Grand Traverse Herald, January 02, 1913

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Grand Traverse Herald, January 02, 1913


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


i8iiiEiis(Nn sam

. WaNUwtea. Itee.
fba caanOT «itl) Infemttt «*dlra
to ftotqto sad attor ruwaiiwRnai that
COM aSkto tba Jarfadkttos at toe
^Wwa. Utl. m-

rr-j«;eiaMBi n HFn;iiwnE5

aeeetdbtc to tha rtoOR at
et vartoas pBfeUcatioaa tbaia 'Oera
o«t tk» latneUew «t OtcriM B. Al- Prtwad Ewiac the year,H7
<9«fi m vataab. • trlwe

HHl •
IMPIM ff WuMip N. Fnls Will Mat lln &i k
SWtMiv lb bFM nptra b TtNt^Tn Tos
n • h trnmtt MknsSbii, CrtistFa
|fi*a«|p« Hm WH Bi W Ti^ll ^

IMta^aa and p

A^duAe- Aicbt ymt* ««o. Tbt «A
dr«M CorwwJ It tTpenUtW
mad VH M dpioatJeo et tka vrltar*!
s the baraal6r. Rabs-




Rirat kMpwmit Ftwa Haia ta Bax af

tMto af Tlwto ftMHHto ia Ml
-WrR Mad toy AtEarsapa
for the Oafaadoto,


31.—A,wilt erf aaperaadaea and writ et error «« Sad
today by ettpraaya tor tba S toaS
Yaap .
aanttocad to Laartowortb .«* SyMmUe ODBiplrscy. BoU wilts atm M
■ahlvton. Dee. 3d.—A tbarfy
aetn Thnraday by Zndsa, AsAarwaiBtas acalaat th» rakagra at tha
Tba *-dyMBita apadarHiatb 33
»Md con*-' to toatoc dtraalatad SBtooeaia. gmited by te UswUeb
_ dmmt bi tAa Dnltad toatee pabtte toaaltb awr^ in an utido by Dr.
aaalbOtv C. Ratter, the awtotane aatkaon
an atnd. with! the adraat M coU
her. wbas peagie crowd Into atoaa
qmotwa wttb Brea Utoied. atod« trip wni be BO toeale.
S sad f^iUattea ahnt oS, teeTba Uata Dmralad orar the Pamirlttltoaa dtoeaaaa becla to apraad
rante Unas, toot its asset wtolac Is
are rayddly.
Tha wtraa and cM■'Wboopiac reatfi" aeya- Doctor Urea to tba prteeaeta took thatr teat
tenre to thatr terad oaaa In'the oouaty
Jail this moraineIta itamadUtt aad reawuat aSacta.
todowad by tatoa^
cs Parslyta and
eatete <
to the aye
baaa atoo raaaltad fraa tte aaoeaCARPCNTERd WERE CRUEHO BY
lira cooStlaZ- >t to fbas eaas tbai
toiac canto. atofcA. It U


_____ :


^V- .


• ♦

m iMbiatlan •( mmH «
Rafana hiji

.} :. '♦ af Jnwa M rattfn wawMatt
♦ ai»n aaaaa.
* *■ -«Ma kkr- law.

box of dtetoa Nenbard 8pr mad
. Bar apfdao. «Uck vfll ba BUjvad
to Dr. V. y. Back)«r at San Pnatteo.
Gal. Tha aMto ware (amifSad hr
Oao. W. InNla and hara bara ndaotad Cram tba beat of thatr e^etr. Tka
OtUtbrnlaM are aide to r


SMdiapart. Oeaa, Dae. 8i.-»aaeb
warraaiB chanttac iwtaalaifhtar were
aanraS aodar oa - Banr Bora. rtt»
armOmt et the Nav Turk. Ba« RarOB and Hartford RaDraad. Baa.
HoUook^ SaBWal naaatar, and Cbaa.
Tbe warCMta M* tba oatMBa of tba a
at Baontadt oo. Oetabar S., v>aa

I af fTMbOeO for ♦
4 «f atata booia.
Hteh, Dm 11.-


ler atll) baa a raax«ln« tor iba taata
of *^t with Saw ahicb ta (ran
•tartiUattM af InewraMa In- ♦ aowhara to aaoal that of the Orasd
Traraiaa ra0on.
I».«»«IM atala-fanM <


id to
of II, MP«,Sb tba cavltol to
At Uioifama haw and alnnta Ovr'.
- > Gbaaa & Oi6ani vlU bacona U as•OToraor <« MkhlSBB. and Wood-.
hfMca K. rmH «r Bt« Rapida. a Aocdocnt. vOl taka itp tka rolpi of |0<roTMOBt K if tho flrat t
tha raar U»t that I
a o{ tka atata. and
■ tha aocoad Una slaca tha o
. 9t the repoMlcaa partr la iSM.
Os Ut aaN pwcb of tba capHol




palby avar the cmditloo of Ckniraaaama Wadamerar of tba SaDoid d|a
trict. who U datataed nadar shard ai
Panama. toUowtng a nerraaa break
down at aaa. Hla condition U aarloa*

Op. W. S. Crals tndktad aa Rrtowlpal
and A. M. Rastodala m

IndlaaapoUa, Dec. Il.-lndletmani
a to hti wife. Wadanerar'ia said rhyainf murder-were reteraad br tba
to hara attempted to lump Into tbe crant tery acalaat Dr. W. B. Cral«
and A. U. Racuadale. In eooaw
can white dallrioaa.


^boaa body was toond sada^'t
bead wearly aararad, la ba^ apartmeats a year a«a- Cralc was'' ladtctad
aa prtBdjsl and Racoadate aa acoea
ihlUCATIONAb' ' CIRCLES INTER- aary. Tba arldaaoe acalaat the men
la admittedly o

Moora, will- ad’• w ,tba esptsma. roort
amU the aaoftoaf ” tttalater theI oaih
UOdsa aattlnxi upon ahlcfa tba soraracMact 'kaa Inalatad. Tba aimsla
, Aa new sorarhor
will liiBlktlt Hr bo raorreetad -Bltb
tba walshtwit frobleaia that ba baa UdW Haato Jountal Wawld Hhva
r farad tt
ChUdran Da Tbair Sladr
nd pelte Ha win fan tha
artiool and
las in Schoai
almoai euparbt'
>uparbt%B teak ol foimiut
thn pledftw
Iftw ol
al tlU
m deBiocr-..‘i':
IhRD whaa
mr to»>* to work ' New York. Deo. 31.—Bdaeallonal
ua bid
trttb are a hoada S»d aesaU ot oprlrdaa eonntry wide are fnlereetad toT<«tta poiitieal faith.
dar to laara whatbar tba laciartod
PrabaMr aaw batpf^in M»<hiicaa-i
protaol aikdiMt homo work bp pabllt
hlatorr baa s las1aisti||tB ranraned
icbool ehUdna. wbkA. la aSact eraoM
with prawMcte brUbtar.lif tba aoact-aac-h proportioBa et sasenl eoneara.
Wat of teal insr jaalrQ AastaUtlon.
am maierkiltae wbaa athcol u i*
a vtn baramlorttiaa
nnied after tha hoUdara. Tba acbaiM
in both brsBobaa. bat tbar SPa anmll
erlirinuod with tba' LaStea' Home
(OoatlMad on'Pace T«s)
lournal. which .^rsaated that paraoU
refuae to permit thatr chOdran to
■tudr at home baesima It la Injnrtooa
iheir baaHb.


Wall Street Saaae of Sis Meaay Dl»

New York. Dee. 31.—Naar «f tha

{' j. w ••


Haara sM 1

Wasaa, Shartar
eaacl Warklns

Wbaa PaaaUnt Daotoo



Kaw York. Dae. 31.—That a saaara]
atrtka af vaBtn ta a doMs aa>
cdUaa te aoBtamptat^ aa a pralada to
tha New Twr-a feeata la'raportad at
the UotH Warken' anion bnd' '

Cbriatsma, hot the creai matertlr atffl
adhere to
old euitom of bandtas
oBt tbe dSPBtopai an tba Uat dap of
the year. PraeUcally ararr emptoya
ta tba Wall atraai dtetitoi racelrad
aomatblu tba praaesU i
affloBst'treto a ptafa salary racaivad
of tbe Bautacan «f tba bic
banklnx and
tew Aolton 4lf»S ta tta a
can. Janitors
teto paars many bmtott ban adopttd
tba practica et daaotttsA certain pmrealm to tbalr yaarty finflta ta tte
aadMfttayoar faad. IM praeMoa li
raaaiSad fis aa asAstteat ttotattra' to
tta ampteyaa to laasM bott tta bwto <ba kmaa aad tbs* tea a»



draa la IfU, to a diaasaa- aariOMlT
atacilw the pobUe baallb aad Samamust aaia|at stttoU«w- - - -‘*
Aa a maau of Manumne cRUdren
affected wlih whoopios coach. Dr.
Rocker aaffeMs Wat tbv ba tdetoty
tobalad with a gtaas am kaM ao
that otbar eSMtdran omy ba wa^oA
Paraata toonU also eanUoa ttetr
rtalUren. ba a«lA afatam Mia dangmi
paaclla. tradlnc kwn.
•nd otter
by wbteb toamm may ba traoatarrad
trani oaa parm
-Any dtoaaato Tblto.klUa lOAOb par
Bwm to a aerlaas Ma." Dr.
lad. ?toib
tonbonk placaa wara
to kiU that 'aany ebUdraa In
Salted Stataa la «m year, tta whole
world woaM saaiteUw afatnat

Fermte. Britlsb Ootombla. Sac. 30.nnaaa
•afdoyed by •
local imal eoapuy. wen cnaked to
dmtb la an arateatta toMw- Ybu
to earth earriad away tba tosOdtac
to wtokh tta bub war '


a Hot Hard to

to tepaa af cattlBC • 0*1 tost wU
Steam kacu teas taataad tbo climate aad ba aeeeptaUa ctorad ai the roaftoBcs wttt tta ••to seod Uhla
eapooa to tbosa tor tia aabatotloas
U tteaa ara aat iiAdiisfi badara O*
fii« to tta year ttw MB i* Mila'
to aeeoatR paraala St say otter ptsMO
bat tta postoEloa oaSS Cm sahate
tlOB maaa te tera.
ryl, OteE
who la at yriite a tab aarrier wfO
biBcmi tte panats pest cantor. The'
Harr Wsiohtofa Waa CanaMaiad Dm ■maU peraala win ha aantod aa tt*
to tto Eiapira'a Ahtoat
rasater dafirmlaa by tte roaU aartan bat tte terser earn wU ba
____ aara to ter tte Saw mas. Wtea
BwUa. Dae: SA-Bsrr Vm tOdder- smmisn.te wta m a caaiiydi
toS Rtertttarc, OaraatB mtatMar. died Af'aoBM aart tor tta daRamr. Vtera
«ddM)y today at Bitotcaart A BM- was ba eelr eaa • day by fka EiHto
dkca to the halaar waa tba Snt yob- <BRtor. bat tim m^Oer tentt;«m
af hta dMdfWartt, flttoteb
tats* death Is tofardto aa a toaa tet
to Obnnaay to bar preaeat (ttuttCB.
to aamr pAal tta amMAM af PMS
tea raqtorad aa R. mid tta wikte



tbe drat to tba
yawv«MS«iliUaatoc today omppltic
oat aaaminjIaMtPd ttaacat to tta
food tows. Aatee.saya that ha wlu
haw a samliBr to totoertont
teM to aabdU to tta tacUtotora. and
Uw An aaaptod toto tew-U ySmafUa.
ftelSM aars that tha ataadard at the
■nBnd toss la tbi* atata abc'
coatorm to ^ aattena] tews, aad be
alM •etelwa that to some raapacta
ilcaa'a toed tews am infarior to
tboaa to ottto atataa A aaw wtoebta
law la halnc drafted by
HaUaa. and will ba aabmlttad to tbe
teftalatnra early to tba aasalm.
Myt that tba
aad meaaam shatod ka toaead .
jnrUdtethRi to tha d# yaad tato dartdtotor toed
iwnnianl, aid tbsl
%ara, Reaboah CampaarUtoaral WHh Jaaperltoa ttoald parftSB
Wbaa ha irrlradsttta ottf U
aa a atott to tettan aw4^c 1
.Mattlas ^nqeM tram IN d
eefstM patfEetowbowstotosWra
atatt as foot ta^ectera.
‘t shaS rdtola a pewtieo to tba preadtatrlkittad to stoytoyaa to Sadn. Boaback sad Onapaar, ad* Mto pro- est torca. to >
ftatoas to tta
Into sEast toy, Ijte company cma jtax
Sk tta aSIcteMT to tta daase. Btscy puisa wba baa baai
OtoMSL'* ^ Hatma.
tta OBtocaca's enter ter Baa y<
bad staMl to ^ dtotyjtotttos to
aitoat to S par
to uTpstolrT

LaaalBA Nteb. Dae. 31.—Tba Mtcbl.ta Ptoaaer .and llUtortcal aoclety to
tn^»C a eoUectloB
early maps to
^leMiaa. with tba purpoat of otoutntnees eamptele a aat as poultrfa tram
ISIS dowB. Tha aarUaat mapa atere
Iboaa made by Rladon and Fbrtoar.
aad tta aoetoty appaato to tta CStolUaa to the muly reaidaBU of tba etafe
1 tta hope that ttm may ba toand
isoplaa to ttaae ampa aad praaaatad to
ttaaaelaty tartbapaUtonas TbaaodMy will toadly raeatra ttm ampa
and earatuUy prasarra tbam.



bsn baaaatAd by tta
first f«r tolts apentkm aad ...uawUd that wtttla aaattv fw
tbm yaan t^
aMksat to baR

MAPS and ST/alK

plaata la that ttey ware dactooMr
t Tlctraos thaa atttar pa
ylaldlDC mn mwwiac Imsm.
aauratoc aollad to almeat any cEmata
In the Ugriuwr.
la .ooaaaetkm wOb tta rwwinc to

Maaaa to WMek Man Wars Cmrito


Hlfltorlaal Sactety Wanta Charts ot
Early MIohlsan-

to aatt imidtoto i
• to' tola

Baesaaa to tta
to AISBks It was s to^ probtem at
first to sat tonwbantos to Otors. hto
toy taytortdlitaic vOttmiA
Witt tta wOd atotea dtottsa a
toarry. to tta <
raenlts ware tokated

■ by the
aad tba boar bum to tta ootffdm of tba atata hoan Wt Botal
FRANK HEWkERRY yasr. Ttefwomdtottto
Downay talQM «• tta appeaisaaa to a OENERIU.
Ptouteal caaraettoB Aad. MUJea t>
Btoafinc d^ smmkarahlp talk la w»
Ha Sarwad in Thraa. Wan aad Waa
IteeUv ban for tba iBABconUoa.
laapacter Oaaarto to kUto



Coldwaur. Sac. M.—Wood ■«•! >»
caind tatty of tba dcMtt Is tteBEarAIM MUIar Charpad Witt OFaHas ate to otmuti Kraak Ntebawy..sfsD
T3. taspaewr x«aaral
from 1U7 to ISSl. .Miabetry. bU wife aad tettgr to teO
Lmkpmrt N. t. Dee. EA—TIh a
to Btoss MJtter. Me af ttad|M
kaoaa taaate.
hara.; Oasmsf
to tba edrtl.
aad BiraBt< trastod a ■
I aad PblUpydaa ■
lima «as. was etoted ta cowi.mter tor
iriaL Miner Is sranayd to kittBS '
farad Oaolv A. Hastor. sssCur^Sf
far Hamir 0. MSM to Wifiwijto>a la iakiaet WM te I
tha atoatolna to aa SRteMfM paw
para pkaa far a ate
OexMaad. O, Dae. PO—Two ttaaoaadapawroactaattoSitoneitRrapraSBSU8E ftitaanr all to tte Eraat late
UiUaas to laaratec as tta Amsrlraa
la CUvatssd to­
day to Atenma tta prasrara to
dsrtat tte past rear.
dmfteaaWlcis to tte AmarUaa A»^
Ktos tor - tte Adraseamato to
oMela tor tta aaaaal New T|ato f
ct-incn at tta Wbte
Jradnasday aw*t anlr tta |gBsvslwuilitlm. witeA
aad Mis tM ttf «•»
tte weak. At a
boM maatttas dtt
matolac pteeaa papsrt
kteMtete ttara tofiAfte sm


iii Ttti iKcm



C. R A a-0teicud.»
«*• Mrww Oto to PtefiteF •»■*«*»
bra When Stetote Maaas Wan torn

bms totta OtaNsasIfc MteMMeA *
IteytoB nfbted dlraston sn «itefi4
to sraad Jtoy liltikUttH to nmeetioa wiik tte terttEWA »»»tt ttte
te ta wbltt IF pmttss wan
toltel Ikateaasto tte lallM
oa wa sot te ittda ptelto tett

UMa OateE ia tts 4J» to tetttoss

Tha Chteste Mtet namta ttpw
•a MllA ^ pcdatott tt torWtea


^ , t'_
_ 1 Traiver^’e .Herlld
mA T^ fi^ £a^


PririlAM TMi«ar«ad Thandar at TnvMM CUr, Mtntlwm. kr
.................................... ;.............. ........... VrrnMm

Tte atraaos dope of tbe past tew
•sekd bse potatsd to tbs sdsotlou of
OUbertA. Come,
Midland, bst
In his
psitr esa bs Indnosd to glTs blai 1


Takas freM Oroad Trsvaraa MarpM cf ||
Thk^ Yaara Apa.

Oeesrsber »1.
r. A Hitchcock is Jaat'coBidetina
one baoae and has tbraa ooBtracts ret
this winter If tbe weather wUl
aOov. Mr. Bitcbcot^-bashad twestyMz CMitracts this ssaaoB. and be is
but one of tbs Traveras Cl'
Wbo have a)l tbe work they can do.


