Grand Traverse Herald, December 04, 1908

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Grand Traverse Herald, December 04, 1908


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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tlA> A YEAE. ;


R. A.

$400 IN ALL

R. A. M. Dsgros Cmittertd by thn
Travsrun CHg •*—gT Itsngusi
I saccrodod Id striking tho proslAftor Wnrit.
dont vlU bis flat, but the blow
glancing one on the nock. Nord AITravnrsn City Chapter No. 108 &
csU turned to H. CarteToo and ■
A. M. held a special convocation Wedlog bis head said: "I told you so. your
ttMday. Past Grand High Priest and
Grand Lectuier liorne* S. Maygard of
OoaUrtod Trunk of Oold.
tbe Grand Chapter of B. A. M.. of tbe
A trunk which was left btdtlnd on
■ Of Michigan holding a Mdwol ol
the iweciplute departuro of the preoIm-irucUoa.
deot and bli party from tb« wharf
Traveroe Clly Chapter cottlerved
aelsed by tbe rioters ai.d broken
tbe R. A. M degree. There was a large
open, it was found to coatalo t
anendance, several vtoiuir* from out
liO.OW in gold and luardea.
of town being uresent. Among intue
Tbe specie was'acattered about and
were P. O. Wl4bam, High PrtesL of
promptly vproprlated.
ubingloo. Dec. S.—That even tbe PVankforl Chapter, and E. V. Onlle,
Holy Land te not wUhout lU tak^ sdso of Frankfort chapter.
In. and "get-rlch-qulch" schcrueiu tt
After ihe work the, proceeded to
ahown by a fraud order Just Itaued
le banquet ball, where about TS eoby the potUuaster general, denyli
i)'ed .1 njnquet prepared under the
the use of the United States dnallt
ireclkw of J. Ftiruch aod E. C. Kent
LtnaentMirg and icvcra'. other Tbe evening was one of the most inpartlA In Jeruealem, Palestine.
Iiusllre and enjoyable held In tome
Tbv p<fetul offldBls say thnt from time.
tin «M •tfMl
time to time there are being mailed
Rioun nr«d
out of Ji-msalem to permits in this
»f F*r«lgncr«
country clrcolais bogging for moogr^
"• le circulars are accompanted^neraUy by some amall and worthless
R*rt An Rriiic*. D«C. S^n • bloody
article. In fregnenl Instaneea^H »»
kMU* btww an brfwlatod iMb.
BOKWlle* album of flowers picked
«Mrtt of thU wty and ttw roguur
from the Holy Lands. Tbit tbe adToklo, Dec. A—The lost of 890 lives
)mpo of «ba fovommofrt oarty today.
lee it requested to keep tor
la roportsd in a typhoon which swogi
4t OMO woro klltad and many otbora
Kwatsu hay yestsrday. Many fishing
TbsM circular# are sent out. the boats wers snehorsd nssr Hatsu Island
TRa traoRa bad boon eailad act to
coDiul at Jerusalem said, by a band'
BcpbMoa a band of vandals wWeh was Now Michigan Constitution—Allows of swindlers who are making a .ivggaoo for bssalon. twt Lsgislaturt
looting tho city. Tho ehiof aUaek was
ular butlnest of it and have oorwldm tbs homos and businoas plaeos o7
Must bay How It Will Bo
srable capital Invested In IL When
thaao fHondly to Rraaldont Aloals ar>4
Seereiary^Hsy died, the consul said.
'm aOdpIght, tho mob maddanod with
Mi*. Hay received one of these cir­
twm and ladon with morchandtso. but
tnnsiug. Mich.. Dec. 8.—The nest culars and nccomiianying album. Tbe
legisisiure. according (o Ue opinion persons agalust whom tbe fraud ordof the governor today, cannot dnw
»re directed are: H. Llnsenberg.
any aalary uniU ibe close of the regn. M. Perlmmter. Joshua Zt-lllngold. 8
rwm into tho otroot and wars about to lar eemloD and poaBlbly M days af- PUter sod Mrs. H. Lorberbaum.
aat «ro to buddings whon Oonarat lerward.
Ugltlma oidofod tho tf«0|»s to fir*.
The new consiilutlon givee the
Tho mob fought with atonos and lembern |800 for the seastoo. bul tbe
•tubs but aoon gavo way.
leglalatnre will baVo to paas a law
bow It ahall be paid and it Is If FbrtuM Tsllei* Can pMr Inlo'PuElk Rapids. Mich.. Doc. 8.—One of
Delight ofNrod a sorry i
tiw% all Right, If Not. Then the
a of buildings.
be drawo imtil
Ibe pretllesl sreddfogs •hnt ever Oithis Is done.
Law Gets Busy.
ehandloo and othor groporty.
currtd la this vlUnge took place at
At daylight. Us city was gulat but
SI. 1‘aul'e church yesterday afb-rtiooij
A low might be enacted at the br
•arthar outbroak Is sxpoetod duringI ginning bul being in the imiure of an
Pittsburg. Pa.. Dec. 3.—Mag'^t..'le St 3 o'clock, ihi- rontrnnlug lartur
tho day. No groporty of toroign na-- approprUtlon. could not be given ef­ Brady hot a new way of dealing with being Mlaa-PUnnie l^lsbanks nnd J.
fect unUl M dsya alter tbo auasloa Ibe trance medtuiriB. the seventb Pr<d Roof, the ofOclating ciergymnn
: Port An Wnoe. Dec. 8.—President | clones.
daughters of.the seventb dsugliters. being the Rev. C. U. Atwell, rt-clur oI
Held AlanU baa basn dopoaad and U
and other fortune tellers arraigiu-d be­ Grace Bplsco|>al church. Traverse
gpw a reIngeo on board the Pren^
fore him. Me glv«i them a chance to City.
tniaing ship Dngpay Arooln. Pwt An
peer Into the fuiun- far enough to
The t-etvHMmy was performed In the
rrtsM U In the hands of tbe revoluforetell wual dlsposulon he luU-uJs preB.-Dce of about 25u iiitlt<-d guests.
ttcMsHU; Oso. Antoine Simon f
to make of their caaea. Presented Miss Isora'Fairbanks. sP,.ur of :be
pMlnsnlS'wtth an srmy of OVCR OUTRREAK OP FOOT AND wtU tbit test, the minds of tbe toi- bride, being bridesmaid wlib Mini Cclellcrs bocoDie blank and the
as maid of honor and tbe
dsat. Oenefnl Uglilme, has been proreeptioal judge im|.ones tbe sentence lliile Misses Powers the flower girls
provided by tow.
Paul Roof of Cbeboygan brother of
FMm That It MenM a »erious Sbortgroom, was best nian and Dr.
gnrioue Wdb About Palsoa.
sge In the Stmply of MMt and
Thonsandi of people gathered about
Long. Itoniel b*airbsnks. Arvah Dib­
Advanes In grieaa.
the palace threatened to tear down
ble and GllU-rt Hanson wore ibe ushthe walls to drive out the presidonl an
London. Dm. 3.—The announce
'Tbe bride was charn.iugly gowned
ad boorly. s^milng for Alexis to have ment of the outbroak In New ^k CHOOBE COMMITTEE TO •££« in white French towi with a wedding
(be eoadiry. Tbs mob watt sm«d and State aad Pennsylvania Of ihe Coot
she carried bride's
men and wodwa. besMe lbana«dves and mouth dlacnse among cattle has
Tbe bridesmaid wore y-tlow batiste
wilb raga. beaped carses on the hand
and the maid of honor w »s gowned
•pecilw prublbiof the aged pretidenl. who had fierre- as tbe 0
In light blue tnmmetl wi'h lice, both
ly expraaned Us datormlnatiM to Bgbt tlon of Ihe Importation of cattle from
the bridesmaid and the maid of honor
tbe port of New York opens up the
tothe Unt
wearing while plctun-lists.
So aerlDiia was the altnatlon that prspect of a seiioua ebortage In the
Mrs. Otto Powers was at the grgan.
tho frenrh mtnUier. M. Csrievoig meat supply of (.rest BrlUin and a
Bsginsw, De<-. 3.—Vigorous svlloa Dunron Morrison playing tbe violin,
aad other foreign reprenraUUvoa consequem rise in Ihe prices to the as taken here by the bay Interests and just b>-f«re the w.-ddlng service
coDsumer. As soon as the first in- pf Michigan In conjunciluu wilb tbe
MUs Amelia Vogell SH>-etly sang,
trim daalty consented to escape. .ormstloD of tbe outbreak oi this dts- railroads of the state to secure a mod- • O. Promfae Me," Mendetoeobn's wtsd■RonU creet^ him as he stepped ease In Hennsylrsnls reached the ISealhm of the quaninUae order of ding march being played as ihe wed­
tmm the prertnets of the palacv and British board of sgrlcnllure the entire Seerelary Wlliioii relating to hay. ding i>arly look thele places.
as carriage
which had bvn pn>- sutr of insporters was at once mobil­ straw and fodder. Tbe meeting ws« at
Pollowlug the cerenniuy. a reception
Carleron. carrying tbe ised to be In readiness to tne<-t all In­ leaded by nearly one hundred of Ibe
was bi-M at the home of the bride
coming ships for tbe purpose of pro
. eat beside him and
largest bay shippers In Michigan and tor the Imniedlsie vtailv-r and the
eluding the possibility of the Intro­
the ^talsterjdiewr tbe
the foUU of the
a number of railroad offlctols,
wedding party only. Tbe yffiing peo­
flic w^tbeT^ldera
<r%^^Mers of
o tbe deposed duction of the disease into this coun­
It fas the opla^oo of mil tbsl the ple received many beautlliil presenu.
try. and Ibe Imporutloo of b^y and
to protect him.
owner* and dealers in Michigan hay. tbe girts being In great profusion.
straw aa well as livestock from IVnnwhich, It was rtoinied.>xceeded In val­
J inwHa oii Him.
sytvanla was pr^tbhed.
ue tbe stale's wheat and corn crops,
e route men and women
*r sud­
iblaed. are threatened with cuore streets leered sod cursu lossos running into millions un­ denly and DO one was ablr to locale
ident. but wbm the
i reached tbe mob “Franls’’ Which HM fftirrnd Up »• less relief Is granted immedlniely.
large number of frlenos who had
Strong resulutlons directed to tbe
e scene wm ungMuch Drseusalon. Has Been
seeieury of agriculture were ad^Ud made lueparailoDs <n make things in­
. loforlstei^ nvmen
a conimliiee composed of George teresting for the bride and groom. A
I tbe coitloojOf troops
short wedding trip will be taken now
1 oosrMst tiualU Into
Richmond. Va..
8.—“PTm- C. Warren of Saginaw. Albert Todd of
____ t of the president, who rle," the word whicb aroused so much Owoaao and J. A. Heath of Lenox. and on tbe 19th.* Hr. and Mrs. Roof
oppolnted to carry Ibe resolution will leave for SesiGe lor an extended
wirove bravely to appear undiemayed. cemnrent In this country and abroad
They tried (0 hnrl Ihemselvet upon wbea used by President Boosevell, personally to Washington and present
The bride to Ibe daughter of Mr.
^Aims and fodgbt with hands, aad hM St last been run to Its orlglnsl them before Secreury Wilson, refeet against the soldier*, who (ouod lair -and proven to have been of Vir­ qoesUng their Immodtote considera­ and Mrs. Adelben Fairbanks, and Is
of tbe most popular giiU in Elk
•MimcnKy In foreli« them back. In ginia origin. In Dr. Groen's -Vir­ tion. Tbe commiltee will leave to­
Rapids, having a very large circle of
, ^t^trder to disengage him the troops flr- ginia Word Book.*' the word M given morrow BlgtlL
cd n vniley to dear s space, and Nord and defined, and 11 is declared ihi
The Twaoluitons declare that (he friends. Tbe groom was f-i-merty em­
.. Alexia, with the Preach colors draped baa been in common use In Virginia. Michigan Hay association has be«n ployed as an office man by the Elk
Rapids Cement Co.. b»i U itow located
^ ^hont him. wan hurried aboard
Georgia and other aouthem slates unable to secure information from (he
He also has many
^^kUr In tow of a steam tauocb. bis since earliest cokmlal limes.
federal bureau of animal Indnstry eoB- in Big Rapids.
aaUe lambliag Into the skiff after him
Dr. Green's degnltlon It at follows. ..-rnlng any formula or ntethod of dto'^
An the isaaah drew away Ibree Uai- 'Frasale. Bonn, a tabstance worn
of (he city gaesis
infacung ealled for by Secreury WU- ;"Among the
tlea gsnboau aad Uie Preitch aad ^m- threada or small spUotert. Praule. son's order.
were the parents of the groom from
•rteaa warsUpa la thn harbor trod
Big Rapids. Mr. and Mi*. Paul Roof
verb, to fray;, wear out to threada or
Michigan's bay crop Is rep
anlnte to the tsltes preuldent.
of Cbcbojrgan. and Mrs. K. D. Lewis
amatl npilniev*.*- Dr. Green also gives I be Irst la gallty and to
Just ns Nord A>sU wi
Of TTaverse City.
’Fmasllngt.** noun, tdnral. meaning
b« a woman saeeeeded In
threads, of clolh tom or unraveUed.
Ms aide, and drawing a
Tbe Misses Sadie Bright and NelUc
hklfe. made a sweep at his body. The
Miss Rose Jones, of the Upper PeuMn. Robert Bolen, of MasonvUIe, PachAtd of Maple City.returned home
Mow Ml ah^ howwm, and before liinsias. who has been vlsiilog (rleniM who has boca vfadilng her mother. today after atoning tbe Mtoses Bertha
cnold fbilow It np with an­ In the city, left today for a visit at Mrs. Mary Mercnre. of Cedar, retnrnMrs. P. J. Ooyne. of Temple, la vlaother she trai osisad by a aoldisf. A
jed borne today.
Itlbg Mrs. Medad Vinton.



South Side Shskssgeee Club Memhero
Were Guests ef Mr*. H. ICarter V**ter«ay.



BY soloes










Astaeiatioit w*t Fonnad In Tagska.
Today, to Join In With tho Na-

Toiteka. Kan., Dec. A—That Kansas
will do its part in the world-wide war­
fare on tuberculosis to assured by the
llercsi msnllesicd In todv's moetlng
Represcmstlvc ball, called by Gov­
ernor Hock tor the purpose of organlxan associallon to cooperate with
tbe naikmal anti tubemilosls move­
Governor Hocb is taking an acUve
Interest In the movemeut. In bis call
for the Bteeling be said;
-No greater scourge aflllcls the bdlan race than tbe dread disease
known as the wblie plague. One hun­
dred and tblrty-elght thousand peosuecombed to this dltsaac la ibe
United BUles la 190A Btcanse of Its
Isiiiude, lu bsslthful cUmtla. Ike abenee of large cities wtth Uwlr attendint (undiUoni predisposing to this mslady. and ihe intelUgesce with which
people have grappled with It. the
mortality from this disease in Kan­
ts relatively less than In must
"Yet the disease to snmcienily pre­
valent In Ksnass to render iu statis­
tics most alarming aad to Incite every
lover of bis kind of tbe dxerclse of
every possible precatiUon to prevent
>pread. and the appllcailoa of ev­
ery known remedy to relieve tia dis­
tress. In no Held of medical reseat
has tbero besa more grailfylnx pro­
gress In iweant yean than in tbis one.
[ Is now ksown that tuberculosis
I) lafsetlotM dtosasa and tberefo-e
always a geemthbU «ae. The old
theory that tt is bmdiury has bgen
;>rscil<-Blly ahudoBSd. Tbe possibility
of It* cure in many cases formerly
■ bought Incurable to now a1*o recogtilted.
-The task, therefore, to a bopet >1
se and certainly wohlby of the best
effort of tbe best minds and the best
hoarto In

Miss Marls Williams WiUi 19 Holy
Angsts Academy PupUs, Oavs
a Program.
In honor of entering into tbe intermediate department of the Academy
of Holy Aagelh. Miss Marie WUUams
gave a piano reelial at tbe Academy
last evening. If. of the Academy pupils
appearing on ibe program. Tbe par
enls of those attending tbe Academy
were tbe guests, and tbe evening was
a most eajoyable one, for all concern
MUs Winiaus. who has been receiv­
ing insuuctiun at tbe Academy for
about IK mouths, demonstrated her
ability and dl credit not only to her
self but her itistruelors as well.
Tbe following excellent program
-was given:
Thanksgiving chorus—Gertrude Ad
ams. Marie VV..Iiams.
Sigbl readtwg - Marie Williams. ^
(a) Bird's l>eparturc. (b) Opus 17.
Haxel I'bilips
Cbrtsimas llersld—Emily Hymer
aud Mane Williams.
Platiu solo—Ivsl liurgeas.
Nocturne—Marie Willtoins.
String quartet—Harp, Aseta Mobio— ^oltn«. tnex Hoblo and Forest
Carlisle: mandulm. Harvey Ransom;
piano. Josepblnw Carlisle.
Autumn In the forest—Vera Knaggs
Twiitgbl—Marie Willtoms.
Vocal solo—Vera Knaggs
Plcrolo (Brahmsl—Margaret Buellmantel
Toboggan slide—Emmrt RelUy. Ival
Trio—Emmet Reilly. Oliver Per
ketL Jullns Scbwalier.
tal Plano solo Needs Amlotte;
(bl Sleigh Ride. Grace Bretlaa.
Plano feolo—Josephine Malar.
Christmas Bells—Della Mater and
Marie WUlisnu.
CADILLAC—Hiram DMmw. of Big
Rapids, employed in
Dlgglna lumber eampe, near this city,
was brooghi here Wedaaaday for
. haring been severely Injured
while falling a large tree. A branch
otraek him. breaking three ribs and
internal Injuring him. Hto rseovery Is

Hon. W. H. I'mlor Is the handaomesi
man in Traverse City . Such was tbe
decUloa of the members of the South
Side Shakespeare ctnb, wbo was do
lightrully emertaUied by Mrs rt. L
farter at her home on Sixth atreei
yesterday at high noon at a Cohmtol
The ladles took a vote on the haudroiuest man In Traverse City, and al
though aonie were loyal to their hus­
bands and cast votes lor the other
half. Mr. I'mlor recelvod a majority ol
tbe votes cast, and so won out over
all tbe other men of the city
Tbe election followed tbe dinner,
which tqai served in true Oohmlal
style, tbe feature o( the maau being
a big roast turkey. Tbe lall'e decora
lions were yellow and white chrysan
iSemums. and ai>er tbe dinner the aft
pleaanatly spent In
> social *



. PitUburg. Pa.. Dec. A—Many mat­
ters of iDiporiance to tbose Interest­
ed In the mining Industry In the UnitSUii-s, Cauada and Mexioa wen*
ussed al today's sesaloo of the
rrlcan mining congreas. The esdepart
ment of mine* was urged by several
Tomorrow will be tbe big day ol
tbe congress. Aside from the gather­
ing of the governors of several mining
siatcw. to diseuti uaHorm tows, the
government experiment station
testing explosive* used In mining, lo­
cated at Arsenal Park. IgwrenceviUe,
will be fornially opened.
The <HMOfng of the suthm will be
aiiended by s< ¥Pral hundreds «<
leading Bci.-ui>m and engineer
the coualty.
Members of Ihe national advl
board on fuels and structural
tertoto. a body of distlngutobed en­
gineers appointed some Ume ago by
Idem Roosevelt to aid in the
senalloo of tbe
OI i^e country, will be the guests oi
hum>r Tbe board inctndes such men
a> l>r C It Dudley of Altoona, cbi.l
testing engineer of the Pennsylvania
railroad: ITof. W. P. M. Ooaa. dean
of the department of englneerini
Uiilver.<lty of Illinois; George Web­
ster, cLIef eaglneer of tbe Pblladellihla staler «(.:ks syetem and James
Knox Taylor. C;.- siperrising armii'-"t Of the iiei.ury.
The expcrimeDial elation
bn* aluc'j- been cf much wePviee In sbowS 'jow dcagers of mining may be
Discussing this.
CalibrcWh, Jr. seereury of the min­
ing co:igtess, said:
"The fact that a number, of Ibe
well-kiuwn and widely-used ao-called
'kSlely explosive*' have Ignited
Are damp in the exploalvea' chamber
tbe plant, when alt these. If they
lived up to their names, should not
have touched off (be deedly gases.

Heivry C. CWter. Jwmne grisUlaM ad
the g*oglaa Ssvinaa Bm* ad
In Bathromn.
Pinckney. Dec. 3.—Robbars eaily^
day demoUahed tbe safe of the Jackson A Caldwell dry goods ator* ss4
secured 1800 cash. They them ogwred
the postoffice, mew opea tbe safe and
got COO more to atampe aad mOMy
aod fled with a imrao nsd m«sr.
KIIM By Fire EnflM.
DetrolL Dec. 3.—Ah anknovn mss.
aged 00 aad woU dnased. was laatnstly killed this morning by bMng tws
down by a Br* eaffta* vhBo cfomliM;
Griswold BtroM.
iba mna nurtsd
across the atr«*> in tho fnoa (ff lha
poIicemaaY warning nsd ama atrwok
hy the horse*, the hoatry wk*«to pann­
ing over him lengthwtoo.

