Grand Traverse Herald, October 09, 1913

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Grand Traverse Herald, October 09, 1913


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, George G. (1861-1942)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Onig Fi^ Mutt Ansvwar to Mwrdtr



Prwaident No Linger


JYasbIngton. Oct. 8.—There will be
torlous Both managers led their re­ took aecoad on* the piny. Murray ' Chicago, Oct. (i.—Henry Spencer,
no uniformed military cor naval aides
spective ieajtuee In the nuDibe* of (annsd. Meyer^ flted out to Oldring whose confession lhai he killed a
B<-ore of persons Is now- believed lo be
No runt, onc.4rii. no eriw.
with President Wilson hereafter
pehnante they won wlthdva each.
a fantasy gf drug-crazed mind, will be
evpt when be attends aruy or naval
More than 35.000 persons stormed
Fifth Innlr^.
Athletics—.Murphy went dew-n at taken lo^ Dupage county. Illinois.' to
the. Polo xrounds to witnre* the xame
today snd as ihe players ehare In the flrst. Mamuard to Merkic. tildring stand trial for tho murder of Mrs. Alli­
Tljjimeas. f. S. N..
proceeds of the first four ganes they died. Marqunrd to'^^crkle. Oolllns son llezroal. Hr prolisbiy wUI not
naval aide at the .White hOuse. today
»m reap a harv'esi as n result of the walked, Ihe Rrst pass to be Issunl In I e held ben- for mor<- than a couple
flip of the coin which sent the Ant the came. Baker bit a home run Into days. Bsys the police tonight
WM xraiiled tiis appllmtion for,
Although a sizvn? of delrc-tivrs are OPERATORS AND STATE AUTHOR. seWice. living asslKUed tu the battletussle to the Prio xroutids ln>tea(i ol Ihe right field alands, sruring ('olliiis
-Sblbe |-;iik. Phlladrli-t a The I'clu ahead of him. Mclnnes |k>p|W
still invrstlgalliig the oonfessli
sliSp'Teaos as navJcator. It ^as di-ITIE8 BOTH SCORED.
xrouiit3 has a xre&:'er seatinu CApsv- Fletcher and ended ihe agony. Two 8iH-xiccr and Ivavr sulistanllated many
termlned to apiwint no unuMu his Allen Ryan Claims Gevsrtwr Triad to .
ily lli.i« Sblbe park, and with the llrM runs, one bit. no errors.
of the niintvr crimes hr said he had Claim Set Fertiv That Mlneru Were place, but Ueuienant
Get Him to Influonet RopubHeane
Giants—Merkic singled. Mri'ormlck commtUrrd, the jMilIre do noi
Xame he;^ as well as tbe Katurday
1 I„ Jones, r S. N.. arde
Ridden Down and Fired Upon
and Also Have Beea
- .
game. It is estlmaiedAhat the jdtyers' was sent In to bit for .Maruiianf and lirve they could convict of a mfirder
Seercury Daniels, will act as naval
When They . Asked, for
Murphy Seen.
share' in the iirooeeOs «w-tntr^sed aingled over sycoiid. Shafer •'em in Cook enumy and will send him to
aide to the president whenever the
Their Rights.
down, Collins (o .Mrlnues. Merkle and Wheaton for trial. .
lU'.OPO thereby.
latter rcqulnw the escort pf a naval
(Ry I'nlted Press.)
MILLION OOtLARS WAS WACERBefore dawn today the first fans ileCormiek advaiieing t>u the play.
KjK-nerr has hern indirird at Whea­
officer. At army affairs. Colonel Wil­
~ Illy rnn*.d Pres*.I
Oct. 7.—Evidencing an
determined to see tbe opening- game Doyle reached drat on Barry's low' ton ' liarged with the murder of Mrs.
Washington. t>«t. 7.—The Arherl- liam Haru, C. 8. A. sui>erlDtendenl overwljelmlnx aemiment against Gov.'
throw' (b Mclnnes and Merkle scored Itevroat.
of the series apiteared outside
D Federation i>f Ijibor today appeal- of gniunds and buildings, will act as Sulzer. the high court of impeach­
Polo grounds. The lower stands and Barry's bad peg was ihe Rnit error
1 to labor througliuui the country to military aide U> (be president.
ment today voted 41 to 14 to overrule
•oOl CoRtsotlng Tsatns Wtrt CIvtn bleachers were not reserved and a tho game. Flrliher eoiinected for
aid the IC.lHiu sulking copper minei
PresidiOE Judge Cullen’* derision of
Hsarty Applauss Whan Thay
band was on band to enieriain the hot liner which put him safe on flni
Calumrt. The offh-tal ap|>eal
jeslerday In which , be excluded evlTt«k Tlald. Eak^ SUrrad
throngs which i>oured tbrouch and scored .McC'omili-k. -dturns loreod
said. "Seldom has there been auch
•lencc thtt Sutler requested Alton RYsTes Immediaielt they wurw^jioi) netchar. Baker to i;oUliis. but Doyle
With Ho*na Run.
a display of arblirar)' methods
an. son of Thomas Fortune Ryan, to
Ths-y brought their lunches ai-.i scored and Burns reBchtd the siartlDg
the |iari of mine o]>eraturs and govintloence Senator Root ^d Ri^ubWere able to eat to 'be straliis of tm<- sack on a Aoldt-r's tbolce. Herzog
emmenlal aulhorilies. .Wlien
lican State Chairman Bamea to ssrlng
slc. pie lend beginning Its eoncert filed to Collins. Three runs, three hll^
the rei'nihlivuD ecnators over lo Sulniluvrs attempted to protect human
about noon. The band kept up Its
zer Ryan was then reualled as a sritREAR BEAT OF AUTOMOBILE IN­ rights they. were ridden dawn, club

Sixth Inning.
program until even greater rrowda ar­
He swore that -Suiza- asked him
• AtJilSltes—BchaoR. I.Api>. ThomAihletles—Orandnll now pitching for
rived along about 17;3U snd until play
lo Iiave Oelancey . Nieol see Boss
• RLBeoder. PUnk.Cooml«t. Houck.'• began.
New York. tSirutik Chafer,
Murphy of Tammany and persuade
• Brown. Bbswker. Pannock. Bush. *
With Ihe eonrluslon of today's and Barry followed with a hut drive
him to call off the .Impeachment trigl.
• Wyckoff. Mclnnea. tk>lUn«. Barr}'.
Shafer. Srhang filed out
game, both teams ulll preiwre tnr the
•. Baker. Orr. Ds^. Uran. Strunk.
I runa. no hilt, no errors,
trip to Phllaileuphla, whore the second'
• E. Murphy, U. < Murphy. Walah.
game win be played tomorrow. Ac-_ Giants—Murray rolled one to CulWHOLESALE
• Daley aod (Hdrlnr
cording to the rules the games will be' Hns for an easy ]>uiout. Meyers went
• .Sew York—Burne, Cooper. Ctuoplayed allemsirly In Sew Vork atd down. Bender to .Mrinnes. Merkic
• dall Doyla. Damarea. Fleteher.
rblladatlihla. «-xcPi> cafp of • tia. faoned. -No runs, no hits, no errors. DEATH OF MARJORIE PILCH WAS
• Fromua, Crani. Hersotc. IlarUey, • «'han tha iilay^olT whirli |h iilA><>d nrxt * <
Seventh Inning.
Only Meagre OeUHa Raeuived From
Attitude and Otny ^^the
• Ma,niuard.
Wltiae. Maihca'eon. • d«y wll be In lUe 'll> *li<re Uic tie
AthleilpR-Bender'fanned, Murphy Police Believe Mlaa. Leegsan Had
• Murray. Meyers. McLean. Merkla. *
Been Held Pnaener by Assailants
went out at first. Doyle to .Merkle.
cation Haa Baan InterrvpUd
*BoMDao&.> McComUrk. Shafer. '
All records for |ir<-arrangeineni5 for
By the Storm.
./'Jurors and All Witnsssis Were
tn.v I'nlted Proas.)
• Soodfruaa. 'I%orpe. Wilson. Tea- * covorlpg a World s serii.-s were broken hands No runs, n hits,
urday Night.
''hirnxo. Oct, 7.—Henry Speaeer
. • raau and Srhupp.
• today when STO oui-of town newsi>apcr j Giants—Crandall
down, Barr}
(Ry ITnlted Proas.) v
when' his "death list'' of a score
arrlve-I .it -the Polo grounds to to Mclnnes. Shafer singled to
Seattle. OcL 7.—That flames i
invcsUgatlnn by (be eoroner'a Jury
more w hom he clal^ted- lo have mur­
"cover" the senes
Over |O0 teleuod Jloyle foUowivt with a single
.(Oy United Pr*** i
tlly t'Dltrd l*reSK )
dered tumbled like a stack of cards sweeping through the hurricane striek- into tbe death of Marforte Marie
Polo OfoundA Sew York. Oct. 7.— garph wires run from the grounds to to tight, advancing Shafe; to third,
fhiraxu. Ort. T.-Thr finding of
distric^ of Nome. Alaska, which Pilch which occurred on September
At 12:SO when the Glantr appapkd points-Hiroughout this, country. Can- Fletcher hit to BanV and a double abandoned autonrabilc rear seat show­ gave evidence today of being at the
was Bwept by storm yesterdsy. wss .20. whm she.was run over by Harry
iday reaulledi Barr}'; Collins to Mrlii- ing eviilencea of a desiwraie struggle point of nervous collapse.' Capuii
on the field U would have taken a ada. and via cable to Cuba. .
the word received here to<Jsy from the e. Hin^wa* :^ptols<
-ND euna. two hits, r
sbo^orii le aqatim another (an Into
Tha Llnttfti.
inriinril thv polire lo<Iay to tliribrurr Halpin Mild, today ha azporied thi
norih. Advices came An a r
the foliowing ver9^-^^ by Um
Eighth Inning.
Giants—Shafer. rf;
the reaerred Bortlone of the srand
that Miss Ida l,rrBSun. (he an pupil t>riso<ier to change hl( attitude and
about way. as cable cbrumun.icatlon Jurors; - Wo find that the asM Mar.
. Athlcllci—Collins lient .
a. hunt whu wa* assaulted and murdered, was dhny that ho even murdared Mrs. AliiBtand or bleaebars. It was obvious Fleiclter. sa; Btjms. If; Herzog,
eon RexroatUtat several thousand would be turned Murray,, rf; .Mcteri.. c; Merkle. lb; aod Baker tlngfed. advancing t'ollins first atUckM In a touring ear
storage plant where tbe winter's most about four o'clock on the afterboou
to Ih^. Mclnnes dooLted, sc(>ying then taken to the prairie where her
away.. The Giants not . xenerous Marquard. p.
supply is stored was burning at the of September SO. 1918. OB the Bast
AlhletlM—Murphy, rf; Oldring, If: Colllnt. Teg^au replaced Crandall In half nude body was found.
«round applauae and tbe roar was relast account.*. It is believed there Eighth street bridge from shock
KIdridge today identified tba a
eehasd when the Athletics appeared.
no loss of ll(b. Terrific seas caused by bring struck snfi mo over
The camera brtfade then had an live­ Strunk, rf; Barry, sa; Srhang. e; and one run had been uken off Cran- Ills and said It had been stolen Satur­
driven by Harry
dall lo two Inning*. Strunk fanned. day from .laeksoo I'ark. The coroner Jaekeon Maehint Shop Sold «• Tar. swept In and demolished five hun­
ly half hour pteturlnx the xiadsome Bender. p.
dred boutea.
Hlaes. and that tbe aeddent waa un­
I'mplree—Klelm. behind tbe^'UI; Meyers pegged to second In an vffori believes Ihe girl was held captive by
ueenau BettlDC was brisk durliuc the
, buck A Schulgen.
avoidable." The Jury which was
monlBx. It was estimated s lailllon
of B. H. Brseken. Fred L.
startad home. He w-as caught be- rruelly. tortured.
dollars bad bean waxered. Tba hlx- Connolly. In right field.
Johnson. M<«es J. Ririi, L. H. Ooss.
A deal InvolTItig one of tie Oldest
tween third and the plate. Meyers
seat bettor was B. K'Snisthers. an.
C. R. Taylor and Rowland Douglass,
Doyle to Mover*. Barry lopped
Iron working plsnis in tho city .bss Katia Broa. Soid Out to Kii
oil operator, who Is esld tq have waxCAME. PLAY 8V MAY.
went into all tbe details of the acci­
Doyle. One run. tiin-r hit*, ho
been completed, whereby Georgs TarMan.
ared b<'tw<>eo |&i>.0(hi and $l»o,oori on
First Inning.
dent. and in order to bring out all tbe
ron. .—
buck and I.oul« Seliulgen take
the Athletics at even monev. Tbe
AthlMlra—Murphy filed out to MusGlanU—Burns wvnt down. Baker to
■o»Hi-stioD of the Win Jackson maGreennian of Kingsley, has pur­ available facta they held four ueueroMd was estimated at t".oo<>..aiixhL
y in deep right. Oldring drove a .Mclnueu, Herzog died. Collins
Idne shop. Mr. Jackson, who has chased Ihe stock and fizturoa of the slons and examined all who vrere
ly Mow the world's series averaxs single to light but waa ntpiwd off tbe
hail arilve charge of Uio plant for Klile Uilliari] parlor, formerly owned near the scene at Iba.Ume the acci­
which waa due to rain durlnx tbe sack at flrst. Collins alnglsd over sec- Innea. Murray bounded a hot one off
The investigation
Baker's glove for a single
some lime. Is a ploheer In tha Iron by Kalla Drns., and will take Imme- dent occurred.
early momlns'ond bundled on first when Baker flew dnvye a liner to Strunk No runt,
of this city, lie came here dtaie poiarfsion. He la an ezper- wa* made thorough on account of the
Batterles. Sew York. Marquai-d and I..... ...j Burse.
No runs, t 3 hits, ■ hh. BO errors.
Orinetala Seek to Profit By Eaperl- in 1RS2 and ten years later built the
ienced min In this business and U tnanv rumors pint were «bokt tbe
Meyers; Athletlet: Bender and tAcIisnx I
cnce of UniUd BUtea Along
Ninth Inniqg,
brick structure In which tbe firm thoroughly familiar with every phase city la regard fo the spued tbe sate*
Schafor went to remer for iliel uianta-Shafer wenldown on a hlxh
This Lifts.
Athlelirs—Srhaug went ouL lietzog
mobile waa going at the*llme the girl
has sinro done business. HU retire- of the S'ork.
GUnU aod Harsofto third,
.one to Murphy In deep rixhi. Doyle to Meritle. Bender went down. Tesstruck. These witnesses atstsd
gioot narks the end ef tweaty-one
Nick and Mike Katls. who have
'llled out » Strunk. fYetcber singled reau to Merkle. Murphy walked.
David 7. T- Yul. formerly sccreUlV
tars of conneciion with ihU plant. been In business b>’rc for the |>ast that tbe machine wss In -all probabllt-.
I Written for the I'nlud Press i
with a ho
» through ahori, but waa Heavy rain commeared, but play waa lo tbe vire-jlresldeni of the Chinese
The two men who bava assumed nine years will leave tbe diy, Mike ty not Kolng as fast as the taw allow­
New York. Oct. 7.-Tbe first sylla­ <aughi at
l>Ung tu steal. NO runs, continued. Murphy was raiight
republlr. Is now traveling in
charge, win eonilBue to do a general goes to Minneapolis, where be will ed snd that there waa no way in
ble of tbe laai word In bawball for one hli. no errors,
iemplint to steal. No run*, jio hits, reunto' l<> learn modern methods for marbloe and 'repair busloett. The engage In the hotel aod restaurant which tbe accident could have been
1'-<]3 will be spoken io.tay Only an
EcMnd Inning.
no krrers.
adoption In China. He U a i^ent htilldlnc Is eicelh-ntlr equipped
business, while Nick will return
air of tongreiS It Urklng to make if
Athletics-^Mrlonei went down si
Glanta—Merkla went out. Barry to
In order to reach all the facts tbs
all soriB of workWnd they wHI be able Greece for a vliU with hU parenU.
a national bolldty. It's tbe stan of first. Herzog Io Merkle - Strunk;
Mclann. McCInan. halting Fur Tea- Chinese V. M. C. A. which U
members of the city oommUtlou were
lo take swre of any variety “Of ma­ He expects to..- stay over for
Ihe big conflict bsiween Ihe New York l>reeted Harry rolled one to not.rbcr
reau. jmpped lo Itarn'. Shafer fan­ -lose loiirh w-ttii tSo new- government chine business. Mr. Tsrbufik
Olympic games In lOit, after which called Into oonference with tbe Jurors
libnu and Ihe Pblladelphla Athletics and wetii down a,t firai.. Fleirher to
and Is aiding In putilpg Into efferi been wlithh.- firm since Its Insuguned. -Vo runs, no thO;JIO errors,
tbe system of policing tbe city
he w-ifl return io the I'nlted States
for vhi- woHd'a title on the dUinond Merkle. .Mo runs, no hits, no errors.
tho ficoro.
odiiraliunal catni«fKn for
in deUlI. Plans were
rstion. twenty-one years, snd
U'ith it cornea tbe final blow off of
and engage in business, licforc
Glams—Burn* fanned, the first lo
1 :nt f.fiTgri'-Yi, h,e cillzenshtp of the' republic.
Schulgen took hi* position there fif­ lerinx tho rigar and pool atore. the also talked over looking to the furihhiL^ liall entbualaam the couniry over. l>e struck out by Bender. Herzog went
Phlladaljvhla ..n-/M).3;:-fi-o-iJ|—« jj j
While lo Washington recontly Mr. teen years ago They have had plenty Katls Brothers condoeted a shoe ..
------------- tbe lives of pedesI'rom dawn until 2 o'clock, when ihe out OR an eahv''grt>iinder to .tTcIno,es.
New York ,..jj p Yui spent some time invesOgatlng the
but no recommen­
of practical eztierience and are at
were called 10 ihe field
ihine parlor in the apace sdjtcent
Iwto took him at flrst
Batteries: Fhlladriphla. Bender and work of the forest service. In order
.I'-d.. ground*, eoiintlfs* 'thonaands Mfirphy singled t
been with the flm since its losugu- lo tbe location Just vacated by them. dations were msde by tbe Jury. There
Mepera went Bchang; New Vork. Marquard. Cran­
that he might find 'out whetlier Ilf the busIni^B of the compsny. For
has been a lot of fast driving in tbe
l>->-M-d through (hutumttlles Tliou down on a high one to OlOnog.
dall, Tearesu and Meyers.
organIzatiMi aad meihcvds would be the present no changes will bs tosde.
city this summer and praventton of
sindv had stood In line for hours runs, one hit. no error*.
of value to the newly created depart- but It is prohsblc that srithin a thort
tbe practice iSas impossible with the
waiting lor their turn at tbe ilpkei ofThird Inning.
of agriculture and forestry In time the company will branch out
present sized force, for e policeman
Ih-e Hotel* were'jammed, and sub­
Albletirk-Rrbang flew out to Bui
China. In speaking of thU part of Into -other lines of manufacturing.
cannot be in all parts of the city et
way. elevated and surface cats driven Bender went down at first. Fleteher to
bis work. Hr. Yul said:
GALA TIME IN ELK RAPIDS THIS one Ume. It happened that tbe only
to ilie.r llirlt ID carry the throng*
Merkle. Murphy aingled y> light
••In the matter of forest conserva­
fatal accident of tbe sniBmer occuired
^ tbe scene of battle. That iweseou the te'r .Oldring rolled out IO n«eber
when the driver was going slow aeloeal siinsiion briefly. In the grand­ and lorce.1 Murphy. FWchfr getting LEELANAU FARMERE WILL 00- tion the United Sutes profited much
by looking upon the dlsastem which
Thursday Will Bs Tfsvsrue City Day cordlnx to tbe witneassa. wblch"Tact
stand at the Polo grounds an army of the putout unaaslsted ' No runa. one
were the tesuU of the Chinese neglect
and Visiter* Will Bo. Made
tbe spoed question trom
tea-ajwper men and telegraph 0|ver- hit. BO error*.
reminent Resident of Old Mission
of .foraatry. This was a great warn­
the attention of the JoiTaiors were on .luty. As much atten­
GlanU-Merkle beat out an Infield
pied Tuesday.
ing to yon. Now we wish to profit
tion to deun^a* .been given to this hit to Baker aod was advanced' on
Therm^are Batween Mapla City b.v the Improved .meibods of foreslry
This is a gaU week In Elk Rapids
blue ribbon si«ilng event of tbe
Marqnard’B sacrifice. t'olUns to MclnOld Mission. O^s!—Mrs. WHiUm
and Burdiekvilia Will Ba Fliat
which the I'nlted States hat discover­ H. Shipley, aged tblrty. tba oldest for the Harvest Home Festival will
son as the news|Mi)M.TS and prea* as- nes. Shafer filed out to «8trank.
One Improved.
ed and applied.*'
aoctailoR* mould-give to tbe loutigum- Doyle aingled and scored Merkle. Tite
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. FYank Stone, open tomorrow and conUnue for three
This event Is expected to extton of. a president .And that tells crowd went wild when Merkle came
died at llm family home at 2:80 yosj
how the rest of fhi- rr,unify looks up- aen^ with the flrst tally. Fletcher
lerday afternoon after a llnxerinx IH- ceU all other attompu along thte'
Aa aa llluairallon of wbsl is being
on this annual basetwH |«rtj'. It may JU^ out to Murphv. One' tun. two
line made ly th« enterpri*lnx people
done towards improving the wagon
differ from time io time as« ron- bits, no errora.
Fbn Delaware. N. J.. where her hus­ of the village, for several new lines
roads of Western Michigan auenilon Almen Cloudburst VIsKad St Louis
leatanu Involved, but it alwsys'car- (By United Press.)
Fourth Inning.
band is sutloned in the rexular army, have Iwen added to the exhlblu snd
rtes tba aamo kjjkumeni: the aamo' Athletics—ColIlM tiii.led to- deep is oallad to the tact that ?S days of
New York. Oct. 8--Oeorgs BUI.
and five weelU ago lost her two weeks over 1200 will bo swarded in preteam
young fortnaa to be dumiied Into Ih* right. Baker singled, aoorlng Collins.
keeper, owed evortlJ)O0.
on. • I.uFla Stone was bom in Old nlums to the enccesafal conteatants
laps of tba playciiB. club ow'nera aad MclnnM sacrificed. Marquard to Mer- the ivecvle of the western part of
(By rolled Press.)
Mission ihiriy .vetrs ago and hat al­ In the different elaaaaa. The chick- He hoped to make up tbe drilrit by
Unau county for the purpoae of Im­
the DSUoail eonmsaioD. and' the
Btrunk wa< allowed flrst
8t. Ixuls. Ori. S.—Hall Thil to a ways lived here until she was married po show Is especlatir attractive thU. betting on tbe Giants. Be taw tbe»
same o^ortuatty for the oivenlng of. fielder's choice on a rap into the proving ona and onMourth miles of depth of four Inchea, streets were turn­ and left for ber future, home In New year and will rival many of tbe wli^ loee yeaterday and today kiltod Urnthe throttle and Ibe bumping off ol pitcher's bos wbicb took Baker down main highway In Katson fownahlp. ed into rivers, houses partly wrecked Jersey. There Is lefl besMe the tsther ter shows held la tbU region. The self by lahsllng gas.
'he baseball aMaoo with a grand up at third. Marquard to Herzog. Barry This highway being the one which by lightning and darkness replaced and mother, one brohier. \tnil, at people of tbe viUsge will hold open
-heavai at American ablUiy to whoop doubled to lefl. but Strunk stopived at coanecU Maple Oiy the principal vll- daylight at a result of a freak storm home, and three sisters. Mrs. William houso during tbe week and Thursday
PITTSBURG—General Crenje and
third'base. Sebaug tripled to oenier lage qf the township, with Burdlck- amounting tu almost a cloudburst here Brady; of Benton Harbor; 81arie, who will bs vlsUora day at vbkb Umt Martha Washington. Uos sod Ikxiom
Tbe series sl^thig today..^, «h« and Sinink aod Barry chaaad serosa Vlile. which la /iirartlcally a' lake today.
Is attending aebool at .Benton Harbor, the pet«le of Traveroo City are St Highland Park koo. boU tbe world's .
"rubber" MweeOfamager J6bn Mr- with cdudU. Bender died. Marquard port. The donated labor along with
and Aide, wbo lives at borne. Tbe specially limited to come ud speed record with 36 cubs.
Gr.w of tlw Olanu and r«.ulo Msrk to Merkle. Three runa, tour bits,
tbe moDsys from tbe tewnahlp funds
WASHlNGTON-NMure. altod by funeral servtoes will be held from the tbe day viib their -neighbors. Elk
of the Atbletlca Twl<'« before these errws.
will be auStdent to put tba road in pbyalcUnt. ts ipskjng a new note for borne .at 2 o'clodt Tburudsy sftsr- Rapids people nlwsn Uke to have
NEW YORK—-If Christ came here."
rlvata have last aad each ha* won a
doubted down the good abapa (or the markeUag of the Nellie Radigan. w*hen ber nose was noon. Rev.' C. W. (Tbase of tba Mstb* Traversa
people vtik them and said John D. Roeks(eU«r. Jr., "he
world's cbaaplenahtp fcosi the other, left foul line, but was tagged out on fruit aad potato crops, aot only for removed pbyslclaDa grafted two
odist church offlcistlBg. Intsmeat upon thte occasion they wfil make It couldn't brip wonder wbara t)|e balfw
Ts IMS MrCraw wqb with the Glsnis the base llua by Baker when Herzog'a Uii aeanoo hut fbr many aeaaoas
gers in lu place and the wounds are wiu be ln.<Me«sburg osmeUry.
v*ry pleaannt (or tbetu.
spUtUag high tbeologtosl etttAeeanws
U l»ir Mack's AlbleUes caB# out vk- roller waa ralayad by ColUoa. Uanog
MW kaMlBE.'
u.sMs tbs body ot tbe IttUs BOB. •




















