Grand Traverse Herald, August 12, 1913

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Grand Traverse Herald, August 12, 1913


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, George G. (1861-1942)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Coven tbe
Grand Traverac Re0on.
jlkd travzssx bat




sumuY SCHOOL nciic
Schaola af County Ware Wall Rapreaemad.

The Grand Traverae couniy Buuday
aehool jilcnlc was beld at East BayAND LARGER EXHIRITI FViday. Tbe member* of the various
a^ooU met at ihe'dlffereat churchea
and buKic* were filled with the happy
rblldron^ A line of march was made
tbvotuh tne BtrecU>Lniluitiug the li*
cal aehool* and a nuhtbee- tV thouc
from the outlyini; UUiflrt*. Tlie lorade attracted ronulilemble aitviiiliiii
It paased through Front aucct on
lu way to the picnic grounds. The
day was Ideal and the attendance wa>
Urge. The dinner was the big feat
of the day and then followed
Xsttlt BArfM Will bd EnUrsod to
ininea and Iwthluc along the beach,
. Caro lor Uio LarBO^Anownl of
which at this |•('^nt I* the he;t on the
Stock That Will bo
bay shore There are awing* and
bammoHi* In many pUcea, and sev
eral motor boats had been pmtlde>l
ITopomioni for the roralog' Grand
for the enjoyment of the children.
Travcraa Ractod fair aro well undrr
The commtnee on arTangetnema
war and tba Indlcaiiona aro tbat (be carried out every plan t ery succeas'^
oxhlbKkm' oill ba by far (ho flnroi
OTor conducted In thla aoctlon of tbo
atata. Vartoui improvemaDU and
tenklooa have beeo toade In (he doparttnenu. and mau> new llnea Mil
be aboo-n. At a ^eeilDt of (be dlr<>c(ora held Wednroday afternoon r. F.
Hunter’waa elected aorond vice iirerl ROWER LIES IN HANDS OP 6lSden( to aucoeed H. 8 Ohmer. who bat
renoved from the city. Several other
Important matiara were dUposed of.
amottJC them badns [dant for a free If Done at Annual or Spacial Maatins
attnction. tba nntare of which w ill be
Primary Money is Not
announced later. Plana were aiao
(tone over for enlarrlns the cattle
barns and a'committee waa appoint­ 'It (ba aehool electors of a dlstrlc:
ed to look after the work. If the peo­ desire to close (be aehool and »enii
ple of tbe rosMa cooperate with the Iba cbtldren l« another dUtrUi or
t tba aucceaa %f tbt^'ven- dlsirlcts. thev may decide to do ao at
lure wilt ba
an annual or special Qieeiing. In (hi*
A Urae amount of ar>are In the
, (be district organization Is mainmerchania' diaplay buildlnc hn> al- Ulned and the jirlman money U
forfeited, llereiofure action of tbU
kind cduld be taken only at (he anare lotendlns to make n display
should make their arranjtoineDU for
kiMice with BecreUry Charlea .B. Dye
1. wb^ber votera b«cau»e (bey are
at their oarlim convonlance.
taziayoTw or the |«renu or guanllana
FoDotrlng nra tba ones who MU he of children on tbe census lisli may
euperintendanta of the dlSerent de>to on this Rueslon.
partmeeu nod intaadlns exblbltora
Kdiicators Instat that a aaiisfariory
ehouM communicate with them ns aehool cannot be maintaltie-l with U * ■
noon as posalble in regard to ibetr ex- than leu puplU and urge dUiriciv
which can conveniently-.send their
Ueueral Bnperloiandeni — Robort children elsewhere to rioae-' theic
achooU with amtill enroUmonis. Tlv
Live Block~J.
board may i>ay ihHr (iililpn and trans
portatlon. tf neresaarj. out of anSapeHnteadent Agriculture and
ry on hand, eieept library mono,
Hortleuliure—Duo McMullen.
and may 'ote a Uz inr such purinac.
Superintendent Boya' and OIrU' DeAttoriiey General Grant Pelkiws
rulea (hat If the electors vote to rh>v
Ihef? school after tlie lioard has hired
nnd Art—1-oe Honiiby.
teacher for the next year, the dis
Superintendent Mechanical Arts—
trlci cannot be held to tne contract.
8. lirngnecker.
Suparlmendeut Commercial and Vn
rle-1 Induatriao—C. P. Hunter.
Buperlntondenla of CUas A. Horaea
-Frank Boura. Fred Pratt.
Superlntandaou of Claia II. Cottle
(;ao. Arnold, O. K. Hatch.
Fuperlntendonla of Claaa C. Sheep
Tbe Weatem Mleblgan Development
and Swine—Warree Snow, F. 1>. Ranureaii plana upon making an exhibit
of grains and fniiu at tbe Coi(ntry
Superlntendania of Claaa D. PonUry
Life tUtnfereiire at Bay Lien- on Tucaand Pet 8tock-J. M. Knight. Ohas
Wedpeaday of thti. w wk
This conferenra will bring together
BuperlDtendenU of Oaaa F. HortlaiAue of the men IntereatedAn the ag• culture and AgricuUur*—E. P. Gray,
rirultural development of the atate
tv II Gray.
Among tbo apeakera are John C.
, of dsss G. AgrlRetchnm. mailer of the Michigan
rul.ure—J. H. Buall. C. M. Bo«il.
a -of Claaa H. Dairy Slate Grange; C. E. Raaaett, aecrelary
Mlchlgaii Slate iinniculinral Bodety:
and Apiary—Jameo Harrta. C. W.
Ur. Kben Mumford. bead of the fed­
eral work In Michigan: Prof. 1^ R.
^ Sui«riniendanU of CUaa !, 'Plorleul
Taft, auperlutendenfot farmera' Intun>-F. M. Palna. Mra. F. M. Patna.
atnutea: John I. GIbaen. aecretary of
Suiierlntendont of Claaa K. Fine
tba Weatem Michigan Development
Art*—Mra Ia P. PerkeU.
Bureau, and Lira. liora H. Stockman
Superintendaau of ClaBS U Cub
of tbe Slate Grange. Tbe atareopQcon
Inaiy and Pantry Btorea—Xfa. B. Jlecture. "The Dawn of Plenty." U
W Dlckcrman. Hn. D. H. McUulbe given, also an llluatratad lecture
SuperintendenU of Clans M. Fancy entlllod "Riches In Alfalfa." Go<
Adolph n. Eberiian of Mlnneaou
Work and Itomdatica—llfn. W. R.
dgwn for an addreaa entitled "How
Foote. Mr* K. C BlUlnga.
Ku|>wlDiendent of Claaa K, Bduca-.. ^lo'aeMKa la Vilallxlng Country LUa
“^d PPDgreaa."
tk>n—Lea Honiaby.




SDperiniendeut ^ Claaa O. A«Hen1lural Implemenu^U O. RIoo.
M.'of Claaa R. MoUl
Worken-H. J. Mycer.
SuperlDKEtkdent of* Claaa 8. Woodworkere—La W, TInkhain.
BuperIntOMlanu of CUaa T. Btooa
and Mineral Wwhem-A. W, Rtekerd.
Frank Goodrich.
BuporiBtondo& of Class r. other
Indnatrtoa—Jaa. Kaboe. E. ..W. Orellick.
Baporlntaadent of CUaa V. Mar

Ui luduBUtoo-Rer. D. Cocblln, B. C.
t of (*Uss X. Accom­
modation Babibit—A. D. Soultea..
Baimrlatobdoot of CUaa Y, Good
Roada-41oB. Frank HamUlon;
cUna* to dlamaa iba taatlmony davMoped baforo ilm Frawley ln*aatla

Wladaor. Vt.. Aug 7—Mra. Rllaor,
Wife of tba iirealdriil. is aettlns an example bare that local
wUb Other aummer resldenu would
the arrival of tbe Wllaon family, practically eveo'tblug In
tba way of bousebold aupplles haa
Windaor. Moat of
imar raaldenli have tbelr grocoriea and boua^old aupidlea ahipped
from Boatoa or New York, under the
that they can get better
guaUty and variety. Tbe Wilson's
tgada't tma in jtowa two days before
Mra. JaffrlsA the bouaekeeper. began
what are now Wally vlslu to tbe local
bulcbar ataop aad grocery and the
aUIAa where truck farmers sell fresh
vegaublaa and grm goods.




llunal church work tor the »lalc of
Michigan, waa In tl>e city Wedni-nday
gaiharlog' Inforniallon regarding the
graat •levrlupiiieiii that I* going
the western part of the state, 'lie U
iloiiig thU tor the pun'oae of keeping
liostWI .regsrillng (he advancement
which tlie different wectlon* of the DEATH OF SENATOR JOHNSTON
state'make In a mau-rUI way as well
In s|>lritual adcancement. lie ipent
pt the offices of tbe
Western Michigan l)e\ckipment
reau and ol>talnc<d much Information Poatibllity That Measure May Not
Pom Senate After the Oebatas
.that was of Interest and of value. He
Hava Dragoed Through
gOea lo Nutthtsin. where - he wIlT
All Summer.
vpedd hU •iiuiluer vacation and at tm
> time gather facta at flrst hand
that will l>e of Interest to the carious
Washington. Aug.
All predUDeliull. Aiig. P,—Southern Michigan congregations throughout tbe slate.
thms of an'call) }«ssagc of the lA-motoday was recovering fro...... ..
crallc lailfl bill by the Senate an
wcirwt electrical atonus of the
Ing glimmering.
Majority leaders
which last night and corjy today did
realize (bmi notwltbsiaEdlng the lacl
bunJreda of (hmniands of do;Urs dam
they have eel a new record In pilsh
age. Telegraph »ml
tog mnsldrrailvn of this . measure,
la crlpi'led and rallroada and eleciiicSTATE POSTMASTERS WILL BE only a heginniog haa been made and
llnea are likewise alfected. One null
the earlleal anyone now will promise
fataly lnjurc<l In Itriruit hj light
.-omplotlon of the task Is September




Hoavy Damaga at Bay City.
B»y City.' Aug P—fViy thousand
dolUrs U the estlfunlc t«U> of Ibe
damage dona here by last night
elecirlcal atorm. Ai least .Vi honn-*
simck by llghiniiig. Thcrre
a i«nlr in Mercy hospital when (hut
s struck. Tbo
■•erauna weie nuroone-l at Wenonah
lUaeh i«rk from early oening nnill
oVlmk this morning, when the
rlreel cur sysleui was put out of bus­
iness. '
BaBlnaw in Oarkaaaa.
Saginaw. Aug 9.—ThU city w'aa in
darkneu from midnight to daylight,
due fo the |>ow.T biuise being syurli
bv lightning Snect < sra were sullcd
and several homes ««rr«- Klfuck 1)1*■ stroo* Oiei lu Milwaukee were


SaerwUry Lana EHectoaliy Answera
Thoae Who Oppoae Policy
of Conaarvatlen.

Washington. Aug 7 Hciictatnm of
the clblm of critic* In rongreas that
iho conservation iKjllcy moans the
locking up of the west, wa*
by Secretary of ihe luienur lane
day In a auteuient showing that an
area of e.UW.lKU acres of wiihdrawn
public lands wer« re-iured ^i> etitiy
durlDf May and .June ThU U
area. Secretary Wie pointed
esiual in size in almost (w’o AUskan
iciTiioriee 01 to three and a hall
elates the size of Teza*.
Conaarvailon principle* -wcre.-ipplled
in clarslfylng the lands, sonw U-Ing
deflnitaly valued as coal properties
and BMula available (or iHirchaae
der the ctal land Uw. while oihcis
found to tie valuable (or. water
liower sUaa,^eseryolrs, coal or iioiash
deiioaiu. wal lapda restored to
In C-olorado alone
taled 'two and a half oillllon acres,
while rejected iwwar . sltaa covered
i.Mi acres. Idaho bad I.KHi.UW acres
of tool and phos|«te lands and
rea of power sliae reo|<ened. Noriti
lUkoU bad MOO.UoO. South UakuU
330.IKH1. Oregon sT.uOO and Wyoming
4SS.0M arrea "unloaded' after full Investisatlon of ibalr values.
Tba total withdrawals In all public
land atitaa. on July t, amounted
CS.0W.2t* scree, t'oal Unds made
.^K.OOO.OM of IbU total. Aw the cUssP
Oration work iiroceeds more of the
public domahi will be made iaraUable
for aettlaiDant without the giving
away of huge fortunes in oil. coal or
irnUsb deposits to almtla Individuals.

Harold -Oilbart -JUaet

Ufa ■

I accident occuirad
We^ioadnr nL Long Lake, whoa HarMd
OHhert. oldaat eon of Mr. and Mra.
P. C. CllbarL waa drowned/wblle la
bathing la from of the cotikge. Tbe
thlldren were playing ta 'tbe water
when Herold wet uken with a cramp
and baforo aaalsunre could reach
him went down. The body was fouad
oad a phyaleUtt was called, but bis
ury. Funeral
arrangoanu wlU be a

Baekete e« Will Ba Given Oelagataa aa Sauvenira of

Chemical, earthenware. /tuUMi andlumber schediilcw have be*fn approved,
save lor raiQS on cekain ariiciea.ln
each which will l>e taken up when the
the senate proi>er from
the .tommlitec- There retmUn to be
cdnaldered lu achedulea. among them
the three upon which' there w ill be
ihe most vlcorbna attacks by the minoriiy, namely, the wwl. augar and
agriruluual schedule*.
Tlie deata of Senator
Alabama has reduced tbe DemovTotir
majority on the bill to one vote, the
Umlwlans senators having determlne<l
to v»tc again*! it because of the free
sugar (irovlalon. Ttie aleuder majo^
It) has given rise to hopes In Repuli
llcau breasts that tney may Ixi^abtc
put through
wcKil o^ sugar schedulaa.
The sw lirh of one Democratic vc
more would turn the iHcl^ unless
suc-ci-iaor to Senator Johnaon 1*
tiaim-d al once. DwDOcrailc leader*
ItialM. however, that (be 4K votes they
have will aland against the Repub­
lican amendmeniK.
No pnvgres* was made today owing
to the adjournment In re*i>«cl tc
memory ot Setuitor' Jobnsion.

>t>iiteiili»n that U
> lie held in the Uly Aug. 2t and
will be another great gathering
mid Traverse <*liy'e iieople will have
optwrtunlt.v to entertsi.o e"m
best txHUders In tbe slate. These
.iie-(fte'1iicii, t<H), who are intciv-stetl
111 good roads, (or the roads mui
Jn good condition to give the service
hat the guremment tWQUlres.
i‘asimaete,r Frank Freldricb lias (>«ee
busy wltn the plans for some time, ant
they ara'hearlv perfected. Thoae wll!
Inrlode.s ride down the fameua penin­
sula and a'fl*h dinner at Hotel Neablavrania 1‘Ui.s are being laid so that
each delegate returna home a
••aaket of prime fruit that was grown
... the peninsula wlU be preaemed
him. the growers there having prom
Ised to eontill'Ute tbelr ahare Thti
will be a noveliy aod the people
they leave will take with them the
,ich advertised "fruit with llhv.
I«cal entertainments Mil be pro­
vided (or Ihe ladle* In Ihe war
rldea over the good roada and
rides on the bay. The Wegnetong clubttouse may be thrown
oiien (or the ladlea In the afternoon.
The following cbrnnilUee has been
•PlN Arraiigemenu* l> J HokII A. Muatelniah. A. V. FriodHeb.
M. II. Holley. K. Hamilton. Itecepton
-Jno. O. Straub. L F. Titus. M O
I.obtna.m, M. S, Fandvra, T, B. M<w^
Complicated Casa Haa Been OacMad
sr H. 8. Hull. A J. Maynard.
by Stats Industrial Acek
KnlerUInment—W. V. Hull, C. M.
dant Board
lieera, F. H. Smith. C. F. Zapf. C. E
l;an*ing. Aug. K-^'llllam McrcUonl.
There will be over IIVO In the party
Many of the wlvoa will accompany i eiiiplove ot a Uetiolt lumber
pan)', 1* the first nian In the
heir husbands, .
riH-elve double coiupenaatloa aa a
icault of nilinga by the Induatrlal
cident board.
Mecciuml lost a portion of bti right
thumb while employed In tbe rui^panv's mill. Ho Was awarded com!•eDsatioD (or T-o weeks at tbe rile of
t7.PC per week. Within two weeks s(
ter bis Injury he had recovered aufP
Rcault Wilt Ba That Ha will Have
clently ao aa to be able to work, and
United Support ef Bath
the company gave him bis position
again, paying him' evmpenaatJou at
llio same tluieM'asblggtoD. Aug.
If any official
Howerer, Mercltoni bao not been
ackDow|cdge.meDt waa needed of the
lack more than a week ^rben a heavy
cxtrvme gravity of the Mezican sliuUmber (ell on him and hie leg
atlon. It came today when 1‘resldent
broken. Again bla case came to tBe
Wilson tnvUi-d tbe entire
Industrial accideni board and hewaa
of the senate foreign relation* com­ awarded $7.06 per week for a period
mittee to meet him.tonight. Repub­
of SO weeks to compensate him (of
licans will be Uken Into the ex­ tbe broken leg. Mercltoni la
ecutive's confidence (or Ihe first time. drawing »H.I2 per week. This U tbe
s result of this new policy
flrst case ot Ibis kind that haa come
believed the )>rc*ldent will have tbe befure the Industrial accident board.
united aupiiort of both big parties in
ruture novemrnta In Mexico.