Rubber Stock

» Bsjorttr «( tbs rtpsblhuB
______,'bowevo', is not sondaot—
tbe vlaaer onst bare the
51 oC tbs H repsbthans. Pviefat <3.
Is f»mplete in
detail. One Rdbben are
r. Wsriisr of ■Pisiiktort aad Nobb
and dean — just m fircan the factor;,
AAlsr of Detroit wlU t^poeo. Curie
St tonlgtat's esnos*.
Sevsrsl weeks aco Wamer made
Tbe fallowina offlcara wear akieted
bid for dsaoosOe sad proaraadve
at tbe annua! meeUngjOt tbe Farmers'
sapport. but mipsreaOr failed to cat
Mutual Flrj- Insnianoe Co.: PrealdeBt.
day night to spend Sondar at Hoaroe
ile dslms *o bare a straos sap
Wm. RMnle; vice pnaideut George

« Center. They expected to start Mo»
week ^950
pOTt Crun Ulow ratmbliosns. bowerer.
Hedden: secretary-treasurer, a
day tor an extended rlMt at Coldas doM also Asbley. Totetbar they
Board of dJrectors^Jaa.
may be depended apoa to enbren
WUliams, Thomas Msad. Antrim conn- Steele and Mtos Steele of
Mr. and Mrs. Tril^er BUtes spest
ai^'a.ssitaerinx It (be breech'be­
ty; John
Henry Monroe. Wtlguests of Mtos Helms Jobsstoa Christmas at Qrawa.
tween tbs backers ot Oorrie and tboae
tiam Coata, Grand TTaveesa county: last Friday lor tbe ttonclng party that
The Odd FeOews celebrated Chrislr
Warner and ADiley tends
Boros of Mnnising. Jn tbs upper poilii- Ad^ Utnlor. otu Whlta. Laelsnau night. Mies Steele remainod crot
with a aunwe and dance. OyaFldng the ^Prices
sula. BeprsesntatlTs Borns beUeree conntyr
ten ware served to I2& people aad .a
For some tisM past the departtoent of justice hM been attempt- will be dropped la favor of a dark that tbs ewerdse of tbs rl^t of tranMr. and Mrs. Knriper of CeatrW spUMdid time nas enleyad by aR peestP render valuable service to the -people of^the country hj btwsa. That mw* U ladleated from Chios sbonld be pUcsd on a par with
Herbert W. Large. Of 'EUenwood. L^e were guesU of Mrs. Kneiper's
tbe renarks ta tbe
Jury serrtca. HU bill will provide a Kan,, eon of the Bev. J. 8. lArge, U In
bringing suit lor tl^ purpose of breaking up strong eombinss whiA srbo point oat that tbe priu Is of
stoter, Mrs. Abner Novaos. overCbrlstihy for an wbo faU to
'Roy Sotewnre and ti My of T
town on a risU af a week or two to hU
have cornered produetion and fixud pKces upMi their products that valuble s ebarmeter to permit of lo- polls aiUKhit valid szouas.
re ^eats at the
tatber and sMer. Mr. Large to conMr. and
Frank Stafiord and
are above wfaai tbsp should be under the competitive sjrstem. The ternal dlsSeatbMis in tbe party.
etats Baaator V. C. AmbeTaau pUns BKted with the engineering depart­
ro chltdna ot Suttons Bay arrived,
certain today that tbe reforms In ^IchlganU Jury system. -He
latest attempt in this direction is the suit which has been started
ment of tbe At^imm and Topeka. Tnesday to spend Chriitmas with rela
democratic votes (or qpeaker would be believes thSt thras-foortbs of tbs menw
against the Kellogg Company of Battle Creek in an attempt to
Sanu Fe railroad, and
lives here.
Avidad between H. C. Glasner and bers sf a jury in'a dvil case should
prohibit that company from fixing the xetaQ jirioe of its products
of Uvinaittoo. be pomlttMl to return a verdict, and road and all lU equipment to be In
Mr. nnd Mrs. Wlibs Stites spent
tbe very fiaset condition.
by agreement with the jobbers and retailers. According to the If. by any ebanoe. tonlaht’s repobllCbrtstmaa at Crawn.
be has dttfUd a bUI with tn s proBy tbe lEa-olar' method 1 epn t«plan eporated by this firm the retailer b expelled to sell the food ean'cancas sbonld tall In lu parpose. riiion. Ajnberson -argaea that
Carl aad Vem Vinton save a very
Our real estate men have tbeir
>ve those aching teeth abeolwlely
product manufactured by the -oompany at not leas than ten cents and me repohUtans be stlU divided present system of compelUng twelve hands fnll ot ^!ne« even It It to in enjoyable dancing sariy at the town wnbont pain,
aln. and without tbe ase ot
Upon a speakarsbip candidate, a wUd men to ^gree to s verdict is nnjusi
haU lisst Friday ntghL with Mr. aad drags to pro
per box, and any demtion from this figure results in the cancella­
tbe tnlddle.of the winter. LsuaUr
Bcranmie of damoersu in search ot
tion of the contract to furnish him with any more goods made by iban to whom tbe enUre party and operates agalfist speedy tdsls. this time of yearAhU branch ot Wt-' Mrs. R. D. White as chaperons. Late
HU propoW taw WlU Dot apply In ness drags, and but UtUe attention is In the evening the young people were
tie concern. This agreement makes the retailer a tool of the
astb <dn lie tbrown is
crtmlnal triaU.
paid to it. Not so this year. Adver- served «1tb an oyster snnwr
I him from being a free -agent in the conduct
NTntoti bame. All |pr<
Perhapaloue ot The moat Interest­ ttoers in this line are'caJUng for
R^reasetaiJve McBride of ShUwmsof his businem. It is qncstiteed whether or^ not the case of the
ing problems to be deelt with in,tbe space and pu-lns for mo* adverUs-, It one of the most charming events of
worth. Traverse City, Michlann.
county wlU probably jwcelve the
ieglslsture] this year will he. explained Ing than dnrlttg the Bommer. They
gowrmnent is a good one, but when the facts are looked at iqua^y
tea propreanlve votee for speaker.
in e bill 4>l<h Reprejen'»:'.ve Geotge wouldn’t do this if it dldnV pay. and It
it ili bard to see why there is not tnfficient grounds upon,which to
Frank BcoU of Alpena la reparded
P. Palmeriplans to presMt. provlAng .wouldn't pay If they were not making
convict the defendants. It is difficult for a real AmeH<mn cHUen as tbe likely- diolee as president
for tbe steflUsatkM <rf Inmetee of ststa salea. They couldnt’- make sales It
to see where any corapa^ has a legal, much less a moral, ri^t to tem of tbe smate. A few votes may InsUtotJonS who are likely to transmit there wasn't demand for. land and
WUI Pay Hlgltest
Mrs. W. W-. Qow of Central sLfce
fix a eertain price at'which a product must be sold and make that be corraned for BenaUr Frank James to tbeir okspiiikS tha weakness which farms, sod there wouldn't be
niees for
and Mrs. Herbert Clow of Grand Rap
of the apper perinsula. for this post.
ipakes tori crljne and feeble mlnded- mand (or these if Grand Tn
Ids were guests at R 1. Clow's for
price stick. It » not according to real A
but Scott enters tbe batUe as a fs- aess. BepileeeolaUve Palmer preparvl
wasDt booming, and Grand Traverse Christmas. Mli« HUda Cooper also
should not be tolerated. One of the esnses of the high cost of vorlta.
bU bill a^ tbe reqaevt v>d with the li booming.'
living is the (set thst the people have too many prices fixed for i There has been a great deal of talk
cssUtance of Dr. Ji. Uenry Carsteiia
them by those of superior means and hosineas pcwitlon-and have ngardlns (be leaser aenate and boose of Detroit^ who U a does studeot ot
Mrs. Ctoude Warner and chOdrem te>
The annual basineas meeliiig ot the
dntments, bat ao far it has not
732 E. Fma Sl Both Pbewos.
eugenics. -Dr. Caratens believes thet Congregational society was bdd Moa; turned today from a visit to Elk Rapnot enougfi* to say in regard to the subject when they have to pay
all the bills.. .The common people under the present system bsve
Probably the blaaest fltot scheduled her dtUehsblp by tbe elimination ot day eveoing. resulting in the election
Bwyn HUl came home from his
of tbe iwetor. Rev. W. R. Beaver, pi
so.Uung to say abodt-the prife that they must pay fpr an article,'i^fbr this session of the leslslatnre will
the unfit. .;
Idem; Hon. Perry Hannah, trustee toll work near Boy City Wedpesday for
while with practically everything th^ ^vc to acll the same thing nauli from the attenpu msde
Reprea^iatlve Palmer modelled bU term: Hon. U. C. Leach, trustee to fill coupU.of days with bis family.
applies; th^' have to take what is offered by the combine of price enset a law providing for the Initia­ bUl
111 *r<<.Tif!
afterlthe Indiana law. passed in vacancy; 8. K. Walt, clerk; J. T. BmMr. and Mrs. A. A. McOermont and
tive and referendum. There appears
niakers, or else not dispose of their products. This is partienlarly
die, traasurer; J. W. MilUken, collect­ famlb' of Traverse City spent Wednes­
to be no donbt at present but wbai
and . habitual or; C. K. Buck, chorister, and Messrs. day and .Thursday with relatives here.
true of the farmer, who 1ms the price fixed for him on everj-thiug these reforms will go thronjA. the
Mr. and Mrs. Arch Brown left Fri­
iipon only such Crawford. UamUion. Steele and O/elthat tie purchases and meets with the same condition when he lu^s fight being espacted over tbe natore
lick, usbert. The meeting was fully
aij^tking to sell. Viewed in a technical a-ay the farmer is a manu- at tbe bin. Tbe recent **'get-tageUier" will be permitted under the
Oeliveriee Each Wedneeday
attended, much luerest manifested
faetorer, and the only manufacturer who has-mo voice in. fixing a republican eonferenec at Detroit
tbe proposed Uw. ' ’ ‘
domed an loltlatlve and reterenddm
OmW taw Icr
Nlnelerii thousand pnblle school
price upon his products. This being the case there mnst be a
Ibw, l ot tbe leaders asserted that H tcacherajhave endreed a Wll to be monious. 'ftae ireasarer'a report ex
hibited a mos^ aaiisfactor)' financial
reason, and sad to relate, h does not take a man with more than was merely tbe principle, and not the
preienteJ by aepretentaUve Willirm condition, all expenses baring been
one eye to aco why this eondition prevails. In the fii4t place the specific features of that bill that met
Maru oADctrolt, rrcvldlnf for a paid In (ttl with a
manufacturers have the ability and disposition to stick together with favoc. The proposal for the I. tvai-h. ns'jpenvicn syaten. The bill alqiti.a
left in tbe ireasdry. pinch to the aaland by so doing are able to say how much the consumer must pay and H_ then submitted, provided ibst
lolSnury retirement on i
istacUon of yastor add peoirte. Social
Uws might be InlUated directly by the slou afia- 25 years ot teaching, :
for iheir goods. On the other hand, the farmer has been brought
and benevolent work bae by
people on petltlona oontalnlng the
The annual meeting of ihe Farmers’
been neglected. Tbe ebureb lot bae Mutual Fire Ittsuranc-r CdRifuiBy of
up to believe that his salvation depends entirely upon keeping’ out signatures of 20 per cent of the quali­ vidlng tbe applicant has seried
the last fire. In the been nicely terraced and graded, preyears. lotludlng
of any pool with his fellow farmera for their common good, and fied 'electors of the state. Tbe
public eibool srstera of Michigan paartory to (eoetng and ornamenting
rap reaenta Uvea i
by staying out ahd relying upon his individual efforts be is at the proaresslve
ty. .lannary 7, I’.'i:. at
There 1Id ao compnleori- retiremen 1. the groanda with ahade trees awl so
mercy of the ones who deal in his produce and has to accept any taloed that this perventsxe was
to have tbe pension equvl lorth, which Work will be completed
The pUi^U
lent, a vU-v iircsldent
bigb to tnsurs'a workable law. They bne-balf^ aaverage annual salary of
figure that is set upon the products pf his farm. With the price
In tbe sprlDC, special ftinds being al­
pointed lo the oonsdtntlosal amend­
laat.lOve years of teaching,
ready .cm band (or ttie work. A par­
makers in the city in a position where they can act the figure for ment. ratified laat fall in Ohio, per­ it-e Ustjflve
to exceed’ >5M. It is snggeSted that sonage. church parlora and Bundai come before the meeting.
farm products where tliey please and the fanner willing to let mitting laws to be initiated
All members of the vompany as far
•be iwiii ons be paid out
a fund school rooms will be b«Ut in the near
ns loselblo, aro requested lo be -pnathem do this pleasant work for him, is it any wonder that the ferred to the people for endorsement
>y legialative J
future, a canslderwble sum for
farmer b dissatisfied with hb market returns and that the «mnadded toC ooutribnlions from tea
purpoM being already raised . su'd
n per cent of tbe voteja.
percentage of their
' Burner in the city sqairms'when he has to come fotward witlatbe
On the whole, the
At least two Mils providing for tbo
Church' and society enter ujion-the
atat improved
high tribute that U exsct4^ by Ac i^rates of ^finance. The solution lalUatIre and referendum wtU be In­ monthly •alaries.
anufartnre my i___
w-ork pf the new year uader most faof the situation lies in the breaking up of .the unlawful combines troduced early In the sesston. Fred­
■ teign* from ^
wltb encourseenpt aUanUou
homo . In the SUNNY
by the goTomment and the edncatiim of the farmer and consumer erick Woodworth, republican. o( Caneand reasonable prospects
« matter bow
up to a point where they will unite for mutual protection, and vlUe. will be tbe author of one. and
growth, great lofinenre and future u
Fk>«-eri. If >oii
W. Fhtok James, fepobllcnn. ot Han.
^cr onec united stick fur their rights in the case. What the
met Filled By OoveroerBevaral
cock. wfU tatber anolbet.
E. A. Giiben. BanfonL Pto..
TrmverM Vlty. MIcW.
eoontry u facing now b a condition that n-quires a drastic remedy,
Elect FerrU.
Both j^Obes No. MO.
dec SMt
Tbe ccmlrol ot prisons and other
and that remedy can only be administered by the people themselves. State inaCKuUons will be another -mat.
Lansl^. Mieh. Deo. 31.—Gove^to^
receive much aUenlon during
The way has been pointed out, now let the ones who are getting
■fucesed rbe up in their might'and give the ones who are doing, the coming session. The recent tsouhles at Jackson prison have broughi towiDc appointments:
the aqseecing some of Uieir own medicine.
IS. War­
the prison problema tnrdUy before
tbe leSIslaton. and radical reform leg­ ner of C>aaopoH<r
Bxecti«ve Clerk—R C. AnsUn
islation U predicted.
Lou to AU Eonppr >
A 2Vfi b. p. GaeeliM Engine
Uoaa wlU-be preeented from the Joint BUil.
In the desth-of llcrr Wsechter, German 1
prison boards of the state, wbkh met' To Bofird of ContnH of the &
trance In Rates Will Effent a Sav­
Cylinder bora d Incbee; stndu 4M
only Germany snstains a heavy loss, but hb sudden Uking away
r the iDllnd at Lanslns—BUlUn
in annual session at^raod Bapids oe
ing of Ten Thoueend OeL *
ItofbM, Good darias. bast matariaL
means a great deal to (he nstions of the eontinent He wss a Dec. \6. A rewluUon was Uten adopted Comstock of Alpena.
tare AMuaiiy.
Hopper ewisd. WelsbL 200 tha Starts
Matcnan of rare perception, and it was Urgdy through hb in- favoring tbe creation of a Joint prison
Membdr of the Board of Correct
aastiy, rens
MUW steadily; is i——«—•■
-Chfirillee-BUhop Jobn N.
Lansing. Dee. 28.—Tbe new partrU
floence that the peace of'Europe was mainUined daring hb term committee, to consisi of all the ward­
naltobla. durable and etmpicf srttb
nirkl 4
4a appointee of Gove
poet tow vlU be utlUsed to eSeri a
paUar. BssoUna task, taftary. noil aad
of office. He believed Uiat the best way to insnre pMce was to be ens of the stale priaou and reforma­ Connirki
tories. the tnembars of tha ststa board
t ten tboMSd doHars to Yh.•wtteb.
wired ready to rvn your sep­
at aU times prepared for war, and hb whole career reflet'to thb
of conwcUoaa and diiariUet. one rep­
arator. wood saw or pump or do aay
idea.. U waa through hit sUtocraft 'that the triple allisnee
tile etala board
ether duty wttbls the capacity of ISk
•ration. An
faaL ,.P«M I7fc
r,.Austria and Italy wss formed, thereby making a bealU). and tbe govaraor, who will
ship fifty- thousand sutoraobile
as a member as-officki. - TTie pup
llcenee plates to maebiav owners
combination wMeh any single power would hesitate to fight except
WH.'’jaCKB6n. TrtverM CHy, Web.
maU. Tbe former cost avrraaui] SO
ppoo the greatest provocation. Another factor that he succeeded in pose of this oommlttee wHI be bo de­
vise tDMna and methods for the tmcents for each IIcmss. Under the {WVCRsting for peace b the German navy, which nnder hb direction
provetnent of the ooodtthms of prlscels post tbe srersite cut, to about
boeamc one of the greatest in the world. Id the controversies
U a -pOnbed to' make tbe
which srose between hb country and other nations of the eon-| proposed cotntnlUee principally adrii tounh annual exhlbUtoa of^ tbe New
tinent he succeeded in scttliDg them without any trouble anfi al­ ory in-scape.
York PoBltry and Plgeou
Tbls flan Is looked apon with faror
ways with honor to hb own conntrj'. He^was respected by-fill the
by'taany bf tbe leglalatona
diplomats of toe world and could always/be relied upon for a fair
Bevlstott of aiecUon and priory end of the week. Nearly 1Q.0M anWhen buyins Syringee, Hot Water Battleeor any
Will Occur an Man* fit EartiaM In
opinion upon dl subjeeto of a diplomatic nature. Hb taking away lavs, and a re-sabmlaaion of the worn-;
Robber Sood^we buy direct from tbe mapniafv
tries ot blgh class Atickens. turkeys
aC -thb time, wfaon war rnmon are ao numermb, b a calamity to
snCraga smendaent are also ducks, imese aad pigeons are on
turera which insures fresh stodu, and btoist on thfi
^nad It the necessary votes
•all Europe when looked at in its real light as an internatidnal
new. together with' rabbiU. guliMS
makers guaranfeeing every piece to
fc which ve
Cblcago. m. Dec. 80.—
be aWtiBg in their favor. Both prop- pigs'and other wletSea of pet stock.
can guarantee any article in rubber goi^ T^hen we
aad BlUiiwra WlU bare to work fast
oaltloas racalved tba
The dUnlay id oW trwiU eepeetsUy
get ftoJter
tbe aenste. and a repobUean wCl be
sell it We have just received a bright, freeh. new
e at Detroit. fine. Tbfi ashlbltWe reggisant b score tba spring in order
gowns and hats ready on tlma. Not
line ofFoontain Syringes and Water Bottles. Prices
ratwned to' the United States seests Tbe recent declsloa of the courts that
lore stales and various parts ot
In' »5 years has baler eaae nay
I coastltatte
low.lf you are ia Uie market for Good Rubber be sutr
wbra' the. bctalaUre etecUon oceurs
Her in tbe year tban tl wlU In I»1S.
provide nr a recount of tbe votes
and get it at
roVtrlttW nnttiTlT too smsU to suit
cMt on sfnaadtiMiiu to tbe ooasUtaFETOfiKEToTAm
Ue .tBMjr o( the party iMOers.
tioa. Jlrectedf atteatkm to tbo neoee- fered
rred a kUfht..
kUght atroha qf faralysu for another 87 yqnrs. .
Next Easter tslb on Mart* . 23.
•II jpiilssiloB pujpoeM. however. stwskerriMs ertO be dedded. Candl- Bitr for rrions there.'
whfth i^numbed hU.Jsdi aMe, wbUe
4>i;af'mJorlUM are anDowerfoL A dstM are msar sod mors aomer. A Uw caupelliDg every qt^fied wortlaa In tbe Bump A McCabe bard-' ot BlBoe 1818 did It arrive. aobnei
rfpuUlesa wUl ba alKtad spasksr of oos, but It «sn be deHaltelr
. atsted
.. alattor to TdU at an (i _____________________
_______ _________________
e Stefr
Ha u4a takva In tiw year. In tW year It tsune
March 21 Not nnUL after tbe
^ bobea, a naa of tbe same tslth tAt at toa caaoUB toutsbt
_ , tbe
. . dU-jwtl]
be prorided in a bin to he In-jtp Peioskey bosfdtalv-.wberc hU condijwar 2.BM wtD it coase so early agnla.
irlU be nsiM fnstd'cbt pro' ten cf tenencas vU bq brfiabed away tad a'trodac^ by
sUn W. B. lion r^j.sthooLtoa.(Ama.










