Grand Traverse Herald, May 01, 1913

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Grand Traverse Herald, May 01, 1913


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, George G. (1861-1942)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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The liiiicrary will <-over all Ihe town*
endoise it and take t:;
61 a church fair wiih the proud
from Soi^h lUven to 8ault 8te. Marie.
the-IndUldual eburth
mammas standing about. However,
anO. tlie nfflclal* of llie four will
elioii-e was made and Cailfornlu's girl­
•.jieraie with all the organisations.
W. K. IkWKhty. the national repre
hood from iTiiperial Valb-y lu the OrelK>th aEriculiural ami otlierwb* along
seniatlvc. Rave a most Im.-reaiinR de­
gone line, and from the Sierras to
lh*‘ line of tbe triii. The campaign
scription of the working* and what It
Golden Gate uwaiied her name today.
being planned hy 8. J. Mrlhmaid. and
means 10 the church, the eonmiualtv
It Is |K>sslblc the seraud choice will
lie has secured PerrJ G. Holdio as tlx
and to the world at 4ireo. He called
t»e made qni-en of ih^ f<-stival t<
h-atllng s|ieaker of the oo-aslon.
attention to the BtalisUcs which hart
Ireld here October 22 to
An In­
will have with him Ik of the biggest
bceu prioted aud were at ea'h plate,
teresting phase of tbe case has been ■REST OF THE RECRUITS ARE EX­
MHI <if tbe country In tbe agrieuluirti
of the expenses of the Imal churches
the reedpr of hundreds of letter*
he al.-ioiinis that had Rone
from lonesome swains asking that
Tlx- aim of the tour win I
missions in oil tbc different fields.
they be telegraphed the beauteous
Mm-a-1 the atfalfs *|ilri( all over west­
nialdeo's name and address as 1
Clmrlcs H, I*ar*ons. oi Toledo, i
ern Michigan and to place m fedeial
rpiiresentatlw.of the Nonhwi-*tem
as the name Is made public, that they
I detiionsirator in every conm.v
Mutual Ufe Insiiraocr- comiiany. told
may wlr* proposajs ot marriage.
of • l-lnlistijlg MVu lor the World
Includes Clause Reiterating Slatement
quest." aud for half an hour told of
That California Has Right to Ex.
the prat ailiievemenis of those wlio
elude Aliens—President
hail gone out Into iIh- preai world
Haa Done His Duty.
Good E«leet» Will- be Felt i" Com- followers of those who had held that
Federal and State Of|ieiala Were
munttr for Lena Time to Come
first marvelous "haysiaek meeting'
Two Local Boys and Three Veto Will
—Get Together Spirit
which luid ecliotil ami ri.~e<-l'.o<Hi
Harramento, .('»i. A|iril 3i>.—Pracii
Tryout: Seager. Port Hurler, Re­
Olvee In^tue.
ari>nnd the A'orld. It had In-en
enll.v arknowledgiDR tin- fuilur,- uf hi*
teal Building Opened
ported Last Night For
|K>aed that the inisslonarv miiveim>ni effoits to iimdity the niill-alieii land
Planntd Meneter-Dsmonstratien.
Natural Resources
mostly undertaken l>y wunicn. but owning bili! Siiretar.v llryau ukIs Believes That
The ETe«l ekailDK risk
Featured by Parade.
Should Not Be Squandered in
■plhns "l«bt rorly Momlay ••'••iiiim of lafe years it had become more of
left fur San l-'ntneiiirxi.
8t. J.oui*. Mo, April 3(1.—One hilnReckless Manner
movement. In the first *taRe*
Twciv*- huAy liravDs BhANng from
as tbe delessin to ibr ijymrn'K .MisThat Bryan was dt-feaied in hi* 1drod and ten years ago today tbe
i'arl*. Ai'ril 2".—Fearing Mav da' varluuk parts of the country unloaded
aioaary cooventioo fllc-d in at ibr nr>t of the w-(ivk it had lieen each
Toiis was t-viiletii after last night
lorlng for his.own lliile knot of im-o- session of tlu- legislature when liryait. Indianapolis. Ind.. Aiiril 3ii.—Cbaa. treaty between Hie Hniied States and liming an-l labor and KorJaiist di-turli- TiirMlay i>rc|iaratory'in donning the'
oMcnlu; or the doorr. Ttir InillUmE
Warren Palrtmnks. vi<f' president of Prance by wbicb this country came nnees such an are *iiue><Hrt] In more
great Idea of said; -The piveldeni has done
admirably filled lor >.<i<b a futherinR.
paint and getting into active
of iho vast territory or less violent form at the curreviiondIbe I'nltcd Stales under I
Tbehicb ceUlngK were dra|>ed »iih red, ieveryiNMiy puUIng for the common lu •hrti ns lie *aw It. My task I*
training for Jubs with (he sqnad which
lug tiei kid every year, tin- auUuiriiie*
Hoom-velt. is today recognized as In­ In ibv middle west, known ni
while and blue rtreaiiierK of <Tc|<e iia- lereai of all. The doings of the great eally ended.”
will lake the warpath Jlay 20. IdLouisiana
per. and the east side of the liall.waK
• liidiiig Cbiet Rendrv there are siiTills statement was miide after the
decoraied with hoc(lre>ii: of idioios Ing manner liiai took the aii-lieucc new bill diww-n by Ation^y Genera! ilrulurly of foresta and retoresiiza- •'uibiitemoratloo of that even wIilcM 4ii.(*oo truxi’S Md lollce r.-ady to Umen in camp *0 far and fire or
III fact, tbe people i>f 'Indiana gave to tho Inhed Stale* a country csitled out for tu ilon ut a nxjmcnt'* no­
from the Western Mlelilaan tV-ie1o|> right with the speaker. All these Webb bad lieen Kul>mU1i<d to the leg
an- expected this afternoon and
larger tiian many of tbe great powers tice tomorrow.
mem buieau's collei-itop ol fartn and iiiteruiierseil wliti the wlitlest of
islaiors. who di-clare.1 th- y would d<- believe ('harlet Warren Fairbanks has
to niuht. The men w-erc assigned to
Every Mav 1 Pari* preedit* the ai*
l-arson* 1*1-1 the hlRhcsi batc and lla^J, it Thur-dny. The
ursunx-d the place of Gifford Hinrhol of Europe, and in memory of Tisamaa
fruit scenes; on the west r'ide were
iK-aranre of a ciit under sNue. all le- iliclr bunking and feeding place* Ian
niaiter of <-onservatl<in. Foil Jeflerson. through whose efforts
lonx sbeire* filled wlin the abifs Jars oumidlinentK to ilie l•UKiness nu
uieuMm- rcip-iali-s falifomia'* liglu
nizhi. uniformsand parali-licnalla were
Traverse City.who had made
tics. FsirlMoka bughingly admit*, baa ly the purriiase was made, federal and tior orunizatlon* •leclarinc a holida: fx.Haed this ruornin.x. and no time will
V of fruila and cralns i»it uji l><r OiU
to rx< lude aliens and ba* the saimoffidals gathered here today to The t-ocialiKt* and revolnilonlst* ci
convention the sneress that it was, 1!.- legl n* the original lull; but is m
'lehlmi him long ago and
' caslzaiioD and the Dosyt of Trade.
in Uklng them to the Re•1 the dedication of the half mil deavor to parade the n)rests and hold lie
ters{>enA with sheaves or the yrow- railed aiieiitiofi to lite wonderful siiiiii rarefiilly ' phrased. Iliyan n-fiised
Iieniot-rals caitlshly aay
M>rt<-f park for the Prsi (o'out.
they can iiodenitaud tJiis in view of llun dollar Jefferaon Memorial and the drey dciuoiisirations in Ui*- publit
of enier|>rise that he saw on all shir*, lake a Kintid either fur agaln.--l '
‘n* araina- it was a siuht tliat
Tlie men wbo bare reported so far
had never aeea. and was an education the great buildings that arc the admi­ im-a«nie.
siuall ydcklu'a" for a rt
tnlicc auihoritios. Anarehi*(s in are pitchers, E Kuehn. Reara. Mantor the romiian}'. In vailous iilacit' ration of all. visitors, the men ni work
III Indiana for the last live years— Forest Park.
It numlier*. wiih tl:i-ir re<l flans in ship. Hues*. .Seager. Paldpher and
I*n>m|>tly at two o'clock this afierwere ibe colored box and liarrel iiost for the uplift of the <iiy ami the wen
they concede him Lis ieaderablp
x»n in tbe Memorial rotunda. Mies the (rant mar^h en masae, or at Ica*t l.wFromboi!*e; catchers. Kohl; sbprtera. tbc official label u( the i«ckloe derfnl ■•osslbililies that lie within the
in rtmsertatlon relorms.
do *0. to Pere l^chalse and *Ui|i.' L. Kuehn; fint Imseman. Scan­
Bessie Bankhead of Pike county, and
reach oflsli.
deiurttneBt of tbc bureau.
The Xurmer' vlr* pranideat
other cemelerie* where romradi** He lon; second baseman. Ecker; third
Tbc proermm aiate<l that the doors
George of Ray City. In New York Hovtelry Closed by Police hiefly instrumental In having the .Miss Julia Eppes of Jefferson City buried, an-i there aitempt speechmalct
Itaseman. Pendry; outfleldera. Cole.
lln<-al dPHcendants-of tbe great Anier>
of the Ur skatlDR rink would be oi-eii one -of the most masterful Dd-ln-Ksas
democTalic legislature- pass two
other deiDODstreilon* to Higgins. KnttoD. I.«Dg.
at six. ttae sMtina ncRin at d:ir> and of the convention, held the mherlui:
laws declaring ifae third Friday of l<uo. pulled the nlender cords and
which the aulhorilie* object. Socta!
exLook Like Ball Players.
the supiier aerved at i:;3‘
almost *peill>ound a* he told of tinNew York, :.''.--t>tic l.un.itetl
depioDStratlon* agaln«t the proIf api>earanc« has anything to do
done. Sometblux unheard o( in.Oir wonderful manner in whicli 'The dlnot> ill Ihe eale dluinu rooms ol the ing the a.vinlsitioa of luunii-ipal parkr inwlng to view 'he heroic marble figseated. nine feet high, and aald to posed ibroe-year army wervice nwtem with the prodn<nlon of a i-ennant srlDrlty, a areat RaiberltiR tbe like never Chureh Is Responding to the Worl l Souiheru hotel, a large bukiolry ■■
nnd mate forest reservation's. His
are exiierted. and the military thU aft­ Ding bunch. I’.ss* Pendry *honld'bsra
before seen bore, seated and ready to Noe-t ~ In lieRlfnihR his RDDCch tlic theatre district, last night v<-ie ^
whole time, aside (rum bis vast bull- be (he largest marlile statue In the
bestn on lime, vilb aid men preiiared speaker suited that he would net oi>en cd into the street and >*> other gi
OKed Stales. Kart Bitter was tbe ernoon was eatabllAed In all public no irr-uble in roppiag tbe flag thia
liiierestA is given up to spreadplace* and in the main street* to preto do Justice to tbe Rteat feed pre- Ihe "<hestnm~-burr. I>ecause he liad were ni.tiflcd to tucate their idjm* iug till* kind of pn>{|agBnda. He 1* sculptor.
year. AH of tbe recruit* ara yoniidJyicerhei gad Other
■ i«rcd fm them.
stcr*. with regular ball player bntVUl«ssed the "atteedoi-’age. but would within 48 houi-s, in a mid by Ik-piiiy read' i>< drop business and talk ft
FoUowlng the
similar di*iurlimir*
HIrM here a*wr j should be sail begin right wber*- wc' ai<-. allowing Police ronimissiom-r
Added to (bto is the fact that moa
and though he
w Vigt-r am!
president of tbc
conceiDlDR the {woide wbo were back that the st;|ireme duly
of (hem bare had plenty of expertenee
rmed on pol'itloal
Insjieetor l»wy.-r. IVed.-ibk tVi.iliug.
rchaae exponltlon comor Ibis Ur banquet ao >i>lendi.ll: .\meriea lli»t and then enlarge the -ein-tary of tbe •<vi;;iiiiit.-«- of lour lining*, be will drop' pollllrw like
with fast team* and have bung np
d the sUtue to the city
aened. Tbe qnesUon of a suiuble
To save tbe wtirld. Each sue
re<-ords which should make them s|v
of St Louia The speech of arcep. a elilzen^ orgnnimiiun. and a
Idaee. larre enonsb to acco
have ilte world wide wisdom force ol det-eti-. p«. t'liailes K, Bill!, eunserraiion.
pear H> lU/' HlrblgsD State leagne
tam-e waa made by kiayor Henry W.
Bucb an immense c-iowd. was a prob- Kaglaiitl s:i|‘jdicd tbe oidiitn iraff^ lor the proiH-lefor. and *iu*Uv Itrhiilt
Phen-iifl list The hope* of many of
• No spendthrift ever dissipated hi Keil. who was followed by federal
lem. Tbe local men were at their
centmy. Certnany was l»ek ot ih- iiianagi-r. were held at a tsdin- station
mony more recklenkly ibun wc id state offleial*.
:the fans were ^allscd wben Seager
wiu' end unii! the ska’iuR rink was Boxing uptisini; In Ci.inu. The lliide. l•eDdiDK arrang<>n«-m* for boil.
the lilg port huricr airlred, os It baa
have been sratieriog and wasting our
Tlie members of congress who had
auRRCsted and examined. Then arqpe iu>oxe and n:ls.'ioiiari<-s were eartic.I
The anresiriricl dancing'of the
natunii bouniies," declared tbe
been appointed 10 attend the exerclsea Dynamite Was Finally Uaed to Cheek been doubtful for.aoiae time whether
the question as to service. The l.adias' In the same boat from Anieriea. But called modem step* and Ihe liitding
Fury of the Advancing
president lodoj'. "We are
ot he would be Included In Penlive* of ttae VnltAid socfeij- of the Asbury MethodUt
llie vision |s befog rsaUxed an-i f an alleged racing |x>o1 mom in the morally free to do with them as we ed Stai^ governiDent were Sentlora
dry's Ilkt of neophyte*. The two lochurch are noted for ihe s[>leiidid way tbc world is being •leaned a* cev'-t liotel by laspe^'Kir l)wt.-r<Ust Thurs- ilke. tVe must use them no as to Bacon of Georgia. Galllnger of Kew
eat men who win make an effort to
that the}' cleared the tndebiedness on iiefore. America came into behg will; •lay were given aiiionc leason* liy the satisfy <«ir reasonable present neces­ Hampshire. Root of New York. Martin
etna. Manitoba. April 29—Fire, xUy with (he Summer Boys, are PoTtheir church and as tne> were eaKer Columlius, and l.uiber wae iiorn at tlic I>ollce for the mt-i and eloring of the sities aud then transmit them not of Virginia, Cummins of Iowa, Nelson
ling a t3C-n.ono loaa was checked ciplier. pitcher and Higgins, outfieldtu raise needed (ucib> fur Improtelime, the two greater <ncni* of hold, which 1* a Jiimictn n-*iory only uudimlnisbed. but strengthened.
Minnesota. Stone and Reed of early today by dynamite, after the
Of last year's men Seager. Myron
menta to tbe church ediOce, tbc;
history. Tbe flight of a flock of bird* structure, handsomelv furnUhe-t nod If possible, to those who shall come Mhsonri; Representative* T. J. Henin business section was wiped out.
and Walterr. will be beck on tbe Job.
seated to nodertake the task. Tbe -hansed Colum^ns' course of Kafllng decoraied.
Driven by a high wind the flames in spite of the slmllamy in name tbe
after us. (or they are merely
of Alabama. \V. A. Cullop of Indiana.
flrrt Ruanntee was fur S.'o plates
iDd wo* the most fateful
mltted to our keeping for the 1
Collier of MIsilMippl.. Henry Jumped from building to building
Kuebns are no relation to snch
then it rose to 4h(r and finally tu .*>2.' The smallest tniogs many times
ir lives. They are a trust
Covlngion of MaryUod. Benjamin G.
other, allbougb they are said to play
Could they do it? They said amonp change the destiny of nations. When
us for our children and our
Craveas of Arkansas. George White of
catiiire of liall 4hleh pnU them in
ihemsclves “We will." Kvery si-aker tbe l*llRrini faiher* adopted the Ilihle
dreti's children."
Ohio. W. A. Rodenfaeiic of Illinois. Ira
le same < hiss'in tbe record colnma.
on the procram. and those who hate for their guide, they founded the hoslr
Wood of New Jersey. Julius Kabo
00k Place at the Hoffman Home at
First Practice WetfnsidDy.
lioen at the head of these Rreai tathof jour AtDeriran continent.
of Cailforala and Richard Bartholdi. Are Making Good in Class A
•I'nder the -leadership of Mr. Jack
orinRs for reara. |»ld the hiRbesi cocn-- The two great things In AmericaD hisLeague.
I. C. Dyer and Patrick F. Gill of
Pendry the men will be led onto tbc
Idinient to the Udies Uai niRht. I^Iaclh
*is the emshing of the rebellion
Mr. and Mr*. John Hoffman fit MaMissouri.
afternoon for tbelr first tryone would nretaca bis remark* lit re; and the building W the t'nion 1*00100 pletoo were |den-antly sun>ris^ last
At least two fornin' ReMriers are
The dedication ceremonies will be
M'lth only twenty days in which
feirln* 10 the perfect system that was railroa-l. The latter »!>eDed a |ith Sunday when alKiui iwcnty-flve gneat* Grand Lecturer of Masorta Here 1
followed tomorrow by the formal making good this year with higher
elect those who will rater the
day Night
manifested as each mvrse was serve,]
to the In-lians. Ttae silver ham airired unexiH-ctedlr to eeh-brate
opening of the faiagnificeat new quar- class leagncB, and both of them
pennant race the boss to anakxu to
When tbe sixty Udies came marcblnR
that drove the Rolden spike unit- their 3Tth wedding anniversary. It
of the Hfesonri HiatorKn] So­ demonstrating the advantages derived get down to real wertt and beginning
'The tchool of Instruction condorted
in after tbe Invocation, l^ere was tli«
lie ino oceans, and now we arc wax also the 3Tth wedding annlversary
by Frank O, Gilbert of Bay-City, ciety in the >feraorlsl building. The from Michigan Sute league training to-morrow he will doable op on them
RTratest round of applause that
digging Ibe big ditch that will o|>en a of two of the gnesta, Mr. ami Mrs. Jo
ceremonies today were attended by while playing with the sane club.
txitb morning and aftenwon
KTe«-t'-d people wbo have been called
broader wav to the same couii- seiih foilor of !tlo Ea*i Eighth street,
Free and Accepted Masona. ww* at­ hundreds of tbs delegates and visitors Ernie Krueger, former Resoier hark- wurkouu will be iadntge< In.
on to aerte at any banqitet in tbt*
I Ameiii* is the center of the anti the birthday of Mr*, t'liarles Curtended by over li»n Masons Monda;
the North American Peace Con­ atop and Riley, who is bolding down
Vannigsfi Game Bmday.
■•an of the fUte. There were sixt:
lORilc. the commercial, the inriu.-,of South Elmwood avenne. the nlciii.
will be given tbelr fi(«t opwho served and aaotber alxiy were In nial and religioui! activity of tbe dangbter of .Mr. and .Mrs. Hoffman. An
Ke;>c.wmutlces were preaent from alona tomorrow.
team of tbe American Association,
porturiiy- of seeing the new Vpefoto
the Imiiiovised kltchoa. who du|4i world.
elaborate dinner was served at 2 p. m. Ihe lolgec «t East Bay, .Northport
the two lanlcular l-rigb; ucd rhining
pnRtire game Sunday when a
rated eaeb waiter, and there were oth­
The many fntais in ibis magiilflcent The guests were amused by games
UgbU who, ora upholding the glory of Regular Yaimigan match will be pull­
ers who looked after the litilc de­ rpet-ch lolo'lwed In quirk aucccsidon and mnsle, the mualc being fumishe<l Bd Elk Rapids.
Tbe fall rilnaUstic third degree was
tbelr Alma'i Mater In Class AA balL ed off at the park. By that time aU
tails. Tbeso were all members of and kept one on that up|>er plane of by Albert Lardle. The guests were
conferred and Mr. Gilbert paid Ui#'
At present Qrnger wbo Is playing ref- of the youngsters will have reported
either tbe cburcb or Sunday srobbl of vision* and the audienen could
Mr. and Mrs.Andrew Carrol and fam- highest compllmenu to tbe mem
ulariy with the Toledo tewm Is bitUng and the buga can get a' line on all of
ibi- 'church In the west sfde.“
with the same prophetic eye of the
Mr. and .Mr*. Charles Carrol and of (he local lodge for (he manner in
in tbe neighborhood oT S20 and stand* tbe likely looking pill maalpuUtorw.
Proraiitly at tbe hour. Rev. W
siwaker ihv great things that wen- family. Mr. and Mrs. P. F. lAtdie nnd
hicb they put on tbe work.
second in the batting list for
Several .(iractice gamgt have alrradr
Kendrick gave tbe invoeatloD and the befure tbe people.
family. Mr. and Mr*. Charles Cyrtlss
A banquet was served .In the ilnleagne. Riley while oot so near
great banquet was under way
W. E. IJqugUtv of New York, the ex­ ami faolly, Mr. and Mhi. Fred lArdle
been ecbeduled beeldea which the
lop of the percentage column to tbere Pendrylte* will meet with some of
A* soon acthe somi things to eat ecutive secretary of Ihe world move- and Mr. and Mr*. Jos<-{ih Vmlor.'' Tbc
Her Pietnre Will Be Ueed te Adver- with tbe fielding siuS and looks like the neighboring sand lot aggregallou
ia-l been dis)>osed of. Geo. W. (urdle. meni^ is i>o*tlbly eioner in loueh with guests left about 4:20 after wishing
ciee Periela Feetlvai at San
a sure sticker In tbe high class clr- before the opening Of the box acore
chainnas of the local execuUre con- the imsstonary work'of the world than them many bainiy retams of Ibe oe- Hoiildar, worablpful master of the
lodge, acted ns tonstmoster, and whon
mlitee. called the meeUDR to ^rder anyone else, and i/f told in tbe must
season. Fair weatb* for tbe Mxt
talks were given by F. O. GUbert of
With the Resortera last year Ernie two days to expected to bring a 'rec­
and in doinx so suted that aueb a entbusiastlc way of the resulu that
pUyed in ninety games and hit
Ratberinc bad nev^er been dreamed of.
ord breaking crowd out for the big
Rapids, Dr. Flood and Putnam u< la t« know today tbe name of lu moat Riley in g? games had a mark of .273. game Sunder and natH then the enand remarked that It would have been temailc work of this organlxutloo. It
Northport. Duncan of Sultona Bay. beautifni girt. Ttae world U later to In tbe fielding averages (be back*to|>
Inipoaslble bad it not l>een taken
ever tbe world U won the prli-elets
traota win have ^raty to do In-ordra
Welch of East Bay. Dayton, Codding- revel In her beauty when her picture waa near the top with .!tT4. while the
Of and lioosied by the Committee of vnloe of L'brUilanIty muat be dis­
to bold to the regime which the mw
Campaign Tow) Planned for We«tern ton. Moiherstn and Woodward of the appeara on posters adre^lng (he
Twenty-One. The couimiitee wbo bad cerned. tbe spiritual mcajlng of il>c
big »>o|r in the outer lot copped a
boM ha* Uid down lor them.
PorioU Festival aoon to be held by nguri- At the clip they are gning
Chame of Oic managinR of this Rreat natani resources. Men don't live un­
the city of San Francisco. Theoe post- now there is but llillc doubt that both
oonvenilon were all i-mhuslastlc mem- til they begin to give. God nnd goodwHl be sent to all conan of the Df them will make a favorable show­
berw of that orcanixailon, and that
eesfa and consclenre go band in
Grand Rapid*. April SO —A monster
glebe, and *ben viaiton come here ing when, the champloiishlp aeaaan
Beast success, for thni committee hand. There is the UmiUens iiossibili- alfalfa cnmiaign tour 10 cover all of
to tbe featlval they will be given the elooes and tbe averages are compathaving uken for it* moiin. Tio it for
of |>myer. .Tbo pnlbtray to power wenera Michigan will be undenaken
Trare^ Chy." said •r.o alu-nd: w-e-ii is the bolding to Chrlstlaniiy in this in tbe near future if tbe
School Children Can Properly Ohnfirva honor of beholding tbe origiaallea* none Imponnnate suitor captnrea
help an we can." And they did.
worid-wlde work. After n tbouaand of the milroadk can be secured. ThU
Arfior Day.
fir. S. 8. Smith had chnrRe of the different thoughts, now have one fixeil
The hoys and girls of the-Grand her aad carries her off before the f«sdecided at a meeting after mld8L LooU. April 80.—Peace exer­
EinxiBR. and when the ertsi cnmpai pnrponq. of srorking tor the same
this morning. Tbe camitalgn a* Traverse region will be able to ob­ Uyal opcDO.
cises were held today in every high
stood and aanff ‘'8Und rp. Stand 1
great canao.
planned at the alfalfa meeting last serve Arbor Dsy this year through
Six weeks ago the commKtee m
Bchoot. eoilegt- and unlveralty throoghFbr JsBus," tbn eollinit*'lalily rang
Rev. D. Cocblin arose at this time night will be one of tbe largest af­ the generosity of Steinberg Bron who charge ot tbe tnettval hong up a purse Poatoffioa and I
oot Mlteonri in honor of the fourth
with the votuiu of music.
and aald that *be did not think the fairs of Us kind ever atlemided in any will give awny/t.dOO caulpn trees to of tlOO for a pirtm of the piwttleat
serve Event
American Peace congreas. which torJames E. Cood was iairoduced ns meeting would be quite tbe puccess aectloft of (he country, and 22 coun­ (be schotd ^lldren of tbe region. Out girl In the atate. The coaUnluee
malty opens tomorrow. Today. 1
thg toastmaster of the evening, which that It abould be if tbe andlence. many ties of the state will be covered by tbe
town people can secure thnse trees wanted her llkMoes to mbelUah ttae
Wasbingtoo. April 30.-Tbe pottof- preliminary program of' tbe ooDgn
offh-e bn filled in an Meal manner, nnd of whom bad not been in nliendanee trip.
the store on Satordsy, Hay
powter. Photographs came In thicker fice and navy departmenU today cele­ cloiMd with a meeting for public,
cIcTerlr inirodUMd each *i>eoker.
the oibnr senslons, and ao had
Already there has been n great deal while the children bf tbe rity will reapplIeatloBt to Prealdent WUmo brated tbelr Mrtbdaya. One bnndred school teacher* at the Soldaa High
C. W. Itnnsel. the executive m-cre- heard tbe man wbo, in tala estima-lof Interest In tbe matter nnd tbe tom eelre their ponton of <he lot on Hay IM- Jobs. Many days the Jadgea mad fifteen year* ago today tbe navy school. Hundred* ot delegates to the
tary at tbe Imyinen's *Mls*idnarr lion, bad done more tor Ihe black hta been aanctloned by tbe Boards of C and 7. TfaU will give ample ttme
department Imd Its IncepUon in legto- ooDgreaa prevtoualy Ttolted the Ugk
MoveaMOL rand the |■oli^r of that or- men-of the world and bit TedemiAlon Trade at Cndlllnr. Manlsten. Traverse for sU te be dlMHbuted by May S.
uwM latioo ona< led Nff congraaa. while 102 f>chools muu
and wuv*a
colleges w
ot 0*.
8L Lmtto
— to
xnnlaailon. nnfi fpllr explained It la than any other, nod he asked that I>r. City. Frankfort. Hastlnga, Feloakey, which haa ben ant naldn by Ooreroor
t beuttfal gtri was
dlf-lycwn ago today mgreaa passed (he take put An asd Uad the peace exert
finuil and enUDd on the dsingates to
< OoBtinned on Page Two^
MoDkagon, Graod Haven and HoUuuL Ferris s* Arbor sad Bird Ony.j
boalta tbe pretUast habr'bm
■br Mil cMwiteg a general poMotBce bare.'dDM.

























