Grand Traverse Herald, March 31, 1908

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Grand Traverse Herald, March 31, 1908


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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^rattib ®^irat>^0je

500 PEOPLE ' build


new dock $2,000,000
















tha PhW^ RulWiftRi

CUy or Mnieo. MarA 21—The
■■mbar of deaiha at CWiapa la aoa
«x«l « tM.
tht aboek eantlaoad aO day fiMay
aad tha tevna tfeatrayed are ChUaaa,
OoaeeptloiL CbllMtatiliifo. TeUnUa
aad OoatapM. Tba croataat dana^
wai by are.
Moxleo City, Ifareh II—TW* monitara dl^aubaa aay that Chllapa la a
naoaMertac maaa of ndaa trom the
oaithquake aa4 Are.
The INIUIB* daatrerad are aearly
all faoMaocaa mod the troopa
'inardiaf the pataUc boUdhaya

: . Cbarlaa

Win S«vin May 1.

CspUIn Bnory la proftarinc to boUd
new dock at Bowert Harbor where
Ua steamer, the Fbnny Rose. wUl
lead. Tbe Umber baa bees coiteo oat
for tbe dock and ererTthlsc la ready
for (he work to beylD.
The aew dock will be a
alfklr of tamarack Umber and will be
ISO feet Is lesftb with a warehooae
ample to aUe to baodle all ibc prodnee
of the tbe harbor will be erected, the
be atrIcUy weather
The Fanny Hoae will po Into commlssloa about May 1. if ibe Ice la out
of tbe bay, talrfag her regular mn be­
tween Bowers Harbor* and Uils city.
Three round trips a week will alao
be made to Old Mlaaloo aod tbe out­
look for boaliieea for tbe comlog-aeaBOB waa barer better.

Hat Ordara Boekad Ateaady For a
ftumbar of Launchta and Row

Thomas Suntoa tm putting up s boat
factory OU ibe west bay shore ot^oalte
Dsrrows' store, tbe building being
one-atcry eiracure !tx«0 In dime
Mr. Stanton expects to bava
it oom^ieuto by tbe first of April.
Serera] orders for boats are already
In. Mr. Staaioa baring orders for
Williams Vflll IntroduM ReMiuUen i tlsb bosu 2Sx». wUeh are contra
House to Ascertain Whether
(or to be completed by Map 1&.
order for a t&-(oot boat and also oae
In Wllbtey Proceedinge(or a 25 (qpt boat are booked, two row
boata also being ordered. Mr. Stan­
WaahtDgtoo. March :7.-The booae ton will fit cp tbe boats with Trav­
today conaldered the urgent deflld' erse City engUea. The indlcsUons
cney bOl approprtsUog IS.000.000 (or are that (here wlU be a big buslneas
the nary deparimeni.
In motor boats the coming season.
Tbe committee on lu^ral affairs re­
ported tba bill rrmorlng tbe loss of
etilseashlp as a -penslty for dekertton
from tbe nary in Ume of peace.
Annonaeement was made by the
iutHciary committee that pcbllc hearInga on tba Bepbors bill to amend tbe
aaU-truM law will begin
'April 4.
Tbe committee on commerce gave
beaulBg on the pending bUl to premt car famines.
MtnorUy Leader wmiama announcdAME WARDEN’S DEPARMENT ||
,ed that be will introduce a resoIaSon
to ascertain whether tbe prestdeoi bla
Interfered unduly In tb# WllOey Im-





Nlpht Watchman

the A«na Mill, Chaoad Away


.'An intntdor.


TUEtftAY. WABCH «t. HO*.

'^Do «auhlnT~^ lamber
Mnbar and ablagle mlU ot*8medley
a Laltar at Aene about I o'clock rtl- LPEPUTIES EMITM and PETfT DID
day aNnlnc. Charile Blbler noUeed
a iMaaicy come aneaklac aboat the
WDl. Tblnklns be araa there tor trou­
Who Ehlpped lllagal
ble or elae to do aoBa bam to
Lake Trout and Alae 8ome Who
Win. the RBUhBu asked him hta
Waro Guilty of Killing
bcatseaa. Inatoad of replyins
Mas raa and the watckmaa dred
ne-Atato game wardens depprt-;
ment U kMplng
had oSadera
Ing a bard row to boe. ' Tbla
weak, there bare been a number of arroau and caTlcUona. among Uiem be­
Charts Blbler la ahrAya on doty at ing the followlDg
the win wM prowlers aftn do veU to D^uty Bmltb aod Deputy PeUt
Henry Banratb. of PrankforL was
Ened $25 and $m coats by Justice
Wickham, at Frankfort, (or ablpplng
Illegal Uke trant.
being seised in ML Fleatan|.
WlUlam Unooln, of Poaeoek. appenrod boToro Justice John N. tattoo
at Baldwin, aad paid a heoTy Bne for
baring reslaon
M’aTBUOTURt AT PLAINWU.L When tbe depuUet left Baldwin Wodnaaday, there were two men In Ja<l
M BaldwU for Ulllng deer Illegally.
Ireioon and* Larson: Frankfort Bsbonnen, were under arrant for ablpplng
lUacal Lake trout to C N. Dodge, at
^IDac, (be proaeeutm of this case
tt haring been baenn as yet


In the senau tbe bill to sbollsb race
track gambUsg was referred to a subimittee of the senate dlitrlci eommlUe« bnt DO llomJ artlcn was (akro
upon IL
■Tbe Aldrich curreocy bill was isk9 up after tbe morning bnsioesa and
Is expected to occupy tbe entire after

Eatimsted Tist SOtXOOO Sbarei Would
Be Trsded Before the Close—
Small Dealers Were Fresen

.Sew York. March 28—Wild cxcile
ent in Wall atr«*et today when Tfcoui
as W.,LAraoD's Youkon Gold was form
ally Ibtroduccd to tbe curb market
10 minutes before 10 o'clock, sev­
eral hundred broken were crowdlny
Thirtawtth Trap Was a Lucky One For (be street and bassn trading wildly In
tbo stock.
Howard Morgan and Hs Get
The Lawson brokers refused to let a
leebest Off AM RIghL
rbsre go uclll tbe clock struck 10 bnt
St least 20,(>AO bbsri-K changed haodr
Howard Morgan Is at last happy. before that hour. Several addUloosI
No. Not became he passed In al­ monnU'd policemen were necefsary to
gebra but be got bis Ice boat off the bandle tbe crowds. All the other
lee and thereby bangs a tale. Thir­ stocks on tbe curb were neglected.
teen times be has gone out and like
Tbe stock was offered by J.«awson at
famous Alexandrian acrostic, a
IS in BOO share lou. It ro»e to t« and
trip out always spelled the same thing
by 10:30 declined to 55 The small
ilk back. Tbe flm Ume be ran trader had no chance whatever BrokInto a alusb bdle. tbeti broke a braca 'ere said that at least SOO.noo shares
and when be pretty neariy^ got drowoe^
would be traded In before the close
tbe fellows got leery. So be took
of tbe market
couple of men and tbe mast broke
Bverj- share was paid for In cash as
and fell oo their heads bringing forth the bro&erv would not accept orders'
remarks of
unless tbe cash accompanied them.
Howard became known t
There have been deposited In Chica
Jonah. He distrmted bimself. Wbst go. Europe, Africa. Ails and Australia
would happen tbe Uiirteentb trip*
more than twenty million doltkrs. tbe
pictured bimself floating Island-ward brokers sa.v, to pay for tbts stock.
one chunk of lee. boat on another.
No one could poaslbly ?et away to
help Mm; ‘■teat tomorro*.*' So he
mustered up his courage sad breuRbt
U in- safely bimself. Verily pluck
Supereiscr ot That Township a
arias aad be bas a right to be proud.
Meeting Yaatorday.






Marina Mtftor, or the Four-Btroka
Type. Is Mtethig WRh Very
Randy Favor.

Tbe Kineo’ Motor works Is a very
busy place Just at prceeat turning oat
Ibe Hines' marine englnea.
rnglDes have only been upon tbe mat'
ke< for aboat a year but already tbe
>ale of them bas been very iarge aad
[Mr. Hines baa a number of orders
I abend.
Coi.eo. Who Throw the Bomb. Will, -yb,
^^^ne engine I, of e
jtour C.-Cle type bu, 1, almost s.
They are
pod.:rle rpevd tr.ichlne* the power
King drveloped at 500 revoiutlooa.
New Tork. March SO.—Tbe police
The renslrncHon is hravy euo-ygb to
today spread a dragnet and made a
J- sure mat rnd-iran-e and at the
general icqalry In an effort to run
Fr.nie lime Jlghl eno-igh for pleaasre
flown tbe eupiioaed accomplleea of
Wiib thrtr mrderate tpewd
Scllg Coben. alias Sllversteln. the
e- d c-*at eafivanee. they are prtrryoung mnn who threw a bomb In
Iry VI rv poji^lar with tbe B>hemen.
Square park wUeb killed
a numl-ey of lorsl men having dto
Ignasie Hllderbraad aad mangled*
rrrded their other makes aad ta. 'stalkd the Minesnginca
Six arrerts bare been made sAd ., -ark ........
. „rcd.
two central office detectives n
1 One feat -re aloi-l the Hlara’ anasent up state where It It expected
cblnes U their flrxUimy. the sp^


<00 revtrintlons. admlitiag of
Krton. N. J.
I speed slow em>ugb for trolling nr or
Cbbcn. 1( Is bcIleVed. will lire
stand triaMhougb he wii. be crippled
and blind
Mr. Hints- cataloffne U }aat ML tba
Alexander Berkraan, (he anarcblat
autocue showing tba vaiiaot toodelt
wbo shot H. C. Frick yveral years manufactured at tbe shop which la loago and wm released from prison
CBtod In the building on West PTOat
Inug since, bat been arrested In constreet formerly ocenplad by tbe Allay
□ectioD with the Union Sqnare bomb Marble works. Tbe eatalogne vat
throwing Jncldent.
printed by the Herald and Raeord


Mr. Btawart Who 1

Proctor, of lArroaat. Took thg
Oath of TodayAgricultural BUL
Waahlngun. March SO.-^ tbe a»
•to Mr. Btevnrt. anecaaow to
ator Procetor. e<( Tamou. took tbo
oath of ones.
Ibe araato
flclency Mil
• for.nraor and


Tbe Mil waa ptaaod maklaff Btora
stringent crt» Uvi for AteeVa
nnd aimed apadally at tba grevwttak
ot gaabliA.
Tha boons ooaatdarod tba
Ural approprlattok bffl.

TRAVCRBC county.

KlDgaley. Mich, HatA
At tba
tpwnsbip repnbHcan oraens bare Batnrday. ibere was maeb tettreat bubifested aad nome closa cboteau reBuhed.

4-ABT42 VRAtt

FMhor gf W. L. DrvM bbB tt LBM
JMtioa E. M. I
Brea oM-M flr«gR fltiH.
I-An LBft

Loiera of good boaU aboold not
George W. Chaufty waa
Henry Brown, a vatoran «< tt w
full to visit tbe Traverse CSty Motor
for supervisor over L J. Talman by a with Maxloo and a piBBaaf a( Orasd
Boat works ns some of tbe moat majority of 1*.
Travaiao county, Mbg at 10 Fdock A
'.-esutirol modolt ever teen Id tbe city
The balance of tbe Ucket and tba m. Tbttimlay at O.o bOtoooCbMaaogb
arc on exhibliloa tbere. Tba boata majorities srare:
ter. Mrs. u. 8,' fmTnini. at SoBrea
are not only besDUful. In appaaranee
Canter, after ^ towg Uttaa, -tro—gk
•Charlea Fka. 14.
Clerk—Hervey Tripp. 41.
be bad tK«r. contnad to bla bad for
Justice of tbe peace—A. H. Brown, bat nine w eeks. H« «m $7 mn eld
copper (aaieoed throughout and tbe
and bin doatb was dna
w to tt
finish Is piano In character.
’W hU advaaood age. X
A new caulcgue. prini'-d by tbe
*ir. Brown was bore to bttbd Oet.
Herald and Rreurd company, has Just —John Bowden. 4.
1. 1520, and when a lad c( t yearn, ba
been Issued by tbe local firm and this
* - JgPil came wtib Us parents to tUa ootoriry
shows in detail the finished pradnet Brown, S.
aotUing la nunUs..
aod alao the various boats In tbe
Oyeraeera—Albert Hlgbee.
be case to tba Orend Travana
eourte of eonstrucilon. The drelgncr. lion; Ralph Glaaa, 16. rodoa taktog op
F M. Miller, was formerly eotmected
Board of revlev—W’liu^a, Bntkle.
Grew Lake township Rvtog ttro B»
with tbe Lotier Motor company, who
OonsUbIee-|Cl*e Holliday.______
Ol about 20 yean ago.
Liio pul out high elasi pleasure Vosburg,
Smith. A. C. BparL
Dm-. 25.1550. Mr. Brovn booaaa tt
boats and Is one of the best marine
husband of Mins JnUa Partlotr, tt
arrbitecii In the bolneas.
Delegates to tba county conrnUon wedding taking piaee to dtonto Bid
Tbe ktandard slock model of the -A B Bilmpeon. Boyd McDowell.
company Is *5 feet long with ample Hen-ey Tr.pp, A C. Pulvar, R. Q. bla wife coming north arltb bbiA tfrE
beam, the planking being of clear DeFrancc. John Bowden. L. J. Ted- Brown dying 17 years ago.
cypress while the deeki. coaming and man, George W Chaufty. Harriaoe were bora nine ekUdren. two <t ttoto
WMM W«1cl(i«.On a WlndmUl
dtod in intoney and the tfeHd, JtMttoa
interior are all of clear wblte oak Speer. Burr James.
Lawtan, ddha Retdnaan Was
B. M. Brown, of thin Mty. djfiif three
free from knots and shakes. Tbe fit ] Towntlop committee—Ralph Caaa
atrMk by LIphtnlnp^Bd
years ago
Ilimamrburg. Mich.. March 27.- tings are all polished brass glvlDg a E Pulver. A. B, BOmpeon.
MipMly injarad.
Tbe iPTtag Children are: R. B.
Tbc repubbean caucus of White water everj-ihlng a very • boaty* appear
Brown, of Grand Rnplds; Mre. tdb
township «-at held yesterday, the (ol- ance Tbe planking la til carvel laid.
Rent, of Sunvood. Wash.: Mrs. Clare
Ruins Aro Now Bumittg and ths Pep- gtona Weighing Several Tens and low.og ticket put Into the field
The visitor to the w-orki will bare
Osborn, of Bockley; Mrs. Mkctba 0«Supervisor—Kossuth Stltro.
uUtlon Of the Town Is TaVrorBearing a Perfectly Formed Cross
bis aUrnttoii aUracled to one thing
hera wast oot arltb a mab thla
tloger. of Monro* Center. W. Ls
Clerk—rpaall Hobbs.
Used by Hon. John NichoiiA
In particular, tbe absence of dead rise Beat n Which Georgs Mtgec and
' laf. Tba oatar aeetUar la wflreiy
Brown. Of Trareree City, and Rsty
Treasurer—H- It White.
and the ample flare in the models.
Cen-pnn>on Were Rowing Sank
Brown, of Everett. Washington.
Lying on tbe beach of Pine Lake,
Highway coiiii .iasiooer—Weston A This flare causes tbe spray to be
CHj of MenloOH March 27.—Cb!U^
Near Snore.
KIKad iV UWitRinp.
axtewn grandchildren arc left Mta.
tar Ironton, probably since tbe time >N0rteD
HoveO. Manh »—Bra. Peter
of tbe dinosaurs, waa a boulder of
Overseers—H L. Hobbs. George boat making even the small models- J::rl-<tn \l-rh. Mar-.-b 30.—George Minnie Portor. CMeago: Mabel Brown.
Morth. a.fhraerb wlte. aad Mtaa Car- waa eonpletriy destroyed by an
Grand TUpIds; Mn. Bartba Werner.
a^nt ibr«« tons welgbL says the Gee.
the Mil:, r. uf this city, was drowned yewite Allw. a Belabor, were killed by earthquako laat nlgbt and tbe ruins
Traveroe City; Ytony SBd Bari Kent
~ rlevolx Sentinel. It la oral In
School Inspecior-^W. H. Ayres.
____ ___________ the bolt
(as'enlngv ere special copper boat ierdsy 1q tb« Uke near Michigan
Buawood. Wash ; Elmer E Brown.
hare been killed. form, and upon the upper side, stand­
Board of review—Cbarles L Sel­ nails so ths: the boats
Center He and a compairioa. Sbony
•Btsita^e hoQSa orsr tbo talaphona P*™oua are said
ing out in boW reUef. is a perfectly kirk.
Osborr-e neij |,j; ite d,, f„f , ^unt- Rvereu, Wash , Hiss AlUa Brown,
Id salt at well as fresh water.
An unknown man waa alao Tbe popolatlon Is terror stricken.
Traverse city; Mrs MUnle Hathaway.
formed cross placed there by eome
Justice of the peace, to fill vacancy,
Another point that will be observed
ip. aod mere In a boat a lew
hlBae by ngktnl&g oo tbe railroad
Onwn: Clara and Floy OUtnger. Monslratte operation of nature in tbe by- one year—David Rdfc.
by tbe vUltor Is the sUSdcm of the j feet rvm chore, wben It lipped over
goito ages. Last week Bd. Stafford.
Kustlce of tbe,p*ac» fuil term—H. model The ribs are of oak and are I aad tr.l. Two men In a boat nearby roc Center: Mrs Mag Andgreon. Back•tNaA on WIrtdmnu
ley. Mrs Maud Datoon. Buckley, aad
will a force of men and two teams U Hobbs.
LawlsB. Vatak IE—While wottiag
Churchill. PoavMsUr of OobfI- removed it to the BrooksWe cemetery.
Winnie. Jobe are mortised to tbe keel Insnrlng tbe | pulling Osborne from tbe water, but Bcarie. Vera. Henry and John OaOB a wtntaBI M tost tram tba graasd.
bum. all of BoeUey. Tbere are sU
villA Came Hittnc With Traversa
where It was placed on the lot of Cable. F. H Vluion. CTInton Pray
extreme of r'gidity The planking is Miller, wetgbied down by
: John BoUMoa waa struck ^ ll<htn-.
great •graBdchlldren:
City Lady AS Hia Bride.
Hon. John NicboIU. where It wlH| Delegatee to tbe county coovenUon also carefully cut to fit and M paloted munlUoD In bla bunting
1 BllghUy hut >
Mr BrovD enlisted at tbe tvagtowtog
oerve as a family monumenL and j —Andrew Pray. John Kennedy. D. M. wblte. three coats of tbe brei marine
Thy aceldeot happened abortJy af-|^,
(be Mexican war and aervad WBtll
The foUowlng u trom the
are few memorials in that slleol Blodgett. H. D. White. Archie Monroe. while being naed
icr noon, and searohera dragged Uie|_-„ ... ^
city of tbe dead more valuabk a
W M Belrd.
George L. Crisp.
T^e decks, coaming, etc, are finish
••Our cnlet rlUage waa thrown bM propriato.
Tewalhlp oommluee—George I ed brtghL the flnUb being eapecisUy
efforts to
tbe body was i
aUte of great esettameat laa$ Mon­
Crisp, r M. Blodgett. R. D. Wblte.
Trassraa Oily Tom m K. O. T. MAL
at 9-.U
The. funeral seme.
day evening when It was antbentleali George L Crisp was chtormaa of
W«o RaprooasUd at Cadillac
Is abont 21 yearn old and waa“-""I
ema. m. Buiutoy at tbe Moarae Oenter
ty reported that our
;lhe caucQB and W. H. Ayres, aei
GARFIELD CAUCOBployed In the Bulck feetoty here.
H. E. church, tbe Rev. J. W. Miner, of
Lewlt S. Cbnn^Ul. was married and
The exact cause of the accident U not
by tbe
Med Auny At Her Hems in iniantf
’ Ttarmae city Trat Na STl was that be and Mrs. Church had arrived
Tbe following ntonlnations have known.
Rev E W Wood. The body waa
TauaiaPilp Baturday—Pmulipraaaated at CadlDae
Batnrday on tbo erenlDg train.
wee made in Garfield township:
brongbt to ibU city and bnrtod to Oakmonlatt Cause.
ky 27 members who left oa
*-Tbe biidc waa Mlat Maud UUle.
M. Hammond.
wood eesetery.
Fattr of Mn. W. E Dnr
ihadtCMO. BkA L train to attand tba Of TrarMM City, aad tbe waddlag
Clerk-Wm. F GranL
•MtoM CondKIgri.
VbIBMIbii of aaran casdldatea Into tba took ploea at blgb noon. Wednesday,
ifra H. a Frau died at 9 o'clock
Treasorer^obn Heusa
Mr. and Mra. John Barry end mm. of
Oilrtsa WBL Aftar tha intdaUaB March IE after which the happy pair a. m. Batorday at her borne tn Inland
Highway «
Cmpiro. Will Locate.
township, pnenmonta. following an st­
1 was Mjoy. naltod in
Mr. and Mrs W B. Darrow retoraOverseer of blgbwaye—W. g. nontMr and Mra. John Barry aad two ‘The Rev. Clyde OBeea Left Fof
od hy^ about 2M being autad.
*Tbe giwnn
Jas^wtraeted uck of tbe grip being tbe canne. after ed from Nortbport today where they aong.
aona. of Empire, passed tbroogb tbe
Leighton TMe Mrrolas.
Tba vraod wm toBowad by a i
aotbwVoor yaare
Of two weeks.--------Mrs.--------Pratt were called V/
by tbe
criUca! lllnea oTj Justice of tba 1paaMr fnU
city today oo tbeir way to i
Tbe Rev. ayde Oibaon. pastor ad
cal and marary pracram which
aad tbla new good tortme
O year* old and beeldea her bus- Mra. Darrow i fatoer. At^^rge Dame.’Chaa. A. tteraon.
Wash, where they wOl loeate p
tbe Bvancrttcai renttb. toft today tor
srach anjoyad, after wMeh the gsMu'u moat gratify to aU.
band leaves bnt one son. K. a. AUyn.
Mr. Dame baa been 111 wUb heart
Bebool tnapactori-Tbeo. Peiatt.
estJy. Mr. and Mra. Barry have Lelgbtaa
where be will bo to attondand tbair booU todalgod tn card pl*y-1 -The News raioas the
Sbe was a metober ot the IL B. | trooble tor mere than a year, and la 1 Board of review, two
leased tbeir ttplre tors to Jean i
at tbe 1
.tbe many Meads ot both In waAeom- ehureb andtbe funeral aervlee waajnow in a very Beriona eondlUon. He'Tbomaa.
Q a Into
lata boor.
bow. Tbe
Tba retnn
ratnn vaa
AxteH. Before ■ettUng down at Seat-{expects to iwtora MdttVMKL Wntbe 5:U train yesterday'nf-.tog Mr. aad Mra. L. K CbnrcblU to held Motoay at i o'Oodt at tbe ttst u an naele of Bute Food laapeetorj **’~^iWw f Latua.
tle tbe srtn ttt bar nagbrw. Atom Olbaoa want ta Dikaibij' tor • vtott
jtoMad ehaitto.
|0. M.XMtoe.oCNs(«bfOrL
|balm. B. D«b. r. Ridert.















