Grand Traverse Herald, March 27, 1913

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Grand Traverse Herald, March 27, 1913


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, George G. (1861-1942)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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lornienied by hi* »u|»r1or efflrer tor
roceivlnit a wound In the Rua*p Japanaeo war—In the beck, finally, to
deiDondratP that thl* waa ho reQection u|w>Q bla i>i>raonal I'owraae. the
iieatenant offered to •ubmli to any
l<»t the other mbtht preaeribe.
‘Then ai>end a nlaht alone with a
rhrtme In the artiiy boe|i|tat mor­
Courts Building Furnished easy
tuary." said the lleutehhnl colonel.
Picking for Several GovernThe lieutenant ainrwd. and untied
ment Officials.
with a prayer book and revolver, re
l<dre<l to the mortuary. Sbortlj- aft­
er midnlkht ih« cor|i*o slowly raised
up and be«ean to moan. Oomidetrly
iinnened. the young officer started
for the iloor. flrlnR as he ran. One witli the SullfliiiK and fiinilHlilng of
I’lUniNyUanla slate bouse Ihrealof the huyet* hit the e.*n>ee. who
riis to glow out of the um-h| ul t'uropivied to be the iieutenant-rolonel.
mendsinrn Kinlanll and tllgiiur llorelll. members oi the firm uf euuiranwbo built till- lamouB new law
The atniiture. which was in yenre
sandy Is Making Good M Flret Sack
In liuHdillg. vo»l the goveriiim-til |4.Pofllien.
WKi.Ouo, tnaleH’il of |1.20'M.mi. the lUlgInal eotilrsi-l pr1i-e. The result ot n
Waro. Tex.. March S3— Itrlef. reinnt searching Imiuli} ly b |■o^Ma•
(oRoer Michisan SUte leaguer, sibo mentary eoniniliiee wasOhare*-*
play e the Bnsi sack during moat or* the graft againnt the roiilraelur*, aixl of.
piaetlre gantes of the Hiowtm. Is dally brlbary against Itignor tilltiwirc. an
i-bowUig Bome. imiirovcioeni in bts official of the railway adiulnlsiratlon.
wort around the InlUal aark. and It The latter esi-aiied from Italy Iwtove
Fhould not be long before Diitidy tan the warrant could lie aerv.d, Scveial
stop Into Manager Stovall's sboea^un other government officials are asid to
more than bold his own wUb the rwt *e involved and ihclr arrest I* Immi­
o( the first aackera.
• The Inflelders have a* much eonfilienee when Bundy la stationed at ilu'
hag as they have when their manager
is on the lob, as hr very aeldoni lets,
any thing get by him.
He *ies not have to be toW iwlc.' betinis SlaUr Finds Mich<can is Best
when be makes a lutsiake. as he has



'WRahlncto^ kl«Rli 2».—Srcr.-iar>
«1 Wbt OBrrtMa, wbooe oourvp hA
boM a BMSt aeUvo obp. siorp br took
iob Marrb 4. bu 4>rc«elzed a
lUUo WblMt of 'bl* ovn tb«i nin(M
WMiklr, «1Lb blmaeK at tbe head ot
tbc *'oahteet UMe."
Tbe aaer«lar>'. frankb aduiltilnx
that balQK a good )udjce didn't neew
aarllr teelade fnUltarr kDovledcc. ban
orautaad vaaUy moptlngs. which the
bmu «Wart attend, and where trey
MaMantMly diacuaa the tie»t meth«>1b «e obuiaiac malt*, in the deiian-




St. Petanborc. .Marrb
The war
«Cnee today abppoeed the flndinn ot a
coannartlal at Waraaw which arquU•d a ^tans an&r lieutenant (or abootta( aad daBCarooaiy wouadinc. under
Bnaanal dreawtaacea. a lleutenam
Tb« UeuiObant had l>een frequently

,o;e than tlk.oDU.OOO. and wlihlbc
Hlaic lewaril funa on lop of that tlie
Ogun-s will beionie tven more stag­
gering thin they already arc. it Is
tigured ,tbai at tie laie the cutUn.t: FORMER SENATOR BOURNE HAS
i-n approprliiloas is going on the to­
tal lax budget wHI !« rrduced to
something like »12.0vU,lKHi. or almut
frt.Dnti.iHKi higher Uian they were tw-> Would Have Wheelbarrow Patral'
Dark Outlook for Taapayoes/Gainod year* ago.
Take Care ef Rural Mail
From Appropriation Bflls
Already tn.




lanalng. Mi«h., Marcli 2ii—llcprc
sciitsilve Hairy lilnkley, clialimsu ul
iIm> way* and lunaiis eomniiitee of the
bouHc. hai. ni-entiy railed aiiitniioii iu
the fact tiiat no li.-vs
yet been iMrodmed to provide for tlu'
state leward* u|hhi hlglfways. !';• tu
iioy ibe iiiumbors of tlio Jegtslaiurc
have iMwn (nsslug with a Jd.uou.uixi
l'ro|io*ed iKuxf la»ue. ibe money to b-l■l■e«l nimii Hunk line l■ighwB^s, and
which will eniuil a ivinstl'uilunBl
anmndmonl. and Ibe llrtcker-Smilh
bill. wMH; pioHdcH a IS!
v.diicics on u bon-eiavw
Ibis lalH'r bill HhouW I•us^. it Is pro
liosed iTiat the piiveeils of this Tax
ahouH go into ibo slate rcwyrt fond,
and Iheie would l*e no ni>ed of i.xbinv
niivlHng in ibc genera! tax roll
Hut Derioii I* bulking the lliirkerSluUfa bill hard, and so are the auto;m»bllc o*mrh ji?l our the siBl-,
Whwlier It will pas* is, o
pravc queailou. In the mrjnilrae, ■.!<■
bill ha* been lniro<h.<t«d to provid,lor the ktite reward fuid. Tin* tans:
Joikioii. .Miirvh r:>-Cban;«i with iiytrc.
liip niLnlcr uf his yesrold baby. John
The at it" leewrd.lund nm*t pnnab­
SicnnlriHkl t'legdrd guilty In |ki11cc ut lean tl.lHMijWKI. and piidiolily }l.all the lonfidenre in the world In
J, W, Slater lum Ju*' received a court i»d«v- The lourt refui-cd to a< > itMi.iHHi {O' iLe r-iiidnx two year.'. Tlu*
making goml. and shows It by bis im­
brl:is the "dal apbroprlati'xij
letter from hi- «>n. iveniil*. «!»• I* ei|.l his Ile;i liecauae his iTime 1- a
f.!n.iKHi <X'U. .\1
clrcull cue I oflcnse. The miw v.;;s ;-*k-.| lor n;- cb-x'
Hedges has a big lioMt for Humly now I t \ego. .Scnoni, Metl'n He
uudy Ul.' aiipr.c-ilailoi,* ask.-J t c
|v.s(|uni<l until tmiairrow,.
I very time lil* iisiiie 1* meiillone<1.


VUtowlnc each neeilnR. the »e<TeCarr mwm a comi>rebeDsire m

like It heitcr In the southwem. lie h«*
Ibh-l In ;e»eral Hi tes, the la.’l one
IwliLt Ailtotm The trip did hot i«n
put us Ik- expected as he has lieeonm
ihorouuhl; blck of war^ weather in
the winter ami hot wilier In the
summer, whleh leads him to know
ihai after all Miililgan 1* the tv"*'
I tale In the I'nioii for ■■llntaie and bus
IIU H-- and he Is .vtiilng bmk home to
hHale as siioii as lie sei-* a /cw mor.
Ilf the srt-atern sliuea. The Idea ot
having to climb for water and dig lor
fuel lb aoi to his IlMng. In Arlxuna
they «l-> liol pmi Bil to farm, but Just
kM-p Hlq-k. MIU IS Afli-en lenls iwr
OIWTI, and tlijaftajids oI ewiile nn
riiiiniii'< on ilu’ plalmt. bui on ai'ouiii
of the iBWrelly of water and 'tra^s
have a half aiarved a|*earamc. ..........
be was at Negu. Mealco. tbu Mcxlvai.s
Intend* d to have a battle, but -me
liand of I bo helllgeraniK uiarctied over
■ be line imo Aricniia, where llir*
were ar.-rwiid and Ibeir fun sinlled.
He say* thin If the Mexlran* leave a
fight Bii-I one Mexican and two mtileura> hit liy liiillets Ifae eonflirl is l-ef
aldi-d abroad «a a great battle.

Slogan la Taking Held Throughout
the Region.

ve merrbanis in the kltle;. In the
other luiriH of tVusiern Uichigiui are
beeoming iuier<-»nsi In the ntmpalKn
that U m-ing wiigcci hen- l>y the btal
I^uslm-H* men and ilie tVeatem Mi-htgan iN vi-lopiiienl biveau under the
title, "Kemain In MtAlgun." The ex
bibiU »hl<-b are being inudr In the
More windows along Fniiit xireei by
the liureaii for the jmnHvin- of calling
the alicntinn frf our r^ldetit.s to the
fart that we have olfpnrtutiille* exleUed by none, nre bt-iiig tnijulred
about by busloosH men of the iHher
town*, particularly Hie lankerM and
the lu-velopmi-at bureau Is arranging
In tnMall exiilbll* in the bank* at
Frankfort, lienrb- county, and Alba.
.Anirim county. I'tifortunalely (he
I>un-an ba^ n«l i-nougli material to
ki-ep tnuyyihan iliric or foar of thi'se
exhibit* going a< oni' lime and

hatKllcBt<>jed In the work ol Ix-lping
Um- ••IlcmaIn at Hom- ' camiiaign*
However. |lie biinau ho|c* tlml next
wlqter It will l.i' able to i-articipale
in iixiny siirli cauipclgno.



Waataingtou. March 2>'.—If the rml
fuail routso of the I'nltcd States total miles in length,* bow many
wheelbarrow patrolmeti will it Uka
to keep these roads In good condlUoR?
That U Um {yroblem which JonatbM
heSS^ .^HDaior (raa
Urogon. has nnderUken'in aolve thU
summer, and without charclng Uaole
Sam for hi* aervlcer,
liourne was made chairman ot Om
joint good roads coiumiltee of CMgn-aa. HU aalan' an senator was cut
off March 4.
lie has learned from French mcF
niw-r* that wheelUaiTOW pauolmeo
till- jxw-M-i of economy In the up• vH'l' cf rnral highways. A abovel a»l
a baiTow- arc all the eiiulpiiiem nece^;.
S<-n:ttor nonrne has written to all of
the I2.>*U) rural man carriers in the
I'uiteJ Stau-a for a deulled report as
1.1 tne length and character of road
rtiey cover. F>om state endneen be
is securing data on the coal ot oonsir'xtJoD and of tnalntehance.
Wlien longrcas meeU next Decernlier the jolnt-roinmlttee will be ready
to reimr. a complete plfo «t highway
leonstracUon and repair.

Fpom Monday, March 31st to Saturday, April 5tl\
Every person in this North Region is cordially invited to this great

Merchants’ Trading Week
Special Bargains for you In Nearly every store. It’s the opportunity of the year. New Spring stocks ^here
aothc the whoic tamity. Furnish the whoic house. Get acquainted with the
merchants. Enjoy hospitattty and entertaiiunenL
(ireat Chance to Buy Merchandise
Everycne Shonld Arrange lo Come to Traverse Cily tor This Occasion
ror ■» (Uy., comneKiny Monday. Much SUl uid endii.* S.lcrd»y, Ajnfl MX the
th* itcltoD Kill be gieen the giehteet chhiice ot their Ueei to Uy la a inpply o[ all kada of
--.ZadU. at prio«i »hich .iooot be lorpaaaod or aeon dhpUoated m w
The oeoBion will be kiuwii _
la w—
the ■Merchanti'
• Ttadlig
iTauing Wiuk,
or the
•“* *»*••
Fiiat Co-opmti»e
______I it
u wiU
..etii prove
w»wagy* to
t* be
K* everything
«v«rrthinff that
that the
the name
QUse imidieg.
fMval, ^
you wiU rest "aitured
pSetiorilyrvery rLrchant in Traverse City * 11 have atane npo^ induoei^l fw yon to t*^»
wiA him.
hhn, and those
ol anything
«yth^ from a flua^pan
diabomn to me innnamn* w
home, from a
in need of
pair ef bogo to clothing the whole family, man, woman and child, wilt be given the opportani^ to do
miy U**Sat there are ume who have never traded in Travw
nom SS aU their boaumul goodi. Never been able to come when aU the gpnng
dtqday Tight at the midst of the season. The winter is passing and the spring and summer wiU soon
Ih- biTT. when you alway* {>Un ..f hnijflitenifur u|i the boiM.




Yob have bouses to paint, seeds to p'ant, rooms to famish, family to fit out ftw the yew. stock
U ewTfor, farm supplies to gel: Uiere an needs on aU lidsa, and this U the great chance to buy and
aave money.

Now’s the Time to Do Your Shopping
Grcal CtHiperaUvc Plan of toe Merchants ol 'Traverse City.
Possibly you have never bad inch an opportuni^ offered you to come to Traverse City. 8«ie- •
tim»« real opportunities come to the ultimate customer, never before presented, and this is a time
when all the merchantt of Traverse Oily are unite! in the one movement of askiiig yon for your ,
trade. They are planning on the greatest display of general m««bandise that wm ever ihei^
Traverse Cily ii-neted far and wide for the splendid stores, and the stocks that are always up to the
minute. The windows art the finest and the decorators are among the best in the land. Oo where
you will, you can not find anything that will en able you U get goods to better advutag*. The
largest cities in the country have contributed for this eccamon, and yon can make parebassi ef the
newest goods and styles without the trouble and expense of.gtdng to these cities. You are bwy ^
the farm, the orchard and the home, ^d time is worth money. The merchantt of Traverse Oity
can save you in every way.
By this plan there is no want but what cui be supplied. This has always been acknewledfsd the
trading center of this region, and the merchants realising this fact have .or this occaifam flamd
on sale the newest in the style world, and no season have the designers of fashion shown so gnat
a variety of goods and attractive priew, and these are aU at your disposal and within reach.

Reason for the Movement

The Great Co-operative Spirit

Manv may wonder why the merchanU of Travene City nnited in a movement of this kin^ bat
the nuaa is sim^e. The idea was first suggested that it might ask ihow v^o Imve
in this city to ome and see for themselyes some of the things that posobly tb«7 had been tidd of
fay th^ friands bat neyor bad the opportunity. Then the merohants are constantly reaching out for
montoide Kach and every merchant was requested to make a special effort in the «y of dis|.w gad Bftee offering for the occasion of March SLst to April 6th. The plan
mth instant
aWTOTil. and praotteally every merdiant in Traverse City win join to nuke tbit the Aneat
STew Sd toiS^Icqnainted with the city, the storw and the merchants. You ve heard of
many of them, now
and meet them face to face. You *U like them, w know It
in this worid to find out who your next door merchantt are. So come on M^y.
then ffo bome and tdl your friends what yon sawand the bargains that you go^and the mon^ tb^
«mived TS w«’t be the last time that you wUl be asked to visit ns. We are sure thU you
wffl never regret .it, and then see what benefttt wiU be yean.

of the merchantt wiU be shown. They are aU pul'ing together in this plan and giye you tbs ehaaoe
of coming ti the city and getting everything thst you wanL You may have had such a trip in
mind for some time. Now go over the wants thst you have, bring some of the members ef your
family You Can trade with a down different stores. The mwchanto will show the ntnoet eeartesy
and give you the very best of aervice. If you cannot find what you want in any ^ store, the nsrobanU will tell you where you can -find just what you want. It is this co-operative spirit that has
prompted this idea, and it will be carried out. We want your trade, and you can go boms with the
usuranee that yon have been wdl treated and you have laved money and found that yon can get
all you need close at band. After you have found .the way, tt will be shown how eays it it to come
to the city and enjoy the hospitality and the entertainment that wiU be provided for yoc. • Xn many
cases the trains run jnst ,to snit your trading, ana yon will have a little time to spare to bs asBasad
in many ways.

Read every ad in this paper. There are items that mean dollars to you.
Honey never went farther than during this great week' of bargains. It’s the time of your life
to visit the city, buy goods, save money and enjoy yourself.




proven to be Uir mort miUIkIoit
Plare ip the miUdk »mt (or r«I«lDS
fruit aad e«W >*«r «■ ne»- wetbodi
Imtroduoed to fruti eulture tke
'<ro»s are bei-umtai: tnora certala.
ntMthm t« the

’ ^


and prorit*b|e < ro|> end u the aroe ers
are nu-idlv ■doptloa every modem
1^ ^ idea that tuu> provea to be iSectlTe la

we niiirt remember that a i.roducliig
tree m Its prime should yield ftoP.
four «to six barrens, end often muili j.v..r*lgu and


yield which reached market Ib-slrt. bsTs ihrni in stork, or direct from
do«^ to onc-(|iia'ltr of a bar Jtatf* I.etTsr*^, >rwYwi,
■a»siiSrtMiuim«* smassi.Ms««Ma
tree, ewrialnly r-jviMblag Is
Wrong. Kvery stapibinj
Ir^our orchard tliuuld i:ei >c.i< :.i !ca>i
St.iNi |HT nee with g< •-I < tw, yctyr
in and ><«r otil. while t’.e lM-«t Ulle
apples wlU almost double ihr.i if mar
keted thiongh an <oa>ocl&‘.t<.n. Wot
era oTv-ha-v's fipurr'ic; l-iKh as
ppr t i-c la ntnrii, sc
I't exiuHt Ih-.-. ngmes limit we «!<■
|>erfecJ urtbaid woik
Sy.isy cjrly
and often.

Dsd’I experbsent, tike

Cough Balsam

] several times. de|ienif
-'.Mds at lambing Time.'Is the title to be r
irlleU- by J. M Jones In Urange I
■ foilui-e are h.-cOtaitix le»* Jadd Farmer. Mr. Joaea says that
OWcfc m. yrewt tt. ,>eth w.—aa «. ]
lauilw rrcs(iieutly experienoe s dlf; every jear. Iiarloc the part three lambing time is Oiv nhwiiherd's buJand It depends Isreely, If flriiliy la finding the teats, owing lu
» irreet lorvard eirtdea hare been
the long wool surrounding tbe udder,
^Tmr........................... liA>UiAe«aMe'inade In tbh> aecUoa amona the frail not rntlrrly. upon the care and attrnand It is very lai|>ortaiU that Ihr
•U llMih*..........................
i» Advaare prowera and dnrlM the rominit smaon
shepherd examine evet
r*^******...................... •*^‘***''"" rtHI more decided advanre. will be lamb harvest Is a anccrssfal one. The
sifears to <-01 away any surplus
^ made In ruhiiral work, thereby In true anil falUifiil slwplier I piaetlially .
I. Tml will enalde the taiiibs
aartiM: a eertaln yield of the various Hies In the told al lamhlng lime, nnd^srool.
prirtm-.- slliiv
any difffviilty ari- es li: psrturi-jfeMl with grenu-r ease, and they i
AcflonMuc to Btatlsilea a.>nt out by varlettei. tier he olfeiw ratuahir Bsisiauce. and less apt to become vtetlius «f wool W’hlch .1;;--' ijil.e xiii ||ie I y-pnrtiii-th
the r.iiiii n*i>i |iay r,(Msi fail pili-es
iftea saves sereral valuable ewes, andjlalls la the stomavb. which freuumtly
Seerrtan of #iiale Ma.tiudale. MlcUh
Daily Th«««ht.
to tiu- ftoitir > f. r the :atiie-'le Insl-ts
also the young lanihs thr.i ulherwdse,cause death,
caa iwika third aiMoat the fruit j>rt>Melville Palmer wuk )>orn lu tiTliid
Ever) man stamps bis value.on blm*
that smh a .hue even if not ran f r,
w-eiild Hkely prtlsb.
dvelBK states of the L'nion. oifl> l>einR
self; ibc price we clulivngo for our
SOT. A'htaltilu eounty, Ohio. May 31
Most satlsfaetory result, lie «-«n-j There I. BOlhtng bidter than oat. prollt. would In- n great drasing
. led hy CalHomla aod New Vork in
ISIS, apeadlns (be most of bla child tlnues are sblaiued when lamhlng for the ewew. Half a pint per lieail icard for the Iot.h. and would build wdves Is givcm us.—Brhlller
Neneral lines, while in apide^ she
hood days In Ohio.
r tradfur and near ItuI
l>eas are provlJed If the florkliiarter! dally Is a good ration The best wheat
Farmer*. I
-Sgs. pnulii;. shei-ti. hides and
Then-•• if. uv
b> also exeelleot. Tlirse fords
-«■«• has only limited s|>kee and cannot a>- bran
In rtoek. there is
fruits ewbl 1m- baedlcd In v.n-li »s;ney. In all sto'-k,
hut must ino'.iev in
ford iieimsaent i>ens. saii.lselor) |sens build up bone and fiber.
fp™,,.. .P.,
™.bod, P. .. ‘"V.
■" abofU S or ti feet aqtiarr. made by | weaning make milk Beware of l««o
I'ltKlurtliili f'” '’®*t ' •1. To haw the bvsl !lo.-k
a»e« adopted hwklnp loaaid tV.e^ «f Mlfhlwi
binglu two k-foot hardies together murh ram or corn meal,
tabliabmeet of wider and beice.
and went to the front, having and placing In a earner »l the peu.l The rare of a flock oLshee|i tlisl a
(be lx-.) rt(M'k leno'sior and eondtkeu tor thU valuabb-produvi. Coupled '^'•rved bis country for throe years, «an'be eheaply and qulekl; made. Itjgiven amou^ of hay will v«lnier I-'
iiMitl:'.; imw-der on carlh. Areei.l no
rritb the wWei ‘market umrt eome the '*« »“ honorahly dlsobarird at the
desirable to idoce ewes'mncb less than'cows uidn^ tlie same
Jbetter pncklnf awl^ siadlng ol the ‘ lose of the war. He returned lo «ut- having twins lu such P<-ns for a lew food win need. Tin- prv>ni. <>i slreep
rhsk |■usd. r that
fPBit aad the i*oper UbeUng of all va-; tons Hay in June
days, betause one of the Isitilm oflen ke« |tlng are as often derived froie
w|»s voii win'
T' h-v- :i
rtrtles trae lo na'me and grade. TUP- iled t.. MUs Sarah K. .Maard May wander, frpm Its muthpr. when with their eroHomlfSA ** fmn tbvir yields.
|4i<k.<vi>. tiold l>y ail drug
le the Ural reuulslie in order to secure 5lh iSiU:. and went open bis fsrni lo
large flmk and after « short ab-j Twin lambs are desirable If tmtli t« WILL
a market In which (lie growers <an re-Uhe woods In October i'i .. rnd had, sen«x- the iriuther rri-quently refuses'strong and ragged Ulherwlse a sliule
Baled hay.
-fieat their aalos from tear to yerf. liver there'the remainder of his Hfo. ^ own the little creature upon tin re- good lamb 1. preferahle. Much dr
iflc -s right,
The most mlnaMe market U ifce ooe’with the eseepth.n of fotir ymrs that
ille, MIeh.
|i>onds op tbe prevlou* feeding of ihi-:
In which thr mnw Roods <«n be sold he and bis family s<ient in Ohio,
Some w<-ak lamb, geuenilly make- ewes,
Joh^ Pulciphgr of Tern* Signed for FOR RENT OR SALE- I'.'li a< vi
from yrar to year wltUwt uueailou as tarhlns lo Snllons Bay upon hU farm
their aiipearauce In every fkxk. and] If you don't believe the sheep
Spring Tryoi* the
to whether or not It will prove true lo :|n 1KT5. He was :tbe father o
are the ones that the shepheru need earew iraughi. staad where the
liain. Iminln- of
represcsiiaiiooa. and when this kind of irhildren. six of whom rasaed
Hurting Staff.
ji'ininili Oiy. It -Vo
must watch and ivaiieoilv assist la drip f|^ them will reach you for
a market Is ooie esuhllshed the fii- 'before him lie left s wife, four
getting Mimeiblog to eat by holding time.
inra of the ludustrj tn the suse »lirchildren and throe grand ehUdrwi,
Ibelr beads to their mother's ddder.j Sheep do tlto beat ahoured lM-tw>s<a
ALVIN H. GRUBER. Runeral Oirector
be aaaunsi. There is a demand for ]^mie brother, two sisters and
and Entbalmer. :;ii; South Ttuon Hi
thereby helping, them to get'tbeir May ;inb and Jung 1st --Kariu Jninn
Tl;r spilng iralulnr M-awin for go
hllchitmn fruit wheu it proves lu b* ^iives lo mourn his loss He seas loMl.. Ncllu- I'raii. asslsunt. fit/
flirt taste of milk. ThU may haw atKesoricrs wdi i.pi-n lu-i.- .May
I.' phone
as represented, hut so often In the'^dn^rlons and worked hard
'T.V \V.-' ireut y«n as w.
Muiia-:ri^‘cmliy nod hi. im-n •>il’|
part prodneere have siejlle-! their uiar-v,|f^
|,iei«re a winfortsble and haie
l.inlwhiy report about AprU » and jk>
'k« by paekiag and shlp|>lng Infe.ior p, home
lime will Lc wasted in geUlAR down
He bad berit u great aitlferer (or
to rt-.gular prai tic,- for the s h> liiK^ the imt mieen years of hU life sUh
gaiuc-s. Kalamascv college and listo be dene on the part ol the.growers
eii--iicmw. Si-cN-jtl alii-nlion given
, h»art trouble, and he was resigned
lo liiiTii sale- jil.d hcvisehold Roeds
(irund Haiud.s lira's Works, a :-iiil
to regain thrtr' lost preatige The
^ and desired to gu. aod bv at ngtt. His
Tetm. reii-rtuild- HI' - niv a lh«l
.pio team, have aUtady written toi
MIchIna apple has aeld well this
OOIM- ai lit K 1-Yom >t fit'/cn'i
___ omdiiri
«<lrd at 1: V. in the momlaanics during th- irai-dng wmon
phone L:;u. Tiaveric fliy. Mub.
The schedule galm-s oimoivui-c May
mar t-Inm*
2'). Till- llesoilcrs will proL-nbl' cix-ii
« lonely home to ills site and
Woody textaiw. Mad
away Icvun home aud clusf Uurc. as
To the kae-torw of the I'ounty of
frtoi heea tmrfcad in as atirwrtlve ’"famllv.
they luvw llulshcd ewav flow Imiue
Urand Jrnverwsi
lYof. liedrlrk. Michigan, says that Traverse Hay." ns soon ns tbe new
•■■Mr as tba wesSera anific there
lor the lup-t two eea.HqBs,
Notice 4s hiTchy given, that purthe live vafielle. of pMehi-s l
frost (iroofltig i« Italshed
WDOld have bc-n iimtHeallT no dtJohn i'lildplnr. an Anns iimu. who Btiant to the provisions of An. No.
hatdv in mood and Uiid are MiH s
;k;:, l•uldi■• Acts of IHOh, as aatended.
mand at all for tbe Oregon anJ Idaho
has teen «bi..'i-h;g tn scoJ im. Pam*. Ihers
will he •■Ivrted al the annual
Ik Hold l|roi>. lYoshy. Kalauut/.oo and
,\ pcrsoxial letter* from Mr. roil*-r
Itrodmi. Tbe |i«« ymr btm shown
lN.-eti elm tun p> he held in the several tow nBarnard
The -Hw incnit ten.'.m «
the Hllldvat FYuli fainis near Hoathai opponunliv is knorklng at tinItanee ships and waids in said ctmtily
bud Karly and lgt>- I'rawford. I'hair
la. W..U..
______ the sill day of April. A. U.. i.hi:.
door of tba -Mlrhlgan IruJt glower. The
Hood I'uuiuilssiuner for the
■nertton now U. will thU class of protcrai*of
la Pcaeites to be hardy luu.i bavo ol tl. ..S«. ... m.ii,l.u,J Wli .
dneers wake np to the Imiioname o!
Bald HecHon «RI1 l>e held at the
a wiiim. Uiy soil. A soli that !> c ither rill*. (1.1 «IUl,lc,.rt.U....t.kM.,.!„..^
the Bltitatlen aod bscin to crade and
s>’verHl iownslil|i hall* i>i other naual
There hwa l>m aomc talk nf baring too wet or Iinj dry eondnec.v to win intctidcO for Imxlnc. Is hstd to hc-.v.'
pack tbeir prodH'1 as they ehotild »ifl
jhave eoinc' with wi.i.-h he. ran election pls.-cs in the townships of
big grange rally la Traverse City ter kllluig. Treea dre more llk'ely lo A* the slumps come out iIk- trees 1.P.UI1, - «i , *1
ewabitsh markrts that cannot he
.< hi.
voun'v sndot HrauRc Hull
In the
..rail,. . ,1„.
lafcaa away J>v any other toralliy lu for the i.resc-nt year, and that talk U suffer when underfed d)|^ when over­ go In The is Itorwe Umior «-*rrles ^
ImltTendmi tetm - »-((>;
,r tthe
. . . at
, Second Wanl hall
tba nation. The time U rtiw for ae .Uklag more definUe sbajw each week, fed fov*» rro|» proieel trre. from
should pul him In good shape 10 get Second Ward;.jcl Ike Siiuth Side prlnitlon and It U to Im> Itoited that thi-'At firwt It was sugccKied ibatk.<he winter frcwcInK. A trinperniure of
ih..nn:h till- snrlna ellralnaihtns w‘‘h •"'> ••‘'■Idiug. Corner Tinlti and I'ni-m
Crowars will get Into tbe gaaie sllli bieetlng should b<- a mid winter on^ decrees In-Iow xero will kill peach
the aplrlt that wins
warn pointed cmt. howevei. -that trees, under noraml eobdltluns
As We have no Hiowers afsociatkm
Kounb Ward: and at the Kinh kVurd
grangers can he made much more
speak with authority as 1
hall In the Fifth Ward of uM < lt>,
tomfdrtahU in town in the Nimnier
Haleil Ibis 3Cth iley of kVhraary. A.
Kvery urcliatdksl «bo Is observing tsojs^r manner of marketing
|lewM>n when It Is possible to have ha. noUevMl In'countries that am pat
H. If'ir.,
ivackagea this romiag ses/on. some
Traverse City mervhauis an- goin.*: an outdoor meeting. There are so
ttiiilarly windy vlurtng the bk>.soai- WUiw will have to Wnd ice on hisafter tbe mi^oess of the recton ^ a many icrangera to attend a rally that
ing season that live crap Is froucMlr head, and retira far from the msd-'g
r ihal^ls. nommendable
nnd In none pf the bulluings id tbe city
the side of the
ding iTvisd long enough to loinuUte
»rde,.o,. • .un l« ,h. .«l ta-..
...j, „,1
tn.a tome UagiUe theory on tbe subJecL



