Grand Traverse Herald, July 17, 1908

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Grand Traverse Herald, July 17, 1908


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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ifkiram ROM

Formal Ceramoniaa far tha Flrat Na­
tional Bank Building Tburaday. July 30.

Foil Meofi Reaulted In an Engineer
on a Poutr Bound Train Boeing
the OhMruettoA.

Wllkeebara. Pa.. July IS.r-eAn
beds tempt
was Aade this morning



Wreck the Leblg%
•eORBM OF FUFtS WERE PANIC esprew 'ruontof to
rood Ue was tastened to the nortbbonod track six miles north ol thto
city. The eoglaeers of the
OrMFK FlMW In Scanty AV
Assisted hy Five Visiting
saw the obstruction
X Mrs SwFpccMl to Have Scan
Frlasts. Among Thom Being
the full moon making the night .as
Fa^r Shoshan. of This
light as day.
V City.


Nnr Turk. Jclp lE-mUi a report
tbM «M heard tor btoclu. and *lth
fMca ao taritSc thdt aeoree were
thrm IroK' them bade, a dynamite
bernb «u «Floded today la ibe
snavay of the
knows at WatU Oonn, os Went <toe
HasdfOd PMtMb atreet.
Immediately tellowlaa 'the explosloa, ^ere waa a panic amoox the
I of petaou nubed to
the groand Boor aoaatly clothed and


It to stwOMd that the -Btoek
SUsd* aodely easaad Ue oaUnga.


Oerrelto. of Detroit. Wei Second in
That Evcni~ln Putting the
Weight. Roee of America
Took Flrat Plaee.

The beanilfol new Catholic church
at Mapleton was dedicated this
iBg, the solemn ceremonies being in
of the Rt. R«r. Bishop
Rlcbler. of Grand Rapids, assisted by
Fhlber Sheehan, ot Trareroe City:
Father Fsnehler. of Elk Rapid*.
Father Suprenauv of Manistee; Fath­
er Watoh. of Vaolstee. and &>brr
LeFevere. of Cadillac.
Low masa was said at 9 o'clock,
followed by high mass at 10 and
thto service, the confirmation aerrlce
was held. Since the mission held
Ume ago. mueb Interest has
been created and the church har
gained many In membership.
following were confirmed by the
btob^ thto marnlngr HatQe Zoulek.
Lawrence Uolmann. Ralph DuBeck.
Harold C. Lardle, Neva Johnior..
Masle Buebea.
Mathew Zonlek and Forest Johnson.
The church was blessed In accordauce with the custom and this service
as well as the other* was very rolenin
aad braiitilui. the time of the day.
the beautllul suniblDc through the
window*, all adding to the effoci
The tnualc was furnished by u choir
of 11 male voices from Traverse City.
The new church to one of thcoumry churches In the
state, being fintohed in mission style
and' comptoieWFlth a modem heaUng
The ' arcbliecture.
stdible. to Pleasing in its slmpllcl'y
and even pan is In good taste. Tbe
Mapletob parah certajnly dreerre*
credit and praise (or their new chui-eb

London. July 16-Wlih
DImwwfy ky the Lake Survey Steemwhich fairly carried the e
ae Will Rioirtt In Chanpnf
other countries oB their fret, Aiuertca
aggreeHraly took the lead at the op­
ening of Olympic games today, aendnia Vslied Btataa
ijg the stars and stripes alolt as ibr
Uteamar Ool. J. U'U
Srst winner of the dsy In the dUena
t the Maslton paaaace. throw.
wbera the ataastor Gary
Martin Sheridan, of Ibe Irtofa-Amerasad laal aasaos. rapoHa the dtocor^
Ican Atblelte club burled the discus
trr t » booldar ridge, abowlng af
in free style 134 feel. 2 Inches. John
(ha ptwaoM hlsh ataga of
lUcbC Oarretl'a. of Detroit, waa second.
In potting the weight the final was
won by Rose, of America; dlsiance 4!>
UVaa dtnotly os tkaaamog com
feet. 7H Inches.
. Baapli^ Bear PolBt. to one
Stlto OC ahwh. asd
mlea away tn
s Jittettaa tokoaa trsa aatmuth to
m dwreea (• l-ld ■) (ran Booth
SUidtoii toiaad UBbthonae.
ikon Iha ^oal the ocster ot the
loobaat bsUttag of the UIoeaTlag
F. W. WUaoM Has Ons That is Good
atattaa os Btaaidag Bear Point to
Enough for a Reeldencf—Built
S:ti mitoa away, aad Tl degraea IS
It Himself.
nfantaa trna silmiith (BMB IMS B>Narth asd or Hotback to one aUle Btrwoh OA-Hto Heed on tho Hard
Favement en Waat Front
About a doseo members ot tbe
aw«y. tna aalmoth IK degreea
■dmttoa (BBS).
Northern Miebigas Poultry assoclatUm iDspemed the new chicken coop
Nsaiai* In pablng Bla^dng Bear
Pniat WocM keep tram lAk to t mllea Fran Thundayto Tteoord.
of F. W. WllsOB. register of deeds, at
Clarence Athlon, the 13-year-old
of thto ohhto nth street hoim- Monday even;
Mtnuiaa win naoeoUUte the (bang­ ot Dr. E !<. Athlon, was the viCTim of ing. the coop having been
ing of the aaUhig oowroe on all take an accident this afternoon that might and almost the enUre work upon It
dly , have turned out much more done hy Mr. WHaon mornings and
aanrey charto rtowtng this area.
The OoL Umk to' now engaged in •ertouafy than It did. The lad was evening*.
Tbe building Is 14x38 feel in site,
aUona onUlde the gas riding west on Froai street earrylng
ot Bhoea. In front of the Eagle two etories, lathed and plastered with
hsoy. at tho smU eoo of North
Mnsltoa lalwd.
A row of ^ar oBloc he feU from the wheel, ibi- a cement floor and the walls being of
for about two feel from the
hsora. dlaptoylng Sags and showing back of bis head hltUng the pavs>
hn^ 4opa. has boen aet tor sweep­ ment. For a moment be was stun­ floor. The interior u divided Into
ing pnrpoaaa.. and maetors are re- ned then he seemed to revive and be- three comporiamenu. in the winter
to be usbd (or
SMOted to aaetot the work to the eiust Of koeplnk a sharp kxbout to Eagle (JBlce ithere measures were cockerels, pullets Wnd old slock re­
avoid ronalag down theae buoys, and token to relieve bis pain. Hto broil: spectively. and la tbe summer for set­
fd gltro the aarvey ateamer and swe^ er, Frank, waa soon (here and carried ters. breeders and la.v
Every convenience for tbe storing of
the boy home.
Tight «t way. Bteameri tajsy
«Tor the sweep wire in the lOMool. J«nt bow bad the- accldi-ni to can- graU to provided, the coop to built
agaoe ketwaao say two copper floata. ot be dotennlned -yet Then- to a with an eye to aanilatlon. ard I*
large bpmp on tbe back ot his bead lighted by electric lights. The sou'b
sde ot the bnUdlngs to all solid glass.
though there to no breaking in
thre« feet In width, the windows be­
skin. The accident Is at present
pilnful aud ibd Injury to being watch­ ing bung on hinges, it would be
FrpMt ShtNarb Flee Heeled Withoot ed closely for any signs of injury o( bard to d««Un a better model for a
• to Be Up in
Ui« blood vessels of thv bead. Tbe poultry house.
Two Weefce.
After the Inspection of tbe coop
fact that h! did not become uncoathe-guests were treated to water
BClous at all to epcouraglngThc accident occurred tot 3;16
The many friends «f Frank L.
said that instead of usiug
•haler^srtll be pleaiwd tq lenrti that
chairs to scat bto gueois Mr. Wilson
be to rapidly Imgroiiag. hto (ace be­
shooed them up to the roosta where
ing anUrHy healed and without a
themselves nicely.
near. Hto haada. feet aad Itonbe are
doing akely aaS he hope# In about Bpaniah War Vstsrans Having a Good
Tina In Kalamaxoe—Baginaw
two wMkt to ha able to walk apout
Aftor Naxt Hasting.
. (he honae.







tawtoh Fartiea Ctowing to the leiaitd
•a Danae Niphto Will be A»«Mead far FHviiege,
I thmR«et. (ho managvine
ton istond
Istond ban made no obgrgo’
tor lanneb partlce wbo came to the
totosd on dance nlgbts but hereattar
««(b toasch landing on the tsiend wtU
he -charged M oeai
the prirOege. TiUe to doe to the tact
that the eteaatar brlags large crowds
who pay tor the ptoasnro and the
ptaaaore and the othma take up epaoe
wltbeai paytng
paying for It.
Ito chtrge wU ha made la tha aftarnoona or oa nlgbto whea there aro

Rntomam. July 16—SaiiDaw to Larger Fart of Hanrrsh A Lay Com­
pany Improvament Hat Already
makAg efforts'll) land tbe
Bean Completed.
lag ot tbe Michigan Sptutob-Auericau
war veterans now meeting In (hto
city. \S*hile Detroit to aald
The Haaaah B Lay dock to being
recepave candidate lor the place no rapidly oompteied. Already tbe weat
special eBort will be made by the side has been piled aud faced sritb
state's metropolis to land
plank and the front to more than
There are ntnuly »o veterans at half done.
here and before the
'm old plies are being used ttday was passed that number was In­ strengthen the dock wbe;e me siortcreased by.M.
houae to to be builL Thto win be
Testerday morning a parade of tbej 79x100 feet and will hold 3.000 twaa
veteran* and thp'local millUa com-' of coal. It win be used to store the
pany attracted much attention. The hard eoal In.
cBtlre afteraooa'wBS given over to a
On tha enst aide of the dock a bln
Henic at-Long Uke. a special train srUI bo bnllt «>r the aoft coal. TWs
taking the gnesu to that'place. Last win be smaller as the soft coo] can
night a baaguet was glTsa In the be ahippad la as It to ordered. There
Rickmaa hotH and today tbe hMl- to a large crew of men at work on the
UBS iBis>OBi were dosed.
. .

Tbe comer stone ot tbe First NaUoaal bank buUdlng will be laid on
Thursday, July 30. at t o'clock In the
sfteraoon by tbe Michigan Msaonlc
grand lodge assisted by Traverse
CUy Lodge Na J22 Free and Accept
ed Masons. It to expected that a
number of neighborlDg lodges srlU al) be present at tbe ceremonies.
Tbe grand lodge oBicera wUi come
) this city from Bangor where they
.) a corner stone on July 29 and
from here they will go to Harbor
Springs where they toy s corner-stone
a the SUL
puns were made for the eerelODles at an Informal meeting con­
ducted here yesterday by Most Wor­
shipful Grand Master Herbert Monugue and Right Wors>>1pful Grand fsvrturer Frank O. Gilbert. Tbe afiee
noon and tbe evening of the 3«tb.
will be devoted to doings In the local
lodge rooms, the grand officer* and
the rlHUng lodgea being the guests
of (be local lodge.
Grand Mastee Montagne and Grand
Lecturer Gilbert conducted a Masonic
school of lusirucUon at Honor last

WILLIAM Helds That Breaking Down ef Nerwta
Is ORen One to Okalie Arid
In System.



Would Maka i
ive In Congroaa for Net Only
Elevsnth District But tlm
Whole Country.

When Smator Smith arrived In
Traverse City on board the Unlt^
SuiCB revenue cotter Tuscarmw Wed­
nesday. he stated to a HeraM repreaentailve that he Induced Captain
I'berroth. of the cutter, to enter
Grand Traverse hay for the purpose
of sbosrlng him Ibe finest body oi
water In the United SUtes and ihe
most beautllul country to be seen
anywhere as well as one of Michlgan'a moat thriving and up-to-date
Senator Smith was asked as to hto
opinions of the rcanlt ot the coming
He said: “Mr.
Taft vrill be elected, but we
lug to have a very lively campaign.
It will be spirited and full of totbuslaam until election. No belter
selection could have been made as a
candidate than Secretary
Travers* city Ladles Are Bpandlng
Taft, a man of broad Ideas, wonder­
Few Day* With Mra.\ Charis*
ful ability and admirably equipped by
Towne at Elk Rapids.
thorough experience for tbe position
Mrs. W B. WJIllams and *!*t. r, of prewident. As he becomes better
Mrs.. W. C. Hull, Mr*. J. W. Pal.itl'i, known be will become a favorite. HU
Mr*. H. D- Alley and Mr*. Frank W persootl qualiUes will appeal to tb«
Carver went to Elk Kapid^ 'V-daciila;
W. B. WllllaiUH' car. the ladles be­ make friends wherever he shall ap­
ing the guesu of Mrs Charlea Towne pear."
house tarty Today tlu- party
Senator Smith sUted that he had
(be steamer and went up the in­ not given much ihonglit to goUtks
land lakea. Uklng their dinner* on during (be past few q^eHu as he in­
Torch lake. - They win return to the tended u> devote considerable time
ilty tomorrow evening.



and will lake tbe pisiform a little
-laicr oa. devoting .roDslderable time
In Michigan.
ing of the congressional c
paign in this district. Senator Smith
Mias Nettie Miller.
sUtes that Grand Traverse county's
randldaie, Cc^ G. Coveil to an exeepMtoe Nettle Miller, of Arixooa, who
Uonally strong candidate sDd would
has been vtolUng Mr. and Mrs.:
make a valnablw represeoutlTe in
Robert Ahgosa. returned home Mon­
day. She left them a fine Navajo congrcfs not only tor the Blq^eslh
blanket about two feet square
The district but (or the whole country.
rug to of ao ancient design amoiig “Mr. Coveil's ability." said Mr. Smith,
these Indians and means "A U>ng “and hto long experience In public
Life." The dertgn to divided Into fife, make* him
four parts by a Swastika. One ol dldate (or the people of thto dtotrief
the dlvlsloDi to decorated wth pic­
tures of an arrow and a cow but Ibr
of (be piciur^ Mr. Ahgosa could
make out. The blanket I* all
hand made and to a beauQful spec!
of Indiana art.


