Grand Traverse Herald, June 12, 1908

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Grand Traverse Herald, June 12, 1908


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



Afftwtf At ■•Half* Lm( NIfM
' .wMttwmiMralWMHaMTM*
MamlHt—WOT Parmar
y Dapaly ShailB.



Bk PapUlaJfi^JuM l.-U U
aov practloallr eartala tkat both
Paalaa Hallar. of Soatk Mtlioa, aad
Traak Tkomloa vara drovoad kaadar Blgkt U Bk LAka. tka aodtag of
Ike ooata- at boik Ua bora laadlaf
naar to bMIcve that Ucr partokad.
Tka bon eroaaad tka laka Saadar
Bioralag taklag a rov boat at Bai
Tarraca and apaadlng tka daj aod
avaalag la Bk Rapida. Not ratandag
boma jaatardar, a aaaiM vaa iMtlutad raanlUag la tka dlaooTarr of
Tborateat' coat oo tka akora aad
tkaa Haner-.. Tka boot kaa alao
kaeo fond naar ICmdIa.
Mra. Haarr HaaaMl, vko M«« oa
tke akora of tka laka. kaoid abooU
■noday alfkl apparoatly ooBlng troa
Siapptog ootalda.
kaard boUlog bat oa aotar^w
boBM. again beard tka akooto
Uaa all van atiU.
Aa tkara vaa k baary im, It la bv
Haead that tka amall boat vaa eap-

Cedar. MM.. Jane n.-The an­
nual dgktk grade gradnaikw
cMca of Cedar and Maple Qty ackooto
NOW- RAYA take plaoa tkla emtog Jn Ike
oagregnttooal canre* at Oedar. '
Tke program Wl be:/
Muaie—Maple Ctty orekMtra.
InToeatlcO' ■ The Rer. Mr. Parael- Haw cim Hotel. Whkh Waa Ta Hava
Talada Alp Atroat FarM Wifk
Saan Opened far the Aaeeen .
%jm Han In Lina Hald
Aaluutory—Roik Frenek.
Tamarrow. Wat Aemad
Thia Aftamoao.
Thla Maminp.
Aolo-BltabeU Snlilran.
Toledo. Jane
Brarybody In the
Claaa propbeay-^y DeMare.
New York. June to.—WUk eiabapo
pollUenl gam of tka order of Haoca
Jtocttatloa-Btkol Ryker,
■I oft ky Bamee which anrOlopad the
beat la palling vkat wlrea ka «
Fiaao aolo-<Mpba FmUek.
new CU8 Hotel. John V. Jordan,
“laad bin man" alUer Mafor Boyntoo
Commaaeemeat addreat. -Betur ager. and Mr*. Jordan. cUd only to
or Oaorge A. Loralaea for grand com
Ula night cloibee. leaped fioai wto
dowe 30 feet from tke gronnd
Loralaea today ctaima S24 ont of
total of Hi Totaa. Mafor Boynuio't
Tbclr eon. Emil, i: year* oiA who
friandi aay he vllt not poll leea Uao
Jumped from tke aecood Boor, waa to
ivo to Ha oppoaent'a OM.
dent of board.
badly injured that he la expected to
Tke taaue la akarply diava. "Ko
li poiplble aov." aald
Baaedleuon-Tke Rar, Mr. PammThe fire early today dceiroyed u'e
Lovalaee tkU morning.
hotel. It waa to bare bcaa Mieoed for
airong. arrired khonly aftar
Lorn 9MAM.
apvard of M.OOO are In ai
aaa held
tkta attarvooa nad eyealng vlu S.OOO



mm 10 0<«toek, betag ta

BariUay. Mich.. June 10—Hearing
abol. and eaetog the emoke ariae
Ctrt'Ry AMm and
learal little glrla made gbnaUy
injnrod py Ratog Tkrm
ta a Una
near Albert
AfitoM tka
OBtraarn'e ptnea katvean’ her* and
Atriha Nat Vot Ooar.
.. . tM AWBtog. tadtof
. Qkto. < Ana
.ait Alitkt Abbott lying by Ue
' SBmSSSiV a irala 'k«a
aad tka
cooduetar vare tafaiad aariy
Akkdtt vaa «t yeara old and bad
moralag vbaa a Oadar areaoe atrrvt baott working ta the vooda. FOr
arraokad oo Murray HHI by
iavhaalU kaa bcM paoi
vkat to aappoaad to bara baai
vary deapoadant. aa be vaa al
kart^ 9t dnotoUe.
moat daatltute. The atan boarded it
Tka cor
aooaodtng the bU
Ronekk reataurant bara aA want
It paaaad «ror tka axyloalra and
Waaford thu moml&g. knylng k I
bnitod froa tka tracha. Tka Roar of tt eallbie cartridges Tke ballet
u tom'oat aad vtndova that
eatared the bead orpy tka right toaaTka pnaaiaiori and thd crew
- death
eat hy lying glaaa aad vai* M
mnn'e former Aoma'
iMuks uMftk wiu.
by kaUg Urovn agatoaf the
w Ctty.
Tka ooKMwr vaa faaumwd .tma
Tka pidloa babara Ua*dynaa
Maalek tMe afiemoaa aM aa
aa an aoko of tka amat car atriha hrtl
vhlch ku not yot offlelaRy baen daolamd oc.

&ar«a«c4ka OAdlUlova.
' ~ ItolMid tm haaa dafotr akariS
tm oaraial yaara batora iol«
•MIk tkM yaato i«a. JIa Na^a a
mm aU om 4at«iuar. Mn. Jaam



. «ntaaUii« M Uha ina
0 'Wk oaaart tto Mmtan
yilllkdlk-MaUdiaa aad
’ «M Wahaak la Clavalar


Tatodo. JUH lb—It «
kara tadar tkat aa Joly l all tka ad•m at tka Wabatoi tanttoal of tka
QoaM UbM vUl ramva to data-


Tka WkaaUag a laka Brta rall^
raad vU) daaan ibatr MUUea doUbr
kalM>H U l>iMakarg aad paU tk.r
WaktoM fa .Olaaalaad.
Tka vkaia toora U couldaiad a
Me Tteteiy dar tka Taadarklli aad
FwaayWaala Uaaa. tontog Oeald c
ac rttukon a»d aaaklag tka Wakaak
iMtoh Ua oOBtraet arttk tka aiaal

Id at yw Ham
^ wm wnmm ftoraala to KatOawrkr.


WnUMBOkan. )Uak. Jaaa U.-Al
tka kma af- m kridaa' parenta la
Ctaar«atar tonaklp. K^kaaka nmtry. raatatday. yokn Smlik aad Mlaa
Mrriia A. TkaOorAaa vara aaBad la
•arriaia. tka Bar. Tko«aa Toaag. o(
WUiiamkai* ottoiattoe.
Tka Mlda vat ekarmlaglr govuad
la a vklta allk draaa aad vaa aitaad•d hr Mlaa Pm. MUck aad Mtaa
roart Ckaaay vkUa r*mi litak. of
*1T« ttoraaup. vaa tka kaai
•aa. Tka horn va. dacoratad U
aad vkMa aag tka <mmar
vaa vtiamad kp a aalaet ooavaar
« Mada aad ratoUvaa. A koaaUfal
lapadt' vaa vraad afurvaiA.
Ham tm a oma laar








Uadartoak ta Croto to kaoUi Mlltaa •OVMTON AND AOVCLACe KACH
CLAIM VICTORY. nvm stk Map Ida 1a a tmatl
flaw Aaat

BaOtlra, Wek.-'j^ l.-nbert K.
TVali «aa kUM at Levaladr, Taut,
taat niday. bal tka partiaaUn »
•at kaawa wtH Ue arrival <K
IrttM wtU’tka Mr Uat araMag.
Vr. ff*U waa aaaip taraaaa lor a
law Twaa laakartag ftm. aad ml
Ui AtaU aa a vaavk of atapplag lor«anl t« aaaM kla ma-ta plaeUw a
I'lfclfJ toHaii aa a «ar. Aa it waa
MH twM tota periUoa iha buak
taf al)ppa4 aai. aad Ua (aiuag logt
tkmr Mr. TraO'a eaadwok oaio hlai
toTM aa to braak
kaMli ovar kU ah*al«ar aad tkraw
Mfi Am.
>«C «•«>><
araMkte. Ha «aa
tM lag «ia MBMvad froai Mb. and
mf toatriMtlaaa tor latagiaiBtBs aad
far alkar thlaga Mora Arlag taro
km iat«.
. Mr. Trail «aa aa aipart laabi
^ aaaaaf aMaa
*y. JM kMAaaa t
aiA tor aboot a
f«aw«a^ Mlarr. Mia. Trail bad
)i«a kotoo aboto ,t«o «aaka rrm:
Man Waa OH «f Work, to Ml HaaKh
fk«a. .ipd kto iMakaad vaa to hara
MMNMto trMad Jalr aa a raoattoa. FLOOR TORN OHT AND THI WIN1|ha fwaral vaa kaU troai lha iMbow AHATTIRIft.




nx IN HER §xm

•-■ ■

■ I


Tin MU’


.lima Win tka Caaaa ang tka,
M to %e Takan M'tha

foraaoan while driving ak^ toy
ntracd. and toy In a veiy cHUoni condlUon for eeveral hear*.
8to knd
been doing aoma akopping and
about to ratorn home, when eke___
token vtolaatly HI. Abe van ramored
t.> ikaVaet roam at tbe^Hanai
Ur - Mercantile eompanyk ,i
v^here a phyifeUn wa» iiimmruA
her hutband aeni for.
About 4 o'clock to tke aftonoon
Mtr. Wtoitanlc} waa removed to U
unltarium. it being lanmoalkto
AaM Thai the Al\^ Have Ao Firmly take, her tuuue. She 1a rwitog a I
EfNclid Tkpir AMl-TaN. O
Ue eai^r today, but to still tmabte
--------ve^and it U not UkaV tkat el
r aSW to endure Ua trip koma


Cktcaio. Jane IL—Secretory
War WlBaa «. THt vaa today «

apanenceg Ne Otoeemfert More •AUtVSO HE WILC* BE
toy While Lytag to ^Iter M
Marieti Island.
From Tnrnday* Rewd.
Tbe Sylsfa. the gasoltor laaorb beIkngtng to r. a Clark, of Aotioua
Bay. which took refage yesterday
aftcraoea oa Marion Island wlU tbe
pony of totums Bay' people, arrived
port lotoy wiU 'Mr. CUrk aad
John Bnhto. making the trip to
' tors and II mtontee.
Mr. Bakle. to speaking of tbe trip
yesterday, stated that the atsertag
■cor broke vben U* toaneb
Lech Pedat. nad thu it
to cootral the rudder by band. ThU
was done by \be mea vbo ctavfod
under Ue after deck vberr they eoaM
get koM Of the tvdder.
"We oouM have made belter time
by coming dirutly to Traveroe CUy.“,
aald Mr. Bable. "bat Ue ladies to the
party thooghl It vonld be bettor to
go itralgbt to Marion totond.
reaUed tbe island about l o'ctock to
Ue aftetooea. built up a Are. oookad
our dtaaer and waited. It vm nearly
11 o'clock before the tag Maggie
Mgbtod ug. We bed cooked onr onpper nuLtod it nil ready to eot-vkoa
Uo boU com* tor w."





to tN

Cbicagn. Jane A^FIIh tke mMMmI
aloag In good utyle to Atoputog .gf
Ue eeauotad eleette «»aw. pepftul
tntereu JuU now eentors about tto
vbo vUi be nomad ns TMTa ptonlng nmu on Ue nmMdMtlal O^l
Nev Tent o«Mto to to datoMMy
tt of IL Neitbar Cortatyoa aar
and Ue chancre of FAlrtonka ot indiana. which at ow time lootod good
•ppoar to bo vanHAtor
Uh^v DeUHor #( town lar tto


Roy DorDM Mtore DIM a CnwMto
FMIov to •MMsi Mtoto
CMuMt eoaM.
pitn Tboredara Baeort.
A decree i
•ta VU ggmund to
tost night's
n of tmHih tto
*^1* Orpauar* H5*Sta-to'


TMa Waa UnaatlafiaNrj Aa
ereactty H4n Net a Hall La<

Betvuea fourteen and AfUeo hondred peeple saw tbe grudanttog so*
elsea-of Ue etgbU grade Wedneoda
In post yean there ana alvays been
Jcini pregrem bat this tor sever


Tto cue at «*miaa H. — - Pi
t. UnrvT Doird. ta vhkk fteaiitoi
to aalng tor SMW Aamngsa tor wreuh npu hto paaua. «eau.tod tto

or odEir'ta'SitoM^ J-

W. Putokto tiglialto hto


bckmgtog to Harry Dnvd oa sharen.
■ad toM NOTombw. vhUa Dovd. an«vdtog to tbe toatitoov. atrth^
Itonnecka seTara] itou ta lha ton
•kick tojored him ao UM to VH«
tor montka. and •hkb aarred m

imber of tbe Ue g
coold take part to the pregrem. vhtcb tog to DenMckc. vhkk tt vu -•‘ rr
Ootea Wart Flaad Vaatafdto •
aomtMia Um IV B« allied
leh tka great majorttytvltkout aay Dotre kimriind out by ooa at tto
tope 2>. A* and tS—Waaa Inktovs. vu aa exklbtt ta Uc ml
c-pedal pvt.
Dovd to rnneh tka torgar tonm P. C.
tarfarw With Omr FHv.
i%eaa man. koweeac it Ij
Lost yev. noi many forcoto tod OUbert dafeoded Dovd.
Bma aWecUTaly
be turuad avay from tbe «
The data* tor tke Laatoaaa coon
Tto JwT to tto cast ot
nnd^Tnti gtv
ilr to be held at Sutton* Bay have wwae. as Trevarae City coo'
I. Dovd retired toertly batoro I
maaUng Tatt as tka Soar or the coobeen flxed for Sapfember tS. >4 and none torge rannik to aecomme
o'ctock Uk aftatMOd. after vhkh
rVoifotf aad to tto eradeaUals comSeveral of tbe otflctoto pf
Ju%a Man# adtouaaad Ue Witeas
etlttec vbei* they expect to iiart
Uetonau County Fair asaoHatton
Tbe nev pMa of having aepareto Hn. vbo vore anretod chnrgad vlch
•iKk a floMy Uat Tafl't cooddeniial
the Did Settler*
ricrctee* vaa a eampMe aoc
bargtoiy. Tto Jodte toformad tkm
b ekpactad nomtoaltoo by aeclamar Apant Ala Mairtka to
Every program vas enriiad oat to an' that they Mdtt rapen at the Am
tka 01^. ,
‘ tloa vUl be acatta^
Tkto talr coming a week abend of tbe
ting etwdttnblc manner and tto Of the Oct^ utto ot eout and id
Tka tkfl dalagaua from Ue ttnrt
UirRA aad Mtaa Blale aoi AtUf dtoutete of ^th CkroUai
able to aay that thdy had not to4»-.
n the GOtopIlmeau they received,
ven^JarTted Tacaday •I
al I wen eeated hy A>a repabUeaa uiton bIMlors and these toterasud
dm> of ttgoar to any form, and
O." H. Foariw. of Pcmilac. vka kaa
Traverse CUy. N. W, Herrington, all Ue exerelsca tbe ones vbo pre> of Ule 'bridal iwreate. Mr. a, ooaamUiee tkla afUfMoo. ' Thli
Ikey had vortod u opforumlty
kaaa la aaarby iqvm and vko
rreeideni of the asaociaUoo atoled to remvd the dlptomaa eoograUlated aterded. and Uat thay bad dnm MtD
aad Mra. H. Rtokerd. tkrae a
vote* at ihe
ocatly lotntaad Inm n trip
Record reporur yesterday. Uai Ue Ue *todeuu oa Aaiaklng tbe Ant tog excopt vtai Uap thasMbt vu
. ,
--------------VI u<r uueraaitoB. the
vaa tn tka chy yaaUiday and
to white organdy and carried e»«ct aomber to noatoate him on Ue Leelanau county fair Uito yem- would viep of Utir edOcnUco and urged HgkL . He daelared that Ua odBemn
decUred to tka Raootd that ka bad
l:e blgS^ and belter 'ban ever, and Irem to pertisi la tbelr coaroe.
altoold oboerve tto oatoaet of tto
bridek ream. Mtaa Mina Rkkerd finr balloL
enjoyed kla trip abroad tkorongkly .
save a cordial tovltaitoa to Traverce
Tke program were all carried ont
tmd Harry JohnaonyW Bnwatv Har___ __
Mr. Pevw, to company vUb J. H.
Cii.v to attend and bar* * good time. ^ expected, the prtoctuel* of tbe earbor nttaaded tbe eoaple. Mlm Rick-,
I tto mottor tn
Otbha of -Bdawra, apant aaarty atx «rd batog attired to white and ptok!
He stated also that the Leelanau too* balldtog* preseottog tbe dipiomai
Awatka ahrand. toamag army oounj muU and carried white aad ptok earcoaty people would be on hand,
;cept at Elmwood, where the Ree.
doing eeury tv* vooto.'dr
try of Buicm viu ika axeaption of
w pooiihto. On tto Ardt
nattona. UtU, Myrtle Grahl and'B-! Mlaa Neteia Helto, Formariy af Th,.
Spain aad FartugaL In apeaklaj of
kelp make tb.- fair here Ue sucoew*
Hondny to-OctoAer bk booor iniwm
ala Herkaer actw a* lower glH*.
City- Weddap la CkteapT to
kU trip Mr. Fever aaid; "Of aU tka
d* tervt» to be
ftontoa (4 Petoakey oflcUted
Man From El Faaa. Teaaa.
ad tto bore Unt Uw nmul report tto
couatrlaa va rlaitad. 1 thtok «a eu- Tto foonu were very pratlUy decor.i-,
-----amount or mooey atrvad. rriiaito.
foyad Mgypi more than tke otkera
and for what u tod bun oapudaA.
ed^Uferna and cot tower*, about, Tbe El Pa-.o.. iTexai). Morotne
rheee ChlWren and Young
or- He nve Uu- proreentor |llll■lm^■n l»
Wa apant tvo'vaato on the Nile, and lkjrty-W»e frlcnda and toiaUve* of Ttmen of June 6. aa>s
of tke W pnaaangera <on tke boat tke bridal party being praaent
need .« Trerers* Crty frem I
aUow to boys to ga ow of Ue MW
iberc vera probably 31) of ibam AtneiFiMri Today.
If they coold aecure VOft by ae detag.
Tka followtog letreakmeDU
tendent Ryan of Ue local letter ivjI Laading Papers oM
leaaa.. It la no vberaver you ga In ■airad:
ImmetUaieiy after Uv tbe Jury lA
ner*. arrive kero yesterday from Chi
Four CamlDe* were
Europe, aboat half of Ue uuriau are
e onae of PhUlp ttaacb va. Lgdto
Onngo Salad to Baakett.
rago. They will make tbelr borne at
-hi* afternooo
DOOO !,«
[>g. th
Ue arrival Of Ue E Dowd wu tmpldlllt Uto to^ n
Fridt totod.
Bandwtekes. 512 Corio *treet.' '
-Oalsg to Ike tnaaelal coodltloni
ireto, aa It aaatmary
Mr*. R.TaB vtll be remembered here
e* Ue United Sutaa tke Inat year
oiHTDiag uf tbe Bochlay tmiIIiii breugbt tbree children aad a young
•» Nil* .Vca^ Helm, a graduate ol room occuTed Tuesday evcotog.
there vere not to many Americana
>n from the dref and dumb school
lee Cream
Amtrted Cake*. the local High acbool aod toughter of
iravetlag m Is fonner'yoara We riaMr. and Mr*. Herkner will go u> tbe Rev Stii W, Helm now located tercsi aod attendance were pmd and >! nioi. WliA them waa Miss fuiitBr*
the town ataad*
tted the pyramMa. and tke tombo. koaankeeplng Immediately on the
*bo aecompasted Uea :o me Uea
tn Cblrago
*:••;> ihrough
King Sotomoo-a mlnea. and many hla- fnrm owned b.v ibo groom, about half
Cottar Lottga On a
loric pointa to BgypL
.moog Ue dally papers that are
The oidei.! Oj three Waa I
a mile from tbe girt home of Mr*.
"Aa to Ike Turk, be ti not aock
flle by aubteripUoa aad dosatloe Schwab, cif Provemov. who bs* al
bnd aon after alL Tka (roobTk vlib
are Ue R*-ord, Eagle. Detroit Free moai completed tbe eonree, and
Taritey U ^ gorenimaat. vkleb N
Tlwt WM tlM veAtot Thia Mavwinp Preta. Grand Rapids Herald. Loots- rwd-uaie next your He win me
Mrs. O A Wore aad Are chttdrett.
vary bnd. Bat the people oo
Tllto Conner Joa.-naJ. Chicago Rec­ ti* sroUer, also of ProvemoBt.
to The Cnee ef Raymaod
of Grand KaplU. arrivsd tkto atiarare good In tkat^ way."
ord Herald and among other papers
Herbert Bbnun. Ihe ILyenr-old
UeG. EDLoadleftat
C. A. Orieoelt af Datrvit ta Knad of
aad periodJewU are Ike Bovlew o! •oo of Mrs. H Sbuuri-who bm been
for NorUpon Vhme they wfO
locate in <
tottoaaJ AMoetotiao af FtoM
ll.-LRa>moo Reviews. McClure*. Americaa Lum «: :b- »choo! fov t^ tui six year*. opon UMr aommer cMtoge. nregOaalara.
mJ totato • a> !Q ;he part.*, and Jacob ftoerlto,

