Grand Traverse Herald, June 11, 1896

Dublin Core


Grand Traverse Herald, June 11, 1896


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text






BOfflfg OVM SO. I



- -LSSrs.'KJiJsu-"
Biuixieas Cords.

' ihaa^oAB.


WMi’. Cnillin Pnhr.


aik Per Pound.
s«4sS M Msks a kssrt sss MiU;.

Rose & Son,
BMdl« BulMing. Prool Si.

■ • ' -A-


O. P. Can'cr^g*-

Real Estate









J l^eal



MBUB nmcnN or iinB




saooFT, CAStrut
ASB oouBTteta ATTiaTioa






s sUi b>s <> sm 4ssr M sr nH.)Mii-s

]^^ss:‘si,hsssi^^ Pire Dregs ait PatBit Meticiae




• mMin.

Tbis Is Uh- opporUBltyot s llf«


esUce big Bcnsy oe

iBsiUorau. hr


ov Plan ol

Trading^n ’ (inUn


U wa* fully ball nudmur tatsr. wbrn
'brbr at boil stood Arlimsnl from brr
aptiuus ruxtonirr. i Hot no rxprrs<iiiisi
■( ln|«tlraiv l■stfayr<l Itarll in tbr

• lisclsrs for It. II l» a luiralng
lake away
balf hulldiy.
I .............
Id UBS girl si-hrn>.«tly. as sbr fluog
- boDarl'Uix OD Ikr o,>uolcr, auil
bosldini tbr lid off ru.lrly.
•■1 hs-l
lOsUr pisui 111 go to A pli'Ulr. Iriit Ihcr.. plis-. It, Ibr nisi, legs! s
U BO such lurk fur air. It MVinb.”
■Kor'for.inr. Oalllr." .aid anoUrc
girl. nhuVsb bbsr|«-Dliig Inn Ta-nrih
oi'U tnitii.n HKATaii' ii.'b
-wuulilh'l I Jr.t likr b'l l.'DrOT till' onr
uird ir f.tsi-..- IBo inns., bus...
.snnlfruis II ui,lil Z|, m. kVKUt Uat gsre 'lbs unlrr f.H- llir sb.rr to
br krpt uprD'
1 wiitlliln'i la' sfrsld to
fur It Uat it wo.. Mr. lirmcss:
I B*?a‘lauB"V*\M?SuI'Lw%''lV,''ni,'
lip t carrsBl ,ln Iwo-U' nuikr
lyiiigbC" Slid tbs knifr a)aHl sodhAr^ly
abd cl.a ibivriy unmod llir |a'iiril point
tiiat tbr Istb-r was koipiaal oR.
' -llulyoo didn't say wbal y.m would
du if yuu wut;r urar lbs <iDr Ual garr
Urunlrr. Suaiu.' aaid IlsUlr:
be." Ibuntingly.'d trll blm If br
ilidn'l In you otr Ibla afirraaoo, Vou'd
rsaign yinir loiportAUt pisur In tbr
- ratals dollaraa wr«k. tTbrn br'd
fsruiiBly, Mi,r. Il.’ib-., yon msybr
iWwilfa plraaurr. sad plrOM'rx...... fiW haring rrrn iboaglit ol
krcbiqg ycM at work Ibi- bflesiwiuo.' '
As-llsltlr HiiUl.wt >|aa>kl|tg a laugb
lamr frum Uim-<w four of tbr girl, droll wsxhrr‘oDr.
BO pompons brr air. a. xlir imllatsd tbr
mirndl Usatatrly'partner uf
lbs arm.
lint Hsair toaaril brr prrlty
brad.tarbilc Uie lIii.U on her ebrsk
decpcDrd and .lir n-plird. a. she fastsoed tbr prDL-il in brr drraa. and plik«d Dp a du.lsr from llir niunlrr;
".So, be wonidfi-l aay Ual. taawnsr I
dare lyll I wrrr in bla prrsntcai 1
should br too frigbtsard to Irll wlial 1
fcrl. sb'bc would arerr know bim aa,
gry 1 am at
.1 being kept.
kspl. ,; llul I'm
I'ai •sure
ig—If I wrn- axsk'b aa b<
1. lake
all I r 'lid g>l f,
TBATZBW OtTT, KXCB. r wouldn’t
r a/rw c:
mj clerka. Just U>

Lunch Boom!

±oy 29c

lon^'U breughloul tor Inspn'Uoii. aud.
a> fur a momrnl ab* garrd aftrr U*
dr|Brling tlgurr, that oas M> rocmi.'"
uous by lU oddltv. S|ir murmur.>d/
••|•oor idd;‘ hhr rridrjrtly ha>
plruty, of iiionry. but I don't brlirir
sbe cnj'iys It rrry inurli. and I'm surry
‘r-brU- Kbodns mJMr no great pr..frssloo uf itarlsilanlty. but from fliat day.
tbrre yrarsago. wbrn. Irft an iirfiban.
ahr had atrplird nuirlly Into Ihr p.s.i,
tion >lir DOW hrid in l.iwb-r A lirArrs'
It bAS aith a Arm drlrrmliimlioii
dll her duir la that slsls of lUr
unto wuirb It bad plraeed to call
Vr." l-lsln I.Mkingabr certainly WAS.
far as ouluarr appearanm went
1. If beauty .were rrskonrd by a
V. luring heart, a natun- that strocr
"brar uo nialics mw hklre.1." "b. Iw
0 and Just In iu dsaUngs." dbrn
re I'Urls-Ubudrs iMAUllfdl. It was
small buolrn that Oilsallm young
1 look ep wUh.thedawa of sachday.
l. nl rrciy night she look brr mrra to
Uun rwho alonr imp girr prrfret -rest.
Biul triisl bi make tbr must uf what
was'igirm brr. Among her frilos
wurkrrs sbr was gol a fa.nrlle.'fur tbr
on Uiat sbr hnd nudrslrs. for tbr
vy dress tliry wiov. anil Ue rest
rtrltabir lifr Uiry led out of Work.

wilrst ward Ury w'^ld harr
d Ihr wc
till, abc IS too gissl for
IsM . trouble had eomr
'Iw. that a times s.'rinsd slmu
m. Mti ibsn sbe could loBT. Itrr b«*ti
eras falling from too ebiss application
her work. Tcnr. sbr bad a buir m''>
vy in the Imnk; but Uat would snip 1
swalluwrd if a
t W'S> to breoms of her. n hm.' an
er able to krrji up, ab* lay spm s
Mr Tbis was tbr ijacBtiuii Uat
u ul^wmust in ber laind. But with
r cbltd-likrfaiUUst was as swest
A>.'iDsir apnks a small brown sy«d
'it was slning,.abe rarric'l her burgirl, whoiw dace w»» twii-e liai i l.i for
care bi tbr hieing Falher. aad
bar years, crept dus.-luUir groupor
irla. aad. in Uc miuiirDt's allrncv uml aungbl furUe -praewUat passeU a
aa'Hi limidli
■cofiUcao.r aalkmixay
- hare Drat tVsdori,'
aftrmom inai ad uf tbU aflsru,
ki-pl Us hioiv Wiu brr boy atber kaer. He wwsi a
and that Mr.
msayurureis [VlBwime looking' lilUr frlluw. wUh
early hair that framed a round, lurablr
face wb/rh at Ue preaenl was i
Mamma." heiidp
his owa'
oar that was almual
..................... wbieb
Ueidim kgnrr braklr hr- wiiiiaisfar- demanpia
It st:d’:'’"rm*
VMr. Ilrnrrs is kn-plng tbr'sbtrr sure you're wonying uissut learing
open to makr money. Hut wbitt does‘u grandma, 'canse f edn see by yuurdaer
plain plain llttly n'obaayi likr'ruu know you re Uiuklng of aumeUing sad.
or carr aboul dollsra and eenUv Hrigh
"T^ent smilwl falntl,.
- • jw 1 wish some rich old lady
adopt mr BDd lake me out of sbr lid, looking down into Ue bright,
Bbiabrd fuair niU a sigh. as. symuathetii; fuse at her knee:
-tVrII. yrs. dear. I am a llllle troubBering a floor-sralkrr odwliig In brr dl
rf at Iraiing grandma.
Hut we'ee
reetlon. sbr nwumrd tbr dasling wbk-b
OmI Om aai OnitMU TiMtaiBt.
•es away so long frum your fnUor.
ml I k Dow be mtaaea ns aun-ly. sud 1
el it U tim« to be going bumr again,
tened bun
wish she would go wiu ns. hot, you
sow. she bw aerrr left borne sibee
• Micihoan.
aicb folks doi
your I'nels Will wralnsray six jmn
yon and me. Sasir
H's^aly^ au^
■Bbe Ulnks be will come back agala
auks where girls,
■me day. aa^ she Jons not want to bs
Pbebr lUtodrs' lip- quleernd piteoas- nwny when bedoea. 1 kadw about it."
y aa abe steppnl dow o U* aisle to Hdtbe boy. andmuadiagly. II* bad
,rd. from Ue boosekrepee of I
nwet a eomiag rnswiaer.
" 'A plain
lUJr aobody.' " abr murmared: -wrU. -,.sr. ■haodsooM Tnclr Will, who s
' 1 am plain, yri kauwlng It ssppmd B> hsee brea lost at sea. wl
0 In bard to bear."
But Ur crew of Ur ahipot Which be w
iplalD. -liraadmaalsrays. ksri I
m no dtacunteni abowlag on
Ue Uia lace, no look of nnbapplnfws jum ready lor him. aad nerec gircs
Ue brown ryes, and Us gentle UiakingjM Wilt tome back at last "
"A raio bopr, I fear." saM Ur nur
re.' BO woadraasly sweet and clear.
___d lu osnal tunr and ^ng as she rr. "Hot Uerr eumrw grandma ao
gtreled Ur old lady wbo sank down don'^lrt ber ser wr are sad. d«ar.'
As. Mrs. Ucrwenl.Boished speaklBC.
exbnastedlr on Ur seal bcwldr Ue
mater, and nnlM her bonaststnags Urre was a rustling of sUk. sad Ue
Belt Laslant tbe lltUe
1 Uougb sbe'wonki gain nore air.
"It M eery warm today." I'bebr said hadVored beiaelf aaeb-----------------------eestomer
to MmbsJlbodea that warm
sympaUtuiiglTi then aeetag a stfaage
look paaa oeer the face beforr ber. sbs anmmerday.ltetidUenam
-Von. are faint: I wfll
trieh yim some water.' Bstasaisb

JAS. a. JOHNsoire,

Uadiag; Also

Front St. House,

Oar'dAily nArint letter.,

Mr bosiBcsb i«
Fining G^asMs.


. .....--

rra. Uougb notblng looks nice on ms '
"<>b. you ars mntAken Ibrrr ~
Tbr wonts laoir Inrolnolarily from
ihr girl, and AS smm as Ibry w«ts frss.1
•bs Uiiish.-d. and basUned toaidi "Bs.
cu>s mr. madam, but 1 could not brip
Ulnking him, ff you wna m.r grand
molbsrj should Ukr to ntakr you look
"Tot. tut. child' Dosnrh thing." s.
claimrd tbr .alirr balii>. Ibtnigh ■
gralltfi'd ligblslionr uilbiD hsr full'd
blur cyrs. uml.sbr addrd. "I wnul to

wlirnr rrady trimnirtl hats uvrs krpi.
two of tbr girls at Imu illd aot slloti
lUilBrnt 111,Is- rbprruMd
; Ur word, lans fast sad

IB1 “£.11111111 tCv'"”’


|ilain that you cannot afforti t6 be annoyed
sticky br |>oison I'ly l'a|>er is-sold !at jirices
within the means of all the {>co)>le; also Paris Green. London
Purple. White licnebore. and Insect Powder.
lae non ««jcbt.

^uiolar BsrgiB

C3-__ Architect

-AiPiBtoUtu. Ui^oas.UtTBSAB SACWSslTsly WS.IB dBJT Ib
lbs euuBIry. but in U>s uity tbr tant
werp-iarwlsg Id tli. ImBU'Snedry
I sUirs of IjCBter & l.fares. tbs
• loukbd sTBipBthiunglj at(«.4i
ulbsrBs tbs as«> was ls.r«s anunul
IbsV Ibuufb lbs daj Ms. SslurJej'.
tbs sb>r« wuulil' ' ' k.'pt iinsB UDlll »U
u'slix-k. oo BiNtmol uf* "j/iadusul sl>'
I Bsre Uirre io
iton Inhitbr

. w. KrLsnaneco.







Va'wa'ww «(at w at w w at IF a

Oprmtt Praet u4 OMs Slmta.

fc C.*W^Wdr-*»T USSSlt Is SllPfll'



rrMrAonp 7t




jm Jti J*c ni >«t * at A M( at lit 4t at A A *:

a VACANT uore

, TAAvuna C4TY. - 'WlOWOAa.

Ulok ahe'it be klad to me. aad she'd
took alw Ue bM. asN he a nemlaet
-Vm woBldB'i hsTBtbBt eas wUb giaii'illy to me. It t caa read a Taee
aright. bsntdas.lUlBhabeiraaM te
glhd el the homs.'
NSMI ■U.U».lss«M»BsM!
Tbs bprakr. ns rsstlDg Ib s chair la
Hra Drewant was only too glad Uat
AsAtSsSi lisi MStMT-MbMMs.
Imt of a luag almir. sad as she sootis hermoUerhadaeosdsdtebsr miait
sbs tbrsw a sbarp glaaes Is tbs dlrar- Id peuride beraelfwiU a eeuipaaii.
■s ssn .nted lb. B.U I. MBSt.
tlOD of l*hsbr, wbo surtsd as for a aae- to geemble at bee choke for l«mg. fk> Udl;nMMl.ShMi-—• wb« kMV
ISJsSbM bbi b.H UlilM...
oad Un that dar mbs brardUrw ’
Mrs, Jewabary had hrr sray. And ems o.lj UutlS nMh.hO—omS hS
<-■1 plalD mus aobody.- Wss
l*bebe abodes- wiU Uislog syca.
nslassr MorkiM bsr? sIm iruad
- ' ' taee. aad a hcan Uat
. WAls4As.MMN*s.sdn*l.
tadc and I
M tbsABtlst M lb. sbMi. bSA kenyutf Kridcetly aot. f« tbs bright syrs
speahsW ton^l It seemed well al^ to hw breast; she wbo kiw that they
ahould aotreatoUeRganal^ M
rmif, umm
whH^he hadthepasrorto Btoad aad
I'bclir frankly. yrt*ysDAMTtS. m.r ISSS.SS4
Ual bad
Uy. 1
Uink if I srars yoa I usosld bseen ^Ual
bs been “tel apart'
fp. ass. Ikm.rt
rsivu IMS
base ID* oas wUh plDk flowsfv Us
HsiUe's eym tollo<
pas triu sibits Is so Bscb nor* bseoB- Ue departing flgarr.shemid
TSfssirS IS. .Slnisf^.avt' Ssd ikr farm.
half sigh:
-tVhst lack' Uasrelymldn't hare
i^iady dM aot aasnr. b'st t»' So' ’
sd ^ ip^talni^Us plak^asn been ber fare that brought It to ber. mere haadfal ot ■wia.4 lltUe UoBghl I
«ssi>mMSs.s.s>SssiS.- .
for sbe ban Us plslwat among tbs aboold see }-UBr taco again. l-«i a^l
thtoe wbo sror* with me-aloM oscapIlrror wlU aa appisHallrc ga*sris^ IS. A.. IS S.sbssA. '
AsAsy Slss.lsll ■»■< siMlnM;.
r.**'"l‘’'doaT ttor to‘^“- -y
figarr. with brrgrrsD dik dress, black wbom Ue remark sras made,
s i.fn.d IS. iMslirrsd .sjl fn^ sS/,
"Hut how did yea 00100*- she wind
sstio wrap, parpic aad blassae- think II was her fnee, but I do Ulak
M.s«s-k-S.fU«.Ss(>. .,
,1 imim ber. bnUIStoly. while she elsag IcMm.
sbsdc with it*.dark gecsB rlbboe It ‘igas her ways tVe shall
There was B Boldler therr-« brote
slrcsBcrs. I'bsbr sa* at uaor Uat Ur llalUe. "
"Ysa, but I'm glad sU-s to hare Ue fellow, who. foe some aakoowa tsmsim.
lursofbcr clvtblaf wn of Uc ilahad stock to me Uruagh all lbs earnaad.richest Uat taoasy cinld ba>.
They fuand Jm 1/lag aeiuto
And what a rest it was to flUbr:
bat tbr utUr net of taels dispIsTsd
at tme bfwiJe bmll knew bow per- ............... IB beekes ride io hb haad. aad
la gnniplag Ur calm, patasd brr
they told me Utsl bb wsnadi ware
artibUe ryr.aed she Uougbl to hsrfrightful—eaongb to haee MlUd a
thing BS unto Him. —Murk Ikiiruu Uus dotea men. 1 only (issad nt after"ItToa wsrs oolr i
waids who he was. They eallad him
bos l^dwald Iocs u,
r.iunv rhor.'AM.ra
lb lb. insi b.B bb,l lb. Onrs. M .Ms
ITItsU William Teclisr."
CIS. Mr UM W.n tUbI tbs .SorM .bsU for Id spits'<af your
.I'nrBts Tneksr.
Hr woBdsred why abe woes a Mash
would link car} .wrsS if properly cars.1
. .
s was t plain man with a cdslB drsto Uat Blghi at dlearr. W hsa to
It. BbobM. bAbtt ssd Issll
IWlblyUroncrraling Inlhrrbalr
H- lletorr M ilUam Tucker. Lm|.. aahad her. aha told, wftb lean tolaiag
rinsd somrUing .d .wbai was passing bcoami- kniiwQ te tbe world ol tarn °ba !■ Wfegn. ttarit was tor too sake irt
' ro.ssls(lb.4.,.M.u>a>-s.
dar«ri&r wbo bad stot him
s nIsiB boy. rery gold, reiy
. tbrgirl^ mind, wbrn sbr said ab
back to hcT.-WeMmlisI BIM.
,.u. IsCW bsbO sllb . pKiuOrrsUlB
mptly, as she haudnl back Ur pink lender bearUM and rery a
d.a'kM rap: '
asst, about Boi
tb.f*S''S-<s bui/bbJ tb. bl..sllbbb
A Woadsrtnl tftoaa
TbSMlb. bbbStbbl 0.1-r.sbV-VVrll. Ibm tbr wblls Row. bmsller b-iys ebt


Lmd OB Inproiril Fartn*.

«Wm srt isMml «s/> tsr 4Ms( ISM-




•w. S'. TTmA ‘BSJJ.Am,

on Horses.


1« uA U radSc Atb. OdMC^ m.

$1.00 and 51.60 Hotel

' Msssmm. isSusls*S.nWisl>

Sarveror and Civil Engineer



Ceitrs1l)T located aid Popilir.

Is tbr'rlitMl artist
ot Urud Usplds.
Mtilch.. Mbo palaU
'W perMit ud

Carpet Cleaning,


... ,»■ ....M

Life. Health and Beant>MAIL ORDERS

IhUtilPlutsudCit Flowers
>■■ 1.1/ ss« .srsIsIlT SW.04SS «. s.

Tl»e South Side Greenhouse




bBM nni«
■iicUii li-sniit,
*slkarkstliwls«hms«srk *s«ss ■


aiM MM <mwt ru<s>M.


Graod BapMs. Mich.

l^^ktionaj TAn^ett^.

A chance for this wheel j;h'en awaywith'every 5 cent
-pur^tase. Take advantage of this easy opportonity to
become the owner of this band$ome Tandem.
. 22

-1 feel better.-said Un one o baring Bwped Ur teeshe loobsd gratefally at Phefae.
kiad of yon u take so
foraatdd waamallkei

-reu srs-'C i:r.r*

- as a ■ siMi wms« ms*, m ssss.

No. SI. Front Street.

-Jiiwuitu.mwat Twwo •

issx'STj.'K.irT: Fresh,

KcanabK «nd OiadtlOM,

OFoit m* amt Atwg* wk »>A*.



lag bis. and Ue sroids apdu
trnmswl longned. ern in'
S simple
lie had au thought In

Tnckar. F>q.. left Ur worbl wherrla
mea bad Isugbed at him. and I'rieale
U'illlam Tsekerenteetd Ue regie----- abiefa had bees twdrrvd b< Uie ti
and uf which bleat Charlm Lacoy
oae of the ofllsera.
la tbe connw ot time Prieale William
Tuesertssrame awirgad as a-more
IB the regimeBl to wbieb be belongea,
sad wiU B iwrtalB latcM. pvToae la
hi* mlBd. STBS glad to lie atght of Us
wurid he had left beblad aad to Aake

eorrisd to bb grace las bowllagsMna.
If Ue lamUy at lbs sriU tm tooh to
Us Are then will bs a sqwalL
If a eat Hebe bssall agalM tbs


-................ tow Ua.Huh
____ ..jr path, (er Iba desU iwrls
^ L^swp^y at algbt. to Us gtoss
’nmedrofsofa Mach oat's btood li
hoU family wU) Mb srtsrfna to­
la Irrtoad tbs tot wtotot beto^
otoidid^(Tembw^Ls tohumUuSSb'^'
To dream of a htoeh tot At CMtow
time la Uaramay Is oa aaom ol alarm

idbPT you hare gai. sad Tee dmMsd ; was wsi la the 8g^ Ihf'^e^hw
Alaska's Onto Btesr.
to do to VoBwambsT that gi/1 T side him was oi g^ ^
tiAtkii. R^U^witTa' A
e of Ue mace rusut sntom ot
a la the character ri
aiaaua aad BrItM AasattoaAsim UM
oomr aad keep a eraaky old srowt


s mMm of


'dost kaow anyUlsginridem la


if yoa wQI. I'd , an necseBpiiBBBms -osss.vss'* Uketosee aoaeUlngia, .0-,

Salt and Smoked Meats, Poultry, Etc

VlafcsamsrWmmU TDr tall inlufHi wrf Utbila. uaU at


ap a tan that lay on Ue cannier


mi. f. finiK. Gt.


' Ym.' the old gswMsiasB ww ei^
/chad bard UmaUto. llMt .
•rs 1 gfWB and hlekory-barh oa
We aad to all dsadaya
.Ark days'on Uat seatmat. aad Uatk
Sbr came-.____ -_ the ooly way wc ooald toll whM Huaand lngr^tdist>nss.aad toldbim Uat day come. Hears' I ee« twain bawhrr hirer bad been ordrfsd to Afrkai drrd great Wg earmlnUaae'i amad
sriU bla rrgiascat War was loomiag
on Ue horixoD aad Ue wmdi then
would betdesprrato.
c coose to SBC you
f yontn. Yoa ban
• I kaow bow near* he is.'----bed. -and I know Uat be will go there
______.____________habU of fotgtoUag
>e tmtb when teJblag. and ws ban
ametonam^MeiriUyoa.- .
gitc Ue world to kaow Ual there was
"I know iu dtoeou.*' npilsd iba oid
some one wiU him who wvsld watch maa. w ha looh^ nmad. r-f hamr U.
oerr bim and bring bim back to as at aad I wsat to l«ll yon Uatl'n gitocsd
r that fallta' of mine An huadrad
'*nr srardt were caj^lMialy' spokes—
uaad Umes a day for Ue put two
said only in Ur agony-of tbr moment
Hut her bead was on Uc poor loollab
Paw la Poise.
fellow's breast her haads were



der'a comlag to see mr and I <

> ChkKgo. S4.

kis^pnrt be
losp it Cr anyand
rorld might oR<e
Uiag else Ual Ur wl
I all others, besidess beraelf hr was
dall, stupid, fellow
,w t
that he


iomm. omsw

tai«Ms«.s.i«Cssnai. lissnuOn



•ad anyDBr srUblag oat of MRS.
UARBOCN-SbcfBtw Id llksMi
and ezpressioB.
jUiardropa ird
- Ib tbs peBtoflics
vni call Bad SI
yoB wllh sBBpks