.. .



George W. Chaufty Waa I
bupervlanr Over 4_ J.
Tedman Batardajr.'
Models Aro tome of the \
Evee Mnyrfactusad
Salt Water ConatnMttAn.


• -A'.


Gnnl Tnrcrsc HenU
rwict A YtnK.
«b4 Yrtdar

\ mATKi

I Tk^w Na *1.

........ :K S Mr,
k I. IMl M tb« pocUOm
liM aty. 10ek, w»a« th. Act
MM e( XarA I. im.
Tb* BUBM«n of Uw kwal <^ini
CtM» •» 4oto« •one •thoNiitlc
, Af NMy •Bocthro work in bobnlf of
tb«lr cnM« Id Tnmw atr. It hM
tan tmlf -oUiod tbnt Trnrane Cltr
V«M fo n^iMt iocnl e»Uoa. bat It
U pteln to bt-M« and tb« Mtlineot
!■ ntr pnsoBBoM thu tbo ainuer
I Vhl^ tbo DOTOmOBt to
tMtod to Tnoone Cltr to .
t»o<r ttoeo omr tnr. Tbo vnit toooL
toil AT* oatooNwUcnUr nUmdot ud
tocBf veion to tbo elto
to bo
vflUM to bo totHBood b7
yi^itMl tbnt tbo nboUobmont tt tbo
<|b|itoiO In tibToroo Citr wooU iwl
>1 n norm! bonott bnt oroold
MM 90tott«rctol bonoflts no vNl.
■ ‘
«M set rovdrt 0017 otron« nrtofttot to obo« eenotoslvolj. It tbo


I bin «( Tnmno atr, vora

tut •m7^orebut to the dfr '
•dik# to tiroet MootL pborou
U noBt to tbo ntooBo to
ri^ild for OOBOtbtot tbot to Ot BO
boMtt-^toTor ond to no nneb mobM.ltootod tor tbo oonoBor.
brtoMMt to pinto; tbofo out bo no
* MOito ooBtoBtlto ncntoot ft Tbo
rnttotlliii ■jMbi ter Hoolt
- «Mn-no tol ktodo o( dtotortod
wniMiirciintotod m tbo ii«Mr totoftoto to onvo tbo marmm ament
df Mto too dtolUtori npd browon
toetofo fiwi tbto ooatp. it to nntartl
tbto tbto oboidd nt «P n otroM botUo to nnro tbto botonooo. Tbo poopto
«f tbto-oennto. bovertr. vm enrot^ otato tbo toeto. nd dotontono
tor ftotooolTM krbotbor tbo front
nanato of Bento «P«ot nnnuUr to
Ibo oOkxBi obnU bo expondod In tbto
Wto «r whotbor tt ohnU be dorotod to
MO doetto pvrpooo. Tbo ndractoot
•C ttb tooBi optkai BtrrodMto do not
Itrn Mr mt c
■ «tbo piiBOtottan, ibd tbor do-


ptortoltoB and oobbob oonto ol tbo
pootoe to tbo ooatr to pnido tbon
«bn tbto obto] Toto npoa tbo propooKtea M> oloottoB dtp.
To ho nnro. there art niCBBonto
oMb mob Otroof tbto nro betaf
btPtobt to benr i^lnot tbomoroBonL
U wfil' malm, boworor, trat Iltdo
nnroM otadr to oontoeo tbo totoIU■tot volar toot tbooo oowtontlom oro
totoodaon for too ooto parpooo to pf*Mooliii too Uoaor tnte, «to too
oito too toloonkooptri.
fNWIoro and toowora etoo prom bp
to4 VMto la ftraad Trawna oaaatp.
th baboTo tbto U to dao to orarp
irattr to too eeaUp to oeamdor too
■ntUr earoteUp. Mettoba
ooittBaaL bat to oaareloo toalr
M jMfmnt and
b dtoUtof toU Torp lapottato p
fa too opriiip olaetloa toa total aptop ipioiUin Mo aotoiat to do toth
. bd ttooMon for laapar. It U a woU
■ &el toot tbo
Mil tor Bopor U oppoood to toeal opnon. It la a wtU kaowo fact alto.
OomalBa. tbo ropaMtean
tor Bapor, bu taken nq
tbo aoBtaot nflaettnc tonal
V ll^ nad vbw baTo olocud bo wOI
ito to It that too ton ■Coetlni tbo
ktaor latorooto an rlpwoaoJp oa•Ml Mo auttar «bo aboald
ifttot Bapt^. ho will bo lamrod bp
Ida Mill of emoa to an that too tow

Mr. Oematoe to too oalj eandldato for Bapor Trarpno Clip
had wbo vao
and bred u toU eommonltp. Ho
boa opent bio onlire life tn todo dtp
from bopbood to manhood and to"
ohow for hU
OMTCP and ablUtp. W« beUrre that
Mo TOtp boot effort will be doroied to
firlnc Tnrene dtp o boolneao tike
end aatUfactorp odmlnlotroUan. He
a poong Ban and ibto opportsaltp
win not be toot opon him. It eloetod
Bapor, we beUere that when hU tarn
of office expiree be wlU letre behind
blB a record that wlU he o credit ttf
MaoeU and toe dtp atoo. Mr. Umlor.
the deiBOcraUc candidate ter major,
baa declared bUnoelt agalnot the local
Hr. Oersaine bat
Bade BO pabUc dedaratloo for or
Bgainot tot* propoottloD but aaaoreo
the people of Tnreroe dtp, that b«
that toe tows are properlj
The remainder of toe repobllcan
ticket 10 eoBpoaed of good men. Their
poBlBOrtoM at the priaarleo ladlcnte
olp that they are the tooico
of toe majorlip of repnblleani and aa
toop hare aoenrad placea opon toe
tlekeL toera to no doubt bat that too
of toe dtp will nnlto to
giro tooB oTon gmtor majorltloa %t
toe potto.
Aa to local option. b«oS“^ boon
aold for and agalnot too propoalUon.
The orgnmexto bore bees axtenatre
and toe adeoeatM of too Boremont
bollero that the w<»lc thaf bare done
wUl bear good fnilL - Whether toe
propooltlon will eorrp at the poUo or
not to flUll a matter ot oonjectnre bat
beUere. ai bas boon stated In this
o^toBn aanp UmM.tootlftblo propoelUon preralto, Trororoo Clip wiU be
Urgdp toe gainer.' It la not a oonIkt between tadJrldnaU bo( ogninot
toe Uffoor traSle. toe ertU of which
are raeogntoed. Shonld the falr-mlnaed poopto wbo ore toellned te toror
too retenUon of toe saloons be an
ored that too oamlag ot toe propooidoB vnold not affect baolneeo there
wonld he no poadhto doobl of lu'sae-

at too potto.




Even the Two Town Cleeks Fro» Up
Bid Waat Out of Duolwooo
TotophoMO and Eleotrte
fnm Batardap^ Heeotd.
Tbo drat electrical otnrm ot toe
pear occmiad last night and for
awhile, the flash of the lightning and
too roar of the toradw brooght toe
iBpreaolan that epring bad come.
Howerer, wbm the Trareroe dty resttbto momiDf. he round
that be WM In « world ot Ice
nerer did the trees present 0 preti


All along toe otreets. toe trees were
encased tn' Ice. tn manp eaaei the
wetftt of toe casing caoslng the limbs
to sag low and In oome. breaking off
brmneboo. The Central ecbool
pard peoeoted an exceptionally pretty
sight which would have been heighteoed if toe son had shown.
Those wbo toougtal of moteHal
toingi began at once to take toe fruit
crop Into consideration and telephone
lagco were oeot all over the connty bp too Record, too general reply
betog tbot as yet. there was no dam­
age. Tbrrr was a general opUmlttic
fcrllrg drsplio the fad that a warn
rain was needed and tbe wind was 10
tbe north. Bhoold toe oon have eome
oat and warmed thtogo op, it Is said
^ 9(lng etoetlea wtU -be bHd one that too bods woald hove come off
voak boa today, cm Monday. April wUb toe tee meaning barren trees this
•to. The oandidatea, toerotoro, bare year. However, toe melting was very
tarn oaa woM more to wUch u sake kradoal and It U heUevod that tbe
Iwiaooilnai apoa toe mtaia of toe dtp. trees escaped.The Broatog Record has no reasoo to
At Boat Bay. Bdwln Black reported
change Its views taUUvo to toe caicire that wWle tbe trees were covered
INPilillihn Uokat a:^ will sapport toe with lee that onleaa It remained on
wboio tlohet from mayor to ward ot- tor tome time there was no danger as
icava. Wo doolro to ompbaolse again toe bods were not on far enongb.
tbA the atoaSoa of oandMnteo hao
On west bay. F. M. Jewett, of Maple
Grove tarn, reported that tbe storm
waa dlffersBt from any be bad eeen as
Road MhllcaBo and oansp good dam- too trees were not only toe covered
•wato «ho wtD sapport toeal opUoa bot tddaa were banging from tbe
who Bap net bo to accord opon toe ttmtas as wdL He waa also ot tbe
RatoWW laadldatop 19 tor eloeUno. optoloo toot toefo would be no damno iBlig Roeord fivao Its boartp ago nalooe tt grew colder.
Reports trea 1^. Ladd. W. A.
OMBt to W. D. a OormalM tor
■torn. Tko toot that bo'rooelvod a Maiabaa Mr. MUhT^ otoen along
fltoiirlU to 4W at toa prlsaitoo toe petlnooU oat as tar u OM Mlo•iMt a vavp otroag man. wblok U doB Were to toe effect tbnt to«« was
a» torM aatottor mr glvoa to no damnge otoer than trees being
TragavM CMp tor too aa
n jbtolMi dowa by toe weight of the too.




Ottpbatto dMtoa of too fopabUoaa
tbo eUMor too otDoo of Bopor.
tar roealTlBf onto a bandtome ondorooBoat bo bas roaoon to oxpoet aa
oqaaUp laifo Batorttp at tb> poOa

.Jtaporta troB otoer porBoH of too
oeantp were to too aaao offaet and
Bony BantioBOd lae boantp.'of
aeaae tola Boning.
The oltot did not affect too tde.
phone, aleetrte
eoBpanlca nenriy as bad as was ex­
pected. Tbo BaU bad no troohle to
speak of tn town and only two to tbe
sooth and one In Leelaaon
of order and tbeoe mly temporortly.
The arc lighu ahovt town troeo up
eariy In the evening bat the eompany
had Are mM Mt and every lamp In
order by I o'cBck. Aside from this
hod BO iroable.
Cltltena Peninouls line was out
mlsaton bnt it was repaired
early tn the day. A very few phones
wonld not work hot these
were also repaired early.
One cnrlon feature of the storm
as toe stopping of tbe town docks.
The sleet was eo thick 00 toe dials
that toe bands of the one on
Bute bank building woo stopped
10;S5 and the ohe on toe courthouse
went ont of bosloeos two hours earlier
Tbe north and east dials were tbe
Miy ones affected.


s ato M otosr.
And that Boirt cf bbb kna W vary
mock room «o Ulk nboM a tnapornne* advoentt wboM woto to ter his
neighbor's boys and to rebeve the fo­
ot tbo canon of Ms
m gencrstlew a* bslag n narrow
At the morning aervie* at too
Friends- church the Rev. rrmnkitn
Meredith gave a very eoapnbet
talk apon tbe loenJ optfam qaesOon.
toe oodkenee IlstenlBc ottentlTely and
recclrtng some vary value bale I
formsUon in regard to (he aobJecL

•apply for Htehigon National Raird
Has Rsen Ordsrod Prom Rock
Unsing. Mich.. March
rifles fiw toe Michigan National
Guard have been ordered ablpped
from toe Rock Island oraenal and
abonid be ready for distribution next
we?k. The Krag rifles^ will be r*-turned.


The Cause uf Maiiy
Sudden Deaths.
in toss
U\w. ki«Dvsud.iai
<lesUis ore caused
by it—lieait diabeait failure
sp'^dexrait often
(be renlt of ladnev dueaaa. U
kidney trouble is
al i owed 10 ad voflCe
ed blood'
ml, tack tbe ntal organa, causing cwLsrrb of
1‘if l.'iad-let, o; tbe kidneys llK-uiMrh-ea
1 break down end waste awar cell !•> ceil.

TriTCric aty state BankA. Tracy Iaj.
R. Floyd Ctloch, Vks Pi
Samuel OarUnd. CnshlB.
A. J. Maynard.
A. J. Harimnd.

CAPITAU *200.000

port. Had Fme Tr.p.
; a cure is obtained «ickest In a'prwjwt
Mtu James Kebl. of Northport. and ■ •-reslawr.t of ihekiJncj-a. If you are (pel-j

wI *

. ,—ittgDr. Kilmer's &WMap*RooL the '
meet Mr. Keh! and John Scott, whohver ar-1 blwldet rrmciv.
have been spending tbe last three I It correct, inal.luv to hold urine and i

„h, tt ,u.

«»1M» DW



(ttl. lh.r ilopi-sJ
El 'Paso. Texas, and visited many ami to get up mac. times di
pcinu In the southwest. The return
cui rcalu-ml.
was made over (he Nortbern Pacific It stamU theimp-P
highest for s wTmdvrful
of tbe most cUa
At the annual meeting ot Traverse Mr- Kohl Is a member of the firm of
Swsmp-k<v>t i> pleasosi t» uke wad it
Cily lodge No. SJ3. B. P. O. Elks held ' Kehl Broa., at Northport. while Mr
Seed is a reilred farmer.
Thoraday Dlgbi.allof the offleers
ir-lollat site bottles. You m-vy have a
mpie lottlcof toil wonderful new dis­
the previous year Jnat closing were
ao ctt
nUDlmonolr re-elected. It has been
both KUt free by mail. Address, Dr. Kil»«ClBRrtffl. .
clearly demonstrated toK toe present
S: Co.. Btngbammn, S'. Y. M*hen
officers of toe Elko’ lodge have done
«-nting mention reading this gi-ncruos
Changes ot the Engino Houno Per Ac- offer in th:» paper. Don't make anv
excellent work ter the lodge dur­
eemmedstion of 0«e Mere
mistake, but renieiuber toe name. Swamping (be post year and It was clearly
Root. Dr. Kilmer s Swamp-Root, and tbe
tt. n.....______ vT
------shown that it was dne to them and
» »•••
DELIVERED BY ATTORNEY L. A > the lodge that they be re-elected. Chief Thomas Murray, of the Ore
aecretery HcOoll hod been to re­ department, la making a change at
ceipt or oevetml
the engine house that will give trim
tod letiera from membera ootalde ol room for another wagon which he hat
George E. Johnson expects to leave
the city asklog ter tbe re^lecUon ol had repaired and painted up (or use.
Wednesday for Manistee where bo
toe old oBleero. Tbe following U the ft la the first one ever naed by the de­
will ship as secced mate on board the
partment. and bar been used (or an rtramer Missouri of the Nonhera
Exalted Raler—John 0. Straub.
exercise wagon He baa had It re- Michigan Transportation company
Esteemed Leading Knigbt—Anton palmed and will be loaded with boae.^
Mr. Johnson reettved official Mlice
P. Straub.
The partition separating a small room that the boat would leave April 4 eu
Esteemed Loyal Knight—James Ke- from the main room has been uken
l>er Oral trip ptevidiag navgailoD was
iitdlana’s Exporionco With the Ous
out. and the wagon will sUnd In the oKo at that time. Last year the
Uon Woo Cited Showing That
bteemed Lecturing Knight—T.
of toe book and ladder wagon.
too State Preopors Under
Local Option.
Secretory—Angus McCoU.
Treasurer—Cbas. 8. Vader. Jr.
Tbe local option qoestion was dlsTtler—Arthur C. Dcsprei.
ensed at toe Friends church Sunday
Tfaitee, one for three yeai
evening by Altoniey L. 6. Baldwin, Charle B. Hale.
a Arbor. Hteh., March 30.—Sevei
wbo spoke to a large audience and
RepresenUtfre to Grand IMge—
nlnatlona will be represented a
hlB addreas was closely lollowed.
John O. Stranb.
atordenomlnaiional conference of
Mr. Baldwin handled tbe sobject
Alternate to Grand Lodge—A.
CboioB Diioolored JapkD particnlailj fine flavor and
eburcb and guild workera. which op
from toe legs4 sUtoa of toe saloon. Joyce.
exceptional gtrcnKth. If 70H hare trouble fl«^R •
March Ai and closes April I
lU rdatJon to Uxoo and boalnesi. par­
Stale Association preaideni James B. Angell. of the Uni
tea that ii to TOor HkinK try a ■atnple potu^ of thig
ticularly as showiv by d4 cities in the —Ante
iton F. Straub.
versity of Michigan, will welcome ttc
ooe. We will take our ehaocen on yoor oomiag beoL
KnUed Stales which are dry. as com­
Alternate to State Atooelatlon— delegates at the meeilng lu Newberry
pared with a like number of wet Angus MeCoU.
Price, SOe per peoaO.
hall, Tuesday night. The beadquarcities, taking dMee which are aa
Appointed Offleera.
lerw of the conference, however, will
nearly equal In proportion as can be
Enquire—Dennett P. Bums
i <- Harris hall.
found. As shown by toe census re­
Chaplain—Elbert Ellis.
port these cities range from g.ODO to
Organist—Cbas. E. Hale
10.000 population. In making these
Inner guard—James Murchle.
It was foond that the
House committee—A. L. Joyce. Jos Mrs. LovTte Prealdont of Evsngetical
wealth per caplU H. McGoakh. Chos. W Faust.
Ladiea Aid Scelety.
In toe dry rittes was within a few
Many new members have been add­
The Ladles Aid society of the Eveneeau of 1170 more than In the wet ed during tbe past year and the lodge gellcal church met In the church pkrultlea. and that because of this In- now numbers a large number of rrav- lurs Thursdsy afternoon, the ladies
creosod wealth tbe dry cities at tbe croe CUy'B most prominent and pro- working at quliang. Election of of
same rote of taxation rMsed for
feaalonal men. The reports of the of- fleers also took place, toe following
enue pnrposeo over tJ.&OO.OOO more fleera were very gratifying ahorlnc l*elng the result:
than in tbe name number of wet [the lodge to be In B better and sir
President—Mrs. R. A Lowrle. re­
dues nltoough the Utter received In er financial condition than ever
the aggregate over fll.OOO.OOO from the fore. There was a very large altrndVlee-presldt-at—Mrs Frank Trud--.
ance at tbe meeting.
It was shown toot 'tn aumerous
After tbe election and buslnesi
Secreury—Mrs, C. C Gibson.
cities and towns In Indiana too> the
Treasurer—Mrs Travis. re^U-cted
bnolneat had increased and Uxatlon
k supper in ( } chib
either not effected or was low­ rooms. Tbe past year has ccnatnly
Now io the time of Ibe yekr to be tbiakiog 61 sfliMogVid
ered after toe aalocms were closed. been a very pnceesstel one for the
ofytur Btempg^ADd Dynamite ig llieebeepest w»yto do iL
That experience in Indiana preaenti lodge and It U expected that the
fair test as to whether the busli
year will show a atlll greater InWoscllibc "ijax''Dyneroite, ibegnetnt sttunp taaow in
leaves dry territory and goes to
ise in memberahp and Increased
U because under the
the worW. If yoo have any gtompe or ttooee yoa wiib to get
monstrance system In Indaaa they get
lid r f try "Ajax"
It vill eare yon eome XDOoey.
dry territory in ^mall areas' by town
ships and city wards.
"I bis proceao '^of drying up the
After Other Treatment Failed—
state." said the speaker, "bas been The Rev. Demat CochHn Officiated
Eaema In Raw Spot on Baby
for Mrs. Mary Hammond Friday
golBg on for over 10 years and people
Boy’s Face Lasted fi>r Months—
hare had a good opportupIty to observe lu effects,
Cried with Pain when Washed.
The funeral service for Mrs. Mnry
present time out of Che 1.016 lownahlpa 7flS are dry. and this does not North Hammond was held Pnd.iy
nlulnde cltloo sod etty words which
are dry. If the closing of the saloons mains 10 Hillsdale for bulral The ser
n^s bnslDets and raises tbe rate ot tnon was prenrhid by Rev. DtiUds
“Onr baby hoy broke out with
taxatlOp exhortfitantly surely the bus- Cochitn. aasisted i,y the Rev. Get tei—n« on ha (ace when one month
ineat men of the state ot Indiana E. Lockarl. The pall bearers
d. One r'a^^ <*n the side
hi» faro
have sense enough to hove found It taken from the tru‘-l«e* of the cli'i ch , voe slae of a nickel was raw bke be^d1
for l»in-e month*, ami bo would
and were as follows
Frank Hetnii- !; ory out
at long before this." ,
1 t^ibed tbo^paru
Mllllken, C J- Ebner.
Otoer Instances were osed to show
„a N. B 1
tbe relation of the aaloon to tbe boo- cittco. r H.
Inraa ot cities In communltleo. Tbe Chspln. F Tburtell and M. C. Ot att j child >u no better. Then my doctor
apeaker also took op the qneatkm as
related to personal liberty, quoting E. Hammond, of Muskegon, and Will | box of Cuticura Ointment, and half a
from tbe liquor dealers' declaration ... u h.mtt«.d. of Lodttttoo. ,0,.;
S<-‘' uai* and get our piic«s iM-f.-r'- yon buy your seed uat*
babe's. He la now two yean and a
that happiness was one of toe In­ of Mrs. Hammond, arrived !.ir; c'gM
You Dnd onr price O. K. Our Osrdi-u Pea* and Beans are In
alienable righta of the American dtixen. Tbia being true eacb man bad was (nrauhed by Mr* A. L. Bseb.iat think it
ii tbclitK-ttoil-t soap I ever our store now. rest of the seedi wTi: ’.h- in (bU week We never bad
toe right to choose bis own method and MlM Pverelt.
fresber sp«di than we have this y«ar.
The remains were taken To Hillsdale sk.^w
' foe
• what ----- 'i _ .
ot enJoymenL This wsa shown by
__ nkful
Pcrc Marqu-tu
Marqnettv .r
Instancee to be tbe most this noon on tbe Prrr
ire to gn.w. B'e never buy
Our Clover « i Timothy S-ed I
absurd poNiion which a man could the funeral party being compusi.-1 of ‘
I cheap price. We give yoa
[■oor seeds, so th
Uke relaUvo to his right In a dvil- Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hacnmoc.i. Mrs
Ixed community, that tf any man's en­ E. U Edwardc and Messrs. F. ..v's
quality every Umu.
joyment or happiness InterferreO in and William Hammond.
ony way with toe Just righta of an­
Don't forget that we will sell you tbe very beat CemoBt and
Aotbeptic CIconxlBr Is Bert
other bit personal liberty was at an
AccDopItsbed by Cutlcorx.
fJme. also Pulp Plaster W*- wair your trade Cal! at P. K.1* corner
end. Tbe right, toe people had to
Womro. twpA^lv raolhevs. find Cutidoting the aaloona was bOM4 opon a
OQraSotp.Oiiiim'tiL and Pillj
Front and Cass strwl* Sal-sta'ilon guarauin-d.
ert, iwrotertrantlroort
man'a conduct In every dvillted gov­
eCcetivo rwnrdww, foe
ernment; that be had a right to put
lu.wtving. purifying.
oi>d b>«uUiring ll>e
an end to anything which U an In­ lam. haring been fully advised ae to
akin, scalp, hair, and
jury to the community at targe.
toe attitude of President Roosevelt
band-*, (■'f the tiemltncni of inflammatory
ThU waa teRowed by tbs argamem and toe feeHiig of the Ameriean pub­
and ukvTOtive condishowing how the saloons effected toe lic In regard to (be American poblic
Uum. as well a* (or re­
(0 besitb.
oodai and poittleal welfare of tbe In regard to the alleged retesal ot bis
strong. ODd beauty
people, alto aa to how it effected toe majesty u> receive Dr David Jayne
pale. weak, aervoua.
health ol the pecmlo. He dosed with Hill 01 American ambassador to Ger- MBOttirHy faded, run-down women.
Qaarontavd atwolutriy pure Uuder the
that toe man who monyln sucfession to Charlemagne United State* Food and Drugs An.
takes ont a UconM to engage la the Tower, has withdrawn all the i-xpreattqaor traffic cannot do tt ter the skms of dioapproval be recently aent
love sr toe taolnano or tor the good to Prestdeot Rooaevelt ,and woald be [
which he hopes to aecompUah bat pleased to recetve Dr. HiD as amtoot bo doen It ter kis own peracMl


