Grand Traverse Herald, April 07, 1908

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Grand Traverse Herald, April 07, 1908


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


nuvcRM eiTv,'.



TMrlby and Evans Defeated for Board of Education by L. W. Godman
and Orville G. Millar After a Bitter Fight.

nitv^rse CIty Goes Wet by a Ma|ority
of i62^Towiisblps Show Ma|(Hify
of m for nty.

Every repuetjdan on «.a Tieicat vn
Cut in toa Five Wards of too
CUy Yootorda..
Tb« folloaUf «a, Oir vdr
Yards. fTirr r-Y.’iUwa babw otoetrd. tW ftic^rrs to iba rigdt belo oularltto;
Ffatt W. Carrar.«
Jaswa N. Maitlo^ D

BoDd Issue lor
Laud for PubUc Paries.
Wb. D. C Gontae.
AiltarW. Walk



I** HPBBfcjr.

Jaho H
hdward LsBiorr. D
Wrtght H. MaUem. R SSS
Charira H. Unprtebt D St


Sarancl C. Domw, R
C. C. Cooper, D
AldermanPrank B. Ooodft^ R
I. W. Bowen. D
Oeo. W. OegMT, R
Joaepb Urban. O

Every Rqddfctn W&rd
CavDdste Elected.
ward aandidata
ww stseM AS MIows:

W. D. C. OsrmaJns. Eisct s6 Msor of Trovoraa City.



>^^hI Id Mw slty ay NtajoHlM* «
lA’:m —"V4. «f7: TMrri «mN. «»; I

r S Uw lirim DVDr raeHvsrf ay a
ifMBW'lil TW^'cNy. R was tiwt»aht Uwi aSsM)^ dT 4M at ttw
-------------------------------—— aut Uia iNsjaH^ aa rtoalvad at Uw

The '^Wets'’ eairy Oie Oly by
U* Maiorify


tbMepduMaa yCw DD laoDl aatsu Id tha aaoiity,
Doia vwy
CNM iMiM Osaa «*a dm Maan-atDayiD« tiw aftMUsD «uHd« ths
0m sw#WtOwHi' aallawlM *»•» 0» •"«'* aasty ymJs atvaaiMtda Htavamairt. Ths faaa al Sm raturna ah*w a
City waila Uia t
of Travasaa
I mti)^ af « *y. ^atg a Nwjaitty la Uw outlra
aaaatpcer CM ta favw of «ba wata. oaty...................
.; jMair efOM Ns yfapaaiwao. as loliowai
to MW «Ny Ida wot awjofttioa igr mwCo, oia ao faKowa; lat woto.
M «ofd.mi toM wwd, «7{.4td wank W: ftto woto, 1M: a total of

^ •m

■' < • ^ •r««a;i^ to; myrntt, aa; toot cays »: wwia to* ----- -—•—


tt: aialr, ts: •rant. t7: Long
N>. 17;
PaaloaulB. 715 ODPlft Uto, at;
H-.Km baao
tawa ton*
tbot TYavaraa CHy wmiM ga aoavliy ogalMt tlia Ory
IMpidllaa, aal tao looto aaltaa toa«aa aagaa ttat too aataMa towaodipa
w» •

TMid a»ord~
ytorth ward—
yirai ward—
Third wardCHARLES H. MatflCHAEL.
yaortb aratd—



J mr. W. lUriby's OpiiosilkHi Gegsty Retpstered a Me
lority of 324 Votes
Downed Him .
I Id too A
; It WBB praa^
S to ■ torga iMjaHKy that Hr. Oormaliw wooM win ewt.
wanaro aoa ** faar pe,pm naoK. it waa ataa aaaaadoa toat
woo aot at ^ n wooia aa by a vary small ow)oHty. toarafara tda lataroal
H io thoaa two yraaosItloDa ama not ao inuiwa as tdatwdtoh
aanaoaeif tda aolUo or tda
latiatoal of eaiwaS U t. Cilbart ofolnot w. W. Thlrtby of tho yoorto
ware on# t. A. Cvato of tbs FlfUisMra, fof mombars of tha boora of odoHa*. C W. OoHouN of tbs yoarth aod O. C- MHUr of tha yitOi. aomaeratla aaoHIHataa. wan oot. eadaion noahrbif' a aMjartty of M* and MUlar
'|l tot. Tda board of adacoMao oontaot waattba bHiaiaat In too. anUro comytofo. and too foraanal Hwoaat oiyataUlMd within Uw last two days ba^
fara alaaMaa. Oalm a. Oortia. rtytollaan aondldato far tda aadaoi bMrd
to too toaand ward, dafaotad Horvay A. Longoorthy by ' tda vary laiga
■tolartbr of liar, vtolis Lavl eaala,^a Third ward


■atoMfi WHtalio to ?«.

Bf toa baard at yabHa warto agalnal d. A.
dtoWto. tor. Waira majartty baing lltt. Tda owrt lorgaat awjartty vim
thM at efarga W. Cortla. ragabllean aandidata far laalaetlan aa Jiwlioa of

■ toa majarttiao,wlld-tt7t.ogalaMb.H.Braeh.

Par tdo ,tolrd timo tha
la bond too county tor
oraat npon to, Munty form porchoood
faw yaara ago. daa boon dofaatad at
too yoUa to tha oaepia of tha county.
ta law l*« olgM ratutoa
looking from tha townskipa af Siair,
OaHtaM and Moyftald. but whh oil
too oUor rotorna in from tha town
ahlya and city, a toUl vote of 1M0
Miown agilnM toa
favorabia. making o majority of
at« oga)"« »* propoaition with
tdraa of too townahipa yot to hoar
from. With ono' oscapUan ovary town
otdp hoard from gawo a majority


Bib Peck.
Board af ravtov to SO vkaaMg-MR
V. Baaetnft.

Ctofk-UpaaR Hobba.
Traaaarec-Ralpk IX WMa
»abway —irsmmM- —T
Owtooif of. blskvapB-OatMl
w or MSI
Jaatk* ot too |
natatoai HoMa.
JaaUcaafUtogaae^ a^ggW Dii
AM M. modgaU.
Board or raWoto-^Cbblta MM.
Jabk'Oabla. Oteta*
PJfa Laha.
Oark-WBl A. RaM.
Traaaam—Palaf T. TWlMA

^ tisiftot . <las^a a MbM
^toUoa at
1>mR WBJpitiCD ae Ua gaM to M \
P-M. R. Cmdol

Waltor W. Daaa. R
Wl^BAD) TYoatwtDt, D

OAHtablaa M. W. B«tM.

Prank Lahym. R
EW. J. M. RUb^ D'

BrnRh. Tkacy u WlRtaH,
WdgbL I^la RMSht
-Mto W. Bto

Cbarlaa McMIebaal, R
R M. Domaa. D

Oversaar af IflshwaTto-Mb'!
Jnadee of tbe (
JniUea of |

m. m.
u w.


X**to»w-«Albm OartWR
WflUaa P. Rarabajl
Prank P. Baulto. D
jOMrtada aad '1
! Ovanaar ot hl|^va|i»-WSlMr MMtop' Bt^.
Lotda P, PatoetL R
Riding on ih«. tx-asi nJilcli U i-m ; to hi* ruaRHiamts. Mr. GonBOlos
George M. BeoMr, O
I Ov*reear of **lfr-nn Tubs Qm
blrnstic pt tor defoatod party. WII HbousUi ihai bo ouuld br allewod to OoaaUble—
llaa D. C. Ornnnlnc lumuBded by r .ut sfirr bl. sirranous day. but suth
It tka I
grrai crowd of rrlmdt, siipportrrs and j'van m-i ibi- raar. and ebrertag. tbr
Prank Ctevelaad. C
admirers and aoconpanlrd by a band | enjod Yrnt oo down todn. goliig aa
ot mtow. «M 7
playing all tbe popular airs of thr da> i far not as tbr C. 8. P. a ball and Superriaor—
Lgadan K. Ctoreiaad. B
and night. nadn a grand tnumpbal ibrn back 0 toe Record offlee.
I 'tor Hi
Mr r.<Yinainc was forced to again
William R. Moea. R
nrarly olrc1<.d mayor bring forrrd to
eopuBd Ui Ulo calls and again csteod- Uonstnble—
rrspond to rntreailra with too »hnrl
!nab. Baary tBibwIm.
d bi> ibanks. MTioo toe Record of- VilllUm Kora. R
Ice Bar r»ached as many Of tbe popu
With rod UglilB burning and Ronian
ODor as oQuld convrnlently do ao
randlra flarftig. tbe crowd »urg.-.l op
.nd 'i.nir that were iDronrenteacad in
to Mr. Germalnr's rretdenre and sflr
TowaaWp dtot. SMk O. BtsalRa.
‘he doing, came in. following behind
rounding It llkr an Invading host,
Towaabip TranawiB. DarM W, BM
ibrli loader Ma.vor Germalur was al'
madr Traverar Cltya’ new mayor
in. hoaeser. tu« voice was gone and Blaatad In Brand RnpWa Ovar TWa Dolda
eomr forth. Mr. Ot rmalur rr,[>ondea
or blgbwayi ftM
ho r<-slatod all appenU. bnally makl^.
Othto CandWatat by ■ Plurality
to tbr calls and In a frw a-rll rhnrcn
Ms ocaor ahitr (br
of Aboto SOS.
words thanked thr pttoplr of thr rity
Overseer oC
Thr l«n.l kept It I for some time.
for thr honor raofrrrYd upon hiui
Grand RapliU. --Iieh.. April i-Oeo.
il hour- iavortiiv 'll', rtty with nuts
and' pl«.dgrd M* brat rBorta
JuaUen at tba psaao. two j
B. Ema waa Hrcled mayar of Grand
llrmt tntrresi In aSalra muniiliat. 11... tiui.. i— nr.-ts l>ring
Qirlalor.her Cat*.
tapida today by an eaUmatod ploralfirot
and olaaya. After sir'sf.itig "Mh luvJ'l' tor Mo.-ka.
Jnijer ot lb*«r 1
liy ct m, tba raniaot being one of
Partotopber Binte.
the hardest fought ever seen her*.





Thoaa Who O'dnt Paver Local Op­
tion Had a Psraor Last Night
c.tixena Ticktt
Out Along With
and Cctrbrated.
Local Uptien Down In Wonford
ford County.
"Wet; Wi-I; art, wri; wet."
Keeping time to <!>e foregoing, a
large namber of those Intereaiej Ir.
I'j l.' Midi , .\ijni a—B. L- Mfr
the success of the anil-b-ra! op'iuu beau, «... Clrtud major ot

' V'-,
fiug*n>' : -U W. eafford
—b L ncjBtoB
vaacrTr-Cdward M. Mllto.
Commloaloner — K.

’'■‘^ket, hla ma­
IMI nlghl I ‘Thou t'hT'appTiat'T
of tbe fart nat ttrau.l Traverse toiu
h.tog ‘sUln'.^ed at betwaOB M
a U»r dn‘ rolumnn Iidim.- xnd Tu
entire rillscnj tlckat
... .da..d I. 11,. B.1.I1
toa and
by tbe message from Cadillac
BOtbing -waa doing there and those
that liked tbrlr toddy were flgurlo&'
0*1 toe qulrkMi route lo Orand Trat ,v'
we county.
There were a fe« drur.ks ee toe,
Th* poapla ef Trw
■treeu and aomr .empty fta-ks were
Ootoria^ dry. SCO majertty.
trod a deeiOod dis
noticed, bnt'lo the nimn. the crown,
Wexford, dry. t» majorily.
while noMy, was orderly and kept
diverting mcn«y from tha bend laswa
Ocaana, dry, 40D majerlty.
Barry, try, 144X1 majerlty.
voted atowval year* aga for toa p«r>
"Wet; wel; wet;
Cl.nton. dry. gSO mapertty.
.pees of purohnainff a a*rtaa-«r park
OrwtloL days ISOB majority.
aitaa which aa towi under toa
Mi|p tovorlng It boing Union, which
. dry. 32S. majority.
aratian ef toe aaunoH for
gm a favwwbla veto af tt against CHy Council Then Adjourned UntU
SL jaesph, dry.
Cily. toa
This Earning.
'Crand Tm
This will maaa that toa e>ty
l*it night wi*i the retruiar itiretlog
PlraL TWrd. Paurth and Plfto war«a
maaaa. ww,*,
will nM at this tone
wetod In favor af tha bends, toa See- night ot toe city rouDcil but owing to
Casa. wat.
R. A I. round
a<M «*rd tody voting agnlnat tnam.' toe atoetioa. posed tbr pay roll only
Otogwto. M le^
tot ethor'park tltm wkleh have baan
TM kawMAIga which did «at sand re- ^snd Xhen adjourned uatll thta erestog
HidlMto. mptotod dry.
ifcpoead and «pan which toa Judgtama In Immadlitoty wtli aearaaly at-' when tbe regular bnalneaa wIU be
OaiOtoid. repertod w*L
koM af toe paapla af Trwweraa CHy
■ af too raoDit
han baan aakad Tha jnajartw agMnal

I Co.