Bity ami made bl
la tbe year lato thors Head la tbe
_____ _______________ a.
wnablp of PreaebtowB, Uonros neoa.. ____ib-s>l. Urn- was but lluir
. Mich., a maa aamsd Ihbaan. wboas him. HU juniors snnl.tisd
biiu snti ruled blm a foul,
Darned, became'la some laaaaar pos-.
l.rr, Ur iniwl nsrl impusrd
sessed of a atone of ascullar apPtoCsure, by look lag St which be etoimad
to be able to rreeal Ue blddsa Bad tell
erlBg that it was Ur only Italng Ur Intare w well ns tbe past J»

exprrt. T
was a green, uardntoted lad. tmt bb
It sUssl. dl
teller spread far sad
d lor biro,
biro. hr frll In lurr.
towd which snrged
Ur uiasl burr known Iromi Ur eery arvHiad bb home buU day sad a^t
boprlma,I. sad Uat wiHild cause a modem "dlrlas" beater
tnwl only dWlnrb his , _.. to turn giren with easy.
ofnilnJ Hsl lie wentsin. arrrrUrliss.
The abwy fnas Ual tbe atOM WM
ID his own dull, stupid IssbioD. lantenl oaee the prepeiiy ol aa Amariton
wtily to toai-h brr liami •asasiousity. bi sn»t Wbu with it foretold Us OTtolng
gel a sort uf siHSKitl rale smilr from ufileo 1‘rKtoraad hb Indiaa alllaa to
brr It ts probable that tbrrr was
■•rrpi trate unr uf U* wursi mamsrrn
in Amrrlraa hbtory. but .laUlag to
Ibougbt -r any
,y fularv
rularv in
In bU ■iiia.I.
sa m. and beat
IS ileo. WlBchtolrrto'hbdaitcaf,
SM disgusted and horled tbe AtobS,
hiiuw in whli-li sbe. lay iiaul abr
r It was aorldenlaltr dag up by
. writ agaib. lls liaonleJ It liy day.
llngrri'd alsiut aimlessly at night ,____g IaImu.
He Ibis w It may.
ruined hlniseU liahU Inriab------ rining l.absau made himself (atoms,
I IsiHilons sums were oSsrad by seewauf flowers and hoUi
I Ubtu mea fur the arreles ot Ue
day be
S rouraleaeent.
mg man aad Ue abme. Tbe (attsr
WBS bdd Ual she
•e blm, be frit ..J uUrr raUtlres at tbe bi? wrra ■
superstlitoui. BBd..wlU tbs amMahm ■
that brarrn was within slgbL Hr '
a priest suecrMesI la drirlag him out
,n -mt into a garden, wherr
of the forluBe-lelllBg bwlaato
M-ale-l iu a great rbair. with
berdrliiAtr Wautr Un>wn into strung went on a elslt aad wbea rsUiraad Ue
sdlrf by tlir wb^teBtskiaragagBlast
' was gue* aad to ao uae wotild-to
a wbal hs.1 brdosre
isbe lookeil
|mU- and weak tbal. It
inylliing is.uld hare ini'rvasrd bla lore
sjl 1^
mu hod a bmUsr HeliwsU milas
iM- ber. hrr
nr it
Imrrbeen rery kipd.
f where Uestoasoould be lousd,
er." ___
rol.U', "ntHl I am
ber Wiu Ue tntormsUoa that If
ri-ry gratofiil
Urfill. You
S still Urre be would rrWmaad
flowers bare bm
npUroerupatioaot bb lioyhood
llierr were tears in ber loown eyes days The aeorcb ww made aeoordlag
as aha fiabdird speaking nuii held out to direelloos. aad Ur Idmlltot Btoao
ber band to blm.
Then It was tbal found In the place dmerlbrd. Thar*
M'iUinm Tu.'krr made tlie onr rbirf are many r " ‘' '
If liisJHr. and. ia slaiumrrii
s tried to tell brr uf the rm
rb pswesswil him
Hut s
^ tto*bV'yean ago. had bb risil wlH
Stuart ---uidermbie atlentloa.
stayed bini wllh a light hand upon 1
w has Us stooe aad sxpaeU
"I am more gratrtel eeen than k
Ue owner loao.—A'crAeitgr.
lore. ' slw said slowly.-but yon offer
me a gift wbivli I caaaul accept
iDol tell you how sorry I am or how
There Heed down U QamtartdR*. lad.,
Hi I hrlirrr la all Ust yon hare
well-kaewn uid gruUemaa by Ue
told ate. Hat I lorn acwlbrr mas. nod ame uft Joslah .Vlsoa. who ia toriy
I bad acquired Ue hdUl ot
I lore him eery dirly. 1 am to many
-nw haMt M
Ural TVacoy. I abonld hare told yon
s blm uo that he bstiwsd
"BrIleTa me I am rely glad.' bs rswas the truth, mo
plifid -1 naiualyn dnil dug. bat I matter bow girut
_____ tbe esaggmBUeh.
abonld br a poor sort of fellow. Indeed, After he bad runeb*
if 1 did aot apprrwlnte yunr kiadaeas ot tfarutneorr aad tsm.....................................
aad yonreuaBdeoce "
eoto la Ueeboreb Uoagbt hb pueali•~,ereafler U« dail. stop'id. enmmonf man sbowedso driirate a Us t
was suebcortully geaer-ias to Ur greut deal of eoDaUatalkm. that Ua
wbo bad taken tbe plnee br had old gesUemna mast be ebarehto.
Omc reralM. whib be ww matad Is
mat uf bbdielalUaganmall drde
of aelgbbun about the ssay plmia

sMeateywbealaesy. trhh
haadfal of m. was arat oa a
-Ysn'm.' said Phehe. "IwUl pbow'yoncmeamoagmytrteada Hn. Cm-: tonmd ■arch laaa eadisnr to )ato
yon what srehaea. ifyi srill fallow | cry spoke ofaecry taleatad yonag lady iMs
wYatoUk ream.* M i she led 1 WhmTTto baew. srhn weald come aad clIM
the way. Ue girt eehldaeace^r^i^ lie* srlUyo^ aad nod. play, slag sad ahania
^ tb—^h»^
from smlllag-atthcoiiDt taiA the amie yoa la maay dlgeceat waya'
w anmaaotom.
old lady pstmhtod. while HalUe ami
-- ' who ww ber also, did/aot hmh hack.” told Hra Jewatory.
igier altttto laagh ahd Photo

itoB outtotoi TUS dliwtomd is
ctolassd tor Uo grit Tabu Itosr.
Aeeordlag tolsaMPuto^ wbu dgmit

te STte
smpte totoKmtoAltiiiihtot ^ -'i--:'.

sinssaniLS-lS ^

■Md Urn* M al^rtTM «ha,



qakt bla »iU tbo boot Ibet bpo booa aea.. The 1

luj exit. fcfU*
I bvcviria nMt M
ym wtf «<ratfUuMlt«|mt sf (W
paUk Hha^afTowMa^te 1
k jf laJlay IU7 w, IIM.

BaMa-S. Bnat. B^kk Om
B«n«^ A. UOtaft. B^kk O


nfMii rrlk.


WDIlM F. KMdiM. BaclkhCkan
CUtb FMam. i^kh Oonw.
B|n«o. K. Frau.
Bomadtkakak. £i«lkkCo«M.
VlnrU Ftarea. Baclkk Ctaata*.Bdilh B. Mown. BarlkhCoafoa.
Mataltb. Barikb cmiw. '
Aiikar BUlik«r. t

U^^^aTtetealoraUB b Ion aad
idaUaa ol teed Utoraten k to
tahkteadoaantpoorerfal leatraaoaltanrdoat^ooTU toinnreo
wUl ban biB la lUoa pathway that hw obaaca will bo aoeeaai
oor. Alwayatarradiaeato
aadtodeorioptahSaneblfbat typr
M pooptta areeakUeatforabeoy
Moa. oador uk- oapabk a
■ato<Ool.J. D. BOUata
A. J. Mtnbeaooa-of Bwood. led.,
eUldm earoUed ia ear aeboala Aeriac bao kaaod tbo Uckaaw HMel
MB faw Ibeoaaieiiaad aador I
tbe raar aot man tbaa tmaty ban
ew eaaacoewat tbk baethol ree
boea foead wfaohan aa loanad to
roaka to br aorr (or^kr tbaa «o
Oimt aad aiar welL Baeh attoetka
fiae orchatra ba beta laragod 1
ba beea ^na both to tbo caltere aad
Jl^ «alM et tbo Bobjoct.

_____ plbrpTr^mwd baria tbr Wrto
paeaad from the Untad Traswae nrloe
alllr at boBadlal ao waa eoer flrod ofallabr lorrd. to wboa afar aow
wUtalaer paatad l^o^lk botdm
tVtokk* rtS^’todtokiak aadirBrr kk' waa llha owe al ttofl'Z owa
flowm nanap la para farm wlihto
rreka will tbaak tor Hearraly Patber
tbr wUdawrm aad efaeotiap tbr ooHfor bar mr wboa they bear of brr

oor prmym wr woald__________
pr; aad W aataralk reflard all thrwr toalton wbokvw brr may
lire like brr
lUay arr tor brara
bowed to Iboapblfalarm Uik moraiap
Tbrae arlph bun mal friend* cfBBay
That erfierd.
lard, peatto. drlkalr ’plrl
waa drottord by tor Hearraly Fatorr ' *Thio bratber who wao tbr laltbl
Oavr* O- ' Thlrilip.
sbanrof to^w rarlr hacdiJiip* aad rzbr la cBarrr of Itoyaoar A. Maltk. <
perwaenaod bo* boro tor eompaaice
ofwo BobIr a mater alt Ibree pamiat
--------------- '-dattbrapo oflsaad Tito'S ■
. writlar, dawlait .etc., lb#
The wal ardor c4 e
toot saaacr. Haay who wo
bar baabaadAB tboae
wok haboeearriodoBak
toot yrar are plaaBlaf to ooe
I pnailmotberV fas waa a brardinloa
■poaker oaplofod a addiw tko e)aa
arato aad brtof tbrk frirado wh
Tbewm ie far away or-rae bow*
bk b.a.1 a* br kaow. lortop bead*
aadaadkwte. Prof. HamUba Klaf o<
tbra. aad tbr agtloek b bri^ter for
damllka tbeyeomOlioM Oolkm wa* Boeand pipd fan
priied all torn
oam of the city of
kprrriuat boar of brr eely
hk la^lrlat addicaa «a FrcpaiaUoa
ikaod Kapld*.t
Tbr Nortbpotv aad
•rbtrraad brr hokbaad and
aa Ipdiao trial,
for Aaorkaa CHIooaohtp. Tbo aoakc Urado
tbr ablrcborfeof HV.'aad Mia. B. j
re waoharricwlaply aad Iradrrly
raol tract aow marked by
ko •zarekta «ra» farakhed by blfb
aad a caaeral arrliaf al tbr Ikapbrll k twl^ pdt to abapr for
Irrrd lobrrrrrrT w*oia-d who
toproaad ritlrowa* pnew<
midM of bon.r oW-nion* ptoenl
■1 eboroonorgaBlaalaad tialaod
la t
baty araooe. aad the IWtrr ilocw. oa etorbed oely by trial* aed '
brr io the care of I wiop friend*, that
by »na Kllabrtb Vlafbaa. opccial BMrtiDfB tbr aorb of tbr «>ada------ dor the BaaafrBfet of iCIiey i\irtrr. lapnaloap tbc sbore*.
Ibr Minwl of earth for brr mipbttraUy
Sbrwiuroacd all tbr r___________
>or of BBoie ia Iba pabik akoolo. lopia of'frarral iatnal ban brrn
iw of antrriu
bare beer bera owoupbioBtofeatarr’*
oelT by
wtd. Tbo Brat rnde
wildo. Urrlifrwa.oaraf iu^mu- ebaractrr then Ain WaitwonI
onb kac
a otady of Eiadersartra Caltare
lioa otoar* aod »be coalriMIcA larpe
ildn-a. prandebild
I to bewiba’, Cbil
Tbo Bay View Beaaaa
portioatolu oaorrolraetarv of ml^I end to a* all hr richrm IrpacT
I'raplo idaBBiof 0 ncalioe aadotb- aod bran.'
niblr for oar of itod'k rfaiMrra to
bkr woald br tbr toot to lay aay
» aflrr aaprripr
irr U>;^tb
c^imto oar praUtode boi tor debt
tafrowlll be ai
which we of Uik repua owe lu
Aarably aad 'ltoiearr t
eaa amr br paid by aa Uod
aBoabermrata; jaot ytil.
r na reward brr. tow baa auw
lleUola oortoai a
red apua that rrwacd.
drlifhlfal plaie. wbrre Uirrr arr
tbo tacboro. apecially aloof tbr liar
• aad Mn. IVad*w»nb retore^
Thm bao bm a
au laaoy alluriaf piraoune aad ^ro
b'uabrr ranilM la (iraaaiar 1
from thrir bridal trip la tbr raMto!
ttaabyaadhcalUitalfTDwUlla all de­
la orda to harr food arhooU wr Ufro. canaot br foaiul to all tbr tot
follow the wiodinp
............................. 1; pirK. K bun; brtal. M; avr.. 3
- •kMrlar<aaaf«aa«atka(or
af tbo oobook.. The loacb
w of all •
leol bare food taaohaa. tWbiaf ^
^o. rafidlrO to latrrmrdiair 1
«a ban dorotod tbo
_______tt|«ld a
airoM aad It k a afkukr U ' ' ' rmil,aie charainfly rarlrd by 1
Jlpirtk.ij'l boy*;'toul. a;: arr.. 1
krrli loprrcvlTc Ilk k
ly to tbelr work and
. AaoaalpaUn
baor'y' tbr .floni
t a firi joot I
-fill- rarulWal 'to Ibiaary nma
IrctpiTo and ratoraiaarak that
b abool to eoB|
f bardtoij pirlt. 411*0}'*:'total, riiarr^r. !k4.w.'
eaa boy. Then- will boeoararo of kc:
Ho. randlrd iakcbi*i>l:,
Ayaatj;^j^ fc
cBABon !■ auii< wi>Bk.
by liod. 11. dfawdltof. llkbop waa a aatanai home with tor wood* b-i.n: bi^l. Hr: arrmpr.
m oa
aad iu primitirc
7.MI 40
It. Abby Ifartoe Dlbi.
Clam I.—Jrwdr John. Jalia Affollrr.
Dariaf the procren ol ifao yaar t
.maty fakpuidc
Eafoar oetaooU to bare al loaot oar ynr'r
Hr had a iDia.1 tbat •
.1 appm-iair Flon-Bcr l oicr Arthar Kurdraok.
rrad« worii Am baea earicM la oavi
k and onui
rrlair ISrm
J traiaiof la addiii^ to tbr toad: eooM oe art. aotir. •K-iooer.
al iap^rtaat partkolan.
lioa. Tba ko with kBcb
- •
by a food litoratarr aod bktory by famaa>;lnOMikdtarCaVtraaafer...
rare eoduwmret
rmret the
r.raliuokof a
Tbrrr wili br daily coaerru' _'w cuaotry 1
ifb aeboolcoanr k a
Actaal Boakar Mrolkd...
itextatoarDt* by tbr Tyrulraa uard>.hip>i. nod
r latrrrwt- Jilaalry Uar
ahook Boat br a
Ik of bktory.
■dora. fma Aorlria. tbr
A'ff.OtaT. tto
The oarolIaoBt U tbr talfb arbool
rKhttntialBjralo^ tbo Ubm that lead
for a pratln,
Qoarirt. - Chameoade Udm
rated ai
/or Iba year joot cUardwat «dS. Tbr
____ I Mrrd'amid
t. aod Aionnbly r«onno with
Kiphlh-Flara'Thomsa Lottie* Ni l•id u to lateUlroot AarrkaaalUarBoblp. a Beaher wooM errtataly bare roaebnl
aad-baltarrof oor of too ol
cMrao la Aaarkaa bUtcry and Uof
a Johactoor llkbop aad Harold trclKia* of tor oatioa to Irarr all tluwr oon.'CbrkUai- iSanhe. ilrmrir tVIdrr
mpby bao beeolBiradaood late all tbo
Jarrk. oolokU. WHI Carlrtoa will tie and frirbdk brridc. aad worn. too. wiifa luan. Mary John. T.faV .loha. I no
primary aad ramaar frada. Thk: oar f« tbr aarron^lof aaalrj.
tbrrr.aod Hoik Hillrr. d«~ tender children In her arm* to j-mrory Voice. Ktoy' Eaam- Tillk- Baaprr.
to an Durttledknd kbekarw Dot. Iliru
laa ben doao ia order that the cbilItoealioeoof old iimieduwa Mootb. k i> ril* ^ wptrr and by li
land, thro harddree may bo
tofirr orrent roU-notoiarnto. |
try i>>c ktoalcol hrart
a-iadoed U k ^ propir'i eollrfe
bW«T «ad traililke
that penile form wak
ai^mal. Irik that w
' I’rtenoa. ilrrfadtotaaaa toflaAtcr dowa tbroafb
BtHudkprral. rmre IraMicip
a.tii ■ Imru
■ roltrd Still .-wof.iod:i
l-mua^. bowl
wbloh they ate foreraod: tbat tbrr all tbr fiadco of tbr paalie oebaola aad otodrDU traa all pa^ ol ihi- t'aioe. Ihotooly apprar nm.aad toro aloap Tboaao. liertradr H'opl.v fUrlir Kanlifr'k broader trail to blaze tor war aad
may be iaoplied with tbr aeMa.Iirea throofb all tbo arraoea of Mckly Tiir alrrrMiy ral>racn> arm Ueir
Mwa. Otto Hartb. Udir «idertoaa.
•at h
which peopk'raaarally fall to aporrei
Walter Lw<k>e.
aad dardaof oaraatkxkal brrofa
oofblyorfaokra aod n|n)pprd orboult,
Sitlb—Omdr <lapnre pioBuen'd for iio.i.
bare eado tbkrmietry florioaa aad air. it woald br a mat calaadiy to witbaauir of orrr forty ipnractoro
. 1 iill. bdwin
* . __
Uapid>.to I’lwUaad.
tbo publie aebool lyalra aod to tbr
wboBo bnrriy ^ad patriotka wo
from Iradiaf lasliliitloos. orilh Ur. J
Middleton. Konaaa Tbumm.. Mtlmi
lirahd Itarri
. in •«*
eity to do aay tbtof that woold to tbr
aoplrr aad raaoblr tbrlr owo lltn.
aao. Juni d. Oartoe:
H. CiiaHrr, friito Ctaicafn t'airrrolty
rnrenr Cilr -all the
api!> -to*
,. in lu ^ '
TW aatlrr ot.ifiaU*^-a' Aarriat Ibr bead. Tbrrr k tbr d'olirfr. i>( Hochof the liipe tlwir
le— flobei
eooriphooni lopoto,
aa b&aty'fcu naally breo eoel
frriaf adnnum ■» '•’r Scirprro. t.itork a roile lop frame
Itoriv tbr year the hlfh a
to Iba apper fraaear fradea aad
ith blaakrti banp orrr tor oprnii
Ufb adwol eoann. bat relkbk ata- eoanoo hare
tbr Mcbool of HrUMda fur -{kacbn>.
bich »errcl or doonan-l wrttoo
Tbr a«a( aarkrd
tktka aboF tbatAt per cral of c
upon the floor of
Biblr Mcboiol. Mcfaoolo io MaoiiOaaiad t*iw
the foHowlBf:
eabio aad tt chiinnry a hole ia
tbrae fradra
Hnbiry aad Hbysical .fulUire. whrrr
all. aad bare tba* bna folaf oat
Bnr^ ■n«tnii-b>n Bfr rmpUiyrd.
. n-farealcka
liciacfal rierlipDcr. Karl Wretch.
far Itoirrroity oftrao .Jaly 0th. tbr BKitber'o
wdwh Ihr'
Thinl' pradr-neka lUrtb. Amelia
tka of eltiaaiblp witboet hariaf
rmbly ^ work later, .balb cluolaf ,_________ _____ rzbauotrd tok moUirr
for a rorlrw of oeTml
■irard tbc crim o( bnaper fruai Iwr lllaekra. Fi-arl'Ianir. buaa OipnoB.'
falaad from tbr aebook .ibat wbkb
ran tstb. All rmUmada #ire haU
-Q 1 think abr pnyra torn, for - lUUlc Hump-^b. iboHlr John. Julia
ibool braat^ca darily Ibr oroiar yrar.
weald brotaatoldbaaeAtto tbra io
«. orlliof dayo VlBf from Joly oh
likkoa. Ida IVIrnoo. I'lara .<<ljbbil».
. laarrrral of tbr a>aren 'tbamr.a
Uterpntlaf tbr okaalof of tbrl
to IClb. iB.-iDojrr. Trtani limil Aufavt reached a BMiertiioo'r<-abm mlirrw they' Willie Tbomak. Her I'homai.. Fn-0
Hailed opportoolly for eleeliori ^
Viii.i-. Koanir Wilwin. Irvinp i harb-r.
illb. Tbr rzpraara at Itay Virwarr r.-aodcold putob-rk and Uw cbildma art
Sl^ra'Hodumiuel. •
clappeirtbrir handk for joy.
oorar 'k to brtof. la aa iaapirib^ atadiie ooder tbr adrke of tbo ot^i^
■Dodrntr. room Bad boatd 'Trarcl wa> diainlr by water aad
drat aad prlarlpal.
4. Ao Adlaad iaotrocUre aadoer. Uw onmtkl
'irrllrarr.tda IVtrnoo.
their lire# nrrr oflrn imptrilrd by
if oor hktory lad pinfiiao to tbei Uoaal roatao. the ea^oceritif. k latro---------------------- -------- i-r .ilicir frail biat
ly a nipbl. when . the fatorr wa»
ion of rrery eh(Id that rote
. I'Urib. ‘
11 br sarpriprd orrr
Tbr bifh arbool atill eooUpate «n
away. Ihi- |4ayr.l with -her rhildirn .nVMI. ceiiii
pabUeaebook. Tbkloaakrofoarboya
tlraabr door la ixan
while the floor of W rabia
aad firio loyal aea aad woan. elf tba nalrenily dlploar ikt in all
tbr aid of . a wril aupylird .lekery
klcrplap lodlana 1.
tlartbr. Anni ■iartlie. If^i
raeaerpllbrelaakal. It k fiat!aroo irlUi aa aaorlioh aad tree drr
bDe rrrr moleklnl licr
otorr. aad a Itv oil ktorr.
_______ liDilli-«on, till_________
ifylDf to atotr tbat orrr tv per erol of
Uoe to tbr pobik woal. AomtI^ wI
Ibrn >t.Tlr^HVlllnpb.n Mrhbio;
w Bay View Harazlnr for Joar iruhlfunifr dkanoH (lanprr. Boopti
oarfradoBlea hare aralied tbroiarlroa.
rnwrrr peoUr bribw h«r. Tbr In
! wtHkirratbe a lofty Amerkaa a^t.
t all tof
ana 16rrd brr aaa fririi.l of tbo opportooitko of blfhrr rdoeaVkw. will >rad It
IM imauTvaa.,
Amid aiekorkv priialido. buoprr.
vnaand toarliai-M. of nipbtaheliaki

w. .***fim
fhito .-that did Hot ftremhtr on lb HUrrUnr. Hmo. Uadd. Fra
iny rarUH^^
roHofoa of tbo atotr.
1-«bM Lkrrwia. Ifkry
trial Bad daatn
Nrlioa, Ijbbie IWrooa. U>oik Ikul.
ly rzbibiu atolk* of ryr srrra fret
aiop wwouL uaaoai.
liod whiebaaid:
Uamw Xbouaii. ilalbm Thmaaa. tlrlra
drake to call yuar attratka p^e-!
-Solonp^T^^pi|rrr baa bJetoMl
' Kacellnwr—Fiaak Cblboaa.
Bkriy to tbr arrdt ot oar hiffa o^bo»l
lariM tbo ehildiea with a doSaito
car alrikrr'o place ia Uilwaakrr. waa
lyumoird to Vint tirade—Harry Afbar of oarMlof Amerkaa aatbor* library, which k arrlooaly crippled ia abattnaambashaod win dk.
falter. SVIk Viedrricaoo.Vrrd FrrJrrK-.
ik food work from a iaek of foado aafto hare tbea coaalt to ao
Tbir tVczford Cocaty ISoacrr k rx~
of the ebokeet arlMtlorw la tlw Sekat to keep it ap to the draanda ol
Krarir all ibr hook, la .■voaaibk fur tbr Mary thatatratow
k kbe looked praoefally ont of tl|r Amok Raaper. Hay Calboai
Ma^kb kafoifo. Tbk work ba> tbr aebool.
Eaiwllrnee-Horry AffolL..
tbr B. A K. tL had lo .br otoppAI
dow aad oaw life* -tnn nrlHap abr
ptoradBralaablradJaBcUa Infaafr tbr'ilbrary bare bero porebaiwd by
Wr hare cluord toe term of aebool
plad that to''* and daoprrk on
ry raked from aalrrtolaaraia. ke- other day to clcaa tbr framboppfn
' aeaoory tnlaiaf aad there k ako
Wr I
-. and In the home* of her ebild.. . aad for lUaaoeroa we toaak you.
coateea. etc. Aa aoBaal appropri- the Wbork aad calk before It coaid fu .hrha.1 foaod a harra of real ia lwr. bopr tbalall of tb'wr popik wbu barr
■at ralaabir aionl rkaeBt la it.
brra pniraolrd will mdraror to br
0 of nni oboald br made for tbr
Tbo chlldtoaraaaoleoaall to 1
at at tor opmiop of aebool. Wr i
Uulc Faaolr nrwrll'iaf. Iktofator
Bo^br eloainp yrar* of brr life were
M4 ery tbo bcaatlfal orlertloet o( oer bnt
Itrllaire. bmiar loot la Utr woodKaad aarfalio a biph oenar a* toe dayauf
aatborm. Ireatiaf of oacb thraa ao
danprr and toiL
The bar tokt of,
of Iho sebaok. World it art be a wke
Tb# old plaa of farad «
life Ik to bralway* raraeot and al wan
.aeUl late al alfbl«fur ha«w-,- Skebore lif,-*W. Mw did
pUato arta^ra oertola prrcAaKd
*w prawAk. fra — ,
to Mod aad haaaalty withoat brlik
Her. became oat all rifbt aad war not wbnt to be a rare and .hr wa* athe
apked aad raaoblod tbrraby.
takre bomr by a farmer acar wboor for khr waa Iracbiap ■* by rzamplr
traat and pal trace tor *b*^l leaeot
|r| aoTOBi until.r
boBW obr foaad bersrif.
iMZittiaKia. .
Hno maa, iribatro T bare bea
At tbr borlBBlafoftbryear I
Fifr lake k aow 1a the Arid to a from tboae who .aid "It helped mr
^pfib daily work k wltaUoe; arealoe I wkb to rz]
pared aad pimead la tbr haado of
popalar ooamrr rraart.. k ^ orrpral 4oorr l(n- Wid.wnrUi on praerf.
' oed. bkattradaaeraadbabiUofolady.
» of tbr 117a] aap
primary toacber
aad third, iaforaal orrlua, treafor
portflvoB ael^tba Ifamrdof Bddn
Otady « Eleaei
MekaetL Tbr
'coik 'nli-ka lU bead-out.twraly tret
Amid too frrrHkb Mrifro aa-l fratk
aliorr tbr water and makro a whole
fllfr bow r-ttful to lank npm her
|.la.u.i face’ The, very thuopbt of her
tbr bharflt of tbc-.a«rr-Mrork opre^* uapiil todrirc CMplalnlfrom all
a traebrr. If a papU baaaadr a
liraru aad wnb\owcelMo .flit *
tora. at irrrfa'ar iBlrrrala >'ir<- Ibkr
a) raoced la hk daily work aad
work deriaf tbr yrar by both tbr
k aot a luhal optloo Iowa.
Apr bomrll^M khrirrlk life (mt with
a ban rofalar ia hk aitradaaeo hr
mrrUlefalaHywiU ihrm aad Iktrao
kacbeta aad thrcbildrea. Tbr cbilA dkpatob fcom Harbor Spriofa eayr berapr wBklhr ripmiap of thepal.h-o
dtea bare aa iaboradorr for aatoral
that to a ran- to reach tbr wns-k of Afar pralo She crew oUl braalifallr-br
fall to br ImprmrdwiUi tbr fail tbat
imaaroftor braotlful ebatortm' maebjacto aad tbrpbeeoaraa of aa
etcaarr Cayafm. Juba Cotwrll. Ur tarinp Mtr did aid lire to reptot t
they ban tbr brmt tok;
lakrcak of ^
Tbk lore bao mpoaded 9«k^ly to
dfsri. Imt hi- life Thoroday. THerr barrlh.iopfat orrr aad orer w
rrready aad will
eeooorafraoet aad baa be
kbon tiaw apo:
bed brre freal riralry betwera him
at ail tlmcB to do
plrra all for
to I
aed aaotber direr aad br throw him- Lord raokt ha.e forpirra
Ir power Uadraambr bolt laterA”y wroop
o<4f onr. Hr dropped 00 capUHy that
wUbral belaf bardoaed wlU rrd..
ebatfrtboaroserekrohao error fleeted, tbrk
tbr air toned to r^b bim. and be scao
Tbm arr frw bodkaof ara. orrrlaf
oa bare bora deniO. wbat aCbrikUan
aaffontrd ie bio armor.
witboet pey. wbu five as aecb of tbrk
taU Ooar otall ufreaoe and tbr mai
dofree. Aaozaetmr Talcou, olMaola.
looto.' bbd. ko
aad beat tboofht' to tbr pebllr
: at tbr flrekidi- of all daty wrll
0 and freedom to e
iBf atraffl
aa rapto^ Cbrboy- dime • The
hlphr.t tribol.'
tribota' Ibriot rrrr
attatoed. aad tbk k tbo
oQBly laol work.
■tlm ■ paid to maa or woman oo
ladex of a atod weU fllkd with ob-'
wtiboat waratof. a^ It waa'sclih tto -Mhr hath dnar n-taat abe ei
eriatioa toUo parenloaad pal
arrred lacu aad trmtood to tbo Iboafbtm«kat diSealty that br %Md bia■the pabllc acboida, for tbrk ooaBaib
-al oiaaldoratioa of aatlen pteraldd.
Two yoaro afo. la «hk taar
dram to tbr akaafearatof Ibr aebook
1d| aLzeorTtai oioieaaA.
d far tbrk brarty eo-opmiloe with TlclDlly.acbHdwaocarrirdbway. aad
*«rr a ebaor of ibroe aUn 4br'rafic
la tbo olfbtberade rlraratory aliertoaebenia all tbrlr rBortatopr
waa kbot by tbr lalbermftbr child aod
■to the boat latrmu of tbr paplla
VWBA hero.
r-t1* IT-ITT Ttf |a-nnilliew
tbo labc rrwooecod. .
Urow Ilfbt apoB the man dlffireU
At OW filakioa. wboa **ip*r«lcd far
I wkb pabiktytoeomand to year
Borhardi A llcrfatotd. itf Hrilako. from ealtarod aad eoaprnlal miada.
Ploaptkao ate aedr at aay tlar aritbartkal problraa Two
•orabk body aad to tbo
bare jast iwroand a baadwnBr bnacr Jv------- - . ----------------------- -- ->--1,^100flrra oarb work to ptoao of tba tbo aebool tbo eorpo df carm
dartaf tbrprcfraoftbryear-a «rrk
Bodal iaaaalaatoaa'noraadaa rd-,
•knrrer pepU. are foead abk to do
■ aaarieattoao kaebaa Tbok toprand dlaloaa'aa aa award for tbrlr'
^ ewb of the adyaaead fieda
azblbil at tbr Wm-ld'o Fair.
dtailkr with tbr Uirral re alfabrak
A Naaba of ------------ -rrl Mik.
-Mhr attrarud «1L
Toaaf baana
imrltoffo. ooHlalBlar torwo' haadrad lorrd
la meet
8br arror
aad torrr pleeaa. Ibere batlic laae haa- aarmrdoid for tor tobi ban Bd the
bordraofrarv Apr amy wbitrb IW
tbrlr work.
la roriy way poialbk dmd aad foartmdlflrrrat artteloa aad bbir aadtm^r tor memory bat
Haaa. A* tooe^lapti
inraward. tor dlthey aboald be kd to'tori tbat they an
chaapr ra tar parr ta hoart
plama romb a. folto
■JtzklUt of
•mlapt.atan tto btotitadm wore
apoa tbk aab>aet dartaf the kail year. Ndwotktod lortbak rfferwto beMf
itraaila. Award, flrav a> aa ______
Hon aad better roadlBf ham beoa dear ofIbaebUdra.
oahibttioB of a aalqar eotIwiUoa o< a I Tor year*
blfbeaioaooawofatadyplatml «»- to tbr fiadoa tbaa rrey brfon. I aa
prewt rarirty of aaaafartatoa pt Mtlrr ' fra attradlap Di»<
pakto tbetraaraaad narirod tbok draly enrlaOBd tbat to order to aakc
C T. UaowB.
abovrlar laa prafAlc
wpaodahrir*.___ ____________________
gplaaa of ftedeatka Tbataday area- rood leadae « oer cblldraa. a fr.
........ of tor
•ratalirraad^bran rra» la Hall:
lac. May ta. I tot.
rartoty of rdadtof aatlrr adapts
lake Aaa will eolotoato to fiaa
aadtkirTwbBUborrd far tbw Kattm
■ntk May HlUar. latiB Oaam.
tbek r^aeity aeuW ^aead be*_. atr^ Jely Maadfrttoiebmka pfa
• ->brbato< ■abal Hoad Xortbrep. Utia Crana
• Bdrtaf tbr year aaay aoto of pantorytoeamtof aptolekela Ttaromaatory readwi bare beoa
ent fnyvbif kiewmat Jalf 4tb.




