Grand Traverse Herald, November 06, 1908

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Grand Traverse Herald, November 06, 1908


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


(Bmnh ©jratoem Mttnlh.






Carries New York, Ohio, Indiana and Probabiy Maryland and Missouri.

Surmising Pluralilies the Rule in All
the States Carried.




Govemoi^ Vote Cut In the Cities, But
He Wins Out by About 8,000.
New York, Nov. 6.—William Howard Taft haa bwn eloctod
pMMMt Af tha UnitM SUtea bf a magoificejit vote of the people
ofdieeoant^. William Jeoningi Bryan. Ibe democratir candi>------ effectually
Mr. Tafl earrymg praehaa been
r all of Uw doobtfid atal a. Even Uaryland and Mwot-' —
3 the official count.
abaololely i_................ ...
aail UajyUnd
Miaaoari, whieh he probably will, hill vote will
be hMNMed to 5J40. The aUte of New York give* Mr. Taft a plumore than 200,000, a figure largely in cawni of the vote
gHin to Booaevelt in that atate, and Ohio, which' was eonsidered
dodbtflll. mih <kt ehatUMB in favor of Br>an, givea Mr. Taft a plufnlito ^ mote than 50.000, while Indiana, which was also consid­
ered doubtful, and whieh is the home of Jlr. Kerns, the demoera^
cxo«*edia gaa^date for vice president, gives Mr. Tafl s
a siluralily
BjfllVOOO. lUihoh gives Taft a plurality of moree tbau 160,OUU.
A'aignifieant feature of the eleetiou was the fact that hlr.

Uncotn, Neb,. Nev. B^-WHUam
Jenninoe Dryan this memlns •*"*
meaasge to Judge
•■Ken. wnilem H. Taft. CindnnsU,
-IHeaae accent my cengratuti
tlene and best wishes fee the aw
ceae ef your adminietratien.



eedad about T5,000 by the republican national committee in that
etto. Tha dty of (^icagn. which was also conceded to Mr. Bry•aaa fare Mr. Taft the surpriaing plurality of 50.tK)0 votiw.
raaolt in New .York, New York City and (.'hicago, demonxiuuij that the claim that Mr. Bryan would revive an av» «t Uxw Totoa waa entirely unfounded, as the rwtdt plain,
that the biggest share of the labor vote of the country
----------- republic^ plurality will approximaU* 300,000.
aa^ibwa t*Te him a ^ui^ity of a^ot 40,000, whl^ wm a fall;
Ing'gCr Irra the BooMreH vote. While the aolid. South, exeept
MkBfB Maryland and HiMuri, whieh may be for Taft,
T * v^ for
Bryan eleetora, at the tame time It ahowed a heavy republican
danonatratlng Taft’a popularity in the aouthem atotea.
I New York state, Governor Hughca won out by more th
75,000 votai, which also anrjHiBed the demoerata. and indicat
the atrangth of Oovenor Hngliea and the fact that his policies and
bia fight ^ morality ggainst the gambling element in New York
great favor with the peoidc of that commonwealth.
Mr. Biyan aarried .hit own aUte of Nebraaka by about 10,000
nlVfUtw. The reahit liaa ahowed concluaively that then- is no
fWafitfie doubt left in the niinds el the American people that Mr.
n'a toetaiea and visionary idrim were not the
•nte election alao evidence*, not only the popularity of
ft but the eonfldcBoa to his broad ideaa and his recognued
aUBkies at a utiuuU offteial.
'.b addition to the eleetim of Air. Tafl. the congreas of the
C^ted Sutmi will be largriy republican, as with a few exceptions,
tha repobluan oongreasmen were elected in nearly all the states.
the republican
In bd^a, ariim tho« waa a stiff fight against
'ovenior waa defeated.
tid^ Thomas Wataon, the eandidate for g.n
_ in1 the election of ,lndand to Ohio, internal dhaentions r«^ted
aoa Barmon for governor, over the^publiran candidate. In 11Itoala, where the fight was fierce on the sUte ticket, Governor Deaasa waa tireleetod.
Mr. TWt earriet the aUte of Miehigan by more than 130,000
In Mi^ffan Governor Warner waa up against a tremendous
battla. but won out by a plurality approximating 8.000. The fall­
Tote* lot Warner was largely due to the scandal tovolvtog ftaU Treararer Glaaiw.
Tha entire delegatiou of congressmen in Michigan was electad by big majoritiaa
The dection of President Tafl as chief executive of the Unit­
ed ItaUs. immodiatrly umpired new eonfidenee in busmens cirdea. It is eomonuily known that 90 per ci-iit <if the busUieiis intercaU favowd Tsfft. and the immediate rerilt of bis election was a
riaigg irf valuM and immediate aetivity toward resumption of
bimtoem by toe gnmt corporations and industries, and the renewal
of ordcia tost h^ been held pendiug the result of the election.


w .





Fer Prestdeii—






niilANA BY lo.eoo WARNER



IpubLcm. <
For Pmldeni—

■total You
............................ JM
This breusbt Warner to
Wayne witli a lead of &000 ever hie
I>etroli. Mich., Not. (.—Tbs camDodda”.^!............ ..
oereomc central counting hoard of
Griswold ...................
Detroit la still stntgsUng with the city ■ For BUie Senatorreturn, on which hang, the fate
’ ft," Ke“^^SeniitlVe........ “
the two aapiranu lor the goremor- Qrmnd Trarerae Dl.trtet-»
Milp. With the count Anlabed on |! Chandler ..........1(7
lien .................
about one-half the precu...^,


n wm Run For
Benator in 1*11—Taft’s ElscUral

IS 8,000


„ U».,

FV»r Otcutt Ooort

«U. • •■’i-il"'

Detroitr^lcli, Uor. 6.—The tollowtng rarised returns tran doubtfal
Idad Of lh>8 ouulde Wayne eounty.
Lauiner'.'.V. "i'!;.' {I
sutes are ressrded
Tha .ute democratic central com- For SberlS—
sryUad—OMUpleU reUuns give
mltte* anonunce a recount wUI be de-] Sbuier ....................... l4(
Taft plurallly H».
(banded if the tini] Hgure. ahonld ■
tadtsna—Taft’e plarallty Is lO.tNM;
.bow the Warner lead to be (mailer, j vt'ali
Uanhall. democrat, governor br Cl.The count wUl be asked on the ground j
..................... 1B7
OeUware—Tsft. 2.&4S.
--------eute conntUa.
, Sledcr ........................
fiffissourl—TaftW plorsllty; US.
The elec! Ion of Philip Brietmoyer ! For Reglrter ol Doode—
North liekoM—Burke. dentorK, gov­ HAD LEAD OF 1394 OUTSIDE OF a. mayor of Detroit Is finally eonced-1 Monroe....................... lU. WAYNE.
ernor. leade br C.OOO.
ed and hi* majonty will be 901 tar _••••.-*»
. FrOK^tios AtUini.7—
from 1.0W.
plummy alande at 20JW0. '
The prohibition role in the city of
There Is talk of an extm aetslon of
Detroit will reach afiout 1309Coonty, Give Hemtna, Democrat.
the legtslaiure to elect, a aenator
aneceed FYraker.
Mayor of Detroit
Boan appear, to have carried Colo­
rado and Nebm»ka la democmilc by
Oeitroit. Mich., Nev. 3—Warner-,
It waa announced by Chairman toad In Wayne peunty i. 4392 and hie
Mack that Bryan wonld probably run plurality eutaide. according to the letfor aenator In 1911.
oat retunie la 13M or about 3000 in
Taft'i electoral rote now nggrethe state.
gntes 3r.
■mane aaid it wa. "Wayne county
•tah By 15,000.
Salt Lake City. Not. S.—Additional that aeved WamorY baeon" and while
return, from the .tale at Urge do this lo true In a way, thoro le
not-change ^eailmate of l^OOO plo- doubt that (he roault ie largely due te
raUty for Ttm and from ten tobnsand the aetivity of the antl-Saleen league
to twelve thousand tor Spry, repoMiwho made an eleventh hour effort to| Tt-e roeult of the etocUon «
can. for governor.
>wn Wamor through lettore to mil*-)
v.etcry for evory eandidatt t poV stit^
One enTprldac feature of the elde,
ten the republican ticket In Grand
ilon was the orerwhetelag jetvU ft
the American or aaUcfanrch dcfcK.
cauoed me
the >i*uor
TBe move eaueoo
democratic candidate
tor «»*ertff
Bryan Geta Nebraska.
laatlon te send out general erdcra ( put up a et.« fight against Frank L. I McMullenU
OoiBba. Neb.. Nor.
Bryan wl
get busy for Wamor.
8huUr and Joseph (leder made an ; Fer Judge of Probato—
bare a pUrallty to Nebraska of abooi
eountv trwaa-: I'^lbvr ................. .
Th# ewnplott count tor mayor of Do-: energetic canvaea lor county
10,0ao and ShaUenberger. democrat,
oH ghroo Bfoltmeyor. repubUcan, S'urcr aga.nst Finley Hammond, but
U foremor by a safe majortty. At
were up asslnet a hopeleao prop- ' gbater ....................... IN
127 :ie«H tow. and protobly Are. of NeVurrsr......................
OetroiL Mich, Nev. 3—At neon lt'oa't;»n. There will be i c eonoolo^l^lbraska'a aU congresamen are demo.
- 'lerk—
” cr,t,e.
n deuttlec. to each of theoo deir
the oounite.
_____ ______
Mra. W. B. T. Swawy of Central picte vbU ir
erty. Mr. Humy rorriod hie home
Mr. and Mrs. Heary Joyce arrived l.jike who ha* bsra vuiti^ Mrs. known pturalltioo In the othora. giv*
*he fouHK. by 10 majority, while
last night for DlgbUM. . to attend rCasMroa. Mt thl. morning for CadU- Warner a plurality ef e*aelly *3*0- I
For Register (d Deed.Che-fanenl ol tbetr nclce, Mrs. Jeba Ue.
Wayne county hae gone for Wamoe: Mr. Bleder carried the second ward
a Origley- Ttey were aea
1 Mr*. Dwefui Smith of Grand Rapid,
who ha. been TUlUng lo the dtp left]
lid OrsBd BapidA i
thU monifng tor Reed City, for a vin-i The loumr poninaulA mitaldo of;majority for the county ticket. «nd
OtoUsy. «d <
R wRh her sbs. '
Wayne, gave Homam a phiralltjr sijsvtfy tnwnaMp aMo gave tha ra- For C«mt Com

20,006 MEAD IN u. P-



«. in

..... ---iw



Every RepabBcao Caodii date Elected by &atifyiog Majorities.

‘ For togi^'^


FVir Cirt«; dowt



............. m


. .

.SS, ;:;;.;-;;;::; U

ne majorttlee in the stty won:

,r.;; S

WWMB ...» ....






ItMd Imoie .IMU
tiWiei A WtlK.


O’tlDa Mtor* OW iMt bVlMlB 1

tb. 4(|te of tb« Sut*. r^wniUm
«ai» «obm tUu* ««e to
folkg l^^^ooord u b«tnc oppoMd u
*«rt^ fMb«n ud blrdt «B «bMi
tboM tivn tmmmtu

th« Mw*u« AeoM Mt cal7 (tick
to ibo rMPMlon, tau ■bonld cmttj im
0t odoMtioa tb*t will ro»a]t U tta* exUBetkn of tbe pr«Ue«
tb Ulehlpa ot loMt
BIrdt U« U>» trieadi of muldbd.
vosderfal ocbeme o* Mtorc.
hM lU
Inaaata are
tea food at (be Urda aad iBiada era
----------- ------------- wrii

l7 MoaMCiT'^wl tl
tataU a caatary alt
Ike ttrsh
tosaeam aa fiiovcM*

Tbo pwiplo a the Ublied Siotee
khTf hcela opokA is M meerUU
toraif i^srdtls UnU- doSne u to
tke —bdoilalelntkiB.
a tho •doOBlelnuioii Iwre
A hp (he Oee-

tiM a WmiMi HOwd Tbft U) the


birda and the laeecU ndtlplrtba birda nnluply and ■aahliiA

baa maodad an MrHa
ot ta ‘teiarana Oty »te oebnl, wam\
atiaadiis ta OalTcnUy. to be tea
ynaaia a< Mr. aad Mra. Mye at laacbaao ao Narcnbar PL Oa that da^a
tba Part Ham «lte oteod and <be
ttoiRdt Ontral BMh laotaU auma
«m cUah la Datratt tor tha aapM
acr o( the aaatara part of tbeauta.
Praf. Hariaa A. Daria, coach at tba
T. a H E athlatie taaau laat year.
dtreetor of atetotka at Pan
Ham aad-hn iieeaadid la tBotoc
ool a tootaU maeblne this year that
to tba ao«y «t naay at the date Hi*
tchod eAeraoa The kblUty at the
Detroit team to well known, and boU
teams lodi for n tIcIoit.
Stece Trareioo Oty to
on .ta temty«(andiHlihscbaal.teo
am Ctly otodanta at Ann Arbor
toal a baao tateroat la boU teaa
drat the goaaUao was. "who shall we
TOM torr bet Dpoa Mr. Kye'a rer
all will wear Port Rnron oolna aad
root teelr loudeet for Coach Davto'
team. The Traverae Oty crowd will
attaod the game aboot SO strM& and
wffl go to Detroit to a special car oo
tee Detroit. Ann Arbor and Jac
electric railway.

. Tbera are many rariettoc of Mrda
teat apand tea wtatan la tela latttnda daaplte tee oerarily
weattir, aad obaerraw la Trararaa
City hare made aama very tatareatJ
Jac dtaeorerlea and bara apaat mb
tlDM rary
tea dUlerent rarleiMaani tbelrbnblu.
Tbeae obaerven wata at the
time a beMftt to the birda ae they
plaead food where the birda aanld pet
It. teoe biiastac the earMn Made
teelr bomea.
U wdl kaowa teat (bod to aot aa
pleatlful aa it mitet be wbn tee
aaaare cobm aad bread <araiBbB, eaet,
etc, placed where It wte attract tee
Wrdc wUl not
etady tea craatoree of tea air. bat wUl PRIhONEM NO LONOER RENTED
al»o be a bcaH«t to teem and an aet
by tee


a graad rtOm. Mt oalr tar
ar. IWt aad tba tosBMfii barty. but
ito tba aattoail adMatotiottoo. Tb«
Iwttotoi iBlaraath o< tba ailiui wan
maHaeed la ilr- AAb ^for, Braa
the tatamu wbiA had baai

« poetible. henae a porttoe «r the aaat
d( thto road wUl ha ratarwd to tea
towiahlp by tee atate. tea peejrta belac satnea In two wnyy. Plreb thay
hare teto axoeUnt atretch at toad aad
neoBA tea etMa halpe pay tor IL
AB aroand'aboat are loend atretten at road Uka teto. laada teat
with tee

-^jca. Thratata to offline tabalp
ML^caalbla hot tha townahip moat
Ur. mt Tba bBMla aC Iha OMtad
pane hare ranam to eon«NdaMt
UKdkfm «M tba toatmSOHt raSalk «( raatatdar^ aUetloBL
biiMdlttoB M tbe.elaeuoo at Itr.
tUU the aodboae at the Oaltad


taa will ctae whaa atata aiaoey
poor into SraaB TVnretoa maty and
test tea praaent hlMway* will ba reptuad by tea Btaoa raada n apadfiad
hy tea atata.

denily, tor 1. .. ..
tea laarkat yiitocday. 1
also toor toads dt.eoka.-

WbUndih. par » .

Ihare wan also weighed two toads
of bay. two toads of oau. two toads
ot earrou, and one beitor.
Chicago, Nor. 4.—Ctoae-Wheat,
Mrs. dy%e; oats. M%e.
DatroR. Mor.
$lAd: ears. S«Me; oats. Hike.
Chlota. Nor. E—Cteae ‘Wheat.
Mlicif aero. gt«e; kau. 47«e.
Detroit. Nor.. I
101; oars. sew. ta; oau. SlHe.



oivsisTEi mmm

4.—LltUe „ - Salt pork, y
rteou. per lb
chasga leporteE' The trade to said Beef imts.
to bp TDtot. Etsta here are sot Urge
and mstry tataa are holdtog ftnn.
Tbe MbVbtota BtanUy to U*t. Pea
chetoe. «tA6: fair
common. It.TSE


PorkotME pw . .
M teoM. par to .

ftor tee tooi1%,Ua»e, tee 'taxpayera
^ dto
4t tMISoHetoB 4hat hare Mo«tht at tee aooaty wffl be called
«lSi#la ts thtt oomtor dvrtah the next epiias la rate am tee mattw at
the prtver boadac at tee poor. Th^
to an importaat natter ta tee uxpa^
are of tee < aty and one teat deiWIIITl AMO tTATC RCSULTh.
<toaad Trara^ cmntr did bamU
exepUwt poertara with :
Mitee ppor are cared
tor In tee beat pialkh way at a lean
aspanee than tha taxpayara of Grand
trararM ooenty are paylne at prea(Orda^ahaHtabd ast tor tba -waiaUafactory ayatea la
traaaanr. pat «p a
. nMMbsaa.>^1bp rafcu ahnr- Uk w other, then aheold be a taafo

tMUaaa aouty. With the wxcai.
•t thk Tota (Or Mraroor. tha aalM

U ttoft ba

(i tea ooutr had

By «Mer of the board ot eoperTtoora, a eomalttee to obor taoklae ap a
aolatato atte and teto will be n
emaded to the board. The people wDl
teen hpre an ^•ortnnlty to past up«aa hMlr ataahdd. aad bto atalotltr la <a It and it to to be hoped that before
tea eaaty vaa eeaaldataWy. toaa thaa aao6er winter rolto afoond. aoa«
#0. Tba Wttat ^cht pot ^ bf Mr. totaetory .enthod wlU be bit np
wWatwar. toteaalad a alaaa aMtteo oad tha poaiilA RETURN OPGONFIDENCE
|la«Akato(th«|on(oer. llptathla:
The eleetea of Wffllaa Howard
•flaiBMMi. tha ttealt la aot daAaltaJr Ttit, wlteoot a toohl. hn bean
•taidaC hat K teoaan that Wamar
eood thlac (ar lAe conatry, reniotlac
H Mirtte hr a Hfa plarolttp. Tba
any ' etemteu at oneertalnty In reteoMtt Mattar ynM
mri to ooadltloM. The seeoe «
Mt-MT tha haarf oQ/te IM rota cd
ftow York stock exeMaea yesterday
to typMM of tee toetec all orer the
. tWhlactloo bn raaaWad la plactes
U adttoa ta Omd Ttararaa
o the ftoor of the
M iLd

M. E Chureh liodsr Ampteae


Schlegd. of Mas
who has bees vlalttog trleada is ta
;«tty. retarsed ham« teto morab«-

a iwiateiti aa It oat peMbto la r^
They^e tha Mekt Cat
"I have eaed Or. KtagY New Ufa
Mto te^ op to » e'doek Ihto aatw- Pert Horen Team, New In CMna of
PBto tor may yeara. wtth tecreasing
aftar tat bav the Baetad
Pre(. H. A. ^eto. Will «taal
ta klska eet
tenad a apadal odlttoo eeotaiaiiie
With BfWeH CMtrnI High.
teteatf^ aeoMBt. at yaatardarb lonaa or meona, aayu k. h. btowb. or
HttodaM. VL GemwateeB aattefscLM al E >- Walt E Seas, C A. Bw
\ae Dnigca. Hannah E Lay drag
• pahUe te sat tba mwaa
f T-



17AM: mnihet steady: beeret.
07A»; Tto>ta .«EME4.«6; wea
m tEM^Sd; stokers and teedera,
fj^G4AI; oows aad beitera. yi.SSO
i. MEE Hoo—Reoelpu,
ket. lOElSe higher; light,
iMgb. •«.ovvV'<e;
tS.SOG5.7I: good
_ teolM bMVy. M.76EE40: pigs.
ISAIOEU; bolk at sales. M.ISESAS
--•4.W; western
-------- ^J.ll:



^ Orcott coon ter OraM TravseM
Bpiausst va. Cart Colby.^,‘* •
8epL 14. IME
appearing from atSdavR «a tee to
teto anaa taftee Atae'
thto ■tote, bat tent I
ptoce Of______
now be nacartnlned. oa n
H. Gag% aolldwr ter coo
------- * that'ta man
be entered to teto canee within 1
loer. a

ccDptotot may be taken aa confsaaed
agatast him.
drcolt Ooort Oommtoatooar Gts
... OAGB.
Solteltm-lbr OaoipMiaaat. Ban
oeaa addrasa Traverae Ctty. Mkh.