Karr, (

Oraan Laha.
Snparrtaor—Joba Antiraifc
Township clerk—Wiitia Tinalaiti
Tewnahip •-rimnr riirnn
fOoBUnoed wa Poanh Paga.)


is 211. wiry two wnrto latoig favwto
aMy. toe Piret word afwwlng a tototo
able majority, af SS, a«to toe PMB
ward. H. wOHe tba atoar war* rag*
Third warA ITS, aad too PatwIB mM

.M the dty to to bava

aiAift TunoAV. AMHL*-


to atm dropplag.
Ttaaa an at iaealeabto vataa aot
oalp tor tbo taobar tbop wmjaepUn
bat alaoto pnoaa—t baada. to ihooaattop toad tron botag aaobod awv
aad fortUo Adda aado barraa aad
bot aot toast tor ibo baaaty tbop oM
bet ator to tbo eontirr bat to'
dtp aa waU.
tor dap oootaa tbto tooalb
vIB Ha taad bp ptodaaattoa of tba
oaor asd oa tkat dap. erorpbodp
oboaM ^t at toast oao Irse of i
. It tboro to DO room for a ftidt
trw. toaat ahado trooo. aapvap pot
troaa toto tbo sronad aad eare tor
tbaoi 10 dtot tbop «01 ptnr.
TVaririo aip eaa obuHp pooag
tTM oaaOp ot eotopanUrolp Uttlo
eoot.„ no atroau are volt tbadod aad
thoro arc naap troea of the rarioM
proportp to tbo dtp bni thoro should
WkOa'tW pMpW of^TriTWM Clt»
s man.
toft ft^rnmai tMr vfll u to «b«tk As towtUBoad to the toregoto« para­
graph, thoro aro naap tract to the

IW M fk|i emair. tko Mmt of ro*- dtp bat come or them aro of aadrdr•vte BWt aot bo eoBAdorod M ob able oartoUea. For oxanplo. there
mim «i«Mt. Tbo botOo vMdi bw aro the poptoxa. Croaadoa have ottoa
boa vici«r )>•*»««
>"t^- booB made agaiast tbo poptara
«MI ^ tto lOMl OptkK OdTOClUo
,a*o nr tbrtr porntetous bgWt
doHul^ put 1b* MtbA boa boon etogglag walar plpera. Tbop aro aloo
• 'iii»ilii at odaeoueo sad tbo poo- praattoalip awthleoa aa Bbado
•lo.Mt'wd aomt, bore bad aothtog to tbo boantp oT the siroota.
«9 MHl At arcoBwU tor aad asalait Tbop abooJd bo dug up aad rodaeod
I8r tt* eoldototlfw Tbb la tbo bp*tbo bard aiaplo. '
«Mt tUM U MB7 jws that as at
Arbor Day oouM bn oboorred also
taapt of tbs Had baa booa aadA bp tboao who ova all the trooa thop
aal VkOf a eoavMo oletety vaa aot can ror bp proportp trimmtog tbm.
Maap or the otreota of tbo dtp are
cj*^ »M *
at tnpoasibto boeaooo of the lo«
haagtog llmba.
Tboao eeald bo nawTod without hurt to (bo troeo aad
b a nawvrtol aoatlibnt acdiaat would add not oa1p to the comfort or
ihooo oompenod to noo the eldowaUs
jiM that tba ooataat baa doBod.tbo but atoo to the bsavtp of too atreeu.
«tl^ .«m aatOa dewB la tta aorwt Asothor resort loasan to aoa- dote
k Tbo
at band with nothing done Tnr hirer
IT U* to db baatowi. aad ae lobg
Using the regloa. The. Oraad Trartboy eporato witbla tbo loraaowtbo erM regtoo has maap b^Ued aud
li« tbd7 aro OTlitlod v aodb ooa•ldo^ adraatagoa but not all knew of *bw
auoi m'ibatT rlghta doiwand
toat aboQld. Mono)- spoal' In edrerf&
Jloaooar. Iba oaatttaaat vbleb
lag Oraad TraroTso would bring uot







.—botowttba drat toaato bare
. ttto dto—ttoa. Maar mbb toto able
, ' difca'bo b—boae eaOad to abaaMar
rnm raatof ipapoaallHWtoa aad bare
' toado food, add tboro la otoit raaa. jm U atpm (hat Mr. Oonaatoa vOI
' Ihaba a *004 roeord darias Wa tar«
« oO«o.
S(a btotfem atotad that ba woaM
^ . bo vlUlac to roeol
tod dl oo«T •— cIttooB to tbo ad.
toltoatitotoa of tbo otQr'a aSalra. nia
a to—niiibto atom aad iwroaH
rAJafjito to atadr tbb vioboa of tbo

ratoi^ to aacfsau thai nfl of the re­
in the dtp arrange to hare
thedr opoMago dating the
sad that thop bo^oatoartrelp adTertlsII the
Bp'thto method bo'boUoreo that
Hh gnater atunbor or ' people
Dould bo todocod to come here durtok
that weak than has come to all the
Bponlagi p« togother. boeauss
mold pnoont a mneb largor rarletp
of BMishaBdtoo at one umo. aad thererm aSord bptur opportnalttoo
lol^ona. This to a good soggeation
sad wa baUera U too n
nnlu apoa tbo prspoatUoe that
spMng had tau ugMiima or Trarcrae,
Cltp would proTo great ottiactlooo to:
the people In the oorroandl^ torrl
torp, and draw trade hom*a laaeb
•Mer araa than would* bo posaible
vbea a otogto eoaeora to re presented
St B given Umo. Ttds Idea could foraIsh a rouadatlon (or s big trade puller
sad with toe additional Indueemeot
tor largo porcbasoi.
too bMoffta to too 1

.. —1

R. noyd CUMRr—• PliMd—
aamori Oarland. Cnfikte.
A. J. Maynard. Aast Onsihr.
A. J. HsriUM. tmL CaAMr.

V1_J- I

losuiTs mom out

sun WalUng to Hov Fron
Trtwao dtp.

Mrs. Ed. Fraslar. of WolUr. guffarto
Foe Two Waake Oafort Mto
Lobrnod Whet Wot Wrong.

■bieteeato ceniary ; i
Ftpamato, Bn^nad. April
U was
daacorored after i-wazs I
enelaUp reported today that w of the
«< aciniific rrocarrh •
crew at tod torpedo boat Aostroper
by Dr. KUbmt. toi ,
eatiarol kidoey aad ]
Tiger woro diWaed when too oultor ALL MU«T PROVE TrEIR RIGHT
Berwick tad down and aaak toe des­
troyer duriag loot Bight's maneuvers
unc acid,
wbieh is tbe worn |
la the Rngimb-MaanoL
form of 1 loev ti
d 8y ficerot gcnrlee Men
N IS »« recIh. Kilmer's*------ ^........
jtif vouUsve
oanBrthkd far ev^jtotng but
■p Acting
■ M»,l wll!
fcidnrv. liver or hladder inrobleu
will >„
Commlasiener of li
tion. Joseph Murray.



A «ttcnl ftuklv —siRcn bN


New York, April 3.—A «ejie,
wholesale am-ni* of anarchiiis
been beguD by the United Sister
eroment .the first round up taking
pisee in New Tork. '
^^T^Iel^iwoted here by secr.-i
serrlce agenis were taken to th<
lice stalloD lolay for eaaminaiio
artJng oommtosioner of Immigration.
Joseph Mtairay.
Those who caonot prove their right
day night, brought In a verdict pester
day mortdng tost Blllott came to hla to be In Ibis country wilt be deport
deaih si the bands of Mrs. Green and
She was at once srrolgued She tolP
toe storr of toe tboollng and the
Uco decided that tt was a case
^ Ploeod on Trial.

Uancelona. Mieh.. April 3.—Mr*
Maud Green, who shot and killed War
reu BHtotl Wedaeaday night when he
was aliempilBf to force feds' way Into
her home, was relented from cnsiody
yeaierday after an egnmlnaHoo be-

wm Take Foollton Aa Toachor in the
•oiohM Doportmofit of High

An Interesting sterion of the grange
was held Saiiirdsy aftemnon. several
Important suLJert* being discussed In
an able narfuer by the members.lileasani social time was enjoyed prt-vloiu to tfie meeting, a number ea)o}ing a pot tuck dinner.


H. A. Davfk, teacher of scleuce lu
the local High ocbokl. has been offt-red toe pooltloa of teacher of arience
In too Kirt Huron High aebool, the
place carrying with It a salary of 11.- Lari Year fv,Wao Froson Over !
a year. Prof. Davis will not re(Aya. tl* lea Leaving ths Esy
bU coolmct with the local ecbnol
March 27.
bot win aroept the Port Huron offer.
This mme poaiUon was offerod lo! This ycar-tbe oay was frozen or
Mr. Oavli mat (Oil but ihe the board SS days. It being covered with t
of education, on account of good work Feb. 28. Itosi year. It was frozen over
done hero and the difficulty In sstu - ;o da.vs. Ibe ice going out March 27.
lactorlly (6llng his place, refused in
Tl)f Ice‘left the bay Monday before
sccept-lt. The fart that the poalllAu u strong south wind.
has again been tendered him si>eak--'
well for hl» ability
Judge Wllhaiu l.ochron. of UJunc
«|h»H*. of the ITnlied SUies Dtefrict
■-oun. announco* that he will resign
hi* position on the federal bench, tbe
Prof. R. L. Nya Will Teach At Mt. rvsignallon to become effective
Pleasant Normal.
t* 78 T
Prof. R. L. Nye. principal of tb<too (oderol
local High school, hss been offered s bench for 1* years.
poolUcHi SS teacher In the rummer
The minister ot public works and
uchool U( UI. Pleasant, the offer cniii- tin official committee of American roitig from Prof. C. T. Drawn, siiper u clnn-rs sltended the loaugaratlOB
rndeoi of the Ul Pleaaani Normal ceremonies of ibe Chilean section of
Mr Nyp will accept ibe offer and will • h<- irans-Adlne tunnel. In conoeci
spend his summer gf Mt. Pleasant
Ion with Ihe railway from Arlca.
t'hilr. to La Par. Bolivia.


Mrs. Bd. Frasier, of Waltou. hat
bean suffering for the last two week*
with a badly ewollen arm. which sl)e
Injured in Grand Raptda by slipping
on toe Icy walk. Her arm became Hotel Mao of Long Egperienee—
so painful *be decided to vltli a Inrol
Mr. Whiling Devetn Attention ^
phrslclan. uud Ut( uigbt she did no.
to Real Enau Buoiness.
Ibe phyatelau finding that ber arm
bad been broken, and hid never been
The Hotel tfitoillng. mhtch tor Uie
ist tail years bs^ been under lUe
The bone was broken again and set ■oasgemerf of Howard Whiting
property, but was tu such a roodtUon changed hands yesurday. H 8 iJli '
that further treatmeni may be necet- mer, of Indianapolis, assuming Mie
Mr.-aod Mr* Ohtn-r
aad their little son. Psullne. arrived
Wednesday from Ihe »onlh and t>re
)w Id ponaeasion of (be hotel
Mr ohmer ir a hotel man of tone
Uawton and Other Eastern Conneeti- »xp<-iietice. for the last Bre years leirt cotton Emplopos Otartod
manager of tbe Hotel Grand at In
This Morning.
lapolu. Lost summer he spcni at ,
Manlsiee with bis family, that being'
Plainfield. Conn.. April 6 —The Uw
loo cotton mllla here and Ibe coltoa the first auTunier they bad spent In
>e north.
mUIs In other eaaiern Connecllcul
Work will be begun at once upon
1* employing in all abouf two
thonaand persons wefb oo full ,'cn:; -vnovanng and Iprorlng the hotel, and
Mr Ohmer ezpecu to have everything
today after a long period of curtail
in readiness for the summer gunu»
Mr. Whiling ba-« movi-d his fsmil.*
' the Raff residence, ou Blllb sir—l.
Mt win devote Us Hint- to hU real
eauie interest*





ECMJ Roport.

hip too 1
t of Traveroe Clip
0a^ of tbo dtp ratbor Ibaa to 4o^m4 oatbato apoa bto ova jadenoet
Wb an Boaddoat that Mr. OoraMlar
caa toAo a baaeoaa aa a mapor, bat
aa-MUMl la aa meaUr# poaliion
*r dib toaha a tbooaaik aaeoaaa wbilr William Otno. Fonwerip W This City,
Has Complstad Courto.

fWiBg Mllrolr ap^ bto o«B jodr
—to. RoMtbaoofWAitoPoRaad
William aaae, a former High school
I or tba peopia arbrn ba itadeat. ha* eomplotod IM couroe ui
u obl KHr. OarvalM to «
I to aow 0 b«yL. DaWm Lssvas Rotlep CotnI—lungid «• hMlov* that Ms adato deton, roadp to eagago 'to proettoo. Waftar
panp .m Taka FooHioii With
iBtiatlaavabavorthp of hla afloru Dr. Cane will be well rememberod
Estotbrook-akaoto to.
aad-oatMdaetarp to (ho poeplo at too boro aad has many friends Ip.too
«Hr,.T)M daaWoe aa«orUp which ba cltp. HI* father tormoHp ooedwt
—lMir y»Miid» MMrilm tbo a»- babotr ban bnt rodgwed to take tbi* Walter U Demti. vic«g>reatdeni of
Bide Lumber Co. and for
—Mt trnHa of tbo dtp aad ogoaer of a dour oompaap.
toe Keller
ha ipMaotod K la 4m to
lAimber A Sblnglo Go, baa resigned
Mm tbat lM ahoMd aeodro oach topMs -posttioB. toe reaigoatiOB to take
S— aa MMT MM«r has a right to
eSoa Aprfl >&. Mr. DeE’Itt will at
aagnk ■§ MU aot olmplp bo ^
take a poalUon wHb toe »teror tor Mo partp, bot tor a? af too Coal Ivirooa aad Laraaa.of FiaaktmL OBOO
brook-ekcola Lsinbar Oo.. of CUengo.
— aaMid—a or partp AtUtoltoBa.
mn far SMppIng lllagd
AM will romoTO to toot dtp. Tbr
Bo wn hsoo bsMad M «a eoaoeto
HMlMTa mock toooamo aa too owe
bo oceuptoo St pnseat. Nr. sad Mrs.
Dpwm hare s largo samber of, f—k
so a hsM to Mm to
bore who will bo sorry to see
oad Stn eoau to Froakftrt VodaopMaHtoklmitooMtp..
dap .for aklpdag tttogal trout to CadiV
toe. Tbo oUpmMt wao odaod oat '^.C.O.Snydlsadt Mill'load toe tern'
Al — BrOmM% Bob FHdto ofior
I am«od|by l>MMMa]potaac« po^lo sad______________
tbs figHhTlign will ,
mm. 4W M— at tanatn «m WtkMdPotlt.o(tHogamowsrdoa'B)«u^


yfaoilr w'bo read* tbe oewwto know of tbe aomJerfol
cores made by De. I
Swa^ !
Root, toe groat 'Em-' I

