Grand Traverse Herald, January 28, 1897

Dublin Core


Grand Traverse Herald, January 28, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


TR^vrasB onr. aHAHD Ta^ypSE ooumr. locamMX. jAypABT aa. im?.

Grand Traverse HeraW


■, ■. ■ .*c:s

Tumsscm STAR BiRl
' eAPITAl.SIOO.000
1 MOtt UIOI BBiaS Mi



Whan 70a bare « ootd doo'l
try to VMT it out, it Btay
«w yoa <mt firet Oet a
bottle of oor GOngli Syrap
aaa atopM-U k litkeli eba^
«& lOe. per ooBce or tbiM
for 26 oenta.

Rose & Son,


■w. m sjaJBS3a:.A.,

M. l•aBldaB■y. PrwMh aMl a»
«*r. ha* oridMad a rnttm tm the
teiUttMtiaa af aabrolna far faal peri
MOBfU* TWa U* iwo po**a rraa aa aoaeaat U the Pro«L *arh arMd olU a lo«(.
r. took Ibrir *1*1400*. bach lii


Marrlrml of tWprwIdpal'maol*. 'i
loarl ddoMad th* e«aM aroaad I

** “a*m»m *• tw Ifoabl. mialkiaod a*!^' U* amaL l«adia»^. I ahllr handVA
n. ,«BoaTLl
»«• .0.11
n-' t*0»iWf«r. aad Ih* otllltaiy narcM : .Wadtl.T It. uppo
iUCfuorb tb« *lrool* of Ibr di>tarbtd '*lr:> .ouauor

r ter Sii*.

^ mz



'IJj Indian g.rtnr
carrlrd* m
* lo
loae ndr is bia rigbl band:' imbed kl. brirl Ui
'uUonueki. cat m Imrn'ImVi Ihr lorwi
mediakiahrltm bwL, of-.irr*iLi
am..taU. .lr»i»ot m> ma ! Tkrar dmn mrir*.'M-n llrro.loB.aith
, aodsuickm. m pmalbrr | Oemf switb. rnbral Am»U». mod ailb0*Al Scuib. Th* tl
.. m wam-niL.^'mc .prci-ionl mBi tr i blc .-mrrKd >fl tbr' brr uld-U
Ub* froBtirr.Ban. m'rhli^-^f'.
la tba OH
.pitoi of Aauua. 1
iBioro** plclurr, ml M**i trentybro,
ria *trm.^
•trmarr mm.rm.^
md.ral inu. .n, .w-r,.
Drmu 01 a Qraat Ranlorbanl.-r ha- lo.t dird in Cock,r,' f.ii Ibr pamt
IK* TUil. 1..U. Ikr l«








iBorc prutaiarbl mrc lira. n.c
' IVbv arr ;oo, that dmrw
" buiilb.' mad nmaU A
...g ia-'Ui, _n._r c,
lO.BE «
.lU'd'' tiundrrrd onl U»1
> bu*-« llTr^B
>, llur rodraroriag n
roproabt* m fra bnorm bl
of ban Jmr'ioio. mliiL-n a
of that ..
LUC uiiuiui^^^ .
.1... . omU]*.ki.,firr
of Bnfimlo ttmyou. ua Ihr ;ui of .tprii.
l.pi.'aad III ablcb .trugg.i lUr Uaoo*
or lajiDg hi* losg bony bngrr iia hi* - mhich
hrXKaa grorrmi max tmkro pri.ot.rr
i.Blb, B*a*igD-brolof aami tbr coa- ' <«oU up . i|
II0U.I00 had Wn *r«.T.-:j
.tl«-aB**l» loiu-Wdrlrrauro.
ugrf*. Imrj
aouadrd IB Ih, aoklr. and thr *i>rgi-..n
the met of mdmiDr.irri>ig to Ibr
M m

*ao eouirreoOd ATrENTM
Trurrrf ffV. A

. d OB a log IB Ihr stutudr of .(.WHiag.


cmaaapj. lamJ .ik.ith
Ihr in.lory of IK-mf ho
Ihr laemt ctirmatdiiary r'



racr bj- li.ct
"Ihr Llrtngrr. m B.i uu
dug,.- frva ha lauulb.
A, kiH of BB laaru*.'

aisgir gUaa ol u,. p'.Tio.
If RorLlioued^iipi* 'O* *1

OMfa- bBtl^BlgbiaadM

V. & rLRCSO. Pfep.
— Are you in need of i

Chest Prote'etor.—


Chamois Vest?


.•nignal. la iVrthmhIrr. 1* a
BumlY J l-»i

; walSk warn faof Ur aigaiar •»
U-and law
1, - - .waa

I'tll. aad.
i^”Ufir yrwt at ViroalaUa abhoa
,t l.soiiy«aimold.aad boaaaUi
fsQadrnvf Ural '


thr grratrmi mgr alUiB*d. 1
. oak. la lirTiaahlTr. urfaich w

Hr ar«,r t

I liOf lilt,
a.u iami.
a bull hiifalu Ubb;

ro * Ma lumrr^L^^Jor U. lU.l




600 2Ce6bl £o: rZSo


faMtlT *1-“^

br Ukrd mad a.ak aa ha
in* orIgiB
urtgiB of lb*
,nu in.
T a* KViAhuot
Eagland'a Ok] Tiaaa
huaUair rrocail.

ig aB.orrof
miij.rrl the

And Oyster Depot 1; |*'tTJ

»iib aadrhl* apr*'
. .,r> rmili 0*> III III
ulroggu- «i
Hof 11..U0A ■J ma. a
ticular Imcorilr of'.i-i U-iuubro.


U* largr plaram Ibniagb
rol icb br pwimrd tbrfr wrrr iSBawbara
he Wight rn a aapprr. lodgiag aad
brtrokfa.l. a* wrll m.a frw g
roablr kiB tc
*• ----------- ---

( tmci oy Ik, aulh.iiiiiw.

s«s.“‘«wSrS^ Dr. J. A. Snyder,

, '

IB. ^




.rmutito w traildlDr.
hr lomprt ar;h-ml th« 1 doar in m»l irvpo. 1^. coloarl aa. i-,.o. lo drlrrajlor the laadMlaa *t
*il,rb(r*t aarrilcg Ibromah a hlrfa ! drt*«rd la tkr ricbtmt br.a-lclalb, Oraf .—a..
t,n-ir if imllrala lh«
luT O-m * . ■riadoa. mad aa* imairrllaUI): >d > >ailb is * biK-k''
pmirmcr af ritbrr of Ibr
Hr- errwHti:
A drnwd tbn.uL’baot :» buck.kio, ' with »lo>oltaorw«.,«>rrm
Ongia of Ua Wort Jouiroaymaw
tl v«»t, riTT a irrmri
Tbrrr omO to br a wry good law fm
of thriaad frll W. i
which tr-iairrd r»a*y aa-


t)o ^olj

— "'“'•TE?

....... ■;:r::Uo.
:.i ... ..................

Real Estate

~ t,;3= =r.'.47'!rsr!.“;->"

gitn Bsahar at al>-al ta* ■
I I*. >u<. <T aa* apio la tor C’lj aaii; to * ,»laal. aad Ibra ab*alpd: each
aruryUilor bHokaowl lb.. l^urmUac of *!■ aad dr, wb,e Iw cba*.
A» lb* ; rc-rtUy •mbIMMi-------- •
uTpr ibe vlif
dttlaaca a** rmtbrr pnat. b»lb ^a*ad
ailb IbM
____ -*r laaplia war* aoiotel <4
vlathr kprctamn. u Sa*b fr«MO •»* tb^
* •olMifiod far! aad of law frmd* .
‘..II «H
u. »>o:'iaa tuadllioa. 1
*ar|ui**4 b.T th* .odd'ti I
ud mark lb. .trlklac
lo' thaa.
tv aad ,,
la ^u,,,
of a Mrior'r. •■*'»»»• ai'A’r rari.»
a. c«tf»o*.1io*t7 m* ; fm.-» o
'hi. look. *uddrw,
N.didaoi kao.k >u. u.. ib. tail, it t>ea, bad . m.r- drr mad p**w mlEod laeatbar aad faf
T.. mu- W.4
IkfL'IaMNf door: b, did aot >ak md drruu* aM«Bib(- >Ral Nnilb't •'uoam hatil liiiiiiinM m ■III -rtt a
■ Imioa lb«v *1 al.. OOI cUoibiaf, uo- L asmer am. .utra mud pmwi.'olw* m* mmt .pmrldr rraTllr. aad. abM ham.

irr.—" '-r—.'i‘r,rj7':sr;t:

O. P. Carvero*—-tn~.

know this?

V. «> A«g<g--R-P- *

M «d
foal raprWiatlaithSty MB
*ad oocopylM •
af bat

’“ir.r----- J?,."


BaaneeB OardB.

-If tW eitlMM «f a«MlB do aMlwn^wMlW
wed Ih* areklraa.
arekiTm. t »hall
»ht4l canalalr
cwtalalr 1 T«hw
“Mm la «k*t «•
- 9om» and lak* thr«i mad If Col Mor-1 At


.ad if ur^cd lurlhr
gmlbrmd to grr*i lotroh*.
mcnw-il to mhi
, Intcowjy dark ,)e*
forth aparm* oftre .Noon, had t
Icincriij Ui agmiD refrr'to hi* form
lifo mlu-r thr «roperi. ucr of m trmt i


Hr could wriu


,draA'*"u.^thea U. ld.11 hrf..rc
di-iicr. a. a aort



a to i- ortol • UiarOr rmcair
iJvT^CrtU of Uw MiddU
hi- hand a. hr fall. liU.wIj
„a,\,r^natnd )*«U« aad Jawrl- .
f*d I,irovlf Tc *.-‘rr ».t ,.,w*v«naur tio-m. glorrmof hair,
drr It, modjodge a Uil’rl .a
r,.|„.i. aatla and laCeU. gloooa
l,-moruLof thr Jillgc. Lrol
h.- ctrolil not fail to uuurraumd tbr , thr hmmd ui hi. a.It«*mr., ».* Ur m.t- p.-rto„«s. wmUrt. armmod mad glaaad.
Bild and gratle
hr irr of an lamlaol Hr «m* ronUnrd to
^ br f-road U Ur limL Iboy bara
gralle aimaorr
amuorr to
la which
hi* brd far . l-.»g llmr aflrr that ..I
firoia how hUwa!%alfa.
-rnrd- htiB.
Ill* >trrri fnli
rmltirr. Oa oar
oa, oorariun
otca*'- a wouadod bid*, aad rrro froB Ur Uia of wbato:
Uard iuardtatrlT, and loriBg i-.Bsnl imaturr.
Ihr aWdlr
tddlro<.f li, niota onlttgar a.oodr.1 op.n hii
lumtriala. be look i hia ailh fan cB» in Ih
1. aad froB aabaato*

'br ••n|vju,k^k*
a, could .<1
ara. tirai “‘““‘^iri’y^lhv

hr p mialy area oo hia^ l.m toagh
amd toiabir &gbl wi'h a p.o»W bw
•eft afaoaJdrr wa. fuid.y laorratrd. Irol

............. -W,li^rv:'.,

bJ Ulag Uro.Ja Uto U. Sw.
taVr h^n Bade, M, faa*a Ua
bytou*. Ur Bbrra aaenlad by oam

g a. to lafora na rohai 1* your ' kaifc lalo th, pmalh"- »
Bir af
a «Ufa Ihr arcuag :■
1 U.r drmih wm. the rrmell of
__________J* aafa
alrangrr ai-.,uirw»d at .ro.» b.vl*lr,utc.
Il» auiorroo. fHmda
ataaor rorrr prrmaal
to rrret m
g a U-UrT lawrihfd. •In thmi- ;aho
.a h latrr. m Ug..* buBtElaetnaiy aa a Farm.
olb ■ gua t an mil rusm
,m, fr-m ITraidra.l IIyu J.n.mua .b-.a-frr,
..voarol MuU aradaUr aUtaddFBMBrat ml WaUlagUB an lalrreaUagd^
wtHpUoa af a far* U ttrdtlCBt^,
that fiu«lhia.i.«ril.n Ib* d.agrf mad Ori-ri.rd b> tar met* of«,
tfanaany. whore rlrclrfaiW baa bam
via Twalroa Vl*py. la whuU .-.lacitt
BO'.' J‘- Ihr.-r ntorr day. td ■
, siyaa
thiBl amUrr*
Bade to Ubr Ur pa.1 of Imbanra U
hr rmdcrrd i.iu.ble arm-. i« •"■a :-idr mbrlhrr >-."■ «•“ aurrrtdrr .»-r .dbiy
lAud great amrt
A UrWar di
V rad >'f Ih»';iit.
hm-.i gti-'-d.-p.r*-- E^»ki^ llghuib* barro*. yard*aad
lit- iirnm,*;-i-m*.
nr Toar|„
would yoo likr drorUiaga aad farrolmhrm a eanal af
aroHoi.-n.N| to hr aUdlog >a Ikiahay. Iraa rohirh
,«ami(* K


save moneyj-ri' u
We can supply you. Now ihcp: if you want
let us sell you a 50c. 75c or $i.cx3 Chamois Hkin. Then takt-.aro.y
look at our made-up stock and make one yourself(or health and warmth'
Your. (1

0.‘.af6i£:"----- -----iuump-






Can)et Cleaning;Works
gonriyorendaTU Engiaeer
Carnations «m
TIm Smith ^•’oSonhoui

We noDC ofiis liveso-cartfuily
that we n'ever require the aid
o( medicine to put us right.
It’s a -comfort to know where
you can get them pure -at
pric^ We are
modest about these points—
we can give you what you
want at
I Waifs Drugstore,

Merchant Tailoring.
AH parties desiring anything in the line of first-class Merch­
ant Tailoring, will do well to call upon the undersigned. a«
special inducements are being offer^ to all micnding piircn^rs.

io fi>ri
wma .till ii
Ihrc Ibr IV

whrrc hr oaor U
iat* aaa here-

pipalmti .a
.* Arroiag IB
aad ihrwUmg BachUe.
Om Bf
mUrm fr.iin a dee.rorliig pimgor- <»»„ rinoBt WocU to Ihe ralire plaoL wble
halfUrpeuple hmrr harried frvB Ua rirorrirarr uiireeeha* redaead UOB
LtalekrB city, hanarm. la paralyrrd, ,U. "
thr rouru arr cU-rd. jtrd^
f^ | S,^,_r

ad loTTham-OaoclfoTtJa '
.tier thr trraio»-*nrut.
rauagb V
■xa* rrri-iulion a dilfi--rolti
b*^ aawaof tbr tallaraefd^
ai prupir arr ro*mB.prd. will harr
the ar, gorcraanii
by your UpTatraiBg
lag Iluuk< I
■ : to b>B>.i«idoa<-d. thr lark nf waur aad Aaa
•»ago. air uro brarr rairogk l
-L.i? . u—towahi, Ulag for

.1**of afar.
ed mad ali Ihr. hrorror. ol^
atraogrr in»Ual
-1 aa at jvur ari
Tar c**r mm-i Ibai, I hr
lowill ikrdrmdki
aooaUUitioa had Ctvd Ur cly vf AuaMortuD wrote a
It it Uoogbt tbrrr will b----------------- ---of at Iroat l.nou.niio beabal* la tba Aaathr^bll! archiTra-rorM-'* hepu ! I^h^timagrr
with the rraerratlrru. tiurorrrr. oi a ' aa too gi-arrmi* b-*r
Bowrr Im Ikr prr*ii.rBt to ordrr Ihnr
too brmrr to frmr may
trapormry mavrii id camr of ummgrr of nthm; Urrrforr. Karri
Israad* vl a lorriga rD*BT »r jaij ,.f a arrotid "

r* "N*®r
Toorfamibr Vilbr rod of MarU.'g^
of audd,D'iB»urm-tJoD
Thr] 'TUr oploarl*
mod th.t it «4I rcrotinur in aoato pmru , »UU*--tA*^-r:;___________
HiiahUT Mixed.
Ithwrai, U-gaa iv ( "Again the alrmagn mrad. aiUont a anlii the rad of Jon*, la other dir :
-TiBr. Liiawl tnctrhaTiDgapopoiaU'Tofit.-".-™
mUvcitir* wiUiB ti.c rrrj j niinaret'a hBiUliot
■ - bank vf the«. may rvolionr BOothA ! An old P»^

migbt of Fb* vapitai ilma.f. mbMi Ur i im, rfraiag. plmce, •
ni wrm- aad lb, rictlm* is tbr aaur* .Ulrmi Ur fvllowlsg sstlaa:
'■ • - ....... ----------‘-•jibr CvWrmdu. opJ»" a Aaaliai
Is UfaU^^ril^hjdd
at Wambiagtoa. va Ua Uraum. •»
y^diL "Iju'B*vA Uil to hr pa Umr'• ooBdiluro» ia the Cniled t-Ulrm arr
log tiut aa excrolioomi cmargrBi
iTkro uma(
tmkiar Ihrre
Ihrrr atop,
alrp. aertw.
mcnw* lb* .. tragic am they Bight ba -Krr* I'r
lokcd by Urmr m.Uof It
. hr dwmpprarad Urougb tbr
Mrtailic Lmtluag.
' tUa-"uadarhiBUarad U
Wtot be aaiaaUy did read
After hr had gvor Jsdga Wrbb
Waaklagtee. wbica
,« Bad* of wood arr aard In*,
p^lble. Col
for Ur linar beiag.
d Ur lodoatry i*
Uml yoa latoad to «ght Um(
it^Hrtdsy Ua
DOb~ ilritmaato.
iMld be aUard
b* bald is tbs '
mftoTBOoa a
oBbime back
iwrmy aac
OKireief. aao ae
amdly tarmU
of Ua
drnaad frton*aaarlT all architocla
a of autria. hvmrdimg
rala "
nrtailir lalhimg la Ur eooaUrocUoa
' Yea arr Bialakrc." mB«w<
•Uro baa*.- «err- uesr
ueany U-mii Uayay.
u* partltluB* of mudem bclldiagm,. ■■};i,iam Br.
a damlh-biuw ^
to coloorl. withaamila. "Thai
aaaa Ur New York Hoa. kIrUilie lath- ,
- brro, waua* famt atanda id
lag l« oard Iram wlU a rirw to Baking
-arr -trpa to ort, of a doira hatUem. and at Ira
irmiaad to Ukr U
hr back of It. H a
Ur balldinr* flrr proof than to makhalf aa many doala. B**ida»- hr la V
1 mad
Bid tba UUis «a*'

rz "

Mn^nic Block.

_ „



Good Fits,

Brosch’s Meat Market

Good Goods,

Choicest Meats, Poultry and Game.

Fair Prices,



Cut Flowers,
Floral Pieces,
Bedding Plants,

rX ±X3. gooMon..

- Fresh. Salt and Smoked MeaU, Sausages Ltc.


If in need of either store or window awnI would like to^ubmit samites and prices
Plants for Decorating _____ yon order el£where, as I believe I can
fViT-nifth better goods at a 1^ priob than any
mmn onr flobal oa traveling salesman..


187 Front St

Traverse City, Mich.

Ortaretbr Job Prlnthig left at the



urtalwr of yJor lao-

'i. biekiilLH Su bTS

all Barr or Ira* intortmto.: la thr qaea-1 Ur prraidrat to tahr rtek kb iw
„ «„old make an dlffrrrwea .
wraly yotos.
yoara. JMtoUa
tioe; aad aftor Baer irry ‘pBybe*, ag*io»i tralaring aay aio»» on *Ar
prrfsctly dry,
agalaat Ur aaaartod iifmaoy of the ad-1 arid of koaor."
to prraral the r riuural c
lmlt. dryltoy't™i
! l«rto*-' l »'
Ury Iroi
eracking Ur BOrtar, »tU
________________ _ fin^a'ic)a.dof4‘*.,"''-*Stf SbIU.' ao.warrt Col Norua thr-wall. Tbr wmdro li
Bea. onr-half efwhus. rrlirriag Ueicoelly
, rxorpt for the roaatraei
oUtK alregiilartiBaoofduty. aboald i -Why. asi tbml cannot br. . i>««
rat kind <
i™ -rf *.1.1
— —n.1.
ja^iito.-” markad Jodgr Wei
afamo grral Uat architoct* bar* ao B«T«ryoay7
------- -larT I^ Ub farer waa
-Tboiro ngaia
agmia yoor
yoor hooor
booo- la mlatak- diatoallr ia prrmaadisg praapretirr
WM.' *sU UMs
|m." BidUrroloorl
Irolidrri to ear tb*B to U« smclaawQ
coaaMrrabl* rcsowa Is Ibr war aod'HsJU’a d»U waa a stm
bad alill BOr* rM-atly diapiarrd so*- tea ap by (fas flonatos to
pwnu bratrrry it 1--. torribk daeU. ia.uf hi* farorlto froB Ur .
boU of which L- .d rot kit asugo- graaer of emala Trcaa*. la wbiwr
abl aearly to 1--.r* toiU a bowir I croadael hr had aeUd a* a apy. I fasad
ksila- He w. ^ Dotorioat for bl« • UaV oat a year age"
coarser asd r .-igrfal ebarmetor, hi*; -Wrll. if whml yo* MI b. Irror. yoa ________ __ ___________
■fhaalB. Bobtnawda Ihoog. : ihal PraaArat Boa* .re a Bmdouia yoormrif. &■' "«r^Sry^rcviudhla-dsfaaaBB aa-radalBod JodgrWrbh -i- .f bBiU
b* 1—raed
waa at Ur b«sd of Ur - waa srrrr kB>»0 to bW hi- “J'h.
rigbl.- “fc-naBs;
JSj?' ?*“*
—.Uitog tores la Aastia Tbr colsawi i -tWy so Borc.' aBarortrd Ur eofsi^^.BbrrotooosrsCSBB. a«d,»r!i 'Uto^T
f year proBiaaYoa aakJ .
rseeBragad U* r-nsrsl Idea by bi*lbar< agrrrt to B««t klB- Tbrrr M
Hr tworr ^ Ur bo«or of a I br so d^rrso. ts falling befon noU b
Mo«toa rrBorrtiaboi. a2u lahosIdasoDsod say
Tvsaa Uai
---------- -------------BOBUB.«rtei^yaa
Btls. i nispb will ensfsr U* fwator gifry
U* focorda of Ibe *Uto troB Aeatls.
lUr| Toward or^iaga larraer^ artfbr woold blBtaU bant hiB dowa Itk*
Jo»s*:-“irbT. aid bay. I gboa mg
................................ artU liUlr
_____ •NW aa
wm gtrt -a
blsUwfar BynttfasBalB sutba










*, ii. I. ,L ..cvv




CbiaUss.' raaltod tba aU Baa. Bar-

ftBaraL wboB »eU^ eosid tsUM- boMT
SSTagoBb* htt taisMv •«« to|DMk> M



‘XT tot


lYraverse Herald

I tafamue.

d «pr—^tad tta artkaa taiaatiU a

Ho fbeged a


M baaa.tafi tor berwl

[ bareVey addllta

tMm peer Wm


A talbraic li«‘I* <l«a«a ”• trcroUy
1M. ia • mxbtoi UtUe-toeM-taed mrlta la a Frrtah ooaft of Jtaito.
polBt of tb« oMnI irill-BM br toR A poor«*dlraoa..o-aa*tatBrd’»IU>
two gold roiaa Wlm bta *»•
ployn. ner drfMw wai tb.l. wbJW
tasH Ft*« rr<M.
A pH«* K>d whwoBK y«pn^
UiUaf la tar oepio,**-* boor*, tta
eUld mher*rtB».a»kooaTHohrr. w
.' cott^ e»lr«<
eiuartrd by tta aipta of th* pllUrria#
cold OB tbc maeirl atalf tabiad brr.
SvuiMaBt of
------------------- Ami •
*ba* iA. exp*^ aaA traelac toraard et«r tar aboalder.
- -fWB two le balf » <toc» ora to rtac elatotad tb* oolB. la iu ehabby Ita,
' la aaiaw ead «a<r ber a Mk Int tbo aad tad ae earrird ttan away. Tbii
look «> tar brc wbn ttaj did not do
ta taM tkt tacirt »«ar pWaly thaa
«orda caaM tan doe*.
^ Wlihtaroa.*imi*rlH*rhotaioota
And taroed doota ita rrJ.tiooabipof aad tearoTri Uw tnofbor for tar
: (tatwe. MeawawMitaboriiepatirel troiWtcdeorlVehliD. nwataamteJ
tath Ita wTta> •bici imprdtd tar rf- tar lanotrac* with atah
ttat»«orr«rha»tt»|i. *talook*d«boo1 ttat tta npeclOBa jedc* drtiwmlerd
' tar a* tfconjfh tarcHy ta aeareh of to liwt tta irulbef taralatrfaeeL
treabl* aad **• tta fdrlor* of aeon lad* tar aland by hla deak wiU>
. wbtatrofillirboooarroffbrw.irn**' child faiHoc orrr hrr.'ohouldrr li
. acafm wrir rradinir Ibrii
war ata bad dewritad. Ttaa V beta
amtai paid cola, froio hla pock^taid
niatad ibrm oB tta deak wUbin reaeh
of Ita cdilld.
A brmbleaa ailracr eoanod. EterTT.
eeraaailedlheMiBrbleciwqoel. TbrO
rwMralv tta cl.lld-* ere eancht richl
of the ciraoilBCpoid.and, with aeeer
rmne.lbr tlay band woi.o.|i»(r»teb*d I
Lsma. I» erlap toara.
•Di.|ra*i*dt laal
. ata
. n
Ita do* aw) Ita rolB* *hj> rluirbed I
ter aacb a anmtknt*
Ita teairieui rnup> .Tbe^incilbPr wi
tara aoBBaWnrd to Hdiac ee a
A PraeelBl Vaai ra^M ta a

te was blgmell the better taterpn
Imetry of ut for this kceo a]
atop w«b tta poetry of ratal*.


dolor well, taya the >'onmi_ IfltCOBM
thlnp aa.»
-1. It
11 wooM bo ao IN
riiy apiaatta*
Boaloa. to that eiiy
widva. If they a; oBbiliOQaahd

- • • .mthj, eeieroma-derKtao
Uke up bouay. ohiao palcllor. aloyd
or oolUial ecoaoior at eo with a rrfrea^p tadepeodeo'ee of ihrir are. I
_____________ pupil of »
proBlornI achoola of oraiorr. bn ft-:
lowatudrolABoetly ta lbeiornp.trrai
tap her with a beautiful eomradeablp.
inaued of euHor •»
*i'b aoppreesrd aisllea as If ab* vereaklnd of
-ftrak." Ttay recopniaed
phe k) deflan.'e of Kathrr 1