Grni TnMtu Htnli


Ofnaa, mVront th Aeth Phoeae 23.

.. fUOIa Adtaav
.. JItlaAdraaee
.. .SetaAdTaMe


iroviWf with JBp«n «'«Ilfortiitt will not
be at>l« to ftsbl h«r own batUes and
wiu htrelto havp tb<> help ot the na(lonal forenitMot.
wUl not he
araateil ae treely at though the peo­
ple of raUfoTDta bad played talr In
»Ue eame. The people of the oUier
Fiatee do not know the eonditlona
they are In rallfonifa. and If there
ahcaild he any trouble alth the Jaje
aneae they will not feel like offerli
up their Uvea to deftad a atate whuae
people have ao little re^rd for the
iliiiea of law and diplomacy,
ernor Johnaon and fala leslalature
hbuuld forpet the ewne of jxiliiii-a ag<l
endeavor to reach a sailtfamory
tiement of the difBruli.v in an
Icahle manner. Inateod of ninnlne tin
hak of embroiling the whole t
QBiler that la of real Ini
only to the people of the coaai statea.

(Coatlnuad from page one.)
Kichards lulvl.t have u lev. muuicni'
to talk to the men. lit* H’grestioa wa:
receive-! with the wi!tb-*i •vptausc
N'o more nobble r.t»n no* 4-oin;
I .Trices corrected every day.
among live jo-ojile of Travcrv.c City la
Buffalo.'Aiwil SI'.—Caiilc—Rcceljils, Hogs .........................................
yeais. Ttie ii agnellc |vM*ot.8in.>
.'.iMi; «Riw. «e«dy. IhOk.Mi, ('alves— Sierra .............................................
Hr. Richards Is not to 1«- d.- ilU a,
Slow. 2.'.c lower.
She<-|'— l-'aivea ...........................................
and the message that he brings is
ReceiiKs, l.noo:; Cows .................. ..........................
told In a rlntfle manner Hwt I* the
.Vo. 2, gno «klO. Hogs-Recelplx. 2.:2u. iJimbs .................
bright Of elaiuemw. .S'oi one vc.m
light grader artivc. heavtea *luw. Sb.ii) Flieep .............................................
lia* hc.t4l<] ai«ul ill* u«l> VlMalfOii.
Mk.i:.. dosing at «9.Sii(iii.40.
ICtaickena, dressed .................
In this great work of over tbbt. y.-ar^
■ -----j(taeae. dressed .................
anionc iK-«|.le wivo. when he went
Ihyks. dressed ...........................
lltal*'- ''4'' w* written language <»:
Chk-fli-o. April 3(1—Potatoes quoted .Turkeys, dressed .......................
their «v.ii, ha-1 i;o homes. t:i> |iov.^at 44)0 4Hc. Michlsnn at ttf(i4kc.
sions. r.ieieiv f xlMlne In the l»re«i< aI FARM PROOUCE-Buying Prices.
t avage*. With the advent nt the Bibb
I I^Matoe• .............................................. •:
nnd this grand man. a new .-ra w:tORAIN.
oiienol f* r them tnd Uic> 1« etn
Cbicsipi. Aorll 3t>.—Wheat. V2^.• Uuiier .......................................2<>c to 2J
Egg* ........ ....... ........... iseicc dersund why ihev wFke IlHitg aiid
Corn, elite. Oats. 3it4r,
what life meant lo (bcm. Mis talk Vs■ Hay-, loose.......... ....................|ifl to tl
Straw-, per ton .................................. lb listened Id with the <]nae«i adetition.
Local Markets
iniions ........... .....................Jdc to Sir and hi* me* axe went to fvery heart.
iProra Tuesday’s Ilccor'd-Eaglc.i
The day marked a usual nun
lH»r of farmers In the city, and they Potatoes .
An had some business with the grist Buitei*.......................................27c to
THc AoIiM-T-ttr reed-— «imVm tnl
liriK. the Mllera of 'aeeds and the po- Rkgs.......................................... 2<«- to
It., market.
Hay. iwiw ...........................................
•ir tar
There were 342 doxen eggs and 71 Straw .....................................................
.•aK-aK,*. r.irvv.'i.-SaTTw-i- |-t-|.|.
A-tVr... V'1-nS
I )< Vn- ' V
IK'unds of butter bouglit.
GRAIN—Hannah 4 Lay Co.
>ctaaaWIK>pMtbe C E!L. la F EE3
Tbe ixiialo market Is very alow and
PriecK corrected every day.
ic priie Is still S-ic.
I Wheat ............................. ....................
let^i's He|>artmeni.
(TtMin Wedoeeday's Bisttrd-Eaglc.l
. Atall 1. IU12.
N'Klre ls
■by ipt
1'ettcrday- -was a day of a little ex- Hurkwhail. per lOO Ihs ............... »1.
that certain
land* klitiate<l li>' the <county
GRAIN—Travarae City Milliiig Co.
_ of. Jrand
■ileitieni at the market. Some of the
lo the state for
I’rices oorrerted every day.
luyers wanted potatoes and the prbe
«>r IH'S> and
previous years. . _
vent from 2ir to 22c. hot it was only Wheat ....................................................9
des<Til»d In siuieii.ents which will lo."
1 fiarry and the price Is now back Corn ..........
forwarded lo the office tif the treas­
urer of said county, and liwv be S't-li .........................................................
o 27c. where it w-lll slay.
at said offii-e previous to the day of
Thdte were Coe bushels unloade'j ir Al'bite navy lieang .......................II
•tale, will 1«. sold at public au il-,n
lied kidney liean* ............................II.
by said treasurer, at the countv m»f.
Thero were 47fi doxen eggs and 74 BuckwlK-ai. m-r lun lb*. .|1.<mHi ll.lf- on the first Tueiulny of Mt.v n.-vi. s'
the lime and j.lti.e designated for the
potinds of butler bought. The farmTrices corrected a.s market varies. annual tax. ttale. ff „..i Meviousi, re
after seed were as gmi aa 'ever
deemed or «n. i l|,-,l sccording b. b,w
nnd the amount to l>c naed this apring Illdrti ................................. ...............
-■'-•Id sfaietueni* (..n'ain a full desertp
1 the Increase. The grist mills
tiuii of t-a. J, luinx l of said landa
t fair biiKimvK in thut line. The I'ullow
Andilor Ueiieral.
KhipiiieiiHi cut Were guixd.
l?va i hot
april H* I 24 may i