“A Bieyde Built for TwoT







' Hive cents* worth of

'^BATTLE AX’' wfll serve two
chewers just about as Scents'
worth of other hrah^«S serve jgog
man. This is because a 5 cent nieee
of ‘^BATTLE AX" is almost as
large as the 10 cent piece of c^ier
high grade brands.
Quiets Pain, Checks Bleeding, Reduce*
Inflammation, Is the BicycItT’s Necessity.
Piles, Sores,
J T T? ^ Q Rheumatism,
Burns, Odds,
' LJ XvXZrO Sore Throat, Hoarsenfjs, Catarrh, Chilblains, Inflamed Eyes,
Wounds. Bruises, Sprains, Headache, Toothache.
CTsf PO.VnS EXTRACTa/tfr Skav’in^Ko Irritatim
Use POXI7S EX TRACTisfler Exerasinp-SVUmumm
FOND'S EXTRACT OINTMENT is sitittvlp a marret. ^ Hov





Zephaniab Breed No. 4 feeders!


I’rice while they last $U.O».
early if you want one.


Get your order* in l

Descriptive circular on appli- ^



state Street.



Traverae Caty. lll8U«aH ^

"" xr


-T--—— "



] have just received d shi|iment of the

iryaafr ^oiap ba *iak »aad
topcrooCarrbbomat to. baty.
Both far BafVaad
aHactapea yaar btolto.>'^Hetotap wane tou poor pradan. Oat

BoraAJx. OijOjB.

Cl—li. OiPOoMue.




^ ulc£s?te««kaad

At the

MBBdikmtaf UaDapefaUes of Ue


Mi T^UMtL tlMyonwa*


Tbe eUsB played WV qsaee treaka.
UttmeaddmeedUBasy peomiarst
baa (* drcnl dollart Ip
.................I^UelatBatdaea atoo. Ulrte-eereo ten loaf, whirb^
la Ue wont part o( U( wiM* of Ue
foBsd oo Ue Uaelf at Traasara Bais appar Loawrike asd NashHlIe oBkea a
bor. The npiala lays Ue skeletoo rw dor
to bark bk dalirbt at beiar
froa Ue
. ekaia
ehaia which kepi Ue
wind from blooiaf
bim away.
Bake of lay oefbt to be rood fnrdefeaae ia'a ryelooe.
la Buy lirery
SUt rrrr
bat*hT<Ce/_------------Ue rnat eUto .-t bay la U
beeaeU. The feanl took abee .. Tbcmmt A. Bdiwio't lauat
. blows away. Ia oae cape carriaret
Bapikt ekaeU ta that plaoe Basday.
halfadatablocksaad sn
J«er Udiartoe. Inowaae Ue tfa-




UhaWMdtbMtbc a

—............... , .ilnatisi, b
aUmsklc Furthrpsslalaro....----------I bare lim hsrta( aUackt ol kklart lum
pldal Ur (win ia B.r baefftorrr mVXr»
wss ren errm et limes: b* urlasri ivs
ina wss Sts. ia s lad euw of
aiad. sdmrtiaws (br urlar wu •oal. sal
then sriUP the suswul a»uld LrrMvwitv.
and s dlinratic of passaer slnrs rikir<l
A Mwuaprr maa pkked bp a dad 1 kwrd .4 Hons Kidarr IMi; si s li.isrobia la the center of lafayrUe park
d I fslt iImi I «es yUy m te skk
On ar side of Ue bird all of tbe fnU.
tkir uwVsnbd off SD s(tsrk stsI I
ers wrr* lalacl Oe U* otbn tMr
^ now l^np ^ ma^hrlin. iB
then was BO Sira that Un ' '
boa a feaUrr a the while
fxmdltla, end the lerrUk pefa la ra t lad
kmurh rrduad teset erily. « kit-iik> r-s
^aXT'^ PVi

ras eeaeiy oaalBed aaa, dlad at bk oniad arDoad'from plaee to place like
bocae is t'enma towaeblp Hoaday.
He k « Ue track of Ue
Yar dec yean be bw beas la bed Boaasd nyibchts aboat ac^ At 0*0*0. Vk>lai» Unhun. a ^
Bore asy of bis limbai
eompllsaed bit aim. Ilka (be prin■a*. WM laud dad Id bed Weda*- ____ He was oelte as old
cisle of Ue new llrbt'be k wcrhiar'oa
dar Boralac at the boar «( bar
bataimaliaad.' Hr-to
tar. Mn. C. U Da*.
aliaadi carried bk exprrimrot far
Ite UUrt awtr of tbe UaUaad'
rnoorb to fdel craBdeat to aSDoaare
to (fie aCeet tbat Ue wind
rraak ikTheraad bkdor. of Row - • Uk lifbt k fairly wltbia hU
toafethaboraoSlitaa oo* »l<Iboot ardsTlIle, were oat after waodctaa<-ki
la as iaterelew be
stable wbkh siasds la the roadbca Ue dor called im help. jlarasU
. a piiuied Urwh the euenent by I
kar. .
>liuB showed that be bed iackled a while be drawi
Iiuudeo brami, whu-D were
forced into I
- -the
Aboai •erea aO* aoHl) a! LrwIetoD
arnisad Ureriublybarrlddea by both tidiaby Uewiad. The'.ads of
was f»^"toar lim*
«haea b a eartm epr^ of
— r : I tor
oramt. enenoiar
ap and
at at from
the braint.
iiymnd bU
lie of lamlaer
1 Ue atable. cataio a pile
foondltto iatullmealadeeilll
be Mon la a abort Uac they ar
Hoaday. aad sew ^taebu
arraodcd. as .f pi
■' rhl fee
bea ehowiac a ever eidee. losUUe
• At Haan* Charleain. re(arrc>a«tl; lenrU.
Blm-k wad was foood da Ur wal
te«ke biear* ivlea.
Last Matardar
Uerrille ika It Bllee eastward of Ur
- -dlitfaiB^lk wBfeBaadtbe eebl■sek of tbe late cyeiuor, bet the farm Gompleirlr at Ur nereyof a peal Tbe loany booses after Ur storm, la
..adallyBad debrlsot aU kiade ecal- laradendleldr ia tarlradetof ].wu0.iiuu residence a Arkansas arraoe Ur
r biB iafarinr
d Snih blark patches.
tered abool Uelr Belds. Aiaoer the each, aod there k one brirade fur eeery
laMt relies were Beet
iBbabilani CoocUraa millloot swarm There k no saefa mod la the pelrhbura Isdya awltek aad aa <
la tbe air. boteeior anmod (be tops of hiiOd. IVfaerr did Uk come from?



mm jBlafallr bet aottataUjr baraed BBS bis faaUers. AlUo^h mllee aad
B* bMbwl aad neUer aw* bamed well, be appeal* dejected aad soens t‘
d hiamelf as a epcclBea of specli
Ucfeaembars of Cbhaffe

Bfo JoBca Hocloe.
■aiatesiar traeU of lead aluer tbe Kl.
ealablished a small
Saa^ ri»W brtiraea ttarriee Spriaj.
HkdilfU. o. wbkb Ub7 mi deer nark fur hU owa pic
BOW kas a park of 8fly-fire---------------talalar !*«« becds of d*r abd rla. tbe
Korope has
ynieedao.p^tahleUatbe Ua'twor-;
-ylar aay more oeer Ue low price of





A I__________
taha. Leaawec oosatT. rrporud tbal a
le feel lone aad as larfe roaad

Ikl tiwarix. wbo is seerinr a life
.eoce Id Jacksoa lur,Ue monlei
blalSf^^tht uSeuS'iUier day.
IVIllard Jokes* lBlrt-4.
They haee
diseoreend clews which polat to his laLalMdUreee. of Farmlartoi
aoeeoee aad Ur cbaacas are oeldeoM
laadCMDty. eelebrmted hteUib . ..
pnaeolrd to Ue pardoo taiard
He oar to Mieblcaa
rcaolt ii
aa««tr-tbrM yean aro aad has raSwarU'e releMb.
aM la ranalartoo erer einot'.
J. B. Kaapp. ared T4 yean, of Cold
watB. It Ue aon of a soldier of Ue rrr
_____r leaned to ewln II__
olettoBSiy war. Hit faUereerred all
dayt ababled bar to eaee tbe I
UOia daafbtarwbo fell fro*
petMoaUe aeqaaiated wlU> <ieo. Wasbia(Wa. He wae la ibe battle of Boarae'^'
mab Mllekelt. a*ed 30. m^ed. moalb aad acted asoaeol ibe fear
ofAadn. liellridtu
la (belllcbiraa
of Wyeara. karlor blbe chll: B. Kaapp beiaK the yuaefest
Tt» iDlellUreat lilia^ (albert of
Mvrieyharepaaeed an onliui
or 11 aalawfal for bra*, eble
keya, reeae aad dacla to rai
la theeoiywratkiD llBlts, frue
ba«rBlalof»aodaadpiand it am
10 Hill. 11.
Ifaay heoa cbici
tbaa*orab(arth.aadeo<Aiafu* ooile«d a raUle aaabr carM up oa (be
voad ready to atrike.
IIWl 3-^ -■
Jaoee Ueapaey of Kalaaiaano went
I taalaepbta UaniaetteboardiBC booi*
WilaBiliy alfbl *iUi a llchtrd pipr
leeof Ue moat aUnrUee ertmat
la tde aoath. Ue a*ukc to fled iho
’ maiaflra. II1. I««s were Started aad
r wssaa oldladlan of tbe.ooeida
kb bee terribly lilieteeed.
^ '
. ..oreatioB. fortnerly a Bembrr of Uh
After coerUaf MtaBdna Wbltr
first WkooBslB Oaealry.
tie looked
llovDe furtoyranC. L. Coufort nf
iach a aoldirr. Tbe ladlaas who
sd Ue usioa serrice iDrarihly
bt wlfaT’ TlmoiljreaJj’brth^Iwy^i! , . ,d Meelleot aolJlers. Theie were
nr tbae 4 feel 4 lacbc
ereenl other-oatlee'
tan. OoBfort Is b jeweler.
wbo hare rrowa rn;
At Jadm. Brnb Beaabr'. while aatoor Ur "old bo;
drlUiar a well oa bU West areane Ccjomde Kapp. of Mariarlle. wbo h
|ieebe4ty. stnek a rc4a of ice cold paeaed Uniarb Uree wart aod U auw
•Mar wbleb abot epwatd lo nr 17 feel a "lieely delecate" at el .yean.
It k iba oaly artedaa erell la (be city,
Late adriccs from CbWf i-Dkeroot
aad ta rafwded as a carioelty.
attdUeyat Washiartoo tuie Uat Ue
foUUuaa are bd^ drealated ia Aa____ -rr--,________
eeaaly aekiac tbe board of eoper- rrUrrwith Ue
rlacn lo call a efoidal alecUiai to eote ofeoarreiBof A4l.w». wlH be paM lb a
'aatkeqaeatkiaofdolacaway arllb tbe fewd^ Tbe tribe BOW aambefsjm
lead oalhB law h> tbe coaaty. Tbe pmoat asd Ue whole emooal lo be
AbuatoeekaHlloaa are being larfely airbed.
bait of Ue tribe are lolaan aad faard.
CUear Holbrook and Tbdaae Oal
ban beers appoloted tor them,
■Bte. ot Battle Creek, rot 71 aad «
a. Udorre K. lisle aad II A. ilsi4ay* rMBirtleely forcrnrlty toaa old
f 8oaU lUraa aad Boben II.
kaiM. whcatbeaBiBaltell from (a- bherwood of Halos Uarbor are. Ur



. .jDlmUe little daarbter of Jobs
Dallqr. of IBiplK. ampdalBad of bae
lar a pale |a ber eboolder. aad bm
B-.UCT- UoorbtHa loach of ikeamaUsm. bat um tanatiraUiB it wai
faad Uata osadle wfU 'Uc Ihnad
attached bad baeoms Imbedded lb U«
Beaboa ber ahaldm' blade, and bad
Ike l.rear-old daarbter of Mr, ai
worked Itt way la oeer aa laeb fnm
Vn. Alfred’Raeloe of Uarnlliaa w
- atarUarp^lUe rxiaadiaraf.tbe
deewaed le a ckawa oa (be premiers _rnUaM^aaklarU drriate from
e( Ua aamle, Thnraday aficrauoa. a stralrbt eoune wbkh made It leipcs
Tki nbridwaeB^OBlyatew
slUctu poll It emt by Ue Uread. How
ataa, bat rtorU at riUicKatiOn
it r>t Uere wlUoat tbe paUeat kaowlar ilk a mystery.
. Oae qfUe eaddeet ofall Ue-------ileotre A. Maker,
vUab mw* caaeed by (be mirat ryo lad., has la hkeinamalGB
dm sns Ue eblllanUoe of tbe Qalok Ueiaraatot fciasfl nmalat
tMDr. Heeea of them eat dowa lo oat one U» aUteniae lo Micblraa.
aapmaad tbe am mornlar alt errrr IstjM akaU of a mammoU bmerr.
the qaateiwaiT
------------------------are. eaUl
Kamaconaly with Ur maator
The skall owaed
At Badaaa. a eampaay of aboat a
_ _
AtBM lyaalM were ia Ibe city aad told ioeha wide aad'flee laehat blrh.
ua story Uatoaeof Udr pet bran
to Ue tanh. laeladlar Ue fmt
lar. T
Aa «etd«w they pradaoed a little
The tkall w
bbmdydnmi ^

Tka larreot pabtlc arhool picnic re
Md !■ Ue Tbatab look plaee at Kie
alaa Brlday la Barret a which k ait
alad ea Ue baoka of White ene
Tbtotoea poblle arbaoU were la e
taataaw wlU falty f.oai people oe t


Tko hr'**''
rktUar Ue eydcM dMrtet la «>aklaad aoaety (oaad
a bolt aad door knob baried Urte
A portloa
4* a kllcbea atone was drieea elaas
Uroarb aa troa moBBBeat la Ibe
. TbaaasraBetery. .
Xtariy too tarm^ taned eat oar
laat week srlU teems, warons.
jduae. hamwa. boia aad Inacbea, and
pat la a food day's srork la Ue cyclnar
dktriet of (kkUad ooaaw. balldiar

Bobart W. Joaea. a wealthy dtiaea
of Mew Yflik. wbo leeeetly died at Al­
ma HaaitarlDB. baa beqaeaUed to that
MtakoB astaUM.^Srs^'a bmav lUHaa aealptor. Ue OrcaBiaa

balldiar* la each aambrn that Uey
look likecloadeofsoBka. The ioaen
hart a marked nsemblaan toa dlauaaUee m-K-iqilo ia appearaade.
ft k
banalns. bot pestifrroos. as elatire as
of Lake Rrie aad
tbatit k sbort-Urrd
■ 'At Oreelaad serrial
_____ ,. mils cUlm lo
hare witneeaeda
da min
miiarc on Ue lake
. brehkwi
breakwater. Then was
shore Bar Ue
I ripple stleriair:
stlTiair; a
mad Ur tky
i1 with a tbiD raporiarof H<
I-Oly, abual a inUe^nut
_____ iwater. there appeared .
wKkh failhfuUy mwlnred
slrrleh of landscape nf exlr
baely. To Ur left was a slopii
at tto-TSSl uf wbkh oesilrd
of prrbaps iis> lahabltsek. 1
saw It ssy Ue eouatry vh. .
sclioaihunsr were plainly ektble. Tbr
elUafe roads diercred. and away jto the
ripbl wasa hotel
ltdid out look like
hostelry tn Ibk arction of Ue
l»7 TbenWwsssurronodAdby
Ibe mirare lasted fully forty
mtaales. and serml ob the flebermeo
started to row onl where it appeared
to be. Itrforr.they hsiLremched Ibeyihowreer. Jl had disappesFvd
It is '
lleerd it wa>. Port llsiojltKa Ust
pearrd in the mirairr It in a


A dlspa’Ch from»Untl
ip.|antinnple say*
lal li'isMs to
.! the tlml
la '('m-. would
oaite Ue wl
whole of
acaiast Terthe dlustrr'on the nadynUy
main, at Moscow. Hataniaf. May :
ora-loo M Ue dlstribuliim uf
and drink tu the pipniaer.
perwnos were ktfled and 4.issi injaml.
eelllareor Ko'lnholi la
■ IlirHaDd. has been pari
tlaUy destruynl by landslip- ud aubsuliof uf tbe yniaail caused by spriiifs
of water. The iahabilaak hare been
eoarpelleil lo desert the plaee. and (real
ha* br^ Ame b. Ue imUnmd

abtr*(^pnj blK
bl|r Bddle to die In I'ari- recratly. He
was missed after a dar and 'iliwueeird
OB Ur laailladr's selliup the riul for
rrnl It was fiiund dimcull to ml him
al eeen after the back uf the riol had
been remorrd. and as the man i* insaae.

Willi ppdUrr feetlnp Hut Ihri mihedm
•«! me s pertnanent sod spr^t row- I
* ■ retooly for aO ‘-Mi- i
good R«*.ii Uei
tssvr lhar so murii (or me "
rm you ask any mnrr thu Ihkf Itrnnv
Kklory Hit* arc iclieriay mute bmlo .d
llw biinic-ns Ibrt hair l•cc<l fnnid h-1- u
tbniulrh tbr kklnrtw (bsn all <eU-r m'si s
detked. sad. ktuir sUH. lia-y sie •kmip
tlik riebt tirrr In Mkdiimo. AU-sBr oar
a ls< 1ms tn i-r taka (hem and an- Wliai Ibry


. Tlie iaal rail at the TVII'e oM.atoai!
ie for Ibe ImI tvo
w^wka. It ^KMTB that Ibe |irut>lr iii4br Gfbd.i
.. nvion
are hlwnn mdy «o (ratp u of».
pirimiity to boy/r»IW«s» aim'BnH>ft«r al prior* that wuaU
i.i rain ^ onlinary mrrdunt, bot yoa
aU Well ktxiwW wrlkjtuHil the Hell rbwli. We'iiavr clranwl oniarlvea
bi^ t|{o
and wbat t*i.
• nkn*
.mains aiv yll rlear urtrfits. IVi yon wonder then t <>or liW'ral offenr Aa wr
«r cannot mewr
mewr tbe
fnl! balaiii-e >■( aliK-V Ibal.retiiaiiw into nor liendi
leodijuarters, the “Btietmi .Store.” in the abort apm-e
(if time. We have rwinelntleil
dii'idr <>nr
<>ar tfnwl
unwl {irufils
'Indeil ^idiridr
with onr patiunp bv offertns extraordinary
Imrifaius. CVinw ijukk
and du nut niias
niios an opportmiiiy
opportmiily uf a life timr.^i the “IMi'a old atand."
■k anil
cash rerkler. aad' aaten for nk chap .


I We

IW^ KUaetjPKb (or aslr by all <fw.i:
I'hrat will be aboat baKa crop la era. Iiri.v. .Vl ?fci* Malk-I Iw !.•,«*€. J
. Hultski. N V , -de sm-utf
------heUs l'S KemembrrUcDsaw. DMc'a
r. k doiair .r^t dama(e'* a^'
to euro in XrwayV "
u* as faal as it comes aoorv to
{’eojlc's Party ConrenUon.
Hesrieii taaMy. marketed
- coantr'i conrratkMi of Uepeoplr's
basbeis qf h|4>les last ytmr; bnt Ue t>
:y will be
............. ■-«
UI crop Uk sosa k Bot expectod t
eaefa that amuuBi.

making. SDme needed repairs in our store room ::
and must reduce stock or handle two or three ^
times over. We^prefer ^ handle with prices, ^
and for that reason -will make special- low 2
prices on pur entire stock of shoes until after ^
July 4th. We shall allow no compe^tion to
^ approach our prices on good goods during this
:-a-; ci'-KSi
S: sale.

