Grand Traverse Herald, August 19, 1897

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Grand Traverse Herald, August 19, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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W- CS^r^ttti
vw. TTytT

Siratofir«^ E^iraliiii,


Grand Traverse Herald

- SsSi.: ;■ : “£:S^



Ro^ & Son,



SPECIAL OFFER—W *cre« foor oilM Motb, aBooL A'i a<t»>
, troatorf, nine roome; grAitar)'. bonb> rtAbtc
good bearing orcbanl. good faacn; aoil jrnt'<-l «id cIaj- luam. Aorlsce
moAlljr Wr). Lwpod TAUr. Prio Fi,OOU; oue-third ca»b, bAbuK-e < n
time at 7 per oenl. or »ill take city property in exrbange.

pf^--0. R Carver


Businees Cards.

.past Uw Ml4


AfMt* for tbp eelciwAtM Am
MIIU. ranpa. ripw. Kte.
12S CA»»JS’r.


Dr. J. A. Snyder,




E^sfilfe E;lelidn^e




»t >toar ME >*f

nmc« IX MAasnAM ffi/m,"



Mr JN »• w# >N vat i*t ranatiN w lat

•'When in doubt lead {rumps/
when you sclcct^onr sto^ as

from ttio
ilrug store.

yotjr wants
Von who arc fruit growers will.w.Tni Sulphate "of Copper
this spring, \V«; arc in position to nrakc a bid for sui>plics
in spraying material.

r»I»r tan


Ijnow? thi^?

«aaU.'A. C, VAlVrEA~Tr»lanl Mm. TIU


IkAiaaNUIrr^DnxRuwr I,

rlircMIkWwkAIpBkakll Aw■k. flawM Okc.k'Al. wr <•* kap.AMl All IW.«• AT. AIM bp ■pelt.
OAl|ofia.. PnmrAa'>b.bMMAVwkm.

S. I. Kn.tB«.

Tor Com Planters,
Potato Planters,
Hose, Forks,
Barrel Chums,
Bam Door Hangers etc. call on
- W. J. HOBBS,
146 Front Street.

_K6ney to Loan

Traverse City. Mich


ra ••< mp mpMr.


Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line

p l!

Money to Loan


^: Carpet Cleaning Works

TrnvamaCIty. Wear* thapaepuioha^layoa rlgai.



cc i

, SarrejoraDdCivilEngln^r

‘ SszK'iSi‘£l:;rKi:i rsssSsi:
' SSTfm A

BalUliw. TnrrA cup.





eioW. Uerwitb HL


Sde&Boaiding Stable.


T^leflionn 79

Merciiant Tailoring.
All parties dcsirinR anjtJiinR in' ih6 line of fim-clas.s Merchit Tailoring, tvill do w^ call upon, the undersiemed. as
rial inducements arc-^>eing offerw to all iiintending pur-



V. fll
'± il

WBU i-ou rxirr
Aipwiit lA «*• «<wm

Fe^mod'Kale Stable iB^Coonection.

U St

tovSiTitlvBMUaf^ .
The SoBth Side Greenhouse.


iU “

Best Liven in Northern Michigan.


ar pwraU hare .koaalK. la aov. tnav b
a-.llav.u>fr aa aaaair ikla( u. bo) ;
-kDMlama-lbeaewrr pa.l allewCurwl


»m>*» •> “*


A war* km A W*« «Mrt •> ka


TkAVxauc CtTf. Man.

WlthAlArTrakaek of eloAr. parr irr.
we Are AfAln pnpAnd to deliver Ibr
•IIIM Is All

187 Front St.

Traverse City. Mich.




AtPooger. I foi
e boot bad gieea a
Wtaod it did_______________
1 ooald ont npoae faia. aod at laat tbe
kantgaFF waybba rolled on the deck,
aod a ware daahlBg orar oa that aoicried him away, aod bU aaffre-^
iBCayrere ended
•'Tandlha kiile
all aloaa bow.
the only ti
hiaga oatof tboae
hi • beearo

II of life and botpr
It a faw daya
. le-fiwp
Npoae .an tclltl»- feellar of tbaokiD.iytj Witn -hlcb I I

_________ -of-war ■
Aad Doaald foaad blmaelf leoklag
sebdrbor. Tbeomla^ Naaaie tIaaUakr'a deep blae eyea.
_r rjarolaM^
Yea. Ikpaald. II la 1
Uh. rkwiald.
witabla I___
bare been wt wrong, ao fooliah* Aad
WbUe tbe miraated at the gaagbare ebaip to aak roar pardoe.~
my of Uc F iladeaaaaL tha Baglwb
-Hy little Naaate. haab: Not
aallora gatberad
•d la
IB tbe
tb« open porta aad
"Bat I moat apeak. Ikiaaid. 1 maal
Ull you bow raracally I bare repeated
my J^FFT aad toUy If you will take

fAkbiun. of tbeoaeaimaw c
laai oee of tba ana men a

try u^i “g^"wil
daogbler loyoar gi
-Ihe wedding day snM. tad tbe wed­
ding tour paawtd away, aad Naaaie
Aubrey came bume to tbe kouae Hoa-

-»lo thma. YaRkaK I aag. wbalb
tUt^Uoomla- -ampyoa ’aee m yaar

m of-war .mUed dowa t

le Americaa aailor loekod e
■dback. qalckRAR ahot: ae I WBA tale lo brr 1 waa pretty wc
tirBadw aad tirondmamma V
-err waiung oa tbr ibrewhold to gweel
Nerer roe Lata To U
aborc I waa ie bed. belplraa; but the '
Naaoie kiaaed aod bugged them
kindI people wbo took'care ot
of me
ib mml brartily.
care of mr kitlaa aa well.
Ske re.
"Il la ao sice lo have yoo I
ered •(Bicker
.(Bicker tfaaa 1 did. mad
and aa I lay welcome oa" ka-d khe
"And yon're
there 1 aacd to waufa farrplayiagaboat • nrevnar roomx bare been 9 '
b.m ^^wmetien aa a diiptor of ■
the floor.
f.wuble? And grandpapk. ha • be Ud
Oo mr way bOHie A tbeagfat rame la- bik dlnncn jait ak be liked lb
Buryalk wai boro Ib lt». aad n
to my head, and I plaane.1 a aur^ae
lad , at baratki UlfW Orada
Okoe Uitbat mya.-lf
for Mary.
I hid. cf eooiar, g.n the
t know whaiafamt
peoifle who had Uken care of me to let
rr I am goiag to me
herlaow that t waa aafe. bat abe did
ilal when the envy
DM-4inow tbe exact tinw I aboold be
pmeouid him from at aaan
rr tbr old people got op
yoa going?'
lne7- cried Naa- preoeadlBg lathe Unlvoimlly. Bad bA
1t waa .(Mite darVwheD larrlred
•• d lawurkAnA WMe lor
Tbe Kitten RaTeo tus Ltfe.
be rfttage wilb the kitten laaMe mv
.'aaid lirBBdmamma Vlviaa
hAd Btil U rn axrrifU a frrrAt while. imi. •tupenrd tbe dipnr .(nlaUy aad
to aoable him lo coRUBMVii^
Ik here." aaid Naeaie.
rand the parlor door ajar,
T>AA bAPpy A* U w A. U. be,
kiodiea At tbe cod ofI that Haw ae
my dear. DU." aaid the old
ig with tny MAry in,A>or kDug little bmngh tlie crack I coald a
Mary sit- kindly: "young
j>nae8Md bimaalf at Wanaw Madjai
"V------. people
n - better k
ting(br the ubir at



......... ~



You aro playing the |r*|”^P

■UlRlI rw— kj «». ww«


JiL MtiM Jtuk JfclK * pk.J« }fc PW. PW. pAmW. iW. ]». A. M. jW. jAt lie >

SiDitai7Pliibers - *
and Boise Heaters. ,
BAims. BUT^L^mrs.
mama. Tp^roM. zre.

TkAI k.1.1 t.n-1 lonM adA tam




Si::.-; VTtSSrr*^

AC okep mn %u.c ••• w


Moiranr xo

AUecMT* At Law,

A r?»ii>,l UAII .. U1 .Aim Aa.'
K mr^ UM tn. k.ikim pm> Uw MP
bAt .nil kr k-n hrklAA k- inll.

kia AAd tbeoild
>oro tbpoocb o* like ItAtm
"Ob. ilaro. what abaU I do*-___
lUMto krr^tb* kitlM
pleoded. wUfa witUal team ia bw^ cyM^ romudtraaathatahwtaa. a^ mmt
'thaw. Uhwbaw............................
. pnorlutl* tbiof:
• Let blm_^-aayMim^tW Who.
AOd rrer; tl»r 1
ekmatbal Naan
in« war
eoraged beloee
Tbe (a
Umald Aabeey waa aiulng aloof
tba'tZL twaxl-aSMa^
Ibr UuM>EbtfA>*s»'
w pretty blae aod gold diaiag reoo
mt be had fiatehad cnwomly with re­
----- ‘-WAodthaahlp-bww
, Day Irogtli. aad 1 waa gard U Naaaie KaaUabe'a taata. Mr
. e______
^le UP may cuoipaAlMe-a boe. ' lie aod Hia. Viriaa. fviy rtaen aad earP maj wba ballad from
bade't apokea »or > tiae. aod I waa
w Utbwl. altboagb •’
' lAnbaraoatb.wbAnlaw)>awa
alaoAtafrmid I..- waa de^L bat I tbea
a hardly j
dark, wbea tbe Utt '* t-'-iad.
>ocjUy tbe <mj>tala
tW d


Real Estate

PATCHIN S CROTsER, sis-yriiL*..--.-*—

Tbo CaU.Paia.
ov tep imin^

bA* tea ^ PAUrlAV eiT of «.
fono dlraeted AfAloAt Abow*
For A MtAO «fao letA bUoulf be
AbMod bjr A eo«(b, Ue erj sboald
besodlfiedto“OKB<I (for <tor
itwillcAdTOA. V-o^OMnd
AajeeiWfa wUb Boac'a Fore EspeetofAnL


aa<P paamd. asd eoatl kxve year
way for good aod all afire thk'
It tbe
the them dayi pAAerd.
pAaard. Rod Urae'

W. F. TTA.ItS3g:A,

Mend it
or end it


afar WAA UP aail ibat uigbt.
It WAA D)’ lAAt crenlDg At liAme Asd 1
a A bit dipwo Id Uie u.iulb. Wr mrie
liOf lotelhrr In our littir parlor:
. are WA-. buroiag brurbll.t. tlir lit
... wbilr kiiteD’KA. rulW vpllkeA
big anew Wli ,.n tlir heartU mg. Tlir
•urUto. were draw u, auJ rrerjlhiug
AAa koug and abip ahAPe A. r.iuld br
Tbr hply tblDga I ilul not like kerlDg
acre o>'coAl Aod .-..lutorler bangiug
brer tbr bock «f.A ebA;T WAroilDg for
me Aod thplirigU! tMirh la Mmrj '. e.vrk.
' ' '
like giiiog. I rAO tell you. Ilul
a V> Iw. AV: Ibe time had
cniue. ao 1 girt up Aed pi.l oiy inal no.
Aud Mary .lir lietl tlir l■••lull>rlerarouml
“Twrliild. hoeJaLr dirt’ fomblr with
it. ilul then »be omld not tee for tear*:
and—IAUI not AabABinl Ixuwa it nrilb'
er—I felt a> if 1 liad as appir in ojy
took hrria s
imtr' Ull II'm b
(lb. li.
ire of than
and kind
laugb l8Thk.- care of tbe two
of uv"
"Y.-a. 1 Vduw Umt. Bob. but ll'a bard
And my poor wile bnrat out crylog
•irij than eecr.
I knew It waa no gord aUying long■ler; tbe (« bad lo and U.e
jamiaerit waa .jver tbe briwr.
I gaee
'bir OBC king kipu. and lurerd to the
-d.-ir, wIm-.o. Juatal tbrt Jii-inieoL the
iwbite kllU-n ae>-k>- riivu-bed ll;eelf, nod aaoii.m .arae ;nt.> ray head
-ai: In a-'mninent iliAt I wpMr.d i»kc>«
,..cked ii c,-. :
• coll. I hameo awar
the houae and down U. tbr wharf
ufirii I bare wRn.l.-red wliat
[of taking
ielualoo I


beard my atory.
Weact Wll that Bightlnd tbekitlra
.ryaooD made beruelt iiaileai home
aaglad I ba<l brougl
M-..iog. herrurlod v
efore the aturr gave the placr a huioa*^UB(r« went well with a., and the
voyage pn>ml<ied to be a proaperooi

dowB aad1 placed tbe kitten
Jtml'lnaldr tbr room
Sbeaecnied to know whe
eabe trolled aruuod to
where Mary
waa aittiag. aad jumping
into her lap abe elerlcbed ap aad rub­
bed brr fare agalnal bera.
1 watched throogh the crack and aaw
my wife ilart aad tnra eery pale, and
tbea abe •weiaed U> n«agniu tbrkitluorahe ,«bt Id a bait wbtoper 1 eoald
jn»t brar;
•W by. kluy. where did yoa come
mew wa« all tbeunawer abeTraea.
Ma^ aeem- d to guw» that I waa
Ufa- off. and ki
- and came
tonrard lira •loor.
1 eoald not aUo<! It any Inngrr. and
the oext Okomral the
in my armk.
Iloya. I am aabam<-d to tay for the
_cxt laa mloulea kiil.T wac forgotteo.
And when we did rerocinlwr her. afie
wsk curled up. fatt atli-ep. lo brr old
place In froal of tbr fire, atwl acened
-(Uiie to bare forgotten that tbe bad
ever aarrd my Mr. for if it bad not
been for her warmlb aod puttlug oonr.
aifr aod b>^ iolo my hrart. I aboold
nut be here now Ulklog loyuo.—L't-


loM If I coold help IL and. na on I
erenlag t lefi bom«. I botloaed b«r up
iaxidr my e-ot. next to ra) tbreaiL and


Before bn eoald bwla hU aladiaa. U
I'ollab rebellloaof li......................... -lioryalk. wbo waa oow (orty-oae ynara
of age. Uirew biWBall loto tbe woeameat with all tbo aaUaalaam o< •
yoalbfnl remlatioalAt. Tbo rseeit ww
eappeonacd, and Horynlk wm asilad w
■Tl meaok. my darling, be aakwarad. Bibcria. whem for twaatg-two yARra bn
hard labor la Iba aUtar
•that (rraodpajm aod bla wife coold
lot be happy la the aawoated ruBflBeni of a city. They longed for V
' y. Aodar:j j-oo will have a h .
wiUwral any rclalioaa-in-Iaw after all ~
•Oh. Ih.JgId, de^ool ivp^^myallly

■KiS „



wade a mhlake I did. at a graat riik:
I went to get tbe Uuie while Utteo.
Wheel entered mf cabin, tbere I eaw

Academy. Rod pamvd the Aav------Raloailoo with dbUBcUeo.

Greater New Vork.
timater New York moUiok HIT onu allesd t> tbe a
ralldinga. of wbieli 1KU>» are real- poBiea.
cared li
Tbpreare l.ii«milekof etreelk and
Tiiu lelln of krwerk in lirvRler New
pcata. bat tbo wowaa t«York
Foarbundryd aillioD gBUoBa ot WR- mure tbe tari from tha aarbeA boCnew
baad. la tbe torawr Uam wbaa tbe
are daily ouDkomod.
fhc people of tbe
mater eltr ao- people all wore boouapAB. tbe war
laaily ara.ome |u.;c Xki gBllone ot erwed tbe worm garawala, aod tha
B wada tboae ihBt WACP RalU "*
ale. beer aud purb-r.
nlea -are now
aow greatly
r/nmar. _______________
laM-kl arrekU vaeb year Sack mlea
diawderly enodocL tbe Banal limit being oae'keapabUlUan.
buedred and F<jrmarly they were caiefnHy obwreod.
Lore'e RacnboA.
and In aoeb dlrHtoaaof Inbor na are
I womfalp a
elgbt'y-kii placm
nslr«mally reeogBUmi tha Uaaa eewa
-My ddrwr." aaid Hero Field, ‘'doo'l
drawn very abarply ladaad. A fftrl
rr up. If you yield tbU way. it'aall
Nine buaclred
OP with rotifer tbe rent of your mar- break iagk areao
imiUed ia cbaacing 10 maka aowe oknarrulBn
aboBl tbe tide being at Wb waa Uftly
ri^ Me.- Aod tbe Idea ot a bride. In
by bar moUwr. "Voa'a moa’a talk(bad dowo
milek of wbarfagr
no daraoMo bear a lawie apaAln’
il.t graodtatbre aod graod- aloog the water t____
Three Ibnokani] people seet rlolABl akaoi.da Udae.--l»n~lar »k.nrdrr.
Baallakc waa a bright-eyed
eAlbkva^'h rear, exclaklreof cuiHdm
girl of
-a girl a bn had beep broogbl
The United Stater owok
•i^ Fepa'a 8an&
up al a ubi<>iikl>1.' Uiardiug kcKoul. worth of properly in each city.
Tbe Fope Imo Xill. lakaa BaaC waab
Aod tbr :
There are 71S newkptpne
rr.-r bappePr.1
Uuoaid Au
Twenty-foar tbnokaad more women the wime ae do ordinary pnojto. IWA
brey'k lorr.
tban men offer indneemeotn for eettllag been told by eMUra to tba VatHM.
Hot the tact la oot fvnarally baown
laocb Ian elegant
> tbe grvaUT rily.
Unt the anoR Med by tha lapna 1
aoDie. "Tuiirkey carprta and furul
The (.oWra .Ivbl e
.k.m parpooUff te made In Ameriaa. .Thk
reofeboceae ' gold.and the UnW prr.apiadirect from ~
Baltifilled with
tleelar tnojr
One oat ol
0 tha aaoRd nreriaeta el
e< the
relief from o.
Ilia the hl^terlaad
arnaliuna. and my bondoir all is pink
______. ________
c_________ aanf
At tbe prwkrol r
rorld, and
lu ralaaM Ifmaiil
v,tua in IW(«. ia the world,
•iif Conroe H'a *11 eery floe." lald
le mlnoien, n Mreral Uaaax aboea Ua origlaal aaat
Hero Field, •biit you'll aeeer rnj->y It
0 being dleaerery
la half after Ue eoktom dallaa have baaa paid
wilk.lhoke bomd, mlacblef making olo
BN BollaBtedilnriana knifllag and prowling
re dainty, plraalaf odarn. aad baton
■ ■nr hoedi
Ik pnekW Ue Moff le llbaiRUy aariRblot they are IkYoald'a ,graodp«i
bouark are In bmlL
I wiU nuaref roam Ibi awUlaat
," pleaded .Vaanie.
There are 1,1-w acren of public park.
Veil, what ibrn'f Lsj bla> provide
New *'
Tbrwr facte make Hi '
-lerdo, ttla
tfik wile
wlfi- more important and
. other pe.ip1f>do.
aod lalercaUag
In. .
I rt^t ami Jhe eolyrigbl-idI city la ar.a. ttav
the necood
necond city In
kc. BBdao 1/ tall biioif 1 pujMlaUoa.
laUoa. tbe
tbr g
■' city with
'“ ■'
Loowa aad tha Tr*
A molbctdh'lBw would be length of raiirrada. the city witb the
ten llmek greatml number ot feniea. the city
with tbe greatoet extent of wharfage
IVUcM LoaHa bad oaMiea
Hr. Aubrey
eomiDcrcr, the city with the greatrening call that night aod
wanboaae cajmcity, Uu- greatcal to- drive Into Oollaadar lo matU wama
uaby bad dHcreeUj
lag city, tbr city with Ibe
Vfoemd It at Ua ahaa e< a
■ing tbr drawing
aber of oMce belldl
beddiagx aad
I. NaoDie bribed tbe aubjacl at oflioa. tbe elty witb tbe gtcalcet____ draper la Ua plana, hev aa rWaf to
Ity with Ithe griat- - - —aaaeyadwaadabahad aet
>f pobllc parkk.tbccity
‘’‘-'Thraald.'- aald ahe. "I've boes tbiak- Fki arfw of primilirr foteaU, the city
,h the beat kumuier
ler renorU. tbr
tbe city
-Well. dearcal.''
b tbe grealckt length
' ■■ ■ "And I've come u> tbe ecneloakra [ktvemrnU,
la. tbr city with
will the grval
length of dirt made, tbe city with
___ , ,
_ _
da the city «
Ik It nut ngtat aod natorwi. Naooie. tbr greateat raricly of wild anil
utbvir home abmiM b- with meT' and birdk lirtag In Ibelr nalorml al
aakrd. bla face cluudiag bveraliV
He city erllb the floataod grwtea
RmieUoaary'war oent tha
tnt of oyiter bede.
d KtateaflU.lst.Ta. Tba Oolo,v It will be vary nice for
Sireteb lla xoriace aod elrvaud reada
Id, fromiirnwlTn,
ir^ w ITO. «rm.NaoBle. with n tom of her la a line aad they would reach far be­
-m.-'aaid NaoBl..
gulden hrod "Hilt how aboat meT"
yond Chicago
The war of lau ecBl tba Oaltad
ll.i you ol.jecl to ItT "
The elevated raadkaloee would exaim tm.IM.ooi. Tha anaher of
•Very decravdly. Indeed.- anawemd Uod beyoad Albany, tt !• Ml mllm to
I eagaged H axUmaUd at 4Tl.«*t.
br.dr, fimdly imagin
Ikaoy.aod tbere are i»r, mllm of eiaHexlima war anal U
tW t'aiwd
Slatee fiui.ino.ino
Tb* a
floger to wie aay buoa that abe aakad
raloaUna of the graat>r ttooa'd Aabrry.
rr ally Ik » Tkn.kTj ->4»; It paid f •..wio.rxio
a very aony." laid the yooag ieateteuxrk lakt year aod h-..,aau,uOu
-A. I bare decided U> for local go. _______
aeaUy with
Tbr city Ik IL milea long Bk tt
peemll my
"milek wtdeal lu wideniex-

Wr m.-hed IT dr^tlnktloo Inkafe’y.
diie-harged ou
onr. and wm- ovanog
• w.ulhcr.ndtienl,
lUlhcr •ndrlesly
land coal
• witnr. I
wr wrfri.afriy
u barlvir
grm.luk l.v but kBrrly,
Tbe w
blow ing grewl gunk, and to
It w,
make Batten wun». the .-old became
InleDkC, ak bliDdiag khowen of kloel
and know kwrpt part ok
For two dayk we f»n before the
klorm elme reefed, but tbr ktralning
and boffrliog the kei.k.-l bad underpobe
at length told apon brr and mbe •niraeg
a leak.
^ We were-now off the cuaal of Maine,
pad I made up my mind to try and gel
Onto I'orllkOd.
All band, were w-nrking the pnmpa.
bat, work at we w.-u.d. wr f.,uDil the
water gaining, but m lOt' -lan miad L
rery lunch <l»ubtrd aov-if
tiog foot on diy land again
Nigbl waa ronongoa whra the .hip
became unmknagcalilr
A irrinefidook
M-a bad -makhed tbr ra.i.-er, and we
tokvl Itl>-dit liKra (rRlhrr. but
low;y dr ftiiig ••n lo the rwk-bonad i-ow»l
Ah, b-ivk.
- a n gbi *be like o'
b-i-r out lo U-fore,
-bleb I bad
mnr l» again. 'The
and I hope t
aW4'pi.c.'eao oe.-r nr
Naaaie crlmtoocd angrily.
be khtp wak.d-Y’med: I saw tb
'•Hot I am oot y*rur wife yeu M
we couldn't let the (W plr .ra ii
labrey. Aod I will out be yoar wi
iw.-foribc water bad gotloUi 1
powder aad bine ligbla.
■Nannie, for heoveo'a aake. atop'
IIWM jaataboat raidalght. aa w
Think wbat yon are anylog'"
aa we eoald Jifdgr. wbea tbe ve.
-I m^ H." aald Naooie boUy
•track w ith acraah that kaoekad u,
do not ebiiune to Bmrry Into a oral •d
ioM-ia-Uw. aod 10 yoa
away tbrwr of onr erew.
now*------------berai --- >-itUe between tbe
oaf oelv
Mel and tbr •.»
"1 am <ialle ia aamaaL
aa that abe-woald bold together aetU
"If yoo really eaee for w
oraitic. aad that we might t
(rum tbe tbore and picked
6 off br kOB

but to
.. wall
of na
light il war:
•low. f.s- U tbe kbip werejt. „
the rack we would foander 1 read ti
d lake dowo with her all III a espnee b
___J aoow RMani afiwdeck.
{feetkm f<er t: ■ wbo loved aad cared
When I ear oooe
eooe of na
RA went
below. I Iformr wbra> I waa Ma helptaax child?


roltage a mile or two ont
fn^lbr eouolry. where I tmn keep i
aod grosdfalber can l<Mk after
Aod you moat come and are
ua there every day "
Na tbe old people tmdgrd Rway. aad
Kaooie laobnd op into bar bnatmod'a

An adeoaato aOert Mat laMAa ha
made to preeeat Ua agUaeUea
alrpbaaLlW fiMWit at Into

eaeepl Hooday.
i’laced kbooldrru
■abablUnU of the el
. .. .

YorkCaeUBl MmekatoXi

Itx real aaiate eoald not br boagbt

lor fs.onb.0nn.ano

|W?IH toaMUaiarii
erblU «i '
• *
- MIA paeataUe
ThaatoMaptely *M mUaa by M. Tba barSi
aam wUah Timlli la UM rw

lia peraa '

in tha C
Italy la a eoanwy where ■


Taka fear

_ad ^ithi
■WAR. griea aaa
yellow. Lay
^ ia tha m
w.UIbepertaeUydry.>. Ua graM trfil ha
impomible fm- a girl to be mBrriad. aad daatp'aad lha yoUew
IbH form of ehai^ ia eaid to be btyb- with
praetated lie aaaial bbai availIf yon u.»k u la Xenair. 1 aare-baes
for tbk parpoae. aad diatrfbwted
eorelv wlatakeB in roar ebaraeter.year amnag the marria^Mle
-VerT well." eadd Naaaie. darling
Wla. U ElOO.OOiC
.000; To
-- baara----------r 11^ qntrer.
nd that yeai'
"I am then
to prove berr

••1 pretar my doty to aaythinc te
the world. Kanole.- erey oayleck.
.................. ooly Ihrrevf ax Irli—
myealf. the conk n*d a aailor Th>
r<rak aad I made ooraelrca taat to the ••Uood- cried Haro Field Ihr west
maatni well na we aeakLand weaboel- daywbem Kaanle related to Wr Hw
oeeaiiwimat thaaeamlac. "MaVbo
ad to tbe other man lo oema to na
PavMlowl Ha ww dcdi^hJa beat amhM kflAMW pMhidafAtWw *a>a

aelw by eerera
that eba baa ao

aM^ald laato. wad aa aaaawaaamit at bM

AllnmjW have been aaada la
Bahwaad tboaetaanaM wHpt




A OMgbHBl SK^taS.