(nuuiD nivxMB

Gfwid Tntoene HenU


Aad t^TMM ter Bwl*


i ,

Mecnd<Un nutter
the pMtoSlce »t
under Uie Act of
Trurene City. Ml«ai,
Mnreh 2.J. IT*- '
Oettam «t
Om«A m prwrt at. Beth Phe*W 23
...............21.B0 in ad'ivaace
............... 7Bc
40e la advaace

them end labor with t|«lr bmlni.
The nut who rt>«* Into the country to
•eek n’ork and finds that he baa a
natural llklnc for this kind of labor
Id a abort time prate lb be a talliable man to the fanner. On tbo
other band the ones who eeek a Job
tn the country merely because they
:anoot find oue to tbdr llUnjt In
town iorarlably make a failure of
ihclr attempt to gel good wages with
little effort. Efflelenry on the |>an
of the workman should’be the goal
aimed for. Juat as much as It p-ltb
skilled mcchsnlc, and others
who have to use tbelr brains in their

GoMen Days

jam tiavkui bay ulolb, thvbsdat, ootobir q. ms.

la tbe work of development consider
the whole recton and not any partlendtstrtct. and by so doing they
have atimnlated local pride to such
an extent that when the TfStion Is
aroused generally, each locality tak(a
r of Us Own Interesu in the matof Inprorcmcot. Every town bai
cbmmon Interests wllb every otbei
town lu the county or collection of
counties wlilcb have
same kind
of rnourcOa, and wben^ one part br
helped It l» natural to suppose that
will be helped by the genoi^ uiiward
trend. One of the greatest fsetnrs
in tbe development of Weiiern Michldiivlng the past four years has
been the newspapers wbo have work
«-d early and late to .Jell the people of
the advantases of this section agi
those of tbe mn<b touted‘witii and
'anadlanx^uniry. .What they havisaid has been tnitb'ful and could be
proven by tbe actual figures and ex­
perience of those who are located
In the neighbdrhoods talked aliout
Wlial benefits rfrand Traverse c^untv
will naturally help . L<eelanau.
trim and ilenrle and even take tn
niore tiTriiory In its l>eneflclal ef
f«*cts- Hy |>tilllng together a great
deal more can be aeeoniplished tlian
If each county workwl alone in the
develupnioat plan. ConraiuiiUy of In
trreMa linids people together 'iti. any
great work and this famor is what
iiitK the most lu the a<lilev<-ineni
of real Kiieo-ss. ' This-Is rviilly the
fn&at desirable part of tbe, state and
10 opl«rlunily sbmiia lie passed bv
•I Inform the general I'uWlc of this
act. It bas met with tbe gn-alest
iieeesB In tbo pasf and it will prove
Men more successful lo the future. '


While the bright warm days that
are prevailing In the Grand Traverse
region are turning the leaves
forest and field to gold, they
Auditor CenersI Fuller lias Ukeri also esrn-lsing their alcitemy upon
4t nptm blmi>«f to show the peopJ.- of the croP' In the fields and by giving
the state of MIcHgaa why their taic* the fanner amplr time for bis harvpsl
are hjgber than usual and where thi are turning the produce of the farm
money raised by the sUie levy ha: into gold'also. This bas tieen a good
been apent for the t^at five yean year for the farmers of this region,
U Is evident that the isxpayen win and If ther.-'are any who arc oo
satisfied with the results of theji
are apt to
of tbelr taxes win have a good sized leatA work the*' will liave to blame
tbink eomlBg before they.blame any themselves Initt^n^ of nature
their stile of min^'T'Ke'ic Im* la-en
Of the political leaders dirctl
ample rain during the aprlng. tummer
•any extravaibnee. One of the
and fait for growing luirposes and
tausea of Increase In slate tax
«be locrease In the cost of keeping i the harv.sit siarans for sll crops ha'
'np the. various state InsUlutlons. Ukh-u all that <«iild be desired. 1
which Is due to the Increase In ihc|‘thls respect this region has been
'Dumber that have to ba cared for and; faxored over' the aouthent jiart of the
to the bigb cost
i-verything tlial Isjstale. where most of the summer '
I by the state. The Neatest In- hot and devoid of rain at tlte limi
was most needed for lhe<eotn and hay
and as a result there -wlH lie
imnlxed to look after the Jnterests of light yield this year. Taken ns
the people. In practically all dlrec- •bhole this has been a bumper yes
Great vrimt'M are alwa>s followed
tkms. The state tax commission for the farmer In Grand Traverse and
b> a wave of slmUor crimes In differcost -eearly half a mUlfon to main- he has cause to be thankful thac be
nl iians of the <-ouniry. ospeilally
tail during the i>ast five years and has been spared the drouth
the newspal>ers dL^h up pages of
.the Slate banking d^tvarttnenf al>out floods that have visited and dcvasUlthe horrible details. This is where
ilh<T sections of the country
half as much There an« dewens of
tbe press of tbe nation Is weak and
Mber boards and commisstons whose
cat'-rs too much to the sensailonal.
expenses aikl salaries hate to t>e
When a complete dercripUon Is given
taken cero of by the lUtic that nm
>s that are out of the ordin­
thwcost of mslmalnlng the sUl<- Into
Tjtrge i-itles tike Chicago iia'
ary. those wHo have w-eak minds and
the millions every year. The real gtst problem in nmotcipal government to
criminaJ tendenry study the avails
of , the situation is that If the people lolvt- that Is taxing the aMtliy* of
vinlil tlic.v bavf them down to a nice­
want all these Investigation iwmiis- lH>se at till- head of ci\ie'«Rairs. wlio
ty and then go out and do likewise
alons and other fancy work along the .realize tbnt sounthing must be dom
wlien the ociaslon offers.. It Is always
line oD govantmwtl they will ha'e to In order tn provide an adequate sys
the tz>mlenrv of those nl - llmIleJ
|iay for them. When It comes to plac­ loin for the administration of cli;
brair. pow er to' imlute and Iheir
ing the blame for high Uses it is up
old ward -sv.stem l imiiatien it done along lines that
to the people themselves u> assume doomed and already It bas but f- wd'-trlment to society in gen­
ttav responsibUiiy. They asked for defenders even In the machine ridden
eral. Th>- newspaper -that confines
an these gotenmienUl extras and cities of the country. Tbe
reports of crimes to th’e main
the needed leglslatldir wt||r kccured machinery is loo unmjeldy to bring
:s.and leaves out all the horrible
by tbelr represenuiive.. in the legis­
rasulls that, are demanded and particulars Is doing a great work foi
lature. Mad all the new commissions it Is now np lo the t<eople to provide
society, while «n the other hsnd thi
been appointed Ibat the the pebi>Ie new rhaners that wlli embody the
paper Hist paVIlshes everything It
bate asked for tn the past five years most app^ved system of handling
Induce some people with dlseasthe state would be . bankrupt and he buslorsa of a large city. Chicago
ilnds to commit crime and this
taxes would be altont five times ai Is about to take steps In the direction
little ^nd more Is conuined In thi
tdgb as (hey are at the present tlmc tif framing p rliarter that will
sensationat Journals itf the eoutiiry
Tbe people of Michigan want every i-roid enough to provide a public
lllustraUnn of bow these sordJd
thing that is new in the way of gov miDisttatJon that will , meet the
tales of' crime work upon a cehsli
•rnnient. but they should have the quiremenu of the tlmex jftad yet not
class of people cm be found whenever
good, sense to know tkat the mor
je too expenslte. It is evident-that
ly unusual meihod''of suicide
the admlnUtraiive machinery they haner wilt be finally adoirted that
Jieralded In the press. Within s short
•er«r« the more It will cost to main- w ill embody the con
n plan with time after there spring upP a score Of
tain it Id working order. Those who possibly a provlsltm for a cliy
itnjiators who follow
p dlreeilons
' bate must pay and- this pbllosophy
?r. which plan Is coming Into vogue that are detailed In tbe piiblie
Is parUcuIarly applicable to Micbimany of the progressive ctUcs of prints. By confining the report!
Kan at tbe present dime, when some the country. Dayton. Ohio. haC found
rimes tn the bare facts and leaving
^ people who are not famlHar with the
city manager-ebtirely saiisfacii
ouj sli the barrovring detail)
working of tbe stale system comj
and if the Idea works out suenasfut- newspaiMTs of the country cat
about tbe aize of Uic figures on I
!>- In Usjton. it la good logic,t
great work In lessening <rlme
rime W~r*».
tax reeeipta.
chide that It would bo equahy
moving the Incenti
fective in ('bicgp> or any of .the licsi mind will always select thee seijsatlon.
class cities. TVhat the people
al Instead of tbe KOiid. and for thii
cities w ant Is tfpeedler nciUm than is reason all the more discretion should
There are several problems direct­ possible to secure under the
be used In describing 8ens.*itlonal
ly connected with thescarcityoflabor herwomo system of municipal govern- cas'-s of murder, outrage and suicide.
la tbe farming scciions of the country connocUon w|th tragedies and there­
which make desirable ynen scarce at by poisons the'mind of those d-hn
a lime when they arc most need^.
ceiitlblc. it a wrecker of society
Tbaprlncipalreasori that men are hard
ajt actual menace to the commnnlto get in the country is the miiiaki
ThPre Is but Utile Ineentire need^tdea that Hty people have that farm- ment that is in effett dn
(Prom Tu^ay's Record-Eagle.)
la a boslBMs which docs not rc- at the present time. The old idea
The rjrat (Til aocial aesaien of the
auliw any particular knowledge, and that any pfoject that la brought up
that anybody yho wants a job Is
to be referred from one commll- Moose was held last night lo the club
weleorae In the rural districts. Many tee to another before final' action Is rooms and resuiied in an ailcndancs
of those who apply for work In the secured Is a back number, for exper­ that kept the- commlitees In charge
oopntry- have no idea as to what tbe ience has proven that mattm of this busy fibdiog room (or them,
gressive pedro was played. Mrs. Har­
duties of a fanner areand the amoiAit' name can be aeUleddn • more
vey and Ur. Guy OeUing taking bead
of knowleOgt that Is really needed factory manaer by one or a few
to be of real -service to thi agricul­ that can be done by a large body prizes. Mrs. Wm. Nash and V*m.
tural emidorer. ^s a result Instead i-ach member of which Is looking out Sammons each received a consola­
Coffee, cake and ilouebnuu
of bring a rgbl help in the nisTi
for bis own ward, or bit own peraonwere nerved by the Ladles' circld aft­
son they are actually in the way
al interests in the maUi-r. Th
cause they d6 not know what to do mand for new chafters in the large er which the floor w-as cleared and
next-or how tbe task is to he dotve. cities Is a favorable symptom, for It idanclng was indulged in.
A Buick fivo paasenper touring car,
• rsming (n Its present slate dc. shows tliat the people arc progressing
maads men with grains and if not and that In time they will secure ■§. model 3T.:has been delivered do Fer­
actual experience, natural adaptabili­ form of govcfainent that will be both dinand l-aulner. tbrougb lb« \V
Goode agency. Tbis is tbo flrst-l»14
ty to tbe' work. The man who •ffeciive and aaUsfactorr to the
lei of the larger cars to tw placed
winu a Job Jw for the money there non people who have to p»y
is in It U otn of his element when bills. It also shows that the rule of
Ths Kynatt-Thlrlbjr case which oc­
be goes into tbe conntry in search the boss Is to be finaMy broken atMl
of work, for the time the ' farmer
[•eople emancipated from the sya- cupied tbe.atteotkm of circuit court
lasea in telling, blip every mov
tern that curtailed their liberties and tbe greater part of yesterday and tbb
make reduces the nscfutlnasa. ofboUr increased their luxes, It is a healthy morning will probably go to (be Jury
and a consequent toes in 'p Gwracidl •ymptom and-one which should be Ibis aTcernoon.
Mrs. Prod O. XUirtls left today for
way. Tfhat is true of theiman who
SaglBBW to attend tbe gratHl- chaptei
.offers his tuitrained servf^s la lb*
of the Order of tbs Baatara Star.
country Is dually tnie in tbe city,
- Mrs. John Hcaals of Aeme^lsft to­
where there are a great majority of
(be woriieA. kbo work merely he.
There is a reason for the rapid dc. day for Saginaw to attend ths grand
canoe they have to. wtiij no thought
of this aectlon of Western. chapter of ths Order of tbs Eastern
Of whether or not they are wonh thi Mlihtgan, and tbn is the fact that all Star.'
Mrs. F. H. Meads mwrnso to her
price paid then. Work along an; ipcallUes have been pulling together
line must be well directed in order for the bMterment .of the rtslon. boms in Los Angeles after tlsIUng

