Grand Traverse Herald, November 17, 1908

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Grand Traverse Herald, November 17, 1908


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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flAt A YEAK.




IMMITV GAME WARDEN, EROTH- don't leave os aloae." to asM to to
a commoa threat among those who
porwoe the lltogal
log with BOU to White lake.
White lalie to Sve miles long and a
mile and a half to two mtlos wide sad
the Sahermen live near tbe amutb, as
It to called, where It empUu Into the
big lake. Tbeir bomea are back a fftoUnco from tbe lake and there is
for an attack on
the officer* la tbe performance of their
WENT OUT ON WHITE LAKE BAT- doly without danger of deteawn.
eapectoUy to the night time.
was aboot U State Board ef Can
Wadneaday NexL But All They
year* Old and devoted bis time to hto
Can Do iata Adjourn from
dtttlu as deputy game warden. His
Tima to Tim*.
brother, Uarton. was 30 year* old and
patotor. tiepatr ShetIB HaselUae
Mich.. Nov.16.—The ,elecabout 4t and to employed to tbe
unnery. ,Bs<di maa was married and tkiD siQiutto'n; sssuted in tbe secre­
tary of stale's ofSce this momtag.
had one child.
shows that the stole official
U a long way off yet
Om ODmt HmM, EMt M«y Havt CapNot half toe county clerks of the
•tate Have ao far reported ibeofflcial
TM« •tomln»-AI< Mm
vote In
W*n Married.
LITTLE KINOBLET.OIRL HAD A more than half these reported toe' sec­
retary finds Dfcessary to rMun for
WMtahatl, Mkh, n«v. lfc—MW»correction, ao It Is believed
itoigaRY war m IHasal flahing may have
official eaovaas can not start -arfeh
raaaitad in Dw death «T Deputy Sute
Fall WMIs Carrying Sharp Stick of before the 16tb of December.
The state board of canvaasers igusf,
MarUn Salmeneen, and
by Uw. itaeet Wednesday ne«. when
Deputy Shenff J. G
an adjournment from time to time
The MM have been mlaeing einoe
'Kingtier. Mich., Nov. 16.—Irene, tbe U all that can be done unUI tbe en­
went out bi eaareh ef nete in White
4-year«Id daughter of R. Baumgartb. tire Btate vote to legally before the
of Kingsley, loot her thumb to a pe­ board. .
A seat and pipe of JuilueSaimetieen. culiar manner this morning.
As December 16th to the time limit
• eap ef Maxeltine. and uw falae betThe HUlc girl was csj^rylng a *Uct for toe canvass, county clerta must
tarn of their bMt have been found.
of wood which bad a very sharp edge. gat a -hump on.“
Thraata had been made againel the Iti some manner she slipped and (ell.
Mate dRIeere whe have iirtarferred the wood striking her Uiumb with
«dth the trade of the
force that It was aeverad. Medi­
midnight Saturday night, whan they cal atlenllon once given tbe
A later diepeteh from Whitehall
Ad rrpauft ef an eaeurelM In gueet
af nete eel Illegally In White lake
three men. Deputy Game WardM
stepped an Rusty Nail While Play, Deputy Sheriff J.
lng.-SI»t*- CaHei Heme from'
C. HapeMae and Martina Salmonaen,
Grand Rapids.
a brathar af the game urarden, tmre
dmmad. The
Bobble, toe little eon of Babert
from the lake thie n
MoBB «f StanlMee. Is euffering wito
locklaw and Is to s serious condition.
pbore of the take BatoMay io vurault
being necessary to feed blin wUb a
ef lBe»l Sabema and tmcomlng
tnbp. Mr. Mann and family foiueriy
fevtal cd aoMiaiilni tte.bnat alone.
lived Jn this <dty and have many
' reUrmef tn Whrtebali lair In the aftfriends here who wllf be much pained
emooe and got hU brother and llaarlto leara of the accident.
tiae to go eat Ivth him. Threats bare
The boy. while playing, stepped or
' been made agataat the elau officer*,
a board whlAi contained the nail, the
mho bare Intartend with the Illegal
foot being penetrated to a eonalduEmob# of Urn Sahemaa and each of
able extent and an ugly wound being
afflicted. Tbe boy suffers much pato.
. TtMff veat down tke WhKMial! tMe
MUs Jessie Mann, who lives to
dM the lake to the tarn honae of
Oraud Rapids now. pasMd through
Eadtcd Wtadsr Sleighs Wart
• Lcmg. aboot tear mllea behnr this tUtoe city Satnrdsy afternoon on her
Out Veutarday For the
way to Manistee, csdled there by the
First Time Thie Vur.
Put Out At MIdalght
Injury to her brother.
TTwte they aeeored a Sat
was a. white world Monday
tMt and nfur talUog to Indoee Long'a when tho dty awoke, tbe old woman
son. m, to acoompany them, put
having begun picking her geese aboot
about midnight tor the nonh aide of 3 o'doek in tbe morning. sranerin^<
, the take. dlreeUy acroae from the fluEy feathers hither and yon, Owi
Long plaeo aboot too mllea.
lag cvety tree sad ahrub with the
Umg aat for a time wailing for their beautirul
nntU they looked like
- tetom, than went to bed. Wbn be plnmee. Hnnlora' hearta were made
aroao yasUrday nwralDg the bone and glad, the sman boys joyousrwnd lam-l
laatara of the three men were aUll hennea began to ett up and take an
I of Queen City implamtnt
where they bad left them when they acUve interest in life.
Co. and One of City’s Rising Young
.-tMfe the beaL
He tbo^t thIe
Kpras a winter scene, aa much so
Mraage. tat conclnded they were 1^ I tkough aaow bad been falling for
Mg U «Mt for Ttolaum of the Uw
L. O. Rice, presldeat of the Queen
and did nothing tnrOMr than to care
City Implement Co., -who has been
for the botee.
elected one of the directors of the
fore dawn, with the ground covet
At S o'do^>T«oterday afternoon the
People's Savings bank, to one of the
with snow and the air ton ol tlsicea
^men had tailnl to make an appear
young business men of the city who
of the beautiful several Oasbee of
by strict sUentton to bnsineu. making
and the Ufc aaring sUUon was aoUHghtBlog were seen to shoot artoas
his word as good as his bond, and glv.
the aky by people whose barioesB
X~palrdlBmn was seal out along the
Ing a square deal, has worked up one
brongbt them out In the early morn­
of tbe leading Implement stores to the
■bore on the Moatague side and
ing. Like a June electrical atom the
the fovemneni pien at Bylran beach
Kgbthlng appeared, then the sky was
Mr. RleOjCame to this city 16 year*
, he foaad the cap. whlcb was Haielthe {ailing snow. Tbe |4iet»iaenoi
ago. wi'b Dotblng buC bis two hand*
ttae’s. ,,8almomnaoB*a pipe and ooat
curred at 4:30a. m.
and a firm determtoatioB to win tor
and the falae boUM of the boat, all
somotblng more than a day la­
aaar together.' The Sad was reportad
' to the atatJM and the search contln- the streets thU morning, bat many borer's wages. At first be found aothoed. bat whta nothing farthetr was wheeled ri» were bHo to ttae. the Ing to do but work in the Jumber
trs not haring enough faith In woods, and after a short time foaad
fmd laaiaebes put ont at f o'eloet
• yceterday aftera^ and took op the (he old vroman's geese picking to trust employment with L T. Beadle, doing
' atareh. Darfcaaas fen early and the ' bar keeping at work long enough
isnlior work and odd Jobs around the
Insure good sleighing.
effon was abandoned and! enornlng.
building. After that he worked to toe
May Hava Capalaed.
remaining with this business tor el^i
II to pcestble that the boat was orr
■C tpmed by the waves, as tbe wind ai
in IMS Mr. Rice oi^lted the
. biM> Batarday algbl mad there la
J ef Murdering Toby
Queen City Implement company, siaittheory that BalmOnsoa. who wa>
Page Malnuined His I
tog the store in tbe bnilding tMW oc­
■mber of the life string
Until the Last
by toe Palace. He U bow lo­
’ crew and a good swimmer, bad
, thrown off his coat s^mt the boat capAobum. N. T., Nbv. it—Iftrmly cated oa sute street toe
. Maad and made aa effort,
trait (mriaced that be went to hto death pying about half an acre of floor apace
‘ leu. to save hlmeeU and perhaps hU an. innocent man. Andrew Delverme. Mr. Rice has many frleads in this
toe Italian who murdered Tctoy Page, city sad surrounding country dlsiricu
who have wautoed hto rise to the aacTb* boat, however, toeg ttya, wa* at Rome. N. Y.. in Jue. IMH.
electrocuted at Anbnrn prison ttato cess he to BOW enjoying and vriU be
. a j^aneb craft and it dooa aot i
Ideaaed to learn oi hto cMnecUoe
^rouble to peraoBs llrlag akiag the morning at 6:11 o'dock.
with toe Peoples Barings bank.
Mkc ttat it oonM ban capalaed In tbe
To toe last
wind that was blewHig Satsrday night
ed that Page fell oa
Mrs. J. M. Loagnecker. of Drlt?
to eppport of the theory of foal plar hto own knife.
Ohio, who hs* been vUlUng her i
Is the (act that threaU had bees made
: agaMat tha game warden's department
Mr*. T. E. SbesGen and -dtiighter. P. M. and C 8. Longae^er, returned
this momint.
' ang that Salmoaaost had eonflansud a Miss Margaret Sheehan, wta have
Hr. and Mrs. J. W. Doyle wmI to
aumhor M aeta on Batarday afteraodB been vtoltto* the He*, yr. Sheehan.
. belorv he retninta to EltoiehaU lor r«.taiaed to Bay City today.
They Maatoo this BKuaiag.
; hU iwaipnnlnas of the nlghL
have taM to toe city the last three
Prank SaUto Ml tlito momlag for
•'Bitebody «E} get ddae ap U (hey
the Upper PentosaU on bustoSM.






The Grand Traretve AsaoriaUoa M
Graduate Nurses was wgmnUed Ssdurday night, .the nurses Bieetlng to
the office of t>r. U B. Chase. Toe of­
ficers are as follows:
President—Miss Bdllh Prlmean.
Brereury-Miss Ads L Waters.
Tbe members of toe association:
Hiss Bdito Primeau. Miss Ada L.
Water*. Miss Jennie M. Wolfe,. Mtos
Ethel Miller. Mtod Minnie E. Jenkins.
The aasoctotton takes to all the
graduated auraes of toe city. Those
wta were present at toe meeting
were Miss Primeau. Mlsa Water*.
Jeunie M. WoUc. MUi Ethel Miller. 1^ Jennie
E Jenkins, and Mlu
Shields. Mtos Bstella Holcomb to ont
of toe dty on duty, and will Join aa
soon a* she returns home.
After tbe buaineas of ttae meeting
Was disposed of. Dr. Chase escorted
toe norses<to the Red' Cross drug
store where he treeled U|cm to refreshmeata.








Jta* a Large Number ef

Ml«s EdltA Primeau is the I
and Mlm Ads Wpters the



I ef the Manehu Dynasty
SaUDllshsd With Ne OppoeiUen
■Methif FOIIewM Sen
Vavy Quickly.
Pekia. Nov. 16.—Ttae Hsi An. the
dowager empress
China, the anlocratlc bead of toe goTerumeat. which
t-be directed without sueceesful inter­
ference since 1361. and without pro­
tect since 1681, died at 2 o'clock yeaterday aflernoon.
Tbs annoancement of the dfwager empress' death was official Ad
follosed closely upon the announco:
nieni that Kiiang-Nsu. toe emperor,
died Saturday at S ^lock In the after­
noon. but It is bellevta tha4 tbe death
of both toe empsror ^d tho dowager
empn«s occurred
before (hat set down In the official
Boy Frinoe Smper»r.
Aa edict tsaned at 8 o'clock yester
day i>laeed upon the torone Prince
Pu-Yl. toe S-year-old son of Prince
Chun, (be regent of the empire, in accordanco sriih a promlee given by toe
dowager empress sova after tbe Biarrlage of Prince 8bum In IPOS.
edict Issued Friday made Pp-Tl heir

The foreign irgsUons wore noUlled
hr tha torefgii
l>osra of the death of toe emperor and
the succession . of Prlnco Pu-Vi.
Troops hat e been In readiness for sevHod Father Net Seen Near. Resylta oul dsys to quell any disorders tost
might arise oa the death of ' KuangWould Hava Seen Seriowa-Bey
Hsu. and to* poaMblUty of uprisings
Knocked Down But SuHerta
was mad* gremtey b«eauKe of the [act
that toe death of the dowkger empre>«
R-cause there Wus ito com on an WBK knowa to ta ektae at hand.
oar which he bad just husked aud
given to a bull in the cair.e yard ol
Beeebn-ood dairy farm. Per-y Kan
kom. toe fC-yesr old son o: Mr. and
Mrs. B. L. Ranfom. was set on by toe Young Foople War* United In Mar­
riage Saturday on North Manlbull and had hto father not been near
tou by the fttv. Mr. Allingtor.
hand, toe lad might have been fa­

LouU Valeatioe Bratil* died at
S;30 Sanday algfat after a three w*eki'
of typboM fever, per
BHting in. death uking place at his
home, ion taai Proat aireel.
«u 2» years old Ad leare* a widow
Ad three children. Ruby aged 8. Har­
old aged 6. Ad Leon FYemoat, 3 year*
old. He also leavei bis parents. Mr.
and Mrs. tMvld Ueattle. o( Netaask*.
and three half brothers aad two half
autera. Winfield
Walker. Oattoa
Walker Ad Harrison Walker, all of
White Cloud. Leilas Walker. e( aipa^
Rapids. Ad Bertha Walker, of In­
diaa. *
Mr. Ueattle had been em|doyed by
the CltUeaa T.
tbe last eight year*, and then are
few families in the city who have not
ooBw ia contact with him la a boatnest way. and .hU frlendi ace many.
Much sympathy la felt for the b^
reared widow.
Mr. BcUie was a member of K. O.
T. H. Teat No. 871, Ad leaves a lamrAce of 81.600.
Funeral scrvlcee (or Loiia BaaUl*
win be held W<
2 o clock at toe residence. 1011 Bast
Front street' The Maocabeee will at­
tend in a body, and the pall be«rers
will be selected from aawng the employra of tbe Cfila^* Telepboae <

Known New That

Pekin. Kov. 14.—The palace offlrlsls today eonfinacd the report that
tbe dowager emprevs to seriously Ut.
It is positively known that toe em­
peror to dead.


George Q. Thlrlby. son of Mr. and
Mrs. Benjamin 'litlrlhy. of this city,
and Miss Neale White, daughter ©f
Mr. and Mrs. James White of North
Mullon tolano, were united in msh.
rtagv Saturday moralng at 8 o'clock;
at toe home of me bride, the Rev. A.
A Alllngton of toe Oak Park Oongro
gatlonsl church olflclBilng. Mr jtllingion being an end friend of toe
bride being unatieoded. ImmedUtely
very simple affair, omy toe Immediate
relatives of toe bridal couple being
Tbe ring service was used, the
bride being unattended, mmedlalely
after toe ceremony a deddlng breakserved. after*wblcb toe brid­
al party t4Mk the mall boat to Leland. At LeJsud they were met by
Ole Larson with bit
driven to the city, srnvtng at 4 o'clock
Mr. and Mrs Thlrtby went at once to
their home od .Nlnto sireeC where
they have' begun housekeeping. Both
young people are weii known In the
city, and have many friends who
tend to toe^ their best wishes.


rural coaditiOH la the aUtoa aeath «f
WaAlagiM aad eatt of the MIwImMpi rirer.
Tomorrow alMR th* ooaailtw* wOl
lAve WaAlagtoa for the natowaat.
tbclr Itinerary Incladlng nop* la T*aneasee. TesA. AriAU aad CaHtornl*.
Both toe Borthera Ad *Mto*ra'atotaa
of toe Rocky MAntaln group wUl b*
vtollod. Returning eMtword. tha "ap
liners- wUl hold bearing* to nearly all
■ he Mates of the oAtral west The
win return tor a taal boarIng In this dlyt^ I
with tha detoflataa to tbe ISth hhSAl
meattag of th* Am
of Famers' iMtltnta Workan. SmM
Of toe leading agrlcniuirai aatharltiaa
of toe eoAiry are In nUaaSaaee at

a Ad they «1U prataMr

and Bapwliitoat StatfonawOrMtat to­
morrow. Ad to* ’upUft'- actontoalcG
win toA confer vlto to* meatoan of
that body.

