Grand Traverse Herald, September 09, 1913

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 09, 1913


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, George G. (1861-1942)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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1^ 6MNN BAraS-^STAKnm IM.

,it.v^..;' r;iJH






PaaMd Away

et Slbba

Heme, in


Mie. S. TA SargeaL mother of Mr*.
3. L. Otbbe of MayfMd, died eariy
Saturday after a two monlhe'
neea at the adraared age of M. Prevlout to that time abe wea In tbe beet
of health and waa tbe flm of her
family of aix to pan away. Her borne
waa tn Veldoata. Georgia, bnt for aev.
cral yeara the and her buabaad have
apeat their anmmera at Arbutua Lake
during whlrb time they made many
trtenda U thta city and rielnlty. PunPrifie* WHIMn. PaMwr «r aH««. M
oral aervlcea will be held from the
Cowiii •• tUlwr-OMTMiiy
reeUenee In MayflMd oa Monday
Inglorleua Ending an Car
M»y T*ht
•» th* OI»
gt ten o'clork. Rev. Jonea.
PMtor of the Methpdiat church
Klngaley. oSieietlag. Tho^y win
be Uken to St. Paul. Minn., for burlaL
SttnariBEiii, Omur. 6«p(. 4.— thU being the glrthood home of Mn.
Coallcooke. Sept. S-WlUta» Ttnvta
fH>rtnckl and Prta Sargent
Jerome, former dUlria attorney of
MM AacMtli^ VIcloftt of HohwiolNew Ygrk. waa arretted uxlay by
tara ««• iMrrM tbM «ft«raoos
Canadian poUceman on a charge of
Um PMMM of lAo BW« hrHIUat M
gambllag and waa pUoed In laO In­
MnUa«« of rorohy «r«r Mtbwed In
communicado. Jerome waa led through
tbe atreeu with a boetUe. booting
PrtaM Willtam, ttfbor of the bride.
mob at hU beeU and waa locked up
U a coooiB df tbo kaiwr. and one of
In the aame cell Harry Thaw occu
d>« rtchaot man Id Bnrope. PoUUdaaii
pled when Hrat arreeted bem. After
yrofcM that the nkaleh nakee powlble
nearly an hour. Maglatrau McKee rw
as attaapt to repUcse Manotf on the
TED STATES ITINERARy HAS leaned Jerome on 1600 ball and aet hU
Portucal thn^e. Id the weddlnc eerecase for bearing tomorrow. The mexlBEEN ANNOUNCED.
Btonr Mabnel wai referred t<
I pnnlahment to which Jerome la
*-KlaK.of Pckrtnsal." The bridal pair
taUble uader Canadian laws la ooe
received preeeett worth a fortnna
year in Jail with Ue alieroative of
Maaoel’e gift to the pHnceee wa> a
paytai a Sne.
Matinun neekUce eet with S.000 dieWhile waiting In an automobile vmnoode. Manoei ie 24 rearc old and
Urday..boiriBg to aurt borne with
hecaiM king of Portogal la IMS when MSS. PANKHUSST SCHEOULEO Thaw, the New York aUU omeleto
hU father waS aeaaaalsated. but
nevapaper men Maned a game oi
denoeed in tSll when the Portngaeao
poker. They played openly when e
RepublicaM overthrew the monar^j.
crowd gathered aad watched
Milford Aldridge, a rltlaen.
> Will. Be Devoted i
pUlned to the police aad a
an bpiaaatien of Hew Suffiwge.
rant was iaeued.
Will Smteflt White Slaw






Unatnc. Mldt.. Bept 6.—For the
Rret ttme la rear* the mute of Michtgaa wOI udertahe to geaeraU tu

eat of the captM/buOdlag kae beeo
ordered to contna for l.OdO toae of
coal and to nake pceparatlooa to Mart
tho baaO^ plant aa eoon ai needed.
The hoiVera in the tniUdlDg have heea
laapocted aad pronounced fit for the
The beard U Mate »adltora deter*
mined td Mt the Mate do fu own
heating beenone the tooat oorporaUoo
^whlcb for rean paet haa aappUed the
beet. thM rmr aought 4o charge almom doable Me £rmer' rate.
The ooatTMt for UghtlM the cnpltol bunding haa bmm >m to Oie eitr
of LAnalag.

ery Cmeade.

London. Sept 4.—Mn. ^mtllne
•PoakhunL amtaat enfcagette leader
#S1 epend the menth of Ocuber In
tbe United Sutaa. deHnlte aanouncement of her tour being made today by
Ihe Women'* Social and PolSiral
Mm. Pankburtt Iniesdt to devote
all bar American lennrea to the advanum of wimeo BUSiage In fight­
ing white alavery and aenal diacaee
Her tenlaUve lUnetary
riudea New Tork.'Boeton. Waahlngton.
Pbiladelpbla. Chicago. LotOevllle and
St Lonla.


Highwaya Would Improve

Lake Ann. Sept A—The food roada
omnpalgn tor tho aorthwemtm ooreer
of Bentle county waa atnrted at Lake
Ann laat night by Hon. Prank Ham­
ilton of Tnverve City. A meeting
attended by nearly fifty taxpayer* waa
held In the ball 0«m 8. S. Burnett'a
WOMAN general atore. Tbe aablea of "BetPOUMD IN SAND.
Roeda" waa fully dlacueaed both
by the apaaker and the Uxpnyeru. Mr.
HamUion told what haa been aooomNew Jereey PallM Are UaeWe te pllahed in the dlEerent near-by oounFind Om te ISentify -the
tlea In the way of Impicriag the Win
highway. Hr alao explained the bondtag method of getting tmprovemeat
end khowed how juM it la to all'oonMany eneaUou refarding
Cliffiide. N. 3.. SepL g.—The heed- coraed.
leae and legleaa io*r •( a young wo­
) of the ap««ker'a polata wman. aatd by phyalcdana.tb have been
of a good family and nanaed to work, laatmted*by lantern alldw from the
wklch was found partly burled la the •.aetem MIebigaa Derelepmat bu•and on the banka of tho Bodwo river reen’a large ooUeoHon of road eeeaea.
gave New Jeraey police and'New Tort the burean ooopemtlag tn the pro­
deteetlvee e murder myatery today gram of the meeUag.
Almln townahlp haa been famed for
that promiaed to be thrtUtag. There
many ywra beeanae oi lu aaadr
la BO clM to the gtrl'e Meatlty.
The poettlon of the body todlMted ronda. There U Uttle gneetlon but
, that eome om waa In the aa of bory* wtat U the roada h^ been better the
townahlp would have been mnA
lag it when frightened away.
farther along In the matter ct devMopl thea U te today. Without doubt
the poor yoada have prevented Lake
Aap troM beeomlag tbe place It ahould
bo aa a tradlag center. It haa good
Send AppiM U
Mag facllUiea aad aU that U Bead­
ed to make It more of a town la a
Tbe Kbfthport Pniit OrewerCaaeo- laiEgr number of people oomlng
elatlM tblpped three care of appica tfcmw to trade. The road* have been
to Cler^Bd. Ohio, laM week. There ao poor la .the paat that tu fading
were laapMted. packed and-ahippea radlna haa been a very ehort one. An
aceordlag to ^ the reaulremenu of awakenlnc boa oceured hewhver and
tbe Sulaer hli The 2H alae brought the pe^e are dlacaaalag waye and
tm a Imtret and the i% alte tZ.OO.
t. o. h KortkWt TbU ia the firm
ablpment ( moSe from thle region Improved thU year and without (
ander MeewenadiUone and the raealU OoB noma plan wQl M worked out the
tag wtotor (or a gunofad plan of
•re eo eaUateonry that thla aaooM»
lion iAQ MtlBue tn ship in thla way. roo^'buUdlos.



Several SubieeU of interoM Ware Oiacuaaed By the Members

Ag uauaL the Granger* had a high
old time at their meeUng »t Baal Bey
Trtday aad Saturday. They fe^.
they orated,, they reMted. they Bang.
4bey ptaacod; hut they did not dance.
aa tbe quanerly meeUng for the
county orgaifkattoo and the Ideas
aad energy that haa been ammnlating for the last three montbe wa* let
go In a aliigle brilliant dUplay wit
and grace. In the abeence of Master
Spangler of Monroe Center. B. J. McMUllea of Oraod Traverse Orange
swayed the gavel. There were repreeeaUtlvee preeent from tbe anbordlnau of Long lake. PenUeula,
Grand Traverae and WUUamsburg.
George Arnold and wife of WUUamaburg and MUa lana Pepper of Long
Lake, will go to the SttU Orange U
December from thU county. Tbe repon of the loeeaUy held rally wae ap­
proved and the committee thanked for
a work.
Tbe eabiesL “How the Phnna of
ThU County May be Improved." was
given a thorough dlaeuaalon. at waa
alto tbe topic. “Tbe New S^ool
laws." The county Granga paiied
nthms endorsing tbe ptopoeed
uDlfnrBlty of Uxt booc* tor the counTbe eveelng was iJven over te aa
entertainment by the members of
Bsy Orange. Mra. ArvJlU Gardner of
Grand Tfavarae Orange helped make
tbe meeOags inlereetlag by giving
pleaalns readinga.




(By United Preea.)
WasfalagtoB. Sept. 6.—«*hUe i
Americana are eajoylag miinr
tioaa or roiKempUang the good
tlmee they had oa vaentkma aln
r. Bpaaknr Champ Oark aad Ue
Caaily,today are «xp(meaU ct induetry aad have been aB sammer.
aides his work U congress epeakar
Clark speade several hours daUy
worklag M cteu^uua addrssaaa.
hss a Bimber of "stock" addresses
Utt he alwdys beUevee la "producing"
eevernl sew oaee every year, lu tk*
idme Mia. dark U bw writtif
her aatoMagnphy and memoriae dt
WaMilnglon. Bennett CUik. U etudylag law'at a summer aehool and MUa
irUve dark u atndylng maste
abroad. Yq^ Beanett has u find
tithe tor Us taw ' Madles when
Unt -aMtag hs hodse partlamaMhi
rbkh poaittM he boMa.

Peeketbeek Feund Under Comer ef

(Maad Traverae county baa )uat rw
Asa Boekard, arreated yestarday by
calved trem Frank F. Ragan, state
Chief of Police Carson, charged with
MFSCTtVE SYSTEM MYEAl^O, the theft of a p
highway oommUUoaer. HAta.W
ward for oounty rands nnd an addlabont 6100. from Wm. TrontwlDe
tloaal tl.144.00 tor trunk line' roeda
waived etatninatktp U Jnatlee Blrdimaklng a
■all'e court thU nmnOng and hUtof*
|2.T».00 reward far the nrortc U tbU
aet over to thq next
D of drcounty 4hU'yvor, Further paymeou
cult couit. His bond wae fixed et
wtu be mede ae soon ns the State
|1,006. and aa yet haa been
futnUb It
lOcbwey department can taspect.
laat night Reekerd. it la aaJd. coaSAPEOUAMOS.
feeaed to Sheriff Smith aad Chief ol
^ CaraoB that be bad taken tbe
ey. He also directed them to the
Ptapaia et Waliingderd DM Net Hava place where they could find tbe bUI
Wetab and Had Never Qualiried
book and some valuable pepera con­
Ae e BeMiter ReHresd
tained U It. which up to thU time had
not beam recovered. The book wae
found through hi* diroeUons under
cr ef tbe bouse ndjaeeat to tlu
New Haven. SmA. l.—Many paa- Queea CUy bam.
eenger trains
made up mostly of
Elmey wooden cara. but carrying lends
of human traigbL were packed onto
ipaee of track lea miles long In e
lee tog oa the morning of the WalUagtMd wreck In wklcb 21 pereona
LOSS OF SOASOMAN BUILDINO IS lost their livee, was told to the tnter-







Firtk Aet e« Murderer Wee te SUy
HU Own Family «id Then '
Plateh Up Hie Werft-ln
Neighbortng VilUge.


HER SCHOOL K ^811101

•VMy-BigM Teenbere are on Paj
TbU Veei^rephmen OUne Nie
bare idO, Whieh Biseka
All Reeefdg


Stuttgart. (Wi^V. Sept. 6.—Murdering hU wife and four children ae
they etept. e demuted high eehool
teacher named Wagner, Uviag in Degerlocb Tillege. , today weet to the
neigbbortnc riUage of MullUBaea and
•hot down more than a acora of per­
sons after aettlog fire U their bouaeo
Tbe vUlagvrs were awakMsd early
thU morning by fires te a iwn or
more dweUInga. and whan they ruabed into tbe atreeU. Wagner opened
Ire. Bight men and womaa were te-'
IN etantly kOled and 11 perfonaly tetnrad. five probably tetalty.
* The madman woe .finally overpowered and almoet beniea to death be­
fore be was rescued from the mob.

FbUowlng (he leatlmony Uadlng
show thet offlcieU of the rend ignored YEOQS ESCAPED WITH
tbe proteeu of their own
agntnat the ayetem of algnala In
mUalooer MeCOrd tnday ordered
Ihe raflroed to aubalt all records to
show what Btepe the road had tahen
for the Improremeat of tu seJSty appUances since the Brldgrpoit greck
of mi.
CberHa Murray, nptittc aa a-r~"
^ the Bar Harbor ngpreea. leellSed
that he dM hU work without a wateb
and had never qnaliSed m a Bagman. Only One Men Had Ceue^ «e Plsbt
VelunMe Safe Wee
Wrecked With Seven Chargee
ef OynamHe.


Tbe city Mhoota opened for (&e
year's work Tuesday with the largeet
enroUment ev«r knows da the city. In
many of the ward echooU It is a se'rtoua qaestion bow to pUie tbe puplU
to- the beet edranuge.^ Tbe hlgb
aehoot U more overcrowded than it
been and U war beyond the
Umli that t* alloeed by the nUea of
the ualTeralty of the Mete. Thera
Hartietu. Sepc C~Tba Harrtatta
are 160 in the
prlvau bank, owned by C. W. Barry
the largMt la the bteiory of ibi
waa robbed by tkras yonmas early
•cbooU. The loee of the Boardmau
The HMan gelt lESMtneuiAxssue bolldlag i* being feh. Tht
ftaa #air I
raney aad did ILOM worth of
different gndee are being located In
Be Beta and LarsMt in
to the safe. Although seven chargee
buildiaga U the
of nltiogtyosrtaa were Meesaarr to.
vlclbii) » ae net to eauee any extra
crock the eafe. arouainc the entlra
walking tor the amaller chll.lreii.
Brery farmer should atteDd cue or town, only one man dared to approach
While there ere many ihinga that wtV
He longnt
fought tne
the yeggs
yeggs amgie
eeentaally be more aadalaMory U
Dana, ne
xoe bask.
abort time, it wlh require a little pa­ up u'dala If he can arrange hi*
tience until tbe difnculties are all ad- work eo ae to atUod one of the big er an exMiange of ahott.
The enrollnent by ecboole tbU tbouid. One ar two day* spent at iUe north of town,
etch of these will furnUh him with a
morning was'
btranca to the bank w^ gained
Central High acbool. 261; Central Urge Dumber of aew ideas. Ideas through a rear window. While two
grades. 206; Boerdman Avenue, n.*; that he eaa put Into practical nee and ten worked oa tea eafe. a third,
Elmwood Avenue. 323; Oek Park. 411; turn them Uto better erapp u yex.c heavily armed, stood guard. WMb
South VdIod StrecL 201. ToUI I.KS. to eome Hs should by all meaaa aiThese Bgures win be maUrUlly in­ find hU rcglen fair and carefully note
mber of villa
MTte at a
whether the ahowtng of Uve stock, safe dteuuee. to wsteh theI robbery.
creased when the extra breaches
vegetahtai aad (rnhs are getting bet­ FlrtBg ecettering volleys at their tans
piRperty enrolled There are 66
ter than lu predecessor. Tbe fair IP pnrouer the bandlm fled toward tee
the payroll thU yeer, which
etude the superrlsors of the menuai self ahould be larger and the exbibiu
training, tnualc.
ahould bo belter. Bvery farmer who
physical tratoinc, the school for tbe comes up to the afore meutlooed ap
(Continued oa page three.)
catiotm should be oa band at thU
gion telr to determine the exact
amount of adranee being made. Then
every farmer ehould nupport and
tend hte loca! fair. He ebould do thU
out of loeal pridn. out of loyalty to the
netghborbood la which he Uvea It U
Uene ef Fermera Yfhen New
troe that theae loeal fair* are smeU
StaldlAg Was 0
when compared with the regtea fair,
hut tew eerre to laSicau the ai
Benxle County tank, at Beoof eaterprUe axls^ te tee
Teem OHven Oy Oevid Peek «f M;
rnunmea. Thle year th«w wlB be Aoala and Beolah. dM a,very clever
Crty Ceuoad the Treuhle.
kM-el talra at BnUoaa Bay. Klngatey, thing test week te the dedicettan of
Tbompaoovtlle. mpl^ aad other Ite sew bankteg beuae mwcuyl
poteu. Bach AouM receive the teynl lah. It adverttoed that ^e week
One of the meet $;trion ruaewayt support ef lu "owii people. So let ev­ wouM be an open one si„the hank and
and tar raachteg te Ite effecta known
urged all termers aad'dthen te vuu
ery Oraod Truveree farmer spend
tbe new inetUuttan and to bring trite
time time occured fftiday ea
day at one ef Um state tabu, a day at
them such agrkteltural prohtami as
Bay streeL when a heavy hay farm
the ragtoa fair at Trarerae City and
team drivea bp Davi.i Feck ef Mapu two or more days at this local fair, they desired wived. Prof. B. U. Brevra.
a graduate of tee Mlehi^ AcrtaulCity became Mthteued at a box car
makteg the wheete ge round.
tnral college, was statlened ta the
•undlag OB tee sldlns ef tee M. ft
tabby ef tee bank and teeted wlta and
K. R. track* Mr. Perk aeeorapaaled
nmptoe o( milk aad mwnm braught in
by hte sen and damhteMn-Uw
hy tee farmsta. te this way the tarmcnpled the eeet <m tee wagon box.
ere were glrea a vast amsaat of teand ae aoou aa tbe sea saw hta wife'*
fermatloa reraudteg quantinaa that
daager be attempted to help her eo
were of direct Unponasca te them.
that she might Jump from the seat
Many dlfferaat tedtriduato brought te
ol 'the wagon to safety before
•amptea of earth from dlffereat parts
boraes became unmanagable. ta eo
the Grand Traverse Orange heU
of their term' and these were tested ea
dotag he lOM Ue footing a*
mr enlhnaleeUe meeting Saturday, to preeeoea of time and te acidity.
thrm oM M Ua head. After the aad among other' aubieeu dleca
Other farmsn brought nemptae of
huehnadY fnll- the wife attempted te was that of "(arm eredita." and sev­
milk and cream which were through
lamp but the horaae wera ruuateg at eral told of what hoe beea done te
the Beheeck teqper and tsMad aa te
aa^ a rate of -speed JumplBg was tea- ■arapeaa oountriee ataag thU Una
butter tel

poaelble aad abe toe was throws, aad how aaneesnlU tee wortt had the vmrieua testa the profsaser aabrsakteg her arm. Tbe horaee ran
pwered several thousand qemtloni
eome btecks tarthw tteaRy thnwtng
nnd te other way* helped to hooat the
the driver aad two wbeMs paoesd
agricultural teteraeu of the Beulah
Um. bruWng Um cmUenMy. *,tgods ekaUd ba devteed te provWe
te the bones eoUd be etegped
with snmU sai^ ea tang time
Prof. Brawn was the first teacher
three cftlMran had been harL one a » tide tbem .oew the trying tlmee ef agrieultera te the Traverae City
daughter of Otte TUeste. whnee leg'ug provide theta tte material for High sebooL toM year he was a mamwas brakaa. a boy thrae yeaia old.«tbe rare of the fotara artve. Bepmta ber of tee faculty of tee riarnnls
eon of PTaak BaMe had Us fbotL»«re alan raesf^ 2nm the couMy academy.
craehte aad srreral stlt^ae wera !«nage that was h^ at Bam Bay taM
The Traverae City State bank plac­
■arr. alan a eon of R. Halbert Sreek.
ed ea .exUbtttan this morateg 76 ta
was badly hart. After eome damage
to prapSTty te teat Ttetalty tee iSreei
Mr. aad Mra. WOI JLknra retaraed the tateet views that have been taken
■era caught It .4a thought tent
Ihsmemtetttep dftM-fgmndtag a. weak by tee Wenura Mtahktan ttaratapte unemal vara bwt -«m m
i.nk Braod ItapMi SftddOhg tte «;9U- 'mm tetreaa. ta the vartaea fruit ortMU oM-gsuTn tartoua
^ers Mktalgaa Ststa tak.
t-Mi Ui m, b tu. ndwr.