A meortng of the snbocHbora
proposed rdlYap bond* sad ell othen
toterosled was called for Tbortdap
snoraboD la ibe clip council n
The sitesdaoce was rorp light
BOBaideTable totoreat was manlfeated
to the proposition,
cbalrman of the ipoclal rallwap
ailiise reported that np*u>daie
had been |S3.IOO «abocrlbed.
bondrod dollars more had beei
cured bp s member of the eommiitee
who was hot present and other proaitoes had been made.
The chairman urged prompt arllon
tnasmoeb ns the Cnrtor CcmatnieUoa
eompaap were still wnlUag to bear
from Traverao Otp. aad if tbo proiect
was to rnatortollio. prompt aad doetaacUoB abonU bo reported to too
Carter Ooutraetto componp ot
eartp date. It was froelp stated la tbo
moeilag that It woeltf be
nfao im.OW and Chairman HsnI was authorised to eemmi
with toe Carter OonstracUon
psDp and sae wbotber there cosld bo
la their original
a aa (o the required a
Of bond* <0 bo cold in tola aecUon.
W. D. C- Oermano wa* preoent and
stated to too meeting that be was pre­
pared to state dadaltalp at toto.Ume
Mba ao aMMlr Tobod
that he knew of $iMO that eonld bo
to tbo oatoBabaapof that tW bui
added to toe Hat bot be WM Boi
flAar tbo tov. aad aa kmc aa tbor do
ihortsod B( tola mMtUg to give toe
fMI. Oof V01 aot bo dlatarbod oatli
of the sufascribero. Ho sutod
AODITK^AL TRAOe. Htad-aat.’ Tba Borald baa booa a There hero bora manp sagged
ihal shoald the propoaltlon of Ibo Car­
otaaob -adveeaba «f tbo h%a] opUM durtog past pean. aa to metbci^
ter constrnctlon companp bo modified
aModbaiBk 'M aappeit *aa ctvoa bo- attracting additional tntde to Trar* ■o'lhat S leaser amooot of mMop than
eras Otp frotn outaldo. Freo axem that Ant required would ba accepted,
aatIUod to-tba aappoK of Uda pabtl- atoas OB the railroad* hare booa sag* bo' would add ll.»00 to tals pen
caNM. Tbato baa booa oo naeb a^ goated la peara gono bp but tbi* ptoa snbFCrtpUoD. Those additioaa iberedMba atoac toto nao tor roan paat has aot appeared to bo reaatble. An* (ote would bring too loinl nmonni
Ihib dto bobopod |t «aa tbartor
to teo.MW. The meeHng adjoui
subject to toe call of top ebairma
tt tbo oabM geodt has been tried In oUtor clttoo '* Mr. Honnen wa* advised Ibl* m
lug that a BUbt^ription of tl.OOO more
aad to a limited o«ent to Trai
Cltp bot this baa aoCbeon made a would bo tortheomlng from Clficogo.
Wnlio the meeting poaterdnp was not:
BoaorSl praettoo.
toagolp nUended It wus eeruinlp pnv
A good eaggoiUOD. boworer. la now dartlvo of aubotonilal rooults.
made bp one or onr
otoor meeting will be called soon and
sad which appoan to he practleaiblo. U to boMeved that at that lime, defleDurtog the spring aad fall, alt
ito aetloo will be token to close up
a-w.Tx atj
and manp of
the aubocrtpiloo list or drop (be matnttoAtobooorr btakto gmlMod oror tamllor ones hnro. whaii an beeoi
too dbloadid maierHf vbM Ho ro-

otoPidAl tbo baada of.tbo poo^ at
Iba ftoto
It Mt aoooooorOir. a)M. bo aopoelanr ploaola« to
bito Md bto Maada tbto be oaton tbo
frikotloa «t bBTlBt tbo lAiaMt oaMrtlr anr too«» a^atror at ur proftoaa aloeflCB to Traoaroo Otr. Mr.
—■ton to a poaac aaa oC aaorgr
a^d abater aad baa afdraod a doli— ftoVoao to Mart bto oorr beat aftorta to tovlac Traroiaa 09 a aatto
•w—y -toto—totattoa. Ta ba ata%
b* itoto iBta tba ^ of totTar wUb-

TnTOK Qtj Shte Bilk

IMmr TTMtok Makes Tsi MlTlMfi

Uw It Aoroifte ie Rogard to Inland
WaUrw, prohibiting Anything
Except Hand L<n4a.
Some complaint has l>een made tba:
(H^le have been shooting fish
lands overfiowsd frosa lakes aad along
toe edges of lakes. Tbe law covering
toU Is specific sUtlag; "It shall not
be lawful for any peraoa to take.
Caleb or kill or attempt lo take, catch
Or kill any tab la any ot (be Inland
lakea la toe stole of Michigan with
•ay kind ot spear*, grop hook or by
the Dse of Jack or arrifieol light of
any Mad or by tbe use of set Itoer or
BiM>( lines or any neCs or any fire
OrtB*. eiplani^M or other derlces neepl by use of Ibe bo^ and UDe."

net CUREO Of
Fint Case a Hash Which Itched and
Stung—Threatened Ten Years
Ldter With Blood-Poison in Leg
—But Both Times the Suffer^

"About tsrelTw'or fifteen yams aro.
while ilTing in Wfwt Vlrciua^ 1 hed a
tmwiuag.u«(, sod ii itched sod sttiog ao
badly that 1 ouuld nut have anv pewoe
broww cd IL 1 «v three dooten and
Itey did oot agree on whai It was. so
water. I migbi }ust a* well Ibvs
washed in roln-waier. TImsi 1 got aome
Cauenrw Soap. Cutx-urw OinunraC, asd
Cutleerw Resolvent and began to gat
beoer right sway. Tber cuir>d me and
I bass sot teen botbeced with the itch-

T»cial arT*niTmrt>t b“ I*™ “**** *»>'
which sll t^ers of this paf*r. who have
not slreadr ined It. msr have a Sample
bottle sent free by mail, also a l«ok tell­
ing more sboot Ssramp-Rool. and bow to
findout if votthsvektdu^' or bladder C
hie. Whin writing meBtioo reading
generou. offer in this pajjer snds^ your
N. Y. Tbe tegular I
fiftv-cent and owe-^^^^
JolUr si« bottles are OstoW
•oM bv sll good druggistt. Don't make
anv misuke. but remember the basK,
Sw stnp-Kout. rtr. Kilmer's Swsnip-Root,
sadribr address, BinghamUm, N. Y., 0«
every buttle.

Dr. P 4. MacNitt


Groat Northcni Oriental limltod
held up near Bonner'a Perry. Idaho,
by a hlghwaytnsu. Both m«dl clerks
vero bound while toe mail cor was
rifled* No siicmpt was made In blow
open the safe. No estimate Is obtain­
able n« to the probable loss, but It Jl
not b<-Ilev«-d to be heavy.
Mr* Dwight Wilkinaon. of Jackson,
stooped lo i«ck up a pockpi book
Wcdni-sdar. end In apltc of too tact
ibsi It was April fool's day. foimd lt.f_
to contain IIS






We Believe

' anAMoM


*“’£.*52.55 ’^-

Cfaoioo Dneolorad Japu portic«lAr}y tm flam aad
, If yoa liAVd tmafale mRtiait a
tontbnt if (omrli^g
a mpw> poaaa
one. WawUftakeoar dbaneaa B jretir geoi^ teak.



Prle^sMc Rcr

J. J.


A few thing* to i

> baytim yom BaiUm

That we tarry n ^ery compete lioa of tbeaa good*.
That we buy tbeoe gootU dirfiet Cron th« ■aaotnotaer* and
cut nave you monOy oo tbrni.
Tkat w bare hed yrarg of'n|KrigDOa fn Baildeta BaiA
warv on.; oen help yon make wleetioM that will jffeawyag at a
minimun cost.

Tbnt we Hill *»ll yon hardwa^‘Cor lagg awmay Iktelte
MniJ Order bonsfs.
Tliat yon shoald nee onr Bam Door Bcdlei* balbre job bnf
and get our price on Nails.

Old PoslolUec BwUSiBS

Paints, Oils and
Mr. and Mrs.-

so I wrsit to a doctor. He was
U> blood-f»u»oafraid............................-n
Inil It did no guii
I tt«d bU
■t of Ibe Cuii^
Bo 1 aroi f>

i __
Ifi. 1«07."


with Tortnrtac, DUflfiiriaff
Humors. Cured by Cuticum.
rosbet. itchinm. iirltatloiii,
■ oie iiMtonUy iwbcred sod


I .indertund that you bare :o do rome Painting, Varnishing tad
ral-otnlDlng. sod tn compllaurmlDe our goods. We believe we hsrs
send TO-, an iavlutlot, to eisnilne goods. We believe that w« knvs
the flnesi codx In tbe palm lln-- :n be fowad in Traverse CI9. We
have made a rule 10 proten o-ir rustomers. ao if goods aro not natKfariory w* take ih,-m harit We ar« aniloii* to do aaytolng'wO
can to sen-e yon We BiiaraWee onr oil lo be strictly pun Linseed
oil. every isD of our )>*lnt Is ruaranteed ir it I* uaod oecordlnf to
dlr.-ilons. A* ih.-re 1. »urh a variety of palutt we can't give pricsO
in :,il* ad It . hnij.e* buggy., wagon, iraplemenL ffoor. pan* polet
and huddrede 01 oibet things tbat needs painting, ooeh OS cbMrE
isblea, cupboa-j* err
Paint Brushes from it U fl*0. Get priMi.
00 white lead, oil, and varnUb. r. r;r
Lcrtlcc {e dcco.-^u yoor
UittbeB. parlor, etc. Cell at

groat Skin Cum. This
tnwtmnit pwmlu rest
and steep. sfMl pNrrta
may be uaed




• - '



• ,1'











.leha'c ■tsbMHk Urthdu. whn mkaot
I. Mania Bastw«Bi7 of' hto mAopI mtM ud
MMdt citl^ to
for BIk town
Hybmei Ohree Oidck Relief in C
AfMMi mmt «r um mw c.
Mrtbdar. He wu prfMBted with a aUp Tneaday night and Uekeu SV
tarrh TrwAtee.
0tn O^ TUI* CH)^ NmMM
Be wlee la time end use Rynmel i
Of Ughwayn-Adam. i
- ^ AfTU 1.
aatlr apem la ptajtBc
PRBBM Mtjrrg^
naale. SofreAtoeota of •aadwtehea,
School inapeetor-H. B. Lewli.
Do not M the dlecMe extend aUiig
TW aasttAl BMMlBC of th« MlB C. cahe. eoffadwiraBca wd boBahae beTlckn Na. 1.
the delicale mecou* membnoe. grad­
Morsea Co, T«T«»o*atrY owok bts
—Andrew L
ually goUg from tbe nom to tbe
throat ibener into the bronebUI tubea
Mtpor.tUoB. wki: h«U ts the office of
i. P.^arry.
and thee downward anUI the luagB'
Midway eomariaaknier—H. 8. Case.
aer reaehad and yen are In daoger of;
April 1. the feOowtaf oden* belaf;
BaUnce of ticket the same a* No. L
A K. Dmsbeny was rieeted m«T
Hyomel will care all cunble tnrma
..UMlde and ttagea of catarrh. It la ao mJmA"- fwiwhl B
ber of the board of review.
tormly suceeaaful U eartng thta com­
John c. Moreau.
Township eommlt^e—Harry Briggi,
mon yet dangerous dlaaase that S. R.
TbompeoBTinc. Mich, April
Wr. 11 H. anea. Asa allagwell.
Vlee-snoid^t aad inmi
Wait A Sons take all tbe nak of
ImmermaD. of Detroit, u ben lookUig
•rich C- Ri<*.
trial treeiment
after hie bwiness.
Secratorr^loa B- Moieaa.
There I* i>o other inatment fer <
Urrh that I* like Hycmel or juat as
ri >ine Tober. or O!' li ben
The aane cenleaieo ■
good. None can take lu place, none
Tiiitiut fer daiitbier, Mr.,1 Lou Ack
elected Orecton.
give *Dch qidck aod sure relief ant
Mr. Rise fomerly llrcd in Chleaco eTt.aB.
little coat tu medlcattoa
Mue riiloe Sargent bvr rerigaed her
■ad wm aaeacod «« tra*ella« ealee
breathed tbroqgh a pocket inhaler
that cornea with every outfit, thus
DUiD for the DoPom Powder Co, aod peemoD a« clerk la U m. Imo ermaui'
Icajto. April e—Close—Ulieal.
reacblog Ibc moat remote cell* '
^ and expect* mob to leave lor Ma.r, 90t*e; corn. Btke; oata, SStic,
Uter M portAaalag ueni for HcDooKalkaska.
«M Broe. Co.. ratJrved
AprU 6.-—Cloae—tV'heat.
Mn. Chet. Hoeroe aod two chlldnn »1H«: corn. «7Hc; pau. STc
Mr. Kiee wUl botc bU taoillr to thu
Irritated oiucoua membnae.
Preah Ban PWo
Ottr »*xt week aad hae aoeored the cr Oraad lUpIdi. are vlalUag at Vj*
Begin tbe use of Kyenin to-day aad
you wilt aooe find that the offensive
home of John Liddr. Mn. MonrotBaooa booae oa Blith atroat.
brealb. the droppibgs Into the throat
Bast Buffalo. N. T.. April <—Cat
no Mo C. Morgaa Oo. wUI ercai formerlf ntided ben.
the discharge fmn the not • and all
Borr—To «r aad Mn. Lou Acker- tie 4.100; market alow 10 to iSe low
Ir tacroaae Ite boaUMU ihte roar bar.
other symptoma of catarrh
ao or Tuoidar. a daughter. Uoihor
cored. 7T>c comiplete out
VeaU. TJOO; acllve the lover
^ iMUIIed two oew proaaea ai
It 11,00 and 8. B!. Walt
and cUld are doing alcolf.
0 18.85. Sheep. 14,000; active
oacoiiai paa and aow haa a mil
Sobi lUnd ready to reftind the looney
Mn. Joba finrith vlalted la Netm steady
Lambs. IS.ts to
d IB eapaciir bj no aiagle aui in
If It don not cure'catarrh.
Cltr Tueadar.
-etben. |7 to |7«; ewes. M to W.75.
the tiate.
April 9-16.
It ie hoptd that, Di fi-nite will Hogi, 17,000; fairly active and steady
*000 be able to nae bit aatomobUe mixed and bwvter. |«4S to-$6A0,
rt> he can cover more grvuad
Boalneas waa fairly acUve on
John Herren hae accepted a poiiuoa
market site Saturday. 86 loads of po­
tn Oeo. Kerrr'i bulcber abop
PreMi Lake PWt.
tatoes coming In. wbirb sold tor (>o
O. O. P. Warner, of Praukfort
eenU. Other loadi were one each ol Herring, per doa
la town WedbMdar.'
. Irti.
Tbe qoestion artees now a* to wberr Iron, coke auA coal, one cow.
turn of the roMna tv
tlon of spring as yet
hone*, three loads of coal aod
IS cooutr eeel will be. at T.,nor
Wlitle Dunn baa accepted a e—>
Prankfort. Both pUcea are working lot'd* of hayl
tlon ALtbe Northern Mlchlgar aaylum
bard for It.
for the anmmer.
Seven! Neasen Clig bora wei
oeod (dOMlBA •ermon.
I A number of friends and rel'ttlvM
...................... aurpriaad Goat Poiraflto on hU btrlhivrn Wedneedar.
ds)-, April I. a federal good time waa
Blahop MoODmlck, i
Lee La Vaat ba# aearlr recovered
bad by all and refreshments were
of the dMone of Woetont MIehicas. from bla recent UlaeM.
Tike crowd left wtahlag him
«aa proaont at Orace eboreh ffobHlaa Roea Daver la III at 1 er Knie
Ban PWk
dar iDoralag aad the apoatoHe rite ol do FvnahfOrt and Mn. C. R. Bell la 611nnnln ........................................ ...
0 ber aunL Mia. Carrie
' Urtoa on of haada log brr place at acboed.
............. “«»
waa oboerrrd. the clasa oonaiaUoc of
Mn. Chaa. Kerry returned Saturday
U 'yonas people. The eoadnaatloa' om a week’s vlalt at 0»lef Lake
aorrleo waa fotlowod' br the
Rob Rosa baa moved bla bowling
fOB aorrleo.
alley Into the Paul bulldlac and a
Blahop MoCorartek took ae hit text, hardware store la being put In wberr
the llth Aapter Of the ana of t^e be moved out of.
Apoeuea; the chapter tUUng of Che
oonrerta in JBpbeeM.
asd aoreart who took their booka and
vn lb ...............
botpad than.
fnm the act of thaae men. who dealroied thair maami of Baellbood aad
Plaoe. April 4.—John W. n«h and
Talnable proparty.
amily hare moved in their new bonae
BUt RapldA Hleh.. April
>ne day last week.
tdahop dr*w aeeeral leoaoni. aarlnc Ortoe LAPorge la rialtlag her alaten
C. Mannea'e hand la doing pdoMy.
I-*o»that the Ml Aowed their aamwi
and brother In Detroit this week.
Jake Oieb went ts Bmplra the Brat
Che. fact that ther were done with
Mn. Creeaey. ae old resident of
of the week.
aid life eaUrelr. So detera
this piece, U quite 111 IbM week. Her
Abe beh made a trip to Oten Ar^
bor Tnemlay with a load of grist
wwro ther to ieod a sow Hfo. that ther etg ebUdrna all Uefiorled In the ceme­
Albert Morgan has been on the tUk
honud their bildcea behind then and tery by the Uke. but kindly aelgbbor Hay. pw tot ....................................
list the past few days.
Wft ffo neaad for a r^am.
baoda minister to ber needa.
Mr*. Richard O-Doonell was vl* Ung
roaded OB a toondaUon Uke thU.
TbCM aprtng daya put piety to
Mr*. C. Mannent Tueeday.
the (MrtsUan Anrcb at nhaa be- seven proof for every man with a
dower bed. Tbe warm uaya iiav*.
s barbarlana
Umbered up the winter here and ibe
bolda high carnival la fbe unguarded
Tbe eharjih waa wall tiled ^ the tulip beds. AH tbe apare dogs were
Momlnf BHwtoa deoplu the tnelem recently killed off and biddy baa
ewer of the woathor aad at the oeotf everything her own way.
tat aer^. the bishop Aohe at»lB.' The Preabyterlan Udier sale
hUeflr onUlaiat the roUtleu naaic supper last Saturday night cleared
of the chireh.
nearly ISO Tor the iadlea' society.
unused wardrobe ball lu
CemnI school boUdlng U being dtted
up to accommodate the diiiricl aebool