Saw th* "Waur Hog" in tha Boardman and Killed it With a
Manista* Young Lady Well Known
Hart, Will be Bride of Former
Del La Font Me raugl;' a lopound
Grand Rapids Man.
(hnnsn r-arp tn Ihr river Wednes
.-The Grand Rapids Press says
day about 6
near Murray 's boat­
“The engagement of J. Francl* house. He saw (be fisb Jumping
Campbell and Miss RuCb Ramsdell. of around and secured hto spear and
Manistee to announced. Mr Camp­ sent back.. There were three In Ui*
bell, wbo-ls director of th» Schubert school-and be fixed the nearest one
chib of (bis city, bas been among the to Aiore The fish made so awful
foremost musicians of Grand Rapids fight but was finally lafded.
(or many years. Allbougb now s resi­ measured si [e«n a foot acrons Tbe
dent of Detroit he to still actlrely lall.
connecied with tbe musical interest-,
Some year* ago larp sere planted
of. this city. Miss Ramsdell to 'he In a Chicago park but the fish had
youngest daughter of T. J. Ramsdell. such a habit of stirring up the mud
Manistee, president of the First oh ihi bn.tom of tbe lank that the
NaUoDiLl bank ot Manistee, also a city hired men 10 caicb them and put
mired attorney.
Miss them tn Lake Michigan. This accord­
Ramsdell to 24 years of age and very ing to MrLaFocisee to tbe origin of
prcHDlneni socially "
carp In Lnke Michigan. Carp are
native to Boardman river so these
probably the result of Chicago's mis­


lu Vienna to staied_^by Dr. Gustave
Bear, of Portland. *Oro. Mr, Baar
with hto daughter. Bettrtce. arrived
on Ibe Kaiser >t'Uhe1m II. Tbe vbr
sielan was one of the representatives
sent from this country to attend the
biennial meeting of medical men.
“I have determined that In .miay
cases the breaking down of th.-nerves to caused by the presence of
large guantliles of oxsUc arid in tbe
system.;- said Dr.- Baar. "Thto dtoaase I hare named oxalnrla and be­
fore (be congress 1 read a treatise on
my discoveries and recommendai
1 to proper ireatmenL
"For one thing I beUevc Inat the
■called 'rest cure' wll) aoon I
iMng of the gaat 'as a treatment tor
nervous exhaastlooL
On the cmtrary a atlmulatkm of tbe auacnlar
energla Is needed and the patient
will be more Immediately betreftted
and ultimately cured."



Themaa Hefferaa, Piaaldaat of tha
Fsopla-a Boringa Rank of OnM
Rapldt. Waa Alto ia
the Party.
From WedneedayY Bocord.
Tbe Tuaearora^ Ualtad
revenue entta»;.?te, cgwiuand gt Cap
tain P. H. Cberroth. maAr B^ tRl*
about aO:go. lying at tho
dock of the No^era Michlgaa Traaapoitailon company, leaving ahonly
after BOOB. As gaeeta of Ckgtala
Uborroth. Senator WUIiam Aldda
Smith and wife aad Thomaa HeEena.
prealdeat of the PwpleY Raring*
Banh of Grand Rapid*, were oa board.
The rialtor* were met en the dock hy
J. W. Hanaen. wbo OMOriad thorn
about the city. Mrs. BUI* B. Haaaah
tendering her ear. wWA waa drivea
by Julhu Beer*.
Captain Uberrotb hta baaa In th*
jveromeat aervto* tor many yuan,
but haa only been la eomaand af the
Tnacarora for about a year. Thla to
the first time that h* boa oalM tato
thta port, but tho Tuaearora 1
ide this pert prerions to thla



“There la no rule la retard to ty
. 1 ''..i-i-.m U

would hgr* to pay for any damag*
that might be done to tha lock, hut
w# Ue up wboi -we haea ^ grtrilI as the Greatest Authority ege."
0(1 Maaonie Law in the County
The Tuaearora carries about U
—Was Former Probata
men. Including oSlcmu, aad la as
ipkk' and span as any goTsraa«t
boat-oa the lakea. PalBtod a anew
Owoaeo; HIrh.. July 16.—Hon. Hugh whlio with gold trimatt^ ana gidd
M.eCurdy. past grand cewnmander ef
aha praaantad a
the Knigbta TAiptor and past grand fine appearanee whon
master of (he Hasona at tbe United fwiniy into,tbe harbor, aad m
Slates, died at hto home In McCurdy awaited her tha dodL
Park at 9 o'clock this morning. He
had been unconscious for several
days and bto death Baa expected.
Ha to a man ot fine preefinea aad tha
Mr. McCurdy to surrired by hto dtoripliae «> *hto nhig la ihora tbs
wife and two sooa. J. T. Spencer and averaga.
H McCurdy. He was 79 years old
Tha Tasenragp u tha boat wMeh
and bad been a Mason for more than
captured the pirates ea Uk* Michhalf a century. He was deemed the
jtgan ahont two weeks aae aad M eas
greatest anlhortty on Masonic Uw In
of the fiiwst gorenuBsnt boato of tto
the country. Ho was former probate tjrge
It has besa many yean Mms Mii.
•mlth vwted Travarm City aad aba
therefore was stroek with parttoniar
force at the 1
e over tha boantles of
i Traverao City's r
; Hefferaa was paitlenlarly liinsuia
wUh Uie Traverwe aty Suto hank.
. being s banker hlaaMt. Bo nbo vMlied Traverse CUy some yuan ago
sad was greaUy Impreoaed with Ih*
WsiblngtoU, July 1
streeu and throughout th* bustosas
lb- latest report* of Cnlled Stau- section. Captain Ubemnh had aewer
Patent Commbeiooct Moore. Ju»: >- before visited Travotao City aad waa
sued. Frank sod Charles Helm. In- very much surprised that there was a
vf-Ctors of Traverse City, have iotd place tn this sectioo so thoroughly
their leuer* of patent No. 892.592 on metropolitan and up-todaie In every
a post and tile molding device griin' particular.
ed to them last Tuesday, to E. G. SlgTbe party loared the city quite
ter. of WashinroB. D. C No conthoroughly and rialied tbe 'asylum,
.iderailon for 'hr? transfer 1s -.ulled.
where they were received by Dr. aad
As M' Helm was txri of 'be ciLr' Mrs. Munson. Beoator Smtth. who to
tt>da,. no fur.iK-r dcialls of the Iran* well known m Traveru* City, was
greeted frequently by men wbo knew
f<r (ould be ot>'ain>-d.
him well.
Senator Smith 1s a member of the
commiue* on ccmmercu of th* Uali
Siweke Stack of Ort Mill Waa Low­ .ed States senate aad although be to
ered Today.
maklag a cruise to the Tuaearora a*
Tbe emokesiack o( the J^n F. Ou the guest of Captain Uborroth. be to
Lumber compaoy which has stood for at the same time plniag ceotUerable
a period ot upwards of 30 year*, was knowledge of tbe Earbon or Uke
lowered 1C the grtpjnd thto forenoon Michigan, many of whlek win demand
by a gang of work men. ' who are attention at (be next istiton ot eeoclearing up the mill which was prad- greas- The entire party
ally destroyed !■> fire this spring. In
taking away this smokestack. One of
the oM laMiiUj:trk> of the city has
b«-« a removed.



Mr*. John McIntosh

which be terms “oxalorta” before the)


t Lodge in
John McIntosh entertained
Pleasant M»
Tuesday afleniooE in bfmor of bnAfUmoon.
liece. Miss Haiel Ireland, of Bait to
Cri-ek. Twenty Invitations were out.
affair, which was a gc-tlen
■“‘‘Itory u. B Of R. T. entertained
The guesta arrived at 2:30
and enjoyed a very pleasant attrr*
'nelr lodge rooms Weanesosy sttvrnoon which wa* very pre-tlly decorFerris Crisp Relurnatf.
Sled in nasiurUum^ sweet pea* and
Fenrt# Crisp, the i5 ye*r-old
County School Commissioner Georg-1
After a time spent In a social way.
L. Crisp, wbo left borne Sunday even-;
Ing witbotit letting bto mother know music being torntohed by the Mtoaea
that be was going, was located in June Morrison. Btonche Ssuertoe and
LaFern Emory, supper <
. pickles.
fied the aulboriiles to that city of,***®*’*^ ®hk«* aad
the hoy's dtoappearanoe. The tad I*
DOW safely at home again.
w la all i



Pr.«« Brothers, of Uland. Caught! On their cruise to this city stopa
one Ws.ghtmg 150 Pouivd*.
•» Sl Ignace..Mackinaw
Prlte brothers brought a mammo'hlCIty. Putoakey aad Chartwvrix. The
sturgeon tato LeUnd Monday, the big training ship torothra waa met this
fish being longer than a tall n
weighing 150 pounds. As they towed
Mr*. C. CarroO and aoB. Dare, left
up the river In their tosnek.
small boy tn bathing Jumped cn " this Boraing for Uaeoln. Nob., whora
back aad rode up to the riUagc. tbe'they wfU risit about a Booth.
Corel sight caaatng marh amn*e-{the way they wDl atop
0 aud Niagara Fhll^


Ijrarosc He^


Nobit. or the mrblna soptoBL Sr. B.
A. CbttoOsn of tbo ibstara MUMgiii
Dr. K. a Caa^oU. of toe
^Dppar fbatosals Heopttal. Dr. O. a
Umc. of toe'etste aorton. sod Dr. J.
D. Momob. of too^Nortbom Mtohlass
ssrtoB spooktos.
Ptotootof this. Dr. MOBSOB gsro s
Hr totoi«otlBg*pspor oa *Tbo Nev
AirloB.' sod ibe oMunlttee reports

Tlier.’ were prpnii' Imm ibn
Otrire ll!3 TiMiv Sir*
Until -WHmsk Ko. S


•eoro of 12 to B.
«bdsr BiB. »cb, Jnlr
boll ssae befweOB Loac Lake BBd
too LMs Lake Sst^es Jair U resalted to a 12 to e score to tseor of
Loac Lake. It betog o verr hard
rooght gome to the sereotb toatog.
Bstieilca—Long lAke.Clsr. pitcher,
Saeogea. McJlnnithod i.i^JiiT. Stover, rstctci.
Long LakcSrtQ erdM toU orlUi too
Bonden fast teoB'oo Look Lake
grooad «*adsp. -Mr II. at 'Joe
Chaoos term.

..........•....... .*••••



Srs^p^b;L:l".S^S £5=E|



Your Money





Now is tbe time to buy White
Cahvas Oxfords


large trull fann

for a Chicago

Ha; Kalfcrm LitUo has bad a
The ototoao a^am naataoa.of fba
company for damage done to
atato bsytoms mol oi tbo Nortbera
bor mauacry store and aioek by Ere
ItVtolSha asplOB Thataday, tba
aonetlme ago sad baa a gang of artog bdlag ctolad td order at U:to a.
iBtors ropalrUg tbe building. toIdoa. T. Bates, proaldent
two ,iMNME.-te ItouNag eei
at toe boarfl or tmatoea of the local
bfoeks for his now mansteo to
buU( ga toe-ooraer of nfth avonno
tW aMsMag wag woU altsadod. boand »iiN^
lag oaa Of toe tergsat oror bald boro.
Pr«Mic*hIelkutus has a gang of
Tha d^BUa feagan oamteg yaatmday
It toe roof ot too O. P.
aai MM aoaateg an totormal
C Co. nlU wbieb
was bNd ai wWeb eartoas
tie t few wooko ago.
.to the aayteBt of
The bstl gane bore loot Suaday be­
naMAa waa dineaaaad aad acted aptween Kelley-b Wild Cato and
Honor Bmt nine was won by tbe latTBo draatooo and tbair ladles wore
Bcore t and'd. Aside from tbe
12«7'-«rroio ;Wde It wa< the best
toeal poepio bar.
game i^ed «i our grounds
taiitad aad Homb orcboaTbe
I oBjayod
I ratoar lau wboa
a Bw mbar was■ playod
naiW bowt wMi ans goflctel l»
t af too focal asyten aad of
I was fbaad te perBowers' Harbor. Mich. July It—
ftoi aaadlltoB DsapUc too ten that Mrs. T. Netebn and chlldmi. of Buck
baUdtts add romadslllag bad boon ley site Muters Clarence and Anson
Sotog'aa. arorytklag was oteoa aad Nelaaa. ot Mumit Oty. ure here to
■aat about too balMtegs aa well as
1 u await -wito Mih. CuUwrtae
■aooa and ooas.
Alter too oatl to order oad toe opn Stevenson tost a vataabie colt



ffwitoiot #0 atoaVM

wto^ ukA terse crowd witaoaeei tbo dodl9 too rooopUoa of poU- Mtfoa ot tbo new 8L Joseph chnndi
> Into
Toooday. Tho stegteg with grmad with
This was Mfowod by oa Miss Lefayotto at toe orgaa.
Thera win,be a dnaee at Rraopa
ran.' ware booeo' Friday evenlag.
■iy 17. Maale by Spiagw Bnm..' af
Woford. Mrerybody come aad bare
r an. Dr. 4^ a SUM Utes. Good order.

.................................‘ ■

Omnlei. per qU ................................ 15<

per emte




........Regular $2.00 and $1.75 Styles for only
iwto b.-.,,
Bnitor. croomerT. per Ib............260 30c
Butler, dairy, per Ib .............. .....22c
Eggsr^r dos .



Ol Oir 50c
iMk Cornier
Tbis f eek.
/e r

• MM

^1^0 m ewr J*
Aa Amn4^0m,ly ae.aj 4
Ve/««m rMwOwb-i
tw cut H to. «IM_-----VrJ.^ LmAw
Whw* H ta* aw»lw—by
Itn H kkUsie Kat«^ D.m


Ca«l> Crsasynss

____ by «ab«< P«rW

Just I(ttthid
a thousand volumes of
these popular botAs.
Don't fail to visit-mir
sure and lo^ them
over. Attraciire wellbound editiou whici) oo
one would be ashamed
to preserve for only

IflWws K«s«ik.Uatosnmt^b_______

By umt H s»mS____by A. W. Murksn,
Tbs UttU Blslrar_---------by J. M. B.rtb.

Fi^ Cmts

mu Akk nm OTBoa. JTtt A* «oo*
»••*» mfee y>e«pep»eerwe/r^
n« <Ae ww«nr/(/ee wee rteifraj



file slogaa that hag rausod man- mlseiy^ J

morrow what bad ought to be door today. When you atlcw yourstet
to tnoagress tbe laws of bealtb and hygiene, couaequencra result
toft are too gfien faut. Wbeo that system wblch God bat given you
belrlna to clog, wlib all lu Intricate tnetAaaism. something Is sure
to break and general decay follows. No greeter crime graces or disgracee the moral ud physical calendar,
dally, more aad
leadar, and yet d
■vil footsteps ot those
who have
It the time to take
Ukc tbe proper care
soul dwells.

