr
end of three year*, he was booorably
karged and again enlisted tn Co
D. and wan transferred to tee 2<»th
Indtohs Dee. 2. ISM. be was commie
stoned Brst Ueutenaot and. on May 1.
tots, be was made capuU.of ter
s company.
iptaln Heodmaon was tn tbe army
ot tee Potomac durtag bis enUr« ser­
vice and bekwfcd to tee famous *-1100
Brigade," of wbldi it was said teat
nerg private ta It* ranks was cap
sble Of commanding a regtinent.
Cnpinto HeDderaon's reglBieiH took
part 4* (be foUosrlng battle*:' Gatosvtlle. second Balt Run. South N<
tala. FredrIeksbiRK. Aatteiam. Fllxhuigb Cronslng. Oettystarg. C
lorsville. Mine Blrer. RpoUsyIranla.
WTIliami. Laurel HllL Cold Harbor.
North Ana. Petersburg.
Ron. Welden mtlroad. Five Forks and
Ln tee buttle of Oeuysbutg. Cnp
UM Henderaoo eras woanded. a bal­
let cutting hM right check and uktag
oot a idece o( hla enr aad all tkn
bto long Ute. be hiwe the near.
Gettysburg, b^ was captured by the
bels but was ]
6i. be was'boi
Leitg An Odd Faltaw.
Captain Hendernon , bad beei
member of Amana lodge No. 13. OM
Fellows, at Jonealwro. Ind.. for
year*. He never transferred to the
local lodge becanne of bto bealtA
and because be wanted bto name to
be w-llh hi* old. friend*.


,orders are the
most common
disease* that pre>
vail, th^ ara

Teacher, Praacher, BnaWnns Man and
Manufacturer Spoke te ElmMoad Mateera.
The meeting « tbe Blmwood Ave­
nue Motbetw- cinb FTlday night
to men and the attendance
ho room. Tbo snbjeei was
Wbai Chould a Child's Bdueation
Consto?" and Ideas from the view
point of a teacher, a preacher, a butl-

avvLm. S4WOO

^ ESS'Ti^S:

fraf lArwrfrre
igdta^. while tbe wvmdermme* the system.



that -

pma in tbe ba^ kidoegOirar. bladder
and every part of the urinary passage.
U comets issbilitg to bw wstw
and scalding pain is |»ariiig it. or tod
eflecteioUDwtagnse of taaor, wine or
beer, and ovrtcow* that nnpleamnt neccssitT of being compelled to go oftea
during tlie Ua«-, and to get np many
Ubks during Urn night. Tbe mild aM
theciiraoedinaiydiectof Jw—p Rant
■rralised. It stands the hlgheet
>ts woodcHal emres of tbe bkm dissing rasas. U you need s naafictnc
you should tote tbe best. Soldkydraggisisia Aftr-rent and oee-dollar sues.
v~. may haras mmple buttle aad a
that tells aU




F.4I. PAU4E,
hia paper and don't
ke any mistake, but racoemtor tbe
ue. Dr. Kilmer'a Swa»P-R^MJ


moral vondmoo Of a man «M tee
kind of work to which ta to emphved. Manufactureni ask tafote they
soule to a town wtateer lh«c are
good (ueyhanles tbere or any m
to ma^' goiid mechatecn. '•Without
tbto moans Trarerae dty cannot beime an .Industrial center."
F. W. Arbury. wbo happened to ta
in town called aiteatloo to 'he epreaduf maaual iratotog. Prof. L B.
Ibcrt spoke akiog the same
and unM It fan and should ta
pruple's ourpose to keep the actaols
p to date.
4s tee opea dtoeasaloB. B. V. Haattags oompamenicd (ta teachers oa
their work along moral Itoes aad deeland himself strangly to bvor of
manual training.
During the evening marie was fnmtohed by (be Btmwood orriwstrn. 'Attana Lehman gave an
tog to flne style. Mra. W. R. Foote
sang a beautiful solo.
Ice cream aM cake were served.

Grows. Mich. May 8—AUos Bay.
the Amostbs-old aoo ot Mr. aM Mrs.
Joseta SebmltL died Batorday. The
faserri was held Sunday. Interment
Maple Grave cemetery. OrowA
The parents hare the sympathy
of tee commsalty to Ibelr berea
Ed. Tbomas bad the mtofortnne'
have three of his flngera cat at D. B.
Crandall aod M>m'a mill Mueday.
Little MaU Alltoop, while out playtog. fell and broke ber arm. Mata to
rather unfortunate as this to the sec­
ond time that she has met with the
ime kind of an aocldrot.
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Baird drove to
llllaaubnrg Wednesday.
Mra. AIB>- Burt returned boste
Tuesday from a six weeks' trip vtoittog friends und relatives ln,Arksnsas.
Ohio and Indlasa.
and Mra Milton Harr spear
Sunday in Traverse City.
Itorolfl Se> moor I* still at the bosIiltal at Traverae CUy.
Hrs. Schmitt apeol Sunday to
Urawo vtolltog relative*.
Mr. Palmer was a Traverae City
caller Mouday.
Mr. Cook, of tee attoen's Telephon CtL. of Traverra Clij. was a
Grawe .alter Monday
Mtoa Thercaa Crandall to a Trav■ae City vlailor today.
Mrs. II. Davis and Mrs. Arthsr
CoofM-r were Besdos esltcrs Tseoday.
Mia. J WlnchcoBfa was a Traverse
City caller* Wednesday.
About 30 from Craws enjoyed tbe'
ptoy. “Toof. the Coovlct," girm by
Ituekley home lAlcat at Dock Lake
park Saturday.
L' H Koeli. of the Upper peslnsuto.
calling on Meads here today.

Tbe Oral speaker was Prof. Hornberk and he talked of tie value of
nature nudy (a the child to that
leaches him that everytUng oecura
tecausc of so mo Inexorable tow.
tWboa him the source of tee world s
comtni-rclal aiitvliy aM ta therefore
training for any sort of life practlcalty as ucll as giving a never t-sd
tog pleasure
The Rij George B. Lockl^art gave
preacher's idea of eduradoo .as a
oral as well as a mental d?veIo;>
eni. klorait ought to be taugbt tiitl
unarm Barvtoc Was Held Friday the f-iDdamental ideas of rellgiou.
Afternoon at Ut« r<est HethoThis could be done wltboul Inlerfer
dtot Church.
log wltb any one's sectarian belK-f
for our narrow Ideas, and relative* to Traverse City Thoraday.
Tbe fuBcral service of the Uic Cap wonid satisfy tee prcaont great deFloyd Csmsilng was a Traverse
tato Btchard T. Henderson was held maed for a more sterltog manhood. CUy rislior tost wceA
Friday attrnooee at S:3« at the
M. S. Sanders thooritt tbe tcbool
Alben Trtoke weot to EH Rapids
First itribodlst eburcb. tee
should give lestrucUoii In the three MVdnreday.
Joseph Dutton, nsslsted by tbe Rev. R's but tayoM teal sbonU teach tee
U'alter Kasasgs. wbo bas bees ber*.
B. H. Ftaffltog. omraitog Tbe Odd' student* wh*t they are and wtat they for tee pari, monte, left (or bto bone
Fallows. Mcltoeraon Post C. A R. nnd are not fltted for. It U Josi aa Import- lo Trwvetwe City Tbnrsdny.
tbe Womnn's Relief corps drere ail
teat (he ctoM whose nstnral bent
Dr. Boyd, of Traverae C»y. apm
present and at the grave, the Odd to not toward eoltere should not go inday here, the guest at bto stater.
fVUow and tee 0. A R. ritnal were to eollcg* as the opposite.
Mrs. Will MeChMd.
bote used. Tbe music was farutabed
Bdward Paynoo then spoke from an
Treat eshtag to coeeBeat to
by the Odd Fellow* aod Odd Fallows bidastrlai point of view. Hia aebotd river. Mrs. WItoim —a *■«■•*
were pall bentwtai^
should Ceack the stadant aosaethtog of eo (iagtog tram.? lo IS toehca
Tba Rer. Mr. Onttoa gave a atari ttai will aaable him to do mot* teas
Mstory of Mr. Headeraon's Ute stat- aka oot a hs»* oxtotane*. Fw terra
Charias Sentoa aad Bw Mall AM
tog that Rlctard Ttafflu B
la a vary
vetatWa betwaoE tee^hnElncri tn Travone CMy Friday.



k recocnitvd by

Taken lit a Weak Ago.


. Tint Ur. rruint


Traverse City Lady f

Grawn. Mieb.. May 22.—Tbe many
Mends of Mrs. WllHam Briggs, of
Traverse City, will be sorry to belar of
ber dellh. Mrs. Briggs eamg^oa
their farm about Awedk ago and
taken seriously III teat night with
bean and lung trouble. She pastaj
vay about 4 p. m. yesterday.
Mrs Briggs was an endowment
member of Grawn Miver Lake Hive
No. 389 L. O. T. M.M. (er the past 14
Mr. Briggs and son have tee symputby of tbe entlrw eoBununliy In their
sad berearemeoL



Mrs. Newtoa to the gneat of tar
aor. Lewto. foe n lew dqgs.
Ur.. G. W. Bond-Decker rataraad
from DetrolL
Ms*. Chaa. Brsun tad Mrs. A
Tocter spent TUnrsdsy ta Tmncn*
B. W. Ctomem did bnaismi ta Kafr
kaaka Monday.
Mra. Wimam Rohtanon raUMi
from St. LsMto Friday steers she hm
been rtolttag tar ous aM taaUy.
Mri and Mrv Oeo. R-UksMon. toft
Mtaday for Catada far a vtaN aste



Tbe followtog ta tbe Hst of JaiW
drawn Saturday by Cnutg Ctofh
Robert B. Walter fur tbe Jtma t«m
of Oranlt court:
A M. SUels. Blatr: BnHtagton,
sates, tall Ray; Leoaard BAer.
nfe Lake; Fred Robertooa, GarfleM;
Fnt Onk. Grant; Herbert Urahata
Lake; Warm Ttitsn. Lnag
Lake; Lores Moyer. Mnytrid; Rrigh
Otoss. PniMtoe; F. te Briwaar. Pam
J. H. Hager. Crisp; Bstart
HarUetL WbUrwator; W. A Msrret.
nmt Ward: Wm. O- FOote. Banal
ward; H. L. 'Hpakbarger. . -trd wpitl;
F. A Wright Fosrtk ward; A A
Hanson, nttk ward; MhrMa C Orrih.
Acme; Pried A HUl. Blair; Key .
Lewis, tast Bay
Lake; Warm 1
Act Paal, Grant; Fraak-^A l
Green 1^.

