Grand Traverse Herald, May 22, 1908

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Grand Traverse Herald, May 22, 1908


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



tl.«« A YEAK.


f; .


■ MM. MU^ OUNNSM PUUfMBO Oeoeret Trokking May Mean AMtber
IN TM« nM*C«.
Dreoght Mmilar to tli« One
Leet Veer.


WM MmIHM by Or. L N. Nwtwi,

St. Pul. Mine.. May 19.—Some
BiyfUriooe toree U at work to Mealtoba.’Haar herd* of deer ud eartboa
ilag the Itae and laradlng the
take ud foreat reguma of aonbera
Tbti remarkable trefcdng of deer
id caribou to potato farther aoath
•y'^be tbe remit of the loog ud
droary vloter enperienced la
It may preaage mother droogb't
almllar to tbe oae the Canadim tanaere eoSered front lut year. Several
herd! hare paeaed the .vidnlty d
Warroad. Trarelen from the Roeaeea river cooatry report both herdi
of deer and eartbon morlng aootbward. They appear to be heading for
the Red lake and Bad river lage end
forest enntry, where, owing to the
acMvUy of the Mlnneeota game
dma, they will be given a boepUaMe

Upone, IkA, IU7 19.—Ka. .auu
OdBBMi if d«Kd. «)w fMt 4mU in
tb« bMM to wUeb bbo Innd bw TtotMu
PoMUro proof m oddoood (oOny
«b«t • pint* bHrtnc omnU (OU
tootb mu taoM by Miner ttAnlts tn
Dr. L K. Norton poMUr^ Meotiloi the tooth u theoo of Mn. OnnMM. Ho «M
Oenllft uA bte
•UtMBMt if ncoiptnd H proNac be­
Tbe arrival to regarded by..ihe layond OMKtIeo Ust Mn. OoBseef wool dlaiu M a very bad oatea ' for tbe
to bor «Mtb Ibo Morolag of tbo Are. barveat to Oaaada and a apiendld om
:tor tbe caning cropc la Miaaesoi


n-d H«-,
^ ^ CwnpelMi EigM
Vaare Hence.


_________ _ nay 90-CDaaenUng
On u artlide In tbe BatVrday Druing
Ptw! of May 1C. deaertbad tbe defeat
of Senator Aldrich and hla carvcncy
bin. principally through ibe efforta ot
William Aldca. Sallb, who aarahtled tbe intorgent republtcu torcee
of tbe aenato for the defeat ot tbe
till. BdKor R. M. Andrew* ot the McDoatoea HeraM. to a ctrong editorial
pradiru the poaaibimr of W'lmaa Al­
dea Smith beooBlng the r^nblcna
eudidate for prwldeit in 1911.
Hr. Andrew* uy*: "Ml
well be proud of William Alden Salih
The day laeonSng.we verity believe,
when hla name wlU be on the repobllBUkmal Heket, a* the party'e
ebolee for tbe greateet boner on urih.
He la a plain au. come up ttoa pov­
erty to power ud poalUon through
ble penonal atolliy to aucorufully
eoadlllou before which auy
would write 'lapoealble.'

Believed Thet Them Will Be a Greet
Crowd In the City end That
Each end Every Peraen
Will Be batiefted.
Arraageaeoto are well under way
tor the blggeet Fourth of July eetebraUon tbe dty bu ever had end to a
few daya, a aau meetlog will b«
called for the porpose ol ptcUng up
the detollB. it to the toteutiOD thli
year to nlae a heavy fund ud al­
ready liberal ratncriplIoDB have been

1 to celebrate tide
year bu been gnletiy made for aev
daye and Mayor Geraalae and
other* have
buay aacertoL-^
unUaent ud cloetog up prellalnartee tor tbe celebmtton. The ruult
ta that a good etart bu already been
Bade ud all tbal la neceeaary now I*
to appolat the varioua ooamitl
and everybody get buay.
iber of aurroundlng townt.
who pent big delegation* here lut
SRNOR EDUARDO OC ERAM. OF year, were eo well pieaeed that they
wait the city to celebrate again thia
year *0 that tbe ouialde wtendance
toll be large. Coming on Saturday
atoo. the people from the country will
MoRLMIIlienalre and Om of the h
bp to town to fall toree.
•owth Amerfea.
It to tbe inleaUon thle year nol only
to have a big cetobmUon but 10 pro­
N«* York. Hey U.—Aeoor Eduardo vide e procram that will pleuc all.
Oe BreM. oollee Wn» of South Ai
There will be the cuatoaary Ug per
BaUittithonelre eoafle end poU- ade with floato of vartoui klnda.
Ncdl tdvlaor of Prcddeet Caitro, of atreet gaaw. reecn, c4e.. and to add!
VMMueU OBd ooe of the moot pit»- Boo there will be a parade Of ail the
Ismt ABaBoNn of the Sooth Ai
to the city, a priu prob­
OBB repnbUe died of polaoa 4n the ably btong offemd for the beet decor
Tletoria hotel. Tweotrjitod. aneebtoe. a lann^ parUe on
tbe bay wlU be another future.
A Breworka company hu made o
prapdaltlon to famtoh not only tbe
wry laieat and beet dlaplay ot fire­
work* but alto to send a man. withoat extra charge, to aboot them off in
WILUAM itNNINOd AND NOLA a pn^er manner. Water aperu would
alao be arranged.
It to believed tbal Ibla big eelebrattoa will take readily aad that all the
Cerameny'Wat Perferntad . 1
aenta will be perRev. A. T. Fergueen, Free
tUer ef Thie DIetrkd.


UnU TtN« $25
■ fouNa



»; Atoned to
•b Mod.


When Yniltom Aldea Smith wu
making hi* fight tor Senator the Me­
nominee HemM wu bit ebamploa
among the' upper penluula paper*
on oae occulod printed a full
plctare of hlm-




J9 Waraer today named as t
err to attend Ibe launehtag ot the bat-

|<t.icbaso the stlrer ser
Bletmu. John R. P-—" — ■ Btralhearn HeadHe. of Detroit; Wax. C.
Convince People That tho Country to Phipps, Saginaw: Jas. H. Dnvidaon.
Ray aty: R O. Wood aad Dnllas
All RigM and Ha Rualnota la
Don. Fltol; IV-B 8. Hanchetl. Grud
Alt Right and Hard Tims* . ,
Rapid*, and Jas H. Seagv-r. Hoaghloo.
Are Enriad.
Tbe *ute baa cppraprlau-d 17.000 for
New York. May SI.—John W. Vu- the silver eertlvf- and expense* of the
clenve. president of the NarioaU AssoctaUon ot HuatacCnrera, spaaktag
at tbe Waldorf hotel banquet said; .
-There is u end of hard Umaa.
Tbe day of prosperity haa bogna to
daws and U only remMux for yon to
talk prosperity In your different toenlItiea when you go to your home* to
convtnce the people with whom you
■ -nsaoelate sod do buatoeas that the
ronntry Is all right, that tte boa


Profeser Koch Argues that Larger
Wild Baaat* in Africa ShmRd Ra



Seventy Per Cent efthe Btstato Data-;
gates Are Openly for the Nebrukan—Mlerturi Ha* S9
Jefferson City. Mo.. May 91.-^The
demoeraile suite oonrcnUcin Inatract'
ed MUsonri s 3C delegntee to to
unit (or WllUsm J. Brynn.
Kansu Aiae.
Baltaa. Kaa„ May 91.-The support* of Jobaaon. who attempted to ue*nre IntnicUoM ot the Kansu dele­
gation. were amothered bx the I
tQrcen. Berenty per cut Of the dele­
gates here are openly tor Bryu.














■el Hu Been ta BKtatoMn tor^
■at Two Yura
IMu junto’
A. Leau 1s Ih* ln9»Nn

Tbe Srai gnduttag exerelMn dfftha
Training School tor Nhrnw nt the
Koribera MMu^ uylnm. thia ettg.
will take ptaee oe Tneeday gvliw.
June »th. Ihla tratai^ Mtooel hu
been' to extotenoe nbmt ««• yean
Ud thto to tlM Sm etou to mdnnie. The BupertaUtodeu of th* ntoool
to Mto* Jeulc A. Luce. M hu had
dlTMUon of tbe tastrwetkm «C th*
The cradosto* are u toOovs: TIP
tor A. Phtrteh. BenneU -P. BUM.
Wealey R. Remmna. John O. Btog*u.
Dm Bell Lwwto. Bnttto Holmse Put.
Hnnr Baker, Hnry Imntoa ftah.
ra M. Bigbee. dum M. Wbmt. Imta* Kttoeher. Saynwad a JuhnuR,
Bather T. Keller, Ledadn HnaM WBton, Lorene Shryw, Amy Ovontt, LgV
HuFhlthWatah.Aun Ohm* »vn^
Lena Aldrich ISovey. Ftonua BatoR
ItoaaL Oathartee MeKtniwB. MniMi
Margaret SteOoimld. Loato* & ll»
Olren. Sadie U Dn^eity.
.TU tutnetloB in the uytata'
•ebool for nnrnto U UuranghdM guk
Ucatariy pertact «e nonoau
ttou which extat. and th*
tto* tor practknl work wkkto «•
praaented. a nebeo| tot mma to 9»
qnlrad by taw «a M-of the ntfito SBF
luma ud the results which wGl he
demooa^ntad In the Bnt sniMuI graduttag------- —;i iBTiiTi |- the
value of thto -TliBisiiuL


' 9IM tittle lapped the till of a aa' leob mmr MBCWer Meaday Bight and
BB tlM aMM «»a ooed Blao uk4( the
ovBCr’a BfrooBt He eniBe to thia
(fty wham Obtat Aah|M/gcit bin
Bad bMd bis lor the aefeoa keeper
When the MObey wBf to be
ed the Mow oaly bad M Mt oat of
I* Woridng Hard to Get Things Into

poaMbU Itt. Be Bleo beggaS ao hard
Shape to Begin WeeUnga
for the orereeat that tbe owner AewNext Week.
ed tbh soot sobaroBB klad of a
-Wedaeadw at the bone of the
one BBtoiw aad tet him keep It. aa Hde. 190
ftraet. Mtae Nebi
be had wsae other, little
1 ud WUllan iea
t W, Murphy, of the
to go tree.
both of thle city, were nnlted to
Gospel Hlastoa. te buay at work ai^
rtage by tbe Rev. A. T. Pergi
ranglnt seats ud other fonHshlngs
The bride wu atteadeA by. Hlea
fur tbe gospel tent which be la* pliebBdyth Hennanee. of Oadiltoc. aad
Ibe vacant lot on Ibe corner of
groom by hie brother Baitoa JeaCass Ud Wuhlngton etrecu, ue:
KMMBAMO RMN «r HOOMb Mbre Oe- toga.
Orange hall, ud which be hopes to
Tbe bride wu etUred in white fllk
cWad «e WbSB RileaUaw War
have ready for work by the drat of
ed oentod cream roeea and Mlu
week. These gohpel meetings
OH WlHfadlNat
Hetwianiw wai gowned In blee allk
win be continued tbrougbout tho sum­
and carried red roaoL The borne wu
mer Moaoa. nnd ura a o
ygiiHUMe. MIeb. May 10.—The
thl- Gospel Mlaskto which Mr. Mur^
board of baoltk of Kelamaaoo «t a piotlUy deooratad fa apple bloaeoiM.
earaaUon and roeea. After the «
bu been eonduettog on Booth Union
aeattag dieldta to wage war ea
street for the lut eight moalhi.
boaae ty. For aeretal weeka the fee- many tbe friendt'oT the coeple with
Mlauke In Signal* Said to Hava Boon
beuUTbe Ooapel Mlulon Is not connect­
rtoary of the hoard baa beea baiy
waiive lb.- rldewalk requlremi-nU ud
ed with uy denoBlutlon but Is tor
gatbortag etadetlea aad haa aiade hia fai dianW.
Mr. and MTa. Jennlngi 'leave taU
the mall will be delivered to everytbe beaefli of the people to geiieraL
ropert NoUeaa wlU be aeat to etory
Mr. Mnrphr will xocare the service*
beoaMoldii ta tbe dty. owaere of ranlng for Detroit. YpritoaU. Big MBTHOOiST FOREIGN MISSION- body twice a clay.
| The petitions wyi be thoroughly
' HoMT olaMea. aad plaoee when Rapida ud other polato in ^otheni
Antwerp. May 21—Seventy-five per­ of al.le tpenkers ud be utiei|iatet
circulated and an attempt made to
refm satbaro aad breeding tdaeaa Michlgu. They wlUJ^ at home to
ms were killed aud many more were much good will re-.ult froi
gain the slmalures of all. It is be- seriously Injured in a comslon be-: meetings during tb< coming tOB'arr.
tor dMA are Made to keep theee pUeae their frtmde aftot A let at UT
West Eighth etrceL Both have many
Waatorti Michlgu Canfee-: Ueved tbal when Ibey reach the postaoeMypaoMO^
eitaff aad th* Grand Tmvama
niaater general, they will bear the ween a imaseuger ud fretfht train
Tbe^booxd bra BA the dty eoadl Irteada here to wtoh the mhappinoa.
It Coniicb. a small town six mile*
.ligDBlure* of orer 9.000 people as koiitbeaiil of thix ctiy.
s matter in which all
or aateeatos, tte tsteatloa bdag to
A tiilxak- to vignali was made ud
laiprm. opoo the peopW the Importb<- irslnr came together brad on.
Tbt l*th unual meettog of the
■ aaeo of (heeklag tbe propagaSoo
t of tho Mkhlpan WoleMgan conterenoe of the Woman s'
Five Roye incidentally Broke Into
Iko boaae peat aa a proreattre of
FoKlgn MlMlonary soedwy ot the'
Jell aa They Mug Berva a Term
Hetbodtot cWircb will be held to thl. I
areawat win be aa 'operlDetroit. Mich,
May n._Tb*
Clir May Jd. 97. ud «. the confer*way ---------- -t tha pbyddaaa dedare that
HlcblgBii Woman's Pieas *as<
JeatlM Ole Hotchlna and Marihall enea taclodlng the entire western half
ouncludi'd Us three days' seii
0. W. Baraee of Fife Lake arrived to of Mtrifigan.
electing tbe tollowlng officer*: Pre»the cliy Ihla noon bringing George
The president of the conference
ideni. Mr*. Grace Greenwood Browne.
Captain IBchard T Ken
ible. Clyde Oele. Cbarlee Outnf- I Mr*. H. J. Felkner of Grand Rap- ,
bis home on Peninsula street at
Harbor Beach; vlceitreMdeat. y.m.
«*- Eiery Baldwin ud Ed GraS. Ms, the eorrepaoadlng seereury. Mn. .
Washington. May 90—Tbe iMiminy Jcule BoeU. Au Arbor;, hecretarr.
The men or rather boya broke tolo a c B.
u«> .1 o™j K.r-.o„ ,m
ma., ud klllicg of railroad puasengera. Mto* Edith Lennon: ireuurer, Or.
box car al Walioa Sunday night, aad Ida. nnd tbe trenurer. Mis. W.
Emma Bower. Port Htuon.
atiernoon at the Flnf Methodist
token to Fite Lake yeeterday. Kont of Battle Creek. Tbe seasloni ^
■wtod the VakM of Foroot Feei church. McPherson Post O. A. R. ud lead, by the strict eutorestant ot
Theyieenred dynaaite and pop from wUI he held la tbe First Meibodl*: '^
peoaltle* tor Mlure to comply with
doote ef the OeMBtr/.
,1. O. O. F. lodge being to charge.
the borftortied car. All except Qaa- ehureh. ud u eaoellent program has'
Capufin Henderson was
years the block *lgul and oiber laws tor
. Weebtagtao. NaT *0—Tbe uaUi teteoB any that they eome from How
old and leave* a widow, ooe daugh­ the protection of travelers.
OMpw ef foreu piodaett to tbe Dali- ard. They were each ecnteacm.
■mu Beer. Werluun to Cemefrt
ta ecmjunetion alih the eeoterence.' ter. Mr*. H. P Hnnu a sleter. Mr*.
•d SutM hea hen eeUiaated by tbe •etwe 90 daye ta tbe conaty toto
Plant At Elk Rapid*. Cnmhed
^ Thontberg. of Marion, tad..
ttMaitaeat ot agrtenlnre aa aaooat
Traverse Dtsiriet ................
Womanx' ”
Foreign .and h bfobter. H. H. Hendorsoo of
Mg to «lJMd00i00. Tbeae Rgarei
MiMiOBtory ooelety wUl be held here New Onatle, tad.
Party at Hr. and Mra. Kraapato at
wore tor 1900. Til* oompana faror
May 99-99. The otSeen ot the dis­
Bk Bnplda. Meh., May 9L-^*amu
aMy with tbe eatlre mtoerel eaipoi tome Unloaded LM fw the Tray*me trict nrc:
Twenty eoaplot were royally en­ Been wu tostantly killed thto after
CNy Iren Werfca.
wbfcb ta the eorre*poadtog yW«apPrenldent emeritan—Mie. M. C.
tertained tt the pretty home c< noon at the cement pUnL He yu
Moitooied 9l.noieo.eeo. Th* torgem
Tbe barge J. 8. Crosee. of Sheboy- KeUoiB Trarene City.
ud Mr*. PVuk Kroopa.of Na- working In a oonreyer at the loot of
ttow Of ralee to the teaUmr ptodae- Ua. tended at the dty dock thli
WlRtam H. White.
i-wuia Saturday evenlnE. Daiic- an taellne. Above him, a car wu
ttaa WBf OAdOOiOeieo beard toaaOBio moratog wUb a land ot am aacUn- ,Boy»e City.
j Peioakey. Hay 90-^per Deraller tog and staging were enJoyng mtu bring antaaded and thto ta some way.
feet ot totolhr rafamd at OOtioeiOO. ery for the Travene Ctty Irta Work*.
Raeerdtag neeretnry^ln.
W. care the oU Ume poUWlans another 11:90. when a deliclons Dni^ euppv got loou from the man. nnd^ down
Nan M OCder wee Irewood ot 100, The aacfclnety to a part of that troa
jtbo^ when be appotaed Aaron Orth
eerved, A number from Oednr ud crmklng Been.
OOOSOO oordA ratawd « MMjeoiOO. the aaw adn at GIch Arbor which the
U a prohlMttoolst ud streeg chureh Ran nuendeC nmoog tbea being
Mr. Btors wu between SS nnd «
Tbeee t*o MOtoe. tagdbtr waka a MlB. Cntpcsiter. Pellstao.
,man. as manbaL The nomiuUon Mr. dnd Mra. Bdd Corbett'und
yenr* old nnd tanvu n widow, three
tteo donate ar M per oeot of the msck. was promptly eenfimed by the repnb•ms ud tvh daaghten, nil grown.
Ure loreot ootooL
^ n Bu Uba* Ha Ut*B hue
Heu eoBBcO.
I bo«r declartag




Berlln. May !0-The Gerau *odety for tbe protecOon of wild ulaal*
I* to proi*|t against Profaaaor K
propoul that tbe Urger wild animat*
to the Afrfeu colonies be oxtermlBated, since they harboral tha taetu
fiy. which feed* upon their blood.
The preMdent Of tbe
WOULD TAKE CARE OF OUTLYING duke ot Ratlbor, urged, on th* eonintry. that tbe example of the Ion^DISTRICTS.
don Zoological •ociely. ud the BritPetition Will Be Circulated in Each tRb society tor the PreservaUon Of
the Psuns ofwhe Rrapire. be followed,
Ward and to* On* Started To­
that every meu be take to pr«day Wu Signed by All
aervp from extinction the wild ani­
Who Saw It.
mals Id the Oernsan Africu colo­
Tbe peutlona for iwo extra mall nies.
carrier* arc being clrrulaied about
the dty ud WlU be preaeoicd
every ward, the vorion* ward* having
beu taken by different people.
The down town petition was pre­
sented today ud wu readily algned
by all who were approached 00 the
matter, the bualneu men being eepecj: W. Hnilkn C—ty Amt. I. N.^
tally interested. Tbe peiltion uka
N* Longer Trvant OWeer of
that two extra mtol carrier* be ap
the County.
pointed, one a moanled carrier to
care for the outlying dlalrlcU and the
J. W. Hllllker tendered hla rutg- other I regular mu *o that tbe work
Utton to Sheriff Jobuon yeeterday DOW done by the other carrier* could
U ootaty trout officer. Hr. Hllllker be divided ud leaeened wbteh would
la trill the oonnty agent ud found make tbe aervlce «tKI mure aatltfaethat the dutleo of tbe two otSee* tory.
eluhed oootinually. *o be gave op
0«1lig IOi the fact that Trarene
City 1* apread over such nn area, the
addllloo of two more carriers I* ab-






Taday Hla S«i and >
Are Taking the 9
t A* They Were B»

K™ Tort, lU,
Marsh, tbe Brooklyn Invoriar, 4inm^ by speeiaUsta of tbe Pnataer to«««*. to whom be went tar trenb
meat when be dlsriSered that be bat
contracted fiydrophobto while uitoff
- wounded dog. died within tiu
altattad to bita by Dr. W. U
Wheeler, of tbe lutltate.
Today Ram^ dUreh. his 9l-y«iv
old son ud Mlu Ibompeon. fate sttmographer. are nndergotag the Futsu
treatment, bavlag been exposed to tb*

cation Vrera the CaMoe.
Orlando Perrt* paaaad away «t IB
o'clock Tburaday at hto homm, 4X9
8ut« street, after a vmg itrnttaud
IDneu. death reenltlng from a eou^
ration of dlaeaau. He wu M yean
old aad leave* a widow and six cbBdrea. Mn. Maud Toasley. of Fertta;
tbe Misses MuiUla sad Beari* Fentt.
of thto city, and Boy, Fred aad
Ferris, also of thto dty. Two gnuriehlldren nre also left.
Mr. Fern* bad made hto hoto* ta
this diy for the teat seven yua, Wa
Mnhplaee being pur Sagtanw. Bn
wu tmlted In marriage 99 yeug ago
to Mtas BUxA flBrith. ta 1
Mra. W. B. MeboU of llertl^p«<
wu In tbe cUy today ce bet Way M
Grand ftapida for n vMt with frtntoi
Mtoa Tlds Bbetlaad- toft today im
a vlaR with friends at Kta^tay.
~ ulgn Pndeoee Itontan aad BA
tatut Adel of tha BalvatlMi army
left this Bormtag lor b thraa vetoir

- '/



Mum Tiuvnut Hnuoa mAV. auv it jm.

bat. Inrose BcnU Im TiipwnitiTtnii «OBa«a
rwiu A woKi




K OHWrta

Mtf* t.