Pieked Up UneenaetoiM After Deing
Tbrama to the Pnveemita
-^TMU Buggy.
Mrs. Chaa. Dutehar, M Puolneala
townahlp, waa petefully and perhnpa
thravra from her buggy onto
Ml walk at tae eorner of
Front and Unlou etraeta. ^Hnr b«ae

^ weet* taking the tura
the rnnavray rtg collidad
With two bnggtoi which ware hitched
along the curb, takteg a wheel from
one and damolletiteg tec other. Mrs.
Dutober wm picked up uneoaectaua
aad carried Into the Walt drag atora
Where ;ahe reoMvad msdleU attanttaa. At the time It wm not known
whether or not she was tetcraally In­
The bores want awtik oe Union
atraet and '
brldsu. The buggy wag completely
wrecked, but tbe animal eeaaped uata-




They Have Na Time u

SUU Seward Hm Been Paid Ceunty

Arvesi ta' Firat Taatabta. ItaeuK ‘ ta

DctreH. Sept 6.—Altafan "Bddie"
Baraeu and HoUta I^Otatk. dragJnetiee JeSrtm te c

t with tee
•tigntlon cnadurted by
r-n,. «glea Both Mood
rs ralaaeeE sa »iM per­
sonal baU tar teeta ——oa
October t Tbe arreau worn tee Brut
material reenlta ta tee cmifia agaHist
the Illegal sale ta dope tt Dtarott.

Wee ear
t Um Saye Wans Wavn ta

er during ten oomlng weak to prom­
ised to tee ftsntral part ta the coun­
try by tee wsntter huritat. but ao
proapaet to held eot Isr raBta te teo
aad south, and even Ugber tamdarsB are todl^tei Car tee a«thittatMPtearea." tee
(fit. “wffl be
te the week over the unatral states
stetaa. the Mtoaourt and 9Dcr Mtanto
Mppl valtayt. nnd the upper take teglea. and pitauhly aaow taBliraHra
te tho OHo vnUey aad ten Inver MBs

11 .i iiyii

-'WW-'tM 'to*
This U Urt«l7 dne to ths Ihct ttet
____ _____________.___ Wlte
TsnMr sd«|BlfltntfMs
tnet wbich,orgnnisatJcn Is abl^.,^^
shoau hiv« be«B Bltowtd ta.fsU.
U>* r«raU ttet work %lmdr
ws^ had to hs drappod u« Um Ukn thfa vitMty will be sure of a Uvtag -price asd hold them until th«r
npntas and all toteroM. and «snp MslB St a rtatar npssM tha» aad tn spnra tt they engage to agif- at to tone np ten priM wbesn khey tsrnal aches aad psiai. VtUmK etonat It to to bgtero leBinc go
Ttoi boy was trodlM kSM from
wobM hsvf. hMn teosnsd bad ths rnmural pmnnitsa day's Stetog whanbemwteresuwhat tear ham pWalaed dtottg the
work bMo daa* »ra|t^ at tha tl»s
tag dawn the Htw road. ABtoMste
klme the scare wss os. The farmer
wtt BMded. PartiBsn economr
There ere fnliy a bnndred subjeris from head to toet. hu Igns mevsd
heavily by laarkeMH kls stock teat oaa be peofi
oftra comet tack oa the tUU as a
Prodi all over tee country come re­
sgalnst the rod enaeet sky, tall and
fool tax that hat to b« pwM hr the ports that fawsineea has tallan off la before they are ready, aad the eoa- oomtng winter. It to
Btosder and vary gneefsl. wnlktog
sumer hag (« pay lust as mueh
peopte. aad In ao tnatanca &>ta it «f-; ten retaU Itoen,
bote rides of every gneetlen be pro- elistlrolly as if nphorne by vigor aad
feet a aartac to the pablir pooketbook fact that tee connuy U In the nUdat more tor the meat when tt reached hto eented. There to the tormer’n side, route The hoy noted enrioealy the
The proper time to proride thian Is of the greaiesl era of pros|>crlty ever table. The wbola dronte. eeare
and the other eMe. The beet reselto heavy black veU drown aoroM her
to eroas tea tnvbsB ther are- oMdod asd poatpoae known. So great hne tec decline be­ merMy a. gnwtlna of tea fansers-to demand tent every qnestlon be telly
tarseetton of their ways when she Uf*
meat oalr maaaa aa lacrease la tht come that Investigations have been the aCected district Iwtog thslr heads and fslrly csnsldered. teat ril
ed her tend «*d......................
uitlaala coat Tha atrlka la the oop- eurtad to fate out the real enuae *>l at tee wrtmg bme. thereby playing have a brosdto outlook. It to
Bashfulty. tetfttag tee pale on
per reclon U also oae of the cauaes the trouble. The toveettgators think into the hands ot tee beef trust to a Important that yoneg men be drafted
I boy approached.
of the depleted treaswr. mod U It they have found tee eourcc of^ueb of manner test win^prove to be very to take pan to the dh.eusstost' Tne
> an t ee human Bfe to
the aUte vtU the uiaiMe to the erase on ^ part profittble
Tonng toM ha**,
mmtr to
be tertoualy crippled naaacJallr from ta tee people U own - nnlomoUlea. the coming winter,
•ggrrosive work and with maao- yearn
■keUng Une
work along the
this source. As loa* at the pwle of The case of a rertato tori*
before them stand an exceUent chance
Ton know whan all tee petete
the state demasd all the-frIUs of c«r- is aivea to order to prove tbU ooaten- needed, to enable the farmer to me^ to become leaden, and to help bring
out whole nhout tbe be^ eendtUcns ter which
eramaat aad their
Uon. This towB has a popalatioa of
when a scare of this kind arisas.
voice wsn sweet and esdnctlvs;
oae or the fi
her toon beealtM topaM nO tee lai>
haetaeH oNtrld It to show roar wares par the hlUf eren if it has to be doae of one of the richest agrleuUural
Here Is
Uous' of the country, and bumper
td toch tdnatsde that
*Ten Mr.- be s
irtu ha attiMtad to roar place of bes- thiac to be considered hr the people crops are'reported to that, locality to
res. •um."
tae« aad e sale eflectad'* What is when thej ere selectlBf their caadi- evniT Une. but tee retaU businens of
~0o yon knew
the town haa dropped to such a point
Warnings are bstag esnt aU over
true la the buslaeat world is also tryo datN tor the aext ledsUture. aad
that the meichauts are facing bank- le fUte by the state Agricultural
"Jedge Herotr
la tbo Uaa of dertdoplBg a re.l'o
•electloo wlU depend the amount of raptcy. During the present year the dlege calltog the attenUon of far»
•Are ther* twoBnrelsr'
What odraataaea a cornmnnltr
people of that locality have spent era'to tee nscenity of taking Imme­
Judge Hurst, be ttvas fi
TCt be demonstrated to strancers taxee that ther will hare to pa.v In
ttooytoe for aptomobllee. mU of which diate actios to atop the spread ot
n Mg bans*: an' yemto >
the future.
Who ha^Ma that war Is order to
to loet to the local channels of Unde. bean asthracnoaa and blight, which
IWs hto M—he Uvea on Wrier stront
aew dUseaa aad copvtnce them
were so busy with tbelr stoee he got mnrrled. fie rint
The fsrtr.
Everybody who had the money bought two diseases threaten to rain
that tha olalms aet torth U adrertlsmriried refy long—"
a car, vhUe those who did tuM bav<
«op and prevent the growing
li« Bteratare are oot a delusion aod
The boy stopped. nstoBndn
nwrtgaged their homes sod gave their beans to Mohlgaa to tee Mure.'The many poutoas W the city Bainrdsy.
ftaadinc the reporu cf ralUwad aewbpt te saw. Tb*
a saar*. Trarerse Citr lire wIem
notes to payment. The result to tbal termers are oonfronted with a sltos- only a few kmds being weighed. Vbi
oehare dereloped h sratem that U beln(
they have to economiie In every dlroc- tloo to reenrd to thk disease test price Is firm at 4&e. The apples sre
It nf tt. tonritof tt fl
TCptCr roptbd hr otter eltlee of the corance leada oae to bellere that the tton In order to make their paymenli
coming to nicely and a ear load
aisM 'with food reealti. This is tht cbeapeet thiag in the wortd. when aad they are not buylag clotbes and they most meet at once or asSar
seat out this aftotnoen.
Tten wttb a esri e( iMa ten smA
ious loss. Bo tar no remedy has been
nsa-M^ aotomohUe at aa adrertlp. viewed fro^ the standpoint of n
tnxurtea-to the mme qnnnlKloa as
enme hack.
teg medtuffl ta tsJs>SK rUltdrs to the
1 beg year pw«on. dear' I a»
they did before they fell tor like gaeo«flr eat into the eountrr and actnsllr of the deall^ that ooeur In rallread llne craia. Their spending money to although spraying the planU with
Making now. Whom did Mr. Bant
pnnnc to them that the tar famed acldwu conM he nared it the roeda still further reduced by the upkeep ol bordeaux mlirture baa proven of vslue while tee quantity to not large teal
ohered the Idw la iwgnrd to safety ap­
leUa Daly,
erchards and farms of thU recton
white to after aU. to many localities. The locknl way to to oomtog to. the quaBty la good aad
lenlltlea. Instead of mrths which pliances and in kee^g their roed- one of the Inrgeet Items in oonnec^n combat the dtoeasee
tbe present price to tec ftosrtaes fine weddto*. t
BeOS got him.
It too ottw the ease in sections that beds In vnpm onadkion. The destre with the ownership of n machine.* In through the method i
have already been ahli
tenn 1 nmr
ates and Early Okk> are tee
^drertlM ,for now aettlert. Errry to Bare a few doHats in these dlrw this pnitk^tor town there to nothing
patriotic dtlsen who owns aa auto- tlcns leads to loeaea hundreds of times doing In tee line of Inx'urles. while from loeaUtiw which are not nffeet- favorll
r. heeemyed
The aerionanees of the sttontlos
PMhllalsInrailablrwUUBgto fire tht
even the tmde in bousebold utenslli
7*0 apple crop will ndt be large pttmeat *Tbv rial nobody -prriaeria yont*
has fallen off to 'an alarming demee. among the farmers is
M« of hte macblns to a coum of this'
aad tee quality to not
Bhe toughed wtth a flash of sweetMad and the experience of this cUr economize In the mng plaeee aod la fact the large outlay for automo- the unwiUtogneM of many to bellevd standard becaase tea grower has not
has proran that the msalu are tU coo equenily tneresse their losses In­ bites la tbia panitetor locaUty took teat tee hUght affecting teelr fields been careful of bto eropa. Those who naea over her whole teee. aad dew ri
tears in her area. Petttog one roft
dhat eoald be expected. Delecntes to stead of reducing them. The arerage nU the surplns mcmer that would nat- is a dtoesM. many asertbing tee ap- have sprayed will get good relarns aad hand nndm the boy'e ckto. she stooped
s of ted crop to weather <
conrentloaB held here hare upon num- corrora'IOB seems more profit In re­ nrally have tonad Its way into the rectee price win be UM per barrel oa and ktoaed him on the mtmth Tten
1 taken tbronch ducing the wngns of an emptoye than alar chaaneto of trade and sent K> dltloDS which have nothrig to do wUk| the average. Orchards that ban been Ip the seeled him hen. body aad non
the orchards and tanas la the dclni- they do In InstalUng some safety away to the cittca where tee machines the ease. The dtseasee have a foot­ sprayed and ealHvaisd can be known
•Wm you do somethtod tor mer
-Tee. ma'am'- *
tr and In ererr InMnnee they hare derlce that will in the long rea save are made and from where It win not hold to the Grand Travene regloa. at a gtoace. ms to wbst the grow­
-X want yoa to take a totter ts fir.
Imd rereaied to them a Vtstn of agrl- them many thousands of dollars. WUh. return. Another Une of businees that but not to the aame extent as to the er most do aod tbe sooner they realaonthera
mn Wstt wktto I writs
cnlttnlnad l^ertieettara'l piotperttr.
tse It tbe tooner tbey^ roealve tee
thU benefit of the
of the country It is no won- the show bustoeae. for the people are
which they nerar even d^yfimed
n# mt down on s ■tnipp'dT n tne.
to sate an extant that
In order to save the bean reeuiunt higher prices.
eklst In n country located so far from der that the people la man.r e
wtth a land pnaeU on '
' the Haten paths of long^UbUshed no 111 disposed toimrd these corpom- they have cut oot the higher priced crop another year the tarmen will
knne. tt did not take tank.
fnraong. The common t:;impressloB Uons. The tallronds are the cause productions and seek their recreation have to seenre good healthy seed.
<Prom Batordny’s BacorMtogto.)
\ Tan yon. give that to ^llr. Bunt
Weigbmaetar Jobbeu le geutoi uttthoet tatting nnyewe een. not
they bad of this lagion '—-............
at the
affected or from aome pan
fail to recognise the tortnhat under
back into hto former busy actlvltiea. hit new wlfeT Do sot ten snyese that
wan nothing but slasbliii
time all over the countn’. There to couaUr when It has not been Intro- Ten lends of poUtoee were weighed yoB have seen sae. Bring beck Mr.
land which was not capable of rale- the law they are common earrters.
evldteGy a lot of merit in tha claim doced *s yet The bean crop to Mich­
tag anything hot dtsnpp^tment for. and as ante should provide evAy tenyeeterdar bealde eevetnl of farm prod- Hurst's naswar. I will watt for you
vantonoe possible lor-tee comfurt and test the automobile has changed the igan to a big factor, asd tbe sooner
and local goods, tbe price ol
those who bad the temerity
As he '
ItogartaglT. tee boy
business sltnation in the reUU line the farmer* get busy In an effort to
potatoes remains firm this montog at wneeiad on one bare, tortoetato heal
tare Into neh an onkaown land. proteettoo of those who patronise
large way. and
tee rovagee of tee dtoensea the
teelr Bass. When the mllroads do
One car of potatoes was shipped to
' Whas they eotnally saw tha real
. tank ri her. I_._________
. . .
of this one Ttoneas tocaltty to da^ better teelr dto»Ms will he for treeout last night aad one ot apples. Borne
on ten ,|tMP wttb sa*.
fttlcM aad-hMi tefaadllbeo tarns teeto share to catering tn^ tee pnblio
reted to almeet evecy part of the
and «thards that esoel tn valoe aad aad obey the tows of tee land, there eountry It Is a factor that win have tag tee entire section tram this hUght- of tbe spptoe thst were brongbt to rienVti^ band prsnead hard agrinst
teodnedreaeae any that are' to be
to be coastoered to tbe Mure. Times
<*! ain't COM.- thought tea hoy. -but
feead In the older awUons of tee the people to regard to tb». Anoth­ "change and nnless tee people change thto aeUon must be taken along tines thst tbe grower has taken care ot hto
teat wtu prove effective. The auto tree# and not only spcsiyed hot culti­ Pm anhiverto- aB over!
tonatry teelr astonishment wns un- er fact tbal mUliatea against
vdtb teem they nrrlett to tee rear of
rte are beey vated tbe ground as well. A number ain't teivsrto'. Tm heti
hoonded. and-they took home wKh roads Is at times of fatal accidenU
kriteed nomsteto-! OesI Jdat sbs
There U food tor elth experiments sad expect la
of tbe fruit gmwvu are telWng tholr
team an entirely different idea of the tee officials to charge express no solic­
abort time to discover some practical penteee and plums to tbe lotel ntorcs
itude for the tamUles of their victims
regten tenn they bad when they cai
Ha saw youag Mr. HusL wlte
remedy for tee trouble, but to the
irely almtoc to clear theraseU-ee of
test tome of tbd pri
yonthfuL harly figure, hto curly bead
TUs to the most effeetirs kind of admeantime the farmer* can do thedr be bought at retaO.
and handsotoe. hard
Terdalng aad Is bound to bring mnch any charges that may be made against
when trade Is dnU they
down town, tottowed toto d quiet
better racDlu thnn nny other eyatam teem'by ctoimtog that the accident wiU find that tbe causes of tee de­ part to te« work ot eeleettog teelr
seed for another year from fields teat FARM FROOUOK--«teing IMcee. etraat. npd timidly neoeriad him.
tent ooold be dertoed s2~ib little
pression are due to local
-D— yon!- eald ront Mr. Barot
are tree from tee effects
ownere realise vnlcmble. but this root has not
Instead ot national poBcy or outside
-What do roe wantr
into the brains of those who InfluMces. It means that there are scourge.
this fact and- U each Instance when
The boy nUantly praffaced the to*they hare been called upon to glm are at the bead of railroads which
lonBc chansrs taking plaee that
g tn pay dividends to etock- tre dne to naw csusm which win have
tee oM of their machines they
wbo hold watered ttock. to be undttrstood by tee local
responded. If .It was in their power
U do so. end by ee doing bare helped When this point to torced borne by chants before methods cun be devised
to call tee attention of outsiders to the govemment those wboeTcarelees- for adjusting to tbe new conditions.
^aro! Tbks
FARM imoDUCE toeHIng Rrteon.
humsn lives wUI be made
tee great adraatages teat edst In this
yon boM your to _
tonality add prove to them teat the to realise the sertousness of their
tt wns BO terk whan ths lady to
Oraad Trarerse redon has a future netflttere in the matter of providing
blank rose to meet the bay. that she
tor thoee .who Unvrt on
Farmers to the sresiern states are
before It that no other secUoo of the
oonld hardly ase to read tea
HIchigu to fast becoming a great
showing by their eagerness to ship
elats can ever expect to have. Every their lines.
I him with I
agricultural *tate. It alresCdy stands
their caiUe to maikel before
s of bar teaaks.
tteu dalegatee to oonVHttons bdd
hnow tee eatent ot tee corn crop fim among nU tee state to the prohere are taken out Into tee cmintry
. by the BUtomoblle owners a good turn
This is a great year for corn in teg shortage, that they arc
production ot rye and appice. Only
-Are you going to baor tee seknd.
to done the region that will be not Grand Traverse region and one of the with modern buatoess methods_^d
>ks stnoe It won out over New
tring him wtth tor wendwtri epee.
Ml/ tasting, but prodneUre In results. finest crops raised in any locality vrUl sUII cling to tee cestomsI of tbe
ORAIN-Trovaraa Ctty MlWnp Ce.
York state at an international apple
I'AocortfMany new people
this fait This crop
Prices oometnd esaiy day.
I oome_____
here from stl paiys of the union end is an asset to two distinct ways; first ing to later roports teat____
>’heaLWlh.Wri-....s.................... Ko a«tyan.orpriyMtataa? Wtadtee droute 4totftct teere U no need fruit. Its nnoccupied toads ar rapid­
aver h*gp*a*r
Inruiably those who come will be- that It brings e Urge amount of
ly being cleared and will soon be pro•Ho. menus.- to rspetrisd. tan .
toaff to tee clnss who wi'u not only
lue Into the region; second that It of rushing tbe stock to market at euc* dactog ahusdanUy. la tee qbm the
-I hare M money to gtva you.- te*
make good ciUxans, but rml boosters forever disproves the ctolm test iuto
state baa beea tasoed beeaus* of
for the region once they are perma- always been made to thd lower part
nsnUy located bme. More people
of tee state that It was imposstble stock for several moatbs at Iceat U to be
tohove his aahtog tetaat.
wanted U the noithweetem part of
properly msure s corn crop so tor What teed there to to tee drouth dto- of H* froits, farm crops and dcmestle BDckwhsat par IN ten |LMO«US
-I don*t
don’t wtott>no
w^no tooasy!the etnte and experlesice haa proven north as we are located. 'KotwUb- trict ooeld be made to go a
beet on him ene of tor sweet,
smindiw tootts.
that the aotomoblle can be made one standing tee claim of the ones who
•-A tefiir ato crteA aottr; teen
of tee moetjMtent tacton In brlaaing lir'e to tee snpposed corn belt of the aad the state of Kansas baa started
duty of tee' tawngn to prodnee tbe
lENiriy gsthmed him ta bar srme.
team In by netually prortng to then state It wui be recalled that at tee out several trolns from tee
aad ted women who nre to be tea
waring hto'tass mbrnhosem. ths
In ndrance beyond Ibe nhadow of a state corn shows Grand Traverse al ooUeges to Inslruct the farmers as
w*. A grant agrlcnttonl Mate
briSM hs rritod hto Bps u
doubt that the legton to eves better eon hks brought down tee premlnms to tee pitrpto' way Of atretcbtog the should be led partially at toast.
than U has been represented to be la
>peUttoa with the entire state. food supply-00 ae'to make It meet the
Utoratnre that has A good corn oop to always regarded nepda of tee hour. One of tee roa- ot view. So let tha ■fUgars.
«• STtop
why tbe farmer to the loacr at
a sent oBi to tee post by tea da- as the keystooe ot acrteulture.
btokan by s teiw^ st'lf tate^
teat tee Augot tnllM aad tbe
deer. Be pnt his head ont od tee
Intormatten bereaua. teen to so mete of tee profit of the tee time of a ertoto like tee one in
pkntes are evdr mast to teelr
TWe wne a tsssrit ri men's
The antosaabUe when owned fa a Uve farm that depends upon this staple Kansas. Oklahoma and part ot Texas halls to the dtffSMk
whw Is certainly an amt
U is with' corn that tee stock to that they have no oimnissrian to and study tee'
reckoned with as a preeUcal advertis­ to tottsoed for market while U Meo hold them tagetter. and when oae
they aB m^ a break for fear poUtkal gnesttoni tent nre as yet uer of tee advamtages M tlw region and forma tee ben part of tee feed ter tee
ta hto y^etori. «*■**. toto pwefl
the teesrlBc of -iew blood for the other anhnals durij« the balance of teat they wfli'he the toewa aad as
The fumar to tee torgest
farma and towns of Grand Trsrerse
A good corn crop depends resnlt unload teelr csopi aad stock at ictor-to Amartonn Ufa aad tee
largny npon ptonty of rota sad warm low prices when them to no neees
«ri no trie teffsrito. fler *e
wenther durtog tha months ot Jme, for snob a move. When estOe
tee making and entactog of towa. saenttty ts eMwtlri. Tea may leave
July and Angnst. when the growth'Is rushed M> the market to mseh nom- white are the rnlee by white tee
kOtaA tadT
a are that the stats strong made and to both these directions the hers as Is reported v
t «nd to Brito
man Of A
fi* hnitd a* weed of bar. tton er
of prosperity to ptoyed. to that edt^nndto
hag wfl] be empty before tee first of weather has been aO 'hat ewid hr
.It nitoMtod m mr roua. and . . Iptir. IS youw boanr wn4H tot hbs
Weph KWncyn. ^ he has not
ytowubsr and that tee state wOl have de^red for this paiUc-uIn- crop. There
ask no ^sstlan. nnd none wisn**"...
Don't Buffer loqgm wHh weak
MA shout tee Udy to Btaek.
to bondv to order to meet exp
has been nto Jnst often enough
_»ys. Ton esn pet prompt irtotot
' by hto Jnri olalms. Of esvne tktire *ss
Shta tee hen Ux money comes to. keep the gronnd m^st and sutficleni taking Electric Btitm. that
Imt togmrotBl the tarw
firiMii II If Vs. BMriiy.
fW remody prntond
*nir- has had atghty Uttle to any sheet tea
This iwdlUoa to dae to the fact that heat to property develop the stall
Thero-ls n divtaltr teat tenses wir
the stale to living beyond lu menns
WUh a corn crop of the
tows that Titany effect him to pis
Wa Mtt tea li ifii iBiri are ri&
hMpnpa of tbs greater expenditures nmgnHude of tee oae that to
nmbiticm to/Work. . vtthoMt Cmt ot
inesnwd to tee vartoas aoUvUies gtontog to he gathered the Grand
wnrlA It to tor tbe Qnnge tn ds tee
Which hhvt to be provided for c
haa aotetog to tear
edncsdtonal work tent to
the paSUe treasaryr'The Innoased dnrtog the cosnlng eesson. Corn
nrdri tent the tormar may to qnallMuads of tee state an wot held however to not the rato etop on the
4tad to fight a good battle ta theW
4^ doee enough to tea approprto- tenn teat has been a'hacoees. whleti
of wtu tent deride to
ttow with the raaaU that funds are
t many toesJittos wUI have
^11.00, at an dtnggtott of Tmvena
pMbh^p tong hetef thtlr Uma. to took to this dlreettos tor teelr seed