She wa* a ah^ni^rT. wr|tr. Mi
Gay lluBiphrrj-a. Ib Kcrlbatr'a. 7
pirta tad tta trade in ttair odn tanda.
itoady wllbU
aad mailrcnodaaer*. blial oorblarkWded aian irat in aa.l )>r taeBcbt bli
or aaria* aalmaU
tlaa pbUouptara Lent litUa. bal aai- broltar abd bia aon: Soon Ibe toon
taally ttar tad board of tta a bale and was bair tiled with lara Inahiny elothet
feead laponaai ooaaleira la bita. aay> and bicblaei liearih.whobraHfrbttbelr
fctoi-a Uoatbly. Oat of tta kw arlsHoBA The pirl. flwl ol.jeeted beeaaae tbrb made Ihe factory Umei wi
aatie ta<«bi by
fellow*; “Wbc* talabaacry taoprai Mack ailb Itair rt rtt tamU. After
Ur wide orauth anward aad a ptaaaaat that the rlrl. brouebt I'hflroa n loael*.
ader liaaaa fna hla laaw. ae Itatottar fiat the btaek men reetowl to choke ep
.wis. eaferly tbr room and aaalbm alltheelr. Then
Aataa are doreirtd
work bepaa to iHre out; .the Weektoweti tta plaor
ador eenaa. to beedlwo rboata tbry bearded men wnr tsLinc It home to do
aetar lato hU ezteedrd Jaw*; tbea aud- nichlt. when their wlrra and daophtert
deely tta crU» eama cloae aad eraaii rmid talp ttalB. Tb* old peo|>le and
tbeirpajr. Thaa the derd allsna Ben ibe mile ehHdren. aho conld do nothpolled ool tbr taatiBC*.
to tboir deatnetioa and rioaea opoe Inp e
Bd be roBld pn hiaaork
heaper and aaee In rent and fuel. At
laet iirirm were cut imt II ibepirU micbt
at aril strike or mam: Tliey rtrock.
It la IrreleTanl bill InMroitlre lo
tmd tori that the peUaa tBia open
ilabrcaat aad facda ftayoonf with ila .... .
bUrk-m.arded inen°rame In
orablood. Kew*alMw*arlno>otbe<k>M.
ree and look all Ihe work
IwUaaa by that pivat tbiaker 6L Abr^ee. Wriliac opna ita parMr* in home: 1b* fartori- wa* pirrn op. thtta IDSd }>UlBi-“I Bin breone inie a rirlA tbroaro ool of work. Thoa waa
peUeaa ta tta wUd*rDe**--ta; the qoeellen of immipTation preaaed
*-• V bird* are wont la
)dlJ theta yossr by Ui
atad tbes to bewail tl Nrdeathbrthe|OATHERING AQUARIUM STOCK,

a. BITS tanbocfto. Tbiata tbe
Mr.'&en Seto. e< IM
eat pan of Ibe oeeaa ae toraamea
teBet.8t.6Mta.waactaea tb* tBaal
of; it la almoet to deep aa the io|
ptre ber asy other
peak . of tta BlmaJsyaa la
that tta todlrtdaal '
Tbtaapboot iu basdr«da of mil
haadirin yoonp ma^.------------ c------width aad breadth there are aobmariae rioalty became radied aad ata n»» Of
be was eaiaad with
tan to adalV't^atraapcrUtaaboaU paiaa. ata red iaata aad

ee tta ■^taraeter of Epsal.niL'’
-\Ttal finl oirikaa aa m Iloaalind
itaracter is Iu booraoey. Aa e
Aa beplaa to apeak we know it

rrn (orprt a ^-opiui'i
' 'b- -brlpUl
' UiabdlBadianclop year* If ata
tcreaUiip aad oaa '
- '
aaraltatbekeowi iiorettao abedoea.

lata «■ tta fetlowlBp day sta-recrlred I
oeeaa bottom to tta atarr. aad a aoddei r^ly ebarmiop yooep m
rise of Ita woter’s leeel seal tbe IMa teI ttaioai.T,etoltc«yl».-bcerttaav
tta moat cTqalilic style, a
oar* OB lUcfToadof drstnieiion. Tta
eanhi)uake abocka. which tratH at
raleof apeed varyinp.trou twif lotori
second, reached the ahoi
mild for quaky .1.
iurdlT flod aord..- said Ita
boo ((uieUy ubr
^t ’
iotar heart, aad tr
.a ttaeteninp. an boor a
liappy taeaoae Celia I. hapi'Jb® | that tbe tloocr-motinp
wbeo »* beer ber merry laoph. and lia-1
announeed by port.
her brl;
V OalTfootmlk
not imaptae foramofnen that «br ha.
at'of;apeat for Memra A. n. ihe under,
fotpottrn tar^WTOw; wel-Don ihalrbe
eeofaoyaimi<rdinar> nare.
InartSaWy tryiop lo do her duly by
...ODtaia. Aad alien oe are tbedmll- aaier rrached tbe sleep anje» of tta
fade from ber aoeei face, nod ibe li"bl am boitocn ami mnnnied up ir>t'<e rhib
from bereyewtaeauaea frllow-creiture lou i-laier. Ita naie preo loa iK-.pM (3
ironble. ,we are not. anTyinwul. SO to fru feel and burled llactf iota Ua
J ibat w* hare kuowo all sloop lain, ami haj^m of the baplea. InBd, larpe water-power insullsi
rr aatUre was lender aad aym- overwTirltnlnp. ailbeooieniplumiseaae. rrtaad ia full of sms.. |*
Bcarif every town id ib»l la
r iwtulaaee.
laiim'Aad walr^alla brinp well sup-plied with'imwer from tta-~hite..oci."
of b
natural, and troo to llfr; bet til* eery WEIRD PLAINS OP La MANCHA
hard to out In word< rer idro of ber
are no larpe alre.tu. «... tm.iera
eharaeier It iwein. almort a. If ItIN—eamy aeu. to TB. La.c -i ta.



ofvthrre day*. Ai.lespth, bow__________________ntlcttaaerere
. ee brreelt aad. lellinp ber blood flow
•tab Uw deed «*, brian ihem to Ute
„ ,,, „ „
toBy te tbe Bapamaea now. .ay. tta
Atlaau CooatilaUon. Ia eariy youth
■ foriuBCIe enoupb
a doaea atortaa oceopied by a certain


erritar of this aoM a rUn

11 to piece* to see lio« inSny .wniena'
•^'""'<1 »'pfc*,*00P
It bss- Msny l«ui ful.lreiteare
derfullv blended in tae I'han.eiei
the biem Held alkl rtotiu'
we cannot brtp luvinp llw ilvn
and whirb«a.Bowlytop,,r
affectionate and cUsmiinp Roaolii
der the furioua earenseu «

muadare: TaU. tr. feel; body, fi toet
loop. Ik feet akie: seek. II '
lunpi aoller*. 10 feet lpn«. aad ataul
« feet apread; bead. ia feet from
aad of note to aoileni. 6 f
iBCkei from aeek lo forclep. I
lone; bind Imr. Ik feet » Inche* lot*
lUiii 7 feet 10 locbea Bide abere the
bodi iajolaed. Tbe oeck of lhe«
cdilciHla raarlly caat OQd weal, tbediead
tainp al ibcBalrad. Theaolleraawl
iioaerxiend in a line dlrrclly uorthaaJ
aoutb. Ihe aose point I np aouih.
Some M feet aoulb of Ibedral mound
la aDolber. wbkb lakes Ita form of a
in.ideroMj over 1<

. Tbe body I

■" “i- •'




preaaed wllbeet pity, wlthottf excep■ rrrtalBly net. There ate Mme tta rondiKlor came te. Hr took te tbe
sltiiatJnnelaplanoraDil Isupbedailta
plipbi ol tta.vounpmro.
Allbouph one of ttam -lamled at tta
alsiioe with drcM rluibea. no He and

•? — "SL'Sjsr* ““
tk to a UlUe Bufortuimie that that
. •aalal tneeltep Inqwtoitor. Li Huep
Chaac, was not warned as w the limlu

■e Laadon tVorid.
ta should bare been
■dibai Drotber Joat-


Ttawr two rnnnpmen bad their daaew
lad wree imt verv let*, owlap lo ttair
. oi drrreinp te



Iiiirsllap noa sad anos wii
.d4 like Ihe moans otaerea'
mswl af Katoml OH
1 luiin. U-ben we became owsre
OwlBP to tb* deuth ol
naiiuel ,>ru*iuilt. of Ibe falpliway wv
Arapb. N. Henri RorUeroetB(..vrvmoiii«
•main. l.xikinp
i,„kinp fur. It waa
«** by
l.y eonie rui
lurvlrinp nieuibef of thc-po‘M-po‘- yviiolileconconHUnta.
rviial.le concoiuHanta^r till. I:
•rnmeut .of osiioooi defeore. COI-IL, Ibe d,ad.
tuled OB Ibe full of theemiMW In Sep. • ebolt'reniain.
ond in Ita
ebol.t r
. ray* a I’ariar
of the londi^pi Trlepraph. Tbe fiiRioim' deoil. TIs os if tbe paet reMui
, Ibe rubjr.-l .............................
it tbr
imurofub UsIf-jesliDr ,,
lour and eompares
e. himeetf
b.m-df ,.to
[. ,„.,o.d lo
labl.of the Ataneerare*." io ollu.ion
to tbe wwk of Uiat namely rhnieau..„,j^^.y,uml.-flled .
brland- TTber are all pvue.- say. jl.
^ hv Ita liowans with Ilwr iui*
Itocbefort. -Ih^ard. C.i,.tails Jule,
umi'u«„. w i.b S,ainlsr.t.«f Ibe :
Ferry. Jnle. buvre. Lup^e IVIrton,
.,^.-0 S,«li. was Ita mn.i ,ow. r.
rremieuv. (..lair-Ilisnin, Jule. h inOn.
,^un,pv of tbe rlvlliretl b.irlJ-and
Uen. Tnicbu and now .Lrupo. I bare
TLil.rtls. Cbsrle. V„ tta somlier
bad the rhaiK* to see Itaiu all dbiapon in all fhe .pliiulid
,.esr. the youi.p and the old, for'
„,,i,y, sad wiib itair
I terry weremy 3U0IOI*. .imi,iugy,lv Canlinan*. mial
ilioD Liltwi -mieof
Ibe s« im; of bUlury one baa
lluie aud olfl
liib M.
Anptber feature in ci
ltoebeforf*»onivnl b
iVraons vibiito colles
rery brief-lieri^^ilW
h,'p..ii;itewe'er. I REMMKA6LE ENTERTAININO.
I friend of llovlicforfs fuir.dy .*us ov.i
>i,r of tbosA mJio wanied liireditorof
Ibv talrrne to ta. tniB.i«iried to N.-w
I'aleilonla. Bcinic of ttas.imc*oIkan‘>-v
iKud bim ioiidrn.m-.l In IS>» with
I oulsiircr lu IbeV iu|so-illrs as
..fv «r depatiiw. .A* to b:» c.„..... jii wlili tta ikfenM. rovimuicri.
M. liocbeforf aav* Ibat br kfi the port
in a* hr could, f.
talk uodtoo litlJ

Farming Lands
I am imo t MSm L L CBB

aptclallil aald'

Toa BB ae betw with IM
irorfc. ~
........ lUwaamyre
.......... n—■■■
wbeo I bepau to lake S. <. 8.. aad a
T~ .■
few bottles toBTiaced me that I waa
1^*“ h™. *>7
f**»IF roHll*.
I coulloiMd tta nmberta BaUly with 8a*Br MaplM,
mediae, arte one doren bottle* eurta Bock Baa. Baaewood. Aah, ~
me sotmd and well. Hy ayslem

Hemlock, etc., and are wall watorad'^
under the « ’
Flronp aolla. tom e
rrreeh hot for 8. 8. A
ahtathy dt>


for real
blood di


par Hooka. Maps. eto.. adirwe


ware el mciyuryl
SM and Its treat.

I Kss:


Bnjleral eaalleof Cblllou one
te a trolley car propelle.1 lo t
of an insipnlflranl little aura
ap uplta billsldfajuat above.
The eaiwbUillca of Ibpj7ruer*l ijllli. >
•liOB of natural powrr are bepinnlnp !
o be undersioodeveiratare. and with i

A yoi
writer li
aer te w
.New Vu
Tjud lo
aa bom.
from bci

all kindB and sises.

Milk Pans,

ruouBlalo .reeam. nnu.i ,urely ome.)
There are iunuBerab; .irrsois w bleh.;
wblle very small, areyei very bipb. ata
wlibeomiaretlrely liitledlfnihy ta iiBpoBO. ■ ind earned dowa ]
any hundredaol
of eoluBf by ibe preal |
pressure readily obta ible.anAeilber '
by the use of eleetrleity oi
sir, tta power may be Ir
many i»lBU of applicati
Unit loea

Stew Pane,
Bread Pans,
Butter Jars,
Water Jars,
~Sto|ie Chums,

I'poo hr
Coin1 tbi. }
been ih* unquestioned, es. lu.ive prop-1
my of man. aava tbe New York Jour- '
aa). Nrvyr onre did ta ibiuk of aoob
a thinp'a. the fairer aes tmrrowlnp IL
He may bait bad a prcN iitiueot of ber
laylup cluim to bis arekti*. but hla

and everything in this line.


Sui tta 1 .yrkpirkwliHi akrtwbat.Ills iswvilik. b
................................. . B'.Btvhbm.
vbbm. If she «
... psrlin SI b<v .uliurb-. lemplales ridiiip ai uipM aJir net
us. iulormrd by s ou's nstebes to lipbi llrr lump, sod nee
.. Ibat s tarrisp- would aarily abe must rorvy ilu m .u a nmtohBrrluepapralsreruiin boa,
,r. lu Ibr frrrv. « here ;
Tbot to tta reason ibrre are any
:d oirei Slid tskrebarpr BBiutar of neVf Builrbta.Mw ibis year
Mr. Xfrrrv ,hr fuuncl Ibr rn-._ wticb are snialkrand muredsiiiiy than
line ereif^-otalure.
c puriji. Im-ludinp mqtroo* anytbinpi
vouup mrn andj “lio pirl
is). T^.LicbqurstibB'
. ta looked ■
-Ve< indete
T. W. Youop. of ttosbiiipioii. bar in­
vented aavlewTical taster to ta iowrrrd luppapr. a
Into an oil wvli. Thr iO>-a Is. says Ibr trip lirkr
Miainp und ta-icBlibc I'ms, toRvtaisle
ool only . for ptrls are of pold wiib an
eleetoiriiy te birpi- qu-uiuirs mj i!ui
pr.)taprr. ' decoration.
Tta vmuu.'lirq
tbr r^fusi. mailer Wbicb clop* Ib. |>ore*
of the oiisluor will ta nirlicd and run rnpraird ivllli ibr r.tstr oani . but also ' take* tta form <ifarone.„-v«r.v»i'hi
OUL eauaiiig a fresh ui-sard tlow ol with a tav filled will. |u-a* - .iiinp* ,fl*p or it rreemWr* a batid pn
oD. Tbe ita'oryn*totbrej.hau..l,..iiof
l..•lullillp miniature showinp upirli
rlou* drnomltiaiiou*,
' tbe bradolsdup. Many »f
so many w ells to tbol ibe oil. m iiahsiop ai^ial
ilterllvrry o:.e«. A lop ..hMsoce 'tbeheadols.
boxes are mnde <
ttpwnrd-lhroupb tbr alone. Iia* . lopped
e pboiopvsph.
thr Iiorou* stone with i«raflm m vocb
quantities that Ibr furtlirr llnw ia
.Uipiwd and Ibr wrilocaae, 1o produce.

Corner Front and Gass Sts., Iraserse Cit^.

SDtlre lot Fur Oosu snd BoDm offorod st s ndoe


Icb parr" the!. Tbr sllvrr matr\d>ivrw. virrunted
r srhrdol* ©f;wilh tbr oullliie of s iinv biryrle in
prnerally o.v picdidro. ..
0 littk ooilcei I enam.'l. are ako new and murb Itwa ca­
elllJ slnjuitoi t and only eesar. to flo*.' Dalle and iTtint. o
when tie rail 1* riopprd. U tau> taen “Visitor* are k '
ll not t* aenaire.
common tpimr torpeilera toaluiirrik.
Finally, to dsp Ifai
■tone M tbe bottom of tbr wril. tbue
ay mornlnp a msid
breakinpnptberloprrtl mat Irr. tail Ibiounp womsir* donr.
■ras loaded w iiH ilmIt an eiiensire proivaa. By tl rVounp ,
method Ibr marble*, which 1 *bout
ua.^^^pr, ,le,eaelllrKssa.llr«.
. . ..I loop andteacL
implr niridpr. is placed at the bollom of
well aad riertnrity nted ofsufll,t voluipe to pivaliKk an caonaous
t tviiboui mriiinp the metal. The
iauiTRnt poro down thy wlrra and. by
talked ehsmtar*. I
“ »ed Into tta rack in all dirreeions.
r refusr It BOfland mriled s ihai It r



thr rbureh bpv.

To cloM ont At Hstf Prico lot For DrlTinrOlen
IsOt aU Wool Lap BobM At HaH Fitoi.
•dvuthge o{ theee Hpecisl BargAioA Tbe beat «t«r
offered in the citj.

' #

TTAYsno Oitr, lUaUcu*

Treffri'. .1., — • ns. Krepi.. ‘i-i^
Usrsur. set r«»vi<r rr.nnl



Obtained t>7 advortlaiDg
your wants in tbe Herald

; '

Tta town of Mem
taen a
a re|iorted.
tney nave derive B ••
(rom a stay te Itabordrrvai
ber of surh v!«li*-!s preally redu.-e.l.
“It torlaimrd that tbr toil of thr nrlph'
borhood liss tawnar imprrmatrd w iih
perina and that testead of pirinp re­
lief to sufferer* it Is now tbr laiit place
' on earth to whirb tbry (.hoold rev>i
, It, la even slated that thenstivesof tl
Icewllly. who once ptwtued anrh
vlporou* aiul hardy appearanre. ba
acquired the look ol teialiil, tfart
selVM. and that disesre Is now re
asnt where tbe lieti of health onoe pre­
vailed. Thr deelihe of Mraton
health rwson is'e^tod as

Let Itc Whole WorM !
Dr.MUes’Heart Cure Docs

Know Tbe Good

lhe-AtJ*o«le Monthly. Fro» !■«*>•*
Bionles tote at that
. ________
day to our own it uas.brra tboupla
A Paris burrisr who had IAN.
tenorent device to ptiUiah a fail el
pintlons site yrsmrd to br si the top
e’s ow's versifyInp. now and then, as
•faptneiatiiiraa; ebaff leveled o^ast
of bit profesalOB recently msdeblawty
“old ballad- or an •toncieni aonp.__________
ta* tertltailOBs of hla prenf and plori, to thr summit of the FIffel tower aad
*•* cauDliy aad deoanda ani|iialUM ■-orteh. ti^ a Ui* nail row of a baJl.d. (_ Th^ tare p»6 Ui
ee ptelate
, eoople of .afe. helonp npio
toWroilon. aamlxad era* with tta pruiap into oito eireuUtloa. tas been SomeMy'a 'boohblndery eMabhah. tta rewunrsiit sod-Chester which are
. triaadliaei erHI(toa.(roDttaBlral>cer tenoeenliy fiirelahcd to collector* a, moot b*lf wwy tattreen Center rtreet ULr,
Itkmal matter. Merelearotepwm ,nd Park row. say* Ita New Tot*
pnUe an editor Ihroupb there per- RTorid
* of tel* peealiartty
that tta tenetaol LL
eorious Instanre uf ita rffreta pf
after aalinf
.taarr.sfasUlrk. FsnsSt, wr1 .
dIUoB. a complete
atper raya on tbr skip i* reported mlKtetwhi^mdkBOcekst br.MUaP
Itair fnipsl lnBctaa.ihey ellmhtoita
the Tiopuur paolti*. a aympattatie rool*adenp*petothemeTrte«kte.1lnf p> Ita, Druiaeta Medirinireta- Worhif tta tralu that...........
cbanctnsrbrifL A 13-ynr-clJ boy w
. roBp. C-amc* of taparr played.

■ obdJto
inir*, to
oral lllerstut* wbereirr and te Aideand trek amoap the ehlBarrs.snd i peaed
•err depn* tbry cxiit. Tbit fae- >rta> around a ra*r“ aad Mbrr pamaa , powerful apparsiu* to hare hi* pirinre
taalV- BltcUldllkeiaqnlrybbouilta
“pcMals- waa bad eooapb. but wont
. which even the folk baa sot tw k*o*ra to tta yonthfnl mind. Sbom-, takeo. A fonniphi Uter a cirenUr red Hestfires
(Mslned tahlnd te a ‘candid frleed- Ul^. and which eollrelon Uttep la ,|«. they ta»*^ dsaem aad «•** the 1 dtal *PP<*rrd on bis abdomen ehnre
balladwinpinp and lalr-telUap time* watehm from tta bipb oBre buildlnp* i tta naveL It prew and brokeout telo
rttoitato to bto beet that all tbai
roslk. bad dwoms. oeaH act 11* oaalteB
tareotlenfaledtoae- '------------------- •
peod te
eoeatry eamr tnm

Dr. miles*
Heart. Care


TWAtaema to tare taea tat teat
mw. ml «nr tta lorhieas U I* betep

plsre of out alae w bk
ed by the power c



lurtL i “>
* liaodful of mrn: to kl them
sleiBlIy of where Ibey »
bavethrirway wattoenJaylheopporwhere they may be rested
^Vllunily of atonpbierlup arirrel thou,
irey. aeetiHomed i ’
apo. Bad hla lllerary ta- dltioBi to rerllTil: and ,reB.tomed to |

bp*e apHokled tbe my lefslinp, and wbrre tbe weak or injured
lurprtse aoybo^T who
Iltriwa’a black loeka. flabe* may ta weeUed ooL
Ideelifolly ow r Ilai.................................
bU.ala*! not
r only rood and wtend flah ! •••rntaiiDrd «>«l
The .mropikity of
eeer appeared in prteU Letter a/l<
arled. end Ihewe are slSfl. j f* po'ernmrot,
are floaliy started.
alcd br Buiqtare uf
DltaliertposalWeroodilioo. Flabea
told me tbev bad
tceopbt only the requuiae; -V* ■
thus aeleeird and prepoivd are far more
i4*Ti both ends of I vtreci pusrded by
enrodad.'' FlnaJIy-e* lIorbeB bod p
likely to pel terouph all rlpbt. and
tbe nptieb*. w bile the mob brflke inlo
Ito tart srork 1a the *tarlet.aad «
oBch flsbra are. of rooree. far stecaJlke.
Hie bouse* and murdered tbe inmates.
talnralle austoB* to bare them add I lytoaurTfrelnaoaqoiTlom.
I had from Ibe mouthof a Turkish niia.
hi* repatailoB-he addremtd this oc
toterlheadmissloa that verbal tealroeTIRESOME OLD-TIMERS.
to tta editor:
tlons were piven to Ihe police to em
nnil Byatorleaererappearr'
coornp* and aoprrviie Ihe maaaaeret.
• Themaoelatcdedltoraii----------*•
Llsm No Met*.
To coll tbia tbr suppreasion of “s rlsnhen to a o
Loiyi jtfiit i^..aa To Tbe
Ir.p" to Ihe prim Irony w bkb ia smonp
«h*B iWJI yoc I-----------------.
eatamUy hae* piroter teteeeat thaa. ‘cbeaUuUT* Then you wcere tiorn out the literary proeet of Ita aiiltan ood
Vs clerks. Tta actual k’Jlirp of .trBow toyaurbealchr’
>f your tima TbTs I, the a;
mcAisBS before the eyes of tbe f.ireipn
Barbaa tort th* noto to Bltete aad noto.- eloerves
itak IHerald.
re.idrou waa a roBsIdembk busimwi;
te vain, do you wish
how many victims iu*l tbeir death by
yon see mifftit iadacd
drowninp te tb* Uosphoni* nobody was
I* “th* teal roo* ol aummer.- ao wrory
ahk lo compute, but I wo* struck by
are yun of bearlop them deeisre 111
the peoersl repupnaace at ibe bote] lo
Make a remark about a osmr eoi! they
flib dicl. allbouph Ibr fiih nt that
TUa tooae ol tta w Udeat ata bleakest
time were said to ta remarkably floe.
a< l«ht statioi)* of Ibsl sa.ape repioo.
- ■ - to a s»r> told there. eunseiouB and otipfoal all. It heems
aeeae of a remarkably
I* toduty ooMw pan ;
ta a lA-ycarteld boy. B.ra Scribuer's.
Ttvoyoonptoektymrn «1i
Be ww tbr SOB of tta keeywr, sod oi
op an afternoon exprvw* trail
tbit oeeaaloB was kft aloae in tta lowe
a dance at Lritoy bad a most ainustep
«hU* hto fatbtr went askore tor proexperirixe ool lonp npo. soy* tta New
Ttotoaaba tbrir ooly botL IMorc the
York M*il-andJ}i:|.resa Tbc train lost
tettor oonld relurB a rtoleol atoru
orate, aad for the next three weeki
; I made of the time m|ul,^ to dress and
ttet* was BO tkae te which Ita keep.
ir arrival rhow
ae*Bheet eoold hare lived toramomeut
oony mro T I ttayi^iould
to Ita wild aroa that raped about the (Uiould you mention any siptat or aoue
.te indeed.
hmcl* ttirk. Still tta llptt waa kept
or beard a little way off they wi
Jty was fonnd
W by tkat ILycoTteM boy. who
teat woitto hy remiadlb
by one of ilir younc mrn. wbo made the
It UtUe to cat and but mni
to atoep. Klpbt after nlpbL for Ibro* teiKeview." :Utbeyes
tyosfboiuw auppretion1 that they dreta
meaka. Ha ctrsdy pk«B almne tbrottph but arhluiD they will i
illbly are^ fBpr r*r and then they could proceed
tta bteekaeaa of the plllW atona ami
vtoUa si
ihose of ita 10 tbe dsnee l»»rdialrly upon tta ar­
: (laddaaed Ibe father’s ttralntep ey-rs. anpeto “lew and far betw«-ii:“ if they rival of I be train. They wrnitotheear.
Whae the ordeal waa ended tta boy was come often, that they reutrn tar you found tbeir <lre«i-»uil eore. aad pr»
•o weah from cAsTStlon sx to be bare- “Ukr a bad pc«sy.“ la <he prectlee of reeded to etanp* tbeir attire. Clotbrs
qBotalion. then, to be rulbieaaly sup- of all kinds were srailrred slmin tta
e ta Ita Malae


Ipeciflc Co..

As iLieirmttar dlaeorer* of t«s
IDouada in Ibefom of aoilUaMua beea
Bade in Wiaeontin. about lao
totau ttiqbiim Nion. They are t
aide of a bluft. Uoa ia ibuurht lo Uars
been taleaded for a deer. Oolb are
lleul PI, feel alarre tta anrTuundtap
pround. and ibeir ooiliaea are

No plow baa ever marrevl either of
tbree aioiiBdw and aodwtinei are they
that it seems curious Itay bare neeer
been not iced before to be anifaul
n*a*i"im m«ei*a aad m- mound, of the ancient mound builder*.
Hoih mound* are hot a short rilsiaoee
Meo eaperlenced lu pathrrinraqnarl- from a plateau upon wbleh are a cunitar of round moniKl.. wbleh have do«t
BD atorii nercr ablp 60i loi>r diabeen prevloosly ioiestlpated.
taseea immcdlatrly afur Itay
mpbt. U iM«a ta avoided: the morTHE ARMENIAN CONSPIRACY.
Blltj la almoet wire lo ta preat----------mock ao aUpiped. Ily ahmover
a flah taa been rapiured. aayatj
voik Fun. U it likely to buve teen BOre
iit.leud’^of laklop
,„a n
woul.l moke It liable step, to nip tt In
t]ir_pO|UiiBce UPias.Bcmhe.'
to attaek b> foartra. lUnbrpracIloe
po|>ulstlon as aooii <
wbeo poudble to • pUee Ita nral
the F.uplish Uluatretod
idoded. says
Wsimiinr. ToeruahlbcplolWBsalmply.