Not Enough at Hand to Sava Bean
In evidence of the scarcity of help
in this city , the Canning company 1*
recHvlug from five to tea tons of
bcoaa a day aad hardly- any one-to
•Uke care of \he stock. This ta a
serious matter as It means the total
loss U not bandied within twenty-four
hours, in this claw of work boya aad
girls over fourtetm yeata of age are
allowed to work, aa the work It light
and the tears are shorter then usual
There-are a numbers of school cbllIng tba racatkm Is Uklag care ot
Ibis prodncL ThE eompony fa adver­
tising la all directioaa tor help which



WiTd has l>e«-n received from Cleve^'
land that the Western Michigan exhlbti dt the fourib annual ai^le show INTERESTING FACTS ISSUED BY
la connection with tiie iktl^^ ranveotlon of the Intprsattonal Apple Alppt-is' AosoclalliiD. Is the bUgeat
hibli SI tbe apple abuw. and ta
iracUng a great deal id attention.
Tbe Michigan showing of apples la
luch 'arger than that mode by
iner |>an of ihe f'nited Stales, and
the big oil palming showing typical
West- ro Michigan scenes Is being
spesled by visitors frrim all parts of
(lx- country. Tbe president of ihe
apple show, wbo Is a big apple ship­ Lake Superior Diatj-ic
Than Feur-Fiftha of Amount
per. wanted to buy the entire Grand
Mined In th« Entira United.
Travenr regloii crop afier he had seen
BUtaa. ''
tfie showing made b.v the turean. hut
was Informed that thPl raa Impossi­
ble, os many of the fn|lt growers In
tVa*blnetoD. D. O,. Aog. ».—StatlytIhti section had private customers
Ira (or the Iron mining iaduatry in
who moat be taken care oL
the I'nited States In 1*09 are prw
tented fa detail ip a bulletla soon, lo
he Issued by IHrecior Harrta of tbe .
Bureau of the Cenaua. DepaiTgaeut of
Commerce. It was prepared under the
HEADS OV NATIONS - REMEM­ sufertlsioD of Isaac A. Honrwleb. exBERED WORLD EVENT
rit specla) agent (or mining.
The total number of Iron mtnea on
- Droember IS. l*l>9. or nearest reprePius Mae Entirely Rceovarad From
aentatlve date was 25.'176. of whom
llinaoa and Will Reign
oL23i) were wage earner* Tbe «iMany Year*.
t>eoac8 of operation and derelopmeiit
to I74.07l.830. of which the
Ronir. Aug V.—Pope I'iu* was lo payment* for aatarie* and wage*
receii-i ivutay of telegram* of congrai stltnted Bomew-boi leas than half.
ulailoa (rum prantrslly every king.
Tbe production of Iron ore In crude
<iuecn and presldevt ta the world
form war 51947.129 loni. but some
tbe occasion of-the tenth ait^veraary of the oee produced to Sew York ta
of hlB roronailoti a* siiprcme pontiff ronceotraled-iit^jt^ioBMa. and tbe
of tbe Catbedir church.
production. aTier^’-tencentratlos.
All of the military corps at (he Vat­ for thp .country as a whole was 51.ican were In full dress uniforu-g (or 717.920 tons. The guantity ua«d by
he day . The band of tbe pontiflral blast furaaoec at tbe mlnca or ship at-senaded tbe iioiie from the ped from tbe mines tor use to atfUicourtrard of San Damaao and all tbe
ated blast funmm at a distance or
leading prelate* gt*flome. da well
for sale waa &0^2I.2t<8 to^ and lu
tba ambassadors, accredited to <
rahie at the mine was I1M.SM.674. beHoly See.-raUed-peraonally during tbe
stda which manganlferous ore and
on Cardinal Mem del VaL aecreother by-products, to tbe value of
o( stale, to ledve tbelr ivugratu|40;.5Ag were prodoeed. making tbe
latlona In iieraoD.
value of pr^ucU BI06.974JIS2.
The greai<-*l InicrVi attached
Ihe rt|<ort (hat tbe i>o]>e would take The value of iron ore pnduoed to
today to Issue his ploa for Interna- Kher Industries (gold and silver
mining, limestone giurrytog.
ilonal i«eacc. the
ocllral ef his reign. Tht poiw ha* brick and tile manufactnrtagl to ]9i>9
reported as 8I7S.965. which add­
Ix-eii wwkiag *>D the encyclical for
weeks. R canutns afi urgent ed to tbe net value of ore at the Iroo
(•lea to thp t'aihoUc church every­ mines <|loe.539.&74.) give# a total
where Im'w'ork (ot worid-w'lde peace value of iron ore for 1909 amounting
and permanent good will among jia •to $106.715.539.,
The take Superior ^IstricL which
lions. 'It waa cxiiected to 'urge tbe
archt>Uhoi>* and t>l*boi« to begin comprises Minnesota. Vtaeonsln and
rly lo spread (be Michigan, and the Soutbm dUtricL
ipel of iverinanepi Iniematlonat which compHsea Alabama, Georgia
IHWce, and lo Instruct delegalea to and Tenneosec. were (he prtodpM pro­
those governmoats diplomatically re­ ducing diatrii-tr. tbe combtned predoclated to the Vatican to make formal tlon of these two dtatricts repreooatreiireaeniatlooa to tbo sovereigns of Ing 91.9 per cent of the total tonnage
thmte nation*'urging their partlciiva- of ore used by the operator* to their
lo (he ny^voment (or universal
In iSiiinicthvn with the annlvei
Imke Superior district to the Iron mtocelebration. It was iiuliilcd out today iog Industry ta shown canspicoouslyhy high Vatican oCIcials that Foi-c .More than (our-rtftha of the ore used
U-o Mll-wa* elected to the Holy Sc- aiwL^d to l»09 rase ftorn this dl»he same age as Poi>e fduA and trLotT^ tbe value of thU ore. Inthat alter ceichrailug Ills tenth
•ludlng by-produrts, r
Tersary he reigned for fifteen years Ty aeven«lgbtlis of the total for the
and died al the ago of 93. iotimates country.
wbo aaw the poie today declare he
lo 1909 Uinnraota led to tbe output
has entirely rvt-overv-d from hU lll- of Iron ore"to the Vnlted States with
nese and looks to be In a* good health
producUon of 2S.3I4.71S tons, or
be hat been In many year*.
5C per cent of the total output (or tha
United States. Michigan was second
with n.924>»5 tons;
with 4.3I2.3S0 tons; Kew York ?mrth
with 1.024.173 tons, and Wlaoonsta
TIfth with 1.002.66$ tons. Other scat­
tering statoa produced togather Xr ,
9t2,3ui tons.



the lead



Next Big Rally Will be Held at the
Fair Grounds, Au­
gust 27th.


The' Sliver lake and Grant Center
Eapacted That Typhoid Death Rote
Granges had a <dellgbt(ul picnic
Will Dacraaaa
Duck Lake park' Thursday'. Tbe day
was Meal and ihe Cnngera we^ lu
good apirits. The usual big dinner
Lanaiag. Aug. 9. BecfutelT Dtxon ,
which was aerv^ in the beautiful
■grove on tbe bonks of the lake wad of the state board of beolth. recoivud
Sociaiitts Want Eight Hour Law In followed by a good program constat word today that there are three -well
Ing of song*, recitatlona and apeechsi. developed coaaa of smallpox to Sa­
Among thoae w ho gave raodtoga were line. Waatonnw county, and EkKtor
Salem, Oregon. Aug. fl.-Bvery In­ EmUy Hendges. Mary Jerr«L Nora Dixon WlU go there tomorrow ood or­
dustry la the stale will l« affaeted Nickerson. Hasel Monroe. Kenneth der a rcnoral vacctootAon 11 caadUloag
should an Inlttatlve measure on file Wauon.pnd Mrs. Harvey Jerrett. Tbe ore os reported.
here today become a law. The pro- speaker ':tor tbe ocoalon was R. M. ."Throogboot the sate;" dectored Dr.
Bates of Hasttoga. Who gave a clear Divon. "the general banUh eonditloea
pooed law provklea that no man.
or child shall work more than and Intereatlng talk upon aUalta ,ore better now than at any other
eight 1boura a day or more than 4$ , growing He co.vored tba dUfereot time store I have bew aocrotory of
polnta to such a pleasing way that tbe board. The summer reogrta are
-aevaral wonted to know more ghopt cleaner, the railroads ore reepecUng
by the Soclaliat party, and
to be the first purely Soclaltal-meas­ the subject and wonted to know bow tlie siata taw better than otot botore
ure evea put forward undor the toitla- they could get OltoUa fields started. aad generally apfoktog th* health ot
Uve by that organtaation. It will be
Tba work of the Grnngd oa a use- (be people of MIchlgaa nneh Im­
voted on at the November elecUoRS. ful toatiUUlea -was. praainted by R. proved. Ahbongh the mouths of flapThe only exception to tbo provltlona H. BUworih ot Grand Traverse anbori tomber and Oetgffr ore Ite typhoid
months, stin it ta poeMhia to prtelct
ot the jn« A* 1°
Of aeeldanta. dlnota GrangeTba next Grange rally will ba held with a fair dagrea tf.gwtstoty that
firoa or floeda. whan pweooa may be
employed at more than eight hobra a on the ooimty (air groteda Wainaa- tba tyteuld drath raU win b« omuner
doy. August r..
ihla mr 'ttea erer
day it double pay to* bvertimo.

iHinATivE imie



abort weight scUlhg by dishonest
gtOORowaito. BtOO.
future all the tcrbniral I>ub1lcatlon^ hold the prettlte tbe|- bare eejored
The L'nlverslty extension to*
will'iie printed lo Ox- Jourutl of Re- In tbe patL The wettem and middle
aJong tte Ilnea ol toe Wtocoasie «««SM. oBd ikKi i* Qiiiiia- Boir* caiwrTk
wreb which will be dltUlbuted tolwe«U-m etttet are rapldlr adrandnf.
Ktotute and antooriiae the ajtpeaditrleotlfic iattlluUoDti and lodirtdnalt.jand theU adraheo* will call tor «0K
PiMl^iU^maw u« Ttor«da7i »t while tbe buIleUnt that are'intended mone.v that moat be fumUbed dlre.t
ture of 8CU.OOI to brisk toe nnlv«nlty
coser to toe people.
tor KMom] dltlrtbuilon will l>e writ; aod not lbron*b aocondarr cbajtoala
Tbe tow ragntotlng employment
ten In plain Bnsiuh. to that c'cry- at ha# been the policy to the. path
JAPANESE CANNOT ACQUIRE agencies was passed to do sway with
OBO. O. BATn, Uukkfl&s BdUor.
body can tell what tb' author it tryW. ▲. 01B80N. Editor.
toe pernlriouB practice of emptoymect
3 exiilaln. This rlitnae -will
agenu dividing 'fees with foremen oi
tbe bullMlaa latued by tbe deuattor partuefit of real ralue lo the farmeri
Job* to which workers are sent. B
I Kanaas the corn crop it
8. Ibovenbeln, one of tbe staff corIMS. mt tbe poatoffloe
It* provUlons agencies must sperif
be llghf Ibis year on account reipoodenu of the Chicago Packer.
TrancM cur, Miciu lUkdw
ubm Uo
' Act
^ whom they arc Intended lo benefit
wbrtber men wanted are to take the
' Co—MM ot Uorcli S. 1878.
of the itrk of rain and a torrid tun. U In toll section investigating ibc ontplace of Btrlkers.
The object of the biillecint it lo tell which his U-aien down with aueb look for apples and poUtoes. H«
Tbe full crew tow Is much otmtlir
OmoM m CraM M. Eott Mwnw » tbe iK-ople how to do Important tblnpa fur> upon tbe late aummer refoUUoo ports that the potato crop seemi
MANY EVILS WILL BE 6UPRE8S- to that passed In New Turk sute.
and when lhl« Intonnatioo it k1v<-o :n tbs' It has dlinlnlthed tbe corn yield be Bsualjr large in Michigan, but that
Tbe -'bUekllsUng' Uw provides
clSar. conclae UnRuare that U eatlly
I«M( two-lbirda ThU baa all oc­ Iheande crop is only about eixty per
nse of wstar marks or s'
underttood It It eaty to tee tbtt their curred lu apite of'ttie use of all the cent of an average crop. He comSOUTHERN SERVICE
■Igns on discharge or transfer papers
Talue will l>e icrettly Incrcated. k;lentinr
metbodi known to modem plains that thy Michigan growers as
nterest Is Msnifeetsd Throughout by employers, a system aald U
Another important cnaniir coD(enii>lat !n|w..
iCTlculiiirr. which shows that
yet hare not leaned to sprey tbelr
too CouMry on OutcoAvo of Boms
general Ibrongboot the suie among Sellevs Wsr With Mexico it JneviUmake tbem|hat mui after
tiier all
an succeeded
tuccetuieo Im nni-.iff«f nor to take care of tbelr fnilt
of the New Law* in
bfe snd are Prepared
.-allroAd* and Mg corporations.'
In rettrlcled terri-^queriot the eleuirntt wben It comea'n, they sbonld. and that In <
for Call •
lory in order lo i>e more cleeiive -At to an unupual season. 81x of tbe larR- quence they are not getting the re^
Th«r« It little prtwpect ot Ute pto- the t^^eeem time Iber are arranpi-d ln|osi farms In the s;aic are owned and
turns for ibeir ipples that they other­
r*lumrt. Mich.. .Aug. n—Mexico
pie •Un-Ini: to dcotlt in (be Vnlted m tcenery way and the farmers orjojierated by IVank Ork. near Olathe.
wise would. He wlU visit all the ap­
Stttoo durlni the coniine yonr. to bilcblRan are senr^..{^ulletlns wUichjoRR |a a peaetlcal faraer and -U
neit-^Thei cry can be beard'aaySoframeoto. Aug. ll.-Thc BirdisUple and potato sections of the’ state
wbere Site goes among tl.e troopa it.
cordlM u> t report Jnot
trewt of some subject Otatli oplj- of|Rradiiate of the state ajTlcuUural col- before returning to the Chicago of­ Webb anttaUen Isnd MU. wfakh
Ibe strike recloo. And they can't send
Cbletco btnk, wbl<A hot tnmde tn ex-• imerett to the ftnnm of Tc!
aronaed the nation becauae It threat- Hitter* From Copper Region
exa^ or lese. and In hit employ are many fices.
biuttlre inoeittieailon into crop
the boys to Mexico any too .quick to
enud to become a stambUng block u
Rapidly Leaving.
' tone olber itate. I'nder (be new t>t men who have received Onitbed aniSDH them, is another scntlmeoi al^
tM-ae« between the United Stotee and
aiu™ ttaraoou Uu tounUT. ™i«
will Iw ..»i. lo ..o cultural educatlona. but notblOR that
Japan, today- became a tow. During
Un.sHHon ibe wboli wUl wot bo M tioo. whloo oro loiorooioJ 111 tbo por thcy'could do had any effect upon the
JCoig Aakt
iwoululyoor. It-illbo.tiooipof
,111 corn m>|i. u|Hin which the tonnert of
Tte trooiis are heartily x|rk.q( toe
the time ot its pavsage and tbe aflxRattle Creek. Mich.. Aug. 11.—Amer­
n»r. tbo prlooli.1 obonuo bolo, ln „, 5,,,,
...j ,, Kautaa roly most for tbelr proflta for
l^ng Lake, Aug. 8 —Hra. Arthur ing of Governor Johnson's signature ican miner* from Calumet. Houghton, preaeni duly. They don't like- strike '
tb. ooni OTP, wbitb Old not «oi
„ di.iHboioiw the year. The fart that ibeao farmi Kllmurry bas been enjoying a vlsU and the date of Us cffocUveness, tbe •nd other polnu in the copper roue- duty e little bit. They have not ki':- wMl lb mit «bt_ lo (b. ,0,1, oprlo,.i„;
were owned ami o|>eratdd by men wbo from her slsicr-ln-law, Mrs. Eckstelne Japanofe of Cellfonito have purchased try. are arriving here to uke Job* ed a man here snd they don't iniend
Lut jtmr the rtopt were to bip tbtti
farolllar with even' method known from Chicago.
of acres of land,
in tbe food factories, torvsber works, to can be avoided. ' They hate
there it t irrett turplut left orer.f