Da. F. i. M







Wb Believe
J. J.

liavc the Best Tea am
the Market.







OM PostoUicc BidMtiig







it’s & fftct yoD

bavenl KM the
Best Qualify
tor the Least
Money ontil
you’ve seen our





SeereteiT UAnrj. of the Barry
MM to be aeen ea
roanty MiU-eelooo leecne. lecevUr our atreeta. ud a targe part o( that
r^ree* i eome teitem of Inquiry lo Is made fay staff that U shipped In.
MODI* busiueu men of Tna Boren
"^aiy IproblMUoa haa not killed
rooniT, ■elrctJoc their namee at r»n- rtir cRy. by any meaaa. We hare bad
don from the Mlchlsan Gesettefr, and local option for IS yaan. and Van
i>akr>i the fpnovloK questloa: “Tlrai: Buren ooBOty haa proapered aa much
How doee the' local opdon law aScot
more, than our nelgbborlns
the baalness doui
counties similarly altaated.
Second; Does local c^Uon prroblbli?
"Id I*». the yrar local option was
Third; la a dry- town a -dead- lownr first Toted on. the expense
The Icltcrt he rccclred In reply will county for tempory care of the poor
le ptibliabrd from time to time, i was approxliuBtcly Last year
f.iir umple. wrtuea-by W. C Uortei our expense for Uie same purpose was
ronnty clerk of Van Buren county, li approximately Three thousand
at foliowi:
delUra aaved as compared with ii
•Dear Ur. McLnry;
saving ef thirty-aevsn and one-halt
in reply to youri of (be itth iniL per cent, In apita ef tha fact that we
wtll asy that Van Buren connty'a bnal- have gained In that time fourteen and
nets for the paat Bve yeara baa nerer ene-haJf per cant In population.
been eqnallod In the batciry of the
-Lsyeal option Is a aneeess.
wires and eididren are well dressed
•liocal option doe« not prohibit en­ and they do not come In eontact with
tirely the aale of liquor, but li reguOur boys that
latH the Bale. There la probably not IS years of age do not know wbat
onr-balf aa much liquor used In thu saloons mean, nnless they bavef eund
ibla county as there was when we bad out from our neighbors.
In Paw Paw two drug atorea
sell liquor, aa compared with four
(Signed) -WU. C. MOSIER,
aalooni and three drug stores under
Coonty Clerk.*
taloon times. And these dfwg stores
The MIddlerllle Sun. HlddleTille,
sell no mere liquor than do other drug March 6. IMS.
atom in wet cowntlaa. We hare but

T. J. RefidenM. (SrcuH cowt «t«»<«npb«r. vu u the cJt7 todar ob hto
retgn to C»dUU& after ettoadtac the
CBerleroIx tem of drealt eonrt. The
term la aot yet completed mad next
■MB Judge Fredertck W. iUyns wfl!
exchange beoebM with Judge IMvit.
I Ionia.
Mias Ida Wataoa, wbo haa been rlaItlng her ulster. Mra. Christ Oarpft,
reluracd today (o ber borne In Thedtord, Oataito. She baa heea In tbo
Mlaa DoUle SpauMlng went to
Kingsley today to vlMt her atater,
Mrs. Adam May.
Mrs. W. B. Gray relaned to Fife
Lake today after a abort stay lo tbe

Mra. Maode BUkealey ntara
Bottih Boonlmaa this mnaia«.
Mra. A. Beltner left today tor
Hongfatoa for a riait with trienda.
Mrs. Angus HeCotL ampan
by Hr. McOoll wU1 leave tomorrow
Hap’c Rapids for trretment. Mr. MeColl wVI rrfjro Monday.
rs. ArJtvr Roa-nthtI haa returned
from Detroit where the was called oo
account of the Ulneaa tg her slate
days age.

Mias C. R Kna^ went to
this maraiag.
The Rot. Jeeeph DettM
mt to
Boyae City today u fill the
pulpit of the Rev. Mr. Oroeentaugh. wbo Is lU.
Mlaa Biu BTlKia. of Northport one
Of tbe (caefaen la tbe High school,
passed throngh tbe diy today on her,
way here to Oare where she wQI
spend the spring vacaUan.
Mrs. Ida Budd left today for a rlatt
From Sautrday'B Record.
Itb friends in Grand Rapids.
C. J. Bailey, chlei dispatcher of the
Mrs. Sage Ryou was called to
Petoakey dlritlen of the Pero Har- Kingsley by the seriouc Illness of her
qne«e. went to Deuwll on baainesa mother. Mrs John Huff.
The RCT. R K. Holtaple returned to
Mrs. Charles Hem. of «« South |Orai.d Raplda this noon after giring
Cnlon street, has returned from Wis- an address Ust night in tbe City opera

The tollowlng leatlmoaiy,' which
line to the Record opsoScited.
really a tragedy. The writer tailed
Bupport his family and through the
law, suffered the penalty tor such
fftlliire. •Undooblcdly. be would hare
been a good husband and a kind father
had there not bees a reaaoa.
baring ba^ bto pnnlshmest and
rfaliaed why it came, be is trying ts
help othars sad these few words et
Jake SmlUi. may eM some to thlnldng
who hare been regarding lightly the
qoMtlon of aboUablDg the open aaloon.
Read than what a

H. A. Usn
W. J. Weeee,
William Blakely.

We pick the best
bargabufroa the
Buy Ones shown Ds,
and yon get the
toefit- WehavenoprizesNoKbeas—
Bot Bgood vahtes
win attract yon
win yon are in
need o! goods We’D
not-dbe^oint yim
D yon cone here—
New goods each
Kasn—We have &
tepotaSon on this



Travenc City


From fTidar'a Record.
Mrs. Jndlth Kidder has enjoyed a
eery pleaaaat visit la her (mmer
home In Thbrnpaon^RIA.
frienda whom «be had not seen m the
last four jMfh, She was astoalhhed
to find ilw ebahgei that had oecnrM
and Hrt. Lae CargsBtsr, who

have been vlMtlng hta annt, Mrs. W.
Carpenter, returned to Summit City
Mn. R W. Carr (wtnraed to Walton
this mondttg after rkitlng ta the city.
Hr. and Mm. J. C. HcDonald, who
have bees vlslOng in tbe city return
ed to Big Rapids thla monunge
J. A. Ml^sdaoa, tnvHlag paaasBger agent of tbe Duluth. Soath


You have the Land.
We have Hie Hows
Just recelvRd a car load of Oliver Plows, e<vIn? us an assortment that cannot help pleasing
Auido from their nRoIar oomben «aoh a» yor ‘
- a 30A,
40. 42 and 43, the BnLdMfi Qaaeni parpoM !> ..v. wv an
shoving their new No. 84. and a look at It w i< pre-v^


to you it Is the perfection of *he age.

No. 11 wiOi aMBasc Is the OUver Sulky
Plow-Httcd out with thetr
temous No. 40 base.
-which to the fanner t« lo itodf so gfmuuoe of quality.
You are invited to call in and look over our
line whether you want to buy or not.

The saloon men that are natng the eom for one of her boys, no matter
Bagie as tbeir month piece must boji many she has
But uhe
stand eeefog them Ittiwd from
(blag the people are blind t
erila that hare been fostered upon aide and safety by oily tpagued betna whose first work ts to loosen her
them through tiqi
lose the boys
liquor lafiaence.
(heir manly ladependance. Soon -they
U k easy <o,make a man ta liquor are smoklog and chewing and drinkbelierea a saloon man la bis frienda. A
soon rile oaths
Rule soft soap and a slap on Use back Isnlng from the once pure lips
and be thinks ft U hall fellow well then the process Is complete, the
et and the saloon man lores bim.
Ood help him. be ts
But we bRTdnt' all got muddled slippery road. But the aaloott men
bralna an«-b wID lake more than
happy: no matter about
their sopalairT ^ Midd onr eyes to mother.
the harm done to the home
How/ahout (he broken homes and
land; lo the wlrea aUrtng to aupport hearis that can be directly tnuied to
ihelr tamiliea; while the husband and the saloon, the worse than orphan
father spends Iris (Ime and money children seattered over (his fair
where it Is worst (ban wasted.
5AKb? mothers in factories and stores
How many hare lost their lives In
wash tub* trying lo keep
thu city alone In the last fire years,
Itody together?
lost from drink? Would the saloon gambling Is added to men's other
men Rke to figure them np and Uke rices deslnictlon is that much swifter
their share of the bufme? The sni and surer and so much worse for the
rides, the drowned. 4hose kijled by wife and cUldren.
train, all under the inHuence
There will be a feariul reckoning
some day. and I. for one. would not
Those dealing In It bare been so care to stand In the place of a saloon
lawless, ao heartiest and soulless that
bev "cursed Is be (hat
the moat oonaerratlre must see that pnteth the cup to bis brother's Ups '
this It ao evil that most be done
My partner does not nse (obareo
Bway with If *e are ever to be a free
llqqor as a beverage for which I
and happy people.
n qitremely ibankful. But I can
A mother spends many yean of her
el for tbOM whose hnsbaDds do
life wrapped up In ber chlldren..train- both and can see many homes that
log them In the way they ahonld go. are rented and vacated that might
• rrtng to lottlll Into their tender Urea
as well be owned by their occu­
lessons of honesty, rlrtue and pants and beautified and adorned aa
rest bones If the men were as tem-i
Bni. oh. bow. their heeru are grier- peraie ta they are Industrious
log la afirr years over these same
There has many a sad fate come
loved ones wboae Urea are amIUen under my observatltm In the IS yean
with worse thaa paralysis, manhood 1 have lived tn Traverae City and the
degraded, woridly amblOon blasted, only hope cd the fainre et this coun-'
aataral affrctlon aNenated.
What try being any betters is throngh local
ts there Irft hot an empty Iona and option.
often that pollnied.
The allek. oily tongnna that lure
What can the saloon men gire ns men lo neglecf their homes, to debanchery and death, are the same
trne mothsr and see bow that are liylng to Induenee the Toter
qvldi she wonld spun It and you. Bgainn local optlm tlit* *rrii;s
She who wonld not take a klngk tanHRS. ADEUA IRISH.

The entire plant ol the Sharon Ste^
Hoop company of Sharaa. pa. resum­
ed (^rations today.
The open
hearth, blonartng miilTiiiht. nine and
tenlarti blUet mCU wQ] alao atari.
About l.CUMi men are affected.

Time to Think about Plowing

I do hereby certify that had it not
been for my uM ef whisky and beer
y arm tha
evils thst go with the drink( habit. I
would be a MAN and have I10000
mors than i have new.
Farthermere, 1 should have aacaped tl« REMORBE of coftsolafios that
fael on account ef the exampts
have set befers my family and the
(Signed) JAKE SMITH.

bottae la iSe laterrot of local optic*.
Dr. W. P. Lovett, one
and a member of the bc»- d ,« tr-sterr.
of the AnU-SalooB leafi.e
rvlUfifd y> Graci Ra..ds. '

Sash and Doors at Oean Up Prices.
These Include almost every kind and make. Below Is an exact Involec ol
size, prices and description.

I on y 3
1 only 5
3 only R
Honly 4
3 only 4
5 only 4

panel first quality fancy cut glass sash door 2-8x6-8x3-8..,.
panel first quality ground glass sash door 2-8x0 8x3-8....
pinel painted grtuod sash door U’-SxO-SxSxS................................
panel painted Alaika sash door 2-8x0 S.\3-S...............................
panel painted Alaska ground glass sash door 2-8x6 8x8 8-...
panel painted clear glass sash doo

10 o„,y S p.„.| Ko. 2 pi„c
I o”jJ 4 S No



6x1 1-s...........:.................... I..

do°o°r -Isxsdi; I S-1.'!!!!.'i.!

?1 Oily
:-!: ^ro.
Itltl 3-S
veneered sash
door 2-8x6-8xl
-nly 10x->6 4 li. Chacked Rail Window,.................................................I.
4 h. Checked Rail
ily ]10x28
I2x' 4 It. Checked Rail Windows .....................................................
nly 12x24
only 12x26
12x' 4 It. Checked Rail Windows
!2x; 2 h. Checked Rail Windows
only I2x2S
r I8x'
nly ISx:
. ______ ____ _____
8 onlyt 18x2s
18x: 2 It, Checked Rail Windows
G only
iiy 18x80
I[8x: 2 It. Checked
18x32 2 It. Checked Rail Windows
ily 20x26
20x 2 It. Checked Rail
_ Windows
y only
-ly ’^x*^ 2 h. Checked Rail Windows
2 only 20x30 2 It. Checked Rail Windows
10 only.....................................
ily 20x3-2 2 it. Cheeked- Rail •Windows
13 only 22x24 2 It. Checked Rail Windows
>0 only 22x30 2 It. Checked Rail Windows
12 only 22x32 2 It. Checked Kail Windows
10 only 24x42 2 It. Checked Rail Windows
5 only 24x.-!4 2 It. Checked Rail Windois
6 only -24x36 2 It. Cheeked Rail Window,



_____ _

.$4 76
. 4 25
.. 2 75
. 3 75
.. 8 75
. 8 25
. 1 45
. 2 25
. 2 46
. 2 60
. 2 00
. 1 75
. 1 75
. 5 25
. 3 75
. 4 26
. 1 15
- 1 26
. 1 25
- ] 35
. 1 40
. 1 15
. 1 15
. 1 20
- 1 26
. 1 35
. 1 20
. I 23
. 1 40
. 1 50
- 1 20
, 1 40
. 1 60
. 1 60
. 1 75
. 1 75



$3 80
3 00
2 00
S 00
'8 00
2 25
2 00
1 40
1 50
1 50
1 25
1 25
1 25
1 26
2 50
3 00
1 00
1 00
1 15
1 20
1 00
1 05
1 00
1 15
1 20
1 15
1 25
I 25
1 40
1 Jf'

(>ur Grocery Division.
Just received a car load ol flne White Oats lor seeding purposes
S'* luo.aupp.

i re


HolMpto tkara ara to ba s 9«kara.
ebtot amone tben balac Dr. TanaB. aaauuai aattooal aapartatondant oC t»a
AnO Balooa taayae to AbmcIca. Reports frotn that awUoa todtoctp that
tbay bars a at^eadld fllbtUg ckaaea.
|'*U «a »tn to Katomaaoo eoaBly.” salt
Mr Hotomda. -Wa »U1 ba InatlBad to
«Miti S.
trytof Kaat and Wayna oondbaa.
Btaori Owtud. CMbl«r: A. 1. MU'- CUstea conaty the CathoSc and
ur«. A. /. Bsmuid. AiMttt Outi- protoattat Aarcb ara a^ttoc to work
tocatbar tor tba eaaaa. and to OralAot
DOOBOTOM-A. Tnij Uf. ft. eotinty vbara they hara high Momaa
Ftor< CUa*. Un. inUu “ ---------*■ they vaai prahSMUoL Atoo ta Barry'