Wm Only ur—rt OM and NtaMtla
CompIlAtad With Other OlasA
Wm Qlvan as ths Cause
Of His Death.

toe death thU morning of tho emperor
of China. No details were gtvan.
The emperor was tat 88. Dwlag the
eaftre period o(>Ib rttlga hia mothar,
toe dowAer 4apreaa, Tn Hal was
rlrtaally ruler.
Tbe emperor suffered from anhrttia
eomplloatod with other allmAtA


Oh* Laadthfl from Smith
NerthFort. to KefWa R«
All Cwaptotod.
James KvGL of Northport waa to
the city today m bwilniii, aad stat­
ed that work OB toa new road taaSlag
from Smith svam, Northport. to
KAI'a resort baa 1
far u Fernbrook. HaglBBtag at
r‘i itb avenue the rood eroaaas the
Arviisl A Powers' estate, to* Mary
.1 ttolfe eetate. property owned by
Kahl Bros, to* sMato of Seddto P.
WrigbL knosra ai POnbrook. which
la M t*T
fv as
ai toa
road hA b*A (
pleud.I. ft will
wU be a grMt cobw
lenee to all those owning pvpparty
aloni! the bay *hora. aad wOl also ta
APrectaied by thooe wta sttoad the
indlA camp BMoUng at Shahokoh*xblk CTonndt. as it will lead dlraeOy
to tbe grounds frtmt the vlUag*.

Had Net 8«on Well All :




heoce the move.

rcK'a project for the
the termers and the t
coAtry life wUl rec*lv* a tmp*ta*
from tb* meeUsg her* today end to­
morrow of (he member* of to* *'apllfr oomAtte*. The ‘wpUftar**' have

valubto potaiton.
being held at tbe NaUoaal boM aad

Joseph E. McKvoy died at 8:30
o'clorii Moodsy
bU son. James K. McEvoy. 410 Wewt
ftrrt-t. after a several
uiunitak' Ulnrtfi, dropsy'aad
betos the tauee. He was 71
>eais old ar.d l .-ivra. beelder the son.
a daughter. Mr”. (le:,rge Jnea, of
Frta D. Curtis and Family Will Make Grid. Mr. ycEvoy etime to tbla city
Their Home—Many Frieruls Sorry
two years ago, tbo::ly c.ftcr the death
uf bla wife, and has made ibM city bis
to S«* Thtm Leave.
home >. nee that time, hla former taate
Mrs Pred D. CunM and children being at Flint Mr. McEvoy passed
will leave fvr^rand Rapids In toe away while kneeling tn prayer.
morning, where they vrili make tbetr
future home, Mr. Conls having precceded them. The faniliy hds a large
number of frieuds who are sorry to
see them leave.
Mr, Curtis, now occupies s very re­
sponsible position with tbe Provldeoee-Wlssbtncton tasorance Co., and
has the whole aiate of Utcblgan aa bis
Two HuMM Hav* Leet TMr Uvea
temtory. making
Already and S*aa*n to Only
him to have a more central location,

H. H. JtansoB of Btngbmm township Qraod RapMa Young Lady Was Well
Knoww in this City.
wiu eeli-bto Urm tmplemenu and
stock Nov.'Mto and BMve to pklahoMr. Ad Mr*. William Hnedel of the
ma. probably settUag near Tulsa. He
to not decided whether he wOl sell
hto (ana or rent 1L Mr. and Mrs. ' Snake of Grand Rapids. MUs Sunke
Jnhaaoa and family are well and ta- was veil knowa In Traveraa City hervoraUy known and their departnre lag Bpeat tar racaUoa hen with her
for new fields will be regretted by a couaia aad her maay trtaada win ta
wide etrrie of friends.
'muA stacked to taar of her death.

Will LMve
Night F*r the i
With AmsrisA AaaedatiA
of iMlitiita worican.

Tbdsy to* MBUBlua* to'' i^lug



tally injured. .
Perry and a younger brother,
CGarles, west out among toe cattle
auDday afternoon to teed them.
he boys scattered com malks ahouL
toe catUe fathering together Perry
picked up ao ear of co^ and began
husk M. when the animal came up
him. Tite lad gave the animal toe
ear. but there was no tom o* It.
which made toe bull angryand be
rushed at the boy, rolling him over.
Dropping down upon his knees toe
animal attempted to gore him. hot
fortimately Mr. Ransom, who was
above in toe bam where be had been
toiowlng toe stalks down, grabbed a
and burled K at toe bull.
striking him on toe back. Tlie aotmal
loco turned sway, giving Percy a
chance to gH to hto feet Hto broth­
er Cberiea. who bad In the meantime
secured a heavy board, chased toe bull
away. .
Perry was badly shaken up and was
quite III for a time, but Is belter today.
A pb)Klcian was called who found no
serious Injuries.


Saulte SU Marie. Mich., Nor. IS.—
Silas Hare, of KAtneky. was Aot
through toe am at Rudyard by a hAb
ter who took him tor a deer.'
Two perMU hare been klTtod In
tola way In the last few day*.
Mia. HciA AbboU wMt to Big Bap
Ida today m a abort trip.
Mrs. C 8. NetooB. of Nortopon. was
ta toe dty today m ber way U> Bnffalo where she wAt to atumd the
Inneral of ber oncte. A. B. Delaar.

Killed Fleeing Suek After He Had
Been Wounded by Om of Hia

MAtotlque. Mkh., Nov. 2L—Al­
though shot throng the aeto by one
of hto faunUag dot
Wood dlAt propose to permit to*
deer hto two pal* mu**d to g«t away.
Keeoverlng from toe shock of th*
shot Ad plcktag op hto taa. ha
brought to earth the
Wood WU toes earned to hto koma la
ihli city, where hto wound -waa driM
ed Ad be probably will laeorar.
John Hackrarack and H. J. N*rlDa
were the other two asembert of th*
bunting party. They took a stead m
one side of the marsh while Wood
w«nt to tbe other aid*. As toe dear
ran toward Hsekatraek and NevUla
they both fired at ft. One beltot attack
^ood tn tbe neck, coming oat Bhd«r
toe aboulder bUd. Wood tell, tat
jampink to hla feet daapiU bto wound
h« brought down tb* I
r. D. Fuller, who baa been traveUhg
threagh the aorthweat for th* Halm
Brick Machine oompAy. to vtoUteg
bU uncle. E. S. Wllilaina.
Mr*. 8. M. saver went to Maatea
today to spend ThaakagMag with kar



ttM imA mu

tM at imtrtetm t^Ht. Sattr tm
■Bi«»t Mi Orwt Brttaia «a tollnr
Mti. BiytriiHy tm tkt latUr e
Bartr CM»t7 im *MBt UtAiMI
tor CMd roMi tn Um> toat r«v.
BUT7 emtr to tow« to ttat McttoB
Of tht

to Mt « mwiTT M n to htn b*>
It to oUto «a« bM bMt« mii
totboMctostof. Bttteaurr«M»:
tovMUp Most iSAlUt
tbt otbtfi etmt tloBc with txptatf*
*•0 OTtr ttoW Mi tht n»d.
WM holll hcooriUic to

pear kata baaa ptoiaetoi’
yean js Mialtoai along mi
Chat ao«a to kero araldpllad rary
ntlitr to that Uma. A antoor of
dear hare been aaae near TMtopaeabnt at they art atOl protaetad to Seelocal adaroda man aato;


am nnaa. wn anrt. Sera Delyaa.
___ _
ad ttoaa only
Bake BmHk. IN^Utom Bart aad Baba throa were atored. which to takaa at
Lora are aoe’to to# -aa todtoatloa that tha tornon era
■aaraa. Dliea aad
*-------- ep a mito. .


elnce tha enow.

Datoa* tka ttrmera

’ . Si kto »e^ mto« of butaaa
tdunkrm, Bmit c^, ttt n««,


bMktr, M7«:
• flKE WARfttNB.

-OMoftht Bxjti rxUfrin* toti
«lit il7 to tte nototakBbw IW
t^mimrn to MBW qwrteri thu;
■Ihtra. tort th« »M0T«7 to moat w
MMp jaaiilti aai aoi-«r tht Inftoaif Mrt Mlktd abeai hr toto tonMrt
hooiMn. Itotrt to
Id; tor tht
•onttr kto Itoi —Mh of NOh tai
^toriltotttoM MMitoM. xai.ttoipto
DHtotot • rkfttoi ^ autir toMBp'
ftoh'tf Mnaal actMltox tacfa at u to
■atr tiytrtoBrtM- All <kat the «oaaU7 Bttit for tht pretest to to bt M
AtoM tor a ported to order to roooi
A kotot Mi tatti dctmtiat.
m «t te«k tor fkt qaattm
tikteh neeTorr to tooat ^oaMtoMd
«bA It ip- tht kalldtos aad eaftot
tndoa. Thto VH to bt axptotod.
A BTMt naap Importaai aatorp ‘
part to dowat U waatracUoa or
IM to bt taHtottd wben tht pule

______________________ theod___ of VMdoo towaahlp hare m
frar for the rraeU af the latpaetlM
to whlto their work moat be anbjeeted botora ayardtog et the boaaa bem
the ataaa highway fond. Thto Met
mile of road to. It to aald, only the
beginning of a no<to .aeadad


ONlf le H IK SH1E





epovo IN nfim.

THKY dodge A H. Brant of Maatotaa h

Wiwato aad Warhad Ni#d
to eaear Than. Pa|
O. A. MnHh WaaeMag


. Oktoagn. No*, id.—Modarate 'ar-.^
rlvato are reported- Oa the ragator:f
market rary
few *heaaa _M
era etared‘
yet fair praaeot arrtvala appear
-------------Thera waa acMtog amr.
' ckdtoe.HJS:

have pitted Umlr potatoea deep aongb
__________ .-i. A' aae atratch
oet ot
of danger U to likely
Uhely that
Br ilto WV. iSIM K to *a» or gra?d read a aiOa toat aad eaaed- lo be oat
tht htoMBt QrtBi Travtrto tog MTth traa tka ^ aleag the na atom wUI todooa aoo» of tbam
11 now
eow while ibe prtoe to
U araoad «•
Motr pan M'« atott tax.

tbt Aai

InTosc dti Stoe Bak


SbMlad eora ha* dre^pad ollghUy
at tha grin mlOa aad to bow briagtog
70 cento ioataad of 75.
_ ..
r. the price of c<
ee tha cob aeema to be oa tbe .
raene. The Traroraa CUy MUIlag
a. to aow^pnylag U eeata per bnahel,
■whtoh to ahoat the prtee paid br
llrery haraa.
Thrat toad* ot enra. one toad of
canett, U load* of polatoe*. two
- - ot eoraatalk*. dee toad* of hay.:
loada «d oake. coe toad of coal
___.wo toad* of onto were
at tbe elty market tatarday.





Sjysi-;--;.";;;;.... .



or HAMS.






Con—Recalpu. 6.460 bushel*. Spot
Ann; No. 2 new, 7114c elevator and
7214c fob afloat to arrive. Option
nMTkat wa* wlthcot. sranaaotlosw
dosing partly 14e lower. December
cloaed 72c; May cloaed 71c.
16,600 bniheto; M
pc^ 11.627 bnsbel*.
bn*bel*. Spot
I. 26 to 22 pound*. 62H©S*c; Better! dS^^r *ttT
*1 white, 28 to 22 ponnd*. 63140
64c; clipped white, 24
^ . aUppIng.
chipping, eooesc; goad
to dmlce. Tier*
W«rt^ra:“‘^dome.ilc fleece, 20

No. 1

tox H htoh u '

Nr®l"R;d' te as' 'hl^' 'to V.'.V^.SSo

sia.“-'“-... “


Owe.i W. OBtsts,

ima togather. tiUu haraeeem; two pair
lamber fracks. 6 damp mito. 7

Old ratebooto^ aknaa. par

Wild Oinieng, par 1
WANTEO^To trtde a well 1
boose and desirable lot at AM 8
Front street lor farm of 40 acres.
Address Ckaa. Nonstram.

M *alriS^*^**5n!toV TmSSt
hand toota, aawa. lavtaf and eaiM’
tog ooiflt* for sale cheap. If poa
want to boy none <keap •________
1 brick
- ' lomber.
to godd eakdltloa. yon win have to harry, a* 8'
will soon be all gona. J. F. OU Lam>
Ciu. phone 2H.
oeL IflkL

, ___ iLS

ratlara Backache. KMnay TraaMa
#aah Bladder, and nil forma of Crinary {..tflealtiaa. Thto miztnra
tt........ 212*00

SoHM paraou who enter with tha
tSMtana may not teal todtoad to
UOHTCO WITH place mock coafideiMa m thto atanpla No. 12.24.06;
No. 14, 25.
mtotara. pat thoaa who hare triad tt
26.15; cat loaf, 25.60; crushed. 26.60; Bran jer i
ittoJaiytothaBtoBach or oM- powdered. 2420; grannlated, 24.20;
oabes. 26.06.
Coflee Spot, steady; No. 7 Rio.
* aa^8l*a ttatotol
6Hc; No. 4 Saalo*. 2e: mUd. dull;
It to the prmert^M'ef^Srmtta Cordova. 2148214cMtotx. Wkgto have aet beta t»
aMhorlty. whoae aatlra ragatatlaa. tt
- -id. wa* datahUokad by lb
Baadt. bat tobv to to a macB more'
Phlladel^ta. Nor. 14—BaUerdrasM here at home, when
1 Ito
d. atotodtkhtke «aau atthar ov Plrm; extra western erenisery. 21c;
ittor. MHBb' CiglM
Cigirt Vaara Age
the Mrat Dam Wai plyMatoMBdItti
armtotknpre- do nearby prinU. 22c. ^gt—Fair de­
ad. le higher: Pem-ylvanto and
mttr«m-taaian.atoor-----■ C Morg
tar nearby flrsts. free easea. 24c
tt aa hgrmtasa.
the regatar trail
Mg to#
maik; do c«Test receipt* tn r«aathaEMtoa. which abow that baUdtoc
toraable case*, 28c at mark; weitera
toBUtHaiii to tt toadtog elttot do^
Arsu. free oaaea. 24c at mark; do cur­
IS.At toAkto aera ataAr <4 par oeat
rent recelpu. free caaes, 32c at mart.
tmftor Ihtk to OeMto. IPOT; vktlh
Aftar a week of MBd-darkneet
of Wmtora kMcMgan Cheese—«1m: New York full cream*,
choice. I3%8l4c; do fair to good. 13
the toenaN la Onator New York to
at n wRk etoetrle Ugkta. the earreM be* ,
to Weaaaaa 0
CUeago, Not. 14.—Cheese—Steady;
tag been tnned on Tinrcday night
daisies. 1314813140; twtas 12%8lh
aWywith a ttow whoa Bepreetloa in»b^ fteoi the jwety eompleted
young America*. 121481S14C. Bull.
OB tka Bataey ri*er.
Steady; creameries. 22822c; dalrle..
•taatog to the MOMttg tradaa bet koB
and dtoeeoBa «ha
1214826c. Bgg*—Steady; flrsta. 27c.
«to roaohai ita tolMt hr av to<
of w>
New Tort, No*. 14.-Bntter—
gu wffi ha htod to St J
Mrah cknrck
hare Nor. 17 and U. Tha toDowlng Steady, nnebanged; receipt*. 4.020.
il to M tomortant Ito
Cheese—Finn, nnehanged: receipts.
2J41; weekly exports. 1.388 boxes.
I a growing de^
unehtnged; raeelpi*.
Bar. Charlaa Snaaha
«aat.tor atoal
the “
- O. Atwdl of Siirg. '
1 raverM Mty. tha Bar. W. Oalpto. tba
Hate of boetoaat. U root Acad, and will generate mneh Be*,
w. w. Tayler of thto dty. tha
ttwer than the. old ooa. Tto fia*. Dr. J. N. wnhtoaaa. Me Be*.
wn* toned OB for the flftt J. W. BadtordAoaoa. the Be*, r. B.
aauil thaa ad My tlna toare tka
fednraday and after a teet
OodHphtoe. the Bar. 8 T, Patera, and
24 boerr the dyeanea toned np I
was fairly active. Bale* wei
the Be*. Albert U Mnrray. BIM
theto work.
er prices, with the exeepUon of stock
MeCwmlek will deUrer as addraoa.
tower Mto eoitaa and wootoa mills
in box car*, which was at 284c dtoEach year has been better
ccuni. Receipts ara fair, not
MUrtor dto ^ ^ whirt latoed 17.000 worth
than the last bat thto year to
mascle* Sale* reported at 66870c.
ahead of them all.
***''*^ ' “•
of bond* for that porpoet laat tprtng
or whaa
•kal»to orlth largv eeppUra of dry
yoan ago the drat Am wet
Mho having built and the tact that the last
Chicago. Nov. 14-—Ttoled steady a:
Bane'* Pato«lUlnc OH takra the
Our experience to that most
klpks cat of BOre or cramped doaclea former price*. Trade wa* tolr, people want to trade 'where
and reliaraa aQ aekaa and pain. Boy really active. I^m1 Michigan the ra­
ttoa to porahtoiM. The wwt
they are sure of geOtog all
a kottla today and leant what u to te aad tram othnr
HittmtoUt and
e fTM trato bodOy aT
•eeUoaa the arrivals ware U^t. Large
Maaki to a proMahta
L 8 Watt A Soaa aa
flat boxes. 6 to 8 coxen bonebea.
a number of dUten* ha'
Tam. dortor HO*.
Mata to erary proagaet et a good tan
Golden Heart.
TSdRfLgSi; -ttM"
in faror of oelHng pow
power to Copf
bdxea. MIehlgan. OoM« Heart, brdlnaad wlatar toada in aU pafta of tha mtoh"^ thuraajto
_ m be dona
diV . . .
M good. 6a8T5«: Mney- *<>8200;
intmtoy from Mateo to‘Caltfe*mto aito ta M deetrte H^to Moagh a no»per boBch. koaaa grawa--whUe. U14c;
froB Sakou to Ttotlda. Onr laplB
GoMen Heart, as to else and quality.
D to ramartoi
r toMaUtog a power
One tov
Mannfaetarers don't like It
ahto;I»-«ra mora» datoly
oew than
wa^„riu mAtit to to m feed wlraa »
because we take their shoe*
WBt. Waa Paipiadiat Orw
aay cthar eoatiy toto the akmM
tha eeoty Una and thaa tonna tka
mport to see what they are
Hia iltogaa.
.rtraBa todh
amde oC bet It's tbe only way
M: aad aa aaaal wa era toadwe
can be sure whai ov csstor to baOd Unet aarii
Ich, Nor. 4ft^-Oa«M HoSmers are getting. Onr rale to
war to Copemtoh.
man. a tormar living near DaWttt,
that every shoe oe onr ahetres
by aar great aattoaat ranaaraan. by
mast be all leather. Na papw
Word eama Thandar tram dtp bong himalaf to Ha ham thla aoraManhalt Bert Wboda, who with tt tag with a hatter, yeknam a
oar mat wealth aad by c
• hr Mato toother Wama to haattog near Haw- thaattdda. fiaSnaa wa* CO yoara
dU aad toavaa A SHOW aal dtte aaa.
Fkr sale Hr Mamma Orai Om