ZtT’’""............. n'S







I ft


iH . I


Mr. and Mre. Mlllon Han wer«
TrarerM Oty eaUoM Mondar.
r. Btmrd errirod Baturdar from Be. caiaha to rtalt hta alitor. Mrs. 0. B.
Mr. and Mr*. Lao Johneoa ntaraed
to Rapid citr hftrr a two week*- vUlt
with Mn. Johseon’i parents.
Hr. aad Mn. Otli Towneeiui are the
prood parenu of a babr rlrl wbltA ar
ri<red at ihdr home Bandar.
Mlea Therooa Crandall wa*
cne atr caller Satnnlar aftctolooa.
Miat Rena Blaard, of Grand Rapid*,
arrlred Wrdaeedar to rielt friend*

You ought
to see ttiese
oo better ptuemi or vb1«
dMi't miateke tbe piece—
iW E&>t Front St. hud
the name—




Orawtt, Mioh.. April
and Mrs.
B. MatheWe bare utored badt to the
Dare Campbell farm after a reer’i
abaenee In tbe eOutbem part of tbe
C. A. Bricbaa. of BtMkler. wai
tom Moodar and add bU iwddei
bare to Wtlllain Bator, of Mo&roo
Ceetor. Mr. Betoy oxpoeb to otore

Mr* Ho>. of Holland. MIrh.. arrieeO
Wedotwdar to vliit her friend. Mar
Mr aod Un Ceo Orera aod (amiu
arrived Baturdar from the noriu to
rtelt Mn. Gre«iio psroot*. Ur. ea-J
Mn. F. Bnrloa.
Mn. Alice Burt and Mn. Harr who
have been quite aick for tbe pall
week, are reported better.
Mr and Mn A. Wledott are movlac
la with their daughter. Mn. Chw.
MlM dobniton went to
Mondar to spend her vaeauoor~>
Prank Siartnick arrived home from
Hg Rapid! Pridar.
Ooa. Burt epent Buadar at Rlag»!er.
-Deronda E. Crandall wat a Tnvene cHr caller Tneedaj.
Mn. L. A. CampbeU la
1. Mr*. CbamplaB. aad daagbter. Allle. of Traverse Oty. tbU week.
Mlaa PmtI ReyaoMe U vlsiuag ber
alaur. Mra. Sump, at Traverse Clt>;
A very pkmsiBt aaipilae party was
held at tbe home at Joha Bbwhaa
■ataiday ersalBg. tbe BaeasliMi bcjtg


Mrs. H. T. Blodgett left on Wednaely Jo^ brief May In UdingtoA
Tbe Kiev, and Mn. B. 8. Veil enter
Ulned the yonng people of the Preshyteriaa Buaday eebool at their borne
00 Tuesday evening. It being tbe
eve of All Ptml’a Day the program
toll of lurprieea wbicb made a '
Jolly time.
Harry Briggs. ]r.. a gradnale from
the BUt Rapidi high school last June,
haa a fine poslUo'n in the chemical
labetory of the Cement company.
The annual meeting of the Preshr
lertan ehnrch aod congregation occurs
no Tbnraday night of ihla i
Reports will be received from
rariada departmenU of tbe eburcb
worh and tbe busineta of tbe meeting
Uanascled, after which the evening
will be devoted lo a social time. The
men of the church will serve refrvsb
HakiD HlghUnd had three Beger*
badly crushed al the cement wor*e
r a fellow uwkman using a sleilgc.
Mts. Sd. Reakman aad daugtier arc
visiting Id Grand Rapids.
Thu la vacation week tn the pbbMe
aebools. Schools sill re-open April 6.
Mra. BmmB Buchanan, who hae
eb visiting her niece. 111*. Bert
Johneoa. left for her home In Lmdlng
ion laai Monday morning.
Mr. Level baa purchased
p Cable
Lewi* place'sod will take
this vreek.
Mr. aad Mr*. Durkre i
soon lorhn extender visit I
aad other points. Mr. Cable Lewis
will occupy thrir bouae In ibcir abriiee
His* Kelllg Hill vUlled le CMkCral
Lake the first part of the week return­
ing Tuesday erralng
and No : were pul in the field .. *xi.
TIMm* Ne. 1.
Clerk—Aiei. Sharp
Trsnaurwr—r W. Sehuler.
Highway commlnalooer—W.
N. Cnrvy,
Joatleaa of the peace James.J, MrLaughlla. BagMs «U. Bdward Wall,
tXmatnblce-N. J. Balracla. Robert

FARmr BBrnoiK
A Oranfs meeMnr
emoie wfll be UU at OtTlMiilnii
band. AH penom whethof the Grange or not are
to attsRd. Bring yonr

10:M Regular meetlag of BeMMfr
la Orange
U:80—Dinner aad oocMl bav.

...V stock haabandry with trait grow4b) Hogs. 8. B. Temphitts.
(c) Peultry. Mrs. Joha Hoig
(d) Dairy Oowa. W. a Tampona.
Mnalc by the band.
>:80-HaiBtalifiBg ton rmtSHty.

L*0 l3d**

elww P*«ht.

(h) RoaUon of cropa. Robert Bvran
Bore. W. KT
4d) Tains of comaetalal tattUMr.
w. D. Bagley.
-He who Bboweth kU ndshbor how
to better exlatlBg enmditloi M a
public benefaetor.-

Bilious Spellff
A HABir.

^ cea hwih *h


«f %an^ hp

W. Chase's


Kidney and liver Pab

A*bu. ewmiivriwthiBgeltelMha
«M*e ..d
M&m* b hwhal by As AS ad ae^


^ B. H.

Lowil miim^







New Tailored Suits for Easter
^'ou will whfu one for that time. We are completely ready for yHb
with the most complete stock of tuiu ever sbovD in the city.
No matter what prices may be or wbat »tyle you desire,^ If it
is new, If it is right. It is here.
n gtuBioal o]ivi
We oen state withmrt fear of a
oontmdictjnn that there are huDdreda, yps, thoiuanda, of operations
performed upon women in our bo»pitals which are entirely unneressary and many have' l«*n avoided

Fur proof of this stAtement read
tbe following lettcra.
Mrs. Harhara iiAse, of Kingman,
Eaiutaa, wriU'S to Mre. Pinkliw:
- For eight _ve*r» 1 suffered from tbe
post »eTvrv form of female troubles and
a* told that ao operation wax in.T ooly
hope of rvooferr, 1 wrote Mra Pinkbam
for advice, asd look Lrdia B l^nkbam's
VegetaUe Compound.'and it ha* saved
my life and made me a well woman."

Mre .\rthur R. Hnoae, of <1mrch
Road. MoorevUtwu. N. J, w rit.*s;

•1 feel It i* mv dtitv to l.-t people
know what Lvdia K rinlbats * Vege­
table Compound h*x d-nc for toe. [
anffered from fruutl.' uwoblea, and last
Marvh my phrau iAO decided that an
oporallon wa* oeevexary. Hy httsbasd
onjecled. and urv'-'l me to trv Lydia
B. riokham a A’cpeUble CoatponiML
aad to-dav 1 am well asd Mruwg.'

thirty yt-ar* Lydia K. Rnkham'n Vegetable
Vgetable rompound,
fompound, made
(MB and’ berba,
ha* been the
from rooti______
standard remedr
and has;positively___
women 'who ....
l>een iron bled with
dl.placenwnta.tnfiammatkin.nleeretiuiu flbrtvid tnniore irreffnlantica,
periodic puina, aud barkat^
Mra. PtakhBM terlM aU ifiek
w write
, ber for
gw ggg ffwlded _
bcmlU. AddiwM. X.T

aBsortmeat is a beautiful
Maoy dificinodve
and exclusive models to choose from in all gradet. Some plain
tailored styles as well as the more elaborate conceptions.
There are some that think because we have expensive suits that we
are high priced. Make a tour of all tbe shops in the city, compare
qualities aod prices and if ours is not better value in every case.
You do not know how good a suit you can buy for $10.00. until you
have seen our showing, nor what a diNereoce there can be in suits
at $25.00,

New Jackels and Coals
This is always ao interesting subject just befoye Easter. Maoy have
a suit but need a new wrap. We are prepared for justeuch emer.
gencies with a most excellent showing of new spring garments.
Long loose fitting coats, semi fitting coats.htting coats ie the new
dip front. Long black coats in both cloth and silk aod the largest
asaortmeni to be found anywhere. Priced from $500 to $25-00.

New Sldrts
Something you always need and something we can always supply
you with from an abundant srocK. We have this season about four
hundred and fifty skirts for you to choose from, a splendid showing
tu all grades from S-S75 to $27AO.


^ i:.





mJm Hu

LD, TWCBDtoV. AMUi. 9. Wm.

ettoTB or NiafiGAN. i

« Th»re to w oilNr cteM 1 km m'ov'Ui
•nu aravt rooBS togaa la BtarTta«a -<m of tkair areoartlaa. m(b caatto-


3 tone eenn lor tba e
Om Travvtw.
to tke matter to tka eatate to towJto»^ WitopM.t* Ittrkcucr abtr dtocBMcd and aot«ttaB^to«>Bl tmrm. Laattotd aarttor. Ikka
tootih r Rotospab. dceeied.
rmTeetc Oty. Mvck.. Itoreb Zt. WW.
tka dark ptolaiaa tkat kata boaa ; roar cbetea. cMUrmaB.
Notire to kerebv ntven tbat ta«r
The Hmal t
San WlUto and D. H. MeUofblto
Mmb*^ ka«i< «f rwtev—WRrrw dravB of toamaC ttfa. It doca BOt
mootka tram tke Sath «iy to toarek. ikoMen to tn 1
aaan to bart tka hutoBrai aor ataka are br;A aaplrtoc to tanotoi ookko
A. Ik IWd. have beao alto«ed -fkr ,
’ Rl^aap. kaa
• the etoraaa to aeven
rrMk MMknr. BMmt
oreditantoo preaeet ibalr cUlmt-^
a aad Daajiooa
baUBdln* tka (aei
W»«H. »
Momat taid deeeaard to aald roori ;
a1 tor tto tramettM of au^
■aar baW-bMdad
a reaalu of batlia talaea tkere vfU I
aa abOvtoc tka dtoat
•*“ »dto«meni.
aa^S^^r before
narrted life.
kat dod a,dork to be
Ikattol rrlltorv of Mid OecraMd an-;
mcetfn*. v!H bTheld a. the of
U Baw,k*rdaare
____ _ ___ tn all Ike toMBur that to I► U
Ir* baa oraoH
.......... in the
bA a oandldate for ibe offlcv of baa- IfB to tbaWcOamqtr bBIMas. We are
City. Cmad Trnvthe dty to Traverw City., la *ald' '________Micbixan. ee Tbnaday.
baa^aad 1 thiak. aoDe raaalnc tor! upoa tke aup. jaa. A canalBK (aetet?
w. eiiMftr.
county, o iKw before ih.- 3rd da; of
the third aad toonb term Tke qoea- ] and a fioartn* to*!’
^ aaeded tat•M Clil<i<li f»r •MtoMXwr
toon that every younc peraaa akoaM praeoMBlto aad «t «<ll cat tkem.
I Aafuat. A. D !♦«. and that said
‘ ' 'r. BL Tfetheany. 8«y.
debate and ponder aad medfUla apon.toft
' rtalBB vfll be kearv by >a:d court
Mar S4. &. Apl T. It. Z1 ZS. May S
r dvalUnt In tke rUto ooi. -It marrlace a failure.- pui. -will < Not U <
' Mondav. the trd day ot Ancuu
«r marrtacc ba a fklltsre*- I do not.lafe.
1> im. at ti oVIock IB Ike to
■>nllt !•
Bv««Uw BMOTd.
iQTAT* or*|gafiaA^: the pboTboatpaoBvllla band l» *e*U^
.KtM*)«r. Mtok^ Apru T-—It vu t knov of anytklBc tkni ao mw yoang'
i'^ bale poort tor'RMe roMuty of
people make abaolute ftmto of tfceni tn tkape tor Ike min aeaaon. ^
I^ird March J*tb. A- D IW't
0’etoek iMt sorslac bttor* the count te4vM in M in mairliaoay. They ntn ,bopa aiv teattola aad am luai ^
lliand Ttiverae.
eoai»l«Ud twr* owl^ to
> AI . f.-aak» to BOW ronrt. b.lj at
toU) lu reLatioaa vltfc tatoa teellnoa. >plr play.
Judge of Probate . '^probate oner, to tke elt> of TnvttoOTT •««• •■4 OOUl ttokoO. eoorfo tatoa bopea aad very oft« bolldln*. ail «r. Bena the artoient clerk i