Altew fseltr



:T-il 7:dS




■aim ftw INKS

Save Del

Oh* Uarktb



(Jrangt Qagv

•erCera Cr^

Bowler .,
Hsieslk .
p. m.



Hew It Really MriPiwil
.risn gnmad gmto brivnM
two fiat Mimas to proem* iMaL—
Christtoa Bdsnte Moaltor.
Nevvl Woman did tt. while Oleni
man sal around asd told tbe boys
nhost the Mg can that got awny.^
Dstrak Mewn-Tribnae.

Always has a otonr cwnptoxlon.
Many smro women-would be beautiful
if they could only get rid of mUow.
nem. plmpMa and Mbtobes. TImm arc
srmpsnmn of a undd liver and tbe
rigtR-ratotey far a bad Uvv to DR.
‘They pnt tee liver to order, sweeten
tbe brenth and ctonr.the skin of sallownoss and Msmliki* Bestdea they

I pdr box. BoU

■etteesu Trie Lsvum
Aa dtrtitann yosAg mna whs owns
e motor car usd bus hroa eourttog a
gir! serenl yenri has derided he east
afford to keep a car end a wfle bote
and np to tbe hoer tbe Globe went to
prone he had token no step* to dtopone

BiW*! TVs?

m FYffctMf
gtoto Bank BwiiOng.

Travcm CHy. kOch.
Get their list of propntieff
With owner's addresses, or
ptDpositkfit to mU your
FVK «r ButecM
at cost of $25.
WANTCD-Phrm. ahsnt IJO to Ite
seres, with surii sad tooU on. to
mt on stone. Addroas. M4 B.
Ptonkttn 8U (ttuad BapMa. MIdz.
•opt Mt
tton U. FUs Labe lawnahto. &
nast of Ktogslay. gopd land, nil rianred: ake bnUdtogs. Price |l.«
seotlioa lb. Aome lowssbtp. 6 i
east of Trovers* Cliy. cleerod. soon
toad. Price SrM. Bee M. W. Tadereell, MoSnU BDu O^L Uri't
sept *

State Bute .BMb; Trov«*e Ctty.





- -

I ri.fto rid Prigi-

_, only pnrohnsed ewee. themdw* they rimrid to af modern
Ii5«b, hrilt of most driahle
mntettoto gad nrttoOenlly SnhhoA Ton win Sad only swh
at a* Works el '

A. W.

ALVIN .to tetUBCa. PHMial Oil ritar

mri Bmbnlwit. ffUBoBte Untos St

’ UV.



-rv^^f -v.'*

wr^A-fr ■-

' ‘-


;•*•' V'> '