SesB is 40 Ystn-fv Six
to Die-BM Oozb4 OMAB Ont
Hot Bodr-4tod to Bs Wf^iH
Now She Is Perfbet!; Cured.
-My Bttle Ctrl wa.
rinrebv time aad t
•m^tSir bM


^ Areally good coffee^
atareasonableprice ^
resQy Che itudard oc6ee~<-that's

^ lkUi{kErs XXXX Coffee


fodrtii to be aonous

Ahmy» frail, ^ and dean, because j
orthedr-tig)tt,aanitaiy padiages— j
^ nne frill pcamd to caeb package
McLayhBn'a XXXX Cofree
aoU bp

IVr* WM« akovt SO npraacMatlT*
BCD prMeu at tka neeUac. and «U
•McaaO to
tbc oftataB that tka
criabraUoa Ikaiild k« tk» kcA ever
k«M Id tkla dv. bo pmIbs to be
•pared In ardor to «tr* the p«opte a
food tiCM. Tk«r« to BOV ttOe.Ot la
the tivaMtT toft over fran tan year,
the cetobratlOB tan Fourth
Oread Travdrea ftopten Fair Afraoata•oaiethlBc Uke ll.ieo.
tieo Held a Mentog ThU


Prtaea of
S3 aad C were aQowed
(or eoUecUont ea vecetahUa.
PrlBaa of «i. «s. aad «2 were ah
At a toeettn* of the board of <U- allovM tor collecUoea oa pmlaa
reetora of ibe Oraad Traverae Betfoa
LO*T—A beaver tonaretw, oa Bial_
road brtveea Traeerae CIQr and
la the oaiee of Coaaty Orrk Ret
Cedar Baa. ' Finder toare at ReeE. Waller. It vu derided to bold the ■ ord ortee.
Btajr Sd-M*.

Mra.S. C. Bobliuoa arrived thto
afterBoao fi«a Frankfort lor a vltot
vllh Ifia. a BriMoL
ton. a toeCtoud. of IntortodHn.
ar#ed this afUtBooB for a vtoU vltk
b«T aiotber. Vra. V. ADdrrva.


R^acBiber » aM SO aad
October 1 akd 1*
• '<'
craina and t*«etakW U charge eC Owperintaadcat
Oeone W. RoberatoB were atoo de­
cided apoB, aa tbUeva:
' The aopertateadnu vaa * aBoved
from tl to U eeota tor tadtetdoa} dto-

The SKwe where Interest never "lags”

Traverse dtp will bore a Foarth <ft
Jaly ralebraUoB. It waa «> decided
Friday algbi at tbe rnraUng held
the purpora ta tiie oouncll rot
After eonaldetable dlranaalon pro and
eon It WM daally decided by a yea
part to Itfr eoarae It i
Bd nay vote.
Tbe v«e being
tbroBgh the level wheat )
aanliBotM In Uvor to tbe celebration.
tebevan aad Alberta. ' Branch
J. W. Hannen waa chosen raair^
have heaa plasned however,
to tbe meeUng and be aUted that he
thei will ran north to Priaoe Albert
had been at coosIderaMe polaa to obaad bepond Into tbe heart to the
toin tbe aentlneni la regard t
Inabar oobiUtcetobratlOB. and bo tad fouad It to be
UrgHp la favor to oelebraUng.
When tbe pathdadea were (irvt though thm were some wbo wen
Beat oBt three pears ago to dad a poaed to U for varlou. leasowa. The
route over the Rockp noontalna. their ooBdag fair, be said, vaa raparatc
way Up throBgta a-primeval vUdep and dIfUaet la oharacier. and It was
Dap after dap they traapad hit belief U»al as (be remdenti of Ute
thtOBgh the BileBee of the toren or cHp were Intereated In th« prodocu
aet their oanoet adoat la
to the farm m well as the country
vbera probably no white i
people, there would be no dWcalty to
a. Upon them fell the brant raUlBg moaep tor the fair In the city
to the work of loeailng tbe tblrT^ If needed.
Oanada'a tranaeonUaenui life*
He urged that the proper coomKalovly but anrely they mapped out
teoa be appelated In order that tbe
Ibeir rOBte, overcomliig ail dlBlculUm
celebraUoB might be dobe tight. P.
uUl a path vaa found for tbe great
Mtow Trahm.
C. Gilbert waa cbooen aecretarp.
■row wwy to crOM the roof .of tbe
It was then moved bp Alderman
ooBttaeot vttb only a “four-Untba'
a. Aikdrik. Mar H—AS s grade." The Cnton Padde In Wpom- Mooo and simported hp A. B. Hobart
nmat «« tha dadtruetlve Ibrast ftrt^ Ug dlmba to an alUtade UMT feet; that Traveree aty have p Pburth of
Jidp eetobratloa.
the Great Northara englnea have to
I worth of Umber north at bare
Exeetoive Committea.
> aa aaoent to 1S.MT
Tbe toUovlBg executive commiUer
prtac. aOorla are belat
and the SanU Fa of k4.03S feet The
aa (bew appointed; O. P. -Carrer.
pass ihroogh which the Grand Trunk
tta are raagw iaatrtofr over the aortk- traina vlU nu to bat 3.7U (art above chairman: Chlrlra Fanat. a H. Beets.
the oeewh aad the total aacent to oslp W. W. SmUh. J. W. Hannen, B. E
U. 8. Sander, Mayor W. a
^aita aaB to cataMtob a>ww loreat
C. Rarmalne and Tbos. T. Balet.
laaawaUidi vWtto akaU exoaed
Oh aeeonat of (hia eaay w»de aal
It vaa moved bp I. W. Paekaon and
Ma^ttado aaptUBg Of the kind wbtea
the Borthera looation of tbe line the
rapported bp Mapor W. D. C. Gerffatlonal TranaeoaUaental wlU rrthat the execuUve eommlUra
ppaawt Iht laigaat OaaadtoB raBarre
daoe the time of dravel arouad the
be allowed to appoint.. Uie euboom ;
' to the Roekp Mottalalna Park ta Brttearth bp two dapa. Ito S.CM mllea of
MR Otoambto, vrtrteb ooatataia S4X.rafia vIR girdle aa ajghth
M» aafda! Tba propioaad' reawva, U
aarth’a oarfaoe. where the drmuatko ataa to carried oat. vrould exceed
Prevkma to takiog the vote Dpoc
torenoe to amailer than along anp of
tbe celebration the obiecUoa waa
tbto b7 Mean) mllUoa acre.
the more eoutherq roatea.
made by Alderman lardle that the
toeaM ka torgn was than the sreat
Puahing North.
celebration might handicap the fair,
' raw11 which vaa created a rw afO
The drei thto ipitag have boea atoo that It would Interfere with the
la tte atkU at Waahlactim. vrWck
aawa aa area at aeartp 10»00 aqnare moaUp in virgin foren and have not shipment of fruit at that freason. it
Ip aerlona loaa to lui
tbe cooeenaua of opinion, faowatow aad to the Uffeet lovaniiooBt
•teaser*. O
, that the odebratloD might be
■■irei ta the Ratted Riatea. with the
ever, the Umberlaeka have pimhed used aa a meana of adverttoing tbe
mriaftrm at the Taitovvtooe Park.
north akmg the headwatrra
fair, Ibna bringing tbe city Into prom
fba aatikllibaiimt at aet^ a iw
The growth of' the Inence as a good place to some to be
«HMa arm kmtt the Called Buuaa
prairie towwa haa errated n great de- eaiertodned, etc. The ob)ec«loo waa
'11% aa Mcfe aa Canada, tbe crawBund (or lumber and the raw ■"in« atoo ralaed. by T. H. Sherman,
% abcrtaia of Omber «a Seavlag
to CdmoBtra aad Prlnoa Albert te- that It
poor bthineea
lM%fMaa aacb^Tsar .to look (arthn
getber imved out ararip IM.000.000
: the oele- MlaM Car ttoaber to atoet the oa
board feet Uat pear.
braUon, but It waa declared that
'mm daaaail vhaa tha (otwau to-lUchFbr thto,reaioB Uie eztendon to tbe however that might be the money
Ipm and WaamnU are ao^eatod.
Are ranger eervloe
pM af fbo idaCM to vMeh thop are
Baakatchewan aad Alberu would be hxaUp. and when the city did not
(aialBa to tha ragloB worth to here
of tacalcuUble beaedt
ratotonte a Urge amount of mane)la vhica tha traa hare ccearrad thto
aputem haa been la force la the gov- went out of the city and-nover came
iprtas. aM* to kaaarB aa -Oaaadato
erameat reecrvatlana bundreda
■ Mtood ■bb.Y (hr ft to part to tha larr ihooaanda of dtolara of timber have hack.
aai apraca toreat la tho world.
been aaved from deatrpethm ei
•raot apTwe Relb
Tko raagerh Ufe to oae
Tba great Oanadtoh tprace *eH to
drew aad aa
to toaeat I.0M atUaa too*. Surtlag at maap at the patrob Be te tbe heart
Eahredor It atretchaa vaat to the to the wUdaraeaa tba cowaUnt over««|laa aerib to Uko Sapaitor aad alght to them meana >Miraepa
' trom there awe^ U a glgaatle aam- ibowaandi of aallca a paar.
W MNto to the Bockp Moatate aad
Hew It la Oeoa.
tta tower Mackeaaie river. OeotoglMany novel method! are aaed
artr It (oOova tha LaaieBtlan Hl^■cure the ead U'vle*. In owe n
prtmm) vwttoa. through which' a rallnad
dnatalHaa roiR that forma the back
every trald to followed bp a
beaB at Caaada. Ronh aad aootb- ranger on a hand oar vbo locatoa and
toW a( R. U the boUov to the bow. aUmpd out anp atrap Are that map
r; Ra thh tortile wheel Mda to Maal- be oauaed bp aparka from the paailng
■y' toha. Maikinarwia and Alhma. engine. Bach ranger fOllowa tke Uton
Marthward to OadaOB Bap and the ihrougk hto division lau> tie next,
E.4 - IMaaa pUlaa to tha AreUe circle,
where there it another ranger vbo
twaaa the two for tha l.OM wOm of followe H oot to bU dlrtolon. and thli
•Uent work of preaervatioa to canted
•toat apraca and larch and goplar.
on dMIy from year to pear daring tbe
■ma the AlgaBqiiU and Athaima- dry aummer numtha.
uroBtaa (ron aorstawfopermtiona.
kaa Mlua roaaaed la'tbe dapa to
Oanada'a total Umber aupply, aeWtUiams, o! Gardiner,
lha Bwapoa'a Bap compwop, «a la evl- oordlng to dgurra recently oomjlled
" I was a mat aufferer froca femola
dwoad hp tha ham« to a thonaand bp the OoBiUioB govorament to 1.troablea
Lvdi. E Pinkhani'i Vee«.
tokea and atmam.
M«w reci
6S7.M0.0M aerra. Tbto to larger Omn table Compoand roatorad me to b^th
tBrnheroN^hagfr hagaa to cat ttor
to tlmberianda IB
thrra mnntbs, after mp phytidan
Rsr OB Ue lower alagaa to the divide. the Rafted Btalra and Burope. The
IB the greater part to thto vaat pitndpal goverameat rraervea at lately necessary.*
lira Alvina SpcrliK

of 154 Cley.
fsdtoo. however. vMeh covera over
Rocky HoonUln's
mm Atw, ducafo, lU., vmtea:
BMAM aanat* mitoa aad to a dfth aa Park OB the OaaadUu Paclde rail­ boonm
1 aa«e^ Ira^emale iroublea, a

