Grand Traverse Herald, July 31, 1913

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Grand Traverse Herald, July 31, 1913


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, George G. (1861-1942)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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<Stmnt) ®vatieir9« Sfimtltu



sets to Be Remetnbared By Prof­
ile* Patrona.


Died at Wllllsmsburs
nesday Meming.


NO. Cl.



The fdllowlng are the new rmtu that
EdsrTn Hill, one of the oldest resi­
Tbe wedding of Miss Eva M. Sbrewtwill go Into-effect August 15th In'
dents of Williamsburg, died Wetlues
. and Wm; Syens of DetrolL occurai the home of bfc son Klmln TOO LOW SALARIED ARE PAID IN
MIBAMAOOR WILSON STANDS BY card to tbe parcel puL Tbe limit o*
■d Wednesday at eight u'<-kK-k ai
fourthiilll of Wnilamsburg. Mr. Mill has
the church of the Immaculate Con­
elau man for delivery within the first
aMed as night watchman for
ception. Rev. Father Sheehan officUtand eecond rones shall be Increued
Wiscb Hewoiig Tr*>ut Co., io season
Tbey were attended ,by*_ Miss
fi«m 11 to so pounds. The
for sewal years past. Last night he
Uertka texina. mdid of honpr and Wil­
(wstage on parrels exceeding four
was on doty as usual appaienBy In the
liam Vexlna acted as best imas. Tbe
onncee in weight shall be five ceni^
best of health but in itttruing borne
bride was gowned in pale blue ns
for (he firit pound and one rent for
momlogac <l.c urual time b
line over white silk trimed with blue
each additional two imnnda or frac­
not feel in Ms good spirits
chiffon roses and carried a shower
ftCSIONATION WILL PROB­ tions thereof when Intended for local
later at breaktarx was sit^citen. dytrs
bouquet of srhlte brides rases and IMPRESSED WITH SEX LOYAL’TY
delivery a^ five cuts for the first
soon sflw of heart faUnre Mr. Hilt
pound and one rent for urh addi­
was one of tbe ortglnal members of
tional pound, or fraction thereof, when
the Odd Pi-llnwB ^ A‘TmamKbu..: ci-d
In blue chlSon and carried swan- Feeling is Developing In Paver ef Sin­
ASMlnlMratien Hu As Y«t PSund No Intended for deUvery at other officu Operatora Claim They Arc Going to has si»nt a greeter sha.e of his life Superintendent Chadeey Is Aetive 'in
sonla and white earaationa Tbe wedOpen Mines With Strikebrssksrs
Trying to Get Board of Educa­
gle Standard ef Morality—Pre­
OWlnH*. Policy in Rcsartf to
within tbe first and second sones.
In that vlUace. He leavi-s Three
diug bremkfaKt was ^rted at
and Want Treops to Pr»
tion to Retain Their
sented Cause en Lec­
RUtortfig Order In Battling
By ‘'local offtcr'' is meant anywhere
snd a daughter. Edwin HIM of Wilhome ot the bride's iMteU. Mr. and
tect Them.
Beet Instructors
ture Tour.
Rapublle. ,
srlthin the ciiy limits of Traverse City
iamsburg with whom b- made ;il«
-Mr». Krt-d Sbrealie. Tb^guests wwe
snd the seven rursT deliveries runnlnx
ime for several yeart. Euaeue Hit;
invlK-d for the afternoon and evenDenver,
July 2ti.—The east U
IVWathlngtoa. July 29.
at six o clot-k a six course din­
Oslnmei. July *9.—Following soverai
Detroit. July 2H.—Detroit U facing
now convinred tliat there can be such
troit. and Mrs Edith I'renttss . of
lIcDry Laoe Wllaon. sui
-demonatrailons and paradee. tbe sirlkaqrloua famine in public school ner was served.
a thing as a *!edy senator" wbo somw
Trom Ijkb. Funeral a'lubitemenis
MeriBe City to tafora tbe Wuhinston
iug copper misers today received su|>teachers. The situation .has reached
times usee vtuclUng salts, wears tracks
hue not hhen made aad will lie
adnlnlstmlon of coDditloas U Uir
port Irora many buslnaiw men In tbe
point where it Is really ularoilng.
of the kind recommended by tbe best
nouiKv-d later.
rebellloii torn republic. Ulkrd for an
in the opinion of Supt. Ctaadsey. who
strike district, several messages were
fasliioii Uiagazines and speaks In the
Sour wllb Presidmt Wilson and SrrreUames the condition upon tbe low
sent Gov. yVrrlu. signed by promineet
tones of a "perfect lady."
tary Uryao aubnltUnc cblrtly a rec•■..lar.v
WOULD PRE*- clUsens. demanding that the executive,
This is the opinion ot tbe suScaglst
omuradatiOB tbat lbe VnUrd SUtu!
board of edui atlon U enfurcing. There
to the dUirlct and make a iier-BERVE HIS WHISKERS
SPANISH MAIDEN WORKED COURT­ leaders ot Denv^. following the reu*c lla lonMnre to sUbllUe tbc'Hrur} scarcity of com'peteot instrurInvestigation. No signs
----- return of State Senator Helen
Dr. ('hadsey explains, but good
violence were in evidence today and
Ring Robinson from a lecture tour
No policy was ovoUrd—at least
leai-bcrs refuse to nerve here beesuse
which took ber through five states and '
union officials decinred there was ab
none wu announced—but it became
the city wilt not meet the salaries
during which she delivered time than '
solutel)' no necessity of retaining the
That Is Found to be Very
Arrested for Murder of Youeg Man
^knosrn that the president's Ideas and
they can earn elsewhere.
sixty addresses. If tbe "bntis” of Jbe
militia In the dbtrJct. On tbe other
■ Whose Body Was Found
- tboM of Ambassador Wilson as to tbe
Supi. Chadsey today reiterated bis
expected Senior RoUaeon to be
hgnd Ibe op<-rators declared they were
in Garden.
couru to b* pursued are so radically
different from thousands of other
ig to reopen the mines wiib TURN DOWN PERRIS PLAN FOR demand that the board of education
different that tbe admlnUirailOD of­
cultured women ot the country they
London, July* *9.—British army cir­ Strike breakers and therefore It nec
ficials interpreted the day's develop­
the local public schoeds competent
cles and the generbi public don't esaarily means armed guards, Ono'
ments u
Madrid. July
One of tbe
teachers and preTeni a eerioifs deMr«. Robinson It enthusiastic over
tbe Calumet and HecU mln« Is
of Ambaaudor WUson's resl*natlon. knew whether to laagh or become
leriorailon Id the public school work scn»tiooal murder trials in tbe his­
e growing suffrage sentiment In the
alarmed over the aearesi approach to working witli a aihsTlv force today
. president *WUson and the
here. Chadsey first presented tory- of Madrid was expected when east and It convinced (hat the exafititiike the BrlUsh army hu experi­ under tbe prot^lon of several com­
dor regard fiie future of tbe Mexican
of Illinois in granting women tbe
the siiuailon to the board of educa­
panies of miUtla. The'strikers made
aliiiatlon. It wu learned from oppo; enced. The whole thing hinges 'on
tion a couple of weeks'ago. when he father, a captain Jn tbe army, went ballot will soon be followed ty many
no show of interferener. The strikers
alte vlevpolnu. Tbe pruldent is con- the question of compulsory mumacbes
turned in the resignation of
to trial fam- today for the murder other states. She gave tbe United
for English army officers. Since llie
remed orer tbe morality of any policy
sirucior In physics and chemistry of a wcaltby young man named Ju- I’ree^dfg-.following sutement regard­
beglbttlng of the nineieentb century abafts to start work.
ing her trip; '
adopted by the UMted Suies'. and lu
who had determined to leave tbe em­ lod.
British srmy ofticera have bun com­
(By StsU Benator Helen Ring Robin­
affect on other Latln-Ameriran connploy of tbe Detroit schools because
The youn'F man had courted the
pelled to wear mustschss. or at least
son. Only Women Senator in
iemands for an Increase In sal­
tries and Is disinclined to strengthen
such hair u could be culilvsted on
ffoidiere and Police Are Making At­ ary from I95u to <1.300 a year had girl for several months and the date
the United Statae-)
a goremment that came into ^wer
for the wedding bad been set when
the upper Up. Tbe king's
tempt m Round Up Rioters and
pM wbo has not been to tbe midst
been refused. It then developed that
throngh the questionable erentt inci­ distinctly uy "the chin snd under Up
he mysteriously disappeared. He had of It cannot rwllie tbe slgniflcaoce
Gunmen Who Are Caus-ng
dent to Kadero’s asssss
principal of the eeliool where tbe
ahall be shaven, but not the upper
a large sum of moopy on bis i>eraon and seal of tbe giwet women's morethe
teacher was emsdoyed had strongly
Ambasaador Wllun, on tbe other
\^'hiskers Of moderAe length
St the time to deposit in bis finance's
In tbe easL I did not fully real• SINCE JULY ia
oi'Jected to idling him go because he
^nd It dUposed to look at the situa­ may be worn."
said it would be impossible to fill his name as his wedding gift Sancher ire It. The fervidnees of ll. the white
tion. not from past events, but wltb'
Calumei. July S-.-wiih sw.-ral pUce with a competent man for Icsy and' his daughter, wbo is In the twen­ flame that burned In its midst Inspired
Keceiillv. however, society set iu
the future, and his suggestions bare
ties. disappeared shortly after. A:
heard women preech with "the