The good bnusewife Is ihe one sho at last twice a y««r eels
about it and gives (he human hnn).<, or dwelling a thorough evnrhauling and with bmnm and niop-eloih reaches Into the crevices
and eomers that hare galhered flitli and germ life during the In­
tervening w.*ehs or months, and remove* them because they are
sure br*>cders of disease and « nienaee to health of them and their
loved ones. Yet this same painstaking wife aid mother, only too
often negleeiB her most tmponnni dtily la this
house vleaalnR. I>« paying absolutely no altentioo to the eleantag
out of the habiiatinn that, hoiisee the aoul'and which is by far the
most iaiistrtnni of their many famHj duUes. Forgeifulaeaa. toougblnossness and Igni.ranre are the three most tmportaal factors to
e aserilK’
wlricb eao l>e
aserilK-d the general 111 health and con.Untlj* rwctirring epidemics
' 'toij ofi^.
. . . .crtralaidl,
. .
Wemlcs that visited us only
ty. la fa« is the result,
result of this aiwtl
iwthy and negl«v;i on the pert e<
e faihers and lanihers in our land
You would « I think-of nakiag • journey of toouaands of ntfles
UNJrnd --iiylu.ejw who would negleet to oU their englbes.
I think Ol ruBDlng
UB ,-.>ur
lumuing luachlae, UMwer. sewlug
hinder i
. other maehlae without oUlng. because
yo.i koc.s it woiiW soon he running harder, wearttag out and evralually breaking down li Is just so with your sj-etc
sjetem. Your
heart t
II any of
1 the nil Is (be blood. When
power by reason of Impurlilra. this
miieblne. like all others runs )harder.' wears more qoickly. and woo-'
later bre.ysg down aad Is throwa Into toe aerap beup of hu­
man frailty—111., cenielery.
There is s general awakening among the people, akwg these
lines and they .ife gradually realliing that this hoos^ctcuMag and
oiling li
Is as necessary to the living, breathing bouse and mnetaine. as
it is to
form. Therefore, they are paying more nuenn to It. uud when they
ley ' arc Cleaning and1 Oiling,
oiling, they include the
■ !> things. T(
an oil »nd
toe system, a
toe pocket book.
(His jusi this want in all Us phases. It la a Ublet medicine, there­
fore ii does not contain alcohol.
It U made on sclcnUflc prlndJries and embodies the best that is known to modem science It it
not a llcjuld medicine therefore It U not uniform in Mrength. nor
does it vanish In ten days and make another pac^kage necessary. It
complete months' treatment and enfflcieDt quanUtr to give ll
' ...........................................
?e. It Is I
contain a week's treatment, the four of which comprise the mouths
treatment. &cb ublet U separately wrapp«Nl in oiled tissue paper.
- irlBg cleanliness. It is the medicine that U all'medk-ine and
put up that your tystem does not become accustomeu t It and
value. So Cuuuarm an
he beat.
cheapest and safest that they place a draft In each package____
(nr the purchase price aad If you iKe one whole package 'and are
not saiisfled of ils merits, return ih.- draft and get your mooey
back, is ihU not fair?

Regular $1.50 anti $1.35 Styles for only

All Blue, Pink and Cray Styles at 93c
AM Sizes and Widths


Everybody needs medlclnesoccaidnnalfy and
end particularly In the
spring and Ult. This medicine Is not a curee al
all It will UK cure
Cancer, Tumors, Xocomoior AUxla, Epileptic Ru, Con
Brighia Disease, It Is rather a prevenutive.
itive. but It
it will relfora*^stlpaaoR. Costlveness. Dyspepsia. RbeumaUsm. Diabetes. Catarrh
and ail Stomach, Urer. Kidney nod Blood allmenu wkieb have not
reached anI Incurable
locursble siage. If you bhave a bad taste in yc
— wakening, pten across le back, I
or the
. .. ____
.. cold extremities, belcfa —am,.
wind, teel noTU
In the morning Lban upon retiring, try Koie Kwlck Kto-pola. It win
b»i_ a-a-. «. —oney will be refunded. It cosu only one dollar for
- trial
- - and
atment. enough to give It a toorouA
raw if
>e SOW.
xrwts* TomorrtNr
^--------------- ...
auy well. Write today. DO
stitch In time saves nine. Send your doUar bj
Ul express taontr order today aad get this gmt medldoe far ratura man. Address all mall and make all money orders payaUc u

Ymi ooght to boy early as these prices %viU
oiove them test

For rates, time of trains,
roales. etc^ ask agents.
H. F. Moeller, G. P. JL

tbe whole systam Dona's Begufoto
125 eeus per box) cerreet the aver,
tone toe stomach, cute ecMdantlsm.
Mier ter Wumuu.

Notice Is hereby given,. that de
(salt havlag been made la toe payTQDAYV MAWtrTE.
toaa one year's storeage charges on ibe goods, wares, mer♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦A
ebaadlse aad personal property hereSr oaBfNN «r ita«* *. xm.__
rroB WMaosdarY Boeotd.
■—ifier dewribed,
will sell said goods, wares, merebanFish.
Chicago. July 18.—Close—Wheat.
NptOe. of KsUBadise pad persoBsl property to aatlsnow row the bi« fah
ty unto charges aad the espeaae of
ChrleUau, i<f l•m:lli.c; Cl>au,V’i , . : rortl. imp; oaft, W>|4e.
Now that the patiU'jnMi
-1'f vf Hirtr- scff -->!«• nf
>^rth <>r Jolx'^-l(*l>rail(iD >>w pkwpd IslD. of ^PwU-rr.v. an.; Mur,ton. 'm;
i •*
c. .k, !, ' N'
In.—Clii---- Wit-r
Traverse City
an4 I>uxIiip:k In ilie
»i^«; com. T86kc: oau. 6]p.
The Isdleo of toe psitr *ere Un.
«pwn to Its Bontsl M«4itlon,;.^
tlM Was—t rips for u aBrs^« Marphr. Mrs. Canorigbi sad <Uug>iHast BuEalo. K. Y.. July !«.—Cat­
lor tb* «iw> ur, Mias MiUs. Mrs. Cook. Mm. Doha.
• forenoon.
Fleur, Food, i
Mrs. Bolkaap. ot OroeavHto, Mrs. and tle. 68; unhanged. VeaU. 225; ac«MS of tb« H( Orud .
Tbe property
ty to be s<^d Is descHbU*e. 26e higher. Bheep aad Umbr. Baled bay..............
...OlS.OOjcd as follows
Ei«iM fldr to hs bold ti tkli ettj/ po Mias Doits. Mis. sad Miss Quaint600; actlToC flmer; sprteg lambs. |«
..•12 to 14-00!
puefcageu of household
■ si, M OBd OctobOT t Md aiMo. Mrs. Uojrd. Mlaa Baton,
eTAO; Blied sheep. tl-n«4A0.
... Milfoods, conuats otherwise anhaown.
L Tbo pfvpoMd tmr iHlI bMotiA and Mrs. ‘QarUad. Mrs. Haaaab, Mrs.
••"•••*"””lowaed by Mrs. M. J. Jones. aaKHiat of
Hogs. 2.000; Slow. 20e»0e fower.
bnodsr Mopo Uuu iBrtMBs p«t'at- Rowloy.
.•• to »T.OO charges toereoa. 1822
Tharo oero also proaaat Ooreraor tbls ooeuoa to Xtobl^'
packages honschr-Ml
81a foods of live stock, sli ot at
. roaients otoerwlse unknown,
U8 known.)
It Is totsMod Uwi oil of tSo oovUl^ Watimr sad Uoatoaaat 0o«<
oao»ot s1H« aad two each of bar
gbt. Com Meal, dao 82.0C owned hr EBoe Tremaine, nmount ol
to tbo Orud TrprorM mtos staU KoUoy. Or. Movroy, vlto and
aad Ice were weighed at toe
chargesJ thereon,
Hnadredwelgfat, Com Beal.
portktppte ib tbo pra}oet aad sHtod of too Bute Booid of Corrections nn<l msfkot yesterday. There were
psted St Traverse CHy. Mich.. June
CbarUles: J. P. Draper,
20. A. D. mg.
te ito
iges te prlcoa
John C. Morgan A Son.'
Ruadredweigbt. H. 4 L. Best
This Mr abotod bo to Nortboro cot of the Dntvemlty bospluM,/Ann
Arbor: Dr. J. J.'Maibor. soporlntond....................................... »L80
«Uto fair to Oroad Rapids, is to oM- ent of tbo Wayao Connty asytom; Caviar................................... ..S6 to I6e
Imported sordlaco ............
tfsl sad Wootoro Mid
SBlto. of PoaUae. Btadloy, of Now- Mpporod Herring, per lb..................26c
berry. WMtnoy. or Trsreroe CIto.
Stiver Cord sardteeo, perIh............. 26c
tbo BOT. a Cotolto. cbaplnln of
Lohstees ................................................20e
Norlbora MleUcha aayinm.
ToBO. per can...................................... fOc
rsto of aatotoaaaoo was ftxod at SO Shrimp, per can .................... U to 2Sc
mto of awtoutoaaee was Szod ot SO
per glaac TOc
day per patient for toe lower Strawberry probona jam. per glass 2De
A and 62 omu a day for toe Raspberry probona jam. per glass tOc
upper poamin. Ibe old rate
Currant strawberry jam, glam ...20c
is absolutely safe.
ft cenu a day to Orange marmalade, per glaaa........ 25c
aw b^ s tUao to tbo «sto|y;.tj
and 60 «eau to Ginger la syrup ................................. 20c
tbo rsgtoa wboa sa opportualw Lb«s
tbo upper, too teercaoc beteg dae
Crystallsed ginger .................
booa sfgrdid ftr
But the modern fire-proof buildiof, the strong ^afet,
ManoohlBo cherries te Uquor ....28c
to fit toiMn^;^ tbo bMfor coot of food products.
burglar-proof vatilts and wonderful time locks are
Tba reports of eOBBltteea eBboda te Creme de
displw tbolr EtMtoets to saeb ad>
least part of the safety.
WUSBO^ vOl bo sSordod oi^
by Tmsu* C P. Cook, ebalrman
Spiced figs, per botUe
Mr tMstsIL Tbo poitoto of
ora msblcaa tb««fore sbooid^n^ nalBwnlty ot claastflcattoa of oSklal Honey, oomb ................
Resources of more than $l.s00.000.00, and Capital.
Honey, pure, pur pL ...
1 mad£iE
Surplus and Undivided Profits of $'J64.000.00 make
Preeeved flgs. per can
IS to this r«^ Bot fi^to man; m legtaUUoa. Trustee
Mills. chalnBan.
Pte money picklee, per botUe ....30.^
Adiarttotof ttM to
this the largest and strongest bank in. Northern
mtsaee and Ideaapthat . A report of the contBltioo on the
vU emtotoly tend to totora a^ iar Wers of Trustees Cook and Wash
was made, G. Jay Vinton beteg
toe rtalrmaa. A report ot
Tbo toasagesMBt of tbo fair
to a BMharoblp of low aad Ibia
BaUh, secretory of Ibe board
naaiber is not heyind toe ruge
;. was nest Bade. Tbe bo
EoaribUtly. Breqr ;o(awr;are>» into
sfoa then e
Paraeuan ebcen, per bottle.......... 20c
grow* W bwbww «ar - te tboT
rsEtoa dboidd
%aof. and by tons asaodatf sto a groat oatorprbB,
aaeb aa tUa pMwiaoB to ba, bo boaaaiaa a factar aad aa inflaeaM to
fta apbEplltoE oPtUs -aeetloa -DTIbe
Honor. MIeh.. July 16.—Mn. Bmma
cost Truffiley ^ud Mrs. fcllen Newton. oF
sloes, hot house, per 11........... 1^
cub aad oatltlet the the nem Toledo, Ohio, are the irueato of Mr.
per Ih. ...>s...5e and
MiT Tnim:.ii ll:ich'-ll foi >t f
adBrulotiR to the (nU
b-r to' two
tW.v, p,-, -uik ..................
ibe Hghl to pxhlbli without uiidllluiial <l^}. Tlic> liavici-^,HUi viiniiii'ij:-ci
<W»L ^Wbaa tble obiecu agd bea^u toe hedaide ul toefa' uroiber. Nsihan
the titotog capeadl- Btrtcklaad; who was trsmplod upon
ILOe is toalgalSuat aa this by a moe borse at Boplro. July 4U>.
r «S Ialord too paoplo p( mrtb- aad serfousty tefurod.
to get' Did you boar about toe aeveu foot
\atnmi aad Jabor tor toNr laiitaal ratuor that .our County Clerk
lUod oa too Deed Btream road
iMiit aM fbo boaogt of tbolr
tfsa « a stoat stato. ‘

All kf *- -...........
Mrs. Aaaa Ookey sad dsughter,
damgkOti aad art abaady dadbttog
tbemaahos te the toterealo of .the Mildred, left lor e tour ot Boutbem
eotttog exiwsltloe. It now r«A)uin« MkhtoSI' Tse*<li»|r. They pxim-vi
............................ Up U
abnom shout s wv«-k.
only tor the pi-uple of the rcglod
D«'f«'reyi Pinkry ivli for the Manilead their fdroriR wlih tlw, roibmjuois
too Islsnds teat Friday to take ebargo Plums, per dot......................iSc t<
to BMa too tolr a otapondnois


tan. K. M. pMgo went U OsMr
y«ne(«ay after vtsltl^ bore.



Willow St.

Wilkdd-Bdm, Pa.


Su<22t^SiIJ"r?lE7MfC A. i. MnA AmtMBMl C
_________ __

Ti»er Uf,

. MUfM, ¥t. w. tattk.

L AfcrflnttntwclMTiiMDevwhf
\ It
>n coUkUmu u«
eeamSamSSn regu^iag BvMag
maiti^i tk* TnfMw otr sut*
Btrt. Tnnng Ottr. Mkk

amMH tUi WNt 2ES0
a pnr Bute • (rip to
citr «M tey lut wMk.
LiMote luckcr ku parciuMd
wm W. Prmr of Tr»»mo <au TlsUod r^atlrco boro U>t
UBMia luckor woBt'to TnrorM
Tnrent City Sontey.
Mn.-.luwU of St.LMla, who hw
b««B ^Um her teaghior. rolnnua
boBW tec Master.
A. g. Pray Bade a trip to Bk Rapat Boopd
I^Ukotet Boater vaa a aaeoMt. A
gBraat saar atuedad It as4 a good
PaanBOB waa praaekad.
f--! Praak Bouee waat to Traveraa

ift' cur Bklarter.
ut' Jair U.