' -


DMrolL Dee. A—Bonry C Ootlnr.
jnolor prealdent of the Poogta'* Bs*ings hnah. was taud In tSa hsthnom
of hto home tbit mornlnff snensadlNO
and to In a crittonl cosdltlMi. TW
doctors aro tn«1ln*d to b*B**o tkst
aaihyxlaUan reanltlng trosi h SdlOOlive gas burner U raapostlbiA


Bpraying Was HMS to
OM nf thn
Meat impmtaiK Laaaena. TSnght
Prof. Hnwon.
Sooth Haven. Deo I.—Tb* thirtyeighth annual meoilng of tb* Mfchigns
State Hontculturol society, held U
conjunction with tho Snath Baron
and Casco Pomoloffloa] sodMy. Is be­
ing held here with n Urge nnmber of
widtwwakc fruit grower* of the Mat*
In atiendaaee. In n boUdiag adjoin­
ing Gie hall to douhUem the beat ex­
hibit of' apples and other trnlto ever
made U tbto cliyjsclndlag troea, nnrapplUncea and eroo aoma agri­
cultural products, aucb aa com, potaloea and aquaab.
South Haven leads ol cmirsa la (bo
fruit esbIbIL though other arotlona
of ibc stale are well ragaeewledPrvskh-nt C. B. Onoke of Owbmd,
presldml at the opening aeaalMi and
leading feaurc waa the one mlnnu
rapid life talk* giron by the leading
hori^cufnilat* In (be room on lb* top
Ic. "l>o*on* That the Season Has
Tangbt Ua." The reapoaoro made If
given In comg-^lte sfonid be nhont aa
foikTws: -To be more (borough aad .
more timely in sproylng operatlonn:
I sproy early, tote aad evertaatlngmoisture."
Aitenilon was ealled hy T. A. Fkfrand. Eaton Rapids, to the groat trlkibai Michigan conaamers arc pay­
ing the New York eute apple grewero
this year, for fruit that might be roiaii borne by betur cnltonU meth­
In an address msda by ProL Htutsa of (Jbicago on the nsinnl enpgly of
mlaerat plant spoke of sHrog>n. which It captnred o« of the air
by means of legnmlaoaa crope. and
nientleerd Inctdenully the ligponiBrt that Mlchlgsa has tjmjm
• of muck toad which to a ralanble mine of nitron aad wUl be MBUed to great advantage some day. Bn
referred to pheepberte add. potash.
Him and magaeato aad thatr rMattro
values and appticaUoaa.
Many'qurotiooa wen aakad the pro­
fessor at the do**. panJcalarlj with
reference to the na* of raw plmap^ig
rock Instead of tb* more avaltaM*
forma of pbonphata.
Prot Rnataa
Biroogly favored the nse of the avafla-

dangers ol his work
“Now that the gorermnini plant
already ha* shown several hundred
mlntiv and owners that coal duM Is
dangerous explosive. I expert to see
raueb more care given to tbe sprink­
ling of the mines.
This will be of
great aid ID lowering our disgraceful
death rale In tfa<- mines, which is now
four times as great for every IJMO
men employed a» any country of Eu­
rope. I learn from unorflclal sources
that tbe number of death* this year
in the coal mines will be about iJtOO
leas than the year before. Tbto to
partly due to the agiution at the
time of Ibe big exploaions last De>ber. bul more parOculariy to (be
moral effect of tbe federal goverh- tag that there 1* a Tsw rock «
1 taking up this qweftlott."
>- on at the preaaot Ume.


rrt'^ r TtmUr «S< 'Mar «t

tbrowlag aa eitrn borden npon tbe
merrhant aad bU bOp and la aanr
wee. dtoappolnung tb
emhlng to dean and tmah and ha»
not bees haadtad br bnndreda of aboppere. Tbe atone are free (ram crowd*,
tbdn to not ao Bach roto aad baatto
Ipd Use eoa be ttkan tor eowMereUoB. Tbe tTM appeannee of ererr
artlda can be eeao aad It ie Itodr
UiM }net tbe pneeni yoo deelre to
make ie in etoek. Luer, these itocki
..netaMTaM will- be broken and ai to alwars .he
case, the aost dcalrablp artotfaa will
be goae m thaae eaU Arat and the fate
barer wni bare to be oontent with
nbat'e lefL
So get boar at onea and do roxr
boring lemorrow and aen weak In^MRVATION WKCK.
(lead of wolUag daUI tbe last tew
Not *«ak. the MilcMal (»ss«rrt- dart before Chrtouaas.
tMM iwimlHlrr isd tAe utloui
rlrm aad IttilK** omcm* *U1 nwt
IB WMkla«toa ud tbm nc«tln(i
hare glrm the bum of "ooMonrattai
TMT* « the «Mherlftr “Oou-rra
UDB vmT- 1> an laportutl M» lo the
AMdm MOhle. »M«r ImpofUnl
«rur the period of rudOMness which
U Jwt eomlM to M end.
The tarreMlnx of the roMorcee of PfIOIAhLE THAT 0. ft. A I. WILL
the 0WBUT wee dOM IB web a ehort
BMaer that H U almnet put
heUef that the neboda ooald hare
MhWd vUhoat reelralnl tor eo long,
ne Baaser lo which the Mlcblhaa
Uaiber waa rouored U a hi eaainpte.
There waa ao aaperrUloa. the Inmber.
mm eatttag where they pleaeed and
haw thtr pleaaML The oial mlaea are
of waete. ■iolBg being
oiagae(ed aa eheaplr aa poeaible wUhs and & ft. « I. Officlale
<Mt focaid to conauwaUM of the
Wen olvMi a RMe AhoM the
«r hBBUB Ule. The great
City fty Marar W. O. C.
waUe ^ antaral gaa ia aoatber Is the
Germaine Toda/.
MMi thwo etaap w aa the



oFncuis n THE Gin

Per Pim TIm In EO Yaara, CblldrM
Will Gather Teoether McWm
GUII Uvln»
Mn. E
and bratber. tohsc
Cbance, left for'Westleld. Ind.^ jrr*terttor wbeiw they wtu aitead a reI of the <%aa«e tamllr. then be­
ing Etc brothers aad Eve sillers and
tbe agrd mother. Thto will be tbe flrst
ttae that tbe oblldren have e>l gather­
ed together la 29 reara. O. V. Chance
will loin tbe party later and Un.
Dora Hlaabaw, of Kbbbm will also
be at the rauntaa.
Mrs. Udla Chaaoe to the mother
and her eldest son U SO rmx of ago.
In addliloo to the 10 children there
will be 7C grand children and aiwat
grandcbltdres present U the reucMn.

Cellataral Eeauring EfcOOftOOe Worth
of OatrelL Totado and Ironton Notos.
Now York. DccTT—ColIauraJ aecaring tbe flSAOO.OOO of Detroit. Tole­
do A Ironton notes wll] bd mM to
day at public auction at tbe BeaV
Batate Etebange. This oollaioral conatott of W.OOOJ100 of *% per cent
lated BWrtgage bond* of the Ironand M.OlO Bbarei or tbe prefer­
red and SIXKI sharer of the common
Slock of Ike Ann Arbor Hatlrosd compsay. Tliaso eMuflUes wl<I be boM"1i
-- lots, one comprleiiig ihd 'dMMlIdsted mortgage bwids and tbe otbrr
tbe preferred and oommon stock of
Ibe Ann Arbor railroad.

mm rrodlga] of all the people of the
aataral* rMoareea hare bew.
(naiad aa thoagh (he aatloe were to
lor the preeeot oBly and no
theWM tna thhea tor tha faure.
t%e«aBto«7 a hall hae beui
pawed tor loBg hat It le aoi too Ute
fW. At the neetlag of Ue aaitonal
——amx week. It wlU be
man tmmmdp the «»AlUon of tbe
MOm lueiiamia «l the ooaoUT aad
r^mfUrntoT^mt «M«Uom w>1I
hi dlacMeed. tt » lo he hoped elD
that eonaUilv Tin oon '*

thiag nore than the mere eihaoeUiig
at (he taOBber eappir beenBee lomber
ar Mi^ ttBber wa be inported
gtoMld a be heeeewrr. U aeaiu flood,
aad erelOBee. aoD eroetoB end eiig od tbe land. It awane wllMon.
tarva aad ondiardt danped
wee eai^ reu. br the greu
rtrari. lltelag of xoel wlthootfegartf
to Ufa or waete. BMene bmmw tlao tngHvealeBee, It neane thU the (aetotoea of thle cMaUr «»b« compete
«1lh thoM of other eoulriea. Waeu
mwm aeau troaMe.
- (i;Baaml1r~ aa
^----------mmi haw beea dttempted loag ago
h«t karlBg beea left to the ptoeent.
•Mid he Boae tbe teae dlllceBUf
I ini—' ao that we oar regmto
•gtoetolag od
which we hare loet.
at woald hare been a compu..
eav amfter W bare corered ap the
ntoUBoa of the toot and Booth dU
aato BBong tae tattle of Mlttilgaa and
K >»™ WlM
to »* • »»»
•ar that tha pobllc would hare bees
emttma and BlalMd aad thU Bight
l»n to< to • UmporUT .<.«».«. «
to aaedlaaa to iwaark that the growon aad ahlppere of the etate hare Bet
haamr br reaeon of <hU dleeaae ud
the pnbilcftr attmdaat (hempoa. hot
K to a (act r—^***—
thto paWldtr aad loae. the dleeaae
ntod am hue been atamped cot aad
tha kwa
bare bees grwl
It waa BBaaoBoed raelerdar that tbe
4mm» waa aadar eontrto aad thU all
toe tef*—aalBBto had beea hilled
thto to a wrr eattofactorr wadUtoi
am tmtm eaaotlr what was dey
girad. IhM baa been no deelre to
hMa or omr ap real ccMdlttona. there^
tor# the «tataBeat that the dleeaw ao
toapr- totoU to taken aa trae.
OtoWM oaa aeree be eUatpad oat
hr hH«"g It aa the UcM wU ttmi
gMpIta an etowte B cwawal t—
Aar epIdeBle to bound to be h-----•ntttde the dtr or towaaklp or oouatj
vharn ft natoti aad the fact, are g»
t e
r that the dtoeaea U nadcr
he MtUa ratoere and ship

The iieianri------- «( the (act the:
then an brt U ahoppiag dare natH
>. hto IMhto ataieawto to donbtcd.
wa oaatlr *• TWtAed. toahteen
m ta« eoer dhort ttow and It betrm thene «he hare ChrletBa.
whaaee to anhA to gM bner
w. the «ana an all nadr .>r
I aad Ike clerto an aot ao baar
e aa (her «« be
nMfI to an roonrhm «0t probabto alwaM be
toto Jato a tow dare befnw the
mmm haMara tor It to pneUctd-

the O. H. A I .road laet night
o'cloiA K-ltb a large partr of Penaarltaala aad O. E. w I. oBdata. oa an anBoal tour of iBspoctloa of tbe Penasrlraala eritem.
Tfaoae In the peitr were Joseph
Wood. W imaburg. praeldent of the
i. H. P.
HagbuL of Orand Rapids, general
manager of ihe G. R A 1.; C. U Lock­
wood. gsnerU paaseager agent; J. B.
Keegan, eaperlmetident of motire
power; J. W. Hnnier. eupertntendent
of the Bortbern dirUion; B. H. Hudeon. eoperintendent of the eoatbern
dirtoloa: P. J.. SliBBon. engineer of
maintenance of war: W. 8. HcKeel,
master csrpenler; E. J. Strong, rasd
foremao of englnei; V. H. Kddr. train
master, an <d Orand SapUs; M. P.
Qoalatanee. eoBunerelal agenL of Petoaker; E. J. Bbangbnestr. rand msater. of TTnrerse CItr.
Of tbe teatoi
derided upon sere a aew '(i-.ind bvnse
and U s probable ths‘. the Boon
. -Ie hill wUI be the alu tof ibe new
A general orerhanting
and imprarement of the p
pot wUI also be one of '>e rewli of
le ('ar of Eepectlon.
At'*: tbe buslnees of the *jip was
disposed of Messrs. Wood. Hngluut

(sraraUr impressed with the
Mr. Wood was much pleased wUh
what be saw. aad oonunnaied on tbe
nainral adrantages of Trarrrmj^itr.
A ride was also taken along the Lav
^re and all bad brisk appetitic.
when iber got back.
The special was made np of tb.-(«
private cars. Nos. S and S of the G.
K A I. aad No. <7. the priral t
of Pusldent Wood, of the Penn.)!>anla aretem. The epecUIle.T f.-r the
south rt 9 o'dock thto moralnf.


Asm Tshe Wm iilectad Chief Ranper
and AlSo Delesate to. tlw
High CourL
Tbe following offloers were el
last night by the Compaalou of
Conn phyalcian-Or. E L. Thirlby.
Conn depoty—GeorgetU Yender.
Chief raager—Anns Tebo.
rangerVi» ra^r-^ltve IMIL
Orator—Mary Paden.
Recording seci^ry-Ells Smith.
Financial secretory—Mary Well.
Treasurer—Eva Smith.
Senior woodard—Katie FUmore.
Junior woodard—Lena Gore.
Senior beadle—Bertha Haauaond.
Junior beadle—MaT^
Organlsi—Lillian f^Aragn.
Truftees—Hsttle Rennie and Mary
Pinaoee committee—Amelia Chaboc
and Mary P>bus.
Mr«. Anns Tebo was elected dele­
gate to tbe Hign Coun which meets
In Msnlstee Febrnsry 2( and SS.

the Eanltariuin After An
Marlon, the 1S-yearold dau^ter of
Mr. and Mrs. George TutUe. of South
Union streeL
St tbe annltarlum. follos'lDg an opera­
tion for appendicitis. The child was
taken saddenly lU and she wu
mored to tbe aanltorinm In an effort
to aave bar life, Imt all aSorts w<
Besides her parenU she to survived
by two brothers, Claude and Waller.
Mr TnlUe was at Ourk. U. P.'-looking
up Umber Interests, .when news of bis

The Grace (harth asxlllary met
with Mrs. J. D. Mnason u tha aarlwn
lesday afternoon, the nteetlng be­
ing attended by about SO and bylng eaceltoBt In erery way. Tbe program
m charge of Mn. Morgaa Pnlgc
and Mn. C. D.. Atwell and tbe suhlect
mas the' "UplUt of China.'’ Dainty
refreshmeau were eerved. The next
itlng win be the first Wedneaday
in Jaauary.

New Tort. Dae. h—Daugbtort of
« RovolnUna are today holding a
baiaar U tbe ^tol Belmont tor the
Iwoefli of the buUdtng fuad of the
memortai aroh. now bHag erected by
the society at Buray Petot Park, tbe
aeeoe af tbe au^ by Osaeral Anthuay qpayaa oa Ah- Beary ainum.

Thto btourto battleflefa to now reisrwed as a atole park.

PSMbsfSHiaMBs*. Hsa
Msrtnna. 1
. jre Boon today is aara.bmttas at the
neUarn of the Jonm- mm- H-migr

Had ^een a Member of the EptoBOpai
Chdruh for AboW flO

Peel laaguid. trunk. (MfoEam? ,
eadacbef Stocanch ‘Mr’*—Inal a <
gun euH of laay Hvur. BuHMtE
Blood Bitters ion« liver aad ammacR
___ _______ tha blood.

avenue, suffering s stroke of psralysis

S3 ss .‘S.jsr„r25iri



DECEMBER 1st. 2nd. 3nt 4th. 5lh. 190S




ros oave oeen eiecteo as ioii<
Chancellor-M. J. Holmes.
President—Prank J. Vogi.
First vice president—Michs
Recording secretary—J. J. Veoeau.
Asalstant secretory—A. B. Yogi.
Financial secretary—John Quigley.
Treasurer—Jos, Vernesu.
aMrsbsU—‘Iheodore Dion.
Guard—John Veneau, Delegates—M. J. Holme*.
Alteniste—J. M. Huellmantel.
Vm Mutt Havs
Something lo the way of a condition
powder for your stork, snd why
auy other when you can buy Harrell't for tec per package, tbe stand­
ard for silly years. >lar\»-ira Con­
dition Powders hsve esubllsbed

wsste sod full weight psekages.
Sold by 8. E. Walt A Sons sod E B.

Mrs. Sarah Struhto Called to Lansing
by ths gsd Mssaago—Had Many
. Frisnda in This City.

Mr*. Sarah Siruble vsk csIW
Laiiktng Tut-sday evening to atcud :
funeral of her sister. Miss Doia
who died very suddeoi].
C. a Sharsrood Has Eaen Elsctod
Mist Blermaster *a» s fsvorln
Commander WHh William Clan­
among all those she came In contact
cy aa Uawtonaat Cammandar.
with, and her death come* ns a tbork
to her many friends both in ibu di;
The iMW-t offleers of Traverae City and Lansing as well.
Tent No. ISS K. O. T. M. M. are:
Had a Cloas Call.
Commander—C O- Sherwood.
Mrs. Ads L Croom. the widely
Uenienant Commander— William known proprietor of the Croom hotel.
Vaughn. Miss., say*: “Por *e«-ernl
months 1 suffered with a severe cough
Record keeper—C. H. McMIchhel.
and consumption seemed to have
Finance keeper—Alex Roberumn.
grip on me. wben a Irleod reromraend
ed Dr. King’s New Discovery.
ChapUln-O. E Helghra.
gSD Uking It.' and three bottles af.
Physician—Dr. J. R Martin.
fleeted a complete cure.*' Tbe faise
Asalstont physician—Dr. G. A. Hol­ of this life saving cough and cold
remedy, and lung and throat healer
is world wide Sold at S B. Wail A
Seranni—Osorgs Harvey.
Spns. C. E. Bugbee Drug Co.. Hsuush
Maater at ahns—Arthur Olbbard.
First Buster of
Second msstv of guards—How'ard
G. Colea.
SeaUael—E a Hogan.
Picket-C. a Kelly.


tofhera Swltoti Flew.
David Paiher. of Payette. K. T4^a
veteran of the CIrU srar. who tost s
tool at Gettysborg, says: ‘Tbe good
Bectrle Bitters
worth mere tbsn Eve hundred dolUra
to me. I spent much money doctor
log for a bad case of stomach trouble,
to little purpose I then tried Eleetric
Bitters, sad they eared me. i now
take them as a uaie. and they keep
me Strang and weU" 50c at t. E
WaU E Sobs. C E Bugbee Drag Co.
and Hannah A Lay drag stores.


. . jrvived b) s daughter. Mias
Clara bnery. with whom she lived,
biie wa> 11 yeati old.
Mrs. ttnery was bora In Ireland
aad when hu: S yraiu old. with three
brothers aad sisters, came to ibis
country with sn uncle, their par
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦AA ................................ Fop several y<
Orand Traverse.
Special to ThCBreolng Record.
Kewadin. Mich., Dec. L—Miss Em­
At a session of Mid nouri. hsM>«t
the probate ntflee. to tbe city of Trav
ma Caehl of Atwood visited from
husband wh killed accldenially
ene City la udd opunty. «a tt* Uto
Thursday uptil SondBy with her psr- Her
two ypara after their marriage, lesv
day of Noveatoer. A. D. 15g|.
lU here, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Bactai. ing a «n.
Present: Hon. Fred R Wnlfcor.
Bari HoeklD who waa aboi Ust
Mr. and Mrs. Emery were married
Idee or Probuie.
several years later, and they settled
In lbs matter tK toe OMalu of DuThinwday. Is aome better.
fk>n Austin, Mk-b. Fifteen year*
M R BeoleM. deended.
Mn. Lydia PHak aad family spent at
ago he wua killed, and shortly after
Perry F. SooBeld having Eled la
TbanhBdTtag with her daughter. Mrs. that Mn. Eknery and her daughii
Will Gee Of Elk Lake.
came to thJi city where they hat
'who were ai the time of bto Arath tkb
CMrge Hoekrtdge closed a deal Prl- since resided. Mr. Btoery was a sol
legal bears of said SeeSMed and e»dsy with Jooatban Mewlette, of Inmied to Inbettl tbe rual estoto of
diaaa. whereby Mr. Mewlette becomes
MARIE—Armonr which said decoated dtod seixed.
Vuhn and Robert Bweeixer. young
tbe owner of tbe late D.,E Infersoll
It 1* ordered, that toe 7th day q(
been arrested on charges alleging
nomber frm BUt Lake attended
t^^aaner ateeUng here Saiiirdsy PETOEKEV HIGH tCHOOL HAS
aireati ao far at the result of Charles
It If further ordered, that mUta bA
challenged LOCALE
II. Chapman’s ioresUfatloas on be­ Uee thereof be fflvaa by pabUeaUua
Several of the (aastty of J. W. Wlahalf of the atole forestry dapartmen:. of a copy of thto order, for thrM sueten are sick with colds and sore
ceqslve weeks previoiu to aald day u(
Vary probabla That tha Challangs
hearing. In toe Grand Traverw
Mis. PmIus Haller of South Mil­
■ prfotod and itawh
Will Ba Aceeptod-Cheiea of
ton. was quite sick last week. DrHoag of Alden being caUed.
Ray Wealth' of Angel vlalted with
The debaters of the Poiovkey High lattcy artlclra will be for rale,nov. 12-20-17-dee. (.
school are aiirlouB lo meet tbe local
Mrs. L. Hollenbeck Sunday.
raiora and a cbultonge-tots bt-t-n twFrank Hesley to quite sick at |LI» i<-«Ued
by the Traverse City High
bool. Tbe Peioskey team wi.lils to
Miss Allha Anderson, of this place,
Ik on “Resolved. That the governand J^ sBchl, of Bk Baplds, drove in«ut aball have eontiol ovor tbe railcorporations carrying on Inter- Atwood Sunday.
>.laic commerce/’ and as tbe local
A auBber from here aUeoded the lUgh school Is the chstlenged party,
funeral of Jobs Mitchell Sunday at of course it bas tb<- right to chotwe
which side of tbe controversy It will
Elk Rapids.
There to no eebcwl this week <m ac­
A meeting waa held today oiid It
tum of Ibe lUness of the teacher. Mr. was practically derided to accept thr
ihailenge but no declkion a* to the
WllltsB Hi^l and family, of afflraiauve or negaUve- was reached.
Pioneer, were called here Ian week
by Ibe death of bis brother, John
HHchell. All deposits made io ourSaviagi DepartmeBt duriag
Word waa received last night of toe Honor Hotel Men Has Sprung a t
death of Dsn lilsckley, of Bssiport
prise On HI* Friends By
tbe 6rst five days of December will ebm three per
Mr. Blsekley was well known in Ibis
Getting Married.
cent interest from the Rrst day of the mouth.
Honor. Midi. Dec. 2.—R. Bendix.
proprietor of ib- Hotel Brundage.-wae
mam cl yc-slcrdii}-. the nc-w'* Just leak
lug ().H
,!iid causing much snir
prise :j :;S f;—iidn, The-brlde is MlsiThe
Frank J. Vegl it President for (he Mary S’Hmn, o' Toledo. O.
You expect to start e ^viogs Account some time,
happy couple have n large circle of
Coming Pear—M. J. Helm
friends lu ul;h them nothing but bapto tha Oelegato.
and we ioviie you to call at this bank and let us ex­

TENT NO. 136

II has been decided by tbe ofleers
of UUa Jlookh Temple No. lU. D.
O. K. K.. to hold a meeting tor re«r
gantoatloa of tbe temple oa Pridar.
11. A
Uiee wUl be Invited to be present
tbU occasion ia sddlUoo lo aveubera
from othu towns sarronDdlng Travelse Olty. A luncheon wUl be serv­
ed aad the mealing will be of special
Every member to ozpncted to be

■oMLMieiu. atpof

Tltol to Total of Ouatha 'ln the JwiaY

Araea Chvreh AuJftwy Met Inema
Mr-^UplIft el China" Waa the

A farmer on rural route 3. Empire.
Gs.. W. A. Floyd by name, says;
“Burlflln's Arnica Salve cured the
two worse sores I ever sss-; one on
niy band and on>- on my leg. It is
worth more than Us weight In gold
I would not bf- wUhout it if I bad to
mortgage the farm to get It.’’ Only

plain our plain.