Your HonsehoM Eofnfcs

New e^'on'tte «.‘per‘bi‘!’.!I.Se
Bntter. dairy
Eggs, per dos
Tallow ..........
8beep, l'»e
Gow^ per
Bteert aad
Oslvea, Eve
Hogs, live

IVUbdak iwotea reaeeGieBt littie liooklar keapiR(hoatPkild sod pereoaal CEpfluOi u whioh apao* hsTd begh MWMggd
{or settisg dovo s enht Tkrietjr oMteme of gEp«ae wMioEl tfaa
tnmUe a era. vrifiig tin nne d tin
Any bdj who e^ht tbe bask viQ be tappUed wHfasoc^at

crtl aad fiom fonder roceli
’Ipts I
aboUabed. The ayataaa ha* bOW»
diimoo to tea auti a^ .ws» edten
described by vtsitlnE taEl^*EU«to —
ta 1
rye. We. vheM PM. beew «LM batoa.
sod the
Sprteg eklckens.
1^'.' iln *n(^*
orffl mKTwrato * Mas Uto
plan aa effecUve aa possible. All
tee •Mrlld oaf prirale convlcl o
went oot ot extottew tbla week, and

There will be a meettog tor n>
tee nisi M. X. chareb next Sunday
I at t o-ctoek, held Md^ ta
of tee Broteerhood <a tat
Subfeet of tee addr«a^ ta Bev.
R. & MncQregor. ta pastor, wffl be.
"Loyalty to High Meato." Good alngan toTlted.
Meo'B meaHagv ot this character
te tha^^ooBtr. who win Ijr^ an oBlr
tea eoatr, bat tha otop, aaori|«m aarare held to oteer clttoa every Sontoy
l.'eraal crowd
Tlea testae thair, tern o( aSloa.
artmoca at T. M. C A. balle
began a oleady nnward tread,
ehtrebea. ptovtog eery Eetotel
■mny at teem teachtag tee hlMeat
an ahrsya torgMy
THE SBCOROte ELSCXIOM ECU- Tslaae of the ycar^ stroog eeotmt
last year thto
when tha tmd
wn downward.
tranraa Ctir ar <
» la Moithora .MIbhlsaa. Wltk h Medal Mo
■nM -wln aaA.taeuvnau -la tha
teaterd oStoa tateUiar wUb


SE|ii 111

lief tee MW tow. tea old aystem
of *Tnmlng oot- eurtets to frlvoto
coneersB. whick bad raoplted la a con-

to care (or te^eewrleta nnta
AprU. when tee new law becomes (uUy
The Idea of tee ommlaafeo to to
Indoce as many eetm'Jea as poufble
teelr quota ot convicU oa ta
roads, aad to aaaiit team aa tar aa
praotlcable to worklag them to ad
Oeonty oSlcAals erbo have
bad cameHeoce Is boUding reads wtte
MKk labor wUl ba asked to deUrer ad
dieases tor ta braedt of Ikon aot
has also admtiaed
tor oBera oa dHOreot traeto of toad
to dlBareol eeettoas of ta atate oa
the basis Of which tee provtotoo to ta
set relattag to ta etteostoo of ta
auu (am Idea wffl be
The adeertlaemebt to Uk
dve-reer lean, sale aad Ewyear opUoB With lease. Any tract from S.OdO
to l,0«0 aona way be oBered.


Menodamte. F- ▼*-. Nor. E—
Nor. E—Ores Root,
I todkyte
oepbew of apentary at State M
"Monad day" was nl
Bool, today pen^ a benedict, laktog aUM IM pebMcocbooto at West Ttoei kto'hrtde Ml^ Ada de Aooata,
gtoto. hy order ot Thom C. MOtoF.
hter of Mr4 Btaaido ha Aoasto.
Mdeat el octowls. The
The oeremooy vM'e gotot oBalr and
uhniiatoea to ■ lake
portormed at ta raaMenn of tee
bride to Madtoea arenoa. As ta bride
teto ptoc^ and to etat teto
ibroagh ta efforts of tee Mhaol ehOdren and their (Tlcoht.
moarstog. lor kto tather. whe died at
about tee same time. aoM bat Imi
rototlvea were Baked to ta weddtog.
Mr. Root tl maaiger at ta Metropotttoa Street Railway Syatam aad to
(be aoa o( tee tost PrBCweai Orea
Root, ot Hamllteo CoUagn Eecretary
Root and several mnabera of bla tam-


uket bet thaaa wen New tvstpE POP PMk .
Ily abend. tbao*t kvn
were ukM |s cToeartak.

Wri^ ler UlR, Ml the ideaHs thiiv-

is Ue ropnbttM Mandate ahd lopMitMa -M-


Gelet Affair.


tat Botaio. M. T.. Nor. E—Cattle.
SS head; gntot, .nsebanged. Veals.
ty>;~a^^ sUhdy. M.TAGESE Ebeep Brlte and li
lEMO: eeUre. tombs, tow­
er; aheap, taa; tombs. M.7IO6-S0: Ocarback
pork, per
BhoM. M04JE aoge. E400; aeUra. Veal jaowe. par Ib .

a'Giln Ratorred to Ep VI
Ron As ta *taano M .
Over in Aatrlm eoulr (loa Elk
OMBtrr !■ • Urte »ee«Bre threw
'dMlr anoftb to the repehlteui eu- Baplde to Kewedlu. there H » atretch
M road thraa mllea in l«c(h tbM U
me iWlet S
AtlasU. Qa., Not. A—ftor the parthe (Mt thet yr. Tefi-e rhte Uk the a JOT ts tnra orar. It S
peso of dlsenaolBg tee pracUcal ofteraaandtiee i«M rewjy . toe^Med hard and lerS aad to aB that « road altoo at the oosrtet tohor law ot IPM'
snr tba a ur repnhueu prhrtdH AaaU be.
tDd .tee ottltoattoB of eoarlet tohor on
t»wa•Mr aeribd. Ybe <Mt |tot be cdrtee pobOe Agto asi
ikM Or«U« lihw Toih tar 11.0M. U aMptn
a «< wonlr
Mtema aa^Ata paM tor by tea
ordtotass and read antbarlttoa was
It baopta a the,ter«e,dttea a the hbip. Oil the atata at MleUpaa to opoMd teto awning In tea boose at.
aaxlon to have ad.toaay cood laate

Oran Rest Task As Hia BrMs Mtoa

this book, free o< charge.

First National Eank
Under Cenlral ol United Statu

tHi; ?.lr»7.rAllSv tS’i

& ViVe^

Cbiago. Nov. 4.—About l.WO boxes
ere received from Michigan. Flat
boxee. standard aUe. Michigan, S»0
40c: large flat bare*.
bootees. Golden Heart. flOoOllAO:
•qoare boxes. UicUgnS. aas to qnaIttT No 1 C
New Tork. Nor. 4.—Sugar
steady; fair reflnliig. $S-45; ctetrttsgal. K teat. WAS; awlaeaes sugar,
WJO; reflnt
lord, quiet;
' *------

on all pocket books.' parses,
• irairrilna
eases de. All lealhcr goods la
onr stock go at oil lor

The next 15 days

i No. 1 1

I No. J t

A good eliaaec lo gd a oew
pockdbook al a bargda al

WAO; Marte.‘W-W

StoUstlei rbow tat the _ _ . _
bw^ paring lorwetmeat oo the farm.
Cadillac. IMehn Nov. L—Mwal taf
era of potoloes reported yeetorday
teat there la a bettor eall (pr
tat CadUlae market to * t-nfl, s.- •. I
ituit mli'cd with
The prices quoted yeeterday raa fim , Urge

a. » a

« n«„


New Toric. No. 4:—Poultry—Alive.
— spring
—^ -"•-'—1.____
turkeys. 12c; dreaeed steady; wcetorn
Slirtog telekens. l&0:oc; lowto. UH Well mewa Fitysietoa of
ai4c; eprtng tnrkeya. 12*170.
•aaeee Avvgy TSis
Cafiqer Ceaetos Deate.


O^Stete BepoEltVMteM«wtelta«ter>e
■uber ol iteilvMteal safCE. Wc rcirt
tbese •» people tel TWO DOLLARS A
YEAS. Thew steles terc uBDcrlhcsslC
csteM tel ibe rctetcr wmA slfsrA «s»


Johasaa. g wen I
teto ptooe. died teto ms
i’dock. MBCsr betog the a
deste. H leaves s widow a
Got Mrai
P. J. Daly, at L1147 W. (
kleago. tens at a way to becogge
eiTOBg: H« aaya; "My soather, who <a
oU aad was -vary teetia. to dertvtog
so omte beaeflc .rom Etectric BIttera
teat I feel It's my duty to leQ thow
who seed a toelc aad aterngtbentog
-ktee aheat R. tn my moteerW
& Is atoedily growta atzaager.'
quickly rmedy tarn



■tee at E B. Whit E Boa's
« Drag OOrBannk A Lay

vcaScaccoPfffvtecjftadsccvtfy. WcDivttc yste Is cteU ts ttespeet ttctete




■itf «■

B. a DnK J«xc


Wftl BfiFUS


m EiBin m


L. aa aged wd
It to Me dtp. died at
t o’oM p. ta. Wedatadapatbtobeata
tbe eorwar to Caae end TeaM
daym etreeta. Mt Hi ta bo tbe wtoght to
bis » paan batag Ma caage.
. ItoiUtaiald vn bera ta On>



------ Olly.llJO.


TfUVBL THAT WAV HAg »EQUN Had Uvad ta Trgvene «Mp ^ «N
Laal g» Yean Fnenl Mnto-

eoMTiMum wm


WtoMM Man KHM many apd Fen
Pirae Have Drtvaa tba Aaionla
• rtam Tbalf Maaal Uegato

pears at
to TEanraa CUp fm Fsczp.
vane coonlp Mto has
bto betM ken betag weQ kaowa aad
barlog a Urae otoale af ftlnda. Kto
«Ur«MtU, BUc)^ KoT. S —Tb€ sut« wife preceded Urn ta the gnre bp
MttMUll elwUoM over. tU«
vOi »at hudi«4a o( bit «uw koUThree eons aad Co8S. daagbten an
«n parUdpAtlag ta tbs umoal mxoimt left to giaata tn kita Ma
to tb* «tw4B of Vpper MhftUsu. Deoc A. Y. UniBwastd. f. kf.
4o Mt bmiM lofil utw^M of ih« aad A. F. Bodlmaatto. an to Mis dtp,
to thto otoU oBtfi Kotabor lo. and Ma taghtew an Mn. Haaaab
bat tt to Um ooftom of mtaj aporu- Wiealer, Mh. Somb Dpe. aad Mrs.
to oMabltoh tbcir compi in
Bryaa Morrap, >11 of this dtp. aad
n»M of the Ptol^ oC tbo •«
Mrs. John Ortglth. to Grand Phrhi.
toiviftoc vttb tb« tioM of (ha Mootb. BrtUsk CotoBbta.
toffouly to Tbe fwaeito eerrtce wiu'hii at 8L
4apa. bat wMb tboanade to bantm Praada chnrcb at • o'dock Prtdap
da tbe tomu Me Mae to a^ip aul•dnt to ma>M ef teertto alaM>ter.
Wfaetber baattog wm be good tito
«»ar •PMNtoa to toxge oxteat
M tbe
ttaakta bot parttoalarI woedi ere verp' dip.
) If tbe guM to to be
; and at pat tbe
I to bore Ig I
t Mat axtaa- THieVCb TRCATEO JOHN ROS-’
«too ««M bMM bOto bVtft b7


Sonto toto to Mb fbto—r U M tobwtor. fbmtoMtoobtUut
4MT ban bMo Mnb troa bu
•otog np tbto ^ antbm wllto to tbt/Muleti to wUeb bwtm bare
•to totor fptofa oto^ito bbtoto tofatot totb tocto «aM«a to to* po«t.
lowaBr t»o vlHb tb* sMot top
«to ibto vfll M BtoBib toto pov M
r- mbbtown to torbtog Lato
Ob tot to:to a. |L to-1 Htbto ttto
«tob( 1^ vtrt wrml —Mto
Ai«c (toM <ro» two to tito
atpa to Utototp. tobb to
I tobag bwe 4aar, aaip
•. W. ftogto. «bo wt oM
■Bd a* totot bfll Mm bato tb« Uto Mn* •». »■« »«•
^T-fc-~,wbo ,toU«4to fila iboL
Mb «ha a»«A«Mr MOM* Mill t*»

ton mj. mtoa «to «( tb* #to «•

NO FOOD 01 Wlin

^ Tarter, of TMs City, Oleeevend
Me Animsto Near the Fits.
geoM Piece.


kmi Imbtoap btototo wbtn toned
obe w«p>
bflibt oeortat not n—BUM W btoi to SUM. tmr
•Mfpbtn that PbUbto to oAan tokai
tor .«
ud wbn Ump
wUHb ctaAi.naap Mop wtad
tt li #at (btp node neb a ntotaba.
Pto^ ratoUetee b^ etfUM ‘»Ufc

bBBtan vba wm baib
tbe MoMb an to «to»
MeOroaMB. wbo toft
For to. lanaaa.

XtaMlep. MIM, Nor. l/oTbe two
boraee tak« toon Jqba Beberu’ baa
Kingsley Pridsp night bare been
fooad. Prom all .Indications, Me
horses sren driren Friday nlgbl to
fltogaratf plaae. about two

they wen ttad
Ui the woods. One of the horses broke
loose egd caaee ap to the bnUdlng oo
Me Piugenid farm on election dap.
DndenberISs Ronsh, of this place, and
B. Taylor, to Tnrerse OUp. foaad
pet Me anlioali are wp oeldom C.
the other horse where It had been
It to with ao nUe tear Mat Me ap- tied, OB Wadneedsp nwralng.
WoaM or Me big gaato eeaaoa to M- Between Friday night and Tnesdap
geand bp BUMP peogla. lha leaord tbe boraee had been wltboet food
ehcltar, and an It was bUUrtp ooM and
tt past BBaaeai todAgataa Mat
gnlta hearp. Me expertwDl hot be ooaiaad to tbe Ma aaowtaU
most base been anp bat a pleasdaaw. but Abat bIom «1M Mb Mooloe. What eetlen will be taken In
Baada ef doer a anaber of boaters
Me natter 4s sot pel known.

■Tba bbeee wraagbt bp welna to
KpeatfMe for tbe waatog aappTp of
Mg ^me. It to tbe ctotoi to woodettoa that a elagte.wtot wlU etoogbter
totoaa to deer M tba oonwe of a paar
ar wut ot a.4 u
to abowB bp the maop parttollp eatea
aarrataii that an faaad M Me woods,
bat laigHp lor tbe noee toot to ktOiag- There to a goi

[bl ton wbbt to to. Icnee, wm be kmed.
wm Mrtka «C tatt Iba
<bto blij brtto

fttH. iur an fl»ak
lanma. wia. Mibw
nj^ililwaitbeddtoBaaBoa to aato tn wbo OMbto to get
tfb^aMb. Tbto an J. to Oowt.


atol to to toMfeaai; dad
to llMdnV togi aad nnriag gou aad
li» tor 7>eal^
bto «ai get tbe Unit, If tber
ban #to» tort.
<Mi a( 9to ^oattto gMte to toaat
Mtop bwlto baalb wen ae.
I bp a todp. ton
k -aa« « tba bM

Pekta. Nor. t.—Vode 8aaa aod
TbI da ware bdaared todap bp a lolot
calebraUon. arreoged bp Meatodeote
of Mito. ta which hondrede to Mooaabto gortlctpated. The fwUrlUae
kto MaltMUrMdapotMe
ager enprees, and at Me sane thmt
deaeeetratad to tbe AneHcaa Imt
Ma CWaeM>- aattao'e gratttade
aa ftm tba relMlea to Me Bmm
Mtpaadwaeawaloom to tbadah
artaaa geet oaaTtolt to Cblnaa
tars. Oaa to Me greataet athtocto ear*
alvato arar baM ta Cblna waa- Mt
toatafi to Ma aatobratlm.

Mr. OreHlek Is Also Vice Pretotat to
to the New O
Wes Pemted at li
. tad.. Nor. (..Walter
B. GraUlck, of Tnrerse Clip, to one
ot,Me laoorponton of the new Fhrman' Equity socletp which was organtoed ben daring Me national npas
of Me
e new oodtop to compose# of proig lanaen exclaalrelp aad atane
wlM aa gSnllaHt membership. The
Mr. GreObto to also rlee^natdeat to
sew aoetotp.

