Grand Traverse Herald, February 18, 1913

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Grand Traverse Herald, February 18, 1913


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, George G. (1861-1942)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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and Travarso






ClwrltvoiM CMnty HM PraTiHd tV


nd4ip Meeting at Lanaidg Febbruary S te 2S-




Two Carloads Sent Out by Friemann


..te Mate itoiind-up'FUrmcrs' Insti­
D. 8. r»flot>. «!»«• of III*' Cbrnrlcvolx
tute wm beheld at Itie'MIchlgan Agriculluriil college. Pebruao' 21 to 28.
and yeeterday was (he last day '
COMMITTU>PRACTICAI.LV RCAOV <]lr«cioni-<>t ibe WMtera MIrhiiaa
Det'olopnieiil burc«o iras In the city
The si>eakprs are among the best
th.-v ixiuld be sent to New Yu'k I iiy
today rn«orrUn8 <lic work of the buthat could be obtained in Mk-liigan
.inder the present prices. The ship
and chpcklnj; up on the aeveral
m(-nt Id ifao last (our week* has
and the nclghborlni; sUtes. nnd the
Ilnex o' acUvIty In which CbarlevoU
program will be InteresUiig and hel|>>m- l» eeperlatly tntemted
market wili bo voiyV uncertain bef=f*c *v "" wtwb4**Jii wimwiiwn
fut to everyone, unit •wp's-lally In the
He rrtiorts the ]>eoplo of that codd>n will have to be
all f.iru from
ty uf wbirh he )■ the county ircanrer.
----- 1
--------If id for next year.■. Ud'lb.
AniOQg the topics to j-c discussed
DihnaiaKtic over the entire prob­ FROZEN WATER
PIPES MADE will be. Boll F<M-||liiy. hVrlllir.rrs.
i'.wcrlBg of pricoa,;
lem of dovcloirnient and he feela ai
days they hate
l-aml Dnilnage. Alfalla. t’om fuUuic.
that they wixh the in-ncnil pninram
eight men wothiiig packing up
fotato tSrowjng. Kriilt Gtviwing and
Plant of YpeMantl Reed
tar loads of hulee. («e going t"
-Maikcting. Stork Bn.>«ling and K(<..<l
ClimlMtlMi of Intugural Ball la Meat
Mllwaukv.' and the other t» «'hUa.- >. Strong Ticket Wo* Plaecd in Field
itig. Ilwlrying. fiHiliry. ||«g (liolcra.
BaneMlenal Departure From the
Tb.-sx w.'lghed TO.WMi. There was also
and Plotfenn Adepted That is
Cwtema Reee«nUcd In the
over land that Is just ready to t
In Keeping WKh the
. ar of tallow tliat Mbs been re )d.'r.)d
Banltallon, Itomesth- Science, etc.
onto the market and the price
y the dlff'fcm butchers In Ih.. r;it
Every morning thero will de dem­
wblih Is stin BO low that anybody; d»
lid Ih.. .DUniry. • There were .12.‘-"i
onstrations along -such line* as StcK-k
thlrty.flve cuiivicta In.the Mirhican
I. D. C.. Pel-. H-—Theer- fdrinc 10 encane In tarmlng can
i*>undt uf Miblo-r st.M'k that had l«eo
Judging. Oponi/Jne. GriifGng and
enoach aerease with a few dollars
a'tor the inauEurallon c
Wiiahiiigton. Keb. I-'.—A resolution gathered In the Ust Pea- months.
UneUig. Mich.. Feb. IS.—Ten hu»
I'ruiilDg. Packing Kruit in Boxes. Test­
Ust them for a Ufeilme.
This firm Ik distiiluilng ti:*vugli •Ired and thirteen delegates attended
monlea and parade. Involvicue a
ing Si-eds aud Sml. but alter Ion citiixiwerlng the government'io seize
plant of the Ypi
hie r>-xi»n a targe a
of money that she democratic siatb convention here
mendooa amouat of deidil work, are
■mi operate the S9 eastern r^lr
Company inside the reformaitwy walls ctrlock the time >vill Ih.. devoted tu
practieally coaipicted. ahbouxta
threatened (•>' a firman's strike would oiherwine g.> in other Incalltles! yesterday, and
was destroyed by fire.
weeks and lour day* will have le |>ai»
be event the strike last ovi- a I.r else bo Inst entirely lo the (afmew. .i. knt and adopted a ptatform without
The liMS la caUiimtol al t-iU.iKM),
w««'k. V as introduced in the boisc tofaefora Preeldentelert Wtoo^ijow WHWater iilpM to the Institution grtMinds
dsy lo ('ongressmon Ik'irer. Die Wta
•on 4hd Vice I*reildenteloet^homa.s
were fruzen and U'c «Uy fire departR. Uaraball will be Introduced Into
;ii«in MM'ialist.
forced to
FnUowIng the railroads' aeizuri- the
their reepectlve otfioee nnd wlU Uke
Ji-juice* of the Supreme CouR—
by whllo the fiarntw raged for three
resiilutlou pnividtw that they shall be
their oaths of office. The crandsUnds
Geurg.' I. Yspte. Ueodon; Rollln H.
hours. The aisle's loss was IIIu.'hio
tii~nilcd hy the (KtetmaiJcr general PEOPLE^IVEN WIDE CHOICE OF r. i M.ii. Lanaing,
at the White bouae and^ai several
te Catena Work
Two hundred tbouxand dollars in
n congress tnaugurules a "Depart
lioinu aiODs PennsylvaniT’aTenoe arc
utoi-k was Ac rei»-rt us’
l;<-;tnu of the I'nlveralty of Mlchlnt of Hallways." Berger said the
completed and ao U the aUsInc tor
the fire was the work of Im-endlarie#
S'-ir.urc would i« jiistlflid on th Spring Election May Result in Vig­ >n -P'rsnk H Regole. Marquette; W.
the loauyniratios oeremoniea al the
<atia«d an lovesi gatkm by the.auihorA. ('uuiKior-k. Al|>etia.
ground of "great jiuhlic cuirrgepcy
capliol; the aUnchlMU for the steel
Hies. The authorliies ar- taking pre(From Rmord-EnKle, IVb. 11.1
tablea with which Pennaylranla
tha Lina
The regular tuoniii^ im.t..ting ol the
licns sgalnst an ouihieal; ilmlh.*
avdbae win be roped off on the day Grand Traverse Humane socieiy was to that at Jaekeon recenUy.
Highway C-ommlMtoner-^Cteorse C.
of the parade are In pUce and the hold last -uIgbL Considerable bttsl1li.-rc will Ih-. four (irkMs in the
thonnula of electric Uffbu to
n.-id this Hiring^ lo Traverso t'ilr. Wlnans, Haniburg.
neas was Uken care of. The humane
uaed fnr (he Inanffutal lllomlnatlon officer made'bfe reia>n and there i*
w-hu-h will glte the voter* a wide
Mernlwr of the State Board of EdnPassed Ajpay at Her Homy Last range of talent lo wlecl their otflcMH raitOR—Emsouel WUhelm. Trav^
have haen etronc and placed In their nlwavB tiled with the *ecreiary a de­
proper poaltlona. Every detail of the tailed account of each case taken
rr.-:ii for th.- .-utuiog tw.> years.
laanffhraUta ceremony and
.vror. The na(arc ol that does nat aa a usual thing WELLS- B. MILLrt LIVED 8EVSk-mb/lhi of Sute Board of Agricul­
tmipde (Wlowinp It has been careful­ apiiear In publlr. but it shows how
ture-Kubert W. Hempblll. YpsUonU;
il r..m It.-.-, .d hiieV. F.-». i::
ly planaed and every precauUon ha* carefully these auiiiers are looked lotbia sprius m Hty poUllcs (or
Oik- ul liic sa.;i.est doatli-. lo occur
Albert K. Souier, Shelby.
beoB taken to prevent the occurrence^
and given the most prorupt atten­ He Was Founder of Mi.iers Hill SettlTiic;
nutill a Ttptrrse I'liy home In a long
Jl^.-riie noninatlons were oiade
a Wat Appointed to Arrange I1II.C .-am.- jnsi as the davlighl faded
or any awkward‘hlMiL
tion. Tbli last ntbnih there were tbir
of lh<- a difficult
tiemeirt and Pioneer
The eomln* Jnaiffmratlon will be teeiy cases re|»ried and In ea< h one
» f.necaal. Kepublicana, denio- wjt^ui a roll call by proetlcaUy a
Fruit Raiaer.
iiii.v du'i. y.~HT(Uy. when .M-s. rilli'
aod tmcteUsis also have Utketa unanimous vote, and with onD brief
remaikable In aeyenl respMts. In Ike lartles were told what" to do.
•I, .lacul.)'. R.;3 I'enlosulii atr-ei. laj
the fleet place the aoulhem aules Some children were looked after in
eway in s'
of .mKnnsrtedi In all of the wards. Those who have
m-cord-Karh. l-«-b It '
On (he ticket are a aeptew had n
win bare a atronfcr repreneniallon In other cases; animals were put o(U «1
wlit<-h had lasted atsM/t Zf tadurw. fll.-d their nomlnallrvns with the city
lie lirsi day ol Feliniary .Mr*. Ja- cl-rk in the preecrib.-d manner ar* as .-w of former democratic governors of
the pamdalB^-dar n peat ^any misery where there was ao help lor p^yals, death came to WclU B.
.Vlchigan. while Mr. Cnmatoek ot Alfolk.w*;
rwn: ahotttr mw Mparture will be them: hones were blanketed and fe>l Miller, agpd 80 years, at his home. US
'A nutuiier of the dircctois of. the .-ot.y bcr-aine the molhn of a aW(WI
w-as nominated for the recency,
City Clerk- Tracy M. Cllli*. repnblial*'. Mary Klizal.eih. Both im>Uithe amhffOMnt by which the vice- and the owners notUied. There Is the Ban Fllteenth strei-i. at au early hour Grand Traycise Region IVr a:-.-ociaprealdent «0I rooaWe more atirntlon heartiest cceoiwratlon with Rte Uureau Ibis moraiug. Mr. .Milh r was one of linii iuct lu the- iuirloie of iIk- ilo'cl • r an-l . hlld ciijny.'.l good lieaUh until liian: George K. Be^er. demm-rst; which he now holda by vtrtae of appointmcni by OovemtF IVrris.
than over beCpra. a mtiiun' escort be- of Associated Chariiles.each nne belp the aartlest pioneers »r the GramI IVlilHiig The stormy weather kept UM M.-nduy ml.lnigh'l. when the luolh- TAim.thy B. Temple. eoHalist.
tif prOTida for him toaconpanyblm
niaiiy at binnc. There was u coosiderto the capltol and hack to the White humane officer be apiwIntcKl In each county f'S year* ago tium GrocsiH- ■bU- auwunt of work trai:>aiie(l. The |..w.-d l.y c-nnviiUii.ns in Hie monitng. publican: IWrnhsnl H. Bracken. d«m■rat; VMward l.autnrr. eoclalUt.
house; another. Mually new precedent township In the county and that Utey ounty, Michigan. Ihiriug thirty year* reaignaUOli uf'Herbuit .Montague wa* Since then she hod known no one. and
Board of Educatlnn—Ambrose R.
will be eAahUihed by the omltalon o> reimrl cases to the oflh-er In the city, of that time be remained there and not accepted and he was unanimously di-.Kh came nt .*.:3" last evening al­
and that he be given the |»wer of a for the'remalmDR Z'2 years lived in
as a relief to her great cufferin.^ Turner, eorlallst; Albert W. Peck,
the InanffUtatk* hall which In f
chosen as secretary (nr the coming
Grand Traverwi' county, most of the
ycara need to eonedtnte the
rases. The suiiervlsora luiy be aske<! Ime In Traverse Cliv. He bad been
see. Khe win
remembered liy many
Board of iMbHc Works—Thomas
brtUlant feature ot the Inaocn
It was the of an that, the live liepple who knew her Ik-*I as the dl»- Shane. repubHcan: Frank Schwalller.
aid in this work as far a* |K>sslb)e. I resident of Michigan Tt year*.
There Is a small sum of money in the was one of the best known '(ann'-rs slock'exhibit should bo inrriNuted and Is-Dser »r deli.'i'nis drink-, and hits nf d.-n>icrDl; P'rank U. Hartley, cocialiat;
the state. Born In Gcnesi-v i-oun' all efforu pul foith tu knako this one t.-rapilDg ror.f.xiionery .liuhes. at thg. to>uU F. PerkeiL progressive.
treasury, but luore Is needed to defray
Frail and Periahabla Articlaa
I where it Is needed, like the ly. New York. Keh. s. is:;::. !..• livcl of ihehig features and it was decided lanrhronclte at . the "Big Store,"
JuaU<e of the Peace—Amil F. Nerliable te be BrMbn or
feeding of horses when neglected by there until !«!•. when he ckm ewlih lo furnish free lo all bona fide ex­ where for aliout two years she was Unger, republic-ao! William H. Hcndcr
dent Tift. Prealdeat.elect Wilson and those driving In from out ot the city. his parenu to tSMn-sce county. Mlchi'- hibitors the luiy and straw, and lo
iiiamtcer of that d.'iuirtnieni. Before mm. a.M-Jalist: W. Patehin. proVlce-Prealdenlelect Marshall cm the
(Cotiim'icd on I’age Twu
The following offlrt-rs were elected gan. In ISGl the fanilly moved
hat she was oiiiph.y.d at the Palace '••asive.
nontlnf of March t. will be eRcorted
l-eelanau county and look up Uicnu
lYestdenl-J. W. 1‘alchln
i.'c cream |«rlor nnd iH foiv that
from the Whllo house to the capltol
There has been aume locUy of Ute
the farm that is now know
Vhw president—liee ilornshy.
JackMUi s She was a young woman
AW.-rnian — Joseph Sledcr.’demo
with military honors. *Tl>e rrocci
SecreUrj-treasnrer—B. H. Bracken. icr's Hill, nser Gl*-n A.lmr. Tlw Mil­
charniiug |•c^Mlnallty, alwaya cral; CharJre IJrupricht. so<ia!lsl anumg the parcel poet patrons about
win he Headed by Cen. Wnod a* arand
properly labeling parkagaa before
Humane officer -Hen Canon.
ler's were the firv-i sciitcrain that i«il
latiejit, wlllliic. y..| h.-r natural self, John A. Hdntosh. progrraslvd.
marshall and bla staff. Iciilowed by
Urcetcirs-Mn. J. W. Pntchln. Mrs. of the cnuntry. and iho isrhcr nn-l
frien.1 to ^«r^n her homo sho
Sflimrvlsor — Januta S. Msrtln^k. mailing them. The lawa la regard to
the l^eez troop ot New Jcrhcy. form G«i. G Hale*. -Mis* Clara Hatmi. Mrs. sons built the firs' road They «Im>
(be ocreptaiKc of pack*gee are very
■ as the typical hom.< niok. r. Bhe
deiWK-ral; Itanlel B.
18K the apedal ekeorl of Governor A. W. p.H-k. Ut Hornsby. W. N. Bing- enjoyed the disllotrlon of setting
on artist hy nature and many friends clallst; Charles H. Broadfoot. progree- rigid and unleas the MOder'a name
Wilson: then hill oome the carrlasc bam and F. H. Viuton. ’
the first ordisrd aud hauled the first
and addreas. preceded by lb* word
buvp hits of her handiwork that will slvccontaining PrmMMt Taft and Gov.
had of kpFlcc <^t «vre ever taken
doubt be . herished by iIk-iu always
C«ne xble—AVIIliaiu A. Murrell, pro- •from." are on the parcel It eanaot
Wilson, pest the troop ot Culver
be accepted nor delivered. A bos of
Into and shipped 'from Glen Arbor. As Plant Were Laid le Held Winter Most of her girlhood days wero spont greaslve.)
deu forming tha BBOort of Gov. Marhe years passed hy the comilry soi­
candy was umlted at the pottofftre
In Tmversc City, where she wont to
Second Ward
ahalt, who win oceapy the second ca^
led up and the rin-leo! aitiuamtaucc.^
KCboul.'and mingled, much In church
Aldernian-Tbontas E'lub. Alfonso tbIa morning wiikont tka eonder'a
riaffe. which will an fUlowed by the
name, and ualeM the owner «alls for
nod frlsndshlp grew wide,
- P. Bledor. republlian: Jneepb EhreaiKrmu UtH-ord .Gagle, Keb. It.)
eatire grand velerm division, comIn the yskr IK.l.Mr. MIIW iiiarrlM
Hree yt'ui* and was formcrl.v MIm herger. democrat; loaac W. Bowen, so­ It an^ label* It properif tt wBl be
The national pnvn-aaivat held ihHr
Mias Cynthia R. Johnston In Gemscc
prwed of atembare of the Grand Army
•illlP Biswse. daughter of Mr., and cialist: .loeeph W. Zimmerman, pro held at the local poetoMce.
'•oumy. iaiid to them wero i%m five
of the Republic, the Union Veteran
.Mr>. Ilcnp Sitoese. who. with the buo- gresalve.
Improper packing U also canriag
Hetallves have reocived copies of children, one ot whom died in child­ the nfficc of J. W. I'airlim. A repre­ lutnd. the baby .laughter, one alater
lotion and the Bpasteh War veteran*
rmc trouble. Packogca whIcB are to
Supervisor—Clisrie* H. Hantl vvsky
The president, the president-elect • be. Btsmgrk. North Dakota. Tribune, hood. The remaining tour who with sentative gathering was preseui from
id ou.‘ hralber survive.
doDKX-rat; Jogeph Poeptrln'. aociallsi: be sent by parcel post ore aapoaed to
ix-ili the city and the (vjutilry.. The
Fun.TsI wrriiecs bate n<ii be*
and the vlee-praeldant-elect wlU enter in^whiib there are arUelca concerti- the widow enrrtvc. are: Gwrge of
the rough bandRng whlek any exJanie* Converse, .progressive.
I riucilaY ni;.IU >- tn-forc the <<qivcalion
the senate wing ot the capltol by the log the nearby oiUea and Gladstone 1* Battle CreML Ward of Kalamazoo.
Palmer, so- prv-es or baggage recelvae In traariL
was the election ol arveo delugatcw
The parcels are thrown In bags with
bronze door. The prealdenl and The the one treated this week. Among the John ot iauming. Mr*. Bary Briiuin
clallst; Julius Koenig. progreMlve.
president-elect will be oeeorted to t^e places of business was that of Geo. of Elmwood.township. Besides these
other moU and often hava'athof keary
Third Ward
ftaies to the slate convenlloD lo Ik
lirekldeot's room where they shall re­ B*. liCe Lumber. Grain aud Coal cop)' there are (DUiteen grandchildren, two
Alderman-cd^vi Soule, republican: ■niclea piled upon them. They are
Kraal-Krudeblldren: (our brothers. A held in the illy vf^Iatllv c.'n-ck. V'edpsny.
main until escorted to the n
Charles II. Johnson., n-publicon; John tossed from the cor* with dralskt and
nesday. Feb. 19.
expreea. s»l unicea the vn^fdaff U
chainber. to be preMnt at the inaogu.
The older residents of Traverse I>. of Naveda. 3amcs and Burns of
Straub, demov-rat: WlUlam
F- W. Otrver was c-hosen chairmsi Long Suffering Ended By Death This
there la every ebanea that tha
raUon ot the vtoe-prefldent-eleet. to City will remember the lico family SblawaaaM euam.v and Albert of thU
Clancy, denw-ret; Herbert A. Coairo,
of the convention and F. B. Dinlsail
whom the oath ot affiee I* to be nd- who lived (or so long a time at North- city, nod two aiziera who live in the si-crelary. On motion the foHowing
eoriallstr lOOTnard C. CUpp. eoriallal parrel will break <g»en.
1 by the prasident-prt
port aad Lee's l^>lnl. The arUcle .southern port of ih<- MaleFragile material, aucta ai boUlea.
James.II. McAllister, progresalve: Al
unanlniously elected
In the year 1891 the old
that Rulus has the same
Jelea and small riatamry.
pore of the a