PMiiy Eerinicd


Fadng a PToHem

Expoue Growisg


PriUai TtfeOier

to bring^gwauiU. and tbe man wba
-works toerely with his bands
bares bepdw^ out 'of the Usl
fww bhn Is merely a time'* server
witbiMt any object in view, or
hope of ever getting lo any fixed
destlnaaon In bix work. Those wbo
r^ from tbe naaset are tbe oiiet
»be take latei^ Jp. tbe work baton

knowing that what benefits one place
will naturally beaent all others in
the vlcjBlly. The old Idea that
town or county has to be built up at
Rise of <Hher> in the near
neighborhood hat passed away, and
in lu place has grown up tbe prac­
tice of erohklng logetber for tbe comnfunity good. Those wbo are

Rdr.XhfcBti BattUiam.

TeOs How She Wu Rertored
To Health by Lydia E.
Pinkham’s Vegeta.

(Pram WMneaday’s Reeerd-Bagte.) chance to go to lesla.
Mro. U 6. Bahle of SuHona Bay.] Mr. and Mra. Robert Price will
-aa In tbe dty yesterday on business. eBtartaln tbo teacUers of Boardman
Mra. M. B. Bntu of Elk Raj>M«. wtt avenue school with a rido on the bay
1 the city yesterday on a abort buei-|tbis afternoon In the crnlsor -Spray.''
eas trip.
They will ambor somewhere down the
Mra. Peteraen of Buttons Bay, bay and go ssbore tur- sui>i>er .aod re­
spent the day In the city on builneaa t"™ *»
Id vUiting friends.
O- J- Holbrook. )«he teaches

fale CpitippsttMi.

an.. W.I, M ,»I.
I„r . ..o .«k.- lrl„ .0 I.,.!!,. H.«. ' ™
uU ,U>.r ndau
Sbi '

W U|o .1
'"-I' "'i-

To Mend Hard Bubataneea.
Melted alum'wai mend bard aabBtances like nAdl or glara so that U .
will remain Crm for yeara- Melt the
alum over an Intense heat and apply
when very hoi, E:xeellenl for mcndlSB
Ivory-bandicd knlrea.'
Doarnesa Cannot tvo Curod

SIS KSs'’sr’.’Siyi

» >11., Allc. H». 7“,"'''

Who will remain some
«Qti ear br uk,« >-ui and lb-. tobetThtfad W
Grayrnie. ni.-“I was a great atrf. longer.’
Us Bormale-xdltV-r., h»ni>r wtUbedwtnyra
forever: tun* carr*, oul of I'D arvMBMdby
fecBr^of female eomplainu (or a fev
Mrs. C. D. A.lway and Mra. Chaa.
Retort Courtcoua
*Ky eon,Willie tells me that you cwtarrb.wfclrklinutbinetmvati masBBdcraLongnerker. wlto went to Manistee to
IVillsn tnr any
attend tho Field Day of tli<- Knights threatened to box bis ears yesterday^
I began taklnR
Miss Tooter, ' said the Irate paregL
Lj-dia E. Pinkham-t Templar, remained over to visit with calling upon the school mistress.
Vegetable Com- Iriends and attend some social gnth I have come In to say lo you 'that U
pound. IwtalrregTaka fiaU’iV)^ PiUr ter eoMNsaWra■>>«»you ever—" Don’t worry. Mr. Marolar and had cramps
6. E. Edwards of ths Battle CrWk* rowfat.” said Miss Tooter. graciously,
so bsd that I had to sanitarium, la lo tbe city looking up ."‘■“bot at all likely to do It. Thejango to bed. - Now 1
r has be<
have belter health U»e question pf apples for tbelr use this
than I have bad for
MzW e
years azid 1 cannot
State Bank Building.
apeak too higfal; of ed Just now Is the Snow.
. '___
your medicine.Mrs. Jessie Scuaas,
Mra. Fred Bcehtdl is spending the
Future Law e( Peace.
413 Main St, Gnyvflie. Ill
day In Grant. Michigan.
,Out of tbe fic'rce sihigglC end__
l!.-l tli-'ir JiM «'f )>r.'jM-rlii*8
Mra. Baird, who has bocn halting! moll of contending syst^s and powCbm of Mrs. Tolly.
tvitli <iwtii-rs'iiil>ln-s!>*-<.<.r |>rnjibet daughter. Mrs. Crandall, of 111», ♦re 1 ter a brighter spiritual era slow­
dilOMPk ni.- ** l take pleasure in West Front atrcel. returned .to her, ly emerge—s era In which there sbsll I.; sell .v-.ur
wriUng to thank you for what Lydia E.
be no England, no Germany, no
Pinkhara's VegeUble Compound has home in Eagina<iv this morning. She France, no America, no this people or ._FARM OR BUSINESS
■compahled hy Mrs. Ina 1'Ierce.
done for me. 1 suffered with such aw­
that, but one fafflily. tbe human race;
nt i-<k1 of iiiiH S.-11ful periodic pains, and had a ditplaee- daughter qf Mrs. f'landall, ^who lias one law. peace: one need, barmoby;
•T Jiinv ili-jil ilif'-i-t if tlii-v jin-im-nt. and received no benefit frm ths been here some lime and iVturns to one means. labor; one taskmaaler.
doctors. 1 was advised to take t.ydia her home In Detroit.
Ood.-Helen Keller.
E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound
Mrs. Chloe Johnaon and Mrs. Flora
am now as well as ever.”—Mrs.'
> attend the
UAM TllXT, 2U52 OgtJeo Avenue, Ta,vlo
Pathcr'a Inc
and well
Chicago, IIL
Fatber will splasb around la two MONEY
tmiirovcd farma.
ivls. 311
Jas. Cavia has returned from a feet of water and ruin a suit of clothes
State Bank Uldg. Traveme City.
If you have (lie FUglitcst doobC
week's trip to Detroit. Grand Rapid-. to save srilclcs In a stranger's bouse
aprll SUt
lhat l.ydlAi-L Pinkham’s
ids’ and other poinU in tbe eoutbern. doriog a 30-cem fire. Hut if the pen
.blcComponnd w 111 lieip yoii.write psit of the state.
1 andev tbe Ice-box flows over he will
to Lydia ILPinkbamMediclocCo.
A. L. tUviAKt rrtuniM to D. •“
can come dowp and mop II up
Tice. Your letter w«l be openod, iFoit toilay. after a ahon time In the
city on buslmws.
rend and answered by a woma|k
ve Northern Michigan steamer
ateamer t„ th, li,>nr<n>bl. ia..:rO ,.r Fup<-rr!*oTs
and held in strict confldeno
louri docked here last night and ] G.“aiVm,‘n^
M>' iukji.. ^
l"■.tlll'•npr. tin- tVeAiAin >lii-iug,n
i.r motlicrrMrs. James K. Guriton'
look on almut five tarioadK of elder
...L-P.iwa.r ) iiniiisri!'. u ctin-urutiDn ttfgaiiThe funeral df Mrs. 8. E. Crecno Ix-lng shipiied hyFlhc J. C. !i •rcgri lt,*| and T-xUzii.t mi-lc-r ih* Uw> .if il.r
„Z__ Kisii- »( Ml. Iilgsn «iijujh*.prlnc-ipsl «mwill l>e held fivim the hj)me on hhu>i
besides a cargo of miac^l
nt 111. .-iiy
ItUf uih street tomonow morning nt freight and prodiicr.
••..uiiM, ilt-hiBiin, Ii^l-y
liviii.iaWif<«- kuUiimiy iiti.l |e-rIIcvk! C, H. Inltig and W. A
CapL A. E^ Johnson ef Did MiaIdi^an,
mi'l pray l^ve l» Kim-lr-ict
scniw til. UsiiKlee Jllvrr In Hie
ley will offlrinle
who has had command of thi- st V dsina
<-A.wus .if W. xronl Jut tile puriUM-. al
The Imrentory which Is being taken shill North AtQcrira. owned hy
14^ I»«Ur>n. 'if ttw hegzht oud draciipihe local iwsionice as tlio result Northern Steamship
smshlp company and i 1‘uh"*'- Th< pi
«e of coortnictlug
culsie. caiitrol end
' a ci-m-rnl order railing for apprais­ plying bet'
I cmcAiic
I Stream fur yww i-r
I artistically
al of fv«iy department of governnK-nt and Collingwood^
UirouBh the
-ill find only n
work is nesrliig completion. A .deycsicrduy enroute to his home.’sT|iiii-;--d' «V
lalh-d rejion will Ih' sent In with ilic
r compatiy Is at present planning
-rsl dsi
lory giving the value and miidiwithin
thin Che umii of
building n sifter ship to bU rom-elft-r
t»r ftnted. lo-wll;
>r nil rtl^ll^1lingt ami ei|ul|!iiiciii
iMm: On the guar*
which is Wn fet-t in length and,, Yuma
IIM «<r nvu- equipment n<-ed<sl.
S-inlhwon gowncr <8
has a -IT foot Acam.
e Bataakis returned today from
o has been visit-. ^hc‘'Norll.w^eAl^ gturlJr
iiwnxhip ALVIN H. GRUBER. Funeral DirecUr
a.werl.'N visit at llojn^ City. Petoskey
Inc wlih fri- nds and relatives In the _ T^^’-Ti-r"'*"'.^'. Nurtu' Hi
and Embalmcr. 313 Sonib I'nion SL
and Charlevoix.
MnL.Nullis 1‘raii. assirtant. CItz.
lily for the pafit few-days. left this !'nsm: ‘on iheTlout

Pardee Business Exchange

A vwater front eefferdam has been

i-onsiiuirted al the south, end of the
Park sirei't bridge, and .a j>owerful
hand pump U being used to ,train^he
water'from Iwliimt U and allow aeceaa
tor •ronsiriictioti work adjaet>iit i« the
river, wliere k new dock line will be'
bnilt and the sewage outlets will be
The Philathea CIris of the Baptist
•himh met at the home of Mrs. C. H.
rv Inc tnst evening for a picnic supper
in honor of Mis Irene l^oral. who
leaves soon lor Detroit, where sbe will
Mias Minnie Bled of LaCrange, Ind.
In in the city vDltlng frtends.
(j. B. Raymond hat returned to his
home at Nessen CIO- after a few dnya
In the city on business.
ef Conatni
Mi •lli-k of I’etoskey. who'ls overseeing
thi ■ work on the new postoffice build­
ing here, was In the city yesterds.'T.
Bimen Behaub Of Preyement. re­
turned to IziH home there ihlg njornlug after a short time In the dty on
W. W. Bmlth of Buckley, it lo the
city for a short time on taaint-ss.
The hearing Ih Frank Wilaon'a eatc',|
charging him with cruelty to animal
which want set for this morning in
JuMire liirdnall’f court, bas been sd->
Jonrned until Oint^ber IT.
W. N. Wright left far UPort Ind.
this morning to be gone several days.
Mra. H. C. Davia: weni to Detroit
tnis morning to lie absent several
days visiting friends.
Mra. O. Psnek left this morning for
Detfblt to bo gone aoine time.
Word has been racelvad of
death of Miss Maud Oowdy. in Indian­
apolis. Miss Gowdy's fsther at one
tlm<- kept the Gowdy House, as the
Cxzttage Home used to be known.
Gowdy Is tbe last of tbe family.
M'M Rachael Bteele left thia morn­
ing for Boyne City, where abu will
visit with rriatlves for a few dais.
Mra. J. Cray of Klr^galey. ia visit­
ing with Mrs. Jno. Bnnsball of tbit
dty fo ra few days.
Roy Oavis of CharicvelK. wba has
been vtililng '■ritb friends in tbe city
for the past few days- left tbia morn­
ing for DetrolL where be has aeoepted
a poaltlon.
Mlea Catherine Webber of Grand
Rapids, la visiting with friends In tbe
city for n few days.
w. F. Rollins and >He. who havo
been vlsIUng with reU'tivea near tbe
cltr' for tbe past week left this morn­
ing for tbelr home at Bentan Harbor.
B. B. Boymour of P
’, N. Y.
It In the city for a ebon time on bust-™, .1....... to.