' ’Ute «BS glTaB at tba bena^ of tbc
: tetfoY paraau to boaor of Mr. and
Is mn. tewoB. Tbor kayo a Ur*a elftf cU of. frtaate to wlah, tkaai happl-

*nsOa BBf^tba vtMtad i
‘^.?1&caB wu ia I
ila^. Vr ndl of Klacriar waa
a aMIte la Hodga Tuaater.
Or. MeCoakto oaUad ob W
aea tba lattar pan of Uurt w.. ..
Oaorpa. XiataoB U rUtUlBc kt tka
kOBW Of BU LataoB.
PTBtt WUaoB of Tramaa dir
la tMi rkteUr Taaadar.
OavM MuaoB bad bU foot


Mr*. Wbl WUam
Baailter. Mra. Itaak
Batarter (aoau at «■ /. Baaereft'a
wan Mr. a»4 Mrs. O. -Baacroft and

wnaoo of Trararaa City U
iMUag at Dartd Mhaaon'a
MrTlad Mra. Ckarlay Oook TUliad
Laea aipaeu a aUtar fron

coBMd a Aae baby boy to their bone
eau. )A. aad- Mia. Chaa. tetaoa.
Mn. B. J. Date aad teRdrea of
The Ladler Aid and Woman’* ForBraaaton arrlred last Tneeday to
Mtetanry nortety -anteruiacd
Mn.%:^!r7'waIaeobBrc. Caaa- _____ Ik Rapite LAdMa’ Aid aodety at
te. arrtead last Tbantey to tpesd the bone of Mn. CanpbMi Tbnnday
few week* with her aon J. H. Tar- aftoraoan. A •booBleoaa napper was
lor and taaiUr and daughter, Mn. Tend aad a guaeral gQod Um aaW. CraneeTud tanlly.
«Muaro Bros. Ion a TBlttable better
CUn Warxbu^ aad little brother.
Gerald, an iteUJng friends In Grand by caUng none part* green wbick
bad been ncddcninUy spUled.
Mn. Wilt Bnith of Cbnitevote rle^^^'foUewIng oTAcen of tbe Ttte
Fellowe wen elaelad at tbefr te tted trlesde and relntlva* here pan
alt of Uat weak.
Mr. and Mn. Roy Winnie and
Prdaldeat. Manbn Jcdia
Vice- Pres., Joseph WaUoek. tenghter Cecil of Ok Rapids and
Scribe, Royal Bigelow; Treaa., Mor­ Mn. Curt Wood were calling In this
gan Blaala. Por pregnn eoBBlttoe, neigbborbood Sontey.
~ D.
Maaaing licslle and Cbartie Tbonaa.
~ 'Winnie waa in Tntrene Cltr
SoeUt comnlttae. Charles Newbouse Mooter.
Hanr Affoller.
E. -Bordeaux baa pnrduaed
coal and fam Impleneat boalaea.
I p*f«nt*. Mr. and Mn. Jamea R.
D. H. Bcott and has leased the old
esteange building for two yean. Mr.
Bcott sUll retains Ibe reaper
mower part of the boalneua.
WeXFORO centcr.
July II.
Belva Robr It working tor Mn.
Marvin Colvin.
Mn. Yen la viritlag at Hometiead
Mn. Will_________ _______
Mn. Cnwford I* at Pomona uking
ptre called in town Monday.
care,of her daughter, who I* *lck.
Tbe aleaner Missouri landed twen­
Geo. Miller aad wife visile^ at
ty-dee paasenger* Wedneteay tor tbe
rm' TueMlar.
Glen Lake reaorts.
Geo. snd CUode Downer were
Ate'pb Hlerooyuu* of Cblcago. Wexford Wednesday.
MollU Rter and children went to
Pomona SatuAlay. retnralng Sunday.
eant, airlred Wednenday to oeenpy
Mn. Lewis is quite sick, t *
tbelr cotlagk -IdleA-whne,’ tor toe being attended by s lAysIdas.
Mr. and Mr*. ZeUnelal and
Mn. Barnes wu at HsrUn Sainrteugbter Imgarde are alao wiib tey.
j»r. osrruwa
Burrowu wi,
of, Travene Cliy Is
Forest Stagg of Bnptrc la ralstag working for ’Frank
- ink Lewi*.
Mter Pbrr^i booae and ta putting
Burke LewliNs i HsnMtee.
a eemeni foundation nsder tbe tame.
John KestPr U aable to go to work
Mn. E 11. Day of Detroit with her
tenghter, Mn. J. E Pennon, and
July 14.
eooa Lawrence and Robert and Mi.
Qny, arrteed and opened tbelr col­
Real Bsuts Traiwfsra.
lage. -Lorelei Lodge.’ Wednesday.
John FVlD end wife to John Barts.
Tbe schooner Weecott loaded sUte
w% of swH sec. U. T Ifi. R 11.
for Milwaukee Tbnra^.
BrvU Bruce and wile to Fred BoenTbe road betweea tbe i
Ing and wife. w-I4 ft. of lot 130 of
Oak Keigbu add.
Leoaard' Van Aalderen and wife
id'MrtT'j. B. DUlOB of Cbl- Albert Tonnema end wife, *WK of
. .
lugbter Qladys, aoo Frank sec. 14. T 16. E 10.
and friend. Mr. Grant arrived
Auditor General to Jndaon Camer­
"Kenwood”, oa tbe
on. pnieeU In eec. 14. T t«. R 12.
Hannah F. Brett to John and Wm.
Mr. and Mn. BbaBer have IMt the ReaaU. Ui ll, blk. n, T. C
Glen Haven hotel. Tbelr place wlU
Tbos. WelU snd wife to John W.
be AIM by Mr. and Mn. J. P. Ha- Dryden. paroels U sec. 3. T 27. R 10.
gemaa, or Rapid CUT. who prevlonaMmll Petander and wife to JariSes
ly bad charge of It Tbelr many
friends wUl be pleased to have thli
popnUr couple back again.
The Mlaaet Cbnreb of Brnaaloa.
who beve been spending som line
at Ray's t«aort took tbe ataaBMr Mlsaonrl lor Charlevoix Wednoetey.
lot 8. bit 6. Qoodrich-t add.
Memo. Cbapmu and Wblibeck
City of Travene City to Hannah
transaeled boalness In town tbit A Lay Co., parcels.
James E Mabn to Wells Bmllb.
Arrivals tor Cedar Bprtags Lodge lots U. 36. blk. 3. and UU 16. 17. blk.
oa tbe Wedneetey boet w«r«: .Mn.- 3. Pernwood Md.
PUIllps. wife and eon. of AprtagAeld.
WelU Smith to Cbu. O. Be
m.. tbe Hfsa« Marie and Nortb of lots 23. 26. blk. 2. and loU 1&. 17.
Mn. Merton A. Voice who has been 3. Pernwood add.
Alice M. Dvana to A. B. CurtU. tel4
epeadlag some Ume with her paraau
in Iteplro. retaned bone (bla week. or aeti eec- 33. T 38. R 13. e
Alveao L. Land to A. E
Mrs. Charles
ChrUtUason and
and wife,
lot 3. blk. G. H. L. A
Co.’a 7tb.’
AmaaS Loeler aad wife to Brneai
MOler. wK or neti aec. 3. T 36. R 12.'
Brtmt Lucier to Amand Lucler.
WU or eH of nel4 *ec. 20, T 26. R 12
Tboa. J. Henderson and wife*
servana, arrived on
blk. 4. H. I
lb* steamer Hlesouri Bnntey on
tbelr way tp tenplre to spend tbe

J^OULDLD paddings of any kind
etc., will "stand np” more firmly and
be more delidonsly good and whole­
some if a little -

b adted. Two e( Amerietb most bsM cob
you la oar book—

OMcgo Cora SMicf-

Mrs. Skiver I* very much im­
proved. uo Shat she la up Md around
the ^ouse.
Mr. and Mr*. HsnnaCord and iwo
children, ot Traverse City, spent Sun­
day with their brother. E Ste'man.
Miu Kate McGill, yrhe bea been
working In Traverse City, ha* re­
tnrned home.
Mlw Grace ‘nieobald. of Traverse
City, and Mlts Ruth Tremaine, of.
Maple ettf. have been eiieuding- a
few day* Wtib Mr. and Mr*. Joseph

Mlu UUian Burge** returned
ICrand Rapid* yroierday after rislilne
M’r and Mr*. M. A. Umlor.
To feel strong, have a good appe, sleep
soundly and
Ute and : ‘
irdocl. Blood BKurdock
ter*, tbe ^at s^eiem tonic and build-

A Californian’s Luck.
-The tucktest tey ot my life wu
Arwhen 1 bought e
a box of
Off EBucklen'e

nlca Salve;- write. Charles F. Bud
abn. of Tracy. California- "Two 25c
boxea cured me <d an annoying cast
of itching piles, which had- troublea
me for ye*™ and tb*t Jidded to no
other iroatmeni." Sold under guarauteo at S. E Walt A Sons, Hannah A
Lay, C. A. Bugbee Drug Co. drug

I u ate aelUag iota.
lag. after bat two daya' tilacoa. was
haU at tba borne oa Banter after
aaaa. the Bav. Mr. BoblBSoa afAclsilag. Iba pall bearer* weraieboaen
anoap tb# O. A. R.v kC^niM
R. R. CanpbaU. L. R. Pwf'^d 0.
M. OSBM aang, ~Vb UMkttf Boroad." aad ■‘Baavtlful lale of Bobowbere." Tbe Bora] oKerlnsa were
beautiful. Intortnant wai ibade In
tb* eitlage renMtory. Boaloes tee wid­
ow, Mr. BMteral^ learea one
teagbur, Mn. Alloa Oole. of B*a^
att. Wash., ave grand cblldren and
can great grand cblld. Mra. Alice
OaU t» eapccied bone on Tseatey.
Tb* Bailey Unilly. of Lawranee.
. Kan., are oecopring tbelr cottage on
tbe beate. for tbe uumner.
Mra. T%as. OuacaS returned last
Tnaatey froin R^d City, 'wbera the
apaat tbe peat noath witb her teogktar, MIB. Chaa. Berry.
Mr. and Mra. J. H. Battle arrtead
' to spend tbr suBkaier In
Norihpon Point,
■orieiy willII ^re^te
OM PteblcMd


Haair Blakely of BU Rapid* began
layfag the eenrai walk* tiu* nMra‘*Mr. and Mn. Jokn BckltMedar i«tarmad yaatartey. froin Tra**ne Cliy
whMB tbey teont tbe past week wtib
Mra. LeUto NaiaoB M CadlUae U
latdftw bar raeatkn with bn par-


Mn. Lute Brett was
neighbor* here Friday.
Mr. Pulver ot Sumni
Summit Cliy sUend-

Dafortonately many procure tome
poor brand of Paris Green with-whicb
the merket U Sooded, or good Peris
QresB thnt hns deteriorated from be­
ing elored near oils or in a temp
place, ^n^d not only wute the price
of the green bnt lone their potntoe*
into the bargain.
s has shown
Tears ot <
Just what Parts Green gives the best
results end. Just how to store It eo
that it never detetteraia* We carry
note bnt Lawaaburg'a AUr Brand
Rnre Parte Orm In belk * and In
boxea aad store It so that It hu tbe
grealMl wStdency.
We have handled the name brand
ter yearn end oor euatometa report
sore .and quite rasnlts. Price* the
very loweat that good Faria Oi
cen be sold at

Lake ibe past week; she «1u-a«oomptoled by her daughter Bva. who re­
mained at Ibe sanlurtum (or medical
treatment. *
Mr. and Mn. Cbti. Knapp went to
Boyne City Monday on business, re­
turning Weduesday.
Mn. Ida Snekangast and cbtldr«a
ihn Taylor and family and
Taylor and wife were guesu —
borne or Mn. Sanh Taylor Sunday.
Mr. and Mn. Frank Boa called at
Myron Taylor's one evening Uat
Utdle*' Aid will meet with tbe pres
ent. Mn. Wall,
Wall. tomorrow
1----------Mrs.--------. Win Taylor wu on tbe alek
>t s
a few days of |ui week, bni U
up and around agnin.
Bdd Wall AnUbed baying tut
Ite^^^noi very good In ibl* netghCbeaiw,

mix LAKB.
Mrs. John Cnra* of Travoree City
vtaiied (Hente and reUilvu hero last
Mis. CyntUa Strmtioa retnrned to
bor home le AMca Satnrtey after
epsBdtag a week yutting frieate aad
Mr. aad Mrs. Oscar Wbaatoa wcl-

S. E. Wait & Sons
mTcne; Ctty’i Letdiir

h Judicial arenlL In ChM- tey of Traverse aty. In said
before the Itth day tit
' ■
. A D. 1»M. 1.......................
.......... Traverse, ia
_ Win be beard hby raid court o«
chMcery. at. Traverae City, on the Thursday, the I2th day of November.
9tb day of June. A. D. 1908.
A. D. 19M,
o'elote U the tereLela Rains, complainant, va, Wil­ noon.
bert Rains, defendant.
Dated Jnly 7th.
(U. Jl.
A. D.
U. 1901
to thta caoae it appearing that the
defendMt. Wilbert Rains, -t* not a
resident of this sute. but resldra In
July 10-17-24Gl-nuf. 7.
tbe SUM of Indiana, on moUon of
GoreU A Cross, soliciura tor eoupUinant, ft Is ordered that defendMt Mter his appraibnee In arid
cause on or before four months tram
tbe date ot this order, and that with­
in twenty days complateMt cense
this order to be pbbllshed ia the
OrMd Travene Herald, said publlcala oaeh

fixture*. Inquire
. nnsoneii. Nonhport, Mich,
ily 3.10,17. 24.
Aak for AlUn'* Feot-Cnee,

DR. W. J. HIGGINS, Dentist.
New Munson Dlk.
Traverse City.
Cltlrens telcpboue:, office. 798; res­
idence. C02.
Aak to be directed to hl» office op-



Paris Green

TJiai is the klad yon want to use oa
your potatoei eometbing that Is sore
to-UU Ihs bail.

Iicht Rtef Itch! Seratte! Botete!
— ...........— _>urest Scratte! The teore yon eentte the
Md ooeu In thta cause, ot the teUow>e the Itte. Try DonnY. OIntiDg described parcel of iMd. to-wit:
t. It enras pQe*. ecimt. amy
Lou tMrty-five and thirty-clx (36 Md skin ittelnc. All druggisu seU E
.16) of block four (4) of lUnn^ Lay
t company'! first addition U the vil­
lage, now city ot Traverae City. Mich­
igan. eccordlng to the recorded plat QTATB OF MICHIOAN. THE PROO hate court ter the county ot
Grand Traverae.
In the matter of the eetate of Jemen
W. Mllllken. droensed.
NoUcc I* hereby given that tear
for G
monihi from the lOih day ot Jnly.'"
A. D 1908. have been allowed ter cradHors to prweai their claims eeriest
W. P. (
uid deceased to arid court ter exnmr ter 1

WANTED-Glrl for genera!
work. Mr*. Arthur Roeentb:
Washington streetJuly I

Tuesday, July 28

o Stoyke
jre In Bay ___ ____ ______
I delegates to tbe Bpwortb League

Mr*. A. M<«egg aad tenghter intanied to Mayfield ycoterday.