Six Years

■PMC gHttny


Dr. P. J. WAcfliTV

lit i;
aprlng Mlckea*. Ue:
. .... urkc)
Hey*. 12c; dreaacd.
ateady; western
era spring chicken*,
DlOc; fowla. 12H014C;
key*. ItDlPe-


BMi B Df 09


iwr GMinmt a lutSafniii



WMU, t» UnniUl.
.«Mi d O. W. teoa. M |*n I
■Mrttoii htoiraMt to ituwaqrl- Ba«
MMtototo, keotwi, aadtrwtad a
toldnhto Betotot after thd pwie, aa«^
MtoMto togatkir with the HgM «eo»
toataa reotaUr antorcM ntoartailK,
MrBItotai a toiM wtait. It to aatfc
toMai.thto oMee bMUtoM. apar«'
tototoMd other Mgtoetrtog atia^*
B tom a»w be
. ^
“ • ‘ • r mad totokb



New York. Nov'TTt.—OoCteo tataraa
cloaed ateady. Cloatog bide: Movem
ber. PASS: December, Jaanary
PP.M: Pebraary. PU7: March. |Af7
Thr hlghMt prtaa paid at tba mar­ May. IPAC; June. PP.7S; Jtrty. PA77:
ket Batorday waa H eaats, thaagh Angnu. PASS. Spot cldbcd «ulH, 10
‘ wklek went to the
Northara S^...................
for to eaau.

Chicago. No^*^A-^-aoaeSoaday School a**odaUao the followtldPK: com. C2%c: onto. tS^fcc.
^ ......-iioii*
tog oftcer* were elected: •.
PraeMeni, Jadge J. |1. Oraat.'^ HanDetroit No*. i6.-Cloae-Wbeat
llJtS: cora. «B14c: oata. 6214c.
Bast riuEalo. K. T.. Ho*. 16.—Cat­ FlcHda ungerlnee .............................26e
tle. PAOO; opened actlra at *teady
Saolt Ste. Marla.
price* eloatag weak. Vral*. 800; acD. L. CoBvto wa* appototed to the
lecnUrO committee to flU the *a- tire. 60 cant* hi^r; cnB to Moice
'ran9 canoed by the aiaettoa ot lodge U.76D6.76. Sheep and tombt. lAOOO:
arant to the prealdeney. Aa other actlva Urnba. S6c hl|^; sheep, arm.
inembera ot the raneeUr* «eaneU an: BogA tS.<oe: lo« at ateady prieee.
J. K Montgomaf». of Datratt. 8. L.
(dc of Catralt. ATbart ttoRnto of ZaeNSW VORK PRODUCE.
' ' the Be*. «. T. Monto of Grand
New Torit No*. I4-—Wheal—Bepar 1
John MdJmmnd of
«apMA tha Bar. Jn________
elpta, 222,400 bwheU; export*. 141.JoaoenUa. tha Be*. Howard ____,___
- boahaU.
Spot enay; No. 2 red.
_______ -.
of Sagtoaw and Hon. J. M. Darla of »40
2 red. Pl.l!
$1.1514 olavstor; No.
Bagtoaw axtendad an toTltattoo
>a aaaeetotloB to held iu aaxt coo- 11.1614 f o b afleat; No. 2 hard winter
ranttoa to that city. It wa* aoeapted. DnlnM. I1.121& f o -b afloat Not only---------“........
wa* vriieat Ioh active today, bet the Blrioln.
maiket sagged whenarer boll anppert
was lacking because of easy cable*,
reported rains Is the Argentine, and
Her export trade In the north.
VOKc n
y, I1.14HDU

O. A. Mth. itpatp game aad Bah
wudaa. lauaaad tram Battle Creek
last gIMtobtPt bt atteaded tbt too
toalOB BMttog which waa
two dm. Mr. amui tald
that the tre wxrdent. of whom there
tk to the aiato, weia aemd bf
iwmtotliai tor tht anaatr la
whlcto ther had worked to the Irt
bat wb atautn were
_ )itaraed that tht
iStoM K waa
aader greet mt
Stalttoa. aad aader tbt etocaantaaea*
Ktaa ^ argaat to their eharaettr had doot aU that they coold poaalbly
Mtoc tttht rapid growth of oar great
re are totf to ol
Aim. OMgHttoa or oalle aad tbt
i0m IMM tor atw kooiM aad ot«■ Wtttoti IM«a auM *>t thtat
'dHtolMM fpitottaa.
Tbt giaat
|i«M«a apta Me aaPieadt tor bettop l—iito toemtoe aad gtaaur _______ .___Mto ladled by dtlnc
dlwrtot aapMitp to'atiaaip u oM atTiral conriedoaa whidi ha had ae
HMTi iai tkelr Mtaalra^ Bmnn enrod In euch etoaa. Altogether thr
Aat Ckt amap aaHtot to IMT «M oeateaUea aloaad with a batter nn
t> tatoaataftktatotoaati «MM daman diu all arosnd. DDring the
ragtag bf the toraat firet, tba 10 llr«
Ikaatort « tkt taaaetol tototo tMC warden* bad tournetion* to drop all ■nigglata Hare In Tewn Say They Can
Mr MaNp a raar paiMraii aS to- other boalnera and do nothing bat
toppiy the ingradtoam. ar Make
«ght drat, whlto they did. Mr. Jmth
toHtttol faraalto. Wllk
hnt ntoe coaUlea to looh attar,
lint to tbt Mtr aufkat m$ «tth toha
worked oootinnally, aonta timet irir
Oat from aay pnaAptkm pharma1 rafival ot
tog day and night, ranting oat the an
IfUtoi arc being gra
rtoon and aeenrtng toelr coopora
Smm^toadallan. onnhalt
da Ito the
agataat tka Baaaa ranca; OompeandJMagaa. eae onncai
•i: dBlfcne that tbt toot tltment
Mr. Sartth-toaat tat Into the fOrcau
rap ttanapadHto. three
MMtolUp, the proaWtBUto tleeUoa. thto
montog. hto Ume to keep an ey«
iMiMMpMitdthtohlarghaeklet ap- OB dear tomtara. inking with him a
Shake wall to a bottle and taka
m todvtrr hart bm loeteoed. A» Seaaaa to eaaa ha geu a good abot
taaapaaalkl doaa attar wA bmoI and
it bad ttona.
4«v vwy ItopDftoM tod to i«aaa»
Tbe ahore to conaMarad aa tht awet
ttaBkaakoM Bto ditotot to lew


8 ftayd Cttack. 2
Bamnal Oartaad. Oaate.
8 J. Hayaard. AgM Omkh
A. i. HavUBBd. AmL CkMl


the next ttne loa cone to Traverae OU7 bo«
ma-<T|>«rle areboyiug ibdir footwaaralA. V,
FRIEDRICH'S, tbeieaiHBK aboegtere bf NnrtE.
em UwhigaB. Tbate U a
naaoo toa Largrat aaaertarettt to select from and only first qndlity
good* bfinge tbe trade.


We ‘ bare neeived another
ehipment of leteet etylea in
winter footwear.
TANS ia bee or button,
high or mediaa heat. |4aiD
or t>i{toae.

We have built npaa anorOB our men'a ehoee eiOar far

The WalkOver Shoe to

Ox-Bloode. Idoe,
modicm beel. lUt
briM ^eUto, *e<7

DotedtbevorldoTer aa tile hdct aboe
for men. Let tbe
’ next pair be

ys.**. $*M





With Iratber or
Mtaalaa for man,
WDinen eod cbfldran.


eold here. We
carry all eixM and width*,
and yoa know a good fit
maaae BMC* wear.

either eU felt or lediber Iwand lined with aatanl

Onr Bn^ Artiee give
yea tbe vafBMet kind of a

In all color* and «tyIM.


this store irtcBrea eemc
to mto ear to trade.

A. V. Friedrich



Kiliil Jon Hava wni SHOW raums

Pr»|Kt M*w » T» CwwtnMt a
ChaoMl From Lak« Mkhigan ts
«a^r»a«>-AfKkM Map
In Evidtnea.

Satfnaw,' Mlciur »»»■ H.^-Btaw

For Over
Thirty Years


0«ok«i*t L«M pare aa aMed tmpetn
to tbe profMMd canal bdvMO ttila
cttr and Orand Raplda at a larpelr at*
traded meMlBf bore vben the GrandSactnav VaDer Deep Waterwar aaaoelation vao pennanestly organised hr
telUnc of praral (Old alone the roou
Of the canal, vhtdh be bellered
dredgtnc ml^t AerMc«> In lane and
Be alao deMared that Mleblsan'a
coal mlnln( was atUl In lu inrancr
and that Indlentlona were farot
to lan» «al arena corertn* *0 connUec in eentnJ WebMan. thronsb sev­
eral of vbteb the canal woold pan.
Peat, be aaid. vronld also becopie a
(Teat commercial prodoet br ^nlldin(
A lane namber tH delnatea from
Grand Rapids and tstenaediate m
tbrontb erhhdt the canal will pass
Tcre preaenC B. O. CoryeU, of Cbe»


PooUlvdy file Best Rug Values Ever Offered. A
CtiMial Clean-Up in lUs Department
THIS lot coortiu of 50 large Room Site Rugs, all of which will be sold at a big
reductioo ip price. Some of these were among the late purchases, bought at a liber­
al discount. C^l and look them over. The prices will interest you. All new color
eomlMnarions and artistic designs suitable for any room, many of them in eztih
rises, MM given below.
ON» BUG S ft * In. a 10 ft « la- ^
Tapeatrr BraMMs, aoral. nsnlar • O AA
price IISJO, oo«......... ......................... # »oW
TWO RDG6 txU. TapeMiy »«tseta.
both aoraJ dealsna. worth »M0. hr
ONE ECO txlt.jmaaeai TmwM«7

d a AA

ONB KDG S ft I in. X U ft. nadn op


TWO ROOB Sxlt. braep etfrat. made
■P. aoral^ ortantal. SS0.00. tor..

M |» C«||

TWO BUGS 8ft81n.xl0ft« In..




'TWO EOQ6 tea, Tapeatrr. both Swnl. eoM tnrrmhtn at fU.OO, at ..


ONB BUG SxU. Seamleas VelreW
boav flrteaui daalsa. 816.00. tor ..


(MS BUG OxU. bast Wool Sortna.
voiT brarr. wottb $8&00. for...........


THBn BDOB Sail, beat Bodr Bnm-_______


TWO BD06 All. Bojal WDUm. (ood
oriratal pMterna, IMA. now........


OKB BOG 8x11. bean velrat. (Ood
oriental pnttmn. 886-00, for..............

A4 M


ONE BOO laxlM. beat Body Bntseels. mnaU tan nU over pattern, 888.


(MS BUG l,0«xlI4. extra banvr Ax- AAB AA
Bittster, tat.................. - #A9eVU
TWO RD06 tl-S-xlt, best Tapeotrr.
nice pattern, (ood wearen................

Aff AA

ONB RUG 84x104. brat Bomi Wll^ preltr tan amall pattern. 888.00.

rapa aa

FOVB BDOB OxU. very beevy Axminjto. (Ood me for bard wear. |».00.

a ra

TWO RDG6 0x18, Axmloptar, both
oriental pauernt, 885.00. for ...........


OIS BOO OxU. Velvet .floral ted
(Toond. 821A0, lor

M A aa

ONB RUO 84x10. made op Axmlnater,
ua floral. 818.69. tar ............................
ONB RUG SxU, Orex Orasa, lor hard

4 m aA
y Qq


any ot^ place In tbe state and promu« td.beoome one of tbe most Im­
portant olUet of tbe wesL"

♦♦'♦■♦‘B-W BB ♦♦ B B ♦ B ♦ 4
Pram Ifondayk Record.
Dr. W. E. Moon has retnrned from
Ann Arbor where be witnessed the
football game. HU son U doing very
wen' and ta pUying center In tbe
freshman team. He., together with
Harry Hinkle, were
into Ike
PU Cbl fraternity Friday nlgbL
Dr. J. B. Vartia, who attended tta
footbell game In Ann Arlmr, returned
home yestaiday.
Dr. J. U. Wilhelm, wbo Is a Pennsy
man. rttnrned from Ann Arbor yester­
day where be wluieesed bU alma
iMter defeat tbe Michigan tram.
W. Ih Caldwell U back from a short
slay In Ana Arbor.
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Nerilnger retnraed yesterday from a abort slay In
Ann Arbor.
Joeepb Crotser retnrned from Ann
Arbor yraurday . Dr. Boylan. formerly of Grawn, waa
in the city today.
from a vUlt In Cadillac with
enu. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Masaoy.
y. A. Murphy went to Lake Cltr this

the Nerves

POUR Ruoe 0x0, an wool AraWan
m aA
Bcoteb nica, 88fl0. tar ......................
' f eUV
FOUR Mice, 74x0, all woo] Arabima
A gA
Scotch ru(8. 87A0. for....................................De9V
ONE RUO OxU, Granite Art Sqaare.