Hie Best of all Christinas Gifts

A Piano from Grjnnoll Bros.
No girt. Is so approplalc. desIrHIc, or so la keeping 'nrlth Ihe
•whole spirit of Chrtslmas, as a BeanUlal Plano.

So gift to »o appropriate, desirable, or ao in keeping wilh the
whole spirit of Chrtoiinas, as a BeairUful Plane.
Thiok what such a gift means—a Itfellme of mnaloU delight and
ssttofaitlon; unlimited possibilities for eoterulnn>ent: educational
advantages for the children—home made complets, attractive,
But to give perf^ satisfartlon tbe Piano mogt be BOUGHT
RIGHT, which mean* BOUGHT OF ORI.S’NBIX BR08. There to
U- no Question about QUAUTY or VALItE if you come here. At
no oto<-r store in toe state will you find so lat^ a stock, nor
so complete s variety of tbe leading makes.
STEINWAY. the sundard Plano of the world.
SOIlMbaL a favorite among musldans aad those who appiwdaU
an artistic Piano.
GRIXNEI.L BROS, s macnifleent Plano of our own Bake.
STEKIJ.S'G, Ihe most pupulsr Plano on ihe market: !iSji00“already sold, all giving perfect salisfaction.
WEGMA.N. a Plano of n-markable >|unliik-‘; uor.e more dependable.
SPHAEFFEH, a handsome sweei-Uined Piano of great merit.
Hl’NTLNGTOS'. SMITH A\U BAHNb^S. MK\'I»EI.3S(M{.V modt-rste priced Pianos of exceptional diar- |
acter: rary musira] and thorougbly dependable.
In Player PIsiios we have the orimnsl and only genuine PIANOLA PIANO, which come* in four style*— |

Cbristmas Piano buying is not a hardship <f you
toGKlNNELL BROS. A anrprislsgly nnll Ent 1
payment will lu-nd s i’jsno to your borne and yon
I installment won’t be due until the Hdlday enpen- |
se* are forgotten. tVe arrange monthly terms to
Dont any ;
can't afford a Piano until you lesrn bo*r easy we make It for yoo.
8<-lt-rt the riirtotmas Plano now sbilr our sto<-ks are complete; don't wait until the laat day.
to the lime lo get to-et service U.-llwry will be made when desired

Msniteu County.
Lansing. Mich.. Dec. 1.—Tbe su­
preme court yesterdsy held good the
claim of WlUtom U CurtU and James
a Wylie agalnrt the bimnl of super­
visors of Chsrievoix coanty.
Tbe Hit arose out of toe diaorgani.
xaUoa of Manlton county and atuching the territory of ntarlerolx and
Laelanaa eontles. The compUiDants
held tmrtato bonds of Manlton county,
and aou^t to bare them paid out el
funds turned over by Multou county.,

Elghteca Skyey, llf4(|WErtcf1DMtriil


ASKS $2,000,000 HONOR

_____ - I^WOO
omCB^A. mer hv. rrwa.
«i«; ». r»w< CUMk. Vie. Pr»l4«l;
r---- - OmImC OM*iw; A. J. 11^
■arc A. J. anOtU. AMtmut ouktm*.
SmCTOW-A. Tner Laj. m.
mtH OM. Mn. J.U. T. UMMk.
mmmt QutnA. U. C. Darte. iwrj
§mnM. W. V. toUh.



L WaiElM
OiniD snu 23 TEUS

Ma tief. WtU •« lUirtat aat Mr.
WtlMM la AUiMiint On Taking
At UaM a Vaar'a Vaeatlaa
.Will tiajr la Clt|r.
AAar M gaai* «( eanUaaMa a«a
IQr. » or vklck kava bMO apaat la
rrafTr^f tie m fitewi. R wnkata WtU mmmif bagia a elaanaoe
aala Ok hk atoek or try cca>«a ant
: dotkUR praparaMrj' to ratirlat OtMB
taatkoaa aa omo aa kla .lock U tlapoaad of, He Um plana on ranUak
kla atora aal (aklag at Moot a mr^

Mirt ar Accaai Onfftelain
CadUUe. Mieb.. Dec. 1.—Tbe Neva
-It U qalle probable tbat tta 'big
ine’ ot tbe aeaaoo
Trarerae aiy on the football field,
bat ft H taped tbat It will not to tbe
laat. Tbe aeoepUnee of defeat ba
beep ae gracloua and kindly by Tra<
Olty tbat Cadillac
'of tbla pan
tba atate to our nortbem ueigbl
any other city, tt wooid aeem
iTtaable to bavc ai
Big Raplda. Uodlngton, M
City. TniTerae City. PeiMkey. Oharleroli. CadUlae and iierbapH Ctaeboygan unite In forming a acheduJe of
gainea and in tbe adoption of rolea
tbat abould goTern tta ellglMHty of
i^era and other neceaiaiy detalla.
ttare are a* auMHent nniaber of
llama aralUble In tbia aecUoa of the
aiate to mabe up a very Intaraating

«Mf«. WakHy WIm KIwM ArMitafrt M th. MMtint TMetar
NlaM--LMneh afttr teHnWi
Tnv.ra. CItr
No. 3t3 l>>«ier- ' ■
- l>H4 ibHf wuta■ TuMdar evealog. tkare being a good a
tbe taoatlag.' Tba 1008 otacara are:
W. r.—George Blahety.
W. V. P.--JaBiaa Moody.
Mama Wlanla.
W. T.-J. B. OatBMon
I. 8. O.-Barnay MoOia
O. 8. O:—A. Toplaka.
TrMteaaxDon J. Oalaad. A. Olddlaga, r. Adama.
A Mock foUoved tbe butinaat Beat­
ing and ’■Bobble'* Darldeon, tbe dob
diaf. oertalnly did hlmaetf prood. Jodgnig from tbe appeUtaa. A cUm will be
looted neat Toeaday night followed
by an eatertalnnant and oyater aap-

K be avw ta mho bta wttbdraw
tSm Ita Olbll etate bkalnana me.
kept mTm ttaeSr flentaed dartng
tbe Bore Man n Manor or a eantary
ttai ha
taM l^talflad tritb bod
Mr. IPBbeta feRa tba need of



bMlnaaa. K M *mA aale la made,
be antldpatea « dlapoalng kU atoek •am Stead ketween the General
.bafora tbe dean of winter, and will
Stem Of Jeha Ciwm and Teddl
«tat> lonl tbe blUdlag for atore purUvery Bam But These Were
paaM. Mr. Wllbeta Win not leave tbe
dty. tat win taka a eoBplete root
Saved by Streoueoe Rflorta.
Mob all eaUrtly. 'Honor. Mich.. Dee. 2.—What prom­
ised to be a geneml conSagrutlon
broMht out tbe men. women and chil­
dren of ihe rillage en masac thU
Boraing at 7 o'clock, when ibc Uv­
a burped to
INPIAN WHO MAOI TH>NO» HUM ery tarn of W. 8.
tbe ground with i
of iu conu-nu.
Tbe dre origin
In the office.
and before U waa i Morered It tad



Ad engine belonging to tbe Grand
Raplda a Indiana Hatlvay company
waa badly damaged try Ore Monday,
the damage being ibc direct rrPuU
of tbe gale. The cab wga pmcUeally
burned og and the ataam gauge, oilera, etc.. M> badly damaged that tbe
eaglne will have to be lowed to Oruid
RapMa for repalra.
Tbe engine waa aUndlng on tbe
aide track by the roundbouae and waa
facing almoai aoutb. Tbe bigb eoaihweet wind entered tbe amoke auek
and blowing down tlie Ore box. fi
aparka up itarofigta Ike amatl I
aaed aa TenUIhlora, under tbe e
be Ore caught in tbe floorln
cab and aa tbe a^xrden aine
of dry pine, in a few momenta,
with tbe gale, there was a tnerry
blaae. The Ore broke out about jl;85
and tbe depenment waa i
on a lelepbooe» alarm,
making a record breaking ru*
the blatc enUrely'In n couple of after the arrlTat, a fine bVng
in from tbe plug on Railroad arenne.
About SlOO will cover tbe daBage
<Rme to tbe cab and thewnglae.'


aMtaa) Ifaraa the aeaapieta rMaree
tmm Mkbigaa ataw that Prad M.
Wtn»t «aa alaeted peer Lawtep T.
Wtaiana ad Mitak by a piarallty* ot
Tta agMdi tap* UaeL Opt. 1
fdaraUty OP kara taaa Ul,
a edtrted ky a aajortty «f


OMR OR •RCATRrr or aor

».7B n


ing Tuesday Rvening.


. 5rs

niaita That Wheat WUl Reach
ftW tauan. *«ara Kiar CnaIralali MHHaa •ataila.
AMkta. Bta.'~T-'Tta inata
•taaaparawpttae age U agpraaN
Ita ta Rtato Bota in Ckloaga.
darana A. IkK, "cora klag.* a
ppgr haSd Sim?aad*|l.Mpta?IbIm?
9tm. * f r *«*♦'ItaaMlMy weak to Kingsley today
Mra rwt «ttb friaads


This Is ope reason wfajr Ayer's
Cherry PecKtrtl it so valua­
ble ‘ ia coDsamptiob. It stops
tho'vear and tear of useless
couRhiDf. But It does more
—it cootfois the ii ’
qulcfs the fever, soMbes,hetls.
Ask your doctor about this.
-Sold ter

in the forenoon, at said probate of­
fice. be andf la hereby appotated tor
exaailniiui and allowing aald aeeoaaL
It 1. further ordered. That gsbUe
notlre therrof be given by pubUcaUaa
of a ropy «l this order, for thraa aueccMlvr weeks prcvloas to said daj et
bearing. Iu tbe Grand Traversa Hacer priaita and drcalat-



. RKl) R. WAUCE8.
Judge of Probate.
Nov. 2»2:-Doe. 4-11.

r-a ssK'fC

Silver raised a fine new barn
Mrv. Arthur SUter la eitiertalnlng
her aUier.
The Her. Mr. 'B’ood ot the U. B.
church gave a dne temperance addrc&a Sunday.
Dan Ball, who hu been on the alck
r losing h
- while help!
Mr. Silver
-n Saturday.
Melvin and William Borat bav
cone R) Tbomiwonvllle. They have
Job entf

tbe winds, and Frank Sheriff, bar­
er In liannatyoc'a axloon stepIMsl to Uie w'liidow to etop tbe dadce.
whereupon Glaraeix opened fire bpoo
htm, •hooting Ibrough the large plaic
glass window In front of the saloon,
leaving Sheriff nitnua a part ot hU
ear. and two years older. The bullet
went through, the celling. Olarseu
took this Ume to escape, and so oue
gueettoned his right of way. '
Ooaauble Barber found him ahortl>
afterward in an alley, where he waa
In hiding, and placed him under arleat. and got him away from the fob
which collected. The revoiver has not
been found.
Glarseu Is ab
aas on a glorloii



For all Bmld-SiilMcrlbers.-Wbal Lawyers
Say ot IL
On another tage of ibis paper will lx- found an advc-niscriicnt
of the IM'W edition of ibc Mlcblgan Farm taa-e. brought down to
Che pres<-Di. wblch the Herald ban1 been fortunate In securing for
Ha aubscribera.
This book contains 3o0 pag'**
treats fullv
iHvinr an average of ten pages lo eacb aoMcct. All
poeslbly oomc up In couneclloa with farming
en Id plain language, .o that
‘ t no person ran muuedcrsiani! nr
This book la not on sale nnj trhc-rc. sM can only be secured by
.Irrald subscrltarr at the very low prk-c named In tbe advertlsrnirnt. Before taking
, up the matter wlih the publishers, we bad
by by
6: first class

the book examined
attorneys, who
It to be cvcryiblog that U claJi

bora nmde fa tta ocm^ltMaa of a
certain mortgage made and wocutad
by Retacea A. Pierce. u( TnwM
K. Relchard.tkn M

• ■
-pL 17, IttT, and .
i« place, dated
vrded In tbe officei of tta r - of Deeds tor Grand Traveroe Oouatr,
Mich.. Sept 18, 18*7. at 2 o-doekpBL
' ‘ *
of that day In liber 29. ot
page 4
Ing friend!
the cily. relumed to Srd day
of Oct. 1*08. duly aaMgnad ta da
larkscm ItixlH). to resutne htx |<uslticu said George B. Relebard to SItakoa
the Michigan Central.
Heath, and tbe asaigiiment therooC rewmiarn Uber and Grorge Craker of


Mm' J. t\. Pnrkhnrat and Mrs. U

ng amt upon vUta
iuortgage thei* la*now'elijmad to ba
due and unpaid at the dale karaot
Kleven Hundred and Fifty-thiwa Do*lara. and no proceeding allbor at lav
or In eguliy having bean Inatltutad to
recover tbe debt SMimd thereby or
good beallb since we began nsing Dr. any part thereof, notice la baroby
King's .New IJfv Pills, lliroe years given that by virtue of tta power at
ago." says L. A. Banleit. ot Rural aale conialoed In said mortgage axd
Route .So. I, Guilford. Ylalne. Tbey
tii'anse and tone the sy-aiem in a
gentle way that does you good 2uc
at S. K Walt A Sons. 4' K. Dugbee tbe hlgheet bidder on
Drug Co., and Hannah ft l-ay drug
rlock p.
wr Ot U
tbe court bouM la IVa^

7 much therooC aa j

IMMI) Dollars, and no pronlawereuaRy having brae
to rereVrr tbsesht •rrorrd (borel.r, nr any part therrof, o-.U-v te tbersfore
brrvby glveo that l.y vlrlur nf the pn»*T of
.ale .vistalMd in aant raortBage and is rats
pltencswill tb-eiatolein.n.-heaioiBaleaad

ich foredokuro and wRa
and an attorney fee ot Twenty-fire Sift
ira aa provided tor In mM miHltai,
be premiaea to te ooU are daaoSi
1 aald mongnge-as altuatod
rro City. Grand TrmrarM
Mich.. vU:
Tbe nndivldad oaoftaH 0« tta toGoW
tug dcdcHboE 1^: OoUuM

llon-e.c Wadi'Bgtoa IHrsei Is tbe Ctly nl
Iratme I'llr. UaBSIy of Uraad TrwTerse,
.-:uie »f Mtr>Uran ihai beta# tbe pteee oS
t>-.hjingi]H-«.lrciu>Cosrt for aaM Oiutty. Ibo
tbs anioont Ib-B due. iselodA the i.rtB-dpalnienot at TpOTceiK. a..d co-U i f stub fee*.'l.eureatnt aale, liwliullBC as stt..rury too of
To. ely lrs DuUan. aa pr-fHled for la taUI

^Uite >!m*lVility nre tSi and Thlrtvolx IBI'
of Bl'v-k ]>•> Too
.4 ihvry Ilanaab-a
deraed AdOtlco •« tbe xiUag-Mn..o UlTiik
Trsrefte ntjr l^blgwB. aeoonluic to then-

sDUtheaateriy paraRel with Uta «tat
Hoe of aald lot one to tbe Moth bB«»
dary line of lot two In aald blotft “H."
thence waA on the south bouaftery
line of aald lou one and two in nM
blodi two rods and eleven feet le vuM
tgmodaiT Une of aald lot one. ttea«
northwest along the went boundary
line of aald lot one to the plara o< ta^nning.
Oct. 8, 1*08.
Attorniy foy AaMgnoe.
BusinoM addrera. TraTotM Otty.
ocL ftjaft 1.

Altnro^for Kcotga««<e.
>«Blte4ll (Mate Uaak Rklg.. TravaroeCHr.
andag-S-|H laUte. H.

FOR SALE-Ono bladt horse. wMgkt
about 1.100: bouibl last fall for tta
years old; good traveler and dta*
limbed; price 86ft; will take bow

DR. W. J. HIQOINB. Dontlot
New Munson Blk.
TravArae Qty.
Citizens telepbone; office, 7M; re*
Idenre. 80*.
k U> be dIrecMd to Ma otlloo oppcialie Sberduui ft Hunter.
Do not be otladlrected.
Gold work of the very best
Porcelain inlays.
Palnlros extraoUon.

irmvri .
red kidney beans. Call Bell p
Old Hlaslon. W. K. PraiL

F’rtad B. Rodorspital

Farms and Qty Property



BonoM, sold and exchanged
Boon 1.4 Mognric

, Tn-sne City. Miob.








probate office M tta cdUr a< TravCity. M said (Mxtr. «a «ta Utk
ot November A. D ISM.
j Praaent. Hon. Fiwd R .Walks'. JnSs*
i of probate.
In the matter of tta estate M
.Oliver P, Hughes.________
Hughes, d
I Ida M.I. H
hMim knvlBg
kL___ _ Sled In nU
court her ftaal account as eunie

of said MUie.
lUie. and her pedUaa
pMkMa |«i

- and■■
le allowance
laslgnment and dIatrfbttUM
psldne of ask*, estate.

Honor, Mich,, tVc. V—The spirit
of old cbWf Povkatau inciased !■> lliv
Sre water of Honor Btled the velii'
Of George Glaraetx. an Indian burk.
working In Skiauer's camp, and he tm
mediately procivnled to ctan out Ar
chle Bannaiyne-a eak»n. In trne old
west style early -last evening. Let

ting ont a wild whoop, he doitned bis
iwini and fealhora and procr-eded to
do the war dace In front of the sa From Wedneadara
Mrs. Patil Honlne went to

5ISL ““ - -

8. U Httarra Waa

Meb Cellacted But ' CeMtabta Cel
Hla Prisoner Safely te the JailShot Through plate Glass

15.S. S",S Si:“r'-S”£?!

Tmalee—Charles E. Quick.

is in

p ♦ ♦ • • * ♦ ♦ # p ♦♦ ♦

Pomona, MIclu.
Sharp la visiting her danghtrr. Mrs.
The Rev. Mr. Ilosfc of Bcottv-ille
r.-urbed li> the Bvaiigt-llcal church
Tbi^ bard wind Wednesday night
iovfvl Bd Sbappen'm new ham oB.tbe
all about 12 inebna.
Dan Shaffer of B'eet Blverton la
vlaliing frlendi In town.
Several frou)
quarterly meet
church uo^t.
Pomona'^cert band will pUy tor
tbe Graagert' entcrukunent Friday
D.T- 4.
Mlta Mary Stines, who la nttendschool• IIn Travmc City. spent



Traverse City Lodge No. id Knlgbta
held tta annnal election ot offioera
Tnaaday evening, there being an ex­
cellent tortwot Tbe new ofOcera are:
Chancellor UMBBUodei—hoha A.
Vice ehanoaUor-W. H. Vmlnr.
Praiato-John King.
'Keeper of records and eeala—Fre
Mnater of ftnance—A. W. Rldterd.
Master of toe exebegner—A. 8.
Master of work-K. a FaMM.


Tbe Knlgbli of Columbua met In
Mondv la Ita City opera bouse
block mat evaning- Afler-tbe meeting
elegant, bantiuec In wbicb 140
platea were nerved. A One program
can of the Club Were
waa rendered as follows;
Opening address—Grand Knight DISORDER AVOIDED FOR THE
William Hoollhan.
Tcaataiaaler—F. J. Klnnoean.
Tlie Brat annual banguet of the
Vock,BOlo-Jaa. Oolbord.
Moose club .waa held Monday night,
“Charily.” addreaa^. O. WeRntan.
proceeded by tbe inatallalion of th’loffleera, aa follows;
President—John Mlknla.
Vice pre&ideni—Frank Hayden.
Secretary and iroaaurer—Charlea
lYdlowlng the buainc-ss miKMiiic
till- young men ti-palrfd lo the Uith
Feaiwd That the Regular Army Will Tavern, where tbey enjoy-d the
The prbgrani was greaUy enjoyed,
l-auguet glv.-u by tbe club. 8iM-ecli.>
Desert-and Join the Rebels—
outaidc tucnibera ' from Maniaicc,
tnaile by the new orflccro. Wil­
Rapnrta of Mutiny Alroady
Provemont. BIk Raplda and Cadillac
liam Mikulu srilog as loastmavici.
Frank Haydea gave a Ulk upon lh<-Kvolutiou of the Moose club.” UikCheapoat accident Inaurance—1
Port Au Prince. Dec. 2, 10 a. in..— ing up the b( ginning when four mvi
organlxed the aocicty. and glvlu
A pcovlnclal sovcrnmcni with Gener­ abers
brief resume of the work douo li
al I.eg1time at the head has be.-n
these boys, the club now nutnberir.
UbllKbe! and dlsonk-r has br-eti avoid- :« members. There were ]g of ihe
uieruU-rs present at the iMUiquel. This
i-a for Ibo i>re»em.
Tnc realdcnla of Ibis cily rdyolled will 111- an annual affair.
atalDst the govcrnnienl and life of
PreUdent Alexli and the di-vaslalton
Ing for ChrlatiaD’^('n. li yrara
111.- city waa Uin-ateood.
old, mlaalng ainee Sunday.
Oowm tatai as aaow aa y.« bens lo •nivsa
it la believed that the regular i
ESCANABA—Jay SuHI. 21 year
sad •anfBs. Hsglteted, tbe nild may gros
a deer hunter, was shot and kllle
eaisrril, aiA tbe sir-iniMin br m lo
SaaiM thsl yue tavr w Bgbi for .v.<t
Seih Ubumard. at North Ea
bnath. II te Irur tbat g^'e Cnaai Kstm
lurvi cstarrb, i.r-nniilly and rertejoty Rut
HCM4.ANr>-The funeral of G. B.
)Mt knew Ibe oM
atwul U
The warKhlp* In the tarlmr
allatil. who died In Woburn. V
wtaa tta cold IS th> b-sd >butrs ItseU
BteSlDg tbe altui
iltuation ckteely and
ill be held hem Wedneedny.
ready tr land mar1nea-al aOy
Ballard onre declined the not
tlon for governor of Michigan.

raverse Cily State Bank

uilWftlal PIpam rnm Cemplata
MataTta ttav that n Waa tMO
—Taft Oat l•MN.