Hio. C F. DroiMly nag DrMher Ufl
nrere. oo NorUpon PMOL They srare

hot gulltv early Uto
New*. Cotker'a Weekly, Spare
he u yeur-old ion of Hr. and Mm.
tor TWw Tkla Memte^
by Mr. and Ites. C. P.
At Ue aaveau annual maeUng of
ooT. br. >cb of the Sopreaie mento.
Uterwry Digest. Wo
-Hief Oberito of Sutoos Buy. wto has Mall, ef Toledo. OMo. who v1!t ogu
Mra C. P. Orandy and brother. tto ItoUoaai Piano Dealers asoocto-'
Hitchcock bad etodteed that ^kNoe Companion. MoUm’a
<b>- completed hla Bfth yrer U tto ttotr cottage. Alta Ttou. atoo ott
Wtnum Kevman. loft ibl* moroing Una IB New Torb. C. A. Grtonell of
•Ml of b* waa a victim of biackmaUer*. Four
over Ue a R. A L
XorUport Potat. Mrs. Ward and Mr.
Oetrait waa
ef tbe^oUer Indlcimesu are peodtog.
Ufe. CadUtoc New. aM Cxprew. Tbe
Elnors. tbe six year oU daughter and Mn. Mali wore acceapoatod by
F'nahL. whore they will locate paraut. Mr. OrinnaU to >
Advocate. Record of Chriauan Wort uf Mrw. E Terito*. who vavt to tto their aervantm.
nantiy. Mr*. Oraaito ka* tpeat ihitw bor of Ue veU kaowa Arm of GrinMr*. Delia Ktongy and Mrs.'Loatsa
dank* to that tooattty. and taturved nail Brodtoc*. vko hare a heoncti Hart of tost Jordan who have been Grand Trorerse Herald. Barkley to school '»■ January, waa overtored v
Cedar Lodge. Ue preperty of Mr. I.
Bcteai|Ar -eeiag ber mother agato. and vu hi Ward, will n*
toH OMotor ta dtopoaa of bar propav- ■tore tn Uto ohy. The irm of Orin- vumng relaUvec at Nonkport. were t«fpriae.
etc.. beeMes a gpo^ library :iuie afraid of Ue sjinwfi enrute '
ty totmaott at Kam4« viu a view ta MU.toMkMW ban bee. oegaatoad to Ue city today fm tkMr return
ihwi » yevrs.

•«>M) wba rrturmri Co Traveree City






NOT GliaijY


«IAIfD TlUVtttM;

Tmcne IciaM



a w««k.





/Mr iM»
t. Bk ta/M*.
MrtkitaM «tf «k« OM^'Twrerw OM




m aMi^Uvmd u» «ta Otawta
irm ip I >1111 tawiM tar
Am/U ta «ta ^
• CM/ is IMA

t tt •
tta MertkOTA;
Wltalgw avtaM M MivdMMs vltai
Ita MMs Mv.« ataVB ta tta Utw»
MM lABk mmttM m
mm. 4^ mm nmg tasaM am m*
VAOM M s lllMtaW itatah vIU Mr

>arool. Wool, WanSod

AM*, tar tatat. Mik lr>
VtA;j. r'lBstaa Rrtt'^TMtorta* te
t> UMalHTt |mM m AB Wk> M«k taiartaMA l» a rSta vttk Mis.
PitwMw >hu MM tt Is KasrC D. A. taitar.
tMM AW naU » IMC* ■—>■■ o<
IbA Boa<.«r Itat KVM, Atata>
rtata ta tar «ttr lor s «MA' vita tar
■4ta«kt«ra Mm. M. U. CtarMI u4
tksM. jrtAsrtM* *r IS MU/ mo. Mia 1. StouA- . T
u4 vfes wffl M M«7 atMd Am, tatta Ttara. «/ TitaiWM Ctt/. ni
iota/. '• '■AtaM Cilta. «( ■tataT vtat ta Viaiitari JAM MorsMt tar • ctart
-U tooklM M«r tta UM
tboM ttot hST« Mm eslM to ttat ■H.
Un, c Mwtata^oi Lsatas.
CTMt M/ota total «Mrs mm
isita. MtatI tar
tta ta^i
ta^t terJuJ 1
Mtan. I tM tM auM «( w
|ta tar ^
Bk Ms/ita Utb:
tan rhsfti

lAr SltaatMa of ita v^ mariist M Bat aa kad al pMaMt kM
the oaitook M itat H tor/ OtasM mkr tta tariB a« Mai tka/ vlB
carulBl/ maka a drdcctfcm mt (ram to ts >c Mw tar aaar/ pooad.
At tta prrsrat raodtUoa I aaa one all Ita wool Crow rtaai Trsrerse. Wexford. Anirtfe. MaaMtaa. ata LiiMaai ifAii. vUk a tato
" larardaaIar-saada.AHlvaaMttaa
tkata ta M to lad
------------------dal/paamaa tkat */
Othar dcalan. aa 1 vast
kmtta'tarVar I dlTta
(era 1 OHda ■/ sale, ata 1 am satMacd to itaa tta taaata ID Ita

w wowo SMI -n Bare


>a ue OSBOB,

UM- do aot sail
tatl tto as/ime eW ttabra m «aC a/ A
1 am
a toaoktaf
/oo aB ter tta past /tar's taron. aad i
lor tta klodaass
ktodaau and
sod I hope to make j<ta
/os more saltstad tkM/sar.


M. bohombkiaokr'

^tasiers. . bsl__
Mtanrr rsl/ ta Dr.
aaa- BcleeBoto Of ewfa CM. u I wmU vita trie oa
stlsc oat of esta.
------------------ oaca. PaJa caaoot
sta tmM ssy. «sl/ tkst wr tars lo«
ata/ vtac* 41 ta aaad. *

vUI'-BK vortatB, aot oal/ at tta sa>
Oaata WM «i HM NaaM.
^ttaaa Ba/. MMk.. Jaaa lo-ia rorMiMo.liat la tta aptaUaiag of tta
Jawa P. Monts
Sktppars. Vs.,
taka aera tkaa oaW. aonk vtata amt cracd Trararaa ngUM.
«kN4r akioa to kaap tta OM SatUrr. „„
hm'Iw ,«
to (or eoaoaal cad adrica. aad alvv> iDOAd It Of tta hlcbMt aad a».
Blaat taanctar. Oaa ot ttaaa I tklak
crovd todaj.
Vtn acraa vitk ata vbaa I mj
Tta Mooada at DaaatarA park vara fktn vaa m attar mao that took a
lattMat In tkc valtara of tor
aaaactatlcm or oT tkM rataoo.
r Itaco*«T Is tta teat remad/
tkat, vaa- better kaova or Aad dona
J1 toe
tor.tta nptandtac ot JkU
R v.^t A Baas. C. A. Bsebee Dr^
gka ta ^ past Aft/ roars.

S' ^ •;? s?

Q Per


O Ceal


a pw
'a Ccal


«*M Ota ■WI^Mimd Afd tamto IAN
■m mrn V tta tiAMta MIM. Bs or
vkAt ta ta ata AM M
IMAita taAt tf BA
Mas mm taka tta propar i
MM tta tkrrntm amm. tao
«0H< Ai Mac OA aaCartac awS oldiAHA aatat arfU tasa Aoa4 of mm
MM votaM toAtaot aa4 ahlUfaJ.
. >lta atata ta aBtaMMAtag RAm
tataMa M itatoiMita A Mark tkat
vlUtatac HI ivraita ta maa/ «am>

“Osly a mUa orar a aMBth ago ta
vaa Idautnc that tkto maetlM H
tBt Bar vaa B«>ac to be one of
too .bBt. If aot the beat ot an/ v«
had. aad aoaa of the Mat voiA be
did vaa ta gMUBc out tta peatew
tot thM moetta*. It M nimeeooaar/
for'toe to maattoa hM mam. aa./oo
all^apv to vhoBi I hare ratonoM.
Ue-vi».atoa Of tta Mdeot aattlan.
h^M«.:iRnd hoM tor moro thaa oae
Aiitf a eaatar/ aad aa I tare oald
hatira. J iM>aat A. that I doa*! thiak
lABa vaa aaolAer maa ta all tkM aagiiM tkat VB tattar kaova, ^ iMl
saarc tor the ' '

TAaar tnMaAtta vUl |» sot tooB tta
AtatltBttaaa aaA tAMr taSaaota aaA
taAM/iaa vn totao attala to taka
ap tta work aa4 aairr It oa. lAa

trtak lu ntoraa la otAar va/a— A/
mMb« ootoarlBt aad ta oaaAllAs lAa
tta stma ta tta miattag aad theaa,
tick to pat vaU
Tta km ID tha
Tha ear
farry *’"T* “ •« A* ««r a (»• t«t»
^iTraTSMa rai

th5 tteM ^ be M»a beta ttal
taotor tkat vO oaa
tmmmm la MmU. a
» ■** MnprhMie riL
AABMArtaii toatsMa. a aaln
IM» aadMAta. V__^, ta , tar«. lorr* rmo thoss **••• *■
laeA aack vrar toe

AU Next Week


Barney co.


la a

IM Wool. Sift Mat Vodc

.sirs: IS, .M. tta«»«, n»». .Ita

OA tm aa'' aaiBBd»any ta tta latAM. |

.ta„ m

•t 41s«o«ats

- —

The interest at tbe rate of three per ^ak
b payable every six or tvelve MkOeths.



WtoI and Slllf Coats
Jteess »drte

. — ;r»rr'.r'=r^’”o

A Certificate of Deposit tnued by this Bank .
affords ao absolutely Safe apd Profitable form
of inwstment. It b oae cf iko be« invest*
meots that can be converted, into cash on

from 10% to 33% off

At the aty Book ^lore

g Ita Oraad AiBy ol UMg tta oeeaalo- ear/ amtamn/- wmM be gtad to aee the rtateg gen
■**5*^. ■*•?**"*' ^
orattoa ttae the tatereet ta this as
taaerlptloa. -TraraMa Cllty
aad thM legtoo. that tbalr
m •akkatA. ta da- ta im*- MttA all tta kaadleapa. tta (oMtatkara maaifaatto
• at otAaB Aaa aaBtaa tada/ haa taaa aa a-iVaSH
aa teaaon vh/ tkM
jima U. aa tag and important^ althemA man/
^aMM taMM hoi be aeeood to noac
.ItoMaad toe lltriiici aad oaata«< •*.,» Mhtaigan aad vlto a Utle eflort oa
tta lata B. Is 8prs««e.
jihv paK of 'thoae’of Dsihatare atlH
tta next tvelre mootbs.


tha paiABt «( tta BOB


Qtt Jac ta/. att tha AaaiMda
tlM ta TiaMcaa Ctt/ ataaM
mm ta tta mcratat aad aUovad to

I OK/ aad tta paopia of
ir tt Ita park haa aa

ABtatagaatta bar TAsm ta*a baaa
fii iita taoi^ teeth aa to
ataPM ABM ^ika aad mmag
mtm that a oaatratt/ loeatad
•prtb iMaA aa tta a tt. a l prapen/
^BAM ta A taAsttt to tta tUf.
Tacmm Qtr m ab
Hr AMalvan i«H ta baoaaaa of IM
itaa. Man/ paapto caam
4. tta da/ hhd altar'
r aot what ta da aad vMk tta
MA If thaea AAi a diMt. veO
ttMt r^dtag place ter them, too/
apald PMp mn aad aa)o/ theaaaleiB AMoU/ vhMh vaaM ta teach
hatter «haa ahaMasTy valktac tta

boN tAraa
Pajm proaMaat of tta aaeetaUoa.;
1. ~ThM ndea Is tnU of enerpeOc
cordial addrdB
yoaag mao aad vomen that are ot
vaa glTan b/ Ooerad Lattar,
daat ot tha vUlta*- Ha paid a Mbnto to the asocMttoa aad a cordial
tag ydhrv #
TAMHASi vaa Bade h/ Dr^Ba/aa.
n«t aa. m/ dear totaada, pat oar
Tta tollovtad coauBiialeatlea i
thonltafs to tta 'vAaaL ao that la
read thla attorwoa:
To the aMtabors of tha OM BM* cor /ear. from aov when ve meet—
hope ve vttl—to tta Queen Clt/
Oar’s asaacMOca and ochars pnaaot:
noaao anwtil oar groeUag ta tta
NDrto.' ve can proee
aame ot Mr. B. L. Bpcsgae vta had
^ toe sUto that the Oraod
reglan bas'ooe of toe
piaaaod to be srlth /on oa toM omoar osprea- Ibtareatlng old settlers aseodatloui
ataa of ap^ocUUon for tta hooor you that there M In Mtehlgaa.
■Thaaklng yoa tor /onr kind athara doae hU naaw b/ plaolag hM
toottoa. aad toasting that eben yon
pletare oa /onr aouvealr badgaa.
Bdat frith /on thM /«Sr, vaa ota ot adp^nra yOa vlU dadde to hold your
baxi annul meeting In Trarerse
hM BMOt ehertabed plaaa.
CH/. ^
. “Voura tnily.
-Mb. B. U Sprague.
-M. Oartrade ^aagse.'
~WH! 8. Andersoo.
l^avaraa City Nant Yaar.
•v' •Historian.^
TtaTerae City
lecti^l aa toe meetlnc plaee for 1PM.
the auaaaUon hiTlng baaa amde by
Oa. Pa/oe, and raeeUng vKh ready
ta/or amcag the dateai

B \kre thinkiDg o,
paiaiiDg why sail am

'abcand we have lute died indhuplscv (or of-er tvi-oty years
wWioBt harfagtay d«pUmts as to ita coaeriogor vearing
WeareahooseDtitor Carter White Load. Japalac. Alabas
{b» and Chlaiaa's Vyaioheo.

’ sle.waitTsons
trs«CIV*>CII/'s LeatUng Drag Afore.

WHATta m


Soap U one of ibeas grticirs ihm e..-r/i>o<]> ir>.-a an.l roorr
rafiito matter sad dra/rd msicHai u us<k] Id lu murtefsriun- tbsn
tn pooslMy ata other pradoct. PssUdious p.'.nije uJun utMi.Uif kiod
of soap that M high)} pi^nmed and tost psrfnme le <irieu uiuM lo
kill Ita smelt ot toe SIto.v Uigcedii-nix. L>v. pols.>-h an.l rr.«M- arc
geaeraliy Its met Ingradirats.

'' ■
At uy rate, ye« teetn to be


Paint at less than cost*. We heve^a
quantity of $I.6U per gallon paint at *


to close


per gallon

Hammocks at

M4 Yoo Ever Stop to IklBk
Ihnt the dead nnlmsU bsuled tbrough /<>ar ciU.-k. larni' an.i a1I- v>
gcoerally And tbrir vsy to tbe soap Unor) and ih>. usm ot pu­
trid taoh li dnintad to a whole esresse ai bne end ut toe (aciory
and COBCD o«t tn a liitle sanarv called acap ai to.- oiher <-ad
eooeoctitm of SItAy mscier and you sash »oor face ao.i han.l» a|ih
It and then you wonder *hy .'o,. tufo akin dlsesse* ,i,eh
Srrufula. Besnaa. Salt Rhenm. Tetter, lirb and the like, lin.ip ii now by

gnttac iM of It OB auctioiHAAle
prlttclpleg: *‘coloi/toloc>
Stop the auetkm
With Ayv’t Hair V^. It
oertiialy checks fillist bsir;
•0 mittake abeof iWt. Ihocti
tieircciair aiedietee; .fiiakea
Hk acatp baaliby. Then yoo
IKM hayt healfhy hair, for
Datarc'a way.

^ Price

White outside paint

VoM Use TklM

The toUavlag ofAcara ware elected^
Praetoenv—C. H. Bttes. Bstsa.
Saeratar/-«. O. Ladd. Panlnoala.
Povers, Charie-

Oa Mr. AadariBa-s mottoa. tta elaeBBad toom BMr ttoa « Mr. Mawa vaa amde aaaalVAayttamda. teat Bighi. vAaM ta
MMM ta Boretapa a vaak a«a Mco.
«p ta MB Ttaaeea MIMoa. a popaMr /aaag tad/ of that pMea. Mn. Me
vtajeta hiB ta abOBt a vi
MMtortasM Pivar.
Itaa laattag vas acAo^ ta tta paMr. aad Mia. JoAa Ckoehar
par of V. ■. Aadatace of Ttararae
M MiM/tMMA caaa BP tooa
Ctty. tea htatoftaa af tta aaoatattta
MAB Ba/ paUMa/ BarMag to at. vta at tta bnstafB aiAalca thla at>
m ttta tAAitai mt U IliMMitaiL
taiaeoa. spoke as tcUova:
Mr. aad Mra. A.
-Mrr Biaritaat. my daar Meads
aad . aid rtoaaaas Tta vhaaU aC ttaa tare rdUad

Room lot Remnants
of Wall Paper


discount. We have received more than
we expected so will make this reduction
to reduce stock.