. Have Mm As risBritliy b hsM M rafl.;OMtWigbewMto. KwraArasraei^
to <mts4 bra lidi. nd

ONE BDG 104x104. heavy Velvet
made tip oriental. 8*8J». tor ...........

A f •VV

Thb b tb* eaiy w«y scsral ran cu psoiUy
to hraesht sbrat. sad bsaras Dt. A. W.
Cton-t Ktrra PiUs «n crast birad '

OKB RUO 104x134. heavy Axminster.
oriental, 888.00. tor ............................
ONE BUG 104x18. fiae Axminster.
•elf colored, creen, in.OO. tiw........
(MS BUG 104X18. Velvet amall flr
ore, made np. 887A0. tor...................


TWO RUGS 104x14. Tspeetry Rraasek. sman flettre, tan. for oMy ....

-4A AA

New line <rf Patterns In Kaba Rugs
Hiis b the best medium priced rug on the tnsricet today. Thb mg has a style
of its own. it b made up of worsted and v^etable fibre. Its built for hard wear,
will sweep and dust eatsily. dust does not go through it and it b reventble. ' Suitable
for iiidng rooms, dinbg room or chamber.
6x9.........$7.00 and $7 00
7-6x10-6. .^$7 50 and $10.

anlac. was elaetad prraUrat and
(BtarlM 8. Batbaway, at Grand RapIK aecreta^- and tranaarra.
Te.anrar ammSA-•«
ne ecnatmtlon flaclana It ta bt.
w pnrpM ft the cunnliiUim
mraint dam to consrraa, tba gaternor and legblatare ahowinc
enormoua beneflu that weald ae
to the entire aUte of MIAlAn and to
devekpmnt of the aaOeeni ayatern of deep waterways by constnicttax a &-foot canal acrow the lower
pM^aaala wttb the Grand, Mnp8e.
Alawaaaee and-Saclnav rivera.
PreMdnt CorpMl
atthorlaed to
appoint a le«lslaUve commHtoe to ae
care from the goverament *n appropriitiMi tor englBecrlnc and (col^eal enrveya
the canal and a pak
licity committee. It is flsated U wUl
take several yean of cdaeaUonal
work to get.the prntort ready tor
preMsUtton to the legtslatttre and
congrera tor nctlcn.
rtace sweya wrre ptrae
abowtag the UAaI ekvaUoa.of the
canal to be 78 toet near BSnaister.
Gratiot connty.
Foar lodis ate reqnired. two at tbk
point, one at Mnlr and tte other atGrand RapMs.
Seventy milra of
gronod excavation will have to be
made and 86 milra of river beds
rClty Joined the nssoelatloo
meeting wUI be held at that
• December 8. when 3X dlrecuws
will be elected sad other bastnem
n InteresUag cxbibit shown at the
___ ting wea a enrioos old map of
haglaaw and vfdntty ptoparod In
by K. Carriar. of New York city. The
showed the Saginaw river from
I month to lU formhUon by the
iree tribnurira and regarding oc
tbeae conUUas tbe foUowlng footnote
■which has a bearfng on tbe Mg canal
Kt now being boomed by Oentral
Old Map In Evidenca.
The Sbiawnaaee may easily
doabUera eoon wlU be ocwnected by a
abort canal wttb (hand river, by wbkh
tbe trade of all that omtntry and much
from the.wratera ahore of Lake MkbIgan will crater at Saginaw. It wiU
open a water cMDmtmleatlon from Chi­
cago aikd Mleblgaa (Uty to Loke Brie
MO miles shorter than the dsngt
gallon tbmogb the northern parts
of Lake Hlctaimn and Hereo. Sagl-

88xm..$8.50 and 11.00
9x9....... S8.50 and 10.00
9x12....410.00 and 12.00

10-6x12 ................$15 00
12x12 ................ . 1800
12x16.................... 20«)

ef Be oerra mck m

Mr. M. Utrtk. XT.D. Me. r, (M Gtera.
Mkh„ wfiMt: “Fer twelv* Tsen I iilbni
bra ecBslfb sad esrvrar oebSIty sad
tnrad to airadUkradonan. traai
aMbrerty Itot 1 iraind ran tocxdl bra
toTwa eTDr. A. W. <W« Nrae FOb
IW lira sU Bedseunpatraettor. I wra(
«• ttook yra to dw gitat geod Umw pObdid
PcrtnbradsicrarasfDr. A. W.
M. D.. tto hraat ttncM Book i


Dr. A. W. Chase’s
4derve Pills

Skegemog Point,
Hunters’ Paradise
good dog.
!. two beantttal lakes eor- hotel, where during tbe last______
more than 80d reaortera from Chlengo
^ pictitteoQBC, Umbered and riaewbere spent tbe delightfat
sborra and InbablCid by tbowands of ,rammer days. u are pmrtdbd In aaXlelrai nuaedaek. partridge. nbWt, toxogalTTel iboau
and other verfetlra of game, what heres to acetontoodate the patioas of
the rwpn,
reionjda^ tbe eeaeon and
lore can the heart of a tree sporw- regnlar
alar 'boats
'boata ^ EU BaMds and
as deaire!
There are placea In Mkbigan which diato oflsl^ kioTi pksaaat iranihave been denuded of tbe toreats of portatton. b« before tbe doee ef
thb usBaportattoa is dleyean gone by and «bcK tne ravagra September,
eonttnaed. and tbe only way to roach
amblUoas sponsasra -have
tbe Folat Is by a hmg dreottou drive
tated great territorlec of tbe game
by a lanncb aerora tbe lake, and a
mer drive to adjacent railroad
that ooce abomded In tbe state. Tbls
Is trne to a certain extent of Nortb- points. '
otn Mkhlgan, b«t there are •ecloded
Tbe fact that Aegemog Point 1s ao
In tbe upper porttc® of tbe low- remotely situted from rapu transit,
-Alnsiila which may. eUU be rw has been rrapoulble for tbe greet pre­
garded as the ppradlse of the hooter servation of the game In this section
who seeks tbe extailarating sport of to a greater extent than In other porbrtnglBg down wild fowl on tbe wing liont more conveniently site
or rnbbiu on tbe leap, and places no this Ume of tbe year there
remote, that tbe amlee of eporumen splenous
lilenous abaenoe ef tbe life and acwbo come north every year, have not ilvliy which chare
}'M roamed to any material extent.
months. It Is In
There are still pUeet near the pc»oirby towns Ind frulttfol sport to the
Uted towM where game is MlU plen- toesUtjAatthecoantry Is-not ov<
Ufnl. but adjacent to tbe Urger towns, by huBiera. as Is toe esse to <
a scarcity U tbe rule. However, be­ more thickly populsted pontons m
yond the reach of tbe railroads and tbe region.
the main tbMVWghfarra. there are to
Id UOs eretton. tberetoie, dock*'
calitles which are hard to reach In tbe abound to plenty and nnmerook-Wi
tan after regnlar boat transportation ietles auchas mallard, tral, redhead.
has ceased, where the sportsman may boUertiall and oUier kinds. lempUng
find gennlae sport, and It be U sklUed to the palate and whidi afford exolt
with tbe fowling-plece. may And
tog sport for those Incllaed ihst way.
fnUi/ul fleld for his endeavors.
At the points where Tbfcli river.
Such a place as that relbrred ti


_____ at the narrows
Bk Lake and Round Lake.
Skegemog Point Is located in the
nonheasiernmost corner of Grand
ilties for
Tmvene eouaty, while the urritory
surrounding Bk Lake and Round
hunter after
Lake. Inelndes a portion of Antrim be has placed bis decoys. No more toand Kalkaska conntica. Only a abort vlttog spots can be found than these,
altbontd) there are tbe oanal hard­
ships which attend the anboeas ol
of deer and several I _
every bunUng e::pedttlon. but which
raarad hU path. It was then are over-shadowed and lost stiJit ‘ *
erod a deep regret that bee was completely by tbe excitement of sn
devoid of the neceesary license» and cewful sport..
the rfle wbidi U essentisJ In parrait
When it Is stated by om kuntw.
of UUs eort of big
oaly a abort Ume atoee. that duriag
The num'oer of deer to this loral- one forenom be bagged M docks, the
y, bowever. U limited, bat as tbe poralbDtUea of tbe vletatty of Bkegeperiod during which tbe kllUng of mog Pout for tbU raort can be better
deer to this locality U protected M Imagined than deecrtbed to iboee wbo
led. It U obeerved that tber* are appealed to by this class of reereoended
been a
pereeptlUe toereae* tton.
' yesrs.
While Round Leke. Bk Lake, and
. _
that tbU tact has other points to this, tocal
been overlooked by many, and the Mecca tor duck bunUng «
annv or deer bnnten have overlook­ the sport ts not conftoed i.
ed tne poulbilUlee to this locality, ment. There are an abundance of . .
and have proceeded on nortbward to biu to the thtckeu end undergrowth
the upper peninsula. Tbe bunting of
the shores of tbe lakes.
deer, 'herefore. to tbtsp onion of snd which U much belter sUII. part­
Michigan. U merely an tneident. bnt ridge abound to great number, and
the abundance
ct' wDd
fowl offers
frequently woodcock tall to tbe actor those-Incll)
curate aim of tbe devotee of the shotto that sport, which poasible. Is not gun. U has been the purpose of Mr.
so exclttog. bnt lees dsngersoua Utan King to restrict bU game preeerr
tbe hnnUng of deer.
a certain extent, nlthongh be
Within tbe vidnlty of Bk Uke and never msde a rigid protest against
Roond Lake, aa September cioees, tbe vislis of sportsmen during the open
migration of docks beeomea pro­
nounced. until during tbe latur days
Of November and tbe eariy days or
December, this dclecuble fowl can be|abondai>ee of partridge. During serfound by thousands.
leral yeore past, tox-equlmls gi^uslDuring a visit of the writer to It dlsatveared. but this yesr they
_ Point thU week, he wra d»lighted and no lees amasra to obeerve here, and those who bsve not onjoyed
upon tbe lakes, scores of flocks of tbe sport of bonttog fox«qnlrreU
duckA IrogMnUy flying from one lake scarcely realise tbe opportan
to tbe other and from shore to shore, offered In tbU locality.
seeking food to tbe shallow waters
Besides the sport of bunting dudes
whtcb afforded abundance of eoateo- on tbe lake and along tbe shores,
nnoe tor wild dock. Indeed, at varions there are additional opporumlUw tor
polnu ot eltber Uke, could be ob-‘ securlg thU kind of game evory even­
served flocks of decks, some of them ing at dusk, when tbe ducks fly from
covering halt an acre In extent Tbls one Uke to tbe other, from Bound
Indeed, woold present a tempting sight Lake to Bk Lake and rotun during
to the duck hunter.
tbe early morning hours. If U at
Jkegemog Point U owned by Oeo. these Umes, mc^ng and evening,
E. King, a wealthy reUted attoree]
that good soccraa It to be bad bring­
Chicago, end the management <
ing down tbe game to their flight
resort U to the hands of hU son. from one Uke to the other. What bel­
ter raort. then, as offered to tbU Oeotloo of Northern MIcMgaa can be de­
sired by a live sportsman? and ibU
condition Is not confined to Skegemog
Point and tbe Ukra to thU immodlate
victolty hot U true aUo ‘ of dther
polnu to the Grand Ihaverse regloa.


at an

and still give you
better value for
your money than
those who are al­
ways advertising
“at cost or less.”
Oar ibollo:“No prcmlras. No
special iavers le
vmiMS 10 alL"

This means we sell
you merchandise
strictly upon its

and Suits
$7.50 to $22
Heifvy ^ guaranteed
$1.50 to $3

Best SSc Brace BiRdc

‘•American Music”
Woman’s Club Subject
The subject of American music was published in 16M. telling of tbe horror
taken up at the Woman’s club yeab
of the Puritans at tbe thought of any
■ a very Inti
musical iDhtrumesi used for sacred
music, except tbe vUItoceUo. It wss
was interesiiug to note the develop­
ment ot music. In America as depict­
the roll call was given to be respond­ ed by Mre Tsylor.
ed to by the name of an American
Mrs. Oeo. Coven took as s rabject
gnopoeer and It was found difficult to “Americans as Compocers,”
spoke of tbe old songs with whldi
are tamlUir. saying that iw matter
At the bnstoexs session, the t
where we hear them we feel a symof 4e to
h. gave her re­ paibetie appreeUtton. She tolfl of the
port which showed receipts. 347748. work of McDowell whose passing has
expendlinrra 3448.17. leaving a bal­
ance ot 331.05. ThU rraalt was re­
Our early
irly .American ...........................
ceived with appUaie.
tment but
bi st the
A pleasing leObr from Mrs. W. E. ored by English eenttment
be»r our music
Martin was read to which she ex­ Ume of the CIvU war
came iiauviMU.
naitonsl. ouv
Sbe aptMC
spoke ui
of luc aii*
pressed her plessnre at tbe reraU of t-auie
at Horae."
tbe tedereUon.
At request of the dty llbrerian it “Star Spangled Banner" and •’America”
was decided to pUce a file of tbe Womxn- ■ •
ry a------------------------------------------------ tiooed tbe splendid band mnsic of
Miss Clan Baiee gave a five min­ John Pblllp Souaa and declared that
musical methods are now studied
ute review of tbe federation Bnlletogland. France i
tto. tbe natiOBal clnb organ. The key­
Mrs. A. H. Hollld
note seemed to be that sympatby sy»tem and poise are necessary to club The Star 8«i
"Old Pi^ks at f
A press committee was anointed
by tbe chair. constsUng of Mrs E. E.
Mrs. A. B. Cook then spoke of some
White. Miss Mtonlo Wait and Mrs. D. dUttocUy Americsai music ssylng that
F. Wilson.
there was none so truly eharecterUUc
Tbe regalar meeting of tbe BlbU of Amertean Hfe and character as that
class will be next Tbnraday.
ot the MMiiheTO mounttoeer. It has hu­
Tbe leader tor the afteraora
mor and dewo^tlon of the highest or­
Mrs. A..B. Cook. She eaOed apra iTre der, butt seldom
does the n
L. F. TUu to give twomusU aelee- stog of Uve. of that be U always reti­
Iknu from McDowell. To a Water cent.
During tbe arternoon Mre. L. F. TP
he old tune Tork to tbe oetns sang the
.imeni of an
. _ .
B Of American Mn- bleb U a quaint mod valuable relic
aie.*- was tbe subject of a paper by loaned by Cbas. P. Buck. It U a famlMre.eE Taylor.
iy taeirloom which belonged to bU
Ae treated the early hUtorr of__ grendpa^U and wra of much Interspbrase and tbe old Bay Paalm Book
si r frem'tbe days ot the PsrlUn parThe afternoon program was rtosed
ot l<4« to a volume « <14 mriodUa by sU singing "Amertca.”


50c to 51.50

Worldsg filevee
and imis

2Sc to 51.00




MANO tmvme MRALfi» «uaBAy,«

Vleee u was m ki UkH S ■»


«M to tte domoKle odaaA rm
km tka «!rte trm ktttig orty.

L ttM7 Uffi I»Mt-

aarrtac ware ;ke UiMam Um$---------


Harr B<AaK Tka Hkaaa Man
wiom and CUn Hartauck tasdad the
'■"'Tka itiidwta la tbla 4aaa ara art
-air tMsktkaw to eeokXaad. bat
_ tklaca tkat tkar wooM aat otdlB^
___ _____________ ______t*part to saad
aow> vkat pan *w ktaa. ^^aJ«
a Etnrteg abovtog tka e

OBduiai tth m im

««>» B u«««.»».

iffifgf „
or Ficnoir

A Boaleal pregram waa gtrea Eaiw
- 1. tka Bombrn balag a

-ArtOBBi." and a aong tar’STSara^
and Blgbtk gradaa. *«aBU UKto.''