Miller's Hill was dUinwed of and A. F. fameron. Bariiey And.-rsoo. Oas
Mrw. Csrite Tl..>mi>M)n. aged abon
It of Ihtt body. Havtnt spirit that hi* grandfather. Robert
Supervisor—Walter W. Dean, repub- whieli are eaaUy -broken. akeM be
McAlllsIer, Ur. J. W. Gsuntlett. EUjoh
go years, widow of the Uto
taken bis oath, the vIcopreaMent will Lm, brongU'io North Dakota In tbo Wella MUlar with hi* (ogilly moved
li<-au: Charlos Wilholm. dcru-icrut marked fragile In addltloa to Mag
lUnooB. Han McMullen of the'penin­
Thompson, passed awav Just before John R. Brennan. soclsU*i: Ryuben 8irely wrapimd and pratodtad. In
calluhe senate to order nod deliver earlier days. This business which has
sula und Wi'JUm Selkirk nf VVhltowatdawn thin mornin'g al her iiorae ID 'Fln.b. progreaslve.
iho past few daya there haes bami
liU Inaugural addresa.
laged by the Lee's for l«ie Eighth stiwcL where they lived for
The following alii-rmiifW
three yeara. They then sc-tilcd on anNorth BIfnwftcwt avtmue.
fnuDd in tbe mall aaeka a package of
The organizatloa «l the senate hav- past three generations shows the
fVnrtnble—Williun-H. Wilkins.
farm nt Icone Tree Pcdni, and poinlrd: F.. W. Wail. U K. Gliilis.
than two v*vr* Mr*. Th-mipson h*d elaJisi: Cart Nuebiit. pmsrenaivc.
roffocwhich was brukmi ogaa ana
lag been oonpleted. a proceaalon wilt
■ked absllty of the men who have
S. Bandera. U K. Cleveland, tleo, F.,
then moved box-k to the city,
suffertd with cancer.-and sKbougb
scatu-red thrcMgh the mall nniA a hot-'
bo formed by the offleers of the i
oiaRe this biiHloewi the success that
Fourth Ward
AtuMle. t-iiap Cedersen and Hr. E.
buy built ibu preacut borne
oiwralions had been performed they
ale and the bouse of reprasentatli
It Is. These people have made but
Alderman—vepub- Ue of medlrines wblch had bean brok­
leeoih atreet and there they have Y. Kimball <if nfe I.Ake.
en In irnnrit and acfped act ot the
the justioes-or the apreme court of ■ be one mIsUke. and that ts that they
There were a number oT iroporiant gave only temporatf relief and death Mean; George 'TArbiK-k; demo.
lived ever atace.
wrapping. There la also th* dangar
the United BUtee. the oomraittee u( should have hung out their shingle
'uatterw diMUaaed and among them came ibis mdmliig at a reUef. Dar­ Henry Pilch, aocibltet; Oeorgo
Both Hr. nnd Mrs. Miller
from cold, and pertahahl* nrtktos
ing her illneos Mre. Thompson hgd Lardie. progroislee.
arraagements. the praaident and the srHh the g^en rule sign. That prin­ membera of the Firwt Congregational
_ the bolding of mectlnga at dif­
must be protected from expaaar* la
received the devoted care and attedSupcrvlkor — Thomn* O. 8kl
praaldeatmlect. the Bambera ol the ciple has been their slogan of bonoi church and they havo always been ferent times of those In Ihla
winter weather. Between tmtos tbe
dIptomaUc corps In Mocdance with Robert Lae came to North DakoU In active and enertellc workere. Mr. to get lu-tler acquainted and diacuas Hon of her daughter. Mrs. Frank 4emocTat: John <*. ripeoewr.
ere often allowafi to toy
Goodrieh. who has l>ee
Hertmri K Uoughey. progreaslve.
their rank, the vlee^Naldeni.
the pioneer daya and withstood the Miller waa a atrong. bole and broad- all matters that need atienlM).
a truck out of doora tor two or
Constable—Jamee A. Hodge, probars and oa-nieBbera of the eensie bardablps which
A ccmmltieo of five waa suggested companion and nurse.
raioded maa, always regdy to aUnd
three bonrr and Uqnlda and prod ace
and the house of r^reeenuuves. tbM days.
for what waa right and beet for all. the names to be selected by the chair.
York BUte ahd came here abMt
Fifth Ward
hendi of eaocutiva ddpnrtmnu. govUpon hta death. Geo. W, Lee. con- He never had known Illness until last
make .full arrangements tn bo)d
The expreea oompanlea or* nMB atoAtdcrraan—Cbarte* A. EveretL rely roar* ago. Her husband preceded
oraors of etotes and territories, the Dued the bttilneaa. The people to fall, when be anffered a stroke of iwr Vinter basket picnic, and h^e th
admiral of the navy and his aides, the ■hew their eale^m elected Mr. Lee. alysU. and since then he had been ^rumlttee consist of member* from her In d<uuh but a lew years ago. and puhUtan: Oren N. Halley, democrat, pbarislng tbe need of propdr pl»tlg
cklaf of Btaff ot tha army and his eounty UeasiiNr for three
and, gradualiy drifting from the city and from the country. A* together wKh Mro. Goodrich teere Id Nook J. Paukeit. eoclaUsir George F. nt tbU time. They denoM tflh **
there were a number of ' excellent one son. Allle J. Thompaon who suN Smith, progrearive.
the age of criGdam. nnd li
aldaa aad aoeh offMbs sf the army
RutuitLee kavtug the aSM thU life.
Supervisor—Andrew G. -Folrbank*. com«te with the parcel
Vive the- loss of a mother.
and nary who hwa voeelved ... perolAent quaMiies ot hU grondtetber .Funeral aervlcee will be held Mon- y-.poakera n ttoed n( goini
ainotnt: Edwin W. Fisher, socialist: keep their loeaes down and kdlB ttair
I'nncrel wervire* will be held i
coagreu. ^ha procession la atm proving to the people of OUd- day morning at 10:30 from the First
average of mMy daUvwad fdl^fftoi'
____ - -s noted suffrage work-__
, afternoon
...... ..................
Lyndon K. Clev
home Toe^y
ttoonffl the
•tOM that K la the beM olty (fi (be CongiegaUuMl lAnrch. Rev. D. Coeh- IMrTnvfB’
o the standard aet by th* Bi* kyw
he platform ever 9m teeln portloo.|slope and they only wish that there Iln offielaUig.' Utermest win be U er to addreas the gathering. The .-.lock Rev W J OoaUs ^ the AslYnnk LnFloBL progreatlvo.
(0««M es »!•» t»e.)
i were note eeeh twteeei aes.

















! t*AOE T¥TO ■

Graad Travmt Hti^
PeM«>h«d Tnt^ara eadThnfa«v> et TrmvM*e C.I17, Hk'hlgM. h;

UEO. ti. IlATie^ MAserlBR Kdllor
»■. A. UltiwiN. MII.>r
K.MT^ u »

<NnM,"ltS Front SC Beth Phenee ii-



...................... ^tcttAdveiM*


nation aud at the aame time remain
alibln (be bound* of iDiemaiiunal law
and precedeeu -U ia apparent on the
teco DT the lA-porta ibat Ibe Mixiban
peoide are unable to acttle their In
lenal atrtfe by itaelDaolvef. and It this
ia the cue iMa rountry la jnatlfled in'
«.fcii«r any kind of measure* that w ill
hrtw about iwmtaneut iware In the
aistcr republic. Meilco ha« aonie ulih'
tTHefnMo, but history baa |>roven Ibai
the rank and file ol the p«>l»lr are not
yet ready for self jeo'emmob'- The
republic was preserved by rresideni
Porflrlo Ola* »>} a free and lll-cral uae
of the mailed band in pabUr aflalrs.
With bU pBSslna and the atieuipt on
the mrt of President Madero to Introduee the modern republican aihtulard
In dolns bnalnesa within the <ouuir>
the people mlaundersiood hU jnoUvos
otfl took advaniaae of their freedom
to Indulge in their favorite luisiluie 01'
reiolutlon. The ayatem that had been
built up by Madero was not eirona
enoimb to hold the luaarfenis in cberb
and the result oraa that eoudltlona
■crew from bad to worse tiotil
wal condition of ananhy iirevailed
throiiBboui l»e entire eountry. it ia
Ibe policy of Prealdcnt Tali not 10 luterfere until a aiate of anarrby a>iually exlsta, which U rlftit and proper,
bat (t pniilea the active mind to se«'
bow a vorae state of sitaira could be
poMiMe thap the one already in exist
epee. Tbe captiol ia under lire nnd
bAoc Is betas wronsfat on all video
by the two faetinna who rhottid t>otb
have the beat Interests of tb<| country
•t benrt. Tbts condition w-iih Iia at
tendtfit loss of life of noncoml>atsnts
• and sreat destrucilon of |■^ope^v calls
(or ealraordlnary
aide aources and the loshwl ones to do
tbe ktlerferina is the I'nlled States
(nvenimelH. wbich ia tbe pcknowledfced protector ^1 the .Mnerican repnbHe* accordinr to precedent. Prop
erty Interests of iieople from this
cxwmtry. w-hlle a aecon-lary' tlioucbl.
are also lance enouati In .Meiien to
wrdrrant the Uklnc of anive step* to
promote peace atnoni: this warring aa
ties of people.

ocpn.-mim always provides ter the
that It hM In (he |«sl. riotit I
of faU busiiMe. evm il .heMW able ^ think uul,|»mic
iem (or tbemwivM and are not aa boa to go In debt lu 'accom^lah bis
dn>et>ilriit ui«B Che word,of party ends, and Invariahly bis plana not only
loader* a* they have been in the paat. enable him to pay out but reap a baud
and ti la reaaonable to betiove that some reward as well for hla forealgbl.
thek- vision wlU not be obacured by It la a reoocnlaed (act that tbs'dolilattomi iiUtltudes to aucb an extenl ambds ito*B boU watkn and state am
tbal they will loae alaht of the fan
growing, .vnd U the work
Chat there nre aeveral vUal refontw it to M Buccisafully e.-iT>Kd ont ninpic
nec'ded In the auie. auch aa the ahorl fundi must be provided. Undue scrltnpUllot and a real |•^^lT^ary law. Pub Ing along any of the Uars of public
Hr opiiiiun has rrarbed a point where endeavor, la bound to rebel with in- _________ ______ _____ ■■■■■■nurm
parly If these demanda are to re cut doAs HUWfHittM iBT H9TI8KQ
success and ewy year sees a
-reaaed apprapiiitlena In th<. f
crease In this aentlment throngboui the only manner tn «h)cb It ct
the country. The party timt experts to arcompliahed la by eba^ng (be ayasucceed In the futore moat have the tem -under, which the eountry is now
ahllliy to meet this demand for rcaP operailnr with the end in view to d>beneflilal loaislatlon and carry
veose the number of thooe who arc
the will of the people when their r*p- dependent upon tbe public bouuty. False Bumora About Attitude ef Unit
a gtntea BfjfwM Atovad In City
' aUitives are pUced In power The There la a steady Increase In the num­
of Mexico nro Doored In
rigbjs of the peoide must not be sub­ ber of criminals, insane and (ncomBrief Meaaapc.
ordinated to the dollar as has been peient. and aa tong aa reMrictU.'
;nMoui in tbe iisM and the great
adopted to curtail
lar awakening that Is being tbe det-.-1opniHH of this clasa the burWashington, F'-b 17—Declaring that
shown all over the country aubelanll- dto opnn tbe people (or tlieir aopport
this theory. The people ran riile will conilnue to inrreane until within "iD^b aBMntwnce!i of Trieiidsliiii to
^Vviesico are vmm'Ciwsary. alter tw
If they want to and It la strictly up to
It will be out of all pr<>,^! jcarii piool of iwliciice and good will,
I to carefully scrailnlte tho can ptvrtlon to Ibe population. The hllla'
,|t*realdeut Tafi today made imblU his
didaies on tbe several tickets nod de
cldc for ihem^lv-es which onei
be depend<-d hpon to Stand for the the criminal and Incompetent should reply 10 the tatter's protest against iiiierventkiii. Taft's Dole is a brtr-f do«-rights of the common i>eople when It Iw passed, for If they are property
umenl of three hundred w-wds aud
comes to a test,of strength In legis­ forced grhat good will be bound
,7idoe* not metitl.m a woivl on Interveulative balls..
come from thorn in tbe future. ...
tIon. Men-ly negatively doi-s
polltloal and other reaaona thisj
. 1 'ey ihe Impre^iuu that America won't

fCoiainut^ from jioge one.l
where the l;Mugur^tan cerciuuab
win tike pla^.


CnttfnrwU Man ImwMa
It Will Effoctvij
Up Broody f
As «iW7 poultry farmer -knoww
lore ere tlmi-s when he does not
ant bis tania to net and tbeee are
jme bens be does not wank to net «t
any time
To Insure obe^rnce by
tbe atnpld birds a Calltornla man hoi
Ineented the ajqwratos presented
A breast plate has two wire
legs extending.down from it. On
either end of the piste are straps.
wWeh pass under tbe chlekeo's wtpM
buckle over lu back. The legs
gUefc out In front and do not In the


The business done tbe flrat month
Uie iwrcel post system was In oiwration amouMod to over (U.v«iu,»«'u lack
ages In the Culled
auOleieiit cvideui-e lu idiuw that It has
come to Slav, regardless of -nio
thai were made agnltuit it by uer<
tain relall luierc'^ta 00 the ground that
It would work tu tbe detrUuvut of thh
antall dealer aud to the great advan­
tage el the big niairorder huiiws
the cities. So lar llUs effect has* not
be^ nulhed aud in many instaores-lt
is tlie large maH order house that Is
doiug lh<- worrying over tbe manner
la which it is working out. The
■ystem gives Uiu local meirhaot an
advaniace over liis eompetiWr in the
matter of i-ostagc that Is parikularlv
favorable and the result will lend in
a abort time toward the eslsbllsbnicnt
of mail order houses in every town
tizc. and the tuccess of such
venture win be assured Irom tbe first.
on aecoutii of lis cioije proximily
the cusluiiicr who will know the par­
ties with whom be ts dealing and can
'll 'iheiii vadlly in rase naMhing

b™.dout OVCT M.u™ ciiv. Tbe U.t
that must be met
tbe ux tolla and paragraph
" on
of the note said; "In the
ihfre It DOthlag to be gained by try-j
i- of evr-nU during Ihe uas
put off until another two years ^
r-'ulininaUng In tbe present
the bills that ahohld by all e
dangerous aUuatirini creates In
fai-od by the p«<op1e at once. The a
Balks Settlas Hens.
c»,tbl tadmo.. bhbbU .1.^. bo,
cutting down appropriations dniy is the prompt ■lief
. of the.siluaused In culling
that the facta prove are an absolute ifon.- OffHlal Washington h
(ixnn setting, attbough ahe can fair
strued this as an nllimatum
ecKs and Is expected to -do so PIf aha
wants to remain popular When a
ben giersisis In eettiof the.wggs
hard to fiad. and when
they are fonod are onfii for any otb(CiontiDued from me One.)


