Grand Traverse Herald, September 17, 1896

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 17, 1896


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


for good CaitSyion't for­
get that we 9dl Lowoey's
(toe candies in waled
packa^ Some ^fandy
looks nice but don't taSte
right—that isn’t the way
with Lowney's. it looks
nice and tastes nicer.
Tiy it-



Rose & Son,
Bcwlle BoUdli*. Peoat St.


Bnainess Oards.





Real Estate
Moisrarz-TO X.OAJSI.
mraBSE crrr.






City Drng Store. \


AIM • luli line of P»t«at JledkliM
Tdlet Artkte*. Pertiimefc ets.



Uae uorniueBt tbat recmJy Acittled CoL WMe. a nietober of The iaqulAlUTA tody -tbav wont diffiog lalo
tbe CM., of .e^ral anoy
started from Son Aoiooio
■ h apora
elAoklnc a»^ au-onla (aiil, ,.
aaoer Uie DMfrie efleeta uf |»uiUied
briekdnat. Also be bad blue elotbea
with sold CAU-Ilruea Md dea^
WAll paper
. •


7V. W«ch- t





■otUi»AV*it^vig>.p»«yr. ^



600 Meal Jor- aBo


taOH. OMI Mai ui ta In



Pin Ones lid Piteit IhdiciiB

B..|le.ue rifle raaee.aiiil by roiwe..uIi.e

to a



>unil him the -an ua ii.inl lo take m
wr liiteh In it/I
m-er. ami
at at hill. a. ...... ..
11 nwal.l i
'I d.m.f.rtruiue Iwtl-'ur- Tl,.- |wr.|..niim7.
atrrptn.-d d"'", bnlh . d -- -.f hl«f-.e
And the date, we learned It n ta be and fomwil . .ort nf Aik-rbruj -M.m-.n.

There is to lie a.County Pair in Traverse
City this month?................................


..1..^---------------------- —
-----------------“ •*«
““ F«r li
Ora«a. S|deoa. Toilet Soapa. Beoelpta for Uuliaoata. CoadlUoa Howdora, or Dye
and iMTC It with aa mod we will 611 tbeaa. and bare ererythimr Ubrled
and yoar ■«-«« oa tbe packare, touly for yoa wbea yoa fo borne. ETerylfalnr

J&8. &. JOHNSON,

™W. - i. I. h. fn.~ l™. hr .rli...-

Johaa^ HmWM w-afeni

nATXBU oirr, noH.



Front StcRouse,

ly. no horse whVh l.a- om
its head apmlnsi the lopof a sialiledw I
• SB Vrnis quits ahlr to pet rhl of Ih'
illusion II
- .*

$1.00 anil $1.50 Hotel
Giinlii liniif «f Pepiln.

CKrp^ Cleaning,
- CAygT M AK IN O AH D LA ri N

Traverse Ct,TV, • Micuioam.

lk|Bt sod. UIWBI Prices.
’ sst^rtiyss:-KcKSM»IL ORDERS

arMydy aw Mwfdy attMM tei

Jlw South Side Qre*nhc

J l »f **£
Dr. J. A. SnydeK


reliable AND


■ a

Hack, Bus and Baggage Transier Line


Best CTvery is Northera Michigan.


Jaafl bad Bali tibia in OoMiaetlA.

Mr. L W. EynW* win be l>
Traeatae aiy^mla in Oa|iMw
W. Aayowa wNUatr om oC
Mca. aanawaV Mealy porWalMe
ptaaaa drap a art M Um poatofflea aad Mr. Bmmm wfU «aU

made him flee theeonntrv- Inltaobe
Dritiab eonsol at Caen.
*aa appointed
' round him. and In
fit etedii
-toon, nit’
May. warn caal
______I.______ ...t to .bate
. — breti Is

ivhirb wlll-'hit hiu. apam n
——throupli. Ilenrcthr |i.._----------.
.... a..n.rtinm. Inrural.le, habit of "aoreor. raen, la Varrh.t»«
boro-s -Jibbilip" w ben taken out of the 1
-----------------------------1ralloTlothstnrerT:tl>enI^ I'-a-uimn stable.
tbe point of reoooncinp my aiiecianee
This, It
I. an obviou*
ii.slanreof thedis- I
_ .
, - --^TT
to tbe I'nlted Stairs of tirwr<en and of adi------------------lape at which
mos’ animals stand.
fOlop howlinp arras, the meadow to in repard
(o meaas of physlaal expsHt
1 waattaadlapoo thiemraarofHawk
tbe river Al the very moment wheti- menta. The bone, for Inaianee. nerds and Uiph airaela when a trlaky-tooklap
I waa boralnp moat fleu-elv and wt« uulv feel tbe lintel to find out that it is old farmer came to me. asya a writer la
leliio* what 1 thouu-ht of -hsrmhooi- flx-.|
-I and doss nM B -ve.and isnotil
tba .New York World, aad aald cxdtrtiaf at a preal liooe to humanit\ I hap­
pened to look aerana the field haek of
tbo patherinp. aad there on the river
Lswt. I aaw a delipbted boy of abont esiieriu.
Ck-pt the elepliant aad
tenor twelve, rind oaly In tbe purity of tbe mow
etpf'he *hipber-arii-llev. Mr. Bawycr Uvra tbeta,- I latboopbt atel beavlup mod el an asao- moJs suffer from this lark of tbe
etote of hia own ape who waa sputlrr. of rsperlmmi. The w onder Is, not that pl^
Tbank poodac > be aakt. wHb
lap-aro^ind and dlvinp lo Ibe e.»l water tbev suffer from Illusions.but that they
of tbe atrrotn- ' You may bate vboupht
,e ao few mUlAhse.—Fpeeaalor.
at the Ume that I tpoke ae enraesUy of
the prandeur of Alacricab losUlulmns
tbat I bad In mind the march to tbe canBon'a mouth and tbe dio and rarnape
I Fooe'a I beard of h I atarted aflcr-o
of bottle for the flap, but I di.l noL I
Thaw wbo have Indulrrt in durp sea I tn- pot alpbt of "em Jra' ooUMe the city
-at tpeakinp with me mlml fixed solely
V'.' k 'i ' heef Eablnp know how the flxL Hoe cuta
kep'aipbt of'em UU they weat lalo
n thr'plad coatom'of vhxwlnp beef

ss dp oBleer and a pentle_______ _sat)bor bad not at tbat
«t patberea np bto rlothea and
A tbe mppfoach of tbe town ron■ T wonW have renounced Ibe flap,
(ded mv chapeau and uniform and
w a Jovoos dewrter, pldryinp In'

12 Diplomas


rlowr so that the wiM rnountnin
Bipbl not hear and tvpOri to Washinptom and whl-iwred; "Do ...ii know that

Sarreyorand Civil Engineer

Fsnml SippUes.

lor with 1U pediM 0
tbe Iky aad irflortlar tbe eload Sama.
tlooa of aaoUwr part of tbe hirtia.
iawcpd of h^tbe lirbt aeea tbraatl.
a UtaL^ .j\Vwrt vltb the aakad ayw
ter. that Mayor
tbe boU iteply appeare aa .a wMta
-urtoaitim ’
Tlia«-hi-r |reta
Inn 111! iiliiiiri|ii n-iaUiiliir tnn
wav. lieuple____ __
other detalla. altheefh vccy Indlw
wieb to flod out anythlof in tbe city of tlDrtly.
Albaay iniarlably write Irltera to thr
mayor. It .toren't makeany diffeieaoe
------------,e pmk ran hr eeea to
. _
what Ibe inforoibtian desired relateaVk
the Catallais. and Domerwii paMlaa
le mayor, they think, ourtil to know,
ive laaBii tbe attenopt toetahH, bat
.tlliaiiy .\rjrua
I bare falM oe aoeoant df tbe ateep
>aa reeriird from a aevro
id rartvd pi»U|diita la the elctalty.
tVhal mapniflr.-nt.
souih. who. Ur. Monahu
p:hir-oi|.- tnem..rim nii-t tw ei.n•en dra5 I
-iw-led niih Ihntiwl'l idhlUe: 1-ber* literally a corpar. bat dcKaird aa tar
r HH-n. patriot,
io(^ who. if they I
ar bla prlp on huathu*.
*o c,\e. w, “
kt clailli yieldafanu
Tbe couBtryBMa baa. U be be wtoa
Tbla man belleret that alarery ie aUlI
to perwiTe IL food rvaaos M
an inetiluli.-m in thie preal ItaA and
It ixboriBt of the plorioiie fact that lb* oouat hlameir a larkier pamoa alto,
fvfber than be wbocr work to dOM la
towB. For the latter, myi Bade aad
nerer knew that tbe aortb Wbiu. ualtra be be rxce.-luif weU off.
• irocUni,
■ . had whlpiied the tooth, aad lhal lAOn,- there are few plratnres cmUj ofatala. for Ilwi tinl'iimi, ri.-buiii,,
■ to free the able la tbe ia^OTralt of toil. Food aad
(Km lives bad
tlrtf are rxcMlcBl la ibrlr nwy. bat
Ibry are neewmilira. aad (bey are anal­
ly (akea under aorh rlrctmwuaeaa aa
n .iwv of tJie I
qurttloB that he found It Impoiaible to lo bare BothlBf of tbe chaiaeur pf
lhal was one
lire in tbe aooth. aad louffed afpila for luaurtea. Tba coaBtrymaa to lackler
lan mad,' Ihr r1<rhiw, in* the irreapou-lbUIty from aelfthaa tbto. . It may be that hb toll la
I'lolbea tiwkine tlie man. of alarery days which be thoBj
Urier aad that bla waye to a maaV oaa.
-.4'hiiwco llirottl.
bat be labemlo aocb a way tbat ha ^
flourished In the aonth.
waya rvt* tbe fullrat rajoywat eat of
hit rrat. aad •wbea be |woaM to taka
hit midday meal It to under mmdIHewa
At tbs OtBV«.at a hatat tw
. that would make a prriect-belldv tar
Enirliab rliHota to TUlywardteullea Ibe cHy. aad; to wbw rbam e«*b thw
bavlnir aatlafled tbeir coTkwIty. tom to
■a. He lies at-ew amoar (bo
l^en. where lie tbe boors of M Enrea tbat be taw eoL and tbe ana.
lishoao who hM left behind an Uabto loU Iba
mortal repotatioo aa a dandy aodawdL
eiuipinw n], for I'heni.

r> .|Ui.-e ui.'d Iireiiy , Ecu Bnnninell. aflee liatluir been the
wu with the nleaaanmm of
hv lunch
luorh <ua.
made I friend of tbe priaoo refreuL died h>
It liy
. It was brine IWTcrty. a trteadlem Imbn-lle. Dora la waiism to are la bto eamfort: It amy bs
hto wife who Briapa bto dinner, or fwotnndetn, and ITTfl. Ocoepe Rryan Drumioell was edaba|B it to.nome bnxem plrl from tba
rtled at
jt Eton, where be made a n
..,.,-1 shon in f
farm who to not yet bto. Ibaapb aha
dal a|domh. readinesaof
n- -f a -t.-aiu II
will some day be. aa abe kaowa witbla
mnesrrail.aodl “«< laaUdwma
It flr'i -I
Ihrn qui. kiv pace it iwc iB|-< w ith ite| went to the Oriel oollepe. Oxford, tor a brraelf. and be is not afraid tebeftoee.
Tile, bla toil to hart In Itoatf. MM bo
iKA.f. .\fi.-r Ibis it was luxi.flrd. aiiil lyvatn- He waapikwenl.d withacorooel.
crossert il»- line. Ob llienlherhand.aleyby
, 1 ey by th(
« al«io thel^
n If be do
mvt tried lo jomii thr shod-1 llnaaara. aad for aome .vrarn rti>
................... .. inioks on the rmut, though | «•* frwBdthIp of the |«uoee. who
. similar rxp..i im. rt (*f touch would i •D«?'wanl neorfrr Iv- At Itat Ihcy
-.. -led, but “Dean*
i»ir ahuwi, Ihui lh. se were a. iinrenl! qnarveled.
“Beau* DnHDioell held
Las'i-] hit own In ooHety until pimMlapli
the irtm rail was suloun



AO ertree by wall w<» raw.
Mt eur tTteaaa wtU al'
(MleiUac juar fiieudablp i

■dtorpartiaa. daaoca.

uiueturliMl .ohiirr


pid Yoci T^iiow
eariacaaearcb warraattc


Maky daya when the aky N dark be­
hind the laeuiMala the bale will appear
a brilllaat white, like a MewdrtfLaad
oa daya when Iheaky la Mae It wUl odlta
look ae dark aa lo be almool iarWble.


BM HMtesl all Mora-Aar «r a irM.

* Proot u«Om* nWMW.

f n>il):sr> n(hrrr>

at ptal^ poetlble. hot ■raiS^^Ji?

quite put o
of the'cW of tien. licooke-' „,ne7 i.n..wi;f fw whiwV^'..._
unlfornia bad
with .AA areTAite o^ a j-rk of (rtlded j
,,f n„, ,„ortiinp |«perA thr »r«
(tarriiAbnieot pn theiB. He waa obliged d„ .ni.1 ihSt-tlen. i.miii l.ui'ied raerr
to Autanenre hlTOArlf in .haaie ami a ineh thr iwtrimic a-ihU-r. Ilia rllrnlAid
ud feel (hat bnwaa iwlnc eoa ...lihaii.-nl lia hia alraple
brt.wn tweed ault ■
CtiUty of eobdoet
eoDdoet unlieeiHul
unlieetHulia: an ufti- i.u, rl,'iinif<inh of btue-trlorio.w
and1 a cenlirtnan lireaiiae
lirraiiae bedk) not . .
rattle and clan|; at he walked, like
crate of caorkery or a uafon Intd of

SaSiSImis ovG^SISriuia iD^ fiu-

nnfi$ KmeiM -«-rm


For (be lAAt bAlt centaip Iko AMft*
realdesto ed TtAoaoa. A. T, baw
been trylap to ool»e ibt BrMe.7 «d
abat a,pi«-an lo bo a bole throaeb a
^uBWlu peak la A«bt of the toWB.
• 11 looka to bo oaly a
abort dieuocc • ay. wbcBlanali^H
By (be aid ofacood mariae teitsaapa
•be moubtaio twa be brooffat «o wMUa
a few Bdlea, bat not Mar raooph M
tall Ibe exact aatute of thr raeh fnw>
ion. A flm peep thraaefa «ba glart
, ould had one to bylleve (hatlWiwaa

itiuiTA. iHit in a few weekaeeerytfaiair
itbera. and drwnlatioe iwicat ODc.
a the l■alTrf^)tnda

on bla war loTbeWludfiirpm


And Lunch Boom!
or* woRtn bbatib:

fora, of tb^iMhratpr' rider u>d
“>» *“
0>•-- ---------.-TT.
- or tbemoAtiDportMtottbeorritmU
the riora.Uo^ tetaraofa■rould hAnllv aai
d a-ltk irtral irjoirtar» by
fkTiuta nivr sr
nu of hA ban',.A. About
• aoaie
the HeerFork work nfloqolrv
1. MtA U
•rformal nlth dl
>f:Wn, a
to Ibe diniiUi, , of "ip araWTanr pot to all pwaoBA
d not uAni the 1 Pbaner u. rrma fi«o> the l»ad of Uie
. of Ilia pyrdkammi ,««n btaad- j
wd w
Ilo«e>er. After -Heral hnort of tbr tiw c of riot. proirAnaaoA po oat to

•h tbr aroiitina partv mnniid aad I «»-« '«• “d •**« •'* *"» IrteUlair
■ liilo hia ( rra>n.r an *mxT. ‘'t^“ doaiB the dry riTTT.faed uTth
flaaunr l.rilliane) In maaea-i >noa>r and firruorka. AtlhroatAklna
rr u'hieb <uuMd hia ,»Hor, of Ihr city thooaAt. M of people (TTVet
alley of the Itura U iMd
iKol. liLr A Aort.if n>A«|iH-raile‘ArriiAl. Thr talle;
o produer excellent cot.
paii'-e- b>
Iivniin* latar. There uere polire.
iia and mail earrirr'a

drteJopid for lack
of uTttrtaatic Irripot'iwi. Oaee In a
all patlerral froni elotbiiip sineru far Jirriiid of frota Ate to ar'en yrararmla
, , .,
, .
fall, upon Ibe eoMta) (lUin. wbereapon.
lib niicie quieVneaa.^1:^ and Oow-


yi.witeS'-a: milfflltl
TM ailj iJia* la Ua-SUU-w *« »


“ *“
t poiSei
poner, tala.
mosu-ot au bnonm
taklbc bit MTorda dor . new Liod of
Mcti<a-I «.hl.« rod. bundled the w^e

f aad UaJ.
. Ih
I»e«iU an«l the othera of tbe
W rxamininir
rxamininr Ibuard.n’hoaauntereit around



aa Arm} court^iArUAj ur e»ABimtny




tfcal oitod Rl«tf»»™i»Md arbotadl'**^•«<*«• M« Nm*tb* CUjrtM Atood ap icBtan Um bar Md
Akopil.rcalM Iota b(«T. *«sR7.~Mid

• nphal Barefc anoial U» I
tbr bAiwadpT. -bAt poa oA«TbtT«aaj '
; owid lo (M apod
A roTtoariB, AtAadi’*"^"~’““"^'
drtak.- 'WbAt!"
ClAJWaL who
■ ■
cUd lo • Jtw dOMaT
Mil • trmMiiac
,)5 AwakA.
wp. TTh!B»o«T»J cbIW uppo r.«i. SSrr.
WH tjr wlaipp. ADd Ihr niu «bo W
«o the
laMiilIlT ta tbe k
BseTrf »B pEtrsunUonn of L.. . _.
IS obUcTd to Cf*A tl
tn* trM. but wfarrv thr, ri.pmMrat »bkb U I
_____ Md aWUT IM t™*
aop m, l«f And Aopte. I«t- 'i- n-«. “«J- *- F- 8~"
lAo laoffrmJ A onlfo^ diaAppiar In 0« dry amam A«d_^








or U>a ooMartid a
AaO aU »( II ..ooHnuouAh <Mtt. null

^pi;- O. P.Carver!




"crf. Wade, bowever. eoaaeted blmaeU
wHb tbe tboopbt that pttater than be
have been in the same unfurtimate-flx
In wbieb be found blmmlf. tVbraGen.
Grant was eomlnp e« «m wrt M

The Clipper Bicycle
for'bnslneu sad plestore combined. Oivee
universal tatislhetton. OaU and see it Sold by

rp amoap
J (.more.

of TwBrt
Amonp tbo a

p tba oOBtoito of •
.. ao dep waa V.
atnam of dbt abooUap ort Hko Aa
Hast from tbe bhra|dpa of a rtorartl
pqu^awd tbat tbe iBvertipattoa warn
atm CO. BecsMDlnp Urrt of tkto, tbo
l«iMul wM olUlnp down wamblarUM
borne tea^prttlap -dam. mpT wta*
aoddeoly. wiibeut waralap, ba adwh
artw t be Md with a (ra)t«Mcy aa flaa
aa a Sree'and wttb aaariy Iba artrt

, iSr* mTJm*IlMto^iriTeUto^
np tbrvapt a boliow aad eaewaajrtb
tall enouph lor bar bswwa hat to Aoae
throapb tba frinpy of praaa oo tba riolap prooad la frtmL W beta tbe baibd
••oagk tar tbe lapprirtl -

piri under It be atopprt aa MMABt wHB.
k of borrlM tarprtoa. A yiR
fro. the aAcrthled iarrttra wba

abowa the
aofL Tbto. says the DoHook like_____ . ,
piTTx a clew lo the that would klek at bavla'ia yea
' ofearran-wortyAfledoffhtoabOBldc
toeenthm of aa Albaay qi
la a minnle?- be eihsd ssmMleBlIy.
entuap eton* Iretead.
bcsip.' be prapoaca to nee win rope,
-yat exactly." J rwpltod.
aad wllb Al. be will rarve the maiMe I -nneaa
aoL ttraDper.
...-------- ---ripbl out
-- of
-- it. oatira bed. (be pnlUypatrtokecpVmfromebaar
Tbevrir«towoBpdiBetraBda.aDdbMa i,- obcir mbaa. Rl )ea'wait berr ae
eery raupb enrdaer. powerful macbla- heppy as aa aepwl with a new pair of
my piseo a atraap and eleady sUwla. ^apa 'Ull the Appy pair come AL
and tbe etooe. yWdlnp to tbr eoaoun
pil piee 'em my btortla' aa* borry
waar. parta. wlA aaMolb edpea.
It |,„
kill tbe fatied calf. Stop tba
wouldbeeaayrtoopbtoerttbebtoefc. mefldta'T m*ey,-

Aa iaireesiiup r.prriBcat la
may be p........................................
ba a .mie.
rtya At Chtoape later
pleas ibu aad brad X A Ae
Ian. rWHbalffoOofpanwamr.aad
be aura that Ae ptAher traa wW#
yooportMwIDAlyflntbebaMtAa .
Alffall. TMtto AreCeeLemAaobawer. Kew take aaatber pRebrt aato
talBlap pata betaa. a ooletlaa rt a—rtoa AIL Md ^rt H dowtv MAaMrt
tbe ermeafAttabe. TbewatrttatA

ry. but wbera tbe clcM*neio of tbe tovratorocrtrt la Nderi^ — x—
^Mrctiv<^4e'm^k Ib-nver In a.
tbo torel of Aa betao la AeoAer.aaR
liDra duxter.
W »■ *>* 0”^- TW.tarBeeted-byoMR-1 Beaanar a mna make, a tow be amy U yoa ortUaao poartap U wSB nmooar,
,7^7-^ lap two parallel ebaaaeto to tbe (foarry ^
brook h wHb impaattf. aatflan tbe trrth waup ii AAmoM.
been patbered —-------- „
wadepib of little praamrlh-Art of Era. Cla%m who koa^ Ae Brartbam
<be oflteera of awpyty
tbe party ATbed^
A. lo—i toed oftbeelanctr
of Ae «« A be eoL ___________________
bo« aad to________
qrtto a-aIkb-o« which OM A artd far a aMbA-id pv
selves in sneorel haedle In •
Boy A from * A MO feeL ' chances. aiaAr a rale sorte time ape for


ncta BOW. yoa A

rL At tbr bettoA of rtcb
all beto A receive Ae tooa
mrtaof AeAaftoofAcrteeblae.T1A
artpan tar tbe oeoUon amaprt foe
to Ae caly pimaritioa of Ae qe^
Aepm—Ibytbeptvotooe. Ithodfa— “ “
lAX A wobM review oorte i

(^'^anu—l of hto boRpsA. rtT*
^ ^^yiaMpbia Boeeefl. Be dedflrt
that wbea a maa weat A de«^ ta bM
barroom that wa




vfaile be was diainnaa of the Grand Trarcrse County
{^publican Committee:

dally, npoetaa aRwchorv-h aad parausafe. Butb are iaooBpIrle. tet b-th
— i- - —■■“•'M to hr ocroidcd

A> I MdowwUiwUm tk«* 111 DB| Smv 111 rtfiBt
«fc» i»
tki taWi !»»«• ■f4«k,iil»-r doUan. export«Mud l^r. ^

Ito (as ^

asv!.7v“^rr-i“i”vT.-ir:rvLr^r^ stt.