ai—— "»■


Douglass ma Kaioie





...... - ■


' ;c„'£


New Spring ^oes
For ladies are the
r beet we have
e are
anxious to have
you see them
You will like the
WANTED-Hean acraagp. .*»Oa wet-l
ftirai.-.l.ia! cji the Oisl iSlliy #<r- rtpiiirai led- Travorw: fliv .Canin':
mck 11 tf

Tcctk Ex1r«cfc4UUMolalC'
By the "Ka«lar" method I can ren-.oe ih.o.e aching teeth absolutely
wtiboui {tain, aad without the use of
tunas lu piodut-o uoconacluusuoa
Feople of nervous tempsranjent aud
will) week hearts will appreciate the
••Ka-olar- method of palnlesj exfne
Iin. W. a. KINYON,
106.rftR Wilhelm lllo.k, with Hr. Holda
worth. Trawrae CIO. Michigan.

Will Pay Hlflfaest
Prices lor

Rt; RS
732 E. Fraei Sl

Both Pbooo.


■••■Canadian Home

nneiAiT$’ TUMiG nil


tc» LllUllV Ik. P~W. t~ik Ik. o~i Tk. P.m™i plu 1- to ™11 . mW-.u,.
^ ^
by iiolDU to do thdr shopping This pier rally on ills fair grbunds and *‘®ifrult. say» a srller In ‘•Better lYiill "
ciiy is the loglva'. trading point for gag the craagers of the-BarTeundl
t'oaseqnenil; much attentkin is being •nirg, we ran now hav* • demamnra
aevernl COTnlles. and there Is no valid eouoiies of Benxis, loeelanau. Kalkas^glwn to wlndbicaks. strictly from n lion of wiM apples mill do on light
rtasuB wh> most or Ibe good, ihal ka and Antrim to ]otn with
commercial siaad|iotni.
Bvergreeas Rdls no romoiea la the cartern part
IburAmy abonld not be pureliaaed bgfc help make ibe wcasion a mcMow.......
and (Hiplirs^le especially de-.liabl«
iraad Traverse o»uniy. Hareicw
where tbe stoaks are complete and‘one. In July and August it will be
Tbe more rapid- foie hardwdvMl Mils have ixi-n rigidly
always up lo0 date. IIt is a aeiUed possible to get good lists of speaker*. "
' * '
growing varlslii
adhered to. but the rapid filling in of
fart that durlag itae coming week tins which will in<lod« men of natlcm
esliemHy alinutive hedg'
Igcs fill ^1.- large tracts all around ns will auon
tbo..m.ds of peoide will tUU the ciLv .1 fa.
that they reiwals green during eomiiel us to spill over Into new and
to take advaataea of the bargalnsj |,^et picnic «inid be arranged',.,,.
iallv untried neeiions. We shall waith the
that are ofcred by th. merahants for-oMn and a ,«gram of omdoor'”"
adaided to the sronads snrroundlng expcrlmeat with interest.
and It woold be a good mtrak. of hnak g,K>rti for tbe afternoon.
the home
■K,. II 4m1.« ih, U.U- 11... ... b...'
■Now that Antrim county has tod off )
lb.>u bobbl »... . «-H.I
p„b.b„. „
Orchards have been observed time wiib a live tiruwers' and Cotuum. .
«I..bpt w PI... lb il»lr .bp. bib
„„ „ U.P p,p.pp,
and agala whieb liad net seeo a pran iaeocUHoD, whv can't we Rct into.tlie
a... U4 lb p™.«l»..i ,U.-n lb ibrtr p, ,p, ,„,p ,„ppp jpPp
lag saw for years; wkara the giowil,
nom pm. Ib.1 ... ™i.i.i“"4
J..a.w to boij ...b ...ninp. i.
of the hranrhra was such as to ex
^ merkcu ours.:lvw tostead
I. t™..™. Cli. si..r llb» ol ,004.
4HInbnt p.n. ol lb. n.u.
elude toe sua aliaosi euilraiy uom
beai^to.n, ar,
are made here at home aad as they
fram the center of Ibe trees; -here
*»«• aclshbor*. W.
arc bandM la tbe atoros a grrat deal
th« fnUt was smaU and poorly .otored;
“<«' transportallon
of prestige wosM be gained for the
where codling moth found coodlitoas
“* <mr opportunUles:
city if such Sfiqilarb were made at tbl*
entirely favorable foi lu survival./
• • •
time Id orMr to secure the pdrman
'anil yet when the'owner a., asked
•* «UblUhliif
«mi trade of the ...........tiding, nnm
I Whv his trail was wormy b. would «
try tbe iwopte madl Ibe shewn the varirMMale of toad that
raunlj for the training of
leas ways to which the city excels
Those w ause i
X will .ppoar oal^"'^
as a tradlag oeaier. and the fart that' ,b.
*“ ■« »»-■ “«■» rtUxens. ‘The rourse Includes bortl—.
so many kinds of goods arv; made here .. . ISIS;
Tc«al ‘oK bards defy propnr *ptaTtot.
itosKt require so mur li s|>ia> to dn .... fulture. fsrmlng and engineering. As
Is one of the stroogrot poloU that


Pardee Business

m um mmnm

Lands 9^0 Lauds
Clly Property,


OTW B MORW e< a oMeir.


We have an inquiry for a vscll developtd bearing fruit f*rm vsrth good
buiidrtvg*. in frtt eUet condition.

PRICE Tbe Little Wonder

It. J’. (iasoIiiK- KiiKiiif (■••iiiliiiira

all Uu- pM.iI jiiiintii of tli>- i>twt rt.iistrut-ii'.ii.
F<»r iutprniiU«-nt »v(*rk of all kimN. such ah
ojirmtiiit: qi-ulrifiifful ]>hiui»i, saw riff*.
trie geuoralora. sprav' pomps, etc., it ia uii*
. Xfcll.Hl. Jlit and iiiKs ifoveniop realty rcR-


I work well that tbe avera«c nrt hard
mtpr^rlence lu
can be possibly brought to ibeAr attenpor -Mayor—
•tot would rather grub op the/ trees
it H likely tivey
tfon. Duriag the week that the sale jj^. Btraab
;ih«n spend the necessary money „, »"l
• hand at orchard work alw.
to la operation aparlal aiieDilop must g. vyilhelm .............................
.spray them. While this statement'
• • •
be ohown the «i«iior* aod tf they sei'j
Ibbv be sllghtlv overdrawn. Its
The Bee Keepers- coBvcmlion gaye
that the local mesrbauts are piHting'A. w. Rlrkerd ...i................
tor from the truth, ax an) lnTo«i4a«- ®"‘
worth, rememforward baaie trrodncis they will Ire't;.
. lArdvu .
• bo Mas nudled sprayiag problems
"'«* ^ keeping pays
OMrlBeed ttiat the buslnesa men ar«
will have 10 admit
tke profU being
rmily proHMRtog the taieresu of the!
. McAllister
M • •
I from iD.lio to tliMhi per oolony, as
«dty in eoery manner posalbie. Poll For I'ORUBlamoner—Umg term—
Traverwe (Tty proanei* to the front'jm Sleder
aad the eesott wIB he swn npMi tbowjw. F. t'alklns ..
who oome here ur do thejr iradlog J. W. XHnmorami
daring the great week.
*J. A. Mpntagate .
Uon between them and

For Justice of tbe Peace ■
of fralu One of the atombers aald
bardMT. A great ttoal of trouble has
Two yesra.
that bumble bees always did spme
been exi>ertenred In New York sute
G. w. funis'
Reports are sirrady «v,aiieg in from
Ju^ire of Peace-4-yev t
«B«raat aerti^s rialming that th.- -V F .Nertihgar .......................
frtrit crap has l^ rtred iu annual hillfoortabte—
surb troubles mill Jike to serura this___ ______
lag. but BO tor there u no tedleaitoo It g. rinrti.......................
. JJ7 baBedn. It Is eery complete and]
^ ,*7*,
that annhtag bad to.p|.ened to the
splendidly Illustrated.
Daring the
1>M when frolt
crap in the Grand Travetse region,
On* at a Tins*.
nc coattouad told Is holding bark the
Tbp bead of tbe Krap# ttael worba
Haw the apple on a bnslaesa boato trs*, g^te a prafll of leas thaa”t(.
Bads to a rary aalUtortory mannei has dMBfl employes' "Nethtag to and the reward fallosrs.
rows per tree Of eoura there were
C*d By Iks timo that It oa/a warms ui hng Mfr' ttolped *k» hoasewlto, Tra
a a a
tbonxBBds gf treee la tbe eouthern
•II damrar fran fonber fraeilng will bad tfat maay to my klichn. bat net
We are prepared to aicalD adverUae imn which are about abandoned on
»• tm. Tahea a«,B whole thto bar. aUatcMm”—UBtorllto C«BftorV«us Iht . Fraat Proof Pi
or Urand'accouBt of the scale iMitin •idteofthU

u CBily ginrcbased onr'c. Thtjrc'e th^ *«k)uld bi' of modern
rle.-iiffu. *^ill, of most diirablc
iiiaierials ami artl«ii-uIJy tinUhed. Von wfll tied only hocli
I the works‘of
Traverse City. Whii.
321 Bsy lAt>to;h' Tlnri

ulatfii tliv loa^. It »n1rUKs.a tlieiu all on
puKulaliou. lli-avy cyluider pnn-icii-w for
aek't<rai relKtriush. I)roj>-forg«-d crunk Bliafl.
AH worktue |wrlK arcurgtH>' uuK-hitirtl to g
thuibtoiHilh of all m<-li hikI positively iuN-r^
diniBf.-al)1.-. Ship|M-.l eompU-te ready t/i niui
Kverj eii|rm.- fully-viuiraiiteed.


“Doin’ It
Bringtng llietr pictures lu
now for framing sc. they can
have them to hang up alien
Ixmse cleaning Is over, and it's
u mighty good jdan.
1'hotos that you want to fcoc;>.
neeo frame* to iweserve them.
Uipto'mas. water rotor nkewbe^
rairtdar plrtores aad mnay
otb«r att^acUre prints are made
keeping by- init^e
This to tbe time lo get buty


H^pe;:r Cooled

W^s Jackson. I
Traverse City, Mick.

*«Tbe beanOfnl Wiffl Ttaf
If you intend beautifying the interior of your
home this year let us figure with you with “ALA-'
'BASTINE.” The most' durable, 'sanitary and eco­
nomical materia! for use on alt interior wall surfaces.'
Send for color card or let us figure with you. White
aod 32 tints.



Traverse Oty

'nm'tuTnsi waiua urn whaih 'tkr uioix, iBuimiT. waak », uu



Mflanio^ of Each Proposed Chan{(e Explained for Benefit
of Voter
Voters on April 7.

The romMoefl v«h>e of the hone* Ukea to avoid drafta. I feed Krain
I nuie* on the Aowriru t^rai in twi<« a day In the winter line, about
19 peundi. If the animal la workln«
r|p«our than that or.aJl the otb^r
1 te«w] 15 pounda In three feed*. In
^ lira Btork pot tosHber. eecordlo* to bealanlnit work In the iprlaa I alwaya
the Breeder end
h«ok to the rollara flrat to aee chat
Nee onlf U the horee butinesa tbeytn properly. Then I watch them
greet, but tl 1r underlaid with a tneea- cloadr while the home to at i
- tita of ae<-urity |»«-u1Ur lo ilaelf. No durtai the ntat lew day*. Hameaae*
Mteklenea* of appetiie. or audden abonld fit anuKl.v.
^ebahee of the weather or aallailoQ of
f fanatic* can produoe a popular dlaCoJt* thorwiirtily handled and hal­
^ crImtqatlOB agalnat the u«e of horaes. ter-broken before they are a year old
Kre'n vechaolcal eoDtrlraacea. «an- ai^ aure to be pleasant and fearleaa
not dojBore than lo partlallr dUg)ace afianvarda. Tbl* la one of the great
the home In none part* of hi* vpkere aecrois of having reliable taontea. The
The Kieat bulk of the borae-* acUvIty young.hom* not yet fully broken
4a eapeedad upon the farm There are should have but one driver A firm,
aboDt rlxbt tinea aa many horaea in nniet tone of tolce ami gentle man­
the ooantry a* In the dty. PamlDK ner are Invainable tralu In a trainer,
la ltnpoa..ll !• wlihoat horaea. hh ery and however spirited a colt may be.
he.W'in eontml falmnetf even when
fanner muai have them.
R. r. Hudenaenh. Wabaaba Co. badly frightened, wuen he beam the
; |ttnn.. aaya; 1 beep debt work homea re-aaiuring volt e of hla driver.
on my farm all the ttae. A very com­
4h>fl't be alwaya doping your horaea
mon trouble In kreplns horaea in good
enadltioo durtatg the winter to Improp­ will) home kind Of medicine. It la iual
er faai and cold water. The cheapeat aa bad a« It to to get the latent medl•Bd bMt feed for ho^ to com and eine habit youraelf. and you know
•ata. nqual pan*, with clover hay what a terrible thing that la. Regu­
Btomitsk and straw the rest of the late yionr borse'a health by giving the
right kind of feed and rare. That 1*
beat kind of “dortorlni" you can
* In aentltatlnc faarni plenty of freafa
dr to-aeceeaary. hot care ahoiild br do tpr any animal.

- A simple lIluMratlon of how appar«« waau- may lie utilized In shown
by the atory of a

aaset-kraut" fac-

tory on Ixing laland. In the maunfartnre of tkto (muan doUcary the }uice
.is pceaaed out of fhe rahUage* and
the vegMble* are about 69 per
: water or Juice, the waste was
, nure than one-half. Tlito Juice was
. •flowed 10 go to watte. It woe an in4natrial cbemtoi who colleried tbto
Jnlce and discovered (bat ii contained
eegsiahle mattw.
Tbefo WB* an orgaolr atld In the
laire that aaemed worth reeavertng.
•ml by roneenirtikm and filtration
tlH> arid wa< oblatned and refined.
Today this dfgauie add foma an Unimrtaat factor tn the tanning of akini
•sd in all textile manufarturlDg. At
flrat tboexht It t
tndiutry wan toe amall
^oer ki*m" ID<
to lie of imi>oruncc in recovering
aarii an Ineigomcaot bMwodaei. but
Aero are alone oa Long totond up­
ward «r twenty mark faetorlaa. aad
mtk one uweii some S.snO.nfM pounds
•f rabbager. l>o«i each fariory there
•a o»oo»ered today fai.f<io gallon* o'
^re. or. lo all, l,5'N>.<in»'ga11oni of

‘nls to tbe con- the legal voters and and such prof posed law rejected by the legislature
Radueed Balary Limit it AdvaMa»a Btiimion will be
eleetora at the election to be held I ahall be submitted to the people by
and Manistee Made Error In
Monday. April 7th, ISIS, as follows:: the Beemary of State for approval
Bwekinf It
Section I of Ariicle III. the
effect_of r rejection at the next general electThe acbedule' nmetlng to be held which, to adopted, to > extend tbe'^t- -’This eraendnent also provides
right to vote to even' woman, a eUl«>>« referring of any act. section,
In nadlllac next Bnnday will see
xeo of tbe United Bute*, and of thejor part of any act of the leglslaiure
adoption of a table for the fourth
son of the Michigan State l^ragua. Stale of Michigan, alwve the age of *» n>e people for approval or rejecttwenty-OM
»l l*»e next general elecUon by
During the time of Its exialencd the

.league baa given tba fans a claaa of
hall (he equal of which la found In
very few elrculia of ihe eame cl
end haa drawn crowde larger then
tome cities on tbe Haas r rircnlia.
Tbe towering of the salary Umlt
will not inaiehally affect the class of
by Mlriifgan State
teema. If any rtiange to n«lceable It
will he one for,(he better. In that It
will give tbe fans a ohanre of watch­
ing young players who are develop­
ing and playing at their beet In the
hope «f getting Into
ler th^n
thqn of seeing a group of worn
out big toagiie coat offs who are play­
ing aimply dor ihe salary which they
can draw.
The Sporting Ufe apeaka of the
move as a sensible one.
histon' of minor leagues that tr-re
players ate developed when the oalary limit Is below (1.000. than when
it to over that
Manistee made a bad mistake by
TH'ttlBg in « kick on the reduced ilml>, and has since found out that the
entire rlrcnlt la unanimously against
any change for the benefit of any one
team. The knowledge of this has
quieted the Salt City proreoiera of
the dlaaenston sefaenie and at present
they are perfectly wining 10 continue
ibeb- preparaiiona for the hot acore
on in a peaceable manner.
plants wUb which be deals for Imctruelion la handling. Some of bto meibods were picked np on the Itocinc
roast and have been adapted to east
cm conditions. HU method of prun­
ing tcnaioe* Is uauMist and unique.
He allows the plant to make four
leaves, then clips off the tup. If a
cluBier of buds baa formed It makes
no difference; they are not sated, as
t Waiting to Sm What
they seldom develop Into perfect
s Olhert Will
fruit. The effect of this lopping to
cauae four strong side bronrhea to
fAnn, one In l£c axil of each leaf. On
these branrbea a fruit cluMer will
naliJmore, Md.. March 2V—l4*dera
develop ip the axU of eac h third leaf. of (he ITogrowstoe iiany In Maryland
Three clusters are alloaed tn form on are rounding up In llalilmnre for tiielr
euch branch, then the end . of the
convention tonmrrow. Kver
iir^cb to clipped off.
alnce tbe .Vlovember etocilon tbe

The furnlprooied qf globular ls«ets
have almost entirely lupplanted the
other Varieties In iioputor favor. They
are so; much easier to grow, and espedally to harvest and store. Then,
loo, they are quicker to reach edtide
Beed sown In the spring will
prodnee edible Rtoed beeu wthtn
eigbi Or ten weeks and those roots
needed til once may be left In the
grmmd fdr several'weeks longer withnut serious deterioration. A second
aeries of sowings may be made after
' B V. f^bm. a gardener oad tnull midsummer with )>erfeci assurance
frail grower ba* Idea* of hi* own He that the roots will reach good slie
ta a close observer, and goes (o the tiefnre cold weather seis in.




I. of ArtW, XVTt. r.l.,lv.
fofUBl,. Of,„tloo.f
K, 0.01 Of
, (be qualified electors of the slate.

adopiM. will gira the qualified voter*
of this state the right to propose
the constftnttOD by (IIIng a peUUon with tbe Secretary of
Stale, signed by not leas than ten per
cent of tbe legal voters of this state.
KectioDs 1 and IS. of Article V. This
amendment. If adopted, will give leh
quatiriMl voters of this state the right
lo propose to lb# legislature for enaclment into law- legliUtive measures,
resolutions and laws, by filing a peti­
tion with (be Secreury of State.
signed by at least eight per cent of

Local Markets
(Prom Tuesday's Record-I^gle )
The Ktorms and tbe IwU ruadn >IM
evctyihloK to the Chicago markets
and the sale# and rcrripis were enr11. Kgga and butter.
Iioullry and ]>o(aioes all had little
do and tbe prices did not change at
all. Forty-eight cenu for Michigan
ifolaioee was high.
Tbe dealers In eggs bad a good
rlean up. In ibelr line* and tbe price*
di.| not vary much from the Iasi few
daya. t-ilggs 21c, butler 24c tnd^oc.
potatoes 35c ami 40r.
Thera waa but very little doing at
tbe rallto yesterday on account of (he
had roads by reaaon of the Morm that
wtMcd such havot- with them all.
There was nothing doing at the city
market eliber. The commission men
hod a good rest day .