Spxc Kwkk lOcaB

A acap that to al dbre a skis food and a rk.D-er %Ude from
pare cocoa cU aad TCcetsble suhsuefes No erraw nr t»e. 'toerefnn-.
no anIflM tat or lEjurioua iDgretUeais I'nllke other ^r^l« |i i.
aoed borne rdtAlAn at nlghi. and boi when yon ariiu. in tbe luonv
tarn It iWlwlitleD Penesih the sartare and renioTcs toe din. open*
^ P^ mi kUi. mkrobes and r n»“ Bab It In well si ata&i.
wIPV «t the lather,with s tunrl. ro In bed and vh-u )uu srU.- le
the Boratac go to your warb basin (using hard or soft wstert and
vnshtat the miher yon nibh.-d lo Hie niglii betrvrc with !i r«n»es
toe remae s

A fine lot of china, cut glass
and fancy goods suitable for
June weddings at

low piTcfes^

tt Coots a UWe More
> mace cake for 2s ocou tost clesnses. purlwithdrawn St say UMe.


TBAVEHSE oTr, inca.



Aod yoe Vgia to tUnk of repAtriog or buUdEngaew.
' *A Sk»rt HMMy «r W>rtl>p<rt.Mfi. A. X. Mfial
, “Mj tetb«r. ilM Bot. Om. K. taJA \
«> ft BtMloftftry ftM| tkt 0«*«ft *
Bring yoor biils to os tod get yoor figores
laAUiM. BftliMMi
cm ftt Mam rlmr.
whidh w3l neso mosey aved by yoo.
iwiud. mt tft ibft m«r i*«T. Ik*
Hm.-Tiift KMU>. moft «1tk htai totft tocft-: Don't bftftdaep!
We ciuke g ppednlUy io Store Fronts. Store
Itmirniamlmtimttjmlti lB*M tiMi Hbllftsd to
tim .ftftd UM to tin. tft< ^ir took Tinea an. ftdThDoUg, ao iaaoi.
Futtores, GriUi. Stsir Work, in fact fii^ daw
of Um koBw male kr too en«.
ladlaaa aad traatad nnkladiy.
slifWork of every descriptioo.
toftt tbay eft&w to my tdtbar. baotog Tb eue t biAaehft vaa to deaa
bim to go avay wlto too*
tb aav aad even
ttay ooftld bra aamalaalaA So to«
ntia^tar kideej
•an ynar ny totbar vaai aa an a» troBble.'.
aad toma aertk op
toe toka a bireb b«ik cuoft To get a ndietl cttrfT ia to giva
vito-aom ladlaaa. aad fanad
toraly harbor, aad ha doetdm that K yaw ato^cli a mat and get a
VM Jau toft plaoa for a qoiat home KOXE KWICKKILLEK.
and a Maea vbar« ba would vatcb
Tito plaMafcf the fotora.'
ovar toa totomt ot hja twiorad Iv
diaaa. la ifW. ha. to eompaay with U Docs Cum baoksebe. sideJamaa MeUpblln. pnrebaaad a aall- sMle, raUavcft apUm^ onModi.
tog aanal. toe Marrtn. and loaded all dtia psio*. ooogha. vboophig
dewB aad tat-hla ftarara vhat ba «^^pd2^orbMvm.lbe
oMflA Brother Oaotga wadiad to'm
There will oever be g time agatn when you cad
down and abaot Mm. bol va all bar wm PNveat
tad bim aot tft. Wa bad a anmbar of And braak «p a odd in theobeat
build chcA|>er thpo bow.
each natter* toat vara Urtog atoeg .in iren &4 to 36 btmia or poo
Let US figure your Ulls—our prices will conto
4dYow Mosey BMk.
vioce you of this feet.
varo ottor totaga toat
Bftdt m a Uttia Umld. Ttap vna Wbaa pm naa it oeoe von don’t
Jim Stnog oaaa <ma sight
•fti got bto Blghtb totetot tna aad op gaa pet it avaj for futue
Mt bafore vi vara o/ aad a aomber
Meo U coals. .
Bftrty tmaM W««
A. O. CrstscTe Ate,
Ubaa from toair pau to

ky Mm. AnrlH* B—ftm.
toa gma aatUrmaat Tbaaa tbton Don’t ddgy^taad for one today
bedim tg Liuber, uik, SUgglm, Raisk, bears,
. ««Mn «« OM AMidMIm
•a vtob toat va bad poIlM oa
Walain. leiMton eal Sk« W«rk.
. Am OMi^ VftMv
av-vrra m atom or pooiofMMm B>7. MMk.. ^ftM n.—Tbe
' OM fUlMn MtSfti Mr UM ftlofttol doa for geHo ■ anmba'.ef yoart.
vbtob Nortoport Baaeb bowl aav
ftttonoM ftt Pftftfttor pfti* ea
aUBda. My totbar halpad pal op
leg eaWa tor Mr. McLoagblto aa^r.
«rly 9«t|M M M^vaft ....
CaafTtboe fatoor with toa toadboUt
mf Mtouftiftini Wkftt
Me Moaoa Mr at. and vbaa tt vm
kfti Hftftwy «w tomftd o«t<to ba «abalB va oooM aot aaa toa ohora of
ttHHM IMIIH iftH^ toft
tba hoy from toa front door,
ar tha.-ou •attlan aaaiwtotiM
tooftgh It Vftf only Mar tow rod* to
bftftlaam twawati
toa velar Baa. tba eadar tree* vara
ao dana*. Attar an via aalUed, a log
aebool vaa ballt Jaat aorto of oor
.ftft4, ftMmto-MMomm
an tov bar aborp and H vaa
Mria« toa paaT’Wtory of toa
oaad for a eberrh m vel> at day
aehooL •
^ .
to toft «ftthar1ftc.
menbar one aigbl vbaa tatoar
KM^Uii. toa grand oM
■W ac MtoltoMla. «ho la aUU rmisk vaa avay. a largo aatotol
Pt a* mrtlMlr aa ba waa W yaaia toroagb -tot vtodov and want toUi
toft kltebaa aad made toe bettlaa aad
PM M«M at OM MM«mi «
mktog atoBBlla miUe. Motoar eanr
' ^PMMa
ma hla
p the ladder to whom vo
■ ma MP'tW INK «mMag
■ftd va M toa trap door
p |.ailaaaa eo—ty. Tka taaiOrnbto Bk MapMa «t tootr boaaabold offoeti oa th« <
Tbare ward tbr«a tomUlaft
.Mil. Oaorga Oan. a gtoftaar «( Sat. alt; Mm. gaitto aad tamUy. Mr. Mc^M« May la atUl Unag aad vm «■ Imoghtto aid toaiUy aad Mm. Cftaa
Mac bfraair vlto toa Md aatltora and tomUy, Mr. MeUagbIto Mlag
lMM,daaUag....Xka rUtoga of gat- toa ladton farmer aad Mr. Caae toe
yy May «aa aaaai ol Mra. Oarr'a todlaa btoebamnb. Tba, eatUa
bomaa wtto oar Mmllr deg were drt*oa ap toe baaeb and rench^ here
UtUa attar «• did.
ag. «aa IMM - AnW*
.•it vaa a lorriy day to 4wie wheo
DobV Miss secpio Ibe Biizz saw w6rk In oor window
wa nOed tolo toa harbor
vara loaded ftorth of toa UtUa point
aaad to toba lama going over lo Old
y tola gftrtr arrtmd I
» sbowa what tlw Regal Shoo arc made ol
It toa oataoMr H. P. ______ vbat aappUaa>va ware to aaod oC
to^ aaty tom paraoaa ritoiM Ult my brotbar and I ware lo gi _
It cosb the Regal factory over $600 per day extra to p-Jt liic beat
I o< toa OBBgaay vto anlrog ta OUvet to attaftd aebool aad Mtker
Oak-Bark-tanoed sole leather into every pair of Regain iostcad of the
^9- n«M art Mra. ASMftvTOftas.; aad motoar aooompaalad n to oor
Unla oafl-beat aa tor aa Stock river.
« Vrtoftm ORr.Atvsia
Oak,” “Unioo,” and {dain ordinary hemlock taed in most otoer
an. o( Martopert. aai y. j. MaUagk- We eaMpad out algbu aad mveiSd
ghoes sold ct the (ame price.
to toe dap time. Tbare vae ao other
Sm af.-BkSMUa.
best Oi^-t;nned soles look exactly like any ofthe substitutes
’«Ma aUaN ftooftar, of too Ngtaa.
tooa wa voat throogb oa toe la
tovoagr. M
« rmMiu*.
after toe black fini^ has been ttf^licd. That is why the &mous Regal
BiaU trail, vhkb aiy brotherAM
-a. «.flimir, at Tmam CSty,
Bu2Z>Saw was started going in our window opening
Regal Rbofs to
•Mat. vhe vaa bom
toow how they are made; .and that ia why the “ WTi^ow of the Sole"
I la IMT. Mr. MlUar-a "Ofto apftog 1 vae eooitng tame to
r. too baad of vMto w Imla eompaap vltt my graadtotoor aad we
was,devised-a little removable label attached to the bottom cf every
r. Old Mlaaioo to IM*.
Regal shoe, whkh can be turned beck before you poy your money, and
toar vaa alao Oft da bead vtod and
toa gooui Maaltoo ktoaA Tta aatP
. ntogitoc Vito fto
■which exposes the actual color of this clean, ciogc-fibered Oak-Barkora pM aa aafaly oabore aad wa were
Mr. oradtar tai
tanned leather.
laalp to UP and aolttaA brooght over to toa mato tond to toe
yb'vl. walked aeroaa the point and
The $600 per day is we*J spent, for'a genuine Oak-Bark>tanoed sole
reaebed borne weary and footsore, but
iS.MMi toMn
adds B dollar to toe wear cf every shoe. You get it ia every pair of
vary toankttil oar Uvaa were spamd.
t4»ufc»lk vaaI rapmaaotad
R^:8ls at no extra cost to you.
aam anar piaftacta. aaep i
Tba old boaoea ataad toat were
bout to Itt*. but are rather sad look­
Stoito Matttta. vho easM to
The uodal substitute for gamins Ook leather is the common hemlock
Him la iin. aftd Oaptola O. M. Wto ing rMlea of toe paaL Oor oU borne
or "red" leatoer-<wdiich can be chemically treated and a^ftwrftwf uQtQ it
vao nearly deetroyM by toe rallmad
MMvbaeamto IMt.
looks like genuine oak after the finish Ls put on. This “treated" hemlock
cK I. SuehanA aaed
which moved It e« from ita foandaWtortwib. aM atoo to toa garty. to» flftto toa hrtok of toe hUl. toe
leather is inferior even to ordinary bemfocdE. Ninety per cent of ^
k tola togioa to im.
reedy to fall down.
.tooes sold jit $3j0 Ond $4.00 have soles of this cheap hemlock, which
Ifatotoa mUatad1 to tba
toa amy tram
toe United States Government ^lecffically debars from use in Amy shoes.
felrtavSU M attar tba «a» latan- whteh I have peaeed over, aa I caaaot
r mwe for my Ume to op. ood tbto
Using hemlock katber of any k.od ’in shoe soles is like putting o
bow Nerthport
roudfoundatiootindfipasteeletructure. The Regal is buHt on a founda­
Offieem. ^
to aewly aleetad oftoSn togetoar
tion of
eirfuring Kve^Mtosote leather-and every oibe-port
> toa vice prealdaft ta umad alv
shoe, inside and out, is cf corresponding qualit)*.
aa MUowi:
g The R^al U the only "Shoe that proves t"
H. taiat. 1
Secreuty-B. o. \add.
aiy. .
Powerp OMuto-



m 2M





HtSSss*-tadmt «f toto akria. bdt retom '
te ^ af todtoaa. ea mottoa
Ptoieaat, ft i*
eat eator Me

Giaad Trtvftm.
At a icealea uf aaU eoart baU to
toe prabate etaea. to tta toty to
Travecee CUy. to odd wiaaty. ea tta
eea my et nay. a. d. laai :
Burnt: Bea. ftad B. Wtfkw.
toge to Btabata.
to toe aaner af toe atooto to
aema W. Itaim liBmied.
<Skad W. Wara. by bto attatgep,
bavtog died to aaid eean Ui ptMIta
^ eald eeort a^adtotoe
____ atoUaT to~B
ml atom to vbick atoi
Ii U ordered, tint toe Wb im at'

1 TBAOC~Plr«t elm nty'
ty for A
O. V. BJee. MoiSeUe bioek.
ieae It. K. U. *1.


be eod ts hereby eppatotod Mr taais
■ peUtSon;
fw^ wdftiyd. fj^yilto>« thereto be glvea by p
e copy to toiaormr.Mr three afteoim
•tve weeks prevMo* to onld .dta to
bearing, to toe Otand iravane Itoes'
aid. a aewspapftr printed wd totem
laied to mdd meaty.
• nw B. WAXMMM.
ledge to BivMa.
may td-to-iuaa l-u.

A Certain Cara far Aching Peat
Dm'I think ttat'idta
eared. Thdaaaam to <---kava been < - - •0 ceate t


HI snnos m

Sontb Side Lumber Co.

ttwmm ft .Mlmlim. Pi.

Iramsc (ity, MicL'

i'f f'


The RegsQ Test
Saturday Afternoon and Evening


mmat ooftMa; .B.:
Boas: Ctartevoti ceuly. Artikla
Batura: Antrom ooaoty. J, J. MoUogblto; Katbaak. eoagty. A. M.
Pdtaer: OraM Travarae t ceuatp.
Piftftk ItoaUWa; Baatle. W. A. Betto;
1 aatoaiA Oeargft Cmctar.
Mia. W.,T8oohaa. to Baud'aiy.
wbM wlto bar bhahaad. apaat to*
wtotae to PeaaaeMa. FIa. arrivad tola
ea aad VOI be tie go*et of
Mr. aad Mrm M B. WUltama «t k««u
Moheea lor a lew ^ btowe letwv-

therefore the kitcheq b a matter of Importam coorideratioo. Step into our store and look over oor
latge Ibe of

tSlmwolinw SCovww
■inid Oil I flitovms
Cookias io tummer is a f^.ure wheo ga.oUnc or
oil«tove.«re ined. Vneato (it you. pockot book
and sires to suit your requiremeots.

haH Farattava.

TWO to-roRKs

Some fioQd Shoe Bargains
We are able to offer a few Flrst^lsss Bargains
leather and ao shoddy. Yon know it isn't the
price that makes the bargains—It's what you .
get for pour money. We give you leather
every time.



Thaee ehoee are made cf
nice eoft kid vith aeniible
heela, patoat leatbsr tipe and
Itak as vail ae aa aponsive

ftnd win giva ssnioa. Eid
tips. loo bash, solid imtlMr

LUbtSole • MedlomHeaTTSoktlftSt

Boys Shoes

Wc Inn'. UMk Intlnr
•olid comfort Loet vhich ve


Only $1.19

Bftat fitten. Sena mg gm
UteS. SpadalPncaHlftlV

Men’s Work Shoes
Kwigvoo OftU, 8 iaeh fop,
BeUovatoDgDa. 8oHd thio^


Wheo it comes right down to facts, our shoes
are all bargains as they are always just as
represeoted and we stand back of every pair.

' The Hannah & Lay Merc Cb.


i Grand Traverse Region



SoMdtottov-Tbo Rw. Wb. Baik-

TO caWiasroMeMT*.

ifWeiaw Bottoto:

|h«t H

■m «•« iwt rrilatM wn ukM i»
• tor borfoL
.. _1IM tor »bo« • 7«rt $m m imtmn rm
•> •••.
«r»fo to Travono OU7

k tor Mfi. OtoUh


bM to PtUoUB 0 (•«

ro pliMX to OM Ub.
or Tntroiw Otj. It
lor 0 Tttft irtto bw voraiito ooT

i^«or«twM(4 tel. Lte, boo
I aesoAtai; a*
of votor
r tbo Iboto to too b07 tor too
t two vote oad «U1 bo botvte
« wd •eoth libbitoa tMfl OogMt
(ro. aoo BOt Vito oo aeoMte •
r 4te MO toot la a vwdor did
bt ororo totoi. Sbo voo op stoiro
I too dork omd atortod to go to a
MB ot too baod of too atolTo tad
r tototoko awppod of oad voai boad
H dova too atmlro. Obo vw badtp
• I. tod ao boaoa brokoa. 0 loehT

T, a nabto bM too
tow a boroo toot vote
Mr. aad Mio. BUa, or Good Har­
bor. oMtod Mr. pad Mia. Ttoalc to«
Prototer oad Mr*. DonbrlUo etooad a rorr iaeeoaofal atno aoetba'
tors or oteoi Mar stto. TbotoUovaoBod atodoau did aot mtoa a
_: NoUto Wootomt. mak nabor.
Haaaab J^naa, aUIo Waoteoit.
Ualo Warawo aiaaod oalr oao dar.
Mra Boddr bait a dar tad Raramod
TatU# tef tvo da;a aad wo bad
lOBO roty aoToro otoma too.
Tb# boord of roYlow bm Friday
latooB attaadod too cUaa party
by Mr. aad Hio. Dombrui to
too gradaaMa aad AiotDBl Saturday
orotoM. May POto "Wo bad ]uai a
aptoadld toaa." U too ropon. wlib
gawiaa. eonroraatloa
Itasbtor. Tboy voro traotod vltb
too oroaat. aao. caadloo aad pop
• toau proaoatod Mr.
_________ .-111 with a Saa w
Hlror knNco an<
Rayk Halt oould
too pooplo that cane to attead tbo

taeih grada

Tha proaraa vat Ssidy rMdorod.
------------- "a addrooi vao foU oI cood
both yooag aad eld.


apeko vorw of................................
atad^ aad tooaaod w aU by -to#
oteoi^ vUcb -............of %2^ooOa
toe couaty. Tbo aoMe by tbo Ba
ptro orteotra addad Sroatly to too
ptoaflfB of toe oeeaakm.
Tba Mtaoarl bw toot lofi ibo Ke«aoB dock aad-goao in to Pltoor^ dork
0 bor way borth.
Mr. and Mr*. Prod Benoeil oponi
Sonday In Oloa Arbor.
MlM Jonslo Parrant lift boro Salnrday moralng on ront« for Tni*0100 CHy. vbore too vQl apeod a
A nnmbor of people front ibU pUco
aitondod the eonniottMaiom esorcloot
Of tbo QloB Arbor acfaool Prfday orontag. JUB S.
MtA^L.eiaper(i and aooa. Tboaai
bolHa. of 8t. Loulo. arrived oa
atoatner llltBoU Tharaday

toe obdoat to to Moado 1
oaday aaoraooa and Fowlai
« wwo gatoared at toa baaw of
a aBclo of too Rot. Mr. Koeaa te
1 rUlUag blB tbo pact vote
. A. & BaraiB. tear wtogevaHTbo MovBU Clark plaoo la Wcet ana. taeladtog Mra. ArSte Otoba.Mr. aad Hra. 8. o. Baigaaat aad Mra.
GarauB boiwtt. AB aiuacUw tea
vaa oorwd aad tbe (par "youag peo­
ple.'* paaoed tbe tia>e o^yably In
brltet eoavoraatiou and
eea of old ttstea. Tbair aaited .age*
iber tST yeara
aad *
• 0taoatba.
Kocb of Hc________
oo her Bother, Mra. Wolf, aad otboT
imea^ Monday.
Mr. mad Mra. Goo. Maaoo went to 1 Harlla Brovn vw la lova Monday
raeorae City toAy.
I after a fev veefca la tto C. P. He
Mtoa Laura Potnido ctoaod ber I left for esrioua polau farther aoetb
arbool la tbe Moreau dlatrlct aad left : Monday ereoing.
Mra. Blanrbe Steaelder apeat Saaber bone near CadllUe Saturday,
baa many •
day aad Monday ie Traverte City.
She rotnmed to Qraad Rapida tfaU
Friday nlgbi. vhlto was ni
Mra. John Vaaderrort and little
toyed >y tbuoe preaoat It
daughter Boulto left tor Oooova. O..
loved by a pie I
Pttey to attead tbe graduation of
of tbe arbool in dUtrtet No. 1. Will Mfu Veda Vaadervort.
Wc have bad two Abe ralaa vlthla
ferty-eigbt boura and evorythlag U