r^at YRCEX

have received aeveral coats of barmonioua shades of green, all done In
water colora, whlie the woodwork- has
Passed Away at Hla Home Last been painted a daiker shade in.oil.
The sold work Is all hand stenciled.
The mao who goM into the market and
The intermediate deiwnment and the
picks up the bargains, is tne man with cash
John W. Martin died at Ua^Brrav yiost office have been painted in the
in bis hand, and credit which his cash
1144 Peninsula street at 10;S0 Un same color*. The decoiatioDB through­
out barmonlte most anJstirally
ALL CANADA 18'WAITING OUT- night after a lingering Ulnesa.
was bom March 11. IkSk. in A{>oUo, tbe coloring* in the wloduwa and the
Boy Alleged to H«rs Taken PocketWho hasn't felt Uie pang of disappoint­
Pa, and came to Mk-hlgan many yeaie whole combination 1* restful to the
book Fr«m William Trout
ment that comes of seeing someth!^ ^he
ago. His wife. Mrs. Anna M. three eye. All the outside woodwork has
wine This Morning.
wants badly pass for a song to another who
Hona, four aiepeons and two daugh­ received a liquid veneer surface aud
ters survive him. k'unersl services (he pews have been reiuUsbed. The
had the cash to take the bargain.
will be held from the home Tuesday velvet cariiet has been cleanwl bnd
Asa Reckard. a paroled prlsooer
Well, what’s the le&sont
afternoon at I;30, Rev. Pohly ofnclg^- laid and the replai-lng of the iww*
from I^avenwnnb t^laon. la locked
win, be done. In iipje for aervlces for
There will come a time to you and to me
up ip the county Jail with a prison
term facing him prorided be it con­
when a sum of cash in hand and the credit
The Mayflower room, kitchen, pri­
victed of the charge preferred aCTlnet
power which it brin^ will openthe way to
mary deRortment. which is the dining
him. He was arreated this marnlnG
profitable undeitakbgs.
meriean ResidenU of Little Republic by Chief of Polled faraon for the al­
room, and the kindergarten, have
AiitH»rltiM Tak* Rtport m J*k«. 8i<t
Wm Be Protected Against Out­
been A'ecoraied In the soft shades of
lied theft of about one hundred dolWill Praveirt Any UnfHcndly OiitAnd we need not mourn our lot and say.
rages by EiUier of the Con­
i. which is a contrast to the-itpi-cr
lan> from Wm. Trouiwlne, Trootwiiiibt«ak—Thaw i« Still Idol
not fort ixic,
me," ucv.auoc
because we
»»« vou
can uotw
have u
tending Factions.
rooms, and at the same time Is
cUims to itave been rallered A>f the
of-SItapy Vlllagm.
Savings Bank ■ the means of gathering
In the kindergarten roon
money while driving vrlth,Reckard
walnacollng Is of tan burlap, so thni
He reiiorted hi* loss to police bead(lly XToited Press.)
pictures and lards that are nsed b.v
V ed. and thus pravit
ide against the day of
qtiartera at once and In leee than
Coattrook. Sapt. S—Xtllliani Travers
Wasblngtoo. Sept. 8.—Dominican thirty minutes ninety dolUrs of the
the teachers can be pinned up and i
Jerome. reproMDUoK Ne*' York eiaie
gunboats are today sbelling the City et money had been recorered and Reck
in (lie liarrj- Thaw caae. aloioet moo
at this bank.
ard was in Jail.
oiwIlMd the apotllsht here lods>.
that you can have in reach the things which
ing American lives and property,
fill attdhtlon and all the piiws bad
It serma that Reckard and TroyiT.'erofu* arrived troiu Montreal at doou.
J>e reniovr^ to prevent Injury ^iti cordlog to state deportment, dlspalcb- wlne were returning from a farm-dear
money commands.
and bU trial on a <«mmoD Rambliiir
each one carefuD' cleaned. Till* lu'.
1 from Consul EsU-va.
the city early ibis morning.' Trout. • rharne la scheduled at 4 o'clock tlil^
The Amiwlrnn cnii*er Dee Uolnea is
FEW ROLL CALLS LOOKED FOR been a task, but Kcv. lK>mas CachUii;
tnstead of taking any vacation ba.- ’eurbtitc to the little republic to aid the
tbm that be aUe«eti Re<-kard
Reding Is very hitter aeaine.
donntsl overall* and been at tl.e crul»er_.Nash»llle in protecting /noet' helped hiniReir to a bill book in his
>ate. srhile Thaw It ibe idol of ibe
church every da.v worTing'as hard a: lean*.
Under Control of U. 5. *Tr€4Sary
brttasl iKtt'kei which contained in the
erstwhile aleepy ritlhge to t'oaticock. Vice President Marahalt to Take Act­
mechanic.. He has looked after
of $100. The loan
* but the authorities proressed to uVe
the organ himself and know*, lb.siana Senators Only OemoIS a Joke the w ild rumors that Jerome
not noticed until after the barn had
might be attacked. One retwrt 'said ;V I ccats to'Oppose Measure.
been reachi-d. and Reckard bad Ay
Installed the instrument. N<
that admirers of Thaw planned
that time diaaiG>oaivd. He dodged
work ha* been too arduous for him m
shoot Jerome In the court roohl. The
into an empty bouse near
GerAVarbingtoi.. Sepl. S.—Majority lead undortal.e and thioiigh his careful at
caae agaloat Jerome'.was continue-]
msine larn. and when Chief Carson
B In Ibe senate cbnfldeDtly especi leutloQ the work ha* l>een rusbe.l. c
until September 11 when ibe New
arrived the bam employes
l«S8 the tarilT bill before adjourn .1. Manimoml has had charyre of t'lc
1'orker failed to appear Saturday, but
guarding the entrance to the bouse,
log today. ‘I'he Republicans were
cariM-nlcr work.
during the night Jerome had telephone
dag (hat (bey bad Reckard and
signed to'tbe in^ltanle and it was ex­ , Another liig Ini^tovement
communlcaUou with
Entries Are Already in to' Crowd the the money bulUed up. A short
pected there wpuld Ih-. Xew demand, hiiilding of a Urge coal bln IMSC'ii:
Old Buildings Beyond 'Their
sufficed to show tliat the bouse wa*
for roll calls, 'except on Imiwtani •he eosi of lJ*e building that will hold
empty, and Carson at
item*. Senator laKollett.- Is exiiei-ted
carloads of I oal' This will elima search for the missing driver,
I s|tesk four or five hoora in adw tnaie the coal dust that has hereto
was Informed ,that be had been
lO of hi* amendn-.oms.
fore *eeti in the building arid so-nii
Tlie various committees
running down the alley and the chief
Vice President Hatahall has had liis novlng to all A coal chme ha* beer
Let us particu^rly recommend to you the use
nce took a car .and went
conrsc laiofully uispi>ed out foi him made that will enable tbc quUkt-i. Grand TYaverai- Region fair ore aClivework.
home at Eaeventh and BoHe was expected to aid lu the
handling of the coal for ihi- (umaic
of our
among the faniera bemia HtreeU. He arrived just a
cecillngs In every way. The m
A double *Uro roof has bi-en i>ui on being kauifi-stcd
tix-k men and better eihiUU minutes after Reckard. Search failed
planned a contlnuoua session until the the building, which
Magniflcant Una of Frurt and Vegeta*
will Ik- made than ever before.
bill is iwssed That there woiiW be freezing or hacking up
fo reveal the missing money on
Wm Has Already Been
Some Important changes will
only two Democratic votes, thuse of so tbeie will be no dancer of leak
young man's person however, so the
The power of sealing your Iniits or vegetables in
Urted Up.
made In tb.- arrangement of the buil­ chief began to look for possible hidime
Loulslaiu senalnrs. registered ing aud destroying the decoratioii*
ding*. All addltio
addition wm le built to places atioul the houtw. Mrs. Reck
these jars is great. It is impossible to obtain as
against the measure. sp|>eared certain
While services win be held.Sundae dings.
Idtng. The horse barn* ard'* mother of A*a. bad been volubly
and the leadeis lielieted they might morning there U a question alioui all the catfTP-ImfidtQg
result^ with other jars, as these have a glass
The Crand Traverse Region fair, at
good ^iviat of whlte- declaring that there wa* no mo'ney In
gain some by ITogressivc-Republican tbe» Sunday school service*, as thcr,. will shelved a go<
Traverse City. SejAember 13 to 3«,
top %vith i ^wertul lever to squeeze the top perfect­
poultry tent will be made Uie house, and she finally t^me so
a pumlier
minor detail* to In- «8*hl The poultry
promises to be bigger and bctter'.thaa
Despite speeding up by the majority taken care of.
ly solid to the jar and make it air tight
profuse a* to lead Carson to bellevc
ever.before. It is the lirgest fair
---- -The con.'eR.*lon* will he moved from ihat she knew something of
leaders in the senatorial tariff pio
north of Grand Rapids: in fact, It is
.the «r«et at the eniraifee to that hereabouts. 8hc at first denied all
ceedings today, it appeared doubtful
Success in keeping fruits and vegetables perfect­
being conducted on a scale that pui.t
this afternoon If a final vote could lie
least of the agricultural and horticul- kn'owWge of the money, but after
it in the state fair class. . Ttie showing
ly, depends somewhat on the quality of the jar UMd.
taken until after midnight/^ lengthy
few- moments of sweat box question
farm products at last year's (air
will not miss it if you should see them at our
tonnage, eatpenter'a measurement* i.Jrassaga to and from the race track iRg. she lead the way to her own coat
I was a snrpriae to many and the dfs- nlgbi session was certain.
store, comer Front and Cass St.
as follows: For a slngledcck eessel.!
■»«>' *'»*' *>>*• co.akestton that which hung behind a door, and point
pUy this year will be even larger and
. the sleeve of the garment. NTne. better. The Michigan Agrlcutiiiral.
Other jars which we have are the Ball Bros,
breadth of beam, and depth of hold rvfre*hmf
rreshments booths will-be plsced In ly dollars of the money* was found In
college Is airanglng to hate two car
together and diride by fS. For n one loc-ality.
and Economy. We have them all in pints, quarts
Joads of fancy Ilv«sUKk on exhildtioii.
the sleeve pocjTet Reckard was at
double deck veesei. muli.ply as before,
The (-omtnliti-e on entertainment baa
and half gallons, also covers and rubbers.
and the fruit growers of the lake
Uken to Jan. and the searching
taking half ibe breadth dTbe.ain for
shore .counties are idannlng u|«n s CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH HAS the depth of the bold and divide by 9k. secured the Copi-lands. who ao well parties which had been scouring the
We guarantee the prices are as cheap as the
entertained the crowds tgsi year. Tbls district In the the Deigbbvhood of
magnificent display of feuits. This is
year they have added a number of the barn were called off.
cheapest in town.
the part of Michigan that
Mother's PretSfrt.
the fruit that wins the prizes, and the
Palber always fopgeu that It Is BOW atrartlohs and will bo seen each
Corner Front &Xass Sts.
(irand Traverse fair is the p1a<w to Interior of Structure New Preaenu motber’a birthday until she bawls him day In front of the grand stand There
Ths amo belonging to Henry Dowd
an Ehtlrely New Appearanca
out about it after breakfast. Then be will be molorcyrle r
H and bicycle of Orawn. was sldeswlped hy the »n
to ths PuMte.
t good dUplay'of grains and
gtne or the afternoon G -R. A I. train
screen door for the kitchen or a rub­ win be a good string of entries (or
vecetablee There will be
ber mat foi the bathroom at g grao- the horse ra.-es. Thera wUI sisn be
for tb« children, plenty of tbetn. The
street. Mr. Dowd tried to make the
ML—Cincinnati Enquirer.
The work of iXtecoratlng the Flni';
of cattle from the Mich­ grade but was not quite quick enough.
fair promises to he so good that every
igan Ajblcniture college and a good The car wa* put out of commission
leraon la Dorthweaiem Michigan can oDgregatlonal cbiirch is |iractl<alli
profitably spend one or more days inexhibit from the Traverse City Slate but Mr. and Mrs. Dowd and two chil­
speHRkg the etblbiis and enjoying the
dren received no injuries save 'a baa
There are a number of good home shaking ig< and somewhat of a scare
Inlonse suffwlng, but hinder their
grnwih. DR. HOBSON'S ECZEMA raisers in this region and no better
Do-You Fear Cor
rwThis has taken six weeks and It ha*
yiace for cihililt than at tbi* fair. If
been s task. The building wa* luru- lief ond iiormaiient cure of suffering all the people in Ehta region would
Resolutions of condolence on th<
bahtoe whose skin eruption* have
»er to the decorator*, who re­ made their life inleorablo. ■Our
oxen a mtle *iffori this will he the death of a roni|ianlon of the Ancien
la. Dr. King's New Discovery
. of Gleaners of ITosiwct Arbor
will surely
■ help
' Ip you: tt
it may save your moved all the furniture and tliroitgh was affIKled with breaking out <
Mgg<-«1 and best fair ever held
hereas, it ha* lieen the will of on:
icalp. Ito
Itoc- northern Michigan.
life. SttllmanI Green, of Malachite. their ex|>ert hands a wonderful trai:»- »kln all over iho (ace and scalp.
Masler above ihal our arbor li
t'ol.. writes; "Two
“Two doctors said I bad foraratiun ha* taken plat-c. .1. J. Car
I skin
failed I
Yon will WHIM want to rajiairr tjfekl
tjbgl iMkitip'roof
or pul ou
called to mourn the loss of our eomnsiimpUon and could not live twe
who departed
» rifw one. ami you will finti Prriw^ RoofiuR I'hraipFr thau
pirs I used Dr. King's N'ew Dlycov penter of Caro, Mich, who is a prac
.nd wet.
- On tbs Way.
I- and am alive and well ’ Your
Tout tt<al chiirc^ decorator, and hi* force baby compleiolv cured before one
The man who tita around waltinf lx. tt
liiiingU's ami faHU-r. to put fm. We have,dr^n>qfing that we
u;-ed," write* Mra, Stiubler.
men refunded If it fails ) henelit nTmeiJijxe followed a carefully laid
tor somebody else to discover and do
Resolved. That we. her fellow
u. ^Thf
'The best home remedy for
lows. All dntgtfsts. or
know is good. We have sold it for nine yeani and have oever
plan iindrr siiggc-stlons from a
velop bit ability la sure sooner or Iianlons. do Hereby expree* by reuolu< 'lUchs. colds, throat and lung iroubles.
lion* our high appreciation of her
FEIFKER ClIEMirAI. COMi'AN'Y later to become a weariMme grum­ sterling
P.'ice ;«c and $1.00 . Oimrameed by mmmiiiee 'of the laidie*' Aid Mwletv FFEIh
ha^ u l*oor pifi'e- nor a voiiiptaini. It it. nia'di* of genuiue rag
and hiiiiM-ir. The wall* and celling-^
Louis, Mo. I’MIadeIpbla, I’n.
all UrugBisis of Traverae/CID'.
bis alwar* been loyal and faithful,
felt with a pure aaphalt aaturajum and we guarantee it to give
til slckneaa confinmf her lo her rc.
and unehle longer to iterforp -active
Katisfai'tioti. It ia-called "nwuflile.'’ We have it iu one ply,
duties. It Is also
Resolved. That our charier b<
two ply aud three ply.
(ira|>ed In mourning for a i«rtod o
hlny days In token of our sorrow
roiuc iu aud ace "Rooftite" before you lyir.
It also

Resolved. That the heartfelt sym­
pathy of our order be and is hereby
-This is the cWOdren's atore—large stock*, new *i»le* and low prices. A* to tbgl price
extended to the bereaved family of
•I’lCKtion. let UB State thi* point that Sirinbcrg llios.''Store I* never high jtrlt-od!
Veil w ill find it the lowest priced place to > hiuisc tlioioughly good merefaandtae.
recorded ui<on tbe.inlauiea of our
and a .copy of these rasoluti
be sent to the bereaved family.
Mrs.' May Johnson'
Bovs' and (llrl*'
Mra... Mattie McManus,
—Suits that were J5. S6 and $7.
Mrs. Alice llerce.
Blue *eiges and-extra i)uslli> chev- SWEATERS SCc b SS
arade;- Flavta
Neitle C. Cray, firat grade; Julia Rii-'Excemionar
lot*. ca*»itnerc* and mixtures.
-je* at every nriee.
araife: Grace
Haltiton. ae
linga. kindergarten.
Sires to IT years, »2,ko and $4.6u.
SHkwl and Byron
grade: Beulah M. Kellu^. first arade:
Union Street BuUdlng—Hulda Rr- .
foliar* In the i
an*, prmrlpal. eighth grade: CaJtota
Mabel McMichaeL kludersarteu.
—^eea.that save you from fSc to lar heavy knit elPamielee.
seventh grade: Ethel ThomElmwood
—Suito that vrere up to $4.90. .V'or- St.SO. The maiorirv have two pair fetts. Alee Jerwey
Sweaters. All the
fnlk and double breast^ knlcker
M. LyUe. priocipat. elcbtb srade. as, alxth-flfih grade: OBrnHla Ifori
aiylei; blue *erge* and splendid
poo"' vT colors
Reita Hobbs, 'aevmtb rrade: Blbel A. rison. (Aorth grade: Vidta M. Bpringmixtures. Srto and fZka
chnM. r
Brady, sixth grade: Bertha Shier, fifth ateen. third grade: Alice F. Kyaelka.
deaf wtd the county uonnaL
BOYS’ WASH SUITS at ZUc. 44c and 79c; were 50c to $Y.50
grade: laa U. Hogan, fourth grade. second grade: Bdlih U. Holeon^. Aral
Tbeee are the teacben for
Zelina Atnea. third gca^e; Mabel A grade: Lulu E.' Thomas, kindergaryear:
Boys* FarnlsUnga
| Girls’ Coats and Dreosei
Anderaon. second grade: EUsabetl!
.1... L. Tyler. auperinUadenL^
Renham. first grade: Edith U. Kll
Supervitora^leBD W. Behler. man­
l- SHIRTS A.\n mX)l’8E8 at 25c, 50e |
ual training: Msr>' F. 8u»e, music:
X -SblMs up to si7« 14 with aeiarate i •^-50 *"<« »J0. New fall modeU that Uie grawclerk.
lara or with taillfarv rolUrw alUnhed ‘
*ihool ili»a will like. Size*
Carrie E. Harden, drawing: Aurelia
High School—George H. CurUa.
Oak Park Biiildtng—Itoe R
Perry 8. Bnia
eighth grade: Ellea Craw­ B. Potu. domeetlc acienoe: Georgletta
dgge. phkBl^e^hMmatry;
EUubeth ford,
___ fvenih grade; t-elo C. Stewart. Ebner, domeelic science: Guy A. Dai*
and $S. Chinchillas and the new rougta fab­
—BOYS' CAPS—1 lot clearing apecial at-470. S4
Carson. EngllaR: Alliert W. Dowden. alzth grade; Olive E. Dobeon, fifth gan. physical (raining: Maud StnafL •
rics in clever Myles, for girls and tittle tiota.
Adams, fourth grade; day achobl for deef.
County Nonnai-Slanche Pepidt.
mathematics: Leon B. Gardner, agrl- Bnraa Pybus. third (ran#: F^nay 0.
d pattr
—NEW RtTHOfJL DRESSES at $1.28. Entirely
—Splendid aeleciioi
in Roys' Belta. .Neck- new atyle* in Fplendid wash niaceriaU. 81m
culiuraarlence: Robe^ J. Kehoa. Ger Llsdaey, sen>od grade; Veda Vander- principal: Theodora Pottle, critic.
• ear. etc, etr
6 to 14 years.
man;. John R. Lanphear. commercial rori. aecond grade: Helen 0. Hx^tklns.
courses: Mary V. Mummery, Engitob, first grade: Mary U MUta. kindwtar—8TEBI. KNIVES
’ FREE with Boys'
Florence M. Newman. LaUn: MaUlda
Nearly every woman neda a good
Roardi^ Avenue Vnllding-l^vi
Prlmeau, matbematlca; Emma J. Sha­
with I
laxative. Dr. Xing's New Life PUla
fer. German-Cngllab: Otto'H. VoHker. C. Mlahler. pdndpaL*eighth grade: are good beeanae (hey are proouiL
mlum tickeu.
and do not cause pain. Mrs. M.
-visit the premi
.. _ unUp ef LeadllL Tenn.. Mya: “Dr.
Central RuHdlng-Sarah E. Prall. Campbell, sixth grade; Gleorgla
and aee i
Uieat additions.
principal, aevahth grade: Myrtle E. ler. fifth grade. GUd.ra H. WaUh. King's New U(# Pills helped hep
troubles greatly." Get a box toda^.
OriStn. sixth grade: Helen Thurtell. fourth grade: Lila SasdalL third Price. :sc. Recommended by aU ditigWh grade; Edith H. Olbbt. tourUi grade; LoU A. Thacker.aecoad crade; giats of 'Travtfw City.





There Will Come a Time










Seal Fast Fruit Jars



Greal Values

FaU aolhes

Boys' SolU at 1.69,2.M. S.80* S.89 and 4.60

Kpank Trude


Farmers and fndt growers may use
Moom, Bk and Csribou—Unlawful ferrets In killing rabhik on their «nte kUI at aajr ume.
cloced lands.
Vliea lawfully killed may he trans­
10 (o NoTcmlwr SO. Inelualve. ReiV ported and sold.
Souirrel—Unlawful to' hunt Ftw.
4«at Qatar’s Umue OlJO Doiir««l4enl hunter'* license $»; aUen rati- Black or Oioy unUl 19U.
daat hunter's Ueense i:s (who ha*
bM declared hi* InienUon.) Mar hav^
Hearer—Open season Norember i
30 dar* after close of to May 14. Inclusive. Ucense SIO. to
be obtained of couny- clerk.
Racroon ^nd Skunk—Unlawful to
UnUwfiil for any' person to
Otter. Fisher. Martin. Foa. Mink,
nera than J. /
WsWful to,'kill in rad coat,
take, trap or kill frpm April i to.
fawn fa
October 31. Inclusive.
Unlawtul to pursue, kill or capture
Muekrat—Unlawful to tak«s trap or
km from April JS to October 31. Inany deer while It In In'the water.^
Unlawful to use doe* In hunMns,
Unlawful to use firearms or explos­
Unlswfal to use artificial ItghU In
ives In banting.
UnUwful to km. until i»20. In Ber­
Muskrat or Beaver House*—unlaw­
rien. Calbona. Geaease, Inahstn. Jack ful to destroy, disturb Or molest at any
SM, Kalanaioo. Oakland and St. time, or set an.v trap within six feet
Clair ootmUea.
of a muskrat bouse.
Untowful to kill, until 1918, on Bolt
Unlawful to set or put out any
Blanc Island.'^
muskrat traps preceding the day of
■ Unlawful to knowlnfly trap. Injor# the open season.
or kill any deer or offsprina thereof
Wolf. l.>-nx and Wildcat—Bounty
whldi are kept In. or bare escaped for wolf over six months. |«5; for
wolf under six months. $10; for lynx.
frm-iiay prjrste enclosure.
S: for wildcat, «.
Game Birda
her 1 to March l. Inclusive.
Quail—UnUwful to Mil until 1917.
Unlawful to uee ferrests of' Guinea
I^rie Chicken—IjnUwful to kill or
. piRs la hnatlnc.

Tasty Pastry Roar
has been tried and proved by bundre«lB
of housewives. Take their recomrnendtions. Order a sack with your next
groceries. All grocers sell it.

Tbe Haimah & Lay Co.
lBII«ra F<w Fifty Years

• T> A w^7\r •

•Unto tbs dayhteak, and tbe ahadowe flee away.--Tbe Bong of Sotomon 3;xr.