Cheap Homes

Inventopy Sale.
One of the main objects of taking: inrentory Is to ascertain If the
businese has been a proBtsble inrestment Tbe result with ns tor
the year ’86 ia very gratifying, but our profits consists of not ready
ready cash but of odds and ends in aU of our department* We bare
concluded to courert this merebandiss into ready cash even if it
brings us a less amount than tbe cost of production.
Wo anticipate to invest in our building more than what there Is of
ready caab at our dlaposal, hence we will not hesitate tO Sot our prolits for the past year by making aaorificas in our dilferenl department*
eepeoially in odds and ends of oreiyaate and winter suits In nadarwear, woolen ouitinge, in fact everything pertaining to winter apparels. We wlU take particnlar pains to wait on yon dnring these spec­
ial sales wbotbor you buy or not. Wo retain our large fbroe of help
-ho will take pleasure to show you our special bargain*
Our cloak sale is still going on. Wo are offering winter Jackets
and capes at mld-snmmer price* It wonld pay yon to make an in­
vestment for next year. OaU in and be convinced yonrself


• ptoawr q( UcMtar.

cirfriti»<iT f—^
"* ‘■*
tniB a telUaf ir«ka aot baatlac aa
M bt Uhea bOM.

irlblST^o ba*a baw roaaiar ^
StraaU. ar. aow ta UUae^. -Mr.
Wairaa i> raoairiaf lettan froa iian
Ukhlraa alUea. irblah aMiafaaUto
atanlMHbooUaf UU klad.
BMtaa^ and a ilaa waa Uraa-a to his.


plaofteaaa atalaato aalta wlteCi
te^ la aaadlBf a aUp load of-fe
to tee atarrlaf peopU of Isdlii.
TSaatdrjttatwaapatdlabedraeaatlr t
Is a baa Pimadoou aasv ta tea aSaet «
teat tee talasd of St.
la tea Boatb .
aneraa labaUiad aolalr b* wemee who
won plalBf ter baabasda. baa bora<
trait la tea teegrparatloB ot tee Caller
BroteeriMOd of tea Soate Sea lalaada
' ' aioek baa baca placed a:
alnadp *O MCS Mn ceb

•raa taallT sellaa oat. atlll boidtu
tba ropa la bb soatb. ll «raa toaad
Uat hla frvat taatta arrta all paUad
T pipe la bed. wltb tee mall 1
oot aad botk bU jam brokaa. .
e bed clatelBf caofbt Arc. Sh*
>t ^diaftoB ^ baan
r that It waa tboafki
ileata.lairTer v a abe would die. Hawerer. ahe aaddenly
idaaUSad bp
loBf Bllalna
. ila waa IdaatAad
It a lura for the better aad it aow
Tbe aatooitklaf featare
U BMfaarar. Mf* rblMp_«-« taa b7 abirthi_____ Itbaoldthat Monp
> ti'teat
b'teat with__________
with ber
7'ean o«o a ■Uatfar Uft Hall at EJaaribee her aoow wbitc bair la tarainr
aba diad
blooi h>a. aad ibi-a dlaappearad Be aeTNkaair who hi* paraau wrr*. Tba for- dark aad kcr wriaklea are leariaf. Tbe
•aim la*.
old wooaa belleeea teat ere locf ebr
taaa la worth tJWJ.OOO a 7oar.
■ A amn Holla baraa edrriaaa
edrrlaa a baakal
will be truly** yeenf hath ie tpirlu
aad appaaraac* a* ahr waa fifty ycare
I or la oa batvaa
aM Oarbur. and p

vs£5?i£brab;'-uS ”<t\

•cteakey U la tnobl*. TW aleeirie
ta wblcb rl** the «« alara la teal
T hare aot baca la wwkhtf «»dar la

here iliin jrar;
a i.w.t, a iiirce
>r pfac w«xl. a A.hrnuioi'*
unti * Hiwl. ami
wuc Rnall fi*h.~
iiunwxl ntrly Iw.walhphw f
lOoti. r.cridre'D a.M.d Ip-n
'Match ti. klll.-d’* iiiii'b liiigtr*r-alU*

> apar etUn Aaa Arjaw R'y at
day laat week aad tee bbemaa people
befla to aee liaioB* ot a wmrebooM aad
r Urbt-hoaae board baa r-coat■aeadad aa appropriaUoo of A'.ww (or
a lof aifaal at eat bead poiai aod iu
taelodlou* taan will aooo lull tee lababilaala ol the Ueelaaaw pralaanla
to alaep oa laffy ereaiar*.


•.lowing .ilhcn


::rcTi•md^ .
vnl nf -whI •'
Or .he ,„M f

in a neat,
. Irwpted
ilwd ■'‘*•1
l.l;-!'—T nllicMiir
'n; Die *lneiw.*l nn.l •liricle ‘.1
Clel .O.*. .. I,.



Uiaad. alar bII^m
Tbe BMBey la tbe atale treaaai
Tba araU wbUh kaa baa* ToaUar
____ bnadradol
laadinf Iciubcr
South UakoU. aaroael'iaf to
a. obio aad ladl.
aM* barae anojc abaap la bri •cb *Dd three abaae
dealer* of i'eaaeyU, U atnck la the kL.
taow ia
>1 uf ol.l'
St. Jcmpb 000017 ha* boaa kiUadj aad 1*11 aradtaf*
s( th* tiau >it:t
Inca a
_____ -T making
a bWe
— . beeo awept ____._____
ofafuard.of militia JOiaUe* ea*t
L'tiac tea workUiarre, S I)
Cov. twe aad tee a
awtj. 7** daiaafa-i* rreatlumber tx*
*UU offlelal* had iBKittad oa an .
fetllar poiat* tor thrlr awn
aadeouBliair the atau cash ia order V
Tktw will Tialt MaaUtee
•ataatle* e*b,dlad at hit
th* ImsTdiaU eidiiUj of ffecalur, aae teal it waaactaaUy la eileteaer,
f*.„ ,
and |>reparailoBt are briar free* tMc ..-.I.,,, t.'.w
wfaeraMi.wa juuDda ol oil wan aro- aad the aute treatarer wa* ordered to made to pin them a royal welcome.

-rr ot hip^ rank at lb* lioa
- At lopaa*. tb* eottaire to ba MU at daoad laat mow*. The 7>cl^ »> oU >■> call la all (uada from Ihr earinut ^eA decided cb.iiigc ■An'
poaltorlaa. Tbk wa* duoe. The moat were puakdied In u kiopulni
tba (Aa-miadad aa/law aaoe will Atl<«Ba «'0«ty reaehM ararlj
all arrired Wlj l>lday t
The ^ic*o(cl|W teak atoddnrlie ■ lie iditii vf nicliiary.uiwr*
IVicr tea tlrcai
It waa U>'
aagWAOuo. It^ll W^IB tbe^lam of pcmada aod the larirau Aeld ot pepper.
ictrlioiiy .1.* at conn to con
Biot la the world la loeated thenIV ^r
Thr work
work harlait ben Ua- j
oonaMd It.
bu^mM^maa ruab^ late a . The wen..-™
ipper Uhrf«adthe(ued* belay found all oa
ai. of Coldwatar. eoblMta' a
raaad *
J'fcc .ad bnrrietlly nllrd up nimialuccd
,t lack botalM piatola oaed
a petitJoa for
or aa ii"na,
DC Bombr
aumber IV Alter be had ejiBidit^r,
teol tee bouBi
ed to
diH-eO *l'i?ud.
Waaaar. dariac tba taeolaUoaarp war. pmr bead,
.-u queerer
They aUa«.
aerttoa' faiite) b^c
"ceotrel' to fitlap him tec «
aalBf eery rapidly aad
SUr dn-rredthat
BacVlaad. woleca •
At tattec. Mn U
he cooled dowBM-teral drpi.. . WbcD
y Arc
lliat tbe7
Are Uoin norc daer
old beCTWi*
be foaud he had brea nboutiap iaW tbr
Not oalr tela.
tbapltba fauaten kill.
- in.urgen’.
ioT hed”aS tell diwmftet' |I>V
ami for lii'n pnr|wuc *br hud made
'the wol rca are breoniar rrrj
bar Up. It te tarad aha will b^lh
lir^ liaakri. aluffcd wiih
IllehSeld Ceater. a littir Tlllafe Dear
rrrout |a baaiaB life la laolatad Vdiap.ilrb.
n»! iutoaar.1.
...I Ihi
I;. n.xl
niti, n
Toledu.,0.. tela the mldat of a reaolae
. Vaopho. of (Millac. I
. a.xetj,
it. Tin- wn.
wltehaaflaeare. Th* little eammuniMn. C. O Oardaar, of btarrU waa
cr IB equal ripliU aod p
Mr*. BU IVrrr ol Laal.e U irfiaa to ly I* oumpwed priaripallc ol
oIlH-rn It w-rted iy piin...c. 11.e ' *p,.-uou. place lu ■!»
tBfMUp ba^ _b7 *ml^^ whteh
* aiuccii'n iwlac*.
•r mee aad wu
andI they are tboronrblf
tboroorbly c«r
■w terowB lata bar (aoa
aa eiplark «.u. UKI c\|n-nD''-i.' bt|di.
AI-. .nd thetr. under pain...fdcaiU.
.*t hU wife. '
Maa. iraba-nooeaiaaba wUl probab- wbaa ahe waa aapaiatad aaarly M
t they are belor made thr Ti.-tlm*
■uyl Inlcndid (oi a l•pli••rar^ pur | (orlUTiaic priucc war nhlipcd toret dec
---------- —
apo. Tba ml of tbe temllp
V ba bUad.
Id IT* S00T.ll. of tl.h te (Jdil..-.■■in- blo.-l.bou*-. Wi iuauT la-. Bfl.-V<ln>. Inilutitig the cM-klini.-of ttm
fmia New York alaw to WIchl.
from the t;th of f.-t*
A aUld la tiocheater awalleaad a Sir. aad Mn' I'errj loot atcbl ol tee« j “*“|«"ffl“Sl » U^tee^=^ter"o
tH-.. n.y* of And filji'hc) a* if. foe Mic.wai. *up|.ii>*xl (o repreveuL
aad rerr eooa alte
ry te tpril laat year, abe wild JTJ
notette locatad irtbe
p>nind* < f riam lake tUb. dnward (or
b^M Niap aad reanet
i!c"d^i»»iTi..M (."ri-.n '.w'.;«.c£'d
A fi..ccl diej.-w.iion
-cvngc i.Biada
•aa* are on tbr
ot the city. Tlw-Sah arc mml- p-rmaucni.xork.f....:-i ......Ind-tli- « IlNctcr, Entfn..d. Th.-m.-lh.wl cooI peculiar ualadr
tualad acluee a
Itti* aad plekcrri; aoRie of the •
It p«
ol f.vir Yin.l.a. a foiirh -f tee
• yooai
lteblna|aia i^- I'-oo
ipbing (rqmncrcn te nintcan .S|wuiar<l* ii
latter wyirk
lute .-ai-li. l.igbt aa
Th.-y • .nnolAleep
tr* rx.-Intl-.l .(r-irii ibe T-iuk*: jnitn
.. ..taw. which It 'la'lbe md keep piulr
iroch* reu.
rla^he «>fatkv f^jvind
lupltei.i.-. our of CharlcTaU'*! .imiocaaiT-, IID.,.dHi.
..f (»'■’•<» »»d drH-oWpTwdlo.. arc repidi
CSnadwaola a>< the caw-, ar* nimriar.
to ba eootelidstcd with otbara
*. c.upM fire early Saturday 1 u.g.'. hAHcoU.m.. jt. *ii.l xtcM. tmlc wt up; the relrrolw* muTlipl. .
tt M Malmad that tbe Bar. Kela the "plar taarraad," and ban liltir ibnar aniirir l claim that
U1 loa*. •
ilap. Bud 1. aliiio*t a toul
fm„,m .ucec.-.V -1 ... .-ro-Wr.:.
»"'<d P
Bp eoattenily nureurd b
fWMbM ol Hoaaar. afad alael* T"*"- ealua aloee the plaa ba* beoa remnred
c fact that tbr tirr alarm
r o.ufiow from teelBiilia
far *uDc iluir nod
............................................... ......... ■- They can aa lonfar aSord lu keep op efairh make farce aad
-'Iphtly eoloird water.,
their eouBty auaeatea
Many IIoway reached tec
• Ihrougb litterK
j Ihroupl, ;
Ml.ur eWk
*hl|> win hate to be
At LyoBx Mr. aad Mra. CUarlaa B.
I* uned r.n.1 no
e free from,their U
II.Bt bT.tauder' la.i.ted in har.ap a i,»-orki left n-i- u (,l I. till-l "
Uwla. afed at aad Tv yaari mpeetlTcof onv —r< 1.
hand in the matter, and »8.>uted -o nai.l wavVin ih
ly. will aelebraU tbair aUtlatb anolmnottiati.-*ny ,e’
l'.<*.r'ikrt.|icr. I,
arty coaflirtlap order* that H.c clii^C*
ry of married life oa Saturday
lice eoold odt be bear.l. nod the Hrrla the boate they ball! la the
* rumored that ter cur and oar
a te'era fifty yearn afo. aad where
en did ant know wherr they w.
III Tbll<'Uaa-nrzt apriop.
notber fire wa* arnrlrl the name
tecT have lired eoutiounualy------N ORDINANCE
..o had
..e*k by a lilOc pfrl wh
apreadAort acdar. crawled aadar
Md■1 ezHBgui.h
lap wcatward from India and quaraa- quick wtl to pet water aB.l
in' ban aad aat teen adre Tbe >re
tee B(*l blane. ia.tead .f Icarlap it
yaara oa earth ycV
Uaa llaea are being cateblUhcd.
. wm anlarhlobad aritb didteal^.
i3i ofaa
Sir leaac Pitman, tba iBreaCor of te* ai)d ruaelap for aid.
mn whuae
by tbe fauacll ol the
At SaabelA Hr. aad Mr*. (.. .
w -----------------------v-tj
aaknown la a true barolae.
ly nl Treerrec City. Dcx-cmber SlaL
• ae fell tatom eolTett <m
IV*.. aad catlltrd aaunliaaBce rcUtIrr
«r. Ilarld i
Valcattae lL-hl.iBnef. of Ely. died at!
U. billiard Ublcs aad ruling hxu.aea.
Aa^alaf-dbpateb (ram Sinmbay aaya th«-TrBTe«c^Wi>-Mylim. Jaa^M, aod ,
He il x.rdnincd bt lb. foutwil 'et
bat thr*e acTcrr cartbquak* tbocka
tea daartr. but a)>e *e't*^ » M
are wccurT.xl lhar*.
■arbor Vaaldaate ban orraa- Ubladote'
cliae to tbe
•' liad'alaadlnr
*1 kecliuo uf aa ATaoelaljr. aod ^ track alfaallad tbe tnia* whieb would
to rillc irtlBaacc paswul by Ui
Tbry I Ic k
Mr .... .
aurely haw b.*a wneked, wlib fmt
the tily o( Truverec fliy.--------• bi^ in l.-ittinoprB. I'rencc.
lam of Hie.
gaa. OB Itccxxmbcr .1*1. I*;*., ixetillcd
of Ihr **ine yrar;
.Uslcd r PvUr.xi
to b.lliard table*
Ibcclril war in ill. acUlcd » fhi I of U.,1lU-TT * UU ■ an nrdiBance relative

A atudrat la ebembtry aamed Dufay
no*** I. heri'by' amrudisl
■Moaw. WIllteM Baadall.
u,e ( and eaiihp boo*«
irrird w
larted laat waek from P '
1...-V Thatallr...n.. and :
. ,. rn read a*
I aSTwb.
daurblar. h£w 8*.
aerrii-c. were Inl'li
• billiard tab/, ur p-.l
were badly iajured la aOeaeaaae tewsgetber into Ihenrdef of tbe li
rr p<w*lbla. Hi* object^ Ibx- atx»re B*B>"d city at who
rpt. xvher. *i/|vrwn» are
ahip fire.
Mim Haabora fell down
wrhtbrr raaietlnp qualilian
Mate Iba coat* la ardar ta fat aa
a bmkiaf teieerlbaaed
her lef.
dap undartakaa lo
Ktae fauad ber oa tea A<mr with
At' Onad Ba«UU Mra. AreblMd ___drem all oa fire aad carried her
to America
■1*1. Ha I
tyi^mil^oaiSjominghomretead.' rn. Tbi pl.-u t.u- n-rked xx. II. The ' er la lix-u ..( mx,ne.x i»'paid <T recrir^.
■aaAov am awlebae bllad orbile oatelde. Thea ahe raa acree* the read
.icb r*eeiT*d (roim Terlj tela weak. aad aroeaed the nelrkboiv wbe breki
A-apaclal diapaicl
, e.-rk x-xmoi.RilT x-alled Suad
barMfhl. It ia a wiadow aad araoned Mr. Klfie, here, oapiul ol Peraia.
aat* ibat:
(th- Uwilk.-b..ur nf'tea .I", x.’el
iwa«aMadb7 who wat alek Ia bed. junt aa the fiarnca , .
paiiabcd aa a raaoll of ..
*-ite , aftern-xn of em-h .1*y a
burat latehltreom.
aarthqoake wblcb occurred oa Kiaham
.'forniait A CurlDx ahlppud two car
I.T-oclock in thr mnruinp ef the next
Wbea Hr*. Dulclaaa Daly died aav laJaBd.'Jaoaary II. Klnbam iilaad U load, of Boururt to Ued..d, Eoplaud.
j.iiiv en-linr dac
The playiag of pool
■al yearn apa nbe left a lefaey of M«.
___ _ _i jaatapokea Uuaa worda
Tcterday. and l.arc more U. go la a
' ..r t.iiliard. -hall not beallowed by aay
. -.......... _. ,J fr.>m It.
OOP te be u*«d la foundiar no o'' '
day* to

ir rcrv.n.
.wnlog. keeping.
.-.popnIalioB U ealimated oidcru hae* picked upao anirb
dlaa’.-boaie at MarahaU. Thera
roi alag.xr hSTiut . otrul
alt.OtKi. moally Arab*.
the la»l. ixe- week* that (be 1
Mar baabaad b a
pnred wtlh the e\i-l,
>plled wltb wttela
Earthquakca coollnii* la the mate of bx-gao Tuoninp.'B (oil time agai
which ware lew
Ih<i*c. hr *.l..|
leraey waa forfeited Onea. Mezieu, and tliai city ba* been week
fire yean
Mr K.iTman »ac that tl
AiMoakwea Macfle Haaaa U watf ThU ha*
-a d^e. aad the time ahakcB aererely bt tbr irepiditatari' a grv-at change from the dl«cnurpgiog
Uiu 2
Tbe lhi( I arcii-.B of tbr or■ Ipwtraatea eBectaola eorioat aoul
shock. KeicBtiala briiere
Toleaao ic oiillonk which hr fouad ob hi* trip *i<
UteUtl aM II
.. the hrc-edlng
tet. Bbaiaa tfaloatadaor wttea tawsatmsadte
p and fulfill tee formlap amnup tec biilAaod
tec oon- . m.k*apo" S > tao the
ad ter
• (Vbiakry
tvbiakcy Di- i-ffiuT* to rarrn*tx-*.l- <nr n-n.i*xc.l fcxnx ■
-oded to reada*
I^ia^eaba* ci.-ited;
ll mual com* Ih. red luul xxhiic i-.i. -.f 'll' ' Hvitr j
*haI1 be allowed
Tbllr OB the'
,hai paper u> tell of good (bailK-r. .Vo'x Ite b..l.|lv lu'e. luio tbe i A tbe room* or'pi*,
Seme tlmeafeJ. B White, of Alie­
ta.d b■T
na uouaty, fitted op a amall nlw
time* coBiug. ?o^loeetbe fallfclc*ul.lreare
kept oot
■ewoleeatenbeoatatalB Braacb
,Uoa It'ba* aoBCBOthlBg but wiSI of
ling bouae rer-,
aaa«7larorartert7 Tear*, bat Mcer- and plaaoed te ate la dolaf i
^^' bard limnasd TTorec ootpmg Truth ebair bal Mtrerird from te« I ried oa in
ilb .och tablet. ••
Maw laM wmh wolrea' tnek* ererc miwdouary wote aloor the loi
and territylag fi
will out. bowerer. aod the adreice recur *hop*.
iThr wiadow* of aD *o I
am la tea rldaitp el Breaaea.
aUll boldly reature out
ware of proaperlly i* bcpiunlog to h*
_____ tfol I.
TerampBt ba* folL aod mn*l bcackiioTxladged. aTta
>* H*a*t aieaa
the lake and teraurfa the Illl- rhartered a oumpaay with
te a eapiUI of by tee lod*p*odeovneai.x.T*i
thrrruf from .wiuiAe the building
ar*b xxb
Bd Hlohiraa a^< W hi* cb.wea
aad nperet* a
, nh..-h IhcT are conducted, rtnrinp
......... -_____ ..irmer
....................... ........ japoialon tec
>e time when »*>d rorwu* ..r p’aee* are
ilalea that thafo^'l ateamer b ilrilWi Ceatral Afrireo border Jaet
; Dll* urdihaare required lo Ixe .-low-l
aow at tea beadwalcre ol the Yat-xe aboik tec rapldeoB the Ruo. aribUnre
S>:.' t. Thi.'onllBaBc* *hali take cfrirar.
-. where he U maaUar-wlih
maeUarwIlh imuch of about son mile* TbU will do laoch
'* ^S-v-k^'
■ci MaT 1*1. I--.;
m la hla mimloaary labocn.
lb* exerea
iSf fraf Detroit to ML Claaaaa.
tx.-doherehc .wetify
*u.-n-exJeJ iLgximip ...Ch
Deeuty aheriff WUllam'D. Halley, at portatiao ffrom tea
iMfa aBMban ol abeop are drlaf li
an laatrumrot Into aa nni.^ac}-atecd
—— rtmeaUy weat to Vaaaar toari Centre! Afr
HltUeharved nrite ditpcaiac
:h day of Jaecarv 1-v
tSmSSm tee hiriU^local Tataria
lU u»ctul Ikwil.
luwihmiww of tbia
At tee depot
•; nVsSSrwrlrau mHw. .. T.
r.M-vTRisniy Clerk.
,booopre].h dote. Iniacif''' ‘’"iap I
.1 in Ibr plate |
beea ____
Mlebfgan Induatnea
. Toom xxiib net aaoulartrnndaudxlr
aaoul artr *nd *
l*-c\ again >n ! ■
In*. STindAV, and bere I*,
uux Bailed him by tea Utroal
__ "Star Spteplcd Batiacf
At Baward atj. Cbartep Heatb. II aot
At liollaad. aapriap ke akatc foe- a Toicc ta a auddra. mahattn^llkc (aali- my teop.- 1 kpi'WT-d x •If tlwm tup. I
n lute a ditch.
vy la projected.
teoufht al firei tea priaoacr had made
loa cryiap out; “Don't (org*t.” D'i'b
_________- ifaaapprd
aa attack apea him. but when be real
At Sherwaod.
aM hit blaaqaaralrta tea tell ere.
phoixoprapli Hock. ---------------- -----------------'-7 tea dfbv
It tnaapired ityd tec truth ! e teld'miVto'reinra Maxtor a BOW
all tele Ir made* |>o*«>hll
o Mllnt when he had
trUpbadbaaBterowa lato
or-! ^Tbe.n
1* *cl in go off II
l,:i* i.rni.rlii out
diaary alarm, and che band* are *r1 lor '
paid up tec I
■t b*H (.u*hel [
ecD Tran apoa raiOB aty
,p and
Uop* *< a certain time, c'teet to amuac j ~D.ei. a in
a prt kittea from a daatreylap
rebiker aa.I ter Tcry adge ol a wUr
w«rk aad will employ about M
Tbe proaoaed ai
lo perform *c
i Tbe greatest cb-lhing salt- over attemp'ed In Grand TraYerse R««ion. Doriiur Fd>na‘
two crata a wrak. Ihree the mattri- fruit padkape (actoric*. aad o
itqck eompaay
e give y<»u 2-> i»-r cent off from every dollars worth of clothing you buy of OS.
waa (orgotteB. aad aow the mcrellnl, day a *t^
ram^y M fruity
riclalty wa* foi
Suits and (ipcrcoats are like a papir of lacks, foil of poii|ts.
batra kllWa*. ia called u^a to- pay a !, operate aaotear oac.
iiiflwxr-hip uf ihe Oilewcy waa
of tee .anhuTlxan »l*fl
' fa. .owMca of tea hip caoaiep (ac- along te* liar of tier Reaxliag hilroad
ra the o; her dux <iv a HriTiah arhool*
to tea neighbor wkoamumed tbr re-;
diap la Ludteptoa are arpo- <*0 entCTTxri.Ing aoap msaufactareT has
*: -It I* luid Thai write
afiMimarbcaLBadiB tec laapuapc of
UaUap with tec ier«tor of a potato
erected a U. lorr aad core plaatrrte tare the laatl
•tee rhiladclp• Ecexini. Faring th*
MUgktfal aroma to tec air.
the-p^ of tbe a
Uon late a factory duriap the wli
i-.-i - -..vt A-Ul laler."
a tb*
-railroad I*
tb largr ('ulk wunl.ixx
At Haldlag. U. Umb. after Ana of
I* xxtadow
1^. main wlcmooui. 1
Immb Hrea, pro«*»». ^ *>la eye pal P'MwM la ccl
helby, 1. A. Harriaim. Vllliam <mv day a few week* ag.' Iher
r Ptftht,
Wlaebreter. Oea tt.ll Sheridao-* Ruder. D. n. Baohia and Ren Raah
««i by aplaaaofeteelAytap from aa
IMred lo tee r«cr» of the cmrly i
1 black fmree. rame from Mlchilitm barral hoop white ha waa remoc...nblplor
(lea. Hberidaa
log train, a Tcry preltj P>r'fo Ja.
■rriued lu hax.'psuwd inthr midat -d
■nne with c«ld.
^h a'r^t^ ot
her Uhor uf xra.binp the window tn
aWltetaoM aat aare tea WbL
Mx ccxni|mate*>
foaled al Dread Eaolda :
AW with tee iretrlcrv Srerly errry wu. ro..u.l -x--:rei.
er’t alcr to pot
tat Uanm Cbarlaa E. Dodpa. a
>upht iatoacrrlcw by
male rider who rexr bre proceeded to •ot of 1 »»nn I ‘
I to haul treaty
mateear. reaaoUy opeeed a box _______ ot tecboeoDdUlchlAin Trite her. and tbe male rider* cm log* In Ihr fire. ■
Dxe Wxndbamn
of white reclmeat I'
all irela. teat paiacd dnring tec day
«d tix 'be aalrap.
“tely iutl
aid thr same In tact,, ahr tma been There wat no
.mre. and byand by
aakaa. aad _____ tee replmeJl wat ateUoaed at
flirud wHh cecr afacr. although
aAateaad UauL Hire, tek borer waapraaamted
Aiwaad tea Begfaa
of the rcguUc ridere lure loop
MPttea rent at ber
be bafgafr aloaa. 8b* team byte*
Tb* RapUat cbarAat K
Icmrocd teat tee brauDhtl yo<ia«plri tea wme th >.; toyou fS minuttnapaaad at teat ti
_ teUdrea-t abate aad te«y
^ij b*Md; “tbafabowyuucmmete


d Vi'" r'"’'

Letter Heads,

Note Heads,

Bill Heads,-





*" ■- M''w s:







Eook Work,


Wedding Sta’ry



aad every kind of Commerclai and




. other printing.