I ay tods
..URC TRAVRMC CtTT BtALROAD GOtato «»<■ partly as aaatotaat sbperiaisnarat of toe AnU-Saloan toagne. It
baa bera freMy stated and repprtad
Travurae aty. Mlta, Marta I
that The Bveatog Record aad
Truverse Herald have reecdved fiianetol eompeasaUoB tor supporting tbe
•e of the
a to self-made a
company, tor toe elecUen of nerua
local option campulgn. I wtsb to say
Dtraetoiu to nerve tor toe coataw
n nnd^
year, and for toe that tola statement Is abscdutely false
I wbo has always wlUtogly ind cbMother bnalneaa as may cosne betore
and witoout foundation.
City April ISto.- The district la en­
toe meeting, srill be hrM at toe ta"It has even beta said that toe titled to two delegates. Thera are er else to to^ soccew of the party.
papers bare raeelred tl.000 fur taking three candidales in Uie ffeld. H. 8. Mr. Hull as a delegate to toe republi­
county. Mlcbimu. on Thurn^.
toe staff'd tbeg have for local option, Hull, of Traverse; Praacis King, of can naUonal ronvmilion will redect
Mcf~7. 1»U. at > o'clock a. m.
and 1 wish to any that this charge is Alma, and M. J. Brown, of Big^RapMa. credit not only upon the dltirict bnt
R. R. Metoeanr, Bw.
•ann^OMMid. V. C. I
absolutely untrue. Jbt Rerard and
Jl. Jl. Apt 7. lA a. ». May A
•vUlvmB, V. W, SBiO.
Tba apaakar ban paid a high tribato Herald tendered toelr support wlll- djid Mr. King will b«' toe delegate*. I NeUber Mr. HuU or Mr. King ft^e
Ingly fM without
uoHdtn- Mr. Hull win go .into toe eoovenUon eeer repreaeeced Mlcbtgan in tbe
» per «H tBwred i Ttae Pcf biWi daetorad be atm oonMderad his !
WANTED—A farm in 'Orand Trav- tloB efSA utogle man. but
out at Reed City with a solid Kortbera publican national edeveation. while
«ne county. Fhrm ta Ad to M
it^. saytog. “Ormnd Trareraa
of principle.
eompensatloo Michigan dclegabOB and also tbe sup­ Mr. Brown baa sevnal'times been
aerra. good uoU; boose ta MTe Inf.
ffvnta flea Pita.
ty not only baada the Hat o{ eonntJea has ever been asked 'for or port of delegates from several of tbe delegate. Mr. King U well know^ In
good water; not far from aohooL-^
to tba campaCgn aong, but In perfec­ eveb suggested. The uunagera bare soutoera couoUet In toe district.
and railsray suriom. lyt kWMOt
tbe eoutoera part of the dlsiricr and
nvvTM citr. lUdb
tion td organisation of foreaa In the given toelr time and eoergy
down;.'hateM oo Urna. or towuat
In toe Alma Record of last week, has bosle ta friends In toe northere
(4 ooundas. and Its prospects oi
paring urtlcles for aldlug toe cam- there was a very compHmentaiT «ll- pan wbo wlU vote for him In coanececat an better than to any other palga for which toey have received
Hon with Mr. Hull as delegate. Both
Bot one cent The only money wbtcb
eOQBty of the entire sUte.*’

has been paid out to them has bees
cans and will exercise Influence to the
*Toa)orrow." be aald. "Xalkaaka for toe regulfT adds and rending no
innty is to organise for a rlgorona ticca wbleb have gone In at leas than
bate court for the ommtr ta
one-half toe ratet charged to com­
Grand Traverae.
Mty Oa
April 1.
mercial advertiaeri. The Antl«al09B
In the matter of the eaute ta BwTbe Uodan Woodman oT On^ abort time will have (n drenlatlon toe league boya no editorial colnmna and
P. Hotoosab. deceaned.
I a eooBtr peUtiont throngh tbe vartons tosm. win not pay U aeois Co any man for
Notice U hereby gives that four
eennation la nraatam ban Wadoaa- ships. Plans for organising Leelanae bis support."
monibs from toe 30to day ta March,
Pruah Laka FtaK
ity where a yaar from now toe
A D iKri. have been allowed for
dar. April 1. tor iba pnipoaa ct
Attorney George H. Cross deelarad
Herring, per dot...................
creditors to praaent tbalr claims
alaeUBc dalagataa to attaad tfca auto MiooBi .which are going over Into that he stood by Mr. Holaaple to this
to aald eeart
township ara gotof to ba
too aUU oamp to be kaM at Patoakay
and tb«i
d Dr.
wickedly oonflacatod. are also being
>iay I.
)f Grant
md Rapids.
AlV daiacataa ara raqnaatod 'to ba made, sod Bensic eoonty la also gotog to work tor organisation afte
Or. Lovett
toe probate otteo, ta
elty of Traverae CSty. »■ ••»*
spring election. We ara not alone ia Dr. Lovett opened with a tribute to
------------- iiy. o tar 'btaora tbe Siff day ta
this, bat are aetUng toe pace tor oar Traverae City. tb<n declared that he
and that aald
sister counties, and It ^s np to you to would also second Mr. Molsaple to bl>
IS. I claims will be beam by saM eokrt ua
.......... ISe
statement In regard to Tbe Rvealng
set' toe pace TlgbUMoada.^. toe 3rd day ta AuguM. A.
Tbe speaker here called atteatlon to Record and Grand Traverse Herald
D. 1»08. at ten o'clock ta t
tan plait.
tbe aalooa Utcratore wbtcb is^gotog and aald: ' "What are you goto^to dr
Plnnln baddle ..................................ite
about It* Ara yon going to atSd by
- One of the eeldanapi of tba evU of- toe rauDds to toe fona-c« u letter your trie49s as they bake been stand
Judge ta Probata.
feeu of the aalaoBt vpon the ebUdfon wrtttsp by W. R, Wagoner, fo
of toe Kansas City Globe, and tog by youT’ He declared that h«
March n. Apl. 7. lA 31. tt
n( the aty to tba toot that according editor
knew tost SAreat many of tbe bright­
■ ^
to Traant Officer Btogbam's toraetl wisieb was printed to toe Cbleago est irlBda beslute to cbamplou
Record Herald as ^d uetter, stailnr
•toloaA>Btoa4cntha of the diUdren that
QTATB or MlffRKUK. TBR PW>prabroltloD bad made Kansas caty cause because tboy bsve been rather
vbo are unable to attaad school ovlag
® bau court lor the eonaty ta
dtsrouruged a# to toe attitude wbleb
to tbtor destHuU clrcuastaacaa,
Grand Truverue.
the people' whom they would atand by torlal regarding Mr. Hull, which reads coQVenilon. Both an- Arm and alauDcii
who are supplied vltb proper clbtb- ing lUen heavily tor public ioprave- would
At*a aesslou of aald eoart. btai at
lake In standlbg by them. "Are
supportees of Scerrtary Taft lor preslIng from tba poor fnad can U»oe tbelt tnents. • Mr. Holaaple wrote Asstalaal you willing to stand by those wbo are as foliowi:
toe probate offlee. ta the efty ta
Attorn^ General Triekett. who dealed
"At the age of IS. Mr. Hull com­ det and will cast toelr votes for toe
Traverse City. In aaid conuty, Cft tka
poverty dlr^y to the aa^pona
working for your Interestaf" be asked
and to- j secretary’ of war. M'hlle Mr. King Is
l«to day ta Marta. A D INt
r. H. L. • o,.-, aiiiL
' At present, says Mr. Btogbam. there tbe statement. Triekett wrote: There Tbe speaker followed with a brief menced business for himself
one of toe I not ao w<-1l Known In tbls part of the
Preaent: fkA Frad JL Walker.
an 9ply t^a» or toer fanHIlei in such to absolutely ao truth to the artklA history of toe four epochs in toe de­ day he •
are not Increased and toe
aulld.fl&Bndal men of tbe middle west. I district as Mr. Hull, he will receive
Judge of Probata
desUtuto elrcnmsiaacaa -that vltboui The takes
veloping ta the light in referrace to this in 1884 be organixed toe Oval Wood j «>n8ldorable support froil tola end.
balp the eblldran cannot be properly debt I
problem, toe Om one being tbst In Dish company at Traverse Cliy. and j while Mr. Hull will rreelve good snpdotbad to attend acbool. yet tbroagb
wbleb drinkna was unlveraal. but tbr was elected president, w blch position ' pert fi\-m ihi- lower tier of counties,
-yaar vbeaerer uaob fasdttea have
best was called toe tbeologlca! bever­ together with tbe general riiarge of | At this time ibcre aeema to be no
Mayer D. S. Ooraeli and
bean brought to toe notloe of
becante It was found In toe cellars their taciory nnd Lind department he; question but both these genUemen
trnnat ofilcer, toelr dMUtnto condition don. editor of toe Kansas City Globa. of toe
to be toT laat wffl a
Tbe second epoch was
said deeeaaed now <
I ta wM
can be traced dlmetly to tba salootto- Ua nan who has now no etandtog so- tbe pledge signing period which np to has. held ever since.. Mr. Hull U aj will be ei^ted at toe convention.
(dally. morally or ftoandatly. "It Is
e and that
court I
from tbattolaas of man that toe saloon toe latur pan of tbe Iftb ceDi*>y
the a<
1 aatata ha
: Silver Lake, went to Grasrn Saturday.
Woes ara getUng toelr testimonials.* swept this country and England. The lien..
said Mr. Holnaple.* *Tf we casnot third was .that to which partlcan pro
It Is ordered that toe lotk day ta
The fourth question, the liquor :raffl<- l» the his m<db.-r went to I-ake Mew Saturtrait these men over todr own alg- bltritlon
April, A D. Iflta. at ten o'clock ta
oatnraa. bow can we trust or oelleve Is practical jiroblbltlon. The differ ereatesi <■:.( loy to perronal liberty day.
tbe forenoao. at aald probate offlee.
In toe mass of paid adds In which ne ence between. party prohibition aifl that I know, of It will i*-ll yi\u how | Mrs F T. Hamlin and her three Spring lamba. live wtim..........ARc be and D hereby appotatad for brurto
tag aaid peUtlou:
dgnatara Is atiacbad.*
call that I ondage. and If the business- tbe Spring vacntlon.
It is tartoM- orderta tk^ pnMte aoAs to toe statement mnde that uadei that tbe league had'the prtpd|;a)
€loa thereof be gifca by pnbUeariaa
men don't ris* and stamp that thing
■XP09KD AT MAM MICTINQ local option taw tbe drag etorea wert vanesH by toe party problbiUmiUts
of a'eopy ta toM order, ter tone aao
out or exlftfuce ;t will be a crying
eenaive weuku prarleaa to -uald day
cbDdrm eould buy UQUore. that tbe
of bearind. la the Grand Tiarana
Uberiy Is to lire up to tbe law and
Herald, a newtpapar printed aad tab
drag law was a farce and tooperative. toe catise'.
do what Is right. It is tbe cUlzeo
enUteff ta aald cotaty.
Will Win.
eertala papm printing columns
wbo says. -| w!;i obey tbe law because
FEB) R- WAl^at
"Today tbe league atanda at
Chicago, March Sfi.—Close—Wheat.
aoeb matter recenUy In toe stole, this
Judge of fnhato.
disobey tht law I stand for May.; corn. GfiSc; oats. SS^c.
add was prepared by a lasryer who did front ranks ta an onward moving when
March 17. tf. SL ApL T.
Detroit, March 30 —Cloae—Wbca.t
not alcB bla name, and "we are told." army which la going to vrtn. We have
should bring In a burglar or a murder­ 9i%c: com, CTc; eats. SCc.
aAd -Mr. Holaaple. "to signed letters beard that all these argumentt
er which would you iH-iii-ve the police­
that the rastrtcUon Is aver more tiresome, bnt I would tay that
auTngent under ktcal opUon law than most tiresome thing I know of Is .sin man or tbe burgiarr The liquor traf­
East Buffalo, N. Y., March 30 —Catfic stands for everrth;ug tbst la dc,t.750; activo
If you vote the satoon out or
1 Uoenae."
erse City It Is up to you to ace that y. tell, treachery and anarchy Crime U Veals, :.2O0 head; active. 83T6 10
a toe Itoy. ltW.MelaM>J
Crafty Work.
i,mbs. 1*400; acand the Bav. W, P. Uvatt. of
Mr. Holaaple here ealled attraUos ts kept out A'on mnai sund by Abe batched In tbe saloon. Thera Is not 1-75
umbs, She higher; sheep steady,
to toe crafty work of the saloon •heriff and the iiroaecullng attorney to a saloon in Travers.- City tonight
forces to sehO^BC
poateiu bended keep tbe scourge out as you would which obeys toe laws it already has I n'„p,_ il.jt-i., active 10 to lie hlgh-er.
"We, ought to rise In rigliteoiw InPOTaTOEA
"Local Option." which unleas careful­ keep out tbe smallpox."
' existent-*
The local optton maas maetlng bald ly obcerrad lead one to believe that Dr. lAvetl also spoke of the prohi­ dignailOmand swet'p
Johnaen Drug Cu. *
Chicago, klsrrh 3ii —A generally
ITIday nlgbt In toeaty opera boaaa they ware aent out by the local option bition wave which U sweeping Eng­ an inatitudoa which will Uke the fteady feeling jtfeva.ied In the mar
YiA OoraasM ft A. A A A
MBS not' aa wMt attaadad as it vonld forces. The questioa is not whether land and which bids fair to wipe natae of that noMest ma 1 of God.
was belter.
ktJmiOon ____
' atbarsrtoa bare bean bad not tot
ara to have high, license
volume of buri"We have not reaky understood Just .traffic- That literature l» a tie W.Tei*'”'
wbetoer tba sale or
* ness IransaC'-d was good Offerings
atlwne. Two
bow much territory In toe Dnlud
sbnU ba prohibited or
art still liberal, y.-l the fTrah arrivals
wbtoh ware otonaly tollowed. toe BrM ▼ota yes tor dry.* ba aaHL
States Is dry," be said. Ia an Itemfsed
Ibe Prolate Offlee lu the city of
Ttwte Nr Osdar OMy aad rtineisIkTe ss
nr- only fair.
crae City, In said county, oa the >to S» am. SMiidO>B.
balM Bto«B by the «ev.
It published In Bar Praa MendayY Record.
The apanbar abowad a aupplement
Sales reported were ; ears MlcblTjsisi .........
rtiT ^
Botoaple, aastotaat aapartntci
Mr. Bud Mrs. William Petenton, of g-jo at die, : carv at 67c-. 1 car at 68c. day of March. A. l>, l»«§.
wbleb ha aaid -was toe last shot to be pern' Weekly he said It was declared
■wtB Uao srMH tfTtvo Wrt>am.staadip.s
the Aatl-BaloaB toagna. Oa tba plat- ftnid by toe aaloon torcea to the <
J- there were 33.6O0.M0 people then Kalkaska, who ban- l-••n risiung In
: cars Dusly Rurals (I car aack^i at ludg.- of (holwle
UZLT. a P. A
tom srito tba tpaakera ware Obaa. J. palga. and Tblcii ba declared
log In Hie dry territory In toe Cult the city reiuraed bom.- P;iiurday.
Ttie. 3 case rw;-,.. Rarals at 71c.
R. Joh:ison. deceased.
Bate and tba Revs. Clyde ttbaon aalooa man would believe be bad to ed Stales. A list of toe states was Mrs Grace Blouk i-'H Saturday
Bulk, per bn. In car lota—WlscooJo»,-ph
Ipaepb Dpttaa and Daman Oocblia.
did they not aae 11 to given showing the dry terriiory
for Oo.voe City for a visit wlih her
sln. MIebIgatt. or Minnesota. Rnrals. court his peiiiioa praying for Ucense
Attonay Oaerga H. Cross. Mist Btoel Us hnnds. It is « suppiemeat which toelr eonnllea. and Michigan, with her miubcr.
rboli-e to fancy, K7<i6h.-; Pusiy to icil St privsie sale the Interest of
Bibba presided at the plane.
Mr and Mrs T Slover of London.
wlU soon be sent out with newspapers (4 counUes. stood at tor bottom of the
said estate Is certain real estate
Ru-als. or on Dutl.r order, 70ft71c. ib-Egln dracibed.
.Tba Rev. Mr
\tsiilDg relat£ey can bay toe prtvUage. list wj^'^only one county dry “Pro­ OniRrio. who have
ordinary to good. CitrcCc. common,
It Is ordered. <hat the 4th day of
■ to tba work to toe ll other eoun- and to fnU of teaUmosiaU which apeak hibition wtli sweep every state as
. here ii/i Saturlat t"r a visit
A; ril. A b.. 1»<« at ten o'clock In
, ttpa to which toe local opUcm war U tor toe aalooBs and against proUbl- sure as toe sun sill shine In the day
friends In Grand Rapids before;
forenoon, at srid probate offlee.
[Hon. cn#i«3c. B.jrbanka. choice
bedng waged, ba bad pototog
n-luniing boo.e.
Oon, but upoa to.—,---------------- ^— time." he aald.
I C5G’”‘‘, If i-itri fine possible
words of eBaewngament to offer.
Mr and Mrs Jobe Piram. wbo have
nre found to be of no atondtog to toeli
Mr. Lovett then spoke of the saIno>i
OakUad. near Detroit, be eald, where own eommnaUlea. He spoke of i nterature which U flooding toe mails, been v1siili,g their da-uhter. Mrs. a shade blgbef. Ord^ncry to good, Interested tn said estate aopeai
said court, si said time___
toe lotot oamndUae from toe local taattmonlal written by one man. to r«- much of It sent to even tbe praactaeiT Chi-sicr uore. rviurc.-l to Fife Lake eifidic; commet. sh-wing frost or lore
dra r*t. as to condlt ..n, Sk^cfSc. red plaA- *o show cause why llcenae to
opiloa and antl-locti aptlon forem gard to toe evils of pinblblUon and
-es, liquor adds which look as Saturday.
s>-11 Th- Internet of said estate tn said
Slock, choice to fiinry 6Ifi Tc
Mrs. P. Baratl.otoaii-w a&d lliile
started out oa a toar of inspo
tbe value of tbe saloon, wb* Hvad In aa toongbt tbe saloon men werr
-.(ate should not be granted;
tra fine i>o*siblr higher Fa rho good.
It ts furtier ordered, that public
r tba cute to tlscorer the trot eoodw town where after a ratgd of proUbl-' scouring toe country to And purchat da-igblert Gladys and Uvnle. went 62G64C. If poor dose To SktfCOc
cotlce tbervof be gtvtsi by pubUca
• Hanton ^lurday on a virli
Um o^btoirs. toe gaaUamaa from tba tion they went back to license, and
for toelr wares, and wbtcb looked
t!oB Of s copy of this order, for three
oAhoos] eptloo foraea went to the whose acB. after the aaleons bad been aa toougb toey were In a panic. He
Miss Krtrsberger. of White Cload.
weeks previous to aald
eonaty wbera toara bad baea prohlblalao spoke of toe local condition, say­ Is visiting her sisters M s» Margaret 1 Cleerbaek port pvt bbL .......... |1LM dav of bearing tn the Grand Traveree
one of-the first
tte and ware back to klto Hcaoaa. ex- enter and drink. "That aon became ing It was a matter of votes, and re­ Barcsbergr-f and Mm Wm Cooptr, nf 'f^««rback pork, per Ib .................... 11c Hora!'! a newspaper printed and dr
cuK.tid In said county.
paettog to «nd orttlciaiu of pniblhl- ^Bk and
engaged to a brawl,
gretted that some wane not active In Union etreet. .
Miss Irene Pohoral went to Qg'
pra lb...............................IBO»«
Uao, toi nault of kU tovaatlgatkia father iwas noised, and tollowed toe
‘meat against the saloon wbo
lodge ta Probate
, was so uBBatUtBctory that be bad bat young man down toe street When should be. "R’e always And a cenain Rapldx today for a week's «sit'

Mar JO, 17 !4. 11.
I Butter, dairy, per lb.................. nei«c
oaa aUtanent to publUb.
with friends
toe son saw that bto father was gain­ elaas of pe<9ie wbo will not uke
Tba gaoUemaa aatd to the local ing upon Urn be puffed a gun and stand one way or toe otoer, but who Mias Margaret CameroD. principal of Ham. per lb .
per lb .
optlno man: "I have bad my aay. shot Uowslf'dead. That
tbe schools ai Clare, returned to her;
. . .or toe county
toe fence and polnUAUt
Grind Tmverse.
Tba trip has not bcaa satlsUelory and
four years ago. I dare toe diaicuhles whk-h you ara apt to dntlra ^turday after a week's ,,«.! 0’*«“nEartue. per ft ..
In the matter ta the estate of WU! Cheese. Amcricu ertam. par ft .. lOe
avtoing yon have to aay iriU not be say toe aatoon men have not m<
enmntta In tbe work. Jt is part of tkw.
>lam J. Oiler, deceased.
Cablrwdietad." Tba' one sutaanai enough to gM that «aae to write a your doty to aid la toU work."
Herman Cot.lan U home from M
Having been apptautsd eomm‘.ssl<m
A. CAor bis spring vacanoo.
s to receive, examine and adjust aU
which ha pnbllahjk was toe Hat of
for them today.* Otoer
Uncoln Didn't Drink.
aims and demands of all persons
drag Btorct to Deentur. Van Burra
E 8. Jonra. wbo teaches Bear 1 _
to tbto npplemeot ara
He then took up tbe policy of tor
against said deceased- we do hereby
' CBUt which sold Uduor after the written by men who bare no Mand- aalooa men In nalng stntemenu pur­ Klnguley, la to town for aprlng va«-j®^ hooey, pta gt ...
................ 11.00 give notice that four months from toe
cnanty m-aal dry. sad this sutoaeat. tog. one maa who algat blmaeU as a ported to come from mra long slnee tlOA
•No other ^loewfll gtRod
6to day of March. A D ISWS. were
Mr. Htdaaple daelarad. bad done more mUl owner has a UtUe mlO to his back dead, and aaid. "I dp not bealute to
allowed by said coort for creditors to
sQch hard w^ar. Give
for problblttoa than could bnva bora ynrd rsa wto-a one horse power to- aay tost these ara Uea." He spoke of Bari 'Ackerman, wbo are Uklng a Fioar. H. L. A Co Y B-mLporbb! ASAO present toelr claims 'o ns for exami
ACM by toe local option men toes- gtna. which only raas about one day the Hleratare which la being sent out course at Alma collage, have returo-jCorn meaL per 100 fts ................ il« ■ ‘ leet at toe probate offlee in Ih.
us a chaftce on tbe boy
aolvea. for It- was a true npon of toe to Ike weMt btcaans tbe owner ia from New York City In which Abra­ ed home tor toe spring vacation.
jCortu par ba ...................................... tie
houjw In tad county, on toe 8tb
drag Sion'S Uit of patrons who drank and unable to work.
day of May. A.D. IM. sod 00 toe
Hisa Nellie Coffin, it Boyne City, j Feed. B. L. ft Oo Y Brat pv IM
ham Lincoln's name U naed aa taking
that's bantett op hU shoes
bongbt llqoon. and no man eould dare
A Carrectian.
a stand against local 09U00, nud aats. arrived Satmday aftentnon to apend Bran, per 100 lbs. ...........................11.80
■any that any
'k with Mr. and Mrs,PfeUlp Middltagu. par m ftA .
*1 bava BO daalre to eensnra any *Ara you going to take witoaat ebattaM dayu. tor tbe porpoee ta examlobiffb Uoenae law cooM Uve tt to# perueu wbo ase not watUac with Wnge tbr autements neat out by suae ThleL
ind adJaUng aald claims,
sale* did not go bayoad toe aalaa o! UB." aald Mr. Hola^.^^t before •an ta thunder way off in New York The Mlases Johnaca went to toelr
ted March 4to. A D. IfldA
We gnaraatee satb- Makolm HTnale.
that drag More.
eloMng I wish to correct a Mlsa tm- etty* If a Traverse City ptalceman home ta Bvart for toe spring vikenD. O. C
itoieb baa been gained Abraham Uneola aMve tonight he
la Ealantaaoo next Banday aaU Mr.
Mra. A MtahoU and dtutgktar. ta
atements amde by ewiaU would be wofkiBg with aa flur pcohiblIto. », II. K n. IV-1.




CkMlitlM tUs imL 2.6S0












2.TJ Dr. A.W. ChaM’s



t&e*" ..