l%e Littte Wonder



First Quality Rubber

fin lamitiRSEnsi ■ Sin



Honor, Doe. Si.—crowon ot
BMlo eonoU' OJO or^nlilBc
> MleblKU FVBit Grower*' uoodOtteB ond ezpoR to ran > MBplo
israk. aa well m to prorMe n enbetuXin] MTket tor nU kts4e of Cnm pro4•eu. Rer. O. -W. m»h fe the preri«eat of emaiutloB end In
MmoMoUng «pon tlte work of the
new ■toTcmeat be l>ei the tollowtng
to MT
1 Me aome China end fal It nr
dntr to fortlfr ibe people In western
Hiehlan ea<B«t tblea thet will rain
ear muse end eor merket for yeer*
to ooinc. If we do not protm oprselve*
ealnr^tben. In tbe ilm piece the
CMUue ot 1910 shows thi
handred end oeTen nimon IroU tree*
eet out, nJt ret In beertng. One cen
see In e momeni thei thlna eennot be
left tbe wer tber ei;e with ibe presUa the west bes eiresdr alned
tbe merkeu It wlU not do for crerybody that can raise a bnsbel of applet
to send then peU mell to tbe inerkeU
for If they do oor outpnl wni become
• rtracb In tbe nottiiU of ibc drllUed
In tbe aeoMid place. If we can get
tbe nlnds of oor people together, and
inatebd of aorklng all kinds of ames
to show- people onr cheap lands and
thereby All our with reaily
casta, plan to help tbe people that we
already bare to at lid of tbelr prod'
. nets at a reasonable price and ^t
ont auch tniddiemen u bare not tbe
nubood to am a toUor's dollar, we
wilt sorely make a etep in the light
' Host of toy life ha been epent in
tbe cause of bimiaaflr, and almos^entlrely witbont par. so h comee natural
for me to consider tbe people's lights.
While we have eo many things to
cause U to slacken our pace, we 'hav<
znoi>re to enoouraa n> than any fruit
owing eectlon in the known world.
FirsUy. our grapes have three per
cent more sugar than any growo in
tbe United Slates. AnalysU also abows
that none of tbe apples grown west of
tbe Rocky
government test, which Is 40 per cent
acetic add. while in Indiana. Ohio and
Arkansas are apides that pass tbe te»t
at 4S to 4S per cent, while New York
and that aecilon can pass a test ot ts
per cent, and western Michigan prodnees apples teetlng C3 per
Now. U the people of tbe Tar west
can Invest as high as fC,P00 in aa acre
of orchard, and pay »tbe IrrigaUen
ps«aes. Idng charges dear across tbe
with only tbe raUroad to
ablp by. and pet their product In the
Olcago n:arket with leas than twotblrds the essence of our sun-kissed
fruit. I4dty the poor drone chat can't
aee. that we in ihls Cod-made fruit
eectlon. can wilt. .<lcntlflc cultlvaUon
de^ tbe greate^i drouth ever known.
It our lard Is sand} enough we can
• have a color that will cuell alldthera.
we can put onr fruli on boat soil to
13 hours have it on the field of conte»i In Ibe grenlest market. Whit we
warn Is men lo tbe from «ith i>ush.
hooeeiy and brain.

tailcngt. Dae. 3S.—Power caUle by
have been reeal-ed at tba CkSeago Btorkyards this year thaa In
1911.-according to fignreo nnaouneed
last night. Despite tbe tact, amre
money wne paid ter IBef during UU
than in 1911 by »S.m.7Sh. Tbe total
paid out this reu- was im.4U.«09.
Three rcasogi are given for the In-'
creased pries of beef. The westwa
states did not rnlae as many caUle-as
usual, owing to the drougbu. farmera
turned tbelr pastures Into wheat fields
and the demand tor beef Increased. It
was esplalncd that tbe population Jn
the' Uniicd States In the last 30 years
baa Increased 30 per cent. wfaHe tbe
Increase in cattle produoloa bad
been only 8 per cent.
Beef exports fell off this yeas, owli
to the big borne demand. In Itll there
were 47.000 cattle exported from tbe
CStleago yar^, bomparad with S3.000
this year.

Rein and Snow Also Prudletad for
Country. .
Waniogton. Dec. 30.-«U>ca] rains
east ot the Mj^lsslppl river, with
snow In the estrefiie northern portion,
are Co be expected during the eariy
days of tbe coming week, according to
the weekly bulletin Of (be wes
bureau. A dlaturbance central today
over the Mlsaouii valley Is raorlng
foward the ■ Atlantic.
"Fair weather will follow.’' the hol-

over tbe central and northern por­
ticos of tbe country, where
weather dorlw tbe middle of Jbe
week will be followed Uur breetUed weather, with rains or sobers
that win mult from a general depreeslon that la now over eonaern Alas­
ka and the Pacific and Canadian
'^la disturbance ertll also cause
>me snow early In the week over
tbe northwest, and If erill be followed
by a riring pressure, fair weather and
tbe eecond half of tbe week.
NBW VOnK—A private cable tnae
ige reedred today brought news of
tbe dealb of the Very Rev. LonU Eslevcnon, C. 8., superior general oMhe
Fathers of the Uleesed Sacrament In
Rome, yceterday after a abort illoess,
In hli slxty-foorth year. He wu the
foonder of tbe house of this order
located here.
QUIMBER. France —A rauttaea:
ly gale is raging with great violence
along the coast The seas are higher
than ever Wfore and the llghu In
several of. Ibe llghthaosee have been
the flstiln

Llkra a
for. In the
where the best horses are kept
I will nearly alwa>w find a package
HAHVKIJ.'S OONWnON POWliky.. It is a purely
s effect
lerr't ■

COKVICT CAPTURED t-.r.r.'-i.iT'ri.r.S";,

Price n CIS. per imdtage. Sold by all

I In 8e«ith Rend

Jackson. Dee. 30 —veilllam WUpy.
who eaca|«d from prison last June
was cnirtsred In South Bead. Ind.. ac­
cording to bifermsilon received by
the prison officers today. He will be
returned to complete a five year

BBl NOUSfll ill
DettM Tens Secured «i Sig
Oeng. ^ •



The Bound of the new bell which U
imed with C. U Curtis' siriking devlee on the big clock nt the State
tank bne ben much improved by
«fce bouse which hne
ever it The beU bns been moved
(reel Us plnee behind the tower to
u-UBohnracted position nnd t'<r>
boating hns hen oonstrocted no thvi
tbe nound is thrown down nnd o'<
In cbecklng up todsy U wns found l-r
Mr. Curtia that the Wg dock is o'
}BBt twuaty-etgbt seconds In tw.
months. ThU U n remarkable reert for aecuracy In n tower dock, as
■a that the nnkera of the best' < f
(b« hope fUr. le a variatlu of Ml
•rar forty eeeoedn a month.
•PARTA—«nu Hlaer, who rucntly
gutared lahulea In n tall, wan bit la
4ta bee wtib n firing pack krhlle playiBg taokey. and b now mtnns n fnwt

tfifitk ata tan n badly ffwuto teen.- i

Inleruat on Savings Acconnu
for the six moaibs ending De­
cember Slat. 1912. has been
credited OB our books and may
be withdrawn nt any time. In­
terest not wttbdrawn will be
added to tbe principal.
AU depoe^ made Jn our Snvlogs Departtoeet during the first
five Bays ot January win draw
tlree per cent Interest from the
»r^l day of tbe naonth.
You can start an ncconat with
tu :making a deposU of 11.00
or r-ore. and we.invUe you to


ntwnpIfiXwl, mim ot ml
is town fir fioaBter, aiM »ay otto ton at gooonltaimoot. Bond all ton to Min Idas Wtll,
who to etoM of V
Bfinld.John Wall and Hmiry
and Ooldle Trambley spent Cbrlstmaa
day at the Chaa. Irish home at Traverae City.
Miss Cora Wall of Old Mlaaioti waa
tbe guest of friends here Ibe last ot
the week.
Carl and Herbert Free of the upper
peoinsuU are visiting tbelr cuotber,
Mrs. Free, and oUer ralaUvea during
tbelr vaeathm.
Mr. Wraver, who baa recently put
In n new clothlag sure in what was
known ns tbe Huf bolldiac. b doing
n’flourikblnf buslneaa.
The Kingsley bigb school win again
rename tbe study ot i
coming aemeswr. Mr. Hark feels
that they can make a more tboroogh
sudy ot ue subject mb year than
last, owing u hU taking n courae
In ngrtcokura during hit
enuon. .
There wns n large attendance K
the dance Christmas nt^t. which waa
given by the Helm op
.Vise Jessie Bowden spend her ra.ntlon with her parcots. Mr. and Mn.
John Bowden et Summit aty.
Glen Rial, who atunda tbe Tra»
erne City high ectaool. spent hb va^uolon Bsalatlng In the Currier office.
Mlsa SutJna Workman of Travcfst
City spent n few days with ’ er grandparenta, John Hulctt and wlfa
Win Harrlswt of Traverwe City was
the guest ot h.s tnother f<w
Mr. and Mra. Chaa. Snyder and
son Ja<* Iffl Eaurday lor Ckledoola.
where they wUl apend a few weeka
with Dr. Snyder's mother and other
Ulsa Cora Wall of Old Mlssloa and
Mr. lianr Brantlgan of Lansing and
.Miss Goldie Trambley of Kingsley
were the guesU of tbe Mlaaee Jessie
and Rosa Bowden Thursday evening.
Mias Bdna Vosborr b borne ffOto
Grand Rra>ida for a vblt with her
parents and other relaUvce.
Mitt Maude Hatfield trf Chicago waa
the guest of her mother. Mra £11
riowelL Chriatmaa day.
Mr. and Mra. A. J. Klgbee and twn
(btldren of Hudson. Ind.. are tbe
gueeta of tbelr daugfatera, Mra Ray
BaMwln and Mra Tbomaa Church.
Qfra. N. J. WyckoB has gobs
Traverae City on an extended rialL
Mra W. E. Bowden went to JnekUon Tuesday to Join her huMiand.
Ura. Amy Sbanka went to Wind
■or. Can. Tueaday to Join her hnaFloyd Brown returned > Jadtnon
Thera waa a veo' good atxeadaitce
at the Sunday school convention held
nt Summit City oaturday. and all re­
port a vet^ Ictereatlng seaaioii. ^
-JMta Mox. Pete Manlgold and) Milton Femiermadiar of Klngnldy
leodMl tbe Cbristmao eserclaea nt the
Summit City M.' B. church Tuesday
John Bowden and Pete Cnribadt reluraed Tneeday night tram Charlotte,
wftere Uiey have been
tor tbe towniblp.^
Mrs. ESI Howelf went to Traverae
City ••edneadny to npend n few days
with her daughter.
Bari Tedman of Travprae City vis­
ited hie parents at Suminlt Ctly Tues­
day afternoon.
Mr. nnd Mra. Clark Por^r left for
Indlaoa Wedneaday for n brief rUli
with relattvea and friends.
Miss Mehle Porter returned home
Mooday tram Deoton Harhor, «b^
she has been visiting her nlster.
Mr. and Mra. Sam Boyd and haugbr Mabel of Oiweawood township.
Wexford coucly. were gueeta of Mr*.
Boyd's father, Ell Howell. Chrietmea
Harold SUnaon. who baa been at­
tending tbe agricultural college
Lansing, ta apeodlng bis ChrlaUnae v»cntlon at home.
Mr*. D^los KlngMey ruturaed tiw
Soothera Michigan aod inibrday evening.
-Mr. nod Mn. John Brown npeai
Chriatmaa in Traverae City with IhMr
unnghter. Mra. Bert Lambkin.
Mr end Mra. ;Chna MDIer eater
tnlned tbe foHosrlng gueeU nt dinner
Chrietabi: Mr. and Mn. PblUp MOler. Mr. nnd Mra. Art
three dtlldrun. Mr. sad Mra. Leslie
Tremaln and Mias JeeMe Bowdmt.
•Mrs. Cbne. Hoefite waa tailed
Traverae Cltg Sataitiay on noconst ot
the UlBou of bar danghtur.
Mkynnrd Davldaon of Fite take Is
ependlng the botdayv with bla bratbmr
at Snomlt CMy.
Mra. Bdiai Onrtar of Grata RnpMe
H the guest-ot Imr brother (era few
Mian Mama Wmnr ata Joke Mndl-

ai vn ujwai papor.
I nUnctlT^ he Oghteaed bb grip.