Tbe farmet* oftklhao conalybare |
w larye aefuayr uf prpperralDU.pBd ai
now thrrstened wiui loul destractfu

iai and repreid bitrsnimi-t
. «y order uf

Ai Nile* the prospock for yrapes
the rieinity wenr nerrr beUor. 'I
viotwan-braily ItmdcJ. and {he crop
will be laryer than ia many yeihrs past
At HUndish srirrtal alifriHi touches uf s.-i::.
Trust hare bcvirexpcricorrd bot apparenuy Uey hare nut injured the ta rry
urup, which prumisa lobe anusaaUy' t o,


1«r esm nr i-nsu.-, u^.^^i.s^

^ ilia. W -TTWAI^

(small fmit araund
we Immense civp. sir
twHiy-crry abuodanl aad sel

The strawberry crop In the elciiiily.
' lalesbury k somrUiia^
l.tiu-e snj .n—I Imss-—I ••(


Toted y their pruduclion.
Home yruago cHi-rries WriT on tbr
market at I'sn IWw last week Mondsr.
The uidcat iobahitant of that riciuiiy
uanaot rrouilei-t a .rear when silcb-u.
tbiny mvurred ns tarly a* May
Hilliam-KiKOar and IVterKilk. (amiers nrar .Vlles. report ibatun Tbnraday
a kwami of yramhoppers uuk owMaaia ut their farms and literally raraytsl tbrin. Tbrystlackeii hay anil uau


Ii. K. Imwrencc. of Imperr, npliced a
queer frak uf nature siuuoy his fruit'
tree*. , On a-ps-sr Uer. isbosr fruit has
yniwo to U4 si/cof walnuk, ire laryt
vlostrr* uf blonumsaod more still cum
Hepurtauf Hatnnlay's storm In Wakeahma show hundreds of acres of
wUeat entirely destroyed by ^il and
fences lowered.
Hall frll to tbe depth
ti^rre Inches, denru.Ciny ep.rrUiny
^ a larye t*acl _
thick in Sd’nl'ac
Itrasshoppan a
Unc furmer left
county Uiis sprin
• loyinf

fastn^al bashreafouod.—Sew Vurif bad eqtea sereral larye holes in ll
As a ilcdsiB mtn waabtamt ;(o fnilp
down a Iiaw Ivy. the oilier day. he
s a enrions eolocideocr (bat wfail
BOtierd s spot in U and li,enilate'
___..ondi-nllli annimsary of Kdwar
Jaaer's ilrstbaroessrul wam-Uiatlus i. Then ha diaeueer^l two' kernels
Ur little Cloacestersblrr elllafrr wberC wheat cmbnlAed In Uu " while." wht
1 hewun
heyun b
to sprout. Me will pia
be pcBAlcrd was briny velebraled
- kernels ai J try u. n
Urunybuut Ksrape. Uc luwo of illous
oestec was suffmur fmm aa epidemicThe lalho
of S«nall-p.i», which has already CMsl dupted :remululhins uryiny all
taandrrds of lirr* and srbkb k <lur tu
e turned ineo the treasury,
Bwo auUuriUrs belay opposed lo
ceirr Bard salarim and taliiy to tl aiBOuat of Ibc pc
dispal'h fmm Alhea- my* that uoder alh. Tbe yimnye asks
. erery oUcr year
trlhyrams from Uie island of t'reie In­
dicate a stale of insn-hy ia Ue whole farmers' bryaaiiation* in Micbi
wetlem portion of the klaod ’ laneuiMany farm.
eroBS vlUayrs the Turk* are brsiefred
1 boldlay o
by Ue imaiyeDlohrisiiant. tVhrrecrr
wlU Urea
the Mohammedaiularr Id a maj-iritT __...__________ ,_____..jcm are beyiii ’
pliinilrr aad nuinter Ur ehrii ainy to feel Ue pressure uf hard tlm4
r' keenly Uaa eeer. They all
____ Ue prearnt is. Ue closest t _.
hips in
time they bae* eeer experieoced. , Tlie
A dkpsh'h from Cape Town says that aammrr fruit crop k expected to do a
IVesidenl Krupi-r*. in replying Vo the yreal deal,toward Uelr amelldratloa.
Umak* uf Ue reirsxsl rrfurmers made
J of crimaisB ^ioeer. a the
Uk characleristk simile: "If my lii
. of Mrs. ilarrey Aaloa. aear
Ik d-iys are oanyhly i most whip
_ 1 aebal balldiay la Mendna.
Uem. bat I am always Mnry to do 4m says the Le^er. k attraeuny «s>osidrrThe neat lime I mo*l ffel bold of. Ur from the (Armers Uerebif doK
My little di«s hark, bot Ur abmil
biroorldta.-- ThlsreferwoeetoCerll
Ibe'old earieties. I
Rbode* aad tbe other refonae
from two to two and
mcramlelyUermllnrof tbs
iachew 1«■ leaytb. by about
Ue sabjecl
diameter sad
Td wiU

T...,!.-.-.., p.l,’

■ -r;.,.iK^sS«r.r3




Boston Store,

Hello! + +


ihd qiustion
qiustinn jnil
]nit W
t(^ ns. As Iohk as tlit-rc's a garment
lloM ionn will your saIc last
loilt (lolilen
(iolilfn I'-agitHaglt- Clothing
Citilliing Co’)
Co’s M«»ck. is out answer. We acknowledge.
k‘ft ct llii-'
quick; too. without any effort on our
that a large |ia44x>f iuiias already left tis. and liift
and we predict that tlbout U)
part. However, ttw Inilk of the chtiiCest hnrgaiiis are siilUeft.
t\:eeks will close IIS out slii k and clean. Tu offer a shin
(lav (KK-iirrence with the regular trade, but to sell a first-class all wool suit for iKe price <
shoddy*on«\ is aniextraurdinary event, even with us. Thai ii is appreciated by the public, we
are (^m inced by Uie ioimeiisc throngs we are having daily. Our large force is constantly



TT llj a
< .

t .We sell the old nijn an all wool Suit for •
• S*S.7S
I We dress uinhe young man in a nobby Suit for

j We sell a giKhl working I'ant for •

/ Our choice of children s Suits are immense, made of the best maI tcrial and by the liest manufacturers—just think a suit for a 14 /
( year old boy for
- ,

an oci* \Suit, for 14 year old boy. for

-DwCAUSwy I A line all wool (Jay extra heavy suit for
. 8.15 •
■ I Buys.'combination Suit Coat--2 pairs p^ts and cap l.«8
• 7 yards all wool Sergt;. all colors, for

• I.*0
The b(tst Siinnner Corset in town for 5.* cents -and -in many other why's and whcrelow’s it
141 s oiU-ami ail lb trade al the

' . . __ . ... ____ .....



¥#t)le Plants


'he Cabsn War.



■.“'SS.l'ivtr-E:-. ■


(iedrye Hell, a farmer ear Mewbery,
I.WI bk only lam -by .UIrbtniny mnd
wasbimaelf so tererelF"sbdeked as to
hr enable to work- .W'Hhout nmUsy
any lime In tellloy him ^
armpatbiaed srlU him o<
themeiyrtle aelybbor* t.
j-u an* »V«n|U' »n4 eu-jwi tl
wlU lj horaai
in wlii(4i U> raiae ilir Te-piiiwl Ainonnt of (wah to atWy the moftfisgoe. BwTth^ mUBt fO- An, i
plowed, dinyyed ai
•.xf-.tii.'.-UUor •
olhercT«Blrrdncti..ninewj doiBrtmenL Note a few of the BUBy rcliMSiana:
rbenaaabscriptioB paper
^toBw^od srasUe atb(^.|^‘'^
r seay lo porchaac ahonw L'Ki'iiir.T.i'riVu________
After a db
Itieate the corn sritt.
PlnaHy. ilie Ulrd period k^arked .by'
0(1 yean Ue
, Men a Working Shirt# from 19c to ICO are worth
Ue Inrasia to Uc, wmt proriaces of
IV Ube CurUa HoaybtOB. of M -1’’____ ’■"-.TiT’rm.-uvSuH*.w<.rth.rx.v>.gom............. .1 .S4.25
Mkak '
> Ur pioneer ptmek^yrower
wfater ompa;^. which has jasi|^o*^t>
. .
><.oo.Ku.t................... 4.96
1 ciswesi WIS4J no irsmi issswauic su woe i —J shipper uf that rtvk'o c— '--------chiyaa peach be:
. of ^
Ue maanhkta
maarchkta la
In *plu-of:“
ib'oS'iX 'oo“3
"rje M.-h'a Wuiii. »ru«h looq u. liOO. gu at.. 7.50, : Men'a DroaShlrU from oOe to 1.36. former pn'ea
ayo he sel out aa
an orcimrd of
! their famous
>us armrof
armr uf I'ul.kx)
l.'ui.kiu meaadlBfly,’
a. Ur .lield from wblf Ue
'ImplemenU of warltari
Trip Uammtf. Tick Ham-1
of bariny so larfelT ehcecdMen'a Monarch .Shirta, worth ldi0.«OAt.. f.l5
It Ue matry.
Tbe tiir^ first .t
Sdeh’a Suits. Wurib 1500 to 20M.............
pmcdeaisad that he conjiloded
Boys' 8uiU 4 to 11. worth 1.50. go ml.........
98c 12.7,61» 13.60
—________ la. Pa.. Are miner* Were I were
were dl*
dl^^ frxa yri
ixb Xu
... «<ura.i',' -I- -WT 1»itida UikcBicra
eow a [hiked P--a basket for U
Ikrya’buitaflolCwortbSJIO.goal..... 2.00
horribly coatad by nnexploakiantUe
Uel "The.........................................
Uik cetera
Bock Kl^ oolliety MuMay. Two of > lu foorU period, la which
Mm-a Pauu. worth SBO and CBO. ko. at..
' ' -Ue caBIct
Boj-a'Sait#! to 14. wartb4X)0,goat......... 2.76
Uem am d^ from Uelr lajBriaahd will- aonme a aeeerr eharnn
there k bet ^ht hope of Ue raoo*- Hpaia. Snmmer is daU to Ue
lluyB'Haita.doaMeaf«t and kjMea, worth
l«7 of Ue otherv
aoldkaa Ue eauary are ou
Panta. worth.4.«). go at.................... 2.60
5a).Ko al..................................
Mrs. Praaland Datla k dead at Hoi•“'*
‘•“t kilk Ue
at................ !,00
Wl slsrexular rreu
Boya' 8hirt aod Blonae Waiata at.... Half PriC*
It! I S1IWS-. OrmJ^S^a
ed May IB, fr
--------------------: toMenor jkW------ ...
, Ue Cuban drlryatela this cHy.
■ been receirrd.
la It iia. ttomer
'Tbm k BO doabt Uat tbr rceolhlion to sBixrssfatly ypae Uronirfalk
“-Ird period, aad know yrnwerfu! all



Tkree dd-fasbioaed pralrlr eebooa.
an acriead is Aatria coaaty last weelt
• (ram KeUaska. The penoas nslar
ttk mode of eoareymare bad leD that
eoaaiy Aftcoa ytmn an to r° wtai
bat Aselata Uey air r^ eaaarh to
fat mk to HlcMfaa and reoaia here.
ro. Hartineritopik i.erk.ii
AlAdrtoB Memaoeof UeUrbaf
at Ue beciaainy no
ibtoB raeeeUyporebaeed by tbe Bare
TaamCa. diadtei Baadar. lie Iried
tojaap a ala-fool feaee. Nrroaeeaai.

plftilUe feat, bat ivpurad a Mood care of pb^lclaaa. MSeriac imrible
eaaHL Adriaa ceilm ’^11 prot«<>>T pain a* Ue raall of blood-pudsalay
. |M Ue aalmal. erblch wUl be amated
■ by a auater'a peck. Vlaacl'a
•' At Ashley well borers oo L. B. Car-____ aa ab- -a streets baee I
bark (am steoefc a poekat 40 fen beMaU tbe aailaee wbleb Uey eUba

4°||T .,.

■■ ■' ■'5iSSXi,"X'r>

'u TeV to

' s£w’;.r,ri;

.ySrSi^Sil Sleii'a P-nta. -..rlh l.<». go .1
^ 76c
“7 ' ^eu'a rn(h-fW«-af. worth 40-. foAL . .-... 25C



Mtrt'iai"^ i«ity tv™"i

-m Oiawma aw
iu vumfur
atalde UUM.
i-aianB tmaaoi as vnraa
from Uestsce i/m lb« os| urwiis' uk'xl AmjckmiK*. *. ta., .wkm
ABrs*ta.Me. Mia.»lalBetodaldadi£2S^*fj^‘*“’’”’
' dira. Jamca BntMr. of Hrw Haesa lobseeboU Ue body of her hatotd (tobOU fa street_________
aad bar aa. Walka, baited a Herat Blroela UesaU. Thkcomprlsm aa , t-Msffivsw u taXm 11,1 i rksnj.miw aruui
UUI. aad tbe mabral will
I tdraad lapaa bar, Ibrowt^ her
maa* balere bdp same had aeariy
' I ber «leUi« from her. Om




m$ I




ifonto^v?tt hiSTisS^uttrto ssiriss.-i'SiHs;

Hf ri-T^.-g---- ■■ta-|tt-T‘birBn4a’BsptianTl.-T*iln-i Tin 1

mead a fatal Bk-

......................... JkteBamAajJa aI^MBaaf awe street. Uat ititol

sjE?r£rt tri'iuss’Sw


7.26 to 9.76


late* in the atfAiM,
• Alar-e
....___ ....
-n^ Bova'aiid Cbildrwn’i 8lr«w HatA inat
tjfe will aell Tou the beat Maailla Hat, worth tion ft to 150 al tl80.
in prinB ftWD6rte»5y.
:mr;uwe ia
ia a
a g>
i^nioe baniaia. Bemember thiaaaU laata^ « daw
Come ariy
jing in •mrsUire
- we •have your •
lilted while
H.ful get tilte

Ik. MW. .4 Xtntowl. Xil.wu. WwtoL

tUb a BBS aei rrt. berwrw. lUt tbe
aH^Ue hoUlBaeeiT came from Ue

Boya'Kaitb 14 to 19, worth 6J0. go at.... 3.7(6
Hoys'KuiU. worth 7A0, goat....................... 4.98
BojV Hoito, worth lOXW to 1^


(SaaeoanrU Boat A Marta,) ^

FopuUr aiothler. Hatter and 1

pay* for the Orsnd Trsvirs* Eersld for 1 yssr.
If you are not a subtorlber to thk paper at
i*a4y, now k a Bood tiBU to bsala.



•te waa qaleklp pet oat. while Ksapp I "HspaMar arart that te serarrd a
adnsead to third.- Thaa Halite «»«a ! option from J<Un Torr^t for the Loa*r prate«il'^,apd’ni;ftlii^Mf*%‘lf
s It Uep wars to plap as
to tetate hllltdowa Into the Bald, ;Uka Uaclofplar la Urate T^nna
» Brief oat poor frte^ ate arlfhhon
I tha praapacte are ttet
whan sons fBSB>htolBsas was traaa-: eooatp-<inr<w feet, (tedald
woald solbraapUlap laft of Urate
actte pauiaf oat Kaapp aear bone . wa. toa.lnscr Ue porcbaee prie. ate > childiea’. dap srrelora will hr one
UtU«tJl^k»ao U will' ttaraa iarfrr tbSA fraparata.
wbUe Qion w«it to sseond. Norotsp | take a half laursst. Hepnoor to look w«k Iron ttaaAap attato An. Chll•capM* •tWiMtlMwtalto l•nBctthe ball fairtp onr to gelaa U after Ur Are. tmten. ric.. ate to pap dten will hr bapUsed. also raorlrad la­
kto. BM b*HI-roMor«r aoM I ir Odd. ate tte Haatlara reUrad Intercat at per oteton terascaa aude ^ eha^ a
p U aap <1
d of elffat r
Usnn to tbr pastor baton next
t Chaaoid al-. Thatedsp.
odpltahar rattled -or
«UtaB»Anbt.irhiMtnttelM, aai
It »om k»hni if Ut. Pnotsr. <rf V««

baa al^ food pUpete. ate Urp
set as a (asw for Urlr life.
Ida tor w'hg l>

___ atmok a—faar taam. lamaklararaaofV tarhlaaalfaad bH ^ran ran Booron food sapport for fln I
tbal kaaaM baton baas aqsM bf
IsMia^l-—- ilBfs. whae tha fame stood I. to
falasl Uoar. Abootttet Una U
»MI. TUiTibair
fot btelp iali
BiBfs broBffai Ur soon ap t
•taad, .
aaa Ibaa Lalbrr.
r><«l work os boih aides,
^ thr^«b.
the oalr usable telar that than was
.tfaMlstba UatofToftba tows I
MKOBOseiUdrlteBlhaoUur. The
of tbecaoewBaae follawa:.



■ .5

task Qaias at Ibe boa. Uickenoe
pIsfB tkM asd la nptalB asd
. avsr.. AU tbt Urasd^pldt ata
aasUsc assailant raooMa asd t
BaaTkidoUalBCtbaB.'TW Praaa la aenimt is >ta aatiaiala «f
.fta Baatlafa. aa ftabnimj'm wlsslnf
'(BM shows Tbaj have not pat got
all Ibalr atronf plaplsf torca bare, bat
OmT kata baaa plaplajr dae tell, asd
- ^ufoai to tewtaaan IbittaMBaeaBd
daaana the tiUa fivaa thaa—-The

i-‘ •■.
N .

dlraeUpbrtwaeo eeotor ate left , dnl. ,
, The Joalors will fin a -lalahowSeld ate foi to fltet.-coiBf to asoote
-|t iselaiiard CasBeld sBWqaratlp^n mnia sn-ial Turodsp malar »o
oa a wild throw'bp Kaapp. UamphUl ,*„ld the tn^-l to Edward Unokirp for cb^rh parlurA< Iv rrou. Krerj-Uslp
col hU baas OB hallo Lather node a hu^ouu. asd Srpmour asks Ur mrt« loviled.
praUf bit oa thr attenfU ol which . |ur so order of lennpUaf, to Urroflj ,
hone, ate P. TUnM that br.uap recrin bts half of Uc ort
dteUofaiabrd Uoaalfbp aUiklec oot proflu of'Ur salr.soaday ia ChUdmi'a Dap.
oa bapUssi ate -bapUsiB of el
whllr Hcnphill dsaoed aboot oa Utrd
thr Btoraiaf arrTtm. All- who ilnlrr.
ate I^UnteWdowaUrtecod areaondar-rw-ort. a
UrirehUdrra Wp^ will please pn~
nd,__ ___ ______ _____ ____ j - »------la tha arnote Citsbp made a-as
al the nari Isr serriie.

irral to bat ate Uc oolp hall passed
a e I e e t I 0 *-4 bp h'npp dsrlar Ue fane lei lo t
. e a a • • * • B s-o bp. Tbca Northosse oi
TVS awxiiaaaK.
cncob-o nfe hit. geiai
rlfhl to aeossd base.
TBndar'a ca«w was aa exdUar
haeplar eeerr o«e is aBspeaac till the eonbT"tbrie eras a prettp rte
double pUp ntnrd bp a wild Urow'aiBih laalBf, Harqala of the-Urasd
BapMa hefaool l^llarc Go. pitched gaiaa waa pet ool while atcallaf
for the UasUera. asd allhoarb he was base oa a prettp throw bp Ksapp
TIteld fasard ^
hit qalte frael;. the Unsd llaean taaai AdoM asd
rssd Hstn
•wins ...

in Ur fall, sad thr rnrsU bcfan n
, 1st rarlp ia May.
n tore know that at
to time la Us prarsi
‘•J norr beautiful than la
somiarr. Wild
i Unrip
«»rlp somsir,
liir bap so

far the Uf Foarth at TiaeerBa Oty.
rttaentelsaateadt have teas aar«.afU the famoaa Kawa Bops
Oiaad Ba^ M ptsaea. la one. asd the
9ofi- basd. TisTina at;, the llao'aBBla faasd, the Elk Bapldi feaad asd
SB'a alllls>7 tend of Ealkae-

• telBt Bade for the fraat Uadea parade
d dlr^. This wlU be ahead <d
: •aad
aap thlac of the kled seer seen la
VidiiraB. A maaUar was held last
Mdnj araslaf at which

tesrhaais la all trads are asked to be


Krnaon at 7:9" p.

^ooiis in Nurtlu'rn Michigan, lint to close :them o\il
quickly comi»lfU-l>•—wci-c offr-rinn thfin............... ................

Sob>rrlj 'tioi.

at less than manufacturer’s cost.

cott^- hetM-lf. bol aomsap people
w -fna_ lor the ^ ^
1‘rracblar Motaiday s
arc.aAxloos turofafr. rwxus that she
°.!|owrd bp s'
br sloer rerp ksfrr is o

CoMK- early, ns a vast miinbcr h.ivp .already lii'cn sold, and ut-l a tlmice Selection.
Spccitil vuludH just luiw thrimtihout aii our liiivs. It'U pay you lo t'o^e tu


! p. bS. .-W-

The rate slasd arid bln^han were
packed wlU latereated apreUtort pntrrdap aflaraoon. ate Urlr aaUlpa
errre mllied l«^Ue fullnl noaw
The UasUrre went lato Ur fane aiarp Is as follows.
. latets alsoat lilfewoodlor Ur.suoi ! Trlephuoe JUl for riW nmst
wlU ado or die asprdnioe oo Urlr
nar. '
and all kinds UbcuUfulrwl B"*
(aoao. ate at Ue rad of tbr fasw il
Mrs l■•Usrersld, of
-dood.'- Data "died- air wlU
wbahaa,nntnniuplrd lirr ootUf^ for' diar nissu
TrarrmUtv Floral I'-u
whieh Uep loft the Bold, while Ur el.
sereraJ seasurisi, mill wtiii
lure can a atartUaf ate nallsUc ooe
with brr Csmilp.
' '
ttoportaal Nbilos to Waael
omedp eotiUed -The |io>««l'e
rnr UasUrts
uesur^ wcu.
went w
to Maeli

ThU U Ue wap Ur UosUm woe:
............................ ...................
______ ____________________
Then rrare so ecom ia U* flfel iaa ate aa Inlrmtler cane la expected. I
airlrrd |inr without i-harcr.
AdsMeent a hot hall to Dicker- Martials will pitd) iste Kidder. Uirl““~

^ 1«™.. ,-Uri.a ‘‘'Zu.r

Vten Ca^Uaempsoha h foiai
4o iBSiftlBr she dose it. That's the
. vap it was last w«te. She said she
•as rolar to ten a Wr K. 0. T. H.
ted L. O. T. K. ratbsrisr. Jbbs fU.
ate waaUdTrsnnaatprcprs
as us of as want dews, ate wa (oaod
aeatpUlsr Jaatasrepraaeatad. There
00 or ft.noo parole

the greatest stock

•lC:Jup m.ledbpj.

Spnral. Ws. Brewa. Chao. Johasoa and a^^^u.,..,sws.ew-------- -lac pat oat
. (Wdsllh.
ThaalaU laniac
iMln.................. a 0 '■ a a a < s a-r
Asotbar saatlsr wtU te beU tormseBsm. ... a I t 1 a : 0 e l-«
nia THU




Travcrtic City. Mkhiunn.

Ktfliahld TradlnK-Centur.


ySWy tree, babbling brook,
Girl in hammock reading book."

... S

WlU plap wiu


f* "'' »l“


Tbr bamnork dsv. srr Jumt brrr Urrradlap Unr has conr Wr ban
tbr liar .rf hsnBorks la thr clip - Ur prim arr wap dowa cheap,
Wr bare Ur m.iml stlraHirr rrail'iDK instlrr U». Il'sButao lapottaat to
limrr works of >t.-rp nsUirr. you want wuarUloc of Crssl latoresl- Wr na
murdp pirsw y.iu ia all wapm

iioniup. irnip eib,

.■nrU ate down aeaU; lhate
ton at ltd,who UtTW wild to tmtiaer.
iBirer. Min LUlaa Puahsn. of New^,,ji,rtoc of last let® of .'ConamI Rr■teat pHtesi thore was BBsk from •ad’waepat ool brtrreea Beeand asd
s lot of''aara « drht baads: Uers were biep- UIrd.
Boorear woe pet oat at
'food 1
staraSBe; there wm boat ridra; there
ppCDllo Bret onao error hp Tieib». Bp tha wap. twoof
^ I'lanuof Ur^nm ny Floral
3 0f U
kmo a teas ball rama (aa called) a
. Hall Btot a seat inUe Ul to ercf^reiv Knapp off of Bret ate pov want to bore Uenaalna la Uc clip.
r au Ftoral
kin oBt at neote. ntlnaf Ue and nap deride to ntasia-------air mslalp from Chu-mco, Detrvli abd , cbuwe <Abtacc............
!, Urlrtp
1 Tumato
The new dark frecn arrratots wfU
Urnod Rsplds . ’ >
, naaUforaalr ebrap.
The Tranree CItp peopU, meat of
Ur eooote Haltka ate Norotop Uf erhUe B. add Ue BsisblBC tooefara
:-.Mkw>w> (liaT V. ’mt-n-Ttix aad •>. W ’ ,
' Koodap, iulp «tt,
salto H arc'to-be/ooi
than, waat te The Berke, wkera W. U boUfOt baanen balls
Mnldea pnaldaa. ate he treated ae all (Tpaader to Brat, who Ucrw to ereon^ la Ue etotc
woa foldaa oplaloDeun hb
Uhepriaaea. Be ate Mra. Holdea ten roUriavToop.
Halfkatook lhlrd«te
catcblBf UU
TtarmeaipABd hack Jwtwrm break-; T^nito. itebbafr and Celrrp flaoU '
■ erai nfr oa BreL
a wap of doiar Ule-ate It ie a pleaa(aatand anpprr. a d'wlaon of Wl milrm. I at thr (rmbhoesrs of thr iSerermrl'Itp
m to know that It Is aa eearpdap trap
while 1‘easlsftoe
—‘I'o.' AAmtchaocr.
Lcmio Mxkns. who-has hrra speedthap ten wiU enrpbodp.' It was pitcher. B raiaate Utar I'eaBlBfloe
>d feed, wall terete ate It whs Jest wee pul oat al Brat bat Halfks enma lac UrpaatfewnooUswlU his •« 1
laf Ub flrst acore for tbr at Mooroe CaatrA te la Ua elt^ for a |
few daps baton folac to Ur aoeUera ' tfer.H. s.Krivr, pmstw.
WedoaotwondtrUatOteQIae feels Bntirra. Kidder waa eaafht oat oa
partoftbrsuts. Mr.'HarUa tea hair
(wetesfberealt Trareree «tp Is prate (onl ate Parks died on Ulrd.
Ifloadsp. Julp eu. NorUnc for ‘~r*Vlp, II a. in.
« ter sMsr dtp, too. It don all
The Brat kalf of Ua Ulrd iaalBf wae aa^haartp oldcsntlaatao: aad eniope
br^atar of last trrm of SemsI iUJahlOT BH-rtinc «:w |s m.
. Msth.(slll.^rotewh«...,oae
»B orer.
AAaau hit Ub hnll'Ua
Tlrw al fnTerae Clip UaslBsn<;uIlrcr
Iowa does 00 aieolp wtUborfeteo on Brat
BndraTor mrrUar«:lS P-n- •
Bnaluc worship. 7;So p ». M oaeadaa llkotheone sante. Ve 1^ tha left Bauer's h
' unt-OHUrrv- liM^ratbB-auBAmr eOrtAt UrxbDriaaloB of the P. A A. M.,
Ibeprr nretlnc Wrdnemdsp ocmiIbc
inriaUUia Cadlllae ate iarlto b«. Boenna bit Uc east bnll
■<wi,ai Hr-mid'Brr lit eut« UanliHtr'r.
In-Brr 9. U .MIlIrr. U-ai W Oumrn. ul
the plate, bat Ue ceeond baea- lodpr nreUac Hoedap aicht orer tun at7:»o.
A oordlallp. to ooaM ap ate help
ilk a.M'ir m ni.m miiww h
TopK for thr Bndrsrar nrrtlaf:
^ ftenmOipn
naa faUarte Ittotebrlp Is. ate be
oot atiUst. Kaapp hit Ur
I. Baadiac It fentlp Into Ue
rotterooelptteaoca- rralU^pltcher'e hands.
IkkotloTranrsaCltp'o saw boll
Is the foorU Ue catcher cnafht a
task, ateasweansoillbslplo ten
foal (mo UrtipcrHulipUl; Hnflka
a taaai u Elk Baphls this asasoe.
cot his iMeoe halls, bat KoeoUp ate
propnc to pla oor talU oa tte "H
l>arks wci
Upotoetaad Ur e
Here's t----------to 'em. —
liup> a Bln Tan or Black II
'. Tskre s Lace or Ojnrrrsi. W>rksloped nt
. Bopld»lbr^.
Fortane snllad la Ue seal laalaf.
Ws adcaowlsdra wiU thaaks tte
DlrdmeoB-e error let I'osslactoa
aeaqdtarau for tte seaasn of the
•ret; Kidder west oat oa a baatod h
-Basuera.- tte ban ball orraalBtkn
• nf Ttaraiae atp. test pear Uep bad
blch Bp
' a capilal teaa ate Ule prar Urp will
ate WBS caachlouL WIU two a>to
^n the boat fa Borthern MlehlcaagUinC* looked bier, when Roarom ;
' Snl JarOoK Knurjiiitt.
to bat ate seat a hot ball oat loto'i
OeBMoratbiareeelreda aeaeoc richtflrld. Morttorase dropped II like :
Uakirt for Ue Ttaearae aip -hateefe'
hot oalHs. ate BooroB cot to .saoote \
Uatwnr-'hall olab. Tianaae Citp has oae ol
hlls ■■cBBlBCtoBBeared. Tbaa Knapp:
.Ate stroapeat aawWar teaos la tho
a*lp took hte base oa balU whi t:
•Sato, ate we shall up ate make use of
eoma atoir third.
Hall woe fresh I
' Shat panto witSfsasoBr of Urlrptapfor bin
lap en Ur annawr Isonr.-flionrruU
ilac a safe
ate Boorota cane bone flplac. tte
^ Mra'aflac'lAor Kbo(n.-warUC9. ; (
Halfka waa cau^t oat. ate Ball amr
CM to Ulrd.