Mias BdM Ecodal lialied bar par- FOR BALE—Cbaica raaldeoca tola.
tan Into 8U JaaMt. «b tka Bearer ♦
aw oar; SUtk and Maple atraata.
E M at F«Ma onr ewdag.
totaad. to get a aap^ of ^aotiaa.
, IMxin feat As a wteto or wm dlTbey arara ■artl oa thalr W koiaa EEEEEEEEEEEEEEAEE i Mnfl Ckartoi Otoeg^ who baa been
vfcao tka ^paaUaa taak apraac a teak.
Oopamtok. Mkto, No*.. IL-Robert iprtte dtok. ta^etm eoaflaed to the
above pmntoen.
bnlMtag atone -----------------------loxeh.
Pine drtvtog mare "Bean," totrikAdams bad tbe mtofbrtaaa to gat hi* ''
•r rrltb two eets baroeea, riagaat
Mtoa OeUa Mm*, of NC
right abouMer broken tost weak Vklto
Tbe top^ was a
trap, fine speeding cstUer. old
waa a gmri of tte-Mtoae
at ptog at school.
tbe boat toft without mottra
buggy nnfi M*
*-•- "
her Oo^etto.
Mr. OXBorg to gnlte HcOc at tkto Ellen Selgler Wadnaadag.
at tba merer of tbe .-wind and
wnras. The lifting wind
them oV Middle rfllage. tbe Indian
Mra. DarM Hickeg to rtotUng trlandt
■ettlemant. Hera, after repeated tafl- at Manistee.
to maktog Ibelr
More UwB dOO of the SU taember- niaa. theg *w
Cborlaa Babr had the
iblp of the Chnreh of Cbrtot »en anchor JSdta.'
kavr bto fingers and tbe cad of bto
The'fiikerman bad given wp hope thumb on hli left hand cut off to i
ItreMBt at Ike *m “Harreat Boiae*
aiwtlsc wbleh.vaa.
la the drarek and bnd akaken bands «l(k aa^ other com shredder Mostday.
Uat olxht. tod as excoUent pngraai in what 4eg ballefod would be a last
Mra. A1 LaOouat and cklldrett. at
gtree. The pregraia woo glraa
ferawen. expeettog tbelr boat to be Traverse City, ara vtolttog friends In
prtBtad to tkanter'e toaw, tkm
enpatoad as arerg ware rolled toward town.
them, wban two lodtmns pot off from
W. Walton baa aoM bU farm and
abora to a boat.
expecU to movoSnto town.
Mtoa Ude Tkoatao, aad -The Oraaler
Tba Indians wUk the oklU which
Tbe Rev. and' Mrs. W. Wood have
Chmdi." k7 *■• P- Wrl^
The grot halt hoar «aa glraa orer onig tbeg poeaaM bion^ thalr boat been attending meeUngs at Kalkaska
the fitketmen. The this week.
to (woeartag acqaalatoaoe, tkaae praa- eloae to that
Mtoftog a aocUl Hm before tka
cd. landed In tbe amal)
The W. C. T. U. wm meet with
A Ubaml boat and were taken to abora. Tbag
bagmaiu or tka pr
Mrs. John Kimble non Tuesday,
thaak oiertag «ao takaa.
AUheogh tkto aai the flint *Sarreat bad acnrcelg landed when tbe motor, fine program wlU be given.. A eordlal
boat brake from lu faatenliigt and to levitation to extended to aJL
Boate" giro
wlU bioea
mlnnte waa dashed In pieces against
Mrs. Btoel Tbompron aad Mtoa Lida
lUgLT. Q. r A.
plaaa arill be a
roc^ abora.
Coon, of Pomona, were guests
Grandma SIbkhu Thuradag.



. rlagaa-AXplatoed kU aatkeda to raa

ad.gtrtog tkoaa tottraatad a dom la-


jqjraMa fktkeia' al^U orer bald bg
'the Uotkera' dob.



We Believe

C%oicE Unookned Ji^ -pfirttoakrly &m finTor aed
exoei^oaal ntrenKth. If yoo hnvo treubio gattiBS n
tMt^utowDorlikjng 8x7 a nfimpfe poud ofUu*
one. WowOftaksoor ebanoeo on 7001 ooming back.


Prlc^Mc per peiC




VASSAK — Fraderidc
geara old. a pramtoeni goong
I m. ••Mm DM to daad trom angar dlabatea.
BAUmiN—C. a. Jobnaon waa
Ha. g>—And.'Harrtoglan FarmHactad aebooi ooBrntoatooer bg tka ACCIDENT OCCURRED I.ATC VEEar^ Nald tka Ckalr. of Aa^
the towaaklp adwol
tmMBg at uatvaraity.
to^aatlaa boarda.
.toaeaboea oalebratad tka aerea- Death Allowed At C:6g p. wi^-Mr.
Mew irorkMor.13.—Aatotg aU
tmtk annlreraarr
tka Ait>or
Watotaad Waa
er than a noat larid tale of ftetlBB hlTA Na UA. to tka armorg, Tkara^
Raaldent,- Of Honor and
Had Many PriandA
PORT HCBON-Tbe ottoen ^?a
MB anakla to dad aag traea of
r to tka Onlrertltg of Charte Baalar, tka KlatbaU townHfmor. Mich, -Nor. U.—The worst
■Up aum, who aBMpad fro* tka scddant tku baa happened to iWa
Foatlac aagtom « few daga ago.
I varwoo. N. J, 10 rean ago.
MONROB—Darid Fttadlaad ■LDd4M*i Vielnllg la gears occuirod ycaterda)'
■ t^ Poljad
at fi:30 E- m. While imlMdlng logs
karM ateaUng. were bound orar ftom trncka to the yanla ol the
cdrcaJt court bg .Joatlca Guelph Patent Cask company. Bmt
________ aU waa fixed at WWW#stead, an erapioge of the esmpang
of TreaiaB more tkaa a gaat-kgo aad
•iiiORBja^^rad Oag, llrtag turn waaNaughl under the logs a* theg
' waa wMi.UBtW htosama.
of kera, waat to kto rolled from the tracks and was bop
---------—^d tolfcrNew
itbly smas;
aag InatUaUoB tmdaa tka dtottogotob- barn
from tka kag loft la kto barn fell and Juries at G—- . - —.
ed UUa of “JiAA poa
The Raeoid ooiraspondant arrivad
broke bto leg. A pkgotdaa waa
ad aad the fractora redocad.
on the scene In a few momenu snd
MOfUUCB—Hlu Bra Peach, daugb- Mr. Wslatend Bad been tenderlg told
■ air
areteber and willupon
an Imprortsc
tar or a waalthg tanner Urtog on the
mill carried him
bands from the m
onlaUm of ^aeroft. eame here to rto*
It Irianda and took tbe -train to Dm^ Icto tbo hboiler room where Dr. O. O.
• ------ of Mr.
and, wkara aha mat and married Bmmet Bolt. Ther went to Lockport. N. Wnltlaad andtoformed tbe mill bands
BATTtje CROCK.—From HamUtoB. that death would soon
that at a meeting ■mbutasce waa gnJeklg
'flCk»re of tka Oolto«ardnar Paper nod Mr. Wtlatead waa eonveged to tala
mpang. a mddlatan. O.. a new firm. borne and died soon after.
Mr. Wklsiead waa a valued emploga
was orgaalaed to locate to of tbe Qualpli PMewt Cask coaapang
and has been for jhare and was an
*Pok?OTRON—Mra. BopUe aan- booral and upright cltixea. Ha to sureg kaa pottUaoed the probate court rived bg hlr wife and two daughters.
tk.tagnard.«Jto.gpoto^for^b« nUdgs and Mrs. Seldon Zimmerman.
and eon, Fred, of PUtte. He lean
atoter. Mra. Naaeg------tku
■ t bar a large drcle of friends to mooi
0 of tba his andden demise aad the aorrowlng
tamllg hare tbe agmpatkg of the en9UM lett bar at tka Ume Of karliBSk
Ire coramunlig.
bandk daatt.
Mr. Walsiead
tka X2k Rapids irea company kaa
> «t»iW on Its sinMB'a ent about tw"
wm£ earitor than lari aaaaon. Tkto
more than 100
» man In tka
to Of tka EehoaL
eanpa. PrakaMg «ba rajrihto gear





SLi-mSforsTtSSr-sShS MEN

'miS*IL^ a Brower rataraad to Fife
________ _ ..
tka toatmetlon of tho
M tan^ac, Mtos Haoflkenat^mr



•f tka ... ...
today to rtoit bM brotkar.
tka glrta to kadte
torn Rooa Read want to Kalkaska
(toariaa Boadt went, to MagfiaM today. ~ ' Battwr want -to Sldaaw tkto
watcBtog Ikom.'


aad wnwB

tta ewfdld^St^S


r. Ja^ aad dangbUe went
_ today (or a nkort rtolL
____ Peari NcLBagblto and cannda
NMh. a KBdem to the looal High
-----to Mapia City today to

Kagstoea tb I mormtog. after visiting
. Tba ovir pari «f Ate ooaaiag waa attotoMam.
gowtoi-to an addraM ky Pnb
MrTjaM O'BrtM rotnrnad to
riitoTt-T tkto (Boralng after vtolttog
**Mra ^Sutoer want to Bogne todayurtoU.
d( Smitk
■dtoa TBitoaa afttdoa of practical valMr. aad Mra. B. T. Bn
today oa
the «
utair war to BMlali, wl^ tog' wOl
Mtoa Ruhr Btode raturaad from
rtoU at
»r. Mra. C
with her sister.
dm rrtOdt tte aSo^ bars mafia
of a
Miss Btod AUsoa waat to f
toteg. tor n vtoft wttk trtaada.
as MM as b* was
Tlrad. CroM and OdU
_____ ________ • haaila Ite WoU. Be
Tour Brer toost of order nad tbs
90ka of tte gnat ««riatr «t «aol onlya^Mg^rcg^this' '
BE two ptaOH werktog
alike, aad
tar tkto rMM Etolatett «•%«( fNak _____ Try
atoaa to dto atodaad aa te ♦» a*« Coated PBls.--------------Mate gtottSa aiiltokfitdto ton gnto. aal to take. wOl wx gripe or .bora.
tato gtaetoal pto4 toa mM. obi lioai Prtoe 2fic per box. Ai* for a tree
tte mma baatoC«ar------- ------- ■amd* BoM kg S. K. Watt A Sons,
B. E.
K. mwM.
no SL
Tsoa. Dutog Nor.


s msjorttlea


NATaol, \Afool. Wankwd
bad at present but
The situation of t!Lbe wool maikct u nut
tbe oottoto to that If tbsy abonld Uke the tariff’ off Ibri tbeg will
•ke a d<leducUon of from ‘4c 1„ 6c
At tbe preaoit oondltiod I oan use all tbe wool .
erne. Wexford,
Antrim. suuubiw
Mantoiee.. muu
and Leelanau counties, with s beterse,
wexiora, Anuvoi,
All-1 would

.............- --------------■‘-.Am
ter adrsntage
any onUlde
__ ________________
__ ship
_ or fetch them1 In to
to liare the
public do bedon they
U tto find
out the prlcea
pri'ero from someone else,
—, si
_ ------------------I aas certainly
- ,..............
poritlTe that my
prices will reach from a c«>t tb' two cento■ abore others Mnttkt
M«ttkt alobject to me to publish mg prioss tor soi
feis. It wouldn't be
other doslero.
aa I| want them to work and husi
husUe for It aa I did to
osier*, as
tore I made
aade my sale,
aalA and 1 am aaitofled to give the braefit to the
growers az to the dealers. Whoever wsuta
want* to know the priMa
priest be
bsforo or feteh them In tan call me on ellher phone aa we aiw
always ready to answfir and we have (hem In the office. .
Please do not sell to anyone eUe before you g« my prices. ;
1 am thanking yon at! for the pari gear's tarots, and npprMtoto.
for thee klndneM
ktodnoM siiri
and 11........................................
bope'to make you more aaitofled
----- ,UUa gear.

I took him to a doo-


bmi CkatBooneoould
look at him. Hk
whtde face was ooe
night notU to
L sometimes looked,
f a raw piece of meat.




Trorsfio'ei«F. MtoR.
L. phone 4U. Bril pbtma IM.

- —— — _ —
Tbro iny mother asksd wliy .
"P toe doetoir and tiw
SB not
Cutloara. 8o 1 got a srt and be Ml


put on when he Itcbed so
badly that bb could not sleep, and

would say. 'Obi Mama, that makra

KTfii.S-.'T'y ASTJiS

Lumbering Tools

gradually the eewema Waled all uj>
aad bow he to as wrtl as any otbw ch^
"e Is now aet-en years old and
E. A. Mooree, tvgtoter of deeds. 1.- tbs cure
Lasted two monlto
raontha. —
so I.
has lastsd
Fred H. Pratt, prosecuting attorney.
^ JSSi*ran5«tu?
Dr. B. B Minor, coroner. 1.4Neitherr O.
€ W. cnnls nor U 8. BaMwlD bad any oppoattion for Circuit

TATS OP MICHIGA.\. THE PROcourt for the county of
Grand Ti
. .. session of said conn, held at
probate office. In the diy of Travt City. In said connu'. on the 16th
day of November A. D. 1908.
Presctic Hon. Fred R. Walker. Judge
of probate.
In the matter of tbs estate of Mor-sla B. JenningR. deceased.
Barton Jeoulngs having filed In said
court his petition praying that said
court adjudlcato and dotermtoc wtm
were at the time of his death the legal
hei™ of said deceased aad entitled to
inherit tho real esUtc of which saW
It 1s ordered, chat tbe Iftth day of
Docember A. D. 190S. at ten o'clock In
the forenoon, M saM probate office,
be and Is hereby appointed for hear­
ing salo petltloir
It Is further ordered, that public

aM, an
ed to M

Ffibb r
Ooodhsrt Nor.
Not. 17-21-Dcc. 1-8.
boars to tkalr disabled motorbosi.
which made their
clothing M sUff as aulU of maH,
bnngiy aad •chilled to the marrow.
thrsa fishermen from Bgoufeue, on
of Lake Michigan
in Ute upper pentoaula. saw death
atnrlng »*>»•■« In the taoa. Bren when
they auficeeded to nnehorlng tbelr
craft near tka abora a mile sooth of
Goodhari. dose to MiMie* rlllage.
they had llitlp hoi>e


geare old t
amcom got mi bto anna and togs so
that 1 had to kevp them bandaged m
and 1 made glovea for bio hands so ^
nails could not poison him wc^.

o tte ’oMBtg tlric-

Fted R. Walker, Judge of Probate.
Frank L. Bhuier. hkeriff. litS.
Robert E. WaUer. elerk. l.fiU.
Finlar M. Bammond. treunrer

The wind was Mowing a gale aad )
every sea that broke orer their craft J
ihraatcaad to aagilf IL They t
too dOM to too foto abore to enable
a leg to fri to Item, the aca i
high that no saUhonl eooM live to the t
■lorm and It aeo^ Uk« snldda EM |
aag one to auemptto ra^e U
Tbe men for koura-had bean maktog i
n fight for life., Tb# irto. WIUMm Q
Win Bptnd Winter « MlaMuri.
prom, Brad CtempaJn and'AleMBdar Ik
__ _____ _______
Mrs. A. Mlaer. of OU Ml
Moibar for Klekoia. Ho. where >h* Uraka. hU left tbelr komea at Dsto * K-0?^*ygT^*g
Bpadfette to taka ap their seta. ll*||^
will apead tke^ winter.


koto ways. Tte

D and rceelred a
88G votaa_
.>^tlcalGrand Traverse countg empi
Ig favored the new eoniiliuiUlon glvlag It a maJorUf -of.
more favored the
majorltg In faror bel _
ant Governor Kelieg carriefi.tha eoun-

a copy of this order. I
Who Had Said Lari Goodbys to One Another.

- tram Face Till It wmWIRwScreamMl with hin end Could net
SleeF^ThenghSpediliiti Felled

and medidiMs but hit
Tka official canrasa of the coontg
has-been eomplelod and shows that
Tafl canied Grand TraTerae by l6J0 rates and Coreraor Wtoraer bg
*88 woa. Tbfl total Toto da presiden­
tial eteoUaua wu 4.122 and on gorarnor, 4.291.
Faneto H. OtiddA-candidate for
gresa from the Bleveinb
received a tnaJorltg of IMS abd Da­
vid O. CbtBdler, candidaU. tor reprE
senutlve from Cran'd TravlEae cobntg. saeured 1.C23. Fred C. Wetmora.’