J. C. Ooedwta. to ReidsTflla. N. C,
sps: rtoackleB's Arelct Salre to a
oekar tor nleera. A bad

Tadw ktailtadtiie
ta' a tew r


t. Nto eren a scar rem Drag Co., Hannab dfUp.




the*ewaaUb> dM, to Onwa. waa
orgaatoad for Me poipoee to getttag

•1—Mtaate Batkswap.
Trioiouif Dwtoe Bird.
Tbap bagaa wtM aareo nea
nd now Mere to M earolled a
tbe Swastika enbta aad ererpbodp
to hoaUlbc tor tbe gyad caaee. Tbelr
west neeilnc wtU be bdd Wedaai '
Norember 4. at tbe bome of Hap Metatosb.
Pyed Stwper bae booght Me Mrs.
Reed pcopertp aad aorad

Mtab. (that betag Me plac* to haU-

tag the Ctrcolt eoan for said eonatp)
Me premises describto ta said taarSgage or so mack Mrrito ap ■

to Mo mwet to bn Meed. Mrs. Uarr

J. AngeH and dangnter. Mn. B>t>wa
to Alden spent Hondap at tbe home ol
g to Mr. aad
George HoMrtdgs.
Mss. C. J. Oara^ Mrs. Walker aad
D. D. OoodauB tewned bstae from
MIsms Maip Boberal. Ida WatdMr. Canada Monday nigbc
lUode George apd Stale HoMsa a^
rired oa the erealag tnta tren^Parorse CUp to apeod Ballowo'en at Ms
hone to Mn. McInCoah. A very Maasant ereolng waa apnit Tbe geeets
retomed hone ce Ma Ute tnta.
Mr. lawnsTd, of the sooMera part ASSOCIATION HAS THAT OGJECT
to the state, wbo has been rtotUng P.
W. Teal aad tamltp retnraed bpne
Ptaae An Retag ktade to Beaten
Mra. Opde HaMawap waa
NevitaUea Oa That Strwanv—
ene Citp caUer Satnrdap.
RetfMca Pnif irt aRtaa,
Miss Pearl Pick, wbo has been rtolUng her annl. Mrw Komsa PanWer.
tor Me past two areeks. ntaned to
LeatocG, Tax.. Nor.
Traresos City Monday.
nlsbad adroeatta to Me Red River
WWle Hoxie and Genge Green
I ta Denient to Tnseree CUp. peeterdap to eon today for tbe oonvenileo to Me
attend Me Needhan boslnees college. Red River
bar mored bto tamllp •tans will be eenatderad for jourtag
OBL-la eaatp.
■arigatloo on Me upper part ol tbe

Bi-ermsiyta sniMp
dta. taetadtag Ma ^tadpaL taHiiM
aad costs to sack fmcnikHais aad stoa
and aa ntaeraap toe to TwsadgAroSiR
Mrs. W. a T. Stasap. tram Otalral tan as pewrWed tor ta taM a
The prtaitaes to be odd are dtaWMei'
imke. U vlrtUng Mn. Csmerac.
Id mortgage as etamtod ta Tba»
'ihrrnnd Ml*. WlUiam KUM. Cai^
Clip. Orsad
meflp to AUtaPce. Ohio. ramnsJ MIM. vU:
The aadbridad OBoGaif to «ha fiAtaP
borne Mis
laadr OnmiMiiBtag to
aammer season. woMtag tbe farm to
r to IM «n ;:to
Mr. RIM'S father. HeUMew RIM. to
Bay. TI
Meta ckBdren. Howard aad MaUie.
Dou's RegaleU openia casUp. tone
Me iUoasM. core eoasUpattoa. SSc.
Ask poor druggist tor Mem.


and awtes and lit np bp nnmertms
lack lanterM made of pumpkins.
Tbe mnsic srsa fnratobed bp Mree to
onr town bops, Oeorgto aad Flwddle
Ornn aod^Ulle Qoxie aad Me crowd
waa highlp pleased and gave 4hea
Mree roostag cheen.
Tbe Grown

rtrer. Soch n pro}e«t would be of Invalne to tbe sblMwe to
northern LoutoUns and Texas, since It
would ntawst certainly result in a
great reduction In trel^t ntee. Dele­
gates will probably be appointed
tend tbe Katlonal Rivers and Hsrbon
congress In Wj
as the represenUUres to the asaoefailon.
Tbe program provides for a eessloa
to two daps, the list of speaken taof Uontoi RanadeU, an anihorlty on walerwspA aod many other
to Texas, Loulslansi. OUabomn and Arkansas.



Tbere win be a Thaaksglriag serriee at Me Prlends MnrM in Me ev­
ening. Special nuialc will be amaged
bp Me poong petoile. A few recitations
rad bp csmariB from Me pastor.
Me Rev. Oerras Cniwp. Aa oflertag
Win be takea tm Me Are eageren ta
Me Dorthprs part ^ Me stale. Ererp-

seds ta be esed on Me parsonage.
A G. GaaM nag JaM Ptaatae wv

to LetxriUe PH4ap. rstaratag

» the tovvalUng
ttplee to Wemsn-s Hate at Meet­
ing Today.
^•ectal ta The Evening Record.
BoBnlo. N. Y.. Nov. (.—Latest styles
in women's hsti form Ms anbject of
dlscuuloB St the convention totened
here todto' tyj the HUlinerp Jobbers'
The session wUl last
three daps and Me driegstes, rapresaoUnc twenty dtliA are l|kelp to:
hatM many sMemes for AsttenlngMe'
of American hushaads.
The membership to Me ■
U BOW cooposod enttarip of mHltaerp
tabbon la tbe central and westara
ttaua. bto a plan will be pat on toot
ta orgutae tbe Jobben to Me east.
Aside from the boslnees sessions,
toere wOl be e smMer st tbe Iroquois
Mis evening, s baaqaef^omorrow and
trip ta Ntagnrs Palls oa Sstardapl

Mr. John White, of 38 Highland ave­
ate*. Hal
nue. HouItML
HntaA saps:
been tronbled wUh a cough every win­
aad spring. ___
Last . Inter 1 1____
many advertised remedies, hot the
congh coattened nntll I booMt a (Oc
bottle of Dr. King's New Dtscoverp:
that was half gona. the
was an gone. This winter Me aaoM
bsppp resnlt has followed; a tew
banished the anaoal oengh.
New DHeoverp U the best________ _
aad long reme^.- Solfi^onder gna^
OBtae at S. K. WaU A SonR C. A.
Bngbee Drag Co.. Hannah A Lap drag
-4(1. ...........................
Trial bettla l»c.



J panM wlgMji.wagt

beUawa pour aatwaef

Maaoe weat oa Ma sonM k—Imp
Itae to aaU tata OM aad twa to eaM


Bg Uke. Hleh.. Nov. C—lieitjOax
and wile from Indiana are vlslttag
Mcir parents. Hr. and Mn. John R.
C#x. to Mis Plata.
M. M. -DaiTM WMt to Hoaroe Oaater Monday on business.
CbarUe Welborn, wUo and daaghter. from Lone Tree, visited at Will
Sast's last Snndap.
Mr. aad Mn. Wagner aad aaa fnm
Kepstone spent Sondap wlM Hr. aad
Mrs. Jamea Sap.
Kate McGSl has goM eB'TVarerse
Citp to work for Mrs. fPhlUag.
Csoar Uons aad wife, aad Mn,
Martha Mrade from Pentasnla. spent
Bandap wKb Meta parents. Mr. and
Mn. Ankeram to Mto plaoe.
Mr. aad Mrs. Peter Ooflltod have M
spmpaihp to Me bnUre conunnaHp. la
Ota of tbelr home bp Are. This Is
Me.aeccnd time Mep have barned
ont. and R comet very hard tor Mem
ta their qU ace. Tbe loes bat beta
estimated at abont $3(0 wlM ao ta-

any part MsaeoA Mttaa ta liiakg
given Mto bp vktne to Md ggVW to

fnot dear «
. . _. _ _________
ene Citp. Grand Tmvena OaaaCP.


Mr. and Mn. J. Staddlebaur, of
Mewroe Cantar, tailed <«
friends Tnesdap.
Hallowe'rti was celebnted st Onwn
In the good tod tsshloBed wap. Tbe
Swastika chib gare a porertp ball ta
Batep-s hall and Mere was s loUP
crowd came dressed ta their most
ragged and patMed attire. Tbe hall

tars, sad no

Sid at pnbUc
tbe highaot btadar ta
Janoary ROHR

Dr. Clark. hM aorad into Mra. Ada
Btosrd-s boose. .
Mr. and Mn. Berry to Newberry,
D. w. Bapnatde b balldlng a aew Mich, rtoitad wMb Oeand Bacbl aad
tesMoace oB om to tbe loU bo recent- tamUp Bnndap. It wu tbelr visit togsMta in 34 pears, having spmt Meir
^ead Mrs.^. Sebright retmed ehUdhood days ta S'
Mtos Helen Oaborae to Aides ac­
trdta AHegan last algbt.
Tbto la ettaaoB dap aad eretp- companied by her Meads. Mtos Berry
aad IfUs Gerry, rowed across Torch
Ming ta rarp gelet ta Orawm.
* Mn. Chris Bpas> of TParme Citp, iHke ‘'Sunday afternaod. retarntag

nuu IS mu


Tbos cried ibC. btlr.
kind Bd^bor caac m tbere*>
CGt wim g boote of Ayer*g
Hair Vigor. Tbe hair was
ggi^f Tbia WBi becdHse
Arcr’g Hdr
is a regolar
faairiDedicioe. FaUigtbgiris
catued by a term, gad iUt
nmdiciBe coog^y desroys
tbese terms. Tfico ebe heabhy
dCdlpciPcs ricb, hcdAy hair.

peotaet Oraan te eaaetogn.
past drp aaaaaa aad the daageroaa
dree aU orer tbe eeeoup bu caoaed
Me pebtoe ta aea Me and to eoM
protaettoa aad a fe«
called a anartag at Mrs. HaMawaph
aad irgsidsid Ma Bwaatlka olM.
Tbap eteetad tbeto adean aa toUowa:

aeceaatoa to Me
b «4 O. to IMto. to Mtotbgart. Mma. berrloae wen
bald In ell Me
MMb Bin la Ma
Qrtbedoa eborohee to Hoasla P. E. Roberts CempHmeated Bp OL
*or pntbnla ta gat MatoM goeta :«aaek
aad Me eotpator aod Me ropal
todaVeitoan A parade
to troop# was Me epectacotor tooMan toeal taaian «ui go la a low
to Me cetobratln tn 8t. Pt
ta lokag to appredstloe tor bto acr.'*Tmb’ fkUMib mm mrnn mleas ataea bto ataBicOBW wIM Me ggcggcrgcgcggcg
•MK wble WHIota niMta aad».
Kewadto. Mkb.. Nor. A>^n. u
A..ltnrni an bootad
bookad tor
tar Oort
OoRtaa. d.
UCsie to Rapid CUp. spoat pan to
taM be aaeaaad bto
time ago. Mo directors to Me com- last week wlM her sister, Mrs. C d.
L Ihbe aad IbwM IftM tor Oaark.
paap this momtaf pmeaatad P. B.
Fb» piMlIiiHaf Oa^ Bitolrad UM Mtotta sriM A «i>e gedd vwiak.
tam. to Mr. tad Mto. JaM aPra.A

Tbe gin aaae ak a enrpriat to Mr. dtae. Thandap. OM 3R a baby girl.
ttUbb FaeoniaU aad Can'
m tba paat.taaa baM Mto to
Roberts, aad he nepoadei srtM a tpw 41ver «M waa steared at Me Datam
iM $rnm. *mm tor Mt j
to appnctatlta lor the trlbnte Harveto eappeP krid at Me Orange
■ bva tolaa tor a poor can.
ban Use Tweiap evtataG Tka prw
Bp Win ta The Bmtag BeoortL
paU kdm bp the directors to tbe c
Baran. NOT. i.—T. tttnto P^na.

rm l^cdhnq

Orawa. lOM, Nor. e.—Nrs. BMrpor,
to Tnvane Otp. to vtotttag bar daatottar. Mn. ailna mir.


to W^Mdap ef Me tiwnn and Met
bawa toHlMada tor •eaer la-



.. aaU tat OM._____
aortkwMt atang Ma weto kOBadaip
Uae to naU tat MB to (be plaae to bw


Oct. R IMR
Aesignee to Merigtok
AttotMP tor Aselgiiea.

Mew Mnason BIk.
Tnawiae CUpoffice. TM; rea- HIM.
Idence, 601.
hak to be directed te kis oCflea op­
posite Sherman A Hnator.e
Do not be totadlrtatef _
Odd work to Me vaEfSaL
Strang, nstnnl appearing aad very
beat nrtlficUl teeth.
Make appointments ahead whM


___ t to cedar and popde. H oadar
enlttvsaon and river rtamtag atotos
tbe farm; fishtag Me peer arasadi

FOR gALE—HP bennOfnl farm tote
bartred acrM. oaa mlla Pita Btoi
Host be sold at mce. Make ne aa
ofiar oo Me whole or pert to IL
TUae. cash or trade. J. W.EIator.
BtoL 3»dL


is aonoe bigber today than 90 dayi Ago, bet ig OBBAPBB.
iban it will be 30 dayg from now.
Baildiog Material of all kiada ii ^ea|r aad hbor b flee-

Now b tbe eoUen Opportndty

South Side Lumber Co.
Both Pbones.

Traveme aty» MIA.

therefore the kitcheoUa matter ofimportant coosideratton. Step into oor store and look over oor
largeTioe of

Otosolinta SGovtas
tana Oil > Stovtas
Cookinglin lumraer n a pleasure when gasoline or
oil stoves are used- Prices to fit yonr pocket book
and sizes to suit your requirements.

• AEkabomtovEMy

m-tlT A Oaloa SL

JUUOS (NllB'Kll no.
'T' .




KJranjS Tyavwwii^on




Ml fMch th«



Dan Pratt drove to Trararaa CUy
fiatorday lo a«a Ua vUik
Mr. aad Mra. Dan Wrlybft a
tore to
Ann aOOB.
Mra. Wfllie Laba aad bsabaad left
tz Mantataa Wedaaaday. where ahe
aa cone ihroafb as oparukn.
■ doing very nicely at tUa wtUni
N. T. NelMM and Wfflla are pUi
lag for D. Pratt
Fred and race wneon drove to
Ptatte Sanday to aee ber pamta.
Do' not foncet the pie eoelal «a the
evening of Nor. Itth. at Mr*. Prank
aogert- realdeace. Ladle* aU r
ed to bring tome kind of a pi
I the Biiniat
Soger* Is
at thla wrlUng.

'OarDUoa BreAT
aday. Nor. 12. Hra.
vary poor baallb aad
__ .. boeaekaeplas. Do a
__ ^
by cotalag to bar aala and
Jtyiag aacb jpwU aa^


A few UttM naMj Ariska, nodtfng
wtadow*. aad Upplw <fver cMeeo, Mat
night; otberwlae BalloWaB i
Mr. and Mra. Platt M_______
have moved from Ptabeft MlUto Lardyrtn*
Tbe acbool cbtldren b«ld a box
dal In Bajra ball Wednettay iwvaAlag.
Which aSbrded them Mts. of tan.
A correoUoa for a laat weela' Itm
X whoiGd have aaU tbe' North Mnnltou. inatead of tbe SouthL wbeeb Chaa.
Sble bad gone aa aalesnan In a store

f4W« Cui<n and wUe ift Coe,
Mii^mak kai^ and daacbtar
'Mfcb. an b^Df rMlnl (MUlflU at
M (Omb of Cfcrtei.
Hrt. 14a Kreue tad ber taothar,
Uf*. Torb. are rlaian* relattirea at make tbalr baaw here Id the fotare.
C Moaree at Travanw aty U bar#
"niarJ*a*'^S^t baa doaad the rr- rapaMay tbe bpUara ta the ntll abd
Tiral ttoiUBca bere aad begai. bold- ta« for D. H. Day.
Oaaar fTauaa baa boacbt Iba Prad
iBMOssa at PoiWMia SaadaT aranELKLAKC.
ParUB plaea a.................................
Tbe chicken p!e supper given by the
^Sjeorce Baaaett aad wife ratamed cantly teoglH

Bpworlh League Tuesday lAsht was n
Mb VlrftaU mday rtara tbej
socially and Anandally.
nfbd tfaa paat year. Tbar
VA. CDd Whttb^-for tbe Katlonal
MMitgaw good aaoiucb /or uam.
Dowiirr and a-lfo aftandat 6lf«aU 0»., arero in town on baatneaa
BejTlM at ibe ChBfdi Of Cbrtat 8w»- Friday.

LewJa- toU» hare rK bwt*
«0 Ibatr new booee. . ...............


•n tbe Maple (
Pcier Hansen
carrier Is now oovorlngibe rt
James CaigOI, wife and daughter,
Sthri; vtaKed tbeir cousin, fdrs. Downcr.lbls week.
bone from Green IMy where they
have been on a visit and loA lbs
Manltoo for borne Tborsday.
A. A. M attire moved hU faadly In­
to JIM WUion-a Mg boose one day
and AbbM Payne of Cedi^^ Attended 'Touag^ Peoplef
ameUag Sender o^b
1„T. BaU U pMwlB

Smith and J. H. McOon^ of Trav^
erae CHy r»tn«i over with Doctor Prelie In an aotbrnobUe and spent Sun­
day afternoon with O. II. Usy.
Mr. nod Mr*. Wm. Andsrstm spent
Nelson M-Wsea baa. had a
kard^^ ir|£ tooE^die tU past Sunday wKb Mr. aad Mi*. J. P. llage^
Mn. Rnfns She* spent Satorday
**Mr1*SaOowan*‘ treople attended
kand Sunday wiib Mr. and Mrs. Pred
bave net be'nrd of many tbtnge being
M town Thursday.
dUtnrbed by the yoong people In this M*d of eabbage
Nov. 2.
ta those thlngn.
Mr*. Oirtls A.bgerln» vWted with
Mra O. V. Bensop on Wednesday af-

Tbs Hallowe'en party of Saturday
tile tolka

Palmer and Mr. Nlmanaw of
■anlre visltad trlittds and attandod
....... fortune
to be told by tbe for. divtoe aervlces here Mi Snnday.
H. C. PettengUl pLtt Ms potatoes M tbne teller. They all report H was
. The menn wae fli
tbs eeOar tbU week. Ibil OorbK as-


would eome again eoon. As they
I tbemeelves very mneb.
BUaer Abbe wae vlelUng with

Hr. Porton’a family expect u move
to Traverse aty thU week and lia
Warrm wfll move Into the house

I OTg|,^mdaill,,<3«alBulii«L«mollClchi«>i>
‘^im HUev- sad lamny have moved
over near Grasru.
Mrs. Thayer, who was called to t
borne on the penlnsuU by tbe tl<
ness of ber buaband. gas iwtarwed to
resume ber
dutlc* as cook at the
Mrs. Clirk of Travboarding
aty did the work during her sbsencu.
Mr. and Mrs. Duval have rotumad
from a visit In Indiana.
lary WllIMms and Mande
It Wednesday and Thurs­
day of Mat week in KlhgUey. vUuing
tbe Rev. X. U Haywood and family.