fired In the air and have dodged
»lt». Hatllo Tuttle from Travc
to science for protecilug tbe crops
the tow. bereafK-r no alien who la not and other concerns. Horn of th
which will tdd to tbe unnunt tbtt will- HWC’ BWOFS WOB
proof that the sun must have beaten City, spent the day with her sister eligible to cllUrashlp cao acquire land say that while they are net atriken brick* and stones and a few bullets
hove to be handled in 1913 tod 1914.
Wetteru Mlchipan tH'Ic* took tiri.t down with Intense vigor In order
Mra Will Newstcad tost Wednesday. within tbo atate by imrchase. He and not In sympathy with too strike, and Stood for all aorU of abuse wiih-.
I the staff of prlie at the aiiplc show held lu Cleve­ cut down the yield of the seaaoo twoMr. and Mrs. W. P. and M B. Ken­ may. however, rent property for not they won't be strikebreaker*, and a* out retollatlon.
life for tbe uamlnR nlltloos la tbe land during the convention of tbe Nn- thlrda Till- principal point, however, ney went to tbe Peninsula last Sun­ looger than three-year periods with re­
Now they are wtUlag to go to Merithey have famUle* to sui>parL they
world, la-credited with the RreateM tloiial Api'lc Shippers’ nssocltllon.^ that is of the most special value, ts day and spent the day with Mr. and newals at too end of these periods.
ico where they wUl not Lave men'of
will gel to work at once, and stay
yield, which U thirty million bttab'eit There were ality-lour vailrtli-s shown the fact (hat these
Mrs. J. 8. Horton's.
The bilL which brought 8em>Ury of bere. sending for their.lamUies later. tbelr own blad » d^ wlto^ where
ahead ot latt year. The abundance of Irvui tbU section of tbe state' by tbe couraged with the resulta The suQyrthey will bo fighting Tor tte natioa
Mso' McGill returned home Wed Stale Bryan here on a'hurry mlwlon
agalato a foreign Joe. Tliey will tough
grain ot all kinds not only gives an Western Jtlchlgan Ix-velopmeoi bu­ liitcni^nt of the farms wheo Inter­ nesdsy after an exicmlod visit with
to attempt to prevent Its jvassage. Is
unnanal amount tor home coatump- reau. wliloh was the UrRosi disy-lay viewed upon tbe aubjert aald:
at hardship* there while they dtollke ber sister at Old MUsIod.
aimed directly at tbe Japanese who GERMAN ‘%URS” NOT *CURES”
toe doty here with all the-oonveu
tton. but allows ran extra amount tor made l>> any localiiv In (ho oouiiir
Mrs. Bart Jennings drove out from have acqnirad vast tracts of tbe
•'Discouraged? Not a bit of It. sir.
leaees they have had.
export to other countnea, which will Tlie amdet wore iilokotl lu thc-lr |»-oaBmitoaticxdry. not a bit. dr. We have Traverse City tost Tuesday and spent fertile valley lands which American
The feeling' U. too. that they wiS
have a-banelcial effect on the world eui state of develuiiumoi. au-J lupd,bad twelve splendid years. Aod even the dsy- with Mrs. WUl Pierce Her citizens have been forced to vacate
be In Mexico before snow fiiea. Tbla
commerce ot the nation. Dountlful auch an Iiuprosslop u)s/0 tiio i>u-sij.biB year pe liad a bumiver wheat stater Miss Rbote Mafilion. who bas becauae of the cheapnea* of Jai>s
feeling Is expressed by the olDcera aj
doni of the assouaiiou
crops are always an Indication of f»oa------Many newspapers tr* basty In
erdf, we have tbouaanda ot tona of been si>eDdiDg a few- days here,
as tte men. It to dtoenssed In
perlty and a itudy of hard times In^prcs . : a <icslrc to buy all tlitbai-pies
n mow aod clover aeed waa turned home with ber.
With the anil allety law. also went Bouncing tbe discovery In Gennsny of bendquarier* and in the toots snd .
tbe past will show that (bey were R'a»;i .u wt-hicm Michiicaii. Tbis
never «o plentiful.
Mr. and 3lrs. 2ora Holdorman have into effvict some ot the moat radical some DM(bod ot tnatxnsxit mor
primarily started by aearcliy of food --u n-v r luwi of tbe su|wrloriiy of
less new. snd not Infrequently mto- everywhere to entbsatosm for the duty
■Then. too. I bdleve as moat of the moved over to tbe Campbell n-oon and progreasive laws yet to appev Informstlon U given tbe public ■V they are summond.
eiufft. afterward affecting all other,t->c t-c^iirn .Mh-htcan produit,
tbe sutute books ot any •
through toe failure to keep In mind
Generel Abte.v and bis official fam­
Ilnea of trade. The farmer la the onc| w:''h i .c-fiaii it carefully sHccted farmers In the bait believe—that tbe for Uie rest of the summer to work
Sonie of toe most important and tar toe actaal meaning of one litUe word. ily dUcust tte siiuationTn tbe souto
wbo holds In bit band the dcai^y of U r taKlnc of lirst i-nzct at any of tlw aoU by lying fallow one ^ar will ba for Mr. Campbell.
Mr. and Mrs. James Mikuto aod lit­ reaching are:
enriched for years to come.
The German word kur dees not i
and all agree things took very dart
tbe bnalnett world. When bo It pros- sitows In the cdunirj Is only a mailer
tle daughter Wilma. s|>cDta few days
''cure.'' alcbongb it Is net aa
The oompnlaorr oompensatlon
there and the time to likeb' to be at
perout all other r-laatet are protper- of form biiJ den-s not require any 1.ooklng at P In that light.
common thing to find it so traoototed band ahftt a call for toe Mlchigau
oua and ootbing In the line oftooHlical sir'cmiBUs effoit- It 1- a ivnaiuty 1)0* be grateful, even fur'tte drought, latt woi-k at North I'nliy vlslUng Mr.
Into Eagllab.
do net lu-ilcve that any of at bare MlkCTFs people.
troop* will be made, which will mesa
Itet the aiu-ullon ot tbe culire United
Action or itock. niarfcet
'To cure" in English means "to re­
real .wai;jasslaib>s foe ^bose feelings
cultural, dairying >r domestic ... store to.bealto; to effect a care:' I
can destroy the busineee foundation of
This Is I be spirit that wlna. and It Ind.. has iK-cn vlslUng bU aunt. Mrs. vice- It Imposes t n (be employer dl- U other Ungnagea It means merely
(bey WlU noi bi^'tee«mre.
the country wbllo tbe moans are at as the real bume of good (rult. and
to be reRre<i«-d that there are not Nellie Cox and Mrs. Zera Huldcrman Vert reapaasibllltv for accldenu
apply "a method of remedial treat­
band to toed tbe people. The Increase with a muc care and aticmlon on the
IJVEfRROOl^Dahaab Itoasan. the
ora people in tte world Ilka this of this place for the- past week.
in crop yield also gnet to prove that pan o( (be grotwis to (he i<a«dUug
workmen doting performance of thelt ment of disease; medhml or hygienic
Ruby Judd 1* very much better. It duties and does away with contribot- cure; meJiod of medical treatmenL" Syrian toper who arri*ed tere' from
lupenniendent, who »
tbe rMuUt are being reaped from and markeilDK end of (be buslncs.--. It
Tbe German word for “restoration to Ptltodeiphto on tbe ftomtohm. has
was fcarvd at first that the was golallure the promise
better farmlnc, ns there is an advance U only a qucc-tiu-t of a ahori ti:qe be
negUgence and fellow aervani doc­
detained a( toe new fTerry Iso«s.-t. The man wbo wlsa
g lo bavv typhoid fev<-r.
In tbe yield per acre that Is particular­ (ore w^tern Uhl.lean will occupy
Tbe tede werd «nra means merely tatlon hoepluL where be. spends bis
Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Gilbert and fami
ly pleaalng In view- of the constamly the fame position In tbe public mind the farm as' well as In any butlnesa Is
Tbe RedHghl abatement, which has ‘^oare." a ahads of meaning which to time singing ragUmh.
Incraatlng population. The ^re farm­ In the fruit business as ibe Hood the fellow who can meat misfortune ty have the b'vart felt sympathy of been held up by referrtdum but which preserved In the derired term "t
ers adapt thomselToe to modor^metli- River country did only a sborf time fare to (ace and after being downed a\l their Long l.ake friends in ihelr
iperted to remain on the sutute
WANTED-Cook at T. W, C A. home.
It is a generally acknowledged rise again to greater efforts and aa- terrible bereavemeni
Tbe tillbert't books.' affords a way to eliminate eently msde to say. when his arilcl*
oda and oonditloni the greatef will be
Apply to Mrs. Edgar Ketth. 475 Webaier stfdeL
June 12-tf
tbelr reward, for the propenlia are in fait that tbo linesi fruit In (he world s-red success. Tbo farmer wbo gives hove spent so many happy summers seml-organized social evil ^ esublisb- was translated toto^gUsh, "I c
after a crop failure is a poor
tbelr beautiful r>-sort near
the land for brlndne-forth b^ntltul Is growu bere. but the careless man­
ments. Voder the law any cltlseo may ten typhoid patlenta^last mooto and WAN'TED—Compftest and
six of them died." ^What be really
ia wbkb it -has been handli-d lu fanner, and his chances for suocesil lake, coming every summer since
crops and tbe application of ecleniinV
ir out a complaint against the ■aid was that be had treated ten paenced girl tor general bom work,
xnethoda win ultimately prove tbe taluae of property for Immoral porpoecs Uenu—From tbe Journal of tte A
nrwt cto^ wagaa.
Mr*. L. P.
Tlttts, 447 Webetcr st may l-tf
Telton of the nation. The fnture is to repuUlton a» a fruit center Ndw he may engage, tt Is only through for the summer moatbs at least; they and may carry hla demand for action teas Medical AssocUUon.
bd|bt for the American farmer, who that (be new fruit packlnj: law is soon failure that tbe nilM ot aneeeas
1 a part of the comiaaolly The directly Into court witbont baring
it toe most Important of the nation's to become effective (hi* trouble will be learned, aod when tbU K:
family all returned to tbelr home
depend on the district attorney for
Otadstone on Dlsreelt
done away with, and all (bat the spirit U shown In a community It Is
nerves, circutotton. lameness. <
prosccuGoD. If Ihe cKIzcn proves his
A. Storey. A. R. A. records
growers will have to, do lu order to
hesithv indicatton that no matter,
Prof. Hobbard. Stotoberg BIk. Clu.
charces tbe owner U deprived of alt toocfalng Incident be wltoeosed at tb
flrtuly . esiaUlsU the rcputsilun ol l.'w niucii advereliy Is met with,>. sn^
may 134uo*
Academy. tanquet ot 18S1 in LoudcM
Western Michigan os the IcaiflDK
will Anally be achtaved.
when a''portralt for whlefa Beaooai