Bigfct UtOa inaaaa clad to tba ^tg
and prim wbUa aprona aad caps of baoa awapt kg form firaa._and tka
ittmbor will bare to be cut off to aare
tka ekaf. knaCed aroond to tba doaaaDe aedBoa rooa at Bn '
oakM Whoa ...... .
d on to.
ckOdran'a paraBto'lookad------------♦ ♦♦♦
tore of tka «ratlon, tkto batog tka featnra
ri^^iTatknra' night" at tka
Mrs. B. Simmons, went to Big
B Rap­
ing, to visit friends.
^STgkda wow the Mtona SatbarMrs. EL L. Hnghea waat to Ktogalag
toe ftoria, Oartrida Haaaen. Margaret


fbwd R.- Walkar, Judge of Prabate,
Waa Given the Largaat Majoritg
Of Any Candldsda, RaoaivIng LTdd.


Before you buy your Lumbering Tools M will pay you to cdll ud
examine our atoefc and get onr price*. We have Axes, Axe Handles,
Wedge*. Hauls. Cant Hook*. Loading Blocte. Tong*. Ctoalna,
etc. We have a good double bitted Axe for IIAO. We'bare Alktos*.
Dlrion's. SlmmODd A Moore Bros.* saws. We also bar* the (amoue
lAimberman't Pride, a saw that to reaseaable In price and tally
warranled. We sell the famous Trident Steel loading.
A comparison of onr stock and price* will convince yon that ws

The Probate Conrt for the County
of Grand Traverae.
At a seaslon'of said court, held at
Probate office In tho city of Trav­
erse City, la said county, on the 12ih
dag of November. A. D. li
Pf----- -t, Hon. WnH
R Wj
Fred R.
Walker, Judge
Of. Prohat,.
•In the matter of the estate of Lovina
Hargraves Reed, deceased.
George H. Cross having filed

can,save money and give >-ou satUfaoflon on your hardware.

OM Poslolflcc BnlMiiio

distribution of said estate.
It j* ordered, that the Stb day of
Deoenber A U. 1908. at ten o'clock
In tbe forenoon, at said probate office,
be and Is beroby appointed lor ciamInlng an­
il Is I
notice b ..
. successive
copy of this order. i
week* previous to said day of hearing,
in the Grand Traverae Hnrald. a news­
paper printed and circulated In said
Prod. R. Walker.
Judge OJ Probate.
17-24-dec, 1-S.

Nov. 26, im
Our Storr «-m be c^-tsed all dag, that being Tbaakaglving dag/
t\V r.comuicne ;ljai ;.oj supply yourself not later than Nov. Kith
uiUi oar frc'h .

r;uaradtoed Ojatcr*. clam Chowder, 1

Bulled and Sw c: nic-. Citrons. Orange and Lemon PeH. Ralsina,
Or=pj!cr. Ij-ili .. . ft ir.-^y. Fig*. Dales. ' Sweet Potalor-*.
Stuerknsu'^ fr>iua:b. l'.« Pumpkin*. Balled Wafers. Nabisco, VanlDa'
Walera. Extract ©1 Vaolila Lotnon. Almond.. Mapl'-mc. Condeni
tollk. Lntter, ClM-t-*i-. Ccadles. and Nuts. '

V The Probate Conrt for U
of Grand Travf
At a aesston of said oourt. held
tbe pntoate OIDCV.
office, la
IB Uie
the V.II
City ofTrav.......................
1 aald county, on
o the 9th
Ober. A. D. 1*0
Hon. Prod
Judge of Probate.
In the matter of tbe estate of .vich
Ola* J. Knelltnantel. deceased.
AlpboDso 6. Huelhnaoiel having
Tlad In aald court kto peUUon praythat tbe nfimlBtotntlon of said
^rate be granted to /. M‘ Hu- Itr.vnih or to some other sulutl.

Vo.:r M.?dal attention is called to Cbaso and Bantam's Teas
and roO<-e*. put up In «-alod package*, therefor.- dean



«;.'j.gUi and flavor, They arc »* bltndud tka' they sHU nlmott ovuiy
«'i1y that trie* them.


Wc thank you for the valuable basincss that gnu (avorod 1
tb. tbe pa«t year, and tnrite you to vl*K ^ sloro or send mall or^ during the next to
L- V■- i
A.s J

.............. ...........thei tbe 2nd d-y
December. A-tD. 1908. at un o r':
In tbe forenfion. at aald
office, be and 1* hereby appuls:

______ copy of tbl* order.
iccesslve weeks prevlou* to said (lay
»e Grand -----------of beariug. -In the
JudgeoCPnbsta- Noe. 17, tL-itae. L -






On* of the

L The iBoadil boy 'to Bot

.1 a.
■«>. d ^ k . .
And «< iatewtiM M to IW bMl Mib
parttoa* tor toe audCBto *1 tka'MF
kr-HMt K tka AaaM ad M dtp
MM mmrnmn nd
•MK^ chhn M

rlf tt

* 10 tka a
tto*. A 00^ ..


>t t* ««flaca a haD tor a *to« parad «W>A tew ilWail te wnid-wMi
to be toaa after tk* Ml to PiMiy
II Aro*» Ifc* lawii t« ta
WAMoMd or tta VnU; at MF- lord MU; *1 caliat >a «• MOM
Tlirilii «dr. bst c( the BM7 vfao hm
1l»diWfVMr<rf"tMttaKwloiahi- tbM mM lor Ik* aiUwd Uw tkar
wn« twMd do«m kord^ad tk* tmOn «( tk* irndMU «rtbM Otm. cf Uvt^ to d*d*ra «S.
•sd tk* otadMt drtUM
*p Sfttal «r«
kMk tndn (k* M «t

_ '«S%*SS


I br ton w*s.u«Mi «r tk*


WiridM* viImU* Md wkdMM* Ii

laaU-* to tk* vd4no«ii
el Flp
wdBBxtotdSou)*. Tbcto>tob*M
Uh*t* altosj* buy tk* j—io*. ■
tetved bjr tk* Ckltforoto P% Syrtv Co.
«djr, oiUlari^tay aH toadi^dn^ltolft

rrtolirea and rrteade.'
part of toM wert.
] Samb Camp)
ton. C. E Ftoaagto. oC Caolrat Raad Lake.
E E OU waat to TiarofM
Lake, lett tor Trarerae Cttr Batordar,| pt*g q. j
Tiaem* City.
after a abort Ttoir at U* home of bar ngtotarad al «k* Towra PHday.
paatod by Mrs. QBL
daogbier. Mra. Joe laakbroak.
j toki jl Vkd^ of Tneane City.
MlukU)oM.otTr*eeraaCUy.apMt wai'to Ceatral Lake Prtday and SatFriday at tk. D. U Bogart bona.
jarday toot
Mr*. E J. ChOd* WM a TrarerM, y. w. Cooke and A. W. yakreoa. ol
CUy rtotur tka totter pan of tost Trararaa Qty. traaMcted baatooa*
**k(kata WidMtday.
TL E (HUeii wm • Trtrera* CHy | phOlp Dmb went to Trararae City
rtolter Thoiaday.—Mtalr* ladepood- satoiday ratimtog with a glam ay*
which eaa .wttk dttioalty b* dtottoigotobed tromrkto aataral eye.
Trarerw City I Mn. yaha qaa^ aad am *
rtolior Tkoiaday.
|Tr*rer*r«n» Ta^aday.
MImMlltof.tbt!■■**» who bod beoB^
F. 8mnk\waot to TrarerM
Mtoa-lAora Haael aad ctotar. Ura.,*^ Loader.laodtog Ulsa Maymc Dewey, iwtara- aty Taaaday tor b^Weefcto rtolt a%k
Otarge Mraioa. apMt Batarday and
M-to Trarerae aty Tberadaj. Saaday to TraTwa* aty.-«k Bapld»l Ml** fltoter TtottM fitoada to TiarMiss Bra BoMlter went te TrararM
,et*e Cliy Saaday.
aty SatiBday.
N.'M. LaagdM wm to TrarerM Ct'y
Cbas. H. Ooy mad* a bnatoaM trip
B WM to Tra
___ Herald.
W. P. »
I Trams aty Taaaday.
Tho*. Leotuud wm to Trarerse Ctty
Batarday—AMea Indapaaflnu

a { D*rU Vaaderrort. of RymnY •cheo)
the labalMtogetike u
I dtottkt. kUtod a wild oat Baiarday
KU Bands- Both g
^tkat-tb# wort wnitoooBptotedke- wkU* #« hatltog rabWta. The boy.
tor* tka drto of tk* y«or.
jwho to Mly 11 mra of og*. waa watfcE. V.
of Tntrena CRy. tog tkroogh tk* wood* wkM be dls■Bd dangbura. Hr*. W. E Fbote, oad cor*red the aototoL He akot H. tktokBoth
awa kw* toot Friday tog at tk* time that It waa ooty a
eeoatog to auend the cooetn. Mr*, boo** oat that bad ben Urtog to tk*
PoeU had tk* ptoaaor* of loaewtog wcodb Oa taorttog bon* b* toeeaBt
vilk Mto* 0«rir*d* *d bto ezpartooe* to bto father and
■, akca* abe knew a few years togeikar t^ went to tka *pot wk«ta
I tk* cat toy. It wa* then dtoeoreiwd
ProBk OrOMBaa aad tanUy toar* that tk*«al wa* a wlM om. altkougk
today ter TrararM Ctly. wktra k* * 7«g •«. abooi kaU growa. Be
the awtui aagto* natU kto roa broa^t It to the eoaoty eMl Moaday
to pat kart oa tbto liiiaii/iiiiitublT
kaotoead Cram the coaaty «tort a
BOt kader* aprtag.
4 koaaty of three dnUara.—Beula Coao-

TkotOMtnrUl*. MMi., Mor. 11^


erf Uro. Re win roof tk* wkoto
yard. oMag It pe**lbte te otere *U M to towa Ike flrtt of tk* weak.
ctep*. tool*. »lock. etc., noder ------Hi*. W. P. BabarUM garo a pleaB-' Hr*. W. H. Kttito and aieoe. Martha
Bftitor mak Rtokenaa. 1
tog taport of the FOdnatloii of Wn Flnacy, wet* Trar«cM aty rwtors
Trm Nettbemer, and Bert Bkowaeito ctob bald at Trarerae City.
MO. oMktor of tk* artaa kaak of
Allen W. PoOlU rwtaraad tram
Mra. a Btortaa, of TyaTerae City,
tkw Raw. hav* been to tk* rtltof* tor
wik. *ft*r partrlda*- They leton- arrlrad Batarday tor a rtolt with Mr. abort rlalt to Traraiae CUy PrMay.
TlwTOday nortitot to their 4bU** and Mr*. B’alter NaiaoB..
MUa HtMl Polltn rmnrned tram g
E kMdtr Bomber of btrdi a* weU
week's rlalt to TiatatM CUy SatB^
•« a iSSto kaewtoda et tk* ptoe*
Oartk* were Ttararae CUy rtoiiort day.
Aegaat Baaowaa* wm a Trarerse
Jerry Palnwr spent Tuesday to CUy and MaatotM natter tka totter
----- r.vllh aoM* ladtoB oklldrea Traram City looking after tome
noaay left him by a retotlre.
eartoc ~
MtoB BuaaaU. of Trarerae CUy. Is
--------- ------------------ -- iW. ■Mtl« kar brother. Bert Bnaael.
Henry Btoektoan. of Trarerae City.
WU to Iowa tbc ftrat of the week.'
Mr. and Mn. Bobert TbontM wera
. TrarerM CUy. oa Monday.—{^ortkla at HM«r EoBday malBC. wm bar-- -HEMELF.
tod kar* Wadsaaday. Bto atatkar. Mr*. port Leadar. ,
Arthar Traey, to a r«aid*8i bar*. He
toarai. a brotkar. Anknr. at Baektoy.
0. E Cooway. of Trarerae City, waa
**l*ter*t Hoaor.
-RatototottoM la tk* M. . N.
to Ike rUibga the first of the weak
_____ MirUl* boy. and a Beak*
toe«m ea Kag Fattto* at Aaa Aa
loctotog np tka btrberakop propoallton.
ihelMal R. O. T. kthara.
kaewMBikar tpriiia toy kkal
C. B*U aad Dr. Bkank aad tbeir —Baatle Oooaty Leader.
Ay HI^'Eralkar
wlTM ar* camiitnB *a tk* wild* of
Waatot** oanaty after d*er. When
UUB ar* wlU aU <at raatoi
I the reaaoB why.
Satlik aad wtf* now ckx
tegHah Tuet batore dawn today, dm*

mm CAR
INTO RIVER SuS3f--rr«':s;a.srs.t

Mra. E J. Childs rtoltad bar graoddaagbter and famfly tost Thsiaday
and PrMay. to Trararae aty..
We are awry to mtoa Mrs. MdUy
from oar poatofflea. She kM gaae.
tack to TrarerM CUy to Ure.
. Mtoa Bra Larabee want to Trnrotw
aty Taaaday. to Mtaad the kattoesa
ootlege. Earl Larsbee sreet down -oa
Wednesday to Joto bar. B* stm aeaompaatod by bto giaadaotkar. Mrs.

' We'll take our chances that
you will buy MONARCH
flour in the future, because
we know just how good it
is. Try it In your next gro6ery order.

kto aateaabl}* tote fladaaw Hear


Port Harea. Not. 11—Mto* Itkal
Etftaar. a toaoker, roetdlag at Pal*,
bdtolled to a flat fltod'toat Bi|bt by
drtoWad oyaatoe «f pataatoai Tk*
body wA.foand at 11 o'clock today.
Tk* eaaM «u bad B*wa
koan to CMatoBBd.




By <mr wandarfa) dab oser*. The rery taat to ba toaad aaywbar*.
We wll meet any deb offer you see adrawtoad aayirtera aad
We poatUrely gaaratoo*


Aloa. Bead n* yoar order and eee how promptly H win be take* tat*
As the rate* oe msay of the duta win sdraaca aooa we adrta*
•reryon* 10 take adrsKage of pawoeat prteea kefare a te tM tola.
Beleet irkat magMtoaa ya* are dreiraas of'taktog aad aaad to
M for terms.
We know we can please yo

Book store

Cadarat vtottad to 1

A kolldtot aattaki* wW b* paruaad and a kaapUal wtU ba aUrtad
by toeal pkyototaai, PUtanto ara batog cared tor ta other ptooM at a
terg* aapeaaa. TBto to a aara to tka
Itoaalag. Nor. It, 'Eaopad liaaiM ilAt dlreottoa.
am' MidtoiM -ad -aBtttoT'-A, ddtootofl.- no raadm gc Ua Trararaa City
•M faatoaad aad BB ala^ Stom, Araalag Seoord ar* pleaoed wllA the
ardmad dbr Mr, St. tdatoMbflt OiBBti
■t’l'Wiito Pt 9m Eacotol dttMoB ol
Sa Nnal battaUM^ toMBoka,
kaa uadnad hla reelcaattoB. Ptad
•eatL fltot 1i*attoia»t Oe. K, Qraad
•WMa. kaa atoe leatoaed.
Bitotic.wttb a htaded sna. Oaear
lllir, f y*Ma eU. aoa at Haary Harr,
iket kto brotkar Wgar to tbc Back.


-..... a TloBtoniu araaae aaartr
rato^m oeeBpaaoy. a&d H>to a fla*

Save money on
aare yoa Ska traable of aeadtog.