Atoat «l»V JWinf P*®l>**
__________ bawaaonaodibathlrtte.
Ih* hoalUtltroIHr. •B#ln. t. W.
MDUhaa Friday anatof to a party
Than to oM n m* nan wow at' t "Lotof”
I waa «ndlMj^ reoei << a «w
wUAwaa amofad to baaarefHtot tenarly (tr aoMPtotol abool tba UtoflPw»
Raa UniUteBof Wonaater. Man. wbe bUI? of poatmarka. for to all laifar «*d(L0D.te)i^lli>« daa watobta
f^^11 kaU yMalL”aaMDtepanLiKtoSSiS^tojXi*Ito^HabS2i
to tba faort of Mra. Mlllibaa.
oOn btad Maaipa hare «lna plan to a party ofSt^t^tW-aaiHtotwil '"BapaBvaa aaaoqwtotaaca
^ Engtoad'a (foecA’* to tba
tba iMm of.r^rwt>toL
Illawtoad with
>. tto
r*t mortad.
Tbto night
Bl«ht my
ny rye
eye bad faaAr-p
laatarot aad
lutlce to wb^
kiM«iU«ilarrt«MH ..,_aaaa
larJy kepi upon a abort, dark halrvl
boapitollly whfcb
Uttm aOU amt- twqoatly.
wm n*»*>■*■>*■»»« »—
•TldecUy a foretgnv
'IVy pul a eimpU white kowb'wU large ateaw
dtopaaaol at tba
Minihaa aeM. that bear only taaaatoflen
o( •
■aadflu laataad ef a plan aaoa aad pUytog bearilv Pmm bto pocket be tbrmtoloaa almoat'atotlgbt bat.' ba bat. waa fieqaeutly ewm rugxged. It
tfe«» «ka iMMt fiiilaai
Wa planu. Odb
U- »t.odata. wbUa a aaeb fraater atuator faanngbl ap at end aiagle ptoeaaof gold,
aald that at bt
•baa. aabd loot—be bad Igirltde lackitofnph„
I have
totriKiy at
Haritord woo the priie. A tetofraai
aaof frral ha placwl riowD oa Uw labto nail w» may make a fartaan
, wok be wandravd whieh woald gri U
raae waa atoe ooa of tba
..Uy baedfala of aovreeigna. He had }ato , laafew werda belaid bto pi« be.;
or Iw-ow» bUI
wbkb waa foilowrd by meal
ton him—to bay a cab. alter it ao that.
baoknoie and laid
>c witbto docra.
wbcm Uw wtodowi wrreelocd U wxwld

rlwr, get*
"Eimae me. aw.-'lngulned Iba
TloabiM ofTAatr OvBbt ateraat airligbv wbUe tbroagb a
waya the Inu-r abeot which aeBa'qeeaIp at 7. fieqorutly miller to Uw
"bow moch do you ataafcet"
IbattaaUn «f Spala w« saHiplr
tabeptering-totoUweabalrpetearfaily .......... .. ,
tba totter part of tha molof
tiee arlaw that faili ie eany tba da"One baodrwl pnnudi "
|i(. H^oiaara oo«lat I. ttet «1» panrd lo'cnaibtoir lUr apleadld
Tba daprarlty of la"Tbaok yau.''n-marknd Uw banker draggl'd might be pamptri toto tba , u,, bn'wUaat pm iom aarb aa
rehlcle by an amagmaenl tecrfced by
tlfwW la Oeba an i^Ulr falalair lofrapble aAlIaetioo wbiah to tbr prr
. ...--------------— little girl wSownu.—
late ot^wia Ukea (rood oaiato Uiaa politely
Da not go Wma or dowtb 'watO yoa
Uw driv^a tota**’
Till Mil Ikat HataM U aarioealr
a priiHxai niiclil be cxto'rird to t-ajoy. I vaBAnitlPtAntlcpraUe. Ittenot
Tbe game went (m. and tba eanto
I baadlworb of Mra. Mtilikre. Tbr tna llaelf ta etaiy neb toataaoe. aad
IVwpatd art to t
lntoait^l« b^*,„ln,ilkaiid fruit, plamd one I f-f mnatolar that aU m era a.a
Uaaaanad *Hh aa ianatoa'.
tamed ap With
•ba malt to tooiuBCrable Mala Of paVoB can no better with lam
» llkatr ** *>>•
layer rote from bUaeaiaad puabed I
' '
'naalPf to
It ebair
flrat aaA Baaort WacUUnf.
Latol^ rich. dr> ai.-l gently rolltog.
peoeral annoeacn
pcalty aad nnaaollc mon wed
Imbered mainly wiU> Huger Maple.'
uy OB fok a tong tlma “ *^'“***^
, whih-ber half n.u-a. P.-«4iotv. ber al- ,iuu„i„«i. Tor.ur.wr.urt.u-touki
The dnvm waa. of ocanaa. an ao.-----------------------------------------_..a .
. ___ nek Kim. Haaaw.ud. A.h
diaf took ptooe Wedanday arrolof a1 tbe deh-nDlaaiKiu of .ttfonnlug tba
nupalmealdfacrted atnela.
tfac enttafC of P. n. (irmna at Ooraaa. whole amna of sakloB tbmowfal. fer it wat marly t o'clock to tbe mon- eomplicc.'' went on Ek-apard. "Tbe apgoeemcai- Prom 10 to IS Ito- doebriw Hemlock, etc., awl arr trell waterod t^
or polrallallT owfol. narkt. and (bat
paraiei worked wondcrfally.
Before ^
wbre Uha Llwia Lehr, a aociety' belle
bad a rounani Sutwr. lakea. rivvra bod hruoks
tfaahitje oflireaaioatdnaa'imodwork lag. At Icukib hr canii- to a houer to a they
of daftoaw waa marriad to ttoorfe B. totbumpertar ibebif onaa. ’ lavlt'
dlamal fim ■ •« Ibe Tnttrntiam Uouzt
strong aoila, tow' crop.. koalUiy cU■eeve
.. thaaartMBlBSfalB. WlUtbna
Witoy. araaoberof the Valley Uaaa. ponmarklBf." he nya la a reoPDl li
road, lu Iiur of Ibu top roosOTif which
mate, acboula aud vbur.-lirv. Iiitellltiml
and wrro being
o Uaiaprtead. i _
cofUt t. *«.
:| ^ Maaoaditkw aamaadlac Iba 1
faetarlof Uo. oftbaeatae city.
tor of luairortico. "to of the (treau-at thm- wa* a Uitu IiBbl buriiiiig. opcatd Bepaa and I fuUowing In a quiet apot
l...a<a qiopuution. malrfj fn.m Kaaum suite
t ttte dlnti
fowaMStthare to Jut eaaaa for apUwdoar with bi> k> y and ' uiix.-d.
telit.MlWNrwIlran .kakcai^ito
tbe cab ainpia-d. R.pan rntto-d lD.Uw,.tbe jt.ikvw. il
1 bad au Idea kmu-bow ibu* that adrurraad»a.<vanplrte-, pqr Bookb. Mapa.
before the marit, fo bpaliim and I
: , addnoa
fora tba wrddinf to rlail
door. Uirow it .q«-u. groap.-d Uw baga, : ^ ,|„.
diM might prow- DM-fal to me. aud (
Ir rv-iornl to bi-alib,
Mra. C. U. Wbitoay. and Ur. Wiley
qnngwith ito-m into our trap, and | eofi.d. wa- pijrcd l.-foro tbr
baa bno linprojirrly.bandied liy peat- waa naudlng rloae to tbe dour uutiug with Ibe driver of Uw cab «a«U tot o« {,
Bp from hifioaw with Hr. U'bllIlerpMl V
lu onmbur whetT (be door radek-oly
WbQa Baa. WDUaa Bryan la Mariac

I h,,„j
. .
_____ .
oa Wedbaaday.
Tbe carcauey TlM! Jir^iouiry cf C
oyiened and my mao again appmn'd,
tbaaoaatojdaplariaf thm bani Uana
"And vbat beeamoof tbemcmryP'-l,
Aft-r iliiii..! eto-nv-.-lvrd ataut. teb»r»l**tl.aa i
tewmaia V«t>x»ria, acui
took place Wadaeaday. tier. Itoa. P.
ban-beaded, gbarily pah-uud brtnihlem.
aadaCvlartaa it to l Ibaoty aa ■
I aufv I hi r rtmlua till 4 n clpi'b. wbi-n
PneridFiiiu, N
Bradley oiBciatlof. and pretty little I- taiy for the d
"Help, hilpr'be gaaj.vl. . "6lw baa
"1 had-CI.OOC." beanawned. "Uw!^.., aj;ili.-S .»T to-r Iiinthte in Vint a
I-------------■’ aoaaantol Ula. boai.
in. Mile.'Il- iuediet
killed tore If—tbe i> dying! I bare
PraaeaaA Whltaey. Inokiof
abam cab driver C4W. Beptu. like a tririid rr Itrbata
BMt to hto ewB bcMM dtr. Uaaoia.
mnrdrnd her—mardiTed birr"
____ ,
Huokonlliwr* :
like 4 dainty ftfiy. In flimr €t Ibe poati
T t
■ato. to iaaroatoc aad aaarly arary IBabe Wat |a ituiind tu'nuu a duok.y to
ap tea
lafaarlaRfaaarer. TbehrAawaacbarm tbe amaller
"And wto-re u tieV' I naked eagerly. tfaegaKleiia
; Fanctnrea In tbe well known Nn^
AMyabaara a aUMllty tad haallfay
limly lit
■lain, mud'- my way do
........................................bit head.
tofly attired la a browa curdaroy^rat- tbe poatal arreirr Tba flfam
At Ito- rtiimrr boor tl lt>e dorto-«
gba A Wright dre are maidot alK»ut
an following
ronoi, the man
fnliowlng eloae at my
"1 do oot know." herreplled.
altof aaitandcaniedabiiuqBrt of or- aump ihnti be carrfnlly adjoater
inxi to


•ral yaan. ' Mr. Biyas'a enmda bu
befrioiilof of earb day. and iIms a rh-ar becU. la It. .ittiag m arbair U-ridr tba
Ho n-rtaiuly did pM. That reward biTiiu-itoT. 'i'heu vomc a romp wilh
eblda Tbe cotUfa waa eUboralfly
hJ? InbU finger with S (dt of eoovt |4aw
Imprxaiirm tnout be made to a Imok re- fin-plan-. Wa» u wi-niao. yoaiig and ol gSIW alipiwd Utroogb my Ong'Ta
b>T uncM', Hrt. Rrork. Iiy Ibe time Uw U...I—.her
h. wee ai w, ter. loaide of the inaer tiilWot^tbe
ted with ferna. trailinf pine to
iiy. IfBt Tion' with JicT fan-eoavnlard
peclally kept fiT the farpoae. ao aa tc
aaatadtaaoaM paaplatoat toll. Con^
a all fur Hrl
Hr|«n. that rlevp:
twup wat tl(ji»tovl Uw to<ut.i parly "'J'
t^l^b brag btrip of pblriilag rab-'.
h pnin HillHhi- -uTiiitl
nearly uacouafford eTxIeuee Ui tliu.dlacliarge of Uill
d obown ot ao clean a lair of be 1
■aratol aaadUlaBi aaa oow aaeb aa
would U-nttlHirdraFi-rt. aiidUM-allw
lupunoat duly " It inlvhi Iw of aaal>|.
with bimaj
toiVi^aBarty aad
flmr U .id^ bi-r « ai a naalL Knud. Ibat we never came ap with him again. I prtbwte would be railed
«a» pertormet
aaoe to tbe aeoou|illiihiui-iil of tlni
I would bare glvru mueb to have ouce - Ue-ol
of «laial9 bawitof. and tbaaa aba
errry^w Irieo^-i aad
"I my "*ejy
•*ejy deal
dear fnebd. akbiitt,
Kinc e'cliirk wat' tovlUiur.
aewht to niaalnto baw tba fold
body wbo reeein-a au IbrKihly
" M Belpatd. I
firviT pmlafpi-d tar iluy to-yiind that
of Ibe boUM-aiid di-|al<
atoadard aroaU plaafa tba aMsUy to.
bou* No umturwtotto-r alK- waaot PARM FOR BAI.F. *
a dcuTiir. I bad in 1<— ihuu Uiv- minuua
to dtoMtar ban loat arbat lltUa toda.
aadMn mieypiaaerl Ibrovfh
boni<''re at iIm- tomn- of a hl<iid."H
I • lueiii- III the girl in
BMa tbar bad. Tba dadtoa ii
Trade aerrett.
p'clivk 1
rigid ly ^funv'd^ ^z;
Trareme Cay Ucxitlay «o tbelr way
airoiig dooc cd muetoid
tbeehuju- of
artoaof Mlnr to aa aafaaMet wbicb
la little
1..1 wat plaeivi to--u.e
la-Fii.e her „j.„, ruw
f,„i, «,». roe., »i.
to Uiair borne la Nafiaaw.
f--------- ---------tba wtodoB of tba
rkniio wbo bold trailp aecilH-r'a torgiT l.-d. e.i that by day aud
"'i'-J*'-''" r.'L'.'ir:,';;"*;
At the toy tto-te. .ajpeti-nily dying,

aoafia adaontod by tba npablinaa.
Too Slow for tba Byat.
leaii.d uier tor. Hil-Vlng. tear<1 palp, aud MuaetiBeotly of a larpe tbe nmu lei^
MiplocTi-r tvalite w
whnt a aanilxT of farapart.
tog hi. hair and lalkitig in Pr-urb.
There were tli> eacaniioali^ oa ibe
wrtioa of Ibe paper Hard to ^bo
-oiknu-n ihcrv are w
boldamall tcJiivulartnidw
Kivularitndj^ 1tvgolaregrrriae. rimMoat Pa^^doaaaa.
Aud Ibai rniuu wutuU foruoibii
hingBtaataar CoInBihla to Btk Bapidiliiif trade. Acnirdluf to nlJjaaP-T
fi.d and jh .
Tbe llitin.and ponndtl 1 hai<- ganibled
' Tba art at tba toA laftototan aa- Tbaraday eitrhc but Ihrrc ware noL au fitwi oat by the
«. pfarity of play aud phniyufel.-.p
tboaMaftba tgrad^ board of aaob
on board whea tbe bnal pYlIrd WaahlUBloa. I!
iiigntoto-if I lu-upLaugiutt of Lugthougbl I thould makr- oar furtaon
tovaaUp MflllbaatoMBtaf Ueaaae to
r (f
of twulfi-rnna
weinda la alpht If
. .
rigidly guard'tbeae.
tbedoebat three o'clock ^waler- •^ly
Bat Ibal K-ootido l R.'iaaaballgive me
tfti lip-ar4il
|it<-ar4ii Jale
jam ul
uf ooiianmptiiKi ■> kept
marked a well '
: n.Blri'ii). I»er Waerr. liauro«>-l and (r—
ba paU by bb-han aad toddlan dainf day BoralBf.
There aeeaied to'
moniT Iwilliiiuk.-bim
; Inwi -iHwin r.e- wv-hata. (ml iHiildisri
ap. UoaliTF ill wood pulpar
baatatoB tbtoito ftaalflaf oat Baey
.riw. i.-,i.'.atwW.

.e imr
-1 FW lurtlH-r I.mnl
Wlmt had I>-.]ainl 4
1 could cite o
a r.t>K.>apb-ru>.
d partito. At. Ihat tbe boat war. to ataiy at Bikk Uap- akiptical rr«ardlB8 tbto ati wv-n- f.inghtin Italy.
name) been up lof Ibe arrivalof. Uw
tbodgh tla-y auiuit Uw ii
wbm' werkmea. <
•k>nfa -------dociet. who FUK in Ibe girl and BFtared
Ida. eoBaeqai-olly alwui thirty were eltyof^rare lu tlitocoaniry.
the repair atrip Inaldc la pk-knl up I
-. Tbi-ruare
mrtbodqf OoiiSl aomo one uppareutly
ua hi- woald aiiFwir fi^r bet n-oovery.
left, to ret home aa br»l they could,
tbe ermeni, Ibna cluaiag the pnnclut
bln.ple thing, have alirayi' been at a
Iwiwnn a foUi.pfuA
brcmglic iuy »lay in on Mid.
(tone ef them ae<-ore« ri«fa and arrltr.l
>-d apraeofon-altoUBBidA bow
^mlnm with, Vte.uB. mat.erL «■!
...... ..--nicn .rfthe ktoijarvn Tbrod.
m, nii.Vi .V-•'
Ididu'lel.vpuwiiik that night.
before daylirht aad othria were
/theCanudiau lumU-rUM-n an
. tbv oUnr day I wua talking
cmr. \Vh.n ■ Uiarh-magnc furl«i.l.- wagiT
’ -ull tbrnavli
the wrury boura
atioK with uoatuallrtettrer ol
beaded a gtuai deooratlM Ann about of iatlh- anituig the LiuubafdN to< <-a- ••i )
Ineed to aeek todplafa wberrwer they
and Weriii widsh. » i.-a u. i; ti
auch a miUL
oould dad tbeai. Captala Ycraiif abind
orraul. r.-d tto- O.m-rt «,,..lfi.m fora
• ----------.noruli.
"Tbit firm baa often, in deenratiag Am- iHibliw. Karly lu (to- iiiulh <v uioiy
‘“‘"wAilHUTXb l-i'IIiuv''‘<
Hra. 3. B. Kaen af attbefBOf plaok wliru theerowd diIX. Miu-e-ll IU .-IS I—v.i. >1
AltbuapU erarutiaJ to tbe mauofar. ing liiiu, mmle liu wuy
great matuiuni and puUk- buildiugi. to De Hedk-ia. a knight. dMeal.d in tingle
W. O. Boldea of Ptob embarkrd and endcarurod to let erery
tarrr mud to iiade. apruca trrea are of Leinalor tguan- Hi- .waa iptide aa carry out a oertaiu arbenra of color, and cvluVat 11:.- l-:ti:.:M Mugc-I. w bort-wa«fnlhoar, imd J liiFcumd from nuiparty one know thallli- l-wt wou'rt learr ■iriitiuiiiliy auiall vuluo aa Ihcy
tbal uus eulot baa to Us uuifmui •ed the Piisr-iitiiu- ui>mrt iMiwiwJKd
arrvaiita tkal hi- had callediopnu
tolbapartonoftbabetal. Tbarawera Bik Baplda is an hour, la erldenl to the fenat. A wnter in The Pajar
. Mugi'lld. (Him II graulid
Uelpaid. auolbi-r Prelx-fauiaD.. Wat 1
TbUfirni bad urn-man who. if
•totoWaaa^tbafBtoaawan aplriud that all did not undbrataad it that Mill net that dbor are U-twe< n 40fl,
rd K>-|«iol
I wcniihred. Nalarally
be will fail
way. Home declared that tbe boat'a
100 iwunt had to be painted, poold mPtfatpriaaa
ruinigK 1-uaiilid to«liF«
Before Injecting
ceaiml. pomp op
grooBd. aorli m ineariDua panaof New
fallibly mix frab aupidiea of^lor to
In wr. aad Hia. OraapWa of Datroft .wblatla waa Dotaoanded loaf eaoutrb grooBi.
■V luit'lled .
aUmt bim.uad luting M Ik-tpard bate
the (Ire. If you d.ra't. (be inner tab*
Enplaed would be worth Udvetai fS
the exact ibadw but during Ux 40 yeura
Imw-d leaa |
aoaaolatlaa. by Mr. Lay o' CU- before aterUaf bat Cbptoin Yoonf aadf ispaacia. Takiuf 400 troca to
' Uanrivirid luy
will l« flabby, like tbto.
of critlcuci. tbe firm twrer had auotbur galtouiry. Wilh il.c-iu
siniau had to |
d Hba OtoWadc MontaftK of Btatea that lie rare the aeoal neceaaary tbe BCTO aa a luala of eukatlatiuu II la
workman wbu could
d no
do tuia.
Imuijium. I
a afti r Ih-tpard bad
thtoMly. MraUaUraeaBaaddaltcion alfaala and etob .walleJ artiral -niln- abdwu tliat llwy wueld U> wortii oaly I
"1 could ramt for you 100 »rad.-a
III. However, wat t-oried |
atea after the'time apn-m-d before or S rx-ula em h. It to hard to rualiia MtN Belpanlo ir oat with a bag
foilMbnaBto to ba aamd.
w|||ratoinroMmaii eS.-cta bu object
h.'iaiih. Amudw-itha '
hu hand. Hr ha :dUCUb. wua diiv
aurtiof. lie Btatedwlim that be wa> bow cheaply
a few airokea when olliin
Ftnke h.-r at ahe oirWaKrlixi aiaiioii, anil tc
aot aware that any .had been' k-ft brt lonI oppur
F. but what 1 vrautio did arouud him. I|l« w.-apoD boiag a
toeg and palicntly.
• Inm- data tirki I to bvoUiaiupUio. I'uku
impteaa on tbe public it (bat
blad aaUl the. boat rearhad home
bull of itoo it tto- MKl .4 a ivmL If be
to him. 1 aaw him off and wut
pooMaa and gaard (or uiure mluur tiadi fmlnl to loach tovat (he third attetapt.
Wbateecr tba reawm fur th^ Ineooero
drivM. hhei to bit lodginga luqalriug
. ,
the rlKhl to col lO'.trm
arcrvtt of ibcir Uiaa Uie tsaixiA
laaoe of the anforunate en.-aralunUta.
af tortklf-Bn, aojc^ad
cm «ba ai uraee In ib« toreai, to make for M u. Iputd. 1 auM 1 wat M. Bri- en-r did or do."—Pearaun't Weakly.
him rii-atli
HatMtoBayaadaptoato dlBDBT tbera tbare are laany who arr ptnpiy wrathy.
bto l.Oul) feet, or a trifle oxit JU centa pard'a puriii'ulur friend. altuoFt hii
B-M-ailu uaVF tiullh
dtotoKtoy. ratantaf oa tba afuraoob
a Im.- Tberuitiuf and hacliusuf tbeae. brntbcT. Alu<. il wti tu(»t unfiirlnaate
do. lt w.t-‘ 1.0)11.1 ' '
Ffhc rrpair atrip li
11 bad mifiK-'I bimi iwoold. bow.beat. AJtboKbabaarynladaBa ap
In lhn<coo rue of a hMon- on "T.TcgPeDobarnl apruca Irna' Will aecrnpn
dxyi IF lUut wb. n- th. luv dia * n<r afWhen you have a puaclur .ffrttlltbl
II did aot totarlan to tba l^t wllb
ir.-w" d.liwrod ti-from 4'u la hu evuta veuh.—Kuw Yurk eycT. go to biv laom aud WTica a letter raphy. Wi
feni PI..I.VC10U ore- lot* to tiugir
fiding a (ire flat, wto a It baa a
oently in
I .j- W, II Pna-oe.
titiovtn Into IlelFard'a apartment, yon B.. F R. S.. Itte l.-cturrr asiitl be'bad cviii.lwt U> n-lBIU Hie r.*i>v-1 of nou'a
a< Hn. daab LUaey waa tbrowa oaaa crptolBK tela In 'tumhern w
may gui'to J vcp qatcklj- agumuicd II been alB.I.vIng tbit w.auli-rfijl iiiveminn fellow- oil n. L. till- n.i,kU<' og.vih.-f.'roolly of llallBU du. la |iofmv l.liif. "Any
aad tba dtoaar wn aarrad tbatc. It they all anite la proctolmrof Ihid^to toWtaru &e acTTgiit bud left me to «.
for the latl 47 yi-ani. Ill bla p.-ureb.-t.
oae of tba pleiianteal exparieacca they
Way of XHiitiiig an vueRiy to death
Ibal IrtliT. .Tlieic Wat UKItimg parti
board fence
be bad foaiid Usai lli-iv wat lillle
• m.d<i'i i. pmd .uough."
bare yet bad.
tor to tbo pines tare'a black l.-alber
ataato (aratobad by Hn. Utaay. aad
StoTona' lot to that rllluKa Ncnr.
diflen-iiis- beiwirni'I'VIrieityaud ligbL
:ir>. "UJirii an llaiiaa
Tba party mnatoliup <-f Mr. Urmia- Uta. Steerm ti-mlhiic with aflghernue
geadaaelalUMfoUotndUUtba boat
The Otsi idea th.ii be of ili.- Invcu. ppar.v l.iH vauitniabid
notod adl
adr.-rtury," aaya j
btte-k bag w ith a markon the brau tiou woi from Ibe f,#i iliat the li bUh. Tba todlaa faai fraatly iadablad far. bto Iwn yoBDtr mid.. It n and IUtpart of tbo luuidU'.
touidU-, the luark of a I
bart. Prof. W . A' Uneeon of tbe IrewU
phone company atoiiHl that lu Qray'a legi and glrra h
to Mn. Ulaar far bar
ni. ntoof lut
on-re kiwa. eyca at Inu roi • • ■
An hoar lalertb
waya? No abiiofit. ShensfeaTalbal
IV wbii'b
■ ■ wiW
■ aeiil fcluduira and p
Vtoa naato by tba Hlapaa orebnua laaUlate. Chbafo. and Omrr
a biiieniMi^
ipuin aud at Luudea on Ibe
tbumaso the Other aide pot up a atoiof
of AOdnaaddad to tha^^ plaanua.
(or M Heliiatd. cr, nlfaer, (cr
thal aim can am ba
Jely » to Hr. UoatefBe'a tltx^ yackl.
yard for a peu.
Onawa. aad after a than atop at
wi'v'k ewry watch
foot 10 fnrt liiirli lautcbrd board feoca
adittuuccof WI f.v'L Biperimiratawi-i
oa reached Ik-Tuar the third
kept. <Ti-ry wuri-b luadt furiliaipc
• '•
Tbe next point of inter■rat.
ik-lpardUd „cmm»«iHw«raIdtw pt. ically a

Cheap Homes


Farming Lands








€xe«iled frompjly
ftj ihe

Herald Offiec.



oat etolted waa llrairr Mlnea; old
Esfliab mlBCB iunf alnoe abaadoeed.
.tefcoto ttonraar Ptofna Uat tiaa.
Oae. A. Bartoftblaelly baa imJarto ahip ebaaael at the Soo brosfbt tbmo
bto' raMfoaUea aa a maabar of tba
•aa. .where betweea the
beard of traatoat of tba Martbera HIcb. focka aafe barbnra aturand. Oaa of tlir
poataof IhelladaoB Uay TrailTi^Co
toatlll atalnuined here, aad It to 'the
oaly trace left of tbr wild aad nrai^tlr
llfeoftbe for tcadera two butoirrd
ycara apo. Prom here the nprty
i<9»d-aAr^>hfOB)^--4.jSinUh Uieer
*M appetotadbj Uor. Rkb aad bto aritb Ito tbogiaad or mo^e^Df tolaad*.
ttotodldaetaspIneBU] laoo. h* baa whear pletalri^ne beaaty far exceeda
baaaaamrfitk worbaroatfo board that of tbr world famed -nioawiifi Ulaad ratlraawltb tba kaooi^ that It
ii to a deortoblar oeadiUoa.*iif tbe
Twao^of tba leeal •
a ebeettof a
It bUntoT to
WU> Manalb fallaiy ea Froet atraav
a tba prartoBB aoataat tbare baa
parfaetaeoraa ban baae Bade byladh
aidaala. tboa^ (a tba natoh tba blfb-

w-aiaiill at bit lodgingb' 1
penoa finiug ou lop
> bidaoaa I
tall, d on tiim ooc day.
fool boanl li-uetv gazing up ■
"M Oi'timtd." I auddeuly atoad
Dew-rt atnet. n-menSuT It la
lanaiic, ouly a woman whoae rhamiiiu: bim. ''wcolil y.« liks- (niwru ClOul"
eh-w of gm-ii lawua, elegtuLcarriugra.
beaniifuUy clnaaad ladi.a aud Oed'a
lately marviug—ADBctte. tay wile,
(tMb air haa b-en ahut not aud aha la
'pilttogcm tbe f.-noe to aoe them fO and I,"
■•Tlma." 1 aaid. "tell tiw where
by.'•■—Bar Harbor a«*»d.
Bepau It "
"Yoa know all tbeaP' ba altaeot
TUer IteaT Uba Wbaala. ,

Cab drieera in London tbia aaaae
ooiuewliai "ni-.-t''abont tbr pn-ralnoa
ef tbe ull p-rrading bicyde. Una day
toat wacL a lady aud bet baebaud wen
walkiug iu their U-al garuu-ula. When
tbey-were overtaken
a atanwer of
»nin They balled aereral pataingcato
ready to welentne -.rlMrxliop and m' mru. wbu atonk ilicir b-uda aad n-flUKi
made a atop at l.itu- Cm rent. •« Itreat UaiNwer Ilvar autumona in . the moat
Haaltoalio udkad. w Wre. at tli<- eulynmbnila
drug aloer to the <!.• .r..eian Itoy r. floo. abe la<Iy. who w aa without
they refraahed th- I'ourf mao with lor and rlnUKd iii a Parta
came b-arful. and bur
cream loda and kcmlr.-V luznriet A
delightful lall back OB the uui.«de
pataage brought tpem to the familliuga If yon will drive me to ——
u flying graundt of la-a Cl.m-^ oquar.- ' TlH-rabmaticiieckedbtoban*'
iBZ. '-where they eujjyed life for' and utcaiii.-ally biaaed tbroc galliug
few dgya. taking to Mackinac laUn.l w.icib: "Zitl Uo now and gM yo^

MwaaPTpototaoatof apotolUa luo.
A. B. Itorry. ao; C C
on Uw trip home. -They raaebed tMd
MarbCbaw. eit.WUI HanaL SS; Daa
Oaltoaa. at; Prmak Boonr. M: Bafaaa
teaMl. tti 3. K. Mirttoab. at. Total.
DanSlrtoktoBd.n;d. W. Baaaaa.
M: a B. Cbftto. at; Prto Bobtaaaa. at;
Ttobar Paaatoftoa. W; a M. Itoricar,
•1; Jaeh Wbito. 17: H. Vtoue, at: Bd.
Mranb. at; W. P. Kaaaay. ai. TWal.


