Grand Traverse Herald, September 02, 1913

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 02, 1913


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, George G. (1861-1942)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Roceivad Nothing Af^ WiiuiMig-CaiS
Chicago. Aug. >C.—When Anthony
Collero ot Iowa, rlalUog Mends
16IC Tailor street, won a card game
he though be held i^oo wrapped la
a handkerchlet. His T««-daIaatsd
companions coagratulathd him on bla
wlimlnga and left him. It contained
a roll of paper. He said be had lost
|S00 la the gama


'olis Tietip.


princess of Tack Borrowa to



Indlahapolls. i^. Aug. 29.—Thu
LmdM.^. Aug. 2«.—R-bcn It tome to
flrat irouhle in IndlaaaiMlis as the reidiU ot the striko ot the motormea SOLDIER! FELTED WITH ROCKS Queen Mary’s knowledge that ber als- MEXICAN ^SITUATION HAS AS­
ter-in-law. Princess Alexander
and coBdactors on four Intervrban
Teck. waa belag sharply pressed by
synte'ma occurred last night. Four
tradas'peopto, . among
men were arrested as a result of the
modiste, (or payment for long outlelee and
ding accounts, she advanced the
they bad boea hit during the free-for
princess *IS.O00.
all eighth but could not Identify tber
In one Instance tbe princess wa
ctuaily (brwtened with proceedings
through a lawyer. This vexed
qum s great deal. She intlstod dn
the princess paring all ber bUU.
Women are Carrying on ttia Warfara
The piineess is to repay the IIS.OOO OsMral Felix Dlax Haa OpMly Dw
clariKi Himaaif a CandMato for
Against Teoopa and Gunman
loan in monthly Inatollmeato of *S00
the Prealdtocy and Will
Employed by Operators *•
each, plus intoreat at the rate of 5
Conduct CampAign.
Guard Mines.
per cent


cemitiinB snniniK




CalumeL Apg. 30.—That tbe strike
Aug. 30—Another
situatioo has grown more aerious than
deadlock In the Mextean situation was
at any time since the troops were
resrhed todoj. The lull in tbe nego­
sent Into tbe dlsirlcL was tbe state­
tiations was caused by "Jockeying' b/ment made today by Ceoeral Abbe.>
both America and Mexico, ‘nm ^votReports of minor disorders frora~«II'
Bl dtolm was who should make the
secUoni were msde to the mUUaiy
first move toward reopening. dipio- '
la was intended the speeches were
ThejnnvMtloD ot Bnt and acconUauthorlilon today. Trooiis were pelted,
the big feature of the Orange rally POSTMASTER BURLESON HIGHLY with stones by women when they
clan poatmaatn* U in aeaalon In- tbe
The state deportment dispatches'in­
held yeatorday at 'the fair - groonda COMMENDED IN RESOLUTIONS. to South Kenrurge to rescue depu­
eonacH roomi Tbara ara Yoriy-attkt
dicated todsy that Envoy ixns m
The speakers, John C. Ketrham. Dr.
cUlM la the auta
ties who bsd been attacked b)A m '
fused to return to Mexico City ttntU
isora will be, recUterad balore the
1 Haimtord and kUsa Jennie Buell
One private was seriously fniurod.
requested by tbe Huerto c(all leaders among tboee who are
eonranOtm la orer.
A non-union fireman was serlObsly
ricUls. The odmlntotratk
raialag the standards IndustrlallJ-. labeaten by a mob near Allouet ibis
Tbl« eoaveoilon U called the. “alder-morning and his condition Is critical
lellectually. and morally la rural
berr>" coaTention. and tberehr hanst
Beaeien. Today Waa Spam .
Mexlro and not tbe United Stotao.
At PalDosdale several hundred women
Vich^. la thIa-coanecUon It la
a ule. Two yaara hso at Che coavenIn Sightseeing.
pave the way (or reopening neattacked workers who were atlennk
tion beld la C%arierotx. Poaunaster
wenfa while to note that la the not
to reach tbe Champion mine. Ope
PVank Piiedilcfa aiked for thf canveaAatapt futare' agricufiure will be the
Soeiallst Faction In Pad
Oraat-Exodus of Americana.
was Injured. Three womenjrere
tion. bat loaad that Bar City bad almoat important Induslo' la the stale.
Washington. Ang. 30.—Reports to
The afternoon sosston of tbe post­ arrested.
mdy aakad tor It, bat thna waa a
kOcbIgan U fast becoming a big stole
masters' convenUon, of the ^Irsl and
tbe state derwrunent today confiatiad .
proviso that Travaraa City mlcbt have
Canadian Attorneys Say That Gaine
second'class, wss beld in the coun­
lo toll o^.(Ge exodus of Amerleans
It this year. To make htmaelf aoltd
Uaater Ketcliam, for Mr. Ketchsm
Being Played by New Vorkera
cil chsmber and was packed fuU of
from- Mexico. FVom Tampico qome
with the commlttaaa he tbooghtfallr
Master of the Mlchlgaa .State
Will Net Bring the Dabuniness. President Fitch. oI Cbarlenews of large numbers gathering from
had Ufceit with Urn a couple of hotaired Raautta.
I.anslBg, Aug. 2*.—The military oc­ «nge. gave a forceful addreu wb
voli. runs everything on time and
Son Lais Potos and adjacent atotes.
tlea of hoa»«ada etderberr/ wine cupation ot (be copper strike rone will had for
purpose the teaching
and It was sold hundreds were expect
that Mra. PTIadrleh knows ao well
approximately *200.000. better fanalng. better linslneas metbgates were loth to leave tbe diSereat
Verm Crux from tbe eonthem tohow to make. U dld|fc Uke long for Already *170.000 has beea spent to ods. and bhtter living. He dro'
Sherbrooke. Aug. 30.—On appUca- tertor ctous to ewoli embarkation.
the dalegataa to kaoAGkl aoAethiiig pay the mllltlamm, and Auditor Gea- points home with the aggreasivenose forms of-entertolnnent that had been place Will be Ovarbaulad Bafot* tba
tioD of Police Chief Bondrcen.ol
While many prahahly s^ go to
waa SolBg. for tba aives had told oral roller today esiUnated that tso.- that cbaractortxea all hU speeches. provided for the pleaaure Of tbe vta-,
Format Opening, Which
Coatirook a writ for the prodnctica New Orieona and dl^ve*t£''4U|^ r ^
their huhaada aboot ‘the glfu They, OM more would be required before Anerdotes that were pat to his gen­ itors and especially the fruit exhibits
Occurs SapL 1G (
of Harry Thaw in eoun Tuesday
that were being shown In different
too. wanted to be la the game, but the tmope are'withdrawn. Aw a repeeud that not a few wUl-seek we- .
eral theme wore need aa barbs for
show cause why he should not be Im­
Places, yet they did respond to the
there waa not anoogb to go aroond. aoH. the isneiipctc are (bat the aiat^
ty In Cuba, while vome will go to his points. He made a talk that ga
C. C. Knapp, who for tbe past year mediately discharged from custody
At Bar City tbara waa a geaetona will have aa empty treasur}' before
"irgeni call and settled down lo work
htlTIMrSH bew Ideas and new points
lias been in the advertlal&c'baalGM
aaued todsy by Judge Huirhlnaapply thia tioie for the poatmaatera. the flra^ of the year.
t the sohnd of the gavel.
Consul Latchar. at Chfbnahna. rw
of vleb that will be of rahie both
la this city, has leased the Grand
Tfae court's derision to give
la Che prallmtnarr announcemeaU
The attendance was ibrge lor there
ported that a train Jaft that city yaw
Women Active in Strike. '
nmde by Secretary Hopklna. it
terday bound for El Pnao. earrying a .
ralitmet. Mich.. Aug. 29.—Thro* iiic a long time to come. His work eras rere a nnmber of late arrivals and wHl oi>en the theatrical
atated that thera would aarely be pem>rr Into the eye* of men going to
several times during the sessions busparty of Amertoaos. Inctuding. *4 '
•onoogh ot the Juice of the berry for work, and throwing bottles', flicks eonstmetlre and wholesome and the ln«iB was stopped' long enough for September 10, with -Tbe Rotary." a to the .New York stole atiorneyi and
women. 17 children and a
play which has been here before and immigration officials, who. had exi>cciall. and ao thU haa been named after and rocka at the deimtlea and millila- Grangers of the Grand Traverse reFTtedrtrfa to loirodnre the given i»erfeeitailafactlon. Before the
cd the court would Immeiliateir dis­ nnmber of other lorelgnars. He aaM.
bave reason to coagratulate
the prodnct of the nortblaad.
newcomers, It might l>e said right
however. UtoL owing to the condition
. beating workmen with their din'
Tbe'apleadld aanaer In which Trav.
here that the
8 elated that given a thorough rMovatlng sod a high powered auto^blle ^tlnc. or the track, no eaUmata can be mads
palls and etealiog the hay from
etna City eatertaina ber gueeta bad
this was (he
lufomul conveollon many rrueh Boeded'repairs will Ic Id which they planned to rusj^'niaw of tbe time of their arrival at B Pn­
beea nolaed abroad, ho that while the corps were included In the aoiltltie.',
ih^- had ever auendad. and at
ao. Other advlcea stated that-'M ref- '
made to the large auditorium. The the Instant he waa turned loose.
aeaskna did not begin until this mom- of the wives of slrlkt « at Calumet
same time more good work waa ac­ (treesinc rooms will also be remodeled CooUcook. w here after a summary In:- ogees, who mode their way from DuDr. Bban Mumtord is a man who U
fag the
today, and ooe miner who ioughi
rsngo to Vera Cnix. wara due to ar­
and refitted and placed In first cUsa ligratlon eoert inquiry be was )
terday morning. Postmaster Friedrich back, eulking one of the •women, was moving to the front with unquestion­
The first speaker of the afternoon coadiiloa for the season. Acewding deported. They hoi>ed to gel tbe pris rive in New Orleans tMaorrow. Four­
^Bd the committee composed of the onb- aaved from a terrible mauling by ed certainty. He U leader at
was J. C. Richardson, of Jackson, a to the plans there will be changes oner acraos the boundary line without teen other* on the stonmar City of
mombera of the Conunittoe ot Twentr- Calumet and liecla. deimUes. ooe of pctoent Umo of the farm en^sion
veteran in poatofflce matters, and bis made (hat will be ro effective that elving Thaw’s lawym an opportun'ty Mexico now are enroute to the aoma
work In Mlehigun. but his work U of
One wars busy looking after the we1 whom was floored with as pretty
talk on Postal Savings was timely the puhUe will hanlly rocognlte the
K an appeal, but tbe court de­ city from Vera Cmx.
fare of the early arrivals. A number uppercut, dealt by a woman, as Jim such a high order that It is more
and~MKrffed Oiat he had mastered theater when It U opened. It U the clined to become a^amy to a achetec
Fatu Dias a candidata.
of autos were on band and the dele­ Corbett ever drove hoi
than likely that be will bo called to
^any of (hr seeming hard points. His Intention of Manager Knapp to bring which was4Mtni^ by WOltam Tru'
Undon., Ang. 30.-Oen^ FMtx
gates a*d their wives who accom(Onttlnned on pege three.)
A ntoeUng for Hangariaa strlk<-r«
nuggeslioDS were for the betterment the best shows here and to charge ers Jerome. Thaw's sttorneis we.-N- Diaz today*announced thoLbe waa an
-paaied them were given
around at-TTolverlne-tuu afternoon was
of this-coming grest branch of (be prices In keeping with the'
Insistent today (bat this move by the open candidate for tbe presidency «t
service. He ssid that the great pro­ of the ^lay. No cheap prodoetioBi American officials wlU fall. They in­ Merico. He wUl rainni shortly to
orobuai eon. ol U» Mol
gress thst had been made in all lines wyi he Pla,ved at , high prtcea, but tbe sist that after a person has been
condoct bis campaign he said.
•u. .n. Utotato te. tonn
n Iniot iUonai,..d 1«
of poatofflce efficiency wss in keep­
tnitted to Jail for trial, no person oth­
Irtnn. ntl mjornt
On,™, .1 th. n>cl.lJ., nc
ing with the world’s. adrancemenL as It la In ^le ciUu. Several of the er than himaeir. can secure his free
.1,, TO. lo lb. „ne«I olbn nenbu b«» n odd. wlib tb. OVAL DISH fiPRINKLINQ SYSTEM
The farmers are using this aavings first class’ shows have been bOled al­ dom on a' writ of habeas corpui.
b.1. ot tb.
ready and others will be booked as
bank for their liettenneni Mnd
loob lb. Tttltof. lb ..d tb.t n, .14.010, lb. .put. TbI. 0,bi hn,
gs amngemenu. can bo made.
could not be dispensed whh. and that
14.IWI lb, Wctio. *owb tb.
It was absolutely safe. He suggested It is probable that sofflo of the new
rtU. bbd tb. pU, Id tb. opoi, bbbb.,
Held Dewn Blaxa In Dry Kiln Until (hat there he ho limit to the amount plays will be brought tier* on the anbSeveral small paitlea were hdd
bold separate parades and secret
Fire Department Get In '
of deposlto as there
now. School scrintion plan^dnrtng the winter In
honor of the repraaeatatives of Uncle meetings, to which only tbe chosen
order that the Traverse City people
- Bam Ii^ the varloaa bomes.
are Silmltted.
It was found this morning that
They are leering lo save and so teachHim Drove Away and
othera He sold that these from lime to time. Mr. Knapp ha*
neariy every poaonaatar sHher owned
The sprinkling ftro prolccilon sys­
BrougM Corofwr.
been In tbe ahow boalness In differ­
a fruit orchard or a small farm.^d
tem fully proved lu efneicney this gntherlnct were getting the post; ent lines before, and if hIs,present
the dUpUya la the banks, the develmsstera
morning when It averted what would
DatrolL Atqt-^.—Haory Patlpran.
plans work out he will give local theTHE
opmem burwan and othar pdacea were
sere learning more and better meth­
eobdnetor W a noftltbennd Wyandly have been a bad fire
atragoers something worth while dnrtmiDU of deep InterasL The eplendld
dotte-Trantoa car. was Mnik and In- ,
the Oval Wood Dish Company's plant. ods and putting them into active use inrtha Ufe ol bis lease.
way in which these products of UHs
atantly klUad by an antaaoblle last
Tbe blase broke out la the dry kilos He was asked many questions and al­
region are dlsidnyed wore cpmiDeBted
t while turning a awUeh at Pennin tbe main packing and flnUhing
Upon and large quantities of literature
Hod. Frank Hamilton, waa entbuaayivsnia atotlon, one
room, near the southweat comer of
were token wlib the delegatee.
miles aootb of WyandoUa.
the building. A high wind was blow­ lasUtolly received when be was lntr»
Many of tbetw people are In the IMFERATOR BURNED FOR NEARLY
PetipiwB had bla badk Caiaad wtian
ing directly across the lake and had duebd (or no one In thU part of the Farmer Lovig Lah* AsaldsM Died This
ciiT for the first time and are agree
It not been for the protection afford­
ably surprised at the spirit of prog­
The rural carriars’ good work
in the motor car. -who was nlsna. atoped by «h« sprinklers, would have
ress thst u shown. The nnlform cotft(Conitoued on page four)
ped quickly. Jumped odt aafi ran to
apraad almost Insuntly to every part
2««y thst Is shown the tisitors was
of tbe atmetura. -While tbe sprinklers
IMVis. a lormer weU known residaat Tug Waa Towing Fiat Soat Whan tbe side of the cooductor. He and
Very pleasing.
motorman Ufted the fkllaa malb
would probably have been unable
•ollec Lpt Ob. Wrack Landed
of Uwg .Laka township, died early
The first session was eallad to ot^
on Island MB Fast
thU morning at tbe bosse ol.
der at 10 o'clock by A. U Filch of
daughter. Mrs. Mary E Loodu. on
C^iievolx. who in turn latradocad FIFTEEN STREAMB POURED INTO held It and prevented It from sweep­
ing through the planL until the de­
Weot Tenth stroeL Mn. Davis was
FVaak FHedrleh.
That's my i ma." ha ^ Tow
partment could arrive and gain
bon In Baltimore. Md.. March ISlh.
B^ogates in bU own peculiar style
wall hare sad I-U1 Igo^i Wyandotta
1R32. and came to Southern Michigan
(By United Prew.)
whldt tolled forth the wUdeal-ap. aeond Officer Oebracht Leet Hit Ufa trol of tha blase. As It was tbe dam­
and get the eoroDer."
Trylag to Enter Previslen Reem
age win be slight'and ao abutdflwn
with her hutbond and lamlty at the
PKtoburg. Ang. sa.-Bli people were
plauae. The speech was noted for
He aped away te tha nntomoblla
After the Fire Was
win be naeestaiT.
time of the breoUng out of the CTrll klllad outrtghL three others prehaWy and In a UtUa whRb waa hn^ with
Its brevity and Ibe'splrlt of welcome.
' It b thought that the Ore orlglaat- Oeeisiom Waa Arrived At After Can- war. locating at Long LAke In 11*7. lost their Uvea and alx were Injured
Mayor Jno, C. Biraub. in bdCin of
Justice Rdward ''BeettJe, who took
■ *i
ed from a hot box In one of the kilns.
feranco HeW Today at
tha city. Slid that the city was pttnill
wheea they Uved until (he death ot today when the explosion of n boOer: charge of (be toes. Patlpran'a body
Hoboken, N. J„ Aug. »—Wilh^l^ The aprlnklara were nnahle to reach
to weleome this oompsny. who In the
Mr. Daria nine years ago.
wrackod tbe tug bont Alice, of tbe was placed in hU car and nader a
capacity ot mefsage bearers of both clouda of smoke rolling from every all parts of the blase hot they aorMrs. Davis waa an acUva mat
Rodgmw Snad conpany in (he Ohio -apaclal" sign It Journey u a WyanJoy and aadaaas were at the same porthole, the giant liner Impeintor rounded and cut off lu approach to
of tha M. K churcUfto a great maiJ-i river, opposlta Gleaneld. The dead doue undertaker.
<By United Press.)
time the Uggaat promoters of opUm- waa M Are at her dock for nea.ily five ether pins at tbe building. Tbe
WUnaases asserted tha amomebOs
Waskington. Aug. 2*.—Norman Con years and has beet a member of the laclnda tbe captain, pilot, first asIsm la tbe laktk Tbe doors of the citj' hours this morning. Second Officer driers and works above were homed
Aabury churto alnirn Its cigahlxatloM Stnaer,. first mate, cook 'and (ham- was speeding from 20 to » aMISB per
swung Vida epe& at the first an- Gobracht lost bis life In as attempt and It was hers that the fire departhour.
who was recently auspentled for al­ She la aurvtved by one son. Q. F. Da- bermalE
nouncamant of their coming and to press tbroufh the euffotoUng!
I effective. A wind, which or- leged political aeUrlty, wOt be re­ vis of FOR OolUna. Oslo. Mrs. Mary
Tba tog was towtng a flat bont to
would ramato ao until the last dele­ smoke to the protliion room In tbe dlnarUy wontd hare swept the blase
point down the (Milo rivw. Tba
tained In the weather bureau aevvlce Lonefca at whose home aba died, and
gate had departed. Peraldent Pitch stern.-where tbe blase started.
Bcmaa tha building and Into adolnDetroit. However, be will be do- aavaral grnachfidaea and great grand- force of the axptoaloB was ao graat ad on doing the tango In front ot tha
In fall reply «Ad that he did not think
Alihottgh ibm were efevee him- Ing atmetnret, faUed to make any motod. and hU salary reduoad from dtOdrea.
that tbe holier was toaaed high upne aty haU after having bean ejaetad
all the peofBa praaeni fuUy reaUxe<!
rs aboard all impraeaion as the aprtnklert bad al- **.060 to *2,000.
A danghttr. Bra. Smlly 'OltehaU an iBlnnd *00 fast dJatonL
from a foshloaabla eafa, wen takaw
the m«aalnc of tha word welcome, as were token off safely. Tbe entire Ho­ raad^'affactiTelynpraTed tbe fire and
nmincement of tbe final decision died hbont twenty yean ago. .The
late custody hy the poUeavoiced by Traverse City,' bached up boken. fire dMmrtmenL two Neff Tork tha sorrouadlag stractore. When the
In Conger's case was made uaaxpact- (onaral aervicea will he held from
naUva prisoner
by tbe aytaadid manitestatloa thst fire boeto and tugs went to the aid of
ediy today after a conferMoa baiweao the home. *33 Want Tenth streaL Mon­ picked tbe pockou of the police esCHICAGO-R eoata *16 lo try
had alrcndy taaan given. TMs aasocia- tbe liner. Fifteen atreama of water
Ibere tbe aprloUen had left off Prof. hUrvIn. chiri.of the wuther bo- day, September 1st, et ten o'clock, c«r1d^ him from Howraa to Labore commit Bttlcldo In GhJongo. Judea
Ura wna for the beitennent of the'
played upon ber. Tbe damage U and the blase was put out wUh bnt a reav. and Dr. Galloway. acUng aecre- lutorment Hi Ukr~ida« at Low and estoped from a moring train wlt^ Mahoney
( Contlnhed on page two.)
J estimated at flve<0M),
compaivtlvely small Iobb.
tary of agrlnitlure.
n U DtvotMl t* SMinfl
SIsMa «( Orutd Tnw««*t RaStwi and Sifl Flah Oiimtr

Active Day Was Spent By Miae Buell
In Setting Orartgera Right Upon
Freblefha Net Thormighly
UiMaratood. .








r •'.Lrr'L-'' r"






ESTIIUTQI mss {150,000






Gimi Trment HtraU
Bv Ua*



u OtBSON.^tor.

ijBSTlf IWt. »t Iht poAoBIc* mt
T»nm catjr. uuiu vMv
am «r
cmam ot xwtb s. im.
OBIo« m FtmI «t.