Hnnara are
e loaing
loain targe auina each
year on arronm of not knowing boato treat ibeir aoU In order to get the
BMet out of It In the way 6f crop i>rO'
dartion. Many farm* are eonaidere.1
worn cut when Is reality there la
ootbing the matter with them • jeept
iry Joi-ephlne l^'w ls, daughter ol
an eaeeat of one or more elementt
and Mr*. .Murgon U. Ix-wl»,
that cooM be remedied by the appli- bom In Jay ruumy, Indiana, Ortoller
catton of eenain cbenirata to free the
ISCC: .Ib-d at her home
Aonnaat rooFiltuenia and tuake>]«Fsi- Orawn. Michigan. April 2fi. 1SI2. age
hle the railing of abundant cropr. If 4C year*. C months and r> day*. She
a atdl ii aoar or ooatalnt too much came to Michigan thirty <7arfi
arid the prolwr ireainem will relieve and iweniy-mne yeai* ago sje
the trouble and make fertile fleldc
to Stephen Si.irbuck, To thli
' where bMWtofore ft hai been Impoa- union was tairn »lx rlilidrei
alble to aetuiw any aatlefariory' regirl. One boy preced.ti her
anlta. Time apent in Mtidving aoilo'
fifteen years ago at the
and their .......................
treatment Ik....
a good .............................
Inveeicars. Thoae left to ntoum helaenl for any farmer and tilt tiJp tajdeath are f.tiher. iiwth.r. I ttlian.i.
aoon coming when the farmer nm*i be four soha one daughtpr. two sisters,
able toT>r**<Tlbe fop hli land tf he ex ’Mrs, ICdna Hunt anc Mrs. ly-lla Lr
pert* to secore good results. Karm- Master, lioih of Muiiirosc, Coloradi
tag ta a sclcttliflc buslneas and Ac- and many other-relatives and fnenils.
Banda bead as well as hand work.J In hcr slckncss she was never heard
Many methods are being devised fort to comptaln.* At a neighbor *:■«
tamlUarlztag the fanner with tlie beloved Ip- all: n» a wHe and
aeods of bi« farm, and within a few •wnion hke was faithful nnd Irae. and
yaart this work will be reduced to aja* a mother. “Her inflnenee will hold
point where every farmer can rea.lily when every other ui>Ufilng th|i
secure the expen advice and infottna j forgotten. Her voice «a» more thrill.
1 that he desires In connection. itig than ih-- best of sing!
with any department of his work. This liatiiU were never so rallouxed by lot
region is thowlog great progress along as lu Iw liieir ipt-rli; her prcxeii..
farm development lines and the re- w-onld hash the eob. <!ry the tears an.
salts are already beginning to show .Iriv-e back the dark hwir*. and h«i
in a very aaitafaclory manner. The nanie will never lose its ewtvtnc** tthose who knew her."
lochBoB of an agricultural school
A few weeks ngO ai licr own reciii.'s’
thU point would funner the work and
make possible the early realixatlon of she united wnli the Friends chur.b at
l*-ne l.*U:e,
the ambltlOB to make chic the lead!
agrtculturwl and fnnt producinc »
tion of the state. The work has Iw
well started and It Is ho|>ed lhai thi
who are now interested In the work ♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«
.Ml. and Mn
wUi not tag In their duty to hijng t<
<'arl ilst.'K or Tlinini-sonvilb- w.-u- ili
pan those conditions which arc nce-i
Fnvm_ .ill at-oiit come rp'Mins
Mr. ami Mrs. tlraut Uroo).
ed to place the agriciiiiural interest
wHling biidt Slid the pniniiMC of
Sumtay. .
. nf the region u|M>n the highest iKi-tviblildeudid fruit •rop. We will i
F. .1. Ijke Went
r.realhe .nwivr after the 12th or 13Ui
alier auuiber *i«n of luirsen lat-i
i.r May. a* no desirnctivb fctwl is likeFriday.
. to occur after that time.
Mr. and Mrs. Fr.-.l Wilson and Mrs.
If the agricultural expen* In the euia note.* drove over to I'latit- fiiinAll this dib< ussion-of,ihe propr
western |iai« of the sui*- have their ay to see Mr. and Mrs. Artlinr .Mar­ le varieties b'l*uuad t-. produte go.*l
way this wUl In the course of a few in.
The fruit corojtaii.v ov.u- In I’tattr We want to sun a puauire anfi not
years become one of the greatest al­
inoMiaign. m> if you dont
falfa growing dtatrirts in the I’niied re doing rume very uli-e w«^k and
. uur llai of appkis. send us your
fttlng out ft nil tree* by the bub-ln-d*.
States. A siiecial tour of Wester:
1 list of wbai y-ou recommend
-\^rs. tJrace. Wilson and Mis* May
Michigan Is being i>lanned for the put
growers, and we will publish It
poae of tailing the attention of fata- Ralston are the guest* of Slf*. It. K.
ItaK-* today.
era to the value of the crop
_ F. Terkett endones Wagener.
John Clark of Inland did some <-arage plant and general soli bailor in
lieoKT wwk for Fred Wll.s«i laM King. Canada Bed, Mclmrob and
hopes that the waMe landa
.Sune Such ns the five beat. He aays
tarned Into profitable' acres and tbere- week.
^liai NV'inosap. Joaotban. Bpiuenberg
hy be reclaimed to agricohure. This
and Kome Itaauiy are good sellers.
a tnovehient of merit nns ihr farm- the Inland gnogc Saiiirdhy eveniuK.
ill nut l>ear well here unless top
era wUI do well to abrort. all the In- The iwoerom oon-isted. of slnginE nmi
sratied upon Bed AMraclian.
formnion iiosslMe in regard to the tltcaking. I'oBve. sandwirhes. pickle*,
worth •-onaiderallon and we would like
trowing of tbls tirofltable crop. Aftn ce rroam and cake wore serve.!.
ar from thoae who can abed any
It is once started alfalfa wiU thrive
•pan the cutover tandi in this pan of IVinltred Uene-lict is *pendtag two light on ihia aubiect
the State and fnnisb bay and tutor- weeks of her time witn the eiuhib
le cherry- buda are swelling fast
Wge. at well as Improve the ground up grader*. geiUng them ready Tor the
If y-ou waot lo give them a dor«n which it ta raised. All that U need: icbth grade cxaiulnatlon. Mist n.-oet spray itefore blosaomlng. do tbed lo make the pine plains profitable id's work U t'lioroiighly api>re< iax-d.
.Mr i‘oiDeroy was the guest of Will work in the next three or four daya.
farm lands Is the inirodiictio
Mo*i of our growera are using lime
mw Into the soil in order to relsnsF rtark-25i3>day
Mcs. Samuel Ward t>f l^kc Ann ha
nd sulphur solution, while a few atlll
the elements that It already contains
unite sick, but U belter now.
Btli-k to Uordeaux mixture. '
had to retain tbe moistnre ibai Is oec-


•oeary in growing any kind of a croji.
Many fanners have already solved tbe
problem of alfalfa growing and their
BBBber ta being added to every- year.
All that Is needed It to make the work
mere genml and aaiUfactory results
are hound io follow. Alfalfa win be
heeded In
this section of the
hUte ttah great dairying regton that it
ta bound to become In the neer future.
hM the sooner the peotde learn the
hicrti of growing tbe crop Ihe-ouicker
wU they begin to reap the rewards of
their knowledge. Fruit culture muM
be eupotameoted by general and dairy
inrming^nd alUlfa is one of the <top
that Is bound to solve the problem of
tetUng tbe tand In shape and kecplDt
It ta the condUion that la nccc.vsary
for the growing of profitable eroie. Ii ,
ta hotted that Ibb tour will iiroTe of;
profit to tbe region over which the experia will travel.

Ctalsndi WtsBi

WWle the people of California may
be jnsUfied In their feeling toward
tbe JapancM they are n«rt warranle.!
in making tbe altuatJuo as prominent
aa they have during the past few
weeka. Their Impetuoaiiy U not in
Beeping with tbe reputgrlon of the
atate which tlwf reprettent. and rare
•bould be need by the legtetature in
order aot to go eo far that It win
Bat be poroibbla to back out ta a
Btptamatie maaaer when the ernrial
dme comet. T%c atutode of OovernAr iiRmton is peculiar, inatmuch aa
Ida'actions in tbe maUer aavor too
IMdi of the pollUcany spectacutar to
taury ^eoBTlcilOB of hU alnceriiy. Ills
fiwB ab Tar gleet' tbe Impression that
E» it trying to put Praaldant Wltaon

S “ I', !T« ^ j** "


MIDfJIJiTOW.V. Conn,—The founli
game of Wesleyan's 131S tennis-team
I be played here this afternoon
w-hen the Nutmeggers meet the strong
Vale team.
BERUN—-Six o'clock: Umc to get
y Is tbe stemorlan cry- of Beritn's
tateri invention, a phonographic alarm

Tak.' advantage of the pleas
ant Weather and have yon d.-.
orating dnni- now—we havejbr
|a|«r in stock ami fbn delivit
the goods on a n.oair»>f* t."
lice—no » airing
Vou will iind wmr.uii
ally nice laiwrs fur

lOe a DovMeBoll
Other* a little l lore—but
whatever the |■rk•e yoi will fln.l
It righi—Juki a* low i I a lin|e
bit less than you w...ili
wbert. else.


Book Store



MORTGAGE BALE. having been made in the
indliluns of .-I ,eriBj
ed Januarv ;■ '
••V au.i V.
Traverse rity. Mbh.. ,o Agnes Tlc'^i
of same phi.e. whi.h mortgage Is re.-or.le.1 in (he <dfbe of the Register of
Herd* fur Cr.-ind Traverse <ouiitv.
Mb h.. in liiMT 3ri of mortgiixea on page
and npon which thorn Is < Iilmed
to be due at the date bereof the
the name of ii>c .New Ilnglalid Tench
King ta being i>lanic<l by a lew who
wete fortuiuiie enough to'M-ciire some
of it* valuable, sbitk. It i* said to I*
mu<h larcM’ Uian liUberta and u goal
market variety tMtiidi-s. We hope
youuK iret-s can be bought at a lower
price next aeuaon. *o U caii get a
good tryout in this section.
I'on't plant any more sweet cher­
ries in (WO i2) year old stock, aa
they die out too fast tbe first and
second .ve.vr. Tta'nt only one year eld
« anti you will be surprised to sec
qnlcfcly llicy take root
■ e. Sweet Cher/le* are profitable
and a* they do welTIn this section
after geitiag aiuried we are anxious
re luore of tben planted.

A Suoceuful Farm^ '

To ih.- iiwn,>r or owners of any and
all lot. I.-,I:. Ill, or Hern u|*jn tbe lat.dhi-rrtli U.-M-tilied:
kc Ii .ibx- that sale has Ueenltawnunie of the foUowiug describe
laa-l fhr uuiald uxes ibereun. and
that lliA- undei*iEi',-d )ia* title ihorio
un.:,-! uv d--,-.] o: di-eds tfaerelor. auj
that you an- cuiilksi to a rea,nvi->iiici- lii.-i.s.r, a, any tltn,, within 'rlx
iKiotlis alter teiurn of service of this
wit;,.-, u|<„. |«i.i,i,.iit to the tinder-lgn«l. or to th- register in chanoety-r Ibe.ounly in which the lands lie. of
Ml su»» i«ld iiiHiii s.irh |.ur,ba»c. toi!.-'inT with one i*,i,f!r,-d per cauniii
ud-IiiioBi.1 ilHT.-to. ami the fees of tlf
tbeiiff tor the .-ervi.,- or enst of pubTo the oWfu-r or owio r: of aiiv a
al> Intert Ms iN.tor Ibns hj.k,u the land Ib-alUm of thi.- luiibe. lo be computed
a- I11.LI1 i«-i«ohai „-r«itt>'nf a drotnraherein deix-iibi-d:
Tal.c not!,-, that'-vie ba*

l..tihtr sum -,i ........ loiiars*"*•for rocli
fully made of the loJkt|^M-^
deociiidlon, wiibotu oib,-.-. ad.liiional
latfl for
ctAt cr chaiit-'. t: luiyiiienT as alunf•bat the ___ ...
und,T tax ,b-e«l ir drods tkaiwfor. and
' • I to II re«a)nvi y. l.:u IsLlJ.
> linu- wUbln ,!x
H-*t c|[.i'oii: lads nine 'bi atel Jen
of O^lQ* of tbl
lit NT ihe un,Ier. 'lOi. l.ock six Iki; Itay*lde adilllloii.
Htv of Trav.-ise City, sltiiaje in the
<if t.iaii.I TroMj-sc UBd->,|ati- ,,f
our,It la wbbh rite lands ii
» i-aiii i.ia.11 u-h |.UM-br..»
Am..iiiit ;o:.l. $7.17: lax for fsis
wlih line, hundred |o-r cer
32.47; tax for
,ax for I9I„.
31.'i4; lav fo- II-MI. fi J2.
at of jiule
Amoani retpiirisl far refvdiAi.vaactin.u.jaiti-d
looiial --erl/. ,- of derlata.
tborge r Brown.
of t
Flint, .Mich.
e furiher
n, o' five dolls'
- •-aril
cf Unable to Asetrtain Where•'cii|.tion.
il-iliiouat rReturn
abeuu cr Poriofitce Addroti.
n-t i-r I barg,- . If i«;iii,-i.i a* afii
Stale of Michigan. l'l•ll|lI'. oi i;rar, I
.lot tm..b ibe ■u>dc'isiga«.<l u
Travel He—>».
ing* for isi.Kviwelon
I hcielr-- crtlly sn-l return ilai allr. ful inquiry. I an. uua’.b- t.
H.'..cclt.rii,iir lait-rieven i '. btock
-ilain the wbereahoulK o' iKntiOice
eight tst. Itay-l.i.- addmiib.
ldre«K of Aurun Haualor.l or hiTravi-rae City. . ituoie in t»ii. <uunty ol
"lr*. , r the whi i.nitaHii* oi- |K,,-lolf|.v
c.raml Tiavti--. and siatiCof UtclilIdrei.t ol the . x.-,'<iloi. n.|n.i,.iKlmi,.i
- irtMue or guardU'ii of raid Amu.ii
Am.v.iiii laid. 32.72: • tax for 19'ik.
aimlMl - 9^^.
Hale.1 thi'- 12tIr«B|-of l»eeenti«-r.
AiiMiunt rei|..fred for reconveyance.
»1" I'.. I-llis sheiiffs fees.
Grtirm-F liiown
Return cf Unable to Atecrtaln Where­
RUurn of Unable to Ascertain Where.
abouts or Portorrice Address
about* or Poctoffice Addres-.
liraii^Couhiy of tJraiid
KUte of Mietiiyan. Conniy of Wa; tie
I 1|. lebv , ,-:iifv; n;i,l rrt. rii that aft
I her,by eeni'; ami return that aft­
I cur.-tMl imiiriry. I am ltic.Ij
Inq.iiiy. I am iiuabb- to ns
,'rtain Hm, wiam-aiwei.^ ot »
i-.rt.-jn the wh.r-ala.ilt* o: p,:: loffb-e
d-:i,-ce. of l-;it«arij ,Adaiii- nr I
addr.Tf of Atis..ti Ilanalord or hlit
IT lie willrcalKJut:
It, ilk. ill the wbereaboul -or iscttofflee
raid iiifward ; •.- ,.i Ihe fV'adniini -lialor
or till I- ot ».uaMlan of said Anr/vn
7lh day of Hee.-i
Irat.-.! Uiir 7l1,

1,1 e» roHUtiom-g^-tlmes sod It i* the
good iiiaBMier timt apidb-^ the
U f, re Ibere is any seriorn. lo** of
time. Jhe suicvBlot inen iu the New
hhiflind rtalck ore HABVEI.I.-S i'U.VvJWntKU for nork and jsiu!if.t; A .|•3■'kase
• nm-e It I' all uv
flirt* vurkiiig anl. ■ta III gCMMi spirll.
ano Ki-eis
'-e|iB |»iiltrv frt-e iruiii
tfi caxi-. r,,<‘ IncrraKe- tbe viH.i ,,i
I'lh.. J3 ct> SubI by all -i.,.,-

. . . t Ills? ....



l'. |.iity .<b..iilf.
I in. 17, 21. may I
'fautf. having l«-en mad. in
lilijCis ul a I ertain niungage i
ex.mteil t.y lli-itiiati W, Ktnilh
Wife. KfTl.. M Smith, of Trdv
. -Ml. !>.. to J.d.n M.'.iii