Isil with friends in the city.
rHSriiVV^m’Vu.e' Ca.l Half .E
J. V. Hancock left thi. morning Hr ■< lUe
gusmr «N^,i
for hU home at rheboygan. after a,
iso NortL'itaniS
|•"i»nckl*r' I>a»; On



Teclli Extracted Absolatc>
ly WItboai Pdla
By the “Ka-olar" method I can rw

the JCorth Half


has been In the dty for aeveral days Tw.i.iv-Knur <«, North. lUnge Eieren
People of nerrnoi (<
on huslnes left this morning for De- *“!
. .
. - .
with weak bearts will appracUtt t .
Ka-olar” method of paioleaa estract/oli. where h<- will t>e for some time
before returning to his home.
J. J. Marahall of Tfiompsenville, is
1)6-208 t
I the city for a short time on busi­
worth. Traverse City. UlebIgaa.
.08T—.\n auto cost between Trav.
‘til West,
Mra. O. F. Thomas of 40S West
M:,Tit-n l>4tn
Or. iLc N->rthr
^rae f1i> and Koleva. Suitable re­
r .Ni;'., of SeellOB Eight
Teaih street, was pleasantly surprlf- t™-IimI^p ' 'ravMr'Kl;i
ward If rt-uraed to Record-Eagle.
ed .vesterday afternoon by the O. II. R»ng" Ten ,n-1 w.i
r. club. A generous supply of re-1
Itohmom. wn, bro„,hi b, Ui, l.aie ■
sad a poUuck supper was served at 11», ,T«iwn«hip Tw«ity-Kour cti Kurib,
fWr o’clock. Mra. Thomas leaves for|*^,o^Wm- oSV Northwrtu Ouar
A new home in Grand Rapid, nnd
RBII be greatly missed Tiy
By all
-ndf and the ladles of the
tbe O. H. C.'tj-lFour'
Xocal UarMs
^b of which she 1* a charter mem.pi[*V,^,
IMIt »01_
b*p. nefora the ladles left they pre-Jthan tlu- approximnte height h»j
(Prom Wedne*V*> » R‘-c«’rd-Esgle.)
s^ted Mrs. Thomas with a besuUful
There were only flir loads oj pota­
w «ra .ib«m ml,a oib ,ie., b.| i'FS'o;’Su”T.f5-r'”«vEK <r> toes weighed yoBl^>. The price
n.y to ,h, „mo Abb .a.
this morning went to t3c. Tho high­
(M) feet.
•Awses oDslI the ladles In tbe O. K.
4k«i feet
Hrt-Kt.KV HAM.
est that It lias been in that last tan
CI*club. which will be a pleasant redays. There were a number of loada
NT«*f t>AM. PO«TTV8E\'ES t
nftnder of Traverse City.
of .farm produce and stock wrighad.
FARM PROOUCe-GiO^rg Prteaa.
ministers In the Friends church,
.......................................... <6c
. The dsisx wUl consist of Better ........................................... tt®25
a rived In the ‘i lty last night from ^
yvnlon vonMnj.-lrd c£ xtono
I esnspolls. Ind. They go direct to;Sr™nw?e.'
I me I-Ske lo take up pastoral work;
spill ways or wsxte gtlps Straw, per ton ................................... 110
a that place. They were formerly,
ss >0,1100X1 >res of nt least
p HOTS of Traverse City - k'rtend)/ F<w^»i,
------- 4 Eighty c4S«li square fe«
Onions ............
wni he eonsirwted nl esch <Um
lifting and since being'here have
ilandsrd fish <-hute scrordln* to the
PARK PRODOCE-Balling priosa.

■ the Michigan Fish
taken a trip to Bogland In ^rangeltsttc mlsatnn.
Potatoes................................................ Wc
work Mr. Meredith hopes to regain
It U also pronraeCranmery bottM ................................. tto
dam a chute (or 1
bfa bealtb which bas been quite poor
' i>ift«rvirt.-<i Dairy butler ....................................... tie
•onrrete. snd
wl?h 'sSr vA'^b^erf *1
the past yesr.
Eggs ....................................................... 27c
A. D. prim nod wife of Allegan, wtth'’^^ oTgatsi
Ducks, dreraed ................................... He
inr.- t.> nnd
of water and per.......
are visiting at Ihe home of J. c. passBSF through said rnut': to ronsiru
Hay. baled................................... »17«8W
Bracken, on West Eteventh street.
Hay, loose .......................iV;............. Ilf win he no lorks. log rhulre ■
Miss Time Kauer left today for
Straw .....................................
' S|nvn> for the paerage jrf
QRAIN—Travaraa Oty Milling Co.
Manistee to f>i<ond a few days with
relatives. ,
Prices corrected evarr day.
°*The""'^<irteTn Sfichigsn power Cot.
Wheat dj> lb. teat............................... 87e
A marriege license has bean iaaued
to James E Elder and Haxel D. nimon herein asked for. One Hundred Corf78c
Danara <tin««e) within ihirt}' days after
Knapp, both of Travene City.
—Kb perrelsalon Is granted.
in making the excavation at the
tt^bite navy bwna
fLCSPark straet bridge for tbe relaying
Red kidney beans ...:...................|1.7i
of tbe sewer, oame ef lb« planks
tbe first bridge that was built across asW
ti^ Buckwheat par 100 lbs.'................tL»
dam..^or^lo denroy
GRJftW—MmMmh G
that polBi ware ramovad.
Prices eorraetad evarr day.
Tba records as near at poaalble ataia
Ifully submit!
G-baat <0 lb. test-...............................•?«
that ^ts was bnUt In ItTt. nnd one bar
1*. mx.
Coa .........................
of the workmen overaaelng the Job
Rye, W lb. teat
recalU tbe time this was done.
STEBTERK OTCmO^AN^^FTEn Cri. Onu ......................................
Dr. H. a. Garner of DetraH. it in
Bdewbeat par 100 Ibg .............. tUt
tbe olty on buslaeM (or a few days.
pHeaa oorraoud evary day.
Steers .................. ................... 8 to 4^

Phe markets




2 ssr.5

... ___

Herald Blair left this morning for
Ttaed City, where be wlU vlalt with
1 not sent to tta
•but was told to gat out of town
N. T. kMapatrick of Lanelng ratamed to bis borne there tbit moralng and sae V be ooald Mrn bis Hna and
attar nevezel days In tbe city on bosU U ba was aver ^agbt 4n a Uka con- •*5vESTEaH inCBIO.«
4Mos that ba woM be flveG. n , ^
. .Beeatarx mat Xnaonreb'

Cowa......................... ;..;...,ttaBe


Hidaa, Eta.
ftttf ..........................................


Hora*Mdaa .....V..........«z.Maadw>

, when abe win


(or occupying rooms In tbe Campbell in tbe ball game, also tbe alrablp.
wfalcb worked perfectly.
Miss Alice Voice aitebded the fair
Mr. and Mrs Ivan Thomas and
Fred Affdlier of Trenton. Mlcb.. ar­ fsmlly of Moouna, arrived Thuraday i Empire Friday and Saiurdaj.
Geo. Burt has closed Ihe Silver
Frances Bugal commenced school
rived last week to visit bU mother, to visit Mr. Thomas* parents. Mr. and
Uke Inn aod moved to Traverae qty.
Traverae City last week.
who l« Ten' HlJohn-Sawyer left for Muskegon on
John n'bite spent Ust week In Sat-.
Mr. and Mrs T. W. Strahn left Frl- remain a month.
to vlalt friends and relaC X Baumberger and family have lOM Bay attending the fair.
day for tbeir home In Grand Rapids,
Quite a nnniber from this way at­ tivet.
moved Into tbe Retford rwaldence.
thair Immatfiatt vMnlty with
after having apent tbe
tended tbe (air at Empire and wera
the n
Tbe Rebekabs enjoyed a poUuck''
Nonhport Point. They expect 10
well pleated, fbv fruit dUpUy was Ilst, 1* again able to attend to bis du­
supper Friday dveolng In tbeir lodge
•pend the wtour abroad.
ties at tbe store.
worthy of special mention.
J. F. Maihewt has a new Kimball rooms.
U luindlQ. wbo bas been vtsltlng bis
Scbool In district No. t Is baring a
lilayer piano.
The Udiea- Aid of the M. K. church four weeks' vacation.
stater, Mr*. O. X Jobnaon. returned
' Mra T. M. B'beektek. who iiaa
Wm. H. Steele returned Saturday wiu hold their meeiing Friday after­
Tbe ouarantibe has been raised on to hi* home In Cadillac Monday.
been visiting her daughter, Mrs. X from Harbor SpringR. where be xient
Hoia<->- Mcl-ean of Traverse City
noon at tbe borne -of Mrs. Aon I'al- the Krariei fever patient's and no new
T. Derbyablre at Manton. Mich... ha* several day-R In the Iniereat of U>«spent Thursday In town with fricods.
cases are leported.
returned borne. Mr*. Uerbyahtre and Dereloiifnent bureau
Orawn has t3«i one ol Its most high­
' Frank Bouriaan' entertained Satur­
little daughter Edith, avompanled her
XHks Eunice Premeaux left Monday day evening. sU of bis boy friends In
ly res|>ected young men by tbe dpath
to epend a few days.
tor Ml. Pleasant, where abe will at­ honor of bis twenty-first birthday.
of Rue Cbas. Wilson. Which occurred
Ur. and Mrs. Tom Skiver Invited tend Kcbool tbU year.
TuMilar morning, Sepu Soth. from InSeveral of our. towns people attendI-1
a few of tbeir neighbors to spend
Rosa Budd called on reUtIves Wed­ ed tbe Buttons Ray fair.
Grawn, On. 3.—Mrs lluncerford of fianiniation of tbe boWgls, at tbe ana
Saturday evening with them
Card nesday.
Mrs. R UeGoller Is lnH>roving. aft­ Traverse City, who has had charge of IX years I month an<f throe day*.
playing and dancing were enjoyed
Mr. and Mra. Morgan .Steele re­ er a long lllneaa.
of a case of lyphol-f fever ai Cran- Deceased was born *t LerisTflle. Kal­
Mrs. Skiver served a delicious lun­ turned Tuesday eVvntng from their
Mias Magnus mederickaon left dall'a niill the |>att month, led for in-, kaskartunty. Mich.. August 27. U»7.
cheon during tba evening.
wevldlng trip.
Monday for Mt Peasant .to attend terlochen Thursday to Uke charge of The ^oral tribute* were many and
Mrs. Adtilson WlieelocK
iMutltiil/' The funeral, which look
Mis* SVIlle Volo- attended the fair acbool.
another care.
and family and Mra.,A. T, DertiysUliw SI SuitoBK Bay on Wedneaday.
R Vandeilln of Traverse City was place from the residence Wednesday '
Mra. Kate Wilson Is' very ill.
t|>ent Sunday at Carp l.ake^.’risUing
Mra. H. P. Bougbey and
Mrs. Elmer Middleton and daugh­ the guefli of Dr. <lark on W«-dDesday. at ’ p. ni.. was largely attended. The
their aunt.
dauKhi-r Ruth returned Saturday ter is v isiting her alswr. Mn. Herman
.Mr*. Cora Esrl of Traverse ITIty l« services were conducte^l by Rev.
Mr and Mra. Dave Clark and Mr. evening to Vieir home In Traverse
in Crandallv|lle-on (irofeK^lonal hu*i- Koon. assiMed by Rev. G. U Thomp­
CbrisUanson in Jackson.
and' Mrs. Warren Tilton a]>ent Sun­ City MUs vivUn lumeaec
son .Music was furatahed by MIsset
Mr. and Mrs.'^. Kenedy nnd children
day at Harley Scameborp's.
May and .Margaret Meloioab and Min­
left Thursday tor their new borne
nie JohiiKon. like tall hearers were
B|>ent the week-end at ‘Nonh|iori.
Mr, and Mra. Morgan Steele left Fri- In Acme.
bosen from bia young friends, l)eOf pickerel Monday forenoon, when day for Detroit, where they will make
Mra. J. F. Matbewa returned home
E. Crandall. Karl Reynolds. Harhe got five nice ones, together they their home.
Tburaday from a three weeks' lri|i to Kpend the w inter with her daughter..
weighed a little oyer twenty pounds.
Mr* C. .A. Clark.
. Mias Alma Anderson ha* gone
Chicago and other polota.
Dr. ThuNeli. Dr. Thirlliv and Ml** Archie Stuart and Howard Anderson.
Traverse City, where abe will spend
Mary Leggett of Traverse City were' The funetal |«rty lelt on tbe Per*
the winter
mo m
In town Sunday ou profmioiul hus'i- Maxioeite «venlng train for Knlkaaka..
The L. O T. M. nerved a harveal
where hnrigj .(pok pta<e.
__ supper in their lodge rooms Saturday
North IMrnaiae. Oct. 7.—Siboov
Cedar. H. F. D No. 2. Oct. 6.—Mr.
O. X Johnson and family went to
oaed here Friday
and .Mrs. John
altended the. Old Mission in their auto on Suuilay.
through pouto digging time.
l>hHlp Josephson Is s|>ending the
A. R Cannon and family have gone funeral ofMrs. Marion Ignore at Em­
Mrs. A. Sayers and daughter Mrs.
pire Thursday.
Jewish New Year In Traverse City.
.MarflctrL r>ct. 6.—The Mayfield .peo­
John Perhaft. visited with friends In to Toledo for the winter, after having
The liifaiit of Mr and Mra. Eote
D. E. Crandall A Sou's uiill shut ple held a lair at tbe church Fridar
Fife Lake. Friday.
Cunningham was burieil In Solon cem­ down Monday after eutUug 3.iK.'e.‘K«
Mr. and Mra. It. Ryan returned
evening for the bencfli of the cfaurcbkiri. Homer Ackerman hag been
etery Friday iiiornlDg

There were luany fine exhibits, plenty
home Thursday evening from » trip
very alrk for tbe past week.
Mrs. Anion Tlilel has returned from
John layomis. who has l»een very uf auusemenis and a goo-i aupiier.
Mra. Voire and Mr*. Rile/ return­ to Canada! where tbe.v visited Mra.
visit to her daughters ft Flint.
sP'k with typhoid tever, is on tbe
Mr and Mrs. linrd of Debray, qa.
Ryan's ,t>arenis. Mr and Mrs. Walsb.
ed from Norlbport last Thursday, ac­
Mrs. J. W. Uii'kerma# ei>eut last gain.
aie visiting tlieir daughter. Mn. Har­
p'oricompanied b.v tbetr mother^ Mrs.
week at the fair at Traverse City.
The family of E. Harter liave moved old Glbbf.
lion aa rural mall carrier until a aurR. Whit* test a 270 |iound fat away.
Mary' PerhaM. who wBIl make her
Sherman Buys and family vUiled mt
i-escor shall have been appointed. hoK last week by the M A N. E. rail­
home with them hereafter.
There Is not a vacant house in the boote of Burr James lor n few ,
ClisR John having resigned thls'posl- road.
Mra. Moore and daughter Mgbel.
■lavK. and ivtiirned Sunday.'
liiin, whlrh be has held the past sev­
.Mrs.' R. K lieniiRore and son. AtC. W. Barnard, who wa* calM here
en years to (fue his aiteniloo
liertus tinier, ui Cleveland, are ai>end- by the lllor
Richard Milks of Traverse
lea* an-t death of bis grand
mark<-t iind givK-ery l".i<<iness In which Ing a few vk'eeks viiih Mr. and Mra.
City, Is vlHitlng her daughter. Mrs.
Mtaer'a UnauapccM Hoard.
to Ms houK- at Kalkarka
he and hU hrotheV HerlM-rr are In­ John While.
A dead mtaer'e board warn (otmd aaI'rank Freeman while Mr. Milks Is
terest mI
Mr*. Klrkard of Cedar called
working onJ>lr. Slight’s barn.
G. CcTh6mpM>n has mdf^hl ereted In a wall in an'old cottage at
t' announring the marriage o' fricn-ls in Solon last week l>e(ore
raQentTliose who visited at tbe borne of
famky here from Old Mission
onjnd wll
ly. When workmen were repairing tbe
Miw- Imoaene EHeti nr Mason. Mich., leaving for t.aGrange. Iiid.. where ahe
the M..K imlpll Sui
C. A. Voice Sunday , were their aon
cottage they discovered bank Doles
to l>r. Miiimi Alfred Darling of Ana will 8i«end the winter.
Erbcat and famiiy. Wm. Riley and
and gold amennUag In aclaal valne te
Arl«)r. have been received by friendR.

•Mra C. B Witaon of Evwrt. about |S.Dv-iL Tbe cottage was last
family. Winnie Pierce ' and family,
Mla^ Rlleit was a teacher in tbe high McUueer hill which, when completed,
id-Jlrs. C r. WIlKon of Midland. occupied by David NlchoUa. a reUred
also ^ofat) Perhall and daughter Ella.
Bihol for two year* here, and a great will he a great Improvement. /'
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Brow-n of Bsttle farmer and teamstun. wbo died some
Mias Kale Wolf of H(e Uike, I* . , ,
Mra. John Taxer was a Tfkvorae Creek, I>r. R W. Wilson of Chicago. time ago. He lived alone, and wa* Is
ih. 1,™. o, Jl„.
She has the b*-st wls’ii-* of her many City viRiior Wednesday
Seymimr Bucket of Cadillac and thej receipt of patochUI reliel
friends .They will be at home in Aou
Ed Cate and eisier. .Mi**-Annie, re­ Misse* Rose and Belle Canfield oV
thirty cords good
JArhor after .November Isl.
lumed home Saturday eveoing irotn Traverae Ciiy were herebltendlng the WAKteO—About
ihiec-root-luniace wood. A. V. HoMr and .Mrs. Wiley of Omens, are Crescent., vl* Empire, and also took Rue Wllaon fpnerat Wednesday. .
ban. Clt.v Book Store.
oci Mt

Jhe (fmnd Jraverse J^gion
Mch WMk kr a «ufr
tha tfirwtian sf «Hm Clara N.