(o those who wanted, tbe ii«
wary feed.
Tho matter of having tbe eleclrlr
lichia extended to Ibe grounds
plared to the hands x>f the executive
Thwi IS iiu" ii lalk ln«-fci- .u>s of
lommirt-i- and tliCi .are to confer with tal iviilcrs. VVliilc (hv-v-xpression 11
liy amt see whal can l-c done for^
e a linie new u> grangeis the Idea
.. -aa tell that if this could Ih- done’ bicli Is back of the voMs is at
w Ithout ipo great an eapeasc it would j :
all im-mbi-rw pf this onivr
be an added source'ol revenue to hawe "
' >eais grangers have liev-n makmg
(he altraetlona c;«ntW during the ibeir halls iueeUng plaice Jor vaituua
inga. There are many who
social, eilucsliontu and l•uaillela gtflh
firm and the one who pt-ls Into the «ph»ed during tbe day that very rriiiss. Those whu me advoiuting
field flr>t w-m Iw Ihe one to
Hcldom have a chance to aoe the fair, that M'hoiit hniisi-s be turni-d lul
harvcd-t. Business nietbo<ls change naftetng might be enjoyed under
('ill! c-ciiii-is fail lu ivaHvc tliat the
with thr-litncs an<l the sucensful bus­
rcttrictlonH. people who are Intw; giaiiKv liall. wherever tbere Is one, ot­
iness man is the one who (■ aUe
csted could erect their own boweries ters muih bi'ilcr upiwrtuiiidfw than
the irt-iul of vciidlljons and lake paying for the privilege. The exo- (he sehool (lUlldllic tor working
hdvaniaKe of them In advani
cutlVe committee are to make a
(hi- new idru. Mo«( gninse halls
lielllor, i-'very 2ood moveincni al­ ful estimate of the ncccsimn’ changes eqnipiiod with kllcheiis and dining
ways has obleciioDa--made to it and that they wish to have in Ihe build- rooms as well as audiemc rooms.
ohstai Ics placed In. its way by the peo­ Inpi. There are dome improremcnis Kurtlij;nncKe. the smiting caiarliy be­
ple who do not underaund what the tbal should be made. Tbe tolk-t ar- cause'of the movatile seats. Is much
underly ing luinclidos are ut»n which rangemcals must be Improvi
greater in the hall than In the school
It Is founded The iiare<-l post has lomodato the enormous crowds that building. Again the hall* are ar
these troubles ever ainr
The social center idea is l<einc
there on the big day* Rids will nngisl for night mecilngs. while this
worked out In the rural disirli-is first siigsrsted. bill the demand for be aroeptqd for the printing of the is noi aivcuy* the.cuse for.liti- isluca
ttatongb the medium of the Krane*-. Its esiahllshnieut was so liistatcni u|s premium list* as the c^(^cutlve com­ lidiial aimcMjrc.
tbe |iart of (he people that It had
which ortaniutlon roocnlxes the
It may be said that grange balls are
mittee will look after that i«rt of 'thr
ooiuf. and now that Ifl* hen- the work this yrur. A eomniittec was also noi numerous cooiiuh to do the work
public Is so well Mtisfted that
loicd to see wbst arrangements that should be done. This is true
is possible to provide placcii for ih- geslion to Blulisli It would nieet with coOld be made with the big Imporilng the reniedv Is l<i organize
public to meet In the rural disirin* a storm of protest froni every quarter.
.smen so Oiai the exhibit of high granges and build liioic hall*. There
and discuss ibeitroBi >|ucMlons of piiii' Rusiness methods must be clmnged
br<4 horses will be second to n^ne should In- a hall fiu ea< h ni-jghlmr11c iSierest that aris|'(roTn time to time. meet the new ^1^ul^eulenls and as
this year. Thtyre are some splendid hood and the polti-i ot njaiiagemenl
Iteneshould Ih- lilH-rat fnnngh so that the
The Idea baa proven to be a profitable
stock in thi^ rcgl.ui and some a
Iwlldlng could be used for all local
one where It has been tried ont and fiied Instead of Iniurad.
be induced to bring others from
In the coorae of tine there is bound
greater di-vianoes. Tbe sheep and ptiblle meetings on the payment of
charge sufficient to lavcr llu- aeiual
to be excellcBt results obtained. Peo­
BWlne pons lyhimid be Improved and
ple In the cilies are Ukinc to the
efforjs made to make this a still gi cat
It is bei-tfiuing more and more nee
plan and tho acbool bulidinns are be- Pan-American unloD. ha* advlaedTrcaattncUon.
essury Ibat the |M-bple of the roral see
ing naed aa meeting pliuea. In Idenl Taft -to mediate, the Mexican
A letter andNiarger number of cqa
logellier tor the iHBi-iissiuu
Traverse City the mcelinga that arc ironbres Instead of Intel vi-uing, as I
ccssloni will be uken care of. The of iwlitii-al ami iHJblle cueslionb and
being Md for tbe purpose of discuss­ l>een proimsifd. !l is believed that
speed .pan of U>e (air will be plai-ed II is Ihe logiiAl fuui liou of the grauge
ing Uw new ebaner are civfni: u won- terveiitiun in tbe affairs of the repub­ In the hands of a competent
dbrful immus to the movement, and lic would bring on a cosUy war that
who will aoe ibat the races a
M'Khin the la»t week the rioveiville
it Is a foregone coli&usion that from would bi- a btaty expense
tbe best and possibly greater Indui
grange in Muskegon county lias de
Cnlted Slates w ithout any companaatW OB t
menu can be mude to hrin^ the ne<
<lded to erect a 'ball the coming
ing reward. This looka idaualble pn
y wQI b
by Circuits tbvough this reften at that sprlug. The title to the prcqieriy is4o
bold meetlnga to talk over. Uic dues the /o<e of it. but It Is bard
what results would follow such action. tlua. A committee wax appointed to rest in a lioarvi of trustees that the
Uou that win arise - lor . piibjic enace
ball may always belong to the |kd+l»e Mexican ptotrtc are a airaiige lot.
There is no better
and while lU. v might agree to a aetlJe- duHtrlra could not be Indnoed to wska ple or Ihe Dcigbborbood ami nu
method of ttetflna a<qiialuted wli'i
display of their goods, there are so uaod tot cverylhlug from dame* to
Dient of their difficuliles by arbitra­
(he Kreat issues before tbe fieopU
many tblnge that are made In the clt> funerals.
■ '
tion the ebanros are that tbe
than by Betilug loacUier and b^ini;
Tbere are six wlrirlly grange hallii
would only be a temporary one and that do not get Into tbs local markets
berth aides diacuased. It Jv then
trouble would break out again as Soon as much aa they should and many ner at the prpMtoi time in Granil Trav­
sibie to get a true line on the points as an attempt was made to
-ribem and some never know erse ccmniv. They are the hsUs be­
Involved making it uunt-eeasar
government bark lnto,real working or-, that they are made. A permanent longing to Ih- grapgi's at talk Lake.
take aonebody ‘a opinion -ii^reeai
der. Taken on the whole the ailua- building might be put up by these Old .MlKslun. Traverse riiy, nfe lAke.
tbe matter. Sleetinim of this ni
lion it a ver.v difficult one, which rt- firm* JelBtly that would )>e the beat Hast Ba yand buiumlt CitJ'. Several
bruadee tbe vision and increase self qiilrcs careful maneuvering on
kind of adveriiaem'eni for them, aud of (besf halls are buildings of size
rellante In tbe individual, qualities
of this governroenl. It Is an easy It surely would be a great attracUon and are all anaaged for supplyltw ibc
which arc at the present time sadly mailer to ^dvlac on such a subject. This was proven a year ago when wc needs of tbeir several rommaniiK-s.
iadclng la too many people.
bad the exhibit during the stole bust- For a number of years the members
to <ariy out artlon slot
of tirand-Traverse grange have been
that will bring rexulta, without Involv­ nees men's association tn tbe
ing Ibis nation In trouble that will hr The superiniendents of the dltferenl eoiialdeilog how they tan get
were selected and ih«f are funds and make- their present bulldtag
History idalnly showo llial dcclara
more of a social center (or (be rural
tioai placed in poliitt-ai iilalfonns do quite another thing. ' Mexico needs to to appoint their helper and rc
brouaht to lime by meant of the tbelr choli'e at the next executive |iopulation|than is tbe case todai
Mt always come lo‘ |ias>. cs|>e>^II>
is hoped to raise tbe bulkUng and put
whan tbe inten-sls of the people at nialle.1 hand In diphyuary, but the BdeUne of the directors.
basement, with kiicbdn and dining
tonce are involved. The vartous planfct real mnhod of provwdnre will have to
■om beneath, and arrange tbe main
worked oui.b: vongrews withto the
man notblna unless the <-andl<
so that there wilt, be receptton
vi few- agnthfc
really believe in the prinHirius «
igr.iy floor
In front and an aaaemhlv
rite Htt an a«gran(toR. bkbtt'^r.M-:
ehted and have the cumce If electe.l
In tlic rear. Perhaiw another vcst
to see them carried out: The modern
see a start made toward the desired
pohUcal irtattomi Is bfiilt lor tbe
Sot'only oongreaa. but the legtataJ:
0 be able (o.«et so far."
pose of lunna voiem to the psriy tare of the dlBereat states are trying
standard, and while it may detUre for 10 aolve the qutwtion of economy In
proarmslvs pitncIpIcK these dsr
appropriations for vwrrylng on public
tiona will aiurnju; to uothlus uoU-.* w-'irlis and maintaining the vari-»ia ini
pnip^flro men arc- siU-ctc-<l 1.
atitotlmta that-are dep-.ndani c
E^nm. OlovUtot T
Chs pIsMa on tbe U'-ket. This lailun: pnbife fnadn Tbla noundt llko^
irtfph I nCttnatoinah. playaff hla
to ridama party pledges made it
Mte bdftor vklnes tar Arfftatena
(malnesa. bufi under tbs ptSMot meth qjSMwbB mwto the
MpMgttf Michigan tn the past has du od H it not, betwuas every asMlon iff ^1 JMTly MMMd tte
>U t|i^ '«aMr TUB?- oa9n-U>a
IMaaptad tha party to power to^cb thdr paraimuny lamosM a burdv ap- jWnoed to ihqj^r.-nhl ■'
that It la doubUul yrbMber oa (heir aotBsaaora wrfaldi U oat «
•1^ to (be chasM)
of hotter ragulatkm wui propcrtloB and contrary to good MM
pgapoiita of •
b« tha same |mr«r(ul Bagaa* uaf .p.riacipl«.‘ Tb« ■weeMM-baAsoon to tbeoe ra^

Grange Ginger


HEIIiTlortl ilEilGO.


n<! dbdrtoi «r R^I^.

toailce of the supreme eoiin
miolEter tb« oath of office to the
who win teen deliver
Thla win
cinde tbe oeremonies ff( Ibe rapitol
and tbe president and tbe vlcP-prealdent. acenrnpauied by tbelr mtlltary
eseem*. wJU mtuni' to )(he White
boose, where they win oeenpy seats
lewring ataod to review
tho Inauguration parade.
The parade. In wblcfa. It U expected,
lorc lliun tblltytboosand perwons
will take part, incledtng resuiars trogn
Furl MrFbeewon. Ca. a reslmcM ef
roast Artillery, the corp* of radeu
from Wcet Point, the mldshlpmaa
from Annapolis, two
from various atates, and civic orgaairations (rcun prartirally >rery stale
In the union: The p^dc will tw di­
vided Into eight dIviskmK. each cobmanded by an army officer. It will
be formed In the streets near the tapitol and will march down Pcnniylvanta avenue to the White bouac,
wlicro tt wi'l) pass to review befeue
the presiilent aaS vlce-prealfieot und
the other dbolngulsbed offlrlala and
dignlL-irles occupying the grandstaod
In (bo "Court of Honor."

FOR ffALE->Firty-flvc acre term barderinu on Sliver lake. escoBaot (or
resort iHirposes Adiiiwas VVederlvk
Fetrolka, General. Delivery. City.
ton T~tnes. (eb ::>*
fur Grand TravciM- County.
In Chatucry,
January II. ISIS
Cnma K T>ahlk«>. ctunHalnant vs
Krederl.k w Italilke. dtrtendanl.'
It ap|N-ariiiK from affidavit on fi>in the Hloie iiiiltl-l Cause that the
defendant uhuie iiauml is a resident
oflMtAUle. bi'i iliat iirocoui for his
appearance issm-d i-u( of an-l tinder
the seal Ilf 1I11.1 cniHi canuot l-c per-

knows place 01 reWeacc.. On moUnu
-of La>vHI -It. Cage. N»'lieu>r for the
coiiiplainsnt. It !• urdeicd that sold dctendaoi. Prcdeui-k W. Daiilk., caiun:
his aiipearano- n- Im- rm<-ml lu Uiis
caoae wtihin three BHimlis from ih.- date hereof and that a ropy of this ol­
der be puhllahed ciuL-c in. each wc-k
for six wi-i-kii In s<i<-i-e>si»n lu liic
Grand Travel «i- Iti-nUiI. a newaiBl-«-r
I and iHJbiirhi-d In thU coiinly.
>p> thereof be ■•erannally' M-rved
upon Mild defendant at least iw.eniv
Boonty #oe.^«WMruit,
days befoee thr«ime prescribed Ix-imu
A landlord nt BaiionTma,
lor fats ap|>eanin(v.
Parts, uy* the Matin, baa offered to
GfXIRGE w. rrilTIS,
let a vhromnomed oodacs At a rauMl Circuit Court Oommissioncr. Grand
of tsn A jmr. with AOeBvUon of «X
Tfuverwe Comny. Mich.
(or eveo' child In tbe family.
BoUcItor for (’omidainaui.
Rnsinr-ss addre**. Traverse Cli>. ■
.Simpatoty of ebatnator to.tbo Astpton :i. 7K. Icb 4. II. 18. SS, star 4
ral result of profound thought.—Ba>
fTrAn-: of MimiGAN—tn the nr.
cult ^Ollrt for Grand Traverae Coutny.
*A(4TeO-M:dH:v<g6d lady, wishes to Cbancery.
losiiioff as bovwehecper in’ widow,
Jamw IS. 1812.
Glover. 'cempUinant. vs.
FraoK W; Clover, r

car Iota, any grade:
A. r. llavis. Cboiieie- above eerit|i-d <aas« (hat (he Itidoadant, Kiank W. Glover. wa» a real-l->u
feb A)3:'
of this state In (he (all of iRli and <<■
the best of her kiiowledBf and bellH
•till eididea to end Is an iababltoatof
take amalt Improved
purt this ((atc/bet tbat pcocenv lor kls ap
payment. Address No. 7,
Her- pearaurc bercia issued out of knd un­
der the'weal of (his coeri cannot In
Jan Sd-Tt
peraonally served upon him by ressuii
of Ma-convinoed ahwence from hla Iasi
knowa place of (»wt'l“nce. On morion
Default haring Iweo Mde in (be af Jxyv.l! 11. Oa*f. yollcilor (or the
-cemrlblitnnl. it H ordr-red that thu
brooohitia WMIa (vndtnont of a
lladcoAod 'lreueraiHadnu. alHive tiatucd dctendibit catoto hU ai>the two dlseaaea are widely jlifferent . Juba
yet they are both the re»ult of colds, hi- will-, of Travefoe City. AUchiAo. poaram-c 10 be entered in tbU cauai,
and while .the laiicr is not nearly so (o AHce Wood, mgde rhe fourth day Within three UMM'ths from the dal-'
of Ortolier. Ifiv!v.-«sd reworded In the beri-of and tbal a copy of this order l>r
diaasirous as tbs former yel many oBli-p
of (hr RogUtfowf Ctouds (or-the puPHshevt once in Ach week (or si*
bird* die of It. A eoldda very easily (kiqniy of Grand Tmvene ood Stale veeka In 'suveesuhn in -the Grauil .
broken np It token In lime and thus of Michigan, on the ulevemh day ot Traverre Herald, a nowspaivcr i-nnicd
the life ot many n
county, or a nipy
Ortolier. ISOi, In IJber
ot niort and puhliabrd In
BBgci on page nin. wbicb aatd tnort (beiwf lie pcimwajly uersodviiwm Mid
h Ihe
the IweWylwmh
IweWylwmh dsy «l
lAast iwonlv daya-tveforo
flve«aat «dl can and fill gage uas on
>IU. d0|v
icrcin tor
>r bis
h apdo|y aaalgAed by *ai4
tlnic iiresL-rilH-d her
witb coal oil. At tbe first alga of « .lanvian. Jhlu.
I- Woodt I10 Rose
Rose Wood iPanhalle l>uariin<e.
cold catch the bird and by poahtog tho
1 and w'hieh agalgnmeni
bottom otihe can Inject one douche of
Olrcu't Oonrt CoKuib-sioner. Grand
taeorded to theftogtelec of Deeds’
oil Into each nostril and Into the roof fite Bf Giwpd TvnweAu Guonty aR
Traverur Countr.' IMt*of the month. If Uken In time thU said on (.he iwooiHinb day ef Janu­
LOVKi-I.'lli GAGE.
one appUcatton Is sufllcteoi to nire the ary. i^iu. to Ui>er
Sotk'iior tvr CompUiaant. v
ot .mongage*
bird. Fbould a cure notbe rffeetod re- nag* 017. on which mortniK tbere 1*
Rnslncas kddn-ss. Traverse CJi.v.
peat twice daily. Reaolt. tbe entlM claimed to be dur nt the (tote of this Mich.
toa 21. 2«. feb 4.11. 18. 2^. mar 4
sbaence of roup tbe most dreaded dt- ooilec-tbc sum of nve-dlnodred SlxtyFbur
oaaae. la addUlon to tfa
fee ot Ktrieen Dollars, provided (or to
place a amall qBaailty of p
said mortAge and no aal
togs at law- taving been
By the "Ka-olar" nmChod I can rey
reeoror dhe UKUleya Secured by said
move those aching teeth ahmiHtcIv
niorigage or any part thereof.
No* (bereforc. by virtue ot Urn pu* without |>alB. and without (he use ul
cr of wale comalned in bbM mortgage,
racH to proflao* SBCouactoasness
and Ihe lustute In such cuae made And
Beople ef nerveua tomperuBiAt aud
provided, nothe ta-beretrvigtvea tbal Mth weak haarta will apiwKLite tho
hYiday. -<be alxteaitb day•Ka-olar ' method of palnie** extrac­
a o’clock Ila the j
Market agss at leaul twice uachM
lOBffOl Wilbelm Block, wtib Dr. Uoldar
worth. Travorae Clu. Michigan.
Warmth and effort an uia feed


titiA Eartfftert^

Don’t foi^et that lice and flBllM af­
fect the cfg yield.
It requlrea about , lov c«M to
Bake a pound of feather*.
Be anre that the taale af Aha bead
fy la pnrtfkng.
with attorney fee afiurenld tamsf
of a flock bf peoitry
- bea -tenanted for ibei'eilL Tbe premls^Af,
W-.K her
“orignge are as Tol
mere eggs she will lay. 80 keep
.... . As land ailua tod to tbndllty of TTari^
Ory-jilcktd ttuftoyteat%BU
can- -i-e nty. CouB>y of Grand Traverse
ihaad .a -toeiier price la aaiMat.thBB and Stale of Michiian. viz: Ixx Kour•ouidoddeca.
,,, Mra cg Bluck Twuvf BnuflrlrhVAdfil I
rebruary ia senecaany tee begin- ttan 40 Ihe Cliy «f Krauurae Cliv. wc'
Bi'ag of the' taytog season for both cording to Ihe rscerfied plat Uu
OMud Feb. Itb. ms.
da(iu and geose.
Duclu seldom beooaw MopdK
gMM are apt to beooma 1MW after
laylnc the flrat Utter.
AtiaitoBM-ror RaafKBBe
■Tramtse City. MiitoiaaaUThe
" aprTrsr
------IS. 21.
these days to keep<faa(n hmabteon- eb IK. 5.-., mar 4. 11. 18,
la. 22. 38. may fi. 13
log aluutoh and Innotlve. i

Prices lor


732 E: Fiocl Sl ao* tw,


4(0 State Bank Oullding
Traverse C^. Mlch.

The auoTM of CMttog wtotnr eCflh
to oadp-hatohed pffttoto. toeS grown.
. A N. I
waU sheltered nnd.reO'teff. MfA. M.T- <L
yuUat Aopfen Bnieh
4iSe; <;M|
hut gatoc nmto-b. nterat.terou ^........... ............. *?» 7:H»* k:
j4itoto1 cost of tf-"' for advertlff .
yeura old to show t^no€ teiglWy.*
Ootfar au- . 4j^ 7;-'
aaB-Mle af an.v of tbeee -properilea.
A tew dropa ftt UUle |l«u(« sulphv
CaLaruead for our prop(»ltlon.
to bdekto of watto la final fur dUclb
una to dry weather, onop 9f twice n
7 V
A lltUe cettoB uMdriM abted..
with math to Sm M
tentbw* and helps to rapply (be

Geeae cannot be prafilgWr bnkM
and narod.jMUfienlly.
tera' and btooten have ruTolotloaiaad
(he 4a(ik bddteeaa...
Oreao cut bone idll te&cff bond &
1 -srtotor. tSet a hone -fetter airf
d them ymu*
(hear elraadr.Xbc dMw-tlto »a4»-«hi »M*e atetgwbato.-aptnhnfon ‘
tag araaon: the dnko.
temper, being of a aqi*






exceed three t


, J. CHA8C 8U8TAIMCD HEAVY ■we than one ^nd. grade or Quality
frdlt In the same packaKe. or io
conceal Inferior grades'
pitrit WHI
RHjuIK At Oiw* and by overlaying of surroandlng them
Large C« af Uaga
with a better grade of fmiL which
win-be offered for sale or transjiortaIl8n: This will be
Tioton. t>b. i;,-Tlie W. J. Chaae rin« of not less than |MIA or Imprison*
mw nilH a< thit l'la<» liunn^ a< »e»in the county isil not more than
»(i days.
|« uVloi'k ttaiiinla^' ntai(>. and
M <^D bn aacrrtalnnd is a tout loss
"if Ibis bill Is passed and bonestly;
aciita no imniranco. The
enforced Michigan fmit will soon bo
Frank ShutnNky. irird to sti
more bighly honored in the markets
jflre sltb Kasolloo and vas inrrflly of the world.”
jbonixl plioui tl>e fare and hands. As
Ibe mill is aome distance (rota
rnsidenrps help could not be sommon'
ed in tine to save the mill.
Volunteer firefnea did good work in
aatine Ibe lumber whirb was nearby
aud nearly half a million feet wi
f (be yarda As mnrb as this bad alWill O-Brlen. East Prom street Ice
, ready been shipped. The yards* are ieaV-r, by a tjtiick Jump from the Xo)niled with logs and It. Is the biioimt of the Grand Traverse Hrewery stwIriare In ibis reaion. The full eul
age house, saved himself from iHissIble
be i»<i and a half Billion. Tbe mill death and serious injury .Monday ntornhod a <a>-aciiy of 14,000. feel n day. Ing. In storing b-e at the brewery
There were ten men employed. These the Iiai.’ing ir-done with a team and
will not be out of work lieeause Mr. puileyt. SI'. o;Brlen could not gel
Chase will rebuild immediately lu out if il.e way, In time to avoid tbe
itwrry oul bli contract. Work has he­ big terrier unless he Jumped, and hr
was gamr. As it was (hr small bone
of bis right fopt ia broken and thr
ed. Ii was valued at alout tl.»>i'. bWl was dlajoinied. while the left'
btacfalnery can ^ procured In the re foot Is somewhat bruised. He will lie
«ton and U>e boiler bak not been laid up for some Ume.
damaRcd but (hat It can be iH>ed very



The liody of peu-r Garwlck who
Tbe l>epartm‘-n' nf "Agrinilture is dM Satu^ay in the Soldiers' Home,
getting ready to fill requests for the at Grand Itspids. was bimight i>
fanilly home here
basket willoB- ciitllnin grown
Garwick «as Kfi years of age and had
year on its ex]>erlmental (arm s
liugton. Va. DistHbuUon of these been ill for a long time, and had (or
of the
cuttings takes place
iiUMW esro
earty lu
In eisteii,-----March
eafh spring, to farmers and others “»>• He is by a wife and
who wish to make trials of Imsket wilPunenl tenicos were held from
i lands loo wei for other crops.
From 30 to lOfl cuttings are given Asbury M. K eburah at HtSo Toeday morning. Rev. W. 3. Coates offi­
< each person.
All members of G. A. H
Tlie distribution is not a mere giv­
ing sway of government material to Post No. 18 who wish'to stiend will
{•eraons who desire to get something meet at the Hughes undertaking imr-

It’u'rewTri U.M

" >:”■ r""' ""


rMlW ot ciilin ,b.ll m>k .1'”
ot to. tr.oin.ot ,l..o .ol ih. ”™' 'j" '»
results obtained. Several aelect varii^
ties are included in each Set that Is
diatributed, and tbe aim is to seui;.
infortnatloD as to the best variety
fi.r eacb iocaliiy', since 'tao one kind
tail U- relied uiion !<■ yield ntaiium
rcMiIl» over a wide range of territory
to the basket willow inveetigatlom
Wasliingion. Feb. IT,—T«-mf>era
carried ob ai tbe Arlington farm, Ar­
turr-s throughout the country during
lington. Va.. and at Ames, Iowa, by the c-onilng week will be
the forest service. panli-uUr attention sonil average and rains
has been given to the development be brtow normal over most of ihe
of American species for basket mak­ lUies, the wesiber Imieau’s weekly
ing purposes. The Pbiropean s)>ecles forecast announced today.
prov­ The weather will be unsettled, with
ed themaelves enilrclr adapted
local anows along tbe nonhern Icorder
American gondliions and are as a rule from Mlnnesata eastward.
thrifty than the native species.
A dlsturhanee of moderate InUttsIty
At present there Is at Arlington a wll will appear in ihc Tar west Tnesday
low garden conuining nearly .V>fi ami adtanee eastward over the niitUie
lots gathered from all parta of the west Wednesday or Thursday. This
eonniry and represenilng practical­ disiurltance will be preei-dcHl by modly every species and varleiy found
i temiieratures and be attended
in the I'nited States and banada
by local snows in the northern stales
A system of selection which has east of the Rocky mountains and 1>e
been Carried on for aeveral yvars is followed by colder weather.
a'ready todlcatlng which strains show
tlie best basket willow chsracreristies for American conditions.