field bad sat to MlltoU shortly before
It it very lni|>ortani .that/ Grand fruit centre of (he nation. U tn nrlclly faro er 4s bound to kue a crop
adhere to the provisions of the law nnd then from causes which blmaslf
bl* desto wBS smong the exMblls.
Traverse county be roprettented
siun of *4^0.1)00 ap|.ropristed by the This nnCnisbed work, pals snd' even
-hllcblgan beste nnd West .Micblgte land tbe merUi of tbe goods they raise
others can eontnd. but when be
legislature becomes Immediately availlalre thU (all with a good exhibit o/ will take care of (bemsches In the does be should profit by hit experience
)LVtN 44. GRUBER, Fimerel DIrecter
trull and vegetables. On account of market* of fhe world. Tbe honors and come up with a smile and de­
ate EmbatoMT. 817 South t’nio* 8L
Tbe sum of 8C.:s per month la given toe pictare. went and stood tn frool of
at Cleveland «ill go a great Way termine to make up the lost ground
the Ulneu of Fimnk Smith, wbo baa
Mr*. Nellie Prato mtotant-' Citx.
Ko one disturbed Urn. At
tor earb child, tola sum to be anp
• e 57S. heretofore looked after this work, it (owaid making the Inyera of
during (he next aeanon.
eated by a similar amount from
would wtoh to b
Is up to somebody eise to take up ,c6uDlry look in ibta direction
sod in the finest and most feeling tons,
a and bring new Uurelt
delivered a panegyric on tbe great
PARM PMMJCC—teyltis PHeea.
wbo bad passed sway. In a voice MONEY TO LOAN on good and Writ
tbe region by capturing tbe prlsoa
............ ,....................... :i024c
A ruKgfd band of aoctalUts down in Eggs ............................................ lieibc be toe'most comprebensivd in toe clear end sympaibetlc and roll of
improved fame. H. C. Davis. 818
There Is excellent fruit on every side
Ion for
Stat* . Bonk BMg, Travene aty,
the CliociBW Nation ha* surted an Hay, looaa.................... .....110 to |l| country establishes toe merit and com­ tkm. be told OB et bis admtratloB
thte year for exhibit purioees, but so
aprll SM
Wall street financiers ar>
petitive examination system for prao- tbe slerllDg qnaliUas of the
Ideal town vihere the lencU of the Straw, perton ..............................
- tar there has been no more looking
ibo(«h opposed to him In poUtlea, was
toward putting up a display at eliher
Treasury Mc.Vdoo In dlstrlbut tico and where majority rule shall bs Onlou ............. .................60e to 8Sc The law was framed to divorce com In no otter sense sn oppoeeoL Ha
P M A. M.A. U-P. M.
of toe fairs that la to keeping sutb
ike Iss only one generons tat heart
PARK PROOUCC-temng Priesa.
pletely toe sute government from all and of broad and great mind could Lx; Trav.City..I r:t*» T:00 9;30, 4:00
the i«W(-r iltat runa tbe government.
tbe importance ot the fruit Industry
Potatoes ...........................
81.00 politics. Only
private secreurles. speak of another great man wte bad AD«ten .U-... :;:T :::0!9:4S^ 4:25
This iib^al colony Is located at Milton,
bere. Khcre la no belter nieaod of currency In tbi- western banks,
Cresmery b'uUcr ................................. 3Sc
Cedar City.- 2::.:. 7:3i- callliLi tbe nltenUon-of the outside tj(e purpose ot moving ihc(croi>s. Ac­ tiklahoma. and consists at toe present Dairy butter.......... .......................... fil chief clerks, heads of departmenu paoaed away. Tte speech snrpaasrd
Bodns ........
shd coondenUal .employee are except- anything 1 evre beard.’—Londoh
world lo the advanuges of the coun­ cording lo the old custom all such lime ot forty-one able bodied
Prevemont '
.................................................. a
ty than by an cxbiblt that wiu bring
Doete. droaaad .................................. II
10:11 4.11
taka An>.......
Tbe "blue sky tow" was ‘aimed
home the prlxet. Tbe w-tMiocs In through, and with the tanrlioa ot tl>« corunion. according to tbelr ability, Hay. balled........................................... |l
I0:I7; 4.-.9
Platte River..
Jam One LMtIe Thing Wrei^
against onprlnclpled proowtors
tbe past have (>e«n great factors In eastern bankers, and the faoC that the ami elect their foremen and tra
Btrav .................................................... f]
Tbe lata John K. Twacbtman. the
stock awindlera. By Us prertotons
bringing new |>eopie here and there present eecretary has the tmerity to all ibeir buMness by a majority
Empire Jet...
GRAIN-Tntvsraa City Milling Ca.
aside tbe old custom ,1s hot relish of the members. It Is the object of
is no reason why like etuiblts should
toe governor U to appoint a commis­ wail known landecepe paUter. was
Prices cometod avaty day.
esarnOslly aa "arttoto' artlsL" Is that
not be JuM ts potent In the future. dd by the men who hsve for o»et the ColonUto to escai>e the labs of
sioner to inquire Into all stock tosoe- his style appealed more to hto ooL
1J:» 8:2S
Thpntand* of people vUlt these big half a century held'a firm grip or Ibe capitalist master and secure for
Ing and bond selltng'eorporaUons.
laagnee of to* art world than to to*
Oor* ...................................................... 81
.ftlrt every year snd the fruit with the purse strings of the nntlon. This themselvee ai aear as poaalfale tbe
license them and sapervise tbelr c
mterlocbeo .
toy public- Any one fkmlllar with
................................................ M
ll:00; 5:
Copemish ...
flavor from tbis section bnt'tjwtyi. action recognixes the fact that the w-ealib they create by tbelr labor.
porate conduct
toe man and bU work would say that
11:83' 6:
Katova .........
occupied s consi'Imous plate among growth of toe country bas made the The workers In the yarious Indostrles WbUa naryvbeana........................... |L88
foBowlng laddeaL wfikto le nThe minimum w^ tow. also
A »
th« thowiDgi made In the borilcut- western banks as great a factor In tbe
fective today. provWe* for tbe :
lCi;» <
A men wbo had boagbt one ot tte
tural building. It takes bard work to nation as those in tbe east, and they arlee and allow a certain share of the
pointment of a comnitoskm to Investi­
ORAIN-^aaaah A Lay Co.
anistk palBllngs wtobad bis emtotoo
P. 98
«uke a showing worth while, but are going to be iriven this recognition pronia to go toward- aupportlng the
gate Industrial eonditioas In Catlfor<m tte bsnglng oC toe pktnre aod
Prices cemetod every day.
there arc acvcral people In this -;ohr.- In the future. The bulk of Ihe crops colony. All wage aoalea are to be
nto preparatoTT to toe esUblltoment Inritod him to dio*- Mr. Twaebtmsn
ni>proved by a majority of tte voters Wheal...................... ...........................
ty who are competent to arrange nn
grown In Ihe groat north
itntmnm wage scbednlea for egpreeeed bU approval of tte back1:17
exhibit that would be a credit lojhc traj- atat'-s and It stands to reason before they are put Into effect Any Corn ....................................................
Gfaydlng .
women and chlldrea. There are
gnmad. of toe height at which toa
worker who la Injured while at work Ry» ......................................................
A. B
county and bring home the prlsaitokt any faods that
be five oommisskmen; one from the cosvaa was hung, pronounced the
Prices oorrectod avery day.
•money. As the time Of Ihi
fairs Is be used for- the moving of the crops win be allowed tbe same par as while
employers one from toe employca. one light favorable—Indeed, be said, there
Onekama Jeto...
11:441 C:15
Hoga ..................................................... IMe
fast approaching It would be wdll for should be placed lo the 'territory working, and If bis Injuries
womaa anf tbe other two to be se­ was only one partlcnlar tn whlto be
Msatotee..........12:18' 4:40
he shall bo given a deed to hl< Steer* .......................................i *0 7c.
would eaggeet any eteage.
lliose who are Inftrested In tbe work Wliere the croiw-are grown in order
Trains arrive at Tinveree City 9:.52
lected at t^ discretion ot toe gov"And what to toatr Inquired hto a. ou 10:30 a. sx. 5:SS p. m. and 8:40
-of calling Ihe nlt^nilon of tbe outolde ) be of practical benefit. .Tbis is lot and enoagb lumber to build a four- Cows...............................................I to Ce
woHd lo this seWlon to get busy tn
hat is being done and It Is toe raa- room bouse. Tbs compulsory e'-'- Lambs ...............................................
sc'rlmlnatory' preetlcas
“Why." aald tte aritod. “I ateuM
Sbaap ..................................... it............. Be
arraaglog a iwlce Winning exhibit.
30 for tbe pofiUloD Wall stroet tlon of children wlU be enforced,
alma chiefly at Standard Oil. It proing It toe otter oKto tp. I alwayi
disputes which la the ordinary towns Ctilekana. Ilva....................................... I
bunkers are Uklng In regard
blblu corporations from making a dif- hara’—Evefybodyk sr.yrtw^
are isken to the courts wjll be set­ Oeaaa, dreaaad..................................... 1
I’nlted Stoles bond* and other securi­
ferenoe Jn U* prtoe of goods m>ld In
tled In MlUon by a cnajortiy
Tnricays, dressed .................
ties at toe present lima. The position
different communities allowlag
Hamor Net Her ttriing Fetoc
tbe wothcra la tte eoioay. and any
• Secretary of_^AEr1euU«re Mour.lon ;of the eastern bankers spells
coarse for difference* tn freight rate*,
■Wten a WUtoadea lEag.) rat*
Prtoaa.earrectod as markat varlas.
S»*cr»aa a vote of thanks from the male defeat for them, and meant that person who refuses to abide by such
eoltoctor told tte maglstrat* toai a
decision torf^to-hli ligbto aid bene- HMaa ....................................................
farmeri of tbe I'nlted Slates
the banking center of the connU) wUl
pwltor or to prevent a aew competitor detooltor toogbed at him. tte defen­
Changing tbe language used In Uic wlthln'the next five years pass from fits and mnst leave the colony wUh- Calf ...................................................
from aolarlag toe field wU be elim­ dant—a woman—retorted: ’Quito uafurtber oompensailon
TnOow ..................................................
buDetlaa Issued by bis department so New York to too large dtlea lo the
tree. 1 never. In nhy drcamstaacon
clause of the coastUaUon provIdM
laagh.t^at they cu be read, and at
central west which are the real cod- that any meotw prorea guitty of No. 1 hOTM bjdaa .......... ILM and^p
Tte altel how tow tor onna* was
■Wool .......................................u to lie
same tUse nnderstood by tbe general nrreial ceaters of tbo nation Oppolosad after U ww Isaraed that
poUlo. Id tbe past It bas beca toe BltloD 9D toe pgn of Near York bank­ talking about tte basIsMS aSalrs of
A>oemn orlccS klahBnraaa la Callforala
baao reqalied
tbe coluny. or of kaoeking and croatThe Best Pale Killer.
OMtom to load these bnlleUu down ers to toe plans for helping the
Bucklen's Arnica Salve when ap­ to be OB doty lor from atEbtoas
with tochaleal words and pbralam wiU pot help tbelr eanae et
plied to a cut. bnlse; aprala. bar
twaoty boon a day. Wtea tte law
Umt ergn ex^m In tbe Ilnea Irroted point, but wUI make It Just that much
scald, or other Injun' of tte skin
WM first
and Tor a second oCwse ^11
linmedtoiely remove all pain. E
oftn ted aana dlVguliy is fin
Yaaker-whon tte tlaal aoootint
palled from tte colony. Tbe coleay
girts who appeared before tte tegtoot atnun. Ma.. eays:
««t wtet «ifi 'Miy metei by toe Iteen. Tte adtena art ahUling and has a basloMs managar. tet dob* of Chambertoln
robs ento xmd otter UJariea of t
totar* in Its behalf ware dlaoharged
ttel tte pub: U u. nMOTjUlOTOT u. UK
ot lUl « aurr. b« torrora. As a tealiag reasedy Us n
for lhair actlvuica.
don't exisL’ Will do mx>d for
war* of UUle nlua to tte aUe of thltung with ttea they wHl
I Vito too others. Only 3Bc. at all dsagglsu of Trav
Tte welghu and meaana. tow Is
caih Botol— by playlag tte «o« la
I upon Ibe oM eoin- aiy.
! expected to save tte boosewlTae ot

CroMf Trwit$€

raniDEs uxK con




Spirit nil Wli






aoddMske ExUHl

ffhe Markets
XfiGtd tthhuts

Seeking the Meal

WsD Street Feeve*


Dswi toBnsiBeu

wwm ttiyf. ri» bM

ferriiirTff -




^XAXE, fair


"was Monday, Sept. I
QrfMinds, Bulhtlofs ana ExbIblU Lighted with ^ectricUgbtt

The Dare Devil Beachy
tn Aenplaoe Plights Every Afternoon
Haroess Races. yaudeviUe, Concerts, All Free to Patrons of the

New $40,000 Grand 5tand
Pain’s Battle in the Clouds
Direct FrOtn 4 Weel^at Sew York City~.-Closiag with

$1,000 Display Of Fire Works
nro Grounds for Daylight Exbibhion EatUha
One to Stay and See the Sight Show. 2Sc Admtatoa
After 6 p.m. Special Train Service.

Huerta Government I* In More Cen
elliatory Mood In Dealing With
United Statca: Lind Inveetigating Camnaa
Slcxt.-n nt>. Alia, tl.—John l.lod.
Presidrat Wlleoti* sportal oa»o>. to
day held a <«nrerrin« with I'liarKO
d.ABaIrs O'Shuiinmwry. Ilr. Wm
Hair, ulau reiirrarntinic VVtlaon. at­
UixTa arrival wan a tame affair and
no tlnie a’aa there any dnnonstratioa axalnvl him The lac-k of
dlrli|a>etl tn Und e arrival Is
lleved due to ihe Huena denionrimHon BolnK on when l.lnd reaitied
t-niiliol. Pour ihouKaiid R'udenta. with
rir.fB and liaanera. marched. cheerinK
tlu-na fur lila atillude on Und'a
Int:. Huena authurlzv-d the demoiiElralion and iHsueil the rittea.
Situation ia
\V:iWhlii|tton. .Auft. n.—Ii»i<rovemeii(
of a d.-i-ldetl •harai-ier Is aeon to
I’T-oKidem Wilson la the Mexion sli
uaiioli. The^taal it hours the presi


The Making of Flour
IB a Science and we claim

is made on the most ^approved scientific
principles by experts for over Hall a
Century; It's a wonderful record.
your (Jrocor Jaib il.

The Hannah & Lay Co.
The Firm %vtth a Record

At Factory Prices
HlbdiclK. sUiD.ii'r'l HI-ii'.iiii': lllt^li••ls. wid.' l>;iiich Im'sli.-ls
for praesh***. «J>|'I.-.,
; '.ni'-ti.'iil' r.iul^i'l«!. j.i-1" h:ni<ll>-<;
half htnh<lK. ‘Iimii 1i«ihI1<s;. f..v.-rN for lllI^ll.‘ls «in,l hiilf

Four. >ix junl < lu’lil

.-ji.Hu in «

The alwtvo haskij'. jy-- mail'
will wll them Jo y.»n at


m TEhvt«c I’hv. jhhI \\<^ ,

AW al*t» h«v«- hiiKk' i« loioli- oj oak. nii<i <-l..ili.s 1>it-.kfis.
.*l.2.'>; lain.-.
Tio-».'. *loih.-i
h.iskolH nr<- •■xira ijoixl <{ualny.
t lolln-s huskrtK jil from'
tt'M' trt 90c raoh nro koo'I tHlii-H,
l.iinrh baskets s.-ll «t I.'..-, ‘Jo,- and 2.'»-

'TIj'so an-

tiirliily rtivori-d. with riv.t.d lian-liis./ tli>-r<for<- niakinc
•.irdiii; haskot for enrryim; ll.inU' wIi'ti ymi eo lo a jiiotiii'.
Ill- snr»’ to liMVi- it lilli d wiih fiii ni.- vood-^ boni!lii at l‘. K.'s
st ir.-, and you will havi- a n-al bi~>iI i mi-. Try ii, at tin- i-ontor
oi Kroiit and (.'■«* strwta.


Grocer I

no 10 no Coats


$7.50, $5.00 md
■ $10.00

Waists 98c




-lOWmiY .AND roWfTIHI.

I) rII11-

. ,
YKSTS: sli-i-vel,.mi,
DHKN-S2.Vand :t.V HOS. —'dh. T.AKFKT.A Sll.KS,
ITFITS;. -im; < niKK" l\.
IKHV. .-.l.I.fal.-d -Bi RSON •
eiearlnn at cui h
.................. • C
di n i b askium si its
-I..U)1!CS-2.V VKSTS. with SK.VMJ.KSS onyx llos,-. .Won
F1MT..AKI) , |.K.\RI.M: .\T
and WIt'hollI sl.-.-V.-s;
/Or A\ liit- foot Hos.-. i-oliir-il lisl.--. SILKS; eotai i-oloiv. yanl. ;39c i K.\l'll................................... yoc
-f-.. for woi.M-n. .-hildr.-u’s
e y
—' i *Nin*N ' SI'ITS blsck Hate hose.
asle prhe. pair ..................g g ^
--WO.M K\ *S sri.K 1K*SK. -2.V- and rdh- DRKSS HOODS ] BLoI'SKS. valm s
.sail- yard ..................... 19* ; 45c, 65c and 96c.'
-MiS.SKS' and fim.DHKS'S Ma-k. wliu- uml .-«.Iors,
1— SnriMiS. JJ.Itrll —^1.2.-. and ^ W.USTS 1
Q'di.- and
now J
an.] rants, t-a.-h...............


J L .



Lawns, Cballles.
Calicos g 1A..

t Spools M —



Mi;.\ S Sl lTS: T\V(t LOTS.
$7.80 and $9S5
.^Suils Ihat w.-n- $12..'.n i., *1.-,

l.lin- srrK<-*< and fiiin-irs; snln-Norfolks.






— lIlindr.-iiK of daiiily wavli
- AH' to
LADIES'COATS, dn-Ksi-s in thin suiintn-r's ia-i%t
llii.s 0-a.sim's very host iiimlelji. eff-t tivv stVl.-n:
luiiii-nals and ridorinpi at jii
in .limit i-K. (rinicliaiiiN. |•.-r*-:d.•^.
liair |ifi
JIO. $8.60, $6.50 and



jii-. ial lots i

—iilRl_S' (■( i.\TS. .•li-x-r Kixl,-.,
f..r littl- lots and t'lrls

$2.50 and ...........



IIKN S SfITS. SOW »10.*0, $1345
$14.90 and $1940
-l.iBl.l .v.-ivlil, ..„l . Me
ranc- of iii-<liiini wvichts for
.fall tv...r. tinoly tador.-.l. all• tv.H.I
in and 2 ami d-button unxl.-ls.

• I.s. $:( ami
values .t
;.25: ;
at $1.65; V.-1U..S, to
.•I.-arinp-ia............ JfOC


.1 98c

SILK 0I/TVE.S, lilk..

• 69c ami ............
-\V..nd.Tlnl wiv.iiL'N in
■ ir.m s \Eliite Dr-««.,.5.,



x\liit<‘ and .-..lors; %'alu-s
a, 98c,
69c and ...:......................