*^sa the eatlre Cntiad Stotoa. the way. the Toho Park on the PaeWe tumor aad maeh InflammaUaw. Two
to axe or aaw haw aever been ■lope to the Bockira, the Algaagala to tbe beet deetora la CUcago decided
adtod. Mach to li errs today haa not Katlowal Park U Central Oatarto, the that aa oMntkm waa aeciewary to aara
opiored and It to only tbto pear great Umber rerarve u the Timlakam- mpllto. Lj^EFlakbam-tVet
the haOdUig to the BaUeaal leg dtotrtct aad a traei of i.dpo.MW
matUuaui. the Grand Trank acre* In Nortbera Quebec: Tbe com^ the worthera part to It bUed aerra to tbe rerarves u eaorm«n he tnally epeacd to the world.
oiu alfbeogh It doe* not beglu to ap- hemto VegWtWMC CbCnpOOBd,
«%fh OB thto railroad to betag proaoh tbe toUl to m:.S7:.SU acrea from roots ADd heiba, haa been tbe
Mhai ABd Uie grading from haakn. raacbed hp the Uo aelloital fotrais Btandatd rasedjr for female ilia,
•MW IP IMa eitp ha. no* uea com- tn the Rafted %ios aad to eeorae to and haa po^veljr enrad thotuand^
vbo have been troabled with
•loMi. PramBaiUaieoa u, ismag, verr amaU Indoed U
uloerato Prtorta the gntoUg he. bran doae the forest area jUU toft.
rtim fflimlil tiimora.
gad the csOa Uid. and wtibu two
tralaa wui be rannlag beflatuleocT,
Mra. Udn Swalnaum, of I
l»katoaw aBd-BlnBip,*. The wbo has been In the city, returned rsiw> «i«niw^aet-rou
awto list to the Grand Trank Pa- borne tbto moraUg.
Why dcmYywitrTitt
nnlthaai lavttae all____
. . toie wU tOBch the ftocto ram
Mra. Amu Natooa. of MapItow. toft
«w vrvdtw bar for advieim
j d* Wlnalgig aad weat
worth tbto araratog tor cadUtoe tor a vlaK
ftor tbe graater




Keeping Up Interest
At the home of Good aothes for Women




157 .

That is what Tbe Baniey Co. Is doins. Keeping alive the interest that tha
careful housewife and shopper is bound to have in Hvc styles. Bve valOcs at UveLy
"sdUng priecsT’ doing it by the most natural process, by a presentation of cur­
rent Fashions at "live and let live prices.”
June 4th, the "first quarter” of the Barney Co.’s first year is over—and it's
been a "hummer” (if you will pardon the slang). The pace which this esdasivc Bbop oi Ladies’ GamcBis has set, is nearly double what we expected.
This wouldn’t have beenjiossible if for a moment we bad lacked or lost la—
Icrcsl and enthusiasm in,the styles we present. ' '
We are not envious because our 18x 100 space of "style, ecoaeagr aed basac” is not ten times as big. We’re'too busy to be enylous-busy minding "rar esn
basbiesa’’—and minding it to such an extent that the "new” customer .of the
Barney store is a well satisfied customer, and takes the pains to 1st her neigh­
bors know it.
At the end of our first quarter the season of “heavy Springstyles” practicallycloses in Ladies' wear and Summer Garments reign.

RigRt NqW

Mid-Season Styles-Very Special

We %VMBI y<M to get 1%
tereolcd la —
styles for S


The Utnt mao tailored eoeoeita ia
Waab Suita are tQbu seen at Baraey'a
reproaooting tbe beat aad moet eooaomical valnm that onr bayer oonld
obtain in tbe New York markets
bought and made for ut aioce May laU
Plain repe and elripes in Tan, Leiti^,
White, Blue,
Brown, ^ Navy aad
Grey atripa. Short, medHon tid tuns
Coat Suits wfth*piaited or Kored.
Skirts' Tbe ^oe


$5, $5.75, $7.75, $8.75
up to $15.00


Princess Gowns

In White, Linen and Blue and
White with colored folda, plain
gmed and plaited, very full,
perfect fitting for

Id While. Piek and Blee IId.
gerie Prinoess Dreeaee, fine
for evening or afternoon, wear.
Cotton Voile or plain Chambray Jumper Suits

$1. $1.25, $1.75,«
up to $4

ama Suita, BUik aad oobid,
lilain toUnted and bmid trimmed,
valoea up to IIS «e uriO deaa

$4.98 to $12-00

Suits for $17.50
We will plaae oa aala at aaee a
limitad lot of styl^tlmtaeU m.
ularly born $m to $rtJ» aad
irive you the dwiee for Oe doe-bgprfoeof

Sample Sails for almost Micdf

BeautUnl Silk Princess Dresses

They are not a lot of ’’hw beens”—’ Barney’s OarmeaitB
are all aew. This lot of Samples, 36 and S4 eima cttly
name 10 days ago, they arevaluea from |26 to $66.

In plsin aerviooabU Silk i r Shadow Stripe Silk ifith aacordian
or aide plaitad Skirte, bandi eoely tailored WaiaU with Lane yoke
and sleeves.

-The home of good clothea for womea" preaenta tbe leteat

$15. $19.50, $20. $25 and $30
. Special Underwear Sale

cioslBg price Is
Mid-season ideas in Lsec CoafSs Cloi^ WMfe
Dressesp Belts, Ties «d« Watots.

Heafherbloom Petticoats

‘‘The proof of the podding” yon know appliee to our ondermnslins. Foc
the next teadayswe will offer tbe entire stock (notoneor two numbon), but the best tbe “Barney” store affords—at OOe^Ultfa reduction.
Eighty ceats wilt do the duty of a dollar.



TfeeMerry WMow Skirt with

For ten days


Very spedaL 18 i«h UiMuce, oaly



tDilored. vtuy flDrio, aoDooe, « beraty, only..O«.UV

Corset Covers

PcWeoals to Black, Very SpecUL


75c, 90c, $1, $1.25
worth doable

Gowns and


1ST ,
E. ntONT St..

from the regular low

On SkowlBg of Ftoe Lacc LUlr Hosiery


mTDDudBlDDl. iDtb.iDa.t laDpU.,
the-minnle atylrn in Trararae.




Prices, 25c np


Nesl to






• ■;./ vfvr' -' • - mOw TV Mit

tmr LW.> »»«•




BUM W«^ ^


' A irti*~'ifciriil I'v


enMm Wi mi I«E0
«M%TO AMN AfitOli

lat wUk'Mi fckw. IB (h« teM. «lii

, r-ti

^ ui;ift«iT.sruigi
tm MwM if tht W. It «/*•« -eiMiiih
Was Piasniil WM> « Pla»T>
Wm On Blir*l aM
. MjftleM oswnaa.


nftralBs is bear
bw praach tka aaB«al laaaoMal aamoa. na^Spaolsb-

dOi». BBiak A>va BDuhlsfioa Btr««t
Aid ^teMaa st«M ayapfarad la
va*aM ja tka W. 8. c
■ TknaMUrj «aa "T«rtta* oa the
- «ilBMi>0'M»4." aa« ^ fsil^i

hoaaa. «| rill aerre the Lord.*MCA PaMsa. U the au|M at the W.
It C- praaaatad the attaWer vlih a
a nuaihraaee at the as|B har praaeaUtioB ai>eeah.
■.^ daeOrad It was
-|ba<* to roMaa’s
•US’S hawliM. Yhe W. 8 C. la the

-- If ef reay

perM/ far
Its parpou U bf
that rill (Mtd ts elerat^
Um astlaa. Mr. Oar. U r«apo*dU«.
. aaM that a aa« aw paitops the nsat
fUt tar a abareh. ■ The hat
BtsAda lor laya>t|r: . ea does
the hBBA^ade Isr partly;
#aaa the ehai^^ tha teR aUads
rtiht: le does the ekareh.
. Maa.'har Moral Ca«ra«s.
Tha aaiwoa HaalT was a plea M
' awn awral eoarace.
The eoMlei
,-lte taead the baUeta m aM at i«s
flaaaeo aa U coaMly aanweed. I
te aa MdM Mamas to aalMt la tha
jpaateh hweriraa «ar at U dldta the

Va, •» a aaUoA. da aat hoaor
aaUMrs aaaash. Whea «m puaaa
BWar a waa taetaad at feaBag a slaaaad raramai for blvsws to hlwjNlt tet (hare goes aot a hem bat
-MN% a
aid aoMler.
iwa 1^1 ule hlateeir away trow all
the tlea at hotos and taadly far the
wka M.hU (saatry aloac «aaa« ra^
daj^to MB towh
BM tha» aoaraga. thooiB mrthy d
the hlMMst pralae, vaa to a grea
axtsM pk»ataal. Joha Haas,
hanm at the atake.
niar^ thaa the asost Tallaat aetdler
f at Oettyabarg.
His eoarage
MeraL Oftn a;e aee a soldier who,
as a Ikw to the held, was aa
' Mnsr easrard awrally. Tea aoMlers
are growlag oM; '■Chooee ye thU day
hrhoa ya «n tern; aad ehaoaa with
tha- saaw eaarage yba dWplayed at
Oattyahar*,.Al the Wllgtntii aad a

Beturday. a
tor John Toapkloa. of wM af Leroy
for spearlag speckled aad QdBl
treat U Bear CReek. He wlO U tried
ha aeoB as to It loniad.
Alger Headier U la flherlt Jodw'
wfdlag hooM at PeMakay awaluag
heartag for ktlBag deer. His trial
wlU jOMur Juoe i aad the piiaoaer
le toliaUg a lot el go^ BebtaR bat
doee set hare to pay heart.
The CadlUme Newt. o( Betordy.
'■Dsputy Osns sad. Flak Wsrdews
Charles K,.PstUt. M Oare. mi O.'A.
JBaUth. «f Tranm City, piadrseltare
wo thlpnrblB of uadet-alsed
while Bib la CMllUe today.
shtpawal nae U Pred Biat. (be
North MlMeU atreet aurfcat
frew Price Brothers, of


dah B ProdROe Goaipaiiy.
uiy, trow
Palreblld. «f Praakfert. Tha tortoar
wMalau aa to the tagaRly
of tto Bah aad eallad the etipBiMa t4
tto gawe •grbaat to the ablpBeat. ri
both capea tto |
the Aeb oewa will be arreatod.
i. ^
Bab tbae uhea tieai aale ware
I to Mercy HeepUal
“ta addlUoa w ibelr aeUare dr’lllegal Bah la CadllUe today, the two
depuUee. PettU aad Bnlth. orerbiBled a flablag party 1b the caaal be•0 the two lakM iaat night. The
>bera of tbe party were ipaartag
euckera wbea the depuUn raaehad
iheM. a lawful prirllege. ^e
depattra erMestly esperted to Bod
pike gad base In' tbe boat but did BOA
AlteotiOB Mkceitad to tbh taet. by tbe
depatlcA Ihs^ a boat being, naad toe
Uagal Baking la roDBaeatod wtoa an
aireet la ipade followed by a eoorlctIOB. They mj- this wanting U girea
W of tbe tact 'that detnlte conplaiau kare.beeg wade aa to the uae
Of boots tw- that' parpese
Uhea hers-

W. F. ilj. ASSTi


Will Ba HeW In TNe City May H W
BB-Uwlwdii Whatero Half af

Tha nth 1



OBh PWoigB Mltahwary sotto wonaaia'
tto Mtlfladlw Waoopal
ohurch win be hdd ta thU eliy May
M to M. iaehadM
half ot MKhlgan. The progtaw win
Toetoay, MerataB Kay BAS;M-e. «.-^eel(ag of dPtrlM *
rourtea ta chardt parlor; •

IfM A w.—MeetM «< beard
• The eerawt waa nty aOaeUag. Betraatece la chur^ parter.
tore It waa «
t;is A as—Holy oawM«daB.>C>
wae waeptag aad there were heerty
dacMd by tbe .Rae. A-BT. YaejaBOA
-AWWW- hiwd.<
The choir aader the teaderahip d
Mrs. Hemday caea aereral beastlfa
.aad Itttng SBlerthwi. The eoldler H. J. Pdker. Qraad RnpUs
ApgetatBMt ef «
aad the W. 8 O. iaar«M oat ta th
taaa of Tto Btar Bpaaglad Baaaer.The Qaaaa OUy head s
. thdM to the eharch.
Prof. K. tL MarM aad Jams TIato
wot to Oseham whns thay -wU
‘pMyisr A daan MMght

Peaah Utaa Bah.