(Jrand J’raverse Countg
Moarat Castar. pci. 7.—Mr. anJ
Sire. R. A. Covlaa w«e In Trai-arae
. CJiy Mondt)'.
Ura. Grant Heaa raUad on Mlaa
Blancba Mooroa Tbnraday afternoon.
Harry Dowd haa been boar In tbit
‘vicinity ailla* tiloa.
Mra VIn Hbnroe I* bel|>ln« Mn.
A. kyneit tbto weak.
Mr« W. Taylor and dau*bier Grace
were Traverae City callers .Monday.
Bverrtt Kynett played ball at Si
tons Say last Tburaday and rrtday.
»lr. Van Ostran and wUe. Mr. and
Mra. Fkirewoe. Mr. Mlniteea. Mr. and
Mra 'panrod and dau«hter Rode
Tiavam City callers Saturday.
Ployd Pence of Klnjsley. who has
been vMtlns Adam Cbai>i>el. returned
home Saturday.
Mrs. H. R Cowles, who has been
hartna a severe attack of up|>euaiclil.«
for t^ past two weeks, Ik sble i
out aiwlnX Kyneu made a business tr
Traeerae City Xionday
The tidies- Aid will meet Friday
for an allday sneetlnE at tbe ladles'
hall. EvMybody is Invited to •
oot as
lots of «^k t.
, done.
ii spile of the driullnn rain last
Thursday evenlnc a goodly crow.i
KBibered at tbe home ol Mr. Hobbs

Mayfield. Oct. 7.—Last Friday even­
ing the people of this
joye^ a social evening with tbe
beta of the Junior I.«ague at boateasel. A new plan of entertainment
was used as the members of tbe
league had pUnned a fair in which
the produce of the community was
represented. The large attendance
proved that the flrki attempt at a fair
Maylleld was a success. Tbe chil­
dren were well represented by the eahlbltlon of tbeir year's produce. Su|ithe usual hour.

Mr. and Mra. Sherman Buys of
Traverse Qty vtalied rebUvea here
vcr. Sunday.
Mr. and Mr*. Jim Crandall of Key­
stone called on Mrs. Crandaira mothdr* Wol^ between trains Sunds.v.
Tbe Uaies' Aid tocietJ•'VlH-^lO^
the first meeiiug of tbe weason at the
homo of .Mrs. Addle Glliba. at which
time the oSicers for tbe follcwtiui
year will be elected.
Mr. and Mrs. Hurd of Florida are
visiting at tbe borne ol their duugh-t. Mrs. H. S. Gibbs.
The following pupils of the Mayfield
school were neither absent nor taidj
during the month of September; ?dM
dred James, tloris James. Bdith Hol­
liday. Ebb? Holliday. Orma Poppli-r.
R. X Cowles was t-Koaen leader an<l Ruth Tabberer. Kerne Tshlvero.-. I'em
Manifold. Kenneth Manlgold, Rusaell
Mias Minnie Rose organist Ui
made candy was served to the hand of Fletcher. Velma Jesiek an-l Ftrn

meet every Thursday evening,
met Ibis week with Mra. R. A. Cowles.
Eterjbody is IntHed.
Utile Ullian Kynetf visited school
Rosa Pennld baa been out of school
for tbe past week on account ol III
Wallace Copeland. Rosa Baru, Dal­
las Copeland. Grace Rains and Claud
Colwland were neither absent or urdy
l^st month.
Sarab E. Sto<IdBrd. Teacher.

SrcMnt CiUi. K. f. Dlfo.€

.'lAyriRi-n sciiooi.
tlbncbe Wiight, TcHCber.

Rater. Oct 7.—Rena .Scanlon U
staving with Mra Austin Ba.vnton this
Austin Raynion Is serv-lng on Jury
Traverse City.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hnnna went to
Traverse City .Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson are aomewhai
!ni|>rove<l in ticalth at present.
Miss Rolene Ashmore Is III and baa
4>een unable so aitend school the i«st
Mrs. \Vm. Lee visited acbool -Mon.
day. .
■Mr. and Mrs. Jay Brackett wtmt tc
Traverse City Jlondav .
Jay Brackett was
witness In the lawault of Kyneit
.Mrs. Martin Greene called on Mrs.
George Klricbv on Monday.
klrs. Wrlghl's Sunday school class*
K|>ent a very pleasant afternoon
the home of Master Howard Selkirk
Saturday. Oct 4. .Afier returning from
auto ride a dainir luncheon
. Tei•acher.

Trarecae City. R; F. D. No. 6. Oct
T.—Mr. and Mrs. Peter Johnson were
pleasantly tnn>riKed by thirty of their
(rieodt and
log. Games were tndalsed In until a
Isle hour, when refieehmems' were
served. Tbe occasion was a most d>
llghGnl one for ah present.
Mra. Mamie Haney of Traverse City
speni Tburaday u:d Priitav with her
>Uter. Mra FVauk Kfatochv;i. an4 he'hrotber. Mark .McGsrri'.
Mis. C. Brown oT Garfield lownsbln
and Mrs. Sasser of Monde. Ind.
lied Mra Joseph Secor Thursday
-Mr. W. Paige, who has been jll.l*
>i4e to alt up.
Usier Wells baa Improved the s|k
l-'-arance of bU bouse by aiding li and
i Mdiiic a coat Of paint
Nonh Mabel. Oct 7 —Trunian l.«aee
. Wiiiard Bristol bad a rtinawa> Jin and I pngfl Cox spent Thursday of Iasi
T averse City Wednesday afternoo*. wrek In Traverse City,
The Nonh Mabel scbool was clo.*ed
I tbe draw bolt given Wednesday on account of tbe Itinesa
the teacher.
Mrs. IUI|.h Worden railed on her
Howard school, spent Bunday
sl-ter, Mrs. Truman lx>s«e. last Sat­
urday. ‘
. _
• ith MUs Bertha Secor.
Mr. and Mo.* Ray Scamerboni tlsltBean thresher* are In tbe neighbor­
ed k- H;e borne of Henry Wlikop hood at prewnl.
Mra. t'lwall Cox U sHli on the Kick
MIsa Kiibel Kfaiechrll attended the
ham dance at S- I.WBtner's SatnrHav
The Barker Creek Imdie*- Aid meets
Miss Ruby Dunn called at E. Secor's Ibis week with Mrs. Manie Wallin
of Mallei.
tevi Knare and Leo Dunn are workJuUa^Losee apent Sunday afi'ernoon
iaa lor 1*. S*.<oi
ith her alhtcr. Mrs O, X. UtmeV. of
Mrs, Ammll ,* nofrdrlag with a
slight ailartt of uphold fever.. . '
Saw Chaney and Truman L
Pouto varation wilt begin at the
Darker Creek eaUew one night
Ust week..
Howard eehool Mon«lar.''-Oct 13lh, HGWARD SCHOOU
Mbs Alma Rush. Teachef.
Mlas_ Alma BrcUhaupi. Tedcher.

(tram Cmur
Grant Center. Oct 7 —t'harlcs Haaa
was terribly Injured ycaterdsy when
working whfa hb enslbne cutter at
O. Broadway's place, in Mne mnnner bb right band became caught In
the rollera. and bis thumb and four
fingers ware severed from the hanrti
Xtr. Haas b a hardwOTklng man. and
depends on hb day'a work tor a liv.

OB rcUtlves and old friends.
Mra. Eva Burrow s U In Traverse
City and at Eaat Bay ihU week.
John Kidder has returned from
MontgnmetT. where he baa been for
ar. Me brought a bride tuck
him and will probably settle
here again.
—<Jraat -'Ceatar Grange w1U .serve

>er« are aeveral things to 'be
Uule Marjorie PHrtf. wim «•> ,e. Ulked over, among them a ChristcMenutly killed by
, auto Ust maa tree and program.
week-la Traverse CIM was welh'
known In tbb ptace. for she had
■<wa}s spent most of her
here with her'.aunt. Mrs. Eb. Daib.
IxKig Lake. OcL 7,-Mr. and Mra.
Mrs. Clyde Canute of Buckler and J. H. .R. Miller aro CBiartaUlBg' tbeir
her mother Mrs. WMldn Were through aon and family whom they hare not
tbb Migbboriood y^rday. raUlag aeon fer • aoabir of jwt.




JfaH, P


C«larK.f. D.M0.Z



Wlltlamxbujg. Oct.
Mis* Vera
Atward who Is teaching the. Bloodgood sebool. felt Friday for a visit
In Massachusetts during her t<otalo
digging vacatioD.
Mr. and Mrs, Gilbert Pray spent
Sunday at Torch River with Mr. ami
Mra. Wall Watson,
MlUon Uefkwlib has moved Into the.
Cpsal Hobbs' house.
Ed Hansley expecu to leave tomor
row for his home .In Stockton. Calif.,
after a slx’week*’ business trip here
Mrs. G. C l*ray Visited In Boyne
City a few- days last week.
A number of friends aurprised David
Rolfe at Ilia home last Monday night
in benor of -bU birthday. A very
pleasant time was enjoyed by all.
The (earhers from here attendeil
teachers' Instilute Id Traverse City
last Saturday.
Mesira Roy Elmmerman and Jack
and Dan Nichols and Mlaae* Edith
ammerman and IJIIUs Davison of
Orawn. drove.over from Grawn In Ihr
ear Saturday night, visRing at the Wilber Siltcs and F. H
Vinton homes. They went on to Bar­
ker Creek Sunday.
Rer. and Mrs. MUton Benedin and
cbltdren returned Tburaday night
from' their trip to JackMn. where
.Mr*. Benedict stayed while Mr. Benect auended conference.
Miss Gladya Moyer of Traverae
City, sivent Friday ni^. with Mtar
Haxel Eaton,

Northport. OcL t! —Mr*. Ed EusUck
and her brother left Wednesday for
St. UuU. where they trill spend ibe
winter. Mr. Eusilck wRl .Join them
Ernest Kileherman baa gone to Ann
Arbor, where be wOl aucad tbe onlveralir.
Mist Emma WIIsm spent a lew
days, the gueM of Mra Geo. Botura.
the light bouse. Ust week.
Mrs. Jacob Affolter la aeriously III
at tier home near town.
Mlsa Catber Buttara la teaching In
Mrs. Earl Golden )eft Wadneaday'
for Detroit, where she wUl Join bar
husband and upend the arlnter.
H. Wk ZgUmu returned from a
buslneas trip to Chicago. Monday.
Mra BIIb Dame left Friday for
White Pigeon to attend bar niotbar.
wbo Is 111. .
Born to Mr. and Mra U Rogua.
Sunday, September 10. a ^
Mr. and Mra C. B. Kehl and family
visited tbe fair at SuUoni Bay on
Mra John Dnhl tod fwo ohUdru
lerr Thuradny for Buttons Bay. wbe«

aha wtu rjalt a cotfiile weeks with

In Out Bright, Busy Garment Section
Many BcantUiil Things Are Finding New Owners Ivay Day
-.\XD .M.\NV .MO»K E(ir.\T,l.V HK.XlTlKn: .\BK IlF.IXn ITrniUKn IV TO TAKE
6:30 P. M. SATURDAY.

Kimonos, Dressing
Sacqnes, Kt^
Goods, Etc.
—NEW FI.ANNKLETTB KIMONAS in a blu variety of pretty
aM Kites -«p te 44;
SACqrfcS; high neck, long
sleeves and low neck short
sleeve #tyi..s; on sale at SOc.
in pretty flcnnelrilc*: Just two
clasp* and you have an exce|v
tionglly" neat house dre**;
splendid values at B130 sad

Knit CModsDl An Kindi
I $1.26. $1M and
color*, w,
white. $1.50. $1.25. 75c and 50c.
Jn«t Ue ttaiac for faU days; va­
riety of colors; at 7Sc and 50c.
1i vnuL rjo,
o iv.-vi
a wide choice of stylea and
an cob
75c, 60e and 256.


ihc'ir plncc. So ihni it's vi-rv lik>ly thcr-- w.-r-- pl-Hiiy nf new arrivals since you were here
lasj. \Vi- hiO'i-oiitil-'tic eiirKi-lv-'s in this (nil's pn-scirfalioii of iLi- m-vv rashionK—and it's
«-.t alone ill 111.- imilt-r «.f vari-iy and styles. TIIERI-M?< .IN rNrsi’AI. PKK'E .UT«A(TIVKNKSN is iioli--c<l alniral iinmediaN-ly,

—Costs St S8.S0, $10.00, $12.50, $18.00 and
up to $35.00.

-SoiU St $15.00. $16.50, $18.00. $20.00.
$25.00 snd up to $36.00.

-New Wool Dresses st $6.00, $6.50, $7 50.
$10 and $12.

—Beactilol' New Afternoon and Evenin;
Dresses, $12.50 to $25.

Ladies New Rannelette Night Gowns
Exceptional Values at SOc, S9c, 7Sc, 98c, $l.25,$l.S0
—All fresh and new, in a big selection of attiactive colors and
patterns; also white. Sple^d outing doths—good woHcmanship and finish. The
factoiy where they were made is kno%ra as oat of the cleanest and most sanitaiy
in the country.

NewSartsandBlonsesat $I.2S

Children's Corns




Gowns in Rivod r]ua1ity oatinpa: site*
6 to 16 yeurs: rhoii-c at 60c and............


Mea’s and Soys Gowns
sold at ^
Belier material.^-mt fuller, and
longer; better made than usual;

IN. Pretty (aseyvoUes.
Ilaeoea. flaaaeta aad
mercerised wgiattaB.
SoBM trtaimed with
Jewri or Jet bottoas.



maootak tailored mod-

FhametteU ^drts
—Tboioe of light and dark colors; in
3Xinch length*: at 66c. 60e

A Gnat Season for Sweater
TO $8.50. Every- wanted
style and aize for men.
' Jumbo atitch, Rojie rtilch.
Shaker knit, etc.; Shaw)
and Byron collara. etc. ‘



Fife Lake Department
CondncWd by Mias iVUe Dew«y.

W« want to mSTStT Deputmeat of tbs
mstMt poulblft Tslne to sU ooocornod sad to
thk «nd nanm that all Items of ji«noaal ax#
iroMcal latewrt be eent to Bain l^wsy to be
Inooiporatod la the Departmeat We etpeda^
ad( ttot charcbei, tnteraal societies aad the
(haajre faraiib items of iaterest la their respeetiTa oqaaintioos. Kews of social ereaU and
improremente bein; made or eon.
^^nripx^tod, and bo^eu chan^ and transfers la
real estate la town and country are espedallj
acceptable. The above applies not only to the
TflUse of rife Lake, .bat to the sairoanding
^ oonntry.>-Editor Herald.
Fife Uke. Oct. 7.—«fl4)lon Caiajv
Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. Weaver and .Mr,
bt41 rfaisaeS liU iKnltion at Wd>. and Mr*. Joe BattenfMd mofored to
Oebarn'« teu weSk.
^ '>
Traverse City Tuetday.
Tli(- Scemrtutn aebexU comm«>'iic«d
Mr*. Geo. Robinson and daurtbier
Moadar. October 5lh »Ub Mlw llw- Bloli^ of Krankfurt. were auesU of
.Mra. O.'1a Boynton from Friday lo
trice Slurline a» tMcber.
Mn. Delot Roaebrook of Mnoton. Siinda}-.
celled uo (riendt bire S«iiinliL.v.
Mr*. Unda Breed and Mrs. MatUe
SliCA Helen linker Is bouie from lAeacbmaii leii \Vedne*da> for Isu
Borne Oily on a week's vs«wilon.
Anseles. t'allfurnla.
Miss Mildred
MU« Alta Reid of Acme, euramene- l>*aclimaM accoRiiianled them to IUr
ed. ber aerand terra of bCIiooI
Bwrdmati Valley. Monday. October
Ia Morris was here Monday and
Tiiesdav on businet*.
.Mrt.Unda t/>ckwoAd hn.t reeimed
Mrs. I>, Mr.kley left Twactey for an
ber iiosithra at the I.. Morris store, •'kiended visit at DetioU. Coldwnier
and leave* for Callfomla soon.
and T«iledo.
Joel Seeten and family of
Cedar Creek school Is eloaed for
were enettt at the I. A. IMrkfton IKMsto dtactna varaiion.
home on Sunday.
Mr4 Wwlh Redner and danCMer
Mrs. Rolf nod dauehioc ;Mlldred T.lioebb, reiurm.d VQm^lamon Tueeof niKhien. visited Mr*. Ja». l.yle. day.
Wednesi^y. '
j Mr*. Violet Zimmer and two dauehRoy Martin "of lonU. i« tlio new lers Uirelle and Marferie. returned
' ejerk at Wm. Osborn's itrocery.
|lu iheir home at Rtoekton.'Cnl.. Wed
Mae Dewey U afaln employed at ihe neodar.
l.eo Pfeifer of Chleaso. i* vUiilne
Mr. and Mrs. I^eoD May and dangb- with hi* wife'at V. M Rernsielne'*.
Harry Dibert of Dlliert, was
.ter Mararet of (^dillac. came Sat­
town TMosday on hU way to Ohio.
The friends here of Mr« O. 1.eland
Mr. and Mr*. Burkholder of Mt!
Isiiinc their dauRbUr. - were-shocked to hear of her siidden
death on .‘Saturday.
Mr*. Tiffany.
Mrw. J. Burkholdee of South Board-1 The ijulies' .Md society hold
man. was in tpwa TVeaday on busi- luck dinner at Mr*. Elia Wlilte's.
ness: >
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. RIrbard'eame
The Sorosl* Dutid met acain Prl<Uy
borne Saturday from .TraiVrae 'City, afternoon for the flr*t tihie in
CUas. Elliott and Clifton Newell'eral months and held a business
are ta TraverseCity on (be Jury alon at the home of Mrs.
aicain this w«ek.
Mr. and Mra. Jerry GaodwlII and
The Mission aoHety held -Jheir
cdilhlren left here Wednesday for mretlnR Tuesday afternoon wlt^i .Mrs.
the I'pper Peninsula
D. E. Hilts.
Mr*. Cantibell of Boyne^ City, was
A good time is reported at fce
the Roest of Mrs. Jas. Lyle’last wee'k. chleken pie social held-in.SprlnRfield
Rev. A W. Baker and family left Priday eyenlns. for the benefit of
here Tuesday (or Mr. Baker's new! Rev. LonK.
aivnolaiment at Rlverdale.
j New# was received here of
Watson Razey was home over Sun- dealfi of Robi. Smith, (ormerlyr of