Tba Maatotaa Maoa ataiad Priday*
"Jaba & RUSaaa toft tbto atoratof
tor Utoad Uba. •Then ha KriU
to>aaata a parat Maatotaa.:
to oSar tba

. Matofar^a.
laratobad «ltb city water aratoa. aiu
afaBfoadowttobtoto tba plat, de-aihtbaalaetrto
V that woaM fa to
naha ap aa tdaal a

-d and bappy.
. .
, • .
rddeo Koa that U.e pope ta x.
t <Jr.v?c.l anchor; taatew ana the Princvn Marie Loniw
Travefae harbor Tburaday.
Tlie ■ to n-a a nucle bkMcm. bat a gleatoiag
fataneb, ' oompuord <ff tevcril flowera
lightfut. aad anthlag unpl ua\ In tbr bodt, l.-avi-aairi evvm tliorna, tbe Rwe :
w top 1-ing
l.-ing tbe
(be largeat. Il ia all of :
-Ideiit or
-eoceurrad at lbs
at gold, aud witblu tbe rrtee 11 a |
to c^t a abadow or
iwe wtwk'e
tiny gnideo cop
mp with a liA (ontoiiitog
(rati eg.
matk aud mlm all wfairii the pope baa'
Priday for
, .______ i^aVaie 1
Cblogw. but hit brother will rrmaia
gold, ebaw-d with tbe eudrun-d ar-^
torafewdayawitbklr M<rai
morial hearing* of Ito-groattwi-late uod i
win eadeavn- to add (.> bto lanfeU aa a tto- nwal gr»>e-« Tbe papal .Aclal |
by caplnriag a fry big. rwie- wbo IF to bi-ar ito- aplendid gift ii vMed wilh the diguily and impcrtoiiee of!
how aad aatoma If
" emtaaoMlnr and will be received
wteb gnat hmxrt by the honoeet WnnOf inureat to A'ewrauB
Thraaaaal rvanlQo. at Itlg Baplda. •Ctoto*!-—York Tribona.
Heptembn. Ik. ISaodlT^of the Hold-

to auy diatiuice, aud llio firat ttote I
teated It worked admirably at S.OOO
fivi. Iwter on uiiwaagra to Uw Brialol
ebanoe] irer* aent belwccB two iaiaudt
At ftet aa tbe gatoi Qtengtfa
■onje nillra apart.
Tbu juvcnticiD woold be of great
aerrlee lo llgbcbouK-o. aa allbougb tbematio
tverylblog poraible waa docw to kn-p
Tk* Mag «• Kara.
upeammuulcaliOD with them it wat
Dreainet—loFtki-d Mna Wi-rkte if 1
to carry ihli oot
migiii boru ii.c-mw at to* al^ua.
Doaberly—Wbat did tto- uyl
Onaiai*—AakMl. "Wbat'i tbe mat­
waatbera or andcr auy eonditiooi.
ter w-itb mom-yr—Eveumg Jonrnal. ,
He had been iWiug on 8M vibntiont
a Mcood..lait Mr. Uarrnui bud Oenra,
bigbte and waa .-ai.tim.-Bting wJlB
t&O.OOO.OOU vlbralioot lu Ito- oaiue time.
b und yoa tbaJl be h
Tbr main aecm of tbe whole ibiug wat
rated a momMit aad Ihea went tba fortw with w hich tba elrotriciiy can
on: "Bi pau baa an.-d to ms Uke a ; be aent out from the tranamitur lo the
aconmlril. I'll tell all."
| receiver. Il waa ptactirally rpit hot
Tliootnndt of poondt are miveyed. from tbe tranomilter like Jnioiatnri'
daily from (he rl.Uf London luuka to I UgbtBUig. ana tbia wraild be furevd
tto'ir braorb evtablitbrn.'iiii fo tfa.l rub- along at a pmatareof 8&0,00<kou0 wavcB
tuba nr Ito- city. A braueb hank waul- a oveond to Ibe rrroivM.
lug CB-h ai-udt a epiiple rf ch rkt lo Ibe 1
toailnlllce. Ibi-’ciim.-y nxinindlt plaeed
^amMlaa la Crtppla
btos-k ^•‘^lhl'r bag*, a^cab ifi-wl - Ont to Cnppla L'lvefc the gambliag
^ '
booara are running to rveiy aaloou.
They an- huge glided affalri. when- the
dowtnpan-dmiaaway lotbeir tnaeh
- •
; tbetrelffhlhoorak
baa fnr many year* paai tlwir time luif dk H-.V tonewd of'^tbiuk'
it practice bat
-led (beoitt.-ulicui of gasga rl elev- tog <
moiberand flilii
rr tbiereo. and
pay off tbr
' I ef poBBda arr (beir anefct with
Often loo to tnnaiL
tbe faztoa bark totow.
Shortly brf<^ my totraricte With Tbe men auM fire and tiz deep behiad
gedd aad the
■eUwBletaiag (be playera m
■ST mooes, tbe lem advent
A«-W*' to rilver bad towa lakew.
About lU u'rloe.k to (hr
Iiy bavuig tJ
elrtkt from a branch bad arrived at oaw
tilL havinf
n biggeat c itral banka, aud
‘fl I^
daring ttonr autHriTy
tbe black <* Ibe red. ' .....
mno-y tb.-vofL bad tov-o pal tote baga, olaelud pik* of ailver coto and gold
the operabBi <rf
a patting rob lulled, and tbceler'a aod
' '
tto- caab aeen tolcly into it
duoea every little while take ortwaioo
’nay did not amv.. lit
at tto- braoeb lo ahow that tbe game ta backed fay
efBoc. tnqairr apd aeanb
mech more than Ibe tbooteiid teooibal
f(* Ibrtt, and al length ibo two
k to eight by dtaplayiog a nark of btUa
found unecnar: 10, a nl.d to a cab.
RcepiBCle behind the table where
cf which the dnviT ba-1 .Utappraiad 1C tbe notea are thrown when paid1 to.
a hyraail nff Hami^vad in tb* bonb wriib a kind of rteUcte abandon tbal ii
of Loiuloa. Ito- Iwgv of money bad quite taktog.

Molh.Hls of_raisinjr_whcat ami_all tiUicr irr-Tins bhoolil
f.illow in line. _Yoo are cordially inviUtl lu call al
my 6lorc at I3l State Street, and cxainimj.'iny.line
of (irai^Drills a^ Broadcasl Swilcri^T^licy ary the
I,Kidrrs. and price* low.

lera'aadHalUm'Auoclatlon of aortb- . BliaaOannaB.-tto- poet, fate art people
wewteiB Hichigwa. It gatog Ui be a big , guvariug. He w-rote in Ibe Boatoa Traaaffair. Among (be "big bagi" WWIwnpiof wbat be ngatth-d at tbe tea ridden c with the wind. $ ol Ibe cab
have promhed to attend ara Col. A. T. I *riwl.« lyric poema IB tbe ^Itoh Ian
<a- up. OB ;b(ir way to Ito'. ranrb oflbs.
Ullaa.pov. I'iagrec. Llea. «I*v. Itoatan.! «W>' Tb* llAea wen- aa followi: “•A' Tbeolbey bad »u<idtuly 1of> tbrir naiatw.
(toe. nerra. (tom. Bathuriora. Scaabw '
Spring^. "
a "(tok. lip 'imc. it beBa,rowa.C<-grraM.te.M,utekand ex-1
Jravedigger." "Tha , kmgvd to uo owner of cwlie to Inadca.
Oragrawaaa (rDo„a*,|.
Mel-bcrwra , Kan^ya Pride.
'Tb* Bod Wolf" Be- |t waa a maatra^ d.-Tuod for tto per•wt ofTravsrtrCity alaaya takca Aa>; bind
' ^
‘-nie Late Wateh", pettatioo of <«w <g ttorlcvcrrat nd*
ad now aome toriva <d mndcin (l^ia. a nbtoxy to.
« that they' wbicb It ovrmed wcatorald bcWt diecf all them eovn tba
damea C Hill haa anid hla teevrad poea.*. and that they o vv^ baforuaaw hO (d(w to them waa foii^rUMgb
head farwlture atoea oo Eaot reou
«he illka of ««« < tbma. Hanla KfiW wm Offered ^vatcly by tbe taak
I flat thalr anmi.



of last week. XflH7 bars^B


In a.
of (he room a crowd;
will be aboottag sapa a Urge aad totencrly ahaorto.d crowd witaariBg tbal
play ai each plaea. Off at me aide
atad poker
gam* ia rawing. —
Tha old
mtoan aecm to favsr'tUt gam* p
larly and Ibeir griaW ftatsiat
tb# totenrity <d thalr lateiiat aa tba
chtpa m* apd gm
AoaiBaL -c
H «ai »M
a>d pUMod it to tba |M«M t( Wa JiM

Mon's all wool Kersey
I’ants for..................... . 1.79
Men’s all wool Dress I’ants
worth 2.50 for................. 1.69
M.-n’s line Worsted Pants,
worth sx» for................. 1.98
Boy's Long Pants, good
wear, for.......................... 48c
Men’s Si4DO Wool I’anls
Wool I’anls
for....... -............ ..............
Men’s 50c Satoea Shirts

for yon to pick op.

1 Y's Wwl Knee Pants
Men’s Cassimere Suits, fast
colors............................... 8.98
Men’s Cassimere Suits
worth 7.50 for................. 4.33
Men's Black Clay Suits
(regardless of tariff) for 6.90
Crash Hats, to close
onl)- *...............................
Boy's I-ong Pants, extra
heavy ..............................
B(|>'’s Corduroy Knee Pants

ToBm, Mudou to plMM.

rr. J- BCOST,

Popular Clothier,
124 Front Btroot. Frlodrieb Blk.
TmTorsa City. Xieb.

CHUHP rSmrESBBE Hg»^T»D AP&PST i9 1107
btatofaaod Waeli laaphartlea from tbo



Aeba Aimetrasf. who died at BIteh
Baa Wedaeeday. waa wall kaoer^ L
O. O. F. elislm. WbUe la TMtato.
ObL. ha aad a Beotehmfas. WtUiam
U SmM Uwtar Tni ■•rU'i
la WniUa afoar-

At U*t» SapUa Ba>. X. J. Hall baa
a baahli/ aUelcaa thrac. BMeUw old
wttb t»o bodlaa, foar loca. bat oslj
Barr»Paai«a broke Uaana laplleh.
torajl iaaiaBOai PlaaeaBt LakJ

%0Waablp. b a*rM?Grar of aalm^
Ua to tba prood poMMret»
AtOoldiratarMtoe Kellie Or
UM witba Hejrelkat.
laiertoeoB beadaad
■• '
Id for Ilia
Halah Ooprioad, a roaar bop of Ber­
tas tosaahlp, fall i: feat tbrouli a
aorfUdlaf oa tbe bare sad lajerad hto
akoll au badl/ that be ma; die.


be dayu'iyJ^



tt Oiraeao. were etarrbUe warklDC la the
ed wl
beta ball. SS lacbr
ilop a l«ak.
'Inf to atop_______
bteh had kodred U iti tbraaV learimr
rer them a load
iroofta. Ttaa^eow to
jheap etran haa
Swkiac too maap cheap
and ae ebipper aa <
RSaitrd aafortoaalelrrfor
for Joha DickU<
or. of BkKppiarlale. Ula loaroe
hHVoe haa
Cbarlm Kelaoa. who area abot la the

beaet while rldlDC tbrooeb a Chlear>
paek. to aow bellcrad to be dyiny la
^lllac CbitafO dnclora located the
T ama drirea a borry ballet by X-raya aad declared that tbt la aa eartcaUd to coleea aa waa erkato bad pamed aod that NrlauD
opb'a enatof blblkal tame.
Eaeb woald lire. WbeO be went to Oadlllar
-J be
all ridht asd
b1 la of a dUtereet eolor, aa arc at- —_______
aa of eheerful abd bopefol. bol a tew daya
a^ha pole, boa sad other portloaa
OffD pawelllny
emny ^ipeared
speared la th.
. .. .
oi the heart and the left aide perUy
nooald Oorh.ofi K-Boatbaidd Cedar paralyaed. There to lltUe bope for him
Bpriar> beby. iall Ulo a boiler of blator water aod waa aearly drparood
Thonyh they own a properly worth
when rianaad, Bla raeorery la ODoei^
to the potoopaaa effecto of •0,oou. Mn. Barah C. Ctatea. ayed Tu.
tala oeriacic
aad ber S(>-ymrH>ld naatarrled
aaatarrM daayh
daayhtba Malar.
Ur bare almoei aUrred to'deatb al
At JUy OM Oraar* Betta. hto wife Uaelny. The molfaer boa hero dnloy
sad two ehUOrea alo bollad eabbape work for tbe Micblyao knluloy com
oad came near d^ from
It naay. bat owlaylohe...............
o«lay lu her feeblecoadition
to thoorhithe aUmre bad broB aprla- baa made bet elybt ceoU a day. aod
hled with partorraaaaad had aot We abc baa rafoeed to accept morb help
proprrly prapaW
Iran the oelyhbora It to aald
Attiraad BaAda Mtoa May NokboMicr oat of .doo
Udad with a dalieery warns wblhk^U- laraed her old mother
Ithc wUlbe
aa to ber mol



sUsrbed to the drieer.

Moblamelt ia Ue^ait^'mtoblv*ra?^a trap
hto owe derlaiay. He takea a piece
. mestirom tbe acrap paa la the re
At Alma iba little daa^ter of Olaede
Cbadwieb ras oot of a aaeood atory Uaraat ontoed by bit Biaater, carrlea
wiadnw at Odd rollowa’ hall, ded wa> down lain the baoeatent asd plaeen it a
osly eared frcsi death by little t-year. few feet from a rat holm Tbca be Ilea
down to watch, aad when aome haeyry
rat reatarea oot after tbe Jemptlny
monel, aprlaya on tbe rodent aad
«ra K. J. Eaa. of LasMar. baa re- apMlIy ataakte It to death. Tbe do;
^e«d word tbalabe baa baea left •St'. eaoyht IMraUlo thkawaylaatt .
No oae rte- uaybt him to do thia
................................. Joha trick,
be barley picked It op hlotaelf.
led at Pertlasd. On.. Jaly SO. tosrlai
The Mate to ea.aed at

The rtoit t
Halyaria. who to aooompaoled by M.


11 b
aUp, caaiua cusaty. fell Iwcaty feet the laUer'e expreai Isrilallun.
tram a hayloft aod brake hto left lef la eodaatood to be due to tbe fact that
bare baea acinally made
■ a daclant
of Balyariaa ladeBdeeee at I
ne talUB. Manoed at the praepeet;
look ihto rray of ladnclny Priaee k^wUaaad. if poealUe. to afaaadcs tbe

wiJsrii-K VuTt:

termadtbedattoeof hto oOae aa aaaal

liny cloaa npoo l.flOOmeaof
clam and from ernry pari of the r
XD^ loft OS tbe Dtaefasd Brtotol.both
flito aa>d MWly lameated that !■'
1m had sot made oae of them a
bbylar too wall ratto«ad Uto.^
taeaoUyre** Mrth-1o tripleta,asa^
at tbam arc boya
Howard Bopktaia. i
fans that he ol

Awid f(^W ^

A UrtIMa thasder atorm aweiM oar
«BWftprW>aaiardayBlcht. itorta
thtoteailv parforamoaa of Hat Wi:
omb dreea the amoerar ordered e
ase oet of lha testa, fearioc
-mesM eollspae. Tba arowd rot
■ fgWbsaffltotthadowaposr.aadi
AMtobM ww billad bpUrMs



pktseui home at Pkirer. Wta A wMw
aaMTce him.
rsfd la I
irr barael.

I Tbe atocT (hat there .waa a dyhi li
S-montha-old child of Hr and Hta ] We* \Wnia between -ftop- UaldeU
ikee. wae and a-dhcrin |>mr to dented.
n»e Uhr I (Worse Dobier. If >enn old. ssa kid.
f .had fallen aeteep will
lurerd le naped from bla brnne at Cbksso to
broad daytlsbt by an onkaoas man.
. Wia. fainted In I
be elxhi (f a> Grh hook In h<
numb. She f. overboard, i
Uinetr aaoletanre would htv
Two brotbera

______ atraot to alh atraet.
aty Teeaaoror'e report foe a
Jnly. 1«'.
Aldmsaa n
-pud and Ol
Kill of firo


. lai^^rr-aetew..^

drowned >Mar 'Pta
the capaUlnsota
ibe dA-llnr le atlt-rr Ihc
at idab.1 BprlhS.. Colo,
a force of ^ worklas

i haa
a dm hi



knUe. Reef
lay of tbe
node by & h
S.. 1 determined lo sire
a trial, and after I bad taken it a few
daya, tbeeaaceriMcame irritated asd

IhcdeatrayerkkadbcldfaUaway. I' TUwwta u u «4«.a u>MPM.m*«M

A Real Blood Remedyi '
aespect an crperatlos to cm

Balicylic aeid. or toe aalicytatto.


need fox toe pnarvTatMs of fonda Tbit
tbnnucal to a valuable and potest tbrx-|Thar*day.TUi
day ofrietebar.
of tVteber. A.D MPT.
api-ouc apeni. bat it abraild ba tsRodarad tnio tbe oumrarh fuc nootbertea-1 sir*,............ ............................ .
aim than for toe poipora of onmbttlap |
XXlieciKivvu lunrrdiclnaldiM, irar.uiik' (wu-vuc ommSm •*
tola rrtaedy will, if rtaitinned beyond a
daya. (ondofe n oiswratins Isriu- j;
loftbe atomurb. from wbito tecoe-I •e.iu* i.M.; lim'iw^u merarakW
■yi..l«.,.ri.n.lBUkiitt plmm It |
uaadiurvtiratid adsapbcBMlcaod. lOra^u'•wkbwMb.tvtta la. eraans
lly. ia a powi-rfol i
. UMMMTr*<Trwt-ny. Ski
aufficlest to dnbBT tU !,
Bto oa an aBii*.-pl>r frw (be praorvatiai'
of fottto.—Laucvt-Ointa.




Order* for Job Printing left at the

will rpc*iv* prompt

irVred F

By JboixT.BBaMJt.
y of them bad aot_______________
I A aamber of tha asUra orabarda
wUI be oat dowB.
UeaUot rooaty tana me ooybi i
haraaar kkek oomisy U aU the rnril U mnn mbtht BOk^V^tr
tbo aoqaty yUlda aa wek) aa baUma


asd eeaaalted a
r»d doctor, who
praaooncadkt eaa*


aoeepud and tvdered paid
|aIouo Fcrrltl near Huahby. U_ <
Hntloo rarrUd by yea and nay
afier a bard nybl Perr.a and hto ■
aa followe:
klltrd Btity-three of tbrm. Tbe dm
n Parker' Mee>>nrae.
l-adlc MTatrbed and t
ilondrieh. Cook. Lardie. asd HsallmsaI, Falbra
, .
..( Jarfrevlll
Kiaumeat and psyroU of
r . M. MiPbrf*ei. a At he
Public XVorka:
,; aai
Father Chartea lle«c*. tt At N.
. ni.. Daria He-re, IS. Al Web.
r. Iowa. Prtdraaor J. C. OilAnai.
f“*'*~*” am
■... erat'i Tbe uheal yield of Waalilrjrt

______ ____

for boram. from Ua
of her bold
! top of be.* cabin deck, ^ ersry
ink aod eUllAe oocaolcd. eloae npoe
0 men yolay es tbe Brialol. aad jaat
mnoy kioraee aad malea. The lalandbaa jatt aa bly a crowd, bat an
e apace on then toukcaapby i
Jtysnt of ameoud'pn'iee, their doya

lndi Me!


' has suse to Knsland lu net-ure au
hertUDC* of ll.WO.aiS. R*td. a farmer of Been
Ofs<4 coubD. Wu, waa killed t>y L
iim|ia1ed-tai a |>IIihtork. upua whirl
etfork while elidinx “
am eevruUy plotcd In drydek at
•rd lUlh-(l. of
Ol N'Mr.ab. Wi*.. and
Mira Gertrude Hart, of Meoatoa. V
! W- J. Bryan hae returned to Btwneer. | were wedded five month* ese. but
..Ntcmalldm. from hi. wv.mren dff trip'■’annooncrciWtii wsa wlibh'ld anlU a
- ; £ thr.o.,h t-elt. W.t.ib. Iiark.
diyaasupesebee Ihto ynr tbaa erer before
davvacu. ^
?«»■ Kthan Albr ••-.e.—u wo. .
the tranaporutina facHitln will be
Five prtoenera rbarced w lbt burslary
betier tbaa afforded la any prerleaa'
overpowered Jeller Ilea Carroll, choked
ati load* era.el ai lo
. a> ui
*•' " "i
InaenrihHIty. ^>ui
................. a.*-'
C. r Itarrta fell fMiii a Ihlrtyfool ar.d feet, took hi* irvolver aud ke>-* and
ao.lir.rl. ...................................... r e jaaeol.l ohlle lolrUi a at ITuiler. tnd, ew-aiwd (nmt |all at lUw llns Wyo.
Council Proo^i
^ and ivreived lnjuil..< uhbh |.r..vd fatal,
IVteona w-ho evidenlly have a grvdgt
B^Iar meeiioy of.City Cooactl bold
rtie I(-)'rar-eU •-(< of Itlrbard. Ilell. Oxalnet IVimiy Came Warden ainier.
lloaari nr Woe
ins oi.uih of St, niirW. la.. wa« bit- of tTalrie du Chim.
,ino wa. tailed loorder by Hii
Jao.T. KvaiMS. Chairman.
, three llmca by a ratllcwukrend ■
lupped down aH the trae*
t. Rit-ksan. Clerk.
treat aa-my.
in bla1 orchard oq hto farm thrwe mile*
I'cewat— Aldermrc l*arker. HoaUKl-.tar 1
1 hj Aid ____ ______________
yoe, itoodriefa. t'nok, Lordle. Uupllhr
of ear.ftei i-ef D
and <larrto<« and
• aa
«nd- ' I’le-e netmorant
tin. ,h
-laima be ordered paid
ill-sed. ar. ».-T*-arrrfl.
retra of laat reyolar meetiad
The dtadl;
Motion carried- by yea asd say aoie
oorraeud aad approred.
.r;.lr thr Mirp..r «rul TPy a. followar
Ycae—Aldermen Itorker. Moelayur.
,»rU -r
CU,,.J Tmvcrwt<Uu.
Ilondrich. Cook. Imrdle. Uoelmantel. Usbled rtsareltc In fcf* nxiulb H*
iirf UarriMo
Ilaney and Rdward X^.
oaderalyned. reaidenta and
Iilnx the Field Oulumt>U.n
Ua payeta ■ •
Srd IT ■
waa ertifr..* a
,ei.. amwled al The
Iilliof K- I.luodrlch of f
axee were lorn c.peb nril a \
<r roiibiiis Indian cravaa

Areoor and Carter aU
iruMid tins that vai In uer c
rented aad read.
laiform line aad prade k> Ibi
Hot M
l by Aldrratan Monuync that
The ensacemenl rt Cisre Anaba.
mac boild cerblay. aad 011 In aod
tbe bill be allowed asd ordrrad paid.
auxbter of ibe «.-i:-kn.iwri rhlt-asc
mid corbl^.
thereby beaatl.
1^. t
Motlon-earrW by yea and say
aee hall player, Adrian C. Ati»en, ti
ituury; At Orneva, >
felay oor premlaea aod malrioy
rnlter II. Cl- usb. (i.rTTi>r)y nr lAOven.
Juud>.- ih* wulplor. t
.............. -........... ................ -he .1Yiaa-Aldermen Itorker. Monuyae.
'orth., Kan, la aBno'uB<-,d.
III', Obi tain \(-inutn
tt tfaij
lioodrieb. Cook. Lai^le. Uoelimantel,
.1 Kan Vianviw
Chalev Pievera wa. urreateil at Nrillaand GarriMo.
IMvdo. O.. Oaptaln Calvin
ritlr. Wla, V the »h--riB from Emmei
boildloy. or who already bi
hunt. Ia, charred wiih f..fxlne .rdi
Al JUmvv. Ill*, Mr*.
iefroot of tbeir premlaea.
- irnetrney l.ynch. <
-The Mayor appolBUd Itott I inn arid The ahenirjiad rTtrtdill.Ti^i-rv fr
I Charlexan. Dia.
makcd to baildto................................
me* r.rllrallh
:i. Hardy at aprclal policem< u with- the xoveriMfa of Iowa and TVIre-raln
lay the whole atreet anlform.
I H WlDDle. Joha ilaa.lomkT. A C
__________ MonUyee tint
k. Of t\'lar,.n'
Itoeprea. S U McMicbocl. XV A Newua.
i* lo be ramiv
- apeololmt
apeelolmepUa. ma>lebcoondrmed.
Anbor Uayae. Adolf llaoalotaky.
mendwl fCT Hi eiraUnji diectplioa.
lotion carridrt.
n Mnntayue. tliai
loTcd b
Tbu wn olweraed by n lady who livaa
e merred to tbe commit
in tbeeaat tsd when tor old lams eto. aod bidrwalki to report
.nater from U>e Coontlayent land
tiem bsnrrd. t>be wna awakened ^ Iba
•Sliomthcoreditoflherariooi faada
alat^ aud, neclny n yivul liytal is toe
dotlM carriftf
U XVblle uniyirc
dim<d. nitbooito tstra toon B
' Utc IIou
her horee
Hre Dep t fat
icled and fell and
dUuut. asd rtrnok out for tba
roxndl ».
>rm1 atrarl
toe home
h r head aeveral
of tbe fire. After walluny aboat
Itoller fnpd...
I- n eye. breakins
l.iyfat fund...
1-re and cutlln; lbrat>k|oanet« of toe diMasce aba
reacbed tbr k>sIm boaae. aud. wriay
Jtoor fund....
farr taee In a a
er etraet andjiclalty. r
At Fori Kri<
"^Kulkl,,. .N. T.l that too oipioe bad sot. been taken Mt
BilUrday Ktar
r did a mile In yet. abe atotred to Inqoire what waa
yxprel WebaUr atreet. from Uoec ei
toOarfleld a--------tbe malhv Tbe chief tvplitif chat they
HoUoe carried.
K Clereland.
F. Stearaa. V
w-oiiluK to call toe rail, and aome
Gentry tried u Iwat the ev-vid. Ptui
». H Day. A ■
of Ibi' meiulvr* bad sot arrived, toot
sui-eeedid in dulns a mile.In
kfr‘x^ylwinaunctodto ^Id^cra
Perkiaa. J C Dereadorf. O I) Millar. '
they nev..
GoVfTour Drake, vf luun. Ww
*M Akeraiaa. Ura FB tlriRlo. FrtiU- walk acram R R Aemaue OD tfar See
Thi*. tw explained.
urned to Oruti-rvlI..-,-[xl* h.-itp-, from oallms II
Perry. C Cbbimay. D Btrkklln. Boy eidr of StaU atrarl.'
It ftoad ka'iny praeMoUon