”:srNSrE-.,. ,».-<=«!*••• •

........... ,

bine Neitte snaMi ot Travsne uny,
R„,oidtole.) |«« young Whitman i
Mr. and 9dra Cenul Hab of Grand a com was belag preened Into bb ,
Phseker epaw'|Rnpt^ have raturaed to-tbetr borne taad. He turned JuM In time to aet^
Offord and '
Ward Ckftficb. a naar (rieodi,
Cbristsnaa at Bo^ey.
cheek under an ungMflixg hat. and to
Otto usd WUUe. <ff Bast Bay. attend­ Mra Ann Bala.
nee tbe yuuug woman deftly wblp'bur
the wttaMuen. T4)eae wnru all who ed tbe wedding nnd dnsca Tneadar
ivnnlant tor capMlau R**y Orayuen leavee tealght ^
tnte n
were prueent at tbe ceremony. '
rylng an Mm
~ ' I hi eouM raoovwr bb braatk
•Mra Pboeny Potter nnd Isaac NewMra Emily Rose baa been on ^ few dnyu wttb trlenda
maron were atarrtdl at tbe M. E. tar- sick Hat for tbe poet tew daya ' , FeraaiMa Smitii of Grand S^plda nuBMentiy to call to bar bb neeetbnt
bad become kM b tba crowd that w
aonagei Uuietmns moralng hr Rev.
Misa Myrtle Martin ot .Bast Bay arrived today
New TWeI Donraing
' ■' • to
~ npend
“•----- ------------------boarding uw
the uwis.
train. au
AU ue
be ueuM
Jemea Mian Laura end Edward Pot*
at tbe dance Tuesday nIMttday and a few day* following nt the
o4 »*, ib. pink chaak. n hat llmt
ler. aon and daughter ot (be bride. . Mra. Wood cd Traverae City b borne of
ct Mr. and Mn. F. D. Wade.
looked to his beWOd
jne cernmony. Tbe couple iotag to atay with Mra. Esra WItbey
Ctoa. R. Ferdman *f Ctoybeygan.! eye like nU the other ham that v
will make tbelr k
e on the groom'e
-.1,0 bu b«» tt tt.
to >h. w j
U. U>ttol U, > U»
farm near Summit City.
Det 80.
Don Dean nta MIm Cordle Day.
both ot eumiiilt City, wen guietir
abort time before retnralBg to kls Mwspapen that iiaiimfl —a— hM
Rene Bleamasttr. wbo has brnn riamnrrtad Chriatmaa’ eve by Rev. A. L.
home. '
arm. She .had taken his tavariU, the
Iting her brotbma, baa returned home.
U K. OuiMvutgtaed to hit home at one that to raaUy tapaatad u
W. E. Payne nnd family. Gene AxTbe SorenaoB b^me in the BrownGrand Raplda this morning aft* a '' "
tell and family haS qtristmaa dinner
eon building, was (be ecene of a very
few days la thu city os buslnee*.
pratty wedding Chrtamne day, when witb'George Axtell nnd family.
Or. W. M. Boylan, who has been
Mra Robert Payne took her two
-Took you tor a uewtboy, Md abar
Mlaa Bllsnneth. dtaghter ot Hr. and
risSting ta tbe city for the past few eborOed tbe nelghbrn.
to Traverse City.
Mr*. N. Boranaon. to unJud In
days left tUs morning for Boyne aty
Once mor* young Wkttma loefita
W. B. Pnyne end family were the
nage to Eneut siom. of Summit
at tbe money tn bto baud. B«
guests ot Homer Pnyne and family.
City. Tbe bride w-aa dreausd In a
bald tt out belpleedy. •€»» you beet
Julia Doran came home tor two before rutaralnfg to U* home at De­
pretty gown of U|^t blue allk trim­
thair be said, daaedly.
weeks' vaactlon. She has been attend­ troit
In epiu of bto tost, the memcry et
med with lace, The bridesmaid. Miss
Pour memtora of the Theatre oring school at Traverse Oty.
that ptok e..............................................
Gladys Storre. stater ot the groom,
Lottie Pay ne waa a Cedar Run cnll- chaetra left this afternoon to play at with yoang WbUmaa tor aome dma.
wore n dare blue gown of allk. Tbe
big party to, to given thU evening For Its «aka he look a dhdded Intarer Thursday.
groom and best vwiti Hannon Sorankirs. Floyd Huff was an Honor enU- at Elk Rapids, and tomorrou three set to noadsecrlpt bats and Waa
con. noth wore eulM «f- brown. The
member* play for a bona* party to ■erg* anlta tor several wsaka aftar^
er Thursday.
service was rand by Rev. A L. Tbnreward. Protably it wm tbto newty de­
to given at CMtnl Lake
Dec. Si.
ton of tbe M. £. ‘ church, and'the
M. C. Cats ef 'Selon, wt* in tha veloped toiereet that mad* btm noUcu
eaa ercalng'Yft'Cba stroet car wkleh
bride waa given away by her t^er.
ty on buBlnaas today.
was bear^ bla and a nambee et
Mlaa Edwin Obanfty pUyed the wed­
MIm Ethel Ryker la spending her
R. R. AWeten returned to his hem* oibare over to bto autton that dlraetir
ding maren. Twenfr-tive of the near ro weeks' vncstlon at bpme.
. Manlatae this morning after a few In front ot btm net a pinkehetaed
relatives of both pat|Ues wUscaied tbe
Mrs. CIttS Is on the sick Ust.days In the city on'buMnem.
wearer of a bins aerge salt ata a bat
ceremony, nta latv partook of a
Moet of the children are having the 'U H. Carter and wife left this mem- Of the kind already toadaquatWy dubountlfnl wedding fi»aL
chicken poa
Ing tor Manistee whm they will visit aertbed.
He wns nom* Uttle fftotanci behind
Andrew Starr retnraed from Grand
Mr. and Hr*. A H. Fisher ot New­ for the next few days with relaUre*
(be yoang woman nnd when on lotting
Raplda Mooday. where be baa been aygo vMtad his parents here last ata friends
oat be passed tbs aeat to wbtob nta
fer the last tour vtocs nnder treat­ Sunday.
W. T. Kaltoek of KMamesM. whe had been Bitting he mw that sbe bad
ment He U sUU iery weak, bnt U
ilm Little Ryker spent * (•« has bsMi In the city for eeveral day* toft a pareal lying tbera. He nalmd
gaining etrengtta al^wly.
days nt boms Inst week.
on busiiictB left thU morning lOr Ana tha parosi and made after tbe owner.
The Misuse Lento .Box nnd Iva
Mist Orpbn Frnllck U spending her Arbor wbere be will remain for a (ew
n bag your pardi*.- he said, ratotng
Bo^n returnud Thmmday from Char­ vneatloB at home.
bto huL "but I think yon left tbto U
day* before reurnlag to hU boma
levoix. wbere tbey{ v«Gt Ctatlatinae
There was a good attandance at the
Harold Uinleon, who hm boon viv tbe mr."
The glri toefced down nt the gan^
with twiauvee.
Cbriiunaa exerdaes. Bast - Ka
lUng with r^tivea and friends In the
to mlaa.- nta aald. -JtaBk m
Dec. 31.
took part in the program.
city tor the past week iefi this morn­ ever eo mMA"
Mina Jennie Ouff te some tor a (ew ing for hi* home at Honor.
She moved to tbe Udawnlk nta a Bb
C. Ottsllmen of Cadillac, is Ue way ont of the crowd wUboot t»Mr. and Mn. Glen Brugh ot Tilv- vlalting with friapdi in the city for UngthepareeL Then abe opened ata
Mrs. SMoma Kee^ef wns In Truvpinged her hand Into tba ruoaaaaa of
eree Oty last week!
a few daya.
Mrs. Kriatettar wgs In Travuraa City
O. W. Heal left this morning for an enormou* handbag. After a mor*
er lees proloaged "ecrahbto" among lU
OB buainesa last we^
a lew days buslneaa trip to Charie- contenU the brongfat torth a amiB
There are ueeUak* M tbe Beltner
Tolx sad Petoskey.
purae. She neannad its cenleuU
ac^ bonae Sunday at 10 o'ckxh a.
Ir. and Mrs. NIchMas
m. on alternate Sui^dayn.
"Dear me." yonag WhUmaa beard
key yesterday after a tew dayn’ visit
Hnallmantel. a dangbter, Dec. 31
Vena Hayea and: her Uttle gMter
marmur. "I havnt a tbtog but a
Tbe Chrisunaa exerriam /and tree In the city.
went to Traverae <^lty Ukt week
Al Jeyca left thi* meriting fer Cad- gnarter. I euppoae I'D bavn to gtru
was a grand anoeeea. “Hm tenidier.
him that"
see her motoer.
Mlaa Benedict, knows how to give a Ulae wbere be wUI be tor a few day*
Tbe parcel van taken from him wllG
Cland Whtaon ata wife are vtaUng good entertalnmenu She left Wednes­
to Grand
baaty eoarteay. Once more ba fait a
Mrs: Watson's gran(pnreoU. Mr. and day morning for her borne at, Benxonla Raplda
coin preaaed into bto band. A vnguWy
Mra. WllUamn.
D. A. tanaen and wHa. who Have Impersonal voiae braatbed, 'Tbnk
I spend the holidays.
Mary WlUlama enjertaiued her Sun­
Mr*: Will Lake wns mntne on Mrs. toan vialtlag with roUUvea in the you ever so tsneh." and* lb* o
day school class Tneaday. the 34th.
cUy tor aome thne left this morning tba paraW bad d
Grace Wilson Friday.
Yoang Whitman stood stiU. peMnb
Mra. Hetme wns In TraVerne Oty
B. C. Loke Is stayfaig with 'hU aon. tor tbelr bom* at Boyne Oty.
lag^'n bet you anything.’ ba ramota^
A P. fiheflield et Leroy, raturrmd prAntty, lo boaeeU, "that that M tta
Ivkn. for a tew daya. .
Hr*. Fred' Wilton nnd Imura Bate* to hU borne there thU moralng nft- very same girt, it to tnui"
one day last week. |
drove np to Traverse City la^ Tbnrs- V a sbort time la tbe city on hnaiNimbly and thsweleaaly be raabaE
Hilo Hayes is borne after a two day on bnalnast.
toio tbs train, naprtaed untD be fUfita •
weens' visit la Buffalo with bis
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Case were at
Urs. V. H. Qaliwurd. who baa been tbs flirt to toe bine aerge weK nta
Traverse aiy. Saturday on buslneea. vialUng In tbe eltr lor aevenl dan toea aaatad btmsetf dtroetiy bahtoi
Mr. nod Mra. Tonn«aon npentCbriat
Mr. Be was detarmlnad that be
Mr*. Ira Bare has retnraed tram her toft ttaU
would at lenat know bar next ttaa
mas with their son. btls Toundeon.
vUlt In Indiana. 8b* also went to Grand Rapids.
they meL
Erneet Helme and bU nlster were Traverse City on Saturday.
M. J. Aekafey has ratwriiud la hi*
He wna ae enfidant tbpt nngtbar
visiting tbelr gratainoeber In Grand
Mlaa Thao Bnriingnme of Tbompeonal CadUlae after a tew days' meeting had been arranged by tots
Rapids last week.
villa was expected to visit with Hr*. visit lo tbe dty.
that be felt M ssrpriaa wbon upon am
1 broken Will Clark Saturday and Sunday;
L^UMeOnrrY haa| he
. Cari Vinton of WllUamaburgi who tog over to call soma evealaga. ^tar
Mr*. Dave O'Brien received tbe end to apeodlng bto vucntlon from M. A upon bto friends to* PnrtfimaM ta
Hr. and Mn. Dotalng retnraed
Satnrday that ha( slsur, Mr*. C. with bis parent* at WllUnmnbwg. found there the gfrt ot the tips. Mn.
tbelr home In Jatikoon after a toit
tarktoeon tvnented Urn to tar. toto rtolting tn the rity for a sbort tonntog blm tost to* girt wna ParkteHalt with her pitetjtM. Mr. and Mrs
aob atotar.- ata itat sta wns gotog
There wns a farewell party on Jullua
D. A Randall at MHwMdca*. whe to pam tbe wtoter with them.
De.\ 31.
Schneider of Lake Ann lastt Frti
Friday hns bean visiting In. the etty fbr the
1b* rest teUowta Mtarally anoi^
evening ns be leaves to take* a poBl- l>a*t tew days left today tor Masfcr- They are married now.
ACMS-4krn OB B bony All had a nice time. gon where he'will spend a nbort time
"My dear." yoang Mn. Whitman
Rntb Bulua and Charley -Fanated
Th^ will to prayer meeting every
wbenever tar burtiiia atarta to
to kto
were fiodetly marrita M the chnrih Thnrstay evs^ng. weather permit-,
teO to* story ot tbMr aarty enoonnChariee A Ouiek lasvaa tanigM (er tart. "reaRy, tbe oMy totng t pottota
Chrmmaa ere..-H*v, Biley officiating. ting.
him neh time was kto ebBse
Mr. nnd Mrs. O. BlUera stood np with
Dec. SO.
catting and making nwn's garmenU.
tbe couple. Ruth
one of (he glrU
Mr. and Mra A W. Uta ef Cadilwbo has alsraya livta In Acme. Mr.
that I said a gnarter was too
toc wQl be guests of Traverae City
FUueter has bsM cme of the helping
U B McCnrdeU baa baan rinlUng friends tor a few day* this week.
BMMta tor blm, buL M a matiar of toeC
bands for GW Sllvun all avn
bin Mater at CtaUlac.
Wm. Urnen and wife' left tedey fer I weuld have gtodly givaa him men
r the wedding they held the
Katie South nta uhOdran spent tlMlr home at Big Bdpids after a ter bto aboea lookad as It be BUM ta
Cbriatmae exwwleea' ata after that ChrWmaa with mV. nta Mra. Ilobnea.
bnagiy. I’m gl
wear* vtoU to lb* cUy Rlth ratotlrea way, tor am I
they opened the town hnU nta dnoeed
Mra. Prod Plurau nta ttanUy npent
A N. Oaelay uf DatraM. arrived In
ute re« of the nlghL
Ohrtmmaa nt (he home «r Mr. Skiver. tta city today for a shert vlMt with
Mins UnsM Wells of Acme nta J.
Mr. eta Mra. Tate look Maaer with
^rlatas batora leaving fer MnnlsUkue
Rlckerd of Trnvsrao aty wero gnlotty Mn. FMb.
wbere be win be tor aome time
Pam* but Cmplr.
married at Traveruu City the 34th of
George BtoeU called «a Mr. Tfler

to tot-toTr: to

Mr. ata Mra. Henry CDri have sooe
«me to Btod ettyv nfUr menjung
hriutraae at Aama.;
Itaa Wither hanlM a Iota of boal
from Traverae aty for Mr*. Brto M
Mr*, Bmtey Roaoi took Chrintm
dinner with Mra WUteem at Bntea.
Mra A. Z. Green Wont ta Traverse
CTty last ,8ntardny. •
Mra. Bobwt'Dobeta from Traverae
aty wne in too*
The Ladlan' AM held a BtUe pro
gram nt the a^ool ihoma Friday aJ
tereoon after wlOefc a mppm- wn«

lest Thunday evaalag.
Franew Pierce and her brother have
Mae ependlng a few daya wlih tbelr
Mr. and Mra. Plerca caBed m Mra.
Hlekn Sntany.
Mr. Trier cniled on Mn. Smimou
O. V. Holman tore to KUtatay
teat today.
r O. V. I

$. GmHh ruturaed I* Me tame
nt Albion today nftar a wtuTe vtolt
with ratativet In thu dty.
T. r. Dewe uf Grata Rapita. wto
kas buus vtottiai la the dty ter suvaval dan Wt this moratog tor Marguatta wtara ba win iptad sume
haCAM MraralBv (a Ue boma . M> fiMta

paM wuta oe busluaat
[ Amtobta we maM bo. too wortd Gm
H. P. Barwulf ata famOy, «b* hare maBda tt; aiiemiBl M to* went «
been to toe clly for too peat two tom Tbsn wia»time wbn twun^
moBtk* toft today ftor Dorata wbere JS?letl^
CALOMET-^Guorgu IinhtmA of HP will BMk* toalr homa.
C C Gllltopa of MentoliiG la ia tta'P“ .
ogpar aty. a Cainmat ■uknit. wns
tUrvY Dmr nta too BoM nro klDta yemerdny while pntaHig on etty tor a tow days «• buatoan
socM to taota oAlmii u( Ahritath dam wttb the btot
a( a ahMEUA luoeNtag the tuB chaise
Alta Tlhtattn fitaltahum
Mtta ahaDMUiahMHMn. Thevtenra tack tram Ditto to ^
Um M the KyearoM nan of Jaeob

M nt tan
» bight hr to. J. ■. *ita ^'fiiMtoj hta h^ um


Gfifft 'Bi dead.




fuz 'tr a**. A. Wv

Fife Lake Department

V* wut to iSeTSST Dtputamt ct th«
nlM (0 aU ooiumvd Md to
iitx aU-iMm piptnaul aad
MMral titgart ba aaat to 10a Dam^ to be
taoomratad te tha D«earta«BU Wa a^aeUlb'
Uk ttat ebotto, fmanal abdetUa aad tba
Qnata fn>lA Jtaaa of intaraa^ in thair ta^aethTSnUiatai^ Hawi of aocdal eraitta aad
aattafaiaaBta. toproyfwiia bdar »*da or coataiMlVtail. and badooM thaagm ud tnaifan in


Bstor, putot

............... ' '•••
.C. W. qaih. tean awwoiOMti qaarh.
pmaMied Mim Dunabaa with a sift.
■which rather aurpriiAd the leather.
^•tyona IxR that 4^0 deserved It
and more, as tee U.oertaMy dotns
tin .wodc this soar tar bar xeholaa.
Mr. and Mra. Chaa. Panoro vlatlvlattod Mm. Boxbury Hohdar night and
. lAvd Bataa and Srrtn Oedeman
tank throe beet oowa tn Traveme Cttr
: nrS Bare. WBhv Bare and Bnymond aad Fml TbstePMn wm Tt«etan City anUm TniaterMra. GlBBsoea opoDbOkrlatmaa wBh
her ehildran at Jena Leland'a.


t p. m. fer




alur . Un»


I —------------- —^ —.




ta Tr»TM»« City.
Mlaa Ethel ArmnrOBC apent'her m.none wtu ba roe^ved antS fi has Com
eatlon with her parmtu
Newman did not go away forja
heea thoroughly dried. If thU
tarefnlly attended to It win do away
srllfa A lot of autecexsary work on the Buckwheat, par iM Dm.
' Sctool mmm4 ac»& MonTar mom- ion At Sooth Boanlman Thuraday and ] Chat. Bowman ft la' spite poor
tea. an«r a «Mk‘* PuatloB.
.{lmer IngeraoU at lAben'a on prMay.jhenKh.
imrt of tbe grower*
Neariy one hundred bnaheto of
CRAIM ■ Tluiaiau CHy «IBi« Cm
Min NoM Bctrr retaneO from Har
beans were brought In by team and a
lebool ai Blc Rauiaa Tueadhy. acoom-1 apont Qirtatmu with her pamta
rMU Saturdtr cTeDlaa.
Piieaa eomptuff Avutr tey.
bipamts by ralL
- Mlw Btrolya moomIm MtonwO u ponied by Ux brother. Ted. who wiulberc.
Pslcet .oonweted each day by wire
take a coUene preparatory oxurae. . * The Chifttmaa treee and axerofte*. 'b
» from CfaicncD and BaSata tbronU>
her arbool at Baxter Satorday.