been In the dlraeUon of
Mf«. Tswnsend Whe la 6
mJIlUsmee. in which loo men are schedule for teachcrs.pow in opera­ search of their residence i+sulted In fervor of Feter the Hermit
againts whiskers.
Including mus­
reeocnitlon to tbe Huerta govemi
One of the things that imprsaued me
repont-d to have U-.-n shot
tion presented the board from grant­ the dlsravery of human bones. The
if it did certain things to conserve taches. and offleera have been agititatfather and daughter were arrested In wss tbe wonderful toHlng of sex loy­
authemk- Information from officials ing the teacher's dem-mo.
Ing the right to ahave. Many hai«e
American tntuesu.
this in Bal­
close to Uie mind ruiupuny offlclaH
openly defied the regulations and don<
Supt. Chadsey said that tbe aalary a village in the north of Spain. Tbe alty and solldariit. >
I. an art that led to their appvnrAfter notUyiag the amborlUcs In that oUrators would refuse to meet schedule in local high schools Is ab- girl, the pollre declare has turned timore. where young women, with
surd'v low.. It BtartN at 1*00 a year state’s evidence and admitted that ac­ faces like opening flowers and eyes
ice'before ibe colonel.
many of the southern Michigan towns <R>vernor Ferrta' peace plans for
cording to plans Uid by her lather, Shining like sfars, marched together
Tbr original offense, of course. Is Without result In tlie attempts to I©-, confi-rence at Ijuslng, the copper anl carries a |.'.u yearly Increase. It
with women wore by t^. 1 aawjt in
rate his parehu. Jat. TowoM-nd. the mine siHko of Tp|.er tllcbigan ad- has been pointed out that nearly any she got her lover to bring a large
eouaied purely ai a tuhnicai
sum of money to tbe house and while New York; I saw It everywhere. This
college graduate In these days
EUGENIC MARRIAGE NOT BED OK it becomes rank insubordination aftec youngster who was idrked up a few ■snoed to e mo«i critical
sex solidarity has existed among the
that. It could even be called mutiny. days ago In a half starved condltloB tods). Disorders snd minur riots are tcMinai-J lUKW aalary in his first he sat with bit ara« about her, ber pick of women from the time of EnrtROSfS.
father crept up behind him and
Easy going colonels have urged ibe has finally been claimed. Mrs. Towns­ more frequent todif than at any time year of teathlag
knocked him unconscious. S^e said pkles until now. Men wiU not ac­
Edwin Pseron UuMs to SUnd Strong s;ar ofnee that It Is silly to punish end. the'sdopi'-d mother of tbe cbfid., since the strike stariud. Just a week
she and her father killed him. dis­ knowledge IL but it has been so.
Arm.TsetJ^^of Hit
officers, for m slight a thing u shav wbo Is tpendlng the supimer at Char­ ago.
Then. loo. I was Impreased by the
tbe body and buried it In
lag one's upper lip. but Whitehall levoix noUeed In the columx of the
Although tbe mlllurj' gn? civil
feeUng that U developing for tbe alB-'
tbe garden.
stands by red tape, aad the red tape Record-Eagle'that boy had l>een found authariUes age making every effort
Tbe bones fonnd by the poUce had gle standard of momUty. You hear
bwe aad called Chief of Police Carabn.
Lynn. Mu*-- July 30.—‘Eugenic uys there must be mulachi
keep infurmailua of dborderm
been discovered under the ceiUr Door., these xealouB women wbo are AtruglurriasM are a failure." accor
mustaches there will be. In the mean- The boy. who fat betag held at tbe de­ quiet. It became known today that
Saying nothing they went to the spot gllng for ib> ballot with a spirit ot
to Sdwln Perroa, the first eugenic UUe, delinquents are pointing out that tention home, gives bU namt
t.ooiis and strikers had clashed In at
seal co'lng for tbe ahoUtioe of Uie
In tbe garden where tbe 'giri said
husband In Masuefanaetts. who today King George himself Ignores the reg- therans. and bU home ; < Grand. R4P- least two different i>oltiU during the
double atandard. And other women
juion's body wot bidden, and there
Ida, bnt the uutburlUet have beeu as­ da.v and tiiat numerous siiuts
aarud a badly bruised face, while ulstions by wearing a beard.
re Uktng up tbe cry.
they found it. Further InveotlgaUon
he denonneed In ao uncertain terms,
A. movemeni bore ot snch spirit and
Prank' Kichardson. well known
carried on wiib snch seal "»»«« tri­
his auallant and his wife. Perron thiir, has come to tbe support of no mistake as to bis identity.
The first trouble occurred a
The lad left Charlevoix sometime
umph in the end. bnt I would not want
Wu married Jut a month ago. both Wfalichall by ss.vlng: "I am absolute­
Roysle early teftfa}'. under cover of
wealth after s short couruhlp ot the|
prophesy which of tbe three stmtaa
parties producing phyaldao‘'s cer- ly opposed to any order that will tbe Bight of July 10. He was clad lu darkness. A party of men made
girl. The police say she has pran
In which I did roost of my campaign­
tlficuu u to their fttaeu to manr. abolish tbe Up whisker. Were tbe nothing but a -pair of knee trousers attack on the powder houses but aftto confess everything at the trial ing—>^w York. New Jersey ‘ aad
Perron told the police that he re­ cbsnge allowed who could distinguish and a blouse, but when be was picked
geoerWI exchange of shots with
Fenns.' lvanle— w IU win first. The Out­
lumed home to And bis houu in dark­
Idler from such undistinguished up hare he was wearing a suit which troopers, were reinrised: One ot.thc
look m.New Jersey It moat favorat^
ness.. He uid that when he-eatered persons as lawyers or actors—or even had been given bim somewliere
atucking pany 1* known to have been
In New York tbe opposition chiefly .
ills room e etrange mab who-wu with u^ors. and noveUsta. Twould never routa. A thorough search of tbe coua- Hiiot through the legs and it Is be­
from ibe rarei dlstiicu where
tunoondltig Cbarlevolx had been lieved a seconl was also wounded.
his wife, leaped at him and hit him.
relgns.e-Then, too, Tam­
mads and the lakes and rivers had Antborttles today made a united-ef­
knocking JtIm do^asUirt. Hte wife
ar Hall it. by the very natnre of
been dragged, as it was not surmised fort I* round up all rioters and
and tbe straaser fled, according to
organization, almost bystortcally
thst'tbs boy would take Jt into hU fpsslonel gunmen in the district and Dpmocratic Leader Claimed He Had THIEVES MADE RICH HAUL AT
opposed to giving women the vote and NARRAGANSETT
bead to become a globe trotter. Pot ibout B(i arrests were made.
Perron declared be and his wife
Never Seen Mulhell Nor Conis neing all-lu inllnsnce to fight the
OT«^ two w^^ be was on the road,
quarrel freqeently.
rnless Immediate steps are taken
ferred WRh Him About
women's movemeoL
llriog OB ber^' and leaves and trav. o bring about a seulemeni ot the
*'l think .engenfc marrlngu - are a
Framing the TaWff
Strange to say. Che oppooftton. tbo
failure." declared (be eugenic huetlng mostly on foot His clothes copper mine strike it wet considered
movement has fonnd throucobat the
ware ton. bU bod) badly bruised op certain today that tbe hltteiseaa of
>nd to the police eerfuat
Washington. July 39.—Shaking
east has as many wcitnen Is It as
and bs was nearly exhausted when
strikere would culminate
finger a. < u.'lfiely at Col. M. M. Mulmen. Thw women belaog to the In­
picked np by Poundmaster Oegn« wideoprend -rlolenep. As a result ot hall. RepreaentaUve Underwood, tbe
ert mass that live praetkml Urea. 1
Priess Will Be Oeed On Acoeurtt of Bouth of the city.
N'arragansett Pier, R. I, July 30.—
last Bight's ftght between non-union house floor leader, today told the sen­
^1 them ingrowing Torlea. 1 caOed
Fsllurs in the Canadian
The summer colony here was aroused
men and strikers, two were seriously ate lobby f-ommlttee that the self
am that at one mesttng and "the
tlje greatest exettentent today .when
hu^ and others badly bruised. War- coaT^sed) N. A. M. lobbyist was a
ipers bad It tbe aset day “Ingrawtng
I are out for tbe-arrest of eleven llar.and'faleckmaller. Underwood was
that tbe Jewels stolen from hte i
My aim was to allay that haunting,
strikers and six are now to Jail.
angered at MnlbaH'a "contesal
last week were valued U ttlSO.OOO.
The present -season promisee to be
Platw Trip In
CalameL July 30.—Reports of ctarh- concerning alleged conferenoes bg With the gems stolen from Mrs. panicky fear amoag tho un that
Spaelmena Taken frem CMd Steuse
good one for tbe Western Michigan
when the women get Urn baUot lhey
ct between the mlllUa and strikers bad with tbe Alabama -meffiber.
Perfect As The^ Were
apjJe -grower. There ia s fair crop
were denledyihlB afternoon bolt by
Underwood interpolated the copn- Ives, it is now believed the total loot would take tbe American home oat la
Lain Pall.
many ot the trees and the quality
Paris, July 30.—PresMent Poincare, tbe union officials and tnlllUa officers. mitteee proceedings^ a dramatic ap­
(he bedt yard and about it full off
will reach a qnarter mlUlon dollars.
is likely Tb be better then- has pr«boles. I sptAe not no a siaator ev'
. There is on exhibition at the Peo­ railed la Uie pa*L The chances are ft was oBldally announeed today will Tbe only place where tbe stories were peal ahortly after the srnslnii c«npoUUcian. but as a beasewlfe. 1 told
denied wa» at the offices of the vered.
ples Bartnss bank a box of BUrtc also excellent tor n good price. The vuit King AIpboBso at Madrid
what equal suffrage vonld nwaa tff
“la tbat'Malhslir 1
applu srown in the KewhaU orchard Canadian crop thie year Is abort ac­ Novombor. returning the visit that mining companies.
as bonsesriTBs aad moAhata.
indicating tbe lobbyist
on the North Manlton Is^^d that bare cording .to (tfUclal reporu. Consul An- monarcb paid to Prance and -the
what relation tbe garbage can bore toPrmich
been la cold Horgge alnce last fall drear J. McConnloo at Bt Jcdin. Quetbe belloL and 1 think I gars a side ^
talk that the exchange of rUlts. be­
my committee room.”
aad are auu in a perfect sute of prearepofU that In cerialn sections tween the Spanisb. Frei/ch and Bigof
never before preaent^ Th^-repnblican members of thq
erratlon.. According to Mr. NembaU there wlil^ no fruit es orchards
ed there.
cbmAlUee snd MnIhaU were tndined
he hu taken urenty boxu out of have been compleuly devastated by lUh aovereictts was for the purt>^
I feel'no Tsls pride In my sacceas
Morags slaee July it. and found only the tent caterpillar. He eetlm
"prisoner pay law" will go Into effect because I feel that most of ft was
itanta. That Prance and Spain will
two mpiitu that even bad the eUgbest that the total loA to he fruit growers
dne to my having baan adrertised as
Senator Welsh read s letter from
■peck of decay upon them. ThU u of bU eectloD wtll estoont to several Join hands regarding all Vwoccan
sort of curiosity or freak. Meet of
mstUrs. is slrqady a foragonc
J. A. Emery to Hnihall. eneioethg two. ment made at tbe execuUre offices
a record that hu never been equiled
clnalon. aooordlng to amcorilaUre
Caldmel. Mich, July 30 —Actjng un­ checks for KS to be given to Jsnjtors day. After that date es<A of the those who renie to hear me came to
In «be weet aad probajily never wUL
The conanl hirtber reporta that tbe diplonmUc sonreas here
see what eoti of a creature a woman
It proru that the Grand Travetu whole ot Eastern Censda has been
In Boston, the msnsgers of tbe cop­
teaUary wtU be paid at tbe* rale of senator was. and 1 know 1 dlsappotnlnpple la a gerfeet keeper and that visited by. tbe caterpillar plagne. and
LOS ANOELES-Lucy Spehr, Vas- per mining companies this
tbe Jsnltore
- BM the! tAirM cenU an boor for the work done
wbea -kept la c«M aiorage will la«
only have orchards end gardens ir sthdsBt graduate, dropped to the
t tAie repreIn tbe prison shops and offices. The
the yeu around. Thru apples are been serlooaly damaged, but whole
tvemsRt to eocatm being hit by an eenutlrse of the Wnloa strikers la haU replied tW be had paid Under­ tMney wm bg sent to ihe’famUlea ot
worth Butag as they are u firm and wooded areas ot tbe country aide
PBORlAJU.-ChUdno at play found
automobile The car passed, laving lanilnc. In *ccoi4shce wlifa the gov­ wood’s Janitor regularly for two tbe prteooars or saved for him until
sued u the day they were jrtekad.
chest flUsd with goU «a(B valued at
, her nnhamad, but cut off ber pet curL ernor’s glcu.
be iu ruAsusud.
KON. '
I 11 a «■





