It Roached th* Spot
Mr. E Humphrey, who osrn* a
large general store at Omega. O.
and I* preeldent of tbe Adam* County
Telephone Co., aa well as of the
Home Telephone Co., of
O.. aaya of Dr. Kings
-It saved my life a
seemed to reach t
think It did. It seem
spot—the very eeai of my cough—
when eventhlng else failed."
King’s New Discovery not «nly reach
es the cough spot; It heal* the sore
spots and tbe weak spots in throat
Old Mr. Finch bu gone to VemiM- lung* and chest. Sold under guaran
see to make his home with his son tee at S. B. Walt A Son*. Hannah
A Lay and C. A. Bugbe^ Drug
Jsmes. having sold his farm lo Mr drug etoi
Ctrenlt Judge.
10 cent*.
for CompUtUML
Mr. Updike went to Metlck last
Buriness address, Traverae City.
Friter to attend the funeral of Iil* UORTGAOX 8ALB-t>Wsi
lister, Mrs. Nettle Herrlnglou.
June 12 to July 34.

Tbe yacht "IbeBrite H" of Grand
Rapids Slopped here over night on
Gold work of the very beeL
her way to tbe Boo with tbe follow­ . Morgan K. Paige and wife to’Alva
Porcelain Inlays.
ing people aboard: Henricb Herpol- D. Tyler. lou 12. 18. blk. 8. H. U A
Palnlem extraotloo.
Ralpb Herpolibelmer, Frank
_ , ,, _______Mb --------------So
Mn. Ab^ Claypoel u an tba atck
36. X 16. R 9.
Make appointments abend when
Mr. and Mra. Koy fUaaaterd eallone*
Rotb. nlk of nw frl. M aec. 30. T 36.
Other honn by request
R 13.
Elaie R. Hannah to B. F. Cramer,
TMtlna hla anda'a taaiUy, B. B. CaU.
Bnntey lor Chicago.
lot 1. bll? 4, P. H.’S 4tb.
A baby bay
-----------------John Dago met bis broiber, bli Ma­
Mat aaak.
Clte^ dktlad at W. O. ter and three yonag lady vlslton all
Valued Same u Gold.
from Cblcago, arriving on the MMFirst visit to Michigan and Traverse City of
E O. Stewart, a merchaat ot Cedar
W.%fblie\Bd 'taadly aad OU •oorl Sunday.
View. Mtea.. aaye: "I tell my enatoThe
badI food locb pick
pioUaa '
mer* when tbey buy a box of Dr.
eallad on Mn. Ray Bstnrtey.
Mr. Bmltb and wife arrived ter King’s New life Pills tbey get tbe
fMebemaa baa goae ta Aad
worth or tbet much gold In weight. If
Keawood oa tbe Mlaaowl.
afAlcted with eonsUpatlon. maUrieor
The Rev. Chaa. Btxby aad
.. I Biotbar U Bklklkf atraaglb
blllouanua.’- Sold under guarantee at
aon arrived on tbe MM
(ran bar rami tUaaaa.
Dig three<ring Circus. Hippodrome and
8. E Walt A Son*. Hannah A Lay.
Potato boa* are taUlnc la tbatr
The Only Miph-Clasa Show Coming!
Lake. Mr. Blxby le one of tbe oldeat C. A. Bugbee Drug Co. drug stores
iB an event which you simply eaniioi afforc to overlook. Aside Don
vtalton on tbe Uke and his ouay
Irlendi here are always delighted to
circus performance unsurpaased. In which tbe highest salaried, mosi
have bin among them.
elusive and wonderful performer* of tbe world participtte. Oollmar Bros
Mn. Hannah nad f^ldrca of Chi­
present a SIngfb F*atura, the most expensive ever ai tempted by Amerl
cago arrived on tbe bteamer MIssonBaeUabantea ara «alu pMatlfnl.
. aad an.bfiac gatbarad ta larga «aaa(Mte. '
Haary Mays
Master David Day apeat Wedk-.
?CUn Oalartey
day with Buel Hammct at Cedar
aMpteaTcbaa. Daxtar ratora- Bprtngs
July II.

I Ibair ban
___ day tftar l

Tb* Waetrs Brat CNsmM.
is not qsttely tree (rara dteara, an
the U^aeratlMs (mra BraraQ.
srMle on the lower ieraM teMtte'M
ed u a grante nr law og­
le nltirate. To overt climate
maMfla. Jaundice. Wile—era, tem.
aad agne. aad gehml dehffity. tlw
most eSeeSve teorady la BMetric
Bitten, the great nlterattee aad
blood purifier; tbe Mtldole ter every
form of bodily sraaknera, nervee*n«as, nnd liuomnln, Bold under gnsrMUe nl 8. E MteR B Bona. Hannah
SUM of MlohigM, said .oonri ho«M A Lay Co.. C. E Bnghon Drag Oo.
drag stores. Price 60 cents.

raise the amount <

temwcuL r«v«e*)b]


>BANC»T 8ALM-(K POKBD’ Stet nni by vBtw e( U ocSor
Md decrae ot the CIrnit Oonrt ter
the County of Grand Traverae In
MTj. In the SUM of MiehicM.
e nnd dated on the 21K tey ot
April. A. D. 1908, Is n certtln rauee
herein peBdlns. whorete the Souib


Stop I



There will never be a time again when yoo can
build cheaper than now. *
Let us figure your, bills—our prices Brill eon*
vioce you of this fact.

South Side Lumber Co.

J. O. Crolscr. Bee.
JMtlen IB LiBber. Uih. SUbcIce FIbM. Dbmx.
WiBtewfi. RoBitifcs U4 Shfi> Work.

itk PhoM I

Inverse CitYf Aicit*

therefore the kitchen is a matter of importaot con*
sideration. Step into our store and look over our
large line of


can Cirana MMagers. whi.'h tiaedt alone, unequalled and unilvalled.
marks -Jit event of the new American Circus, doubb-d in Importance
the presenuilon ai each performance of the fiercely ihrilBcg tremendous

Oasolinra Saovras
and on I l^to'vaa
Rooking ia summer is a pleasure when gasoline or
oil stoves are used- Prices to fit your pocket book
and sires to suit your requirements.
Ask Rboat 6Nir Easy Paymeat Plaa oa Haase
hold tFaraitarc.

introducing hundreds of characters, horses and fire fighters,. A snperb
tupiviM Md stupendous reality which mere words fall lo depict, i
grandMt leature ever preeenled by c circus.
Tbe meet elaborate, swot (orgeous and iMigeet stroei pagmt of tbe age
given every morning at 10 o'clock—rain or shine.
poroi0n FmIhtm of Prom-.netien. Feau and sensations seen in America
lor the first Ume. Marweloua New Aerial AeswntiMW.

M CLOWNS-A Fvlow Fcsttval Of Fauy IMckte-C*

m-417 S. Union St


«IUNO TflAvinwi HIIUlAlNldAV^ J^V

Grand Traverse Region


TV barge Croaee. CMpt. Aaderaan
took a lead of lamber and slabs Iron
Flabaea dock Mat Thursday.
WUHaaa rautng tron at. Igaace.
aoB of Mrs. K. B. Sheridan, amrer
last week.
Uiile Mlu Hlasden of Traretne
diy U ibe goest of Mr. and Mrs.
WamerW cbUdren.
I kafe not beard that tbe recede
very heavy ralaa have done any dan-

Volee. Troaa. They were

Farwnrst - Do not forget to csi
yonr milk weeds and Canada iblattsa.
Is the order of tba day aow.
• JaU lA

Walter Biaann and Hitle
r Wilma reiorned bone laat
itarday fran a three weeha- rUli
was Chlldrea^s'Day
ly at the M. E.
I stmu ol bOMt with ralaarea in Qrand BagMa.
^rcb last Sunday .rUcb was very
Mlaa Mary fcttara i *
Tba UtGe oam did
ktmcbl tn tkoM asa^iowatk^btE^
totv tMii TwMday
Mrs. BaieUe and aelw Ssle Byaa.
M if WiWen<tt'"ta Sn'Cr»Mi I m, (be Her. Alfred U Tbarana •
IMS •• |MMSI ^ —Ills SAr UVM,
relunied from Travene Oiy where
IMrt ifl,V.«rmayb»UMii*d oSt II
wo weeka
file launch'Haiale. Capt. Balt^ we have some Ane weather. Some a
•MM aftar tiint.
. , ^
■ m feella*
iwuaa and
cane Aown lato Fisher lake
isaplriac nabser. roar
r Of
o* the gaeata
ly laat ws................
wero^rc eighty yeara
an of age. and ay afienooD.
| party from
tram Bknplre.
tbera were eeeen eetaraaB
raaa of the CtvArthur Untie U hero dtapaalng of! There were SO Mckcu sold for tbe ... Soadsy.
Jim Bemoa and Fete Sbenc
Mn. Itovi Ja|0^.V»tarMd frm it war pitaest A beauttfnl aolo was be bone of Iwr
Bar-1 dance...
U BayW ___
hall last night.
night. The
. danghtaT.
have gone to KalkasU to pick I
aiuu by Mra. Fred Tabberer* and - ah Siriekler.
i Horn orchestra
ra from Trsverae Oty
wonderfol teaUnoiiy neellng Inb
The Gleaners bad a very (njoyable {drawn a Mg crowd.
crowd. Good mitalc
asd tUU kvr nik*r vkb bM ivMfc- varaad with the alnglag of old fa- lelsl evenlnc at the Orange htU i what daneert Uke and "we had
^A. M. Smith parcbased of Neis
Peteisoa s tboroQ^hred Jersey calf
oBlar bywu. eloaod a aerrioe lowg Thuraday night.
Mn. WestW«
|Um tlgbi.“ Is
U the
ttbe repoiL Mrs.
Uist week.
iweabered by tboae |
Mrs. Suads)
* In the Mer* coit lurnlsbed 1 • cream and cake Us
Last Saturday was a scorcher. Tbe
ol OUCMB t» aov TMtUA b«r tor a Cards wilb agprOprUu Bible
I. N ^
Uhe ban dining
few day*.
>ed t»
to baaalifal
beaauhil rosea were

precelebratloo I
•fVatf TkktKrer nsd famllr
•r .
aonted to each gaeat npon entaring
here tbe Fourth.- at a Urge numbei
the chbrcb, anl boaooau of rosea -lib her for a vlalu
Of the i>eople went to Bmp4re. a few !
were dletiibnied aaong then at tbe
^Ur Gibbs and CapL Jah^Craw- to Traverse CUy. and report a good
ford tbe Pbebsconi are bare.* They showing at both places. There wenUr. Stoker k#e retmad to tke this metoOrable occaaloo waa due
have wire lor ibelr corral and e" plcnlns where a few tamliles yolneil
the eCprta of Mra. Tr«d Tabberer and peel a carload of goaU any day. ‘
Several from here attended the
Mrt. FHnk Avers.
. i
Tbe Kingsley Cemetery . Imprevc-Mt aaaotUCoB meet here today.
Follow This
They win be entertained by a lira
Mfi'a Advice.
^gllllllnf at Mra. B. the day.
cbetty orchard, to "help yoarselTea.’'l Never negieci your kidneys.
Blag at Mrs. J. L.
Mlaa FVancU Roaelntka has return­ which they did; then a ftne supper.,
If you* have pain Ui tbe back,
OlbU- and Bniablng at Mra. Uo Hal- ed to bor work at Mra. A. *C. Wyn- la the evening cats' tee cteani, and
disordeis, dlulnoss and ner-i
^iM/SailUi aad bdullr'^ovee t« liday'A where a program will be reo- koop's after a vaeaiioa over tbe 4th. pure wine was served; then came tbe nao'
vousaese. U’s time to act and m> time I
Bwrjorylak Moadaj. »k«e .he «• derod after tbe gaatronooiic teaturea
Mrs. Asa Harvey and Mrs. Blaine dreworks vhlcb were very good, and to experimenl. These are all symp-!
l^e to «t0age IB buelaaM Is a ba- of the occasion.
Harsb.'called on Miss Beka Wilson alt Irli ibai they bad had ai glorious
loina of kidney trouble, and
ur etore. .
Oeorga Pepler and family bare re- of West Almira Snnday.
should seek a remedy w-blcb is i
'are. Haalsold and ilttla <
ing at Hogback.
to her borne at Long Lake after
lanad Sattirday crentaa trail
Will OIbba .and wife of CWcago working here for some time for Mrs
h to bar mother at Cadillac.