Tbe new house and aenate bills (bat
tbe frult'mcn of tbe Western Michi­
gan district are attempting
through the. leglalaiurc are looked
iip>m with favor In lUI parts of tbe
district, berauie it is plainly recognis­
ed ibai tbe only way that an honest
I>a<k can be aecutwd is by legislation
and the enforrement of a sufficiently
large penally to hold a certain class,
of trait growers In line; The Tollowing edilorlal from 4^ Muskegon
News<*hronlcle show* tbe trend of
opinloti in the souibern part of the
fruit difirlit;
"If the bill Introduced in the house
fay John It Santo and in tbe aenate
fay Roben E. Waller, both of Trav­
erse City, becomes a law. the day «t
diMioncsi fruit paddtig in Michigan
will be at an end. The mH which
ioterost to consiMners
dneers alike, provides that every
lackag* shall l>e true to the state­
ment of the lattel or mark indicsline
I'h contents. Not only are dealeiistnallsed for baring in theif i«s*eSion or offering (or sale fruit tux ' ages ol any kind which gre not plain
ly'ebd honeatJy marked, W iransporare alio prohlhlied
Trom having In (bclr |i
not properly branded.
•TlM- penalllrti j
to make honesty the bet-t policy Fall
ure to^mply wiih the p^oislorto »>i
the Inw Is made a tnisderaeanor aixt
hy a fine or not les.
than »J or more than yttf. or by Im
l^rkonment in Ihn county Jail not ^


fuibiai sbiviges
I 8tmdey Aftertieea I
Edward Jacoby

.Fmieral aervlcee for Mrs. Edward
Jacoby were hold from the home bn
Bending For Cenetruetlen Purpeeet le Rest Prom street Snnday afternoon.
Becoming Merc Repular
Rev. Iienias t'oc-tilln of tbe Congrega­
tional rhurcb uffleiating. They '
ve(y aimpic and beautiful aa ber. life
had been, and the elepnt diipUy of
Retler roads enthusiasm
(lowera and attendance of many
gals in Western Miebtgao. There is friends bespoke the esteem and love
■nial Larue Kirby, tbe big horler'■ efidenco of this fart on every hand.
who was lasi year graduated from the' County neeiltuu are Awing held es in which she was held fay all who
Traverse ('iiy Hub of tbe Michigan* well as many township meetings, knew her. Mrs.-A. H. Holliday and
State leai
rached the pinnacle
iweniy counties in
Pall iiearers were chosen from
of fame among thee Hg cirtuli a hch'lij,# territory are under the eounty
among the memhera of the Moose
(art that hr has been taken ap by (be highways as rapidly aa funds can lodge, as fullow-a; Messrs. Wm. H.
Uierary IMgesi. This manaine but be secured. Three of tbe counties Nash. Guy II. Chaae. II. I. Harvey. Ora
K. Fairbanka. Jamea Sharp and Pat
rarc-rly .lips Into niHirting eirclea. and bare tseiied bonds that they may
Atkineon. linoorary paU bearers were
although Kirby has reeelved press noplele county systems at once and the

member, and three of ber girl Mends:
Meedamee .Nellie Zech, Carrie Harvey
end Lurtle Naah. Mlaaee Lois SrofU-ld.
Ih-atrice Clyde and Marie Smalls.


Several Good Talks Upon Subject
were Given 8y County
it Receiving Much Rublleity tw Big

grange are planning for a little cele­
bration for Saturday of this week.
AccordjMf to the calendar that day {»
Washlngton-a birthday and tlierefore
a day wfftch should be observed with
n flourish. A • program
ranged that will do full Justice m
memory of the great man who i
many y-ears ago hHped 40 lay n
foundation of ^thls mighty nation.
At ihls meeting n committee will be
appointed to eofiimiinleate with
resN and the suttc legislature and tell
each what tbe farmers of Hie Grand
Traverse region most need
way of laws,
The last meeting nf this grange
was on RiMurday afternoon and
most prulliahle tkne was had. There
was singing by the grange, a reriiaIloD by Mrs K. J. McMullen, a lead­
ing by Mr.*. PJ. J. Diekerman. an hriginal i>qem by R. H. Klsworih. a talk
drawing in the luihlic selioots by
ivtersen and a general dlseusskin upon the suhjert. Harold l.ewlK
gave on ethlbiilon of
Ing'in which Various plnises of rural
life. were pictured and l->vl Palnianleer had on exhibiticm a ciillertion of
pen sketches and wathr color studies.
l.i*e Hurnsby. enunty
of schools, and the Misses 1‘epple
and I’ciine of tlie comity normal
school made generous eoniribiitionK lo
the consideration of the topic by
showing that pii|>ils who have had
little training In drawing have an a
vantage over those- who have had l
such training. S|>ecimens of the
drawing work being done in the'Oak
Park srhcwl were exhibited.
Manv Ideas wero presenti-d in tbe
general discussion among which was
> (hat Tbe schnul children Would

''“'‘‘"'' ‘'’"’'\^L,;Le’^ve^
. nww.lo. whl.h
•' “wo-i"
tout of ooimty and township^ndlngs
irly all of its attcmlon to matthe
last three years
iers wholly foreign to sports. The Di­
gest has the foliewlng to sav of the •■'•J-**'" «»"»•«
fomier of the Hesortera'.U'^
“I?®"'“e advlsablllplichlog staff:
j"K Ismln* road bonds In the sum ol
•Ijtnie Kirby Joined the IGanU last »225-<W- A number of townships In
July, and was the regnUr .New York 'different parts of the terrltory
piicher in the Sunday’ games in l.onK'also planning upon passing i
llratK-h. He also got Into two National bonding propositions al the same elec• reward law went
a jeanie from tbe Braves, into effect 4tk.C mllee of reward toad
Klrh\-(Hliowed be iiossessea tbe proper^bare been constructed and rewards
fighting S|.lril in his victory over Bos-|have been reeelved from the state
J treasury lo the amount of 1264.189
in the opening Inning the Braves The year 1913 will probably see more
five runs. Ber niW of highway Improred Ih this rw
lion than any previous year. Conn­
right Held stand with two men on th<
ies exi»ci to build as many miles of
trails In sidte of this disastrous start. •untcy read as eondltioas will warMcGraw kept Kirby vn the Job. and h< i ■at aad each one of the Sin town
allowed no more nins. The denthipa In the tenitury will do (be best
won the game by a aogre of 6 to !, hat It can In Improving lu local
Kirby waa a sensaliM jrith the Trav •o8d« and in building feeders for the
erse City club ot the Michigan Rtat< main highways.
league last season, and w-on elghteer
Better road* meetings are 4gdng
out of tweni.v-one gnMes IWore ih.
'leld almost nightly. Many of these
Giants purchased him. Kirby is a
are iiromoted by loral Interests that
right bander, with a good curve and r
leelre lo get their home people lnle^
fair amount of speed. He la SI yearr
•fled. Others are
old, weighs 183 |g>unds. and Is sit
ind cover tbe subjpci In a comiwefeel Ull. "
lenslve way. The Western hlihigan
Oevelopraent bureau's
lire entitled. "Belter Roads for West­
ern Michigan ’ is In great demand and
•s being r.'vrti al as many poinis as
arrangements can be made for. This
i^k tbe will be given in Emmrt oBVDir at fiv* different clfTes
and villages. The Hide* used in the lec­
ture are of road building scenes In tbf
territory and of completed roads in
different iisris of tbe world.

Pruning Tools

Ralurdev. February !2nd, Washingon's Birthday, being a legal holiday,
he banks of the city will not be open
on that day.

Waleb lor It
Ask lor It
Boy It

Try It


Food lor AU KlDds ol Crops on All Kinds
ol Land.
Get 8 booklet and almnnic at P. K.’i, Comer of Froirt and
Cats Street that w31 expUia thorough the bttcfiu and pro6u
in usQg Fettilizer. It
show you What other countries have
gained unce they have Halted uung FeftSaxr. Thqt htve
more than doubled their crops per acre. Fannen, fniil-growen
and gardeners, feed your vegetation—com, potatoes, oats,
clorer. alfalfa, carr^, cabbage, in faa anything that you Uw lo

It will soon be time to prune your orchard and
we want you to call and examine our stock of prun­
ing tools and get our prices.
We have the Rhodes Double Gut Pruner. the
famous Clyde Draw Cut and Cronk’s “San Jose"
Patent Pruners. These tools are made of tool steel
and fully warranted and the price is right. We alto
have the long tree pruners, the »mall hand clippers,
pruning saws, pruning knives, budding knives ; in
fact, everything you need for trimming your orchard.
Come in and look our stock over.


Buckley. Mich.. Feb. IT.—W. V.
Smith. A Sops of Traverae City have
purchased the interesta in tbe Buckley Mereamlle rtnapany. foriaeriy
awned by Carl
William Earl and
George Furtsch. The new owners have
Ukeh poaaesaitm.



Tbe Barney Co. •






be greatly pleased to have more attenUoD given to thia aubjact

tt 8 nna la ta fiMt «te ol
BlaT In trovhla. who noaMlna hlaT
b wrath, who noothM UmT la Jot.
who mnknn him doably hnppyt In
praopertty, who rojolens? U dUgraen.
who bocks him ngnliut the world nnd
droMM with gentle nrtseu and warm
tlcea tbe ranhllng wooods by the

see grow weU. Feed it wdl widi the right kind of Fertilizer
and you w3l prob ther^y. We handle the Annour's. It is
ground fine and wdl mixed, nnd consists of tbe best etemeats
obtainable. Use frcmi 200 lo 300 pounds to the acre.

Sold at the Comer of Frost and Csaa Streeta.
ttraIgM From ths thralM^
-WnU. MW ranlly. lUnn JonrwnlL I
iboold Jlfce to hear what yon wonJd
eobslder the Ideal man,” aald BUdad.
'Define him for me. won't yonr “I
couldnX" eald Mloi JnerweU with a
ploaoant eralle. 'The terms are ennentially contradictor^'

■ The Barney Co.

• The Barney Co. ■

Buy for Present and Future Needs at These Reductions
of Ladles’ Suits, Coals, Furs and Dresses
$12.^5 for Ladies* Coats


at this price your choice of full satin lined Persians, t .7* for Black Coney Ties that were.............11.50
Douffle Cloth, wide Diagonals. Boucles and heavy
1.88 tor Coney Snake Scarfe that were........ .. .3.75
Broadcloths. Sizes 36 to 44. Values 22.M and |2S
848 for large PUlow Hufls that were .............. 4.45
all of them.
8.7S for large Pillow Malts that were.............. 7.50
kit for large Pillow Muffi that were ...............9.75
5.88 for Grey Goat Sets that were........... -. ....9.75
8.78 for large natural For Seta that were...... IBJO
Browns, Navys. Mixtures and Diagonals, values reg­
7 St for large Black Wolf Muff that wm
. 15.00
ularly $10.75 to $15.
7.S# for genuine Mink Ties
?•$• for fine Opossum Mufls tfaauwere.............14.50
$10 00 ^**^**^ Choiw,^ gool ^o^rat of Bladt
It.M for Jap Mink, Seal and Marmot Sets and
Collar that were r^ularly.. $18 and 20.00
-17.M for Wolt Fox ana Mink, that were ........30.00
k'UStO .
Value J12.00 to *25.00 Regular.
22uS0 for WoH Fox,’Kink and Coon that were.. .35.00

$5 for Ladies* long Coats


^7.50 and $10.00

now Me and tl.$8
lor vnlBCS S1.M lo $S.M

Dresses and Skirts
in nn foe slack. Navy and Brown -'Boulevard"
Velvet Dresses that were *18 and *20
7 CA ter Brown and Black Cords and Velveteea
/ .OW
J12.75 and *15.00 Values
C nn toe Red, Black and Navy; all wool Amoekoag
Serge Dresses
9 SS l°e twe-tone Silk and Satin Dresses
H 7C foe two-tone. Stripea, Chiffon, Velvet and
Crepe Dresses: *22 and *25 values
Skirts, vAues $5.45 to
3.75 for one lot of Se^
$10 regular
C 7C for all Altman Voile Skirts, values regularly


88c. tl.*a 8M8
valMS nJt. 81.**, 81.78 aud 81

:^S ■


jdvinK prlS^f. and BendiJiK
|H«i<>r r*»frlinlvf .gfr ti«
{■rired. U'ltboiit gucsUgo
tarte from Ihlt
will b«
lirbiiOR sod
ibo tenki small dAH.%^brt|.>«d To th<»
been UtUng place.

cannot pKprtly masticate aolld
foods ai^ di^ca'.iim is oficn
upset-~tJ>ey ilo not roccitu thtDeeded noutishniem to makL(ttenuOt and preserve lu-aJih. but
if a^ people everyv here could
only realise ihu *tr«ii#tA>aos>
(ao>«, •MOTtsAmei.f in Seetf$
fciuhi'M tltey would take it after
ev«i; meal
Jt pou^tset the twurishinjreJe.
meols of coj liw-r oil, lh<- viLiI
p>wer« el the hTpopbusphiir* of
lime niid loda aod tbo curaliv-«
•DMUned that nature isimnliatriv
appropriates tli.-ih to ^•etc
l^nrtA-iteemA t&a geteiw osd
MUtAche^. It relievcirlieunxi-

Pour arree of land without bulldIngs. bet ■•raetimliy covensi with
trees un the tlntud Traverse IVninsiihi. sold a few •lave, since for iliUI
which is about twice the prit« the
land woold lave broiiKfU fivy
The iUunlraied )>-Ciure. eniHI<>4k
yW'esiern Michiguii a.s ir Summer Ho' Hurl." was gtvon in (lrati<I Rai>ids
' (a-utly under Uh> auspices of ibe Wert'em MI<^ilR«).Dcvo(<.|>nienl In
it has Deeii-wngaM that
ture skould ly»„<^-at the laeger
JeUie* from wbMt mne the
Ihal ucrupy the tlrnnaands of summer
homes in this region.

Kmmel county has been selected by
the l'nii<*di States Bureau of Bdurnlion as bile iif thi> three <tianlies in
MIcWBan to W studied for the
iws,' of niakihg a reiiort tiiHin
riirdl school condiiinns of the I'niled
States.' This 4-oiinly was M-lecteil iiceause It is typical of Ilie <t>est tstndiWhU- Weclern Michigan ^ecple Are lions prevailing In the nurtliwentem
part of the stale.


The i>e<>|ilc of Hitnover lowneiiiii.
W«lfo>4 csninly. art* ilisenssliiK tlio
Importance of a tcratL'Iilp schnul iti»aflrict witli a .eiitml lil'eh siliool.Tboro
n«>eos to be ralisideralile sentiinenl
Id favor of the iiropusition ami It Is
tselleved that a v«t>- vill l-e taken In
the' eariy tature.

One of tin' clii.Ue apldos which
A. f.erher liail on di«Hla«\;>i the hVe.
ruiitil Oiil ittate Danlt.lasl full, nxi-nt
ty found Us inrf to Tarts, ^'nnee.
wilt re it was W^i*«d Vnd nerved
as HuinotbliiK c>iM..Adfy fine. The
Kn ncU jHsipI.- w1si lia.l the pb-.nsiire
of lasting the fruit wire plepsaull).
surprlsi-d with the dellghlful flavor
am] gave cxpn-ssluii to llie tliouglit
that it mnst In' a large cimniry in
liicli such laiKc ami fiiii- ' a|i|‘h"i

Meiiin IJnnIey of «reen lownsliin.
Mesoxti^ruiini.vAnd tin oftirod by the
operrlianls of SJuDey tillage fur .'he
teat eertmeil yield of rt>m. He was
BMcessfut IB harvenUmt a crop that
vent ltd bnsbela to the sere. Pan!
''Too nsed to want to bold my band.
Hatfield of Wbreibnd loansliin. same
cooDiy. won IS lor a yield of Ufi befor«.,wc srere married." ahe .com­
plained. »Td Uke to now." said be
hpabels to the acre.
easlLv. “Vit It would keep you from
oor housework mv dwar"
Durlns the past five years the
tmakera of tVeiitem Michigan have
Uattwhoeo Of Men.
In tbe corridor of one of onr Amer­
teM such towards enrouragine the
4arelopneDt of the agricultuiyi re- ican high sctaofda two grant ptctnraa
aoarrcii of the region and now it ia bang as compaokins; tbat craggy
• r-lbe Hatteriroponed to Uke a eeusus of tbeee
horti; thst craggy i-ak among men—
tiritiee and sec what the
Abrabam Uneolii —From Ariadne Sllanoanla to.' Bach liank in the a\>st. bert'i -Mure Than Couquerori." In 8L
«n Michitmn territorr U being naked NKAolas.

Rheumatic Pains
are qulcUy relieved by an application of Sloan's
inniment. You don't need to rub—just by on
lightly. It penetrates at once b
of the uouble.
MtM Et.sir MAVTtihT. 4Sif> Tltlaaft
Ave..Cbirs|>o. IIL. wrilesAbout two
-htr broke down with
ytatv ag^> my jnnthtr
dortuit didn't do any
ri.eomatiim. The d<s

5'^, ci,

-aod 1 baKava aba is

Stk of Slmii?T]'n?m'^t.*‘^
she b over 83 year* of age. ahe hai
obtained peat relief It -m her rbeumatum. "
tttss Evru-TTA Mvsa. of 1215 Wyoming St.. Dayton. Oh'si. wniea:—
••Mv mother «u ttoohicd with rtirumati'm and her friends ad>ited hrttog't
SisM's Uaiment and her rhenmatism b entirely gone. At ibt san>e iimeihe
ff-ui.. was trouliled with ling-wams—lhete were ive ling-wonm between my
ablets asd 1 aad Ssioan's Uuiaiem cared every ooe of lu in a wrek'i Ume."

is tbe best semedy |or j^euralgia, sciatica, lumbago,
pmas, asthma, hay fever, croup, sore throat and sprains.
At aU «(stor% PMsw, 10e^ SOe. amt ^UKt.
8kaa*a Book oa Hortes. Cattle. Hogs and Poshry aem free. Addreas


Children's Accounts
The habit of saving the penBiesJn
youth has laid the foundation for more
of the world's financial successes than
an^ other one thing. The amount saved
may ^ too small to be iapartant in it's
self, but the habit of thrift, theJmoledge
of the value of money, and tbe self denial
that gM with saving, nee the things, of
real value.
They are the very foundation of mat"
erial success, aad help to make charac­
ter as well.