It pays
to trade with us,
.'.anil people ar^ finding It out.

buy shoes of us
you arr sun;id C''tlinj; j{ootl sho s at low prices. Othens
j have, so^in ywi—'........i...........

I Friedrich Bros, edd store.

Trareree City. Miebixsn. j

7Jk. tN)c. $1 and $1.3$

Sake a prettp Hsnloa firl as hi
•te U hsnnme Us ksaprr lA s hsppp
■ Voxfurd ckoDip bone. Trareew Citp
hns hea afferiap ep prapsie dariap
Ihs pnn BosU tor aoDe IsSorMw from
on biph orelsrwbento eanss pos^
BlK'WaUiasUefaaBceUs tead. tel
■p to dau ths errltp Maaton pirl wIU

>d to hold dowa Ur boon w
Ur riot act waa rote to Ur anplrf oot
of U« rale book. That UtUr mUar
to Ua Ante WiU a nfe hit bp
whiah Toap aaond ate I'arkm teranawl



do «... Td M.U. ti.-d. .1 id. I
•I toateBt.Tt,

Kid enw*..

< solid, flaeaad-dnasp.atbsow^:


Bp Klddarb hit be ate Feanlactoa
•« pat ont while (terka walate to
•p tte wpsrt twirte. _ Tnnm dtp Ulrd. eonliv In Snanfa bllVAdBooroai pal Ua knll onr lato
ri^t Brid ate Adaris cot to Ulrd, tte
CMOtor Pfne A irpn^
Ue ride woe retired at Able UlertMlac

■MiBsU Arssdntiaa, Tbo-Bast-:
aaaeaatfal. Ball
eantahlchftplBloeaatortrid. whare
U wn antlp encht. aadfha cM to
Brel oaatet hall. naBU hp W. Tib-


Every barrel

H.IN I. 1m dm





School 4hhues






T^h-. (I iu.fl to. at "i.R bi.
v;.. >1 r-i. and aptofi:, wurtb
"V lo
Mure nlur rruwdml
Into tlirsr nrli-n ui.k Uso pou'll
Bud clwm-hrrr ia Juip.

Spnlsi naslr wllll^
faraiUrd bp Ur srlwn Choir a.

Kusdap school al »:.kib. la.



tlylr.-fl.r.’. Bl.r.1. »;■.<>(>

Hrmpfaill brlac

_..v .V-to.i



>f plants
ical shape, post bw-k of the palplt. Mr.
Pslar win du Ur droirsUnr sad C. \V.
:ni win boiu U^ tower. Tbrrr
will be
or a
s tooomn
fonoUlD also, wuico
wkicb win
will be

•rfrier. Hrats arr fm
I wrlcona The bapiiso of rlilldreal
lllriccdrbrr - -•
..................... -


_...---------------- few tale hlU.
The laae belOBfed bp rl(hU
TiSTcne Cltf, bat was won bp the tIsitoia oa ted erren bp the boae i
galas pihdMd lor (ha tiimsd lUraoe
aad was hit so hard that be was takea
oat-la the olfbth aad Lather pat is
Ue bos. The rase aboasdad lo
baa* bits, aad HoTI asd gaiaa botejnil
*ic ball over the (rBor. acoeiar hose
IBS, the fomar ooslar to Ur (root at
eritleal polal lo Ue rase asd brtar« iB two sea WlU him. The t»t»tcs_as a r
while Ur ijslun oe1p aarsed foar,
Are on airofs. The aammarp

Dress Sk4rls

Tfab is Ur wap the Orate Bann ' lowed the opUoe to lapae. then earrrpJealcrC B. Atl p.
bap »“« Alelaastet a prettp HUlr UtloosIparfoUated tor thepaitlhaarof
V. )'. iL L. K.. to wWch -all poeaf
Ml rlfht lato Adanhbawls. «. TV-' Ur Uact aterrooror of tha aaatr of people are iarlted. at K:is
bsld followad ate w" —~.t


of the “BEST” flour sold, if but adother link in the chain that binds tu
to the consumer................. ..........

Hannah & Lay Co. |

WtosHdliwahat Fretaatoatlhb
aewlaff. nrryb* a taw ew>b btoUa.
•IlMtoAlbatFnUBtoDBlv Halaa
Asa Arbor. Tharaday af- Ifr. Brew* laioita yrepmaeled to
to the bttie abc-yaarwld «ae«hto
Jaaett. ■
thto a w»7 !«■■■■» *«FtaakAlloraBd tbeeawatod '
|rii»l»«h« *T»l>r_______Jaaewoddlanwia*****®*
•Wkallplayad Botot BB««ae (bapball aad MtoJew
to Ebaaare Ualb. at BMthpert. Wed-.

traverse ^iiy


«M teth* (port. Bad tna tUatiaiM
tkBBMUat napaelty o* th*a«* ]>Bri(


.aUttaatoebaa it-


IwTiTATron areoBttothe rreddlaf
of Ctoe. a B-fwOlar^ Wta* Ida

KBMlaad-i mmt ■drhrt. (aklBC l«»* Mth. at ttj Fi-ba^F toareh.
»ifc,ir.toftto»Balu BoUan
Tn ooaoert plna by the Maytoa
a aad are jBtaUM 8lBC«e Ffida, alcht wae aet
rwT mi patreelAed. bet thoae whe
- U pro-.
Tn OolanbtohaabBM p«l «B tW
r Itoorof the fl
bar na tbhKrMkBadUBpmera' 'pf«l»tBdM>d<.BfBedbi

- Bad pat - B ahipohape

v6tT. Bad taMt the boBto
laife aadbaae.
MBhtBC thtlfiaralBrniaaiy tripa.
Sm ladlia of the elty aad
OrcBtk>«(bBadi«dC.a W-.M- •*•
Bad lattf latoooBtryare beld^af a awetlar thb
aftoraooa forthe perpoaeof orraaUBBd IM .

A Lay Her*: Oob bid wae •I.WT:
ACobbUtoo. ^ItwaAflaallydedded
toaeoept the Haro Co a bid, the Board
deealac it better that ihefoareiity of
ptrwi by Or
r the wbob b

A lot of $6 ftnd $8
Jackets go for $aA8.

J will (jelebrata

a the Batter of bar
had eceoed Ao^ol

On^A Tura h»T» |iMehia»d B. B.

Short ends in Bilk
Wslst lengths and
trimming lengths SO
to 60 per cent disoount

Interest You?

U tta braUnc f'g tlw AnT floor.



©lorioas fTocirtFi.

10c boys a YeryezceUent vest, ''ladlas.*'

•ad atker potaU aa (1m IL A K. B.
lo(^ iB ibBBlfhlaofthfgHy HaadBy.



■ g~


TbbpbablTpeo^lobcrerT Darfe. of Chleapo. and H ta Sato Was
OldHtaioB. It w.
if^l la other dUeela the .«ate
Tk* QawB City BlcT«i« elab «Ul
party" and rarh-I%lycaaM la eoetato
aad the ladire doebt b
_M^aitb«haaMan>r.aadHI« Uir
reerat the UUr of eooi* mi
e^aal eeeoto here. It b a
«ta* at T odoek Bbarp Orta amlar lor
book. Bocb iDpeaalty aad oripthair ror*^"*- Thr ,clab > piaalaalUy belap ehown la the aelectloae.
Cbab. CAavca wee aceoafl boDoe la Hta Fairbaoke paewed tke larpswt
alar for B BortBl ll8M IB the aoBT
the Are tadr opee road rare at OadllrU,andwa.reir*rdrdb,
r. Bamii.tvb. who ha* OBO o( the be Tbetedey. hb tloie brlac 11;5*W reoeiriap Ur -ImaI poeoM of Jaoto
.me la foortb
foortb. hb
Loweir la a dalatily boand
aloMt little ianu Id the oaaDtry la Ralph Haetiepe came
Uae belat l&bL lathe two aib
ooaaretlaa with bkac
dbly ooe a
oadlj clalBotheboB- raoe Hb. fOiwr

eolBBC- The parlor* were beaatifiill,
decanted #ia mBiner wild flower.,
Buppratlap tke Utle af oee of Or
book*, • la Wild Kpre TiiBe--

■ fiivttrat)



State Bank.

TBAraaw' laetitaua tare
f'raaeio Bchaol wIU be ^Id at SielBBoaaecd for thb |art of the *Ule ai
berr** OrBDd aa Friday malBr. Jofte
follom.: Jolyn. Lerlaaaw roooty. at
Itioet Key: Aaf. 1. Kalkaeta enoty,
A the hooee will be crowded
Kalkaaba: Asp. tu. Cbarir^cooBty. at Charierala: A«p. IT. . Beakie
eooBty. at Fnaktort: Aop. tl. Gi4ad
Trermw coBBty. *t Traret** City;
bo^ lee enaaa Bodal Taeaday ereBlnr Woafsed eooety.'at Haaloa.
tbeebBreb parlor*. Iw croam and
A. J. «T*VE»o*. of Wwood, 111-, wae
Mke lu cmU.
Ererybody, old aad
la aa rhy yretrrday oa hb way
y^Bp. h tarlted-____________
hr bat bawd the Imtiia trylat to fet oe O15 ranraka
..oa tbr Oaeo* Bnort
tralBSoodey after It had elanad Joha
Aatoap bb attreetlou
orvbreBoekae. of Berber Creek. feU aad broke for theaaBBar
kb Up.
Ue wae takra to the booir of
Thoe. MeCloek, where Dr*. Hartla aad
BWBber*oftheI. O. O. P. aad nrefBlIy looked after.

' Clreulition this week 2,250

*. -nre PtsUlr IBIhmU. I
- Jinmna M lUrntfU. ■
7%e Bait •••*■ !««»>■'"•
' aridphbisrhaal A<a«r.
A KiMt LVi.
Vmlhpnrt St*.«>l Ktl-on.
■ * atairaad«rarrolhnM.
•4. JlMrtoM.«HOT«*C«.

nmeh Oihef.- *1

Rev. U. a. SKiaat aad faially
breathe eoaatry air aad ee^oy the

JiMlW •

pitaUtyof J. B. Baraey aad Hba Hartta Baraey for the eaaaet awe '
Hr. Keleey will, bowerer, be la
stady dally fron alae aaUl cae. at
W. nb etreet. .

An hU^inv Ci*«4l-'
OMUlofa PIcmcrr.
A Oulddr nrotmla^.
«. OraadTnMrrrr Itapbm-



A r-"r» na h bbov t^ v'e^'**
Da. r» Tilt, the retarlaaiy
■aca. hm laBorad to Maalataa.
a (Mate at I
Mm. *.Lra.aadiIr*.AlleB toijlh
Bara ape«d a bo«M baker, a*


TluVitw Bay Hite. Ka Tl. U O. T.
Ca« a rtrypMaaal aad aao
to — Boeial Batarday alght.
Da. TnwAB bm oOeiB «or a tine
vHh Dr. 3. B- Martla.
Ko partarrahIpUabaaaaiilaiad lata, borrerer.
W. E CA*rB«M haa aerorad hb -ooaaaaltea wHh th. »k R«t>>^ Prorrea*.

Hanr Brtn. *««»«*»»*•“

' Tn towBihlp of i-oat Lake,
a,,-.-' -■—»■— Jaae ut. adopted tte
t0wMblp nad^aMai byaeoteof -

Tn eaUthaaiplaB panda aa
A •» prbi b o«.r«l lor the bnt

pa.1 two or gtre ynn.



Tn Tn*«- City FVwal Co. farBbhedmUrre quaaUly of «on"te
Baplde thb rraek.
ABBPB Batbb, of IbtroU. hae p«r-»------- ■ a raaldMne praperty oa Blnwwd amaa. of Mra. Atwood, aad rrill
aake thbdt, bb
. Btv. ABP Urn. Dab. F. Biununr. a<
«tbe fleet reDread Rapid*, are
amt arrireb and an oooapylnp aalr
pretty aoUapeaUtaan^
, fttaBoflhaBaralortaaaUof H. W.

Tto K. O. T. M.and L. O. T. H
topeawUlobaarreatoMemorbl day
• forthe
eaSaadayBaralap, Janasi. The ad- Foara bopp every vmdc and iatareat
' AreaawlUbepieaBbyRev-W.A. Pry*.
Oa city wUl bt rapraaeatad, and

l^shty oK twsDty-flFS boy's
■aita-an; aapsciajly tibarid
offsr u thsy fonnarly sold
for from two to thr^s dollars.

Boa. Pkbby ilANSAHWiU hare oo
ied at ber borne in Almire
Mooday oext for Krlr eoaaty. Pcdb..
hb boyhood boar.'mad wbbh place hr HondayBornlnp. Jnaer.
hat «»ot rUltrd for over to yrac*.
A bad beee in teilinp heeia
eoralD. with whoa he wat clowly ae- time. UaoBpb her Snal lUnew war not
loop dnratioD. Mia. Bow cam
eoebted ae a boy. B«ire than fio yean
In IMii. wia b«r
apo. aed whemr hoae b .lEU U F.rie Grand Ti
eoanty, will >« berrlo
• toprll


Tax roaler* of aa». A. S .pc
ab vlrinlty pablbbed reemUy In tbc
HBBAI41 waa 1^ raly ae laurretiap
rveord. bat It la arTTiap a pood parpoae
la toeUap-op to Ibb. There are po
doabi erroc* la IL at aataml tare alrtoy torn pcdnlad 0*1. Tbelbua.
pab^ed irere eorreel a. nppmn
aa recto, of av aareml preta.
a pood tiBC bow a correct err
I where they occar. and rech peat would
do wcK to look up ab maitre: every
year that paaaw vrtll make it mo

II tacpldd efaayvoleei
Ob lisa. It any aboald b
do not be backward la makiop It
It b peotable that arreapv
IreowD. Thb battler all are iaurbe oompletad wia W. E
catad la-aadaveiy
xrhieh Victor Hapo aoelebre..............
ate bbaaelt a easaitlea of one

n. by

bretto at. Lake Aaa oa (he l«a.
Tta Otto Rapid. Pram Sawaboyb Mr. Kart atared ae bonoca wig HIb.
Many fnta boaiodf** an pHaanr Band prapwea todotta aiap ap In' Rbea when abe appeared hareaycar
Mra a BfA ata tbe (act that he will take
• fl®'______________
TW Rlk Rapid* t
jatroap pan of BowadpL ae b>^
bretira ia Trerene aty Oay wUI polback. will inaare aerowdad boM Be
^ty wall wetoad at Oa bead of Elk
toapaanSoadaywiakUa- bat baee atarrlap whb tpmt of to
toe tot weekend tbair lap* aeal------ -- aper BWvaa^ra at to Laatanaw. poinc iaadlap aeuwaad U the raatr, thb
ail over Oa ton
OB IO rharlornix to ae narOora re- year, to It b only to I


flftoo'o or twenty boy's sotu
goiii^ at the ab JTS prioo-ussd
bring mors thsn twics
that-ars worth aa much aa
thsy STsr wars.

townUiip. then almswt
Hbe married Alfred IV.Ilard. who
tn ibe army, in Ix.t. and a few yrar*
J. H.TKa«n.uiiKB. oftbeFife Uke
Oereafter beoama iht wife of Ht.
looltor. haa k(arted ae Koardmae
Ilnaa. Mr* Kom Mere a larpe circle
River Cqrreot. at Sooth Boardman. It
of friend, to reapavt her atemc
tnBtTB.x‘e drto. yeaterday. wa. a b a neat alxcolBrno folio, one popr
A Ooobb Orownlnfl
00a It b not ae bip a. eome borne print. It b "entered at ae poet
> on the road, bat U b a dnn. oBce Bt Fife iMkc ae eeeoDd claw mat­
Toeaday cipht itaultlnp.
bripht tow. wiaapood autny frwl- ter." Thb b probably ae only pabli^
bUob la Ov atate. aed prrhape ae the draa of two: llllle Indian pirla
» aad taken elHn ell. whole eonetry. oatebalbly baued at ot
Manr and Anna Aodetto. aped aboat
yearx. Their parenta.
point and entored for BMllinp ond.
Hr. and Hr* John Aadenon. are qniU
Tn Ralkaeka Uadereey* S. M. Via- Or nrsripaper law* at aaoaer point.
pr(m>eroa* farmer. Ileinp
m baa eold bb awrea^Hv bneiarre at
■m u. E A 1. a. E wm. aold yrrterRapid*. They bad
UeUTllb. aad wUl remore to Onad
l-istawbylowti altendiop a eervreo
BapIdA. For Ban,
e. and will probaa. “killiqp ar devil." aed
gtcltina aad Oa
I of LeebTiUa. and layataBL Tbenir iorlsdca ae leaae of their ream wv* vbilinp friea.l.
iba.* The pirb west down to at
tawiUbepreaUyabaedthera.the Tnverae City E E Tbb Iran o
mill poad to play; and it b atmpfa
wbo arant to eater dor a*
Ml la and the oaer loot bet
bleyele mora at Tnretae aty, Jaly aa. year. Tct U> ran. The whole tnoai
lilF lali^aptorevcber. One of Oe
Ota oblaia fail inalrweUoaa by wrlUap tiaa xrill in *o reray alfeet the bsuiar
aiap. about ae affair wa*
applylap toC. H. Keen, etaermaa of Oa main Her and leawd brmnrhea.
• moaer wa> ar one .to And
io pat it on a better aod mure
of Oa oommiuaa; to ysehUap. rowiap
gem. pelUnp them out of the water
4orta.loC K Murbefore aa, car elae knew of the aevi;
ray, chairman of gate.
wa. aa impwlnp and baautlfal
They were oel.r in aboat flfteee
alpbt to iwc oecr Bfly little wblle-elad Blaato. but coald not b* reaaaclated.
F. H- jRWKn b noted to tte aim
were (wnicubrly brlrht little
-and qnalll, of Oa fruit and barrlaB be
mat ae Catholic plrb. well advanced
dvaaced in tolr
and U the
aad moaiv and ssill be toly mimed in
leftatlbeHnBAUioflto Oeoaerday ebareb Snniiay.
aI Uoy lobs wbo alrewad flower* aelr borne.
laaplca of
what be b folap to do ab year b that
Aaytnni Uauan
iou. nrarW Ut cfalldrea. will be
line. Or
An ImportaBi mectlop of to aa.Tlam
ooaflrmed by Kitop Richter, aiabted
brard uf tenalacB wa. held at the huUFr.lbaar aad Fr. Haste. Thb b by
tnUra yeMtoay. TrmUre Noble. Kop.
Taoaa wbo are t^iafl AeaU and
ar brpeat anmbrT ever eaelrmed
yxhibha to be nto In tba Fwrada oa a* here at ooe (laie. aad aach iatereat b eru. Uavb..Hart.CBmmer and Rate*
the fall board, belnp pmaat. .The coal
Foara aboald bear la mind that Ue
■nanlfrated ia ab aobma
eon trerU for Oe year
limit of baipht from Ihefroond that
BAXimre* little papal
. to, beinp
ae Wbeclinp A
A Erie
»a be plrea b It faA. Low wirea
dloap the Haa of toieb make ab abFoara
p. aed •>.«> to bard e
BoIuU. Aay float blrberthaa It feet
nil lb be delivered f. a
will baea le be rejec ted.
for to day. railroad and boat era
City, by rell. owe a. M- A S E The
tlooa. and oaer iaformatloB for
pins, to ae lance new tare, to repoblle. T.tou or x.ono will be barefully piece to one buly deatroyed by lipbtprevraB b la ebarfe of Hbo'Ji
A limited aatount of apace alBC. were approved. The praaenl ent­
aaanbjart beiap "Chlldrea la Hato.' will be riven for..advertbiep.
AppR- ile barn, aad .bed* will be moeed tc
ctorwa of chlldrea b One of eatioB. wilt be rerelved at the HexAi.ii ae aaw loralioa aad wed is coaneeOa faatnm' of
ap to nara of SaUrday. lira wia ae new bare. The inaUu.
bdkaol ae elab are invited (obrlap Jane ll. it will be an excalleat adtbr- Ura andpronad. were never iB bvupr
Oair chtldraa to Or naetlap.
soiuoa. There
4SMTT are i.'iss
l.oli patienu

CatoakbaBk btoda are taalap reBiBitiirr* wia praaanb of bcMtlfnl
a aad Hr. Herrey b pre­
floaret* trem hb H. A H. E pardaa.
pared to farebh pood flahiap or tdesie

Mf. Brmxm U
f Haataaa. wU

An laureeUnp Exhibit


An iPteresUBf pholopnphU exhibit
may be amdr'a lldle Uter in a’r *ea
wM. At end tali fame a oorre<-t photoprapbbtAenof ae hrtoe whk-lf ap­
pear above ae fcBcr line from the out■Ide and which belonp to ae men who
:rm. OBF of ar-bret el thb rod au .teal Oe Ion olhen tave to pa.
ARP Haa Huxo, of Bit lUpldA.
The ptetorra io far taken are eery
bare Iraeed the theideolal hotel aad of ae peelBwU. BBd b psatlBp Id ell
food one., and our clllaeo. wUt be of­
arepoUlDt lUafirel elaaehape pre- bb apace timr out of ofllre bour>
fered a rare treat, ind w>me earpTbr*
paretory for the eaBaser tneel. ,^e pathrrlBp Id Are iacfli
will be a* reaulL
hooee'will be foraall, oproed for bAl- laoloii. cherrira. aad oaer luarir* of


On»d B-ieea f Tr---------


•bf Hoeroe
a ep. .Veo L
Ceetre eead. in wnplee of pear blottwip. of ab ynr> prowlh.
The time of the alwaya expect^ aad
drtoed done f«.'u baa paeto nfrly.
KaUre >.retn> to be tryinp to atake
idooMca of ae
up for her little a

tbr ftc*l of a««t week.



ycal pro«tae» to ta
breaker• fr
for fl
brinp* ae IlA«ALIi iM«r etnwberrie.
.- I'ark" ao letpe aed lair
Oat forty Bll ae bo* to oeerfloWiop,
and beeayaOat bb beet berrie. will
B<>br rlpr-foraarcek. Ur picked ripe
re Jane sa. aad ae frnit b
already' ' farpeaod mbundantoa hb

Rebefcab lodf« atteoUed the U. B.
a P. CABvn wocldB-t be elaieed
ebereh laet Seaday. aad aext Heeday wia thoae each op tnir ehepa tor aeyHr. Keealater will preach to the aiap Id aairorU Hr b t lermrr
KalfhU of-Pythba. who wUl atteod
the U. B- church la a body.
It Hr he. pnrclsa»*-d the

Hshtibu a BoxTsa. the barbere. hare
a aorel afr*a(«aeat ia Iroai of tbair
khe^ that wUI proveapopolarfeai
ioa with their barber
Hta they tare a bbyele riek-^th

Everybody invited to oorae ond help,
two baadndTKliE^w^ Ebm
padifl-woU worth yotir con

omU for a brief Tbit before rearaiac aaaAmer b bb earaUra time Oat
toOrtoRapkb. They wOl be one of UpomfUeto Urn ,«o te aacaiad W

- •
-THa play, aa
a. to «re>7 <■• wOl try I
d b knewa w "BowiHaL
y Oa iHaaaktalA, «r Os Aetrew of

boy's oolts agaiiL^orth $2.60
to $4.00—wars marksd d<
acooaot of broksn Blassour .prtoss now givss yoa a
donbls diacouBt.
' '

I«adles' Hose ,st 6c,
not too good but aU
right for the price.

go celebratE sotisfaetorily. ,
get ready before hand.

Better values In Hose
at 10, 16, 86c and up.

SOM« Eh'K@S ebSApen fjow HSfl^oFo^e;

Belts are neceesltiesi
Our assortment complete-80, 86, 36, 60c.
and up. Buckles 10.
^ lt^4», 36i60c and lip.

Sroi^en XJolor
Brbi^eri Assortments
§hort Cengths
§ifigl£ fatt&rnsfrom now till joly‘4th
is cUan up time
all throagh the stoe^.

SOC 76c $1.00 $1.50

Ladies' Neckties-nll
the newest and nat*
. tiest styles— very
choice at 86c.

lAsarale the
but goods and
mo6t desirable
styles get in ihis
<Kmdilion iirst.

Wash goods
S8c — variety insures
your satisfaction.