. . ..............
need to experiment. It
Mabel OIbba of Traverao Tnek^ and Mrs. CUy,'
^1 Uoldcroli ten bar* CMay for
The graaaboppera are getting thick- has cured many stubborn
cases in
How-srd Dull ofr KMtf

WUi OIbba of Grand BapTbAOreen Briar school bbard met r than they were Utt week; wc Traveree City, ktaiow' the advice of
'■ purebssed lao cows of' F
Misses Wynoiia and Mary j
the day is Mayleld r«<
MondaKevenlng to elect orfleera.
cwaoU to be pisrriad the Am of tkla
Bpe they will leave aoon,
a Traverse City cllrarna and be cured
luly IS.
iilug st'h Dan Crandall and family; July
Mrs. Jane Harrry
called on
The eonaramutlona of ji d''
July 14.
fur a f< V. df's. i

iraodma Barker of West Almlya Sun- ere at Cedar Bun. visiting wit
eta a( riasda. nnmberlng al) who
Car.!.vlsltli.s In Proveour.,. baby's croup. WItlle’a daRr
kin .follow bln to kU aaw
I fJrty lor a week.
-------- --«,vm.. —«,m.^
, Hv.u.
rvisr.Tev Kw a ev.uple of: p,„, ,nd bruises, mama's sar*
IHM vkick will be In Bootk Dakoand Mrs, Waller Lake are mov- live year, ago 1 was suffering from
5. where a fine poaltlos awalu Uu
MUa Grace Price of Bast Jordan U

I ihrosi, - iwraAdaia's lameness—DF.
Ing Into.Ibelr
istr new
lun aggravated case ol kidney wrak-| ^-rv.' .
day between Lake Ann and Ncesen
-The Ladies' Aid will meet with Thema--- I
tbe gweai ot Uku OraeU KebL
with a forwnr en ployor.
Jim R(«er of Manitowoc was vis-M
ins in my back, loins
Mn. HoUti Tabbarer ipent part of
Mra Fred Dago and little daagbi
“*'Xi Thursday to do tuusehuiil K-mt d!
lung with Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Bates; end over the kidney regions.
MIm Fannie Konis and brother Sunday evening,
ike •with Hra. or Maple City are vtaltlng bar mo
; hardly b-nd over, woop cr lift and '"’Mr^Wlllls
__ ; parcbased a boran.
er. Mra. Uckie.
Mrs. Will O. Clark has been vlsl‘-|Roi Into »uch a londiilon l was
Mrs, t'auBiMn 1 aud children arc
MUa Uao Beck wbo km been
Tbe Bev. Mr. Robinson and t
ing with bar mother. Mrs. D. Thomp- onable to pursue ruy work. The kldBemembai
apaadlaf a.few wMka with______
Itb -Jkt ala- MUses Snale Baumbarger and NetUe
r»*»« .• '-uMiBvmskMawife mwthrlBM
few weeks,
iiey *ecn-il<ms were weak and of an 'ami'iiti! on (be plains, plcklug back
.a itMSrwot
itwSrwiJ r.J.CUwvT
r.J.OuwvT jOOs..
tar. lira. Abcoat Oraji. baa retoraad Kelson left thu moraing for Bay atlll bolds
and Mrs. Rufus Bates drove! but a short time before the-ach^
July 14.
to bar

View to attend*tbe Bpworth Uague night at tbe chapel. Everyoue U U>to Sion
lurrmer to see the:r son. Carliunnaturai color. After trying several
viied to come.
Mra. Aagaw Oran baa ki
and wife. Sunday, also they were remedies. I procured Doan's Kidney
July 14.
eanofIkelarantaoB ofbei
Mrs. c. B. Kehl toft on tba C3»»calling on Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Fow- pills I bad not used them but a
MAPLE city.
qnamegon this afternogn tor
ler of Petervllte.
short time before the aches, pains
Frank BI^ and his mother havel
_«Haa Vita Gran la elalUnc the tan' GLEN ARBOR.
Ouau Bales.
Biila|aiid kidney
dlsapa lAidlugioi
Iftr of the Bor.'Mr. Uartls. lortneriy
The graasboppen are dolni
Wrighi and daughter were the guests. peared. '
Deloriiii- McGueer t» Iniurovlng his
of Ktsfaler. now of Detroit.
erable damage ii
of Mrs. Laura Bates, last Thursday 1 For sai<- bv all dealers. Price SO
A vfOk toUowlac the unial cMebraMies Wilma Vinton ..
i cents. Foii.r-Mllbuni Co.. Buffalo,
tlao dTcUldran'a Day. Old l^le-a
U a^adlng tba we^ with Mn.
k^r. and Mrs. Charles N. Bales re- New York, sole agents for the Cniied
^ wu ob^od at the chnrAJiem
^tm ttTtuUeu bad bm kciai
'Hie newly elected members of tbe
the a«ad rtaUeata of the Tillage a^ 1.^0. O. F. No. 16 are Boy Steele, K.


*-*r SSTSJ liTSS
t^Tn^iTSStm «* “. tSL !**




___ ___"s


Rome Furnisbed Complete For ONE DOLLAR Per Week




Years oi Comfort lor $10
Tbat’aTbatyoa get m out apeeial teadoHar
Ooovbeg. Niodr QpboUierod in good Veloor
and gnaranteei all tleel tpj ingg.
Tlie frame is
made of higbljr Jigored q nartar aaved oak veBgar and hi^dy poliilied.
With good oate
tbaw Oonebdd ongfat to last at least tea yeafi.
flove]ga«aa joagetao much comfort tor one
- doUar a year?
W a also bare a nenr line ot
leatha •oochep ^ Turkiah style aud a hand.
ao» Kae of the beat rerooa npholaterdd
Oohehea nnifing in price from '

$8 to $20
■■J ^

; $4:75 up to $30

our Fuiou Victor Tables

Wc wutyo«ro»iBlo«ou m SMc Board wc arc

The Home ol
the lamoos Quick
Meal Ranges. The,
Ung Man ranges.


We have over two hondred diffenata^lea to aeloct from and you <-4tmot
fail to tiod the one that eiaclly tuiU
yciy. These Kockers inclnde tbe
seaadn'a luteat prodnetiona of bi0b
oiaaa Rockera und the style an<l com.
fort which they poo sees are beyond
All other eompariaoua. They can be
used to enmt adraotake in every room
in your hoiiae.

These Conches are Marvels of Luxury

BQipaaa everything in tbe line uf
Dining Tables bennse they are al­
ways r^y for immediate use. Tbtw
carry their own leaves, which saves
time and annoyance.
No diabei or
Table Liteo to remove when yon wiab to extend them. No joints in the top to
late dirt
*alent screw leg which
wh--'-'--------------------lift and are fitted with new patent
is very roocenient in moving
yonr table from one room to another. Always safe and rdiable and they coat do moi«'
a good ordinary eft style TaUe.


!_ _ _ _ _ _

Easy Rockers
25c up to $16.00

No one can afford to deprive themaelTea of a good Dining .%^de when
yon can get
on eaay
' aud at anch low prices.
ins a six-foot exienaian table with a
full box rim. {^o polilished goUea
e irood
top, fire neatly toraed legs, one
set of oaaton for
We can famish these tables
and 10 feet lengths if wanted.




Our Handsome
Afford a sf^ndid pla<e to keep roar
good clothes neat and olcan as well
as adding msc-h to tbe a{^«ranee
of yonr room
W<> have some extra
qiecial bargains in this class of Farnitnre and can fnmiso yon a nice
solid oak EJresshr. finished in a dark
rich goldt-D. with a heavy Fn-nch
plate Mirror, large top sorface. fonr
sniooth fitting drawers with full swell
front effect and a good
set of caators for...........



3 piece Bed Room Suit
CoosiatiBg of tbe Dreeaer described aliou... sanitary
malleable iron ^^0
or wood Btd if detired and a large < isk Commodi

Wccuscv^y^^««cyon cvc^thtnglo
for yonr home.
Oar Slrccl

The People’s Homefurnisher

120 L Front SL
TXAtoxenr, mca


Jl HiUD Hfiinjl,
Ohiy One More Week end the Grand Race
Will Be Over, and Conffratulations Will
Be In Order.
If You Would Win. Now It
the Time To Work
Afl e( tiM CMtMUBta tn I
b larger tVa waa at-trat
ttua 9lMMd with thair »»b *e
ieetei aad a Mwmam. eeeanble
mWIIWWit t« 4mU. twt It wlir revUi* rotaa to betag nada br an dealtoaa
mM M4 uliad aCort «• iha part
tt tbak MMOa to M«Me thm
toithtoii tMr i«MaM «bea
.tMl eaut to m4« m I p. a. JiIj
n. Thm wUI ha aup avpr
of that ve an aon. Wbo wlH be
tha avprtaad parttoK' wa map do
Mt kaov. IV eoBlaat to aUil to be
I all the
«M4Wataa to praitf that an i
(hf eeataouata tor ^he groat boi
that are to V t


*4- ‘/3-V2


We propose to make this the greatest sale we ever held in point of value giving.

It vaaM V «aU. hovorar, tor thoaa
toha toai aara that tltop an aan wta•an to lanwpbar that tha 'alhar
moenr feel jn.4 ai oure of wtaalag
IVre aarar waa a non avea ftght
vaga« hr a baaph af hnaUert thaa
Uto aaa aa oa. aid tv etetorr to atUl 1
la tv Vlaaoe.
TV Byaaiafl Vatod-8, Mall.
tbto. laat vaakto work na»t de.tomtoa tv wtaatn la thto grnt
aeVaaL Doa't Vatttta to eaU o« 1 rear ................ 2.M............. lAMrotes
paar Mo^ tor their avport aa ao
Onnd Tnvana Herald.
OM^to at peaaaat aapwVn aaa< lafe.'
•rfrrtw aaana to twoogatoa tV
tact tVt tv TOta eaat win V rary


We have put prices on goods that MUST appeal to YOU as being FAR below their
REAL worth. Any man who has any thought of purchasing wearing apparel now er~
for some months to come, cannot but fail to be impressed with the values we are now
offering. Everyone must realize the necessity of reducing stock at thtaseason of the
year. Lines gat broken, some sizes are gone and it is imperative that these lots be
closed out even at a sacrifice rather than carry them to another season.
We propose to do this and have put prices on these different lots that WILL CLOSE
and judge for himself whether they are not the best values he can hope to get. We
want YOU to investigate.


When YOU can get merchandise as reliable as this at ONE-FOURTH. ONE-THIRD
and ONE-HALF^FF. it means an opportunity YOU should not miss.

Men’s and Young Men’s Suits
Loti—lA Off

.. 9S7:
.. S109
. .117fi6
.. B3U
.. «12



Ooe, ti:wo and three of a kmd {<1 butts). These are the best and
newestt tfiiogs of the season, the popular brown and grey effects
minating. Nothing tietter in our stock. Values S20 to
$•2'). all go at

Lot 2—^ Off


10 Suits cut io strictly Young Men's styles. Cuff sleeve, fainted
vest lapels, Helt seams, peg top trousers and all the distinctive
features that go to make this season’s styles.
.Also about an equal number of more conservative patterns for
men, values $S to $1C. You will need to come quick ontbese
as they' will not last long, all go at

... SSSI

... ms

Ml <Inn«. Ml.: IL ol p. am Rraun
Mw IW. »*11 <«>l«.............................
W 0.m.M K P, c, p p ^
0~ AO. A P..................................


P. o. T.» ri

Lot 2—Oft

r. BUt VpIV .
Oat* B. PUner. OrawB .
Uta. But OtkMtt.4

....................... 6«2

Waa^alla mbar. Mwttiport

................. WI7S

This lot consists of 39 Suits of all grades from $10 to $16. One
of a kind, principally dark mixtures. Splendid business suits
in this lot

....................... IMS*


Boy’s and Children’s Suits

..................: 4«i
■u. MP R. CU'.

Lot 1-JA Off

... .....


......................... 4161
.V,....'...... 43»1



Wa M. Po^ lUM........


■........ C"


.................. 21M

. bti»
W. U.U. P.RL OU MM-....................................................................... ..
M™, c p J(M-. O-n. Mo— 0-1- Rob— Ml. .................. . om
MM.a„Lo>—r,BkB.pU........................................................................ ......
Mif. Ana TVhar, GrawB, R. n D. 1........ .................. .................. ..............


About 1^ Suits from the best makes and the most substant'tal
clothes io double breasted two-piece Suits., All new goods hav*
ing straight or Knickerlxjcker pants. Ages f) to 17 years.
Also about 50 Suits of the gayest and nattiest of Juvenile stylei
in both sailor and tucked coat forms, in fact the cream of our
Children’s Department; no better in the slate._ A^»_3_^W
yeara, values $4 to $10.


r W.CAB.

A foll'table of small lots both in two-piece Suits for Boys from
9 to 1'6 years and the more fancy makes for Children from 2l4
to 8 years. Fancy mixtures. Plaids and Cheviot stripes.


■miu Up. a-Oertlcwca^ LM


Lots—^ Off
60 Sulti for boys from 3 lo IR years—some excellent suits for va­
cation. Here area few full lines of sizes that have been slow
sellers. therefore they all go in with the rest. Values $2 to $4.



Mwav VIBB,;

itoa wait far .


eiatrial Na. .
Kaan at OrgaatoVlato


AU Fancy Vests *A Off


Here is a splendid assortment of real natty style^ tn the season ^
" yours while
newest things at very remarkably low pri•ices. Cct
the stock is complete.

Outing Trousers


Here is a superb assortment to choose from in all the newest
ill the smart efcolor effects and cut. Peg tops, cuff bottoms
fects will be found in this lot. Values $2 to ^.50.


^ Braalat WaaaN nto •iMt Timaeaa' Herald Nia|ara rai6 vpaa-

NcgtHlcc Shirts y» OH
One lot of *100 SHrto..........67c
One lot of 1..T0 ShirU ..........II

ahalM vaM attar hlaiMar. My SR

One lot of *1.25 Shirts
50c Shirta

Underwear Ah OH

GeilBemeii’s Balol
•vMilaf ............................. .........................


.etHitat Ha. ................................................................................
Naata at Otgaatiattea,
KnitiagiHaaafd av »«n Tivana HaVto Mlafira Pane aaea.


JnT—M«M«. M IP



25c light weight Uodenr<«r..lSe

Base Ban Suits

50c BalbrUtgan rmlerwear, SSe


Boys' Cowboy Snita 68c.
Wild West Cirens.

Here it a ebaooe. boya, to get ready for the

TV rjhDrts \
EderhdaKT, ^ * .Cto

Hamilton Clothing Co.


tB( tote nee of tbe bay bos or **trclae* Btove** for ceaklap food*, rsqolrtop alow eoitolBS. be* bronpbt fortb
tb« aadcBta
employed eomelhlDp rery Uke It to
preyartac tbelr fleab^u «fu tbe
Saturday Blpbu for the SabbCu day
feast, titinf pnseea tor tbe packtofSoauone says also ibat tbe Amertcaa
lodtaos knew aboat that ioap ago,
aad that tbe Oermaot bate cooked
that way for years.
Be flOBtent wttk wliat yea bae*.
Wbaterer may bate been
To theee TOa hold Met 4e*r,
•oorda of the method It U now reOtve ktadlr words wmt IotIbc aasUea oeittap atieoiloo tar and wide. Tbe
Ao4 aaa« ovt ray« of Aeer;
Camodsaary -Oepanment of tbe rag0Tta( to othefs
alar army to tbe toru of tbe waei.
vitder tbe Erection of Captain OarWe ToaUae that life
■naada pots happMoa 10*01,
ray, bare beeo for some time esperllUnp nth tbe bay bos. aod the
Aa« doas^war with alrtfr.
oncceoe bai been tboroa^ly eatielifa*r a fnur propcMtUea.
Uetory to tbe deparinetiL
Bil rovlt dad It nusktr sweet.
A tboroogb teat has deBonatraied
If foi koap yotr lot# U*ht bimlBS
that thts method la a moat contraIBe wsMem or tb* tffoet.
trait and proSuble tray of coofcinp
Ume. and It O a
aavar of eo0 ga* and heat dortng tba
• •OIny tfoMea I'te And to tbe < samarer montba. For pcraoas Uvtaf
an easy way of
• #00. *'
• Mav tfpitotoa 1 etlO MI av- ‘ bavtog. wbat U Baean0. a well-cook0 meal 0 baartier foods than
• ' • elTa.
apace and tbe a««nmod0lons
• BM tbs cnataet owMm of aU
• An toa tidobtoa that naear ar- ' ford.
Tba farmer to snmmer stows ibr