Mom* IS

■oliitlon «m >•* arrivAd at 1b Uit
lid be relied uiwo for nilhury Mr-:
«r future. It will not injure Uie
e sbuuld the occasion srise. This
Rood rand* nrajert. for ihHr mine
plan ba« ecene merit as a teniporary
• cnnmnU)- aasei liaa nircndr heec
I'e'in Ithe right direction, but it
eatnUliM. bat It'will pUce tbe {Mb would tie-llahW (o make the regular!
army teas subls than
is at Ihei
present time sod decrease it* effi­
ciency i'a pib|K>rtion. It is evident that
some plan will have (o be forniulaU'l
that will attract more young men
the service nnd (hereby provide
army that will be of sufficient alee to
Oue of tbe greet problem* that
be aolved by the public aebools is meet shy ordlhary emergency that
bow to make the instrnctkni they are may arise. In the long run tbe pcjriotl*m of (be people of tbe t'nKed
Imparting ot real practical benefit to
States can be retied upon (o moet any
the studesta. This is especlsUy
Usue. Init tbe fact rMnaIn* that the
of the manoal training departments ol
other nations arc prepared tor war,
the schools which htvs so far been
while this noiiBtry deem* Itself secure
more of a luxury than a real benefit
in Its latent ttr«gth. which 1* true,
account ot tbe method of iostruc- but at the same time woulif be
tlott and tbe experience ot
ceedingly embarrasaing should real
struetora. Manual training
war be declared by some of tbe pow
signed to be of use to the student erfut-and well equipped rountrirs.
when he* lesves school, but in most VtTille there is uething to be gained
acbooU IhU instruction has ' been from fomenting w-,ar acarea, there Is
along lines that bare no producilTe nevertheless an urgent need ot heln<
raloe in the isdostrlal worid. It baa prepared In peneetnl tUyg. Tbs
remained <^~theoUy of Isbpemlng to lipo really confronts, a seriotu prob­
lake manual training a practical lem In this direction, and the problem
courae and now the ^tentlon of th« Is made all the greater by the fact
United Bute* government haa been that the abundance of good jobs nud
attracted to the snccess of this UtUs general prosperity that twevalls at
northern city In making ihl* depart- preveut makes the millUry serrice ot
one worth while, and of practi­ tho nation the least attractive of any
cal beOefU to the pupiU wbo Uke tbia of the departments. The wise men of
will have to furD'i’h
line of woik. During the last
yean that this cour'o bns been in a soluMon for tffls great national proV
effect high school ^tiideots from the lem. but as they are already busy in
manual training department have this dlrectloa it Is safe to SMume thgt
been employad. to repair the rarioua a way will be found <o remedy llie
weakness that has msnlfeets^tseir at
school bulldisga. Doling one
mer t3.(K« was paid out for student different times in the nation's history.


lure will be Uken of llye comiiany. As
tbe delecates leave (oAome^ch oncwlll be given a basket of fruit thn
hat been selected from tbe orolmQ^
at tbo fruit grower* on the peninsula
The growen wore vd)' wUUug to gl
of their products. aUowing tha pet^le
to Ukc home with them som* of tbe
JAuious fralt.wUh flavor that they had
heard so much of. This Is another
clever manner of treating thoae wbo
come among us.

Jh» Marlut$
j:taU Uariult

:uylng Price*.

....... ....

> Darky WlUiag Bneugk t* LtoOsu I
Pralsss or Hla Oder, »«t Was Not
OivlaQ H Amy.
. Mrs.. BUa Flagg Young innniiim
that hercottor th* teaching ot aoufl
Manners will have o place in tbe cuerieulnm of the Chicago pubUe school*.
one should object to barlag tbe
«±Udren learn their “mannera." and
te help tha

ness into the minds of tha
hdt why put it into ths


(hat it >
with home Study and (uts down the
eeeentlals ot InstracUoe to an undeainhle Binlmumt asks th* PhifodalphU BuUetln.
To be sure, aoma grodnotsa of (ha

tbe necrees In tha oouthraa
gtatsa are tneUsed to he thrifty and
saving, though many of (hem are dis­
posed to
lo inuBBuy
InduatiT ana
and uve
live u
In consioronsld,r*ble eomfori Some, however, have
aequlrod the caving hahli and are not
only not waatehtl. but ara in tha focal
Idiom extremely *nigb.‘
A case la point to an old mam onw
the eUve of the Randolphs of Tlrglnto.
wbo haa bseoma tha owner cf eo* of
their plaatatiom. and to 4«lte rich. B*
convefts 'Into cash everything that to
not nscmaiy for the malntenanoe d
tbe bonaehold and gets profit from
many things that few negroea ever
think ofseUlng. Inddenralty he makes
elder of aU tfaa-ansafobfo apples os
his place and salts it and though be to
very'fond of tbe heverage htouelf. he
never drinks with any of ^ asighhors, onleas they pay for the cider.
A young man of the neighborhood,
who had boon away for several ysara,
coming back home.

n* Anencu Banker*' aasodlatlon
throngb It* aitrlcuV.ural eommlttw
table knives, have Mows a lack ot
familiarity with Anger howto, and othban taken up the quantion of tarSi
o( all
improvenient and Qiq betterin* ot cootbe reqnlremenu of the code of polite
dltlon*' that surround the fanner* Ic
eodoty. but tn the mofortty Of eases Unde Wash. After some general
itiinrwii suua. Vooatkuial traln-ij;
they have aceonniad thsfr achool Uma be caauaDy observed. *! suppose. Unci*
it nised In the public sdiooU. plan* to
qsite as well spent as If they-had de. Wsoh. yon Btlil make that good elder,
make ibe marketinc of farm product*
voted a suted number of bouas a you used to make in old ilnmr
easier 'and more praflUble and the
week to coanlng the pages of a book
*Oh. ya*.-' npUed Wash, *I ptn
of eUquatta. In meet
extension of farm demonrttaUon work
make* my apples moaly Into eUm."
[there la a geuetaliy accepted betlet
Then he-called to Aunt Dlnsh, Ul
throoKh goremraent •ource* i* urged,
"Dinah, fetch out a go'd ot dM
it 1* er^sat thpt the banker
school teacberi are by nature or bee’ elder."
farmer are closeir allied In their Inbreediug poaaeeaed of eurit manner*
The vUltor h^arally expected that
tmsU and the tendencr on the part
as tnstlneUvely. by example or per- be was to sample the drii^ But nol
of the banker* to cooperate with fbe
eoual preoepL to enggeat the gentia so. Tbe old man took the gourd aihd
farmer In ermr' way poeifble U one
art of aoeSely, and only ths
drained every drop. Then he baadef
of the healthy kymptom*
laoorriglhle auxmg tbelr pupU* ivl- tbe empty veosel to the vtoltpr.
an-1 "Bf you don' bUeve dat am good
dencee e need for a "oonree" in man-*
tl«ca. Nell^r one of the two classes
nera. Bat Chicago may be dlBerenU cider." he laid, emackinh hto Upe,-yoa
can reach the maxlmiiB of effldency labor. The boys hare repaired roofs,
per 100 lbs. ll.OOeOl.lO
Mrs. Toung ought te know, and It the t*a ameU dat go'd."-New York Bve
without the other, but by working laid cement floors, built brick walls
boys have been putttag tbelr feet on nlng Poet
Under the new nil'
together they can bring, about chahgee and lasuUed plumbing futures, and
the desks and th* giris havs bean
that wfll imprord the general condi­ now a gymnasium k to be built by site of imrccls that can be sent by Wheat, 00 lb. test ...........................85c ebewtng gum in piAuc and ctsaalng,
tion* of the country and hasten the the boys from plans drawn by seniora parcel po»b and tbe reduction of tbe
their teeth with t>«ippin» and hhtplad
day when the prodDCtlon of food- Id the hixb achool. In this-way Uxe* rate In tbe first tone, the business in
they surely ahonld be coirscted. even FIguroa ghew -Hiat theViumble Mtdt
if tbelr speUing blanks araUnue
stuCs wiU equal the conanniption. As paid for tbe support of the schools this dp|artmetit^ht^s.rakcn^ great
to by Me WsaM to M Oaaptood
look like a page from the report
the conntry become* more populon* find their way back into the pockrt* bound all over^e country, as tbe
. aeon Aaoo^
Prtess coiTMtod every day.
the oommtoston on the alB^ed code.
the farms wfll bsre to be conducted of the taxpayer*. Tbe government In­ public Is coming'to recognise
The nral* buslnsas tn the United
upon n more intensive senle In order vestigator also found that cooperaUre great iioshlbnitles that lie along ibis
an Importance tew man
to supply the demsnd* for products. farming has proved to be n«fc o^Jy a
the parcel post more every­
leallxa remarks ths Iowa Homestsad
The hack to thd land moreaeiK. sour.-e of profit forjhe public school
a for BMctrie UgM to Tbs south U mainly -*----- ' '
while excellent in intent will never sUidiu*. but it alM has sened to day. while'manufacturers and other*
mule* for work stock. According to
EeMramic and In Every Wxy
In the cities caunot speak too highly
bring tbe people from the city In any keep the growing boys from drifting
the 1810 eensas Texas led in tbe num­
ot the resulu that have obuined
grant qunnUty to the farm*,
and InnillB Into them a love for agri­
ber of malea on (arms with g78.Ttl.
through Its liberal use. It is Impoiultbose who do take up agricultural culture. Manual tralolng Id IsbpemAn enlomaUc riectrie UghUag planL whOe MtoKmri was saeoad with 848.rul
everyable 10 fbreletl tbe imuibilities that
088. Tsxu mulra were a to­
paranits will hare but little effect ing schooU U compiils
designed (or private house use.
for the system, for al­ will Hoon (eel like a new woman .with mounted on two cross glider* for ooo- tal of 87t.7S0.<7<. and Mtoaourl. fitf.upon the goieral production of the serenth grade up. Tbe manual tralothough It bat been In effect lees thau auiblUou to work, without fear of venienl ponsbUtty. end eomprtosi
882.108. Tbe highest average prtoa re­
nation. What must be done Is to edu­ ing course was started la 1900 and the'
a year it haa become one of the es- pain. Mr. John Doling of San Pran- oil eoglne. dynaoro. eutomatie i
ported for mature mniss vras 8808J8 In
cate thoae who arc already upon tbe toul enrollment Is now 800. Tbe boy*
Ubllsbed Insliluiions of tbe country, cisco, writes: "UratHade for tbe
Main*, which had only 848 hrod. 8evIng awltdi and water tank.
fnnna ntong'tines ,%hat irill ehgble era paid aevenieen cent* an hour for
regardless of the opiNwlUon that ir
Tbe amall battery alad supplied has aral other Noitb Atlantic atatss which
proiapts me to write. H cured mj
them to make two potatoes grow their labor snd lake a greet interest has bed from tbe express
had mly a few mules «!■>■ bad an av­
a capacity much below tK»» of r
when hut 'one is now grdwn, and at in the work. They have supplied tbe The iiarcol |K»t shows what U possl wife when all else failed." Good (oi cbarglng planL Tke apparatus la m> erage valuation of mote than IlSO
the liver as well. Nothing better for
the same time teach them to get to­ present buUding with furniture and ble when the government Ukea hold IndlgesiiOD or blUousness. Price
designed that wbUe tbe battery <V bead. Among the ntatss with large
gether on the mnrket question end ara pow Installing a system of shower of a business enterprise and makes and 81.0(1. at all druggiats of Traverse charged and not at work the engfoe to numbers ot matere rnnlea. South (toroat rest, and It continue* at rest while Una had an average value of I1S8.84;
formuUle snd execute plsns whereby bath*. ThU merely shows that
eervlce the object instead of profit. It
ths lamp* turned on are being fed snf- Georgia. 810.45; Mtoaonrt. $14148;
thg lost ot what is produced will be
be. done In the line ot m
is evident that tbe systenx’will become
Kanaaa. 8188.88; Tenneasee. 11864}.
ficlenUy by the stored currenL
rsBbsadW) the miajnwi. <41 tbe prod- training whan It U conducted Btov
■ popular .a* the people become
But when the battery voltage tails and UUnoto. 8135.0L Tbe average value
nets thft arf wasted «poo%>e farms the right Hoes and the tnttnieaon^ more acquainted with the facilities
below a certaio point the «»««"»«»«»- of matnie mules te tbe whole United
at the present flm* coold b* market­ given by men who have served their that lt offers in the way of quick ser­
switch aeU tbe machinery In mhllon. Butas was 118144. while th* total
ed In n aatisfactoty manner there lime St their trade*. _The real tAjoct vice in sending small parcels greatc- the Serb*. Bnlgara. Rouknulans and Tbe starting currant—qul^ly* cut off number ot mules and colts was 4488.would be one-third more produce of this course in the tehools 1* to give
lesi distances. It is a system that tbe real of thoae feveriah folk* tn the by a tlme-Ilmlt circuit breakei^-tnnB 678, with a total value of 86S8.40S.0S&
tbe dynamo, and this starts the en­
araflable for the nae of tbe people the boys an insight into vkiioas me­ the people have -been looking for Balkan sUtea are oil related to
Conaldaf th* Dew.
gine. which rons as long as needed.
who hare to buy the food they use. chanical trades that will be useful
many years and I* baaed upon the other by marriage—br«thera-lt
to <^eh asked: Di
When pe lesMoed upe of current
and what, they would then find arnil- them in yesn to come. The work as right idea for bringing the people mokUy. 1 should Judge.
the dew rise or taR? DewtaU to
able would be of a more wholesome conducted in most sebooU U all right closer together In tbelr business rcU- there seems no way of accounting for permits the battery to become snlB- admissible an expreaafon as sanrlae or
clently charged tbe switch atope tha
the beany. wboI»eouIed tnanne
kind thsn what they ara now getting. as far as U goes, hut tbe^experience; tlona and dealings.
which they hate each other.*—Ki
It is a healthy symptom when hankers
rs''what can be acCity Star.
end fannera show a tendency to get
ance with selehtlfic facL MeterofogiLost Art of Walking.
carrying - the work KEY Of CITY MVEI n POSTIUSIEIS
together upon a common plane for along tbe proper line of dsvelopmeni
It is all very w^ for 40,000 tana to eally, the formation of dew to not aeBafsst Laxative for Woman.
companled by motion in th* vertical
the betterment of genend
Ncsily every woman ned* a good cheer tbe physical prowess '«
In these classes the boys should be
(Coatloued from page one.)
hence there can be ne queeUoa
laxative. Dr. King's New Life Pi" Smoky Joe Wood or a Babe Marnnd it is boped that tbe day will soon tangbt to build real buildings,
sute and esi>eclany of tbe localijyJ^ are good because they are promi
quard. Bnt it would be more impor­ of rise or (alL Under oertaln oondlcome when the old prejudloee will be that they will be able to apend their
wfaicb each had tbelr bom^ They safe, and do uot cause pain. Mtw. M. tant to know how many of these iO.- riosB of..wlDd. cloud and tenpen
deated away and the banker
spare Ume .profitably in itbe ycara to were grateful for the recewon and C. Duniap of Leadlll. Tenn.. aaya: "Ur. 000 can throw a ball horns from
vertai)|S, dew U produced. Wars
farmer will regard each other _
!. even if they do not'take up any they realised that all (he l^ga tbai KingT^ew Ufe HIU bel|>ed her ter field tbemselres, dOrians a writer charged with molkuro comes in
frienda whw dima and obJ^cU In of the Industiiai ocesps^ions. When'
in tbe American Magaxlne. It to aU tact with a cooler aurfaoe. Whra. la
.bad been aaid ot tbe city were
n bnstneas way lie in tbe same direc­ the people demand more efficiency
very weU to have troUeya and motors this contacL the beat to nbtracted
baft loU.
vUik of Traverke Cily,
from the air and tha eatnratfou point
tion. A splendid start In this work from manual training departments
Postmaster General Burleson had
between distant potola. But it would for that tamperaturo to readtod. the
bns been mnde In the Grand Trarerse and furnish the proper equipment for been invited aud had written that U
In Cwnpany.
moisture which to la the air hes ex­
regton and If the aaae interest in the the use pf the atodeatsa ibero will be poaxible be would Itf in attend,
In mixed company, among aeqaalnt- be more Important te know tn how
isted as water vapor, to condensed
farmer was fdt by tbe bankers all
great change in the method* of but at the last roomeut work kept him anee* and strangera. endeavur to learn ever Is served by going from one to ■poo the cooler surface et th* point ot
something from all. Be ewitt to hear;
over tbe conntry as is felt here, there teaching and the value of tbe
at Washington and be bad ddcgatetl be cantioua of your tongne. ieet you a>e other and back again, except the oontacL The dhwdrop, also go^ Bngwould be n noUcoable change In Uie It is Ume that thU course passed the tbe work assigned to him to Posiofbetray your Ignbraoce and perhaps of­ Umporary aatUfactlon of a vague ner- Uoh. although Sato* physiea. has no
rdatlons cS the two classes that would fad stage and tbe posstbOitles that lie
Toes desire^or change; end suu more isteoe* in the air, bnt cornea Into be­
fend aom.who are preaenL-H
prom both in a financial as well
important to know who srosld have ing upon the rartace bedewsd. It dose
in this dIrepUon are bound to be de­
not fiaU. ter-doee it drop.
a social way. The work U| well start­ veloped in tbe near future In every Postnatter. When la He Piilly Bfll
the'wtll power and the leg power
get there If he had to walk. Walking
ed and with a little
schooL where the course is taught By
Why Cteika Go Inaana.
- Browning’s Days ef Pmorty.
requite# and devMop* both. It 1* good
can be made to bear
placing it upon a practical basis It best thoughts for the postmaster. He
Aunt Mandy (to tbe ^k «f tha tor tbe body and good for the soul,
Among aU ths rdfoa that changed
general ptora)—“You aU alni got no and to all troe -iovert of the open ownership In th* recent Browning '
can be made a financial help to the should be thoroughly posted on
liostBl lawE and regulations and study
lat callcer, U you—or la yeut Bt road and th* manifold pictorial bean- fa London the only things thta could
Bcboola. instead of a burden na
lUst be as long as -tbe work is con­ rarafplly the dally bulletins os Uaned. you is. 1* yon sU got some )**’ a speck Uea of eur countryald* it 1* tbe only beer iba name of jew^y were "
He should be active In all phases of ^sopahr—Woman's Hosw Compaa- form of foeofflotfon. Tha time vUl husband's, not the wtfe’e-a ring or
It is evident that tbe good^d has ducted along impractical lloea
tbo work and be uble to (Hi an:
yet come when we sbaU sralk again. two jtoev* Uako, atads and
become a fixture tbrouebout the coun­
A Beautifut Woman '
It Is our fists. After all, w# were trifles Vxs.Bro«BlagprDbuHyk...
alUon. Organised work was of the
try. Tbelr conMrnctlon'l* a necenAlways has a. clear complexion.
owned A iswri; a Bute cheap goU
utmost benefit to the employes. New Many more wromen would be beaaUful bora srtlh lego, not eylinden.
slty In every community, but with tbe
brooch, but nothing mors She did not
sallowirin every county the
Ure tp share hm bnohend's b
Humool^ Fv From FattecL
DcsB. ptmides and blotches. These ara
queatjkn haa arisen as to whether or
net the praaent plan is one that will make the United Bute* army more ef-i carefully followed would Improte all right remedy (or a bad liver to OR. vcridly that oh* looks for deceK in- maid and srtfe. wen frugal
prove the most profiuble In the long feciire in times of peace, in older toi parts of Ibe work. This paper was HERRICK'S SUGAR-COATED PIU.S. stead of better quaUUea. she beoonas age in the totters record* ths aatogtvThey put the liver in order, sweeten on extremely morbid 'and unhappy togs of the fovera. each of whom sup­
run. Tbe constantly Iccreaalng traffic bo iirepared Mioutd tiostlHlIes break very closely followed.
Tbe presfdeut announced an oi>cn the breath and clear the skin of sal- ereolnre.
posed the other
out from ^aome uncxpei-ied quarikr.
and henry aatomobiles that co
lowness and blemishes. Bealdes Ibey
ually Iraverss their length subject One of the wesknsaae* of tbe regular dlsrusaioD for the delegatee and call- make you (eel bright and cheerful.
Humanity is far'trom perfect How SOB* degree of toxuy. At taoL BrownD Postmaaler Bronson of St Price 25 cu per liox. Sold b)1) la the fait that it la too email
them to wear that cannot be wUbMresome perfsetiou would be tt we lug had th* courage to (efl BtoabeU
b* was extremely poor, and she.
practical purposes, and this trouble Johns to tmeside over tbe conference drUg^Et*._________________ _
met nothing else!
Btoed by iafertor materiab and tbe
drilghted. told hla that '
AU women ara-sot unktad-to each
problsD that eonCronls the builder* U still further augmented by the fa.-l ThU was Ukea part hi by nearly
dress she was
Osr Friends and Ensmlsa.
her. AU womea are not flatterer*
that there Is no other body of men jn erery oue. Thera were many ques­
is to find out which is the moat
very emaU fa shaUBSs.
Tha thlags which our (rtaads do and nnwwtky oos'a
manent substance for construction tbe nation of any considerable sire tions asked and tbe deletaus ga'
Its. Be on th* watch for wholeand put Ibis la use. even though the with mlUUry- tralnli)g. Should a *a.- their anrwe.’s. t.bich ibowed how In- with and for us form a part ot our
First En«
Hvsa. for they strengthen and advance some, true friends and you wUl .find
initial cost may be more than tbe occur-with aonie of the great powers leresied they wvra In .the various
Lord AVebery, who passed svray tbe
snTel nnd maradam that is being ihU nation would he seriously handi­ Uns* of work.
pur enemtss devise s^lnat os do not
Bvsey ca* has expertaagee (bat otter day'aUb* rope cU age of seven1-he afternpon session was eallcd'to form part of our liras; we only «xuasd generajly throughout the state. capped to getting au army into tbe
the Btr Juba Lubbock, wbo
ohatter ideals en^ to be shattmat
order at ZM and the program dosdy perteno* them, reject them, and gumd
wreu The Ptomras of LUe." ead
It U necessary lov.-tho good fbad to field In sufficieqt Ume to prevent
be smooth and free fram-ruu aud. iBveaion that would mve dl*astrn>.s (ollowe.1. There wUl be an evening oarselve* against them a* against
very first perm la B^^ to have
the aectlon of the bdunlry Invaded. meeting (or tbe elecUoo of officera tresL storms, rain, hall or any other
soft spot* is order te be at the maxlmuax of afflcisncy. ini If this cannot It lake* Ume to drill and whip Into and the deciding on tbe next place of- •xtatoal inooDvenlence which nsay b*
Ata anycas te draw a rsp
•ll'happened to^ way.
at a wat^ faos with Boasaa aomben
be dUo nnder the present plan of con- Bghtlng form a body of raw recr>ili*. meeting gnd other imporunt matlere.
Tomorrow morning
and yoi^UI have plssty of vrldsae* m
stroetion It will he neceuary to adopt and while this could be accompU
Put Her on the SeenL
the onraUabOlty of toetowfol memoty. ever trom Trahc* in order
i-er to further slgbUeelnf: At
Sony other msterial for oonstruction wlUiln a few.months the.enemy wonhJ
laveatloa by a Brittoh paleoL and
Husband—"Are yon aware, my dear,
Of two bandied penaas asafolned by
©clock autos will Isove the Park
pnrpoAs. Tbe question that fa now have a suit that would be difficult
Lord Avabniy** tether e vtalL
befor* the people of the aUts is to overcome without an onormous coat in PMce with (he guMU (or Ncahta that It takas tbrw-foonha of my aal- Mysn only eight omitted the-TI frofo ,_. -_kbeek was totereoted to gU
ary to meet your dressmaker’s hUlsT~ thoir drewtig ot the witch lioe. and.
find ent how the ptMsdt rands are go­ Uvss and tnasura. There la 'little wanU, where n flkfa dinner will lie
MW. and visbed to no* on oxcoly twoatyone pH^ UD lastoad of thoing to stand up nnder the ineteasUig prospect of a wai. but as the best pr.*: ready for the vialton. A gtpup picxapb
tha ptooem ot msktog saamoi* famlltar aotatfoo. IT. ITom thfo I
Lord Avebury.
trame of the future nod tbo amount (•(tloD 1* found -in being, prepared for
It would appaar that ImpmMkmeit o(,|
od-expease that the coonUes will be whatever ma}' develop. It can readily
pat to In order to keep them in prep' be seen that this country Is bstll)
port ■oma toddenttl »—*— of „||.sard*n. Daguerre get him to poea, and
to this way he became theftrst psrscu
evant nririiii U ut
or repair. U k a matter ot dollan handicapped -In this direction. Secre­
ths oak-wallsd parish
)a«tlfls|d.<-Caae aa«
and eeats to the poopie-asd wlB bear tary Garrison suggests that tbe army
Ongor. Essex. Bur
the cieaest inveatigaUen and a dect- might be greatly Increased by cutting
land, haa Just been celebrated. The
alOB according to the best lodgment down tbe time of enlistment from
church.-which to buDt of spUt
The newer oMto Dor.
of expert* in this line of work. The three years to one year, and that by
Bear* the
trroa. 1* the ouiy one of it* (and in tbe
fnbitet is being ngiuted in Knt nnd *0 doing a drilled body of sav coold aicnntnnof
~R»W. M.d M.
W ipl
other connties and It I* probable that be produced th (he mrae of time who