KMffit FOUND tm




aoNDR ms

Today and All This






Nat a fltogto DIabIgl* af BtockatoM
0mm WHMn «h* Vlltog* eai ~
•m and Only On* Whtater


Hoaor. Mtok..
IL—Tka eoanty
naot oC BaaM* eonaty, tk* oeoM of all
tka toaaalto triad to the eonaty. a fla*
eoart'kaBM to wblek the togal miu
«rtods. y*t this rtUaga of TM PMtoikm has aol a atogle towyar and It
fceta tbs ahtenee of a tagal It^t kaaa,t. boaaat dtodple of
' - iwealrod with
- ealoy. the riltotoon aay. a saod
good pn
Bot a lawyar to not aU that tka rOtoge imato. The me* to tkto oeoUoa
ar* aoaatttatad like tk* i«b of maa^

oae tartar to the rniage aad
fellow, ti worked to death.
Tke barber bas not soM aaytktog
ebom It y«t. he kaa beeo too kaay. hot
Ike men who hare not been able to
set thalr usmortol work dome waa<
other barber to locale te Honor.
The rtUaga ta enfoytog great proetk* <Wiee of tka Baoato Oennty Load-

PAflTk POT AND flettflORE
Tka Her. B. W. Thompaoa
0*7. weal to Traren* Ctty
tk* toothoU gam* between
tka TrarerM aad ML Ptoaaaat
Tkto WM aa ecafttog
A Tiorma* yoatb aam* nat vRk a
btodo andl«
* ML

Ptoaaaat bay
k to W
akUI that kaertad htoa
to aold icdt a tratoar*. I
kadi tka "krMtk kaaehad oat af tbaaT
aad had to ta eMMcUatad by *tortlBetoi toMai." and aarip altar
E W. Bnrtttog. of TtaracM CUy,
■aoagM ad tk* Mtoklm Btato Tatogbaaa Oa.. wm to towa totartoy eaavttk Mm* gar Pawara abaat

The Greatest Overcoat Sale





We arm etaee oa sale M
Overcoats. aU cbolec.
aew styles, worth
SlUiaBa tU, at...........
SSOTcreMtE.allaew iBrmetotB amM

01 TV

valaes ever dlcre* al
tl»aa* SIS. Yoar cbolec

Boys’ Overcoats and Reefers
altLM. »J*. aam aa* as.

F'ur CoM'ta

for IWlon Mnd \Afomon

Every ganicBl Is aew aa* rcUakie. Special cal peiccs la early
buyers, ttSJW. SSL tSTto. **«. ML de.
Your o|»oor*unl*y Is nour. Oomo sand oowo m fdw
'dollar* on your wlnOor Ooa*.


Hick. BopM of kla pwpUa wrato ee- oa tar Baaahtae page. I win write
rcocktaa. Before tae Plata was
aaya Jwk btame tkerieottoa. Sot, tew Iteee to yon. We are an eri!
katt empty. Mr. PagaM epoMd
aad hope yoa are the hm. tka door and caUad. "AU aboard tar
Toa -%ht thtak IBM taattag w
PM. aad he haa aaae ta tarir m
rotaer eoM today. That waa a very ko aatttag party."
Mho ma grow thta.
ami tarir aimaa Orwey aad 1
Bat m! 1 atay pbrap aa wkM 1 go are atowady Bwablaen. Dewey Wub- eartaat norr abut taat -Mr. Goto -h dm eomlag tao'
er. Btale KMterwa. Btarltag Nkkar- btar." It to cartataly a ponitag «
■taker Pam. "1 have ata koM to
Away to the aarth wkeaco the Berea
We have tarkeya. Mo. bm oon a
n. Haari Heney. Oracle Harr
a aatttag party tor many a bmg yur.
wtada COM
MW-uttta chUdraa. good by*, om Margaret HarrtaM aad Maadle Hmrrt- have done Mck talagi. I go to aebool bat I know taat 1 erin ealoy tkto om."
Wbato the warid ta taa. wkcra tka
every day. My. taacherh name ta
Hera to the tatter ee*aj:
Bo Btoe pat M her obawl and foood
float ta aado.
ScMo wara day aagt apttag 1 ahatt
Ktagaley. Mkk, Mlaa ABdereca. I tfte her real wriL aaotaor grape baakrt tor PIOHle to
Wkaro tka Hgkt af tka aaa to MB a
glra yaa a calh
I ata ta the Ifth grade. My etwdtoa have tor hor very own. and taoy an
Nbr. X IPM.
Pm oalte aara M kaaw wkM ta gat
are gmataer. artikaaMle. phyalriogy.
Mutate tao gaidMMgetaar.
case oa the wt^ of a Ml
aot of bod.reading, geognpky. apemag aad pu»--B. tte colored boy wbo b
WkM I tori tka wara aaa
■aatblp We ate goiag to have u ea
*e bonea. otaod there
down M sty head.
Akd wklMtad the taat taaraa tram tka
We Met a protty Uttle brick acboet
ander a fl^ spreading oak trea. miUtroM
baUdtaft-h alee atanol yard aad oMple Ota ta two dtalogaee and two aoaga. tog ai a May moratog. with hto poe(POad tbas to kOtoMa hare aad tbara.‘ Tea. It ta kadttea tar tka Uttla ti^ treeo ataag the road.
And thra aftm the Mtertataacm we keta aU stated and balgtog oat. aad
Aad paBad tka graaa«- taag.
aad badtlaa tar tka Bowara aad taa*to have a ««x-toi WeU. tf
TbU to riecettoo day. Oor fatbere
seed bag thrown over hi* taoolder.
aa. Thta ta hew a Uttta gM amTaoma wDl vote tar ebolm cf federal, auia I doat atop mwtty aoM ay letter eUl
-I tatok taat tkto wtu be the beta
aa talbod akeot It:
Ba aaMkt the rata dioya aa they taD
reach the wuie baa^rt I like to read
aad eemay adPeerm.
«e.- aaU Mr. Panoa. polatlu to the
Pioa tka drlyplag aavaa aad atraaga
A Chiu and tbe Ptewara.
Oa accooat af tala we hart a ktU the letten tiwai foreign coutrie*. oak. 'yor taea grudmotber won't
ta MU.
“Why aot atay aU tka yaar.
koUday. Mr. Jeaaa goaa bMao ic vote. They alwaya taU eata atraage tklaga. have to walk m> tar. Pu yoarerit
With a cryttal Dtaga was a^ ledge
Ftowara. to drilgkt aar
Well I win clooa.'MpiBg to ere this ap there. 8am."
Pacaaaa. daara. deat yoa aaa.
ta print 1 aat aa always.
-Mr. bat betoadalsyritmker." eaid
atatoeUtat froa aoma aaa
Jack Praat woald Mta n!*'
Tear Saashtae girt
Tom. as 8am. percklu klmoeU m
Nor. X 1»M
*Tea akan Baa ta taa parlor.
Mabel HoUand.
toe ttret ewteb. begaa to shake the
HanrM aat ka aaowted. tOl kla tarn- Wttk ptaM toed W bo fod.Tee the story abow Mr. ■ Gebblsr ree and cwH OOL 'Leak o«t for the
I havM't wrtttaa atooo I Jotaad toe wa* very ooeor. Do yoa like ta read
*Th« aorta ta ear bad-room.
Ma aok
aaahlM Ctah. Wa glrta that lire tao storloe am the Saasblac page?
CkBM tka kaart at tka taiM Moak;
Aad wo'd ratbor aa to bad.Sere eaouk aa he shook the branch,
ta tao weal dM't and naeh time to
Tkaa ka aagkad UU tka aoCt taka
Aad baiw la wbat taa wtad aad the write- I aa goiag ta achool aad I aa
au from kU ea»
Backley- Mlriu B. P. D Ka 1. a budfal of ants foU m the graas.
to to aad Batak tao eigbin
Nov. Id. 1»N.
ta a tklM itaia «aaea afar satara’s area aald:.
grade tkto^oar. wo hare a nlo itwrit- Dear Proaldut—
“Uttla taaraa. go to bod!" aaU taa or aad bt trie* to arip aa ta anrihlng
How they an ru arund aad
MU OB aa. tin tka aartk lay daaa
1 will try ud write a letter ta the
wtad taroagh ta^ traaa.
wo doa't madatouaA HU saae to Sanablae CInb. I have some aamei of Igagbed aad aboated. “Oh my!- and
nickad ta tar a aaaaea. taat aalaa».
*ir yoa atay oat ao taag yoa wlU eor- Mr. Skoop. Wa are harioi tavrty tboM wbo wut to Jota the Club. picked op toe Hg. gtoaay broera chesttataly troaaa!
altkoogk we bare had They sre Charles KomerskU. Ocorge Bota.
How tka aatraa taa^M wkaa a
MO tiOM taa aorta aad 1
Jkroe BBtaU aaow atorai thU taU. Komerskla and WUUe Komerskto.
aarty 4awa
Mr. Pazaoa pal aU taat be picked
wbat I kaow-»
Tbo people bare baree't tkraaaed yet. Welt 1 gues* I wUl have ta dose for op tato Ton’s boskot. aad GrandTka avtataa wara hack troa tka «teBoom oao'a cestag thta way wUh a bat are eitpacttag to ta a few daya. tbl* tlBC.
4o« diava!
mother Paxson dropped bet’s Into
capfal of aaow!"
' loataaa to a rery tateroattag couatry.
A tattar of taat. a koay kaa.
basket, and wbat a lot of
Prom yov tavliig friend.
there are ao many aloe alghta. Tberi
Aad Itmt. awaat cana, *«h. tka bm
aoU there were, to be sore. At tost
Roee Komenkia.
Load Biraorod tao taaaoa.' aU^atart to OM ptacw aboat two jaOea from
Mb eoaalt
Ar* Cbarlee. George aad WlUte y.uir Sam ceOIed oot. ’'Theyhe .aU Uook
tor with droad.
our home where the Indiana p«*. tkclr brothers? I hope they wOl Ilk* ikolr down, sak."
to tha .itaar tad treaty air.
“O dear. Mother Tree.
yoa hear
' It to a uU cite with lou of cjrd* and be’.toea
nay keayltd taa kUlaMa. aroi
-Well. then, yoa coom ^owa tao."
wkat be Mid?
, kolee ta the roefea. ud the ladtane
answered Mr. Paisoa.'
hare Juat pat tbelr dead dowa ta tkeee
Beadoa. MIta,
Aad to aad tro Yaead oarra ai
“Have Boota of my aau
■; Pn
There aaed ta be lota o(
Nov. 7. Mta.
got the moet.“ saU TOm."
d eepper battoaa there, bat Dear President—
Tka taany akatarm Mt—ill t)
-No thankee. Tom.' I’oo got a tot
peoUe bare gpt aU mob tktaga.
, kfOO»It ba* been a taag Ubm atace 1 la the boBse."
Tka day i
fair. Wl tka world 'Why ‘twaa oaly taat watk that wo There are lota of piaeoe bore whore wrote to the Sanohine Clob. 1 have
“BbaM wo pot them aB la eoe
a pocooa wUl Bad a grare ta the hOla. bee: ><-k with taAamatorv rbettma- baaketr asked Mr. Pam.
ohaaged oar groom gowa
Tkoy are aovor dag opoa bat poMle'
Por thta boaaUtal vtatara. rod, yri- tklak they are wbjte aMa-a graeea.1 tUas lor two week* oo 1 coold not
-Ok. oo.- anowwM PIOMte. "Let
am feeUag better now so I sock teep oar own, ptoooo. 1 aorer
taw aad krowa.
There to aaotber plaee aboat au‘
Oo to hod ta tkooo detboel It fort mOea from our boae, <m a craak I cu walk abort a little. I have a wut to a Batting party for the Saeabtae dab Orndle
“I aevor bad saok a nice oaa." aald
called BoMbad. where a battle waa Bril. Triaible Reyaolda. I live |nat
protty aaram taekad la a drawer ta
bar «a^ aad Ma veadara tt yea Ploaao tril aa, dear Botkor. twaa fart
A pereoa eaa Bad Jart Mta accoe* the road fma baby Trimble. Tom. -It’s the moot MtooiU ooo te
tfio Wtad'a fur
wooldat Uka to read tkaa tkti weak,
of arrow bead* aU ever the groanA. ,aad I go over aad get blm pearly the wcridl"
“Tbo- most cploadld CM la tan
ta ytaea of a TlaX troat har, Haro
Oor laata to ta a baala. It to a oery every day aad play wtth' btaL 1 take
The Tree akook her ktad. aad. tta aad
protty plaee ud aartoaaded by bflto. him to the wgu aad try and let him woridi" reputed neule.
It a 'caaatag Uttla poaa akeot
bat Ha tiM.
-Bat we’d bettor banV keme new,
Tka nist kaata.
feet play It Here are aome nantea tor the
Tteuk abo abeek It aa goatty. a atray
Tom. 'Tor Aaat ftareau
high There to a amaU creek whldi | Susbtae Clab. Bra ^Plak. Daisy
ta tka laad of oraagwWoaacMa. ..
acroee oar ruta; It Is the koad Jaqrtsk. Irene Jaqptoli. Mary Jaqatok might worry abort Ftaaato.’
Wkara tka id aad kaayaaa gi«w. Orow\gfddy aad Ml. airi tao Wtad
So. after many pleoaul pood-^
Dwelt a Itttia toatkara Maidaa
of Aatalopo creelL Wo eu ooo tao ud Rome Amldoa. WeU I mart
aaghod. Hcbor
the Uttle antteta walkad stowty borne
foar rugee of awMtataa, ‘Tbo SnowWho had aarar aaea tt mow.
Aad MUy ka Battoaod tkaa oot ta a
carrying tkrir procloM bardM at
lee are two haadrod nUoe troa here
Proa yoar tavttig Baaitalaor.
aao cu be eoM only m dear days.
vroM tao sray Mowbor aktaa.
"Where have yoa ehUdten bees all
Poor yean ago I lived ta Uleblgaa.
am glad that you tried to fwgel o,u whUe?- asked Aut Ploruce, as
Per tka Brat tUM taUtag aaow Aaka
ud the winter before we came to
boob, od yoo'd
Mat kta atartlad. woodTttw ayaa.
MMUaa we lived la Titvaae City, yoar Olnesi by making oa happy with ^ley cam Into tka tattlag-roma.
bettor aoma mow.
-WeVe bam* aatUag.- anawerod
to. ter 1 Uve goM by tt e groat auy
Karor utad year gay draaa Wbat’a
la auttaoMot to bar aotkar
Tom. proodly. -Jart see wkat a tot
to. for 1 have goM by tt agreat taaay
t craaaa ar a tear?
Straigbt tkla UtUa aaldao aped:
Their Niittliig Party.
we prt“
tlaee.. My tatter to gettlag qaUo taag
la the aebwoa of eroattaa It* aot kora
*MaiMal ttackl Do aaa Ma aagata
"Where did yM por asked kta Mg
One bright aftemoM to earty Octo­
not very latareettag ao 1 wUl
Bavtytag thair taathar bada:ber Tom found u ompty fiwpe boakot brother Rodmu.
“Dowa to Hr. PaxaM's gardea."
M the back porch.
Yoor Baaaktae girl.
Hero are aeata wataaa akaot
They tan aad they tall, aad they ooo"la Mr. PaxaM's gaidea!~ rspsoted
-Ooma. Ploaato.- saM he. “tots go
arad tka groaad.
Rodman. 'Why he kasat nay ant
Bttlag.Tkapardeo ta a wroek haaaat*
ABd the Wtad eaogkt tkaa ap aad ka
'Wbac's thatr asked the Uttle gtrf. ireee Utere.we are glad w bear from far away
duaad taam aroaad.
Id JaA FRwfa koboafl boat;
tar she Uved to the rity.
-Ymbeku! Sam rilsbed ap taat
Aad be tagakad a “Oood Bight!" aa
The lark kaa oarriad onr aaa ,
•Why you take baskets and go oot.___
big abady tree by .the pvcA. and
‘ Hit airy altaar Bata;
ka dapped tkaa ta bad.
some one clliitoe a tree ud|ahook It. aad aU taeee___ _______
Tka frtaadly rabbtaa eom ao boo Bat the taaroo ware tao -.aloopy to
Not. 4. tPPg.
taakea tt. and that makes the aau*dm on the grsss. and Mr. Pam
hoar wkat be aald.
To great aa by cko koMoataad door.
Dear Prostdeat—
tall dowa ud yoa pick them op udjud Grandma PaxsM helped u ri«k
1 am at boma. and 1 dM't teal well. pot them to yoar bnakot and bring,Bern np.” anewered Tool
Bta atm tka Uttta ortekat trUta.
Bat OM of the oaaatagoat poena of
boma. There are eooM spleadM ."And
Aad aerapaa kit Addle atrtagt;
an to tala OM year prerideat haa aa 1 taoaght 1 woald write to yoa.
Mg trees down la Paxaoa’s garden: mkee aad aim red applea.- said
haartaoBa aomd tt ta ta hear
Mood tar the tort.
have aot startod. I wttl start a* aoM let's go there.'
Jaat tar Port
Wkaa tka Mary algkt air atlM>>
Uelkf Tom! these aaU are roast­
A alMtral dear to booMy talk.
80 am they started ksM la band.
Jack Piort kaa beu oa kla yoarty Bslgetwea My brotart Ole and my
rister Mary are goiag erory day. Our Tom swinging ths batart Mr. Fu- ed;" exrialmed Rodmu. pkktog ap a
Ho tlta aboot ta kit klaM^eleak.
ae ta Htos CUra Barth, OM was stondlag oa bis porch.
kaadfnl from Tom’s hoakrt
Locktag the aaada away ta tka grooad.
A^ whUa kta MOBlc ta haU dtowaad Ho totaed taas ta ao carataUy.
twelve years old last Meoday.
tart's the klad that grow m
-13oot bftemoon. Mr. Pax*co.“ said
1^ tka «eU aarth wtod't dta.
Tom. “Cu Flossie and me have a Hr. PaxsoB's treeo. 1 s’pooe.- aMwerod
ThM wkat did ka do km hide taa key!
Tka gay hearth Bra aaada oat a kaaa The traea and koaboo ware aU la a
tklak they are the atot
MUlng party here to yoar gardenr
Bad adtUy aMt htta ta.
I am sorry jam didn't teri weU wku
Wkara oa tka bob a wtacotalag aot
“8o do .1." efiased to Floeato. “I
Ptossle." So this to yoar
ut caa wa Bar taay wara hoard yoar letter was wrtttoa. bat hope yM
Blagati—taa katUa'a raaty throat
are aU right bow.
Uttle coosto trom'the rityr aaowered tatok they are the almrt tao.*
"BM roasted nais don't grow oa uy
BdL orarkoaid. the toaodAacod au
the CMtlenan. *
Laag ataea kta taat a taat waa loat,
Kto^toy. Mick.
Langked aa tkoagk ka taoaght tt taa.
"Tee. sir. tato to Ftoesle. aad she kind of tree*.- peistoted Rodmaa. “1
With aU the ctarart plak:
Nov. IX tPOX
ha* never beea to a nattlng party to gaea* Sam took tkeai ap and throw
at aaw ha la aa wtal at aaaa
down afterwardsalaap.
her lUe, so I wut to take her ta
At kotat vUkta a Mtak.
4 taoaght I woald write to yoo. We
“That waa probably the way." ta.M
t OM roof tallB.' ka plpaa. •thara’U AU winter long cleae watch rn keep. re orgutotog a tainaktoe Oab. and one. ud I tklak tku I coald dimb
There to never a deer.
that tree." poiaiiag to a Norway Aut Ftarenm. ktndiy. 'and I tatok
th'ete are some lUtle folks wbo woald
that Mr. Pam was very kind to
Bat twm opu to HM
lola. They bavul way cards tprao*.
Aad I Mvor aoed ta aao a hay.
“But tkoae are aU oak aad mul« take ao mach tnmble tt please tkv
chUdren; and now please duX spoU
UtUa data haa deoe a vary alBy ud battew*. I wUl teU jam their trees and evergreeha, Torn.'
'What tf tka gay aOBahtaa ta bat
Cecil Worden. Rule Worden,
-Yea. *lr. bat iksy are the preCllert aU their plmsar*. Rodmaa. for it
Tka warid wttk aaow ta kltad?
Pae Lotooa. Bestrtce AaderoM ud
What tt tka wOd klrda aro aU Bowa. Tka aaada fpi eom oot whu I toedi HUda Bales WUl yoa please send ta towB, and ire the aleeet garden, too. beu aata a aim aatUag party for
tao aprtag."
ABHghtad hr tae wtad?
the card* ud battoas tt my addrees. tonX It nice. Ftoeslhr
-I doaX care, anybow!" spoke ap
That la oartataly a "Bnuktao poem"
"BeanUhd—as aim an a park."
Be awrry aUU wttk what ta left
tau-I wlU give them arowad to staool.
Tom. with s rery red face. “It was
dM't yoa tktak ao?
answered the Uttls diy gtrL
1 go to sekoei every day. We have a
nlccot aattlog party In tbo worU.
’Bless roar sooto'- begu Mr. Paxalee big eebool booaa Oar teacher's
Tkla weak wa kaoa ata aloe I>Uara
Tka aM talk. Ilattata& taka aaw
soo. ud taen be stopped ud tboogbt and Hr Faxsoa to the alcort ma
to Mr. C. R. ABderaoa. It to s
the worM. and thoao are tbo Blcaat
torn om Mlcklgu
ml are
Bice dsr today, t am to the sixth
aot*;yoa Mly aboat seven yean old?"
The ohOdioa Moat with glaa;
grade at 'sekooL
Udnk ao, too. Jan that way." said
■ who Uvae la MMtaaa. Ba aero
Wara ta the feat are ansoMW Baida
-No. he's six.- totemipted Flooak
Prom yoar loviag Snasklner.
and rand Toaaa'a lottar aad tboa let
Wkaa taavaa are ao tka troa;
gravely; *Tor I'm part Bve. and be i noaale. "aad I’m going to sak Hr.
Jetole Brown.
Paxson to have another nottiag party
aa ask bar to write aula.
at la aeoM eoaay aook apart
r tbu mc.“
1 am glad that the boys aad gvto
WriL yoa aoe. Tom. when 1 come here at Cbrlstmaa.A pretty poetal kaa oom tram Hriu Interested to oar big Clab. and
"And I hope that yoa wUl let me
Dackany. of BapU City, wttk a plcUtro wfll bo pleased to scad yoa the cards altaoo^ you are pretty Mg for yoar
come too,- said her mother.
age. I bad beuw let Sam rilmb
a tt of taa aataser bay.
“Ob y«o. we will;- they both fwThat cricket anal haae kaei
tree for you; bat 1 want him ti
Another letter that pleaaal yoo*
-Baaaktaa Crickat' taa't jam tktak reeldeat vary mack waa trwai ue cf
Uttle errand tor me ftrsi. and then riled. beartUy; ud then the beU
Kingsley. Midi.
be and I wUl both come » the notUng (or supper.
V grown HP Baaabtoa trleada. Mra.
Not. 6. 1PM.
Hare la vkat bow ama thooikt tka Jaaala Mupky. of PUa Uka. Mlek..
party. So you and Ptaoeie Jn« t
Dear Proaldeat—
The Indiu Send Men
Bog aaM. aM taU:
B. P. D No. X Mra. Mmphy euda
1 taoaght I woald write a few right Into the stniagran and see
The Piogk OaadBya.
When bedtime comes aad yoa. are
la the aaiiNa of kor Boaday rcbori Unos. We take the Herald and Uko to Grandma Pam for a wbUe. 8be
Oaedkya. Uttla taOdraa. Pm g
•ry. very sleepy, so sleepy that
etoaa. who wut to be SaaahtatM. We read the tattera. There to snow am wfll be glad to see yoa.I know *he wUlaway.
cunot hold yoar eyes Open, thco the
tao giwaad now. I am not forittig Hore. ffiothn-.- ke eonttooed. m>enlng
la ny aaag Uttta koaaa an vtata
growamp people tril yoa that the sud
darn ta OrinneU. Iowa. Do »oo re­ good today. I am tu years oM gad tae 4oor. “Hem to Tom Woototu.
voogbt bla Uttle oowslB noasle. tw»n baa come. And really your eyes
member the tetten from the bo;«
a^ to the tMrth crake. I win toil
I atadOB get ap. ooca Pm taeka
the dty. over ta have a aaettog do feel aa U tend had beu Mewn
glrla who Uve taere?
yM aboat the nicest time we bad. We
■y bad.
to them, eves tboogh you dedare that
and had a alee party OB oar lawn. Wm yu take
A ptnoaal letter te yoar prealdeat wont to Heukack
Aad aa It giowa eaUw 1 aoaar
you are not sleepy one stogie bU. Bat
of them a Uttle while, aattl
raa tala weak trt« Mta. W. B. Mor- ttma I kavs nice times with my dogand 1 kdve got things aU ready.*’ aad the mlnate year head toacbe* tae pil­
rta. at Everett. Weak, who toa-traly 1 gMee I wfll rioee for this tlma
he nodded and smiled to tae pleassat low yoa find that the saadmu has
Pram yoar SaaaklBer.
ibtaer" yoo know.
She a
1 alaap aary oataUy aU wtatar tkreogk.
old wMte-halred tody, srbo ornlled. loo done his woriE wriL and yoa are
Jeoso Btarr.
Aad really aajoy tt; tbarak aotalag to ta taa aamaa of Claytao Ootaor. agr
TMmatabavohadaBooUwM m ke went oa: “I soppooe tart yoa Ored that yoo go right off to dreamda.
Btaa. aad Beraadiae Crocker, age B>w
CM ftod some aloe tod apploe ud toad ud know notalta mere tUl tae
Tka Itaa are aB goaa. aa tkarok oath- aM a kaU. aad the Uttla bfky brother. yoartrtptotketaka Did yoar dog
cooklea to tmmma them wttk. moratog eomee agato.
Bay wauaa Groekar. wkaoa ume
The Indlu metbere tril taeir little
ted I can.- eke aoawetwd. get
Aad I taka tkla Uaa ta aatar a good
black-eyed babica stortes of tae sandOlM Aibor. Mlta.. Hag ap traas her Ug tocktog .ckrir.
too. wbu tarir eyelids begto to
80 ske uld thra ta alt «a taa sofa.
Mas. X tPM
Bad taM tae taoaght taom a Mg Ptato droop, sad tarir Httle beads bMto to
to Mr. H. B. Jooea. itao uataas the