City la utld raavty. cn <he C:b
V. Cknift; vu tb« iwoblleu
I if ot Afvtl. A a 1PM.
L of eourae. and tke kopaa .tlvja. tbi* '
IBM tor ■n»«rrtoor ud Carl 11<__ _
bUchted Wbyr BecaaM tbe! Clnty Aseet B 8. koribrup
Hob FVed B Wafkcr.
U« lUtootrBUe. U J- TcdBua. vBo cAtilaa have
> rouadatloo aad ibat'-iutlec vardt «C ibr aute to ti
QTATB or MICHIGAN. TH* PRO- , uder to Ptohatr
aovB In tnertt. vonb imoniy as veil at looklnc
lb* tntllrr ot 'be reUtr ol AlOBroBMt rooiMMto tka tovMhlp. hopea vere n
^ beta mnrt for the coooty to : 00lo Tyrreil.
ran ob aUpa and tko ranlt abooN aad cbaracter
tOrand Traveiae.
| Noble Tyrrell bavtoc flW In Mid
. ! lioi altov rtStoreo t
with a prrw>D ikai you rnnno
that ba raaatoad tH retaa vbila apact:
' At t Mftloa ot Mid murt, held at j CMM bit nediloe grmytoa that the addaeii viib diarapau
never ved intenoriiy. i
I nm Vm«.)
tbe prjtnie oficr. In ihr cU; to ! <lnl«ralloa of Ml<J .aiair be craalod
ChUftr racrtvad lU and Mood;. «e.
Bunt be love pluv reaped i Aa aoon ai the v
Traverae Oty la Hid ronaiy oo Ike 3 Samoal P Dean or to au»e etbe
Mr. Bready beta toucbad upon the
partm wtU
Oarlaa Foi waa amaatf by HamUth day of Merck. A I> IWd.
aoB (Baar. «bo raa on aHpa, ta via- Mb ibaory -ebe waaii-l taken frocn , P»ri
ftoa. Fred R WaHr.
It to ardeted that Ike *9(b <tay to
bli bead last the akould rvie over rd. One
r •*.„ *i*»k«i*-Tw
Judge of Probata.
Aprtl. A. O. !•«, ai ten oclock la
aba waan'! lakea from bla faei t* Mfb la
Ib tbe Balter J>f tke estate to Ow- (be foremma. at Hid probate ofBce.
be abouid trample on bar. Bht
ttvat B Brovn. deceased.
be and to I
•at lakM troa bit aide, aucgaativa o{
Mary M Brown baring died la' tog raid peUtkm:
aoMllU. Thai mennt tkat ahe vat
Mid mn her petition pra.rliig that I K to fortkar ordered that pahUr no
to ba Me a«Ml. Tkat abe waan t tt
QTATB or HfOHIOAN. THE PRO ta lattrumeni tn jriiRng nurpordng tire tbaraof be glrea by paBIKlnn
■o before bint nor walk toehlnd him
O bM coart for tba aauaty of to be tbe mat vill and testament of of a copy to tbto order, for three sacoC tba F»ifc 1. a. Bren,
Bka vaa ukeo from near hit ttrong
deovtad BOV on file in said ' ressive weeks prrvlom to Mid dav to
fmattee of tka paaoe, to an r^evtcr am that be maat keep and defend
coari to adttitud to ptobau and that hearing, in Ibe Oraad Traverse H<*o
kef The apaaker npoba of devolloe
la the matter or (ha eatata to t
-Joha Bowdaa.
ihe tdmlnisiratlon of Hid rauie be i aid a nevsiwpar pelBted tad WCW
tt oaa to tba chctcoti ittrlbutaa In
bam J.[. toller.
•abaol tBafacw—»oM Jtoartloc.
grsnivd ta herself or to aoma Other latm is Htd <
tka ckaractar of voaan. empbatiiing
Having I
Board of ratloto-Wtato Buakl
favMlon to home, to father and motbreceive, egamlne and adjatt all
, Fa t«M, t»o fmn-l
JBdge to PrtowN!.
Cedar. Ml«k-. April I.— The proand devoiloB to Induatry
CoutaWaa—Traak HoItMv. Slnoo
l> :s ordered thai the lOtb day of
grealvc pedro part; kiveo by tke Re- claims and demands of »H persun- A|Ti: A D I»M. at ten o'clock la
' 14, n. a.
Bready' la*r
Voaburc. Tbotoaa SaKb. Oeorfa
bektbt. Saturday eveaiHA. March 24. sgaiasi Hid deceased, ve do hereby Ihr (orenooa. at said probate ottee.
Mve notice tkat four monOss from the
- -......
a**reca- vat veil tiieaded and eejoyed b.v alL Sth day of Hnrcb, A. D. IMS. vere be and It bereby appointed tor boar
OraroMr ot bUtiifara- Alhatt HIcfamlllM
The eburek to Just The genUamea nerved the tuptwr. alloved by uid court tor creditors to Lag Hid petti
vkat tke homea In lu rnakaa It. Tbe They dla credit lo ibeniaeivea.
present Ikelr claims (o os for euml
It It farther ordered tkat public no­
u*f Ulto.
« fraater than our tute lacUla-Ororaaar of blthwara—Balph Olaat.
naaon tod tdiOSUBkot. and IBSI vr tice thereof be given by pobUcadaa
tnra. la gratler than ccBxraat. ta
fmnnrlaot>»joto O. Kooftb.
tbto order, for three aacikn. Ui PTt^. hit tntber being •ill meet st the probate otBce ia tbe
' craaiar tkaa tka ekurnh. la greaier
court bouse to ud county, on the ttk ceaalva weeks prevUms to said day
ry sick
day or May. A. D. IMS. and on toe ol benrlng. U the Oraad TraTona
TUt could ba euily proved, and love
prtatad and torl«lh
Tuetdav mortong. after betng
makaa the home.
o'ciork tn tbe foreaooo of each
culaied in uid county.
dosD for ifr-otoaibtRavartoan ta Typa.
Henry Cook and lamlly who have Hid days, for tba pnrpoae ot eaaalantSD R. WALm.
Om. U Crtop- couaty ackool com- kcea IMng at ^t Jordaa have re- log and ndfustiBg said clataw
Jndga to PiokaSi.
Dated Msreb ttk. A O. IMS.
BaaMmar. tke neai apiker, Ulkad tuned to Cedar
Morch IT. U. *1. ApL T.
oa “The Ravaratoo to T
Malcolm Wlaale.
or the
Emma Foreiner vu called
Man Who Makr a Mon)
D. O. Chandler,
Hlai- Maatolee last vevk by the dcaih of
•alf.' -Ido
"I do not like to Ulk about tbe
te who as
a monkey of bHnself. |
vt A H.-rrtngton of T- . ■ t
Mar la. IT. Z4( 31. Apr- 7
m ,o«q ^ couple of
;^-Mb rather uik of tamettung >
toM. I do not like lo Ulk of going i„,
«*lllDg on frirrd.
| ■ -............ ■
JmUm tt tka paaoob fan tan
o» I'hi. m.v
MMa M. amett IM aatoitty.
Blepar. of Ihit city
tober aw
BtrlcUy speaking, in rtage of John RWoebtr' Jr trd
1^ «C tka paaaa. to III ra«
. of Scrsnion.
Ainertea It to tmpoaafbla to go back- Btaocbc Blackmorv. ol Ks.-on, Har-k
BokklBtoB. M aojototy.
>rd Tbe actual nab ot proareM Iklb.
our land to toch that U one should
Mrs. Tnm Good tod Mrs. Sto Good
__'rely aland still amidst Ikls rusb of of Solon eaurd oo Irlendr ooe day las'
human progress and progrest of hu­ n-eek.
O0B1-. m -a>or.
man enerc. he would. In a very abort
The eotertaJnttK'Ql giten by the
tllhe Sad blBueir left so very tar be- Royal Neighbors last Stiur.lay nlgbi.
famd. witboul any compailton with wu a aoceewi In everv way
^ aaced stage of the race tbat cicari-d 113.70 Tbe pr.iceedt go tole onward He would be very
> type. He would come Cery
,UDg J Beloic tod famlly
, with I
-He who d
Tba aecoBd anaaaJ banqitat of
Aaburr ^«orth laac«e vat heitf
bkek s-ltb 'he type Wdar olckitalkeebttfeh parton
'mast go forward. The ChrisiUn m"-'
vaa aa aaoaaUlail ttieeaaa to arerr Sr forward and progress aloug sii
sBtor. TkaaaoarvUo
• *» Tttos or It soon reverts to the lyp.-. Anniversary of Lea's gurrsndar WKI
Ba Celebrated On Evening of
V“ Oar Ood «* a lira and oar Ood deeircH
llto. W’e t^t go forward nor Vhlo»
tbat pod Is alway pklleaL We must
'vnn m-bcdolrd M ,^„cnjber that He it not tuck of tbe
kIcFbervon Post 0 .t R vDI hold
to tke Inabmiy uf oi nod i. not touiod bui God l» a campdre on ibe evening of April ».
to reach the lily si
we mutt go losard Him and ibi- date on which Gein-ra!
r'-ndered tbe Conteder«(e army There
t an boor Uler when tp*gpcj perfection "
. ----tOtt tbsrr ptseaa at
Xba Ree. w H Irwln waa tn- sill be a general program, snicb b.
Id ttos tt^uwed by the program lo jaik ..u not yet ready fbr announcement sud
tke *e». A- T. Pinnilii. R- -The Grace of Taci " but at the hour tka pabttc to vor^ally invlied.
llH t^oat waa 01 ]
WT tote or rather early did not
HUm 4M OBdlt to tbe
tke mdlee haelag
^ intended nddrees but promad it lor some future occhIoo.
T>a tpeecbes were Interaperscd
.with mask by tbe Bimwood ivenue
_jitiiln and the enierutnaent (bey
tumtohed ws> excellent Before diaU
The follow ing to tkl pasnlog (be league extended a vote of
ttankt to tbe orchestra, the ladlea
Long Islnad Waters who tenfod tbe banquet a
BacallopM Pouioes
Cold Bam
CWd Toagua
Fndt Baled
. aad fcttar Sandviebaa
Bdward DaTonng acted gs toutmaatar and latroduced tbe spukera
Tbampaonvllle. Mlcb . April
with timely and approprlaU remarita. Honor and Frsnklort peuplv see
Mtoa WlBBUrad Manrtn gaee -Our Ab- thlbk Tbompsonvme s pari of
sent Member*.' and rend teuent from county tbe plvoi in coooly teal
the foUevlag. who were tomwriy In
The vUlsge It having - -■
taeeMoB with the Aibury of liursiure giving the meriii of
Arable C Wtoeoct. Big Rap- reepecave villages Honor
>r put*
put. np
Ids. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Downs, of bar gats ot a big bonus and a die
ai Mm.
TrmakRRi ralaet tbe ante by ralsiug
(ba bins and alie. and to read all
tbe clr^lars one can hardly btoieve
weeL aad Ike *cr. i
sacb plaeaa wu upon oor map. ^ree
KMaedy. ot MU Pleasant. Mleb.
Praakfort youtha flred with loyalty to
tkair eke eaavaaaed our kouies
Tburaday glvtag out HUrature Tbe
ShnSiM Pfiim!^ ike^W' koyi 4M ibelr work well.
8am WUlla has part ol tka bottle
tsont In hia Rvarr barn. Paopie ar*
Attraoiad to tka barn byraaaoa to ItJ
In our stock you will find the carefully aeleetcd novelties from foreign
watgae appaaranea. **aa Inisbed
tka ten aiU be Ike beat ta aortkarn
and dooesti-.' mills, and made up by the foremost prxlucer* of highUlckifaa.
grade clolhey.
tke matdeiaUMne timea. lo stars wRk,
Whila the village can point wiib
- ' t had aoma prMe to the faciorlee. tke M|Ri aad
for Mfo'a everyday
Ihe oew two and three button sack fuits. patch procket sAcka. high,
io liinlah


^T^rT .rr^Vr^".




'■ ?. ■:


IL fc I. L TK cm

















«at oar

that mam to Bate ap srart


CtottlalT it

liOOy 1175,

Rork o( tka
Baasety: BplrRH srark. BMrer aad
kto*. worid avaMaUam ai tke aoelal
depMHBtaat. *Tka eknreb la haver
^IdOD towasbte voiars wtU dean to kattar avpoaa.” aaU Mr. Tor- oida Malay wbatkar H. BtockUU '
Baaoa. tkaa tt M to partaetteg aoelal
ms. The cbaidk teaaM ba the caoier
M-seclal'UM la um coaMhUaity la
mkiei. It mate as wtol as tka raHr
Mas Ufa.'’ ai amBBailiail tba tact
that tt 1

Our trBcfe U getttnj

Ag usual you will find us foremost in the ex< ellent of our suple Btoe
and Black tffeci* in Serges, Unfinished Worsteds and other favorites.
Added to this; is the exceptional workmanship assured to you in «oy
SIN’CERITY garment you buy of us.

••7 lh«7

Of course our Furnishiog Goods Department keeps pace with the cloth­
ing. and gives opportosity for selection of the new bright color* that
harmonize or contrast, as the case may be. with tbe new Spring ^iir
Hats ic tbe latest blocks aad colors read3^for early wear.




Iter «Ma ^ Mtotek PNf-U.

rounded shoulders broad lapels with moderate or peg top troust rv are
some of tbe features of these modeR
There are many distinct weaved and coloringi. leaning to browns abd
modes^which arc exceedingly popular this season.

E. Wilhelm Front St.

ttiUNO Tluvmae


£d ^«>n'

------------ ---------- Boost ot hk largo

'Timmav. *f4m. 7. im.

mm w


VMda; iBonitg.