Thu 'Cr*aae.CapL And erm. bmu^t
freU^t to Plsher-s dod: laat evwMg.
—s. 1,—-----horses and other p
mlio*. Mr*. Laugerirk has rented
> Newhall-boiel ther* tor a length
of time. She was a snccess aa a board­
ing bouse keeper here for several
yearL aad will be greatly Blsned.
A barg loaded with lumber from
Pisheris dodc Mat week.
.No severe frosts bare yet; farmers
busy digging poUtoes and gathering
three moBths' visit In Detroit.
Aug. Luranssi and eon Douglas VPlea.
Barney Ollve^f Traverse Clly was
made a buslneis trip to Tra'
here last week. vbUlng hb father,
b sUD confined to bb bed.
Slek Kidney* Weaken the Whole Body
**Mr^an<rwi^. Will Unnt and daugh- who
V..., «
through the conUnual drainage of
uir Mary spent Sunday .with George
lUnglvliig albnmcn from the blood
Prink and family of BM Bapida.
Into tbe urine, and the cuUtituiion
Lou Innls came up from Detrt
of poisonous uric add that goes broad
visited over Sunday with hb p:
cast through tbe aystem. sowing the
He rotumod home Monday.
^A&n last week Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Dean drove to
Eroe'M Pahl baa a fine new horse. feeds of disease. Lots of albumen
Traverse City Sunday to see thetr Mts. Pahl Is uulte ill and under the causes wcakneea. languor, depres­
danghler-ln-Uw. Mra. Alva Dean, who doctor's care. We hope she wUl soc sion. Uric poisoning causes rtkeoms
tie pain, nervousness, nausea, cricks
bo able 10 be about iho bouse again.
Id the bark, gravel and kidney atones
>y. who hna made bb
Lemon Seeley has a new cow.
bume with Wm. Curry and famllf for
W'ill Csiuaul. wife snd chUdren and The proper treatment It a kidney
tbe past two years, left Saturday to jAr. and Mrs. Tompkins all vlafted treatment, and tbe best remedy ,U
Doen's Kidney PUla Great TrsveiSe
spend tbe winter with bb brother; K Lemon Scc<c} Sunday.'
J. Hawley, of Alden.
Mbs Slmrow U worittne for Bd
Tbe date of (he W. P. M. S-'-haa
street. Traverse aty. Mich, cays,
been champ’d from tbe eecond Tnea- Pray of Mabel.
Mrs. Milks and two dang
had kidney tronhle for years aad h
day to the Srst Thursday of each
doctored and tried various kidney rem­
month and will meet thb week TBurs- who have been taking care of
Prank Preeman. who hat been side. edies without obtaining much help. I
day with hire. Innla.
Trsvbeard of Doan's Kidney PUls and bad
Miss Ltls Curry visited over Snn______ _ Prank Preeman will move
them recommended in our pa
>y with friends In Elk Rapids.
Carrie Foote waa In Traverse bb faraliy near Kingsley, on a farm, per* and decided to give them a trial
as Boon as bla wife b able to be 1 purriiaaed them at the Walt Phar
City laat Wedneaday.
lacy and comten^ to aae as per dl
Mrs. Oara Johnson and .
..•ettona. I wS^Tonlshel at the re­
tamed to tbulr home la Elk Hapida
sult. as in a few weeks I was cure)
laat Wednesday after a week's vlalt
and the kidney weakness was abated
with friends here.
H. Claypool riilted with Dsmon I have since been free from any kidney
Miss Pearl Curry leaves tUa morn­
e my recovery “> (b«
ing for Trmverm City to work for Mrs. SMley last week snd rstnned to Elk complaint and owe
on of Doan^s Kldh^ Pllls.''
Rapids Saturday.
Rose Dean.
Mr. MlUer and wife was Is Trss
Nov. 2. '
. wBter-».„„... kw, ,
erse City, one dsr last week.
r.L_ n_____________ Jt
d and k,..*..
Masters Bmur- New Tork. sole agenU for tbe United
■on and DcUncy and little Mary Ann Statea
Mlsa VMIet Cut
Remember the nume- -Doan's—xnd
took dinner with Damon Seeley Suit
small pa
take no other.


----- -

9% lBltramu«i8«vtMAMMi
H. a BDLU PruriduBV


F. C. D*
aer. J. M. 1
H. Smith, H. a Oaner.

. lAJdie, Wm. L0U4UU, pnnk

alauue cordUlly InwitoA




wtwseswtwswtsBSBSsws eswsutotwtsaus

Hr. sod Mrs. Edward Gauthier aad
Infant daughter visited at the home
HMa Carrie DslaeU WMl borne Bat«f bin. OauUtrler's parenu Sunday,
Mrs O. K. Claypool visited Mrs. SS?.SSd‘^ rstffrttg to Mt;
John White on Saturday laaL
Hr. and Mrs.' Prankfntber bavs
Mrs. Frsnkfather called on Mrs. El­
moved ba«k to Osdar tor tbe wUrt**-.
la Good one day laat wett
MIm Esther Ooed upuni Eatarday
Mr*. EIU Good has t peculiar plant
In blossom In ber sunny window. It b and Sunday at toto ptoM.Nov. 1
an sstor which has been in bhwm
for some time, of which pne side b
imy on^_r. and airs. EmO Klllman have
mbred to Traverse City.
Mr. and Mr*. A J. Lantser have
bought the farm of William Myers,
and moved in a week ago Monday.
Mrs. Ella Good U taklag ear*
Mrs. Tom Good for a tew days.
C. W. LeoSler b putting down
new dstern.
Wencei Ansorge U out with hb
>m sbredder helping the neighbors.
MarUn Bugsl ' * '
s plam on tbe aecUon.

Heat your House with a Universal

I- mu

Heater. You will save money, fuel and work

{grij^tiyasawd. Okii^oiuneentex.
blUt «i tbs
ct ptop^ vilDewed tbe eereie aK.
wbieb tUa seble stoue wm pot to.
We v^DothiagbBt tbepooMBtjfredeof
oMd «Dd ebok. vhibb'woiild put ike file
il^raly onl in otber etoree. bat .wbioh
ibe Bettwn botw^ pwCeotfjr.Eiki prodneed m isleoee hett . FV>r bnmiog
wood, tbe Benon eoqpMeee 0|».beirt
wood stoveeerer Dtode.Hidit uriU -best
qnieUy. bent OMte spnen md
voDdr Tar Inniatf Ug efanake aad
sir-tigbt doot nod
■ yriU iioldRlB {or days et a time.

Why Wc Sell the Universal Stoves
During our many years of experience we have had the privilege of selling any brand
of stoves made, because we buy and sell over twice as many as any other dealer In this
section of the country, and every stove concern has always been anxious for us to take
their line. This has given us the opportunity to test the best stoves made, and having
testeithe Universal line complete, we can truthfully say that there is no brand of
stovM made which give the satisfflicfion that the Universal does. Their construction
is different from other stoves, the material used is the best to be had, and the work­
manship is perfect. The manufacturers of these stoves employ skilled workmen only.
When selecting the material for these stoves, the best is used and the Inferior grade
is sold to other concerns which mbke poor stoves. For fuel economy, great durabil­
ity and beautiful appearance, the Universal Stoves are approached by none. That’s why
we sell them.

Sheet Iron Heaters

J was* to IMS I

Round Heaters


............ 35.00

We have 60 dlffereat styles of -Unlvcraal” Stoves aad we kMW we can
Sleaaeyba. Come In aad aee.





The worid’a tamou • EENOWN."
See deaoriptioD.

$27 to $34

Better Than a
People who have had Farnaoae fa tbeir
homee hare oeaeed ariog thea aod are
DOW uafag oar large UairerMl Heafare,
beoaoee they require tea* atteoboa and
beat tbe eazae epaoe vritb msoh teee foel.
Then oar Doivenal don't ooet half ao
. mooh either aad thgy will last kmgw.
Ob aoocmnt of tba large qoaati^ va
bought, they )xMt yon so more than or­
dinary atovea. and yoo can oae then
white paying for thara. Tba BiOVCl
UalversalU aepleodid Heiu« fap\
largeBouaea, Sebod house*, OhnrebM,
Bwtaoranto, HaQa, etc., Ucaoae yon
oan bvn eitfaar. '

aad it baa the haaTieat and etroegaat
6ra pot andbodypot faMyatoee. If yon
are located where you can gat Hard Goal,
yonabonld getoneoftbe UairarMl Baae
Bnmera. Too hare no idea bow well
yoQ oan heat yoor booae at a amaD expeoae and tbe eoiid oomfOTt yonll take.
Yoar stove tronhlea are eni^ tbe tem­
perature of your booae vrill not viiy euer
five degreae all winter, and they only
attenticD onee a day in Ae eoldeat
weather; and in moat oaaea every otber
day ii Builflctent. Yoor every etova waet
will be met here in Ae omet ustisfeetoiy
manner aodata big earing of money.
An faapectum of Ae Univertel line wiD
oonvfaoe yoo of Aeee fade.


Onr Big Buying for Three Large Stores Makes Our Low Prices.
Oar Eaw Pa»sat Plan enables
everybody to fnmlsh their Hones
conplele, and nay lor II la small
wSly. monthly or





Double lined, Air-tight Heaters, 9 CA
Cast Iron topund front at-Guaranteed Hot Blast Stoves, iA AA
have noequal-- .......................lU.vU
Round Heaters with wood and e AA
coal grate......................

Wttl beea*cdtUeirinter on you tael
Ul! U yoa BM a Beoosm. Your bonne
■ trfll bo wanner kbd yoa wfli avoid tbe
. dirt, duet end saaka, whiob U no annoy
.-tag. ^HiaaeU air oo your floor is taken
thnogb tfai lower dtalu and heated,
them foToed to tbe floor a* warm, freab
^ and ie kept iu <Mpgtant cinmUtion.
Tbe body of tbe Benown is made of 16
BBOge ooU raUad ateel, aod will aerer
^re oat. It is attached to the 46 Ib.
Fire Pot by B pateot device aad is abaolotaly air-tight: that‘a wby it boMs
firvao bag aod vby ife ao dnnblo.
Tba Deplas grate, pateat abakiag riog,
lar^e aab pan. air-tight mica dow, make
this tba most cooventeat store, as well as
tbe Bioet ueaatiful store there ia


r" ’

m E. Front SL
127 S. Union SL
On River SU Elk R^lds





IM kpigkt
___ __




■WTOM iBTtUtf to «OM.
ararr B«ut wi *tt« Wm9 rUltora >B the Mlckbmftood •atey.
TW *T«i'' Tvang »oopto «)er«d
ft Halkra«-M putr *t Uw
O. R T»ytor vin rmiftft to bM
Tkft bora ««M Iipirtiny «tot aod
-ftU bamrad <Mf» •fturter mlfbl. Bot
vlthMtBdlftf tt boiac HftOo*?ra7 ftftd
«e boliMft tb«r «a)ora4 It tot «• ven
ba4 oUar pftoptft » vbto tot bftitw.
Tbc UftfM NBto BB« ftooUl bM
ftt to borne of Mr. aad Mra. In MftU
dwU rrtdftj- oTMito. vfti wftD ftUeaO-

to uaer to bOMo «»4 to It axUto•« to tor ft weo4rtioil.
MMo Hfttoftr. tbo tftfttor, to loftob-

~uJ!7^nsr.~^^^ “vi£?oin;;s^ph««u,«.



Mart OB ft boBtlnc trip tb« oomlof
woftk. They bftVft ft D*« toftt wblcb
thfty 'Will too for bm wbUft U tbe
'I. They botb eipeet to brln«
____ tbelrMl«ooUo(4ftor«sdtrto
tolr frteftdft.
TW Oblekea pto aodat boM ftt to
-•4oBtoTg ctoorck tor the Iro eat. torara wfti ft food nceeo*. Over fU
wfto the retoi of tb« aoeUl. boetfra
tbe todtoft ftro ft«Bdlnff a M oC olotbe.
DfciM ftpeot BoBdftf at Bd a«l-


^lla Mattlsoo win rmt bto (arm
and fo to Elk Rapids to work.
Mra. Qaoria Preemaa rtoltad Mra.
Pabl one day last week.
Harry Baekwltb caUad .at John
Broembaad'a Sunday.
MeCtaaa aad wtfa rtoltad at
& J. Uoyt-s oaa day last wa^
Mra. Thomas aad Mra. Buplataa
ratnraed to tbalr bomea la tbe aouib
part of to atato last Wadnaaday.




SBtofi ■‘UBCla Rubaa- la to Bear

West Virginia—Qiastleck. R.

M; sed msM. and bias blood make dm trkolm kg
m ibm pbeA W dial pboa ii a kag way dews ibe o£m bem
wbke braod

Lily White
nov tbg Bsgt Cooks

blbawUMcfwbkaiswi. Ned a Um wfabs. bm a sick, esuito
wfaiMdmTwybi^pnAsciieaefaaagskl. bulb m to coles
amlaMrilim otioo.
WuharatMelMs boeUst rnihkkg dm arikk c( Dr.
HMltom sitdimdtoslraraaodfatmwIiiA the firm three pwv
Msgka cl dm adrartkemto are tobm.
W«w3^malkloasyrme who k rntonmad k ^ bmd
BBMim. kk^w

help I___ ,___ _____
mdbymmabWhmdiad ■rhitoanli to a bato ua^ dm fact ihat ”mtoct is ^ MMkc to mmm” m dm





I wtob to took every fiieuda. republleaa aad deioocrat. for tbe bandsome ma)ortty given am la Toeadayb
eleotkm. ft wUI be aiy aim to give
BattotoodOB wbUe dUlag tbe oSkm ot
sberlfl and deserve tbe ooafid
placed la ate by tbe voters of this

ItT. PauL formerly a realdeut o( the
Grand Traverse regtoo. ot Mlcblgaa,
bad brought bto tamlly to /
where he bad already puixba
erty. to make tor them a home. E
ProTklenee ordered otberwtoe. A pt
of the tamlly are left to moura t

Mr. Quiet to aUll buy bulldlaf aad
Maariag up bto place. He baa a gard­
en spot
Mr. Btargeoa and Mr. MUler
Brotbraa vtotted u tost Saturday.
Hotel arrivato. Martin Honae: W.

beat loved her boat flbe. with two of
bw young
_ daaiktos,
____ _ 'waa
- bapUsed
afto toy came to Springdale,
and all throe became members ot
rt tl
Seventh Dv Adveattot «bnr«fi a itbiU
It may be of totarest t« Mra Panl'a
samerou frteMs to know tot she
wm t^eaaed wKh tbe oeuntry
oeuntr she had
conw to live to. Tbe writer ba« oftes
beard her epeak of tba beaaty of her
mouDtalD booie. aad of tbe delightful
Mlmate. ton whl<A she-thought thwe
could be none better.
M. L. Leach.

P. B. Wrtot to W. J. Saxton asH ot
swt4 ara. II, T SC. R n.
Ludwlok Kroupa to W. H. Beltbar,
lot Sa. blk. H, H. U A Co.'S 7tb.
noru Roaabrook to Maatoa Pro­
duce Oo. lou 1». n. bik. S. P. LTto.
dA to Foe Lake.
John w. McKloMm
Kelley Lumber Co..
W. P. Cromer and wife to C. S. Oox

le R a ot a oor. of ewli ofseli
b. W U R. th. B
. W to beclBnlngdary J. Kroupa to John HeOormick
w U ft lot U and e se ft. of lot ST.
Wk. K. H. U * Oo.'s 7tb.
W. P. Crotaer and wife to Tbou.
Mlmnaa^ pareeto sec. It. T ST. R IL
M. L. rpdlke and wUe to Chris. Aaae H o(
sec. It. T 77, R
Frank A. Clary and wife
OUbert. puroal of sH ot t%
and s pt. of kM 1. aec. tl. T I
James Moody aad wife u
L Stiubri. 0% lot 11. bik. 1
T. C.
AJIle I Brawn to Mary A. Glboon.
lot n. Prospect Park.
Aaale R Keener to CMas. D Kee
new of swM eee. >«. T IS. B 10.
Oeorgtos Tender to W. P. Cratser
and wife, pared tot U blk 7. H. U A
COmS Otb.
Anas ZItka to A. E. WUeon tots IT.
It. 10. M. bIk S. Goodrich Md.
W. J. Weeoe to Jennie W. Apideby.
lot A btt. J. H. L. * “ •


Mrs. F. M. EUer. of Ut Washing
strewt. left yesterday morafng

Eleeto Regtrtar of Oaeds.

Mrs. Dr. Paltier to vtotUag ta Maatotee this weMt. tbe Dr. baring gooe
to Cbhmgo <m busiaem.
Mrs. R. Harreo retatMd Monday
from a two woeks’ vkdt at Montague
nod Oraad RnpUm.
E. M. DUou.>Joba SmKb. Dave TMyea. Oto McLaagblla aad Tad Wareham ali Treat to Manistee today to nt>
teadameMlag of tbe Oka. Ttoe lotto
three expect to be talOalad Mo Urn
'mis. BmUy Dtomood and tm» «blldrea arrired bare Monday night from
CaUfonIa on n vtatt te Mra. Bla DUr

Mr. aad Mrs. ehaal


grand parents of as Mgkt poanT boy.
Mother and child are gettlag alenr
Wm. Hogg, of Boaor. was In town
Ssturdny ea roated lor Neassn Ofty.
Mra Jennie Watson, grant dapnty
ot to
FraakfiNt, was to town Tbaraday and
FMday toUeftlag membsn lor to
loenl Uve.
Mtos Mary BnmUton baa aoeiptnd
a poBiUon M ctok to Wm. XmmmsaY
store dnrtog Umir aaln


The most tMkious for griddit f
cake* of alt make»->«r U7 I
use where synip take*.
A pure, whoWiroe food. |
/s tan sy^ oudymtosMitoaka
d Med if (sMtog md madr>



emBw^SSIfakt I
Mr. and Mrs. John German, left tbto
BBoralng tor Bay aty.

Goun^y Vo't^


S'......... .v-v-...............


3 SI .SI
a :-i s

¥sTi'-si 'i: si =3
Si 'S S


Si Si



II If ill if IIIIII |l

.... **r. i.s; U'. 1«P|
321 ITS)
S 122-!
.21. “!i
!2i .s:'
1S4|. M7I
12» 22?t
1»H 312:
A healthy maa to ktag to bto
Tight: aa aabenlthy maa to aa un­
happy mavA BmiocA Bload Blttora
bands pa sound bmhk-^Mpa

TbompooBvUla. Mleb, Nov. g^-E.TL
Oiuat retaiMd Taeaday tram a weahto
Ttolt with bto daagbur, JOrna. at Big

Syrup of Turity
•and Wholesomeness

.“S™!? J!?