♦, , .

h.B ♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦• %hBBB

• :M A at.—Meadlag of wtaatas
Renoru of district aecseurlea—
<JBtg RMde-Mrs c. M Hard/,^

Lanalag—Mlaa AUoe - Piary. Loa
Nika—Mra. M. ReddeA Bnrtoaaa
Oraod Ttaraeaa Mrs^L. B. Car
pataoter. Grand Rapids
MtA W. 8. Kaet. Battle Crtot
Report of auditor—Judge J. M.
Della, KaleuaaoA
Baton el hoard of tmateee—Secroury Mrs G. O. Boule. Plalnwell.
Rieetlao of oSleen.
MtaceUancous buataret.

Haotas. 9*
Mr.^Sd^K.^"T^rha went
tDogaky thla woralag co n rUlt.
Mr. and Mrs J. W. OanBeld returohgo»<MgBMagMhle. awralag after e Whita Bah
fhort auy In tto etty.
' Mra. A- B. Rena left for WUUaaaaPoaltry. par ta.
.............. UOlBc
town this momlng on ■ rlalt.
Mra. M. Maiarwou araat |o Vantoa thu ■wrmlag on s tIbU.
Mr. sad Mrs K. H. Koch, who bare
beto locoiedalTToaary. 0. P., forihe
teat three MM^hB returned to that'
ptaee this Kaihtag after a boataeaa
trip to tha Mtf./
ndtotor X.
Peek Mt this "aw. w »
morwlag tar Oraad Rapids aad Beg>w tar a waokh rscaUon fnw hli
duiles. Ykriag hit abeeace his place
WIU be fliied by Oaoductor Fraak Beqaetie, ot tbe laata Uae.
Mrt. 'B. M. ArrtekAlen for Chicago
retterday to‘TUJt her pareoU.
Miss Martha Hewitt Jeft this wornIBA over * Ibe Per* Marquette, for
eaicDded rWi srltb frtenda and
relatlrci la Garrett, Indians end
Ctoreland. Ohio.
I. Q. Boe'u, Cbas. Drake and Henry
tmi IU.H. ". M«t.......
Hnleu will leare thU week lor the
Big Manlaue. where they wQl epend
aereral days BahtaA


cvTiNB wuejw.



I:BS p.
BieeUar—Mcm.MK A- Kehoeg, Trarwe City.
Paper—The BraageUsatloo of the
hfertd la the Pnaeat OeDci
Mra. a U Maurer. OadllUr.
umgft* of Boeth AiaerteaMra. Mtanie Hyde WUeoa. Trarerae
Boio-Mia. A- B. BolUday. Trarerae
fteuBd thble—•Der
charge of Mra. W. H. White, Boyae
The Blbls•The f«e8de.'^raitoh aa#fc.eeatlre ReportsProa Mondnyh Ranerd.
-Mile Botra.- %
-BpoMal Whih.Chicago. ..May tt.—CloiH—Wheat.
“Otorla.ChrtaU.Paper—-Young People and BUadnrd Bnrera. Work”—Mrs Bagb Koahedy. Ml. PleaaaDt
Bolo—Mil. R. H. Bready. CadlHat
uve tTOCK.
«:» A &—Youg Wonea'a HmK
BMt BuSklo. N. Y...Umy lS.-C.tgwanhiB.
tis 3JS0; choice. acGrc aad eteady
T:tO A aiu—Moaks-MUe gnarteu
graaa ttoeta akw. ' ISOSto Idwei
Dmtuaui etardm^Tha Bar. W. Teals l.M0:a«lre at *50* 78. Bheep
H. InrlA habary cburdl, Trarerae and lanbs recetpu 14.000; acUre
. .
and ateadp; sheep, alow; umda. *5.t5
Awerfta-*—Mrs e«45. Hoga. li.0**: tnlHy acllre,}
n. W. Paraesa. HMpeiU.
iscfoc lower.

.IxirlfSenna mmskvMkY



Joeagh Ddfua. rtnrerae City.
Addreap—Paaltae Weateott.
boA Chtao.
ODUeettog. ‘


Ob eowplalat of Bute DepatAOewe
aad Fleh Wardms Chartee Hoyt of
Oraod Havea, aad. a. A. Snith. of
City. Joha Carpeatar, Mar^ iMVt. M'KSii^ W Ui<M.f<
loB ' Carpesler. WBliaw iohaaoa.
Bageae BellowB aad Osrl Tbowpeoa
were arteeted lar dyaanlUag teh ta
kMB !■
«ttr fl«?«nl 4vi nCor- s null lahe Bear White Cloud. They
were taken belere daeOee R. J. Herr­
^ te Abb AI^ toamro* anndag ing aad adattned IheU MU hat said
tt«B ka «tit BMlBtpB •• OBBIBUOA. they were dyaamMlag lor aUaaows
Mrs. ■Bsadt, wb^ !»■ «bo Iwm la The lutlee Baed tbrw $S and BtAB
IbsMV.vniNtarBto"................. CoeU each. ,
. Ob WMBeeday, Bute
Pettit, af pare. Bmes. M todlagtoa.
bit. of Clare. MaMe, of Ladtafioa.
aad Bnlth. ot Uile etty, eanght EDee
Hatf. Aadred TriwU& iaek Berhwhan aad Nwoa Bwtsehart apbaitag
fa_lhe UlUe South Marqaetts Ttoy
mre Ukea to Mewayga aad each paid
a haery flae.
At WMte Cload taai week. Depatlee
•IRMON Hoyt aad BadU aeised trow the UbJIWAt MMOAV.
ed Bute* Bxprese Oo-^w
Of Bah fron c. J. Oelfi^ of CturleUits. The Bab were aelit to Charle.
Totg had Deputy Udy srlll etteod


iDf a daU ^ tiMia nto
Mia. Ptonk OaeneU airtrad troa
Itilllai thM afimoeg far a vlMi ta TMI
1M ■
tto Miy with (Mnuecs
, Mis T. A. Macdy aM ehOd. ot Kay
etoos amTto this
to Twin Hbaatataa tor a Wait
with trtewds Bto t
■a tar M Ihta Uty by Mrs Ira War-

fUfsr Haadlsy BisriiiM At toe da-

MiMe a^ Cadiiiae. -

hum*, TiiliVi

^ ...............


w onxhe botaeUtdeonses
me ^fcmejifectunll);
oast^ one m oi^rcoming
hokituat con^t^tion
permanent^ To gd iW
Weficiol e^cts
tKe Genuine.

Do Syrup Co.


hate Court lor I
irand Trarerae.
to tbe matter of the emte of Ala
on TyrreU, dacxaaed.
Notice la hereby given that to
raawtba from the Uth day of May.
D. 1»0A hare been aUuwed for cm
ion to pnwenl their rialma agalnal
aald deceased to aaad court for examiiiatioa ^ adittauneni and that all
rrediiora of aald deceased are re­
quired to present their ctaina to
raid eourt. at the pmhaie office. In
K city of Trarerae
le aty. to aald
anty. on
Beiuember.. A.
lA 1^
IPOS, and that a
rlalm* wlU be beard
Or aald court eg
Friday Ibe
tbe 18ih
I8il day of Septnmber.
A. D. 1»0Aat i o'clock ta tbe torepoon..-.
Dg^ May nth. A. D. 19M.
^ay 1M9-36 Jbm * •*.

Grand Trarc
At d aesal .
(he Probote OfBce to tbe city
eras CUty. la said coanty. on the Uth
day of May. A. D. 1»H.
ITeaeoi; Hon. F*wd R Walker.
Jadne ot Probate.
la the matter
- • cotate of J<
R Lucier. detoased.
Armand Lucier baring Vied In aald
enort bla final aceount a* adminia
trator of said estate. End hM petltluo
iwaaee .
i aaslgnment and dlatrtbuGob of the realdue of aald estate.
It ta ordered, that the 17ita day ot
®‘ *"* .“*•
»M. at ten o'clock 1b Ibe
Jnne. A. D. 1»M.
Staff of
Physicians and forenouD,
said Probate Offlev. be
d (or examtoaSurBeOQS,
Composrd , of and I*
and allowing said
. Is furtlM-r iirdered. Ihsi pub
tice thereof be given by nohUcailoB
American Doctors,
copy of thh •
BtlylMM c»arlvo
• kH day
ol hi-srliig. ,B the Gr
Herald, n newspaper p
ed and tor
oulaied to aadd eounty.
Judge of Probata
may *6-Jnne t-*-l6.

mmrasE OTY

The' Sick Receiving
Medical Service


^;d. r. HAWLEY

. May *5.—Ardrala by <

’ . TTwiegayeMerAlng, May BA
ctaaa aieeUng-Mra.
Bias Uird Buckley, Petoakey.
Report ot district eoerMarlce (con.;
Ha nod)—
Qraad Rnptds—Mra. W. H. Merrick.

tost week. Lett year.

a rnnidRinw- -


Mot ovum Mr
sale «I chap sottsoM dzes-F«r tan
38ta3itaeut bniafe~BRt'4 frw 35
«.75. 55JiO, 57i0,
For tat weather we
flww the IbeR tasortnent

at 236 E. Front St.


tamaaoo-Mra. C. H. KUnball.
Albloa. Drs Ball# K Crawford*
Raton RepMa.* .
QueeUoa b«.
Reporta of eoanlttees.
Reading mlnutas'
AU ueaitors of Womans Foreign
Mlanlonary todetlea are entitled
prlTllegea of the conrenUon.
Delegalan, should to sent by each auilltar^
are requested to wear a blus rtbon arrlrlita. A comnlttee wear­
ing weaMag Hue hadgaa wlU meet
dalegaiw at irsln.