Oagwr tattb

woosds M MMpaay
_______ ________ ♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
mmtr Htiii* M «H »Mtot «f hi* • •“Its k« woo oboot 17 7**ro of age
niAMK «. WIIMirt MOY »«UMO wMsaMly*
*%iatgd tbat tb* flrat Mwl tboi west *

boogkl 0 telcgrwh-lsotnMMBt os4
ighi ktao*lf ulagrophr. and aborttbr«Mti> Wa head o*rtI hdlW *«**tottyj^s^

•mMm th* MrtrtAm th*
17 aft*r that ««Bt to vort m tb* r*t*
bare b**n taui bat tb* ballet ibat' **•*« of Dasg tcbool tor
h*W a akaefc m«* «■* t* Mr. wiIm«
road, 'worktag tor Ibai FKANK
kgr Ih*
------------ obUI oobi# U»e loot Aagoat.
ftrai *bot va< ■ faUI voood. the I Xombrr earolled. M.
aMuM«f|*74l: alMC»l*bllla*aa
H r«ara old--,
■poitBodic clatcktag ot the moselM' Naabw aelther *b*eoi m
Ikroo drtlaro la affvar. Hk otak* oaai.
Ura. VaaKonrea had a diary vbkh
curntf vewr
•**weot to ha**' 0“*»«
ailMioN. ¥«ieb waa i» wtotid
Mr WllaoD bad k«gi Aser kla agaotal- nncTbirrik
r>n ■ **coad time and I
Ooioaikir tl. HOf, to tha bmm di
swot aa gaa* wardea. wtUcb vaa IlLUlflUl
fo talihg. the band that held the r*.* Tb* IMlovtng named ponft* ha**
touad Id hU clotbca. aad dartag tbo
*ol*er heel under hi* face.
j»**o kbrnat haeasw^ of gneoe: Clar*
Bi* bait o( (b« iDoatb ot Mar«h br
vaa W tb* vooda of Astrlsi i
All erldence, ih*l Deputy Smith !“**
TotraSe. Harold and DonMUROCR
Oraad Travrr** eooaUra. March
] has dlscorenA fwlat toward snieide
atatlDg that h* *as l« Hi« «ooda soar
I TWO auLunV m
aad the motive La tba< be. brooded]
Boat Jordas. H* iraa alao a> Raold
ffarta. M*«wa* At^aa aag Piarry Clark, Cr**k.
Arm* Crrrk, np ibr Baardman
o*er the kia* of Ut poeltlon cntfl he!
-----------------------whieh aotma that th* doBoiou <
rtrrr. at A Lakr. and on March
... an.™ ,0 o, a-a n,, ai. ’
o«o u-u-rrm ocao
t* Matt from bulMa Sr*« fram i
liU br­ Oeputy Smith Haa Mada An l**a*Ugame warden had not heard from Mm ______ __ ''
,1 Tui. C« Fwad
ing (be last aatry omdr k (be book.
gat-cn Of tha Cw* and flnda
«*iv*r iMid la hM *«m haad.
vlnce March H although he
LDdrrtakrr Jamrt aad Cbartea DanThat Mr. Wdaen Kilkd
Awwy la Cal'ferma.
Monday mamlag Mr. W.>a»* loft hU lali. of Btk Baplds. airlrod this moropoeed (o have .eat in dally reporti
Mr* M»rv ginyier. of this rit*. ha*
<M«n* at Clk Aagida laHIng Ma family Ing (o take tb* body to Bk Rapid*.
bQl It «as b«ld u Uodertaker H U
lust received word of Cbe death of
HOMC OF THt OKAO MAN WA* IN th^ h* «a* f*lag to CMTMt an b«Mt- Carter'* until (be arrlral of the brolbInitruelloD. I “•"J »»•'' a* Mr «’l!.on «a. v
ber brother l»-l*w Oeorc* Shiyier of
and yaatorday Mr*, wiiaon r«- rr* and other member* of the family.
SU( fUFtOt.
game wardro. ' Heughi of kind (o U. runllv 1
Cal.forala. who fonnerty lived here
oafvod a trtogrsm aayihg that
Wifa Tortt teft.
conatani!) looked oui for their .
known among Che early
WMAdWar* horn* tonight “^l* ,*achAccording
ding to Jwailc* Daniel*. Mr*.
far*. TM children even eeticed
u-dkr* Of the region.
^OmM «a TMiONy vootsrday Mmoiing •d Mi* *ity yortorday artd that waa which be bad carried since bt* tp- Pvaak S. Wilson, wbow body
tb* laat *am of hhn allM.
-4Miay Diaaboary Waa Mai
potounant a* deputy game warden, found in the woudi ot LeeUnao
N* poaatM* oolwion *r th* art of away from him u be wa* abeot
■y Oart Mungarterd M
(T Friday inoniiog. After going
c«n M mad* by hi* friend* er *lar( oat for Traverse aty Monday.
r you are noi game wardon Ibe case frea •tan to finish.
th* famHy b*t D*pWy Smith, ef thia
aad have no rigbi to cany Smith has dkeov. red that (be imgedy
tnm W*UKTi NdeMd.
elty. think* thM th* a>ii*ld* may ho**
w*( SQlelde and not raerder.
'WHb W* fM* gitim
by netie*
Step by step. Mr Smtlh ha* follow
Upon bit arrival In tbit city Nr
Imai tstOofc MW 0 rovMwor, M< b«dy
ed,JM nSRA niovusieat. from
the hardware star*
SMMN to d dtato *f rtgWNy t*i* IMm
Campbell, oa Soutb Union tltneMci e to bi. home
Wm farm *f 0mMI7 Stato Omm, Fiah
and purebaeed tbe Iver up anti)
iti) he 1
•M,Fm«Mry Worden Prank S. WilJobhton SI calibre revolver wldch w*k ihl* cRy
.mried for the Leelanau
•Mb bf tih WpISk. «»M fmnd hr Sort •tsM ortilch mm fmind
Dcirolt, If ('ounty line, pyocn then on. (be story
I la a
«*>mM hmp tt carry «it thi* nplhimi
I bk .lilt 1* ramtllar to BeooriT reader*
mb wb* the
b«l ■ «Mrt wuf n*rtk *r tM Oraad M H w« pragably hi* «
Mr Wlkon wa. a man wbo brood­
TrsewM MPMdrtmh at tiSS thi* f*r tM m*Mh of Maralw
ed over his troobre* uoUI they were
F*f **vmsl years Mr. wilami had have net vet been solved. Aceontlng magnlBed greater iluo they really
Hoot Lyons, conductor 00 Pere
SwwSUmk ywtmtlay *r lam night
In Elk Rapid* bMi- to
Marqurtle paatenger iraln So. l. w:l were. For several week*, hi* wife, hi*
Mr.,\»tliSn mmti «• thM amah
nara. baint mnplayad a* th* p*ra Mar- ton came with him from Orand Rapid* family and hi* frlead. *!*(« (bat he
««•«• and amt tt*« bMlkft lirt*
• sgsnt In that city, prmriara ig Thcraday afiemoon arriving *t 1:15.
ha. been an ing a. tbougb he wu de­
brain .mtiwr ef wMm «MUd btvo mid- whieh lima h* MM a Ilk* peaitMo.Pt .Jkat wa* toe last tbat be wa* teen
mented A* stated before, he would
fit hi* iNb. otw biFM mitefM >um Oraad Havmi. H* «ma aka a
nast hit clo*e«t rrieoda by hardly
Dead Several Days*
brtmo th* -rt#it **r and own* «wt *r inmit P*rgM*r. Tha da**aaid M*«*t
Undertaker H L Carter. Bberiff ■peaking and fa rte evening when he
Mi Wft'jy* and tM *IMr odiieh eaWe<wW*w, twe **n
Aarlea Jobason and otber* who sdw would he selling »t home, he (lui.tdd M tM rt#M aw* «f tM naek. Wdo wM W* •* match at Mae to anplaln ibe body before U bau been cared fv.
are ef tbe otdnloD tbat the man bad ed 00 the thade. being drawn Bvro
•d in Me brain.
tM torrtbCt aot a* hi* friondn
been dead several days 'Tbe condl (hi* didn't aailsf) him at occa.lonany
he would arise tod b**t q^i In the
F*ll**'1kcMmi. *r Mk dty. «M kn- tM city tonight and th*
UM* to Mr. Carver. luuiMLA-u
eaied (bat be bad been ffarttnew* at though affrighted. conilBt to tM
dead aeverF da** '
Clk Rapid* ter barrial.
Hr. Wlkon wa* tbe father »f 1 ually acting a* Ihoagb hr beiievvJ
tratM^wW-nmMM Cmmior Ooft, *r
Mr. Wilami
Wilomt wa*
ttra* Mil known la tkk
large family of eblldreo. m follow. (bat someone wa* shadowing him.
*Ky Mvlng a larg* iwmber cf friwtd*
- MuKkegoa. t
}iU dudes *l(h (he game warden*,
hera who wmw mwekad by tM arw*
;rol(. Sldnejdepartment ceased AprlM and a week
•f hk net.
N. T . and Uanle. Amy and Holly, M ngo today he Iff home ln--rdln*
Id*. H* also leave* two *1*go (0 Scoltrille to vlalt bla brotker.
thinking (ba( by rewdng. hi*
would be relieved of the .train and he
would recover hi. health
to leaving home. lrl» wile removed hi*
revolver from bl* grip sod hi* lltile
Heard No SMtp.
>n AlKpoeed of the weapon u> tbat
M. I. ftungerford. wbo fonod
e ftther could OOL i“<ure li
regarding the right of the
*“ •*»“ *«‘*7 Md agalo
Mr Smllb Judge* from ibe lime ihai
demand an antopay to Und tbe bulk-t
kl* view that it waa undoubfeltpsed
tbsr a* soon t. he got to
knd compare It with tbe naii u*«d
* .ulclde. alibougb wben 11 could
■erwe City, be we
In tbe Iver Johnson gun which wa*
occurred he was onable to say.
JoHu* j
toond (n tbe dead man* band, bat'ltj Ti
*" **•>'
' CampheH . • hardware
wa. tbe opIMOh of Mr Pratt ihat
“T H"“«vrford. wboee shop 1. bought tnoih-r Th.i wo. Mon<l*>
tM deed waa committed in Leelanao
*'‘*'"* morning
eoBttty. a Grand Traverae
Cbtrlew E>e>o. .lore .nd lef- hi. grip
Selal bad no auihorltty to
Mea one It could not bare been an
ronducior Beekmtn o( (he Elk R«(>
heard by me. although I migbi not
, ioym#«_
have paid any siteacioD 10 it a* (her- Id. branch, .rd Coodiietor l.yoo.. of
al letter* feand In tM s
I* ecareely a week tbat pasae* by Ibe main Hue of the Per» Marquette
which be.........
left al tM
atoee of Oiarlea Deyo, SIS Soutn wliboot aome one Bring nbote in ibe both agrwe (hat the man acted
ef my borne. Trt It it .treege strangely. Boih coaduclor* wen- wei:
UniM street.
atreet. Monday, would give vldnlty
tbat bad M cone *l night be could
color to tM (Uleide UMory. as It found tbe little path leading Into tcgualoted with bln and t«*h noticed
•ridrat that tbe man had been writing have
the tcTOb briiah. However, I believe tbat be wa* net hJmnelf
'irtoo* place* for work and bwl he
committed tM deed blmtelf. but
Al tbe Deyo store all trace end.
They were all of course | eannot eay when k w*.
Von« SUrto Pn&nmn
Pn&Amn Skirto, nil of oar b«nt op In $tS00 nad
ind II I. Deputy Smirh's .□ppotltlo-i
116.00 Skirt*. nn now on anln
' tor
‘ openiagW«nk - ^|g qq
Seott Woodward U tliio convinced hat he went ^directly * oui to th.
LytUe. nneral auperinteodent of tM that
It wa* suicide Mr Woodward
Duluth. South Shore and AUanac rntlthe body before It bad been disroad, tbe answer eomi
omlDg March
1 ^■r
la aaw
tnrbed, ano
and ne
be oe
declare* tbat be could
which It wa* suf acted tbat Mr.
"j| pUtoly ace where
Mifm H*ra caMM M non ail out an a
^ WmSa ^ a log.
Io| tbe heel prmta
retnrh. He waa told that everytblnS
martw la the leaves. -HI*
.. UId down on Cbe groand.' aald
Mr.'Woodward, and It Is evident tbat
aaiwer to a
be Bred OOe ibot without Its Ukli
_______ likadali
isad^ today tor the bnl- J. B.
dlvltlon operator t
Uto «f max 8. 0. «. A J-, to tM «nme eSeet, a:
Aeo rolling off the log to 1
to a B. PecMm. wMldrat of t
groobd. where he wa* found *’
a raSrara'yySt d*r ot RnHraad Trtegrapkeie.
Tbe blood aaiuraled the grooad
Bgfcr'Dart Louis.-Mo., vrittea the Tib c
#o* tpoi. which doe* away wiih 1..
Ladlea* Waiata. Verj Bwnn nod eidmiaa atylm. White or
HskOcrfwC. a We^gbyat^
in m
aad Datheory ijiai he might have been kfiled
Ecni. worth $G.60nBilt7 60forOpaaiag Weak
MMakar «LL.Cvter«Baarttsg
t ameel
TM letters wef%, in a large
etsewMre and brought
I tbk spot
veiop* marked “D*MM sod eoniracto aRer death.
ere." Tbe env^pe
la Mre."
envelope being
M^ titomd
TMught Mind Affected.
« lobe of tb* right car.
le of tM peckrt* of tbeifle c
It clear tbraogh the head. COBLadies’ Waists, new u>J dnioty ktyleg, worth |ii0 gad
life Inaoranee pollc
pollcled Coonea to you in
IM o« at tb* opanlag oe* and oam there, one for tJ.BM In the . ...
rime and that Cbe Imp^*b3r«MMa.iNatt«OT
• oorber cC tM Igft in fnvor ofr hi* wife. Harrtetm. taken
dean, sanitary, air­
was lodng hi. mind.
SegteiaMr 16. IBM Another one Ctoae friends, far
token out In tbe naiM of S. L
tight padca^—
-OlMr Wound PraMd.
Wlkon tor a brother. Holly K. WUon,
always fredi and
____ .a about two and one-half aged aeven.
^3 (ran tb« one under the ear.
U the envelope wei
property, land oootincU. tnaoranoe on
rprabsd. bp umaal
tbd pnM bMag inaened alx aad on*. Mr. WUaoira dwelling and InraUnro. bit pOBlIIOa witb (be Pvre Margviene.
MiRtb IbMaa lato the vonad. la tb* tax reoafpu. etc. In tbe suit case He was tben sppoleted depnty game
IfsAavoranl qual­
dtiwetfca af tb* upper part oc ibe were found the man'* clean Uaen. warden, bis appomiBeat laUeg place
Cacc Cwtalsa, very hnodnneH n r tleoian* worth tS-00
aoefca and a paper of plus, aacb aril- last nmmer It is stated tbai In
toft m.
ity are always tbe
n ptir. (or Oproinir Wc^
Acoordiag ta tM Ml«( ot tbe phyal- dec at a man would oatarnUy take January M waa Informed ibai be wa.v
to be let go but on bit pleading, be
same — always
klai^d Undertaker Carter, eliber ot with bim upon a abort loorney
until April 1.
tbe^SMto wmM hai^raad taatant
"t bare lUwwn ^AiT^lRbwa tor
t hlMMlt twice to 1
yeaya, and h^tr^a r^t good fellow. placet In Bk Rapid* taking f
back ot lb* M
lever 1
-to Bk Rapida I *1McLaughlin s
iaea aad *Hll
II bold
cm to tbe
> him. and whea be that there were no openiggi Hto wife
____ K Amianf
re always came here. bat been worried over him for tome
to toe city be
XXXX Coffee
ler to gii
■ed (o come In and leave bit salt lime and wben the news was broken,
Gaad UBtelead
I CoMOB, wertb 7r k yard toe
_____nr At w«uM b
sold by
case oatll train time, aa it was hand­ to her. acted a. tbougb *b* had ex
Openiog Wisk n
tor tM SMB ta bara flrM boU abou." ler than kl* Mert hame. Mrs I. pected It
"Dsatfi Coroora.*
aald tM fbynletna. **l abould ba»a la VanJtearea. wbo Uvea at IM latl
know how toat tbe twrolrer oonld be Twelfth tireet. He w.. always tolly
Tbe moe Badran pieco of territorv
1 First daas
would be poaaible. and had tomethlng u. aay, but Mon- bounded oa one aide by tM bay and
Wide Corset Cover CBlbrQldcrles,n«» big aanortiDeot, pretty pntterwn, worth <ar
abould the gun operaU aaMly. tor tbe
■ bee be came In near IJ eclocw on tbe other by the M. h N. E. trarh|
doc yd dufiag Openinj; We«k ni..................................................................................................................... 25C
wfll be lenned "Death Comers."
trigger to hare been pulled Ibd' me-uiked past me. placed hi* ann
Larve CindlMIB AprOBS, wonb t&c dimoK opening Week.................................... .............
su Urn* by ras«g aetkm.on tM floor and wlthont apeak- a* ihk k (he flftb aecldeatal death (o
Tb« phyUeiu anggeatad tbit a test tog. bnl a smile on hi* face, walked take place here wiihln tbe last eigbt
be made with tbe.guB. but JuatJee out of the .tore. 1 thonght It waa years. A y«ar ago James Kilbride
Cbaa. Qaakla. of Clk lUalM. wM bad strange that be sboold come In and
killed on the croartng- k>»oi four
toe peraonal eSacu atUr. Wllaon ta not apeak, but be looked at me (deaa- year, ago Bd Cox meeting death :n
bla paainaloa. would Mt allow tUa antlj- enough.
• * the Mine 1^. About a year before
teat to be made. An ekamlnatlon wa*
Men's SidtS in the nobby ehndra of Brown, Tns, Olive. Grey. etc., eertwet Sfrrag 19C«
"When be did not reinm for bis that Mrs. Barard. so old Preneb ladv.
was killed oa tM crosalug. and prevtBaM Of tbe.gcB. wMeb Mowed that nil case In a couple of days,
Bpecml for Opening W.roh only
Of tM S*e chamber*, two were aa^. marked to my wife that 1 tboagbt It
that another old lady wa. run
n rfret of the
, A local oBmai k ot tbe ogtaloa tMt: Whs tiraage be did not com
me. ( never down OB July 4 wHbto to
taw him again, and did not lenrn
Ualoa Made Overalls and Jaekets for Mecbnaiet aad Rnll Bood Men. atn qiralMr.
anything fnriher about him unSI yetity Denm. vwyinll bbm nod wril made. Como in plnin Moe or itripen. do better rtu.
tor nny man
Tbe knit wa* tUrtM roltlng many
(erday when I beard tbat M had be«a
•oAd nt 30c gaywMre For Oprniog Week Only at...................................................................................... gJlC
Mol nftar tM Brel <
s kgD br* tnan who shiM himself
had Men
teoM dead to tM woods."
Ig that leads them to bo
AwRMr thing
the I
•elkwe* It Miwder.
Boys' Saits Tbe Bosnina Bailor or Juiior etylee for 3 to 10 nera.
KorfMk. Ikiop the
ftora Unt bn dM not fire tM abou
Mrs. I. VanKeureo
seen at her
Loop or plain dooble brentual for 3 to 17 reers. with pUin or Eai^orfao^er poata in Ml
wrna tM tort of hk lying fnee «>•«>- borne oa Twelfth' atf^ She 1* al- He lay wMr* be felt (er sereral day*
^ pre^yjmtterneof tbe *t«30-Vnla« t3h0lo|, for Opeoiog Waokoofr ^ QQ
«rard agon tMt ground with
the re- moat preairated wlu grief, bnl Brwi- before being dtocovcied
------- ------------a In kla hand. bU arm ly brtieve* that aome one betMcs Mr
pened dg no that kla taee rested npoa brother trad tMae aboU.
hk tasd. -X »an ahoettog klmaell In
McBoSBeavy Wdirk Shirts, <kwMeMraited.aoobleebooUwe. every eeameewad. no mm
entm i^wd 50c quality, for Opeoiog We*k nt................................................................................................doC
tM Mn4 would natnraUy throw Mt
d**otod to Ala tatoBy and there
never najlhlag to Me home Uf