Here, at Wgh noon the sun k»ks down
In statdy calmness on the streets;
There, twilight comes to field and town
And night her minor croon repeats
In tKddqiera titat are darkly sad—
But still the world is whirling on.
And somewhere, juUant and glad.
There sound the trumpets of the dawn.
The sunlight drips on drowsing ships
And bre«^ and fiklla in golden 8tr^
And lights the wa^es with jeweled tips,
[ght here, a twilight there,
g and mid-aft emooo—
But, laughing into life somewhere. •
The dawn comes as a wondrous boon
To ^es that 3reare for light of day,
To eyes that search the pulsing deqi^
To eyes that fain would drive away
The listless languor of dull sle^
The nty dawn forever flies
On wings across the sides.
While eacdi close<iutching shadow dMh,
The stars pale irito nothingness—
To outer 'silence fiaint the stars
When <^wn, her gladness to express,
FU^ forth her first far reaching bars.
The sea brealo into limpid light.
The shades that robed tbe wo^ are gone-*
Out of the mysttry of night
There Iwps the nuracle of dawn.
The sunlight dr^ on drowsing ships.
And breaks, and falls in crimson strips—
Then sing the waves with rosy lips.


cnplure at any tine.
'Saef.or portion pf deer, wkhln HMs
PartiMce and Spmee Hap—Open aUle. unless *rom|isnled by license
•eaaoB from Octobtf i to Novemher tag.
A licensed non-resident hunter may
ITnlawfuI to take mom than 8 lo take from the sUte as band baggnge
se day.
not to exceed the number of birds of
Unlawful to Uke more than SO In any kind that may be legally killed
one calendar year.
by him in one day.
UnUwful to have In potsi
»n-msldent hunter may ship one
than 15 In all at one time.
or portion thereof out of i
HomlBR PHteobs and MoornlBB
n accompanfed by permit of state
Dovee—UnUwful to eaidure or kUl
game, fish and forestry warden or
•oy time.
DO of hU de^iutles.
SronaolUn (BnalUbi rheaannt.BUrk
Bute gnme. fisb and forestry war­
Fowl. Capercaillie. -lUrel Qroiise aad den may issue permit (or sale and
Wild Turke.v—Unlawful lo hunt until transportation, either within or wlth1917.
ont tbe SUte. or de<>r skins and buck
NoneCame Birds.
deer beads, green or ibounted at any
UnUwfnl to kill, capture or have in season of year.
poRiesalon, excepting BUckblrd*. EUgSale of Proiocted Game-^UnUwfiil
lisfi Sparrows. Crows. Cooper's Hawks, to sen. at any time, any game'animal
Sbarp-shlnned Hawks and Great Horn­
pme bird prou-eted by the laws
ed Owl*.
of thU aUte.
Use of Dogs—Lowfnl to train on
Ducks. Bnipe. Plover. Shore Birds. gnfhe birds wlihin fifteen days of the
Sora Ralls—Open season from Sep­ niffled season, but t.ersons training
tember 1 to December 31. Inclusive.
must net cerry firearms when eo doUnlawful to take in one day mom fttg.
than :s Ducks. Oeese and Brant
UnUwfnl to use In hunting deer.
Plover; Snipe and other Shore Birds.
cenu for each bead, birds killed dup
UnUwful to Uke In one calendar Ing ^>ecemher. Januan and February.
year mom than 50 Plover, or Snipe
Deadfalls, Poison. Etc.-UnUwful to
and other Shorn Birds.
use any deadfall, snare, pol on or ex­
UnUwful to'have in
Hunting on Enclosed I-ands. Etc —
any time In all more than 35 Ueese.
Brant and Duck; 3« Plover. 30 Snipe Unlawful to hunt In public parks or
game preserves; or on enclosed lands
and other Shorn Birds.
UnUwful lo nse any floailng device of another when such lands am post­
propelled by steam, itas. nnphths, oil. ed agalnti hunting, except with own­
gasoline or electrlc-Ky, or sail boat, er's consent.
Speerlng -Unlawful to si>ear tUb In
or to use jiny swivel or punt gun. bat­
tery., slnkboal or sltnllar device.
Inland lakes, except through the Ice.
UnUwful to use gun of greets sUe during December, January, February
and March. Igiwful to si>esr fish in
titan ten gauge.
rivers and Mreams, but (subpect to
UnUwful to hunt from suneet
local acts applying to certain town
RalU and Coots—Open season. Sep­ shliw. oounllea. takes or rivers) only
tember 15 to December 31. Inclusive GraM'Pike, Mullet. Suckers, and RedGeese. Brant. Pintnll. Red Hmd. sides may l>e tpenred during March.
Blue Bill. WhUtUr. Butterball and April, -May and June.
UnUwful to s|>eiir at any time, in
Widgeon—Open season. 8ej>t«tnber 1
tu April 30. ihrluslvs.
, cither Ukes or streams. Sturgeon, any
Woodcock—Open season. October 1 kind of Bass (except Hack Bass.) or
any kind o( Trout.
to November 30. Inclusive.
Frogs—I’nUwful to* kill or take In
Unlawful to Uke more thanTln one
any manner, except (or fish bait, any
UnUwful to have U poeSeMlon at species of mllble (togs, from .Novem­
ber 1 to June 1.
any on* tine more than ad.
Unlawful to kill more than SO In any
calendar year.
8i>eckled. CbUfomU. I^h Uv«n and
S^t T«U Her Thit f
Sieelbead Troni—Open season fram
May 1 to September 15.
Unlawful ii> have In pots
under seven inches In length.
Unlawful lo Uke from stocked
Btmams for four years after flfVt
UaUwfal to aeU.
UnUwful to ship out of aUte.
•Unlawful to Uke more than 35 in
any one dsy.
Unlawful to have in possession
than 50 nt any on* time.
Sturgeon—Unlawful lo take from
InUnd wBlera. eicx-pt with book and
UnUwful to uke mom than 50 In
if one day or have mom than 100
pobsesslon at any one time.
Baas (all kinds)—UnUwful to aell.
Unlawful to Uke from inland waters
except with hook and line.
Small-Mouthed apd Hlg-Moulbed
DUck Bass—Unlawful to Uke moi
than 1" In any one day or have In
poesesstoD mom than 10 at an^

^UnUwful u Uke leas than lO Iscbr*
In length.
Unlawful to Uke In any mi
any of.Ahe waters from February 1
to June IS, inrlusive.
UnUwful to ship out of stsur*^
woin Fmvisionf
-Shall not be JUIppa
■Game Birds—Shall
by- exprea*. freight or baggage, nor
in any other ntannar. bnt shall be car­
ried ogly as o|>eo band baggage. May
a 30 days after seahaveI 1In r
Members of club* owning land
In the sUte. to whom permlU have
been Issued may carry 20 docks
band baggage.
Hnnter's Ueenae—BeaWent* hmilIng protocted game birds or anlmala.
other than deer, outside the county In
which they reeld*. must proewm 11Fee tl. Parsons bunting on
their own Innd*. tbeir minor cblldreo
and employea am exempted. Resi­
dent deer hunter's licanse 31.50.
Unlawful for non-reeldenU to bunt
- kill protecUd game birds or an)maU. other than dear, without Ucense. Fee flO. AHen resMenu of
this state mutt procure
bunt protected gnme and Mr^. other
than deer, and pay fee Of |10. Nonmstdent deer bnoter'e license. 125;
alien resident deer banter’s license
125. Ueenae for bunttng gnme and
birds, other than deer, may be procur
ed of county clerks or sUte game
Qsb aad forestry warden. ' lAnsing
Deer bunUr's licenses am tsaned by
county clerks.
Non-Rasident AngUr’s
UeraseKoB-resldenU. over IB. reoulred to
proeum lieena* to fish. Pa* for Uoense to Uke all kinds of flab, except
trout. Bi: fee tor ricenae to Uke all
Mods of tub. laeludlng tmut. 33. One
day's legal cattdi of fish may be Uken
or shipped out of sUW by 'lleenaed
Osherman. Goupwi from ttoense rnnat
be atuebad to package.
Protected Qeme—UaUirtnl to (magi
potr beyond <ka banaSvt* H
Mate at any tleu. VaUwfnl to eUp

TbroBift tbe proxy of Mn. Ma
BbapUro of Brooklyn, tbe ghost of her
fatber appured as a wltoea* before
Magisirata Miller In the New Jersey
sieging that Mm. Clara Steiner,
occupies an apartment on the aam*
floor with Mrs. Sbaplero, bad stolea
a 31M Hag belonging to her.
Mrs. Shnplero charged that Mrs.
Steiner bad visited her on July 8 and
was upward of an hour In bor bed­
room. which Mrs. Sbaplero bad ocoasloa lo leave once or twice, lo a
drawer of the dresser reposed, lb*
ring. On July 4. when Mr*. Shspiero
missed ber ring she went looking (or
Mrs. Steiner, end learned she bad
gone to Paterooo, N. J.
“But aura as I am here, yoor honor."
said Mrs. Sbaplero. "tbe fignm of my
departed' father appnamd to me. I
could aee bim as pUlnly a* yon
■elf sitting befora me.
He spoke
slowly. He said; '.Mrs. SUIner bat
your Hag. She took It from a drawer
In your dressing ubie. Take ber Into
eoun and recovar yoor property.”*
TVbetber Magleirsie Miller planed
faith la tbe evidence of the natral fa­
ther of Mrs. Shapicro or waa unsatlafled with tbe answer* made by Mra.
the Hng, dost not appm* o* * manor
of recort. bnt he held bw la 3500 ball
for the'grand Jury.

Knetsn as *
Tbe lateat atndle* of the effects of
snnllght and heat upon tbe htnnu
body ladlute that annstrake Is Ml
dne to the light rays, bnt aoleiy to
heat It is sugested that it Is nnUy
"due to the body falling to adapt It­
self to exertion under onditlons
whljh seriously mtard or Awek tb*
cooling of the body by .fWdiatlOD oi
Brldaaee of tbU is tbe teet that In
tropical neas .pas*en*>n on deck e»
cape snastroke. while etokm and fire­
men below are often otrleksa.
’rite ebemleal or eeUrie rays dl
■nnltgbt prodnoe Mobnra. wbl^ may
•Moetlmei be very eerlons. «ad1 tbe
eenUy made prove that tbe obomthal
rare on tfot* powerful In tbe ^wing
than in tbeovm^ar. nd that ttey at­
tain tbeir greoMl Intensity between
on* m’Mek Md three p. ns. tndo
pendenUr of whether this be tbe bob
tM jirt of tbe day or ML

revotrer by a FVen^
wbkb tbe weapoo in the ban* of a
greonborn H as deadly aa tn tbooe of
A amali aad pdwe^
cle of light 1* projeeied upon tbe tar­
get and tbe bailee wfli atriketbe
ter of Oi* lb*. This paMenlar i
Uoa U markM by a dark gpow and


MnyfWtJ. SepL 6.—Mi*. CbcHle
Welsb is vwy-sKk^ Hw mother. Mrs.
Sontb Boardmnn,
came Monday to take cam of her.
Cy Davis vest to Benton Harbor
Monday to visit friends for two or
tbreo weeks. Wolfe and «rite went to Hertnan's Mill Tuesday, where hr witl
work In some p( the mills, and m.-iy de­
cide to locate there, pcnnanently.
Grand Sargent still coatlnnes quite
poorly hut seems s lUUe better thU
Opal Holliday has gone to Traverse
nt)\ to the hicb school this tertg.
sTwt Jamison and wife went to
McMiUUn Wednesday tp vistl frienda
for n week. ' They will go to tbe Soo.
Marquette, Gladatune and other points
befom lhey >«uni.
Goldie 'HolllAay ha.* gone lo her
school Id the.Potter district, whom
she expects to teach an eight month


Mist Wrlglii of Traverao City. U
again school teacher (of this term.
Claudie-Mspletofi returned to PellstoD Monday.

Pretty Problem.
Saint Glngolph. which Is on lb*
borden of Lake Geneva, is the eana*
of a prett
iem. One part is'tfl French and tbe
bxnue was eenrt ro^m. post oSI* c other In Swiss territory, and a car
Charlei. \V. VVlIlUms »b8 boro lu
is owned In common. Since
W. Morris. I.trtngsiou county. New ntid .church lor several yeers. In the Uln
York. Apill 21st. 183L and died at his curl;, da.vs wlit-n the iieopic were iin 1800 this OMDBnnal land has bees
home In Kaason uiwaship. Snti.iay aide to supiiort a pa*-lor. he gave tbe aubjeet of dispaU. and pourpar
-lera were begun In 1361. These have
Ding.' Auku-t 24. IMS. IK- wh-- much pf his lime to that service, and
not yet been finished, bat both tbs
the only rciiialniug ploneer^berc wivo it la said hv'soiiK- that he attended French and Swiss government am
loeated a honiestend in SeptcnilK-i. more liineral“ than*any other ‘min•
lhV2l, HU imreHis moved, from Ml. i^-tcr In the vKiiiily.
MorrU. X Y.. t<- Flint. Mien., in l>-3'i
He held iiu'idic offices of trust an!
when tbU sintc was still a territor.v.
dtltv m xchoo! disiHci. townthU only son received lessons ;i- khip aoil county, and In 1888. mpre- go to eburob. the Swiss residents pro­
farmliiB very enrly In We
srnted ilic U-eUnau and Benxie dlw ceed into Freoeb torriiory to won
Jn 15:>3. when hU. father went tu irlct in the state leglslntom.
airrornln in svairh for gold’he as
He was a inuii of Indomitable iwr
Took Rtmark LHemlly.
sunied the development of the new k»\«-rcDce, farsetiug judgment and
A story once went the raont
farm and the can- of the home. wliUh r.dellty of purpose, nnd he bas left Ms Paris that an t
ronrisird of lita nioilitr and live >*,U- impress for good upon the iiolUtral, M. Oonstana
1 to pick ■
tcru. He .-ic(|ulred..nn e>lucatloti in I'l • buslncKB and .moral development of..............
rel with M. E
rural, dirtrlrt and Union school oi the con.munlty. ,
) "MMy tbankn." anld Coutaas. "hot
HU Wfloved comiwnlon for fifty-four I do my own mnidari." The retort
nini. I-alcr hr devoted the winter
roonihs 10 leathltig and suniiiicrs lu x^ra die.l
dle.i January 23. 1913. and since foond lU way to tkrastaaOnople, aad
when M. Conttans arrlmd them aa
(arnilnf. In 1857^he went to
decline and bU
^en he I
Preach ambaaaador he wm* struck by
sola, where he was eugagt-d Ju
death lesulled
iCkuTled lui-M^vi
!ukM>even mouths tbe exaggerated delersnoe ' of the
tlohal v;-ork alviul two years,
later. HU funeralfwa*
funeraf^’x^ faheld at the Turkish ofleialB from Annenlv A
turned to Michtgan end on Feh\;uar) Oviatt M K chtircV Rev. Wra Haa-j ^ »ijo did his niurdw himself
22. Ih.V’. hr - wo* married
Jilti lui Hi-hed s ediplorUng sermon a remarkable figum to admlnlstfi
llrtkev K. Rl<-e of St. l.awTvuce
from Num. 23 Ch . last pan of luih who omployed tbe Kurds lor that
ty. X, y. Ill Max. JKr.(.-with his
Verse. Tiic Kai-kon. Center Grange at- esaary baslneaa.
two little ilauKlilcra he
teoxied in a body and tbe Hsple CHy
nJfM la Nat Werttlng."
Glen ArhoT. Mich.. BO^made his way lodge I. O. O. F. randnrted the Jwrial
to the new hame''''^^a dense wild.-: service; at the conclusion the East
fly lasURed as an adjunct to the telw
tieKs). Manx- hanlshii-s and trlBi-i Kaaroo choir sang 'Jesus. 1-over of
phone aervioe of Berlin. When tbe
were endured; hlii the home, although My Soul.” and hU body reals hedide line gets ont of order tbe phonograph
invaded hy fcicliiess. was .fliloil with his Itclorc.1 wile and daughter In Al­ ariomaUeally calls out to. would-be
good cheer, if not mnny oouifons, and mira cemetery. Ulkera, "tbe Use Is not worMog-" The
operators mj ^ swtMi on tbe pbocograpb to ask penoas what utmban
7 want
.t is asM for the new taBtivB*.-it
that It It so nearly taandible that tlM
wnrk of*^
iinhaggi ean
t he
be oarrM
on *Ub iMs'MMwbd «a«r aad
d 6Mr.

Try a Record-Eagle
Want Ad.

Ready for the
AMumn Activity
There is do news that appears io our advertising columns so welcome as the
news about new goods. Especially attractive is this news NOW. We’ve just
crossed the line twixt summer and fall. The new eeason’s outfitting begins, and
this store has used all its ene^y. all its experience to make yonr autumn buying
a source of pleasure and satismetinn to you-

Children’s Sdiool Shoes New Ihess Goods, Slflts,
Froma GoodShoe stock
Wa^ Goods
V&7E ARE showing school sbods dlfferent from shoes they'll sho^
you* anywhere else, because we are sole
agents for shoes we sell.
Boys' School Shoes. We are sell­
ing the well-known Red School
House Shoes, sizes 2!4 to 6. The
very best velour calf leather, form­
erly sold for $225.
4 OA
WhUe they last......../........... leOeT
Boys' oBd Vooths’ Chm Toned
Shoes for hard wear and good fit­
ting. Extra special.

$U5 and 1.98
Oris' Shoes Im* Foil Weor in gun
metal, dull and bright kkL Number
of styles to choose froni for

|1.24g L39 and 1*98

Openliig of Fresh Ftf FaOloiis
f-ANDOR c«m|Mli ua to say that we
w iieve the Soeat and handeeBieat
lineofdieaa, waut and akin mstarials
in ailk. wool, cotton, that thla note baa
ever thovni. The new weaxres include
Ratinea, EponieB. 'Matelaaaaa, etc., aa
wall as staple and fancy fabrics that
an always in fashion.
AU WmI SerocB. Every wanted
color, includinR black. Excqittohal
value at,
per yard — .............. —
Wool Salttoa*. 54 incher xride.
A wondeifiil bargaliL Real Bannock­
burn suitings in bnara and gray mix­
tures. Equal to goods selling
at 11.00. Out prit^ yard..........W**-

EXTRA SPEaAL-Bfisses’ and little
New Silk sM WMI Plaidm
girls’ -high top shoes, lliey are of
the best.
4 MQ Spedaliy ptu^ at *Sc
While they last.......................1.W

Globe Departm^l Store

MatfwtM Uw Tlwr* Thtt.RMaKs hi
H«Wi»9t Law Th«« mm
Acr* In SiM.

c er Animal la

temperaaeat la a cow doea
a high BUta ot aeTwouaaeu
«r imublUt^ hut the aainial baa
aerrea each aa make the vaiioua
pana aca*e. glVlag tone. Tltalitr a
aeUritr to the maar parte of i
bod?. Thta Important characterteUc
between the e?ee and *eU dished
The eye- aboald be prominent,
bright, dear aad,mUd. bat
alngglah looking. The proiaiaetice

A Gm« Dairy Cow.