Henest Shoes

Honest Prices


. nMmm^tUSA

i^TUnOAV. MANCH ft, 1
MM Hmm.
•'Dim.'t UkA^r kHbud tnr (mn
M: ptau* l«t Uk coat taek.' p>m«•d Mn. l^dla CUm. ot Port Buta.
«1HW htntatBd. Jobs C. CM*a
ukM to tho PoeuM Mrisai.
B Ula A bod
\Mm Kojroo. of awonoi, votoroo.
ku booo'doMod 00 locrooM la U*
PMM* of fU o B
boj to ranik Is o
tko tUM. Ho U «T P«BN oM csa bH
peaMa t« fati Mly am erf «pport
UterlBg oBdv 0 Matioa that bo
U awrecbdod by but obUdrm vbo
•ton At hlB. aicord Weot.
or. to at tbo ottjr Jtfl at Laaatac ntfoitas troB ooToro awstai dtotmrbABcpa. Wool to oBd to bare TOlattrea
IB Iowa.
8bm9 pox boo brokoa wit at tbo
BfriBB for daBsama and erlmlaal toBAM IB tonla. 8ecroUT7 8buiw«r.
Of tbo oute board of baaKb. la making
Bn laroaUBBMoa. Sorera] eaaea are
Wortad. 7%a dlaeaw la ander coatool at tbo auto refomatorr at loala.
^wtlaa Vbb Dob Berg marrtad
Bortba MOtoa and Mebard Botbm flva
■iBBlea after tbalr arrlraJ at Wobomlsca and two miaalea before tbolr
train departed. Tbo groom la a ralb
road man and he bad to go back to
; «Ofk aa BOOB aa tba caramon; waa

g an nledrated twrfh kUM W. J. Mnddatt. wbo
waa toand dead la bed bor bm wtfe.
Port HnroB.
Brbmat'WeawtlM. taramd mllra
maror of Orand Baptda oa aa tadopeedeat ticket.
Mtmbara of the OaaaaBt eoant; bar
t botmitag Jobs J. carton tor Judge
aC ^ federal eonrt wbleb ate; bo
H. C. Sprarer director of toe Oeaxe Coantr Barlnga beak, baa beam
Bcmiaatcd for maror of Pllnt ea toe
repobllean lIckcL Be tt more than
70 raan obL
inm Leona Wildbaba, of Howard
CStx. threw karoceae tato a atore la
wbleb abe tboagbt tocrw waa po Ore.
Her face and baada were eerarel;
A hermit, name unknoara. at Saalt
Bte. Marte, wbo bad resided aonb of
toe Boo tor fix mra. waa toimd dead
ta bU bad. HU bat waa la a deaae

Daring tbe moatb of Mareb. peUUona bare been made to scad no Ws
tbaa aU yeople fn>m BL Qalr to the
Pontiac aiylum. This breaks all
orda to date.
John pranaer. of Port Haran,
arraaind for alleged bratab iraatman:
nt%ls motbcr-ln-lsw. Ura. Mary Uos
Ike Mleblgan Ooc
Tbe woman la rcry old and aaya
tt Btasdlab. baa bon^t top plant of that when she eateird Pfanaer’a borne
tba auaena- Maantaetortiig oompany.jba threw bar oot.
Tte Oo^araga company bat oparatad
Tba rctrolt AniomoMle club is arPlata at Turner. Banraiton andlranglog with farmers along toe i»sl
Btandiab. Tbe maeblncry of toe Bear- j to Poetise to keep tbo bigbwaf In
aeton works will be dlamaoUed and!good repair. The fraacblte
hroagbt to Biaadlab. The eompany BJrmlngham A Pontiac Plank
has malnUnad its bead otfleM at company explras April S.
•tandito for a namber of years.
Mrs. Margaret Hasley. 78 yearn old,
WdUfigton Cbamberlatn and Wit! tor 80 rears a resident of Maybea. ta
lam MUart. Flat Rock farmart, got In. dead Bbe U annlTed by eight chil­
to a gnairal orer a «teh rannlng dren.
torangh toalr torma It raaalted to a
At toe annual meeting of tbe lonU
Baisb S^t. Cbambartato. wbo arl- board of trade. CbarlM A. Ireland
BanUy got tba woial of tbe wmteal. waa elected president and Gilbert Wl: n warrantt bbetore Jnstlce 0. »ob sWeatry.
a. aCVatofor
toford. Mtfert plandJadga Robert & Ptnser, of Datroit.
-o« gnllty to tba ebnrga.
leotwed on tbo llqnor qipstlon at tbe
^ttory. and paid a Ana.
booao Wedoesday
V..A. torantontog toUer Ugnad "White night.
Capa" waa a«t lb Jonapb Locaa. of
WlUUm Tower of Roebeater
**wt Horan, nha. It Is nllaa«d.wataaea released 'X’edaaaday, pbyalclans taUts anpport bta family. Lncaa ta mtoa- tog to anpport the contentton of Mrs.
Towor toat tbe mab was tosaao.
Daswonts at Bay aty era aeektog
Bute Factory Inspector Ley found
n man to ran for ooBgraaa.
tbe MolkegoD uboota In excellent
Thomas Btomaa baa sold toe Pock- ooadlUMi to prarlde adegante exits
ttocton bote) at'^Duadae to Brewer la case of Are or panlo.
Mkr*. of Wyandotte.
At tbe democratic city conranUon
Carl Xarsbaw, a farmer t3 yeort
Manistee Wednesday ' nlgbt
old. Bte toond haaplar ta bta barn At O. Bigg* was nominated tor mayor;
PUInwall. Be bad boan toaaaa aoBia a Badtord tar deik; Hoary Johnson

ad «t la toe fcedae. Barter had M* ncUvtttoa b; a
■ atotcBtn. Oalntoca bh person wbeo amntod.
Anwld Van Derptoaaebat. tba JBt- agatnat a pUnnad ebaags In the eaaed toear who attemptod to martor bm atttntfem ad the Undent board eC rap­
rt. XlBB LaU Cola, at
and her eaeon. Harre; Keetor. at
Tbe New Taek. New naren'to-Hartbr Bboottag. two aentbs tord railroad wlD probaM; pat tato
oeatcBced to
aerre uw.cnect
tram aCect loe
-wm* wBwocw
u> oeiTo
tbe piwwwwx.piaa
ptotwworfc Ma m
to its
Us aaeps
aerca and oaa half niara to U reaae I at New Karen. CU next Batnrdap.
la loala pelaon. kClaa Goto was akOtjTbe naloai bare aaaoanced that tbe?
Jo toe aboalder and la tbe arm wbUe wm nw accept tbe plan.
Keefer's band waa erased by a bnl ; order, were iaaoed by tbe PblUdtd.
let. Wmiam Tate, coarteted of rot pMa A Bradlag Coal A Iron Co. tor
U betag I
I by bto frlMda tni'‘^‘°* k dentlU OtDce at Ttckabarg. toe raaampUoa of tbe M
0 Ionia for atx a
><and waaherlen of tbe eampaay AprU
YptUaaU. for toe ofAce of aseodate
bewioa baU time for
Joatioe of tbe Cnited BUtea etrcaJt . Are years. Charles Blodgett was ,
—*-----1 three yenra
eonrt, la case (bat ofSce 1a created.
James Nearton. for many yaare
Bagaaa fcrnt. actor, mbo
tambw tt the Tarle? «
wMcb ptand at Kalamaaoo lam week,
ww adjBdged tnaafte mod takea to tba
Wbne ^ a .Alkmaa. baker, at Port
Hnrcn. waa tet^boalBg. be waa
atrlckea witb beart taQgre aad'la
talUag polled down the iBstmeaL
Hla bead ainat a uble eattlag tbe
•ealp. He wtB reeorer.
Her. B. D. Ktone. of Ann^>rbor.

-----------------------I York scolptora of ooto, Eleanor Badle
easbJ«r at toe Oread Traak treigbt
Oeoeral News.
bouse, died at Charlotte Wledaasday
Dlgtat. Ur. Newton was an oid-tlan, Dr. Tnuaan Jny Baefces. president | oat of high school nnd beretotara
to tome In her profeetton.
tolagrapber and a rallrood ama
inceb aUUty. He was a member offCrtMilyn and a vell knosra eduentor.. m, bad accepted her dratgn tor tbe
(he Kalgtatp of PytoUa.
I soldiers and sUlors' moanment to 7*
barmooloas meetlag of tbejrrerted
Sc-renty-yenr-old Henry SckitUx. of
Mi-^ kcgoB. has brought suit tor 81.000 democratic state central committee | ab aa
Cbknge. WiliUm Jeonlns Bryan ' e gsn
dsm.tges agnlssi DernU Bbielde. alIcylag malldoos prosecution, h Auilt was todorsed by the preriAcacy In em , Kllfeatber. toe CIgsi_____________
sa> jtupriroEtd three houio. but after pbatic lAtfUAteIcAToctatloB of New Hsren. Cl, has
v-anJ» srqultcd of a burglary charge
The New Yoyk asscmuly passed |i~s:;c>d sa altlmatun (hreatrclsg
J»V«.. *
prcfiri.d ty b&lelds. •'
the senate wtll
bill'' AlnA*
close iall t^ctotles In tbe city unless
Urm LBtlila Sbelp. 81 years oIA providing for a new ebartef revlsIoB j tbe Kllfeatber shop |i declared open
j lo union men by March *7.
and Mrs. Margaret ttYnton. TS years roanlaaioo for New York city.
Tbe Soutoern PaclAc and tbe Hous- j David 8. Rose, democrat, has been
old. two of toe oldest patlenu of (he
eastern MKLIgan asylum, are dead. ton Central shops at Hooston, Texas, j aomteated for mayor over WtlHsm H
Milwaukee. Tbomaa J. Pringle, re-;
! shlppc^totown out of employment
ta yearc. Tbe bodies
to FOwlerrllle, where both
seal' At a meeting of tbe .voting trns-1 publican, leads LonU A. DUlai
ha'* T«I:.Ur(r.
| ttes of tbe Seaboard Alf Line ralway. [and John T. Kelly by s g>lnrallty esti
George LcT. or tbe attorney-gener-1 rcsolullonB were adopted looking to retted at l.SM. Bmll Seidel, social
al’s department ot Lansing ta in Me- s diisolntloo of tbe existing voUng democrat, was aomlnsled wllbout opcomlttee, to assist Prosecattog Attor , trust May IS, 1908. '
| position.
coy M. J. Doyle in the prosecn^oo | Justloe Clark in toe supreme court' Discouraged over alleged failure of
of the Menehaune. Wls, Asberml'o,. of Brooklyn. Issued an order allowing the city suthoritles to rid South Deod
who were aircftcd by Deputy State | tbe three receivers for tbe Knlcker-|cr gambllug and other vices, a comGame Warden Bedell last week. Tbe | bo.-ker Trust Co. 875,000 each for|nlitee of SO prominent people has
a-ard<n ronOlscated nets rained at ibdr serrleee.
| taken prellmtasry seden In storting
W*. C. Bickford, the Wyoming horse j rnnlDal prosecution against osniers
82.2CO and underalxed lake trout val­
tout, wbo murdered SberUT Webb of.of bulIdJngB sbich ata being rented
ued at 8500.
Plaas fox a new armory at Ptmtlae Tellowstone county, committed sal-[for Immoral purpose*.
sere prenMled to toe state miUtary Cide rather than sum
I posse
bad snrroi
board Wednoaday. Tbe coal of toe
e jrfry in t
proposed bunding is faUmated at 81T.L. E. Bntff.'
000. and If the plans era
editor of toe Missouri Vatlry News ai'
will funitab apportion of the Logan, la, wbo was ou trial for toe
necesaary mooed
Bereral other : second Ume for killing N. E. Brua |
towns have msM appJleailOB for | dge. retnraed a verdict of not guilty. i
sute aaetatanca In erectng com j Night riders set dre to three large;
racy artnorte*.
jlobacco booses at Owenton.
Cvorge Barker, known as a roller, causing a loss of about 8SO.OOO anJ
skating polo player, at Flint, was ' destroying IM.OOO pound* «f tobacco,
liken to-Rlehmond. Ind, Wednesday j'to addtion to three buildings,
by an ofA^er from that citj;, to answer j May Tbompeon. aged 37 yean, a
a charge of grand larceny. It 1* al-jpaSent In toe delirium of fever, etU-ged that toe young man stole Moojeaped from tbe city bosplui at St.
belonging lo bta father, who with-ltoula. crawled into tbe cellar of a
!rew toe money, repretentlng tbe sav j Park avenue reeideuee. (our blocks
C* of year*, from tbe -bank durtua j a« ay. and banged herself,
the recent Ananelal Adrry and secret | Pearlug control of undergraduate


**Tbe Store Tlist Serves Yoo BEST.**

**0nr Prices Are Our Discounts.**

the barney

$3.75, $4.50, S6.50
and $8.50
<VaI(ief worth from $5 to $10



mk Dressesa vei^ apeeUd

Another Splendid OflTiOring of Ladies’ Garments
Tliat emphasizes the Baraey Co*s. ahtUty and willingness to serve
you with styles ol nneommon goodness at prices that represent
neat savings.
'As last as express can bring them from New York, we>e receiving
dally shipments ol l^nlts. Skirts, Waists and Novelties that appeal
to the lemtnine tancy-prtced oa the "nimble six>pcnce 1)8518."
glance throngh this brief list; then Inspect the goods. **An ounce
ol eyesight ts worth a page of type." The goods themselves are
are the real and only argument ol this store's ability **to serve
yoo best."

____Silk Corns- ' Prince
Chap" and long .l<x»e (ffocta.

$5.75. $7. $0. $10 up

Petticoat Specials

I’*'.;:" ’','* 75c ina 90c
......til.OO ana $1.25

ment ae aold » many of Opening wtek.

Other Taloea np to $1$.

Smntnmr .1,1.. maoH .topped end Plun Bited Broad-

eloUi ud 6n eH Coots at

$7.50, $9.00 and $11.00

VoUc Sktrts

Brig. Oea. Bonl TbaxtoB Praak.
C. S. A. retarwad. died at tan rmid*M In Whahtagton In kU Tdlh
He was gradMad tnaa tba
mnuary bradamy ta to* otasB of
*88. and taaght tbraaghont tba ctafl





20 per cent Umler \%lne.

Uea^ Nc^Ugee Sktrto vith tmad. is H«l>t Md duk
ooiorato pmty AtaortioeDtofihia teteOB*a rnttegan. vogta
Wedi»ead%7, Thnradny. Fiidiyaitd

Mea*B mmi Boys* OottBf FlMael NIgU Cobwm
Terdar 65c ajid 75c vaIoua,
Friday and Satuday

for Wedaaadny. Tbondgy.

J«Bt Bccelvc^t • V«y Attxactite aMortmeat ot
Matt's Bad Boys'Spring Saitoaad Oraroottla. wbieh m bm
marked at prioaa ailbia tbe reach el alL

Ladles’ Suits
I'laio Tailored and Braid trimined in French Serge. Pananina and
Faoc} Btripea, that are apecial
J valoea at.

$12,75. $18.75. $22.50
$25.00 and up


.Vnolher ahipmoet of these qoick
eelling ntimbcra in Tan Tailored
Kelts, bilk Elaat-c Noreltieg,

r.T^ “ 25c I^I 50c
Imtost ideas in Peraiao and Japan­
ese deaigna.

50c ap to $1.50

Our rnmpletcd ehipmeot of the famooa Lord & Tar'o * line of
HUcl and Tan LaoLao.- Liale and
at ’ Silk
Hoaiery. now raady, per paii

as the

12 and 16 button Silk; black and
colors for ....................................

former ^Opening

$9,50, 911, $15.50. $18 and $21
Poll riritad l^ina and Plain Tsilond Skirt*, in Uaok and colora. with
TaffoU folia and aelf-trimmiog.

^50, $5, $$.50, $8,59, $11, $15.76 and $15.50
'UNGEklE WAISTS—J^ia week we ^aoe cm sale LiPgeriM nnd Plata
Tailored A'aitu in Linen and Sheer Lawn. D ssoa of new St vies
jnat anbond.

$1.5$, $1.50 and $1.75 up
Wtob Ukad po.rdtoo.thi> nrk Tmj.prd ,l ,1.0I.

lest quality
qu^ity French
Frcncb Kids $1.2-5 valo«

16 button Kida, 14.00 an 1 $4 50
quality, per pair..................


^ Such excellence in S'yle. beauty and detail of finish not
often found in collections such as we offer you in:
New Net Waists, BUck. Ecru and White, juat placed on sale at
$4.50, $6.50, 57.50, $8.00, $10.00 and $12UM.
White and Black Jap Si>k Waist* aud Lingerie effects and Plain Tailored
$4.00 (like cull other values $$.75.
$5.50, $7.50, $8.00 and $8.50.
Very Special Bladf ibd colorud Talfeta and Radtam stifc
Waists at

VoUe $7.50
Garmcals 1. Stock

50c »d 75c
$1,1.25 luHi 1.50

12 button Kids, beat quality, latest
#9 AA
■hades, at................. ...................>Z*/9 and ^eUU

Our Waists are the Admiration of All


Same Rood Styles and Prices




Long Liale and wrist length Silk Glovea
Six weeks overduh. deljyed by wash-nuts
and wrecks; they are here at Ust. The
kind of C‘f*rsct Covers. LinRcris Skirt«.
Gowns and Drawers that remind you of the
'' home made article in its wholesomeness.
Dia'erial and hnish. The enur, lot placed
on sale at prices.



The Glove Stock replete with tbe latest vogue in Fabrioa and
French Kid.

Under Priced

TaHeta SUk Petticoats at $5.60

oMdtdtat. and pollna Alabama Qraat Bonthaan t
tweea Cbattanooca and BbnttBr'


Dainty UndermusUns


The aetd and i
sdaa at the ooBcraas on the Waltai*
af lbs ChQd ta VaahtagtsB.

(Steinberg BroSe|


**PrfticeBB.** njmpcr** mad
UBserIc Wask Dresses.

$12.75. $15.00. $16.75
. and $21.75

Brlgn«arO«Beral.nten L BaOy.
r. 8. A., iwttrad. died as ton
general bomdUtl. Praoldto.
- Rear Adatlrnl Tbiedera P.
rettrad. died to Wnatangton. Daring
toe dTti war be ww ta notanl naral
aefTTlee oe toe Bntatatdga. toe BarmnBU and toe Neptaaa.
Coui at TlOr and Marfnta of Bta
ra dM to Windsor MOla. p. Q. »•
was 8e years oU and ta toe aeoood of
M tomily to die Unee
lie waa OodUild of toe Doke of Or-,
leans, pretender to toe tbrone ef
Prance, and was alUed to disUagntobad families of
^4 EnMad.
K. H.. baa cat .tbe wages
of em^oyas ta per east. Tbe Amoekeag corporatloa baa toe largaat oocton manatocturtag piant to toe world,
and T employ about 18.M0 operatlxea.
Wlib (be other cottoo ptaats that
have reduced wages toe men nm
Ioc!(sl IB toe city aamber 40.000.

^00. $5.00 and $8.00.

$3.00 imd $3.50



Moibo to Have the Fbieit
the WorU.

ttoder BcissUr
lO few Petan e*ii coiopare for
•; bMBtj mod cn>viD( «tBAdeur «riik
Mus u proMied Uj lU- tekacufie.
trnMd ta Ibe Mar of atwee. tbm
(kati brforr (b« obsrrrer’s case •
MMlag loloUtai* of bu own earth.



ef Iboee rreryday pnh
whicta oeetR^ In the ortJaery affalra of life wblcb Uwjrrs ead tthose
wbe drasr^np
'ap wllU are at Umes ci tiled'

“ *ppea" that
QualRIe*n-cf the.AiuLata
; ent deelrrd to piece *10.000 In a
rtnicney wnyic.