blhe neaHtae w*



The President



Ufttil the eveoing of fune

H. & I. L 1HE Em

Tefal. C days ...K6
What few taJea were reported Sat­
You need not bring money aa coo
urday were at former prieea.
Detrally reported at tame aultation and advice are tree, the rich
and poor alike are ireaieA Ail wtM
The eupply oa track ta now very re- rail upon the doctora before Ibe above
daoed.and the recetpu are light.
date will receive conauUatlon. exam­
BalM nt>orted were: 1 car m). 50c, ination. adrtee and minor aurWcol
1 car at gSc. 1 car Ouaty Rurala at oi>erailOB yree of charge. Ail that
I It asked
aaked In return tta tkac erety
treated will tiai f in ll
Quotable aa tollowa: Bulk, per bn, tbe reaulta obtatned by fbt
letr new tyato car lota—Wlaconnle. Michigan.'or
'Mtoneaou. Rwals itaoloe to fancy, All Dieeaeee ef Men, Weiaen an
Dcaty Rurala. He; Or
Children Traeted.
dJnary to good. »»«*; Comi
53055c; Burbanks. By thtee treatmenta. many cured
cholM to tnney. 6*053c; Ordinary to With one. No knife. n» pain, no rtaS
deteniloa from bualneaa.
good. 67060c; Common, at to eondl
P UBLT o. P a
Deatoees and roaring noise
> w nirxH. ae<«<
Chslriban ot eetartalonent commit- Uon. 6je«c; Red atocA cbelee to bead
eared by aa enare new tyat<-m
Fair to good. 5706«e;
te*-Mra. M. B« Bilred. 4*7 Bute fancy.
matter whal >«ur dlaeaae
It pew 0nm to 50055c; Mixed stock,
atrwet. Traverse Cliy,
of bow long atandlng tbe
condition. 50O**s,
wtll Imte your disease without ask
Chalruu of music committee—Mrs aa ta
lag you any quettloot. These doctera
J. A. Taylor. Trarerae City.
The potato market la a llllle
aatd to be the greateet surmarh.
PUidat for day aeaalona—:
■tronger today, tbe price, quoted
Urey and kUney apeclalliU to Ainert
Oeacfa pray. Trareaae City.
tbe opening being froml M to
m. Tbe rick and affined abonld
adrantaai- of
, pTesldent—Mra. H. i. FWlker.
aud bare li lorerer
broagbi tA Other loads were six of bere offered Oomind.
JanWB atreet. Grand Rnptds
It t
•tooe, two 0(4(00. Ire ot hay and tto ts curable they wtll tell you so frankly.
Oorreapouding aecrecary—Mra.
U tncurabk they will gire you toeb ad
R ttarpenier, *0 CUacy atreet, Grand beadefbortes

rice aa to prokgg your Ilf*,
Cora mqaL par l«e Aa ................ *l 45 sick person atoanl'd tall to consult these
Twaaarer—M|a. W. 8- Keet,
CtoarbMk port, per hM. ...........lU-M t-Klaeoi men. K k tbe greatest opSoetb areaue. Batik Creek.
A per lb..................... ne ponuaUy of tbe Sick person's Ufa
Brery kind of bnmaii 111 falls at
. Rhr lb ............
the touch of these marreloBa mtB. so
great and wonderful bare been fhe
cures that la many eases it U hard.
ta«ta.parlb..................... «...tB0Mc Indeed, to find tbe dtridtog line itMra. R Bnua w^l to Bnplre t» Lard, par lb ...................... ....
twven human aecompUabmenU and
miracle it matters not whal the ill
day for a abort rtali.
may he; ft matters not wbat dlscrwr
Mrs H. J. Bum moned to
agtsg repdn* may bare been e>a<
home In Lake Aaa' this seralng aner
from any direciloB; ft matters eo’ If
rUlting bar dnagbler ta tbe rtly.
you bare been told that grim death I
Mitt Blan^ BatteHee went to MaA
Stares you in Ibe face.
anlt -these doctors aad if there It
latee tble noradag where ahe will
Doo'l tlerry your feet
•nest, thread upon wblcb to hang a
ipeM today
«o»*wr bO|ie you win find that hope there,
Mtaa .Lninaoe mM to Lake Ann
with heavy »hoes m the
sad that hope wtll eurrly lead yon to
peat.*, rontenlmeat and health.
hot weather
Tbeae DOCTORS ars akUled spJelai
Mtaa EUa Wnaoa wmt to Planktari
Ufl, BMralBA
lau In every lit hat fiesh is brir to and
Elkakin ehoes are very
Mtaa Grace BoblMca left thla i
soft ao<] pliable. Lots of
tag fw a rlatt wltb frienda at Haragy;
d bapptoesa where now
Mis a. Hotoh left this «wr«tag far
aad sorrow. A apertal
for your feet. •
Boyne PaUa for a ttalt wUb Mag*. Rewad atoHr .
anyone aafferlog from
dlaense pronnunced tocoraMr.
Mka Roby. Anderaog left tbU a
Baiters aot what your disease may
tog far Cadillac tar • rWt w«h her





25c to $3.00
Soft Gollar SUtB
50c *0 $0.00 URDEkWEAK
25c and 60e
$7.50 to $15.00
52.00 to $5.00
lOc. 15c, 260
ETcrylilerlhal’s net


........... :::S2



Mta Jamaa Urety aad IttUe daagh
ter. Kathrya. left Uta moralng
tagfiaa for a tMi with hw earn
Mrs. Mary Pulrer isttuoed to her

ndrlse you These doctors treat irtcry earlely of disease aad deforaliy.
r hare bed swat eaperleoce In
log. Paris. Heidelberg and SiodtM,
pet ta...........v-'*^


OPFICB HOtfBB: * a. aa, «a • ta ta.

he tlosed \
ail day Sainrd^,


Ik TvnoAr. MAY A 1

Next Friday wift be Bafgtain pay at the Bld^ ’^JORE. Our Store
will be closedatl day Saturday, Pecoratioh Day.









~Tbe Mtch Ja'OB eihlbmoo'ta'the
wiBdov of the Uttlc Tavera.
Chrla.ltoae. PUI ghemier aad Ha^
naa Ktrcltoer waat oat to Dock lake
aad brwifht back tf. There
May Biore Sahersiaa oU aad all had
lair laeh.
B1 Oilbnt, Bd. Moaroa and
Rcaaer were alao at Doch Lshe aad
Bade a good catdt




E^. A. W. Chate’t
Nerve PUb

a Open to the •Utoted

The Hannah * Ur HercanUIe
yaay.have today reeHved aoUoe troa
TboBtai Kelaoo A ftaa New. York,
yobllahera and laiporterv'^ BIblea.
that (bey have recelvod the teatt
brlM aatoBg a large aamber of eon^' 40NNAON DllUO OOMFANY.
peUtora for a Bible wtadow dUpiay.
~ lU diaplay waa arraaged Id one of
» liprge windowa of the Hannah A
y Mercantile oompanyh ttore
abort time ago and i
arable atteattoa.
The arranfeoSat
was dealgnM by B. M. Antck. advuf
ttolag manager, aad eseented by Mr.
Wleka. K was a spleadid diaplar and
rma worthy of the atteaUen
■Mwii HM ItOT tVtN MArMtod.
TUAie At YCT..
A photograph of the window was
e>d Du A. W. OuM * fW*. n
ler tiMThaw md» ■* 4om m>'—



Lord A Taylor, New Tork^ a H. Bus(ke George
Batten AdverUalag coaqiany. New
Tort, and Chartto B. Bettor. auasKer
Of Brentano's Book Store. n<w York.
d 08 them. The awards
AhMlt 0»M at LeeM a MmU* Later VBaBimeus Ip each case.
’.<-en WtnMa aM r. A 0M»
-Tha tact that aU of the other
: aan Hava the nm riaA
hlbltors Were from the large cities
aad that I'ravrrac city was the amallna taae aaaaoa <«aaa eatlreir -toe «t dty ;o receive a ptiie. U a oom
pUment to the Haanab.A Lay Mrresnartfc. rut muff eo^aaaaai
tttonoBPaay.eltiM at tte •aharma o( the dtr
.Mar. Tke haw aeaaea etfeaet
tenlar uA » tew taaber oi toed
tafcariBia anal oat aa« aaOe catehea
la aoeortanee arlth Ueir aklU aad the
ahaervatlea vae baeed oa the .refuU
•I TaatardAr'e tebloi.
Aa eTerreee koowm, yua haa beta
haekvard atiias aad.the waiera <4
thf lakea Mt ret varaed aad the TOeOI.eR.WAS oiboovcrio in
■ah raailr havean bafoii to apawe aa
yet Y«ea tt la uhea lato ceeaMerattaa that V»a tih are eaaallr oa their
he^ at thie Una ot rear aad (hat
MM 0( the r«w« eaeape aad
^vlve. It eaa readSlj be eeea what the
•teaiAtar thU year wiU aieaa.
Nat me UlUac a hee (he day ho- OlONT TMIMN TO CALL UP TMB
- fere her eWekaae voaM haiA oat


L-ay. Merc.



toga. Bhe waa elad to a Shepherdh
eheefc pitot dress, and had a red ptotd
silk tie about her 'ai«h. but was I
Shortly sfur noon Chief of PoMoe
AsbioB recvlred an laqalry from Mrs.
t'raak Irtob or Tr West Srventb
slrept whose lltilr daughio.r. Beralce,
had been tolsalag sinee Morning. Mre.
Irtob aad frlcods had bMrs tool(lagall
over the aelghUirbood tor bar. but
had they, called op the chief when
she was flrsi nlucd much aaalcty
wobM hpve been spared.

neemoB at that piarvBegtoter of Deeds r. W. miaoa
aad wife retamrd this aticmooe from
Kingsley where they aUeoded
efasa day everclsr^ of the Kingsley
High achoo) Issi night.
Mrs. Sarab Ktirhea.. of Northport.
who by - been ' speiuUag the wtoter
and spring wtib her daagbiera. Mrs.
George Sboop. of Chicago, aad Mrs
Uule Jobruon. of O^illar, left on
(be aftrmMiu Imlo for her home .
Nonhimrt after apendldg a day la the
city vMtlng frhnds. Mtss la>ulK HamUn left this a
♦♦♦••♦♦♦•••♦♦♦♦A (ng for Cadillac.
Bhcda Nephew toft
momtog for Horoell. N, T, over the
Smith arrived thU after­
noon from Kingsley for a visit with,

bir r«aa.i«tier, M". Um

. Mw; C C. HMbwBwly. Aeteh. ie*.

• •.'