Pardee Business

ii.ier i.T Hw.H fur Grand Trav.-r.-.MERCHANDISE STOCKS
it>ut.iy.»||o.n, i-rtoU-r 14. ItMil. nt
11:4'. o'clock n III of that dav. in
LH*-r 42 of Jloi-ttjg,-.; „i, ,a<,. ;v;',
v4D Lands
h. with (he (Kite .teiuie.) tberchv
c and the otuL w!.i.
*a- o* 'antniv null.
.lig, a*
City Properly*
-ipni-i by Kt-3 M, l.grkin*, wile of
aid John M. loirkiuiv. <1.-. eased, and
the 14lh day of July.
We have an inquiry for a well devel­
o'clock ill the forenoon of that dav. e*iduyiT lee.alie under tlw will ol oped bearing fruit farm with good
there will W sold at public anriion 'aid John M. lairkini-, dee,«M>d. and building*, in first clao* condition.
lifcninr the owner Hicii-of by
to the bigbesi bidder at the front door
<r isi
• heiny.
of tlie cKiri bouse In Troverae Cftv. her pioia-ny
abaolutely . on said d
HrsDd Traverae cooiily. M1rh„ (that to
Tritiick Burd.-u of Traver^ City,
lelng the place wlicre the clrnilt 'lich
. an.l the at-eigRineoi ihi-ri-of r^
ouri f'T said county Is held) the cor.iii! in Hie Kegl*ter'» office afore
iiretiiKes ,le<cr1|a-l m said ••lurtn.-. -eld at
o'cltK'k a. in.. I'l-liruarj
vr ao much thereof as mav be nedea- Tlh, li'li in IJIo-r Ci of Moiigiige*
ary to pay the amount due thereon tin |oge tUri. ttiOTi which mortgagi
with seven per <ent interest ai!d all :;.e!- l> (laiiui-d to ti«- due and remain­
legal ,0*1*. togeilier with nficen dol- ing iinjiaid at the date hereof tlio
Itirs aluirnei f.-e provlrl.-| mr therein Mini Of Seven Hundred Ten and tl-inf
J.r.-nt|K..s .leKTila.l
<a|H tenn.. Hollarj. 4Ud no |>ioe.-ediugs either at
Spraying pays. Spray
and ro ivc sold are described n* law ur in equity having bei-u inetl j
that poreel of land situated in Grand' •iit.-d to n-i-ov.-r the dei.i *eciire.l :
your fruit trees this year
Traverse r-oiinty. Mitb.. beginning
.hereby-, or any jian thereof.' iioiire It. \
and get your pay in an
a iniin' ten rods north ef the south '.biTcfore her4-hy given that by virtue I
weal , orner of tlie sinith west quarter 1)1 tlie iwiwcT ol sale contained in said j
abundant crop of perfect
of live aouth east quarter of section -tiorigagr. and in compliahu with th,-.
twelve In town Iwenty.aeven north of tat,lie to ru.1i r»*e made anl |i
range eleven west, ilieoce running vide.!. Ih.-re will lie sold at |.ubll<- a
Let us figure with you
north ten rod* thence cast forty-eight lion or vendue to the hlgbe»i bidder,
your spraying needs.
rods, thence south ten rod*, thence an Wedneaday. the 27lh day of June.
west to place of beginning.
!‘.<12, ef i" ockMk a. m, of Hiat day.
Dow*8 Ume and
3- lin- iioiHi fiotit door of the Court
Houve. in the City of Traverse Cllv,
Igyvell H. Gage.
al.l Court Moaiwc l>elng the plare for
$7.50 per bbi.
Atlorney for Mortgagee.
b.vldlng the Cir'-nlt Court for said
rebate forretam
Builness address. Traverse City,
the premises de«rrihed in said
of barrel.
mortgage, or so much rhareof as i
April 21. May I. K 13. 22. ». June 5. w nevt-»»ary to aaltafy the anx
one-balfbarhen .ioe, including the prinrliial.
12. 19. 26. July 2. Ifl. 17.
rel. (25 g^ious)
•r.-si and ct»i» of sneh foreclosure
.lid sale, and an attorney fee of Tweo75c
for return
V Hollar*, a* provided tor in said
of container.
The pieiiiiKe* to Ik- *old'
irp dew-ribed In nid mertgag.- aSmaller
I'ui lorcel of ivloe la Hie C‘iv
down to quarts.
Of Traverae aty. Grand Trover.e
ouui.v. Mlehigan. and des<?rfl».l a> iblArsenate ol Lead
iwr. lo-wit
All of lot nember right
v, and the wc^t fifteen feet of lot
In any quantity. Price
itinlier.nlre IM In blork four (41 of
according to quantity.
’.rry Hannah's Second I2ndj addition
> the village, now city, of Traverse
Bloc Vitriol
it.v. Mihhlgan. according to tbe reBy the pound or by
»Med plat thereof.
Hated Ai.rt1 3rd. 1912.
the barrel. Let us fill
your spraying order.
Arc only purchared once. There­
fore they khnuld be of modern
design, built of most durable
Atlorney* for Assignee.
material* and artistically fibBusincse uddresa, Traverae City,
ished.' Vou will find only such
Traverse atyat the work* of
A. W. fitCKERD
Travetra City. Mk-n.
221 Bay 8l.
Both Thonet.
!s-n iii*iii!P..d
«.-c...rd to ssl.l Titer,V


Martha A. Trait was born at She
field. Warren county. Tennsylraaii
-November 1st. IktI. Her mother died
when she wa* only fourteen days old,
and site lived with her grand mother
til she wa* oaied In marriage
Williaiii E .Slorum Ociolier 2rd. IS
after to Indiana where
•V resided about one year, then they
TIk- nursery Motk now being deliv­
ilgrated to MiHtIgan and settied upered shows that our pUntlngB are
a bomesiead ta Newago eouniy.
not qutie up to prevbws yeara, and where Ihev eadiired iBe hardships ol
yet we weretaurpriaed to hear «if tbe
cr life. AlKHil twelve years agu
>e or l•usineaa after all which
moved to Traverse <Tt.v and pur
bad l>een booked. Fart ta that the
d a home on htaat Eighth street
>rchard development of this section. -where they lived until the death of
Is only Just begun, and In our opin­ her husband, which occurred Sepiem
ion the' future plantings will he on her 2k. Iklo. after wbUb she made
such on enormous scale that the her home with her cblidren. spending
world will recognlxe os aa one of the' her last day-* with her daughter. Mrs.
greet farters in orchard work,
Charles Evans of Ktyatone. illch.
jirescni hardly one fruit farm
.Mr*. Blocum 'w'us a great sufferer
iiuitdie a carload order of one rarleiy but death came to her relief April
of frulL
She leaves to mourn her
loss seven children, three sons knU
Henry Brodhagen has afaoul» pretdaughters: Edwin of Arkansas,
ly an orchard of cherries aa'you will rian-nce of Auskegon. and Dexter of
tee In many a day. It contaltia 14 Kry-atone. Mrs ('barlro Evans of Key
litres and lies on Hie west Imnh
Mrs. William Leisun of Tra'he Ihiardmun River, this side of the verso City. Mr*. Lafayett Clover of
ilrst itam. Tbe trees are only ibi
.Muskegon and .Mr*.. James Stables of
Hnd four years old. but are targe atrd ktaat Bay township, three brothera,
well shaped, and tbe rows ar
one stater, Joe. Edwin. John and.Miss
-nnd regular
in any weatern on-hard, Edith Prau. all of 8be«eld. Tennsyl.
'fhey are a r^ecllt to the owner.
rania. There are also tweniy-Ove
grand children.
High-class W. P. Rocks
We call the allemton of our npple
Mrs. Slocum was a kind mother and
irowera to the tart that there are
devoted wife, and had many fAcnda (Fishel Strain) Eggs, $2 per
t-ume men here ta town who wish
She was a member of the Hesperia 15. $5 per 45.
R.C.R.I. Reds,
ourchoae several tbonaand barrels of grange. jolDlug (he order about
Thompson and Bean strains,
the new crop, all to be graded strict­ V yeara ago mad was traaaferaed to
15. $2.50 per
ly No. I. Tliey want mainly table va- the aame order at Traverse City about
Shipped parcels post
ieiiea «hU-b wUi be adapied to spo- ten yeora ago. She was a member of| 30.
udgej prepaid,
tal iiackages.
tbe order of Rebekaha. Wisteria fudge.
No. 421 of Traverae aty. She was
end remittance with
The Ukeside Farms Co. aouth of of the BapUsl faJlh and died ta the'order tO
tV.pemiKh. have atariod to Improve hope of eler^l Ufe at the age of 71
r.'NKi aerro. and bare hired lOO yeara. 3 months and 21 days.
to Man riearlDg wurk. They
Tbe funeral services were held
introd to set emt targe commercial or- ^'edneeday afternoon. April 23rd. at
rliarda and olherwtae Improvs their tbe Baptist, church, and the remaina'
ware entered pt Oakwood. Rev. P.\
•ta ajonls-n-n aai.s.
H. Tohly officiated on account of Otel
MaiUlOO, HlCtt.
The -J. H. Hale- peach i i:.h bwr.
• Iff Rev. IrrtaB.
] April 16 to Mny 12. jb- • -



Hr.S Mrs. Jts. P. Bardkk





Wail’s Drug Store



The Electric Storage
Battery Co.
Hie “Chloride AcemBBlator”
Tiinwtk- isBie talrodal type of riorage brilery used in the Effhltag ffalioH ti nearly al ihe
large ciiipa |i> pu-poae it to itora to> die elediidty.
gewMtod by lunntot thesgime a (ew boor* ooawaaly wrbengwer tocat cenwroteal-acJ to keep k
in ffocage juff at a lank dna water, to be arol


Wm. cJaclcson
TCevcne CUf* liifiL



> PArtE TnEEB' ■


The Original Homefurnisher of Northern Michigan

Library Table Special
Library table just like cut, 40x24 inch top.
with drawer. American quartered oak. highly
polished, ather in golden oak or Earlytf^ *7?
English finistu special.........................
We also have several different styles of
stands in mahogany and oak that we are mak­
ing special prices on, ranging ftom 95c up.

Sewing Machine Value
A full size, five drawer Sewing Machine,
full size head, high arm, made of the best ma­
terial and guaranteed for ten years, light run­
ning and is a first class sewing machine in ev­
ery way. frame i? made of selected oak and fin­
ished dark golden, complete
, with an altacbments lor.......... vJ.Mvy

Dining Table
One of our big table values, all oak. round
Dining Table. 42 inch top extends to 0 feet, deep
carved claw feet, 7 inch round
A Ac*
barrel, bright polished finish at___vl.v*tF3
Our allowing of tables is exceptionally
large. You ought to see them. '

We Want to Talk Floor Covering With Ton

In a great many households one of the subjeets
that will come up this spring is that of new floor
coverings. Carpets, Rugs and Linoleums have a
way of wearing out flic same as everything else.
The selection of new floor coverings is not one of
every day occurrence—If is somettiing worthy of
more than ordinary consideration.
You, no doubt, will have to live with your se­
lection for years to come and if isto your own satisiacUon to make a selection that will inot only be
satisfactory today, but tomorrow and for years.
We are shoiving the most complete line we have
ever shown in both qualify, design of pattern and
Here Are a Few ol the Many Values We Are Oliering
9x12 nine wire rug regular $28 value, special S23.S0.
9x12 eight wire Brussels rug, regular $22 value, special S18.
9x12 standard grade. Tapestry Brussels rug, regular $18.00
value, special $15.00.
9x12 wool fibre rug, best grade of wool fibre on the maiket,
regular $ 12.00 value, special $10.35.

A Few Extra Specials
Here are a few specials taken here and’
there throughout the store which should inter­
est the house-cleaner.


Gasoline Stove

Two-bumer Gasoline Stove complete, guar­
anteed to give perfect satisfaction.
extra special ......................................... {A.m

Fulfsize Tub Wringer, a perfect
wringer in every way, extra special ..

Iron Bed
A full size Iron Bed in either
white or green....................... ............


Sewing Rocker
A strong, well made Sewing Rocker, cane
seat, with brace arms, golden oak
04 Aff
finish, special......................................... 9l.*9d

Matting Rug
Matting Rug in oriental pattern, 6x8^- ft.,
just the thing for small bed room.

Lace Curtain^
A good Lace Curtain, 40 inches wide x 2'A
yards long, extra special, per

We are showing ingrain art stiuares from $3.25 to $12.00.

Kitchen Cabinet
Large roomy Kitchen Cabinet, 45x26 inch
base, large flour bin. plenty of cupboard room,
has bracket on door for spice cans, top has glass
door cupboard, five small spice drawers, finished
in American quartered oak,

Write tor our beautiful 46-page catalogue of Car­
pets, Rugs, Linoleuqi, Lace Curtains, Draperies.
Go-Carts, Carriages and E-Z-Go’s

A new improved patent Curtain
Stretcher, very special...............................OWC

We are showing Go Carts and Carriages in practit^ally all the different styles on
the market. The new mohair top. used exclusively on the Favorite Go-Carts is making
the hit of the season. Don’t buy a Go-Cart or Carriage until yn i have seen our magiiificent showing. 4 wheel mbl>er tire Go-Cart $1.45.

- Glass Hand Lamps with No.I burncr.4 A^
chimney and wick, complete......................XtrC

Box seat diners, all
solid oak, pegmoid leath­
er padded seat: legs,
back posts and stretch­
ers are of heavy square
stock, all oak. finished
in dark golden oak, each


Buffets aiKl Sideboard^

Cups and Saucers

Solid Oak Buffet, 42x21 inch tof). 30x18 inch French bevel plate mirror, two
drawers, one large double door cupboard for dishes, finished in golden oak, special

Six white Tea Cups with handles,
and saucers..................................................OwC

KIteben Cupboards
Full size Kitchen Cupboard, 30 inches wide, by 8 ft high, has four drawers with
five separate compartments, a large drawer for cooking utensils, finished in golden oak,
at $$.55. Same cupboard with gla&> top doors. 75c extra.

Tireless Cookers


Curtain Stretchers

A guaranteed fireless cooker, has two cooking compartments with good grade of
granite cooking vessels, corners of the cabinet body are dovetailed together and made
up in 8 workmanship like manner in every respect $5.25.

Freight Paid on All Purchases of $10 or Over.


Only One-Motion
Bed Made
One Anple, «My mntion
it from a

----- Bweiport ton fuU «i« StaiUry Bad <72x47 inebM). with li-lh. felted cotton
rMMrsbteanttrM* Very cwforteble. Yon do
Ma«lMaatheimtedslern«. Ptentyof room for.
T«ta»3o«L It ITneSnmcnlly perfect
- ...


1S20 East-Eront



Furniture Polish
Liquid Veneer Furniture Polish, full A4 ^
«ze bottle, special................. ............
Regular 10c quality Clothes Line

Solid Oak Rocker,
finely carved and
finished in golden
oak, upholstered
seat and back with
guarantee<i . Chase
leather at


Traverse City

. j»AGE ronj

;Siiiiihiv oftomoon. I>v. J. KiiniFe of- I'cnedlct ofeC^tiiiB. -Only the Idi.|
rebtlnz. inlemrnt was made In the mediately rrlctives^tit the eontnrt- www
> ynurself U to take Adta'a Ca^p
Noitlipiirt ecDiDiery.
|ln; purtksWere piwseni. .Alter tbe
___ when ytiuhav<'sdt'e|>oeBled eiiVi,
I Fred Andeiwou and .son Oacar and cetetBOny u »nmi>tiiou« diniier was
culJ, Koihui,: wiD gl»e y.« qab-V-r
.Oias. Joint and son of OueBa attend- aerved. Doth the young people are
•rmaonit rrlief. 1^11. It-.e»
ed the Alasonlv servlrua bold in the well known in IbU vicinity and their Boi rouUiD uvthinfi faai
M. E. ebnri'b Sunday luotjUng.
many friends wish them a long life asd«l.l10 boiiinatstl d
togrthcr and muA happlneaa.
A merry crowd of lilemls ami
invaded uir
the jood
John ee..n.-.iv

V A A A A 1 nelslihors mvsuea


KiBKaley were ovar Smtdsjr.
laat .week of Mr. and Mra.
rom Narvonsaeu Canned by
FesnaU IDn—Restored to
Mrs. Uan MrAby went lo iVaverac
Hrmldi by Lyd» £.
f-ltyTItitraday. retiinlnz Friday.
Mrs. A. n. Rlrbrnnad left hi-.:« MonPinWiam'n VefctaColic, arr sincnarli
IMl, <-ol. ir™, ,™,h „t .«». vl.B.J,*'- "»« X"
'• "*'• “
ache usually
d.n> nUbt for Crasd lUpIda ftir an
Ihl...„l.„ I... S..»d.,.
I". SM crowd ...
[rh-Uilr ............
ble Compound.
ciieaded vUli with frieodc.
The lams l.ake graugf arc e*,K.rt»*«• •
Mr. dnd Mrs' »» Steele
Attbam. N. Y. —*•! suffered from
Kalkaska Saturday.
Will .Sewstesd 1* recorerlns nicely be held here tomorrow at two o'cIoiK.
n>e people of Kingsley and the sttrronAdlng
»rvoosoe« <or ten yaars. and bad such
after whteb Mrs. F. C. White. Mr.
.Mta. JulU PIIU or Jacaaon ar^<
that from hit; recent ilinc-cs.
eonntiy an all Interested in this Department.
amnctiiDes 1 would | Mr. rod Mrs. Ankerson went over to and Mrs. K. D. White and son John
This fintotii rrnictly wlilnm fails to
here h'rldaj nlRbl Xo vUU ht^r parWe shall be ^ad to have individnala, cfanrcbes,
Tlicve pain. UAli exu-riul and lulie
U»t PrIJay tn attend the all- wilt accompany tbe rcmslas lo Anu
the Orange fraternal aodeties and all other or­
:■ .•.« ,oiI S.T iv..t;,.