Plnre at l>enver. Col., on ThursI Pwik Whiter was home from Cad- day. October 3. The remain*
iUac Sunday.
[broairtit to Grand Rapids for burial
Mrs. Alla Dobeny .lh*
this Tueada.r.
Church Servleet.
week, as her school I* closed
Sondny service* for October II.
potato dlRRlog.
J. B. Baiwoli of Drawn, was ' in 1913.
Prearhlni; at V);m a. m. by Rev. A.
town Tuesday.
Clayton Campbell baa been quite P. Reake*. ^lastor.
Sunday schaol at
a. m.
ni with asthna the past week.
Sunshine Prayer band ar 3:0d p.
The Ladle** Aid society will hare
a iioUsck dinner at the home of Mrs.
e at R:3fl p. n
^>wonh Ijci
EUa WhHe on Wednesday.

ley pupil who. tlaUhad In Traverao mit City, have bad’ a baby girl eume (Ma eburtb as (wslor for (he coi
yaar. The basesieot ruems of iba
CUy last y«ar and U now teacblac toUvoarUbtomn.
Maawoat w«k
Probany the »««neat win o« record
In the County Une school district
Oscar IjorU- and Jae Siliiam of chiirrh were anistically decorated
near Summit City and reports a' a|H'- Summit CUy. went to Hint Wednes­ will! fern*, aiilumn lea'es and ssiera. was that of aa
Michigan State Uhd Offlca.
It was here the
imrt ol the even- to hla wife the aua of tolf a cant, or
cial tlklUK for ibv work. This acbool day (or the winter.
IjnriDg. Oct c, i!*ic
farthing, wUb the dlrecUon tUt
like other rural schoula Is now bavNOTU'E Ig HEHEBV GIVITN (bat •
Herlimt Storm of Onaway. came log wma s|H>l>L loiter the gathering It ebould be aeet to her by pool la aa
he following describe.
pouto vacation, and Mis* KIor*- home to attend Ills slstei'*. Mrw. .Nel­ Wksenihled iD the au-llturiuBi, where
couniv c
an appro|iriRl« piosiam ,«aa given,
Icy is aiiendine her vaiwlion tialilUR lie Leland's funeral.
erse. hererofore held
alter which Rev. and Mrs. Bley were
relatives in Jackson and other JioIntS
license, has reverted to (be -tale by The out of town relative* in at- presented with some beauiilul uble
almndontueni or ihe
ill Souiliom Michluon.
ten'daiicn at Mm. .Vosburg's tuiieial linen A ideoaing feature of the s
».-uue bv (h* homesteader, will be -eK. J Case went Monday lo the 1> vieie; Mr. aiifl Mra. .loiiu K'usel and irg was roeerv«-d until the cfo>>K of-llie beqoaatblng Bioaey to help pay off
slr.;e.| 10■ ciitry
Jiy offertng tbi-m f
IM-r I'onlnsuln on n week's hustnes* Chas. Seogmiller ol Hint. Mr-, lirrt prugrai^. when IlMie Helen llartHon national debt. In 1773 Coi. Thomaa sale at a
auction'to be heM at
Norion of Soutbwlck. England,
the Sta-«- (oiuii'offke. in the cliy ol
iaihyui «bd Mis* Anna Serginlller took her place on the rosinuu a
queathed *160.000 (or ihla patriotic i.anKtng. nn Tbursoav.'tiie 13ib day of
1. Rawiiuiu'and family spent'Sat- of IteiroK. Miss Edna Vosbiirc and ntlled the attention of the uudlenre
purjiose. Probate was oppo^. and •Non-nilre-. A. H, 1-13. at ten o'<-lo«-k
unlay ami Sunday al copemlsh. Hie Mrs. Edna Amy of .(Bind Haidd*. a disidav ol canneiT fruit on a Uide the Judge who tried the caae decided a. m.. at oiiiih time thev will become
KUests of Henry Uc»e and tlio Wl|. aud Mr. and' Mrs. AtL-iin Mart of Trav- near by. (hen closed her little ayieerh that the colooel was iDsane, such a snbioct to ■■iirehspe In the mauner prelegacy- being -Only as a drop of water *crlb(.-d
er*e City .
liam* family.
by aaylng. '.Now- cbllitrvD. bring
I’aieii'H i«*u«! upon the sale of
Frank Van Ainberg and wife «I De- and Mr*, Kby to ^ee the fruit. " Two poured Into the sea." The legacy waa iCMalatvi-4 will roiitain'reservaUeoa
Mrs. MbImO Pulnam and dauRbler
Uw nemben - foRt-v .
Maudy.'. acoomp.mled by Miss i>o1ly troll, are visiting relative* in- Kings­ Uny tots.'Gwcudolytt Bolirer am: Don of the Norton femny.
"SAVIm; and l-NVEITING out of
lioIUdny went last Thursday to Jetiibi* <pti(s>an.'- and always'reaervtiiR
Will McCully of Sumns Ikiy. U » both the pastor kn I hla;w'ne to
I the ►.uirl .i.-te of Michigan, alt
niucs for a two weeks' visit.
Poor Pat
scene (rf Inleiesl. itrfrc*hn-ent->
Miss Claudia riiinam went last King*ley .aller
“WilUe!" said hi* taiber, croatly. *T .minenil. • xal. -ti! aiu: gas. l.ring 'and
i*emg t.n.
ur -.inrier the aaid
Mr. and Mm John \Vimd went to served in the dining room aiiC
Motiday to' Oan.l Rapids, where she
never uavd to ask so tnany quesUou
TnrrtVs** CUy tbU week to an«md evening of guoil -t-lH-<-r was enjoyed by when 1 was young." 'I'tu awfnl aorr/, lands tierel-v codv.-w-d. with lull and
exjsn-ls lo stay diirini: the winter.
free liberty ami i*>w«-r lo the aaid
tiun-e piesent.
WiRie thoukhtfully replied, Slate of MIchiRdtt. it.- I’uly auibvrized
John Ilnur started Mimrtay (or
'-'cauae if you had maybe, you'd W' officer*. I'CI te-t-matives and assign*.
Erie. I'a.. tor a visit/Witli ills daugh- i)>e Summit CUy tlrangci
ahiv to answer more of mine now.'"'
il..-ii li-^see*. ageniH and
Oed'B Uaa for Poota.
•r. He may spend the'winter tlnwv. . t'arl Moody was a lirand Rapids biis^orkitM-n.-and all other iienuHis by
, If God made poets for aaythlng U
It- or their autiiotiiy or iierculaslon,
The «>ut of town relative* In aneml- liii-A-: caller ilM' fimt of the week.

whether alteady ciu-ti or hereafter lo
funeral A'f lU'i>iit*-Mimire at u/ fi
Handy Cerre^ndenea Carda.
any iftne and fiom time
*Tleady made eorrespondeace'eard*
gtdd wiTi-: -t'aslni'-r MeliUxld «>f Ku- grade at Kingsley hate been Ktud.i- the pure, the holy and the beuUful.
time to «-ntrr
raid land* and
have been Ui vogue in France lor aev- take all usual, noissatv or conveniamnron. Umls Manigold t-f Ib-trulk log ^bout seed iHMalocs and tlie prarera) yhara. On each card are printed lent mean* tor exploring, minlag,
..... and Mm. Frank .Miderson of JlcaP results from The study an-, that
-"Bible Worfcera Dlal.kad..
aome (our dozen or ao eomthonplace working, piping, geiilnc. laying up.
talkCaiHIhi'-. Mr. nn^ Mr*. Frank SiKby
In Central .Am-aicu, iiouou.-as,Ntep- remarks with which bollduy makers ftorliix, dressing, luakuig merthanii-rl the iiiatlM- at home aind several
of Traverye rily .
ragoa and Costa Rico. In particular contrive to (111 up a page of letter pa­ aiile and iBkine away t.he said -tutuWill Sinrr wul wife (rum ruira- of the lath'ers han- decided to attend the ft-ellng among the common |>eople per—"Just arrived." -Wcatber bad." (-rai. coal, oil and ca>. p’lmusct in the
}, were over Sunday giie*i* of iliHr to the saving of Ibelr se<-i| |iOt.->r<»e* is that Rlble work is only a aU
•ThU la a bed hotel. " ' Verr dull
this fall tn'the manner deseriiwd in' lead up to political occupatton.^m*- here." ' JoUy people. " "^nd" me-aome hundred aud elghiy of the l‘iii.ll« Arts
brothel, Andrew Starr."
tlmca even su'^ads of meu are formed money." and the like. Cpoe merely oT I'ju".-'
F. Hiiff-tind-wlfo made a short biis- the ctosa work
An! deed* for all land* alone w jter
Mti* Rnili Kyselka of Traverse to chase Bible agents out of the coun puts a cross agaiast (be aeatence (hat coiirM-s.and' stream* will eoniain. also,
lne«* trill lu Maiirehm^ llil* week.
expresses hla aenUment. .
a provlskm reserving the right of inMlse Mamie ‘‘lark arjnmraiiM .1 «*lty. Is vtsUlBg her iiarents at .<mn
grea.* and egress over and Mc'rvt* aueb
by her nephea Ru>*el SlapT -w> lit to
lOetdi.. as also prov Ided in SecHou eight
A llltb- son <amc to live with Mr
Cadfiia* Tuesilny to conRiill-wlth..l>r.
of Act two hundred eighty of the Pub­
and Mrs. I.lnyd Swalnstun. TiH-sday
lic Acts of Itii'tt, and each purv-haaer
Wolf, the eye speclaliKt.
Th.- infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
will be required lo sign at ai.pUraMm. C. TV Smith and iUtle daiichtion agreeing
•ring to
(o wign
wlgn such Oe
deed and
ter ileorgbi. an- vlsiiing relative* In Morton .llligerald. tJieil Tuesday
gbide UitbluRv
hfuRv bv the said
saJd cone
Mr*. Dora Doobke of Broil Bluff,
Mm. Dennis' Mtnlgold I* slowly-nSection. Town Range.
Neb.. I* vlKllIng her parent*. Mr and
. :.N. ,j.
.Mrs. Nancy Blar-kiuan of Travervi- Mi-s. ChurJes Westvei.
NVVi, of NE^
W. J. neland muToed Tuesday
r'iiv. Is risitliig .(riAid* and relatives
from the Dakotas. He. has .spent
The most satisfiirtorv and convenient coriiuuiuI. Bare and ecoIn Kingsley and vicinity.
Geo. Store* of'suniniii' City, fhe past itmnniei- in different iMiini.s
nnhilcal. It sovok worry, lime anil ntotH-.v. Aliwluiely ptevenu (wa­
ned i-orn. frail nr ((-geubles fioiii souring or s]>olliD£.
received new* Sumlay mor-i^ng of in thu west
Farm Dlpiomat.
Paul Ja<k*nn vl»ii.>«; In Trav
1 packsge tOc. 3 packagea 2Se-'
sudden death of her daughter.
"Do you want a Job as a fan*
7 packages 50e. 15 packages *1.0C.
Mrs. Nellie l.eland in Trav.-r*e City. (Tty last Sunday
“No." replied Plodding Pete,
The Slorris store w-Rl le- • lo.-r^
She and her son l*e«ey and dsuehler
have beea kiad lo me is thf
aad I think too mpeb of you to
Sirs. !a*na Weher and Gladys Slorrs Saturday, ('hiober 11. until six p. m
yon aa object of Jealous hatred
and Mm. A. E. PuUer went to Trav (III aecouni of ibe Jewish holidays.
all your BelghbotW
train 'Siinil.vy. The
funeral win lie held at Hie rhuicli
Sast QarfMi
Millions of OoBsra
in .Summit City on Wednesday and
Are cleared every year -by the |ioulthe Interment In Etergrerui cemetery,
kUi.-u tiarfleld. «)ct. 'd Friday even­
try raisers of the I’nlted Stales. A
Iteter Muth. Sr. who ha* l«*en very- ing, Sept. 2fi|1i. the M
ibnnii nt
large fador in the production of (hiH
huge profit 1* HARVELLS CONDIsick for several week* Is aome l*et East Garfield.held a rerepliiui for the
"nON POTVDER. It Keep*
jer. His daughter-ln-Iaa. Mm. ~&doa Uev. and Mr*. W .A. Kley. The tovp
hens in good condition, makee young
Muth of Kings\ey-. who ha* bt-en a.>- tioii was i(-iid<-rel with a iwo-i<d<t i-urchirks grow rapidly. Wards off disease
sistlng bim. return»‘«l lioine Tuesday. l«os^ Id view.—lir*t. In honor ol llw
and keei« the eonib bright and red.
-Equally as good (or stock. I( is (ho
Alien, the Illlb- Kun of Tom .fart llial Re>. Eb-y ha* but fe.-.nMv
' C^werml l-Bw Rym^lee. jl^cludlno CoUmctlogaa
favorite roudlUonlqg powder with
Church, of Summit City. l« very vb-k retiinied from a vUlt to Ku-ataiul aud
breeders of blooded horses. Price 3S
bronebt luick with Vtm a bride; *•*
at till* writing.
cu. i>er paclage. Sold by aH drug­
WarB B. CotmlM
Sey-moiir Corainc and wife of Sum­ Olid, In appreciation ot bis return to

Legal Notices

lasare -Voar Cannlna with


— DRUti store: U

connine: & connine:
‘ i-awye:rs

idail Paper


Second floor

Second floor

Jhe Carpet and mall Paper
Kingsley Department
nie people of Stogdey and the currodadiaK
cotmtiy are all totoraatod in thii Department.
We thall be glad to have individnala, obni^oa,
the Orange, fraternal aodetiea and all other orhand in ttemi of newi, peraonala,
annonneementa of meetUgt. xwtiw of antortainmentt, bniineaa change*, public improveMto
being done or ctmtomplatod. sale* of real estate
in town or conntry. and any other itam* of gen«nl interen. Send aU itoms to Him Jami*
Bowden, wbo has charge of the Department.—
Editor Herald.
Klncsley. O.i 7--t)r. Kenton has
added a butliioom with romplcie fix­
ture* and sceptic sewer uak to the
home‘occupied by K. Bsumeanb.
The ]>otato buyer* have built a
conuDoo office ou the comer by the
lUlnstock buUdIrui. This I* 'biiuat
ed on a very convenient rvimer and
buyer* can watch, all roads fur loa/*
of potatoes ' Jkdam MaoR bat pnrchaswl of E.
Kosn and Hezeklah SiockfUb farm
-Mr. Koan hah packed hb bousehoid
goods, and will move his family
Detroit, where be has been worklbR
(or the past two years.
John Marsh had a lucky escape
from a serious ftre. last week,
ibretthlng marhlai- engine set (Ire to
MB old barn that I* in direct line with
all bis other buHdinRs prompt work
by nelRhbort i>ut out the fire.
The Mand) acbool is having a pr>
tato vacation of (our we*ki. MU*
Florence Alb-n. ibe .teacher, has relunted to ber home In Tmeerse CUy
daring that period. This KbooP-twi
1 aeries of d^ies dnr
day evealng./
Mrs. H«yS(ilks returaed Monday
from Graad Rapids, where she bat
toen vuutag the past two weeks.
Arthur Bparliag has been addiag
a aew trlag (o bis lartn home aoatb

kitchen. Mining room, porche*
bath. This will make a very aura«ldwetling place when completed,
which will be very- soon now. Kred
Taberer it doing the earpenter work.
Wm. Well* i>aa (ompleted and fill­
ed a new^i; ton silo oB- hj* farm
south and cast of Kingsley .
The CleancT* of PifAuieci lodRP in
he Holme* neighborhood are to have
I necktie social, and supper Saturday
•Mil* Marion Gibb* had a musical
reciui at the home of I. D. Union
Saturday aflerhoon. Fruit and
candy were served. The pupil* show
nurked inercgjw la their interest
mnaic bemuse of Iheae reciuls
and did some very credlUble work.
James Duffy Is completing a fine
new kitchen to lU* farm house,
and oae-half mile* we*t of KingiUey.
He gave a dance laat &urday even­
ing (o the young people in the neighl•orfaood in the new room.
Henry Menr«l is -another farmer
who hw added a coat o(Jmlbt
summer to an already ^wautlfnl farm
home east and eoulh of. Kingsley.
Beatrice Bparilng began ber first
Tin of school ip theTbem Rogers
district, north and nan of town. Miss
Sparling Is ms of the Kingaier
schol grtdnatns and totdc the eleveWh grade nt Traverse City
maOj Kingsley fa -aaMhar Klngi-


W ATX ’ !§.

The carpet and wall paper section is
one of the largest departments of this
store. It (XKupies more than 5,000
square feet ^ui entire' second floot) of
floor space and the st(Kk carried is second
to none north of Grand Rapids. Whether
or not you wish to purchase we invite
you to look over this department: We
are only too glad to submit estimates on
any-work of anything in tlm line that'
you may desire.