9. w W-di
A. M. M. D. i. M<£ln'. Mivi«
i.A„t 1^
H. Iii4» .kkr-7l> ia» wIAm d »Ui-W lor
Mm psi tone mem unjatdr tooBm &aa agy farasra. b«W>
mmaae Ims m catoace.
*^ndBdimka inw smemd ef mtongm ■ whole wheat


' Lottie B. Paul. wUa ot Joba B. Pc
died at Springdale. Ark., oa to *
ond day ot October. IMS. aged
lira. Paul's aad daatb was ma..
more aad by attunduat etreumstaaesa.
Her mtla dangbter. Lola Oden PauL
11 years of age. passed awsy on tbe
Stb of September preceding, while
Mrs. Psul was too sick to lesre her
bed. Tbe eause of death la both eaa•ource. had found a lodgeaeat la tl
home. Six cases ware developed In tl
tamlly, two ot wbl^ terminated 1

**ne Whhmt of White Bread
b the Nmt Nkbitioito Food”


‘'Thank you far yaur talagraat.
Witheul any axpreaaiaa from
yen, I would knew hew deeply
Intoroatad you have bean In my
■Mcoaae and "haw much you rw
jaloa In H. it to yaur odmiato »
trstlon tot this victory aBlrm


FMl^ are In ra^ PollUcal argmuts^^
^*>0' Mar


niflM aam to
falla«rinf dispatch
WhHa Hauaa. WaaMiMton. Narambar A 1MB.
-William H. Taft. Clnaiimatl,
Okie—I need hardly aay haw
heartily I congrutuiata you and
to eewntry even maro.
Basaavaltto talagrarn to Judge Taft olfeitad to


fiauth Csrellns—Ansel, O.

merit, CLOTHCRAFT cloibca
hart toappreralef
to inde aad ofaU
to MBck h com.
wbo rrer try tom.
Mom tetpoftaat, pietc.
perktpi, of all~


North Dakota—Johnson, R.

Benue of toir

Uae of Mi'b doto
iH nude of an wool
■Mtomiaud MUa«
M from ^leiofas,
•uk or nrwcoac

ty by nr. to Toto b

Tba Rev. Mr. OMdOtai ot Trararue


................ “

Hlelilra^-Waraar. R.
Mlimaaau Jebnaaw. 0.
.Mlaaauri—Cewbord. p.

ut—Bhaltanberfor, a

Tbc c«cH^' to
mafcmg ia rrery de­
tail will be just r%bt
jto lire pou r»d-'
lookii^ cktoa—a
auit or an oreicto
tot *iH aoc oalp
look well wbcB poo
fim put k ea. but
keep oo looloai wcU.

But, triutmr JOB
nM, the 0^ oriU
be comet MW praper

Plerlda-Cilcbrtat. D.
Mahe—Brady, R.
llllMia—Ocnam, R.
Indiana—toarahall. D.
nvira—Carroll, R.
' Kanbaa—StuMa. lb


MiTnd Mi% M. u Rack or dBWito' meettna with Mra. Barr Jamee for
sme Bararday algbt.
■e. Tburoday aftoraooa.
Haaal Kntoht was la Mayfield Than
It daachtor of Mr. aad Mra. day.
B. sTTaia -of 'Cblrnfo arrtred toat
Mra. N. Atary to rtalUnf at TrarThbr^ to Ibok after bto profarty
eraa Ottoday Btoot eiai
Daek Bloeam was to Hodfs WadasoM/P. tot. eaooty ttool eommto- day atot at i
Ww. fpadt Prlday aad Saturday la
~ t tore*
3. BsBnaa bu a vary altk b
___ _________ jt Oooae by____ _____
s. Pnak Lydan died at bar I
~ k.'ba Mr. aad Mra. Walter Maalfdd, Jack aad JUl by Mtoa Carrie
mDaamM ot Klacilay ab<
- •
-M. 10. a boy.
Helm ud Mtoe Paye MoEeve. Blm- .
ik Wadauday. OeL SO. The <
; pit Siam by Mtoa Tbdma Oore. Top- ]
: Muntota ot the heart. Ba
I w to' Mias Ooruha ManbalL tbe OM j
wemaa who Ured-tn a Shoe by Mtoa ,
Hdaal Kidder. Caele T°a to Mtoa
stoidaa at Faria.
Ira NeweonMr, Oypsy (Ortau taltor.
Mtos OMdto HaOMay. HunnyMtoa
vnlaae Marabal Purcell made pa u
Moore aad sbOdm left Bataocessful attempt to capture a tramp
a^iu a^ (ew daya at Tnyoae day last week.
Tbe new raad was eompletad last
reek. Tbto to tbe first step towards
a Porter found aa 1
tumpUted roads la " ‘
oeer laTbulfatloo. hood.
Ba toi now Bunlna a aeTar^ tajarod A ton force of carpeaters are busy
ft^prored. wbea nibbed o> -s Mr. Baker's aew aamiaar reson on
bead.L tor
............» be a stick of dyu- Cryaul lake, aiatoa Pray of Mabel
M to store.
to wOl flra'a report
to amoaa them.
B ot Woaaab elaba. held M I Mr. aad Mra. Rltord ManbaU beta
H. Boyd wadto made a I
bpM eatertalBlat trleada tram Oraad eaU on Wedaeaday.
Newton Msroar retnraad .
^'iSrc^aad Mra. Bowen bare morad borne In (^oaBo, after a fbur moatha'
to tbatr term, porebaaad tbto '
*^MbaU PareeU to taklaa eoi
trem Win Cbaaa. aad Mr. Bowen
OB to ranroad aeetlOB
^"aSomT" Btol^ made“a**'trtp


Now, CLOTHCRAFT eletbet
for FaU and Wtuer
bare dut Bwrito-^to«
find juat tbe
modd a»d just tbc
patten best suited to

PUe Lake .
Beat Bay ...

are baollag wood
of Elk Rapids.
Mra Cook left with her brother
to sootb part of the stole where t_..
Jobe HoCmaa. meat Baaday at win rema. laand rtolt frloads about
two weeks.
Old Mtoatm rtoltlaf ralaarea.
Bd MiDory who has bad a kmc no
el typhoid (erar. M to u to be uroud
Mr. and Mra. D. Pander rtattod bto
bratber John erer Baaday.
Mr. and Mra. W. U WUeeo rt.lted
, at tbe home «( B. J. Bucroft Sudmr.


ICrtodraatmaaL Mr. OamptNU ueomWas far as Trarama City.
Tbu'Wemaak dob mat at tba boma
M HIM toma Bordaau Iwt Tamday
Rftarooeo. After a tort tualnam

Ota MMra wbo baa bon rto
ittof at th« bom ot h«r itotw. Mra.
M. J. Kftofaftn. toft Wodaoftdfty tor
Charlovolx. wbftra abe win wotb tbto

Nawawa Tonw wboaa flagar_____
badly bart by tba i^ala ot a blcycto,
that tt bad to be takaa of. has ra>
tdroad to ftchooi at Travaraa
Praparattoao are belag a
adW Aid aoda^ for _ _____
TbaakftfflrlBC dlaaar at tba paraeaftfa
tba wft^ attar aaxL
Mr. aad Mra. Cbarlaa Mataa apeat
Snaday wttb bloada la Trareraa City.
Mn Blwya HHU wbo ^at the paat
week la Trareraa aiy. Bader medical
iraatmoDU baa rataroad to bar borne
• ■ 'taaltb.
___________________waddlBf to oeoar Nor. f. la wblci. tbe Lyon aad
Baird toiantea near here are deeply
Wm. Waaso u rapidly moturlag bto
ptoaa tor taklac hii tamlly to tba
aoBtbara part ot tbe aUto tor tba wlatar. M aa aid to tbatr health. Ha to
aegotlatlac tba aala of bto booaa to
W. A. Ban.
No daaufa wa«.doee here on Hj
Jowe'aa. bat maay praaka. pare I
* la and tba yOBacatVO tborO^^^'eaioyW tbe^lTM^

... . . ................


m 173| 27.
n2| gB» 111

17& ITS! l.TSl
3o:i 303;i MS 14l!

!2,i isi .”i

3tl| 1<


mii»ri 2401 m,i oos; xiTii 26it im.i tiSt ito 247' 247. tisi m- w itk:
»7:t7« su; 2i«;! ml itn!
m:’ m: sm jm'mij gw:-li*^ itt:!
ir 124*1

m; i««i lopi 112

I 1M0|. I
'Ii 15M(
Ii 1

04tf t7*l(X2S


ruib *. WALKED

«Mw to Vwy


IteliKUea ...............
1k«i» «C VMteW—
met.------ 1

SSS, ::::::-:


, ri^9 M. «vMt»ieiv
CtoftfA Ommw


For Baftonr «f Dae«*Mo^...................... 1
HMdF .

SIMM ti Cvngrw iy tbt KiM'Mtb WMrtet



309 m WARNlRi-—-


Krnirto.-i Rt oHHoii
tAe Tfmrtk


, '*SST:.. ....

Knr Ctwrt'. Coort

^ '• ’^3... -

L«tO CHHlt.





5mTZ7^.... ^

Northport. Icb:. Nor. 4.—LeeUnatt
jWBty B>r« W*r»« • BaJorltj ot *9»
•ad dcopiie r*port> M tbe rastnrT.
> Uoru »M riartod sbortS «r«r KN2tC jCOUNTV WA^ IN FAVON
NHm. AMMcni. ntmtm tnm
ihto MOfvtoc Aovtoc Uorea-o
elecUoB. H»* «nlre >^abUc*B Uck*i
■stif* n^kiicM TicfcM Ww naiA
u atocMd MM loUowa:
aA kr «
ol pi€tm»- B. C. Oartiw.
elpal nsMaaOhatM.
SbertS-Mtoo Borw.

For PreoMMt—

‘-fe::::: I

itoS? >.::::::::



Morrar ..■■
or aorto-





Hoeor. Mtofc.. Nor. 4.—Waf»« aaortod Beozto qmfiU bj «M rataa. Tto
g attore«rWohs O. Dob- atra;
all tbe way b
Oo»Mr>~Oao>ge W. FraUek aac Labe Ana. caadldat* for Inigo W pfbate, reculved the beavtoat voto ot
J. p. etoplcka.
any repijjg^lfan in tbe ooBBty.
Sarreror—lYcd QreoB.
Tbe ^clpal «gbt waa on ab««l.
Laatoaaa ftU Taft »• MjorilrWOUaa Oataa, ot DoMb PsanMoft.
Kewton W. By «<
1b BMom Baj lovaahlp tbe rapab- betog Macted.
Ucan Uckel va» Kl<m a xaaiocliF Honor, waa glactad oonaty d«k and
atfaliAt IbrouBb. Tbe lovaablp sare Wllltoffl Thoraai of Praakfott. trwMBdwln
ot FtnaklMt to
Taft a amtortly ot 1«7 aad Wi
the regUter ot desdt and Marton a
W. c. T. u. OIATRICT HUTWa najarttr e( 41.
Paul of Tbomyoouvnie to tbo ^naomtNEXT YEAR.
Elm<mo4 TetMMp.
ing attorney. Tbe ootoaet* are Gerald •
For fOTomor. Bnoood
Bdmonds of Honor and K. J. C Blto ot
gava Tranier a taaiority of S3
BesttMtla Prank Ifoswell of lAbo Aaa
Taft a maiority of «3. Tbe repubHcau waa olected aarveyor. AB Ibo MndlMBty Ueket waa giveh a taajarlly.
datea won out by •ood^malarittoa a*
cieti Arbor Township.
cept M. O. Paal wbo mb biAlbd
Heataas rarrlod Glen Aibor town- aiigbtty.
Tbe Mtb •
ablp by three yote*. Taft bad a omof lb« W. C. T. U- waa bcMat Cb
YOU NoveiLber 3 aod 4 to tbe Metbo- ftirtty of K A^ 'um eooBiy Uebet was
Warner tarried Inland townAlp by
diit ebareb vUb a good attaadanoo. givta a good majorttr.
a ntajorliy of 3*. Taft receiving a naMosthport TownaMp.
Ml*. P. J. Howard, of Pataakay.
>grlty of lb McLangblia lor coagraaa
Kortbport. Mlcb.. Nov. 4.—Wltb a received a uulorUy of 44. Tbe eauly
trict praaldeat. waa rt>etoctad and the
banner, captured by WJHard naloa of total of SSI Totes cast aad SSI ol tkftdt was given tnajortttoa of aMroa'raaerae City Uat year, waa awarded tbcae epllu, ibc townsblp board bad a imately 4« eaeb.
g ChartoYOto Ibto year lor ibc great- •ay Itoe up miiU i o'oclock
.ptofntoc when the cboat was taa'Iy
e«t Increase to mefflberablp.
Tbe *l^cr DteM ooulaat was -ebiar- -------..... There were t» ropnMIin. « deinocrutir and 12
4-d toio by two yaoBg ladlaa aod a
Warner received
box frma tbe Beulah Hose at Boyae problMtloB.
. «lty. Mlw Mabel nird, of BcuUb. Tcies and Henaiia 141 while Meliey
f was awarded .the prise bol the otbwa received 2SO and fclr opponent ^4. the
rest of tbe sUU Ueket, runotog about
«d aa well tbal ibey wore gleeii
tbai wa).
^ a boob.
Tbe voto on tbe county Uckei waa:
Mr. Bwin. of Bcutab home. torUod
Judge of protkaie—8. C. Ganbe. 34S.
Ibe Udlws to meet at tbe bom
UOon. SI.
I. llcyae Ci(} oext yMr aad Ibe taeltaSheriff—Bores. bS: Netorw, 211.
UoD waa aoreptod. MYoryooe bad
Clerk—Mtoskar. 234; Row' au. n.
I fine tlAo and Cbarierols Mraletied
Trenrurer—Haljenberr. fUi HoUutery enJivaBto oaiertatoiBeaw. Tr.sYson. M.
erse City wa* repreaeaied by Mta.
Bagtoter-Wsreer. 332; Fleur. 7C.
^ Cbarlos Irlab, delegate from me local
n* other (aadldatca reoelvod g tod
union Biul Mrs. Harvey Curttr.



Ftw*ProUc«iii« Aitpmer—

CorUi .
BaMoin .
Por Coroaera—





. ElartaA County Traaauror.

For aerkW»H®f........ 5 •••-•••

"2^“:^ “^: S

tlHtod NiRfaaawtajlra Orand ravaraa Coanty.

: For Proat^^ AUSmey—
For Judge ot Pn>bat»—

MUa Hazel Rnasell weal to Martkport tAl« ntoralBg to vHit ber broib■f and tclcBdE.

Ki isE mcm
Oft. e- ft. MINOR.
Clectod Coreuar.

>r*sl4d«rvtiail, S'ta-tcn and Consmassionail.


3t !S'l
■SSI! »!'

i -i .. _



All'IB Rcpufciican Cbudldnlaa far Con.
in Mkhlfvi nra oloettd
by CMd Mrleritlaa.
W. 1-t. C:dto r.cstad In 11th.
Dcito'.l. Nov. 4.—P. H. Dodda
itUcifd io ttt .!»aa fro» the Hieveatb
loirukl by a Wg malarity.
’Coraw.rmaa TaMiiiwimd Reel
\ jtC-.os. h:A-. Not. 4.—Cbaa. E.
T»rane;.<. U reelected by a basdaotaa
Loud Rotoloetad.
\ii Botie. Mich, Nor. 4.—CongresaVia Lao-J to retaraod by a big ptaraltt ^

E si EI S !?:■ ‘S' ^1n IXX
ii a ^ 45'

iTdJg m w.:i

UUA. Kor.
WaablngtoB Oardser to reelecHd by a large malortty.
CMCresrrnan DtoAe«B Retnfnnd
HMtond. Ml^ Nov. 1.—Congrei
as PHkwaa U retarsed by a good
pbMiky la the Flflb diatrlet.

Abova the 8tfuita
Chippom Coty.
Warner Corriad
Baoll »r. V.srie. Nov. 4.—1 p M-—
OontotoM rt tuns for thto cMy
HcEoau* a Biajonu of 34 ontoa. War- wlU c»rr) Chippewa by WO-

preetocis. givY Taft tSt Bryaa *1!
for GOverser sWner 122. UetBina.
Gt»y 4.
Ibr congreea.
Toong. (Daa.).
!Daa.). IM; 03rtan M:
M; tor
tbe leglflaturu, Maxey 124 aiBjaCtty.
Mrs. M. E. Downing, of Bay CAty,
who bae been vtoblBg Mn. P. M. WH*
CM. retnmad bom today. She waa aed by bar grapddangbtar. Mn.
P. M. Gardaer.
Mra. W. W. Quick left Ibto ■eamlbE
tat her bosc in Big BapMa aftnr n
tow wo^' Ytalt wUh bw «■.

Ckutoa E Qolcfc, ot Fifth otndc


an MtMA, M« *44
tmwrnrn tMi iBtmttttBt wtrtar*
u4 4a««hw a* »allM M4 ««Mm o(

ma oamam
wiwrwoormr. ^



ttSM «artB( a* ie« vnta vrier a
ovr n»kM 4Hr.
Tbt ter ItMtf b aeetOM wta «wk
ic MMtac'keMrM, ■hIMm" omL
•okt'toa *11 04
vuk a*
Mk« b Mia M


a Bi a Raatf wa laM a •• t»
« fer TMm WRa Hava «»
aiaalai Ca»li »a tali

O akan« a aa Mara «c ae
• OdnUe vfll aRiirtty a
c«»aa •ovraMtCrita
b «ta aa aMpaaaUM a aa M<
aba or ab matm u
thataaaftMr at a«lUaa^
■ Mtoa aara bat taaa mmt cowtotolr

•a aaea aa aa aat al(ht aaflaw
UOt aa tiaa ara liata«. ~
taflB to aaaa, aa4 pm>
alara at atair toaoHiUaa ata to artwaatoaD
Tha lao b feapt a* via a Tim aimnar to ftoara at /air apMt «atl)
far MD aa aUkt, wbaa potatoto.
raaatad to Oa •raa, ara toMM to.
oar Wtoaaaiil
Tha Baaa glraa to toa 4ay U aoabwbat a I—■fill pwhaK aa« tba
iTbala«a«t'WflRwa(lha plot haa
haaa papatorty taM «paa toa atonMara
of Oar Thvkaa, whaiaaa ha war ter
fMn balac lha Mt iapenaat at toa
to bara bato
aaaae: hr at ahtot
-UT«r hiami «l hto aapaai a