I*ate.-ny. V. hVih. K Prlborsky. all
of IX-troit; V. Mtx. Owosso and,Jo-.
Stanek ol Trarerwe I'llj'.
There was a Tot of business tran­
sacted Ihat relates to the regular fiveyi-sr convenHon that wilt be held in
IViroil lnn*r In the season. The
chauclni; .if the hv-la«s and other
piatfers pertaiBlSR tr> the betl.-rment
of ihe order uaiversally.

cr<-d.-t.ilaU of the lode.-a at Bsssemnand Chasenlni: which are Jncladed Id
this dlstrki.
Tb^ several delegates retnread to
tbelr hone tbu moraing after balnc
loyally enierialned by Uie membew
of th-,Jf>r«l organixaiion.
Yea. Miser, Lws. Company.
Even an editor has his simple plM^
nres. such ss teeing unfonnnatstypo- .
graphical errors in other papsta. tor
Uiataace.—Ohio State JoumaL





lar mure wllllni;' to adopt a' <t
<i!Jalory posttion in deallne with 1
Several Cities Represented C. S. P. 8.
rmied Slates. A Kmve dantrer. a
Hero Sunday.
uue ilAt wn't be guarded Bjnlost,
iluK unforeseen oiitmces may be perThe iirelitulngry state convention of
iK'traled aKafnst Amerlrans.
The president was in u obilmist Club Wilt. Hold Open Houae and Hi.- C S. P H Irulj-’CS In northern
Everyone ia Invited to Enter
iiiisxl when he met newspaperme
MIchlean was held in (he rooms of
in Any Of EvenU
the loViiJ Hslm- SumJav. il.~ide 11
l;.r*,-e attendance of Hi.-'lcxal memt'l;a.-. H. Hauslovsv i-resld-d over
mi oul.-.»iiie ofwhe Jlexl.-an dlfarulltes.
AURIIM » has lMu>n set by the We- b*-nt there v..-re presi-tit. John Knue the mev-HiiR.
.Should Pr.vlsl.onat Prerldenf Huerta gneioiiR riiib as the dale upon whl.-h ka. SaKlnaw; Anion Siui.rl:a. It
The Deiniit delegates carried the
more unreaaonuble than aiiUrl. It will hoJd-Hs annual reiuiu and
pilled uml refuse to make coiiresslons, Venetian niitlit reh-hratiun. White the
.«;HTiaJ Envoy Ijnd will nud oui
offulr Is stasod by the club and the
shut is behind the I'arraora revolu- details are l.sily-d after by .xinimlt
i-i-ji;-r} Dioveiiiem.
tet-s cKuposed Of. ■ lob members, it Is
eu in any sense of the word prl« t<-.
Jt IS in rhe hands of thesn men siin-,|.
le.aui-v- Huy repr.>sem ihe onh lui.t
• I'.l. In th<- <liv smi because Hi .
have Ihe only ffsisibh- pla.v- for Hie
.FAMOUS GRANGE WORKERS COM- aiaalne or a reaann. Open hmiae will
Iw held ai the .-lull durlnc He- da .
and any person la ell«iMe l..r «-n
Lecturer's Conference Will Bo Held trance In any of Hie ssimmins. tillli or
tKidl events.
Under Oireetion of M,ta Jennie
The Mr-, feature of ilie day will he
Buell. .
Hie contests for tlu- Hoard of Tra-le
trophy, a l«>HUUful sliver lovitij: .ni;i
.\n a.l.h'd attrartinn lias he.
L K. Thompson of Hliirlev.ilx, sIjm
eiii.vl for Hu- biK tiranR.-.rally
h-ld at Hie fair Krounda on W.-dn.-s- has already lak.-n the trophy oim-.will enter his speedy craft, (he Mar..
cay Ihe J*Ui of this month,
!.«. .'r'~»r'<'ase. .ilso once wIi.ikv
l.-itnier'a conference nnder
ot ttfc
cup. will akaln, make a iry wtili
rertlon of Miss Jennie Uui-II. lecturer

njf IiKval W'lth which he exp<-''i8 to
of the Mli'hlcaii State Cranc>'. Tim
set nea rel-ords. There will he other
motorboat races, lone distance and
RNUices tn the siirroundlnn counil.s
dash twlmmiog races, undl-rwster and
|will bi- smunimied to attend this
events. <-anoe races, ililiitc
ferrore. wlilch is one of a M-rtes Ueinc
coniesis and mb ran-s. Everyone U
I held tn the state this year. The
Invited to gel in on ihcse evenu am!
terenc; wilt heRln at lo:30 and conmake a try tor (he valimble pn/.-ci
;Hnue unHt (he.dinner hour and tl»-o
which will be given.
informHl rnnteren<s-s helw*-»-n
The annual regatta bas in the pusi
'slate imiuret and the x.ihordinaie proven 10 be one of thh best adver­
lect«m-rx sill be held dtl^ne the afl- tising features which has evej been
ernooii It Is b.-liev^ HtMTas
held by the city, and (or this reason
Bull of then- conferences'the projirai tl is a N>mniunlfv affair There wiil
no hasebail game to coufllci. and
tisn of the stsle will b«- alv-en
is expected Ihat a large crowd will
rii out and lake advantage of the
i it Is now certain that, w.-athcr |kt- invitation which the club extends to
I mlHIm:. the Granp.- rally wfll be a i.ig view the races from Us grounds A
: eveni. Already three speakers with dancing party for clwii memid-rs will
mor.' than state r.-puiatlons have bc-n
held in the evening.
secured.* It la expected .Hiai othi-rs
I will be present. No farmer who is
all euterprlslDE can afford'10 miss 1
! opitort.inltr
hear SUte Master
|Keichum or Dr. Rb>-n 31umford. who
Is In ili.xriceof the ledecal ainlcnlturwl
work In I'he sute. or Mias Jennie
Boell. who as lecturer of HuThe log cabin of David Jenkins lo­
Otwntfhl Ban tebsffiwr * M
RranK<*. Is direrilnx one of tb- larecsl cated two miles west of Cedar Bun
"sthools out lirf school' lo the coun- was emir :>• destroyed by fire Mon-lav

We Invite Your Inspection ot New Sweaters

Medium weight, spring
and early bll coats. One
reck left; of “stouts" in
navy and black mixtures,
serges. (fiagoDat checks
and plaidt. Regular



Suits $7

Yonr choice of new Middy
and Norfolk blouses, Your choice of values in
tailored linens, embroid' white serge up to
ered lawns;
98c for values uP to $2.
44A for any light
vJ.V spring shade up to
mute Voile Dresses $30 regularly.
ReSilar *7.30 to SIS,
A few high-class spring
sulu to close at 015.00*
worth to^7.50—all this
- $J.95, $5,75, $9 year’s styles.

V .

mornt-g at eight o'clock. This It th<homeatead of William. Jenkins
Which waa' one of tho first house*
built In Benxie county more than filty
years ago.
Tho cabin was oecirpled by David
Jenkins asd hta sister Mra. Honaen.
The fire originated la the bedroom
or Mr. Jenkins and It Is believed that
mice gnaa-lng matches caused - the
The home was a total loss. Mo In­
surance was carried.

Murphya Logiolaturo Will Hogr Frawsloy Roport.
Albany. N. T.' Aug. 11.—The New
York stale iagislrtnre, which adjonroed by Murphy's order*, for a recess
Inatead of flnany. on Job' $4. recon­
vened today. It was ex|vected that the
Tammaoy leaders would decUe to
boar a preUmloary report of the FTsw
ley comralltee which bas been cooducting the Tammany fight against
- BoMer bMaaM he refuaed
bis promises for direct primaries
go by the board as Tammany wanted.


Some of the Best Bargains We
Have Had In


19.35, SH.3S, 314.35




^moet Revolutianary Steps Adopted to Kaise Standard
of Morals of ipomiiig Goneratipn.
ChicAKo, ^ 8.—Wltb the openiw
of the nil 'tono of the Chlcwo pub>
tie erhooU but e few Bi-eeki dlMent.
Bsperlnteodest Bl* Fl»n Toanc ed
muted todey that «he has made no
deftnlle wlecUona of the men and wo­
man vim are to conduct eUsses In the
new "reraonal purH)" course to be'
innrhed In the Chlrafo hlah-schonlt.
^he win ceH a conrerence ol htfh
bchool prindimla vUbln a week to
hear dnncstiona
"We feel that ve hare taken a radtonl. aliaoet rvrolutionarr step In
adoptlnk the nersonal purity conrae in
t’Mcaao," said Mrs. Young. -We real-

tie thar other cities will closely watch
the' vorklna out of tbo ceniure and
will take It up If Cbirajto Is attccesaful. We who hare advocated this
course feel certain of sneress which
will mean that in anoUier genersUon
falae and pmdtah alan^irds will be
swept away with the proper training
of children. We will Im rarefuly In
mapping out our course and In choos­
ing our Instructors, for ve want to be
certain of our ground before ve ao
Applications tor poattloni as InBirurtors have come to the oRIre of
Mrs.O'oung from scores of physicians.

Traverse ('ity younir men ran ennsidor with
tile ini|>»rlniit |tart that itoimI Iiniikint;
<-<>iinei'lions iiave had in the inakiiiR of mic->
eiiwful men.
• ,
It is safe tn saV that the majority of meji
who iiiake a mark for Hiciiiseivcs in Uiisim-Ks
owe Duieh of their snceeaM to Uie fart that
they have jitit lheiinii-Iv«-N in a iMisitioii to
ohtaiii ihe fldvice. (-o-o]ieration aiol litniiieiul
help of a cumi hank at i-rilieal liineK in tln ir careers.’
The wiiirat plan is to Iniild iij> yonr acrttiiain
lainlniirr- niul ereilit at tin- First Niitioiinl
Uank HKKtIHE you need its n

Under Control oi U. S. Trcnanry

Yon Want a Boat That %mil Wear and
Won’t Leak. Yon Can Have It by Ustpa

‘ Rooftite" is made of genuine rag fell and pure
gum asphalt It is easy to put on and will oittwear
shingles and costs you less money.
We have aold "Rooftite” for nine years and have
never had a complaint nor a poor piece.
Before you buy come in and see “Rooftite."

F’rank Xpude

men and sromen. lATille the teachers
will be recmlted largely from -mem-.
ben'oT tha medical profeaaioo. MrsYoung declared -today that careful per­
sonal InTcstlgatlon U belnr made to
determine the physicians who are
molt competent to discos aex quoUoni before high school pupils.
"Many physicians and sclenUflc
meu.' she said, "have their sense of
delicacy bluuted by the ren' nathre
of their work. Their psychology Is
too far removed from that of the
child. Their mlnda move In a dUfep
«nt sphere and their fitness will be
alone on their stand­
ing as phystd^s. but also on their
under^tauding and tact tn handling
•IHlcale.subjects so that we ran avoid
at Ihe stait any shock to the young
boys snd girls. We must have tnBtruciors who can meet the pupils'
minds pro]>erty.
-Of course itiero will be aegregv
tlon. Hoys-will be taught b'y mule Ins'lrvK'tdra and girls will have women
Instructors. The claasea will be di­
vided into small groum—small enough
(or the Instructors to otdaln the per
wWl. contldenilnl effect.
•There will be
jirlnicd timttcr ibsl might be subject
to wrongful InterpreUtJoa. or nny InterpreUtion at all by the pupils who
are at a formallva age. Instruction
will bu solely 1>> lectiiiws. Hut We
will exi>oct pupils to ask auesUons In
class cioii|>s. I( the courwe li, sue
cessful In the hlgb schools we may In­
stitute a course IK for the grwde
schools. At first ve shall present
only a linflied view . of tbe course.
Within a few Sreeks wc hope that tbs
lK>)s and girls will come to accept
lUKinicilon In sex questions with no
dUTert-iit attitude than tUt wbirh
they might hold to Iratructlon In algel.ra, W* betlave firmly this will comr.
When (hey arrive at (hat slate o(
mind the eourws will be broadened
and made thorough."
Seems a long (lm« to endure tli.'
awful burning. Itching. siiiartlnE. skin
disease known as -teitci
naqie for Kcicms. Seems ffi
Ire, also, that OR. HOBL. .
ZEMA OINTMENT Has proven a )>eitec* cure.
Mrs. 1>. L.- Kenney writes: *i cannot sufficiently etiiress my thanks to
you for your I>r. Hobson's KrtemaUlnl
nieiii. It has <ured iu> leticr, which
has troubled -me for over fifty
All drti«l*i», nr bv nuiil. r.Or,
St. Louts. Me.
Philadelphia. Pa.
Hungary Agricultural Country.
Of tbe population of HuDgaty, athan 70 per cent, le engaged is agrtCQltural pursultjr.
Are they fcterlsli, r<<ctb'«s. nerj.tus.
Irritable, dlisy or conHilfiatcd? Ihi
Ihf^!- cnntimuillt pick llH-lr nose or
grind Ibelr teeth? Have they cramilug |>alns. Irregular atiil ravenous ai>
l>eUtP? Thewe arc all signs of worms.
Worms not oiiP cauM- your child siifIt kills and removes tbe woriuw.
pntvcs your rliild's apix-tlte. rt^uln
sbinuK b. Ill i-r ami Uiw.-ls. Thlj s; n.|'
toms dlsaidtear and your chIU Is n:adr
Iiupp.v ami hvalihy, as iisiura imer.d
ed. All -Iruggtsts or It mall. 7-’><.
PNIadelphia. Pa.
SL Louts. Mo

American Women Unwittingly Follow ModeU Bemuse
They Originate iin Center of Fashion.
Ijondon. Aug. S.—That street-walk­
ers of Ibrts are setting the style stor
ttfe women and girls of America, and
tbit ibe latter are unwIiUngli fol­
lowing tlieoe styles berause they ■■■Paris gow'tit. Is the conclusion reach­
ed bV Rudolph Cony, editor of (be
"Oarnicnt Kcvlew" ol ChlraltD. who
after Mvoral wr-cks kpeclal study of
styles in I'arJ*. sailed lodUy (ur New
'll look me Just about two da.'-s In
rnris to get at Ihe root Of Ibis wild
en dishabille In wbirh so niany
pr-rfeqtly respectable women arc In­
dulging." said Cony today. 'The
Oi of ibris arq dlcUUng
the stylos to us. and the hired niodels
the great dressmaking firms are
King Ilie women of the I'nlied
Stales along to whai. If ibV crace
cwtinuea. will and In |>raetl<-al nudity
—provided tbe weather Isn't too cold.
-Hero Is tlic way It works: A buy­
er goes to Harts looklag («■ something
new and novel What be perilruiarly
rants Is solnctblng dlsllurtlvely Par^sltn, so when he sees a prvuiy womun in the Rue de la I'als. at l,oni:
ehaiups. nr rotfie such i-Iare. wenrii't
sirango but exceedingly daring
wn. |•^<>bablv split half way to t:»uaUi and showing Ihe woman'a foitu
plainly ns If she were nude iir
re ilrhls only, he Immcdlatcl'
makes note of (be vision. Then he
other gowns which rov.-vl over
«( the wearer's ........ tt-eo tbe

s|iUi skirt, and not knowing 'hn: these
langvrous, Bpiiarcntly wrnlib.c Women
are merely members of the under­
world. he geu hU Ideas logeibei goe-tu a deslguer'and has his'idca* work­
ed out.
-What win be the end of ->Js orgy?
America wlU sot her own styles. It
woo'r'be in a day. but It is bonnd (o
come. It may not cone (ur tuenry
yeara—unless the prestut ’ci.doncK to
hair nakedness on tfie pan •■( our wo­
men continues. It would only take
hair as JoBg IT the tendency next year
is to go il^ year a little bcU-.-r—or
rather a lliile worse—In the matter ot
exhibiting pails of the fetv-nle form
which have Mtberto remained con­
-U Isn't always daring sijles which
wiu burry (he liine when Aniertra
sets iH-r own mode of dress The hid­
eous harem skirt of some years Lank
was a I'arls blunder whicli set (he
lime up five years There Is really no
reason why America shouldn t sct tbi
styles. \V« do It in shoes and cloth­
es. .\o Weil ilreswd Prenchman
w««rs Kngllsb slioi-s new and few of
them wear Cniillsh suits.
"The whole altitude of American
women toward PYenrii styles, is
follsh one. If they would sit dovu
niid ntialyxe tlic nuesilon and wenfalr with thrmscltra uml tbe Am-'.'i
cau lU-slgncMjkiid makers. thq.y world
see bow jicrfcfLly ridiculous they
sotncllnws nuiko Ihcmaelvos.'