ICnnf Tfww«H€roU'rvr ..?:r™

4)ueUioo or Ibr result vlU be dlswtb« corponiloDs that dcty
(be public will. Equiisble rate* and
AibUtM Tnmtm
TlMradira ftt better CadlHiee are'demanded and ualees tbor are eerared there will be a
In ibe system that wUI be ao
radloa] that 1( «U1 mean ibe prac-tlcal
UAnagiiig £d
extinrllon of the ronoratlons that
^ GlBdOH, Editor.
paL on tbelr prateni lulh-y of
cbarsln* wbat they please and kIvIdr
Sktered M ■•cond^lut swt
IIM 1. W».
VB. at
m\ lo
tta* po«o*l« M vkatever service ibey see fit to extend
r. Hieb..
.. under
the Act ot the pbbllc.
tnKb i. U


OffiMk «9 PraM «t

Pb»M» 21


Ac«t>nung to tbe Grand Rapids
papers Secretary Basoett. of the
Michigan Sutof Hortlcnltaral soelctr
U planning to bold die niifa annual
, 40c tn advance
meeting of the organlxatlon In'TOlv,
erae City next winter. This' would
be weleoree news under ordinary condlilom. but at tbe present time the
Agreement by the oaslera mllroads fruit growers of this rtclnlty are l»r' to' anbmlt tbelr dlBeren<«s vith tbelr ticslarly anxious to secure thU body
coodnctors and trainmen to nrbUra- oT frail men during tbe fruit
tloD reUevee the public mln^and In- In order that they may see sctual
suFM a MtlsCactory seulement of the conditions In tbe Grand Traverse regtoou Tbe proper thing for them to do
difficulty vitbont
loss of Ume
money to the Inlereeled parUea. The Is to com* beie in the cherry season
whidb Is at Us hrtghl about tbe mid­
masaceru of the roada take the
leal view of the situation and
dle of July. By coming at that tine
vrUUas to meet tbelr men half-way. they ooold see the trait froaing and
Tbla Is tbe rlthj altitude and meaDs receive prsctical Intormalkm that
omcb to the esUre country. U Is would be of great value to them In
hoped that tbe strike in tbe upp^ thdr futtire work. This is the reo-peninsula will be setUed the'aazne ognlxed cberry section of tbe slate
way. tor tbe state cannot afford to and orebard culinre has reached a
keep a whole army to tbe field, all very high state of development,
nmmer In order to give the mine going into the orchards at the time
owners a chance to catch up with
when they are In bearing the real Im­
JafTln* coppw market The eute portance of tbe region could he
trooM were sent Into tbe copper erly r<'allsed and much good would
country to preecrve order and pro­ come of tbe trip. \STien a liortlcnUurtect ptwrty, a couree that every al cojiventlon is held In tbe wtnt»
sone man will endorse. It Is
time It is Impossfl'le for tbe dele­
to tbe mine ownere to try end make gates to see what tbe real conditions
.a.eetOemenl with tbelr men while are and atl tbe.proceedlngi
Ibe'eoldlers are Oiere to keep tbe a theoretical nature. The best way
contendind partlee' apart. Tbe mine to study a subjrot la at ftrst band
owners are,en'UUed to protection from
I this Is especially true In the
tbe etate only as tons as they try to ^isjlt business. Theory is sl1 right In
oBeet * aetUement . with tbelr then, lU place, but In-fruit growing It must
and no lonfer. It is' sot wlUitn tbe be mixed with n wealth of practical
province of tbe stafe to take tbe aide experieuce In order to bring
Of Cither cnplul or Ubor. bat to needed reaults. Grand Traverse In
' bring about an amicable settlement summer Is ihe gar^n spot of tbe
between the two If tbe shutting I'nfled Sutes. but in the winter the
down of tbe mlnee la a rose on t
beauties of nature are covered with
ran of tbe owners to tide over
which prevents any praetleal
lagglst market spell by cutting off the work In fruit (rowing lines. The
the pay of the men. then tbe stau Is
sUte society w*s Invked to
going out of iU lurlsdlctton In beep­
here this summer, but for some on-*
ing troope on the ground to carry out
known reason the ones In charge of
tbe ecbeme. I'i'bat tbe people of tbe
Ite affairs elected to take the
' state want to see is a diapoeltlon on
meeting to Paw Paw during tbe
tbe pan of tbe o,wnera to'arbltnte
grape seasoo and ignot<ed tbe inviutbelr differencea with tbelr
tion from Traverse City. At. tbe prep­
i' thereby restore peace aicala In the seent Btate of aflalra tbe local bortlgion. I'nder tbe stale law that i
culturtst prefer a eummer meeilng to
passed ^er tbe raUraed strike
the annual event in the winter, and
Duraad tbe state now has to p^ tbe
it la hoped that those is charge of
coat of malnulnlsg troope In tbe
the organization will make the change
aWke territory Instead of tbe coun­
and come Vben tbe orebarda are In
ties. and this is ons of the reasons
bearing, when it U poealble to learn
wby tbe mine owners were so anxlops
to have troops sent Into their section bow the'frail Industry Is condiicied
St the first ontbrsak of trouble. The upon a large commeecUl scale In the
taxpayers of tbe etate are vltaUy Irt- larg^t cherry producing center
Urested In this strike, for they have the United Slates.
Om tmt..
8U acttUu


to pay tbe bflla It Is costing tbe taxpayera of Grand Traverse lost' as
much as these In Houghton, county,
and tor this reason the public wsnts
to see prompt measoree taken
tbe trouble. The men are wtuine to
arbitrate, eo it Is now up to tbe mine
ownm to act It they want protection
from tbe eUte troops. •

The oblertlouB that the. railroads
and express companies of the country
are making to the extension of tbe
parcel post system goes to prove that
these eorporstlons arc kard hit by the
new aystem of carrying tbe paying
daaa of packages. Had they awakened
tdCbe need of doing something for tbe
people In tbe way of rates and accommodaUons a few yesra ago there
would have been no i«rcel post esubUabed and even'body would have been
eatlsfled. Tbe testimony of the rail­
roads and exprem companies Indicate
that they bad been overcfaarglng the
people to tbelr rates and that what
tormerty went to the express eompanlss will now go to the ravernment.
or directly hack to Ibe people who
up Ue money to pay tbe rates exact­
ed. Tbe reed of corporations alwara
Ittgbniid becauae of
blbe Iexpress com^ pnnlss and railroads
ids kgve
k^ve treated the
peoifie to tbe pastt It wW be bard to
aonvtoce them now that theee corporatlont bare aaatmtlsted a pbllantbropk
aptrlt The Wells'fb^go Expre« con
pany to making conceasions to tb
tonnsn In tbe eoutlrweet'which If totrodaeed a few years ago would have
ravolnllonlted tbe express bualneas
aad made the people tbelr frieoda, but
oomtog St tbia Ume it U readily i
ttat It U an attempt to retain Uie bustoaoi that Is stlpplsg away from them
alBOS the parori post was snttbHshed.
Tbs theory of fte oxpress company Is
eofvoet aad they bare done good work
tor (be bnslness tateresta of tbe c
try. «U thsto Inawmy to raid the
■IgM «t tbe tlm« and meet tbe deoaada of tbe people-etarted tbelr nnMaA «%at tbe people want la aerwfM at a naaoBabto price aad it the,
Burrnnmiil fumibaa this the patron­
age 'vIB 9 to tbit Otrectlton. Tbe
sraat praUem that tbe people of this
oontoT MOt ooh-e Is that o( traasporfwttoii ter tholr prodoeti. and ft Is ori«aat that tbo public tamper to ooeh
(haiii wiU pet Apk«d ler what U has

Hsriga^l the Fshire
There is a tcnOency at the present
time for rltiM.''ceunUee and .
autea to live faster than their income,
and tbe result Is that bond Issues
have beconic to common that they are
a drug on the' market and cannot, ex­
cept In rare cases, be sold. At the
present Ume the cities are In nigny
s boDde<t to subh an extent that

ftrences. Tbe atUtude of tbe United^
Istatro against recognUtsg the Huerta
ladmlnUtratloii-..already is being out­
lined in Mexico, according to reporu
here, a* indliating that the abdication
of Husrta ta'tovor of a
t to InrvlUble.
fmitf rulKt Vtmtm «na|A
Second, ahonld all efloru by tbe
^ ^ flpM is catilr cautTMlii
^te5coH'« £mB/acofi w9 Mexicans to adjust the dlspnte fall. It
Is prot>osed by ^tofluentlal members
of tbe aenste .that the embargo on
arms be lifted and the two factions
be permitted to obtain munitions of
war ito an equality. Borne senators
troely predict a decisive resnlt to
uick time under those' clrcamstances.
the debt can never be paid, and yet
.Third, riiould pace be deUyed. the
In order to keep up with the proces­ suggestion Js thst tbe United Riales
sion they are every year Issuing more offer to mediate ibroagh a rommlsB^tL
bonds to toko care of.the Interest on
Ttourtli. as a last reeort. It is siigtbe old debt and girovide for new
a tiipartllt
jTOvements. By this system they
mortKaging the future generations in romposed of represeatatlves of tbe
SUta and lAtin-Ameriran
niaaner that will rcarl and greatly
baodteap ffaoPe wbo are Ibe tlusncial natioDs could endeavor to bring about
settlement by pescetul
beads of the cities of tomorrow.
Is well and proper to have even tbln*
modem and fancy, but somebody has
to pay tbe bills, and when ilxpe blUs
conic due In tweaO'. thlrtj- or me
years eotiilUons inai’ have changed
such an extent that those who have
to pay them will be far s'ny of the
money to jay with. Not only
ciitos rasbtng Into debt with a free­
dom »at Is a|>pnlliug. but tbe eouwles MIDDLE WEST SWEPT BV TORRID
are fotlosrtog suit In order to have

Bars Boozers

w^mmnt cou»

boslness tlnn tn- corporation, office'
family, there are high class men. t
emplover and the employed, wbo find
that some drug or liquor is a PHYBK'AL NEUFysiTY IN DAll.Y IN­
Ttiere Is ao eicuee now-for each
mea rontinulng the awfdl habit until
they bensme DRUNKARDS aad Is­
mail derriUta.
THREE U.AYS spent in any oi
CO Neal Instltuiro now- loated In prin­
cipal cities, taking t>r. Neal's Trmtma(. wilt change "CKAVI.NG- toto i
Ing for ll'quor and enabU- th'
- to return to bis own home aad
work on tbe moraine of tbe fourth
day in splendid meaCal oid physical