- ^_______________________________ '

Mrs. C. O. MoyUa. f

"T b—_1« St f.<il Mto. n-

turned this afierhooig her health la
Lafe Ackerman, of Bmplre. who haa ■ be western city havlag bM*a very
detided to return to (he
been la (he emptoy of Cadertaker H. poor and
L. Carter for the last four moaihs. Grand Traverse tvslun. ihe was atrt
relumed to his home tuls morning.
.. Morphy. Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Chase and fa
lied by her
Ily left this morning for Big Rapids Moylan
where Mrs. Chase wUI locato pc-rman- daughter. Miss Margsrei.
Mrv C. A. bugbee relumed froai
ently. Mr. tRiase will return Moaday
and Tceume his work at the J. B.
she was called by the llln^
CrelUek company.
Mia. Wallte Camphell returned to daugbu-r. Mm. IN’Illlaai Botteaberg.
wbo suffered an attack of unsIHUs.
Cadillac this luorolng.
Mr. and Mrs. 11. C.. Uphsm. ol
L Bueh Improved.
Baloo Rapids, are Ihe gnesu of their
Mire. Mrs. B. U HuM>es.
Mrs. James Stewart Vent to Kal­
Por the reason that i
kaska today tor a visit of two wveks uses My name without uy consent to
with frteads.'
tunher his toteiesls In buslnms. I de­
Mlaa Ruth Bcaae went to Fife Imke sire to state to the public Ihal I ata
today for a two woaka' visit with still with Grlunell Bros, and have m
jliKeotloo ol returning to the (ormor
Mrs. Peter Isaac toft thto momtog romyrnny.
The small Inalgnlficaat
with her foar_ehHdrea ton a visit Uslhnontol. snpposed to have bom
with friends at cnartaa. *
(given kbout to years ago. contaliitog
Mrs. W. P. CAIklnl abd Mra. B.'oaly oae stagie potot <rf merit, tosad
Thlriby left tor CUeagd this morning la a c«‘naln piano alt.-r seven y.-ars'
to be the guests of Mrs. Calkios’ eaperteere. would noi be of much
daughter, Mrs. Noteware.
consewuenre ihif. day and age.
JuMce Ashley B. Curtis and Any
Opinions c»prv»i«id by the bettor
Bebokeld have gone u, Scranton. Pa., riaas In my presence, is that only a
attend the eooveeiioti ot the Penn- idnboaded proprietor would uae the
sylvama Casually company which U teeUtponlal of Ids eunipettior which

You Would
Be Surprised

- The toeal taheraea who Ut« heea
•hoerrlac eoodittoaa beUere t^t (he
^ baae aeaeo* ahoeM be aade raacUj
a BMCth later. Alt o( the lUh would
Mt be throuch epanlac thea bet the
mjerlty woeld aad the alattgbta'r
■ weeM sot be ao areet aa It la
KMt The predlcUoa to freely
■Sie that vBleea the law la tteSfed.
boiH wtU.yrsHIcaUy dtaappear wUhla
a IM yean deaplie the ylamtss ol
try ud aBCVtlafB by the atate aad

dently arraagM hy some people who
k»*w Boibing ahont the bahlta tt kau
•r etoe with the Aallherato latent of
Atatedahtog the anppiy. Both
diwt wd the ban taws are atonat
as bod aa thoagb there wen bom at
Vtoato and r.J. tetataaon
abjwed ap tost algbt with the best
eaieh of the da^. bavtag «4. The Ash
•WM aU ^ Mr Btoa and were Uhea
te Base taka
day's Bshtog. there to a
-two gild 1
Ale and BitolA«M ooAMnt go
wltbeat bHagtog hack at toast one
•Md story.
WbMiwa aaya tint Tnaale
TSaato oays that Bohlam mat..
«ASt from the boat toward the shore
V AM pat }a>( a kuto Ml too much omH* aa the halt ao that u went over
A -ttnarack UMb aad Mttod abeot
Ate Anhea abova the water. It. had
Hi dMad to svtnt yet brdora a
liapaj in U and ntoaad it. Another
took a Nnap at it aad aaUed U. hooktag IlMiilf tUL
Then the tak
ahUiiagiy «AM Aiaand the right way.
dtaed the VM aiA-tm baaled to by
the BahiiriaaA Bt*er aeet lor early
MM anyway.

at the large number ot WORK SHOES we boM la«t
week. There must be a good leason why we have
such B large trade in MEN’SSHOE^. The secret is
ID the quality we give you Cor the price. We do nst let
Aoy shoddy stuff come in the back door nor any go out
the front door.

Vooabatory LtoOtod to -Mamma- arto
Cookie-—Tahaa to the Realdams of WIHtom Ptoroa,
.Bavaath BtreaL


srowM owty have a mdency to dtoOrgan. Pee Bhips H AlUirtic FUet.
grace any baslness. If my Judgaieat
Pvofrwsor I*, r. BlIboTD of ChlraKvi
to good, come to tirinaetl 'Brto.. IS*
Bast Pmai streei. and get the bmt
pUno value ever cAered for itae mowCelcs. CsL When the fleet was at Los
Aageies tbe nmn of tbo ktesU Y. M. C.
A. toatemttod with tbe aaltors. and
May SSlt
Johit tellglous meetings were bHd
> IVben tbe tujoadnm sailed Seemary
I D B I.utbef wrote to Mr. Bllfaord aoThe man vearrns a -deaf and dumb* : ll-titas a gift of ocmm ao ttott tbe
fUaeard stood befoie the jodee.
Icallotv could enjoy veilgtotn anair
-Tour honor." be Mid. -I do aoi 1 wblle oa the tong ctniae acrooa the
wish to take uudoe Iccbolrul ad aa- ParUc. Ur BUbon. blmseU a Y. M.
tage. I do uu: clatai to tie wiih«>n C. A. evangelist and singer, baa vCUfrhearing or S!we<-h. Tbo word, -drat sd aa organ shipped to each of (ha baiaad domb.’ uhliout .inallflcatiju.
Oeshlp-- Btof Admiral Tbomaa has
worito and eottilDg more. Fuivpujlug cecaptod the gift on behalf of tbe
I had worn a numtier oa a tse? \V'o«*d
lUatTure made me guilty of arM-rtiiii,
myaetr a dog or an auianoUlel
Ttoas Hats.
"kloreouT. your buuor. e uiau nay
I met thm Drat wiikto s
be deaf aad dumb eonstfupllrely
tohile hsnetPc i» s str.
We strwrk s etirv.t-there
Thst'a uiy stotus during busi e»«
m»B. ru.M*1s*ttootrssi
"Your reasoDlng to escellent." teUfcs a cai-B.
spoadet' tJu- ■«in. “ctU. i!io.-gU I rt-aJ
you to Jail fur thirty days, yoa aiv not
to be depriv.d of the right to c«ald>w
yourself ewpairui-tlTcly five." - I’Ulla
I QUUS torgut llw pn*cSer s lest.
detpbla Ledger.
Ai d.;xstad was rar xkw.
to prayer again I tMWrd mf btsA
Al:ia. w I atvM

Hs Bcight ths B.IL
A big ssr, sprradtns Jast BbssA
-Cot any row bell.r lu.;ubvd e
AUuylly g^jugrd mr toot.
CDunirr loektng umh of a clerk In a
hardwsiw store.*
*Twss bi aa slevater bow
I ran seroi
-Vto. sir. Step this way." i\i>ik-d
. . . . JS not aeow .
the young ma&
U fours to gs.
Tbe funucr iik-kevl up the lBrg>'«l 'j*
airtod each SM a
To ralso bor
rcBld find and acid. "Uaiv joo ito
And Ibouah t______ ___ _______
larger tbau ibisr
".Vo. Sit: Tbe torgeat oom ar« all
sold." ;
Tbe fanaec. on baartog this, turned
to leave and had rvnrbed tbe door
wbCB the eleit railed aflet blm
He-Why do you form me to waK
"I.ook here, stniugi-r; Take one of for an anavrer? Ste (who Is up In po­
these small hells for yoof row. sM litical ecotiomyy'-Bccansc 1 don't want
yon wont bare hnlf as aineh butiNV to giro JVM a mcoopoty mini I dod out
■ndlnkher. for when you lisar the ball wbottor there's say cotapeUttao.
• III always know that aba east
to far off "
He bought ths belL-Jadga.


You well want sometbiug cool for the feet
j soon, will you noj? Wc never had a larger and
I beuer ashoriQi-nt than we are showing right now.
^ Don’t think you have to pay a big price to get
I something oce. We havelbem' from one dollar
I up for women and hfty ceou up for tbe children.
I: Do not fail to see our stt^k before buying. All
styles, all leathers.



W'e are closed Decoration Day which is next
I Saturday.


BHhstotk aad ths Btaarta ptoylng cards ware used as poUtleal psombtata. Mesf vataaMe wen
catvi* tosned la Pvauos at tto time sf
tto French fvrolutk*. whao Bffvaa off
Getshiv iJivTiy.aad Eqaarity tobk the
place of kings, doasmi aad MvM
LoaAoa Bstupday Bovlsw.

want. If they afe

made from ~OuZ>,

talM all tagredMsHs ready tor lasUat
ase. Deal tosltate. Order today
from your grocer wad tbea trll yuor
fiteads hoL easy R to u mako (how
Choeulate and Caatoid—«t i« eaoto.a
package. Made by DBerta Ftood Oo,
Roctootev. N. T. Wr«to today tor'dr- '
mlara or all DAwto FiaAacU.


NOW is your opportimHy to bay good
Underweor at Sp^al Pr.ccs.
Ladle** Sleeveless
Ve»U at .............
Otaeoboi. witli mc-rccrized rib-

OUR Mono

Ths Morel of Ptcythg Cmda.
Playing cards hsva M their ma«i
side, tt may aurprtoe yaa to fcao^. Ak
the Btaohstm chib ta LboBm toctafitk
oa the subject of ptaylaff cards ftoto
tto polal of view af tto oailactor. UK
Alfred Whitman aaU that ths mMt
valaable Mcka weta tbeae ttot taMlk
BIbUeal hlstefy or tocaleatoi moral
liiiiai. In Italy ta IbA elghtssatk erwtory H was eintomsfr to hoM parka
of cards wttb OM TastamsM aeoass
aogtaved «poa thsta. la Oetmsay sff
tto same psftod ^aytog cards wMk
tables to which motaM wan aim^**
wetv customary. Ptawch ptaytpff caM
of the tiino of LMla XTT. war* «asd to

NoUecI This Store will be cioscS Itoceealtaw
Day. Salnnlay, May to. Opca msay Evcalsa.

And ribbed, io cnlW. bmrZ
. light bloe. bteek Aod 1aiu7 a8

Ladle** Slecvelesi Vests,
Waadertog aU atoae to ti^ allc>aear the corner of Saghth and Maple
etreeis. a lUtle girl about 18 bk
old was looad by two boys at
Monday, and token to (be home
of Mr. and Mrs. WllUam Pierce, who
hare rereatly moved Into the real
idenoe at 6XS WeM Seventh atieci.
The baby was naable to tell brt
name. lbe.^extrini of her vooabulary
betog nmll^ to the words. ’■MaBina'
iaad "Cookie."
Mrs. Plcroe at once ooilBcd'Chief
Ashton, aad hr capectyd a call every
mtottir from the mother or thoee who
bad (be little one to charge, but np
to noon DO word had bees raoeived
by him aad (be baby was atiU at the
home of Mrs. Ptercr. Mrs. Plcroe ai
ao (d^iboeed ndghbon living In the
Vletoiiy of where the child was teaad.
It none knrw whoar UtUe'oae It
NotaitfistandlQg the fact that she
waa among sirangera. the child was
perfectly contcatrd aad calto)l Mrs.
Plaice "Mamma." She smiled awcetal a Record reporter aad pal ap
mtto atma to be token, and seem­
ed te he deltebted with her anrnMUd


......... 9c
Ladle.' SIcevelen VeM.,

25c, 39c and 50c
Mea’s Uolsa Salts. White Oat

vofjr choice atjlta, all aiic*. hi

12*ii2C, 15c and 2Sc
Misses’ ___ aOldrea’s
Vesta SM Pasts, ail atyW, at

lOCp 12^p
15cp 18c and 25c
Ladles* Uofoa Soito
At Me. 45c and .. 50c

b.'Bod, worth
$J . ..90C
Others at tlaSS.LM, £,M.elc.