Arlw for iQterment.
ganizations hand In items of news, personals,
Bom to Mr. and.Mra. rUnt Singer
oat or sWp and did
chae. Emerson.
| Char. Aitenon l« movlnB Into Mrs.
annonncemenu of meetings, notices of entcrtaincm AprU r;. a dausbtvr. This U ibe
totW ^ -lullus t'amiibpll of Traverse CllyjNoress' home and Arthur Cooly will
menU, bnslneu changes, psblic improvemenU
firai dilld bom at River View
mo at all Some-' *“* purehasodF the Roger reaon 'ocrupy the one Agorsona vacated,
being done or contemplated, sales of real esUte
l.yaa MeKee of CadnUr rstumad'
time* 1 would suffer
“ ‘'Sls nie-neeo-wohg.'' It I* a j Kerris c;rls|i spent Snndsy here, rein towh or country, and any other items of genhome Tlip>4ay after a few dayii vUltl
for seven hours at a
dealrable resort |Toi>erty. having'luraing to Maple <Tiy Monday.
cral interest. Bend all itena to Miss Edna Wall,
with frlcpds in town.
who has charge of the Department—Editor
Tom McGee of CadHIar was in itxm
-----------------------' K™-"'*. 'W =S-S|.rt« 1. I„ro
did th. brot
Mr, „d Uro. Aru™ l.lrd from
... r.dodj 1. i..., ,„uim It lUrtr
.Mumlay «n bUBlueka.
they could for roe south Of town Visited ihclt ptrenli. -w^
. putung to i nr
Mrs. .VeUlc I'erk of Trararao City
cropsKinzalcr. .Vprll ;!■. -Mr. and Mrs. »<•<<> ukcii i hrr luiiuc n r Berkley la rUliInz her pitreaia. Mr. and Mrs.
A. A. Iwsoli i» bury planting ireea
Ki-s»l. h. Ai-rM 17.—nne weather
r. I'ct-k a couplt! of dayA
ptmnd a trial and now 1 am in good <
ni«». etriii <-aine WrdrrrJaj 'aflM for Imilal.
I the Barker Ison which be pur­
Ih-n Ilamibre bad another very bad hesltfi.'’-Mra Wnjjiw H Cm Ik ♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦ for spilng |.lo«-|ug.
D suit lh«r Istter’i lu-rnif, Mr.
chased last fall.
.Miller wai- a Tnivcr»c
,\lp< M less
li-Ks and
and Mabel spent Wedr
Stn-et. Anbom. Now York.
♦) Mr.
i’lersant Street,
biiell .Monday nleht.
rallrr J^lurd.-iy.
and Mrx. Will Crey.
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦'uoMlav In Tia«»rae City,
I -1- K. Giocsver and son Thoodore
l->l-4»eU<c of Kalkaska was in town '"Doctor** DnttgliUtrTook It."
tUrl ('B»r and wife relumed Ttten
MUo JulU Maolcnld wai a Trav
.MMilamsburg. April 2A-W.
T. | Bvrtlic
iv-rdie Uootie
Boone is
is v«T}
vm »lch
sick with
with i-imeu- »ree hloHdlng logs at ibr I-eelnnaii Sid-.
huMliKtui Tuesday
day rroin a week's trip to IMroii anti
ente niy taller Wedneadar.
St. ciood. Minn.-" 1 was so ran down '-aiigb has moved bark onto
Gcrrge Weaver w as Uken qolio IR by overwork and worry that 1 could iWil farm.
II L. R<«crii hts pnechaKod an or- Toleflo. and other Mitlilzan and Ohio Tuesday with gaMrltio.
J.G Wless has relumed from a iTli*' Mr*. Stowe of Traverve niy. has
* stand H to have my children talk aloud
I f'lnta.
Uorn. Saturday. Aiirll 2C. to Mr. ant to Saglua*.
been homi- a wK-k Uklng eare of hrr
Verne anil (lldeon Brewer reiorni't
Inia Undk-j has rvHitncd home
(Continued on Tage Khv.i
Tercy liiovn and wlfr <if Jenmocr.
ton dwelling..
,friends ssid. ‘Try Lydis E. Pinkhsm's -Mrs. Howard Brown, a girl.
home from Marian. Indiana.
limits of tralNng. arbutua around
. nnd Mrs. ErntMt Slcxtle visJUid VegeUblo Compound, for I koow a doelu-r« now,
r Sunday with relailves in Ct-o|.
t™iik wtrat ..»!1 to
who ha<
it and she would not take it if it wera
Mrs. rbarli.|i Agenum was a BidllUnois. on buMnet.* TliuixU}.
visiting with Iter parents Mr, '*“■
. . Kood.’
ialre visitor last kViday and SaturJ. Aotpach of radillni, was In out! Sirs, Crant Monsan, retiimcd
H..r, H,roi..n. rt.llM .h„ t.rn,™,
ul,.si, mUllw„ .11 n,*LI.iitle Ritpeit Terry, son of 8. V.
Tr,v-| John «AoA
Mllhr.l I'.nnlnr.
‘M W
Terry, hn iKwn having a
nro IHU 1-,Id.,
Il...n,.l,......... .. 1.,-n ....
^ .
Arom«. S., St Ck»d.
tark of broncbilis.
SrAR.<-.».™,„i.ln.,l,K.„..ln-,',l... m,,ro-d l,..m. S.,urt.. ...d'
U.rro, I.jJ, E.’, V,.b,.u1.I, Cm.
l.rrmaD Seck-v Is moving Into thi.-rtd..
...1 ......... ..
................. ...mnmr
.monlb. Ui i-TO..,Iv.1,1. Biul India,I. pound m.yL. mli-d upon m. Pn- mort
xiol |>srt (If Avi-r.\'s house.
.i„l- trtd., .1..™.™ pod ....■nln, ^.ni n..n,..n Inro .1.1. .nmnmr.
pm»., PYld.. ulal.1. II,. .1„
mOmlv lO. Imual. Him WP,
\on Broun, .„d , vr,| A„.„„,.| »l„ Jn, ,lropnm„ o, •m-.-ro„„
Mr. and .Mrs. Krank Stafford and
won, ,n TTOv,.™ Oy Hid., oc.
,1.1,ml .Bl, M-.d.-., Wn.-I..,
two thildrcn of Suttons.....Bay, api-nt
,m„nroM. nnd „„ n,llm, tin-1-1.1 , ... .t. Clark m-d
„ ur,, „„ . «"»'» »l"i
ai-.d ...nil,
famtl> „i I nPm „ro «• V,.i, d
vlMlmg n
m.-etliiB In ,1,r
the .nrn—
aftrrno. n.
'atm ln.
ltig ,o
lo linard.u.iu
Boardnuiu Vallm,
Valliev nher.. 'IdW, li&d^ iYlmlimi" Py , Tin- .urro..„r ,. p,i w„r. on ,1Tl,n,.„„. 1. viaii...
il,, .\,
iRl,l«r n,,.-tlHC
mends and relatives in Caclll^ar (urj Mrs. Mary (*tark relumed froi- *" ,1,,., ...po,, ip.nn.roron,ln,mc
1U»' lift• Tl.o n.,, nm,,.,™"'
a few dsy>.
t'lrasant the first of the week.
" ...nmer «.«„n.
.1 .U. llnb room, nnl"""
•"’'I “ I* 1a™" "
J. O. <*rotser of T-taverse City,
, .III
,1,0 .nmmnr ylib hnr .n,..
,„n,,Tnn.d.{. ApUl =P.
,«»n u im.ll,I,.
tn KlKsley on bnslars Tueadav.
. ............-Tomd., P, ..y i^Tro.™;
Lew in pri.-c; cafy
“1 .T.,ro.^u-.,pdd.,Um-.m..pprol,;„7^^^^^
Miss Cnrcon. aim i<«rbe« Ungliidi ,
Mr. and M.a I'M).:. Mllle. <
Cm bringing with him a bride.
ipiisied by
of supervisors
to use; p'-sanv in
Traverse aty virltm.-. W.dis-s.l.),
In the Central High at Tmv-i
j^a^^W^unty faR to be
artion. 11-y a ; ac'.Be.l Srhcll Is al the liedmlJe «I hN etwe City, was the guem of her hrvHhRofresl.- held In Suttons Itay next Si-ptcmlM.r.|***’*’'
brxdhrr Jetomeat G.awn. whols eer- er, .V n. Ca'son 8ai«rda, and
^ ^
^ |Hamilton have rented the farm
the summi-r.
•<»»'> m
{by M,«. KImiwU.
Trun-rsc City.
Mat Ai-pry underwent a slight operMr. HavTla- family arriral Wedne-) Mrr tVIII tVurshurg mura-d Tuer-j
Mih J<«- liiignoii and daughter l>ehere last Sunday and as n
day to couiiy Uiefr ncK home n<-jr riaj from the rotmtrj. where elm hi- am,d,v school al ll*l.'.
I______ ___ .....______ ________ _____________ ___
la confined to his bed
lieeu nsp’lKtlmt In th«- eare ol .____
her__slvSummit City.
worth league at fi:30 p. ■
G« Pratts

and Mrs. W. J. Hamilton entert<r. Mn*. Ivva. Newmjrth. who l.uv ^ 7-j,, ,, ^ i,j.
Mrs. C. Mooieand »>■>
golden wedding of her parents. Mr.,hf Voung Msrried Peoples’
ton Hie llr.-l of tlic wtel
I'crn herfciuxly 111.
Harrah A Lay Mere.
Isunday Sxhool Hs.s list Wednesday
Ce., Ar-cr.can Drug C«..
.Mrp IV L. pn»lsi. trtiiniod from her* ' r„.
11. Maker of India will also land Mrs. Jlosmaa.
W. R. Tootc, Ciwen City
the ehur.-hl
*“ Knnsoni slilpiK-d a ear load ol. night in honor of Mrs Hamilton's
Tbe many iiionds of Mrp. Car! Bo vbii with rrUtlvej, in Ohio f’liday.
Igjie M> eiilprialniut-nl
' In plement C*.. Charles
hliiSdn will regret tn learn of her
Mr. KUKI«I went tn (ira-.d Ba,.i.U.I»,«,d.y i-xcnl»g on “Strange s'-tv.**^****'
Kotkal^^^^;’""- 'o Traveive City on
“* M'ed-|lwhday. Tbe evening was s|wnt In
aud aiDusemcDts and Uter
d«ath ni1 ttlie I'adtflac lM».|il<sl Mon
Aerpaa the Sea.'' with sirroopUcab,
V,' „
•“‘•’W’" ■ ***■
<*f, ibp b«.ie*» served lee cream and cake.
dayy mcrnl:
tncrnlng. .\jirll 21. The ri-maln'
ji*»Utoo# te Ou.-lniiatl la« week.
j/n 1 ho*-i«w>nl had a very enjoyable

Kingsley Department
Condocled by Mss Jessie Bowden.


i /

SSL*? ffSS.rvL;3i^i““"-


Kill the Lice

or they will cut your prof­
its. Your hens can’t lay
and your chicks will, not
live and grow when tor­
tured with lice. Insure
absolute freedom from
these pests hy using

jR. Powdered
Lice Killer


Fife Lake Department

Cc'nmrml Law Practice. lacludlnfi Colleotlonm

Conducted by Mis# Mac Dewey.

r?. t

W« want to tnakc this DepartmcBt of tb«
^naiest possible value to all concertied and to
this cud reqn«t that all items of ponontl and
^eral interest be sent to Miss Dewey to be
incorporated in the Department. We especially
ask that churches, fraternal societies and the
Orange famish items of interest in their rcspec.
live organizations. Mews of social events and
enterta^ents, improvements being made or con*
tem{dated, and business changes and transfers in
real estate in town and country are especially
•cceptaUe. Tbe above applies not only to tbe
village of Fife Lake, bat to tbe surrounding
cetn&y.—Editor Herald.

rT. tf'13.

Inioduettl in Clark eenie-

«t:5t ir

tJuiBV....... :. i"Cr,“oV: r-rL--

♦ ♦♦♦♦OOOOOOOOOOOol A. Bordmiuz and wife left last MobI-elaud. April 23.-Mr .-.nd Mr*. !« ''“>
fVutwalor. whcfe the. will
-Mill.-r an.l t.mily have* murned to|'‘‘;"'‘
.1.. .' home her,, after aiKmdlug the J'"'
Manisloe. first boat of
wiBirr l«T»
A lt-a.h.-rW .-xamtnatfoB j,-bo|„g
held here with
It It l>eing ruuduned by
’Iof hU taiber Saturday evening.
Miss Bertha Campbell.

Itr. 8. E. Neidbanlt of South IkwirvlMi>. U Morris of Tntv.-rae t'iiy waa
BahRon lit.- caving Mctlon. but town.
man was In our illlase Saturday.
........... Kilday.
■«»“■«>«• ■» Teniwator. was tn
U. K. Boughey drove to Traverse
Mro A.
iro»' I-..T

niy Saturday In bis car tu spend
Sunday with his family.
Gro., B.PU. TUun,..,
- - |.M -I'l, --rW I—r.
G. C. Cbun-h was in town viBlllnc
El.swortli bnyder wont l« Kenwirk
friends a couple of dva tbe «*ai I’lldsy.
1,^ , ,p,.
MK-ray .left lost Tuesday for
I MIks !‘ans> SK-i'lr visited her Grand'*-j -Kreil Abbott «if Itelrnll and'od In
iwti wc-eka' tap ID riorldoMrs Eva W«ilfe was in Walton wtUi nudhi-r Stoele from Friday until Mon"‘'our village y^terday looking after
I.Aacti spent Tuesday in look
milllnor.r good%Th«ir#<Uy. .
Ithe Initytw of Uie elortric light tote-i A.
parly given in honor of bls* tenih
X. L Glaaaon of Traierw City visitiw. W. H. Witiart attended the ,iaay.'
borne on Tuesday
ad his sUicf. Mrs. I. A. Bennett and teaxheni' meeting at Traverse (’Ity^ joj,o purj- t,
tMooi and cake
fadUly Tweaday and Wedneaday.
Saturday. ‘
thpr,. by (be aerions lllbeas ot bU
I served.
rhancy Im Bar baa e<>nipieied his, |i. L Tiflany was to Walton be- daughter Clara.
The bosebafl game
Ills Rapids snd^twoen trams Monday evening.
e„, „„n,,„d and atoter. Mlss'i.,^
„ N. H. S.
(•has. Steele wbo has been ill is
s‘orthaort today to at. ***
R«Pldi. played on Saturday
Russel Wilson of Sonit Boardroan «Vte to be out again.
Jj^nd tbe' weddlng of their cousin
reniUed In a complete
10 to "0.
vlulted bis grand patenu. MY. and
Mrs. Elisa Banrroft of Traverse eVRU Pulman to Mica Irene Ban^
p-'uaeral senires of Mra. John Kehl
Mrs Wm, Wells ThurnWa'-.
.I'ily was tilting on friends here Sal- i*tt.
Mrs. A. Ikjlberg made a businosa urdsy.
( j,,, jj„ie chenev left fw her whe jmroed a«ay on Friday after
trip to CadlUac Saturday.
| Mr. and^Mrs. A Dnunmonda of home lo Travarae <’Uy after spend- lobg Itldpss. was held at the home
— I



' s.i



Outing Shoe
the Men Who Works
A shoe that is modeled nlonc those
CAST lines that insure tbe comfort a man
so much desires, but made from stock
that is especiollv adapted to bard service.
The soles ore wsier-preof eAroM sole kotber,
ot excepMQol weanng quality ‘
Tbe farmer, or the day laborer,
will do well to fire these shoes s
trial. Get into a pair sad see how
They are "Wolverioe Leather
Weil Put Tocether " FtmB“Hide to
Shoe' they hive been aoder cmr di­
rect aBptTvixaan. We Imow they ore
right Ltrial
Ask for No. 441 tan. or 1^447hladi
Look tor the trsdo-mork 00 lbs role. Tha A our
(UaraatMol qualiiv.
Wrlw ter Pvsr a«s«y Be> Bsefc. ASarrseOewi


/Adrwe. Aw .........




I ing the winter with her'dster. Mrs.
<M. Clauas
j Mr. and Mni. Osear-'ar the happy
parents of a young eon bora April
.Miss Jessie Wise of Empire Is
tbe guest of her aunt. Mrs. H. 8. An.

Sanada^s Offering
Free iiom«8teads


-Nortfapon. Aprfl n.—Rer. and Mr*.
Iw L. Steadman went to Travene City
; this morning to attend the Laymen's
Mloaionary Convention,
j Mr*. .V. B. .Vlcbpls left thU morning
: for MCBdon to visit her noUier for
couple of weeks.
I Bennie Borbend and Dooglaa Wll‘BOB spent Toeaday in l.«]and.
‘ Mr* CUrenre Srolt apent Thursday
tn Trarma City
! Born to Mr. an
and Mrs. Ted Calhoun,
a son. April 21.
The Woman's Hah met at tha kooia
of Mr*. D. H. Beott oa TtWMUy lost.
Aftvd' ton iBoll. qnoutteiia. eorront
eveots. ebapien T. « and » of "Bran
Uttle Hollud,-' wm ffiren by Mr*.

Ward n. Costnlmc

Matt N. Connine

Igaii Hcx-elojiiui-nt Uareau spejit Wod-1
iiMday in i.Ma tlcluliy getting views ‘


Xhe Barney Co., Inc.



Begins one of tbe most important of the many special trading events of our
business year. This season with the styles of

Coats, Suits and
Other Garments
uncommonly pretty and pleasing,
both in fabric and destgo—with
stocks up to the limit—with reassort­
ments of the season's best, we hold
out to participants ito onr

The most attractive buying induce­
ments of the Spring.
We ask in particular your inspection

ilK n».75,$&M,ns and $t7.S«.

$29 50 buys anything up to $37.50.
The other prices stand for
proportionately large values.
LADIES' COATS, $8,1$, $i$.

ns. m


—.... *


That possess good fabric and W'orkmansmp. combined with styles that
have made record sales.
s highest que
$8.7A nA7A S1$A$ and $1$,
For values rdHuiarly, $10b75 to $22 50.
. SILK DBdtofe
Smart, uncommon8^1^-all at very pleasing pricey



TraToiM Ctiy os protezalwnl bakl-

not «pt to )mt« lic«N«nd manse, for
nuiDse is a patnalte and long bair is
its home. Remove tbU and ibe ani­
mat is rendered free frore It. ft Is
alno Ibe orfgiiialnr of dandraff, arurf
and any kind of vermin that infeeia
Uie outside of the ' borw.