BATiUBD. ^ vm-

ueMaMbic for u; [Mr Uwi. Mraa bti i" evpi ballbie iaV>

di«d «Mti U r>KI wd li r»d

: *•< miD.i la tbe worU aad an r’



dtatca. TM Wrier Me. Miaioiar ‘
AaerWaa Blau aad bare
aad Mr bal(^lai narr of ill- wwd. Im. 1bU> dolUn •orth 11* cutbi lalriBiW*e*]Br of whleb UiaanoBn aad soaprl the furteaiBl
•at «fl/ OMU. HoU
rUUroa. Badqr our oero lawa. lo
at tb« fwraBral
dnllar ai a leemi leader for
BlaU aad butk hier tbr Roerramcat errry iBaorb] ebiB they Bay bare
alaap abieb eertiSeato Ibcir veifkt tVhaV I aet hare the wealiby eorpoBlioMthat OWB tte richtel iT
Binn •>f\he woriil. doar for the Ac
dollar wUI alUl be trorth Sltf crots kaa people (bat abMld eoUUr tteea to
at the Brtal la Ihr Mr haadred ecat thi* rrwanlT Wbat beorSu isa the
ollar «m be wortb bat 4» ceata

ladreda . '
pwple cledre In dnoaUnff
tbeiaader who ta* a«b Bade a iladjr Billitoo* anauafiy to ttear wnlthy n>
of Aaaaoial etatten will aauiimllp aui puralluBi that thry would aot >lrrM
whe (hi* diSerreoe la tbeae ooiai aad tte parchan by Ibr Roeernatrat
wIvIhilbrtneribMidbe worth
of all the illrrr ballinc needed, at ila
Ibaa (wtoe a* nacta ai (he brarltr. Barket prb*. aa'd BdBBfacUrtnc >i;a9W adeoeaha of ibr liaclr cold ataadard wUl laU yua that It B the erahit of
^*^*™i^i2iaa a. atarou.
the foerraiMst that add* ftfly-twu pMple Sfiy erato o_ ..
oeati to (bi^aeof tbrllRbtrr total eotoacr. toftiaa of Rlriur It awap
SarUMMoafU-deIf Umj WDald Mdke oat the word to tbcte almdy iHcbT
Tin fforu.-a-oadlt" aad iaaert ia Ito plaer Uk- BUBt CBa BOW boy all the allrer lu
word -power.’- the aoiwer would be
da at <1 eeau per dol
Merdsh Oidlt It eaai
ItobllRaW Itaelf by tole tann:
bind orou for tbe a
bteyaf If y<>o
’ other Aoliara.
1. will yuo
eoloetarily ublloa
M the I
to pay Me boedred dollar* f>
It duea<ti,..,MiraalBa'ir If you woulcb y<
■bj.wi (or
be dor- ‘ -n a It »«H—
«— tbe Badt
-------------to lu pneUer tloea .w..
I aot, tbeu why aak
tbealaailard allro- <
, p., „.*»HJoct the poblic

rd^lter dollar b to
itr Booty, Bodeao
ao by taw, atidljf^j utelbe’tltto i-iiwltote^f”Se
liroB toe treotaryraoteaed
________ _____
_________ ani the f.irriffTi
o. le Ihle- If I • .---------------------.---..
aad owlt
.u- it* welffbl
mp It ui la.
ipri tteAnrraau HMlIty aad Uieo
ane .
______why aot take the faro'-r-i dity
to the fforero- orat wheat and ffriud it a. pa™t« il lo­
Mly ablfled______
ir debtor to Ibol
floor oad bran, do It op lo ibekaffea.
It It I pay.
baak BOtr aad you awrpt It, tl-----------b tbM trawf-wnd b> tbe baak iaular
dollar per
-------itat tor rate of one dolb
tte aata. That teab auy pay yon la
rroe Trade Eeaolta.
elofwbeair IftoefarBerouf
tte cro-iit or
• Id aalrocair thle. 1 cuoli
Tba Miner la wW^ Abe ferrica allev, wUoh WBid eoOtreaiary
ooU. roaaoo, albella
it Bay pay TOO with o trwiary oote.
albeit a aelflak oae. Tor t' '
Waaiaataran aad foatca Ubarar r*t wUeb woBid Iraaifertheobllnii'B to denaadi^tbr Miae rtaaou Hbal a
tte RDToraBcat Uolifl ffl^ >'°^ * atn tte bIbi bwaen of
leer eotoaRe.
Hot a
lafftaaboM by (be fatlowlar (abU of Btaadard alleer dollar the debt b Dot iomUiir (reoalieef
laraieca. latereeo or boalaeai Bis
Ite iBpeni olwiBlutar tbe
lately paid. Tbenfon ii b pUla that; .fcoold laror a policy that
wodid dewatte Mdlv U Jaaaaiy. I~
It b am toe -etadlf of toe Roerra- ■
y,oe. Bore odl
I bat iw lenrrr, uiat
rerayadicaieuf Iroodootbaa tbe Uor
ite obUlly to re force
Baa bill did lo the lURar aad wblivy
dollar w^ a hoa-;„„,^ wliboat toe aJlRtteat bonifllt.
Baku toe
men toaa toe otocr 11 tBeioaelTea. that woald aot be auppIU-d
•M.idi Rrato eolB aHaix be re««leod by the ^ boiiloD oodeoraaRe oo RororuBen
ROfstsBoat teMlhuadredcm tor|.,^Qi
un.oT* aay elala It say ban opcB lu dtli^ ; y,, au*a™i. „f ai.ilMt which tow ill
tf-|-.’-----------iii.tM i.7K.m
ma teten that la aaiaa aMtte
• Mdim laat Jaa'aaiT the laporla of
MUar Marty dMbladi tbeae pi
atoite larrMBdtaraaadatelf '
thaw tedraaaroedadMUad;

u..Tv,v.«;;s cr. ‘-•i-rprj".


: tteaa ot fBTM two aad t
. aad tteaa ef skmOl
walMi awty iteM li^ i



”'-'*‘*1 .r‘r; rf. n—*toe JayoSl^f


iaaofalaDdard Ulerr b worth «» ' S! 2f'‘

Why aot BBka tteaa eoq^ ten aad
aaplay AwrlaM Mpltal «pd labar?
Ail b ttepolleythatb ralalar tte
teMtiT- OliB B1 MllaWl tariff protMtlM pad tte BMpy eantlM will
atella llaalf.

aabBbar yw*
affatbedciitflti proBlaid pn»p
aath at tte eaaatry Miar bad In
a tn aNaXdMlytwIafer trea trade.
tUlilteta Bryaawaioaeot .tte toro. Mt adrwtM of that Unary.
paMiaad tte tanaar bruar prtea
hbpradaatat be pruBbnd tte so
ba. tte Bill haad aad (be tebarw battrr
tegrbBaffaa. Baeatbaai tUafi
«a |BBt All tea hare raallaed b tte
Wlten tariff bUI aad the feraar '
hHdar Uw tbaa ever before b
• U tbe tar
1 tbrewa oatot a
dMUaatbay. TteMea ia tte leoolta
■lb. «to raaaiead •M.dOO.MO la wana
ia im, naalil «aly »« la
. im. bBtbaaaoa-teU. Other ladaa^ Mm nffarad to tte laan way, and. aa
a iMalV Bdward AUriaaM. tte frw' bMaMpwvwyAUtifarBBiwh
IM laMlead nn.741.KH lor Uwlr .Bteat aad Mb. to IM eaebead Mly
|Ut.7H.M» lor tte MM pcodaet.
aanaUer to atoaoat aa aaib to Uhb.
, Tte WBffai of tte ooustiy bare bare
BWtoteUetoM IW, aad tte torBin'
■aw Hr. Ibyaa aad tte trw illear
mm Ml M that It ba-t bleb tariff or
. . tew Miff that tiMbliioa. hat Itb tte
PMaaeyqaaaUQa.aadUwa^l Mly
oota dor tna allrar eierythl^ will
~ mm» Mt riffht. - They aow sy. to afIM. (bat tbv wai
How. how do w« kaew they
»MM riffht aow tbaa they wwetina?
Tbay laeied m oo«; aaall we tot tteai
ItelMtwba? Ttertoeywaated frM
tradi; aow they aeb oi la rir*
tna trade aad tTwHliM. Tte Lard
aa^ kaowi what they wDl Mb tar to

ItaM'rS.S i^Stod fftwrrDoiem

• artel oolB
the people. 1
_ law* Rire that adc
ahould hare tbe broeflt'

Srili ir::il:r.x::d"hay.

rld'aoeater fortoe 1
•a-I wheat, en b Uadon the , ‘
urtoe markrtaadealr.^
. It-daotepoMiaaed;'^

iBlaclortBR of moary.


aad Mae rnouRb leRm! teader Boaey
' [iT^.ito
Beet tte beUam Dtrda of toeoouotable Rooda ean purebaae allrer
bull- t
err oiiii
the people the texaUoi
tM la L wdoa at 4* cl* ; brlaR It here. ., ' . ,
tbe borrow Ibr of forei^
havcltcoiaed lata aalaadarri dollar at iMioeol

“ 7,7. =-7,

jsr:;. ™. :s~7 .l-'ins: »•

ROearaateet awda toe cnioed allrer
WMid It am be Boee aeaalble fo- 41 to
PlM4f*fl to *»>«• 1» aach an aa
boy Ite bellkn at 41 eta. aad too* flee
J. U. EaauiKid,
tte pesale tte added ealoe of fifty-two
Mate wbleh Unlr tawa crealeV
Trarfm Oty. Onebn L

M dMBtod. aad that. Wetoer with
toe tael that a^er oar admirable lyatea toe bill of a tmakrupi or dead
b)aitaa Rood aa aay other bpak
keiM tob kind of momj oo a
parity with toe Ualted StaM botea.
The Utter are krptM a parity with
told becaBw toe balder of a aote baa.

waa thnslrned tlxrewaa aodbtarbance of toe cMfldeaee In the Rreea-

HeKarrInr. Wa. IblielL
Wmf«n-C. B Hiller,
(tee. Baatl.
te for Wb. Ua^
P. r. vewm
al. B V. Wheeler (MteUta
a Hade). L.J. Wall iratetiw
J. A. Hlo^UI.
Tte report wa* adapted.
TteeoBBlUrrM petetohMt orRaa-


Ytaet yearle dnllara. but they





m wr-d

al of oar rl-aeReu are loo la-Re f.wooe
^a. aad tte peviple an- aakisR narppdbalhle (-• Rrmat their eet|-irat witboaf
larRer a.biioaary aprivprialk«p.,wbh-k
•e kMw wu eaaaot expect
Three of oar aittrr* have bcM traatferred lo tte choreh Iriompbaot The
A. J Kldrod. tl, I’
7. Cole Appropriate
lleuittaad V
will appear lb toe enlaalea.
A lorsl camp meotiaR wa* licid cm tbe
Fraakfort camp Rnmod In AoRUM.
Tbe altcadaBce wa* pot larx-r, bet it
RTrsI epiritual pia.-r
Two lodba camp Bieetiei.-* were tel.!,
.-rtealtcniiapreof wbite |^p1e »a*
irrey larRr.aad llie tadlaa* rnTlx-vl
Boeh epiriloai pnifll »ar
ha* had a year of marked pnspcrily.
U i> well maoBed.
Uaay Rrmckiaa errin'* bare ch>-errd
Bxdariv al tor iDOalheof
Kourof' oor pa»u>r* cloeed Ike -year
amid w«M.o> of rcfnuliipR. AIxul nun
cniireri* b»*c bees r.-|*>ried aad ab-ot
the >ame ouBiber ban- bc-o A>t.:.*l lu

i. Corrll. of Ormod Tran

tolled (or
UU >t*

fare the a
toaokrd tbe deleRatea
doae hiai. aod'ffare aoiae anuad rrpabllaaa dortrtoe.
Cblltebdrs alao apokr briefly.
pledRiBR hb hearty lapport to tte
iloB tore aamed the waibay
atodal MBB few (or Uie eotolBR two
' wiRua.
ear*, aa follow*:
I la
Urania—A. K.UbioRherty.
feed ay
floielr—M. (I. Paul.
, wife aud
Ctericrolr—A. L Ceoltrr.
Vniail TViimv-U K ILooRh<y.
'olcrfiurv dierr—J. L-* H Aliang lu^ IT<
i,-o;t.»*»a—C- C. Jeok*.
in.-e relative to ivrUlu petAteoioui—Wb. Ilalxell.
• lli-n^BOil^puUlk- Rmuild*.
M'er.f.inl—IVrry K. Horrrro.
Hr il unlaioed u/ tor <-<>aac
OBBoUoeof Ur. I'bwen tbrcaadlTrarerac Olt.
atrwai allowed toat-lect tbe vUairThe year oow cloalBR baa beca one
1 ll »h*U mit te la»lul (••
no aod aecnttfT of
of hard labor aad Rreateacritee by tbe
. to be abroad apuu tl.<- *ti
oad Ur. Clorell Daond i
paapirt of litsad Traetr** dbtriclallej* or public of tin- t'iif of
AalrlB. cbainaoi
Uaay of tbem Ian- rrorlred a
Trmrcrur I'iiy. »lichiR,ii aficr toe hour
'nMa«ur eopport. Neurij all ot toe *al- of Bite n'cioca p B.. iialr** accimpanffuardi*" ‘ff
aric* ate »iuiU. aad oar people fb m.ay ■ed by toe pa'^bt
peieoa. or clw In cumpaay or oad.-r
< hare tees ouable
Tba Rina' of Bryan.
tte CbarRe of aome
IX In aome care* tor recrlpU (rum moral cb»r»ru-r and abirr tkr aRr of
Oaoe apuB
opoB a mldolRkt dreary, ai
xtecB year*, whilr la tbr paruukluf
ctaBTRe will o..t mroed
pMdend. weak mud
ay lawfnl bnalorM. eBploymruof Aliffuttatupi
brother told me that he had niptsledi
fl.ur: while I
wiih.nit enoORb
Six:, a. ,\ay boy or Riel M (oan
toe le^t hb ta>
niRfat air, caB.
B any »lreel. alley or public RM
taliirr * need*.
IlhlntocCiiy niBlrarj lo torprorl
chlldn-B miRfalBot be huuRry. Ser
ioR. abakliiR
ooaufaectkia one of Ihi* ordOBnee
Two. The llryaa.
paatur* will bot be able to attcad
kill te libairto !•' warnrvl T>y tbe
ehakloR too* By L-haoiber flourioeatuo of toe asanal i-onfcrence, yet Uaruhal. TruaniUftlST, or any I'oUcr
there tap* been heard ao marmarluR, maa of toe i iiy. w ro h.Hn>
afUT •dch waruioR he oi *
ail hare wrouRbi riRhl aaafully.
.Ull te found loilcrlnR aa to
or alllrer n>iaet* aeol ton U> my
faithful baodof aea wMld
.rr otoerm-l*r dfircRatvIiBR *ai
ber Anw; duet ihoo Ihlok toilI 1 « hard u. fiod.
‘ .
•*- -nted. It thy red flaR.
tob bod by *ilrer t
me truly. I Ifadore-b there Booey lo repuru 1 would be drllRhled to li
riotalionI of
toi* onllaaiice.*
»u.-h iill^l
It (or yoB? Tell aie—tell me. 1 Im- f<ire you a.fall acv-oont of torir h
rnav be arnsled au<I pe>»
T be fluaaulal diitUeoa ba* tx-ea
tore the Uccordee'* i .■iirt of lb
’’'^ryao.:- aaid 1. -TbiaR of telkloR.
J upoa v..tiTlctioo llierc<-f.
otoruoRb weal aad eoalb etelklh^ teTcre toaP eeer Maoy of the people
ble III a line Dulext-rvulii r
>r lb- rhetoHc that thou InreaU -by litre bad oottilnR IobtII but pour polar* be*i.le .-oat* of pnoCculi.i
' tatoe*. and there rra* Bo market
llie Ulk ’h -a dulBilore -U--.1 thj.
toe ImpodtiM of aach floe t
bib dial
with im-ilee laden ifwitoi.
Koto ealarie* and ber Rood m
furtorr order
tent Al-li-aa which you prombe
will euffic becaoae there d*
pn-preltr like »ilTer, b^ilore—wi^
Tr»err*e vouhty (or a peri..l out «x
»o little Boaey ia<
cnUloR tea da.v* or until i,arfa flae and
elRht hour, or tweoty—
H e are oow ready for Rold. or alteer,
William llryaa—will oi
hr duly »(
hereby iua.ii- thr
;ii.l hr a
an»wer? Xerer- or both, and will aot re(a*c papar oetbeo be o-er?" I»i<i
i, truaut«ifllv‘rr,.and’
1e*o eoopinu are offered.
Aod toe llryaa. oreer weary. throoRh Bid.wr receired frum our mkaHioary Ufrmao of till- < ily-f TrircrM,ybi.j
MkliiRto, (or-bwith b>arri-*l any
the dar and ilarkneea rtrearr
o board aofl the VI 11 U S. we
iirRlri iin-li-r (lirai'-nf *Uli-cn yc
talkiny. UlkinR eoe*eB-r. art
hnrri before. pirunoR hii fallav-iea ool- i-«nipelli-<l to obondoe aereral Itnpiw- l.iuuir rio Alnfl an.r I.l the e*«riai
flowlaR a* be trareb. teate ard RoinR. taal field*. Vet out of their drop poe- of toi* ••nilnalKeKK>
o'er toe waetr nf'wealrro pruirlea to erty our people bare, with Rrral >arri■chief of police of **U Citr, of rrarerwr
fice. cotflrlboted a rrry rrepdctabte ■vivy v«. baer
UBve tbr
voe boui of olar •iVlock p
amooot to to<- Imprurrmeot of cho:
W el
each .lay by IhcHaciuR
. B. dealRoaW
street eaRlar teute bell.
of thr Cam slree
property. -Trarenw City ba* paid I
.................. ....... ''
.'hi* •ordioani-e *hall take
Kki •'.. I'bi*
debt ofaboottMon. Harbor Hprli
effret twenty day* after lu publbmaad Katkaaka bare cloacd all to
Wrwlo hereby ertifythat the foeeRet ailed op with -cota- debt acenunw. and olbrn bare reduced
RoibR onlinaa.e waa pa.wd by tbe
ptex aatlere is i-uooectuu with toe their ubllRalloaa’ Abobr tlira
Couucll of tbe nit of TrmeeTuB tity.
See lilrer cjtieall.m.
Bellaire. Boyoe City aad Uackloaw
the 7lh day of Hepteoii-T, l««i
rlo* aot tefuR our biaio wilh
aiy. tie hare Riveo erpecial attaaII. a IUVI-. Uayor
lent* about the crime of
A. W. Riixliai' City t'irrk.
s» i
ter with toe m^y theorie* wi.lrh tiuB to toe liquIHaUM' b( the debu






The Cyclist'8 Ifeccssity.

wiu. 11-w; ciTN nnixR.

mi Ivi:*. aurMa, M-telka
nxrlKua. »





adronlei of (rn alleer an- RirlBR
New cbnrch roterprinea bare beca
“*ilot let M take a commpo-ieiiee riew laau^rmUd oo tbe Kalkaaka ckai]
of tor iltualioa
at Copv-iaUb. at Wc»l Trarenw. at O
X.iw Uiacarl wi
Lake, on the Bellaire clrcolt.
Koppoar Hryan
treecolaaRc acth
BoTTlIckellle. oo the (Irlatt cbarRe and
that free eoluaRrat lolaad. -some year* ar* » lady
ntold be lakei
Moppne tor idl<
Bade a sill RlriBRt:.->i to help
toamiot Bbd coioed loloailrer doll
to bolld a charch there. Till* BMry
will eoOB be ar*liable.
Two churcLB bare beca dedicatad.
A whole lot of pn.plejrbonwo*nrli
oar at (■IraMatM oe tbe tbor Lake
miae* hare il, aod m*
clccait. atao oae al realral taka.
llrolaed lotoK.
harinf aay non
A. J. Eidrrd rxieod tte mosey to paf
laee a ilnRle. <
for tkbVkurvb aad •
mder the free .1.llTer act.
Kxtco»i*v- ri-p»lr*
Umt all toe
Now. .uppoee- houewr.
. . ..ther* whn • •
'aafa<a,!tMar Phllkail to Waabia^n





To k'llTM AvtikfW.