Howto hecbsirVMMt*.
Tbe melhod M hfokmilng e ves
tounage, eerpsot^ 8
multiply the length bf keel. _
breadth of beam, sad depth of bold
togeiher and divide by 86. Bor a
the depth ot tbe hold And divide by 86.
. Feint far Thselegtata.
^en you come to thtok of M, the
- I of death to the orersg* person, to view of our daily soquatotanc* with thaLgreat lacL to om
of th* queer qulrta of toe kamaa
brain. Or may It not be somsthlK
bigger and bettei^ proof of oar toattoeUve reallaattoo of our own ImmortaUty!—Exchange.

No Diatler 1. * chronic your eou^ '
or how severe
e }•j-our threat or tong atimeal i*. Dr. _ K._„,
Kioe'* New Discovery
will surely beli> you: it may Mve your
life. Stlllmen Green, of Malacblie.
CoL. wrRes: -Two doctor* said I had '
conaumptiou sod could not live two
yeaia I used Dr. King's New Discov­
ery and am stive and well." Your
money rafunded lf .lt fails to beaeflt
you. Tbe best home remedy forcoudha. colda, threat and lung troubles. ’
Price-sue and 81.00 , Guaranteed by
*11 druggist* of Trarerse aiy.

BaWs TUs?


...... ................




A live PnHoi

Need ReHerkadt


Pwiee Badaeat Exduafe
atxte Bank BuiMing.

Traverse CUy.lOeb.
Get their list of properties
with owner’s addres^ or
propositioa to seH your
Tana «r BaslaCM
at cost of $25.

WANTBD-Competont and
experlsnead glri for general house work.
First claas wagm.
Mrs. h. T.
Titsa, 447 Webstar sL may 1-tf
WANTED—(fook at Y. W. C. A. home.
Apply to Mrs. Edgar Koltb.426 WehBter etreeL
Jus* U-lf


S. C. Davla. 818
, Traverse City,
- amO t8tt

materials and artistically Sm
Uh*8. Ton will find only aaeh
at the works of
Trews* City, Mich.
881 Bay 8U
Both Fhm
ALVIN a ORUEER. Funeral Oirsetor
and Entoaimsr, 812 South Unfon SL
lire. NsDfo PrktL asrirtaaL Ota.
pbOM 876. We treat you as we
would wtok to he treated.
inch 2A(t

By th* -Koolar- method I
remve those aching teeth efawria(alr
w$»ot pelAVnd without the ne* of

^^fepto orn*rrou**tw5*B«K"^

wlto weak baarta win appreeUto the
"Kaolar" method of patolias extoaa
88408 WUhdlB Bfoefc, wHh Dr. HtodPwerth. Tikvers# City. Mfohlcta.M. A N. E. TIME CARO.







with fruit, the pbkeiw ba«y at work
packing apples, and the ooaatry It­
self was a revelation to the risitore.
Promptly et the hour tbe dining
Celobmta Firm Birthday af Party In
;WUi Ms hsltf M Watt
ro(»i was opened for tbe oofflpapy aad
s.JAijB-Gida six oonrae dinner eerred. (lactdeatNco Fon cmr.
ally the long-lodked tor Wderberry
On the firin g line of baainciM yori will find a
, (B>- Dnllod'pi«a.r
was la evldAice.) Aa soon as the din­
The Grand Traverse Pomcaa Grange
very few nien to whom fortune* wc-r.: handed down
Chlcago. Aug. SO.—The firm birth­ ner was finished an official photo­
•mta Expert la Bearuhlng TMs Re•Mttiv OfepKKr win M Pi«vW«d In day of the Progreealre party Is bring
or who stepped into s'profitable, going business
will meet at the Best ^ey Onage hall
graph was taken of the party as they
gien for Seed Thm la Net
•kating Fink t«- Two
without the effort of budding it up.
Wesaesday and Tbnrsday of next
held here today and this erealag with were leaving. The closing act
week. A strong program has been ar­
thoataadi of Bull Uoosera from IV the giving to each pwty a basket of
Bat yon will find that in the. vaitt majority of
ranged foi the oeeastoB and a record
llBoia and adlaceal atatea. brtmi
eases, tbe making of a busincsB bas b«>cn a constant
the famous pentnauU fruit that hai
with the same eaUmslaam that g
battle of wAa. a never ending study of men and
aad packed eariy la tbe
A ontoB «vu
Wedneeday. Sept A
t will ed Goloael Roosevelt's *^resstoQ of
methods, an intimate, hard bought acqoainUBce
A. R. PotU of the farm crops depart­
, be <*rrM on Js tbnfcltj' br Uie Min- faith- one year ago- today. The
2:0e p. m.—Opening.
with the principles of everyday finance.
The many clever features of enterloierlai naMdnUoB Molated br the colonel's abaence la the eouthweat Ulnmeat only proved to the vlaltore ment has geme to Weatero Mloblgan
(a) BI«^ba Orange melodlea.
Ask any man on the firing line of biisiii
lArnen of the dty. The eoninUtee detract aUghtly from latereet fa the that what they bad heard of Trav- la search of bean teed that la free
(b) RoU calt-Answered by quoUinfluence, aaide from his own effort, Was
was the
the greatest
hat bm ret? toRoante Id obulDlBg satbertag but
creo aty and iU people had not been toble disease that ia raiatng the bean
fsetor in his sncctam.
for thoM awetlsfe Dr. Le^rU Albert peeted 100,000 to join la tbe criebiwtopic of Intoreat to tbe tormri'.
derated aad they stated that they orop of eouibera Mlchlgaa.
lUnlu. wbo ^ n r^DUtlon that le tioB by thte erealag. when a meeting
He will tell you that it was bis bank.
erybody present must respond.
ThU disease has existed
ksovD from oonM to oontt. he harloc Is to be held la Rlverrlew Park. Ulae
of Dalryliig
He will aay that had it not been for iho c«state tor many years and each year It General Parmlag ComUned," John
' held p%itorete« la AtlaaUc Cllj. Deo- Jane Addama. Jamea R. Garfield, of
operalioii and intelligent aid of bis bank be wotdd
Tcr, San naadaoo and other etUes. Ohio Henry.J. Allen, of Kansas; aad
Wood. Summit Qraagc.
he at this moment trudging a long way back (« tbo
It U causlag a very h^vy last. . In
He has written ooTeral booky that-are Charles E. Morriam. of Chicago are
8:00—"How the Pkrtns of This
sueeras. He will testify that his bank has
foot tbe damage to tbe growiag crop County May Be improved." *
to be tbe apeakere.
coneldered maaterpleceh.
Mped him span'tnany an ujihill climb, and to grasp
la-BO great that many fields of be^
"By Greater Use of-Manure."
A lively diacuasioB of ways aad
(CobtlBMd from Page One.)
7%ew neeUnsa wlIT be held la the
/many opporlunitie*.
wUI not be herveyed. Tbe dlseese Fred umlor. Bast Bay Grange.
skaUnR rlak and seaUag will be plaa- means aad a program for 191$ at Pro­ Waablngton to take up greater
This bank ■ alwa.ra seeking opof the cherseterUUcs of the
“By Greater Uae of Clover,'
The people of Ulchlaed for S.OM wple. The flr« Bieet- gressive headquarters bristled with de­
portunitica. to fd^m. helpful alliances
hlbttiL U le very coatagloas and
fax will be Sander. October 6th and termination against anj- proposition gaa, of omrae hope not. for Uiey need
with-men who are-forging toward the
carried from pUat to plant by the
wtu continue for poealblr fire or six

firing line ol bosktess.
wind and by the
Fertiliser." Bert Latting.
publican inacblDC. Speakers unanV
« among the great fruit gn
Prof. PoUg recently In­ Bay.
ptrmlng sUtes of America,
Dr. Baaka Will be awlsted br Ur. moualy declared that any suggestloD
spected 6t nelds In the central part of
and Mta. Thowaa. wbo are Blnglns
the state and found ladles
and because he Is tbo dUease la nearly alL
eraaceUata. Ur. Thomas la a famoos been put away for all time.
8:40—“The Hew Tariff BIU—What
tenor add choras leader and Un. Uons arrivlag today from Michigan. nnsemshly working for the better- cases the daatage was great During
IMcrCMtcPlPfThcU. S.