Winnie. Uoo U SUarsa, Talbot Uridley.
tici-d apnu (he -riTv, which pay* twrb
J- B
0. II
Ilarton Coiri
" .Irin. Jennie H
Moved fay Alderman lioadrleh tt
T of lire roiDpuuy wlio tcsptaide
and David Malpw. lather Bi
Adtlt. 3 II Hall. NetUe Stearaa
committee of five, conabAiny of o
<epiur<d ai Onii-acu (or mat
alarm »l
»-e vratsTrlo my
On tm Cook. dniy.
Mmber of the Cooncil from each
llM-re I* trot auoUrvr fin
muec of aal.-unke..|wrv are li
the Com^ita m'sico^ and Sideto toe L'uiuei
ii«i blutc*
run en
Im prrUininy to the nrlrcUc
ally n. our.,-1
L-n.-ral Nelior A. Mllva V. :
able sr.>unda (or parka may b
k. the UotUTTobk. the Jfou'
n sract'd permlwJiin to
Said committee to be criceu
Couneir of thcCllyn/ Tn
am aftBid.-'aaid tbe optintotSOallbetilledbylbeCit
r bar suSM' lu Bt'Kkhuli
mar aball
be tilled by the City Cocnell.
.. the nndenlyaed
MoUon carried.
IncUstly. "tbit tbe flyurf machine ocr
rmidesu aad Uxpayen do reepeet fal ly
Moved by Alderman (iaerlaos that
Loul* 8ciiafn--r. IS year* ol
d talk* aboat li a mete fasey.-’
yoar boDoraMe body to ordra the CommitUe on XVaya and Mesne be
C-blvaso, Iw-mnie ur.d uf
ift -replted to* akepttc.‘•it la'i
-thehalIdIerofa.idrwa]koB the eoath
aatboriird to order the mut cloaet in
eres that, t bare beard of each a thins
aide-of Tenth alnet from Uke aecaoe
to Ceea atraet with croanlny to oonimct tbr Gate atraet rnyine hoear reoob- htmaeir He' waa dlvcovervd' In tin
. flisbt of fancy.-^Vaabloftai
ind rut downonto the walk now oo the nootb aide of atrocted in lu pnmeal loeaUon.
MnUon carried.
t that Canada wot “sauyTenth atreet wcet of Cbaa atreet. atoo
On motion of AiarrmnUaadrieb.da1y
CM walk aeroea Tenth atraet <a U
- Ooone
- meil adjonrned.
te by cbarplnx tl
*^Mde of Cam atreet.
dutira I* (Bine,
vr.ew.c~ .d
Dated UiU the Utah day
>yof Jnty. I
Ibere I* al le*al wv CrvaCeC diaeara
City Clerk.
w ka* bran aUr lu rare la^ *11 II*
boiler of a aaw
Haapact tbe Stomach.
laand City. 111... In Ken
S'Cw-a. traleealir ^7*Urrb belay •
Few people de fasre proper r
d SatUtday kllUns toe >
K»oe. T A fhonto. Nat l Ikmn A lareot- Ibe —---------L
|( a
, ti
alomoeb. tt
. •
sew. Uairmnl Co. |,
I. ttoborla.
Roberta. Ally ;: llreua for
*eUa* rtlreel)
Tompkinn. H J Holmcn. E «> Strony, y^" aad to bM to hot or ao cold aa to
ij lib-' >y*<es. Ibreeto «e*trvrlw •k'
lafal tot-.
to tbe Stoath
or Ihraat. It to
>e palatal
oils Mnlfdao arrived (are*
.S Heellmanul. Jmeph Pefron
(•MlwLallOf. ut la* Ol»eM*. abC |r1*r*V Ibe P*
i.rway, report* tUai leoii .iwovia hrbuiMiar.ueibe <e.w*tn*uc*.
Moved by Alderman HnellmaaUl tbat't iwallowed by toe many people reyordlem of on
urday.n balloon sulns and a**i.llny oalDr' lu duloy lu work TW
Ur peli^ te yiaoM and that
uu.LiTM-b.fw ka*r *u Bo*k lalik la lu ruraller
tbe etomaeb t,)od that
auaTr*, lha. lk») oOerOueB.lMlMC OfUai*
Will Irritate it or retard it la the per-,
. Andrer-* liall»'n
(ur au) raw ikai II taltaMrurr nrnC lul Ual
anee of lU aataral functioBa. or it
wlU retaliaU ia a
B way that to decided
■ buminr tor a pretty
ly aaplramal. A •bea«liM.-he.a"lamp.atyCehly dre«>ed. and i
or -bmvy foeliny - ii tbrewmach. asd
e livery Turn-joi i
_______________________ are taoaUj
OaUy a>mp-,
an hired
- Yraa—Aldermen Parker. Mootayne. IrriUUon of thr akin.
m rmaltlay
tomiof dtoordrred dlyeotioo
e ns at I
4-KmdHch. Cook. Urdie. BaellmanUl.
from anwbolceomefood.
Hon F.thai
lllehcork. • premand Oarflaaa.
Alam tmklay powdera are rmpOBilbir
Miul* whom Pn-alXaTk—Kese.
There U prrbap* no besnrb at foraisa
for UtaJarypr part of tola aawbolenl MvKl. .
lly apiwiri'd am. trade in wfalrb toe United butn* bta
T-aeereeClty. Mkh.. Any. If.. ItaT.
nse fftid. for It to a fact well receyarcTpied the won a mrse rpeedy racoBBiiioa toon la
7b Ihc IlmanUt
iird by pbyalelaBa that alam render*
rliian. TM*, t» ol
•f tht rUy '•! Tmecric Clip,
wd iodl^tlbleaBd aawboleoome.
The daayer to Imalto from tola caair
I ao'lmmlBeat that It heboovea every
w*a almoet entirely in toe basdt
_________ ad that .. ........................
at Enropt-ao moopfanaten. and tba
.Idewalk be built at Ibpeatl aad of tha
Atsencao luccBBOtlre waa an ahknowa
brldyeacraoaBoardmaarireron Went
qaaatity osuide of toe United Statta
men left fi|<ncer. Wli
It will be found that tboae
Fraat atraet
Alio that abnet oar- aurts.
The eenam were not far to ceek. la tba
for (be Dakota seel
half rod of walk be built at Ue West pewdrra told at a lower price ihas
firat plnre toe lars* aolcsia] Inleteata of
etn beins four tbrmhin
' mid Mdfre cm the a
aortb aide Royal are almoai invariably made from
toe Earoptan oautroi tsoosbi tocmi in.
>' wHI yira to bXracliau
a much rnlom. and tbrnfore of Inferior qsa'ity
r. one of toe men wb
to derm oonUrt with fmelss euica asd
r path aad will
ill alao be of Xbeardt ud danyaroat to bralib.
wellpecplea wire bad (be tqrponanity U
Tbecnilof mi
knows rrd-aod-yellow label of, the
•ee toe Earc^raD knpsndTe al work.
Rnyal Bvkicy ^wHer. ^ That tot»r^
. . .. - powder
I tor plalI a Houtbern (rain
Rnyal i* made o(
SMd ayctem of tbto e
pore, wbolraome fruit acid derivod
ttacadmarily rapid and pro
H dead, tut h^T ilf
m yrapeareap**- It k»rc«..
forpddas srormoot demand tar k
.................................................. o the tot
toot oor BannfBetsroi'

At Bt. I'elenboty tbe ecMeaea at
haa ocem baas a mortCM* os Ux t*™ trial of the men who wa< arr. .M for
mad BepUm
BopUm bae
baa M
seeer aaad a aiaa abr
.tiny a yotinr ylrl in nHnr tbni
baa he ever bees e«
indlUne mlyht excite pltr and
thereby indneetfar hrnrmlebt to yirr
mosey to her ha. rerealed the fact that
S'- atraare boaae. ki
tbe mulhat
I asdtwoAlldMW
, .
> to-yyarnaa apilelii artadow waa drlm It earae which opfnM la Bnt^SiMa
' fatctom tbro^b the eelllar >s<l smlla wblMtee
--------.------- . --------- Se waU aetf they bad
r porpme of m.kley
rhlldreb crippM a
As old lady bae hirad tbe LMoldaa mat of tbe mooryand.
t Byeaed rn to them when thrr
Ha pomcmed a
toatalaaarc bciartak- hey.
m thalr way to Detrall Kief, where be Ilred It
- , bead baa Wa retarded a. a
Addltloaal detMla of the yreal earthaaeribaad tor aeme time, bet alaee tbi
old ladyb offer bti baea pimeUeiai (toaka la Jaae wbieh made all ladia
tremble, receired la recent mall adoeary alfbt. with more tael that
rieea. confirm the nrlytaal reporUof
■trey Wbedcs.a IS-aaar-old danrh lu nererlty.
la nertbm Hen^i.
Ur of A. M. Wbodoa. waa barerd to
•am and_________
the abocka eonllnaed
dasth Haeday atorslar at thr atllk fornosto tlnw.
The morUUty In the
boBte «a B. B. Ootllaa' dairy farm. Her Cberra bllUtomamated attnni

' Are from
__________ At Goal Itorv a tidal war*
I. asd Mora tbe damea deatrofed the baiar aad aluy Urea
were loatThe earth la fimared and
the eoeetry tooorered with tand and
mad. TbeUleyrmpb offinatChrera
asd all l*Beea bolldinya were dealroyed aad the natlrec were forced to Bee
Trsreiecaty. Mieb.
wbkh they did. a----------- ,-----------tor tbeir lleea Tbe couetry la Hooded,
lithe ffoaomWe. the Movor <uid Citp
baur the mothertif
otherdf the pope
aa theenoatry baa eataakied aloay thr
the City «y Tfnferac Cilk,
waaaeea appraachlaf
( the
hosac with
baakn of the Brmbma Piitia. eao.iey
oseof them la har r(resldaBmyetotbeerapa. KimilarretiumAucx: We. tbe Board of Pablle
wsll.; Bhebad p
pnrta ana rcoeirad from many >
XVorka. to whom waa refrtred tbe mattel' of eosatractlny a ataia aewer la
Sewer DialrWtNaS.tobelnldii ~
At Insla Mrs Bertha Preat aad k
Frau and F<
from Wai
two ehHdrea. Krsak aad Bert, ac>d 1<
nootb to Riytatb atraot. wMid rrapectThewbmt^laldof a
wrf IS, had a picale sear the rUcr.
lal^^rramamBd tha cooatractloo of
____ ^k-waamtomd asda few mlsatee
Will pi^bl^bcM ^ n
btUrwaafoeod lylar fat the bottom of
Uyal antl'c of lha cnaatraeOoe of
the atmm la all {eotof erater. Tboa|«
>M eewer haa kwea pehltobed la the
almoet eertalaly dead be waa Sabed ool
lorniny Becnrd itbe <.ffi.-iat paper of
itos Harbor frail ^owerahlpa-1 after aceersl boan' hard werb.
the ellyl ford

_ ,
I of ino-beaUby. baakr WirhI.
iseiewad by aa. at emr rayatar meetiay'
pa^ bad a clesr
of S6 Ceaia
raa mra will atart tor the Kloodike
.U. UVT. in.
. with
sort Marsh. aaAw the lesdctel
' of
the city,
K hi. Uule Irelybt and eommMoa
Tom CUcmaall. pf Uimad BaaUe. who
.Irrowitb attached to
tool City
it the retired baaay wairbt Wmpina
B^aeer ^cwlhrap of t
odHWilfaa. OTUaaell tosow.|aictly
a aadApple, w
lare la Hoarai
.miiakin of the sated lid Mraf

Me. Fraak Bowtm. of CMraas. m
Rorktood. Me. Mra Oettrsde Taos
At Palam Wta. Chu ..
m.n. At ifiwoaa. lad. Heary
Hans at Cbtoamt

' lUoB relatlTe to the

e erlmaoe blood
M cooniaff tbnsch them. '^lU^U mtoaloe mea frt»m New York. Chie^.
Detroit aod olber pnlato ar
bar thr frait direct fr-.m tl
It th brouAht lo. llir >p-wl
frelybl aerrice oa the rallr.
irla aexl week. ' The
Bum- wtret-iir.

Bolla rayae'a cow W-

oM LsBc. cf Letcher
cosBty. My,
lltaiikeT. tor A

Hoeed by Aldm-------^---------------____ eteacd leiMSini
irpmi of tbo BmnI of Pabito
________ t baflaad thaadey ...
a Woaha c
,U, Nortbran
Wcetbm PaeWe
of tbe
lUllnad coof
leatdsmayelBtberirUlVodOoe- UAeeepud asd adopud.
paay. Daniel 8. Imotnat erne ebeud dlOerawaabmUsdowaasdr-------Mw^cwTled by yad asd say
rector and rice-preald'nt.
Applm asd paaabea
Mra EAyertcm. cf oucbbo. d’atoteiid
a Paefcer. HmU^.
» htobonr aat crop tbraaybest Ooedrkb. Cook. Lardia.
reto Ttlata at SLtU. aa weU oB
asd OarrU
sold, had hero takes.
ora MIehiyaa will beUr«er«fal*
iley baa accepted an
Moeed ,by aiuai oiau tmraw tsaa aoe ;__
d (hr Ohio eule fair


any apparent n
aryaurrooaa were tslled. bi
and for alx arreka the cow oc
UHdratb w

a larpe eatale.

.. nm

thompattarethor. Tbotatomaayaa
erehwd ka wUA eaasol ho
alayla poach.

a that eity. aad
M of tha ran
drat that
la esaada. lie waa ••
yaataoldaBd hadea)ayad IbedtoUso4«0.aaD bsabeto.
Bay. '
Uted tbo rlaoe
* Mte Maad Ooaaer. of Otadwia. wlU that maay wlU I
Hoaday alyhVe ctorm wa. rery acera la tbo eleialty ol Baayor. Vaa Botwo yean old. ber father died, aad the
m by raa
B tbe r
4 ayaln. 6he s twoasd tbrcc-yoanold
her ehDd, who, it appeare. to bcirree b> poach, pearaad plom traea wore rery'
Terry of Battle Creek lowsAfp
AtBreadarUle BalpS llul t. while
t to Bettle Creek a box uf wboritblay la a little lal
[Ut a lire _. ...riee wbich are wblu with i
'eritter." half deb piakUb tiot They are aome eakaowi
^cty. aad are ae rare aa wblu blaek.
I aobUnoaesa water.
- foot . berrlre.
Taey ysow oo hifb Uad
aad. with a^ Urn farm of /dba R^bfirld. aad ■
Ito eery awoet aad of tbe natotal taiu.

^ -_j atucbed to a laoiber
A praalUr. llaard-rbeped I worm,
•Mrueoraobadbim. Uewaedear
aboothalf ao lacb looraad’bfarlDira
bead atoo •wmbllar a Ktordt to de' At l^ortlaad. bajata liatbiB(
•Iroyiey eberry trm lif Jobeerille.
MvblMod oat of the waUr
a ..
reptile. ..
If reptile It to; Ba. hie
lire all^tor whleb aaeapod from
family aad mothor-la-law with him
re at CmOlf park, aaar Laatoac.
r theyfaaue
they faeUe In tbe
the Irareant
draw oot tbe tap and pree.
-.joUof caator
rrr U a drad cherry tr<e. fYuit
adla. which will
riefoet drps
the aature of tbe beaat


^estha BBd dva doya.
OUtaaiy: At PsamSe. M. A. Cbtosel

Ttoae ora a ysod May tboaaiad
peoAtraea wfthla a radlea oMO adtoe
of P.w^.;W»,^^.«



bowerei. toe rale of railroad
nbtaktam ouadUy aedscad.
Tbe older roudi hara beeosre toetOQsUy
Bokco toe foHowioy oonooj tematks;
-'l.bcfv bad occasiOB to obomre iteb
Isfapu tmmrdtohJy «o their bknba and
Imve fossd
fstdlle and iboee «d tbrtr
fatoer. A few
■w daye after ibu rraneiaBarser <d tbr air aod food and t>obably tbe ebanye of poatora had so altarad Ibedtmyo of toe tare Ibat yns
have belMwMl ItadtCerrst UaaL I afUTwitd «w two <d torm
ebUdzra die. mw at S weeka asd too
other at 4 yesta ed aye. asd abosl
am after torir deoto they unmediBlrly raetwmad toe prtMla « hich had
atrack sm oo much al tbeir birth, only
tbr pradto al tbe dead
waa. m
I be Bipected. Bwse 'atnosly
cd oad mon tsaa toBB that td tba

iaeomaeaylM ronl dtotrii
kies, ia esrpUeea and atta
toidi. madeasost ill ptom

\Ye fire offerinf;

Stupendous Bargains
before tbe tariff bill ocanra pniperlv into edfret..........................................
kfuiiv east to cioot. aomv importaol (Wla. Ws «sprct soHie hesrf •bip'
me«u. and mut mske room for tbam.
>m. and in

'to bom mustuck ({aickl}-. wit will flash darplf into priee*. Ibrluw we qoM ooly
a few (if the sacrihceii we make:

'Olothlns Dept

Dress Goods*

Maa’a Wsritkacsolt. worto a.fifi tor
Wool EDmtsen. worth Uc eale price,
per yard. itc.
Fine, foaey eolorednfarad BUmlaea.
worth >»c. aolc prior, per yard. IPe.
Fine aooub Fooeita. wvwtb Mie. eale
pnoe, peryvd. rira.
Ueary. all wooIxCO Iseh ralnred nalt- worth
C.5c. ealcprice.
per yard.
Hcary. all wo(d. 4u inch fancy ouit
lor. worto Tie. talc price per yard.

Mao'! hatter aait. wwto BitO W
r 4>.
Maab ^ UdaUfall walffbb alsid
tail, oil wool, worto r.U, for $i.n.
Mee t black wool aaiu, worth aufi.
cole prior •(«.
Men-e Noby Drem Balia. aU totdta.
fisenl material and trail m^ at aaariy
Mf their aetsol valata.


ihfaar Coal. •ortoMlr
A fiae bleached table liaes. worth
wanhedl. werto Bi.7*, taU
•e. aale prtee per yard. 34c.
A ear 61 lueh bleached UMr iiaea.
Mea-e ovasllo. tala priaa tU.
worth rAe. mix |wUr per yard. 4*cHaa'a paau. eaU prkm. kleA flee 73 Inch bleached table lioea.
Maa-a te^^^la. aaU prteo.
worth nU. kale price per yard. flOe.

Qiv Hat Dept

Hetlcr •

I eomplata la qaallUta asd tijim

Fiae DimIUen <rortt lOe pta~yanl,
eale priw. «&*.
^ *
Fip* OitaTbaw- worth 7c.


_ i

Shoe Dept.


^^S^ Priat worth Sc. mlr price per
rket. and a
vary ■ooocsrfal attempt bta been Otada
U IsmdBCC tot Aareneea loaBMAlva
ia tboae eosstriaa which ba*s Utbmls

ikr a whirl. Wa bars set fifsred
radio, bat isaaalatoad toa prtaH
m tost to«r WlU UMTtat every mss,
-----------asd ebUd U (tramd fWli
taaj^^CaraCaUy aolw tha prloM tt a

Cboka at Haa'a Tha. O______________
.sBUodatawla toaMwcttlymJfi.
worth •> w u fia.ea.
All WatsItsaaoHi Bsttas Tbs. .
~ aWaham.Llfi.LJfi,
Loteat atyla Boys’Tha oad Ckofatatoa .
tsoa. sac. I.M. I.M. aad $l *A
■ea-a Me Ua'aaadrUd Wric^
Hitara Taa. Chat.......... oad Brwwa
Mesa- tfhart IKstas LsssdAed^&rV Baiua aad Laaa. taat Mboa aHT
kotaat atyloa. fiLia. BLlfi aad BUS.
ea-a Oelarad Uasdrtad Shirt. Coljoylbav while tor tbettwl twees tbna
oadCeSt attached. He. .
ra old. aat ta : jaan tbe etpon trad* ta toe
Cetera. 4A7S asd fisa
k of bU moihcr-e braire and', sm not facra m laraa M ta
Oood Balbrifiaa Caderwan. worth
4«c for ITc.
lita of askae U mara qsleldy.
iBolaa la every depHtawat taa
wa-he I - •- —»—• “fW*
paeloBaf Do«laScha(ner.i:y<ar«cU.wl
Bsaa to omaltott. (Wl aariF ••

Ken's Fnmishings.

rd by B


sp te a UMtay SHthf

.. Oaitad BUtra ' -----------------■•tttamaxfaafitoBMalac*
tfau. «f any Ssattee «m the
|imilGi wbk*
baa ttaikafi toettaitc*

^zr*!!^tuik?mr^ir-"- —







lO:taB.m.lBtbattoa forUapi
Mia KaU OoBldaf Baatl^U eWA-


•dkr HIM liwi*

SaM»lM«wantar»«n- Hr.
WM atoMim M

le year adieol gattlBg •% irded ready' IvHlaAgoaBkh.
Uaot. haatUBatta
J. r. Harrdl ef Lea AagalnfUL U
to Ua plaaBBOw paopaad tboa fa Ua day?
Mll^ aa fn^da la tba ally.
AUthaiBDroa^aad tha bBJ Uaa
aaU banaMaa rateef eat fare fa waakb eWtatlroB
U aapasUlly Btlad by aatara fa
Harry 811a of Badaa. HU. U Ua
pUoe wbara aaa aae p fa a qalet .ba roaad trip.
aad at Ua naa lioa eajoy ruaapaeialMsMBk Ba|ddaBbeat goaat of S. B. Walt aad Uoily.
HMa Alke Aiktna haa ntaraad tna

Md Mtotjr tel^ • h«r7 rim baalU aad plwaait to Ueaa wba
Hr. Haua hM already
IB wttb aaak Ueaa.
Lea CalBoa em twdre yean eU
araetad twaaty aaat batb-1
leianday. aad abeat UIrty of ba
« bai u Hd brxFl. tat aar- Uat bosaa. aU attraetivriy paioud joaag frteada wora aaread wiUadaUty tpread U boaa of Ua oenaiea.
tbB taMBMd d«V«d dBih of • k<
A Ueyda aarty euuiptaad of twaaty
yooag paopU boa Ua aaylam. took a
Hr. VmmfW b*Oi*kt the »*faaey of ertryaaa.
cb}oM hoBO mad d^Mltad U
run oat to Bast Bay Tharaday aiUf
ly aa daaga to ^Uon aad
. Tbsy nport Ua bast tli
tool Bad Com M MoBfod to Mr. WatU haa Ukaa palaa to prorida
IMBAabBkwbowBBdroBBBd rtUto aeoy faeUity for Uls baaltby paatiaa^ aerrad aad gaoa ladalgad la.
Tbare are BOW 4n beau wliiob caa be
<kfa«b U* los tBit apriac.
The FeralrB MMaUsary aedaty of
by the morura aad U ad- Ua Fim H. B. abaiah wUl gtraas toa
1hiboot»B.e(tho bBTj oowbid.
kted Bad WBBtbo loft OBB CpoB Uo aitiOB toUataaboatiag Uera la aa
aedai woarrow araalag. fraa
iwMdtad thobaal wot a bo«b1 atrip extoBBlre gran of beaeb. oapU,
o'daek. oa Ua Uwa at the
wUBlBtodtabBrptba boat from raa- aadaak. It laaot a langle aaM aa la


te U. taBihooM tUBklac ihBt v>T-

Mr. aad

‘4’Ta^ry edOtand

Park Plaea.
Mca. Eljawf Cbaitatn laUagaaet^

bars beat rialtt^r Urir aista. Hial
TMa FatoiyL fa Ue paM fact w
tbetr booe U ChiCByo Friday. aaeompaaM by Urir t
Hlaala aad Lottie PetoriyL who wiU
Tlalt that ri^ fa a few days.
Praf. T. BaU "'I------ fooetly leadCollege








toa rarigaad bU poritk

Hia. B. Sheiord. aa BtAjtroat.
aaa U Ue Alma oollage.Mia. 9eba Powle la eataiuI5I5i7 ba
UUarityfaafaw dayebe- I
aoeda; iohn BaU of Boebeata. N. Y.
Hia. 6. E. Wall aad Hba Walt ra- fonroiagwAlaA.
taraed Friday boa a ala waeba' etelt

; The Greatest Line

rood, styiuh ud p«tty


that ■ -

w«r» ever broaglit to tliifl iwr^on.


: The Smallest Prices ti*t vereererpatdnd

teBaeiaA. WU
Mia. SUaa Milla aad aaa Fraak
waat to Fnaklori Taaaday fa a rislt
laTnrerss City, a

■ Wa bcoght our goods far bolow i^nUr TBlaoA, and thla adnntAC* wo off«r you. - What wo «ot, wo giro. Wo only a
as proof of Uie truth of our ototomont.

Mn'carria J. Abbott aad ebUdraa Of
Cbleago. an at Ue Hold Paagboa^fa

TbkalfhiparbBpBUBdta looBd at aoay raaorta, bat Ue gioasd
Tlaltiag Mn. Bart 3. UaU. rotanad
■BortbopariftoirtioB la weU dared aad It ia a daligbtfal ia U« cfaarcb parloca.
place la ptealc partita to apcad
Friday oigbtaa acjoyable blrUday
H boleBfadBBdqt whiiA tba loot
A pretty eottage wlU aceos
social was girea la the Frleada ehoreh
apart. Tba aoppatHtna that a ^
lha body of To. CbalBok wa. looad WBB
by Ue Basday aebool pepila. A '
Aaaleof Fraaklort.
•letad. It ia attraeUea
dMpatad by tba abot ol Cbaitak, wbo
Mtn lUdle B. 8alU haa rataraed to Astord. caccetris.
Mand tkat Tba weta '
' ‘'-‘D. Orapbell. admialata^.^^B
Charlerola aftor a lana at the Tnraae
eaka wercaarrad. Tbera was a Urge
wbaa drowBod aad had
pareriaia Bayaid. a
by Hra. SUU. wbo looka aftar Ue
ipany praeat aad eniyeaa had i CUy Bariacw CoUaga.
Mr.aadtMra. A. W. Peek leteraed
Uhaa baaa a popalar taylac that eoBlortof eieilon aad prorklda tbaa pleanat time.
OraadTravafaabarBOtarirlrBBBp it* wlU ggla that waaU dellgbt iaa epiWill Haaaa racaired as agreeabU boa toy View SaUrday.^tor r *— aad a, Uk a. B.
vMloB, aad tbia ia aadoabUdly oaa eaia. The Wudlv ia looted a|
aorpriaeTboreday eweaiac. when aboai
Ura. Oan Loan aad ebildrn. wbo
vtotaat hiB lifa aaoe tioa afo. by aatnial terraea aad eonmaada a
arty of bla friends dropped la to help





draOBlaC, aad wbeaafriaBda
^ fiaaa ap bopea vf raaorariac tba

«»*» .

E.S. Pnutoi^k Allaclal. o'

Ulehippy fa Uatoeriat, a
WatarwaaBtiaekatUo'rioak Ta«a- what ia required at eottoge.
-The trip from Foooh to tba
^ oormLBf la tba Wc aitaaiaa
two boon throogfa a a
oallvhkbhBBbaaBBBdarWByat tba
' .^laa 4a aaaaral waahB. aad bb la
BOMB aaoaat ol walar la paabiaf OBI
at tbaniaofBtai1yio.oaaban«U. oi
eaardOO^Calloaaaday. BoBta Ubm
aCB It vaa daeidad by tba boaid a
'trf tdlbaBtyltuBtoBiah a lai*a
wall la tbahapaafobUalac
MhapaafobUalac a
a saH
Iroffoadwatarfor a

him flUiagly alalrrato bia MrUday. ban bees TialUag Mrs. ». 1. Bobba.
DeligbHal onale was foniUbad by U. left Baiarday fa l•etoakry.
r 1
Mar ' Mia BertbaCuIntaa. wbo baa
a aad• PnOimor
of lot t. bik 11, TraretBcCiiy-«1.s»u.
d«x«I. u. ..Wb. ^ nk
E H. biireraaUtoAmriUbltrariiall.
Ule, wUU aad leooa lee enam and Eaplda. arrirrd booe Friday.
alt of lot U. Edaa Park add-»;-SU. Al­
eak^wenearrwL| <hpV J. V. McleWU left Friday fa so loU. 10 aadI U. bIk i. Ferawoo.1 add
Toaigbt at Ua SwadiU UUan :iaUqd Uke to enjoy a fewdaya at Ue

ebunb. Uen -111 be an ancUoo. It [aute aaiury eneampmnl.
Sherwood, pel
>i4.aec;;t. t :-n.
U -to ba a eale of faaey wak made | Hra. Ueo- Lardle and family bare
r I I w—OSOu.
polata eo reaU tbare ate aUraetioat of byUaUdUaofUe lodica Saiety of! tniaed from old MiedOB. when Uey
hlaboriaal latoreat Near tba Poiat
,m will be ' hare bean rUlling two weeks.
dtordt. A short -program
eatirc pUl of riUage uf
Uera h apleadid baa SUingaad rigbl readered aa' Hra. C. W. Calkioaaad daagfaUr of
aloto by. at the bead at Ua lake, wbicb featnre 4ill
TeinabeldOB a TOck-;«ra»d Bapid*. passed Uroogh Ue clw
Buckleab AnUoa Balre.
la Urae oUa broad, la the plaea wbere
price fa tkkcU are Hondar on their way to OmeSA
tar ct*ir.
Ue famoea aaloaa treat wbleb hare
j Hr. and Hra. Jnlina Klelnberg aad
Ulcers. I
eraatad ao
TocadayaigbtaU'akFUce.Ura.too.Ji^ Ireoa bawe gone to 8U Igaaa
'eltor, Chap
re to ba laead. Tba Lady SoIoDoa ’of UgoaUr. lad . eeterUiiie<W9iU Jacob Steinberg aad famUy.
A aad aLl- et
irea HUa.
Watta. Ue lu
Ue tonu at a» a wbUt party ; ' HUa Emily Petrie, oee of Ue elerfca
a no parreqairad. It ia gnanntee
wbleb Hr. Watia baUt ^t aprlay.:
la Ueparioie. The firev priue wen t In Wilhelm Brae.’ etore,.baage
togire cerfeel saUatacUon or mone
tha dhpoaal of e^iWi<' fa Ua t
woe by Mra Oampton of DeWrit end Fraakfoct to speed ba rmcatioa.
refeaded. Pria U eenU per bolt. Fc
•afalar aad Ue epan la ibe ooal asdt- W n lloldeaandlbecoaaoUUona br
Mr. aad Mr*. Oaorge W. Beafoed of : ale br J. Cl. Johnson aad S B Wail.
lag tbat one ooald dwlre.
Mn. KeeaofCktiagoaadE HcNam- ayrmcaaa. N. Y., paaaad Uronghthe
Already areeral loU an- add to an.
The areotagb pleasarca wan elty Tnaadsy eo route fa Omeoa.
waalUy paella la OKe^ and alaa- coaeladed by Ue eerrlag af aefnehI bite of loala Tnrene City hare aeo|
J. Sloaeoa aad U H. White
lansnday from a laity of aeelng such a well baoa .
aUg. relnraed borne Monday
Carrta Urir dasghtor of Mr.'and ' two weeks’outing at Old Miarioa.
:■ Hr. Wll^ Newell auppurted

u w.

and very I



s^ply laboaadaapdarwall aad
paapad la fiaat tanba la tba altfa
tba BBlB baUdlBf. TUa paaplaf aa
a hBTy bbpbbm aad tba
va BOW laa
■ay gWa way at bb; tioe. floodlBC tba
U tba UlUda waota! tba taana. %n
laap aartaea aprlaga. It wia daeidad
te driTO a tot waU St UU poist, whieh
HTOItatabmtbewataruUa of tba
aialBballdlBgBBd lU feat abera
laaalaf tba bay. Oatdaa A Bob iaok
tba eoBMetfadriTlBC aa aigbt-iDcb
pbs 100 faai. Aa alBtad. water wai
aWMbata^plh of M loot aad 'Ua
BOBBINIbtSowBMBdtabs Ibbtcbbbaa Bad Ua water waa clearlap oj

bateral eUa alroeUra ereetod aad
aaaa already ooitcactod fa wIU ha
ptctoteaqee aad Urge, aalliig froa
Among Uaae wbo will belld
Beat yoBT, ant’. W. Hryan, a
InewB real eautedcalan E. A. Herrill. awealUytea li .
B. Ar^siB. cradit dak is Ua large
wholeeale dioa booacaf M. D. Waite,
all of Cblogo, aad A. N. WirU of To­
a ti BB i
ledo. All UoagenUeaaa baee
BBPpty Bf tba pBTBBt WBtar. aad ta at Ue PolBt Utoly aad dedan It
a ehanalBit reaorL aad Ue aplendW
Bba^Bt«tBBBM». Bonral Ubmb
laBUtbsaaBdaef tba aatlra taatita- flabing addaao attnetioe tbat la bonad
t haraly tba aoat of plplag aot to be Igeored.
Neat year Uen wjll be oaay
etwIUUo prv
. taathaWfUto
'' ' It la taoUu toatart
■tayaUa'latbo oala boUdiag aad
Ite OBdtafB.barMaad alba balMiop. Ula UU aad Ue plaor will be Tapidly
loped Into a licaeaal
TteBriBf Of tba iBatluUa wUI ba
.a«T laiga, aa all paaplapwlUbadeM
Bwv wltb. TUt dlaeonry la. Is fact
aUMla “glaadlba" for tta Morthaii)
Ai^laa BBd tba eOeara aad Iraataa
. ara aabmUy traatly plaaatd triU the
•Tba lam of tba flow la aa great that
a tbiaa laalaa U dlaaasiar. aad
nda cf aalid eliy. na at tbaaa
r t)i poBBda, waojihiawn
■aaal tat late air.