Neill by mall on recrtiii of 60 et*.

{Have You Any Use!



MOP Kags.
y MOPsiricKs,
curRy combs,
ot ox Cards? J

>’0U with a fi^t-claas article at a j
very- low pnee


now nuinT wo­
olen do you know
who are dtntffjflinii
• they were aot
meant lb beiff beeattae tbar httabaads have ‘
their health > A man's hestUh is ao easy thinff
A little <stc and the riffhi
medicine mfllu it easy to rvffain U* te keu iioWr ate larwiar a«ri ■ ■
*a It <• ter eaur. eate ml late WUI
1st health.
Neglect disease Tlmtoe
Mte teTratemeC
hreeds death. Over worti. expos-<
me. wrong catinff. wtnag living
generttUy may esgender disease.
^If^'vje* «te. Il WMld teateailoff. Symptoms vary, -hot by tar the
If we aakod foe one tor BOthiBR. It majonty of diseases are tnaiked by

Corner Front and Cass Si


At toe Use eoxfruae decided lo eater
apoa tte
tte poliey ot par
balllM apd
ecdalaR iv which wai ta

-Saaatartal OMiaadsa.


te becRlur


B «<

for tte trih dbtrict art at Library
haU. Friday. Sept. II. at f o'eloeh. aad lBtee*ui.aBdeoM.
waa ealM v> order by tbe ehalraaB
Utet of aa. to Rr4 us*. Baat trade **.».
iboe. loBber^ •urar.^L^ tarot pes-; **
tte eoBBlUer. Uoa Itwry P Fbwna
od Cbdiltac. Oa aotioa. ff O Wkka of Beotlraad P. F. IWcm •




a drrtriagflBl the


WoU. b»laRai>.whT dowatatoaar erilldo it quickest oad most thoriflogWyii the tDCdnne to take.


pit is not
that makes the people Hock to jour store to get



L. C. ttaady. L. a tba. g E Bo^ey. H. E TharotM. W. C Woodoaa.
Alex UeKerehermBdL.J. Vail wen ^Ha w* bare aappisod tte sOeer to ba,' .searches Olfl dii^ geras whav
* aadU. .W. Kewklik.A.P.KUtocd.Jao.
. PaMpbee. U U. PaaL tbo. Ra:
Da)ae(l aad E D. WbMar
. leBMaadaMarlte BMUproBbeto pe.
dwiBR BtUaeMp
. fftHMi aot. aad aaUoMl teak bUla.| tte MMUae teM esruMtata fall
ffBHUMapMUff.aM ha«abaa>M<r ffuUMlaaHataM^ta MbMaHeM-

// —“ *


•^.r2r,Xtee.wi-.eb foe. do,.

toaru ww«aRsod..aBay peo|dc
[wte tooaRfat ooBeUiiBR ebe woald be
^ I- ^ I aeeiBBfy to Baiatala the parity, aad
tMlplaihdedateai-f cniaklaR abMl toe
I of too sUeer dollar Uat
follow, bat
thatffaMaafl alluw wwa lab
Tte parity b Of
AHaatttetiaaBan. I
• parity batwiM tte a
Tbb b I
e by pdMIe apeahira.
We baea
torn aad eoaap»rB!i
fleor Ui
ta tte Mrity with Roldofadattar
aUtyha. a


If he had bought a 5 cent piece he
would have been able to talK ft wfth hbn.
There is no
buying xfaore than a
5 cent piece of BattlTX^ A SO cent
piece is most too big to carry, and the 5
cent piece is itearfy as lai^eias the 10 cent
piece of G^her high grade tobaccos.


tte RorersBeatk flat is flaaactal
tera that Uada aoaw to tellere that alaRiy and alone tob repobliccae eola
Ite alleer of toe world aad flcait I
aoeey bytoeaUeofRold.
Uat •
5tSiL*’BlauaM bteltiSJta^
to-l dollar*, aad
D Kew Vorh to Rut coin
(bat there a
for It. dollar (or dollar, aad tte RoV- be a llBll to toe
erBBcat ha* alway* Rirua toe oreerot- jiaed by aay ODOUlry. and wbealtROea
OTRold orillree la tedeaptipo. aa be bey^ that liaut tte Boary which ba*
aiffkt prefer. BTbe Krtock woy b to :tte laaat lalriaaie ealae will bocaae tar* were oiled in Me heap ripbl oa
to* next block, aod
pay half and half, aad toen aa well aa
pebted aad that of
KnppteeeTery alsjrteoaeof them ws«
tor pantf b aalatalaed. hot Mr
•Orth IPO eeata here Bod ceerywbeee.
7 ha* Utea •oaewhai sore eoaWbat rood would they do a*, aelres
eBTallec toes that.
wehad aoBetbloR wc could trade by
By too* aroldl* any forelaR of all-' flUd would be ooeopiod by tte depre- w hich we eoald Ret oae?
Well, we bare ioaltolBR lo trade;
•ee opM the aote bolder tte Roeers- lUaled csnsacy,
oral baa ooatribolod laifely to the I Ur. Hryae bbm ban a brllltaot iaaaiBteaaaee of tte parity ot aiUei. [aRiaaUua tooMcolee bow tte Vailed
bare lumber, ao Baeb (or a
(actorlB*a*taiB-|Stataa oaa otdp iato aosey aotMly
iBffItepaHtyof tbe illrer dol tar b Ita [ the Hook of aUrur M haad. bat tbe iB-letal tender quality. The tact that toe ? nusa.d aaaaal peodaelof oorBlata.
ahalljaadabe what UexloD apd other for- fora dollar.
W. hare adrertWaR aod'aubacripbo a'bffal lesdor (or the pay:
of all I elRO ooaatrinaeBd aa
With oaeh
tkMta. ao Borh for a dollar. .
debiB. eiceept thaw
how which by epodflclerer-li
lb Roldiitedul
Bade payable la
I b» Tury loaR before not
Boaey. Rico* uMfldeacr lo the , Mly RoM bet rrueateoka aad baak dooH belooR to a*; they b Im ? to tte
BMwtetook toe allTur to the miht to
patalle. aMaa Boaey aUrw biaataa i
I wsbM be drieea
ualaable a* Raid.





Ahoat tte Um tte Utt aallaaal ro>


hare a
. . alml

liallop aaJm
Bake tte teapanry arRaeitatlM
naaaeat aad tte rr|««t waaadop&d
if B HWbryaDdC B Hillte were
appoialrd telirn asd the ofllee


ban tcM Mb oo rbarrk debu



;tlK«rfetb.qiiaitr,a»dihLlite «o<»l. lc» ,2



.'......J.................. ..

• ie^Muai



New I^nrHlfwre Store.


limiVjlLED III All THE WIHILD. IWhich will it he
UMt.-6mniBr of Vonoot Miio WoH by tt» Gnat
Gold or Silver?
: CoBQiionr of Disoaso, Br. Gnono’s Netyora.



RoAtsf 8Dm Ml Ma ft


M^lcine Which Will Surely Cure Them.


si'sttnsaarji’ses -2- SSTi-IS-^v,-!.-

towi ttm ft

to tha to aa It BBd to natoiud to toaltto
How I* yoar roUea opperliiaitT to
ftt wrfL
Noa U » far n» to deeUr
wtotoa yoo wiU raaato to year aolaot »akftaa ftad lU-LalUi. or

hfttffftftdcft •»«i,M»lftC*n‘T^“

tetopahiWi lUi
rkld ftlwanear_
WkftCM^to thlylto^at^el '^OtaaartSaafft^odft
aaajaa }ata'
.-Goaraor^ VafoaU ftaato
^wiUeaMal; aatoT^
wva. Oeaerftl Theaftft. *be i
to HatpftUa, Vt.. tt »• of tk

■iff >!!?ii*rT?i*rr *"“**•”


Wv^KUm. i^^.n. U*<Mjatt
._._____u kftft ap weMafftllp aada
ritkia here doM • r~t dal tor brr.

PaMoa dtaat for Varaoel. ftftd •


Ha« k wtot Uli mftft «f a
I ay* ot Dr. Granry Narraa U

iJtow^^Qft^ ihhUa to tkrin oa

nannak* Toa atroog, aaragatlc and ‘
rebaat. to girr you agato <be atardy
nwrr of aoond *1^ aqd prttr^
Try Dr. Oral
Yhft trOI aerrr ngtat It
aad-------Dr- UraaM-*
Ur»ao»'. Nerr
N ara blood
dylaaola ac«»llrf |ntoai nrdictoa. bat tbe dlaoorery of the
t' nset eac-1
eatofal aptetollat to earlag .
ebraale flliinnOreaDeof
' Vork City, irbo <bb <
litb suval. >
baaoDaaltod. f
of chsrtb. peraonally or by letter.

A iwnft Iran the tOftS poftftdi «oU tMaaUppto ftlraftdy.

yard ooeaptod by tb* oU atac. He wm*
tooarhi to be decile, bot be aUacked
ber ftftd bat for Ito fertaafttc appearftiChllaebaialiftftk.
U D-0>«ft«*.c<BdftC* (torft^ to .a^f ft twifbborabe*roold hare^ft
.HMftftkw «DBftlr. dropiMted. U»
Tbe yoaofcat laaeher of toofoarea
to tbe Btftto ia BO dooM Teey Vcvbl.
ioa of ft Cold*rator flortat, arto b 8
nimt aatoft wm teai
iftBft- Tafttor.
iU (
WUllaa B. Oriaa.
ttobatda Hlaiaaa

* “tftd^SSr'^ X.toBt--0«*«aor of'’Of-

Anerlean. abf Wbatarayoa.
Uns or detaoecar’'
"d Aenoerai.
•fared UatBportor. -Oh. Unfa too
told tba rtoeroy. *rttt a anile.
K denoermlaareroiacootof
Hn. Honor ftile.-w1f/of tbeatotloa
real ftt HraBcb HUIa. He., paid a rlalt
ooe day day mnatly to ber bnatoftd at
IbeatoUaa. ftftd thatTlali narked bar
to Arc yaara «• tka
adonaUtb* aBaal ;il etolntato*1lSS“TlJu«l'^«
Dotblag bat abar role «UI aatla-

e ftOlad prendMr. to alek at be:
wboa be ia teacblaf Geraifta. Tbay
< Is Hrooklyn with wboopiej
Boy hlBaatotcdaaaefery weak for
• •itblBfta eoftgb.iAicb abaeoatTBctod while oi
a Tkit to bar grood Atldraa to Uouae
tleev Mia. Betober to »« year* olA aM
mile Horaa, of gbelby. bad
to her toartb attack ot Ae
.....ftiitad at tbe hip Joint <to________
ft^ foBftd ttat
the boto <raa b ney-oonbed and bk
______ jae torkie •Itboat bto
Otod aMaltaa to aaall qaftatiUa
He walked oe tbe
lagepto withiaaa boar of Aeopentioft. Thedtoeftaebaagoaetobtoaptoe ^iU Aedbl^aJd'^'h^lb^^
DoUAed. ftftd Jbe e '
ftftd bft will die.





The above prices all from 26 to 33 1-3 per cent..
less than regular price.
Call and convince yourself; we gladly show the

, Svi wbo
..aHartoc or oat of
-I fta ptoaai^ ftt tbto opporl
baaltb. lelU wfaat Ala atoat nftrr^ofta
; add ay toaUaeatol to the wort
UtMto-* Narraa blood aad aarra raa- nedictoecftoe^Dr^^^N~ I alyhty-aU yaara of Ufa'*

Wa MiDo—liatFUf Ml «> •

. ,

^oys* Siuts 0^66 14 to 19 st $2.47* 3.79* 4.97* 6.93,

r^fE« sS^'6-47 7.60* 8.00, 8.60, 10.00* 12.00 and 16.00.

*w ftflcmnl Jodfc o< ProbaM,
BriQdtoi^Di^., ^ ~
- ■

iSraniTad baaUear-

- . -

t affom to br aick: yoa

jn.lsi2K^irfi=iS* S2 Kssjssisr^i'jss.

Ha Jftftfti* MeLftwrhUa «f BUM

Karrara blood

We take either and give you in return Ithe greatest
value ever offered in clothing. We lare offering
eepecially good values in Children's and.Boye’ cloth­
ing. Note prices on new up-to-date suite just firom
the market.
.Children’s Suits ages 4 to 14 at 98c, S1.29, 1.79,
2.00, 2.60, 3.00, 4.00, 4.60, 6.00 and 6.00.



T_ tJ. SOST,

CbastyilortlealUrBl a
I elety la preparlag
' r to aril
arU tbe
the apple crop
I o( iunembrra la Ragtaad. drepnrt
tbere to daily ezpeetod.
ttooi aa'agrat
as' ag
At Halllr Creek tbe apple erop la lb<
rleialty 1* probably the large*!
TbouftBdtal bu*bre roUlag

Popular Clothier. Hatter and FumiBhw -

iiA Front Street.



pays for tbe Grand Traverse Herald for 1 year
If you are not a subscriber to this paper al*
ready, now is a grood time to begin.

asolber eoeny that the Spalaarda are
oofttoodiag wlA, aad Ae diaeaae to
playlM baeoewltb Ae aBaecllnatcd

rtW- *»

bleb are to be enkarked forCak------tociaalag of tbe noath of iK-tobar.
at« of
of at
at.ino nea to aboat to b
a forre

Ab BftT City ft Are broke to Iba booae

a—Mh isntftg HaVtoday


Oaok.ftf JofteeTlUe. bto

tore mad
thft tftfta. ftftd Atoka tbftt It k ftboet tba

WhOft Oftt baattog Mr Lewktoa
Deator. of Wcat Broaek, atota-

aMl.totoktogblaftaek. llto

Bobert Hrlgkv of Haa I'rsftHaco. t
alraagalawaaitoa bto band*. Sa
inetioD of a lyatra eonprtolag
Im tbaa aa.oou nUn of ntUroad a
that gold ftftd alleer nton
IL .
rate willed that
elnUte* trerc atoaia. aad roa to a plaee u£a4^bed.
' glorl.MU Bile*
aboaid reeoeer. bat Ibeatoter refaara of noBftlftlB* ezteadtog
will be opeaed
to rvtam bto property aad I* mqdiag
Aro. and a halt nieete lator---------- bk noeer ad llbllun. BtigM “ “«.■«
to gat It^ack.
nM baea been Inpeaalbla.
lafomatlom haartaebad Ae trinaary
Tor twenty yeftia L. 6. War««. ot
seat that l.oiw pgaapeetor*
pfoapeetor* wba
V^toftU. bto be« eoraU^ a a_^» drpartmaat
rlB Aeniaiag regioft ot AlaacantodL...
they are Both
Krk Septoftil
Jattad Statoa w
the atotee by
BBiftg tte_Ttok of flowery k:
The Britkb'AeeU whidi bM b
-------- ,--------- . i, oo*r at aachor
.wntef Ae Aftsd
their way m Ae
o be gvaalne.
tke eoal of Aloaic*.
_____ _____ sad Hia Adolpka
r kftodabl Aatft «l
•le. woU-kaowB reaideatacd I
jrftrity baa bara toched
a from Uoabaa. lod..
_______jty. were grl*id AatAeBoweraarcdiBcaaaiDg Ar
- they
tbe* etopped at Clair
ipodtM a Aa aaltaft. that Alog
_ to water their
-It borae,
. drirlag lata
--------.V-------------- —aaotmtoring

the lake far Akt parpoaa.. U taro
tor lag tr£n waa alowed dpwa
ritbin tA I'ur
-d lata
lata deep
aroBad Ac borse backtd
. A Britkb tal of aben^
A*rild roaota Aebl.
IS warabipe I* off Ae latoad of TA- ____ *raa then Bade far the elty.
aad arlAlft May atrlklBg dUtauarrieml there tbe Are departioal .
thebtoaat. balaot befase a gMt aboald aa CBargeacy ariae, mod It u
Alkred A*t Ural Britoia will boI
beailftta to act alooe to Ae Batter of
At HeltoBd. Mk
patttog as end to Ae preaat dlagiftceAaU parfomada
bea atadeofAe loa batlt will roB
tal alftW of ftffaln If Ae oAer powers
toto the tboaaaftda.
datoy actkft too log. Them w— *Joha UaghglU. who alloarad hlnnlf

oa ttoU m'' wb^ a $”yi^ld“tal

hkbody wbUe Biftrcblag

SSd“i. SILS'KiiE

QF 'T'-FTTn-


Ert. 8,pl.J>ir?0—IM). Bt. l«eoB


Un. BBIy. Afttofttor. wosld -uka
■aly |i.H feon ft pUa of t^t aUa.
Hra. Mark WarMr. Itrlw Bear Blak.


Ss?V«nMthn>.thA.Seab ^
eaUnad ftflawto neaU gt^lto*

g^ftMafte. ftftd sne-hftUoftftoe- -*



At Bftnbcrf Cbarin Daffaftr wm* Aald ptosaad to at oat a faea of Aa
ataftftkVftgftBWlA hkbftftdoear tbe aera^tog fion tbe intiai'a leg to
aad Akwaadoae Tbonday
■anM Wha IVwat off. Ae -

w to A ^toffTbMws .


ft byG.____________,
tA ftpproTftl of Ae adte
Tbe ^ whkb Bank

kto.hadUwaaaSBaftaadae hart Aa

aS' itfalbSS of paralyatog all' It
terferaaoe to Ac aultoa'e niadolBg*
eae toooght
Aonght to he topaed toto BBtU tA Unabacane ripafn Ae at­
Vrba A *rae
tfartotitad.aTpdtoftUBaarUtof to a daAUA lUpor. wblA Ae pbyai- tar nto of ThrAy. to A; aggroadiir£ab.Dotked a little AUd ataadlag eka alnost ntotoA lor daA
>t of Bank, aana ftbat to eA.
- a AeimUeftBdealBly watAtog waanbAd wlA whtaAy and alt^l


the reTar»abaAaBdpataUe «nw- AlnagiAd Aat Abed beea bnlad
gocy bcBk*. asd wba tbe trato
allee. asd thk alnaaynied him.
-1 tba tonder alatoat toaebad
at c


M Aa l«btfttog Batatday aad na
•nV. Arawtog Hr Maakn <nt ftftd
^^ktottotoreU- Hki^oearyk

* "mSSt**StSSSf’Stol?^


TApeopleef Wot Martm. Urtog-




' rnlt ftftd Fra 'Nola.


eeftt a
•e boy*

______________ koi Ae


CItotoft eoBB^fftT
ketfor tAlrap^ at i
crop bfttof tA largni ei

lanarke. Ae


^ ha k ftBfabw a toWna lag to OOBAt Clai*, Aa cnl; a« ot doha W.

Baa k ftnrkftUag bk
Wba Ae
giooa Falla. (L D.
aid. they ailed
C^fttorAarbqy.wbaftbftMl l%frolttoblBfronHkhl- >ta. At BOW
. Sft^hoto ftftd WBftdrowBod bafora Bg Ifttrodaeed
ftA tA exdtable roraliBtrodi
M ftetanlly akpact to aec a areoed A^ Aaa^todriliaaUoo aad gioet
A torga anoaat ot Ay k faetog baled
Alt IbA
befit op to Aair nid*t- ya la tA Awn of a aew era fta
it Kftlhaftkfttwop
to Bagla aad Walertowa UwaabipaCUaton eoBBty. TA prtoa paU kK

"SS-SgrriXiS--- 6.26

-jC^lii^faMrto^Ae JaU: They

Utfttka la Aa Braowepl dktrkt. Two :a oCrially rftUAd by lA differat
ttftSSy^^twjS^^boaaa doaaahacka. oae 1
I triba of Skox to Ac weat
prana of aaatrot
. TM Btoto bmrdoftoftlA

Baraa YaaaieklrB. of Mgto h

Ae naA <t Aagaal th«

- eri“*H!r.r-5-5"
I. Oaldwaur. aad U
■ to bean Ob Ae 1
a ftfaeatAli..........


k? k

a fari'
ftlght. oad TdiA-. til., a alight aboek drowaed
edlsAteh-m. Atog abot Atdogk
ifall atfi;» o'clock
lly eoMtroeted cbal
It oaie fren a
Thanday noralag.
. Aat (au bdag A^mrud a




At RM BaaMlteraa. wA bad Jot
MkBMd fren ft bosk wm MrrlMy la-


thna «n»Me hlB AM Ae IM



ATir::^.n«»«,uHre.toob.. toi* 7Z~

^ -i

A good. Child* Wool Bolt


Keo'ff X>rMs Shoe. Is Uoo aad eoacraaa.
i Xan'a all BOlidSaaDraaB Shea

HSH^UTPrtoto............. ................. 3J^C.


itAMMMA AedaUMMCftt Ae



: J^„fthh.ou.hto;p.totod.....Jel
LaffiM’fine XXnffoU Biuw. polatkd

A Jaly t-i«. leer. Baa Pnackn h
Aa Bfttoetad atA ptoaeflnldi'

led bar tpy by aort/ M.


w~l». Bolt, tollv 1 rvto
povy^d.................. ^..................... lOC 1.76 : to0Hto.Do.,.i..-itoUdto.Q8^ ::
a good itolf wool Tooth.'Sidt
Q afi
for , ...................................................
Lkdla*' Ooodyoor Wolt DonvoU 0taoo -| KQ -

Jabez Dark, of Battle Creek. tUakt
AbMactoAakk backwhal rake*
for IA aontog wtotor.
He ha* S*e
aera ot baekwbat Aftt a*mgn far
fataadareea ladna to AlgkV aM k
faUotripatogcTMB. .

nee yeara ago Orrto CtopaeB. A 8arTAftOeaia bftAOfktod Smetyof ala. Oat. kfthw for^^Altog
nsayyaftn. Famarm ako apart large
age to AeArtk naaft ftftd *rM |
crapaef pototoaa, and eone aa caAd^dMnS’Ae
ap for dad. Thk wmIi bk falbar to- --------'.Brfiw.thalraftleM

........ ...........
WJJJ*. *.ir *~1 Hov.liys.dtto,.

lolt. lolly worth $8. ft

etc., bdftg paAed

y esbaotod aad tA reMf eonnlua
bM l.MO fanllka a Ita basda. Tbe
rallrodaoniBlaka Are cat off Iraaeghab of HWolft k aastoa to
oa paftaca mad tA toaioaa
' TA ftople crop la Cklbboa eaaty la
aM ftre taklag ArMtpge of tbe
tAkrtMttoAe bktory ot Aeeao_____ . aadwattooplUrtAlr clalBta
ty. Hftftdrtda of trea are breahtog
at M towM ^ble figore. Hore dectrkityaadetoan.
down BBder Ae loftda of trait.