Bis stock to select from and good,







*^-^r**i b??..uurbMrr[

OuF 1-4 off Sale



Begins Monday, Feb. 1, 1897.

Our ; 4 ^


.A. TDaiig--eLi> -lile-tei?






bar pamt

■aula Orate
tek HaUltOraa

paatad a

p>ye.ralraal» repereraC
V A roung avuloeit* rnabed to brw
dec! <1 tb* other day ia gwret agoar.
One of ber w-l.Aom tecthwa* uleerilcd.
, T»iedefili*t. who-hythcTruy,*•’' piw5lberwlibfhemo*1.d*ixliocofb*e
'front teeth, tbld bte that there wa*
TrOl Mb* ^nee
to pall teelootb,-..Jhlag for it •
I •Vrrr well, doctor.* remnrhed the


Uaa Qage. of BaM Jordan, w

Wfte tarellpox. /•
Oen. Weyler. all fa ft
faaa fa tevly fa a bad

farer ^

_______ K.V' .rs'ias.jjjsi

*p. aMhawaaareaafad. bate* It wa* btadqaarten (oraoreeai tUkbaUlU.
^ tataCaBahaaretaUoiaafi te ga

mlUT abow, wbU



Bow-* TblC*
W. •*.<«. ■xmarel OHter. Rreaet ter
ta; eaw •> caurr* tb«i raa* w a» rure* a;
4^;^ taw
W l^aaeOT

IDixxdJxg* “bl^dLs sa3_e.

First—We jniaranlcc a perfect fit. Second—They are well made. lliirdHLHSt
but not least, they are the cheapest in the market quality consider^ A fact thst <»#•
not be wccjotiked is. that before giving yon s dificoutot of 25 per cent we bsTe jnmped
prices with both feet nntil there w« no sign of profit* left, hence giving an oppor­
tunity of a life time to buv clothing. All are invited to attend tbu great Hik.,

T. vT- S:OST,

gmmt, Frtadnoh Blk.

• otte.mtei.


Prices Suffer

T1» opa ■aUafllo^
f«du««t «w
U »M« MikalteUspKBM
by J. C Mica, ot gMTWtu.
W<Mun'f Ol«»
lmipU*«(tk*»lanB a'^>*« p»


1 by W«. A. Howm4. ^


T*« wega< dl«rte» mbnad «b<
a.U« «f Mouob. ba.«r«. PBrmwb. St. Jaapb ud
raraatad by Baiy W»Wn*. of

“l ,


wnsrraER aooiDS.

Btartoycareape }

aeoanSaedtoao party.
oftoteyeaiA Bad it bcea ao'1
eoanerrstlre wblgA tise'ooeld not bars made Ue laoA te dl {
The Iblrd dtotrtet
not) demoersu aad many dctoomsu I my sroridly peaeeeateaA Irne my debto ,
to eossUto of Bortten, Von Bsrsa. wbo badl- op to that llBA sued ride'wooU net tere' toeeauitod at i
CblbosB. Baton. Barry, by ride sad oboalder to eboslder wiU ' fanadrad doItorA
pte. After wbleb Un. a a OArar hAd Allcpan. OttawA Boat, loato. CUatos.
elarr*oftb« pn*TAB. "HAmac So- Orsttoi. UkA Maoon. MsatoaJm, Mew-WbAt Woaa CAiL^for Ur
and OneaBA Tbe dtotrtet was |aad to dertolap aad eeforelap r
lapofctalty.’' b^tb*
mated by Darid 8- Walbrtdps, of
eaeuise toaeeare Ue Urumpk of daUA Them y ftoaacial aM I ly |
>m In tbe new torritoiy.
jeairod dnriap
Tbe fasrU dtotrtet embeaead tbe
>0 Btate. perbapt. wax tbe eubjoet 1 esnl rolualary eoBIril
by Mrs. UATAcr, wbo esasldersd beat Aatles of Oahlaad, Maaomb. 8L Oalr.
- dtocoeeml Uaa ia -----------------Hem. Jamee
B. Walker.---- Pilot aad
---------------------th* "po-a b^lsd tb* tkroas" saw sad SdSUae. Lapaar. lapbam. OenwaA
Hoa. Reuboa Goodrich, tbea of Gene. I Jf.
AlrrsyA Mrs J. i Uisy folteoed wlib Hkiawsatoe. Sepiaaw. TaaoolA Ostoa»ee eauaty. but far many yeotv peat a '
etiAriUcs. is wbieb »b< apoo. Mackiaae. Hoophtoa. ftoippawA
e is their odroeacy of f
realdaal of Trarerce City.
darsd ItwiacterlnAMScy
wb«« Emmet, tirsad TiseersA Midland. doB for Ki
D. C Lr.4i-K.
eoAldbrr‘^' HuylAdlwap- Bchooloafi. Maatotea: Baeala, WenThe fnnrU eonpreealonal dtotrlet
hc)d Ibb Tie*, bat itUI It 1* A isd
ford, AalrlB. KalkaekA -Cberleeof*. wae' the theater of oae of tbe Urelxot
iDdralAbla (set that tbrr* Are tk
and eerrral oUer eosaUea whrae ttorr- political balilre of Ue yaor.
•di »bo. wblla AUioat to aorti.
Urr rme ombraead la the dtoirtel bat
toforeGoo W. Pr«k. ademoerak ;
not dad work to do. Botbpspar..
had not Uea been orpaaloed. ThedtoI'rrisd Ue' dtotricl by i .700 Baier- j a«. 0.0. HentraA Poemr
Tory isterrstinf.
Mta TtaHi ^k*
wae rrpreoeated by Uao. W. Pack.
ore cordially li
apo« ••HoatAAA SoelrthA." eoafiaioc
a rlpqrouB can
at Ue BapUi
ber nawbt ebiofly to tbc fooi womvf
deaUy rrpectad to be rr-electad.
Best i^day aa followa:
ma do is Ibst Um . Mia UAToer call- Chaa B. Siaari. e
lapbam county, where beU Ue can.
Sermon 10.30 and 7 pm.
od tbe i«1l of tb« motebm ol bcr dlrlc UalWd fitotee- eenaVtoa
ri pirea a demoeimt. | Sunday ocbool U:«s,
RelfabJc »r>- Goods. Carpet and Clothinfi House.
I'lrroe.wu praUeat
Ic majority of ecreralhnadrrd to lilsi.; B V. !■. C at MS li tbe pariofs of
spoa Uebab/'cl. tbna alllsc
The repablleaa party Uea 'held Ue Hut A4 the mnit of Ue election of that' the ebureb. led by Mca Klap. Subject,.' ^
' rdbnaoim. ’Mis etate oOocA barlap carried tbe rito- year Ue atateoSceshad pamed tola —...............................

A. B. BoUldsy ftroisd' the Udtea wlU
of ISJf.oolyalew moaUe after
lUkaabaada Tbto chaape of adA solo, -ttsl Moody Olrloe."
wpaaUattoaol Ue party, by ab<
large number
Serrloee are held la' li. 0. T. U
11, ■;_____
. ~
pABbt Mite DisprtA, Sbd ro
1.000 me}erily.
of iatelliptat aud acllee repo bite
at I0;3ii eeery Suaday,
tnoofolly to an osoorr *: A plosalar
aSeeis wets Klaelty
Laaelnp. wkoeooB made Urir iaflueace
-Subject Sunday
». "APteoeof Idlr-liold."
Ulspbsm, poreranr; Geo. A. C6a II
felt la Ue polltlea of Ue oounlry.
(loCB by Mi«»BlAel..roodtenant puteraar; John MeKlaey. seey
,Gor. lliapbam. a bM minded aad
Ue traU and bealli
H. ilrimee. tresedi
hoBorabIc man to ere^ oeate ol tbr
Priday ereatop experiri
tji'biteey Joses, auditor peamsl: 8.
word, wae at Ue eaBn lime a ohrewd.
Treadwell; com. land offloe: Jacob
adroit polltlelts. Be wai not an orsErocybody cordially iarilod to
Uoward. attorney peberal. aad
tof. yet be wae one ol Ue meet eacand
Haybew. eap t of public torimelion.
cceeful eUmp epeakeis 1 haee erer
The men with the right kind of a barinrea rye. dae
.. ooxHianaTioSiOo.c.«oppsTr,t<
bad tcalded ia Oeaeaee oouaty for kaowB. la bto plain aad ^aaoeumlnp
or.d a piroinplest'r indrAw hiealteatlua toe puod Ulap. We ....
ay yoAfA bat whua Mr. Btopbam way be would eoarlebe
'plain peeto .nr trade flmt >inam,< ttl'IillKIl (loolts only, aad Ur prtoe to tbo 4
that tbo world to OTcry day prowl ny
• Sermon Suaday at I.i;30 a
right Uoa al­
Mine s> ..Ihets oek for ae.-iad grade poedo. Wo do BM dta-o your o
It now (SOM prohsbls that tbo
• Icbedn-Aod more heartlrsa. It too't
lertten sway from o pood anlelr by potltop oat Imdera of tofork
e llbfsriaa. aad I
to whom I hare Itoteacd. •The Light of tbe World.-—a
ps*sn wUI do notbtec I* racArd
TLo world to prowtep I
reiatoreemento »Udy la Ue geapel. .of John.
Bored u. Laariap la Uacember of Uat
TsiUib Atsifs botes opriof. Kill
day and the otrlaalacy set o
od -bring oat aome i.elpbbor aec
year, la tbe followlap Jane I became wbteb tbe new admlatotraUon hodsrlU obfoM
riebrr men ol :Chleapo darlnp tbr loot
. lor
reiSaln at home.. Ureal lmpru»r-j
Jolat adlwr, with Rnfae Boamer, of U. bnaopbt to Laaaiap that city
wnb firro proof paalUro tbsl tbrre to
center of meat to noted In Ue prompt aiteed..
lape UwoeUcnl
ebarily sad blnd beortedarM tbrrr
It Ue mornlap errrice.
Mr. lltamor wai aa able writer, bad
lomr mea ore slow to rreopotoo
■ace at Suedey I
ear pood work OB ^he Detroit Ad<
7d,000.000 Poeplo.
TberatisMAsd onddra cold of
were fell Uronphool •'•><“11 la-t rear woe oicelleat
celleal butitUj
but it
ter and mae *ell knowa Uroupkeat
Ibsly Ibo Vaitod SUUa 4« s rrsat Sotarday aad Sunday, rontlaalnr
The Old Bellable and Orl^nal Shi
tbo eatlrr 4Ute. and. ia lael. exteaded ;
that U may br belter «.i, year. \
oOBMty. AltboofbsoArlyaoroo yeort into Monday srul Tuesday, brouphl inl-areatiare rejureted to ore tbstUej
pled at the Detroit end of tbe line Uat to oUef etatea .
anfferinp to tbe very poor of Ibst
be paid oo alteotloo to Ue IteoabUcan,
prrst clip, Tbe mayor toenrd ■
Ulnk. early In .Sept,
cxpMdod, otUI tbe os
for aid. bat erm beforr tbto woe modr
MocUtedwiU mtoeae editor be date and election day I
sttes ol itpu la net yot eosplote.
pnblle mosry and prortolooa nnd rlothRaptltt eburek I
abed bat oae arOcle for Ue paper, ■ABaUra of
M« proposod to oiBpUfy matters io 'inpbepmn to poor In. Trni> of tb»U’
rae youop UCB aad toll of toUu. iMO by UmiUac tbo eousa to tbc onnda of poondr of mont came ft
^.Oakland. Macomb. St. Clair,
t E mletlno at
j for Ue repablicaa party, aad W. Lapeer. Tnocola. Sopto.w .ad
onimorstlon of tbo popslatloo. a fslrty tbe pisst aloeb yarda; cInUilnp fp
helorre 1 found asonp Midland. All »eetiap.we« well of r ^there-ill be . loci union .
o qsanUUrs: ebreka from the
employed to Ua euu
prsAt Borehnnla for »IU0. Ateu, (l.uon.
tended aod «;«7T-her. preM entlto., .^b, sqnd.y wibool eoocert wa.
keep tbe dema> oadsls bellcTc
•toom pieraiied. The eharecter of Ue
|».j soq.iay beeauee of U
craUe [mrty of tmarinp to a lirely '
preoldeaUal candidate. Urn. Kremonl. , rrrr^eullier. The Concert will
Ihot is lirM tbo total popsli mof tbc
quite nbbappj aUteof.sbcltemenl
wax well calculated to-ratfauer Ue: place SuDiiay night at 5 oeUick.
oosBtfy «U1 bo
Ue next two yeara
ycanp-. .ad . eery large -KUy ^, JU
A Oood Tblnc let Uieddpna.
Among Ue yoaap men who rendeesd Ur yonap men ..f UcAtote were
lop what the other had dona Tbeoe
I'rayer meellag uyalgbl at 7:
The dnop wntenrmyn somBb
me raluable aeriiUaoe were Stephen raklap for -h-Vemool and JeealrCon.ult tbe Adrabce manual for i
m«a oimply knew the pmt cold mate
wltb Ftm. Anpnll of Ann Arborna
le prayer mreUng to Ue beet
bare mid Uii
bring gnat aaSeriBC. dbd a tender .. Btopbam.
shnirann. hn?a mnde'lbeir tsport to
atop, loaac U. CraraUi and A. C. Win­ eampuiga. but Ue enthoaUom
aympatby for the needy pmmptet
Ibn psoMsaL Tboy obow tbo fenol-The
tbeer psnerone pifu. Later, whrn tbr ter Hr. Biapbam to lUll llrtop bnt largely oa Ue repubUeao tide.
blUty of tbo oonalTwetHoa of onnnto eseztenlol tbe eaffertop Ueramr knows CrtraU aad. Winter long ri^
democratic party bad reorlted a black
.tthe Cdai

aUlnp eoaoeli onpopsd in ooosn
eye In tbe campalpa two yean before.' Knoday
B mere eyitrmalic pian of relief war ASM—
ay at :i p m. to oo
_ ^
pm«pe«-t, auiiireruary
aimleenary of ithe founding
Bea. Whitney Jonm. aoditor peaeradopted, ted tens of Iboaonode of dolal. wae alto helpful la pnttlsp me on Uat iu otaer eye would toon be cloned
mattereof iatereel la Ue de- — h tbe eadiogofUl. campaign, oat ,"i" “
partmonu. and rapeclally tboae relat'tended o prerent Ibrm from la Ezcure'ioa B
to WMblagtod fi
^wesl and «.
• tbnt it
laptoaborteomtopaof prerloni demo- delplag da a
>- great alneuet .of
■oyrsasUlna bottemnd a loroulnbouUap.
TWptod onmmomo botwoon tbo r>ssl
IwaaeoaroratogwiU him In bto «frrmiioin Mai
otondtoslpa portt. srtUi inmsnaid
R II am M
flee one day la Ue eummer of ISM,
B all >latii>Bi Ic
when eaddenly hr looked me |a the
le two p
parUre. Appolat-1
A of Ibe
I om- fare
A Bbrsvd HoTA
taco aad mid. "Mr. Leach, wr are go. wiJ br 4i
ladlmeB made
. limited
lap to nominate yomfor Boolyorlf
deaudin tbr wenltaer iseontoof tbe
Bad a UnnderboH from tbe clear aky Ur mmr rrmlog. When Ul> came
sln to nUn cUmad by many, tbsl utlod
rooDtry. It nstead* orrr the rntirr
etrauk tbe boUdinp I ooaltoaot bare Ue knowledge of Ur republlcaa ci
at thto iifllee
bpadtopUynlaaopaelty And 4alrkncm
United Sutra, and boe doai_
to A ladtooa
«n pnnp wtunthwA tbnt other Satopput
■lamnpo in Ur for ooalh. .Tbe
‘eanarlraate and
id Vue
sna no toon. hoeomdlyUokod. By n
draamrd of auek a Utnp tad tried Uea
'rnlag. I woe glad of Uto doTi liiiee. and all liar* utwraled by
eeroreonld wae fell in the aortl
tsoMt ootyst tnoty Cblno to mid to
to tars It off ae a joVe.
But I no.
laece to bear Ur :ibt
-rre llauie end lodtoeapolto Roi(eaet on Benday aad Monday, the Iberl^o..
hnro mU boroclf to Bnmto. like n snotoaad bewaa la earecal and Uat I
mometer dropplap dews toward the Su
' anl.HtdlttobolWtodtbnttkto will bo
found Ue ball la which Ue meet and St. Ixruto Rqilwae C.i
below icrn marti to the larpoTritlee
Wlowsd by tbe Immrdtote boildlnp bf
bnnp il about.
WB4 Sell! efMtolBed mctiT v4e.*iiT
In tbe 4;^otoiTnwnrt«a' far below
My tncoIlecUoa to that 1 made ao perf»itonndn.nndopminpupoftbo dSlooA' aad before bU two hour*, epercb
tbaL At Mrdteine Hat. B C. the
Mb) Kiapdom to Baootos trode. Bsmln
eSort toeevure Ur
lauf btoaudirocr bod Ii
booH of NetooB Adell, fonaerly a ml
eaoept to write perooaal leltera to Boa
n ntoopAialnpnSrmorfootbto'd cMb
dent of Trareree City, and etill a linn
F. U. Roakln aad oae or twd other
Ati ontaeeriber.
below .m tooebed
frieade la Ueoraee oouaty. My frleade
Terrible aoSerinp p
Baaapedtbe caaeam. for Ue aomlaas of dollars I
tbo EorsoM with osapidon
Uoa wlU bat rilpht rxpecUtloa cm my
Banal ia qlurlty. to duUr aad feed Ue
•Wy aad H to not prsboWo tbnt it
part that they would eaeoeed.
bnndrodi of poor people.
The BoafinaUap eoaecstioa 'met at la leagth
bo allawed to po <B maeb lonpor
Many aoeUers Mlehlpaa eltlre
Poatlac OB Ue HU day of Aupael
portraMaalveoold.bat asnuial Tra?
Only rlrren of the twraty oeuatlea of
Oise aiy boe eeospad better tbsa si
A MovIadortT.
Ue dtotrtet were repreeoated aa fol­
meet aayoUrr piece. S. B Wpli bee
A pnnt dial of Intesot
lowa; Midland, M. i‘. Comptoa aad B.
.prrpared a table ebnarisp Ue tempers
. Pfanond to ooapnoa Uuly
H. Eltoworth; Oaklaad. H. Hiller. K.
■nttor at bAildtop wsrAblpa on tbe tore la Chlcapn Moaday 04 eompar
'Bmbe. J. H. Tlllmm. W. M. UcCcm.yroottobm.
Ben. Wm. Aldoa Smltb wlU that of Tnesroa City, U to
eell, I. W. DoaneleoB. U.
i. W.
n. HortoB.
at Ofbad BapMo boo btsB AoUro< in followe;
W. B- Armoe-H. CAi rewA Oeo. B!^
Chicago. Moaday.Maa. tt: 1 a i
tod lap ost tbAl tboro
ttattertoe aad S. 6. Gale; Saplaaw,
nefil treaty npsrslap ikoely s dlpto -IC;:Am.-lt; ta.m..<ia: tmo
L. Gape. D. B. Jriome. B L. Ptohn■otk saderetesdlap prwwtop ost of rlt: tAm.-l#: « a m..-SO; Sab
aad A. SehmlU; Tnocola, W. Jobaeoa
sansspoadoare tullowiap tbe treaty of -SO: ta. m.,-«U; 0ais..-1»; IOab.
aod a Gr Wilder; UeaeeoA E G Gale.
Obeat At priooat the, aarrowasoe of -1«; ll A m.. -U: It m . -U; I p m.. -U
V. H. Baakla. W. W. BooU aod C. H.
tbo M. Lawisaeo eaaal pets an cad to ipm.,-18: Ipv.. -Hi «p.m..Moekwood; lapbam. R. B Shank. Oeo.
Ibo praodeabUlty of ibo plaa. aa tbe tp.m...-ll: dpm.,-10; Spm..I Parwaa J. H. WUliamemed <>. RraFRIEORiCM BROS. OLD BTOBE.
• PB..-10.
oanol will oaly pormlttbo paompd'of
maa; Sbtowaoeee. L. B. ParooaaaedO.'
sseoalmfaalwIdo.nTrryaBolI width ' Trareroe Cltyb esideat waatber'etai
Dadlcy; St. Oalr. J. W. Saabora, E. W.
ler a war eenoel.
WUb tb. paolWllty Baaday nlpbt. when tbe
HarriA W. Otmee aad A. Gilcbrlat: U
to etow of a doop water way to Ue aeo. ebowed i brlnw. Dnrtnp Ue day tbr
fine. I.C. Wylltonad 1. Uaeklaa; k
hawoeor. Ibo Uoa to not oa wild aa il temperaur* wae tokea at 8 p. m. aad
eomb, D. Mumy. P. N. Bratley. W.
tonha at diot otpbl. sad Hiebrpaa boo i
Uwto. II. M. Chaee. A. Waraer aad J:
ohaaea of raaktop wlib the aUp bsIM.
a. ButterSeld.
abore. dropainp to» abore'al» p m
Toeaday Ue lowret wae e abota rea<*
DUtrtol L O. O. T. Moouag.
top to II abore at 8 p m. and
The rwAlnr mroUnp of the dtotrtet
d to aa laformal
to Habere at Op m.
L O. Q. T. wsAbeld boa oa Monday
aad Taoadoy wiU^ drtopmua proaooi
The Brat ballot reeoltod ai followa:
Bern tbo tedptoat Arable, rife Lake.
Moma Wtoaer. H: a D. Coeper.
JowtopA Bontoua, Kinpolcy. aad the
D. C. Loaob. A
total todpoa Tbe mesUapi wore hold
a UII.wilb AO o
C. LeaU had :s; Hoam Wtoaer.
^ llbpUpIcaaadosr Bear Cbaa Kellopr. 8.
■toe At Orsnpe Ball Monday beralnp.
er to take from osr bM>
Mow iodpsa wore preportod at Yuma
A formal ballot reedtod la il
1 broUar and aomrod
aad fbmmai. maktop a total el clersa
Leach aad S tor Wtooer.
k we, 04 comradeA rxtel
aympatby to bh wldoi
to Uo dtotrtet. which oomprtooe tbo
MeaeiA Wtoaer and Coapar word hoU
.j tbrlrprsal aairlkm, 1-,.-. eoryabteawa. Mr. Wioaor wao after-'
aooattoo of KalbAoka. Htoaaakro, tVes- family la
that "be wbo dorU all Uiaps wellla tHae rrooaelle Urm to bto look ward poToraor of tbo etate. When Ue
'w nersred Uot be will be r
war of the rebalUoa opeoed be
I by bto nomrmdce mad erer
iaimUe eolueteer arev- bat dbd ia a
Afnedamaylmporlaal p
few moBtbA if I tamrmber eorrocUy.
•Jisd,-^1 we ne eomiadm
I bore alwoye bersdee rrarsa with eorcM of typhoid feeer.
mode te poUiteetop tbo pisad todpo ripll________
Iteeed U hie life bad beea aparad be
llABoe aad ratoe abore
them Ue A
todleUo tbe dtoUteto. maktop MMoaerarndtoboaor. Le would bare made a TopatoUem nap nol....
hoe and Krwford cesalteo tote i
pirdpe to old Uoee that are left aa
tftoi by Ibomoaleoa. a* the dtetrtei Ibe toldtere'aad.toUsea' wldoWe
"Sr. eager a.torilimaUy
•eoUapa are bold qoortoriy aad tbo
That oor ebarter
be draped
todpn to Uwor oosattoo tktoh it loo
. e apsee of Uirty
tor to eotoc. tbo dotepatm fn>m OarH- to mosTWiap for tbe
a alrcted to Ue Taltod Btotea
dnyA aad Ue sosal todps
of Booral^
eua. for esampte. barlap to IraTol I4C
Be wan a ama «t marked ab
■Deatomabetboreaad trip bon.
ami well nad Ta the paUtka *«
Ctealaacaoloraoooloetod SoorotaM. D. Hotoan.
ty of tU tbo nna^
Tbb aampalps a( ItM-Ue "BtotoaM
oaaoad br the mlpaattap e< ~
wo( iksWoM^ aabPi


--“.L-isi Ladies’ Plush Capes!


$ «.00 FOB $ 4.00

$18.00 POE $ 7.76
$22.00 FOB $14.00

Weader(UTBtBwlsl«Ues'Jsck*u. Com* at oow if ypn went to puroliBBba
g9 d wrap cheap—you’U get it her*.



Traverse City. Mich.


An eye
for business.


I 18 Front Street


Wurzburg Block.

Traverse City. Mich. «

' »»***eat**a*»*»ai*«H»»*fc»a****»***»aHii»»*«i|
For one cent.
For two contaiti.^- «
For three cents. ~
For four cents.
For five cents.
At all prices.
In all sizes.
M. E. IIASKtIJ.. Manager.

roilpBlfylnc btoop-

Successors to Holley It billings. J



Some Flours

Make good brepd. occasionally, but oiir -'BEST”
gets there every time, always reliable, never ]
slips a cog. You run no risk in buying it, us we j
jjj guarantee every barrel sold.






Alfred V. priedrieh

rM.dadTla‘'S:l^‘:.P Uepu^ ---



i It pays to trade here and people are finding it out. i



Farm for Sale

Known as tiie Qsorge Xarray farm, four miles
south of town on O. B. ft L B. B. Ninety acres,
fifty improved, twen^ acres, of river bottom
land, river runs through the length of &rm,,
nice pasture on bottoms, good frame farm
^ bouse and a very good bam with basenient
^ for stock, corn crib, horse bam, hen house and
tool shed. $13,000 takes it Will take city
■proper^ as part pay.

J. :MIOBQ--A,3Sr

7^A.T ixaas IT. (

are sure to get your money’s worth, just now you will {
) When we >ell you shcM
ire than Vouf monk’s worth berauie we arc ciosW oM many lines way below

I Ladles'F«lt Shoes.
4So pw pslr . XmV Sbossi........ ........S8o,$So.$14S
I Women's Calf Shoes... eSo.worth $140 t B07V Shoes that 1 sr. ^ $1 to $140 I
. S0e.e&eBBd7ee ! Folt Shoes boiM# aoM botowo
\ Children's Shoes


B Herald.

lU nMMatrpMmete
JMt* >t Ik* «iM»9 Mr «•

Oraat Brtoato at
•09«d ladtate

rnak •oedftife to

.% aa; tlae awr kj ealUac »i

Tuesday and Satui^j EvefUngs O9I7.