[ dren. thr one ten and: Uth«t other sixteen


Ithls It* cbermrd drclc or light be Regarded In Maryland ws Her “Ora;»d
• FaraliMat «a,seo,Me
osrka apparent coatinenu aud aeae.
Old Men*—Had Held Nearly Every
«• SiM Watnmoant •Uwatara M
aoir ramlOlog Into ooe auotlx>r. now
P^UealI Offiw In HU 6Ut»-Meda
«ha CaaltP Oraad aallraMa ta thr Btretchlog in oukjtir rxinuce orcr
fcWdlm Ta •• «ta4*tlr nn*rao#. wide tn<^ of dlffc end cappnl at tbeir
Good maDom. an inbrrd eoaricsy
'Maako li to hara tb* DimM opera polea by dattllng ovals of while. It re
it««raend the high depamneat of wbat wr
bamtetbawam. It wtUoaatIVlOQ.pfay. whore (he earth waa abowu blin ere ptcaanJ lo <-ui; tbr -HJ eeboo:''
000 mod wlU be nafaUcaat archllarart etbrrrallj amid the elan, only
tanilT. aa la tta fnniahlafa aad la rr- with an fidded ecoaf of reality Id (be wm- cbr lUriUlux -ina iile* of tV.ilUm
etr other wajr.”
tbr tblog llerlf. P.nkDcy «Tjyu-. Jnuior Ecnnlor from
Maryhiud. nb.' tiled e fv« da?"- ego
t9 WUl J. Dario. naBagrr e( tbr lUlA aenatc t-mp' >.vrr trbrair evr' tc
•Mb flttMar, whe bad Joat rrumad which tbe levaiaat rcproducikia a
foriy I
tnm a toev^ o( the Uod et Dtas. aar« bow ftIU.
Itat wllb Ibv poaalUv rlthe Cbtcage Poet Re waa the rueet
Id color lararly Ilea tbis awakrolng cepllou of Scbalor Wal»k.!i; .if iJiasKor Arthor ■tfUarrlt. pcealdent M the toucb that Inihoee tbe fUriure with tbe ilppl he bad never knuuu ■ mo-.- cour­
Kaaaaa CUJ. Mexico and Orient raU- SMiac of ectuellty. And very vivid nre teous mna lU piii.t.r life liian toe late
«ar. and of Oeaeral Maoaser Dlcfcln- tbo tlots. ao uticot nod so oollke Ibat eeuator fm-;i Morylau.l. This cliamc•oa of the aama Unr. h'eertr tbfee Ibeir Doming la worda t^otrye ecaot trrtxallon of ^.nator IVhyle Is arc-iratc,
weak! van oetapled la laapretloc the Idea of tbeir coarord to tbr rye Hoee aeyi a Wsabinirtoii cvirrespandtul of
■ew raUirar aad tWHub the
ocher domlnataa tbr lighter rcgloiu. the New York Tost, f.^r ttoUi aisu tg bis
teportnt ettka aad Xovra on the while a roblo'a egg bier colon tbr cMIcaguea and Ibo M-nate ciaployrn br
mta^ tadadlac a atap of aerenl dax* darker, and both are eat off and rm- Was regarded cs o»v of the moat kindly
U MexlM at7pfaaeiaad br the Icy wbltrorea of tbr' and sweet tcmiteri^l iv.rn.
The open booae, wblcb la wed oa- cepe. Nor is either hue nnlfonn. Tone
Tew meu lud a m irc varied cipcridrr rnttr,' coatiaaed Mr. Darif, - la a rrllcvra tint to e ftlrtluT hrlgbtmlag ence lo tlw Ituriy l>arlj of A:i:. rit.-an
aatteal albir. the Mexican forera- of cffccL Id ootDT loiriB of tbr debt polUlrs than Mr. Wbyte. Ills faU-er
Mat faraiablac the BtMr for the expabses tbe ocher prr-.-ells alour. lo wci one of'tbe I'clled IrlshiorNi
paipwa, It win ataad la the canter of otbm ihr roee ch-rprtw to a Iwivk rrt, carried plkra in the im-iuoralile afir^te
S agaare. facinc ene of the meat bean- aulT-slng the earface ni:b tbr glow of of 17W yu inatereai ftrumlfaiovr was
Ofol pi«— la the dtx. The taildliMr a warm laic aftcruoon. No Iras varl Wllllaui I'inkai-y of Maryland, wbo
vUl be 230 feet wide aad 830 feet oos fa tbr bloe, now siaUdglsto droi'S .died wtilly rolled Stairs nei:alJr from
of'efaadlDg. now lightening Into faint tbat abm- Id 1S22. ll was unde.* the
•^anhltaetliAdaiDoBoari. Bela -waabca that in places grade off laern- tutelage xT M D. McNally, wbo bad
aa ItaJIaa aad vaa for aome Ume
albly Into oeber liaelf. tfaite inaUuf rr- been a w-cn iary to the flrsl Napo'ejb.
cMtai with Bomham * Root of CW- giooB of intermedUte tint tbr prreiae that Senator Wbyie was rda«ie:I The
caOD when that Sm waa pUa
bonlora of wbicfa are not dedpbrrable deceaard senator at x-arlou* tln-ra held
aoperinteiMiBc the erection
nearly rxer}- lai|M>rtiiiil |>olilln<l ofCce
by tbe rye.
Worlds fair bnlkUnoa la Chicago.
Sap^npoard opoo Iti general o|>a- uodc.' Ibe guvrrt!Ui<;pt of bis a;atc
Mr. Beari abowed me all of bla plan* llae complexion are oow and then to nis colleague. Senator Ra.vnvr. wa- eoi
jaad taodela aad thea
be teen cpbenirral effecia. At certain toaecnrete wheu lo aunouaclDg tb.-h each paita of the etmetorea* ttmee end lu ceruin places warm drelb of Ssnalor Whyte to the tanate,
IpdhdUe to taapeet
chocolaU brown tm* been known to be Belli: “lie-was Ibe l<cst known and
I working rooma be baa two aappUDl the bine. Oftra. toa cold moat beloved of all tbe aona of Mary­
t of the balidJBg and while dots are scattered over tbr dUk. land- In truth, he waa The grauJ <-!d
daszitag diamond po^ts that deck tbe man' of Maryland.*
tlTirn Senator Whyte waa Bworn In.
planH'a fcatnres to a rtcbocaa beyond
tbr power of pencil to portray. 8o ea rnlted states senator two yrara ego
mlnotr are fbey that go^ eeilag la be dU not Qud emong bis eoneagm-* a
needed to diacloaa than, like at such rlnglc eelialor who had t>eeo axnriat
momettls that color l>rst comes ooL ed with him when be Cret entered tbe
To tboae nbo koow tbr sno only as ecnate ta 180D. Tbe Uaryland •cn.ttor
golden BiM the moon at while, even In waa of tbe old aehool of atatesiueo. for
ttt color adierae Mars would stand be was aesoclated os senator with Oil
forth a rerelatlon.—rcrdral Lowell lo rer P. Monoti. Benjatcta Wade. Jalia
Bherman. Roaroe rookllng. Tarl
Scbnrx. Daniel W Yoorbccs and other
men wboae nemec were famlUar In tbe
MaMen Bparehaa In. the Lsrda.
By wsiting tweniy-foor yeata brferr years Immediately foUowtag tbe dvl!
aelar. irare abewa to me, and thep are MktBf fate maMm apeecb Lord Ung srer.
vaiT boavtifai
ford exercised as oratorical reattaim
Hli return to tbe Benate after an abHi. Boari told mm that, while be
are aa lo aome caiee SI wooM be senee (rf tweuty-flve yerm Is uiiiciralwae deferring la many recpecta to tbe
leleil ta tbe political bbtorr <>f tbe
vtabae ad tbe people la Mexico aty. The Bari of Rochester bi tbe days of coontry
waa a Deroorratle sen
«ba aee mtly la tarer of Eiuiipaaa Charles II. waa not equally toodrat. ttor.'* be told one of bis coileag-.;cr
MdMa ta anPMeetaial art. be
for br took an eariy cpportanlly of ad- recently, “wbeo all tbe Iiemocrais ..I
dnaalBg tbr boow of lorda. with aiaea- the senate conhl be gathered togeiber
trow taanlta. **My lords.*' ba hegaa. nndcr a aingle nmbretU.*'
Notwithstanding hU advanced =gr
rise this time for tbe Aral tln>rtbe very 8rM tlorr. my lords-s»d di­ tbe Marylaud aeoalor was more stteo
IV tte fiaat atm of tbe botM. be baa vide my M<eecb Into foor br^uibrs.’ live to his aenetorial dntlre ttasn onay
^aaaadteadaMtblagBkaSAOOaeata'Bore be ^uaod fore few rcv.udi. of his younger colleagues Pretioeiitly
1 be M grew |S^le and coofoaed omi Onaily j be
tbe only member of tbe aenate
mar. V" w« t
wbo was i>reaent wbeu tbe gavel fell
InaMy mmranm with
idM binRod OOL **Uy tarda. If
wMch an daatgnad to bring an aidl- ■gala la thb booaa yon may > iii me and Ibe aenate wae called to o.-ticr.
aaea aa etaae to tbo atage as Qoaalbta.
off. root and bnoebe* a:iJ ell. for and till* notwllhataudlns ibai blsli-j.u.-Atttomgh tha atage wtU be ooe of erer *
WHS lu P.clllmow' mid he ra.-.-lc l!:i
<ha laiBt to the world, the proaconl* Lord Byron was
Jotiruey lo end froui Washlnrlon ov
•to opealaf win be only fortj'two feet j kb maiden effort ir-.-.s Orctared by 8lr ary day. Le tnode n virtue ef peur
•gmt.. Ttai K wlU be paaalbta to| P. Bnrdett lo Ic **1> isnt epceeb I7 a tuollty nod ivrs rarely Iwtitad time
Mage Bgbt epena aad aeon comedy aa• lord ateoa
atooa tbe Lord kiiuwi wben."
eltbcr at bli office or eleewbere.
waD as tha moat putoottew prodoc- Lord Roeebrry'repeecb after
An tatercsiliig tacldrai of Ibe swear
three-yean of sil> ‘.<-r was a model of log ta of Soiialor Wbyie Iwo jears
*^be MdUartiim prepw ceoalata of a atodest oratory, op- iii-t wltb a plea ago was the presentation to bliii of a
pngtMt Soar which to traly American for that favor nnj la.migc-.rcr wblcb note etalch be had aerlhhbd <u 1- -> t >
to Its ungorttona. Tha elretaa an the booae nlr.ayi siwv.-a i > thou wbo W. J, Mc-Imna'd. ehl.-f dc-k of IV
pntttraad mem etter tbe Eorapaan'addnaa it for tbe Dnt time. **evrD In a ■encte. Mr McIH-n;.!-! was fureced.d
atyto and cnoMM ttol mt a Bwx&aoJw ’ larger measure on anoi'Qt oC-my ex- aa chief clerk by . -on. wbo was 02
Soor. wtoeh is eempsaad of boxes alto-! tnoe ym.nti end I»rxi«rtance.‘*-8C. hsn.l to w.-lniiue b.nck (lie cij nuoior
wbo was BO well .irqualnleil with liL«
gather, the grwldanfe being directly damee* Laxetie.
falbe.-- Tlii' following excerin fr.mi
to tbo emter and voch torgar tbin tlw
the dluTT of the elJcr \lcl»..ij!.l <•%
adMO. Thaw win be a caipictow replains tbeseribl.l~d nolr. which w...: re
caiCtoB iwv dlnctiy aC tbe preeltnnied to its aiiihor After nearly forty
denre box far Ms nriaMve nae other
ratMag roaaw an back of tbe boxesI order to provide rerralUi for the
. A bat- ] areiiea. many uim wbo did not enn- to
«s«y and galleryr ootoptate
e tbe eeatlag go to' ibe front or could ii'>i afford i >
of tbe boMe
Ido BO arpuilmj tbemaelvi-a Into clul»
*Tbe BpactoM front Interior of the or granpa for ibv iiuri.-rc of cmiinai
atreeuw will eooslat first of a erand protmiou. wb<-u mx- uc meir nniu'r-r efllcrr iJikIltooked III the nc
stats baUrooiB and then a srrtaa or.waadrerted an aracaamrnt waa lutdr
BC—aSto» ooe for ea^ 0oor of tbe'npoo oil of tlicin. and tbo uimiey Cics'
••■totteto. an atratohtog aroaml a ralanl was iiaod in btrlng a
•ghhto dtont wktak extends from tbrl An orgasixeiion of tbla kind y-u*
grand to tbs roof. U tha center eT formed ta e tman town in Illinois, and
this eavt will be a foutala. aroand om of (be memben. a sUlwan. Oiw
wtdA at all tlmci o( the year wtU be looking man. was dnfied. tvitb tbe
a pcerwtoa gf trsfitaal Bowen and money mleed ly tbe atlpnlatod asacse
men! be proeoml a eulailtatr. a little.
*Tha frcBt cztortor of tbe baDdlng wlm faced ebap.
rbap. wbu looked like
nbbit He,took bliD
to fact, both aldto of U a
tee of tbe provoat merabal.
“Mr Martbal." be aeld. “bere U tuy
tight «r Btope aemtalmiler ta
farm lead up to the front and etralght- enlntltnte.-I eee." answered tbe oOltwr dryly as
t«ip tlfhta on Mtbar sMe. Two aeta
af capartoue etonten arfii wo ray pa- be V»ked at the two men. -ITinny
people like to get tbe beet of tbe
trena to any daalnd floor. c*fn aad
rtattareata are prorlded for; htoo reafl- goveniment ta e bargatai*
liiC.W«fctoi and rotlrthg ro(4tie
•Tbe opera booae to being e^tmet•ge Cut!
ofl OBRialj to itoM. otone mat coment
Eeet Indian Oonds a
•at «0 ho gWctly flnprnto. Tbe bride U carried on her brotber-iu-law's
eery tolato aiaeOta llghitog Appltonceo back to the borne of b« frieiMls end is
vtn ha totoaUadL and tooden eenvaolo weep wiib earb of them, while
IMMO gmmtOr wU be osad threngh- they give ber email presents of money.
When the erremony li about to be per•ntlha hnlldtot.
•nm taaewa width to the atage fonned et tbe bridegraom's booae the
will ffmewary todUty for aaple drem- bride bidea ta anotber boose and calls'
tog noma as wan aa aorao racks and 'Ceor and tbr bridefroom*a brnlber
oatfHtor and property reoma. The ta-law searcbea for ber. .va abr eotert
orer an «n tbe stage wfll be the bridegmom’s boose two apean are
120 tost aad anmellilin over 100 feet punted l-efore tbe door ta mnks an
Meat to the riggtag toft.
aad tbe brtdecnca poabes bar
the atote thwe WtU ba asapleroen
thrangh. the girt hanging back.
tor aSfl^5tatoS?*oSSto
Hi. Boari tofotmed me' that R waa each other fee aport.
■to thonght petolHe to hare tho fenOdAmong tbe Marara oil the women of
tot fsady far oRMtog btoore
the liridcgraoo'a party are shot op In
bar. am. it to Itaflwaniad that
wfll hrerldo tar the very bmtH

flto2 «y wtto a wtMk"

•itotiiMtarwtoh. ittaM^

oi ...



the Kitio sciouai Of aioory Ttirmoary paid 4 per erni and v.ouid naiuraUy
pari of tbr
abooUl be ertt.rd oa
nch o


"yodge." said tbe old cokirpd ritlmo.
“bow mueb for a II>-.-u>e ter git mai^
••.Want it for yooteelfr-Yea. i.Db Y-. * v-e. I gmln' mighty
old now *•
•Thai s evident Tbeo wby do yoo
wish to marry 1“
-Well, pjilge. ler leli de triitb. some
body gioitue a long e.ul. a linen <-oltaf
walkin' cam-, rn 1 Luons a 'otnan
Wbai says sU.- kin luske a livin' f.-r
DC. ro 1 feels des luk', a bnowmoon "
-AtianU OMistltulxKi

■ '■'iti

APRIL 3rd 1908.
7 lo 10 P. M.

Indian ViUage Oeitlea.
There is a creel custom prevalltaf
la many p#r« of the Telugu country,
ta India. In eoDoeollMi with tta- wor
ship of the village deities At IV c>,j
nerlflra a email cart with four,
five or nine pointed atakra standing up
right at the corners and sides is
brongbt to tbe Image. Tigs. lamiM and
fowls are then Impaled alive upon
these stakes TbP earn is dragged In a
proceaaloo to the booudory -f tta- vll
lagr Tta- anlniahi dU- in agony on tbe
way nud an- taken off the strkc.-. w-ben
tbe .-an fra. her »k de.iiiiali.m
To clean marble staniet notbing la
better than a paste made of Hpunlsb
lilting and a teespooDful of wasbiog
soda dissolved In waler tint, the mar
well with Ibis, uslirg a dauiiel
rtoih, aud sfu-r allowing 11 in stund au
wash ll off with vvarui water, dry
well bbU pollab

Program 8 lo 10

Your presence Is requested.


For Job Work, Herald Record Co.

New Rain Coats
This is someiliing vo'i CAfl app-' cta'r the «« cf for the next few mf'n'hk.
\Vc ate showirujti.** «»<rc i i- c cf iii- >c we ever bad: »hile there is not
much chance of elaboration in Ram Coal*. 8ome -t f these number* will
surprise you; new coloriogs, new style*, new shapes. One espedaUy
nobby one i* a young man's modeh in light giey. with side pockets
and diagonal cuffs. .Anything you waul in
Rain Coats is here

$7.50 to $25

New Spring Goods


colors. aUo black; some very swell numbers.
ihesc art- vh.nuT and’y r < \ I-.-


New Spnng Suits

plc'c wuh nobby stuff as ih^s .season and its thep.i';: *t we ever carried
Eveiynew shade,every;new style, good is h ;ii:
They are made
by the best tailors in the country and everjthing abou' them stamps them
.ns disiiiKii\o iiid fx< iusne.
i.r Ji.



n Mr. Bhcf*
road tall. «lc-i I t
Ir-c cldir to look
of thr r>-ni>Kvrvir
Bcfistnr Whvte

Children’s Two-piece
power. Charles .V Kirbards. wi
now the oldest senate .-mploye.-.
cd a spcecb tbat Mr Whyl,' 1
totne Iblrty-Ove year* o(pj Wkeu
Dttooi-rats gained rontrci of ib" M-eaiiIn the eorty aeTeottea the dUtrlbiiilon
of patronage was diacoased lo a party
coccus. There were several e
dates for Ur. Hlrtunls' pinre Siiintor
Klcbardt bad gone to tbe front with
MaiaaebuBcm regiment and bad lie:
shot lo pieces In tbe battle at AutleUa. ficnator Whyte's -jvlea lou.-bed
hli DemoentJe coUeegnes. and they
voted to ri-:ala Elchards In (be stalloc
cry department.
Richards was badly wounded at Ar
tUtam, but Senator tVhyte's devcnii .
tkn of bU wounds was so grepbb- that {
aevenl scoaiore called at tbe station-1
ety room to aee the prodigy wbo was
able to live and breathe notwitbstandtag tbe fact br bad been struck l>y e
dtSM cannon halia. Tbey tonnd Itiebarda bale end hearty Afterwarvl »raBtor t\*b}-te admitted that be might
have exaggerated somewhat ta telling
of Bletuirds- condition, but aaid br
could be pardoMd. aa be bed sneeveded
to retaining the earrlcee of a maa
whssa only offenae was that he had
d on the
bean appototad
•• recommendation
to Charles Sninaer.

A JM7 to Mexleo ecMtoto at tone
QstkIfl-TOT talk to am M tt TOT.
MD. A majority makea the verdict.
tbanght I WM a fWL
Oaetofltna I tbanght ran wantod t U the tone ere onfitomooe. there I
tob* perfectly (rank with yon. ‘

li.fiiVai -wLi:.


i mad for «bt iwuehi or u< two cui-


Knickerbocker Suits
These are the two prcvailirte
to 17
lirtB styles for boys frevm
will i.'ok a lon^ time l>vf. f you will Ind another >u
oiTer you this season. It
sortmen*. to choose trom as
i'ossib'c in tl is space to give .-ny ide.v of the c. mp'etmess of
thYt is right in tli'-'c two
th- showifiL*. hu. ihcff Is cvcrythii
Every wanted fabric, every color and every raaern is
here and in an almost limitless amount. Tbit departm'T' has
itlw.iys be* n our fOi'! ? and* we are more than proud i f our
shtiw mg I hi»'piing. We know you will be proud of your boy's
suit if It it from htrfe.
Juvcfiile and Buster Brown Suits. This line is just as
complete for the litUe fellows. These two styles show a littie_
more elaborateness of make-up than those fur the older hoys
and the ttt ck is just a-s complce.


.Edahamer. Stein & Cm

■j-nf^:-—.ifl^ '“>>•' ■v'5




^bito man bom to Bamla, OM.

a gwart at tbe uttooal ooplttf pUa.

rron lloatej^ Baeord.
The Ear. fonll MoMaana. rector of
hltaa Bmmtagt will fpend her men- St.
ihw at botse la Bran
church at Sagieaw. deliveiwd a point­

Hi«i PrwM Pali^ P«rt Off • Tr*Jn.
DaJtal 8U(H BeMtor WltUim JamM





Uocoln was

Jay la mrag W yem


haa recelTcd wwd of the dtoth nfl

>Uad waa a member of tbe guard he
that eaecrtcd his body to Orrclaad

brother. John Jay. at


Monday Judge Cheater ecMeaew


IfiM rtiu went home to Brart Bat- ed aemton on momlity. m a* eoBrae

•The largest farmer's Institute and jWto days
to the Detreft
Of wfateb be aiartW the
agrlcaltnraJ shon e»nr*e in tajmiiif' b<>o!e of roriecUon foe keotog kto
Mia. O. U. ape* left today for Band with thla autement . ‘'And there Is
eret held Is
the upper
penlasuU' •»><>•« «»«■
He atoo
ffent at ^torf
io Atlaata. City and Norton, Ontario, wbare aha
tbe Tice of ■ambling, not only
do opened at the'Agrlcaltaiel tratotog | *«»*<v*M
to the
wiMK ha «aa ffiadnatarl la UD6 atong will rteit her paroBta. She expaeta to
men engage la thU evil, bni I as told acbool In Menominee yeeierday.
iJacksen pKaoa to fr<a OM
to Baw
vltb Dr. Troy Binagi aod Eraaat BaU- retnm In about o
lhat there are women
to Bagtoaw
Bon of Atlaata.
A,.:ion 1™ Mto. ... ...! >'™
Mrs. Henuan Torka left today tor
BrTU ot jMfemrUte, FU, vbo i*-

nrday for Spring raeaUan.

CMUy fljed at WaaUnctoo. waa a am-

.bo w, ««. .», .o.„ -

WhUa'ool In tba aaott daaa. Omrga Xlngiley for a short rlalt.
Lowo of Atlanta, aditor of the
Niro Amanda Nordlone.



with the

BB017, and




aeiwtor at

the laterraoUif

yeara wWcbad hia pfocraaa In the tegat
and poUtleai world with a great deal


1 day f'o her return


to her home


Glaodore. Ohio.




en a bard pnmtnellng. be aliegse. bv



Fome property Intereata.
Mr*. Levi Wlllami. of Walton, who
haa been vlalting her daughter, Mia.
J. H. Andereoe. returned home today.
Mri. Helen nilletl. who bai been

ber dangbter,



Even ae a |

Vrof and Mm

‘ *“'■ •





tor a

I ia ta Ma taea.

Praparrt to flight, to eUb. to mnrter

«M bMTg A toad that SMII may BM
hta iOTB.

To TOU for him <

«to made bin dan la abase
B«id to prtda.
A ttSiff that carat not aad Uat nvm




•-8. K. K1S».