a ItaWM OUr W4 poMlbratloi <or
lipMtiMMkM o««n« • sMbjMtCor
to 0» dtrwston ot U«
■ bmrtal t,odo^MW>^""i miof
vnvMMBt M ter M (be BDw4fl»B
te wowoa bovo itroo^ r*
AttMOa. Tbat tbo rtvor
Mtet »•
**^ *°*^
' .to fliHnMd br
cntoes «bo bu
tfftm tbo utter tboofbt. U tUowod
' ..JIO-OIIM te itt *rooat eaditla »t
<pf| bOOOM 0 OOriOM UBMt te IbO
•Ptete kMOtb. Tbto to otoo eoaeodoO
' Vbo fortla ortoM tbo. whot amob*
4^ bo oAoplod «o rosodr tbto rtrj
M It
tetejr, tbo I
ifror teote tbo Bomb. A Upr te»r
«At Auto-tbo boy, to proettSby tu
%w^ oovor. oa« vKb tbo oooptlai of
tbo AM to vMeb tt .to Aoooted by tbo
tbu Ob ooUot
toko OBO tbo BOWBCO of
Otty. lo ter M tbo Ott oow
M0TBO4. tbbt aterprtoo «ll>
•ot boot BOO ter tbo rivor
MBMMIBt OBOOttoft Bt tbU
and to wbat ostent sban
■tear bo laproTOd aad bow ehall

•>i|glU property mwt bear tbo mo/'jar ^rOM of tbo oxpoaoo, it ptllai
Ubo sboold bo dooBod ad■ <«Mte.^iMd tbto bodoetdodBpoa,a
^Wbyima ospOaeo fr^d bo onttotod
tea'atty alee. As the rtror to,a
'VHlilt Utedte. Aftrotod lo tbs disposal
t.; -bPttodapa. U woaM boob teat in caaa
ft • .»ga>Ttoi was foddod npoB that the
1^. M^HMd Bhata tko oxpoAM orlib
PWbaro to a certain ox- I»Wa. bw»«wr. to a matter
te^ahiy bo OBtloterbHw
# teUaotod, nowoTof. K to eopoodod
0 of a rery largo
g^tof BOBoy BBd bardsblp Bpon
a It tbo prdpBrty ownert.
WboB of BOafn bas g^oa
Jtea to ^BBob dtoeoMloB by Uipayora gnarally
wrally and
by people who are
bPtmod BBd dadro to ooo
bod of dele tmproro'Om oawOotlcB, altbOBgk boI
oAilrdy BOW. bas booa teoaaonUy
)gBi» ^utag tbo past tew woekx, aad
sHwf to te opoa the drar to tba bay
‘ inm tba petal wben it ereaaao Woat
ftebt attoat. by oMi
\ (|MA*Pt.«teBt to tbo bay. soar tbo
./■water wofba, aad thaowby BlUng «p
praoiat Btioam from tbo Wool
■■■JWtml Btroot brldgo to wbera tt
: .AM^Ategttea Me tba b07. tbo bod
bCAfeo atoaote m It aew «tott to bo

I la tbo lai«ag a< tr«ak sewtea, WbiOtraam
B thoB
tboB i* Iha toned as
mkr «r teny poan ago aad at that
aitea WatBd ha«% booa aa eaay proV
■ AM. CtoABj It te t dtOkalt probloBL
* b|g tebatbte- tt lo note dtncalt aad
«MM ba taero OBpBBdTo tbaa to pile
Ogitelf te luh ddao from tbo dam
JMVa tetath, to a taanor that' wUI be
■ \

iliwMBi telly by
'■it te'tbb'oplBtoh e( aaay that tbto
aMbga weM bb dodrable. It w«aM
baddbte aboOdi a taflaaeo to tbo pabItoibteHb. bat wmld iteali ta a raltiBbte atrip of tote that eonid bo oaaUy
tewted to poMto eaterprteoo or prl«HAa btetaoao prateda. Tbo awiter It
odoaud ohouip
SB taidUgeat
'WboMi K oote mauirtaUBoa or not.
It to eaaoedod teaiMo prep«
baotoorlt. todloeaaatag Uomattar it
teW days ago. Vleo-Pt«oldoat 3. H. P.
IteMart o» tbo O. H. A L rallnad
was rory tarorably Impreeood with
Ibo aaggiwrtno aad otatod that tbe
«■ B. A I. raflroad wwald bo gtod
to ee agieato tf tba amtur were
ft to a Mg problem, but Tnearw City moot oxpoot to mod big
• ptebtead ta tbo tetan ao tbo dty toanaooa ta pteatottoa ate ttBportaaea.
lb aay moa^ boro to a& opport
ter tbo iipriiilti of tetabma of tbo
ppogte who pay Ubm ate who raa)^
. -tee teat ttanrao €9iro tetan abeoM
' ba aba aara of tbo.praaaat goaora-

THK city dock.
4hOTt two yiton bga. tbo llaaaab
A Ur «MM>r «*«•
TigaiMi qty tie oast bait of tbo
^Jaat iraoi of tbo NortlwB Mtah-


Tba vadoat traos wlfl not^only bp yiltao Martteek. ao pteaUote te tbo
<n» oeir pnruiffc a Ut «Md of aa oraatatet t« tbo ctab gr«dta|AMl duh, flOod'tbo pootttaa oa tciifoa
sift.«u <ku tte'elty v«t 1A« 4ott win be a protoettoa te tbeta, prorsat- ter ta a atagalarty bam manner,
lag tbo ante tmi betag felon to a terery mewfeto te tbe dab bad aa
l8to ropv Slapo sM
or a itOfT wbtafe tept the
gitet aauat dartag tbe otomo.
TboBMMk A Ur
duly tBTOOd tbo dock oror to teo dty
Ady Mte of trtpoo. wUb tbe exeop- buB^ ta tbe propel state
b«t tbo dty bu Mt kopt Ito ocrod ttoa of poptort. ibot win grow on tbe indasm.
It, tbo dock BOt botBc to good pdat wlU be aecepuble. Those who
n tbe name of (he dab. Treddeat
ohopo ud bM flt for tnOle boeonoo can famUb traw bat caat tears the Marttaefc prrswated PtofMaoiu Nye
of ito oOBdltiOB. ne HOBBoh A Loy dme to pleat them, oboald
ate Wiley nitfe a book as i
eowpoflteo la order tbot tbfey moy bring tbrm to tbo ctah. They wU ba
•aei te the feelings
bndto tboir bBtoBooo.''p(«paoo to pot taken care of property aad oM oat by Lewto Cass of t« toward tbeai.
tbofr sMe of tbo dock teto obopo but thorn ta cheixo. Adwai* Payooa^bao
profteaor Kye. la thaaktag
doteg. tbo eliy mmt
tu offered to doaate o aumber of ebnibt Jab. aald that K.%ad beag;a ptoaanre
bolf iBto good eoBdlUon or tbo <
to tbe Cln^ sad on glfU of o Hko as- to klm to be preaeal at (ae debates
PMy bo d>«t lo olaoot u mvA
wUl ae appractalod. U being the
note the carefnl preparation and
ponoa oo tbo coot of tzlng tbo entire tatontloa te make tbe grounds as prel steady Imprereawat te the members.
ty as poaonda.
He hoped teU the orgaUxattea would
.Tbe dock Boyr owned by (be etty U . Clob members are org«l not to tor be kept up and Ms sta'xwmti tbu
a YBlnobto piece of property end ndll Vt tbat'wext Monday U Arbor day there would probabty be o etaoo ta It
be aoro nlBObie IB Obo. Tbe prop^
next year was tottely applauded.
all sSbuld do tbeir pan.
cny to too TBluble to bo allowed
Prteeooiw WUey said that work
rerert lo Ito orlgtaol owoero, wbleb
along this this Ilae wu his tone
It wlU do MBleoo pot iBto pood ehape.
sod be wtobed that ba ndgbt hare
bo takes fcoopti LaLoMs of Cadillac to Ctaod charge te
data. Tbe fact
tcL oo mpalr dt that It wtU bo Bt tMhe was going to Cheboy^ wouji:
Attar a AJnpwlog llineoo of
at eaoe leosea Us tatereeto in the
Over 0 Year.
By taipoolag a nUnor ekarge. wbU
Codiriac, May JO^Aftor a lingering
U allowabio ander tbo ^ood. tbo dock
Proddeat Marttaek, ta his tarwwell
can be node to awtetala Itadt aad mneos of orer a year. *tbe result Of addreos, uid thsi a elub as good as
pay lotereot m tbe bm^ tavoeto^ fn roedrtn* lajurieo ID foUIng off the tbe present one ought to be orgsntoed
DlalnsIto fopalfo. Thera kaa boos eoBoldyesr and tbU It shotAd wipe
mill plant. Jooteb ULonc U dead, the defeat at East Jordan.
erable boolBoao oi tbo dock
poet, bnt tbo collectlooo bare Bol ffe was on expert mUlwrtgbt and bad
Tbe speecbes were receirad with
beea c^alT B»ate and tbe rorane >eeB la tbe employ om Cummer A itltorm eothusiasm and tt was with
rMsotred by tbo city bn* bora oboII. Dlgglno for tbe past tweaty-'wo
H„. to to
After to to repafiwl. tbo ooUeetlon end At one lime be was sent lo FToridn
oboBld be tooked otter aad tbe proper where be oapertatendod a targe plant
tor tbe company.
fooo ooUeeted.
TiarOTM City Booda a dock ot tble Mr. LaLonde was oAyMUed totnaay
kind end sooda ito badly. U tbe daily ipalatul Inlartai and be seemed to
boat between hero and Bbconoba mno, trarel under an nalneky our. Just be­
tt win toad at the-city doA. Tbe fore going to Flortda hl^ toot was
tegs, bargee, elt, that come euagbt ta a rapidly rotaiUig puller
late tbo city with enppUoo'for local and the limb nearly lorn from
All also con toad tboro. By baring t»dy. While in Florida be fell and
Msny persons will i
dock where tbe dockage f#M_are broke both arms and
upon arririttg home again all
ool osceoilre. ibr baslaesi
(bo dty who reeelTO poods by reooel ;tbe ftagers of Us rlgbl band were
bencflued atwl throng then tbo strork off by t uw In tbe compaify's bts doorway, tor John passed away i
psopte of tbo city 01 tbo people al- plant. About a year ago bis taM oect.
rt tallure. It was but
Aired while be was riding a
days pay tbe freight.
■as taken trotq bi»
oo tbe tramway here at aigfat.
As oUtod before, tbo
It Front street to
His wheel struck a smsU block of (be aanltarium for treatmeot. For
dock Bbotild act be allowed
oot of tbe fingers of tbo oMp -,bnt wood 'aad threw Mm to (he ground many years be bas been troubled with
■bonld be reulned eren tbougb it ooot bUow, breaking three riba and caoo- bis bean and this winter tuberculo­
cd Interaal Injuries i^hlcb rtenllod sis ot the lungs set ta.
tbe dty about 15.000 to do oo.
Wo betJere that tbe people of tbe ta bis death.
Many ot bis meads tried to per­
ores a member or tbe Mooonlc suade him to go to the Odd Fellows
dty would sU agree lo tfeU If they
aad the
giro tboB^t
homo At Jackson, but be stoutly re­
fits te bastag a dock owned by the
fused, saying that he was all right. >
____ ____________
Mr. McDonald hu Ilrad In this re­
gion for 40 rears bis father owning
Muooolmaa Wilt Aloe Attend
a (arm on the
Tbo dty eoaadl again bas tbe ut'
years. Borne time ago be moved to
tar te Bortag tbo fire dopartmeat oathe city and started a small fruit and
lor ooaaldoratloBi tbo propocUtoa laconfeciloner)' store and a lunch room
'otrlag oltber tbo parebaso ot tbe
Freeh Lake Ftoh.
H. A. Mnooelmoa. manugor of ihc
and be bas been employed In tbto
Wtertyl building on the corner of
uioelmui Grocer company, ta ihU
butlneas since that time.
Union and State airceto or Ibo bdlld- city. eeeompaUed by Mrs. Mussi
The only known nlaiive te the de
tag of a atructure UamodUtely south
ceased Is an uncle who Brea at the
Wo boHoro that tee Fotarty) prop­ south. They will tloll Mr. Musori- Boo.
ntan's moUtor near Oetlyoburg. Pa.,
erty oboaM bo purebaood ao It to
rery deefrable comer and tbe price also spead a few <dayt ta Dalttmore.
Bo^ from an aecoaata and jndgtag Durlag the trip Mr. Maooelraaa
ft the exprtertte of those who know.
Freeh Uko Flab.
Mias Elton Airitin and Chsriee AnOr^rs' aaooclatloB i
U not oxeooilre. Wo do toot know
derton. Ceremony Being at Heme
wbat tbe dost of changing tbli Into
Whlto fiah ..............................
of Bride's Brother.
gaartoro auluble tor tbe Ore depnriPoaltfjr.
atent would be, but tt onitet not to be
Miss Ellen Austin, wbo for more Poultry, per lb.......................... ..ItOlCc
than SO years taught irbool eonllQU
Tbe fire department needs more
ouely In Leelanau couniy. was unlteii Potatoes ............................................... 45e
room. The Case otreet bulldtag Is
enprtag all tao avaltabio apace and
home of her brother, ISugene Auslln.
•11 tba room in tbU to used. An «xof Qllben. the groom being Chariea
tiB team to needed but there to bo
Anderson, a prosperous farmer, who
place to pul tt The Petartyl comer
reside* near Ollbeii.
to oonreBlent tt to adjacent to prop­
A number 'of relsave* and frlemts
TataM Rsplaes Long Onm In .
erty already ownad by tbo city and
of the bride left tbto morning to at­
Olalnp Room.
wouM make an exoeUeat place for the
tend tie wPdtHng. nmteig them being
if prirsoDs who took the lake (rip her sitter, Mrs. Ed Hatch and daugii
ta tbe future, Trarerae City wlU
. roily: Mr. and Mr*. Louis Overly 5.W tob........................
upon the steamer MIsaouH last i
hxTo a eoaroBUoa ball aad tbo dty
Sebomberg: Mxs. Charles Loefflcr com. tot. ................................ to
mer were to go aboard again thto
property oa South Valoa otrwt to the
•OB they would aearoely' rocoenUe and Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lautner, of
logloa! toeattao tor ooek.
if tbe
the Interior ot the bout ao changed
Peterty) building was pnrebaae
bas it beoome.
Miss Austin taught school longer
iM giro plenty of room tor tbto,
In the first place tbe interior ttoc- than any other teacher In Lstclanai
but tf It waaaT aad a building
orsiloa have all been changed or couniy. (ehchlag her first school j
burn ImmeUloly ooutb, there would
rather are belni; changer for a forfe quarter of a century ago. Two years
9t be mom fjpr tbto aadiUwloB
of men under the eye of Steward ago she look an extended vacation, Hto
Tbe other ponton of tbe recom*
Oeo^ LeRoy Is engaged fn pulling leuvlng In the spring for the Pacific sto.
BOBdatloB belore tbo oooaeU, tbu
Ufg^lp ta a Stale of arritUc luxur- coast, vliiitlog rrlailTts In Wasbingtbo Oaoo otreol property- bo note for
DMs'lhat will rival that of any
She bas a large circle of fm uds
tbo elty offloeo, oounell room and
boat on the lakes. The cabin furnl- throughout Leelanau rcunty who
poltoo boadauartem, would pr^de
U bring entirely re-uphototered lend tbe couple Ibelr slncerest uithes
sulUbifl office room and would #ave
u rich green velvet Aad topping foi bapplDtsa.
tbo dty ILOOO a year r«^ fl.oea repoff the -round sMiees are large hand
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson win leave
raaaoUag tatereat on'aa Inroet
No Use te g>ie.
painted’ gaidtaieres.
this evening Tor Grand RapUto
of |tO.OW. approxtmatdy wbat It
••I have found out that thrrr ts no
In the dining room the toag tables their wedding trip, after which they
iM eoot te ebaago tbo locattoa of
have beed remoled and In thrir stead will rciurii to the groom s bpnte
dopartmeat and tbo dty would
round individual tables, a featore Gilbert.
gala a doolmbto tdM» of property.
which win be BWta appreriated by
the patroaa of the line.
Oeod for Everybedy.
The ktiehen to one large
Mr. Norman R. Coulier, a promlrlsc^nd
to pronounceJ
iitomailc oontrivaoces aueh as dish seat arefaitset In the Delbert
washers, egg cookers and the like. In 8ai) Francisco, ssys: 'T fully endorse
all that has been said te Deciric for rough* and colds, la gr:., ,
upper cabin the upholstertag ts BlUcri as a tonic medicine, it u good ma. braoebtUs and hoaraeneas, »
done ta a dark red. On the white for ereiybody. It rorrecis stomach. sold under guaranty at & E. Walt
background te tbe wells are panels Urer ahd kidney dUorders in a a Bona. Hannah g Lsto. C. A. Bogwith torches done ta shell green end prompt and erficleui rasnner and bee Drug Co drug stores. 50c and tl
builda up the aysiem ' Eiectric Bil­ Trial bottles i
lanrei wreaths in geld which gives
ls the besf^ spring medicine ever
Onnwnlttan Has Sona Appolntte to
the cabin a plaJb but U««*tag apiear- >ua« over a drogglttY counier; as a
Have the Mattor In Cbaigo ■
blood purifier U te uuequaled. 50c at
• OoMtton Witpoma
S. K. Watt B Bona. Hannah A Lay.
C. A. Bogbee Drag Co., drag stores.
Arbor day wlU*V obeereed ai




mtMKESlBMI strong?
In judfirifre A buk. mltnys remember
that it it Capital, Surplut and llRdi*
vided Profits that give lecoritsr to
the depositerM because that mooey it
what stands between you as a
depo.^tor and any pnasible sbri.n^9ge
in the securities hdd hy a ba».

CAPITAl, SDmbS and PROms
of this bank amount to J$263.O00-'00
and itive assurance of absolute secuf'
ity to all our depositors. ~


Il'toliir'JItoto ii


.................. iij:



nsf TiRooGi soun



AT TOE ary book STtmE.


SalurdiQr May 2SFd
lUta B look orer tfaid lint BDd btaU
yoonelf of extra good vahu>.
6 ptooe Wfaile Cbambte Seta Kgtilar tl-00........................$US
While Diooer Plalea worth 6e.............. ............................. ---te
Copt and Saocen logolar 5e....................................................4c
TombkaiWvuUgSo ............................................................
Shrit Papn aU ooiort teKolar So...............................................«e
Deoniaeoli Crepe Paitarngolar 10c............
2qt Olate Water Pitcher recolarSSo..............
2 dtDoooratedPotcolAio Jogs regular 3&C.....................Ite
Fiu Deconted Laape regoUr $1.23.............

, ;l



W< have a qoality ot fiihiag lacUf shipped as fron b«
formte atore at Big BapidB which we are cloeibg ai i priee.
Sevenl gallou of pare paint rrgolar tl.65 now..............$1.11
Aqatsiity of good room lot RcmBaat patterea ot Wall
Pdper St i price.

Triverse Hty, lUct.

TXc Bobut Co. prop.






Ateor day wtU coaitaM aB day.
Ibo XMOa aeUrtilos wiU bo from 5
o-ctoek na ate ta tbo orealag. tborr
will be 0 maiduaaltow rood aad bonfirea atoag the boaoh, tbe Artrfwood
gatbered up at dte deaslag boo botag
burned Ibea.
Loo O.
tealrmaa te Ike Arbor day eoauali
too aad ho wui ootoet a bank of wQV
tag woHien who wUl Mporiatete ate
aid ta oetttBg oat tbo Ueoa. Krorrwho boleaga to tbo ^
lo urged to )ota ta (bto.^


From ThorsdAy-s Soeord.
CbieacD. May >l.-C1oee-Vrh«at
May. 9101; com. HHc: oaiA Uc.
DKrtet May tl.—<3ooe—Whelat
Mtae; cora. 7«c: oau. SCc.

Tb« Lswto Gass Defeattag ctah biM
thrif aaaaai kaagasi at tbe Uttto
Tavun McBday Bight Oaly two asMBbars were teMsat ate the coatpaay
waa Juat ta tbe amod ts ealny U
m. After the ropaet. wMeh waa
a iab nappar. had beta Atopoaed te;

Lfvc rrocK.


Then Treat Them Right
Pot tbeo ioto well made, oomlortahle aboea. Itte oat
ftotre Shoe lasvraBCC at oar atore aod yoa «U! ke aeieoied
agni cat all foot troaUe. We have been b^ing Aoaafte Si •
yean and koow tbe kind yra oagbt to have. Me breaking id.


Spruce Up

When Snoday eomM anwod, have you a good lott­
ing pair of sboaaf WooMn't
a oew pair of OXFOBOS

Fix Yoa Up? If yoG

like to have an BMortmeBt to ptok from HEBE'S THE
PLACE* We bare all kintk e< e^kn io oil kioda of ieathan
at all kioda of prioee that bto right

Don’t forget the
Do yon want a »boe that will
wear? Yon want ooo that bas
aoiDB style to it? We have

Our Oxfords and Sandtes
For CUMren arc ready lo be sas— yoa.
Taas or Blaeka.


Oroad Rapidi at 4; 15 p. sa.; Muskemt Buffalo. K. T.. May 21.—Cat­ goe at C:S0 p. PL
tle. 2M: quite ateady. Veato. 15«; acRound Trip Faroa.
Uve. 25c kiteer. 8he«i» ate lambs.
To Grand Rapids, lita
2.C04L Cbotoe iambs oetlve. Arm
•beep. stow. Hogs. 2040; active. IM
To MuskeBoa. lUM.
lie higher.
Mar l*-l»



: oydtoo tmatCTBB niDMua. ram may «l tm.