Wlswnsln. Mluneaota. Iowa and IndU- meat of the agriculturisti of MlcbV
WUt it Do to the Famerr Frank
Thomas la a noted {danlsL
past years Michigan beans have
na were met at the trains and escort- gaa.
of 200 voicm will be orsai
ia demand by the farmers ' of
4:00—"The New School Uws." Lee
soon to bd In* readlneee for - thew
tomobile parade to Rlrervlew Park told of the alnu and methods of tbe sou there states for aeed, but now, Hornsby.
tnedlBCs nnd Ur. Tbomaa will probthat tbe pUnU have beoome diaeaaed.
this aftemoon m-as one of the many
extension work.. He has
ablr nrrire In adraace to |4aa for
the aouthera fannetu are looking else­
reaturqe on tbe program. Senator fifteen meb under him. Three
the rehearaals. Tbeae teeetlnti
where. and the Mlchlgaa bean, which
8:00—Uterary Program. East Bey
for the' pnmoee of eanrlnfr oot a gen­
has brought tbe top-price In tbe mar­ Grange.
county men. New men will soon be
eral retlgloiia moremeht aad to furth­
banquet la tbe park a
to the force as Muskegon and
Tharadsy. Sept 4- <'
er the aplendid effect of the recent
the open air meeUng.
9;00ra. m—Opening.
Jackson counties are bow planning
laraiett'a conTeation that was held la
however, that la the aorthera mad
SlnglBg, Graage melodies.
upon having federal county ageala.
the cdtr. AU the rwllgloha denomlniawestern part ot the state be caa find
9:1$—"What Special Line Caa
Uoai are oomblniog to make thU
fields that are yet free from the dle- FWrm Womaa Take Up to Increase
extension work becomes firmly da
aerlet of the noet helpful meetings
esse and by griting the seed from
Incomer Nellie Stone. CUd MUUbllshed la fhe sUte before Dr. Mum«rer held and the xeaenl public Is
these fields and taking it to aouthera slon.
asked to aid la ererr way.
Michigan aad having the farmers start
9:3i>-"BhaU We Send Our CWldrea
anew, be beileves thiu the disease caa > the City High SebooU or Bring
lesderahlp of Miss Jennie Buell was
be stomped ooL Last year the Michi­ the High Sc^ooU to Themr Ura. L.
an Importaat feature la the program
gan bean brought about 92.2S but thu Palmater. Grand Traverse Grange.
or the day. RepresenUttvea of about
year It will be somewhat lower la
9;4Ei—Business meeting.
half of the granges in the four counLast Feeture. ef Their EMerlalament
Uea surrounding Grand Traverse met price because of tbe quaalUy of old
Was Fish Dinner Berved at
beans now In tbe beads of tbe farmIn the big art hall oa the fair grouads
era and the dealers and becatue the
the Utter part of the forenoon and
antbracBoee Is curtatliog tbe demand
of mutual lBte^
tor MIdiigan beaas.
ten bare
Tbe east end of tbe hall had
As yet no spraying eolation has
Cbartes Duns, wbo Uvea on the
been tuned Uto « headquarters aad
discovered that wiu adequately
rinUbed yesterday when the en­ here Miss Buell met the
t dve milea from tlic
We have a good stock of tbeae toole. The
ciU'. brought In a quart of Montmor- tire company met at Park Place In tbe lecturers ladlvidually and eoUeeUve- control aathracaose although tbe colncT cherries which be picked in bis morning and were taken In autos to a ly, and helped to solve many dlfflcuU lutT'eTtlerto are at work upon the
quality ia fiiytclaaa and the pricea right. Come in and
ptoblem. The mqn are not positive Only Widows WUHowl Weans Csn Rserrhard this momlag. Tbe cherries fish dinner at Hotel Neahtawanta. As problems
see them. /
are In perfect condHloa and would thc^dlfferent can were filled the or­
Tbe Grange has several dlff<wetrt
Nrvt Law.
attud abipptng at this late date. They ders were, to “take your time but get lines of work, but tbe most important the winter In the ground or only on
have bung on '6ie‘trM ever since the to dinner on time." Nearly every
of all U Its educations! neUrlty. the aeed. They hope to know
purlng the poet few weeks the }u
. one road to Old Mission and Through lu system of lectures, councherry season and ha\-e not been af­
yenllo' court has been the storm cen­
fected by the weatber. Fruit of thi<« hack along tbe west shore, some g> ty and subordinate, aad all under tbe
ter for questions coneeralng
character picked aU weeka after the Ing way on to the point. There were leadership of the sUte lecturer, a
amendment to tbe widows' pension
season has closed sbows tbe wonder­ sixteen autos, with 6S people who valuable work Is bring done. As has
act. and Inquiries have come thick
ful keeping quallUes of cherries made up the party. It was the first Already been said the Grangs is 'The
and tact. The general idea is that al<
grown in this region. Tbe cherries Ume that any of the party bad
big adiool out of aebooL’* Death la NAVAL RESERVES PUT IN BUSY one hat to do ia make petition to
Bpl^ld Daring of Cwrfaderata Boo
tre OB exhibition at the First Nation over this famous drive and ft was thor.
I of Egypt Believe Belirt Wilb
oply tbe lack of growth, and when
Healing Powera Haa a Dwelling
al beak.
oughly enjojed. The trees loaded
Individual tolls to continue to adder ecbool age’aud draw three dollars'
in the Braoehem
ice Intellectually hlj mental death
er week for each child.
1 commenced. Miss BueU U so Took Part in CelsbraUens at Chieage
Tbe tonrist wbo ia ferried over tbo
Tbe tact of the matter la that onlj
and at Other Lake Ports.
successful in suggestlag Intellectusl
Nile from oM C:hlro to tbe Bland «(
such children as have been eomplali,Rfaodii is sbowa the Nllometer, which
feats for the various granges that tbo
ed of a* not having tbe proper care
dates from Roman limaa. and tbe old
intelleetual life of many Individuals
Tbe annual cruise of the training and treatment In the borne. In other moathi of suceessful wo^ be was
Is being prolongec. She Is doing a ship Yantic. named by the Naval Re­ words, neglected or dependent chU captured and taken to Wrahlngtoa. gardeas near 4L.aad U then hurried
back to reaome tbe naual route of tbe
dren. come under ibis acL or where aad sentence to be hanged,
and valuable work for the imo- serves from tbe various atatloi
gulden. By ao doing, however, be
i>le of tbe rural sections of Mlchlgaa been completed. AU naval reserves re­ tfae'nwther U too poor to give her made bis eMppe. and la "On Haxard- mlaaet one of tbe moet euriooa aigbu
In the appearance of a pereon. That aatiisfied
children tbe proper schooling
ous Service." Mr. W. 0. Beymer tells In all Cairo—tbe bugs tree known to
and she Is cotilled to tbclr thanks. turning to their vartoua homes
expression of having eaten something good remains
Vesierday’B program was given week.
tbe native aa tbe mandum. aaya Wide
not uadentand tbe amendment, the secret serrice men and smsU details Worid. It la no called from a aalat
vsrieir by selectioos by the Archie
with you all day. Shows on your .face and in your
On August 1 a crew of ton ricked
band and by tbe readings by Mrs. Ar- men. those oldest In the service with tollowinc ts given through the cour Of Federal cavalry, and bow. by hla n bo ia anppoaed to work miracles aad
very audacity and quick wit, he m- effect enrea npon tboee wbo vieit tbl*
vliU Osrdner and S<»U Woodward. two officers left Traverse Cky on the tosy of Judge Walker;
tree aad perform oertaia tradlUoanl
"Sec. 7. When any ebUd under the caped recapture.
The rally as a whole was a success. traiDlDg ship "Yanllc.’
He blundered into a camp of them ritea Tbe patient must offer to tbe
age of seventeen years shall be- found
Tbe d^'. from s climatic standpoisL twenty more experienced men
one mornlag at dawa. aad aaw Ina
aaint tbe doth which enveloped tbe
or n^'lected child ly that retreat waa ifflpoaaiUe;
Does all this for you.
was as fine as has ever been known. token on tor the actual work of the
effrctod limb, plaek off two leovoa
Tht-ce was a clear aky with a tool cruise, together with a crew of ISO within tbe meaning of thU acL the were ready to open fire with a d
from tbe tree and tie them on tbe dl»
Order a sack from your grocer.
Without beelUthm. be eased part with awtber cloth, leaviar
north wind. The atteadance was as inexperienced nqiea from WisconsiD. com may make aa order commuting revolvera.
the child to the care of some suitable atrode up tc
to tbe man and abouted. Is- tbe lint behind. Tbe native* haVw
laige SB was expected. There were tbe boat was msaned with 190 men
atate iDetitutloa eub)ect to tbe la* dignaatly;
faith In the tree and the vtattor
many Grangers from tbe eurround- for tbe first cratoe, which took In
and regulations governing such Insti­
will always find one or more preeaat.
"Ton make ml^ty free with
; counties, not a few of whom g«
MUwsukee and Grm Bay c*to tution. or to the care of some reputa­ ralU: With all thla wood round, you performing tbe rite* of alipplteaitoa.
Traverse City only on such occa­ brsildns which were the largest eveato
ble cllizen of good moral cbarsctcr. did Bot need to bnra my fenceal" Be Tbe tree, while not very high, haa a
Umen For Fifty Ye
sions as this. Tbetolr grounds furn­ sttODded.
large spread, and. as it la partly oobto the rare of some training school. teemed very angry.
ished an abundance of room for the
cealed by others near IL even the vis­
'Who are Toa?" a corporal
The oocasion of the eri^ratioas to
Indaslrial school as such provided
itor who baa knowledge of Its existeelebrailoa. la fact were ideal. The Perry's victory on the Ormt Lakes at by law, to the care of some associa­ Bsered.
is apt to glea up tbe aearch la
however. Put-le-Bsy wbirii occurred the som- tion willing to receive It. embracing
"Tba ownw of the rrila. of o
dsepatr, tbongh be may be within a
mdSli. and ua- mer of 1813. These celebrations have la its objects tbe purpose of earing
ebort dlataaee of It. Tba tree at pree>
eolved It i>ees held at different porm on the for or obCalalng homes for dependent fled. he went oa: ‘'WeU, weU! War ent Is eatlrely deUaded Of Its isavea'
ia doobUul If another rally of this Great lakes for the entire summer or neglected ohDdrta, which tasorla- is war; bnt don't do aay more dam- except la tbe upper braa^eo, wbila
than yon caa help, boya." He aai
kind U held here. Visiting Grangers ri 1913. contlnnlng ^tU Uto in Octo- Uon shall have be^ approved by tbe
down with them to their bswakfaaL tbe irnak aad lower beaachas are aN
reported that they were chaixed rtfconcealed by tbe mans of raga
state board of collections an^ cbarl- and chatted with them -pleasaaily.
that are nailed to It aad tbor* loft to
ly cents for one-way fares in the auto
Afler the first cruise the tratalBg tiss. lYorlded. tlial If the mother of One of Ukam naked if he bad aeaa Wat
buses between Union street and tbe ship retained to Travmse City tak­ such dependent or neglected child is Bowie, aad deacrlbed bUa acenrately. rot la wind and woathor. Patlatta mar
be aeen preaslag their laeea on these
fair grounds There was also aome ing on the remainder of the c
unmanded, to Is a widow or bas been At tbe deacrtpUoo. they aB atared at
Why net use eemeirt in plaee of lumbei
If yeu can In your
blm. aad movad uneaaUy. in doubt as or robbing tba afllletbd parts agalaat
trtctioB coneeralng coaceaalons with­
>en la aU. for tbe annual ton day Asserted by hey huslmod.
'vaa with age if It
bulldinge. Anything thet you build ef cehn
be done. He tallied them, n tbey matter prayers aad v
in the grounds.
«. This cruise took in the event ried hss been divorced, and Is poor with the deeeripUoo la every reaped. aarneetly np among t
There Is one phase of the raUy that which was held the week Of August and unaMe to properly care aad pi-ole bwUt right. If yew build a eile you will save enough in a few years
Bnt bis Insolence la walking up to where tbey believe tbe aalat'a spirit
is worthy, of commendation and that istb at CUemgo. Here Me "748116” vide for said child, bnt is otherwise
Tbe upper brenefaea ai*
tham aad npbraldlag them for bursby using enailegc to pay for tim cost ef the eile. Do net try to aave
Is the fact that (he rally was held took part in the celebration aad also proper guardian, and It 1s for the wel­ lag "hla" nlla mada them doubt thria pleattfuny decked wltfa little peeaooo
or eolotwd flags, which give it qatta a
a few dollera on a tsmparary affair, but 'build it right at the start.
without the merebaato or bustneas carried out tbe annual eveato of the
own eyaa.
tody of its mother, tbe court may
-Why. yaa," he drawled. “Wat Bowie
bring aoUdted, direcUy or Indi­ cretse. snrii as fleet mnaenw. drills
Get yeur cement at the eeraer of Front and Caea atreris of P. Kyoaa ja thane parte last week. 1 know
enter an <wder finding such fact sand
rectly. for the funds to meet the exand. so forth. An Interesttag fsature;
Cloeiag Freiberg Hlaea
M. AU In all the rally was a of the various celebrations wag Per- fixing tbe amouat of ntMier neceasarg him wriL Tbey aay hd baa gone to
Otaekanf reports that tba mtaas off
to enable the mother to properly care tbe porth part ot the county, whore
flag-ship “Ntoara.*' which feat­ for such cbtld; such aawunt not to be balls from. I doa t know, though, Freiberg. Saxony. wUl be dosed at tba
end of Septenter this year, bat ptobYou do net have to go very far to see aome farmers that used
ured la the historic victoiT- This exceed three dollars a week for each as to that."
Then rtslag and atreteblnc himaelL
boat u towed from port to port by the rhlM. Thereii^Son It shall be the duty
our cement In ftoora or walla with aatlefaetory reeulu. Price par bar*
Burely BwffMeirtly i
be looked down Into their Boubt-filled
training ship Wolvarlne. and Is
of tbe county treasurer of the county eyea and Un^ed at them, laughed la
Tba toiman family to snhleet t»
rwl ef MB Iba Is flAO. or in Marrof lots a» the rata ef »1J» per bar­
great interest to all risltors.
oad Mialag JoarnaL Tbe Freiberg
of which such child U a resident
SZty principal forms of goverameM
their very faoea, and aald:
Beside the mata event at Chicago pay from the general fund of such
rel. One barrel of cement will malU 15'cubtc feot'of oencrote at the.
~rm glad you aU met me on m' own mlnee were first opened la 1168 aad la
century they ware fletlvely
the Tantic stopped at Harbor Springs county, to such mother, at such times land. Too might have
made trouble
nto of t to 1. Pidp for plsetoring eella st « pad ton, and a ton will
ECZEMA AND SKIN ERUPTIONS and Uacklaaw lalsad, spending a.dsy as such order may
fflt^’they auT^'i ‘
1678 they made thdr
for me
Babies need a perfect akla covering.
ch porL maklBg tea days for tbe amount so specifted for the care cl hwk Uke him a loL Oood^iy. boya!
cover at (east 180 yards of oi^rtoce If lathed !4
npAvt. There le
Skill eruptions cause them not only entire cruise.
rneh deiwndeat or neglected child aa- Good luetr—Tostb-a Companloo.
intense suffering, but binder tnrir
nothing bettor to use for plaetering, Lima oolts ot $1 a barrol or In
la 1878 there were U mlaee la opera­
tll the further order of tbe court.
tion. omployinf a techalca) staff «g
Abarrol tots 9U. Agrieuttural lima $BJ0 per ton. All at the comer
OINTMENT Can he relied upon tor re­
Such order shall not require ^ ap8M moa aad aboat lAM mtaen aad
Importaat Motto.
lief and pendent cure of suffering
proral of the board of superrlMrs
Been Appreclattea ef Othera.
la ms
ef Front and Cnee atreeta.
babies whose' skin eruptions hare
Mark Twain oaoe ealdt "Be good, eonatr andtur or auditors. The court the motto A fall day’s woA te a MB
made their life miserable. "Our baby
Mverwlr aad
«r 4 ■« riaee i^
prodnetloo haa baea
was afflicted with breaking out of the ad youlLbe leaeaoae." Weverthelsm. shall, when the beallb or eondlUon of
to the child Shan raqulra, cause
aieadUy dwladUng. FYoas begiahlag
skin all over the fare and tcalp. Dor- met of aa try la our own
lore Slid skin specisUfta failed to a^eve that broad of loorilaeM. K dtlld to be plaeed la a public bosto end tbey bare yleldad over
help. We tried Dr. Hobaoo's Eesema tt a charaeurtstle of .tho averago ladS«0« kUegrama of rilvor. Maay Imml
Ointment aad ware overjoyed to see vtdual to "put the best foot forward." ritsl or in sn ti)StilBtlon for treatownt matism or pleurle>. you need a bottle caa aaglneen ohtalatB Iboir a#ae»<
baby eompleteiy cured before one box We wlab to deaerri wan of our aaM- nr special care, or ia a private boepi- •r RENNES PAIN-KILLJNG MAGIC
was used." wrlcsa Mrs. Strubter. Du- riaiea. and the desire to be. or at toast tal or iBstltaOoB. for special <a» cr
baqne. Iowa. AU druggists, or by appear to be. what otbera eqwot as to
nenL tbe expense to be paid
maU. 50c.
sprelBS and all Intoraal and
PFEIFFER CHEMICAL. CXIMPANT be to an aaderiytag fact of etvttlsa------- 1 achaa and palna. Price 83 i . TRY A RECOfMAOLS WANT RA.
8L Louis, Me. FUIadrii^ Fa.
PrihotUe. BoU by aU dragglM


The Firing Line Of



that will soon be usctiil




Barrrel Presses
Barreling Hatchets
Corn Knives
Husking Gloves Husking Pins
Potato Hooks
Potato Forks
Vegetable Scoops

Frank Xrudic


It’S Funny What a Oitference
a Loaf ol Bread
/ Makes
Xlic “ecst” F'lour

The Hannah & Lay Co.

Cement Pulp, Lime






fCentm^ froB |

•aictant wane* to «)0Mt7 »Ui«< u
<b« cQOd (OMto ot Ute oouKtrr. Tfc«
«(M CM BOt b* ■UCC«MfuII)r tfOBC
vttbotfl Ue oUmt Md Uto splendid
•dv«BcM»«Bt Uwt bmd been m»d« br
cnad rwds nerventM la aorthera
IDoUtaa bitd tow taken u eramples
«C ttato aM>T«aMBt and this part of
Oe state hat doM as Back as aar ta
the eoaatfT to oolTa aaeattons that
bad beea pet before tkem. F^rea
Bora dvaa and esamples etied of tbe
aldeadld aoMBpUabateata of tk* sUte
•Ad looal cMom. Mr. HamUtoa bad
Bapa to lllastrate tind he was
cfaea^r (oilowed. It vaa ahovn what
»owor tbera was ta this BOTemeat,
.■ad where aabr of the famers who
^ mat had blttaaljr oppoaed the seemlat lacaaae of taxes aad labor, had
»ow been so ^oa o*er that they
were adrooatlns this ImproTemeat In
all dlracOons. Poblic oplaloa has bad
its effect oa tofftoUtiTe Batten and
Bear new aucccaUoas are betag fraiaad ter the fntnre work.
Oiaat Mom. of Portlaad. is alerars a tarerite oe (be procrsB aad
Ua reailntaoeDcee ware Uatened to
wlU the cleaeat atteatioa. There
irare sear dlfflmlt phases of the s«^
vice that he baa passed throogh and
kto expertenres aad the msaaer In
vUch be bad baadled* them wfil be
• galde for othen to foUow. The half
Vwr that he spoke was far too abort
The hoslneas of the wnTcnUon was
mabed. for the president stated that
ao many meaas of aatertalament bad
beea planned that acne waated to be
Btoaed aad so the election of officers
was beld with the following resolu.
Preaideal—Barton C. Cady, of Port
Traverse City.
fieeretary-Treasarep—A. L. Bopklns.
IWegrama were reeelTcd from W.
MUtord Paloer, poatmaater of Orand
fl^dds aad dae from the Asa
s inrttlng the body to meet
there next year, and upon moUoa It
was nnanlBonsly Toled to nooept the
ported as follows:
-We desire to express oor aioeero
thanks to Mayor Jn» 0. Straub for
hto aiHendid welcodm snd promtohthe
return of the keys of your taaulUul
rily unianilBbed and unsullied.
TO"’ Travsne City’ff* Committee
of TweniyOne we have only highest
pratoo for the sptoBdld program prorided and the highly efficient carr}-lBg
out of na»e for oar special entertainBant pradicttog as an aittmate re­
ward for aoch careful patosUklng and
baapttshle methods, the rapid developmant of the northern fruit belt and
, its gnteway dly of Traverso commandthat bualneaa engsgementt prevented

thanks for hto mtlriag efforts/ln be­
half .of tho naaoriation and the spe­
cial care and comfort of its members
which to only exemplar of the efficient
nervtoe he ta rendering the patrou of
Travem Ctty*a poetoffice.
“After a trial of six months of the
right hour in ten service law of postal
amploysB we are tree to crtOrisc It
aa being a tboroogbly imprneUca] and
•xpBtriva experiment which aertously
tmprira rather then improves the efflcleecy of the most Important branch
of oor govemmenu We would there­
fore recommend that the present tow
ta ao nmeoded as u> provide for a
working day of eight boars in twelve
tor all postal employe, or fort^elcht

nil Rmltndona be removed for amounts
to be depoaUed in any day. month or
year by tpecial aaTlngs bank patrons.
“La^y we moat heartily commend
the inaent admlnistrutiM for
.haring,like aUnd la poaUl affairs
and Mpednlly the poUcy of Poatmaster Goneml Boricaon i« reeogni
merit ss the only proper hts's for tho
iwtmitloa aad promotion n' postmavart aad all poatal empioyaa

Telegrams were received from a
sumbar of tv poatmaatere regretting





•y anna PHILPOT.
"WaU." ladignsatly axelalBed Ihei
girt to beraelf, after she bad glanead:
at tv dale of the letter that tV poet-!
tnVd^lstlert Twoweetar Shei
ffnng bar bead high, and looked into*
the mirror to get the eSeot. ‘'I’ll show

letter to the Nation, and wa cannot
that we nTe aattoffed with hto anr. He aaya ta -knowa“ IVt
plmgoe has taea “extirpated* by “eomsanitation.- Until tV recent
sporadic imported caeca, the last re­
Then Bbe reread it
corded eases of plagM tn England
-Not aa apology la ft. either! I occurred at NottlngbaB in 1M7. In
seght tost to wr’te and UU him a that year plague vanished utterly tnm
thing or two—but be'Q wait at least England for two and a baK oantnriea.
three weeV Vtore be gets a word No one who has examined the records
from Be! Let htm see how V likes of tha Mventeeath centnTT can V
!- She was extremely tadlgnant.
lleve that it was “extirpated* by eaalOolag to her desk, she flung the tot- tatloB. Very gradnally In the anotar dtodslnfally npoa It sad closed the ceedlag oeetury and a half plague
lid. Then ahe opened the desk «ga!a withdrew from Europe also. The date
sad taok ap the letter.
of lu disappearance from Constanti­
-I waader," the pondered, -whether nople has been Used at about the
t eaght to wait three weeks. i doet year 1S41. It remained endemic only
Vllere It would ta wcQ to wait ntore in a few lonely places In the world,
than tost as long as be waited. That such as the highlands ot western
will ta a broad bint to him. Bat Fa Arabia. Tnanan In China, aad Hasonot going to ta aattofled with hints! potamia. BanItaUoa. tVugh an ex­
Tb gelng to tell him good and plain cellent paUlailva. oertatnly new
that if aiy totters aren't of j auflictoat drove the plagaa from Stamboul and
tatereat to ta worth an aaswer hefara Cairo and tha soutbam MadtUrraFra forgotten crerythlaf I wr«e to nean. any more than It did from Eng­
blB rn Just direct them to people
land. ‘The shrinkage ot plague to as
whom they will ta more'spprectoted.
great a Bystary as the recent fresh
-m write him this tctt minute and outburat which to infecting the whria
art forth matters eieariy to that young world. Parhaps the explanation to
in a few years bacteria may go
n leave the letter nn- tVt
Htrongh the myriad tn
ride will be beat.Solting the ariii
preceded haaUly* 0 scribble off a let*Td beuer not begin to scold him at
flret.- she derided. “111 tost answer
bis letter. Ill write ss though I had
nothing to say eapeelally. and when I
get nearly to the end 111 tell him a few
things that be ought to know!"
Bbe wrote on. happily smiling to bar
the use of stirring np trouble? I think
I'd tost tatter let It drop snd set as
though I hadn't noticed, how long a
time had elapsed since he got my let-

busy. They aay toai ■ucccs.iu* »«~»a
buslneat men usually can’t grt on with
gtrto at an. hut their time to almost



the Flung tha Lritor.
r their osrn. And then his peer
■t get BO tired writing bis
da and getting out bln reports
that he ought to be praised for writing
' U. Poor boy! Ii'a mean of Be to
eoentfnl. I suppose be doe« hto
best. And It-must ta tearfully lonely
for him out there and 1 auppoae be just
waits and walls for my letters.
-Let’s see. Ua did aay that he
walked to the poslofflce every night
tor the maU. Think bow dtoappotmtag It must ta to Vd nothing from ma
day after day. He might cease going
for the mall altogether If he thooght
me would write. Qoodneaa! What
If I waited three weeks and then he
didn’t think it worth while to go tor
his n»sn any more aDd^bd'd never get
my totter? And Fd ait here thtak^
be tost wouldn’t anner. That’s the
way Boat ironhle ataru. Fb not gotag
to let It start that way for ns. im can
help it!
“Fre made this totter tost as formal
and uBoonoenied as I possibly cosld.*
the aalA Then Ae gUnced throngh
her letter. “Oh.! think it nmnds awfuDy cold. conaMertag the fact that
we’re engaged! FD just add a postscript and try to make him see bow
much 1 care for hlm.“
Sbe eeribhtod away tmtn the poet,
eeript eras Are pages longer than the
letter. Then Ae looked at her watrii.
-Ooodneee! I enppoee the poor boy
to coanttag
hours to see ^ben a
letter pan get baA to him. And he's
BO huay Aat the days tost fly. Fm
■are he didn’t mean to wait so i^ bb
tore writing
-Oh. what'B Ute nae? ni toet put oa
ay coat and run to Ae bsU box A
oatA the next mall wlA Ala totter.
Poor. loBStame hoyf-—Chicago Dally

QMsan Mary* Tolerattoa of Clfarettas
Han Revived Good Starr >« CVllah Serial Clrctoa.
A cable dUpatA iwcontiy nported
that Queen Mary of England
given evidence of bavtag Aanged her
mind wlA regard to sromen smoking
rigarettas at aoriety tuDcUons by gra­
ciously announcing Aat aUboofb Ae
did not amoV hersrif sV did not wish
deprive oAers ot Ae pleasure be­
cause Ae happened to ta present. U
U said Aat an old courUor at Ae gath­
ering where Ae queen displayed anA
change of mind regarding the weed
said Aat be toped ahe would Wt ta
future raoeire such a sboA s«
Aar. • Btataly lady of
setool, had received for riaUar gra­

tobacco using ta any form in -aay
place and by men of any eondli
The Ute King Edward one ttato visit­
ed Ae old casUe Aat was Ae'|teredlury residence. Aa a mark of honor
the old noblewomaa had clgarettea
passed around, to Ae wondering
amnseiDMt of the king. When Ae rigarettes reached a neighboriug oaii,
who had attendfd t
hto coanteaa, Ae former took np a
cigarette sod handed it to fals wife
wlA n marked bow. 'me old noblewoman stared and swallowed bard.
King Edward (old Ae story many
Uaea within the next week. The old
lady never again suffered bereelf
relax ta her antlpaAr to tobacco for
fear she might bring naoAer woman
to UAt
Want Pretaetlea tor Uena.
The legialatlve connA ot BrtflA
hat Africa to expected to adopt a
prapoanl at present before it for Ae
protection of Uona on crown lands.
Up to Ae present game^leenaea which
atipntatc Ae number and data ot anlmala Aat may ta kiUed or captured
have Ignored Ilona. wbiA have bees
regarded as vermta. Now, however,
it Is proposed to limit esA holder of
a big game shooting license to four
Ilona. The other day a game ranger
wV to said to ta ramlllar wlA A
Ae oondltkms ta BrltlA East Atric*
axpraaaed the ^alon Aat Ae propoaal would do very jmie. U carried Into
affect, to prevent Ae estermtaalk
Ilona ta certain parts of Ae protector­
ate. “They are bring exterminated.'
he said, “by the advance of civlllsatlon. Exterminated may not ta Ae
right word, tor Aey are really being
driven away. In my opinion, how­
ever. there will ta no ariosi diaappanranoe of Aa Uoa tor a vary long
tlma to ooDM. aliboagh. avwn .wbmi he
to on Ae game lioanae. ttato wlU ta
complete treVom to hunt and shoot
on ^rate land.'
Intellectual Humoh
Ae regtoB of taleUectnnI humor.
whIA may ta roughly Ulnstrated by
anA •aylngs as that of Oaorga Band
awdoshtatUy a SeotAoum. on As ground Ant
hto ulanu would justify Aa anppasltloa. TV bnmor of George Sand’s
epigram depends upon Aa paroeptlon
Aat Aatorlc. whlA ought to ta tasad
npoa a profound convietioa, an overwbalmlng pMSIon. an tatanae anAualaam, to oftan llttia more than
t e( a I
mood of tatoxk
Aa bninor of
lias ta a aanna of Aa way in vbiA
a nattanal pradilaetloa will override
A naaonabla ertdai
■on. In “At Lnrga.-

them from being prasecL
Tho ereaUig was given over to vnrWs
Ttekats^ad taeo given the delegs et
to the different plaoea of amflacn
and they were all folly enjoyed.
‘ntta Boralag the Weetern Michi­
gan Dgrriopment horeu sent out men
Aaeortflaf ta laatnmttow.
BohMa-1 heard yo« got a totter
tn the different fruit orchards on the
Unvol to atlmnintod la
. Bpalaanla. tV owners ol which had ftoB your hrotharf
Watoa. During Ae suminar menthn
I did.
on* one obuta oa Aa Cambrian raOffenwonslr 0von of ibrir bwt fmit
Bobble—Was Aera anything
wMA oarrtas one anywhIA was taken tn Neahuwanu aad portent ta the tottarf
whm be Ukea as many tlmas as be
(hara anaortnd basiMtd wera maV
Joey—Well. 1 didnt open it toe oa
wtAta a preaerttad ana e( about
•r app}««. panettaa, ptoms an! paars the Mtrida of the aasriopa was print- Ukas
70 miles, and. tor a tortal^it. AM
naff ffrad to andh delWate as thgy laft A: “Plaaaa retnn tn flva Asya." W etoaa. Ae coat to jaw than • nor*
I MBt It back A MB.
the hotel after dinner.
•nlgn (W.87).
Ap apnrly arery poatBastor wm
tha owner ot a (ralt farm ttaae
Now Fwal far Awtnm
tamplB of the fanwM Orand .Trnv.
•Aa (Mit, right finm the trees was
a sad natag it tor tori Jn am
' peMlImra tV clevwreat thing tVt •re toAtddta to <
toBofaUaa aad other iatanal <
Bpd' (Par done (or n*y conrnUen.