Wool dress goods, in
stylish rough effects
at 86c.


will boy a boy's wash suitagss from'tfarss to tw^vs
ooolsst and chsapsst boy's

New Teslimonials for the Plano Machines. 3

Just M roll of bsrgsiiu-60c
boys A splsadid cotto.oAds
pant-$6c buys tbs bast man's
shirt from oa that ws know
Anything AboRt-26c will hoy
A splsndld ootton swsAtsr 26c will boy threp. pairs fins
hAir boas -tAn sr blMk color
-<2&c will buy A pises of onilsrwaArwblch tsgood snoogta
in qbAHty to bring moral

m belfp cared to. and to fact that
bat two dwto ooearred dnrrep


1- r ’

I WH‘- ='**w -»

Tb THE HaKNxB & IrAT MEtr»!rrii.E (V.
0»*ntlvni«i^-HB'riiig fc>r ibf pnal y


r«-re«t uiacbioB in
ine. I IutV r-xAtainnl cnreftilljr Uie <lifT«>r
.Tonea Cbain I)rivnBBi-l.iDv. and I cotwenlrel togitv it a triBl.on my farm.
Joe WM^ op.twoof’uadrrw it armral r.idB,cuttioKBrlranawaUL

to piratlnp b bril advae^ &Si
ywr to pToanda beemae modr ba
fnl. and av location b a eharbli«

Tlu’vEflSE pin, Micfl,. Jew Ctfa. 1S96.


are foll-;

any mBr-hiDe ic

I batv purc-iiatmi fl uacfaioc, and recommond it to


in nsfld U b

.TotbS'Hapsab * lay MEtCAKTfLE Oo..







.GsntietDen:— Hiiiiltuip yon wonld be plnaaed to hear bo* the PUm IfacUofla «
mdrttng in on <mr territof) we will gire yoa tbe rxsQlU of yeatarday'a trsi; Ur Qoincy


Thacker. rflpreaentiDR the PUou (k>.,eame over nod adjoatod tbe Binder and Movsr, ssd


aUrtsd tbem op ia tbe preaeoee of a crowd of iqaectatan, and they did their work to tbe foil


every body.

It was foe to aee tbe Lerer Binder go iatoYhe grain (bMry


Our SAvlngs DepArtaent




The si^ is


Thacker seemed to know wbat tbe luebiDe woold do. aod bin aoAl« a
ed SB be sold three inaeblaea on tbe ^ wilk ppobflblj
ly three moR A> foUow.

ASoB. Pwillial; 2a.T. Bow
mm TW* riiiilimi; c. A. ■


MBanerof acboob of Ornod Xcarnse Ooontgr.

4pwUi>tlub«n thi iiurbt
Affords — stats, hAtt, (
sbirtA. M^iflg yon ats a
• HUM mind to msntion WS' ats aMb
■ HMli AO show yoo in right sisss
right pricss.

MMl MBmeiWSilvilivOM





For liRfatsms of drsfp Z

with vlrirb tbe bfiife cait W nuaml to fmao urer oUtrcHiosa, I belisre -it afaeSd of

opec^ here now for the Plano




North Coity, May 30, IW*.
Yon will M


of these gooda gt the store of



aw*iw» Tm^iwfiHManuuK joke a laae;


at. Itihatl
Itahatl aattolaxfBlfrr
----------- n|aepaatolartto*®S
. Sabtolk atoool thaa one ba-

W* tod • «|rt«Btti. nto Itot ■»**“
toUftoy udta-dvHr. BafTb
tots ton.


, -jjsrsrjis'u’s-SrSi'S

toaoB 1------


Oly ••IW

(Vtoormto wtffcOfTnTWnaty^^e
» TtoltoMr-Wjmkoop-. (ro® totorday totU totogy.
thlrk bat do a>itw



A. Bui •l.eaia.Wefon.oa. ^
irt WMk.



tol MooiUy us InalBM._e of Hr. aur. borM cbokad
dosUb oo ooro ®nl Iwt W«l«-dv

adfoai doMd mimy.


at u ntnktod ttat ___

Hto Hstol totoll to. ben worklnr
w Hr.. CbM. to. totto pnl wnk.
Mrs. llmrtcb trum Oorr U *TfaiiUDr
HfB. WtolfT ud ehSito rtotodU .bn
»to KKl dwrhto. of tbl. p
Hr. Hvttn-.. of <to«l«.t«
Hto Auft. Iim of H^Bald t. *
to bn
eisu-r. Hrs Job. Wtohoc
Eront Mrkmoo rUltod tor
Hrs. ttorv, of tVtoford, 1|U
Htb Wddmtoantod wn to»^
Mrtod lor tfartr be®, i. tiom York
OUnr BoerbUn of fnnm qiy
rtolod hb wife tod too WIU tol liftud>y tod Stodiy.

^Tbl^otonoUoe wa. held tor tto par-

1 all part, of tbeooaaiy.
Tto mnilajr wa. . (rtaad'
elafato bUac preaeal
art. of
of tbeooooty.
tbeoooBty. ana
aaa nearly

Itanday acbool la tto adjulaiar towawio oo baed aod
wk charrr af U>e mnlior. arr<M
wl.U formality be laid a.ide. and
.e Holy Spirit bare iU away.
The paper, which w«e reU. and fbe
remarka whkb followed, p^rcd
I baa to work in hb riallyard
|-Htoics of tolaoL

.be Holy Splni waa more abuadant-

tirmnd®. All., b ytolUB* fyttodelb
Tnnnr City.
ee of tto r^nl work arai
HtoLoUold..ol Ar®..TbIt<
by*erery btort.
Hr*. H. I- Allto. iBUwtoi
ry SUlina wtot to Ttonm Oly
Hr. tod Mr*K F. Itoi wen
mtodebildroiwMitto to Old UtoloB tot work by tbe
oftormoltor. Hi». I*t»U.
t.rdv1 JIrntoo •lea.d maotber
Hr. Btol. Into Wbll. BUI, eWtod
rol ynr of nbool tot
tone laft'Utoday tor Sagitmw
frtod* M Ctosr tot imk.
Tawday aod
Hr® CbM. BUInto tod Hra. Will Tranrae aiy.' Wear.
Hatol Nw.ratoeyianoiblll; ato ha.
. Owto W0« iB Tr.nn
Hba Beatoa
IB from
fro® oar aorbtyT
aplaal lenr.
Hra. Frank Lewb. ot Hay View. wa.
Jato. tod fttok Wbfbu.. ot (iodtb


riBt to® HoTbU. who hiB ton rUy

tnrbn. dnMto by toou Woodw.^.

1 lows Saaday.
Jnn Fnrgaa. ot Chicago, b eblUng
i. pUati'.bd tot
opnlar aoBf. clan; Wn. Haggle HorrbOB.
«. U. Hayler:
Uaw; addren.
M.ooir tioldfarb ebited frienda at
■ r: ola®
Ola® war.
war.--------■•■*------& H. toiler; emay. Tlaa Dtao. eaiay.
raerrne City laat week
Bobnt Otoo; jaw®. Bertha IMU-lpber;
may. Uerbni Deao;D"» *1'


Mienlr Veit, of IVtoskey. »
He\VeUi.y. sHaek ered- ^renU and friend* Sabday.
Hra iVtaltney. of UUdwaWr
enalbat pRfiain. Hr. Abbott log her daagbter. Hra. F. i
-ucbto tbe eo}->yjn»Bl of tbr A large Bumtorafoorcillien*
eltb hbalariarapd .ptokiar adnauge of tbr old arltlrr'a c
» VVedneaday.

u HumoK.
T. X. b BBdar tb. wBBtbn.
Cto.WIUto®bOBtb.tBlll.Hr. Baboock r«t«r««l >■ tiorwood
Hn. ibtoto b oa tto alek Ibt.
rbt- Bona tordb left ter A w totorday
. Hr. Hllb will
1 ^k .
Harry Ulb nadea atorl toll at Old
Hr. Bad Hn. D. Nudi. of H.{d.Clty.
•todayad at tto finny Hoon.
Hbaioa Saaday.
a Capt Emory
haatelarMd b
. Ha®*. Ar®atn®c, of Ti»nrn Otj,
eWtdd tUMlra. at thbptoe tot bmfc.
HoaroCtotn. rtotad
a pto. Satarday aod


to win be told
. aUdrabDay
*b tto H.E.afaa
tbbplan baeday. JtoBHIh.
Onad®a 8|®«o(d baa retanad fra®
Hoaro. Ctotn. wton ato baa bne tbttlv Mtod. aad rtotlTto.

Tto Udba Aid aaeiaty of Loar Lake

SS atltoU.*3u«mr*w
-MBoMtoootoUoB. Oarob)aet
ftbbblaortorto ton more
■oato arllbwltohlonlianltoaotdy
Otoa iBoarnidu. W. kaow Ood b
Mtolaf aalaoaregorta. And w. nrdUly lavU. all'^wbo fba) that ttoy


arlfe and H
Halrle ^ItbI and

tbefanuof Hr. i
Hra HilU Saaday.

. J. Uareuy b eMUag trie®
Traeme City.
Any doaatlai la tto way ed <»tabl® Hr. ChampionY peopla apemt Surilpy
^ to thtokfaUy recaind hf tto oo®. with friend* ia Claaa.
nittto. Tto AldMoMy anerdo aay
Hr. 'Lnekwood haaton qnlle Dl lor
lUar hall way. aod we MMire yoe . *o®e time put. We are glto Io *ay to
H®a Tto |n«n® wUl bcflh b aom better at peaent.
SSpU,M.o-eb5^ • ■ ^ Tbe little on® are looking forward
M a pl®*aat time nut Saodayma CbilBoth grdat and wmil;
drea'a day wUl be celetoatcd la oar
And tort a good time
At tto town haU.
. W. Storrraad Hb* Towaly.
, R*|dd*. wer


briy paa an fall of Uaaae®..
Satarday and
•aaday with bb pann®, near Haat for-

d® WBlbBa and wUe. of Bay Vbw.



maing. "Tea aigbw In a_______

A* a praDoanced aoce®*- Tbr aadi
eaer wa* large aod eery aipreebtire.
aod tto rendition of tbr pby wa* woa
drrfally good.
Hacb credit b due ®
Uune who took part. The followlag
g. aaottorofilraal'* p
wa* Ito ca® orctoiBCter*:
Hr. Kom®pe-tVm. Stocking,
tbmide SwiirbU^’alter ImtcU.
tSe enanuy wu indeed new and parHarrey Urrea—Cbirb Kelly.
wd a (ana ® tto *oaUi pan of oar
Siapm Slade—D. H HcHanea. <
a where he Heed till a few yean
Villir Hammood-Edwin Oray.
ago-be gore
___■ Mnrgu-4ic«rge'Mrt>ay.'
Hcbibble Ctotwri^t—Mabel (Itmy.
Mm. Horcan-Belle Kelly.
old Urn* friend* and nrlgfaMary Hc«»-NelHc Uarbed.
bora gattored to pay him their la® aad
Frank Sbdc—Ralph Moatagae.

Dr. Barkr w® railed on tbe Tib
a® Cbrunee Aldrich wboJm* the e

At SI. Mbbaebebait* la® Sonday

■ b HI

rti ad wwtu Kn.aqq fralt b
a fartba^recraOW ®

tsM’laklr to Vmirik Kmbri>^1ot
bik d. ibkwood add—K<»
of nw',



Cbarles Hoetagsr to Jacob <bImao
parcels in See ». T •>« X. It l» \V-tT"».
Hnnkman u, K. .1- A I,. A.
rinkman. se-.
se'. ofaw>,.
ofnw>,. SJr.V«
Sdc.«. TP'
.Ktu W-K-'®

®lad latodad tb* premia® of Mr. MobibeaadraaacdUmlnmbto. Tbeloml*


to B. jV Uriaki
of Sec T-'.. T toI N.-R In iV-»l


Alwise'/ c


T. C. AF.A.c-onrrillr
nad ‘4ofw aft uf Io
rrarnar City—acum.

rorlng at Aiz-milc bkr
grande® o( ®l inbad ci>yi0,^'can
bad. dem-n tbrougli Alirals. Si.
I®. Hardy. tVhl®. Ileaway. llanly
itral. limiu, Uam.Torah, liuuod and
Elk lak® to Grand-Trarrrar bay.
of America.
H isj trip wdrih going hnodreds of
ndirs to ■■q>oy. Ilirre's nothing like It
inywhcre.-autbing to eoraparr with IL
To dmvribe tbr number ot rniauUe
*pob along tbb clmin b( Jak®
lid tabr morrspaor U
osal. butif Ibriearruv rmll.uHly who iiara

pnwrrrd to i
F prrwm or company who h® intonully rlolated any of thr prorlakms
this oedinanm- iw h® latoBtloul
, rfcrrrdrd
u® ol lb« .
llr^a jrani
Ilrd tosacb liceaara oadrr
lawfnl fur
nne or rompuy cqwrallag a fer
iiat nnder tbr protblo® erf

___ raaidcol of thb place, died®!
bMM atirra dblrrmiag lUoraaot!
_ oral w.^ iMl Mooday moratog..
Tbr faarral eravleJe wore brId to tbe
jw-«IO. •
byRer. WuHmi


port-lvvegrlable. n>ev
tin not wrakrn
by tbrir icUim. but l.y'gi
b) giribg
stonueh udboacbgrratly Inelg.ea®
the sTsb-m. Ik-gutof sic
,s.!d U.V .1.
DrttFgu-todid Himicm. b
onw -raady to bang paper for all wbo
wnntsagor® Job dune, and door ap to
workmanship nrdrr-. also patotlag dime
at Wrd tits® price* and graadK


Tbeyaiaamd* by aneara^ Inrartlag
frfeor of caprdally prapared rabbi®
U. bat not thrvmgfa the oatonoto by
thr McKay l>toat I'raae®.

Thrarkl reg.l® i
'raverse llbtoict lira
hr held at lolud Graogr hi
Janr l<
anreb desirad
lla® May SU isw,

nargnuk art nmii. naMiikT.
ssitou'.wVIflrae see tSe ves-ea ruBaf ®

Alwayain seaann, ll.i
Hominy I finlird Fiwo.!
GU ran. IOC
thr well kni
known p
dgr Grracra. the
____ arrnl. tt-h.i b® done so
the aoldle® of Grand Traeerse
Fra® S®e»t
on and TJia®
B. JnnriTtband |sihP

lira. IS l»e asriie. UpfoiFTfii era*
rto vitiiist.
Clear Per* per



A Baal Ena® Bargata.
But bare tnoarv ima®dia®ly ’
pOT expraae* of mrd

®rt® MW4t af yvewrm M


and Knae'mIrrrU.'at


rortaleby N

Traaaneaiy. Htob.


Brosch's Meat Marker


Suadtf Cxi
|C A W. M



B^s and Qiria.


alBrmaCrr aad tbr MIowiag_______
MT appnioted: Com. oa Fiaaacr.
Krbt. Ueeiy beoU. Draab Hozair: Cum. oa Program. G. M. Daae. U.
a. CUapbell. S. W. Fortov: Corn, on
Grounds.«®.. C. E, Ttitoy. I. U Dame.
Xm® BartIrU. Gro. Park!®. G N.
Damr; Marsbal of iV day. R. A. Comp- tot* I*. IV. «n
Co-* nth add-i

For Mein. Women.


P. C SbramaatoJ. «. Wbr.
•b. aeetS.aadto'.oftoS. *r« s». «
ka r tow—gf.sixt
ib‘a. JadfewmtoJcHiia Jaekaoa.
BWV erf awb.aeciq. » rjt ar. low—
WKatbrrtoeC BanmtoJ. T. HaXaafc.

.THE ..

BoekJra'* Atiu®
Tick llm Sai.VR in U®
llrubra, .Sorra. Uler® ____
W< Sunday m itli'ln such
irh pmxl
pmximiim. Freer Sores. Tetter, aiap^
r rhorah or pUi-r
of wm
Hands. Cbilblalas.-Corns, and _________
rtlog toiog
beieg Iheld
to. distur
Bruptiiins. and p'isitierle cufra 111®
IT to aound any whistlr.
oroo par required. It is gnarantred
alarm wiihlB ?"i
• ifrrlofai
frrl of any b^gr.
rfwt satbfartioB ®r
-or rimooey.
reel or atrret enraing. nor tiiso cmPrice 2!; reau per fac».
irl or run *urh ferry ur brat ® ® to
sale by J G.-Johosoe and S. X -dbtorb nr aoncf any inreliiig. uar
binge, or rrsidcot la sold city nor
Raickii of toe Mairab*®,
Ia all sir®, wtdt® and Aylia; <b*abd
Male < >,imiuiud<-r wriu-s.ns from nra any wharf iw bn.ling at any pol
. bj f.ill.iw.; "Afle-r Iryi.uBcil of said city.
■"'oU'cr oshII.-iuis for what Ms-med
SFX-. III.' Any eioblioe or fallurr
b>0e a rery ohslinab-rough to uur two
imply with the prorbio® of tbb
j-luidivn we ®iwl lb. King's New Dbr pr.-rr and at the end «rf two ,be» the
c ,ugti entirely left them- Wrnill not
praeneullem. and in the Impoaib - s illumt it brrfkfwr. ® <nir rsp-rl
r aoeb Sor and e
en,s. peJeos Dial it cOrra where all -ilhy make a further raetoncr that
er rvimsltrs fail.".- Signed. F- W. Slyrr® Kto® »«u.--Hhy -iKJl glee thb
iReudrr be
in tbr wanly
graat UKslicinr a trial, a'-il i»
Jail of Grand Traverar coanty eot to
lerd. S. K Wait and J. G.J..I.I
exerml a perIcM of
of thirty dayx'oi
day* or eaUl
Bne a^ ooaU
U are folly
fully paU
id yiinr aS^-ssto H. K. Ilnrklrn
...i-. II. Thb ewdiaaner ahall
... 'i'lliragi. and gi-l a free' sample effect in twenty day* from lU pabllea-^^
Ilf Ilf Kings New Life iqils
will .sinvinw j-oo iif th.-ir <oi-rib. “wi do hereby cratlfy that the
!• pillsan-insy in m-lion and are going ovdlnuae w® ni®rd bj
rularlr effyetlvr in the cure of eooaeil «rf the city of Travr w Oly ra
dpatkm an4 Sick llnubsche. Fur
rix and L.vrr troublra they bare
siced biralnoble.
gnarantred U> Is- prrf.srtly free I




Xirtttog. wiiptom}”£,ru?ro”!’db:
orderly or immoral conduct shall W
allowr.1 on any ferry or brat wilbin
the jari*dicliuD ofsaid

■tanieU to UartoB
UartoB Coirto. M>
oftbbpbce la
arbody wbo
S, Uk
I..U- U
Nibs. Mkfa . imeed b® feet off wrat *id. of
of i®S,
h® a mtlr ®o®y.
Uoator and b tbr gurat ot H® B.A
Gbo. P.MaaBuox.
L.' imrorlRev; S Steele and wife. £Hr. and H® ie^E^B^Pulu^'
rilber'suvle. Grandma • Voice, H®
John A. Joekiae to Carl Eciglrr.
_l®tbaMuddud l■rtorl{®taS attoad
orbfiMl plat of Trararar
ed the old seUle®' meeling io Trerarra
. Co'atihaddaadaecUoa i.
aiybatWedoesday.M. R-y
E- Jem :1st. Special
awetiag w® told ia tto ton hoi
...rCityMt* ®.
train will Ira^st Friday ereol^
eerniDg blk of what
Rapid* at IS poem,
•adarrlTrat (rt^*R!
lag la an
ratajup-m- Robad
A. Van Hyptog to W. t. Brown, tot
lireai utrartto® ia tbr city,
>. blk t. H. L..A Coa «(h add—«IM.
Foartb ot Jaly- T
ir friends ahoal it aad grt
tioa of ertobraliag w® dee®

Mtollrr. aa old mad klgklyl

fl. tfarlbat wffi addnra tto
ckOdru put Sudayeming at T:®
o’doek. IVbmBg OhlMiea'a Day.

tV-W-.'toMicharlMar- sfa*]| iqirra® kit or Itaricfrrry O'
.SrcJi. t-.-:n. brlwren any otbrrpotow thu
; s|S«ifi^ lo^hb or tbrir ‘k.ea.r.^

(i. U. A





to Fred B.
.. t rt. a T
P‘, of •
Vf. S Ibmil to.W. C. Harratt. r
of Pc's of sw>,. secK. t
n r low

they did:
tVhrre b there aaothrr view likF the be had from liroTy !bi
Itoe? Tberrb a scrar lb® no arlbfs
twrahean do Right pt year
feet Hr* Torah Uke. thr Grnrra
Amqrtra. toyond.' a aprrow swip
Nellie Storlr >* apradlog a few day* land aladdcd with brautlful forest*,
.i (Janaybrook with bersbtor. Celb ud then srxt. Giknd Traverar bay.
udklill beyond, Lerlu®. prniraola
with ib world of toarabud grand old
bllia TothragbtliraInkrHichigU
Saaday errntokThr ColoAbb will bkr tbr place p( and to uir left b Old Mission poiot
-irir. t
e mtlr p
tbe Creacent
reeceot whUr
lag repaired.
Ba® and Wr® hay. Take
Urs lliubnell aod bee daug|twm your, friends crrrr there. It's only
Hi® Ella and Mi. lolia. arrieedou iw^miledrlrc.; .
the CY®crpt iMt Saturday.
No **1100 were urldlatbe CobgreSchool Bopbn
gatloapr church Sunday morning ow­
Report ol Briber acdiodl ‘ for thr
ing to the illnen* of tto pa«b>r
icrntb radiag Jdnr t. ls»C: Number ut
F. H. iaalir ambted io tie,-,------ upibrnrallrd.-SV Average daily at»e day. b*l wr. k in the ab»eiito erf mduee. lU Npmber ol dan Uughl.
poatmaswr. IbnnI* lloz*®.
-j. Grand total autnber ot dpys aV
tendure. S«», ,Tb«we praarat rarry
_______ lirud'Rapid* ufocr Juniry.
rebrnrd to bar borne Iwt Friday.
b*®r\aad .WiHard W>h»®r.
Imarm Voice elSed aq right month,
■rat Vrarr day daring tbr
leria of Mboul at.Sultoos Iby b® Fri­
r' JiiAUr McGarry. Hand
day aod returned to tor borne at tbb term w
ilagar ai Hog|^ McGarvy.
pber lut Mouday-Us* E. Ua'.ak. T
K. A- C»mptoll er® one of
itottler* who weat from thb |
tbe old SeUleia . neetiag
City Iq® Wednesday.
_ Itoima Ibmek. sbtor -of
Mr* Wm. Iluribat. arrived bet
Cemrad tVrbler to X. W. Bartak. 1®
rraatngud willI spen
spend a
la. Mk t. Goodrirh-a *dd-*l.f
with her mulheral
at the
Fraae® B. GrifBa toG. M. Strarra.
L Whi
lots to and'tl. blk 4.<bk l-ark addttedoraday
wraks- visit among trsrads ia Thump- »1>«IHr.

AaoAftdP. K R. at Ooprmbh. Ito
V. A F. U B R aad swamrea. Mao®
® tee Traosil aad tk«o l.lne r
or-North Hk-blgaa Tmn.
.. ler and HHuraaka*
Sk- >. Aoy prn«in -tr onmpat
Li® at Mubtee. -rtalM aad boab
airiag a 1 icensr for'a ferry or ® •i to dsjij
Sunday. -Ml kind* erf
carry aod transport persons and Pfp frelgblahippnl toarfhuall pedabM
"Oto®: u low ratea®
- . other
____ llo® aand good
•—s„ laton
Get further
fur b> tto City <
auch an^. j.M. A N. E
eoraer Uak®
lino shall »®® tbr palaU or wliarti
rsrh sborr betwerd which II b prnpos.
V CT-xaiNnaaB.
rd ® rao thr Isiat or ferry.
Sn-. 4. Kre^ prraoB or company r
r Ci^. HIcb.
Uining such liraasr ® aboTr prtwid
II coal
eoalona to and obey all ucdioa
CCS of the - ____
. raafwr to
force aad by tbr grantiog >( aucli IIoenae tto city of Trarrrar < ily. do®
n rriraae nor i-rUnqubh any of lb
rht to u®. rrga.a® and roalrnl the
• ud badiaga witbia tbr
JuriNlirtioo ul »*ld city.
Ml.. S. Thr granting of any liceasr
by Ibrnir t'l.-rk for any aoeb ferry or
brat aball cot prrelodc him from grant
I few ferrlra and bratr


■■■ 4. Hayaide
IS aod I'.;, blk

Friday eraalag of Ub weak a
_____ ■e® Mleer medal eemte® wIU to
baM in Hi® a®*®-* aehoal haaoa.