Sheep .





gehool Report
Report of the kicKinley school (or
le month ending March 7.
Number of boys enrolled. 9; number
of glrJa enrolled, 8; total enrollment.
iT; number of dft* tanght. 30; i
her of days' attradance. 311; average
0RAIN-4wnnali A Uy Om
daily ati^donce, ISVi; percent of
tendance, 90. Pupil* neither absent
nor tardy for (he month: Tony Mc­
(From Wednesday'* Record-Ragle)
Kinley. OUa Coniell. Dalvla Hauadlng.
Live fowls In Cblcagn went up ^c Ryo .............................
Ulliaa WilaoD. Melbo I,ewto.—Ulllan
and ducks 1c. Tbe latter were scarce
L par 140 Iba...................4LU
Horton, teacher.
and so(it at 25c and 3uc. Tbe receipts
were one car and 350 roo|n. 5.3t0
DETROIT—Tbe Rtandard Sera'
rasea of eggs and 400 tubs of butter
Prodiici* Comi«r lu^ engaged In
I not change the»e pric^ 81 cars
liotatoea made the prices atatlMiary
btKlneaa with an aiitborlxed capital
stock of 459.0M. of which 425.000 has
and 46c and 48c were all that -were
been snhacrihed and 4I5,0(rf»C paid in
In cash.
eather eondltloea were no( at all
good for tbe Grand Rapids market and
the Jobbers bad a lot of Idle time to
while away. 16c was all (he iobben
were oSerlng (or eggs. Ttae bMH mar­
ket was very quIeU Car* of bay were
quoiwl at 411.50 and 412. Straw 410 No. 1 kom Uda^!!!!'.r,aij»iiA A
Tbe local people bad almost a vacaUon again yt«(erday. Tbe farmers do
noi want to risk the roa<l# ai present.
Potatoes are quiet and Hie price still
at 21c.


Rooeerelt foliowers have l»een busily
work on their district and rountyorganluiioni Tnmorrow'a conventtoD
will parfort a permaaent wtaie organ­
ization and in ad<ll(ion it wIH wup out
program (or the future.
The iwrty leaders have almdy de­
rided denniiely agalnat any atnalilon with the Repebllians. This
derlulon of tbe Prognaslvei lo reject
alt fusion plans and stand as n aeppolUlcal organization ttas disap­
pointed many "hirntony woraers" on
tbe Ueimbilcan sidn Maryland will
soon be called u|«n to select two
I•nlled States senators and ■wliu (he
DemocralB dlrtded Into two bitterly
hostile faetlORB It waa believed In
some quarters that a united Keptiblican part.v night have a show- of
Prteeo eerreetad evety day.
But these bo)>es have gone
a-gtlmmerlDg with the derision of the
Progreasltes to-go it alone.
But (he moat of the Rcpublhwn Cows................. ..................... SH » *e
leaders uke tbe sltuatlop
ically. and <-omeni themselves
the (bought that tbe Progiesulve*
without the KepubUesaa are Just as
heiplese as the Hepubltran* without
the Progreeslves. Meanwhile Ihe drganlzation end ami-orcatotgailon wlnga WITH BROWN! DURING SPRING
of the Hemorraiir parci- are piepap
ing for the liettie of Uie Sepiember
primaries. The fartton which wins in
tar* Trying OtA
the primaries will have the namlag of
tbe ta-e railed Siadea wtoiatorh.



Section n of Article 111. The eff«
of tbe proiKwed amendment will l>e tn
require the legislature to enact Into
lew a provision for tbe recall of all
elective olTioers. except Judges of
courtK of record and courts of like
Jurisdiction upon petition of twentyfive per cent of the lawful voters of
the aute.



Bpeaklag of the bewsad kerwxtra- wbeimaaver six hundred runners were
•rdlnary prodaetlrfiy.
egg. on exhibition, with the pure whites
•Bd in carii land Georo^T. Thomp- lending, the combined entry of the
There were tJ
•mi of the Bureau of Aalmal Industry totter being over
young |w-nt of whites shown in this
•bows that la the United Butes the
show; c: young lemales and 54 young
vahae of eggs and poultry ]
males, while the old classes were
Ii each year nearly double the prod- well flitod At the recent Garden
•eu Of all our mlBts of prerioos show tbe ctossea in all color* of Run■etalsi. tiiere Is a (act
rerw etcctit one or iwo were well
(bat Induktriuu* friend of man that filled, and competklon was ke«a. At
weeds to U- borne in mind, namely, various, southern shows during the
(be aptmrenUy tnexhansUble demand- Wnter entries of iwo hundred and
•ilke for eggs aud pcniliry In the mar- aometlmeK more While Ilunners have
.keu of the world. Tsklag tbe wbola been seen.
Bieid in survey, li to donbUnl If In all
ous hivtory there ever has bc«n a time
Nlne4enths of the failures to proWbcti these proilurts of Ibc farm did
dnee specimens of higli quality to
mot aril for 3 figure aepreaentlni
due lo-the common neglect of the
d prrdlt to Hie producrT. Aad tbe
male liae. Anpafly to produce birds
y of them appears to
of blgb an^ uniform qualPy one most
I aIwsy-> iiy an I
practlco line breeding, qr sysiemallc
•Md. Su^ luos ae tbeae should be
breeding; keep (be male line unbro­
Civea thrir aua««i«bt In considering
ken. vNow and then a mating other,
the possibiluica u( iKxillry as a buslwise BUtde wUI produce good birds,
wna cater^sc
but tba percentage of such aiierimens
very email. If one would Introduce
Tbrae or kwr Tear* ago there was
UtUe Ad maay times no cuinpcUtion nrar blood It should be by a female in
every way reptesenuflve of tbe
In WIiMe Ronoera. even In tin- lor ,<-r
breed. But be abonld never introduce
ghowa.hf the eounuy- Bve* a; tie
new- blood ihrOBgb a foretge male. He
Msdtooa Square Carden show la !:•' '
should and moat keep the male llae
(here were only four single Wrds a:
unbrokmi unUI be hds eaUUtobed a
••e pen eaierad.
Ihiring the past
year, bowev^ Ibto tnerhorioiu bird nc A ma'e line carrying tbe blood of
the origtaal dam. Tbto la tbe onlyhas grown In favor rapMly. and Uito
way to produre a strain of fowU.
AM 4VI and Hlnur cumpciltH« i 1
the majurtty of abow-s. ' i«nicnlar!y
Cscuas HsMBng.
'fhr eooibern shows, be* been 'keen.
Doflr*—‘'Wbai't ths matter with
iBsUaee. (be grsain-t duck show
your oooklog bare latalyr' Mra. Dodge
«r*e bMd In the world prsulbly. was —Tbe gas cympany doaaat give ur
'|h« fWMWI
es good gas as K need to."—Kaaw
r af Atlakta,' December iC2l. CHyTlmag

» obArtlde X. This amndadopted, will.....................
>efl»>et«re to provide for tbe relief.
Insuring or penilonlng of members of
fire de|>artnenu.

of tbe (asteei men for the Infield ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦A
Job that has ever been turned out ♦
from that city. Cole, a brother of a
Traverse City aa t disiribuiing cat* * ^
ter hat been recegnited again. ‘ This **
a tryout in the garden positions.
morning the ^Nationsl - □iscuit C •.
A schedule meeting haw been call- commenced a“s>*tem of delivery of
1 10 be held In Cadillac Mart* SO. goods ihst to only done In the larger
At this lime there will be aeverai (iUea. The regdtor asleaman Ukei''L'.
luhles stibnUitHl (or choice by the the orders whlco ore shipped here 'n '4}< '
league officials, besides the transac­ car lou am< the goods are billed In ' ‘
tion of other ImiHirtant Imsineas pre- large conuiners that will enable them
to come lo better shape and ahsoStaratory to the season's opening.
iutely no loss. The a
the general salesman w-|ll open theoe
c-omainerw. which are rigged with ,
wheels ard easily- handled. Tbvse aro
put In the new delivery wagon and
brought to the grocer's store and tba
old packagei are gaihercu aud (hipr-ed bat* to tbs factory. W. 6. Bond
(he system, and -1.
M. Briian will |r.ok ulier ihU terriNew Orleans. I4i. March 211.—The i.»ry ana the wagon deJlveriea. The
presence of representatives of the wMgon ilarlf I* new and the high stale
United States Detriment of Agrt- ping horse and apccially deelgned bar*
attracting a good deal of at­
oullvre and other agrlculthnl exiwris
of national repiilation. at the open­ tention.
ing here today of the conference -of
Judge James E. Cam^il, pioaae^ .
Agricuittire ('ommissloners of the ra.vlilent of Elmwood township, met
southern sUtea. lent added dignity to with an accident .Monday that wlU
gathering the Importance of which disable him tor a long lime. While
tbe entire south to seepnd to none. working around his horse near the
The purpose of the conference, which born (he aninul sllpited and fell npoB
will continue in aeaslon until (he end Mr. Camidtell, breaking hi* right thigh
of the w eek, to to perfect a permanent near the hip. The injury to til the
organisation that will work along all more seal^UB on account of the fact
possible lines f<Xtbe promotion of tbe that he 1a paat acveniy year* of age.
agrlcultursl interesu of the south.
- The First National bank of Manl*Tbe states represented at the con­ lee has started out to help develop the
ference are fifteen In number and In­ western Michigan country and baa
clude Texas. Tconesiiee. Virginia. supidled Itself with a c^lectioa of
■Nonh and South Carolina. Georgia, glass tar* rontalning western MfcblMIssasIppl.
Kentucky, gan frulu. These Jors have beeo In­
l-'lorida. Ijoulslana. Arkansas and Ala- stalled In a pramtneiR^'^dare (a. the
bank so that all the InstJtTItidBV <*ttomers may see the (nilu and may
The visitor* were welcomedriiy Govlearn what can be ,lone In a fmllerner Ha'll of ioiulslana and E. O.
grt.w-ing way in this pan of the state.
Bruner, stale comUstoner of agricul- The bank plans to enlarge It display
Following tile adjouiemcm of nnUl It has a showing that will be of
the conference the
ex.-eirtlonal InteresL
wiil tmake a tour of the high 'agrtcnltiiral districiB of Ixiutolana. Inspect­
ing some of the big drainage projects
mder way and the progress-ihat is
being made by Ijonlslana farmers in
tbe direction of crop dlverslflcalion.





will be insisting that he get at least
Blx Umei at bat in regular contests
In order to have them declared legal
game*."—Globe Dwnoctat
"The Infiridera have as much confi­
dence when Bundy to aUltoned at
l«g as they have wlJra their manager
Is on tbe Job as h^very seldom lets
anything get by him.
"As Jor the bright pariicular
of tbe molcc Just (os* all tbe nice
little bouquets to-Mr. Bundy Brief. He
is strong wlib the stick and In a field­
ing way he eats up everything that
cornea 1a hi* direction. Brief is thi
hoy that looks like the real article.'
—Bt. l4«lB 6Ur.

The 8i. 1.4WU Browna have left their
fixing camp at Waco, Texas, for
Dr. Oe Klein# Out Bpeaking far Bel-, bomts whi-re they will play a city se­
ries. During iheir sojourn In the
souibero terrilory, one Bundy Brief,
a young rwcrull from Traverse C^t).
fir. William DeKlelae of IlotUad,
has made the most remarkable show­
the maa who |mi tbe Ottawa countying of any of the neophytes who have
good roods b«ds acroes and who was
beM fighting (or permanent bunka
of the apeakera at tho reecntli^
with the Brownies. In the praciiea
held go^ roads convention in tbto
games Brief formed the habit of surcity, to announced aa one of lb<ring both with the riub aad on tbe
speakers at the big annual tfaiviuet of
raahhma. Bo well haa he held down
the .Manistee Hoard of Trade.
tbe first bM# Job that he has cinched
Meeting Has Been Called fee March
Dr. DeKlelne to In tbe "better roads"'
a Place as utility man. if $lr. Hiova:i
SO, When Behcdule* Will
game for thoTun be can get out of IL
decide* to step dewn and out from
He to a good worker and to aecuring
b* tubmltted.
active playing he will have aa able
many benefits (or hto fellow men In
in Bundy to fiU bto alKr's
and one who to eai«ble of idaylu.^ .
fally as cood a class of hall a* Hi.Mtaager Jack Pendry writes from
boas himself.
Cleveland that ha Is busy rMnlUng
SehMl Report
The (oUowing extract* from Ri.
for the apring tryonl*.
Report ot achtml district No. 5 far Lonto paper* show the kln<l of ball t*r received by Secretary BlUlagt fiatmonth ending March It.
Bundy haa been pulling off daring the urdky he stated .that be had tigaed
Total number enrolled. 32; an
i«o aaw mra. both of whom have good
boys enrolled. IS; number c$rls ea"Bundy Brief U geUlng Into tbe reeorda behind them and are capabH
railed. 13; avei-age dally atteBdance, habii of Burring down here. In the of playing taat bali. To fill the abort
n for month. Those aeitbw abaeot i»me against Baylor. Brief hMd down eUp poalUoa. for which there was ao
nor tardy duiieg the moBtb: Joa nrat like a reguUr and hammered the preapert In view aad which waa OA#
Welkri. Harrr Welkel. Ethel We
twlrtor* to the extent of (our of tbe proMetas tor the new loader to
l»wrii Ketfer. Velma Kelter. Mabel hUM out Of eU trlM to the ptote. aolve. bo baa algned Kuehn. a CtoveWertmea. Elto Wonmaa. Jaatoe Wort- Bu^ to aona heUlA hoc. a* he com- toad man. who baa been out of the
. Koy Httmpiiray. Ksaaetb Hut
rlsiyr* all the way back to tbe hotel game for the paat year, bnt who playrey. Frada BencrofL—MirU Hodges, bmxiBBe he did not get a aecrnth wal- ed la stellar form doriag hi* loot year
tbe leather. PrMty eooa Buady of (day. He to accredited with b

000 men. has surrendered to the 8«r^
vlans on the Rkumbi river, in Albaala.
DJavld Paths was commandar of
tbe Seventh army corpa and tonaerly
military czxnmandM- at'Uskup.
Card of Thanka.
We wish to Uiank the nelghhora
ana friends who so kindly axatotod W
during (he illnras and death of our
ar agi
aged father; also (or tbe beaett.1 floral offeringa.
„ Borough,
Wm. Borongh,
Franklin Borough,
Milton Borengh.
Chan, Borau^,
Mra. 4,etile Dull.
Mrs..Emma Bright.
Mr*. Caasle Packard.

Have Been Restored to Health By LyiiSa E.
Pinkham’t Vegetable Cmipound.
There is no doubt about this fact. Why I duriiu tlw
last 30 years we have published in the newspapers of Ait
country volumes of letters from women who have been re­
lieved of all their suffering by the timely aid of this grand
old medicine. Letters Uke the foUowine. true, genuine and
honest expressions erf gratitude coming from grateful hearts.

Surely you can betleve theae women.

Micb.. egretMra. L. B. BBENVEB. H
terrible pain in my tight sUav nrti
•‘SomeUme a^l was taken wHh a tet
obarp pain* joxt Uke a knife rtickiira me. I tried hot app1le2ia*tt hot that
did no good. I wrai to our family doctor
terrible 1I ot^
could «»™«y
aUhTto*^ kept grt^g
“ lemoi*
Rand on my (afc*I wolld bgve that Mtarp.paln to


Ml* L. E. BOWEBB, GtWtfd, Pfc,gA««-

what the doctor called organic innammavion. ivur vegw—uis
has entiraly cured me ami I fael that too much .cannot be said to lu pratoc

Mra. EUZABBTH OEHTtLOORE. BnffalG, lT.T.,nritI feel that I mnM write to you about yonr wonderful teme^ Abewt
sar* ICO I was tzonbled vrilh female weaknem aad was aU ran down.
ttrad*il tbe ttme aad eoold hardly walk without toeltag di^-. I
•bout Lydla*E Ptokbamto Vegetable ^pound. took iL *■*,*!»
ive BOt bad,tboaa dlaxy




Fife Lake Department
Conductad by MIm Am Dewey.
W« want to tnake thli Dopartnaat of tb«
moUM jMMiUt wdw to «U tmmrwi and to
fo CBd roqiMtt that all ium of peraon
ba Mat to BItn
BItaa 6es^
Dewey to be
fmnl'I iatowt
faiSowt be
faeomrtiItod to iba XtopsrtsMBt. We e^Mcialljsik that chnnhea, fraUrnal aodettaa asd the
Oruft fnmito itema ot intereet In thalr reepeetire orfuuattoaa. Mews of social evesu and
foteminmesu. taiproTainerU beins made or contmpUtod, and bniineM ofaanfet and traatfen In
real eeuu In town and eonntry are eipeoially
acceptable. The above appUaa not only to the
Tillage of Fife Lak^ but to the torroandlnf
eooBtty.—Xdltor Berald.

t «• vMt IMT i»renu. Mr. and Mr*. H. Will
I Robert Ollben. who h»» bewi worlttntt for t)r. Clark, bai muraed hoar
to imertoeheB and Mr. YeoBB baa
raken bla plaee
Mra., OoeaQ and dauebter Marr
were Trarerae City twllera Satarday.
Mr. JoaephaoB tranaarted builneai
In Traverwe City Saiorday.
rhe ISaflar profcram Blren at the
eUMcd by all
ebureb Sunday
Mra. Mary Kramm apent Saturday
In TrBveme City wl9i friend*.

at her BTaadfatber’a. Weocel Kralocba. ' ■
•- I .
WeBcil Kratoehvn la vary iU at tfeli
wrWna witb pMMaeeta.
Charley Thcmaa bai purebaaed a
lame team of malea.
Jim Hartlri apent Subtlay «ltb bU
naelo. Cbpiley Tbomaa
l^m Dunn and Willie Poirafka made
bualeeaa trip to Trarerae City San*
Pred Dunn l« atartins to butid hla
new bam oa Iba farm.
Mlat Beetba l.iiman baa quH
aehoel to take care of bw motbar.
Valentlae Dnane. who baa beea rennlnit a ratap at laidlnutcM. leoiraed
borne Tueeday
Mr. and Mr*. Jeaae Braylon enterUlned a few frtenda aad relaUvea at
tbeir botoe Baturdw nbtbt.
Mre. Bd Kraiocbrll It aimndla aa
few daya with her atatei
•Mm. Pblllp aneor aad aon Donald
are apMdIng a eoaple of woaka with
her lauwau. Mr. and Mra. Bhermai
Hugh Dunn and Jack MoUInlH
apent Sunday with Wade Duan.

OLtN AliaOR.
««'00000 0 000#00000
nien Arbor. March :S —Renhart
Ilrammer la home from IHg Raplde.
wbera be haa been atteadlng the Ferria laatliitie.
I Mtaa Mary Benbeti and IkHa MorS
'genaen were marriMi one day laat
^week by JiiMlce Sharldan. They will

troll, where they have been worklog
tbu winiei.
Heory Dahm. Jr., la bavins a new
w«41 iug oo bb place. Harry Zaag u
doing the work.
.Mlaa 'Ellubetb Holriloa la here from
Chleaso. rtattUig with her people for
a few daya.
, Bent Herbert and wife arrived here
|kom Orand Rapid* laat week after
' madlM Uh Winer abew Ismb PamaJee warn *a TrarwM
Ciiv bill Week.^tier visiting the Bagley faiully for a few •laya.
Mn. Parry Foarb apaat a'tew daya
In Traverae CKy la*t weak rtnitlac
About ihlrty-flve enjoyed dancing at
Bnwry'a hall .laat Wedneaday night.
d aad all re­
port a fine time.
The Lady Macrabm wiU give an
enierulnmem at their hall ai Old





Long 1-ake. Mardi 21.—Mlaa Blale
Conklin apent Safui
afurday night with
Olive Relbl.
\e\t Saturday night. Marcb 2t>.
there will be a aoclal at the
hall, proeeeda to be uaed for ibe Suii.chooL Ladlea are to bring
iPlhIng to eat, and the
mured around tbeir walai and
ay a penny an Inch. A abort pro­
ram. followed by a pot-luck aupper
III be the order of tbe evening.

We cordially isvlte you to call on us wben you
are in town next week or any other time and we will
be glad to show you through our modern baokihg
Tbit bank was established in 1856 and is con-1
ducted on conservati^'e methods.

['A. Tibcy Lay. Pre$id«it
A. J. Mgynard. Ckdiier
I RJkydCliDdi,VicePrea»deBl A. J. HaviUnd. AaiLCadiier
I Hany C. Davis.Vice ProideiA G. B. IGHwiirBe; Asrt. tishier


SAVE $tt$
by Iradlng at the AMERICAN DRUG STORE.
lb par ecmt cash rebate m every cash pvrebase
M«e at ear atoralTMiltarcR tile AbcUSalacRMKe.
oa Toilet Soaps, anrs. Rabbcr Goo4a aiM May
every Ibq^aeceadtlea. Yoa pet year If per



Spkndid Showing

Men’s Wear .
Boys* 0(^es
Dry IGoods
The question of ttihere
and what to bay caa_ be
easily sohed here, as
has been ovethokedi


♦ «♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦ G.G ♦ ♦
Stiver Lake. Marcb
Fraak Laiman. who ha* »oM bis farm I* now
moving to Orawn to live In bis new
Mtea Auby DnniB b staying with
ber brother WllUe Dunn for a few
Frank Dunn returned borne Thura
day from Grand Rnpids. Lansing nnd
('blcag^ when be baa bewa vtaltlw
u sow.
Mtea Bertha Bewald la taking eare
of Mn. Abe SaBdun, wbo b very UI
Mta* Broe CawfleM and Bbnha 8ewaM apent Sunday at Mr. Fnmk CaafleM'a.
Edd Petrafka b apendtng a few
daya wRb bb
Auatln CanfteM returned home from
romp TbumdarWnite Doan has porchaaed,!
Mtea CternbeUa Dm apMt Sendnr


Old MImion *pMl 6uti4i» wlih icU- f-ru-U u> ihV Kalkaaha hnuxli of ihe
I'l-re. .Mamuelie. su Uu-y will live at
vea here.
M'Bi. King was a Kalkaska vi*ii<pr Kalkaska thi* rummer.
.' flan Deerev left Saturday for bl*.
bat SatnnUy.
Mlaa Uilian OaJn b vIsKing at lUi- new home at Ai>m. drIvUid his team
through. .Mn. Deerey bareu Turn•r Creek thin weak.'
Fred Avery waa toaoe from North- day.
jlr. and Mia. Cranger Whltuej are
port ovei Suaday.
Uavtd Kolfe it oa the sfck liai .eXMe-ned borne Wedfteeday from tlieit
at preaem.
J »1n»ri home at DeifoU.
Mr*, l-brl Bruce came from ■ :
iUpKb la*l week for a ahm, vUU
_.,.u u„
... i.- ....
B *
^ iiMiuire uf rffllp Miller,
>y. Mich.
meb 27-1 mo*