Uoderwear. Bdbriggaa
aod ribbed.
very-rboioc At ...................... itoC

Boys’ UaloD Suite, all aiiAA.
buAt ever sbown
SAffS '
ut tbe price ........................... toVv

G4waf|«/ar Rofe dost nopaaked a apleodKi new naaortotant of M^'a,
Straw nai» Boy** and ChOdren-* at all prieea from lOC for good
Son Hal* to S«,M kr tincet Puamaa.

Ask to sc^ tbe dilMrca’s .SsUor Hats at 25c

Boy’s Wash Suits Ir.'J
Buster and Blouae Ujiv* with Koioker Fanto.


50c, 75c, 51, 51.25 and |1.50

Steinberg Brothers




M«M «vy •• »• w lapnr MI


,wt> qtAm fATw,

W—m HMH M «l»

, Um«v ow nip.
Up UMI *• ■■iwr
Up UM tht mhM «NA.
- PiMPir tk« kmw t^,
•oft «kom tko liHMO 4ot«
■ooft wUlo <ko -Mon ttuhmA
mOt tm tMr aw.
' Oote «B0 log tko ftw
Mmoatv fM«7.
Umtetkoa ooor wo
«k tow HO wftUo otrtpoo ohWt
•00. tow No toOTo oton Uool
boi. lot ttoB onr twlao
JMow oto Ucktt
^ B«*«t.ww tto «OBtOO% TOWt.
■ } HiwUO O0W tto abro'o i<Bt

to to

jpowoo wo MAC




«|alto <nwtoh to too.

ao itilaoo* ware;’
Upward awd akyward erer.
mto o( tod «na and biwre.

■hllloww at ire:
lowly hwur:
,lyauy daab.

The Pain


i.. >

■-, ■■

Wtot a awd totog Maaorto Bay
It. •aaaklaeref Boeea*! u aaka :
toaito toat Uat whta yoa tUnk of
all the hrere toidten who toagbi
oar aowatry? Toar by year, at tto
aeih of May draw* near, ytar pmMint ieato a tresb thrUI of patriottoa eeae toto tor boart, and oto b
ewre all yoa boja aad gtrb fotl tto
reat. Tift Moaorial Bey ta oao we
caa norer ferpa. area thongb we
BMy act- tore a ebasee to toar
epeatooB or atoto tto docontloa of
tto oolAon'Bwrea. TM wo «B kap
U la oar boarta, aod hoaor the i
ory of the brare aeo who died for
no aad toot one flog oUflbt ware wrer
tto Batted 0talH.

Pleaee aeod ae a card and bottaft
t have a Uttle abter. bar Boae to
PaaH. WU yoB pleaaa poi tor aam
oa tto Cradle RoH? I tore a facottaf
nine yean old. aad a UiUe brottor
aorw yean oM. FWr a pet I tore a
■aowd Tiger, and a^^ aaaed
ft to nialBc oat lotoy. 1 ge to



' 1 «M »T •

' I ««■ lb'P k*

ptooto erery day Wntpl
otoray. Wen. 1 wiQ ctoo» g>r «htt
•ae. boplag to aee ibb
tto BnM. Good-bye.