RhIw amt
at flw
mnm V««ff Mhi SmMm

, i «iM
«r«* «• tamr«
hm amt maim mmykatf
M far a I au.
I wM tf7 «• ta
f«l witf kM ^ 1
If I aa Ml I* trrlMf «• ta
that thtMfh I tMI Tn». try

Mitt CLARA BATM. B«tMh ^

■ a tht CrMJa
Ralt Na. 1, tMI. Ml.
eW.Dr. da

Tvatr ttxm at aamtUma. ali
Taka 'ta viU a not a two a( bricM.
nah watka;
Twacf irm at ammmg kart, ingm
•qm waV kart ya vaQ woMt h> W
Halt a Bflt«( aada a «• UMoy
Wttk a UtUt aparidtac aya utM to
tte i^var:
ratr vatM of attaM^ara. vKh a
bM aoat ia tt—
Wky. 70K<ra aanlaodai. taC katttr
avafp mtaatal
Beaa ktaOly Aaoda i day. kaMag
aaaaeaa'a tiwMa.
Bra* aat Wo« a adit away IMa aa
airy MkMa:
goal ywafa gattlM «■ ae Ma aooa
ka ttaa a laara yw
Ta Ma vBM «* \tmamt«ta «att^ a
raealTa yoa!

lava’a arm
Why, yooTa krovtav yaaas asatat
•ay, yoa*a vaB aB oaor.
AS yoa aoaft a kattaroM «>l k Md


Ok. tkta It tka ^ ora key 1 kww1 tktak • a wood «ay>
Ha Mwaa with tka talaataa tkat eew
n ytaaa tm. m «kela day
Aad rarely a Mtaata of an the day ;
ta Itat or wattad ata^ tkk way.
Ho atvii wttk the ftrat of thaai all
Tka beat trota tka aMratag koara.
Aad trtaa. howorar kta yatka kMta.
To aaaOa tkroagk tka aaa or akow
Aad ka* aot to htaBW wk«i tka m
H OM uttla aetaala haa yaaead to
Ham Miiaaira
New Mtakaia Jotataw olaca taat ro>
Otytoa Biekat
OiotMr, Lladaa. Idahe. Kaaw aaat
W Mia. W. a Mortta.
BeUta Awtdra. Bra Tagnieli Dtlay
taoatah aad laaa dagatah. ^Hdaa.
Mtak. MaaMoaathyBwraiaeoolM.
Okartaa raaiarttla. Oacrga XooMr>
‘akta. wWa Knttial
Mtak. MafBM aMt W


Matgarat HarTtaea. Xtagrtw. Mtak.
PiyllB KtckaraOB •akaot. Mr. B. •.

aea. KiacBay. Miek. PayDe Ntakaraaa
ackoM. Mra. B. S. doaaA taoMw.
r H. Y. r. BMiaMiia ctok MMit i
Trkakta BeyaoMa, Baadoa. k
Naw aaat by Bwya daeqakk.
Bay wnitaa Groekar. Uaftaa.
Kaso aaat kj Mra. W. a. Merrta

Tka taaaSrSrikaUMk Vtalt.
The Ant wtatar now haa cbm. ai
haw yiwtty tt ti! How warn aad eaa«y
oar beaM* aaam. aad what taa wa
hara oat ta tka ctaor troaty alrl Hen
ta a Uttta poeat that yaar ynal
kaa Jaat road abaat
How WtMr Cbm
Wkaa wtator eaw dawa la kktJtam
W» a border of mow



0mm dowa «a tka aMlh tioM Ui far.

Wkaro MM aa a bag ta tho wl

St Vitu. Dance
Atw ttcrre tfiseasex and vakta
ebedeed, lead to destnictioa of
tMth Btiad SDd bodj. Thm
wok. dattored Bcrm nut
have sonrthtBg to gtrenwtfaea
and btuU thda bat^ to health.
Dr. Mdcg' Keatoratiwa Kervioe
is a^cmaikable nerwa toaie and
ctiraelaBt. It gticmbciu tba
aerrex reliei-ea the Bcrrou
■train, and influencu tdreab*
in* body4>inMinj dap ud
cast. Penigtent use aeUoa
fuU to raUcTc tbcM affli£^

MOta Mrificsl Cm Shfaset. iBd
nod. ud orate of the starlee are very
old. so eld that they are called to>genda. The ladlaas begto tarir fairy
stories by aa^ "ify graadfatam
taU BM.- Jart aa we say 'Dace apu a
■ They bad oo books fatt of sta
rtox’brt tae motaers aad Cataeta told
them to tae chUdrea aad wbra tae
taildrm grew ap they remsmbered
them and told them to other 1^ tadlu papooeex for that to wkat todtu bablee aro.caUed.Atal to tkto way
tkeyewme dowa to oa. The loai—
audmsn to caXIod -Wooak.“ and al­
ter tae MtUc papoeeae ore tataed
away to their hammecksf Uaed srtth
tragrut giwss and mMs. they watch
ta erealag star and wait for the cam-,
tog of Wcoak . Bat they aevar
May awake taag enoogh to ealtk wgllripM of 1^ ao matter bow b^
they tix H'e ft-a^taaMle-bee. they
es Mg as a boffaia wjta great
srtogs that bun ootUy, and to tae evulng when be comae dowa tram the
Great Bloe talgwam. bis srlags make
atraage, whirring moslc aa he gles
taroagh tae air. A white child cr a
Pale-toe*, as tae ladlaas caU a*,
might tklak this moslc was only the
bntslBg of gaats and the chirping of
crickets, bat tae Uttle ladtos eblldren are colte sore tt to the soog at
Weenk. By aad bytae Wak-wak toylltaV Its tiay temp. Wah-wafc-toyia tae ladton name tor Srwiy. and
each time the baby papooao opaas Ms
and sees tkeee frigM. Qasktog
UgbU he hnow* that Weenk is aeaAlag muy little warriors to pot iko tadton bablee to sleep. The gaats ham
soft. llUe lallaby. tEskwaktayoee
abbs brightly, sad the ereotog rtar
watches over tae wee oaee to the wigs ud bammocksAnd eou Weeak
begtos to whir hto wtogs aad ban.
boss, boxs-s-s.
The Uttle pepooM
bear* the hmsIc. then Weuk throws
Mad in Its eye* aad over and over k*
ears, "Ban. ^oxx.
till tae
ladlu baby after a lew sleey elgks
Is lolled to slomber. Aad aU altat toog
Weenk slags hU besrtffnl cradle
scBg. tW the su begtos to make the
sky light and roar, thra away ke
whirs with all hto carts and ftreriJea.
akd tae ladton baby wakes up ready
for fan W frolic and *11 the Joy* of
the day time.



Scott’s Eimdsion
to seveial ifrinioM ywarly.
H^Bcxasae h has nude
ao many asckly children
gtronc and well—kivcb
health and rosy cfaedcs to so
many fttle, anaesuc girls and
leatneed to health ao Many
thouanda in thefitriatagea
e( CaoKunptksL
g*edCM«ii|Mrttoam. ligrttorirU


My but ta a atao UMo hdta ta Ma

■ V wdiaw


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