Jag 0 water -or elder to tbe bay
keep It 0001. and to winter i
tramps borrow into tbe bay etacK
keep warm;, the esptonatloa
smed *op to tbe phreee "ooa<
A wOl kwwa writer abd daap stndoctor 0 beet.' which may be apdoat er hoMA natara tOla aa that
pU0 to bay. It to s0d that hay wlU
•sarly aU of oar pbyotoO alterau
retain beat to a greater cstenl then
b^ aaatal asaota, dad 0tldaa tbe
uytbtog else.
aaana of oar troablii Into two nwnne raaolsltes for a bay eooUng
ul tapota, baU tbooght and tear
tboaibt Beiaotfato wbo bata a worid- atova are a wooden box, plcry of
wMa nvmMra bate gooa fnrtber, bay. erocke 0tb oorera. or the
aM tor miiilyatoa tbe blood.of anb- browa earthen eooUng bowla over
toVtl bata piotad that tear and bata which plates cm be fitted ctoaely.
roT the ordinary tamlly tbe galton
bdta a diraat dMraytac eOeot aa tbe
Maad eofpabelaa while tote, happl- crocks will bold as moeb aa wUI be
mm and ktodrad moods of tbooght re«ulred. and a medium altad box
teal to bsaMktol bedOy as well at WUI bold three Jars. Aa for tbe bos;
Mat0 oaadRlBaa.
r * any cae with the cover comtog down
One at tka moat iiniaaina taraM 0 tightly will anaw0 tbe pnrpoae. . A
faar thoaOt to worry, wkkk Otar good site U from seventera to twen­
haeeaii awb a bam that tt aanl- ty toebee to depth and any length
fOtoa ttaOt aaaeaicdooOy to ototy tb0 011 be to proporttoa <
ttaafbt. aa^ mtkm aet only tbe wer. depth. Tbe old packing trunk ^ea
rtar totomahta. bat eteey^aae with n fine bos provide U t* Utaei. A
whoai abe onaaea to oaataet Thera to good ptob U to toy paper to tbe bot­
b trap bit ar bet weather philosophy tom usd at tbe ttdee. with a btotom
layer 0 at least three toebet 0 bay
to the leOewiar
*Doar Ml If Ibto raeai to m warm as that la needed to keep the cold at
as thto aa aarty In tha taaaaa. what tbe goor from radnetog
the Jan are to tbe box they
wIB tt ba to Aaiwtr otahad tbe eeoapaat at a dowa tows oOet a day: e sbo0d be paebed aa U0iUy aa can
ba; over tbe Jira a pillow 0 bay
two a«a.
to be told aad If aot large
*«lat a Mt warator tbaa tt to iew,
ti to tnck down artsnnd
saw a frtoad who baard tbe moai
a nig or 0cce 0 blanket
-i was to M actee a aeod daO last
be (old0 over (be whole
aatotosr. dito l didab Sad It vary uno beat eaOBtotortabta. Tea see. yoo an aeSei
|i« BOW B« oaly today's beat, to* caplng.
Aa for tbe praparetory sugasi 01
-that at alf mmmar. to yxmr araad ct
^tot kna«eM. .Wbra Aatnt coaKS
tia kardib will be Ugbier becaaee and then ptocad q0ekly to tba box.
' (ba aamaMT
be so nearly aoaa* coverad aad toft tbe regtor^ time
n aavar CboagM at that Paibapa nadtoUirbed. Whatever tt to go
go at tba aame time. Cereals
I am baortoi aera at a weight than
need about an boars’ time. Prunes
I foatty nead to.r
wblcb bnve been I0t to water nnUI
*Jwt at we aO do." went oa
ttoprampU aerMalser. ‘■Talk aboat sweltod abo0d be brangki u tbe.bollbaarl^ tba bard« and baat o the tog point and then placed tn tbe'bay
One boar wUI cook them by tbe bay
day-tbatb aotUv: tt w*aMa*i
tea baid ter any 0 ■ If m wam'e method u they are rarely
fire, where they ara apt to be
uytov to beat (ho bardsBond beat
at taaiofraa «t tba tame QBia. Aad barrled. BKe after aa boor 011 oome
we er* aa ridtoo^ aboat it! I often oat a flnSy mans 0 white kernels;
bava to toaib at myaalt for araanlaa Orabaim and oat aia0 0U
andar a wtogbt whlelf toa\ really datotllr pelUed and have s mora palSavor than when cook0 en­
BdM at alt and aa Ukaly as not a
tirely by Bra.
wU be mine.
Wbea I get ta
taaght that
Htot wbara I caa Itagb at U. tbe
wto^t ellpa at aa<easlly aa water mcata and v^emblaa vary as u> teaa^ fibre, the time (or thttr
fraa a da«^ badk-'
IdobaUfre i tool a
No more wuer need be need than
Jnt enrag}i. aa there a no evaporaUoa. aad there Is no loee 0 flavor by
•aU tbe titoad. with
“If yoa tbtok yoa the eaeaptog steam. w0cb is a, eoni eooiar, y«a are; and If yoa can alder^ ^vantage.
in making a stew of any kind, aftm
kfpp tha tbarmaa^ ot yoar apim
maad^tbe toodarale degreei. yon'ra (be meat has b01ed ana to-us s0m■l 4^ Tbaa eadetb tbe Int lee- m0. tbe seasootog and vegetables
al^Pd tto awtear leetnrar went sboold be 0d0. tbe grav}- made and
‘laMtoig. It tboaph determtoed tbe Jar rank to the bay. coverad and
the '^ardra and beat 0 toamr- left foor boars, wblcb has been (oond
to be. tbe beet Ume to be allow0.
'tobe care 01teett.
At flrtt Use experimenter Is apt
jf „
toratoto Ceatcera.
0v« more i«">» tbaa is requtrad. from
0Mkary sammtr ter' aerer0 eaaaou a sense 0 «nbell0; bat after learn­
Uaam Cbrar hat 0vra a talk
ing,the eapabUIUea of tbe bos and
SatoM coekan. They ara not to tbe tbe principle of bolUng-potoi
oipatlmMt0 stage, bat arc an ac- cinae packing. Use time can be short
aaptsd toci to beaeebou coorea- ened BCwrdtogly. Beans. 0ter being
toaeaa. h la a aystery why so aim soak0 aaUI they have reached the
yito ay-acoacaileal. aa w0i at ubor llmtt 0 swrintsg. can be prepared as
saving canirivuea aboold not be to fOr baktog, with s't tbe seasoning,
omy beaiebald. Tba New idea W»- and roar boura 011 cook iben woB.
■nn'a lfagai|aa tana to detail bow to The addiUoa 0 the brown lop caa be
caattraet tbaa at bcme at practically 0vea to tbe oven. If I0i to
a* aspeaaa at 01.
Tbay can
bos daring (be algbi they will be exbaaght to aay largamlty 0tb a com- ceadtogly cook0. A vegetable aonp
Plato oalSt 0 cgoktog dtabaa. bat was enokad to 0s boura. aa follow*
tbto to aa nspaaae wbkb to raUraly A three pon0 piece 0 veal, earrou
onioBS. poUtoes and cabbage
■ays tbe magastoct
pot to at rae Um aad lmil0 flfiera
Wbaaever are (blak we i
;mtootea. TVs dish came oat so hot
!*• J^brd In itta dtocoveiy 0 new ea xo need bolden at the expiratloe
tklif onfler the> aon to the

way 0 of six boon, and the aonp wu «xealt»wait»i. .V# ttN apt to be made IcBL Pofbapa tbe gewatoK acUaretog that
of tbe box was tbe oooktog 0
c«ni0 be0 aad-tba ssa0 aceoa
moBt 0 vegetaMea. Tbe beet wu
a atmiar parpoaa. Tba gradM i
- aoaked to cold water tor tbrae boar*.
WrttMi tor BW»e Cfceer bj M«Dt
Mart ftaMM. Btrt^ckrUK Mleb..
lito*i t/tMblM ones m «>.
A»4 mo* 4o»bU perplK w.
A*d U awm at 0ms
Tkal areiTtUac fo«t vms:
fret *V*», we weeiT.
^e b«sO* sb4 W koey.
laalaad of mldm life
ODe toof. eweet eoa*.




To keep tee to a Colasder—Wrap
* FW0ai|
tbe lec to several iblckBeMe* 0 fiaaNearly 01 dsuerti 011 cook ta two to0rlda0 Deeds.
A tricad to tbe eoaatry bas sUn ael and place it In a colander. Sqi the
boars to tbe bay boo. but It does n«
r OTW a deep pan or' 0paD.
tottaw that tb#y cannot be p0 to an- weber form 0 rafriaantor that U
U1 (WO bonra before aranted. u they well wonb tmluUng by aayoae wbo toto wbicb tbe water from tbe Ifr can
renadn bM a kmg Ume and caa be baa a weil. It it a woodra bx 0tb drip. In this way ke may b( kept
left In a day if that tt most oonvea- binged lid. the bottom and side* of for twenty-four hours or more.
KK. pankmlsrly the sidca. (bl<±
JeUy Making Simplified-Make *
lieewe-cloth bag. with a draw ttnng. ■
Wee Puddini—Put one qurt mOk, 1y perfor0ed with augar bole*
to at the preserving kettle. PUI with
one-third enp each of rtr* and surwr. iL cold air. A stout rope
one Ubtarpoon butter, one b0f tea­ araand the box st eitbsr end. secured tbe prapared frali and place tn tbq
spoon s0t and tbe grated rtod 0 a from slipping by nails wbicb fasten kettle with enfficieM water to prevent
l: to tbe ride* and bottom. Tbe end ttlcktog until tbe Juice flows. 'Scald
lemon or other fiavortog. into
deep pudding pan. Bring Uie 01k Joins tbe mala rope high enough 0 cook the fruit a* required, shiftlrg'
toe bag trequeatly. When done sus­
boiling, set tbe pan to a kettle ot above toe box to allow the Ud
boiling water, let boll five minute* raised easily Alt kinds 0 table food pend the bag. by toe draw-string, to
and remove to the hay box wiihort and perfsbxble supplies are placed in drain over tbe kettle. The next da.r
pour (he Juice Into a pitcher. Me.-isurr
raising the Md. iMvc in three boors
and strain through anoihi-r cbeeselonger. Each grain will be whole the well atmosi to the water l>
An open well Is not a necesflly
cioih bag Into ibo rinsed kettle. Add
and separate, but woft u Jelly.
Berry Pudding—Cream this purpose, the one spoken of be­ sugar wMIe cold, and proceed as us
ual. Jelly made In tbto way la very
te h0f cap ragar and one egg; sdo ing an ordinary elosed
le half cop milk. t«o FTeaspoons
How 10 Rest—Tbe strain of work
baktog powder and flour to make w are arranged to lift op, tod the bo*
may be greatly lesecBcd by learning
sUff u cake, fitir into tbit so equl lowered and raised by means
o rest The best fky to rest Is
quantity of any sort of fresh, small rough windlass of home oonsiniction j

'’rito II.- down. Right here is an Imponfiott—Ubirier, cfaerrits, etc— and
into buttered pudding mold. by means of a rou0 polo with a Itao-jan secrat: Relax every muscle, lie as
jump as a rag. and banish from toe
Stand In a kettle 0 bailing water and die attached.
re U still another easily madi : mind all toought 0 work
boll one half hour to heat the mixdcuA two ordinary packing box- woman ts net resttog whose tboughis
ire through. Remove to the bay box
ay. 1*0 by two by four feel, tha
busy with household plans Unbile cloacly covered, and cook
boura or longer. Serve with .cream other elgbt inche* larger each way. .onsclously the aiuscle* an- held
and sugar or any prMerred sauce. Both should bare binged lids. Bore tense and the body responds to the
Increase the quantities according
run a piece of rubber tubing
To Keep File* from Chandellersthe number to be served, aa thi*
Wlpe the rhandelierv with a sofi
makes only a small pudding.
Spread four inebea 0 sawdust in cloth that has Ih-wi wei tn kerosene
Robuu Huitb ttatoeC
Brown Betty-Ulx one and one-half
tbe large box. Set tbe small box on oil. This should be done several ^R. sYLVKSTKHE.SMITH.Room
Cips fine bread crumbs wllh
this and fill Ibe slde>and end spaces time* during th.- summer. Fly speck* iVi asOraaite Dlork.SI.Louls.Mo.,
cups minced tart apples. Add
‘-P.-rana 1* toe best fris0 *
with sawdust. Put sbelvn In Mch can be wi[K<d oR la the same manner,
half teupoon each of cinnamon and
end of tbe tnside bos, leaving Ice even when on glli ]ilcture-frnmea: bnl ■ick man can have.
aittpice. three wdl-beaien eggs, and
*'A few months ago I eamebrrata^
space between.
Ibe cloth must be only sUgbily mois­ wretrlied condition. Kxposuni asd ’
turn Into a buttered pudding dish
Ice win last longer If bought In tened to Ibe latter case, and used dampoesg had ruined my one* robus* ,
Set in a kettle of boiling water and
solid blocks of from eighty to one lightly else the gill itself may come j
h.-slib. 1 h0 ns- '
cook on tbe fire Sb minutes and In
hundred pounds.
Wrap the lee In off.'
the hay bo* three hour*. Sene with
klaa'a rrtcfid. I toe hrttacfalsl tubs*.
newspapers, and lay an old woul bi.-;3any. preferred liquid sauce. By add­
-* *bd for a Uma tbsra
br rug between the lid*. Set tbe
ing sugar milk and, butter, ibis pud
was a doubt s> to inr rseovery.
over the cellar drain, to carry
Syreet Cherries to Can—To stoned
-My gcfod honest old doelor OdYlssd might be Improved,
off tbe water which filter* through- cherries kenougb to fill a quart can) me to uke INirana. which I did aad In
Dried Fruit Sance—PIrat wash well
the bottom.
""*« *»F
*® ‘*and then aoak peaches, applev. prunes
This ice box. which costs not ov«' gar and .wo-.hlrd. 0 a
pears or apricots over night in cold
loriy cents, is quite as effoctlve
water. In the mdrnlng add sugar a,
cipeneive refrigerator, sod ti
inch lengths and bake to a covered Stored.
cotoiDg to the kind of fruit, uc.. Ove
let* Ice.
minntea. then set In tbe hay boi
hours.. Or. the sugar may be o0ited If You are in Town Thi* Summer. cheese cloto. tt'ben toe cherries are bttrastaraUos tov*rt*e(h*0tb.’' .
The Woman’s Home Journal gives j tender by boiling-flU raito and »e0.
and boiled to*a syrup separately and
Jelly—Chooae berries
added after the fruit Is cooked.
seme excellent hints as follow*;
j Raspberry
quite ripe; COOk tilt as you uae up the. cherries, tt 0ce
To Keep W*ter Cool Without ico—j
Rolled Beefsteak—Cut out the bone
Jsoft.-adding ver>- little water; strrin for pudding sauce, or (M a arieUM
1 large porous Jar asd v
from a rieak that is cut about o:
Jelly, and the vUtocar la aUb nsabla^
Im i-Tr.!' bi.V,’
• J'W “« “« •”■>*
halt Inch thick. Spread the meat •'