TiMtaitt siTif - m m - mm

J ■ -


--------- .w. a. AMtonao MU tiu. Mkt

of W«kJ....................... ...



Record-Eagle: Sly trip to tbe si
outh ws aa very latareetlng on
we^ made by the 3. F..
•everal1 mpeets.
*Ub tome few rad
OreHIck Co., who ulao made tbe
miSHe ibui 'we mudt^e-^ Mner
counter which was built fdrlbe
with the
i day in
rSBlence.qf the wai^ra. H
Detroit and on rnymy to Ohio
for boai<'d&d Ae cDtUng'bogrtl. sil­ B. A O. railroad uear Coiumbbs. Ohio.
ver trays, pie shelvea, brsad bins, and
Friday night, tbe 17th of January
tbe many things tbat are an needed aBont &;30. I was in a raUeoad wreck
for rapid nerviag of coMam^. •fM that detalaed me sIbipbi Ive boura-oM
bank bar and (he bai and coot nek lb (Ba ralBAndmodiJiat<»ito la aoMd
are the work of the krsvarae City
PHdar RiSbt I arrived at m
Hefrtgerator com^y.
sunt’a aad.f<giBd her very a^ Sbq la
In the rear of. the room I* the dlo- now iMtat ho years I afegnt two day*
luf-room wlib four (ablet udAll other with her and dtulng tbai:tlme abejwlaud atony tiale lauanoae ibat ]«»; Co™'S»o.
furnlslilngs. In the mlQaie
00m on the west side is tbe short peaed B« ytm ago in
irder range, the steam table for the •lays that ware aray IntaresUng
My old frJead.wBd a dear old rdend
food after It has- been cooked and
then brougikt up from tba kltoben In of my tuber. Cbga. MlUar. Uie veteran
the basemeoi. and r^dy for tbe q»lck ondenaker of CiacUtnall .Ohio, new
!io jeare of age. I fooBtl wgy
serving. All thuM are heated by gst.
lu Ue most approved manner. Thera, very feeble. Uls two ibns now rarry
the eleraur where the diabes are 3 tbe business that be established
rer r,» yesrs sgo.
u to the baaement lor washing, tbe
devotopod In the bnttgr <aeaAll (be way down tram CincJaiigii
couRler for the
: of the
Hon. u owl 2; raau being iJ»e prtce
r. It is Ibis that given tbe idea to la>uisrilie. Ky, tbe slgbis on (be rbu. It dosed at. ffbriy-sevaa can of
of actlvHy as oee conlhs in tor (beir<
peuioes were rradved. and kCnausoU
words thst I can coaunand: Houam
•dock citmhed a ont, tboogh lllchIdU
and lumber flowing down the mnddy
mill trad! wltjp 48 and Ml cenu.
The basement has been arranged
ireun was fearfni, and the rivet bot­
Tbe caBtiained cold waatbar affbeu
the most Tunvenlent way. Directly tom for miles was comideieTy covered
the Grand ftanids iwkwts and prloga
|p front is a dining room capable of with water. Several times I said
■re only mode doU) 6sU 84 and 3<;
taking care of forty'guest* Betw<
mS-seir. "Ob. how glad I am to live In
cenis and not tnacb of a 4en»nd. Bdtthis and the kitchen are tbe lavatories Michigan.' (The only state .
(cr 26 and *7 ce^i.
am] toilet roi>ius for t>o(h the Udies map). Ohio Is noted fi>r Its rain aud
The quiet rooflouea atoog
afid gentlemen. The kitchen has tbe mud. but give me Michigan wllh Its
Ibies. thougb the iwmera do base grist
lali-st apiiaraius tor rooking that rah sand and snow end pare water.
be exchanged'and this keeps ibe
lv> devised. ^ The range is .most eufpNo. 1 boteff bUfs.............. »1A0 nnd ap
found my hroiber looking and feel local mills bosy. Tba shipmenu
plcie in every detail. Tbe dish wa»h- Ing fine. ta>utsvine is quite a hustling
are Jnat as heavy as owr. Tba «naling maebino tl>e latest iyi>e (la.* Is
1 with many attracHoita: I spent Ity of feed and Hoar Is recognised
ttsul In all ike i-ouUng and Is tbe
day* here aad vislied rareni In-, Oils lorallty. No raUloes were
eeunomlral sad does away with leresting planes. One was BBvei calved yastoeda.'. but itaere wege smt",__ TCeass
the inieuKc heat that has ajs.-tys beon. Springs, almtn 15 miles froth' liOult. eral,lMas (if.oobegmi
tbe canie'uilon ut all ebels. In the vRb- In Indtam. l.'o feet above I-oufslywr of tbe kUeben Is the fnraape vllle. Here I (onM
city and the Ohio river rushing down
mom and the store room and
Dowi worn
must ii|Mo4a(e refiigerator ]n
ia all Its tory. Another fnterestlBK day la tba CbtCMD smkets. a tpU ltoi.raS .....
ciiy and the largest with one esce^ pisee I visited berq was the cemeUn. cent. Uie Jaitt iirqe "itj* have ai>c- .PWT gray ...
(ion. This was especially built tor
Mm tePtr 4mkr on pvtmn ^
muoA Of/tr
coara a dsy and it Is
tbe Unto Tavern by the Hefrlgernlor of tb^ hoys of Mae ami gray are nam­ too much tor (be diomabd. Tbe
ing here wttb Old Gkiry-flyffra omt <M iBUer ^perod. naBggsHigi* to
The spare is to Umlied
give the deOilU. this will Ik> done in their gravea the year (suwd.
op their atraka bw
ware w
later article when that factory wUI the thoorands of prtviuaa ttere ^

f CoBvanb
To look ghoad «iUi tba eyes of
jdiuiibet antlclpaUltg tte great growth
city and tbea Wild toward that
end shows the rmndence
bniiders for the fnture prosperity-of
the community. This baa been
by it>e addiUnn to the subsuiaUal
biiUdings of the eJiy In the erection
Ilf Uio conveiti of the fiomlotcsn Sis­
ters that was mUahod in the paot
twelve moiuhs.. This s|4endid organljtatloD has grown from the amall be­
ginning tbai it had a number
yearn ngo. when it occupied tbe build-'
ing on Sonih Union street. Tben by
faithful work of the devoted tdiiers it
onigrew its simple borne and the three
Biofy building waa bniU on ICaat
street. As the need^s required more
were added to lbs laculty-unill it wns*known throughout this
j proeiWT. It ergs
soon found tbat future growth
iiwible In ttmir quarters and the
line three story brii-k bullying Just
CBKi o^ihe woodrni structure was planned and er>x-le<] wltluiut OKtenLiuD or
■how. It sunds^now as an cxamiUe
of what i«lieDce wHi acconipltsh'for
these Hlsiers have pupil* that eorae
from all urts of the stale and In
lany eaww those wlio reside in dlsiiit pana of the country.
T-hl* fine liulldlng was erected at a
i-osl of nearly A-Ji.uou. Is of red j.ressbrli'k. Ibrei- l•t•l^ies and a large l<a*te
The lower fkM>r in tbe rliapel.
bRaiiiifully decorated and arranged in
tnoxt convenlimf manuer
■Pi-ond floor i* divicled into donnHor
Ir* and these are fast being ftllod
with thcHw whii (orae fnim a disunre
an# Jlie in tbe bnlldlng. Tbe baaeis dlvlileil Into ibieo parts, the
dining ivKiai. ktielien and store room.
p roous are fitted with every
thing that leads to make it borne
Uke and comfortable.
Tito school has all the farllitles for;
inking rare of piipljs and graduating
out of the twelfth grade, and be treated aq a whole. This la atght
ujirh year se^ more ia the eenior; toei long, eight feet high and thne
clasMs. and rtniso who have the bon- feet wide and built into the room, has
of arrepting tbe dtplomas are ful­ every want .anticipated that a cbCT
ly equipped to enter-eommereial and would ever have.
musical life, in any part of the connTbe building was .erected by WltAt present there -iirr a good
number of pn|ill* In the dormiiorlea Uara Brvin. the designs drawn by
Music la langht in all tbe brattrbes. fens c. 1’eteraen. the plumbing,
piano, rioliti. mandolin, harp and or­ lighting and heating by R. J. Mer# Co, tbe wiring by tbe'Qgeen
gan. The tborougbaesB of the sisters
City Electric Ught and Power com­
had attracted those from all
inaiicnr to (hi* d^rtTsent.
The lighting ta new, it U the indP
Magy important imwpveaienu bq.v';
eel system and bas sli ;i Inch
been made in other i>ant of tbe property. .\ large gallery bas been fin- opalescent enp globes that throw »he
up on the steel celling, painted
Ubed in the church that will acco­
while and at tbe aame time
modate SOO i>eooie and the inicrior
of the church otberw-iae beantiaed fleeted through tbe globes, giving
As artesian well was sunk In the tbe strongest ud at the
of the n^ convent tbat snp- the softest light possible. There la
also a large electric Ughi la front of
plles all the bulldlnc* and also the
public -drinking fonouln that Is in Ibe Uitle Tavern telling (be hungry
people to •f'Sl " The triple coffee
front of the church. Tbe regular day
urn directly at the end of the hneb
arhool aouih of the church has had
It the lateat aad here la made
many needetl additions whlrti makes
tbe coffee that bas made thta rating
It as com^'c as anr >b the region.
A' notable fact in ail theae bolldlng iilace famous tbrougboot tbe
There are a number of
•tperatlons that the flnaneial atta*tbat Mr. Ward Intends making pist
tlon wwi considered and the Fntirw
he sees where tber cw
amonnt of the roBstrurlion was raised
be placed to tbe bant advantage. Be­
before the building was started. At
ginning tonight he will keep bis place
present all this property which oc­
ojieo day and nlffbt.'
cupies nearly tbe whole block it en­
tirely free from debt.
» End of the WorW.
mmw UtWo Tatrern.
To be pras|iered in one's chosen 'leople suffering luin to a more
life work, ig outgrow all one's loea- less serious degree. -Those, however,
lion ud be forced to erect a most MAGIC OU, gut relief kaloklv a^ suf,
modPCD airucture. making It the fer least. Taken intenolly K wiD cura
finest Is this ragton Is tbe alory In a colic. chcOao mrakt and dtaokoam
Used aa a IlDlnieni It cures rheumanutshell of the condition of affnii
tlam. neuralgia. lumtmgD. aprwhu.
with Oea A.-Ward, commonly know
brnlsi>s. It 1s an ■•Imtraiile rerarvfy
among Ills many friendibas lust plain for Internal or atieroaJ imin. I’rtce Sr"Bert Ward." Mobday) w» movfiig eta. Sold by aU drnggiafw
day. and tbe pat^-Sld sot lot fdm
Trwa MoUyooddto.
close up a moment but followed
TWw la nothing motw eoa
him In and look what they could
----------- ------------who prMeodaia hAva
111 he had things arranged. ThebsiM
VaiorlM ktartlalta.
Ing U IS by S4. one story of brick a^
cement, and built on the tines of-tbs
•heeklAf Seunda.
In (he earth are aomeibnea beard
% of this style of work.
enters ooe. Is Imi-ressed with the feel-' betorr ^a ^ terrible earthquake.
ing that It Is etrictly up to date nod I
t dnll pain <


The white walli.*"*-*'* eed M
fully I
I how dangerous
____ .
tbe minion Turntture. the ceavewient •sow. DIabatas or Bright's- PMaase.
rabies and tbe ebaira to match, the Take Klecirlc Kilters at oaeq.asl see
newaat design of hat nnd coat rack, imckach* fly nml all yoBf.hawi.teaSngi
tong luncdi codnter, (be back bar fnin ibair nse-tor bUaey aad hM^r
tbe easy hnndllnc of (be
trouble," wriles Peter Boady. Boalta
and aaned food^ with the laige mlr- Rockwood. Mich. "It is AetMaly a
,rooi that add to mbeb to tbe deeori- great kidney medtclne.'' Try It,'
(iona. tba rear diatai room, tbe ftt- cenu at all dyiiSffiatt of ToFOkhe
tyigs tor tbe quick aerving of the pa-

iran*. an


Sjas-is-r felisi
42s "T!:*


Local Maitos






--- -

>-*ral nqfed general* and officus Bf
lead, a
both north and ^(b Wljps^re
woa rpc#r^
bad quite u llltto espertenc^hi t
ThaGtai4J^sAsiMz)Mt .vas qtdal
eemeiery (htt I dM 'Mt 'ijiiewd to ten.,
exnoDU'tor tbp dty aaJps. TB« am
bat htnk J wiu. -Wl ile I was etraUM
aromd thfough the cemetery I fosod weaibor iMarfmrtng oa ail aldra
that t bad km my bearlna and cinid Some loads of andoa wo» Irauad 1#
in ud 'aauute* ^d to ^
And my way out. Finally
aeroes ooe of the settoos aad seid 10
of bansniu Ton rec«lyad. 'tea a
quite ready
make' this city (of the dead) aiy per- -tc: buffer *4c. •
The local markets bod a very quiet
wmaeot borne ret. ft^ knew 1 was lost
aad had a good laogh after 1 »ve tima in all Uaea. Tbe uBlpmeata oat
him ooe of my cards. He raid. 'Tou lare always good bscdtaSa of tbe high
bare left some people la the cemetery. grade of products t^t are made in
should Jndge." lie ktndly'gbowed tbe diy. Potatoes are still
me the way OOL
On my way to Atlanta. Go, I Mop­
(From Satardny's I
ed at the greu Mammoth rave la
TheCblragoegg Mkrket hradroftped
Kentucky. Thia la ■ woodertul gigbt.
begin to tell sboat: I only 4c to tbe past wMc. the Wggeot tbat
wish I could. It I* well varib gny It baa In some «tote:'8,«#i teoes eame
and money lb visit ifhid in yraterday: tte
wan ttootedlto
rare if they are a lover of bainre.- I SMPeic.' Butler was my trhattndy.
spent OM dsy In Artaata. Ga, aad vl* Forty ram of pottt^ were rteelvd#
ited oeratol iateroating tdac«s. too and tbe price 'was very *rm. Wfcklmany 10 make owuIob of. ^oe «as sn tatd with tel^c.
Grant park, la memory of General
To show
rererse of marbeto
iDraod RofM tras ftriDer and bi^
N'aahvlHe. Tenn, laaooiber Interest­ yraterday tbsa Cbicdgo and Gte de­
ing town, altboagb I only spent m lew mote mneb' better; m bring, ited
hours there. 1 wottld have Uked to retettyr Aitttr. 17<fSc; ^tocA 4te.
si>ea<l eeveral days there as mr fulber
eovtopd there taTMS«4..aad roftoB
bear# Wm HOfi nbem Naabrtlla.
From .Noabrille I piked right


Mayfield. Fib. 14 —TtaeQp.tet AP
Mbool Friday os Mtoa fMMt. tbs
teaeber was la Trmorsc jDir
Hira Mariea Qtobs to riltolag nt
Frant Crtek and otber paWa op' in
tbe north rogfen.
'Mrs. Jamte HoUtdny to In Big MnpIds tektoff rar«.«f Mrs. John kteCtartby. Wbo to sick nt ber narraCx tem.
MkO. J. 1. Qihte *4* • 1W«MW
trip to Triyaraa Otp rrSlay.
Ban tenimn of Org^ to wortli*
in _0(«y't tetosle mSL
Mrs. HoPklna waa n Klustoy ytekor Satvdny.
Tte rad nawa fluge Sotnr^ tet
Mrs. vend Tobkarrar poraed away at
ber bam *1 Fraoport enriy Snt.ardoy
lag. Ska tea been a grant snftorer for tte paot two years wtoh egaTlte, tamm W«1 be b*M at
Mnyflgid ebprtA. Tragdoy and she
wOi te told nt ram In Mraevranb acmetery at Ktogplayia of era- town te9>e Wont to
Travema Oty Wadneodny s#d bnd
•tofonnae ot haring u> rmnto to
tba city oeor nigbt. as tba drifter
datored tte trala so they did
•aka a gecond trip to iko oCteras BOaol on (hot day.

;g»♦ «*:'■*** «Lf.?

you ibsi I bare been soioylng myi^ ment. Elk Raptda and ropemtob. Tbe
ery moment. There are many
•faipmeoto te* were u bcavy as ear
iramioos ihoi keeps a.Bprgon on tW day (Ms *e^ Not » Jtmo woe
fump If he irlai to doe Aett '■
hove Btei only one pmdbn b«m
Traverse City slnj-e 1 left, and that
Ob nccoqpt ot the OBVtenc* >■
Mr. WBdaan. I met-'M« tkii fhi wiour wheat dismett (here In'a
jing and It did me lou of good, t mr uaceruin (Dsrbet. and tbe price
bavp met liHd oTMIc^ pup^ aSf now tAeped to only »«c.
thersre aff of oM (tjWiw aaA.Dmi.lo
Michigan la the only state on the map.
(From Monday-a Beeord-Bagle.)
them one belter and ray TravThe Chicago •« markel went WBd
erse City in MAigon Is (be o«ly town
tbe tamp. Florida ia DU rtibt. tor.
r a tow weeks'or months .ikla Mmoitre year, hot tor 1 _
tea to
Mirtigno a'UKmnd titneu. My p«odrop
Pto-W^ and (e8 iSp bc# t» gtt hoDto
Uro obtobiW want down s
* can.go my tor a tew <0^ «.
qipt: :x|dt:e vera.twa earn
nlomhf and'hot gef temratek i tlm«: by frei^t. sad lAU
by express.
If he ran he has no love for home.
Dressed stock remained firm. S.»«
I do not expert to go much fartber tabu of batter eama la and tbe prira
south: It is warm enoogh here (or me.
was Wc and 88^ Pqtetora nr» ap
etpect to npaad a UtUc timr at St.
U to.


planning. The Ooor attracts the al- aeold not uik. No polUlcg ta (‘
A Cara of Appendle---teDHon. it Is aomethtng new for this
Nine times oat of ten It to eaonod ncaant of tba a
by a cMstipated habit The
region. It Is (be Uteai idea In MoooismtMraura.
litblc work and ,U« dnH red ^Rfaon.
Mason. Mh
ixes well with the mlaalon Tarnltarc.
and tbe moreowirts regnlar. '
This noor baa been igotod la maor.
ways aad baa in|ren
eatlaat All.
other materials. It ran * be easily ^Ta^to Wa^A uelghbi
cltaimd. does not eeba Uka a narbleDr^KlaS^
floor yet baa all the beauty of^tbaf Diacovery wbicb brougM great rwhet.
material. The top of tbe tuoeb coon- r^^ dqator mM k ^aa
l^aga^^ of
ter Is of the aame material and It has
tbe clegneat awtearaana U ia bigbar
than tbe

4B-. -orfto

will go online a.isteb.
The 'gTf— Aid
at 0te boHM
7t Mr. and Mrs J. oT Wlora all day
rbnraday. Pebraary U.
" J. r. Groeraer has ffafgbraii a pan
ad bean tilifbtoant to his now cara
aepenter which he got lari aatomer.
Mr^ u Uadtoy tea goM ito Uw
aoothera part at tbe Mate te vte( bar
mtfcer K Tgaftar. ;rto. ‘H.raa. at

Tsisto V(

OkAiiD TEAvisksE


Tlme» Ik invaliuitdc here to auiH-iiu- oil cBuhilea. We a^-d to pa> inr etlodi ncj ia our iireaent hunrtile niihcrc.