'a grain of sail w
R^raminx to emphtoir r I
e perfect tiie flavor of

Drnab Hoai* Went to Trarerw Vil
at Toseday ud prlurned Thorsday.
Hr. and Hrk. Wm. tiill ud Hra. f
E.Cill arrlredoa Ito.tatrg* tilll Sni

If the war® rain* coatlape It will
BOOB toll <« tto wbrat. bat thee* b lit
Ue dgn of r®t ® yet
Ull® Uortoa weat to tto renlnoab
tto «tk to be peraeal at the pby.
twu^-t^ m®eM then®* ot ooamNighb Id a Bar Room.''
&b B®m attaaded Ito
Taba la® Taaaday
pbyed on.tto nk n
ttobUer It to ll-c:
Kotbiag but tto pluUfa) fU® 'h®
®eed erae a .sail emtUag -----a®ay pbc® u tto g^
I. of Hlanoeoln. h® bare taken aU for ttoy
cn of book keeper b
t®r a*b pedaief* kara not been
K COol
araapd bwly ® Fred Kneebnd gave
____ittbpb® took tto iraia
tto® a free Idd* to tto cit^^^toy are


S.I t. TbeCliylTcrfc b brrrby au .cuBoecUouand lowuat raw*® Fraaktonied wgraataliceBWWuy per i fort. Urdlagtoa. lUIdwla. Brad CHy.
oo or bompuy ® keep aad opera® al(Vim*c. Uarr. toginaw. Jbr ate.
rrry m- brat ® carry aad truH>ort; !•..« Hufoa. Ut Pleaaul. 'lUara.
uramn and property apoa. aero. or.Uwou.. Uuraad. niat. Aac Arbor. I®'.
dong lloard^ tterr.ttnardB.atokr v,«iU Adrba. T®rdo. aerelaad. H '
>r either of tbr®.
up.m prlilioa
prlilmo ®‘f
K,» Vorl


Net proceed* SA

SdPa bwblUiW fcM bratbe

toiierd®ardbytbrCuBcUofTrae.|s2kM^tU»*® A*N ^TvtoS^SS
nar or opera® • ferry or bmit tar : Hewoaiaer. Eaeaaato l>lto®oae Hu
rarryiagaad traBsp.wtiagpr®o® and qaeu,. AUiba.1. Ualalb. Sh HuU I®propre® aenua. ap<Hi ••r along boaiA- \ boqar. 0« Hola®. Sh LMb. Kaam
amn Rirrr ud M^bu lAkr. or City. Ibarrrbad *11 polnu w®V omth-

fi. Fritz, lap^borof

J rViday Bight

^ HI®

Qao. Di:H*i-px.i

No prruaoreo-pu, -toll' roX^P«"^t:
tie doctor in *«d can

' w-pm.-lii h.eaee
faorac*. lal
lU nora-ln
only HI .hrrp io tbr low
Aprina iwr. Ihen.-werr
lSly*lwt iVedanlitky.
bog.^ iwcow.. *^d'bon>
Hr. A. NoTTb ul Oedar Ran w
ol bay prodamd cmly I
in toy was more than
few <U>
Hb. Ildtlir Trombull. wlio lia. tore 'gained in poUbm-At.lMi baOirl.
Three arelVlaerea of app>
- " orebard and abont 1 ncr® of pracb orwn the pa.1 w’Sl'.'Ttlpr^i?
borne laat.Saix
I rbanl in tbr lowaabip
all gamr Uayed brre Satnrfay
Tba toll
Matdr (<«■ -Kacm.' and'the
YrllW" rnaltod in 10 to ir. ia
Mar -Yrl
laWrmediatr rallcy ba*
sTorof Hi
rtb-r nabral outing kpow
Ueorgr Davb b.'ik cold Metoorbl day
aad ba. torn.ooofinrd to tbr bouw than aoy wr*itory of like *i® ia Uicbmorr than a werk with rry.lpelaa In igaa. lu beanlilnl plmid bkr* lying
bb fare. Mr. Daeb b wmt totter at belweeo the bilU. aad .haded by the
Ihb srrtUog.
braatiful fore*® of at^®ly rlcn* ud
Uwreoer Maim who bap torn rbilbi> lather and laulhgr the pa.1 maples. inlersp<-rMs] with ]®t raoagh
k. rewmed to W' work M.inday hcmiolk ta.xuto thr beauty of tbr
laat. ' Mr. Mabn is '..egBgrdiD Sunday foibgr. makf it oar of ibrUkrty >pob
Wbool work- .
M the rarib- ,An4 then the littir liab' Tbr people of Oib pber wrrr yrry bli.g liaMk* of purr .pring
mtob .urprbrd by tbr marriage of 11.
tumbling down the hiUsidc<; atM W'tbr
riijoymcnlof tbesorne. .
' ‘j
The elima®pArrrrctap4> grand bc-i
y«Dc! drwripllun. Tlw wewl.w iod* th»f
Tto IkiogT Sunday hare dr- sWreporer JbkrMichigU ud a.-roa^
i.lrtl-tb ohangc 1tto time anU pime of.
tlieir picoic. Tlicy will meet at Fraf tbr braulifu] 'i/aud TVaerbe bay a®
• erae lake iasiemlnf School lake. Sakurdar. Jnnr Juth. Cs-dar. .Silec. I'lcas- Biflr landt mrst of us that tkr wurat is
aatliruTc. Shrllaod and Uirt-'ricn*' but a.grnllr brer® In tbe rallry. Mul
Snadav M.-h«>l of .Ha'plc Cily are iariF
the sornery is one of the stnmgrat
ed lu'aUenil.
: points io faror of tbb lit®my for a re
*nrt. SbrUagfroio thr b®>luf tbr loil.ii.giu ti.cgardenv
i ®rmrdiate watrr.-il is-Ukeyiw^i

bora of Haiaball., ■Theleclare wa*a
•1 lie

ICoaooe were tpleadi.Ddid- Hr
... i.
agmtelacatioabland fabieciutionr
exelwd grrat admiratba. Hr. VVilHam* b aa ®ra®l adroca® of Ibe
grand prlneipl® ot teaperance and bl*
® be pradnetite ol
perm^^good. We wbh bi® all pce•IblTuSm ia hb noble mlliag.
The pby at tto ebarek. Satarday

Menard Steimel Ubaildiagaa add!naaagia wlt^^oimg^ oa ® U* mifbaer.
Ml® Hary Hahl baegoar U 0
Ut oproi tto eommer.
Palaten to® began work oa Ito
Bt*k® of SaUoa* Hay bolal.

Aab C A V. H. and O. L. A K.'

An (Mlnaaoa.

Hwr imrdr-i women and. fiib •BSer
•anaprakahle tormcou bewbe ttoy
dmd lelliif tbrir titoblra m a phr•Umn. Ttoy frar Hw alami lon-naU.
mibiinuicto and "lorld trraunnt.
‘Tto* Ihlif. arc uaiany mbolly nn-

oom^^ of the old wlrtirra mrl at «• *>' “■«
<*«“ "■ported there
_ ir h.ll-laat Thui^ay. a> it waa arc »,4f» arm of Imprvrrd Itod. Three

aaade FTneb will lead tto ^I’. S

Seeenl of tto yoaag peep® auendto mpecu. The bSly hare tto
the bnoralaaraa® aerrie® at Ok Rap thy of ®l in ttoir anletloe.


tod’dnii.'tot diw®r*^^ildin*Tp
fhr ■teagUi and parlljiag Ibc wtol.


meeting aezt Saaday
Him Mllie Hortoa attended tbr play
here Satardav ryruing. Sbr U »bUjng


■’•V i*(wmi.n. o.

• feet In twenty daya tra® tba da® of Ita
We do benbycerUfy that tto teee-

Hr. Swtl > barlor the pcwebn'io
bbboaw fiBi.bed>p Al. Dali b do­
iwing aWtbtka of hb townafaip
ing tbr wewk.

Three are abtot li.4uoacrB.of.tandllorkr b eery buy nowadan' iog timber owool by
pulliokJo •«>'* '»«• til' V*^'- a«®«»d

r Cla^ b working forjChaa.

kaiu^ ttoir I
tbe good aa.
eal. Cl we tope
eg forth aad bear i

JalyJtoai ra- ,

to pay aacb fine* and one®, to bmrte-i
oned lb the ooaaty )all of Onad ’Tm*-;




eoata tba <k>

OB tbr |•etoatoy
ato wiU elml friei
tiaanllelt.aBd i fe Of Trar.
be |gueala ot Ur.
are In town, the
o( tbbplaw.
aaeh after all.
formerly In Uir employ^
Hr. Bodea.f
tto EiU I too Co. b®
KepraeU I.e ike
Rapid* where be will H
Alice M- <;ia w in port SnnNoble rrtnrard
and Hra. E c...................
r Wedaeaday. the former ba»b
Tby Smith retatard from Orand Kap­
tiaTelling for
the InlCmt
r*t ofofIto
Ito KKa»
il l®t wewk.
4 idl
Uariag a iam Hoo4ay. Which oeear- .'.Tbe .Cbarlerol*
M wUle tto Trayerae City l.amber Co. on tor trip ■outb.
weiT- patung lielr log* down the
risltor to Ttar-'
tv. U. I'
eha®. tbe water,mala wa*
Tto City IU.I Tiiurscby.
abutting off our wpply of 4
Into port this

- •la^ckard
- •
1 will drirr
drire tbr
tbe Old
ol HbIr. Kallrvg Ito rant ot
Ur Ftanklia quit SaV
We anderelaad thatOapi. PeHie BiU
w parchaaed a awn® yacht and will
ran daily Irtpe tetweea iHd Hbaioa

with aay of tbe w.iMim _ ,

and laltoU

,'of Solon
Solto woo la town laU

W. H. Tremala'wto ml toUa to boH■i®.1aM»iday.
PnSk nuby b talldlat a or* road
froeetobb piaor.
lamara fro® tbb. plaer. tbb bprtnf.
er. Hr.. Clneer
Clnnr a'
and daaily ban K.OuobaUiel.ofmd pma. TIib.wiih
red lot;'-*-—
;lra Arbor.
tot aa arrraca crop, will pndarr M,Bliar and w
ttA toUwb of pna . The proaprrt. for
a la>t \Veda<
tbe crop UiMm. warraat tbe
Ur. and lira. K. Bliby dM I
iprcdirtina of Tu,c«i boAelv
la (loud Harbor la>t Tandar.
loa' . .
Ttarrm City one day last weUi.
lie tto dbbarwmrnt
John Sonlt retnrned to Tranrae Tity of at Inat »::..U.1 here aeat fall for the
iMt week, wlnirr to will work doHi
pn«T<i>alooe. Add«l to tbb Uir itria
ncatioo. '
of people eniUoyrd aboat tbr plant,
’ Hr. lUateraad Hu. »'r«U)1
and wr eao are the ealor of tli^ plant,
er drore to Trarvm t'ilyand
which Baton w lltUr
•Tbe W. 11. H..1. will jnret with Hta.
laKp: <TTt

• brid at 1


W. U rriak pHated tba acad et
now mnaan. forty.U
■ ba rap
Habtolialb. TUabf
rrowtb.' aad prom tbe ttoery
paya to plant fureal

Ml ii^at tea j

Brrml p«pl. from thb |dne aluodcd tto-'—-■—
-------- •*“

- oo®Uj


HOHTHBaut »qc»OAJ»-

HsTlbbon Uw neoecnd fan®
lor (to pMl wedi.
Hni of ttobrmm ttot ton rye Hra Joan asdehlldrea tor. tpae
away to rldt rUaUm.
on nuiof it to toy
nowell. at the patwiaajre Tharaday.
toorf. Nlekmo. TWIed'U. brotbrt• tod itonnUn

------. rridto '*"«‘»#- J“*

. aw. —yt la aMirili,,.


^ktotbcf did«l

Hn. 1. Ron dto (hit nonito 8to
Hb. ManuTm aad dMfkto, tor- wUI to torto tonnnw •» »to «m*tol.d toBthtoWd
' Bmb >1 tkk ftooK.
wkite dnr tot to.
tto ton tonltoed ariUi it. Coot mod
tontoo-tolf Blto
tot Ub aoi wtodM to ttos«bl
oai Hr. Mil work.
w tofafHtttotoMgatol?. ,

C E. MUtoto tod .

____ u ____ aat la ttob **<*
^ TmlCti

"fsssaw’s SL*“.^

niB •« tod te d(M let* a*
jato; UhMWlW KIB*«I tto«n»

. tonpb (told tot • bon. tot ‘ ”"•

---- --- *--toad. alortw lattor

_________ -tobtiaa ready to aalo the roll ^
bb yml

toSi wiu aaSoa to tbm lolnpblfbn.- i Hb family ton tto daap
^TSlJl lieSrSVbSJra^ej knrtfalt Apathy of ttototlreec®-

(M.'PRr LrttB*......................................
nM to tto


aaypartybaetar •^riU bar to^a^Uy?^

Choicest Meats, Peultry and Caiw.


rrMcatoCraad Rapid* ria
l-yJaarSlat. You don't
veryafua la^ead ■ ~
ea la tb* rtty. wl

Fmk, Silt ami Smofcad Mtoatomen He.


i Ocur A. aebqe toW®^4^®.
<rfnrK<rfBwM.aeeS^«.> r •44- tlra.dR.pH.



^ • '-L'


0! the. Me.___



rfSt^tw^ ^
bAlad .tw eloada

anebewed br«be waaea aatil U*r
ara eoft. The fret er* eoraaad with
a. mad thca a faddlac of hUI waa tha toral road
baar.*hia ler wlU thaMtewml tootof
r etlll attaebad. Their Bltteo*
Je of atal tUa padded with
The bklteca wear hoode «a
lhair head* The aether aarria* ter
bahr la tfcto boed. The woaeo wear
their bate ia a kaot oa the top of their
eada. The chUdieah ftaya are terj

---- sa:sr.=:,

The kiada ot aalaato tbeljll** la
Ore^laad are
aad Mae toxM
Eekiaod<«*. wUte bear*, the aaak
_ (aow larel)' ceea). aaala. walmiee.
whaM aad a »r«*t Baap differwai
Urde. The bklntee almoal
« *«a). tu eklB to aeed for



bind. Be eoald brar u 5^li% aow
aad tarablmaUf npas loth hat nOU
W Wpt on kto wheel, bto fast ntlWW
u tha pedali to epHcof therenph nmd.
nw the litUs town be Anahed. aad aa
he paaard tbe Aral hooM he tried to
errtam tar help hnt bto breath tailed
^Mddenlp be beard tbe aotoe of a
'nS^CTgeTieara ?likt that of Ml^who
that a bepn etood before a booae a TWteetore**'’^
lew basdnri feat awap. At IW eaaw their
________ MU to the ksfle fro** either
Ume ecaoethlnp told blm tlmt it
fraitlem or totol. S.8.S. tt:tbeoalp
^ Mood rtm^i^Hgeu M ^ root of i^, ■ a^w<
(W doctor* boffp. Tbe Mpbt
him eonrape.
"DoeUr. dwUr." be mreamod. aad
then a prMt beaat daabeo op '

TTiere Is ftan in . the

A PaaI PUar4 PmtviSv foaih, and < health in

elothfar. iu Oesb to eeed far food aad
to oae nkle. tbrawiap btm into tbe
y oil to aerd fiw baraliir la the lamia. road. ■•lt'>awMf."Wmld. alood. He
fell the botWaalh oTthe aalmal in hto
IM aartaee of the water ererTlitUe face.' tbeo a broep paw 00 bto dfaeat. Scrofnla. EeteUA. Cancer. EhaonUiiim. tcmperarice drink.
etc., which other *o<*lled Mood ream^ .______m.i.ia.
theo oil became dark to him.
wblle tor a aew breath, ao be mal
Wbeo be reeoTcred caearioMB«M he die*'un to toneh. S.S.S. peu at the
brMthlBf boica tbroacb Um ■<*.
round bimeelf to the doetor'a oCce. aad
whteh be coaaea erarr few mlaal
Ifliee. bto oBcie'e preat At. Bernard dap,
Tba baater poee to oaa of tbaae breathioK bMm aad waito for the aeal
the doctor. ^1 eopp^ poa w*«t
ap. ' Boos the ami appear* and au to pour aaclc
aater..plBDtia hto apear Isiotba me J**t before
bodp aad mptorea IL Tha aeal to-Sre poor wbral aad'---------, —-----------toato faet Umr aad weipbi
Fee ATemlonten.skippielap oa
-Were to aaolhar wij to catch the doctoririotoUitoklDf itoeer. Hei
kaew tkat th* drredfol wolf wbldi
laal; IB the aei
mma apoa the ieelebaak la tbaaoB- had pareaed blm wa> oelp the l^ dop
with whom be had bad ao mock fen.
hfalaa aad lake a aap. bat be alrrpa
"I piiem 1 won't top anplblap abont
wUbbiaepeoapaa. The bi
that wolf." be «kld bahtomeV. aod than
ap *aa aear aa poaolMe tpbiad a aail. he elimWa Into tbe doetor-* buppp,'
learinp hi* wheel l•rhiDd. and with
theo make a aaddea aMoe.
Sben jumplap at the hone'* head and
ratoaa ap hto bead aad tbc fa onler Wklap pleefallp thep retaracd to the
ahoote him throarb tba aail.
term to Aad that tlUlle waa.comforta— Arab of tba wMroa If aaed for ble aad bad coataraed that be Wad brea


it*tTOrthr*m^*"i^i^itrrt*T*^ Rootbeer—the great

AMIk»falvMI MUktotMiy

las S S,S

Dm Mm. BATM-AUkoorti I BB
{«M7 «Sm BWBr I <riU write TOB »
\ IMter. W. tew* tkrovli fro* *«»•
- to ov MW bMO. aad were e«* M>d
M* MU te7« ea tb* nod. ItbBW)'
kto* pteMMd ink* l(*f>fr writ. Ob
IM wte aUtofoarrute to * <
mU*i Ftoh OMh. There f* i
Ml la It. Th*»« *r» lor*lr flowan la
th* weete—vteleta. 4ttolM beltermf,

«*cfc l»‘«"»Oto Myallpperfc
W* 11*« ti

Mm • ak* ebaieh UaM aad w* r>
«barM Badteadarachool rt*iy 8*ater- M; teMltefto ia*to' MM Uarriair. t like herr «mry wclL Well I
teWthtoUBe. Sofoed-bre
Happ Bkapb.

Mr Dm Mm BATa*-l Iblak
MB M iWl IM warapiril of tbrm
tetten hae tekoa piMrteloa ot aw.
M wbea 7«MMter a lar(* yallow cat
«BM lateMr jard airWraU alood
eaateasdlatertedbrbiM Urtam'ad amroa kto taaek aad bowled tor
mtnr- 1 alood orer hla a moMBi;
IbMMbiB atari a«ala. After tw* or
. -tbaae ■aaaaem of thia kind be raaebadlbeaUaraad I let bln iro.
' Me* aao aoa* teoia ot the letter*.

* CjSiTwI?55*«E‘3ai

food aad U wel(ba ahoat aerea baatwlU vrwtell bowtbe
watroi to eaarfat. Tba part; roaa
Bear aapoaalbletoawalnit bole, he
la .aaoUoe modawalnu.
hiuter plaacea hto barpoealBlotto bod*, aoder tba left flippar aadmM far dear life. He drirct a
buee potnted with leoa iato the lee for
a per. oar end of a lehr rope
teaed to the bar^a aad the other ead
of Ute rape le faeleoed to the pep. The
ropekdrawB cot at imt mlsaleand
thea kwaaated apala.
Tbc lee
araaad the boU to brokea kp' —
edbrnet: thea two walrnaea ap­
pear. The baater kerpa chaariar^to
poaitlon; U to well that be dota ao.tfor
aext Ume Iher eome ap Jnl
be wMAteBdlar—At-iaat'a
'Mt'a eeroad
wemad b rlw. >Bd after aecpral boai
LuA Da>im Ape U.
SattoH Bar. Hap Iv.'lPM.
Him LaVAA VoirK.’Teaebar.

hla aeapaap lopetber aboBt two weaka
Bkip^ had amapad with Bdlle
Mthkalnapth M
Banka that tW Arri om oat ot bed
bBiwafoaBdcatallaboailtaad weal abonld waken tba otber. Blllia'a borne
wttolikiiipte'a. aad the polioe.
.faabodylo the U. 8. reeraitlap oOoa
_______ the beat priaaad wb<« W saw
aa4>oi>ad the Aral Mtoaoari Chealrp.
a^atro^atriap baapliw fr;m a wla^
Domp—y »• Cop*- Portar.
' '
Ihembtthat afew dapa apowe 1
MlaaTa ban tor J
o atop here aome Uma
kapm. Oar rapimaet non aambera
~ .................
led. wbi
Weaapaetto poUto
adlpoSerr. idlaafew
wlater AaarUn aooa erlth l.Mn ateo.
-ihiaMa tbebopawer
Mr is tbe
We bad aeae rare apart bore toet bBOk yard.
It acamad to tba bopa aa tboopb
1. ^b-aa lUaateatioa of oaa of .Caop-a
taratefaat aoeorwooldW imdp. For
a moBtb tWp Wd plBBDad for tbto dap.
Msitbar flklpple am bto ohun bad eeer
faaea Oh a real farm, bat DOW Ue-p were
bpa aBBB arhe totaperud tebeaBorlbmB mmm. bat ba waa fall of aoBlhera
At laat the loop boat* draffod to a
yImHidm ami haa made bipblp laaalt- eleaa aad Hr. Fartrldpe. flklfpieh fath­
.IBP reaaarin la bto paper aboat tbk er. pat tw hopala the ear and latl
Mier. CoL Daaa week the bopa hod ajoyed.
iafa. SolMtaipbttbraeerloarbeBel*M TWp raae with tbe aaa.
«rad of the bopa weal dowa aad threw bdped-todo tbe_____________
,drote theeow*
hto peeaa aad ooatoau of the oOee late - ^wrtBMjtaW
ballbeade and
' rode Ul
Mr. Type WM aowbere to
There waa do AphUap


poMTaUaf bat tha prlatete A«w ha
tUaUp. U Uod torwimap I will aoa
paa aealB after the Boka to raatorod.
tbep ere. olthoi^ thep rirelked
I rooalead a letter fraa mp alaU
Uiraopb the wood* aad warefaed all
pmMdap. She aeoda me pood eha<

S3sa ".'.Z-':::____

bMT boatlap.
' •■Ee.pitap.bopa.'-bcaaU, wlokiop
a- the hired man. "Von will ran aerm.
a priiAlp.*ar*.aadtbeaUpo* kill It
with poarallap-ebottpon can bare lhe~

Its to IW Froe'tHt.. TrarmnoCttp. ■


Why not
bop pour procorim at the Enterprise Grocary
wbrra poa pet eoartaOBa teoatineat. and aboea all. pood pmida at low
|toicca._ f>am tbto itete wr pitrjOT III ^r oest. off oa oemp'11.00 par*

[ liaoDAb'k Ural Qour par bUMuil
C. Soparperl^ ................. tSc

lAUi Dkp of July. A

VbarrKirk'k.Sorii............... Ste
TImi* Jacoa Hoap ............. Ste
Uliiaalltercbpar lb....'....... te
Ciiffeepertb. . ..ID. SU. K. 3». Ite
Teaperlb..........1». Su. *4, tS, *0e

Tra Itukt. t Iba. for............. tie
WapoaUr*Meparba>...... te


Gfoakenperlb... . ..Seaad «We
ClMT fat hawk Pork par ib.. •«
lUmparlb ........
.......... iXe
Iteeoaparlb........ ■............... bX*

We earrp M Ilk Cracka Htoaa <2*
>lap Bowla. Hoab BrMbtVaab Huardk. Clotbea
Udm etc.
.............. .aofdriad frallajMl ta­
riecd. J Ibk. for ste.
rie. No
No truoMeto
plea pricMiOcaU aadoM M at
IS Fnmt Street, two door* cast

O. PIERCE & CO.. PropriBtora.

What Buxtop.tbc Great Sapliab BelMOfriyAQP .6Al.K^t'rrArt.T^hAri|iu
'We ha** now been locAtod in Traeeiee Oly two'and a half year*. We are
e^ttoh coaMderad the beet
note wralthp etockcompAaf. but dnrinp otaepear of thui lime wc esproded
wamoDepln bojldiop a scat aad coneeniest nadertakinpektobltohiBenl than
The pceat Bnpltok *denltot. Uazlep.
«U tbr beet ttert in life to a eoand
r eompetltork bare dooe in twenty pear*. Wr do not aspect to'capture poo
etomSeb. Wrakstomadmtalltodiprrt
the etreel eoracT*. nor do we aspect to make the boato and railroad tralm
food.properly, bccaure tbep lack tbe
kbake bands with poa and inquire aftertke folka. (tbto to too ridiealonk a
qaaBtUp of dipoetive
dbmiicc acid* (lacooeediap in a ciriUiad>eommBnitp,\ bat toe do espect to keep tbr Yarprat
pradDCto: tbe DioM arnrtbte'ret^cTn ■lock of InoerBl^rooda ie this part of Mtobipaa. aadak.we bu.r for spot eaafi aad
allcBMwof indlpertloB. to to take after
each meal, oae or two of Ktnartb Dp»- hare no rent to pay. are able to aril at tbe lowest' etm
prpala Tabiru. hecaora they rnoplp in of bakineac to 9!l I'aloe Street, e
a pitotonl. barmleto form all the
Telephone v:. Open all ntpfab
irate that Weak ktoi
TbeTTmteTo«eof! ....
TaWrto will car* **erp form of
toroblr rnsept cworrr of the I
Tbep l-errane erah..1n*ure pure
lood. Btroup orrree. a bripbt eye and
Irar eompleihio. became all Ibene

New Era Cash Grocery.

' We kk*» k tAtOHj In ite


riz • ■ ,.



■ Crackers.
We *k>. *i»l rrtekte. k*A • en.1 .Iral
aMkklrrtteMBl nlkUlrf ^_____________________ _
Tteteku II U
itel rntor. tte ISk
Akr ^
k*>t. ki urn e-rteS ik i*. be.

' E. lit.DANIELS
sa6 Front Street.


Trat'ene Cit}'. Michigan

£?■.£■ teSfS^ w'JTteSSff^iu-teJ
M k w.aMk «> wM Otel. IkM K> te k.lSW B tk.

*rtra.*M MMH kM te rfkkiM


Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line
r a. o. h.A.i.ii.aa.c
^***p*Ctoy. «to*”^f*Wfrto>bMflMpaaci^'

Best Lirer> in Northern Michigan.


•nwASrs ooMzanev rpvssB.
BTTWAMrs vouo otrns,
ffrrwAxn aeor «
m Hiphly ta*oww*.fl1 by wMhtoow. hora»M


Mtsfl anfl Bain BtaMa to OemMetlM.

Traverse City, Mwk.


|-a„'wood to tb.

stop____________ ____ ______
.. of the body, tbel to abaoaad oeerr-tetllap. to Iha
Del it from poor dtoler.

That ihe best place to buy anything in the line of Hard­
ware. Nails, Barbetl Wire, Barn Door Hangen, Paint,
Refrigerator?, Ice Cream Freeaera. Gasdine Stovea,
Fishing. Tackle, and in fact everything in the hardware
line, is of W. J. Hobbs. Come aod see to and I will
prove this statement.

I Hamss, Horse Fomisliiiig Goods, Leitlier.;


aoM.lte.t..nUte.l.. kM

•OleUUac of ite tea Ukpas
rcaktsalya-Tck PasaiiincTia

THIS fact.


Potted Chicken ;



146 Front Street.


mt* pereptrauoa man* oat ai
F<w a Maate hto topi a


Frtear nape from Al-Ulap.