BOIU ffUft MUbHs MfMB Ua 1
Aaksi M to to BirtBtoM B»€M
portast pabUe bbHIbmi. Mr. C

the aoaatalaa to hlahm aad the ►egoa. '
baSato are drtrca ataag the Imtm toAa Ue pace MargaeUa wSl have ao
to the eerraL Uat pear toe hM Ito torthw nan tor Ue ataitoa at Bunt■to BMto to i».
mnrn aid Cl sea aa the rmage tor ford. N wtU V dlMoattoaed mt Ua
(hr«a waaio. hto ha toaad ihia uo boatoem traaaartod tkiwtoft Kaleapeartva w haa adaptor Uw aew keaka after Mar XL
bmbBbbI^ oI Uw fable
■ctoBto tkat has ttkra plaM Aartoc plaa Ito prtOBg the laaatoador to the
Flgwtog x« can to foga a dar tor
- Tntey Ur. I
Um fwt ta« raaiB. ha«.<aaBa4
Ue gaat U reara. glm ahoat UB.M: 1- nv« OlMk.T»MrrwMMt:
ar aaaM «( Jb*Um to frarali ii.
BM eartaada to h«i Uw have hew
oMwa. OMkiw:
oftltoe adBd* «t toe nuk BBd to at oar
rat hr Ue Tharer Oa. aad haadfod hr
mt. A. X BwnuA AMtotut CMk- Umbi Ubb erer betor*.
Ue pere Mueetie.
the poor oetl^ tor prcaaetlcaa ta
‘The eetora er oar Atoutol hare
Tr«cy Ltj,
rt^t to kaew apaa what ftotbk-to a

• T. lUi»
bo to cow. At preooat tboro i
Mato aoM u thM to i
DitTK A*
■appfon to toe Uafartaat odcir to te be ao proepeet ter eaiMag the atagLaw ttoettog to Ua Yew Ww HeM
Mltoa wUch haa laatod tor
,^<al alm4 «> TIM IMpMlB ‘-iB a Beaera] war let aw aajr toat Uw
Pragram otvea.
mj flaifora wOf be that adoftei at
ato?a^iopU botere the war with
.n OoUMthaa u« Chkafo aeit.BMth.
Tbe toM meettog to Ue Oak Park
Bpala thaa thoee to aar toberebraach
HeUen- clH> tor thi* rear wee beM
hto bCM aae it
of the aerr^. Laat r^r to the cavThe (olfowtog
esraer atoto to ear fanj. a2wBr«: alrr three Ueuteaaat-coloaela
heilree the^ttoe hae ooeae wh«a Blade cotoaeh Md to Ue latoatrr program waa glvcc:
Soag—MlM ClevetoadY Brat grade.
there ehonM be a iiat aitd eqaltoble
tleBtoaaat-cataaela received Uetr,
Reeltwioa Oertrade Metcalf.
readlaaUBeBt to toe acbedalee. which
■ottaMO. In the otbto eredre Ue
BecItoBoa Clad^a EXIw.
«Ul aSocd aaple
dtgereaof' U eUll greater.
Soag—Mlaa Stoae'e int grada.
a. toe hlgheet patoble wa««a Btoace. to Ue cavehr. tear wfora
TV paper for tbe dar na "Ptor.’
tabor, aad a talr letura to
Made Uenienutmoaela aai to
wa* read br Mr*. Saabora. Tbe acbtoe prodaets to the taraa
the totoalrr eight aia}orO were ad­
)cct eras divided Uto three paria.
The fiMiioiHr to aar tfMiiet vanced; tve .cavalrr captotoe were
Mrn. Haraabr read a paper on Ue
largetr depeade apoa the
oted. ead twelve tataairr eaemeatal aUe to pley. Mre. Bvereu
Mae. aad aatarallr atr dealiv
totaa were Bade majora; fweive
reed oaa ee Ue moral eMe to plareathlOea woald be to e«wo the'dle- Alir dm BeatoaaaU were made
trtet la each a war aa to aatofiard tataa while to Ue tolaatrr twMtr- TV phralcal aMe to ptor waa ukea
tip to the geaer*] diacaeatoe.
■n lalararta.atx diet Ucaleauta ercre i
Tbe toUowtog todrere were elected
Aa to the daaaclal BMetloa Mr.
> roek.
(or Ue enaatog rear:
4mm 1.
CoreU aald;
Itoln to Wheat Belt
Premdeat—Mr*. Lowriag.
*1 a* M the aaato oplatoa oa thla
Kaaaaa Cllr .Mo.. Mar XI—With
Vke Prea.—Mre. Clevetaad
lAe IM- ■abtoct that I waa la l«M aad elace. the oeoUag'to rato to the wheat faph.
'At a:M Toa^i^MlKktt *■ lAi
Secreurr—Mlu Thacker.
^ vkank M itaM4PB. Mta
vis: that the auadard to rtrcatoUoa
rrer> dlapaleb telHu to tovorw
program eomaaltiae la to coo
r. tef«u. toraMdr «r Ula eftr. hM ■hoold be baaed apoa ptod.
ble crop coadttloaa. an adoed touch
alat to Mr*. Bran*. Mr*. BUer. Ue to­
■«v Uftoc to 9m*m.
“Uader oar torai to govoratom all
Booaragewat haa cow to Ue
aad Um more whom IVy mar
OMMMt v«I* «l^ IB
bertneee odbUee to Ue middle weat.
Mar luee Rello.
a to oraagea with, whip
Bar. W. H. Ipwii. paator to toe AbPeru. Mar :i—Moat Galat Michael,
a aad cake were aerved.
barr Methodlit cbarch to thto <dtr.
one Of the .BMOt certona rebca to the
the aaleato aad liBpreaaire cee
“I aai canMoUr la enapotbr wHb middle agoa la Froaoe. la aaM to he
•ear took plaoc bedore a baehsroai
the progieeUve poUcf to oar jml- Ureaieaod wiU deetrorttoa. .A «narto aptoe hleaaBM aad graoBd ptae
Theodore Booeevell.
ier to a eeeturr hM piieed
aad waa wttaoaaed hr a BBrnher to
Th the aoMaapHehateat to
Marahal HeMahaa algaeo a deem
Maadi aad relaUvee to Ue hapar eada. l woaM'toad all atr abUK^ aad for Ue coaatrwrtloB to Ue
'' aaaple. The belde waa ohanalsdlr
gj. Farther thaa thto I woa;d
. •Bwaed to BOB'* eetoac aad cartled aoi proeotoe to go. etoo t woato be
a ahewer boMaet to Mdeh; i
toaUag a pUKOm tor aqr partr. aad
^ Che aald to hoaor waa Mlae Uaten tail d«tr haa boea aaalcaod to tho
Parto. Mar n—There aeeam to be ALBERT AND OOftU OLIN WERE
Theaiai. while Nell daietot. hrotoer to drtegalM ar oar groat aattoBBl
a probaMNtr that the boare o< GamAltRBSTCO.
. toe bHda, wae the beat bmib
vaatloB la Chicago aoxt aaoaih.
beiu eeil aooo 'dnd tbelr goal reatbrtoaaBialili bolac Waa Mae Laax
“Mr watchword wUI be. to do right tocTlace to Ue Freoeb Paatheoa.
aad Mtfa norcaoe Cl^aeBt. itMer
aa I as plvaa wiadon to aee
The btwmb. The «ahere were Fred rlghLMfMw aad John GUehrtat aad Mlaa
-JtoUa htaaier flared the weddiaf



(MiMh tHimit 2BH



After the oereBoar, the roaas ^
pie wan teadered a recepUoa ar the
hetohto toe hrtde. Upht
balag aereed at the Hotel Beadoa.
Mr. aad Mn. Oeaiaai will take
. ahart waddtap trip throat the aortbeta pan «d the eute. ^ter Jaaa 1.
to« toCl.ho At haw to their fxlpada
at their reeldeaoe oa Teaih etreet
Both ^*e war Meada here ead at
Beadoa to wleh - theaa aottoag hot
l their Ule. The
hrtde M a <
a heal to Waa da aad toe groos te
totohag rapiBgMa. » pharmolet I
Baghaeh dihp etare,
Am^ toode troa ihia totr who


Ceemte Will toaka Ttmir Mow
to B% RiipMe Wtaero Owm Had
How All ibaodr.

Grand RapMo. Mar 9»-rraaUto D.
Bddr. oaohlef at the local pool todce
aad a welt kaowa poUBclaa. wltk L
Itteaceo toechlag to Waahlagioa. 1
C.. waa todtcled thla wralng br
Ualted Statoo graad Jurr on U
■barge to etobeaUBg $L0M tron the
poelotdce. ^ waa releaaed oa bail.

A verr prettr weddlag took ptooe
Wedneedar at 8 p. ai. at the beoutllul tarn borne to D. R Newtoub of
Yaba. Ue coBtiacttog partlee being
Mtoa Uaa Dean, daaghter to Mr. and
Mio. George Deaa, and Alien
Arwtatroat of Honor.^
Tbe large rooma were beaaUtnUy
teatoooed and decorated wlU vtoeo
aad plaata. Tbe bride waa dreoaed to
white eUk ead cantod carnal
The brldeemald. Mlie BUel Arm.
atraag, to Hoaor. alater to ^ CRmm.
drceaod to wMte aMI ^
ried camatlooa Deaala* Dmb
Tbe rtog aerrice waa need
and liaie Mlaa Hnbbelt wag/rtag

ahdMn.J. to. TWtoeha.l>r. aad lira,
to U AahtCNi aad aoaa 1
Braak. to J. Frtae ahd laallr. BradMr ^arrw. wtta aad daophta
aid Bhwaato apd aoa Brlae. goaepk
Weraer, wife aad chUdrwa. Ylaceet
aad roeephlaci. Urta That
aad tore. daad.Chriar. Mlaa MartM
Aa elabonte wedding aopper
Pwna. 1 Mi mtrn Miard. lira. Ida OVCR ywo OOCBN OF THEM ANprepared b/ Mra. 0«a Dean
Jahh OfMrtat.: Mtaa Bath
greattr enjored br all preaeaL Aboat
Mia. UfraaMr.- aoa aad
xe guesta were preeeat from Ladtor
IHXMW. Mia WUflaa Kaaaer aad
toa, Htmor. HU Baptde aad Ue aarrounMag cooaur.
TV hapgp daaple win amke their
how to BU Bapida. wbeie Ue groom
OOCB FOB The maintainancc
borne all fumtabed aad readr
40; receive hU bride and Into which
they moved laat erealiig with bright
^Aopea to Ue ^giure and followed br
tta brdi wbhee and cuagratnUUooa
to a boat to trleada.
la toa Wheto Brtt are NegaiQ



MA weoNEaoAv NioHr.







MS DKME wnmn


mm m V IKE

MA- Oaetol plBlea toto Hit' Flatfana
WMM Whieh WUl Ba Adaprtd
' ^ ♦ ehlagpi Nato Maerth

- Mee ta toi aiaraato dMtlct, the rttaattoa Ha aattlad MTa eoaleat betweea Oallbd Btalea DhUrtct Attar••r Qeh to CoeeU. of Traeono CUr.
Md'vvuw P. tiodda. at Moa^
*toaaaat. Jwt at'thla Uoea the proepaet eeaw ewtteaMir bita* lee tor.
OMl, aad the aMBwat, whkh U
. weight dtotrtct. a
hbM tom. that Mr. omU haa baMt
rvwiat la atreagth atooe U waa U
ttoMd (or theaoBlaatloa two raara
B«a. Fraetleailr the whtoe aorthan
too dMM^ WUl aagport-MtMdldl
oatoaatoM. «Hie ha l<
ilMhg fttoato to the tower Uer to
^ anBPtlii WadHr aad aarelr.
%% rapenn-to the ftofold Mr.
OattoB aapewail
hlwalf aa auptoaa edtot rtoah aad ftm ^

Whahlnctoa. Mar 21—There i
ore thaa a ADaea aaBtotuactloa
bUh paadtag before (be hoaee cobBUtee oa Judlclatr.
TrtnityO lanreioa.
New York. Mar XI—Maar articlea
havl^ Cioa tiBe to tlBe appeared la
the pahhc prtata^regardlag toe tabatoie waatth to Tiialir pariah, have
led tta ottelals to auto ttot the aaaaal Ibcobm o( the corforatloa Mat
rear troB all aoarcea waa tato thaa
»m.m not lartadlBg coUeetioBa
and eoatributloaa la the
lhaae latter are all
oharch work wtUda aad wlthoat Ue
Oat to thto aaBaal laeeae the torporatloa paid all the eapcMaa to
Trtalir ehurcb aad IM eight ohaprta.
teobtoiag the oare^ aad malateoaace
to baUdlBce aad groeada. aalarlea to
tbe cleisr. Bualc. adioola. aad —«"r
ef the partoh ebarttlea; aleo the espeoee aad care of Tritolr
aad Trtaltr oeMerr.




Oavto. Ua Baa. oat Oir WIU Flo* to
» a*M U Caato Father B
Have le Stay to dali for «
Oapa ta AIL
Albert Olto of gpik-ski w
siMte any Osh for 3o day* at least
and maybe noi for go. Perhaps, V
never wllL,a* a One or m. »S costs
and S* days to foil is a pretty bluer
dose to nwdictoe.
It teems Ibai Olto sad bis son Dor­
is tbongbt Uai Ue easier way
rdaian over by KWfcasV for
brook trout was to use dyoamlte. It
etcelleai way. bet aBlortoDaiely tor the Ogns. the tow doesn't
rtion IL Also, this year Ulags are
dlBereat aad this region has a stole
depatr to tv parwta of G. A Smith.
wV VpiWBs araaad at tV a»at incoBveaJeat Umeior IV lawbreakers.
OAb bad bla soa were Vrveated by
(OoaUDoed oa THrd Page.)
tv proper otBctols. toaced to
Bight before tost aad yesterday
brought Vfore Justice Kaltogg ai
Kalkaska. Olio tV. toder Uoughi
ihw V would ataad trial bnt wbea
couple to witnesses bsd beea
ta. V recognised the tact that Ue
state could prvte his guilt,
ive suspense hi- sdadited
Justice Kellosg n-cognlxes Ue fact
tVt tows are meant to V
aad the state does not gu u> IV exof emplortog Vinitles. ratotog
and ptoattog fry sod .fevlito* ‘o hm
ap tv trout supply tor fun. so he
banded Olin a ftse of (20 nice, tooad
doUar*. There was also a matter to
sod in order tVt Ollii migbi
think it over and make Viler plans
for Ue ftttuiv, be gave him U day* to
tanka eouaty toll. FeaHne
Uet Olto mlahl neglect tV Vv and
coeu.- the Justice also Informed Ue
prtooarr that If V dhto'l settle, be
would Vve to suy to JoII unUI be
did. bnt not toager than CO day*.
Doris Otto didn't wait for say wit!Me* to V sworn to. but pleaded
anllty aM wa* gned |S and |5 coeU.
$10 to tO.

that many loos hauled away




•totoferd Stotton wiH v Dieeoatto. Os Teem f»mwdv Ue gweat to Trav
, City Today—FWIad Two
M aad gwaineae WW V CeaTon* Eleven Mitem

Mum faare ago. U» IVrer lemiT ■ coBpaar. to Vnskegoo. began
cniUag Umber, oeer 1a KalhaaV connd coaUaaoaUj Haee Uea U carleada to toga a dar Vve beta haaled
Btiattord aad Matotead. the two
atadm to Ue eemgaar. br Ue Pere
Marfaaue. Tbla eveatog. Ue tret
tiato lead to Ue comaarY oaUt wiU
PMO throat Ue ciir oa V war to

BaaL Alh.. Caa.. Mar
to hard which la corraltod aear
ttoa Iowa, haa wlatMM waU. aad
■lace the roaad-ap
oomraaBcal la
Moataaa laat r«ar. Ie« thaa m aad
halt per oeat have beea leto
AtraMmaMU toe hcU« awde to
brtag ap aaother SM heM: Michael
Ita e^t
Fable to getUag ihdnDpeUer «a hia and haa token ap an to Ua awehie.
I la Moataaa. Pablo hu ballt
togtog raltfoadi.
a laeee twaatr.thiaa adlea toag. ftaai TMa win an V aMppad baU » Ma»-

i- aad -Brtgbt.- oae to IV
few OI teems to Ue Orwnd Traverse
reyfon. promenaded Front sitvei UU
sfteraooa sad attracted caertderable
atteatloa as os teams are a rare sight
to them darn. This oam to owned
by Dtok Pnuey. of Long Lakle. aad
Ucy are aevea aed togU ywa old
TV «Uer day they
-weigbtog Ldog peeeda. a dlataace
11 miles to seven toAsrsL
Other OS teaae loeaUd to tJ
rc^oa are two at Greea Imka. om
Beadoa aV oee w Olea Ulw. to Loelaaao coeaty. •OecT’ and -Brtghi
ar* the «ely OMa te rtalt UM cUy.

6.1. a LDimiAna

views hetweea them,
awrad ta
oaBghtod htoh tv raBvmr toBch
had tV Tiaverm Cfty oEktola.
Thto mattoc «■ V oaaHdsrsd ft
tVr V tV hoaH to trade. wlU
stow to Mdartag Ue ctolwar catapaay
a* they
oaa eonatatoatly. Uat «U V a VsmAt la Tiaiesv GKr. TV attltaV to
Mr. Hnchart and Mr. Haatar to UM
rveard eaotoa to W very enenarai

Copeatlsk. Mlrh.. M«r X»—Mrs. Eler Brimmer. wV haa baoa «olt*
Cempaar OaNiaa to AM Traveroe
alch. to aMe to V ant atoV. CHp to Every Feeaihle War U
Making Ue City SOU
Mr. aad Mn. CVrIog Taram are
rtolttog meads at Trararee Oty.
Mtoarva DaavUle to Marffla
reeeat meeting to Ue director* Bttraded IV Bnyal NH^bor to^
to tv board to tr*V. Ue icctetorr her* Baiarday.
(asirorted to cater Into co
J. Taylor haa moved hM tuHlr to
wfth Vke-PrMldeat
taeger J. H. P. Ragbart. to
Mr. aad Mra. Bmer RaadaH to
tv Grand Vpld* A tadUaa nOli
BagaaB w vtolUag trlomto to toam.
aad aarerials if TV G. (L A L Rail­
way oompasy coaid aw carry ont Ue
prapoacd removal of Ue depot U a
riat brtbw eaat so aa to openjap a
a view from Park *ti«et to tV*bay.
regardlea* of tbe vote to Ue people
cm tV part propoeiSoa at Ue Vt
clewfam. TW removal to Ue Vpot
and IV Vproveamt to tV depot
groitad* was a part to Ue proposi
TV secretary recetved a leiCrv bom
Mr. HngharL sdUag that oo aoc
to decreased railway caratogs
eompanr coold not at this time

Henry Vaa retarMd Batarday
fro* a weekY vtoM wlU
trleada at MaySeM aad Kt^
tony.TTmllek aM Xamee Irtgfer
r Neaaea City wet* to fowa FriAay.
Mn Atoa Brimmer to aeiu Hek.
not able to V np aay.
Mr. and Mr*. Tom Q-Uary to Nessaa LUy were gmau to her gateau.
Ift. aad Mn ttovU Htokey. fTiMaj
Mn 4oha Soper. wV wa* s*m
<d to lUdCB Vt Friday (n see her
faUV. Av was rtsngrmmly okk
VUrVy aa tv Bnt Into, bat was
too Ml*, as V died before sVrmebM
Uerv. SV^bas IV sympathy to Ue
eatire eoaimsaliy Is her sad toBIcOoa.
*Mr*. Aaad Boitoa to Neesae CTty
passed tbsoogh Vre Satarday oa bar
way boate from tV VMftal at Ana
Artor. where aV aaderweat a very

■maey oa tV depot gronad* eocerdtog to tv plan siggeeted. bnt Mr.
Haghart advised iv secretary UW V
wonW visit Traverse City at hi* earn­
est eonveoleece aad dfoCM* tV mat
ter WiU oFlUals of Ue board ol
trade. emphasUlag Ue tacL Vwever.
that IV U. R. A 1- Railway company
I Uw lawrest Ue beard of
tafctog to tv matter
tileads a* well as hm toaUly aie
Ito seal to elt«c tmpvovemeat.
very ^ad to wefoome her back
Vlce-Prealdeet Hngbart
and General I ____________ J. W.
Hnnter arrlv^
tV etty oa their
way to KorUport aed h^ a few been
upon Gecrctory Haeeae. ^V burdeA
ty secured ae Informal areeUng of
President Saato. Ue park comailuae
Ptatt*. Mich... Hay 3b—Slama Arof IV COBBrtI
Bold to very He
to meet Mr. Haghart aad Mr. Heater
TVre was a dance to O’Leroy's
and ulk tV matter over. Mr. Haghall tost Satarday night aad all re
Vrt stated tVi be waa net here u
vrted a good Ume .
■saV aay ngucat to tV ooaecU reMn Homer Browatll to OaVr to
tottve to Ua peiwbaae of Ue rooadvtolttog hm sister. Mr*: JaaM FreaU
hoose property tor a park. Vt reFanny Mnrtto and Roy TWwer took
gmied very much that tV propositbe eighU grade esamlaatloa at Hontioa was voted dowa. as tV company
r laat wo^
were vciy much handicapped at tbu
W. L. Browa of Traverse Oty was
Ume. to tv matter of toctHUes
to town Monday.
caring for their engines and otter
It U stated Uat Leon DraV
mUtog stock to Travc
Ueou to Stan a cieamoty to tV
He suted that neeessary Improve­
itnrc. and will Uea bay aUU and
ments would doubtless cuaipel tVm
earn from tV tarasan
to lay ont Ueir property upon which
Hagb MiteVIl. Ue Irl
iV roundViue was lueusd aad the
block on FToat aireet in imlldtog lou ator. to Frankfort, atoo a trainee to
and sell Uem oC. (f tV city did ao: wild animals, wa* fox bnnttog on-tb*
desire Ue property for a park. Mr. bluOs of lake Michigan WMneoAhy.
Hngbart aUted ibat Uls would V He wm ncoompantod V CtevHand
much more proBuble to Ue railway Manncn. wV ssHsUd him to tV
TVy <B*cov«nd a eat* and
company aa they coUd eecure to Ume
larger amount of^money by this Uonght it was Biled wlU yoang fosTbey then caogbt aickt to a bmmethod tfiaa iV amount tor which Ue
aa badger, whk* Mr. Maaaaas
property wa* tofered to the city for
totrk purposes. BoU Mr. Hughart cangbt alive. Mr. MitcbeU has tV
and Mr. Hunter emphaslied tV aenU- hadger at present on exhl'bUfoa at
of the railway ogldtolt towards Frankfort.