Badly Day.
Wedaeaday. Ang. S5U. wfll beSaaday SUeol Bally Day fa tiir liraad
TnTorae region. The parade will start
}:M A Bu. aadieg at Ue Ceatral
school rroaada' wbare lha apeeeha
dinna will lake plaa.
Ttorioqneetaad witty Haa. .

Hn. UeorgeMolr of Stole atnel, garaj MUa KUa Sieiaberg Im
a dellghtfel aftenoon party to a few I from lUy View, wbere abe baa beea ;
They carry a car .pad of
of ba playmalea Tueaday.
After^ taking Ueaommaoodna la elocuUoa. .legaat aceacry and the pe<.ple my
Sklag UmalUaa.haldriee Uey j
Hia Mabel Ball, who haa beea • !
niBmrdtoherhoaotoSBdUedlBlBglgoatat Her. 8 SaUberr’a fa a »«•;dato*^They open ie -Tbr Mae
room btantllally dneonled with sweet | days, baa relsraad to ba boae at Pe-: (,r Hind." a bneUful comedy dnina
peae and a tabU Blled wlU light deli- aoaa.
'They carry fopr higb clear apeelalty
caoaa. lee oeaa; ate. Aftor liaahaoe
ihpy played genua fa a abort Ume. ntureiag. boae aailaflad that they had
bad oaeef Ua plaaaaateattiaeaof Ue

‘^Miaa Ada Van Wagoner of aonUern t,'^
dparrato. The Ediaeope la one of Ua mat aucof Fern- acaatol of aaimatod picture maebiecs.
I Aad Ue eirwi to be gireu are new and
Uag. Among
Uem are NUgan..
Hia E B. Freeaaaof Argyle Park......................................................................................
r New Y
bUr IkliacD]
when br arriyed
faood that Cbleago. arriTcd Satarday toTialt Uc
II beexhibite
' a mi
and Ue earioaa
some Uirty of bia frteada bad preeead- family of Dan Loadoa
ed him. The young ladlea went In an
ir nf Ue ' Uanasn Picnic at Grand RapMc. 6nnemnlbiia aad Ua young man aa wbarla
Hra. 8. A. Wbttfleld. •
dw> August £P.
Aftor rajoying a spread farnUhad by
Great Umes la atorr fa all wh«aiUa young ladiaUe party rrUtrned to
tead Ula aaaaal piceic a
UrA KeaCa oa Waahlagton atreeu Bardin.
Special aMrariion. ■ ll be proMn. Hattie Keeney of Ch'lcaga. baa ruled aad a driigt
wfaarr tbe reoalndar of the areniog
il day U stoured
reumad/boae afta a week’s rUil fa bU who attead.
waa spaat to gaocA
The C A tv. M R’y will rue a tpoial
WiU ba paroilA Mr. and Mn. Ibrry
cabe ware aerred.
train from Trarwsc
r>« City ai
at r a m.. ar8. C. Itarrow mi
ririog at Grand Rapid* a
ambla wife bare dmll togetW in
MlaKiaaMeLellaa. wba has been Iwarrfa farrmc at fi.loa.
happy aaniaga Oca twaaty-Sre yaarA ririUag ba uncle.I leo McLcllan reurabring Taaaday. ’ ad to ha bams ia New Y’orfc state

Barry Kent waa aeked'to a
two a Uree young people to Boat Hay
ToaadayeeeetogAad harea -'boa 'anppa. Redldaaaadtobtogreataorprhe


O’Daearilof JackaanwOl speak at the
aebool groaeda after ainaa. So will
Bar. Daa F. Bradley. Grand BcqUdipjpolar praaeba. If he <mn ba pnaaat.
mplc Wen deligbUolIy aarpriaad at
OUagood Uingaare aaUc program.
roeanBayatraeA ThU being Ueir
ZbeaftaenooB boatgol^ aorU will
Tba depradattoBi of>ob<a ta tba oaVtartan boar a two later than usual If
iktruof Uc dty ara beeoaelBc aaaoy
did aot forget to briar gtfla appropri­
' l^aadaetief a aialaal aatar
ate and ealaaUA aaatg Uem a toa kA
iBritegtbaalrlet aarealUaaat o
cake baakeA aet of keira yid' fake.
in behalf of* theclly. Ie Grand
Bapida and many oUa cities Ue ladira
and spoon holder. The gUta woe proaad leadlag baUnca aad prohaa'
MBtod by Maya W. W. SaiU.wiU reoae march in Ua Bally Day proeia
oarka AlUeg Ua oocaaioa. Tbe eraa■lartidytarday aonlBjr aboat a
Ing waaapant la aoelal vlrillat aadra* B-tdeeb abeat tear oUa aoaU
Aba city.
Byleeatar BoataoBg aa
late tba alty yaatarday aad alatad that Uey ara willlag to eos>peraU ie
Baeday aUori effort.
Good raaaon.
Ian1 Itr
Briar a banaa wiU yonr abaal If
yoaeoi. A aaat oaa aaa beobtAlaed at
The coBBCll caller^ to examlac and or­
email expaaae aad It woald be a good dain Bar. HarioB W. Wood merta Uia
■ bdaaglacubb hirad
^■bc^ribaloaglag to tba Uttar waa Ut- Uiag fa you to bare tor
DOonaadeecalDf at U)c CoagreaiooA
■atly oat Uta ptoaa aad tba eoBteaU
gationalchnrh. TtaetoUowiagehareba
afadetbl^ aealtaad aboat ibe boaae. aal bring one. do am rcaala awty^
o iarltod to
Tba^inUlii w«a tba aaty Uiag of
Sana we waaL
aataa tal^ Ima Ua aalabal. Tba
BriwhO tlM Bags yoa bars a: caa
• tbbaw ovidaatty seagbt i
a borrow. - B« ftagAlialeTaga.
giBlit aalw. Tba boaaa

bat aatbUg aaoapVUa
fomiahir’^iMiple of thoao»d fa Ue
AaiwtUaabateatba rebM ria- paradeUtUybad Ua faadA bat they
At T:M p. m. Ua ordlaatioa aarTtaac
Had lha Boataier raaldwH.tfa dwaU barea’A
till lake place. Tha,pab1k i> eordichild
Ufa of wauaa Hoa sad jbJ). Baraa
lly Inrttod. pie ------- -------------- ■—
Ue Saaday* school la
Hr. Wood baaai
itedTSl’to Uh
goad Uiag fa oar coamaal^ and oar’
Uoreb4 Willow
a aaearad fraa Hoa'a hcaua aeaatry to take bold baarUly iBaaklag Spring*. Ho., aad will goat oaeatobie
Bally Day aa'gnnt aa iafloeooe for work Gacre.
■d aa paaaiUA
All acrTlcra aa raual oa fcnday.
laUfy Chief Maribal J. W. HUIlkei
baaad abeat bat aaUlag aUa Ukaa.
BvssacAwsL caCacB.
agatawaraataaeaaadato dbeoe- aa eariy aa poarible aboat bow oaay B»T. a.aabtorj.
■ tbatUeea aad tb«r wora (oUaerad oarriMraaad bow many tenoa yoa axpoet to bare la Uae..
Theca’ll be aaalc ia tbe air Ue UU.
tMaBtoBlaat. TbaaUa tbafta won
Bally Day will brlag a boat of people
raportad te tba abariff, wheat oaaa
fllUMia Maaana ta detaet the oaarad to Uedty. aad Ur aaaey Uey bare
rill aot baorried away by aelrcaaai
an. batarUhoataoaeaaa. aa than
eepentU UealoooA but go toti
abaalaUly aa daa by wbteh Uay eoald

aet laatalgblef eeti) tbar Uan Uc

adaiaeaUaaad UraaUaad to abeot
tba Mb MB. Ba aaawara Ibe dMTlp.
tUaaf Uaawwbe WM lapm
nbbUg tbs dwaUiaga of Syli
■oatiiag. Pator OQUa aad WUUaa
■aa a few daya ago. aad tba party who

Oss't Utah t
only. It it far fi

a a eklldroa't affair
a Uav FaUen aod
ngraad(Oed Wcaa Ueal) amreb and
taka part
aot adolUad to Ua paradA • They wiU ba
bareDraetaU them aay way you
Tba plaie gnmnda wtU ba a good
ntoeawoU a


left Saurday

OB fa. Hew Yak. to pntebaac a
stock of toll and wlata goods fa Ue

cW^ Simpaae. aberiff. w Kliik&U
.xtore. executrix, rlf of nw'*. arc ■>. t
i m.*T 10 w—$»00
Also a f-, of nc
Vandneflbof aw Bl,. a« 6. t M a.

Boatoe store.
Hta 8. 8. iUstiagt of 8A LobIa
HletA. who baa been TtriGny ha
nephew. E W. HaaringA retamed

To Exchange.

it Dlnely-t'wo yean of age. aame to U*
rityeaiatday to riait tbe taolly of bar
son. Har-rey CartU.
Mia> Era tVclU aad Hha Maud llaggadorn. jiAa hare been rlalUcg Him
Myrtle Snaabril. relumed to Ueir
bomea In Fite Itoke yaterday.
...__ , t __________ ^
of Elk
’(ram but
Tucada} toTOOlfaUe Sheboygt

tod by bia nepbr



School Supplies
The largest stock apd greatest assortment in north­
ern Michigan.


H. B. HOLLEY, MamiRcr.


Collegeof Mines.



HU,. k31n*riiS^*T£5£*T*ri:~
TA- tpmxrriD *uuisi luaA rwrwi I'wn


paoedUroegh Ue city Tbeaday W
Urir way acrU. *rbay will rcUm in
a fewdaya toatay aabort Umcat Park
Paul Tiotlaa ef Mllwaukta. toft tow
hooc Tecolayaftoraeoa. afta a’ tow
days' plcaant riait wlU Aatoa 140*11
aad faany. coma of raton a«d NiaU

caaiu a o-T*»>

Pictare Frames, and yoa can rely on their being

Q00J3 ONES for the lea*t money of any place in the city.

Iirttin BIL



of every kind used in the public ^id^.uhtry schools, m


Mrs. Jenalc Britoa and Jna Mikola of
HUwaakca. wbo har« been rialUeg Hr.
aad Mrs. Anton Mallna of Waat TU
t fa a aoaric of wcekA lotamed

Traverse City, Mich. J



iCback friend*
frtonda lo Uc llettlcr
F. J. TlyA who haabcen riaiUngwIU
TolBtlem on Ue West n'idr. total

A. O. WbariaandarHeof Haa’Aca.


i School Books

koBW> rlia ton* le<> Id HDsanrt'irrt.

Wurzburg Block.



home Taaaday.
Mn. C.
WbitBayaadiitUedaagbtcr Knoca arrired from Omeoa Mooday for a abort elalt wlU Mr. and
Hra EliaCurtla of Nortbport. wbo

^ I 18 Front street

tow PUCE

iii They say

Haskell’s Bookstore.



Fried-Xrtcli. Br?oe. Oj.<3- ^tore.

Big lot of Men'a Work Shoes,

98c.r$l.ld, $1.48 I



long to ba
Ua go^ t
At BaUwU Hooday a party
arriatad fa ndattagtraU taaa
waaanaaidlN tofonabla fraa tba

"loTto^tT-U^be withTn
, M. B.UaakcU-a book Store right. rMcb of all. A dolUr.ahow fa luc.
on a^. U rialOpg ntotieca ia Ue I At Bleinberg-a ilnai

ai.- L’ tinc to be worth more than thafhktrg
b«ea in thp pari. Thnfi What thny
nay of aboat, too, bat don't yoa baliara .it ,H yon
the pric«a
maUng yon triU be conrinced ^t prioea
f axe way down, yet.

Another new lot of Men'a Fine ^oea .

Big Reductions in X-sdies' \
Bboes In many lines.

I Alfred V. Friedpieh,;
•inxa X’<^p\ElAX> 81ro^ Bkrame.


State Bank.

L. H. noBpktaa of Codar flwot.
•rbo bM bMB 111 «lUi • vwMr ef kdBaatk. b «dl Bfkls H* inrad for
witb ats Attoroap >*ant- C. QilbBt
ralM wwl aaid that U » ooa
aad tbap will otsoapp
mohBlad Ub ba woald ba ta^t_.
bald bp Ur. Ollbart.
Ha baciai well gaadij mmd wcbi'IbBboaUMOBatOBoa. Tbialaavarp
aediatal; ud arw laoMraad la Iba b«7
V eomWaattae. aa both'pooBf
^ (ba LoUar Dar Soteta.
BB Bot wltboet boBor aad dla(iaeU^at tba local bar, aad ova aTba F-oaeb taaa ball ta

The Battoa Bap Warder.

______________ faatad bf tba UlvaUa Oolta. at roplav
Polat. Siuiday. b; tba
Koealvof tba
Ura. l^tna HeOaaald, Mrad «T. wtfa
S Baa la tba dir-l- tbiaa laaiafi of Asrat HcDociald. diad at bar
WUaoa of Ua
>roaa aad l^odolpb
flva la tba laat aU.
Soadap mmlBr. Urd. UcDooaia bad
Fooeb fait a faaU iBio a faraib baap aad
liprovar alfht Boatba wltb
bafora it ooeld ba fooad ha bad era
Ba^B bar bnabaad a (aollp
(ba Plata.____________________
of tbrea aoa aad four danrbtara

I aatbortUn of twelaua oaetp
anmaklnraatraaovaffortto briaf
to >n*tlee the partla* wbo aerrm
ble for tba datb of tbe ladiac
Mop. of datum* B*p. w'no died a
SCO from lojnrta received a
I* of ■ome peiaoa or paraon* wbo
attacked bim for tbe porpw ef robberp. Fur a loof Uau (ban baa bea
raor who have eommittad deed,
of the (aallp la Cad­ wbleb tba law woald paalab witb oavere
illac, todap. aftei a ab
paaaltia* If tbe rdiXp partlea cunld ba
le bonaa In tbUcItp.
Henurfore efforu la
av. UowaM Moon.
that dlmlioB bava bera futile. Now
Hia. Hra^ debober. aa old loidaBi
b tboofbt that tbe kllUar of tba
of Blk Kapldt. diedThoradap at tb< ladiaa .wUI lead to avidace wbleb will
booteofberbroUiar.Fraekdbalda. at evatuUp malt la tba braklap ap of
Maple Clip. Deeeaaed was c: paan ol -tbepaapaad brloeiap tbaroillp onea

Tba Craaeaet baod will (Ire aa
uraloB to Otaana batardap al
aa tba ataasar Colasblh. I Tba rate
ba St coBte for tbaWa^ trip aad
II ba ^avol^ I
boaadt of tba baad. iTba •baad will
forabb lu boat Boolaal aalaetkMte oa
beard, whleb will odd to tba plaooora
of tba trip. Tba bat wUinave tba
afo. Tba natalaa ware bronpbt ben tojiwtloe; If Botfor tbe marder ol tbe
pnterdap and taka to radartaker ladiaa. for. at Icau oartata biffa baadAadona'a roam* to ba prapand for iedrobbeiiea wbleb bava bra eommlv
AUaiipa-r» ^ aa waaBar.^____
tba bn'rial which will Uka plan In Elk ted iB Ue eooBtrp dorlnc tba put par
diaeover Blatakee. boae twatp paan Kapul* todap.
I A. B. Derbpahtra of MaatoB waa
radlap eoort aa a Jaror lA Abb ArTnaadep. Ba etaled that ba bod Jnt
ttofOlKp-Sve cate «aa paid for boU
Revanl matter* ware brourbt ap at arrutad Uek liatea of Sattou Bap.
aad raatvad bb Bllaafa pap for a
klada'af vbat la tba local oarbal ps- loaf roata froo aad to bU boma. lie tbe meetlac Uoadap nlpbt and after wbo b anapdctedoleomplteUp la Ue
nfaTTcd' attack npoa Ue Indlu. Hop. Tbe exUrtap. ,__________ ___
baa }ut fooBd oat that ba ratoraad
of Dalon anO'-ot lloeabp.
Tba (aBllp ol A U. Parry broke bo^ bp a abortar roote Bed baa
A peUttoB for a walk oa tba aoalfa
wu arrutad npoa asimilarebarpe
OBp DB Harira lalaad paaurd^ aad proBpUp aat tba eoeolp traaMrer a
poet omaordarforasaola. Ibat be- klde of TenU-*trrat from Cam atnet to
> day* opo, look ploa yaler>l*y at
iBf tba dWaraoca la tba nllopa of Lokr aveene wupruted..
Lelaad. Then wu BO direci
dodco Cortott aad familp wbo bava tba rootaa.__________________ ,
The bard of pnblle workp reeom- deacc to Uow Uat eiUar bod uyboa aaaplW oa tba ahora of Ckrp
uradod tin eateaaioa of Ua WalUap- Uiop to do wiU Ue tnpedy. bat Uera
- Baoalvad Saran lAlorlaa
. lake, retargad to tba clip paatardap.
au evidence poinlinp to n lea* err
Fndariek (tebrader raaiv^ wbal
Hr. aad Urv. W. Vr.~U^ll of JCuIob, >ap prova to ba aoriou iBtarnal inierloo* offrner, that of hipbway robbery,
^ed tbroocb tba clip TOmdap ob IM while at work at Brllaar'a factorp
lodefaalt of taaiUa Ue*amof>4iiumcb
nd p^ n
roBla to Utaad
a tiulr birp- Taeadap. He wa aDpacad 1b BtoUiir
ud boaad
rk* for t
over ' to Ue . clrcalt -oonrt.
atock from tba aeooad floor witb a
tba olerator wbeo tba bolaUap aWe
amoanu were ordered paid.
aad aoaad tba aecidaBt.

b kept tbr aotate of lima. FortuBatelp Ue atock in Ue buildinp le uaiejarad. Tbe lo.* wiU amouat to
Nninaarnau. Tbb b
Urfir.tlo**nr.^nliad bp
Are alnee l»w>. wbra tbe'oleobot room
of Ueumv plant ww barned.
Tbe prtnclul •tockbolder* of Ue
>mpanp ace N K Falrtmadi of Cblcapu. and U* Drxtrratate, wbo ban
been noUfled ol Ue fln.
The heroic work of Ue loal Are dw
partmrDt toprUrr with the ezallrn
work* apatein aavrd moch valu
rroandlap pn.prrtp-Tbe boiler*
ol Ur plaot or* and. bot tbr rapiae
aad »Uib. wbkb are Ur moat valuUr
totelly datroprd. Thr balldiop
putnrated WiU ter. alcohol aoc
oU. barnrd wiU.trrribl*vapiditp.
A arrioo* aod prokablp faul
dretoccarrrd u Ur boar cart from
Eaat Etk IlapldK


Ci^i^^lhis week 2.350

Tba alavator droppwl aboat oU feet,
srof Ue Indlu.butU
ud dabradar ww faadip abaka ap. Kelly lor pneblBp on Woodmen areud Carver elreet wu ordered paid. DOW in piipraw may lead to tbr ooe
■aOTod to bii bomr OB Front
riclloa of arveinl. wbo ban been *iu
1 attended bp Dr. Bollldap.
r poaprclrd of bclap mlxwl op la rol
wen brokeD.
A Utararp CoatuL
Took RU Own Life.
Ufa UoUiab PilU la oreatloc a aaiaU
ed bat aotblnp defiolM dou.
ed Tamplaia an oow
Niebolu K. DeP.uete. a well kaowi
Oak- la a ijterarp eratoat aad bare elated
abop OB Caat Blihith strM
mideaiof.Wal Nintbalralendedbi*
waodoBataip. to ba aaad lor
laadara for tbe rcapedtive alda u fel­
At Ur meetinp of Ue boardol pablii
own’iifr yeeterday aboat lUo'dock.
Compup No. I. MIm Mabel emk* tiatordap olpbt tbr oootract for
wlU a pbtol bullet wbleb paBetnted
i; ampaop No. t. Karl Northrop
pipe for the Sevcotb. Cedar
KO'Bipbam bu ban rboaeo ]sdpe. ud tipniar atreete ImprovemeBl wu bU bead thro^b Ue rlpbt rpeTbe unfortueate man wudown town
prqpram for Boxt balordv eva- awarded to Arm* A Cole for ti 11 Ri.
Oarvor tMlrhtatTiWto
lop b Ib ebarpa ef oompaap No. I.
Other bidder* wen Ue llauah A between ten and eIrVm In tbe morolnp,
Uappootrd that worpBMmbrr will ba lap Co.. Akroo Sewer Pipe Co., and payed hb texa to tbe clip
. rnal Kalpht. feraorip of UaBlctaa. reorat In order that U
oUer balnea wlUont indiUr lilackmrr A Ikitt Co. of St. Imnle.
iBaatartad Id (ba eoBfaoUoBarp aad ba hutractod IB rrpard
bp hb muner or othWilliam McDonald |wt U a bid (oi^Ue
ru nbont to commit
which eoBveaea Tneadap. Aap. 31th. at CBtlfTW^Iaeladinp ppe. for KWo.'

Charlep Back. Balpb Baatlaca aad,
Bop Ibnp an takiav iB tba BaardoBB;
Hear IroB (ba forka dowa, B diataaa
Of tbirtp allao. Tbap »U! ba awap
Tbe eblma for 8b FtaBeM ehanh
ore apocted to be rodp aboa
alddla et daptember. wba tbe
BlM wrin be madeooa el Jopou eeleBdeiy WtedmaMtp aad Joba Ba
Wva (vaaod a aaw boborp la tba YalomMb bBlldlBf.. The more la at.boetleaBadtbakaldaf Mdooe la tba

mod Silva Lake rajoped a
flak at But Bap abon Prtdap: ibe^
'VroraaboalMU aambwaadavat

Marahall, Mtch.
plan wateome.

VblUBp Good Tcm>- Tbb b the Job wbleb Alderman lic^riefa apreed U> have doM lor not m
than WiM.
•Pretty Work.
ilnctuawardedta Arm*
Taaadap'a bau ball paiaa vru the
OoIaealUfordtOfatofst-lBch Aki
but ef thaaa*oa, the UaUara wlnpipe. iBcladiop Ue earva. i
alap from the ShiboppaB. Wb.. ataw
champiou In a flaa pame. bp
daldnd an
ooa to tmUtlap. The oae i
* woTK. bat it ii pp
Mde Id the flrat looiiip.
able that It will begone aadar Ue
plteblapand perfect fieldlBp
netloB ef tbe board bp a* form aader
tbe fame of the Baaaon. Tbe batUrlu met Gammbaloaer
wen Watklu ud HkaU Wolf aad
The board alao r
Ob Hatotdapud Sasdap Oip
a of tbe Welllaptoa ctroet
aaaUara wen abo vktortaa*. wIdbIbp
from tbe Unakepa Bed*, alx to thru
add twelva to aetblar- Tbep have beroi
pattlbp Dp prat ball latalp and ^
■flmubacBM beiiipbetleLBttegaid
Tbefeutol UeAw
Ibu they vruarorltef In tba eoaaoB.
put U b alwap* u Imporlut -dap Ib

Tbabuketplcaicand ai

Jaatko a. M. Brewa bu aaLdi»fl~>a of tbe f^lapoU HcRlBlep aab,,wbkt>
oora aaatooraarof Fraat wd I'artc b to take plan at Bowen Barber ob
Bkaata. tram bklaaUw. W. L. Brown, Friday. Aapnat SO. wUI ba a Jolly affair.
. .
ia aBOaara for a hoaa aad lot or lAT^
andeejop Un pood i^oklap. Ua kail,

B.J.UorcBakB>talUtlBfaataifa of
Ban ahoot 11 faU la beicht. wbleb
baaraeomewelldavaleped sata of tba
ftBla: and tbare an aeva aeru of tba

C W. UnRkfc bu take to oa
ootfler a lowdapaaBd left for Carp
Habubaa Joioad bp
bkmabar. Hn UreiliA aad U. D.

aad ma*k bp the Old Uiulon K. O. T.
M. band. Tbr bap bate will laaka a
ODO-ton nte for the rooad trip ud a
iarpe namber will po from IhU .-Itp.
F. F. liner wu la tba eitj thU wed
rmpletlep amapemate for a |
ed Blaeof ball plaparafrom (hear
tn ampetefor a flio priu wlifa Ue «d
whlMi bouu of


lea* bp Bn carip Tandap moraiap.
Oman. Tbe a
Btoa Owald aad Htm A>i^ HaoiilUm. littia after mldaipbl Ura. Oao W. Uardie of tbb dtp. wbo wu rtalUap Mr*.
flaafUer of
FnakllB. dbooverad that Ue ba^.
.The refalir'drUrS’tite^iiab KiUedwatliapboBU. wu u Are.
Su wbloh b uullp bold Wadoaadap prat abaeto of flame
w roIllDp
roIliDp op eOB).
avglnii. me poatpaad aatll bmlfbt.
the rear of Ua
AQ Bwmbera an nrfed U> atteod. u balldtaf. Tbe epnad of Ue fln
tbua wBI U Importaat balnma,
rapid that BoUlapeoald be and.