Al Bftlalgh. S. C. PiMidMt Hefttrr
of SAW mftltarHty k aoUAd Aat
atlB- *a of Kiftg KftM of datb Atria wil
1 will A al- A aat Ana tor •pedal toatractki
aad that aaoibar aa irUl A aat to a
ar By Aewan
atorad omhadtg at Uule Bock. Ark.
TAataanar«n Uespool.
ndnd Sew Torti Batorday noralag.
yoBM MM by
na faU fron tA
____ _e raprnatftUea
„ Ae^M
OniAA* AAAlaidftyaDrraBiB toto
laha. laaMw la twaWfari
ft aociew. «A bM hat
> tA aofte of Ae i
iH Ae


Inldy City I* ft

Boston Store

The opening of this season’s business is much to our grat^ ifleation and pleasure. We are confident of our success ns ^
t we hdve luckily obtained the means to secure the santoSurprising what ready cash performs nowadays. Our thrM
weeks visit to eastern markete hA satisfied our ambition.
We have brought home with us bargains^ unequalled in the
history of trade. Our store is now ^filled with brand new
merchandise, secured from small manufacturers, at ridicu­
lous prices, who were forced to sell on account of the tightning money market east.
To convey the idea of what we are doing at the present
time space will not allow. Our bargains need to be seen to
be appreciated, but we will endeavor to give you a few illus­
trations to prove our assertions by quoting a few prices:



Maa'a hand aewad CaU Bkht Bheaa


2-15 1

98o P
1.28 =
1.98 5
ijzb h

For ftirtber infomuttiion. call at

: BMsr BftLTS to Ae werid «n





.ftoaGaa-e. OaoaU. abSa too lato Ibr atato aaaat. Hat PrtdM-«rto ballet, to almdpa
to the atola. bartor
ambtrto tba haaae to'tbapoat

Bs Ttiw SncTOdnc
Jtelliw tonal— nnlted

L yittonna bb oallad ap
md aa artlda to (ba Oaa«i> Ttot<
BsaatA to Fob. It. IMI. Bblab bob
•tol naaln< hp tba eoaraaltoa. aad aarr lad Bard. H. A. laarBorthr. *
Bblab niriBB tbaaaallaaatato tba Batoi. A W. tortok: tIb ward. T. O. <
b: Itt BBto. W. B. Oaitor.
Dr.C J.KsaotoBdBat aadatenpa.Jtr rkilrata aad to a toB Boedt
ttoakad tba eeanatlaa, aad .to a foB
BtootaatoBoU-Bordodfrootolnr talk

Prnehl^ at t0:M a. b. aad TJt i
a. Seadaptehot) at IIML
A V. P. l-.atA.Up.B.ialhad>BK
•rtoa. UadB. Cbm. ttoaau to

a A^toU laa:. ba leta-

a—tTlcMry (arltorw*^.

«faa if IX.UI: IMi
M.«M! tl* fTMto

toamalr-B. C Oaala. L. K. Olkto
Ftr. Off. aad Crier af Baatotn-B.
. Parrto. D. 8. l^ktoToa. A. K. Falr-

UwMa rnMrleU>7 udtoa
m—r ol tkc twalt to SoTMtor
tkn^toiat'tk* wtoto ceatoT.
ThfM Onu MMUwn-


Kttm Mon to all tha%taM7 of pelitiM to Ut—d TrawM Iran thraa aaok
toTr**-!- kaowe at Uuac sf Fridar.
aatordaj aad Hoodap laal. TkanpahUeaaaanpalra— tornallrotNaad at totlafcttn Onni aa Prtoap ara»
toe krUoa. Jao. «r. HUI. cd Ohio, aad
rraab H. Fowlv. of BaSato. K.
T. Tha aawal oard ■anbtof dabt
WMsblad with tha thM war^ elab, at
lTB«to-ttoU.oa ttoathUaloo alraat.

aMB(. Tha hall watfaekad tetht
daanaadteoraairaaatofaadairay.BaaUataaoban alaadtocraaB. rraak

Oa Botloo the e<
J W. Itoaata.dlVadUortotbtnallpSaflr. r.adadtoptoe aad Hir. CaSMthBard SooaA
danreodnadaproparv Mr. ttoartara.
t mertoan fttilaktor oa a AaMr. Hod*naad Mr.1!ador»ood aadr
a apptoraata. Tbt Bortp ymiVm
Ulba BbOa BtoUaf^lor tba ro­ _____BiBor rtollorm brcaa U>
Ibtor boBOt tprip to iba aoatk. to wf
to Blatar aad acboid ttoto-Tboar
ad aa aaUttod to a
remtotd bUI be rkhip nBardto.
epirabec aad tbt tarip part to
. „b« an at aMBt bttaUftl Boatht
af tbt poor to Onad Tnram. with tba
I aararrd hllto to tbtir aataaa
Sta«r-ir. W. Waader. B. W. Opdr. Bdaato of erlBaoc aad fold. Bhaa tba
C B. Hoaroa. T. J. UbIot. Bobu -ftofallratothanpataad.
Tba St-ah-la-Bmala hotel dated paaBow Bap-P. Baiteh. Wb. BiBarda. tar^p afltr a taeetaafal ataten. Tbt
U J. Waaeatt. Bavp ftorilato.
t bat baaa rerp qalal toetollp tbit
Ptrr ftoB-to Kaau D.CBeitbtoa. ptor.bel tbt hotel aad . eotiafW hart
J. a HtublBB. U.
brto Boll ailed aad rrorp oarhatea>. J. A Hodfat,
JtpbdtbtnttfalarBofUo noortlift.
idd—J. K. Oaatoa. O. B. Otar
TbtLoelaaaa Botalaad eottofoaat
m. Joa Laataar. C A BdfoeeBA Jao. Obm elmd to the aratca Hoedap
Tbit to M^tafrt Htdreotoo t Ant pnr
Oraal-J-8. Borlae. W. Ji rliina.J. atpBtaa. botall Bbowon andtr bto
U Borttop. a M. tieball.
htodlp nn hope that it bUI aot hr bit
Oma Lohr-W. M. Bna. W. Wi^l- latU
Boa. Joba BartA
kaotrt bow to mkt naon lift pltaa
Aoa« ttoa ilaa. Brorra. J. B.
0 CTMtalp, J. W. Laoa, AOoabJfoptold—D. 8. RIehtr
hIM. W. A Ktbell. 1. Itof

h—ad toaUlata or tirtair ntoaltaPawdltr-U K. (libto. D I
talk. pototod trUboararal taklaf ate- keep. J. 0. Ootaer. J. Q. Hod
itoa. had haaadaa piaealae iapata.M. SwalDatoa. O. A I
toea. Mr. BilltbaaaUaokadttH
d thaaaasjaad tbrair hetoballfor
aa hearaad a baH. Both to the f
attoa appaaitkB. aad aaaator ap, to
MBa Baton, the talk <d tha ••whlri•tolbar falton- ban' baaa


■atartopiiaa -Ptarat''dar.aBd to
too aiuneoa IA» paopto. tanra);
fKBBt. Itouaad le'aa adnliah

8 i«br|iard. A. K. 811nr-

L booSald. W. H. Boird.
A. O. FUrbaaka, A B. Wttolar. H. F.

Ttoranr (Vy. Itl H'ord-Robart Maa
a«p. A P. Potrla. Ur. C- i- iwoortoad,
J. W. BaBaea. Dr. I. A TbetD|»oa. M.
A Btohardaea. A B. Bratoca. Peter
Herabore. H. C Darla W. P. Ootaer.
Trotanc ruy. to<* Hard—Dr. Z. H.
Braaa. J<» 8todar. Pnak A. Dna. H.
W. UadoTBood. Tboa. Fltcb. A Paapbera. U. A Q-Mtal. B. iBBEtrortli
u. baaa.
TVanm Clip. M rstd—Kail Bailer.
TMthraadarawan tUtofljM
aasBol BoIbb. a. W. BartaB;
ad ap oa Headar anatof br a B
BattiHt at Blaiebtrra Uiaad. Baa- Kaaa. doba Partaah. NorBoaBULiH.
Martaa, d. H. Ivrtc. Praak Zalta.
totda ware oaabto to ret tote the lait*
. halL tba toad aad atatehtor elato Oeatpe UUI.
TnreerM C'iiv- .«*> H.ird-Jobh A
BaaoaFrtdajrDWUtata.« D. Koapoard'-Bardeo. Tbn.
. ttolltear'C. A Trarla. daoirti Farlaak.
mnrac (*110, Mk ITord—W. B.
r. d. O. LaacBortbp. L. A Baadall.
Pnd tMnraa. ddha Taolah. Adas Ut
■ taeoaaaa farntdoatha j
Ob —Aloe tto foport Baa tooptod.
«BarUabahaadnd orman
■Mtaaaef tba tewa aad i
trr inre tntad. Than wwo Baap
• to tba cTBt aadtaaot aad all
Bade paraBaeat aad raeoBOMi
d toaa aalbottoaUe iratoo
tka atoettoa of aa aaaeatln oaB
pBkaa of tba onatof.Jtr.
lUtee to dra. aad that each i
toinna. epaaed to a tra BtoaW
tad BBTdahaU aleetaa adriaorp
d Hr. Haatck. who
ilUaa-Bae irbo thall hare poBn
Ball aad brtalF. dagator to a
Plato aad mj nUataelerp Baaaar toaallto blaaidaaeb otheraaaittaaia
Ua paallloa apoe tba enat Iob« aa ba Bap daoB aaetaeaip.
Tbaeteirappototadaa taltanW. A
a aad foedprodtp. aad tba
Blor. Oao. Ooactot. CbaA BdcrItoM bp tba aadltaoo Bat r»d proof eeaba. Teap Bartok. The aSean
ena. who areaaad fnat caibaati
hto ladlaeta, aad irho taatlrad a
tnatnartka Baattoe. aeattoatofaB<=-to bt inaeblicad to'taha kktiatofer
tbaaoalhattno'doto. JadroLorto
BabtrtawM ekalmaa of Ikb---------f
aad hatUad Iba poatUoia apla^ldlp.

Sttbaaattaa toBbleh Hr. Haatok It
bald btn aad k a raaraa^ of tbaew
«tol aapporl ba wUl noaMat tbapaUt.
Baa.HB.dUaa«lBlthwaa tbta to-btodatod aad foraa boor aad abalt
baU Iba root aadlaaot aako^ltlBl
aptahiT arar haU a Trararat Qtp aadlaaotbalera.
All tba tnaad tIbaad
olEorefhkaplradtdBaabood b_
tote that addnaa. Hr. Utb It aa or•lea toall tbatthatam iBfdIa
vbta a ciphlaooa aaaaa la to he adro-aalad tba Bhola «em of Ua alardp
•baraattolabiao^ttotoplay- Than
to aa abew. ae bnBtoat. bat 'ittla
•totT talitor enrp BOBaat b aatd to
MBtb blebeatdad bntaad t


tloa of fattu
AltboQfh to iu Am
peartba botol haiBadea rerpfaror
•bto npatoUoa aad It will bt Ailed
otzitaBBor. A oomberof mb eoU
lafOtwIU boboDl atibe mert Beat
Traroroo Bncb toiUUopra to the
— -a af bap forrr
Tba tact IhatHra Driloadort will be
afala Beat pear ataarca a
ertotal teatoa. at all who iren 1
UtoaBBBrr hope to mare iad to
tbSnrloadt with tae».
Tbt bpriSt Beach mort hotel
MllarlaB. eproed to the Ant tiae

battbe fonU bare be«* s">“ ■«“

totolatarr aad waa eleeto4 bpi
Jorltp orer UraiB»k>a caadhtoW ol
He Bat n-BoBlabtcd la lr<e4 aad
rer «400 plcralitp aad Ituoorer
both the deaiocral and popelitt
OortBf both trrtat Mr. Conll U-_ _
proBlaent part la lepitlatire
^lof a Boeiber of tereral to
portaal eoBmlltea.. locoed
the jedlciarp eoiDBlttee dartof bi
Im aad chairaaa of tbUeoo
BiUee the aeeoad terta..
Hr. Carcll It aa affmtin worker,
food Afbtrr aad' aa aWe Baa. H!
eloetloB A of eannr. aianrto. aad lb
oalp qaetUoe it at to the die to th

Flowen for EreipOodp,
I------- *■----------- * the Trarerae Clip
I Co. were nrrrr to a> Aor a abape
p are Uto fall, aod the prlwpccU
e oomisf rrisier are that '
tea freal abuodaac- •■fa
Ba>ortiP __________________ _
popslar raricUn of flowen.
tmiUs to tspertor la ijustltr asd
BoAoel Motet.
itp lo asp prrrioot mtoo hr. I
The atteadaeee la the dlffemt ba* pul to twlco tbe ptsil qsaamp ol
carnaliost. is all the flant ttaaJn. aod
fndtt to iBcrmiDf dailp. aad'u ton­
the nan are atoo to fisc oooditiue tor'
er r^-" orer before to the btotorp of
ebooto Then are orer lie
roUad. SIS of wbOB are to the bifb beastr. ThiK week tbe ttock ol palsit.
diolFoped thi* rammer bp tbe fra**.
hopprn. ba* been rep
repleatohrd asd it ir
larrrrasil beller tba •rer before. It
will pap all flowtr Ic n tortoit '

rbo are lodfed or Iteiaf with
relaUen wltMa the dtp. bat wboae
bomn are osulde the dtp IIbIu.
to tbe dtp merelp

ClTil Boreloa
________jereloe of t
toeotntantle <tease<li
r U. psrpore of attemilaf rehool [
d whofdlowBOordtoaiyor pwma-;asdlB the renne* ofl
Tbm plaon
patios wlUto Ue dtp.
| Ue c iolrp
wnoos aboee Ue afe of tl: |7 " e who pan the bnt
These posItloB* sre for life i
>e dip. Pere
tbe irarf^ of aUeodisf school;


aad Hto Cbariotu U
dto.- Ttoai
Ue a food dtoplap at the fair ont ,r*di <e mr io*nr» w tw ear —
-ek. if po. bare aap sanaallp larp, ,
tbatooB of Mr. •bHI'i addr« Mr.
Wfkim or poiaton. aap eapaclallp j wraU mad l.wan ifc- see m-________»
■aiB aaaaaatid that ba had )att n. Paapbrn aad I
. aatoodadliptathtreaHatotaBaoaBednw their aaln ea the rlphth ballou
tof that the lapablltaat had Brrtad
Hr. O Keal oa the taetb. Ttw
tba atola that dap bp aa>Bitp
aatioo of Hr. Wpakoop wat Bade
what Ue Oread Trerem reftoa caa do. j

tbaBbato aadlaaatiraae teibdrfaot
The eenne wlU eoodsde oa Hsreh
•bd abaand aad paBad aad cbearad
BalloUac to elerk t
(U wtU s desedptlnrof Ue oeUhres•a faming Flap at OberemBem*- b^



Al^daf Tlewa
fbaerii—■■ to-to Jlaalak. aad the
naattar broke apaad tka crowdadto
paato atm tharrtof for HeKtolap,
d. aOnalar...
AC Ballar...
daba HUbala.
ttpabUBB to the aitp aad aaaatp. aad
tba'aaaleaaatod eppnltoB bUI hear

Tear taw paopto imltn Ibodiron
htaoAttolha factortoatotha to
totBoMaof tba,toBa. HataABlltba
.................................. B araapad K.«0
BBoth lobaaBpI
ByaaathathBa pattoiBBtolatoto-

E September weather opens the demand for IkU = ;
E wraps. We’ve received our first shipments ;
iz ot these goods and can show you neat and E :
E nobby styles, pretty and desirable effects, and E ;
E the prices are low, at



: Reliable Tradiog CcBter.



Red Ticket
We have marked down the price on 1734 pairs <
of all kinds of footwear. We can save you from i
20 to 40 per cent on yodr shoe bill A Red Tick-1
et mark down sale of reliable footwear is 'what!
[J we hatre to offer for 30 days at the new shoe store |


^118 Front Street,


Wurzburg Block.

Traverse City.'Mich.


An Act of Kindness.

Traverse City, Mich.
■ Cents—We have been using your “BEST" flour for some time, j
and we are happy to reporUibat it is giving excellent satiafac* j
tion, and we feel that we are doing our sister consumers a )cind- ]
ness in recommending your flour to them.
Tours truly,

I Alfred V. Friedrich.
r to Prlsdriob Bros.


130W INT FlbOaibNlSS.

We ars giving the Biggest Dollar’s worth of
leather this month you ever got.

INew Firm
New Goods
I But.ttoe**m.dld^kjt^^.^^»b^


Traverse Oty. Micblg^


e eooetp. lo leK be caa
ne Citp aad ceaUaood kit pratlit Am brlaf that of Dodfc A lor. Ber. J. W. MUter to mere foraapear. The pear baa beea a rerp
I. la levs be Bat AoaiaaMI
UtnpeWkaatof thtodUtdet to the plconat oer aad tbe Cham to la a rerp


nto to tiekew will ^e^ aext i
The ml Btrafpla to thaooarr
The eoane wUI be the Aaeto pet flreB.
tea mm* oa tbertff aad the ballotlar aad naadt fall to be • ascena.
aa folloBa. all iaforBal
Da Oetobsr «lh aa eatertalai
Bill be fine bj the Johatoa-Sallep
daatlea. Htoi Johatoa to tbe tal-


rlen are held to the A U. T. M.
No. Its FreettUoeiBa foHtwn;,
ITBoratof terrieeatlOiSO. Haa-I
dap aebool foUowt mcmiaf ^arrriee' ! i
Frfdap eraalaf eapei^eaer BeeUaf. 7S

pi.1. of hard tinea thto pnr. Tbe eot- (uiv for * food pnr'* work.
To Chicafo aad retsra R.uo ria H. <
were ABto earlp Is Jaae aad apTeochen' meetlsf* are brlaf held'
N. E and N. M TV. Co. ttokeu *oI
pllaanta ban boea teraad awap hll
rerp eecBiafthto week. A sebedsU from BobtoOcU isth. limit lo retsr
nr to took of room.
>r tbe meeUaf* will eooa be made osU
ttcietlp a “eottafe" .ream, tha aa
H. W. C. -.risoHaa. AfU‘
The IpcesB will be orpaalied la the
of famu hat reoebed Ihh pear aa bifb earlp part of Korember.
at aaeeatp at oae time aad altboQfh
A foot ball team ba* jimt been off^
otbar laaortt are cloatof there are mUll lied. Bsder tbe maaafeBect ‘o! Hr.
The Trarene'Cltp bnlsm
s* Uep fCt to ba* secured Hr. Flm to lake charfe
of BhoB Biu alap oaUl rrell toto Oeuij pctow tratoiaf famm will be pUped
frediiatc of UopeeoUefr and, atoo ol
ABssf late arrlnlt are Oad with
- - - -taast
- - - from
- - - selfbbartof
- - - - - - - ciUea'
- - - the Mwkefvo Bsslaen collefeu He
aad ^mc freataport to expected. Thto to prepared for the retsre of better Omn
the Aret tn- to be orfaslx^ here, aad ,
Inre.s, .o-eUtof e^^^
rill p
-mseb totemt will be taken bp
befin Ueu 4ih. Call
lo Detnilt le-dap. aad Hra. A. 8. W«
; or write fn lolormatioB.
aad daafbtar wlU Inn for MIddletoa.
Tbme ba. bna eoasUmble dlAicsi | «•*» '
O.. lo-iaorTow.
(p la tbe |BSt Is dewminiaf who are ]
Kuemitb Aassai Ohio Exesreloa
Hark Place bat come to be a easier
pspila AtaiTCealmeet-l Wedsndap. i*.-L Tib. ibr Aas Arbnr
to hap fereritca. who Aad relief trea lac of the w:booi board the lollowtof: ^
r. R
Elereslh Asasal
tta^r troable la tbe bractof UnaA
Tekett fend to
reUe were laid dows^
D aor refelar Irala sptU Nor.
Tnreree air.' Thto fall then are f
Tbe penoB* bebnflDf to each or Tth ipcloeiec will be wild to Toledo aad
aatobn to feeau at the betel, who
all of the toDowlaf damn shall be all Mtou oa tbe Vfbeeltof A Imke
ftmaddlfhUal eetoto.aad la their
Erie Bp.. Cdnmboa. Rocklaf Valtep A
Toledo Bp.. Ublo Ceotrel lAoe* aad
pUbnat Mbb Ihep l—ladc Baap
I. All Wbomidrouuideoftbe dtp ClBdonaUl. UamiltoD A Dapton '
t the towaa-poo
Tbe fare from CoprBtob to Toledo
arealwapi happpto jola
t. All wboae pareaU reaide ostaide rrtsts will b< oolp
to aa Idnl ptoee to a atoetht or
of the dtp llBito, prorldfd that Urn nader 1! pean of afe half Uto amonau
Low rele* win also be made to all
Boalht' ritlu aad erarp pear
pnpll ba* aot otoabltohed a home to poloi* on read* aamed aborr aad no
aad sere are Aad thto DOU
the dtp |Bdopeod>ot of rai>port bp be had eo applintioa to asp Aas Ar­
bor AfeaU Train Inees Copemtob at
■d or rsardiaa.

datotBTfroB Hr. FUa
Bkioh bt daeUard to alloB bit
rmafed to. aad anrlp all Urn d
ba aaad. aad Hr. Darla Baa a


to aatin cetlaBt.
t Ta^ to tba Chrtotoa Radnror
; Btrilsf. "The Si^ to
hone itlnloB'
- - BodhmU and

iheaifktasd Irsfrasr
*0 that ps|
tHsI planU asd flowerr
eeribed name caa eater the bifb
rire to qaieklp. The rtoa freoi the ectool os their cartidntet to prorlsf ,
ofTrarknie Clip Teat
hoBl It bneUtal aoB the place will u- nry popelar. a aasber bartef «-b! j.*",
ate requnted
- attend tbe
- ' to
doabtedlp be rerp popetor aaothcpr eea- la thto pear to that wap.
riew, SepU l"tb. i_____
e^ at IB BMritt become bAc erldelp
}s*l fet-1 important malten of btuinemto
rberraad pepllt
before the lesU
Bp order of eomBitlee.





toBdap aekeol fotlowa.
Halp the
ehOdrea wltk the '
Jaaior Chrtottoa
laf. Heett at t p B. Tto*n^
T. which It a mini

da—A B. HeValUa.
daha-B. ASbapatd.

|NeWjackets-^ :
capes for all.