• pramat famtoa aad pit(aa that are


■ ^W. a. 9m» iMiaed »• U»-

•d U
BiiMULPfareletotof M- ,
•«»Ue U (he npe
eaatto*. la ha M4
Hn. to «. Walhar.
r------------wUl kU ha baU M fTMar
Baa Mmtkf. ot (toUUaa. to aWUof
araalac. Fabraaty l»thhto old bona hara.
MaU Ovhan, of Mlel. IIL. aallad aa
W». Bamrohaadtoyeieiathto aapnaaal alaoh o»
l»«har. frtaadahacate^.
J. W. Baaaaa baa baaa la Onad Bar
aaMatlar to taai. la BiUaaa_—a- aaMonae
haaaa A
A I tabraa. of Ctolaafa- li »iU Ida ikto iraah oa haalaaaa
S 4
Lo«la hM rataiwd baa aa
U tta ifatar aad
2 {
h. aU^
atoll la Uatroil.
Tha 0.0. elah arUI tl«a a parly thia
taa baaa
ben PunaoToa,
la tha City opara haU.
afal9 tor aaaaml
BUIlara laapaadlaf tha waak
OMBlha at Adalaaka^ PteCiiaa laU Oo..
wlU Mtoa toalkar at Old Htoatoa^
T>ler of Uaatca haa
baaa alalUBd Hta. Bowmrd Haora.
Tha Mtoaaa Pafraat. af Olaa Haaaa.
la apaadlac aa«a Ub» with frlaada
' ‘ ■"
With lha Inproaad mait*ir eoaUltiaaa of elHlUad aoaalrira ihata la no
r that tha aaalare plavaa arill
. loot hoM amoac waatara aaatiU all
ha takaa by the Ooltad Stalaa

rehrWT inh. The

Hn. J. D. WUUmf to a





State Bank.

J. W. DiixiKaa hta Itaa^ tha Iiaaa
Peaa. UlalaanraaoaCo.
limy atoble. aad will Uke p(M
The WMt Hide LIterary.Clab bald ae
the Sralofthaiaaeth. la oooae
CBjoyable aiaeUar at the bum of
with the llrary ha wUl apiw a
Tbatodlaaol Trarane Hay Hlra L.
O. T. H. will fin aealioo bopat-thr
daaclitf aaadamy ihla erealad
Tax (rip landB(lB the city a
MlM Cbrrie Tladala. el thU dty. baa
haa a rieUw to aearly anry ftBlly.
aaa la Aem to apeod a week, the
, to taka a wora aertooa tors thto
wtotar Uao at aay tlaa alaea lu diet Caaal el Mlaa maraaoe Hlakaaly.
Hra. B. Htaaoad baa retaraad from
.0(0. thoarb
ly few total ca
Haaka(OB where the waa called by the
a af.Urv Freak I


At laoit Ca4«o.O(n
d to lodla.
■a aa It la. ia Boi
alarmtoc aa toa larriblt -hlaek
^acae' which toelalmtod U
Altheafh aa yet
fiaad to Bemla^ it to feared that fafl
toreawlU carry It toto the toaiiaa dlatrtoto. >B which caac the mortaliiy wUI
Baroptaa aatkmare

baiat brocrkl tote thalr bordere aad
iparta at Udiaa ■archaadtoa ate

17 styles of
Black Goods


are marked PUSH. Not a large per-ceptage nf onr stock and vet a nice
little assortment.

carotally toapeetod
Death or Urt E B. Kaaaiaad.
The aeddaa dratb ot Hr*. B BKhaaland which look plaiea Uat eeeeUr(e eirele ol
ea la TroTarae
lly. To the Iwaedute reUUaaa It to
torribit blew for wl
aa alirriatioa or comfort agtoept co.-b
ay come from IotIu aa<
aUy. ao lar(«ly felt aad


16 lines of
Silks and Velvets
that we are partii'ii’arly anxious to
tum'into mimet. Indiitlt-s a line of
Surah Silks of s|iii-ndi<l ijuality at
only *29 cents.

Hra. Kaaelaad alipped aad le\l oa
the aldewalll oa ttaahinrtOB aueei
laal Thnradty marainv
It waa tearre
r lime that a fiactura af the hip
had occurred arhlck bewerer did out
to t>t Ue I»ar. bet Ue abeck of
the fall kept ber oostloed to hor bed
YeaWrday aflereucB while feeJto( oo

W. H Earn, dropped a llrhted lamp
ReT. Hr. Welte aod Mr. Kerr drare
Friday cTealBdead a bad blaae fallow­
0 Acme tTeaamday aad apent a
Mriom beiac felt by aayai
ed, bet waa finally uUamlahad '
,l hoere with P-W. lUakea-1 ,he wa. all at ooce Ukca wiU real
oelcalUacoBt the Brecompaoy. There
hrenUtor and ia a few
3t meeb left of Hr. Garl'a carpet,
Traeerea Hay Hire L O.
fell ialoaalupor froB which
he rMwIred aooM patofal baraa to
atalled ofleera Tueaday .
peltiad oot the fit*.
There •
o'clock la»lcreDto(.
Tpa rerular meetlac of the tV. C. T. eaj <yablc time w
Hra Knrclaad waa fifty-lwa yeara of
U. will be held la the parloie af the
Kortbera Sur
Hrr'early life waa paaacd la
BafRtot ebeteh Friday aflorBOOa at (Ire a
UartforU. Cooaaelieut- Hbe waa mar­
ballipaat t u’rlovic. The prafram will
ried la ia«5 loH K. Kaoelaad, wbu,
Him-Traria. eatiBf mnaieal and literary pro(ram.
eoo&t of a paper read by Hn
IrU wlU a aoB aod a dan(kUr. moama
Habjeot. -The Chlld't Blchta.
ita." aad
.g B. Donirhry baa bk<a apoeltk>a ber law after more Itaao Ulny yearn
lilbie readiaeby Mra. Ufbba
aa tmrelthf aalnmaB with the Wala Ota happy home Ilf,,.
Koorlaia-. xeaideaoe to TrarA anuaur epidemic U ra(ia( aaaoaf Ulf. Co. of Albion aad faaa(OBO loWtoIkacbfldreo ia\ba - Blaek aaUlameat " eoaala. where he baa beea aaal(aed ter­ erae City had eateadrd eeer a period ol
tea yoam. aad bee awoel aad loetor
ia Boat Hay towaahlp. It berloa with ritory.
wm Friday alrbt did aotepnll aatine bad waa bar eery maay trirada.
a vary aero throat aad month. A
limraalttae gaeen City Hiry- She waa a moat derolad wife and
awnUtof toUowa. hnakto( threu(h tha
Fifty couple^ were •other aad ber home to left dmolair
oetalda of the aaek and maktne aa
md the party waa IhoroiKbly iadeed hy her oaaaiBf away
She wiai
u(Iy and palafnl aore. A (raat mtay
children hare bad, or are bnrtn( It.
The Hoaary Head of the Hacred tloart chnrch. a
a member of U. Udie.
Idaa JoaN Hi-arar. ef Erart. who
aociety will he eaterlalacd Ihiaeronior
haa bMO apendtor the peal three
at kackool huildlaf by ibcir'
wceha here with her daofhter. Mm
prefret. Mlaa Uarfilc Olaca There are
OeaU of kiktt Oartlo Wiatiia:
Haydea, died rery auddeely Tncafifieea yonar iadire la Ue band.
The aena ol Uo doaU ol Htoa Gertie
anto(. Hbe .
HonU(ueaad H. Uarland nrr nt
U tonic at one a'clock Uto atlcmoao
ac Ur aeannl commuoiealton nf
will comr aa a preat akock to ber
datoalc (rnad lodpe nt dafinow
trirnda. maay,of whom, ao brUf waa
leatly Ul. and her daalh waa ■
Uto week. Hr. Uiiala(ne to a member
her lltoeu, 'had bardly learned that
ntthefiaaoce cammitwband Mr CarA>PBCtai.moetlaroftheltodira- Li- uad (oea aa
• of Ue
ferltnc ai well a> luual UoaTraenae City lod(e.
day aad ear amtoliat brr father. Oily
a U L. A r
City Teal
Wlanle. athto ••I1i-r. when
(Friday.1 to make ariml
Ko. *TI K. O. T. H. aad Amaada Hire
in Ue aftornooa Ue
abonl allaadlBC tha fnaeral of Hra. E. L. O. T. H. bald a joint loatollaUoa ia
chill, hbe (Tcw rapidly w«>r>e. poruO J Folk. lUoaptKto.
R. Raealaad.
It to eery Importaat thalr lodye roomi Hatarday eeealay,
meala ectllnf la, and to iwrnty-f.iur
Uat aeary member be ptnaeot. aod tollownd 1^ aa alabnrete repaot aad
boar* her'lllnemww critical
fh'9 ^ earneelly jsauc^ to b* (ood aoeial tlma
The drUliof by Ue
rrry weak, cbe wa* ouamiour to Uie
todim waa eery fiae..'
laeu and In beri dyiac bour> Uawe.l i
Tbr party to be (lena oa Friday
U drenlteonnthto moralBC Judye
Ue umr brarr s><rit of cheer *hr bad]
realnc. Feto !>. by Ue ladle, of Ue
all her life macileated
PlroodtU olnb. ptvmtow to be one of
ad the fullowinf prorram irietl ll
Hark aad Joba Imao for toroeny. oae
Tbc only (Irl to a family of foar,
Urn BMBt drltohjlnl aeclal eeenu of tbe
ir at Hanianto, and Pmak Kamnaboy*. Ue era* tbr mala etoy aad c»n>' \
wlaUr. laMttoaa bare been aent to
Icro.-alloa—Her 11 11 llurlbul.
ky. potobalBtoalUe.ooeyrarat HarIon dnria( Ur lanr IIIbwm ol her '
Mule. Solo—VmDk Itoeto.
all old me^r*. aad Ue ladlea are
(aauo. Uader tihrritf Achtaa aad Depmother, blaee then Ue hubMO. Ur|
Welcome A.drem-Geo. IwnliB lafteriUtbato to-day for Bpariay no efforto to make It a brllUant
the prtooa-___________________
aaableaMtoUnl In her talher's ufll.w :
Mrmnnal—Bee. |- E Whitman
ory of
A pecnliarly cinee bood of uolao aad—II. s. Spencer.
tore bae alwayi eiietrd hetwrea hrr j
Hatlc haa Ue lollawlw cRfclUlioa.—Grace Abbott
bdraatUBdfay dtotrtot lodyc I. O. G. T.
father, ber brother, and bemelf. and a.
ry eeorda Mr aay of Him Alloe Bebarta.
Reeiew of the Yrae-Woi. liumell.
who U ntodylny eoeal aad larimmenlIliatoryofOId reopie'. Social-Mrr. I <
uim daughter end .i.Wr, aad .Inee .
dratb nf Mra. fflaale.aa a'aaeuod muthal mnalc Urie: "Htoa Alloa T. Eobaad Oaaada. ee a etoee pipe faatooer
aria. of Ttprorae Oty. Hick., waa oae
her little brvUiw-flick, abe ha.
wUeb (rwaOy laMoai daafer ot fire
•f Ue partielpaaM at a leelul (leo^
al^ya’ folBUrd aeery duty, readily
catlrely.away wiU nafalaly
by pupUc of Ue Broad Btraot Ooamre-’
and ebeerfull.r
■ will be (reatly
tbe number ot her a(ed people wh.. ^_
atocy ol Hnek. Pklla.. oa Hatarday
■ be yaao( peoule, to
The eoclel (ieeo by Ue ladim of the
, are amonp tbe ■o.t bl(bly eeteoae,!
eanrared by
aeealar. Jan. »rd.
reaidenu ot the city, aad Ue~-.neu.l
Rptoeopal linild laet Bl(hi et Ue real>rl C mlaor Fanuale. beu. are one ef the moni .lelifht-1 ffT
deaee of Hr. aad Hra E. I.. Sprame.
tai amUtod by Hlaa Carrie h. PImtaah.
She wa. barely 54 yearn' old at Ue
,loD. nf tbe year, wbea pn-rv|^^
waa a eery pieemit effalr. aad e larpr
wboplayod the eaeoad plaaopari by
tiiar nf her death, beio( bora to Tear,
» .ml to errlcotne their ti -iiorv.l ■
w were preenal- 'Ae fint part
erw City In i*ti. and apendtop heren
Ori9- HI- Eoberu playa wlU (rmee
erealBRwae deeoWd to a book
(ue«u and (ire Ibem a happ.e dar
lire life here, except tor a few winter*]
aafi ntyle. ber
(neeriateoatmu H. U Uollay Mcnriar
Holin' New York and CMcaifo_
thepriwfer Ue loapeat eorreci Itoi
AlUoupb tbe eouthern Mmhlcan dai-.
H.B Oetoeand Him Clara Ckeae (ere
ra bare bad a (oud deal to imy .bout
Tat HxaaU) Ue Brat of Ue moaU
Prof, hlel.ue propoeed loop di»Unce telephone
aottoed Ue fact el Cbaa. MaaeUIe-*
An Importaai ba.inat. c
*** X.irtbern Mtehltan. the tlr.i
plowtoc dam. »d. bat () W. Hiller baa
M made February
February li-l by " hi
formal aad ofliclal aoYic* ~ aa rre.-.refl
bulea Uat raoerd. Re did a dayb
UalkeU t(ain
here yeelerday in the foUowInp Iriicr ^^^
plowiBf Jta. 4U. Hr. Hlllnr naya Uat
here, aolely oo hli nwn aonunk
to Mmaaper Harry, thacompaay . arent
maay tenaoradoaot darn faad pota­
WiU be ^membered' Uat alien I
' tto oewa boeaaaa it makea poar eknrebaid aoctotyyealeiday afterBoaa. Haakell n-tarned from lalif.-rela
ivirolt. Jan seih. i- -t
balur.bBtbtoaaparieaeoM Uat they Ibe prefrnm on "That Baby" waa car- accepted Ua pnelttoa
nianaser for Ma A.HIS
make aa escnlleat load. Itoeokcd aad ri«d ant aa aaoemnoed to laat week'a l-yoD, Heejeber' • Kemer. wh..
mmhed eery dry. Tbaa l/ Ue milk
Umobootht Ur atock of Holley i Hill-' Ua.K Sia —You may U
toacaldod. Uebnttarwlll be all Uat
inira. Mr. Ha.kell ha. bow .rmi(n.d |»‘'»‘ welettlnp tne
be dcaimd.
Polatoca prepared klndafffarUB room waa opeaad aad'
la Uto way for boa Iwd he fiada maiua eleenn babto. eared far Urre while mrrto Uke eftocl February let. and ,
iu'ooo.lrucUoa will be •
Ue bean toy well. WlU potatoei la
moUpm were Italenlac to the will, aa aoOB ae hto aaw .tock «aa be ju.t a. <(UickL/ a. Uey c^
■wh abnadaaee and ae cheap aa Uey
tm. Thto plan proeet to be a pnrehaaed. open la Ue oame Hoe—’ 1^'ItwiPbceci
Uto year. Uto to wnU worU haow- (imt auooeat aad will ie Ue fnwre ea-. book.. .Ujlonrry and wall paper The i
able many mnham to enjoy Ue meet- locaUoa Ie not fully decided upon yrt.i
tot who wonid oUerwtoe be kept nt
.. ....... prubnblr __ _______ _______
. -- .

That-Hall or
Small Bedroom


Olnthing: Oo.

r. D aani-ta,



and Capes.
Prtlers are to push the wh«»le line.
All good, but at this season we are
more than willing to change them
into cash. .



IfSSSSr----- -

pateau to Ue Ltolted S

Clnwlttloii thIi .wMk 2,22$
Wblb alldlM dm a ato9 AiU oa
paMadhkaaa Satarday Fraah Harrow
fat a ^ too. dtolonaUaf hla thonldar.

Mtown: WilbrimBrot.*|^. 5al
am riar B. WUbalm'a i Aien, }

• m(n ■mwyaoeee nup»e —
Be*. D.~Cjpu77^^ba
waU toUa^p^mealaabk

I* W. Irrinc LaUmer,
of nif Raplda. R A. FarayUe. el Siaa
dkb. B H Imomto-ofOmad Raplda.
K Rood, of 1|^ aad E 8. Water.
iOBoa OoaasTT wai called to Woad
Edmore. .paat Taaaday at Ue aay
naeMteyby UaUlacmaad daaUof Inm. rlriat It a Uotoneb laapeettoa
im mMt.'s t>nria( kto atanaeoa Joigr Mr. Flood aad Ur. Wa(er
tHrim,a«CtodUtoc.onnaptod tte I
paatod by Urtr wirea. who
of Wrn. J. D. Hnaeoa dnriar
tbeir etolV Staator'Flood, who ii oo
TUB -toMTllily meauai of iba Wemtbe Bab eommlmtoa. I.K Toeaday
tot I<W Nault Ste. U^ M attoad i

mar m^eil a new iar|K-t. If so. come
ami see onr Push Carpet Bargains
^ short lengths, rug ^ttetQ^ett^_,




w ovr tnroice sheets thst udicstM a
D to dose ont msoy Uaes.

A Jolly party of Trarerae City Hlfb
achool ^dlan. oeaaletlix of Andrew
8mfU. KetUc Bolleabacb. Baby -Mbrifkt. Aatoe Reyaolda. Hay Boyatoa.
Corbett. EtoworU Hala. Aaale


aldeef Freni .Uwl aoi far fn« Ue,'''^”™' ManiMreT Mtohljrao T.

Hn^b bnUdtnc. Mr.-Haabell'a lout
^ *
rreldeacr here ha» made bIB knowntol
the whola'™"' ®“* * e»er.» "■P'.'i- *“d wjl
pretty nenriy
aenriy ereryl
it-re nai(u|ck eiiBrnaniratiob net only
a^ tail hi. experieoce oi boit
twenty yoa(* la tbe ap.iar-. Ic
ao Ue larre elite, ot l^e ei
which hr rhtatn*. WiU htoreoatallou
I .New York toC^eaco.
Bortoa. Cora WalUr and Boben let careful aad aoooraaful maaatemeat.
Inable Chlrtrfor Trmeeree
Malter. dtn*n ont to HodRt Satorday la.Df|B bis aoecam, .aad Urre t. ao
toca. wbare Uey ware met by a man la Ue city wkr bae more frtoada
^•f yonnt pw>ple from
U wtob him a pnmpenma future tbaa
tfoal Ue eroBlat wlU Mr ba. Ur. Uaekell
aad Hi*. Jaa Bedtna aad bad a deM. B Holley will aneored Hr. Haalitbtfal Uma. Tbay ^eat Snaday at kelfai maaatte lor Lyon. Beecbnr 4
•toed naUI WedaondV- -ladfo
Aldrich, of Cadillac, aad Heaator Oa- ruc Uka.tketMtaof Dr. aad Urn Kymw.aml to taklnt Ua I
i oell. WlU the local traatoea and ladtoa Walter, relaratoc to Traenree City to Holley i
enatootke rneala of Or. aad Hen.
which ha to aaOrely famUiar. ^d ba
nneon at dtoaar Taeaday vlU tbe
I 'to Ue
HtoMtaB Kapla Lnmtmr Co.
At tWlr aaanal maetint here IVoi*&aeaa
llatattbo RwdafBdtt- day afUraMB Ue Utehi(aa Haple

DM a.'w. 0
to Iba 09 Friday aa to
a loot dtotaaoa Utophoai
WcU haa alNMly baaa b^aa a>
mathmaiad aad WiU ba poabad a


BtMImiMmwl Urtm.

cattoa toal aithl Praf. Ormwa rnpirtid Lombnr Co. electod ofltoarn ae toU«wn:
that tha doable, toaalatod Beer to (b«
Prealdeat-U. 8. UnU.
Tieaenrer C. A. Bami--------bawaaot rewma at Ue Oeatnl bolldtWreetori B R Blarhm. State
V( bad eoUrriy reomred tbacoaiptotol
HaatoWn; W. P Porter.
ofeold. Ue
i(msbarOo..Eaat Jordan;
hither. Tbert

a to alee all that
la the Oak Park

StaaaHBa.' .renaMalaai|B PcpartiBcnt

E.V-JiS i~,

balldiac atoo oarnfal
n lahra. abowlat that the air to oeibp My mitt to a ym»t
toom to enUrely ebantod atoe
. appatotmoioftbcoacri
(atataboattbe BtatoaolieUlat aid to
qaarur Umm erary boar, (triat left to tha W>d of dlrecton.
a«a« aa aU Mdy ton boma for the
l.ltl feat par papU every boar.
Om of tha importaat deeh
■daeeeral feet to aU that the lawe af hyttoM reno It wUI
mratofcraalltor lamhar.
MraM^vWaltyaai hMM



LSa, fc ,

Larkina .M -ObcaUa. 8totbam::<
■r CMy;,
r Ban;:*
Daeto. Nnal; A. Kent. Breioa;;

W. 8. brew wnito-rtuf, Ai-r. Uto <



4W »■>< Ukmnl m

•menjrr rttyc'ttAtP

"Sold again,” says Cy Prim, 'when he
finds paper instead of green goods in
his grip. “Sold again” is what you hear
from people when they patronise some
Cheap John instead of going right to
“HANNAH’S” to find the best in Cloth­
ing, Dry Goods, Shoes, Hardware, Gro­
ceries, Crockery, Carpets and Furni­
ture. Our name is a guarantee (for
quality and honorabledealing, and it
would be unbecoming to ourselves not
to give the best prices. We give our
customers the advantage of the low
prices we get on account of the quamtiI ty of goods bought W e invite compar­
ison of both goods and prices.


TOiVrftro HER^O JANUARY Sa 1897
Ba-leid. Tbatwa. Ua ■l-batu ct


Htoa TbAAla Btoete to qatia tU.
avtoatTbaraday reuti^PrU .
Freak Friedrick, ad Trerar* Oty
raa AgaaBt at Ua Waakaaao laal weak.



_ Aed Hra. Jeha BeUial el :
Tbe Ladl*' Aid aoMaty
bay are rtalUaf Hra. BaebWl'a pafuau
Tbareday ef Uto treek wlU
B. HMVWS re*-™— —~
- 1^ ,
atUabotrl ‘■
HIK lUMtaMUtare* Tiwn* CIV
a Vlaeaet OoS. wba haaUi
b vWitat MlH AIM lfv«'
Chat. WOaey aad Capt O. B. WHbar
M motorW hao toeae ^aIU aM
U Ue auta of Saw Y.rk. r
Irto Uto Bornlag far Ua lattarb ba*e
UUl* M«l FWto to T«(7 1«« At
i*t laal week.
tbto >miAC wllk AO b>V-«« »
I—-J a«A7 tott TmaTba £. L. wmboldabetlaa*
*oUer a rtoit laat week.
ef Mrv O. C Baaao*.
Hra. McS^rv^ UMd^ BapMa.
Tbe E. U topto tot aeat Saoday afaarea, renl.v upi^orebabla auderaoi
a««iM •«« A*hrt«b«o BoAtar
fa.uraUe loudnionK are la.r*! l.j a
erealagto “Tbe tae
0vlA|t tolhootorB. It to otomr
ttoee. reureed ke*a yratrrday
eoran. Ur rkbrei on Ue globr In it
chrltUaeily." lea. <
d -Ml Whoa Hr. BoaU Ms AOt C*t
Owlet to Ue arrere »ld Balarday
>e life, auliuel and .rge'ahW. <m\
tba Snadaj School eaareatiOB al Ua Htoa Ida Datto.
Met. Uerrlt Ereatel.
frrebylerian rbarcb waa aoi <
rbo remc here io
lar*aly aitraded
o-rel of her talbar. B*'
L Ca*pbeU to alck wlU luflueate. left f*
Tba OsTAo aebwl will rt*A AA eatar- do»e lru» Kowadto .to atlaed Ua
le Inal Wedaeadat.
Mr. Campbell to aearly ftl yeara ol age
talaacat to iho eaer lauirarapt O B WUbor arelred laat Wedand baa geeerally aej >yed good bMitb.
The toAdar ef tka T. P. B. 0. >■ tUa ! f B. Daaa of Erb Uka diad Ttoara-bri-f. iiM
Uetoneeol Ue oldeal clUarma of
MBlBf Baado} to B. U. Itofto.
otlurfil «
reached here about boob aad the llred
Hr. Uldlow b* a aiek boreo.
Tba V. P H C E. wJU bore OB aetor
atoriaiaa apcHUdrao.
tba next day
tatoMBt re ooetol la Um Amr fatera
Bun Stowe to OB tbe elck Itol.
I'lnlv Inrerl.. "i.i-k-r. or ri'iilre. S"
.Baa. Miller
HI* Jeaal. Andere* tlalted UU
Tbor« to Bot «aeb a»». bat tba paoTbe Haeaouia fa*lly are all alck.
IVcdar-edaT. Imtiog foe her nuiiiiii al r\i»t. wulm* O-to "i lc* of ii*
Baadar oa at
• Ptoare
- -------We are .baring ao*e eold atoney
agbito a<Ied Ua paiel
Tburaday She l■or.lre.- ll toul-.dr.1>idt.^*lK^..V
marrolenre to tbr tmaine* mea. aa
< A. P. Aad
igoad aarwiei
w* accompanied
by Mi* Ilallie
ilallie i>awe, IaI*l. icrei.1 Ibe Ji-wrel f.umaof ■vld uj loUiar
Lawla Ludwig and Dewle WblUey, itiU make a day'adlfloraaoe with muc
Iniar tl.-iic. Ijclirti*, wl.,cb Imre lirrii
ua who mureed Krida
Tbto to Ua filU d.y al Ua .W
fUelr mall.
raotto be aboUag olUuugfa
Seba Da-e ofETanatoo. 111., cm-e timndin tv., place.«ili i. ba. iiig twill.p. Bernatrine went toOadlllafc laat
Woartplaaatdtaaae Ibadlpbtbarto
a Job*
ml Wedaeaday to nlteed bto grend- ee fre*!*. tloweni^: |.lnata. ahrui- *.r
arek and purchaaed tbe atock ol gouda
BAUaeweataAd abaat acola aed bape
i waa two «»■»» oreo.fa—erebaol re*-*aOy dnceaeedal that Otolber la ber laat alckne*. He left
tba dtooaaa will dtoaaaltoBO.
r areUars Mtobigoof
TlTre. however, naiure dmplu.a ter
I'a family, wbo bare all beei
Ua paat weak, are geUiag Sii??*here'***S^u1tbiuDdleg'.be on'
p,r.-4. aa a --nle ej.«-w Iwfe irnkn-w-n.
larged hiu avwv la*l fall be U atUI ehort
TheC P. lopie-lnr Beat Sued..

ii.lhvl coutillrlll lea—-h
. CJctoaooe.atoiUd A-S-UdnrdUa
0oDf|re^8*lU la
*i*‘,*r'rV'fThrODOw baa.eoiaa aad Ipg boalera
■g U -•Endratorere loyal to C
aaeortaeat of.good*
1 tmiiilc animple teti.r.
are bappp.
•hat will they dor' J«ha I3::n 3
iwanly yeara.
parly of Treterre.Clty High
JaMaWato* «a.t U Dk B
Ml* Jaoa Barwtoa to rtoUlBf Iriaoda
1 iadealrud llial eeeey -emtor ....
lolarv ronKiatinll of Aad- «ka*sad.
il.Uto ploea.
bolu nndoedar 1
-nbeA. Buby
imiU. SelUr I
i«a anil .lI■.>l npnred |ul
. Doll Pah-UakawaAltoTtaaaraaat/
HI* HotUa Tniwball la folaf
ablngie mill.
Weii-oiiiiiig Uc hi.a a.
iBginntallrely rate.
I»ga are ■
Dunbar. Maud Hall.
, hare beCA UIpped to Merrill, '• tialn

e*«pnl car I
1—1- ——j..
Chiuiro Uia iDWrIoehra.
liOrtoD. t ore Waller and Robert
panata. I<
hi. smh birthday, whieh
— Vlnr
.. log h
Chartoa Wbltolord waat taTreaaiaa
Ilrary Snohr. ol SnUoaa Bay, baa Waller, ^roreooito H.«dge Satur.lay
■ rerry drl ghlfol affair.
OV toot Taaadtp■Ugbi lb* t\ V.Oook aaw -ill nert ifleranne where they were »rl i>y a
.... frinii. looljhi. opportu
Cbao aad Joaaa Batua woo
U**kiay oi Trararea City
III -uni begin oparetlou
Wa wiab .riDpasr of young p-opie from thnt .kowlnr
Urir «leem by preeeatin
Blcbl to wrek loot wreh.
Meaday of tbto weak.
« aneoyna. Henry. •
Mm WiU an elegant oak rocker at
JaroM Creaier boa r»a to work la
Oar rebool toaeber. Ml* Heimlord.
of Umt r.-gnrd. The parly broke
at UU ptae
la tbecrrdllof keeping tbe-c-t oe- ally rnlertainad by
tko Borkar Creak obiarto nUI.
}UI twrirr o-eiock after, knelag
goaat of U
Tly rebool they bate bad tor eomi
* —t enjoyable rreaing.
ne paul Tbe atlendnnL-* la Urg*'
an u*uat. a number of acbelara eoaUr. Wlllto of Tbe*
A btoUaeilU Ire* La«o»Ula waa
■ rreideae*.
Seal morning Ihet
Ue parti*"
g from oUer dtotrleU
re Prlday aad paU a
te to Vita l*ka. Uking dinner with ereaing by her vouag frirct". among
laabtor fw • Koad tooattoa lor a abop
luareiHKniiK oolrlm
oolrlir for Uaiai aai
Our gn-e warden pot In hit npprer .^Dr^Velwrnna fa-il.r. reluming home whom were, Miiuw. Lucy r« Ali -e •
aed daeidad to toeata bare.
irrUtoPreokPiUar. who.• •
ire beer lui Kriday and liame Bumei
U)ll. KWeato Thorn*, Maty John, L >t- j "
keallag. -.ill pay oore
lieSelNiB. Titlir I'H-rau, I'oa Voice.