Hair balls In the Intesiinea U.ihe
•f thf I
iDecatlse• of irr
Irrltatlool. This <-ondlThe KiunUer breeds of fowb. aurb
One article of' food' may' have all
tiun may cause ibe death of the ani­
as the Leghorn' rarietlea, are by far
mal by bbatrnctlon. Beta are also the reriairementB to Sustain life, yet
(be beet layera. If one Is raising
Uken Into the stomarli by the ani­ It may canuin .aoiaa elemonu In ez, IxHiltry lor uarkeUng and uUe use
a price calculated mal licking the eggs which are at­
ceaa Bueh anlaies.jr fed atone will
they are very undesirable, because to make egg production profluble. All tached to the hair.
not prove mnet eeonomleal. And re­
they are too amaH. ncSive and «nd eggs ut deformed kbape and dlmiauflipping will overcome tb^ conmember U cusu only half as mneh to
nnliired. But -the fast !«, alntosi all live size should not be sent to mar­ ditlona. or nearly an.
faram «gnt bmtc of a general pur ket. but should either be consumed
The horse is man's Okmi faithful fatten a thrifty aofenal which has not
IKiee fowl, nometbing that wUl Uy and at boms, or disposed trf locally at a servant and slaw, and be should
gntwih. as one that H Piatarc.
be iiroStable to market aleo.
anialler pN«e; but ntrict atientlon Is all possible for his comfort and health.' tVhem pigs ur^|»*«eTl»- f«l. ibo
many fnrmera. either, are partloutar ■paid to the aele<tl..n of the'laying A mail i-on and does remove his tiwl
II W l>« givoKtu rabOng., They
ays ee^
•bout having pure-bred foe-la If tbey M.u-k, tery fev. If any. deformed eggs or extra cUiihlng.
a warm day. In
souring that
mn only get results. Nov. tor farm- vlii be produced.
ive noLclipping his home, he not only adds to.“'*■>
on vbi> vlgb a general purpose
r in the 4
Mb eomfori. but to hii beauty as well
chicken, one that Is bealthy, active
The most comrooD dlaease among
jl>*'e a mixture of one-third air alackand piodncUve for market or eggs. chicks la bowel trouble. > Tbousanda
• nipplag machine, are so cheap now «»
of ^ charred
Just try getting some Wfalte Vlymoatb
imall chicka succumb yeariy
that any home owner may secure one
•«« one-third ateaig bone
Rork with the White Leghorn cocks' form of tbla disease called white diar- sno operate It himself.
and cross-breeding. By doiug this rbea. Us appeaiance in a flock wilt
When removed bv clipping, the I**
P**- Tbl» •'»
you w-Ul bate one of the m>«i psof- cause alarm tu the experienced poul- coat U brightened and preeenia a ’“k®
»“ unreasonable desire for
itable flocks of chickens thsi any tiy rolaer. fur he knows how rapidly much more pleaaanf appearance, h rooting.
farmer could dealret This half-breed It will spread and the hatie- It Is also mnews the vigor of the horse I
koim cram too rapidfowl will make lla own litiitg during Ibible to britiK about.
aiM be feela more ornifortaUe on a '>• "®''
‘^e woaker
Miuimer and Ute In the fall wfaefe It
.ones. Rinui strips of oak thrown
Impure drinking water Is one of (he warpi day.
has free range—a very attractive eaueea. Chlrha must have clean, pure
Many times a home owner ear ae«»"» iwUkf' aot>; held there by
point to (be busy farmer.
water: It Is Jusi as Important to ibwn tre a machine, clip his own home*
"trwHron will do good
as It Is to human beings. Drinking and tlibne of bis nelghbom and wsb* servlre. A few .hard ivhblca kept in
» . fTte twevounce egg Is of pasaabln fouDtalds wbiHi cannot be easily money enough to pay for the clipper '^e trough wiu make tlicm oat more
staei. and aliould4>e aimed at l>y bre<^- cleaned and scoured should never the nmt season.
fng only from such hens as produce be used si any time. Vessels which
There are many other reasons for]
eggs of that weight If when matins permit cblcks to get into it should clippiug. n ^ould lake.hiit little O. S. West, the siirc-esnfful breeder
up the breeding pen the poultry ke^ also be avoided. During wsm veatb-'argumeni or llluatraitoa to cimvime ihiroc Jerseys. mulilML la., writes
er vrlll only include birds tliat have er fresh water should be supplied the IntelllRent boroeman of the adAmerican Swineherd that It brproduced blgh-graJe eggs, th«- pro­ oevei^ tlmea during tbe day, and vantages to he derived, not only In
i-x-ry bretNh-r to wsicli very
geny of suih birds will follow the ei- such water ahould be pnuecied from lailm of comf..t-i and nppearan.-e. but
during spring weathnmple of ihetr parents—lliat ts. of ex|io»ure IP the sun oitd the scraicfa-* from the siundpolnt of dollars and
storm and nOus, the llule pigs
course. pr<»icU-(] Ibat the male used
cents, for It will pay as a buKlness
««*nnned to ibeir beds and
pn.iH»slU(m- M. Patrick In KaimLtfe
*" «**' ‘ke eterclse that they
unit Atricuharal. Kpemmlst
ifor Iwst -roeulta. Tl.e
We wish to ituink f>ur friends and
neighbors lur th.-ir kind asslstan'-e
during the lllncsii and death-of imr
darling baby. Mr. and Mrs. Nlh-s
___ _ (MiTaggan and family
May lit*
diseases than is any other animal.
lall' is ibis trueotcrtds. coughs. WA.STED-Cos
enoed girl for general liuuae work.
'""c fever, pneumonia, etc, These can
Fimi class wages
Mm. L. F.
nvcBed very ofteif b) clipTitus. (17 Webster s(. msy l-tf
1»*«* ■'*<! blaukeilng lor a shori


O. A- Johnson nnd famllr went to
Manlon Sunday In ttaHr. new aiito i»
Anna. April so.—Mr*. Beripiare of
aiiend tbe day wllb friends.
Trfveiae nt> auyed over Sunday.
D. W. ReyMlda drove w Traverse *»k Mra. Cbailey SmHh.
City t»iU) on boslnaaa.
0*«a Sleffori wont to Trat eraa
Tbe Cnneral of Mrs. Sterdten Star- OK7 today.
Bide Herr is bone for Um obse-.
buck was held from the Grawn M. E.
church Tuesday afternoon. Rev Nr.
Mn. Joe PaymtM of Empire caUod
llaivey of Traterse City assisted by
Dr, Margaret MariCellar and Rev. on hw mother and (aiber. Mr. tad
Koon offU-ioUns. The choicb was Mra. Wells
Wm Tibbliu and daiigfater'
beautifully decorated w-lib floral trib­
utes from her many friends. Flic fun­ Winnie have gone to Detroit where
eral was in charge of Messrs. Wllrjn Mr. Tlbbltu baa beeo woiking oU
and ilainard and waa one of the lare- winter.
Grace Brlgga la tlaiHnR ber alsler
est ever beU in ibis tlclnlLv- Inter­
at Rapid (*lty over Sunday.
ment In Maple flrove cemeien.
A large crowd went (o Trarerae
D. B. Crandall irantocted busiut-s<
City Ssiurday.
In Travers* Cliy Idonday.
Mrs. Vorn Smitf U abki to be ibout
Tbe lAdtes- .\W soi-ielv of the M.

experienced la liable to overtook the
law of the urgent neeeasiiy of
Ise, This Is what earl) nigs suiter
fiom. If they sie In good ahelierw!
buildings where they van run sround,
frisk and play they get the exerciw
(hat Is needed: but If the ssn Is ablnlug they should be p<-miltted
low the nuHlier u. s i-erialn extent si
Icasi. so os to gd tbe beDoDt of active
exercise ibai is nsiiiml and eo reUUtske for Uie Iceet resulu tc
K. church will meet With Mrs Koon.
young pigs. ,
liet every breeder who has not bad
Mrs. Pat Goulden Is si>eQding tbe
Hip experience. be*j Ibis advice.
ly at Hi-itoer (be guest of Mrs.
Tbiimps often occur in young pigs Townsend.
Dr. MarKelkir and May Mrlniosb
and Is (he resuli of lark of sunablne
and exercise along with Iiiidi feed­ z|>eiii tbe week end in Traverse City,
ing. The remisly Is. of loume. to
Mrs. P. C HlllM-rt of Trxrerae rily.
«-ut dosD the bow's fpi-d and force
the pigs to take exercise out In tbe atfendeil Hie fun-ral of .Mrs. Star-'
suiisblne. Tiiuiiipa iilwl may- occur buck.
Nr*. Harr returned to her sriiool'
but when old pigs have-It. It is usual at Interlocheb -Tui-sday evening.
Miss Vera Jenne of Traverse City.
I}' <aiiM-d. hy some alfei-tion of the
si>ent tiM- week end wiili Grawi
Piles may be mused by feeding -too
laxatlie or too r-onstlpstlng diet. Fat­
ing soft coat. (u>hes.' etc, may cause
li. neansc ihurouslily with be:
er and soap. I'siug a wash ma<
dlKSotvIng one part (xowdered alum
ill pails of water or bj oiling with
<diiimeiil made up of f^lchv(ln>K
pim, tuM-Ilne HI parts, is sooiliing. tn
liad cases li may In- tiecpHsary to take
a stiith 01 rows Hie gnus In order to
Veep (lurls In plat-e.


Kvery borne should in.- clipped in
t the spring, esmuiaily tlie work horses.
■_•^or when the warm da\s come, a
■ horse^with a htiig c-cat of bair feels
like T man with a heavy growth of
half on Ilia head two montbs old and
IXairy farming m>>ans threefuW reTTie value of a cow de|>ends
a four weeks' beard on his face. Tb^| l,<mg hair prevents (he Kecwim from
_____ ...............
... It ............
mirwmald orHeluriis Imm the iiriMlm-l. [e- whst she pixMluies, If she Is a sri
man is nure tn say. "I nmat hunt a doing tliaruugh
pern WANTED.................
After he pitaHon witlTbui lliue ex«»lltm. thea
a'l dlHrwaiw'i^"
hoM. ,A-i- turns by larger, crop as the result of she will pHsIme n st.u.11 nunmii) of
bcTber simp and clean up.
or iiccf alone and a calf for the
cleans up ho nsi only feels forty per'when -Aset with swear, ft requires
nigh. Mich, K. No. 1.
the IniTcaMHi value of Hic land. Tlic biiirbcr. If she Is a piirc-brcd,
belter, but be looks fifty per long Hme to dry aud Hie home Is li
April lT-1 mo*
Ijcncflti. derived fram (bi* dairy cow Van rest assured of the quality and
cent better. A borne It like a nian.’slde to uke eoW an# lung feier rcan ;.
. u, .-.;. ill'and mors iiniforih ituanHty of milk or bm-r and a <-alf
there (s no exrepllon to tbe nilc. rult#
act* farm.
ihr u:b:dM ti:c v.-ar than fnmi anyjt*-at Is wi«qh a nc:ii sum for breeding
for Ibe borne is more susrepHble io| Again tbe home that Is <llp|>ed is
suHnn. Inquire of riiltlp Miller. otlicr brancii of agricullurc.
Moat putjKiOcs.
Kiussisy, MlcU.
mt-h 27-lmi.*
farm muni arc harvested, only
<w (wire a year Tlie boof and tbe hog
Ore of Hie perplexlnx pnblen
WANTED—Bean w-rcacr
tbe (srm (or a Ihnited period the average farm is to get the
Gatling only, tbim they nre marketed ogali
aln. to grass wJtIsjut check!
checking ilielr milk
b tt-tf
The dairy busIniAa con be starti
xrted|ylelda ant at tfie same time without
prulliably on s small basis by ibc'dei-reasing the yield of Hie pasture
Dike's Foot Powder ii to be tued u s diutuif powder in
sniall man. The man with a little orjduring the summer. It is a problem
Mrs. Nrtlie I
the gboee and in tbe faose to prevent sweating of tbe feet.
money lauiiot afford to bay cattle of n» difncnliy to the farmer who bo:i
phone :
by the carload: tbe dairy cow makes an abundance of well prepared allage.
is not only annoying from point of odor, but,it
wonl.l wish (
possible for him to start on a srile.Thls (urnUhes Hie ancdilent food
makes the feet tender and aeniitive. Dike's Foot Powder
with his limited meons needed when gmas la nirt available.
corrects it.
cm 'a?.*^r
therefore, itot.' With irtenty of silage we mn afford (
Tender feet tire out qaickly, they tweU and tbe ihoea b^unit]
tibejg F
the grass becomes r
‘ mature. N'or
cone too tigfat and nncomforUble.
. Mlrh.
s aners. Is It much of a problem for the
For tbwe who have to stand mneh. Dike’s Foot Powder
w ho has plenty of.bay and grain,
is a great comfort. It lesmi the tcBdemeu of the feet, pre­
Many formem would be actually ran #tmplj- refnse to sacrince
vents the shoes becoming hot and the bote sticking to thg feet.
l«tter off to oell half their dairy herd, quullo and full benellts of hla paaIt coats bnt twenty-five cents and gfvet one a dollar's
keeping only Hte liest rows. Tbe inrc and he will he wise In so doing.
trouble la that so few farntera know
worth of rent. Women who are heavy -and who to be
which cows are Hie good ones and
on their feet in the kitchen in tbe siu&mer time will find that
w hich are Ihg imor onea
a little of Dike's Foot Powder dusted into the shoes in the
A good bull airicily thnroiighbreil.'
ironiinned from Page Pour.l
nsoming will be a relief.
of the butler type, Is Istrodoned Inbi
mother, Mrs, Johnson, who has lieen
(be dglry. arid later on bred to bla
quite wicit
own daughters. After auch a doubling
Gliarles Revolt Is very ill at this
np as (fats the desliwd type Is well
lixed. sad the scrub element in the
The eigbth graders nre verj- busy
dsivy cuts on figure at all.
st school getting ready for the exam­
pnogram was
reoden-d at .Kcsw-|rk. Snnday
iing. niusir Mng fiimlsbed h
Reswlek CoAel baml.
• boya sod
Irma IJodtey has gone to Traverse
mrls Ratordav
City II. work.
turi-nooD. Ma>
Mr. t.evi Llndley baa
luskey to do soino carpenter work (or
— ‘Whyi I paid |1S for s coat that I aetimUy think isn't on« bit
Voetker. his brotber-iti-law.
lireltier or better than either of theie!” Thb was bow one lady
Mr. and Mrs. iiaeker nnd son Em
exptessed herself yesterdsy, pointing t« two of tbe
en-iin moved to Trmverwe City last
week. Wedneoday. whore Ihcy will reaide.




Cit. Phone 481.

American Drug Store


Bell 180.

7R Front SI.
Trnverse Ctly. Mlek.

the tick..
Mrs. lA‘Wia RriSSS la <
Mr. IJringatoo has mired witb Ilia
nuKher end Is gains to work fur Glen
lllllldo has moved hte family
n hU leg broken while working In the
U-ou Brerkett amd Dec SUtot are
,,-Winking on Mr. rhampney'a bouse.

' ♦ ♦ ♦

fi lends.
Mr. und Mra. Dave MaiilgoU lost
Mr. Joseplisiin f|>eni Run-Jay
(heir IliHe one last Thuraday. it waa
Traverse City with friends
^ 'only tick a fen- days and tbe mother
Mra. Melvin Arlllp was n Trav- ]
is quite sick.
erre City railer Saturday.
Mrs Koan is raring for Mra lame
Mr. and Mrs. Mulford of ForiUii:d.
• New marsh whi^ is very alrk. All bops
Ind„ who were failed here
• hear^ IsJ^tier aoen.
sickness and desHi of their ilaughlcr.
\\'mie'*Btley ' tq^hgriw fsom TraMrw. Rtarhuck. itdgrned home (u-ilay.
else ni) ever 8ud&>.
Mr, and Mra. Gaines were Traverse
Walter Sayers who baa been workCity calleni Tuesday.
«'liy vtelied
. .
-—e •».t Traverse -•»/
dull VC*
John Sheehan of Trareiv* city.
M-nt Satunlav with Grown fri.H.ils
•Mr. Slater of Traverse City, was in
X Tuesday.
Miss Jeosle Brown visited Mima
of T,v.r,
VI.. J„.„.
son Osiar and tamil*. return
Sparling, olaolda
s Tuesday ev^ing.
Hoefllng visited Mrs. A. Sayers Bna-'

Cit'^ * * ^ ^ 1

444444 4444444444«
Welllen and Eirie Koan.
Ukc ia Visiting with .Mrs. Joe McMr. Cady of Traverse City csIM
I relatives here Stmday.
Waller Wilson baa l>een ver}' sick
Miss Mabel Moor uid Mias Emma
all issi week with tonsititia and te .
Keck left Friday for CodlUnc when
at this writing.
ork.tbte aumiD.
doif Palmer te a xery alck little
Mrs. Frank Freeman and Mra
liuy with some kind of a fever. .
John Perhall railed on' Mra. OBariia
I'rtss Johnson of Turi-b River bridge
Sweet one day last week.
has hired out to Igiuls Hirkit) for the
Brace Sayers visited Ibe family of
Edd Jones nt the Boordman Rirer
Mrs. Harrington has Just received Suoday.
pension of a considerable amoopt
kira Jtdiil Perhall gave a farwell
This will be grewt help to her In ber
party Thuraday evening In honor of
declining year*, and the Is a very
ber sister, Mra. Reuben Mitchell, who
worthy old lady.
left Saturday for Detroit to Mn Iwr
Elmer Wenlch' has purchased a new
huabasd who te forking at that pUce.
Tbe evening waa apent In games and
has tenigbi a very
dancing and a flne time was enjoyed
fine colt from Mr. Buss
by all. At the bouy of twelve a lap
44444444444444444 suuper was served, conaiating of
bread, butter, salad, picklea aasoried
rakes and coffee
C. K. UmeUrgv^ <if t'bUaso passed 44444444444444444
through town on Monday.
The Piovemoiit baseball team plac­ 44444444444444444
ed (heir Drat game of tbe aeaaon ol
Mr and Mn. John Hoffmann were
lAland but were defeated, tbe gome surprised when a party of tbelr reiareaulilng In a score of J-8.
lives drove In and reminded them of
.Miss ilatlie Bupperaon retnraed their (blrt.vwevemb wedding anniverfrom Freemont. Ohio, on Qaturday aao'.
Roy Grubb 1s working In the~seifbMra Wlneberg eoiertalned Mr. and borbood putting In elstern# for Alex
Mrs John Brezlna and family of Tra- HMman. lAwreoee Carroll and Frank
M*e- City a few da.vs teat week.
A large number (ran here attended
Mrs. John Barren. Sr., spent Sontbe baseball game at Leland on Sun­ day and Monday alih Mr. and Mn.
day tehi.
Frank Warren of Arcblo.

We will give away soon 5000 Fly Swatters Free.