The Beggar Hlaterien.
Jasea L 00 March 8. 10(0. grantod
lattaia of patent uuder tbe great eeal
to Jehn Stowe. Loodoo'a great biitoton patent of Jauea
Btowa to collect tbe voluntary cooUltM'
ttooe of tbe people.
tetter lecltee

then# lipa

What vac II atoodl aad
avay hto brmtat


”WhwaaA Our WTUg
loTtog anikiecL
onbtoct John
Btowa, a very aged
•d and worthy meinmcinherof onr dty
dty of
of London.
lAmdon, tbU
tbU (Ire
dve and

la thlc tfea-^lag the Lord Ood sad*
aad tare
/ T» ^va domlalMi e«ar am an) toad;
V.JoJota ad to ba torad; to peopo-

forfo yore hath to bla.groat charge




arroat the Menominee







nd hroofht to Mom—
MoBo to tokato tosm from fo* lUs*
he opewi
AaB baor. bis Jam at Tlitne and at
o soolMt. torda and nton
Mwt Ota tool pdleMBB fttn



» totantod to i» i«« wb«
AtSfo power from fo* drena
And opetk tkrsi^ epero oerae* tbe

A to be bet«T



millarn Needham of Owoeno

pointng Bamama’ rreus. and was not


unifl be

be taken


to Bagtoaw


In the ctoenlt court




Georite W

Erorf LfoBSlBf
SUO UmodffotSiB.
tolid. •peeuUywUot.
fxUvnbto. WBfoAka
tbean in BtetQnms,
OragoB Fir. Wbito
Pioe, ToBiAnefc m

Tuft*, one of lanulng's

daya from heagt diaeaae. He was
bom In 1840. served in tbe civil war.

S. E. Wait A Sene Will Net Allow 1
to Exlat in Travarwt City.
"There will bo no more caurrb I
erwe City," say 8
B. Walt A
"unless; people fall
3 follow the
Uw of codmoo aenae."


Mch :« April ♦.

iSU t

IH» msOa vHh tbs
Uffooiu opeetaf* for
doonrgy of aay 8tlo
taUBfoatond. Ho
lihing to get tbe an.
oUago out Aod. tbo
dom Muuwt \wM
tut Tbe doon sn
Wtito for (roo tBls-

Sta’c Agent.

TiavcrtF Ciiy: Mich,

la office aU lUy SatnrdaT.

Office Cttf Open Hoom Bkiok.


countesa have







■net foto vO* fotog be left to wed
A»d propnBiH bto IdloUc ipeva.
A ihas* qpn fo* eg* to which we

ler. S. M. Wh*^. foe •
eWniew] EngiaMv cf TwseerovwSU
A<l>i.etV N.Y
w OT. AU~CAa*'. Nwm Pfoa
fRW oKCvw m wiriuai dji| wda
I ww
bvv'^oJ tor
hand Mg
.. M'yvsn
..Jyvwi and nnw haad
ima M woaiwMIy nfidMdfaadto
TW aaa«k

para through hie bands.


Bto blnod flotn In tba froU. dtoAforod
<Hfr vhkB fo# poto.
mofoor hoffdA
what to his aro thOM hot tmn

Tbo count and

D..A. VI .CA.. MedamtCe. BrfBa.N.Y

brtMlb, .bob. «, k,
ed lb Aon Arbor. About fSO.OOO will


* -mm* loafftMd vlfo preaC foot Darwto
didn't taovVer vbara to aU tha voAd of bntUh


IWs< B-ok usbof. A. V
waAioulwtle <«•■. __________


Sunday night after an lllneat of only

ti at

wtit visit thla country to the

Dr. A. W. Chaae's
Nerve PiU» ^ ^





tbe Im­

^fosa to M ahi^ seta hidaea foaa

was to


Port«r Bordlne was caught In a lar^

Oldru and Imwi known cltlsca*. d1e«i

Mra. W, o. I.Awrenre relumed from

A sympoatom of tbe view* of tBe
ifiiislon. all abe could do t
mllllnet* as to 1008 styles. iMvtog out
pull ber lettor
t of ber pocket and
hlO, I
”Ak: A to poito” ertod foa eommisaaln toughingly, and be Inatnicted tbe
BowefA proferoU, rorow
oBIcer to take ber to the nearoet postQaU aro to be more expeoalve than
lan year.
Mra Kmifo mutteroil to beroetf:
Bata wttb fcatben an to be won
bother aMdera!
Wbo'd bar*
only CO drros oenatona
footlgbt n iwlica alaUoe was a genile
Eats to be fafotobable most be to
and a povtoaco a todyr'-Londen
gobelin UOA pole yMlaw aad t abode
af greea or flame red.
KiMing the Te*.
Tba cBaJom bf fclaalog the feet of
brim, to to be much worn,
Mwea whom It wot dMlred to bcoor
fiats, tt I* declared, will cange in
ortgfoated wltb the ancient*. The pc>
prtcea from |I0 to liaa wltb tbe aree
' of oriental nation* used to kto* tbr
Oga bat at about $23.
bonds and feet or heaa <ff the clotbea
of for penons tb«y wtabed to abow
FraoUeal Work For an Airtomebila.
rmficet for. Tbe ancleet EeptUns got
Edward C. Briden. a young and proathla cnatom from tbr .Assyrbni. anti
paroot fifWM-r near ButSeid. Conn., has
later the Qraeka odeptad tbe bablt from
titnad bis orttoary roml runabout aotba Ggyptlons. Tbe Uomona fullowcsl

will tumlib capital
work w.thin 30 dayw-


“>toL 00 matter of bow Ugb rank. | Battle Creek
Detective iNckle
boofca. aad ctaroulcli
iciM. and I eoold prorent Bryan from conttoaing
them they rould pass the word aloug
S B Watt a Sons make this slaiewc. to r
of bla U
on tato Journey. And be went borne ”
to the rett of "hoboamn" that
hrveuse Of the great success
bon and for the enoourugemeoi
the !i0 on.
!'>>■» ba* followed the nse of Hyomel
Uk*. bare to oor royal Inclination been
nre early Sunday morning destroy-1catarrhal
ptoaeed to grant letteni patent uuder
So pcmiiir,. |t this treatment
oor groat eeal of Bnglaud. dated
ed two barns owned by I'eter Dtatl- jj bics.
1 quick relief and pennaseni cure
Match A laos. tbenby aotborSl^hls
retb. of China township.
■' j Ibai they aeil u ubder an abeoluie
to eoUact among oor lovtog auldorta
tbUbtr. ,»d,tb. ■».. .Ill .Mi-b l.r I
„ ,.f«nd ib. SbbV, It II
Into the thourands
In the biiildlngs. doe* net d<> ail that Is elalmed for It
kind gntoltle*.'
at the lime wore six horses. II rows.'
It foilowa natore'a plan In curing
John Btowr died on ^prll 0. 1600. brim, oreamented with fluffy lacea and
30 tons of has. eight sheep, and
a dlM-ane* of tbe throat and lung* by
nd w*a burled In tbe parish Cbiircb
It la known as “motber'a Joy.'
n-imlH-r of hosr. beside* conalderohlr ;
of 8L Andrew L’ndersbaft. wbeie bta
by hi* widow, to , bot In commeivlal perlnm-e la called marhinery. all of which
li ada Iran whMi UiU soastaa might
lo.t I
tbe “campaign" hat. ‘Tbit la tbe latest
•till to be MOA-Stroy Siortm
(bat some oui- ti.-.>lih-gni,ia oils and bila.inir
ancreation of tbe niMllnero wbo are mcmHer French Failed.
*i-t the
the; I'cvallKd Ihsotigh a nett pocket tnhal
bero of tbe national aasoclatloa; reMr*. Smith bail Imtn a bart atudcoi
Hi- carried''^
*'‘’®vs with every oulfll. irf>
emay In aeaaioo at Chicago
Fearl sheriff la Inveatlgatlng.
for monfoa. and. proudly cnoacious that
gray and bfbe are to be the ftablona- iBsuronce to the sum of, -bleb ;
”abe knew • Ultk- Kreurb." she aalllod
Tbo bat la to be worn on will not pay for the bondings alone. ||i k'lls all catarrhal germt and pre' from tbe buiel in 1‘nrto to p«K •
Port Huron will be visited toon by I vents ibclr growth .*0 that the cuntotler.
oOTortng the bair beneath.
Coiinlesa tvtraelnrer. a form.-r Ptwt ,I* »°<I I>ermanenl
”A pOBto.'' abe excUlmed CrlumPmldentui campaigna come btoU_
Remember that Hvoniel It sold un
■be ikeda,
pbantly ta foe find polketnan the met.
' der a guarantee to eon oolblng un ,
Bo do tbe bats, and It to to ba preaum- Huron woman.
• -BleiA madam*. Par Ml."
Mary Ijforeat was wedded 'to i,„ ^ enre*. If you have any caUrr '
•d that it la from this fact they
her Into an
and hal trouble, you chould take adran-'
the name. They win coat from $40 to^ Qjuiit Di-lmot -'ur, of France,
flee, bni to ber dismay it
wHtes her brother that she ‘
8- E- WkU & Sons UIkt*I of
atotloL nendered aiwec-hleas by

-WhM ooTM be for fo* Uuu hto ehU*tm boor.
Vh* hOBBry erla* fogy mto*: foolr
twtotod Hsber
' Throng fola drood foope fo* dnB
Ahd to Uat iMtag imaaaM soda
fo* voridi
Thraagk foto Brad nkopo hntonny

I iy*w it a «

Tbs peww. IwAiicwt.i.l»wow«*itat>
•ad waTlkw-

of nearly 100 mile*.


the front pluttonji on train No

He atatee that If hU

provement of Uie highways of Menom­

Chicago jisterday.
tn hla eye*.
Bud Heilgnol and Harfy Froat went
yoong orator got up
to Muskegon today
routed to bii eloquent e
m* car toil of paMengere
aag miratottena. bow be did not bare
u*y n»ney and couMo't get any tod I
‘‘ '
how todly be wanted to go borne and
•“D >»«» «ugbt

daetor from tbe ear and awoee that no


inee county, and for three

aee tbe folka and *0 moert tbelr bmrto **'■“'•“8 • ride on Its passenger trains
with pity that they bnatled tbe eon-1 SaiurJay four men were taken from

Aaf M foe pamlM of Bwiattyr
|g iMa tbe draas Ra draamad wb<v
foapad tha aBha
AM pUlarad foe blna Inaasal
^th llgbtr
Bovp an tbe ativtek of Hdl to lu




report ts sallstoctory. an eesiern com


ing tbe coming summer by tbe county

Mr*. WlUhim Lardle. and husband
that bla wonldu'l do and that be would
bar* to pat him off tbe train.


Nearly $100,000 will be spent dar­

bom* at Ktoalmmee for tbe bolidaya | popular reeort opposite Northport. the
Tbe Cotton Stalee cxpoeltloo waa ]0R oitage to be for a Chicago party
ortr lo Atlanta, and be pnrebaaed
Mr and Mr*
Honor, are r’sltlng

he declined the honor, and Judge

Fred 8. Lamb has been aubatltaied.
Judge Lamb will be a candidate ii>

ler retlgna In tbe fall.

at Bmory then and wanted to go to bla ' Fumnier cottage at Cedar Lodge, the



Tb. u.™ .nob., ,b L.

succeed Judge C. C. CWtiendan



”t abaS aeear forget tbe end* to
turned to Peniwater today.
which Bryan need bU gift, and one of
tbe meet remarkable waa lhat In pie-i
^-.-rk. of Northport. ha.



ihe pircnll court bench wben the tat

Matthew*, who

Tenting himaelf from being pot off a'*'’"''’''
Chlcaeo, where
aoDtbem train by a eondnclor. Hewaa 'mred the eoniraci for building a dne


ruthr, protaae. a eisaon for the ptgT
Wha toeaaned and tot down that
•UhMy )a«r
IfBaiee case the mbs adhering,to

Mr., Chirlea

i been vlalting Mr*. U 8

No ksgar banga upon tbe reeking bar


Unable to Digest


aib. i.~i b«i . ... «b«,™ B. l.r.
pleee of
witloa- and two cbiUinn at Northl
Lantlng property on the ground that; p,,’


• *'*
*•’*■ echoolmaatcre- club, reluming to

When tbero are pobHc oSlcee to dll? : ‘Bryan la tbe moot dnlibed apeaker for




ow I
Umsumed distributing ofdcer of foods j
Cb.rl» T. BBcb.lL .om,b.,.A ,b, l
„ „

d ; Fprliig
How will It be with eandidataa wbao ' bU year* that I have ever beard,' and
rprlng |F
term of achool^beglna.
AsstMt the Utchlsgdioat



covered bell at tbe wuodenware fa.'-'
In the drllnqnent lax proceedlngt
torr at Ithara
His am waa lorn off;
in the dmili court at Lansing Mon
... L

............ ..............I **’'* •'T
terribly mangled. Bor '


R. L. Nye left todar


aiug a* |u^ of the United


rrx Harbor, returned to PrlUlon

I waa^^Tf^iT^!!!!!?^

«o bad

{eared b<- might


Kroui«a, wife of Dr. Kroiipa, Of Bow-

How gef along without the vote be
jptn W. Akin heart him apeak
I at one Utoe aud remarked afterward.

Bnad by a weight of Sery eMS. ha

ly hurt it was

Ind., where be went to

‘Tb eddltloe to bU pwat mind and
faalanoe be bad a boaodtoae gift of elo­
quence.” aaid Mr Lowe. “Wben be
wma at Kmory be wa« the champlou
debater and epoke on all epeclal occa■Iona, dellrerlng addrciM that nrprM aU who beard him.


__ _

In tbe propoted |

of Judge Wleat af Lan-1

a notgbbor and three aona. O’BrIen't
tow waa broken and he waa

way -from

that be erer knew, and
I he wan tore that be woohl make hli
irk In the aeoatc. for. tUbougb be
u yoi


tUr ep Iniereat

An expert It gring over the route
David O'Brteo. Ilviug m Northfleld
was atucked Saturday 'night and giv­

Fred Batimberger, <»e of l^laaan

of the recent honor con-


- i!!!

bat af looks among the corteas to asoerbeen clerking In the aiore o( Petei
tala the goeta. It
eon. Bmtiben and eompany. at Sat- nlnUler refi-rrt-d lo certain
Bay. pa»(ed through the city to aad Whitt player*

Soothm Ttade rraoa. fonnod a doo*

A yonng fellow being aakrd b.v a recraltlng aergewit If be wlabed to cuiUt
to a Scottlab reg'-meut. in><>ed
Seqttkab regi­
“Ah, »**!.“ oaid the aergeant “I've
aae doot j-e'd feet molr at tome there.'
-Imndee Ad\
Oentle Flay.
BU Motber-M bat are j-ou moping
about tbe buoae- for. Tomm.vr
don't you PC over and play wttb Cltai^
toy Pinafore? Tomniy-'Csuw.' I play
•d ’ ' ■
Tba WiM Bay.
'What to the best place In which to
keep freah milk In bot weatbwr aaked foe tiwcbor.
*Ttannr. teneber^ to tbe row.” an•wwrod tbe amall boy wbo bad Just retarned from a country btithlay.
Of Ceuroa.
'And I am foa eaiT first yon taro

four year*,
the benefit of the
She was re
1) curc1 In IlxK

Tbe coiint.-a-i 1

daughter of Louis Lalorost. the

Beatored to flealtb by Lvdia R.
Plokluuu'sVecefoble Compound.

East Mth Birt-ri, Sew
k. l-rnktiaa'a V.^u.
ble CotupesLud
eaair Inwgularrtiw.
jrwdlr aaflr^. M>d

tooebUe to pmctlcal uan both as a
labor aavtog macblne and mooey earn
er. About a year ago Mr. Bckice piirebaaed a aivoadliau.l
; ,1 -.nobUe of nloe b»roe{>vwer u.i t .i: .oce
pat It to work sawing op cord wood
during tbe part of tbe seaaoo when
(hero was little doing on tbe farm. He
•eon after gave up part of the farm
Ufa and etarted te to take Job* for
Mwtog wood aztd tailing bay and baa

winter be baled between SOU aod 40D
too* of bay, sawed Iwtweeu SO and
SOO cord* of wood aod cot several sms
of tobacco atzilka.

At a recent Cbtmonlx mertlng a Nori««lan on akeai made a Jomp of twen­
ty^ meters.

r everythiaa *Im
lei otbi-ra know of'll."


Booe. and be alighted npao bto akeea
wlfoout tnjory. Tbto to a dtotaoca af
Dtorty algbty-etx feet
Letoeo'a OroM Btediuiw.
ndoB toe completed tbe steel
•troetaro of tto great aadlum wbero
OlytepH gamm aro to be held this
yror. It to deslj
I to accommodate
TOiOOO mwetoton.

[Al*Tetir «i„ l>«aT»r.
kVil., wntiw: ’Ttisaka
icLyduE Plakbun i
VisretoUetloopronJ 1
'an. well, after suffrrtag
tor BiiOiihi fnsa nac^M^^MMie'^Sleltaman, of IwottL Is.,
wm*a: -!»«j:Dan»iv.
|u.-llgvMlnci. >.
aad Isae
Lydi. E.


well *>.1 amsM "
Mki Ellen M Olero.
04 4i; N Ea^il Kl.. K*.

mv penoda aftrr tbe
ten krai doevv* had

For thirty roan Lydia K.
hbiuV Wc-iuhic GituixiutHi, maile
ttvm n»>u r.iul
hns U-en the
standard n-i-i.dv f-jr icnuila

terod. Berttor
“W couse you nr*.
Dow bdlons
on men are! Too all ask foe same

prMLang a^r^ bSdteg^ a tiou.tibit.ia tuning inrjnikritiea.

qoMa<m.“-Loodoa Optokw.

A Cr4*iA


WM Kyad Mon-I want acne ooofotag Mrvp quick. f*n>gitot-Wbat otoed
bonia? WUd Byad Maa-Bottle} I
' a cm*, ira twtea.-lUuatroteB

n&way ap tto Matterbon.



1 tl<>ii,dizzi:H:.-^v<'nM.‘rvoU8pr06tmiatk
(Why do5i*i y.Ai trv it ?
Mafoar^Tav paowjpar bto w*ar'
Mrs, Piokban tavltea all «)ek
booa oaad at *U.v
, women to write ber lor aBTircw
unto Jtonay-Oto't m*B tt.
MjiBhe baa vulded tt
new paste to btock.
ibealtb. Additote

Steinberg Bros.
Lace Curtains
\\v havf; just unpackr J a brar.d new lioi* of Lac« Curtaius god Fonieres.
Over aU diffcn nt choice ard exclusivt? pattern*.
1 he character and style of de-ign io these New Curtaias will appeal to
Lidci of go id tat- and re'inem-nt. They are p-isitively ibe
pretiifsi curtains ever shown i.n the ciiy an t ihe prices will make them
all the more templing.

Lace Curtains irom 8Sc to $10 a pair
Portieres from $2 to $25 a pair
In adJi ii n to all cili'tr t-p-tial pricci we are going to place on sale

Tomorrow (Wednesday) and balance of this week
60 pair I1.U Lmc CotttttMB* at pisir....................... i OLr
60 pair 61.60 Lmc
CurtalHS at pair.........
S5 pair of 66A0 Lmc
CurtatBS* At pair.........

Tapestry Cvtalu

vuttn $7.25 pair at.........


a;.............................................. I5c
S5c SMil Cvtfoifos
at......................... .................... Wc
ISc Door Pnels*

Brass EUcIcfostoa R^ tor Loto
Uu.taito, beat 10c qaoliu
at ............................................