CUd tannftif ii the UBel] elte «( the
(arat. More Uuui tUU of the Belglu
tmrnm mn lev thaa u acre la alaa.
IW prohlbittng the luring
by any man ot aN hle'pcopezSy to one
child, deelaru Wallacu' Fhnner.
U rednlr«d that the property be divid­
ed atoobg bla ofalldren. Of couree the
ohlldren can agree to hold the land
Inlacu but in pracUca the rwult bu
bun a grant enbdtvlalon of the land.
The average acre of Belglnn land
rente lor a cash rent of about tie. but
there U eooe abare renting, the agree­
ment being half and halt, and the
landkgd to fumlah haU ot ^e fenUllMt
Tht average value of the Belgian
land Is DOW about $300 an acre, pas­
ture land averaging a little mme than
tbte ind cnlUrated land a Iinie lew.
Eighty years ago Belgian land wu
orth Just half this
Whr Is Helglan Isnd so btghT It Is
Jt so frrtlle as much of the land of
England or Oerinany. yet Is
uable became there are some halt ndlUon briglans who have the ability
to make $300 laud bur Interut on
the invutment. Tbey are able to fto
this becanu they work hard and are
satisfled wKb.lKtle Another reaaon
for tha high price of land is the keen
competliioD tor It. Beuuse of the
amaU plecu Into which It la divided
land is coDstanily on the market and
there.nre always farm bands and rent­
ers who are uger to own a piece of
land far themselvu. and ao the price
la bid up to the limit


tta. The backbone ahoold be coterad with no eurplue fleeb. for If it
la. the co« la nelag to tattoo bereett
that which ahouid go Into the milk
pall. The rib* ahouid be wide Id
themtelrea. and ahouid have plenty
ot width betwen them. Tbii can be
measured by Ineenlng the ftngera be­
tween the libc. Perwlateoc>- In chew­
ing the cud la a vary Importaot point
with dairy eowa.

importance of Succulent Ration, as
Wall as Good Supply of Pure Wa­
ter le Apparent.

tain there will be more milk "
li coohned to the yard. When once
on paature the ylelda ahow a marked
increaee even though the animals may
hnre bad plenty of good grain and
forage prerionsly.
What Is there sAoul grass wblch
makes it such an excellent and very
satlsfacio.ry food for a mtlk cow? Is It
Succulence means full of lulce and
the Juicy raUon for the dairy cow Is
the correct one from all1 standpoints.
> make large
quantities of milk.
A large part, la fact all but about lO
cr 12 per cent, of milk Is water, and
■niiy tbe cow that produces
0 pounds of inllk in
T usb of something like T..WO poun<ls of
water, or a little over, tor milk alone,
to say nolblDg of what Is requited for
bv body.
Thus the importance of a succuISBi MIoo. as well as a pure supply of
^ drinking water Is appqrant.
Rcalitlng the great stimulus to pro­
duction which grass Is. the dairymen
anilons for large yields should seek
to psuera bis ration as nMriy as pos
■tbie tbe year around after thU natural
Grass alone, of conrne, would not be
entisfactorr for 'winter feeding (or it
keeps the body of the cow too full of
water and allows her to suffer from
tbe cold, but In eenjunetion with
(st-(ormlng'foods, such as gralns-and
fodders, grass wmld be a part of
Ideal winter ration.
Tbe nearest approach to grass.-how.
ever. Is silage'and ft Is for this reason
that silage is held In Hch high esteem
by those whp feedyil.

What? No sHtge left*
And now oomes (he time of scant
Biruaky bnitarls om
lag It when too eoft.
Ul irvaiment hoa
Tbe dog that brings the cows up the
fastest should be tbe Brat shot.
Do not mix warm new eiwam with
oold dwaraD until it
i has been cooled.
Ope way of devdopinr s geaUe ooW
ta to begin with the heifer aad the
Baily moraine Js the bast time to
bsve "good luck" In ehuralng. If the
weather is hot
It's either a darkened stable or milk­
ing early aad lata those days. rUee
give the cowe no peace.
Tbe cost of a good sire Is entlraly
forgouao Ih the aallafacUoD aad pr^t
derived from the offspring.
The oows need proioctloD from tbe
hot sue almost as much as they naed
protection from tbe oold wind.
If (he nriJk eoura before tbe enmm
m you win make a poor quality at
butter besides losteg mneb cr*sm.


“I MB cook the domeatie dnek ao
that yen would think It wu mallard!''
declated a clevar little housekeeper
the other day.
rate, you would think It
was mallard If you knew the delldoua
peculiar flavor of that particular
bird well enough to recognise It.
"!*copk> pay that this characterlsUo
flavor Is due to the fact that mallard
feeds on wild oe^ry. Well, naturally,
when I buy ducks In tha market It la
too late to put them on a dlet4s the
ordinary eenu.
"But if I can't feed ^em celerr
while tbey>e alive, I can do It after
they're dead. Oh. yu, I can! And
this la the way 1 manage It. Instead
of stulBng them In the ordinary way, 1
Uke stalks of celery which I cut the
length uf the bird's Inslda meuvre;
"t put them BUlka In ‘whare the
______ ____
_ ...................................
grow.' and I then
• place the duA In the routing pan. Instead of puuiag water In the pan.
ponr in a pmt beiUe of moderate
priced Sauteme. Maybe 1 put a little
water in the Sauterne, but not much.
Then 1 baste the duck with thU while
ft Is reastlngA And If I can’t deedvo
you with the result-well, your palate
must have a pretty intimate acquaint­
ance with the fiat-or of mallard."
More Klee Doctrine.
One Mn. Minnie Slenu promnlgntid &ls unorthodox doctrine uT Mie
tt .dlvmce court a while agd:
^^me couples may kiss f*ch other
right up until they are sfaxty, in an
atti-mpt to (oo! thcmseivei Into think­
ing that tfaeir kisses have the gen­
uine heart glow of tbe first month of
(he second year. Intertnlttfet from the
fourth to the sicth, and stops entlrply
before the eighth ydsr of married
Csa this be true* At the risk of
Infringing on tbe province of another
depariment of this paper, we Invite
fhe opinion* of our iwaden on this
Important theme. Let your
or criticUms be brief, ettber in verse
proae. In (he words of Wallace
kissing—can there he

The world, out of (airy bMka. Is
chary In furnishing Its fairy godmotbera, yet most ot us have friends at
whose touch we become more truly
and happily ourselves than at other
times. They eeem able to endow us.
tfarougb some magic of their osra.
with tbe beauteous vestments and tbe
glass alipperi that free the eplrtt.
These are our fairy gudmothera. Ws
do weU to love them and pay them
good heed, for through them we may
enter Into such possession of the pre-


•y OtIVt e. ORAVn.


With h long-drawB whUUc, the trala
from the coast -boomed In with
a nisbing eound
thf grut wheels
oome to a aland,
people hurried
Along the plaUono
to their cars, bar
gage vans cruk:brough

"Ah. roses! and I lovs them aa”
and the girl lified the great armful of
fragrast and beautiful flowert and
crushed them almost roughly- to her
sweUing boeom.
• Oh. why. why, cannot WUl send me
such things?" she whispered passionau-ly to herself. "i like him so much
better than any othrr man—yea, yes.
Indeed 1 fear I love him; bat I cannot,
no 1 cannot face life of 'love In a cot­
tage' and know that x must always do


the train with an
Lett the Powla Oo by Ths
took It from him
and dashed up to
the stenogra<Br URB. E. M. STETSON. Csllfomls.) _____
offlce; her
There U a praoUce among poulln' chaV waa vmcmut.
people to caicb a fowl with swell j ber machine with
head and aqueese (he white mal^lp half-Anlabeil letout. thinking that this will relieve the j ter still between
bird of Its corrnpUon and cause It t. its rubber rollers,
gel well,
awaited her reThU Is entirely wrong. A aao ot turn,
covering surrounds ihU white matter.
Morning rfier
keeping it from going any furtbet morning, week
than th« one organ. \S*h«n this uc atus week, and
Is broken, as It must neccsurily bejmoath after
by the breaking of iu ouuide covering month ahe bad
In order to eject It from -the eye, the ] itatoiied to that
contagion la allowed to go down the wild,esulunt cry
nose and sprud to the whole liesd. j of the monster as
^ The bird la then a bopeluse case, for^ u rushed In with
these U DO remedy now but the as I On a cli
loming its shout:
Ths matter which will be found In the' eoni*—fr
blood of ibe fowl is also ot a very aea; I come from the bm—come (nnn
nature and conuct with tbe e-e-at" btongtat tbe roar of the
other organs will cause them to Ukr breakers dasbing agMntt the cliBa.
on similar conditlone of oomption and
To the girl llatenlng with a strained
expression on the pals face. Its cry
If the bird Is kept to a warm place was (hreatenlng, accusing, pleading,
td Is ted on highly stimulating and and as the last echoes died s'
nutrlUous food tbm blood will finally they were drowned by the- cry of a
right Uaeir. but It cannot do so if humnh soul In morui fMr. She saw
largely r»lnfected.
ths vlrai of the
tbe rMr platform of this same train,
the enUre head.
a bored oxpreeslon on ths hnndsoms
The proper sray to do is not to (ace above her. heard bU volee as In
touch the head. Just letting the fowls
go by tfaemselvea; this Is Better than
"Surely you must hare unddrstood
the dqueeslng treatment, but setdirate that It was Impotslblu knob a mar­
them If cdnA-enlent from the other riage DOW would ruin my ^ospecia
chickens and keep warm and feed all forever.'
they will MU
“But you promised, you promised."
If the eye is sot pecked by the other
"Tes. as many a fellow has prom­
chickens, as in fighting over food, or ised in an Idle nimmer. .lured by the
Is not broken, there Is
•cent of bODsysacUe. a pair of bMUtlful «y« and a apleddld August
. the disease, even U tbey are aUow- moon."
ed to run together.
"But yon must, you mnst I am not
We spent sersrwl dollars for roup the only one to be considered; (here
medicine, worked Incessantly, causing Is another—another Ufa to be consldoursalres and the poor chickens
told misery by trying tbs squeesing-.
"The devil then It! And yon think
out method, and always lost the
It poeotbie for me to marry you after
Now we let them run and. save (or a
this? Why. two meetbs from this
blind eye. we seldom ever have
But I did not dream It had dome
this. Hero, take this and let me
know when it IS gone."
The hlUa fluttered from her nerveElectrie "Oayllakt" Tester Has liiteiv lees fingers, were caaghl In the draft
ipldty 'aoring train and
May Be Determined.
whirled away.
“Oh. very wdL" 'Bhd with s grais or In a room
flick tbe
- . — from hiB dgnr. Just then thr air
be sorted and crated at the sane w.i rent by the Shriek of tbe whistle,
time. Is possible with the mschine ss the trala dashed on to a long
bore shown. The outfit Is about three . bridge with a hollow roar. Bnddenly
(ret long, with a roller at each end something seemdd to snap in her
which an epdi.ess canvas belt teed, aad with a strength bora of
Inches apart
r--- on
-- desperation, she had thrown
rooTM. About; six inches
this belt arc smtll metal saucers. MCh weight of ber nJender body against
of wblch holds an egg. mvs the Popu him sslie leaned out over the sieps;
lar Electricity.
Centrally located for a moment be bad swsyed. clutch­
above the belt Is an electric tamp,
ing wildly at somethlnf -to stay hla
ceiriug current from a regular light­ (all and then with that'horrible cry
ing circuit, or from 24 dry bstterlM that rang yet in her ran. he bad
and over the lamp 1s placed a hood pitched headloDg down, dosro luu the
having an opening in tbs top.
rushing waters below
Tbe belt is run by turning a crank,
There had followed weary months
and tbe electrie lamp antoraatlcally of waiting, and when at last the wait'ing was over, the tiny life lingered
I tke condlUon of the egg to only a few weeks. Afterward there
bad been nothing to keep ber. sod
waiting only until tbe grass
green on the little grave, ahe bud
the old home, the nttle shi-


the penoD looking Into tbe hood. An­
other Intereatlng (Mture of the machine Is the nhtomatic turning of the
upon tbe belt, thus enabllDg the
>r to examine it on all sides. The
perfectly fresh egg shows a clean,
deep orange color, wbUe a bad one la
almost black.
As tbe Mgn peas under the hood,
the goodonesarelefttoron oat on a
tension ubte. whUe the bad
ones are removed by hand.

up, sad wbdn (ate placed the cbi
of a clerkship in the superintendeni's
oOce in ber way.
Each morning when her day's work
begun tbe prayer bad gone np: “Uon't
let It come today. Ood—-oh. not to­
day! Give me strsaglh to brar It.
(or if 1 go sway I can never come
back. Give me strength, my Fbtbcr.
nnUI it Is over. Ton have toumlsed;
Thongh your sins be seariet. they
shall be whiu as snow.- Help
wash them away.”
Each day tbe struggle bad grown
stronger. At the first ahriU-jiote her
Jlngera would clench on tbe arms of
her chair, her noetrlli tsrttcblag spas­
modically. as ths pale ftps whispered
"Not lodsy, O Ood: not today." As
It grew louder and reached the toll
limit ot lU mighty volee. tbe blood
would bMt .In ber bead until it
seemed bunUng. then as u died down
to a whisper, ber hands would slow­
ly ondench tbemselvea and her
.breaOi would ■ come alowig between
the cloaed teeth. She had

Keep Selecting the Bern Heiw. ‘
Constant selection la the only
to get your flock up to where you
want it When you see a good bird,
kwk carefully and note weU her efasrnppoee. Is what Copbetua did for Us sctortstlet. Put ber in a bTMfflM pen
beggar-maid. Atjiis gUoce tbe queen and use her aa a breeder another
In her blosHrmed. wl
which Uter all the year. Do this througbont the sumOn this morning riie haff come to
world could see -From the AUantlu. mer and when tail cornea you wUl work fUeUag strangely weak, and an
ah# heard the
vans creablng aad p>epereUoBa being
.A Profitler of Peaea.
lu row of crumbling f
made for the laoomlng trala, the old
and oft-repeated prayer rose i«elD
musty guns the fronUer between Osbllpe: "Not today, oh. not today.
.«pSB Object
Then with a qelver.
It U the longeel. It Is tbe ssfeM snd
air trembled with the Brat loog-drawn
seenreet frontier in ths world. Thins--------careful---------eelecUon. If each year we note.
Slowly, aa moved by'
thouasad mllsa and more of It Us be-1 save only the
from the very beet
tween Pssssinsqnoddy bay snd Puget layers tor
__ ___________
hand, the girl anee.end srent alowly
ind. and in all that distance not n ' erattoo wlUl beoome better
forward, bar hands grasped the door­
abottod gun points menacingly from , Tbto work can be greatly aesisUd^by knob and clung there until the velna
eifbar country toward the other. A obtaining mnled troa a heavy taytog stood out end the nnlla turned while
fedr smaB and eompanUvdy Ineffeb. Anln.
mdsr th* strain, then aeeintoglr unttve-flabery erolssn guard the waterolasped by the aame unasm power,
frent. none of which would be of much
they relaxed and'hang limp at her
uae la Oass ot war.—Bt John TMw
Letting the birds get at talatad toad_______
eMa. as with wtda. unaeelag eye* ahe
------- -----dangerous boalneea' this Om* a< walked hatleas thrangh the'crovg
[and Into the
sualigbt heyaad. •

■ —Then she smiled a
Loss to Partners In This Country -the smllo which bxd made ter the
Ttwesabis to Bad Thoroughfaree
most sought after glit In her set: and Pteek Masters Arc net Blew In Find­
ing Out What Breed SulU
she bluibod a rosy little flush and
Their Bell M Cllmeta.
whispered sUtI more softly
The subject of good roadi Is like , "lint I d rather live a year with Will
ra>- It O WK.tTHRRfrrONE.)
the pAor. H Is always with us. Bvery In a cottage than a lifetime In a pal­
the topic recurs with,painful ace with any othei man. Besides
The Sbropehire is muoh In fnvbr as
Even In this enllghien- they say Will Is bound to rise and ail a sire (or fat Umb production of .
ed age when Inventive genius Is d» the men aay he will aome day be
Welsh or Kerry HIU ewea. and the
Ing ev«r)'ttalDg that can be done to Im- ornament to the bar and^-and
Ryeland alto claims qualities of no
-and all that
! prove the conditions of ths oountry, son of thing. Even papa approval of mean order la (bis respect
there are places where tbs roads are Will along with all tie other men. " I Where a Rock Is kept solely for tbe
so ssriously negiseted (hat oi
Tbep'she shivered n little shiver. ' 'nt lamb trade, and the ewsie are
Boarcaly paaa over ihet with a pc- /mt mamma Bora not .take any cleared out every year as soon as ^e
dtock In Will." she thoo^f-soberly. »«nibs are off, theh the WelalL Kerry
The loM to tbe farmers to this ■and mamma la the praitlcal on# in ot fhevtdt u generaUy In favor
country that can be traced directly
mUy. "
(Crossed with a Shropehire. RyeUad or
to bad roads. Is almost Inconeelvable,
gW buried be.- fsW in tbe Western ram. The latter are much
•ays Klnibsll's Dairyman. It Is not groat bum
bunch' of roees—they cost the used and their Umbe feed very
tbs purpose to
IM try
IV compute this
Render a e
account benere
Tbe e*pMi6«_Cf haol■vute of time la /^olng for
iUK. tbe wute
t not marry Mr..Jo»it >n finding out what brMd suitn
repairs r in doing otbe/ nccMsary
ah? s
orrsads are all Increaaed by poor
0 baa d
I'hese are conditionB of
numinal Importance but there is an- way."
tfieavy land quality must be to eoate
other side to tbe good road quekiloo
Then, wlthoot appaVout excuae ahe
sacrificed to etie.
that' is of equal Imporunce and that cried out; aloud: "Will never oould ‘ Small-natured, fine-boned sheep srlll
U the social effecC
here sehl me these ruws—and I love
thrive when folded on sU^ land
Tbe fbrm that Is located on a welt
when a big weight (d 4M.da- hanging
I love them. 1 love them."
kept, well Improved blgfaway Is al­
Then exercising bet woman's preways nearer town than tbe one whose rogaUve, she sat down and had a good
road coBuecting It with the market cry. Then she arose, tfaneed at the
U rough or pooriy kwL The time hit ot pasteboard which came with
will cone when people will say they tbe rosea and which bore only the
kre 20 minutes from town rather than word! "Nell—from W. T. H. Wear
two miles from town.. With the them tomorrow night," and went i
changes that are being made In meth- ber dainty dealt to acknowledge them.
The Dole Hadley received at bit
once the next-tporolag puxxled him
not a llUle. but delMU'^d him a great
deal. He never had been able i
pierce the reearye of tha girl bo de-'
sired so sarnesUy to marry, and being .
a kron Judge of human nature be dc-1
tcC.ed a warmer and- more receptive
Type Found on /
I Farm.
ring to her words than there bad beeo '
any others she ever hid addressed to «» «“»> F»ot In damp w
.ductive of more muscle
••noses." he exclaimed In a puxxled •««>■ iherefore. a stronger, bolder, and
way to himself. Thrre's a ml*ti*ko
muscular sheep la nsesasary;
aomewbera, but inasmuch as it hm»s
It Iaod that accoont that eroeslhg
to have warmed her toward me 1 *c<"«
larger breeds is eo mneh
reckon the way la to aay nothing."
W producenheep
The incident ao iuteroated him that prisiiii**
he lost 04. treck of the ararkei aad conple^-ltb good oonaUtatiom
made ev many mlaukea during the ' And 'inhough beanty of form hni
day tthat he came out a conaldsrablo ^ sacAoed.,. ygt in the weight
_ of n
loser—an unheard of thing for Walter
ud wool obtained, together with