Ladles’ Coals On Sale at $10

She kr.)u.
till- Sliiri- \.-W>t. Ilf wluit'fi lliiiltp
oiiriiiir li'trht. Imsy -.Mrm.'i i >li-(Uiiliui-nt. niul i-uim- in itli a frieiitl t<i
ii'-l|i liiir M-li'i-i-t lii-r •.priti;' cimt, Tln-y iialnmlXv
!y «-.\|>e<-ti-<i
vi-rv mill !i i.iil .-i‘ iln- oi-iliicirv in the way
, Ilf Blyli-. <|UHliiy and

• kH lln-y l<mki-<l aC eaiiw-d Un- lady to make
. |:i' rciuark ini-iitiimi-d uImivi-.
principal resMD for tbe Ijvdy re^ense to tbe special tan
ikfi in tbe coaU tbemselv^ Tbe malori^ of tbe s^es
are copies of hmeb higher-prieed model: Inst brongfat ont by leading
deugners, and in point of intrinsic vpsxk

drawn. April 3(I.-Dr.
AJaeKellar will siwak at (he Grawn
M. E ehurrb Sunday evening. May
4. on nUsloearr work in India.
Mr. and Mrs. Brorken of Traverse
nty. attended Mr*. St.xrbuck's foo«ra! and called on old friends
Dr. CTark ts spending the day In

ThoeCoats at $M are 2S to 40% under value
We an- qiHti- otisi-rvnlive m making tlq- rtali-tiii-iit ihnt they
n-liri-Kciii .iniii- tlii-^ l.ijtgi-si n.-Ki.-vi-inrnt nfViur Kanm-nt' depjirtii.-iil HU fjir fli'w M-nuMii. nnd liidi--s uplgi shop urmind sny Iwfope
lliy Ki-ii-i-l will mrri-i- tlml Ihul 'k wiyiNg n cuimI ili-al. (’mils iu this
K|irhie'« nmal («>(>nliir »i<>di-ls and niatiTialK; clevi-r 2
a ^
tl-liiiHun i iilnwi^v iiiihIi lx; Miini- xvitli silk cuIlarK mid lH]x-lK;mm fll
Indies'. iitiHNdi’ and jniiiur sizi-tt; vi-ry tt|M-i-ial coat vglui-s^ g If

MONEY TO LOAN on good ood wap

Tccfh Exiraetetf

h. •>ir>.
By the
*‘Ka-olar- method I can re

We-will rile Calalia
Trn-s tree to Uivs and
girls Us) ub and 7tb.

. Tll.WTUSh riTT

fee to boys atal girls
Saiiinlar. . R^enj}|>>.


pain, and without tb«
drugs to pivMiuee uncooadousneas.
People of
with weak hearts will annteciaU tbe
-Ka-oUr" metlmd of polnleoa extrac­
tOS-208 vnihelm Block, with Dr. Holdo
worth. Travara* City, MIcbm

Early In the spring. befAre the pds- again ia about three weeks to deotrey
lurea are ready, torn (be obeep out eggs and all ticks that may have eoon the rye ttelda. The soil around the yoped at tbe Drat dipping. Tbe Iambi
should be dipped at ihe aome Uma;
KioU w^ll be Armed by tbe feet of
for when tbe ewes are oborn. tbe ticks
Hie sheep, t
t tbe hetv fleck on to Ihe lambs. Be aura that
ing hy frost. Pasturing the rye will tbe flock te warmly hoaaed after
<*Bse It to "stoal." and thus (be crop abeorlng.
te Improved—making a gain is two
In handling tbeep teach them to
waya Do not allow it to be eaten folio*-.
Tlie owner or etretaker
t, cloeelv.
should l>e ao familiar with hla flock
Moke the riionge from dry feed to (hat (I will follow whetwrar be leada
,|v'biure carefully, allowing tbe sheep Don't let nay one chase the young
In pasture only a few hoar* at Si*< lomba It te all fjght 4o uke them
Give a full fewiing of hay. etc. In the up In the arms, but If your aheep
barn for oeveraJ days before tarning know TOO. ytM COB «o that ao gently
leave tbe Sock out In (hat no dtettrheoce wlU Mlow.
spring rnlna Put all abolten In' orGive the mother t
der in the posturea. Sbe« roopond. nourtehlng nttea
to gentle care, end amply rapay tbe need It for milk, ’^’haatbran te good;
fcwner for oil apecteJ auegUona.
rtorer hay te alee. Ptoaty of water
It te best to have two poMuroe for snd some roots tmw and then w)U help
sheep, and io change from one to o«L .
tbe other weekly* In Ute erny Ue
The Iambi yoa Intend to keep
hite ran be kepi fresh but short. Put should be dedoiled wbDe they ere
Ibe <-uII aerea In a tpeclal clover poa- yonng They do not mfod ft half no
re, end give a liberal grain ratioh much then. Bat take a warm day tor
fatten them quickly. Push Ibe Iamb It or they will suffer from Ue cold,
la gTDwU ss repMl.v aa poasible by
The dog indnatry and tbe aheep te­
nt v lug extra teed in Ue lamb creep, dnstry never go well together. Night
The rnrty price te tbe beet price, and te the favorite time for dogs to nuke
It poya to ..pueh jhem for it.
thHr raida So. make it a rule to have
* • •
'the obeep near Ihe bhrn every sight
Shear .Ue aheep early. Dip Ue nlghi. Doga are mueh lees opt to
leep ImwefllPleIr after aheerlag. end traoble them U«p. .



♦ t »Vf» * »«»«*»»«>
Wl,»n*hl ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ,be
.Jeohol U wl^ off ,11 lUe <Ju« «d U U not
♦ CLEANING WITH COMMON ♦ a<M one ewpfiil of btown .u*nr. one ♦ RENEWING OLO FURNITURE. ♦ eulti*. T.mtah euine. oil lUln^nod neceiwy to climb upon r^en Ldel
IA • A A • A A If A A A A A A t
loAAAAA.AAAAAOOOOOOO dye.. Tier bn.e all been pert«,ed while rto n« the wofT

iSH‘= S =SS~==£~~=

houw need* eeneraJ cleanlnci like
enonah to hindu"^'.^.?*'h'v

boueekeeper In the
VantUh aUina live the color an.l heavy |»,*r. and eel In a dry pUce.
to handle without ailck- conniry today baa some odd blu o( Tarnlab-alt in one appllcatlon-but
Woolen blanket* :should be idaeed la
r rrandmotbera i
to the board. welT^^
Grease the
noally Indulaed. aay. the Ladles' lag
» of old
I furniture
fimiture that
that she
she would
would like
like Ito ,hould not be need on anything of hose, lined with newspaper*. lAy
World. Cl^nslni: a closet and a room
“ E«-«i value. If you wish to auln «,fi rtec« of cotton saturated with lura week, keeping
keenlna draw
drawers and trunk.
»Pend much money in havInK Ibc wood, the stain should be diluted at iwntlne
Pcttlne In the
Ibe boxes to prerent aa
a In­
in n
. ,
_ork done. And to tbote i ••keep- leut one-half, for soft wood Is very vasion cl moibs.
■ways In oider aod tear
Spelnp ClaaelitQ.
make brick* without *traw.
. , . ,
•" ■
t. .«■ iM .1,1.: ■Try It ntuch more absorbent than hard.
To kill Insecu. 1111 a house atomTea, clean your house, and clean
Why. then, should women keep on nisbints aa they should be all the A HOUSECLEANING WISDOM A .onrsetf
...u.. .k_>
.k. ....k,, ____ ________k.. .k.i.___________ ■
l>nnaa/>taanlaa aS
. . .. _ .
Patience sod ooDimoD sense, plenty iter with gasoline and carbolic add
In the
|«th» trodden by their Brand- lima matla housecleanlns.
at moat of ♦♦AAAAAAAA4AAAA0
til piece, of •alt), mr thorough drying and Intel- *nd spny the beds and walls whet*
Aad clean yout tern In every i*rt: motheml
“* umlersiand the term, quite uonecNo pan of the house demand, more..............................
But brush the
But you say you have not the mon- ersaary. The pUn can be (ollowe.1 In *borou^ cleanln« than the cellar, so
deslan. Take. iiRence In the-------of unfamiliar ma- they abide. Scald iron beds, or bum
*Ufi»<ted parts with a lighted candle.
head. »
'ey to buy the labor satini: device* »mall families, and In larneones when heean aUht there. Many an attack of *®'‘l»>*le with alralaht lerUl. are necessary
Poisons can be rprayed or applied
And sweep the anow-hank from which would llihtcn vour burdens. I ‘h® mtatress of the bouse has plenty ^Isense could be dlrecUy traced to the ’***'•
'Bh no carvin* ,-ood.
your bean.
would suaaekt
on the woodwork. Many women b«k
tuBgekt that vou
you bealn
bedn a_ cant- of efficient het|.. But the averaae unclean telUr.
Polished mahogany and oak someI'ru'h Protect the
--------------j.------------------------------ --insi whensprlos deaslnc comes palm of e<lucatlon in the family, not household, in which the mother IsUme is an .excef.ent disinfectant
times sivik
grow to
look Tri>
very Bimnvj.
smoky, murky
when using corrosive
lu juus
around '
fonietUnR that a. a rule the ma«-u- ever>thliw from cook to atamstress and can be used to very sood advanuruilttre
BtIm fonb the duster and Ibe Use side of It manaites in «>me way to
nurse, will probably pass ibrou*h Uge in the cellar. Whitewash the ^
^ gasoline and wash off
Add a few drops of kerosene to hot
squeeic the pocketbuok untU It brlnii.
bousecleanlnK slate annually lor a walls. Btrlng at least two food coals. ,
iho grease and dirt which has,settled water in washing windows, wipe them
But mke ,-our loaty notion, down.
forth the tools deemed ne..-v«tr> for Pea. many year* lo come.
IhrB*’.lmpU*.nd th.'r^u.S'Jbrrir on the surface of It. and then use a <l>'y with cotton cloihil and poliidt with '

chamois or with eewspaircrs..
And .weep your dusty Soul of his work.
. long lime, however, hou«^ eleanlng day In a Benentu. supply uf ger J.lIZ l^""on
surprised bow long II will slay bright
Clean small rugs with naptha doap
In the meantime, set your own wit. keepers have been makioi; n srrai borax, amroonls. washing soda and
A friend of mil called upon me. a because vou first cleaned ii.
•“<• 'eidd water: dry lii the sun.
to work to see liow many ieiu|«rary mlsukc. We have tried to crowd two kerosene tcoal olll.
ahon time ago. lor alil In reHnlsblng
Sweep old Idea* out with dust.
ini.'lAint and almost all
P«‘ntlug Utc kitchen. Imva
belt** you can devise Irom niaierlaU *eeks' work Into one:' we have torn
Get rid of all useless trash,
a table which Imd fallen Into a state
And dress roar Soul In newer style. .......
..reign subtunces which ac
®» ‘“e floor In l.c ,minted after
right _.
at .....................
liand. For Inatunee. Home »!• everything at.once, oi the dfscomcalendar In a room la auffl- of eienial dusty shahhioeas. We «amBemiie from your mind its wornout cheets' editor could
ui«n the surface of rollsh- '‘>c7e»i dries,
ver sund the fort and
Z househ€ld"^e'”have"i7emred llnb.'or
<ll**no»e Its case. ed WOO.I .an be removed whhout sevaluable idetures must he rel<ecuUnrlT backbrenkt
of household, we hue prejuired lltile or
^Nuah mirrors with a cloth darni* Taking a .harp knife, we iwrlormed rtousTnronv.-nrence"'''V^
««>»«> »"
Iodide of
And dump It in the ruhblah pile.
wringing * hraty mo|>. 'onseguenilv
rious inconv.-nteiicc. If leidd water,
nothing be(a.-r>hand
Sweep om the hate* that bum and »he has alwovs u*ed
. .
scnibldng evil dayi
aasollne or fu.nlmre
fntni.ure roliab
i„!lJh do not
nm' Ihe^sa^ln reidacing
»qdaclng them
brush and-has ken her ktirhen ffoor had
Always remember that the sun and ‘nHlmitve o niu. h v.rn sh. The v.rpuml.-e-stonc and bollsd Jin
“ “"'em the accumul..
mng m new love* serene and pure:
by the iirocess of geiiink lure our alieady ha.oss.Hl families:
Around the hmrtliAone of the heart
.eed oil. You .-an do no harm a. long “®“
make* a
down on her knees to clean It je-ud- ertrwerk and dlsor.ler has nude u- an abundance of fresh, purd air Is e.
sentlal to cleanliness. .
roughed, bince the table was natural
. tbreugb the raaier n
Place Bndem Myles of fttmiiur.-.
you use nmhing liiai w in atu.-k the .vellow itreak
ing the day of linoleum or a self wring- «> freiful and i«evish that ev.-ry |h>B. -re lo iho.™,-.)- .1, ,1,0 i»j
...■Srt™..B vatnlsh, Mich as rhlotuform. alcohol fine picture, or along the edge, a
Ing mop. which latter has alwa>* sen under our roof has l.iedihed <
other thin^. the
,ur|enilne. Scour with a siroigbt, 'l>k-raish which .an never be removed.
out rourmorbUcabby-boles,
aeefued a doubtful blessing, anyway, sleh of relief when the last picture ,.lubes
only lusslhlc course waw to remove
Bweev Mt the dirt, scrape off the
n was only a month ago that she *>•» **een huug, and hoi«^ Hut be
IN«‘i give curtains room fa your
motion larallel to the grain.
------ :----------- -----the varnlsh^llie oul.v way to obtain
If your polished bureau top baa
dlsrovere.1 that a mop with cloth or «o'ild be cither dead or absent when house that are not washable
a good effeei with color Is |o allow it
been wi«tied by drops of imrfumes
line on
Tte deaning time1^ healthy Sonls: roiw end* oal) six inches long can be **• succumbed to the fever again.
The revival
of the old-fBshione.1
lAnetnte the actual rores. of, the or your dining Ulde ha. l«^ a little * ■““*"> «»•«''"«- Bni.l every fold
Get ap and dtmr The Sprint has ,
•eifd nearlydivrin aaInstant by
if i. |«salble to maiiage this i«rt rtiga made of rag .-an«t U hygienic »ood
and .-lean off every spot. If you find
rannot be done
band; Itseem*almost
toofool- of thehousekeeping so that the family,*nd they are es|K«laUy
nice for the without removingthe varnish,
any article ot furalt.ire^s be.-n In
cobwebby lines it Is a sign
oat tbe eoroen. of Ibe brain.
f*h and trivial a thing to tell of. ... will
know that the cleaning I* chlldrcn't rooms, being washable.
our tahk wo* plain with few mouldmoths have been about,
Bear down with arrabtdng brosh tt U one of the Iblng* lhat make all going on. The
advanuge of
To .lean wall paper
use a aofi Ings and no carving, ao the process some other way «Ughilt atiackeil. damp
cloth over the spot and press it
-wl KMII.
,b, diff,r-nr- bM—Ml abd «.y Uw loIb.«b
this pumice stone atid^t^wlll olien
vuggesTions. however, cloth.over Ibe bushy end of the was not Irksome.
There are several
heavily with a hot Iron to destroy any
AM d.« .11 !», b.1. .b, ..It
«llb.„l„Mib, ,lMbo„„..„U.„b„ hraora: dip iB dry 'corameal and rui> good varnlah removers on the mst*- remove all traces.
After this
AM *« . ™., olM. tor lloKt, „„ „b.M..»A It M Mlt Pl.bblo. ,o
good furniture rolisb
” y®"
steps, dlaiio.- the wall, and celling well You will kel. We «K-ured one and lAinted It
lack Inittailve onraehv*. Ik u» keep Ing of articles at first so .that they be thoroughly surprised at the result on wpb a lirush. allowing H “
spidled direct
Cteaa o«i Ibe brain's deep rabbisb !
and directions c
r eyes niwa. and our mind* alert, need not be movtsi excefrt to be re- aod your papei •m luuk
or. as we do our spring cleaning, 'urned to tbelr pretwr Hares, working freah.
(II thV varnish wax softened: thVit
... a,™,.,.,..
Soak A-very cranay great abd small: ,
to see where a book here, a uall swimy and effiicentiy an-l tweaervlng
tL ran i •od thptugb a ■larched scrape.1 it off. The varnish remover.
news|mi>ers, the newer the papers the
And in the (rent room of the Soul
there, a ahifiing of furnliure or the s fwofier mental balan.e ihnMigh it all. rutuin pm cur thimble on the .-nd ‘Brnl^h. dirt and all .-ame off like
last spring I fixed my dining room
t prettlK Pictures on the wall, dui^lw’^f' un^e.wes.V,"’; nicies will helps a wouisn to H-rf.-ct herself In of ,bc rod
Scrob up Ibe windows of the mind.
table and was awfullr prt>u.l of the
«> inaect*.
save «.pi and t.take fo. .Irf.pUclty one of ibe greatest l.„nM.h<dd att»Tw„ uhleaiKtons of kerosene i»ii In- «l«h a | knife, an old .-hlael and
t'lens^t'. and Ik the Spring begin;
in our dally tasks. A hundred siei.s that of easy house.leaning.
, toiler of ciotbe* whiten, them
■ cloth wet with wood alcohol. Vnmn work. In two or three Utile
Swing open wide the dusty blind
BBVAl in every hou.V work In our
A friend of mine ha* reduced ihis
OlIckUt lakes on a new luster when «he varnish was all off. we washed the
Aad let the swroi spring conshine In.
hemes .and that can easll) I* done, rort of her regime to a s.lenre. Her
,i,h kerosene.
'«'He with wood alcohol and aanded Uken out of ilw top. I bought a box
of waxe.1 crayow., such as children use
camphor, or cedar chli* will sB
by -making our heads save our oW heliwr says that the only reason
x,, remove grease spots or sidina '«
•*nd|«|wr until li was quite
Plaat Sower* In the Soul'* front yard.
in school, and >etecie.l the color to *'*‘'*'
heeU-i will count-up into th.- miles Bie can do the work without inron- froB stove rub oVer wUh a flannel smooth. Then the
'“'••n ,„„ch my>arped wood. 1 wanned ‘'“8 «n<Hke odor can be aired out In
8k out ne* shade and hloaiwmi
in the coarMt of a jear.
vroleucInB Iwr family and ao tiring .uph molstene.1 with kerosene. ik> «ud rendy to rwrond to our desire*.
^ ....... , .
until It was ’•*•
----------- -----------I” l‘'- -I'", tbi. Wb™ lb. ,.ov, I,
■«> bobbbi . ,oM pr.,.rM