Ue development of tVIr own proper,
ty sdjsceai to Ue railroad as far is
possible. They would much prs-frr.
sUltouab it would not V so bcat-visl
ih«-tn Snaoctollv. Uat tbe properly
In question could tw laid ont a
park If Ibis were pnn-basetl b.v
(tty. then tbe cuiupany would move
depot sjid spend approxtmau-ly
II.'NHi in pvrmaiK-iti improvemeou
and increased attractions about
depot grounds.
Tbto tVy could not do.
Immedlaiely. uoiesa the city
boy Ue properly for a park. They
were desirous of aacertalnlDg
(he board of trade and Ue etty
cll If there were still a senilmeat to
■cqulie Uls property, and If tVr#
It. ttey would
hold oE Ue matter of ptotUng
land for a lime. aJtbongh they
pmsed themselves as brtag anslons
Other tile, to provide better tncHIOes
tor raring tor their eagtoes dsriag
tV cpraing winter. Mr. Hngbart sut;
ed Uat iVy did not dertr* to V sub­
jected to Ue tocoovenicece which to
estottog at tbto time to Uls regard.
Both offMsit espressed ttemselves as
wining to ccreperata AUh Traverse
City to ftwic laprovemonto a«i civic
developateni and while Uer regretted
IV rejeciioB of the park prop^fton
hr Ue people at tV polls oa election
day. tV ptopoaite wae one which
from iV MwacU aad not from
U* railroad company. TVretocY. Uo
railway oBletoto ftot. Uat
cirenmatonces. to Hew of Ue growtog
to tv eotopaay to thto etty,
V necoaosry for them to maV
dtopoalttoa ef Utor psegotty
bet* ao Uat they might procead «1U
vet Impravemenio as *
TV mart tog waa donbttom very protuMe to )V city aad
hoard of trade oClctoto aa weO m
to it^^VacG. as U ^ve


Oon'i let tV baby aaSer (rw actema. sores or any itehlng to IV
sUn. Doan's Otaimeat givm tostoht
relief, cure* qnlckJy. Ferfactly safe
lor caildxew. AH dragglH* aaB ft.

. For the
To sMcceed tbeae tfart ym
■tat have pkaty of frii, cotiracesttttBfflL HdO^bfevkh
tit cUdfBB? Ar« ther (bia.
tMle»delieaK? Do m todti
Arer'i SarstpBrilU. Toe
fciieir it rngkcB ibe Uoodimre
ABd rich. BBd baOdB op (be
Ceacral beakh ia■ erofy
evorr w.

It to orJvred. Uat tV t$U day to

tomrtag. U

t.':..-! .^averse Bar-

... .

may 2; r- i»o.
Naeav CM taO
Anger or anger a •
aeaM V prepiraA i
lectric on tasUnlly
—tolckiy cum Ue •

Bososss nmtn



Oood.kmlirm property. *Ht loeahad real payn UK per <ww( t>j muratmcat. Price SLOW. ■ Wc
dataa to (arias sad ^“7 r-r-dcncMs. O. W Bice. Traversa Ofty, Mtcto
______________ rragB*f
TV Luelqr Ojartv
to Ua CM yon
(or a hM od
Dr. nag's New l.if. tTDs. TVy hl^ '
yon U* honhh tVtY morn mortaM
Uaa towels. Try iVm tor I
itoappotai^ Ue pttojrtO
tony letondad at 8. ■. «Wt
Itoanah A Lay. C. A Bara*
Drag Co. drnettorm.
Farm tor Sato
Oae od Ue beta torm* to <
nvonae conaty;
rnOao 1
Bttto Horn of city; M aeraa; m
'w eotUvaUan: good frame '
good frame tamaa; gm^o
AMo 7> acre torm at ImV Ana.
(ram* beaae aad ban; 4d
OUor praparty 413 aad 414 EmM
Valoa. Thrae flfty toot iota bmA fart
to dty. Ctoatog oat evorythtoc. V
galre at GtaM Baplda FtortMm
cmBpaay a' stora. Oa(ng to Mao* Wm
h 2$
1 (V.
A Certala Cwra for AsMtog I

tbereforo (be kitebeo ig a amter ofiiDpoftaMt coosideration. Slep ioto oor wore ao4 look over oor
laTKC line of

Omsolinm SKovmm
mnd Oil S Lvaaom
Co<^iB( to BtUDaer is a pleasore wben irasotioe or
oil stoves are used- Prices to fh iftcr pt-k ' book
and Bzes to salt yoor requirement::.

i—Plu OB Btmww-

ttMtr S» IMm St.



Grand Waverse Regidj *S“d
-1--------- xart tha l*a(«W aMw "•*

B«ur B(w«
Oppewrt hu L.
«MiUf tke (aaBW «I t6» braUwra^Oe ‘luu«ta« •

bud. Ha letl,

gol^lor Hr. Baja, wbo baa * oa.BBtUa Tabberof waa ----- —-----------




to ft»«—«< B daaoe tbm.
Mr and Hra Cbaa. Walab wrad

to BirtSr Laka Mtodar. wbara Mr.

HUab expert* to laol boatt to fiahamaw tbia conlnc tunuoar.
Iba tow alU bad a break ^wb
Ud did not mo for a ooaple of dajra.
------------------ --


for 'u.

etite Mshu c< tba A«r<* baa bow*
. roaac patolto- «>■

,wt wmtT Brndar aebool ooBTaoSto at Sailer waa attaUad bjr
^ a
of 9^ Cm tbia
BBtoka beak at ttmiA and <

^r^Sd&r at TtotiB da stdlOat


win be Oarr.


Ctst'Xbtlr Wotttt

5«o Ptepk Saot tbtir Ittoatf

&H du^tor. Mr*. Prad tkbbarar asd
bar tanUr. Bba alao had a brotbar at
a faeat o»ar Soadar.
- Mr*. Frank Tajrlor la eatoU
bar taotbcr. Mrs. BriabteoBii
. Mra. Tbaodor* Budtaaa who
vary 111 dartactba paat wtatorla aow
idfla to tide oat froat boso and waa
to tba nUaaa Batardar attersooB.
Miaa itodk Tajtor la ptoBBlat to U
taad tba auaism aeaMto'ot tba at£e


Whkh dofou think tbt Bttitr Waft

ti]Mt H tba mUl poBd bare______


jtism and Fred, aod daaibtora. Mr*.|
worthy road oreraew. Cbarlaal Prank C, Beaneu. Lola. ^ Ftor-;
oommeneed totoy dotos aoad <nee. He was a seed nrtshbor. kind
a—Wb, (rarel wttk tkrw;^ e^dmte. and respected by all,
from A. M..Smith's gtaval pU. |wbe knu kirn.
Ttaft«d TrmwM OU Swvdar
I very ancPrtnr Btormer
Itoa &. E. Caiapball aad daaibtar oaaatBl term of acboot
Prtday. town Balarday. wttk cattle wMcb I
Bf ooMtoEBf it bbtot tfadirpenoo.
MadorU were Traverse Oty riattert with a plcnte tor the popUa.
n* skipping to Sooib Manlloa.
aw»y ^ amta. j ORa aad iart, by aemaR h n a akiito
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. tonitb vlatiad
last Tbsratoy. .
Charles Plowman was cnUwt
Tbe eotartalamcat ateea by tba tbelr' aon T. Wade of Ea« Bay last GrueavUle tbli week to auend t
aad tteka, by arkiag it aoder carpeto uj —ir-Wa.
>81 • fe« ««r* 8t ko*^ b«t mvned Sutioto Bar Dramatic clab la tbe
Geo. Dean U ao mneb bedcr that
iBdttpboatdaaadbiueaa dnwetB, thtoeuawBysiff
to bar work 18 Kln»rt«T Bo*^ eren. towa hall last Friday evealnc was Sonday.
T. TWpreaentlBg; itbe J.
wb ealoyed be is ooi of door* now.
Case Tbreahlng Machine. Co . pw
‘*H8rtt8 Brows WM hfloa
Dr. Oefnan
We bad a ihuadrr norm last Fri­ through town, enroue tor South Man-!
V. P. ta^ week. b«t ■ hu

chUircB tor defeett*
Itou IslanA
- '
lac Cree of ebarfe.
able BOW. for Jobs Paicipbcr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mettoa A. Voice and
t aito aortal win
C. E. Pile Improves vccy slowly.
little daughter »tb«r. called In ton-.
Mr. Monroe and soa-lntow George
The Bpwortb League meets every pire Sunday.
LaUurde.e bare returned from tbe
aasday eraalnf. voder the aaafdoaa < norib where they went two week* Buaday evtolog In the M. B. eburto.
May 18.
tbe Ladloa' Aid sodety.
By depoaitiiiB it in a
^tiabte bMk vbsra it»
Tbe lAdie*' Aid BweU nest Thorsago. Mr. Moaro dUpoMd of kla min­
Mby M
rtot only sale but atendily caraiK • tondetsto-ising interest* while there.
ConsUpatioo eauMa beadacbo.
e growing weatb- K-s. diulnesa. languor, bean palpiia
~ '
W. B. Johnsoo aad Bert
beautlon. Drastic pbyria gripe, sicki-i
B. B. OampbaU and UtUe aoa. Laaturtaes from Mrs. Dr. J. *^May 18.
weaken tbe bowel*, and don't curt
Ba. wMt to AMto tbia attoraooB to
Doan's Regnlets art gently aad cur
Mad a law day*.
eoasUpaUoa. Sa cents. Ask your drug-,
Mra. Mtta MUaon of Detroit arrlred
George AnneirtMig of Traverw aty
at waafc to look atwr bar propeny
as In town on beslness Tuesday.
Vlas riKB simOD of BnrdlckvlHe U
.1 a lew
Mr*. W. P. Boben
ays at BlkBapids Ii_.............
totely summer weatbvr wv sre Sav­ Btsrbig (or Mrs. Day.
WalU - Mis* Jennie Wrtte of WaablnftoB ing now.
it here to spend a abort lime.
piid and OaC. P. Unrper U busy building his a* In
Mias «"*»* Wtlaos arTtrad borne new bam.
A nvmber.crf tbe yovng (oiks from in town Tuesday.
Sick klSncys weaken Jbe body
Tbe saw milt started this week.
Ibis nrtgtaborbood attended the play
through tbe cobilnual drainage
IHe-giving albumen from tbe '
la abaolntely able, ean be dimwa at any tiaia aad nay ba
into tbe urine, and the subsiitti
moo* uric add tbgt goes broadearning intenet for yon.
___tbrougb the system, sowing the
M-ctfe Ot disease. Loss of albamen
.rtnl at tba boaw of Mrs. CHne FMday
Hans Nelson
cause* weakness. languor, depression.
esenlBg. May S». Beerybody U Urlted working here.
poisoning caust** rbeumailc
Mrsitrs. Chspirao and
->>.ueck pJtln. ,
- --- “Ick* In
the ton cent sapper ot tbe L.. O. T.
There afll be ankw scrrtoea
traiisacud bueiiiu-s in toa-s Friday. the back, gravel and kidney stone*.
Card «f -nwiika.
Baadvr moralac la tba M. H obvttb M. M. St Wexford last Saturday was
H. H. Wbeeler. assistant keeper of The proper ircaiment U a kidney
bS.SS was
tbe South
aad iB tbe OonsrecaUoaM cbarch a nlcsly
E. J. Brinkman look a number over
Wc desire to extend our Ibaaks to
treatment, and the beat remedy la
imoont realised.
wife and children
tba ereBlag.
_ bis
.. wife’s. sls- IVjon's Kidney PlUe. Great TtBverse to Blk Rapids Friday evrenlng to at­ the frieiid* sad nrtgbbosB «h« so
Tbe choral atooa wCI *l»e a ooatend a dance at Renodan'B.
m.nob Fri­ City cureu prove it
arrived on the m.B
kladly asutsted B* to Oar roetot beeert la tbe Ooncrecattonal cb«rcb on
CUtB Miner bas returned to ber remveiwni. We deabw to thank uapecday morning, on tbelr' way to South
Friday areolas. A Bood pro«ra«ato a lOTliig wile and Brother. Mrs. Char- Manitou, where they will make tbelr | T. J. I'mior. vteran. 820 Vokm dnttto in' the city clerk's •Cbep at
the school childres fgr tbe braur spending a weak
belac prepared; a'cboraa' of atoOl Ito Skinner died at her borne in Grant
Traverse City, i
Oowert and tbe cbidr from Ismg
vbleea, oUm and iDsunaoMtal nnalc. Bauirday momln. May IS. Mr*. Skin­
docioscd and tried vartaus kidney
, Tbe pmnp boaaa balonclnK to tbe ner leaves to mourn her loss beside* Tlalted
Mr. and MtB.
rtaak ScbtotoerterB.
remedies without obtaining much bis borne in Cbli
T. a U * M. caecbt Are this after- ber husband sis children. James. Le­ Sunday.
May 19-lU
1, bat was extlasulsbad. tMfore na. Harold. Uo. Kelson and an Infat
Mis* Isabctlu Carter has relumed help. I beard of Doan's Kidney Pills long visit to liJai
had seen them recommended In
babe only one week old. Mn. dinner home from Honor where *fac atieadMra. M.
st.n.-ney Is having her
▼ary aueb daioa»e waa dona.
papm I
boose enlarged ui
Misa Boedl Oacnoo and M^Joa was loved by all who knew ber. She
H0w’s TUs?
es and when fintsbed v
BlUdMB were nnlted in iiMrriaca w ill be greatly missed by ber children
tbia moralBc at tba eoncrcvuloanl as tbelr ototber was all <•< >” - them. plre visited with DIenBs here. Sua- Pharmacy and commenced to nsc as improrement.
per directions. I was urutnlsbed at me
paraooaja by tbe Bor. Mr. BentaU, The family have the sympathy ot
Bert Costoo etpec'-i i
In the preacBce ot a tew retertreis. Ibrtr many trleodB In tbelr loss ot
N. LaVance who has been Ul tor and the kidney weakness was abated. fnmlly In th<1r new houae thU week.
p.j cagnrAfxkVstato.o
After tbe cercDoor a few Mendt and
I some lime past, died tolday aod was
Art Reost of Travene City vt
have since been free from any kid­
relaUrea were Initlad to tba bone of funeral aerrices were bold in uennt burled in the-Maple Grove cemetery.
friends in tbU place Inst Snnday.
tba bride's motbar wbare a aanplnthe senrlea* brt^ held at ney complaint and owe my recovery
Mr. Seal ot BetHpn Harbor Is here
ona dinner avallad theta. Tbw ~
ircb and at tbe cemetery- The
looking stier'bis fftto tons.
make tbair home with tbe bri
fanerml was largely stu ' 1. Mr. Mr. and Mrs, Howe.' after an exteadVaiMM. toanas * MaasiK.
The mamortsi aerrices of tbe Mao- v»ncc was an old soldier, having
mother tor tbi* aammer.
•d visit to New Tork and Cbtcaco.
WliJiwIiaTtogto .Trtri .O
gabeaa ot Weilord were lostponed served ibrougfa the civil war. HI* age New York, sole agmts tor ihe United have returned to tbelr hooM In this
Itorry Taylor spest Satarday
Bklnwas sixty-four. He was a good busTrarerae City.
ner'a tunerol last Sunday.
Oocar ABdeteoe of Omana «
band and a kind father. His ulfe imrRoy Drew has gone to IsidlBgton to
vlve* him. alto hU sons. Prank, WtlBnaday In town.'
'work on a boat.



Pecples Savings Bank


Treiverse Gi’ty’s Bes-t Momsi



This Great Furniture Center Otters You
The biggest values, the lowest prices and the most liberal credit system of any concern in this section of the country. Now Is
time to get •i
a big
of a«sawsw»t
choice, as %**ei
our viivsiw
entire w
and sFurniture Warehouse
House rFurnishings.
M*to variety
w mssM
vv csi
o woi
• ivn i iif§ .▼«
sai • trich
**>■* ai
t\4 aMOfOMSIl
titti nwUW
Ui ill9*1II*MHs
^^0 —*
o eM-sS-SAayou nothing extra gvsw
for k^isssleevr
buying *wm
on the easy payment plan. KINo
matter whether you want one article or your wholeI.—....
houseM furnisneu. v»s have the goods and will supply you as wo advertise to do. Our l(---- ------------------------- ----------------reasona why you ahould trade with Northern Michigan's Reliable House Furnisher.

Easy Rockers
and Linoleums

Oar handtome Hoe of of Rockera include
all tbe White Reed, Mahogany. Golden
Oak and many other different kinds of
wood and finbh. These high grade Rock­
ers sre all made of the best material. The
joints are all thoroughly locked and secure­
ly fastened together, while the 6nnh is the
rery best. For comfort, appearance and
dural^ity. there are none better made.

Handsfune diuers
Including tbe latest and best styles.
Onr nasortmeat is extra large aad sre are
wen prepared Uo give you the *yle of
Aw desired at'turpriwgly low prices.
Leather, Cane, Fibre aod Wi^ Seau »
Solid Oak, hnlshed in rich golden and
highly polished. Well put together, insur­
ing strength aod durability.

*Pidme Frames, and Windeffa
Shades made to order aid sites.
Large Framed Pictares Given <adth
Otdfas Free.


Rick and exclusive patterns with
covering and we make Wilt9n, Axminister and Brussels Rugs and Carpets
to tit the most irregular shaped room.
remnants and odd lots of Floor




$30.00 Axminster Rug. 9x12..................... fllM
$26.00 Heavy Velvet Rug, 9x12................. $18M
$20.00 Brussels Rug. 9x12............................ $tM*
All remnants in Ingrain Carpet sells regularly for 25c, 60c
and 75c now ISc S5c aad S«e.

Massive round oak pe<idestal tables extendine from 6 to 14 fet
Victor extension
tsb'es, the kind
ind that carry their leav
Breakfast tables, round and square.
drop leaves1 The
The^ ordinary extension
and a large
-ge number of kitcL
chen tables
is no possible
sible chance of being disappointed
in style, quality or price.
SIDEBOARDS—.A beautiful line of large, spacious
Boards with a brilliant finish. heav>’ plate mirrors
and massive claw feet, Must be seen
to be appreciated. Selling up from-.


Baby Cabs and
Our Cab Department is surpassed by
none. We have the largest line aod best
assortment of this class of vehicles on the
market High grade, nicely Bnished*
easy nioniiig. strong aod ^4
durable. Selling up from.......9±*i9

Traverse City Store Located at
120 £ Front St.
Elk ‘liapids Store Located on
^Piver Street.




o^tmiBo pSm

ft Swtmimrio.

Jmt tbc Oinl to fo with an kinds of
flesh or stewed fnnt,eiUierasa ddicate
sauce to poor over the indt oras a bUnc
manse or pnddiiit to serve frith it
Before another meal drop postal for



T. W. Hawley Is anae better
this writing.
Hugo aad Oreoe mn of Williams­
burg cEUed na Pflarl Curry SuoduyMra. Bert Mriaugkiln died SslurAar after a three weeks' ntoeea.
side* ber tausbwA Ae leaves ax _
Uat noa. father, motber aad three
Uothem to monre their toss. ...
though Mre. McLau^lto UvA here
bet a year she made many trieads
who deeply sympaihUo with the tarnliy in their aad betwavement. Short
s«.Tvicce were held SunUy at the
dfove I home, after which the remalu were
taken to Nortbport. ber old home,
Bodaa on Batarda
where tnaniwl serrUea w«re h^
being londny.
May II.
(heir teugbtePa btrtbday. Bveryone
reports a good Use.
Pred Miller moved their organ
Mr. and Mrs. HylM- hare amved to
over to the UUad Sonday. '
le pentosuU «e«t of InvetaeB City,
MUf Martha Northam came home
Mre. Lovejoy to quite elck at Ibis
to vUlt her aunt. Mary MlUer. for a willing.
few days
Mr. aad Mre. Teoatau
' The Uat day Of school will close
with a small entenalnment on Sat­ lling with their parnoia. Mr. and Mre.
urday nlgbi. May U. Erecyooe cornu CreadalL
MUa GUdys WhrTai. who has been
and enioy IL
Bvergreen, came borne
May IS.

CBBte OtUager; netnury, Mf^-.Afl>
trononrwr. Mrs. Carriej,rtbei* of thi North Mnnltoa Ule
___ ____
Quite a ____
bare uuama mit Meadi
the ooaaV laaeberr anaodatton nil MrB.^^ut«rseo aad (blldiea <_
fljatnr^. A »«T brofltable bare Irin
lalaod Suag
relattves and frlcnda.
Oacar Barth drove Ms new colt to
CBterrlUe M Satnrday.
Oeo. Lawr made a trip to Lelaad
Bweet cberrlea are inst eoBl .
_______ _ with
___ _
a iraveang
and If looks as tbongb there j„j,j
„ p j BBiflead-# tram the


froB the

£K St. Mootagne


fligo foresflv that ^
easiest and best kny'
to increase tibe dcI mand fer &dr f«p>
i meats—>was to make
thcmhnnrxdy and be
honest with their ctaluutus '-the wearers.