Parkerburg. W. Va.. Dec. 2.—Nearly
82.9»o.OM If demanded by the aute aa
a forfeit from ex-Senator Camden lor
inlluiw to report the Iroe valae of hla
property to the assesaera for the past
tour yean.


taMk taydar, Who UeU an O«of poakiblr to nave II. The b
eeel. >ta>aiii*be W Bnye
, Ik «M D. M. C
Ore Sghiera turned
Sonthea Itching skin. Heals cuts
Hoodr, Mta, DaT I.—Oeorpe U^ Inga iiearcat the bumlng atnicturv. r bums without a acar. Cures piles.
Uvery bam of Cmae and Todd'k i-i'«>ma, salt rheum, any Itching.
OMU. Ita MMa who tovlabed a Mg
’mm and triad to aboot at Ptank abet- ■tore. The burning building atood be­ Doan's OlDlmenl. Your drugyUl sells
tween tbeae, nnd only the moat atmSbaar^dfwWdMtMItaee
uoua cBoru of tbe men. women and
|ak today.
W. J. Jatrey. vta waa bald oa a diUdraa saved these from dust ueiton. BSPOBT or THK uUMJmOK Of TO*
Tbe peeullartly of tbe Ore waa that
- tXMBey charae. drow |U 8ae c* so
It was the only bonding In
dan and took tta dnya. _
Prank taKdar. kta at6la OuOigu of tbe town that was Mt Inaut ..
toss la eaUmated at about S2.0M.
iMBoa'a OTP
ga MyaTTi^IMndTHoarS



Fear Vaara.

.TaaoB AtralUMt.

......Mb M «aa of the leading
Bt> et tbe dty, and dnrtng tbe
m yean tbat ba baa bona oonnaeV^

ftetdy bMkak U be doaa not gel
tnm bnaMeao for a ttaae. tbat


gpggaata ClgM Teww AH Caa


nmMM Ms «Mk 2,92t


QTATE OF MICEflGAN. THE PKO^ bate court tor tta eotntr oC

It Quiets
WIW WEST the Cough

is Botne faiftber today

SO da^g ago, but U CHEAPER

than it will be -30 day* from bo*.
Tta fnnowlag onoraa wen ah . .
at Grand Travoree lodaa. No. m. t
O. O. T. Tnaaday evenlas.
NoMe Grand—K. U Hugbea.
Vice Grand—& M. Franklin.
Baoofdtbg aecreury—Oyde Robin

‘matet tor tbrae yeara-Jamea Mc-

I Okleafo. ca n wpckb triA

BdiUiDg MatemJofaU kioda ia «hca|/and Ubor ia j

of ItaHgaa. Oeua* M Otata Hm




Now is tbe CiRden Opporti^
J.O.CROTSEB, Keeeiver

SouOi Side Lumber Co.

ItavcrM CMy. Hlek.

Grand Traverse Region
8. Loomis. Of SnUoas Bay. paaaod

None* TO
tvMT wwk turn...........


Wtlliam Palmer, wuv <• bhouu;
High acbool lb Trareree tCty. *P<
a lew days with hb parents. Mr. a
Mr*. Cbas. Palmer.

from town
b Ul.
Orte Wyaong it bulldliis a block
bonae for to Cnnalnghaim
Mr. Boroogh win pteaeb at the
Ilivd ttanir parrMa, Oewga Howw p(tol bouse at >:M Sunday after•B4 wli*. laai waek.
MM It he is abte. Bveryhody Invlt-Owrg* Beonetl u4 vUc w«ra<tt.
Dont forget the big supper at
A. 8. of K. baU Saturday night
Elmer Hoxle and family spent
aorad «B tbHr fans.
jamM Rernolda and wit* baw
[ day with bb brother.


<^«'Krts- <...., ta,.

Jlid. X*tb*riM Oritttb la Thltin*

Vr.v JohnwMi i*
t* MtvfU lulus I

Mr. and Mrs. WUI Hunt and daugb
I Irnw and Mary ale Tbanksglvlag
• Mr.
d Mrs. Gvorge
llockridge. of North
rtbur Hobtnion
Mr. and Mr*. Arthur
>y. of Elk Rapids, sspent
dauabier Roby,
San^y with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gay.

Smith' 'pntoruimid
«fc-<r*ilodr«»ii ai tbair bewnte Suodar
Stt-ariik i........
laraDPt' 8t«-arn»
by On* Thnnadar. Thr
1 paaher of the Glmners drove i

— B and
lt<#«|lfr«nd attended the lodge there
ilgbt They all report
hr 4%>oyable time.
Mrsi teurs returned Saturday from
liuwiUT vUltMl III* paiXD
puaoDia. where she has been for the
8«ndar- lU' returned to SiWBimlt Mo
past few Bootbs■ with ber daughter.
Mrs. BdUk PetitL Mr. and Mrs.
^ m>04ls Bumbor of our peoftlo at- IVKU came , with her as she is quite
lawdod duurierir mootlas «l l^imona feeble aud •unable to imvel aiono.
•aturdar and Snodav.
Mrs. ttorge Gee Is reported quite
Oraban. o( Neanu Hty sink at Ibis writing.
Mn. May Souihwlck.
Mr. and Mrs. fba* Baton ai
r, of
af J<9MMn
Wm. Orr.
Ward tbited with.Mr. and Mrs. Wn
- to dansbler. M»-». irmaU IbinbaBi
L'urty Sunday.
Velra Kohr *U. ««l her fr^dinoU
Mrs.-'tbras and daughter U>ts ra
desB Xtom Travurse City to spem
Tbsn^sglvlng with
and Mrs. (‘ui



airanera lodge at Kewadlc Saturday
nbhf Md vlslteO Sunday at Mrs.
Lydia erink'a.
Momiday was the first dsy of school
3? eioJJeXwBtB; While on her in
thenew school bouse. We certainly
way bON- the waa BUa<Wad by a dog. bare a 0ne school house of which we

to ctotblM botof.hwnr tom a* a

nlH.aiOwa laBt' week.
Oooi«e Newman returned trom hunt
Ins after abooting two debr.

^^Mr'aDd Mrs. Kiel Munro. daughter
Jean und
toier !nnU ate
' with Hr. and
Mrs. George Cams, of Traverse Clty.
Tbey returned Saturday.
The old acbool houne was sold at

Gay Vandwrrorfc twcuBj went to
Honor whore be has aoenred a postWm. Gay for $gS. be bohu
thm which wUl pwmh hb afWmdibg
• there.
Mr. and Mra. P. D. Ptye aiW hahy.
and Mrs. Frank Sayera apeni
Ivlag with their aeioe, Mrs.
Mr. and Mr*. ________
iwllnt and
an tamUy.
wm Huat teareo tbU moralug for Irwin Bawllnt
.a Wolf and Boy McKeage.
M Mbatoo. where be wlU.organbe
have been bunting la the upper penlnOleato lodge.
jls. are reported as having good
Monday ovenlag Mr. and Mr*. Geo.
Munro caUed on a
r George t
houae flUed with a number of tbclr
friends who came to remind George to hb L- .
Mbs Gertrude Barlrk. who b em­
that It was his birthday. It was a
complete surprise and was cleverly ployed at the Hoiql Grecory at Fife
planned by his wife. Dainty refresb- Lake, has been spending a week with
her parents. Mr. and Mrn. George
Mbs Andie .Taylor had a abort
Ing .
The guests left at a bte boor voting Thanksgiving vacation, whld she
Mr. and Mn. Mnnra capital cwlorialn s^nt at this place and Traveree ('Ity.
She rciurued to her sohool at Buttoy
Sonday aflernooB.
Miss Cnrrie-lllme* visited ber mothMATCHETT.
Amos Box. wife and lamUy spent
t vUli her* parcuu. returning
_lvlur inday evening.
Myron Taylor and wife and family Bund
................irsball. Bert and Harvey
lUd mother, lilri i Tay loi
Holliday, of Kingsley, atu-nded church
ind Ha
here Sunday evening.
Augnst Gran Is feeling ssomewhat
at Uuc-klei
I- Bogart
went to CadilUlar. better than for a few wii-ks.
Mrs. George Rarick bad the mis­
where she underwent an
fortune lo btoe a small purse routalnIng twenty doUars In the stm-t here,
wheu slartlDg on a shopping trip lo
Biiiiday to visit G. B. Oatley, rusuru
vn I
report that this Udy
'"ityroii Huietl Bad lamlly went lo Ira
Llnien's at Kingsley for Tbanksglvlni: riTUvered her money.
Mr. and Mm. Henry Bogan had
about 19 of their friends lor Thanks­ ing the klicbeii and dining room of
his hotel aud making uumerouii Inigiving dinner
Mr. Oba». Knapp, wife and daughter prnvemenU. obe Of which Is
i. w rsuge,
wer<- at MbicUi-H Sunday at c-bureh.
Mrs. John VandiTvork and chlldr
Nettle Tsylor spent Sunday with
Gregory returned to Pelo«key lug III Traverse CiD <
today alter ia week» visit with Mrs _Uee. 1.
- Bogsri spent Tuesday with
n Taylor.
The tole*’ Aid Society will meet
Thuraday afternoon with Mr*. J. L.
Gibha. who win furnirh work. All apr'
** T^ bunting season has closed,"'and
, Vandervork.
- Silas
Davis, Oharlc'
LYtnnor and Krmak Taylor, of ihl
place, have
beet fortunate eSoug
to each get a deer. i>eer have
shot in this vidnity by two <
The largest reported lo dale was the
erne shot by Ur. O't^nnor.
Miss Goldie Halllday arrived home
from school In Traveree City Wedneadsy evening for Tbanksglvlag. She
returned Monday morning.


There will
no s<-huol here this
week as the losiher will attend the
teacher’s Institute si l.elaiid
Miss I ..sura Hiirlirad rinsed the fall
term of sebool at North I'nliy. They
ell pleased with her work
■seem It
e Ims taken a conirael for the
spring term.
ilerlNTl ilurfiend returned

VhMtor went to Lolaad to attend th^
teacher’s instltme.
Mr. and Mrn. Keb OloM and <hUd
m weal to Ac»e to rtolt their broth­
er and abler.
Mr. and Mr*> Ben Holland. Mr. and
and Mr*. John MlUer ate ThankaglT.
lag dinner wtth Peter Bnrtod and
Not. M.



Iff tutder ooQtrcl ai IomI gaoeaMfol bMixMw s______ ,
Ihjg* fiBudojgn tJ hbor. It ofien to tb« pofatk it* •
^Z3T-------------M wdl kg I

lose a Ysluable horse W<
Quite a number of the famiUe* from

» faukiDg. itg Botto.

r. and Mrs. F. N. Glass at Herb-

and Mrs. Luther Ua<
at Datld Mantgold's.
Mrs. Hawley Manifold spent i
days last *«-k in Kingsley.


L B^OLU PreaUeoL
___ ^
A. V. FRIEDRICH. Vie* PresifiraL
1 Lardic, Wm. Laudou. Frank
U. Smith. H. B. Oaroer. U O. Elcc.

Afford to Ignor*.
Danger sbual So. I come* from the
kidney secretioiis. They will warn
you when the kidneys are sldt. Well
kidneys seerele s clear amber fluid
8lek kidney* send out a Ibln. pale
and foamy, or a thick, red. HI smell
Ing urine, full ol sediment and irreg
ular of passage.
Dauger signal No. S comes from the
bark. Back pains, dull and heavy, or
sbsrp and acute, tell you of sick kid­
neys. and warn you of tke approach
of droiwy. diabetes and Bright’s dis­
ease. Doan’s Kidney nils »-ure sick
kidneys and cun- them permanently.
Here’s the Trsvers.- City proof:
George W. WIkel, 302 Sitth M.-eel.
Traveiwe rily. Mteb . says: "My kid­
neys bothered me for some four
years The chief symptom was a weak
ne.s of the se.-rel»ns which were Ir­
regular and of an unnatural color.
>b with
Sly baik would ache and throb
headpain, and Ih-re
aches, and a soreness ot the tin
and >i>ims It wa* bard for me
rest at night, and became w.-ak agid
unfit for work. I was lodueed
Induced to try
Doan’s Kidney Pills after a uuinberr of
i-dies had been tried unsue^

past few dayi. ... - .............
Is attending the .Needham school
Pratle visited at ePtc
Bhei-as’ over Sunday.
Mba Bertha Bequest returned to
her home at Suuons Kay after vislti-> a week at ber friends. Pearl
Mr*. Laura Burflendand Mlw Etta

M. a R0WN8(K\ OHhtor.
K 1. EDWAROe. Asst. Caaitter.

J W JsiT.-tt was a Traverse City
visitor Saturday.
iiiedleine show has been tb«- at
trarlioii in town the last week.
No sebuol In Ihst No. ] today on
aerouni of the Illness of Mr. Tiylor.
Mr. BcldlDg'* grandfather.
•arah Widng: and
ani daughter.
Mrs. Bai
Honu'stead 8a(ur
xlsKed friends
The frir-nda of MIsa Mary Jaqulsh
City, b Duralng her.
R. B. Reynold* w as home over Sun
lay but will leave again ao(^ In the
Lterests of the Grange insurance.
Charles Kenney spent Tbanksglv-

today after a three dtOBths stay in
Battle - re«d.
Mrs. A. II. Brown retnrned to Trav-*e City Balurday aUor a visit with
friends here.
A speaker from the antlwahwti lea
ue will opeu the campaign tor local
option 111 tills rvglon nextt Sunday.
will speak SI the Inland M K eliur
la the morning, at Went Inland iu l
afternoon aud at the church here In
the evening. Eveyune b cordially Intiled to alti'Rd all of Ibeae meetings.


aueb better, continuing
..... Traverse City.
with the use of the remedy 1 was
Our teacher. Mbs Ada Smith, spent
rurt4. 1 procured Doan’s Kidney
rr Tbankaglvlng at her home la
Pills at the Wait Drug Co '
For sale by all dealer* Prire M
Mr*. Freda Carpenter'and daughti..
Poster-kinburn Co. Buffalo. New Yu
Jenna. of.BensnnlB. vblled friend*
Sole ageuu (or the Culled State*.
here over Sunday.
Miss Lulu ReynoMa arived teme

Get What You Need mm


And Pay Whenever You Can.

Our Easy Payment Plan makes it easy for everybody to furnish their home at a very small
expense. A small payment down and the balance to suit your convenience. We have helped
hundreds of people start housekeeping In this manner and want to help you.
Our big buying for three House Furnishing Stores make our low prices. Come in and
talk it over with us.




Every Woman
•hould own GDC of ogr handy
... Cabinets for it will
more than pay for itself in the
saving of cooking materials, and
make kitchcA-work
a real
:hw»pteasure. See the
' we are seHing at..



In our Chair Dept, we have over
^00 styles of Bockers and o



Comfort Couches
Thom’s ttueh tlifforenoe in OouchoB. Some are prettv Iml Lanl ns a
Wotl«>'t have that kind. Oni Couches are atylish, boaulifully upho
and jost as soft and comfortable as possible lo make thom.
them. Then tht-y'ro
the high priced kind either, but we goanuiteo them to last just us lorn;, and
look jost as well at Oouebes costing mnch more
For tlO.OD and fl2.00
e dan sell you some boauliis. Also ask lo see our i! piooo Mahogany I’arlor

Beds and Beddtng



Gtmd Wood Beds.. ____
Good Pillows............ 75c
Good Bhakets. donhie tLM
GtxdOoadorto......... $L75


Bait for f

With beavy gilt frama and
tin the plain Oak Mil '
st^. Alan a big aaai«rtawat
i amaH Looking Glaaaed.

We have lome splendid values
in Dinner Seta, plain White
Decorated, alto tome odd dishes
which we are cloaing o

Sc and 5c each
A nice lot of enameled ware
and tin dishes for cooking.

Our Carpet and Rug* Dept, sur­
passes all previous showings, for
beautiful patterns,
tUerns, choice colors
and excellent wearing qualities.
Whether it be a Carpet. Rug,
Mattinjf or Linoleum, your or­
der wilibe appreciated and propnall exerly filled at a very smal

Book Cases


We have some special bargains
in Book Cases. ' A few sample
combination Book Cues 'which
are worth Sis 00 now

Which glailden the
boerts of the little
folks, and also the
older oaoe, are arriv­
ing. We have some
7 Robe
CutterSf eU-. whic-fa
can bo used to adaanuge for tbe litUe fel­
low now.

Also some Writing Desk samp­
les to be closed out at

S7 and $8 each
We also selUhe Globe-Weroicke
Sectional Book Cases.



ask fob CBEBITe


Can be made a day of pleasure
whh the proper kind of uten­
sils. Our line of Wash Tuba,
Bolters. Wringers. C i o t b e s
IJnes, etc. is complete In every
respect, and will save you lots of
time and money.

No one can afford to be -without.
a. go^ comfortable Bed and
BMding^when you can get them
at ftich low prices and pay lor
thdm a little at a lime. Iron
B^s, Wood Beds, Springs. Matt­
resses, Pillows, Blankets and
Comforts, and in fact, every­
thing for the Bed.


40 styles of Dining Chairs. No
disappointmeots hete in prices
ither, as every chair is marked
t a price to please light pocket

Wash Day




Store at ELK RAPIDS* MiCfflGAN

Now is the time to get a tpleolittle mooey.
did stove for a
_ ........
We have several good heating
Stoves which we must close out
to make room for our Holiday
Goods which are arriving daily.
We also have some bargains in
second-hand heating
which we took in exchange for
new ones.



PoD toils and odd pieoas at
greatly rednded prieaa.
3 piece Snito at S15.75
Commodes tZM
Beds fl.75

Brown VMt to Traverse the U of
The young people gnve n party Pri- night at Mr. Degroat's, whose
amUy espeet to move away •
re Borry to hare them g
de a good many
tJ e uey have been wtU Ua.
A 8. Pn
WellsttM after a week's
Bessie Degroat vlafted at home
two or three days last week.
Mrs. Hattie Wordeu and Mra. Tay-

His Wife Says
“No Waste”
•Nri «M
I «■ Ur WUi
«w« «f k.
«• a Mt M spot bmd auk«. aakc ttw

irloB Pray and '
Selkirk's family Bunday.
Dec. I.

IW* ifai iwriwow «f » waoMB wfcaw bwb«id ImIi n
moi i^im* Md^aaU «m tbe food bread be a r**«»

Cr%>A»io Ml la about k.

Dye Bridge and wife have rested
the hotel at Grawn and nre moving
Ur. and Mrs. Nofe Rhodes vlalted
bla parems Sunday. WllUa Rhodes and
Mr. and Mra. Nutoa JohnsM apent
TbanksglTlng with hla parents near
Dell Bridge has rented the Bunny
Bank In Traverae <nty and will soon
move hi* family there.
Oliver (loburn of Freemont. U vUlilag bis sister. Mrs. Rhodes.
Miss Archie spent TbankagMug
her home In Traverse niy
^Mlsa Vera l^p-on came Wedne*inlug from Travi
spend Thanksgiving with her parents.
George Hance bad Ibe good liick

She fiMbff aar> tbol “CM i k dHdd COM 40 cab note
other I
That «e«M kaa dM
idea «d dtel be deki Hd doi^
H JwadfyyeerlhMk t'liliiii iilotire

LUy White
**Hm Roar the BMt Cooke Um**

la 4a

<d iW *ckr bcaadk’

O eeane. k deei't CO* ao noeb men thee etbei brwda. eat
a Seer a di^ to nea folcaa
hr Icaa toaaQr
aea^ y
you aiar lake out
ererd. k »t warth aerawre thak yea ^ for k.
for lea meaey ~h the mo>

kw they oder yoeI
V k oAa4r

iwntat 4al the
rede a.*' Uy

.................... 4-y
Peukerek were united In marriage at
3 u i-Iork Wednesday at Traverse
•ae City
b) tbe Ket. Atselt ol the Urate
church. The ling ceremony being
usod. They were allended by Mr.
and Mra. Frod Knight. Mrs. Knight
being a sister of the groom. They
relumed oome on tbe evening Iraki.
A beautiful wedding supper was
served at (he home of the bride. Mr
and Mrs. Murrell have a large number
ot friends to wUh them nothing but
Dec. 1.

do T«* kaacbe they would mI k ior laa




aod Maude Hardee at dinner oa
ThankiflvlDf day.
d Mn. V. B. NIchol
Mra. P. SwauMo. of Good Harbor.
WBt Thankaflvtni week vlUt relaMr and Mn. Joaepb Taylor aad
oee ii
-b -left
- Baiorday

t- Mr. and Mr*. A. A Powera. E. A.
lywlll apead tl
Harry, la aUendlag II
AsrkaUUral coUece Ibere.
Iter, aad Hra. Mrd(e retnraed i
VTbe people ol the SwedUb Million
Aldea Raierday ■oraloa, after ha«in« cbereb en>oyed a dainty lanrheae on
i^aat the
with ibetr daufhUr. Thankiglrinc aftemooD at the close
Mrm. J- r. Mallbava MIm Hande
<Hare B. WlIklDion and Miia Bea­
Tra»a}i« city.
trice Lee were married at the brida'i
«av. Beatall daUreird a very latM^ iKtme la Barani
ig aertaon at the untoo aerrlcev day.
ItoU la tiw M. B. chnrch
cherch os Thanka
Mr. aod Mrs. P. WenburK enter
telned at a very ebannlhg dinner
party le honor o( Mr. and1 Mra.
Bey. Hr..KUat. of Tailto. acceptod Wilkinson, wboae wedding was sol»e paleti ieUa M. B- Asra Monday •mnlaed at Baranae on Thanksgiving
ovceitoR. Ha *aa a feeft ot Mr. C.
. o'clock the gue>t« were
a. Bedberc wbUe her*.
conducted to the dli^y raom. which
_M»Md Mfa.
A. ItoMe. Mr. aad
•ra. A. Voice hhd cAMdrM apeet
table - dalnltly decorfMaBhaelvlnc at Bmpire vlih r«U<r-plece of ferna
chrysantbemuma and bride
Tha Marta Coeeen oospeer gara each cover, there belag sUteen covers.
b bKhy oadoyaMa eraatag e( <*ara- The following menu was daluUly
laa towle OB oMto. naraMphoae,
' '
aad kalM. rMdlgg aad
(Vean or tomatoee. wafers, celery,
I ^3*^ ere eajeyad by a fell olives,
baked fUh. Preock tried pou
toea. radlahes. torkey. bam. maahed
pouioes. brown gravy, cebbage aalad.
taadSd the 'kcarhcr'ii a.".oetaitoii
rolls, butter, banana and nut sals
Traearae CHy oo Saturday.
Car- Heboruoo apoet Saterday la
Tromee City.
ler. Dr, R. E Flood with one of b
ghtftil apeecbes. preseni
Mra. Bradley and chUdren of Qraad
i Ubbalf I
I op rrtday evaaiag to
daya «Hh Nr. Bra"'
bay rei
returned tbU woralag.
plateau mirror. Tbe gueau then
Mr. nnd Mn. A H. ICUUkes
to the parlor, where they wrote ap­
*1 are apendlag t
propriate wiBbM for bride and groom
lyne uitli relatlrt
on ribbon Ued bearl-tbaped
aatar l^. WUaey
WUac took C. which were read aloud by the groom
ptoe t ID Ike
train derlag Following ibU a Bower coateat waa
given which waa won by Mrs W. D
Ntrtaola. ibe prise being a boquet ol
cnrnatloas C. E. WUhInaoa received
arday and attended the teackrra' ae- the consolatlOD priae. Tbe following
gueaU were presens: Mr. and Mr»
W. a NldMls. Dr. and Mra. ft E
J. F. Mai