^lyhABrttood a taw dara ar»•lactaJfur Utoyaar io Ua liar
Thomaa Ethel Ranger, Tin. John .udlTh.
..a... »
(iirknlto Praabytertoe Sunday achool.
Robert lliidd. Halter Steele. Albert : “T
Heronry borer* near.xero.
I. W>.’ Ilie
saiootoblag to ae* wbat Sab hate baea
John. Rufua Kuenanyer, Iran Tto-ma-. i .tU
o.liv-l. «.*
IruB her*.
L^ are ceaiiag to tbe —HI pre
brc'y-Mra. S. C I
The -eetingv'trt Ue ^piirt cbui
Thr Mb annual re
to qalto bad to-day.
the Epw-Ortb Iwagi
Wa bare about alodial obaw aaw.
Draat rieroe-a boy la about well,
friend of Snrtfaport
Joa. Farruut and Iteri itorker i
Pri*^ eU* toaoher~Mr. Ilarwtoa
aad ptoaty of «old waaUar..
throat and I*. able touke re-e ol Ibeinael
ttoile n good deal ofItoaday aekonl rrery Hunday at two
Ur.CkareolTrmrerarOiVhlo town
ind WiU get aluag all right n lU ua
bed cold*
tadayattoadiaf Hra.C. B. kotria
a iru— I
&l*CoaaptetadayyrlUMre Uei
Hr. Dally-el B-pIre waa to towa ritodtoatuad.
________________i nil bora vie- '«n-imiol.e‘W. uimI w
Haeday ea bto arey to Trarereo City.
Uread—a' KeawerUy baa beaa pofkl
in.-rea*iug in intereal with l«l.ed to
a ranil-ov; kiorw
led year It i. well worth ap iui-. a- Io- Ool.-ilm
Care A Cruurr'a mill., both here and
atti-oJ ao.l enjoy the plra.iag; ivUn-li ii VHsi.iniol.
Cold and anew plenty Bow; Urae bt

, O. Uartey waa li
a long Uhle filled WlU three r
.nentlrm iu |lew irro here.
Joha VaUlaa el Boo* baa baaa rtoltad
gr»r haired friea.l, who bare paaaed
Will Scou to at work for W. II. Ctork.
R«y. Wltlla Bead hni returned to bto
k« bto aoa Warreo tor Ua paat lew
apply I. cub
d B Math waa la Maple City Tbura- home Bear iBdIasapoIto.
«>D l»«t .Saiurday ereninga cold, hni
di^ rauralac to-day.
Mra llelU JuddU bo better. Her jolly ciTiBd of TouigpeMple fruiu freT
i.vva a* thi-y mingle ia •-i-' ‘I**
a fite month old
d baby to
iliowghi irn.iplit'w
Bleto Slasley wae borne orer
erre City, eariiutr for llielgre. made a
me di.tor.vr
abort call at Ur hoiuenf Earl fWli,no<<
SeaU baa a bora* of lUraey Moe- iHrU are aiek, deaH know how aa
enjoyiajt tar war—U oi a guud
ir frired* ef -.-rent* year* and ^ ii ii wn.
S. A. Pikrt Hula boy. wU w re- **Mr.
gua oa trial.
or about htlfnad hour went oa
Uat Saturday bight yrat Ueeoldnt
Mi* Claudia Te- jo.t the >-cu<
tVr .ball hr glad to re- j Iron) oil
Ja-re Bliotl la qnite cripplaf
greMeil reVy niui-h that »ba waa not al .-.•ire name, of «H »k. hare l.toir I „r H"«
we bare had.
rbenmaOu-: retting along la
aoul*. She wa. urgani.1 at Ue Macca
Mr. Taylor hak -o»ed on to Freab —nisn?harder
nePa hall during Urir iu.tnllaiion are
Kaab-a place.
.r .Mr* 1: A ItouipWlh
v «
Bd. Trr«ala bae eo—raoed work ytSd^an” «i!^d* nt'^ElIja"^.
Tba Haixabee. give a eery Sae ea • ll.*- u<u gn-vu ■•{ honor, li cenU.;
good luace.beront agnla, Ue
Q.I* a la Uto ^IV *" •gUBoohlaiob.
irrlaiamanl on Mtuniuy eTeniur. Tht \H are wvl- o—old aad yon'
ra In lU kralU
bralU ao long.
Ion '
aaCeriec wiU Ua rrippe.
A. E.^l^leag«r went to Lalaad W- ba. been
oixaaion wm. ihr in.lallatma .>f ufH.-er>
f Mr. E itabcth
Leo Coi 1. at home bow. Eiljb Coa
i.ii rirea lo >o' o «s u* >.... ■
Preak Sa.b bat —nrod hla fa—lly
ccremoatoa were under cUrrvtum of D
I.rlivtioii antil. loi K Ivpiito.l ihr
ui"wlay min-aiiqr
t making asyUlag^ ......................................Teal and Mr.. '
Leo *id brwa
ito-Mr. Ilontor'a hoate.
-d brrr fivr Ih ri.t-.i
Bd. Ulzhy dror* orer to Heloa aftar a paying board.
Laal Sunday
ruBBeruae day laal we*d>.
.vntrrful ugbt
I.e 010*1 lira'iliiuland/Svrdrrfi
-rhl,------------------•oUer. Mre. Valtor ParreadA.
Ed. Iteaa—are dmee to. North port . .

hi.Irvrrt. l
jtreaent. but wo
lag totricate.'bul w.ll exreuU-d Afi
Wkl Wedaeaday with a dm—er,
re|-k] for brertag Ue aton
ibe In.iaUaliou ea—ea^rrrj enjoyal
Bd BUby and Oeo. Raea were help
Ua M. E. Uank Buadoy oreaiaf.
lag Praak Bliby la Ue awamp leal
thlTr toiuili*. m'h“!
Bra Mc1e*yr». our achnnl “iln a. well
2'^lll'\'yy'ar^ .'‘n'.dd.'f.w .‘hThnil, The —teal*
.WUl PergaaoB b* ■ored bto fa*Hy
aa Ih^y di> for Ueir fni-n.l> at thr hi
ladiitrirtNn :, baa

• Thrbase Ire* dharaaa. wbrra ba baa
-here .lught, to be a r-.ntrnted lot
rein ao the haa been
lay aflrr hrr lirath we ...
■ baaa wreklag Ire Ua paat lew waaka
u.bnnda ia llii* yii-lwiu. The exi
to teach.
i* iMvui. S-—»rli. madr kv four lit laiiiipli .i-M it mil oferht. A«ay 01
Hra. itaa. Bardaodorl diad Maaday.
iae* rinard a little after eleyrn wIik
n<vt well, at
' LnU I'niiii'. lo-uiT It I'.rn. a. thou
Ua »*U. aUrr aa lUaa* of aararej
Sheri- _______...
Uto week.
m“p»7,le'".l^of fhr frerl
IH- IL.I- oiwldir ol Ihr Subaru,
Hbe learw a kuaUBd aed
It week Boilfylng
he enautog term lor Ur Trul.
Mlteion CO—Ittee .. ..
llo- .S]...rt.-uia«‘» Magarinr. Tw-o
Cum.—<1 B. Uadi-in
irt-i Inat year expended
-d mol lifij- junl. fnau ih
Lieut. Oivm.—Jaiue* Lriteh.
Wa are baying a regalar old bMeSird. ararly fifteenidnllani In money frg..«i'• .Another;
Hie IWouinv aHll ■
________ ____ jaa baaa obliged to hiry
I. S. Si.-ker
-.Ire wrererire
*1,1. -Shr wa. alw.r. glrii.g tor aomr-,'
poor baaii'
uml .s-.Ui-iiinlincliV-rcnuy
AAoUrr elark. Mi* Maada Baldwto
-rand M. o
nUer Uii
oHi -U Ml
... trecUnnd biblea ta glee
Chap-A. H tiibha.
Hra Frrgaaoaaatortataada Ip* ef
bnt wnal .hr gnrr him ctod.r “ Th~to log I 1 now not. imi lo.t wiir
Mre DuHrmUedadtopatch Tbumthe aonl'a need* aa well na the bod­
I Hirket nod Srnlinel nbaenl. i
bar frteada rerj plaaaaatly al diaear
iltyrr aratrnre. our-i-d br cliildi.h lip*' will n.irr fv.rgv-t A'* oi*T<aJi
ily naeda. Alao ylalted them; read Ito
AA Baurday Uo »d llbr^Ue aa wu woree She atarled Frjday morn­ aad preyed with them. Tbla bn. been
lint of oSIv'eni for gn fart hrr toward .bowing Ihi-oharer-; tl* Iwpnr lui..l«ll. Ii.reiorr.
foilowleg iaa
-Btowreryal barlarUd.,. ^
the enaulag term for
ter ol thr drera»rd than any nuiu'-r of i
„..v. kiln >*tuiii«-li
Later word wna ryeeleed that doBC by only eight membere
Cora.—Hra. E Sito—.
vtotenc-a wliirh wr *lrM ^"'iriirt*
Htoa Sara Guaroaay waa qalta at- Mr. Dali waa nliye bat there waa oc edmpnar the Home Uiuton com ,
Lieut. Com —Mr*. Ella Crotaer
tVe hate bad BoUing In the way al
Ireuaato ta aelaettog Prida* arealag hope of ktogelUng better.
sHr Ire.- o... •^•“Vbi'r. Mri K'/* „ feet in... U. rer.
I'. Com.—Mo. LucT Sl.keraou.
ler bar paHy * Ue bttoaard aade it
lamenU af any kind to gel
R K —Mr* AHda Midi—
errr a. hvrrrrr own. and many grand >«>» lb* tortrir It
T. K —Mr*. 1. fileStoneChap—Hr*. Ehxa Thuratoa.
rhilirrr, wh.i h.vr thr ,iov.-rre' .yijii*- greolrr
the aU. 1. .Ai. .
M. at A.-Mr*. Katie Murbllog.thy of all tolh-.*i< hourof brrrere- howl brokr fr.vra hi. Ilwur <1»
ne HUalna con
rea quite a
S at A —Mr. l*hel King*!ey.
h'ai.rra; arrrjrr* wrre b-id 1* . follovrd Ur ball into ihr aJi
a why 1 hare w
Hra. W. 1 Prink aad daughter LU-.
Sent—Mra. X A. Angell. .
Ihr C.-Dcwgatlonnl rhiircb Sunday
that ln.tagti, orel-r
fteDiti* '
lleareenur lialag to grippe.
Pirkel—Ur* A A lln.wman.
mormni." at
Owing to the reyere atarw Sunday
Both the Tent and thr Bire are
VV II Hurl
IO ckurch M yicea were bald.
flourtohing coadiCiun and presiae
^-mlr an,I II
t anpei.p'iair
^uecctoffil term.
»*IBI* toalartlBg sp a
- tv f T r .
trip to Ballalru ene-day Uat week.
Hue Ua leenaw ef anew.
Tbe luBbemton will rejelee to ae
T rrodv-rrvi a
Wa baye been harlngToer daya qf aa
A-t. P. 8. a will leae be t
thU Mg aaow atorm.
aerere winter wreUrraa we conld^wll
bare for Ua wiator -eaUa.
rry pvov-hing —.*1... which wa. a; llacloii i.iiiivg.xl into
The Vuba ahiagle -lU baa been d<
.'err irireled hr ihr rir.-eai«rd a. .irr rsni. .ftrr Ihr boll 1
prwwat lor aerarnTdaya —ore of Ue lag eacellent work Ua paat week.
Prof E A ilryai
H Prlday and SaUrdey.
which Ued—irr-t b. ba­ r Auag al
RaUer gua* Charley Allea had _ Hat
• H. Wtoeboall wlU token lew hemlock **SIe Ladtoa- AU aoclety
ire decided’ rongb time coming home from TreeS B Hark area ha iliog .tore wood
>i1 krr rrandrhi'
.bifi fre* B. P. rtobar-a plaae Uto wie to glyeaaoyateraupiwri C D. Bol- erne City in Ue wind aad uowU
toll week.
,S. ,I lamr. I. I.
Satarday eeenlag.
N. T. Horen wn* ■< town WoJneaday
n*Be and w It
Datne.O B T-------------...
i'rb Mb.' Price Si arnta. Pfjiceed
Hr. aad Hra. Lee Smith ret
Wr Boticr tu the ilolirar Hrrrzr thr ' Mwoed at
drUyed by tbe gold ware Monday i
ATiwi.iinmnetil wf: thr dra'ta of orr of bn* can te
forget Ue date
- B. P. Ptober aad H. WIeeboell a
the poor aJelgbiag.
E^nUlagUairyaarbatoye weed I
E V. Hill bad Ue alafortaar of one for the want of know.
of nil oelu bring badly kicked by oar
; J. B. Sewiaaaiaa aald bin booaenad
ipgofdaa ssd. bto forty-elgbU WrUU Ud wig bae a tew -aple toga m
tbe work buriia geuiag Iroae U Ihr
lot to Elwovd Stoalry.
day. Owing to Ue aerere atnrm on
JubmuD. oa»lire.*treel at or. o'.-lo k ^a hr.d of
^ Utoded, ready for diapo*!. wal
tblr during Ur algbl. They had to
Uyorn Hrltinger of Benaania wa*
day Ue nlaa ouuld aot be tozecaltoe better atelgbieg
kr leeerel alllchra to Ue wound.
Kr *n ll waa Impumible to poalaeen ua onr aUerU la.t week.
TBeaday -aralag marenry atoad at
DaTid Sewon-b aUrted wiU a big
awe. That to Ue asidrst yet Uto wla- BOAe hi' birthday, becauae be did not
ntingof I
ad of hay for tbe aayln— I^iday
tor, AaetoProat geeerelly —ab* ue e know of Ue planaof htofrieod. nalH
1* City la.'
urnlBg and got sa far aa E V. Bill-*
it w*a too tote, but he hop* Ue party
«to(t eai—ry or later.
ituck ful OB a apot of
Hr. Yopeb eaw bad tbe —iafertuor la poalpoaed only nniil fair weather.
id had to Irare it to Ur
*br wg. laarriH to Adolpou, W«.l.-y
-abed'.rei. i
i|a bare a potato lodge la lU Uroat a
irday —oroiag.
and tb-1 iirrd in Iluffal- until l-v-t'. thrreTyro—V
tow dayaj^ ^ »om laat aoeeento b* argued eironglv la faror of debornttegtoatogoa Saturday of laat woek and Mru Monroe Audvloa tail Maaday
lag entile, put hi. Ueory to Ue teal
a regular old aorUwe-ur net ia and ereoiag.
ooa day l*t week by drburalag all bii
ia'Bl orer It yet. The Uermomeler
oowa ^ U«_^ya Ue jtoa worked ad*1 down to IS degreea beluw ten> Young will put ape —MI aurkel in
aday Maite ae a—oant of naow haa Ue apriag.
■ad the wperetioB eery painful, abd
lira but me high wiada bare put It in
Mre. H.«)are re«uia. or be*lache.
Thera wna a mHtakr la tart week'. her rlny*wlto brr non
A-Widrtgtokapi qaltob-v
no alga of dtoco—fnrt afterheapa where 11 to'nl aeeded. ^'r
been* Uree Uaya.
Mr. Cork ta not gettiAC «at
lie *ya be wonld aot bare a
paulag -Bch depeadeaoe oo
Saw be
log* for Hr. SalUraB but for Mr.
PlaatyaftAowfor haatl^U«aaBd baraed aal-al on Ue farm
far a long .pall of alelghtog.
tot^rilyXlIfrawV.- wo.tA-*b- j^yof Ur diriireU
eaa turn tbe eatlle lato tba yard wlUBougbey of Cedar.
it la with regret that we
block I
WBt fMroti
Herb. Cork and D Stott Intend lo
d oewa of Ua dcoU of our
aitraherar. ured for a gurd*U with bertw. ■
kr«p the—aelT* aod ererroae elae
died at hU late war—
irare R I
bid hem a member of thr pi.,,* -ay be cum
They ourk haee aWnt two
The Ueemometar- 4« belap *aro U«
reuideoee oo the town aod eonaty Hue hundred cord, ol wood cnL
ehurvh for aifte e*re ai-d plrtriy cured right ii
•erBlag of Ue ttU; aeddaat Uto year.
el Grand Trayeneaod Antrim fuaatiea,
ro4t rhri.Lua. She kept in Ur pnracy of b*f owi
Charley Ball arrired hn—e laat Pri
OB t% border of Elk take, laal Tharen ue outeidr world tSroogb horn* IraiW reeeure
Tba Hf—ioe Center Imdini’ Aid aneteJohn Lon# to quite poorly again.
BroUer Deoa waaaa old piviaeer day night after a abort ataeoee to the j'
-punereund eaj tyed rureltenl
of tbia oounty, a highly rrapreted aouUreu part of Uc^atete. Ue <u—e|j
aagwreoaly HI. bet la better.
ebrultan, an ardent worker ia Ua M h*eb with a aior borer and buggy i*
E church, for many y<
Wb To-pkiaa to geuiag hU boa
fto^ w^^tTutu/EteT^.'D^
jtaiahrd to o»er into to the apriag
Irader and aoprriaaeadeai
4Ag aappliad bto plani at Shre—>.
Tbe tadieu of Ue W. K If
dayarhool. aad will be ;
Hr. Boutauag. who purebaaad tba M
pieced a eery handao—e qoill
onr Cbriattaa maettoga'i
AO* to Sub- T la Mayfitdd. of T. T.
_ _
Tbe Lewd haU culled bi______________ eulrel and woruted. apd eu-b b
BatOL to futUag a toiga cat of tia '
"CoBe thou uud eater lata Ur jape ol
tby Lord " Huy Ue cboloral bta*lagb
Tba OreoA Laka aad Oreat Ul.._
of OUT -ereifal aad all-wtae Ued nat
oo B^leea to ej
I Ue brreaced wife aod eblldreo.
baring CM baaired and :
oouaiot the terrible utor— —aa
Oeorge Swaary. Jam*
Ue frieoda wueelebar—d fro* AIM
We wtah lo rnder aw ibaak*
I Jnaa IVa .. .............
B-Barto ezpeetato aall sao.000 feat Prod Miner bare gone t
lag Ue Merteeo'
H^e^ty. dtad
Af al—.
Mr geta M » oa Ur UIda: ta a ahiagle -HI.
Baa- 8b-rd haa oeee Waer* af Ua
Bd. I'raakUa go* U
a E. r. Dang
«*bw oat tor Mr. Bead.
.The tnaerel wra held at U*
. sadehHdreBBoat be a great drel of teaeel na
^ Mre H. H. Heaklaaare laid FriaoM ekereb Tbareday uftemooa.
Carr. an M* O. E. WfLOt-a.
"---------• “------ -iHctatiag.
-----»two alagea to teka pang' M
w-re paraUarrtod to Hra. Bdwanto. of Mlagaley.
g. Cuirre. of McabeFriUa. Miek..te
9BU«ad«ag UQh pUoa U H. T.
> IwAoboU toot TAMdAT**«>'V
tn».m. ibomoelAlbMFunor. Oo oomot el


Mia. rnakta S I B toft toM weak


iSrt ^cjpits

aad UaiaeopybaaaalteUa a-...
lag taally. ud ba It tarUar roaolttd
- - aupybaaa-ttoUtClAAXbTba'
Hat. B. WnanB. '
Hi* Kuun Bboudi.





■X xr



ss.,':rx V'lirt;..".'!' ^

s-c'-cT.X;; ."'Exc;.

Willtoaad Qtoiee Pup *<•* teStol-


' Meet TOUT ere aad ear everr passiag dajr. and 500
m.Ty be deceived once <*r twice.

Our poHcy and practice is to give you bargains

EVERY HAY in tht- year.

Not once or twice in the

yearfcnt any day you come into our store wte will
gnarar.tvf that we can give you a lurgain that you
can’t get elsewhere.

We make a business of looking

up bargains in the Fomilure line.


DrSi Bi Si & (Hli
nu Oslsbrstsd ^sdiBsts.



•ritj. aa

r, t7

i. dif.h; w^r^ni?*;


,-?;r .'S

s.,;r;: 5



I Hotel Whiting
TnTArM Citjr, Mieh.

^ “‘.sxv,.:


It is our experience

that you persUteotly refuse to be eunstantly deceiv­

Dp|g!pBlr XMh VoaU.
OonaoltatidB and BxBmlnation Pfm and StiloUg


wb aM’^rnvu. diwa^-Z. i'lwir—iwi Vllv- I,
Sro.lldlv^kw ly.-^U IW.-W —re *.4 •...iro^id *11 d^lw.*. -

t»—are*i»Ik» ».IU•liiijir.n


v.i^2r!l»i :*—!!— {

a a. Iir.lnr aM OIrrdibX Rireal I'lr— ri.iirre. ri.lul. - artlrk air
and Luoa Trvvwlilr, all
Br—r—lot arm. all (vir—.vU Pvt— *■

To Young, Middle Aged and Old Men
Tt SOUS 4MI VahCLK.S rurrd alUiout avMa. .allr. gala ur arar. Aa* ■■«**

lintl-st.h'".: Jr i-:;rre-L;.!rA«iS‘feSrenr. nw- .,** .a™ .*






___ !Sd____

Xv-'ixxr.XuY-c'S'.'m. mii«
.... ...

DRS. B, S. & CO.
Lock Box 160.

■nLavEBsi cm kctai

tVilliUi SO an-vuid. Ilirre waa not an '

|i *rel4 *• a-uomy uUarMm* MM IM

enough to .teal revutelil.rrdgetdUe ite*. la ite-reket 44i*r tec aMUc waM

acMtitH AKH fMvriuotm.

iiu.Tftain Loi i.l.m iKi.iiilalapatiofitl
i.ivHTUIIy glvei
h iiuaroetJito*
iio- a ilay, mmi
r iivivrniiig. ami to rr|.>ri himaelfat
- mil of a fortrui-lii .M tlirexpiraII uf Uii, timr lir rrtiiriird. aod *'id

■.’“•Xa sr-r
■■""'“if 5=p\ ■,


mrT- "Inaevt*!* raid Ue a« ]
rbj-ulrlan. -whal --------“W>...
Ibe— «oel.»oa<-Lr..i
aigbt aad raornliii
tbe atlehy •luff liwtulryrll
theeockrourbr. had not ><rea' li»iwr
hut had got
nlyhl of It.

. !r;.ri::kl,';r,2L;'JS7SS?kiS
I .r?y ■iH.r '

Uttle boy
inUag to tbe brerer. raked:
and. point
'■till, pai—. wfaal la UaiT"
wTbat. mr chilA' .aid the doctor,
with a dreiiMgh.-ia aa rrrooeouadlag"
~wt.--Voull.'. fowouriow.

*4*‘^i 'to^'realefT.o***?ia?m-iT


M Toa Beor
Trr Eleetric Bittern ra u rr—rdy ~

U^ ire^'of iall Fe-ale~Co-.
pUlala. exerting o wonderful dlauet infiornco tagirlagaUeagthund lOM to




Hoooa u> Taxpaparu.
I wOl be at ay oHoe der^ Ue
mraU of Draeraber. I>M. and Jaanary. UK. from » o cloca a. *. aatll
Thm Qidktok a- -. aad fre«J




a OsrHaA*AA)rlMhw hAt


For Oiilok IMivm

lUlo baby brotoar.

rabWtt abo ortad aadBto wo ahaald
•Ot hara UlM to— tor aow oka
aoaldat boro aay Boro rabbit <«fa at
botor. f will etooo aow.
Toan tiwly.^
SMatM. Mha.. Hm.




■Wa. Mm BATS»—I B«ral
vriMM to U»H«»uJ>b«lo»e.
I. Uk BopM.. Myf.U.»r i. SmUoo
r««mm «*.«UroU.-------------- --tavokUMlo braUM. MB
fo to oofcoca rmj *viMlkbUM M7tfotoT)Wfc Oooi


_______ ■
tM« LM*. Me. I>. UM
aHTtB—Wo oro to wriM o Ul

tor fir toaroMO Iooom to^. •<>
tho^kt I wooU writ* to too UnouI
totohBdMWlj o*B7 407. U.4
------------------------------» aad spollinc- 1 »ko B7
_______ nrj iroU; fcor MBO to Utoo
Otot. r».prtol tetooeov,**. «*if
U4 0 aolt. Tk^j to W hilUort Wrtb4v; b.wMbor»o-too ITU 4w of
Ooembtr to Itu:.
Yout* irol?.EiJ-A Wami

ttoA. Hbl Batv-I OB ■ Utllr ^7=

I*Ultomto»7-"®''“*^ Mtooftota

I hoootwobrotooro ood


I fo to too Ook Etork oclioel.