Default having been made
Annual Meeting.
conditions of a certoln mortga^ made
annual ttu-eiing of the memby Joaeph Wilhelm. Jr., and Mvy J.
<jf jj,e Old Misston Beach Resort
Wilhelm, his wife, of the City of Trov-jj^,^,„j^ lor the election of true-;rna-erne nty.
litv. Michigan,
R. 1L'n-,,MW lu serve
M>rv« the
Ifa,. ensuing
rn.utn. year
v—r and
------ ... - to Mary
- B.
derwood of the state
slate of New lorkl^t,^ iransactkm of other bustotra pro­
dated tbe thirteenth day of Fobrnary'.'
Fobrnan:- seated for consideration wUl be bald
A. a. 1904. and recorded to the of- „ old
salon at cottage of C. B.
ter of deeds for the
Thursday, August 7. J913,
Traverse and Stale at
,t 2. o'clock
p. at. of said day. ■
or Michigan 1 the ergbteentb dayT ^
F'ebroary-. 1904,I. to Uber 45 of M<
450 on which morv
la claimed to be dne at
'bereaa dcfanlt has iie.-D made In
ipenty-tspo one-hondredtha dollars s
. phone or w
payment of tbe money seenred by
tn attorney fee of tUrty-flve doJb
Uty. 3«B Slat
City, or
May. A.
1911. executed by Wlh
the taxes hereinafter mentioned:
Urd H. ICampbell
and wUe^
_ Estelja.
David R. <XmpbeIi. single,
ingle, and Walrondltlona of a certain mortgage made lace C. CampbeU
-eU an ' wife.


of Grand Traverse roumy.' Michig
wife, to t
Martha Mathews,
»d the foi
____ ....
of tbe KeElster.or Deeds in ihr coosthe County of Grand Traverse afore- ty of Grand Traverse to Uber f.7 of
•aid on tbe fourteenth day of April. Mortgagee, on page 132. on tbe- 2inh
1904. to Uber 45 of mongagra on page day of May. A. D..
l 3:HJ
404. OB which mortgage there is o'clock p. hl
claimed to be due at tbe date of this
And w hereas tbe amount claimed to
notice tbe sum of five hundred forty- e due on said monMo At (he dale
Peg Bemis Has Raigned, 111
three and ninety-two one-bundredtha of this notice la (he sum of four buoBeing Given as the
dollars and an attorney fee of fifteen dred and aeveniy-Bve and 99-lon doldolUr provided for la said mortgage, Un of prinelpal ai>d interen and the'
good roads and other improTemeols.
eult or proceedings st Uw further sum of cne hundred and ten
When an ordinary county bonds for
hgvlDg ban Instil
tlituied to recover' tbe and 9-100 dollan:. taxes' paid on the
hair, a millftm or more and Issuet
moneys secured by said mortgages or mortgage premises and interrat there­
Hamllion. last year manager of tbe either of them < any part thereof; on. and the farther sum of fifteen dbb
long time bonds it means eomelhlng
attoroey'B fee. sUpuUled tor
that the ordiaory .person who ]s o|h HUM0RE08 OP PROSTRATIONS RE­ Traverse City club, this year manager and whereas the said mortgagee has
In aatd mortgage and the whoie
o'f the Pensacola club of tbe Cotton been
tlmisUc of the future does not under­
property hen
ctoiaed to be unpaid of said
Sutes league, will assume manage- years U‘11 and 191:. amounting 10 tbe amount
stand. It not only meaiia that future
mortgage Is the sum of six hundred
of tbe Muskegon clot on Fri<^
of three hundred thirty
taxpepers will have to pay the orlg- Thermometer Reached Ninety-Nine
] one and 7-100 dollara. and no
dredtba doli .
t pr proceedlnn having been Inat Traverse City. Peg HemU baa re­ ,sixty-alx I
tnal bowK. but will have, to keep up
In Chicago Vesterdsy. .Which
been paid by said
luted at law to recover the debt
signed. hto resignation to take'cffect mortgagee under and In compUant-e
the Ibtereat and provide for other Im­
Was Bettered Today—No
lining eecured by raid mort»n as bis suceoaor reports, ill with the condlllona prescribed In si
provements that may be reqnired
of. hi
- Relief in Sight.
mortgages and to each of them, wbl
during that time- The bonding pro­
liraUh being given as the muse.
to f
:tvemeans tbe piling of debt upon
Deiroti, July 30.—Indfrailons today
Now therefore noUre la hereby glvdebt without ctmaldering where the were that yaterday'a beat record
aald power of
end wiu be. or where the money will when tbe official iero|>erotiire was 5*2.
sale and In pursuance of the atatute
come from. *The United Sutes Is and the percenUge of humidity nearly
such case made and provided, tbe
.. ___
said mort­ said mortgage will be foreeloeed by a
IwacUcally a new country and v-onse- double ib^npraial -mark, would
gages and In each — ------- sale of the premlsra thereto deecribguently full of enihusiaam for better sarjiBssed today. Four deaths
.at publicr ancUoD
I the highest
i« Find Rsruge tn 8L
and higher priced convenlem-ea. and many prostrsiioiis are chargol to
and pproUded noUre-ls hereby gH
bidder at tbe J^pont. <toar «f -thp court
uU the nation is flooded with bat within tbe |«U 2* hours.
elgbth day
house In ibe rlty of'Toaerffe'C^ty.
thst • , F'Ylday. 1
1 o'clock to I
AuguiU 1913. I
Trawee on
bonds to such amount that they will
Chicago. July 3o.—Thineen datha
forenoon 1 shall sen av puu
crack tbe backs of those wbo bave to w ithin S4 hoars, ^half a hundred jirosM tae highest bidder at the north
.. .
the forvno'in <
assome tbelr j-ayueni wl»en they trations and new high temiwiature
Louis. Mo.. July 30.—SL Louis front door of tbe Court House to tbe which said premlsirs are deverfbed .to '
oome due.' During the jiaat two years iwords for the year marked tbe ad­ Is today being called the chief exile .City of Traverae City. County of said morticage aa follow-g, to-wlt:
The D<Mlh fracilunal baH of the
went wMd over the bondlug vent of a hot wave that grijia the niid- cliy for wealthy Mexicans wrbo have Grand Traverae. and Stale of Mlchihat being the place where the northwest tracllonal qbancr of Sec­
and promoting Idea and as a result
resi today. Early temiwraturcj inrurrvd tbe displeasure of tbe pres- Circuit Court for the oaRl
tion Seven of Town Twraiy^lx. north
there is a stagnation of business and Indlcaied the mercury .would rach Utc
goveremal of that revolniionary Grand Traterse is held) the premises of Range Eleven West.' and the
drop in values to that country' that at 100 mark during tbo day. Y’esterday'a country. From a son of one of the described in said mortgages, or
northeast quarier of the northeesi
quarter of SecUon Twelve, to Town
t>re^l is almoei alarming.. Tbe time mark of SK cstoblt>bed the i
wi-althy exilra it was leoraed. today much thereof as may be necessary
Twenty-six. north of Range Twelve
lount due on said me
e when more resuiy money is
Shat an •Exile .\si«ciatlon" ha* been pay the a Jth of them and the taxes West, in the county of Grand Travrecord.
needed to the nominloa and It U not
organlxed rom|>OM.<d of nearly 1
Eaatcm Cities Swefter.
erse and I
in sight. As a result tberc is retrenctaly of
Hated the 5th day
< July, A. D„
Nef York. July 30.—Cities through­ former clUxens of Mexico. Tbo or- interest and all legal oosto: togetner
meat going en that will svrlously out the east, xrilb tbe excejrtion of {mniaatioD It soon to begin tbe publi- with the attorney fea of thirty-five 1913.
Ma.nha CampbeU oee Mathews.
cHmp BODIO of the people who have Hoston. tolsy sweltered In one of the cation of a pap<-r devoted to the in­ and Rfteen dollars. respecUrety. as
provided by law and .as covenaaled
tos^led up on the fictitious securities hottest daya et sammer. Rcora of terests of tbe "Exile Colony."
for In said mortgagee and rach of CoveU 4 CrosA
offered by promoters tn all lines of prosiratinnh and many deaths are
Auoraeya for Mortgagee.
them, the premises being dracribed
F|»cuUllve and Improvement lines. It l>orted. IVashlnctou toPiNKl the lUt
Jnly 10 17 24 31 Aug 7 14 21 38 Sept
ELGIN. Ill—"A decent man doesn't are as fol'-owe: Pretniees situated In 4 11 18 25 Oct 2
the nty of Traverse CUy. County, of
Is a current and correct Ida that j*ub- with a temiieralure of i>i* at l
know what 10 do wlih bla eye* nowa- Grand Traverse and State of Michi­
llc business should be ran'ui«on tbe
." said Rev. I^jcpiwrt In denounc­ gan. viz: Uit Bto (4). of Hannah. Ley
sgme basis as private business, yet It
ing the slU skin and tratu-parent A Co.'s founysubdlvision of the vil­
wopid "be hard to find any sx le b'
lage. now city, of Traverse CHy. ac-,
gown. ,
- ,
‘tog to Hie recorded plat thereof.
man wlio wouM be willing
_aied at Traverae City. Michigan.
load himself and hU (-hlMrc-a up w iih
May fifteenth. 1913.
Sucrera In Many FIsahy.Roota.
financial burden that be knew that
'Bucroae U found to tbe fiesby rooU.
neither himself or they could ever pay.
kueh aa the heel, carrot, turalp and
Thls is what the ellles are doing and
sweet pouto. but thus tor it la only UNDERWOOD t TMLOa
for Mortgagee.
spite of the economic fallacy of the
from the beet that It haa been ob­ Boslnoa Address: Tgaverae City,
practice, they are continuing to pile
tained to quntliira commercially
the toad that knows no limit aad
may“5*22*2"9 June S 12 19 26 July 8
I no assurance of jiossiblo payment
10 17 21 31 aug 7
The admonition to get back to bgslir sopplr-.
...........^.......... -A.................
methods to mtifng public af­
Teeth Extracted Ahsolalc>
fairs U bated upon.tbe rttM lln« and
ly-Wlftoxt Pale
ni« b«Mit7 ADd vTrtoe of wt
it is hoj«d that the communittos who
•re aapenor to the Mrtu» and iHwuty of
are assuming these loads by their own
mea. bat no <«e can be behotifal wlwn
tbs throes of s deep-sested hseking
free choice will see the. light
.whcwcold. NotbiBcwillbr-.ggT«raw drugs t
bbsnge their Pleas of the jiractleabtlrelief tbaa ABea'a
Batan. Sold l<w
Ity of mortgaging the fntnre before
over hall a century. Eadoned by iboM
it U too late to avoid financial ruin.
whouseiL S5«..6Oe.a»lB1.00lWtUra






Jhe tthrkets

«« ,-',io'DUCEli,


Mil. HamOton Tegg HowShe
Fmally Found HeaUi in
etable Compound.