...................................................... -lotne
Wedneaday evening
from a Bve
_ daya’
abaeaee In oouiheru
•era Mlrhlgaa.
abe vaa called to
of a
10 the bedtode
aliier vbo had undergane
Be a *erloua
r.. Tbe Invalid
t of danger vbeo ber

Wwk baa begun lowering
rirod oa the atoamer Mlaaourt Sunday

dUtanee be­
evcBlng. They vtll tpend oeno tln>e
lt la <
at Cedar Sprtogt Lodge, a Urge re- vUI reault In prodi
vt on Olan Uke.
lor tbe electric
- light 'pYan?
Mtofott. ttb
CbH* Oleaon. of Ladlagtoa, arrlvod
yoang ladlea who have beta
. B toe atoatner Hlaaomrt Sunday eveng at Hogaback Uke during the
a OlojOB. Tt olaaa.
paat veek. came home FVtday
bira. Tbonai. of Platlo. Mr*. Alyawortb and Mlw Btva.
MUs Carrie Hlmea left Monday afBora—Tb Mr. aad Mn. Artelo tereoon tor ber bouro at Keyatone.
PoKlae, a daughter.
She will aoon vlalt to Grand Rapida.
Mr. Wtllard. of Rinplro, arrived on
Mra. Prod Tabberer and eUldrea
lomtoc tetb crodo— tbo afoataor IlltooU Tbaitey orea- arrived borne from Tustin WedoeaI. lOUi grado.
lafo Aekomaa. of Emplro. vaa u
iva Tueadap.
Mr. and Mm. George T. Baker of aUtoB building.
CkkSSO- arrtred on tbo itoamor HUTboa. Smith and family left MoooaenSuadv ovoalag. to tab# poo- day tor Muakegon
akegon to vlalt reUilroa.
r.a outet.
ahtaa M tbair eoitage. "Tbo Oaala* where Mra. Bmltb
Smith will remain vhlU
MUa Beatlo B. Parrant rotaraod to Mr. Smith makoa a trip t. Chh
____ _
Clte"pro»tey--Ma Ooradt, lib
Hr. aad Mra. 8. O. Bargeaat ar
VUodtotUT-noraaoa ^
Itta aftMaloBlng a aaoceoatal torn of rived Prlday evening from Valdoau.
GooigU. to apenl the aummer with
^ prowdla, Prlday.
their daughter. Mra. J. L Oibba.
*l«tmtattoa Of
They were «er«n..»*eu.* by their
grand daughter, Mira Bmlly Sargeant
Tbo BMdoa iBprovoiDWt aMocla- Mr. and Mra. Sargeant are well
P. »to. Boabor
- koa bold a -ooctal at Bari Wldrlgi known here and a large circle of

saris’*-*-^ ^

'rav«ru City’i


Nellie'MadUon vent to Joba't Lake
vltb a Mrty of young folka aad reporu a Sac catch of perch.
Cra Paul and Elmer Cronkrlle and
their vivea went Babtog ai the forka
ol ihe river Sunday.
Praak Freeman and wife 1
acroaa the plain* to Klaw>ey. to at­
tend the tuaeral of Lyle Syere, hr
belpg a couato to Mra. Preeman.
Hardly Eapraaoee What
orae City PeopI* Say of It.
)' itchlneat of the akin U a

south grant.
Ail rropc are looktog good and tar
meiu ire tieirlj tbrougb with their
work. Late poUtooa wlU be
Utile danger to Ucklag akia' dla- aprlog
pUnied Ihi* seek.
& UYncbcomb U bulldtog a Urge
u mUerable.
U a aovortalltog baaement baiu.
O. Broadvray U bulldtog a haaoFor Pilea. Bctema, all ItcUng troa- meat barn men.
blea. ‘
Mr. Kidder of Brntt« Harbor to the
Traveae City cliUena eudorae It.
^wt^of bU brother. K Kidder aad
William H.
Hooker, 137 Baat
Twelfth atreet. Traverae Cfly. Hleh..
Mra.' WIUoo and Mra. Robenaoa
ya: “I have lued Loan a OtoUneni
and near
r gathering plica and found that It
0 Bureova has a
‘ mllBg remed.* of maeh merti
wd Doae't OtatiaeBi at to
■ug Co. and am willUg t
give aaa>e a hearty and egraeat recommeadatloo."
POr ule by all doalera. Price sv
ceau. Poaier-Mllbarn Oo.. BuSalo.
Ne* York, cole agwia (or the Caltod
There wdfi bo aa Ke craam social
Remember toe name—Doan%—and
take iM other.

and contents
by In
Jraat Center Oikas* will baed tfr
frethmelnis of leo croam aad «slB
at ibetr next mwttog. Jaw IE
Grant church Aid »eeu with Hra.
Ef»e Beoneti toU week

June ».

rSft VM

k-t Mou(


Diis Great Furniture Center Offeis You
‘nie blggast >raluM, the lowest prides and the most liberal credit system of any concern in this section of the country. Now Is the best
time to gat a big variety of choice, as our entire Store and Furniture Warehouse are overflowine with rich and substantial House Fumishinus.
We charge you nothing extra for buying on the easy payment plan. No matter whether you want one article or your whole house fur, .tiiahad. -We have the gooda and will supply you as we advertise to do. Our long list of satisfiea customers will tell you many other
reasons why you should trade with Northern Michigan's Reliable House Furnisher.

Easy Rockers


Carpets, Rugs
and linoleums

ne line of of Rockers include
Our ha
the White Reed. Mabogeny. Goideo
Otk and manr other different kinds of
wood and 6nish. These high grade Rockera m all made of the best material. The
joints are all thoroughly locked and secure*
ly fattened together, while
ffoish it the
very h«ax. For comfort, appearance and
duralHlity. there are none better made.

Rich and exclusive patterns with
great wearing qualities. We can fit
your room with every grade of floor
covering and we make Wilton. Axminister and Brussels Rugs and Carpets
to tit the most irregular shaped room.
remnants and odd
lots of Floor

'see our big special

$30.00 Axminster Rug,

9x12.............................. tSiJt

$26.00 Heavy Velvet Rug. 0x12......................... $1SJ$

$20.00 Brussels Rug. 9x 12.........................fUJt

Handsome Diners
' lododiog the lateit and beat ftyles.
Our amortment it extra large and we are
well prepared to gire you the atjde of
Chair desired at turpritingly low prices.
Leather. Cane^ Fibre and Wood Seau in
Solid Oak, finished in rich golden and
highly poliabed. Well put together, ioaurmg strength and durability..

’Pidme Frames, and Windcfno
Shades made to order aM axes.
Large Framed Pktares Given vuitb^
Outfits Free.


All remnants in Ingrain Carpet sells regularly for 25c, 50c
and 75c now l$c $$e aad $$e.

Massive round oak pedestal tables extend­
ing from G to U feet. Victor extension
tables, the kind that carry their leave*.
Breakfast tables, round and square, with
drop leaves. The ordinar)- extension tables
and a large number of kitchen tables There
is 00 possible chance of being disappointed
in style, quality or price.
SIDKBOARDS—beautiful line of large, spacious
Boards with a brilliant finish, heavy plate mirrors
and massive claw feet. Must be seen
to be appreciated,
belling up from



Baby Cabs and
Our Cab Department is surpassed by
none. We have the largest line and best
assonmenc of this class of vehicles oa the
High grade, nicely finished,
easy runmiig. strong and

Selling up from..•V

Traverse City Store Located at
t20E- Front St.
Elk ^I^tpids Store Located on
Piver Street.


Ftob Tbaradaya Record.

•I ttc EXPCMC «C Ike Evcatnf

Jane ll.-Cloa^tffv£k
nice; cam. *4l(c: oata. Vlje.
Jtotroit. Jnne l!-Ctoee—RVat.
»l%c; oora. 7MV: oota. U%c»
Live gTOCK.
■aat BuSale. N. T.. Jum U —Cat­
tle. too head; aaaihet alow and lower.
%*Oato. SM W: acUve and lie highmd toaV
Oga. SMS;
fairly actJva at »eihe U^fv•SLUM mOCM.
Oeea anal, par IV tta............... .ffLdh
........ CUM
Oaarhaok park, par A............
par A------------ *.lto
Cbeesc. ABertean cream, per A
Hato. per A ...............................
Bhart eat o( pock, per hU........ tUM
Baoni ^ lb...................................
ERga. per dOL..................................... UC
PMatoea. vr bn. ......................... '.tode
Salt, par hU ...................................... .He
Hay. per ton .................................. HS.M
OoM Medal Ftaar. H IV................Me
Hoar. H. L. A Caw BBt.pwVI MM
to PM A......................... Ms
Ok ..............................alike

To toe lady raoetvtag toe bliVet
w«l V glrea oM loaod trip with
berth to Ntogant FUto aod ftO.M lor
WMito and pta
« to «.fon to* .ptoBdor *M «• To toe geeUeBan roeelTiBg * toe
MW •««««• aM the bjgkeat role will V gtoen oae round
lllirr- ud «Btr«h7 of mlBcIlac with trip with bertb to I(<a**ra Falli and
m.M for B^ and pin Boney.
■hMto p*to** »“ • •««>** >*»<.MtoTtoc too (ore^Uiv toomosbUr.
.OieMet toe'.
All territory
to^.'HonUd OBd Record Co. wUI md
aide of Trarerae City.
<e^ jofioa* Hi regal otrle oo a deTV MV to tbU dUirfet will be
-fMMioo mp by dUMVted ease aa to dlaMct No. 1.
•toed priae tor eoch dieMeU-dn addition to IV prlaea aVre
The brtitot' ajtt to toe re- proTlded fw there will V given to
■oabroMo* of a llto Ubm.
tv penoa. tody
nia BOM doU^ttol high grade lug tV bigbetl vou to each dUMct.
frototo baa beoa aatorod toto by IV oae watra Mp with berth and Ito.OO
itowtog Record aad Oraed TraTOioe for BtoU and pin money.
IMtaM «tVot regard to eapeoae.
TV penon* winning toe eittra Mpa
toaeb o( toe ineky alx wlU reeeiee
in take IVIr wife, boebaad. mother,
father, eiiter, brother or tvir next
Vrto both ways aad twenty dolUra heal Mend.
f«IMd )(er Beau aad
WV May tnter-Rwtae and Re0utoSVoa toa Taloable eacatioii Mpa with
prlTUages at Detroit
Candldatea to DIaMei Ko. i i
I wUl V awarded to~ toe V niaBhera of n chordt. lodga. choir.'
Vtoaara to a ««M* eV" pegotor Mding dub. labor, Uternry or aocUI
•oatoot, awdlBg My tard. IMR
laatioo hotdtog BceBaga In Traveiae
' The NoraW aad flaeerd Co. Makea City.
^ rwd o«er, taWFo more toorCandida lea to Dlstrtet No. : are ae^
•aghly totereat toc 'paMk to The requUod to bekmg to any orgaiiliaaoatohg Record 'aA gemt-Veakiyl tton. Bay V Of either a
«raad Ttoverae Herald, and thereby r at leaat 1C yeara old.
to toarawaa tbelr already Urge
No eBploye or Immediate relative
or an employe to The Bveatog Record
* gaaiad Tte offer to eeory nmhm
Oraad Traverae Herald ^an V
it wrenr cegaaiaattoa an opportnalty
ae a candidate lor toe hoaort and
to tohw toe trae ealae at fraternal toe trophlee.
. aBttiaitou aad to toe teoeral pohUe
The Toitog will V by VUoia clip­
■a ^baaee to prwre tool tota aeotlon ot ped frotr. both papera and by jtottiig.
oertlflcatea Uaned wUb aabee^Uona.
to toe etont of a Me between
Braa. par IM Aa............
didatea tor any of tV prlaea.
Third—To offer (V eatoeat and valne ot aato wiU V equally dl«
pw IM Aa. .
. fftockawt way poealble tor tto per- Vtweea tVm. or a tro^
aoha to aocaro a Mp toat to well oame character and value will V gtvvitto while; a Mp toat petoapa It
bid Vm toBr Ute-a aablttoa ,


.* la order to glre av«y oae an eqna)
t|>aaea. we yr# divided toe terrUory
fffnrad bjrW papen toto two dl»•V Vtato ud -win awatd prtaea to both
j ikiUm and genUtBaa to each dit“.r-■■■■■•


wbito'SM ....................


fame'of Organtoatlon.

.... ......

On. to oar. H Ae .......................Me

Tha teantog Reaam and aranit Trwverac Herald Ntogara Pailc «
Ctoa -Mp. eonteat.


Every Article Mentioned Here is Priced
Under Its Usual Selling Value.
.......... $L50

PtoltiT, per A. .
Oaadldataa win oompete
r with thoaa.lg tVfr own dtoMot
..... • “.......?«'■>•"
PHMo-^Wh«t They Aro and
Where they oa.
■•■‘.DlMrhd Na. '
an ter'rttocy wlUdn tv corporate IlBlta ot
^iMa aty.
iBount Of volt, aa acitodutod aVve.

ptMrtal IM ;

These specials have been arranged for Saturday
only, with the object j)f making this day one of the
greatest selling days in our spring business.

SatvBay ta oar Sboe IHvIsIob

ffreefi LaV Ptoh.



Womcft's p'ump Doogolh Kid Shoes, Lace or Button.
Pateot Leather; medium heavy sole; not too heavy
for dress; military heel; guaranteed to wear
rear equal

HeriRto. per doi...............................Mr

; Maaa or eqaal ealdb wffl V award
fffto RM ^t of tiavoBe City. Theie
■nbtog tow

Oar Store
Oosed Every

Oar &OK
Closed Every


SalMay te m lanbwry MvMmi
Speetal lor SuMmy Ooly
ym Aff on r11 dart: Hxtt; either trimmed or no;ti;immed, for street and dress wear, Suurdaday dbly.

A few Women's Pateot Leather House Slippers.
SI .75 to S6-00 values,
$1.20 ^Special line of Plain Sailors. Saturday
for ^turday only, per pair >

Saturday in Oar Fwattore Divlstoa

SMmtey te on LbBIcs* S«tl DMMm

Kitchen Table!:s, Room Tabl«. Library Tables,
Stands ai
prices for one da^nly!^ ’
IM. Kitchen TUble. regular Itso value. Saturday .
7. Chop Leaf areaktaei Table. V.75 value. Vtuntoy
10. fi ft, Olnlng Room Table. 1695 value. Saturday
3H. « ft. Dtolng Table. M.50 value. Saturday ™ .
408. 8 ft. Dining Table. 118.00 value Vturdu
. 10.00
MS, 6 ft. Dining Table. Iltjis vatoe. Vturday ...
M4to. 6 ft. Pedeaial Tahle4ikB0
w value.
•aiwr. Saturday...................
438. SoUd Hahogan;
gany Library Table. |8l value. Vtardapetfioo
gl3. Golden Oak Ubrary
Table. |13 value. Vtnrdar ........ ».**
dert and Library Table, S18M value, ffi
....................................................... ...................................... .”16.00
Ko. 6«5. BwUffa Oak Uhfary Table. 8I8 valne. Saturday .... i^.On
No. «1. Carved leg Ubrary Table. 86.Z5 value. Vturday . . .~.50
No. 168. Flnlsbed Ouk Ubrary Table. 818 value. Saturday .. . lO.uO
No. 876. Oval top pedeaial Ubrary Table. 821 value, Vtorday 18.00
No. 3164. 84x84 top quarter aaaed Table, 83 value. Saturday .. 8 60
No. 1843. 74124 lup quarter eawej Tdble. 83.75 value. Saturday 3 00
Very fine folding Sewing Table, eiwtlal Saturday..................... 1 (K>
No. 301. StaoA quarter aawedoak. 83 valne. Saiarday .......... I.611
No. 319, Stand, quarter aaaed oak. 88.75 value. Saturday
, 8 85
-So. 317. SUDd. qomer aaw.d oak. 88.76 value, Saturday ... ioO


We are ibowing a very pretty aMortmant of Golden Oak
J and Mahogany Jardinieih Standi priced b&i $1 to$4.7S oath;

Saturday la Oar Hardware Divlaion

10% Disconnt ^ all W1


niga ia Uodarmudiii. for Suonlay'l
ladfa.’ >So Hoe UgUio Dnws.


Genflemeii’s BaUot

A. E. Wllaoo went to Chicago today
to lock after tV atone for tbe new
nrat Neuoaal bank bulldtog.
JoUui SielnVrg and family, of Drtrolt. are vtolitoA la tV cty.
^ Tha tranhig Raoerd and Orand Traraiae Herald Ntogara P.lle roea, ttoa trip. cMrtaet.
i TMa hallal wold after Thuraday. Jane IS

a.*a.rz i



Farm for Sato.
Ooe of tv bett araa In Oraad
trefeiae county; *%. Biles sootb;
little wait of city; >S acres: M aerwa
under cuItlvaUon; good frame boose;
two good frame bama; good orchard.
AJeo A acre farm at lAke Ann; good
frame house and ban; 10 acrea un­
der eultlrntloa; adjatolng dty-ltmlts.
BHck btoek m South CsdoD etreet.
Other ^provrty 41f and ill South
Union. Three fifty foot lou east vrt
of dty. Ctoebig out everything. In­
quire V Orand Rapids Furniture
companys store. Going to leave tbe
March 80 tf. 1 tw.
He Got What He NeeVd.
*'Mne yeara ago it looked as tf mv
time had come." says Mr, C. Parthlnr
of Mill Creek. Ind Ter "I aat so
rnn down that Hfe hung on a very
alendM thread. It wa* tVn my drug
St recommrnded Bectrlc Bitierx.
bought a Vtlle aad I got what I
:rengch. ] had one
hack on the turf again, and fv«
well ever since." Sold under gnsr
aniee at 8. K. Walt S Sou. C. A
Bttgbee Drug Co.. "
drag slores. SOc.

M. J. LaLONE Ajax Dynamite
^ Aik TOM Dantor for

Room 4. City Opera Hoose BK>ck
:‘^TjmTene City, Mkh.

Box 167




Ladies' Silk Petticoats ia either Black or •• rvA
coloio, regalar SS oalaea Satorday choiee. .#9 90


Ladle,' Black Sateeo Petticoats afith accordiaa pleatad
values. Sataiday
We are ihowiaa a beautifid ae» liae of Wute Liaea

Scrcca Doon, Wire dote
Hoac, Lawa liowera aad aU Uwa goods, oae

Saiarday In Oar Carpel Division
aidtAdhiacl.AI ...


14 off g” >"
Cloth Tailored Sain aiid
Silk Shirt Wairtfc Satordar X off.