$1 buys a Kan's work Shoe—a good one.
$1 buys a Kan’s Fine Shoe-Uke others at $1A0.
$1 bays a Ladies Fine Shoe—reduced from $1.40.
$1 buys a TrfMlIee Everydi^ Shoe—the shoe for fall*
$1 pjiyn aRoy's Shoer-all leather.
$1 [Kissee School Sboee—no shod^.

p «. A Dbtori—B- W. P.


M. E. HASKELL, HsBsgcr.

Seccessors to H0II9- * BUliims.

'It pays to trade here and people are linding it out



State Bank.

dV of Dm
in tke ti
orti ai« Frapwior oskflXte lor tk« tdr.
Md tlw 4l^)Uj wlU bm DM of tbelatMUBC dl.Uoo« of tk« on doTaa Hlebiraa Tradtaiaaa. of Oiaad

Biuvtou r^/m

eigtnmtTrarwm Otj. wiU

.occaartafa oaobatldlor

OnoftkopmUtMbookoto of
r« bk.0 ooea la tUo oobm of Am
froU wm praOMIod to tkt UtMAiJ’
with the eecuUaMMoftha Beaotior
turn. It fo^od

>. Mr.B(

Itodoe Blaek of tba C * W. H. laMraod oe Moadq^ toeai a dait la
Hia. J. 0. Tbariaall. af Cookt.
itT. — ^ dalUar
Mm. O. MeOoaald.

Mr. aad Mm. B- J- Oalonao baro
— waa BO way to (ol to
toraad to Kalamaioo afur a daii witb
t (Bia( iato Ue riror, aad
tad Mm. Ualarao.
m otood In watorboariy to Ua
latoa laoke; laft today for
Aafolaa Cal., wham bo la to bo mar- waki tor aa boar <r nmra pattlag
ao y wa— OB Ua banlB( belld'
tof. Two ar Uiaa BafarUBBla airBoM. Tracy ol Stoiria
0) V TaeadaTja tto iBleroai of tito Kalw6d yuodepartmest.
aaaaaoo Paamlc ttoBlaafy.
Ua hydrant Introaty
h« trtead fi— To— wen la «bo city baildlM •• aeeldaat t
mad—d Ua b^dmat —loaa.
WMamday for a few boon.
I ea(iM tailed la pan ow1b(
Mim Marfarot Aadetoea rotan
Uo ySeatty la (otUaf water Uro<«b
Cbbaco Um Ian of tbe wook. 1
Ipe ti— Ue riror to Froal tuaet
rUl witb her yanata aad atouca beta.
Hr. aod Mra. J. to. MlUlkoa rotora- bydianv A momf (rewU bed dlled
od laat aWfbt from Malaa. wboro they to eoBC extoBt the menU ol Ue ^pe
oallod by tbo death af Mr. HUH- 1b Uo rirar. Tbo aBBAlo Benr liked
Uk way af eappiyiar wator to Ua
bCB-a brother.
Tbore am Ue maay '
Amoar the mlalatoco attoadiac coa-

Bar. B. U i
t. i\ya. Bar. J.
Bor. tv. Boatb.
Maiom. Barhar aad UtUeby. af tad)aa. wboaro hay fcrer rletlma. retaraadbomcUM weak afteraa axteadrd
otay at Ue Trareror city laa.
F. W. Knapp, wb— flae work wlU
Ua BaoUeco Ult oeaeoe hae mdla
rf«««ma WiU all leraia y Ue aai
: fame, left today for 0—City.
Mim Koulle Hula—b. wbo U ttMaf
A. VoB Toms. wOl oom ro^
loaa thowalllatbe offlerof
eonroo la Uo tralalaf edool for
at faetoiy toaa eCdal bloa rib01—at Aaa Arbor, retaraod Uaro
•m—ooa olorttoo .!■ MolBoeo
r--*-T bat Toaadaj'a DaUf KarU bad WorldV Fair, awardiac to tbo MUilKaBBaak>tOo.the
— boar* of It._____________
laiakeu aad oratoa
ItiaadeAU. tba tallntado bora—daoM faro
Oraad BapMa. wb— abo wUI rcaala
«Br —fooad trlf totboa. oooatac “
% toraed oat by tbe
I^OfaodTVOBoraotolryrBtooobMioo Uraae Aohaaod. wbo baa bera
Wt—will bo ba«BB tblawookoaU
loadliW tko sammar wlU Mm. J. B.
. B. 0DurBa.wbo bai ^
V.BMBoU'a baadaq—BOW roal.oBto. will roura to Oraad Blpldt to­
oambotroac W. U Browa hi
morrow. MlaaJobaw>a.whok ]ai ----------iBtoadaat ol Uo Oraad Bai
Oao. EBAcaa. who baa for aaretal
yoanSUad the plaee
ihodbiail aad UpowrlUiy la C. B.
eotlaco. iaa tokda
Am ^ ge4attetho&^
tha pedllea af i
OST nodr tor tho Otmod Trowow
aaylaB. HM ylaec la the baalaom
tyr. Ma orook.____________
I— irUI bo BUad by 1. J. riai
ttDna WonoB aorod boro fro* fiadialeof Hope Oollaro aad «f a bee-

Citnilitioii tlib wMk 2.30U

0—tkrr F<"*lr baatfa B lto>7
Mra naoh. who aaaMa her
I al Uo woriil ftrim

^ Taooda,. Th-adoj aad
teaa. OmMT k im* eompi
aMt^ oaor «MC* Oh M


Tnhay bealaoro—alacoa tbe
aobodala. Tbo Ooletobia waa take
bor rofalar iwoto baterday alEht
wUd tbalwat of the —
She loaded at Bowan Barbor yoatorday
oriU trait direct
««■ —pMtthopoaltloa y ooo- wblcA wiUbotokdBtoCbebaynbaad
•eoaly boat oa
• >—>7 0* tke MioUgaa Hayo L—bar

Oa. —dooataatbrUodoatbofJ. W.

ni-'-f viu bo auad br B. B. HaU.

It la pmpoaed to obancc Ue bid alek
aaoM of balatb B—. by wUeb WaU■.WanuxsyiObrblBoxproti to
iBCtoo otiwot la Uo ridiilty of Uo
0 tadhaa aaat otoah.w oWt

d—Aooaaa WlUiaa r^e* boaadod

' -naUoaaai tha 1—b ohaU Ua dotogatb* aad a-oU—dolUr ahaU 1—
1 twolro uaehora, wiU
Ulty of ratolac paa^ plaato. brlaya
the Baaaui a qaaatlty. uiailOilBlag
I to. a T. 11. hart b— dolar
toiyo oambar to boaatlM oarletie
—aaat watt Ulaaammar. U addltlea to U^ r^lar Friday maoUafa.

Jisttn lonlifl


Perieetif eleeuil

Our Business

Others follow. Not a
thing bought for our
Bt4>ch this year that
the leaders of feshion
would not approve of
The makers of Ihe gar>
ments are the real
leaders of feshion,
that's why.

B. B. Mom Borod bto dracatooa
j«i fawq—Uy oa ScBday atur.
tbM —ak lato tbo a— part of Uo
^ wbtob Are boos wallaUeadod.
a—a oaoaaWbyUo Woatora Uakm
.aad TotopbeaaOa BatadtUBcU ap Tbey w— Uo dm to a(ltoto Uo corfow qaootiaa. wbtob roaaltod la a “earlataadahapatorbi
(ow atdlaa—- balaf paoood Idl rrsok
by thBoOBBcil. TVt karo aka ardor- aadrral—BbdUoaqbaaiexklMv brItoe^hoal Ua waaly bara b— kaat- oi Ur ‘-DBtoB Sicdl.* Uo pony orfam
Uo dkplayo aado
—oa. Qab U— baoo baoe fra '
Ur W.CT.V.Odt to twolro elw
I—.aad Ua balla aad adaolb
_ tod in Uo oily tar a year. Tbe W.
C T. U. y Tt'Btaito caty wen aaror
eOn eat rddy far work Uaa
OoTadteyodalBEMaaMabal Ur
towmbataU. to aat»-TBrOto;d|V;__________
a— waa ftoaaa daUcbtfal WrUday
Otoprtto pany by twoaty of bar Haado
Kbxt wadwUlbaaU— y aseBratUabo—y r.J.UUto. Qaamasad
aaa ter Ua paeyo y Uk part ot Ua FMdd ytarae—wfllatfaBcta larfa
—to. UBTaaadar.8dhta.lbaG. B.
A I. wUl m Urea tea doy aseaiUoBo.
Mdb lator— wUl aad* la Ua aaato Oatryt. Cblaata aad Bidmstod. one
at Wadaaadw ■>—to( far Ua
fa— Madiaaw. ear fa— Modry WbtoWa CoU— tok—mkip. eCmad ■ ■a.4iii-Mtoaim.—to^—.
aad aaa tr— TVaroror Qly. toarlny tor Ua b— aa— eat y dm Tba
b—MOittato. TboC. A W. M. will yBaac paepto'wbo bara miared Uo
m aa onrai—aUa to— day fa—
1 are all wall aad tomtabiy
peialo yi Bloat Uallaa to Cbltofa
ta Ue eoBBty. aad toak to pat>
A aaamrvL taboo— to— the Da—il aad UOm— Tbo rdolar HeaMriy krttht a—to. They am
^atoba—ad Ua Tiaooioo GI9 natal MiB wmiaarobmoatTkaa to. aad M— Itoi^ EaU y Mayftald. Lari
a «ru— aad Wto.
Oa. BIMtto a—ata oMaa wlUtoar aaptoWfa—Fatookay wiUlaarattyatTatta. ThaM.AE.B.k
iBto yTm—toO^. Thai—
IMtof aadBM«»B*B‘Bb.kalk toU-------•-( --------- to.
bw aaeaidto Hd—— aU fOfyar

Dur$ATiBC8 DepArtaMat


TbBtoday to*tolcddy.' at tba toM.
la Aatowalnt—tewMy te —



„ j




cirefully and see the offer we make.

With every Cook Stove or Range that we
sell to the value of $26.00 and upwards,
we furnish, without extra charge, a $3.00
copy of Professor Blits Patent and Improv­
ed methods of canning fruits, vegetables,&c.

The firnt tv.nnly6v. page. o( the voinm. thorodghijr nxpinin th« nirth. ;
od, of the canning eystem, which are no nimpic and pipetical that, girl of 3
fifteen can follow the directions.

kaaplBC tio aaoyt baty.Uk fall.
Tbdtow min cot k)— about c—•
^ty. aad Ue ni^t fares was takae

yoarofampk dooriar.
Tbs J. E UmUkA Co. k baay as w
aad k dtllacau^spaetol ardors '
toUBBddoom Tbaybsrejastdat
ot ortere lor W. C UaU-s baadsa
rtaldaace. aad Ua tobool bo—
t Sbactaek Mft.Oe.kUa latoal
_____ toatoTmramaCHy'
It k dolatadae
aad will be la Ua




'sr"ai.'ai.!Srssi,. The Best is

“^*¥25^— factory k Uat dw

These dress goods
'only a dollar a y-ard and fiftv|


TUo prodaettoa at ellams
(rape and poaeh baekoU baa bora lecroaaed tr—M.00D to U.eou a day. Uo


Good umbrella and aa.terproof weather.

Just tk. thing (or,hi, I "Weii. i nuver! Good, tt™ I $ 1.19 ( fit Ik lltUttlrlt
ol TO,. Wondurfuliy' «>>cap lor ti (an. and » aU l- $ ] ,29 ( til fWl nil!
cheap is Ae universal verdict.

Ue factory laMBCtor. wbo waa here
ytolerday. toU bito that hk factory
asladmtel— shape aad order sad
aiaBeyUabaatUaotUe rery best
Tba dakklBC tooebto;
oaUa fair greaadt aad baUdlan
weak aad ereryUlar will bo la il
aaat Taaday br eaa y Ua bln—
aad b— bim la Ua hktory y Ua bbaeektlcm. Tbo cbatemaB y Ua dUfertot dlrkk— era pro—la( far larfc
dkalayo aed Uo apedal loatarto Uk
y—will bo bettor Uas eror bafara
, Tbe Bay*- ted. rdkk k adam
adtad Mbaoaay Uada— haado
Ua —to. bao b— anacad for Ua
Uroirpriaelpal day* aad wiU dkeooroo
msale at yCerent pk— oa Ua
—. Floral Ball wiU be
ao tosal by Uo dno art depi

59c Bmiclotbs
39c Flannels WHAT?
29c Flannels


tb—BOW. •
a I—eaUobBlldlBf. .toal nlfbl
parimpa. (l.OQu. wlU ao iBoamBoa
Mr. Flatebar la— ar^^oral basdrrd dolUm aad bo hae

— la pi— y Ucir tormdr too d»a day. Ao hl*b ao twoBtyfoo •
rBiMK dm y backek bare
dipped in aoe day.
tcoennt ot Ue remarkably early
—eon Ua wed bee heen ra
aad will aceordlnrly bo Bekhd «
Unn laat year. Tbe cllnmx departmaat do already dot dews: Ue badalfaBBkBt depBi—BBt bBOabOBt Ureo

hhe/j^ to be rainy from
this time on.


to call your attention
to the fact that 'we
hare just recelTSd our
most complete fall line
of both suits and 0T0r>

wBoki- work bat— It. and Ue mUl
wUI mat kaat alo woaki lopyer
cot a oopply ready for aaxl oprti
Thk year Ucy hare cot ap
foot y Umbto. roBBtof fa— l-is to
y aa Uek. Brary araOaMo fem of
(TOBad hao bod otllk^ Uk oommor.
(f— Ue bo— to Ua lake. arlde«tly In Uo foor aeroo boioavUC U Uo
toaBablabartrtoadototr—bar. Tha plaat. Amoar Ue bow U1b(b to be
body waa loaad aad ooro—Varly wao gnt Ib Uk tall kOBC-y Ue baarkat
aM waat to the place aboot
BOOB. Mm Wilbalm
—bk womaa. klad b
tod and to—I
by all. Hsr saSeoUfi wore too wroat
for bar to~baar aad tbo dkeato had
! Beltaar faetory k a baoy pikaa.
loaabad a ela(o wboro Uo braia wee Beary orden for ebak slock keep e—aSoctod. Job. aad Frank WUkclm are miaaad Uo factory wlU abtbsroa
eoao y Mm WUbalm.
a to skat dowB for a toot tl—to
Loran—Mr. Vorly baa retBmed and
. Forty.flro may are —pl^od at
Uo otataexat he amkao eoatr— Ua pr—at, aad Ua aambar wni bo
Mm Wilbalm left two notaa. enaay later la UcMBBoa. A bl(
aoa Btoliac Uay woold dad bar body load y chair stock ne skipped to Dela SIlTor lake and aaoUar hwinnlar- initycateysy. Tbero kstlU a larre
■My d—eUldiea: I am Mdalaf
4oaati^yboBsk>eklatsiastodi. Mr.
root bye ao my dke— k oaboaral
BytacrkJasUyprDBdy Ue factual

r rataUToa bar

1— la iaoltaa Vorlrb ooratoa
ia oiaw y ra—t lotol rollUaal •—ta-


kfy Ua paopla Uk Uoald ban
Kow U— k DO oray af nacb'
lay Ua raar y Ua balldlnci for
Wad aad a half bat to (Ol Into the
yrer. ao Uay did last blrbt, aad
BewayotcolUnyUoato— «

•rill loarr Batarday for H— Collovo.
Bto woA wUl botakoo op by Q. J.
erwm. of CbdiUae. Ao a —oil
FBI aa Bad to Bar SaSoTUE.
of Mrrfim«^w«rtotortwo oobb'
ilBtaaa BOW aobeoli haoa haaa orMm. Bra WUboIai. Urine wlU h
od aad naay eld oaoa aaoeatacod Bon a few mUoaooaUw—of town.
Uarflald towaablp. drowaed betaolf
iBlfar lake not far fr— bar bow
FhAVB Banaca kaewa tbatCkllfocala ,laat Blrbk Mra. WUbaUa bad beea
aaflariac iotoaaaly tr—a oao—la Ua
a to beliero wltboat proof, aad be baad. aad K fiaally baoasr aabeaiaaoeordiafly b—cbt ao— pampkU falo. Laat alfbl wl
• had idtb hiai ft— tbo wrot to tirto aba waa olulaf Ib bar ehair
blm eat. Be prepa— to asklMt
at tha lair tkk taU Ur
tklB to tbo tomoo. oao wbleb bar roaeoo tor oomaltUnc
A ea barhto Sba bad atrawm UtUa otripo ol paper

, tfeaW. A.ClatlloMrterCtoario'roU.

BorpasBA anything being shown in Talus, quality and style. Brery*
thing new. Our $1^.00, $7.&0 and $10.00 Cloaks are splendid Tahiea.
Very latest styles, and perfect fitting.

the Cheapest

The method consists in canning fruits, etc by hot air procured from
your stove or range, keeping the fmit more whole and natniai, requiring Z
less time and labor. ,
Yon need none other than the ordinary cooking nten^


Besides these improved methods, a great many valnabk fo^alM wiU be S

W6 carry nothing that
we cannot feel will
give vUue iwceived. A
reliable ho^ is back
of every purchase
made from ua. It's the
aatiafeotion of our cue*
tomers we are after.
Our largtt assor
give you a great ad*


found in iU pages.

The lobst improved method of pickling—making piddw sq into prevent'
the moW from forming and prevent them f^ beroming soft. , ; .
To prevent fruits vegeUbki. ctc.t from fermenting.
The Utest method of testing eggs and keeping them for allong period.


For testing ria^ptr.
For keepng dder sweet and preventing it from spotUag. :
The volume also

«» cooking, bainng. fancy deaserU, frnit jniees 'Z

4od bevengea, toes. Otc., the proper preparation of food


aod in- ^



The v«lnnwUb{M»d in white mklotAsbMked wife goia. and haaSZS |



TR4’?^SB jqWiON.,

liinrlMf talhapi


Mr. m4

^ taPuwhH HcWM,.wimM V hart
IS MVa K h bai a« BAaad (Hht bae

H. OOtari ^8«tt

$. H. Ho-ari haaiBCiafad Urn

J. L. BofUBB aad Pk4 Wtaalaaad
•Msa^^^froBlIaath Baraa« lha

r tha aMJttea ei aa* chUaaaft.

ken. f>>rtk«PMtte*dBj«otTiVMmCUrto
Ate OMilwotr



Ueal Maaaaa4 ia tha Caaal
trial to^r«»h Mia ArahwMi
Mtaa btbar CMa ham tatan

>St irilk hto Maltr*^

Hra. rtadAraar arriaad laat waak

!=12?JES.2:------ ' •isi’s

It wMavBiMM* hotm IM J. 4.
WMbon IwtM (krahlM''
Olarataad aa< etbar Maada te Oraat.

.M*?^U4l*Mi« »

Mr.Md Hn.0.0. OAnfaud faa-

Mrkur. M» bM».