Tha Vtoa «aa arigtohtad hr Bofaart
Cataahr, a aaa ^uaa aatoral attooa» waa oM at piou. hat a bi
axtraaadtoarr panaaal chano. The
to CMhaltea had atotMad fcaat
ttoasa troa toe aeaaatoaa «f Jaa
to tha thMw. Tha to»a or Bbahalh
van araat aad aatiiat lovart toaat,
and thar vara tod tr JaaNa to opaet
naltoitobb aad totorapca
ttotoad or ttoa. tha teva agatoai
rahato .toll- ihota vara aateroad with raaavad rlr
or. ud tta Braat dboontaat roaoUad
In tha oanpevdto plou Tha aoaoplrK «r «atato^ aihar v^toahto toed aar «aa alaharatalr and aartotolrcon1 iimteHnr intmtnmt
ttitkmam. natorfaM
tha toattar
r totaraat hara and acparliP.tetont 4ha lalaiur «m ha
Mom vaU is etdar tofothaaaalh Uta heaaa at aaoMBHi that thar
towd that a TMb ohdantoaih tha adh
h «aalan ataac Ifea cook vB ha •nvtotobte Tha VMM vaa tabMi
Mtgp ghw to anr atoaohraa «hWt to aha bAm vf Oar ravtcae. and tta
aaaara phfteaal vvrtWMdad.
IbMMBha tta hfuBCMlRr «> tta dar eovar of Blcht M faarrato at caa«allaM.aa4fa4. tha povdar vara eeararad to tha raalt
ihartoa to MV ooRdoattoc and an vai to raadtoaaa ter. tha aaattoe at paHtotoMt oa Noraahtr t.
I at the*
■ han Mad
haaa tha Brat vaakanlng
vhiah vaa to and to-tha tofian of tha
a to ittatoiti tha ahwta, a
a at tha toaBTii ter actorI ahaito tad docltah.
I. u b
4 to aatohOtoi 4ihartw lor tha
» at ahaiha ter toa4. H 4a
4 that tha rUBtra at tha aaa-*
. .JIrtoatr ab4 BaMttoaahB4
ItitetlMihwh aa a dlat wlB ha-

hu ao baaao, b awn aabl-

•H a pBa to vara tha Cathone lords aad mamhm vho voold
ottonrba ha blown ap with tha rest
Tha pteuaia van all proinlnoat paai Mndlifali MU —^ pareoaal
^piimiamji_^ww»» ^ amaap the appanaUy doomed iaptolavtMte MkwBt ^ ten. Aa aaoaraiou lettor v^ reeatvad by Lord Boatoaple. ooa of tbo
I ttat B tta croattoa of a
CathoUe pama. varatag him aot to be
aad lhfalr hpvrodi
Tha anthor of tha latter b
* at ito adM* .AM pnhaot raally kaova. bat tt b
Ip bUterad to have baaa Oreaham. la
r, aa tha Mora Beotta
a SM an pat ap B aoaftaad tto sHU at hb Tlporona dnbl vhn aabr CUoaby. At all avaato. thb
b aappoaad to tor* baaa tto top to
• tod tto akte. vkkA B vatoft the dbeereiy.
Boatoagl* Moved th* isttar te SatI aad toadBL oavnad vlth small
bbary, vto B tara took U to tto
• ttoraAtotdato
ktap. aad Ml aorta ot topaoulty v
aad pol- narcBad te dboorar lu maaatop.
Oton valM vu kept, aad la order to
taka tte pbdura radkaadad tto arrest
oaiU itodraBbUc momsat B srdar to altev Oab
by to aaeapa, tboapk to vu shot
tav dar* Bur vhlb attampUap i
lab* aa laaarvaeUoa at Woroaator.
Oiy ravkaa. «hou work u vu i
■n tke trala. vu Bkra u to vu
Bavtop tto toau thmwk vbteh aeto tto wan. aad tta
net at th* pBHsra van atlhar kUted
lar aaptarad at Om
they tod.
rhvku vu pat to th* tonne, tot
hoMBp eould ahaks hb mapalderet
teftbada, thoagh ha vu ao weak tiom
MOBy aad atekaam ttat ha coold
the ecHfold. Tto day
Otor. I) vu predaimftl a ^ ot
ItoBkagtvBg terarar by an act ot parWBU. A* BMBLAVS or SaaMbt. vhbk vu oaly npaated att­
ar WO yaara.

■ si o^bl la prove lbs Maaper ot


fia iin

b tomit toy Hai toM 4atta«^

tor. «.->ito
h at ItoMaibar.' pr Oay yhvRw
t OteattoUaB B Ito e
d tto day. Oay Fbvkm
b fbartt at My. B ta •

fmM BM palto at
I toPfes tofan •«* Fifth"
r tto ooaUTMda Br tn*
maMu, bnai.toR*to.
a o»ay. vtora tbay an otarad B
I at tto gnat day aad
i vBtt a nal that oRm toad*

PART OF m iahtiii'SiMcri
WASmOFFi looace.

ByCathttflm Msrm-PtmRt.

•r nAft4XUT loz.
•HOT »Y Htn SON.

BM£ rawnsmun
----- ^------

arnta taarJtabimr-aa.toaaUiJ ao«, ai
- uH iMtf
' to tha ««a rob at B

Havk •atoarad ChMcana and tow
Iha tloae oU tntt that “bMsan
Calia* to Oar to »!««• Oao—
caavot ha cboosMs' and to aiiapt M
wmm Otovek AMtoat
snetootor. Aa a dMoodaot orphan
Ptb at IrtMa.
ha Md Ottl* roba to the eederii^ cd
to ava earcto.
Bat vev aa Me vatebad the iMni
ma a parttoe of bar )av tore
avar asd a tarrtM vooM to har lati taUBc sBoBUr. aombarir. and ttM«bt
Mar. Mra. WlBlaa Lwaav u Ir- anr the tens. Udboa day* she hdd
Urad Mrawh and the teopto and more
lac at toa OraM Trararae hoapltal. tadboB ooas to eeoM bar bripfat owtrTha totertto van tottetad by tha
ape anaid all at ooca to bare her.
NM tbehana of a ahotena to
The prorerbbl nebDcbotrotthesaataodi at har I1-raar^ aoa. aM coutroUed her mood. and alv baChartaa.
Thtoa had hsM |w OD«
ed tetehtton. LavaoB, vho to BS r«an oM.
vaaa that stood oot aa a roUtf apaftat
Mra* oBo-haK Blto thb fM* of Kl«hu
iraair tadupoond of that ocmetand ahem »rtO p. to. Wadnaadsr.
a aotooar. and vhaOar ato vu
It oat to tha yard to aaa- vhat
pbd or MBT for U Martoa lantot
MtoB the ehlcheoa. Mettelni
hardly fca*^
havk. aba aaUad to har aeh ts h
She bad' vtoepmed Breca Wolcott's
tha Mat (OB. vWefe voa ia tha he
Tha roan maa atartod aot vtUi the totaaa It bad any «parbl aipmocai,nra
her. bm ImaBa to stood for all
tnded vMpoB avd «hb tm dlacharr
ad Jnat aa be left the honse. thare ha- Mat Ma bad kaowa of yoatb and freeI lotUtr. ot vbkk ttora vaa
i pUa at hrtafca em the patM. ten
so IlUb DOW iB tor anrtooBdlML so
then ter tha pnipoaa at haiHUac
oek atlDin her nttoial Mbkeop.
chtttoa^ ThepoavaaoirvekaBaU
AWolcr- * “-------' - ihb. .
Mrs. lAvaea va* atandtoc to iiMb
teoatlM that tha eharc* at
ncaOBC the moar thnahtfaL
to tha lav av thr-Mpht aMa of tha
wwmt thlM* to had doDf tor -tor
toca.Mdto the ten ahhoMarrlght
to) ratooed to bbam beioelt tot
tha latot.
atefpntlDp itom aaactsaipnldcaal
WhM Iha aon wv tha tarHhte va- of dsMer porpoae.
ton of tha veeldnt, ha made hU
The ctoi«a bad cone almoat In a
•ay. It eeemed to har now. It vu not
aaother aa oasr -oa paaallla aad ran
hooM ot bar eoMto. ton. Darb. Mat bb fsneroaUr ceased, hot the peroal awtitanaa »m obtatnad troB -- I aate that bad com aa oaor tratotbb oUp hr lalaphMa and tha tojBrod vomai made as oomtortable as
poealbte. aha bato«’'hreoMt to tha
Onvd Tretvna hoapltat to tbs t
Taotordar aa aparattoa voa parlortoad on tha ahooMar hat it b pnihaWa that atepat^iidv vDI ba.n
lOMsnvff. llra^•WB•■ n
motor trea th* absathaUe thb a

I'.: A A «


BsroiBp Modnam tain Ion bad anddnly dropped oot ot b.
Tto comrantively cold toaHua| that
left chUled Marten's bsan. Her
pelde aevertbetem forced her to accept
It u It she ooUced no differreee.
Her lip* trombh-d now n* sbe felt
pate the Mitrreeo* of the dbappoiotmoDt sad tt* realpnatlotk. bot she
kaav that sbe mast not piv* way atterly. For that, tor sDireoder to nnbapplaam aad deapab. than vu u
pbe* allourd la her Itfe'a
aebedob. Sbe man be alvnys ready,
always cheerful, always self effaced.
Witt charactertstlcdetcrmJnatloe si
Bttaapted to tore her tbougbta Into
ottre chaoneb. bot aftor nmdlnp a
few papaa Id tte book ab* bad brotoht
vttb bar ont nnder tte tnels atm ebud
It with empbaOc dbamirDraL
T eooM write a better atory myoeif."
ma ber raeoul commeaL Asd aUe
ru soon deeply eaproeaed In tb»
Bod* tbrn or four boors bter tn th*
day, on hb reatomary way to Iminif*
afur Marioa'a Invalid aant Wolcon
tte book aad tt* toesc
per eartlaafty sUtemd Bto
K ar. rather, sliimtap ont of tt. tor tbe
wind vu flatlartop the teaves enrrpatteally.
A chance pbrese or two cangbt hb
attandon. He read on vrltboat stop
ptnp to tttnk of the brntt ot ettonetti
that to vu cemmIUlDg. sod then,
tortog toad throogb to the iBSt,- ha
tunto back to the buinstap.
n was aa IdyUle Unie fancy.
In ehUdbeod be had bami tor pteymata" Woteotl read. "Wbenever Me
•Upped over the grere ot tbe Belds It
vu VUh ber hand tight ebaped la
hb. R ab* Hipped on tto smooth cron
stmNalb tte brtok be tmOed.ber np
wttt a )«k. asd ttey both bapbed at
drtpptac note flgnn. Tto otter
Mdldrcn didn't beu him tespfa. lo to
In tacL ttay didn't know him
bMBSo they nam mv Um Tbe Dttte g« kopt tdm an to baraetf. afraid
to let any one oBa soapM hb rxbt-

Ha*aM Vbft of Amartosn Float Hu
tapaadariO took a Frtendly
toaftef Ttat tpaetel CaaaMsnUan la Oiwa. .

ToHo, Hor. t^ntsvhlfo. tt»
porar or lapaa. B today M years eC
apa aad all Ntppoa B B a ferment of
patriotism. In TolOo.
Takobama and HI tha smaller clUe*
at th* amparor praal ealebnUou, an
B pTogiam. The anaoal review of
tnopa by tha ma^^vr. vhleb alvay*
mark* the analvareary ot Uia Urth
of Cto rater ot Bapaa. vu more
than ever
I by thoumd* Of Amarieau and Bar
The neebt vtett ot tha Atoeriren
toot hu broo^t shoot a
pood feertap toward Americau and
all thiaga uvorinp ot Tankavtom.
aad the povereowat offlebb are
•hovlap capeetal attantloa to vbtwra
tram the Ualtod SUtoa. Thb taeOap
abo astand* to tha popslaee. Ameriare UMtod with Iha pteateoi
darsUon by tredeamea and oth•n and evea' the- Uttb cfalldren tn
tha streeu ulaaa tuunUy vbenaver

• aa Amerteaa appeal*. Maay IBgIbh
aad Borepaan toartob call thomaatva* Aawrtcau la order to share
Bv. Hn. toraay A ItotoN. at La- to thb boapluUly.
Tha. Mikado ot tepaa. HotsoAlto
vwa B tto any today oattob
way to Onad RmM* ter a taw dwo* u bore Kovambar t, UU. ai Kyoto.
Hi BocceedM hb Bther. Kaaal Tenrblt vHh Mnds.
ao. rpbrury U. 1BB7. ud
Mra. C. A. Bapbaa k
rted to Prtaeau Harako. daophur at
trom a vteH at tovudal
OB Febreaiy %. UM.
bore Hay pl. IBBO. aad aevea
oh* TBHad tor i
■. Mra. aoiahlMna, three prtoau aad four prtoloaee, have bcea the naolt of tha
Mra E H. ffbraoBr aad dsag
HaaM. aad Mra. MIMsa Hadpe. <ff___
It b. tte riUm of tt* Japanwe
pira. vto have ban rlattBg trtaods
at^rtfs Laka aad Boatt Beardama. tat their oamtn vu tooaded b 6W
B. C. by tta tret emperor, IlmmiL
Mn. iMur Carib aad praadsoa. aad that hb family atUl retpaa. Soma
Barter NaBoo. Ml thb morelap lor time la tta iBtt oeatary, bevover.
Mt PteaaapL Hartay to oaioptap a two ttora vu a braak B tt* dyaasty.
vaMte eaeauea team hb datba u as- aad th* ttrea* pasaad to ottor tem;obtoat Mad at th* Baaaab A Uy Itea. vho moatBaai to hold It uatll
“arMatn* aompaarh Back room.
Mr. aad Mra. Freak Meads ten toa ahan var. ovarttnv tt* power
day (or Lo* Aageia*. Cal, where they of tt* Sbopaa. Tto.aosareig
IpaM tta wtatar.
the tUte ot Eatat, or ampw
. aad Mrs. C. F. IMeh
ttoaph to B paaanPr
Oread Rhpus, ntaread tome Batlthrewtoal I
■Bttdft or "Ita BoaerahB Oata*

Tbw attaa

veadend-tte poor.

vta Me tend to play n moeta by ber' '* Of cooiw to alvnya vaUmd by
Ada vtoa ttoy want to adwel-ot
•nt adorably My. Job tagging on bv
btod; btef.j^^iw hteder and •»
coreaped by tte Uttte gtot to eairied
boeka vSh a svaggering air of
aalea tkat detipbted tor heart.
R tor eoaw tocxplhabte noaoo u
tt* boy'e Myaem greduDy evetvsid

teod. lafactteMtBreatdM*

B. Botodaa. than ven ao «avp a
Nav Task. .XW,
tha aav
ttBpa that were onn w«nh v
lada an a th* •sdteet ti
Ba tsM tea ptri aboat aocas ad t___
haaattyir. avaetlnc her to ahan hb itoMaatoaHcMtisal..b«
aad hats a ahh-SMa hi la dtoteraat
to hta iDdlfftowt and n^ teiq
tlats. AaMMOetarbrnWasaaM
nda-tataraatod to the aaa* thlnpa of avoided as the ooatraat.
■to ha Hvptt tor laa aad IM Bncolon an kaevV
Witily. Md at bapth ttoy drtftad a* arMM, vbUxatla. aaathrst. Oar«BMa apart
W tha ptri haoto fociot Cto Bet- aalaam, ptok. aalharTT. aataoa. aob
tevdS bb career fnm ater and vai pr*T. a - "
peohd of au bb aacetoaM TaL maM caaord
bclato. baaa** <nva. pnr Hat aad
aaa. B tor hart U va* the* lay askaa a roae. Ova ot the raiy
Vhto* map* toa tnaaand. 8ha sOn eu ttota b *‘nboher.‘‘ a mv '
BtepBil him with' bar. ahartM tor vhtoh b asm ta aaose ot tha nsp Bl­
Man deUphC B antp Mt of haavtr
that‘aba chaaead apaa. toUlto to* est tmporuuoaa. tt U a pale, pa
haad tlpht vheaanr th* tarhateat va- var* laoktap reBov, hardir deeper
Bra came aaar avtopBp tor «a vUh than enam.
Thaee eolor* an toohd to h(K ad*^tto an anr naeatanr-.
rSB lag*
(or the iNmtan modea. which ladudes ia allki, oatta royal, aatn rtaaBar a taw mteates Waleon set ab- cabe. iailn meoMtlne. aatia pass de
aoihad B deep tbo«hL te> aha did er'eae. aad the aatln meteor crepe, ta
ton him after aE! Aad vtot to bad wool tabrtea then are tha ebUteo
dt0**g>iWd tor ten bar avat comlnp broadtoatk. castntoe saRlapr.
Mddeotf ate^ by bar open vtodov apeoa] aetre*. aetpea vlth deh caahaaa day
- had baea an a |bn od her men bordera. ahadone-pattere pru-

Iha aBena at deMIe htea a« aat eat»
ter hack te ap^ anahrtia.
SaUa te o*ad a my praal dto^ M
ft b Iha phahb tSbarty atoB B Ptodt
aot tha thick, tut kBd ttat
aaed hot ttop matt hdi;-

sr had aaMe* laHaduaBd thb ««•
tarn te rtoaiaad ta tta rvrtral. or
mar he dyed to maiM Iha povaA:
Seldom U cream or a oootrastBp eoior oaed. The MilDU aad all tta ap' an black or dyed tomdtM
the coetaaie.
Oae of Iha meat