5 uii'&er'


*”r. M*^pbell end daagktor Mariprte apeei Thsnfcaglvlag In Trsverae

Qrani. Maud Burdge and

Nov. S
-daaei .enie
Bev. and Mra J Burdge, of Alden.
Mr. and Mrs J. F. Matthwa aod Ih-v.
Or-orge JTay. wUc an^ *on Harry
at dinner Friday
spent Tbanksgivlng at J. Watson's
iboae who eatmataed i
Hrr-d and Ora ttroan visited TravniMkagiviag day
Mr. ai

Mrs Kate
______ __________
Mra. Oeorge
Oawe. Mr.
Mra. Jnhn Bchainnader. Mra. B. Kell^ke with her parHorn Wauoa mitd< wEe and children
iltoB «( Mn. W. B Jebnaton. i
lanw. 1. U. Uaau- and Wm Vol<

{cvnp Sunday.
' Mr. and Mr* Ed. Pi>ray and children
•pent T^ksgivlu at WatsoAa camp
a and the Misses Julia Ursot
- Rebecca Pray. Mra. Cbarlolic


. Vaubom t. Sunday at Buckne Orangk fair waa well auanded.
Mra. Ed. BtItAaey la very U1 at tke

Mr. and Mra. Frank Barrett vlalied
at Ony Blacl'a Sunday.
Pal Buck put up a windmill for
Gv Buck one day laat we^.
The wind atorm of laat W<
jht blew down a
ley's and half of
Clyde Lewis' large bam.
Tbe house on ibe (iarence Blerns
farm was burned to the ground Ust
Wedueaday afternoon.
Mrs. Nofsftnger and son were al
ling wood tor Mr. Held and are now
Ing wood for Hr. Smalley

. . winter with hla aliterln-law. Mn.
The tones of the new achnoi beU
U hcord throughout the
E. A- wmiama la putting n new
rater tank In biS barn. 1%e water Is
brougbt by pipes bom Ithe creek across the road.
load from Beltner attended the
lance at Qrawn Sunday evening
Nov. 30.
Mrs. David Elman has her mother
and father suyl
_I with
ber ibU
. wlntor'. They will be a great comfort
her ns Mr. Eimon U going to the
woods to work thia winter.
Miss Aggie OrUfcb has gone to De­
troit for tbe winter, bni napped oE
at Albion and spent Bnnday with Mr.
and Mss. Robert Lackey.
WUllard Kitchen hu bought 40 acres

Fred Howard and Mr. and Mrs. O
Hus^^ JWOe « bqalpeaa trip to TravIJlIlr Ada MrComb*. who had the
whooping cough ao sovrrl}
la verj- poorly
Mra. Robertson la gaining some, but
Mra OIbbs. her daughter, la sick, and
been every since ber
Prank Kamenka. of Grant and MU*
Sadie CbocoiXe. of Karlin, were united
IB marriage at Nessen City by Father
Golden af 1* o'clock Urt'^Wrtnesday.
Nov. They came
where tbe dinner was served followed
by a dance and supper in (he ball
Mr- and Mr* Kamerska have the best
wishes of a host of frienda.
Nov. 30.


1-4 Off

1-4 Off

l-S Olf-ma an Plumes, Feathers and Trlmmlngs-i'S Off
M*nn*mb*r Wh* Ima* mmmmon Im our loss buW^eur at—In



Suppoke you
nuke X mist
' ittke
when you buy your
Fall or Winter
Suppose you get
a cotton mixture.
It will look all
^ht when you tty
it on and take h
away—but after
you've worn it a
while you will find
out it fades, loses
shspe and wean

For your own
Mke don't.
Wool—all wool
— wool clear
through — that is
what men’s cloth­
ing should be made
of. Then h Jceeps
color, keeps shape
and wean—u it
That is what
suits aad overcoats
Giumadcof weal.
lliat is why we
it will then be have selected
too late-^you'll CLOTHCRAPT
find you've made autta and overcoats
to offs' you—for
a mistake.

?r "-ii
will be yoor pr^
Guaranteed to
us by tbe manu­
facture — we can
guarantee it to ^ou
—wool every tune
—wool all tM time.
Absolutely wool
without a shred of
•uits aad evercoeil
tell at from ^lo to
There are no
others—at gudi
prica and all wool.





THE MiemOAN FARM LAWS vrith BuaincM Forma aod Model Baaioeaa Letters, la a twok for th«.
Farmer. Landlord. Tenant. Laborer, Village llusinc** Man, and all ether persona eonnccted with farming
or living in a farming commnnity. This book has 3N> pages, ia bound in good. eleU and the foUovriag
Ubleof tbirty-avechsiiterasbowatbe vrideocopeof the Uwa it oootaine.

2 Bros.
3 BoiMie
5 Dakr aad Food Uwa.
6 Docest«( Property, cic.
7 Dower and Gnray.
6 Dramoge.
9 ETcwtsifw of Pmptftj, o
10 Facet,
M rrea.
12 FftM*. Frail Tie.
13 rak Uwv
14 Came Uwa.
15 CnKMla
17 HoUay*.
16 UmlonjaadTsasaL
19 Urot.
20 MamaeaadFmAMS.
21 MtmeyaadbkrmL
23 Promofiaa<dF«waM,«lc.
24 Romk
25 Simday aad lb Obromaro.
26 Taxabob.'
26 Tree, and Tun
29TmL .. ________________
30 Water mulWatorCoanro
31 Weed*.
32 Wdgbb and Mesrorro
33 W4.
34 Bumbcss Fooro
35 M^ BudromUom.



Bata and
and Mrs. WIU H. BaUa
r. Mr. aad Mra. Aaa H. Palmer
uallf Ur. and Mra. ___
Bates all ate Tbankaglvlng turkey with
Mr. and Mra. R. R. Bates Thureday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Bales had afi
of their children and graad<hUdrea
home Inal Tbaraday.
Mr*. Myrtto Lake was calling on
Mrs. Eari Beckwith Saturday.


ity Bunday
Frank Komcraka and Mias &dle
last week. Rather a light yield
Cbocbole were married Wednesday
r neighbor. Mr. Ball, baa decided
morning. Nov. ;5. the cercnioiiy tak­
u&Bln with us induanitcly. For
ing place tn the Catholic church at Ula we are glad.
Ncsson City. They were alteudcd by
Glen Drtigh has been sawing wood
Katie Komeraka and
(or U. Prau lately.
MU* Man' Ben ruwaon. of Trav­
erse City, visited with ber partmta
sister. Hr. and Mrs. Hora. nfter which
We understand tbat Frank and Ren
WlIxoD have purchased the • blackamiiu shop of Wj'm. Phelp*.
George Brooks
spent Thankspink roses. Ur. aad Mrs. i
with ber parent*
Trareceived a number of beautiful and
Mra nraon rUrk and Ml** Ingcrsoll altcudi-d church Bunday
Glen Pike U aaolstlng I'red Goll
with hi* b.-aii !im-*her
Imsbc CIshsou brought a but- dcur
Mias liCDOra Warren U visiting >Hb home
; A. WUUams and famll>.
Nov 30.
The work on the dam bas ceased on
acooabt of bad weather^
Charles Roentgen. wtAs.-.-dias been
Mr. suit Mr*, t-ha.-. F Gi-iim
working (or Henry Helm, baa returned eoteraintiig ‘ihe latli-r's father. Mr.
lo bl> borne lu Grand Rapid*.
Clli- rt. of Hoban. Mirh
Mr. Brvii
MIks .td* Howling RiK-ni Tlmnkagiving at ber hutne at Ri-ar 1-akc.
There wa» no schoivl Frida)
Mr. and Mrs. .
Tbe Misses May IHnger and Laura


It hM rorrM «nar
two pigs for oeroe of the naHhhirw.
He M as Urge as a good ataed-Gus.
It chased Broer Abbe. Walter Laka.
and Hnrvv Lake, as they were «n»
tag home from wwrk. It Uys around
the road waiting lor anyooe who may ''
paaa. Who win be ready .
when a IttUe anow cornea tu ^____
hnnt tor it* It has killed one dug.
A man near OvUtt went tar hU cow*
and It UcUvd the dog. and the maa


I.CW i''su*4 comm<*Bce* rutting.wood
for i’eter Horriaon today tor au
all winter'* Jc.U.
A. M. Smith1 drove to Elk Rapids
V preaent lime.
Mias Prcwcoti and Miss Wood, tbe
two teacher*
tvachen of our dchool. spent
spen Baturday and Suuday
luday In Traverae C
Mrs. John Mills nas a consignment
Albert Courtade t* lumbering faardof a iilo- lot ot gold fish, of which she
and geiting blurkwuud
(lenrKr am
John Holmoa had the misfortune to
Job of cuIUbg.
lose one Of hit borat«, a gnod matched
us Domiut' Is doing a fine
team andf^t
quiu a kas.
swamp ol culling high <-edar
Hawlej the fruit man. has been stump*, lie gels from one to three
around1 calling on friends and eollclt- shingle cut* from each stump. As
Ing orders for tbe coming scasoi
was a flue piece of sunding cedar. when
wben he gets U cut Inio sbtpgles
they will be nearly
Ills father. C. L. Domloe la brlplng
W, Hicks and C Gehreti retunied
w<e from their bunting trip last BatWe have lany new neighbor* from
,UTday. having Ulled. Ihelr license. N. iDdiaua. Ohio> and other point*, who
have purchased farm* andI all
all Iare
vased with their Investments.
also secured hU two deer and sent
le from counties ihal bavr
them borne.
heavy clay, that guu hard as a brick,
Mn Buie Wells of Grand Ledge, and when they- hare a dry Bumtner.
is spending a few weeks with her which Is not the case on our nandy
parents here, Mr and Mra. E. Davl*. aolls. Many from Traverse t'lty bavr
Miss Etsle Vinton went home
made Inveatuents here, knowing a
good thing when tbry aee it and it
Mist Vera
won't be many year* before they will
Clarence Rracebridge came up Irani double ibclr moor} oo tbeir lovrstere be U attending ment*.
BuDdsy with bis
Octave Doniine baa sel out over :>(Hl
cherry trees this fall. Our neighbor,
John Miller, formerly of Uanlatiw.
also sK out many cherry tiwu
this fall.
lUa I . _____ _____________________
Frank l^Bot and Will Krtmpa. of
Eddie Wllsoil was boat man Only the Trax-rKe
trax-f*e \>x,
t'lty. vlalted
visitoj owiui'
Baturdh} with
Immediate reUibe* of both parties Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Domlne.
present.* After congratuUtlc
wedding dinner

MUa liesiu ba* returned I
charge ol her school after i


- Boetal
win be ea Dec. 4 at the
pond for the IRUe ooes and a tn&lng
.chool house. There wfU be a Bah
macblav. So IK us hav* a rooC
Mr. and 1Mra. Daniel Wright have
sold tbeir farm to BIIU Lgyle.
aad th'ey are movini Into the vltlaue
of Lake Ann.
Mr- SlelneDcer bought the farm for
C. E Lake. oTLoke Ann. U vUftlng
•rty owned Gy Mr. t'urier and moved with bU aon Ed.
i famf
iQy here Ust week.
Tbe .party on Mr. and Mrs. Prank
Rogerf on Saturday evening was a
grand sncceaa.
There was i
the M. B. church last Bunday
Wade Smith was dosu nni- day
WlKbs waa Ibe guest of
Ust week aad did hU Uibcr's butch Mr* luurai lU^w
, . .
vrlngMr*. Re% Wright and IJarie Bate*
Dunron Morrison rauie home Ust drove over lo Kaston Suada.v afurweek from hi. doer hunting, bringing
two deer.
imle 1.
Oscar Wheaton and wife and two
chlldrv'u vlsltvd his fslbi-r and family
Ust Sunday
II C. Newcomb, ol R.>ed rtiy. Is
visiting hi* lirothcr and other frienUs
lor a couple of weeks.
Miai Muhlurd *|>CDl her ThatkaglvIng at her bumi- In Trax-rse City, tvturalng tbl> Monday mornUg^o bet

reck to CblcagO „ „
boapiul work.
We arc glad lo know that Mr. Mar­
shall who has been quite sick U slow­
ly goUing bis «trefigtb back.
Guy TompkIiU has rcturu><d from
bis CblcagO trip, and reports tbe apple
crop In general rather poor aod not
keeping good.
fcupper at WUl Anderaon's Id the u

I for Ibe past elgbt weeks.

In Traverse
On account of tbe wet weather tbe
mSMiuerade ball was tux very well
leu^ed Wednesday night.
A number of rabbit buntera from De­
troit have been U ihM Jidnky tbe
past week
Poutoea are moving very stow, the
price at preeent being &0 cenu.
KarHD has another

Morrto rolled <« Mra. J. W. BUntoa
Sunday evening.
Reuben Dinger, of Kalai
IGhi rulailves tu ihli neighborhood.
Mr. and Mrw. Chas. F.
> Grim and
children and Mr. Gilbert visited at
J. J. Suntan's Friday.
Tbe Woman's llome and Foreign
Missionary Soclrtr will »e«t with
Mra. Clyde Ball at N'essen City. ThursIT. Eveyvne
fveyvne Is cordl
cordUlly I

... eabket w...K.v.vly and cootais* tbe Law aa it ataoda la force and effect ta
ErctT Chapter covert ita
oat aod aU gmeodmenU added. It u a compIKe ap-to-date
iebiean today>
todar> All the repeal*
reveal* are •iricketi
law of the farm. These valuable Laws and tbe 100 Fioe Bsatncaa Forma and 40 Model Bueiacas Letxera—
all concerning farm matters makes it a book (bat every mao need* fer bis owa use and the edneetkm of


Total $3.00



oficeimdaabwriSbe. o

mail, add IS cent* fur postage do.

B*th Phones No. 23.

HERhLD AND RECORD CO.. Pahs.. Truwn City, Weh.


PRpAY. bccatecR 4. tm.


ifirai departmInt mp"' “-p few:

bOftAk HAItKtTA.
AMlMr Hr AM Mt • MtAM- «
«tm« viu be M estMOM mUI
mew «» A UUte. eltfaw. m U toolu i
UkCB « (Ml at A WAUOB tw a vhtt*.

XMeoM. «m. *.-»W-Ciw•1.07; oent. «4ic;
CHWo. Doc.
-OiwoonaAllic: «u«. ib^t.
_____ . p fauK7 tmod while
Deinand wu booI and the oCcrtaai
jalber t^ht. 4oiig while aad red
Moth were. •«
l (omer prieca.
Of ihe Ulier I

Cbkaco. Dec.
ProvUloae opead aaefeanaed to tVhe lower.
Pork—Oecember, lUJO;
anaarr. tU.lO: Nay. Iltit. L*rd—
Omcober. te.22H; J< Boar>-. e».77Hfe
»»: May. UJ*.
t«.4i: May.

HeaAorM3Tm«. Tm»-. Dee. t•ActtiulivDpef pdUtoee la this m
ibU MMOB b BOt verr (ood.
yleW wt:
Lmt oe
rl^ld wu ver
kily pluUML

BaebulW,' Dae. i.-rWotiAttwttn
Ckicago. Dm. 2.—Doniaad la ae
what ImproTed. The crop hu for
ipne the reeling In iha oanniry tons moet )>art gone from thnufra to deal­
er*. Country elevaiora arc aald to
cootala a good many. Quality of domeaUc buiie b unuaually fine on the
iaal crop. There are hanlly any com­
.................... j. gnd the
mon. Many of the bean* are uld to
V wo iNM te bny at Abe n
be tmUble a* they come from the
6ta.*WUb Naw York off ai
Uirwaher. Pea bean*, hand pidied.
ew -H waa iMpcaalble
t^Oloa. trt0e2.2S; prune. IMS; good
bnyan to par 7«c par buahal. to ordar 17)6; common. tl.TSei.bS; medloma
to Oo ibb It would be neewai)- for aomlagny about name u pea beaoa.
tban to eocore at laaat «lr laid down
Detroit. Dm. £.—Beane—SpoiAl.lS;
' down U Ootbnin. and New York buy.*an* fffcMi«aM pay aiwft a flgare. Af DHcmbff. »tH.
a IM4 trA wu Uffht noet of the
wcML Tfani \be boMara gat M o<
New York, Dec. t—Butler—Finn;
thair hiffh how. It arfll be next to Hupoaalbl* (or the local mea to do any BDChaagfff; roaelpt*. 1.160. ObeeeeFirm and nnchMiged; twcalpu. tSSi.
IhiBf with eaatem markeu.
•oHa a Ww ear* ware ablpped Into Bhgav-dnnn and nnahanged; raaelpti.
'the prloe wai advanoad 6.0M.
iTong feMlng In the
. the car. oomaiulon
aaked 71c and 78e a buihel. oom- dabie*. ilMDlSc: iwlaa. HMciyoutg
With 7»c Uki week, while (or Amerkma MDime. BnUay-Btaa'
^ aanc stneh daiivared they waaiad cruamerlea, 72e»Oe; datrlea, 21D:
• jffi a hMbaL The farmera who drew Eggi Bteady; ffrats. SOe.
’thair tg^ to thU Btarhat and dativ: aiwd tb*B Miy aaenred tOc and SSe
Oatiolt. Dec. t.-Otovar-Spoi.lS-dO;
’ A hoM4 Tbe qiiaUty at the ^ud*
WM ^Od. Aonordlng to the early re­
porta the condltlM woaM be below
jUhB araibffa, bat the aioek we far bu
abewB Bp IB a vary aatlefactory Male


■ Futo« Hewed very wie.dy: c^lnj
Mn»; Ikwanber. •.JSc: January,
rebraary. SAOc; MapcA. 8»0c: April,
h.MH-; May. Ahic: Jnne. &»0c; JuL'.
KAftc; Aiiguet. nr
I.SIC; October.


■-.•■■■-:-?!* I NO-


~::3gS ”’‘-iK:Sl£S'--..vv.-T5

.............. rJDiOc

I. Beet.................. " ^
meal ..........|1 _
Miutoga.'^pM'iw'^T!?. i!;!! Illiil

t.8S: w(
etTS; '


OraptA par baahai
Pear* per hukM
Cranbarrle*. per Rt

.. .

New tVBipA par V>
Lake tront. par lb .




....... g<

par Ik!'.lV«l»t

ri: Wr».....
73 IS’S, 1

ChlcagD. Dec. 7.-<‘altlc—Becclpl^.
7MI00; market meady lo a ebadc low­
er; beove*. I3A0C7.W; Texana, U.CO
etJlO; weatcraera. |S.<6e4A0:
Duller, creamer
era aad feeder*. tl.TOD 4.711: cot
Butter, dairy, r r lb
itelfers, *'


(Hide and>r price*' gnaraataad

Sc 1 Green Hide*, par pound ....*c
T^i^pev fc.............................

IpM colioa
cloatd dakt; mlddlloc upbodi. *.3Sc;
»0 haW
The couoo exebanae here will

enu. The weatbor waa eoM and v
mhle. Lane Bai boxe», oet doa
t-hiw Obldea Heart. ThcOlIJh:
amwixire boxea.
piuc*. iMichigan.
>juiiwm>. Golden
uu.»r» Hnart
tcj. »ue
ordhury u> good.
• OOcdtl:
■ ‘..................................
vf^viec. pv.
boliia growl),
white, (•sac; OMden Heart, u to
*e and inalliy, lOjytOc.

rubber boou aad ehoaa. per lb..te
te --U,» ..
from............................................ H9I1I
0. 1 Red fox u blH u............ tut
0. 1 Gray (ox aa% u.......... nS

Home of the Brido'e Parent*, by
tha Rev. W. H. wngm.

Royal U Crouu and Mb* Dale
Young were married Monday arealng
at tbe borne of the bride'* iinele. and
aunt. Mr. and Mr*. Tbomu Yo
comer of We*t FVont af^t and Elm­
wood avenue, tbe Rev. W. H. Wrlgoi
vtaclating. Mica Lonta TU^ and
Vem YoDOg atteeded the eoaple. only
tbe relative* and loUnale friend* of
the contracting partlee being pruaent.
The decoration* coscisied of potted
planu. The refreahmeau were lee
cream and cake. The ant of town
guests were Mr. and Mrs. Jame*
Young and son James, and Mr. and
•*. lira ................................
Mr*. John Young of ^plre.
Mr. and Mr*. Cronse are at bon
i- ....................
..6«6%6 972 Writ Front atreet.