New Measure Becomee Effective On August IS. Purchasers
Will Get What They Pay For.
In iirda-r tliM (hu fr»U growers aitd
Irairrs In this vltJnliy nuiy know
wlmi the pruvllonv of the new law
that g(H-M Imo effect on August l!> ore
ihe full tuxt of the meature U produc(-<l. Kvery im^oii who i«rks. >clls
rt-lnlls (nut of any kind shmild be
familiar with (he law In or-ler to
aviild getting.Into court idler It ixconies effective. The i'Mvt»lons arc
Ser-llon 1. In nils a<t. unless ihr
roiilenls otherwise requires, Ihe Icrui'
-•loKcd i>arkagc" slisll lx- construed
lean a t.arrel, luix. I>aekct. "arricr
rate, of which all Ih- content*
caimo: Ih- readily ws-n or InsiM-ci.-d
when tu<-h |•rkage is pre]>ared for
luarkei. Fresh fnilis or vogeiaides In
baskets or l•oxe-v. i-acked In closed <ir
u|<ep crates, and t>arkagws c-uvered
burlap, tarlatan or slat corersshsll come within the meaning of tjie
:erm "cio(ie<l pacl'-agc." None of the
jirovisloiis of this act nhaJl apply to
other than MltUiimn fmlt.s ami vegelafalen
Ser llon 2 Kverj i>rrson who by his
agent or employe, iiacks or reparl.s
lpe*h (ruil5*0T vegetables in, closed
I«ri.acre iiiteeUM for sale In the
o|H-n tnaikei. shall causo the sam

lie marked In^ a plain and Isdellhlr
manner as followi;
First. With bis tall name and addresF. Including the name of the i
where such fresh trulls or ve’gelahli's ure lemored from tbe premises
of the |<ackpr or dealer.
Sfiond. The name and address of
*nrh packer snd dealer shall bb prli.i
i-.l or staiiiped on such iwckage hi letlire not less Ilian ontHjuartOT of as
Inch in heigbl.
itceilen -I. No |>erson stmll aell or
offer. rviMwe or have In his tiossesslon
fyr -ale In the ojien (liarkel. any frc-»h
frails or veeeiables fiarked In a closed
package and iB(end<-d for sale, unless
sueli luickauc Is marked as li
iptired by (bit art.
S.wilon t. No iM-rson shall sell or
offer, exio-u- or l>ave In bU |nsse»Klon fur snlc. any. iresU Irulu or vegeiahles packed in a closod or op«
imekage upon whl.-li (ackage Is mark­
ed any designation which represents
Rucb fruit as ‘No 1." "yToesl. ' "Best."
"Kxira ticwi" -}-'kncy." "Selected.'
• Standard." "I'rttue" or other superior
grade or quality unless such frnlt or
vegetabies cotirNi Of well grown
fjieslmeus. sound, of nearly uniform
site, normal shape, god color for tbe


^ TTTT,■
Plain and Autoi^O.^
Collars Attached
and Detached.
Men’s Pants 2

Men’s Straw Hats

One Lot at tk OB
Great Bargains. - Take Them.’

AO ^ Madras, Per<cales, Soisettes. Plain and Fancy
Weaves, Plain Colors,
Stripes—nice patterns,
Sold at SLSS

Cood Goods.

Chlldrea’s S>Plece Sninmer
SSe Goods oaly IBc

Sec Our Wladow.

and saw

tilS.. S1.R8. SX.M M.98

Come At Once

Hanniltoii CI0. Co.
-J-rC-'taa~jaku.ii ktmM-.

vaHety. and not less than bO per
cent tree trosn laiarlMa or dlslgarlag
brulaca. iMeaaas. Insect UJurlea arOther defecta, natural deterloratloa
and decay la transit or storage ex­
SecUoa S. So person shall have,
sell or offer, or expoM or have la bit
n (or sale any freah truKi
vegcubics packed tn any package
which the (ace or almwn surfaoe
givH a false represenutloa of
contents of each package, and it abaU
be considerod a lalae reproMnU
whmi more (liao n Iwr cent of such
fresh IcuU or wegcttbles are substan­
tially smaller In sise than or* luferior
In grade to. or different In variety
from tbe faced or shown surface of
such packAge, natoral deferloration
snd decay In transit or storage exye’pied.
' Section C. Kvery penwn who. by
himaelf, Ms agent or emj>loye. kaowinety violates any of tha provisloni of
this act shall for each such offense
be deemed guilty cd a mlsdameanor.
and upon con-lctloft-thereof be pun­
ished by a fine -not exceeding »Ui. or
by Imprisonment la tbe county Jail
for a jieriod not exceedlni.ZO days, or
;bv both such fine and Imprisoqmant
In the dIscreUon of tbe court.


«bd has gone to Monroe Center, and
CMm from Ukc Ann has came Inio
the north neighborbaod.
Qulle'a few suended (be pkitdc at
Bordk-kville Ittt week.
It waa expected that as alfaHa
rampUgn would be put on (or this
count) ibl* weMc. but there was M .
Ume to arruge (or it before the last
of this momh. when an effort-wH] be
made to gei one.
Tbe AUyn hasehall t«am plArai
Bendon at -the Allyn field Sonday,
wriib a score of S to ( tn favor of Bradon. A pme wUl probably be ahrktifed for next Sunday at Bendon.

Osborn. Atgt. 7-—Karmere are busy
hauling tbeir grain at this wriUng.
Mr. and Mrs.' WUl Borrowa of Cfi>irago. are vbltlng relaUvas at Bnrdlckrllle and iteiplre ihU week.
hlro. George Zk-glcr of OMwm, is
very sk-k *«li stomach trouble.
Shank of Kmplre. attends her.
Haul Varnoe. 8r., aad aon Richard
are cutting their grain oa the tarm;
tills wM at Otbora..
'Joba McNamara .-aad aUter Anna
and Elsie Watska of Chicago, are vis­
iting with rvlaUvM at Oabont..and
Empire this week.
Thomas Uoran and son of Osborn.
i-rv Empire callera Saturday. -41r.
Duran met with a serious accident by
(aUlng off of a load ot grain and lo­
ured hU arm nod abonider.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry HeUlngiU and
family of OviatL were tbe guests of
Mr. O. Keever and, family Sunday at
Osborn. '

I9k t*ke. Aug. 4.—Mrs. Bowman of
Baginav ts risltlng her daughter. Mra.
Archie Canu>fien.
Mr an.l Mm- Frank Munrn retaraed
to Ihclr home in Benxonta W^needay.
Will lunis left Salurday (or OetroiL
after a wrck's'wjslt at (be inala borne.
Mra. John IM spent a part of last
week in Traverte City with her fa­
ther. 8. P. Dean, who U very 111 at
the homo of his son Ed.
kir. and Mra. I-swen Bobertaon left
Wedne^xlay loc Traverse City, where
they will visit a few days before teturning to their home In Hesperia.
Bo^wrt Cams of Chicago arrived to­
day'(or a two weeks' visit at
lioo>« bore.
Olive Dotison left Saturday
Traverse City after a two kreeka' risll
with friends In the neighborhood. She
was accompanied by Alice Sonra. who
will spend a few days in the cHy.
Mrs. NeU Muoro. 8r„ U vislUng
reUilve.« In Traverse City.
Mrs. T. J. Cams returned to
home In Traverse City Wednesday.
One day last week tbe (amlUes of
' Colin. George. Frank and Scott Mun' ro. Prank Soura. T. J. Cams and Lor|en Robertson drove to North MUton
and spent the day with Archie Mon­
ro at HIH Crest farm.
Tuesday evening. July M. yi*
Ladles' Aid society gave an ice cream
social at the Gleaner UlL Rev.
Braund gave a series of moving pictnres and OUve Dobson tarotwd With
tiro selections. Fourteen dcdlari Vas
taken in dnring tbe evening.
Lucile Sours Ml Friday for an Indafinlte visit at Hesperia.
Thomas and Bryan Dumas of Traveree City visited from Saturday until
Monday at Lowell Bonn'.
Tbe Elk Lake bail team played with
North Milton last Saturday at Elk
Rapids. Boere 14 te 0 .
Clair Morrison and wife of Battle
Creek are vUIUng at John Morrieon'a.
Tlarry Morriaon and srlte of BelItlre spent Sunday and Monday at
their home here.
kfra. Colin Monro and children
spent a pan ot last week with her
brother. WUl Cheaer. at hie eettage
on Torch lake.
Mrs. Georgs hlunro gars a bouss
party Ust Week. Those preeenl were
iDelora aad Clara UaaM. Olrie Doband Alice Seure.
strict Superintendent Kendrick ot
Travane CUy wifi prewsfe here Sueday at the nsnal Ume. Quarterly eon(srence wUl be held Monday eroaint
af Elk RapUs.
The Gleaner picnic will be held
Gay’s grove Tnssday. Ang. mb. Good
apsnkere wUI be tn attendance.

Aong £a^
Long lAke. District ?«o. 4. Ang. &—
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Carmiennad dugh(er. Vera spent Sunday with reUtlv'ea
at thia plaot.
Mr. and 'Mn. W. B. Parmer of
Booth Bend, »0d.. are vlsUlng her par­
ents, Mr. sad Mrs. John Scameborn.
and other relatives at ibk plaiw.
There will be a pie aorlal nest Fri­
day evening at the (own ball (or'uie
benefit of the Gleaners. There wiU tk
good program.
John ^’heelocK' spent .-Sunday at
Car* Lake.
Harold T. Gilbert, etm. ot Pam C.
R. and Emma Gflbett, was bora la
Traverse CUy Jenuary l«. 1**4, and
died at tbeir summer home at Loog
Lake August C, 1913. at the age ot in
ysan, < months and 70 days. Those
bis death are father and
.mother, (our slsten and nne brother
ly other relatives and a host
of friends.

He was a birthright member of the
Friends cborch and at tbe age of four­
teen be waa convened and lived such
simple CbrisUan life that It was the
si>eclgl.comment of his tenebers and
Vl«>«er* Privileged to meet
him. Tbe felTImijxi of hie Sunday
srjieol leecher Is ~fe know him Is to
love him."
He was vtrt fond oT rradlng. but
cared only for that class of lUeratnre
which U (be breed and water of
mind and would tend to Ue develobmont of the so^. He had but recently
bneun the rending of the snUre Scrip­
tures. Prayer was a source of greet
Joy and comfort to |^m.
In bte borne be was toved by all and
be loved all; but be eepecially loved
his mother and when fimmitted to be
home she was hU coneunt emnpnnion.
HU last words before bU tingle
deaU in answer to bis sister’s cell
was. *1 will come as teat as I can."
and there is renaon to belirre when
the Master eaUe<l him. bU.answer waa
tbe aamd. Tbe eong of hU heart was
■Where He Lends Me I Will FoUow."
Oe You Know
That If yon bare been feetlOg bine
and onee all day you can rid y^xireelf
srden by taking one or

rngular bowols and make you foM
freak, vlgorons and cheerTnl Price
S cts. Sold by all druggists.
Dl’ErrU—Tbe baUboae of (be
MUeabe deck strike was proba^ .
broken Ust night when about IM o(
the night crew, surraanded by Ue po-.
Moe. raUraed to work. No dleorder
acMtmpanied Ue split in Ue strikera’
W Newly Marries Couple

loscMe. cramps in tbe bowris. dys­
entery. si<» stomach. Tbeae taller
can hare tbeir misery relieved by
IC OIL. It U e most eStdent remedy
for both internal and extanal pain.

nMer Praiaot TMa Laxative.
Rev. W. Stu^oU of iOlta, la,. In
pntalng Dr. King's New LUe PUta for
eensilpalion. wrttee: "Dr. KtaTs Kra
Ufe Fills art such perfect pOta no
^me should be without them." Nobstter ragotator tor Ue Mrar aad’bowels. Every pill guaranteed. Try them.
Price 2&C.. at all druggists of Traroree
The entlra eoat le gkS to eelt your
FARM er BtWNMS. Tboee who are
ooMMaptatlng apuag wtU tn. pleaae
aaw as «»are gotug ready.for
our Fall
Lists. whlU
h will contala
widely dU.tboted Uroagh our axten■Iva advsrttalag flvtag graatsr pubileiiy than any eUer amUod and at
very muU tana coeL 0«4 oor prop•HSoa or Uat of propectiea

AHyn, Mioh, Ang. 1—0. Hart, wbe
haa been Hvlag with his father lodaw.
W. T. SbnU. baa gone on » trip *>
' Robert Salih Is rioslng not mnUere rlU weak boarts r-"--------- her* and will go north, probably to "KvoUr method t
Ue Bearer islanda. (or Ue wUtar.
bR. W. <L KIN TUN.
Maynaid’e Uneblag maohlM hat
Just been in Urn ssnU ■MgkWbood

mzM.wtihste ra^LPtu^.a


Sample Chair Sale

Of Xpavepsc City Ctialp Co. Rockeps, Settees and Apm ClialPifi

Rocker Like Cut $4.S0

Massive Mission Rocker $5.75

This beautiful Oak Rocker, spring up­
holstered . seat, covered with genuine
Chase leather. It h a real inviting value
that cannot be oyerboked by a prospect,
ive chair buyer.

This rocker is made ^ solid oak, is
extra large; seat and back upholstered in
Chase guaranteed leather. We have it in
both early English and wc^ereS'-oak.
You can bay thete bargaki nou bat
not 30 days from now. If yoa are not
prepared to pay tor it now make yoar
eelection and pay later.

As these are sample chairs there ate
no two of them alike but this advertise­
ment shows but twelve patterns of over
a hundred equally as big values.

These Samples Are Sold Only at J. W. Slater’s




This beautiful Colouial dpign
rocker is made of select kilu-dried
hardwood, upholstered^ in genuine
Chase leatbw. It is extra large
and very comfortable. Regular
price $16.00. Sample Chair Sale

This Morris Chair has a
massive solid, oak frame
with full reclining adjust­
able back; l>Mt steel con­
structed seat. Seat and
back are covered with
highest quality Chase
leather, reijular retail price
$10.00. Sample Chair Sale


Large well made Settees with upholstered
backs And seats In weathered oak. early Eng­
lish or golden oak. Settees that would sell reg­
ular from $8 to $15. Sample Chair Sale
Prices from


$6.00 to $11.75


These Rocker are two of
' j^l* biggest bargains we
have ever seen, large,
roomy and comfortable;
made of hardwood throughK out. with the same good ^
workmanship that is the.
making of the Traverse
City chairs. Famous reg^ I
alar value ill.M Sample |
Chair Sale Price




This Splemlld Rock­
er is made of select kilndried hardwood with
American quartered polvished finish. The seat is
fitted with a guaranteed
sanitary steel construction
and covered with a good
chase leather upholstering
Regular value il6> Sam­
ple Chair Sale Price


An exceptionally attract­
ive Colonial design, frame
made of select kiln-dried
hardwood, upholstered 'i n
This pt^tular fire side rocker with ‘very good
Chase guaranteed leather, seating qualities being ttf^olstered with goai^
regular value flS.M. Sam­ anteed springs. Seat and back shaped to produce
the most restful seating qualitiee. Exposed parts
ple Chair Sale Price
of frame in weathered oak or mahogany. Regular
IM.M value. Sample Chair Sale




This Massive Rock­
er is the slMpy-hollow
type and embodies all the
good style and comfort pos­
sible. The frame is made
of solid oak with best guar­
anteed steel q>ridg cushion
seat The back and seat
arecovwed with guaran­
teed chase leather. Regular
value SIX Sample Chair
Sale Price .