Fic SruupjCo. aur

Our S^wiag
(gening Sale
started <vilh a ruah on Satur­
day and is now the coiftar of



People are talkina about the
pretty new goods and thaawful cut prices, every one who
has called can u* at a glanc*
that iwver before have New
Goods been offered at such
tempting prices.





m wfn

This Sale wUI tael saly OaUI SATOBDAY. Aran lltt. BcNw camcbtlorc
II Is oyer.








......... $2.00






f- '

Ifclw —< WitMMlMi <f y*»

I MM Vy piwr M ««*y «r

•Mfy lM«t Mi«

.» * «MrfM IR
t» M
(MMik I «» <Tiy, try

VaR*. »«o«. wfltovi I mm > M«bt
J»t ro« m mm at tarry cap*-a aea*
4«rfBl array.
Tkay kaac oa alaater tayKafi. teva
tbar* M«a Vim kreak—
Toa.laa.vUl mair tad than a .
tally yUahMk.
VUIov. vOlav, VOIOVI tta taiattaat

tMm «a>* ttay.
or aatt aid akiBlac aUTar,’ at lorely
nay vara «e daar and ttay—ttat.
vaH. I tklak. parhapa.
Ma caa aaatpt a tatry oaald i

MIDov. vIBav, vfOavi ra vUa^
. U I* yaa.
1 taaty tttr>a flw taoaaU Mm taa
•. tka vltaaramaili.
tad. aav that tt la

rapaate It in tba beta aaOad njttla
Tba Para bad pramiaad to give tba
taOd tba gitt of tbrtft, vblta vo«M
bad to Meb|b and boaor.
T wlO glva ba a baua tblag ibaa
tbat,” aaid l>aaay-vfllow. -I grow oada tba windows here, and mw
give ba tba gift ot always saaing tbs
brghi side «f evsrytbtag.
“Tbst gin win be mor® to her than
bsasty. or rlebss. or bonon. It b not
Bueb mstbr what color one's ayes
ara as vbat one sees with them.
Tliara b a bright side to eTambiag.
It pcopla only knew It. and the best
eyas aia tboa aidcb are able always
to aaa ibb bast stde."
*T mast asy. prtend PBaar," said
Motba Para. ~tbat you are a :
Ibly spoken bash, for s bnsta Of
roar act. Too always did sea
m to have a bom reatwbnble f
ty in that lloa: tor I bare remarked
bow yoB salsa on tba dial ray ot
shine, and-get year pussies oot be­
fore any ot ns dare make a Bova-

Wnavl vlBav, vlllavi taaw ps
aW'MMttaM .
Ara taly aarly
apea tba vO' lav tma,
■Bat vhat tbay aaaa by mtUn’’ Pm
, aanltapothiwv,
Aid, aa irnkr m bpHHta pat hy tfll
- fr«at AM twv.

MV. AMHVT. <•••..

I vaaM itaw tba gnmd daup aad bar*
ivvM vail, tbaa reU and banm It
oad tbaa -ptoat It l vaaM ptoat to to
blBa • tbaa you eooU caMvato it
; uspa. Tba dm ttm 1 sreald
calttvatR akaltov: tba saeaod tim
aM tba aaxt l voold enlttrato taiie
daap. Oa not cMUTate atur tbu pOlitoa^are to btoasom. fa it bsrta the
roots. I voold spray, tbe pototoas tost
as tbay are oomtog through tbe
oaoBd. aa that yoa caa kill tbe old
bags belore they toy Mielr eggo. tad
If ibesptoacs are dm up far eeoogb
aad tbe bugs are very bad. yoa can
laha a spring tooth drag sad cover
tba ptoato op and then tbe bugs w
dy away. Potaioa are profluble
IS ceau a bushel, bot get 31 cenU or

fa youraetf tbat It Is profluble If
had my vty I would plant poutoes.
tJr you can raise flve bushels of poUloes where you can raise one bush­
el of oora. nve bosbels of poutoce
at U ceau a buabel equals $1.73; one
bushel of core is 3S eenu uo tbe same
atoouhi of ground. $1.7$ minus 33
■ equals $1.40 gain, ao tbat tbe
tees eoae oot ebead at the eod.
Ton shooid alio plant your potatoes
before tba blight eoaee. eo that your
potatoes wUI be too ripe and if yon
m yoD wQI have lou of extra
work taking care cf yoor cr^.
Wellington Wood
*ldany a Oma 1 have aald. 'WaD. 1
gnara Wat Puty-wiOovH gad barsMf Bristakaa in the weatba this What I Would Do to atake a Good
Country Home.
yaar,* boi. taktat oaa yaar vftk aaothar, I thlBjc yon kata
taa by
I voMd Ua to have a boose with
bolBa alvaya on hand aUd'^Uortna sis rooma I would keep' tba kitcbeo
In tba plaaaaBt vaatlier.*'
nest and clean. Tbe dlsto would be
■^aU.- Mid Pnny. *1f | •faootd vatbed right after U>e 'meals were
banc back vUk my bndi as our old dnisbed. 1 would sir (be dining raocn
doas. I sboald arias a and tbe bedroom every moralng. I
daal of plaaaara. Tba cbUdran.Jaa* wonld have tbe aeab on time. In
•ools! m always in a bnrry Xoget taking care of the mtik i would hare
oat In tba sprinc
It tn a eool plane eo il would oot get
soar. I voold eburn the cream oetore
“ *Oh. bare's Pbt-wIIIow come It got soar. I would use tbe sour
mr May ay irtian they see me. Bilk for baking and other purpoeee. I
‘Nov the wlntar Is over!'
would also like to have some ponltry.
tad BO aiauar If thara is s UtUs M ebtekeu, » turkays and aboat lb
dash ot slaat or saov or frost attar datat and a large pood ot vator for
Uiat. I stand It with a aood baart. ba- tba docks to swim In. l would have
I know it b snBiBar that b a Moa tawa garden and also some
oomlny. and not wlntar. and that planu in tba boose. I think a wo­
UdnA ara Mrtalo to gnm bettor, and man tboold assist ba husband In
pUaalBg abtnd.- I would taka a good
not budaosna. I know; I'm not papa a magastne ao I could taow
elagant; nobody tblaka bbMi of ma; BMV'abait By duUas.
and my only good polnb are my
NelUe WJikop.
and By talib in good
tbtnga to oone. So tbeae an the glfu WliM I Would Da to Make • Deed

_ tarn vth ova.
nay baac ttaa <e tha aapUaip I biiac to mr UtUe i
avbOa ta an asd Mr.

lost vata yaw presldeBt pronBad yon soaw Bore eaaays from tba
BaU StaooL BamBlt Ctty. B. P. B
No. 1. 8o you shall bare tbaa to­
day. and alio a oonple ot lettere frm
Btaaeba Davanpoit and D. a Ooald.
A Mta from Mabal C. Hahn with
fa Ue anb. maka a
Ust at Coda of a

Hawta BMMsOaad Crap af Potttoaa
first, yon want good.r1eb groand.
Plow la tba apilag abooi eight Inebas
de^ The groand Boat be moist and
Arid vhat ta yaa tatak
fartUa. Plant vbaa tba waatba U
Ha Maaad all tbs day?
at and plant aa aarly as posalble.
Why. aaWap hat lava. >at lava.
PlanUBg la bOU to bast so you nan
oalUrata both ways, and eultirau
deep. 1 do not tblak tbat ralring poM m
cvu- Con to
la a
batta crop. U you want a o«p tor
masy and do not gat the piica you
wadi one year, you can keep It nntll
the next, sad em wheat, oats, buckwheat, oaloas. hay. tnnilpa. beans or
r. ApHI 1. INri Belou are aU Bara profluble eropa
t stooa last ra- than potatosa. tf yon raise cats, wbeat
of eoaethiBg like that, you can go
Aithrir OMe. Tvaam CUy. Meb;
mUamabars. witboot your «rope bothering you.
Roban SBltb.



--- ..

Csontiy Hem
to ay iritobao I would want to bave
a good eota stove and tf i could I
voold bava ruga on the floor, for then
to voold ha aasler to keep clean. In
the Mnlng rooe 1 wooJd have s small
stott'’ina' a rig earpet on tbe floor.
! alabasttee on tbe vails
and tba asm to tba kitchen, to tbe
sttttog Moa t voold bave as organ
and voold hsTO wall papa on tbe
valla. I voold make tbe beds in tbe
aorntog and leave tbe vtodowe open
Siglit asd day In tbe auamer so tbeu
I voold be healthy. I voold have tbe
I on tlBV and vaab the dlabea
tfta eaeb aesl. I wonld have
'e a good.
cool oalUr nnder the boose! to^kap
the RtOk and butter in. The s< r milk
the calm, pigs and young poultry
thtrald have. Brary year I voold try
to raiae about lOO chickens, to ducks
and 3S turkeys. I voold have s few
pISBU to the booae. I would plaa my
voik obaod and have work to do erap day. I abnold take a few good
aaiy. bacnose they all hare a (Bffsreat story. Tbe man should turn the
witatog machine on blue Mondaya,
be ahoold not be to the kiteben
tba otual work bonrs.
Beskle Wood.

nih, B. r. fi. Na. t. Nam nsat by
In raising pouioee i wonld pre­
fer rich, heavy greund nod plow In
tbe epring about eigfai tncbes deep.
Then I would put on tbe rolla disc
and drag. I would plant in hUs
>boui St inches apart when I got tbe
ground read^. t wonld spray with
pans green when the bugs begin to
Ute. Poutore are sometlmee barVMtod by Bscblnery. Poutoes are
hot very profltable. Yon hprs
M. V. r. taMtahia cm Cmtf Itail tbe ground, plant tbe potatoes, tbaa
tn Bata, aM asvpn yaart. Kingsley. cnIUrsto tbea and then spray
bOoh.. L P. D. No. t. ^«am smt by
Mt of the aumaa. when the sun
Ida Back.
hot It Ulstori tbe skin «R your
▼Mm XaCaf. aga ala yatra: LovaU sboulden. No. potatow ara not proKiCa. aaa tear ysart; Jaaes KeCer.; Qtahle if you have to put thea tn tbe
aga tbrae yean: KUcalay. Web.. R. P. oelUr and keep them through tbe
n. Ito. t. Naaes asm by BUa Beck.
vlota beeanse you think you viD
get a bettor price. In tbs spring you
Who has aatfotd the pnaay-vlUows say tell thes tor S
thto year) AO «t yeaboyaand glrisT.e buabel >r go to eoae buyer and beWhy. ot ooana. I altat hare known cause I won'l give you anything,
HI Wa data asaaUy atop to tuak or that is
than 10 ceau. you wtU
thsa as dowera. tboogh t^ really go to anotba buya and is tbe aeanare. thane frriny little .twry ’Tdttoas*', ttne the flret buyer vlU etep to tbu
tolepboM and pbone to aU tbe other
taabtag atoag Iba ablay rM! branchfe
-‘buyera, and any "There Is an old farm
a. ima <aa has «M tbM
srmov Mvar ttlla tba saaa thing to | er oomlng your way. Do not oSa him
two paopla. To aom paapla aba aays more than 10 ceata.'
only tbat tba mtag baa aom To etbGeorge hfcMaann.
a paapto aba aaya:
HSV to JUtoa~^Petotoaa.
*Nav do Map aadtavu a ales
Tbe Urn to plow the groBBd
greoBd Is I
laataf'Bsa bav vaia aM faaay 1 aaf
daat Uka a btUavatl Oo ba ptaaaanL tbe spring. If you plow tbe groand
bM pat toar •
to tbe tall it win. lose aom or lu
Oaa ot tba taiaitoat tbtaga tbat aotstare daring tbe wintor and yoo
r baa aaM to aayoaa abaaM plow tba gronnf deep aa It
said so tbat lUa. Blowa heard vOl not luae iu motsUre vbea tbe
f^milivtald tt vtaa,awgaiata.aMvhvavabaTarid»
taa PITS a gtt to a taOd. Him. Btowa,aaaaa tba crops will stay by you.