Second Qoor

Hall Paper One-third Off

Jhe J^oover Jweeper
Jht final Carfut Suaptrin tht lOortd

Second floor

Hug fUler

This filler is used primarily for
the border around rugs where the
Tx start th(‘ f:il{ scJlitip son«<m of vnill pajH-r uc arc (roiiifr door is not of a quiUble kind or
1<> offer cvi-rythiiij: in thi- <*titirc kd*ck «1 ouc-third <'ff. This
We would be pleased to figure
will last fur I'lic \v.-i'k onl.v ninl will commem-c Thnrsda.v moniwith you on any work «»f tiiw
inc. The stock is all liniinl new tlii« ,vear aiici ccmst-qui-fitl.v kind. Kxtra care token in laying
(•vi-ryi hiitj: is new anil frpwli.
and ail work guaranteed.

For Om UtA Only


Curtain Pfets. Joints. Stc.
The seli-etion of rnrlaiii nets is
tliat yon conld
In while, eei-u uikI the in'W Kp.vplijiji volorinps. at from J8c
We iire tlie sole (lUtnhnlors for this sci-tiou of the fainouk
l<ehitrh (Quaker rraft Inn- of nds and serims. Thivac ooiuu in
all eoliirinirs and many of ihem iiialeh the pager for hedrcKiniK.
riiiiii serims with the
henistilched edtre from 1.V ti*> -Vk:
We want you in look over this line of nets ami scrims and
eofiipnre iheiii with oflier- yoti may have wen.

pugs pugs pugs
In aS qualities aad at all desired prices.

ats anxk agmis fa-


We earry the most eompletr line of niffs. with the best
assiirtmenl ol sizes and |wie(>s to/he found in this sei-tion of
Miehicaii- Whatever you want in the" mg line can Ik- found
ill this <l--pjirlmeni.

Vacuum Cleaners
for rent
V>c have two of the l>e«t vieuuiu cleaner* that are made which
we rent at rcasmiahle rates.

Aace Curtains
We carry a very large line of
Lace Curtains made by the best
and largest la.e ciirtHin mill in
the eountry. JVieed at 75c to $8
per pair.

Cushions in jtll Ames
2«x20 at 4.'»e.
22x22 at -'irtc.
2-1x24 at 6.'.e.
• 18x22 at 50c.
20x24 at 60e.

BRUSSELS BUGS at «12.-'i0.
t(:I->.00 and I^IT.OO.
This is the simplesf. the best made and the eakiott to op­
A3CMINSTER SU08—This wclUknowu line can be proerate of any eurjMft sweeper oti the market. It op.’rates easier enr.-d ii! i-'-JJ.i'ii,
and ♦27.00.
than a carpel sweeper, and will take up all the dirt and dust
BODY BRU8SELS BUOS-Kspeeially good for-wear. At
We earry a eomplete line of
Will also pick tip pins. lliD-ads, ete. Its abaohitel.v the linest g2.*..(autt7.00 and ♦W.Oft.
Window Shades ready made-^or
sweeper nn the market trulay. »Telephua c OUT cariH^t dpjmrtWILTON EUOB—The Itesl doiut«tie rues in the world. ,\t will make them to order. Ia»t u*
iiient for a deiiionstrntiiiu.
bid on any job you may have.
♦•‘10.00.. ♦a.'i.OO. $;{7..V). mikl. ♦lo.llO and ♦oO.OO.
llach and every one of tliew ‘ru«« xD' of a (piality newr
AH Carpets aod Rugs can
eipialed at the price asked. Tln-y an- the Ik-*i that money and
be purchased on easy
careful selei lion cun huj'. We simply ask the opportunity to
26 Cento to «2.00 P«-Yard.
payment br contract plan.
;how you the line.
The line of etirpels is. V(«ry complete, eonshitini! of Unisgels. Axminalers and Wiltons. \Yc can lit iiny room and will
ttiake up ruR* in any desired site.

Hindow Shades

Complete Ames of Carpets

Carpets and Hugs J'old ondteSasg
Pagment Plan



"'iSirteuiB"'*" WaH Pai>er -





** The best Ranao
brains and experience
have ever produced.** .




Bow ^ you

If r«a are a soor tlmar. mtira.
srrviiut. diTsmr.-'InMMcO wttli dtotmalac ntn. la Wk a»l Iiarin.-lf
roa b.i« lo ar< ■ doctor', pmcrtptks
lo make you *lwp,—you Bccda

Rest-Easy Red Spring
Wewttl mdroilOM-rmthlltTBWktiI-wry Bain.
tri.r. Illldon O'nt. iTiH-rv
rt-moTT Ih. nmuui d

Ti'py r.r.- j-;-t Ii.fl-ry vuoaeh lo b«
pood^_durabie tiid l;istinp.
The strt‘neth»-ru>d pans are thus*
»htrc tlio taost Wear IS.
' Xfae walls are Ahbeirtos lined.
They are nade of steel, eonsoqucntlr
they are Mruup nod eabuot itTick.
_ The-only «nn« made where the

«Ah^lr.telr Ru«l-PrtN>f.

Universal Heating Stoves
are known the wsrld ov­
er as being superior to all
others in operation, qual­
ity and finish.
slove is guaranteed.

A store is judged by the
class of goods they sell.
This advertisement shows
some of the standard line
we carry.

nor nuk- yut budr »od >our
hofl-y. liciilUir nnd faltot or» ctwrar.
-m:M) IT BACK. Ko rhiioe nlcM
you dnide to km. tbc n>nn*Tb. I'urtUB Rnt-Ra-r U lb. eslr
■nnac Ik.t U so a<wd lh.1 It cBo ha
MidoB.arurta pl.a u iki.. Tty U.

StMadanl SnWor Mmcblat Ca:,

There Should be


taste and poeT-.-t-!.,

C. Pull opHi tlTefJ
/‘Standard Examina- [
don Clasp** and investigate the in- J
terior of "Standard” Cotton Felt Mat- f
tresses for yourself. You will 6nd noth-.[
ing but thc^urc:fand lest quality of se- i
levied cotton felt. Built layer by layer,
this cotton felt never
•cr becomes 1hard or i
lumpy and r^tajns all its elasticity and ^
buoyancy. N^n-absorbent, “Standard”
Mattresses arc' healthful and sanitary. i



Only One-Motion Bed Made!

athMtofdaTcnportwhendosett Wcllventilsted.
itsm. Can't f«( oat ef orAr/ LuU a li4ume.



RuiuYour Airm In As
’‘ar As You


This wonderful bed ©pens from
a Haiirtsome Parlor Davenport
full si2er72xS"irt-hef.Saai-



The Traverse Cily Chair Co.

TURKISH ROCKERS. We carry Irom 50
to 60 patterns i^our sample floors the
year around.^

'‘Standard** Hattresstt Are Goansteed t




: .

S& .C




i4ome Cheer

boraeradlah and one Ubleapooaful of
iwrR. For
roT a afiicai*
« t-.aiai.ujuu
doBanon bark.
delicate iiavor.
fUvor. •

A £haO^ on ftdckfl * ^
**“'** lMl*ad or clnnamM. ♦
^ OP ,.,u, ijoj,
qu^juy of the

Ftor several week, the housekeept-ra
of Traverse City have been In a One
frenty of plckle-rnakia*. sod the dellcloua odor, that have assailed the

Mb. Mabel Batea WUliaaB Editor.
--------------------------------------------- ----- -------- ot tb, -m.r, .m™
Tb. Arit TB«.

-^/Bnlnlj *« rooJ tb. udou
n. SA bt oto ItoocM to. U.
A. oMdi Ulo. rouu UU ,ui lb.
toOdo dlto Abd ,«-tod«, cm
Out Mil UT.I

to m II Obi, Ob, .bbU
ir. lo todb >ltb ib..„.b, ,ooj. In
• wp™ «I cbiidii..
do.. ,o .. bo
b, ,bo hoc,
oioto Ol Ctoomc. ood, . B„d - toind oor I.Cbmploioo...
HI. conploiobo...
.... Hi. to,..
ThI. doeb w. kboM Ui.l lb. Cl
rrnrmrr I.
Lor, |b,l tochm iip lo |u Dl.
Tb. Ood Mto. AH Mb. toponu- r.n,
..d do.b H,roo,» „o„

atroos. dlffoa«
e« win
When ao e«
MoT^ jfPOk /UcteM
hollohollow apace
' a dark «t>oi
«*«W- “« 0^1
♦atoweff. Ifrouflntf.d,
clrtth toaspoonrBl of careaoe or two ^
which doca not dlaappcar wh«
riaiia of greeti and one of red peppera ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ly shaken, you raay be certain that
freed from aeeda.
nellclona Appl« 8auco-To make a the.ea* haa lain undisturbed ao lone
Mixed Pleklea-Theae are oonven- delicious applesauce with
with but
bot little
mile It
1» «ld
oold atora«e
.lor.«e that
that the
the yyolk adhere.
lent where the aopply of plcklioK ma iKjtber wash the apple,
apple., quarter “>
«> the shell.
ahell. PUeard
niaeard anv
any eesa which
t.rtol I.
lob. .1... ,„a ,bii.

obribTObir. to too which
■“« -«i"c“"«. O'
-I”" vi.,.^ bo. boo.
>• ■»’"
i'"" m n~ d.p 1.10
'> >
""b «>"
«""-olo..r tbo to von looop oc boon., lino
'• “
'™» "'“"i'
lof ", -Picod Iroto. ol lonptlb, „ro mibnion, ocd.. bli, ol coollllo..,,
•'ll-. ■bJ
• l'«r coembor. .to o.m ..o..
.Oddi, c Ob lb. clo.,1 .h,lvd,,.ol 0.10, Tb, „.l, co.dttlob U ib.l
'■“•'"'"■b" ■“>
b" bl«" ibo.
"" '-b" |b™”
bto .nlclc coocn "".K «“! b. COOkM or oncookM.
to .be m, io mk. Pick,., .nd rob '
to. Ml, cto

Tern, b.”:^. -Tboo .tom. .bto, ml" rmVbX'r itopTm"

a candle U beiler than
aunablBB. The
Tb* Rood
♦ ed aoBahlne.
♦ a rreah look all over.
♦ la old. Ibaw will be a

IbiobB, . Iibl. pto. bbb bdi .«r.r
„o ci,„,„ob lo Ubic. TbU me
b„ .
„n,n, .„n u,. .bomood n... ,. do.
h.™ Iron lb. .klo. ood ... nok..
U ouporto lo lb. ortlo.r, opplo,.1,.. Uioo, .. oonollr
Ab„to-l. tmini, .ppl»
“ ”to‘ d.
„C W„b ,b- .'.pto ..d cn.
n-, .o oot o~l A bit ot cin...
„m. " ,

e,o„ ««. I. • Jr, , cool M.c;
ibcy bill b«n. boiler end. «bob b..,,„u,
I. .. omoioobc. ... lo plo.
moclloro lb. wbli.. ol .0
cn. blppod. Wbl. o, nr I- ihc bet po.Ubo
m.iorl.l ib.I to covorlo, l.|.
„„b. ^
l»l»i -» !“« Ibldn >b.n 1* i"
"rlnt .nd lrin„ 1, .ll.bU, Dip
™cb ro.nd In . mpci o, wbli, .1
w«ll ""d PC down ov.l lb. Mp. ol



Puls and Pars

Mbd> a liouBcwlfe'a itootl tllnner la
apo„p<, ,„p
by ihe bauhilns meh.ory of a sticky pot that await, her

im c„„„„n „j
drood ....
;n ,n.

1, “



, ...

!ld JT7 r
2 I",iLi; ^

..“ '.10 , . ; i^c,
„n„ ,w.
meto :i' "!, Z

■c"....., .,..,—.0,. pu..., Krw,.?im:romb'c.?r”iz’''ri:":r.“i,™S ";r

Return. I say. odcc more return to cord, atriku all the Jarrms
clever woman wno
who neiicnui
delUthis to “to
<Jmln- Take
a. uiauy
many aa
as win
will im
ine Clever
isdr u

....i .s.
.hii.. —' — --------■
Lo»« pot. every note lo harmony
1.1 «id co..i wl.b ^
™. >"Dr
iL c
T," .1
and makes sweet music of everv -pu. odd. .bd end. ,0Ac,b.r ..d pH,
A . Add
11„ them frequently until
vety from
the eei;, while It hi stliy J
In ,1:
_ m ,, ■,
In tliy Boiil -n safe retreat moment
moment Of
of time.
time. We
We .wo
can all
all .e«
see ho*.
w>ni''ihlnK rea-.y
really gotm
good .s
is not..
'‘‘•'■•t ^ J""* pepper and Uhlo^m-Mn.n,
-rhen lift It tUfully on the Tnci V J^^^e to rle
1 l.^w
from OTll;
of ^
If love
love ruled
ruled the
the earth
earth these
these would
««> -very sU apples, Eeten hot or'toss., dust with salt and . daah of
Tbou knowen wall the piaa. "Us be bo sorrow, no poverty no wronp autumn, and is cmharmssed by only
vincnr. Brloa slowly
cold, with or without cream, they are while pepper.
unpleaaant and iajurimis

TB. H, to. him dew, .to,,


cb:Sbd i:-to -to,'.™;

..d ,.„l m,.

brotherhood there would he onb a •* »>“umJ h> o"1> one InrxoraWe cot.,
And^l that tbou dost need may peaceful, hap,.,- world.
dUlon and that is the law of n.vors
with thee CO.

There is a deUnlie n-lallon between
<be amounta of cloves and cinnamon,
mace and mustard, and she must
•"All that wUI
a a new and good
know *to a nicety
wbat IcA,..
decree "1
(owaMs hoipiuinto .ro diwcoumcM "

^Just ^
AU varied powers now subject to I..IOM o, MIto .bd cbltoolod. to.
thy wm. >Pocl.ll, Mib ,b. llto child to poi'
It 1. well lb b.v. . .cncn.1 workAnd tbon. O man! know this: dost
then obey mo.
bo owed o> 0 mldc Id.
Tb, nood Mul, cu, ib«., Mid wbto „„
„ ,p,. nocou, .bd. .0 Ob o.uoi,
0 bol,
•“« ool Mill
„ ,p„ „p
lb pc IIP, II 1. OIIII imici lo
grasp the prinrlples on whlci that
The child's actions for the flmt »bd other recipes are .based and adapt
The aasry Rood that tbou dost
two or three t ears sre msinl imltat
P^nclples lo present conditions,
U bw the waaklng of thy aool from Iv. Wh.tever be see. done he wl.h^
"‘"‘•"v*- ‘here I. gr^t latitude


hen alf U cclean, without the Ark. annoying
as la.
fl^t, but
action of
“Then, lift eyes above the de- nkould lie

• •-•■.•••••a*................. ....

There are some things that •
•e i^t truat:' and to trust is to •
• grow siroag spiritually."—Mrs. •
• M. E. C Oates.

Ywr«e Hrs. M. E Bate, to her
Home Cheer readers many years ago;
Tbe one who could write . comprehcnslve caaay os "The Art of Making
the Best or Tbiogs." would be a puh
lie benefactor. Things seems so oftihelr worst Instead of st their
. o, .b, choor.