tramca the (an t

VabactonMa Tton an two Ml
pbited Irllto. they are ptaited UpattW
•ad edged with vateodsawL TH»
Uea den aboat tte fan Md a daop
deobte Ml Uka h Bite «nr the ySka
and aboaMera aad a Hbtaa to hidb
lolaiag puna areaad tod B IBM
■■■>>•; I 4s DSt aon klM Hs b oaly
bMInd. Thb styte B aat a pood toa
■paebl favor b betep aceoided lo for a abort aeck.
For a jabat of vtahaUe' bat, eat th ^
Bt ranad the last part of the ceo- i
a atrip. 21 tedma bag and vIda
dHtonvad Man. takBp o& Ha pM- '
eaangh to oovn tha cheat after it has
been pteatod «p vmr »•, MB ta Ml
*rhe dlroMolr* ret b by all
batt min ot a tBy BiiiHift.
tafaa. -eoattooBp cto thcead ad the the BM teMbaable lor tha »tr*et
fssteMd to tbe ataak B lb* mli«b
wmn. *lt vu ao wnadar vtot had be- cortaft*. aad a very amart nwde tt I*
tad beM vlth a teat hu pB. ar W|b
eame ot hb lolir Uttte playmaca aad to
A nartmr anita ffbboa may
tty to tpeaS vhat It vu that had aepbe paaaad undor the aearf mU beboiM
asatad them. Ha va* ptad that to b*d Cbtertags or MtnU. with cordinp
deoa Up thBti.nd,attboiich vrhO* be black aad vMla velrat. fnlMenplb aroaad the neck aad ttod vitt d
*M dolM theft to «A net mop to aa- ■leavaa. amm* oatllaad with utm. Ban bow B tbe baek.
oljB* hb toedvo or Mt BuptraB^oi. to flnbbed vrith ntta tonems and tnreaCktodlftod Eartnoma.
knav aftorvaid that to tod Mb* Mom faack teoWed
Bor tor B Me hop* that ah* Mght
It u utoabbBp bov tta Imtoank
There b s rattles! Hmapr B oolbrt,
tou ot theft aad b* peood. Aad ateer
have owdiBed all' the astromn at
ttoy ven dou and to bad aaissd a most of them a.v cloaoBuito. otheu
American needs and \MoUm-—
faresthing apace to knew that to lu the Robespierre affect; poekeu are
Moald oavar do anything bmto vorth lover and larger, and a nnmher oa Tbe prlnceu gown b nothing Uk* tta
gown oow seen, the emplra bu baak
vUte vntu- be sboald find fam spate (be Ookftbl shape.
chanced so It b practicd tor atmt as
aad btva her near bhn alvnya to tors
Shoolden are cut aanover. aad th*
aadto vorMtp.
vaU u bouse.
“B* yeanod for a vam ebap at h« coau (all in pcTteeUy itralght Itee*.
cnuime in brown vu noMUy .
tttl* band aad the aoond of tor Bnpb- giving the Mplen flenre. The sleevre
* In a stmt Empire styte. Tbb
Br. What a tool he bad boM to let •re etaavditBp, th* Mlns'iorde.
Empire Una above tbe vateUlu «u
vlth amart paaeb. othars are m
ntoatod by band* of uffota. 4ba
ed oa hitbditod girdtea *111* aUrts
gown fell in conaUerabte Maam bv
fall la praoehl eUagBp Unee.
tow the shaped vHstMu; tt had a '
thb aeuon for taUorad oidla to ot aSHit svnp all aboat. Btt waM ta|a ,
outran aOk aa aolbr. rata and to- baaa ahortor it desired. Ttoga •M^ '•addenly Woieott beard an i
tnreover colter at the amft vkkk vaa
tnaaad Uttte tenth bebtad him.
meato to mneh aaod. Other -modate tew. to he were ovar a teoe auok.
The Empire gown b the remat
; are Haboretely trimmad with notte.
. *T came ont to ' A model, by CUIot, ezhlblted~lut mode tor avenlag vreu; and tt* pBB
oaeplece drew b the drem (or or­
week, Is worthy of description,
I found tt." Brace ecfcnovl.
dinary day .wear. With ttam vtU ta
edged awkwardly, tte writtvo cbeata vu an afternoon govs n( broadeloth worn all *oru of odd wraps aad
•eattand to taUtale Cashloa about him. lo a new, soft shade ot bloe. Tbe skirl tioaka
Ton eida-t dan"- bepu Martoa au a modlllod sbuth mode, with a
OoariyAttteg aadervatr to a batMWnahlap and tnrelap white and Hub- wedge openinp te tbe vary creier front
Ito agate lo a way that kept WolceCt ahlch readied to the shoe tops. The alty at tta aaomm's Oteeatotta atylm.
otertne at bw te faacteatod admtn- bottom of tbe aklrt vu bound with
Hu* Ottoman site and a bit
"Tea. 1 Old. bat I'D pby fair." to anlong Heevn have bren daenad Cor
owerod. amUlng at ber with all fab oM •ilk vu placed beneath the opening
aepaglwg (rankacm. Toa may read and oovarW with a tiny frill of blade Bt1 the Severn vabte. Maay ban
poloied cuts and tta vhok atean affd
nnrr Bce. Tto tklrt. While narrow
tto aad of the atery-Martaa. I look
Ma liberty of habhlng IL"
drapped.te a Kracernl manner, being
leteliy Of vateu aad Eidmpa
He watched ber rioeely while ehe'eauMt
■be eandit te
tn to
ti tbe baM snm la tvnp-' ti> ba wore nndar a aaeptna aaanad tt and notteed. vttb a gnai ] tng totda. From the vabt to tbe ham tnme aad abtireiy at bands at tRparbaandlng of Joy tn hb bnrt bov ber in tto^bUek b------------- aAalght <
i perfo^
hand tremblM ba abe came to tta bm
penel. deuebed tram the mt of the
rklrt. vbleh forms tbetrate. On tbe
MMy ot thb severely taUbrBata
"Bat R bat ttBlabsa. b ttr
bodice there vu a yefte
model* have tte Haesw «ot B ap
aMsd peatly aftn a Uttb paaaa.
"Toa are tha only OM who kbovs crochet lace bordered with a band of plainly u a man's ooat, vttbon day
4mrr be aaavued totaet
! flou stitching In tan and red on tte fulluoss at the armhote. Tta anaby ssy ebsnee tto Uttb boy m yoor cloth set st intervsl* with blue but- hole b lately Urge aad asaally eohhnrt-tto boy you've slvsys loved,
Tbe colter vu of black om>nd reeled by Eat braid.
B* vu boUtta tar toad vow.
to Mt tte aaddn dgCtentiw at ber

A Brer Tto OeIbcBm.
Mr. Brava keep* a beardteg baaa*.
Arauad tto tabb aat bb vtfc. Mre.
Brava: tte vllbge milUiiat. Ura. AadrwE My. Hteek, tto tabar: Mr. Jov
daa, a carpaoier. end Ur. Badtey. a
dear, fmd and lumber mcrebanL Mr.
Brawn took $10 oot of ^ pocket and
beaded It to Mre Brown with tto rv'
nmrk tbm tton va* fio toward tto
yao to prombed tor. Mre Brawn
tandsd tto HU to Mre Andffws. tte
mflUnr, mylnp. That pays for say
aav bonaat" Mre Aadnv* to ton
yaaaad It to Mr. Jordaa reaiaridng that
tt voald pay for the earpeator work
ta bad doM for toe. Mr. Jordan handad tt to Ur. Badtey, rviamring bb rv
ompssd HU fv fere, feed add taHber.
Mr. Hadley pare tte btS Imck to Mr.
Brava ■aymp. *Tbat pays BOi on av
board." Mr. Brava apsB pasmd tt te
hb vlte. muaiUiis that to had aov
paid har tbe «2D to bad prombii bee.
Bto te tare paid Ur. Bbek to aettb
tor bread and pastry accotmt Ur.
Bbek taaded tt to Mr. Badtey. —Wog
cradlt fbr tto aaviant an Ha daOr aereSBL Mr. Badtey apam > ii a It to
Mr. Brava. vUh tto iwmark ttat tt
•attted lar that moath-a hoard, vton«pon Mr. Brova pat U baek'teto hb
pocket. etaVTiBf ttat to bad aot aappeoed a greeaback voold go so taa—
Omaate (tej aeattaaL

•T aBmid tHak’a doctor vftt re
maay frimil voted tan tala ot prav
t^— '
Bate Hi BBats. Ba
mya b

FOR JOB womrntY the
herald & SEOOBD m

tte Klad Ttei BAtv AlvmyE Bo^Ms «■« mH
ttt oip IbrorarM yaara, hm baemg Chp <


AH CooatreMta. laritatAama —< ««Jygf ae r»H*«gva tovC 1


ffoMc, Dvopa

■ Tha Ctatafa Paaafva Tba MoThre^g PHamfc



UA MIttAY. «

•akad Appla Vaitatlaaa.
•rarraaa lOtaa bakad applaa. bat
aot ararTOoa kaowa bow manr dollcloao rariktlooa eaa bo mado troai
tbU Wall kaowa diah. Hare ara a (aw
Wkat itot v« ta tAU appi* tr«a?
Th^ «aailr >ar tba roota. aad tha^ ot than aU aInpU to proara and
dark mMH with kladlr <v
Bakad Ap^aa-Waak parfaet praaaA»i praM U a'ar tbaa laadartr.
lapa and aat tkan "blow- aad dowa la
Aa. rand tta alaapln lataafa faat
rov haklap diak. Pov lo kot water
Wa aoMr foU tka cradla«baat;
ratll twortklrda full, aat la tka oraa
•0 ftai «a tka «p»W4i«a.
aad baka. Watch carafollr aad aa
aacb appla b don bat aot broken tako
> taalva ta tkia applalraer
ap aad aat on a plauer to eo^. Wbea
Bada, vhkhtha braatk «f auw
an art done poor tba Ugaor tneo the
into a aaaeapaa. add a Uttte wa­
■uB Instkaa tato laafr aprajai
ter and enoofb tniar to maka it like
Benka. vkara tka tfcraak. wtifc artotkla amp. BoU (br a (aw mloDtea, bat
aot tM loap. asd,poar orar tba a^aa.
tftaU kant and atsg aad hlda bar;
Bat la a cool place.
Bpload Bakad Applaa Peal aad
Wa plaat. on tka ao*r Me
aera Pra
A akadow (or tka wndda boar
a from tbe topa o( tbe apptea.
A Aaftar tnm tka aanaor On
(On wa ptant tka appMtraa.
TA* PIMON •# tM Ap»l* Tw*.

ClMr« fk« UMgk c

wot plaat wa la tkla apptatraaT
enefcer cnaba. m the core cavity ta
twaata «ar a kndrad Aawarr aprtaga
eack atote with the mbtnra and bake
To load tka MaewtadY raattaot wlagt.
half an boar in a moderate oren.
Wkaa. (ran aa arobaril raw, ka poara
Bakad Applet with Nnta-Waab and
we ab tart applet. Chop tee a captel
A vaoM o( klaaaana (or tka kaa.
Ptowara lor tka aia gUVt allaet raeca. o( walnnu. hickory nab and ^aatnnU
mixed, an (oar
fW tta (lad talaal aprtpa a( bloeaa,
brawn aapar. F1U tka ennttea in tka
Wa plaat wltk iAO aotwtm.
ap^a wltk tkla. ptaoa tkera in a bak1^ tin. poor oneAaU capfnl of water
What ^aat wa la tkla appla4mt
ymta that Bkali awaO la aaaar Joaa. aronad tkem and bake. Wken done re­
mora tba applet (mn tba pan to a
Aad nddn la tka AagaK aoae.
trait dlah. tkea to tbe water and Jalca
Aad dnp. wkn praOa atra
remalBlnp add oneolcklk (rated natThat tea tka btoa
a bit of cinnamon and a tebleWkUa chUdraa caaa. wlik
of batter. Poor <kU over tbe
tiM. ,
top and terra cold with enaa.
Apple Porenpine.—Pare and core a
•atn^hO bad ta Ihooe who paat.
man applet, (lllni ike carlttea with
At tka loot o< tka applatraa.
aacar and aptek Cover aad baka.
Arraape tkem in a dlab for aenrlnp.
WUk raar ahatl (Ira tkla applAtraa Pat qnlnca }eUy amom tkem. Cover
A Waadir (aO ot raaaata bleoak
wltk a merlnpae made of tbe wkilat of
A daapar aaaa a( Toraaeat (loon.
fear aot and half a cupful of aupar.
Aad loaoaa. wba^ ika (not fllooda low
Stlck''bUB<Aed almondt In Ike merln(M.
Th( arlap hrawo taarao la oa<fcar
yon kave (nwn
tlrod of ordinary apple eauca. try tkb:
Poal aad aUoe apptea to jaat AU a (nlatoM
cnptal of aatoB
Vkaar BO Ipapar. wkara wa Ua.
(tr, oaa half tkaapoontal of (roand
«ovea or eaaala aad oaeAaU
■poo^I of toda (a llute more U the
ia tka kaadM oMha appMraa.
applw are very eoor). Bkake the Jar.
-*Wte ptaktad tkli aU opplwtreor BO aU will be well
the pp^tea. then pnl In the oven, and
Tkp ABdraa of that awnat day
bake alDwIy aU koara. Tara oau aad
mir«B oeat n(M man teaU «ay;
whtt eodltt U plaaalng to tbe eya and
AMI, tetew an MI mtey atom.
Tbo rw halrad ma( ahaU anawer bate A beta pot doea vary waU in
of Ike Jar.
•an W tho (Bda bat (ood old tlmoa; (or n very deticlooa and eaally pre­
> TIa nM ha aado BOM (aalnt old pared daaaert; Take kaU a doami larte
tart ap^ and core ibank making
thin aaaaUy large bote In U
Ob dBBtlBg tba .Bpplwlrao.'’
—William Callao Bryant eanter. Piece tbeea la o kakliig pan
with a llUte water, aad AU eack ap
a'e.eeeee.aeaeeet pte wltk mince meat Cook nnUl baked
• ‘^PMI yea be vary, vary good— • »ad aerva eltber kot or cold, wltk
whlppod SMBi oa top.

Bat an apptol
Applaa-Onnrter aad
• T«B wKht ka aa Mart if yoa ' corn, bat «e aot
peel applet. Pack
cdoecly la a atone Jar, Allow one cap
tet n mfllMB apptea.*
of aa»r aad a ptaok of cinnamon to
auk quart of applaa, add a UtUe
ter and bake alowly. doaely covered,
lor koara. Barra wltk tkeir own llqnor
wltk cnom. May be propared or
aervod ooM for breakfnat WUl
found maA aoperlor to ordinary baknaatkm of pate « od opBtas.

lag (nDy a qnartar o(on fe
enalarC To mtek tka enmnrd.«terge owaot npplao: m tea
hbO one ptel-of now aOk cr cronm. ’ wkk Man teat have boon ate
and add to tt. white kbc two rate.'tea*on n ptett te aqtauter. cover ctee^
baking dlab ond poor tee rtos mixture
yolka waU beatea with a table apoen- mock
fol of eager and the whttea trathad range tba gaoked apptea on a dite and raond. aot over. teom. Bake la a modontn tee npplee are tender
and tea podding seta. Wbeo cold' AU
I. A4d two k
f angar and a taw dr^ of tec cored op^ea with any kind of
y«dk of tea agga and tee auger cotea
JeUy. Whip tee whites of tee eggs to
boll te tee milk, and alsb aeald vaania to oaekalf pint
tea frotked whitea. Under dona agga WkUa boating. Tkla li aa excellent dee a soft troth, odd
way to pre- et airied powdwed sugar aad a few
ara repy. flavor tka cnatard. when --------cold, with lemon, navorteg te any pare tea npptea
drops of vooilla whip m o atUt. Ooaay
kot Banco evaperatea wtte tea kaat'te with oet paring and All with
meringue. Heap tela over tee podding,
datea. or Beaded ralalBB. and aprtekle dual teltely wtte powderad eogar
tka proceaa of cooking.
wifh'a iHle sogm. Bet te a pan with place te a moderate oven antU lightly
a few dkoonfola of water and baka colored.
Applaa muat be ta (ood eondltloa ontll tender, teea aerte with thin nnApple Uyer Padding—Blfl ivro levwban pidted. No brab«l or mellow ap- banten cream. Prepared la ikfai way i teaspoonfals of baking powder with
plea man be uaed. Take fine drp atw- the applea are a good accompanlemnt
cupfuls of dour, wet wlte eatAto
daat preterablr that made by a drtatdent mUk to make a etUf doogk. Aa
from weU seuemed bard wood,
AK>le Merlncne-Para
you roU U out. aprotd n teln teyera
aad pat a tblek layer on the bottom
itt applet and put them te a podding of lard, told ov V ond roll out again aa
of the barrel. Thn oomei a layer Ot dlab. Pack the cnvltlea wlib a^ar thin as a wofar. Ploee te tka boklng
apptea, not eioee Uwetber. and not and'diiBaiDoii. apread UgbUy with but- pan with tee bottom of It sllgfaUy Aour
cioae to the navet of the barreL P^t tor, eorer with a plate and bake te a’ ed. On tea dough place o loyer
aawdan liberally aronad and oa top,
chopped rolslaa ond opplco ond
and proceed antU a buabel aad a half costard of milk,
equal omoont of blanehed. chopped ri(or teat) are ao packed lo a barrel. vaatlte; poor tela over tec applea and monds; Aeck wlte bits of batter and
Tkey Bboold be kept la a cool place.
leave te the oven to set. Make
sift over brown sugar. Tbe next lay­
ingue of tee whiles of two egg*, a ta- er of dough goes <n and teen
bteapeenW of sugar and a few drops -AlllnT' alternately unUI tee dough
Appla OaJntiaa.
Bona Jelly With Crenm—Hold apple of vanllta: poor over tea apples, and ta uaed up. tbe top layer belkg tee
cruaL When baked, remove eorefully
Jelly—teat kaa Weaa tinted pink with brown delicately.
Apple Custard—Take tart apides. from tee pan to Aat dlab ond send
canned atrawbarry Juice—te tedlridual reae-ehaped moldt. Pile a apoontul Btew un son. rob tbroufb a colander, tnble. Serve wlte ito bolMIquId aaucc.
Butter Foam Sauce—Beat together
of whipped cream on pretty gteaa dtah- nnd to one pint of tee apple'add tour
weU beaten, one
halt a cupful of butter and a cupful of
ea aad a -roae" to top. or mold 4n a
Urge ataa; turn out on n gteaa dlab ngar, one of butter aad onekalt of sugar until they are while and creamy
Dd »rnlah wtte arhlpped cream in grated nutmeg. Brice aa other cos- Add two tableapoonfuU of
tnrda. U la exeeUent.
flavor with vanilla. l.«t chlU «n lee be­
me ahapea Uatad pink.
Applea te JeUy—Soak ooekalt box' fore aerving.
Jrillad Applae-Paet halva and
Apple Cobbler-^t Me qovt
m alx targe applea. Maka a ajrap of gatettee In half a cnpfal g( water.
flour Into a howl, add a large ^ tabieboUlnga pound of angar and a
te saueepan and set over Are ipooatul of butler, a teoapoonfnl of
arater. Let boU up one^'teaa pel te
salt and two even onea of baking pow­
tea apples with two laaaona tUcad.
half a doieo elovas aad a few aUtea solved. Take two quaru of tart ap-'' der; mix all logeteer, then add sufdie applea plee white have been peeled, quartpi^ fldent sweet' mUk to make a soft
dough. RoU thin, ond line o deep pud­
are tender, tike teem oat carefoUy ed and wed. Wben tee ayrap
and arrange In a dlab. hollow aide np cooked tbe required time, put In a few ding disb; fill with sliced apples and
Put a spoonful of entrant or apple Jal Of tee applea and let teem cook slow­ sprinkle with one cup of brown
Wet tee edge>wlte a Uttle flour and
ty te each. BoU doi^ tee alrup, let
cool a mtle and poor ovor tea applet. shape. Bemovd teem with a wire wo'ier mUed; put on an upper crunl.
JaUfad Apples—Pare and scoop out skimmer and put on a platter until aU press Ike edges toegtker. make on
,jui o sharp knUe te tee
eontor of Ana applaa. Set U baking ora cooked. Take dish from Are. odd
pan. put three seeded ralslnt or can- tee gelottee to ayrup. stir nnUl It Isjceatpr ond bake in a quick oveo tklrdied cherriea in cavity wltk one tea- enllrriy dUaoIred. Arrange.apples te ty minutes. Serve hot with angar ond
apcontol of sugar, bake covered la
tut tender without loalng akape.
cool, place each apple carefully te cneUrd cup. AU cup wltk liquid lemon
hour. Pare, core and quarter six
orange Jelly; when quite Arm tarn pUee tea Jelly te a akoUow gloss dish eight apples and nieom until tender.
oat te aerring disk and aurraond with plooa to harden. When ready to aen When the aago ta cleor. pour It over
aad heap whipped cream around It.
the npplei te a pudding dUh. (Ir« add­
ing more water to sago. It neoeaaai>,
oalkoys—Pare aad core aU applea.
sprinkle wlte augor and batter, and
with ooooanat soaked te milk,
bake about IS mtentea.- Good'hot
place a bit of butter on top and staam
apple sauce, quarter the apples to as­
cold, served with cream and sugar.
teem unlU aotL Then remove earefoUy
sure youraelt that thg fruit Is sound
Apple Nest—Moke a plain, aofl coke
(b a aballow pan. sprinkle with wagar
Stew tbe quartered applet without par
batter with one heaping cup of flour,
teg or oorteg, and run them through a
one scant cup milk.'one en, pne-baJf
Apple Cream aad Apple Whip—To
make this pretty demra cook some
^ess. Bollteg tbe i cup sugar and pour into well-butu-red
tart wles Md eruah tew to o pulp]^,,
^ pudding dish. Then disulbuta evenly
tee top about two cups ritopped