.see Display la oar East WteSow


StAtcA. Tto OMoltoAt torbcw o( FagA aaoc of birdo tai tto Hocmt
«1U gtoiiaa ui aU.
to «m4 aa a Aary ato odaHas ata-

rca tbat l aa waU at paaoait. aai PtercMr aai b«r boabaai boro.

twpe tbat yea and aU tto Baaahlacrt botoe. bat tor betooad -totott tows
about three wwrki ago. I expact toe
are tto eUB*
1 tbaak yoa
Toar^ true Mead.
■och for tto alee poetaL Toa ask aw) will go asen. Well. 1 geeee 1 wUl ei
Bottba toaad
Taa; tortag wlD sooa to bore, and M tt were like tto other one. No. It to for tbto Uwe.. because toy dlUMi
not like tbe ottor one. They were ready, so good-bye.
1 know we win bH eatol Hboth rcry pretty. 1 am eorry to say
BdAA May AarMt. oUtoA toutotor
tmm WMt IU»d«l1fcw «f Tha
look to toifkL A
Clt/ Mlt^ Peb. «. Itol. 11 bate loci my pin.
you pleaae
George B. Burgeea.
or Oeeryo A. aai Bra B. AaatoU.
MMM VMM« F«lkt »IMWillM
•cad me aaottor oae> I hare toy
Tt«. yoa bareat wrlttra ta a loag
boro ta Oomaaa. IMalb eooBty. U- Dear Presldeat^aad Bunbeanto—
> to • SoMklBor.
___ ____
How are yoB^’aH tbeoe winter da.ea? card yet. Pleaae ecad av brotbe.- time. George, and U eeeaied alee to
itoaa. Peb. tT. IML Caae wllb ay
I w«i try MMr t» WMfy «r
BU oflM (to toll rtoc> tolte ool- pareota to Oraad TraTorao eoaaty Tbougb tto weather U cold H atords Oeear and JuHua. a card ano.oattoa
fral akMrt MjrtMa»
■Air Mi yoor praoliMtt ro«o to ttoj wtoa tbbao toootb old. Hare
eebool now. 1 ata la tto toonh
I touch pleaaure- We hare do* quite
ioor with 0 oorlow. fraVMp
let of snow and good alrtgblag and:grade, toy aindlea are reading, artth
I wHl try t* k* w
Btormaa. to»ob_ B. P D. No. i I
brotb^aaaoi Dawwms and thn«
•iw 0* kor toe*, wi you e
Mk« «a«nrk»<y
Fto. tt. IMS. js^ttoieu ei
aaaod BtbeU
BtUbA tkaUag. TbeBaglaaw rtt* U oaly atnjeilc. language, geography and spellw fw M i Mft.
UooctM tow lUi obo lo wtoD ootoo- and BorolM . I to 4o tto Drtl block from my home and maktu a fine ' lag- 1 bbe ta go to kchooL My teach- Dear Prialdent—
I «(U t/y to to tovtob tolytoi toiy wys. rn«a>«. Mto Bot«^ ore •cbooL . toy iMcbefa aaa<
ime t» tolas Carrie Puller. Sbe
I woald like to )ola the
Mi kM to •vWytoiy Mi to TOO tooyr 6l COOIM «to UbX you tor. B. a Joora tfaia winter. Bee- ckatlag
Dab. I am to tto atotb
Tbere are also rtnka ia diPerent la tery bice to ua N'lghU *hee
•wwy IMm tMa»
kMW (OMopl oooe la a wWlo. whoa ale Wood.Keme K'ltkopXaeUa Smttb. parts of tbe cHy and a larpe roller come baae tram school. I go on tl have Bnisbed my Bnh randcr. Paps I gKfrm^MwbeMAem^Wteas*^
•to wtatoo Bto wanx) asd Um Mary nticerald and Blaaebe Deveo- rink with a good bMd playing rrery Ice.1 like to skate on tbi ice I sleigh- takes the Gruad TruTcrae HetuM. t
H I aw toM to
*• ••
wtoi a Alee Btmihlao rlslt ata* Mol port, are my acbeoimatea. My atodlea Afternoon and erenlag. but while roll- Hilr too. It Is more tun I think. This RIB 13 years o':d I help my papa tSw warn eMOr avsOsMv la mam wmt srutottoM totoffc i «M «T«y, try
UBcXvsivM mA BMd Maamc smTM OM. BAAahla* eaUa oover oocor are readloc. arUbmeUe, feocrapbr. era. lob£«Ming.^ighrtdes and oth-tolght | came bocne to help
very .much. I would Kke a card aad
UAl«M tolk are bappy. oo iboy oant laatuate. apellint and wAUb<. I
>r amusera^u are all right, osidoor | mama with the dlshea. Por pets
button, please.
res *a tod teAbtsI fgwiB. «esA
tolp bolas Alec. Too iont talk atoat up at 8 50 a. m . and #o to bed at
skating loads all tbe reet. Tbe tun-1 hare two cats.tbelr naaiea are Mosltn
drMQAM. srowA-up tklnga. «<ttor. p. a 1 can do a lUUe of all klndf of ablae on the gHtterlang Ice and the | and DaUy We had two kltlecs thu
Veraie Hyde. i^raWwMira
•oeh aa fioeka or tottaoeleaitlat or booeework but baking. I ptoy ont-of igracefol gliding akstera U
We hare s Bell phone In our
rOB men be s r,st Sun '
“proNoAia*^ O* oooroo oo«* ia a dMra when 1 get ared « work. I sight.
houiu- 1 think 1'. Is a lot of fun to shtaer If you help your paps, fbal la ssstOMteaei
mb- think I would like ta teach achool Wo hare flnlabed our eemeater ei- |cal1 other people Our ring Is S short one sruf of keeping tbe pl< cgv
•r eariona tUuia aa. (m- lastAOce, wbea 1 get big I am now nine ycara amlnattoaa I passed Into the A. EUbti rings. Tbere
lUles on our
II f^mi:
wbao Saynond'a Hula couala
IDOl tbll
think of any
sod hope to enter high achool next! line. WeU.
Solon. MIcb.
by mlatake laat aontor tbU I
toll- Uyself and another girl are tied more, ap I will
■IM jOllA ^Tll, jy».
Prb. 24, 1098.
mar.—and tbat didn't ban ber any.
IB the eemtb cradc. My attBtoa
r'rom yoar Sunablner.
(or highest place and the cloalag
How to fiBiae ePtatoM
IVar Pre.-;di-Dt—
RBSpI ^to toltM.
yon know, ooly obe didn't roally «csrithmetlc. g*ography. nrthocraaay
we were highest in the tInaU
Age 11.
Uann Johnson
»UI wr.le 1 tew lines to you. !
nnt Vlw PiwIiMit Mtoil »to< pact to do It. And then, too. yourprea- nrsi. you must hare a good piece and as
pby asd grammar. We bad a waMtexactly fbe same per cent
I dos t sender tbai you enjoy your
of lerel ground. Tou most plow it to
Ident loaraa about the good- tlaw
box to oar school tha 14M of
1 practice ecery day oa tbe r'uno- telephone. Do yoo have tun talking scholars la school.
of you are harUig; about
February «nd I got (Dur vsliattoas,
weather Is fit. The seed. In cutting, Have lately learned a pretty piece. to your girt IrtendaT
name :t Ur lA'yee My slater Haicl U
’dandy abow ’ la wUeb Busaoll
There were Xtt valesHass gfrua
Am prasilchome ao*. and glvtng us cblldrcA
ItaMtor ft lAombift totonglAg Mar. ^lef parformer beeauae to can bal- op Urge pouioea. must haee about! "Tbe Burning of R.
IB school. It to qi«u eoU on
llain Tell oytrture now.
Feb- 21 1908
music leesopr t tfalek It U rery laanoe a teatbar oa bto'AOM. Ba baa two eyes or small potatoes will do Hare been Too busy to read mocn
today. Tbe bay to aU fraosa oew
Dear President —
tenvting to learn raualc. My tBiher Is
practiced BO bard be baa a regular PUnt to a bill, beeuuae 1 tUnk that lately, only aome aloud to my brother
'* and It to tun skating. TW« ars
A tmio iwimir.
I \m glad to be a member of the working to the mill. He la oaly borne
tbat tbe teattor flta,.tou. ao
pair of Ice boats m the Mha. Ws
*rwAt too
Br« 4ay of ApiU. t sat.At dimple
ataallow and deeper afterwards and n-bo was reading the Alger' serlea. 1 8uD«b:De Club, as I am a great boy Sunday* Please send nt ■ esrdi aad
tf toat at dlfSeult to do m it uaed
e baviBctohoal la tha new achool
•pruy when the bogs get thick. 1 am going to read the LltUe Colonel for (UDshtne. Please let me know button Tbiv s all for this rime, to
hdose now.'] Uhe It bettor tkaa the
atortea oow All the girls like them I wbai I must do in return for the good good>bM.
te octooi «u act i.
Ob yoBAad of coorae. all tbe neigbold one. We sold oar tann sboot two
|ao ranch We hate a Bne Hbrary
borbood AeO» come rtolUng with Ibtor there la so much work with petaioce here wllb an espertal department (or Isvur sbosn n»- in sending me a card
weak! ago aad I gntas ws are gatag
At toy toUlairoM ioor ttoro oaBO
Age 10.
Sts Poole.
mw. They don't pet tbclr feet and corn. If you do not get the right onng people. I hope this ta not too and button
to bay a plsee ta TraretM City.
Wllb bert wltbes,
1 am ve77 fond of mualc. too. and Tbere vM a surpilae party ea Bartha
wet erooalag tbe atreet boeaoM ttoy' price, yoa can feed to cows, bogs and long A> print.
. 1 raoo to aoo wtot t«« About.
used to enjoy my IwasaaiJtAintile Ooodlander
wear tbe aweeteat HtUe rabbera you boreea or keep tt until nni year, or
Sharpe a week agn last FrtAay. at vw
With mneb lore, I am yours merrlToo have receleed my letter by
rrer aaw. And tbelr/bands are dOto poutoea, tf you understand the rais­
ber birthday aai we aU Md a gaoB
A roty aMlS oWM Adcod.yrtth
Snttoos Bay. MIcb.. time. Ae my tetter is gotUag qqlu
np In tbe tliilett mlttena; and tome of ing of potatoes.
Oerinide Gatec. this Ume. Johnnie | am preUy sure
CUnda Smythe.
fA U. 1901
tto doUa carry muSs U tbe waatbn U
loog. I vlU ctoee vlU tore to yoa akB
very iriee to get acquaint▼cry cold. Teeterday tbe dolls eatne
all the Saashlaera.
Dear Prseldem—
ed with you by
Haw to Ralaa Pototoaa.
baio headod Md naked tf they
Fife Lake. MIcb..
As 1 bare not wrtttes to the Boarude. Pgrbaps some day *e can,
Har otaAir lAMio «■(. aad a ttay oM «r«r
ralaaltot aee if any flowora ware oonUar
ablne Clnb for a long rime. I thought
Age 12.
NeUle T. 'CrotMr.
op la tbe garden. Bo yoar prenldent ing poutoea. IXe (armera plow the
I would vrito you a few Hoes as
JA-hat aa Mtersadig tetter ymi .
Dear President—
BM tor tow ttoa» l teaw It waa took oM doU-a hand, and tbe ioU'a ground in the ipring. Plow tbe ground
Olen Arbor. Mlch..| ,
,o yo« , rtori Ume ago and hare time. I am well and h^ you hare written! It to ake to hear tea
_ . . toir.
ma tbe other, and they all want and harrow It good, and than drag It.
Fell. 23. IMS
Joined tbe Sunshine Club, and since and all of the Sansblners an tb the old SAAshlBsm as vsU ae the
lateetlgato. Nobody knows erhkb I would plant ia June. Plant la bllht Dear President—
I go to school every Aay and
- Tit 8M
toy fftoctotoa^aarar to ta
then I have gotten three more who
found tbe ftrtt blaaaoa. but tbara so that yon wont hava to use a har­
/ they were, tore ewongb, In a vnm row and break yoar back. I would I tboogbc that since t have publlsb- would Hk* to toln. Their
Crego. age 12. Umlae HutchTo btonn vto ooaa to tay ioor.’ ttoUered eoner under tto window. eultlrate aballow at drat ao tbat 1 1 a piece 1 would send II to yoa, so,
ill yon pleaae put tMa In the Sun
Ralpb-Crego. age 14.
1 nli. «atto aoraraly. -»to toU vb««
would Bot eultlraic tbe poutoea ont.
shine pager It la quite long for a;, receded my card and button and
• • yai.ttfa
ad In wblta. alaapy UUle aaow-dropa I would cut tbe saed and plant one
bw you will excuse me thlsij^^y
,AaC yoar aaaa. Bara I aan yoa with down-drooped banda. but ratUy. place to a hill It big. I would
loving Sunshlner.
would time, for bad 1 known I would send ;
you I would not have made It so
Mildred Onderkirk
Don’t neglect your cou^
> And Juat afur yonr pres
Tto a yary poto »ntoia, w» to
1 have Just received a nice letter
Idant and Ue doU'a mamma bad aplad I gin to eat I would try and kill
nXen I was about six year* old
from Fannie, who says the Is glad |
them, a robin bagan to alng. "Cbaer old ones. Blight Is a serloui disease My mother said 1 i-^uld not play
AAi m aoTW nun cUMraa wto up.’ be sang. ’Spring la here! Cbaer: Of the poUto. It U caus^ by a (unStAtistica ihow that in Mete YorV Gty
that yo-j sent 4n ber name.
gua which atuekt tbe foliage of the Cause I did. not »<'tk each day.
np! Chaert Chaart Chaar!"
aleoe over 200 peo|4e die ereiy week from
•rwy wtaato Ito aHto! Pltaaa gtra
plant. Too kill tbe disease by spray But you k!>«w I'd rather play
Cedar. Mich., I
With my dolls than work all day
aaaoMo toaad.
Feb. ». 1998*
Mr. B. «. Jonat. taachar of tbe
Or ttoyni otarrt all to ptooH ato Dali achool. Saamlt City. toiiHt., R. seed poutoea moat be soaked to a i She uaed to gel very mad
Dear President—
But to a minute she'd be glad
P. D. No. 1. says that the boys and loflon of fonnalto.
Well. I bave written to you twice |
help my ms indoors
George Roop
Aad moot of ttwee ooi
flris rhinh n ta Am to ba
And help my brother with the chorea. before, but I guess ' did not address f
-too. Ml Oe a^l 1 tora mothtoi Wa torra half a doam aaaays from
them right, but I a«ked Mabel this ,
Illtle girl, you see
be thriag bow if dwy bad not seglecUd
Iham this waak. and tour lattoru Hew to Malta a Good Country
Ume I am lo the same grade tbat
Tbarat a lav a«al«t toOBia. yoa Itortapa yoo wlU baar from aooa of I would Uhe to live in a house with
Mabel la. We bare gijod rimes In,'
warning cough.

You ought to do as much se 1
tha ethors next week. First of all tTB rooma, a sitting room two bedschool There are j" scholars In *
Aad ioo*t earn agatol Tto poUeo- waH.hara Arlo Rlplay'a MUr. bA rooma, diningroom and kitchenJEai'- Bui you know you always cry;
school today M> father works tetbs 'f
If you are asked to do a top
You know how quiddy Scott*^ '
canaa' whaa ha wrou batere (bare
sooda H.- U a boss In the lumber i
You won't do It wllhoul a slap
Bo patowi bat a atoata apa.n. . tmw .d.Uk. mM. ud u. -I"*”- •»"
"!■ ^ Now she goes and hides her (ace.
woods (or Mr Sullivan I must gel n;- ,
Emuts/on enable* you to threw off «
iMur r«d. 1
. um.
““"d """■
studies, so good-bye (or thto time
Runs away to aoDie dark place.
-tobtotoil AtoT'yoa ‘toMtodt
rmn oM. Arto i»-t . um. iin. u ””!- “d "d *""«
From .raur SuDshlner.
cough or cokL
Soon I call my little brother
aayoM would know from Dcat aad elsan. I would prepare my And my mother hears me say
Oaude Cork.
TO paer tolto. Ito aoN l «wl aw!
Baro la bU Blca latter; meals ahead and I would keep milk "Come, let us go out to play"
No. 1 never got your lellers. Claude.
tt t «oa A mKy tonar-tov tail
where It waa cold ao that It would
■Whai!" she said. ' YouTe going to
DU yn foito an tto tiaa tt vaa
March to. IMS. kaep swwet. I would like a alee flow­
' z' m»r
er garden and some plants
Dhi PresWsat—
Glen Arbor. Mich ,
Today wa aro to vrtU to tha Bun- boose. I would plat my work ahead so Come lo and help me get the tea."
Peb. 26. 1908.
shtea aah. and t thsak yon tor tha that I sronld know Juat wl
Dear President—
But then I commenced to cry
Tto AtwtoAlAABi
card aad bstton. I signed It and will,hooaehold megs And 1 answered wllh a sigh,
As I am staying borne (ram acbool
’Otar aU Uotbor Baitb,- a Bttlo try to do what tba card aaya One
today 1 win write you a few llnea as
soon come, bye and bye.
waak till Tacatlon. i wUl aWdy hard;
"r ‘•uaband to maktong home Mywill
mother said that 1 could not pUy it Is a long rime since 1 bare wrilteii
Ufttoi BP tto ooTWB of bar May bai, aad than a weak for fan. I enjoy road-------- - ---------- All tbe rest of thsi long day.
I you I go to school almosi everyday I
m» yoo toar ttoehlMioB arytap tor tog tha lattara of tha SuaahlBa Qob. t the beat way t
lhave ooly missi-d two weeks of school
It I did Got help make tea.
tto toviru
Borne of Uam are vary totaraaUag to
,tbu term 1 bave to walk two and a
She said I'd have to stay Indoora.
floaptop ia yoar boaato tbiaapti
lU Gould.
i«ad. Boob spring will be here. Tba
Or else help father wih tbe chores ,bal( miles 10 srhool. My father bai
vtotiy toarat
sweet sooga of tba birds and tbe fra­
bewn very sick and he has not been
Summit City. Mich.. R. F O No.
working lor three weeks. My elster
Than to stay Indoors all day
-Otoa toa My vhlto boaaoctio Ha rfbMarch to. ISOS
Prom your trlaad.
Por you know to help wjtb chores
bOBa fiooal
Arlo Ripley.
•oM to* oa ay toar»ay. dMpk
rani to Join tbe Sunahlnr Club Is as much work as thst Indoors.
Bot oow I am olA and do not shirk.
otaia an toaa;
Please aand me a cerd and bu-ton
When 1 aee a little work.
BU aa totto AM tan ttoto orwy bleo- Hare ve tha als aaaaya.
a aaTan years olA
Porto Riea.
Prom your friend.
aow Mr
Age 9.
Mabel Holland ,
•ooB vUl vawa. —>»(«p to tba aoft Porto Rico la tha amaneat of tba
Daweon Anatett
tonr large ialaada of tha QraaUr AnI an sure all the boys and glrh \
I hope/you will Uka your curd ant
tUlaa. Ua man aasteni of the group.
will enjoy Mabel's poem.
buttos. Dawson.
>1hU lalaad la ISM mllat to direct
Wadaaaday. March IS. IMd. line from New TorA iu area is SSOS Summit av. Mich.. R F. D No
Peabody. Kaes..
If yoo arc in tlria copdilioo.
Feb. 23, 1»8. ^
square mUes; its arwaga U »5 mOea
March 20. IMS
your nerve force is weak—the
Dcat Prealdent—
Dnr PresidentMrapBeU.itoaa.MIeh.
power is giving Out, tbe or*
about SSOO tbet Mgb. Tha eUmate te
1 ibongbt I would write you a few
Today we are to write to Ibr Sun
Tartoa Hyda. Bharaan. Mi^ R. P. tropical but more healthful than Cuba.
cans of your body hare
llnei as IJiave not writteo for qnlte
totlac Club. Pleaae send me a
^ No. 1.
Its ^odoeU are mtoona, bananas,
"sJowed up,” and do their work
a while. going to send you so
BoUistar Ha|k and Ofruld Hanatr, otaagea. eoooaanu. plnaapplee. cot- and button, also to my breiber Wal other jarge package of Sunday school imperfectly. Tht* failure to
»r. Tbere if one week till raeatlon
Traruraa Oty. Mleh.
the work r«}aired. clogi
tee. augarnne, Ubaceo, rice. Indian
' cards. Some of them are awfully old
Oacstr Johnaoa and iaMoa John- com, cattle, borsaa and fowls. Tbe will study bard, and then a week fo Tbere are 220. My UUle nephew has the system and brings distresa
ana. Batloaa Bay. MWi, B. P. D. No. mUaral reaoarcas are not axtanalre. an. My teacher's name U Mr. Jones. been here all tbe aflernooB. He ;s and disease. Wbea the nerves
How I enjoy reading tbe letters of the
1. Na»a aoBt by Uwa Johssoa.
are weak the heart is unable
whHa Uere are small qaanttUaa of
Some of them are rery wearing abort drosses now and be is
Ftoalt CtSM. Baiph €tu«o. and eoppar and Im found oa tbe IslaaA Snnshinera!
to force the life-giving blood
-earing to resd Soon spring will •ffully cum. We apoke oo Friday.
ttodaa HuteMaa. Ptfa Uka. Mleh. Tba eaacua laat abowed a papulabon
through your veins; the stom­
oo'i birthday.
be here. Tbe sweet song of Writ and the day before Was
Mama oaat fay MlWtad Oaderfelrt.
ach fails to digest food; the
of about g».000. of whom SS4.000 are tba fragrant Bowen will gladden us we had lets of flags oe tbe walla Tbe
Bn May Oox. WalUr Dna, Davaoa Bcgroaa. Bdueatlon baa made UlGa
name of my piece was 'Tho Town of kidneys lack power to filter
Aastott. aad Bartha OoodU. DaU adraacemenL Tbe capital of Porto
impurities from the blood, and
a^oat. Sammh.ony. Mkh, B. P. D. Rleo la Ban Juan. Ponce Aredbo aad Yoar true frienA
the poisonous waste remains in
Bra May Cox. my music leagber'i recital Friday
Age 7.
the gvstem to breed disease.
Mayagoea are other important elUea.
Bke tittle let nlgbt 1 wasoTcrat Louise MoSatt's
Ton have written
Nerre' energy must be restored.
Bartha Ooodan. tor. and I. am glad tt bare yoo for a tbe other day to a club. We made uf
mm lha ban ctopi. not oat
Dr. Miles' NerY-ine wU! do it,
fy and played games and bad loU of
thine glri.
•nr ao maay ttama to quick i
because it strengthens the
tun. We west at 8:00 o'eloek and
nerres. it is a nerve medicine
t City. MtelL. R. P. D. No. 1. stayed «ll after 8:00. Well. I think
halt aad opaaa tha door aa taat aa is eaa of tha Urea laigaat of
and tonic, that rebuilds the
I bad bettor close, as I can't think of
March 29. 1908.
wrar aha aaa. Bore anaiMb. aba looks group known m tha Bamoaa tolanda.
entire nervous system.
aay more. Tbe eauMa are Iram both
dova oa half a dean atoUtag (neaa U ta shoot ai^taaa miles toag. ats
TMday wa an to write to the San- MartOB and me.
mUaa wide aad Uw aboat toafwaa
and haata. ’Tkli boy waata a
•binb bottoa’ or alsa. -Plaaaa. can mike aovtb of tbauq^tor and nnr aMaojChih. I araat to thank yon (or From your loriag Sanahlner.
MRdred Weatorooa
lyuraemllaa aastornorebaraABaUn- tha card aad batua. I stened tba card
toy BUS alaur Ma the Baai
Ctabr AM thto Mm aaya, -Why, of Ha. Tba aatlns are aoud tar thtor aad win try to do what tt says. There I wna so demoted to eva ao maay
I to oaa weak tfB vaeatlaB. My taaeh- cards, and yoo may be aar* they wC!
OMrsa,* aad aamibody ttoopa la and strength, hianry and
I win study ail be
FWr aersral yean the SanMAB tolaaBsl srW name to
auada by her b^ dato wbUa

tha a week for fan. I *m i
trpawa tba truvor tor tba. bol . . were gororwed by tbotr own kH« aa- hard aad then
Or. Hite' NwviM a vM Or jraw
add gtoa down tba took that btods dsr the Jetat noaute of Orsat Brit­ try AM to teae my buttoa. I MJoy Suttoaa Bay. Mich, R. P. O. No. t
Baaahlnen. |
Fob. 24. 1901
tba aamat. Thai aka aumbara tha ain Oiuat Brttala raHaqtUaksd kw
eatoa aad tsotou tha gay Uttla pUa olala aad TmisUa aad oawstal othsr Bans of thorn ora vary tnlarasUng Dear PrsaldeBtIDkl MaUal Co, Eltbu% U
Boon attrtng vffl be bora Tha swwet | I thought 1 voaM write and ten
wMk a apaotol gu, )wt bataaaa






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