nte J*he. Marrh to Mr.jUu- Kerri* echool. Uls lUidda,
and Mra. Wm. J. Kannn ut Uoniee- Sunday,
Bendoa. MlcS. -Marcb M.-Beotten
aao. Waeb.. Marrh 7. a dauahter.
V. T. Helemun waa la Traveraa Cll>
I* tu bare a band tn the naaV future
| * number of Empire iportumen en- Some cl the
Mr. and Mn. Pred i a*e retnriMHl Frtdav aad bialurda) on hualatm*Tuetday from Ihih. when- Ibe) have
HU...I Tbon.. ol
Spearing through ibe tec baa been
Luther lamb of VanBoivB county
bb> imrenu over Sunday.
heea during the •Inter
uiually good tliU winter.
lleery Hair of Petoekey rlelieO hU
Alex l.yia «aa In South Boardma^
Rev. Tremaln preached here SunMri.-r. Mra M. tlrani. and lamllv Saturday to aaelal Iv vieering up the
I Mr. and Mr*. HeHxrt Dexter apent
wreck of iiaKtenier train So. :. which
Ml** Ile**ic Stags vIMted her home ganday with Mlaa Bthal Aiiiuirung at
Kred Mar of Crofwm wa* the Burst ootnrred early Kridar tnuralg.
In Empire Sunday. lUr tethm- came her bene In Honor,
-family apent Batter with Mru. Adi
of <i. M. Steele Uat TueMlay.
Mra. Mary Hodge* went to (irand
after her Saturday and brought her
Hendon and Inland Joined for Kaatur Bon'a luoiber. Mra- Clark.
MM. HHen lUker tame liufiic from Kainda Tueatlay fur an Indellnlte aiay. back ihe next day.
exerdaea, which were bald at Hic'
Miss Etmna. daughter of Mra. Helen
Mra. Violet iniiiuierDtan and alater.
BoytK. City Saiar>lay.
Town*bl|> eaticii* wa* held here Sat- inland M. E. rburcta Sunday evening, Cate, and wm t haae. aon of Mr. and
t'har Sieel’a daushicr. Mr^ Jlyrtl'* Mib* Nina Burkbohler. of Slorktun. urdav afiern(M>n. The following ticket' K. U. ReyooMa left laat Week tor Mrs. Horace Cbaae. were Quietly mar-,
Fuller, and aiMi. Anlie*. air here Cat . wbo have liecn vtalting tbeir te- wa* named: 8ti|<ervl»or. John W. Ehle. l.aDBlng. where be will meet other* uf|fmd at tbe FYiends' paraona
ilH-r at Suiiih liuaidnian. are vlalilng
(nim Thonn-ooxllle
Ihe Orange taaunnee roupaay In ^rerue rtty March 21 They
dilra Kdlih llrldgmiaD uf .MnyOeld inlaiiver here.
looking over tbe work of the Ifst
attended Vby .^i.
Mr. mwu
and Mra.
' - .aru-ijiiwu
va* Ibr Burat of Mr* A C HodgeOn ai-coum of the waoboot at Marluiaae. They returned to tbe hei
. Tom Kalder- year.
fteld. cauae-( by the neveee aiorm Sun hou«.:meml«r board of review. Mark' Mra. V V. Jaqulab weail to Su- the bride, wbere a wedding dtener waa
Mtv 1. K Judkinit rcturoed from (Ur Blghl. 1- Murrla waa unable to Randall:
.-aorrod to a few of tbe relaUvea. Mr.
Randall; •-onslaMe*.
•-onsUMe*. FredFred' pi,her.
Plaher. «»•••
PvhMy *®'ialt her brother. T*-,.an
tlrend Ko|Uds ThurMlay
-b hi* idace ui bualne** here Mon- Uwe^ Haa*. R J. Taylor. William >«r Lewla. and (amUy.
and Mra. Cliaae will live with her
Aler l.yle vlHled fnmd» -x-. Aloa a •lay.
The Oteanera have been hauling'toenher here and ran the farm tbi*
week geo Sunday.
toga to Ibe mill tbe paai week. The'.unimer. All wrtb them a Jong. hup-'|
Gten Arbor School Notaa
K M. and r. Loop at*- prrimrlap in HtSgea were treated ii> an untnual. The eighth grade Is studying "Snow­ lumber will be uaed In buUdlng a p,- and .proaporoua Ufa.
eniatge their ginseng garden
ahower baib .Monday luoriilag at a
GleaMr ball In the near fntura.
bound n. li. Illd.ll.<come weui to Kalknaka'odoik in an aueiapi to eecurd tbe
Mr. and Mr*. C. B- Lomb and Mr*.
A tine ne* aanliary drinking foiinB'edneMlay i» conauli |•b.v^lcian*.
jawnlng In Ironi of the Uabom dwell-1
'Jacob l-omb were in TrarerM City
IQ has been Installed as the rekults
Ml** Manha Rerpatelne 1* home’ing l»-foVe. It took lia
on buMneae Friday.
of a nocbl glren some time ago lry,ihe
from HapU t'lty on a week's vacaHon. on an eiiended aerial lUght
Charte* Wllaon baa rented hte
WUIIamsburg. Marcb 24.—O.
Mrs A M 8ie.-Je went to 8i. Is-} The Oraee and «tii clast enlerulnfarm to Mr. Ruaeell of Berrien coun­ Marsh left Monday for a trip to
nare WeWaroday. returning Friday.
led Ihe Keep Sweet class at itae borne It make* a fine addliioi* to the eQuip ty. who moved here last week.
Saskatchewan country. He expect*
Mbs Ruth Boroe went to Traverwe of iheir teacher. D.' 1. TIflauy. on
to be gone about a month or six
r book! have recently been
^l*y Saturda.v for a week* vlHi with 'Friday evening. March 21. The eveic
log wa* iileaBanily aivent in
s Edgar Hill te.cafing,for will DaCOBMALL
Tbe smpll* have been atudylitg tbe
male. Including a treat of
Moses Wagner •|<eoi Sunday
viaou. wbo la sick
ranama canal from a Ane relief map,
nots BBil grape*.
Truverue City.
Mr Benedict will comlnue revival
4-ornelK Marcb Si—Mr, aod Jdra.
Dg ail tbe cut*, lakea. moun
A. iloibcrg went to flrand Rapids
fhur«-h eerviccw for MaiAi
Hopier^lddausb visited at Ed Corteeks. etc.
fViday nlghi tn *pe«BrEaseer with .hi- fvrMrhlrui at i<s:3ii a m. by Her
ly wt 7:3<J every evening.
neU’a Sunday..
A lumber of the papll* will wtn
aon, Oscar and lamlly.
{tv. Baker. Sumlay whnol at 11:1
Alvab Pnrka will nwve onto and
John j»my ,Ja aiowly Ipiffoving.
Hodgaa * iJreen brought In flfteen m. Kpwunb league at C:2U p. 0 ow,ards for regular aUendance during
Guy W. Slack of Cadinoc viaited work tbe M. T. Moore farm receatiy
new Imrae* Saiuriby.
| I'rayer meeulng every \Vedn<-*davIV the term. Thtwo are *«veral wbo have in this virlnU) ni|ad|j' aad Sunday. fmrclmaed w( Dan Drovey .
made records for not being ahaent or
M!«* Alta TiKjrne was home lroii> evening at t:3<i p. m.
nnd -Uiu. •ftotewt Sweeney of
and Mtk Ml9k Jenkioa and
>lr. and MrA i'-barjey JenUna and
Tbe pupil* of Mr. Bbclby'a room family called on Frank BuUer Satur­
A'meBL arrived borne Monday aecom-.^,
held a "iowD*hlp cauco*'- last Friday day evening.

♦ panted-h, bar aon. Frank.
Tbe necktie social held at Alton
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦ ♦} R. M. Ham* spmvdtng a few day*
Jenkina Uat. Friday evening waa not
tauwn. Marcb 2S.—Dr. Margaret |p |
r Creek oe bttalneea.
very well atiendod on account of the
MarKejlsrof Neemuch. C*ntmllbdl..l
MHn.osh of MlnneapoH*. • Th proeeeda were M
wUI give an sddrea* Sunday evening.
arrivnd Monday io visit bla
Mm. l-evi Strong la Mill deulned
rhnrch. mother and sisters.
March 3Aih
iUUner. Mareh tt.-A «uM wed­ at Oopemlab hy the IIImbs of her
ding leak place Marcb l»th at BeitMr. and Mru. WiU Smaller have
IIWI -I Alrtcm.
l otonJ., „|.rt hem. »«. -V-" M-y ™1»..
ried to Mr. Urxrdy. We all wish bar moved onto bla falbcr'a pUce. He
Ml* Hofkman and friend Stetiley uotidny
win take care of hte fatbm'a bntteeaa
much Joy but she will be
Jones, apent. Easter la KMgsley.-the
Mis* Jewny *pent fMaier la Travda
gurwm# Moa Hnefcman'a •nrentn.
arae City, tbe gaa*i of bai parewta.
Mr. aad Mra Herman Kmtner and
this place.
F. R. Van Horn eniertaiaed the |ic
Mia* Frames Williams and Mls<
,mHy spent Snndny at Roy SpaagMr. Harvey la mnk
dro club Katurdpv evening,
Ronnie ef Tmverro (Mi> *i>eiit tbe
to more to Bellalre a* soon at the
sleigh rUr luny urnte
week end With Ml*e IMIn IVillUm*
Uas« Uke. HoUuMay and were w»ter-| O. W. Re.vwolds wrni to Trwverae ronda are aettted.
Mm Zow«Hlter mlled on her mothertained at tha bowie of Mr. and.Mr*. City, Mawday oa huslnea*.
tndaw Bonday
J U Brayton
Mr* E M H|rr *|M-ni Monday In
Mra. Fterence was In Oruum MooMrs 8 SiariHick. who ha* Iwen to Troveroe City on'imslne**.
Mapteion.- Marcb 24 —Oordmi Valday.
Rochester. Minn., for medical ltvul-| Airs f1yde Sanders of limnd Haple.v.
Mra Town»oo wa* In Traverse City
inaitiule at Big Raplda. returned
lam weeh
■Mr. Mill* wa* la Traverae City oae bum* Frtdarttwrlle i-ootadBa nofd a bone last
day last week on
Mr*. Lambert will soon be back to weak and pwvbMed a Ane new one
•>lrm. Andrew Gilmore apeot Satur­
her daugbter's In BHtner.
day and Suaday in Traverse City.
Mrs. Say Is helping ta
Mr, aad Mna. Jekn Oohm and ron
Mrs. Wllltnma. tbI* weak.
ay spent Sanday with Mr. aad Mm.
Allen WUIlams was a TruTeme City
Arthur I.jon.
caller laat week.
A party of young folk* enjoyed
There will be a maeOag a<
im Ane akntiiw am GUmare'a pond
Beliner kcbool bouae April «(b<
Sunday nflernoon.
Tbe P. M. railroad onebnif mite
Mr. and Mra. Frankltn Smith apent
south of Bmuter was
Sunday with Mr. and Mru. Frank VnV
day morning on account of iho wash- ley and family.
out Sunday nlgbL
Ferrost Johnson apent Baater Sun­
Mr. WlUiama waa pumping
day with hi* aunt and uncte. Mr. and
walar out of bla cellar Monday.
Mr*. Alex t'anwH. of Treroree City.
*a.vs be has lived hero twenty :
Mike Lnrdte epent Sunday wKb bis
and thU te tbe rUsi tlma tbe water family In Traverne City.
t ^
baa made him any trouble.

- .=?

o«n«pml L «w PmacMee.
wars B. Cogintoa

♦ 4444444-44444 4 44 4
ibwrg, Mnrcb M.—Oa account
of bnd ronda tbe rongregational
lAdle*' Aid was pneipone.1 laat week
and will be held thb wek Wednroday
with Mrs. Frank Steven*.
Tbe Oldenabuf* Aid wlU meet nexi
Wednroday. A4WII 2. with Mr*. Jobu
Kroupu. Jr.
Mtea Kittle Golden returned U«
Saurday from Grand RnbM*. where
she Bpeot tbe winter.
Swaney returned Batufdtf
night from Detroit, where be v
culled three wRnk* ago o* nceount
the aerton* llineus of Pete Ajera.
Henry Pot and wife have moved In
tbeir new houee on tbHr farm Ibex
purcimsed last year.
Mr. Badd died at tbe home of bte
•OB tn Old Mbteioa last Sunday nnebtsg. Tte romalu were abteBdd :t0

{teShtac lor bmiaL
. Afvble Heifricb and Irrlnc DCto
knivni bend ten Ttoitoy fron Dw


and Mines' Wool Suk.,

$lO io$SS ^
Men'. All 'Wool Serge Suit,
also Canimere^ Tweetk. elc. Made of Serge.. EaPonge.
Bedford Cotdt, etc-, in vety
LMedModeIn '

i4l $10.00

•‘L’-.SyWem Hand Made Spedal at
Qolhe. (or Young Moi.
In thi. anortmenl you
At $15.00 to $25.00 torn Ladies’ Dresses Waists .
Ciadten’. [Jrewe., etc,.
Odd Pant. to $4

ckp. 50eto$L50
• Cor. Front and
Union St*

Value to $1.50


Traverae City.



AMiUd olSprino
Sales Week
tteeb Slslla AprU 61b
^tedds Every Day m AU Departments.
E.W. WoolworthCo. 5 and l«c Store

ilw rv>t7 ■l•> nrr witT imtin] ii.v MMuanl ............
Mk\tWiiI Jjirynwn Lwi« llrnt »e iHsir. ruB-A^ m« na outlr
• paal irrtml. II >aisrbml is uut aMOji u «rl* as it ■buuhl. .un-

Animal Regulator
2Sc.50c,$l; 254b. pul. $3.S0
nr«ir aoocr beck if it f«l«”

HeaHng Ointment
25c. 50c
•I wn- mU. I w II .« I
ISilS AIbmc (HKB

Got Pntt»


Hannah A bay Marc, t
Impiemtnt (

Special ^rgains
Mertets’ Trading Week
SS.OO to $6-00 off on Bude-to-ncMore tuiU.
10', to 20', off on Bopbo>»r« Olotbw.
Kf reduction «n Dms Pnato.
To clotc out Sweaters Va to Vt off.
New Dress Shirts. 48c to »e.
Prints, 8c yd.; Quighams, 8c, fc, 10c, 12c and *8c.

Special Shoe Sale
To make more room we will close out odds ud eads and
broken sines at cost and b^ow. D you are lookiac for bargains, don't fail to see us during the trading week.

Premium Tickets «vJtk Every Parckasc


A wrttpr Ota a rrmt taiiii tnatta above (be floor and ab Inche* out
}<D0 telhi hit mpltaad of rarlae for to protect tbe ptca.
"ow* He nr* In pan:
It lulRbt be well to remenber tlieac
advla* a Uila aow at
farroaiuc. but S vaai oUuc la «oo<l ndea, Rbroa by on ckpeet;,.
A now that la robed oa rOBeeutmicl
ruuBd rirab put oo by iileaiy of re«d
a«d ««arcl«'. a«d Uc «•« well kaa- 'food, wltbcut iiiflrlnui oxtrelae. alll
never mako a prontobb brood
tlled OMl UM
. PbB (be tecdlBg of tbo bniod how ,
•rtt* beat Mliar t «*#r ralaed %aa
Ip yneh a a'sy (hat they mvi walk to
from a itin ibat veliihed In at isi
RM ibelr feed.
te—alwa- eoadHIou. but acihe
them In Rood llceh and tlirtny
piR Mli» ftrrvvml Hcht e^'eu
but not tat.
iKn mot looked • week oM befor*
Howa a-lli rtuw kloRRlab and lory If
«b;bu oBd wore aoropiiliu like ■ boo-b
allowed to lerow tw> tai. sad tbb con­
<H (MTler pupc. TtaU now fell o> to
dition will work havoc at farrowlaR
SM poaeO* at oeutoc Omm wUb acod
r«w< and ipdlvldinl rare. If ubo bad
Place feedlaa pbtfom><. at aotne dU
(arrowos la poor Hea. I do not kao«
loar* frtrea iba peaa. In atonu^
«ber« she wonld bare stoPiMu)
waattaer feed to tbe i>eaa
Pul eseb MOW la aa ludivldual pea
Be aure are pea* are froa from
about a week before farrow and W drafu'of cold air.
ber rcBulp iberc iniUI a week after
Keep the bed* dry aad ompte.
Tbo more cuarfurtable you keri,
lljiUrldool bop bouM«« or Carroaiw; yoor best tbc nrore profit tbo will
i«. ore Mflcpdld. but wy boa bar» mum lo mi
Teed the lioar fur vluor. noi fur lat
b 14V feet hraR b> 3v wida.
aacb »lde. wlU louHoot alley (or rou- and M exarctae aater lata lii* (UiMleai-o lor bopdlias la all klada of
Witter only
ury BOaa ae iwn be
wtRlber. Oa t-liber aide of tbe allry
iu taalB hare liave dltMod off (aio Rfr en perfect
yCever lead fruico awQ]
bxT—fauttoM VD «Kh aide
Tbote b a'wladow h> cverr pen:
Watch (be tnarfceia; a little depraa
tboer on tbc eortb aide are cotered nbrn I. alaay< followed by a kit-n dr
with cbeeae cMfa to let la air oud nrand
preveol dralU: on tbe aoulb atde
lireed and feed fur tbe fancy trad,iiavo Rioa*.
There U alwaya a preniiuw on
Uo aoulb aide o( tire born
fbolee product*.
arranaed uiv forrowloc p«
t'ae ibe dbh-walinr for lertUblnv
Srreral peowepM out uf dooia lalu pnrpoKca. and Rlve (be |>Irh |HUt.
a hoc lot feorod tor earb uf tbe aee. clean water to
eial pooh. In Rood acMber ibli a>Give Ibe hod* every day oil the
iloa'n «e«ti ao« to lobe a otrotl ood clover hay Ibry alll oat.
r-be i> atm coafloed *wbere you want
Sasar beet* an.' a »aat valuable ail
dittos to tbe pis railoo.
Iby beddiBR b put In every day.
If tbe b(«B affueal. find yui wby
Around tbi edee of tbeee peni I (.^mfo
Portable hu«a ne'er aqucal. Tberthave pieced • Ss4 about «i«bt loehea b no
ao money In aqueab.

(Formerly S. a. KNOX a Coj Traverse Clp'. Htch.

City Dru0 Store

=_»Bagbee’s Old Sland”==^

S|H-<-uil Kiiar»iit«'<''t Hut
H<<til>- ur KuiiiiUiiii
5(pii.v kiiiiK Pi vuriuua
|>ri»i'» ami nil (fuiMi.


ilrHiiiif'iil l*n\ {•uixr ill
Many s1v1*-k f».r lOic i« 25c.
WriliiiK lalilvts. '•'•rn-ajHJii'leui I- curdK.

Tixitk nmi ^'ail
t'omloi .MiUiU-urc Tunis. su|>araU- or in ip-ts.




Bargains in


J ^9 Bluchcr Shoes, new styles. All



LADIBS mragHOE»Wclo«
at a barnin; button and bhiehar
83.80 and SSOO



MEN S LATEST 8TTLE batjg ton « blQcher ffna abeea; |3.7t

........ 1,95


WS' SHOm—Tltt ktad lh.t
wear; button dr bluchcr; nice
sew laaU; extra values at $1.48,

” ".............98c



—AU rood leathers; ao shoddy,
the loud that will reduce year
u> n m shoe biUs. Mg bargains at 811$.

^ S’"'"............ 57c


^ leather. They are going fast Oet



RDBBERS-Have low


It pays to buy your shoes here
and people have found it ont.

iMiit SIloe Hmi» iI IMiNn MMlia


Let the Herald and Recced Co.
do your ioh Wont.


Tim is w hiTi- wc shitn-. U'e
<-urrr all Uu* well knowu ami
lHi{iiilar udurw ami are aunto pU-ase,>‘uur fam-y. During
Tmilinff Wvck yon tuny haviliigh ifrsiiv iNTriiiiic fur Sfc
^•r oz.

Oeme aad see tbe i
we offer you la all i
See our window and tuside dispUys of fresh, new goods.

ToDet Goods
Nju-rially fill*- Tm.ili
itriidi—a I'-ail'T. fur, 10c.

ntkt idctB

Yon will And H greatly to your
interest to do your drug «ad sundre tndiug with us .during the
evMwiay spocul BteTCbuti’ TtUdiug Week.

l.y lli-^|».UDil null
lo jiuitcU.


We’U Make It Worth
Your White to Bay
Your Shoes Here



Snsiiat A.D.S.
\Vc arc Tmvenn: Cil.v
iiK<-nU for tlirac wvll known
tTiii'fly f'lr all orJRhUry fnniily illN. anil I'Vcry ouv g<*oil.

OouM and make our store your
iu the
»uc wvj,
whether you need saything in the
drug Uoe or not. Bemember, you
rteri whik

Sgailii iUnt
S-f UK f<»r priopa uti lawii
ArKcnat''. IHw Vjiml, Paris
Gr<-cti and all Kpraytug uiat> rial.

JolUl P. SCOft



To <>eam«ll« Vale, a Holatela voa
uwned at IiutcblaaJ fana. Meckton
Maa.'Rrtanaeus. anw boloosa ib« dis
tinctloa 04 belas tbe world’* freatoai
m'7;k pradiM rr. Sbe.bas jnat coapleii-d a year'a taoi, tba reault of which
by uDiclal aBUOunvenuot aboas
aaan> yield nf i i.ion nuarU
n.r'ks'pouada of milk
(VeaBcIle Vale b» tar oudUrlppwd
II compcUtura. Her rv'ord esiwedv
that of her seateat rlt al. also a Hoiat«la. by Ttv i|tiar4a. Her brat da.v'i
wort was ;;i qoarta and ber larReai
vleld for one month totaled l,^<
To efMWe the famoaa HoMelB
do ber bent and to win a worM'c
i-hamploaahlp. no iiato* acre apsred In
provkdtau for her Rdpd health and
Spectally«ms(nirted sulb-. famish­
ed la summer with elei-lrir tans, kept
her cool and restful. No files were al­
lowed to annoy her. and a faithful
icodant looked after her dally needs.
Creameile Vale 1» dthl years oID
Money cannot buy ber. but ber eon*
and dauebtera are aonebt at. tbc lilRh
vat lulcea.
broucbi the subatantial aum uf tlu.<H>u.
To aeo jasi boa Imionaot a
aDced ration Is for diary to*a. a Icmir
eV|>erltiiaBt baa been complaied at tbe
ala etparliaeat ataUoa. Pm lot
of cowa tarelved a ration of con
ase. eiover bay. rIuIcq fend
kiwaad-eara la aaeb anwooia that


iRland. Man* to.—Mins Bcbel WIm'
of iieiratt In here for a abort visit
wKb her sum. Mrs. H B. Aadfwwa.
.Miron Siover rrtumed today sner
lour weeks' visit al Barker'(.'rack
Mrs. M. IS. HIIU and Urn. M- B.
.McKerrber spent last week in Trav*
erne City.
Mip. N. PauhiB ta reoovaiiar tram
hWR and polafal Ulaaaa.
Tbe t^'altai T. Bast Wemaa'a dub
cave a 8i Pdritok s aortal and
'-course tuRUer at tba etab noma
on MoRidny evtmtoR. Tbe raoow t
beaMlfully and approprlmety *i
atedu A Urffa rcwwd was In ai
donee, wbe «teatlr oafovad tba ansii
Tba cNMMaluae «Bo
planar H worn »n la
Jam. U Boss aad Mrs. Grace McffC
ft piwed a sreal aneceas
both fbiaactoaij’ aad sncWly.
Mr. and Mr*. Blackwoad ere s^lac a raw dare at tbefr eettaffe an
Hr. Hariidoa of the Itoffpafb to-

them was about one pouad of protein
all pounda of caitKrhydfatra ami
tat. Tbe oUicr lot revelved corn »11
Use. ilmoUiv bay, clerei hay and
ffroaad com and tbc railo of tbe feed
was one pound of protein h> 11 poundof carbobislratcs and fat Tbla aec
opd ration la a Rood deal tbe atnte a
many of lllluola cowa receive, and 1too low lu protein. Tbe blsp cos'
lecelvloff the flial ratloa produced
iLsrh; pooads more |u»k durtna tb,-.
teal tban the loi on lim alWr miioii
U amounted to a difference of tv d
pounds of milk a day for each cos
Tboee oa. Ibe tfrat rt^fgu^a^au prvdoced more tot and
teas feed i«R tbc amoau they pro
dueed than dW ibe uOxitv- Tots ex
peilmeni proves axala. a> bas boeu
many tltr
that coap do fbelr brat only on s k>>>
oDced mtton.
All throuRh tbe cast dnlry Inroien,
-e here and there tuminR ibelr s<
tcntlon to db« produelioti of )iU>>
sradr cream as a ai<eclal branch of
dairy fnraanR. T^ buaineas Is c*
pocialiy adapted for those dairymen
who are rearlns purebred stui-k. bc
cause li Jeevea tbc Kktm milk on th<farm for use la raartoR calves. This
Is of Rreat-important to tbc broetb-r
of choice stock, for no sukMhate ha*
beoa found for skim mlU as a lead for
lalves durlnt tbe first six moatba ol
Abeir Hv«s. Those wbo are net roui
lac wives Had rwmI ivmfti In tbe rear
lOK o* piffa.
team bareau, CMcmu* !• »»«W
tew daps bMbftiR altar tbe iMarraia
of his fsnn.
Lake Mhhlsaa U still tmsab be
twees Lalckd aad tbe Manitou U.
lands. Tbara bss been m mall botweea tbeas places tor several weeka
Mrs. M. & HUls was callad lo 8s<
laaw teday by tbe serious lUseoa of
her aval.
.'apt. BC Peter leavee^ Monday for
PeMwster. iurtne keen transferrcid
that ptoce front tbc North Untiou
We savlnc statkw. where be bra been
captain for tbe pnst il rears.
Mr. and Mrs..r)ordes are tbc pmod
pamu of a baby dau^tar.
Mrs. Sasan BlancbAeld. who baa
braa «ery fll vftb tbe Rrtp and henn
(roubk.'to muck


157 E. Front St.


Traver^ City^s
Exclusive Style Store
Was never more pre-tminenlly equipped loTaithfufly
pxtiay ihe leading style conceits artd fumidi a
guide to “coned dress" for ladies

At Very Ordinary Prices, Qnafity Centered
The Bulg^arian
Detui-TaUored and Plain Types
All Find Equal Expressiuii
in the most favered
shades for

Suit, Coat or
Epoug^ Cords. Diagonals,
Crepes and other Wanted
At Meek tiUchlatrS hitW
vlacc V.a That Trpvenc '
CUy aaS The baracy

cs. m psnicaiar

Should be aud is yoiu logical
iTffiltttg point wfaeo buriog
Ladies' Ready-to-Weat.

JMake eSf^ CfiltiWei li^ you solve tire questioa of of ol^intng iiie mmt soil4>!e at the Wear cost commsasurale with hi^ yi^ile.
A “Mutual Benefit .Style Stose" is what we m^aia.' NiStK cottmaen are the satuGed hkk They irtum.



* * * * *.*
low. «M tod ea^ronrtb coptob of odd to wbut tad let n oil cane too
ta> tnco done oror It ttal fonuera*
♦ DEWUT* rOR eVIRV OAV. • Hour, tbo wtltn-of ire egm bnrtoa boU.
♦ TRIED AND FOUMD UtirUL. • I.biI;;cs i,a^« to do onl h lo good
otUI. )nl(w of oae-taU ot o iNxn. aU
Soaca Z. Hard aooco Rta tocetbw ♦♦«<♦♦♦♦♦♦ D♦
bui ibe papert oreolwora opreod
How Boor bouMAeepm Mjr. “Din- bootea to UgktU- Cover wlU boiled one e«p ol better and two enpa of conMaclUae crenae ner he renoved aroend where the
rafae the
n« would be eno)' ir It wm«a-t tor tclaj:,
tecOooer o ansar till It H saooth at from waah ceod. br dlpido* I. coM hardaot. Daat dec* not frE throndb
Idanaloc deaeert?
Here are thin}^ Oonar-Beat In all tbe
Boat Un white of «a>a on varr raia water and aoAt.
p»p*r to crlad not the «f*el roc do**“1~*"*”*’
“ powdered ootar the white of oec «a ■*>*• and Ibid Into the batter and augu muatard be mUed with tbe white •'» b» make Ian a loag whOd. CopI WOULUm, BDROft
!!y?*** ■'** ***“'
"i** »Bl taka Bake, la patty Af- 8«t Uberaltr with fratod ant* of ta on laMoad of water, the plae- board eheivee. celter taUoa. or any
ilonaekeeplac- Try tb«m, when you
i„ * rtow ovaa. Wbeo cold, lator wiu draw without bU»t«r1ag tbe P*»*» la coneunt naa aeed aotdoa be
2>i»l cant think of a alnale thin*.* vert, ecoop out the taalde and flU wUb
*■ Ctutard aauce—Om pint *aia
ecrubbed It kept eorerad with papera
The eancee referred to by aunbar are whipped cream.
of bolHn* milk. yolk, of tkxae eoa.