"IK. ■KRk-

good many trees were bronght la the
country, but a good saay aiore ceae
ibU yeara.
Mr. Holmas and Ooy TboapUna
have been .-flpreylag wlih tbelr aew
-. . . Th*r do good work
Topol the beat possatcnlucto ftdr
do all that they claim thsy wUL
IBr miUiV CHBIC«I. Une WABM. kcs.
. laa Mono and Hlaa Kent troip
4i*m tiM «e*Md for »Mteem B
*armcnB «,d eell them U .
Jacfcaott. III.. sHll M here to oeetipy
iMr cotugo. After iMa It will be
Mlaa mvtiiM
Horrla t*
» BOSBe, miM
,_«ethdr endeavor.
l>rlBclpal In a deaf asd duab school
cad baa decided to cone sod Rve on
expecu to uiart bis
dr. Cci
her beantiral fnilt (am.
This is why Oolfaaaft Oodiea
r mill
school antenalnBteat
alnmeat was.all
Mn. 8. Bchaub and HUs Christina
The Piec MetbAlsU will have tbelr
such faiK values at such moderate pitas.
_____________ j. The lUUe OMa Sehaub epesi Taeaday arUb Mrs. R. last qnanerly meeUog for itato
as well as* the larter aeboUra.i Keller of ^st 'LeUnd.
Juire b-T. to be held at this
Noicwarr. the teacher, praaaated
Mira Florence Moaier who baa been yrer.
two nt bit pupU<. I’«n’r Chill
- teaching in ftae Bobtnson diatriet.
MUs Bertha Wales, who has been
was the flweat i
aid Homer WIUoDEbby with
- Mrs
completed ber (em of nchool Thnrw- atiendtog school to Traveree
I wlU
.. They passed tl
1-C Clark Uat redt.
t alaadlnga.
BIchard Kmeraoo ot Gbleaflo W
Mrs. La BonU of Traveree aiy
the famll
on iraI Bto
Btood'a tam.
visited with reiatlvcs a few days last In May
aad Mrs. Perry Norris a
CUT ta In
_____ __
Herr'and 3. B. »• eUldm or Traverse City rlalM wl
aaoMd wtfi Ml fair Torowto, Canada. Mr. Norris of thta place Sooday.
IB. Md Mrs. Pred Athinaon were town to the toieresu of telopboac
Mrs. Shields of Trpverse CU
Mr. Brw«’a bare morrd oa 1
in town last Saturday oa a shopping ItUSlttCZS.
Mr. and Mra. Will Nedow of Le- vlilUng hrr mother. Mrs. RUa
Mn. irtnia Oak aad OoaU Balsa fam owned by Warrea Rontsong.
Mir. C. btOB. who baa bean to
Mrs. Und vivlird with Mre. O. Brow on presrnu
E. E. Mbflier of Laming one of the
Indlaita lor sotoe tlSM rUlUag ber
took Sunday UiU
nolber. has' retnracd u> ber borne dinner nl Ura. Barbara TiAochll'a
nsMtanl of.CBoats
The Cedar nine came to this pUce Huber Mtg. OxY force, to here ea hu­
agalB. We are all glad to'see ber Uat BiBday. As It waa a lovely spring Sunday and were successful to a
aC AOiv waa bald at U.
las Clare Barth closed a tong
agalB. aad to know she baa imprared day, shoot forty young iwople aaceod; ume of base UOl with ProvemonL
term of schol tost Friday, aad as a
la bMltk. t
ed the flsgar Loaf In ibe afternoon Score 7 to Ifi to <avor of Cedar.
farewell the chUdrea were irwalA
Tier Bobblaa oT Trarme aty
obuinnd an escelleat view of the
May I».
Tap HartUne Is^reported gals
The flower ed will/ hdt parents Baaday.
..eary Poitner who was eoma
after a seribua Uhi^.
CbUdref ^
ntsal' i^aa and OR W. J. HI801NE, DmiltoL
The pnmplng' ensSoe reesnUy inlA to the N. M. asylum a Tew months
]<tb Of Ji
Joe ud Prakk baldmlt of Trav- New Mtmaon Blk.
-MdQaags IBs pan
■Utlcd U Mr. Perfclni’ -boat bonne
Tawa Ctt
acbooL A . _
erre City are rislUng their aiater.
works to perfection nnd U nble to Monday forenoon for Gormley, Ont.. at home at present.
CSUicfis laicphoDe: offlon, 7M;^
eryDBc larttad.
Mrs, Bert Pekarek.
Canada, where they will attend the
force punp-Bfleen herrela on boor.
Meace, 803.
Mr. Bocert has bad a very sick
Mrs. FVed Knight U on Ibe alAIist.
Oraadma Lintacr waa laid to real Brethren in Christ geaeral confer
Ma otSet <•>ne. bat we are glad to teara It la Friday. Being an eU aelUer, there eaee.
MU* Margaret HariUne vlsUed porlio ShermA * Bwtnr.
waa a large
Little Perry Wilson, son of James
WNMr flflfl Int _____ aad Mia Mter at this WfiUag.
Do not be
Tba BaUa Simdar sebeol baa oflaaMr. and Mre. Burrel nnd AUdren
Miss Bdna wi
eallad Friday to
la^^PflCi vaa ««utsL Ho taavaa
Wilson, who has t>eeD lU for a few
Gold wort of a* vavy banL t
ad for the tauntnar wttb a good ol.-UiiA at the home of her stolen.’ Ctodlllac hr the e
w* lUaaas of ber
days, to mnch better at piwaent.
. _ .jtaf raUUrda toaaoara thalr tendaoB. Wa eordUOy Inrtie all'to Joe AtktavoB saB Herve Pheatt. the Blmer Wllaoo of LsnalnA to visPalDleaa extnnJoa.
Mr. nnd Mn. bfewton* JAacw Of
. Be -was IsMlo real ta the Lake tasd. dfoetliica at S:M standard aSalr b(4ng heir at the home of Mr. lling fata parents. Mr. and Mra. Jaa.
Strong. BBtttra) ipiunrlig aA ray
parAlklnaoB. Podro waa an tnleresUaf WIlFon. at this wrtUng'.
■7. «ha tMtaaasd have
beat arUfletal teetb.
C Dulal PBtt baa parebased 4e leature aad refreshments were i
The play given at the lake Satur­ hot*. Mr. WllEg Rhode* and wife.
Hake gppotoimwto ahnA vBa .
I fVank Wllaoo. who hu tteeu
tam raeanSy owBod by Prank Bogday
working for D. King, spent Sunday reported as being very InteretUag.
May tS.
one* boar* TtM to 11:». 1 to E
Tba daob btrtlt two yaars ago tbU
Minnie Halbaway of Orawn spent a
Other hoar* by votfuant_____________
I Oder Haskins was not with
-JBtBer, Is bMag iwpalred agata.
Snnday on account-of a faneral
Later—Tbey are goliB to rwbnlld the
The Ladies Aid society have bought
Infant's OMth
Every W—>ni> Will Be liilllAliiEr
Burks Lewte Sondayed at MeaU- mon which he preached.
old dam.
the 1. O. O. P. dining hall aad. «ni
Nay t»r
have it moved onto the chnqcb Jot' ' < Afaoa R Smith. Infant ron of Mr.
bos Sn^*dr^e to
Mr.-80101. Mrs. Bsmney. Mr. and
Ur. and Mre. H. Hargraves were anj Mra. Joseph Smith, was born at

'L. —■
Hsioea aad
1 PItmale
GravH). March i. IMS. aA died May
callen at J. MoComb's Sunday.
Or«n Sayre and Oalay Ja«aUb
ivUlled Mrs. Zeni 8nn<
Mr. and Mn. Pruk Sberldaa atMrs.'Daliy Ormsby-baa been home !C. 1906. aged : months and Ji days.
S-ttts had a raMac or hit bant Traverse City are vtaiUng friends la T. Mym and family
The funeral waa held at the home,
tcaded the fnacret of oU Mr. La•
• «B* dfb. haTiaa all or Ms ebildreo town.
s of A. OrlfflUi and wife Sunday. Vaaoe at Glea Haven today.
the writer offldatlng. Text U. '
-noe Hardy viaitad at
^AjpaMtiblUlfsa. ataklng qalu a ra- '
iwick U on the alekiUL
Fisher's mill started up last
4-M. The burial look place to the
May It
SOrdTSataOrIth U <
Orawn cemetery. ' UiUe Alton was n
Jra. tycoaaor of TbompPred Benaett and . family have
member of our cradle roll, but be ta
soarllle rlsltad their parents, the ------ --------wri.
Little Oitve Deeker la home from moved to Glen Haven.
now Aded to the rtkll to heaven; be
Bar. and Mrs. Xooaa. ovet’ Sunday.
House dsantog and eleantog ap
can not come Ack to os. but may
Mr. Horton of eontbora MiolUg__ Trsveiue City Pur n few dayi. Mre. B. W. Bokr of PomoaA ta car- the gronada aiwand the honse seems Brm at Hodge with a gklcalc PridAT. through Christ, the way. go to bin
parabaam the tam of Beat Dar««ad
vtetol•-> be the order of tfea O
womi. UejM.
wqi Boea tbair goods bare aooa. Mr.
ty attended Ibe party Of.ft C Qmp
About two weeks ago
Darw win move lato Baadob,
ling’s Saturday evening.
May IS.
son and Bert SberidBn
Mtaa Alice Duncaa of TbotapoonMabel ClelAd came borne Satm^
old iKuti of their own to__________
flaf i^lafl 40 ba bau
rtlle It Tuning frtoada here. MUa
day. after teaching a idne month term
Doacaa waa formerly a teacher of the
at Wexford.
lalaad acbooL
A. 8. Pray took la the exenrtkm Thursday they siarted home. When
Mr. and Mra. Bert Bancroft Ad
Mn. a B. Lamb baa been pnlte Snnday.
rtiore -tb«
and Mra. Oeo. Bnvroft and Mr.
tick with the gtip bat U Slowly Im­
Mrs. Belle Scott and son wer
Mrr. John Marsh spent the
gneau of C. B. Prey Uat week.
home of C. J. Bancroft.
aad flood Basie. AU
Wm. Dratar told a borne to Barney
hr could the othCUJtord Prey pUyed baU si Blk Bap
Mr. and Mre. Oeo. BAcroft start
get Ibe boat on shore. Tuesdav m

to flfl to I
ndernon of TrnverM City last week. ids Sunday.

May list
Thirteen young people of the vlelnthing also
DelU Degrbat to working'for Mn. They then stripped her of overyth
useful and seat her adrift and
11 ba bald at
___ ea
Wesley SparUng goes UP Cobnit.
^ to
- the
—.. boat.
Tuepday moretog.
The fonerel of Freak Bari was
w ji^aimy mmtm
May 18.
eld to the churt*
churt on Tnesday, the
Mr. aad Mra. Tbos. Prey went to held
Rev. Mr. Hasktos ofllctottog. He was
Tialtod the fladsy a
iBIk Bspidt Bnnday.
Udiee' iUd Society Coaventlt
f^ Ba^
U Mc lMeiw d
Mr. and Mn. Ham .nataoo vialted (he ll-ycur-old sen ef Mr. and Mrs.
Report of Ladies' Aid oociely eooersdla nU flepertBsat.
Gordon Bari, a good boy, nnd a uni­ .ventioo.
t C B. Prsy-b Sunday.
held at Inland church. May
versal. favorite with both oi
Mr. Mtos of Naoaaa Clt|^ U vUUOtover Hammond drove u
14. l»0«. Morning seulon opened '
t. The Anreh could not
Bspids SoMay.
Mr*. B M. Koons with singing 1
AM •oNety
te the people that came to par Master Wants Workm." aad reading
Oeorge HsMUgi of Oeatrsl Lake
Is Jnst wAt you want If you want to save meoey Ad «t the a
was bMd at tboJsUnd ebureh Thurs- vlilted to the aelghhbrhood last week. Ihclr last aad tribute of reapect. Six srrlpture
lesson from lU-v. 71, and
Bor the BablB Bai^y
flsy. Not A vSf» Uri
Mme secure yourself agalwt lA pOMilble lli'effeeU of jApropar
_ Mr. and Mn. L. a Prey viMted at of/tls cloiamates were -all bearers. prayer; singing "Blessed Assurenec.'
The Aurcb ,w« Uli
B- Prey's Snnday.
The presld^t being absent. 1
greent and flowers,
Bdd Pr
- Koont appointed Mr*. Baldwin t ...
bunde no________
of elegant I
a* president, aad LUtlc Hance as s«>cMre. Btoopa and bod Rob drove to
' cjakei were gifts of lov­
tary pso tern. The follovrlng nomling friends. The femsins were told
TTaveree city one day last week.
>itog committee were appointed:
In the Glen Arbor bemetery. Ills par- Mre.
Mtoa Alice BoUmler west to T
Koons. Mrs. Perry sod Mr*.
trae aty one day last week.
lU. four brothers, three sisien.. and Carpenter. Then we were adjourned
went to
pest of friends are left to mourn
Mr. and Mn. Mike Boyd weal
tinner, and went over to grange
Trevenc Oily aSturds]
aSiurday (o atUnd' the their loss. The tomlly have the
KOXE KWICK KRAFOLA to a syaiemaUc Irsalmeat ct g^where
a most bountiful dinner
inerel off tbelr
their aunt.
rympathy of the whole commtmlty. had been prepared
for ns conslsi
clne to a uNel form. It cooslsts of a whole meoth'a tnaUMat flb
jr Pnlrbanks
Mr. and Mrs. ^rl and family wiah
Pnlrbanks liU to the nelfhgood to eat, to wt
vldA into (our eqnal part*. One week's trnatiM^l to aach bog.
cd me to thank the friends for the :e everything
all did ample Jutiler.
IVban Bolamler made a trip
sUnce. kindness and sympathy
Altcruooc avsslon opened at 1:30
Bring to ubk-t form It therefore does not coaute alcohol. Mflb
givenn them In their sad bereavement,
Traverse City Isat Thursday
"Tls so Sweet to Trust to
itnrles. ...............
and Roy.................
fiirt nave
return- by ringing
Pearl Bndley la on the si
spirits or wine for prcaarvntlve porpoaca m nB. or aiAt. UqAfl
folowed by prayer by Ibe Rev.
to Walloein lake. FV«d Skri and wife Jesui.’’
do. Bnch box contains a different mAielne. fhnrtdore
will rer- CUit»B Tonng cf Manccloas v
h A. M. M D, B MtOfle’t MsfldkBe
Clark of Bendun. subject ’’Tte BeauUtied at Oeorge UvOrost a Snnday.
your system doe* not become sccuriomA to It. Bub taMel to wrapUfe.Westcott. have gone tr lorlry to s
May JA

tissue paper tnauring cleanliness ud a abaaoea A
tbelr mother, who Is v y sick.
May II.
germs It I* tbe Ast stomach, liver and kidney nAlctoe m Uw
•ibom Am say favours, bariey.
Dr. C W. Bnnce left last week for
s lonlei as w. Il,
a short Tlajt with reUilveu aad
The farmers arr going to pUnt to all
Mends aen^
and Grand Rap‘mda Am ■ s br|s sBooM e( Bln«B B whob wfasM
Pam by Mrs. Baldwin. The Aid
ihrir corn this week,
Mn. cbaa. »tba was cnlM to Bel- • Claude Warner had the misfortune
Singing, -Trust airj Obey.'
to loae a valuable horse last week.
iBire Uat week by the Uln««a and
Select reading by Lime Hane*
m m meA
at cstsiMl rnttai.
Otto Weheter has bought a yoke of
death of her step mother. Mrs. Wb.
Bendon. subject, "The Ladles' Aid-'
Good for lOOecnuin every package If It fall* to beneflt yon. Now

Reading by Mre Wlllllam Barton.
1*-^ WliKiw. ltd n»l.«i<iU«bUdii»k Ik tried. Ii«
t with hU fami
Bendon, subjm. “Ho Your BestJoha Acker toI digging
a well oa
are not theu reasons convincing* Only two dou* n day—moratag
bta tam Jut south
Report of nominating eommliien.
ilh of this vllUgr.
uill make their bone on (be
Ud night—tArefore don't bav,. to mlu a dose, if you don't fed
Mn. Edgar HillII arrived from Trev- formerly owned by John Smith.
Pres.. Mr*. C. Barnard of Grawn: vice
G. Freeman
» business trip Pres,. Mr*. Oiilnger. Monioe Omar:
Jnst right. Are Ackacbe, pain to (he beA ,bA taste to tba mouth,
Secy.. Mrs Addle Ja«uisfa. Into
to .Elk Rapids Friday.
Clyde Uunce it
black speck* Afore the eyes, lump in pit of slomaA, Alchtog of
I. Smith purchased three fine bead Treas.. Mre. Melnivre of Grawn,
Reports were given fmm the
ee at preoenr the
[ running
tie. s new milch
gas. heart palpKaUm. UrA feeling in the Burning when yog get A.
a nall-dnw bis foot.
lowing aoel^ilea: Monroe Center. Wex­
ford. Bendon M E. Bendon Untoo.
There will bd a granite ahower
■o ha . .. _ ____
CDOsUpatioD. costlvcness or bUlonsncss. get * jmekage today. Thuali
All gave good report*.
relativM and friends In this vicln
tfvea at the home of Mrs. R.
noni'-iblng wrong Krn-Pola will put tAt scHaethlng right. TA 9toa.
■■■ retui
Voted that Wf appoint a ■
Ultlte. tomorrow evening, by Mrs.
ety work and Mrs. Koona t
WWte and Mrs. Gore tJcofleM to honto One Oollar Just what yon pay for 10 Ay* modictoa of lA OlAr
Inei Rex. Mias
r. Bavla purchaped
kind. ThJ* iasu yon thru times as long nnd does tour Umm tba
sy. k
tbo attendance was smaU. owing
........ ..............................._erly t_, _
work. Try it. If it fall* to benefit you get yoor mooey hack aad ana
Milwl Freeman and Bertha Mllk-r to the busy senaon. and Ad weather:
WlllUmsbnrg young men. bat
visited at Mre. Pauls Tuesday
tat It was a good eonventloa and wa
the medicine a moiiib at our expense. ,
iinietor of the store at Aagea
BetMot cloves Friday for a tlflce " • - mnch good may come of ii
dearly every one In the communi­ mtmihs' ratatlotV
The sAolars are
King wax ejosel with singing.
^k your druggist and If'he has bm got K doBT take a mbsUty to eogsied to either, garden mak­ plaaMog <
ivlng a film time PriBe Wlib Too Till Wr Met
ing or boue eleantog this beamltul
*^0-^Ad AaAleUon'by the Rev.
tutc but write eneJostog On# Oollar and It wlfl. A forwarded by
rniAnbmUe I
J Ae snkia «r Dr.
spring weather.
Mar IF.
ay Behove sad
d fa«
fatal which Ae firfl Ane pK».
Very pretty *tovliathma are out for
Mre. V. 8. Otilnger. I._
the graduiing exercises of the «ilLtoxle Haace. Secy, pro tern.
_mtbwg nchooo.
neboob. June the flfUi
mere Is ■# other Inst as gos4.
The member* who graduate are as, MW Dugnl vtslted orer ouaday i
"Had dyspepsia or ladlgesiloa
-........ -. ---------------'Ae.
Edsoi P. Vane.Ralph
Ralph Sco-' •- parenu to r “ •'
fan. No appetite, and wAt |
fleld. Lowefl Moore. Newman ~
r. and
<Ch»rt« Eaton of Wil- At dlstrwsed me terriWy. BnrdoA
Viola Orody. Bssrie DsOroat. Floe- lumsburg called A frtoad. here Blood BIttet* cored me.J. H Whlkclfalwfl
liter. Pnnrl
-. Bnaa Sunday.
er, SnaAry. CRlo.
Hoyt. IwmoBt Newstead. Chester I Mn. Kstle Letter of Acaie to stayBaird. Homer Hawley, Robert Ham- tog a few days with her stster. Mrs.
and Wymaa Avn
.VRT. A very to-1
Oeorge Oee. who u hhlle
IBlle BlA.
“ I
iting program has 1
prepared, I Lester Inr
« ^reve^ (
Sletabcrs anw.’ stare
Prof. Kfoler flgni
Alef one day last week.
cU« motto to a very! Mr. and Mre. WalMv Stertlng and wni kc ctasN aU Say
striking one. •Only the darkaeas'Xtile daughter spent Snwday at Wl

:ilam Curvy*.

I kiR. Rore Mttttv to qutta poorly.

sr-afs^ats^L*” “

$jaoo m $25.00


A. J. Wilhelm








Kwjck Kra-Pola

■ ■ arc

Let Us fljqklain:

“The Whitest of White Bread
b the Most Nntritioiu Food”

There’s a Draft

Lily White

* ^ “TlMilo» ib8»«lCootaW


The Koxe Remedy Co.

89 WUlow St.

»taV *S



Wilkes, Barrc, Pa.



Th* IMI pnpoNUoi wrf

too bia rlpbt mbu
Mbc it topoa
tBpood-fftBre llceaaM and paytba
MolorbtotoJto^ 'He^raal
•tract Wgaa.
a Boott peortMw'’ftf iW BOtiBT ?». 0. fc~r ...M
«»«1 ■Hit. that bda« bia
Ml atreet alsa that oaa a^
. Ob Dac. If. UM. wbeWba tMot-lo
aaoibM dtp. Wa am
far bU tarn, be toad a aMearalk ath ■boot la caott aoeb. Tba aotur «aa
■waaeat of fn.SI. Mr. Qarvlek atal- refarrad to tbo atraota aad valba
ad that be bad tod tbo dtp etok that
be voold bare to pap that a Mttia at
> aad Oai
A Ubo aad beard aotblac (anber
Thortoa Mluftdl waa crmatcd per
Iron It antU Map f (bto pcv «bea
bo recdfod a aotto froM-Ooorgo H.i;BlaeloB to (Boto a bars, tbe wark
be doae bp a Ueea«od Dtorer.
Croao ouiiac (bat Mr. Orooa bad par-'
A petUlaa tor tbe* exteoaloa of o
obaaod tbe taa UUe aad it voald coot
Mr. Oanrtek flOftC to redeoa tL He water Biala Iron HUbtb atteet rMt of
C. K. ft L Boatb alone TaUep
•tated that It voaid be topoadb
to Haaaai; avenae ttpoed bp D.
ralae ibat aaotat aad aaked
coaaeU to (raat Uai eaeb reUef aa B. Wrmt aad otbera <nt referred

I napavad alrasaa.