J. M. Loopneckar of Delta aad A I> and 10 toe* of bap. ton bnUel* of lut
ruck of'TiflIo. O.. mambeta ef tba pearb eom la Ue ear. ura* aera of
Deal Wood IHob Co., an la tba ritp wbat and ala aerea of ate la baodlu.
gjaa baalaea eoanacted aritb tbe am- beaidu B laipc lot of farm took and
a wan damped.
fMp- eombtaad with a Hula pleuan.
baUdiap wu worUStSO npon whkb
Qaacaatofabad"^ AW. FbbIb Ua Fumeraorr wbo bu bau pliehlat
Matoal ofCSM. Thalouoa ooatata
UoaUart aevoral
StOOmors bbH apa Ub
> qalt pUpiop for awbue. Be .lrfi
tbetq wu no iaaraBoa.
Frtdap aftarnoa (dr Ua boma la Maw.
aaatla. Ud.________________^
A Maw Loopa


A loa1 kraneb of tba Heme Foram
At (be pknb of (be PmHaaala HeBcMflt Ordu. kaoWB u Uaua CIt*
Kmlepalabiobebeldat Beware Har­
bor Frtdop. the.LadluAld aoeleU ef FomB. No. IMI. a
Kapieum will .erv, ke anao. .
lamimiil.. Ueeait aad boe«p. Tbb
prfotbm to fait Ibeoatdoor evat of tba

-U. uakiflltba.

m fHaada la that -Ipcalltr.
The UaUp Mewa of »

aad. If poaalbla. (BwmaBallp. aad tbap
bava made a formal offer to tbe i
mlUlarp board to daoato tba pro*
pat ap wbatavor balldlaa are a
flu. aad paaratoa ovarptblap doirad,
aadUb aamatWacHottaa a ae^

WUtrtXbflbaaauUdpto i-ijr

rortor—John PoUaa.
Oaard-Edward Taplu.
Medial Baamlaor-Or. L. J. TbdL rmtchall. Nib.

Catbolle ebnreh. ud u
Soadap Ub pear It wu obaerved at
St. Fraeeb eanreb wiU og
preuiveccidrmoaie*. Tbb b Ue jmlaainf* dap of Ue ptnap U^lu
Sodality and Ue Cblldren of Harp and
they lookapeclol partla Ueexerebn
Atfl a. m. low
wu obwrved n^
Ue oodetiu receivod
a. m. la additioa to to .tbe
tool nervieu Uan wu u eUbvrte mnUml propram .neb u U only
piveo OB .paclally prat feut day*.
At'fiM p. m. Solemn Vaper* w
held by Bev. Pr. Baoer oubtod by
udJter. Mr. Nredbam.
.0* praebed ud
Voanp Ladiu- Sodality ud Cblldno
of Mary morcbed Ib
Und la white nod eorrylnp fl
Tbe cflionh wa alnbon

____ _______________

A l.ater from F. HamUton.
New York. Aapnat H, 18'.>;.
EiHTuB-llaaaixi.—While ben I have
bam pleoead to imUbe Ue new atmapbenUroophoat baalaea rkrlee—far
dlffenet from Uat of uy
the put Uree yaora. The bopefal coa"liou anctonaUable. noioaly here
New York bat all over Ue omnlry.
u pirn by vblUap marebtau. that'
me biDcllnedtea*k. "Wbrn did
We bard Umar- Bapone la
New York paper* abow Ue ooba ofallloaliUaud WiU hardly
u axeepUoa Ue nporte on moet fav­
orable. Tbe Bmrkete u Ue iiaa I
parchoM (brpely wban woid ante**)
b vary Arm. wiUaliphtadvanaa; Ucae
lUvaneu will ba parmanmt bat vary
meaerate the lar^ qamUtba of wool
ahlppad iateUbeoutry prim M
tariff act. willl ban a tmdm# to koep
prka down ferae
bayinp men fncJy
peon. From tba aprkaltaral dbtrieto.
"pood erapa.’ b bonrd: from mual
tarinp tewno. "paoiAan pattiap
work.'- they op. ud tbo^ doaleta
ben fln fattlsp a torpor tinde Uu
onoat. Tbe f^ that tbom reportt aad
baodnd* at otbrra of *
wbo volutertly expau* U
Ue eondil
atSteo. ^ I UlnA
-beim lima UU
. wlUbeptBdto


Ue deed wbleb obocked hb family ud
Albert. Lawnoeei
Coroelln* ninrned home (ton work
tbep foand tbe dobra of tbr houte
locked, ud UleklapUu Ue laUer
Uoapbt ootbinp of Uo door* briop
(uteaad.,eaUI Imwnaa unlocked tbe
Ucoifle'afUe bouae ud en•ponpminlnptl
ootloed Ue door
an^ tooklap In aw the faUar
atretebed upon UefloorwiUa
nr Ipinp bp bb (Ida. A barriad examiuUoo bp-Ua *ou rvvalad Ue korriblrti;BUaBdoBeo(UcbppB iterted
AndetaoD who. IcunInp Ue clre
Sheriff Simpaon ai

■rated ie oar of I'owei*' rip* I
lop Ur tannd Ir of the bo*e cart *
the wheel dEUc im?t tirack a M
Urowiap him ont of the rip. Thr
BB>*rd Ovrr him Hr wi^ t-onvrvrd
il* home and Dr. Osuilrtl *am■ad. On runiinUion-fi.'wu found
that I'ark* wu c->iop1rte)p paralpnd
from the neck down. John Urrniu
wuabo ilipbltp ihjurrd In Jumpiup
from tbe roof nf one of tbr buildiop*
it of tbr. abaaocr from tovre
of Iteaeral Uanoper l.rwik ItbiiopiMible to*teU If Ue plant will br n-liyilt

In onr slock arc too few lo aijvortise In detail.

Just now wc take it for jrranlod lliai your nuia interest cen*
ters in


You arc probalilr curious to know wbat is desirable for fall
and winter wear;

We arc prepared to ^advise you as to tbe

latest novelties and Iti show you all the leading styles. Blacks
are as much in dcmaml as ever and more bcantiful and stylish,
if |KJssiblc. than any jtrevious sca^.

' -A Repubr KloUike.

in any case than last season.

S C. Uraprr* b Ur fortunate poarM'
or of n lyn who b * rvpfibr K londikror, map br. Shr laid her rrpulation
full of tppv Uii* aprinp. batebrd
nut* Uritlp brood of clMck*. wbleb >br
immrabtelp dorrted aad vmarnerd
laplap apaln.
Inabtlnp oe u
btteb nUn Sbr wu ii
but laprd and *rt
I ia apllr nf thr Zbrr ^1*1.

Anytbtng we

may hap|K*n to have wiU Ik marked at a walk-a*way price.

fn»tn 12 1-2 to 29c.

Prices arc no higher

Perfectly fast blacks, half wool,

Some elegant wool stuff at 37c iu

choice brocade patterns. Our black goods stock is probably
larger than all others combined and
Honey Itack if you
waal it.

flVhrn all w

lovitc your inapcction.


mcotlnp with "^nlh and'nail" all
effort* to rrmorr brr. If *hr balebri.
oat kindliap woo<l. ** I* cnoflilrully rxpretrd. S r bpoinpiDtoUrbaainia.
ud will Jtrrrr rrll or make plr of that

______ ___________ — Orand
ipid*. Bundap, Aop SB
AbduxI pii-jiW nf ihviM'rman Suclrlie* of Uratiil l:\plil* and VVeateco
Miefateno on abnvr date ju Ivibneo'
U-ld'aUmvc. Kv<l > lAkv (I'd .v,uDtef pane*, lul* lit full, p.rotv to vat
aod drink, mwic bv Ur baod aod aiaplap *<mIvIv. II >n'l mia* li.
Tbe C.'a W. M. Hr. will ruoaatw
cial treio ca.-nr
Clip at T a. m and on-l
lUpida aboal n.K.n
at R*)io p. m. K<»und

ud Cor



low Jnry: Albert I*eurtyl. U. A. Iirr|iaer. Jnopb FurUch. Fat Bardaa. Wlllb
SUtbyandJiT. UUb.
a jarp vbited Ue eeme of Ue
(raBedp at ona ud Ue in-|*e*t wi
held la Ue oflUe of Coroner Mooe at
o'clock. Tbe verdict wu to Ua affai
deoeaaad ama to hb deaU bp
ohootlnp, bp hb owe hned.

Kvmemhcr there l» toll



The anicide wm k pear* of ape ud
ksown u B hard-worklnpBhd mpectad elUam. He wu vbltod bp flnucbl
nvena aocoe Uate Bpo ud <ut w
WBAprievad by Ue daU of bb
Stmrtly BfteTBdBopbtor (oUowad the
mdUa to tbernn. SIsm Uea Uei

Haskell's Bookstore,

d Uooph not b
ip that be wu
wmried of kUo. be wm plaU.p Ib u
uhbap^ ■late of mind. Be bu been
llviap WiU bbaoMUddanchter Morp
ob NleU etnel. where Harp kept hona
(or her t»Uer aad brotbort. She left


a few dapaapoto vbll friend*

White down town peaterdap mornlap Mr. DeZ-teU vbited tb* hardware
v-ln- avBWHb
fim -a* upvaid. a
•tore of S. K. Nortbam and mdearored oik.-,
lateral UM-mw. OH d#a»iu fvpa
to parebau eomr cartridpe* fur as old- blvoaa.
(aohlonad irvoiver which be hod
■ht ateop wlU blm. riadiap DO
idpa to flt Un weapm be partMCreiTT rxtSl JlLLfD
d naewnoaolUa baU dip deBlpn. UIrtp-eipbt calibre, teavlnc Ue
«W one WiU A. S. Perry. Oplap Uat
be o^ld keep it. a It woald be of no
Wbm tbe coroner. aberlS aad Jory
arrived at tbe beaa Ue body wu

OurSsTiDcs Departm

SdffI k^Mft BflU ti MA tl t tffT Iflff (iri

la a beau wUl coot Uttte uor* thaa cbmpir flatebad work.' will leak
tea Mmu batter. asd'lutImUmau lev- U yoa Uiek of ulep aap
vanteboarllaa arfU toBay a vteii. Kla^ too aamanma to mcBtioa. ;
Bara art a few; Bteotie Spar. laurior Spar. No 1 Cnacb. Mo. 1 Uor,';
a^ Paiaterte SapnUmatlavaa prteu.


YniA, Mich., Aug. 4, 1»97.
To the Hannah & Lay Merc. Co.,
Traverse City, Micii.
Dear Siis:—For the beuelit of those whom it
may concern, I tvish to say that the Jones Lever
Hinder works to my entire 'satisfaction in every
particular, as yonr agent, Mr. Q. A. Thacker, as­
sured IU6 it would. Hcihaps I am a little slow
in taking hold of new inventions, believing that
many of them possess^ no merit but. what the
priiitcris ink and the agents give, but the Jones
Lever Hinder is all that is claimed for it, aod
th<»c who may purchase no doubt will bo able to
say the same.
Uespectfully yours,
Mai'le City, Mich., July 22, 1897.
\V. 0. Cotton set up and started a Jopes Lever
Harvester and Hinder for me to-day and it gives
me the very lyest satisfaction. It imns very light
and binds every bundle.
Maple City, Mich., July 22, lb97.
W. 0. Cotton set np and started a Jones Lever
Harvester and Binder I bought of Hannah &Lky
Mera Co., of Traverse City, and it gives me the
very best of satisfaction in every way—4)inds ev­
ery bupdle aud runs light for two horses
Jouif Kbubxer, Driver.






Bebwt HMaa aatoetaat weak*

22 St 45.2

Bor. Artbar HBOtoirfiUed to BL..
*m •cmmiM m SbMl7«bB ralaprartotW Ua
TbaOo.T. P. B.aE will babcld

Zantalo AetoCBptta^
MbB Hay BaU of Praaktart b rtalt- rreudatF-----It Bowen Barber.
bWbMrelaUrMla The ladbe’ aid will ■

_____toCtty WM
letnakof Mr.aad ibbln
tibcakkba C
Hr. 1toaAdoa_aad tolly^ BWiuik
Tbe abrilb whbUe of tbe l___
tbnabar b aAato beard la,tbe laad.
OtalB b reported aa 7taldlst> wall.
M&awaaaAaddad noom. aadal- Hr. Bad Hra Cbrtre went lo PraakThe
HcKialey dab will gin a ptoab
fort ria Bestoala oe Priday. retamiaA
ak Bowen Harbor Friday tfar Wib.
HaWrdar. They ak
There will be wcakiaAaai toll g
______________ _ oBjoj Uemacl'
iaA Priuy eraalDA.
Hr. aad Mia. Ctotoaat tarored tbe o
Oa Uandmj aiAbk. Aif. Mb. a Bank Erery one b oordlally lariled
inaic, ia- thbfenke^ Ibebaraod Joba Oeaay
Bad akotoa new dooM. barw- ' elBc baa bew foaad ak kbe
WTtkiaAA load of pao^a BBaberinA i
boa OrlaU aaif rldeiljr. k—
Joba Aad. to b Bfaia at b<»e afkar
J. D. KiBA ■aad J. O. JeaaoD arc ak
btb«AaMtof Mito HBAAb Herrbaa.
Fiaakfork kUi -v~-.
J. 8. BedA«a reeelred aadlkar iarolcB OarUr and Cbaa (biter are rolnA on _ Tbe toctare Airea at tbeebnrebl
-trlptaiMarebofAitolBArool. rlday erealaA wa. qaiu tarfely
f arrtoAto i**k week.
. b too tar off they will look
Mb. Bokwbmrot PBtoBhajti rUk- for a •'Kloadyke"
Dearer boa
Uollower A Horrb. tottle boyen of
^ Balbrook aod Chaa Aadraw. w«
tariia. Oblp bare beea beyiaA TOODA
to Riafttap Kaadar oa kbair wboela.
ittto in oar rldalty fob klta pulweek.
Ub« Hame Monnaa of Oraad Rapid,
Mb. Head Racadonaad Mb. Bra Tbey left yeBterday with a her' '
and Mto LotUc I>oiiAb*ny.of Elk Kapkkribhar. ibkaraW lean kbsir rblkto BooMBlead BiaUca to be .hipped
kd. rbtled.L Ansk Soar.rf.- •--<
kbere to tbeir pUer of baaian. la
Dr. Beokk b ridBA awar for a
Dr. Inia. will look after tbif^lU of
L090 IbKB.
hbeqclac aatlcBU dariSA hb atatocto.
Mra. Allaa. fortoerl; Mra Wm. Wil.
A alee rain ttoaday.
BOB of thb riUwr. case sp from MAH'
Bbckberrito ato ripeniBA taat.
bta. last week aad wBl wMd
Bather loo meeb raia forAtoienaadMitobylrb Cuflieldkpent Saaday at
tlBM wikb frirad. bora
laroal la the tooek;xaMe kbere b loU
Ira Clume ba. commcDeed bulldlaA
. nr eJ
ow la kbe mldtt of U>e doc ew bara.
. Hot day. and eoM alAbto Ur.^aad^Mn. l.yona .Unto tokarday
at Bear lead
relatlre. In Katbera HichiAaa.
Tb» rlllBAB eoBDell ba« iBakraeted
tb. Dtanbal to Me that the mIooc
beawo remoree bb MrMB aad eartala
.1 Soaday.
froaiBfrsetof the
to able to lake a
Mn. H. L. Alb brettiiiA to BBto
r dacAbler. Un.
better a. to beal la - - mad tbe lab Dawwia.
e aad help Btkaad
■ dafla^t^
_toM. •reta~roi:i.5::s«:
tbreoAh <
• bet
food .bed_______
town Salorddy with*
•------had tooa beery toowen Senday; chine. Tbeir woi^ i
law aad-Older, aad ba— .
*d to poor down ia.bartdBiatiOB.
the Buqilcito or>^ AaU-Sa]<
Xonbeily wind thb oufralaA. which
oakre it eool aad pleatoal.
Certb o. ......................... , .
•n»rr**re qailenAtod aaaf ptople other ...
frieeda from Armdis bare b
inr^BA^o tb^r^.BOW^ay. look- TbiUnA Ur. and Un. U. (toe.
Off to eat nod a place i
^eat Itaadap with—----- -erald CormpaMr^^ •
Aag- RPrepaiaUoii. fur thc'SaadBj bl..
Jobaale Conklin, wbo ba. bMD Ul,
rellj at Trarene Qia kb. ^kh are is Ty“‘rof
rod. bni"
key to Toba from S a. m. to » . n ta. A ba. reeoreind.
Hr. aad Mn. (toorAe ibw ybited at
' Bor. Hr. Cerkbof OadUlaeaad Bor. pry Uy tooA and bard ride for Mlto Oldp
r. Lyon'* Monday.
0. p.I. Uarfcr
eocebaaAe pal
pelplti i
Uargar exebaaAc
belDA a yodoA rider: fatm ahe rra.
B. V. Dari* b putUi
Mik Uara l0Dia,iiot Bm.of Itolroll,
edme boaie lm.t week for a rblt with
I Tbltod at Porcat
ber parrola. Hr. and Un. S. V. Hill.
She will be Aladly
Uo.H.rkaerof Tinrene City paMeil
................ .................. al T
tbrouAb kbU plaee Monday.
City, where ebe reyided to loaABarry Dean of Trarene City wa*
Mr. W Mn. (toe. Hattb.
ABeetof EuAeae Loodk* totordayi
takea by .arprin iMt Priday eraalDA buaday.
Tbe toad boj. tmreareTy
SBtardap erealaA aad tb. by aruodly annberof yoonr people
Hlto Any GiubeU of Tni
-' oaotrfb
-otrfbBtBd foodi otoettBA at tbeir boaM from Taba and •pret
Ubwal dkUto. whe
atnrday aad
aa< Saaday withn
tarkb.erMtloaoftb.baod •taad think
tire* etkhb
thb place.
it tbe tartoen hare______
tbrrabed UI after DidaiAbt by Uie
City .peat Saaday »
tbair An^aad
Uaaad bare a fi.falrTl«>d
family, wboare a.
' • laM few
tb. ^tolltp b Aood. Ia tb.
iaA at Loda Lake.
daiBalaiAcaBOODt ha* beea brooAbt
to tb. depot and tair prima reallud.
Tbe Good Tcaplaie hare arraaArd
W. E. Cr^ dibre ColbeeUy tbe mb'. toy. altbooAb il nlaed- Tbey rekarnrd
irapablb lattallatioa of oCurr. oo
PrW FoUett b workiBA tor >
with a l^e cakcb of one stoall
-ut Krtdaj erealBA. d literary aad tVorden.
•aabalprcfraBbarTatondfortbeoe- '^A-RRtekerd went to Trarene City
■ .foad Uae baatiditoWd.
WtUJ.M«Ul'M. .
naee yearwa.beU 1.
A. WMdfto't the mb.
irrle« lOOp.






. w. g T»fMm <« h*«*iiC


SaQMai.TtaUU«>t E.

aid BocUtTo
!ta flown late'
ikMn. Mlow
Mr. BaftoT-» aod Mr. Pratt', tail!..



Mia. BlMT Ooraall WMWrtW
fctefday CO liMin^
Trarcicc Otp ww Is



'4WA am*tar of

from Weifoni

Mo. rala. ttNtaaatttal nio: kow
Bkeda Allcowta tkccawt of


Rflcoaod taodlrotLoor take a^

*STm MfO. A.,Waad,o«^

MaBallack.wholt dMplr
___ Clha aoddw dcatk of Wta-


01. to reotoia with w aa-.






Fmiii the ]iia/iai in Buinnpr
an- a|i]im-inte«i In Hir toroaiilii- ati-I sUY,-at-)' jir<i|i)e
.if Ttav.-rae City, a iik-li am
^ unwtly !.)• tin- «*.l,
.-•■niforlabl..nmi airy lUtUa
Kuniiluni Ik.uiHit al Klater'a.
Tbeir rool, auuimerfumituri- has U-en a baivn of rvsl f»r*lbtoe
wLo hare luaj^t at

Slater’s Firniture Store



tbence to tob Soo. at which place be The iwkor <*r reciua l.uly lob»e
itapany aod return-iff
<‘»">ri'''R<*>nA MaAC
KtaAc of it*
*cloi.ojeiH Tie- jr.mi.-e of
ed bomc.WrriripA here Saturday.
Aauiaber of yonnp ladle* wen
91 p*U OP- noi fiodiug rapid talfillrlted to tbe Waokasnn Mnadar e'
........ ......... ......... - ciei-iediUmi. for
” cit
-----b **’*"*“““J“*‘**
>d JcMie John.
Ltotie. Emms
__ GaAOBB. Jolla Millie.
trade Voter. LlUaa sad Grace Abbott.
tbcycoold not
priic to any nir <-*hil.ii.^. Tbete wet*
aad Meadamea Etta Vblimau. Ell* TO eutricA bui nnlywreo
Campbell.sad Llul* Aaderaoaof Trae —AtD.TicaD M*‘'btmft.




Some workmon raq
ib IroB
Itiaeatimated that Aiaeneta beta- fno Bteel by toe mnriral Suu-emi
eaee* per annoally tu forciAO till.-d fer- aa etrikiuB A noironuiu mptbod.
taae birnlen the aARn-Aste rata rd $30,000.000. So preralcDl bu beennje tbe !or rolpl
Ibe eorface lefMbICO at rich American wuiueu tnar- main* i
eorly ao wbes
lyiOA forelAOeie tbat tbr Iwn iK-w York
rilLrrarid, to*
b«btatBn> felt oamiraiMd to pat. a mi'Ul i> irou. bet lu toe miw nf auol a
1 protect •
1 aod toeir black mark will be left. crainA I '
liberatKiu cd rartma.—Oi wi-kri'<
to Atob erciytbiaj they poeat-M.
Tbif law proridrr that any woman,
bon a ciltaro of toe CniledStatra, wbo
r rrteei CeoelMlaw.
aball bare married or ahall marry aa
Wbea iiiih; CO* lain battle. It la
alkm. and tbe forrlAn born cbildrra to be rzpert.d
be will giro
dMorodBBta of any aorb womaa qaari'T.—iGrbuiatKl
I. DOtwitbataadtoA ber or tbeir Mf«
A Valuable PreAcHpUea.
draet or birth ia a forrlAn coaaBy, b*
catiUed to take. bold. cooreyauddeTito
Editor HorruoB of Wortbli
teal -inperty aitaaied wltoia to*
led., 'Sun,"
wrim; *'y«>u -bares*
Of Krw TMt Uadw tbia law. if
able prraeripUou in Elrc-iric liiti
YoBk-'belrMaea will Irare tbe baU of and I eaa cheerfully
tbeir property at boaie
bone wben
wbm tory amr- ron.lipali-.n aud Xic > ilea.lacbe, aad
ry abroad, they
' y will
wUl be able to eo
eootrol a* a ACberal. aratem tonic■It. aad wiU tow ba able ID cammand equal." kin. Auoic Sleble.
taqfe Grore Are.. I'hicaAo, w** ell rno
traa tbeir
could not rat eor dgrnl food,
apoaam. Wbea a fareign fortaaebaattf down,
bac^br wbioh a<
' ‘ 'ber
and felt ______ >d weary, but .ii hot.
ties of ElMtric HitU-n reatored
maeb mlaety ia tbe Xmoricaa
bealto an<l renewed
at tbe aatoSOOB a>wntiau and law>t a bulUr at
aait* growiag eat of inlcnatioaal marluon-a druA
Hagai tatoify.—San naaoiaep AifoOr. Kiagb Hew Diacorery for Ooa-

ESS,. "jS'J5*»'S!S£-S.S''a's;


For wet,
sloppy weather,
you should try a pair ol our water­
proof shoes, from child's to a man's sice.
The hest value in school shoes we have
ever been able to show,^on sale now.
One-fourth off on all Tan Shoea Top can
do best at


forni»*f O-ng
will cure
buttle ia• goaeanterd.
not. dlaapivdot.
.. aprvuinl. Uy*a* BO e-ioal fur
fhoopioA (-"urh.
I. Hay
" Ferer.
(--tiAl S*lbmn,
cin. Ilrunrbilla.
Cold la tbe Head and
It iAsafe fur all ten. pleaeaat tctoaki
and. nbore all a enre i-ure. It 1* a





Hotel Whiting

Allan .................. i-aiUfactioi
turn oner Trial bottle, leceeuat
S. R Walt'* aod Jas. G. Jubaaoe'.
BcAttlar *iir Mi cent* sail

Tbaveiwe Cm. Mk*.



■baka tato Tour Sbne*



Ml It.

•Cleans Everything.

and ap In
ftutbold in the
ie tlKbaUi of en.
Leader. Hto Amelb Del
Hra B. A. Oampboll yata a «aa1 fWB^ea'ldt-'f.^iitAcjj^Tk-««
party laat Taeaday rrraioA at
Waalraroo la boeor u( her penA-.
which prorad a reiy enjoyable affair, j bo«-AiT. 1 \vn« tnclund to bin- e yonliA
Mr. acd-Hr* Srba Damr rrwroed u>! woniao lortto m yjArariut il« mr, aud
tbcii bouiral Eraxmloo laat Tbut*d*y; { afl<« 1' foan>l that abr wajui'l utbfaeaftrr rroaiainA aerrral wMk* with - tory Jo air it t.vk iw-ov.t oAhtwrek*
- bpaivBU. Mr.aadMraE.F|tamr.‘|odl*rh*^b.y. I Mt
iioteun b
haa. Blot'ca. wife aad«lwo danAhl-.! di-ek aad i-lic ptoiopllr
, Hbera Sadi* and Tberraa suiRr*.: wept on nitiir. . 1 toroed tlx- job .
. KranatoD. III., arrlred Soaday sod ' .Tarjoii. •BUedlnlrt<^ hot Mch lluir die
expect W reoaia awrrk at tbr Hauka-'
^ brr
«'<A'j>iB8, a
M entortalneil | tj* wbole J.rr.- e
, taiTo?hMfrbi^
her bomrb»l|^.j,^.i^ij„.„„.
'ndaj ereainA. All prtaent will rr-1
aeaibcrtoe*eea«loBus *et7tl«liE!>l-! um*.
'rldbt. but uJx’U It
F. D. Lealie aad wife and
stem. Mton l.ncrrlb aod
Caranaabof Clerelaad. Ohio. .c. -w.
, Wedaeeday after a rblt of tea .lay*
prtKui-.- to go w.ilmat .
with friend, ia tob p'tooe.
r^n'l’«» f<* •*>" « »JUH U try yon."—
U. B Gill, wbo left oo tor yacht 1*10-! Cl*W««i>Fu.L .
Are*. rUlied tbe tallowlnApbcrA: ll»r.|