BOMiE jppitmpi


I r^l


RiMaa«id ItesiHatloiiaaftha
J HaraM Young Pelha tunaMM
^ aub:

t Will try never «e worry or
« fret about anythirtg.
♦ nan and maka everybody happy
r aa far aa I can.
urill try to be iovlna Mpful
and kind to everybody and-ta
every living thing.
in aver fail In trying to da
4 theee thinga, I wlH Try, try
^ naaln.**

tlM little fellow in tbe inxAn
^ iturdlBC one tcxMertoui tall o(
4 atrlta. W-ben they retur^ the ann
♦ wn* >w over Point Lena.

'W-br. children;" eiclalnied Edna*
*»*“* “> **®
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ w«h that load of Oowen? E»ery turn'"Dear
You boroe»lck. too?" bier wo can apare la full of them
aho Itmulred.
' ■l^n't tn<« to so out alone
-Ilnab;~ warned Bdna. whose eyes
*® tonoaonie;"
were ahinin* with hapjiiaeaa.. "We're
■- “8 go with you;- ex. going calling."
•Going calling?"
"I—I wUb you would." (alieml tbe
"Yea; these buucbea of Dowera a:c
Otranger. -Ive been too homeaU-k our calling <^nls. uarTanicd to cure
tteaides that, you were bomeflckneaa. U waa Kthel'a Idea,
““l *»“
««»tbcr Were going to tie them on every
« *o aomewhere to hate a good .Hue doorknob in thU aunahiny boiiae. EihwitboBt having to Uke care of a baby el aaya tbe reaaon atraagers are homeall sivuv.
nick ,in
Southern v«,uuiu,s
California la becauae
u ouui^i*cii
MJ W1^T% ^
■ I 1^1




........................ —:

‘Pick (or youreelf. tfenr.- abe •>»4.
“Take all you waau“
wby—wboae flcwjia are ibeyr
•Toon and everybodj a Cod kiaa
Blade plenty, you bee. Bmdont tooch
anythin* but dowera. or you might
^ boW of. aomeUUo* which would
ttm you,"
Toddy Joytully aUpped from
one glowias anotber. hardly
i,«Hertiig that aome one wonid not
Tou mu« not pick ao .many.”
/Her*. Aont Uiira!" he cried, bring{qb ber a great buneb. Tbeae arc to
}m for your dowera I picked a
greet while ago.’
darlmg;" she aald. - ril
but not beeauee 1
h n 1,1 f

let Morgan get oh his back and acould ffitat every day for tbe d«; but he Berne ttaings -eount aaore tbaa orkxg
give him a dne ride all around tbe never tbinka of leaving a piece lor Hens coon, one each, but borte- and
field. Morgan was always kind lo me. And 11 1 even venture to way -me- -cows and other fouriegged an'maU
•Prtnee. and the |«ony expected aome- ow!" just once, to remind Bridget count t»o;, people oonnl five, a black
nin from Morgan's pocket that I would like
a bit of
rat count* f
every time hta little master oatue to aa well as Jowler,
aee him. One day Morgan found
"fle ©g'wid ye*', for a U*y baw; dred!"
aome nice sweet apples. He put one shure there's pllnty
of rau forthe
-o;. , nuat see a <af"cr
in bla pocket for Prince and went In- geuhln' of 'em'"
- jurton "Miv ws beeio now-


*■ “ •


o dine on rats from one year’s
lied and called, but no PHnee
“ *•**
.Besides. I am not
When he
‘ Prefer mice,
father was oilingr the
the limnieBs
tiameas. he
he aald
said. “ •*' **''‘**1
But a body gels tired of one thing all
-Fkther. 1 can't Had
tbe time, and though I do catch a rab.
bit or u gnmndeparrow once in a
"No. niy non." aalQ father. “Prince
while. It's very bard work. I liave to
Isn't here any .mdre."
bide in tbe tall grass and weeds for
"Where Is beT' asked Morgan.
.h„ ... w- *’’*" “
"I sold him
who was here,^,
suddenly; and It's


for him 1 thought
go.' said hla father.
T boiur be will be kind to him."
saM Morgan, who wa> very aorry to
liart from his pet l*o«y.
Not long after Prioc-e -was sold.
Cousin Elva. who lived In town, camp
and spent a week In tbe country with
Morgan. When abe went home Mor­
gan went with her. He enfoyed very
irorh going about town with Elva and
seeing so many new and ainnge
in the
aighu that--------- ----------------------country. One day ibev took a ride on


flies don't count.
ha»e to do the counting Tor E
he will find thinga tor BO t
you know "
"Two cows, a bosay—and heiw. pap,- cried Marion, excitedly, as they
drove nearer the farmhouse that had
ntade her so anxloua to begin jrfayl**
g© pigs counir


A-Pl*- Ot- l*«*

and bossy and ^. 'eight"
To-be-sure. I get the scrapa from the 'eoimted papa “How many hens.MIW CLARA BATES, Editor.
waa homcslck-ifor a anowstorui, but *11
,he other things sweet and beautiful
OfganlMd OMWibar A HtM.
really I sumN>ae'li'w.»4iV-Mae I miss-• On. Uptpe .wo lltUe glria went to
j^„ble be
Uble. and ©ceaslotially a chictan bone Marion?"
Prealdent^Mlea Clara Bataa.
ed tbo girl. 1 pUVed with at home." tbe third floor and began their work.
, brush-fence.
or two: bat they -*re dUflcolt to
gnaw, and hot very satisfactory, cried.
Plrat' Vice. Prealdent—Mr*. Mabel
-Here's hoping aome good fain will
"It la aa much fun as Cbriaima.," only to see more dowen beyond.
either, for they arc sore to be pretty
-Eight and fifteen. tweniy-Uma
Bataa WlHiama.
give you children an armful of How- whlaiwred EtheL
, chlptnank winking iu
well picked before 1 get hold of them. Pretty good beslonlng.-anJd papa.
Second vice Piwaidant—Mia. Irena era before you get tack." suggested'
-Or hanging May baaketa." chock- g^u^y eve* at him. and giving a Jump
I have beard it aald that cnu are - And there's another fannhooae' oa
Pemerey Bhlelda.
. Kbel'a mother, when the two llltle leU Edna
to run ^ter him. fell headlong In the
better treated In England, nnd have our side. yea. and another before Bnri*
SunaWne OrandnvAhee—Mra A. L. glrla walked do«n the tiulet atrect t •
Bunchea of naatunlunw fled to door- bosbea. Hut be sprang up. and never
nice baskets to aleep In. cowtortably ud mamma- have, one."
knobs proved magic calling cards, raring for the acraichea on bis bandt,
ruablooed and Hoed with yellow silk.. Hot they aeed not haee fdt *
'They say you always get what tou They not only seemed to bear the set out In hot cha-ie after the bushy
Number of nwmbara batengtag Jum j^ok lor." ventured tabs'* sister, "but unsiea of Ethel Mary and Edpa Caro- tall. Away he went over logs an*l
. ^ ofteo wonder that Bridget would fu|. for that minute Earle saw Ove
1, IflIA >1*32.
1 gon't believe It. because for ovrr a lyn. but ranied a message from alf stones and ihniogb boabea:
think to ■*«
see «*■
me ‘-lying
““I In a basket on great black cows cto bte side: and aB
mouth I have been looking fur a llltle outdoors, fruni birds, suoshlne and hedge after hedge, through a corner Ul. trelte » > bauur.1 Uk.. Tl., ‘ 1'-""* •«» Ik-kto'' SUM
ihe.xta teams they passed came op bis
Number of namee s ‘the Cradle, jjri *© go walking who could suy out balmy air. .Neighbors who "Tiefor* of the wooJa up a little hill, and then
gnd broom lo me qulcker'n *ncat.~ HI alda and there were almt In . a
ate their dinner imder the
ReH June -1,
all momiDR "
bad passed one another lu the halls down again.
tooka ride in a ro*-boaL then walked warrauL
"Well, haven't you got oner'Ethel as if they wei« dumb and blind, beganHamnia and Aunt Uurm cnUrely
over to a liven' stable whe^ aome
very sure I didn't break tbe
temettmes one aide was ahead and
demanded "Here's uic' 1 mean, beie to smile and bow. Tnder the Influ- ioei sight of him. and hurried after, ladle* were moqoUng boreee for a nos« of .the china crew-pUpber yea- soueUmes the other. When Marion
The Two Arithmetics..
am I. No*. wbai'a youn name?" ' once of dnlly unsturtlums. these neigh- finding h n great deal harder than he ride. There wer# several men there, terday . noc.^J didn't cat half a pound uid ooe hoodred and twelve, mamma
-1 know n girl who multlpilee
'Ethel Mary, and I’m from Mar- bora discovered that they nil spoke had to make their way. Through the and the one aho had ebarfe of tbe of mince-meat as ab'e declare* I did. aaig ooe huhdred and eight: but when
Her sofTOWB by duiding
your BDgilah: and before long many of brush fence they managed to creep, borseu Mid:
' I'ut everything U laid to me If a mamma *ald ooe bnndred and hfty.
tXliniever cause she bn* lor sighs
home? "
them were fairly well ardualnted.
but no wile of a boy could be seen.
•I'll give any- ooe of you felloWB chicken Is missing. 1 am accuned of the other side had only one hundred
She always U confiding.
• Saino place."
If It. hadn't been for naaiurtiumi. Qn they went, and manina was really here five dollars If you will mouat ceUng- It: or. If a dish gvta broken, and thirty. How hard they looked
And ao abe adds to others'* *ov
"And to think we might ucver bav« Mrs. lially on the third floor would frlgbieoed as. hot and. tired out. she that black beatl and ride a mile wiUi U'> sore to ta laid to me, though I for black cats; but not a black cat
And from their joy aubtmris.
kooWQ each other!" exclaimed Ethel, never have known ttat Mrs. Patter- climbed Cbr bill
bin. provided you both get tack with- may have been a' mile off bunting, was to ta seen,
A atmnge arithmetic. 1 know.
T»car me!"
son on the first floor waa sister of
But a cheery little shout ao^wercd out any broken bonepT
»t the very time the mlachlef_^ was
-xynly half a mile more and w*
Sut these, my dear, arp fans.
•l)e-ah mel" echoed the baby aiirf- her best friend back East; nor can her anxious call
Karther on she
"Are there any piara left?" asked don«- .
can see the spite that ends the
laughed at bia own Joke.
anyone be sure that Grandpa Down- could Just see Teddy. Kilting on the
Morgan of Elva.
troubles me worn of aU .game." aald mamma, after
a long
, Kwm that moment the three were Ing would ao quickly have recovered ground, ataring with all his mlgbl at
I know a girl who multiplies
"Yes." said Elva. aa shepassed the U the way rm treated by chll^u ride through woods in which they
Rer>)oys by cancellations.
the best of friend*.
from rbeumatl*m wiihoui the flower*, a round gray thing, w-hlrh hung cIom;
iNuket lo him.
Thank goodness, our folks haven't bad sot seen a.alngle thing that they
She draws the line through tegrt and . •Dll out; Baby want to lUt out; " He insisted that the very algbi u! above hi* head on the limb of a tree.
He look one of tbe beet pears and any children: but vIsHora frequently coold count "How do tfie side*
Baby suggested at last. You see. the those nasiunlutuK' always timde hi:u
"O Teddy'" she' ssid. "What are
l>ut H In his- i>ockel.
bring their tables, and then I have a *und?'
Of all-denomlnailona.
mocking birds were singing for faioi feel better.
you doing?"
' Where arc you goIngT' asked Elvra lime of It. if 1 don't happen to be ao
-Two hundred and forty-Ave,"
Dividing ioys. she moltlpilea
and llDoeu were ceUlng lo: him fiom
Ethel Mary. B<lna Carolyn and ibv
-Vm lookinc at that funny thing,
aoKwered Marlom
palm trees.
taby bad plenty of winter frieniJs mamma." be said. "I was going to as -Morgan left tbe bench wherethey fortunate aa to get away and bide.
Her friends and sunny hour*.
They aite sure to gnab me the first“And, we have only twohundred
-All right, baby." answered'his sis- ever after, becauae all the moihers.-TitFk It. but you said I must |dck only btil lieen sitting.
Xow tell me. which «Ttthme|n6
tare^" aald mamma.
Shall we adopt for ours?
ter. "but first let's find a place where suDitea. uncles and grandiwrent* In .flowers."
Ethel and Ilan ait down and n-st that most delightful aiiartmeni bouse
"What Is It?" aald Aunt l-aura. ride. " beanawe^ "HI meet you la Ucular how they'handle me. either. mW Ink'Rnirgf^ Earle."
-Chlrlcs 1‘. aoaves.
Sotnetlmea It's heed*.up, but most
No team*, no Mr4s; next a d«s«1while you pl«y on the grass. Down referre.1 to thrtn as "Oor chlldreo."
coming near io look U must fee a the lavillon lu half an hour. Did voo
aay you would give anyone five dot- ,^QvralIy It's bead down and tall* up. m tarabouse. It began to look as If
toward Ihe bay. not far irom on
Y'ou may not reallio bow muchthatbumblebees' nesL Un't liT'
A Practical Way.
They pull my whisker* and my ear*. Earle'# aide would be. tahten. Joai
Greylock hall. Ethel, there's a IlctU
roeaos unless you arc some day two
-.No. a wasp*' neat." sabl mamma, Urs If be would Hde that horror
Onoe on a time tso lumple uy>
as they one more booae. then they would be
brii^o over a canon mat I've alwayv'thunaand miles from home..and home snatching Teddy away "Ah. my little aake.1 Morgan, a* he pointed ^ a ,etaichandbile me as much
Uved Henry R-jrasTheoiibUgB Day.
Wbo toved land hardly twelve was waiker to croua. There's 'plenty of
sick, dseloro you discover yourown nian' If you had not minded mamma. heanUful black creatore secured to a .pieaae.and I am not allowed even to at the top -of the btB and could aro
^ „tdra.
the spire. As they came rioae to lie
graks everywhere around there and wild tarden.—fYance* Margaret Fox. egu Would have got into sad Iruable post, bot who was protesting against
„ !-,« ^id before, If#
bouse. "Nothing, not a ben; " said
In a practical way. it *eem-s to me;
children playln*. ’
In Girls' romi>amoo.
If you had meddled wiih the nest, you auch conOnemroi by vigorously i**- j
thenr was a reform In the treat- Earle ao aaoomluUy that everybody
HU love waa such-lf* really true "Why didn't you eve^ isqf
------------- ^---------might have bc-cn Mur.g almoti to log the ground
^ -That Li Juki wtat I taW." repUed
to ta an laughed, even Toodlaa although he did
He did (be thinga he had to do
"Ob. betause when I'm alone.1
Teddy's Ramble.
amendment toN. tbe conatltntlon or not know why.
CWriully. withont fiown or whine.
never really dare go away from reguIt waa lor Teddy a very tad day
-How are we going to get back? the Dian.
•1 can ride hHii.', said Morgan ^nicUilag: 1 don't know whaL exactT abpold think they would bava
And alw^a dM them right on time: lar sidewalks and atylUh streeu with that lovely morning in early spring said Aunt Isiura. artllng down and
He got tbe eggs' and brought the houaes on both aides "
The sun shone, and every Ilitle/b1:d yaunlngherself "We must be a very
tbelr ben-bokse where people can tee
The lltGe girls laughed, and taby which ekl|.jmd about in the Vee* i©n* way from home, and 1 am so
«,-Sody else. Only they dMt
They were Jutt opposite the opta
(As any boy of hia 'age couMl,
chimed in.