Irish Bull In Germany.
jf^ve aoni^.ing to keep bis animals
Much amusement has beeo eansed: hcnlihv Those who use KARN'ELi.'S
by an ofllelal notice, publlsbed In thel CO.MUTIO.N PoWDER. have i
Hanover Antelgvr. saying an order has'ble.
keeps working bones sound,
that ^be last carriaga
carriaga| P“rifiefc tito blood, pots on'fiesb and
____ __,o..b. .lua..- u. railway
trolaa." as It is always subject to
wards utr dCkease. brightens the plugtsMSbt Bbocks and osemation.”

Tto Bte.




U wuk esUftsetSw tw «•»«»■•»»
wm. U le a ii umilin wMcB «ftwew
tsB praat oisUma*



Warren. Ind.-"! «n* bothered torril^ with female weaknem. Ihadpains
sad wto not rveolar.
tbetiiDe.IbadbrarSTORE PEACE.
lag down paine and
mjrbockhnrt me the PrMident Wilaon and SarstAry Bryan
faiggeet part of (be
Will Not Make Further Movm
Ume, I was diszy
Until peace Movement la
aad had weak fee^
Heard From.
togs when 1 woold
stoop over, it hart.
rdisWaabingloa, July 30.—The a^lnlatratloB has Bo order from Mexico
today regarding the progreaa of tbe
ELPtekhara's Buggeeied’ pace movement tJ
Secretarr Bryan however, is hopeful
ge^ bsalth. If it had not been for that tbe plan will be.saccasfnl. Until
that medietoe I wookt have been to m
grove a ku« tfane ago.- Mrs. Aans £ It baa been tried neither be nor PreaHaMlL90H,B.F.aNa6. Warren, Ind. Ident Wilson wUl make any furlber
M. The tact.that Brron >■ oooAnother'CMe.
sldertog raumteg bis lecturers tbe
write to toll you latter part of the week and thaa the
bow anxto good yoor mediAas has done prosldent may make a brief trto ont
iMead to let other women know that -of town for a week end U algnlOeant.
tb«^ help for them, isnfferodwith xbowing that the adatototration
bearing down pains.'beodacbe, was ir- aiders the Mexknn sltnaUon far from
regntor and felt bte aad depressed a~
tiwtea. I took ^«Ba & Ptokham acme.
Someyadmlnistrottoe oSlclats have
Tigstabto Cmapoand aad coameneed to
goto to a Aort time and I am a writ wo- proposed that the Amcsican policy *awatoday. 1 amonmyfeet frosnearly poraoed aJoog a socceotoa of aJtmmaetoim until late at ai^t raantog a narivea.
t' •
towtSagboose aad do all my own work.
PirsL they knggwt the Ualted
1 boos that many sofferiag/wumeo will
try yoro msdlrias. It makca happl« Sutra shoald relrato from toterfmv
sriveoMd roottowa."-.llro AMIA^ emw while the Meafca leaders t
arivra aadwvqr to compoae their dif-


WANTED—Cook at T. W. C. A. home.
Rjo .....................................................
Prteas corraetad awry day.
WANTED—Competent and
«off............................................ ..........
enced girl lor geseml hoftM work.
.4 ta fc
First riera waira
Mrs. U f.
Tinia, 447 Wettitor sL may l-tf



Vapor Baths, etc., tor stomach,
nenee, circulation, lamenesa, etc.
Prof. Hubbard. Btetoberg Blk. CIU.
may 13^mo*
Pkra seed
ANTEO•aralshed OB the Aral thirty acres
coDtracied. Traverse City Caning
inch 11-tf



BER, Funeral Din. .
and Embalmer, 313 Seoih Union 8b
Mrs. Nellie Pratt aratotaaL Cits.


Are only purthaaed once. Tber»
fore they thould be of modern
design. boIU of most durable
bu will find only sack
orks of
Trovws# city, Mich.
821 Bay 8L
Both Pboa



s; money back .tf
not aatisfiod. Wriia. phoaa or caU tor
Proa BeoUata aad Gnannlaa Bosi.

Ncftl iMtltale Co.
341 BUU Bt. Tniv9iw-‘tMk:
71 BbaMoa Avm., Qmsd Bzpida


Traverse City.

Tbe Electric Storaae
Battery Co.
Ihe "ChkHide AcamBlator”

Foe Liquor. Mor-

0BS3 B>udcd»d>U(

Let us fiJl your Paria
' GrecD wants with
Paris Green. Fresh
stock, handled ao as
to conserve its poten­
cy. Pric^Iow.

06-208 Wilhelm Block, with Dr. Hob
worth. Traverae City. Michigan.


Is to an Individual Electric lighting nant exact­
ly wba( a reservoir Is to a water aystem. It
mow op the electricity generated by the dmenm and holda it uatO light U needed. All yon
need do la to ran yoer eagtoe toi*'a few boors
orraaionally. The “CWoride Aeoumulttor- win
then store up electricity to light over an exunded period.

Uailng with tu. pleara
do ao now aa we are gettsg

- -...............
usu. whira win contoto


complete deecrtptioim.*with
addrraece of owners. Thera UMa
widely dU.fboled through our exten­
sive adrettlalBg giving greeter pehUetty iten any other metl^ aad at
very much Iras coeL GeTpnr propoMtioa or Itot of propertiea.


Wm. «jackson
Howter Cooled

Traverse Ctiys aieh.




Writer ^ye High Tribute te th
•eotch-lrUh Who Have Made the
Cewitry Wtet It la.

•y J. A. TirrANY.
• «slT fkol
ted ted
*ttb Mtr« ia an
Urtrcy rmn ot thair teppy vsdted Ufa
•Ad 'voarty
tetcBUon of taktaf tb* oM democnt
wM«a o&d drlTlng Dobbta to tte city
to oitMd a rvrival BMOtlac. Mate to
Kina'* aarpriao and teacrla Minted
doelloed hU praftand Moon.
After ah« ted goo* Hina aotleed
a piece of paper lylnc oa the teU
door. He treat fanrard and picked U


-Wtera tUar, Riraa aaked. "A lettar. tei-aad ton la two, Wky. aotr.
»te caa be a^tta' to Mba tike that
—■My darllat Mira.**
-My darling. Mln—Meet me at halfpaat eight o'clock tonight nnder the
bleated elm In Lorera' walk. Gnat
no thU Uat prayer, my lored one. and
I erin nrrer trpnble yoa again. Toor
Ihithfnl lorer,
*8o thU U the reriTal meetln' u
Mba'a gone to? Oh. MInu Min! Thi*
la phy yon'T* attraya pcrtended to be
no Jealooa of me—yoa did It to corer
Bp yoor own wrongdoing.
-Half-paat eight o'clock, vnder the
Maatad oak. I mnat get on my bike
«nd apln orer there."
I«T«re‘ Una wa* the nanM gireo to
a treO-wora path that ran thtongb apiece of wood* eboct Ore nliea from
tte Lamaon farm. Hiram made a long
detoor eo aa to approach the tryating
pUoe from the back of the wood*, ioataad of from the tsrnpike. It atlD
lacked fifteen mlnota* ot the appoint­
ed time when he came within alght of
tb* bleated elm.
la tte gathering dnak Hiram eipled
Mra. aeated behind a tree eorae twen­
ty pacM from the bleated elm. aad.h«
teard the wbltmey ot the falthTnl Dobbln. tethered sowewhere near at hand.
*8«ema aa If Claode wamt in ante
a burry to keep hi* ‘eppolntmrnt a*
Miranda waa. Aye. Uaa. I coaid atmoat find it in my heart to take and
lift ye into the wagon and drive ye
atialgbt home before yet gel a chance
Of making a fool of yeneif before my
eyes. I'd do It—and forget tbe wboie
night'* bnctneaa—If it wasn't that I'm
bonnd to erertaatlngly knock the
oonrlabment ont of this fine gentle-

taan Clande.

At last k aMoM that Mir*'* paUenoe had |lTen oat. Hiram looked
at hi* watte a* ahc got ap and atarted
for the hy-road.
Jut u Mira wu about to atep Intj
the wagon, Hiram, wbo had reached
her aide nnobserred. aald; '
"Let me help you. wife I gneae ni
load my wheel into the wagon and
trell drive home together."
"Where have you been aknlklng.
Hiram Immaonr Mira demanded.
wrathfuOy. "and wherea that .Jetebel
aa yon come out here to meet?"
"Sow. Mira." utd Hiram qnieUybot
finnly. "the leaiour racket doeen'l go
In thla family any longer. It'* played
oak Too k the only woman I teme
bare to eee.
I wu expecting a
man. Where's Clande. Mira?"
"Ciaade!" Miranda echoed la a dlaguted tone. ‘T'daoT know nothing
about no Clandea. What ! want to
know la—Wbere'a Clementina, and
who Ib^er
*T don't know wtet you're talking
aboot, Mira—rve no more idea th.i« »
next rear** pampklc. Hut I'd like
know if tbi* U what yoa call attend­
ing a rerlval meeting- I'd also like to
kpow wbo CUnde l*r
'To the tater buga wl' CUnde!" 4u
Mlra-a impatient czcUmattoc
when yon get lore letters from yoor
Clemeotlnaa. Hiram Lamson.
ebould be more earefnl than to drop
'em around in the dairy. Now. read
that letter, and then tell me you never
beard of Clementina!"
Mira took a piece erf paper from her
boMrn and handed it to Hiram, wbo
msnaged to read by tbe light of the

It woBld not nrpriae me tn the leeat
If the-Ute J. P. Morgan ted the blood
of the Ulnm^Scot In hi* vein*, u your
............... at. aay* the ■writer
of a letter to tbe editor of tbe New
York Tribune. Tbe Scotte-lrUh were
even more ScotUah than .the Scotch
themaelvee—eum. shrewd, energetic
and tborongtaly reliable.
When Jaaiee VI. <Sf Scotland—Ji
I. of England—ottered facUlUM tor the
•etUement of Cleter. tboueuda
Seou araUed
thamaelvee of t
chance, and by their energy helped
tranaform that district Into a garden
of Ireland.
Belfast, ocie of tte most pascefnl
and proapenm* dtla* In the world. U
nothkig more or leea than a aeoood
To SeoUand. indkecUy. to UUtar di­
rectly. we are indebted for ante
w Andrew Jaekaon. Jamu K. Polk.
H Buchanan. John. C. Calhoun.
Cheater A. Arthor. T. A. Hendrtcka.
Horae* Greeley, C. D. McCntcheon.
•a O. Bl^e, Charles Poster. Sam­
uel H. Grey and maoy^«then who
helped to make the Unilte -SUtM
wbat ete U today.
Robert Pulton, though an Irishman
ot ScotUte detcent—bis father being
forced oot of Scotland in Cromweil'a
time—U scarcely en IflstM-Scot. But.
then. If It were not for the Uvlngston
family, who were deeeended from the
king*, nobles and lords ot ScotlanA

Secure Foundation is Certain to
Be Successful
Some Persons Labor Under Delusion
That Moisture Must Be Applied
Freely Every Oey.