QraA •oUIa TeW Hew He Used-to
Play on At Pasllnpa ef Hto

Aro UMble to Explain tha Dtsappaart
~ meamnea of tha

MUe. Zoa had a new lover, hut what
of that? Mile. Zoe had a lever ta ev­
ery town that Ae eircua reaAed, Oth­
er men laaa aaaeuptible than Ralph
Patterson lost Aatr baarts at sight of
Mlta. Zoa.
Now the rirena was at Montgomery.
_ni Ralph PaiiermB. being no laggard
In lov*. had foUowA MUa. Zoe Aera.
He aat now ta bar dnaalng apart­
ment. bU eyea on her mAlle (ace.
ask me to marry you,' Aa
Aid, aweepiBg her goWaa pompadour
' reheaC “Do yon
reakse what Aat maanaT TbaM to
litUe vlrtna on Aa stag*. Aara to leu
ta Ae elrcaa.
’’Ton are young to talk that way.*'
he argued.
ig.“ There was a
touch ot bIttemeM ta her rtah voice.
“Rut dupite my yean, a man had
as waU marry my pat tl^aab Lady
Brito, u me.“
“Toa can leave the rircnB.*
-1 bad tatanded to do ao bOtora I
tw yen. This to my lari auaon as
ontomar. I tataed to go on Ao
“Many BSk aad 1st b* prove ay
"Ton Boat wait tor your auwar.Sbe gtaaced at bar watch and arou
sign of dtomtoaal. “1 But perform.”
“IsAereln Als world today a man
whom I could lovo—a Ban worAy of
woman's love?"
Mile, floe momsad Aeee wmrda p(h
reusly Into Ae ear of her pet tlgraaa.
Fierce lady Belle Quailed before Ae
Are ta Aa eyes of her mtotreas.
The circus had rwmalned Aree day^
at Montgomery; now it was to leave.
RalA Pattereon was again In Mile.
Zoo’s drenlng apvtment. pletatag Ut
love, and devouriag her beauty wtA
bis liquid blue eyee.
line town, not ter from ben. then
1lv«d a mtle glri, pretty wlA a nsoontaam pretUneea. 8b» trusted every­
one. because Ae was good. She trust­
ed one to her sorrow—a mao. He
wooed her wiA soft. Innocent blue
eyea. like yonn; be kissed her with
fnnk llpe, like yonn; be caressed her
WtA strmg handa like yonn. That
man left the little girl to Ae merries
of the world, her name gone, henlife
btoaud. The world pointed the Anger
of acorn A her and shut iu doors ta
her fan. while he -hrid hto bead high
and cared for no man. be.' -By chanre.
the little-girl got some education: it
doesn't matter hew; she became brilUant and was souAt after even by
Ae one wV had spoiled her life. The
moonbeam turtied Into a sunbeam.’’
He attempted to rise, but a hand,
as soft sad white ss a inowflsk".
touched hU wrist, and kept him to
bUsaat -I was that iiUle girl. Ralph
Pattenon; you wen that man. Take
educslloa. Weoebed hair and seven
maturing years from MUe Zoe. and
you have little Emma Stone, whom
you made av outcast"
HU face K>rt tts look of innocence;
guilt fluAed It from brow to chin.
"Tmm voice was as wiralng than
as now. I shonld tore you. wen your
past unknown to me. Ton love me A
lut. but I do not .want each love
as yonn. These has been an tnvisAto cord btndlngna together Al ibeeo
yean. Even the wounded Insect
may lame by Us sting Ae one who
has bun It. Ton took from me ell
thA made life worth Ae living; and
revenge Is written on my heart wlA
a pen «f iron. wlA Ae point of a dtamond.Sha east a gtaaca ^on Mb, Hke
the glance of a Ik>n«M that seas '
prey within resA. He kept his eyes
to the groAd. He heard g curtain
pulled Aide, and heard eotoeAlcg
spring -neA hto feet One tlAtnleg
gianee showed him an open cage. Mile.
Zoe. whip in band, and a sleek tignnt
crocehlng to A>rlBt. He wa petrt
fled In hto chair. Then Ae heart's
claws had rent Ids flesh.
Mila Zoe had looked forward toher
nvenga hrt now it wa tuned to
aAM on bar !1{m. All tV woman la
her WA aroBiad to ariloB; the undaraaaaotlong^ came to Ilfs ta her
bosom; her har*>aaa Belted,
saw thA Udy Belle had Inflicted A
yet only serAcbee Ad a alight woundShalAhed Ae beaat from PAtorsoo’a
AonMert, ecnamed to Mb to fly. He
etaggered to Ae opentflg ta the canvaa, and ent into Ae Ar sad anllght.

cAHag tor hrip.
But twdy Brito had tnstod blood;
no fear OMld hold tar In Aoek sow.
Her fanga xaet in Mila. Zoa'a slender
Aroat. hA sharp ernri claws rant

Method to Hto Maditasa.
-Do yon Vow that you paid thA
woBsn flv« cento to ride on Ala oar?*
asked the trteadly Ban oa Ae tack
pUttom. nftA a woman had bean let
off St the eonar.
"Hew do ytm flcDw AAr naked Aa
■-Rlir. aV Itasdad yoo''n eo<ent
piece, and yon ^ve bA Atw dimes
and a qaartor ta Aaaga." ratnned Aa
friendly Ban.
“(ta. to Aa Ae woana t cave Ae
Atm dlmea Aid a Qaartor tor aAd
Aa oondaelA. aBlltac. “Well, i
have a hard Use paaalnc Ae c
tor. That's Ae way I get rid ri sU ay
bad BoaA- Jort so loag si yon gfra
'ham a alekri or un ewts toe anch.
AtyTl aevA atop to see whettar ttto
food A bad.*—New Tork Eva

Oraat intAeat
among milltaiy atodemto aad hlstothrongfa the pabilcaUen by CoL
firaaal Pitmrd of a arieetton .1
hlAerto unknown military ">««i*»:ed by NnpqlriMi
during hit laprisonmeat A St. He(-


MeAy, whose oSctal UUa was Aa
“deril." worked ta a job prtat shop.
Probably V bad anoAA name, but
if ao no one around Aa shop had
Aer heard it. or would Vve ruBetnbared it U they bad. He was s freck­
led (seed rouA wlA wAary bine eym
and a tangled mass ot reddlah yellow
hAr. WVt hto age may have been to
oAy cpDjucture. bat. seated on the
raltoat office atooL snppleiBcnted by a
dtocAded copy of Wabatar’i Un­
abridged. bo COA4. by dlA of miacfa
aireLchtag. Jnu reach Ae upper caae


Helene Ram
persttUoua. aad hnd every <
good or bad tack aytomattceUy cato*
legued ta the plgMabotas of her bwory. aad her days were vent trying to
offset sny calandty prwdeAlned by Ao
The empwoi attached ffreat weight
III omen. Strung shorn her neck were
to tact aad akll] ta the trentBMt
•eveiA EgypUsn amnlets of good for­
of soldtota.
tune; a four-leAed clover rtpoeed In
Ae left shoe; a rahWtW paw occapled
“tt'hcn 1 used to any,- he wrMe, "ss
Ae Inside poArt of her ja^rt; on ,ha
rode tbrongh the linn in Ae best
right head wss worn a i ' ------of tatUe. ‘UnfAl yonr dags; Ae mo­ •■A."
It was election Boratag and a red- ring; Aee ggod BUUken grinned his apment has come.'.the French aoldli
hot campaign of munleipA reform ‘
provA of
}t »bar devoot worsMp A the
simply shook wlA angmeaa
M. The "gang." reAtotag AA t
•brlno of
f luck from hto AibhO
Aiohe o
on Vr
“At such n moment nothing aeoBed ware up igAnA It ta earnest, had
dresatag table.
raposstble to me. TV Thtr1y-s
was a fair vtston an
woBid Vve died
man for me. becaaae after Lonsto I them. Sharks. tV owner, and MeAy
wrote. "TV TMrtyweeond was Aere. wero alone ta Ae office, all Ae print- comb Arough her wavy bronae hair.
Sta was dressing to receive Billy Paxsnd 1 was at ease.’ The powA Of
toa. who came twice a week to ‘talng
words oa men Is astobtohUri-''
when Ae door (vuacd and ta walked a box of candy and pay bis respeeu ■
The following to Napoleon's Idea Grogan.
to mother." as Helene would
of a ganarA:
-Hullo. JIB." V said. \
BbeuM yon display earioatty ano^
"In time of war sen are noAlag.
“Momtag. Qrogna; bow taro thtaffa waskba.
It Is one man who la evaryAUig.
- :r
great genecal to not aa ordinary me
Vifi gt
gotag'to V a hot jOM. we have ta posUlon, aad Helene mtoad tha
Military genlns la a gift from heave
gul to ki
keep Bovtag. Say. have yon comb to arrengn a few retractacr
but the moat aaaanttol Quality^
any old UcVta on band? Any kind treaaca. when it frit from her hand to
' .ta-eblet is flnuaaa
wui do."
Ae floor. "A dtoappolntment," the sAA
chstweter aad Aa reaolMtmi to win
-ni sea." anld Sparks. Ho arose Amoat tearfully, anA gotag to A«
A all ooata."
and went to Ae rear of tV i
door, cAled: “Betty! Betty, come tare; ,
Nat to Ae quAiUa ot tV ooa- wboe. from under a case bo extract­
I want youlmender, whose surest way of win­ ed a don ooverud package.
%a yonngw eleter appearoA
ning was. be thought, "to euggerute
“Here's a lot of tickeu AA war
forces and mlArelse Aoae dered fv a nigger rABe aad pevar “Please, dea pick np Aat comb lor
of Ae
A enem.v." fjapoleon considered cAtod for. How WlU Aey dor
Vtty did as aba wan bU. grambltac
strong artillery A* prise factor ta
"Just Ae thing. How many i
Aa whUe. “Ton and yonr old «snpersDceesa.
I thought by your uagla
“If I Vd Vd >d.000 more rmmda os
“A thousand." snswerd Spnrfcs.
aomethtag dreadfA had VpAe evening of Leiprig. I ahouM today
"Good." returned Orognn; “AA i
penaA or 1 never would have cobd,ta tnaater of Ae wortd.*
be just about whA we nead."
Tben aV irit tv room wlA this
In apeaking of a pattonA army, of
"WhA are you going to do wtth
tagatatotaarcasar;'?«achrAA to­
which be was. of eonree strongly ta Aemr' queried SpAta
night. Helene, dea. tor It to new
(avA. Napoleon hwlsted that
“Wril." answered Orogaa, -you
moon. Look A It over yonr right shonlPreBcbmen should coniider Aa taws Vow Aat Aey have cloned up every
sAoon tighter Asa a drum today, but der-or to It tV left? It keeps ono
busy to iwBeaber oorwcOy aU Aa
wa'U fool eta We Vve got a lot ot unCAltag AgM. FU not SM yoa any
hega down ta Mnrphy’s ham. and each
of Aeee tick^ will entitle Aa more this oventag. ao pleasant dreaBS.
I am gotag to raaA'
Helene donned her frock ud-looked
around where
j erlllcAly A Vr refection, and knew
thav wrill do
Boat good.
Kemwi Criiepa « Oarahtor. Ohio. In- sctame,
that ibe was looUng better than nsuA.
nnd Billy
dfreetly Ae Remilt of Hie FriendThe two man chnckled together a
ehlp With Enpllahmen.
adadrad Ala mora Aan kny A her
few tnomeau ta aeU-oong^latloa.
“WeU. I must run along." Mid Gro­ other gowns. Helene wondered if V
In connnrtlon wlA Ae Perry cen- gan. “Tou’U ta out after nwhUoF'
cared very deeply tor her. It would
tenntol. and the
ta such n aallsfwiiian to know, (tor
r jtolebnlloa of 100.
yeere peace tetw^n tV UAtad Btrtea
Sparks. Ata wurhiag awhUe. took
mod Great BrltAil. jbla
ii aurona
down m,
his ooA ana
Vd uai.
VL -■'-If
talerrottag to note AA Aa founding.
tImenUI enough » dgetare bis devoot Kenyon college. AGnmbler. O.. waa
' ‘lOA but week after'week matatAned
indliwetly a resAt of Ae Beetlnj.
affection whkh to very gtAltytag. tat
the cemmlasionera who algned Ae ^
treaty ef ObrnL
wfalA DO giri of Donata diacrlBina loa
could mtoUV for lore. Helena had
The aigntag of this treaty
‘t-: throwtag,A Aa type on which V
>iege where Billy puaaled
ed tv era A peace betwee
‘^1 workta^but nge burned wlAta Mb. ‘
her. and she wwaUd to know whA
and America. In 1811.
Why ahoAd he akwe. of aU Ae shop
Aongbta, ooneanlng tarspif, InAed
Henry Clay, (be
btatad hto gray eyes and pUcld coodenoe. Ad lx>rd James Gambler, chAi-i outride* ’He“ A^"t~f‘hto'tamiZ;^ i
msD of Ae British commissioners, be*he doortaU rang, snd sV de­
cs me warm friends during Ae tea^
« tnis Bomeat piaying
oMeved Bmv Pnxstons of Ae conference.
When Phtiuder Chase, flrrt bishop
Clsy to
ice of Lord
Gambler and bit
friend. Lord Kenyon, waa of Inestima­
hto oottoteeanoe talghtoned
ble vAoe to Bishop Chase, and be and heily.slid
from Ae stool, pytag a
soon secured a fund of $40,000
atlektol of type aad tombllng Ae dlofoBBd bis coUega Lord Gambler and ttaury to the floor as V weeL
Lord Kea.von contributed strongly
Ha pickad np Ae hit A pasteboard
As fund.
and earrted It ov«r to tbs stock rnok
BlaVp Chase returned to America from which. Ater a carefA compariand founded bis oAlege. TV Ohloi
he drew aevwnl sheets. Tbaao
toa-D In which Ae Mhool was located ^ .
wss named after Lord Gambler, ud

the college sfier Lord Kenyon.
Ae Baknop atah. set Ae prea gotag.
Oaths TAeti on Anelent VH.
Al U. WiA a snug package under
The moat highly prised of tV old hto aiB. Mealy left Ae ahop and. aftreUcu which have been seat for dis­ ur hotting n huge pteoa A pie nnd
play at the Irish art'ohlblUen ta gAptag down a nrag of ooffas al a
London to the old Vl| A 8u Vuan.
naar-by tanta eootor. betook MMstf
This precloBS nrtlcle.
down a rtmoup Atey to a eerindA
WlA tV (amons Mint ot County Clare eoner where As atre«t gamins waro
wbo UvA on an Island ta Ae Shan- wont to apeod tbs noon hour. CnUDon. has been lent for exhibition by tag aside two A hto speeUl muntos.
Marena Keane ot Bnchpark. Ennla. la Aere enaned as animated* cimverontv prosessloa A whose (niAty
1 lion, foVwtag which Ae package was
been for time immsmcmaJ.
ImmemortaL it was .n;
to one A Ae twain, who
great demand In far off Uma for
^narted. Meaty rucnrVd
purpose of uking
IV shirp. —his stool and
g UklDg the tall ta hto hands worked induatrioualy, whlsUtag cbeeras be uttered the words.
lly Ae whila.
The taU iiarif to taeased ta a rtuBs
About three o’clock Sparta <um in
A very antique and arttotio derign,
and graetously itiamlmia Manly (or
about six laches ta lengA aad V
tween two and three tacbea ta widA.
The Arine to compoaA ot silver couple ot bourn, later Ae doA was
plAM. in^d WtA biuM. and embelposhA vlAenUj open aad Grogan
Itshed—ip' Adllion to very beautIfA
ruaVd In.
orMBentstlon in Ae Celtic Interlsced
“For heaven's aake, Jla," V ahontpattern*—WlA quAnt Ognrua. taclA- ad. “how many A Aoaa Uekau did
tag a Wlaged Sphinx. AA the bead of you give mar
a woman and dragons ta the Gothic
stylo. Thera are also green stooea “Whai'a tv Bsttorr
inserted ss jewela but aoa>e an mlss“Matter! AU HAm
ly.- roihf.
tamed Grogan. ssaiUdty.
to tav«


.irti irSm™ » 0.1. . .«»
j „»,^eented nlaht on V I WAt you
sr I
care to toA you. Do yon cooaantr
-Is Ala to V an Aventnre Ant yon
apeak A grovriy. Mr knlgbtt U no.
AA they
iV words to action.
When she reachA Ae open HAmm
•cannA tV bavene for Ae moon, sA
MW it over Aw wrong shoulder; Am
a Mack cat ran aeroa the paA bA an
owl bootA BOunfBUy ta Ae eyeaBor*
tree. A queer creepy eeasatlon danoA
np and down Helene’s aptaal vertnbraa,-nA eta felt her pocket to awe
wheAer Ae rabbit’s toot was Aura,
but It WM BOt. CroMlng Ae park they
eUriA Ae peacocks Ast bA roeatA
ter the night, and '

■NoBBSsme.- said tV pMsgBilie
Bflly. -you are coBtag wlA me."
On ha 1A bar. navur ganrinff' watO
Av ftachA tV Vdg* surroundtag
a pretty bouse. Tben BUly spoke
again. **rhts Is Ae panoanga, Ha)ene. aA 1 have srrangA ter tV Btatater to marry ns tonlghu For a ksg
time I have lovA you. tat taMtatod
to tril yoa becaase 1 kaow that yon
wonld Bovar aclaet n wedding day un­
til eU Ae algst polntod to lock, and
Ast wonld mean montta ot waiting,
tor tble to itU-your ohjectioa auaber oca- '

-Brt I doot waM to Banr Fon.*
gsspA Hriraa -I am afrald.-O, yen you «B. and yoa mart gnt:
gona, abd wa can't set morb Aewerk- over your tmi. Give me your hand.
wm testify, but V ha. tv savin.
------of humor Aat Aways aenda o«s vmtag » tna poos. Tway
to a trick, aad Vve panaA Ae word the thlA Pager A Vr left hnA V
away smiling. Recently,
vote for Aa otbar teOowa. The alippA a ring. HrtMe AndSetA M
was bring queatioaA ragardlng tV to
Ae opal snrroadA wt^
WlU go agatart u sore as aVotto Groat ward
Britain tVt was tendered Mb
did. aA tv dty want wiA it if
would nM tAb (or puUlcattauBtjwage joy eropc into bar heart.
eteUL^ he eald. "Tou know It might ta rat" Manly aevv hoard p( tt. Ad be
WlA Bs the same na It wm AA kept hto own oouneaL
Fkxoa’s boy. Old Farmar Jodkii
craned Ae paper om momtag and «x- (CepyrigW. br DAW gterr Fob. Oa) , above Ae doer U. was UU.
TVn Bmy ctaapeS ha ta hie amn
HAmed; -^'ril. I swan! How Aat
■A ktoeA bar Upa and eyan. -Ba
AfV Womb
boy A 81 FBson'a ta getting along.
toava now. daaroet, 1 took AM wny
Lart year ta waa Bade a tnrrtn eabocanae I lova yon sA want to ft«oa
taaaador. aA now. by ertekey. tta
Vw tooMah yaw aniBstltHaa nia.
papa .aya V’a pai
OsDo win ta a happy asantogk tor I
Bsan to Bata U so.BrtMS toufliall tv haO and n^
Ba-TV Ban wV aCan •• A drlal
inglr said, “nis to the time whw O
taNlU By maAood.
aigBs-ton.Sbo-wun. tkaFs an right as tong
M you demt fbUew you nnoA couna *1 woppom tt la. tf 7M tortto •ny]! Iba door enasA sA tVy pawpd
and swallow tV laaAt
tot.! • tthta. B WM Friday, tv Atoiiinto

NaflWp^Naw Atant Tbta
Wtodaa Comaa WHh Yawn.
CynleA View A Mi
A boy Va to V at Mart Pfiaw my
p^ $111 tall tatonna t* Ba-"-Awuw
Bavtag aarriad. they
proceAA aa If by artaA
tlcAmUto years oM before VrMRaaa that artnal na wtaSnto a ^srwy OMy trtoL IRa
gtmaral tatotatoa viaw aad ta pnaGH
I d odf^ Ataff.—Marcaa. Am aake Ae woret A it
tta plWary parAp.
IB “ruftala.”
I tta bWM catatQoR.
• ..«tai «f Omiariaa.