L.R.F. a
aaat by Ida Bata.
■taa Oaaaoal Atvlaa Oonaond.
Daii Qoaamad. Irb OodsMal Lao
OaamM^ pad KUdrM fr
Otdar, Mlab. fihartay Tiamln. Trav
ar^Cty. Nleb. Kama aaat by Msb«t. Mahb-


Today we are to wtlie to tbe Sun­
shine anb. 1 want to thank you for
tbe card and button. I signed it and
will try to keep whet tbe card say*.
One week UU vacation. I win study
hard and then a week for fun. How
1 entoy reading the letters ot (be
BonaMnera. Some of them are very
read. Soon spring will
be here and the sweet sooa of
birds and tbe fragrant Bowers will
gladden os all
Tour true friend.
D. 8. Gould
1 am aare you snn try to keep the
pledge, and be a rmt Sunshtoa.
taamlt City, Mlcb.. R. F D No
March 30. IMS
Daa PresidentToday 1 vUl write to the Sonsblne
aub. I thank you for tbe card sod
button. 1 srlll be gUd when sumsa
ootoee, beeauae ihen I can ride my
bkyola. One sraak till racadon. I will
r bard and then 1 will play at
bard as 1 caa. How t enjoy reading
tbe lattots ot tbe Sunshtoe Clobl
k Of them are very interestlog to
. ‘C'Bnve a Uitle epMted dog I
Ma^ toB vltb him. My papa la
rtantog camp.
Proa yoor friaad.
Blanche Darenport.
Whll it yoar Uttle dors namer
Ha mnt he era ao eosning

I w'to vr«e vav. 1 aa to the Math grata.'
ri to By atadtaa are readtog. arttkaMtB.
aaay of lha Ctob a
» Baa. I kaov yoa lave -oa and
tore tab
epoOtog. I to to eeboM aaariy evay
«f yaa reM ay letta la the day. I like to read tbe touara to tbe
Honld and aw ^at I got tn Chriat- KaraM. The toUevlng are tbon who
1 tors to get tatters from otba would like to Join tbe Credla roU; Veima RefferJjovell KeSa. and James
Wh U like to belong
the sajM Oob. When you write to B>e ^ Kata. t>lma Is six yeejeMd Lowell
sura to sl^ yoor aom pUlnly.jts four years old and James U three
tbe poet cards. 1 will retsra yens old. I guess I will bare to cloee
post card to aar C
rrom your Sunshine girl.
. Ton ouMtt to see them come la
re her. They toll her so many
ibinga. They throw their aims araood
la walat and neck and love ha. This
s s beaottfnl day. I aa invttod to a
ilrtbday party tonl^t We will bare
> good time. Too srtB be happy to
earn that I have aeven new
anb. Just think, so
many! O moabm
abm belong to
Sunahlne dub at Cedar. I a
mnst close
r toner with love to you all Here
Leo Oanmond. Btrina Oonaond. Dora
GauBond. Iris Gaumood, Mlldivd Gaumond. and Charlie Tremaine They
Uve U Cedar except Charlie Treine, who lives la TraverM Ctty.
address B ooraa Bghtb and
Fern streets.

Matal C. Hahn
aa always so glad to get your
tonen, Mabel, becanae 1 know you
ao Interoelad In oor Sunsblee
Maple City. Mlcb., R. F. D. No i.
Peb. 3$. IMS,
Dear President—
I vlU now write a letter to yon as
have neva written before. I receiv­
ed my card and button some Umr ago
and think they are pretty. 1 hare not
been to acbool at all Ibis week beuse It has been eo slortny and toe
ow was ao deep, 1 bare aboot two
Ilea to go to school. My teacher's
ime Is Mr. Barth. For peu I bare a
dog. RB name Is Sport, and a cal.
lu name is Nigger. As I cannot
think of anythtog more to write. I
win close.
Prom ||Hr IlCle Bunshlbe gfri.
Age 8.
Grace Nelson.
I am pleased to iblnk that you
Iked yonreard anti button They help
t remember tbat we are Sunbeama.
Maple City, Mlcb., R. F. D. No. 1,
Fvb. 38. IMS.
Dea Prealdeni—
will write a few Uses to you. This
tbe first- time 1 bave voitten le
the Herald. 1 received my card aod
button a tang Uae ago- I think them
rery pretty. I go to school nearly erday. Oor teacher's name Is Mr
Barth. WM had to lesra a poem for
Uoeotn's birthday Tbe Utle of tt
was. "Tb« Speech at Gettysburg."
We learned some pieces before Ihau
-The VUlage Blaeksalib." and I do
know tbe title of tbe other one.
For pets 1 bare a dog. His name Is
Bpon. One day last summer when
>spa and roy brother went to Trevte City Sport followed Ibein. Papa
ed to make him go back borne but
would not. When they were ready
learo Trarene Oty they could not
I Bpon anywbere and thought be
was lost. One morning when we
woke op and opened the door, vbo
Sbooia be there but. Sport. He bad
been gone for three days. All of us
ere glad when be came back Tbia
all tor thU lime
From your Sunshine girl.
Age II.
Amelia Nelson.
What a nice Uttle story about
>por( yon bare written ns: He nin*<
elerer dog
Keystone. Mlcb.
Feb 3>. IMS
Dear President—
will write yoo s few llDsa as 1
7 oot writes for s long time. We
r 18 sbap sud s cow sod a horee
Pape takes the Herald and I like (u
rad the letter* I Uve oo loe Key
ioor HMiey Farm Dorlb Of Key*lone
went lo the postoffice yesterday eod
01 (he Herald and reed the long lot
•r from Aunt Litzic Watn t II maT
sm going to ir) to gel some of the
Keystone hoys to Join. Well. 1 win
Roy G Hariup.
Tea. Aunt Utxles leiter wss fitw!
wish she could »a the plrtures you
drew on your lelier. (hey aere ven
Wimamahurg. Mlcb.. R F D No
Frh ». IMS.
Dear PresT3eni—
would like to Jolo 'be Sunshine
Club Mv sister warn* to join (he Club



ear* old. I hare
lur brother*. My grandma has gone
3 the dty to stay awhile I mlas ba
ery mneh. 1 go to acbool every day.
vlU have to dose, fa this Ume Well
Age a.
Irene Glendeaning.
Indeed, you and NelUe may Join
ir big, club, and 1 am sure you are
both real Sunshlner*.

Kingsley. Mlcb. R P D. No. 3.
March 1. IMS.
Dear President—
At t bare oat wrltieD yet I thought
I would write 1 sm
grade. My studies are reodlng. sdib
metle. language, geography and speUlog I bare two friends who would
like to Join tbe Sonsblne Club and my
little brother would Uke to Join tbe
Cradle Roll. Tbelr otmes are Nor­
man KeSer. and Laura KeSer and Ira
Beck. Norman Is ten year* old and
Laura Is eight rears oM and Ira Is
reren year* old I like to read the let­
ters In tbe Herald. I go to school al­
most erery day. I am nine yean elA
My birthday is the eighth of May. I
will have to close lor this time, so
From your Sunshine girl,
Ida Beck
It iDOBi be Dice to have your birth­
day come In the epring. Mine 1* Just
before Cbrlslinas.
Leland; Mlcb.,
Peb. 34. IMIDear Preatdeot—
As 1 bave tot wriuen to you foF a
loDf time. I will write now and toll
you that I ant well and hope you
are the same. My teacber's name tt
Mr. BUekwood. I like blm eery
mueb. He Is going to resign the last
of Harcb. 1 do not know who will
Uke bii ptnee. I bave only one eat
left, because the otba ran away. Tbe
eat I bare now la named Lacy. I am
In tbe lerenth grade. I bare Are
studies. I bare my card yat.
bare loat my buttln. We ba« a play
Id school sud I spoke a pleag. *Lang
Before i Knoved Who Santa Clans
Wux - There are 37 chlldm In tbu


B vtn be glad to stebaaga

tbongbt 1 wooM write you a tew
lines as I have not witttoa fa
time. I like to read tbe Mtore in tbe
papa, t go to school erery day I
I Uke to go to staoM. I am U tbe
fourth grade. I bav* reading. epuBlngjiumb.r.g«oK>.p« nnd
I go to the BoonevUle school
learbcre' name la MIsa Sdred and
rbe U rery kind to oa. My little
■■t rrry cote His aaae tt Nip. aod
he can do many
tricka. I lire
Boonerllle, near the Popular Polsi
picnic groonds and almost eray day
la the summer there are crowds of
people here from town for piciilcs. *T Wkk k reuT war b* maMUrgsaylsnaWsii
We had raaailon today and I bad a.
good time playing srttb my sleigh In
tbe snow We have large drifts lu aoiDOM .»c»uaw*swisttne»,nsiua.
our yard so I do DM hare to go far
Mtoeem UwMgsa
to Bud a bill My letta la getting
long to 1 vlU close. Oeod-bye.




Never (ouch a book with damp a
Age 11
Haul Qratiop.
I wtsb I might see your cunning Eoiled hands.
Always turn leavsa titw the Up
lltUe dog D.d you teaeb blm bis
wtUi tbe middle a (onBnga.
Always opea larga hooka tre* tha
middle and Merer final the data or
Never open a hook faitha than to
WsU. 1/bought I would write to bring both sides of the eova l«to the
you. My'studies are reading, aritbme- same plane.
Ue. phyttology. language and tpaUNeva col tbe leavaa ot a hook or >
ing. I am In the ftfib grade. 1 have
a obarp kntta. aa the
two pets, a dog and a rabbit. There edge It sure to ran Into the prtat na
are 3$ ebUdreo lo oor school. Mr. with the finger, bni with a papor«RRrad Dago is our tsoeber. He Is a T a ordinary table katta.
Netmr bold a amaU hook with tha
vary good toaeba. Well, good-bye.
tbomb prereed tats lha Wadlac kt
tbe Iowa hata. bnt hoU R vtih tha
John Oak.
a tha kata.
1 vooda whlrii study you tlka beet
pout your oehoot keep much longer*
Rulee for Using Book*.
What tt « I
Wblle books are numerons and
The word *'ha»dkertaler B a rety
cbeap.that does not Juatlty tbelr careIrea are. The length of Ume which, queer one. A "Jeanhier B-a aoreri
the haaA.'tabif Bata ap atschool and otba books Ust depends'
OB the way they are oaed. Some peo­ the words -car“ to corer aad “taat"
ple by care keep books seat and la ttie head.
covering tar thd h
good condition tor yean or,«ren a
UteUme. while othere sorionaly adll tbe hand.
dMtroy them tn s very UtUe time, still more iBconstattaU t
eoTonag caaiad
following rulej are worthy of really i
tbe hand and kept tn the podkat
urtfnl study: and their obserraoce
the name tlBe. There pro tots «(
4a oar Bnipapt.
and U tt not to he wood mad at Itat ^
Age 13.
Tracy MUla.
forelgnere tad It rery hard to nuali^Never bald a book near a fire.
I wtsb 1 could bear ys: :paak year
Never drop a book oo the taa.
piece. The name sounds as though tt
Bteama Bilria. o( tha Bad Ofoai
Neva tore the learea with tbe
would be funny.
line, bound from New Turk taflaUBa
Neva lean or rest upon an open K. 8.. and St John's. NTd. U aUll Inst
Omsna, Web..
on taw and Pigs ledgre -at the eobook.
Fab. 34. IPW.
Neva turn down the careen of traaa to T3aeyaid Soata. and lha
Drar President—
proapect ot aariDg ha Is alight.
To keep from being drowsy I win
drop you a Rne or so. I am well at
present and hope you are the a
I an home from Bd SwweM. They
TKo4 ivne-lfvi*|r
have an. il-pound boy. Ha It sueb a
cute lUUe boy. Harry named
Because your pystem is esdutustoid iBiid
Walter. They wae glad to tv
your powers of resistance weakened.
tbelr cards aod bottona. Thank yea
very much for them
My brotbsi
Teko Scotf*s Emulsion,
Jake and Cbsrlie Wtikeos of Grant
It builds up Bind fiirenstbc&syocrcnUromtBVu
were »l home here for a vlitt.
celved two beautiful post cards from
It contains Cod Lircr 03aad Kypopbea|»taiM
Los Angrlrti. Cal., but the oamM wei
prepared that it is ea^ totnkea^ essy to dlgBrfc
given. One says: "Prom
/.ll OFUCCtSTSr to. AND tlta
Trireree City girl" I wish I ki
her name baause t could return ba
one. too I wish ail the
would aeod me post cards. I will re­
turn one to each I wtsb
tome from Burdlckrllle and Mayfield
I wish yoo oould see our bspy. Sbe Is
such a cute mile gtrl. She tolls yon
bow old vbc Is and shell olay peet-aboo. I am getting Ured. so 1 vl
close for this time t remain.
Your Sunshine girl.
And you begin to think of repairing or
Helm Korarik
building new.


f -i-'

Building Scas<m Is Here

It G>sts
To find out for a certaintjr
whether or not vonr heart is
affected. One person in four
has a weak heart; it may be
you. If so. you should know
it now. and save serious conaet^dcnccs.
|(imccs- If you have short
breath, fluttering, palpitation,
hungyy spel’s, hot flushes; if
you cannot lie on left side; if
you have fainting or smothering spells, pain around heart,
in side and arms, >-our heart is
weak, and perhaps diseased.
I>r. ililes’ Heart Cure will re­
lieve you. Try a bottle, and
see ho’w quickly your condition
will improve.
WU tuSenns with b«wrt trouble, aod
Iwd baro (or (wo
ra I tod' paia
d laR sMa. aad
I to draw a daap
w. Aoy UtUa-----braaUi (or two
__________ m
stda with^
auSartu. Tba adrtaid ma u try Dr.
MDto Haart Cura and Narvlaa. vUch

tma bocua ef tto two laadlulnm, and


Bring your bills to us aod get our figures
which will mean money saved by you.
We make a speciality io Score Fronts. Score
Fixtures, Grills, Stair Work, in fact first class
shop work of every description.


Possibly yoa we Htai
some oChcr klB« •!
Floor beeaosc ■•me
trieiid advlsc4 ymi to.
Take oor advtoe wmA
■sc BEST.

Or. MIW Haot Caro Is arid by

Cedar. Mich..
Feb. 33. 1PM.

to wiU ipfuad >mw ■issp.

Mikalfedknl Co, E&fafiit, lod
I will ttr ngnta and write yon

As J hare nog writun yaS 1 i


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