Field Dewey, of Kalkaaka 00001
United Prou telesnph a^ '~
•'I^BipadBh-Ooraem, Doe. SO.—Mf.
Cbrkeuuf wna fall bmber. Will SteeL Tracy McTocsart and i^ren
Mr. and Mm. Lynn Reaaey vlslled and Hra. John Fewins and daaibtml.reitrr were all home for...-ChrisunM.
at Etberut last week.
^anheih. Ur. and Mra. wn Fawiaa
, lira. J. Borkbolder. Jr. ntareed to irom Cbarloa. iipiwr peninsula.
Buffalo. Dee. Sl.—ChtOe—Receipts,
Cbarloa Dexter of Benionte and BiM family, Mr. aad Mm. Coa'Fawtna,
' hMJhoiae to Acme Saturday.
Fred Beehetclne .has -bouKbl the
cam; netlva, ftTtn. U-'hOk- O
Myrtle Dexter of l>aveme City were a^ Me. andiMta. Cftas. Paamora had'
AlUe Steel aad lAcrte Lexter return proomy nnd meat market cd Frank Lo-—Arilve, steady. <60'1S- Sheep—Reat their home for Chrleti
Mr. aad Mra.
•d OB Saturday to Charlaa. upper pcon Bar at UaneeloBa aad uken ebano.
oefpta, S.OOO; acUve. ta(f«A5; No. t.
Mr. and Mm. Bert Barton of Tmvteaula.
fbe (amUy will remain In Fife Lake erae City visited relatives berp Ust l.k>yd BatcK and paronia.
f7S0. liogs—Recnlpts. h.dU: active.
•Mr. nod- Mra Grant Brooks and fam­
. wnn ailnmre went to FUot Wedaes- ODlil iprlni;.
Sf-UtrT-U. closing at IT.85G
ily aiwut Cbr^istsiaa with their dnngb• day.
Mra. W'm. Howe and Hlas Trosaa
Wayne McDoweU. who has boM V at KaaeoD Cantw,
Vo. 1 Mm h^ m W9
, Mra. O. W. Willard la eatertalolof; [‘out returned to tbalr bomee in Gmad here.for a ten days' vlalL leaves-for
her alatar, Min Haael Blerey. ot Ce- Rapids. Monday, after apandloK sev hJs work la Detroit WedneadsT
ropke b
. 4v SfwIiiBa.
enl days ns goesu at the home of
..rhlcapi. Dee. 3I.-WheaL *7Kc.
One of the jiUwaant rmnions of the
Mra. A
Meadamn B. C. and W. W. Brower their Bister and auaL Mm. Wm. Glide.' eesaoD was the ooe held ai the home
Oats. 33140.
on kira. &I. E. Brooks Sunday.
and Mlaa I>da Brower were In TravMr. and Mm Goo. Teal and .Mr. ami
Ur. and Wrs.'Georso Jarrott Chi
Sytvestee heed and Mannta Lake
«rae CHy Saturday.
Mrs. Leo EBli ot Bonih Boardntap.
>8 day. Tb« UtullIcK of W. E Col- spent Christmas with iholr families.
Mis* AlU Tborae rleiled her hrol.h- Meadai
C MIIU and E Chamber-1
y,Colllaoa. Jr. and Im
for A. & Case at
era at LeeUriUe Saturday and Bunda: lain ttf Pototkey and Mm. 8. U lift of
,pe*,c the day with th«
at 47G63C.
Mr. Uoom of Howard City H>cm Walton ^ttonded tbe lunemi of Mm.
Dec. SI.
Wm. Shuit has returned
from In­
Chrinmaa with Wataon Ua^ and Fred Mllb Monda)
diana. tgheiA ^ want to spend ChristJaiaHy.
Mm. B. Ralfena of. SprluMd bas
(Fiw Totedayb RaBord-BAkle.)
moa with hto father and daughtar.
Mlaa Emma llodan U home from none to Bout:. Uoardman 10 care tor
Prioa an^ only <to prtewAtedL
Tbe CSirlBKnaa dance given hy the
Potatoes began moving again yester­
Mr. and Jim. MaaiUe Lake and sons
ML naaaant on a holiday raeation.
bor brother. Jay Aldridae. who return­ Pilvaie Daaclng rlnh w greatly en-'
sixmi Cbristniax with his itarenu at- day. several loads being received. The
Mrm. Stimer and dausfater. of
TOPEKA. Kan —’That not one mem­
ed tram the CadlUae bosiiiial last Joyed by a number of the young peo-'
w-eighmaster was busy with local buslAlwlm.
, ■
View, are gueiu at the Wnr. Brock- 'laexday orenliik.
of the Ninth Kansas caralry. one
ldi Thursday evening.
Miss Esil^er Dimshce had-her tree nexe all day.
ot the xtate's most active regfmewts
way homo
Mm. IfaiUc Hilton was •nlven a
llev. Titles of Copdmlsb (s visiting and exerc|]^ Mouday night before
Ferry Bariiar of -SprlBBOoId ud h»|i|«y surprise CbiUimas In the abape friends here in town.
hrought in li> the local miBs ar<i thevCbriiitoas
Mlae Ellia Green of Xlntoa were mar- cf a basket of Clirl^ftas glfu from
Miss WaUh of Traverse aty spent over ChrisUnat. Everyone enjoyed’lh>- bafl a buoy day wHta grtot BaTeral.
rtod la Kalkaaka Dec. S3.
ter by state officials from II. R. I^pacme unkuown party who left their a few days Iasi week wkb bur aUter.
bpeaking and left with nutny words of farmem brought' In com In toe. ou .
Min Dottle Anderaon ot Trarerae Sill at Uic door and departed witlioni -Mrt.'Hairy Ryan.
hani of Lorton, Vs., a member of tbe
praise, both for the teacher and ichol- tut this to not dry mough to use and WhMt ..........................................Me»e 'reglmenL
City waa a goeel of-bor^K>
^^■jlwl^ delACUG. The ^fls were very
Mra W. Uarrow of TrAVerae City
1 thankfully r.-colred an^ appreciated
■eol Christmas aad New Year's with
a was in p, u,e roclplenL
her mother, Mm. Oeo. Dame.
town on business Monday.
| j^e FUe lake Sabbath tchoohhcld
Uame. who spent Cbrisimaa.
, Mlaa Marla <lra>; of the Peninsula la
,ntnal entertainment and Otirlst- i-lth his fatnlly. lad Friday noon. Tills
• gnext of bar coualn. Miss lAUien
tree at the M. E church tTirtnMr. Dame’s last trip as food comBalay.
mas night and was attended by
mlmtono.-. '
Miss AlU Thome rctnniod to ihe large audlene*. Tbe progTmm was ri
R. DeGoIlcr, who been
FbrTft ateool at Big Rapida Monday.. dared mostly by the children under sick. Is belter at Ibis writing.
Miss BUntee Newell returned 10 tbe direction of Mm. AlU Doherty.
Mls:> Tlmma Barth, who has been vis­
Traverao City Sunday.
I.uclus Fuller re|ireaenie<I Ssnia (nans. ing her parenu the jiast week, re­
Elwin McTaggan rnuroed to his The Dowcm orcbestm rurolibed Uu> turned to Kingsley Saturday morning,
poxUhin at Purl. Mich., on Monday.
mnrir, which was enjoyed by alL
where she to eniidoyed as a teacher.
P. H. Berosielne went to Cbtcago
Mias Mary UuiUm ot Nonhport and
on Sunday.
Miss Jennie Hager, daughter of the Henry Waller of Chsrlerolx. accomMm. LouU ftoop came Iram Trav- late Air. and Mrs. Gardiner Hager. Sr., patiled b}' Mr. and Mra. Geo. (tuttarv
orae City Sunday.
of Union, was'boro ai Albloo. Oswego
nuhibcr of rienda. left Friday
Prank Slaclalf was alwMneaa caller county. .New York, on .May 8ih. ISIS, nioralaKtfor Traverse City, where
At Kalkaska Satunlay.
and died on Dec. 2Mb. .to
.'IUh Uuitars and Mr. Waller were
Bom to sir. and Mm. Rob Mitchell home In Union after a long illnets. uited in marriage by Bev. Uochlln.
on Monday. Dec. 3liUi. a wm.
She Is suivhred by her husUand,
7*be ceremony took place at' tfad homo
Wm. Arnett relumed home Sunday E Mills. 10 whom she was married on lOl Hay Bntlam. brother ot the bride.
LADIES’ and MISSES' DRESSES—Made of MUc and wo^:
from a rialt in Pennsylvania.
OUTlNO CLOTH^Rfgutor lOc quaUiy; Ihalt ten yards
June 7th, 1W2. and B. P. Quackenlmsh The bride and groom were aitencl<il
drewsea In this lot; all this'season'a new fall atylex; w
to a cuElomer; for Tharsdny only at............ /..........................Ata
P. .Nailor has Inuyhi the meat mar­ of nfe l.akc. a son by her (ormar hy Mias BMherand Kent BulUrs. Aft­
and $10.00; only one or two 1
ket of Joe CUrk and U making some' busband; a sUter. Mrs. J. Carpenter. er the ceremony a dellRbtrul'afternvon
Thuraday only at ....................
destmtilc Iniprovemeuta.
North Springfield, and throe hmjb- dinner was served to the guesti
Rusarl WUmb is the guest & bU ers. Frank D.. Gardiner C. and John and Mm. Waller expect to make their
wQuxllty; «
gnndparenta. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Haccr. of I'nlon. - besides a boat of
p homo in Charlevoix.
r Te Quality; ten
Itunkeiow of Trareree Qty s|M>nt
Mlaa Rena liaekina Is home on a
h'unemi acrvlces were conducted
a few days In town last wedr*
iwe weeks’ vacstloB from her school the M. K. church on Monday, I»ec. Stub
The second number of tbe High
-Bcnr Sharon.
Or HOU.V BATT—SpMlal value at lOe. wm ba add. limit
'at 2iM p. m. hr Rev. A. W. Baker. In- School lioctnre course wl|l be idv.-n
poly 1 to a cuilomer, for Thnmday only at..
George FuHer was home from Tmv- tinnent at Hfe Lake-cemetery. to a cosunor. tor Ttoanday
nl the town hall Thursday evening by
•me City between trains ChrUtmas.
onL' aC. per n>D ..............................................
' Sliver Wedding.
HMiry Clark.
Mike Grtint was home from Tues­
One of IbQ most enJoyaWe events of
Mlsa Peari ITtmean. who to atiendalN-t ovruco.T. «,b, crmiw.
u. u.. y».li ll».:
day lUtJI Saturday from IVllsion.
Hie aeaaou took place on i-Yblay aft- I11K school at Benzol^ is spending
Grover Fuller returned tp hla school
and evruing. Dec. 2Tih. tPi:, at tbo holidays hero with'her parents.
ni W>«fo(il on Saturday slier a wefk'e
mo of Mr. and Mrs. William. Mlaa Lydia Sleflens. principal of the
' Clide. Ilf Union, when they ri
and mother, are speodlitg
G. E llodgee went to Chicago Sun ilielr tociiiy-fidb wedding nnnlvet- the winter vacathin at teat LeUnd.
There ware 33 gucxti
Morgan Btoele ot Smtons Bay sprut
Wn. JUchards of Oadlllae was-In Including Mm. Wm. Howe null .tllu the holidays hero with hto parents.
town Saiurday.
Tiersa INiat. sitter nod nWc of Mrs.
Oscar AnJeruoo of Omens rioltod
Sixwr Simhan Is home from Noire Glide, liolb of Gra'nd Kapldk. A sum|v friends here Tiiesilay evening.
Dame bn a two weeks' vamtlon.
luoUH wedding dinner waa rervnl at
Geo. •VauUInbn, who to Attending
Wm. itrookway lost one of hU val- .30 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Glide were faigb seboo^ h< re. to spending this
uaUo work boratt m Sunday.
tbe ruclpleais of many bcautlfrj gills. week with hto iwreiila nt East I.elaDd.
Mtka Grant was a buslnou caller at
Tbe. annual Masonic banquet wosClpirch Senrieea.
CadtUlAe Frldar.
Prayer roeeilng on Wedneeday even-. held at the Masexlc ball Friday even­
Mlaa Beulah Howe of Boyne .Fblls bjK at 7:30 at U. K. charch.
AO Thr—tfU
ing. Tbe tables were prettily deco­
to a holiday guest ot Mm. A. W. Baker.
^noday sorrires. Jan. fth, 1013: rated with assortod raniatlonx. Music
Gtango Fuller Is home on a two l>M»rhlng at tbe M. B. church at 10:30 was rendered during' the evening by
WwAk's' vaeatloo from Wexford.
Mr. and Mm'. Lowell Tbomb and
Russel Ttoom? of LoeUrtlle were
Obrlstmas guests of their iwrenia. Mr.
•Od Mm. A..W. Thome.
MIsa. Ida Hairo and .nieoe. Miss
Msry Ililre. who have been vistlliui
thetr sUter and aunt. Mm. SI. Grant,
totl lor Charlev.
Mm. Mattie Leachman of Big Ra|>Ida Is a guest ot her porents. Mr. and
Mrg. A. T.
Mr. and Mm. IVatson Raisy
daughtar, Fom. rouinied Monday
from a fow days’ visit at Howard
City and Grand Haplda.
Mlsa Edith Bridgaman of Mayfield
to a giMst at Ihs hoiAM of O. E and
A. C. Hodges.
Mr. a^ Mrs. & A^ RoMnaon ot Petockey wac^la town on hustneaa Tyes-

-^The Markets.




Local Mark^

MaKe Tliis Resolution for 1913

■ ni do'more trading at jSteinberg Bros.’ than I ever did brfore. I’M
get better bargaftia, feel happier and be better satisfied. I’ll start in
Saturday, Jan, 4, and get my share of the best lot of special bargains
ever offered for one day.
Here are the specials, thirteen of them.

For C^e Day, Saturday, Jan. 4


. 59c


■riiesc SpecUls arc for

Not a Garment in Uils StoeK ot Lakes’ Readp^to-Wear Reserved.
AH marked at Prices
to 4!flect a complete pearanee In Jaonary. The P^chaitorf Paw« of your Pollan tocreand 25 to iOO per cent
Net •■Over SloekolCaU*
bxl ■ FatrASaorbiMatol.
Well Made

Mtoa Martha Berwateino to home on
n two woaks' vaentlon from BeUalre.
- Barry LaBar ot Travorae City spent
Christmas with hto parenu. Hr. and
Mrs. B. L. LABax,
Henry Hairs and daughter. Miss
MUh 1
Bd OiUe and Carl CuapboQ Wft
baro on the 4 o'etoek train Sunday tor
. Poumyllanla with the G. E A !. Hnw

JtaT. A. W.
prwaobed ihA
tUMBM AaiBWSt of Mrs. AUoa Hufbt-

JflBlon’, WsHi’-fr letiel'



«T.St ; Yoarcboio»J«aior$lS
$9 : Your choicB HisBeft’ and
Ladies' $15. $16 and $20 Suits,
fli: Your eboiea^Ladies* 2^
$25. 27.50 II $30 Suits V

M.M for B11111 Finei 0>IM


it is the policy of the store
not to ••carry^er” Futs.
We nerer have. The Clear­
ance prices ofiered on a ftse
loirer price lot than erver this
year will make Fuiaquieklr
fihaogo ownen^p this week.
‘ Your comparison is heceesaiy to « tiU appredatieoef


Dress Skirts

In Chiffon. Cbanneuse. Crq>es,
Satin, Taffetas, Nets, Velvete-

Not a more modish line of
high grade Worsted and man­
nish weaves in any stock They
are all newdnsfgns, beapttfaUy
tailored. Tbemaioctordfsiaee
in 23. 25 and 26 waisa. Tbe
assortment is fimhed.' We trill
sell your choke:—
Valnee to $7.80 regular..«.9
VriasetoOO ia«riai.iBr$UI
Yaloes to $15 legolar. fsn..«!

•ff.?!. mn nrillM
for values rejiular $1S to $30.
Practically all Deeeadierai ri­
vals of advance styles.

ItacFfeoch Setje Stsses
; CoEdnroyi aad VelvetMus

WotA RgnlBrir 07.90 to laL

TiMasE nty Hi THE iijilm
WMch Show the Steady Pf^eM
That Is Belac Made Th#ti^ a Biulne<»
(■jr «.,a. HOLL^.)
<To b« «Mti8U«d.)

o( »e mknjr tesr pUew tkat Trar«• Cttr boMU «(, as4 a vUt to
this ptaat ti
TIw lull (oree of tMtreTA MB !•
kett iKUtantlT emtlaiM 09
Uma Tti«M are .in «zp^ «eri
aad dra«r the bliheet eracee.
Manr ImptoTeneau have
BMda iB the tmaorr thU rear.
It the omafate aBd
oee that la «
the wwteaB are the new armdewi
that hare been p«t In. There
Are 9t them la how and more
he plaeed. In the weat alto is
janog. Theae an all eight fee^ hr
rosnecB and enable the woriciBeo
work right op to the laa^ moMBt of
darll^t. Ther an alao need
ventUaUag and the air li changed
aeretai times a darThis compaar mahes. twentr
tinct lleea of goods and then
■ereral diffennt sUes. so om aixtr
drifereat articles are manofact
and all of them retiaire some slae
of tin eaa. la the old manner theae
wen all made br hand and only 2.000
.could be made in a -daf. The'
cnaae' of business neceeslUted great­
er rapidity and ao a complete outOt
of can making machlnerr was install­
ed, ao that now eO.OOO can he turned
out In the same length of time. This
alone meant the espenditon of orcr
9S.OD0. One of the big things done
was the changing from steam to elec­
tric power, and the Installing of in­
dividual molm
The plant has been enUreJj or^
hauled and Are. doors placed between
all the deparlraeitU and a dysiem of
Are eztlngnlsben put In various
parts of the insUtutlon.
The output ojjhla factory has In-

he carries a rery Ane stoclL Hs hat
at weU, a line of pease partonl pic­
tures sad high grade stationery,
the haaement are the ptinUng press­
es whbre be prlnu the ntoOo post­
cards and does a Una of job .work.
Tbe sseaod floar u fitted oS Iti
very Am suitee of rooms that are tor
rent, as well as the store ro«n on the
west side cf the ground floor. .On of
tbe latest steam heaUng plsnta has
been put In. made by the Round
». Oee intenda Jobbing bU motto
postcards of which he eanias many
fine lines and In saincieat gAsUtles
nil the rscmlreBMnU of the
trade, la thU region. This wUI be a
bqsincSs that wltl he appreciated by
tbs many postcard dealers In tbe dty
and Tlctnlty.
Mr. 0««-s family are here and «re
lirjng in tbe orlgiiial pan wbich is
Jost la the rear of the new building.

Umba of Tree. Startisg Sep and

MaUIng getter gattod fer I


maay. aad tiley are sJm vary salable
arttel Atomsheforbarais. We gHs.
tbtoMora. a Sbateh of a datsty tttfie
frame of a eery pretty, slmpla aad
rilTB shape It pan
paa be
bs made ta
atse to salt requlremeou. aad tor
Ue tmdatiea a pleee of stout card­
board Is used, eat out to Ue stabps todkated la Us sketch, sad two ctroular spaoee out away Asr the peetralta.
Bwaaadown. Aaaaelette (or
getber at Ceos ^ F
aay kind «f thick fleecy taatorisl)'
ahcttld be pasted oa that side of Ue
board which Is to form Us Dont ot
the frame, aad over this pale plak
U Ue dalrtmaa is to kasp hto dairy
suk Is plaeed. ed which Us floral deslgas sbowa has been worked.' The Use Uem dally. This is Just as n
aOk Mould be tasteaed oa-by stretch-


from frosL The i
to areaU bi friUt tr-------Us sap-40 the bnds aad b
tends to vitalise Uem enough to realst Ue attaUing blight of troet. Tbit
of tbe BSP mtgkt he called
a caplUary aetloa. aad oaa he Ilkeaed to Ue gcMle saerdsiBg ssttoa
of aa
(be hnman system, which silrtilstes
the Aowtng aetloa of blood throagh
Ue veins.
where the vlhrstor la nppM^
The system for Inparilag this v1bratorr netton to buds and biosMtas
bat basa worked out sad patsutsd by

dairy room. Maay who do a profltaWe
but modest hBSlBass believe that a
steriliser Is an
tsBot Ue
A botaemade sterfitoer may be made
at a cost of net amre Uaa 97 or ft.
Co to your loeal tinner or hardware
mrehant; show bin the aooom;
lag tt tightly serosa and beadtag R
over Us edges, aad jsscurtng It at
Us back WlU some streag adbeaive.
Tbe florM derigh ls clsarly sbowa.
and can bf eaanr worked from emt
•ketch, sad merely ccnalsto ot leaves
embroldsred In sAka in various shades
of green. At Us upper edge of Ue
frame two small brass tings are -sewn
on. by which U may be suspended
tram Balls |n Us waO.
Tbs photogr^ can be fastened
is their Places wlU plcera of glass
arranged In frost of them. wUh pa­
per pasted aeraes the back.