1Ab«««iHI» Unh------- *

Writer Aaeerts It is In tl«e NMure af
a -PuriflcstleM by Fire" W the
Hwiusn flsce.


• ww M«,‘ N«n r*>
iBArked modwtJT- Tre be«B •tsErMe oat tk* chMcUrtotte* and oecn*
. SAtloM of pM>pW OB *U«at can «nd
•ntywhoro—JaM Cm th«lr «zpr«B•lOBS BBd VTimUtB BBd CloUlM. yoB
toow,Jrf«itlftc d«d«ettaa1
*Ttie other Blcbt 1 went to « perty
with RofBT, -where I knew hBrEly b
mU. CobIbs bone I told him
....................................r there and he
•Md tt 1
crt«L Of
«erate abom «»!“
She wraU another aesteace aad
ended It with a Sonjteh. reiictty Mttied her amaU bonnet a trIOe cloeer.
*ToB eerialnlr are * woadar.'' she
«Mhad. CBrloaaly. “1 nerer could
write a letter and carry on a coarer
aatloB at the aahte time, mnch leea
«eeea anybodr’a family tree at the
Siwt glaBce. I*re got to go borne, and
aootbe Katy. ThU being waeh day.
(atbar Jnat natarally telephoned that
be waa.brlaglAC a sew Gennaa bacteiioioclat borne to inneh. Don't fot>
get that yooVe coming tomorrow."
"One<hlrty ■harp," acouleeced Nora.
The door had pict ckwed behind
TeUeity and Nora waa preparing to


It la a tnilam that a one arerhenrd
«f a anurtag aavage. In fact. If the wUd
man of the woods and plalaa de«a not
Meep quleUy. he nmi the rttk of being
dlaomred by bla enemy, and the ecalp
of the anorer would aooo adorn tba
belt of bia crafty and more quietly lulringly at Hr. King, fhr whom he
tad bM firtvliM aU through tho aumaleeplng adrereary. WIU
however, we have changed all this, de­
"fiball I let bor oat. drr
clares a writer In Health. The Im­
pure air of OUT sleeping roema Indueea
. n to ten him
gly to ;
all maaner at eaurrhal atfeetiona. The
t PhtI id long anspected. thal
nasal paiaages are the first to became
y to love win the besuaffected. Instead of warmlag the In­ ^e was deeply
spired air m the way to the lungs, and Ufnl Him Meeks, whom he had visit­
remoring from It the dangerous Impur ed every week-mid for many moniha.
Phil Ustened attentlvety to every
word, and by a aubtle undenUndlag
the air enlera and eeeapee by the Invited further confidence.
T don't
dont qotte kpow." Mr. King
mouth. The veil of the palate rl.
"why 1 alwayn
hratae hetweea the two currenta—that spoke» apologetleaUy.
through the mouth asd the one stiU hsve had a desire to oonfido la you.
simply musL"
passing through the partially eloeed
Phil smiled proudly, and opaUng
nostriU—like a tom aall In the wind.
The snore, tbea. mcana that tha aleep up the vulree alowly laereused the
er'^ month is partially open, thaf hit speed. unUl the trees aad fences were
Bom U partially closed, and that hU mers specka. ao qulcUy were they
lungs are In danger from the air not passed Finally they alowed down,
being properly wanned and purified. then drew up in front of a low whHe
From the continued opermtlou of theee houasL
"Come for me about nine." Mr.
■the Increase of Impure air In
sleeping rooms and pemltUng habit- King called as he ran up the path to
oal snorera to escape kllHng and the house.
In the garage PhO removed hit
•caltdBg—wune scientist bu pradlcied that in the future all men taud all Tlsored cap aad ceat to work on the
women. Im) will snore. It goes along car. aad for an hour be deaabd vlgwith declr of the teeth and bnldnesa. orously.
He was a slight chap, with soft
FEW WORDS, BUT TO THE POINT. eyes and a winsome smile, really too
ndined looking tor Us poelUoa.
thottgh as be worked he ecowled.
fals toce was not quite pleasant. ^
was thinking with bltternsas of all
>lr Ring had told him. and a great

a amall mouie.. which ran out from
wnder the bookenae.
Nora’a bciatneeMlke manner ditMlreri In audden Mght Boancing out of
bar ^alr. she perched apon the desk,
drawrlng her feet In carefnlly. A mo­
ment later the door opened and a pale
waa greatly disturbed aad mrstlfled by
yooth looked In
the appearance tu its midst of an Eng­
lish lady who made nae of an eartrtimfmgetten at the thrMholl It waa oV pet daring the sermon—such an laTlons that he did not take In the alt* strument being entlrtiy unkn^n la
those simple parts.
nation at all.
There was much dlscusileB of the
matter, asd It was finally decided that
one of the elders—who had great lo­
cal reputation at a man of parts—
BhonM bs deputed to settle the

On the nest Sabbath the nneonariou* offender again made her ap
pearanee and again prodneed thetrumpet, whereupon the chosen elder rose
from Us seat and marched down the
aisle to where • » old Isdy sat. and.
entreaUng her with an upraised finger,
anld, sternly:
“The first toot—ye're oot!"—Harpm'a

-Kindly Cateh That Mnima."Klndly catch that monae for m^‘'
^ directed brtakly. IndhmUng the
bold mtle erealuie with a ware of ber
"Ob!" He came back to earth with
n BtBft. ‘Ibeo be moved alowly and
carMnlly toward the mouee, which
Mat Ita haad and retreated to the oth­
er booheahe. which bad no exit under
K. Dows on hla handa and kneea
drhpped the youth, toat in the chaae.
For a lew
nndameath the bookcase. Then the
awkward young man loae. bolding the
wriggling Bouae in one hand.
"What are yoo going to do with itr
ibqnlred Nora In a tone which impliod
that be waa atealing her Mttie pet
"Inoculate it wUb tobercuioale." be
aald. drwaMUy.
"Tou abaat!" Nora'a tone was firm.
He nlaed Ua eyebrowa and looked
at her km the drat time. *'tou wish
me & pat a Imek therer be asked,
politely, pointing to the bookcase.
'Indeed not!" said Nora, diaguatod
ly sudi stupidity. "Take It ont and
Jose tt please."
The youth bowed. 'Wery well." bo
aald. and backed out gwstly nbWng
e with a
- - It was tha neiz day that Felicity
shook ber friend Nora by the ahouldera ‘What's the soatler. Noral
14Te you loot your JobT’
'"If only I had!" Nora aank Into a
chair and fanned herad^ rigMonaly.
"Felicity. 1 know absolutely notblng
about adantlOe deduction. I wlab Fd
sever played with It 1 can't tafi a
dress rider from a —waU. a eircuil
■W'ell.'- FellcUy began. -coBnolIngly.
‘'you oooldc't -be half as bad as the
object that took Ibndmm with ua
yesterday. He bad a moofb ts Ua
pockat and It made a gay-'getaway
while father wna deecrfbing Us pd
badltus. It waa tba liveliest Ina^
mee we ever had."
Nora looked up asd asksd tndnnnttT. "Was Us fhee all markedr
‘Tea Student dnels u OermaDy.”
"And massert?"
"So many be trips over them."
"The berr professor blmsetf! I told
Urn to catch that mouse In my oBeo
yesterday after you left and be did.
This metsBiK when I went to the ad▼anoed bacteriology dam ap rooe my
UUle pM piper and lectwed. Ae yoa
probably ki»w. heb the Utest aegnlsl-• q of our medical acbool-ho‘a from
to be a Bimple Itnie naldea who
dhlaks itb MaurnriUit wieked to try

do he dRcvr~Csu«ate DU]y Newa

ti Qeed inhiritaoea.
Ko boy or girl can ever come to be
vtteriy bad who remembers only Mve
and tenderneas aad unselflEhness and
aweetnrat is asseciated with father
and mother In the old-time home. Give
them manly and womanly examples.
giTS theta tralUng. give them the Ina;dratk» of devoted lives, give them
these Ugber. deeper thlngi. Do not
care ao much as to whether you are
accumulating money, so that yon can
leave them a toriune. I really believe
that the chances are against that's be­
ing a blessing for a boy. Hut leave
them aa accumulated fortune bf mem­
ories and Inspirations and examples
and hopes, ao that they are rich in
hrain and heart and soul aad eervlce.
Then. If yon happen to leave them the
fortone beUdea. if they hare U1 theoe.
the fortans will be ihoni of lu poesibllltles of evil, and will beconie an
lailrument of the higher aad nobler
good.-Minot J. Savage.
Waa He-Dcllriomf
"Almost every man." says a Balti­
more apedaUsL "learns sooner or later
to tUnk of Us doctor as .cue of bis
best friends, but thU tact does not
Under Us world from laughing at
of mine, of a patient’s brother.
" ‘Oh. he's mnch werae.* came from
the'other tn a tone of dejection. 'He’s
been dclirloue for several houra. At
three o'clock he said: "What an old
woman that doctor of mine is!" and
he hasn't made a ' raUoual remark
Pistole for Twe.
Mr. Burr to Mr. Hamilton: "Ton
must porcrivp. sir. the necessity of a
presdon which would wartanl the asaertloos of Dr. Cooper."
Mr. Hamilton to Mr. Barr: 'Tour
first letter, in a style too peremptoTT.
made a demand. In my opInioB, un­
precedented sod ODWarTanuns . . .
but by your last letter, eontatning exprewloe* Indecoroas and Improper,
you have locreaaed the dUBialUes to
explanation Intrinalcmlly inddeni to
the nature of your appUeatloa."
Te Be Original Be Honest and Sincere
To be orlglnU. we must be netnrsl.
that is enough: and If we are honest
and elneera we shall be t^riglnal: begla eaA day with a mind as open as
a child's negatlv-vly alive to the new
world and the new yoar that begins
with every dawn; rererence our Impulsea, respect them as we would the
tenderest ehoota from ' our eoetllest
Theory, knowledge, iwocedents kffl impulse, even aa certainly
as afe murders youth.—Outaoa Bor
ghtm to Craftsman.
Crasty Old Croesus—Ton -do not ap
preeUU to the least wbst I dJ^lor
yoa when I made yoa my wife.
Gay Tonng Wile—But 1 will w&an
Tm your widow.
__ .. _


liba by
face of toe ieomeMcal progreasib
which repfoductloa moves, one ot toe
a of advance to ani­
mal life. ‘Tbreugboat the kingdom of
life, plant as weU as animal, toe over­
production of todlvlduaU sod their re-

of better sdaptailoB to couditlons of
life. Indeed, the upholders of war
have used precisely the argument of
varT high mortality as a proof ol
warh real heaefiocnoe to toe race.
Ammon, for example, coMlsteatly de­
velops this thesis, cold bloodedly to
Its logical extreme, and Seeck and nu­
merous others are attracted by It In
eeitalB dugroe.
However, toe advantage of mortal­
ity depends npon the ImpartialKy ot
the application of Ha' canaes. Bahmlc
the whole populatlou to a atresa of
Uvlog that resulu in a certain mo^
tallty, and this selection by death may
writ bo advamageoM te the race. It
may weed ont toe weak, the biolog­
ically Incompetent, the etopU or the


Attentlen te the Dally Linie Thinge
Will Oe Far to UgMsn Burden
and Make Life Happy.
was tor from good enouMi for his em­
It la In the small things of life that
lie was atUl bending over the ear
when he was called to the telephone- we make or mar Its future drvrtop"Phll." Mr. King called, "come ter meul. de€Ures'a writer to toe Chicago
me at once, and bring all onr atuff. Tribune. The big things usually take
care of toemaeirvs. Tbero is ao liiUe
We're going home tonight."
A lump came In PhUh throat, aud diolee when toe great crisis arrAra.
he conldpT answer. When he did. no Usually there is no chotcv but to rise
tn your might and triumph, or to bow
npe was there.
Scarcely fifteen mlnutea later they and be crasbed by the rush of events.
It Is just here that ao many women
were on their way to New Tork.
- y>>r over an boor neltber spoke, lose onL
They wail for the great moments,
though aereral times Phil csst covert
glances at Mr. King, to find be was and when they come, like great row­
looking with unseeing eyes at the ing wavea only the moat powerful
swimmer it fit to do battle.
road ahead bathed In the moonlight.
But In life's dally current there Is a
At length Phil laid bis hand understandlngly on Mr. Ring's shoulder. trend, an ImpercepilMe flow, easily
The quiet sympathy brouitot a half
he turned and faced him.
"Old chap." he aald. brokenly.
Ision, for constant vlgl"aheU only been tdaylng with me; abe
tores another man."
The small current making for unHe gently pressed die sboolder. hat
said nothing, and they sped on and on haprlncas ean easily be stemmed U
over rough roads and smooth, fact the Judgment is Bwmke.
Not to coodemn. not to censure, not
and ever faster, fUllowlBg the trail of
tho night Into the dawn. Just as the to make a martyr of youruelf, and not
gray was-giving way to the roseate to seek to martyiUe others are some
hues of early morning they.reached of the rocky shoals to be svolded.
To go with, to enjoy with, to cothe top of a long hill; at the foot
was a railroad croeslng. Never alack- opentd with, to share pleasures, and
to lighten burdens eonstltale toe funening, they started the descent
of a happy Ufa
About half-way down he shat off
the power and applied the bnkec.
Toneorial Ent
There was no sla^enlng of the ter­
A baihcr who bad no cuatomer, and
rific epeed. and be rtallsed that he
eonld not stop toe car: and on the OOnsequenUy no Up. for thrM bourn
croeslng. reaching entirely aeioee thb rushed to tbs door and beckoned to
a boy who leaned wearily against a
road, was a freight train.
‘Tve lorn control." bis volco was Ismp-post.
"Guees who’s inside here getting a
scarcely more than n whisper.
Hr. Ring looked et him aa one In a ahave and a haircut^ he ifbispered.
The boy peeked past the barhm- at
trance. Phn steered foe the side of
-the road where the grass was loag toe row of ctaalru. but percolved no
familiar figure. The barber named a
and soft
When they were near enough tor well-known politician.
"^iny! Him?" said toe boy. nnd
mo Jumping to land on the aofl aod
battened to spread the news amoDf
he said in a comiaandliig tone:
tbooe ootalde. Instantly enrloslty poa.
"Jnmpr ■ /
"But you—" Hr. King looked hope- sensed the block, and men who needed
n barber's servicea and tooee' 'who
lemly at PhU.
dear and Incisive, toe commaod didn't hurried In and fiUed toe vacant
was reprated
He hesitated for a Chairs. One lolieror who bsd resisted
secoad, half itandtog. then be leaped, toe bait amlled.
"TCh^ It comet to advertising," be
and knew no more.
PbU. afraid to look at him. movml sajaT^ftera don't mtsa many points.
quickly from under the steering N^er one of them that tafia to work
wheel stin keeping hla hand on It. hla ijmt prominent peraonagu a^eme
left band on the am of the seaL Sud- irben trade nina low."
dcnly releasing his hold, when about
ten feet from the track, be Jumped.
IsndlDg flat in the dusty roud.
A second later the car craahad Into aid to prosperity. The late Lord Oosthe frelgbL
«hen aald of his Utber: "He has
■When Mr. King came to. several Mid me. half to Joke and half to earhours later. In a farmer’s bousa. hli neoL that when he came to Londoo
first qoestloB waa for mi
he was obliged to found a firm beTonr ehauffenr la safe." be wm esuse he wTote such a bad haad that
BO one would take him tor a clerk."
told, “bat-“
or Lord OoMhen hlmaelf hla blog"Whatr be qaestimefi.
irks; "Ini his latter yeara
"Tour chauffeur Is—Is a woman."
might hsve spell as he ^ose, for
"A—oh. my God!" beMroppod back he m
on the couch.
no one could have atfirmed with etrtalnty
many 1's' he ml^ have
A yeur later they won In a Brandnew ear. PhU In a long onat aad tiny put In ‘althongb.’ At length his script
became undecipherable even by Go»hat. was driving.
“Phn, dear." be aald taafierly, "yon cben himselL He could not when
must be proud of having been a speaking In parliament make out
chauffeur, for It In-t every fatherless what U was that he had put on paper.'
glri who wonid do so mnch to sup and he thus came to later years to
port her mother. I love you fof H. abandon aimoet entirely his oM prac­
and a thousand ether things. Ton tice of maktog noioa"
saved my life, you know, and sB I
ean do is to lay It at ymtr feet." Be
d China.
took toe band resting m toe wheel.
"Then yoo don't think I did wrong
to disguise myadt us u manr She eaa of Uthograpblc and decalcomanla
turned ber head slightly and looked hate replaced ail hand painting, «aInto Us eyes. InstanUy raading much cept for rich decorattona and special
orders. Another prooera Is that ot ap­
"I—I think I n
Band yon to plying soft nndoegiase ookw* ao as to
take np the life you Uy at my feet." pradnee fine plneu. and It Is prob­
She sndled hapjdiy. "and to (Me able that Twr nooa toe leading stylet
through life with yonr eteaffev.** ot the best claseea at goods wiU be
Saddnnly hla ann was aronad bar decorated la toll manner. The large
manufacturen mfte tbelr own decaland his Upa pressed to her*.
eomants ahaets. work out their doMgna, aad control toetr deooratlM^
They employ girls to npply the doCn'wtor«-Ncw Tork la daoetag
cnlcosaaMa Utbographs on toe ehlan.
After the paper has been roaeved
toMwfrom the nrUeles nre fired la ton
"wmflM" to s« the ootara.
taU to -atop Uvety."—jBdga

s Thene at Any


writes VernoB U Kellocg In the ^

fAff nyt

I remember nomWody onee onylag
to me a long time ago that the Ameri­
cans bad attained luury by Jumping
over eomfOTL 1 «hi»* there Is a eartain amonnt of troth to this, and yet
It would he fooUsh to call American
They are not
UBComroriable. Only there Is thU to
be said: That to some people ail
hotel life ts usoomlortabla They hate