TWa Vllot vcM aftar Thwiaday. toma IS.
a DtoMet Na I are aoi toqolred to VIeng to any c
It V 1< yeara old.


Smnl aood pattna. ot all wool logToio Oatpot, atawial Sot.
uidhy. per yard..................................................................................
|2500Axfflib8tarHiig 9*12. apecihl Satarday ................ 619.B5
Aiaiiaater Rag 27*54. apeciml far Satorday..................... $ 1.7B
AsmiDster Bagi%x72. apacial far Satarday..........................g t_A
Good quality Liuoleam. special aquare yard .....................

Satarday in on Oockcry OhMAi
A hoe iioe of MedalUon PUtes, Attstma rhtits with
bo^r of Green, Maroon and GoW
trimmed at
Sin ArtJardi«rea, $l:75vabea, Sataiday $LM
9 in. .Vrt Jaidia»e, tlQOvafaw^ Hataiday tlM
10 in. Alt Jaidhiian,

W«U Papers
9-i.Boh border papera, epeoia] per roll............................................ fc
J9.ineh border papera, 16c valuea. special per toU............... Ue
J-ineb border papers, 20c valae. tpeeial per roll.....................Jgc
Ik-iacb border papers. 12c ralnea. special per roll ... ... 8c
Iti-incb border papeas, 15c v-alaes, special per roll ................|Sc
iK-iocb border papers, 20s valaes. special per toll
Ask to see tbe Vador Porch Shades, cool. airy, shady, private,
and they last for years.
Any oidinary potoh can be
equipped at from...............................................................t2 tO

«2,U valnas.



Another lot of Sleeve Boards
Beautiful Painted Placques.
at each..............................


Satorday In our Book DMslM

Saturday la Our CloUilaa Division


Two^package. ol No. 6 Envelope. 160 in all)
2.000 Steret^opic *io*» of beautilnl Foreign aad

rtS&,'ira?«i<;h'’ “For
Satorday la the Dry Goods Dlvtshm


..... .
per pair.................................... .




Salnrday la Cnr Drug Dtvlaiaa
7«c Battoanil far asc Saiarday oaly. II coaMaa
1 bar a
1 horl
1 Balb Bnub ..


Hose, fine qualiiv, seamlts
Special for

Special reduction of 20 per cent
on all Hand Bagi. These include
was the
aii« new
new IMluer
leather CTl
creations with
beautifol trimmings.

50 Hand Bags.

75 Band bZ.
1 00 Hand Bags..

. Me

Sprdal lor Saturday. Tire eowHete oamt la Fresh Cut Carnations, ipedal
only tSccala.
for Saturday, per dozen


\ ■■



tl GO Hand Bags..
2 00 Hand
2 50 Band Bs^..




____ ■ '

W. P. Crereer. traoua. ta Smith
Basan. Artu laei Pr^ erealac to
apend tte saaMaar. Whoa hm aha Realty Cb.. lata l. A 4. !, 2 and A
XT%M dispose of ber prepany BwltoBaaity Co-'s aCA
apd wuri^e bar bone la toe tw
JaMlM.Kaaar aad wttr-ta ioaapb
tsre Mto her Mn Chariea.
Mn.-Chaa. Goat
•M aoe lA T Xi. B lA.
AtBlp Bohch aad w^ to libMo
apent laat Tkarsdsy In JL FMlWv lot W. sac. SI. T ST. B IL
J. B. warden asd irfte to ArthoF C.
revana aiy.
Mre LaMa Bsdd arrived ___ Uodpts, sib endeeM of sw%aad
tow Beaver Uland asd (Chsrievnta
neK and parcel sec. U. T SA B h
Mm week, where she spent the paaL - AOhar C. Bodssa to F^ MnllMBtonto.
dora. an «f aeK see. a. T SA B A
Edward Banaon ratnreed Saturday
The*. Salto and wife to BotUi
cveabi# (raw OUvet. where be bai abberer. let 7. WA !. MmyMd.
Uara L. Cos to Abraa Lore. eM
or swM of awit sec. a. T 2A B A
Porterh store.
Bmaa Hoarteb to jeha A. HoaMrs. L B. .
mends la OrewiL
------ rwn'B Day eseretses ware bald
i wile to
CpncresaUoaal ebureb ywlerU Wylie.
1 wife to Aall ).
Tinata toucllmen vtsttad Bk
. blA A
Rapids last Satntday erenlns to loM Ooodrito't Srd.
bt an electric pMnl. witb a view i
Sarah K Fewlas t
purchase it if found as recomwende et al lot n and >■
U A. Barnes spent Ust Wednesdi I'eniwood_ adA
In Leland, Duitler In a '
Bute Of Mleblcan
MleblCL to Asabel ClarR
toepaulus shtera.
wtb see to
to. T to
n. B
B I).
■ lodze
F. A A. M.
The Nonhi
' '
J. B.
_. -------------.....
Boyd and wife John F.
o. 26$ wlil I
Haden.sM ofsw^b sec. 29.T 27. R A
IDE. June#. \--------------- -John fiusf to V. C. Palmer and
Keireskmcnu wUI be served.
wUe. loi 6. blk 11. O. P. T. C.
Miss JuiU Grant retnrned
Amanda M. Graham to Clarence
hone In Cite. Mich., last Saturday Slocum and wife e^ lot 12. blA f.
oralnc. te dpend ber raeailon.
A Co.'s Tto.
Miss Maude Burdge weat
Clarence Blocnm and wife
home In Alddt, on Saturday, t
ard WbJUnA eH lot 11 blA
ber vacation.
.. Ca’s Tto.
Mr. BullUsn and son of Cedar vUBate K Hannah to Geo. W. Raff
Ited Kortbport last Friday
"Oenereily d^Uliated for yean.
D. H. Power arrived In
_ - Had sick haadaebet. lacked amMTburrday last He spent a very pless^'tion. was ware out and all rnn-down.
nt Une on bis trip sUrosd.
Burdock Blood Bitters made me a
Mra. Frank Stafford snd cbiUren well woman.'-—Mrs. Chas. Prelloy.
of Beaver Island arc vIsUIde relsj


NEW PERfEOlfflli

yoa w9i4w taioxe* «t tb« ratfo! miy ia whidi it
enables yoa to do vork’tliat has heretofore overheated
the kitchen and >'oanelC
He “New ftrfoctkm" Stowe is ideal foranmmer
ose. Made in three sizes asd,all warranted. If
ptA at your dealer*!, write oar neatest agency.

•rW— htW^oreOw

___ jsilioa
wfaMhcr hi Eh
4tsdor and cw




s and the potosw
aahe asd b
Al a aMOlew «f Mid eoait. bald at
v tahn Mr. ktog's the prehato otica. to toe cRy af
tom brings..................................
New Ufe PtBa. the twnaUe partftera Travetha City, to saM eowatv. oa tlw
that do the wore wltooat gif “
lOto Aay af Jrea. A. D. IMA
oc griping. SM. at S K Wait A
PVM R. WhMe.'
C. A. BngbM Dreg Cd.. Haaai
Lay drat atares.

The M nmM who gradaate i
too asylam tretala« aebool were toe
gwaata Of Or. land Mre J. O. Mnawa
at a very pMwvaal recepuew Monday
and UataaeA
evcslnc. toe ataS of phyMclaaa aad
to aeU ai prtWa eate the tolariat
and tha tnataaa alao bains preaeni,
of nld eattla M aald real atoato
thm being 40 gwaata In aU.
MS Bit
Trevrese aty-Ubseeto (_________
> ifirphmir. oHce. 7M: res-i It la orAmwA tkat toe 6t*> Aay if
The dining room wns to Man asd
July. A. tt IMA at iM o'etoM M
ence. M.
white, which are tha elaaa aSore. tmi
- Ms oftce op- the «w»o^ at J^JatoS^tor^S?be dlrwisA to
dainty refreahmreu were served, the poaJte
be and It
Sherman A Hunter.
Do not be mlsAlreeied.
'*n*^ torSra'orAered. that bublle
Gold work of the very beat
ly pabBeanotice thereof be give* hy
tor three
tica o(- a copy of (his -*
to talA
iraax. aatarel apinariag anf
day or heariag. la toe OmaA Trav­
best arilllctol teeth.
erse Herald, s Mwapaper yrtoisA ani
clrcnUced in said cooaty. ----Make appototowato ahead
Judfe of FroMM.
i jtm»-t2lA26-jaly 8.



Sure Km
Paris Green

,*Uaol u

bodes aad wife.
wExwowD oawrca
laere was «ulie a nnnbar from
Bohr U a< Odea vUtllnf
here attended ebareb at Bendon Son____Mni. Ball Baird.
Mtk sad d«iiaaier. MOdivd.
tfct iBiieral of Mrs. Bnr- '*%rt Ttarlon was a bnslncas caller
at Traverse City Monday.
June S.
^|WBtr and «-tfe were at
BoehaBSfl U tprDdlnt to#
_ WM with htr parMU, F. Cf»*»ord

ton Prar plared bail at Kaptd
^;.-.vLrHamni<md and Clifford,Pray
A. B- Pray s Siraday.
* •
Mrs. lamrd and Mrs. Sere went Cretfr HammoBd and Clifford Pray
Clly Sunday.

lO^sUM Wedafotfar.
ray and tainlly rUlted
jKiTCrswiortf and dasgbtere were
,at Han Watson’s Soaday.
at f>0Bmia TbrndBay.
Pearl Badly |s on toe tala now..
-Tatra Hdhr rtstted at
Mrs. Orin Undsay Is an the sick
WaUace Kenney rlslted Mlsa Onte
Undsay Sanday erealii!.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. 8. Pray TiMied at
The I. 0. O. P. iodse W tMr an- reble Brown's, Sundar.
aaal neaMrial aarrleca haaday. Th^ Mn. Ham Wataon.,
TravMer. Mr. nenlag ot.Trarar
----- er« Cityr Ust Monday.
* SaNwred toe address.
Tha Bar. K. W. Wood bafsn tpec- BoUmier last Thon
W aseettngs here Sanday erendi
Tom Pray drove
Rapto Clly
Orioff Pray is some better at this
TMt. aw) Mre. smUaiB 3. Kent of R Schonberger was In tbe neigh■sawoed, Waah.. nailed Mrs. Kent's borhood one day last wrcA
I^IU Warden has been dress makt
Ing for Helen W>toon.
Mr. and Mrs.-A. G. Brest are the
June A
JSNU of a bshy boy. bore ^
'bSs^'C. M. Maaroe and Mra. A. 1.
Mr. aad Mrs. A W. Porter Uft
; Mmrt. ware
---------- (Us
morntag for Toledo. O.. wbcrc
CUreUnA KUgarn FhlU and
TbeRev. Mr. Bentall Iclt itaU morn^are. May Mto. to Mr. aad Mrs.
Inr lor a six weeks’ stay la RnglanA
-. •oinaoa, a aoa
Mlap Ootdle PetforJ and her sister
. i Mre Hartllna nsHed M^
s Batarday.
■ Tire.. Flew
ficaate Bs'*'»> and TwetU
Miss UUIeScld of CYlcaso arrived
Irtaads ta Trareiae City orer
-- d ft*
Tburaday to 'tpend tt« sammer
t Noribport Point.
SHs^ «a IhaM tarn near Otaniosd; Eli Bordsanx returned Ust Tuesday
erealag tmn Hs visit In Canada.
BdH 4st a ytaraiae tilr «aU*
in Buttons Bay.
Mrs. Bonrisatn and children of Fox
®. Dokw «r Trareiae City w*
: the week to town
I. Margaret Stover arrived from
Bwreaa la riMttds

Do0 Your
Ever Kick
Al 4t bd <{ food row hand oM to lfo)7
: DoMbmtel7<mW*Wd>er«edtodo’amftoib»to
Am a yre took a Ue imb to Andy Us Fwtiafor Aoedi aod ibre
M Ifa acmfofad^iio czndd on Bcne Bo«7?
K he

dM't Foo dU bo annUn U k>

Ob Fouwva loKie dmt k ■ yom dMF as a wife to food yoor
And Ibsl doeoCi Oman tbM yo. dndd Mb ban wbi al bmk
Jikkfood one day aad tbea Babe ban eat *Wvmp~ for a wccL
Do yoa bm way idea <fdw ml vsUeof bread made id


Lily Wtuts

Doyoo aver one k in tbe mrey dbemt
myeiteMbaFteFnd to please am'i mite end Qirwgbre bie
Ym do.,. Tbe.

.« Ji Id im beri
m do year bed at baking tim^
-i a *-Jmd«j J ^

t- Co.'s Gth.'
Alonso F, Howard aad wife to HenMATCHETT.
^ Wtkop. eH of DWH see. S5. T 27.
Ur. Meek has rented toe MlHer
F. Holstein to Minnie Hol­
bduse and moved hl« family In. He Is
stein neH of sen see. «. T to R A
J. B. Oreillek Oe. to 8. C. Darrow.
parcel Traverse City, ,
J. B. Orenick Co. to 8. C. Darrow.
parcel. Traverse City.
Unfortunately many procure aomc
T. J. Smith and
to ParadMe
s so tar recovered.
poor brand of Paris Green with whUh
Twp. parcel tec. 21, T 26. R 10.
A. C. Hodges and wife to Frank the market U Sooded^or good Paris
Mallendore, sWK of seH sec. U. T 26
wide, Qow ..........................**\*-^'
Green that has deler^ted fro
- Charivaris
ChaHvarls are now toe order of the
^Robert Herkner et al to Richard tog stored near olU or In a dam^
ht we beard toe n
Ay. Las
Herfcner lot U. blk. 8. H. L. A Co.-s
bplla. horns, dynsi
aoond of
and Mnr but not least the VDfcei
3. and of the greea but lose their polsioas
J'unie M%Ue.
nii of swH
•. TS, T
hire, P, R. Bogan
Into the bargalnitne One lu Charleroix vlsH
Young to Richard Herkner.
.. HoIet!'**g^}
I parcel T
*^t5J “Trjlo7“anrRhods
Yeare Of experieaoe baa shown'
apont Mudsy wllh Inet Barrett.
I Joel wbai Paris Green gives the beet
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Hoyt
A. C. Hodges and wife t
Sunday with the
le family of
lore It no
Hodges, sell of nwv; and SH of nc>4 : results and Just bow i
and swH and sev; of se\4 sec 33, T
We carry
■a. Crepo returned,
nrned from
26, R 9, and D»*« of of oeu sec. 2. none but Laysnbury-s Star Brand
mrsday. He reports
Ust Thm
T 25. R 9.
limes out there
low wages foi
Pure Paris Crem to huU aad
A Twenty Year |
boxes and store it sonbat it has the
Cbss. Knapp received word yester
-I have just completed a
. .r _____
health sentence.
Imposed by greaiesi efficiency.
Bucklen’a Arnica Salve, which cured
of bleeding piles Jest twenty
We have handled tbe same brand
be on the gala,
ago,- wrties O. S. Woolever,,
surprise and shock to ber 'frtJTrfi!' of LeR^'svme,
euctomei.] report
N, y, BuckUu'g Arnlyears sod
She will be broiighi back home for
vorel sores, t>olls,
and quick results. Prices
cols In the short
June II.
Paris Green
esc SI 8 F.. Wnli A Sons.
C A. Hilligbei- Drug
lie sold al
Frank Soars went to Honor one l-ay drug
Jlv Ust weeA
Hiss Maud B2Y of Traverse City Is
etc; Two prices—
vlsHIrg Miss Pearl Curry.
The young people's Sunday school
class gave a funbmxllow roast at'
toe heme of Johd Dow Uel Wednesly ntfbt. A ffae time is reported.
Lowell Soure U suffering wlih an
“Oottor, doctor. Mettle Ikey »ws!Uirk of the quinsy.
The W. F. M. S. whtebr meets wtto lowed « kwartar!"
Mrs. Curry tbU week has been post"Wai It a good guarter?from Tuesday
until ihlday on
mned- ___
- -.
"You don't Mp^oae I dake In kounB-^meetlng
sbeount of Old
tcrfeti moMyrWednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Innls are visit‘'But too'Just aald that Ikey took
lag Mre. M’tA M’ooO In South Mlllon.
It In.llUamsbnrg, Is home for t
It was evident toil the doctor was
ira. .
10 ihl. rwn. «“"«
Mr. Stem
in ibi- Interests of ib"If you want to kaow. It wai
ity a few days
Of the Ancient Order of
bank "
loeil l^ge
Lowell sod Prank Sours
"Then calm your feare. You never
snd Mn.ycPaQces DeCranssz attended saw good money that wouldn't
t Old Mission
Pomona C
The above situation Is one that lu
oe^sy and Tburaday of^lsst
’ Usl^
najorliy of Ihstances U similar
Oeo^ Munro was
le average person. They are afraid
Tbeoni) whogeUthe “barRain" that her neighbor foiU to
Sundar night, a’ibout 10 o’clock Mrr' r counterfelu. Posribly they hare
Henry Hand thought she heard a cry ■aeon to be. But counterfelu never
ficui-abe's tbe tromao irbo “retid!'’ aod "arle** prompilf.
for help, but on gedog out doors and }me ioio existence without bring
UsteniDg could bear UOtblDg After
She koova ber "Itxk'' cotisHto simply io ‘'gettiog busy.**
drteclcd- event uslly;
golDg In sbe heard It sgatn.
'again going out sod llsienlng
aome time, heard notMng more,
coming to toe conrioalos It was
hoya halloing Just tor tun. went to
bed and thought do more of It. Mon­
day It developed that It wss boys
hsHolDK. but not tor fun Two boys,
one of,toe tUngs that will exist
one a son of Paulas Holler and
was a gaU day for tbe* "lucky woman" vbo read f»Sdiy*S
companloD. whose name we did not when the tonnferfrit has been delect­
lesra, both from South Milton, start­ ed. To ibe perwoD who has IndlgeaSale aucaaccmcnt of tbe Baraey (Co. and eatne
ed to- a row host from Elk Rapids ilon or dyspepsia it ^ worth a forsL<ut 9:80 and falling to reach home
It helps the well person from
to the Btore pitHDpUy Wedneeday beemoM she keev die
Inquiries were made, ami search be­ grltlng sick. If you have s bad Uile
gun, which resulted In the ilDding of
would find Dress Skirts* Salts, Silk Coata aad
ooe coat, one oar, and toe Ni*i neat In toe mouth on aitalag. pala in ’toe
Kewadin. but owing to the high w-tn.l back, belch wind or gsa. bUck specks
nothing could be done. Tuesday morn­ before the eye*, and consUpaled or
Balacoasl. every apedal price and item of aerebei^iaf
ing boats~.were out looking for tbeoi costive feel more Hred when fou
and the otoer coat sJid two more get up than you Bid on going lo bed.
exaotly as ailvertlsed—and abe vent a«ny retisCed.
I oars found (the boat having four
oars) but the bodies have not been iherc s someihlng wrong Don't negfound as yet. It is thou^t the boat
r It meuDs a sick bed even
These prices tha’. repreretit Beat aaviags fo tb«
struck aometbla^ and was capsized. tually. Gel a package of Kra-Pola to­
torowlD' toe boys Into toe water and day It will keep you oul of that sick
eaitwlng them to lose their lives.
thrifty ahoppity «ere not for Wednetday eloae- fobed.
whole moato’s treatment for a
June 10.
r and you gel your money back
don't beneAt you. Try Just one
Baal Esuu Transfara.
R. K Brosrn to E. K Funasa, et al package, toaj’s all we asA Get
aoM, yoa way reap the bee^t of Toeeday'e Special
tou 11 and 14. blk. I, Ualversallit Re- day. Don't delay; Ita dangerous. Ask;
vemllst Resort Ass’n.
your drncEist tor it. U he has not
Sale announc^ment-ll yO« "OCl** DOW. ■
J. K K A«Bcw, to K R. Furn
et at. tot 14. bit 21. Unlveraallst
It' don't take toe aitostitole or
sort AasYi.
the counicrfeti. but send only
Msr»reet -Andrew et sl
dollar for Ibe whole mooth’s ireatFurman bl al. lot ». Mt 4. Unlverwal'
meut. Get well- be well. sUy well by
Ut resort Ass'll.
M. B. A. Udell to K K Furman, et, lulng Kra-Poia.
aL tot 18. blA A tot lA bit ti.
rersal Ass's.