Uj tooefe^ -«-« to Vito aerotood.
I OB iotoooOBBdrodo. We«bodo
CtortotMM tree to ew nwa jMtetdoj.
Wo tetooeoti btoooBolo Tifo. mod
tootoooo o do» ooBod Tip, oirf o htoto
aoBod Flora- I »lto t«» » “«»?
rtitolBii BBd a Bop|7 K«*
B01 ffcOAmoT.

m. laa

Dbab Htotm I toearbt I <r»a>d
WTlM to yoa I as foiac to aebool
erwy day to tor wrak. 1 bad tou o«
too tok aaBBor.
atayod bOBo tnm
tohool tok iprtof aad bolpwl elaar
I aoold tibo to toll yoa wbat '
a tooFou-th of Jalj. Hy tw<
bntoon aad I waat to too bay. A
dru.wo weatto iwlBBlBf aad tbra
wa 'boUtaTaft. Wo toaad too plaaki
akBytoaabn iba-woat oat qaito
aad to4 toe raft broke aad wo
bad to pot off aad wade aabore. I bare
unto lAtar. ebo waato to write too.
wkkyoaooaldooelorbo obe acrib.
bio; the taokoo all of n,. laapk
Ihtak Irrlll elooofarUikblBe. I aa
tea yoaro aU. Good bye.
Paaat UatN.f


aad tero. twb aUten aad two
ora. FraaiearUtUf tikBd.

we were aoBBied that wo owod
toaeo aad laakod at bla oa bo
.. dniie. I'laMen. mcmt do it. bat
cd taabolb. aad wboa wo pot
uakt ia brmgtac iMptb. Uulnool
wo uldipapa bow it looked aad of Orar. aco
' eont <lu It. for. wUk it Bay pirr leiabaialdit waaarattleaaako. .Mika to
:i Iw .ixo;ri.t liom
nf tor
pb dowB to praadpak aad are torpj flw ft..-..- •nrooi'Dl tto
— ,.>
a.a ...
v ’ rye aad oau ^ ^ 1 k-«l..y-por.l* hiphwaje ar A.rrom
nl UdDeTt. toerrf,**
Two «4 my aktere po lo aebool.
______________beir a«tl.« if v<« wo-iU be
tht f.ill.-wio([ fnioi i» 0.
bad tor tooth aebr rrty Boek. It k
wbw widrr.. k .Vo la Ul.-t.lrto
By clam aow 00 1 will hare to «kar
Mnei, GraaJ KapKlA Hr •or. —
my lattor tor toa time, ao pimd-kf
I bare uwd UOat Kldwr IHI. tod
Voar trioad.
.wk <0 BT it b t truly CTMl mr^lK-iur.
Thirtr «an tzo 1 had orrrooi patoiaApr >.
CXaba ITTraoaa.
■I Ki wbiir ia tbearmt wbete i -rtAol l.r
..i.r lour yran.' 1 ibiak it « w durim;


UaAsUto. Bano-ItooaphtJwoald
wriM to toa flaaAiB ao 1 aaa m Baay
atoaiawrita. I po tobohaol or«y day.
1 aBtatbodttbprada. Uy toaebar-.

amBO*1a UIb Aapel. I like bar ,*.
I. -Tbero are aboot 19 aebdian
ml. Oar day at aebool By akter
tpralaed baraakla. aad a wark «r ao
after a boy threw kit elbow oat of >
E,.„^,a_i tooapbt* I woaM
>olBS boi tooebar pat it back ao it p«t|^^ v> tor HaaALr. *0 >

all rtphtiaiwoor Uirrr day*. 8«>Br(*„y otocre write
1 po to wbort
,r pirlt aad 1 Wtre pieklBp bOaw-t„,^ j.y
Iiiodr foorth prod,
ka aboet a Bila away from bomr Uy
My tMehrr>Buae
tMchrr> atjae k UlB
U IB Aapel
Aapel aad
,d watawaocka .laor. like ber rrry well
Oar day
it wat pray aad kto wmr of my bkadt weat pick lop otra-

' - ;w:

-thcr taking tlwm t«-c'1 i- fo-Mlirir |

dowaahlll.aadoardayat tehool
liil huid l.lnj (
,}.r kaocked hk arm out of yMaSi rkitorai
but teacher put It back, aad aow I will.
i„ , k,
you what I oaa do
I eaa taka) iaxltatwti
,id m^d: y..^v.J:n.‘tod., weak!'itrt Mr-rouw.
of too baby, make to*Y................................................................................................
tlsu frwi.diA—a) lu.AHi.
. (roiJlbw ,
luO wipe dkheo. twerp aad
n>to»lw>.ut.l Um- lake.
Irua tor clotbet
help mamqia work rrry well
!»•(»•• I;rp
harrapicwietlifliopdowiitorhllU. I ■
like to tolu oa tor icr 1. the winter.; ‘»«r'l;Br.>er J.t. mTurn-1 ,0

Uy toatoorb aaao k Utot Diaoo.
ker rary maob. Uy ttodka are
rcadlac. aritometie. laapaape. prop,
rmphy, tprlllap aad wriUap. Tbe moat
ploaaaat Uau I had wai wboa I weal
ap B my L'aclaa with ay papa
W. pkked <|aUa a lo
black berriea wkUe wr wrrr tbar
bata foer oUUieaad torrr brulhera.
Now 1 will loll yoo what I eaa d



Ji <i AID.V Ituan'r KUm--- rill> Uve <
..w (n.- tu iantinitldr aBUHint nf
.mwHc F-^.'rlSnbJrB’To . EluBilu.
'..•A-it- AccBiA fie tor V s II
be at lur, XAa»aad take to olU*.


a nir;-. t*nr M n
il |KIpan, toil girk .
U- i.iou!; kiUr-.
lun.l* l«-f.-fi-timo-ji,. 1VI1.-U


kprlUap rrry cold, to 1 doifl'
be out rrry mitch iiar «f Bf I „»inp i,. ill hralib, tur.
ditrrr po lo oebooi add qiB of my | crr.d, diAiinousl. rMI:nj!.c,lbitli. r
brotorrt For prU Ibare a kitllr. bU ibiHirr in «an.diVr hi»-1ii-4rrw
aamekUly. It U a laaltrae kluy. Ijahoni 1.- «a.prea(l> dttibb<-d.
hate had toe loath ache aad the brad ' »<’•!• ul>rr«a.d ty <1
ache. I pueM 1 will cli»e tor


aopdod by.


out r.crytbi:
uit »B.*- i—if tor boi A I'tc 11,.. worlil
il.l't.-C.rlA. anil ifarnAi r.M.I.I't-.

T< I


1 will try lo toll .TOO tomclhitp about 1 nj,
fruit*. I will brpia my ttory wiih tkr 1 _
tppir at It ktortlaadard frnii.
trowu lo nrarly or qoito rrrry ttato la | ^

a I hope I a
t myatlf.

able to write fur
foe tok tnmmrr ptaylop wkh
my dolls ridiap toe borooo aad poiap
with ^pa orrr tor fara. I toiak T ea
}oyrd feadinp mad playlap with my prt
lambat mnebat aoytkiap
I aamrd
bar Ulaachs 1 ocmatraord (a my fint
reader wbea tebfol brpaaaad I brjpe I j
fettoRiaph'UtbkwIi itrr. I bare


..hole way

U> n
.... ...



.......................... ■

X Ei.iToa-<iur tea
write aa
eeaay oa •^'rolia--’ I trad i
to y.<u for my letter. «kbiap ybu
Merry Chrktmaa and a liappr Sr'

...1 dWipl.t hr


A^mrto Hire I

ihwuLl.iB Thqrr arr tomBrt .applrt, j
•t rmw itoo.lHB.
tall appito. wlBlrr applrt and arplre
Th,.,,. ,
that Itot till applce comr *(niB .u.-h at tutk— IRea Dark aod Eatort. .Ttoiy caa be too., i-n.
made into piB. pu.^iapt. cidrr, Muce. 1 toe obl.f
. aod bad a ator Ui
j.Iliet aad picklrt
I like
1 toiak tot p'.mm:
that winA t.lui.^flur tr.un <thrai better brf.iretkry etc m
tot FourU
lU k.u.l. ibuoKk ,!.
asruiu. Amuog lb* fiorr frail,
July aad at toe fair.
MW toejg.worki Ue Fourtb
drlicieut. (rctL ur caa'acd or pir-|
T'.ha, I
1 bare a U'llota wn^opt at toe
wrrrd io any way. 1 muM aot omit'rock. I.-va in
tie btby twtor; the k a. cum as to.
ihe fruit of tkMiktorical . hrrry Irrr I cu» |«riicm r
eaa be. 1 bare iwv tktera. but ai
rurrr are Bta.v Wad* and all pond ia , about ihr *./»
bn>toer; thedr aamea are bdilb ai.<
Harprrs We had a wcial at Acme fo Ibrir A-uauB. Then oflhramall fru.U, j aod tail.
IA • n.i .||^...l..f
too atooul ia toa toan ball aad w. ttrawbrrry Ia tbr qorro. wired
with tupar aud irrram. But I tUiak of ,
taiaed orer tea doUaiu. I hope baab
all tor fruiu Ibal prow (br kucklc- ,hre. nr< r tor rpd.- oocout
;ut will briap me
bj-rry cMtaiaam
. On toe h-nd ■> .
alee. Weil 1 puce* 1 will elute witl
hr orarpr. fratbrrt Ilkr a pnal rrd ltd
iap to arc tok Is
I* ■'
____ jak. flpadatoa. rW-. are ; oonlrack or rt,A.oUa..l tor |.
rrorb toe watte buakyt 1 will ti
fompn fruiu aod arr UA^d for
apata. Uaad-by. Your* truly.
dmcru aod ia coolaclloB.rry. Thr;
Gtuix Jiwi^v.
•I -T>ot,
Srw Eeplep.l TliaoloiririB'g dliar
i.pi'Ci>J.t»~- ”■
aerer eouyplrte without tbe puBt
K>—1 bare brra Usapir. madr'bf tpicr aed rrrrjlhiop.
id Jrvrl.
•reomr time to write

aerer poae to aebool but toiak of potaf
arxl tummrr.
I am leuralap to trU
toa time ot day by tbe clock. I rr.-rir.
ed toe boaotlfol doll aad card you test
me laat wiater. Uaay totoka. 1 bare
Juat at alee aad clraB-‘Bt
wbea you meat toes. I hare nice ilmca
with my pTUBdua, prsadma. coatiaa
aad mile frlrads wbom I dearly lore
to play with. IwUlBoweloMwkhtnp
yOB a Merry Cbrbuaaa aad Happy
Saw Year.
1 r—ala year lltUe friead.
Ptam. Tuoaxm


rni. I
h.ulj lutSr

laoe writt^ 4<
roaod 1 to^
week aad pot tick
woald llko to write ayaia.
AbcrB OB my loft ;.da. flaBmabadto
alek la M wlto typkoid frrer ao 1 will
carry me la a ebair from oae room to
aairaia to wrila a llulo tor bo.
3^. I ootttd Dot walk. tk. Uatea
Tfcr doctor roBoa to wo me 0*017 day
Ikapire ekUed me Urea limat a
aad (treo mo
week lor oaa week aad after that be
taka- 1 want'torotwoll bofore Cbriota week till it wat ready to
maa I ptt rwy loaoaoma lylay la bed
weatafwr l>r. Kaeelaad la
•o loarTrareraa t'ily aad wbea ho came it
■ to mo wboa 1 cam rot ap acaia.
'aao*l ready to operatr 00. to torydid
ia tor third rradrr aad I llko ny
ot make aa opetatloawB mt UU three
,rr Tcr7 Beeb. Ulraame k Ur.
>eckt afterward., aad wbea tory did
Carpoator. It doa't look aa If wr wrrr
Aoce It a quart aad abaUaf^put raa
yolBp toharraayileirklBpfiwChriitoat of it.
IdWa’t bar# a rery pood
I bopa 1 will pel aoar prroralA
time tok aummrr. I wrat to Tra<
[ hopr all theykildroa will prt
Oily aad went aoil mw tbr doctor that
•oBrtoiap aloe.
Well. 1 Boat 00
poiap to operate oa me. but ha
oae. Yoer lltUr friead.
■S l>r. Uatnuporati^oe aw.
Maoki. L. Hruer 1 take care nf the baby aad po
Wtebook I am ia tbr fleet iMder. 1
thlaklwillbaeetoeW lor tkit time
Daab Ub. HATar-l Iboapkt I woald for my letter k pettlap loap
' I yourt truly.
write to toe Hk8au> ot I hare ar
ra before, i po to aebool cu

lap. 7 weal
pUy^SlUl «»•
Irteada. Uy pw Ua oubacritaer to
toa BaaAUk Uy IdUer k pettlap quite
M aabdol aad am twelro yeara old. loap ao 1 wiU cleaa with beat wUbB to
B ohlldrea aad tin editor.
Ta^ to WUUtor-o birtodayeJU wat
flood kyo.
hB« Daeambir l.Tto. l»«.
I bare
Toan traly.
ftaaeoa Wrua.
Data BotToa-Oae of tbe aioBt
Ma>w-- HIB.b*e.S
IBB I bad darlap racaUoa waa wbea
aua Bhm-I tkoapht 1 oroold rr weal up lo By 0001*0 tor laat day
vitM to toa HaaAbP for toa «n^
efaeboaltotoairidealo. We had dlaI tataatooalararyd^r aad I atwdy
Id toe ereodt oe a preal loap Ublo.
IhM ftade work My Uacbar'a
TbC7 had aosa alco axerebeo
b Ubo Aapul aad I Ilka bar eery rrelL toa toa Uaober. wboae
1 teea fbked up qatto a few polatoB
Jpalaa, tooh at all cnit boataad baabad eora. I cam feed toe pip. rtdlap.. Tbare rroro lra.or twairr of
oanr water la toa beata. aad lead toe
ehildrra la a Up boaS Fkr peU I
oUakaaa aad briap wood la tor b.
bare a bird aamed Molly. 1 had a kIV
1 wuat pbklip borrba a few v
oa. bat he raa awar. Be wat pray
TWa waa aai Baay blaekbrrriro;
.ad hk aame wat Dlxla. If aay
t apralaed aiy koald aee him pleaat to briap
t kin.
atB aa Iwaamaalopt
Bck. At 1 eaaaet writo wUI eaeopk
•wlrrOleliBcfertobt Maopoodj I BB barlap By akter write (or ma.
bgr.. y—rMoad.
doa't po to aebool aow becasoa 1 bare
Oablct DAsmaox.
auto a had oold.
^#b I rriu elm
M By buar k petUap loap.
Yourt truly,
Cabbb OTTtxr.xa
ttoAB bma-x tboapbt I 1

WHAW l-or B A.VT iau'wd til my trouble S ..t
cm tturki bother^ o-t, tn.l 11 ao, I

ttia tlSTTCB.

too bada. Wap
KRBO oltoaelotoBaad iroa.
»>.A. Hiv. Bat«»~1 tooBChtI iroold b<^ tbit woa-t And too watu baab
with yos a Urrry CarbiBaa.
torlto o low Uaoo to yo. oo I boro
t. E toa yoa. triaad.
. V WTlttoB bofera Oao Use 1 «
orlto BOBBO idohfac botrloa t
• oatyttabd oaddld oot wool to r» oay
M«a Thoa I Boat to o>ptoole*ad bad
Datk Mae. Battb-I tboupbt 1
Wohod oowtocpot apto too
write a leltarati bare urrer wrIltrB
too ottBtoOoa oad 0 Bortyro-MBrx* before.
1 po U oebaol aad am ta thr
toa IbarooltUloBtotoraoBodlrBo
flfto piade.
Wa bare ripht atadiea
BhatoloorTaonuld. Woll. I will oloar
Uy uacber't aamr k Uim FraaceaMorte toto Ubo at t MBBOi totok of aey pair: abo k toe beat teacher I «ro>
had. 1 am eayiap By paautra ta bay
aea« prraaataforoarlaBUy. 1
lour brotorra aad oaa aUtm bar
ii Hatparrs The babykaaBe k Oaoept
Neweomb Rum.
Wbea I oaata.boa*
DOAB tB»toa-Wo are loarotof
IroB teboel at aooa ba bold> hk baada
BTttt to«ofmaoltooB»httoatlB«
oat for BB to take blB. Tho lattara la
wTito totoaUaaAU. 1 fo to ocl
toe paper laat week were rery alca. 1 toyou.
aad llko By tiacbor. Her. bobo
MtM ijmU otda 1 am to tor tftb bad a pood time oa Tkaakapirlapwrdwrado aad atody rtadtop. oritoBolto,
fa^raphy, wrlUof. laaroact aad
IbtToaboiilaBllo to

». toto row to... oww to to. B.
W7 1 ma. . «w«MlV to totoiw
ko... Wm m. tonjt •—> u> towtow
rlyrtraar—toO rw «b—>». to. ton

rail G-rsi If roaTHip. Oi> the p|Ldbk'''i . dewribe the |wiu uUl.ii a.
riplil are to»wa ibiw .iu.ll laSn or oluw ko. 1 tU'. I litAwl.-o.ikmrUi.i
.ift« Ibtd ticcu ni'iUK d<»<.
« .Ulnr

bkek akiay rinpt aad taeb a fanay b.rrio.aboato.,«iuf^ho-r o^d
btod. Itwaatorlarpoattoakr wr BW a *er7 H»rer look.ap oaakr.

tow. That waa toa laat time I aad we ttood oa the fracr apd laoked
a. It crawled ip a bole. I wat, (or the |<
pkkiap ratpberrioo aad blaekberriw 1 pU-kieir raapbeiriea aad b:
iBto altrrward. ThkkaUfeai
Tbe tooirv i haee be'i-d papa carry
tklak of tok time. .Voor frioad.
eora to the hwutr aad buto toe-Ifemir-•
AxkA Hernaaos.
.aed picked uptbrpoUtor. f*"* ,
.Hnnciir* M.diratc ih.- o
Ape 10.
my brolber tpralaed bk arm at hr , ,
. “

Okab Ua> Uataw—At 1 mw that all
cklldrra were iarilad to write for tor
lUkALO 1 tboupbt 1 would uy. 1 «o
rrery day. aod am ia tor
•ereuto prado. Uy alodlot are ai '
metic. bkwry. peupraphy-.-prami
>pelliBp aad wrtUnpMy Irtcbar-t
I like her
r k blita
Alice Are

I 1



rtuea ealve.
t ID 0.e world lor ^
JTCA. VIorre. Bail '

fopirr t
rrtuoded. l-ricr »ccDU p-r i
M> br J rs Johnwm and *< I


XSB cur ol rtbraary. I


Pot tblanU and CbildreiL.


Hrra catarrli. ih
....oMi-np-.t.r. -n-r.
.aflm.orcA.d Hr Ti

J. ...nil ..f . uf ■


Wood'A .V.wway
STATE ©ruicBt^ji^-_^


I amau-ii.t ...Idirr.-f tor Ket

wua iscrlllacet Co«iwa iwc -t
■ La* dogt 'crj rairlyon• uir of uiri-l-uniral eon.1 tuni oy jouug naiM-Pcd
1, doc thr u.r oI br.k. I
tope you .> ,.1 admit a u- m-r oi tno
amoB^ yuur recordt of iuu imii orga. 1 bate lusjr.
jay «:

Ux B
tbr brll «u> nine t d. rcftnuiur
ing b.i ul.,i.-jpn.A.i,owat o|"-uri. m c
Uir_kiu-Lrn lor a run.
aula and ..n.iu.-r doe
fl*re.totH..«uk........ ..
wbrn tirrdol 11^11.0-1

■ l'l'’“
c*trrs.rly ludirroii* u.i.rnrr,
h|, laii ,nd wine-.I'uH'i'C iq
,0 the oibrr.. .„d «■
krepinr up a hopp" X
br k rtliaiitcrJ.
fviirii all tor nial~ linfrmaJr niUeboewr a tr.1,1
py ptirrirpert


,r> fai:..o tu gi«r Br'rlirf





Ir toir Ihr bril btA 1

Ojjm ChiHed p[_g^3

tur rcmIr.T tn.l AimH. -


),rh.Kt>roprotal tbr...l,.-rrncl
of tbr |u>.vAi|.-r; if it dor. t.o* mirr .
tl.rft at Mop a- ativuiir rlto
Lutrlrer. Drr 11. tW, ,
ta Eorroa—I tkoupbt I would littr'is
p.:ll-d to-brirroi«-down, aad ,1,,.,., forth.fl —
write to tba Hxa*kP apala. Itkawful
I bappri.-l to If m l£ ruop, «hra ba
iMrOotthk moraiap: tbr aua It ablewkbrd us iihg and d.troirntl bit in.s
p, aU.iiue..
lap bright and It k JoAt like tprinp. 1 Hr lonkn! riorli dwccmflii-li hr taro i„.
1,- ct,
po to aebool rrrry dAy.
My tMcberb Blood aod tl.oiighUor J ...........
.p.'ru..,,. a,„| i.
BABr k UlB Lmla Boaber.
I like her 1 cu.Mmlc bir
rrd Bp; .........
.r-( TI
BdM to tto HbbaU tlaeo I kAra aot
roi7 Bueh. Uy atadlra are leadlap.
WfMoabalera. I aaa UWIa boy npbt
.' brII-jiuU thr utbrr *1
DuAB Bditob—I tooupbt I woald
1. Baplkh, t
yotoaoU. I bare alrraya baaa aiok. ' rrrito to tbe llEBAuatlacr I harrsrrer
.: BO hr dlir.l Biulof tl
■ W .n..rlrr i» ..
tblp. piSpraphy aad tpelltap.
ted a dec. bk aaBo waa Priaea. H.
BmodaidiandlbeCiirtaairdNaeoiomtaU requamuemtano caaoDi Moqua—u
wrtitea before. I bore brra fUap to going to bar, to»rCkrkl-a. .xrrclaB «
■waM rwa aad play with bo. bat oom. aebool. bat my aebool U out aow.
took Oof for ImJutfoa, Mail Bay Only af the BcgmlMr OUrer A«e>tB
I BB golag t
BM toBO aad itolo klB aad I baroa' icaober waa tick aad had to po I
piroeaad helpaiu«--------~-a-. i,
i.r.r irrniurBor, tnet jKipro
„„ n,.i,-.iA„-,ri-.
petaopoWbotaeattBd I tooapbt
Harry Foot* aMatodaauB# fcrthrlr bkn. Tbrrr amwuoibrr .loon in tor .^o i.,nl tpp-ArA, a‘ii-i.irK
woaM wriM to yoo aad 000 If yoo
dll after tor bolldaya arc orer.
baby to I'll Mod our. I Ihlak Mabel It' room, bm k-Ai|»p!> liarl« ur wbin~ to
,0 1,. ,h.,
cor r
woBlda'laaDdoaeapapdap. t aa aot
a pretty aaBT. aod wr wculd like to-! be let r»it of ihrm. bbItb br i» tioor .n
wtated to kaow wbre I had thr
aHatofotoaebaoLbatlcaaread la
hare Bany write aad toUut what they tbr r.«'m. n^n br kill ring for 1h-,
Tbr .bin! .a iwrek. ,f r.w, k
fat tola aBBBrr. t had toa Boa
toa aaooad reader aad I kaow ay aalaame the baby aftorlbry aaBT bur.;-""'‘'•►iclirrerwayhrwaaiitoro. ,u 1.unrr
u 1. il
wbea I wra'l after Mack cAfa. 1
______ Um.1 had. Tbr din-ug rooB k tbr latt of three Moe-blrt Ihai omk.-.tu itopm
oBt to Platt rirar aad toaa I did aot AaduaotbB
rteypleaaMt Ubb I dm „a«at rr, .ulir. aodaabori.imragothe ,br n....ra who wmriiTnr. wa abto ay loiter BOW. ao pood by.
pel may. For prta 1 bare a Mt that
durlte rucuUoo waa wbea ay ( aela ^
fnnbrr one with a rie- ,,*d.|ir. "hn. .n. .c nV m ilwl
Froa yoar Mead.
pot froB
SaBUal wa. h— from York State, aad .
^ ...
^ h|„
hr ih.
PatoMB UiPLow.
aaBT waa Bdlk. Be wat aboat twrlre tbt day
' Two ctloD pail H
. ba wra^ boB, wa all «•«;, ubra
- -........................
hr ntk.-d togo;
my kk ,^n,<lc
k bt
bt tb.
ib. im... i -ut w
yean old aad be pot to old ba rroaU d—a to I’oelr Brrt'a aad atoyrd aU ' frirnd'. nn.uwiartt, br mcJkrd drlilrr- , tigh odoiiJlBr
# Uiifkuhcut per a
aot alap av Bora aad be dkd laat
fall. I ptuB be died with bid apa. thr H^LD yeuBg folka aeeauadraB. taop tbr IwK tbrrr. Ilr«MDoi manage (catbrerd
^ ^00 1
WaU. I paeB lu letur u abeut leap
MMapbaadlBApeiebed. at puad
. J Whole 1 'odltob ptur p.
bytarlhktlBa. Fnxa
for tbr tick of oar * CoAcc (wr puDod.
MU. Ai*IU.Cla.«. Af-.OjMn.
8.1. A.
Hkiajb Lpmnr.
Abould itol br 1— t KrPOB-n- • >1 |wr k-a'
fltoffito*/- praBBar aad opoUlap. Uy
toaobork aaao b Mho Alba Aretr-bal‘31r“te,^t#l.,K.und. Rolled o t
■te b ray pood to «. I like bar
Aiitiii gre..D*E.Mwa
.oci rtoful tpedalkt la A Ercry Satunlaj —X-t
■ato. TteboatUBalbad tob
Dkab Una Bat»-1 ewjoy taadlac
euriBpatlf rmeofairroutaadebroule, T Cht—e per poind...
B atibafatrat Ttarorea aty.
writoWtteHaAiji.m(BarM —ay ...................
lrttor '»n^rlaio>j.pliab. Firnrh cr dteuart.
diae^^ oSrrt to girr traa oontella- f r„|Mr«» fine cot. DW
Wa ted a aadal te tbr aeboal «t Aom tbe Uttort la tba Touaf Polba DepartBMt rary Back ate ae I burr bet aaeu utbacirrriB. I pu toateaot erary dty.; CrnBan. i
35. 40 and Me #
a tell ate we rated **B «!• dolahlrltowrtu..-----------------_
any trwa Ihk plaeo I tboufkt 1 wotU My teaeber'a BOBe 1b UIb Aapel'. I foye you
_• tobayaboekcBBa II wOl
be eewrlaead Ibat we '
wrtto afrwltoBtoyou. I bwI teU IlhB ber rery Bate- 1 bb In tbe fourth to Im .
aad bi-frilL af toTmlrhily oautlidiriBp
IteW baterte hooka Wa tera a U
preda Uy atear w^i^d ber aakle
«nry of ttV heRtm bow. I wU dea yea fifM aheat By Mbool lor I as
latecMtod la that than aaytbtac oaa day ia aeteaL I plebte quite

Are the Bea


( Perfection in Quality,
I Moderation in Prices..

•' rzwr......... -

,.^^toit -.«atr.iAr. awi—a

Z2 rS22, ^
j t• J; t,
lA-'xRl! lir

.TT ifTl
EWtAwa 7mw«| ’—


*2e f
20d t ir-lT


----- ---------------


it;d**^bo^-lSSirt $ Eri-rt tetnrday-ilJ

tetUttBo. Oeteby.


ter baerte. but tbera wiaat eery ^,|r^
:1 # - ^^”aie
J_*-*?* ^tewiu—oibB hltetewWttar- teaetly wtetalUyeL- Wr^ to blB|~j__________ . ^
MM^flteptetedxQb Ww peta- teWa wBMam. MW uillte. W i wbU^' a> aaaa Iw ite awMHy BAte tete*. j


. i.r=te: i3S.-_s
"te» «■ rrrwf-trjr-rra—•»







Jaat iolMIhr ralbar do
Jast to kaow IhMSa la Ins.