Around the
Sdhot's ffdbte

to' iMll’mdTTtr.hto'' '^c '---A


very stiff, long-haodled brush,
shaped like a paint bmsh. is a great
help In the perfect washing of pots

WTien cravy. or *rtta. or hominy.
">•>»>«• U.l Ml, bd,. oul,,, Imta.
O-Wom ol nlckl.. II U
»”■ »oc““i, U ollr at wiupo. or
»“• i*
“k. to
tom lb. Hr. mid n.od ol...
t>”" lor ihroo or tor mlbuiowi to
substtnee will loosen of Uaelfthrowh
tb&acUon of.the atedm) from the botfum and aides, and can be aafdy re*
t.tmed to (he Ore with only

cto™,;'ib,r.'L:-,.'"t ur'';; bi., ,71^ uirMirrbVto" b-uto.. a.iic..oi,-bi".bod juu.

not sticky this method
earthen Jar. boll' down the vinegar
requires but very few momenu. and
roZTZZ ,771
toUf ooil on,, ubl
until like "a ""'i;
syrup snd pour “"i
... ”"'o“i nibbod lo ...... .cmib with >“ uword 1, pioco bbd boiler dim
W....V .UU ^e.ery o«.a-rm..n reo p,pp^^
fnili. seres on the covers of glass
salt, beat Ull ‘•e'­
... green apple, of uniform rtie. cut
Jars while hot
er the poached
Criddles and spiders
dUhes from the Ublc and tiptoe- “> ‘‘lif entire prorws of plckle-mak_
a thick slice from Uie stem end of
longer life, and offer better service
• »«<cer and trota along
*" that case It Is possible to
••acb snd scooi* out the pulp. Cut the
wb^n- It ti Im'pi
obUln •>?• ocaj^JonaJly rubbed with eoaroe
*»*Wad »lth It- ff he Is panlahed «n*aage by putting the plcklen Into a
i 1. the prin. f"P J"«c Hmall^match.llke pieces and
sA. and Umo^AlantionBly rtnacd.
and scolded the wUh to help will die strong brine, bringing^ very slowl,

happy Ipime.
•mount of celery> verj' paUtable substitute
Anything in wbift the odor of fish.
•“•'‘n *>*». Suppose be does brask
the boiling point and allowing to '
I would say it cbeerfulrvcss, not
•msll pieces Moisten wlUi
beating the white of an egg Ull
«r other strong smelling food
a, dish or’splll a bit of food upon the simmer for about five miniites Drain
riche, nor plenty i
neatn<-Bs, mayonnslse dressing and fill apple „jjju
mixing It with a teaspoon- ••*‘«*rs can be made awoei again by
•**' l** cleaned up off ‘be water, cover ihe ^ckles with
cubbed to a cream. Put a *«'»“• “» “ ••‘«'t® ••‘•oh a small
the dish forgotten for.years when cold-water and change as soon as It but cheerfulness. A house may be *’'*“»• roplace toi« and arrange on
clean as the iiroverblal whisUe. per
heaping leaapoonful of this mixture fltianUty of vinegar haa been added,
'•* wondering why your becomes warm. Continue till the
me,I i.Tv
tastefully arranged snd yet
Apple liiilter—WMh one j„
botloft of a cup and pour the
Proeeaa tbe pot should'be
children are not Ss helpful as Mra. pickles are cold and ertsp. Then
as usual
« •“ fmptv barn. If
"r evaiatyiied apples
washed in the oaoal way.
ceed with vlnenar and spii
.............. —-------------- -------------ri,nrB..Mh.v
pour. *0 the eee
thoroughly, .M.V
soak A..„.
over night; in ibe j-nu
you pour.'so
egg sHI
s-lll not
'T* prevent nut. place
place tbe washed
Racantly t visited a "woman who
To make the brine take enough there is not a cheerful stmosi>hrre
In the house, cheerfulness nti oft /noting cook with plenty of water.
,hu ,g carefnlly done the coffee
“*••• ‘‘•ck on the stove
hsd one child, a boy of abont'twenty ••ter to cover tbe fitckles generously.
„ ^ad been enriched
l«>g eooagb fo heat.
months, says a writer in an exchange Add salt until a fresh egg floats easily en be brought aboui very simpb . by "'•‘■•n well done, rub through a sieve
made this
this brine
brine aev
«"• cinnamon ^y good create
»«nK enongh to burn, before
Aa be sat in tbe kitchen stringing After you havi... made
u wtft
adjusted so It will be neitber “* ““'c »•'*' J'"» of one lemon. Juice
when preparing egg for dipping a «'«'tOng It away.
beans the'little fellow caught up a vrol llm,
^ form an iiea of
glary- nor gloomy. Sometime* a
‘“o oranges and butler the site ,ood which Is afterward to be crush•«“'e a griddle or eidder
bean and pulling it apart-put U In the the amount of sail needed
cTiintr. nishlnn.
nishlon. a bit of color.
color .1 “• ‘o ces. Took slowly unUI It wllf ^
empty on the fire for any length of
pan. Tbe mother smiled. iwUed bis -Mt» amount of water and can do. as
fresh flower In a glass, it It be only ‘•‘oP heavily from a sppon.
It does not contain sufficient albumen ••“*■ These should be heated only la
head, and gradually drew bis attention “•oy houaekeenors do-«prinkle the
wlM add a refreshing sweetness
< rab Apide Marmalade—Wash and to Immediately form 1 crust when •*“«
«•« to which they an
some other atnosement but not be- dty •“H over ih« pickles as they are
anotherwise dull core crab apples and putthem the hot fat touches It.Cse eltlierP*>t;
leaving them
fore there were a doten pieces of placed In layer* io the Jar Too and homyoess to
id dull rooms are apt to make through the meat rhoppi-r. I*ut Into the white alone, whleh Is nearly all ®»«rt>«sted rulna tbs temper of the
unstrung lieane in the |ian with those much s.v1t win cause ilu- |>1< ktewooto/'^

them more liable
ready to eau
spoil. If pIcklAi lie m brinee aojfly
' over
little touches until li shows through the top layer btjslen. If the wlioJe egg is used, add ‘® »“«••e Ifue in ^mailers of dress Ihe
"Doesn't that annoy you? ".I asked njght they need very little
that besi>eak care, a gay llitb- knot »f apples
Cook until aoft. Weigh a ulHesi>oon(ul of water to it. it win
' ------------ -----------as she picked them out.
frVsh water.
‘^Uht Of Sugar, no, be «, sUrk, to handle a* If unShe .ooseo
looked ..
at m.-.0
me In surprise
surprise. "Wliy,
Although -B.t
salt .uo
and v.n.-a.r
vinegar are u„.
A Belled Dinner.
wa. helping." she said and ! caught .friendly
I. the |
«fr«‘ del to one's C^k until th.- mixture form, a Jelly diluted.
he wu
friendly to most bacteria i,
it is
Many dislike a corned beef dinner
the meaning. It was the kpirit she P»ri ol wisdom to use tboroughly ster
'• >*’"
‘i*® ‘‘®n' because U proves Indigestible Try It
appreelsted, .not the mere act which IHrod Jar* and covers. They should ,
cl.e-rful person I. also Rls*ses (over with parsttln.
point of, iK-rfectloo.
^ bring some water prepared in this wsy. Heat the —
toUoA point
pott, In
H, a
. small
.0,0,1 sauceof courae coit her some Utile trou- »* of glared earthenware or glass
«> »*■ ‘roly cheerApple Lexington SiMe-Tore and to tbe boiling
m w.............................
Ml, at u,
“ “•

«“■" i»,« c>w, ■™i“. t"! Ml" itooo at „o. dto-,„ ,h.
",'2. ‘L1LT.71
levers should fit
“* ■■■■
------------ ---»„ Ui.
----------- *
a /-blld of even a year and a half should be covered
m,y gave it, mother a great many ttw layer, of clean cloth or waxed
tire where the w„er will barely bote
EhotUto M,d OBOOIOA doon. “0“ -"oold bo pel o,o. Ho oioolh o, 7"!"''“,“« iMok roll lo opoo,. „r. cDimho ,".o Jo clock. Tl.o
will hovo .
^ j ^

In bOAc. to urmilold mlou .bib. 'toe to door . oocobd ilmo. loioM- U ucir iwii bote.
. ^JTmow ■
Ibii obill 0 b.bli 1, lormcd.
Ob to oibor bond II bibj 001

His boly temple, ah. how fair and
—Clara K. Bates In Young People's

iWmW MM§=

„ „ __ ____ „

Today, when tlorms-of sla^iid dmibt
are .nglng.
Tba Ark of God-in sUll our gUd retreat
How aafe tbe abeUor In our souls

to "'t"v’oi

‘’Vine is « kTOu_nd mar,.
' ^
Into this the eggsWre genUy dropiied. *n this way.
a hundred little services. '® *‘'e the desired degree of saltiness
, to the pickle and also to preserve It »osUrd seed, and a few vhole pep- plet; coDtinun with more erkekers
then covered. ThV milk Is not alou* >»ta a warm ptare In wbich
In their awkwardness
not be‘'dUcou’rig^''”Eart *’*“* • convenient time for -doing
service, howeveV slight.
' Keeping that Ir mind, we need
praised snd rewarded^wiyi

, Mib“°.;j otob.1 to lb, ..bcu- to "bob to boM ... coito”-.


«.nc.-T.. db„.

mstoes, pared and chopped: three
t!ake-Mlx and bake as for H- >olk left, which you wUh to beat
ireen pepper, freed of se<d.
aHahilv for a cu.iart or aauce Uke
chop|.ed. three unions chopped; one"“"vine the batter with
tor a cu.i^
aauce. la.e
fourth cup of sucar. two tablespoontuls of salt, one -each of c™und
_ . _ _
nutmec. .InAcr
cincer wnd
and All.plc.
allspice. »bi«m««i jijivv- wiiu w'ebv’'
^ «„fi.hrt!w .*. Trr>
o.e.. nutmm.
a M.i-bolW ... loit over Irom .
°d' T‘"
“b'l rrPr UU .ppl- dIrocU, ».«
bo boiled Otol, Mid l.ld
pl „Z Z.7 .
Ulo ibl. o,l.u„. .Iltob. ooeb lo -.11 “to >« ■»' ~H U • “l.l.
Plc»lllll-Tbl. I, nude. ,„i.b.|,.
^ wopdolcboo. or
. mibUb.
"1 "U" “lu »l Siccb lototow Md
„ „p col 0 cok. loo >tlB novel
“kUkc Mih opto-, or um.m ibo
cobbo... Chop boll. bc.b-l o, c p,
pp, ,.pp
p .rodooll, obUl Ih. do.lrod tUckromatoes and soak over night In brineI and spread between
»* atulued.
between ihe
the rakes
cakes, Bat
u““' f**- n-** «>»)'. then 'udd
r day It Is cooked.
one peck of onkms. chopiied fine. liTne
Apple Graham Pudding—Place
«n-en iteppcrs, also chopped.


'T Ti,7:rzz:j^z-^z JizrziiTirziii.

CM", 0. to,, to, too to toto. 0 Oto. to", -0- u,.™ "t-'c-^'torortoo.:
C do, dock ood C„D,„ .toll .to,00. Plckto OP to

AOd to CCk "o pCOto ,0


2. vr’r

„.o„od MlO . Zt
ood cook 1. d„„


nil ,h, „oglocnnyr Make the home-fire burn objects from the floor all save
a fiend and tight. The top can then be
the brighter and tbe bouse sweet and mother ateps and prepare p child for covered with sealing wax. melted
wars srith the apirit of love Is the largerhelpfulness by and by.
Paraffine or a melted mixture of one
stare fa the cupboard scant? Devise
--------------part resin and two parts beeswax, tf
UtUe ways of making what there Is
compelled to cover with metal, run a
ma, o^rr, ood ., an, 1. bo,, .
cHd,oo,to7222,. .
«■" >”">•
Croat serw ft dalaUly snd wUh'cheer.
„,s„, ,s.„ ,s.,
I. raiment scam and poor «. that one "
IW only a glased vessel for hest- 7:Zr^Z'\itir n'Zt.'Zl 7.7“ .T
sur for
for U.e
the busy
busy hou*ekeei*r.
housekeei>*r. Inferior
feels lea. fairly cUd than one s fel- ' „ J,."
‘W ‘h« vinegar. On no account use fault. In ibelr neighbors and '“f
to., WUk ootool. Id .pin,, to " ■-„,'™ ZZZllZJT. Id to Mto potolold or .todli, k«,l,
tocidk Id to tan man. d, «,dl.
.pplZfto U, UM 2
I. toco wooHdOM d, to no."- Odd |,„,JTom» d,lto2r“r2,.22d U 2 " I”'-”""- ™"H"oU"d H "-od coc- 722
7” ■ T2.™ .■
•" "•« •"
PM. MM Htoo., BM, PM,..U,
“j-to.l, ", .1,".., ,tob„ .codH.A
<»-dd ".1., orMloblo.
They should be peeled, eered and
I be borne, and any often.
freed from ererj- blemish, then cut
lasteed of. "I fear. I am *er»e.------"I
hope t am better."" la there worry and
. to-o. .iMd toklod Cdctobo, pIcUo.
BMP, oM, MU r.d,o,o tho dlMd.1. up In quite small pImm. A large
anxlouB care that press hard
A Pemsh Daaasrt.
and also when packing plekiea away, urujon of cups and saucers caused eanhern Jar with a cover should be
ready to receive them. Into this put
crowd cloee? "Do .vour beet
A nice way to serve large, ripe-These leaves tend to remore the p, tea and careless washing.
leave Ute rest.- in trusting telih in peaches is to peel them and remove natural greenness to the pickles. Cab- '’'Bross’^orr^rl'n i-."jrM*tMBiifuiiv first
®f »iie»v.
cinnamon to tasu. then a tayer
who considers the IIIIM of tbe the stones: then fill
cavity with bags leaves are also used. Une the bright by oecaaiosally rubbtn,
apples then more sugar and clo
field and the sparrows' fan. Does bunched and shredded ImoDds or a bottom and side* of the kettle in
namon. and so on Ull tbe Jar U full
Ue serene whim Denth-Angel come marshmallow, fiprinkie with sugar which the pickles are heated end w'aah the mica of the i
The sugar should be regulated accord^
•Bd lead away a loved one? Even and cover with whipped cream which neam for
Ume io almmerlng water *.|u,
^^d vtaei
0 Ibe tartness of the M>plee, from
this U well. The absent raea-«re haa been flavored with a lilUe glmond before pickling, and also place a Uysalt in whitewash wiu make It sUck
aafe and no selfUb thought ebould or venllU exOecl.
er ever tbe top nsd cover ckmely whUe better

‘® • •>•« pound
•eek to ceM them back, and we aball
I’ouu'l, ®f aPPle* being ibe role. Tbe
go to then*/ere long.
Wild Grepe Marmalade.
As a rule, alum Is not to be Candle...
»>® Pfaced at the back of
Beyond -the eleoda tbe aan U alTake tbe wild green grapes, cot ommended In food It U belpdul. howThere is no prettier, softer light “'® '•’«*
f**® ff““ b«Pt covered
wars ahlnfh^
open with a small fcaUe and remove «»ar. to such things as green tomato for the table than that of candlet. •“'•
alihmerlng through the

tba aeeda Allow a pound of sugar sweet pteklea And those made from and they are never out of fashion
“ ••‘oo“ ‘h*® be set away to
«o many tiaea tke queatlons have tomach pound of fruit, put the grapes watermelon rind. It extracts tbe for the moel elaborate social affair. ~®'- “<• “*® “PP*®* ‘••‘e® mi‘ «ol>'
treen asked these ffars. “How can one Jn the preaerving keuie with a IllUe water and when used in a very small or the quiet home dinner. Here Is “
®ro ®«®ded for sauce of desrsconcll* Innnlie goodness srith. the water and bot! twenty minutes. Add QuanOly tends to make the plcklea a redpe for keeping candlee from ®®“*' ”•''•'»* n® ••ter mixed wHh
smiling^ the frost, or tbe blaming the augsr and cook unUI a drop crisp Instead of flabby.
dripping when used on the dinning ‘*'®“’" aPP*®* preparod in thU way
Of droMli? Wku is U «M forr- It b ponrwl In a oedd wanner will MU lu' Bpleed ^nnegar—TAe foUowlng wfll table or in a fancy caodlemlck. In
’^®‘’ palatable
oaly baapMi tM goddnaas b InTtnlte shape. once and pour In give an idea of proportion. To vine- the eummer keep the candles wbew“
------------------------*® ^ ‘roat Its teediagf A gov- cups or glaanea. In puuing up the ger enouA to cover e quart of piritles not In une. In the refrigerator, and
Useful Knowtedge About Eogt■erotag poker which oir small minds winter stare of JelUee h b always «s# one' teaspoonfol of whob black In winter In a place where tbe ternA whtrteaab deebr in eggs givea
I would be tar too a good pbn to fill •
s small cheese pepper. the earn# of celery seed and paraturh b low. Or, In tbe cold sea-' the foUowlag directions for telling a
>N to rob the aalveraa Ood doea Roia or egg cups for nae la Ue chll- of all-aplee. half as much whob hon. put them out of doors, on tbe good egg fr«a s bad one; Hold it beI. nod mm ww an thtafa work drea'a ludeh basMU.
cloven mustard seed and grated window alU, imtU thoroughly chilled, iween you and the light; a laaip or

,d „pMt "1 to, M,bd.,

tooTr 2^'" ,dc toP. ,

- "r
»,o“ rd?;." .2 to. « "7
0 ooMlold Okk .boo,'.'".;, r

if there
there Is
Is as number
number of
of gueau
gueau to be
»”'toic. loolood d,
rrrrirrrt. on od, loto. "o, pl.„or.
O, couto. ,b. „d
b. tod. ®bce. In different omelette pans;
*'«ro kept Ull the other *' ‘
roady. It would fall.—Exchange,

Or mix with It. after draining a half
Transfer the
,b,„. „
.«,p h« Odd d,dUt
the i>oi liquor. Cooked In this war
l Is tender, tbe ptaloei-sell
flavored and the cabbage as digsetible
as ponslble.

Tried aiwl Tni
“ “'■•'••d.
gome Fall Reelpe*.
**''’'* * *Af»lT-Pin (which arilcle is
Myskiiieion FriUers-Pero endaUne
•> •'•‘>d> ®f • •><« f® ••‘•f‘f*® muskipelOD Inch thick; putts bowL add
dusHns of salt: let stand three hours:
'‘‘“P “'® P‘“ '■*"
“ »® “* P‘“‘
prised to find how well the pin does'' milk, two beeten « I. rptneb of nutthe work of i
meg. flour to make batter; dip melon
into thU; drop Into hot fat: dralB.
A Clean Cruet.
with awar; aanre hot.
jk^ j«.ih. «f a
K.k„..K«M .«
**•«■ Tomato Preearres-For each
..^«i with ex P®'“'^ ®T reUo* pear tmnstoeo take
^ one pound of sugar and oie laMe““..Mm.rr ________ ■Po®o ful of ground ginger and iwe
I 'jTfn
customary f
**"**®^ fauorea .
squaab Croquettes-Press one pint i - transparent, then remove them
aqnaah through sieve; from the .syrop and boU the aynp
igd on# tablespoon- bnuer. half tea- down oneMIt; thee pal the louatoea
apoon salt, one-fourth teaspoon eiilte back until they are thoroughly heated
pepper, yolk eg one egg. form into throagh egmli. sad put in pint Jara.
croqueues- egg and eromb; fry In Theae praaarraa are deUctooa,' as
deep, hot fat. Cirele with thtoly allc- Hi
Cbear can waUfy from persoaed cucambere or plckbs.
. ..A.4
^ ^ tm

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