A. 3. Petertyl baa built a new stor­
age room tor his coal, under the sidesralk on the mwth side of hia bnUding that Is twelve by sixty feet, with
heavy cemen srall and floer. This
enables him' to have the
under tho Entire buUdlng
storage of wagons and sleighs and
tbs iron and olh^ materials nsed In
ifacture Of the sani
Petertyl's growing business made

♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ > ♦
«♦♦•»♦«♦♦♦♦♦ ♦'♦♦♦♦A
Cedar. R. F. D. No. 2. Dec. SO. 1912It looks Uke spring; Tsn above trees--

ArtMs AJwiPb la Oemaad EKRar
«bs Haate or «sr «sls Whsa
•arar la la Order.

A Tree Vibrator In Piaes.

Uay ai
raadfly separate into
Laat motde ta.a vplaaMs

of ptsata.
R may be ased traeiy. «vttoalariy
wfih Ue tender eesdllBgi aad eetttogs
be of gsad qaaBty aad fraa tma t
■■lie'■■ mvww.
^ to tbe totaratty cf the BMt- PmU
Tha predaefisa af rsota la yaaag ^
haaaa to nghk Ua oalpa
dsats of Ula deaeripUm k todaead ^
The ipalit, of leaf MSU Mpaada
was Ual the wortd prepara
to use Ue dally «>lar eseigy. eqwd to
ccmpcslv tt and to tb^ masBar ot g.poO.SOO.OOq uaa -of ooaL tosuad of
PTMtlM adopted.
.. -Ue mere Leec.q«.oqqtoos Of real coal
tt U feuBd tram «P«nsBea that
j, ^^ed per y«r.
the beet Iravea are than eotlected
"Out of tbe arid iasda there wfll
tram a wood or other ptacn whore tbe
prtoelpal trees are beech aad oak. aad
w^ Uelr leare. fan OT« a Isige ^
snrtnoe each year, and aatonHy decay
^ ^ ^ ia-goma: "torasu aC
aJowly. naU ^ braeaih the snrtube, will exMBd over the ptoiaa
fee* beccane ehaagad toto a Ugbt ^ ^
wU ria* #vw
fwhera. lasld* these wUl take piMS
Lmx Btold.aC good qasHty aay be the
photochemical pit
used to thm'rxUBt• ot a»**tABe^ Wthertotara^UeM
to ooapa^ lor paal
rbododandaos. aad 1
V a* toag
I plssls of Ul* deecrip- ud tovOtoatlcm wffi «
daek aad
las Ue ran shtoaa li 0
tt mar also WiU advantage he to- pe-eous dvlUMtlca. based oa osaL
corporated along wfU peat ta Ua ^su b, mtiowed by a quletor e»vlB*k
praparatloe of bede fer aearly afl ^oo of solar soergy. that will not ba
Planu of Ue bcaU tsmOy whlU are barmful to itfigr-v sad to hsmah
rrowB out of doorg.
bapptoes*.Frgtbcr. aoUtog is bettar anIUd Asr
tmpravtog Aower-beda. or tor addtog


HeinwMade gtoriltoer.


Ucd Iron; 2S gauge—a UtUe heavier If
ideae From an Authority Hay Help to he baant Ula. All Jolnta nhouM be
. QuMe Gur Reeder* in Their ', riveted-and soldered closMy.
ThU will make a ateam-tigbt
-----ciU Ue exception of Ue cracks about
In Oxfords Ue general deouiid wfQ tbe door, and wilt hold enoagh stmm
be In Ue order nanted. cays the Boot preasure for all practical purpoeea to
and Rboe RaoMdtf: Straight lacs. sterlUztog.
batton. Blocber and some aU and aev-1 TM door tbouU ba -not quite three
en button Oxfords being noted to Us feet square and sbould be cat to lap
‘cbont an Inch over all four aides of
Lacs bopU wilt be shown to greater Ue opening. Ordlnsiry beery, doublenumber; trimmed tope, blind and raw itrap blngea may bo used, taateaad
eyeleta, asd bail a|bic(a. to paitenia. with either bolU or rivets. A bolt and
plain dasiiu are promtoant. wlU neat sup’.e fastener bolds Ue dcor abni.
needle p^oratlooa to ptoce of targe The steam aay be piped Into Ue
and eonsplcoous pertorationa.
'and one aide as shown to Ue lUnstraHeoto eke largely Cuban. A new tion. A few boles pnUed to Ue betidea Is ebown to Ue mmblnatkm Co- tom wfll drain off
baaand.boaU baeL
'meam. it should be tarned on alow.
to pumps s great variety , is shows, ly at first, and Uea gradually
3*^ Seliems Tried by New Engluo New Ideas—flat bow pumps are com- a^ed np to fuU force wUh «0 or 44
mod. POmp tope are being perforated, pounds of neam to tbe boOar. A Ucebeaded. ^ped and collared, giving a *ugh atertllzatJon wlQ be accompfiMcd
How Plan Is WoriiM.
touM of sewneea to Ue shoe of sev. to from ten to fifteen mtontea. Tbe
at ■reimir popuiamy.
Tbe AjecUuas to s
Fabrics used mowly to topi^ are tbla. which coat IliO. aad fonnd tt to
in Ue old way Urosgta
men has always ffiveu rise to muU to Ue gtosay. corded efiecta *pie dl- be Uorougblr eacleat.
"■-------compls'nt. A new sebeae bas recent
ly been tried by New England apple
.^rowers. Dad'T Uls plan tbe farmer sells his order named; Black ealt shiny and
dull; tan«slf a close second; quite s
Net Only 1
t to Ue
Here Firm and flrauia. but
rgent (or an amount less Uan Uelr few shorn WlU Ud uppers; patent
it flafe -ntraagheut.
'•nil viUea The agency Urn dlspoecs Issuer Md eampllngs to white, the [
last named leather being to Ue tett'
M Ue product for as high s price
(By K. o. weutbbbstOKEJ
lie can get. At the end of Ue year period.- A few rad boou aad Oxfords.,
One of my neiMbora has hia stohlo
be stUles wiU Uo grower.
The n few gray Oxfords, and a few com-


■pabto of Briag Csonysd Fraaa
Room to Room, It Is IdsM for
the Mother's Usm

Mach Waste Can Ba Prsvmttsd by |
Ccnstrwetlee ef Rschs as Sbovm
out ot doora. to whral from room
Itwm and eepratolty cocstractad I
easy tntsportatloa.
The crib Is mad* of wbK* enamel
A well-veDtIlated nek tor rtorlng
rrnits and vegetables to the cellsrj wood, wUh toot asd
Mrs. Packard.and eon Brv and Miss
WlU mors Urns pay. to Ue prcveatton' steM-wIra ntoUng.
Riggs spent Christmas st East Ka»
tal finish
•>f waste thrcBih decay, far tbe cost' aide wlU a meUl
to prevest fba
of tts cowtractioii. A Uer of racks baby from bnrtlng Ua hands oa aay
eon, Elmer nteetlng the* at Solon sucrib rests ca four
be bum np la a pari of ^'rangb

Th* ®
piey are now ^^lying
enUrc ilon.
iMr. and Mrs. W. «. Cook enjoyed
eouth with B tobacco powder gun.
idant, and. If poaslUa. shut off from very ssally. Its wire spring aad tts
baring tbelr family with fbrai at tbe
Tbne are shipped la carloU to UmlsIt by a Ugbt partition, says the House­ AoM msttnas may be ralssd to Uns
dlBerent beS^tts by means cf screw
' vllle, Ky. There are potato, corn and
Mr. and Mm. Dnvid Borongba were
Tbe ndn or ahelvM shenid
bean fdanters. some with fertiliser
guests of Frank Hopkins and (nmlly
The entlra crib eoi I apart sad.
made of strips of two by twotoch
atta^menta. Another la' an sntorer CTirtstmas.
boards. asOed together to frasMS, to! wtth wira spring aad a
matic ccwB and immpktn planter.
4t on movable woedcB pegs Inserted, tdaeod to a large caaras bag. which
The Christmas tree and entertain,
There are severail stiies of sprayers,
to holes bored st intervals Lhroegh comes WlU It Pockets la Ue bag
roont St Clear Brook the S3rd under
a fruit pl^iig sack, a seed planUng
lar* made for the wheels, ao Uey eaa(be management of the tMcher. Miss
Inct cofl the msttnas. In Uto manaack,.,a b^n.jmllpr, plaster sifters,
Dorsey, was very good and wm
aer Ue crib eaa be seat tram ptoea
potato diggers, the compressed air
prwiated by the large Mdience.
to ^see. and Uls easy way cf packsprayers are In several alses.
tog win bs toaad at
' ' '
I Tbs lumbermen are wishing tor
These goods are sent to every roun-1
yaieoce. aa often hotels ds 1
'snow. Work U suspended In
try In the world where com. potatoes
ply be
'camps Ull it comes.
s are grosn. The farthercst
In tl
Ue Mytlrae the oU can be ased
-Uttle BUTsmT.' >> which th*
So,U. iMa.
child can be pteeed wlU tts ratttoa
o; O. F. lodge. Dinner and supper
or toy*, la Ula way tt win be toaad
This firm Is very much handicapped
4 real comfort to th# mother, ea sb*
In the Mi|pi>lDg of the goods fof ev-j Mr. and Mm King of CadllUc, who
may wheel Ue child tote the room
Fruit f
where eh* to ba^ and be aM* to
•rything has to hs delivered to the have been spending the past week
tbe upright ends Tha tramaa abodd watch tt who* sHsadtng to bar boas*
several depote by team which n«50s.‘ here vlalUng old Wends, expect
sliatee handling of tbe goods scTerel iMve In the monUng for* home,
times. 111# Arm have sevcrel ImportMr. and Mm Zote Cunningham entween Uese spacea the air can.t___
ant plans that will bo carried out In tertained Frank AatsbucUo and famlate freely at all tlmea to aMerb th*
tbe licnr future for th betterment of ily, John Bright and family and Mm
surplus molstuf*. Tbe artlclu can
well sa storage and trsasportsUon
tbs tsrtory sad tbe employes.
| David Bright on Christmas day.
be laid on Ucae abclve* without dan­
• • •j Siyke Odal ,tbs R. F. D. driver, re costs, are deducted from the grow sell­
ger ot crowding. The movable pe^
ing price. The remainder U divided
to «'-•« ced piece* permit of caay ad
Victor Petertyl baa Just wmpleledjiaeinbercd tbp lltHe folks ak»g the >etwcen farmer and 0
, the middle of Ue door and used for
jnstmeat of the ab'elvea at any spacw
a« addltton.
on the
side route tbe day before Christmas,
Thb plan, wberever tried, has work­ Most AttfweUve' and CwtwnleM Ara *
Is apart, or the eaUre msoval of a
* aV..... —- - - .aCSa
---------of hla working fariory on Bute streetl Jerry SuUh-an is In California, but ed wnU for boU partleo «The Indlf
Ue lArtleka Just New G
.V sepsrats rack eaa be ma^e
and will be used tor hlarksmithing be remembered sereml In thU vldnity. rereaoe ot Ue agent to ov^thlsg but
I eighths cf aa toU thick, ifu bolted
la Prafuilcfv
I aoUdly to tbe door to oereral plaoea. fruUs, and another for vegctablea. U
and tbe irspair work of automobiles, end r«<dar In a substantial manner, t:U oummUslon U done awky with, for
desired- BoU fruits sad v««eteh)<e
his prohta Increase wlU each Increase
T1» white wicker double wardrobes.
b^ at ooe end ra a htoga.
and wagons. Mr. Prteriyl mak«|^be McCann family are stIU
in tho selling price of Ue apples. Tbe for taby*a first things .ara very conThis not only mskes Us door mot«
a siwelalty of palnilng autos and re-jjo.ved.
>,ew plan has not been vary wldety
pairing the leetbcr tops and the ap-l Miss Anile Cate and her grand
adopted as yet. bnt it Is thought that
1 differ from Ue sin«.“««« •
)o1aiery parts and they have . auffl-1 father, M. C. Cate, expect to leave wbec Its advantages are fully known gle wicker wardrobra
which came out A grave to the oUer ead of Ue bar
cirnt room to lake care of 111 thatjihli week for Kalamasoo. tbe former It WlU largely sapplsnl Us old sllp- laat year toaamoch as they contain
staple when
ere sent to them and store them for to eUetid bustneos coUoge and Mr. zhod meibod.
six drawers or tray* instead of Uroe Ue door Is ahnl. and U held to iStoce
Chu will spend the winter with his
for baby’s doUto. Poor of' Ueee i *»U a ^f-InU Iron pin or bdl.
tbe winter.
This fartory ha# abut down for
• araaad the pear
The top of Ue
Henry Bryckson and wife and Wil­
few days for needed 'reinlrs for the
forms a dressing table for baby wlU
lie &-ydtson were Christmas guests
Aral Uine In nlno ysart
_ day aheU ahova. AU Ue little toilet
teetod agntost gnawlag by rabbits
Thursday they will rssnne busiocss of their sister. Mm Jos Hsnnan.
sitleles may be placed on this table,
in the wdtid working establishment ' Esther WhHs Is epMdtag a tew
while Ue tray* ^nay be kept for
ABythtog short of three grades of
and run rantinuopsty for the year. days among her Bokm i^Ui
Ue ttoy<dethcw-dnlyapples-to paeklag It uapngtaUa
la-the Beptomhor iMue of Cold Is
Mr. and Mm wn
There are twesly-four men steadily
Uttle white narsery bampesB.,mads
visit from tfasir rttUdcuu Christmas. deerrlhod Ue metboil of piling apple of gmnitoe patoa. ara among other
employed at high salaries.
Kera the orchard teaar of aB dried
for baby.
Jobu Amtsbnckler has a sew black barreU to storsge shown la Us lllueMr. I>etertyrB busi'nes is one of the
brash, tt being the bsrher for tojurttratloB. On Ue door 2x4 .sticks
best In the rily and It Is a M blvc span of bones: they are certainly
oua Insects.
la aetUag Us orchard sdU to Us
wbea ail tbe men are at weric.
cover whlU can be kept opea the
provsa wiettoa Let soma cat
w. J. <%ase exp^ to start his «w and no wsigbt will rest on the sid<
Ibe near futnr«.«thor
ime aa a real trank ltd.
do the expertmentlag.
and bilge. Blailsr sticks are placed
wfll have to be nedo to take^oare of Kill this weMc.
Anothaii tn* toatora to Ue ttay
To prevent rahbtu tram gnawtog
-Miss IJoiwey b spending her vaca­ -Ah top ot Ue bsR^ sad anoUer row
tbe CRrtMng Isdustry.
(Side tap, to which aU Us dainty litlb* bark and Umbs from saafl a: .4*
tion at Glenmore.
0 nccMKrtU may b< k«|. vhUe
trew spray wicb aoapenda
Ibe drassae and underwear may be
School will begin at Clear Brook
One trf tbe newest comers among
Is these day* af speotalttoi It takas
traced til Ue lower park
us to make bis borne home here is Tbun^ay morning.
taaralag sad sarvd sad sose oapllal
It A caavaa cover vr
Tbe Sunday school at dear BrotA
to make money growlag trait.
Chan. F. Oee. who baa Just
fit ite hazapar U aoold easily bs ussd
TU city dsalar pregu by I
the new two stnryt brick buUdlng. 222 has been closed for Us wlntrt-.
as "hakF’s traak* wImb away for ths
■aas of Us growsr by grading aad i*Mr.
Stale street.
rammer. Two little brass baadlse ara
hla badly aaaarisd fralL
flttod at OASh Hda. H>d a look aad ^
Mr. Gee eoatm tram TpMlantl Ssturdsy in Tmvme Qty.
eg vmtosblii or applaa sat
could bo attashM at tbs fitmt of &
where be tcarried on a Job printing
tt to battor M to dig •
DULUTH—Anoouncenient was made
s for nI nu{Bber
of yearn
traaah. PDa oa tag at lha g
today of Anal armngemenu by wblU
prertouB to that be was In tbe news,
Ue AeeUI oj Ue Wlaeonsln ' Transit
Mulch rasas sed ahrahs wttk amrm
pdper business in Imtay City for sevfar-gtaMs Ossr
•tMklsA Up the Rarrsla
company and the North Amerlcaa
aanrs and Uttar aa am as tbs
entsee yrara.
ground to wMl trossa. Do not Mr
ot barrels plnoad oa them. In this ways anrlvlog aad dspAj^
Mr. Oee hsd Aswid times visited
sumgs. make toottt.
way Uey may be piled Are Or aU la aoUtag quits so ales ter tbs wtg- wtth the
Tmverse City
wss so attracted
tortbekaspA motet pea «hes kagt to as aa- Tbe cersag* to af whtta aalto smlg|Ai
of R A wnilams tkn klgh. Where pDsd to mseh dowsM wbUa esooB cNpa.1 TUseaa
by lu lomtloD apd the beauUfuI sur- of Oevelnnd. Three ships are Involved^ height care must be takea that the be simply bsmmsd or trtmmsd *riU Ui«f straaga
traasa ecadlttoa as toag as posalWa. and la paaila The gown to aoaafto
| ■aeh adoorlaUaktodtouaetar to the sarast maaaa to pawraat wf
roondlBv that he oo^ld not reatei —Ue J. P. Bebi. Americs and Brazil
arad CM cf the meto arttotto ?»atoib
ds come < directly above aaok ban friag*.
rw tbe drssqsta and burapas oow A Jack. AtalUtm. bun ar aay large sal- hflUag of trass.
armUBBi fer tbs as^ig-viator a» '
the tempemture ,to locate here,
- la tbe ditamt gton.-aad wbrnw
ajat fleet* ItorT pique win be feuad mal that maat
predicu a bright, future and so
GRAND HAVEN-Charged wlU al­ posefblf tbM *Mld be ao plsead etpt
wtu bs w^
the grain In Ue heads srJB be-rsrtloal, very 'uUsfaeiav- This oaa ba oat •taUsd at aU dmaa.
Inrestad In this property which be leged emhenleowit In coumctlon
into the fequtral stses and Ua adgu
Tha WaiM Irca atrap tor a mAs
purchased from Miss Jennie GrsaL
rtaUa door la simple sad aMy toaaa- Uwahaharriod.
wtu less danger of cnsblBf.
Tbe buUdlng U not entirely AnUbTwo seto of outalas and eorm* •iraedoa. Aa dd dra from a wlda- . Fraaa a Bttla avmr P«ar
ed but win be soon. Mr. Oee occupies over to the Arm. Matt Malbaoh, 1
hagM ha bags m band. •» la «ae drad waguB voMd aaawm t^e parpqat Una tta maito ama yaar. ft arffl ba aad toUa ag tomrly. Tha mala
the esst hslf for show rooms for his cutter la Ue Mink maikeC U under!
- 'r. aad aay htoatsmRh eesM tooth aatoar tor yaa aad a paat 4iM CMma to he Aar U* bsada mai'
ta the maktog of tbs mkS aad tbe tafia
Stock Of motto postcards, of which
at auras
It. Aood was ptaced at MM.
to U* coObr
more.thaaJS sr M caats.
Herman L. Darling of Delta, Colo,
comprises Ue InsttllsUoa In Ue tree
of a sn^ electric motor having a
trembling rotary motion and connect­
ed by transmitting wires to an elec­
tric correntDuriug tbe moaUs of April
May when Ue orchard Is subjected
sodden freezes, by means of this
system a vibratory trembling motion
U imparted to all Umba of Ue tree,
tnaansittod to twigs and bads and
(bU motion starta Ue sap to Mreulatlag, tnrtgorstes tbe bods and strength­
ens Uem against Ue killing effects
5f thefrosl.