* «MkM

toBM tkiM »<•


wte Boitm OM. ud kMP

mt K>U*d dMfa«» i> • Madiar twts»
wktrUAkufX**** bMkiUU*
Tbej tboaU b* wmM 1b hM Bad*.
TaM*t ■uptMepatokiBC p»w4w
•utlUd wiaialiuid pepf^mlxtA.
_____ . rlBB«d ii



Bright BBd U^ad. aaliB sad «na.

Jsat to taka tha loaa er CBih.

IbMill b* wcLT vB^^' riB^

. ...Ukathatojorpala.

p.i~ Tear wIbUt Blfbt irtwea loof
•BdpBtB poebMB* BBBilBidB Bi U.
haMMtB Blip roar (Brt la.
IbkBBPtbBjalM froa I
M-B pU tBBt tha BBC» k»fo"



........_.t mlM Uc rraeloea mi



!T^bV<!m^* vK?*d«*^.br«>«

Jaat to Irare Ib HU daar haad
' .UlUa UiiBjra.
All «c CBBBOI BBdaratBBd.
All that attorv,
Jsal to lat ilia taka Ut<»ra

KT.'ru^iri'.^rw:^. irSuTsT-s;


blHB. lor upa. brmld. sard. akt. I •«., i“ f
lt<«lB at i>BB aide of Ua
tail r» Bbaai mj m
I nm and taka aaaat Ihlaf w jau ooaa
la a waadu bas ailib a oonar
' to 11, ln>a the hlfhaat to tha loam.
tolas ralU of taabd. eoU|>B
toadafto aad rollad. two assBal bapa.
bna. Uto to# pictura. .
rv‘7’' all tor brvra btac.
B roU of baUlBf. aad two eMI auua
bUuo I
^ ubin. ab-. la all caaaa wmrb..'
ippad to c.oaa aad Iibbc yonr oaatar to dry a* F*
whbh. whaa aary hot asd
a aloU an tha qakhaat cara 4 aaar
____ a to aaat tiaa. 4-becaa clotb
to palaa ia tha bpwaU oaa of tha rray aicaal laatariaU for a
Drr kaal applM to aar part of lb. daator; it U crry aofl. I'ltolf’Of a>>d
body, br dJl'a* «bbar bafa. or caaa. deraWa aad ao catap that there U Bo
Viu hot wator. la tofrr lhas dotha rraaea why ncta i
tratla hot wator. which Boat ba san lUom daator.

CbaaffTd to blmlBr.
Thlateali: Bod yat tha war
Uarkad br Uto> who lorea thaa bast.
HMBTtatabapprdar. •
liaml af UU promlaad rast.

<1^ attoadad to or tha patlral wUi
•toks flold. i^lad dlraetiow lor ae
-atoaala, pdaoa. falntiaf. ate., ahoeld
ba kept lai thU bea. ETacy Stolkar
ahobld uaeb bar chlldrea what to do If
Iba boosa or asy OBCb dothlsf caBfhi
•ra. altobowtodraaaa cut or boTB.
bow to atop blaadlar U aa artory ba
OBh BaA laatrMIloaa Bay u«a lllr
aomU^ For a bun. If iha akla U
sot brabaa, oorar with abda Jaat wa>
toaa^ to apraad. If tha ban it daap
or Iha aklB aC. otaka a plaaUr of ebar««bl BBda naoolh aa OpBr. Blxad with
toiff. A box of toft woo><
oal. powdarad. akoaU ba kapt
M tha toaU aad parity tbs breath.
Mto. Mast Oobtai

................. ‘.T

laal twice aa loBdi
thaai tb
tall yoe Ifyouaui
way ifae waur will ledrwBai
tbr back, looaaalar tbe brUUn.

1 a ebina reuy. oa tha wadutoad. doi
•Slap iaa box.
Tba lack of eaBUBoa-acaas U Boat
forcibly lUoatratod by iboaa woaee
wbo llybl Ualr Area with cual oU. aku
tbeir UBpa or oU atocea wbllr
' are Ilybtod, who allow the oil t..
flow and Ibea (attoad of wlplay off
taprrfleoua oil. apply a bnraloy
to. barb woairii dtoorra lb. i'
wblek U aura to tallow.
II y»o art oaa tnotb. roaek or
buf. doB't ouBaoleyuuraell by
It Uoaly aatray
.my oaa; uar tbr
ci life nail
,__________ at obi.
aa tael la ai
aaatoa. ad la tba heal.
It k atn^ how UUla thouybt I. Saw toal aaarly a»ery yarneBt to
pino to arory day aflain of ba - ■wwad by machlorry. dua'l pull a Mny
ibroad. or Ithe whole heao may ootar
kaavtay. Waoftab bear the axalt
opra. If yog an where yua caaaoi
bcnrthoBybtofihaV' w
fhraod a aaedle with 1^, aad aaa ii
aoBB mkr or bsttor way of delay
doaa orcatltoff wliharlaaora, let li
bob aacyastad. Bd Bach tUae
be; batter a daoyliuy torrad thaa a«
ttna^ anaraated)aatfortoo a

rti^U^°UM'io^t^ raUar to _
or <k aba haaetaabl) wUi wipe bei
haada aa her a^. while pnpartny a
kaylaBcali will raa aroaad fmaltcally aSBlaiialiy. -Whan did 1 pat tool
•CM cloth," aad aaally perhaps Uha a
AlahHowal which aba aaorcbai or hlaakaw la lllUaytoapoliifroltba ator.
or aka aba baB toa wat dlahclolh bad
hwlayaraanacaldadalthlba auaia
drlraa lato theta by Uc hot bxadlr
wharsaa. all Ula ooald be aaaad by
Mlay a lltUe eoBBaareeina.
Hn. ftoakls had Una hultoaa act
Ob bar aprua bdla. one la treat i
. WM OB sacb Mda To the .treat hat___
bhsaaapaadaaaheldartTatap* with
a baltoahoia laUaaadi ni oaa a
« haw the oaaaoloU which had

laaway without do .
M a-wlited BOOK (lay. Tb.,
i. -'A »utc-h la tme aa.a.
1 bold. r»d and it ft
tlaralar the tret th
arelntli will aare It for
loay Uiaa.a'
3C. Will
taka btt a few--------------------------ad; the
lltUe leak, bat a drop of aoldat.


aexatlos aad ao cad ol trenblg.—Sc




Beer Bseh lore mrk it w____
walk arwaad toe Uble aad eolli
Mirer (a a bowl or plurkar ol en


biU Uaia aaatly toyetbar. arrsaylag
iha dkhea oa Ue drrea^lwe to ''
atsk. pltoiay Ue ylaae Ml. Uen
allrer, Ura Ur ruae, eaorarv pitek


If tall of very hot wator. allyhlaa^apoud Bo^ heyia Bret
mt^ef tUbna^.
od.. wlU a raft llaea
tawaL Bn how It
' aahlaaa. haw clear U
k! The allrer aext
;t; It a —
Haalay; khdaed a rlcoraak rabMag
larlU a aeft towel) r^bt oat ot Ue


■ ISO old for tbeir ta.Hbar'a iwtiiaf.
Wlie woobb!
Would that Bur
in far their ckUdren. who, allhoogta
r hare oatyrown babyhood, bare'

rm.iaa, wiia .ao OMappearkaby dlmplea aad baby plump'
toedaeae for Baama'f taaderm aot alao dleeppear. Uaay a
brertaadoraroagliMhool-Jaekalor a
while pinafore long* ter Ue "Bolherlag~ Urlebed opea tor la.1 arriral la
the family. Oae m..toer ulle her
eight year old daughter that abr it not
pelted ae lathe mile bretocr becaaw
■leggy aed awk.
________ad pretty like baby."
The mother who aeu only toe baby,
and gleea np carrre.lag the growlag
boy or yl'I. Iom. ber etraoyret hold oo
her danghlarV or her aoeh brert- 8he
•nrely baa '-ehoagii lore toyoaronad.'
and ike child who Ueabjfclad loAamp*-lioae to nanghtlarMaed U aot av
letire to erarybady aoedgOta oMtbarrr and patting rraa Bure Uaa deea
..4 caolag. dlBpled darling whom
erarykiuay aasB. to lore, and apoa
- TThode k readr to beetow a
\arptf» Uatar

alMkwalUgao wlU be awMed for a
lew. loeg tlBc. Now waah Ue cop.
aad taaeefa. aatUag Ues la the rlaMarraa; whlok manba half fall of
boiuw water, to ttay while yoa wa*h
Ua pllebarai Ufw drala'Ue care aad
aaaaere. pet UapUchanls the riaalo)
Than caaabe ao do
hat the ylrl
pa. md^leSpb
I Ua prek^ l^addl
waiar, lotuag uem nreaia wane yog
a dellghtfally
wipe Ua oapa, whiab eamlay oal of
Tha day. hare
Ua hot water haredHed of a yieat
pro4ml Bo ooBtlaat aaUl all

j r,r

Si £B:".rS.7i’ .?*... ™

Whsre toe roMt aasBad tc
Wa aatd that day:
"bha hath yuaa Ua w
Wa aa*l trsad wlU wear;
>h. ltdl

' 1 do ael pat tba ba
,_r. waah aaVwlpe U«_____________
. Whaa yoa haredoac with a coahBlf doa-l Irere It dry: All It
lar,aad aat oa Ua Uek part of
re ostU yoa are ready to waah

I a,

Than U KoU-oy ao Oood.


Ua taowi
That day—

aatoly. k at preaeat ac

BaBaalTa adaata far tba C. 4 a.» a
- ■ imTa.
• lu t s> ; to

,fr .ad reliable aad
iriiarenteed V-> do good ar money refb., Colda, C.ia.ump

for Ua kiB

tTiret and l.ung«. there i. o-tblng eo
Ikaat oaa hoar.
rood a. |.i>r King'. N-w IHM-nrrry.
Trial bottle lucU. at s K. Wait', and
Oae-half cop ol battrr. one eupfu! of
Whaa the liiiia ylrl west away frebi oofar. one cyg. one oapfol of milk.'
foot cupfol. of Bunr. oalu ''
We kaeit 'aeaU Ue baadlaf hklca;
•pooetol. of taakiag powdrr.
ooe cupfol of ebupped dale.,
long, .hallow pan*, aad tr
A Bea'ry of her bloa ayes!
with boner or wito a liquid
Por wa eoald aol Uuk. oa we kaeit t
roBid isare bar BoUaCa arma Ua
Prepared ugrthrr Uaa reeters di.r.
eery oelicloB., bolalm'>.t too rich f.>.
oor llklag. To maVr IL cut a .111 le
Toat day!
each dau. alia out the .toae aad iaaeit
That luoaaoBe day
a>laacbad almoad. Thro nrepare a
Whaa Ue iltUa yirl west awayl > |
rich avgar .Irap. When ll boila. put i»
Whaa Ua UUla yirl waat away froa , the dam. etew gentry until Ihe^ are
eaglly pierced all through, n-more from
tbe <re and .eree cold.
tAM BitW leepe.lliniaii.
MMO. Ill.«.lrklr.bwra4. le
Par Ua waaplBg r'yea.
row Or WAi:: wmpu. iw. ej m:
Manyr hare a peanut or alB-'-nd pnAad Ufa bat,a rela af laaiat
XLT BW>TI M, M o.rrre
New twa oir.
il place of toe etooe. aad the d.te
For la darkaen aad alleaee Ua Balk­ ad In coaTM- yreaalated .ug.r ,>r dippi-d
la tola Iroatiof.
>‘retii!r arranged
ar waeaa.
Ucy willbrlooBd attreetir- .’iketdtUl-atill a-er Ua tarf where bar
Ue rye aad to the palate —i-—I M u«r
la Ufa e eeeaiog gray—
A. OB toat red day
rbe Kitchen.
Whra toe little ylrl want away!
••The Wtobha U toe m.wt Importaat
—IVuaJi L MOMOH la Uiaoho Bet.
khd of...............................................
toe whole eetabll.famuaf°b
Properly Prepared Porrldgaltderidd
health of tor
dre I
It le almoet Impuaklble to eeak aay
Ue health retllre a
ceteal (with toe axoepU^
wvaieHTB da.
-Tbe kllebes knife hw cot ot the :
briyhwat preapect
The kiiehee grid i
dereUad wbata..
. .
Iroe hae oftaa-_______
ed a r immereial
tbe hroahta.t pamdye Bay ..
. eakerprke.
The kitchik kelllr
aw. . .. -ware
Bather foaad Uat oatseal. of which kept BBoyayoed Bao In hot i
ber iwo-year-cld eoa war exmreyaat' Il will aerer be f»l\y kaowa how
ly fond, did not agree wiU him. Bke Ue hUtory of the worlf
tola her kally
Blly phytlela:
phyktelaa of Ue tael.
by good or bad yoa eook Ua eata
ly?~ br aaked.
--------i. -: MOHN A CO.,
Nreef. A,...,-------dkeolre ealaretae
or soda
"Ok yaal-kha teMM.
Ml arrekeet. Bew Vara.
hot wator. It llberam Ua oarboalc
"How loay daaatt boUr
add yaa. and Use loae* Bach ot Ita
"A whole hear." war Ue a«i
"A whole day woald ba heU
Ueblaal adeka.
Thaa he weal aa to rey Uat Ue aaeaal ahoaM ba pat aa tba raaye la a
daoblc-hoilar at sooe aad cooked ostU
Ur Are waat oat at alyht. ■oUlay
Whaa Ua little ylrl wall away'




A good eereeat fora
aad Ulu k Bade of't


C&aaUe edges of Ue haohoa artkla.
ataaarwiU Uoemiataad BM aw^
todry UBoacUy.


^ gL A; PETEf?7y-^


Carriages, Cntters,SIeiglis, Etc.

.. ..........................

8r-4f.ll| ..

"Yr; ^1

last 4 to





' .

Sute St., near Unioo.

Mt. PleMhal. Owomo. Sflelnaw, Bay City. Datroll, HowalL Ana Arbor, Tolodo and
pilots Eaat aad Soatta. Cloaa
oonnaetlona at Oopaaiiabwitfa
K.AN B. By.



X ^


Bargains to the front
Uk weak. We bare amrhad
a low prlae oa a let of yeoda
to alaar oat aarplaa Btoidt.
Tba yrerh baalaaaa- bsM ha
tqoared op at Uk tIaa had

Oeal Paw. Ayu Telada.

lor other rreaoM It k daatiBblr to aoorert UlBgl isU
ready aoU.
If kaoeklay a
aBBbar of eeak off doUaea
wUl BOTt Ulayi qalekly Uk
ahoBld ba a Mealy plaaa.
Three Uat like a haryila
ohoald act daisy baylay. Ooad
yrooerka an aot alwayi M

BuiilutioD Of Mm.
-taTTolLVK 1 u, la. or^ ^
onoaer Ure« l<


Sorautla. Slf^e.

OWh Oxoomt.

terYina'laeem**' ^
rer ere. rrre, it.


1. »w wy




floimiKieing and General Repalnng Dime.

. u LucKwooP. <; P

2L"»amMCee'u!wk jnSTi *iffli»ni^__

tma -lExtraGtofBBSf.


4 <r

ereawk M Ul IM «..■
*Yiww^»e*i..reeti la Be trtojar graOee ek







' Hiaexaebbae

aTue tttM Uk*waa'
BiaaJ ahoajdbebaak- ..
... .
meat. Except fur Uk. Ua poitldya
aeedad ao atteatioa. At hadUBoll
eraa to be reBured aad eel la .a
place aaUl Boratny, wieaa Ueeol
pal osi the store aad allowed to
aaUI beeahtaat tlBm
The BoUwhaaalaoetbsa talkrnd
Uaee direettoiM exactly, aad flada Usk
<mtB«^ Uaa prepared ayreta wfU Uo
Bcot delkale atoBach. ** ----------------

T^lepkon^ 7^



- ....... . - -- --

road aad nala ntahU to Ooaaaettea.

I • T B> rn
II Iti It «o

. Url.U Lb.
Uri. b

.iilettiule. Me will oot.-lalm IheiT
i.n.tMiig b-uer, but la or.lrr to ma

angar, one enpfu.
® ■» fnlof cider. Ibtw

Bent Livery io Northern Michigan.

I Ol »S *"
‘ t ai r ig
aaiaai>■ a . a. a

is ‘:!«it:s'. ;• ;s5ii

‘'Hks Si-'r.nsi'ir-,

afters tIaa. 1^ to relae Ua ata
ot woBaak wo-k all aroaad, aad. hottar aUl^ Bay. pe^pa^bMp'to pro-


<!•'>* n'* -*7 Whaa it get.
• "‘‘’‘U'*kbt makra U

,i may prelect
-eetthth- iB.ide'-------la.itle from dry-.........................
'^{iogoui 'lifi-.iur.e tbe tioia required
! nmeUng a aoiill rut It proporiloa-B'ely Ire. toaa that uredad for a large



eranJ lipids 4"wiini R.1

-U oiVire^aSd* on'i^If*^7i!d“Sf; i* i
‘ dataa.ato-.ed and cut up floe.
Bake ! h

Till yqiir padding pail not more than
oaa half fall of fiar bread cruab. for


CeiareiliyktykeBMtokMhBB^. »
baMwUUhA. BmH etoa awm leafi

Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line


, i.Arx-wXuixoi-a
_ adelieato daatorl. aad may ha, j
qolokly laade ia oarto ol aaaxpectod
oOBno]''w* hk. at hand the .Inc I
Heat tbr wbim ol flea ryy

TmdayTa.ld.y— .
That loaeaona day
Whaa tot littoa yirl waat bwayl




awael creaB, or a eu.lard Bad
tog yolka.
AbeaUhr aadeijoyable
Ua ebndrra'a dlnerr It railed


gm Old Loss or Sleep.


West Alichigan

a the siidaiybl yloom wa wept:
lad It aaaioad that atiU—
b'araUUud’.wlU>B her aiutoer'a braaat ahe alepk
r U dU But teem aha eoold go at
OB ua kla. af bar BOtbar'a ilpa t

Bom^ OS'

L.--■ - «.■ ■. -

rlrwlilclTelU rich. aUMbCti.e O.tot ,abuui
a iruadiUuaol affair, tn.t pro"

--------------- ,-.-.1-.--------------------------------ilylaaoda
dBecaj^UllaCaranlylaaod atuurluaaa
Aad*^iad. berhapa. that I shosld
woold ba oompanUaaly roauaBB- aarruc. pr.wtnUoa.
' toy
Tbr iruublea n.alliay
•Oood aIrfaV’- whaa aU wltk thaa
yoony ylrU from .Itbay la tbU p«iUoB
ob prioelpally
priarlpally afflict thiM frnialaa
wcU-pUad Plato of
whu. by tba utui?' of tbeir ampluy■■Oood-Blybl, Balored."—to aaar bi
Bieat. .it wito leyt'cruared. That la
Toaplnt Of wbttobecadapoayr.wrll ehr the doctor. « bu pracUce la reeAad toparate aad Wirtthv an
peuplrd by workloy yirto Bod
But Biortal pbraaca. Utile worth
Exorpt la tha doll xpaarh of earth,
uarter espial of molnaaa. ap'd oaa for lo ao other way. InalBaat er.
lla Wwaat apaaah which doobti
coptsl of Btoaed dam dllr la aaoork ia.uiu-a tha pallaul ba. breo a worn
aad faara
rye floor to make a wjft dooyb.
Mllr buiy durlay toe day at work of .uch
Ood U tot ana otoU the aphtm,
wall, or band Ilybily.Tml la the pea.. miut.-that It wa. ea.lar for her her
.. _ror a'od eeator
wator ol uuryaan.
our yaara
tad whaa liykt hake lor oaa hour.
.,t wlifa Iryarroeaed.
r Uttle lira., ao briat, au dia.
Are aaly lit whaa lit by him.
PATX i-i miixt.
.de^TTcTa" "^"h?ir"uaa‘'i^wh?
Hla ear raa eatch toa IlybUat call
Who beadato area the .parrew'x fall
A. clear to blat the aobblay preyer
Of yrlaf. aa baareely pratoac are
, f.1 of Bilk, oar cupfal of kolawm. oar ; Y**
tosapooBfal of toll aad ooe-half toaitboo
Thrauyh him art aaarer to BM sow
I ia p
Thaa la the day. ol lost dallybl
Wh^ Mobtoasob ooald aay,.-‘ltoodbrrre wito the
g hu been wrinkled
' .nd cruihiM bv pa.-liinir. if ahakea oat
Ok. coBfort of toa aorrewloy heart!
ee-halfcviipfal of
Where'er I am. wbacaVr thug art. *
appear------------; ._
eyaraod one
r beates loyetoe^
Llakrd la tola kaaranly aatooe
i.tlir froth; '>a.t
before aerrlny
Wa atill btt erar. wa atill are oasl
.tkiay I. pnaltlraly the be.1 c«
oapfolof boUlDymllk, nulmay
. Kod to oar maellny-plaoa aad troal.
Ir in tor world, aud any pbyricia
_ .to. aad froil jaire aad al
The gala, aura abaltor of toe aool.
Lat tba wide beaTaito betwaas at Julea if deairad.

d I ’ald*°'*^ tM
** adapt la
a'*t£a'rti2Bg 5reml*add*a*few pluOMnUrkaad maagfaetare lal^
• of aBBoak aad wiU a UtUe {ablg bnmr.
The flrl ot today hoe
Ik^ that all wo^ Bay be Mmtod
Bu waah UeA
It I AkheloU. tsald t
. . _ Iw Ur Baaaer la walcb li
that aayUlay Uat U w<
worth clolBg well. ForUi_______
Un pat away Ua dkbaa halore
Ohaarrlay that It k callrely ae i
rtdya."—Harpir'4 Batar.
tw^ and da.t
' la iteowa.liaetodo aayoaeat


' lUrl' (Irerr.




--im :






Whaa tot litUtylrl weal away freB
Too Old To Pat."

Oaa womaa. who declares laayblayhanhookilew^ahaBiyhthaw a
ly that her chlldrea an "ol aaaor
kbUa. lark aad apoaa. a ttota-U^tor
Oaea,’'baa ioar lUUeooaa betwtoa . aad a few uUar auaaUai bat Mn. Ra.ladtaayaaiaof aye
Wiih^Ward to
kla did an Blad balay laoybad'tl,
Una^Udreaahe-toaoaaata toar:
aapaalally aa aha anloed that MaUlr
"I vTTu raBriab.'r Uat ay tatl<
waato^flad^ pat ea bs aprak with
' ' — — ue Ur baby, that ay mtrear-old hoy'-waa
ry'-waa la bk lara patud
fdUy ia wadhlay duCa aM toa riitoi aad caddied, aad that only a ahori
ilBa ayi< the aaxt to Ue yoonyeal wa.
toa lasb of Ue ilurb. and raerluad hU
•hare of towwilay.
Three ckildi
aare. Ureoyh no fault of Ueira,. baaa
Ritoabu! JuTaTlily^l^^to oto^i'
paUrd aleny Ue llaa
tofbl tenplaakh thefln aotil U
>r Ua baby. I hare
ha. Bade it a Balb
ora aaaaad tefladUdaad. Whra
-f prlnelple oarer to allow Uaia I
Ian the water kbot, the dtohea
pltod bclur • leltar

lato the dub p_-, reel that Uay hare io>i anyUloy by
laar. plataa. put a. they came Ue arrtral of aaothar child 1 allll
Uauhia; naacrepad aad sahn pet aad -Botorr' aacta of Uaia with •
Ua hot aratarpoarwl oaar Uaoi Buck toaderaeaa aa it he or ahe wei
^dad to re- Ibe only child la Ua koaa Kach ear
of Tbalr
iVreatbar ol
aaap k Ura allowed to float areaed. ooBBoS-aeato taachre them Ual U>
baby aUtor oanoot wait on beraell. aad
aad If lladhareatoUadkbN It
eoBaaqaeally require, coa.laat care
be Wiped oH—buy ba hoi. The
bat may kaow .ha reoalrea ao Bon
to drelam a'tu^ lore Uaa Ibiy. Aad I aball try b
ake toaa feel Ual. ejaa whra they
tbhla. wbohoa UUla
Whaa all an
k aegfl. aadaaUadlabsare cold by
Uk tlBM Ittabgaaloay wblla to drr
Uaa. Ua towal fata gaturstad aad you


OtMmMBuMflff aerMpcmL
Not Name OTIC.

Sah^ Lakr
A Duna'a Worth ol Datai.
Slltlhx Crota-LaKCad lajaneua
That dalleloo. driwl fnil. toe data.' Docton. who harr InTnuyawd i
------------qoitoiiob^act an yaarnlly of tha ..pun
(..Vbklid jr
Mkarr. .Sol- toai tor woiaaa whoalU with cn
are uaually ' Icya liaura ao iaritatiOD to diararr
wUbataadiay U
. > >ui>‘ . W I
. kouarkn-p. ' ItUautia tbr Brrr fact ^ plai-lay | ■trim
~ ~ M Dtbm .. ■' It « « la T II
. Jtrr II • a It, • Ik, •
I apprrclxto thrir toa UOitaalaUir puaitioa iBAcalr.1 to , kaaUMi
fu. the Ultor. A a mooi.-cl- but hrTpiBr tora.,'to.l way. \
aloaaaa aotol
oxof datoa. If put‘a a coal drr plaee, Tbr .Multauid pmaura of uto liiub cp-------<^.‘r •

beep wall aad aaaUl fnatlj ia i oa tbe utoar,
ulhar, Mir
tor .toady brariuy duwa |'
rlay aar liat of nkn. puddlaya

Tka BSBaaaBrabla alar-hBiy apaaa
iVhkb bidn tha asiUlBrot thy laoa.
Tbr cebulraa air U all uaa
Mol.vctllaal tbatthoahi
(ioBCbow, aooMWha

BUU t^l'eaaly, Uoayb oat of alybt.
I aUIl Bay aay. ■■Baloaad, food
i^'’aaBdIa« oto^ytra'ret'wUa^tS
drat atftoh yirta way. II your ylom _____ -«p »baaa''co.dtd(re,
np. or a battoa eoaiB aS of yoar ahor while yoa anmi. repair the dxBayr

s;........... -


™ i'


laa arooa a»
bas. BMk Ba bail BBdarw^ oaa*. »B. fBtkarad daal ,’,o„ os tha door 1b
bBbMtrifbl. *Botba»fBrBaw»hllr||B*| of II. A ,ro«B pn^wly •
k BSd Trim BPrspa: I bb« ABaVad «UI hacpi^lau B ^


-■■ii. .»i ii


ROYAL—the most celebrated of all
the baking powders in the world—<)d-*
ebrated for its great
leavenittg strength and
purity. It makes your
cakes,’ biscuit, bread
eO., healthful, it assures
you a^nst alum and all
forms of adulteratiuK
that go with the clicap

irst dtabcl



The absolutely pure

JbbI to draw tha ■onaan povar
halt Bsadatk.
dm to traat Bka. Ikia iBani


V----- -pH

THIS fact;

ThM tbe belt place to buy a
log io tbe Uiw of Hard­
ware, Nailfl. Baibed Wire. Bara Door Hangen. PKint.
Refrigenterfl. Ice Cream Freecen, GaaoUoe Stovea,
FiflluBg Tadcle, and in (act everythtiig ia tbe bardwan
Iioe.»ofW.J. Hobba. Come and aee me aod 1 «QI



Trarane Otf. MiA

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