The flrM iiuu*Aiio|rf»t^ lUtuniR)rb*suWc«« or supdar

Tlif nMHl oainblp rtiortiler KlKNlld



un<i, sbould

( bwM uiusit' auiiaMt* fo ibe child.
One verte well miaeicd U beuer than
a 40ZM tazU) s^«.
CWMren llkt- .varietr a»<i ontclty.
anil arc aCcMate }«dAO< af ihp fatw
anil iriic. ao anr ooeanlc and clocioe
In rnard in tbr acinal Ictea, all
dvf€*dB mnn the tca.hiT.
vine help _»c can


erow a fhrlKtlan

I and (xHtimc naehl w6rfcerv,

nrai. a vtston nr Cod. of Itir



pentMe. We are all needed

Old Crand Trav­





hi l|


' Evening ScmImi..



Then a carcmi preiiamilon ol the

and Cbb-aju). Il UrlnKs -'lhe



no coats made of one fur tbruuehout

clMoiy home.

Md van Ever Hear
Aayeac Say That tbc
PS. Senator was ,
Sard io Wash 7

{ [nixed \

Is i'Al .EJ

No ]<enion who has lib-d waahl lE a relied {tunes Feiaraior. nainc
The t'nllcHl dlali'K.Croaiu Euliariilnr Is ibe only rciniinlcr ailoiilcd^

for Iho'roURh niecivauieal wuahinil.

“IV»ea thia Inieriuil tisT


Coo^ Tim

does, wc have a parity ni|>erinienri<ml

U «eii lie washed in liall Ibe liim

to t.-ll the need and rout>c iiilcicat to


“Theic are »*»ei-al houses *»l ahanie

mined vouiis p.'ople all testify as i.i allejidcd. was lurformed, followed by;
Kupi»T. the proceed" Roiti« l..
whether we should be intewnl.-d ”
- He inrthcr said:

“We have lhi<-<'

llte Haney s.liooL

Here Is the Reason :
owliic I



plaece are a oweswlty.
Ueaude tlwy
wl«e« r.r

those alone, wx bilde. Cha*


They do I'lsnaun, Miss Wamrei Smith. piairiKl.

visit sneh j»Uce» Hun- |.MJ« Kinh I'erai, aa bridninaid. aii.l








nilne K><rlii UR. rwtylM: iill tbr

V.o must «shl them.
Ev.lyii Tremmln and Fianeck firrol.m
Fabo-ly tn-UlcBt. peoide.
rliis tx-nrer and flowir slrls. Ton<
T.liii Mil,. 'Sh! neier aa.i sm-b iMnc-' TtwoiHlB ailoil

uitlk and dirt away wiiii >■ m..i

m publle.'

tVe eaii

aitiuillv M-ivihUlna all |Kin-

with Ik'-so.

it van Iw Proven thji i.i

■ouch t


Very ‘lluli- water sh


sonichln-.. while Krilth

ibe tneutl.

norame ix not alwajK luuueuiu-e.



Verhidiit Faita Machine Gc^
Bellows Fans,'^!.
Chlcaffo, III.



waki tie.


Lhrliig Mud.

He atiribnie-i impunii ui ih.diime


|wr rent



yiilr, under oalb atiribMed their Wuii

Ilrnc prm'lr.r. s Is fnrfedlble ard aiipalllttc. It in. la fnm. on amrb a* two
three ond even four feet de--p. Toiiroay that to see wasuo* nnd men

downward to iahm^'-es »nbe damCerlltmen:—Weasp give '
free C. S. SrparMor Oemcnat
odverliart <n..................................

e zarr ope ii
Heiuilly Knew til lie lii-i aial
: mill'll liy il after uiie year.

E«F3rator at^c...


fiov. n-any cows?


mile* .. ...................from .












an- oiu' brtiiher s kw|wr. We ail Ijelp! mud biffina to'move. H riae* np and
Opera wrap of hrecaded "wool, with
»ew omOmlp «nd a
• huulvr soiiK'oar. The impure ieii ■Iowa.
It form* tlvclt tmo Mrai:r< ,tbs i
itentns the collar.
tnovfxlR. It I* like a kri'at rnuldren

This White (^ods Sale
The hrMidest, roo§t comprehensive Wb^te Event wc*ve
held (or yc«C9-:^rQvI.A(Qfl snpcgrlor gaatlUcs,eii^Bslve
assorUncnls and very unnsoal valnes.
This World of White Event continuc.s tu influence thriEly women to purcltHse tbeic Wiute jrear needs at once. It- will puy you to emne and {Jet your
share of the hundreds of notable values NOW. while a{$orUneiits are still iiiiiMtiken. You'll be amazed and deiighied with- Uie ^reat number of extraordi­
nary bargains that are piled on our shelves and counters.
Here are a few price quotations. But there are scores of others just as

Wli^c.iteie ttifgains
Uableached Crash Toweling.
Worlli 7c. On sale at yard
L^es' Lace and Embroiflecy
Tmnmed Cbml Covers. Only
Ladies' MusUo Gowns.
Whili they last. at ...........
Ladies' C^inibinatioh S'uits.^pscL Cover
with skirt or drawers. • Lace mid
Erabroideo' in'tnoied.
A vary special hariJaia at ... MaFV
Mercerized Bleached Napkins. Geed
quality. Ilcpuiied ready for OAii
use. Sale pric^ do?.'............
Beautiful $1.25 SaUn-Damasks. Z y«rds
wide. The beiA table liuea C^|»
bargain ever q^cred, at yard-. .wdA.

CblltfSs and Sbeeltngs
At Prl«s m Low you can ,Rllord lo Slock np for Fnlure
Oc Unbleached Cutluu.
Fruit of the Loom and Lonsdale Bleach­
ed Cottons
In ihisSble at yard.................
42 in. Bleached pillpw Tubing, fiound
Thread linen fioisb, for D.M.C.^>9g«
work. At yard........... ...........A i C
45 in. Bleached Pillow Tubing, _Sells
regularly at 23c. Linen
finish. At yard.................
Lockwood Unbleaclicd Sheeting.*
.2:, yd. .wide. Sale jirice. yd..-.*
Loekwuud BisRChed & Half Blcaclictl
Sheet ing. 2 Vf yds. wide.
Sale price, yard....,,.............. fivC

SacrUlce Sale al Coals, Suits, aad Furs al Va l^rlce aad' LtsL
'A pnoc and Less.
at Lower Prices.
worth $10. at
Gouts for Girls of 8 to 14
Styles wortli $12 ouri'Sli Slii Plushes at....$vitt
Fitisbes ar.... l&l5
$2..SU Styles at.........
Styles wonh$lG.50.$7M $30 Flushes at..,. 184S
aSO styles at

Meirs Overco^. yow' uo^c^ ckuce at
i' ~ "



Gl|GlBE Dept, mufe

Moinhkla. ^^tfrer^ope who
f2tBlll.v »i'h (birMlG^e and beauti­
ful fur on Its iBirodueiion last seaM>a
knows, is the finest of any gray fora.
It Is cxnvUlte la color'pud teTtnm: .
It drapes ax readily as soft broad­
cloth: being made up of Uny skins.
It is cvatlablB nllko for mlniiie bltaof triTnmlag. for se*s of erery stylo
end site, and for the largest of fur
. garments; It works readily lato eom-

'•iSbt as can w-rll bn imr.Mned

.Irtl of
irui are Miv.-iR to re*i*l. annUw r ms' I soimdinier. as lOO rtahd «i the flC|b'
lollew. aad. I-eiiiK weaker. 1:.M.
\t .oi>« of there awful espansrs. the

nf viK-l.i-s’ nli-w-



S^lininennan we<c p*nni« of the bride.'
and' Miss ta-na Rakowski and Tcmy|

Workers, who - hiiun rhe Ra'kow>-|.l were paienl* i-f the Eixxirii.
nil lUiiT at.v ready lu do tbeir tM-*t lO: The diHVirallPtiR wr-re while rreis:
h>'l|l UK.
I papiT.anil j-rvl h'a;l
very chtHl
•'.Miiliiiuiii is uuKina ,ihe‘rertuej»i in,
enjiiy<-d Ij all,
imriiy woik. aliiMiuab l>eidbd In (eiii-

iiy loi-iil uRcm r. iii vi^naly d
We ulll atli'liil to
>or ; O
• omiHiti.


{Tindpal* In the

wcddinft were Mias Slarjauot l.lvlnc

The one who

Gray. particuUrly In the aofl taapai
BbaAea. U the color note «f the sew
aoB. oBd atoee vldcu asd ^ aatlit*.
cloths and silk* »ro made In gray:
since goHDs and wTiips and salts snS
hats and gloves and even sboca an»
gray, then It 1* no wonder that grar
furs promise to hold a promlBairt fm■iiion lo tbc winter modes. pUclng
the nbtes (n-oacoed plaec, for
'iroEB furs Md grays do not mir.gitf
afli*tu»njr. and only llie white fur»
which conusst prettily with the pay.
or the abrt seal which makes a good
backgrtiuBd for gray trHRmlog. or aa
occasional dash of let Week fa tho
fdrlioe. will be rosily appreetated la
this overwhelming popularity of tho
soft imiGM topes.

“JMd I retl you that we have
cotuo acqualated with aonie of the tech
boy»r They arc great,
chaperoned fire oh or to the taeh JohUn prniRetiade
She'* aurb as old
dear She al.-tit ncarfy all the evening
ill ber chair and we bad the tovelhal
luy . pick
i.iuH marqulaeite
niHiuuiw-i <o
•liu a oiatlbe nioM
All the girts
amfHhy fetrhlng^tbe I
mallne In ray hair.
lalr, J roeau. The SfOR* I
Is a little paaae. I mutt have more
ereiilnk Irocks next y«ar
".Milta. the Klrl I re tuld you ao
much alMjut. and I have |•i(-ked out our
J01IIRK l»r next year. Hy payine onl.r
trr> more each we tan have the Ioyfll»*t Itiile aulie of two bedrooms and
a study. ( do hope yeuTl let lae take
one of Ike biR oB^-al -niK* out of tho.
llbiur/ Tb-t> If did will let roe buy
Fome madraK CDrulnx II will be th»
bert'looklDR al-ady lo our hall.' 1 am
JuRt erary uier It already and 1 wfsli
i dnd Honid M-nd k check rlirtlt away, so
I can make a deposit to bold the
) suite.
“If aa.vbody ahrkild ask. mother darIlnR. «b*i I w^i for my bMhday. lost
*a,v that 1 want a
baadaome per­
Anita aod 1 are going to
have kaSee-klatacbei two or three
tlinea a week next year. Il will be Iota
inorb rhle than the everlaBUng alferBoon t.'XR the other glrlr have. Aniu
lua the daiTtBEHat set of Turkish eot-

. An nalitiiu woclal was lield at Hhki
Broken tiomes. Huy tfiariee hall Salurvkiy . eteninc.'
diemavl urn. ebiMrca tsirn ilisabk-il a niiiik weddliip. ul.l-li orca-iimed
for llle iMMUse of this tiiise. arid imieh amusenteiit fur the people who
In Vmvenu* Oil)

t-lasM-a tu deal with

other gctiaraturs.

L. R. Soyge, Sut'tOflE Bay. Mitb.
Aetcn H. Svoboda, Cedar C:ty.

CnjoroU By

fitben in ahe oounty.

our new .Mechanical Wuslicr. taeo plrtiirei haa ever made suc h a atnu:Eielil-

Molcalcln, Sopple anf GeaottM F«ii|
la «ha Aefcnowiaggtd Fawmrite
Revlvak or-Squirrel a Faatw*
of the acaaon.

«TW« RHOB. “ft
aooBs too good to bo mia tSM •ebool
veallr cloaea bcm . WadocadlT- U It
voTM't lor my oMoBtetnr ggaai
morrow, which acarew me U> pio<
and that aw ful lent ksaon we ..
going 10 have lo Fretich verba Prli
—1 jolt know ITI ftD^'d be Id the
•erwaib hearvD. for I am perfectly 4eUkhted al the (boMtht of eeelnc you
amt dad »Bd Ulile Ned.
“That ronilDilt me. I hope yea
ielilDC Ked uae the teaMa racQuet J
Icliat bome. The ooe I have here got
wi-l. I left It OB the cour«
aod It rained very unexpectedly asd
of romwe It'a ralDOd.
So don’t W
N<-d'i>lay with uiy other one.-ior be U
CO careleae That aomeUrtos weuld be
Sure (« happen lu U If be look IL
duoT want to bavi- to ga to the <
p>'«RC of bnytpg a oew racquet tbl*
aeaaoii. (nr I Ittiuw It coioa dhd a lot to
keep roe at Rcbotfl and I do eo
fotnc bark pezt'fall, for I like tt better
than I did the Erst year.


value of aosla. end of Ihelr need.




apKMd a tnie knowlMlEc^of this tbc

The banuet i« whUcl
We ainiply uimI lm{iortaftl of all tdiyaioloEP.,1
rendered lark ronneonLiion of time, enemy. Igl aUblecir.—life an<f It* oriRlu aud dcllul Rcm. vTherc la a land MUiv Eje CM und uiuuey tu lirius Ibe netnled re­
Hath Seco."
■asaa WHI Go -OoaMy Om far tho
1 Cc4'i»isned lia SEC. Thi.j^-.;
A shori talk «o the value o( convmF
WWOM Wtw Moot Go StrtMly UpAir. KHiwlrlck of TraverMrity
.t and hollewt relaOeiw between the
Ilona and oraniiiuil lioiin- ajid aduli
fasOoto—Cnolao and Meleotdo
Mpehn on the value or-euthBiiarJu >a
tibii-nl uiid dhlkP always (ulUiw wbeii
work was aivcn h> the eccreurj.
Havo tho CIGIca.
hnslims Hie acd hinunbi .out Many
• ehii.t Is itiRlrurKvi (>iv>(.irM'-nale
work »a» Riviii h> ihe *rcieiar>. IMic
Kood ^reaBOiin for uainR Uv mile
liH years and know'leditc. Tiuih
cr.mraMtKl dip liiicnwi
*^'lder ttoSo. tAmder ocarta. taDor
uiethefln In nil Shnday n.-lioul work.
onlv abuuld Ik.' s|>ofc<yo by jureui
eloaka and a pretfoaton of far Ulm'Snndai momlDK found no wlih h.'-uu tliild.
'inliie* on bau. sowwa and all wiwpf.“

II. and II
ilrul wcallicr aad a wrii lllkd lioiisL, .30 aaya Uamo Fasblon when isUadr
He eiored wiih an am>eat foi
oiUcr iilai'M.
Mr. KHiuilrick akain epohe on "Pur- wrliiihm* lo “The IJelit." n niantzii...
^in,.‘gnlxcod her about her new fura. Tbla
A laslor who traw-led Kdi talliK te
j 9«w*. taken In
in coniiecfton
«iaiiec(loD with the fact
tfy • 111 hi* «*«»al forceful and ivinreach h!» aew fi uHK>lnliui,*niK wnb ia

that prices of p«lt» of alineat ovary
vlnciaf: manner b<- Inid of nnr Mol.-'
tvrvh-weii lij Mr. HJeivc our iiitma
Ml lioaic and abrua'd. He aaiO tn iwri;
llniial onanirer.
Mr. Merer. Kcolna
Ifie iblMWuaiy -|.ir,t. the ivuvcmlloi.
d moaey fwdiion■tlregi Itrttain l> al
ptcaem lliiliair.iitiiUluin. raia.^“Blolhor. I boi>c
waaen ai» forced to *peud on
hiiinirr nouiiiry, aa obown by
Mn It. It Johnson.
Ibeyll pl«e >ou a. hotter appolnimeiil
iibcfr winier fara.Nvzt to the jBcreaacd frtae of for
neU* vear.-; He replied. • JVrv:. . avk
not- by rdiM-hia.
CouDly Secretary.
T»1 when we read
plpdei thi* seaiieo' the most airikinc
qoa ..
-I.r U»
------------------- '
Uii.lMui clrl.s Here lux] to Uv.a of
thine abodt the new fur ctrauons I*
’placo I have.- _
Tb< l e an- almost
BhaUH" Iasi year bclwef-n . Hevcland


MdKlXl l>(^IMm».'»U:4illCU>«B(L


'Parent.-. Icaehcr*. Simday

tcadcni and uachi-’

ljU'lly, a l>i)Ov.|(ityc nf the pnpir* iuat when we arcl
erse luui Uie^rc
cnvlropnieni and need.

«) :;3« p. iiL


Thin li. ime of Urami Tnoenw and aBdctltcy

iUnixMlBlc fiwanii The ^imdav |Si l>o..I

Aa you ruizlo ov r

•Iw! ugly sp. cmdc tbi‘ hldrous fom.
1. coa!--d lh'< ^
doicn land
with mud, cBii'rgc
tecre toll palftfullv forth
rithi. anoUior deten on your left. And
ilieii you underotand. Thl. cauldron
of moslng.'•living mud is duo to ibouisands of great lard crabs wallowing
In Us duptbs.