_____ _
. _________ ____
o« .11 mr
-k— .a.
given at the ooil of tbe artlcla
balU—Make cake of one aad ®“*
of ooraetareb robbed ^
prepared on nomoee I.
wed. I
arue. «>d .Uia tbe .vU lor lb. time
Cu.Urd Pte-Bake In opta taell, J.Z(
In a UtU. cold milk, oaa UbM- f“ ****
». -I -od. «
' plawer of tmrU wet with n UiUe w. cover the door <
Ckrold *» but draw back tbe cumin, being, and. If calM forth conUnoally. coward of one pint of milk, ihi^ alfuJ Mx
In tin agga
fore putting down the carpet. It ta'
Thnt oarround each otbef. Itvn.
will coon off conoonor In tba end.
taWeapoonfuU of .ugar. LTandW^f

— 1“ »»*“»*
BUlna may ba raaovad trem the
Si* tbair uked bean and atdHt.
All cor great^t men and women -*nd one teetaoontol1 of
u„ powder,
«>wdcr oar
one pint
nluY of
» begini
begin, to thick.*.
of vanilla.
dear Bitted aU «H “
u^-x. by waahitm
la tomato ****
Ibe carpeu are Uka* up;
Ktaw whet >|Hir tbe action girew' uncoQKlouBly gave and demanded the
of melted
---------- Podding—One
------- ....... of time.,
------- . dre
...-------lake, or mlu
of lemon, or dUttted OA- '**• •’***era can be quietly ptetad np
Ofton we would And It better.
higbeat and beat that humaniu- had to
emcker crumbe aoaked In one and butter. U'hea cold cut away all cmat. *♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ^.„u
and carriad out and the door aearcely
Ikuwc than we Judge we Should—
offer. It la tbe baata ot all true friendoa.-h.ll 0... « oOlh, you.
,h„. oo. I. .ou.,., dip. Ul ov.r. 1. hoU«l
K« “•"««
^Ve nhnnM tove eneh other better.
ahip; It U the tnfagonrd of lore, for
agga. OM uMeai>oohtul of malted but- icing and then grated coootant.
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ____
oB*»ded wUh clouds of dML
) teat tbe iBieariir
Integrity of
of tlringa
If we only nndfrntood.
lo>e makee oonclnual clamor for tbe
•tel A|>rU Fool party la de- '
They are great belpe to kdm> war
Rloe BlaDcmangw-One taan of.
1 by weight, and ti
lUaplay of noble chaiacterUtlca. There
acribed In tha Aieil Mmbar of the '
wUb: If bed cieibea arc acarce. a laythe qaaJUiUee la tbe rarioua recipea.
o»dd....uad.od»d.h, .o.d.* ^r’ho".^
I'a World aa foUowa:
gr of japera uri-ee»
between tbo
ve a giaas atoppar from
uo eovera keep.
To recDove
frtmi a. •”
See 'ibc good and bad within.
A J«*ter'a
jeater'a dinner
dinner la
la to
t be given cm
a ple^ clo^ Vhxjiii^ ‘I** ‘**•1 in and tbe oold
ll wm die as aura?;. .. doe. the .danl ,
P“Wln*-Bake. in a loaf, one to uate.
Uate. BoU (lU tblck, when cold.
Often we abould lo>e the .Inner.
iwl too thin* pum
Piaea d
newv|m|eT, ta­
of vanilla. Pour *»***
'■"* i* » JoT to the wmer'aad bold It tor a
All the while nc loathe tbe alA
without aoll. < ,.cc lei a i<r«m feel
change. Boea
Serve with
“ T*'
the neck erf tbe bottle.
OouM we know the powera working
ihat ha ha. ca?..,..., I ,our perm>n‘h* >®>Ba of thraa------*-------------written on footacap. are fOMed lato a
1 aUB. the wbitea of two a
The beat will cauae tbe glaja to ex- your feet get uid when rMInc? Fold
To e>«ithraw lategaity.
alliy-^trtici boll.
newapepecn Into a tort of 01 erWe abouM Judge eech other's error*
«»*• P*®'
Compound Puddmg-One-half pint
P“B«W>tr can eaally be
ycMT ntfitv- iiQil *: ;.i
-wnoea to allp roar feet InT and comm. Oivc
““ wic^bair tcoapoonfuli ol bak- «.cb of atale bread an^ cake crumb.,
^ With more |«ticni charity.
ibcc e nc; d he no «■ <h:ir.stion.
Oivc ,
In* powder. Iced when beked. with ,
tieiln^ly cf >onr i>cst
It we knew the care aad trials.
I. and.voiir be.t «m srow. ****■*'•
**01 •>**>
1mUk. yolka of four aggi, grated rind
Knew tbe eSort all In vain.
and licit will be ibe bsneai that you
Charlotte Rnase Puddtng-Une tbe of onr iemon. bmtar tbe alae of a walAnd tbe bluer dlaanioiDtnieot.
Faat«a a paper over H la yonr cake
I'ndarataad tbe h>aa and mun,
I III or bread acorching In the »vm? Cover
Would tba grim eaterMl roughiHwa
*TbmgB new and old" tor you.
Wrap yonr woolen good.
Seem. 1 wonder. Just tbe aamef
.Ml., b., ...X .X lh<
and Tw* tawWlF te.,aound mpen.
Would we help where now we bidder?
Merlngne Soak threeTbe M iat‘on at Delia,
and they will be'M anenra from moths Would »e pity where we Uame?

IMbk lb.. Ml, miibi
as tbongb In a eadnr ebaat. With pa^ *“**
bnrnh until dry and «hnii«f
have a Rdaaloa? A writer In a recent Wban cold, cover with meriague of .dd to three pints of bolltng mUk. boll
• ki..s add
.AX one rvpiul ot
It It
r«n h« bi««
narrow Boti—i
' a^ei^^wus
clean- »*«?«•«»■
Ab! We Judge each ether harably.
four wbitea. and dot that wlib ted thu-k.
sugar,....theform the
biagaxine aaya:
rlbboaa ot the aame rotor wui ftreteh ^ by rubbing ll tborooghly U white
Knowing not Ufa'a hidden force;
80 Strang la the maternal Inatlnct
each place and IcrmloaU with gn,„^ n rtould than be bang out <rf •*” *
**“• "'*<•*new*,
Knowing net the fount of action
Coeotaut He—Hake In one crust, gniled eocoanut. onetatf of a aalt- to
in most little glrli. that a ahawl fold­
teol'i cap
_ _________
_ papera will put Iba dalibUg touch to
la laao tnrbld nt lu aouihe.
egga. one-halt of a cupful of milk, spoonful of anlu 'Bake, and spread
ed, or a clothciHiin dresaad ui^ will
Seeing not amid tha eril
^ihTJI hU^r^ ^
** *
proce.; Mvmal Umea ud U>o tur wUl
answer aa a doll for mothering; U no the grated rind of one-half of a lemon, with
anyAU the golden gralna c* good:
belter la at bands It U tiue. also, that butter the alxe of a walnut, ime cupful
r«« r«.,
loMomd « nailing tbe outer cloth **>“»
TheT»» «»Uani to polOb? are'* leva each other better.
for the baby glrl'a uae something may of powdered augar. and one-half of a
cup ^urda-Bake. in cops, mixIgnorance la bliaa. 'Ua -n tbe IrooSna-board with
. «•“ otd atovea that bare not been
If we Mly wdamoed.
be said in favor of the rag doll w-hkh
—Select ad. can be pulled and
about without
Cream Puff.-One pint of fftllk. Hh: , one-balf ruirfnl of milk, six teaspoon^ h«.rt«,ViL
' “* .
, *■
very eonvenlent to changing tbe w“>
dlabaa. black
Injury, being already ao bideoM that *■*•**••
*Aur egga beaten stiff, one fula of auHr onwbaU a eattopoontul ^ latterad,
no m.t«.i»«i can aiW to im ugi: «!*<“•
-"toAT- on. to. of aalt. beaten Well togtKber. Rprtnkle
aot look for wroni; and e»ll: • naaa. But. hen a child U old enough
»"*• “>“iw^"
t? .^^5
... umu tn whirh tbor
• ^ou win dad tbam If you do.
really to noUc*. and to begto the
•«« l*“Ar with one
Oranire TanJeta-IKat. to bolltng
LargwaUod collar .UDoortorw will
who trat torantTurnip Cup.
keep cbUdiwn a aofi ribbon «««h.x
God bUe* the
■ Aa m maasnra for yonr neighbor. *
eet task of mothering. U U aureb'
oue-hnlf tonapoonfula of bnkin* water, the Jolce
lour omngee. Deviled Cmbe
Baked Potatoes
hevlna a •'strinav'' sooMranee «d tba newnpajM
and Maaa tbe day

He win manaure back 10 yon.
■ better to cultivate her iMae of beautv. PO*der. Bake to pattypans. Sauce 3.
>(ed »wel of one. Juice of halt a lomEgga en Surprtoa
Oet the largeat alxe of celtotoid or **^
country that baa bronght
• took tar goodnata look for ^dTbI. la one mission of a pmiy dolU
Bf-Aaed Puddlng-Onc egg.
Add two teaspoonCuattrd
hone supponetw. and put one to front
witbto tba rtacb of an. U Iftt

A'^cn cheep dtrfto with Indeatr^molaaaet. one co|.ful of fula of amooth corviarcb. When c«ol
Meal Pie
_ aide of the
Tomato BaUd
oM aD each
aasb-oe »Aly six place, to aU America cobM

’ Ible-heada are made now >0 |*relty aa
oi*a1*1^ of a cupful each, bui- bake to sheila of pastry.
amre. ^ coume. If the tofiaea. of tbe >«•«
newwpnpera. now erery town
The menu rendi mtber oddly for u ribbon iwsUf- It Tiiriaanrj
of any otse la aappitad with tham.
guaata wlUFor boys' overalU take a gunnyT»i*« *m ak many prlntad ahaeta hr"
______ .. . _,iddle tbe *>>• Itohed SiaUa aa to all the worU
I Povrnv Sirrei. ti 9«torfialf of a cupfnl of sliced citron, mtoowa. HTtlp one pint of cream to
m bouillon, and ibev
fU dlaeuver Jong way. langth of the leg. Sew up beoldea. Think what a naUon of raad, ™iib, lb', b... .

TV— <•» ibbMpoo.
k.T nw
croqoettas to tba the saama and yon wUl have a nice. Af* *« «f* to»ct>mlng. and does It not
Into boiling water, bofl
-baked potato-' aklita. and tba deviled cheap pair of ovenOU for the boys to become us to apply (haaa papan to aU
Essex Pudding-Uake to a toaf. cake rapldlr for twaaty mtautaa; drain,
w-ould taan and abut, tbe clothea wei
crobs wii ba nothing aor* nor less do their eborm to after schooL
‘be good purposM w# ogn? They are
of one and one-balf cupfuls of pow. god dry 00 n towel Chop dn» anffiPartatan in'itototy elegante. It wi
than mashedpotatoes, served to the
Take aa old pair of cbenlUe cur- <be poor mna-a comfort, and tbe
derad sugar. ona-haU of a cupful of dent date* and dgs to make katf a
llternlly a creature almost
cinb abplle abd sprtaklad trilb brown- ulna, raval out the different colora bouaekeeper-g Mend. Ut ua use w^
butter, one-balf of a cupful of mUk, ,dai. Turn. tbe
craam Into a
■Too good
. - bblpped
ed bread crumba. Tba
'» our- and wind to bnUa muny care to re- And not taHM Ihjb rick blfhH of
For human nature', dally food."
cupful, ot dour, the white, of dvc ^u. aad stand It to
iber eonuin- priae" will reveal an to. aarrad In asg more every thread of warm Select
“I’nlocktta the Traasure House" fa
eggs, one and 0
a of ing cracked tea. Sprinble over the
cups and i-ovcred wljb tbe bait of a abadea that bland nlcrty or color with

the mie of an eamy to a receo< mag..
IV any poaalMllty- would ‘*‘‘'***
‘A** ®f craam half a cupful of |«<•wdered aug- Urge egg ahell. while the -hnked ena- drea and tw lu looaely Into long rapea.
riae Tbe almtdicity of tbe itbraaea.
other allow tKTAO
her do BtWll
All over tbe tnke
and ,r. then the rice,
then th.
the fRiU.
B-.. «1.».........
tard* win pro- e to ba scrambled eggs Pretty dealgna may be found in cauTometo 8o«p-A dMktotn and nnioguea I'ae a brass rod. Tbe reaalt ,
to amphnaiae tbe truth. wUbin. Tbe
asked tbe child said JuaI this- ““*• the getaUna. add It to the other mlxA real maai pie wfU mask a dell- •• a dropary bandaonwr than many gwltaT^nt^aTmato wh^I^o^
. -tvben 1 com. home from ochool. I ^
ture. aUr Immedlatoly and coniinntay
^ aomethto* to remambar. CM
The man or woman who has maa- ,»ke her om of tbe drawer and set
““Ul the whole la alghtlv iblrkencri ctona salad, and tbe 'tomato aatod- *““'1 >*» the abopa.

Iborpngbly mixed. Tur*
ternd tba fact that, we erawte tbe ata cba'lr'tberi "alt vtoVrin an'- *®* '"*•'*
Tura at once **“
* combination of altcad blood
itartiri rT"^- » Puart can of toMtora for twemy
mmp^ to whlc^we move.'a. we other chain ln’frontj.r her. and I took
ibu, g nmuld gnd Mend galde to cool.
When I tUnk of ill Ttii ^in' I hgve
Ihrtwtfh » »*• Atore.
ud a fraaeo cuaurd mayoBnalae. The
r.^.. —a.— ‘
go threwgh life. ha. legrned . ,.ro1 like tojii^k gt her" Here of rolalna. Boll tern minutes, add one Serve plain or with whipped cream.' -------------------------------—w
T«fcD.-IMk ODD D.W.T
wb, b,
Ifewl drepa
_ of oaten JuJee. Cook a quart
found leaaoa
«u (be ggUsCgr^op of beguty to a ■ MDDDDrul DI ..DlllD. 8...D
boiler, adding
We have g]l hgd tbe exjierteoce of beaut.v-auned gliD

cleat roW water to cover. Drala pat «*««k »ber. hue of the Jeatere wilt
»ben at the boiUng point, two mble»~U..
,bo WDM ID DCt
Tb. tMct Umt .’blldDDD IdDH. <D ... one Mpful of rhubarb, freta or
Tenied; and alao iboae of today who
apoonfala o^ flour aUrred smooth to a
Ipoa na ilka genial aunabtoc. AH that
working on ihetr utov ebiMron'.
““ *®
tot® a double boiler with OBwquarter tm» paoclla and earda. martad with eannot affonl to gubacriba for any.
... I—
- - »»«**« ®n ibelr plav chUdraas
with one-half of a cut>- of . capful of aagar and the
•little cold milk. .
onr nature
roM---------to —*■ -------- --------------wardrobes la bv no >~Mn. , .Ball
®* a enpim of aagar and the ayrop, tbe numerala I > 12.-----------------------lor mor* man
than one. aaya
agya ManMary- aiuaer
Sidney- -------------------------------------------------------tbe damaad made upon li bj a strong, pan of tbe good' which dolls may do “
® teaapooaful drolaOd from a can of .prtoMt. adding «® *IU U*** pcopound n aambar of ^ ttaPhrm^^t^lL I w^
l-ro. vigorous parmmal... Such per- K ^
Intent t ^
W mt.lclent to give three
Altow|ta the
tbrta f
or three
to a laremt. Mr the
sons have a woaderfullv rich |«saagc ,n,cfcet which gives petience to over“^
*<>0 one-half of »toutee In which to gnaai and write
i of salt and cook •intU
tbeir anawars. Tba boatam tap. daaerving aeody people, that they. tare told tita f«raca dver
ttaroota life. for. to the same proper.llfrirult aUtchea. and w bear tbe
’ era take of live egg. beeua very tranapareat Cat *cb ptoce of aprt- a ramlnder bell at tha aad of aach
ttotAMT aa tha, wOl Mt
tloa that they draw good from othero. p,,n of pricked ftogerv.
^ Stitt, one and one-half cupful* of pow- « Into throe and put to Uyer. In a U®*® "Hnutes.
lotavg tL bISt L the^^ “e «*"*** 8pl^W.r cut parotoy



^ “-“Hr.-.:

bbMly lUMMIbb.

f, rb".M7;;\M™cb'''^aitarb.','':;





_______________ ______ ____ ____

j.« ,bu U.M w«.uu» D„. ^“"?bw w^rDD.

foraot ofdnlons whtcb two people may died with ■

saw nnytblng
anything oot
om of lthe ordtoarvabout btoi." And both _____
DDDnnlDD, ID, U DD. 11. .Icblj
endowad nature ha* baen- revealed,
while to the other ll remained a acaicd book.
1 remember as a mUa child
man who bald a rosponalble civil scrvlro appolnlmeot. and who used u>

.Ubb„,l«w... E^wIU.


-------------— --w—

------- .

an hour in a modamic 1.—Tlmt cap U a govammaat hooae?
e with cream.
2.-Wbat cap wui aumader on aUp«.<M-vi>ave
Cbocotote nice
Rica ruguing—-nase
Poddlag-Make aa
ulated term.?
3.~What cap b flckle?
<•—V’RAt^cap b Mie of tba algna of
tbi Zodiac?
6 —Wbnt^cap b alw«


' ItAis b4if cf c Cupful of milk, two cuptula

Bake In a pudding dish unUl Arm. not
hard. Serve wftk whipped creen.
Prune Pie—Une a i>ie-|ian with
“•>' ‘w • '‘f* »nd moth- tclng. mada with the whllas ot two liaBtry and All w|tk pitted atewed
___ adding Iwodm
er. and aoma daly abe will bring mi ____________
omltUa* vinegar, and
When baked, cover with a
bO- DDD UlU.
IbW *>1U. ,b.
.J. dI;....,
meringue of the vUtee of three egga
which win reproduce her ten child- „( one-half of a lei
awrotened w||b throe benpta* tablehood yeare. What a ilellgbt they will
Coooanut Cusiard-^olL In i kriUe apponfub of powdered *taar. Return
of hot watar. two tableepoonful* of pi.xo tbe oven and Jet R brow*. The
. . on.
_ quart
_ of _____
It wjh not i>m-napB occur t
-—.-etaroh. and
simmer, mertogue may ba roptoced by whipUvat dOlle have a miasion to the moth- tog milk, yolks of four agga. ahi Ubie'r ,«d
Bofl three
three mil)ndo- ’ FlrMaide
of sugar.
sugar. Bofl
F|g-Ma|de Puddlae—Make
Fuddlag—Make > 'main

^ ot tr fl^“JoSn7*tlo‘l5J!‘
*“'■ ■“*" "*•■■
•‘••A «"»■ A®* toaapoonful bleculi crosl of two cup. <rf «0«. alflone of ui flvre jmd* people adored
^^1 to tbe managemant of a doll tom- of vaallb and covertop with grotad
«d wlib an ev«
ttlUb be was with ua we were i

-AApplab toward the doll?

-«0.DD...4.. x,pt

?.—Wbat cap baada * chapter?
8.—What cap b always parvarM?
I.—What cap b alwgya a prisoner?
IS.—Wbat cap b aiwaya a meok?
II.—What cap makaa red pepper?
12.—Wbat cap b used for a monk

.a ...
fan ,h_
whoae -DD...
toe Irory toteto to
tom when opaM <me
Doe. .he wytor. add tbrro capful, of bolUng wa- dougi ’witi'
pCHibla way R
k b«
tor. two r«^ of .«i»r. Jufoe of om. amount of otdd w«.r or milk. Roll treated retaramr h
ta llaair. TW

ba aprUnl to a family U 'would be
0.. ©f tha most ctmritabie had help
lbln„ I ^
cf if *dltoro
furobb Ibelr tmpera at half
raiea to the many tonriy eonatry women who tava little moimy tor any
pnrpoae, tad who need tbe newt to
keep tbeir heub tovri. aad tba paper*


The naaa to which old Mwspapan
caa be put to a family are toauamr.
aMe. 1 am free to cMfeaa I sbouM
hardly know bow to keep bouae withoat them Eapectolly to tba fanner's
bemo. are they of tiwmenae ImportAboa They aro omnlproaant to my
kkebea. They aave tbe aerebMag
brnah. tb* Boap. tbe broom, the carpet.
the tablaa. tbe abelvea. and not tbe
least of tbair aaviaga. u my wtimaUen. to tbo fact that they aare me. I
»** bora with a large rwqulraneni for

Btodf gUeka.
P»<a» Sonp^iWaab. pael -k
«'f®® ®t W pdUtoea Into
P*®ce* ami let them aoak to cold v
tor ?or twenty mtontea. Put tato mKboUtog water and cook until very
A®tt- Manawbn* pat m fdnt of mUk
on to a douhi# boiler to add. addlni
to It » t
- - *------ --- -----And a stalk of cebry. When tb* poto-.
toes ar. aott. drain aad maab.- poor
toe hot milk on tbam, aaaaoa to taate
*rlto salt and pappar. rob dwngb a
Atralner end pul on to btdl Ifetat. Put
A tohleapooafol Af tmttar b a amall
towwpan and whan matted add a
Eanly etapped
boc U too tblck.
*>®« b®f®lto mar ba adM Berta
»*to craekero or aroaieM.
■" — ■'■ ■■' ,
v,„_ ^ ---------


u ...
«. -•-—■-■ ta ^ awar
with Uhs uatural vocatton ot
a.iei. itav
mm. I take to a. a duck do., to watar. Th. innate need tor r
Head of the SMaeya c«lU It. “knack do this than hy a
n g( to* TcU rollxs
___ _ .

-----------------------------------------------_x— aad half of a grotod
Froaen 'Doaaen—Tbra# waagm. Said to whleb w*
________ ___
er may weQ thank Oo-l and take cour.
Swaai Omelot-Pfve
beataa three lemona. ihra* bananaa three Barton, tbe famew Bad Craaa woricar and it'iT
Mfo. Her
^ toemAdged. Vrib wouad
iweet laanon* bav* not stiff, two lablaapoonfuls of milk, two cupful* of sugar, throe cupful* of wg- told to* *bm atory fa a few brtof and wear and t^r h how
rnm toe
been unbi
aroaad aad piaaad on aocta a rollar
aiwaya look Dato aad dainty and romirror; looking tolo It la not a
to toe egg and ka*p gatbm aad. troaw. This makaa .boat
AA nxVxKxa -------- X
x-lixs Im • hall
of time, nor Is the image rofloctad from aUcktog by lifting with a broad three oda^.
(hero beneath her conahtarottoa.
bladad kslfa ITben thick, add a ptocb
Sanee 1. dear I
^ ^ ^
JbAtoaatarbndaml.rimi.Bw m pick tome op wban aeOad to be ^1**“** **' ***
of M. tom oror In bait aad aarra
half taaapooBtni of ISen mlM dry £ I bar* alwhya bad mere wvok tou I wad to ktodi* Ero* with, aad roplac*’ qalekly lea* toalr ebapa. .
Faur Dead Home Rvtaa
Imoo Cnsuid Pie—Jnlca aad rind one euptol of aagar; add onwhair cup- oonld do lying around at my faot. aad by -Vt" aad to*
! fnl of h
ol u™
—of a aotmag. I try hard to gat It
•t th* war ao mak* you tired. I aproed tbam
atom- Ufa mar be
Ume far the apeaker. at the great Biennial of cupful of
1 erf aad <
to so eo aad do toa aoa tbto».“ floor wbea ebumtog U EMag oa. aad
dfiar a boctl* of gtaa baa hoae
Woama of Amarioa. bald to ronmuAh. toraa-foortbs of a coital tea' mtoataa.
wbae* tb* bottar UM* steads; water opaaad. rnb a nttl* fat oC «bm **wa,
Mix togrilmr. bake to .paaoa 1 Soar Saooa-Two taaFeur Raosiolto*
or mOk. or aaytolag spUM deoa aot soto as land or-«*M omMWaaM
r.___ *• •* ’'•*”* Jbato COOT ml*, tor im- OB* Croat of paatry
apoonful. of rororiarto. Jnic*
- of oae

A Chtoea* proverb mya: ‘WeM epsadUy panatrau paper*, aad too a amud o«ht bafW* 1
tt to
bmbsr. *r«a prond hnm. mabtoff: SlmalUy. daaBlaeutta Olaae-Baka. to ob'
ohkmt. fomoa.oaah*Rplntofw.i.r.*o*artoto.rtolamlorawomaa: tori vim. cMatog ^ Wooeao U BgbL I have
toe boufo sad toe corii
bmafl tlaa baUar of yWk. of flv. ..m uria aad a
a UtUe
UtUe aotoaaa. DtaaolT* dwaO ta kar heart, modmty to bar kftebao mrpatttat tea baea oaad for aarity. Thi lit arnlgllii aB ■
^frwrorywueaadaadoaaaad oaabrif cojlftaa of pow- eoromarob
grataaBy la to* wwar. forabmd. ewamami to bar mootb. aad a tong term erf yMin. ao kmg I---------att«p^‘‘Z£d iia ffMtot
m too
■ mm,
to mm «nq^ m mother to adeft.
dmwd mmt, sdrrod tlB rorr pale yal mu 4^
aadaosaraalarlmiMada labor to hm b»da“
toB bo. tea* ..i Wl aorta to work AAiaa wv-

tor-toe bait In thoea with whom you
come In oooiart. |» om which rarely
meau whh dlaappolittmeBi A. a nil*,
we get fiom pcoirfa Just whsi
pact tnn them.
> aenslUve to tola aut^ unconaclooa prohtag af BMUer cbarocier.
charocici b* H good or
• rory






iMBBIHTl BW nniKniwraw immi

The Store to Trade At

One Week, March 31 te April 6

THE BIG STORE—The name tells the story. You can do all
your trading under one root.
Save Yon Tline, Save Yon Money, Too.
A Place to Eat, A Place to Write.
A Place to Rest.
Yon are welcome to
them all.
Everything by parcel post direct from us to you;
write or phone. The goods will come on next train.