More planu In tbe window-garden
are killed, every year, by ovei^aU-t^
Ing. than In aay other way. ^rae pvrlabor under the drluiloo that wanu»t be applied dally, and the con­
sequence la ihclr plants are lltersHy
drowned out. unless they happen to
have the beet of drainage.
Others go oa the 'imU'ead-oftenplan—that Is. they apply water to
small qusnilii<% whenever they hap­
pen to think ot It
Thr rrrult Is the aurfacc of the soil
is kept moisL and from this the owner
ukrs U tof granted that the soil be­
neath must be properly damp
Nine limre out of ten examination
win shoe that an inch or two below
tbe snrface thr soil Is dry. pf course
the n>oiB of the plsnu -ran not do
wtet te did.
ibeir work under such copdttlons
The plant roon sickens and eventuajly
ai;d tbe owner wonders wbat
cauei'd thr trouble.
Now. In watering plants several
n In Ordar ts Escape Thraetthings have to be considered. First.

Gaorge Enaor. a business man‘of
this city, while fishing near MounUlndale, a Piedmont. W. Va.. dispatch to
the New York Herald eUtes. was at­
tacked hy snakes, which came from
a rotten log on which he was aituog.
and before he could beat them off tbe
reptile* had entwined them:
ebout him. binding hU arms band*
and feet. T^e snake*, mere ttea-a
doten In number, measured from four
to sU fe^ In length.
Mr Eneor. aner vainly endeavoring
to work bis arme and feet looee. had
(he preaenee of mind to roll down
hill into a fire be ted built to cook
bis breaktasL His clotbea caught fire
and tbe anakas. aeorched and aUtlIng.
uniwload from hU body and made for
tbe old log. Mr. Enser ran to
stream and threw himself ioto tbe
ter. eztlnguUhing hi* burutng clothe*.
Hit body, arm and face were eevetely bnraed. but he bumaged to make
hiB way to Mounialndale. where phytleUna aay be baa a chance for recov­


RlgM Patha—Practical Expsrisoc* la Good.
A poo^try darm bum npon a seenr*
0 be succeaaful if
afterwards properly managed. It te
not only necessary, to make the right
kind of atart. but ibo work must be
regularly and falthlnlly performed,
day In and day onL
As a rule, bcglnoera aUrt with
great enthusiasm, and not a few build
air castles—but to very many of them
the sameaesB of the work, the close
application, the consunt watching,
soeo becomes monoioDous, and then
there te a shirking of duty. ncglecL
carelessness—and the enterprise becomr* a tenure. The point is to hethe tiu of the inUUI step with the amount ot capital
and expcrlcnee at hand
It te often the case that men with
ore or leas avaiUMe cap
cally put all their money
and atoeks. This te a mistake, ssys
t'onnc-ctlcai Ferroer, and more so In
the case of (hose who teve ted so
^rsonal eiperienco tn the work,
la the parlsnce of today; "A tgsn
UK be OBU his job." 11c must know
what to do. and how beat to do IL



n Dairy Bam.
Take four ptecea of Sxl. Two must
be it, feet long, on* IH feet and one
1 foot 2 Inches. Cat one 6l the
pieces as shown by A. mifking the
notebus c and d about I Inch wide
and 2 lucbei deep. Cut the other abort
piece as shown by B. The notch at
fs (be samA as on'A. but at d tbe
2x1 ts beveled ud Is finally atlacbed
Lyle A. Myers <
Mich., in the Farm.and Home.
One of the long pierM must be enf
as shown by C with the tongues
each end, made to fit Into the grooves



d Milea In Couraa of

According to reports recently onmpUed for the eonslderatloo of the
Texas Welfare commission, there are
now In oentue of conMraeUoa AST
miles of good roads within the stele,
with a prospect of double this kmoant
during the non it mooths On Ita
face this looks like a Urge per CMC
of Improved highways for Texas, but
an area baal* It Is a small show­
ing. and to seenre the per cent, ot
mileage of good roads that the banner
Btatc, Cpnqectlcw. has we will have
> build US.OOO mllM more.
Several 'or tbe largest undertaklags
of the south are now contemplated In
the state, and one og two have taken
tangible form, writes ids M. Darden.
In the Hoofton Pori The Red rtvertoAbe-galf highway.
c! talk
of and long bopt
when bullu will
or 630. and will serve more than fifty
million acres of the state * most deslrable agricultural land Two-iblrd* of
the counUes along tbe root*- of this
propow-d highway are now building
their links of tbe
It has bwn esUmaled by the Texas
merclal Secretariea and Boalaess
Men's asaocUUem. wbo keeps close Ub

shRopshires gain in favor
Reason I* ThsM Shssp Give Bettor'
Returns for.Money Invested
Than Other Brseda.

What ba* made the Sbropabire m
popular? Mora Shropshire* are fed
and marketed In Engtand than any
«hcr two breed* Tbe reason the
bn-ed te populsr, Is becanae these
sheep give tetter returns for money
Invraied than any of thq mutton
breeds, write* H. K Gibson of Duebcas County. N. T.. in the Orange Jadd
sod Fanner
The English termers
are not slow to find out wbat sort'
of live siotete tbe moat profitable for
tbem to keep, and Americas termors
are not slow-, either. The Shropshire
rrgtury assoclstkm has nearly a*
many members as all other sheep
rlsirv associations of the morion
ireeds combined This 1* ample proof
of the popularity of tbe breed.
Now. back of thte breed ara tbe
biiPlnes* capabilities pf tbe Ehropahlr- to make lot* of mooey. These
abeep show a profit to their feadcr

that thte highway wm te completed

Heme Made Swing Sunehlpfi.


on A and It The oiber-long piece
must be shown by U with a
tongue at a and bevel sti b' to fit Into
th<- bove] at d on piece II.
These. plecTs are put togriher as
shown', and the cow Is fpsteaed in the
stanchion by closing tbe' place
This ha* a bole In the tongue which
comes opposite a hole In A through
which a nail Is inserted. R> bold iho
stanchion sboL


(he nslnre of the plant. Some like a
good deal of water, others only a mod
eraie amuant.
henalon as to the intensity ot
-Second, the soli. A cloM. loamy sod
caused by the entrance into
body of various objects. Many drire out slowly, therefore it will not
persons fancy that If a "'«» li shot at require as frequenu or as large appllall be must therefore suffer intensely. rtitiuns as a light porous soil from
The reverse is true. A sUghl wound,
Third. lorktlon and exposures must
e abrasion of the skin. 1* somePlants
far more painful than a wound Im taken Into consideration
place, will
1 by the aoUaooe of a-bullet dl-.
ractly Into the musclea or even Into: need a good dral more water than
a low
a booe. Tbe akin U filled with
and whan any of them are tom by
pot mi
the ball tbe pain U extreme. It the
II la a
bullet t^ungee directly through tbe
pet will not/dr}' ont for two or three
akin Info the body tbe only nervi
dlsuirbed are thoae In the oompara- days, bat the soil In a small pot will
breomr quite dry every day. Little
lively small apaoe the bullet atrll
moisture nt-eded.
Since there are few nerves In
Fifth, a dormant plant requires but
muscle*, the nerve* of the sUn <
vey the sensation of pain to the brain little water It is not tn a condiiioi
make use of mach water, and an
In the same way the greater portion
of l! will surely rei
of the pain experienced in the ampubarm. - When (he plant brgii
laUoD of an arm or leg ts
grow, thru Increase the quantity and
when the skin"!* cut. and the ■
quent cutting of tbe muscles and the proportluB this'to the development
sawing of the bone, in which all the made.
All these ibings mw^rscelve due
pain U popularly auppoaed to be can­
T>ar HI—Xou ter* broken
coasldrration by Xte amateur who
tered. amount to UUl'e In corapu
bean, bat I will go away and bear my
would know how to care for bis or
sorrow in alleoca. Tou will never aaa -Harper's Weakly.
ly. Study them.
me again on earth. unleM you coma to
Experiment with them In this w
the blasted oak In Lovers' lane at halfyou soon become familiar with the
past eight to-night. Toon, though I
Spuker and Ping ted lust returned' dividaality of each one and you >
may not call you mine.
from A glorious spin In Spnrker's be able to give to each the care
br«Bd-Dew automobile, and a* tbey needa
Hiram aenttead bia tead for a mo-; sat In Sparker’a library they talked ofi
We are often naked for tome rules
many things despite tbe nolae Spate- for watering planu. It Is Imposslnle
er's youngsters were making.
•Tl-by. old girl." te aald, "oogDeboiy'
to make any rule that can be followed
bean fooling n* both. T got a letter
"Tell you wbat. Sparker." aald atrlcily.
pretty much like that—signed with the Ping, "you ve a fine, healtby lot of
Tbe only rule 1 have ever been able
Upe 'aande.' as ef it waa Intanded children. By the way. how many :
I give
IW you. Well, wboevar It waa, well you?"
the soil
Just fool them. We'R gat Into
"Seven." aald Spariter.'prondiy.
U thoroughly aaturate all the soU In
wagon and drtva home and amr a
"You know. I've often.wondei
the pot.
-word to anybody to let folka k
went on Plug, "whether you people
Tou can tell about Ibis by tea es­
■what two old looM wa'va bean
with ao masy telldren teve any par. cape of some at the bottom of the pot.
Ucolar favoritea "
Hair an hour later, as they entered
"Well, no," answered Sparfcar. beal^ace again, and a
tbe honsa and Hiram made a light. tntlngly: 'That U to aay. you know, as before
we don't have favorites exactly, but of;
UfiL as i have satd. oilB-wUl have
"Hiram Lamson. there's teen thlevM bourse you can't help being more In­
I modify 1hU rule \o fit the oondlhara! Bvemhlnra tnraed upalda terested In this year’s model
tioBs. It la ia general rule, subject to
some of .the earlier ones!"
Mch uhange as may appear necesaary
iDveotlgsUoo revealed leasaa
the iaielliseut plut-grower wbo
money, pUte and Jewelry ts thai
does not tetleve In ireatlng all bar
Na Pear of Father Dying Y»un»
amount of IIJM.
Whan UtUe Oorte climbed np t» ter plants exactly alike.
"Blaae me. If tboaa Abbera teren'T
Give fer.lllscr* to growing planu
aetnally had the imjAdeeca to laara TUher’s knee. It was quite obvioua
that pome deep problem was tmebllng only. A plant aundlng still needs
■ their cards!" exclaimed Hiram.
Lying face downwAd on the dlnlpf her mind. PrMenUy she nnburdteed none, and will be kiiured by tbe appllcaUon* of The food It It not In a con­
room UbU were two oAendar* which berMU of the momentona qneatk
'Papa," she asked, "wa* It a very dition to make .use of.
had been tom down from tbe wall. Os
■the back of aate a name was printed wise pemoD wbo aald Tbe good die
In pencil. In Urge. Dl-formed chara» youngr" .
PsttinU Regains Popularity.
-Yea." XB^ed bar fstbar. T npThere was onoe a lime wh-j no
poae he. Boat teva been very, very flower lover would hues yUnled a
garden witboat having p- tanlaa In. IL
fTogyrlgnt by Dallr twr Pub.-CsJ
"WcU." aaU tte teUA after medlthat tbs plant ezperu teva
evolved many wooderful new ferma.
She—"Woman, you know, u tba
this flower is regaining lu old-time
weaker veaeal" He—"! don't know
popularity. Bow tbe seeds in a warm
about that. She can generally break
and sunny spot, and see to It that th*
I get growed up!"
planu nev er suffer from lack of waur.