: U-j. .s*ai

. ■ j? ,.

( of perk. eftioH mU wnmm vaar Mtes water aapask to fii«—To oae «aaA of hattat wklar
thomrto palp: flam with eaaaaea et graalni the tpp of the tarta, an
_________ '
potBMa. ao^ with water, plaea a top eoT«. a»« ko« tor ewa ho«r.f Ut ooat. a4d «m •aaapoaa o( aatt ao« OM Hat
taaoa. mad six while warn with tbair oraaBaatal
Af^ Potptor-ftra
#MTtar half ctwai ea aa< beka.
that lab thiagh- nolaatw. AOd oae ot BacUak waiast awats: «oek Cor
weight‘U powdorefl aagar «rop oa
aai* rmM* Baatoa: aat tha» la a
Backhoaia wake aa ippitltlag dtah cap aagv. t»k»
oaa teawa. «ae twaaty adaataa. Pat two tahiaaporu
ptataa. or tato paper caaaa. aM Orp la
thM a praaarai ta thle war: Saaaoe with twapoeafal «< otaaBMa. aCipiea. tt better ft a (rrtac paa aa« w^
IT aad
clooaa aat
aad Mca.
hMoa BoO
to oapoC.tiiiiW aa»r. a MQ ««a- «lt aat popper. «ra«ai wtth «ear
aat doooa
aD le«ah« lor tt ta aattas aM t
foW oaehalf haar. Dao

eboppad oaioa aad the Urer of tte
r or BMBMgMfl^naaHa. aad a«d plaeolabaklagpaB. AM o
tWaae Ittoo Pla-Ftar omr head- fowl Add all of the abero ta^
oaghlr Afiod thar ehoald be paekod la a fett of bettor: apraad a cerorM of tor to coVar bottom oT paa.
r tat (thaat a doata awdlam aiaad) of dlenta to oee poaad of waU aiaaoaad
r. tlB for winter aaa. Aprloota. M«b madr^ohortcaka; peer late efua aad tan wbaa bnwaaA
g m cared prttaea allow aboat oaa taMa- aaaaaga. mu wan aad attf fowl.
the kattla a (mart of befUag water; may be
com doaafrftd had foitp mlaatea. paa br
aad add- apoHai of raiaiae or carraata. tto,StaCtag—Oaa amt of TtL>
tag oee capfnl of rich atllk.
asaw of drted apptea. a Uttla Mtfle braad
>»i. two woD
■parerlb^ to flaa aad mar. Oook atowty tea or Mtaao ug^ap
malteioMtar. ioao
oBdaarBteata. aad I ^arpo aald
to takae to
A adia or more H koopa baalda tta aeta to aaa them poaaroaelr.
*I• loare D)
to enuoroB
chlldrM mciBUTov.
laclaalrelr. mi peparo them pttqmrtr. Tbar ahoald tm.-pot the fbaarde wtUi the UgaM ptaoe. 6o^ the eparerfha la a graa- amifo the dniag. Thto aahaa «m> Md ________________
oeir for thetarai of bdi iShndbood. all ba.pat te a ahalloa pan that will bold and woagh 4nt^ to amke a capfal Ua kettle ealll ready to fall tram the mnall pie. Or «oa cap canned or «je»nod emraata. MU waB.
■Smooth aa a rlrm g»wh
and ererr, the dowera of tho Held »nJ aboat baU a doun aad act U an oroa date a paa:
alewtr tor tea nln- bOnea, than renore boaaa chop flaa. atow«d troah preaea. aaod with paan
Baak^ with Ubm. a awaM
Potato aae BoUaraet niiiflag flail
the Uoaaoma.of the wood*, wfch the- that wiU hah# them alowly. TO pro- etaa. MaB tmk taltaapaia batter, atlr or better lUB. ran through a ateot cat- apjpiaa and a tow ralalBe or caitaa>a.
gmrt ot maabad petateoA two gaaita '*
_ knowi;
right to ptoy anwng them fraeiy ac- rant honing tarn them two or three U one tnblasivaarnl Soar, then grad- ter..aeaaea wlU anil and popper, aad A Uttla «d any other tralt^Jalco or
ao loager
of aefi broad crambo, oaa
batter■Vnoi* boanflartm arc lo« to them eordlng to the cnatona of children, tflnaa while eooklBg and. bane with aaUy add one taaeapfal miU. ooe tn- poor in nemc of the folee In ^Ich trait glraa a pleaaaat flam to pramea.
------ ----------- --- ---------------- ---------ih^t pam,
wnrtOng them at aU tlBica akabw ihl% ^ Wca. IMhe applee are not racy captnl atock than the OTiter baaitla. riba ware cooked, and praaa flrm ta a atod makaa an anjoyable change.
, Vteo ooa matt aearch to teak
Uaa and thonia..
' talcy. a little water end two or tkraa boll flra
add a few drapa Jar.
Baata Clan Prane Cak^Two capo
ooobair cop at cream. 8att^
Daap aadcr ihagled tine and flagrant
“And 1 toaye the ctafldren the long tahlaapboafala of angar abonld be add- lemod Jalee. efea taaceptal enaa. a
u yoa like
oaloao yoa of aagar creamed with
f® »>« merry la. ta a ibtnaand ed when they *ra flrat pat tote the little aaU and pepper, and (he oyatera viU uke pork Um mpered ta thto «r better, three egga <whltee>eam
OU ecare of boot and whaeL
ware, and the night and the moon and pan. A rary nice way of baking ap- dlrtdM tato tab or lour, nenording to way. Beak thtaly tUead Um ta cold aeparataly). twwthtada cep ofV..awaat
Bella with TirtU rruittl taatm
Ue train of the milky way to wonder plai to to peat and core them batora atoa. IDo not boU tbe aniua enUI after water ter one bow, ^oaoa with nit mltk. one bewtag tnapoonfol of bakcmm tifetthtr aaekalf « cf ao9baa with a bead It takca a wnlUag
.. patting them tato the oren. Illltag the the oyatera are added.
and pepper, flow each allea well. Kara tag powder, om UWeapooelnl n „r ano o»«m.r,.r
'T *•»>»« «> Sota JoInUy all Ibe «#«- ca«Uea with aogaf and n UtUe dnnaTo Pnn Oyatera—Weak the oyatera j>icety of bot lard 1a aklDet. p« In U»- powdarad mace, ooe capfnl of itooppad one cop cf flow with oomtaalf eae of
■Aadblf the yew be aprtag.
fal Idle flelda. where hall may be playmon. in a eclandar with oedd water gnliUly. cr and oorcr with aliccd oalran. FVy watanta. oee enpfol of chopped pnaneonaum and two leral itaarnnnfito
Olowa Uke a rainbow wUh thg abtae ed; an pleanaat wntara. when ore Dellclow Apple Bread-Boll a doa- Do act U( than remata In the water; brawn on both aldea Brown flow ta that bare been tteamed. Line n cake
-owdor Add the flow enunnd Bhndow
may awlm; aU aaow-ctod bnu, where on good aliM appleo that bare- beon pat a piece of batter thy cite of a wal- grenae. and make grary with adik aad pan wun boUerad paper. flU ta a ta,- altenatrfr with —cn> of
Of many a gtondng wing;
one aiay eoaat, and all atraama aad oarefully peeled and cored, ontll they ant ta a paa w chafing dtob; wbn cream, half aad batf.—OMo ^hmar.
Uyar of the
bottw. apread a aillk.
la the atlfflr -------Olad beet and batiertica that coanot poada, where one may flab, and all the are partly tender. While atUl warm, hot pul ta the oyatera, aeoMn with
----------- ^of the chopped pranea. aad orar -httaa of fow ean. Pw the tottw
moauowa, bloaaoata and bnlterfllea Jhaah them in double the amount of peH>er and aalt nnd dradge thrae
a Cbnp Maitains MaUwd.
thto pat a layer of the unto, (hen an- i*
wMl buttered cww. aad —And. through the warm June bonra. tb«reof.>the wooda with their appus- floor, and add the proper praporttaa umea with flour; atlr trequently and
BomeUmet Home Cboer comoe
Whaa tartod
tanfod o«
oot of
of tha
w— otiwr
outer layer
layer of
or dike,
nae. and
ano ao
ao on
on irntn
<bui im
1( an
an how. Whea
ChUdien knewdeep ta datolea on lU tennneea. etc. and 1 glra to aaJd boya of yeaat The maaa abonld then be put one dr twp ubtoapoonfnto -»---------------------------------------------—..
_ .
. o™.
t aeroM a cBpplng
that reads
as thongh the
paa u twothinto
fuU. Bake
weige with powdarad aanr
•«* >>«• o»n Ptace nt the flrealdu at thoroughly kneaded without water, aa erewn.

ft would be good, yat tha odltor done a ofoady but M uuid oven.
fi.nro ttarbUf cop of water aad
AU orarwbalmad wlU flowera.
"Igbl. with aU plctwea that may be Ibe Juloe of the npplea will make It
not'Uke to paac
paae K
U along on her
bar own
»iih Whinn«a
n’hiniw.d cma—cunk______ ________ ..______ ._____
■eon ta the bunliig wood.
aomdently aoft. It abould be left to
Cooee|eta® flmmw
rdcommendatlon. She cannot raueh ■

More, braaklM aharp to let n brook go
To lorera I dertoe their Iiuaxinaiy

‘hen formed InNetbing to m^ nocrtoblng and apy,, following from peraenal «gpa^ ^
A fT^-.

wortd with whaterar they may aeM. to loara*. and baked when qutte Ucbl. pettolng on a edW winter day than a ,«oe. yet takamuch ra it raertrad flrrt
- T*.".
and add thrae^juarwra cap of ctooppod
A deUdona dtoh.
^ nma. aoch aa cltrocu onnga
' Tkc alope to rife with oong.
aa th. aur of the aky. the rod rom Apple broad waa the InraaMon of a etanmtag bot bowl of aoup.
price ta a houaehold eontert ft 1a
liy the wail, the bloom of the haw- actontlflc Francbmaa, and R baa alBaya a writer ta Good Honaekeep--,^^ irytog.
Crowd in a Itoteatag throng;
thorn, etc.

waya.been highly comroendod for lu, Ing:

“MeDd yow wmah lob. mUk paU e ^ ooe pound of pranea corar with freak Ram with lem^
n JotaUy 1 dertoc aad bealthfntaeaa.
I hara four adalta ta ipy family. Wo
.rnkr !eoM water aad aei artde orar alghL
By wet brawn stonee a few late vloleu
To young
, Pot ta a double hollar, aftdtag mora
tn the tCttcbac
Green Apple Pta li made from the r«r*e aoup every day—aex
bequeath al:
, water U nooeoiary to cove^'taem. nnd
The next oam cbkken ooop
- Ip a _
Tbelr little focoe drenched,
*Porto of rivalry, and' 1 giro to them fruit
that dropt from early apple winter—and 1 neVer buy ooop meat. I bi-cw and otoee In an old atnon and '
And one bowed ■"■pte atrawa Its red the disdain of wiaknesa and undannt- Uwea. .which to boUad unUI tandes.. nlwaya try to alternate u serriiig

laaree wld^^
«1 conidenee In their own airengtb.
and then peeled and cut up. A syrup aonpa. One
cream and ooe day
^ nnitd daaa aad
and rub the pranea before aervlng.
‘ colewter. adding entfldent
Seeded rmrelne nt ta half amice a
' “And to those who are no longw Is thee made of eager and.aome of (be rtock soup. Myj cream aonpa are •!--dr}-, Teke an old table knife and
children, or youths! or lovers, 1 leave
‘he applee were cooked la. ways made from Mme vegetable left
meawh' and I bequeath tubetp tbe ^’hen this bolls add the appln and
dinner. A fableapoODtal to cnfil- real smooth by preaalng with your to cace cupful of pulp allow om cup- aalad.
volumee of the poeme of Burii and wk tbuo for a few momenta Tbe clent for my family, I make a thin i^^^‘iii|^ra‘~Veierte to be Med 'k* * "**“•
If one wanu » nave a giwan vagIt threads the pin wood a rim.
are and or
of other poeu,
poeU. w
to ““me
AUfto t*
for tbe v>c.
pie. wblth
rream eance. put tn
on tl. stove
«or. cannot
ciot be
b. aicDdea thU
m. MU.
» ‘hen ready
imuj tui —.
this — ,
. ««-U.W
/----------- ot . ' ' ..
i«uh U. uto.
u»n wM.
-iuw oc
Where boUly, aa a aanctaary,
cad lui
that xney
they may live me
tbe oin
oM rtouM be baked ...
to n
pUit —-----way. bot boiling water has no'elfect y
kero It nneverM during the pir^
Tae annllgbt
snmlgbt filtora
lUtera Om;
*“* »u
• shallow pie .--.vw
« m detidoua bn It. 1 mended my tub this way nnd a good crust. flD with tbe mlztore.
Where tbe old road bpoomea a check- over again, freely and fully, with- TbU pie can be flntohed either with an Ing. Any
ered stole