-------- -



They Say That Pe-RHia b
Goad far C««a. CsWt.
BrwcbWs wi Catarrh. >

GmA itoriUi At S
Hu. H. J. Edwards. UaloB City,
Tenn., writes under date of Kor. T.
“On tee Jte day of February. IMS.
Ul live, 1 will be seven ly-eerea years
et sc*. 1 enjoy tec twat of •bealte.
thanks td Pernna. and have not bad
a spell of aleknesa alne* 1 began nslag
It flvo or six years ago,
"1 consider It th* grandest n
esrte, and whenever 1 fori a lltUe There was noteteg vklek seemed to do
faedlv afew doses of Pernna put me right. >e much good.
••1 can dn as moeb worii as 1 could
“1 tried other reraedlss, but did noS
gain any ficab until !o
' '
theefleeuof age,aboold benefll teeir health by Dslng Pernaa.”
have Ukea aaveral hoHlea, but bev*
not taken any sow foTabonialx weeks,
■ tka Beat Part nfMla LKs.
“tamtoreaty-tere* years old. Isever
Mr. J. R. Prince, R. R. S, 0:
xnaet lo be entirely well or-yeuig
H.T., write*: "I am not very well aatgrin, but 1 am thankful for what P^
Isficd with the plelure Jhat 1 am
riiAa baa deue for rae.“
you, but w
Paris Tea Yaws kaaagar.
Mr. Henry Mara. UMWaM Franklte
beat of bis U(*. oatU your kind odvie* St.,EraBivUte,Isd.,write*i “Wheal
and prascripUon enrsd him, he wouM Aral wrote to youlhad broaehlaltrouUe
know from wbene* teeae wvinklaa earaa. (or four years, and bad tried i
Next mMte 1 ahall be rixty-aU jmH doetora, but they could do roe bo good.
I had pete and rsitUng te tea chest,
NcrvMM PraatraUam
oougb, expeetoraiiM. .aapeelaUy td
Mra. Martha Avery, » Graham BL,
laomtealer. Maaa.,wrll
took Penma, aad eaa now say teat
“Four yean age 1 bad nervoua proa-, 1-am entirely well. 1 (eel tM yean
tradoa. 1
younger sUra using Ferana. I reeum
One would aay I had eaUrrk of th* mend Parana to all my friends, tor
tlooiseh and bowala, anotear nerrooa- Iwastebadoondlttou.
acri another enlargement of the
liver. My stomaek was in a bad obspe.

Pesple Whs Object U UqaM MsdMaeA $tw«ld Buy PCTMM TbHs^

wooden spoon. BotUe m Uio next dey. \ ginning I put te tee kettle
Apple Pickle*—Peel,
quarter boueb of-grete'^ri
'AA^. ANsr tee Jsin
and core tee fruH. Por every vren was strained to a JewBABte denneto
pounds allow three pounds sugar, two
bnUeed another bonte of tbs hnrb
teaspoons ground cluanaoD. -one of and left tela In the Jelly until tee Anri
clores end one of allsplrr. Tie tee ■training, at which time I added
apices In s checseclote beg. Put sU te
a preserving keiUe. eorer wlte good pale tinge of green.
cider vlnegsr and bob slowly «».ti|
teero Is Just tyrup -gnougk to cover.
a plat of tee apple pUlp, white abooM
Place Card Ouetsttona.
U». U. old
j,,,, „u. d^m « w Wdd Tbeee may be kept te stone troritt,
be ebmed. half a cup of angar and
apple eouce. Sweeten after 1
Plaee card quouUons tor a laaetacovered with piste, end eecorely Usd
half' a plat of whipped cream, beat preaateg. while tee fruit It atm hot.
eon' to be givM to ana doaen yoaat
with brown paper.
nnUI light and thick and set m lea but do not boll again, as leaa sugar
Apple Pudding—In the bottom of
Apple Butter—if sweet applea end
tor at least an hour baton aervlag.
te required te this way than If aweet- bake dish aUce thin tour applea. fpriu- cider from sweet apples are used te
1.—For tee dearest friead:
Wban ready to aerva, put It te glaai eaed when boUIng.
kle with augar and a little cteaamoii.
To those wbo know tees net. m
cups and aprtekle bits <n teevped alSUr together one tableepooo of but- making apple batter no sugar is need­
words can palnt;
ed. BoU tee elder tee day after mak­
moada over tea top.
tert. one-hoir cup sugar, one->olf
those wbo know tkea. know all
made by cutting handsome red apples
Apple Cream—Six apples atewed
milk, one egg. one faeopteg teaspoon ing to taalf tu volume and while boUwords are faint.''
—Klbgn. or highly-colored Bridwlu— of baking powder ond enough flour Ing pare end qaarter apples.
and maabad to a pulp. Wban tea ap­
In eighths, coring but not paring teem
ples are cold add wbltea of als eggs
to make a batter. Pour this over opand cooking quickly te a thin ayrap.
(.-For tee qnlet girt:
plM and bake about twenty minulea. stirring from tee lime tee apples
baoten vary light and Hra toaapoonThe skins are tee beat pan of the
gradnally pbured teto tee ketU* onUl Her voice as ever soft.
Serve hot wlte cream.
fata of augar. White nnUl aits, and
tee butted it done. To tell when done Gentle and low. an noellent tkteg ta
serve wlte sweetened cream flavored
Apple Caatard Pic Peal aour ap
place aome on a white dlah and If tee
—Bbakaspaareto taste.
ful of white sugar ond tee grated yel­ cider does not separate from the msas
^es ond stew team natll they
To tee :
Apple Cr«na-BoU twelve tart ap
soft and not moeb *water U left te low rind of hair a lemM. Melt one-bait It la done. Pears may b« used lastesd “Mistreas of berarit teeogk oktea
pies until tender, remove tee «*<>■«
tee^. teen proas them through a col- cupful of batter and stir teto
aad praaa tee pulp through a riava;
jander. Beat alx eggs unlU light, odd pint of soft bread crumbs. Prepare rich flne flavored butter.
The Jolly girl:
cupful of sugar, beat wall and
tvoteiraa of 0 cupfnl of augor ond itnrce plnu of sliced applea. Put a la
Apple Catsnp—Stew apple* In as Ut- • Ak. you flavor ovarytking; yM are
toM te tee well-beaten wbltea of tv^
of tee crumbs te tee bottom of
tea soma meaanre of opple,
Ge water y poshble until very ten­ tee vanilU of eodety."
agga; beat unUl white ond frothy and
with Buimeg- This quantity wlU moke buttered pudding dtafa. teen a layer der; then pres* thtengh a sieve. To
heap te a gteaa dtak; garnish with
-HHdney SMIh.
of tee sliced apples, and sprinkle with seven teaeupfula of apple-pulp add-Me
tno plea.
condlad tearrtaa and serve cold.
6.—The Btatriy glrh
sugar. Repeat layera of crumbs, apples and one hsif teacupfuls of sugar,
until all are used, baring leaspoonful each of mustard, pepper, "She move* a goddess ■and she kato •
Apple Salad-Oore. but do not peel, •poonfuls of p
> wktek'a^tw^SI^
litte kanp. and arak tka grief wklek
Tkte radpe wOl aaawer for crabclove*, cianamon. and ginger, and two
A—The pretty girl:
fnl of cold water, cover with a plate medium-slsed onk>os, chopped very
iratkaa lar tbe Uma, poet Bret tela t apptea, qnteoM. Japaneae quteoot and Ue. Pill tkem with oold. cooked tetck-1^,,
"She was a phantom et drilgkL’'—
en mteced Ana ond mixed wlte finely! allcAa.
BBmkBteB, than fttfl, alowly toot nav
put o_____...
layar Jh tea ________
bottom of_ . for the Aral half hour, then remove floe. Beat well together, teen add Me Wordsworth.
It. Bake one hour lo a moderate oven. Ublespooaful of salt and four teacupmteced green pepper, o little salt and aolod dlab. aprtekle wlte sugar aad
', IMo tka
Bemove tee eorea and aeeda and
Just enough ereopi to moisten tee IltUa ctenomon. Than anotear layer Serve with cream or red curroni JeUy. fuls of vinegar. SUr uaUl well blended
"Show qs bow divtee a thing
of OBf Bran,-which «re (Bed with bow
II tba trait teto etripa; pot It into
A woman may be made."
WBiUom new tkoagkta. new dnttea. poreatete-itead kattte. eovar whk eoM ckiriun. Now put these apples te
of appibs. ond ao ou eontlnue until all Tbte layers of cold sliced rice msy be logeteer; teen boll one hour aad boi------- ..1 no.
|„ used lOBtead of bread crumbs If pre­
VII riBBir 111 tin rf UAA water, altewing to wdi pound «f»tnilt
ferred. or thinly sliced bread and but­
tot tot t. tto Utol toB. Wti» ,
„„„ „ u
(.—vCeatle apd Iruo, simple and
^ BM aaoB te tetottan. Tb
it a gnan of water. Cover tko koUte. cool put tkem m Ice until very cold,
^ kind was sbu.^
Apple Cake—An apple coke makes ter. lf..^lsbed particularly nice eaco
kraagkt Bastety. teancUl taaa and Ml ter twenty atenaa. drain tea
Clovt Apples.
Nobl^ of mtoa. with gracloos apekeh
good pUte dressteg. and ta Joat the layer of nee or of bread may be this.
Britt even kardar to bear. Bat bock «f palp over nl^t nnd tee neat morning teen serve each Me on a bed of let­
ThU It a dcllctout seuteere recipe,
1y covered wlte red current JeUy. and
to alL"
—Sir Edwin Arnrid.
the bUndteg amoka, the nlgku of fear, meaaore tka Uquor. Put It teto a por- tuce and pipe plenty of mayannalse thing to appease tee appetite of hunand Is uaed as a rettah with fowl and
(.---The mlldett manners aad the
gr)' boys. To make It take light bread
wkaa tee Bamaa (ram baratte teraata oatete-Uoed kettle, bring to the boiltop a meringue made from 'tee wbIt-.-v game. Select red applea. not too mel­ gentlest bean."—Pope.
dough aad abortM
«nat tealr UgM avea np to the tkrerir teg point, boB ter Atleen mtentea, add
low. as they ihould not be allowed
Apple Sauce 1
cnui Just aa you would tor aoda bls- of two eggs and two ublespoMfuls of
balda of tee kemafc bock of days when half the qaantlty of engar^ aUr a mo­
K In pieces. Weigh tee fruit, poor , 10 —True to tee kindred poteU ed
and home."—Wordswortk.
tralia BBd mtea wttbarad te tee bet ment antn tee aogar U dlaeoired. and
measure out ttaree-feiurths of a
tayn at tka ana. wai a vetea deep if yea bare keen carefol and tea (roU OOP of brown augor, odd one'beaten thick, teen cot good sour applea Into
11—Tbe sweeteri gariaad to tea
pound of sugar lo each pound of trail.
sVeeUtt maid
down te tee baarl wklek
ta te good condlUon. Jelly wtU be forte- OCA two or three tobleapoona of milk quartora. and agate teto alghtei, and
fcetApplet (or Next Winter.
«hat Ood vma te Rte Ranvna ond aO ed testently. In manaorteg tea Hqatd ond OBOogb flour to moke o sUS teV place te rows oa the crust aprtekle
Cherry JgJIy from Apples—To mak Oe with Just enough water to eover. i:.—-She it pretty to walk with
ter. One-kolf teoapoM of baking po*- with sugar and spies to tee Mate, and
vnt right with tee world.
botera yoa pat It over tea Are It
And witty to talk with."
non as It get* tyruppy drop te tee
cherry Jelly out of apples, throw i
It only needed dae dreaKkteg rate w«n to meaanre ball tbe qnantity of
handful of cherry leaves Into the Jelly sppics. ptred and quartered, and slmto db away wUb weeka and anika af ngar at once, ao teat teen can bw Bake tela te taro layers and pat teom o very HtUe. ond moke o sauce of but­ while boiling After the leaves have
genily until they are clear. Skim U —From the hostess to benelf
aamka cloaA and te bring hack, te no mtaUka. Before tarnteg tee Jelly togeteer whUe hot wlte apple aance ter..angar. ond water ond pour over boiled some lime they can easily be
tee quarters and put la gliises or
Be to her virtues very kttd
Ite a rtch cos­
ptew of the rad .teU of Are. tea old. Into tombtore pet a leaapeonral Into
Be to her tonJts a IIUM MM.
lifted out. Jelly made this way taste* As toon as It gets syrupy drop In the
Apple Sauce Souffle—Beat two cuf
teaBlar. goMra anh. te n eky af aaaori aoA alond It o» tea ico. Take tard rilghlly thickened wlte eorasyrup
■ number of whole cJoi es. a half
exactly like cherry JeOy.
Uanven'e own htaa. Now la tea time to
fuls of \err eweet apple sauce
JeUy from Green Apples—Few dozen to each pound of sugar, and
enuu cor merctea. Parhapa tea fruit naor be«ome tela. Wken JeUy boUa oouM be used instead of opple oouco foamy cream wlte a Ublespoontul of
some of tee red peelings of tee fruit.
nusekeepers know teal apples
nMlied butter. R'ben light mix Into It
Cieaiilog Flaa Lace.
la not np to Ite teat yearn record— we tong K U not silt, or It Is etlCky ofid would be dellcloua.
yei fit to use tor baking or cooking Cook until tee syrup Jemes; skim out
ropy, aocordteg to tea tralL There
Apple Prolinee—Coro ond peel alx a scant cupful of fine crumbs, and tee
wo eannot etpaet te tmtek tee top
leave ta tee riovei,I A bright little law maker teOs te*
-------------------------------will make fine Jelly. Wash and core. tee peelings, but
yolks of two egga. A minute later add
Bterk every year. The dronte kaa nf> con be Mteteg done to remedy oUhor apple* and aioom team te
te. applea In coloring ^
te* flnest lac. wtUir wlte water, cook till soft, teen
facted potateea. and tee crapa wa net ooBdHtOB; 0 oeoood cooking olsraya onakolf cups sugar cool^nc te two tee Jnl«* of a lemM. a good pinch of strain. Add as mneb sngur as Juice- and flavor this --------------makes an attractive
ad-itoy point* aad D
ruteiag tee
cap* of wat^. WbUa they ore cocteteg tee peel and tbe same of mace. Best
ke Jnet whu we wonld like. Bat mokea tt vorae.
es. She say* to lay the Jaw to batterpint for pint—aad boll flfteen mtentes dIUoD t a dinner table.
moke o candy of Me cup of sugar and bsrd.wbJp te tee etiffly frothed whites
tearak aUHokMf^ to laed the wbote
Nothing wUl make a cheaper JeUy.
milk and let it rumaJa tor a day or
' Orand Traveraa reglan. and to apara.
A New Apple Float
cooked wlte 0 few drops of wotenAnd of tee eggs, torn teto a buttered podtwo. ..
It ..
it am
ta very auuVM
teach SVUW
aoOed -chat
Apple Mint dally.
Green Apple Chutney—Par*
Tkmtora (ew oaltera teat dn aot ev>
Tka ou way of making appla fteot Mekrif cop of mteoed note. When dteg ^ and bake baU an hour .Eat
My family Ukei mint Jelly, aaya ted battermUk od Mt it remain am ?.
an now abow rawt at Jara ABed wltk Ja to cook and itrote or ba« to a bagl&Bteg to caramel pat a big apooo- hot. with whipped cream. sweeteaeA core elx pounds of grt-ening apples:
tee inventor of tel* recipe, and per- oteer day. Now Utt it carefully from
' goM and porpto trolta. and temblera saeote prip. sllteUy ocU ettipe. ful OB tea top of each opple.
wtte bard sauce. The cream ta tee
cnitl cool; Boll two pound* of tnoui ■onri preferenw for aomethlng oteer the battemllk. toy 1a cU*a watm- and. m
od gtewteg amkar and apniMteg crim- Vhtta hot araar and tea wall bent- courae te* apples should b* roady bebrown sugar. In one putt of vinegar; tiise tee tsromlnnte griatlae sort, or after aterteg tee water genily. pair J
on vkltas et eggs are beaten thfoggh tora tea augor aad nota begin
add two poondt of Snltana raletes. tee importers' variet.v. led te an ex- oS and rupeM tee change of
noB nprteg win bring frate g
ond tkfongk.
ooM it ta aervod brown. Pour tea ayrap te white ap­
washed, picked and dried and tour perlmrst which may be of Interest, us te b b ctear. .Lift Mt tee laee aad
Mkvaa and tea graM and Aowara will wlte whipped cream. It ta oauoliy fla­ ples were cooked around team, cover
onncee of garlic ponnded wlte vtee- <t bad a succMSfal mnenoe. Tbe bas-i spread U evenly m a piece of dote
cover tee kteteinal noO. wklek wlQ vored wtte untmra. The sew aad pop­
gar; four ounce* of green ginger; of my Jelly wus tart green apple.—, folded tew many telckneraes. Do net
keallteertteerterltteoverlM of aak- ular way ta to groto ' peeled opplee. sponge coke or on pieews of bread, Drop te boUtef. allgbGy ariud water Me ounce ol red pepper aad foai green te bote eanraa. 1 proceeded te P*t and amoote tee tew or
sack at tee Wtee Sop. Nortkera Spy. looated. The oul ayrap wte caiAy Im­ and tail hard lor fifteen minutes, teen
ee. Boon tea draoik, tee trea.
(rate. MU wlte tt terei eapluis oi otmee* of aril. Mix well togeteer wlte tee ragwlar tray excepUng thri 1 used epoO Ua lacliwaa. Tm wiU And tt vary
werrtea which akni mu tee ana from or.o^,lfgn-8ovaced aub oeU ktnda. mediately on the applea.
amra vinegar If too thick. Keep m tee very lltUe water, and wa* as expedJ- white and teat aU tee ttey pleats
shouM b* tokoo teat It doo* not cask milk, tea bnatea yolks of three
onr hawta ter a BOte wkBa. wQ ka na TkM beat tee wbRos of two ea
and • towritags et •naUla. Wipe sts back of te* stove Me day. slowly ita- tioM as poasible-teai te. Julc. might «aad o«t podactly. and wM tt to
a Araate* 4P.BMte «r «B k Mb ^ rit sraaad BPPlaa 0B4 mix. hp hM
renmte light te cotor-and te the he- dry It wfD be almoat Uw a
tert acplas amt oara, canfnlly Mar- mertne. sUtring oceastonrily wlte

MhuU 9* auttft ttbh


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