ja small percentage of mortality. It la
In the meantime the young man
than companaated for. aad (or
who bad gone broke to pend the nmm <^>d, sUcky land, the Oxford sad Hnm]^
• to the (air Mias Nell, ato Ms heart,
U> take tbe lead.
■y Ih disappointment at receiving
land.-br ady raaJiy good
word of aekDowladgment. -Before
>*nd. people can do as they
night -he bad decided that there wee P***“«. “d
•beep land moM breeds
nns trying any longer and had
kept pure
planned a campaign In (he Klondike. Iwise; but sheep are w kept on iud
|wbere in days gone by such a
1 thing
where he woqld eeuulre e fortune or»*>ere
lM«e his bones to bleerii.
{would not be dreamed of. end It Is on
Miserable ss be was. however, he
kind of land that c
tbrive better than any
could not refrain from eliding Into bis
ods of traniportatloi) ebangse ■ will evening clotbes that night and dt- other.
also be made in roads There is sure tendlng tbe ball at the PrlM'e, where
AU tbe crosses above named on
to bu an Influence on. tbe social life he was assured to see the Idol of Ms good in ibelr way. but the aurroundof a community that can be dIrecUy diwama and bis despair.
iDguHt^mau^oes and the.atlef object
traced to these melbods of highway
■ at ths hall serly, to be aimed at. whether (at Iamb, mut­
eeay/and .confident and proceeded (m- ton. or wool, or all combined, must be
The home.iliat is located on a well medUtely -to take poeseseion of Mias (be facton In deciding which to beet
improved highway is always mo^e at- Nellie Boas, whom be fouhd aa gra­
iracllve; It i» worth more when pul cious as her note indl-mted. Hadley
upon the rra! estate market and it Is knewr well how to avaU Mmaelf of an MOLASSES GOOD HORSE FEED
a more pleasant place to live because opportnnlly and before he had talked
Product of Mere Vatu# aa Laxative nod
the social Intercourse between the to her five minutes> she knew thgt
Appettoer Than at Food—Velwaneighbors and ibe tow-^ which must
* to be asked
abte as CeodlttoMr.
always be a social center. Is more
t ber answer was to be demanded
fro*. There it ioM Isolation and this
night And she knew what the
Mousses In horse feeding to'ratoIs what makes life la the country I answer
s to be. She was vugudy
ways; It to a laxative
rosily worth while. The farm home ' .|ad
u A'UI was not there.
that Is well improved, that U equip-1 u______
s about
midnight when, after w hen horses are being (ed wholly ea
ped as such bumee may be now days, talking throurt » qMdritM'wiuT^r dry feed. HoUcees will make uhtuut.*
that U located on a highway which. Hadley decided that the propitious
irmcra' Dtgest Every tarauer realpuu Ibe town and town friends al moment had come and Uraad to iMd
most next door to you, iMvet imio
i® ite conaervatoty
Pale end Ixes that be' may bare some very floa
di slred.
.. be
.b.. bay lining In tbe ewatb. or even get o
rnoaw bad arrtvwl. ahe light waiUng from e shower wtoea
raked jip'in the windrow.
...----------- the good road, and that
,® tmkm hta arm.
This'pay eoatalBs Inst the same nothe .uractlveoMe of a well kept | At thta particular time Win Hunter,
I ft did bw
herd road bed. Abo has not WM-n ' wp® pog poM oome Into tbe room, ep- 1th» and digea
from the car w Indow a long smooth p,ar«l before them in a suto «T more
will aot relish ft aa he will the a___
sachlng .out into the country ®r |®aa
road reaching
d cn>l sides by I
bad arrived late and wiib the instinct
ft got wet. It simply to not ea paJr wnO k(
of love bla eyea-bad reetod al
xbie Now If a gin of mTdimfX to >
gentle hilts and through ■
upon tbe object of hta devoUoa. With
leys leading ever onward?
a start he observed thtU ahe srore the
a (red of thto hay to dampcMd with
road exerts ao iDflaenee thn
rose# he bad sent
It tbe horae srlD Mt ft even, better
"Aa you wrar my colors I think,! ihau be WHI the earn# hay put la (ha
may claim a walu," he esld with easy
be out of doora beckoning him to esroreace. And before Mies Neil fair­ barn before getUag wet.
The feeding of motoaees to et mofe
come out aad speed over the hard, ly knew what waa gotag abe found
value aa a laxative and appMlxer
amootb, floorilke highway. - On such a heraelf awloglng round and
as a feed in bone feeding. It can
road even' turn offers new enchant­ the clasp of a atroog arm. ‘
be fed either 00 the roeghslde or tmed
ment Every change ot scene offere
"Did tay rosea bring any subtle
■prinkie 00 either graia or meaL
d adiaatmenu of col- message with Uem?" he whtaperod.
see will also eat It If aUrrad In'
or effpet. Surely ths wMi kept road
"Toer roses!"
.1 or whole gmln. bet It aeueBy M
Is "a thing of beauty and n Joy top tied.
totleky to their meuthe If not mUed
“Y . I see you wuer them." he re­

plied Id eeetosy, "end J hope they eo*Hi^aasse to also fed ta larger quaw-:
Prevsfit Road TroublA .
veyed ell I ateent theca to."
Cerefql use of e dreg m a dirt rood
"Yob great goeoa." she aaU eoAly. tltlee than mentioned when boraea era.
1ng fattened (or market and ere IlL :
that ta already In reaeonably good looking up at Mm with
t I don't edrtoe thto kind of prf
condlUuo. w ill alSKMt entirely prevent
I. "Ton know you oouM ool afford
Uee, as ft makes e soft tat aad the.
trouble from ruu. mud bolee or dnak
BMldee. don't you know any hvtborne, when put tff'worb. soon loeee
and give good service at low
bis flMh. bet In e llmltud way. alehg:
the lines mendeoed. ft to a vatoahi.
Im^emeet Ooee Much Good.
horro coadlUmier. ea a tot o( I
"Let'a go out on tha veranda a tooTbe road dreg ta e simple Inatrsmeot but whso tued et tbe proper me« and cool «ff." and NeO (ooM
time it does eo atech .good thet Ite heraelf whMked through the Fceoeh
wiodowe onto the broad veranda ovur
reoeltn are nnbrilevehle by theoe '
IooMm (Bo moeoUt lawn; and e( o
Movahto hog bouna nake
ndden It came to ber thet K mat­
Me to dtotrlbote the hop c
net at all ahoal an eatab
Material le ImmateriM.
and retatkma and poeltte la eo- (am In eteea. freeh qnutme.
It does not mettor if the rood drag
and forage cftp to
itety aad flowers aad aft other toeeuMuermtlal things eo long as ^ bad Mfheet degree and et tbo ■
reducing the danger of (
the 0M grsA thing In the world.
(CufVriabt. by OeOy Btery Pub. CbJ


.D I.iiiip^jj|qyggg^a^ppij|y^[.iij,i^i|,iwiM4ii. .<lSy’>|iy,y■' W

hla aoob.uaed to put In an ap hide U; aho't too littto Twouldn'i be went out to tbe gate to ~wM^ lot- I bare, but tor the little babies, as crooa ftombeing an>iiood
Irthn ber
nay ton at all!- Theodore.
you might call ’em. away up on the nap.
o’clock. Hia benefaclrees. liatenlng
-Ya*. ahe can hide It!” cried MilIn juat » Uule wliile abe aaw hint fifth floor. Why. tbej do be putUng
^,^^1 ,»nta you to come iA
tor him. }««nwd to know the tinkle o> dred. “C«nt you. Winnie Wee. pre ooiuliii up the hUJ with totter. umI' then
item ll)ere
there I don’t know. Tbe
The 111
„„ toe voo*- Ben enc^n
hi. bell, the pettw^ of hi* pewe. nod elouir Mildred w» . reel Uule no lo^meet them. She took bold of children
chlldrm, ahould
.hould come
come down
down firaL”
h^ly anxloualr.
tbe Iblrety leppthK of hi* eeger little OMther-tlrl, ud Winnie W’ee belontt- totber * other hmnd. nod all the tloie
inmned aboui
B« Jumped
about to
to tear
tear himwit
^ Mias
loene In the |«it. Our yootw P«*oU Uw «U by beraolf. a. .be e*pm*ed ebe w». vonderie.1t.rd what 1W ^
“'J- «“ «“•
can do .. iu bonun there were no brother, eud doo.
dor, 0.1
had brou«ht hy.-bo,
hy.’but <d
of ooo«
oouree I.*^. *!!,“
‘* *“ "'J”!"
do you do wtaes you h*T« iho Tory who live in tbe omintry e.»
iMiPlrfeut time*?
* **“*
"Yea. I tan.' aald Winnie Wee. Urm- dore told her to abut her wyea. and
”Rl«hl m are.
Morphy aaM.
-Sbe wanu yon 'to come right
U Juat longlnt <o' know ell eboul you! follow the ex«mple of the UiOe girl.
Piece a cup or bowl tu aome corwer If.
when Uoroth) looked abe waa bolding hefpleaaly. staring about Then be away, without your booka.” Ben dewbww your dog con a'lwaya And It,
Mildred gave bar aome Inatrurtloni. in ber hauda—well. 1 know yon will he beat bit bands together. ’ But I dare- dared.
and keep It JUledwith freah.-pure wa- and they they all trooped out They as surprisedas Dorothy waa—a bMe- n'l »*nd It In till they come down:
rlgtn^- Theresaanawered. oneter. U.iDay be amnalng to nee a dog waited vary qulMly this time, expect- ball bat!
tbeytl all see and ameil tbe smoke
always to her teacher’s wtabet.
^ „
beg when you aiw present Inatontly to ing a prompt call from baby, and to Dorothy’* eyes opened wide.
when they're started, and they might gbe felt that that made the dlSerenee.
fuimi hla wants, hut hla hour of avf- ftad the tfatmbU on the very first "la it tor me. T’heodore?” she naked, get frightened.
and of courae she must go nt once,
fering, when you are not preMiit. chair. But there was no call, and as doubtfully.
But Ben. freed, cried. -’I’U tell tbe but not because that tiresome' .boy
vriita no one underetouda the thirst they listened there waa perfect alienee
’'Yea." aaid Theodoie. nodding to nfu, noor primarr teacher ”
wanted her to. Then she amlto*
make Uhr aure. ’and U s a fine one!
y^u lime to get them aUrt- good-naturedly on Miss BUiel’i meaImatfDo bow Btad your Prooldent wao that to torturing Mm. is unspeakable in the big room.
Meantime Winnie Wee stood on the Juat let me show you.’’ He took the
fn ring. Mehby they'll aangM. and luned toward the door.
to bear from.Stanley and Ula.
* cmelty.—Our Aulnal FViendi.

ftoor as they left ber. looking down bat and swung it over hU shoulder.
, drill.” aald tbe Janitor ni earn vou.” oBered Ben.
Copemlah. Mich.
Water for th* Bird*.
at the IhlmWe in ber hand. She did whlrjlog round on one foot. Then he
tad darted up.-s-„ you won t • obiected Thereaa
Auf. 20. 1813.
Kot even a mulbem tree attracts, not noiloe their flrri gentle ralto. but handed It back to Dori>ihy.
,^ttl>. and Murphy ..p,
»“own\2T1m a
Deer Snnabino Prealdoot^
so many vtoUora as a bath tub. srhi.h mood trying it fimt on one UlUe finTf-®®* >®“- Theodore.” Dorothy
ready to send tL *iri " ’
1 taloyed tbe pepera yon aent
alao eervea them a* a drinking iian. Hw and then another. But It bobbed said, alowly; and then she nn and
.utter of liule ^
Sun- tor they are not .queamtoh! But ace about and would not suy. and flnalb'. climbed up in mother’s lap for a llu!e *
ohine button 1. eraeking acroaa the to it. says .\elUe Blanchan, in '^How juti as there waa a elad»r from out- while.
»««• Y**Would >ou pleaae .end me an- to Attract tbe Bird*.” that the |*n !* aide the door of:
Tbe next day it waa Dorothy’s turn
entered the primary room
humoring her. he etretebed out hi*
other? School will aoon atari: I «!» raised above tbe reach of cats: only
'Winnie Wee! Minnie Wee! I.el us !'» go to town. Theodore went out and walked as calmly as he could »® ““ hand and look hers. -All rlghf. Big
^ Etod'
the pet* I have now to a where none arc kept to It aafe to sink come In!” the thimble stuck fast on tumbled on tbe haystacks, but he did »h®l. «*««>
the teaciier’s dcak. He cy,
g tace.down, but not eo fart
other pela^ve died. tbe pan into a town. Birds cannot Oy one mile-thumb, and she ’ called, not enjoy it very mpeb alone, either.
*®‘>®YcIaBt tour years before. ih,i *e mnible. ”
I am .oin. to get nome more,
It war-no much more fun wlUi Do^'Md was a fgvoiite pupil, ao that a
-Mother aars
far srith wet feathers. They must first "Turn!'
• down
smiling welcome mei^MBr.F™® » 1®"‘«* Sunohlner.
arf and preeu iheL . For this reason.
They afi ’’tumbled” In. kdre enough, othy.
steps,” objected Theresa.
beU Otboon.
aa well as for the cool shade they and looked about, each expecting toDorothy came home at noon, iwd
’Tber.-'a a real firk Mias Ethel:
“WelJ. hurry, then,” cried Ben. deafford, trees and shrubbery should par- 'aelu tbe tbImUe at once. Roy ia«a- when she enme she handed Theod^e doa t look scared-cere's time. I
Kingaler. Mich.
Ualb’ screen the drinking water, tered in alone, not feeling It was even a box wrapped In light-brown paper. \ guess, to get them sU OuL” Ben aald
Ang. St. 1813. Where a sraall atreani cannot trickle worth while to pick it up from where
”l’ve brought you something, Thco-' In a low voice.
* *’"
Door Prooldent-^
Into a tonnulo. fresh water poured the baby «oiild probably drop It.
Miss Ethel paled as ahe looked at
1 thought I would write to the Sun- fpto a pan dally, or even twice a day
But the searchers did not exclaim
Theodore unU>d it. I’bu may guess him. then about her at the many liliie
Don’tt \nnr
your atove,
ofalno Club again, l wrote dbee before at midsummer, to very gratefully a|» at once, and their Interest began to three timss what u was.
slots, fireplace,
home?” Ben retnrwod, eraslvely.
and. you wrote me auch a nice letter precwieo
predated when
a «ie.
rare, muj
aby .iiuK-ieu.
nuicl en Then
A uviio
doll’s tea-set-—cups
and Beuveis
advised iteo.
Ben. wuw
who forced
wiit-u many
uuuii »
lurji they
twej looked
t.p» mum
l.augn. aoviseu
.• w
,1 ni hr
in return. I have a nice pel lamb, but bird. It* bUI open and gasping from
high and low. while Roy Joined tht and plate*, and tbe dearest little himaelf a strange sound that might W >»imy tog b«^Wn ^aowd mgUL
oho la getting a little bit ugly. School the beat seeks refrethmeni. If thehunt, at first aeornfully. and then js
cream idicher and sugar bowl and tea- considered laughter. ’'Tliey’re looking Unexpectedly to Ben. There** lore
, ’her band loose, and was half way- bacK
will begin In a little over e we^ We water be deep, the birds will let II
eagerly as the rest. '
poL with |>lnk roaes on every one! ,0^ (brre might be a peftic. Hurry
up the stairs Just descended before be
arc going to Cbleago (or the winter. alone through fear of drowning when
Hnally one and another wouldsay,
-Isn’t it heauiiful. Tlieodorer Doi- „p.-1 ride boraeback quite a little. Wo they stand on the brim, and Up for- ’’Why. Winnie M'ee. you are tbe l»csl otby asked, looking up Into hto face
j,,„ Ethel, astonished at the boy's
caught her arm. "1 forgot Julietbare two little colts, one named Onlay ward-as
U.” she aaid.
i --------------------for a draught.
of sH!” while they whispered to tor approval.
they ------»
presence of mind, forced an unnatural “•
a still up
and'one Brown Betty, I went blockA pan shallow enough tor wading, etich other that they believed she had
Theodore hesitoted. - ’’Qulie.” he
-Come chiidren.*tbere’s to be
“JMletU? Is
berrying and only got Mough for din­ or a deeper one supplied with atonei thrown it away or awaUowed it! At rald.alowl.; then added. ”Thank you,
y^en tor the fire drill pres- iheiwr Ben^wked to faar.
tor the drinkers to aund on safely, is last dread augreailon MiMred aUw, - Dorothy!" and pgl tbe box on the
y, jd
myTWE^by.w. ..
Prom your Utile friend,
fumlabes more Interesting slghu to a ed down to tbe little girl and said: . step. _
fome leave
"'’®“ khan’t go'^iiitBk. OMM on”
Stanley Smith.
household and more pure too than any
''Previous, what did you do with It?’
Dorothy sal down and arranged the
books, everything' we are to
''rcant leave her all aloae up
other object you can watch ihrougn- Bui tbe wee aprite. with handa clasiieu dtohes on the plaxxa floor, while Thee^
, utti« more
objected Thereaa.
Ml a aeason. SIxty-ntos dlffst^nt spe- l>eliliid ber. only danced up and down, done stood on the walk, swingtog Dor
.''thin usl^” She topped the
A Ruoaian L*0and. '
cies o^^lr.U. many rare warblers and hw bright eye# sbiulng. Feeltog that othy’a hat. Dorothy had seen him look