P♦• ♦

OatpNa Hb Mlnaaa, Ha Win Nat Re (hat ha rabed from a^ that has a
in bb poaeeMlon lor oora than M
Tbe Bead waa given ta bUn by RM
father, who toW btm Mat a oaw from
Pwri*. Dec. 1.—Because of the daln Egypt The son baa pMaied kenaalB
d to Mad In France,
win be be allowrd t
Every keiwrl b todoaed In a min­
ute husk with Mftral layer*, and arar
all the ear b a thick, baak. The eoh
.is of a ihK^ hnsk about tbe sbe of a

« lead irenrit. tbe kerwaM forming
around It like pw la n pod.
Mr. Griniih benevas that ■VoblW
Coi».mlQi,. Mich . Dec. 1.—Chnrie*
Ruhr returned borne Salurdav after Bs aSlmsIa r
Slaying In Oopemtsh for medical ha* never been eitoasnd to nmdaet
ir«atra«at since be had hU flagers Uk- cxpcrlmenta. b« beitevea that they
«» off.
might be undertaken with prrMI by;
Mr*. A. Bnllnrd ratoraed ‘frmn Mt. tbe Ualraralty «( llllnate or other tePle&isut TneptejL where she haa been BtluUoaa cowdncilag tcau tn agrioalvlsiillig her siUW. her daughter, '
Mr*. Cora Rtnard and husband m
panted her.
Mrs. Frank Boms led today I
Mbs Rose Ream spent ThanfcsgD'. Bo.vne
CID to Join ber bnshand. w
teg wlib ber parenis. She returned lu has
located there (or the wtatar.
Norwalk Sunday eveniBg. where abe
Mr. and Mrs. Uoyd Brans of Moore* Hoc. Doan's KeguleU relieved and
/wn h*« been vUlUng reteUvas and
tbe howeb. ^
so .ihst (key
for the
week. Hicy
teen regular aver since.
A. E
spaad Osvt*. grocer. Sniptaar Spring*. Tns.
Henry Siudte.r ud MU* Smith of
uckley were united In msrriage
Tburwdsy st tbe bonte ot the bride.
A we.' "
. _
Hr*. Stutefani returned borne Sat­
urday. She b some betler. John ex­
pect* to commence work on the H. A
E. trait Monday.
Mrs. W. HcClisb U Improving.
The a N. A. Tbanksglvnlg program
cai gcod and abo th* lunch (nmishd by neighbors Danville. Ream. Hoot,
nd Bargcsioek. The next meiting
wtl] be elactloa of oftcar* and Innek
will he served by neighbors Bsllsrd.
BaJir. Stanton. Phillip* and Evens.
Frank Winters and fumlly
Thaokagtrlng with hU sister. 1
Keelor. at PU
' The Lacinre’club at Lemon Lake are
preparing two plays, entiiled “My
Wife's ReUtlon.' sad • DecapUon."

The Flower Store
Ship* tri avd Deiinaad ProaptI;

And the B«nt «l C«l
lor «U oceartDM.

nm kmm, imgir
Tclffphosc N0.4S.


Tnrerw Oitr.

Going Oiit of Business Sale
To Close Out Our Stock
. (WUeatai

UAVING been in businesain. this
** city nearly one-fourth of a cen­
tury, we now desire a change of
occupation and propose to close out
our "stock of Dry Goods, Qoliiing,
Ooaks. Etc, at once.

t Iw this eltyi

As quickly as possible we will begin

A Greit Sale

We wish at this time to express
our appreciation to those who have
placed thbir confidence in us during
these many yeetrs. Some were our
customers 20 years ago and still
doing their ti*ading at this store.

Thursday, Dec. 3rd.
And continuing until all goods on
hand are dispossed of.

W A SEI^ way stocks Will be sold ¥^75, 331 AND 50 PER CENT DISCOUNT
% Discount on all

25% (Mi on all OcMnesttcs
Such as Cottons. Outing' Flsnnel*. Qinghsins,
Percales,, Denims. Blanket*. Silkolinee, Tlckinge. Cotton Batting, Prints. Cretonnes. No­
tions, Underwdsr. etc.

Dress Goods, Linens, Men’s abd Boy's Suits,
Overcoats, Fur Costs, Suit Cases, Duck Coats,
etc., aiso Ladies' Suits, Coats, Furs, Waists;
Skirts, etc.

50% Discount on all
Goods that have been In stock over 3 months.
This includes Ladi«=s' Suits. Skirts. Cloaks,
Furs, etc., al*o Men tnd Boy*s Clothinff, Dress
Goods. Trimming*, wtc.

To Further Illustrate the Great Cut in Prices, Note the Following.
All 50c Drwee Goods on sale at...... aawc aw* Xle
All $I.00 Dress Goods on sals at ***** Swd «*e
All$l.50 Dr«*s Goods on sale at...*L*e aim 7(c
All 25c Embroideries on sale at........ l*c aad ITe
All (Oq Embroideries on s*le a);.......*^ aw* (c

Front Street

Men’s $ 12 Suits and Overcoats at........ *8 and M
Men’s $20 Suits and Overcoats at. ISJ*aad N*
Men’s $25 Suits and Overcoats. .tl*.67 and tlXm
Boy’s $5 Suits anfLQvercoats at. SaX* aad *tX*
Boy’s $7.50 Suits and Overcoats at **.«* aad **.W


Ladles’$20 Suits and Coats at .»tL*» aad *1*J#
Ladus’$30S-.its and Coats at..*X*.MaBasiaj*
Ladle-, $10 Suits and Skirts at.. . *6.»Taad**4*
Ladies' $50 Fur Coats at...........**SXaaadStUd
Lad: s'$-.0 Fur Coats at...........*a*X*aadttM*


Front Street

PRpAY. bccatecR 4. tm.


ifirai departmInt mp"' “-p few:

bOftAk HAItKtTA.
AMlMr Hr AM Mt • MtAM- «
«tm« viu be M estMOM mUI
mew «» A UUte. eltfaw. m U toolu i
UkCB « (Ml at A WAUOB tw a vhtt*.

XMeoM. «m. *.-»W-Ciw•1.07; oent. «4ic;
CHWo. Doc.
-OiwoonaAllic: «u«. ib^t.
_____ . p fauK7 tmod while
Deinand wu booI and the oCcrtaai
jalber t^ht. 4oiig while aad red
Moth were. •«
l (omer prieca.
Of ihe Ulier I

Cbkaco. Dec.
ProvUloae opead aaefeanaed to tVhe lower.
Pork—Oecember, lUJO;
anaarr. tU.lO: Nay. Iltit. L*rd—
Omcober. te.22H; J< Boar>-. e».77Hfe
»»: May. UJ*.
t«.4i: May.

HeaAorM3Tm«. Tm»-. Dee. t•ActtiulivDpef pdUtoee la this m
ibU MMOB b BOt verr (ood.
yleW wt:
Lmt oe
rl^ld wu ver
kily pluUML

BaebulW,' Dae. i.-rWotiAttwttn
Ckicago. Dm. 2.—Doniaad la ae
what ImproTed. The crop hu for
ipne the reeling In iha oanniry tons moet )>art gone from thnufra to deal­
er*. Country elevaiora arc aald to
cootala a good many. Quality of domeaUc buiie b unuaually fine on the
iaal crop. There are hanlly any com­
.................... j. gnd the
mon. Many of the bean* are uld to
V wo iNM te bny at Abe n
be tmUble a* they come from the
6ta.*WUb Naw York off ai
Uirwaher. Pea bean*, hand pidied.
ew -H waa iMpcaalble
t^Oloa. trt0e2.2S; prune. IMS; good
bnyan to par 7«c par buahal. to ordar 17)6; common. tl.TSei.bS; medloma
to Oo ibb It would be neewai)- for aomlagny about name u pea beaoa.
tban to eocore at laaat «lr laid down
Detroit. Dm. £.—Beane—SpoiAl.lS;
' down U Ootbnin. and New York buy.*an* fffcMi«aM pay aiwft a flgare. Af DHcmbff. »tH.
a IM4 trA wu Uffht noet of the
wcML Tfani \be boMara gat M o<
New York, Dec. t—Butler—Finn;
thair hiffh how. It arfll be next to Hupoaalbl* (or the local mea to do any BDChaagfff; roaelpt*. 1.160. ObeeeeFirm and nnchMiged; twcalpu. tSSi.
IhiBf with eaatem markeu.
•oHa a Ww ear* ware ablpped Into Bhgav-dnnn and nnahanged; raaelpti.
'the prloe wai advanoad 6.0M.
iTong feMlng In the
. the car. oomaiulon
aaked 71c and 78e a buihel. oom- dabie*. ilMDlSc: iwlaa. HMciyoutg
With 7»c Uki week, while (or Amerkma MDime. BnUay-Btaa'
^ aanc stneh daiivared they waaiad cruamerlea, 72e»Oe; datrlea, 21D:
• jffi a hMbaL The farmera who drew Eggi Bteady; ffrats. SOe.
’thair tg^ to thU Btarhat and dativ: aiwd tb*B Miy aaenred tOc and SSe
Oatiolt. Dec. t.-Otovar-Spoi.lS-dO;
’ A hoM4 Tbe qiiaUty at the ^ud*
WM ^Od. Aonordlng to the early re­
porta the condltlM woaM be below
jUhB araibffa, bat the aioek we far bu
abewB Bp IB a vary aatlefactory Male


■ Futo« Hewed very wie.dy: c^lnj
Mn»; Ikwanber. •.JSc: January,
rebraary. SAOc; MapcA. 8»0c: April,
h.MH-; May. Ahic: Jnne. &»0c; JuL'.
KAftc; Aiiguet. nr
I.SIC; October.


■-.•■■■-:-?!* I NO-


~::3gS ”’‘-iK:Sl£S'--..vv.-T5

.............. rJDiOc

I. Beet.................. " ^
meal ..........|1 _
Miutoga.'^pM'iw'^T!?. i!;!! Illiil

t.8S: w(
etTS; '


OraptA par baahai
Pear* per hukM
Cranbarrle*. per Rt

.. .

New tVBipA par V>
Lake tront. par lb .




....... g<

par Ik!'.lV«l»t

ri: Wr».....
73 IS’S, 1

ChlcagD. Dec. 7.-<‘altlc—Becclpl^.
7MI00; market meady lo a ebadc low­
er; beove*. I3A0C7.W; Texana, U.CO
etJlO; weatcraera. |S.<6e4A0:
Duller, creamer
era aad feeder*. tl.TOD 4.711: cot
Butter, dairy, r r lb
itelfers, *'


(Hide and>r price*' gnaraataad

Sc 1 Green Hide*, par pound ....*c
T^i^pev fc.............................

IpM colioa
cloatd dakt; mlddlloc upbodi. *.3Sc;
»0 haW
The couoo exebanae here will

enu. The weatbor waa eoM and v
mhle. Lane Bai boxe», oet doa
t-hiw Obldea Heart. ThcOlIJh:
amwixire boxea.
piuc*. iMichigan.
>juiiwm>. Golden
uu.»r» Hnart
tcj. »ue
ordhury u> good.
• OOcdtl:
■ ‘..................................
vf^viec. pv.
boliia growl),
white, (•sac; OMden Heart, u to
*e and inalliy, lOjytOc.

rubber boou aad ehoaa. per lb..te
te --U,» ..
from............................................ H9I1I
0. 1 Red fox u blH u............ tut
0. 1 Gray (ox aa% u.......... nS

Home of the Brido'e Parent*, by
tha Rev. W. H. wngm.

Royal U Crouu and Mb* Dale
Young were married Monday arealng
at tbe borne of the bride'* iinele. and
aunt. Mr. and Mr*. Tbomu Yo
comer of We*t FVont af^t and Elm­
wood avenue, tbe Rev. W. H. Wrlgoi
vtaclating. Mica Lonta TU^ and
Vem YoDOg atteeded the eoaple. only
tbe relative* and loUnale friend* of
the contracting partlee being pruaent.
The decoration* coscisied of potted
planu. The refreahmeau were lee
cream and cake. The ant of town
guests were Mr. and Mrs. Jame*
Young and son James, and Mr. and
•*. lira ................................
Mr*. John Young of ^plre.
Mr. and Mr*. Cronse are at bon
i- ....................
..6«6%6 972 Writ Front atreet.





P♦• ♦

OatpNa Hb Mlnaaa, Ha Win Nat Re (hat ha rabed from a^ that has a
in bb poaeeMlon lor oora than M
Tbe Bead waa given ta bUn by RM
father, who toW btm Mat a oaw from
Pwri*. Dec. 1.—Because of the daln Egypt The son baa pMaied kenaalB
d to Mad In France,
win be be allowrd t
Every keiwrl b todoaed In a min­
ute husk with Mftral layer*, and arar
all the ear b a thick, baak. The eoh
.is of a ihK^ hnsk about tbe sbe of a

« lead irenrit. tbe kerwaM forming
around It like pw la n pod.
Mr. Griniih benevas that ■VoblW
Coi».mlQi,. Mich . Dec. 1.—Chnrie*
Ruhr returned borne Salurdav after Bs aSlmsIa r
Slaying In Oopemtsh for medical ha* never been eitoasnd to nmdaet
ir«atra«at since be had hU flagers Uk- cxpcrlmenta. b« beitevea that they
«» off.
might be undertaken with prrMI by;
Mr*. A. Bnllnrd ratoraed ‘frmn Mt. tbe Ualraralty «( llllnate or other tePle&isut TneptejL where she haa been BtluUoaa cowdncilag tcau tn agrioalvlsiillig her siUW. her daughter, '
Mr*. Cora Rtnard and husband m
panted her.
Mrs. Frank Boms led today I
Mbs Rose Ream spent ThanfcsgD'. Bo.vne
CID to Join ber bnshand. w
teg wlib ber parenis. She returned lu has
located there (or the wtatar.
Norwalk Sunday eveniBg. where abe
Mr. and Mrs. Uoyd Brans of Moore* Hoc. Doan's KeguleU relieved and
/wn h*« been vUlUng reteUvas and
tbe howeb. ^
so .ihst (key
for the
week. Hicy
teen regular aver since.
A. E
spaad Osvt*. grocer. Sniptaar Spring*. Tns.
Henry Siudte.r ud MU* Smith of
uckley were united In msrriage
Tburwdsy st tbe bonte ot the bride.
A we.' "
. _
Hr*. Stutefani returned borne Sat­
urday. She b some betler. John ex­
pect* to commence work on the H. A
E. trait Monday.
Mrs. W. HcClisb U Improving.
The a N. A. Tbanksglvnlg program
cai gcod and abo th* lunch (nmishd by neighbors Danville. Ream. Hoot,
nd Bargcsioek. The next meiting
wtl] be elactloa of oftcar* and Innek
will he served by neighbors Bsllsrd.
BaJir. Stanton. Phillip* and Evens.
Frank Winters and fumlly
Thaokagtrlng with hU sister. 1
Keelor. at PU
' The Lacinre’club at Lemon Lake are
preparing two plays, entiiled “My
Wife's ReUtlon.' sad • DecapUon."

The Flower Store
Ship* tri avd Deiinaad ProaptI;

And the B«nt «l C«l
lor «U oceartDM.

nm kmm, imgir
Tclffphosc N0.4S.


Tnrerw Oitr.

Going Oiit of Business Sale
To Close Out Our Stock
. (WUeatai

UAVING been in businesain. this
** city nearly one-fourth of a cen­
tury, we now desire a change of
occupation and propose to close out
our "stock of Dry Goods, Qoliiing,
Ooaks. Etc, at once.

t Iw this eltyi

As quickly as possible we will begin

A Greit Sale

We wish at this time to express
our appreciation to those who have
placed thbir confidence in us during
these many yeetrs. Some were our
customers 20 years ago and still
doing their ti*ading at this store.

Thursday, Dec. 3rd.
And continuing until all goods on
hand are dispossed of.

W A SEI^ way stocks Will be sold ¥^75, 331 AND 50 PER CENT DISCOUNT
% Discount on all

25% (Mi on all OcMnesttcs
Such as Cottons. Outing' Flsnnel*. Qinghsins,
Percales,, Denims. Blanket*. Silkolinee, Tlckinge. Cotton Batting, Prints. Cretonnes. No­
tions, Underwdsr. etc.

Dress Goods, Linens, Men’s abd Boy's Suits,
Overcoats, Fur Costs, Suit Cases, Duck Coats,
etc., aiso Ladies' Suits, Coats, Furs, Waists;
Skirts, etc.

50% Discount on all
Goods that have been In stock over 3 months.
This includes Ladi«=s' Suits. Skirts. Cloaks,
Furs, etc., al*o Men tnd Boy*s Clothinff, Dress
Goods. Trimming*, wtc.

To Further Illustrate the Great Cut in Prices, Note the Following.
All 50c Drwee Goods on sale at...... aawc aw* Xle
All $I.00 Dress Goods on sals at ***** Swd «*e
All$l.50 Dr«*s Goods on sale at...*L*e aim 7(c
All 25c Embroideries on sale at........ l*c aad ITe
All (Oq Embroideries on s*le a);.......*^ aw* (c

Front Street

Men’s $ 12 Suits and Overcoats at........ *8 and M
Men’s $20 Suits and Overcoats at. ISJ*aad N*
Men’s $25 Suits and Overcoats. .tl*.67 and tlXm
Boy’s $5 Suits anfLQvercoats at. SaX* aad *tX*
Boy’s $7.50 Suits and Overcoats at **.«* aad **.W


Ladles’$20 Suits and Coats at .»tL*» aad *1*J#
Ladus’$30S-.its and Coats at..*X*.MaBasiaj*
Ladle-, $10 Suits and Skirts at.. . *6.»Taad**4*
Ladies' $50 Fur Coats at...........**SXaaadStUd
Lad: s'$-.0 Fur Coats at...........*a*X*aadttM*


Front Street

u*. F«(?Ay.

l->et *em cM>ine
white me

latti. You can't set
a limit to a erid^
cake appetite when
ten is on the table.
ThehMcqrmpIgctmriwfpan. •

CnCAOO-BlK Bob. tbe loyal Deoal Ufor of the Uoeola park.
io4 of pDonoMMla and old ico.
OOLUMBUS. O.^ eaoe la wl
nnloa latel quooUon vaa larol .
waa decWed by ib* tupreiM court,
and tbe tebol got tbe wont of tbe
.TTSBirnt^-PtxMlbent bos froB
ail parte of tbe country are arrlring
here to partlclpato la tbe ooDrealloa
of tbe Anertcan Mining ooagrm.
.jtm opte tbe TauIU of tbe State
bank boro and eaeapod on a bandcar with naaily gS.OOO In gold, allrcr and oorreocy.
WABHINOTOK-Tbe aontbly eUU
«nt of tbe diroetor of Ue Bint
abow. that In NoroBber. UOd. tbe
coinage at tbe.BlnU of the United
-------------SUte. amounted to M.S17410CONCORD, N. H.—The eute board
TM» Mtehlte Will Rat Up tnm M
of cattle oommlMlondri bai aMab4p m Acrw of Com a
Uabed a guaranilne agalnit cattle,
tbeep and ewlne from Pennaytranla.



Oteaka, Dee. 1.—Tbo satloea] ton tloo of tbe Nattonal ataocUtion of Sag■irmniiiw <«i«u karo Doc. OUi. Toro geatire ThernpautRa opanetd at Ue
Waltapr -Inatltute with an atend_______I la Um DaMad auiao kare anoe of too delagataa, repreaenUbg 40
aaa nagon tnTMugnttoo oi reonie
ebargaa made agalnat tbe Chicago.
tnwo aad tke UUaote OraU DMOoro' Mnwaukae ft 9L Pan! mUroad oompany by an agant of tbe Interaiate
r eon at tbe
^tT^'e meat valuable prlaa.'a bnakar araddar, worth |9M. tba proBlnB
UOt asgipcatlng MMW.

tkb. a German blcycUit, who. aooapaaled by Ooorge Wotdon, a

DeC««raoy wo all know ab an Indiaotrlou bomutaater. who bu ukon Ue
Ule of Ufa paUanUy tor a tong liase.
and we all wiak him and bU a >?«i
happy and prupet^ua life.
Mr. and Mra DeCouraey wUl be at
Cooker eompnny, ^ttle Crete, fll- borne to all ueir rrienda on Ue TU
fifiO; Cadi sBy Binve eompnny. Cacti. of Sovomber at Ue termer borne of
Mra DoCooroey.—From Ue Minor.
mine whatbar Mra. Cbnrtu Kimball .Newport, Waah.

cail tor baMbnll t_________
somber of candldatu for
have reported. Prwpecta are exceedtngly bright The lou of aeveraUoC
last year’s nlna will leave many va­
cant plaew to fill, tepecinlly In tba
piublng departBabt is this noticeable.
,^e low of "Hike'' Hnrlbut. pitcher,
and one of the grutui all round atkIctao Olivet ever tamed out, will ba
r felt. To tu bla atew there are
Sanfe^ a frtebtnas who cornea with
great record at tbe Shelby Hlab
ubool. and Waltfg. . fwt nui who
tee )Mt entered college. The other
poaiiion. wlU he taken care of u
there it material to build up a aneb
eirongar nine than the college bu bad
li. year..

her 1^
aka tor anita <
lay wu dna I natural enusea,
an Inqnut will be bald Mondu.
PONTUO-Connty Treunrar ..
er ku reoelvad tl» Onklnnd'a
aham of tte primarr sebool moftey,
and b»s already dlabarud It among
tbe variou trannuran of tte connty.
Tba appolatiDeat wu two weaha lata.
(HLAND RAPips-^Patrlck
wu a dluppotated man Tiaaday
.wbpn be toud Orle Vertey had
noaad abend of blni la the tax re­
ceiving line and would gain tbe
distinction of being tbe first to pay
ixej. Ry
Ryan bu held this dtstlacttn for yw
HHiaPALM-to an addrew betore
--te high achooi atodenis yeeierday
afiemoon. Dr. Bloa M'belan coademoed the preseui aysiem of grading,
suggested tbst phyalcU developi
should be
- ' •
semr of the board of a
1 bis

Poolball prwpocU are good tor the
aeaaon of IPOA Of ihl* yean' eleveu
will be loat by gradu____ _ ."boaaa. tbe old reliable.
Turner, the .paedy ttule end will proo
ably luve for AmherM. and Berry
will probably attend a medical oollege. Tbe reel of tbe team are reuMsably ure of returning. Amtabaecbler at oenier bu Improved wonderful­
ly during tbe last Moaoo, and .bonld
ebow up in great ahape again next
year. With only two bolu to fill In
the Uns. and leveral proalalog aube
to draw opoB, tbe crimMn defenre
abOuM be Invincible. It will be . cloac
race belween Hammond and Cbervenka for tbe vacant end In the bnak
field Dana and Helllor. two of the
greate.t back. In Mlchlun. «IH again
bring loy to the roolera with tbeir

ns have made env

Mlu Fhuole Bownmn, of Traverse
City, wu tbe tout of'Mra. John Smith
aad Mrs. Orin Dlngmsn, Thsnksgl'
Mst Hamilton, wife and little daughirr^pent Thanksgiving with relatives
Mm.**!.' Warner and baby. Nun,
spent TbVkagIving with her mother
at Nik Rapids.
. '
Miss PesrI Broomkead abd^lltUe
Mary Ann called on Mr*. Lemon See• •



ilr UP to the Olivet ttandard.