We hat aevaral long Ukgs of t
Aad IK the Soul once froten hard
H..M CiMni.1 SuMita.
1. .b.. .b, a..,b I b«, Ob mo™ ih.b
,mo , „„ .n.,,™ 4o oiMb
M-JM-Mn, . lob.m, b.o.n M.«. Abj quite soft and then molded It Into tbe
Sfeout rrocusea of new idea*.
“'*•««' ‘n»u »bich we put
Obe of lb, !»,. .b.ob. <o b, dob. .b. 0.0 obb. ■ 8b. |.™oib™ . bom- „„„
6-" •
.™io I. bood lor ibl. wr- place where Ibe wood bad been
Tas. Hean your bouse and clean your
ffouged out. After that 1 applied the
»Wagi which
stait. aomeiirae. rafsee
.^eci was •“"'I »'«««“* wrlekled it,much foldahed.
ed In cleaning all rorts of the hou.c. unnecessarj In some «r her older i, on don’t forgot lhat the school «he grain. After lalntlng It on we let
And daan .vour tarn In ever) lan:
"" ■
“ very aailslaciory. You couM hardly
*Ber cleaning, airing, and brushsays an exchange, A long-haudled imlghbors. For inMance. she eon.ld- house
ho,.*. need*
n.Kls cleaning,
cleaning. AP|v,rni your- h sund tw-o or three mlnnies and
Bat bnuh the cobweb* from your

Umba-wool brush for wl|dng ceilings er* It her duly to give her family a self
g^,r 1
, committee of on
one to see that it then, with cheese-cloth, wiped off all
not even after examining ft closely.
kanger. pin newsiapers around them.
and walls is a grt^Bi convenience, but plaaNDi place In which to Ht is
i, thorougbly
thoroughly ck-aned.
which the wood had nni absorbed. We
-banka from ,,
„,te half a evenlog* and .
or *urn"U'“;^Vh'«”tril
furnliu,ie which we girls ‘®P* ®^
doxen or more ruffled canton flanitel hardly know
the ufotalrs was
n„, very atrottg. and my exiteri- n'ffht, and then applied evenly i
-The Yankee BUde. cover* for your htoo.m. The**' sene being cleaned
~ e Jitter
below ,
K ...
•■Itk a I'read mixer and washing »'>•-«««« of underlac. This 1* a pre"JJ^J^^lVTbe Mmr*"k'ukes
tbe piiriAse <|uPe as well and can lie sulr* is (-onieraed, tnd tbe tiling ....^Mne and other household help. Pare.1 varnish whi.-h can be obtained
,o^ re*
«>• «« »»' «>•
washed and drlol quickly rhoose a room Is nrvei turn
thu ^DlshiniL but It 1. ^
“ole In bag or
.• “Should all the wcighi of life
• agap that doe* not Irritate the skin, less the ditiliig ruorn overnighi un- has lu^en moie than fcailsfa. tory. and for this purrose. Any varnish that Is
or den afford „y advice is. mothers and woman «wdthe wood Is aftersrard to
«... .i, box ibroiigh wMch the female moth
• B# laid across our shoulder*, and •
Heaitlng 1* hard enough on the hand* jdcasani plares for recreailun and hav. them If you have to save enough he waxed, should be diluted..............miwl. Or If one I* left bidden in

the future, rife
dollars, an Imimrtant feature In
wlihouT further IrrIuUon from lye In rest.
or vour new dress to imy «*use no gloss—it acts only
some crease
pocket when the gar• with woe BUd ainiggle. meet os ■
isjorsoap. Have plenty of rags.-«lls This wonmn arromplishes a great for It. beroifse, two to one. your health *Nve for the stain Out underlac dried
meni Is pul away.—Exchange.

face to face
' and new*|ia|>ers. A piece of chamois deal In a day. One
• At tnat one pUce.
skin, a sir|i ladder, pleni of lUsue elancy-wradoxlcai at It may seem- p,. and your hot or dress ........... out of our talHe.
„ ,, alwaja wise
dally when
• We could noi onward go:
liaiwr and a long-handled
long-handleu brush
...ueu all
... I.
.. her
u*. determination no,
nut to start
sun work
worg .ly),
aivle m
In a season or
Tnere are several excellent
excellepi pre- "ta# miles from a lemon' _________
• Our t*K would stop: ayid an
help to make wlndow-elranlng easy. A at the hrfuiech-aning before ——.............................................
• -waxes on tbe markK.
.u..e* ......
. have also lound lhai It pays a wo .......
Some vw* grocery
store to have a few tlni f^IBng. Take two cnpfuls of cooked
• God lays a little on u* every day. •
mop. scrub brush, a new broom, o'clock, ghc rlKes early, and Wfore man to make up her wind not to do are liquid aad some like imate. For*ood salmon on your ementency fkubarb sod add oaa Ublaa|»onTul of
• And never. I balleve. on all ibe ‘
whl.k broom, furniture beat«T, ham- breakfan siialghlens the room* that more than her strength will alio*, sonallj I prefer the Utler. Sometimes shelf Do not buv the very cheapest
>®"“ ®^
• ^ *tr
‘*** *“
• WUl Imrdens bear so deep
' ' mer and racks slmuld all he on hand, are not io1«. cleaned lhat day. After There are many thing* we ran leave these (laste waxe* when dry ahow „jmon There u'danger of Ptomaine **® ****
as well as ammonia, borax, lime, kertv breakfast she does the kitchen work „n*,»e joat at well and have more white In the eoniwe pore* of Ihe wood. poi*on In this A medium priced pink •
®'«» «»«! “>e pie I* thick,
• Or nihways lie aio steep
sen.-. saUoda, whiting. whlrewa»li nndVan.i make* what pr<-|araiion* she ran ume to spend with otir children. They This can eaall.v be ohvlBie.1 by mixing g,in,on is as good for crdlnarv din«f *ke white* qUke
• But we can tonrard go. If hy *


God's power
' drains.
liing the children ready
health and their character are siKdled wax iiefore applying it. Tbe liquid salmon sieaka!
®' *® ®®'*r enmuette*. and use
• We only bear ibe harden of the •
Have the irnace and
id chinineraflt
cliimnex*|lt onl)
onl) when
when these
these things
iblngH ar<‘all out _
« ______
mother ___
has ____
mlaeeO her calling.— waxes ie<iulre several coat* painted
For sklmon aotiffle. remove salmon fkln *irl|>* of unbaked pie crust, mak•
hoar.I'leaned, and
ofienings of of the way that she can aeltle to def- Rucesafut Farming
on and then w1|nh1 off. but finally give jrom lb,- ran rinse thoroughly wliii *« ■ lattice ovei; the filling when
iripe* and chlninevs wli b newKiiaper. loite work, and lime seems to be waai-_______________
■oM 01,1.1..
™.i, ™ l«W,. ■ R.U,™
b,. MOkM
Ub not forget to reiuort these hrlore ed If she trie* to do any cleaning beOent Commeiiea Too Eariy.
\\> used the paste wax, colored It. aoaaon With Ball iiaprtka and lemon*®^‘*’*'’**‘“^ *” *
starting a fire.
m- out of the
fore the dail, tasks are
The first warm days usually «lr* and literally smeared It on with a i,.,* „r vinegsr Cook oDe4iair cum 8f«‘ addition,
_The bedrooms fo ir
neighlmr a way.
,he housewife to tbooghi* of spring piece* of chee»«loth. when It looked
«r „„ .rale bread oromba In one-----------------------inalned alike in white
The t>rladf«l dishes served in this house elranlng. so Ik me give a little dull.
In t>erha|u, firieen minute* we i,ajf cupful of milk alx minute*. #Up
* ** C»'k*rifie.
scrim. Three extra paIrA of curlaln> family during bousecleaning •eason advice, saya a wrltK In 'The Farm- w||>k| off all lhat waa on the aurface. pW ronatanilj- Add to the salmon
Allow one Urge potato for each per­
her overbouse cleaning tline.^llv are: Itosloo baked beans, meat and «•* Wife. The maiorlty of women Again we restrained our energle* with the yolks'of three egg* be«en son. Scrub well and bake In a qnlck
Home ('beer wa» wondering this
a> ■•••
the sueH room whs- "•i-iiuu
salmon lus.eA.
loaves, luarwivDi
mararonl am,
and cni«oe.
chra«. clran
lemon-colored Cut and oven. When done cut off the top ot
week *b} In ths apring the house- waihing those -•
cimn house
nouse too
vin early
earij In
lu the
viie spring,
spnus. over
over night.
nigm. In,
Ui,ttbe morning w* pol- „n,u ,h,eit
wife'* fancy always turn* to thought*
"l'■‘^n!>'• and baked 'poiaioea. both Irish
ie would be no ham
Ish and Th<
ham, In
It, doing it ished the raldc >Uh
a soft flannel and ,o1d In Ihe white, of.three egg* beat- each potato and scoop out enough ot
the center to oonialn an egg; from
of cteaning up the housemnd U. r,ir***• early It II did not entail tbe necessity viewed our lln(»he.l work with
glow an uDtii Klff. turn Into a buttered
the bottom cut a thin lUce that tb* po­
rounding* Tben came the answering
'"***' ®«"*^ »"'• n«n*n*» tor des- of taking,down stove*, putting‘away of pride.
mold, cover wjili buttered paper, and
tato may have a firm base. Break li
> ni»h (,ai,e jp * p^m
j,o, water until fim.
given the makers nf the atmi of "*'*’'*
replaced by Mfaera as far as lion and can be started while the kei* and coraforis. Then when Ihe too recklessly Into the task of remov- a-rv. .t one- hefop. t. r.ii. wt.h . *•*'' *“


bray haunu Of trade-Khe snot tbit is
dearrai of all-called "Home'' .
It to tmraaaa we want to make
everything spoUe** and shining In this
*«»"■" begins to
dear home of ours Ibai we "turn our

In orClouds tof duM and winter's dirt,
bcr.tamrj. bureau an^He drawBbosL to ahnw the Unlng," the allver
behind the .loud.
®"'‘ 1^*
Brica-brar I.
There to real toy In the creative

With jbeae on hand, to* •“‘*•‘*<•11*1 dish either
the day. spiKltlDg meals are noi loo
difficult a Usk when she to tired.
My friend make, herself slop work•''*
•» *«an.«bat
.h. to crora, no mailer In what ^e 1.
*“*««' »» «he lime. All help to sent

orinter garments, redolent of camphor le*,iy purred. tUny thing, ran be
and moth balls. muK be dragge.1 out fixed without, and many aitlcle* of
"^7 tlreM,m, to clean
work. Vnlesa you live In the far off. A chair wllb frurh ranting and
aouih po«|>one your regular cleaning many moulding* will bie very radlous.
nnUI after the May frost and confine for each knob and crevied has to be
)-our.elf to cleaning the attic and cel: ecraimd. To be sure «'• the manat
Ur. and tbe aorilng over nonteni. of touch that to roqulred to do tb* wort..
ek»K.. bureau drawers, boxes, tranks, but If you iftia. a crevice tbe varnlah

blended: then nour on gradnKlv.
,hUe aUrrIng constantly, one cupful
of milk and one-half cupful of croam.
Bring to the boiling point, add onehalf cupful of canned Hmentoes rubbed through a sieve, and season w|,h
one teasimonful of aalt and one*„bth of a tea.poonfut of pepper.
Fish Salad-Remove the akin and

spring rtoanlng with tbe sHrli whlrh
dellghu to maktof sll-tblags new. we
an akin to Mother .NaturXraeir. a.
nbe rKurntobe* nnd brightens up her
woriddmme. hide, tbe dloginess of
dtonppenrtot winter. re.*ri*U her
fioor* with flower*, nnd .wen her
wall* with new idrium.

**"*" ^®’’
■“ *«’“'• After n retnshlng bath she dons dean clolbea
and .wepare. a simple *up,w'. Bbe
‘® k'» romewbere lor
recranUon after ever)
hard day's
-work, so ibe ev^tlugs of housralaan*“*
plesaanlto spent
either vtolllng
vl.lilng #ith
^Ith friends,
friend*, at the
ehurcb or At the tbeaira. There aro
lime* when she feel* too tired to
to *^y nothing of piwparing to
s|»ud the evening away from home,

thingi. Pnt Into your regular weekto warhlnt eonalna, tidies, centerptoces. buroau «*rfs. Kc. A few each
week will hot weem nneb bul It will
count when cleaning time cornea. Iron
and pat nway. In cloanlng wlndowd I
find that a mxlture of kerorone and
w*«er. e
a lableepooatnl of kerosene
keroaene to
me quart of water U an excellent one.
> find lhat a soft cloth, ollghOy mol*tened to water I* more satUfactory
iban a dry du«er as ft take* all the

equal quanUiy of any raid Ash; chop
,Bd mi* with It three large boiled poutoea. and the chopped whBra of
three «gt. Mnhe n ontod drwetog of
,be yolk* of three hard-boiled egg.
rubbed smooth, to which baa been
gdded pepper, aalt and half
oV muftard. two tablespoonpream and one gill of vlnocai
*“*• «*
Po„r the drasatol
Ute Bab Ju*i
bHora serving.
gn,c*d BaIiiwn-a*BOve
flnlmon-a#Bove the skin

'® ** *’“*
.heWman and lor
***'^ ^
‘® ^ "*®"^
and aired to the sun**. '
****' ® '
cerar to *‘**‘.‘’
n^p tbem frK from moibs.
A itoi pasted on top of ea.^ recei**clc siaung Its rantents Is n grrai ranWhile we are nuklug u
U-l us read
■ almost without «•'* tomlly's
the old yK always new liocw h> Foee.
• knowh-dge. and when such tasks a

-uch I™M.

The oM saying. -In tunes of learc.
prapare lor war." npplle* with much
fore* to the


kav* the proper utenalU. A carpcorar would Bot attempt to build a
bora* with oq/y half a *« of tools.
XaUber would th* atodern lamer sac
n broken tree bongta for a plow
Oh* of tha firm labor ^rlk«» on
•BOPrd waa tbs raMdt of a wiMurad b




and cookie.


-■« «U1. M.

M,o,,b....,h,,™t „rt,„,kM™. k.,.. „1M ,k. ,8M ..d riiMiio. ikr. U fM M.

M. W.™ U™

the new fintoh will wK take effect. If
you do undertake to remove varnlth
from rarvtoga and moulding., n vep'
stiff scrubbing brush WK with wood
olrabol wUl prove useful.

A new coat of wax wiu rejuveaala
a piece of furniture alresdf flntobed
In wax when It begins to grow dusty
Tbere are aeveral good doad-lac finl.h«p on the market, which with one
appilratton. give a waxy lualre
lustre Instrad

C . ku piir.k. Th™. ^ b. .r- MJ kMM A,™

It ,dl,. pllM .t.r'oik.r ilkli,«.

”™ .MkTMrrjr ,z:.r f.'Liurj'';;;k“k“,r Mtkrrj.r“::;.nkr'' .i, ;rM?»l;“rz'';r. irjr:
Apple Cwtsrd Pie.

vdkiir. iau
.fi«^ ,u '
nndtrmiit with

____ _



to tho chango of menul aitltode ilmse •>»<>«« not take all th* dast to ctoan° l•redltee. Whatever lag rather than braab It into the air
. each morning fladi her to sMtle aomewt^re else. Let this be
“®® *®
®* ■>' ®*^ "‘•>bl«b.
and brokon dlabea yonlatend to mend
'’'IT---------------nomKlm#. by asd by. Pisoe* for

*'"* ■*^'
gri *Jd of nnlea* yon have a
fluk" of graham flour, one taa- membK hi th* family devoted ot
patchwork. . Whan oo* ran buy aew

tnlmZZZi, S!k.'k‘5»tt^


When applying one kind af -ranilah
over another, great care ahooU. b*
used. If the artlrle ha* vaintoh on II
already, the new coat wlH probably b*
n different kind. If dt rraponda to
molatBr* ahd c<4d to a dlSarMt way
there will be a crackling of the surface. ubIm. apnlled very thin. Alwsy*
thorooghly clean anythtog which you
'toh to revarntoh.
Thera are muy dureropt Mins m

„d «.k. It


,re Hac^. Put the faked
bawl and pour over It the boiling.
spiced vlsegar Servo cHd on a bed
of ertap iKtnra leave*.
------------- j---------What To Oa to th* Houa*.
In cleaning howe Ibere Is a saving
of labor if the wall* are wiped down
with a fluffy cotton mop. one of the
variKy t
r used for mopptog
tb* floor. Batog gpiL light and flnffy.

«p kS tartora with
,( „aad two hour*
,..,Knr ocraslonallr with a tork to
pTln a f«1n^
soHle with one
nne-half plnU of
uZ. apHra and
.^d to the rapl^ togt^or S augar

u,, appiee gre^ and the
t.p,(,c* clear Serve hot or cold with
Baked Cetory and Cheaaa.
Wash celetT. cut to ono-lnch piece*
add cook In boJItog sailed warar unUI


** *
‘ '
«r hat.P Sfkd four Ublethe drSnld
. _______




are delicately browned.
<rtoh Kalaeanon.
Taka two peris of pouio. oM pat
each of rabbaga and turnip, tbe three
vegetable* bolto.1 aeparatelr. ,Dr*ta
tbem. mash and beat ugKber. Season well with salt and pepper, make
very hot to a frying pan and hasp o
a Urge platter. Make a deep welt In
th* top. fill with melted butter aad
wad at osw to tbs table.

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