bp raped • was

nftoptad an AMenma! Tbe t
KaDep .hi to aaplUB. W. Ta^pa
end M. Oopne at Buaab BrvMjBta ft
Tbe Baal rwaotatto lor to sewer ftmliDtte aa special pMiee wtto« pup
Mr. WlBMt« aotsd itet (be utWr
Tbe bead-et W. O^Mhb. poasd- to to atop bdweea Tenth aad Blor-; aad to appaiaimaato were cn*be rdwred to (be «oek CMU>mee
•dor, Cbarlea Oribiilna and Ptaak rath atreet# was net adopted oa Mr.
U4 tbejr MMler «1lb (be Husftb ft
BeoU. aurelies. waa mNWvad oa Mr. PafftetCa boUob.
Mr. Mureble hniaghi «« to aaUar
LMS COMIMln mb4 ftMl MIt ^
ftteberd'a moito.
Oa Mr. Ooedrteb s moitaa. the ebkf of gradlBg ■svuMb strwat aant at
•liU^ION WMUMKB BY CITY of tbe rltfY ehore. Tbe clt7 eosloeor
munlMito laviung to
ef police was toctreeted to hare
Caw and oa Mr. PetoCtto moOt*. to
iwiwrteA bovem. tb«t at tbe r««UMt
cU te bliead the Beattag of tbe atata ceaa pool removed tram (be allep be- board ef poMIe werha wm toauwetai
Mr. Sulere. be bM> nxle u eoUkagae of Mkblgu MumetpaHtto.
TenU aad EIrrentb atreeu.
j to no abend vRib to wn*.
Mte of the eoA of tbe
which Beets d Madaaee Nap 2d. SI
teaolaton appravlag tbe lormj The rwaaell then adjMrned waHI
the cUrt ebare to be M.eUftS. U
aad SS (bis paar. was received aad or bond ter to fSSftao iaaoe was [ Map *a when tbe bodsd will be preWlBBle ,tbea wltbMfvw bit moUo
Bled. ,
Oo Mr. Blckerd-a BodiMi. tbe cm
A petltto lor a ccamai aldiwatk
OB Third atreet between Oak and
toad of Tut
ir CITV OMBNT WANT IT, M. L. HUttcoUM waa reeeveft and BM.
B tbe salartoai
Tbe dijr eosiiwer tbao care U
Napte atreelB. atgnrd bp W. O. roote cf tbe maptir. •armaa aad board of-----»«• NrlKe Stewart of «S IdU .
00ft. WIU, TAKI IT.
»Ua fM- tbe t
and 3. F. Nemk. who owned all the pubhe -works < e fixed tot top be
dkd Tueodar Bornlag at to
ro* of abcei
«ould be ftrlrea
poMlbio to aare hli bone. Tba
peopenp. waa graated on. Mr. Mek- tbe Mmr aa i w. waa to cause of
••• 'obtwitaBa.
Moos'# BWtto
LTd'B mofto.
> W Mra DlpariaMirt Awla *l*’*i'4
«itb Ibe aeceaearr aMtIer wae «utte treotp dlaeoaodd. tt
AUerman iiickerd
A pedticB lor a eoBbloed earb aad ' Tbe drviggUls’ hemd of H. P. Camp
Hester te-tte
TakoM Ui ftTfncIt Took ftlepa
prMeet It. aad tbe laierlor ddMoplng that tbe UUa bad
Her p. SiarMrd. of I......... ...
Nr. CiM aboot fifje aad when Mr. patter oa Plae street betwoea 8Utb; bed with James H. eiltett aad W. H. fv n feritd
«e ftaea Polw ftaewtakb
Nalue, saps, “l have wai p|wt1iJi*i
rXiotc aa waretlM. was spared.
MiNW Tar NbM.
^ roiUDlUae oa trbareea reported Oarwtck weal (a bta. be bad oBatad aad Sereacb atrweu alpaed bp I
rommlitee cUlmtag that tbep had tbe Aratca Sal% to Bevml pMmTto
K. HaaBab. Oewpe W. Raft aad
that li Mold be aeceaaarr to .bood to throw oft m.
right to «i to aslartaa of to dtp sp oM armp woun^. aad ntaar aball.
tbe dtp for tSAM to do tb« ooit. tbe
Oa Mr. Ooodricb-a aoUoa. tbe wapa WbUlop was roierted to tbe etreeu
Tbe coniBitlee on Jtiridsea
offidau -Ike vote on to amandBeat
aad waUw comdttao on
amaat to lachidc tbe balUlac of a aad Baaas eomwdttaa aad tbe dtp
tbat tbe plank Calverts on
follow.: TCM-Wckerd. Ab- r
attaoUoa tTM tbo dtp
Mooa-a Medea.
toraep wU> eat'Mr. Croat a*d Bad .
Wadsworth. DivMon. Cddar and Sixth bolt. Lapbm. ilarckle and Perketi: rrice g&r. at ti k. iiaujg gona. cmadbp alcht'aaa It vae laallr daddeJ to
A petlUoa tor tbe oatenatoa of tbe aireata be .rcplacad vdtb c<
tka Baaaab ft top Motbantllol
to*to waa dlaoaaaed at leasth. at wbat taraia a aatttoteat eaa ba
Napr-W.anle. Lamaon.
A Bugbaa Drug Ca.
the third i
Moon and NeOormlck. 'The.
Tbe. toror
iupor ‘
Oo. and tba Haaaafa ft top Oo! to |o
OB Mr. perkelfe Motioa.
WaablDctoa atreet frea* Waablactoa, pear, bonde to tbe amonni of t«.4«0 voted no. I
Wapda Ridara.
abood aad nipko (bo
T rc> Me and (bf '
tbe aztenaloe
tt be laaaed tor to parpom.
Re­ orbciaal motik carriad i
paba. tba dtp to^alabaraa (ba eea»-'
| —
Mr. McOormlek ---------------dated that
panto if it was *«d*fi* to kew Ik*
^ mattar of Borlnp tbe Bre do- aneb as tbo btepde ordlaaaee waa ^ conMood curb aad catter, aimed ferred to to waps aad meaNe coniJ. W. HtUlker (
mlttae oa Nr. Abbott's motlea.
coBBcn la behalf of MePbetvon Post
dock aad la eeant of it bdag da«P tot erealu. tbafbabf rtoatad caatbruaUp. that tbe
The commlitve on atreete aad walks C. A. a aad aaked ter to
dded that tba dtp didn't want tba
commIUos Mocwd'oii, .baaid take aoa»e aetto readnd-/*^....................
last wheo **^ •**” eoBwnuee oa Nr. Wlanle'a
1 a list of walks bMI recoa- Memorial dap
. the UUo to rarert to tba Ran- bavins cnatamd wttb A.' J. Pdartpl. Ittg to aetto of Jalp
owaar of tba prMdp oa tbp eornM to rideta were fivea permlaaon .«
Beaded tbat tbep ba boUt a Rjtojbm's motk». UUa ap tt lido
to taotto.
aab ft top ccMpaato.
of Colon aad Btale atrwts and (bat wee to walk^ uder eertab eoadlTbe pluBbm bond of Aram ft Oolc Jobiueu aAed.tbat to walk along V allowed.
Tbe Mattar cbbm w la a eoaoa
of kia prtipenp be omitted! Alderman Noon moved tot to
MUUItoa Mr. MeCbmlck and otbera
eailoB tron tbr Hanaab ft Up <
thaa »!S.S00 cm tbe pnaienp.
Tbe thought tot tbcp aboi^
1 suretlca was approved oa Mr. to the preeeai aa to build It now'board of public works be teatructed
panto atatlBp that two paara afts. tb«
dtiee recMBBoaded that tbo dtp from all wato but as it was naoea ! Klekcrd's laoUoa.
would be a hardsblp. After consider- to plant
elm trees on Haaaab park,
stopaalaa bad ((Tea tba dtp tba aad
parAaae tbo balMai and CMivert Iti aarp to have aa enfttoanee drafted tt | The bond of Prank Wtonte. weigh- able dlsrusaioa. Mr. tobpm'a moUonjTbv moUou carriad.
M of tbo fteto oa eoadMoi
aAMfetAS an .^.il Ikj.’
into anarura tor (be Bre i
aaend to oedlaanbo.- salklag ectoft. maater. with A. W. Jabraua and Prank tot the report be adopted oxoapt toj
Ntp Make eartate laproTM
be done teat night hat wUl ba M to Oondrleh as suretlca was approved oa
Oa dtp bad MM kapt Its a_________
cost of fia.000.
back to tbe coBteHtto. carried.
next meeting.
^ Alderman Mutcble-a mobM.
Ifta Uaaaak ft tor.eoapaoto deairad
in dtbor
tbe Am atreet propIke streets and walks commlUee
Nr. RIckerd tbongbt tot aeaetblog
CM Back w pd tbolr porfton of tbe
Tbe board of pobbe works recomrerommeaded Ibal a eemeat walk be
^ too' r^p^rM. thaTli
be ^
‘ ebottld be done about tbe Bovlng pie- mended tbat the bid of He
ture show licenses as top pap onlp Un Paving Brick Co. to the brick for built from BrventeeAib atreet on to
Wfd aad BOcb atpeaae eoald be
sMe of Cakn street up over to
oawed tbe dtp wouM pat Its obM la
Its a pear.- 'Tbe once now la bualneaa paring Washingtoa street from BnllTherr: will oever be a lime ac ii>i when you cro
Alderman MoOBb motto.' tbe Batter will not be affected aa top bare paid
at tbe same itoe.
read areaoe to Bdriow atreet be ac­ UU. tbe walk to be tour aad a halt
build cheaper tbpo now.
waa referred to tbe vapa and
aoSered iba d^.
a pear ia advance but It would appip cepted provided auluble arrango- feat wide. Adopted on Nr. Moon's.
, n|
Let us 6gure your bills—our prices will con^
ne Brd waa that the dtp repair
Adopted on Alderman Moon's motion.
PnB DrivliB.
Ha abare at oaea. Tbe second wea
viace you of thb fact.
ft petlton fr«m Peto Garwtdi naked
A potitioB that to couiKll allow rceommended oa dTpodmer* avhauo
tbat if tba bndsat dlddt proride to
Nr. Perkell oaUed to attention of
to aapeaditare, to Uaanab ft top Ibal (be eouudl take aucb steps as to councU to to babbof tnat drlvog >109.73 for Abe expense lacarved bp from carver atreer west to
would save bit Imaw and keep hfm In tbe dtp Unodta aaptni^ that some of WiikhIngtoB atreet property owitera in rtrrct.
at t per eeat. lb# third waa^tbat if
*Ve out of tba |
the auto# were going too test for toe raising their towns to oontorm «Uh;(te°ctolma and necoun-.a committee
it waa ImirnadMa to
definite ae- ^*"‘**'- '**>* petlito atatod that -be oomton or aafetp of to dtlaens. Nr. to grade when to aireet='waa paved,
J. 0. CMtscv; Bcc.
ttoaow. tbe coapaap waa wUMag
><» *•
^ Ooodrieh’a addi-^ Wtenle thought tot to commliue waa referred to tbe claims and at
Podtn !■ Um>9’, Uih. SUBftleg, Habk, BgatB.
,ftn tba work provldad tba dtp mve a!“»» “> ‘b^vlllape where be aad bU oo police abottld Inatract to chief to couDig
Wnftaws. ■•Biftbn sift Sht> Wait.
bond d S per eeat Intered
*ad redded for tbe past «ua^ arrret all driven gang faster ton Moon's niottonr
to lb abare. in event of not dealr-i'w
« ««»‘arp- He ta now II pean to legal speed.
'*A bettUoa tbat an nnUnaace bo
Nr. Rkkerd's motion that all who drafted io^ providing wapa and nteaas
HU to keop the dodu the ettp to
ftwd k bto to the Haanph ft top
the war bad Ub mlabnane to -e reuutred bp ordtaanee to do so.. for bolldisg eoBbtaed cuik and gu|
ttet It IW dl/ 40M MM «VC Ul ftM»



lYNinTE Tora snns






SoDfli Side Lumber Co.

Tfavcisc Clty*lkfc.

J W^lilliker^

Special Sale for One Week

EegiMing tomorrow May 23rd and Ending Friday NigM May 29tfc
TUs Is s sale of aU Uncs at aMrcksnai
always pays to give mis store yow pi
ad la gae# valacs aNca# Ikis sale.


Store. Bdow we give yoa a lew oi Ihe aumy valaca. Voa win Uaa Bat II
Stocks are gr meat, qaauaes arc ol Ike best aad prices arc always rlghl. n yoa arc Mcresi-

S I L. K 8

Dress Goc^

16 pieces fancy 8i!ka. auitnbie
droaaca.' )amp»r Miita sod abirt
. vraiat anita. Foil liue of pnttema

S6.inofa Blnck T^ffetn, extra beftvj
aad bixh finiab. Them ia joat
erne piece. • > do not daUf if ioler-



W^JgiKlk. Ill iorh


Oolored XhffetaB. abort enda, three to
30-ia.rh Black Tsffctn, ottf tegwlar

.......... 79c

in Btuk Dress Goods td% im at this |ale



Will eom-

-.......................... $i •SO


Mcr 0M« vatacss $1.M «p to SS.


A-4 Bfown Sbeetiog, good
dering Uuo
•4-1 Beowii L. U CdUoo.

other vUacs at Tic to SIB

aUkPMUeoato. Tli.c3kniatU.14


All aew asriiig models in the now tooee for epring in tbe Mowito defbs.
PwmoBa. Sergea. PopKas, Voilee aad Faooy Weaaoi ia
•eU oo4on. Also a few ITaacy Hmaaga.
».00 and 15.75 Skirta...........67 60 Skirts........................................... SSJS
110 Skirft .............................«8.7f
$12aadtlfW Skirts..........
ti&Skirts... ................ tlLM
$l^Skirta............ ................ fl4JS

Here’s a Snap on Suits
A few odd lota ol Snitapaeortwo of a kind to eloae oat quickly. IVwe
have been good aeUe^ bot the lotoaieao broken we want to«M
oat ol tbe way. U yoor siae « ia tbia lot THB7 ARE BA£aAHf8
f2.^00 6aita............................ $18.71

$22 60 to $35D0 Soitt.......... fffft

8S7J0. IW.OO aad $42 50 Saita for. ■-8$M$

..... -....4c

StV-QO Skirt. Ooly»Vh.«l.

TMMib Btoebed Iriab Damafk.
bvwntiful pMtterM. Oar
qoalityat .............

OiogbaBU, at. per yard

Oan amsll lot Apna

Akl^StticoIttS ia ^'tu. RB«y. taa ffTwen, dOMabni, _
IliBtMB Pelticont ThflMft. Kionly tallmd jttj^
m IhftsnniMt mim wawr oSaiwd nt................................^0*UU

w.<^%VJsr^s!nssaiaSnsT^ "

10 doaa Hock Towein. all pore lin«a. large cine nsd bMvy Ovr

04 mob all pate Lineu B'eMbed
Dnmstk. fine and good weigoL
Boagbt at mach lewsHbaa C/|/-»
market value. Per ymL*/l/V


NdlMbielaMetitiheBtBekoow. TbkbMbBM

Broken Lots
We bare taken all oiM <%aiU where there wkw ealy ose ol ft Uad a^ will
give a atraight 2$% mls-stiou oo any Sait ia . tbe lot. Ttwae are
aboDt -'id of toen. ail new tbia sprieg. Tbia iwtoni B Mvlag te yea
that is vrortb tbe while.

Bod Spreads
HMU^«p(^d.|^^«nli^yn^. pn» while. 7^8S.

Heaumd.^90. weight ^powidn. Hade o< 6se eelecfal yarn.

$1M- HoobB............ .............. -............

Ladies* Tailored Suits
Tbia ia nade np of Panatoas io Iwowaa, nrj nod gray, dno ia Stripe
Koittog in brown nod navy Co«p)^ Uaecf aiaaa Iraa ^/k 7£T
32 to 44. Regular price $12.50 .........................................

Princess and Jumper Sidls
We have aOBW very attractive Saiti ia both SUk ^ Wool. Tea will
Aind tbeae derariy deetgaed and made in a aaBam m woU m it doae


ainply ^t^oo aad wew.

Store OascaAB Day Saangay. May M. B

Pine eaoof^ far aay

Low eaoogb in price for Bay pgrai,!

.8 to 125




V .

» TfUVmtK HttALO. mHOAV. MAY tb tm,


|M» If^ Ywy EfS« —* AmiMBO Y«m CpIittMc wm Hite-tt Seller. AS AMeies Maal Be SIgacS.


at Aooa. tbe aa»noi of Mot bofag
lesooBod dortag tbs saBMr. s
has bsea pAowa (Asl too nseh Best
tss auBgo. diseased scalps, stc.
TAsas oalttols art tsrg wUd aad ao
•MS oaa get asar tboa sscspt
Kaapsr. sad AToolg wboa be brlags
tAon rood.

Notst sDov s UnoBB
to i
vUkAB sliAt ot Um sk«c».- t is alae
sasoi vtas u>;kM9 MraBBrn oi
tAs AoA If poBilhli.
•mbs ass giro OMr sllMp tAs m
of (As strtv sUA tlfm* tAon « lUOs «oa loMsr omosIoboIIt o4 (Am
MSBAsr W tAsj 40 oot 4o os vet]
os tA^ oMcAAon;.
la Mtw Bsatoad tbs.bsflt dera
If gw tMA mr Aroomag s«ca
wis. 0 IttllB sAoOoi son oa« ekrwr tor dbortbera balA A tbs allktoi
Aor lAv «<U OMBS tArooA lo too •trato.
Walter Wmisst of Kstiiie receoUg
•oM Uf bwd 6f raage-bred Heretordf ao the CAIesfo mateel at IT-S.
. tA# last two Of white astted hln oror tlS.000.
y ^rst xbut. ors the Ctforsdo fstdsn.
Kangsrao rats are destroglag tbe
^ OOM of serssBlogs sag other fesd vtoegards aoar gaaia Crw. Csl. Tbej
im tAs MAsr atMfts wsotsra stotss is haeo appeared tn thoosande aad art
as AlgA (Aot tAs Imstasw bos becooM fsodtog oa the goabg bods sad e«W
fVhlA attsadtog a mala oa a fra
la Mofgsa ooaatg. West Tlrgteia^
Fiaak Cnlp. « tera bog. was attaekad
bg tbe sBlfnal aad bad his
fAnoArO’ biOMla, Nb. IN. I iHOod
- Ag tbs 'Osportaeot qf. Agxlealtitn. asorig chewed oR.
daeretarrxWUaoa sags we ooght to
flogs of tbls bt«sd;-‘;Tbs''taringfl o(
hare biiBiper' enps tkraoidtoet th«
(Ais TOilatg art AOXt'ta sits to
eooBUg ibA season. All ccadlifoBt.
■ •who. TAcx ors at Aioek graood
an farorsbA for newd bnateag
wte. OBA iBUAsr CBdlag with s
of all sorts.
•51 of slajpv
Yttb M»ck.
ralsfls oao-flflb of all the cat­
ttta tavflrta a ^oglsA otter to tbs
oaiite Borftts glMiAgo^>i«Eod wttb tle to tee United Statee. bat te«r ore
tAls is tAs flaloA of BstoUe bteek oafl not aO datohod la teat state. A tew
lOvOOO Panhwdle stoeraaold
%ratfs Ip^. rtv U* bsosdtol la
oaf ISotAsr sad brood tras to tor I2U.000.
A ODoaoetleat tanaer to rwporied^
lAopo sad eotor. TAs taaslo Ass
A*tor ohods of gng ta AST aaHt- use tee Ueobator egatem to staHlag
lAoB tAs ule. Bor satlro eoiw- bis potato crop. Tbe seed potatoee
an^eed to a wararooB la a rack,
iag lAroogAoat lo ot UgAtor sbodli
wbero tbeg epront. and tee then traas
■Btes tab otsadord Wfligbts
tblfl sartotg oro tor buOss. troB M lo ^tod la the geld.
A story coBMS from Wssblagtoo.
« soonds, seeordtag to o«s; tor fsPa. teat a Camer. has a sbeepkllUag
miim. u to Id gooadt. Boios i
bone Tbs aalmsl was seeo la nab
vstgA oror 40 gooBds. \bol
wsUAts ore ommsIvs sad.of bat Ut- tbs dote. MBtole a sbeep to daate.
la Its tsete and cany tt
Us or BO adraatogs la hrtilllni Mod- pick It
■ las tia» Bolsa ud tsiaslss are^oro onL Tbe perfonaaBce e
woAmAIo tor pModag stock.
Nwo oats tea tomer tntarter



On tbe other Wad. tW auiCUy
fowls eery aeitre la tbter i
qtote ‘to aatan, poor sIttatB. to naag
cases vm ^ sit at an. aad rsteer
poor Botean. They waaliy tog a
whltoebelled egg. bat pleatj of
The Legbtne sad Hlaotw an repreaeBteOew of tbe egg type aad aag
wbo hare bail experleace with tbea
know tbeir dlspoelttae. Tbeg an rery
aerroM aad bard to oootae. as lAey
wfll Bg over Ugb tcaces. and aag dtotarbanee wiR caoee then to scatter
with atorsL Bseawe they are tote
poor stUers tbe lacabator to
wttb proflt to hateLlDg their eggs.
Booietlnes oas of tee other aad torgbreeds is k^ for doing the tocataatkn tor them. At they aiatsre Tery
early It A not ooeonaMn for then to
hegto laytog as early as i% montbt
old. They do aot fauni easily, as they
re Bate giesa to foraging.
Aaoiber clast of fowls, bat ooe
white to BM adapted to farm conatSoBs, A test of tee ornamcnul
breeds. They are kept taon for pets
ank for exhlUtioa parpooes. not beEg large enoagh or fltted for eoauDcral ateo.
'Wbaterer breed U kept It to weU to
keep oalg one aad not mis them ao
, as It otaally done oa
the torm. it to better from an aeeteedc as wtel as aa ecoaomleal slandpolat’to han telteent of a oflUorm
color. And then again It sboald be
remembered that a pareAred fowl
will be mate more pr^table than a
mongrel and will not eat aag mon
Eegaln any more can than the
___ lb. Bat to keep teem pore tW
eaa^ way to to have oaly^oae breed
on tbe plaee. Oiberwtoe pent muti
be prorMed for sate breed and precanUoas token to prereat lb«>>> from
from mixing daring the breeding

faaatam tor aD«roaad parpoaee to tbe
Black Braaeted Bad Oamea. ^Theg are
esry toloUlgent, are tptoedld layera
aad make good broOers.
Obo year I raootrM that tee Bre
uae haaum baa and cb» cote white
I kept for pom oagbt to do me
apply BM wlte eggs. aO 1 doters
to mile soote *aqaab tetokent.'*
All tee Are UtUe beat stole tertr
Bests, bat I discoreiod thtor wbereaboats sad allowed them to sit cb the
eggt BOTH batched. They bad teotea
Sarioos aad an ptorsN tor their neaia.
CBS betog BDdM a oorraat bote, oae
beneath a bardoek laaf. another high
op on a tbelf to tee loolbouse. tee
fonrtb to a corner of tee eMcken
boose sad (be flfte btoagbt oat her
Uplee la aa oM. cracked
dtoBCT pot to a heap of robbUb.
Wbca 1 found tbe Bests 1 caretony
remored tbe eggs aad placed iesrem
teca retoraed tbe
did this break op
tee sitttog. for my baatamt are rery
After tbe ctfleken were batched I
mored eate tomfly
coop with a
wire ccreeoed yard to from and kept
teem Inckmed anUI the chicks were
old; then I let om tbe
mothers with Uielr llUle famlliei. sod
taeb good limes ds they did bsre!
They kelped to keep tbe garden clear
of bags and did little or no bam to
rgetation. and bow they did graw!
There were thirty-three telteent
baiebed. A dog killed one. two died
of tome naknowa ailment and tee reBiatolttg thirty were dlM»oaed of most
They were hatched In tee Utter
part Of Hay. t ted them for t»f
momh OB dry ptohead ostt. They obuiaed an tbe aeeetsary aalmal aad
yegetable food and
09 their trips
la garden aad meadpw. hhen they
were old enough to forage about for
food I fad them but twice a day. girlog th*i cracked corn, which fatten­
ed teem flnely. and plenty of freeb
waier to drink.
As tee dock has no crop it cannot
Ihese bantami. dressed, .wjctgbed one
and a haU pounds and were of toUd

SOME nucncML

Write ObIy Ob ObC SMe el Ow Paper

moet be aeOAd by cate ta«rUaal tog upon tbe toarte. TOate Um aad my'hahecaBee coretteg tbe wga aafl
,be wfll drop a shw; dtotaate aad togin u, feed opon Uo yoaag mad de___________-----------------------------------------------------------------H___
B batched do <v_______________^
’ haag ssspeaded ..._____________
ta tbe air by
aot feed them tor at toaat tweaty-toor | of a eflkea teread. As eooa ak etwy- crawl dewa lato tee bods aad b«d
boors, teen ^ teem a r^^ of foor thing to qslrt be wUl abla sp tbe there dew
ans wheat bran, w• p
pair cm
thread aad agate commeare feedUg.
Kiiit torrae tbea sptoS fion Aat
ThU to tee ftsli tree leaf roller, to Aaf a few sUkva tereods white
(be mam crsately. add aboat ire per his field «s aQ over (he United Sutes tbaa oalA a few haves. «aei
cent abarp grit. When they are a (ram Hstae to tbe Golf aad
some to ceri or fold and tosMe «( teA
week oM add some sort of aBlsts) to (be Paclfle ooeaa.
rbidlcr tee torrae dots noet M Us