,, ^dned the children
Y®“ SO ba?k.” Ben was Inaplred to
li was a Uzne of daanh: The naked migranu among them, came In one abe surely could not look ao happy longingly at tbe bau and had told him
season to-drink on a auburban town, with a Ibimble ainck Id her throat, hr might take It,
, step* quicker than It take* to tell.
1 felt Mildred Joined the 1 archer, again
The) weya both very quiet tor : ‘
Spread sear and brown, ftoirst for
the last of the ortroarr
i**® *®®^ *»» Erowlng
« that be alone,5iwned that ba- But It wa* all to vajn, They looked fey minutes. Then Theodore said.
«rtcome thicker, and There** lingered fim
beating rain.
Ivan. ibe.mgtWk. nt hia rude hut’:
0 pick up ber
Munched hto .bUrk brend. n frugal,
hoarded atoie.
HMinfl the TMmblA
much persuasion nnd promise* of • Uitle while that I brought y«u thos* "
„!•# M«y ®»l »>«•» *“® ®">- «"*“
When lo' a starving bora* came
”l>t’a play 'Hiding the Thimble to candy and ireaauren of various sort* dishes yeaierday aoa you brought me
^ with vexaOoo His allent prayer tor
Blgbi! ” exclaimed Mildred.
If *he would tell, the tilUe hand* were this bat todayr
passed; no one knew ol bt» a^ira- ^
•tumbling by.
Pleading for pity, in .mute agony.
U wa* a favorite play with nil tbe unclasped, and a ihlmblecapped lutle
Dorothy nodded. ’Ye*.’’ she agreed. Do®
>®»« ^®y
e*<’®P<- peri>»P*entirely himself, or the rlak
. She went to him and threw her aro.-s *he hwwlf guessed at IL
equally shared ' Please let
"Brother, thy need to creaL” the peas­ clflidren. and there was at one* a tbutito pepped Into view.
choni* of -Ob. let's! '
'O grandma.' they said, when seat Impulslvelv about hi* neck.
The Oames as well as the smoke_____ _ ber. poor lltUe Tbereea." ns
ant said.
If,** grandma* birthday, and
at the Uble. ”we have had the best
"O Theodore, you were lovely lo proclaimed the headway, and. while
-Take this—with -God.” nnd abared
the allant prayer that went op to
tittle coualna had gathered to /ron. Ume. and Winnl* Wee was ihs most- bring me these dtohe*:" the Mid. the l^department had been aummon- heaven. '’I most get ber out” be
tha bitter bread.
four .families to celebrate It It) was eat ton of'all!"-6ele«*d.
’Tltank you!'’
•*” **“* ’“'“"‘T’
told himaeM. The smoke wa. atupefytrue that grandma waa at the other
--------- 1-------------Theodore told hto arm on ber sboul- sawmbltag men from various kind*
^ w—.s.s
Tb* Preaants.
Three ravens circled round him. la- end of lb* house just then, while they
held high carnival In tbe big nursery
Theodore was (olng lo town, Jo ihe
"I'm glad von Ilka tbem,” be anid.
"Dn; look you. brotbera: this is nil!'' where their papas or mammas j.Uyed denUsfs. He bad been in tba week "But this hai’a fine,
tong ago: but she enjoye.! the sound before, and eat to a Urge red v^vai obliged. Dorothy.
be cried. ,,
"to it a real good one, Theodore? " admiring their bright uniform, and

Meanwhile the attnty crumbs be scat- of their voice*, sod smilsd happily up- chair that pushed up and down, and
ter»l wide.
on the men and women about her who Ihe dentist had loolied at hto teeth Dorothy asked, anxlouriy.
resolving tovjolD their mifks aa soon
imifinnslT revert'
Rmllefl pn tbe eager creatures as tbey hed ouutrown the old room. Roy waa and aaked him to eome again. Dor“Pine." he repealed, and Just what os he ahould be oW enough. He had
® "J* ’ ""
twelve and Mildred waa elrven and a othy had gone. too. and the denUst i wanted!",
p, itf dreamed of the heroic acu *“* *® ““

half, the two elderi of the cousins, had looked af her teeth and told her
Derotliv looked at the-dtobea, and that be ^nld do and tbe prominent '®®
. betook blmself '
and so they were the leadere. Then that
she need not come ai^. whichthen at the hat. and after a few minp,rt he would take in daring rescues.
«‘®Yy tn me rnnmnon.
there were several eight, nine and wa* rather strange, for Theodore and ute* abe aaid. "l-et’a play this all the
*-hcn the Ume came when he * ’'® >®t *® c*m you ouL
That night he heard n roiee rail, "tenere.’ aa Roy. put 11. a little alx- Dorothy were twins.
Ume. Theodore,”
^.^ue these dreams, he forgot
t SSfJml
”lvnn. rise,
yeaixild. and liny Winnie Wee. not
Dorothy cried nt the breakfaet-uble
And 'Theodoro aald. ’‘All right. W«
entirely, nor did he know that
And Uke tby waiting place in Para- quite three.
because *he could uol go. - But Aunt will.”—Youth’s Companion.
^ peri> when he became one. and
' ' 'InsltocUvety clasped ber* about
to prevent falling, as be run.
Folk* do not have their thimble* Alice whispered, for a’aecrel. that ahe



? WwM YM«fl P*Ka ««Hwliim «
T auk:
I try iMVur M unity or *
• fret abnut «mrtitlii«.

t will try W bo lovina, holpful ^
•ed hind to 1
r ond to V

- •*!?'.
If I over toll 10 tiylaa ^
to ^
do t

I thlA9% > «i>l
try ♦
♦ bboie.^
>r ■,?•«.
Rrooidant—Mlao Clare Satod.
Flret Vico Rnoldot-Wro. Mbbol
Sotoo WiiUonw.
^,1-pn^ Vlo^ ProoidoM—Mr*. Irmo
- r,niirnr SMolda.
•iMWhina QrandiiKithtr-Mfd- A. L.

Mumber of momboro boionsins Sop.
tombor 1. Itiy. MSI.
r of nomoo on tbo Cradio
tambor 1, 101S, >,144.
Little Helpers.
"I vUi be a UiUe helper.'’
Uaps the little brook.
In Ha aUvery way It goes.
Never aiopplnc lor repose.
TW it turns the busy mill
In eonto nodk.
"I win be a UtUc helper.”
8mll*e the flower.
By tbe way-aide. In the flHd.
All lu beauD- to (pvtaled
Dttio mi and weary beans.
Though aktes lower.

”1 will be a RtUe helper.”
Sings n bird.
And it carols forth a song.
'Thoni^ tbe choerleet day be long.
Bringing to eome helplsas one
Some sweet word.
,,^*11 me. sunny Boldeorod.
Growing ererj-whera .
Did fairies come from falrylded
And make tbs drees you ffeer?

To give again in happy smiUa
To all wbo pass your way?
I love you. Uugbl
And 1 wUl try. like you.
To BU each day with word* of cheer.
Be loving, kind and true.


Bnssbtoe! Sunshine! Ererrwbere
we go tbeae amly toll day* the eun Is
nbtolng brlghUy. Your Prealdfent to
quit* sure that there has been more
•unabtoa than ueual tbia Year. Buf But Denib's dark, gloomy rivetben. perhaps that is because she to
. stretched between.'
always ibtoking about aunsUne. and O’erhung with mist*, raputolv* and
so of conrae she finds it werywbere.
Did you aver atop to reaflxe that we And .Ivan, ahrinktog. >iied. "Dear
arc pretD' apt 'lo find what we think
Lord. I tear!"
about? It to qnlis true! If w* decide Then beard this lender ttiesaag* «btoto tba morning that the day to going
pered clear:
to ba a horrid one. that everybody to “Tbou badt't eompaaaton on My poor
•croaa. and It Isn’t worth our while lo
and ME.
be cheery, why. then we are verj- sui* Step boldly out. and w* srill care tot
to meet disagreeable thlnga all tbe
hours through. Bui If we waken de And to! Upborne by tbe awlftewlmtermlned to be happy wbstever'comes
ming steed.
to ua we are almost astonished at tbe Which be bad fed in it* grim hour of
many delightful things we dtoeover
And tbe three mvens winnowing the
TMterday your
President's little
niece Janet said to ber: ‘‘AnMle. our 'R’itb aofU celestial br^eu*. fresh and
aaqgbty iboughu sr* Ju« Uke dsrw
etouds. aren't the) ? And then. ” she Ivsn. the muxblk, passed: To gsto tbe
oonUnued. “wlien
we sre «ood and
happy we feel' as though tbe son was U'hlcfa Heaven awards tbe tnsrdtal

to deed.
How Atod
President wn* to dto
cover that Jsnet quite understood ovr

kind of Snnstal^! 8be bad thought
ThIrMy Pets,
it all out for herself, and abe spoke
occorred to you. young
from experience.
. people, that at times your pet dqg
Jnty sciually be auffering for a drink
Yss. yonr President is happy be 'of water? Ws know a litUe girl wbo
enuss the sun slitoee out of doors, and
to think it gropt fun to sea ber
aba to happy because it sMnes to ber scotch terrier acraich th* closet door,
bean whenever she thinks of sll you b^glng tats young mtoirsei lo-fUl bU
Bun beams with your own clear shin- own pnrtleular water cup. Tbe little
lag. But. beys and girls, she is going
now beUevw that ber pet's cup
to confess a secret' Bend cloeer juM ghpuld nlwsy* be kept filled and witha mtonie. while ah* wbtopers It to in hi* rcnch. Suppoee abe abould be
out nnd Flossie should be tgirstv:
She i* loitoly for your letters!what could neasle do? Another dog
Every Ume abe glancw through ta^ of ’whom we know choked talmaelf
mall she sake bertelf where are Mr nearly to dtath by attenpUng to posh
Ssnbaams. .Won't ron wriU and totl bis bend .under an ice-box to drink
from tbe ^ He «a* *o big Umt be
Sbe wanu to know about ymr vaen- stuck fssL’and be bowled unUI somd
(los dart that sr, now puc ^d any one of tbe bonaehold came to bis aeof you take a little trip? And it ao. siatanee.
* what did you see wbUe you were away
a really iboughtfol lover of anlmalrfrom borne? How many of you stayed tMl* na that she keeps a pall of water
on the farm ail aunimer sad helped
Ui« (rounda of her place to tbe
yow totber, and motbet,? How many country for any stray dog-* tefreah
Of you tried to be Snnshtoy ttanmgb. meat. It to astonishing tbe nui^r of
bright or cioody weather? Are yon dogs that dally empty th* pall. But
■O to school now? B’bai are yoor oh! tl|e shame of it! Many of th*
Mndlss? 'Which ones do you Hk* dogs are not stray dogs at ^1! Tbsr
--^bM? Have yon E^ p*u? And are are ,sl1 bred, well led, and weU carad
Ebqy glad to see you vb«n yon get for—with the exception only of tMb
botos?^ M’bst nr* «b* Ctonna «er*lfnt-cnp«( cold wtosr. <to«8to-



--t.*.------ muk «.bcJI

z? Si; r, “.tTb. “ r ;^'b.r.,r “• ■-

“ss“«.d .o,

-«• •'-■■■ - «"«-'>. :s-,or;~ srrri'"'-”-


when vtolllng. at learl theae llu'e wa*
going Into town beraelf the next
folks did not. *0 aomeboily ran to morning, and wbnld Uke her. ' Aqd

wto .1..,. t.a ..m-thuai. Th«.lor, UU

r — r. rr-rj;
b.U.b|»a to Wlbbl.


U.I h.

7'- -

-8oo,«blna Irom tb. -«vw..a.,.n-

Ey^^ful Day.
that ne
be must 00
do. without thought w.
of •W»t®»*®<l. downward. Still (me long
Wallace was late for the find («]f «r glory.
"Mtoe tittle sister.” Oreioba.
Qretchen wa.


Ben twice felt her slip. „™,.. t..™ w.r. » abw,, Indeed and' ""

Of course Roy had to be ’’k” first, from the llveAnd-ten-eenl store, and


u i. Oreteben*” aaked Mta* »“®*‘®'

and danced wnile be bid the thlmWc
insight. II took him a.Jpng time, for
ot course, being the
hide It where they never w^ find II.
•Ubough in alght.
He at last decided to drive a pin
In tbe wall way up high and Just at
the edge of the old toy ca»e. so they
would not noUce It. There waa much
rapiilng on the door ns the ontalder,
walled, tm at last it wa* opened and
they came rushing in.
Roy stood about with bright eye*,
watching every moveinent a* tbe ebUdren IJltied here and there, and gave
ont continual bullettos aa to the ternpernture of each, of cout,* ignoring
tbe 'srarmer” ones as long as poaalhie. "Oh you’re simply freexlng. Edgar. Bltosbetb, there’s a bUxinnl over
there where' you are. Mildred, you’d
better lie up your ears: theyli freer*
stiff If you stay in that corner. You
ma.1 b- w.dl« tbroutb u». MIU

tbat'hU, I’ncie George had given him
the Saturday before.
said and
Theodore!” Dorothy ..Id.
forgot to eat her oatmeal until mother
rttmtaded her.
A* soon as Theodore had started.
Dorothy began to wonder whal he
would bring home to her.
There were tweniy-tbrees bauUful
new bayaucks In the back lou DoroUiy went out to try them, hot she did
not enjoy tumbling on haywnck* with
out Theodore.
i:’hen she had Ulod five she went
into tbe house and asked mother if it
waa not almost four o’clock.
"No. dew. It won't be four o'clock
UU .after luncheon," mother aald.
"Then, mother, won't yon plensc
have luncheon pretty aoonr Dorothy
Mother kissed her and told her that
they would hay# II Joai as soon as U
U»1 -b. mlibt >b obl

•’warm," and then they all flocked to
(bat part of Ihe room. COnc* or -twice
somebody had called out. "I see It!"
only to find the
at last a little “nlner ” really pointed

out in the Wte^ and aat *»»» M
p and. shelled < e bondted
th* «
Tbwi she showed them t
and nfter n whtte they had Innebeon.

Then, of course. U was tbe little
"nlner’s" turn wbo had found it to be
<hM nUved
tbe one to bide. And
at bl4^aad aearohlng. chooMng all
the oiif-tbe.w.y pia^ they could
think of. one aUcking R on the rod
of tbe upper binge behind the door toto the halt, which they threw open na
tbw came to. nnd did not think to
look behind for the longen Ume. At
last everybody had hidden the tblmMe
exGW Winnie Wee
-Mew tot Wtenle Wee hide tt!" ^

it wonl^ be
roe u»c .
eo- ^
be sending to.” be tore.
dor* to come,
IhwoUiv lav down and shut bfc ■•>*«*• ***>» >»*•

eiee to get in* menictne tor me nsoy
. . . .w
whose croup was easier ^
be- ' '’Ves. dear, but tell arted
u* whal to the
‘>ome. After Uie matter
Mis* Mwy aaked
®* the morning
Gretchen. nnable to arUcnlato or
»•« ““ng It leisurely, tbe more her sobs, pointed npwatd. Uien finally
»®n® recitation of hla would he managed to say: ”I’ve honied everyf**- Rn®*® minute*. He iltUe where: shell burn up.”
Eneaaed that what he had Just passed
'Impoaslble! You must be mUIbroutfi was to be foHo«ed by more token!” cried Miss Ethel, horrified.
aeriooe uoubie.
Mtoe Macy bad ber foot on the door
'’111 ^rprise Mia* Mary with the stop about to return, "ril run op."
dandie^ reciiaUon. I've never been the declared.
«a* thinking
Bnt Ben Itod barred with hto 1
better prepared. ”
tbe way. ”No, no. MIm Macy; IH go:
with saUafaction.
Miss Macy was indeed ) receive I can run lot* faator.’
, aurprise, but of a surtllnjly differ"So.” In torn aaid Mias Eth^el, but
eat' nature. The leaaon wa* not to her cry of evpoatulatton wm unheard.
^ recited that day, and hla poor for already Ben wa* out of alght
frigntcoed teacher bad donbu whether
Quickly be fled down tbe smcBcy
Ren would ever again tok* hi* place• cotrldor. f<w It was coqilng up through

the'grating*, th* bnUding being dry
Having fortified himself with a heated. He coughed cboklngb’. ®P*n^
U» boor U, tUd U.. mlr In lb. ibom

rrir:srbrbj:sr: rb.":r-^r2rb^ry;
^ ,6w«r floor being given over to
^ paused
offices and the library. He
and looked bwk toward tbe basement
stops, np which he beard aome one

-- ---------------------— ^
by and by .he wmti to Meep.
Bm. mled.
' YQien she Woke, mother -w*. }nA
“Tto that *m beared,” wbfaperad
coming Into tbe room with aome clenn ““
drsMae that Auguatn bad been irtrot® ™b along to tb* next
corridor! Why. 1 never believed you’d
She lct Dorothy choose Which sbe b* • coward. I-U go myndf." Ben dewould wear that afternoon, and Dor- rts»4. loudly, atarttog aronad the
n immlto wttb n vter Of staircase to aend to the alann.
a«ll btee fiewen. beennse she kn*w 'The torrlWr grasped hi* arm eo that
4nv brother liked R.
, ^
It pained Bern '■Hnah!” be oamtosad.


cried a .Uremia, who
them out Iqto
the vsrd. ^You’re all rigbL”
confused htat
Schmidt nrooaed
shaking vlolenOx. his band,
conridered hermother held her on her arm.
which command Tboreobeyed
Exhausted by bit efforts and «b*
from tbe smoke, bto t
down, carrying her—
„„„ ^
j want

. . . muscle ” aaid on# of tb#
.1, hovs
’ , .
II b. I«i-t r«T lute.'

certain, too. that her atoter wa* up^ ^
•' He jnn
ju down one aisle
atoie and
snppoae beH get a Car
tben another. Over in one comer be
medal? asked ber o
saw aomettalag light resting on th#

„ uin Mocf. preestog bla throbbing
touched tbe lltUe sleeper gent-

eool flngenk nddtog soft-

bine eye. atoned up at blm, Harry
rheraa. wm tabard gravely toqm,.
Ini. "Can I go up already
. .
OUv# Koek
.1*"'*“ “
^hu!^ np.
*^,„mmIv Muxl Advocnta.
^yr Tbe^ **k^.
LMUng Well Eneugh *>aM
’ Come, aren t you niram
boy stop
Orettdiea will leave yon.
vUatUsgt" mM tbe nerveos
*«b# won^; abe-U *»“- ^ *’**^
doea Go on your own eelf. Tkeraaa ^^^yond ba^ tby^

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