RetusclUtion After Hanging.
ItcRiiKcitsilon nftfr haring, as tfo
FoRthwark <‘orT.Bor remarked. 1» not
In JTO.'i n b*.aaebrmkce

«,wc eoltera. and the newest moffa

“Yon nay 1b your last letter that
jou're glad you had ray wardrobe put
In Roch good order during the spring
{vacalloB. so there won't be any aemGig to dd'when 1 get home this time.
Why. mother, preejon*. how
cMnk my clotbcR stay In order? 1 am
pcrleclly dcstllute. My tsilor salt Is
yjst awful.
You know the Mcket is
entirety too long,for this searon and

laud eoarfa are made of two eopiiastIn fact., any coubiBation of .
collar never Old
____ _______ _____ ______ .____ _____________ __
however, exo ptlone to this rule, and bly tight. I don’t see bow I gm *o fat.
rrv.ral women of fa.'Mun have or- doing gym every day. too, isn't « a
dered eoutiy all-ermhic coau for eve- shamcT .And the eUSon on It Udreadfully inusry.
nlng wrrrtbia winter.
“Mv UB crc{ie Is all right, but ao
There crmino coats, by tb* w»y.
while iKlng anything but bulky, are railed ibai I wnuidn't cvni w<.»r ft to
Wonderfully full, and can be tatrly a Irerhman froUe, and my foulard U
wound aboat the figure.
They are Just as bsd. That blue and .wbllu
gingham you seal me !• my b^arfr dethe furrier’s skill. '
j,„ iwuniy-live hate light. All the girls think If*
< good
n,,, jinking
I’ve worn It alnio


A rrpHevc came adcr be had br.n :cv.rrr. to nho
f those who
suspended for a qu&m r of a;i hour. jtKraeht Tnr coat* last ocbiob or tha
si.d he was ta>:endown. bled, au'l r- 't„,rare. (bat thorp la vary linie
Tivcd. One
William D-j- U. duly hangf*du-alchange In the
•" London In iTfu. was uken to .xervireabte fur eoqti this aeasoo. and
Hell to be aroifomlxed, but i^«t,egept for ihe addition of a con•nd WHK t-Bnannn.
o„i>ar, yo3T catsicul. teal or
cd. At Cork a
I ic.ny coal of los^earan will seed bo
arv. I7CT. fora aired robbe.-v. was Ini- jaV.erarioii*
j,v,r«!oi.* whdCvpr.
mediately nfi.-r hnrrt' d tu b Furgery. |I
will be V
ftabloiiable fblt
i» WtP

a aigbi «ow. wtth
ah the color oat «r the front breadth,
My old white sailor soil is wo. short
cut of the more that I lock a pertect fright
tn It. achsmes wtth other fore or
“My pink marQuIseite I* lo pretty vi'li T.dvet and chiffon, and It la q»
ccslly as to drfy any attempt to pUelX
good condliion. boi you know, mother
it la the cla.-* .with “«>nmoB“ far*.
doer. It’s not this year's model, and I
la pfaec of the sharply eootrmsted.
. nuiidn’i possibly wear It to Than Mowblack and white' fox sets wtrtrh ap­
' art’s dance. 1 hare }u*t received aa
Invitation to. hla coming of age piriy. peared last winter thyre are now bowhere *n lnclRi(in was inrd.- tn b:s
erprauaiy in rtmbinatiw wlih ; which will be the Toeadiy
Tuesday a
alter I get Ing Rhown set* d smoked fox and
wtl'.p fox—a skin of each for tho
windpipe, and he recovered and r........
. .
.borne, so picawe have a dressmaker In
theater the asme ert iiin.'t.
____ _______________________
, tfce hoose when 1 ^rrlve Thursday, so acarf and another pair for the nniff.
; Wine
and molcwkifi a ________________
FauTUbToy. the banker and for
ore.nag Jura, although, we cap get right to work on a party -Ones lo a wfa:le the grayisb fox with
gee. -was emcutert in 1«4. thi rr> wat , „{
sable—known also a* riba- froeX i Ha you think an embroidered
h wSdeRprend rnmiir that he had es- |
enped death by tb*4nai'rih>n in hit
throat of a sOvrr tubs which preventod atThDRoiatlnn. and tbht.on bplng reMontd to ooBsoloniuirea he.weni


j,foic»kin. aliboush
das, I
liable II

A dime’, result of'the trorne for
gray Is the revival bt eqaifTPl
If la

bcM It" ow'B.
Nsti^l color cavhcM 1* anotlwr oaa
-Glve dad and S'ed a bushel or hags
of thc^UNtbuD'a fancies. A befiOtEul
muff reoeniiy dtaplu; <4 in a Fifth nre- and ktSMs for me. I can hardb’ wait
uac window -was ol black fox. hmided tn m yon
Firtoev of bs girls have
middle , iTigagrt
1berth* rt one whwper t g«Ms
A tho edge and

•o’many men and women like to taTr.lw.ih rctVr*l«>!or cmwl. WlQi V-ick j
al«ut thcin»ilve§ when there
fur this caracul In lu natural bus I*
many penon* ■wflltnE to undtTt*l;o' exceedingly effeeUva.

the teak and do it bcucr .
The fure Bscd for amnnilng are pro- i
emlnraity lynx. wiUi broad-tall and |
Me Won't Lbnp Now.
N'ri iiK>n- liniiilog.fnr-Totli .Moon ef of the fora of a brownlah Ime-Mte’-obnI. an. t;;,. "I >>ad a had rare on M'> aMered aalubte for mooratag. male-.
liisieieUtial nt/thlng *'t"iied-lo belli lilt skin it oonaldered most appioprlate I
t i-Rpd IWClrtrtiB -Aiiiua Suite.’ ie. for half-mouralng iMa year.
silIcK, 'fnil lliiK wnmlcrlul
The most Qttlog tar* for eUMm
n(K<ii cunsl”' Heal.t G|d. runniuu
are sqirtrrel and bcavar. the more
hnilMO, ccrcniR -r |ille». T:< fl. Oi:I‘ pensive fu.-s being considered bardlr
k.t cenls at ull •liugglsui of Traverue -in good form for the yoangsten.
Aside from the uraal sale of for
TTOft*. tmllare «nd cloaks of’rertoos

be gteng

aoiN» wken ’Wo

know I never cut up




“Ob. yea. do yoe care If I travel JB
my peogoe? I reaUy musL 1ft the
only dec«t thing 1 bsve and my pas*.
wa bai.goe* ao well with It
■nvell; I ttlob fee told-pwi all (be
pews except aboat tmr--------------*
tnek.m^. r^wU yn all about tbose
when I eM-yoa.
"The girt* eaU mo •MuMn.’ l stinptr
must bam this anmmer—after

M some good
»<»« cherry pie. and ibnee delidoua
I hardly wait
descripUona. there will be ab-iewiPiDous
Hep oftoo tnUtakatbbdoBr that they
this TMr. 'Most of the dllMlsBMl* ‘
trill be fo^d ant for bOBaeleitcc.
geanlng gowns will have fur triaa•
——_____ _
TbBer-Hav# a cigar, old boy, Cm
nlng, -uu
and the exauisite
Blamsd a Good Woftiec.
of b^miani broeaded sUk* and ehlf- af^bl. thoog^ I??!*
"I bhfiiod niy bean (or arverc dKfona, nro IreqnenUy edgod with sable good.
In fact, they luy be wares
tn-KR in nn Icii >nlp lor iivn ypars.’’
wiltf* AV. KvanR, Dno'llle. Va.. b'ii I arermlna Milliner*, too. never mad# thy Hwie 1


not every woiffkn ^ho
cab afford
molcahlB aOff''-grsr fax. and na gray
fur* are ImpcraRv* s good anbofltnte
the rcnr.wcd

iiopnlsHtr or tbe*'lPexpe«,fvWoqti1rrwl.
Now whaa squirrel has -beea in be­
fore tbl*. too ones U Ima appeared
In rotber ugly gnfke. This year the
’ctatnefama cqulrrcl.* a* It U called, lo
most o«ed. and lo lu beat torsu K 1#
a pusjly altracflva fufK^wort. pibttllr
colored, and frde from-"UsS'liaiWh.
tong, brownish Ehtre that spoil 'thW^
.gpSaarsnr* of mRB* eklns. This chin.Allla aanlrrel makes tha dalntiret nt
' Per tofoe* awd tortaa*. OMS of hxt.
I muff and scarf, and trinmieg oa
I ceata. gowna and snlta. Whole ceate
for moforii.g and every day wear an.
' Of Morse, agalfi In use.
The popotarity of grey hg* net looaened (be deihaod for ermine aowng
these who*« purses will pemtt eflbdriceabe In fhl* real anreDhtty Ihr.
Wn«a*«r pore whn« ertMM •'Em
chdiea,- *»d aomo af the anat dMUasw
tfre aau fatredooed this w4n»T'«w
made of tainaae oeailae—as plcWiaG
ta (h* aooompanytag aletah,-

knnw now it wns linlic-Kilon. ns Hr.
Kuig'R .Sew Idle
Pills i«t .
GUlp GhoGa
Citred llle."
ll''Kl for rtoniurli.! Itv'r
Aa aBBSBblly pretty i
Small tar b^ to mateh-»a|iar
ml a rather < '
Na Eirtont.
li.s<la<'he «i d' ldUlv. S.K al all drug- muff, aro to be used this year. Mtk
slRls of Troutrra t’lij.
“They tell ma this np-(o>date ooai- ______ white allk asod tsa-UategrTbaiw
of the ha«B an caveahrpa shaM.
-1 .
mimtly has the moat strlogent law M aa taurUalBg of Moh red wtlh. a*
far handloa asd -wide fiapt, Mate|M*
“Ihal whea tb* Um|i M Tlghtad tb* ofagainst cxpector*Uon.“
with a peart claap. Some of tha
“Bo much so. that a cltltea U hub- doet la that «( ft ,«hiGBafthiPrl$i|
Wa have two tint elaaa.-waod burnasa MM ^» *ae U he keeps a Splu dog.’
tog -ftfeojcea; -in perfect Mndiuoti. that
can Pa beught obtap. -R. f Mercer

Fanners Attenlton

WANTED-A letbe mill asd shingle
Mdrarns Alex Baj’erx Roath
. -|ri>lS-U .

RM easy to ^M^olar;
-TbelaigciK b^^ G0t>aUtb*
la-aoleta beat’wibd ae^ttae btEgaat-RlMaMa*. baa to do M-’tolhiffwvhal .paoglft
»Oko to baar ahaau
..tho swaataKlHBeh oMorat

ftim TUYHua in»AH>


CTtTW »«r.lULgW-TOPAT, TO. 1% jiy,. w

hen. ilewB hUL 1 10 to'iAwl ereo' Ur
oo4 nn Ih the MOkod gnul*. Mr eCuH.
tn <lre ro^«Bg^Vrttt*cV<tkiVtie
Buehloe Bo). Br.
MhiTOW I on nreo roen oU.
—. My tMcb(r'i wuD« U MIm Ptorce. I
•UMBHlMt &rr«M»;
Uke her »eir 'W*h. 1 vieh to thank
. Morthhon. MIcb,
ron rerr h»^ tor BT earB and pie.

♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦44V44444A flnp cinf^ et


- —- ■

HwIh ana R

I «>m «r »a ^
and kind to eeerybodr and to
ovary Uvlo0 thlaft.
ever fall in tryln# to da
♦ thaee thlngo, ^ will “Try, try





^ « 4 ^ • g « • * 4 BV ♦



, w
* *'*" ‘®
** 'J''• ‘®“». “*®
‘ baic admired and k>«ed you alU and
»« •“*' ^ bappy. too. ^ou
r*" **!.*” moiually agreed about tbia
roDouhaieiKvn goingio bwo* «itn
S-our good cheer tor so lodg, that I
want to help "imis ti on" by entcrlag
?our buines occasionally for a visit
with yon.
The foliowing experience decided
_____me to write now. and I Idl It to you
Beeond Vlie Prealdant-Mrs. liane >'emu*e 1 wwdi you to hnow how your
pomerwy BtrieldA
Bnnahlne Is amwlated: Ijuil fall
‘ BunMiie Orandmether Mm. A. L. *>>lte I was staying with a friend, a
lm» ‘be room, and
acemed lo be scanhlng for ««mn«Wne
Nomher nf metnbetn heleitBing Fab- S<»n I h«f<l someone ask. "Whai are
rtmr, 1. l?rt. »,d17.
>ou looking lol. Uncle? Perhni* 1 can

help you Bad It." He tjulckly respondNumber of namoo on the Cradle
”» •» looking for that Sunshine
Retl. Fabfimry 1.1*11. 8.M7.
iMper." While several
alatance. I muaed that they were all
NEW Members.
*o inteiwstcNl. an^ felt that It mnn be•
met Benneu and Erma Bennell. * Sood i«per. i^rliap.
Hendon. Mich. Nnmes sent by Leonn me. So I e^uired more fully conShinn.
•' began to
Joseidi Samuel Clddlt. Grawn. Mich..


Mabel Becker. Elk Rapids. Mkh.. D.
F. I>. No. I. Name seal, by Mrs. Ella
M. Uuicher.
Marjorie ^tebbins and Belinda
Oarthe. Noribpori. -Mich. Names sent
by l^beUe StebWiis.
Milton Bennett, age lour years, fium. Mich. Name aenl by RosabcHe
Ctom Belle Cole and Imrin FhllHiw.
13k Rapids. Mich, R. F. 1). No. I.
.Names scot by Mrs. Ella M. Doicber.
Uo you wish the world were belter!
Let me tell you wbatio do.
Set a watch niwn your actions. kee|>
thorn always nunlgbt a
lUd your mind of MlBkb moli»-c». let
)t>ur thoughts be dean and high:
You can make a lUtIo Eden of. the
sphere you occupy.
Do you wish the worH w-ero wiser?
WdL sniipose yon mskda surt.
By accnmulatlng .wisdom In the Berak
. book of ydur heart.
Ito Dot waste one page on foll.v; live
to lto» and learn 10 lire. ^
If you want to ghb men knowledge,
;-ou must get it ere you give.
Ho you wish the world were liai>i>y!
Then remember day by day
Juat to scatter seeds of kindDcss. as
yon paa« along the way;
Ptor tba pleasnrc of the mnnj may be
ofttlmea traced to one.
As the bud that plasta the n<-orti
sbeltere ni'nilro from the sun.
—Ella Wheeler Wllrox
Keep a Happy Heart.
Keep a happy heart each day.
As through life you go:
It will help you on your wa>.
- More than you may know.
In your dally life be true.
'Srsvcly act youi- ||irt.
4nd. whatever others do.
Keep a hapity heart.
a hapta heart, nacli dai;
Sing a pleasut aong—It may
Citcer a heart that's Md.
Utt the fallen, help toe weak.
tVipe the teara which siari:
M'ear a smile, a kind word npnak.
Keep a happy benrt.

waumndHUB.. illelu O. P. O. No. 1.
Bor 99. Poh. f, lU?..
Dear Preddeai— .
I will try and «rtl« « ebon letter
vblle 1 hare a few aparo moineno.
The waalher la refy cold, bol there U
gronnU. and we
like to
»Ude VV..M
down huL *1 fPA
gn to
W school
every day and'am-tn the second grade,
.My'studies are irilhmeUc. reading.
Mngtiage. spelling’and writing, tt'ben
j get henieat glgbt fnm sAw^ I help
my moiher vnah the dUbOB and aweep
tb» Boor. I'Vflsh to thnnk y®n w
moch toy my oard and Mh. wWdi are
very nice. My Iftlgr.U geUIng kng.
ro I will Atop writing. .“*^
iay Bnaehiaen.
m Rapidf. MIdr.. R. P. D. No.* L
Bo* »i. PWi. 1. WI8.
Dear PrealdMt,

1 have never written to . the Benahloe auti. I go to ncbool and-am.ln
the Bret grtde. I htve a UiUe kitten
Puaay.. .I bare
little funds
.nc ■
«.«. two
who would Uke-to Jola the Bopohlpc
Club.' Their* namee are Kstbertne
Bailor tod Marion Sailor, agos (bar
and twelve.
Yeur JitUe Btutthlner.
Blennor Dntclwr.
Your little frfende abaU have egrds
and battooa. and 1 win send- jour
brother a sew button, nine. •

Me. neck. "Coneon. (rfd
1 nld
« I'et- « went o»er to the eion and
‘be trotted alter me ju»t like a dog. I
houfbi a poQad ot loaf augar. gave her
a le* Innpa. mounted and rode oB.
The Mat 1 »aw of the boter proprietor.
>»• »*• eUndlng on the atepn fUrlnic
nfter vme with hie noutb ud eyee
wide open.
The Bnti night I made camp I lari■‘t^
out.'but the grass was ao
veut)' nnd the range so limited Ihat
*b* had very little to eat. and the neitber ieoae. In the tw^
*P« *b«Pro'opHJ »t “F
•“ ber some more sugar. The third
.««“ a
» Berce
nrree atorm came up. and


Murid lanshed «p nt hln.- Cecio
oono play, too.- nho nald. jo«|i^
up. and bnmplai right Into that hear,
"Oh. Muriei, cone aVtr from 'the
bear.” aereaned Cedi.
Hair the Ubm Mdy laughed! -Why.
Cecfl;- nhe aald. "my old hear Is a
BtiiSed one. Come and nee him. Ho
ean-t hurt you."
"g«ar. •tulfed bear.-mW Murltl.
gsgrer. So he went ap chwe. and
feHow. while the indy
outside the gate.
"1 think s

josr Bunahlner. . ^
RonaheUt. Biebblna.
no yon live far' from the Khool
houserriw sometimes
makes K dlirictill to.reach school.
' ■

__ Mich.
P^,, li'lOia.
o,», I*resUloni^
.y,ce t
.^cten to the-SuiBlUne Club.
. that
f would write a few
Ethel Brown.
I go to dciiool every da>\ I ant in
It mnkoa me very tiappy to Ibink The Taming of JehnaoWa NoUM.
the lUUi grade. My tcacher'a name ibat-yoa aatr.yovsMtor'Jean are bow TW» troe atorr of how a hot»-waa done aa I could. She wag ohiy parUr . _
Is Miss Armairtmg. We have two m> Suiibcama.
lamed by ktedness appeared Ig.Onr protected, hovrever. and every time .g^ ,

our cl...
goes Id bli room for physlologjv it
was at Tmveme UU several timoa
t saw you at your desk
, h,ppggrt to pans by the
offlte. Our Sunday school claas ha*

fhh. 11. 1913
i„,r iProridentDmr
| received my card and ballon and
thank jou very much for them 1 will
try to bn a tme Sonnbtoer. I always
love to road the storlea aAl letters la





was proapectlng for amllro.#
n rallrond In
“• »*"«®
woeneter ue
1I —
...u-*—. .
mw —
a. .he Mat pl« wh^ -rmajo, ,,
clvlllantlon ended was a little mining
ceased Ngltown. Mound It neces^ry
lie was ntlll nandlnt as close to me ns
a botwe In enter to mraoe my Jmiroey

through the remaining wild and 6h«.

Mdy's ..lie was awemer tbkn wrer.
“"Ith Tovl now. my dear." she
,nid aiMtly. "but remember n tme
knight U always bice to tfs own sl»
tor before alt others.' Now nm home,
end nsk mothw if Morlel nnd yoa
may May for dinner with me. and
bear bow S got ny bear.*’
“ ’** 1"‘ *bat we will do yet as to (he gtodle* ar» reading arithmetic, hlw tfoders I aought out one of Ihboe
Bo Cedi no borne, and toU mother
gg^grnmem. geography, gentry a* a pemon mow Ilk'eSy to have
nil about It. and hew aorty be wn.
"Good-bye! Take good ca
The ibougiK of the Suubcanu began ^renlngs since we voted In our oifl- kmmmnr. imnaunshlp and spelling. 1 what I required.
Muriel. Cecil.'' caUed mother from the
MotW let bln go back to the lame
‘o w'srm my heart nom, a* 1 witnessed cers. Nellie Barton is PreKldent, Alice jii,o to
‘be Joy that you were conferri
«'>• »»“*
...TO.r!.«.JI.niTn»....r. lb...
b-lli. »». .rt.l «»» M.nb. »r J<«. .»d It y«11
I. .
you from mv ihoughis. nod after
a sood time Christ.1... let- two names
„„ to
,b be
b. put
bb, on
b. (be
,b. Sunshine
s...b,»e here
b.™ now.
b..-, II had
cbH.i. couple
„„i. of
„ boon
b.b„ 111
in show
«»w ber
bb,»*b^t: b^tb*^ STtiffbT^
Turning home I kept thinking over Uoll nnd one oo the Cradle Roll. Ine* mas and was well remembered. Be«
Accordingly I presented myi
I *'»*“«> *<>
and Erma Bennett. Bendon. Mkh.. and ,i,b« to you and all tba Sanshlnen. w,, show^targranlmal with a geiH-'*“*'* **“ ‘® ^ bother^
■W»oS--f*«°ef’» Wife,
« s«* UnkU 'bat I shouU eenalnly
ynton BenncU, four years old.
From your taring Sunshlner,
cni nlr of unenred-foroois. boi Irith”T.. ^’** ^“"*
'■ Z;.
TT~_. .
, y-. , see Bow.anppy ber lltUe face was as*
Atiefa Winiar ■wtterflle*.
0 begin
the name• wayfor the Cradle Roll. -----Send------tbetr--------cards
■ that
» ytfn ---------------------------Hedvlg Poertner.
loag rangy Umbs that
iwal naflye 'to Alice.
do.—Jun ail down nn.l write. So here and buttons lo we and I n-lll tfvc
Thank you for the. .good wlihea. only speed but —-.i—«♦
with sweil and wore' boavTT»e hlU was Just like a big .sheet node call* her -"BriiiJl'aroa- beesuno
‘b® beginning of Us new. ttn,, eo the ownerw.
Hedvlg. 1 niu glad that your stoter
tag Upon
remaUlw thto So**«'‘he boyn were whlsxlog she Is-alwaie dtooovering aomethlni;
«> «Wt yon one and all. I hope
y«r Sunbeam.
aont in your nnsie.
sou Will cvmtlttue lo give cheer nnd
Ijeona Sbiuii.