0«a« MaOnr-M tnUae Mr m>k


'■SrtSrJffL’Ci iv ^

. E^unorsM^ruT’s-ss

to harm hlM^ aad wtah hteOodapaad
aharaiar ha M7 ha the aext »
•.aayaar. Ba haa Bada ^ar fa

<na HliM baa aad Bath Jadoaa.
rcatar tlaaaU Clt7. ara atlawllBC
Bhacl hata mod beanUaf with Baa.

ntol »l tb* ekarik

bpB. r. Udd.
a ^r^—
I bATflitha batt. fiat tbay
B^a^ra aiM an cra*> Sml1 Mt
teaoaaab warn par
Btlb t^
Tba proMtb that loaf
attar at ihlaarHUac.
.-biba'iS^aa Baldwb. bariel Uaa tap ether.
bifb'i^U^Mb'fmn Uima boUal
Ha. Oaaa-a fatbar arriaad OM day UnaabC. Morthare
ate.. «U1 pay
aradariimbb. TV bolbtbm now tdond. Md WbfWlV pob WMU to WMI
at brtlv b tha tatara that Ua DeebIwMilVaMnaiy. TVdabBb)enw1
aia. Tha Stark apala. a aaar rabtiaa
aad amalbe alerm of bamb
io Ua Baldwb. pruBbB te ba a freat
B. P. Ladd-8ball we aaaUbke Ue
bTorita. bat baa aot beta fapwa bBe
Wbita hM rtraa baa t
bai^ b wblok oar perbhabb famlt b
•t of iBlal aad addad
bmllr cooked la tke elirnpu to iribei
Ua tnaiaa of bar atom.
tbaad 1 womid nt Uabbaidatoa Koaa
bmybf frail
lieb A. D. Cknaataa baahla d^vatora haalalaly haaa Saak, bat not lira Daria.



palatad aad raduad aad vom wakm a
•V17 auiaatlre pta«. aad araiybody
MtM Wiba plMcd toKoow that wa
bare a draf atoaa ia laira acmln.
Use kreaU dead.
U U l^datl Udalac qmlia a botal
Tke Kalfcr b wel
bariaaa at Uia plaaa at praaral. •"-— I kaae kad ao eip
a tew ritkel. wblek b a tooi

aad Timria.
.j IheallTrTqBaa(Mtaida; araelac

rm V) ba*a mm* plaea to atop,
debool mlartad op laat Moeday--------

^OHIBC peaebat. Ua Kartp Uawford

aleo Ue Old HUoa.
I• aroald BOt cn>*. Cherrie*
• at p
Bee. D O. Ball Uled Ua pulpit mt all frulta
frnlu TV Wiadaor. Hbch Tartar-

“,sr iff tn:i ■sri-.s;

frieadewaefbdtebekrae-------------------- IvIblM Hortaaee b uaaqmalled aa m
klB akd to haaa a r>od kaad akaka
_ . ,'IS-ni OOt fo
wiU blB oeee Borm Ha will mpaak Je
Ua tt>wa kail Baal Saunbp arrolkf
fioB UefoldeldaotUadeaBcbl Hiiaala pati ycare aa klfb ae K<> la a elnflr
Uoe. baeUlBC of '
lor Be He Ball bae

_______________ wUI ba daagtad
ralalac a pota.
Atal ataat... bMcbl •«*«>- 'i*

S’tST itii.


lliUMd •Ufa i»Uw». to to. .Itotototo

IkMUafta Iklicartal tha




__ “tS^riri^'bbuiSy tL“



. Mniteah OaakriW h <nU acalB.

Hr. aa< Him. A. C Warnhoop
MMa U HaaMas «taa^.

Him. A. C Wnhaop aad Him. K-

Tbataa toE

UM bp the fan











Wto fciah MaOanab*


Wa team bM hariac taw aeiT
N aaal & A oeaaiBilea b to be
bartOeciotb. WUI Up aad dam

• ;r,

Oaia aatHM aad cibla aaariac la the

: Mia WbMliHi ^ haaa gblta tdab.
Oaoh aaUtd aa fataada bai

A maioa tamvimace neellnp will V
Tba aaaaal acbool Baatlof paaaad oC faab aerp Uaakfal.
UUb HorUB iTtanad from Graad held b Ue M. E cborck Beat .Somday
Bapite tba lOU. KheUlak* Ua aa- ereeinf umder Ue mosplca of Ue W,
hiblU at Ur etata fair were aery flaw
U. Tbplor ratlriwmad ta CM Ue pacer. Mnrioa Hilb. pace
Him. Hmapbray. of Bt. Looia. Ho.,
0mm o( tba (arwn bare tbair eoi
a BlblaS tb wlUoot drlaer or ealicy.
ft (or Vr boaa Iwl Tboimday. after
all eat aad otiMca teaa aot eoMBeaoi
■• folac a loaf way to aae.
Bby of ala waeka. (rratly inpiorod
M aatjad. Thaaaaaaaa toU qmlte
,rti^ kmee beet ia tba habit
dUltraaaa la ripaalac.
Hra. J. Fmrterii. of Ttmeaime aip.
bo eprmt Ue nsBar b Ub placo.
Jaa of Ue Ue foiwt of Hrm o. C. Baoaoa. Ian far
Delia aad Hta Hyrtla Alba Uatarday
bar hone iriday.
aatalwaad Haa&y.
H V Hyrb Boxiia of Bata. wV
Warm, hiaaiy aad wet aaaetbra tbaae oarair to rmaoaa tk aad to do It rlfht
bn-B ebilinr bar broUer. II. K H
qokk. ha did kol waH tar Ua
ab. of Ub pbor tor aereial wreka. Irft
- bar VBe Thaimday.
aad aaa bopa It Bay fat aret '------*-food dapUtUa tall.
It HBbr. aer paatar. bai
bit teataBBOB bora for tbb
Ub plaoe.
__________a yaer. Wa bear be la fola«
BarlVl left laat Taeaday
where V baealBce Venooa'•'-arhlB.
daetlac rerlral Bi
ad la Maple City B
BB Uotm B«d Ida Bicboek et TterHr. and Him. H. t. Baaermaea. o
aty. Hlpa Bomfead. MIb HlddlaUr. aad Him. U. W. Bill.. wV were
HIb Uaille Allan aad aaetbar Alba, took diaa« at W. U Fafak
te i^Mla of Urlr bretbar. 8. W. WIIlady, are fBfot tba aoBa. faw tba Wadkeadip.
son aad wife fur a week or morr, Irf
avlma. altaadad tbr waddlac of Hlas
tar UrIrkoBe la Toledo laai-Taada.
. aadHi
Him. WUI
'-------Ito UUl. alto Mr. aad
Bae. J. a Howell of Maple City vl<aam el TiaacaM City.
r. At Ua wad. fabadeatSlklBbt. '
ipled Ue palpit Io Ue UoBf'l ebarcb
dlBf bae alioadr btM .
racreaUp bliaad wlU faalt of -LStSaoday aoreUf aV abo 1
Ua bat IBM of Ua Baae
I arill
le. b-B^ racay tarnrr b Ue aerolac la Ue abMaoa of be. I
■ay aayUbfaboa
Mly we metsad o
TVC- E topb Iv aaxt Baaday .
klUe Bay
_,JW ^lr}oonepU
iBf b -Tbr aeedof Hoiv Htwrloomry
be a pleaiaat eac.
work.S Da. Ci: 1 ■: Tu V IV by >'


17a"tatf5«d wlSi*S5


S£=l?'.:S2'irifi2=£; u.“?t.t‘^vru'%.i£-"at‘'s:

wni Hnid Tn^«w atp aaltad <

UWo. SatarUy
debated b a a^ eliaa aad
Caaeof WIL^^ anep
waa M folloart:
CUdHlBloa 4 t 0 0 0 I

Si s':“to,'’.to:rss.'ss.,..

Oku. Dallam,
Botinn an. Bade aud carrbd that
M iw
O. P. A.
UimvaiaoBBaod hteief.och a
deVleoa Ur fair rromade darinf
fair Ub fall.
— ••
to wUI V >
3 »t KIk Inkr la
TiUeto food to ft
bb oual
lual happy rein. VTbr a WivrIbnte to Ur loac-oooUnnrd lal
W. A. ScfPi
to. Hr.
-r. Brlnkoan
and oUrr* Io
Arricultaral Borietyaad Upabibbad
THA wuk ctTT knaiL m
dVoriooeof Ue IVolkaala Farmer*'
Oob. extredlBf U Ury bae*
.J-'lIilll'Jy-y anS^f^iSSm^SSiSSSVSl^S^imperiod ef^Bore Uaa twrou-fire
oprainf bb vl(«y wiU Ue d
UMtkatV "bad rather flee
toUellrimr than to Ue drad."
W. D. B*i

i Mbit;

It Bay eoaecra:
TV City Conaell of Ua Cite of TVeccar
-"'•r'iBe.'--------------------City toes by reao . .
paaad. ordered tV tallowlaf aato
aad Ularml aeweta laid le aewar.dbtrict, BBBVr Uiwe .3. rt Ue City ‘
»tr«bl froB



A rix

k lateral

» ttVlllBftoo Mreot U ? t'naklla
rt. A alx (CliBcta Lateral arwar
Eifbu ureet from ttrlllaftou
atTMl U noaidman Al
lack Utrral Mwor a


J ladd-l haea aprayed (« y~"
apd ocakUrr
oaKulrr It a bearfit
Tke Hroloo Ukrbor pomp to rxori-


Hated Bopt lOU. IMA
Aijom W.
Clark of Hard of
PaUlc Work, of Ue City of Tn
■Ity. Mlehlfaa.______________
StjAn^^rtao apple drier pay* T orato a

-to toPi- ,to

wbeUrri. .
(arcaor about
, ................._r yaara Ibarr «
rV mod otVc year* Uey u

Raceot baey fnmt* Vee cat
V carrwr of frowinf crv|w la aaBorM ptaeV in halka*k* cuuaty- Cun
.ru. Bueiiy out uf danfer. Uuauh ouw
aV tVa a lair pieew wa roufhly oord
by Ur Imal *V l*tc potato-* W aaf.


Mr. VoOrbree—Nobriy la ay erlfhborbood ap a ed aiUM Ub year ur




MBt fdcklaf apof
partaira fur Haohlma. bbad. retaniaf iMt^TV^. fiefaiaad l?V puoad*
B Ua DBBbrr of
^l« whieh Uay BtlaUlaad aatll u Uair boaa b Ubpbea oa Friday
Tborean aaeetal brood* la
TV ^worU Leafv topk tar 1
Ua kbU. Uaa tba Old Mtemloo boye
ibf wbom a reieptioa waa ftaa
rim Vn b*ra li
BoaU b "kecaV ofChrbt.- BapL
-EaaaV Uroofh Mfotiy." LaV
Ua briUbat -WMb of Orm ^arua b
. lk-*». 13: M-iA ioha »: 14. lA Lead
tba oak*.................................................
WiUtoB lUtarll.
Uoroufb WlU h Uaa
: Hr. aad Hra. ThoBM Armttre
Hra BwM altaadad- tba Hobiib lalof
bat for J Mk Bwanay el Ua how taam.
left for Uair boBsaa SvU Maali
TV VUBiB woe P. Bemraaw aad U.
'**bwwa ~
talaadUalMtaf Ua weak afur riu.
' Old HVioa. aad Aadaf
tar Urir parwato. Mr. kkd Him. ElfebTWa *UI baa tiaa aUatriaL.-..
plav. Vt Bov«
for Ua ladbaa Tbb
IV Iwt (tobkaUaf tU* eoafaram aaofUbplaa- *-----------analfbtfa—.UatUa year ha* paat aad wa arm aboat to
The Baraai
*•V apea Ue dwlbs of a vw yaar.
Many of m areto Veea vw

aadv an waitlv «HU v Uul
. Let M Bit ______ aad R b daeifod u.. .r.^
t to blB. bwt Bsabar aboald V pcaaeav
rlaottoa (or iaarW F. Blaala took a load .. ,______
Mb of MlnTua*. V
boUapCVtotto U Ch*rtreoto Vt WVvaday om tV
UriPbat^. TVmmwmUua
Pon aad.sold UoB all wlUto alow


£*S.t-!r.i::s=r-2g SdUMn^^lH


Old HlBtaa 4 a d f t f I t
Mr. ■■lilBf 1
bmaaTJ. d-WalH


«d MVlea lit.

BoaiBBw. a: i^.


to prBW WiU aboot as ba*Vbtar Ho&U<|v
If woaraoo-worViawtUhlBlB UUa Ub (baptoU aad Za/ Stoala taooBpaalad biB
A Uel
rKlabtyaabwMorraatoed b

•SiWwSaa^'l*& SadU, aaiS^i
-hi Foot. » b; BbLdp. rf;
oa.Ui *^^


Titaa—a. B fWl.

, Ua dayafivtotortaf wiUto-

^Vr Itoaa-Wbll* toraytof.l*H»«»
uwvy to Vop Ua Btotwa wril atfae^



T*%' Onp—TV AliuaaiB fn(to
BMBO to^to bhfbtUv--------

■riatf wVa ftoWk lioM m


iriSvjw —tbapVI to


Detroit nr RiebnoBd
AMP RffTra.m.

AkDUnORIIOa Taeaday, Sept. 9PU. Ua 0. R.
A I. R-y will Mil UckaUfaoB *011
•toUav betwera Hadtlvw CHy
and Ulf Rapid* MDabolvCUeaaaBcdnUn. TtokaawUI Vfood
friaf oa •rmM Ma UariOf
TnearM Qty it v:4Ta. a., asd
rood rrinntof cm rofaV trmUo
until UcA uU. TVoriffe noncha
will V ne loDelrolA (ihVfa
ud RkbBooA For lufUar to(orBattoa apply te U. R A t.
tkdntafdat* or
C. L. Lockwood. O. P. A..
•No tkboto will V odd fruB




Eftwske .






iWMi. WfWkn




HfHHffe HtaHMTlM b «B

'"j.''ss S:

. HraBrilaaraaddM^tardraaaeat
.Mas Ttaaanaatp daAp.


The oat of laia baId aad totonl
Mwrn to V ovcBwd upoa IV
property le aid Mwer dbtriot aei
Une (31.
TV Plato. dtofraBA. ptoaa aad aaUof aid propo^ ataia vd
“L^‘«.:i'a^ldo.'t like ue al MWrrt are ua dir and opCB to€ ia
Hay Doke; it b a abort Herd Irea, Ue apactiOB >0 tV oBlee of IV Oiy «rri
froli ripea. nDeeraly. b a poor *bl|
olTratarar City, Mlcblfaa.
TV Hoard of Public Work* of aaM
aty win um >t Ur aty Clerk’* oUv
oa BaUrasy. VplaiaVr I'.iU. IMO. at
;:3U0'eluckp ui and ooeridar vy sar
pick fire cntM of EaHy Kiehmoad.
fatkw* or ob>cUia* Uat say V
, Tbr aext topic tokeo op fw db

B see a
BCBU rrmaleHnf of trait aV aake
vu m^y'anV
M*cd by ibapooM ladV of Ua party
ouffaly form BUBher ofym
aad a aerp aojapabTa UBa waa had.
eaaa. aV
Ha^ oa Stptai
bOBT of Ua bride-e
Jm HoBpbrqy. of 81 Loub. Mo.. fTOWan nVy tV uprayinf law e
Jms 1 Friak ai '
•U<>. Ovuoablr-i>>> ■» 1-we


3 :s:.‘ypyfrr..K

toir nV‘^-“

plBB tree. In ISM. tbb year Uey

lit-SiS""' •TTS:f™vr.'™:rSto
TT?-I'SS'S, di.-


. SSxT-S-JiSa

ewco. Mnlt a:

*H^ BS^Daaa-TV May Da

_ I,r

: Hia htoa’a aathar H MriUw bar
■ t»ladUaa

J* *'*'^^****-

U. K nrbkBaa-U wm eiatad Vre
pMtrfday tVl mppla atmu im Amrari
wme ant daae by Ue ooddliar Both.
Vt aecb b the aae. I ebked aa ap­
ple Ub omiaf which I sow exhibit,
VBual low nie rxeoialoa Io
wkieb aVwm Ue worn aboot bpK
Train* wlU baea Tr
BMt epray loorer lu Ue eemwm.
K.P: Ladd— otillBary
Maaee tV mBauel of aprmybf Uat
hMbaea dome al Old HVioa would
toee bsM •mnciaml. VI Ui. meawM
“ III *.to II Li K’H. R) about
hM berm eery faeonhle for Ue drawl,
p B. VuV trip nta *4
opevatot iaedria
Mr. Haimm—Tbere ere two beoode of .._jn for IVbaaboiBB will toav
Itnad Rapid* oaalfbttntto at U:SUeoddllBf Boib b a vaeoa.
KooVtriprataUUOoBets RaUra
oranu xTi ran ^
limit oa all Ucheb will V Orubre *U
B. K BriakBam-We ban tried all Bto|.l will VaadeMpriaelpal potob'
eorta of echeBM io past yeaim to Bake
the fair (bt extwoea mad wlU poor
Wc hmee bm tryiw f«r R. to let off laMUfiri. DoB't bV
weUlw new Ub yar.ela.ach
Ub ebaaca IO eVl your trtoodk BmI.
.rmaVt tV mnanfeBcsto are <
low nV are oaly Bade ovr a yeai
t perierted.
Pull taforoativ a*U eoeaceboa a<
SoBcUbk UmtUbfmllm Jdbt
Cblcafo aad Iblruit (or pdata bryuod



R&Tni ciri Tua$L oo. '
ttlaybMUe 1

MB ablUar friae^ b towa,
tkeWafoer leaa eioak
Boa Friday.
I'oitrr aieilad Trn
leol apple.
TV Q.iark-aUwe plan
ualtaa eaBbarof oar eltltaao. aleo Taeaday, rebralBf Ur atBe
TV W. C. T. U. will Brel
. Netaoa vat Toaday afMl
VUn Ibaa Ue UnnUm
Naleoa Prtnmoe aad Mr*.d3orm SimtU
VourVo-Hy ploBt blirbled
Allred iViedrlefa of Timaarac City
HHa Jaaala HoQaaar. y»f Cedar. U arer* Bmrried mlToerh l*ke bmkdmy.
aad dl«d:J loal, BiKiry
rae ia lowea .few day> bat week.
,1^ frbBda areand Mapla dXj thh
I Ua boot of Ue'm m.ater. Him.
ne Ilea Dari.
B. W. WUwB aude a trip to Tra'
Northern Spy b......... ..............,.
-y bym T«V.y.
Tte'UUIaablU of Mr. aad Hra
Him. Browa. of Toreb Uka. loll beir
The « adwla wlU w-OM pwrple b
Dell baa beedqmlta ririi.bat la a
bearer. VI Mr. (lolVn '
Vf B. Bleele left Moaday Boralaf
baUv at tbh airitlV.
for Urmad Bapide (o aUaad IV H. K.
Hr. aad Hra Ualauad. Hr. aad Mia tba daaf mt KliaL
eaririy of appla also Ur
Him. Uekey fell Iron bar back po^V eoalrmre.
Hrm. W. WnUam. of OBcaa. ionk the Vek and RIbtone Pippin: Ur l<
IVtoVy al Ub pboe far.Cbiiapo two loiA earj- Bocb alikr.
Thaimday. ,
MV KateOrahaBofCVarpolb
in thr Eaflbb Barkrl; I aB feo<
beea Ua foai of II. F. Uaxrie Iv
eral daya.
Baa. Mr. Bewaa aialatad bp Bar
^kr^WBuer I. a eery ealaablrai
Ur. Baribetef Northport, armboldlmc
Arthur Boedeaa waa a paanifer
LUlle HoTM
Vt Ua markrt 1. Ibblc to V .
Ua eleanier Oacrat bal Tburmday for
al ■eallBCt at ml
lUrawaUe It
Locked with UrCD.
ib. Wa bepe a
TraeriM I'ily.
jB»b Bteddelbeamr b pmulmc im
Tba BpilrraVi* b VtllUlr frown
era of wbak Ha kat It kaarly doaa.
HV CelbBweb bcfma Vr kcbool ie Vre-Ur apple b in feat drBaad.
Ua Bartlett dbiricl bat Moeday.' Bbe
The lioldra Ruoat ba food apple.
*’*7fcTw. H. U. 8. aMt laat Theimday
baa a Berea BOeUe' tCTB.
VI lie day ba. paeaed. otker ranrUB
t Hia 0. «. rialhsk.^A^ tha
MV Carrie Bellliae or Maple City.
'xandrr apd WnlUy
V bae beea al Ue Waukawo all
earieiinlUeely new
iBBer. left for boar toriay.
UrMd OOt aad plowed
lifal cberry I bare
Hr. aad bn. M. li. I'uli-ipbar arrieed
Bakorday ailfbt for a nail with Urir
iat aniald ffa* Hia.............
rad ap­
A •• lliay—on "tv
tbr atarkeC e rod
brother. C.'A NeliOB. aad wife.
ple. a yellow pear and a blur plum aell
Hr. Jaa Baal, left (or Chloafo oe beet Tue Rlehmoudchr^ pay. well.
.t b aaalfs tIeMa you kaow.
drtf eblBa Ua mtar day's tv I'etuakey laat Tburmday where Ue
H. K. Brinkman-TV K- Spy apple
BaklBf Ur« MU aad will roaire Bedical IrwilBeBl.
b Ml Mlf (enillxiaf. UKiufb It ba*
Uiobbf l.Olt bBhaU of wheat aad
Bar. aad Mrv I’ B. Wblunaa left beea rcprevnlad a* Vi V ao: Ml
wraUHoBday Borataf lor tbar<Ukr. where applea near Uem. Ibmp. ooldw
rye b a day.
rrbaafaTorableforfrrOlli------W. Uortoa bad notbaaaabb M wort they will rialt laUliiB mad frieoda
P. II. Leolb of IhU plaor, wbo baa (enJllBUoa of difrraot earietia of
bean wvklof mt I'wmm tw^r^Mt
oral IMObabtIt Jlfnaa. That aeaadi



for Decorating
or ms


S^&^au.’p.aia- d.^br2i:r:iS^«"^Tha Itait haloafa* ta tha ca^la

Bedding punts,

B. K BriabBaa—i
U|> br tv doeloc. bbI mi
poumd bapopmbr aaall pachmv lor BbdVtUnScriBf. I coa
Wn. Frail UouU Vended MM to'>KldDryPUKakdim
to *0 Btonv Alter mbo-- .
be umlturB b ebe.
Hr. Voorbaee-lt doat VT aa oidlaaiy (rail flower u taka bo Baob
^M b paekiar.
TV jVmalea bora laem
Hlnr hM hrcB a eroadrrfi.
t feel Uat 1 caakat bt aarUlu
^^^T*ft>rter—It b aot eat
ew»ii;k r.a Uaa'. &tdaee llTb H>
fteai wbb b tb*l Ury vy beouor wel,
leaea Id Ue Vttae amUl 0
Cwtowa They will pcoeaa bcMa Io ew.
toBore fa ly deBOBriiaWd.
I wbb to c
Fer eak V *n drake*, price U ere
mimmS’ 'kin Un
JaUrd by Foter MllVni t'u . Buff*
well Ibjwrwi I. M> wort el Ito KaM
Ue epnelDf tow
N Y..*^ afOUfor tvv B Hroe
VIV aaK^a'a. aal l*V ao oUw.