FOOTWEAR-We Save You Money Here.

Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear
lYomen’s ®’S5?,hs - 40c
Nothing to eqnal U within a radlns
^ Men’s Storm Rubbers 70c ol 125 mUes, as large an assortment and
lower prices than yon can find l^ the
larger cities.

Men’s Rubber Boots $2.75

Coats in the
popular 48 inch
lengths in all
the leading ma­
terials such as
Whip Cords,
Serges. Mis­
trals, Eponges,
Bedford Cords
and Honey
Combs. - either
unlined or lined
with pretty
bright colored
messaline, also
'^^1- ^ the 54 and 56
At $5.75, 87.50, llO.pO, $1150. 81500,

A value you can't duplicate
elsewhere. Heavy sole and
good and strong throughout.
A value you would'pay 3.50
for elsewhere.
A fortunate purchase by us
enables us to give you this
big saving.


At $2 50

At $2.50

AUm of shoe, lor mca
Stylish and Serviceable.
In all this season's models.
A Shoe that will look
good and wear good.
Can't be beat at S2.M
Box or Solid Calf, Button
or Blucher styles.

Wmm's punt LHthr
•r 8n{illitil.
With all the style
and fit of the
higher priced
Comparison will
make you wonder
how they can be
^ sold at $2.50

Unusual Silk Bargains.
21 In. Fl0nrcd Foulards
39c a yard.
Comes in Black. Navy, Alice.
Brown, Tan and Greens.
Special................. 39c the Yard.

An extra value—a 32 in. DRESS
GINGHAM, at lOc.
See this one.

The Celebrated Devonshire

Ladies' Colored Lisle Hose

All the beauties of fine Gingham
and the wearing qualities of
fine Linen.
Comed( in a variety of beautiful
patterns. 22c the yd.
The best you ever saw for
the money.
BnUdIng Materials
jrb*M Pric« Ou^t to Interest Yon.


You will find unusual values in
this stock. Big variety to
choose from RIGHT NOW.

22c - - 22c


CAUCOES at 41c

N«-irayiro I’ortluii'l
hhl. ...$1R5
Lime. hW. ......................................
t liinax W.-l Alurtiir. t.m..................$10.00

II. .'I.
.M. Rrvmfl.K’
nrynmiiN uiuraiiar
Gibraltar .im
RoofiTip. 2-ply.
11- M. RrynoIdR' YVolvorinp^ JAsbes.
UM tifavi'l Ronfinx. 2-p!y. h
M. «..yn<.Jds’ To"fTv>do\\Siuli'
Km.lh.;:. Arjuan- .......................$2.»
Ki-linuf- Ktihl
KiiI.Ikt Uonfing, 2^ilv. s<i..$2.2&
.N.i. 2 T«riv.1 F.-lt. out.............................. $235
R.fl I*rrw...«l «n.-k and aiimncy Brick.

Fmll Jars at Saving Prices
E«6iir,my 2-<|t. Fruit Jam. dot................ 76c
-fx-oiiiiinr 1-ji. Fruit Jars, dot................ 86c
Fniit dan. doz..............48c
S.-1,niiM 2..)i- Fruit Jars. dor..............$1.00

w.- al.,. imv- th- Ball Mason and the
duublr luifi ly jars.

Almost Given Away.
Green. Maroon.Navy & Lavender.
8c the Pair.
!4 Doz. Pair Assorted, any size
or color. 4#c tor 6 pair.
18 In. Swiss Flottnclag and
Corset Cover Embroidery,
ISc the Yard.

817.50, $22.50 and up to $15 00.


When Yon Buy a
Hat, Buy the Best

Have the Class.
Better clothes for what
you have usually paid,
is what you get when
you buy one of these
Snils or Overcoats.

tS Id QaalHy,
but sells for 1
One For You.

25c Ties
All wool.
It’s a Winner.
MEN*S Mercerized!
Silk Socks
Black, and extra fine

2 pair lor 25c.

With all the style and
class of the 50c grades.

Mers Ught
Weight Flannel
Dress Shirts

Men’s Double Texture
Raincoat. 52 in. long,
full military collar.

Detached and At­
tached Collars.


Arrow Brand

SpcdM Valou
Si;^ $1.*8, a tX.48 Unen, Soft t Madras

2 lor 25c

j>r.-uy ■•iiljiwjiy xlyir. aUn tlir' jiImiii taili>r<il.
liiixf h1m< lii<- nifty HnlkMii Hlmisi'. miiIi U»'
silk triirnniitRs. Suits «t $10.00, $15.00, $17.60, $20.00 $35.00.
xvliiil v>>|i
luiv>- to pnv for lh>- mali-nal.
---------------BTS ■
till' liiii’Si Hssi>rtiiii-t!i ill Niirtlicrn
Mlt-liiKali. Wlijti- Wiiists from 8Sc 1> $3.50; Silk WaiKis
$3.50 to $10.00.

Umbrella, la
PItk yonn now.


Ttie New Spring IVf lHlnery
Tlirci’ s]iis-ih1s this Hi-rk to ]>i<'k froinr
Oik- lot nt ...........................$3.60
UiK- Jot nt ...........................$6.00
Oiii- lot 'vit ;......................... $7.60
Tailon-il l»r«-sK,S<-mi.])rfSM nml Sir.'it llnta.
for yiiii. ■I'l-y i| oii.


Alnmlanm Ware Frying Pans
Extra heavy cast Frying Pan. $14$

White Enamelled
, tin. Post and Frame

Holid Alnmltium Tf«kHil«
T.« I«t. It.Tu.
All Coiri-T Wa»h UolW
ai W *:..
riutties Writuton.
Talili- Oil Ch>ih. SOr ibr

Buy Your Canned
Goods Now
Per Doc.
Waxod UrsDS tl.OO
IJma U(«nB. >1.00
Kldno)- H«-ans li.IO
rannnd Com H.OO
iramied I'ump, kin ...............IIOO
'ranix-d Fea« >U0

nn onilD GKD DDI

One Week, March 31 te April 6

TRAVERE OTY is the Great Trading Center of Northern Michi­
gan. Have you found It out?
Ttwars What Thla One Week la For.
Take advantage of it. Come down and get acquainted. The
finest stores. The biggest and roost up-to-date stocks. Prices as low
as Good Merchandise can be sold for.
Speed yoor aoney where yon set some ol It beck.



Pot IVit.
Cannes! Surc^
tASll ............>1.10
Cannod Ssurr
Kraut .........>1.00
CsniirJ Toms,>t.:o

We handle the
Becleaned and Tected Seeds
'Try them next lime.)

AU the Latest Books
Cfifs Style and bindings C/U
vvt that usually sell for eeVv
$1.25 and $1.50.
Thix is ihp plane to buy your school
b(M>kK. A complete etock always on hand.
Frii-i-s to school and in ijuaiilities on
Vnur magazine labscriptions; lowest
prici-d ombinations.
I>ocorBt. (l Crepe Paper, &c the roll.

A larcr^iBu !iiii-Btor Alnmiaum K<-uIi>s. alt atytc*.
It.10 au.
Ibiiipr at $1.:;:..
Mo]i, $l7i.


IT I‘LE.\SE.«^l>ecanw it’s made right,
lo-wirc. 47-in. high, in lOO-rod lengths,
.Jill- per rwl.
4»' in. at, per rtx]................. ....................... 40c
tkt-in. at,-per rod............................................ 46c
72-in. at. p«'r ro«l........................................... '.OOc


Ooldtn Mk finish, Mh cas«.
ntw patant waata pips with
trap in bottom.
Provision chambtr all romovable for cisaing.
Solid brass lavar loeka and
hinges nickal platod; 4S
Inchos high. 2S Inchos wide
and 17 inches dosp.

Extra Un« boOlst, oar own tpedal. pink, antiseptic
Toilot Otoam, 35e.
Whit* Pine and Red Bprace 0oa«4i Syntp, R6c; our ipedaJ midee; it toucbai
the spot.
A'a Lie* Powder, 26c, doei the Uxs. Extra laire can.

Full line of Window Sash and Diiors^i
A 2-8xrvK Patiited Sash INior. with one
fancy glass, at .......................................$2.90


You all can afford one like
this. 6stepa.

Sdb lor.......... - »c
Intarnational Stock Poodt—A fall Hue.

tiiil. Itarbod wire, AO-rod spool............. $1.78
Win- Stretcher, with strong rope, for
heary work...............................................$1.80
The ei-lehrat^ South Bend Plows, both
wchmI aud steel beam. -One-horse wood beam plow at............. $7.00
2 or S-horxe wuotl Ix-am plow at ..$12.00
Scotch Clipper all steel plow, with eteel
Hhare. at ................................................... $16.00
No. 1 White Pino Sash Door at ... .$330
’40c for well made^lLoek, complete with
liroiize plates. 40c.

Pioneer Ban Paint goes farther ami
lasts longer than any other kiud-7Bc gal.PI8HINO TAOBXB
J.joint Steel Rod .

With Reservoir.
High ahdf top and 16-inch oren.

A good

■tore at a low price.
We sell Seanton Hard Coal, West Vir­

or fly................................................................. 90c
Imported Trout Flies, extra fine, dot.OOc
Gw^d nicklc plated Multiplying reel ..40c

ginia Splint Soft Coal. Washed Nut Soft
Coal. Gemiine Poehontas Soft Coal, Hock­
ing Soft C-oal.

All the good kindi.


JR___' no^^_______________-A
exm laswi DEia
i i
dsekdoi na naDoinaBa nona
: i
no com taEsa naia

n im


(euBd « rc4df U* (


I of Mro»)jwa Orw^ MtBugib cowUd vUb
•itMM ncMs«»d 4Dd rMlUODC]'.
Thtr BaH bt »(roDC for tbe work
Ikv b«T« to do wbeo Uie mwchlac ti
m tto cioim4.«»4
ac ittta
|V«T aUB ^d »ttt UiUo volcbu—Bar
Bwa Weoli^

Leaa Tapteea New.
Taplatt te daarar ovlac u> the tact
that law areai formerly derated to
IB ^aii^ te the BtrvlB Settlenenta
art Doa helm need -tor rubber plantlagj" White ae ware atlK ta the
nuiaery »« reataiered a raw nerer to
eat Uptoca puddln« when wa were
once In a poalUon to order our own
meale. and tbie intonnailon laaraa sa
cold.—London Globe.

ngwidHf V%
■Oaa *« got •)oci( OD my «aUrrr
-UtV iMo. - aa$d tkc gtri 'WoH
»t«d thBirr hckttt, flowert. ^ndy
TaxieUt* «UI M an Krm. and ycnii
dob ccpanaM vtU aBoaal to oom
-ttoan oToriook clotbM, rent. toed.
I«bt and mn " oalted her father tram
the neat 'MID. They are Uemt that
alvaya <*x.v np.“
"Tea teUmau that he rabe Peter
to pay
“Dear matt, Ifa woiae
thdk thatl Be robe Peter to pay

Had Ne Uee for Namea.
AS Atchlaon reportar Mkad a
m It Bhe could «1re him a nawa item.
alagle. Bolltary thing ’ "1 am
too excited lo think, anyway." the
woman added. ‘ becanac my brotbar
broke bla arm thU morning, and i am
on mr war to b1i homa to eee him.'—
Kansu City star

«»sn Whe It WeH •Mk.

BtealoB.- he wmaA«.'
are mighty acarce." "And bad onea
are apt ui. malte themaeleba ao wVaa
they are wanted." replied the plateclotbre man who waa ahowlny him
arour - -Philadelphia Aecotd.
Hint for Cmploycra.
"1 don't know how to Mfuae a girl
employment. 1 bote to aead 'em hway
feeling dowucaal.” "I always send 'em
away smiling. Tell 'em frankly tbej'ra
ao good looking that they night dB—Wsahingion

taok'fw Saby.
Whav baby arrlvu at a tesU tor
book* a durable one can be made of
only slightly til end have nothing to brown bottarfl or Jlnra. Buttonhole
do" Tbe man wbo ii only half ilck.
rich.___ -.
l colored
If-ha hu iMdkteg to oconpy bla aitep.
tlan. aoon growl morbidly Intraipectire and bla mind becomu filled with of Mltchlng madt with on unthrOoded
axwcruteil Ideas of his condition. needla will mark an even border and
Disease grows and flourlabce noder'
e as a marker for the Inaertloa
aneh eoodUlona. Regular ampleymenl of tha needle when doing tbe buttonU conducira to health. Work fceepa hoBag. _______________ __

jMt Harried. Tee.
'Tonng man." uid the maglttratu,
Bdeerely. ' the aauult you have mmmilted OB roar poor wife la a moat'
Tha Cyela.
brutal OM. Do you know of any rum
. A eyalo declana that gtrte dd M BOO why 1 abeeld not aood you to
they pte^ except whu they davt pqaonr "U you do. your boner." re­
pteaaJ ^ they uy mother vest plied the prisoner ei the bar. hopetuny, nt will break up our bo•l^
let thdm.

Deed luolnoao.
An erangcliK wbo haa bees holding
aervicea In AMbtsoa received II,TM
tor two weeks' effort Tbla Is i
than most of the faithful Aichlson
ton receive for a year's work. How­
ever. the rertvaUit made a record of
tl( cmiveruloni. which la also large­
ly la rTcesa of that of say local paalor.—KacBBS City Star.

The right kiiui o( Win
Piper besutihet the benie
C: yOO WANT tt


Improved thiny Cloth.
Tha Mlaar.
To improve ahlny eerge or cldh lay
'Bare." told Teddy's papa, showing
When to JtMge a Man.
It flat on tbe table and pau'a pleee
tha bule boy a cote, "la a penny 3M
Alnmet the UmH.
There Is u andeot aaylng. tamovi
or fine undpnper rary gently over tba
yaare old U wes given to me when 1
-U be tegyr- -He U. Hell go was a mile boy." "Oee wfaur" a}aceahlny part. The sandpaper w«i roegh- among men. that thou Mwuldet
an up tbe nap again, but be careful not Judge fully of a man s life bafora he Into a revolving door end then vrutt Uied Teddy, "just think of anybody
to rub too hard, u tt may wur a hola dletb, whether U should be caUed for aenebody to come along and turs being able lo keep s penny a* long as
U atwind."—Kanau city JouraaL
blest or wretched—.Sophocles.
that without ipendlng U."

THE met IS tiaii

The HoMrt Ce, Pf«(«.
Tr^raa City,

Qouu) irou poatt vm out?

Narttiern Funiitiire Co.
Commpneing Tuesday, AprU 1st at 9 a. m.

WiU Adnit Twenly-Bve to This LAUREL RANGE Cirde.
fti-Hbm or Hv*atx> t^SfiLUSf

Instead of wasting lael wllb a range Ibal
will beat only * covers and allow Ibe
beat to escape np Ibe ebinmey like this—


I mi:

Yo« and Motlwr women wlU rave aooey
beat the eaUre stx covers like Oils—



a (M
Few peruon*. however well they Many ef Ut Hava aa fdaa af dagt tha
may be teturmed about the vast CXHwi tha Feet-Klllar Should
leui of tbe automobile iudustry. would
estimate tbe consumption of cotton te
making fabrtce lor motor vehicle (opt
and (Ires a( anything like the (rue
flgurea. which are about l.bOO.WO
placed hU fa« OB top of hid Meod-a
"B*haddy think.' ba obaarvad. "a
Appreciate Your S
Don't kick becanac you have to but­ perfect woman baa boao fonad te Boaton your Wifew watel. Be gUd your
Tha Rail Batata Haa «ld not e»
wife has a waist, and doubly glad ■
you have a wife to button a waitt | courage a eonUauaooa of the talk.
for. Berne men s wivae' wateu have
“And a raadevUla partbrmer la adnot buttooe on to button. Some men's
wives' welau who have bnuoni oe to vcnlatec hlmadf as the perfect raaa.'
"All of which tear be very true." eibuiioo don't care a coatlDenui wheth­
er they are buttoned or not Borne claimed the Real Baute Man. "hot no­
men doa'l have any wtvee wttta waleta body as yat aeeam to have located the
with Auttoo* on to bntton.-Teague perfect Btrtraneel Some day theyni
gel him. and wfats thoy do. I bopo
tTex.) Chronicle
tbeyll get blm good.'—Toagaten
Simple Remedy fer Burns.
Common whIUng, mixed with water
to the cooslgtency of a thick cream
spread on linen, forms an ezeeUent lo­
cal aprIlcatloD to burns and scalds.
Rare SacHfIca.
The whole burnt surface ahonld be
Joe Btnithvn aaya ba has made •
corered. ihoa ezcludteg the action of
the air The rase It aSorde le Instan- gnat patriotlc.sacrtflce because he get
uncoua. and It only regnlras to be ao teterested te electing a friend ta •
kept I ol«t by oeeaalonal aprinkUng Job that he nedrly lost hla oum.
of ooU water.


Join Oie Laiffd Orde Now Forming and Partte^ in Hs

FIRST—The Northern Pgrnliur<t Co. has been ulhAied Si
Imnrel Raagra lo be sold on Bit^ctel imurel Circle lenn* .
at a laice lower than vrasLl l>e ■•osalhle If range* were
boogbt te smaller guantltles.
SECOND—the advnntncev «f this i>ten civeVof tbe full
h.-neflt ol ilir grrat rost t-aving that reeullB from the
irentendouB imrcbases Uy loiurel dealers who are "ondnetteg iheee Laurel Cliwle.« all over Amertra. By onrolling yoor name a* a mehiW of yonr loeal rtrrte
yon become a j»ny to Oils enormoua iMrchaiie and
share accordingl} tbe aavlng in price.

Heat HasM Fuel. Foal Cogte Hooey—Yoor Vtesvey. I*
oM-cblrd your fuel worth aavtag? A Laurel Turin Flue
Ranpe wUl save you fully ooe-thIrtW your fuel. Thoty
saixls of Laurel user* will testify to/his. We believe you
are inierested in anything that ^111 nave you ao much


graying Goods
W- .IT handliic a amiifU lii. A Spm.vmg
goods f*»r the fruit
in evt-Tj' g'Jb from ijusrta to lirfeh; Afwnite of
L.-ad and Blue Vitriol in any .|iianii1y-<}et our

The Laurel Twin Flue Range 1* ao eourtruried ihai you
ran hoU. fry or otew on eoch of the el* boleB or griddles
wlihom heating the oven. Just try te do lhl» on any other
twvge. Youewn'L You know tit Impoaslble. Thafs why.
aooner or later. Vau'fl bw a Laaiwl. Better buy It today
and commeoce to rave money Mow.

THIRD-As yoor”kbare of Ihls savtug yon will be preaemed witb the Jf.r-o aei. of genuine -Weur-Kver"

What'a tbe rae of bratlag year oven every lime you
want to uee the (op of your rahge? If* un uwtul waite of
heet. If te any range but n Laurel you da no(,heai yonr
or«. you waste your beat up tbe chimney, as shown te npt>er1etl.hand pictuve.

•erubiii Shalt be limited to only
t fuel ftavinp Twin Hoe Laurel Rnngee
will be delKere.1 to yop. togsether with Free Set of
-Wear-Ever." Itnntedlatrly <m the .eniwllroeni of your
e tAurel
nreW and iwyment
e as a memiter of tbe
j of liao cash 1
y dues of
a weeL ttetll you have
iw'.d tthe low jtrlee *et by the manufaeiurent In coobMf+aHon of the lame qiianllty puirhaaed by your rtrcle.

Whan You On Wteh to Bali, your Larawl U ■•right
II ^vea you an even dlatribuHon of heat entirely
around the oven: no other range in the world does tbU.
that'w why the Laurel U the only |ierfect buker as wriloa
(be great fuel raver that It laThe Laurel U tnade to a number of aiyte*. The Prthe
varies aocerdlug to elie awl style, but I* always lower
(haa the price
next best range.

FIFTH—It is very ImtMirtaiit thsi you enrall your name at
once. If you wlidi to avoid dlrajipolnimcni. Kemeniber
this o|.i«rtunii> to becurwFree "Wcar-Ever" Aluitlomn
Ware and iMunri Circle lertna Is cteaed when 3S 'menibrr». haw- lolned.

Our Uurri Cirric Plan la a Grand Opi
-Outvie In and Talk It Over.

Laurel Rang*—You
»r Grand .Free
Have Oe.
. ...
w... fth..

sRy for You


Wr ar, asanU tor thia dunbla wUl finidi. lit |
kind thal’a advaniarf. aa -all aa for tka Aama I
lioalhj- lina of P.mta, Vamiidi-a and SUiBa. Ta
will 1." irfaaaad lo duida prii.w at any tiiaa.

Ara .rrdrtbiiikinkatbiiyii.* a Kodak Uia afrin«If
don't fail n. «T ana tbia, tha .aat ni^plnU
iina af Kadaba and Pramaa in .Vartbam Miabicbn.

Wta. to Tr.»«ia OKar T »<U. n~bT as
<*r fUre la the tMpitoad henSqnbrten tor rrtiTthtof to tha Dn« Una.

Cenatruetion of a ljurti Rouge end of Proving to you every one of the clali
—Like the Best of a
you can ace for yeuraelf lU wonderful fuel saving (saturte—t
alvely by

Sseeesssrto JOUDS CAinEIX

123-125 Sfrufc Unien Street

S. L Watt t Seis
Trmrto (Ilf’s toaSto toW ShR



Free GxipoDS. These entile you
to a BeaBlihil French China Set.

Mail Orders will have our prompt
and careful attention.

Spring house-cleaning time wiii soon be at hand. Now is the time to begin iooking around for the new
pieces of home furnishings you will need, and you wiii find that J. W. Slater’s is now, as it has always been in the
past, the store that gives yoy more real value for the money than any other house-furnishing concern in the state.

The Only Exclasive HomerFUtmhmg Slore in N^^rthem Mdugan,


M«ke roar tUnloK room beaotlhd and InvtUn*.
rbovo aa coapl'-te a Une of diiriu Ubiea.


Never before have we
aldeboarda aad dlaiec

raoa efaalrs at we are now oVcrlas.
A KeBnitie anarteted oak. raocd pedestal table, tb inch top................ <19.00
A good. Bolid Ameriran ausrtrred oak round pedettal table.................... StOAO
A good, well made, round i>edeMal lahle. natural flaltb ...........................SS.W
11 tnatilre upbolttefed box teat diner*, iiolleb fInUb...................................<13.60
Oibm front <M0 for mi of rlx. oj> so..............................................................OSM
AiSett Croat <1140 to........................ ............................................. ............. <40.00
Sideboard* from <1640 to........ ..............................................................................<40.00

Don’t forget the number, 120 East
Front street, when you are in Traverse
City. It is the hezulquarters of all eco­
nomical home furnishers. I sell every­
thing to furnish your home complete
from cellar to garret—from wood shed
to parlor, and with tha. special dis­
counts 1 am giving on my already
low prices during Traverse City’s great
Trade Week, it will pay you to travel How About Tbat New Rug?
miles to do your shopping at my store.
Freight allowed on all purchases of
$ 10.00 or over. Your railroad fare al*lowed on all purchases of $20 or over.
‘ It is time <o* to
«- for ihe uasortnem U touch better
now than li sHj lie tiiiriy da-s from now.
We have a large aud l>ea>itirul eollecUon noW on sale.
Most all sires ami pru-es from a 9x13 Bmsaels mg at <1^00 up
to WIUoD Vslvet rugs ai $34.00. $36.00, <4340 and <S6.Ca
6x13 nil CO«on Ingrain rugs ....................................................<3.76
txi3 pan iMOel Ingrain rugs .........................................................<640
9x13 nearly all wool Ingrain rugs...............................................<6.26
9x13 all »«o«l tngrain ruga up from ...........................................96.76
Bphgalew ruga from <640 up to...............................................<1240
iHatting ivga from $1.76 up to ............................'.....................<345

Special While They Last
H yard carpet aam^let, w itb both ends honn^. worth from
<1J6 to <1.76 iM-r >ar<i. Vour choice while they last...<140

A 46*paae carpet, raff*, llnotcm aad dra- ^
perles catalagoc. beaatUalty tllaatratcd la
colors, mailed tree tor the artdag._______

IVfaf tresses
In aU kinds and
md crades. Slater's is inilv the mattress store of north­
ern MicbIgatL ^e In and a«e our <10.00 felled rotion ntamren.
We gnaraniee
e }-4 «annot
dnpUcate U any place In the aute for leas

than <izsa
Other fttel^^^fotton mattreeaea tron «£0, «40 and up to <3D4a

Toon U|. )-our t-itUnj; room wiih n new pouch. Wn sre shpwtnc non»e
roro valuer. Who • \. r lu-ar<! of a fiiir. Cluiix- Inathor much with oil leml»-rrd springs, anrurvl.i lastcntNl an.l tlsd. Ix-auilfiU niunripml onU fmnte.
enrrod clow fnrt. • frtro^. durwble ami good looking couch In ovnry
wav for ibe exiremel> low price of <l4Dt
Othon ot <4.75 and up to <354a



Clewn-op prices on Iron iboJs. We
have a nufuber of dro)«ped ftattems of
Irap and bmiw beds that vc.waat to
<d0M -out at once. Ilm ere a few
taniplea of tbe prices' we are making
on them:

n*by pay tasey prleea wrhen yon.can
buy a Standard?

over aa tbe best.