.. John Smlib bu moved his family
to tor uld -llm
bqoae where

Married at Ue rutdeneo of the
bride's parenta Mr. and Mrs. Abner
Smith, lut Tburaday. Nov. 1(. Mr.
Henry A. SUdley. of Manilla. Mania
Me oouty. and Mlu Bdte Smith. Rev.
C A Quinn ol Wexford. oMcinted.
Only Ue insmediate rMattvea of Ue
oonirocUng panlea wlUeoaed Ue cere­
mony. Mr and Mra. Btudle.r are both
well and favorably kMsrn and have
a but of friends who alncerely wish

*Marriod at Ue ruMeni 'of Ue
bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Wilson, of Grant township, lut Wedneeday. Sov. 2i In tbe presence of
Ue Immediate relatives of Ue conirsctlng parties. Mr. Clyde Canute
and Mias Ada jWllaon. Rev. C. A
Quion of Wexford. offlelaUng
They were attended by Ue bride's
uWuer. B. S. Wilson, and Mlu Ines
Tbe groom It one of Grant's best
yoitng men. while Ue bride Is a most
esilmsble yonng lady, and Is in every
way worUy of Ue choice ahe bu made.
Tbe young couple have a host of
friends wbow Ub them a tong and hap­
py wedded life.

fV KtaA Tm Hmes Ahnys
iM SM ter over 80 ymn, kag I
s teas «rW* wltk ftm4«
ItyiBto ftMd.d


literte In • ktemtoa la

ric. Drops sad Soothlsi
Dtslan Bsttlier Opium, \
miftntsaes. Its i«s in tts g
ssd s&sys Vert ‘
. CoUc. It relieT<
sad nstaleaejr. It i___________________
StoBsch sad Bowsim glTlac heslthy sad ssRfsl
Tks Chlldna's PsssiMia The Mother*" f^Msml.

^ Smu th, stratoi, cf____

The Kind Yon Haye Alfajs Boi#t
In Use For Over 30 Years.


Trsveree C
Why are you ao quleC_________
My -beauty, my beautiful queen?
I er and wife, lota : and C. bik 2. P H. H. Fife. NWH of NBH. tfi-Sfi-m,
T. U A R. Tregea to Mary B. lUSLouie L. Johnson to llermsn Yorks ■on et al. lot IS bik. a. H. U d Oo.h

Wake up. tram yonr Rip VsbWlnkle
brother Larnie Pray lut weet
Mra. June Werner. Mrs. Moorlson.
Mrs. Rose Glendeoning. daughter Ma­
bel were callers at A Broomhead's
day lut week,
ra. Clark
and baby Tlalted her
Mt Datuon Seeley
. last week.
■later Mrs.
aod Mrs. lloeglen visited their
daughter. Mra. Ulei
Iving day
Mrs. Swortbouse. ol Traverse (Tty,
I the guest of Pearl and >'

is back fmm hit
buoUng trip up north. He got a bar*
doer. WkUe gone he visited lOssUler.
km Bikigbry mktag It wlU aat
pricolaw Among 4he VIeltora Today Wu Hugh Mra. KoIIL
«p tba com on U te W acne a dv> lace and
R. BapK Wte Sawed the Lito
which 10 year,
Of Stave SwUlarA Who Fall
.tom DOB the fnally of t
.ware.caUFfs at D. Seeley's
and Cklcnga. have
At It o'clock, midnight, all tbe Ufa
Moxloo la vary Bach Interaated In
... ...
«n n^WdlMa Tbe honorable Eefer colt court Judge
udge Stout
____ ________
rendered a Mvlng alatlou In the Twelfth dlairlcl
of MIchican cloaed tor tbe aeaaon of
-^^o^CM^lag^*et It having a .pedal drdelon tn which be dlrecta
I»M. and today three life uvera were
tnglkaiA. a bntt rapn>««ctlon of
of valnailta and j
In the city on ibalr way to tbclr
The men were Lsu O Havria ba avrardad on com la tbe
At the borne of Mr. and Mrs. A. Rsy
Northpori. Elaworth UVale of
I* Jndglbg eontaat. Tbl. but
NBV TCMtK.—Tba Uaooln
at. Ignace and Hugh R. Boyle, of Williams. 00 Spokane avenue, at noon
orla) oobunlttaa annonnead that
Tburaday. Oct 2fi. Dee Andrew Ue
tribntlona tor tbe national fond of St. Jamaa. Beaver Uland.
Mr. Boyle will be ramembeiwd u Couraay and Mra. Ailda Perktus.
IMftgOd «nn ba torvardad to tba da« man who risked hit life te uve
Both tbe coDtractlng parties came
«ars axpultloa: Tnul aoatpw. of No* York.
SWve Sutherd from drowglag
'Blag Ila the to (he virlDity o> Newport about lU
an w the nattonal
abent seven yean aga Mr. SuihSuUiNBW -mK—Aceaptaaea. .already
Moxloa CMy. Sr. Bamon Qarda Onu. reealvad to. InvluOoa. tor the din- erd fell og the tug Cbariee Ryan, and years ago. and be In bis corner and
SadM J^eola, San ImM Potul am- of tte North Oorottna BoelKy of Boyle, who wu firing, ume out of she to .bm have, by ^bUence and
New York.________ _____________ Che fire bold and plunged Into tbe economy, obtained for tbemaelves
tbe event n larga and moat ropriwt- wator. grabbing tte struggling man.
from the government, a homestead tn
A larga auBborofeoan^'eiipatlaThe saddan change trooi the beat of tbe vicinity of Tweedle. Wash. After
tradanta. prtelpaU and tandar. In tba 'wASEBmO^^
debt M fire bold to the ceM water of tbe so long a time, conritding ihaf it la
pnbUc eebooii u vaU an ooUagaa aad
bay wu too moeb for him and Boyle not
well tor man to dwell atone,
a atataBeat iaanad by tb. tiaaanry «-ae tnkeft with cramps, almoat k>adepanmaai, Incmaaod llt.ttT.Mi In Ulg bU life. He wu obliged to re- tbey ptomUed- to honor, tove and cberNovoBber. The debt, lem cub In the kau bla bold on Sutherd. who went Ub ueb other aod Ure tweUier as
gtrt. aad .tndaatA
Tba nllroBd. have gnntad tba re- ireaaury Decmnber 1. i . •1.1M.4S3.- down tor tbe last time. Sutherd kav- knig u Ufa shall la«L Tbe ceremony
guat of tba axpwUlaa aad agnad to MO.
naiTow aacape from a similar wu performed by Rev. Rice, of the
Srtte all adncatlonai aad ooapatttlve
NKW TORS—With K Bach Ulk
.Hope Coagiwgnttoaal church, afwr
Of pruportly In tbl. o
g^iiu to Onaba free ol charge.
Boyle wu at tbe Orud Point Au
Ing afaraad with every v
life urlsg autlon
the Uat which wo all partook of Ue midday
4♦♦♦♦4♦4♦♦>♦♦4444 ullou are, according to expert.,
uaon. tbU being hU second aeaaon. meal. Thou who have ^>^*0 Mrs.
to the Unit4
DeCouney. u Mra. Alida Perklu will
will bo eaUblUkod In the
Aitbough there bu beu no snow reiiiember her u a nurse, who wu
44444444444444444 text year.
< contend with, the aaUon have bad
ooumsuB. a-*
NCW YORK—A Ubiet cemaeB- a rough fall, and tte Ufa aavan have alwaya faithful to Ue trust given bar.
Twenty two ortlag tbe Mndce* to mankind of been called on many Um to go out and one we arc all glad to know wlU
vntad dry by t.4U.
uloana were atactad.
Andre Marie Ampere, the French at tbe call of tbou la dkirpas.
MU' have s borne where she may enphyalcltt. will be unveOed at Ampei
I. tb.
N. J.. Thnr^. jd M.




i tm.

Moadny. Nov. U.
r onthe coOege 1
dattvMte la the «
„ ^ta «l tte metenent---------------chapel WM erbwdad. and tte aadteooe
waa well repaid. Prank Dixon deilverodV BcboUrty addrem. tnklag tor kb
eabtoct T%e Man Agatnat tte '
as." Mr. DtxOB la an nnnannlly
netlc and parnunalva lactnrnr. a omu
o' fina peraonauty and plaulng ap-

lot 43 BH of 41. bIk. 3. Oak Park,
You kSYe too good a thing la alienee
j D. L. Bnsigii and wife to Samuel
Advertise and the whole world will WrigbL parrel In Kingsley.
V. N Scofield et al to Perry F
To one and all we give an equal show.
Scofield SH of NH of 8WK^ 33 St-U.
Whether they come to get wealth.
Cora Qrey to Perry F. Ctofield. SH
Or.—whid) M far better. bealU.
of S'H of BWH. SS-38-9.
In tbe sweet summer time.
There la no balmier air In any clime.
Wiliam J. Oiler (deceased) to Gea
W. WUe BEH of BWH and SH ol
Bui to make a tong story tern
8BH- esparn-l.'ie-26-tO.
There will be no ^ny. no apori.
Frank C Carrie and wife to WUIlam
We mean Industries of aU kinds to
B. Pierce. NH of sil'K. ex.' HA
'o bulk! thee np. Queen City of Ue 11-27-12.
Walter 1.. DeWIU and wife to Clin­
Dec. 1.
ton DaWttt and w|^ Into It and !2.
Rut EaUtt Traiwfera.
8mlU RAllty coopsay M A. C. Od-

Matblu Oabus and wife to Re
Dyer, lots IS .pod It of talk. 7.-H. U ft
Co.'s 1st.
Ni-lUe a Hill et al to Chartoa Rwlgnol ate wU^^cel of lot 12. Mk. L H.
Philo K IlsU et al to Barak & Otsham. lou 3 and « of talk. t. H. A: ft
(^.■a 1st.

Frc« B.
FWM8B4 Ctir FwpftHy
BoutM. ae dsaSSnabssgM
Hone? ir> Intel. Osll sad ggg BS.
-teom PTMtew Md( . Trsr«ta*eitr.MHb


p£wnSN<CB. I_ I.—Tbe .Ute
ard of agrieuHure bu
tbe Importation of any meat, uttle.
ewlne. .beep, goats aad other mniluat. fro New York. Pennaylvanta.
New Jereey. Delaware. Maryland aod


«um HEWS

wwaTSlMl epBMMB




^."wtnMWM&m.PWUa M » g»k

t'cMive prepnrntiou bad been made
tor tbta dance. wUch wu tbe drat big
evut of iU kind ikM laU. A large
nnmber of gBcaia were euieruined.
After the dance inaefteon ww nerved
I a local cafe.
On Monday, the {3rd. elevm new
....................................... Into tbe Sigma
Beta aororlty. Tbe Slgmaa. during tbe
tow yean In which tbey have been nr* have bnilt up a slroug
aacond to itet of DO oocMty
to tbe ooUege. Among ihoae Initiated
Mian Aricita McManus, of Travetu dty.
tbe eoDege o
held eooB for the purpose of drti
lag n BpraMtaUve to tbe eui
clau cooteal
nHase «mpel

.■?3 ““~

s.-'Sr Jsr

. Uof Nertftpon. The eoUagg o
IwW teftgMjn Otenmber ifth.

A Sure to Please Gift

No better, more uteful, or more durable gift ceo be
gtveo thu Christinas time tbao a Kodak. A source
ol pleasure the.year around. So simple that a child
cap Die ooe. They load aod unload in daylight.

UalBS ■eoer DressGoodsslock vrelioS atew o4d pieces
el Dree, 6so<> aeS SalUjagethat we sarloSto dtapowol; aU
acw rail foo«% M ISC color Unco arc brokce oowc have
arlecdanlor qiddiocUlBe. Ilierc areonlylt piceesliilkc ’
M. BclewwcsIvcyooabrleldeeerlpUaBolthcB.
1 PIECE—14 in..' Navy Blue, self striped Chevoit. all wool and a very good
quality. The regular price was $1.00.

Price now at 79c
! PIECE—50 ia. Navy Blue, fancy self stripe Serge. Sold ia stock at $150.

Priced now at $1.00 yd.
2 PIECES—50 in. wide Votl Chevron, colors Brown and Navy. Value $1.50,

Special $1.19
2 PIECES—52 io. Cbevoic, color Brown,* one u in a utripe. the other » a check*
very fi^e quality aod good for tailored Suits Wav $1.50.

Priced now at $1.00
1 PIECE-7^2 io. Navy Bkie Melrose with a White hair-line stripe, very destra4>lc for Princess Gowns or seperate Wai-ts or Skirts. V'aloe $100.

Brownie Kodaks - SlASleaata
Folding Kodaks - $.S0 to ttSJS
Developing Machines XMlOIAta
Developing Outfits - ate le tUi
Tripods ... LSSIetSAt

CalRlogaes free on Request

S. E. Wait & Sons
TreverW CMjrie Letetag

Priced now at 79c
1 PIECE—46 in. Brown broad vale French Serge. Value $1.25.

Now 95c
2 PIECES—3S in. Astrachan Cloaking, colors Cardinal and Crea«. Suiuble
ior Children’s Coats aod Ladie's Jackets. Value $1 50.

Now 7Sc yd.
2 PIECES—54 in. Astrachan Cloaking, colors Cardinal and Navy, for cloaks
ftndjackeu. Value $2 50.

Now priced at $1.75
1 PlECE-56 in Tan Covt rt Cloth. Value $1 00.
Npw.............. ......................................................................... ..
3 PIECES-M in. Repellant. colors Oxford. Black and Navyl ^
Per yard........................................................................................

. 50e


It la Ue alli or wladiai II arooad__
laat seeJie alack In tbe apool. 'Wbra
Uread U desired. It U only neccn-'
ary U aUp Ue aeedlM along on Ue
Uread with the ncMtUa of the test
ooe. fnatan Ue end |a before aad ao
on. It takM bat a few bomsu for
the hrtgh-eyed iltUe grnad-daughter
at grandma out tor day* of iadepaadaat work.

about each one nrho had given m a
picture. Souk- of the verses werv fun­
ny. SOM Bare dlgalBad. m toflttedi
Ue person about whoB Uey were'
written. I had m uncle, who write*
pUin print bund, write Ue verses
in Uv sBall book nad pat Usb bstewi
eacb ooe In small writing Ue nntbor.
Wbeo tbe pirtuies were pasted in
ttoir places it made a m^t attractive
preeeni and one my ^ says be never
tires of.