Don’t Go to Alaska

*^Yoa eaa'C ato mr a IbinA," b*
broke to. "If yno Art a tHta-aakinA
UrmSellb Steele of Alaioa. k ..
bera rWllBA tri^^ ^
p'aer for Mreral
dome laat Wedaea
mufauyku^ I* toat aa
We ml
"D ia.”rb- w pbed.
“Hatni 1 ynnr ptombe lo lire up tA
At asm-a>.ui‘"
U ■ . > "T
bavAMJat'ii iraoehaafXiraor-

of Ealkaaka b rblt•eaAaia.
ri UatalSlea Uttaa...
_____ ___________While* M
kataa Batarday aad baaday.
IbeC. AW. U. depot.'
Mn. Keaarda b i
Mito Netkb Hyen and Hn Baker
■Dr. J.
. C Uanntirtk.
OrrUb Banlln b booie oe a rWt.
a few day* wlifa Hr. and
DwiAbk FoUeU ba. toaled Hattbew'
tbbptaee. '
Qolte a Uire aereaAe of bacdiwlMi
■ ■
- - tana aadb aurli
WB. town aad Ud* tair to beaAO<
Her. Hr. ItoBinAopeDeda wat^aad
■welry .bop apatalr* ia Mr. Tbacki
lota. tW crop.
bom: be hto already done tome fi
thr of tWr TbcMWboakteaded tbe tcaebon'I
toltate ak TrararM aty tDak the kle
Btekerd, who ht» beea qailc
Clarh leal bb beet boree Friday
alok, b totoewbat better ak preaeav
aiAbk. Bywitoe Bbiakeil Aoklooee
Tbe Bakarday aiAbk daaeto ak Dock
were loaded with bark here aad aW too rnneb rye and dred from
^^^Mpaa OBbtoaeb. Tbak'ea.
tor tbe Bollaad
' AS
"Mk fe
Chaa Hern ba* beea UmlnInA bb trot­
Tbe tarry pkkere are rery i
who ba* bMo kba prwldci
ter for tbe pa*t few week*. Cbsrle*
hakrbik Uieealtolce. Tbe
m M
lee are plenty aad Bae.
” ***
Tbe Ttoeat itia. were aaeb Deeded;
Aatwaded aadBoeb
tydire eeat dance at t
alto ABttiBA there riAbt taet.
of Central Uka Friday
Hr. aad Hia. Cbta Moaltoa ot Tier. Ur. aad
aneOlty here been tUIUba lelakire.
'Whatdid that yoong BIB oaU toil
>. (rood order. AOOd n
and lob of peear-aahbdto**diH(aad (rbed* at tbe Coatin.
Bar. Hr. Baaaoa of DateeTtotocbed
Paae- J. a.
-a mmwl ■■
reMtly ^^edaj^
Aqalel weddiBA look place at He
witboet coIba______________ -------.ebooJ booMdoDdBy
will bold wricc. nidraceof Jao. li.milloB la.t Sautr>
_____ It BwBMred rslacbeefiOB Up ac^aaui'saaday ak
•y erealaA- Mnwe Herald aad Aynea
TbeonbardoathetamotC B Dre'
"I belieroaix’'
Tbey e.pec
__________ Mof the............................—
AO to keepioA 1
fraetaod bli|
tbb week
"Well, ibere-a only oo* gotm that I
Ada Ukb. tbe oealraeUaA lortle* 1
■MM. wMra wc Iwad
.JD maka caDcerala( tbia aad toal la
that ilia a toUraen poetry."—Waabl^y tartoen are tbr<nl^
r. only Ue relaUre. bUaA «> all Aot ready Taetoay. AoA. lOlb. lagtonatac.
Q---ranu. Qalto
tOM^ayaoeot tall beiweeaoer bom
were leoderrd aatokeaeof eeteemaed team aad______
• Elk Bapid*
«pid* team, kaowi
n b repo^ AbldiaA Ibe hcab red
All )(da la ezteadiaA to MitebeU'e GolU. All weel well with
tbeeoiulo tbe lead
- till la tbe itrth laalBA. wl
___________ ______
aad qnlu aa
erorpap la tbbin'aiaA oerb^ .„ King
tiate MaMUoa. tdabop of Cl.-naODL
-------------------------------------Tb* freewr wu
rery lirelyaad tbepiteb- Said
be: "1 bare beard maay grrai
a^tadawi^faratoart Use bat we. Coal ai^to ak prceeat.
*^ Aetti^ hit riAbt
and tbe effect tb. y prodecM
retaraedall riebt to tbe eotottablc dM
aot bare to toad a bead la
BtaekbeiTle. are ripyOae rery taek
TberewUI be a ebareta Mdal at Hr.
tor k^ led. At ^ end of tbU iaaiBA
Mn Heoett had bv am bo »~^ij
jtot before cowmesdnA tbe
^y i^peaed to Uiink It w
PrayM meetiBA Haiaday aiAbt al
tbe boae of oar paefor.
aW. for Mreral wtoki.
Fill a bottle M cototoon glato with
(MdtaBtoMA aUfhktroMlaptaen
apt ombider that tbey won. Itod Uwy ariaa aad let It etaad tweaty-four
bM aM CMc^ «o ^ ao5 daMBca'u a ledltoMt «r aetUlBA tadm
DUyed eem laalBA*. to they ae^
to. and there wa. plenty of Uaw Im it.
rWted at bw aaetob. W. K. HabtaU'i
--------------------- llaea II i* erMeace
aad Uiey bad more acorn .toao oc,
ttom « wonid bara ailed tbem toe of kidney trouble. Too frrqeeni deOnaad potaloM aia iooUw «aa
Hra. Cba Vinlata and ebtldrea
wiaDenfbet now toe taoc Btaad* tar Mra to Brlaate or pain la tbe back, h
MII^Ao- SSTbrnm tao^M ttar. tarw^CIty are rWUaA lelatirM
mit ibat tbekidacy*
ad blaAdar aro oel of order.
Hortopen Oapanaiaav
Wm KaiAht of M*e^ was ia oar
rieiaity toe early part of tbB wash beythe people breae
There la eoattort la lb* fcac
». OmtanteiheiMod «rl»oakb. taAToaoCtottla.
tofakber iatbeAi;.____________
- abooi» o’etoto.
Un. W. 8. J,
b qeib ill at ofua anrmed.
Hbn Baitoa mater, of TrareraaCIn. aaJbylOtb. eload.dbpereed aad ito* tob wHUaf.
wb. be* been w**dlBA Mratal touakb*.
, D. F. HoxBb Halted Ttorent CIto
Mb taod to Mia. <Viiohbh»b*^t? with Mead. bMB. ratantod boaw (tonbat SBBday. rotaroiaA UoadBy. ' ^
JjMo Bb d^toto to toon her. kbi.
roafh that bat few rMtared oet
(too. Kalb came from Cbirort taat
AbMt Oto btototo tbe dfaunr. totooaade nn^ baba* toaTtoraotoe
acaldlag naia in paaalag it. or tad
and toepnaa wen aU itody and as
khoaarlcffeeta^fgioirtaA am c^ltgoor. wia* or
well Hi**mBlfrodP?aUor Trarene
■MlUoBtoef blatatbcr.T

t tbe
■bobfroBTH baabel.atM«Utofire
itref betafeocapelled to get no
-..M. Wo tbtak tbb reeard wlU to
tTaBtodcarlBA the algbt lourin'.
Ber. Mr. 0
bard to btot la aertbMO HtofalAaa.
Ml*, kelib Seaborn aad* a trip to
Dtod.akbtabeoM tatbbptoeaTtoaCiky 'Wcdacadby. remi^
dpy. Aar-10. OeoTA* Andrew BoUeefc,
ft Btaad* the hlgtiaat tar tta woadortal
before the.. OtMaheatand
M le ywra. aoe od Renr wSZ wbtowa.
dtoaer. Atb
Tbe yaeht Sport of Spriay Lak* b
^ body wto tolemd ia the Bik KA^ aU daared away. Ita peoplTwmn call- g^at tob^ boSdtor
^■Ma.o. Oitoly. M «ita panad to. MBMUiy ca W«dBtoAiy. Meaurtol •«Wr*tbw bystoAlaAKearerByOod
a. ware btod at too obarobSaa- tolW.Ibca Ibkeaedtokhete'Jowbv
Hn. BneyPortMaadbabyrtotodat
—daetfd by Her. r. H. Bbhaid.
Tkarene Oly ff-Bibj. ruanili^ to*
OaerAB wa. well known la tbb piece.


datety Unb tbito- md'tto

BBoedla ber taror ilAbitam ttoMh
«W Ihen wa* eridaDUy BoantbiiM (bto
' *
Ttoaaebl Airea by lb* JnatarC.B. BtoH^bitofmar.
-'Look le;-.' Ic*:id la kb kdaat
toc^, taBt Friday erealaA pretod a
ikto. *T like jee and year rHantom
John S«Bli«er ChisAo. who ..
tafaaatof Praaeb LaeUe tar teeceal fyoekarwaUlfarte b M Iraow
day*. lata Tbnraday tar bb botoa.
erery ibM d.;
wa* a A***t a* tb* Wi
to fet away aa boot or two early
day*, left lor ber hoM
bU to* IMt of tor Urn. baihBtanleafateyoalwaiBAto tore a clear •adw>
... -___ : batThenday torarb
witoHn. D. r. Boob Hibb place.
"Tea Mr.
The C S. topb tor Beat Saadv er« KltoiaqairlE
« b. "Baro wc toe i^t ofTOirbt ^ -Ofronna.”beezptalBwl. -trapaet
oto.*;Ma. Leader. W. J. Tb^aa.
yoD will be jierfretly atutaMary, tat
Mn. Banay AsdarMa.of Trarene U yon me not tone saat be bo doabt
aty aiTirad Uat Wedaeeday and Ir - abooi my npbt to dwctaaii* JOB. V
CtMBt of Mb* Faaab Slaeb of
"If I Irani yqo *0*0.111 Jut bae*
Un. Will FraakUa ato tiro ehildraa CBCof
ib>-cl--il* po< B aote cat year deto
r Tkarene City came Hoodi
or baer it with tbe eatotrrfm
eatoue lot yon, and
bit with John Saabora and
yoo'nto take ih*t a* SaaL "
tob plaee.
"Kalaraliy/’ aba aud. lookiaB at
Dr. Floodof Elk Bapid*. a frbadof ■.,_
■ - r -- ■.
him ia rotor
"Too're aot.-eo latrr any jrorert or
a aeeeral day*.
tb aoy obJ.rlicDa”.tn-i»eyulrd. ~J '
BOto cd all ron'rr not to
"Why. 1 «ni,pu** I oui aak yoa


Two Bayn Oaly ^ Katab.^'



^'-b's'ssEi.'asEEys - -.........


M ^Sitie'^^SSraSTbr *^iBi

.■MrlSMta M a ootobM*

Try Allen * Fooi-E**..



3TTOrala.OI Try O.M

ran rnlM.

MlHMe we^k



I m d^'Weti-irall.eliMU- b>—ax
tan ItawetJ

BHlLIJ*-tr-OB rlTX i-x'i'eir eurMb* a aea »ad aerte talUar e»wM|.
Ora. B » a (W. walir a wplnijir cC all Lew, of Ueeuu On an . I'll IiiIiimI and tmm
aid. lieaiMMel UwCiac. lOMiU i C-pa nwarr*. nMol*.-w>-iraaw-Taw takro Iw A»r*-M
■B* LsaetraolM. a): r*>-a. BM-nWe weearaaU Ixwetil Ftb- wnbMl rala. lewi------ w «raeai>M (nm '—tm4 viiLwi ike aae <( kailr. ri—lr w llikiair. CtMe


Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men

I'XTtuH. Niwa
crtkiNTEt To <
aamUr lo eaU eaa -rlu laU paruealMi
•Mt to el urn, -ilk tall !■ ■■ ii liixi.■Koto'S

Erea la the
sprain or brnE^u-ie on
U$1 Ilia



tardfj llalaiMt
el eoJi^^ I

DRS. B. S. & CO.

Lock Box 160.

GOOB aEsiius


1» bMA 1 aaa

to eepy

_____ ntMdrtMTaaiafthallttlaniUi
vbkk ereiy eat knowt by boart and
«W(* r>*o»«l“ biaemnjaByand------

Koar fea tbe Uitternat and tbe
imr wbiatle. Jnal'aa (be Om bed
(in to bom and Ibe <Bp atarta epiraid
tba faeyvltha abarp, knife ran tbink
or ootblnii Ital wbntUn. The bark <ff
many trrea, tbe battmot beat <d all,
tben tbe alder and ibe witlo*. ped
aoaily and wfaiatha ate rradily made.
A amootfa limb or aoeker ia aelrntad
and ent <fff. Tbe montb end la trimmed
tiCfal.taaolrfa iaOBt in tbetapfet tba

a ia a taae ipddeel and (bowatba
at tahabyamot kind ba
MB la a little bey'a trcchle.


taw £«••&«%mk
ba fcr^ I Mb'<«m4 tarf vM
•gaa> II Ml/>Mt «be ta7 4^
I b<r B p««« ta tfe* tMM '
Ml- uiirf T>Mk» M^htad.



Ski all Ita-tu^ 1 aMl Md c*Md

HOI "'"d *<'>'
IruL^-IU tn|f-}.lh«'l]l«».
IhosiM'ita-turn U4-wd l«aaMl (lk« tbi Mhn. «rM k-MT. lad tta


The toftoirlnf la an a«*aet from tbe
ttey <ff a fftd vbo took paK In tbe a>' I terltud. Tbe aebool waa tba
rlaa aOBlnaty^ BotblobaD. iPa.
Iba BBlarity iff tba papiU behnsed lb

I rot ip tb*
in the rod.
id (ben (be bark ia i lOKU-nedWith «.

-.sitr- Sisnsssssss'

|.mml.-d «itb the knife handle to
InoaiD Uk- bark /rmi tl.ewood. A twirt
of lb.- bark- poll. 11 off tbe wood, ami
Ibro a deep o.rb-Ji b rot ool.if tho
wood, (be burk ia pat nn and tb.- wbi<
tie ia fltiiiibna. A plrtora will abov
bow Ibe wbiMIe U wliiuji-d.
Wbi.ll.. ran be ma.Ie in all idn.

Wko. artiktli. Oudow of hi.'

Anaad^wodTrua!^ ■'

Ttaa at yor amttawl wma aa WO

ali-w moioRiu. not morn tban bait as
boar at matt. tn-. by bia >OTtaI Bo°d boBwr and wit, matid acb a loatiiiB ImpBtadov OB Ur. Pirt.-n’ boy. wbo waa
but It yianold. tiuit be alwayt
■HOabrrMl thitiplronalit fttit.
Afirr a fnr amiihn, atnrplaa
flat piitata la Ibe ««4t,, tbe IVtmni
renmid to Uieir iKOor. mod tbe aiK.
OCnli". vai a-nt loUi lnanlii«oebcoL
Whicb war aitiaind fwi Uk- tank iff tbe
Badmtbnt a afcoit dialaurc (mm Kew
Tort city. Uif-- ehnlnn tank
nk (plan- Ur.
roa^-ork CO
Jiciaai Kif.-r railroad.'
mb .'irthmdnanrlKmi-dhimx-lf
'pUtfuiui Ilf lbt< ««t Ho tbc
Id U|r IkipT naittui aloDK
fOOk. HrdMaoat Ibi-rtlla«e wb
Oai^- iY..n wan al a-hi.d. and aU

Afo-r tbc train bed |

.ao b,it['"''d tliaf fiom
tl* 1Old A
Cbaiib IVi'ta had
oaald «an> i) -or
n. an Ohaili.- 1
klfclDff in biF pl-vmau-. b»l aald t

mvll. bol t

_____ lattb. ........................
. for arrrral diiyi aitnrorud CborUa
ana a moot lonm-ulrd and plaffnnd boy,



aouT vnitniL UKmui.
bat knmim: wbal bn aald to U- ttnn k
propea-d 10 bb adKniniB|i-«
•« that U bo
m Ur. IdnOGfaivndd ( -T tbin {•■li'TP him?
and Mn. IVtm wm-ln VTaab.
InCloa al tbia Unto at tbn tbiv famaaa
bead of Uta oapilaL WOlard'a. and
^fnrdaya Mr. and Mto. UbooIh wi
. tbanalo.
-Her by---------I
rally d.wlriup tbal
.d from Mr. L4n-

Time paa-iL
fih..i wtib tbr pn«i<
waa |av*eul<-d obe aald lo him tbat tba
~ted tomrUilBii to roll hit altanaon to
.and arbi. b waa morb more important

After broakfunl tbc larce
It luiwiier fia ll»- inndu'W I
Ibe ajumiiiit wia.-i. ama«i<l in ona
tow and (be dMaOe in iwo Al^ a. ui.
mea pn-w-nled na with aiipliw.
imkiwwnr.'handl'd roodd. He
li of U*' u>i< i> from Uk aiahrd*
. laiUiw a. Unviutbuot
[n Uk. vtvninK t
paet of ebcEUlato
rar.4ii. (II tuoua
ray acceptable nlhr Uh- labor of Uw

Ku. dui —arord
_____ __ Ikiud. lamd. 1

L ThrfacwofilKiMiBerafBplaDe
mitrlual. I
mwally uu
BMlfiir ni

A Torat. le a load of dikk
Thai Boikw >4 olber T>-> He

UiTTcpno tbe followin* roopletawen.
r^bd by tbcitirla. tbe yuButtinttakuii!:
O. UMbell-




I kom !• Ibe twr* ibal I emk BM a* BB I
r-wiBA X- -m.m ' Aowr a iKMrr I MirbiKn a bM at floi





k a. AT-a-rra-LTSSS “S ‘
f. -and audit Uk- boarda in tbe

faroketkm'D aBdil.ulyaud.-r aaapiiiuaa
mrromataiK.a. .r,ry'.u- eaid
FOOIiUy. ••Tliai'« JmuLi..ngiuA" hot '--------------------------------- “
manly Jiiuiui- wa.ii't Ibti. to boat .
tenierl:* Ibui folloui-d.
JiuiioK. —Ok. riiu.
Iiiwl biaw:
Oik- day b- <1.1
i. in out 1U1 Ul. la.-r bibind bia lirtl. i.i.rwiUi Uk inh-uiioD
of frisliukiinK
-Boor’ b.-«lK«n.-d.
Uni luei.ial <d jotBpJi
ulBpibg away an
II.- Jiad f.nidly ej
UKkuarO. aud
InrJniiiuie i»d bia
fihiiiiis ami li'lJ luiu il.i-v-ui-t. TlK-n
waa no jJari- i.i riino ,n,
aidiw of tie.-1.

M wTVui
mu .inn fm AM u B f.

------------------ (iisSyii-

A ,.ln..a.a.Maa^’SS£A"Mt3?iW

jit is
i about time




Uol .limmlu-wa> n> quirk C« think o

^^'bimmlf! #amount and any kind of seed#'----- ...
{ ybu may want. Gome in and }

4 look, over our stock of Timothy, #
in } Mammoth and Medium Clover, i
# Alfalfa. Crimson Clover, and #
} other Seeds too numerous to }
j f inentioii. These seeds are the 5
-1} b'est that can he bought and the J ■
f prices are right.
5 i-SBiMsS-v'sS


A RfBllemau had a liiile terrier dn«
of aWeh be waa eery fi«d. aod’wfaicb
acrompanli-l bim wli< ivvi-r lie wrot.
The proil. rnaii. hnnns to po pi a rm-ape. a. n-nal took tlu- dnp wiib him.
Wliile playtnff on ilic terrier i t
to fall oirrbaord. n«

Ik. l.ra«mTui't. I^lwl^i^TtMrenrSDfnKH


V.II. i.rn«-f
n. 7.. la B. sk. la. i.w^ihi. w

V.’k tU-.dI!lroluiod.
u. km..niy laid forbbar.


Jiujniii'li.,iit inu .xuu.
imx^ lIK-illkl
lb- (Iliv.

rUcT fdehl countrra. or rotm. oa In tbe
aniui. lta-|iuuli'IMO
lb>-|iuuli'imo U> IhMn
ihem IDL...
iph^ nvii.i. Ins <>nlr on.- at a Huh-, and ]i*oilng Uieot



M|»rl>. Tk MM Wt u< Cb. VM. bM M

dimu. owl v.iiiili
i-cl It aliulilly I.. 1 s Im Or^ , 'J
IIk* ctowu h rt.d I Iniiiy bin
b>.yi'll.d lu-u:.'
U'b.'li 111. -II,-1

Xe. fl3.-Coaaur IWaaU.

i-rll.d rontaln U
When thivD e

Ibotl as >al buir uhi ai
.'TU duue.aa<
1 ham ml M



«am; c»~-'



td yew tMl aaMa IM back ma^ • acM,
Ndte ^
yiaWen, aer ili lUrfrTBr~imi —
teal tff tat MwWeUaolta IMrtta,l

i,?Bim. A
A Bam,

oore. 7
Ma fr



iBMay. the 11th day of Oa

Ill a row and play«i Uirni. loet «a iw playa (lie
nioelh orpiD by .lippiiia tbe Ii|M bark
and fnitb.
And tl.-ii l.iy i *
^ wlii«l<.......................
nrmui wa« a wiokVw in
| a wirt.—Cliiroen lu-rtBtL



. wwi >4 n.y m.« iJ-.w lo rh»™
bmr I n- Uw bu.y, ten. p



a»i- sl.i-u, .
i- uiirrlefl hand h
inim-of n lam-nia la


-pMwi.rJ.- I. One of (be rplathn <ff
.... Ni-n le-iaiietn. S. In lhaldlrxUon.
S. Ihewrund.nannlwf a faiimii.rmimwa
iffAuMPta. 4 Aaa«Uztur<'iclnii(>liuIdlliwni Ibe I will a well. 6.


lbr^,e.«l-.,I.MKhMt.Mk wunmOKjetaW^
u-WNK ai IKK) w atuM-MT k-aar taeaweealmw

a-Otr. I-Vll LM f-WWB III! MB IkraMO
I) iwv.wiia liiMatvaiiiiw nwKli


■Uraia woi'

Tn elcwr at <sm| rnlire lot nf

d lb.- Puptaiii in .top
ipM'l and rferop Ibe ilnp. bnl hi. I
wiib a refnaal. The raplain anid. "
ordett are tn atnp only wln-n Him-1
manoTerboard." Tbi-iH'DiIrmBn at Uiia
LUQ an .dzwuna I'n laubmllr
torned away and. walkinp in the dde
of Ibe vtwoi'l. {Irllbrtab-ly leaped orcrt. ban. 1 He ana <mtu oad board. Tbe raptaiu wa« foieid lo lower
boat, and Uina both piaKlnaan and
doff were aared.
tHomre Ura firal I.HUt of tbe fotlowliiff
A. HK-kk-r_ -------- Kalm.
. wiirde:
nun..w I ti*f* taldad. aM with rtwl dr
' V«ey
qsletand peaeefnl. S. Part iff
wtf I iwB ode tdl toM U the Blahl.
Anawm all iwii
the 'la ikI: n beanUful Ihv. mnrlns in
US two ripbt
oiunlrlcar I. A hiallOR. nuoUilDg
mKaBer-s ny dayW wi
dollan and nenta:
foor Per Cent-—Mnlliply tlie pmiei-' ^1. lUae', njaa. S. A Osbl I'etam-n upy. anwht h, dy naly u rotal
pmins orinlcn. A A uohik, ebarp nolwr
a nhlliTa t.7. 4. A ImrdU- inadi- of twlsm
tattate. with attmiid bat
arnwlug on tbo thtmt uf a lurki-y. A Idle
and divide by 9.
Fire IHa Orot._UoIlip}y by
of day* and divide I7 Ti.
A KeaieMSix Per CeitL—klnltiply I7 nnmber
leLwiH. with patty
1. il.adaaliis A town la tbo north tff
tff daya. aeparau risbl baud ffenro, and Snttlnud.
*. K
Eiffbt IVr Cmt.-«nlilply by nom- Ensllah.
I. imtnu IberbWffeltyrt
ber nf daya and iliviile by 4b.
<rf Kufwii..
Kino PrrOnt—Ualtiply bv ortober aeuuncn- In
4 lK..Vy lord: A niunirylo tboDorU
wfam tbe rtnclnp tff I
..of daya. arparalo ripbt
' band
amned aa diiwu aulia
(divide by 4.
II. A eonn'ty In Rim^
Itreqnirfw bat 11 ' '
altlply fay n
Ten Per Cent—Mol
cUAiIpli . Alkitn ISIlKaautb
Ul Dp Uda pKOnre ananvUie Uale ff dv. end divide by
of Karope.
ocabd ouwoodiu aiiUiw. In
TA-Ivb Pi-s Uent—1 iltiply ty n
T. On IK!
while enpa ami rnllkd ««««
ht baud egB. lli-ap
and dll
bo^ imsvn. trtUle Uh- ailvoiy laky,
To And Un- lime io which
Unlud SiaiiK.
a^ inmy uip luiufflid niUi tbe luuk monrywill Jonble Itaelf at
ro Iff the L-nllad
of tbo dnmtiiff wUiO.
rab- of inirnwl, divide TV by tbe rate
tff iotiTfwl, and tlie r<wal( will be tbe
rt.m in ihrl-nlkd
VhoM ynn. taam Warn
OIrif in oUwr couutriw twi- not al
. .11 double
U. A oed Ita. A eliy In Utaniirl
ckl..K.I-bal f
woya trratui aa well a> llie.v arc in |
t»r cnit i: diml.liw in » yeart. T
plaint, lhat. i.
Aiuorica. Hero we UiiiA it 1. u 1 iiy lo
lie I. nirnirl Ui « Hbiii a frai-llaa (d
lytbal iln'l
make yoanp ptrla ilii bard wvak. .kil
. WT fur all raua from 8 pur ivuf n
Omitva vCK.ti to think Ilf a «
ir aa puwiblu Uh-law
.(lit. and;wiud.
any. n. II,- inuft tln« pruned;
rUda unapouuua tlial
1. T-malU|0. tbknambiTl-r ik,4f...
t. T.' lau-' I rnOB tk- nntnlev th-usM prnn Ui of pirla or
__ _______^
____ ___ ... ... ____
Every buy atinuld alwaya bear in b Toluullll-l) rtale I-) Half............ .
latrkly. __
A 1*7
a Tol..ll).w Uk aid.-KlKrna«aiM'a}-a'b.ail In bia miud that
rial'v aHapt-.'
» mai* Uicwe for bia aut.-ni loae
! arntml
k.-i'd- iui. m.i al<«i.-Ux-aoai--------------------------------------------------------------------0
tKul Uu Lot Ux-ro-aiv
Uaro-aiv .m.ri
im, r i iH"
“t" r>i:'.'«" •>- -‘•bo'
-‘•bol 'l-ronw h.-ran
day if iKud
gt,^ V.

euBUtrlea whi-ro- it i. wxUKiupbiunJu.1
•■ >1
-m" *•>«
:or.l|«1 r-.i.Uin. I
tomakbwtaii.nauuKirl. do wro tie-> bi'kukiiip to blm na an ttkaliild.
- „f >nn.i
i f-«»l ITii.l i.a
bardrot wort.
TIkt niuat^.ietyUuug may not
"«i be
»* irmpt^
trn.trtol —
to 'do thlmm;iy
■ ■ Rkk.I .. o ,.f tb.
be ,di>w tbnn.
tff l»-r.
l“-r. Uromie
milr tn-.lf. W'.l -h ypir -in.,-,
Utat la apoeully dimotUI and cany all Wiwlby
Tbcn.ia]>.ibu]>i jiwl m citH-b i-vil OB
•insawijr and l.-trn -f Ihl
tbv bua^ J^«u. bo^w
tbc otbiT •■ike of lb.that ia.
remedy •
and lui'iiiup Imiw. In Italy Ifar pirla wUro- a yiiuns man mt au old one tor
A roailr pv'aial.:; iHnbta vip.'tabl.w and mil Unmi tba- that matin I let-la (but Ik U mnliunally
kk had Bvl-.*
au exuniide lo vab-ta au>l lirow iwe
aiUna. In Umnau}
diffenid litvw. one t<« the UroiAt tff bia
wtnk in tba &lda. In riwiiierland
trlenda aud lb.- tabor for bin.K-U. Tbe
carve deaigna from waul,
and Korwuy they wrote ffrfUKta and uamide I. of DO valor ii» If
tarttcaanowaboea. And in V.-nioe It ia fci-ri iy'thkt yiw. Ifi uiR ytair daily lite.
brire. «BeeaiiBr eoatba wiBuon, aud rqm-ully Ua- piowliK entering into apor. and intoMndiea al
iw ravry eirbt leave*
ila taaRRadn ef dead
fftrla, wboon nnup> lKxl meaity buokcla a.-bnolii. can iH».r nil wben yoor
tad dying
Tbe hetren -of war are an
of fnafa wolev 0|MU Ibiir abouldenjo ubuulmal.« or |.iwtt«wlK«i perbopa rnater than tbr bofrorf of dlaraw If all
■ailon aud -amliby
aUl lo viailua
Ibe Batten, of Ibe earth wetr at wat at*>a.l
Kiooely «iv.wiup yiw aetinia and bt each i4hrT-lhcre woold be soeKh raraaoT
wcvy-tuip Uk«i aa aiandaitla ftw (bnn
alarfaapwho ia ontle.-at.Ie fm hi. pond
Aod yrt thi. moat fatal of alt diiraBea k
manmoa. Many a bralthy Uw tbmka a
It witbsal tu remedy. It It ae laatet the
naMfble dewreyet tbat it waa cenaidnad
Far In&M ssd ChOdxea.
certain roophnem in ijavrb or manner


• -•

- -Vm.