Some Dress Goods



Ikey and the Coin

TraTcrse CUj’s 'Lcadloj:
Drnr Stare*


Koxe Siwlck



Wednesday at "Biraey’s”

Borrow, aext day. oatil Ibe asaurtmeato arc

dacM’i ^redn «. be's a bnOertbM's aL


60c aad 6Sc

S. E Wait & Sons


The Koxe Remedy

17. blk. 8............
Unlveraallst Resort Ass’n.
Loren FMst to Oavs- Mamllton. lots
i and >. bit TO. lalertoehen.
VlriBaia U Csrtev to .Chas. W.
Clark and wile e S 1-3 fL lot 48, Oak
S8 Willow 8U
— f-

RHkesbarre. Ps.

. \.


HEiuu^niiOAV.vnlini u. mm.'

*t V«nr P^ aat

ym cbM(4^-


H^^cOcr., AH


B to ditsr w to tbs to from oto to eight bonro. Cerooto
aader oMe of tbrtr abTbe lad bsd crept toto the hap- tbcR, all ibe.llBe pore water («arB|had made a rerp poor stand; tbe sell
plaosd to: the
at alahi come dotoeo. where It to orereted.
M bad oet the bora on . Are. He
oet to top Boml^ cookodtoo a tora. BKNUh, where U to kaeaded and l*sb- «ai to bMtog aad the. Ismllp did not vrp COM BMCtogtl. slaked Uate. tnas Icoae and drp. so it was decided
smuad opsier abetto. osis. barrow It once wttb a aprimr
The gotorfuMBl to ostog tbew awok­ totted told tbe moot wosdMot mt- knew that
i > to the ham until wood ashtw. drp sand and gravel.
kmiMH Af« iM a
lootb borrow sad once srTih a spikobat tbs sbddSB ebugc (rea ovsoi
en for-BBTcUag parUcs. Tbe food ebaatoa koowa to tbe aalaal Uar tbe charred
«Mt «r Tk^.
We doBX believe la kerping faeas | u»th. sad even with this oevere treat,
aad fnotD soar to tvost siopt be to pleeed to the voomU to tbe oorw- dom-tobe beomiUoI. matobU-si booepover, except a tew choici-. fomU uijment II was tircrsssr, to Cot tbe eoni
BPoMod to (oodtog ORP ktod of de- tog RBd vkee .the aoldlen go (rio ooab. Tbu we see the bees mllp
w make a post with several bleed from.
<mr w. nDtHB EoBr).
the buckwheat eeuM be bar
Boetto aalBoU.
CRBp at. Blgbt the food to tboToagblp perform a eorletp of epenitons wbteh
trms fop tbe bees to daster
We doaf brtlcve to beiv hstrhi-d trsied.
I I Vko YsiM or tu 6*in tt-pi
Calpoo appoRr to be (be aext
eooked aad «aa be placed before the
bsrdip excelled erea b|' mxa blB- upoa. THs pertnlu tbe air i« cir after April; wc believe la bsUas
I 4( t|B wtfy lof «M fmr ■
(RYor RR produtoc coasoBCro of sUai men to a verp short ttaie.
This ronvlnced i
lotole all orouad the cluster aad the plenip <>( eggs from the middle
adlb. fad mtmt foedors. rj
ronid I
lti)srr or destroy aap apYet there to still saolber product | bees are able to stand s much longer 0.wl», d.m, lb, ™uu Mldb, p„.ubl, .bniibi «t n.1.
I m aMteu w4o
tko asptmwiit (btok (bRt tbd' eta food tbdr bUb
hoaep boo fomtobet• to
a.. tbeipwlotl
aSk ^
of eoadaemeBt The-«o..ih
Which t
when egfis are high.
Ibis Is » *«T OOO' Bilk to colscs RBd dsrtoo Bors predtt
and the next year I bought Me. ^
il world of which I wish to;t>>' towle to covered wltb one or i<
We are noi^ntcalar as to breed, proved ttsefnl bevond my expectR.
I .flWMPo osUrmu. Tbs Hob o( 4«lrr froB It tbRD foodtog It to flvtoe, but
sbeak PRptleularlp. fa maap kaow, | ^^^°^*****
eheeue doth and the except that we want large. Uvely
TliHiiiu. nm eu rmaOr m is om
R Urgo oRWot apm
ttons. It waxMimlr used for colMtbe ^worker bee^ of -each colony are •***•
hent. We ebsnge eoeks every year
*>TbsUB>WBBes w4 to von vortbp tho gopd qoRUUoo of the oalBRlt (hat
Bometlmei i am lostmcied to msk< and- iMk for good«lxed. kmnn fel- vatlng eoro.ahd potatoes, but also
tUMtlled• will
rlih an orgaa which to of
RIO bdBfffod.
for brushing lo grMs seed.
great Importsnce-aamelp. the sttnp. tbe solmioa before shipping This is
£| >0k k <7 [.r a.
to foodtog sklB mnk to eolreo 1
When the corn became large tta'
For wiiboui this weapon the baid- done by shaking tbe beet violently for
We love oir ' hens, keep Ibelr
by^^ortfroBibodRlrr Rod ocBi s worth,Of oU omoI wUI take the
nlaute or two after being bottled. houses clean, and save itoelr drop­ teeth of tbe wceder were reioorad
earned siortes of the Wve would
I •otoottodiaM lo fwted tad proit. tfaoe of a pooad d bouor tot ihst:
where the rows of eorn came, aad
l aMtVMi. Mb Hdtk .. R kOBAR boa boon rotuorod frots the allk. B.>thni It was used for awhile loager.
The sting of the bee is cotinrcied itj they beeome enraged and extend ibelr
!■ maprodotod br soot tern- ddB, wbem the Bilk I* fid warn
it to generally a dinruli matter tor
IS base with tbe poison oack. Poison, stings, when Immedtotely a qaaailtp
fioa the Ropoittor H Is better for (be
a farmer to give bto wropa cultlva.
glands pour nn' add secretion totoj of alrotiot It (toured over them. Tl-e
eolvoo tbaa Bilk- that to cold
tloo as frequently af'th;^
ti|to Mck. ‘whence it to eoaveyod toj bottle to then Uglni.v eorkid xnd paroonr.‘
and hero to where the weeder h^B^- '
the tip of tbe sting. Chemical teats, afined and deJirered.
* *or BUT pooplo. Tbs A rooig OBIBR] that Is fed oo
Ibim oui-r^ot to take tbe place c^tbe
oklalMtk oogbt to bo
Bilk Odth Bin food or grolos mtp be
leutUraior, hut to suptileoxaU It. aad
roBsIderable nodical w well as
I RBd VMM rsRit to ftBdIoc dtp BR^uwelgbRlBiostssBiueb as
I enable Ibe farmer to cover a larger
septic properties.
<amoaat of ground in n «bon Ume.
‘ *"^_^'**
of -Uds of BlnUar breodtog and fed oa wbol#
Thit bee sUngs as an article of*
i----------BJtk vltb tbs RRiH klBd of gralDs at
i It sbonia be oned after every atao*.
medicine are becoming more and
«»• EaHy .Osya
I’M tihttpvm «M-«r ««r taodfag I mr of ago.
j er to break up the enui. and la the
more popular with each SBCceeiili« .
Thought About Poultry
----- -^ibs .tbs tumc
Cthros for roal map bo atartod oa
abaeahe of rain It tboaid be imed ta
year. et|iecfolly among bomooptths.;
----- _ ^
th# pratota Bad whole Bilk aad (bon gradoaUp ehaagpreveat the *
is BOI lo be gneaUnoed. The prop^
-----r «f As 'ton TRIM -et (bo orboto od oeto aklB Bilk aad Ted for a while
k «ad to to aoot loeoUte tbs aad thea Bade raUp for Barkct bp When, poo receive pour sirawberry crtles Of bee poison ore most won- * The writer hu been more o:
I foe of (be must
derfolly effecilTc In the human sya- ialerutod to poultry for tbe past thir
useful tooU on the farm wbero bond
foodiag for a week or two oo wbo1< (ilaats jpnne tha.roou u shown in
,ty-flvo yeara, and has to bis posses.
Tho toed oloBOHto la tolai; Britk to pot OP • SBOOlb flatob aad (b^ ptotaro boforo netttog ooL
crops are grown to nay Mtmt.—
have for a number of years been •‘®n l»««‘urc tbst dales back
B ottt to pkrtodec^Mi Totoe taproro tboir aale.
John Upton. lAfargevUle. K. Y.
called upon to furnish This arUele,lo ’*“*•
j^jjtoj^ortooouaadtootorl... to foodtog tklB Bilk to eslrot ororthe medical profession, and it to no' I> \f Indeed Interesting to know, to
foodtog Is dangeroos aad must
I A 4»>W Rrt^do to oobtutau tor vo. BPCtdod. CalToi aro BMro oeaUp VCarrp the. fflrad In iho city now doubt Btarfling to ibe reader to know these limes of ebangra and ImproveaM
how bee stings can be nindr an article atcnia. that the advice given at that
Iki proporoUoa
Water standing os a Aeld of aHaUa.
■tok bp botog tod poor milk
los. M vdi OS for otboro (bat thaa plgB. ftUB Bilk bas alao bcea
Of commerce. My flrat ordi-r. some early
dale was
generallyVery aensleven two or three days, will kin M.
pap. OfUm Che best pay we gel is
yeara ago. was for 20,opo bees to bo ble. and. much of It has not been
r or Bitk. toon to
Alfalfa will nut ihrive with cold, wnt
fod'te lambs, bones aad o^ wltb
lies and kind words. , They s
delivered alive In a large bottle.
^tbneged st present day.
IRto to toed soMMs.
-e than silver aad gold.
11^ to aAteg broad sUs aOk Bobo
To any that Ibis order disturbed my
Here are a few exlrarts from
Alfalfa land should be well dratoed
I feed n to tbeir
. Is fli to tans bis own farm sleep fqr s night oi two to putting 1h- jonnisl Jong since defunct:
!^-vdd to
voighi aad BetriUn a>««
and supplied wlih vegetable, matwr.
^w« u
and lad it of boi* or leu
oaui fag tuu learned to tans blBself.
rather mild. I wanted to All
Panaeie wbo cannot by any of the
While II wUI frequently wuhs M Ado'
ealM.’ We have fod It lo oar cows.
Boar aim sever learn that,
the order, hut did not know how to tn-aA adopted prevail upon their
stand from spring hondlniL Ihs wacdi.
Weed wltb tbeIr grnto. and tblak
ywvr *ibo n>*s that are rather Ibln bottle tbe bees and keep them alive hens to lay In the winter seu.
and espoclaUy ihe mb graca. very
eonld be prodtablp used for (bat par
In ^i.ib a mue belter care than the
ransporfatlon. 1 Anally
de- when eggs are
generallyscarce a
ofico destroy the piaais before (all.
poos ll ^bsro Boro no other aalBals
IJ.-ah Conege .if Agricultainv Uniter eu n ibiiugh 11 is clipped every thirty
rest. Dop'c negioct the other cows; elded to have made a large tin oliinng enmmand high prlcrK. are advlsyd
to wbleb It eoold be fed.
funnel, with ■ sliding gate lo the iiiIh-, try what virtue there U la milk. Tbe
USbWtoU, BatifraUk ruks elooe to akin
AlfalfB. If seeded fai (be (all. gaoM
i. Wbb h mi- idk to foodtog TRlM, bol IB pbp ones tbai are not duiag well. Tbat's The purpoiie of the gate to lo proveiit rxpt-rlnuni baa bekn surciv>fuUr
tb^bees from crawling nut when core tried In Conneeitrai. and if succew
be pul to esrty. ataMit tbe Aral of
cad cudHIoo roMtraa that
, ful there why not in PennsylvanU or
I think not many rhrmcra rcallte September, lo. order to osonte •
Ji^lMcpor. art bt oserctood to foodtog it than If pour aelgbbor carries a pUTieiuBl inside the buiUe.
grakto nil the more reosoa wby you
growth before cold wnstber. regalrod to fsodtng aklo allk.
ahook throw poara away.
/ --I'lhe eorab with the queen and set It
After all la told and done in regard Ibe ii.nlure of Ibe growth. One sumIt may ihcm be cut for^haj Mxt
As a slock food we bave foirad Mt
^Bver7 jRniMT ought to have a bouse
Buse|salde. then take Rs many of the other to faiieolng fowls, il Is ttoobtfoi tner I discovered that (be rooic of >t-sr> whereas, when Seeded to tho
tormlfc bouer adapted for pl^ Oran
for barpeascs aad carrtsges
.rt^eqpbs aa I drairc from this partlcaUr wbniher there Is any bettor food for 'same of my corn six weeki ield were spring. It cannot be col for hay at
for tap other andBals. bat woaU -not
nc hmg aa the atalka. and they tpreM all. bui Boar almply be dipped oa t»
adriH toadiag It to vtip Pgaag i-lgs.
out Arc or Mx locbei In all dlrecltons caahm may require, gapertalty whm
As a food for swtos our oipertogee
beneath the anriace. yi the Aral eal It shows an tocUoallon to tuop grow­
bu )«B H to belton ibal it to about
tlvatlon I boM ibe shnveU aa ckier^ ing and become yellow to cdliir. tbe oame foodiag value u skim nlll;.
ly as possible to the young bills of
Ijind tbai grows clover and cow
W« woBld, however, prefer skim milk
<»w»rtto aalBau! 00 aeomnt of lU being less liable to
ctfra and allow them to n down Avr p>u succewsfully should soil aUaiti
Inches orknorc in order lo loosen the fairly well.
jiM tbs Boot OCB- dorwge too ulaars dlgesuve
■ «Mi(^ of up toodstaf. UB.
din and |a-nnli liie air <o fiv-r-Iy clrBcmcDiber (bat (he Arrntest dtffh
a food tor pong ud
cuUle In Ihc soil.
colly with alfalfa to le Vet II properly
Whop to A bpiiradBct from ebe<.-s>
,1%o Ibeu .wbh* and pooMSuM son «r Ices teedliii
Afior the Aral plowing I
Btorted. M it to a dcHeate plant and
provoa bp «e
surface riding euliivniora wiiih foiv should be imi on well proparM
vnlw wbon fod to fwtoe la a Juulr.blades, two 00 each side of itoe row. KTOUnd.
ona anuar. Most of dc toodoi
Bboai twenty Inchro long and three
It would be good pndlce If farm
ter to food It airoot;
lacbea wide, that skims nnder
yard mannfe Is arallahle to glva a
exportaeau show tbai il to
surfofc about two Inches, and bMInd good coating aM woih:' mil to with h
t *RK OttbolfWj Of aboot onohalf too faedtog value 6f
the blades U a drag which' li held
•bll^ Bilk at a food .for oalves. bat
1 boat tor'anlBalt BkU-'
a |iM(K-r angl^ by a stiff spr^. This