cosmo{>oll(so of tbe batton breeds and
on (he same amount of fote will excel
tbe other breeds Is making more ’
pound* of both rauuoo and wool than
their rivalv. Tliry are also very pro­
lific. Wlih good care, at least Ite
Umb* may be expeco-d on the aver­
age to rarh
In^e flock, but It Is
Dual Purpose Typa.
not-uncooimon evop StoJa^ -flocks
to get ao aver**.- of l»ftemte to ,
each i-wc.. •! doubt It there t* any
may cause leaks and leaks will soon
breed that ts teilm adapted for cross­
Otmand for Stock That Will impreve
Blok the enterptSse.
ing or lor breeding on our own native
Herd It What Has Msds AdIt is noteworthy fact that the most
ewes (ban the Shropshire.' Anyone
vsneed Registry So Populsr.
succeesful poultry term* of today are
wbo follows (he market reporu of
ihoee that teve atarted from a amall
the leading live stock markeu will
beginning and gradually ^nded m
* **"• by IPll. at the present rale of
see that lambs sired by Shropshire
buKncM and experiouJe w^lrtanted. »
strncllon it is held Abai the Iraprove- rams are continually topping the mar­
Men who could not get into the dry ^
‘he dairy sire te one of
raeat of roads adds 110.000 per write ket. The winnings at the leading live
goods boalncM for the rMSon ttet!f*“^'
to couUgoout property, and oa
stock exhlbltlonr show ibst for gradM
-they knew nothing about IL“ will ‘‘J’**'
basts the building of th«)rivehto-the- and crossbreds three-fourths of the
build poultry house, and stock them. 5^''" ‘“t”’ i*
to supplant
him s:th other blood. «*pec4aJly If bis guir highway will give a Y)e( Increase winuera are sired by Shropshire rains.
ud expwt the hena to do the rest
ih property values to property
Hen*, like cow*, yield a profit ac­ daugbiera are mainuined In the breed­ thi* roadway of MOO.OhO.OOO.
cording to the irvatment given ihcm. ing herd.
Tbe coonttee through which this GOOD SANITATION OF STABLE
The brei-der who Is constantly -try­
They w lU not stand neglect They afo
highway wiu pass are Gatvastoa. Harhard workers w-hen properly reward­ ing to Impnn e his caiUe and Increase Ha Waller. Hrazoa, Rotertaon. Pafte. If Proper Cart I* Given Her*** and
ed, hot can te most idle and indlffer- the producUve capacity of tbe herd, Umestooc. McLennan. HIIL Nat
Their Barns He Ona Can Obj«M
when made to ablfi for
te Them In Big Citlts.
ways anxious to get a little better JobaaoB. Bite. Tarrant. Oalla*. DawtheoMcti
toa. Collin, Orayeon and Cooke, tbe
yOur Bgricultoral colleges have done stock with .-ach sueceeding purebaae. road to te dyfitetrateed from ilearne fBy I’ROr JOHN wil.ljtlin nOTKEy
much to teach the new aspirants bow If be has handled his cattle so as to
One of the most Imperative osed*
lb tread In poultry paths, and men make creditable records tbe search
Another .highway of stale Impor from the sundpolm of health In great
and wotnen who endeavor to Improve must b«- more far-reacblng. and the Unce Is the Dallas-Texsrfeana high, cities, te stable sanUslton. Tbonsaod*
by these excellently arranged courses case with which a bull suitable
way. beginning at Itellaa and passing upon thousands of hoiuM ue stabled
of Instruction, wlU hive won half the bMd the herd mky be found will i
through the countlM of Collin. Gray­ la every large city.. If proper care
ie do gresL
haitlc—the otte-r half naturally
te taken of these horse* and their
Tbe di’tnand for stock that will con­ son. Ftetiln, LAtnnr. Red River and subl««. DO one can object to their
long* to practical experience.
Howie, which will cost approalraatety
A man with tt.OOO had tetter In♦WO.OOO. There are 2HM miles of pub presence, because they are‘reasonably
?st oae-half of U In buJldings. stock made (be-advanced registry work of Uc highways In tbedb countries, and quiet and a properly cared tor sub)*
and fitnrve. and rewerse the other halt
the building of the trunk line will te practically odortrs* You will say
for feed and running expenses, than Tb<«e official records are-the Index to probably reeull in the Impraveme
triy that you never i
Invest the whole amoimt In the eqslp- tbe desirability of families and breed­ the entire mileage of (he oonnUe*. as
and have to g* in debt for the ing. and U Is only through following weU as ■UmnUto' toad building In
there are
up the work that ha* been done by a
of them.
Ues ad.<oinlng the proJecL
certain strain that s definiu- knowlEg
The lantury auUe Bbould bav*
i-dge of what may be expected from
and tbe demand
Bterproof floora. built of some mabull Is avallsble. Dy Jts use It Is GRADE HALF MILE FOR $730
the supply. This eoiintry needs more
tertel that will not absorb tbe ilqnld
poultry farms, and they will be suc­ poastUe to keep Inreasing tho yield of
snd sloped to drain properly.
milk ahd butter fat; It It te Ignored
cessful when properly built and :
Ja nadoubtodly the beat of

Is groping Ic tbe dark
Hut tbe beglnnlog mus
od'lt Mould te covered with
Selecting a tire !• most Important
* wtetted board flooring la tbe *taU*
a&d should teve the careful aitenUon
to keep tbe hones from sleeping on a
of every thoughtful dairyman. Such
One traetlOB «ngloe. one road grader, cold cement sad to prevent slipping.
a bull should be chosen as'w ill maV and three men graded a half mile of
The queetien of bedding Is very ImIt possible for Use beUera to do Just a road in one day. YKis was ac
DRESS POULTRY FOR MARKET little tetter than their dams have done, pushed en a Rltey ooanty road at a portaoL In many way*, its functloii te
keep the horse off the floor and to
anil also such a boll as will keep up COM ot r .M<. say* Kansas Industrie
(be llqcid msnara. It also te
Use type of Use herd
The engine, nmnlng on kerosene, oo
belter for the borase' feet than a hard
■uraed fuel at the rate of 20 gallons
floor. K'heat or osi straw Is the beat
ATTENTION NEEDED BY COW len. cost 11 fid. YliTwe CMO were n>
tedding known, si It I* light dry,
warm, springy and highly absorburo,
rtravloua to Calving Animal Should sarr to do tbe work-^ae to nm
Itertey and rye straw would be equally
bouse saya: •DoeT you know that
engine and two on the grader.’
Bs PIsead In ComforUbls and
If It were not for the "bMrds"
is much harder to get tbe smaller
WHh th" exeepUoo of the snglnnw
Wetl-LItterwd Stall.
barbed tip* of the graaa bask,
.shipper* to tolknr Instructions aa r»
the wort can te handted eaafly by tawhkb irriiaiM the horse'* sMb.
gards the packing and drsMlng «h«n
Tte COM of road grading
Marsh bay has llUle value btoteUM K
'he larger shlppera? Every receiver
or ten days preceding the time for range* from llfi to gSO a mtla. d*i
Is eoarse. flsun* down and abaorh*
cwlvlng. tbe cow ahould te kept In a lag en (he *0(1 and ceodHSon of the
very little Shavings and tanhark are
regards k
comfortAble. wen-)iUered box stall
road, the width graded, and the pries
shipping, but it 1* hard to get shippers pec. In wtUcb there ts no manger. Tbe e< Mbor.
to follow them. It would make
Ubsd very cattofeed should te given to a box or basslderabte dlfferwnce to many sb
fully In warm weathw. and It teteh
Grans and Live Btste.
keL white ahould be removed after
Oraa* and live Mote sbooM go exeellMt plan to wash their moath.
tbe feed te taken. Tbe coaree feed
Ahelr poultry show np rn attractive may te pot in the corner, and no hand in band. Tbsre te ao term, in tead and legs with cold wator at noon
appearance, as w* would get
more sbonld teWven than she will my JudgmeoL which. If preparly han­ and nl^t
money for tt It it pleases the eyes ot
This rnl^whonld te observed, dled and kept at least onohslf of tb*
the buyer more. Tte larger abippen
only tefora calving, .but at all time In grass** and eJovera and gradHog Cholera Seram.
•eem to fsUow onr insLructtons..(z>ore
a. Throwing large qaanlltle* of ua«y brought nad«r a proper •ystoas
,Good clean bog cholen serum Most­
and rt;.p the benaflL hot it la pretty roughage before a cow leads her Into of rotation, woald not prodaee mora.
ly retains lu potency for at l«a« •
hsrj work to teach aoaeot tte amaU<
tect. doable tbe erog* whhsb It year after sealing. If kepOcold and In
the bad habit of Mllng only the moat
r doea. and yet constantly he growappeilxlng parts and eo wamJng much
light Fkrmera trMuenUy order
faod. It Is a good practice to take a teg batter and teeter.
serum than they need and than
Give th* Bird* Bunahln*.
lantern and go the ronnds of the barn,
wish to know whether It can te aafety
When you bnQd ttensw coop do sot before retiring for (be nlghL to see
put away for future use. Wteo n
fhU to rasnamN:.- that the bird* tike that evwrytblnc te m it should ba.
•erum bottle has beM opened and
aunsblM and that aanahlne In the
the eeram exposed to the *lr. sxcngt
teldums don’t know the
bs- tn the hands of a vary eareful and
coop tar a part cf the day urlU have
Prodwe* Rich Milk.
a great deal to do with deatroytag
Cow* fed upon altege will prodoe* tWMB that kind and tb* otbar, s* h*«D-' expert operator. It te very Ukety ts ha
aa rite milk as these fed upca oUMr them apart, and fe*M pasM te tbte
mingted and apoUed for tnlM
kinds of fcadn.