__________ I tbc atoty.
Be laiiKbrot aud aald be'd - tmid to
U a aipe of visor end rannliiMwa ia roobat lu a fi-w data wbrn Ipetlntotba
U mind fnau day to day. It abould DM
VblB- Moewu Ml tell Lama ftben tnat 10 tbe irruk aud wnnuioly waya of ewina- worry. Tbe
matalial tff tbr Diatrtot), andI bfUta- Stir who la alwaya bmritw and ompinp onphl not lo wi-iph
ch any
to tbe peo|de wbnm be inerin Tlwre Uh- idroUial ytmrun tkiwiialrvcri-ulefa
eon yoa ap to tbe booaa. ’'
'la a few daya Mandrnl Lamon caUad ! eonld not lie a preatcr mirtaki-. becaoae
d tbat in you niind
airt aald tbai Ibe neat mcninii al half while an orAdiaplay <ff poliiUMaB ia
II boy or m
n.abhi.bewnald.kll uudv*..i
i-ia in Ibe U
to UK­
ar anuinied Un. Petera walkad thr.«ph tbe oowdad autrroom «»«*• A rowch. br^
4«lNn all aorta of offia. wwbera bad Uban a itippiiy. weU mannerod. dl
taw wnllins boalm. and who notr doabt- eat «»Mo be anrro That pr^p
baa wou4ei«l bow and why__________
why a woman, ««mod f.a an mnrb ef Uilt dcUboadely
e ^ oa adopt Bnl tbla
riphl pata Una wiib tbaii ; Rtalrt way
na) lata tbo veryaano- docabotiwot
doaa •« prove
It wremi or lo la. avoiiM
:be ptvaldiak
had jnrt tnao aa infotmal
infotmal rota
_____...___ «vnB<(ff ibrnUffne* WRiBaartaakforolfeer
There b no reaan. tbeieftau why tbe
tanaera wetw mUl tbete, ODanrarUns with
aiilatraie. who. hoirwTw. j amraae ytmna man t? arbonl or eoa<«*
Ibt cbbl BURtali
Ml Ibwn t^taniac m i « baamma. in fab daily neropatbm. cr
Wad agalaVwiiniiliE bta ' vrbco ha eatnea in roBlart with weaan
wdwUh a fowpkMM or aw. ffirii orr h(ffi.afaoaUM»
jV«rtMMk«»Mk PM aMtaMokUi ttapolat


*• "'msrfisr™

The OeLiTua
lie fie.' .- --r <r1Tlrs k- alcl.v
Will e u>. r-y 111-' rhenrv to alaj
Thk w.nhkv eu.wi- any da:-

Tu.-..:imi.u« pkoMifo. IM1...JO.

Kami.1: BobaCw
Mb. M .
■1: I. Haa.ay. f. Op.1
C«Mr. A
OUea. A Wb
-blaky. lettkla. tamonr.
.KKtHeurod Word Jnmtata:
Ten. An. Tatde—M
able. Uina.Um

Te aolvm wIk, wiu. tniw well tt
Whai kiDil ef nrdar k aiee<a.-.r
Dea'iaar al lak.- iii* ik >-se
YW ihnnd J .0- >a lexuaiak
P.K I nK»-..i-Ti-»;:r .l- ler.-

Satnrday, Harrb 8. i}b».-.-Te bad a
amnninitday. Knrlyln tbe Bronlnttoot
aat«ake nawllb tbc fuMowinc
. aenoMiiiied fay tba awoct nofan

ff^dumffMtb?nhoMj^ w
tl ro in tbo jrntt nf IMO tbtfa
ten»r c< Ibrw pL-mnu.
And m. finuid nx-nf Iba nuui;|«niM
titm Sfv York (bit Joani<7«l to tbc
cdtjarartnwii tu unend ibe BiroUI»u «pD«
Dventiuo bold Iben for tin* poriwid ta
didatn f<ir Uw nnuiuft i-Ii clioo.
Hiw fimiir. ihat I •h>ll r.)l FKm.
m*rM wmt ill Ihu fall triirf tbta tbo
comaiiiim wr«ld imsil io Uk- tioraiiia
tKB I7 a lar«!<- toa^iritj cd Williotn H.
8nrud (or lhi> pn->dd.i»7. and Ibpjr,
wilb Uxi »••» body of
MBa Taij tanch niTphxi al the differOK nail. Aabaniiue after tbaad11ff Uk- Urfy lb.. iVirtna went
•o SprMirfleld. Ills..
. ■tin ruoui of Ux. enaribobn at that
plan laid ibi'ir nopicu to ibe eoadidata. Alnbao tiBeols.
AltboBfili la Uia bnoanirltfa Ubi bal

a>kb arlU k- Uk- eewtas Iw theagM M

I. A at
Tallanl. 4 Jaoibrya A A vopm
bL.waar T, A eoi.-wianl.
1. A oun.-vaumi. t. ,\ |wn ri tbe
> lai. a. ballliw. 4. laearl.eKvut
Jage. t. A kunwa betng A-X U
wwmr. ; A ku.Tuf cbeaiphalie

wa eff Bethkbea. TbetwoUiaa
a. vbem nam.a appear In «(ta Uot.
aero daagbtara o( Geaetol Halhulel
« one eff tba ber M of 'be Sero-



E S53-;

aniiTT. aad
drab aad ei

•rf. V II nniidair
R. r.JolBer.
eh-. »y»:
• S-M-.-ra»r my
a. Mkh.
lee. rbromai
lUKm »orh qa'rk ro.ief a. Or.
►' E.-b~-t.i.

' 1' U

malady by tbe awneadiiw remedial actioa
of fk Pierre-a Ceidra IMktl Irkcuvery
Ians. wMh an afandai Mipply M paie

Summer Lap Robes 1#



.......... -

AirUe^" omd bir-iaotfaer. "pn tMo
^ wvaiMbed and set tm^anafultff

Al'wai.aiur.-I bvw >MAM4 4«l>r.r ll.lw




Mir wiw.f M tk#MM Umr

Harvesting Olovos aod Mittens as low as 25 eeiita. |




UM -rnriM,'. KtaTS^IMbiam. brnn^ST£

Are Yon Kerens


•4 M-Vtav.. ta iwfr wurti.l B.. -n.) tM a» fW
mMiM" M !•» iw.iaakMa i»«iniaM wjBrnnr

Traverse City. Mlehigan.


Zt taiJ'iKtau'^aacwi lar:. t^rtmartaw
.a llrMW. UUL 11 lb. <1U w Tra.WM cor. k w
----- — -f umM -m -------------iK*i^kr ~im.i
fw OrSit fknn*•£!«

iiKM CM. ink a.i ml Ul. a. D. ua;.
14AABK1K uaaA.»-H>T4UMMaika.Sajg,i

HSTV Ton PyBpepaiar

.-rrrSTis; naat, i»MTni»iMkTu.f,a-.-'‘ro,t

d. W. Gauntlett.
Witt ai.ri tb.yKKMM.

k-i.u,- ti.AatTOta,
“ IbSM-rOK. V,.rv iM.lhl II
^ «lK-I HlJ.Vl.FT llIK- a<. ■..Krttaa


* inJcMor •ml pfBi.nU fnwatat:
iMiK-ir-.iti rrmBekKilo -.[vrulK. fMdl h.rtk-f »»kv. work, will,
I. KttKT •iiUK.inur liil'................ tun ordK, II

Advertise in the Herald—it pays to do so.



is the place to go if von want a 5mt-class article
of Tea or Coffee. Our stock U new and of
the bcitt qnalitr. Our Teas range in price from ^
IS to 50c per Tb., and Coffee from 14 to 40c per
lb. Call for a sample of onr goods and compare
them with others and you will be convinced that
wc giv.‘ better values than yon can get els«nvliere.
Try onr Gold Medal] Flonr. It is becopung more
and more popular every week. Too du,'t make
a mis akc by dring it a trial.

■iK >n
lu vaHon.
. Fnwlrr'. Kal -f Wild
it an antailing rrm*dt 1
* _______________
Every dav .ir ptam. of dtr.'ttlve dlb
-Bllnr. bBrolnr at pit <|1
heavy .|^'i«r~llt"llrk




AT AI.I. l‘i:ii-ES-A roMI‘I.KTK I.IKKiif THRU.


WhVMWit-KBrln pwmyoi r BirKtt ia
amt^inff and^yoBr da^
im ch h

' •

{ Our $2.00 Trunk is k Or«at Barfculn. Look our other #
goods over

WlK t.ner
-Whe* I wt

“Tea.” U*'* Arthlo. “I, rteold admlte lo be a aoldiiw. to eany a award
and snMud lead luy men ihmiiih fata
■enw » the nioaolalna. wbrtv tbr aow
my lie omaceaVU twu to oar ooe. and wa
lid die like btaoiw with ear boota

Conmr 7th and Union Sto.






ta tto Bator ftoj o* tfca toy^ ra-

I llatoa for the eoalaK «> Bkfeai.

Mm. ■. B. C. B*1M BlIM.

wiotoffal esane. aad the btoleatt co>
anted vWi
'vbicb tow.
—mllac waa attncled liy
orwlb* aye my ai
pk.^,^^ pniaa. wUcta bryan in
aucb aa extent that I
ay (erV and I waa bkaud fmm my w.H
down, en WIt that I could a-n pull my
{■aeii. orrr my >ev aod I had to open my
diore fully two Incbce before t enuM (el
them -• Er.n my fiee (wamc puflol
up 1 and my wbnir ayxlcm aermnl aSem-

•tMMwekrtkw h>T*b

d ^'to
m. ibk Mad
I the elcrtto.
dotto* before

A B>hr* «*»»»■■""


mtMr.boifa to
«kttlU.MaoftM tkaMMliwwM
Md whhMV; My


^£»)d to


SThSli^AoSrivSjtii to
4rlak of
Ms«ld to *ftUi^ ***
to)k.toU>to>l—' -‘“ I Md BUk
Mzi tor tm
____ Ud «>«.»»U1

taaada HI* rtetoty tr«Bd. app.w^
wUhaaaeiefmraaddlaThaaatteoftbetoalBf of HUfeM
taadalad sot with abooo U alleBr. r«rdied Bot with woTOB rold.
Welyhtod Bot with ahlaaeriac f*B*


How to Drink Watar InWaBUDer


day.- U.. Iroalae i
(end oolr M alrbC arotoctod by a Boaqaito aelU
ad to w^Vto wue
CloihlBC oftoa natoare a^ to«fr
jMe la aammer while lyiaff la the
drmwera. *»mi wbeo it h pot away dry
Before U U aeed
ed It eboold be
to ekaWeB
Bod hBBC in a enoBy wladow for at
leaat a qoarur of an boor to air.
Ilamp aklrU and damp tooeawblcb
arc beeo iroro In dewy rr»»a «w<w
“ho* k-raokUO •ko'*" »>•
topaod* BPM clreaiB>toae» wkteh

The Klory of the oomlaf of «»* fat-

Tto effeela pnid^ ^ tto driskiBr

my epiriti' with H6

ibicb ilUditok.
If. for
piDl of cold water beawall
larpe dnorhV ar If It be ml
ponloD* with a abort loiereal hetweeo.
certain deflnlta
deflnli elfreo. follow
" '
wbldi dilT.r from tbeaewhlc
haeerranlted from tor pamr lioantlty
takm by alppiny.


(ar non ttos • (ew BWBtk*. ud <m a

tor utotoUoB wUl toll to
WkiU •hell BUrnlnf »toiko^ 1

with I

«ary drlokiny i* noL

they are UkeB off.
la warm weather latberaoaldt rap­
idly, and damp clothinir of any (Wad
ITuS aad w
aooB aeqalree a eleae. m
da. Ittakeabota
It ralBoa* to the cooda.
-Tbry-rr Urtd of tbelr toyv ay d.
few alBoto* to bany a dieea
.htlr boya.
rack beforv a fire In the kluU .,
ril hare a lewlny bee."
it la boor blfb near the oelliott. U wUl
At her eaU ranae Willie mod Walter
With ewMtJy e*m«at airThe
fromV- »<»*•>

aUk. Uabe eaa take IV pleaty of «.



th'aWti^Irtto lemoB-inice
_____ ,_.ceof a perfeel.................................

ivTS ,rs.'‘.ssa.

• of the brat lo toe city
He mkl theiflbur waa cauard hr an lrritation.ur lU'


StoleTn to yrert them there.

cd ip
—. — — . . .
the doth, wi'b toft anaa —-- with
ni“'ato ^.istoD^"2Hb ihJ «lce of a
dn« ft to mad fro.'

loid »uHi a prnnoUBcrd and radical rSwI.

set to'caol, tlicB B'td.ranilla.




■ s;in:;,'*;i‘s‘iSk“k«,“to
ttksBBy ottor ya^

•MoTeaBlofa. U tto latMr fora a
toUa eat to hold tto ton.

bllaetal IB nal life.

rS2k.k, k«i..»c.w-^i;


a..toto miiv to^._ .
der. aU npColai
oaV Cat wilb biacoit culleri od toke.
wlUi tratlor.
ome apple
been aweeU-oed and
ed. io the bottom of a po^lf*
Make it two Inrhe. thick. Make
eomaurcta bUoc manye. or poddioy.
aad poor orer tbe appla. nelay tie
whltm for fraatlay.
Cream Cake-Heat four eyyt nry

For toey tb<viyl>^
Z fluwera
fliiwcra wi
will freaben
Manr draminy
iiertcrfally if thr>ip> of to.torlnyly orrr tto pretty work
trimmed utr and the coda arc
Their little fln|rer»n-w.
Vito *t‘»«‘*** ‘iTOb?- thooyh crooked in hot watcr^.n- a few inomci
tocw iq a coqjjliacc for
Tbr preaaurc
-aaurc of a ll(hl alioc may I
>v applying
a clolb. wrnuy <"
relieved l-v
p water. u> Il when on tl
In bulliny
Who made one aqoare of bine.
f.iov TfaUrauwe Uieabiu toklretob
and mold llaelf tu tbr aliapeuf llir IM.
Vaa f»l
UadriakirU are muefa y>iml. to uaxr
toem-fii aaao'Jiiy under iha akin at
iSl'l add'o^'Mjffw'rrf fl^ai^ ,The preciom apread
' r to^. and hare a wide ruMeut alunt
wllborve bnpioy teaapn<tnfo1 of tok. inciiea. wiib a ad;i narruwef ood
For wfliie married me.
Iny powder, aod one-lbinl repfol of
S inebea on that ayaiu at tbe b
,od Walter ai nail.Ular^ and tall
milk. Hake In two roond Una for
tom. TbU bold* the orerakii
And be ba* babiee thtre.
ty minntea.
When done, turn

w^^rd^VtoJ told

ibelr toby

Wton ooid. ai'iit *nd *
tontoer? Ab. brwrattoGod

Cream-Holi one plot of milk, add
one eunfnl of 11,mr tmxr.1 with «dd
work Bprfad
two bntten eyya. onf
Cook three orlonr roinnlea:
Aa toe toby-a aqnare In tto eomrr
eool flaecr with ramila and
eprtad belwmm too aplU cake* and
le little anoara of blue.
B^inble pulTorirod .oyar oyer the top.
_____________ -S-W
Half of ihl* rale m<k«a eoouyh for raa.
Whto it la psfaa tola <
Wbipoed erram and all
kftoCht ap BBdar the pett^oat
Ike a maid ktyoer
praeba may br u>-ad inateadot tbec
Whr*Tb.wld you think yon-WouM And
Chlitonla Conkiea—One eopful
hrr by ru»ln|rf
BBUBBOBwatlD eaaaot aeed.leae- mo'.aaaea. oor-balf cupful at milk. Neeer
mMaba Umn to
h^ttotohyiaa Into *hlto frock Ubate—
Trt loriD*;
ralalaa. oDf-hall KBaponoful each of
CTOond eloree. eiauamon ami notmey.
Hare you fooad toe hcarmily tamapooofnl ..f aoda
Ml* In Hoar
l-aaelt onl
like toft yiayrrbread ami drop io
a: In thia caae it la wall apoofiralaon tottered tioa. Ilakeqi
SonUare (ropinr in toe niirhV
M^Mtotto napWat with
a aqnup
' hi Bonel
Hold toy llyktod lain^

It Made Him Homeatek.
v'l^awpBMolmnMyte hw'
-XanUppe Urea In hlaiory only
Ur may
l-Baa itoi

..tototoZ-kp* to PtoH tol. k to p~

Tk^SaKS-pTic „.CP.





sL^as ‘ ---------SiV wBl fleeaa -

-s--.= s-pto.

it at farm
toe^^lowlny Incddent
blln ' '
iaealnrv «r aonaa aqaally tridlnc artiThe burylar bad entered toe bc^ a
Mapktod apat haphaiBtdato rl« quietly a* paaalWr.bdt hUtoo.4wei

Mih oar eary bmt on tonne UUle dar-

the bed. aa It about to yet up.


ouad of a wdmaa'a rWoe floated

dor ijStolj^ toAt wuiUd fteo llooAdMkJShSy. ofaaerruuatum.

MruaaUadlaaByway- Ab«>
hart MUfl Aoald ba talkud to aad pla*ul trtto: taackt tha aauia« lltUa

— Jal— tarinafftoa naeaaaai

^ad hltbeach la a radlmaatary eoadiTake a euplal of iiyhl aad
rtaa. Maiaafy aeBnaad ateriaa. tor yetov a capful of warm, aweel
.yy* braten. a cUpfol of Buyar. a
mful of yrate.1 ^waafre-peel and
add to IhU flour roooyh to
Biakr u thin baterr. aiul ael il in u
rt witoeareutea-eor
rarm plaoe to riae If too yrito il tor
tod to be klrted hyerhr
A. you muat make toU baiVr up
toaaa tokeoa ubout nine o'clock Id Ihr moraine.'aafl
■held from
•fleau____ Uaethe wl'ibl
In two houra it ourbl to be foil of bub(miheplaa
blea. medlleht.
mefl U(hV Then
Tben pour tola halte
■ ■to form
Miaa hilay lore with them; teode
atiff Aouyb; add aalt.and_alum^
and a lamp
-e— ta tholr Mtoiul attaaaphera, U
of baiter
batter aa bi( aa aa
an eyy Work ft
am lawUab tone am yrow an^ UKirouyfaly. aod
and net
ael It in »lurreu
rltea^D. When it i* riaen it laraady
ihar tolaaadaut to farm Into afaapn called pimkclofafft '
taoka. To do to la you must floor toe
Irtt la'attar >aan they icoff PM
boam and roil out toe doayb half an
them tram (hair ehnorua.
inch tol^. amrar toe anrfaae with butU a tolia eaa ba tralBcd la cd
tar. cut into atelpa about Ux iuebea
aad tratotalaart. all toe oT
Ineyaod taro Inehen wMr. fold^m

___________ _______ _ .mtoll


Tiea aatotha'idaeaUoa : tortr cbiifliua la toaaa rnaUmu. to.


................... ,

_ help U a blinderAuul torn br,
Let ate yalde him nrarer Thee.
Make my morlal dream*-------- •'
With toe work I falB aro- ,ld dOi
Clothe with life toe weal lulenV
Let me U- the thfay I meani
Let me And in Thy employ
I'raca. that nearer U than iojl
Oat of ael r to lore V
And to baaaan be ao-Umatod.
I'oUlall tolnyiaweetahd'ffood
Saam me naloral babilade,

ale and
.......... ............... ......
liny for
three boom, and you .Ure to trumpo
We torn qur sad. lulnctant yaie
nrpeU with yoar muddy boota
I'poB tbe path of duty; /
down aUlra aod Uke them off 1
Ita barren, uoritiny w^yU
Ara aoM of bloum and branty.
^He imt down ataln wUhoal a word.
Vet In that road, toonyb dark and eoi
hot he dldp't take off hU S Uaeemaaawe heyin IV
• •ui
A*weprmaea-le: webehrtd
There a Suaeec lo it
^lUny'for him aaw a tear yltaton In
-£lio ITbraler
"1 'm‘1 rob that booae.'.he aaid.'
nlndk mr of home "—ucfcmnl.

A warned butler and

a pul them in the

Haat aad Tomato Boallor^
Tor a rtat of, Bariy chapped, coo
UMV allow a pint of tomato *a< .
.aada aa toHoara: Simmer owe qaan of
, t^*mStrt^ bimaahaaper Mpraraa tomatota for iwraty mleatec. then
wmii aad adUaw. and iha aamate peuaa thronyh a aleaa Melt wi '
Mtht and AtMt MaUma wbaa > Wowaiayoae lableapooeful of h
frrttdaal-Bay(alrtt byafawhoar add two uAltapooefola of floai
uatn amooto. Add two cape c
ato and CO
•nSaiaaotolBy yalaad at aay Uma
:l It thlohe
Tha MaaaoaafldeBla aad MUdew.

esrasrissT." ' SES".,

aMltMaaaiar aafatodolt more toaa
Apowplauf hean batau tbay am to ba layer of. the tomato aaaer. and boob
Mamad. It la alaa aqaaUy aMtlal nnUl all U uwM. Cneer toe top with
bread cramta aad bake twenty miathat Iha BMhrt ha^--------- -atm laaqaM oera. If there li loa
toaa a pial of awat makejj toe qnaa-

K>W tliao 1 rrer dk!


Do Hot Be Deoeivei

Do oot , endanger the We of your child by accepting
a cheap substitute which some druggist may offt-r yini
(because he makes a few more pennies on it), the iogredients ci which CVCfl he docs not know.

Chicago ~ —r West Michigan
“ Kiv. ■■■:

t>h, how m
brartq are aeblny
Fbr a lon^louch and bAra.
SMy not In
-I arillAO
ora your Yrta^hi^ Isattbey doubi


There is
____ of mcaninR
such tender and
holy reeollcciions cluster as thal
of “ Mothek •*-^hc who watched
over our hcfi>!ess inf^cy anduuided oui first tottering **'■'1’-^


Insist on Having
lie Kind That Never Failed Yon.

fort shoulil be marie to avoid it.


Mother is ena­
bled to look for­
ward without;
dread, suffering or gloomy fore­
bodings. to the hour when she
cxi»erienccs the joy of Matkerkead.
Us use insures safety to the livo«
of both Mother and Chikl.-mrisliL
is found stronger after llUn iK-lort
confinement—in short, it "makes
Childbirth, natural and aisy."a»
so many have said. Don't be
persuaded to use anything but

y wilr raSered more in ten min-

k> at'once: ba quick about it!
Her Poat-Gruduata Coutsa.

Tr*lD«WiMaTrra~ratq>> *aa Sit a«a»a.
to Trxrrw Uli
, 1t,.a
IT» r S Krai.,.
to ^







ll.HBU B»imi.

^ gL

Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, Etc.


:!S““ :■

fiorsesMEg and General Repairing Done.

Women arc ao apt to ait
..eplore any lilHe defect In Ibeir peraunal app.'arsiwr. inalra.1 ut iKetirriny
IhiunaelVA to iini! out tiic beat way of
Icuri minimiriny. tor
bad rffreu of Uial bieuiiali.
Pampaaour ti.HA ia a norelty
nlyfatyowaa. wbiie many otkera i
turned lack williueiihaailjr cull
Then, ayain. surplice
-piice mvka are nice
thia aeawio of tlie pear.
year, a hilr tli
_______ xrv lik
*%uyerariylit dark blur ealit are rere niuch
•o In .1-aris,

_ is. bpl
with black rbmiile d.
I* liybl-ioloml
bore wllh
atraw•k la'
with tinvsiails.Kuawlan nets nillnui <
<■ .igually famnl.
ea^ oeeaalon Mrs. Julia Ward
• preaented hrras-lf at a dob of
wbleb ahe ema a memU r with her boo
pet wrony aide fi
,q. Howr abonld farl
ikation, le
louibor iofurtnad her ol
"Whal a blow to my
ily'- aaid Mr*. H.iar, with ao
iw-d amilr. "I tbouybt '1 wae recairiny quite an nonauat amoantotaticnUuaa* I came down toarn in the
mr. bulatirlbuled It.aolaly to my own

m tad Icautit.ioe**


Good Fits.


Good Goods.

Good, heavy, Hash Cotto-:!

Fair Prices.


Leather Nets from............ .......... lOOt*' i.60
Remember the Bargain Sio^e Hame^-i 74)0

KuiiliutioB of Teicbers.

MAW, BkF Cf^y^Dflitrolt, Bow.
eU, Amb Arbor. TeloSe bb4
points SMtABd Booth, caobs
isetipiifl St Copomlsh with
W.H.BXHn«T. ^
OaBT Part. AffUtMaflA







ThoaowlAi think tha biybae edoca
Ion of aroman alao embodiea a kaowllyuef buoarkeeplny art* will be la- '■in ton foUowiuy dlaloyneyietereated
Ttr rarw* at y»lLw cxamlaaMou of Ike
eu by toe IDetroUFreaT
laartrr, ol UcraJ Trorrrw rrakly. lor Ur
n—Yea. Fra y

.. 86cto $ 1.60

Fine Hash Shaft Net.......................lOOt-^ 2.M


I Black;



w. , !iw«*ih:r. wttorrootr. craawar.


A PkTt Of^ brtrt M SrtMrPwtrt.


(or Bro. (rod* tar W


Kirooo* Irorbrr, I* ta* ar'warT xra II I at

. ^



..' *B*»
t.K• W

.. . IJ w*w
Urara. Uiraw.WM*-^ rar m*»> 11 w • w

If you have logs lo sell corresjwnd with tbe Traveree
City Lumber Oimi>any. \Vc have for Kale good, sound
ilcmlock Lumber, Surfaced Sidewalk PlAnk, Maple FlfjoriTTvSt
KmMmm. C«w hiiUMk u< M«U a ing. Short Maple W'kkI. Lands for sale. Mill Machincr);^ ^ iMWtXU
of all descriptions, including 2 Engines. Set Works, Car*
SAVF voi a OLD CAHPirrs
riages. and Saw.s. A complete Saw Mill Plant for ^le.
.11.1 h.vr itoui m*.:. lliiral'l.' at

Auntnied '
lIlKheiit lIoDora—Worid'aFalr.
U»M Medal. HMwiater Failr.


Bar Nets from.......................................... 1® to 76c Ut. PlflUAnt,'Owowo. SkcL




The Kind Ton Have Always Bon^t”


Bonicb Cream.
(tee-hatf of an ounce of crlatinrcmie
optnl of milk or eiratn- onr-haif ofa
cupful of anyar. ope and uDC-balf teaepuonfaU of raailla, our pint of cream
Corer toe (elaline with cold water
and Iraae to a..ak about au hour, llace
■ ilk and »u(ar on toe ktove to heal
Heal the pint of <r.-am toa ktiff truth.
A>ieaea> boiUaild the (elmaad remore fn>i« the
il the (clali'ie ia di*a

Skit. ulS U» <r~ — °> «•<".'•


After the diet week I c»iaM.**J


“Carefally caeb atltoh.’ alie aaid.
Oook'a C->niar.
• Kren a* erra nan be."
iraham Hinto-Kor nor loaf of brtmd
pour into a r
SlMkbl. to kick kkcklkt lU erp
Thlaway. that way. In aad oaV they
leaiHotof warm water, half
.^MlPto! klp—to,-ktohll
CoBOted "onr. two, tort-e. Tbe toby, bound by toe droplnyaoand.
' A liltir nifHeof lace at tor n.xdt aod
Pell aeleep on her knee.
euBa abonld be worn by elderly ladiea.
TOO caB allr It: pot in a tin and lei it Toyetorr abe baated tor pleeea.
who cann-it expect to pouMwa kkloa of
Her BDtil qolle rtebl Iprobably two
boom), tbeo hake 1
tbe cambric or muallo ia
Yellow and yrern and yray.
______ Blacoit—One ropfol of aoenrauony and y^ fur UiralTwio of errryAnd toe muttor amlled at her boya betottar tto alar of M
trimialoya ac"



Thh wai enooumjrtac, aod I ,continur.l
Ihifrum.' ttonk dee Wcaloall. wlllitlrc

Huriny the act


per. So one has authority from me to use my name ex­
cept The Centaur Company of ukuA Om. fi. Fleichtr is

uany*li«a^p.wrr.l until itwajcnlire
abolfatoed. and. aaa cuoaequrnee. that
aernt in
torculiByul ai
pulM Wata inoreqniekly aad tor r
r..nii of kldocv ditonler.
laUuD in eafloiia mruof tbr hpdyri.inFor mlcbva11.l.airta —prIre.McrtiU
In addilion to toU.we al.-i
Uiiikd by Foater Mlllnra-C<j^,
Hud that the pnrwiair under which tbe , j
'• ie i* erereled. i« raiMd by the aipp'.ny .
of fluid-Dk .Vimanrliw.

tOie nttod them toch to a thimble.


-pfrCHXB’8 CAflTOBUr*
I OR. 8MWEL PITCHER, df Jjawii. MmaOuMOt,
was tie erigmabjr
"PITCHEP^ CASTORl*.- the tarn
tkat has iKwne and does mm,
i> lAe cri^ - PnCHER^ CASTORIA." mUcA koff ten
yean. LOOK CAREFULLY <rftte«roH>er aid


«>am lodelible. Takon'earlj
(lleamai^rolB their rsldeo hair.
it may eomeUme* b>- blra-hed ««t on And fraymnl abnwrra from apWy now-

oataeal Brael. or BBythlac toe faoelw
•Calito MUra. If tto toby ha



. HetaalB

to the
asda of OkUlea,






trtm kail jaril u> Urra )or0> wl*
Ttr krr Muarr ikM Bro* forrlrrolor,.
TbrX a licTsaa arcAU tswo



Brosch’s Meat Market


Chuicest Meats, Poultry and Game.



arau UkTura wroklr., rakf*. AUooMc*



tnd S



11 S:t.




> a. TkB^CatrVrrkraMWH^tW^

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