ixpoAoaoo we louv;
I rdvdb, bat wbtob aood olb- tbe tnitb ot soto on axpertai
drag should be'^ set as to level
ami Bilk. BilBlp of
^x Jeraey eowa
^Mlaaou r. siattoa at Columbia. J'bese cows average *C.6 pountto of
a BUlro.
to the surface and leave'exposed
-wMk. tW Rko*
lermoua ctpaeliy for feed and therefore ideal milkers.
'for tmr TPtott Ulaau!
he sun all weeds that have, been
-Tia. glvB tho Imat
' Thia o^er to becomlQs «tivr
off by tbe knives two l^es be­
maiuihu - I'M! the aiableo. There to aeiMtblDg hive, and shake the bees Into the fun-;ihla purpose than sweet cornmeal low. The CDUlDg of the weeds belosnd .tb eoBtdaathw ■
pepklAr aad tbsy are t
^ , _*MWnp gratoa.
forad RBd sold Rt U for« Bingle vei- iRbout tbe cbemlcala .arltong from nrl; the gate Is then close while an-1 Feed U frequently during Ihe day. not tbp xnrfsee srlll de»troy the
I: M» cltta af Ufo stock vw givo^ eel RBd 11] to lid for torger xvra. faofW ><«ble« that will oat tbe paint titber hive to opened-. The funnel of | less than four or ftv • times, begto- the tops being loft on the lurtace with
the best cairtoge and rot leather rourse must At Inio the mornb of the [ring early"in tho morrfig unj giving
r ratim tor akla aBk tbu, They CRB ORMIy be mads by «ry
Kin dry out and die.
kaady Baa at prRoUoillr .do «w. , fcxi. Canf afford IhB.
T dt^fotowktoiB.
bottle And-be made be«tilght to pre-Iihe la:<i aa near roosUng Uiuc as posi flon-t believe any general hile can
Pravtdo R otroag .wooden ' box aol
Always 'give the hired brr a ventibsJe bees wWch sre oa the In-jslMe. Olve only as much aa the
F drawn aa lo bow many tlBes corn
place to tbe oeater.R vessel of a. cUsace to cKtad the lasUtafo meet- side from escaping.
^ ’fowls will eat with a retoh. F.-ed sboaTh be cultivated other than to nay
Mm dsslred. This vmmI sbogid paid ^ and i rc that he goes. He will .
Uio b«eg Were safely boiilod 'M raw. not ground too Ane. and again gaud Judgment sbonld l|e used,
^ toilk. altboogb tbsp vom ai- from I to I galloBs and ahoold be' lx- prc'«> »^ :re i bear something that Mother difAcidly Bros*, and that was ] mrtsiened with-a mile wnter.
according to eoodUlon of season and
of bORvy block Ua or good onamAled
w«kc him
better farmer and j the great danger of th.- bees suttocai- j Brabmas are hardy, stand ihe cold
1 S'lmetlm*-* It U only oucesaary
I 9%m ibsjr wsro botog tod (bis wata, which to • belter. , First eovsr that will ic o
OB well. log. lor they seems to/all to the bol-! well, are reniarki.bly exmipi
eulltvaie ilirp-e (Imrt; at'l other
K .vat ontiBBtod that St tbs the tadtoa of the box with a sheet cf
j tom of the boj^ and lie there llkef.-asrs at all ages, are good sinter Is. limes wc must go Uvoogh ihejeurtt.
. ^
froB n ^
to „
M asbestoi and oa top of Uat ptooe n
- lUiowlag
---------- -------------aromd the house In; so many beans, the side of the boulcrer., snJ. whai is n( ih.- mniost in. and In extreme exscs 1 mi nten intu
gkr fin (or the aklB allk aad Mm of bay packed tightly. Teen your work day clothes ell day Sun-jhrtllR too slippery for them »-cling t-ortance, ibelr rhlckens esn Im- raliu..J Ihe field with single l^e*;nnd a
food tb proporUoD. tbe PMee the vessel to the comer or the 'day? 8-juday Is
lit five to eight toothed r-orfnee
rest day and M,
I>••.rc«•ntn6. ,.f
m trtMv «. p«M „ i,„
manqcsn rest properly wiihoot
culUvator afie.r tbe corn to mil to
TWs .harrow 1. de.,gm-d for culu I
»"y «'h-r
scrub and clean clothes. Neither
fat ••• kn thac d eoBto ja the
the tassel. T^is latter woulj ocenr
,»at(Bg corn soJ other crops Just bo- blooded brea d whniever.
n My.
an erremcly dry year.
Tbe droppings of thi- b<-ii rojsi
If our l>oy^..eoiDe home from Ihe fora Ibe plants are up. or while they among the beet fcrUltzeni that
1 am not In favor of ridglUg corn
hgiiCDlUtral shoH eoarae glth oome are young By removing the venler
_ thk OBa tho auk waa
with «iir central llliooto prairte soli
cumulaii- no ihe furui They »r<
fato<n baa bom foohd oftuny
Bew-fnogM Ideas (t to not for
wh.-ti Ikying com by • Insiead’&refer
‘‘O'*"' ) the tieqi r<'ui>1an cusno
turn them down. Give them a chance eover every Inch of ih.- ground itior- ■
when foA thiek and topI-Uide« s« t at
powcrfal In lu. in-i-d alone. tf hive my surface
j Uelng
to prove what they aay they can do
Md the wane la tom to the
angle so they will l-j-.-ly throw a
Ihey ehuiild Ih- ciimimM-d m ih.- inopor
Imm Mapy of the amt praclight eoverlng Into -he i.lile. which
We cannot ralaeS^oiwr to mature
foodorAUMfoeoihai tola milk to
may corer up any sm,!| we-fs, i.uti
mulrb lo one of the dropplngi.*T
I-WW ffoii
ifoB M «mts
age for notklng. Well. ih,-n. neither
to tl whoB ted
not to make what nn- wn-jld tall s!
prepared 11 will lx- to-iiid almost
Mtetooys Mi Ifoaltry.
rnlae n boy without expense
valuable for any crop, ■-spi-clarv ridM. I can Me no ..' feti li ridg.
K daddy U the right kind of man
• prufohtB
gruMaa wore offmed for the
ter Bt laying liy ilste the edrn
slrawlx-rrlf s. W«- mould ihi-rr-fofr
' fopM «Bb. t. K,. foadtag.
the average farm boy Is the b«ot lo
ask Ihe tarnu-r who im-rioiU his fowls roots form a c-mpi—.• nr-isrork Ironi
vcotmeat In the world.
“ WMld be (hat aoae brr
A grest d- at -if good corn is wott­
In rno.«t on Ir.-es, tmeru.,
plow one row lo lie n<.her',nd |}>p renter
f foodtog SklB Bilk with 6thh40dif>.
wagoos r-u ^uhH-cUog nl the rnwt n--cd« pnitecHoe a% well ed In Ir**dioc h-so steers. In select­
carry off Iho prtoa.
them to arcident and di - ase. and of a» 111., hill.- K-,ig-ni Funk. Ii:.«pin ing f<-rd>-r> pt- k -u- -he animal wboaa
•ngi.jn. III,
Ij i- clfi-i to til. ground
• nurue masling tint' lalusbb- drop
ihonld h. a' t-.i-ly afc |iosalb|e la (be
pitigT. uhelbrf II would not be a
tootoon hocrofod by toeopt ContalM
t dOBIwUc
.hsp- •>! an ohMng (dock. If be to
proAtaMr Investment lo li lild a w>m
.Formic AoW, Whtah la Uaofiri.
tayn the
t arr.;w In front and wide behind «
fortable benbouse' Think the mat
(By P. O. Merman I.
Sevqpi yeirm ago w]
^ >faMi BBh n. food for box and pack It alt aromd riooety^
f'i^hnw. that he Is a dairy broed and
ter over at your leisure,
were a new thing nn of
with hay. This shn^d ibro :
uighb-.n^,ll BO- lake oa Arab rapidly. The
Btudfata 07 the common
We sold this day sixteen doxea eggs took ODD home on irtol.
fa** *
R* n toed
He soon re j picture herewith to that of a siror (M
boney bee Ibe (iri of thrir marvelfor is. Tbes*- egge were from forty turoM It. EOTlrg that h.- did
^ «• ki.boe'22 koep tho parOetoa of hay frpm falUng owly varied fmetiOM
to well known,
Ave toying bens to tbe last week. It. aa It ptincd bis i-otatots out and with twcniy-Ave others last year and
rv^ Ro n mhuitoto for toto the voMoL
top of (hto placeiTho boo gathers htaier. which It dl
mas the only one In the lot whleh
These were hatched out last March; dCMioyed too many of them
a OBSUOD » or 4 fochso thick atuCodigmu
and otoTM
made no proAt lor the owner.
- ------ —
It gather potien nugbiy. .The maiertBl used sbesid
their quanerx are. above 'groohd.
Perhaps be was right aboot thl*. ,*cre Ua long legs nM narrow htolwith kay. Tho Ud ahoold ckM tlghl-j which It dlgoata. rogurglutea and
3x3 incbM and the, teeth should be light dry and airy, sheltered
But I am. loc.tned to tblak nof
jqoartera. AroM all such anlBBls
ly and he foatoDhd vrtlh a eUsp. Tbe,feeds to tho brood aM atoo the qMon
to ataad backward at an fnglv houoe. bam and high board f«c«.

win^ iBinnJ It m, b«
a,.™, T«,r
nib-r pn.
of nbont a fogrete. They abould be from all winds except south a&d Of farBert who had dug the price of| TTie breemeorn harvest of central
ym vmar Ml oxpa
l> lUM ikraKto.1 MU MM.U.
bp mmm «r wlKh Umr ci»
soatbwesi. Their food It r variety; three or tear (arn:s out of tbi soil j Illinois last year producM «—
square aog aet diagonally, eo that
kaai ofoor foods wor« im
- tou p«Uiu .lU bp. MUraHt U,.|UM, ™,|,
u, blu ..a o..,r
at break of day a warm mess of Are by the use of thr hoe and {-IroiiT of '
for Iho pmrpooo of RsoortRln- U Ht bbaol.tolp iMH-au. BiUp'aur oPuaiu tuiUr U U« U„, sharp tdat will come to ’fre«L
fpr about l«.On«d)M brooBe. Okla­
pans shonosone part mesl; at naaa Baade, and f rsibcr think tbai hto
^ ■‘m atm at thofo foods m the
emmt or ottur They ntoo one this to stop np eneki
homa uined oat, aboot UhM.MA of A
While a farmer aamod Pnar-y. near moat of any kind., with a Uttle tallow : adrtee had at lexst a little to do' with
» by imilWir ROOHOW tb<
food to A-MU M the atove. then ptaM BM smooth ow roogh piaeeo.
coarser qnallty aM Kaaaaa aboot S,Oxford. Fa., was rUktog hlx life to of oome kind chopped Ane; at Bghl (he wehder being -tvtttniM
Wik mam 0» btfoRjMt
in the nookrr. cloalng nil down tight
m.Mw Tbe Utter stole i^toes arorThey ueerete wax.' stoleh Is Twy In- save the horses and cows to bit barn-' corm. Bp more nt' either beal tbaH
r fod that
fod. •
Thai came year we had a fmati ly all the brouBicorn used to whlek
The food will he thorooghly cocked teresUag la its makeup, (ranifer tl tog ban fait yooag am wm grrmat- their wUl fAi greeJUy. W« keep by
piece of corn, whlrfa fur some rsaaua

snAWBOunr fusts


I ^**^*1^ *—







=^ ■

( n

,(f:[ -u,



1 r 1








iMMk «or on fttofw ow iv i


It to aaot to taT* r wwk Jtot lo *j

nMtk tt kt • MM to kfMBkto to:

Jju totot totow ftt to**.

T ftftTto,

Ttotok II «tol7 to ft Uttto
toto ton wftito.
rfttoki to toU oMto ftUtoftm ftto
_ tto
ftotor oftto:
lift iHftrt toftjr nftt ftwkUft ftto
•oil to«r to ftloftft .
It raft OM toft ft eontft( |wt to e>ll


;> .


to bftgto wtoft I ftliptoi tor toft4 Iftto w podnt. ftftd taftUftg ft bit at

r. pftltad ftftt eoft of poor
> ftotfto. It wfte toft ot.tbft cfttiit
Oftftft. ftto I ihftO tt Uftto to '
who ftftjopea It ft* biA ftft I aiA. I
If Um wbftUftt WtaSr toftTft. atuarf WoaOer wb« l (h«n mm to tto teat
ICei iftcbn* tad tot mxmU to toU. of tboftft dftUghtftU Bom.''
tom ftenft of ft Uftfly *00:
Tto pot ofttaOtoc oft tto hn;
Wft ^wnlU; Mlfton ten atUN:
riTft poondft of toroOoft.
Blftftlih; fttmsthwtUigneft: • »—e»i'

«to ««t «M btowa: , '
TMtIk It to ft ereokto vteto* «>•• '*Vtot Mfttoft ft tom Mto. toftr
ififtfti to,4>ittto ftnnowft ftto to

heft. fwMft ft fien or fttoektog. pto
•■a U ft tottotog, or ftsmtag ato'
wftM ftftft to tor MW hBftiiheU.
Atler fterM motto of Mte hi
ftftw hone, tohft won |o ft eeoeo
■fttt ftto bto ftot hftd to toton. 1
ptaftftfti ftto WM ^ tor'W I noitaftt «too ftto wr^-^
to were wtftto^ fee -<to mi

good tar tto weitt or a rtm
rtkt-walBL aittor tacked or
od at tto toeaMata,- aad dnn to
anrty at tto baM. If yoa gat a ton
at nay tmttn aad aaakalf ceato
per yard, tbat ha* liny ydak roaebata
er pale btaaartto apttohtad over tto
rtblU mama, uy Baktog a trfll.
Ibvia flaartata rt aa toch wtda.
pale Mm ar ptak lawa. take the pfam
rt Uec to edge tto treau rt
t or ttttta atrap collar.
MB rt ikla ktod are art tor tanadry bagbeaB tknl we are
toU. rrogaeat proartBg wlu keep
tosB tooktag freeb for a taag Um
totorc there , la any neceartty
thra to to eetually tanndere
Bftaa hat made them parUeutarly “aUawfty*. rob over each breadto
Ughtly balerc preaatog. wUb a epcag
damped with gnm water.
Inlaltely to be preferred to a mo.
tog wrapper U tbe aklrt-waln coi
tome, botbe plainly made and. U K
menu dwlrible to carry oot toe oaepleee Idea, both Joined to a hand
Otogbam. either cheeked or atHpod.
oat aaiUble for toeae drc**e*.
* toieertoee *klrt—a front gore
and tn wide gore* formlag <
and hack—ta toe b«m and moat
ily made anodrt. It wiU be found aa
advantage to nake taro watau U>
In the aelectlon of toe wedding
gon many thlnga are to be taken In-

Maivted wtoft tanvcB to
total. tsO ftftd hftidthtoa tar yon begto;
Murted to veU* rt November mtai.
Itartam yanr wadding wtag haa
Married ta mays of
cheer. Love's Mar ahtoe* brighter
> yert to ym.
. cake with thirty tayera.*- it
toght b* called, this deUghtfnI gift
t brldoelert. At any rate It ii on
toe principle of toe -wooder-balU'
used to ge (or Chrtaima* when
we were chUdraa aad net tto least
charm of this gift ta toai It adndts
to the rtcaanre of Mvtog any number
—np to thirty—M tto bride's friends
*d retaUve*.
To make toe 'Xftke" procure, flrstf

Pedups No MofidM hi the WorU
Hflt fieiieved More Cises «f
Cfltirrh of the Stoniflch Thm
Pe-ni-na.______ '
Tbe Simptoss ' of Stootodi
Cfltarrii Are HMvhMn After
latiflg, Bekhifif Gu, Soamess
of tbe Stotoflcb. SU«p«b


wds«u with toOMtr eonblBto: poftto ftftch of prtocoM ftto good ftft|5
I ttrlKc; oftBft] tilaidft ftftd troft- tftre. two pOBftdft ftftCh of oonadtoeft
BrcRlBSi of UfttpenU gfttav:
_ _intuftl
__ torbftftiftBM.
ftoftic matrlA wttft ftUemt TM hUito ftftft hrlgMv^ aontal atouv. eight
ftteaber that twdft wtsM to
I and Bodeaty. three QuatU
your , grocer can emily funUb. and
ut. pattaoee. todutTT.and
With, all thr hoftit eabracr thp lot:
Use It and cover It with some pretty,
1 uallmlted qnantitle* (can
Bot for dftftth ftftd fftftr it aet'
toexpenrtve mntertaL Witbln it place
ma ounces of
thirty gifts, all labeled, one for each
. a gallon of
vlsloa that cAeb ta to be opened only
*To Uto cofttasi with ftoull »«•» milk of human ktodnoB. Are pint*
at tbe time apprtnted. no tbat there
To ftftftk fttagftftco rather thaa ios- crenB of eseelleaee. sobs of eoBBK>n
It and a new surprise A LT>r:itM.\N CKORCK tv. WncK.. "l do boBMUy'bellev* poor gimk
to -ft^ttt^ ft hn «»t ttot w. WT,
aaato apiced with aweetoeua of dl»an UN South Seventh Kirci-i. Denver,! artietne. Pereas, savsd myllle, aaC I
tor every day of toe flrst month ol Ci>i . Aldcrmsa Klrvvnlh Ward, vrvttaB:
UfttoftMt rather thaa taahtao;
pOrttlon. mx thoronghly with cheermarried hfe.
To to worthy, ftot ftlapty rmpoe- tolnea*. poor toio a goldea bowl of
-I btve UEvd Pcruasf«rrsurrbuMbv
Yea are ft
Each one of toe thirty coairlbntori' stniascb
H ftaa bvliNd me wonderdoBoatle. bapptoma. lubricated with!
may flU hip tayer of tbe bos to say fuily.”
Ato wftftHhy. aot alBply rich;
the ell of gUdoeea. and bake to the:
To ftttor hard, tblak aatehly,
CftUn* Bf Msftfl aM fllftMta.
rd by
fliel rt alL If toe question of expense tarttow or with any sort ol gift
]UrR.-ls.\UUEL -V. SEAL. Kouw 2.
Talk gtotiy. act fmklp; ’
Ur. PrankRtebtaf.of MTiil fluiBi
the Are of true love.—
ivA Trosaway.TvoB..«tlim:
fltrevi. WiBoas Mian.. wrUta: •Aa •
. it ta much bet­
Oh. wtoft tto tnop K bntoft. ftftd lb BfttftB wiu opoB Mftrt to Mtoft
"If cive* mp great plessuro to testify reiasdy for cfttarrh t take plsasm* la
•to fttftift.
ter to retrento on too wedding gown
Ahovt tto Trftwoftftu.
to Ibecresi goad your aMdlclae, IVruna.
To totoft ftto ftagm; ^
thaa on any other part of toe trooa- costing not over a stated aam. The has doDp tor me ta a ehronle esse of recoBBissdtngPeronatorefttorriirtlhe
Tboogh there are bride* all
Wftll lad to otbftr ftbftitftr Uto the
eioBiaeh. I kaow what It Is to to atTo boar all obeerttoj, U aU bran- year- roond. It
to be the oai- seon. White crepe de cbtoe. chlffoh. order in which the gifts are to to put ealsrth of tbe stnirtprh. 1 was roBllDsd fltetsd with this awful iWssam.ato oto•
«« toM ^toft.
ly.' '