Standard Sewing


They nm ct-lly.

mor« aUoat and laai longwr than nay
other make that costa twice as much.
We have them from <11.76 to <30.00.

On/y One-Motion
Bed Made

They are Just what you want If you
n«>od ati extra bed or if you art- crowdnd.for alonulBg rooB. Tba> can l>e
used na a couch la the day (iioe and a
bod at Dicht. We have them in all
MMes and gradea.




Mnrbinea are recognixed

Santtary Steel j
and Up


Ont- IK Intdi post bed ,ln white, blue
nr g^n, regular <<40 value, special
• <64C.
One reguUr <740 value, apeeial
One regular <6.00. wafbe. • special

..Olliers al ll-iP. «S.50 and up to $55.

Wa$lmig Machmes
Many women dread the universal
a»h1 day
day because they have
or none at all
IK euulirfnent
.ran help you
•liK bus>
buay day. We
«e blue
Monda: to a day of rest
and pleasure
insiead of a dreaded
wash day with all its drudgery. Worry
and otbor pcrplexiUos..
Our washiRr machine* will asre nsnecesfutry labor for >ou becauae they
are the latest and Itesi sti'les. made of
the best material, are easy to operate
and we sell them at the lowest price.
We carry several styles, all good ones,
ranging in lulea from an open wsaher
ti <346 up to n guaramoed water
Iiow'er motor washer si <1640.
Wo have some extra good mnehinaa
at <640. <640 and <740.

mmfmm f j

compUtdy famished xrithont <
AU styies-low prleea.
■ Coir and me am mm

in Its famous Oascorlt baby walker.
Fbr flfteen years the Olaaaock^by
walkers have carried hunrreds of thou­
sands of lliile ones safely jiast'ihe
crlUeal learnlng-to-walk age.

Go-Carts and
We are dUtrtbutonf for the fa­
mous ‘'ftvorlte' OoCarta—the eas­
iest riding and easiest running and
boat made gocaru on the market.
Come In and see the mohair antomublle lop Us<.-d exclusively «a
this line of carta.
A big HiecUl for Trarorse Cii}Trading Week: A well made fold-

Labor Saving Kitchen CaUnels
Miles of ateps aaved a^d a good maia^ doUara worth xtf
proritlOBs K you have a good kitchen cabinet In } our Utdien.
We sell many styles of good cabinets and you ought to select
one that suits you. The prices we are selHng them at cannot
duplicated anywhere in the sute. qunlJiy being the aama.
Any one of tbt-se cabinets will pay for ifaenuelTea In • abort
We have them all the way from <6JS up to <1140.

Large hardwood cabinet; two tw lb. tear htni. OM dtrUetf
for two kinds of flour, tWo large utessO doiwers. one Urge
meat board, one large kneading bt«rdi hnrdwood. oil fInUhed
top. Special price <6.76.

Don’t He Awtdml
tbxtrtxuktdasytsitatfssn. Tty iMiMsf

Rest-Easy fied SigHn^
•sdnsnrftsteMT. we wm surf resit hr tliirtxal^W*

The Origindl liotnefumisher of Northern Mid^n

.n,MUlHIPtl.;>W!WI»WWii JMHHI'WailWUlli


Origin of Mnylng CgrO.
AJtboB^ it in ooBBMBlr nportcd
tkftt tfnriBg MTdi ware
rttBoa In UM to divert Cbarlaa VI
XTAUenafU. « Praeeb writer on tfa«
■nb}M!t. manUona tb«m at bring tn
nae in Belgtom tn Itn. and probably
aomatblag analagou to them—mark
M eUk» Of eoantar*-hBve bean anblorad In tba aaat tram raaota aotlgnltr. tt la now oanally tboogbi
tbat it waa In Italy playing carda ware
flnt made, abont 1S70, and at Venice
<Tba aaempt to eonnaet tbair Inven­
tion wicb aalrolocy ariaea from the
tov evlu. and St carda In all. bring

The Needham
The Oldest and Most -Reliable

Commercial School



roar aaaaona and tba snnber of weeks
In tba year- It doaa not appear likely
that tbera waa anything more aaao
clat£d with the carda than amna*
nent at tba flrri. tbongb gambling
waa a vice with tba Oraeka and Rom
ana long before the Chrittlan era. and
gamea for gain with aona klnda of

In Northern Mid^an

Your new spring shoes arc here­
on our Selves waiting for you.
Our experienced shoe fitters and
large assortment of the newest
shapes will make your shoe
'buying easy this season-

You can enroll at^any time.
fxp"nse rates lovrest in die state.

Standard of Instruction High
Why not let os prepare you for a good paying posifim
where rapid jH'oiiiotion is sure?
We have more calls for Bookkeepers, Accountants,
Teachers, Auditors and Stenographers than we can supply.
For furdiet information call Gt. phone 995
or address

James Edward Coad, A. K
Travene Cty, Mich.

Use a Record-Eagle Want Ad.

Lmt hpota.
tt haa baaa left to tha United Stataa
geologlau to loeaUaa the moat dapreaaad and dapceariag plaoaa on tba
Kvary oontlaaBt dlpa aom»
where beneath the level of the aea- Is
tbs etataa Uaaif the lowest depth b
the aptly named Death VaUsy of CalUomla. abont tOO feat below aaa ievri.
The old world, however, atrtbee a low­
er depth—IJOO feet—in the region ot
the Dead Sea. Wa now lean tbat the
flooding of the Sahara, a dreai
aangnlna aaglneam. la Inpoariblt,
the general balgbl b ahova aea level
Borcpe hoMa bar head high, except on
the Caaplan ehoraa. where she droops
righty-aU feet. AnstraUa. one b glad
to hear, keeps bar ehla woB above wa-

To spend a iittle time looking over
our new styles even if you are not
ready to buy. It will ^ve you a
chance to learn what is right for the
coming eeason and ^ve us a chance
to get acquainted with you. We feel
sure that when you have tried out
our service and the quality of shoes
we carry we will be able to count on
you as one of our permanent patrons.

Tnndns are twaapy tracts of land,
oovwad partly with a think layer ot
bog moos, partly with a dry. snow
white covering of reindeer moaa and
varietlaa of Uehena. bordering the
Arctic ocean in Siberia and atretcb
west from the
the north of Baropa. It b only the
reindeer that renders this waste habit,
able for the wandering hordes of
Samoyeda who bunt the furred ant
mala, as well as the swans and wild
geese, whkh. In anaaer, flock there
In great numbers. These polar suppsa.
however, can be trodden only a winter. when tba whole region is one
abaat of trosan aoU and lee.
Ha Was Carwful.
n thoBght yon told AM Bnnck eoold
talk RuMlan.-8o ha can.-Than why wosldat be talk to the
Rnsstan gaaUaaaa who came here yaaterdayr
-Becanaa that nleemtad tooth hna
made tala ja» w tHdar.-

who are particular about their
shoes will find a pair from our
Mock a constant source of satis­
faction. Our men's shoes are
made by factories that specialize
in me^ shoes. That’s why
they are, right and stay right.

Make our store your headquarters whUe in the city

rtX^^EN^ have compared a Fortmer light Draft Harrow.
W pout for poiDt—dollar fordollar—withaByotherharrowmade,
WwoTl «y. “A Forkner for me!" In the firri pice, ifs built rightFlw4mngBadwideextenaiai.. Work* right up to fruit trevi. witlmt
f dtriarbiag bnocfae*. in the aecood place, the Forkner'a pricwd right.

Traverse City Is StiU on
the Map


So OK we, ■■ we arc

the HarrovO^
1 on Y>ur Farm

_ Wright la carried on wheels, not on horses’ necks. That's why it it so
ftUght of draft. Twenty or thirty acres a day with one team' ia easy for
a Forkner—and every inch of soil is thoroughly cultivsted—lifted and
^turned clear over.
At a result you get more work done in
AL less time and at leas expense. Come sm see this great harrow.
^^We balisvs it's the bmt on the marhri-.
ws bach that claim to
tba limJtt


131 State St.


In addition to the large Stockton hand,'we have just finished unloading ten solid carloads of new goods, con-

r, K'i;.drcorpS,r'rp“r.Sei‘ wi

ers of this region, before sending their money to strangers who are not interested ia their weltare or that of Traverse Qly.
When you are in Traverte Gty next week, don't fail to <ee

The United States Cream Separator,
The Lansing Hinge Door Silo,
The Oliver PIovfs and Light Draft Orchard Harrow
Headquarters for Spraying Materials>nd Seed Corn.
Special inducements for^cash or bankable notes made all next week on our entire stock.

The Largest Retail Jobbing and Transfer Implement
House in Northern Michigan.
Traverse City, Michigan
131 State Street,




Prwcti tBTvotor bM nemUy

, r, ri


kna UNcoLN's own heart

^_hmb omi «f ^*--*—

Maa -Wbe Cetrid Baat War Prealdent
•I.Telllao •terlw Oet Appotob
aveat He Wae Beokln^

'bu wvtchokftft. Tb* drrtce U vl
ruiia4 tt opmU Mor* ib« iIlcfitMt
A Nev Ktt^d aehoelBa'aB nhtitn
iaijor hm IMM tnflietod «p^ a nt* ad a MtaaUon <mt la Arkasaaa. and
br a baiflar. la ta«t. It bai as na- becaae ao eocceeaful that abe ‘
iMtel apBtaet tritk Ita
tannloed to give an exhibition of her
r It t»c)od« tba maebaaleal cqalv- pnplla' pregreaa. and Invited all tbalr
a)«at of aa are vhteb will detect the parents to he preeeni on Prtdar evv
’ Uint Bcht tram a dai^ Untera or Bing. The entartalBBteiit nored aatto«TM a matoh. hetaw «"«fcn>r It a food
to all eoenned.
lire alam aa veil at a barflar alarm. tactorllr
“Now." aald the teadrar. towd the
Ibe ■miBhaBteal are' U a aeleatoa doea. "I want ererr bor to repeal
k M aaed U ptetare taiagraph- aome proverb that be baa hrard. Tbto
iratoa, tor the reaaoa that the
" the teacher am
Itlrttr of
lelr vltb
♦r tl«h tkat Mia an IL The mrabahkal apa aeMata or » erlladrteal box
fbar iMkaa la tfameter aad aamlt aa ___ iber were to bo caDed opoa. Nev.
jobnnta. Aa r«> ftte aa example of
M lUik. aoaialnlac a boDd of aaaoBf old aarlBg that poo bare tpud
teatam veoad «p la a art. ‘Iliere to
•aa at thme boxea tor aaeh room that helped poor
" 'All U not gold that gtlttan.’*>r»>
H «a be prateaied. bot tbar all mbmaatoaU their aaaaatteu of light hr piled Johanla
“Verr good. Vary good Indeed."
tfeetltdtp to a
•3e TtrtnouaM peon bo baiMp.*
eald Jlasla.
Tbat’e apteadld. Wbj. roa bops
ntnlnd me ao maeb of a aebool I onoa
I rat a»d Mika, t
9a tba *X>aM OeoaOr.'* happened to tangbt In Bodoa." raepocded tba lair
vetlra tram pebUc ga«e ahoot'tha teacher.
a ttea. Pat had etalM a vateh
"The germ of ambttloa to thechxpKrom a bUnd Ma. vbUe Mike mto- nlto of vtodom,’" aald WOlto.
took a Maad'a eav lor bto om and
And ao on down the daea abe vent.
Util abe got to Peck Smltb. Ito van'i
very bright, and abe Intended to ektp
•t chareh parade an Oobdar
him. bat be eeemed anxioaa to ear
«her had a chaaee ter a
; and ebe asked him 1U bn
hidden Meeeraatfon.
knew ear old proverb. He did.
-Said Mike: -Top ar the Boretn“‘A aramptaUed paUer doc to ttoa
to roe. Pat. aa' ph«at mlcht the Um beet for coona.'" antmooed Pack; aad
he? anre an' t'to rov that knova all the }op of bto relativm raa^ed eoeb
•boat vatebea."
a plti:b that ble taiber laid a pmr'a
Bot Pat vaa not to he done. "Mike, tnitloa U advaaoe bator* be left tba
Mr tod." he replied, ’heforrah. an' tto
•boot MQklb' Una."

At least
faoln in a atorp-telllog eontest. That
vae Anthonp J. Bleecker, who vent to
WaablDgioD to apply for a poiUlon.
Ha was asked to read bto ronchen.
Boon the president stopped him. say­
ing be was like the man vbo killed
the doc He bad kept pn with the
killing aftsr the animal vae good and
The appUeant agreed Uat it was
poaalhle at UmN to do too aueh. and
told tba Blerp of the eonvertod Indian
who found it bard to learn to pray
for bto enealaa. The Bible vae quot­
ed to him: 'if tblne eneap
leap bUDger.
feed bUn; If he tbirat, give hla drink
rw In so doing thou abalt heap ooato
of Bra In bis brad ’
Tbs' convert thereupon 1
pray Boel earneatip aad
length. He asked that his foe ehould
hsve plaasant taontlng grauuds. many
eqasvt, lou of papooses, and ao^n.
The priest stopped him. Hs bad done
Mough. Said the Indian;
“Uet ae
pray. I want to born him down to
the Btniap."
It ta.aaid that Mr. Bleeekar got tbe


Oatr Abraham Ihe Knew.
A bealih ta tba girl that <«a damv
A dmali flri vbeae atfooaUoh to
Ilhe b dream.
btotoBf Car aarpaaaad bar
And the girl that can pound ,tbe
to Snadar
•eboel ter tba Int Use aot long a«o
obd vaa maeb esrpriMd1 to
.. bear ...
tba A health to the girl that vrliea vcnu<
toMlber refer tamlltorlr to Ahrabaa
b}' Ihe ream.
and bli Bdphav, Lot The dergrmaa.
Or loya with high (' la so|trsao:
MttolBt aha VM a nev pupu. tngulr.
To the girt that ran talk, and the girl
that doee not:
"Aih, vhat vaa row Bondar Hbooi
toaoM liAeet thto monlncr Her raTo the aalnl and the aveet Utile elnMrjlpftoad kirn:
-<rdR foaBr. Mr. WUaon. ve didnt But here'e to the rlexereet girl of the
knfh a*r Bttie toeaoa tbto raoralng.
The Uaeher took ap nU the tine talk­
1 that can cook a good dlning aboM Mr. Ltoeola and bto a^bnr.


lee Cream Slot Msehlna
Draping a nickel In a slot maebine
and gett^ In return a dish of lee
cream Is one of the many tbinga pos­
sible In a new automatic restanrant reeenily openad In New York In the
same row with the Ice crasm mschlne
are other slot machines for melons, or­
anges and ether fruits that require t
a spafsm of refrigeration.—Popotor

tbe oihef day—
eunllhf because of
“If you don't take drink.

tneugh for the Monop.
nieni— riui you tell me of nothing
but misfortunes ' Fortune Teller—
“Well, vhat do you expect for two
tranoa? That you will win tbe big
prise In the lottery ai^ marry a mllUosalrar—Pele Male.


Had No Peer hut Whet Refermad Tbveni torhera Ooothe Plaeed One of Pacotitiw OM Rrsssptir Takes Rv
hoenee la «Fauet" Has .
Oamblar Would Pull Through
vaaft an Frtende Whe Refuaed
Baan Reeanstrvetad.
All Right
to Read Hla Meamlrm
Beaator Ballep of Texas vae gpeak-'
lag of gafflhllDg aad eald:
"A gambler who lived in Texas W
came converted, jotned the Raptlet
church and after a liae became a
preacher. It was bis duty to imaerae all those whom be ooaverted.
“One Sunday atiernooB he bed
eral people to baplUe, and there was
a large crowd to em- the bapUaa bp
“A 111 lie grandson, famlltor with hie
grapdfatber's career and sot realis­
ing the change In It, bid altppwl a
pack of cards Is bto ocat poekri soas
days before, which the graadfatbar
had not dlscoverad.
'The time arrived for the baptisa
and the preacher WMt Milo tbe water,
amid Ihe hosannas of the crowd Boon
there slipped from his pocket ae ace
of beeru, then a king, a quees. a jack,
followed by a tea-spot. The boy's
'Ob. I.«uia. what did you do that
for? Your poor grandfalber win never
get out alive!'

e of litla Oermaap to th«
tbor^b reconslrnetIon of the "Tsvera of Aaerbach." vbere Oocthe plac­
ed one of the atoet vWld scenes of
■Ttust." It Is melBoetaolp to reOect
that nothing more rcmalne of tbe old
htflldlag. since after a eompleta demollUoa tbe arefaltaeu have oonsti
ed a wholly modcni building on
alls, but oare bis been taken to praserve lauct tbs cellar, wbleb bai
been for fully a eeaturp an obtom of
for OeraaBB. vbo are at
e proud of tbeir IltaraUira aad fond

taiu root
aeaaaa takoa fraa OoCtbe'a great
drama, while to Maplota (be new attradtoea It to aanonaced (bat tbe
atalraase leading down to tba celUr
wfll be foretobed witb two bronse

IB 1»M there died at Paris aa aU
r Impelled bla ta
write bto memelra. eapa a Preoob )rar.
aaL In tbis history be set dovra the
most Inslgntflcant transscUon of bto
long tire. When be fiatobed a volume
lie iDTlted-bla old eotnradee to
read It. One after enotber tried to
do so. bot did aot progress beyond the
first >0 pages. Dneply wounded in hto
vanity, he devtaad a revenge. In hla
fiftsenth volama on page «t7 he Insertednits leal will and testament dividing
his fonune of frsnes smeng
hli friends This (set but not tba paga
was dtocleaed to them, a
tloe Ibey received with Ironic amtiee.
The facetious old fellow died, hit oeasetoBoa at rest, hto seal In phaca. Hla
natural heirs took posse salon of bto
fortuM. It was net until a pmr ago.
bp aoddent. that the will was foond
In bto memoirs. Tbe poeaeaslon bp
the natnni heirs to now betog contest­
ed in tbe coartA

of Aaerbach" promisee to be the same
aa that of other like sacred plaoee. It
win probably bring In an ekoaUeat todisdain. 'Of oourrahe will!
Pierre de Trerierre. a French writ­
has got out A lot of timea on vocae ooBM to the roetaorateorp
er on fasbien. heralds tbe unexpected
baada than that!'"—Judge.
triumph of the brunetlea over the
EN6USH WOMEN RUN FARMS blondes, who have so long held tbe
popular favor. Who. he askA'could
Thrwigh Cooperation BpMlal Previs­ have foreseen this evotutlon? Tbe
ion Is Mads for Tiism la
blonde, alas, aa gone' Tbe style of
Boms •setions.
dreMng the hair witb bead tends baa
caused this undermining of the gold­
Bovenfy-flva enthusiastic womoa en locks. Tbe meridian rays of tbe
farmers met reoentiy at the Critertoa Qreek coiffure permit one to perceive
reataorani, the oeeaslon being the fifth tbe new growth of hair which baa lib­
aatraal dtonar of tba Women's Interna­ erated Itself from the corroclon of tbe
tional onh». Mre. WUton AUhuaaa dye. An the
been forced to renounce their
cbenical preparations.
No tnora
aahlonable physician In bis breesy
have not the same taclItUes. eapi- ehall we see Iheae golden bradtends.
• Aud now. what do you think
Cbemittrr haa created many variv
If the mailer with your "Doctor. I tal, and so forth, as men.
*The rntpady." sba said, 'Ilea la ce- ties of blondes We bars bad tba rud­
hardly know!" tnurmured the fasblouable pailent. "Wbti to new?”—Pn*^ eperatleo. A oompaap baa obtaJadd a dy blonds of Rcbens, tba
farm at Haatbflrid. In Busms, and
son's Weekly.
has dIvMad It tata small boldlags for
the atqnlslia blende of Tin.
women fsrmsra. flangalews sre pro­ tofwtil and tte blonds dear to the
vided for (he lenanlA whose tgnuv artist HoBDor. Tbora' vara a hun­
dred fashions of blondM. bni tbtrt to
only ena fubloa of bniBotiA
their land aa they Ilka At the sama
(las they have the benefit of expert
adriea. 9910 oompany markets all the
produce, and la able to obtain btUer
terms than could (be indlvtdnal teaantA"—U>odon Mall.
ever! " Barber—''Ah. you must have
put too nuicb on. sir! Made tbe 'air
TRY A RCCORO-EACLE WANT AO. come r^t out 'stead of only 'artway."


Merchant’s Trading Wcck«A Profitable Time to Buy
-MXH'B LnmH C.OLLABS AT 5c—Turliss ( <H>n and
other ataiiUard mak.-s and Lii.ii braiidK not iii-

..-ncr mauuara muK,^ xrr..« auu ...........................
"Thc spcclal fcaluTes mentioDCcl hcrc Will give you someidea of the preparations
Hutiedi; marh- aH etvi.-s h.hi sig.-s; Hi.-.iit M doxcii in wcVc mBck fof tKc wcck begmiuDg Mon., Marcdi 31. Merely another demonstrathf iot.
—MSVV nOKWSAS AT S5c-8 FOR 31.00-^K.-(ndHr- lion of how well this great apparel store can serve you. It will be a week of very
ly fith-. 7o«- and iH.lNi. Four-in-hands iu n-vcrsil.k- an.l
tioviug-<-Dd styles; faigb-fmtde nilkis.
FAIR PANTS AT $6.40 are c-ang nut at a lively rat—
Thr.r'd Iw
valtn- with only one pair t.f pants. Sit.-s
up io 17 .veHnt. Wt-’ro fittiog up a lot of boys fur cmfinuatioa with th-.-w suits.

special value-giving when assortments for spring and summer are at their very best A good chance
for you to plan ahead and^e^s snp^y your presM^and future needs in things to wear for the whole
.yet moderate prices are always
the rule. It is this profit-sharing way of selling good goods that has made this store so well known
all through this section of the state. We bid you all a hearty welcome. Meet your friends at Steinberg’s—make the store your headquarters while in Traverse City.


TmiiiiiB iv«-k •. & .vmj.
i —Tb..rc *rc pn-tiy iwii.i Hluidw n wi-lls, ■ bis selection
..r fiimred effeeu ..n liehi, mediu... end d.rk rrroundn In
Uii« Here .i», e
of pie«e >.f Dimlti... All rn>e.
,.i,i f„r .Merelienn' Tre.liog w.. k st Oc v.rd.

A Two-blade Steel KnUe FREE wltti every Boys’ Snlf; Mocking Bird WhlsUes Free to Patrons daring MerdianI’s Itading We^
The New Spring Suits tor Men
and Young Men
For Women and Misses

Coats, Suits and Dresses


iMlUsAK 1TR(’HA«K.

—<k-ntlcinen. If wc could show you aloof the racks and racks t< new Spring
S.I1U that we'.e just unpacked—If we cpuld show you hfw dlfferenily their
price laca read than In most ftnrea—you wouldn't woefler that »o many men and
young tnes In ibia. aectlon of the aUte nOver think.«f gblog elfowhere for clotheA

Over 200 Men’s Snlis Bt $8.75

—lliirini- M.-rt-linfil V Trailing \Vi-«-lf w.- will
ti.-kcia. There arc Oak Rocking f-tivn;
(fUHraiittftl Silvcrwan-: Decorated Dinner
S--tK; CaKM-rol<-*i; Suit Caara. etc., etc.