<M eipStaed bylSag^Sbi him
«> Umlr sleds. He llftod staler new (M'lho bl« Mm whan aha eomes
SI SoSS oRto b‘« ->th a Jerk. «d he took her a-ri.mng. Oftoeorm It to not bvd to
Sunshine as long M you live.
1 am always deligbled to bear of a
tlk RapWs. Mich.. R. F.-D. No. ..
Then they slowly trudged find butomim In.aummar If fbore
From .vour taring
• new Sunshtoe aub. nnd shall want to
Feb. 7. 1*15. In the Hnklof whaM fosnd out tatir «>»■
are ftawers about.'-boeaaso ftawera
Aunt Cbloe.
know mora about jmir plans.
Dear PrMidontI haveh't a doubt but-thai’Johnson
a»« tA.. Iba
V... • T>**“• ■*»*“>buttorflles are too boM of frteni*.
It l« anowing and Mewlqg awfully told Ibe'trutb.' I Dotk^al^thst
Ifliad In ber ^t eye a stamping bM^ foot Uks CoeU was doing Bo) It to hnid to And tom In winterAren't w<>' gUd to wpkonic Annt
Bendon. .Mkb.
kard. and Ue windowa nre covered home
r Club! And here is the
Feb.. 1. 1*15- siib'rrool. Pa inks. Us lo school this foot whkh Johpson dl'd not ewdglm A «» kW warn.
time Wimn too nw If on tha frwnd.
Ucir Ptosideniwiater. Soagtlavs we get almost prici’ was htt npoo ihd I motu^ and
-Aw. I ain't mgoin' down with yon.- This lltUe gW nnm^ Allen was out
"“'vr part of >our PresWcnl's uoore
Aunt Cblov has promised to toll yi
A.*> I have never wHttrn lo the Sun- troten. Sophia and I are making n rode oowr to the hotel with 'wBIto a nMd Oeell.. taoklBg at the oUier boys, romping In
sBl^ one day when
Shlbe-oub.1 win do so todas'. M> sis- nig cushion for Aunt Ids. After a
Urery itaMe w.m cnineded. •’ How-he vrt«ed to go down Uko they she dtoooverod wh« taokmt Ilk* roogb
of pioneer days. wh.
ter sent In my name n tang time ngo. while I aw going to take nwsic lasTho proprietor wsh sitting' on the did. Qtlon bis stomach on toa nW^! Mown chipa banging to the tnMdo of •
»be *'*» » «'‘k glri: They will I
really-true stories, and wc are lo have and I think It Is nice to be a Sun- ____
stWA 1________
can play
_ the
soolb now. Sophia..... ptozia as I ...........................
rode np. Up<m seeing
mo He wjnhed he had no other ones In his an old boiiow Owe. When she taeked
one of (hem next week In the San- shiner. I am eight years eld. I go to wonld like to Uke music lemons, loo. Us eyeo fnlrly bolged. "Man aUvsl" family. Ilka V«bnny. who was spinning mera~ CarefUly nha^foond tont tbooe
sdioot ovgry dn|- Wc live right be. | g-m gHng my letter to n ckme.
be ezelnlmed. "ron’ve . hboght John- down on n dandy bob.
odd-taoRln^ohJocU were BOt-Chlps at
. Another Icm-r iliai came'&iU week side toe soboolhouse. My teacher I*
Your SnosUiio glri.
‘ son's NrlUe. and rldln' W 'wlthMt S
"Bny. MorieL you gwan home, and alL b« huttfriUos. dwd bnttornies
for jou Sunbeams is from our old Miss AnnsiiTmg Mike ber very much.
Itasel Reid.
curb-bit! Don't you know *h<U liUl toll motoe* yor cdd."
too tbon^t Oi^f fein. ^ cniwfolly
friend. Mr. C. I*. Douilnc. He ha» writ- I Juki flnWied my second reader today.
wuen you iton musk you can j-on?"
' ' ' ' 1'
“Not' eo^ Want go down '»ln. ^tomod up U|ron'nr foor of town and
ten you a. cunning, funny lltUe story Next week I will go in the third grade, make
pqnplo happy by yoor
"I havgaY noUemd any signs of ri- Coete." aald Marlai. wlUi her Upa eurtod them boi^ kid put toes to a
about when he wav a tiny boy, and My tittle bretoor Imoo to to tho first gU)1hg. Tiwi vriB be ABOtoer way to rtausn^.** I held, calmly.
" '
rfigdy to errstony wtodo* wniw too winter flowhow the kindness of his good teaebar roadrri'be to tlx jetrs old. He to on make Snnshtoel
'R*h*raK too lioUlSeN*^ bn*e out
*Rti giro you n aucknr U you do." or gnrden wna growlfig. Tor Vnelo Bob
has remained in hto tbouglia all these the Cradle RoU yeL We have r«ol

Into a btg gnfUw. "] reckon 7<m edaxod Coca
told her too buttartiM wkre what to
tang years. It h a Icsfon that we may tun sliding down the hill that U In
BIk Raplda. Mich.. R. F. D. No. 1.
haven't Look at ber wat Saq^k*. John- 'Httriel pvr* candy. K> toe took the known gg "Ifosming Cloaks" snf that
well remember, for we rannot Irti how Iroot of oor bouse. Please excuse mis.
F>h. 7. 1915. non loqk all the vltn out of her batoro •
gne th*t Owll fltoed out thaj- wera Jntt- tsioap and not dead.
our InBuence msy Itngi^r In the hearts takes bewanse this is the first letter t Dear P^drat—
be ever let you see heri ud look al g,
poekot. and atartad
with Atlea'a filtt* haads-bad not tart-tham
of thoee for whom wc "ablDC.''
have- ever written to uyone. I wilt
M'e ataried to school this morning, the marie of tb* rope hround bar neck.
- Cecil wattoed bar tOI she.turned U sR. and rgry aogn they hu*n to
i>*r Snabcamsbut Ihwo WM oo ncbool u toe taacb- He ItaK choked toe-]lfe out of hah betodn be got on his sled, wake np and Oy aboto toa Oowera.
lltUe bo) four
Your little Sunshine Boy.
When I was a w<
cr was At Ihc laallinte. ao we came foro he oonU pnt a bit or tad^Ia u
^gg.^, ^ whUilng down thlnktog that urihg'ltod enmo! The
Clarence Sbtan.
bark home. Our couains came to vtalt her. Jnst watt
, .
. . • ataoa. and ha forgot all about ber tor IltlW glri fad toafe agar watar and
,egrs old the srhool u next door (0
The lots wen* divided iiy
**** *■
us ud *• had a good time- I will lag—lill
itu «e
me nieo. ou ^
^ mtadanU' be remito. they ir«w laMp.asd amde lorelr pets
. board icncc. and lor my convoDlcnvc
Written'that It did nol have ctoan for this timn,
y taen Is worth to $0 tale the
ghg *u wlntar ntang. - After- IhaL
a boord was ktt out so that 1 could go
rev taring Bu^lncr.
stable with her."
' ^
g^g,^ goalie. “BrigSl
always tanked
home even- rrccs. and get n pkee of
KAtoertn* Reid.
"In that case, iwrimp. Id btofar
„ .g, wu there fat &*r bollprtUa on bar winter -mlkn
bread and molasses, which I dearly
Fort lAUder^c. Fta.
It to nke lo think tool jxw had 1 feed ud care for her myndf." f aald.
told motoer. ^ tonaUBiu on a brl^ day tog would
liked. My kin.l mother, after I wa*
Ffeb. 2. 19H. happy da>- even If you could not g. dismounting,
Wltoed he bad twbe" ber all toe way. see two or three of toe taveir thing*
through eating, would wash the molao- Dear President—
to school;
"Wen. you're welcome." saW toe for she was such a little toing.
Ing. aft«r Oy out of toe barn
bam or out from the
srs Irom my face before I rcluntcd to
1 rorrived the proUj' card that jou

, proprietor, adding. "I ndvtoa yon to
lat if ate bollo'w tree, where they were gstoerall only two years old. Wbai
aoot me nnd was very glad lo get It. 'I
Ldaud. Mkb.
buy a quirt Ud a curb-Ut ud a new oouMa't find her way?
ad by the daqgm ud bask In toe *uaBut one Bficruoou Oten- mss u cn- suppose that you are having snow in
Fcji- K 1»K pair of spurs. If j-ou expeet to ride
He picked op toe slalglr rope, and nhlne for a frhlln But always they
icrinlitwcnt at our school The mayor Michigan now. -while *e are having Itear ITvnldcnlJohnson'a Nellie." The snernemk cm- etartad off to see If -toe« was agy wut back to pleep as soon ns toe sun
..f Iho ettv and other ooiahlc fooDle “I** weather here In Florida. The
I thought I would vryite you a lew phasls with which be *ald thta stewed
Blin of ber. But toe wu ont of disupaarod. SomeUssas tbaaa hnUar- '
were to be at the school At three thermometer stood at seveniv'-ecven lines. We are having mcaltan this his doubt.
opened toe •‘S*“- ”• tootteil be hhd beUen «o fUu are eaU*d 'Ybaw batlertlto*'' for
I w,„ for m, i.iwt «f ■■«-«« “J*f ‘ f*" «"
<>“' I*"*"

TI. om mon>1«
In (hn
a Aonr
and van
r.n.irr.nd".uAU««‘ As mv'mothiwhat .nv
my .inHI..
studies arc. I1 XU
am in
the flfth
fifth Inxltirt*
insUtnte at
at RnlteBa
Buttons BaV.
Bnf. Ur
My taacbtnacb- alab
door and
went stiilgM'ap to b«“ J*»« ^
hCrlnnl„T?"^d mu
*"«>•.• Ud Mudy arithmetic, geog- cr's name 1s Ml.. Bertha B. Campbea horm^. She stood riook oUll ud « b. could, and ritshte la at ^ out when toe
1 w^ ^k .0 Btoo^l
ta^ «Pb>. Wstorr. P'fltlng. ph,slotag)'. «- I like ber very much. 1 thought -e looked nt mo. It nctonlly ^med aa kiWbeo door. Motoer was upstairs. nomeUme. doe. eva in ^ »Mdl. of
- g_;-„hed
ricalture. langimge. spelling ud read- would have a lot Of fun tocaiag and thouto she were surprised to ou that for bo'oould bear her. but there -WU winter.—Picture Stair Fapef.
«-s.„ I
,hn «w.n. I ...
sliding downm but the weather has | ahowod no fear of ber. I took out qellRpr’•‘S"
*ba IBtti
„ ■ ~
When I onicrrri the wn. I was n
been ao stonny that we have not been u nmde and oBorod tt to her. Shg »tator. He peeped Into nil the rooqm. ■
sight to are. Lvery bod> began to
Rose Davldton.
out very much. 1 have loit my bnitonf antffed nt It. then drew hack mm He dWn'l dare uk motoer If aha had
All toe elephants ^ ta too Indton

Keep a haiipy heart, e'en (liuugfa
Trials may apiicsr.
For our faithful Prtand. w« know. .
to forever near.
11s has promised to abide. '
Grace He m-ni Impart.
So. whatever may betide.
Keep A happy hanrt•
—Sunshine Bullefta.

.My nieter. Merforle BtebWnlC
aad my coMlh. Bellnde Oanhe. wooU
be* heea
boaoiirol.'but Jurt tately It hae saoved
a rnt dni. 1 an In the aixth aad
y,„ pY^ncea .Scleon. I am

io Mlu Kbu Bohle. Bho Uii^ oar
‘1 otell ocTtf «m (hen on her.* I
'Thwn'c ao«»M0 lo h«o wnoU
echeol Itit rear. too. Bha^U.* Jiorr uM.
to mo rtm.'* nHiMh* Mdr.
1^ t«Mh«r...Mrh'«U Hh« h*r>fry.:.;reU.ilu>‘UkUlro(i.th4feon.Aad
<5ecJI iMlow^t^^ elowly; throofh
nucb. WlU.rga. Meoie
Mother thlnf. If yoa r1-lo thet hone .w-------------Keller hbuttoa m bo • hae-loot UeT «a» Into the ntonsubt. Bholl IcoA-e yoo
. Miiu
Mae lUrrli hee toot hen eMo;.)urio the Brat chetcf ehe tote. 1 tell yon
hare nr higher Her and 1.
caa ehee *ot the »om repotatlon of nay
A hi>

Uhasbreaafcnowv.bluitery wc-ck.
here In this Uread Traverse region.
vruh more days of storm than days of
r nnshtac. And yet, bojs and girl*.
bow toll these da'v have been of the
real lucr light and bsi>piDcsv. enured
byTbe Suashlne that we underaund!
60 mu) letters have come to )-our
President this week, alt of them full
of mem- Umov, loving ibougbi*. ud
good wishes. Why. -It has been
CDoogb to make- your Prealdent'go
aboet with A stalk on her face Just to
toink of them!
Thom hare not only bou leuarn
fr« Jwa tops ud giria. bat aneb
oplendld "vtofts" from aome of the
trieads of toe Cite. Do yen remember's‘few weeks am> that your
Piwridat-premM to uU you a happy,
nhe to ready to do no.
W* a*o to h*v* too addUtan to oor
SaildaiCtobofnroaLaaw -AMAtta"
Aai hero to ter first imur to yea:


“.I "

and set me on ber


u> inff;

I began 10 tough. After school I went
homo with myiltttle pocket full of
Our teacher was suto a kind one
that we all dearly loved her. On her
Wrthday she woold bring us OTsngas
niHl vaBTlJ. ■O'! *»>ai we did not oat
When I was grown to mubood 1 weal
to are my teacher, who wa* then
c»«bO J'enrs old. I shall never lorgat
hnw plcaaed^nlw was to ere one of her
oW echolare.
Your old friend.
U Domloe.

Now for one more leUer vtott. ud
this from Sunsblne Boy. Br.. who bos
given us ell «o muy good ttoughU
and Muablnv cbeart
Dear BunsblDe PrealdentJust a word today to the Bnasblnan.
i haven't any story, but yon tent seed
a story-. *ha so muy of foo are
srriitar aurh nice letter*. I mas m
pleased to see toe leitom from toy Uf
ue triads. Verm aodUD. Smith, atoe
the one from Agnae Noetrick-1 ohoald
like to are more of tbom. If* almeet
na good u It wpoid te to bare toom
write dtooetly to mo. We now have a

nfl,»d l.o.ftal.b5to.«« f Ullrt Of Min 1. AlUM -l~d pl. b.l..rm.Wf™i TOilm.l.« "Ob. .,11.- I» Uld » bta.«, fco““"i
“"«*■ »"■“"*>"■
,b. „,0. fn b.,. n,d .bb. f
-.b.H b. bibb, ttb- ™.d .omiMmt. M'-l- ■"

From tout tovtag friend.

Dear Prealdent>00. Uourd? It neeaed glee to tear
1 have loot my pin and would be from you both again.
Btod If JOU would send mo uotoer.
My Wrthday wilt uon be here. M
. MnM. Wto.
,g, ajg«eento of Ftoruary. I wm Ik
Ffib.' g. »rt.
^ I wfi be glad to Dear Presiffeot,gg
, jg,gg , ^^^,4 ukg « jpin to*■ SunSunTour Buaahlner.
ahiu Onb again. I w*» pulling: A
- mCg,. Britton.
tie boy aronad on my ntod and I tast

g,, g^p, you Wm have a happy my button. PIcue -nead me nholber
birthday. Uuj-.
button. 1 am eight yun oU ud In

y,*, second grade.
gfk Bapidx. Mkb„ R.’ F. D. No. 1.
From your Siuuhlne toy.
Fab. 7. 1*13.
.Cte^ 8. Wnrecr.
atata hn^^.ri.;;;;;;:^
iksr prosldut—
imi anau
nare nsMer taiiwa. ».7
' I do Aol go to ncbool Oris winter, bat dnar. It to abt huaimy to Join ev«r
I o^dy at home la ton flwt reader, again.
and ma hnars me rad nnd apell at
• ' '
home. I will be Mven years old'tto
Bsitbo* liy. JOefi, It. F. D. No. J.
nlMteenUi of Uito monto. Good-bye.
-Fob. 5. 1*13.
- From your taring Saashlner.
Dear PreMdent—
Urns Reid.
U has tea a fcg ‘ Urn* Mace 1
I sUidtad at borne when I wu your have wriltu to toa SimMm Ctab,
age. and iiaad to do Josl as you do.
no I thought I would ^to to•
day. I ffo to •cteo) ovary day I oaa.
WUlIsiHburg. Mich, R/P. D.'No. 1. I am In tke'Mxfh ffraie iUs year, aad
Box a. Fob. 4, 1*13.
my aUdtof are at Mtaws; Raadtag.
Bear Presidinl •
ttotorr. AftmoUe. gaograpfiff. gremI wfU writ* you * latur. Tbo‘ mar aad opoIHbc. w* tire two mUo*
wmittato gotta cold today, ate there TfoM toMJtrif'tendi' Wtea tt to
to ouggb' enow 00 that wo cm tilde stormy igioego. My toBtom'* aamo

back alw was eating the nprte , Tho nlarioa la toe snow"



^ though when I sttamptad to homo. Up ud down bo wut. hoststroke her noae. The tolrfi riay flat w *verjwhero. But Muriel wu dot
her oat into toe tat She cMarrri the tg hs aou. and he wu getUog scared.
etAbte sate at a bomd.rtoea wheeled w, thooght of toe ou gravel pit
and teoljcd *t me with ber om good tto far ad of too CaWn. She mb
eye will}
with toe
toe moat qoeiflNlSS
( g„, teOoWefi nome «f tto children
erernawtatoeoyeefnAyaAtefilBBt b,
aromid tha ««uf. ud made
' eapectod that f *«
If Mto
g, .g, gg,.
ohok. her into .nbmtoMu too_wu ,g,_ ^g^^_
^g._ g^..^
obe gnlqed ooafl^co
klhe TO hvr hniliaround the lot Mckli'


"tote, bat-be wouldn't.


nre enrefolly gUended to. aU IS evarr

Hvc. bring nhont tniny rop^ o

?! ’W
■fiiey are lad principally m uhimked
rice and gra**; of ton former they get
•W t5f Itaimds. and of toe lAttar
. 4-.

aTfeJS ifShJS

• (h, rtght'ffaaaUty to be pineed'before

?! A ruBgrewnlAtaphwL -»U n qargtn

was eo tired end trlAlanad that to ^ gQg,w for iiipt«ta, As n ffood load
her oats—Ud Attar
z quiouy
quiny ^
mto vbc
the ■%»»«.
i»ca ibio
w-__ —oUire
‘ Kwtttoai
wnlkte boldly In boetda her and bo- *® •“
gu to use currycomb nad brush'jm
^ ,w. n — - —
her reogh halr.-bot tow ahe41d fllub
Whu ho w amrt) tnere. e
carry, and
when I bnsu a too Mind eldot U
took a week behuW she woold lot mo ^
2“ “* ****. , ,^..^
pot a saddle u bre. I teoo tug. ^to wu vtandlng In tto Aoor^.
taiUng It down os hte bach a a* at "“to*
KaMr-Bddla irnd W-boaid pot up w
to atartl* her. ' Next day I4Mdtn mp““ opened tte g^
M writp»ea. aaddlad KeUto and rode nrewd
t^I^n iSyjS nSdlft
tody had a bear In her bouse, sad ton, “I win gtoa 4hta field to aarea
to the botai steps.
he w—v
dldaY feel
I* -----really ■ndhstod “ Wha u
80 satontotod was to* prtertotor ■*
•-« very brere Jost then, who
— that h* Jompod np. almaot oeoreatUat
-0o*u right In." aaW toe lame l^. aj^ea^o^Ba^v
hi* ctolr. "Mu allva ystfraatMO'j^yooeyw^.
lag to rtdo tost bqa*( TrMMBf a n~^
”* 8O0f«rm8^^PSa I ^
bit? And whore are yw epanaT' *«, T—^ soore HI May
your quirt
aavwarod Coca

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