BefeaeBaateU la abltlac trieada
Eoy I'tmaaa arbo had beta *t Detroit
Uul^e Dn^ b a laa plas to aat faoB
u aleo Btlaeded a food a
bae rruraad.
Bwaaa cm ta TMnna QV •»
Him. ChaUb Oaoper. of Horwoo
l-lQiee rae be froara aa ebeeply w
IB iowe bat Friday.
, Mfa. B. f.
Uocmea Cbaarmll. of Utdiaftea. b abrdBta leaa
wlU Ue Beal
Mr. fialaea-Uaiaay eea a natady
lUac Hr. aad Him- 8. J. Creab.
they did Ik I
y ibal bol IUnr
rot la plana?
fo^ fellowm
* B. O. l«dd—There b aery Uttle rot
)ar * Hobart rUb waa fonard aad
Bd IHd Mlamioo thie year.
■Wa ata hariac a coed anl <rf ftaoBj a4riy a-baadiad aaiata farellad.
MlB ttara Daw. wbo baa beat
ear uaot o’r U.macoepbof weal
* vtaMjrfined Ba^ iwunad hoae Hat
Uardmaa Binare.
K. HriokBaa-Tba Wafaar ie me
Bar. Mr. Wblh
boar faalTac pood: they aay tbay warm
ileol apple. - The Bbrk b Vtbr
Hr. aad Him. Wot Lawiabariad Ibalr
aarar iMMd aay brllar by' Bay ball _ Ur Ibldwia. whlcfc it Bach taBtadap. —.,
yoaacatt ablld laat Tatadap.
team, aad tbay haaa Barked Ua iKwU
of tha week.
aaBblcm. TV tree U hmrdiar Uao the
tbeMmoa laoB dowa a aa cmlrmardl- Ibldwia. aliiUeioo'edrooplmf ie lu
Tbllad fatrade at Toreb
Kataaa riaaBam auyad o«ar alfbt aeddemday.
with Ur. daotl laat doadar mlcbb
wlB. Vltrr kvprraamd anooth aa e
Him. Wlllaril BpaeUbf. wbo baa


Binr Totm
Cut jPlowers,

^ *wSZS^'(^S^w!Smrt
SS,'%sS*rss.*S'£;s Plants

^ faitbar Uw <*)»( af tt« »a

fttSSruC« ha


wa anrtaDc.RBB’V. .

V^ vUTtoob W VmsmH ~-

Dr. Maes’

tokakVaii laiia
wkk hv BSor laitof
BoiU RMBtaf ant
• uaatoaa Al nV
near from aarwa
• -I VIA

$7.00 .
ONI kniiii



' ilfaiww t IMT t*
M. «•■. •• "«• «r



m .SS£
I tfT
tb. MMU ruMncVf.

CM mr *Mn«» (or. rtibt.
fMr uB mt ihx in nn*
Han iMBUfui b.-U-vrow;-.
AmvII br . MlU> UPM IK.I tbo.
ftu MV 40M R-sn ai.w:
Sto wtM. vn OM. w4 1
«■ rrw u kn. hbB«*r MB to».
Aii M. imMn. » i
Am MM »M JKIwrH»

mimTT SS“

£^r>‘Si'£. R

I 8l^- PETEf?7"y^

»l»b II
. .
>«ypf. B]^ Mid ArabU. which. «
drj . curt. Ila.ll op IMoa boHorw
aiwbiOB. aad I. tbcB dt'MB b; tbco —
till II BbAi a daoip btac*. wt»o it «baort. ib» fMl. aiM BBd «ba Ml* drap
>a^^ tb. drow?ata of n.nml ai .
Wit.-naldro Payo.
RobH MoaolM.baa Ju.1 diad Baar Fhrta.
biro houu
.(artiartil aowcifc
m, MM AU IM Maa. MtaMoW aM M
.roBOM nh«b I. coatioalac tha
I Baro


DMt WtilBM ha. bcra l•al>d)Br a AilaBi
WrdboM lladm. tb.|naB.Bllbbo- Wbaad.»B«)(iMCiMb
mU Bad dM cwry liitorib* ''brfc..TCB «o hb whMB. prorldlBB for tb. nab
IO M^lny up tb. bouw
tb^.«racr of irrotloB of iBdlirrBi Jews tnM ~ tb. r*i4. »h*r* aom.
tlaoa to iba Afjta>1>Bc ttrpBblie.
' Cmk Lombran. tb. crtnlneiofbt.

If you car.tofc.llow ha. bare Motciwed to pay SIW daM*
Iba a«.a>y a Boom oaort Io a Fioacb
auioplr. 1'ar il
hoanb Mwrd two < wrtirr oa baadwifllDB. fioa. orboaa
w. lajwiY each a ay tbao ih^.boaaa book b. bad oribbrd wtiboat r'ibf
labc. TbR.Ur.irPfrUcrich. prond dokr of DadrB. H
My. of ti.U about lb* Uir of lalb-lalb
Id do KT) ««ll It you l•••nI'l say H aoM Win aMua
with Iba
rutrly oall^ I bb tOlh UiUmIov »
tblar brticr. They a» wrti-.----------------------------------------..--------------------------------• latoo
• --- and
’ ' apfroul
• of Kmpri
to a auHp of «9cd at bolb
Kmprtwr WUIbtB. B. la
top. Ihow for lb* fMBi and l»ck brlBe imtM to tba yaly daurbtn ' **
•Uotrd oC ao a. ta form tb. MtM, m
irr. Ibd
to tb. botMB and a al
fathr. of trlcBllte cbrailMry.wbleb
Praoer ptupoan to <W after a rro*
tutTbiMiy. TbcPr»ochc«BtrlbotK»a
alnadr asouhl tofiu.uin. AlllbaBU
Of Praarv tatr nibatribrd la


M «M la tbc fanlea maUac ■
Mdd.Blj' M brard bM f.tbar
> I«anwa|»ak

QB..B Vfctorta faa. plwB com
ow; brr r; r«

nt'bat to m btbarr oM n«B».»rt-

UaCbptnmi iba »«>•»<»» '»"*» ***
M. pla>iu( aad galac orar » Uh
' -M> «brn bi.f.tb.raaa.
_«»k' mM ba. “J »a« xoa U)I1d4
a vw-fMf for IM—Uke (boaa fon tear
' <bt arralBfa.’
•Wbai do jou, <rwi a Uar^m* foar*
adnd tb. haf. '
TU ib<m foo.' trpikd W* tatbert
“bm fPl BT tbr
Bo Uau rao ot •foodartBrlf «o lb.

I' 'V4NG£^'^

Stove* ud
Bve the Icbd •
venienee *adck*n1i» |
oeu ere cot
of ptnmount us* J
yortBUce. Look'
ir the trade tb>
shown her^

Carriages, Cutters, Sl#8, Etc.
,;s. ■"



Horseshoeing and Gwnl RopiMng Done.



llinm BifUii of Sttmen.

j. A. IfOWTAOm. Travsrad Ctty. hCtch.

^.njuen ooL-uiA.
■w. ttan _t» damn

Hui **.o B*n, iBw


Tb* pTior'oi bawlmll us. So yesr.

BsITCms ttaduRsua SWIM lUssflMBsoa
Did aliamu
on o*ad tardia-mwi »*r.
------------------ —--------------

oU la June. IIW Crab malcb i
inp Lew puyed at Hoboken.
June Hi I'M, tatwret) tta Knickrrx*w York
cltiU. .Ilc.lou*
tankeryino .>rw
iirrs ciuo*.
lowDbaJI bad
had bn
tarn the
AMth*riww.ltt.l*cl,ih-rrohrr»tnr*ay.! lo lUl lUnr townball
' drtottak
__ ______ __________ rvoltnla
Tb. .itlaasthat RrfccBmm MMTm. to Mrtrs of
of rvln
Tvln which
which chaaped
chaaped Ih
rmmd w materially that, they .Ict ldrd to
H tawbalk' The lint team wa.

low IMI* fc oMhIaa bet tb* fbtaU of
,r follow In
Ks IK*. Be lo**. ta cbUdTM. sad m
Ab Aounrll* la.hri% i* brcB bmb
Ibat I. »' iBilr. it idr. w lailca la traptb And o>rr'lbd rsnotipo pHrcibmeOw
and *00 fed In hrtpbv
■tUindrwBs Ttaoiii
tinmr of tb. N.w Vork dry pood,
, s phy.i.-l
o s Inwuktn doctor,
bouww protect clolhinp and «tiok« «sd frowns
frowsad. and MuVlta M
w. snd ihr.locioi.
fabrln tiwo DKtUi. by placlap tb.
A. RMUuea. IB N. T. OBmrow
p«d. Id ruoni. . l.(llc<l uitll cuM air.
ta tsklAP s noil, uuokc.
latAdrr Ihc.tli't IhmK he could
IVbllc at play In a cmctCj at Ilalk
vast BbsU I do wna Them*
, Isy bl. fasuJ. on. ’ll liiiiq.-nci
t a pirl lraDt-<l apa o.' a touibdlnoe
Umll I a* with mr
I A bolt! • of iT|.|wniiint. which
<fc of uhkb ber brolbrr ua. altdap
tV twh>
..(* M
•f oi
on tin- ii- k smi broke
I tbc lUrf
d It Tell iC blnu brrUInpbUlbirb.
worldttal tah> I
1 tljirf pot sway, hi ■ (be iictt (Isy Ibr
A Iwkr in Uotitrr.l .p|raml at tbs. T«rk IMbi IB*** wkrti. suitl*'
-Irt .).» lb. *ar.- «U hr w .
' poller .niffcil at ci
_ ,
^ allar ullh b*r |.el canary f.Mnicd to
To sc- »b»n s look would ctacr
If. -If! dWaH want 00*1 MBld
„■ ,... .„,,i,Lrilnoj
■ Bcirr they met. snd wmn Imevcd ihdr
A te,
•l*.»>ldnr l.y a p>ililcn chaiu. Dur>
1 aj^^l* of doa*a io q»tob .!»*.- 1
I tDSO. Tw.rti'yfuur hour. Islnr. whrs
br wt. about Io pit. up J "
' ta ws* srralplied lo ctn
11 a* with mr lobr-a bsndA
fouo.1 oor-a Up prMB J™'
mked of prtRwrBilpt.
«tilBlr-.dlllor q.ic>l> la an old bol- , *»H
Tascli ihroi to isli*. tu inAJ. to
■nap*, (b. tim-k. latln,
To nmdr (*r oi r sodsll
Fros PlllA
law awap. lu CM. a. .laplUs wiU. Vow rut a hob- Ib troBl for Ibr bltd to
.sale. Wc1.h. niwayau. tuwdr to IM* ilMr star* III ib«
SeuJ your sdam. b. It. H llucklcl.
Amt work wlUiS wlUiix h-uri
T. pbl a little porch otcr.V and a
Tarlarlan. Illyrlu,
Ts B* toYlnp Bonds, «nd then I
A C.P.. fbicsiri.. snd pet u five ssluplr
atick or too for tbc blrd. to ,y„7;^
•hlnp .tick
(haurla and I Inaic.
Ttay Wtu sJwsr. d* itair iwr
Uix of ttr KmpV .New Life I’lll..
:>r|:r II llappio think, that
you uf tkeir iiiiwbst Shsll'l do won my bwlgr-s basrt.
be I«t
l«i .uppurt for Ibr houw W a
inkrlicrrir. Id p„»,rrncs to But
Thvwc uill> on-cu.y in sctlon snd on
Tta pnatm of »stli*r . csirt
pall. Moul llHi of a trrr « HI. ptu^
M.ul.Whcn they wl.h mcu. djwa m UT III msh. II s lorins n-srt.
lArlicwifsrIv cff.Tlirc io Uic cuir of
lapbranchc. and,^,lai» llU .br.rwctplff koa. to d. oHI. l*o»cof.
f.iii«tipslli-n Bii.l >ick Hcoita.-lic

any uw-la. The b^hr. .bould ta ,h|.
Wdlccnnln i-dctarry
' yintsH. snd l.lci-r trimbliw they
nwed off aa abowu la tbc ^
i Im'ui prtrr,d inrulu.hlr.
ruhta. onnsrhosmUs:
•ipiisrsnlccd to l«-pcrf.-cHy fro- fnyra
form a taw for the boow. You iw '
ir * lovinr chud.
Icrcry dclclcrmu* »ulwlao.'c snd l.> ta
point Ibr bouae aluioat any color and
lU ta ssrvlr wonbrny whits.
purt-h' vep« toblc. Tlii-y do not wr
a ycoror
Hid U tattw in (h. KiBdwpsrldi
pUst Tiora around It.
O.rtiuiByi hltbcrto louctleally i .
l.y tlwir scli..u. but hj Birliip loi
. « an altnnlrr addltlos h
sU.uiscb ami U.mcI. pr.'Slly iiit iL'.'rsU'
r.tlnp l■<•u^lry.talBImll.v poln.f over to
R aay yard.-<'4tloopo Kroord.
III.'.y.lcii. Kcpiiii r .Ur r~'. i.T box.
rhto to tba way tha msto.-i. rldia
wluwt bnoil.
Bliro-tianl-woblJrS.IIJ bv J II. Johir uu. aud b K. It'slt
la Itancr liconwaan- laMcH lo
ir^to *n lubb^^ un;. ah* (IktooIlrupirUU.
.................................. awuoo
Ulp-KIL BJsq)-rl«hl-r
I boraed my Copers rect badly,
eoolMoa la the face of deadly peril waa c( a licrnw'l>tlu>lBaLBappi*asolB|>riaU
L'nss-.-roas. tabkl.'
pato waa inwoa*.
Ur. Tbomaa'
Joldin* ea w-lih all n*r nicbl—
irh- mi brvuirbt relief to three Biuulea.
rooa.f rallroarl 1
trobta*. wIbU*. wokMc
It ww almost maplcal.
I ii*«r saw
boatlly (oar
Tbla to tta way tb* fsl mss rtdtoasylbiap like it."
Amelia Sw
tba Mkc of the wood that hr woald bool. Mo.
SauudersTill*. O.
feBM IMMd It by bad It Bot uUrred
.aad the trnlilatloD la pood,
ban> rur«* a f.
m aad tb* tr
n*rk* In lb* Krcnnh .-Ml wreip*, acDr Kowler'* Eat of WildSirawberry
baa been u.*<l lor forty yror.. mod ha*
nr tn In Kiput"- 'h' oolthrirlanereryty failed to car* a caw of diark sp by Ibr b
• by Wrrinp a> wniten In jfaaUloo'H«'a I.r lo® fat c« try isaian
Pouf. psuf. psufl
in aay of it* earioaa form..
The pzpoiis of chcewp Irony rsBsSb

..v-itt. St,'r^'..

State St., near Dniem.

‘n'j'.ryss.iti.sss-rs” '•


OB tta V.tnw'ISrrf «bo Wdpu
qBlriBT. if brr molberwaa hnn.

rlphtinrbm kM- wade el wood, and hartap fmr

ptoMd it la tta Jar. tta top ead botua
ibbObk apalwi tta eppo«lir .Urn. Bo
tM tart tta frop la tta Jar. a*d
tta top down. amklBf
-Bow- r^BlBcd hli hibrr. wbm

ta tad talatad. -I tat* o ----------

tat Barr Irtap win po ap the ladder.
tllltapMatotta lop. bot
or tta rleud. an


>rr simut I.iKR.nOO
short of Is.l
TOT'*. wUlc Ihcmr from New 1 ork on
■bout Sjoojooo imaeds short.
Psri. cblns colirrton on l.npfalBr
>rrr the Prrncb poverrmenf. setloo
B iMseeiilnp to U Hunp rbaiip. who
.DOWS mmcUifap of rosily srllstlo
orcrUltL tb* rrputaUen pslr of bias
ind ptlt RrttM »ssr.Chnsds pro|«on to creel a ralutds



rt '^ltoBsrtlp. I

Tamake honwaow'sM
Aa fWrnMi aa*n wi>J worn.. >1. >.

•t DrUtol. Eorlsnd. Is
of tbi

A MOfrta*

« *1
wrwttar we sir Uabir to bare t

«m«M. a. tta traps srMom mshw i
Ib tfcrir todtoBtlBMc-LsBHa'
BiimlM limtitly1 MED WSTRieiUTIOR.


aoTxtSa. Sidle.

I3rosch’s Meat Market
104 raen btsot.

Choicest Meats, Poultry and Game.

' Euciiiitloii ol Tncbeit.

3Lzl SacBBon..'

Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, Sausages Itc.

Burdock ili.-sf llllteri il nature's
true remedy lor
it acta.directly 1
luwelil the liver, the skio, auJ
cltsoantp Ue 'bluotl Impsru atreaptb
lo the dipestiee orpsns.





s rl'j-ir; “1


'itl^’wwsrwr. I* U* a*i«sry«rwl*.*l

appllcmUima of Ooan'a
OiaUaentwU . cure the worst ease of
. . there
eeer was
fsd you
Uehinp I'lle*
afford to suffer uirturea
. . ...
when a *imp'.a
illap rrmotj ia at It

" ^ar,

:x"w ■ ...............




That the best place to buy anything in the line ol Hard*
ware. Nails. Barbed Wire. Bam Door Hangere, Paint,
Kefrigerators. Ice Cream Freezen, Gaadine Stoves,
Fishing Tackle, and in (act eveothing in the hardware
line, is of W. j. Hobbs. Come and we me nod I will
prove this statement.

TfEvene City. Mich.

146 Front Street


Cheap Homes

UluefleM.- river to Nirorspua Imprvved
planlttiona by the depoalt of silt,
last WcatIter from tilurflrlj* to arTrm nrteaoi reported hariap
tta ahipplap port M« bnnebn.
wUrh ata ecul.1 pot pet aboard.



•Tta fat* of nalioaa depeada d|
taw they are fid..*nt to only at taU* tbat a man nr
fteU boroffdurinp tta first bonr."
Tta dtaotery of o new dish d
toore for tta bapplnrsa of tta bstnaa
racr thiB (ta diseovrry of a pUnel."
Tta^UrnoksTd kaows not bow
drink.and tawboralatootoUibort
qulrUr docs not know bow to cat.*
“A taUe wllboat la a tot
a Eplmetoiy “V"^ •*
rarbodrtoriM to poM.'


therefore bare tta bM tta
Bsrketo aBord at lbs lotauM
prtodA apeetol btafalB t*laa
have bora toBdo ibis weo
XXXN CoSooBlIla aad Itolt




ly to

election notice.



It Is coBp«M^~i^
mareblarselUM * wrh'-Aci.'Irok *a
I'sDSdISB rossL
U part ®l «oM b*u*.aerpm«o
------- Iblmr Ii» and Ib ehBt>lnf IW steps.
bouae and lit agwoundUma
PlewlA-Bt Iluck. ofrtbeUsptl
tbc U
Tta baktn* and ro®M-« rkibiAU
aacwn Iwcacarly tee®. taklnptoa. '
Krw buSdfnp* bow polnp up in tb*
to tta unlbeat Bsuaetasplap <tor" "
tta cbslr of natursl wt
’ Mralco SIT not rquinird wl
ronliy of ibr ststc ot. W’ssbinptoa
a pmtoM'ow *b* wtodows
which wta rrcmtly o«Med to biB.
loBp to BOS tben.
Tbs title sad posWon of eardtosl Is
vnifrij Uurirr. tta arw Csasdlsa
the hipbrid dlpaity to tta RoniBB Cslb^tof^BrooSatoC
n«irr. I. o poor man. sad II ta said
tllc rburch. nest to the popefarBat If b* waw* to di* aow tta eolsto
dlnsli ore dittoed Into three claaoe.
would not amomt to mote iban CJIOO.
weme oeun of Bratil. 1i
_ .....iUr brouphi tafore It. baa
Mr. D. I- Moody baa rorsuilly heoa
r|d*d that a wui* poOrraiiirnt rsauol
aatad at tlie .N'ortbaeld conferenc* by
'coa.tHuHoosny pollm e»pon dull
B coninillWe tooalotiap o( Urra. Dr. A. on llniiltati products ablpiird froto oar
T.tTiSiilo. ran. la spala diaroa.lBp tta
Jaaewuy If bla plura ot work would atquertioD uf pcrmlltinp t^nionloj^of
lew klei to ronelilcr snosrttslioo t.
on Sunday.
c ma ^^y
lead's conffOTwee lo Sew York cH.r we*
fdlL Tbs objerl to to bate nwrtlop
for tta Jropeninp el opirltus! Utr itoa
Usr to tinmr bold at JfortbStto.