Fbr orchard spraying the barrel opray potap |s oar of tee beat. It to
proTlded with a paddie (hat keeps the mtxtuie stirred. prereailBg the
faesTter partirles from settllag to tee bottom. This to oae of tbe desirable
feaiurea of the barrel pump.

feed, with come loogbage, eoch as
cabbage or letloce chopped fine. Dartog.tbe first two or three wetes teed
them five time* a dayjster fOpr timea
a day. so that at five weeka ot age
they receive three meals a day.
Of course ducks should have water
>r drinking before teem all tbe
they need ranch more water teaj
'Of (As sorsrai rartoUos ^ tartogs U
and need it while thtr
men dfrsbli tor sn poipooos Uiaa
eating tbetr meals. It to aeedless to
tAitJKd It Aoold As BMto gsaoroUg
say that at all times it most be fresh
cattfwlad tAiaa^oot tAs ooaatrg for
and pore.
NteoiAii:in all oprfBUons eleanltoeai must
T IIMsgB Of this saristg oro A
be the watchword, (or filth is s
. Csrai or Araoot sad bedg. bo( so kx.^
log as tbs^arww^ u s
eight liana] menace to all (arm ogerattoMSfpairs of baatamt to a prlraie family After eate meal cAaa the feeding
. do B0(
iMteia BlBI
at IIAO a pair, aad could hare dis­ boards or trongbs: .dirty, soar feed to
•gawh.'ABi Mbsiia
»• Algh
poned Of more If
had ^ad,Ohem to not golag to poab yoor dnckUIngs
V wMA«i«r«teWo tAM tbs Marrpare.
yon are preparing tec
Tagosssus wfll noeb narkot stn sad
t feci that the raltlag of bsnlams
SBBdtUoo lo >sso UBS tAoa tbs BroBss
for broilers It going to be a good ducklton (or quite aad early re­
and therefore you most keep
thing for the boy farmer. The ban­
iaoar ova ea^orteBM wilb tAe Na^
tam hen Is t good mother. She will tbe birds warmy clean and growing
' ragaasalti we hors Taaad tAe^ mate
flght rsts. cats, dogs and hawks and all the time.
Jgflia dooUs BBd oouoBtsd aad-----Bkteti teey are a week old they
ntually comet out the winner, and
; ii)ilMU0 JB tbalr Aatatu tAan
she will not desan her young unUI should be aOowed a email range' of
I foot, we bare nsrsr bad
grosrtog wheat or rye when
they are nearly ra)l grown.
* wtth oar NortaThe meat tit the game bantam to
I raaiUlag awag tiwo bone
If everything has gone well <
finer and more deAcate than teal of
The iMTIsp caUway bamw to osed to Waablagton slate for cnIUI naUag bate. Boostlag Uae
the larger fowl and, preferred by ducklings sboald at ten weeks weigh
eaUag sommer fallow toad and takes tee ptooe of tee plow eaUrely.
I tAMfl- at hoBw. -Do aot
many to that of the squab, white It five pounds sad be ready (or the mar
Mm tmMU^ abmh that tAog
kct. To kill ibe date pierce toe roof
Sfineb stoe disk plow can tele- richer and more fat. and for that rea- of tee mouth with a aharp double; fflt gaad toAgsei^ br tbeg arc. bat
leaa desirable.—J. Adamt Posbe
MMUr Aoais tastlaet u a proalawt
edged knife, strike the bead sharply
ell. &amtord,
'W. XaotAer qnlltr graatlg la t^ will Ospsnd torgtiy on Taolo of.lnand teen begin at once to ploek tbe
pulA eoiler. birt It does not palrertoe
brbr Is UHdr dUpoUtloa to lag tbalr
bird. When plucked dean pot In a
gMdval and for What Pun
tee soil so weU.
* ogv asv Aoan. aad oraa la' tbs
cool place to get perfectly cold and
cAlcksa loass. TAis. Aowdrer. Is paKaUB. and then pack tn barrels with
than eight or tea inchee with, a disk. flnanctol rlewpctni and who hare plenty of broken tee and ship at once.
• Jg-a aattar of adaeatlea aad tralalag.
What breed of poaltry to bwl for The wMerlbefurow tee deeper will,
dren iu erarloai phases-s fair trial
9 gsBpitlg tsd aad ■laagod ter a fw
draw the docks nor cot off
tbo farmer aad coatmerctol poaltry- corragallons be. and the poorerwlllIdoeUre that isuitig green docks for
their bonds or fed.
.jopM^AidM tka lagtag ssaaae
to keep win depend apon tbe be tee work. It-is better to use two tec.summer market to the most proA week or ten days before the
. dAid AaAwrg low sggs aasd bo looLI ef tbe todlTldoal and tbe .par J«-lnch plows, each culling eight flUWe of all.
are "rlpe.~ make arrangi: OlliUflgitlg oowo ««ss oM WI
--------for white tee ponllry to ratotoko U la Aar bwd to staal swag ed, tan Doodall's Panaer. Oa teo or- lacfaee to width, tbaa to ate a single! It to profluble tor several reasons. menu with a commission man to take
, aad AMs Aar asflt.aad ororgoBs vttA dtoaiT farm Uttle atteaUao'to ifrott » or 90 tocb plow catting sixteen the principal of white are that ducks your ducks. It will be seen that only
rapid trensli and
hardy, ibclr eggs are apt to be j
Bflg taMg kaowMgs kaews tbs to tee breed of ebtokent raised: to Inches.
procure Ice should
■ troBMs IB dadlag that btBd of a bssl tact, ordinary term poaltry to of no
Tbe disk plow to capable of hand­ ferUle. they are not dlt **»
they are erisy to control, grow attempt lo supply the summer
/ Afl a tahls bird tk# tterragaa
breed, hot rather a mix- ling ground that has become
ket with green ducks dreiised. —Mrs.
, «ro M OMMiOsd bg aag otbar srosd. tbre of alL Pertte* a tew good fowls and hard for tbe moldboard plow. li fast and they are ready to market
J. DeMarr. M.vplewood. Mo.
; l(ha tesat belag flas gnlaol jtfeg aad
to ot^mewlHlt lighter draft, does 4gb( and ten weeks.
Two-tlluslons regarding duck rats.Madaif Tbar an good-lagers, sattars.
mtog no often,
tag most be dispelled before we go
ayd teotbsra. Takas altogether, tksg g few rears ‘bey bOTe beeomajo mix­ through trash beUer and does
any fariber. and ihey are: Docks d=
' are wortkg of bach Bwn gweral col- ed with the common blood teat te«(r clog go easlly.• " ■ * "iir'
not nw water to swim to and neith­
UratAM.-^ 8. Bobait.
IdeaUCg to aO bat lost.
The moldboard plow must bo
er do uey need free range. In Ui
In many oeetloiis of tbe cooatry the
popotor torm fowl bat bew and to srork In aU places where tbe moUturr
sbODid allow both, but these Unee oi
yet to a Urge cstfBt the Barred Ply- conditions are farorable. In
T%ors V* t»m Alaek tea Ii
ly refer to raising green ducka. These
Boar Atbsrtoo. Prtaee adwsrd Islaad. moath Bote. This to we of the gener­ all Irrigated and bnmid sections this ^ beUer wHbout teem.
vAawMAsas aalaMls ard^rataad tor
The first consld^tlon is the breed.
flair aktw. wgs Oowal Joka it Har­ ted to flit tbe bOl toe farm porposet. dUk. Tbe disk can be recon
Pekin is by far the beat for onr
ter of CAartotteotowa la a wooot re­ Tbsg are good toyert. tee eggt betog for dry and bard condiiiona of soil. parpose. sad no other will answer
port. Tkoae tsnu eeatata (wwlg. of fair tow. ^d tee hint 'make good —H. M. Balner.
So well.
At B market fowl they ant
twwtg4«o aad Udrtg foxes, reapoteHere good warm bulldlags with
Ireig. TAo bAIbb sj« wld la Undoa Wtf tolrly well, betog of tnedlAa
WOU 9t THE C0DUN6 MOTH dry floors. The dock Is Imperrlons
at pfteaa Mglag ^ |M0 to IUM sue aad fatten welL Tbe oiber gener­
feet, sad if it to co
al pupoae breeds white In tote years
oaoh. aoooAi^ to' floaUtg. I aa
pelled 10 sleep tn cold, Iqi or v
bare taken tee plaee
tee nymonth
terwd that tAe far U wed for oi
places will not lay early, aad tt
Mttag tAe doaks of iwgaltg. as tt Bocks cm many fsrtu tere tbeW*.
early eggs test are fertile, which we
dottea. OnXngumt and Rhode UI
Is lbs oalg far to wMte gold
They aU hare tbeir ad
As the dock.has too crop it cannot
tagea, aad it irawre a qoeaitoa of
.. TAs fra eaetatatag tbfrtg tox<
digest bard grain as easily as do
TAa fsra ooatala- caste tbaaaaytbto
chickens, and mast feed Urgely of
tbe tormer tbonld
• ^ twentg foaea. A
A to a reogh. broksoft foods. James RaaUn. the "dack
f of » white fowl OB tee
^ Bpoods CBooUT. wban
man.- recommends for toying dotes
ao psnicntor caiwto glrowdaed bg baa^
A nm, UVI. Aowl.1 . m.ur.,. ^.Uo.
« nml
wetfag. The wtie A sat to tbs greoad
PRoreasoR w. l. carltlb.
lest aolled
MII.E -otk ‘‘rn M IU
kve aad tbna test to order to kosp
about to tee wet grass and'weeds.
fioor. .Onedoorte-or this feed abould Dean, Colorado Agricultural College.
. .teo teens tnm barrowiag asdsr. aad
spraying wlte an arsenAal ootottogi.
Pun CoUlni. Ool.
wUcb apolto tbeir appeanuM.
be compoeed of regetablee. cooked,
A absat oigkt fast AlgA shore ermad.
tele to BM at-an detrimental to tbeir
and all tbe green rye nad cabbage
vitk a earre towsrdto at tbe lop of,
HAKDifi' BWTAM FftOHTA^ they will eat. Tbls sbacld be fed
oacA post of aaolhOr three or Mw MBOwacal adraatoget.
1 find teat wbcB boys list get tee night and morning and gi noon a lit­
If tbe aim eC tee poaKry -ntoed to
. test df win. te order to kssp tbsto
;.lnai oMMagoeer the teace. TAsg I fnnltb tee market witS fowla. ebiteea fever-they experlatent with tle com. wheat and oats. TbA has Spraying Treea witti AraenoA of
Mesp to tbs sasa tbs gear iwad. la altbw A«e «r dtoaaad. It wUl be to bit boBiams ood oriect elteer tee thor- proved an Ideal ration, and dates re­
Lead Wilt Rid Them ef lo, AoDow tnaa aad to Aollow togs. adrantage to kpep tme of the meat t«ihrad tor taoey stock breeding or ceiving It lay fertile eggs.
eect Pcet.
Now. comes tec qoestkm of incuba«-:TAew lafali ste aot cnes bred, bat brweda, soeb as Brabmai. Ootetoa aad (be mixed bantams for pets. It is
‘ -’ate saadaad lo tbetr owa ktod to
Tbaae foirta are large aad (sr better 10 oetoet oBe pBrtleolar (loB. Hens are well eBaa^ to teelr
-hoap tbo larot bsst-oasUtr peostbte.
t» forage, brand ood keep ta teat rubor teaa way. bet when it eomeo to ratotog
reuo- earty and proflubA green
Ybagors fM grtadtoolA w cots nd teoy taka aa Seth tsiddly. Bat teey to teaagewfteM.
I have bod tee dWereat eoArsd
tee toeobator aad brooder
, SiJIk aad broad aad aUlk. with awtoll am poor torm and bare aatedene
, bat aod tee beflt breof of] mnt be ooed.
>lMirty te ofloAsd —t «aos a dag. to Ht and ore lateor atow to testore.
traoe eff greeo, wltbo^fi!kbeo4.leed-



Soon after esMegiog Ibe notes
pair and depoali'tbrir’egp ood to
about two (seeks becln 10 perish.
Bach mote depoalu her entire aapply
o( eggs to a riogte flat otass upoo a
twig (>r limb of a tree and (ben
sBKors over this man irf eggt a
gummy subataaee white protects
ibem from dempmm. Bub mote
lays ^Bt 160 ogga.
. Tbeoe eggs rcmoln oa tbe trees
withoBt battelog duriag tee eaUre
summer, fall and ertoter and hatch
out (he fotlowinc apring. tbe totter
part of April and tee first of May.
As soon as tbe yonag larvae batch
they eat their (ray tbroog^ tbe gnm-

the larvae attalos iu full gro(rtb
la (too) edgbteea lo t(reaiy daya. It
to tbea
of ao
tote loog aa^u hS^'^terk
bro(ra or blate. Tbe body V very
•paraely covered with a /ew UgbicoAted ebon balrs.
, MAeo a torva beeooMa foil growB
It rptas a xUbee web toride of (be
curled leaves ood troBStOraw la tbe
pupa stage. ThU takca place to tee
toiler pan of May. la from
eight days after tee papa A Amte
It wriggles Its way out of the qmwbb
and hangs euipeaded by —n— of
stveral books attarbed lo tu skto.
The skto tbea spllto open. Ibe adott
mote emerges and sum exponds.
dries IU Wton aad fiAa away.
Tbe dcstriMtloa- of tbls
sbonld begin by destraylag (be egg
paiTbe* and teen by tboroogbly spray
lag tee trees altfi arwenie of
TbU mast be doBS before tbe Hof
roUtog begins or Ibe laseci caaaot be
reached Inside bU Imi
' Tbe precBlte of had spray A and#
as tollowi; Acetale Et Aad. 94 onp
era; arseoRr 01 soda. Moseo; mier
T6 galAaa.
Uasolve tbe lead and soda snsirately in a bolt a boteei of water,
teen nix then tbemoghly and al­
low tbem to renoto over olgbt. Tbe
llflnid (rill be bbItUb In color. Add
Ibla to oeventy-five galknis of water
and opray..
Where one bos to aproy appA tnsa
only parU greeo Css be osed IB tbe
of tee peoad and Ibreq
potiBds of (rveb sume Ifbie la galtoas of (rater, hot tUs spray will
be almost sore la Injure j^urry.





- '1

Aod iroo begin td think n( lepairing or"buildiag oew.
Bring yoDrHtlls to ui mod get your figQrei
which will mean money gaved by you.
We make a tpeciality in Store Fronts, Store
Figitires, Griih, Stair Wprk,- In fact first clast
•hop work of every descriptioo.

The McVicker
GasQline Engine
Only one third tbe namber of parts of any other
eogioeon the market. Easy to onderstand, aod easy
to operate. 1 have on band One new 5 H. P. Engine
00 skids, and One second hand 15 H. P. portable
mounted on trucks. These engines are both in-first
class running order aod 1 wiU sell them at a. bargain.
Now is the time to get youreogioe for cutting .your
wood this year, and for the hundreds of ttoea you Will
have for it daringtbe season. Come to my office aod
aod let us explain it to you, and give you a price. Or
write me, aod do ft now as they srpn’t last' loog.




M. J. LaLalone
»>z ur. Traverse aiy.Rich. Office imm 4, aiy Open BAsek


t, miMv. 1&X a, iwk.
coot pUbaaim roadr) Btoasa Cake Poddlac—Tbe
for aaa. as it soars Kieklr to tba'eaba was a dead waf^u aad _______
ja-loui loaa. Bot 'ls m drtad aad bad
Parsnip Balls—To tbe ttti^rar pa>, tbe boCttox mto pat orer M. No e« or
aalp, vUcb aboald be naabad and angar vere added* bnt coo capfal of
aaaaoaad. add an aqaal aaoaat «( ralatoa, oao^f cKfsI of eatrants.
naabad potatoes, batt aa oadoa ntoc- oaa-balt captal ttf dried
ad. ft lUfle pepvK. baU a UblaftpOoft fwasbad aad <
as. a htUe ctocortftd aartban eroek or Jar. Barn bf mlftcar panlar. or a ptote of powTim Ctewtai HMft.
roar atftla braad, bat ba earefat tbat’terad »**» and ana ok vM baateo. UBOB. clove aad aotaiag.
Tk«* wnr «M ft ter ao >e&(
rrakk Gbariotte—Plac
K do« sot baeoM tMddr- U rov bare [lUx aroll, fona Into mad 'aftbaa ftftd
Mm. John M. Stabler. MlUmabatm
U «M ftM hftva ftft «Bd.
take tobUts, rstbvr Iod..wHHBS -I havetosaeurteteA
of stale cake ia tbe bottom of a pud­
ft coarse wira Aeva roo «ft» nib tbe trr In bottar.
TlMrft p»rwr waa ft B»a ao poor
tbsa to take medlela* very had ease of oataixfekte tbe •tomato
■k Bread, Batter Braad aad Spoon ding dsh and pat a Urer of aar ktod
bread tbroogb it; if roe bare bom.
Hft tetf Mt hft«« ft Masd.
to a Bald form.
eoasUpatloa. aad a e^plleattea of
orltb'a raHtoc pto roe can oiake tbe
Aa« vteft tta loftc ter )s «t «*A
pmiple can obtain
sata that 1 have bad tor several
cookery Is knows bp these j tbe lapan alteraatalp noUl tbe dleh
I tl8M of reat.
eramba aa Baa as ron vUB. Tbcn pvt
Parana tablets, which
nsmea in dlffereat sectlou of tbe Is nearlp fall, bavtog tbe crumbs at
repiwmat tbs msdleiaal
Aad be who bas oaa staadtoai filead then to a pan to a aiodaratelr
of Psraaa.
orae. bet do aot let tban get broara. soolb. If oBen a method of using tbe top. Poor a custard over It aad
Oaa ooftBl MaiaaU aa Meat.
Tea eaa aaa these eramba for aiaar leftovers to tba Una of rice, grits and bake. Serve wtth a ptiddtog sane*.
CombtoallOD pudding—Butter well
I toaad I
parpom. Do aot beep tbem too Ions, cewala. If tt
■nan aarer wn a ^Md that bM
of Peroaa.
getting some better, tot tboaght 1 wm
ttaeSma of eggs, ooe sboold bear, to a podding dsh holding toree quaru.
tba tnaabtoa all tnm Blfbi.
bat nake op a freto aopplr
Mia. T. J. Ballard’
doing at weU as I might, to I
mlbd that owtog to tbe ctmatc. pool- place to the bottom two tochee of line
Tbm ww «H a Ufa so nd
Pryor Crook, Indian
to Dr. Hsrtman to seewbat^
It had B0( am telifbt. ;
Kaatacbr Cotoaat-Craiobie Ora- tiT and eggs are oomparaUtair cheap ernmbe of stale cake, cookies, ginger­
Ibrrltory, writoa: -I tboaght afaMU ms. Usgwvomoopeolal
a tor aa tba
bam bread aad pack to a battered gad abondanL Scald a capful of whlU bread or bread, or all combined. Add
beep, tree from mp old dlreettoas and.mteloal advlea,
stonaeb troabla. feel
Mar baaab tba dark aloate tbrooMt bowl; tbea poor over boi frait Jotee com mesi with a bait pint of boiling four wen*beaten egga. oae coptol of
no catarrhal symptoms
Aad gtorr gfld tbe aaaeet akiea
-^^«ven, ahsed. from eaaatog-^ waur. Add half a Uaapoonful of aall. stoned ruJstos. a Utile batter, ooeat all. 1 am abl* to do
a capful of rice. griU or anp other balf cnpfol Of sugar, spice to taste,
TIU beana aaema Jaat la «lev.
ratfl tbe breed to
mp work, eat aad drink
-My old Meads tn Ohio, wbw* wo
abt oa Ice: wbeo cbilled. aainoDld
what I wanusadamre- movrd fruei aboat flfteoa
ho toth-Bol ba dtoeoaraced. Mead.
aad garnish with all aorta of cooked
ioleed to know that I say Wbeo they see me, -How vrttl you
Vhaa ebateWB aroaa oar war.
troll—ploaia. baaebea, paara. qtrioeei. and a half calk of mltb. Mke In an slow oven severe! hours, stlixiog at
look. I did not expect to ess yoa over
cartbea dUta nntll firm Uka n baked least four tlmei vrhUe bakiog. Serve
Of hope aad treat Pre aoaw to lead. etc. Tbit to a Baa war to wbleb
look so well again.’ 1 tall them I weald
ewtard. It is sometimes prepared In fltber bot or cold with cream.
8o,bonow from aw. prar| oaa brokea fndt.
look eo
U It bad aot beea (DC
PaB Paste—Roll puff paste and cot
Good Mnto are we; iberefora, sot
rrf,d Bread Serrad laatoad to Veg- a tbln sheet, but Is osnallr two tochtoto strips one Ineh wide aad toree
jatabtoa—Out aoata bread,
wbleb.; US Udek ud very nice.
Meat Psuies—Tike minced meat of ittchea long, brash with beaten eK
- TbreiMi 'wertdir «aatth we lack. I tboogb suie. It tun H^t and eoft.
of our folks are ataklclv*
Utoald. tba aaa breaks faatb at last fsto Bagert baif an iaeh'thick: dip tap Mad, and add to It a very UtUe and bske. Cover wttb letog made
Aad drtaaa tbe dark ctoeto baeki
ibcm to nllk aad let them drala for cstloa with aoll and pepper to taste, of one ublespoonfnl of water, one-I tbaak Dr. ^vtu^ sad may to
■Htoea B. tatord-'n whOa Braab them orer with white and sufBcleni gravp to moisten Utbor- half cup sugar and three drops of
Ire many yean, more,to go OB Witb IM
good work. Tongue oaaaot oxprem '

" '