tor ton B HRta baby |8rt. a a
oM. I aa heoie pedW- Ttore win
■tie Grtatom, nge aino. Oroec
be b6 iawdl BBtt*Maiday..My Utile Ortabam, are twelve. OnrIUa Grant
atater Preneaa alwnya waatt a paper are Bre. I wm* Uto ta on tar tbH
aad pancB ta wrtu. wni yoB ptaaae ma.
aael Hrery.
oeod aa another botuat I aa oorry
I aa find that yoa wrott tone to are tar anettor botao. bot alae
Mildred OnftartBit.
Oar Ftrat Vice prooMowt too aMo
dBTlto tto rday dW
«. I wto be carelBl W tto next
Wtot a tat of noaeo yon bare
DO 0 ■tonr'cwir thk wook, oto ton
M> to ntoaoL
one 1 goL Tbit la aU tor, tbta ttee. Beat to! File Uke aoM be o Sunte tor louor:
00 gged-tye.
abtey plaee.
Qreewotfoet itoseh. Tuoo, Colo,
OaaawpnHt. Mlek„
Traverpe CHy.Mtafa^B. P. D. No. ft
, mt 14. IMIt.
Mayft, INft
Mather Borgeoa.
May 14. IPOS.
Boor BoAohlworo—
Dear Prealdnt—
Tto battoaa are not very atraog
lltore WOTor wu o aon -aarprUto
1 think that waa a tovdy wldt w« aad do DM laat loag. I aa glad
Dear Pteeldent—
poiwoa ttow 1
had .wipi Mre. WSUaaM. We take tto aand yoo another one. 1 thought I woiSd write you a few
roar kaock Ike ottor toy. oo4 fMo4
Onto Tiaieiee Herald afld I lore to
Un«« oa I have not written to- a tang
aaorly ou Uwoooto
read tto
Maple Ctty. Mkb.. Uae. 1 nke to read the lettera ta tbe
to aoko ao a tHK. 1 to»o know yon Uke to hear aboat peb. re
May 1ft im.
T. I did not mlaa <me day. while
yoa ooioyod It toU ao aato m 1 «L
wfll tell yoB abodt oar oat. aaaed Dtor* Pnotdont—
on to ochooL Oar eebool wna out
Wooat 11 locfcy that I tod baked eook ^tt-.^It b aboat ebvon yton cdd.
WlU wHte yoa a tew Uaee aa I* U
tweoty-fourtb of April. I have a
loo, lor I know yoa were banry ol- bat b ^ playtaL It b a Malt
mg time otooe I write you. t wUl Uttle- coaala. Her name Is Myrtle
r looc )oan«. Ekat
I aa thirteen yeart old and tell yoo abeot Arbor Day. Wb ptaated MUtar. She -ta Joat about three
tbtok I OB paylBc took yoar eaU to in tbo aovantb gnda My ttnetor b treoa aroond tto a^eol booae. We
old. Can toe tore tor uae
a ki^t Tow k*ow wbeo grown pew
ray good oea. Oar eekoei lota bot tore ealy five more daya of eebooL 00 tbe Cradle BoB* Please oend her
pie pro pantoo, tto gwooto
tto twelfth Of Jirae. If the
My brother and I were haolteg etonee a card aad send tbe card to ay name
poood a oome and aato what It
would Hke to bear about It perbapi today. fPr pett I bare two caU.
and I wm send It lo her. It ta too
called a *lNUty oair wimin t'
» Uae I will write aboat
dog, flve plga. and aeae HtUe chick- rainy today to be outdoora to pUy.’eo
weeko afterward. Wtoa ttore U
pretty town with n lake oa eato tide.
Tto Bin ta oblnteg out doom 1 have to stay ta the bonae. Well,
ooqwioo party. I think It lo only
If any of OieB want to. 1 would love today. My letter ta getting long
will ctaec for thta Uae.
fair that the ewe wto lo oarprioed
Tdignge poet ardt wnh tbea
> 1 I
make tbe party caU. toa*t
and gl«e Uiea one of Can couaty
Bento LntBoa.
yeo? And 00 we wlU lay tkU it ay
ooort booae. or Mae vtewa of DtoTborrold Orteatuen.
Tbe rotoy toys are good dnya to
«aQ OB fto. Wh^ to yoB
apad Uke. Pleaae edd ay name i
It kat been a kng ttme alree yon write letter*, don't yoa think so* It
of ay petty Hnoe yoo wore tore 1 tbe Ibt pf eonabliiora.
wrote and it eeoaa nke to bear ta bard te stay te tto houae when
tore a tot aore. toolodlac a taar
noa yoor wnoM-be 8eBBblner.
from m oaate.
long toned oott. and
Cora Hopklaa.
ttay. aoft. eaddtoy toleheao. And
Indeed I do hope yoa will write
Travene City. Nlcb.,
Traverre City. Mkb,K F.O. No. ft
yeoterday wo bad ooreral eanoTn, Inagatt and taU at nboot BtM Joednn.
May 10. IPOft
May 14. UM
dndtng a pair of
1 think toaa of tto Sonablaen will Dear- Prealdeat^
Dear PreaMe«<,U yon to set know what ttooe ar^:
glad ta anebaage poaUb
1 will write yoB now. My stater
I aa glad I waa a Bontblaer aad
yoB wtU tore to get aoao Mrdtovyou.
rredt tbe letters In tbe paper end 1
lag trtoad lo obow yon. n# two
Vke PreetdenC My graadaa nod It thought 1 would write a few Uneo to
beat Ttflttoro of all wore a tbrnab.
NaublBwny. Mleh.
ae. and I wosld Hke to go again. tto SuDtolne Oub. I haven’t writwblto W tot take It rltot np to ay
May «. IMft
to the Snntotee Oub before. 1
1 bare kat ay- button. Pleaae e«od
haato, aad anerward, wbod It flow Dear Pmldwt~
a little girl seven years old. I
ae another button and I wlU try to
away, it aang tto owoetogl Mrd aoog
a pet kitty bat toe. has gone
aore^refnl of It.
rr heard, and a great, gon
and I can't fled tor.
Lovlntfy youre.
yeltow and btoe and blaek toftorfly, wrote lo yoo, bat l have been quite
WeU, os my letter to a lltu/ iMg.
boay. and then I bad dipbttaerla and
. )
Tboaaa .Aiaatreng.
wklob lighted on ay ftagtr. Wtat
will ctaee,
were qaaranUaed over a i
I aa pieoaed to think yon enjoyto
Bight It wewld to. If wo ooaM all
Tonr Sunihteer,
I aa weQ now bat awful weak yet tbe vtalt with our FIrat Vke l*reelget together, and oack hrtog
LydU Lutmon.
peu with to! 1 BBW net atay aay and I caaaot talk rery plain, tot tto dent. Maybe she will oak u to
1 am sorry you test your kitty,
? agate toae day.
toanr tbit time, at u la Joa a pito- doctor aaya l will be all tight after
but she boa probably found another
ty call, tot I hope yoa wU all eon awhile. We wen qaarnnUned
nice borne. I wtab you could see the
Mtb Of ApiU aad let out iwala tbe
kitty that come* slid vtaltt me nomegad of May. l wlU be awfully glad
Toor toting Flrot Ttoe PreMcat.
Itobrt Botea-WUUaao. wboB I gat atroto htoln no I ca
roUar akaUag and bo out la tbe i
I would Uke to )oln tbe Saatbtee
Long Lake. Mich,
Ing with tto reat of tbe gltta. We Chib. Pleaae aend me a card and
May U. 1»M. :
a atoe letter bat tegettea to atarted tbe Club agate and bad four button. I go to oebool. My teedier'a
»>ta Mlaa SetoU. Oar etteool wlU Dear President— ^
otga her aaae. U eto wfU write o»Ib
nnd I Imve nome
noon be out. I aa nine yeera.old. 1
win eead .tto.hwttn tor Jennie. I We bare Iota of fun at the moet
names Hr send te tor the aub. Thta
did ant gat tto leOer witttea totora: I bare a few more i^aea tor tbe am going to go In tbe necood reader ta'a pleasant morning. ThHr names
blna ctob. They are Mae Waek- next term. There are seven children
are Thomas CbUtes six years old. and
Baadoftlflek.. tar. John Wtoktar, Boy StraUoa and in my claoe. I have oonie namea for
rioyd Booebor. Grand Maitaa. Mleb. the Bunablae aub. Stella Cornell, Leyoo CqI^IIu. el^t years old. 1
May U. UOl
They gi« all here In Naubtewey
and Carl Slock. Well. I will close am eight rear* old. Please aend a
Door PreoldOBt-..
card and bntton to Levon and Thomrieyd, bat yoo can end all tto caidi
wlD aU down and witio yon
na. Traverse City. R. P. D. Ko. 3.
tow tlaoi to tot yoo know [ aa w«a ■ad bottona to ae. I wUl eend soine; From your new frieiid.
atampe for eoae new bnUona.
George Slock.
aad bopo yoo ore the soae. I go
Bale Cookltee good to have nke weather
f am sure we will be good friends
aobeoi erery. day. Bid yoa meolre ft
. )■ your school out yet? It ta bard
and hope we any woon feel aoqt
tettar abont two wetoo age? 1 ooat a agite. Tbe arbataa la begtenlng
to stndr on tto pteoaont dayn. tant'
lottor w«to » twodOBt etowp la It Moaaoa. I Hke artoua alaoM beat of
tor n pM tor Jonato. 1 did not gat nay aay of tto wild flMera. Itore
Wabash, lad..
saowpr and ttoogto porhapa yon did Into awre arbotna tore ttoa w
Long Lake, Mich,
May It. 1PM8.'
at tto, totter. It b a nloe day. we nrad before we caae here, and
May 18. 10008.
tenorrew imr taacber ta gotag to here it grown on tbe blUa and la the; Dear Ptreldenr—
Dear President—
Monbare oar pbOore ubaa. WMl. l wm
1 nm seven years old. My name ta
la Ito owaape aa It doea down there. Hoe Gardner, age nln>. Duvld Gard­
done tor tbia «Be. ae good-bye.
Laverne Oolites. My broiher'i ponie
bow, I bare ner. age eight, Loali Gardner
year 8aBtolae gtn.
ta Thomas eolUni. He Is te the first
aoe alboa fall and a lot beelde. i
eleven. Uenore Hoffman, age eight.
ly an I have I got alaee I come here. Vanity Pitta, age twelve, Bodtee reader. He Is six years old.
Btre la a totter thnl, toreogh
finny Btatnlw, waa only partly print­
Uveree Colline.
think It will next wrek. They attrt- age tene. Hubert Weaver, age oeren,
ed toat weto. toato aoM tore
t sm ever so glad that you have
ed a roUer ekaUng rtnk ’Jnej after Harry Templage, age twelve. Plotvary aneb naiprlaad. don’t yoo tktak
me. and hope to hear from
New Tear and It bee been open ever
Kennedy. Boben Clark.
yoo agate some day.
. l<e Bolcw, age ten, (^rge
taauoaa Bay, Mleft. atnee:. I alwnya went ooce of twke
. I bad dandy ttaea. but It U Lawrence, age ten. Harry preneu.
AgHl S. IMft
Why tto Bky Looks BIOS,
aneh fun to tall down. | only
'George Kennedy, age ceven. Ward
Dear Prealdfliltf we could go up Bfly miles above
a few Uoiee. and tton 1 sever
Penloek. age tpelve. Waller Toung. the «arth-a surface—that ta, above tbe
. Ae I tore Uae. J wfD drop yon
aynett only once. i boaped
age twHve. Oarncy Pntxler.
tow Udea.* We ere having very niee
jsphere which envetapes the
woather down here oow. We tore two chin, and that wav not ao aneb tan. twelve. I woold also like to know it
d—we would find that tbe sky ta
Well, 1 Boat doM tor tUa tlnw. Good there U an age llealt tor boya aod
waeka more of acboed . U anowed
black, the moon n brilHant while, and
girta talnlng the Oab.
Bight and n It wow very allppary. I
that tbe atare woold ahloe os brlgfany
Towi truly.
na atorew.yaare of age. I aa wall
te daytime as at nl^L We would
Gertrsde Owen.
aomemile Ward.
now, bat one of onr neicbbarB* ROto
also see that rente of the stars are
1 know nil the SuntblnerB wlU be
No. there taaT aay age Mmli. Any­
boya la 4ck. HU aaae la George
some blue, still pthei* violel. and
Kelok. Wb tove>a Olab and we call glad lo learn 4bat yai are well agate. body who ta really tetereated can be
» green. It 1s the gtmospbere that
SunaMner, bnt we want lo be quite makes the sky look blue ud
It tto Keewiek Toare Peopiee anb. - hope yoor atrengtta win ooae tack
sure that the older folk uodcrataoi moon yeltaw.
ire gotag to aeM agdn at ay
what thp dub la. and care to |ote.
ooBtla-t idaoe. We aet et Keldi’B
iBUona Bay. Mich..
place the -toat time. I Bke to go to
May 8. 1M8.
Bendoo. Mleh..
actooL bat I do Bot t&o It very wall
May II. IM8.
wtoa actoo] ta oaL | tldak I win tore
to atop, with tore to aU tto 8iBtbta-: 1 will now lor tbe flrmt tlM write Dear JhreWent—
to yoB. I BB a lltUe boy eight yeari
I Unagbt t would write you a fe
old. and I aa In tbe Brat reader. Unes. It boo been so wet that I
Our oel^ ta,onl now. I thank you could not work and I thought 1 would
very ^M^fon tbe card and button •aid a lew names to tbe Sunsbtee
^ fromiyoa. I have no aore to aub-Ttoy are as follows: Pinny
Maple aty. Hteb.
tdl yoB. ao' 1 will cloee. with kve to iarrett and BeUe Jaqnlab. ] lost my
You know them; they ore
May ft IMft
on tto ftBaablnera.
numerous, nnd moke their
Dear Prealdeat—
pte and card. ] wish you would
presence felt e%-er)->*'herc. The
woald tike to Join tto aanabtee
new one*. Floyd wants you to
Otoar Bendkoon.
oamei of the family are Head­
Oab. Ptaaae aend me a card
seed him a pin. l hope you are well
Are yoB glad eebool la out? Wtot and an tbe Suasbteera are the s
bottoo. I go to aetoel. aad don't
Backache. Stomach ache. NentotMBkofKkaal being out nest do yoo do in vacation*
As any letter ta getting kog. I will
ralgia, etc. They are sentinelo
cioseweak. Miat Gtoin Barth b ay taacbeuttona Bay. Mkb.
that want you of any deranfear. 1 bare one ebter. Ilre'yeara otft
From your Bunoblner.
May 7. IMft
ment of your system. When
Her name b Mwadto. My throe brothnwyn Joqolsb.
the brain nerves become ex­
ere’ are Cbartoy, age nine. BrMat, Dear PrvaWeal—
I am 0ad 0 bear frcHu yon agate.
age Mght.aad Bernard age two. Ctar- 'This ta my Brut letter to yoa. I am Uwyn. You and Bwood ore certainly hausted or irriufed. Headache
makes you miserable; if the
toy and Bneat wooM Nke to )oIb a Ut^e girl eievea yean old. l go
stomach nerves are weak, iatto Sanaklne Cleb. I aa glad ana
every day. I am te tbe tounb
digestion resulu, god yon
ta ban. and we oea play oat of doora. grade, aad my etodtes are iredteg.
Sberau Mich, R. F. D. No. l,
double up with pain, and if the
J think I aon doee now. with
spelUng. and geography.
May 13. IMS.
more prominent nerves arc af­
to an tto flanaktetre.
I like ay cart and button rery auach. Dear Prealdeet—
fected, Neuralgta simply makes
For peU I bare two coU, their
n ay
I teat
ar buttoi
button. 1 pui'lt y when
unendurable. The way to
namee are Tom aqd NeU. 1 have no
f to^a^
It wm
pain is to soothe 'and
leQ you. ao I wtn elosa. with
^oulda-i ya« Uke ae'to pat MaadOMkd W 1
• one? I
d aad Benard oa tto Cra^ BoQ? lore to aU tto
very oorry that I lost It and will trp strengthen the nerves.
ttife*' Anti-Pain Pills do this.
aa ^ tbM yoa waalod to bo a
Tbe whole Pain family >-idd to
tbmr influence.
Harmlea if
It woo very tboo^ttel te you to
taken as directed.
wm# and thank me tor ytar cord
and button. Do you tee OBre often*
Itoy T. iMft
-I ted Dr. MOm* Anti'PaJa Pffla se
Liman HQIord. ’
SUeritaBt mMdf (er ovrrcemlaa ttawdDear Prreldeat—
am glad Uat you are eo teteiret-




WMtp TNUrtMl MtllMATUtaOAV. UM U. 1

Qleo Arbor. Mlto.. ed te our Bwabtoe CUb. Tour new
May 7, UN.
i yuo.
Donr PnolAoat..*
l I wonU
PUelake. Mkb..
aM written In ooeb a long
May M. UN.
Itaa. it la gutting ouaatr now. end
1 na gtad of It I aa arMl. and hope
I am w«U.«Bd bore you a^ aJl tto
^ are aU wtU. too. My OMeot otaoamn.
1 bare

Sc€>t^-p £mutjion b i
It mJte. boo., bbod
potOoi UT tax OB lb. ditntioo.


AU. D.U001.T., «Oc. AND .1.00.

»»o»»oooqoo»»ooo»oc-«-«-^£*»: ;

For AllComeJobto Work^
Herald and RctiW Co
Choice UnocJofvxl Japan particalariy fine flaw nad
excopdooal otrengtb. If you hare treabfe Bfittfav ■
tea that is to rear liking try a Bunple pood oTshk
oao. We WlU take our ebanoa on yoar noonisK faflcfc.

Price, Sde per pooA.

J. J.
■ *■


Kmmft fFruareta Btawrereft.


Rfiiher hfiVe b flour that
you know hai beeo a itan-

Wouldn’t I

dard for over twe«iy ycBri
tbao to take a«;,cbaoce do
some brand that yon know

When yoa or>

der flour neat time insist
eetiiog -BEST best
KNOW just bow good that
flour ii.


Are yoii Interested In keeping
out Flies?.
If you are, oome in and oee-oar Smeex Djoto and Window
We lure a Soreco Door that wUi tM>t B^f. it hM {foe breoM
aod a patent tigbtocr in tbe eenUr that keeps it In ahgFft We
have this doot in Pina aad Oak..
Oarebei^.dcorieverygtroog.ltMafaud made door, gpogthing pstn good, ve think it ie the bat bargain in tbe d^.
OoaeiB andANneahowyen oarSemaa Ootmaad Window Bereetu.

Old Posfottlcc BnOdlat

Lavrnberg’s in On^pound packages, 32c per pound.
It is convenient (o get at tbe amout you want to use
when you get the one pound packages. It isMieof the
best greens.


Fine ground Land Piaster in American bags and
in paper sacks.
Land PUster Sifters

, ,
and Sprayers, Potato aod

Corn Planteift price guaranteed.
A good display of kitchen hardware. Keitleft Pailc,
Tea and Coffee Pots. Cookie Cutters, SpOoof, Kphres
and Forks. See prices and quality.
Money returned if not satisfied. Corner Froot .and
Cass Streets.


MBn Madical C^imdtatt. lad


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