seemed to be trying hla beat to sing tired; O Teddy* bow could you lead owner of the horse, 'll will ta the
last ride you »1I1 ever uke. th«^ I
rights.—Golden Daya barn door when "Brod'" cried Toodles
Drew tbe water, swept the floors.
' Now, if we could, only meet_ moth- out hit delight at seeing tbe soft qg «uch a dance?"
^ And did a doun other chores’.
«•'» flood fairy on the way." Et'hcl re- green bod* again.
Mamma walked along a IliUe way. can prowlro you .that. There are throe
waving hia Ut lltUe Oat in glee.
And when to him they all seemed meiked. "ihia would be a perfect '' There had been a numtar of flamp and looked through an oiwolng In the men in the hospital now ■who have
RetasMe Critabage.
“Biddy? Where? I don't tee any.
uuderuken tbe Job."
morning. Only think;
Rose* every- dayB. In which Teddy could not go out bushea.
"Wave your hands!" ^d p*P«; and Toodles."
He'd ask :"U there another one
where and yet you can't
pick one." of doors, but on this morning/-wfe*-' -Hear me’" she aald. "We have
> him and com•'Ihree little Weaioveci turned
“I do; I do? abouted Earle. "Way.
That I can do to help yon. mother?
'The only thing to do." I^dna de bright world seemed to arolle/ui> at come b>^ a nmnd-aboui way. for there
I artamd
r» sore f'W time to do another;"
clared. "la lo live here and- have a -the bright sky m auch a chefl^- way
the house not more than a quaner
■ Xow didn't he lore In' a practical'toee garden of our own. We would ihit every wee boy and girt U-gan to ©f a mile away. But this fence la
against that of hi. old friend *J' *«««»<» *
have pansies, tbo, and mignonette—" help out tbe smile before they had worse than the oOe w* climbed be
•That U ( r last chance to see <
Prince, then be took tbe pear Irom his
Hearr Rufo* Theophlloi Hay?
"And Otaturiluma." tnternijwed Blh- time to think.
' .
- .
pocket and .lipped It Into Prince', ffrandpa'a thi. vl.IL" rold mamnm.
Then a bright (bought cam# lo
—A P. Caldwell.
vl "and camatlona ail winter long;"
A ud day that? II seems alrango
Aunt Uur* walked along It In
Earto-eoeh a bflghl thooght! There
-Baby wani yoae; " begged fbe wee- to say so. but such a dreadful thing search of some o|ienlng. and they soon nuKith. and In a moment he was on "»'aa grandma *UU eaicblng?bis tack, an.l wliboui bridle or saddle
•'Something moved on the plaxxa." might ta other blddlM out of alghk
A PAGE OF BUNSHfllE STORIES, lad. rewching'toward a La France bai4>cae<l to Teddy 'that It bronght a bearvl her calRmt.—
NastiKtium Calling Card*
roan just be.vomt his graap.

great rkiud over bis sunshine.
"Here I* a gate* Come and help the. dashed past the startled crowd, declared Barle. "I 'spect It was He stood right up In the carriage In
gained ihe highway, and were soon grandma." Then with a very differ hto excliemenL "Biddy! biddy! bMdy!
One lovely morning laxt winter a
"Baby .shall have it." was the In-. He went out Into the garden by
©pen |L"
In leas than half an ent voice he added, "i don't want to Mddy!" he called In bte sweet UtUe
little girl stood In the window of sti aunt‘‘rtaionse. an.l straightway the himself, and in H‘c niinuies bounded
u was aa old-fashioned (arm-gale. out of sight
go hoo^“
voice. No wonder the blddloe came.
Btwruaent house In San Diego', tool:- owner of the rose walk^ out from'be- In with a ehoui. and- stood before cer'y rough, and heavy. Us lop rail hwir they came quIetU aiding back.
"Here Is your five dollars, my boy."
"Nobody that I know wanu to go They Oochod out of the barn door.
ing out upon the bright world an.l bind some shrubbery, cut tbe blossom mamma and '/uni Laura with a Uugh was formed of a log. cut down slender
graciously, "and I 'home," Mid mamma. brUblD- "If hurrying, acurrylng. some of them
wlahlpA herself at home—home where
and gave lt-t« tbe delighted baby. on bla fpce AfiSaoniMhltig else gath- over tbe gate, hot the other end of It
snow waa whirtlng about the houae G
" ood fairy;" murmured
Edna, as cred titi In his little |ro^
i,.as leU full-siae. and ran far out to would give five more If t could man- there la anybody in this carriage who flying; and all for noththg! Therw
age tta rrealure as well as ?on can." wants to go home let him raise hi* was no com—Just a chubby little feland tbe wind bowled down the chim- the little girls walked on. "Now. fire
'Youmay lake a t«ep." be uid.
torm a weightto balance the gate on
"I do not want the mono." Mh) band—or 1< t tar raise her hand.
low Hi a anrrey.
minutew more. Ethel, apd you'll sec
Aunt lAura Look a pee|i. and then its rude post.
Wooden ■ iwga were
“When you are at home." grumbled
iho bndgf-'
gave sufh a lliiU- screamof .llsuiay
M,K-k In the
log showing wh'-re a Morgan. “This was my father's horse. . hand." she Uugbed Hiut then wtlT^ Too bad lo dli'poHit them." aald
is all right. U you treat him kind,o go. Just the same. Markm Earle, rtafully. Then be sat down
the child, "there is always somethlBg
All tlila time a gool fairy
was Ivw.lttat Tcldy was frlghtene-l.Meturn- mugh filledwith sioom bed He
must go because the grammet-acbool on the carriage ,s"«t and laughed and
lo do aod Komevrticre'to go. and you ins the children strdfkht to .Nastur- ed and showed the bcsmiful ihltt|i> be piat-^d to give'siiu more welglft But ly. "
Then Morgan put bla arms around begins next week; Earle must go be- laughed m the tans sUIl kept comhave your own frienda. I wish *1 had (i,ini ranoo
bad to mamma. Surely abe wouM b<- ,he stones had gone long ago. and ihc
,te kiadergarten begins next Ing. "tlow many.
stayed with Aunt Mabel."
There are ihooaanda of people to plo*sed. But maptna shook her bead. Kste looked as if It had not been Prince's neck and gave bi*j » larOng
bug. Prince has had good, kind week; and Toodles must go b
"Thirty!" exclaimed mamma. Jut
“H aeemi to me." miTtbcr renion- Ban IHcgu who have njwer liearJ of
"O Teddy;" she exelaUned. 'Hovi.- o|.ened for year*.
Birated. ’ll does seem to me. Ethel. .NsKtimlum Canon, cither by that coold you spoU all Aunt Laura s htwuHo*' they tugged and ,tugged to friend* ever aiuce. for bit master has because—1 must go." fllvlng Baby a* the apire came Hi sight. "We'vr*
won. we’ve really won! And after alL
that we have done nothing but 'go' name or any other: yet It U a fact tiful tolli*?.
n»ve the clumsy thing' At last Just learned ttat lYlnce never (ails lo ta Toodles a hug.
ever alne* we came Wesu Think of that bciween llrst street anclT^e rodd
imor T«rddy was such a little tel- „ mamma was giving up In despair, kind when be recelvee |►rlncelv■ treat­
It was a yrrj hot day. aod tbe fU- waant It Toodle* who saved the day?"
ment—EleanorSmith. In Bojs' teen-mile ride aeeined a* far as to -Oertnide U Stone to Vootb's Cpmthe happy days w« have bad In ^n to Old Town on Florence Heights. Is )ow that be bad not remembered wince Aunt laura ran to the big log.
rsego. Has anyone enjoye>l our iiii>s a canon, known to all children of the last summer that he was not allowed
-Come here. Teddy." she cried, World.
Cblaa. Marian said. "And I can't help panlon.
to Tla Jnaooa. La Jolla. Coronado, neighborhood. wBer* nasturtiums grow to pick the flowers In the small gar- fiii^ing ber shawl over It.
Puaav Cat’s Tai*
thinking bow cool it Is mt gifindma'a"
--------- ;-------------and tbe old mission more than you? wild. They go down the canon, up den. He had come upon the tuliiw.
twinkling she had swung b'a
Why, Ethel dear, do you forget bow the canon, over the shnibbery. a *11- aod looked In wonder and delight on
n,tie figure up to where the
von lore tbe flowers there, masses derness of brilliant bloom. The birds (lie beautiful cop*, iwlnied In-red and ptone* had rested. Mamma pushed
and maase* of flower* blooming In the know the place—birds and sunshine.
gold and purple and crimson, where one way. and Aunt Laura the other.
children.' Tbe flower has flv* petals
winter? More flowetw than we have
When Ethel and Edna first beheld be had seen only green leaves before.
"Hurrah; Hurrab!" acTcamed Teddy. treated. There'# always two aide* to
, and five sepal* In most paasie*. esItory.
v- -u,
—rii.r and leas hlehlv
nmioera at bows."
that canon
fmm the bridge, they were
And before' Ids ihlnklng-machlne hadwaving his fiowem asatlength
tbeand I would like to Iril IM
» .. O..
"But. alte? alL" Ifibel went on Hi sp^bless
with Joy Idtile brother,
time to work, hislittle fingera
hadfate slowly- moved,
petolant tones, "what fun
however, recugnlted his opinrtnnlty. nipped off every, one.
“What have you been about all the
are plain Hi color and Uftta aro gay.
gardens full of flowers, when tbejLAM "Baby dll down! Ba6y du dowfi;" he
"Never mind;" saM Aunt Laura, morning?" asked Toddy's grandtather.
_ B pel Toodles Jost gav *‘“^*.!*^“****.®'Two"^ ttaw Petals^ tav<sa
UtdiM never have
belong to strangers and you ran nevei
when she had
time to catch ber when they got home to dinner.
■^^ollowln; ita*: 'They d,nY «Uh. at ihC nolae. mid Marion did not
pick one? I'd rather be hofce look«ng"Come along,
why don't you? " call- breath, “Youdidn't know gay bet-Oh; " said Teddy. "1 -most caught
Uke ca^
out riding and
in tbe bird's
•'ord*! b«l
at frost no*Lrt on the wlndosrpanta ed a boy from
below. "Comealong
ter. you dear lilile rogue; But don't
g chipmunk,
a bumble
the pansy reptethan In thlf^coontry;" aod help youraeives: tbia
is a -wBd pick any more flowers wHhoui/leave" oMt. and eivened the big gate down carrla/e. nor, carry them In their « a*'- aad ihe ottar. each did wimeanna, as they do thoae ugly- pug
'o ‘>**P
.eou a famUy. conaisting «>f hoslwad.
“Evld*ni1jS/be taby acroBB the hall garden,"
Teddy did not forget, a* he walked under tbe treea."
daoghUri. two of tfie
feels the aatne*way/ mother replied. "A wild garden;" repeated Ethel. res|>ecifully around the pretty IHGe*you opened tbe big gate?"
said dog*.'They never think of sending fro "the pleodia nolM." But there are
being step-c^UdrMi of tha wife,
"1 wonder what make* him cry so Her own voire sounded strange.
beds and gased lovingly at imnsies gntfdfalber. "Why. I sent the hoy-s a doefcr wtan a cat geU sick. And only tour verros to -Amerlro." so
mneh.“Ye*, tbe children that live near and pinks and nu*. But'In August gown to open U the ether day. and yet cau are vary much hlcro-. I'm mamma bad to think of aomething rbesdata pcUU are the Mepchildron.
Ethel turned away from the win- here have idekul so many nastur- be tade them good-by. and went with they taM It couldn't be done till It sure, thu a great ugly ^o- And w^t abould
It be? ^Hh only one chair. Tha two amalL
daw with an entirety different exprw- tioms they hare got tired of It. I-ist -mamma and Aunt Laura for a visit In had a wel^t on it."
But as the fashions change ao. and "• wonder 1 haven'tthought of
u,, ggqjbtera. with a
Sion ui>on''her fare. “Why. mothe.-.' your baby get out and walk, aod yon <bc nvnniry.
"Bat I opeged IL"aald TMdy. eveirthlng get* topaj^ffirvy every heforo!" she e*el*lmed. "Why bar- chair each; and the large gay petal la ;
that baby Isn't well: abai's tbe rea- can bring
the go^rt aroond by ttat
The sun'was
asbright and
the"didn't I. Aunt Laura?1had
to. la
eo a whUe. 1 am in hope* that o't.w* played roadside cribbage '
the wife, with t^o taalra. To find
•on they brought him to Calllomla. rock and It will be safe."
birds as full of song as they had been mamma and Aunt Laura could get cau will g« to ta fashlotable yeL
ttoadslda ertbbage?" said paiM. the father, oae moat atrip away tha
I've been trying to gel ecqnalniod
From that moment neither Ethel on the spring morning at home. Bat home."—Setecied.
Every dog taa hla day,
too. •"‘’’e forgotten
how toplay
with bla Bister, bat she won't talk nor Edna was ever again homesick In oh. what a wooderful difference he
■ --------------------- —
home time
O''*' knew."
aro tare. They tar* a tandfnl remore than a clam. Her mother isn't Southern CaiKonila. and it Is a Ucl found In tome other things when he
____ ublb. -to
___ ____
wHh a flanTbm.
bnm ot Cbll.
-»•« -bbt Ml bM. •», bbli..'. umbUbc to u, bU b
•tiMg and tbe taby isn't well: thgt that baby.forgot that be had ever went with hla mother and Aunt lAora
Morgan Reynolda lived In the coun­ lng"tta warmeel~'*e^n'of the year and people." answered mamma "You nel wrap about hla ne«k.'hl# •honldero
ts mil I do know, except that tbe doc- Men 111. It w-as marveloat how quick- tor a walk.'
try on a tsfm. Hia father had horse*, cat-day s? It a dog-day*, of cooree, and Marion count all that you *ta oa' upralsta. and bla (*et lo a batbdnb.
ton aey the baby must be kept out ly' be grew- strong and well after tbe - The flowers were n^ In bed*, but cows and sbeep..gBd Morgan had pets A^d there are dog-roaea a^ dog-tooth your aids of tta surrey and &rte and Th* story la probably
la tbe dreah air."
discovery of Naatnniam Canofi.
grew juai where ih^ wanted to; among them alL The coU had such vtoleu. and even H.}-w*m1 1. com- I wBI eount thoro on our aide. And origin, becauae the German.
the '

A moment later the door dr the op- When the children returned to Grey - flowera In the paatnros. flowers in tbe long legs and waa eo awkward that monly called dog-fennel.
Toodle.? Well Uke Toodle. on our pansy 'Ita meMnother,"
poaito aiiartmeni was opened gnil lock HaU gt noon, their mothera were .wooda; flowers aloag the fences, Morgan Mid be was a homely (eUow.
But who ever calls anything after. Mde. v I'l we, Earle? That wOl nuTe
there was the round of go<an wheels Inclined to believe that they bad In- flowera even where. Golden-rod. pop- and for a white hr did not care much
There's cat-mp. to-beeure: but three, bm Lheo I
In tbe ball.' Regardlews of apartment deed raetitbe good (airy .
pies, asters and dalslee teemed beck- (or him and always called him Long it's a great ■wonder It wasnY called loeg aa Toodles canY help any. fhe ............
r that tt
booee maanen aod before her mother.
“\t'e picked them onroelve*;" ap- oalog to him io tbe breexe. aa If to Legs. It was not ven' long, though,
dog-alp. And there's tta -cat-nramp aide that counU up th* biggnat nttm- ^ ^ ^
Wiled whether the
ootdd pcevent. Ethel opeoed^ber own nouneed Ethel, whoee family knew say. 'rm waltHi* for voo. IHtle boy" before Long Lega develbpad Into a
and cat-Ull flags. Bat wtth theee ax- hro win*, and the end of tta game
^ inoompeUnt
doer tor a giimpae of the baby. Ills there could be no greater ley.
Teddy fairly danced with dellgbL
beeutlfnl ahluHig Meek pony. Then
M when wa can sea tha apire ef tta *gueer or e dhfectiva laU—Charts^
•later'had beee crying—that fact was
After baby had bla nap ttat day.
“0,'maatma. do pick a flower tor ha was calM Prinew
Prtaea caption* Bverythlng Is nhout dogs.
Then o«r bttt«d£ Iwca a piece of chnreh et home. And om thing morel toa New* end Ootirier.
Ue first that raaidit BihN'a aiteatiM. two mtle glrto left Oreytock HaO. me!" ia aald.
waa qnlu yooag and frisky he woald

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