- . , , ,jofeK;dredgeaBUlefloor orer theta ongblp. Itot II toto pattp pans.' and lemon fnice or exuscL Place to toe
cover tbe top with ipasbed potato oven for five mtontes. Tbea^ are good
Mrs. D. O. Nolsa,- Oem.
. n, happtoto baart that —
Kas., irrltee: -1 have no
a frrtog paa.
PUe tbeai. ptraald mUed wlfh a lluJe cream. Put plocee with coBee.
toward ms «ui»
•. Wm to a PdalatbrwBM.
A dtentp garatsb for meats or a Btoro throat treaUe. tbaaks
tog my Blokbsw.
faaMoB, to abot dlab and aerva with of batter on lop of eweb and brown In
-1 want tbe MbUe to knew wbal
nice looking sweet U made'after the' to Pernua: It Is the only
medlelae I ear* to have. 1
Barm aad Dr. Hartmaa have doa* tor
Meat—Btu of steak, or foUowtog maaner:
Oordoa PuBa-lflx two cape of
Aad left to Heaves tba real.
meats or telckeni an nice cbopentmbo. <wie cop of swote milk, two
-MU TaBce Cbaaar.
I.U. b.11 mcou. b™.
aad pot in a stew* pan with
-__________ , hr tbe tartouo
ubUopeopt of bBttor, om taaspoda
illuiteli to wfato tbs family to
to' ■
SBgar. ooe leaspooo aolt aad two tea. eaonto sweet cream for a nice gravp; beaten ck and hake. Serve wiUi- nine yean and 1 ought to
spoons of baklag powdto. Baba at add rail to iasie and a verp little pep ineatt plain. Ftor a ewedt dlrh. split t know aboot U. Peraaa hw
Have aeverml sUoes of bread open on toe side and All with Jelly, helped me a great maop
gems to gam riaga. Berra with eoeoa. per.
Umes,aad I teiall praise
Boer Milk aad Btala Broad Doth toasted, and UM on a warm pUte. or Or ibep eonld be filled with a npoonMartem Tbae^ tor mi weak. aoor mITk aad aerapa of bread are a few bot MsetdU opltt, or a taper of fol of creamed oysters, lobsters, every 00s o< my Meads.’
Ever olnee Peraaa was to*
*'WrtU H to roar baart tba
that avarr
tr lamllles. aad r«t a maohad potato, nlcelp seasooed.- and ctieken. and make an agreeable trodaeed to tbs poblle thirt]
Bar fa
beat Aar of the rear.' BMSt dtetdoa breakfast disk caq-be poor tbe Maure over. Tbe meat map change tnun tto peiip as It appears yesre ago. tbe hoosewtre ha
Keep a crock or be wanned with milk, or even water, ordtoarllp.
toea SB ever faltflfol friend tol’erana.
tad tblekening
Hfaell U that baioeea tbe practical
boatn to tbe paatir aad toto thto pot seasontne ndcelp.
The Latest Thing la Rugs.
•Vwm toagaad as dapa ban p^aad am all tbe left-over milk, sweat or soar, with a Utile Boar or a beaten en.
benesu of tbd'aoe of Parana la tto
Rag rags are recelvtog the altep j famllp.
hanr Rte the load.
aad stale bread, fatocsli eramba aad glvtog tbe toast a geaereas botter4ad that vonr^toM or htua.
wbeb U nleer than to stir all tbe tion of women to whom far more ex-| Vbenthebabpbas'oanflaeoreoldobe
plala cake scrape. Cover wtih a towte
pensive ones would be enUrelp within 1 g1vecafewdoseetePeraaa,iasteadotBlJ- ■M. ADOVKA rADUn 0
.Blawr aataalha aa Itknau nad.
er Into tba meat, h
When aaoogb bas aoc«UDalated-p«ar
far pai Mow that aonahow. alwara. Iwtee a week—serve for breakhst
meat witboat tbe tout, and It Is reaeh. They like ihem made of white tog tbe system teth the doetoris drags.
When tbeVcbooIdhUdren hareooagbs
flyteamie Catarrh.
btlon iLinglod wtb lndlgo*b1ue.
Doors an epoa. wart art made,
tootbaome paaeakaa. very nice, espaolally for a breakfast
Mrs. AagnsU Paoltoe Ocba, Il.
tor a carpet and woven tb* same or colds she again rmorto to Porana.
tohn wo work and U*a to pattoaoa
Beat ftp tbe bread sad mlik and with
When say member at the family Is P. D. 2, Korth KnglUh. I^rwaalso. Some of these are really pret­
Uadto an tba eranas laid."
a large fork UU amootb; addaptoch
A Meat Left Over—Tbe recipe reafBietsd with catarrh, elUier In lu aenU writes: “1 took Penns ovw
ty. and tb'ey are hygienic, whidi adds I
Of ealt. half taaapooaral of eoda and a qnliuooaebalf ponnd of cold meat or
former ehronle,Peraaa is resorted to. three years. 1 snffered frem syw
to their valne. When soiled they can
large anmher of minor aili
temle catarrh and bad patns la
fowl. Chop tbe meat flae, and
o<-«ton»tog that baa ooaw to aa. ao
be washed. They are In great demand: abefl^PeranaaBerer-fallingremedy. Bty rtoM ride ao I could hardly do
witb two UblespoonfuU o(,creae
for bathrooms and-would be equally
AU this has won the eonfideneete the
arnt^ Kit to aanow <r pato. whaa gaUer aad drdp Into bot tot from
Ublespoonfel af chopped parsley and
desirable (or the kitchen or bod- 'boosewife ta Ferana, which esnoot be
that oar oipoHeaeo Bta a
-1 am ffi years oU. aad am
on both Bidet a deHoata paprika to taste. This mlstare Is to be
easUy shaken by tbs 1
dniDg all mybonsework. 1 am to
OM otoab Boii that ooma oaa etoa
bfowa. remove, aprtokle wtb cUtad imbedded tn s Jellp made la the fol­
Three rngs ran be made in any pre­ people who know nothing of Perans, the best-of besllli. and caanot
can belli aa war Urea.
sagar sod etoanawa. fold and serve lowing wap: Measnre an onnee of gelferred design, plain center with stri­ bsTlng never bad any poraoaal oaiwrl- timak Dr.llartmaneiiooghrorbls
boL These can be alea perved with a attoe, and let tt stand nnill soft In
advlos sod medlettm.*ped ends and (itnge of the warp, or
■tow walk do not a pitoea toaki
toor Ubleepooafnls of cold water. Pot VI.
bttU lam or Mm oprap.
____________ _
bit aad>._...............
ftordrOB ban a eage:
a ptot of eold water to a saneepan.
fltaU Bread Made toto teaks
ty one ta bine center with white above all do not bang your pet's eage
Mlate tapooaat atod wtot tabs
damp doth dipped to toklncwfla.
Chooaa iBiwak ibe broad toto omaU and add to tt a aUce of salon, s few
stripes near each end woven with by s draughty window, (or there U
nbt tor a hormUaga;
In rdMlIng ibc early ipriag prepara- and pollah wttb x piece te ebamte
rough pleeea; dip each 000 qaitelr totv^ of eelerp. a bap leaf and a
while waip (broughoui. Others have r.othlng more Ikely to make them tlona for tbe flower garden, tbe Pe­ leather.
tl 1 Itoto teaaioto to or ton,
■ .
to aad out of sold milk; pot them op dorr. When tbe water bolls strain It
the warp In two colors, bine and sickly and m. Canailes are such ten- tunia shonld am be overlatetod. It to
teU iBtotor aaal am tiaa.
OB a perfecUp clean baking dlA and over toe gelatine, season moderaltep
A bit of Mo*
(be vxUr la white
white in inch iiripea. II reqnlrea 1«» :Jer. waniith-iovInglUtle -birds, ibst one of tbe eariem flowers to gro*.
Aagaia alaaa, that soar ahon
bake to a bot ovea. In a few mtootea with salt, and add a smaU teaspooalbs of Mwed rags (or 1 sqasre yard they soon cease singing, and die. fh The reader who baa never tried tt glass is washed adda much to tta
Mar sack hbertrfn! of beef extrucL When toe liquid
tbep wlU be erfap. wbaa tbap
if new tlawenr to rub­
and esUmates can be made on this I these elrople directions be not wel' mar espcct good resutts the Brat at­ brinianry.
-«kkat« Itooah
ba Ukaa out. alUwad to go cold, and beglas to thicken, poor half of it to a
ied over with fresh lard, and thorbasis.
attended ta A japanned or a plain tempt. Another excellent ttalure of
pot awap to a tin oanlstar. to ba used amaU mould or deep dish or
the om
,u tuu
befora It
The April Delineator in describing cage U the best, and cutest to clean the plant la that 11 bogfna to bloom b>ughly heated
fhara to aalr aw Haana
„ ,.nj
Hake tbe meat mlxtnre Into a flat lapwhen reqaired.
the (ornithingE of an artistic yet prac- The common colored cages are dan­ whoa quite snmH
WiMPe atonal hapidaaaa to.
and CMClnucs
j, m put to Water.
Hastp PoddlK'-Hake a Utter of er. somewhat smsUer tost toe stse of
tidal home, recommends haying den- gerous, as the birds are apt to pick bloom during the greater part of thC;
Not amoag tha lagloB o( worldk
M cgL. flw cup o( milk, oaa tablw toe mould, pnt It 00 the HlP and
im to color harmonising wtth
la K to ha toaad hr.toaa:
oft the palm, and kHI themselves.
niiqmt-r. It also to an Ideal plant to' Oil dotba BbMU oerer to wateed
xsoa of angar. a Hula vanilla. Add apraad erenip. Then pour over It toe
in hot soap sods. They sbonld Brat to
room.cauing and weaving tt tbe same
Baa vlthta bto ewB heart.
oguinsi shrubbcfy, tor It makea
this to a disk of bread enuaU wbiU remainder of tbe KUPv
as rag carpet to make rugs (or the
.fci. «.
with COM water, tbea
Whaa ka teaa tha rtdito.
Uva baea fried to Utter, bring to K
4n .la . doOim u .m.
floors. Tbe article allows ttO as the
l altrar wtth tut Ittiic care. Uke most mber
a bed of lettnee and pass wlib'-n a
Btonad an thar that aalar hr toto boUlag pool, remove from the Bra at maponaalse dresstog. Anp -Celeste exprasc of tneb a rag but with coun­ live of (i-niinlr.c qtutllihs. It Is akic flowering ptanls. It requires a ,soll Thif may seem expeaslva, ba< tt pays
■ tbtoaa latoraal. aad-eadeavor to pnBsb that la not verp oHp map be serv­ try prices for weaving and warp, with one of the rarest. Early and per­ r(c.'i In plant foods, but not too rich
*•*» tb—haai more aad more, hr Pried Bread—Cot tbln aUeos of ed In tbe same wap.
tbe cuiUng and sewng done at borne. sistent must be the iratclng which hi niirogeo. If mnore must be apTable salt and a wte dote wU] rateflr
tor the raoafTtog of bread dip Into batter made as above
It OBgbt not to eost nearly as much, carrit-v ihe glr! into wemgiihood tetb pHpd at all. It ^tould te '
move PK stains oo silver.
Beef Pie with Potato Crust—It poo since It only requires l\i pounds of
Wteau. Btoaaad an tbar aad trp to buttor tr teipplnK.
her "bump of neainc-ss* well devri- manure. They are not, bowever, very
ndatos free tbm Onto
aba are glad to ban tiau to spare Mock Dreoalag-Mako diwsslog as hve been extrsvsgaat tbe dap before cotton rags tor a oqnare yard of car­ opt-d. Unless Inberently Taslidioiis exacilng as to soil eondiUoDL They,
for ddefcoB or tarkep. prem toto
and have some of yonr nice fx»ast left pet. and one pound of warp tor three during sriioul days sbe Is liable
tor <to«. aad ahako oC aU woridir im- ■ It
will thrive In any mellow, warn toll with iMlIIng water, aad
loaf bake until brown In ovea,bacUog over, and wish to economise today,
pa«taaaala-Tha tmltatloa at GbrtoL
drift Into rarelMis bablis vHcb bIm' which to ttasonaldy fertile.
Pmir ofi the wa­
Ireqamtlp with water and batter, or pou eaa take toe aersp* of tola, or
to coloring rags for carpet it is wt-M never ouigross. One girl may have
The tiny m-eds. If not alarled In- ter and opea tto ratatoa. when tto
tbe drwKtog can be nude toto tbla anp cold meat that woold aol look inTbs Uttto thtoto to Ufa I tore—
to remember Ibe action of dye upon a trick of leiivlug shoes abuui
vbii.ilH be mixed wtth flae dirt seeds may to qnitely rOBOvod.
eakeo aad fried tU same wap.
vtlng served as tt Is. and make a verp eertain nbades.
fliM :ihil -nwii bruadcssi. after kmsenA xlar toih tab may to poltabed
Toasted bread to a good anUtltaic
White will take any color, but a!mluvil to do Uili. and aa she
lug U«' vurfnre'K>ir»r the flower bed. with kerowue. Have tto tob dry be­
tor crackers to tbe'varioas aoopo.
ftUowtog reepe: Boll Bve large pou- blue when dipped in red dye becomes: older the untidy cusiom
Wwtk wbtob < walk tbe whOa.
r\> tot cover, but praaa fore mdng tbe tel. cover one small
fhr at tto beat tha^ ba ear attta A plBln; old-tosbloaad plate of toast toes to salted water; when done, slice porple, 00 the plum shade, yellow abandoned, fur tbe atoiple ruaseii (bat •Iqwn with a board. Keep tbe bed
Ptaes at a tlmo with tto oil. rabblog
,to railsbad bp wdU people U wtel we^ a taper of them Into a bakng dsh;
Tha pawaafa or tba ktog%
makes tt graen. green makes tt pea­ she herself did nol notice anything moist but not muddy. nnUI the seeds tt well Wllb a elotb. ATien all bat
teek tor breaktosl. eopeeisDp if a soft toea plaee a taper of meat, a sprinkle
nto Ufa to a Mateo, graatcock blue, and a very strong green uuusual about tt. and I'rubably no­ gertulnate.
b€wn gone over, wash the tob wttb
poaobad OK U told OB top.
of salt and pepper, also celery salt: dye gl'^e* to li a dark green hue. body Ose look the iroubl-- lu ct-rrerl
B« mada ham Utda tktogi
bolllag water.
Ptoh Croqnetuo-Cotd ballad fresh Iben potatoes and meat, aad so on un.
black makes ti Mack.
her. Another ..lov.jily liiihlt Is li-ur
Bsb makes ate* creqoettoa. and tbe tU pour dUh Is foU. It tell take a leaLamp .wicks- soaked in vlMgar a
TItoUwad I
Ij-allu r p|i:ilr-i and l•-alilp^ blodDyttng red cloih with blue changes Itig a biiwh of eniiililiiBs in h-r
addition of boUed rice
sj^ip^l of salt, a half oae of pepper
abort time befurp Iwlng. uato wlD

nibtbe color to purple, brosrn makes u'cumb
rinn lable. ConA boofdag Ubtoopooal
apd a saltspoonful of eelerp salL
« wnuyuj s purl Ik ■ bed1 with a -loUi whliIph has been d!p- give a much b-ili-r light.
brown, black makes tt black.
jviaut vlgilanctol Of chopped Bsb to aboi^tbe rigto Mask tbe lemalnder of ponr poutoes
] 111 the wbllp of a
proportloa. Beasoa with oaK. ptpp^. wbidt aboald make aboot a cupful; green of a darker shade, and yellow less ah>- wuilld I
wars a( bto an of aatog ap tba
Ju(lg<-d unworthy [ if l»‘ pi'vi-riog a UtPb<-n table vrttb
Those Treg
aaata af toad toft to tba aarstag dtob- and. U pou have it. a very little chop­ add ooe Uhleepooafal of tatter. When Is secured when^reen cloth Is dyed lit-r birthright —dalnilncks.
r. qov'r of brown paper Is
aa. n to almost totootHible to dad a ped parolbp, using one «k for two cool, add ooe welt-beaten ck. one cup with yHlqw.
flri-i. it will prevent ltotel
v<-t.onrds are baeOBlog B
of tU Bsb. aad one toUe- of nttlfc. oneAalf teaspooatnl aalt. and
btrad ^ who wU save Ibna UtUa
We Csn All Sympathixe.
|<luih cracking and ipske tt wear >
'-r ’tip proper Iranlng of the
In mixed color on cotton tt la some
spoOBtolofiiUlk.Make into lltUe rolls beat aU together naUI very Ughu
adds aad aade. A 1
The following JrIfU over from Eng ilir.i iltuPk a.- long.
'tyles of sleeves ui«o new
times advistble to bleach out the ar
ad toMtem or oora, a diah of aad dip Into beaten ck aad tbea to­ then work la enongh floor, to which tide as well as poaMMe as tbe
tid It will bo appr«latcd by etpry . , a iiili.. par.-iflioe Oil rubbed On wtth
a or a law aerapa of bmoI do aot to ctuckarvrambs or corn meal.o&ll- poo have added bnabalf teaapoontol white' tt Is the bplter tbe resolt m:
who has ever encooni. r- fiaiin.-I win clpan a greasy sink
I Ite.p yuur board made with «a
I 18 bar to bo of tbe oUghteat •d eali Bsb map to used to lU same baking powder, to eaable poo to roll dyeing.
jejoneof Ih* "acconltng to jndnnetit"
To pi. vi-ui stove blackrvilog i
• I’d a u-IBp smaiU-r than tbe teual
manner, usfag half rlrce.sDd omIUtog oat into a sheet. Hlten poo bsve pour­
ft doesn't pay as a rale, to buy dye cooking auibofltlcs A woman visiting lug i iuwn mix It wtth n licibuard-4i will prove tovalua*
. aw. Imowa aot oalr that a peaar toe paralep and mUk. If tbe Bsb to ed over ponr meat aad i>otatoes a stuBa and prepare them at home, as'IrHsm! was delighted with a cf-r . munl.r
whpH Mp- v*s «r iwo pof. aiw to
which you
pou have amJe from the
aavM to a panap aaraed. bat aba bat weU soaked and cooked to pieatp of gravp
ry wMCB
pr^^ed dyes sre generally found j»»i “k' «T'«x1 « braaklasi i T.. dean Mlvt-r spoons, ki.iw............. IT ,”C sivcv. trii^'
dtotoiMsi that aoma of tba moat da- water. Uup are very alee.
ipa Of rat and bones, itoce tn«» | ,«ji,bie If dlrecQons are faithfully i From the native cook of her hos-.-M. fork.- in -v.-ry day u^e,, wb
llnV fni:- ,.l !ur.-,_
over all. cut
■eoBOBilcul Omteeta—Iteay dteic■eia^s dtobaa to bar wbola gamut of
cross sni In U:e|fon6wed. '
- t j ‘be duly gol the receipt: “You murfi __________________ ______________
onoklaggBiomabaapwbat oae Trav- lona aad oeoaoialca] omelets esa to middle aad bake. A sllc* or two of onlake more than you'd think of flour. J
-......... —
araa toadlr baa cbrtoiaaad tor evl- made bp toe addltloa of cold Ub and toB improvea ihta pie to tbow who
dwt naaoea a -rummage sale'’ dia- eoUed vegetables. Take a cnpfal of Uko tbitr flavor.
ite. Wbw then is loo mUa of anr anp cold Bab. preferablp salt Bib. alRemaant PodBlag—Rome
stele keep the esanary to bealth. To begtoiing powder, and tbe fill of tb<- snui i
•Wtbtog left to make a oaUtfaeipiT toontei trete B*h can be palsublp
gtogerbroad well dried aad crambed: wlUi lu food which should be almply iug of milk,
eitoMaaUoa with aarthtog else, tt to sowed and used. Tree tt from boom, to a ptot and a half of crambs. add canary-oeed. mixed wtth about at
id, the best time of year to do pxintiiu; before the fliw bothte.
■aarir alaara aotoothtog that wm add aad heat to a wbiie saaee mads from name qaantlty of toUlag milk; a lit­ foarth rape-seed, give occaelooally.
A noor Teat
tbe dnat Qiea, and tbe learuo cjfzic out If 70B M« tbiokiog of
a bU of ganr to tba soap
a ptot of mnk and
tle elnaamon ana dove and nnuoeg: tike at sweet apple or a little bit of
To test flour that will make good
paitilug why not nte
■on are a number of vara of 1____ each of totter aad Boar. Break lata one CK (tto gtogerbiwsd baring tolled carrou by way of a treat, (resb .bread, see that tt te white wtth a (aim
tha left awn aad tbaaa If Uap do
Boae ta It) a capftd te ralstos. « * cblckwced. i
yellow dnge. Then take tome of tt
ate Wtliter sow tha gnaad. wUf ^pnpertp cooked. Serve aU op'toaat. baU cnptnl of corranta. Bake or boll' aad above all give tt plenty of clean tn your band and press tt; II will fall
a braad we have handled io this pbtoe ttvotof twue^ jreara
ton aaiitltua tor fartbar aaa
rlUerwTbe remains of a Uttoi three obota. It ta nice cold.
water—canaries are such bi^orlng apart looMly. aot ta lumps. Kuu
without btviugany opfflpUiota aa to ito coTariogor wtofiog
over when wbeaten griddle cakes . Cake Podding-A loaf of everyday, little blrda In ibelr naUve, wild some of tt beiweeo your flngen; I;

fhumto Uaor anieln of are made sboald aot be allowod to Bark cake was a little too ntUf. and state, they are always fllitlag In and will nol feel eotirely smoqih and pow­
toad an asKb man palatobte aad go «a waste. SUee toio It oae or two eoaseqoenily grew dry. ThU was brok-'out of water; and II te crael to de- dery. bot you will be able faintly 1.^
We arp td»o ag’tato for Carter White Lead, Japalac, * itUtt
faok htetor «a the tabu If nOad to
apples or a Ittle ptoeap- ea op. trosIlBg and alL and tot milk prlre them of sack a wbolewime pleas dtetlngififb the dlSerent partttdex.
tise and Cslciiaii'o Voraiahea.
toaad tehtoti; agyarUUr is toll tbe ple to quanlitp aeeordlng
ponred over. |t was quite a tbla tot- are. Aad when ib^ are monlUng, do Put a little of tt between your teeth
aaw wUb tbaaa .Mad ar baked.
of toe hatter oa band aad frp ter. at tbe eggs, splee. sugar aad (rail' aot forget to leave an (roo nail to and chew, tt «UI eraneha little and
Ibam an nal Woga. apaten, on to deep tat. This -wlD glTe fMtotoas wpro to tto oaba A Uttta dtran aad! tbef bath. Be alsp partleatar about tbe taste will be sweet and aniiy
gntetoaaf iD bh^ as piaan. par- Mttora tar tU.deaoe^ coorswat dto- toadtad oraagn pea) were addte and ke^tog tb* eage deaa. wttb plenty of wttbout aay acidity. Tint te. If it te
Wfpa. tec. A dttepto of braaderami •or toe aime day. Serve with powder- toflfltog baked three or lour toura.|flne sharp aaad in IL Do not leave li^ a good bread^dn it wUl do all then:
abated ^tra ba kept w Mad la
1 aogar. Boto (to batter to tto tea Borvod with


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