AT THE ,„ of the reiTUlnr .'iOc rjuality. Ve*U and
to olotbof we ran muenltom to
—Tb«B for tbe man wbo wi

Tbe Men’s Sails at Jtt.90. $13.65, $16i0 and $19i0
Ibey’re $15.M lo $3#.M Vataes-


—The nKMueni you step Into thto great wonicD'f and mtoaes* garment depart­
ment and take a peek at all the new read.v-to-wean and tbeir price tags—yonll im
the reason lor the lively Interest that is Mug uhowo to "Steinberg"
WOMfeNt COATt...........................................*6.78, ItJO. *10B0 AND UP TO 027AO
TAIIyORCO BUITB ................................... *1iOO, *2SA0 AND UP TO MSM
NEW SPRING DRCMEi................................UM. *7-50. 01040 AND UP TO $2040
—Never auch individuality of styiea. Every model baa been cboaen witb tbe moat
otilcal rare ■■ aalacUoa to a mere matter of your own individua! preferwara. There
win be a number of very apodal featurea for MerabaaU' Tradltig Week to the
. Oae of tbeo wiU be an exceidlonaJly toieresUng sale of

Hromen’s New Coals at 12.50 & 16.50

Made bv 8U.'b faiunii*; makere hx M. Wile and Company of Buffalo, and These cnic wiUi double soles aud bigb-splieed StUC <X)LUAR8 AND LAPBLB OF NELL ROSE, EMERALD ORBBN, LEATH­
ER. TAN AND QOROBOUe TAPBBTBY EFFliXTrS. OTHERS ABE ALONG 8EM1w-vend w.-ll known Ko.-hi-si.-r-lHilora. Th.- b.-ltcr ouiU art- slririly hand- hrebi; hemmed to|w.
AS WEIA, AS HiA'OeOME MIXTURES AND CHECKS. Tbeae ara .-II coals ttel
—MEN’S 15c wool, MIXED SOX. Sl’Ki’IAL. 8c 1‘AIR.
bare come to eltbar tbe tost (wo or throe days—Faablon'a last word to tbe maaer
AT 97c—a ri' h. lu.struat f|uality that is apeKmONAS-HOUSE DRESSES
—MEN’S SPRING EATS will i>e rap.-cially
rial $li5 value.
pricwl; $3.IMI vaiuea
*2.50 valuta,
—Ath-. 75e, KV and $!.0(> SilN. WOOL —NEARLY A THOUSAND of thcoe faraad i
amJ Hcjutraie eollar Ktyl«; «iod paUmm;
abort itoevea. Some are embraldarT trimmed.
at ♦l.MO.
DRESS OOODd AT 46c |ARD; all wool
♦vK- and 75'- vaJu.n.
fancy vi
wtib Robespierre collara. Other
and green hatiide*. aelf-atriped wors­
Middy atyU
and $106 brown
$1.25. $l.j»i aud $2 "EAGLE BBAND" Dn-i« Shirts »|H-<-ial at
teds in grt-t'D and wixteria; panainsa aad Olbera to I
Peralsa. Draadcn aad fioral daaigBa.
(Hiplinx in tan ami l■ruwIl!l. A reiuarludile
cireMH gnoda oppnrtunitv.
39c YARD. •
—NEVU SCRIMS AT Ue, 1$6 and SOe in
-eT6-lK. BARBED SCRIMS AT «c and
-50e MOHAIRS AT S6c YD.-3G incbca
several pretty patterns; both while sod
8fc—pretty conventional and floral de­
widtha—a wide range of new detfigus at 85c,
AT 16o—Ih iiK w ill.—a variety of pretty
wide; in black and browns.
signs; bcmsthched borders.
50c aud GOc yard.
pattema to *u-l<-cl from.
-47 AND 45-nrOH EMBROIDKRY FL0UV0INQ8 AT 796-41-00
AND $145 VAH ES ORDINARILY. Bwotifnl iwttema for both
wotnento and <-hiidri nV drtum>-R. The desifoa arc cmbroideri'd 18
inchifs deep'and ni'>r<-.
—GALOON8 TO MATCH ABOVE DE.SIGN8. 2m. 50c and 75c YD.



AT $L86 and $2A0-45 inchra
wide, in




term for tbe mnm«r dreM.

ISV^ 16e and l$e; dotted and
figured; 84 inches wide.

-ALL4YEB ZMBBOIDEEIE8—Fioo Cambric and Swiimeaj pretty blind and eyelet deaign; 24-inrh at 60c to $L25—



45.i9cfa at $L80 to $246.


Bhevy Bedding PUnto.
Tba lover of llowcn traqaantlp
a baU lormed plan to mind of vhat
aha would Uka to her gsrdoa. bot bv
canso sba to not taBlUar enoiqfh vnir
the diffOTMt flowers to decide ca
vrtiat to needed to eutbto ber to earrr
bar plan to oompletloa It to flaaOr
abandosed. Per Instance, abe acp'
think that a large bad on tba tavB*
could be made an attractive faatora '
of tba home groanda Wbat shall aba
put Into U to bring about the daalrpd
Thera are several plaMs that taa
be need for (hto porpooo with Bio Mfoct On# to tbe petnato. This piMtt '
to of vary aaa/ cultura. It Moomp
fraaly daring th# aailra aeaaon aad
gives a vary billtont anaw of color
when iba darkar varlallas arc uaad.
II la only vban this plant to masaad
that ita dacoratJva imMlhllittoa arc
fully reallsad. if tba cantar of a largo
clrralar bad to (Utad with erimaoa va­
rieties, and vtalla patnalas ara taad
as a border, tba affect will be ebartnIng. Toward the last of stAmmar tba
old ptoBie begin to look ralbar tbo
• worae for wear," bot If you go over
tbe bed aad cut back every ptant to It
te'^ulthin e few Incbas of tbe grauad,
In a short time new brsnebea wlD
btan and almosi before yon know It
the plants will have retmwed tbediaeJves. You will got from them a
proTualoB of floo flowers nnUl tba
coming of front. Certainly ao fioatar
could give greaur aariafatclon. bot do
make tbe alstakp of using douWo
petunias (or a hed~«C-thls kind. At­
tractive as (be double Tarietlea nmy
be (hey are not adapatad to beddlflC
A iiKMt atirsrilve bed to made w»Ui
llitin trouble by pUslIng Phlox Dru»mnndl In raws maklag naa of Uw
nhKo. pink and pale yaliov variatlM.
Much a romblnaUoD will atord great
plsasurw to tlie eye If a more brUltost
effrcl to desired, us# the acartet or
brigbi earmlna klifia It to wall lo
U>e white In whatever conbtoaUen to
made, because K fnralibaa the coairast needed to bring out moat affect­
ively the brauty of atbsr colors Tba
|iale yellow vartetlra of tbto flevar
can be used to excaUant advantaga,,
aa. tike tbe whilas, tbay baraonlsa
dellgblfullr with aU other colora.—Bschange.

YARD; aoitaUe for dow pan­
els; scalloped edge.

Traverse City, iwiictUoan



' ItH- mwt of rcUllveo

In 'Sumnii' Clt# «1th -iiis braibor J*ke. Both fDmllWk^
:tp at oofp.
B«ri Jeor w»» Id Tr*vor»e CUy on
k*« r«BiM
e<««r|RBrrh «>t<OTtS to M«* to
butSM* Thsntfft)-.
farm to Irvla Ctltteotlia.
T^Tpr*r niy *ood.
Abodk tii«> olPk tUc week ■
Mr* M. li UoUvtt «tated
•Mi>. CAaa. Wood and.dAdalMtr Pat^
Ur*. AMri* An^.ot Wkltos vm la <Md'Mr* McUn. Ur«. A. S. pDirer iDe *-ore Id tUanley-oB bata»*> Wcj^ rrlaUro bt. MRyUM w«dn«da.v. .
ftnailt ctir od InvlM** Tbiinda>.
Mid Si r*. TMIm*n.
nnday.Dr..Clark bT Ofvwa wa* la RbhuiiK
'Mr*. Fwoy Wadie oJ UU Rapid* I*
Karl Tedman and wy«' of Travem
|>Biil<-l tseoDUiUtir L«> inA^darn Chy on trofoealOBa] biulnas*
ca» TtiDraTbaraday.
I^lth. the ibn
of Mr. and Ur*. Jobs Smlita
died V’Tldav eaeiilOB. .Marrti II.
«<|pr «-ttRCerlM illiMB*.
Jobn Borden *raa Id Ktecaley «u
bdsliie«> Thursday.
TraDk UidD lost R vsliiable bone
tail week.
Mrs. Ceo. Jarkaon vat in Klnsale.v
on botinrss tVedneaday.
Mrs. Knak lietsi-nt ta very toorly
At RUI na<le a bualners Ui|i to
Traverve Clt) klonday.
Ur. and Mr*, teeat «torra rtailed
in ARtoli City Sondb]Mrs. Jobo Bowden and Hiile aon of
Summli City w*pe In KtaRsley Wednrcdav.
There will be a hard time luUl at
ilie Monroe hall- Ueaday eteolns.
Marc h 3*.
Ulat Sandal of Tnverae City waa a
Kursi at the R. Uaunutartb tNMBe over
Mts« ha UoRart Minted Mr*. Frank
Box la the rare of ber atrk baby from
Raturday nnlll Monday.
Mr. and' Mf«. Adam SecviulUer
dro^e It) SuDiDli I'Uy Sunday.
Mr ou4 Mr*
i‘ele Muth. Bert
dcbeli: Je**>e Uowdeu. lionaab Box.
Suato Nivkervon and Oeoella Zeanei
were the coeata Of Mr*. Adam Seenuifniter l-Mdav eienins- The orraaton
«a* Mrs. Sec’Kinlller's birthda).
.Mr Schooe has rompleted ibe tosUlliiieOI of Dev tubebinery tn his
mill and will befin rvnnlnn in a law
Mr*. 1). I. Bnattn, who *faas been
tery Ul. I* able to be out ftialn.
<*eo. nod Henry Urntttiaam. wbo
have been norktnc.ia Jackson, iwme
borne Tiiewlay (or a few days' vinit
nith reiaihes.
Mr*. J. A. Mi't'anby rvtunied from
RiK Haidd* Tueeday, where *bo hat
lieen rUlliUK several weeks.
William Jeunittga Dry«ii. s|>e*klnc
o/ r. losiente Abbott, the lui|>erBon
atpr. who will a
I tbe Uai’tlst

• • ♦ » **:»,*

Brnnalt CHy Clly *frt> r<11or»

*'♦ • ♦ t




We extend to all an invitation to visit
our .place of business during

Mer^ants’ Trade Week

Wc wa*t every oae to see sar briglil, ap to dale Sbae 8alc»
noa aad oar LAB6E. COMPLETE AND RELIABLE STOCK OP FOOTtWEAR. We’ve the snapptesl Dae ol Spring aad Sammer Shoes,
Oaiorda and Paiapa la this aediaa *1 the stale.
Special prices oa all lines ol Footsvear daring Merehaals’ Trade
week. Aviatl 10 oar store will pay yon and wW please a*.

Opera House Block,


Bachant & Roseoe

------- WE------UNDERSELL ALL.

cbarrb here Uan-b g$, aald: '*! rummend bita to all wbe love elran. hi^'
rlnas entenatnniem.’'
' Oda*-flMIM by «VM«h TaM VMrfly
Mrs. U. K lte«n nnJted Trarerne
Cli.T ia«l Wednendsy

HflTTjtiEft ffli WOTHiffS mCK

MU* NeiUs Asray-atari •'bi
A a rerani aoMotlk convenUon In
|»nduD a paper waa read denonbins
Mrs. JiOMid Mi'd.« Is m V hb Bftl:
curtoua inoesaa bp -wUeh. tbe
ralslB at ibl* wtitihy
^Mlsa Rbe* SUnaon ertetta nod I'W ; load* are drv*
troB the acE
fMe gIrU' aewtng cirrb- Ti’.wda.v What ii>
aa the Burlaam toad
e moat remarkable of
ereninj: of toM Week.
Mr*. Ixe teal, wbo fell o- ;ia k.»
rMewalk two weeU a«o and lentK^d
;utam>. in which region the apMie*
a painful Injnry In ber Uitt-elowly r.iita
• BOt Roroiamon Tbe adult toad la
rtroiennji. and with Uie usstaUnre of ^
ahont a foot long aod U oae ot the
UlMau Moeilia i* abb- lu MdI. a(i-r
'tafcrai f>r (he toad family'.
ber household.
After Che ««ks are laid a Mandly
Beu Kemlieiieek J-!l toed take* (ham and apread* Uus oa
Wedoeadny uooii foe HlrtsUnrfc I'a-i the reoUier'* haek They adhar* to
‘<be aUo by a peculiar aUcky aab
acapee irblcb ■nnauuda them Grad
Benua.IvanU and will loot. ni> add ually the toad'* aklo wrtaUe* up and
frteod* nud arquataiaoce* ibrie They form* a a«ricn> of eetls aad In aacta
wilt re urn to IKatRalcy In ■l■u::l two Cell there U an ecr In a day or twe
more the en* become covered orei
with a membrane, to prKoct them
Travi-rst from the air.
r> I’ha*
The heal of the Bothar'a body then
Haiiirday and Rnmlav
Incdbetm tbe ecK*. and nnUh*-a aab
Tre-WI llownc y nf Kll.K
loks Una tor BlUlacj ben abe U pul U
U eteiiilBIc
ID U>e Morris ntori-.
no tncooTealence In tbe way of atlek
Mr. and Mr*. Adam Seesudllt- lac to a neat, but may roam about at
were Traverse City rallera Balnulay will la doe courae the «CRa hatch
klr> Joseiih RunRer and atn> Clar into tiny tadpole*, bnt they do ooi
ante returned Kriday evealas from einsrae yet. - They rensain In Ibeir
oemfortable quarter* till they have
Ohio, where they have been \i>l(blF
paaaed Into Uie aecoad or fully de
Che iiait fe« week*
veioped toad auce. wbereopon they
71>e Hapllid l.adle»' Aid will meet ai break the membranous cover of tbair
Uie borne of Mr*. K. lilddU on Tbnr* cHI and come out Into the world.
day. Mareb';:?. AIL are Intited to ab
Tbe nsnber of yoans produced at
oacre In this way may be a* many as
In oartaln apeelea of
Mr and Mra. Will .Vewmarrli aa-l a hundred.
Frank Koindorfer were in town Rai- South Aokortoan uwe-freci tbe esc*
are hatebed all tocetber In a pooch
arday. Tliey were on ibeCr

back, bat In Ibl* oaae
*Iieiid BtMcr with tbe tureuis oi tbe
the mUe OBM eeme forth while atlll
latter i"o.
tadpole*.—Tbe Plalndealer.
Misses Hu* and Jeaale -Bvtrden
k|ieiit Kaaier Sunday atfltie taoBe o:
ib^r larents
The M. B. eburc-ti membera are plannine on a flue Kastcr aDlertainBient. Moot Complea Man is More or Laos
an Open Book to Ht* OkasrvlaB
Sunday forenoon
Better Half.
Mr* A- M. .letfery arrived at Semmli Cliy Saturday nooo. where »be^ei-,
That tbe race of bBsWd* know* iu
lieeu to rlsli relaiive* and fr><*i,d^
wires may be doubted That the race
of wives knows iU husband* Is un­
/Lftar a Bad Oliraer.
doubted. The amn poe* Sourlsbinc
Tommy—- Papa, what U It that th* forth on hli path of many Ititcwi*
Bible aaya U here today and aone to- Tbe woman *H* at boom and breeds
moirowr- Papa—"Probably the cook. over ber *ln«le inierrst—the. man By
dint of broedlBC Mie Aeorbs. and ae-


ORPta or reJecta.Aim..«Sto MaMn
hope to escape from tbe eertouiethdy
a weytnan. cofitlnned for atiriwn
iri-dRUy. Kverr piece of evKleore
» have obacrwtd I*
thal 1
acraUaterd. anaiyacd. olaaatfird. Her
RRlad aoaka the man as Uqaor aaais a
lump of susar The aaenr Ja dim •
Mdvwl: (he man U solved.' X<«t mea,
, It 1* traa. are atnipla anoesli- Bat the
aesi ccB4>lex men beinme aln^l*
when aubiected to ^e aahBmtratrd .
and c;aoUuaed sernUny of biyodlM
woman. Tbry are eoohad wkbAbe din' bcrr; ahey are washed np .vlth RbR
j crockery: they - are-atitehatl Into Ah*
I ehUclren'* ptMfeues.
llonced dlMroUoe »o i


Btddds e« mify.^cpod Ten.
*"8he paaaed me
wUhout aarMp
a word. 8be did act em look at me.
‘.'It M tM* that hai dsadded »e.
1 eanaot live without ndfrte. eo. as
aoon as I have read tbe last ^pter
of -^lie Klttc of the Scalp Burner*"
(I cannot die vlibout knovint wheth­
er Eamarvlds escapes from ODoeye^
not). 1 am icoinf; lo poison myself.
“ ’1 have msde a mWnre'oat of two
packei* of breUe p<4kder. tome black*
lac. a batMe of eofirlnir ink aad «mr
red bewlca. 1>Mhaps at the and'I
ahall add some rw
I togtre tathar tor havtts
whacked m* m oRm.
*Tbeee are the laat woidi 1 ahaR
avarwTBa. . ■ ■
'Little-MoB HIr adatare wade him
WOT sick, and he received the biRcest
ihfhahlnR be bad yet received from
bis lurerhor. «Mce then ba baa atw
1 \m
Lobb. by Walter Emaaaal.

be tbe very best time for^thlaMaS.
Ttaere are Mwaya. exctptioaa Thcfi.
SRaln. ihi^ of»“4Dany wbo decUb*
they can think bitfOTMi BlrbL wbo
perhaps nerer tried ibc expcrtmeot
of KirtnRWrteus ttaocsbt* to aSythiM
hafera breakfacUnR

dauef flfh
"puneh." which dees not conatsuef
iBRredtetita. ibe word belonplnp/.o tne
Marstbi and Gczcnitl lanpuskee of
ladl* aad *lRnlfrior'"«Te.~ IfVa*
irodueed Into KnRiand by the wermau
of the E:a»t Indlii eoRipeay^out tbe
end of tbe sereotceotb cenS^.



One of the Loroesl and Vfoat Complete Slooira under one roof tn the Grand Traverse Region.
Largest Assortments, Dependable Qualities and Lowest F*rices,
-Make this the logical trading place tor the economical buyer.
We are offering especially strong Inducements
tromeach Department during Merchants* Tra0e Week-a tew.ol which are mentioned here.

Ckoieest Offerings From Oar
Lakes’ Yiear Department.
Our stock of all kinds of Ladies'. Misses'
and CbiJdren'e Cloaks: Suits. Dresses. Waists.
Skirts, Muslin Underwear, etc., was never
iDore complete. Popular prices for high class
garments make this the busiest ready-to-wear
department in Northern Michigan.
Jut lor Ucrcliuts* Trade Week
we offw the following special numbers—
New Sprlafl CoaU aad SaMs
lor ladles aad misses, at.. 99^9
Tme all wool serges and basket weaves
ITie same quality you expect to find in a $15
garment. AU the wanted shades and the
very latest styles.
See oar Merehaals* Trade
Woek Special Caat at............ 4a9d
A fine all wool serge, collar and cufCs of
shepherd check worsted, new cutawav front,
ladies and n^lsaes sizes.
Our showing of Coats and Suits at
tllM, 914.75, 914J9, 918 M lo 99999
is unsurpassed in style and quality.
To introduce our big line of Children's Dresses to the
public at large we offer ibis Mcrehaato* Tirade WcBk
SpedaL Children’s Dresses and Rompers in Peroale.LiMBeand gingham, sizes 2 to 6.
One Week only, each....
Our assortment of Children's Dresses is not to be surpas8^ in iWs re^n, for style, fit and quality. The values dfferWc* -SUM, lo 87.90 are simpiy in a-dass


is considered the best value in the dty. We
are ready to show 500 New Spring Suits, to fit
ell hioid8 and-sizes of men.
We are sole Traverse City agents for the
famous “Kirsehbeum" clothes., Tbe gennciits
that are strictly hand-tailored, and made from
acid-tested, cold wsterabrunk, all-wool mater. iels. Every suit guaranteed to give satisfac
tory wear or a new suit free.

You have never heard of sudi values as are offered
here in this etore this season. Every latest kind of mat­
erial that fashion has decreed is found in this collection,
marked at tbe lowest in the dty prices.
Serges, ^nnge, ratine.'etc., wQLbefound herein abun­
dance and you could not find better dwashtg,
Laak TjmoC'Over;
36 tndi Black, Lastrous
Messaline, worth every
emt of $t 'per yard, Herchants' Trade *9^
Week, spepiia at

___ kaaV* Trade


This Idt iocludes pl^
anddlk striped voiics. rat­
ine, whipe^ and linen
waitings, hew flaxonA Irish
pe|Hiiie,etc .-many of-which
aell regoiariy-at 36c.

Ort Pmriimt btpertmni
>s s<Liio«l<^ice<]
mni In .NoitbfMx Sllrblaan. Coniplv*
TULK. FIAXJIl COVKRI.XGS, IFRAPERIF* A.NI) W.tU. VAPEK-Rl aMQ•stln# j.rka». Tbf only Tralvran City tuegnt* lor tbe laatous—Mtlosiei'"
Kti-hm trabloei.

Acre afe a lew SpcMaloler


Plain wd broken cbedtsi—
good weight and color.
Xadles'dAtattOBdMibIc Up -«llk OMwa,
Merchant's Trade
Week, pair........
(only 1 pr. to customer)
Kl Sim h UalnUis
Mra’e oreromen's fold-:
ing umbrellas can be
^stoed to put in a suit
case or trunk
value, this
week only

We have set aside 100 suits, strictly new. stylish' gariDents.
that we bought to sell at $10 and $12.50. it QO A-AA
Merchanu' Trade Week Special.......:...
Remember they’re worth every penny of $10 and $12.50.
Better SMts at 9U.48,At9,99l aitt43$
Amre >Fdralehtapttapartwmat
consists of a good, reliable collection of men's wear-^aeh as
ttali, Sall^ Sox, Tlairi itnai, etc., all at prices the
We otter special lor Mcrehaato* Trade Week the
foUotvIoo aaiBbers:
es Dozen Men's Dress Shirts, with or without attechad ahd
detached collars, some soft collar. Regular $1 Shirts,
for only each.................. ................... ...... .......... km;.
Tawe fecial Tie

SO Dozen new Ties, latest silk and colorings. One week
only—lie, and a belter one at 9 lor 9L99. ^

StytUh Spring Fojiwear for Mat, Women and .
TboM -who 'find -h UnpsaiKle.
(Minn. Very ReeumiSly Priad.
b> attend the Ibrchanu' Tnde' Wc do not o,lLyouS3.50.lKlMto,eoo<<.dq»icU>le..tyH>Ii.hoeo..C<»e
W«k Duplay can order any
and bur
ear cdchnl^
cei^nsd -Grdelnoe''
*^GriiBliteB'' due,
ibees lo.
for woon.
wean, ind
aad ooiM
oorA MI
T oat
article by pareel ptuL
juftly foiDovs “Reed- dneX-i^. ond u o».hm price of..........ZeSWl


RBiirtB,...............!Tt:.............. jirAs

Our Men’s and Ymmg
Men’s Claltittg

Nea Spring Jdees 4r Dress Goods
mi oAer Dry Goods
Specially Priced

Oar ltac« Hest, W*

«is m
SeoM, Tnde WccL Spcool .1 »1.4e
75 pr. luvr S;ie8Sboo.oll die>.
A mU bMcri. nke. Ued. unMie.'dnei-md, extTMRiiBtrdy lew priced *191 dt
LMe TeUlkshle Roie sbtn. kee
e hvoonUy ¥.41 vdut you ocdimiily,uy $3 !«..




EXTRA! bargains ‘“is;

Immense Overstock Sale On Pianos
We will put our Immenec Slock of Pianos on sale S«t«rday Mornbig, March SMh, al 8 o'clock at prices that will make most anyone able to become the
owner of an instrument. Kot alone will you be able to become the receiver of u high grade piano at the very lowest price, but we will make special easy terins for you
-Henns that will compel you to buy now. WE MUST SELL THESE PIANOS.


Why We Put On This Sale---And Why We Can Sell At These Prices—
r*si ch ^*^have taken inventory and find ourselves overloaded with stock. Further we have bought very heavy
for the Spring and in addition to all this we have bought for spot cash, several complete slocks'from eastern
manufaeturers. who found themselves in need of ready cash. In turn we will give the public an opportunity to share in our ludky purchase.


Let Us Trust

Let Us Ilnisit



Open Every Evening

Open Every Evening

New Pianos $150 and Up
12 Months Free Trial
Come and let us explain our method of doing business.


yon so desire

Extra Bargains
For Early Buyers

Have you, ever had
the fascination of pers o n a 11 y producing
music? Don’t lose any
time to experience the
fascination at once. It
is a pleasure unlike all
others?' This beautiful
$550 Player Piano
now only

One beautiful Oak Piano.................
was $900. now $17f
One fine toned Walnut Piano........................ was 325. now 198
One extraordinary fiill Mah^any Piano........ was 350. now 1«»
One toned, beautiful design Piano.................was
One rare bargain full Mahogany Piano____ was 550. now 165
One extra fine bargain. Walnut case............. was 375, now 185
One beautiful Mahogany Plano................ .was
One fine toned Mahogany Piano................... was
One rare bargaik, fine tone, fancy case .......was 500, now 229
One beautiful toned Piano in Oak..................was 350. now MO
fine Organs. $5.00, $8.00, $10 and........ ............................. IS

Terms $2.50 Weekly
U Yom Cu'i
CmU lamedIMMy Write
^ bur com
ptde tarRblRlIst.

Don’t Be Found

SCOAES OF OtBEK BARGAMS. Every piano Is^mRcR by
onr own Gnaranteed and ttie leog cstnbilalied GrtnncU
BepntdtloB t8 « bond oi absolntc proleeUon to every bnycr.

Let Us Trust You
including a good sup­
ply of music, bench
and scarf

Grinnel) Bros.,
Traverse City. Mich. .
We have shipped you 2 carloads of Pianos to be sold
at Traverse City. These are one lot -bought fit>m a
manufacturer who found himaoif in need ^ leady cash.
They were bought 90
cant lass than the oost of jaaoufactuiing. iMake prices and terns so low
it wgll
compel anyone to buy now. We-must sell tbepianos.
Grinnell Bros^
Detroit. Mich.

Buy from a liense laaaBcd on neoBo ol
qnaUty and slrablbHorward haoBilaii;
•Mthoda. IMb yoB «k ahaalaltly
anre «i laaUBf aatUlacUoa. tt .yean
ol boncal acaHag BhoaM mahe anyone
■eel sale in *a»«aB iraai CrtaaM Bna:
OM idaaae and organa lakea la cx-

• I Ml -• rr I' TriaalidB.

Give Your Children Music
Surely no reason why you should be
vdthout mu^Q In your home. Dive ihe
Children a chance to cemmenoe the
study Of miMiic at onoe; it may be the
beginning of a-wondeiiful career.
lely: MMlI nmMy.
^yacsts tbcraMcr.

bob^ at



mtSUgan’s Leading Mustc House

Headquarters, Detroit 243-245-247 Wof^wacd Ave.,


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