. NewPhralUiretHore.

rtor. and into what aea does (t empty?"
Pa-"l doe'i kaow. mp aoa. '
Tomay-"You doa't know, eb* /
emorraw tbc teacher will Uck me
Boouatof poor Ipaoraaoe."

hriphk bet ttoUpbtritowed Or rS WtoaHtem
-_T ------------------------------* hto wheel a-' —
He hi
TW Ttflrlmoa lire,la Oroaa
e M a ilU
TWIr bate are made <P WDod. lea.
aadeed. TheparaAectoaUfeatUph
aad tea feat trifle aadareibapad
of aa animal pMlcvlep towarfl -u^ |
aMmhto. TWeateaaeeto tram 10 to
• baade aad
Mbm Ittoaaafleia Ihtoeraptokoep
oattWeold. TW ■ulmo'e lama to a
ahoam, wh<eh to tan a< ami oil. '


nmd. foe^atobftnk«aled Itomea a dap o|^
alaoe hto arrtvaL Bat be forpot aboat, ji
the oowa. aad jMt at the botton of the i
hlllhetaainUeMlplBPlB the nmfl.
Hto laateea Wtobmkea la Ihe eolltokm.
bat he wo* mere triphlMed thaa barb
Jait tbea the BOOB earn* oet from


■BlestrA fortbeenrrUpeartbepbotMdaa'tctalaua **tot !
; -tlifl'boBkepapk fortbemlnadnrtlae lhair Ancllaa of ear

Corner Front and Cass Sts., Trairerie Cityj

The falatert of falat itorhet up bto little faoe.
.with e merrp tonph he cried.
Then iluii'r <i pHlur eattr


- withtachHabpUkiriapelaeUfaraabartUBU. t don’t cha^ •

".SnV>od white maa.’’on* remarked.
"No." anrwrred anotber. with preml
_-ora. "heap lacp white mandowB to walk."
A New Kind 01 Uphtalnp
A fair llUle^lIow b^
ITrared to'thc
Blar epea looklap Into tbe darkaem.
Wbea a flash of liphuiap came.


I will pier poa oar doaen Ant-clam l*botoa o! pour bahp ‘

ClttASE & SANBOI^Importcrs, Bosto^

looked *0*7 dank witheotfaaUphu <r‘
aletorte lamaa. Bat Mtipide ihoapbt
of BlUla. and beat o*m the Mndle bar.



>k.—IAI..ipn Hrrtnri.


a few ^ntM Hkip^ w^ hto j


TW Weatera lodUe*. altboaph WH
food of work, do aot approTc of lado
leatwhilrten. Tbe“brappood white
.' ialheirrathnaUtm. to tbe wbitewho wori» bard: aad losit br aad
h bimatbr tolto aerma to affurd
I BeTer-faillap plraaorr.
tteOK- pooap "warrior*'' of the II'
fool tribe aat In the abade ooe
wblMiinp a proapof laborer* wfa-> were
ronatnirtlnp a pradr lor a branch rallnad in Moatona. Thep weiv oom
llnp upon the workmen and Ibeir
I. when a blcpcliat. tW. Aral that
tbep bad rrer am. rame ndlnp aloep
the newlp eoaipleted piodr. lie bad
Tbir to a plclore of oar M
ot a,
(far plrto wlin helped to aerre oul UinntoD
<i9 the train at the laal statioa aad
• fOlap to tfa* fort Allttle farther cape of coffee at the Worid'r
* Fair. The abore coffee war terred evcIuriTetp in
that It to the IWt. ' Foe
Try it and to"iw ladtona wal^ t
wl't^t a word anlll he paraed bepned
aknojl, wklcfa bid him fixM rlew.tlien

all drapptote •
k Tabiru at V
«' Mtud BO ibefToaad to
. plaM. We sow drill ahoal low boar*
^Ffce hook ' a Aar oa foot a* w* hare :
■ hkiii^ aad Boat.
Mr* Troeblra;tol
kurate pet- Oar anna wll
ebook bar Wad when aW
taro BBTp rafotveeaoad a
rthit haea pood boroa* aa t
lemedp for tbe apratok.niind braiM
ooee.~ mid
lid Kbc.
"Father, poa e
aoaa maatered Iato the at
caU to which tbep fir amatol
tbeamreaad drlre to t
Me. In Or. Tbomna' Kriratric
Aftaaa haada bipb or men thaa bIm
_______ mrpo.- cried Bkippla. "J
I ha«elaaraedlo|mtBofallhlB the
. paamtoia af reeraitlap oOem aa far
the flihn of oOee toeoaearned. aa II
incla tboopbt a momeat and '
we pot l>cr Fowlerh K*V of-t^d
.TW oOeen are eleeted
ted bp the pri*aUa«Pth.oom|m.p. We haer jeat
_l*~on tah^.“
1 MmL
am former eaptaia pot ao ofica at aU.
1 amaortTforleoMlderhlmthe
oompeiMt mao |a Ihe rarimrat, aa H poM the heat mas ottea stead lliUa ehahaa of potdap the poaltlea t^
I oeorWaid mp aaaater aap that
.. lattanwoia ever loteed for wHh m. .
lateraat thaa tbeie from iW hep* after
. thaphadeaHated.
Voar trbBd.

lal>«k. I8M.








ttoMt ipriaf lb* ptt*tiwUl oo~
«p tfeWdj *U ew Ibe (Toasd. If/«■
ThtartrnpiancwaUH. .• '
- - .M abba tekm jtpasd
U sat. }aai thin oat U> Tba lamdriOT aterped toan too
Tto^MBoeraea' kauat;
with • •mail boa a,
^e.madtbc7«UI tetbarob n*J
aU eolara oaoepi yallow, aiafU
aMBUp. I belWra aooa MalocM*
aaaaUea ^^dooW* tmt. bat 1 bare aot Orawiap la Tlaaa that tartab baap
BoaiatM bM ta tbe ellsbiac
tatoran UU that tor* tbair (Boaa
Oaito tba waat aa tbaaaatoadewa;
ai—Gloria irhiob aloae *>4 ooarer,
wmra«(bhi baraiaf frown.
OowAaUaaritbtba baaam4»i>i
Urow^ cmaaaa
____ awnjr
Ibni awnjr
and sod;
and BIbow^
(ba rtpa ffcBiB aatilBf.
rmlb of aofaoooa aod.
Oh to the
(botrtiwolaa to *ba hltebeaAa
dad to tba lotod famitlar faeaa.
9ona«nH. oar

toaUoa or Ucmiomg Brldo la omUar (aaorito anaaal of mine. Tbapare
bardp. oallp prowa. and aa tbajr bare
laac Bower ataai and laat a 1oB« Uaa
after balap eaU Ibajr maim eseellaat
Bowoca to boaqaata.
Pataataa art
alao *ory daairaWe. If yoo bare a
plaeaoB tbo awl or aoulb aid^of a
(race wbm 70a taa ptaat tbaa aad
bveibar. train
armlau it, r>r« Iboia water aad let
tbeia taka eara of tbenaalraa. 70a <ne
hare a tblair of brnotr If aot a )op Icw


■ where tfoleto
I threw are d.
c... . .... mooad;
Tbe fewdinp Idne. tba whirr af wlopa
Tbeoelp aouad.
Who Buds not both la aa
Blrda aad Bopa.
UOWB la tbe Btedow tba UUla I


*^B a amt la tba harbarry

IVltoB rend ;»t tba UaP Bwetiac of
tba OoarreffatloBal Chamb AU Uterarj aoolMr. aader tba laadetaUp of

Thia it what I thiak I woald do in a
,' aiMU fardaa HI llred la town.
Flial I woold pUata few food abmba
Ilka Itlao. both klada. eoBBoa aad
a dwarfer kind with larfw blocaaa.
HprlAfa. alBCteaad^bla aad Flow,
ariaf AlBoad. Thcaa an all of reap
ealtan aod altboafk rdd-taabkBOd an
nmr oat of date, aad will fire falrip

Aad't^ Hbflaiabrd all ooip
rire ^a.
> AprU «•
cared for.
1 bare aot aaotlaocd bultoaalhad
bat a little tlawat Bp coBBaad. aad I
lUak halba resalre a paper bp Uwai
aalraa and will cloae Ub paper bp a
wwdaaboet clinben
Uaderia alar
lap of anerlal *BeDtlaa aa U k
coltare, a ra^ froarer aad
arrp frmeelul.
I'laat tbe tobeta tbr
laat of Hap or tUr Bret (4 Jaae la a
ahadpaltoatioa aad water frtelp. -U
wilt often prow itorM fret In a aen
aoB. Tbafl<>iaer‘kwbUe. delkatoaad

bat ropood qalafclp I9 nbarml tmt■Bnt Ilka boalaf aronod tbea la apriaf
and aoBBor aad aalehlaf with aoBe
ecBroa BaBaro la tba tall.
Bon of Goaraa we Boat bare. There at Brat aad tbea chaapiap to purple <w
dark lllar. Tbe Oanarp MW alae b
aaolber flae aaaaal ellBber of tbe
coiaaieolure. It baa pale preea, Bae
ov aol^ pardea.
Ilaai oaa U Ip eat follapr aad pellow trloped flow
that look Ilka dlBleaiUre blrda.
tone aoraar aenr tbe kltctow door
wbaee It wUl^ baadp lo throw poor
re lit oaBe.' UaU bol not leal
dkhwato on tba ptoaad eerertaf iu
rooU aad It will repap poor kladi
vilb a-lBiar


KnaoAeep la pruBM aad la WODB
Or. •B«*tto ^JSr?Itedlnp.aaoe. Ha
iaoBiBreptee. .

aa riBBUer, white an aa pood aa aop
bat tbe Ibt ooald be aal^ded wlU.
1 If one bae rtnilp
ri a dAnlaalioa
lota topUabaodadi

tab m tbrp are. 1 think, the met MlUme aad cnnB
D beatow apoa tbelr parda or
paidana. Thatr plaate'an tba kind
that die doara to tbe proaad ererp
alter Bowertap. batwboae roota
orer winter la tbe preoad. and c

leto malted
wbkb OB to dooe either la aarip
tail orapriap. Thaltaoapta a aplaa
did vaolBoa of Ibbelam of pUab aad

Uep rtirp
'BalialBp«rwitlsaqendof bolherp
tat i>b. when our dear IlUle .Urdu* w.

tip atlbecottepi-w^ chlldran
patleatly^alU at her
U'a tote^l^ to work foij email bob.
That will bm^lr truuaace a^ BBki
.D?Mrmaat^mll.''aB]a the dear
Mule mutbre.
••That brinplop op boye b do ond of

tom a hone ataUe b pood U pon
It. U not aad poa bare a place wbare
wood bn baea piled oat of
rrediap oa bourebold matlera.
Hi chip.
Illeiatp. bumoroo. or any tblap that
daenpail.aerapetbaaBriBee eoll |cbj|
plaaam bar. The ramdiap of tkoB
aadaU) aad nee that. Yoa will Bad
fonad to to rerp lateraatlnp: At o
aaaalleBt aa a fartUlsar aad it alao aeta
ef tbelr reecnt Beetiapa they rated
aa aBBlebtooar hot dip aaBi
aaad their aoUectkib of Mule rradiap.
Ptaat at laaat threw rarleUea.
luUoaRCHaUtowhiebaeUoB II.
ika ilafttodaand will to plad
aea«m. wredoaatp. 01 waur aaUI
iroB tboB at any time.
tbe fallapebripe la tbe fall and 1
a poo will to aatbSed
pour largiB. Tbea. too..! would bare
tbe toedp pbtaz.
There b notbl
Id prirate wateb pour tbouphta: la
eaotar to prow aod aochlap prettier
the family watch poor lerepmi and la
eompaop watch pour lonpar.

re InfSRta -w OhHdras

_.. Jaoa the daps
with thb tMar. ~ '


- ” repe. albrre It b Iboopbt Utat the
i, jSTteaaot^delkale frame:or aa iota^
_.armly: •not Bach. _______
seru prera Bpeelf lire U
aa la wblch the Itabp could be hoar up
out of barm's wv Its motber was oc.

•y oat of a family where they'lore than <»e.--tt-.HU
tbe Ban. "I hare aot bat
w HcBes. aad pet poa bare
a ^clm of biai
Hai OB.ptmr
oo.ptisr wails" ‘

tolancr —......... ..........,



aathatotoralcirp. A slip Is fatal.
Wbea tbe pirtare
A Merlin csBteBporerr ^rnri W |
or toe bo. a,a^ ,_________
plTrnsurac amusinif lusteoccs
lapborsosed bp lie
i speakers
me. is that lather? How be
nfKcer of the r
totbr Vienaai
_ . of r rc.rulioo rolliac aluop..]
of a rraratan •-iir. while wri-'i - i'rotobir half tkrprople wbosae Ub
within Us pales. : artiilr suffer from pilrs U b oae uf
Austria, ao I'russla!'Uia
coBiaun. si diseasm aod one of tbr
l-roplr hare H to
t»oe only ilerraanji
lierraanj! soi-h are tbr words
--------Bite ir-- . . ...siselt .b Imiorwbirb tlia mouHi of , --------.
thry acpircl it. I'nrelraa10 cad of sufferiap. OareJosepb
rd with a aabrr by Jus isiiupany
ul so simple a'tbiop as
hi a Uan-l of prslarul
pile, has of
>1 <in»Tl.
red. •Hcnllrrocn, Uibaword s-haU rhapcsoreinr.fnim oo spiisrvDt.
to tbr apple of ray cjr. 'aad tbr and I.os of bl.ssi caasrs drath.
lint day of my life!"
. orrhapew 1.
■Rt I'slkralnirph.^io tika Derinaa! cartk
caAk ofb'B
ofb i causiop dreUi.'^
itiT mlfu'rrd bb ml-, l-ilrs are simplrr io llictoploDlop soil
Icapurs to "Kcisr the strrare of Time ausMy cored Thr
^ In tbr w.Mwc step . wUlinul pals or
by the forrl.s-k ~
- - —^----------I Ite* ul bltsd. •iBk-kJr. surelr aid
Harry Kaipiiie.lto wrlMcaown^ p^ plctcly. There b <«lj <mrreOifdy
ifj c-arireturisk
■01+"" mak
raakc all l^do* [, Vi »Ttaja te™ ulflarai'uaiion Icourdl•dates qlial on our occasiew
•Kraw a[*,,.|r
a | *u-ly. hrals the Irrftet
lated surfacw aod
__ ar bia fricml of bisaed askrd|»iy;,
o lainla portrait of his fatb*r< <
.od puts the membrenre into
■■ ■■■■*
'pooj, suBOil. healthy ctradltion. The
said the artbkl*cure b Iboroupb and prruianeok
irr. ilarepua'a]|UrvppisUarU the ItpramM file Cure
at J-O orote. Send'to free book
•■aas. and cucr of I'ilrs.

- -• •

rr-s .•lirs

H.wiss* .

Ohlldran Oiylhr Pltohaib Oaotarta.
ass srsar .



* Wbils'Jpaiip Walla,
lha oowa are coBlop borne. Jcaap—1
tbelr rlauklap^tolb:.

West Michigan


Cominp. Jrany pirl'
Aad what care ihry to a Burl,
Ur that red rear that yea ..arear la yofr
balr. Jeaop pirt!


Ttocowsarecnralap'hamr.JeBnp; l.y
tba lowinp cairrs the re led—
And Ifripht K-aor.
Comlap. eonlap. corainr
that rose of red*
Or do the raUlc rare?
Nap! tbere'msomeoor walcblap. watch
lop to poor emly. Jenny, ^'r!
rb* cows aruonmlpp home. Jraap:
little do poo care .
For l.aiy lldl
Or haUy Bell.
From frapraul Adda ufclotrr. wl(Da
loan tbr twiilpht air
A ewebk-r mosic awells
Tbau.tbr rinpiop of tbelr tolls
'ram lipa Ural call toktow '
- red lips. Jeoap. drar!


•man Pn.
•man Doaa.
•man Price.


’Ask for Cirtty's, ,
Insist sind demand
Carters Little Liver.Pills.


It poor dealer
han't It. aeto

we WILL flfew you POSTPAB

E 14. ___ 4

needs it...

Baby Pillows



|ite.C.waO*aai^Tntartowd.. Free—tbv Brd'n
J,duwijB-s IklbdooiB ftreire. >ud
It steo tanuu Ural Uto i.lret're aredaad rto'CwU by fbetsanrey—
b Mpreiot ta all .iihres Try B
to rtery ailBcat is a-^ti plMrei
I rmi-loyrd.




Fruhl 'Sircck







Farming Lands


Du Out JM Wral or Kouth ualil yo

Uad* rlrikidi
ntabrrrd maialp with* Bopai
Bock Elm, Hamwood. Aah.
llPBluck. dc.. and are well watered bp
'akra. rirrts aad braoba.
juronp aoila. flue ,cnii». heal by cllraate. M-bools ato eburebre. Int IlirwM
and fanadi
For Hooka. HafU. etc.






a few Fur RobcK and Cuats which I will cloae «st
at preall)' reduced prices.


A good line of Blankets at rery^low.pric^

|(t- Ploaaast. Owoaao, Sagi­
naw, Say City. Datrelt, How.
ell, Ann Arbor, Toledo and
poinu Baatand Sootb. floaa
eonnection* atCopemiahi
OwT Paa. ApuTatado.



Eiulutin irTeidien.


Wsad U ....
............ UB
.■rtorisird rradraprlUrares Orel.


AI ■nek-HoHam Frfcan.


kara what Hkhipaa offrra iArUlp.-!



A lot odd sixes Gloves and MiUensai half price.

rv-jou\ T. liKADLC,
e-aw rnat ato GWi Itiafta.

TmTMo O^r, Mk^lgan.


General 1 flacksmithing.
Wheels. Wagons,



iccoucumi Ni IU I

Good Goods,
Fair .Fried'S..

^ „.HUELLM>orr,.^


s. Trsaarw Oil. O’ iswuisw a> t WrtreS

GCod Fits.



.UU..SCS lu-.n

No Gun is FM



Roilnod CrmfUnto ThrMtol iLentcr
qf.tofuta- ,

i* betUr U» Ur fto:
Ite Brd
CrereBoriny. All—re tte-s’CM





; ■tearesasio tetm.





Fine Merchant Tailoring.



Your house dmuld have a new coat of .paint ihis
spring. I Vrha|>5 you wish to use mixed paint, or may
be that >011 want leatl and oil. Either way wc 1
tpiarantec favorahlc terms and favonihle r(;sii1ts. We
claim ihal im mixinl |iaint is hetler than BoydcH's.
As for lead .snd oil wc inry nothinjz but the first grade.
Oivc us n call for color<1s und iwicfs.


UNM. SHORT and nE0(un LENOTl

GnaiD Balm



Cheap Homes

Kr'M mind tbr cattle. Jaoiu.ctbep:ll
^auBP to all the plrbi
IteUp Bell
And hasp Hdl
Tbe calreaH call tbam b
I you thr catUr cl
ur tbr rowr Uuil's Iu pour balr?
tot oar tbrrr Is wbu lores poci.
and br s walUac. Jroap. dear!
—t\- i- BlltBl


They shsndkre SiKlimbmi r>ys|i»ydi.
adayylVs) and T.o ll.-iTiy totin.:. ' A|st.
ct ninrdp'f.c Ihi.-imss, Ksuire, Ptossi.
nok Bq-iTsUrialhc>lcdTco,:ca
lib U (to tole. TUKMP U\1'B. TVp
Kc^tcItoUoadi. thidp YivctsIta.

See you get'Curt* :r’s '

Tbceowaare roBlap borne, Jeaop: aaJ
**re I hare beard
With White l-hce
Aad Briphl Faer.
The cAlliap. cullinp. calllap of
whisUlap bird
That tepa
as plain aaaap:
•Arr you comlap Iu rar. Jeaoj?
ATftk pour ribbons and pour rami—tor
pou cominp. cominp. Junopr


. M

PMiUrely mred by tbCM
UUlc 1>HU. '

Tbe rows arr eonlap borne. Jenep. tbr
cows are cominp bocue;
• Usy ltdl
And Iblsp Bell;
ikimiop, comirtp. coiniop from the fields
where dablea foam;
■ Comlbp. Jeuop. drar.
And I wouder why yoa wear
Haeb ribbons and such rosea' in
hair. Jenop daurl



HV ■lii'

to me!"


Biimlnii oa ttntkn^aut

' - n*k 5 55 *"


Mot Ob. wirea tbep him me. and cllmy

Alarapa defand the atoeat p^aoa
bo k tola* .pokea of. a. to as truth
ad Joallcc will parmil.

Ikrealolourquaruof haidaroodaabaa.
>.110 rou
« the Frledrtoi HaUer 1
ap^edaea.m.k. Bae. and ptaat poireiwa.
.... _
|wna4tUa.l foor lacbm deep. Wbea
a not that Mailer."
they ooma ap atlr tba praaad oflea.
repertotetho Halle
heap watered, aad It poa oa pire them
eedtotaropetea- Imi
Tourdlrtp aacu Waablap dap U will to mat to thaftr'
••Mo: 1 SB aot that Haller, el
Jaatpbat ihop aaad. Iflak tba bk».
-Were poa erer la prtaaar
aoam ererp dap and poa will bare Bow-Yea. twlen"
r onaMUfreat.
-How ^cv the Brat tlBePliaat papotaa too. aad nrlp.
aewad 1a the fall all tba bpUre. aa Ihrp
wHl eoma ap aarip and pet a peed llBef Yoa
otert baforeour draepbt sate ta. They
on all ubtota. doable aad fiaptoterip poa dor..A late, delicate aa the Barnt romn"I <mlp wbllewaahadaeril to alawma. -inbtad llh. map., frinpad and

asiciirar”T ‘

PRcsa. Ttel a hs. toau is ret (w aredp tHfly prera. aad te

nsSs-. mil



Babira' pillows play arrrp importaat
part la Ibrlr oatflts. Itaruf New VufV's
■■liappiana ta nothlap botttattawaet married bdlre. who ibl
wloter redellphl which will artae from the har- joked orer thb birth of a baby daupb'ona Bpreemrot betareea oar wllb
ha «I1 of .iod."
mrat of
trJeia. ber pet ideas as
tow a toby abould to drrsard to tbr
Ilewareoftnlklnpmaeh aboatpoor- flcal three months of Us rzblearr. Tbr
Yoor meriU will to dtacoaered
Urea monlbs hare
la dar time wltbeot the arcemitp of poae, ato toby b a appeimm of baal
aoaadiap poor own pralaaa.
aad toautp. mufh-Lo thr surnrisr
-ire of Ite
stately BapIlJranrar.
IS toby's
Yoa and l! toHlap to ePHh. mi
tba mare Uma be toMlop to hei
and ererp «tob work map to a Ja
_ faateard
ladder naeblap ap aearer to Uod.
a tiny
______________ __
drrablrk , llroto
' ‘baud, of ribbta wer.Nina ^Mdreo waa formedp looked Ued
la'd piUows aad tato. aadl it
oe aa aa klcwl aomber to a (amllr. • • bad
r«^t tto appraranor
of tolap <
Keoa malmb are named io old telm la
« clothea.
preop. of Dine- la a ilarmaa fairy tele
allk, currrrd 1
biida quarrel ocer tbr
the wb
wbhiap ____ ___
Ilacb slips rrep
eloA. They tap Is Tyrol! “WbeB
toiwArd. and trimrard with red .
pannta meet there la a nitch ai
:'nrep coit BO amall sum: Itorrd. aa orthem." We alao God Blaa a (arored^ diaarp oatfll would prutoblp tore emt
oembrr to thorn peofda wbo mak<
r liarns. lace* aad
aacrlBcc of hamaa btaBo aad aalraa
bpaap clutbra. ba* rermed to rajoy
Whether poa BphI or
. don't life Bter* thornapfalp tbaa do moat
-Ice -too> maeh
fm ato
C atpotofaaaBhlae wbm
babks at that apr. ato a* thb poqap
reaad el
aiuleolthe Io moti "*** 'matraa bqoltra Irtorr la wx-ictp?U
A. BotlkareDotUaiaM
Heat. Hear la will pcotobly anon to the tasbioo to
poa that nil ter tobireto go witbemt clotbrn.
aad will pamoa toaaeaab, Bto
a t re mcel
the fact
whhhiptaortbeawaetpaa. Iflaat aa teuad oftbe > ram bdae
that there bn
terlp aa the proaad can to worka
ainhcat HwMPa-Wortrs Fnir.
la Hareh all the better to pour
. U JOB hare bat a space two feet
rt aa a witneaa. Ttotaw^rto£
nqaoro. aaake U ri^ with some kind of
• Frlederieh HaHcrr'
well retted oompmv wmk ta frem


win taka the

And’an^hl l-ace.
iplioo Iromaeaa pon
with lu. If IcooU hare
butoaecIUBtorbaroald to Ito Horn.
taplilorp. Amoop hardp HlBber
am IWiBe-tMecqJa-buhaUfal
rerp h«aip Bnaaced if pou bare
porch. If not nap kind dt trellb wi
aalt It. The Oowrra are pink, copped
la abapa. do frapraoce.
tVbterta U
liaelp. with a eaip arl.toctatic' look
wbea ooca ilpaU atarted aad toplo.
to blooB. bat I bare found it rarp alow
and hard to aaaape.
When pou
to Clrraalb It b diSrreat.
Tbep are
ctkB aa diabera.
with white, teatherr blaaaoma pracwfal
aa falriie, aad othen with flowere ar
larpea. a tewcup aad
orinp. aoore wlU need aoaaeb Bee aad
wd wItheaquMie liulr Uueitoll
ahatwd Bower* .that plre tba whoir
plaatalorelp effect either aa a,tereeo
fora aennda or os a trellb la.tbr
pmrd. bat I cUDOt area aasp Baap of
the cIlBbera that are worthy of calti
retlOBand uupaawall atop with Ihr

eaipaaep V> prow. Ooee tbep ar
teblbbedptretbaB ererp fall a o

pal of plak aad white a
’ Inter bp tba tallar
■r kind, which
. adaadlaBaarlp.aadtaU:
Baarlp.aadntUI laler^ tbe
rllUaat aariatlaa of decaaaata. a that
a-faaretbbattraellrefamllp of
ptaata la eoatlaual blioa if tbap will
tahe tba tnable to plaal them, pite
aalUble rare la eapplpl« tboB wlU
water aad koep tbe B tree torn wccda.
Other hardp.pcreaatab that an rerp
totaable are IM i^ntbrnBa. both
ataple and doubta. rad or pink aad
wfclla; palltardla. ain^ laipa aad
toUltaali GalUopab, pellow Boetlp.
eeip prettp and anfal to ealtiap.
IMpktalBB. la-blaa a rare oolor.
Cbtllerata poppp. thb b prehaib ta
pood aa nil round plant to our Arp.
bet. aaadp tell aa tbure b. iU loaf.
Baahp tap root pBWeuta It tremi drpiap
ouk It baa taw if nap fiaeaartb
and arm famrapnod deal of
and lire, prowlap larpre and Uomob.

Three sprckled appa make tbe|p plm-

and ataboratr ^lowa

"tU'lL rriir 14 .....■■i. 44».

. are are sreays reuey w re
VBEff l-or WAWT



Ail Work Warranted.



Shop oa Uawn 8t

TIffi Clipper Bicyde
lor baalROM and pleuoTO'coinUnad. einul
unlnrmlutteiaetion. 0.U and res it BoU by



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