The aooo wfi* Wowteg halt lb
He who roles in Anoons
pale, golden elrcnmfereoce ehw** tia
knows nothing of the eecrM i
trM tepA making a bright pntkw«!r
way leading from
of ripples neioas the eater at tha
his own royal twolake. The beat waa movteg tocIlF
idence to toe pelalag to toe rindow tf the shorn, thn
ace of toe StroxxL
yonag mu who gnnped the onn
Frobably only one
neemtog disinclined to exertion. TBn
men knows of ftglri who lonnod back among to* cashHa is very ^
I to too stera *eem*d thoaghtful
half mad. Mmoat
• young m
parture of people, etc. Aod there la
wbollycklldlth. '
observe her i
aad Uvea In a di­
than to other coantries. Aod yet what
he asked ber
saving to the nerve*, and to toe
castle aomewhere
"I was tolnktog that Matto* WasBtemper, are so many of tho derteee
np to toe OnrpaingtoB cake at supper tonlgjit the aim
totana Hit same
hotala * Tbe t
b tor Instance. e« I ever tasted." she 018. wRh a
is Olovaanl. he
If you want a nice test of temper, try sir of rimpie cada. "I maM nA
comes of toe
to get a number at the Hotel Cecil Mr*. Roger* lor the redp*."
bfaach of that
The young mu made u Imgattwt
in London; or. better stlU. epeod a
bappy morning to ringing up peoplq
which fled from
"Another mosquftor nmdRko gM.
on the telephone to PprU. In America
Italy to toe fif­
"Nn. It was another nert of *
you kdow It cannot be done, aad tha Mid tbe young mw.
and took eervlce
"Hoequitoe* don't sttag-”
matte.- is setUed. Hotel Ute In Ameri­
with toe rtognlng
*No. bW smao atbar thtoa Bn.”
ca seems to me Infinitely beuer orbowse of Anoona.
"Tee. heraets and bnmhio kaa fiat
gaotsed than to any otoer country to
Ulatory says be
tbe world. witlAhe possible exceptkm netUes—If yoa da’t handto ttam
waa prime minis­
ot Cbttia. Bneanse when yoo order finnly."
ter of Ancona
a room at a Chfaieee hotel, to a amaU ("Tm have to ho hnndtod rntUk
and that bis
Chlneee town, ibe room ts bulk for
lens to toe stnte
"Oh. rm not fragUn. Are r»r
you while yon welt: yoo choose tbe
won him much
•rires; It yon drop am rm UkMy ta
style of room, end toe paper, toe car­
honor from bU
peting end *11 toe fcrnlture ere pot In break-"
' When toe Ute king
Magnthe throne there were three who
"Tou aro a typical amasm gtal.
teew of this passageway. The king xine.
aren't your be salE
waa one; Giovanni Stroxxl
"I am." ehe agreed, "to toe iiniw
otoer. and the wife of Otovannl strosSTREWN WITH WAR MUNITIONS time. In the wtoter I'm n typlenl «lfi*
xl was toe third.
ter girl Not wtetry. tbooh.*'
Now. In tooee days and In the half"Too ean be pretty ofaiUy at toM
savage mUe couBtrles upon which the
"Baited" WHh Ancient Make •
senson, I noUce—at ttma" '
Carpathians look down It
Bombs and Qrapeehot^
"1 wish 1 could at tola proseat
emlnenUy the duty of prime minister*
she said, tonntog beronlf wtto
to find ont toe sectwts of other people.
U what enginewu and other* toler- ber tailor bat "Ttl tril you what
So It e«it)e to p*ss that once the
estPd to the edditlosel
may do; row me back to the pa­
king, coming all unattended. .
work on flUed fields to Colon report vilion nnd treat me to pineapple leas."
through this eecrei pasaacorrar. and is true, perts of tbe city are fairly
'T>«rhape I win after a whUfi. t..
enlarod toe beruddr ot toe fair lady
well Bailed with bombs and grapesbot. want to talk to yon bow. Pro baa
who preferred a handsome young king
A nnmber of ttae*e have been dug up trying-”
to a rather elderly prime minister.
by a ancUoB dredge, which U
"I can listen ud eat lees tqo."
And toe king, finding toe lady wait­ cavaUng near the end of tbe slip, to
"If you can Usta X wMB yoa
ing for him. Indeed, but quite dead, the west of toe pier at Cristobal.
hastened with all stealth back to the
About half a done of the larger
"I‘m not to talk. then. I* that MT
royal palace.
projectiles end^'peck of smaUerbeUi
“I want—"
Strosxl. It was declared by Ips ea- were fanod’^to tbe stone box of the,
“My converMtlon bon* yont"
emlei, held that aU troe statecraft dredlfe recently, and It Is
Too knew perfectly wril What 1
MaebiavolU's that a Master q<
I haven't had a chance te mm
"Prince." This had been told
toe diseherge jdpe Into
>u alooe aU day. I want yoo to he
king, and It Increased bli reaped lor tion flU
hla minister. Moreover, when be read Tbe projetkjles were tocmsied with
"So doe* my Annt Jana And to^
"The Prince" quite through and ab­
iral concrete, madr up of pec«Uar. too, when
think of M. flar
sorbed aU ot the chapter* on
coral deposits, sand and shells, to toe ; you don’t foo
rights of vengeance and the best thleksba of two toebes. Below tota thin;
trtvoloBs. and ym totak
methods of obuintng the same, ft was a coating of rust; besteato tho
I'm frivolens. There's that bond bemade him just a Uule bit afraid. The steel WM clean ud weU preserved.
tweu you. St uy rate. 8o yon iklak
face of Ser Giovanni was always
The mark. "O. R. D. D. ltd." wa I'm a typical >nmmer glrir
smOlng mask and one could never found to toe Interior of w»e of the
"No. 1-todt 1*. St ttma I hath
guess what knowledge hU tertUe largeet projectiles. One. when H was
thought so."
brain might own.
opened, conutoed blsck powder In a
"And yon stUI think a Wril. rihat
Thus for a time the king feared
state of fair preoerratton.—From the doesrtiaymrou? IsUo
HtUe and then lens, and tow sot at Uma (Pmu) West Coast Leader.
Why not row a UUl* tostarf
don't give me sieeracs way."
And In toe doe courve ot time.'
"I was going to un yon that 1 tm
Oeir Ballistic*.
thanks to the wily diplomacy of this
I do not see why all the torontloa going back to town tomorrow."
model prime minister, wbwe devo"WeU. tost 1* totormstion. cartalawhich have bea applied .to ether projectUea sbould oot be utilised for the ly. 1 thought yoo toCode<rth-riny %..
' i
of Europe, the many troubles of An-' purpose of peronadtog toe goU bafi to week or two yoC"
"Wm you he notry to have me gor
coca cAme te an end. This took twa- go where It la wanted to go. There
"Why. what u absurd qnerttal
ty years, asd toe king was very tired ouMh to be e right a every goS club
of being a king So be consulted with as toera It on every rifle, oo that one
his prime nlntster and decided that might take aim property. Every golf­ mie Temple, of couiae; he's too
be would abdicate In favor of his so*. er ought to enrry n range finder, taka up with Myrtle to boot ahy wm
In these Inter years tbe- secret of which would enable him to olcnlaie at aU. But waU ay almost the mmir
tbe length of his approach ffhoL of mu left."
the passageway had
"Tea. thera's Farktoson."
by a Terr discreet and devoted lackey hie chip shot on the edge of the
"He doeuT eouL eltha—w roty
to tbe eervlce of Stroxzl aod was. of green, and ot hU appranMi putt 1
oouraa. duty,reported by the prime think-It would aUo bo wefi If the much, but we-U have to make tho heat
minister to the king. -So H was nat- golfer coaid be provided wHh n HtOn of him tf yra'ra gotog."
"Ta meu that yw wtS Mke tha
era] that It was now used by the; Instrument for mensnrtog toe etipagto
' of tbe wind, tbe deOtoy of the air. best of him."
"Let's say aunti* and L" Mn offOn toe ere of toe day upon whK*' the aUffoa of toe blades of gram on
toe abdicatloa was to be announeed toe grea. and the gradlat of tu
"Well, santt* aad ya wia
to toe people, tbe king came through alopea. It would he wMl U some
the passageway and talked long with' groat matbematlclpn were to oompUe then—t hop*."
-We ahau b* daaetated—‘apeaksily
his prime minister. ThU was to tbe a eerie* of tsMea glring the amonri
room which Btroul called hU Uhrary- of borrow to the case of every tmagt- auntia."
"Tea. I nKhu a," ha «M htttaffThe king noted that It contained but nable combtoatloB of slope*. wrinkJee.
two volumes One of tkeee wa* "The andnlarions and erowW feet What If.
“8h*h very toad of yoa."
Priuoe;" tbe othw purported to he we want to gcir to a stnam ^ facto
n had hcaod." he mid. nhfit It
tbe secret history of toe Medld. He Inslead of a streamof goBsss*. For toremembered that toe Medlri had been sunce. we want t6 know whether the aitht hare hem -oeehally yon.’ hat
aappoM 1 tooled myarif' Ilk* tho
very sWllfol In the art of administer- green is fast or slow, sod how fast
of them."
poison and the Juxtaporitlon of tbe aod how alow. Buroly It would be ’
"Ta meu tbe raet of the ama
tomes was uoplrasant to his nerve*, rihle to Invent a
who—tbe ODM who cam* MdBn ya
«e noted wHh plensore toat tonight green*!—London OMnlea.
toe smile of the prime minister had,

to It lee* of that chUl tor which it urns
Uemanneriy Teoriste.
I to any that ym «aThe lAptonder ts annoyed with the
Thlk of toe future le*^ever to jeartst who vlalto him. ‘rtenatorowf
Oh. dear, ^
lamvidually. what-oooldyooold ym opset
------ it
wine. BuL
^ toe notice posted ta toe dUtrict* of
r girt*

Thw cfiak
brain was ««tto clear. niM ho ooM
bear Stroxtl dtottocUy.
-Cmaptete paralyria" the mnnnm


again. I hnd to be bare all the tItaK
DM I aver ahoW ya thou ilni^r
'What would ron
wS^ No. I doQt' tktak 1 did. WML 1 maat

2L^aito^**w^teeotfr Trbo^'hns^^ao ***
Tom permtoricn or even
rf knoektog at your dooY poshed hU way
compHshed his dMtra. The eyes of
hlmsrif com—
I loruw. «. j^nr .d.. pedM U

—T-™. tort
tuaBy warm

u, IL -T—tj rw. m

U«e. Von............ ............— ...
*- *-------. ^ -d you cannot m
My. rira. tfant I have
t alwaya aenrsd my ooantry to IBe
bMt of my ahOlty. R M hot iRMi
that 1 take totenet for tbOM twaaty
yard. 1 av# her deato gaUj. mer
dful death. Too see. I loved her waD,
air*, ud would aot cause her patoSnt yoo—why, sire. It may well be that
you wfll live twenty yuan more,
Twenty y«ars of a living deato. atm.
No voice to betray the aaeroc yoa sad
1 must aharo hetwaw a. no power of
hand te writ* oot a aosaasttoa! 1thinu that ova ha who wrote "The
Priaee" woold approve my vaafhaarot"
Bo tbe prime mtolster padud oot
•of tho chamber to oommm the a«w
ute irim woold hear the ktog
«WB palao*. ftm emptytog tha wto*
trom the goMet mt to* Jfiag.
tCoviiML by Dali amry FO. 0*1

ibvo affair* wd srioed bold of your
to ptmtograph themf
"What would you do with as^ an
UBmanneriy intraderr

by toe word "rieiitog.'
the Ume of Richard Coeor de Lion
money ecined to the castora part of
Oermuy beehme. a account of Us
poritr. to Mpoctol requeat to BnMaad.
ud was called Easterllog money, a*
*0 to* tohabitoste of that part of

young mu. grimly. bogtanlaE h
TU get ya year^m now."
T dmt wnad It uw. Ta lot
your cgiportualty. That eoght ta h* «
He droMted tbe earn. Imok haa.”
be aald. determinedly. Tm gotag M>
know abac tola. DM thorn Mtowa
-This 1* mtragamal" aho dxetatasad. todtgaantly.
-Nevar mind wbethm It to or aad.
Did they p
ber too* ta hm- I
The boat drifted.
"It's rather a nlm acalp.'’ thm aMd.
half u boor tater. toaehtag tt ItohMy
uahespttoa. "1 thtak I Ukg B bMtar
tou any In ay cMtoottoB.^

Boa after that ttm* some ml thorn
people who were Mined ta ootatag
were sat tor ud wut te »■«-*«- to
bring too coin to parteetica.
do 1 attog. An*r
“Not now."
That wu the tooBdattaa of the
"WalL ya kB0» tohW t ttH ]
fiboBt aatttoa."
smeoata "atarttog."



ttAflD numtn hxeald ahd nivnu bat uolb. tdbsoat. BEpmnum t, itix


♦ «*♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦#♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
ENra tb« sUtlvB iMd DO tnt«rwt for »>cbt and auto.
«d traiamcB were la bot paiwnlt aad
The atofy oT a tlMie.
bring the food, take care of tbe eggs
# the boy. m Jaaiee awred om wKb UfbtalBc naahea foUowed tight- found Ute RMtioaaa la the act «( re- Cp In tbe WMte Uoantalsa of New and^flgbt atrenge eatf who come to
« wild tmpulae lo follow the Unek. nlaa naabu and tbnader dapa «aM Boria« Jamea' cloUiltiK .
attack tbe bmi. They ire very btmy
♦ and wa. eooD U«t to Tlew behind a in npU euccweion.
-qo* a doctor.'vdck*- be beUpwed )«» mw tbe face of
ell tbeir lives.
* be^ lo the road.
a tree aol flfteen feet fron JaneA at tbe enrlneer.
b mr aeel
•*» In air, and aa one kwka a
Anto have tbeir cows from which
r what? >011 tnm ♦.* e bane of the i
they tbke e sweet foloe celtod honey
He walked a«d walked, while fab waa etrncb and toppled toward him. Did' be let
brain tried to panto ont why bb Tbe boy ran Into tbe opes font at me aomebodr. tell me!"
tbinki II b tbe face of some plant. dew. The name of the' anfa cow b
HeraM Vewia Ponte •■nablM ^ Tbe boy mored sbwly toward the father bad -aent bln to RMteway; tbe mlsbty piece of Umber foil wlib
fainted - replied tbe fireman ^ ^
wrUera of tbb ooun- apbb. or plant louse. The ante Uke
- • door. "1 never tboupbt Umt of you. but ll-fetod no nnawer;
n crnab.
^ ae^eral people dnrt^ out of the *”'•
Hawthorne, baa written very good care of tbeir oowa aad wilt
1 wflli try never »e meny er ♦ d*»." be whimpered.
The llghtnlnc ebowed no mercy nnd oer in eeareh of e medial man.
* beauUful story aboot tbb fHd Man not anew other Ineeeto to bwt tbem.
Some kinds Of eaU have peU to
fret abaet nnylMn*.
♦ T want no rettnrka.*' tnterrapted about It was nenrtn* aun^own nnd he
down the trnek to «reat -Great eoott!" tried the nmmlaed
***• *‘*“"*^“-" “'*' *•
tbeir homes. They nre amnU beetles,
I «Ul try te be ae happy ea I J Hr. Gordon, 1 think w* andenund aaa to hurry elae be would not ranch «d naabee. Tbb «aa a storm to be utbf. "He must have drowned! See
He"" trita
and are fed iod eared tor by tbeir
each other, don't we.”
Rldceway - before darkneas overtoob .««t
bow wet hb elotbea are!”
"I euppoee ao.” Brambled Jni
aa bin.
Jamea only dencbed bb flab aad "Had a atorm out tbb way." laM Inend that toefo U, that one day owners Jnat as we feed and eaiw for
II ^1
wni try fo a.
be levinp. balpfol 4 be made bb eril.
- Not knowtas bow far be bad walbed prayed for prebcUon. ..
tbe rtreman. "He flatsed tbe train. there would appear to toe streeU af oer cab and dogs.
the Tillage near tbe immouto tbe Another kind of nnt attacks ^
and bled to everjrbady and U « Later when be waa ready to |o aad or bow lone U bad Ukeo bito, Jamee Rain came down la torreab Uke The brtdee went ont!"
-great etone face man* bimaelf. Tbe boBie of a smaller pM aad orrlea
forked a hurried pood-byeat bb par- abrud to ntn.
gnat wbUe abeeb aad toe mUlton- “la ton ao? Good for blm!"
off eggs from It. Wb^ ^ egga are

If 1
le tryteg »••• Went, -the boy told bimaelf that bb He bad not gone far before be waa alre'anoa waa anabad tbrougb to the «d Mr OordoB* 'Hebi
there waa a boy wbo Iboogbt batched the ant be^ are ta«ht to

• will 'Try. by •
aecosled by a tramp wbo rdfored akin.
toonght there most be m on tbb
about tbb a great' deal aad grew np wort tor toe larger anu: Uke alavto.
^ -If nny of tbe fellows should sea
>>*• ealuablea
The river, now a ragtag torrent and train.”
with it upon bb mind. One day aa and afe never allowed to retnra to
♦ ♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ '<>» « wouM be ruined torwer." moan- The mimooare'a non. afur being rtatof fo«. was msbtog by to leaps The phytlcton rubbing bb -----tbeir own borne.—Selected.
■Map CL«a aPTBP. UHar
creti-fallen youth aa be clam- eonfanted by tob burly looktog rob- and bounlp and seemed to grow to •-» tbe sleep ont of them, mede bb “*
*boerd the train. •Pbtbdi-wqi, *>«r. m«Wy snbmitted aad aUowed swtod aad vdoine every mtont*.
way forward and beat over tbe boy.
^ ^ ® ‘
Orpanbad Deeatitoer t, 1M*.
toonght ao much
RieUng up the Minotae.
apoli lua
hb rvpuiauoo
reputollon boo
nnd mine
mine lOC,
too. by
to go .uivu»u
through bb pooketa. -By
mawlng." uiunaiu
toonght jsnmsi
James, 'if
It “He's »_._e
coming ______
nroond.' —■ ■■
ny the tramp •»»
aj mntut..
u «i
One of my linfo school boya eemod
.. . . maUng me do tob. Hang It all any- tbtoktog toe while that It was but a riaea gX thh ratu. h wUl overflow the physlrtan abortly. "JuBt auffaring
nrai. Vice
like it.] Tbb b a new anil of clothes, aboea aad ell.
bowl An agent, and father e mtllloo- ■ll*ht toe. and that be would wire lu benka!”
fro® fatigue and espoaore. Most have ^
dandelions aad aMling
... h.™. u, .b.
etre! Who ever beard of tbe like?'* bb father, when be reecbed Ridgeway.
> PreaMent-Mia. Ir
When toe trein reached hb'desU- to Mbd him mere money.
aoene. Instead of ehallng. the etorm W« bare to warn ns of the danger Tour aecret thoogbu are finally print-* tbem tor greens.
ed on year teetnrea. Beeeuee of tbb “When did you find time. Jlm^ ^ naUoB and be climbed ont Into a lit- Already It wpt beginning to get abowed renewed fury end charged abeed.'
o«*7 »de mler’ I asked—for. besides betag a
Gordon ran alleiil. Slowly
Ue town of about three thon—mt hb dark, and the boy aaw but the fierd down worae then ever,
»«« thoughU.
ve^ paDctnal and emutant aebidar
wrath knew no bounfL
eto«l rails ahead and no Ridgeway. Finally toe llghcntog aad' tbnnder Ji
It toe day ecbooL be did many er
"I'U go home on the very next He waa loei and had been robbed of neemed to gri>w tortber Into toe db- Abd aroneed much Ilka awakening^
----- ' ---”
rands, -when did yon find time?*
train!” he fold hlmeelf. -the Idee vigrr cent be poaaeeaed!
from a deep Bleep.
«e*- SpWern Clean Hewae^
-There ta 'moat elwaya time for
Of dad eebdlng me off to e place like to »<>»• ohy or another be must Jamee waa aoon able to aee a star "Hello, dad.” aald the boy. aa If h
all careful bousekeeperu.^rs.
perfectly natnrai toat he abould SpWer has her cleentag days. buL what we are beat on." aaM Jimmie.
aawa an tbe Cradle tob! tS*by they havnt even got a »*»• iiniyed off upon.a branch road or two ablnlng where toe elonda bad
tAatre! Thank goodneaa my atay Is and entirely lost bis bearings.
fost passed over. Completely drench- Me bb perent there. “I kaow w fine unlike other earefal bous^e^>cr8. -Ton tee. I pick np toe rninmet. and .
r 1, 101A A14A
Prightenbd and utterly ^nileaa. eg. be leaned agalnat a tree and Ptace to camp next year, only yonll *de wears her fine clothes when she they are excellent picking, air."—Se­
aUMaHM* POrua
A dingy two
hnlldtag on toe twenty-two-miles from borne. toe mlJ- breathed a elgb of relief.
here to be pretty careful and guard Rwka
have aen her all rigged
Rina Trna.
•“ •“*' »®1p1eaaly by toe No aooner had be done so, bow- agalnat the atorma or you'll .get Maybe
ont in her yribw and black velvet
Say hoys can yon tell me when a *®wn and Jama abowed hb diagnck “We of tbe track and actually began oyer, than a wild rushing aonnd made toaked
Ooed Advice.
by stamping hb foot
to cry.
him run for high cmmid. The river. "You didn't know when you flagged «•*»• aweeplng and dusUng her web.
Don't be a laggard. He wbo da
counterfeit coin
'•Pahaw! Me atay In that thing! ‘Tbb waa tbe flmt real dlfflcnlty srhtcb bad risen to a great extent dor- that train that you were aavtng your f>ut Jnst remember she U not as exla toased on toe counter to yon? rd aooner sleep In a barn! But then be bad evew experienced. Always he fog tbe rain, waa now aeveral forbea faiber’a Ufa" anM Mr. Oot^ nn- travagani as abe seems. Clothes compelled' to spend meet of hb time
Of nnuree you can tell, for yen know I enppoae ^ HI have to for to-night, bad been used to having other folks above tbe bank and ruihtag on toward beadlngiy. -t don't know how yon hap- never bother her. She doesn't have to "cetebteg np” mbaea many a plea»
are be ^gbt enjoy if he dU everyevery,, time
not another train thmugb meet hU dlfflcuUles and do bis think- the bridge: Jamee cried out In hor^ pened to be ewsy oat hera and I go to e dreasmaker when she needs a tblag ta tbe right time.
. .Vhere It et^lkee Ibnt It doesn’t ring There's
tbb one borae town OH to-morrow." tag for bim. Now >fae bad only him- m.
i <*« *« bnow. but U you can new gown. She baa only to step pot
exefolmed toe proud Igd..
mM to rely upon.
-The bridge wlU go!“ be. multerod ebow me Out you have aome more
ber old one. ud loj Jmi under it
A New Way ef Telling It
As he opened toe dw’preperatory Crying did not brip tbe nHuatlon ta.alann.
ktoff to r*® Uke yon need to-nlgbl. U a freab me.all ready made and
8mHb end Jones were talking one
to entering, the smell of becon and any, eo Jamca aroae and bmahad the "^^re onongb. Wito e fond moen
tab* m toto the firm aa my perfect fit.
day abont tbeir bnataeaa InYeraeU.
rwk..-. flUed tbe mUlfonalre'a eon with toara from bb eyeA trying bard to <Uini eras plainly to be beerd ea the pertaer.No. Mra. Spider is n« extravagant Smith was a hotel man. aad Jooaa
hunger, end the aurroundtaga were la«tb.
water met aome reabtini force, tbe "And wOi you put a aew elgn la 8be b very economiral In fact for was a msonfaeturer’a agent "I say."
t .. .L,Ar^L^ ..
forgotten for the time being.
Somehow tbe plight he waa In. bridge waa seen to topple and break front of tjie bouse, dad. that reads Iwiaad of torowfog aside, ber old said Jones, -bowevtf do you uae eueb