reraal idea that only the girt who ao- orgaady, dotted swlsa. point d'eoprti. into toe box Bay be decided by tat. to ntr b»d for aom* itnu. and could not stder It my daiy to say a weed to tohatf
firnm oocftfttato. ftftTm hftrryton that Mleltoiia aute to the nioath even ParaUa town or one of the in­ each drawing a number. One reetric- tit up. I bad bled ewryihlng tost I rt tbe rvBsdy vrhteh gave mesfteb tsUrt,
flBd rseomncBd^ for csU.Tb, "PeraBB OBTsd me, aadlkfto^ win
U ft word, to tat tto ftpMItol .ttfft of JoM Boeda to be eapeetolly ad- expensive sUk musUna. may be made Uon. not neciwtaiy but advtaable. Is
Orow to thima ato fthoro .to* Tiaed about her trooftaeftn. laya the to do duty Ifttor aa a formal evening toat moat rt the preseau shall be without an.v bcDefli. 1 tried tbs best
physlctatii in Bsneoek CoBBtr, with dto^.'liglVtoBMgTeUptsMftremSto
jUdlea' WorM. Aa there art aay gown. Bveryoae know* tost na a of a eon which will “be flat** tout little or no l-eBefii. 1 (ben tried two of
ufy to tto eurailT* eSsels rt this BaflP.
hOBbar of (toaratog yooag ^ob«o wedding gown It moot have high carrying oot tbe Idea of tbe layer* of the best phyneiaiislB Uavkllut'oBBty,
cake. A soluble qootaikin rt andfouad they were doiup me ae good.
who BBBagft the matter eery clererly neck and at least elbow sleeves, to
be met by long gloves. The neck may some wrtl-knosra author li told ea I wss gradastty growleg wore*.
UtoTunTLl > .«~r M u <tfl
doting tto
•Theo s frtSBd at mine, pustog Sy.
to trimmed out in deeper ouU«ne ibe top Of each package, and each
oae cannot help a Inrfcli
-Ifagaatu or MtoUrtaft.
that ft iery greftt dofti of the adrlee later, or a detachable yoke gnlmpe layer 1a separated from to* next by s bsadod me ooe of your pamphlets, wad “My eatarrh was p
Tha oehoB* of ft ani
wlU make praeUcally two welata. Tbe sheet of wbiu paper with the data aeetog ffbw l\-ruDa was rw-ommeoded InmybaadaBdstoBaBk. IiMbmBP
■ beetowed te
iBrt to ftBphaaiftad by tto boor of
eaurrb. 1 seat to RoeersvlU*. remodles witoe«t eneasaft 1 triad sev­
tto oatoBofty ato tto aowM rt tto
ty. The eenWble girl of white gown calU tor toe veil to ac­ rt opefttog written upon IL
Teanessoe. next Borolng. s dlsi
eral doetor*. bftt ttoy war* BBshta tt
company IL Here. too. U laiUade.
matdft. ( hara to mtod a mm
abooi flftseD mllss. and
eanm*. IreadofPsruBatottopsflift,
Per the Wedding Refreehmenta
from a bandMme lace patien-vrtl to
Utol pietnro. tt waa ^ at
aftd flvo bottle* esredm*.Leitoee Sandwiehee—One of tbe aceocdlag to dlroebons. and after tai
Almeat from tto fliet flea* Ptraa*
onlred, eo UtOe adrlee I* needed. «a- Brotaeta aet. bought by tbe yard,
and tto ehureh withOBt
II a few dsls 1 befcan to gel toller.
cept about toe wedding «on and Ita bcepi when toe lace veU U an helrlight. The liot brideuBftld
"I ooBttnned niing At naltl I was ahie will feUer* ^toptamd rt slesaasb am
taoB. toe net. U rather preferred,
to ge to work oft tto farm agrta. aad tarrb. Psvbbb at oMse Aarpeaa ttB
|on at pataat plok ortr white and
then a layer of tbe white
now I am la vwy good toalth and do
carried loaea rt the aa
there ta no reaaoa tor ■uppoaleg
turkey or chicken cut Into Uny 'plec- work on my farm.
ahftdft. Tto gon of tto aaeoBd Bald that the brtdeoleet begin* ber plan- afford 10 have tbe veU arranged by
s of tettace FBBple wbB MJeet t» U«iM AMMiwfl iliMM lay Pbtmm TaftHlM
high-priced frtlttocr.One pretty way
of ft deopm ahade of ptBk
nlto from an empty wnrdrobe. nor U
to bare a taoc-edged 'rell to a dressing spread ever:
white ato her flower* a Ufita daaocr toort toe neoeealiy tor propnrtng nn
large square. To arrange It. flad'thc
haft, mth oftrti maid
ootflt tor a lUetIme: doten* of ew
pwt^ nnlmet*. one-balf add tto strateed Jrtee rt toroa or­
Nattnniem flandwiche* — Butter
center of one of tu sides and lay
gon and flower* dftepeaftd.
Tto thing are only tor t&e prodigal,
tbeYbread and then lay oe some of pint or fndt jaice. two-toird* of a enp^ al^ and tores taBMwe. oto eaptal
BBld rt boBor wore doap oiak___ »...
girl who
at uuMiunm
.Kw 1*
» employed mi
nu, several vplalu ^at each aide
alice* a medium alee nasturtlumj of molaase*. enough flour that hi
of grope jnle^ and^tve ptoto rt wm
ptoh .The tftdlftg aky nfadrt loflaot- mOe time torto her own aewlng. but «“«'’•
tbetn to a *iDall Hbbtm-,,^, apreadlog orer It toe thlnneet been.browned In tbe oven to muke
ter. Tbe eelor eaa be chatatafl kp
ad to toe party groaped abooi the al­
will do iome In prepera- eorrrod band, that may be plnnod to-i„er of mayonnaUe dmaing. rold good dough. Cboj. h.lf tbe taUIn*. Bubstiiatlog OM cupful rt etrelBto
tar ato aoft Burte aonaded durtog ratioa for her wedding. Both the and tbe hair. P1*U again, about rt* laeb |<t,e ,Ucm Of brand together, rut ont|but *eed them all: «em and
■trewbeiVy ]ulce for the grope Jntaa.
Aa tto
tbe aandwlch to toe shape of the leaf Uie corronis; dredge aU toe EnUt
the girl who haa Ured at fioiwr with *•
Ato^vM not ftto ^ ftto oC
piwnonoBiJ tto afterglow began paiwata ahd broiher* aad alater. wiu
A TtoB^ far «h* WMa.
««> aad let the stem sUek out or roll.UrUh ffour; mix well. Thta 1s a dsDcto tod* and tbe etaetrie lltota 'nre flad./whM ahe la alooe In her on uck to tto band; toe net beti
Says tto DattBsator. It tto atari
tie with ribbon aad catch a aastnr- |o«s cake and wlU tort tor a year.
toe two row* of plalu will stand np tlum blossom nnder It. Only toe taast
' A-'hM'tahft 'iwwft. ftto. dam io
bOBt. that toore are many alray
OtheUos—These arc a very fasblon- rtage meant toe wwddtog of a aalrt
a manh poaled forth for
a>d aft aagaV there would to ftothat may be profltably aadj like a double frill; arrange toe at- bit of mayonnaise should be used a* able small cake.
Thi^ tort word, thftt ihft yto teoaaateftal.
happily deroted to Idrta eewing." “«• bloemwii to come partly nnder tbe nastnrtlnm haa a great deal of
«p ™«. -» «'p ^r^TpTJ ■"«*— »'-l™. ~
ft may to nU to make a am
Pour aeU of underwear wit] provide this frill. The remainder of that flavor of Its own. Thta la one of tbe Of Sftlt. flve eggs, one teftBpoenrul
•IPIwn to wftlha a tote with an tloa hara to bahalf of the ae*
comfortable outflt. and. If neces- ■Idb or tbe rell will (all Id b sirrtgbt oddest and daintlert of sandwiches. lemon extract Beat toe yftiks of toe may be vrhy t^ are bo mantogea
to hesTfs. Ob ernttb. It-U rtMMWBti
•rletoawboapend auay hour. ofwUt- ■ary, one can maaafle astlsfaciorlly line at each side of tbr (ace. gradu­ Sweet pea* also make a dainty fln- .eggs very
then add tbe engar.
tog labor to making toe hoese aad with three. Thta will toclude nl^t- ally lengthening toward the back. UhRfo
‘ ___
and conUnne ibeaUng. Add the toaten busbaad BBd wife arf siroBgly hartutreh beaatlfnL The woiketw are at- drees, drawers, corset-cover, chemise, Another veil ta of net. and complete­
Lemon banana aandadebe* are plwblte* and
toft hampared by tank rt m
new The beat. Then
abort uaderpetUcoftt aad long oncer- ly envelope* tto fliure. falling
- favorite
- ........ and
— quite- -the flour, and
taaoea to work with. flomooBo akonld ^tthmat. tThe list may be varied, tor face as well as at tbe hack. Two Unanas are sliced rbnnd tbMly and j, m, but ccsm- beating. Drop i tea
Aered to boo that ptaaty of omitting, for Inaunee. tto chemist widths Of toe wide net rtR be necro-jipmoa Julce-p few dropo-oqu^ed'.pooniu, ,t a time on buUered paper. deneiss or UstB. T>rtr' Beeda aro
ptoft. petaaora. greaa twin. fr**a tit- If toe corset cover and short nndereach slice, then a plach of »ugar.‘,a<j
|q « moderate oven. When different their taasBer rt taokiag rt
•tlMM A.
A_________ .____ ..._____ ^
y Tftft Dytok
ana p^. bom on whtab ptaau
It ta ptacedlrhe■ slice*
«f bresd or L..M
bun tor the*e]a>id,
lee tbe ____________
top. and
spread whipped tolngi 'to Brt idcntleeLBBdtovarrtog
pottlcoat are provided, or uniUng toe;
bead, and tbe ortheir
ha. plnmd and Jnra tor flowem flie at eorset-covfr with eltbcr ibe aoderI are spread wlib cream In- ■
toe bottom, and place an- waya
Ibrmsrtvsa. At ahy erlticat
are posed toward tbe siead^of butler, and the banana laid!other rake bfoeatb.
petUeoet of -the drewers to
tt. pnPttM ttod... lor lh«. wipw- “'L Atttr tt, i»r,»op. tt. m.t .. lb. die n, . .M. luc, .11 CTd.1,
Cmm WH. n™...i If both exprcai a( threama uaw a
• ‘Wro
tto toM when Itod•rtdal Lora..
.Rltt. ..npttt.. TP,™ u. «.Pu.l "«l“" «
>• “"»*» “=L mpardl fmlt, TBllHroltl fllllni; 1* «
tt « dtttbl. IdiiCT pot' dtrtr* to dker to to* otoeris tarta.

Mftft Mota
3l Jannary Mde will to a pru
MlM wPMi w h. boosht
-Ill POPP. P«>Pl.-;,,„„p,.,.
u.,l.Pi,oIt..r‘ toe result ta loreordalBed for hagpl• Ti Mftto that ftwoM wUoh
•t What seem remarkably rcaaoeable

Mmch fttafta:
Tft* Trewseeaw Pillow.
«..«« d.a tb.
a aad aalty.
A Fehrwary bride win to a hn- flrtoe* for garment* that jft ready to
•Mo eroiy u» to teodBOft.
Every seaaob' furatabe* sometbtog
maae aad aSeettanata wife and ten­
new to be added to the already heavy and cocoanui: grapea. White or green,
• Ato%r toto hftU ton tor der amtber.
cncy of bolkd rumard. Pu to a free*-'
U the aewtog^ dome at home, aoft weight of bridal tradition. For
candled rberrlea and nuts.
r gild srtfway
A March brtde wUI be a frMou* ftslnsook ts nicest tor uaderwear. ex prospective bride witbln the family

rr can and frtvse unill about half
Uly Salad—-nVWirr lily sal­
• IThm ihtofttaft Uto IB ^ a*- ehaUerto*. aoBftwhat glTCft to «aar- cept for loog white petticoaU. and circle toe newest ta a |iillow made ad"Water
frorco. ihin add tbe beaten while* of
ta a dainty dlrtt. Cut ertap lettuce
ilo 1* a voice
-for these cambric I* used, it ta moat tram tbe scraps ot her trous:
cupful Of :
lesTc* Into potnied atrip* like thel®^
■^(li doc. aot tapir t»r Je.tlfy to* Um
Ab AprU bride wOl to
been blanched.
.• v.or flwnro few Aon toIs n <
sattatactory to buy tto material by whlcb Is known as tbe "bride's
outer green leave* of a water Hly.l*
Of indlriduamy: it msaro rtmply tte
• jBOt eery latoUlgtot. hot tolriy good the piece. Natbaorti comes la twelve'
sofa pllto*'" It Is made either In
Cut the whites of hard belled egg* al-!**”* ,***'^k rown
iDstJnctlve rocofalUoft ot toe brat
«Mr • tadklng
yard lengtoa. and a good quality, fashioned patchwork pattern or In ibc
ro into pointed strip, to m.kT tbei^»“P'*''
^ way odt Of a dUflenlty. to* qetekart
A May hrMe wUl to haadeoaao. thlrty-atx'Inches wide, may be bought erasy hit or ml** sine. A piece of
pemu Mash all b«, ,wo or three ot
^ tacking to avoid a chUIrton. the Uod-'
aatable aff^ Ukrty to he hapto
Mat wto* dortata gtaa rttana.(or one dollar aad a half per piece. every sasb or bow, silk Unlng bit of tbe yolks, mix them w ith „.*yon-j fore serving Serve wiih chilled wMp- ly view of lolermaee to the prroenee
' A iaae brtde wUl to lBpet>
TatapeieBnes 1s quite toe prettiest Uee. or other trlmmlBg or each gown naise and All in the cenier of the
of sroakBM and errors of another,
trlBnlqg one may have. Tbe edging I* pul In. and rodless ingenuity may whole petals with this mixture. Tukel Ice Crraro WUh Crushed Fruit— toe courage to meet an explaftaikM
a ’ :ialy .bride wUT to bantoae
be used, or a matching in- be shown In grouplDg all the tblog* tbe remaining yolks and put through | The various Sundue combtoauons halfway, the generosity to be flm to
^ aaart, bat a trifle grtrttouier- sortioftftU be same price may be add- belonging to It about the material of a flue sieve, scattering thta orer the which have been so popular at Mda
apotoglxe for s discord, the Urgesaa*
AP enremely pretty Idea ta to each gown. Aritatlr shading ol Un- yellow cenierw and on the while pet-'*nd Ice cream coumer* arc perfectly of mind that doe* not fear a ■BCrtflee
• Thii^to fartto iBita''>rtda.
An AngMt hridf wUl to amtabta 8^c toe nines on drawer*, chemlsv logr and (rimming* may be Indulged ail to resemble tbe pollen of toe feasible at home sod make a speeialof dlgnlij m .orreodertag la toe taTto Mtoa wtoae tto koart ta.
aad petUooat of sheer Penton or and whenerer posrtbir leer K
llowcr A prettier salad can scarce-' ly good wedding ice • Prepare a plaia tercsis of toe highert barmOBy rt toe
V IKrtrtrt Ito tarod OMi dwM.
A flepteBber bride win to dtaoroeL Prsacb laws. 'tMs may be edged on over a corner of toe dress piece ly be Imagined By leavtog off the-vsnilla Ice cream and serve tn deep
two raii..- iban the peraoftal vtniiy
b rtitaa m to cotiagM.
affftble and mneh Ukod.
r- with narrow lace, or tbe lace may be with sUicbe* exactly duplIcaciBg ibe enter green le-^vw and making the distr* or punch gbnses. pouring over ;
na—id baBBIt or Bomy dolL
An Oatobor brtde wtU to mcly, •mltiod and a bem an Inch wide, dainty hand-work, which wsa worked white petals and yellow centers very'the top of fruit, plain or mixed, or
UtaJrtflfth a rover ever.
wnaittlih. taring, brt Jeataaa.
with «one or mere cinster* of ttoy into toe gown.
traall. two or three "daisies" may some mad* cold sauce. Tbe founds-1
To Bell CsWBfdtoi OtBA n vave ahd wfld.
A November bride wUI to Ubertl. tucks, well spaced. wlU afford a nov.
be made on each salad plate for a tion of ifivso cold sauces ta about liir
|Cuta amaU bead ofcabbaget
Tto aaMaa .with tor lever wanes. kind, bot rt n wild MapIrtBft .
rt and moat attractive trimming. Dot­
Mifguorlie luncheon
'»>» toaother loV ten mlnD-.-» (oor paru. cutting down iW^ugh Iba
Tto toollMr «lto tor chUd."
A Deoember bride win to wall pra- ted awtas may trim another ael. and
Not one of tbe month* but baa Its
Fancy Cakes—Cream one-baif of s » half-pint of grannUted sugar sod „oek. Soak (or half an hour la a paa
porttoaed. toad rt aovrtty. aatertnia- flne. crom-barved dimity U alto good
rn predleUoB concerning luck
copfnJ of butter add two cupful* of so- oh® pla« of water. Add a teaspoonfL!;of cold water to wbteb ha* ham afldtna tort to tava to tto BM way to tog. bat axtravagnat
for thta purpose. There wUI be char- Ul-Inck In marriage. Thus runs toe gar. Add one cupful of cold sate- [of granulated gelaitoe which h*« [ed a tablespoonful of salt; tkl* is la
; kgaw
fctar and dalnltoess about such ga^ bcet-knowD of tbe tora)ptae: —
Sift iwo teaspoonfuls of floor and; been soaked .to two or three tab.e-1 draw our any Usects that may be kl*^
Or Ttod «r ■■■: It to art tore re•wrpHae Notoe.
menu tbat cannot be equalled by toe
Married In Jtnnary't; boar aad turn Into a bowl, Beat and add flavor j spoonful* of cold water Tsk- off, -rir 'd.-n in tte leaves. Taka fro* the WBWhea By atater we* Btorrtad aid roady-made except at the highest rime, widowkd yoiTM be before your log ot one teaspooafol of vsollU ex 'until tbe gsUtine 1* dU<>olv>-d
sod cut tot* rtteSB. Bm a larga
tract. Fold to toe ecu beaten
—^ ---------------------- f
to lire ta a place where
price*. If the tong, widte petUcoeU prime.
strum. To tola when cold «dd anylMew pan half fall B( BoOtac «aur;
. fl* ,
WOBM be a total airaagm. ( pni lUMatrtad in February's rteety weelb- of four egas. Bake this la
mads by a pattern toat provides
flavoring dertred. to place o: til wa-; pot la toe cabbaB*. pBiklBg It wader
Or tktoi itot tort Ub; bto on love tie notee to evwy avrttahta UdUg- for la detacbabls flounce, a aeemlng- •. Hfe youH irsed la tone together.
place *B0ag her toloagtoga.
» Ig greater variety of skirt* may be tnMarried la Uarcb winds' shrill and tt.; L ttttu/:
^writer to tto Ne* Idea Wocaaa'a einded and toe flounces nmy vary to roar, yoor borne wui Ita on a for­ TbU cake no* offer* all aort* ul pos- [,
I kind* of sha^ ^***’’'
Ptwrcrvcl gins- -, ,*»uty-flve to tony-flve mtoutaa, ftesiblBUes Cut
». -I wrote aaay at differof trimming Here, too, eign shore.
•POOBfubi cf ginger syr.ip ■ pending npoB tkc «a •( the cal
diamond*, b«ri*
b'raris. wheel.
oat tlBxe flertag the' werta before toe narrow rune* ol lawn or swlss.
Married aeato Aprll'a changeful
■ U deUctoua. Part fr-ili ja.c or maple | Turn toto a rtlaiilir and drain ftr
: toongh tto nrtd to tto wedding. SoBft began: Ton are applied to the deeper floance. will bv skies, a checkered path before you stars aad pyraotli*. Frost toe tto) syrup may be used, ucd chopped outs shout two
cakes with prettily tinted Ictogs.'
artrlng tto lace on yoar-htae dree*
fluffy and pr«ty—Jail tbk He*;
candled (roll* or crumpled macsroo«s pipg
wnwirim pn----- 1
Aftd the weed* hav# ao vrtce bat tto now.- cr "Fe have Jart caw
^g to wear under light summer
Harrlod whea bee* o'qr
May Caratab som* vrito nou. dtm or all give Tariet.v end todividuallt.v
Matter to a pBrnoas ptoi of to* e
aodtad frglis. raellta flavorUig ta
Trtea rt maiplalatog
{troB the beeek-oach a rti
^k*. About those same (roclu. btaoBS IBu Btrsager* aronad your used
^t Punch—ptvi and grate a quire* tt. .
Md to toe cake, aa It' readily 'comcomTtoaflb tto aky to too dark far to yoe apld aoaadwo.* ftoae would don't forget toe auraetlvenefts of tow. board will alt:
bine* with toy of toe flarorln^ used aBtoll ploeeppie. Jiscardtoo the toagb batter tong
area to dtaeover
{brlag hart tbe baaw life vary vtrtd priced, towns and dlmlUes. Staaply. llftiTtad in queea rose moath of
toe frostlngt
tore. Measure and
eacb cupful,
.Itoa OBldwaia aad daUtaa fair bloom- V. f also wrote aoaiaaae rtiymet. aad tattefaUr made, they are quite Jane, ttfe will ^ fme tot« boBcyFrolt tt'sddtog Cake—One poond add one cupful of boillug waie^ and this BtsaBse will be of dattoato flatlg.tharcaadar.
copiedJotoa.hturtpoMry.wodpateach Of flour, brown sagar aad bel­ rtmmre for ten mtoutes. Add ooe-baif TOT and may be gefteraUy aam wtthTbaaflb tto bUta he toU ehadowt. plm-orlgtoal
-Married as inly-*
cupful of freshly icade bot tea oBt flirtroaa. Have the kUekM «bter.
aad tkp euft ftdark 1
cUpptog* tin I had at least flfty Bute model for toe aklru of these dresete
pound* of currant*, two pdeods ot and a syrup made b> boiliog together dow* Opaa at toe top while the eata
ta an upper perttao. rtlgbtiy gored,
ten minutes ooe pint rt water bag* ta botUag. and there wUl 'be ■».
shredded citroft. sen eggs, one teesftftftk tato her . room aftd lack them srith e deep flonnoe applied with a
ooe jilm vif gTaftolaied sugar. de If ear odor Of eghBago Ib tttft
spoonful of soda, one l»btaw|iDoarul
Tkta worid has aothtog to bcalow- leu ber emrk baaluL baadkeroblef heedtog—what used to be called a
of Clovis, two labtaspooefuta Ot cto- Bet a»id« i.atii cold, ihyn strain and

[J»YS-.- ---------




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