«« Uthe of diminution.“PPW crust or with croasAara of sour
U to aa good aa ever.paafry. When tbe crust la a light
My atort aonpa are made from any "
with n -meringue, made with (he
as ©a
The King o« FruHe-i
golden brawn It abonld be taken from bones after the meat hae bran served
To Make Sewing Easy.
of two <d the eggs and two
mtacad dotes added to* the
Apple Sauce-Apples Intended for tbe oven knd flne engar alfwd over Ircm them. 1 put them on ta ertd waa email cake of white «oap kept ta tableapoonfuto of powdered aagar
aa It con a Cram the stove to a
a while
sauce abonld he pared, cored, and put the top
‘«r. ul tbe tame feme 1 add any 4eft^ the machine drawer to a great eaver whipped together tmUl eUtt. duet well ^ wrinkle,
Qnlct as worrtilpeiu.
tato cold water unlU they are placed
Mould Apple Pudding-Butler the overs; let thto stgimer for some time, pr maebtae needles and makea acwlng 'ftk «*•'
When a cake or pudding raaa over
to cover.
oven sprinkle ealt oa tbe ovea
tyiowed—bencefcnh not quite a eom- over the Are. to keep them tram die- mould weU and Une It with a nice crust •Inin, put aalde ^ cool, remora the Mater. When a thick place, each as >**»
odormUon. Pour a very little water of medlnm thickness, for If too thin It flretse from the <dp. which goes tato
cRWflng of two seams, to reached
Pudding-Take one and one- floor at once and the nnpleaeant bun—-# byway.
mi up with
and «'*•
thto rtock may be m stitching,
tbe material with tho
quaru of
^ o^or will dtoappear.
over them ta the aaudepan, aad allow wia not turn c- weU, -------------- the
•»“ oonp pall, •"*
-------‘ "
‘ prunes -Soak
- - tweot^
Btowly It
>. to sUp
wtih'tbe’mewre’of the march- “*‘0 ‘® «»k very genUy. They should quartered applet, flavored with small «nade tato a
gr^t many different
^d the needle will peas threngh *«“■ *»w. Then stew slowly two
a flab that ta to be broUod wfll be
biu of
of preserved
preaened ginger
ginger and
and well
well kinds
kinds of soup. Pat one-half of a yott u a. If by magic, wltboat biding or boon When cool 4nln off tbe Juioe.
tamroved In. flavor If. fir aa
ter highway
**e tightly covered «<»
and frequently
frequently biu
la ceatle eomradeahln
*®oked at to see If they nede more eugared; Botoh with a well-flutag lid of an egg ta eaebiaoup plau. beat tbe
bending. Thto treatment to per- remove toe stones aad martt threap boor brtore cooktni it to ptaeed in n
A mne or more
' then, swerving. '****'•' "’*'•» “>« ■PPl« *re quite of poetry, and put on tbe cover of the TOlk while yon pre pouring in tbe tletOnrlr valotble when om to aUtob- a ateva To each teMtp of pulp add
eontnlnug a UUte olive oil or
soft, atlr and mash them; add a lUUe mould very securely. Boll conUnuoua- stock and you wlU hive a delldooa jn* Meer town* or nouasellnoi and a small spoon of sugar. Beat
the ntiua butter,
climbing atiU.
butter, pass them Ibrougb a eOtondrr. ly for two or three boura, according to *oup-' Auely Aavo ed and snfficlenUy nalng a very Ooe needtow«atea of four eggs very stiff. Add
Tbe long ateepa aafely past.
la of sugar, gradually
on a flaj dish cooked by tbe bot Hock. The waya to
When tuning a hem of a gored <
Brnkfost Mockarel
ffbr on the high ereat of a brooding “ ‘ke
'• “> »>• “»«<l *l‘*» ?«*- ‘k* »l»«. “A ‘
aweeteh moderately before tej.(ing with grtat careBTien it comes out
use thto
stock i
> to iklrt.
tun the fint hem and run by beating all tbe time, nen add
Book tbe .........................
saU a
away to cool, otherwise a liberal use firm and ahapely this to a very at- mention. Your aemp wUl coatuotbing band with a atagle thread. Then tun prunea Bake twwty <ninntea In eery pmta a skUlet In odd water; let thin
Tla aomewbere lost at last.
of augnr Is more agreenbte. A gen- tractive lookingpudding. Serve with <f Too remember jto nlways use
left- the hem up the'detired de^ and stew oven. Serve wMh whined eome to a Doll and then poor off. add '
fot«i>^eilv«l'—il(ea-flret endeavor ««>“• sprinkling of ctanamofi ot a a Bard sauce.
draw tbe thread to make tt fit In- creem. aweeteuod and flavored.
coM water and let It <
® daah Of nutmeg. McoidlDg
. . _ 'to. Uate.
BoUed Apple Pudding—Make
Pudding-Make a nice
A epectol favo^te
faraite made from this
atead of having plaiu told oa the bem.
Prune Sfaon Oake—Two heaping g aogg. then uke up the <teh aad
Another method of pie crust, and llM with It a bowl that stock to: T.-y two large onlona unUl arhlcb leaves poinu at the Ihwer edge teMpoonfuJa of baklog powder ained sprnd 'over with butter, then dredge
Oamre'sBd nnwith tev all nudlmln- luahlDg apple aauce Is the following: has been weU buttered; then flll with, brown. Iq butter,I stir in a deeaert of tbe skirt, you wlU have tbe smaU Into one qawt of floor, a smaR teaBoor and brawn In the oven. ;
Make a syrup and when U to ttaoroiigh- sliced apples and sugar enough to spoonful of flour;]ad a cupfoi of stew- gHthen which Insure a smooth lying cupful of batter, one tabtespoonful ->f
Creamed Mackerel—Hash . a asH '
-Still Mser to have messedlulled dnip tbe |weled and g:>nr- .moleten tbem. and the peel and Juice ed tomato, two capful* of sto^; salt bem and a pei;focUy even akin at the angar. and sweet milk eooogfa to fbake macAerel and soak twenty-four hoars
Mow bv the ^v roedwev iravel-trod.
*" «• They should boll Of.ent lemon; cover with paste and »od sugar; let ccK* until thick; strata, bottom.
a aofl dod^ Divide tbe dough tato m cold wmer; to oM mackarel aflfl
Now ta the opens' light.
^ken be well mashed, pinch the'edMs together; thn lie tbe serve whipped crqam on top. Tbe toTo thread a needle eaiUy. cut the two flarte. aad roll aach part almost oneAalf pint of
Pat Into, a
Mow iB B BhBdowed .vi.~ anart with
fuskes a richer sauce than when howl aecurely In a floured cloth, and omto nod onion jwhtcb to left nfter thread on tbe btoa with a ectoson. aa thin h pie must. Lay one os. a floodente oven and
cm biw.
tke applet and sugar are boiled to- put tato rapidly bolUng water. • It strataing to dcllclqus by adding a little This does away with the aggravnUng brttag tin. spend a little butter over Before the fleh to dOM drop bfts of
^ mounteta’B hetahL
aether, or when the tatter to ad tod abonld boll from two hours to two curry, stuffing gr^ pePPer ahetls small futay atrud which juu have to aad oprlnkle «m n little flour. Then
gpon it.
no -on um
according to sire, with It and taking. Yon can see there contend with when the thread to lay the other layer of cnirt on aad
-----------------------S. to hBVB tevBd-the children in their
Apple Bhortcahe-ThU la no> ao nnd should not be allowed to atop never need be nn^ waste of good food, broken or bitten off. This also bolds baka Tbn tUp «» a holPlattor. Ufl
To Work Bealtepa.
^ Strawberry shoftca'^c. boUIng for one moment. It la very
A delirious cream soup to made by ge«d wlih darning ootton or tape.,
off (be top toyer. apread on butter.
There to a very Important point Jh .
- Maying.
but It Is equnlly good when writ nice served with cream alona or with frying tbe ontenf In butter, adding
and cover plentlfaUr with prunea pre-regnnl to making ecaUttea That to.
The tnUer ctene'nt hand.

to made and cut out,
Tbe dumb things round me:
plea makes a lartleutorly delloious ''oid-Psahloned Apple Pie—FW a stock. Thto needinot be atnlned.
A little oulflt that vrlll add to the Lay tbe top Isyer on crest aide np.
^ over tt again with a tiny bot. btessins. praying.
_ .The-usual directions fo' the deep, yellow pie dish with pared apLook Inw your relrigerator. use comfort oT tbe woman who has Ironing to be
tonhote rttuA. Thto prevenu fraying
A pilgrim ta the laud:
teak to ^ tu skoBcake part rrenli in Ibe plainest pies eUced very thin; then cover with Tpur common acnae and your soup will to do may be purchased for a very
and gives body and flnish to the sealBtrivlttg no taader
Laft-Oirar fltew.
of soda biscuits; .but thto to a great a aobauatlal crust and bake: when bg delirious.
imall sum.
abort, a^th.
Onedialf of a cold bertsteak cut In
mtotake. aa such Sliahei are not aup- browned to a tore, slip the knife
-er:— -------------On one end of a short,
No happy trail to mtoa—
white board
board to
to tacked
tacked aa piece
piece «*
A eoft.
soft, bits, part of bowl of gravy,
.. fc— ter.
.11 .K.
P"*«< to be concocted with a single around Oe Inner edge, take off the
Park Olahea.
. add OMFor tha Heme Milliner,
BO to Mve tail, wnen aii uic way wag
aurrary. cover and turn bottom upward on a
Chips With Powdered Sage and Oa- coaree muslin. neaUy told In several half pint of hot water, simmer ftfteeo
la sewing trimmings on a hat it to
M-hai is needed to a reasonably ptol.r plate; then add a generoua supply of ton-Trim off ibq skin, and tbe fat. folds; on tbe other end a abort of the minutes: add n saucer of cold spar hard for the borne mlUlner to conceal,
A memory tike tbtol
le cold hard boO-. UIV
to faatened; acrew- hetU cut ta
Ids crest, which, being handled like sugar, cinnamon aad clove* to the ap- rob each chop wit|i a mlsture of pow- llnert emery
- (he VUUB
onde 1^1
of Uie
(he threads.-b«.
WW. «.
If /you
ww «•
—Nancy Byrd Tunwr, ta Youth's Com­
^ ^
Instead of drawIinff paaie. can be made vety- olec. ides; mash all together and spread dered sage and oplon; Melt a imall cd securely between th«M to % amall ed egg. chopped ta blu. n saucer of
. aad near by .to a cake
^ ^
This paste shduld be rOJteO ta lao evenly on the ISterted crust. After Piece of.butter or; beef net ta a fry- .Iron stand
of cold boiled —...
poUtoee sliced .V.-;
thin; ee^




thin Uyers and lighilj baked on a Jelly grating nutmeg over tt tbe dtob to tag pan. place the chops ta a»d cook was incteaed ta a Itara cover. Thus aon with aalt. paprlks or pepper,
'■ aad
k*” otter ..ourtag
suoartag the
tbe trtmmlng,
trimming lie
tie the
tin, ptectai one on top of the other served cold with cream. etowlj.
every accessory
neceeaory of Irontag to at band then add onedialf
one-half teaspoon of ertra* ,

. oSo*
will bo
• UtUe by little (be time goei by->
-(^t in
nnd the buay
remoring the
the of
of beef
beef dtoaolved
dtoaolved In
ta aa tablespoon
but being rareful nos-io preia thorn toDellcloui Brown Betty—Butter a
Baked Bacon-(^t
In sileae
sllcee aa
as yon
yen andthe
tableapoon of
of ,^
• abort If yon stag through It. long
geihcr. When baked they can be deep pudding dish and ptace a layer would to fry . Uytag te a baking pan. iron from the grand, tnkee off all rtray hotting bot w«er to brown the stew.

If yon nigh:
eeparated wliB much greater eaM of finely chopped applet tn the bol- and place ta a hot oven.
, starch by means of the emery, poltob- and one-hnlf m tablespoon of bnttee.
Te-Serra With Chtohaik
• Uitte by mtio—an hour, a day.
than If made Into one cake and pulled tom: tben add a layer of very .fine Porcemfoi of Sanaaga—Take oqnal os the. aurface on the wax and gtvea Cook ton mlnutea. If a
little dry add
cranbarvy or larberry sauoe.sjdccd
• Gone with the yean that have
apart. The rich apple sauce shyiM braadcrumba. aprlakle with sugar and quantlile* of aansage meat and bread the flntohtag toodb by rabblnff tbe bot more hot weter. BUr carefully and enrranla. tour grape or crabapple My
• ' vanished away:
then be liberally apread between the aplce; add a little butter, tben another or cracker crumb*;.add twq large Iron over the thick folds of the cloth, hare tt eteamy aad brown. DelUcow
to be the ffaven which Bt In
• Uille by little the race to ran.
two layer* of crett-and, on top, and toyer of arptaa. and so on .unUl the spoonfuls of bolter. •«*>«> »«th aalt.
and oconomlcaL
test with tortey cr cblcken. In addh
• Trouble and watting and toll are
nerved with cream.
dtob to Oiled. The top laywr should iapiwr and mace and the beaten yolks
Royal Salmon floiidwtohes.
t... Ti;;—^
Uon. ollvea. cetoo. IMtle pickles sod .

Apple UumpUngs—Quarter and core, be of the crumbs seaaoned to taite.'of two eggn.
or bako oS you do
Chop flne one can of mlmoa; add
DetechMie coiia^ staym. ^ ^
• UtUe by little-Ybe wortd grows
. Aa easy aad oonvenlOBt way of pat■fier peeling one apple for each Bake In a moderate oven untD quite
sausage. /
one cup of bread crumbs, ouk egg. 0

nit Oveo HIM.
dumpling tben put the parts together brown, aad eerve while bot. eltner
Roast 'Spare Rita—Ctrt off' rongb Ubleapoonfnl of melted taiUer: aeaa . ting collar atayt In thwooltor without
• RghUhg the battles of rtghi and
. aewlng tbem .ta each
Btleca ef bread .pkewl —
oo —
the --—
with sugar in
In me
the miuaie.
middle. J--nv«-iop
Rar«-io'p wim
oraa uaru
sauce, eou*.
ends, ciai*
the nra
rthe acma
across tne
tbe niwue.
mlddla with salt
•».. and
««u pepper.
... time
. k. •the .waist
• ti..trTri...te .a. .. .................*nple in pie cruai. and (f they
Baked Apple Puddlng-Pare. quar- mb with aalt. aprtakle with ptpper. and pack into Iwo one-pound baking
back from the Utondry to to
,m oven end allowad M brewp
UlUe by llltle the wrong ghee ^ „e to be baked set them ta a pat like ter and core six good alxod apples, and fold orer. stuff with bread dressing powder caag well greased IntMe; put
toand to bare
blacults; If boiled, put each dumi-Ung boll them ta a small quantity of water sew up tlgbUy. place ta a pan with a the Uds oa and boil them for one asd
‘h" ««h‘. lasHu* ‘be . rtag nutty torer agllke that e( <m• Uilie'by little right has away:
, ta a cloQi and tie ueeurely. Wring until they are soft enough to mnah: pint of water, and bnrte often, turning e half hour*; tben ahake carefoUy out hides lowarda tbe canter open, te tbe
Butter while hot M
• UlUa by UlUe all kmgtag aoato

m for the dumpling fo swell n III- Four off the water, rand vfben thor- over once so aa to bake both aides of tbe cans aad brown nicely In oven.
“ <«*rod.
• Straggle up nearer tbe ablnlog *
After boiling one hour tuta out oughly mnshed add half n (dm or. browg
Wbm cold. eUoe thin nad ptaco bo•••"F
• ‘ gMto.
, . nnd nerve with anuce. In puttihg the brand crumba. sugar u tsate. the
Balt Pork ta Batter. Dtp alleog of tweenwllcM of bread with areata trim- hradlag the etaya ellghtJy ta tbe cm’ A Oood ■aanemy.
Croat around the dumpling car* la grated poe) of a temon, three eggs writ rah pork tea batter made with tone awd oft.
Good .ehonaatag tornado of tha
Tbe eiars can be dipped ta gasoUM
The aoetort way fo
needed to avrid too much overtipplng. beateg aad oae ounce of malted but- egg'one cop of sweet mllk-aad flour
The FeeUve Rfima
when aelted aad etoaaead wltboat toeft i. to oat tt to lewatripa. pat
UtUe bags crocheted of very coatM ter. Bake ta a moderate oveg and eaou^ to mdite a thin battor. ^ In
Why Ja tt that wbeMver gnaea afo foff their ahape or aUffneas.
through tbe mast (tooppar. ttaa art ia
Udy cotton, andj drawn up when Iliv serve with a hard nance.
b« lard or anet to a rich ^wnV
a vunlte veaaa) In tha ore* to awlL
tohed with atom oord. ar* pantcularly
Another Baked Puddlng-To a pim
Ham Balto—Be* tw _ 'eggs, add aisnUooed there to a graa^ tangh*
#o«r Haw •Wffliiga for Fawfo
, j,, tours tt WBl be rrtiucad to
alee for boUlng dumpUngs In.
of grated apptoa. efier peeltag and oqnal pans of brMd or cracker Ffe have no hetter all-areand wlatef
English Apple
add!two ounces of---------butter,- _
a crumba
and-------------------chopped ham --------(boiled--profloolbare Btantag-Brown
two table- clear olL Tbe dry aonpa oaa
Everylhlng risible wm first _
— _a nodding
-------- - ----------------------------------------------------. fruit than foe prune The only
- “ to that we do
------------- ihrtfoa
of batter,
atlr toetlr
out. Itout.
|a otoo
Umoght Id tbe mind of Ito creator, dtoh with paste, and paiu. qonrter and qonrter of a pound of granulated aug- forredl. mis and raaka tom balto. nnd trouble
not --know
bow apMM
of butter,
to two-raodlum
It |aosertiMl
otoo ouHleat
TboughU truly are things ta the act core eDough applee to fill It; add sugar ar. aad nplee-nutmeg cloves snd clii- try ta tarfl or saei
wmay «ood wayn there are to wUfo iltoed oohme aiM .one clove M rjrmg.
uti to reaeb better thaa lard.
. of
and thto to exemplified to taste, oae clove to every three ap- namoB — to Uate; also four egga.
Derilad Ham—totot of boiled ft eon be aereedi Try eCMO of the chopped Am: aUr and cock for thrmiHome Cboerto MMheM thinks the
ovM Bwre plainly ta immatertnl ♦»»«« plea a large pinch of-powdered rinna- beating tbe whites and yolks separ- ham chopped varyAm aeaaoa srlih foUosrtog thto winter when foe canned Ibfoaa Add owe teaspoon of rarry ‘■ereefcitaga' dttvipxnqfo tbe meat
tn matertol thlaga
mon. half tbe grated rind of a lemon, ntely. Line n deep dlah with parta black and rod pepper and dry ■»- fruit bofftoa to run tow.
PowdarwblckhMbeendtoecavedtoptadarnad-aaedthJofanttycaka.lbOranUng-thto to be tTM.whnt bran- An inverted cup should be placed ta HD with the mixture and hake until tard, praea ndUd. , Borre elieed wary
Pnme Breakfoat Cake—Two cups oe* tablmpaim of milk, cook three
of other ahortentog, make the
UM things we can do for our friends the center to hold tha Juice. Thto pie brewn.
of ruined bread dou*. <mo <«W of mtoutoa. aurrlag all tbe whito. ^ m« core bread ever ttveatA
aad for the -wbole world by thinking can be made in a targe, medlnm or
Bpiced Apple Tarta—Stew tbe apHam Toaat-Cb» cooked ham flne. aagar. oawthM .cup ef ahoRantag. onebaU pniad of flMly (taowed pork
1 the lagredloata regu- plet. dwoetea thorn, aad ftavor with add two beaten egfo. n ptoed of bultor, Mix weU and roll out cflobalf Inch teodrrtota aad cook over a alow Are
Trimly Fitttag Coreet Oavor.
a™-™ re.
through, thick. Iray ta u wallbuttarad paa lor flfura> mtautea. Cool; add three To aroW the extra fultoeoe to tho
grated find of one lemoa If the ap- and spread oa hot. boitarad toast. - Wlieo vary light, oorer tha
Ofos of well cooked rice, om uaspora hack Merarary lor. tba poimtar *»nan who left the foUowtng na >to tost boL
Pbrk Blew—PmI and attee thin- wlfoa layer of atewod pnmaa ho^ of salt, ooa^uarter teaap«« of black over, taave t^_s^ uad* the «
WlU and testament:
Apple BtoonJte—In spite of thalr plea have Mt UBch flavor. Um plafflve 'poUtooa to aad with tho akta *de 4ow>AkiaUa P«Mrt. one c*i of raritod butter and am epH aad flalab tt fo oIsm with
' “1 dense to food (ethers aad arntb- name tbme do not bekmg t the biMd dtobea w^ pMte. flU (bem with the potatoes aadI ontoua
two watt baataa egfo. Mta wall and two dr thTOt battoaa aad batlofowJaa.
on. ta tnrt tor tb^r-uhUdrea. all (amUy at alLae aettte floor nerymat proper^'ap^. aad hake bnto the one oalbn).
UU ready ugofotafoofowL
ThtaBotaaol affo* tbe abouldar
good tittle words of pratoe and racour- eoiare bite their compoaltioa. Brnd tarta are - tbceoughly done. Iton q| cut ta tmnll gla—uaa a baking paa bake abowt a quarter of an'birar.
d foMfb. fin WlU mat Brtur-Orer om —t «* *«—n «fl
WaJart Btal- oson.
agement and all quaint pet anmw aad nad core name ripe npplee. nad rddnee Wste. about a quahar M aa laA wMe, with 4«rt*


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