krettr Olfte for Weifien.
'A preur gift fa a eteap-pin holder,
which U Bkade hr taklag a atrip of
VM Mtklnc nor*;
Par HsMIng floap.
white iaaael tweatr lachee la leagtb
la Mi^Mr tMf. Uke 7<M
Mato a small bag wlU Ue ordinary
tad two la width. Ptek the edge#
Ha toavad abwi ike door.
Ikaioea. using a ptete aball sUuk
Wtoe IIIMM Cemea.
Or satkorad. wkm kU UU»r loOed, ^vealr- Thea lake a atrip of wblW aad ahape Ue bag perlecUy roaad.
.TV world seems to be slowiy but
aatlD ribhoo the mm leagih but a and flatoh wlU a Urge double ahvll
IV ekavlage tron tke door.
surely worklag up to the happy plane
little wider. Mtdwar betweeo each •tltch on the outside row. Neat knit
tblnhlng and right living
•oBeUnee He ter mptm tke grail.
of the ribhoo aad daaael cut a a long draw string aad Uread betew
will do away with sichness. poverty
Tke MM w roa aad I.
aMt -large eaough to adnltb the bead the last row of UvU stltchlag. Cat
KMTow. Tbe trend of thought In
Aad M* tke Vwke ^Mwt kin PMO
of a Oag hlaoae doll. Oa^r both a piece of rubber fabric to liae Ue
Uke spe^ agalaet the aky:
maierlala lightlr at the wailt. aod Ue iaalde aad atitcb below the draw­ aearty alMhe ebnrebes Is isklng that
Or. dlagtag to the gate He vaidtad
a aaah vi aarrpw mUb ribbon coding string. la UU enn to placed Ue line, and here and there Ue fire* that
The atraiBgar paaatag by.
la a bow aad atreanera about the toUel aoap while traveling. One aplenlight are buraUng out I Individual
wai«L A almUlar hit of ribbon ahoald
advantage of a bag made. souls.
A alMgte child, aad get. l tklak.
thea be tied about tbe aeck. aad a In Ula style Is the fact Uat It can
TV Mid-lHk Mil hare kaoaa.
There are those who my. even now.
loop made at tbe back from which to to opened out. occasionally washed
The varTMT aad tV Vbollak.
that we should ignore Ue thought of
the bolder. Cteap-plot of asddrM.
Aad atelMd Rta for their o«a
tllaess But though tbe world is grop^
vartou ataea abould ibea be pUced
Aad gatbarai roaad Him tearleaatr
Ing lu way slowly tot surriy up Into
evaair la the flaaael.
Christmas Vnt*.
Wkaa Ha
all alaaa.
tbe IlgbC we are stIU in Ue valleys,
Don’t leave the cost mark on presA daletr little addition to tbe workand winter Ji'lll doubtless bring Its
banket U a aet of three plecea. eiaerr- enu.
The teHb’.tka llaaet aad tke dove.
rain of Ills Into various borne*. The
Dont let money dominate your
hag. pIncuabloD and needle eaae.
The dtatflach aad tke arrwi.
doctors will be tbe first to say that
Thar Baet Uve kaotro HU watchful They abould be made of flowered Ckristmaa giving.
after tbe acute stage of Illness has
with Barrow ribbon
Don’t embarmaa yourself by giving
passed, more depends on qtroper nurs­
nad bound with allk’oord of a pretty
than you can afford.
Aad givaa tVlr erorAlp thaa;
ing and diet than upon doping.
Don’t try to pay dehU or return
Thar ■aai Vve kaowa aad gJorUted
TU tme.^U pity, and pity 'tu, 'tts
Biar be either drcnUr. aquare or obllgatlona In your C
TV *lld Vhe dted for awe.
true. Uat few people have Ue faintest
Don't give tras|iy thing*. Many an
octagoatal In ahape. The Inner iMvea
Men of prtmer lood tor convalescenu.
Aad gbaa tV aaa at break of dar
Of whiu flannel ahMM V prettily aulc could tell strange things about
Greasy soup* and Indigestible scHMs
Cropt la «poa HU hair.
buuos-baled or plakad about tbe Chrlatma* presenu.
are far too often tbe only thing*
1 tklak n net kave tett a rar
It anonid have ribbon Ilea.
Don’t make presenu which your
brought to tbe sick one. and ttoir conOf aaaoaa glorr there.
The Mthlon. which may be either friends will pot know what to do with,
Is long drawn out and only
A ktea of lava M that litUa brow
Hreular or aquare. haa no
and which would merely
natural viullty "pulls Uem
Her the tkoaw that H Boat arear.
tloa ether thaa the dainty blodtng of Ue bOM.
tht«gb.' •
aord. The emery bag toay be either
pon't give because oUeru expect you
Here are Mine suggetllons which
kaart or atrawVrry In ahape. aad 0. Qlve because you love
should be carefully preserved and
with a Uay bow of rlMon. tn caoDOl send your heart 'with the
a%«t ovaateg, wkaa iV Carpratar
plared where they can to found when
keep «**e
the suv.
«te>Uld to OMBec- girt,
■ V. ever
g*a»t Mt
the nefd nrise*.'
ted by a narrow ribbon.
Don't give too bulky art^des to peo­
TV fragmanl akavtega from the
Barley Water—A liquid asiriDgeBt
ple who live In small quarters: unless
IVtty hlottara ntny to
food used to reduce a laxative con­
you know Uey heed Ue particular
Aad pteeed the laoU la order and Itean. aUk or mUb. and cut In the
dition—nod peraaps more valuable
■bapa of a Urge circle, triangle, hex- Ulng* you send Uem.
ahai to
than rlceOin’t watt until tbe last minute
Akd torrad. (or the test Ume. the ngea or octagon. Cut a plera oi heavy
Tbree UblespWDfuU of barley, four
cardboard the ahape desired, cover boy your presenu. and then, for lack cupfuls of cold water. twcHhIrds of
hamUa door,
TarMd titea ito tetarark lot for flrM with white flaaael aad then wlU of Um to make proper aeleettoas.
iful of salt. Boil barley and
the Baurlal aeladad. on which should give what your toiler judgemeal con- waled gently for one and one-balf
to elthar embroidered or painted, a
-V gtedT
hours, strain, add Hit- salt, and when
Dont decide to nbsUin from giving
spray of holly or the favorite flower
cold cover and set on Ire. Reheat in
of your fHend. Line with hMvy lust hecauae ymi cannot afford ex- aUMlI quantltlee to serve, and season
applied with glue. Then col peaatve preoanu. Tbe tt
with a little lemon Juice and sugar.
doorway.' in the Mveral peieee of blotting paper of a of your gift, tbe laterest you take la
of tto servings, to make var­
MSBMrteg Ughu
lUIng color to corrupond in UoM to whom you give, are Ue prin­ iety,
hade HU holy mothar a loag atee aad ahape with the cover, and cipal {hings. Tbe Intrinsic value of
' RIM Water—'
your gift counts very little.
tie together with ribbon.
Don't give tbiags because they are rice; waab In sevdral water*. Uen put
Apd. Mtttegk (to retoBkot aktea
A tueful dnralag case U made by
boU in tsro cupfuto of cold water
«Sk dcwtlag bright.
ivanag nad llateg two plaoM of adt cheap and make a big sbow for Ue and toll until tbe rice to tender and
money. -As a rule It Is dangerous to
parnm (M «*rtt ahadew of th
uteboard. aU by four Inehea la Blia.
breaka. Strain, season with one-balf
with silk or llaan of contrutlng pick M a lot of aU sorts of Ulngs at
of salt; cover and place
torgaln'Mles for Ckrlmmaa preaenU.
HU (oat toward CalThU CM beat be done by
on Ire when cold To reheat add
*lMr» kaliht.
covering only one side of four pleoes It yon do. there is always the tempts- quarter cupful of milk to thr»>e-qusrtt^oa to make tnapproprlaie Rifts. Be­
1 WQgdai WM Ha aadf
of board, uniting the uncovered side*
ol rice water aad let
sides there to usually some defrrt
a the OarpMtar want on HU of these WlU glue lust before, <«m- bargain articles, or Uey are out of toll tor flvp minutes. A hall-lncb piece
Tben make cross atrepa of
of sUck rlBsmon may be added In tbe
style. 001 of date, or there to i
«P IVVM.WI V RlaaUr a( good baby ribbon on tto lining iMm of Ua oUer reason why they are sold under bearing of any one portion. Fresh,
tenar hoards; In one place a card
sweet. Uln cream may be substituted
flr 111
for milk If It I* desired to have a more
Om wan HU path, thnagh aVp or white cotton, aad la Ue olher a card
of hteik.' In tto eaator of Ua oUer
Amonfl Ludlerc
CrcTtag HU hsifl cV ID the o
Once la a while the fane}’ urns to
Toast Water—One cupful of suie
pelat of a pair of ajaaora. aad at one tbougbu of BomeUtng ridiculous In
cfowaad hOL
oread «tt In quarter incb slice* and
la toUteg. kaaltag. taaehtag. safer- aV tie Ue beadle la place with
fanny work or some bit of handwork. dried Uorottgbly In Ue oven until
bow of ribbon. Place a needte-esM
Uto was fully demonstrated In crisp and brown. Uen broken into
BU My. HU Ufa. to do HU Fntkar-a of flaaael aa Ue other aad and Um
■at mtto baaawood box made to
.11 piece* and one cupful of toll­
OBlte tto two baards wiu ribboe.
bold ahoa polish, bnuhau and rloUs. ing water poured aver It Let slant’
A baby rIbboB boMar may to made On top of the box were glued three for ooe boure. strain through cheese
And iflrtk aad toavM aiw gladi
by aBhrolderiag two drcles of Itnaa baU shell of BngUsta walnuu. KaU cloib. season with a saltspoootul
T^o ladapeadaat.
rat. Than pleae wM painted a flossy black to
MU aad aerve hot or cold Toast water
cut two almlUar drdee of p
• 1, HU dtor chM. or hare, or
rwpreoent Ue kead of a negro The
oNen beneOcial tn cases of extreme
Ua asM Bite ao that Ue embroidered eyas of white, red lipa aod shiny white
• thOM.
Iteea WlU cover one face and the silk teeth were clever ImIUUons The
• Aad Ha. my Tathsr, every wtore.
Oatmeal W’atcc—This is someilme*
• ••eeeevaaeveeeeve. tto rerdrae. Pnrehase two roUa of bodies ware onUlnad on Ue box lid.
ordered for dyspeptic pallents,
toby-iibbon. and place bat
Mch WM painted WlU a red coat,
two .covered pasteboard circles, using dark blue trousers, yellow shoes and moat valuable tor tbe workman on the
road or Ue farmer In Ue field
Ue aUk lace for the interior. WIU
green, tie. Below Ue figures In blaeh Mn be drnnk wlU safety on ibe hoiit U a toaatWkl thought, aad ooa ahnrp pair of stseors pierce two elite lettan were Ue words. ' Bbine Yo'
days when Ice water
that as Iha -Mrtbflay of tte dtvtee Utoagh the whole, rtbbona-kad all, 8boaa.8nbr'
would be .extremely .dangeroue
aad Uaa' wiU a bodkta laaert Mae
AnoUar IltUe novelty showing bis
lorec quan* of water,
bring- Him vary wear to aa. It U the
Satanic Hnlesty bowing over a silver
thought Vhat Ha did not ocenpy aa UBltlng with a bow aad loag aadi. cup of mai,ehaa on a staat cardboard add one cuptnl of fine oatmeal to It.
otaliad poaltloa. tot wm ow of the An ivory bodkin and a pair of alasors mat. bora Ua
•aU. "He cover and keep In a warm place (tem­
matt to atteched.
perature -of vJ degrees FabreiiheiU
warM faU of -oobboo foMta."
never care* to wander from bis
(or OM find a half hours. Strain and
Hava to anoUer bolder for Ue baby- fireside. ■’
V aet tova ie approach Him la fMr
aad tioMhIlag. aa wa would a crwal rlbboB which Is ao mndi used for Ual llUle washsund splasher took
Fruit waters are most valuable for
datoot, Bg«Mr te •'M. M tbouMi Ha
A nntqne cm may to made by shows a group of goslings wadding
worp tar above u la aution. Ha lived gtidlag or anaMllag three targe toward a pond. Bach Is made of yel­ cooling, refreshing and mildly silmuaa slBpte, M avaryAay a life ai any apeato which have been emptied of low mnslln. appllqued with yellow Iktlng fever patients, on sc-counl of Ue
outM-wa; oar triala. oar UlUe pin- Uread. Wind eadi wUb baby-rtbtoa tBreul to tbe white linen cover, in salu Uey contsln.
Apple Water—One large sour apple,
prtekB i^worrtea today -ware HU:
different color, and bang togeU- Ua rear are a naoitor of liny cbicka
.e leaspoonluU of sugar, one cupful
Ha IotM tv saJto wortd-of-oui-of- er by ribbons of aneqnal lengU from Tbe BBOUer of Ul* ill-assorted famDy
doan. the mm flowan aad trass aad a pretty flowing tow of wider ribbon. Is an old apeckled ben wbo kindly ad- of boiling water- Wipe, core and pare
htoa sky aad aUra that we love. HU
simply made, monlatos her group In ib; followlag' Ibe apple, put It
place Ibe sugar In tbe evaity. and
was a Ufa of comMa Ulaga. but they and In toditloa to their
bake until tender
Ussb. pour the
tocBM glorlflad through the dlvtae ire Boat charmingly omi
-MoUer. nmy we go In to swim
toiling water over, lei siand one half
^ark of love which, iabarent A all liUar bt^n or dreaslng table.
"O yea. my darling dangbier.
A aaefal chatelalDe may be made by
of aa. WM faaaad to a Ilvteg Mase
But keep Ue chickens on the shore hwr aad strain. Serve cold
Currant Water-Two ublespoonfuto
la HU aouL All thU bring* Him vary covering twenty-four small brass
WhUe .vou fd In Ue vnier."
of currant Juice
'Vnr to. to the very hMrt of our rings wiU single crodiet using tor
of currant Jelly, two-thirds of a cup­
om ler n Bey Away from Heme.
4any Ufa. aad amke* thU pro
Ue purpose knIUing silk of
of coM water, and sugar to make
When my soo's elgbteecth birthday
that we may live a* He did. aad do color. Form a chain of. Ueae rings
thoaa thlaga which He did. seem poeDing a narrow ribbon Uroogb caM be was away from home, and 1 palauble. hot ool sweet. Dissolve
the Jelly -in the water, first having
tVa of attaiBBML
Uem ns shown In illnstrntlon.
was greatly posxled <t to what
-ibtaen Urougb Ue flrst ring from should send him." sayi a moUer. beaten It with a fork to break it up
« A Pvoyar far HumMa falk.
Ue fcoai to Ur back: place bs sec­ CloUoi be could buy. and would pre­ Some patlenu will not require the
sugar Jelly ntade of raspherrie* and
• Oed bear aa. wV «U Ue nlUee
ond ring under Ue Brat hnll wny: fer to. aa I Utnk men moiitly do.
• aod ooraetu of Thy enrih! Hay
briag Ue ribbon up under Ua upper was rooming la n prirnie family and emrants mid'ed may to used Insiead ol
• wa aavar Bak ao low Uat we
part of ring numbtr two and over Ue bad no use for articles for bU room, pure currant
Grape Juice—One and one-hall cup­
• eaBoet bm Tky aky otove u*.
lower pan of ring number one; place for they were fully fumUhed.
• flUad WlU Ua b^i atara of Ibring number Uree nader ring number Uottgbt It over, this brilliant idea ful* of loose Concord grapes, one cup­
ful of cold water. one-Uird cupful of
• Barul hags. QpM oar kanru
two nod proceed ns before untU nil
• « Ua laaou o( IVee that babused. Allow tbe ribbon
1 went to a prtatlag office, and had sngnr. WaU. pick aad remove
• Me fioB every waynMa spring.
to bung a quarter of a yard tolep Ue SOM iMves. about seven by four In- Ue utema fiwa Ue grape*, add wai
• God but that our hMTta may
last ring, aad attach to It alMors, cbea. cut out oi heavy paper, having axkd cook one and one-balf hours In
enameled donMe toller. Add sugar
• to a* UtUe flowto gardcoa. where
emery and needle-book. Vw a loop Ue Inside ones of s dark red and cut
•to cook twenty Bteutes. Stfaln gad
• the Ulaca of kladly deeds Moom
Uree laches la IwgU to Ue upper a little torgor Uan Ue wklte on<
• wharoM vIotetaof ataeare Mendring and end wtih n email tow. under also had two boles ent.ln ooe
Leaioaade—ThU to much more pnla• ahlp Vva a aaav ourwar. where
wkito sew a lafeiy-pln wlU which to of Mcb lMf> so I could fasten them
• Ue roaas of Love lor Thee grow
(aatea to Ue belt
togeUer wlU a cord- Then I naked uMe Uan
• peiwaataL
all Ue family. Indudlng Ue unclea. Hake a ayrv by bolUng eight minutes
« Oar rattor. give a* faUh to V
Work fee NteUto Flnflera.
annta. coualn* and grwndpnrents. na ooe capful of water aad ooe-halt cup• lUve that the world to growing
Tbe old lady whose eyesight to grow­ wen as some of bit old school mates, tnl ol sugar. To two ublespoonfua
• totter' Mat the dawn of BroUaring dim will welcoM wiU delight to have a small pleUre ta Uemselve* of thU Bvrup add ooe ublespooofal
Bat hand! LatoarteUk
Is of different sites aad colora —Ue Bve-cent-a-doaen kind—aod give of lemon Juice and cm half cupful of
SolUor. ao4a water or ap>; oar
pure: oar
of tbroad OB whiefa needles of Ue
w. This Uey were all good
proper slse have been Ureaded. anongfa to do. I then railed the tam- poUlnarls may to used.
o •tricfetead PnyM. String a whole paper of newdtea oa Uy tegnUar. and we spent one lolly Irish Moat Lemonade—Pick over
tto Inoae end of Uq thread, taitealag avaalag writing a votm of poetry and soak oao-baK cupful of Irish moss

In cold water rnougfa to
Unutot a fine sletc into a pound
teen or twenty minutes,
pulveriLed sugar. Add lo Uls n grated
and add It to two ci^tete of toU water cocoanat aad tbe white el aa egg
tn a doable boiler; cook vigorously beaten very light Tfats recipe makes
for iwenteBlnulea. Uen strain. To two csdtaa 9t Uree layers.
oneUnlf enptal of UU liquid add tbe
Cake-Tbl* oldpslce of one tomoa and angar to make fasbtoaed recipe has come down from
generntloB to geaaraUon. In sooUarn
Flaxseed Lenwnade—Pick over'and rnmllies it Is Mde pariiciUnrly for
Ue children nad'In Florida It to
add one pint a oolllng water, and served wlU a tasty hiuw. Alios six
cook, covered, for two boon I
eggs, half a pound of butter, one
double boiler or In no enameled pan ponad nad oae mtace of flour, one
placed OB an Mbeeios mat. Keep Just ponnd of RUgar. half piat of milk and
J>elow Ue boiling point. Strain, add two evea leaspooBful* Of baking powthe lulce of one large lemon, or
der rnsqm the butter nto sugar. Add
small ones, and from four to
U - eg|^ Vril-bMteB. Uen the milk.
of sugar.
flour and M*der sifted Into a little
Orangeade—To tbe luU* of
of Ue flour. Seaaan wiU vanilla or
large orange add one
lemon Btor either la layers, loaf
syrnp made la Ue mme prtmortloB or in cup aad serve with sweet saoce.
lemonade, and . pour
crushed Ire. or use Ue juice of
Out of Rags.
orange and half a lemon and a lableCut worn-out Ublecioth* Up Into
spcwni.. and a ua.. of syrup.}l site napkins and hem then for
Fanads—Lay six dry soda crackers everyday use; Uey make good tray
a deep bowl. apvtQkllng a little
cloths and Mve .Ue tableciolb when
gar lor less "saccrartne 'i and a pinch put under the children’s plates at
of Btece or
Uble. Ur cut them UP Into face towel*
them. Add gradunlly enough and wash cloths- Old isblei-lolb*
warm-not bol—water
make Ue tost kind of towels for w lp
on Incb deep; set tbe bowl, Ing floe china aad glass, as do alto
closely covered. In a pan of boiling -. ->ra-out napkins The latter should
water, and Uis upon Ue range Keep i - placed one on top of the Other and
water at a nmdy boll
stitched double on Ue machine. When
an hour after Ue bubbling begins linen Is ton far gone tor any other
The cracker* mould soak up all
use. It makes fine cteUs for pMlsblng
aier In Ue bowl and be like jell
windows, as It does not leave any
Toast Panada—Fare some sllees of
stale baker's bread and tonst nicely
Old linen bandk<wchtefs should al
wlUout burning. Pile in n bowL
ways be saved In a ^rawer In the medi
sprinkling sugar and a very little Mit
cine closet lor use as bandagea. and
well WlU boiling
even to scrape for llni. Towels that
water and set. with a light IM upon
have outlived Ueir purpoae make
the top. In a pan of bolting water,
cellent dltb doibs and dIU towels.
gently until —e contenu ol
If Used for wiping the dishes, lay two
bowl are Use je»y- bat warm.
together and ttlich' doable. If you
wlU powdered sugar niid nutmeg.
want dish rlolhs. cut out tbe worn
Arniwfoot Jelly—Ooe cupful of boil­
pUrs-s. or fold them In ud stitch
ing water.
them together on Ue machine.
of tost Bermuda arrowroot, one leanilow cases that are nearly gone
spoonful of lemon Jalce, two teaspoonmay be used ou pillows under Ue
fnls of white ingar.
keep tto* ricking clean.
Wet Ue arrowroot In a little cold.
when tto outer rase Is
water and rub smooth. Then stir Into
the hot water, which sbotOd to on worn too. it can be used several rimes
tbe fire and actually toillBg at Ue more, fqr tbe while case underoealb
time, with sugar aliwady melted In prevents the little tear* from sbowStir until clear, tolling stoadlly
Wben aboul to discard a auli of koli
•H the while, and add tbe lemon. Wet
nderwear. don’t throw It into the ru
a cup In cold wnter. and pour In Ue
Jelly to form. Hat cold with angar j bag as It Is. Taka the shears and cut
•ad cream, flavored with rose water. off tbe buttons and trim it down to tbe
Tapioca Jelly—One cup of Uploca. slse pieces yon use for ordinary rieauthree caps of cold water. Juice of a Ing dotha. By taking out all Ue worn
sralrby parts, yon have yonr
lemon and a pinch of grated peel.
cloths ready for use when you t
Sweeten to taste.
Soak the Upiora In Ue water four them and they take up much less
In tbe bag or drawer. Always
boors. Set wllhio a Mucepan of toillug water; pour more lukewarm water keep some wooten clotbs al band to
w hen wouIpd ranipresee* srv need
ler Ihe taplura If It fas* absorbed too
or In any oi tbe oumeruua ways
lucb of tbe liquid, and.beat, stlrrinc
troquenily. I< too UIck after It begins to which they may to Rut lo tbe sick
to clear, put in a very little tolling room.
water. When quite clear, put In sugar
and lemon. Fonr Into monlds. Bat
'Hm Car* ni tto Brenm.
cold, with cream flavored with rose­
Before using a new broom put It
water and sweeteoed.
In tolling water and lei It remain
Sago Gruel—Two cup* of water, two there till Ue water it cold. Uen put
of sago, ooe teaspoon- .. in tbe son lo dry. Jnti before
ful of l<
n Juice and a pinch of ^alt using dip It into water for a minute.
sago tn the water while To make a broom test a long rime, tbe
cold, and warm by setting in a uuce- bristle HbouM be kept luugb and pll
of tolling water. Stir often, and able And Uat Is wbat Ue boiling
it soften and heat for on tour. water doe*. Aa n tortber help, dip
Then toil ten minutes, stirring all Ue broom Into tot soaptods every
time: add Ue sugar, wine and week or two from washdays. !-><lemon, and poor Into a bowl or mold guent wetting of tbe broom when
cool. Cat warm If preferred
swc-eplng makes it last longer and do
betier work, and also i* a good tblni
fur the carpel*, for a slifl. wiry broom
Old-Time Famous Cakta
In every cook book there are al­ • car* ibem out very quickly. When
ways recipes lor msklug cakes: but the brUtls/begin U wear to a point,
there are better ones that can be ob­ dip Ibe ^ruom In bol water h
tained only through private Indlvidu- minute to sullen them and cut them off
Sometlmes an old time recipe eieul}' WlU Ue kitchen shear*. Al
s clean It after a general sweep
Bods Us way through many gener­
by dipping in water tor a minute
ations and for that reason It so strict
ly runsldered. Those given here are and Mien -baking well tolon- hanging
famous for Aelirary and are made on
Ue tost line* of rake-bakIng
Hints on Kiteton Work.
Old-Time Cruller»-Xo cake i* more
f'lean up aa you go.
dellriou* than t6e well-made cruUer.
iMii I •.caller III tbe kitchen.
and none nu>r- easily spoilt by care
■ess cooking To make the fresh,
Ue -ure to put st-aldlag water in
crisp sor: famous In Ue "old flouib"
siewpan as
Ibe following recipe must be carefully finish using
carried out and the cooking done In
keep your *plc<- box always rcplenctorlfied drippings or good sweetoll. i-b-d. and take rare it y>
and If the dlrecUont are beedt-d, Ue of BiiMhlng ih«l ilk place
result will to most sallsfactur> For once supplied.
two eggs allow one cupful Of sugar,
Take rare of your copper utensil*
lespuunful of butter, one cupful Ihsi the tin does, not become worn
ae taWest
r milk. ti
If so. have tbem instantly re­
teaspoontuU uf baking powder and placed.
half teaspoontul of salt Rub Ue
Dry your saucepan* before you pul
t. r and sugar to a cream, then
Ibe well beaten eggs and Ibe milk
Fuddlng bag* and jelly cloth* re
mile b> imle. and Ustly. Ue flour
rire rare; wash and bang them lo
which ha- been sifted wiU the baking dn- directly after using them. Air
powder and -alt Mix all well logeiber
i well before yon pul tbem away.
and Uen turn out on a board addli
flour enoqgh to make Ue dough sufflcietiriy *^ to roll. Roll out Ute,
cut In rounds with a crnller cutter
and fry In deep fat. turnlng,lrom time
to lime daring Ue progress. Drain
on coarse brown paper and roll lightly
Store In
crock to keep fresh.
Robert E Ix-e CUe—lo
doe* the layer cuke reign with grratnr popularity than In Virginia This
one I* famous at a company
sweet. To make It to perfection. Uke
Dine eggs. Ue welgbi of
sugar nad the welgbi of four egg*
in floor. Add tbe sugar to Ue wellbeaten yelks of Ue nine eggs Then
add tbe whites beaten very light. SUr
In Ue flower and SMaon wlU fresh
lemM. Bake in Jelly iliis. When cold
spread each layer with Ue tollowlng
Strain Ua grated rind nad
Juice of two oranges and one lemon

•« Fir kLoB oliMjk prgMs A-ruHiB
for it laoti our toy*! Uft."


. Msi>!e m., rv* Moines,
tea: ••rreyMrangooar
I. was teksa down wiU woarM
fever. II* uwk ould WlU It, nud In*
su-sd of the eruptions oumlag lo (ka
surface they sfl.cted bis luups and
Stonweb. Kor wveks ww patehrd by

•‘Finally he xecam* a mils belter and
was side Su sll up. Tlu-aiie Cummeneto
tues>ugh, and la spile of sveryUlag wa
conld do he stoined lo get wutw aU the
Urns. H<s cooghing spell* would teat
until be was completely eabsusted, and
btsluagshBrlliimagroaldoal. Bv*tF«.
body Iboughibs bad Oi
•rilae day.« bile at the drug stora, mr
busliaod saw a /VrwM oImooc aod
l>roagblUhom*. We rend la it a per(rat daMrlpiluB of bta oas* and w«
thoBgbt wa would try Pe/wM. Wn
■bought a bolrir, quit eva
everyibing Haa,
bogta glvin
’tag bli

••By th* Ume Iwo-Ulrdi of U* tottte
was used Ue cough bad almost goan.
After he bad taken two tolUee be wm
perfectly ourad. Be liae not smb a sick
day since and Is a beany, faealUy boy.
••W* absll always prate* Baeua, tot
It saved our boy* Ilfs."

rnsn-m-lin th« td««l IajuUm.
or they wUI smell mnaty. KtoP (kern
In « warm dry place. After waoblng up
your dtebM and clMolng tto dtehpno.
•raid out Ue sink aad alak brash.
Be careful not to throw anyUliig
but water down tbe sink teat you <flB(
It up.
Never bare allcky, greuay plal^
and dlsbcs. Tbo way to avoid tbia
UM aoap. hot water aod drjf.
clean toM^s.' dti^flQ^UtFWnier often.
1‘crtecriy cteu plates and distara are
one proof of ibe cook being s good
Be parrieuter In waUing rngctoblCk

oui Ihe insecds.
A Device ter flerubbliig tto Kltetoa
-An economy In labor wd Um
and a ueane of improved cieaolloMat.
is the followlDg method, whleb 1 haee
worked out for scrubbing a hardwood
kitchen floor, ssy* a writer In a housebold magaxjm-: l took ap abont
eighteen Inches of tbe quarter-roand
at tbe bottom of Ue baseboard and
fixed It lio II could to emtlly taken
up aad replaced at will. I iben <
in ih<- floor a silt abont eighteen Incbe* long and one Inch wide at tto bot­
tom of Ue batoboard. which silt la
revered by ue quarter-round when
rnplacs-d. This sill I* tbe exit tor Ue
water, and leads to a trough under
the flour. wbICd .n tarn leads 10 a pall
or lab in Ihe cellar. At scrvbblngtluie 1 take up the quarter-ronnd, aud
after scnitolog Ue I
with a lung handled brush, made of
an ordinary brush nltarhed lo a broomslick. I Use a rabber scraper to re­
move the water from the floor aod
ippcars. ,Tbe surplus water afier
this prorcss la easily wiped up wlU
s mop. Tbe scheme bas several ad­
vantages: A goodslted klicben can
be scrubbed in stoat fifteen mluntea.
tbe dirty water Is not used ovor.and
over again, as It It when Uc mop la
rep,-ai-dly rinsed in a pall of water;
water can be used ropicmsly wiUout
additional labor: ibe mop need not
be wrung more than once; Ue bands
n.-cd not to frequently Immersed In
water; Ue floor 1.- whiter and clnwr.

on aU pocket books, pnrsu,
ladles hand bags, gents tra-veUng
eases etc. All leaUier goods la
oar stock go al V> oil lor

Tbe next 15 days

A good ehanec lo gel a new
poekel book al a bargain al


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