« l""»- though colored.
one pint nice dreasing made as for n.1. un .re rx>a. u iu>
put the Juice on the stove; beat the
Cherry OUv^To one qBari caa0
chicken, with bread crumbs, melted hold plenty of moisture. Fill toe Jar
cherries wllh steina «n. add two^erri
night and set It In Ibe open
butter, salt, pepper and poultry
Keep It In a cool, shady place during bolHng. stirring K frequently from tablMpoonfuls of s0t.' Fill eaa with
soiling or sweet herbs. Frees
____ _
When the Juice has boll- diluted cold Tlneiar. not too Mrong.
toe day. Wash the Jar ______
dressing down smoothly, roll
njlnutes. during which time Ready to oae when *01 pleUod
with lime-water, TWs" *lll keep llie
wrap soeurt-ly with iwnuc. Put
•’*’Peat^<Hr skimmed, drop through.
half cup drlpiiliigs Info a heavy skil­ water a* eool a sne should drink It'
and stir constantly.
lu summer.
let and when quite hot lay ir
Jama and Bwttar*.
J.ll, M,»cre_nofi frellv.-' <■ 1““ ™“' "> .
A Hint
roll and turn It until browned
m.k. .11 «... 1.11,
V. nreJams and batters may be
bay to get ont ot the way and many around. Lift Into a kettle and add two
vent breaking the glssse* some bouse from the inferior pieces ot (rails.
an ^ad to hare it removed. Gxcelflour to the remaining during the hot. busy day* ot fruit
Peach buttar Is better Bufla frofli
tlor can be* used, and paper It torn grease; when browned add one pint time. Cook your .frail and atratu
tow strinv and packed closely will water, salt anfi pepper to season
tbe Juice. Return the str0n0 Juice wet with cold water. wbUe peuring peocbca not pared. Wipe tbatt. rahot Jelly. When perfectly cold move toe Atone*, and pat (beat (Mo a
do. bat not u well. There Is noth­ when U bas boiled pour It ovci
1.1 the ketile sod Kl II boll. Can with-'*”
porcelain-lined kettle. To eac3 peck
ing. ao far as my experinents go. beef roll In the kettle Start
browi ndf a qusH'of water, cover tbe ketthat equals common, ereryday’‘‘bay.
I le boiling (iriskly In the gravy ,.,.bo 1.10 1.11, ». .redrei a.H.1, ih. —a-i ii"i.«,: m™ 'i'
paper to keep out <lu*t. uiile** yob ilo and put, It on the vpry back part
In this way you lighten
A trUl with uwdnsi and asbestos then remove. ,clc»ely covered, to
<>l ihe stove lo coMt alowly for on#
summer work and tl«. need fewer
wool wu DM a utlsfaetory one. A hay bos and leave for five or
jelly glasses, while the Jelly has the
Uncooked Cherry
Piekle-Wash. hour. SUr every M mtoatoo. But^ waa filled nearly fall of the ssw- hours. Lift to a liut planer, a'
fresh tasic that is sometimes Ion by pit and nieararc your ch.-rrier. Put in jrrs and Jama scorch oaslljk aad
dut and then lined with the wool, little grated onion to toe gra»>
months of keeping
lan'earihcnware vessel and cover with hence requlr# constaot aiiaatd^ At
into wblcb a pot of Grabam pudding pour it over the loaf.
the end of Xbe hoar add five ponada
NewspstMTs Heip lu Dishwashing-J 8^ vlncrar. preferably cider.
packed; after aa hour, wlilcb is
i|bem stand
forty0gfai hour*, then of sagar. remove tbe lid from tbe
Old newspaper* sometimes bel|^
0anty oFUms to tbe hay oos. IT was
and put Into a crock a layer of kettle, cook alowly and stir for thirsummer. jdfBln
keep Ihe^llchcn eool
I have succeeded In evolving
removed and found to be in about
Qaihcr Ha- dirh.-» a nical. nibicherrics and s Isyer of sugar, using ; ly mfnnira. Tbe ^ass - akauld be
EiMoie for a
lorae eondiUo^ u when put in—
large wooden eneb qiHcklj Willi a small seciion of .a- many cup*, or iduta of sugar aa ] smooth and aboat tbe constoteacy 0
hot, bat sUU raw to Ibe taste: It was fngerator from
cherries Stir up (bis mix ! muah. Have gour Jar*, lid* and house r.cwsi«p.-r softrnrd by crushing lii[>ou hs<l
made hotter and placed In the bay store boxes, say
the hand This n-mo.os gre-ase and!
«rom th.- tfXiom of ihc crock | bers lo boiling water. Uft a Jar. »dbox. aad 0ter the usual time came keeper. One meabiin-d tnur Inches
rmnibs and makes the actual dtoh.jtwo or three time* a day for ihn-r , ju,t tbe ruhl*r. fill «Kb Jam. •craw
oat 01 right. For tbe person of small larger all ways than the other, ku
W.-V*hlng almost dalniy
The paper jdsyk. H"’»
•'"1 cover , down the lid. ConUnae Uus oatU 01
U tbe hay bos ralU; il is cheap. that when Ibe siusller was set
should then lu- burned. It requires ] *Hh the sugary s> rup. The Juice lei;, are filltd. •
M01y carad for and does tbe work. tide the largi-r ihere was a space
fifty per cell! less water to fiDlsh the
inrbet between ilie two
Tbe people of means can get slong two
without U, but tbe larger clau who around. An Inch hole was borei* niH-tailon. less time, and lc»» heating ,
have to practice economy m living through the bottom of both boxes si of siove an'^ oiu.r*lor. and ihs sink.'
and fuel, it promises aod fulfils much. opposite corners and eennrc'ed wi;h cloth* and dlshpan 'are pfacllcalb
free from gn-Ase afu-r the dishca artin tubes made L-> ro'llng
Thing* to De New.
of tin cut from the side <
EfonoRi) In r.a«- in using a gas
Go out after s rain and note the these provide drainage au
range you can have plini> of ho',
riaces where pools 0 water Huger
disbwaier at the end ot a baking
seat day or longer. Drain all such di-ep waa put inio <hv boi
plaoM. for here tbe mother mosquito larger bo*. The stoaller one was then Fill two flveiKiiind lard pall* 0'‘
cold water and piste mem in the
seeks a harbor tor her Boailng fleets set In. the (tn tubes adjusled
• pare around the sides filled
wHh linjlllng or lower oien while you are
Have the nosl mritmg look, the pleasanttri 030 abd ihe tbett (fethe sand Powdered rharertel v.ouid using the upper ov-n i-r lAking In
If there 1* a mj- pond to the
beious flavor of aoythmg you can r^aee before a faai^ omu.
till* way you can have fiie quarts of
iM- sllll ts'iler for filling, where
spend a few dollars in slocking
botllDg war.-r w;ihuUT using a parts
could be had. sifted ashes would
A letaxto sandwich is all right for a pmk tea. hot if you want lo
water with goldfish. They will .re­
do. and c»vn sawdust couid be used cic ot .-xiN. gas
pay tbe cast by devonrtog thousT^-*feed s hungry man give him tbe b0 bBCuits every line.
To Take Car.- of'he Refrlg.-raior-Il changed occasionally
of mosqnlloes before they can
Wlth ihv rcfrls.-ralor she l.iigbear iHs getting musty A sheet or r1
In fact i't B sure way to pleara • hungry person of any ag#
from the water and take wing for
Ijie coniimial -motylug of the undii
the rise of tho bouom of -he l«u
mr plsxsa.
ii.-aih pan If iwesible ih*- refrlgel"
Uid In to preten* the water from ’
If goldfish or other li.-sh-a-airr let- snaking Into the wood i N’ew table lor iMiK- mould dram inio a gtial.o*
Hot bttaiib tmdl hke
good to eaC they temmd u* dal
fish cannot be obtained, pour a lew oilcloth answers nicely where iltic
ptrforaK'd cuji. set Iri iht- floor and
there's a good cook neat by who has interest enoo^ in us to i»e
tablespoonfuls 0 kertnene on the wa­ not easy to obtain i Each end nf
conoetred wUh n drain pHie. *afe!>
ter Ull It forma s Iblo. transparent l>o* It flii.-d with shelves, and
her brain and ba
m geitmg somethiDg nice for us to eri.
guarded Sy a -loulile irap The nex:
film over the surface. Any young space left to the eenier {or the I
be*: arrangeuicnt is !o allow the
Asd ef course, fl Ae make* them o0 of
In toe water will be suf which lies on a sllgbllv raised ra
pipe TO drain inio a lunnnel w:’h
tocated before they caa racape arjl Itotb lids are hinged slid nisd-legs soldered 10 H 'o make II th,
carry malaria into your bouse
proper h- ig.-ii This 1* connected with
fl; as nearly air tight as iwsstble
^A'heo the ran seem* to promise a two-inch cleat was put all around thv a pipe ;dissing ihroagb <he floor or
liot day. close all the doors and win­ edge of the top 11^ im-lde. board* The side OI rhi- house K mis i.‘ ;m
dows on tbe first floor of the bouse. nailed across, and Inst before
pracflcaliic ihc pan can be nlact-n
Open toe stye window*, have 01 tbe last strip was nailed on. the civiiy upon a plallorni wllh caaiors an
ball and chamber doors open, and thus formed was filled in with sand, aperature for tbe finger, being cu'
thus manage tbe clrcalatioa of air to thus completely surrounding the In­ out of Ihe front of the pla-.lorni ara
Ibe bmae, ao that all the warm air ner l>ot with this poof conductor
half the bother Is saied When i6will bscape upstair* and out the at­ beat. Tbe inside of the upper Ild
tlnc lining of 'he refrigerator Is
tic 0ndows, and to keep ihc lower covered with muslin, securely pasted come* dark and corroded a K"Od
rooms cool. At five o'clock ^oopen ee to prevent sifting of tbe sand to <»*t of while enamei pain- *ili makAlwver ihe Stale “the best cooks* oe MkmghribtaaaBfar
tbe bOttta agrin.
ralatog and lowering toe lid. A abort It tike new
Ctean bewe eary early to toe morn stoat leg ar each corner, made of a
lMta07 pn^ 00 of Uy While.
The Way lo Keep You:
tog. OpsBtog toe bonac during tor ttack four toebe* long by two inch­ Cool—In the early morning
open ^
If yon waai the Isvelrif, ligbtssL whnast. leiJetgtt.Mri defcieta
Bid-day heal only makes it hotter es square, romplctes toe eh«l, wide ever) window aud door (or two
bMk*ytaiev«rriearAenmedef.getLJr WUta. *'lhe Io0 ik*
tbaa ever.
which, as I keep It to an outer, hour*. Then close ihe door*, leaving j
brat oooka bm," and you'B have tbesk
Open the cellar door* and windows riiaded ihra. I did not need to paint, each window open not more than sU
night and BKirntog. bat keep ebem bat If It were neeessan to keep It inches. Leave this opening in every
closed between nine and five. Warm.' lu the boose a coat of paint worid window ail over tbe bouse, fatgb and
F»mkbrts.<^to*, east and west, aad draw the
tuottt 0r entering t cool cellar add much-to Its look* and the
make* it damp by eondeauuon. ai would be very- alight- Minus toeisbades down close to the edge of the
tba dew that quickly gatben on. c«’ paint tbs COM ts next to ooibing-1 opentog. By keeping (be san oat
rarface*. *ucb oa tbe Iron work 0 two-«»a1r« 0 binge* and a little oil j anfi providing a rircnlnrian 0 air. a
cloth or sine 'Tbe site of (hr boxes boasr may l.c kepi cool
the farnace. ptolaly abnwa

ballad and skttnmad. and tbaa tba
rageUMea ladadtog pototoaa s
pot to aad tbe whole boiled tbirty
tea. Tbtt was ton to tbe boa
Bis bonra aad cim oat periecUy
eoobad aad 0tbont Use atroag fiavar
eftea spoUtag tbe meat. There
perraas who like aaoerkrant. aa weU
as many wbo do not. Fbr tboae wbo
do and yet caaoM endore Use allperateaUag odor o'f the eooktog. the
bay box is a blearing, as. sside from
tbe firm boiling. on«l the saner-krmet
Is token ready from tbe box. there U
not tbe slightest 'hint 0 wbat to be­
ing cooked.
A Orabam pudding which reqmres
iree bonra 0 ateamlng on an o0lnary cooking stove, as well ss a Mg
and heavy iron pot to lift ud wu0
r rcplrnlabra. can be^ptocrd-ln
tbe Un can to wbkb it Is cobkeO. pot
to tbe g0lon Jar with water enoagfa
to get It hot, the Jar tran*re«red 'o
nay box when
Use pudding
risen to tbe lop of Use can.
usd SI tbe cspIrstloD of the three
hours Use padding tsken out finish^
Tba bay box Is full of posslblliUes
tor alt wbo care to try It; for
working-woman, wbo has. to Jintry
home from work at oooo to a lunch
often cold and unappeuung. the box
affords much sdrsnuge; and for
woman 'cramped tor room s wooden
p01 wilt bold a small isr and suffielent'hay to cook. Use food. Then,
tbe oppOTtnoliy for beanler food It
0ven. as. tosiead 0 coming home
too tired, to cook anyiblng mod Uklng
whatever'is easier to make ready, the
woman wbo wwkt may leave ,s
trlUona stew in the box or pall and
comtog home have a comfortable
tl with UtUe ooUay and far i
benefit. For the housekeeper It offeli
much In aavlng 0 Unse. temper and
toel. Tbe woman wbo stews herself
•B W0I as' her food can now get it
ready, hide It away in the box. and
have time for a litUe w0k. tor a look
new book, for eon>e special
tog. or tor the many things so often
islde fpe the kltcbeis work and
Use stove. Tbe cereals for breakfast
may be set In Uie box over night and
be 01 ready in tbe morning, ant
toothsome than with Use uau0
hnrrira cooking over the range fire
or the sm01 stove tor oil or gas. Tha
food that most be kept hot tor
toggs0 at meals, or toe person
Uto0. can be placed in tbe bed of
bay aad. loaea nothing by drying
asray or becoming lifelees. as tblngv
do when kept at a dry beat on
; or to tbe oven. Hay can always
be toni^ and ts cheap.
stores and many boUneas houses

Nice Hot
Flaky Biscuits


Lily White
•nrike Ttetir the Be$C Cook* Ufie**

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