, -I, n.,, a bite to eaV he aeamed to thrill him. It had been compfoteiy in two. falifog with a Cordon A Son's Wholesale Houaeer' dreeeeA ehc roUs them into a baU end an enoraoos gnaatlty of pears aad
.. Ik. ...i.v
I. an-.-t Hn. aaM to hlmeelf ae be eel hb valbe In- dreadfully hot that day and now a forv •Ptoeh Into toe swirling walers asked James delightedly.
cats them.
At IBS coin? Kor II aoeeai nng
advanced toward delightfully cool braeae brushed bb «f the angry river.
"Yee. yea.” aeld toefotoer.
T^ra'*re no old elMbee men in -Well," repUed Smitb, *ta'e eat vbat
tbe desk.
cheek. Ah! thb ihea, was what * Then. In tbe dbtasee and from “But 1 never did a bn of work gt toe spider world.
we ctA and wbat wo can't eaL wg
.................... -............... _..w ■ Tm suyfog here until to-morrow." mwper out enihueed go over! The the other dIrsKtIon. eoorted the canvaaalng as an tgent,-, aeld James /Well, to toll about Mraf"^lderg can.”
Ob bo^ If you WMt to be manly
haughtily, - give me a oool breesa and tba beautiful even- M.reM*h of a foewnoUve whiatb!
bweecleanfog. Bbe baa nellW bnisb“Indaad,' aald the etbar, -we'do
To —

.kat vou dc «»“
by Jamee waa struck dumb for the
Never mind, eon." replied Mr, Oor- aVBor brooms nor dusters.
tbe be- aboot toe same In oar baateom ”
TO PS Honored w an luai you on,
oopgon!" aald the proprietor iN»ee who cling to tUy life end their nnmenL A train was eoffllng and the don proudly. "1 Just put you to work fflds her work by raising one of her
"Hew b Ibair
Just wka up your mtadi that ten
trtd„ was out! He reached la hb tl Ihel because I thought It would eight rtaws and giving bar .bcniae a
sell our order whig w* du
s out of ten
*«-, »m.aa »« riaa
Hie ledger. "Are you tbe sob ol old Now If he only could find iome pocket for some mairhes but they hring t the mMtIe I knew was
.. la ■hake ^toil reaches fo eveiy corner. aril U. aad when we eea't eail R. »e
Tou wm ai an «® rouuo w
Ooidon, the millionaire?"
■: Pr«ty etream bb Picture would be were w« and could not be used. He y*«- »ui now that you have Aewn It 8h^ careful, however, not 1
oaMsl IL*”•
James' heart sank. If there, waa «>«l'tote. With a wild ihlral lo bb looked wildly about. There wu »o anotbar way 1 am uttt'ffod.”
^ H- 1»ui *he mskea tbe diwt fly.
4. .............. anything he desired Uwas not to be heart for that jiartlcular thing, the nothing by which to flag tbe train. ' I«ant io t^l you one more thln^i^hen tbb b done to ber totlsfacUon.
mag true to >wr eob ea
lad wandered on down toe track and-—They will ail be killed! ' moaneddad.” aald the boy. determined to l^e 'he looks ber web over, first from
yiaim a glrl'a heart b ae foB nf
». ^ r.Il!! -U4. . .~.«4 «v tuaklly.
ea If by magic, heard In toe dblanoe. Jamee. and remained IneeUve.
« <««. "> didn't bate aby more^nk tbe top. then from toe bottom, and
aa that.t abe
abe can't baip etagtag.
U yourhomeA tn
cm .
waters! He soon came to
Another scream of the siren that than to let a tramp walk
by toen from both aldeA If toe walb everybody lovae to llstaa. But Ihe tit­
menwarWIy. extending bb
hand, e river, wide and ewifi. toe one sounded much nearer cansed the mil- r>14 **lcb and movr- 1/Tst thought, aag. or are the least bH broken, ebe tle song which comae from e heart

, Lw
"Ootok A*-‘y •«»«“ to-morrow, eh? aiaeam of hb dreams. Oh. toat hla lloaalre'a son to awahmi to mcUon. "»«»- did’a rich. ni yire him for rolla them Into a ball, and eaU them. that is heavy ta sweeter maale after
4. ,K.r » enppoae jou couldn’t be away from father m»itot be there with him and with only one thought now of atop- «aab end another wateb when I gel Just aa abe does ber old dotbeA alL Smiles are always sweet, but
Bee toat you WJII ne jpima u
U,e «rroundingi that were hb, plng4he train. Jamee ran up U}e track hack to Ridgeway." /
Then abe replaces them by new oma tbe glrU wbo Iwn to look ebeerfol
••No," replied Jamed before he The eU. not like city air. waa two or throe rode and stood there Mr. Gordon Uugb^. 'That's tbe When everythtog b in toprodgh or- when things gmWroag have tbe sweet—Selected.
thought. "Tou can't suy In one pUce •trong and bracing.James was trob- miUl the groat aweepliig head light *ay to do busfoesA too. Let noth- der abe slu down tor a rpat and to ett emlles ot*aiL-4$^fl»‘.pMBpankm.
all the time when you are running' enraptured and delighted for tbe flrstcame Intoview. It was a monstrous Ing bother yon. All ^ones an by- nmke bar own toUet and to watch for
Witt e %klfl.
around aa I am."
time In bb life. He looked forward engine aad traveling at great speed ‘genes with me nnd they must be with her pr«J-.—Beleeted.
It yoa'ee work to do. boyA
"Pwhim not." agreed Mr. Day, to a night ta the forest beside much a James cbuld teU It wae e flyer by the you. Come bow. shake‘Smpda. we
-------------------Uttle Edward came.home from bb
DU It wttb a wUl;
•Perhaps not." agreed Mr. Day..river, aa a privilege not to^be en- build of the engine Hb only hope must make CJilcego In time to cfoee
A Newsboy's Gecd Rube.
firat day at klndergaitan with tbe dbTbeaa who reach tbe top. boyA
•’Workln' for your dadr .
joyed J»-many people.
waa toat toe flreamn or mglocer that deal with Mr. Vaneonver of "PoUteneat, nprightness and hon- appotatlng autement that be waa tbe
fftast mam -cUpb tbe bitL
“Na not exacUy." said the boy. 1-eevlng the track, James ran down would i«« hla signal.
Bucope. to 1 say. let's heck out of **ty are beUer' than toe laga" only boy In toe class wito tore#
' Can I have dinner now?”
the bank.and bathed in tbe delirious It was not long before the light of here and Uke another road for tfae feu'h b tbe autemeattande by George gtrta “R’hy. that's too bad!" «Bd
•taadtag at toe faet. boyA
-Certafoly.” aald Mr. -Day. then waters,
now a pang of hunger tbe huge btap played full upon him. Windy City, becauee weVe simply Ackerman, a newsboy of 8L Loub, mother, "Only four of yon to pby the
Qmdag at tbe aky;
spoke to the cook rt»‘waa aUting and.>-litUe word, aupper. began to sundlng In the middle of tbe track got to reach there before now to- *Lo la earning a very fair living and gamee!" "Ob. i»!" cxrialmed Edward,
Bow (*a yea get itp. boya.
Idly In toe dinning ball. “Fir toll bodier him a good deal ihongh he
with arms upraUed. ' morroar. haven't we, Jamear
raving aome money beMdei, altbougb "there are more than four; there ere
' If you never try?
young man up some bacon and eggi 'tried to dbmbt them from bb mind. The fireman, looking .from the win------------------- be ha* to make hla rou^ onone leg loU of others.- “But bow can there
and a piece of toast.Oh welL by morning he wiwld be dow. thought he dbeovered'a atrasge
Why Ned Have a Oumplref
and a crotch.
be?” aaked motoer. "There are anly
' Tbo* yon eturnMe oft. boyA
-1 got roo.” aald the lUUe
mak- abb to S4>e
bb wayto RMgeway. godobject oatoe track ahead, and gave "Who b that big boy. AIoa who
Hp foal hla leg. aad-moat of hb one boy and throe glrta That makes
Nbver be downeeat;
Ing e erorry for the kllchsA “Wbat anyhow, waao't be having tbe time orders to tbe engfoeer to abw op inralla out eo bud sad seems lo makeretaUveA In the tornado which vlsU- four.” "Tea, I know," said Edward,
aad try agata boyA
way do you want your ^ tfoBA Mr. of Jib life?
order to avtdd ea acrideni.
l»oide mind blmT'
ed 8t- Loub aome years ago. Plcbfog "only one boy and tbree gtrta. Bnt
You'll Bueeeed at last.
Gordon? Shall I give 'em a-FVeoeh ^'Oro tob b groat!" exrialmad the Thiv engine was broojtoi to" a atw Mildred was walcbtag a game of hlmeelf ont of too rtaUA and realb- there are loto of other ItiUe people—
B. J. Hardy, fo OUre Leaf. fry or poerA 'em? Maybe yon like yonth. Ill get ded to let me go campeeveral feet fo front of James. baseball, and Alec wea trying to ex* Ing tbe dbcooruemenb of- bb elr- lilUe peopla with sklru, bnt they
'em berd-bolbd. ehr
lag here next year. Jnat look what a Both engineer and flroman leaped Pb'n « «« her.
ronbUncea. be wait to eeiling newa- have ao bowa on tbeir hair, and 1
"Any way." replied James, uklag big river it b! Why the rullroed track to tbe ground to find a boy crumplad "Ob.“ aald he. 'that b tbe om- pepera at toe quickeet meaae of don't know wbat they are!"
B chair, "Wow. whet lough grub!” he goes clear acroaa It! 1 never nolfoeB-w^ fo a heap acroea the tratA.
plro you aw he decides Rhet ta fair turning bb Ume Into toe neeeaaitles
We have a long story this week aald to bittieelf. "I sure am glad IVe that before!"
Make H FK Per ReeeA
"WeB w^t do you know abont aad what laa’i. and that kaepe toe of Uft
Worn toe pen. or rather, toe typeA famous EagUsb ^rdeaer once
James waa seeing new thln^ ev- ihai?" exdelmed toe engfoeer, but
from quarreling."
Kb corffeouA mannets. cheerful
«rtm. Ot HmM
• Tn.. NeverthelesA when the odor agaio ery minute of bb stay, tl was ao the flroman bad ron on ahead and waa "Do they all mind hlmT' qnestloa- voice, aad kindly amile woe blm a beard a nobleman ^cmptalblagljr say:
eise aty Sunabine Boy.
fllled tbe air. James could hardly dark now. that save for the moon peering Into the darkntwa. He won ed the little girt
boat of cnatomerA and hb trade grew -1 cannot have a rose gardsa. tboagb
HartBd scarcely needs an Introduc- watt unUI tbe UiUe cook bad pot In Rhlch bad Just artaSB aad waa casting returoed.
1 have often tried, beotnse tbe aoU
. . “Have to."' anawered Alec, “be- to targe proportlonA—SxehangM
Uon aa be baa aent In
eronnd my castle ta too poor toi*.
. ____ ..
,, ,
bb eppeeranco and preeented the ll'e beame over the water, everything "Jim, we can well be tbanktul to eanee tbat'a tbe rota"
------------------at vertooe Umee. all or h ch b ®
waa bnried ta toe black of the night, this laa*tonlghL"“»erwbb first wardA A few weeke later Alec aad MBAn Artlmie Attempt
tean inlereetinr and aonahtay.
-That le no reason at aM." ropU^
"Mighty good rtnff. e!.?“ laughed Jamee made hlmeelf a bed by aooop- -The bridge ta out Had we gone eev- dred went to toe coontry with their Thomas Stood beside Mbs Brown.
tbe gardener. -Ym muM go tp work
river and era! rode further we doold all of I mother to board tor some tlma fo a ahowtog ber bow %e'd draw a aow. aad
H better. Aar graaad can
««« •"<> baooner. lay down to
and rise to an
occasion 4*...
that .«..4«.
rwulroa ^
^ el
other liule people.
to Ume at one graxlng hi e nearby be made ftt for roeoA tl pataa are
It most have been midnight before now!”
takea to prepare it."
qtrtek tbfoklng, courage and gennlne wbatr
ttkee a lot of grit Bome^w it seemed very ^ at yard.
It was a wtae earfog. and It'ta tree
"Thb ta faer-goee Pve jaat flntab- for other idaeee than raae »rdanA
Ing bard to bite a piece ef bacon fo and tbe rambling of tbnnder oonld be to stand there' 1 the track as he fust to get along smoothly. Bomo
t»o. only.yonr port' ta pretty tongA
beard fo the dlatancA
did.” aald toe engfoeer. “He's gone wanted to pjay ooe thing, and aome ed."
aald. drawfog a curved line. Some youag people say. T can't be
Almeel aa Agent
Isn't n?”
James' hair almott stood on end.
beyond bit endnrnnoA Poor boy. naother some wanted to take too "Aad her body yon make Just tola cheerfnL" or, "I eaa't be eweet-tom"Now don't go klcklr.' -about tbeTo be ont fo tbe wods alone during Probably he
waa «et tn
many turns In the e«lnff. and some way,” be nJd after a momcMl’a ob- pered.- or, T can’t be forgiving." aa
e Fate by Bereld‘ hecoB.”
Molded toe man. “toefe tbea tbundcrotorm was more than be bad atorm."
wanted more than tbeir abaro of aervaUoA and added another enrved If they were not roapoaatbla for toe
---beet we've bed this y«r.".
figured en. He rose to hta feet and The bead of a paaseager appeared cberrisA
growfSa-ta. tbeir soul garden, became
Mr. OerdoB eniweyed hta son Intent- '*Wbet!” cried James, "the beat climbed np tbe embankment to toe from one of tbe wfodowe and soon ' "^’hy not have a gumplre?" erMI "Now. herob her taU." and be idaoed tbe a^ ta poor. But -any ground can
ly. *T>oa' yoB know wbat I am going you’ve bad tola year! Then what may railroad track.
some people advaoeed.
. Mildred one day.
a third curved line on the paper,
be made lit for roesA" and any bean
to do whh yoA Jamear
I aak to toe woraniker
Ugbtntag flaafaea lit np the coantry "Wbat'a canaed toe delay r asked
"A whair aald toe other.
He looked at the drawing fw e abort can be made At for tbe JoveUeet bioe"Na elr.Both ootto and proprietor laughed, for qnite a dtstanee around.
oomeone of tbe engineer.
But Alec toughed and iHBbed tU time, and then an embairaMed smile ^twna of character. If wo try to pre"I'm going to glTO/you five doltara “Spoee you'll be mIgbUy glad to get James toongbt to bimaelf that be "Bad wtoboot ahead.'- waa the be rolled over fo the grasa
spread over hla face,
tor tbeir growth.—edeotod.
aad a aapply of boekA Go to BMge- back to tbe city to-morrow, won't moat have been a sound sleeper not to reply.
"Bbe means an umptn," be ex- "Perbapa we's better oall it -a
way. twawty-two mOee from bera aad yoer aald Mr. Day diyly.
awaken when a etom was approach- "Wbat bare ymt toereri .
ptalned when he could get hto pump.” be anggeeted.—Selected.
once mM to ber riaae
try y«ar lack aa aa agent. I know To tola James ^r no answer but tog. But now hta bialn began to "A lad wbo Oasgod the tralo." breeto; end when be told tbem whal
aritbmatta. -^ow, boya I
you'll grumble a lot and aaake a fnaa flntabed the meal‘hurriedly and wentrtbink and be found be waa wttbout answered too flramaA be'a pretty en umpire waa they tbojught ft a fine
Mra. Ant and Her ffemlly.
Tou always do. Seventeen yaero oM out dooro Any piaro was bettor than sbMter. He remembered be sma do- badly played out by ble kwka. Waa
1 wonder hpw many of- tbe ehiM' have y lew qiagOoaa ta fracdoos to
Suppose I bare a ptace of beef- ^
aad you've never soiled your haade!
that old hotel.. foa bU own tblnkfog end be must fo all that storm. Give ue a lift onAad Indeed It proved to be a good
dren wbo have noUcsd the ant bllla
and cat-It Into two ptooea
For abamA James, for shame! Too
"Why. toey dIdot troat me like'a
mw do hta own acting. him and well get away from bare be- plan. They took it by tnroa. bUng of earth or sand, acattored about toe
tblak Jnat becanae tbe old' man ta geaUemaa at ^!" be mattered. "I Tbe erlad began to tacroaae and fore we arouse tbe whole trata"
umpire day about, and they were yard, or betwera the stooce of the ‘R'bat wouU tboae ptacaa be ealledr
-Halves!" ebonted the tdasA "Right.
If I cutIfeaeh
he wUl.doot the bUta end I. tbe eon of Ur. GordOA a mU- ^ mad of cycloam. tdoodborota toe fireman, another personage stepelded when aay dtapuU arooA Bo
aide of toeae lltUe
«« baU tato two
^hat is oordon't you? WeU. be won't after to- llonairo! They didn't even let me pick aad tbe Uke. bnt bad never gives a pad fram tbe ptalman end demanded
aU toat eammor toey played under
eould took Into them,
we abould
U fbe
day. tot me tell you that! Every cent out wbat i wanted to eat! ITben I get
tlmogbt of befog out fo one. to know tbe reason of tbe deUy. stmtthe maple trees wlthou aay qaarrelmany email rooms recL
aad toag
dugffaartera were each
ent te balfr •TClifotbA" "Tea And
you get you mutt earo from here on home HI call dad for aeadfog me ont
*rbe trees aeemetf to offer a fair fog toat he had to ba ta rblcago by
out of tbe earib.
were ebopfliad ft twor. The
eatll yM have made a aucceea."
to this sandbar! Why it Isn't fU for protaettoo. so James crawled under'soon tbe next day aad that a atop TU
teO you what ItU," aaM theIn these rooms tbe anto if
"An egeoL ded. aa went!" repdat- any deomit person to Mve ta eato a tbe laigeat one be couM find aad wait-of any tongth wotdd moan a toae e< father of eae set ef Utile fotkA “tola food aad keep thefa- egga Borne of answers ba^ been growing fewer.a^ '
ad ^amae with e took or BorrorrVby plaoe! The tdcA aakliig me wbitdi ed for toe storm to approach.
obme tbonsanda of dOltoiy to kbs. . tdaa of bavtag an ampin and giving tbe ants Uve to be nurse giria to the fewer, but one boy meditatM a aothat's the last thing I should bops to way-1 wsoted my
If ever e city youUr wea soared, he Tbe group arrytag Jamee soea him aatboiity ta fltUag oar toOdrea youweat ants .carrying them about meot aad anewacad. "Statewtbat"
be! Si^y you canafit mean what How*d he snppoee Td know? Ha! Ha! could not have ben more eo' thnacame atongsMe tbe maa aad stofmed to be good.etttaeas of tbe DaJMd bom roof to room ead keeidng tbem Tarygood. Aad when. toe alitaoBtlta
were eat ta hMf. wbat wo«U thty
Foa ttir
Ma know how to eook? Tbet's a jameA Lett to depend totally upon to talk with blm: wbec to tbe oarv BtataA’ . )
from harm.
"Bvery word of It! saM bta father girl's Job!"
tQmeeU bad been to great a pboek. prise of sU. tbe gentleman with e “Beoer Hm tbsL" sold om o( tba Baefa aat's ncM has a queee abt ber There waa alleac* In tbe ctaaA
•teraly.v;^ wbat'e moiA I don't want Being iU at mind, tiie boy croeeed and James was not weetbertag it very ottritod cry. teased both Mwtoeer aad otbar gestlemeB with -a grave aarito. who does nose of The wort ot tbe but presently a flUta boy at toe foot ,
bta lays
Ton to ooAa btxne unlfl'you have aoU tbe street aad went Into tbe UtUe
well. fireman from the boy add gstbertag
"It ta ftutag tham So bacpme 9amboeoA but stays atppt
tbe "Do you know.
jwa may ton 1^every book end can Mve e good ac- depot trying to avoid tbe peatarattag
Suddenly wind and rata eame to- bim ta bta arms ran np tbe stape of
ben of that ktagdem whose law ta.
agga BmMae tote
queea aat
conat of yaoracir. Ton bad better go
of a down or more leafan wbo gather, like one great avalaaebA andbtacarandtaklhtaitaa berth.
"At mnto aa Itatb te yoA Hre peace- era a few male aata and many work- ‘’Baeb!" awwered Johnny. ooaflSeat- and cat ready."
wer* aUUnc abont here and tbw«.
James elnag to tbe swaying Iroe with It was not tong before tbe astobtab- aMy wtlb all man.'Beleeted.
era These vorkere dig to# reomA ly—and trelyr^



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