BtaMlI Bspw bta lust pauBcd bto mb
BunlratokUtoe.Tta ntolii. of Skte Fkld will But b*.
«>r hlpb-ayfc so inSaltoly rwr
breucbi tu ibU oouauy. sa wa. at SrM
tbato psaarful tanaly. wbst «t
M aad dHtmt oMrsttons sad daslpm iBUaded. bat win net p-rtoMMStly to
am toktop plsro to secure tta diatribo. Ht
• •
' tim of tta ripraad seed wtopeds.
Lord Sbolto Detjtos' wife baa
___________ _______
MB Lte sad poor to
fyaadMdropherasadtbrrrtorteared aco ber inoibrr at: Ool&Dd.tMl. Mrinp
her bwahaiid Inokinpffor forma
a.tbSI ebe qult the
elspe at tta
EUtn Ruamll. wkdpbt tx pound., of
twud ;mps
imps oT a
Plsiaflcld. Ind.. la the lauud
wotato hare Ultoa aad tta toed wfttaa iM-toeh lAby wbtoh wrlptad IS
posata at lu bMk. sadiat tta rod of
thru* week. WHpfaed throe pouai
Mto.aaasell'a welpbt.tailta peuadaTta MMn>« vt tta ootomuat pappy
toes unto daora to tta lop.sad wbralt I.
Tta rsHwsya of tbs^«sjTy •


rw Intoau sbd ChiUiuiL


S’S^titi^rlSiJ^tolben^ M.dl,»A
tta la

AaytiiiaffofdoobitBl qtall'



M lorssadutosnr'll riJcK ah-UBO
way ab* cue. wuka Aouer.''
,to Bta (*U ®Mw ahr-II rwlr oa a W


They’re Strained



) tlic'tfry tadof themorkbw
children frnuilBcd oo
Bnfcata Voeta took tbc frop fr^ trrotl*. JroBlr titarta was osr.
M am a»d wrttt lato tbc boaa*. rioao.
ly toMwed by tta boy. who tjMjUtk*
IM to ore Wtat U. toUtcr waa abdwt alnrpri’ Axd ttan btid bar obBI tb#
«g do. W bos ta irwrhrd Ibr worit- tndB had paamri.
Tta trolB---MM ta MW OB tta Ublr B Jar which, •tenod and all tta paaa.nprr*
to him. koobH raapkclooaly like oor ‘ taefc. M Snd lltO* JrBBlraiixlooaly to-




0! the Breast. Farming Lands
EfS; i~-

udMttattataadi^ tta trestmeut of

ftorarin is ret
-ipt -A tori «
otaeae to like a pi
Ota eye.-_

Tta flrot otrret r^latay waa Mid la
Turn o»ee tta com pool hasp uad ptoNew York to lUZ. beturoea tta dtf ^1
jmro tta BuU fer tall poUtoraad FourueaUI .«««*.
Wtaa ptoau ore ukta up froto tta
Tta drat ADCrioBs raBraad laB* told
tarder (or wiBMTfiiporarooi'
Ssdiy.tatolly.roDBd-l,la tta
ttaalarofalaipriBar- ' ,Wo (tta burr of tta bordoek) peu ol- WI-.T
RlBcilowera abouU ta eat
toataJ to our ekdtao or eatsaptod to ■
are fully opraadaBd
tafore they "
tta loop hair of oor dop. aad eaa ba
totta • •
Stoke (be eu^BBdpter^rlM
I win occupy w
Em supparl. (or ataoa«*la*toaybu tB&Ttaaa
1 “®
I thweoM ta te
expeeUd-this BOBtb.
Xatal the rtohUaa wUle ttay are » , ^
Wtf r '•
tooto. >Dd toateu tta total, to *W
• ttb^.iapOtto»«bodofdto-|
Bber* when
ttay are toaawd »oc tta !“•*
a tiwy
tntartlaf ttairm
posftatoeal tStoMtoO.
•tad. by odla
• ^ .
liable imulap beoA to a pmt
rieU Uarahal C<
ataap tare bees cooroyed to tta fiaato
aa. bas aianed o^iTtoac tour .
toOttareooniries.aoifBi>Fw-aBdripor- I
rodrn sad Kurwsj.'
ONiprewtkbMreaBlird itarofRiB. la!
, rvldr^tlyVpauvsAac Car
Bto ptoau I bate sataed tta taobssra |
toiotarttapUBt'itarorUre BteAtifc'ot y attar btood

Do Bot po West or BobUi bbUI ytm
ten* hit Hiehipaa often toulliprat
fBCBtots. You «»B on bettor wig
tBoaey BtArer bane.
Lwda rich, dry and pesUy roUtop.
ttetared BBtoly with 8upv Hapto,
Borto Elat. Batowood, Aab. I
eb. eto.. aad are wrU watond by
lakaa. rfeer. asd tarooha.
BWtmp «lA. fiae eropa. tamltby dUmate, ^booto aiwl itoaiWMa. Wtoll




loeha. Maps. oto.. addraa


' ro.w.i-1

ARcal Hood Remedy.


o^rsvta M to pR«lde for tiw moM-1 ^“^roiu m S^'r^m
___ _
« —-~. . pattod. 00 that It to8>
------ ...
» lattoNLsto«II.MiBMae*tot
IXt- HsB Oodtay. tV ImBitamfor jewdy
fa -tklf tookb ai tta «rut ap- ^ J*
,«.rhrffro«. Pto»rov.«riap.-« K*?
Itay aro trtiy »or»td£«
Ao frWtosf ltatoBnrato.ieoolla sooo t-aeb ttaopaof ^Mtamaeot. W ; (.Mpeni

>- S .......ta Mi * * -W-IW* i es-J- y

"l-1—- w*-•


W. 8. HOWARD,.

9«Nto«to hwd amd BOO tePMl*
•bW^ p« Bv- »mt«r dW
teima— f> CM B4MM. BdW <•



• fWUeed ■orataf.’tkM aUmd to


erf ee«M. le kv-foMO. T*ej tare
^ n.. k« keee the *ek !»
ttfafhU.lke eeflax* Md tkedeler*
StofeMDlbewoof .rUto. Ulebeir
!•»• Wm uot bM ftTM. eot <wtf
gcunMfm bet «u etbMo. tbe i'

tt tbe Haerer*
«Ub eeBCbli
trUbebartal glidef—< eweetjof.
1 BerslM’ kkM
‘tfnai lbe»o»BUr»
Uwwkmt *V - UlorlMe tbMcble cd
beIrM UadMie Md rbnriac lo*« >UIW tbe ceia trilb rUdaM. dnalaf
4mn bcerta fra ebere.
-OmiT • eoNT."
t»le«« “baeb U> better
pMbi^bve tbe reetrlae, reriat feet.'
Tbe «Mt o< (errtrlar.l<>nvU*<leee^
«Mti ead earce-^rt wbea

' Abl Ub tbe
MMof Me ibM ehaU tell tbe tnaC
fMtbaraU.Cer nbaaferae for
to beae« eeer eae ela|Mr tbM le.»red
tMa eev ataelf a^ alae that aeadetb
Wbea tiMoaeartb with
«al eMl be ae Mra. tbea tbe tbo^le
tbat haM beta faeleaed. the worde
that ban beta «U. Ibe aete that ban
beta doae; IbM aball wake tbe bo
afMhaadanfT eeaL It bat bi
IbMo that tee Vina tbe aaaahiae.
« vUdaeet.or
It bee beta

lyn eaarr
dltm enl
leonre Iftkr
It b bnt tocet
>r nry rvovli
de. Ooecaaof epollrd fnlt will
for amral conn,
yea mlly maoi afford tbe are
e. (MByte eeeeB'UrneUtUr
Bae (yoB waal it la the boon eay
way ter it ia atm to pat errr b’lT
thaa kraady:) MitatIUleaed brack
Ibe taelde te the eoreta jot eeyoo
an patUv then oe. aad te eeern yoe
en eahuraaf way.—tbatb aa*
-wrlskle.'' WbaatbanaUlo tVbo ^n I
teopearddiptaaeonred rad tolo boi
(tet^'y t*»r bin—ooly a ran.
>atarfor a iBOBeet.
{wraflea wUI here kept Unm perfectly Tbe i^Ayate raa Unnicb ber tired
nui<ri|enie out
lie. rea«ilovtb.'»»shios 111 t Siosll
wii ibVn
ihin ber

air Uybl.
Aad^nld lobmelf. with e tlrh.
Tokeopjelllnar BiarMladn bbli. Ue wee -'cteilHHl la the Mrkel '>'»» Bel I aw Chaiaed to a pie.
lay a lluir eoMae batUnc <mr the lop
add tie dewa. w>U paaiBor paper, Wbal do IterrtolbrwlDlry blatU.
wbba CM be obtoiaad at the oaady i <>r UirUorMultiMMi had «lrrt
1 sit by threideof tbe kl
If aoy BoHaCuncp mdm hare olhItebrvddiar eltroe aod BMl|t?
' tfr^hst arr the s’>pHov-UBc
HOC hod. u> Be.
of i
Vt>ra ste)

To ■


«i r>.
Ur oia iiordm.
chaorc the sreiioi
To Be. Is s rbenvr >e pin

drSi vW.^ii^'biuT-Ti?^:i ,a;'i::i"rar;^:u‘;:.i"spnd brr

be that.
•a towla« a> aball eat mp.
bhlAwl^ la Jntlea. eowlBf la

1. ted U It as

ITS It a1-'
Tte bnoty el a baby le to hsi
rays ewiwt aod elna. aa'
aad —
Uis kreeelienee a rather rsteeeln wanlrobe as
to diMn aad bika. t)( <
la a fftm dlffpnraea le bsbm: s
rsqairtac a eleae Mb enry bslf-hWhan teWn an eepeelaily taoM IB Ubway.
Tbe teller edlloai
aad wiU aaoll sll belwero may hr
4ff trimim eyaat a royal atteraoea oa
lacklnrtv labrka
• Ibaleeale trait far* the ether day.
boae oaed lor arrm
ylilUrd to brep Ur
•te had a leyal‘■blfh tea" ax the tad
d llkr
ten. Triadehlebaa. eold
Mohad patera with cnry. hot roUa,
•lad aad piaUee aad i.llj aad
■e teblB IMloe to Irrilatlno aad
•ad eel ary aad eeOea, take faion aad
an rrry fat. A haadkmhlrf te
yaaahae aad eeaaa wUhaot atlak aad
HkVl' Aaeatet lipeo-lawD laeean thle attar taateaa bad beta '•tvowlthnat say drnalac wbalrnr
ore riewe sp eodor ty ehin. te of
te loeaa- aa a paalaaola peaeb aad
vnetow In teats teUla sort To oeytaai eeebard for two boon! It
donload Bed I
an aarwaMtedoyaathwIo tte oa- litUe hel|n te
teaptetiarlBC ia labor
ateiea Boa Cam roaderr wfU ten aad Is Ur oalorl
te Ue lltUe oar —
>B npply ttew-tba writer eaall
Bat It ta abeat tbe talte we wei
lav to Ml re«. *er U wae

aetery aal ia tae Wu. a
aiiaad. laana te tte taadar baan oflat•aaa pallte late Lula MUi all thU prcyarte )nt befwe nrrlBV, aad aamd.
with aeebrwiiiidralaf. Mda
ter la the day aad eet is > nry
ytaea tut tbaroacblr ehllled. It
dalteeaa aad enrybody had

>y childm And it i
hiinrry. aad
a ffond demJ of njesIdmtUon
Wblie a heal
IS day; aaten Ue BoUrr-B pan
le 1s M balmy a mood aakiBahe
aa b_________
Be aral ahosid arrer brpa
Bedlataly before tesllii
warm ailk. aippad
last urn appniod eeaa U* eteia. Uralarly
teU Tte teller.
alter. Indred.
r Bl.bBaa^elTa
yietenfood non te n
> oac telllac.
II be te nry maeatial U nerfect bralU. aad te.
“Jfio* lala. reod lor iailseir. aa rxoelleBt Brass of ' '
> esn te nbal
'' '
' i^ refrssblavaleep."

s£r.;, ■S.5!


fhwUaaatea* bar n<dra ter
If Itee
•e sake wiUtbe wtebte naea. t
wbkb in bad a reelpa awblte ace.
Two eepa teeaver. oao balt eop
battar. oMbair aaka e« Bakers ebeeelata dteeltteteoeeteltcerte te
lac atalar. tire evfe. oaa-half eap
bMUMUkreeaatteaipeaatelef ee<
tbmeea^te dear aad pilule nlL


•t itte bed-tor Ueeora.-'
wares aad dry. aod we
toed wiaUrr tar Ur eoin."
it H tebed for Ue peUeuityoea. te anweriec to



roll. Ute aoralav ay heart eras at*- -■1‘catec Uod. from whnB all
Suw.-atidaybadr wae baak-i

the erlstry fflooB )eet teten oe. eaUl
OwwhaH ear te aUk. tweeape e«cmr. raloded of K by tbe Bllkmaa. At
toiypryh I nlL <QlerbBe Mral^

• of UrbI browB

•d baabad ^^'M'ftedM
eacar. ler Ibe Boauev a n^oiea waa la my
aeal. Is whiah plaal asd Bower seoMd

0M> tewa la life beeatal. ehswtal

Imported aBdDomatJcVNlecs


enry alrbl In Ue Ofnb
Ue may .«•
caalooally Aod su f.rr some lousr.

y.JO-han hnd ney u
oUer bsif. Thin issj
inpe. but It will by •


**7t.o t (ort.-l liml ronr Act int-res'.
TVyalewelrre DunwfmB ny^wites,
ntr .'.mi-etiii!si alt*i your li-Br
that l> properly taken care of. you nisi InditrrtkeisndToollcertyBstinj. AperiBdolve in church sAsIrs. minl.'nary m imnly t>r IXtxiacM,'Kssan, Droiril.
projects and amsttef enterUinBepu
ims, Ited Tsaeuilbc>loeth,Ca>tra Ta«qe
rate ia the SUe, TORTID UtTJL They
UBnllablt Huebandt

• •
The fnlkiwinv ninvereation te report­
ed to harp labrn plai« belwnn a bIdisler'and a erldoa. boU of Aberdeen.
Tbr widow, wbo rail'd spun Ur Blnteur. aercoed deaio ur o( reltTriPK' h.u
■aind of wimctbU-r sbirb opprmrd

Wtei.r^”lo‘bonJ^'’ BTiten^^rnlsilS^'
"My food ooBSu. yon st* I uaa U
fr BO eri-eleeto
erreteeto yon
you till you
fn tell mr
rhat it te Uat troDblm yoo.-Weel. elr. I'm Ulnbi*'
tettlntarried avatn "Oh. Uat te it: Iwt ra ere; that»
How lahny
pretty Irensenl. sorelT.
---------- ohad'-'



Ht. Pleasant, Owoeso, 8a«i-'
nrw, Bey Cfiy. Detroit. How-.:
eli, Ann Arbor, Toledo and
points East and South. tToae
connections at Copemiah witb
BC.AM £. Ky.
______ 0«in yae^fl, Toleda

fbe fraud te tbe A^-.

Escanaba and Qladstone,

See you get CartiT's
Ask for Carter's.
.insist and demand
tartars Little Liver Piiis.

Pioneer Livery.

Via bicBiBpr Wesciott Kur full Idformation aad tickets, call at
eteambnat dock.
W A. K-Tiiiwn. Arewl

is tbs. (i
lln. C Sugar......................



I srrr.;:r~ r

axUa Babbna aad laps


Anyuisr IS tee Urery Use innsM

Within Range of the Leanest Purse.


Gloies and Mittens 1
for tall work sow oaialB at

XB, 25 au-a. 30o. •



The beet Une of goods In Uie city and at prioee to salt |
Inspect my offBrints b
hero te salt tbe pniSs.

Good Fits.
Good Goods,
Fair Prices,




{ Conceded by all

flaie to i uicavo1 on the Mramen
larlpvoix. M. Kor
IVtushpy and On
^r^ulaia call at
tbr ttpamboal





To Chicago. S4.

•DR; ,



AKD^ l■atnw^'>^r. .. *
At Rock UolloBi Prlaeas

That the Enterprise Grocery 'lA the <
cheaiicst store in the city. Wc offer for this week, only:





Uon'U for Wfves

iJI iha akb <aS te tte e

Hnc Merchant TailuriHS-

• a uierit.iriir
____ ._-.e 1 lU p.irii rro
i ball ieasp...a(«
.uup •


^t fw^ UWe'u^'*iTfra
8m Bseh happier tbte world weald

I IUII<"<.acrnl.TrarepsrOnx

0 i>t tuveai.


site eoft—whea partly
see of lewwB
__________ UoBla tteceemar
Iknn •ya. lake eel the bso of
aad beilUeeynp aatll then


OupurPso-. l^iirstW BspMtebI P.IS a B


■•Ywe-bei wialar will eeea pet aa ten^sia'nterfcT*^ tesr"*iate^
-------.o-------------------------------------- ■-'-•ofmi.

para. Bn eiM wenh aate

ee«k •|.e»s'«l Ills—ilisi men li<|j
in.uiif Iboi hurt, iri

Oie prunes thr<
t > 0... •.-cds.

A Plaeiar that Doees'i Burs.
Bostant plaeler niaoo a-crJIn* u
WsterBeloe Pneervee.
lull rWiardirecUnor will BOt MisTtere wes a drilvhifal nU lady
i» meet erei-ikirp skia. T.en tea
rlKwe bospitsble bomc It was my fuml
ifate of BBitard. two taaapooafsit.
gruse Is ootealonally rislt la.efalldmpmelnte of froeBd
Uer stun looa was HUrally
mix too
rlav wKb food UlBfe—aad
. ...o plnnof old mnli
Umb sll BoUiDv so deUclODS as
If It burns loo Bsch at
nrBeloa pmsfem wiU wkkh 1 apply
ratted wteD e^teially well bc lay aa extnpirccof mnslla be
Ue skis be
I Asd Uey wen amde this
•Tste th- riBd «ta alee riDe aecnsloipAd to Ue heat tskr Ue
of bssUd sway
doe. cel lain saall slripd. aad
•B nnlil Uey flow tssder IB
wiU BiBato. asd peach
IS tbe peypnrtioe of a trwsp
HI«bM Hoaoew-Warlfs rate-.
______________ i e donee peach Uana
to^wplyaaM ofjTOlB. ^^ke^^



A Hi.iii te no

you hare
‘-I BSU work. Iseppnsr. Uiri dtr;- <1
beill Ue An. sbr broiled
I your rbil
lion-l a
that you ban• erer bed ..

OonuB Chtutrsa to Sleep.
"Oae iBpnriaol step." eayeUr ItelldraUK. -ui ibr aoPhol crlUor
... j to elt«..

■ ............................ ■
bnlUlelly wrary U
for Ur farUiTaacr of UteiJm. itte
bnlloaroid let'lor Urebild
aflrrocne eap. asoi rrmoeb elrrp dorInk Ur day
daj eaemarilr Iretrae Ur
______ for mUar Uroovb Ur Dilrtv
Krery child rrt|ulm a sleep ofae
Ilnr. sed
or tao dorinir tlir raominr.
and sfaoal
asrakrn in time lor Ur mut
mul da>
bnrttrsl of Ue
te well u let Ur all
mne besproi iB
of doors, if Ue
kappy ocrayatlon. <
wnUer br solialiie. aad Id aoy
fmh. ponair Hi mtllaUii aa
beatad roams srr bivhlr detriiseetel to
tbr bralU sad bsKiiens u( a ebild.
BlHl toad tnpaiduar sailor
tte teals. rnultlPV Is beat
vseeral frrerteb esclteBenl Children
stemld lire prrfecUy antursi Ilm;
. rtsr nrly. aud Co 10 bed
__-tas nrrrs o'clock la Ur
r; and tbMul^’d te pawi.Ird
ilaie. wboleaoBr food aad bypi-


It's the Lame Leg
ttei --es tie-|«r-.

debeson's Heiladonu PMtera.

la maralal aewbaca,*' that peer I
^le"^Sfinw rapliilyrit is »te | oBitard. eppl
baa beta blaeted braaotber. Aaetl
laed h-moe.
date aot dktei er '-eoatrel jn
tbaavbta, rear MtleeaT roar leoilaca
___ salteble-trlBBlar
niy nlteble-trlBBlar
ftw baftw
| ba !
Lore laor
i rbrr way n't--I
n't- -I e womsoV sphrn.
year aethM aad del^ Uod, >'Wbo btes'eloUmteSM
*ath aU thiare weU." fiMa 4ato roar
teerye tbe tall aad aadlrided ooolrol edviaVBlUawrtelekBdoe Ur tarport
a<aUtteaa.aadaoteyMaa lb<
orer eoller. wbleh aBooaU tn a reflle.
|o oonproedlor a woodrrfol tart.



Your house should have' a new coat of paim this :
sprinK- I’crhaiK you wish to us<; mixed paint, ormay ,
be that j-iHi want lead and c«l. Either way we can ■
guarantee favoralile tenns and favorable results. We
claim that no mixed |>aint is Iwuer than Boydrll’s.
As fur lead and oil wc buy nothitii; but the iirst Rradc.
Give us a'call for color c.irils anti priem.





West Michigan


Air^el Ibreprii

e illUr
they Were



Then Ue semBer co
aof tertsr.
di- '
' •
Tory j ked Ue Mur of its rloedleB ekirai
HrB-1 B^t. to BT. tbe UBBPr hi ooly tbr too rirti sitil
ben lloro le p^emd fsbr.e i( eor
____ te rtVardlMteocwt. aod dm-cain.
Kur Ur mskisc oi brrry pin.
IBe^pattwaf. Uhaeteeatbea
bria are eboeen by tteee wbo desire s
Mskre-^inerp.iir m-tr e^
Aed wbco aoiuniojsbrrr with IruUs with s smell bu«->ilt ruiirr.
.tenhnBfbl >oj or eertaa. pU
IM srpeMre rn^
I mi' lb.'
rrp rnat nlsukr le la Mklnv
hrpala. PliMini er etlewx ten rrer
To toll that the jnr yrowt old.
, Mteead Mae la the wake of the
bet pin io appir
and psorb.

1^^'tbe' noter. uid pie.h ' “tdpn
tbewbH Itet ten beta eoate
• pao>ptle's|rb>br.o(r>ld
nara. medr Ue ouUt for her flnt | A»i Ur
aBM tea eosc IllUr ehirt.
a beet test. teJhatm flar a

htby leirr rooeirb t» lest
six BoeUs.



TnTCffssOltr.lfleUcaR. ^

Ordertfor Job Printifis left Rt «M






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