ftnAjm TBAVEB81 iTB**T.n Ajn> TRAVnSE BAT


«t Scott. Sam
Mlfidtetoa and William
Mrs. Fred Price, who has been viaRing her mother, lefi Wedneeday for
her home In Grand tUvea.
d her and will spend
Mr. Akirich of Traverse City s|>CBt
iMtMlaeer of the ni
a few days In tovra last vrMk.
Alex brio TUlud Mead* ta ChdiUac
The Ladice' Aid of the Congregarer Bnadar.
tloaal church will bold a white goods
Mr*. H«ifT Davit cootlaaM to Im­ .sale «o Wedneeday aftemoon. July
). at the church parlors.
Mre. Cty4» UBar eod Miaa raante
Cbas. Leslie and Arthur Hemens are
Cieeo wore at. the CaOlUac boapltal, enjoying a cralae areaad the bay and
aetardar to eae ihalr aMtber.*
will visit Mackinaw, and other potnUMre. (.'ooat ol CadtU*-: v.*» ao over
I’lof. O. K. White spmt Wednesday
n» pMplt of KlBfriey sad rht mresaAiBi
8noday cueet o( her aiaier, Mra. Cut­ vlsltltig ^veral orchards, all of which
ooostiT u* kU interMted in thii Dtputamt.
ter Loop.
bo reports in fine ron.Ililon.
Wc ikalt be fUa to bare iBdMdoah, (drarchea,
'Hirdy of FcnnvHlc and Mrvi
tt* Qnag% tnunal tockties and an other or.
iberUlu of Bradley are guests
day IroBi a wcek'^ vlalt in Trarerae W. Chambf
wnlntlnw hand in Itoma of iwwi, penonalt,
ol Mrs. Ixnils Smith.
--------------‘I of meetinct, aotket of antertain.
Miss .Maud Burdge left Thondsy for
taomt, bvtneu etaaacw, imbUo improraaMiU
Mre. Unde Lockwood It better aod
Harbor Springs to visit her sister,
brittf done or eaiteioi^ated, saUt of real eatiU
reeoued ber poaltion at the etore
Mn. Burroa-s'Green.
In town or country, and any other item of (tnBfsln Mo'xlay.
Quincy Leslie ot Evanston arrived
oral intereeu Send aU fteau to Mi« JcHie
ElUworth Teatera vent 10 KalkaaThursday to spend the summer.
kt Subday to visit friends.
Bowden, who haa charge of the Department.—
Arthur Bordeaux of. Moskegon is
Orange and Ludne Fuller are pickEditor Hwald.
siumdlng the week with bU ;amily.
>g cbcTTtes dear Travorae Clfyv
wbo arc spending the summer here.
Tie RdVal -Neighbor lodge spent
Mrs. Myron Brower left Tuesday for
Klnaaley. July, S9.~Ml»s ktar? RanThere will be a fiirincra' picinir at
doipb of Jooeeville. Mich., It viaiU&S Jackson to visit her daughter, Mra. Monday with Mrs. K. Hills In Spring, the boma of Isaac Ganhe Wednesdsy .
feld. the occasion being the celebra- July 30.
relativee ti Summit city.
Norman Flaber.
tsin yf her birthday.
Mr. and Mr^ Tbaodore Faael wera
Clarence Scott visited Traverse
Tba young people from here wbo
MUs Eva WclU went to Sou'h City Saturday.
la Summit City Tbureday toreBoon.
attended the dance at Arbntus hall Deardman Thursday to visit ber sis­
MUs MatiOD Kebl of Marion. MIcU.
bains on tbelr way to their home at
Is spending her vaeaUonai ber home
Traverte City. They have been vleii- Wednesday nigbt all report a fine
Mesdsnies Cdna l)usckenbush and here.
ins in FhAL
Blanche Hryant return^ home Frldsy
Mn. P. Wuraburg eateriatoed a few
Mre. Ray Baldwin ot Sununil CHy
Miss Kona Anderson of Cadillac vis. froDi a visit to Grand Rapids.
In honor of MUs Jlyrtle John
U acrtoualy lU.
lied at the homo of her sister. Mrs.
Uev. Slid Mrs. Uaker and children of'Grand lupltfs and Mrv. Winifred
Mra. Mooroe of Summit Clty.le Will WuRburg. a few days last week. iiuraed front Boyne rity Saturday.
Hite of East Jordan on WcdncMla}
allshtb unproved.
Miss Della Bloomenthal of West afternoon.
The ChrUiopher family are s|tendMra. Mary Lahym enJ chOdren of
Graoch and Miss Margaret Cramer of
Mrs. W. P. Robertson kft Saturday
Detroit |t« vialitos reUtlvca at Sam- iog ibalr vacatlbn on the peninsula.
elons were guests of their
for her home in 8L Ignace. aftar
Kent AJlbrlghi of Cornish is spend- Mra. P. H. Bernsteinc Moedsy.
ntlt City.
si«Bdihg Che post two weeks at the
Mlaa Anna Seestnlller of DetroH It
home of Mrs. Bauraberger.
I Sunday. June ZX. Rev. Long ot
clnlty. Mr. Albright U s cousin of
rltiUns reUtlves at Summit City.
Mrs. Currie of St. Ia>uls Is spending
Manton offlclailng.
Mre. John Patel and son Irt ln. of Mru. Howard Dunn.
the rummer here.
The Udles- AM Society will mi
FUnl. are vlslt^ relatives at Sum
Mr. and Mn>. Carrow aod daughter
Ranse Glddls Aas openbtl a recuuwith Mrs. 1... E. Green on Wednesday. enjoyed a trip to Petoskey In their
mlt Ctty and Traverse City. .
MIm Zoe Sievey returned to her launch Lotus on Friday. On their reMr.Gore of Traveree City was in rant In condectlon with his poolroom.
Ho DOW rertes hot coffee and band- borne In Cedar Spriogs Saturday.
and around Summit City mday.
turning Baiurday they exporlenced a
lied, by Mr. and Mra. W, C. Wil­ very rough voyage.
Rosa Bowden wai a Kinsriey caller wiches as w ell aw soft drinks.
ClastoD Muchllng. wbo was opeif led and Infant sons for a two weeks'

Mra. Waldon of Harrisrille. Mlrh.. is
Mrs. Ed Menttt and Mrs. Price ated on for aiuwndlcttls. dleB'Sunda.v vlslL
spenillng the sumtn^ with her daogbAngus Campbell. Jr.. Is able to bo tvi. Mr
were Klnseley caOers Friday.
Mra. Wm. lUrtUti.
Mr.'and Mrs. Hornsby of Trsverae I the shop again.
Herman Saylor wa* a Travetee Cliy
-MUS Sarah Southerland
City were visitors at the A H. Cls-V
Mrs. Alice Slater and sister. Qlsdys troll Tuesday, where she will sitend
tUUot Friday.
Nelson, went to CadUlst Tuesday,
Miss Hodaei, who has been visUlne home the'flrat of the week.
the Week w-llh frlendk.'
Raljdi Hayes of taodlsb Is visiting
Mrs. Violet Zimmer aod daughter
Miss Btta'UsrrstL returned «o her
Tbe Epworth league .gave a sup|>c.:
his brother. Ben. for a few dav.<.
returired Saturday from Acme, where at the town hall on Saturday whivii
home at Fife Lake Friday.
Dr. A. B. Carson was a Buckley
James Sewell ot FUe Lake wu in
the vlMted her brothen John Bock- was very ^ur^esx^ll fiitanriallv.
Suiuuli City Thursday. ' '
^ '
Uof SsDday.
bulder and fsmUy.
Mies Ida Send, who is taking a
Born to Mr. and Mra. Cbas Snyder,
a D. VoeUirfh was a KlBCtley vH.
Andrew Prlndle Is able to he out nurac's course at Ann Arbor, Is s|>enij.
a nine and oue-lialf peun.l iMr. J’lly 2v. aenln after a severe Illness which Ing her vacailon at liome.
lior Friday..
Mias Beatrice Siwrllng who is at­ tiiiestened typhoid. ' Mrs. Prlndle is
Mrs. Peter Rhodes left Prtday for
Mr. and Mrs. C. H Johnson of Ja<
Chlcaim. where the will >1sU her ton. tending the summer normal at Trav­
m were guests of Mr.
erse City, s|>ent sad Sun­
Joseph, who it working there.
Arnold was here this week James Ivehl Uft week.
Vemlt Vofburnh. Clarw Davidson day with her grandparents, Mr. and from Grand RapUt. and b^gbl Vene
Miaa Marit Garthc vblicd Orneua
and Mabel Porter retun-ed to
Mrs. Philip Miller.
Mlklns iViusc ^ lot and exj»et-ls
Mra. Haute Case and Vr.^ G U return with I I family a
homes M Suflunit City Friday...‘Ibey
Earl Golden of Graml Rapids ar
have been picking berries for^amc. Fenton spent Tbnrsday and Frhlay at
. Did^e rued Saiurd^v lo spend a week wli;:
llilbert St Traverte City Hie httt two Arbutus lake.
»y.- Mra. Mr». Gohlrn. who has been very 111.
PUrk went to CadllUc Saturday;
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jeor of Summit HMge will return to Ohio fnun there. but la no wconvalesceni at the home
City were Kingsley callers SaturJay.
Minnie Sergenl it seHoutly ill
Robbie aod J-ew|s Walter returned of her |>arcui». Mr. ami .Mr& Wm. WilSunday
was Mrs lana Webber's to Traverse City Sunday after
Gideon and Lee Brewer were Kings
birthday and a number of her friend: weel.'s visit with their grandparenU.
iey vititors Tuesda.w.
Mrs Harry Price and children lelt
Mrs. Ben Bennett apd chlMien of went to help her celebrate the occs Di. and Mrs. I. S Walter.
Thursday for her home In East oJrDendon are vUltlng Mr. and Mrs. W. Sion. 8ui>i«r was served and all had
Holiday of Kingsley baa his cement dan after siiending the past week with
a fine time.
Kingtbuo- at Summit Clu'.
sister. Mrs. C. D Kebl
ling rruchlne on the site ot the
Uctle Lloyd Huleit of Traverse City new bridge aseieting wtth the work.
^ Mr. and Mrs. Warren Horttm ar.d
and Mre. Payne of Sutions Baytandlr of Grewn are visiting Mr. and is visiting hie aunt. Mra. FlttgeraM.
The Misise* Evelyn . and My-rtlo s|«nt Thursday with their oon.
Paul JsekeOD was a Wnitamrbur< OaMkalcine returned Saturday from
Mrs. Chat. Wood at Summit City.
.MIm Fannie Steele of Omens visit
Mra. Claude Moore madc,a business visitor Sunday
visit at Cedar Springs. Grand RapK^»|*«^ hot i*!!!**^ Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Bert larabkit.s
.s.weic and Manton.
trip to Msnton Toeeday.
-Mre. E. T. Ustlck and pafents spent
Born to Rev. Hicks and wife, a nloe callers at the Glenn Stores h<
Friday In Traveree City.
fUrmore returned from
elU fh
pound boy. July ri.
Mrs. C. B. Kehl and daughter
IlUc: FridJ.
Friday, accompanied
Jcanne'le visited Traverse Clty
see BancrofL
A car load of cement arrived Fri- I'rlday.
Dome Is spebding tbg week
day and was unloaded and hauled
In Traveree City, the gucftt of Miss
the alte ot the new bridge on
, rimra Boughey.
J. VannatU and sbn Chester
Mr. and .Mrs. Harry Haran of
Grand lUpids rUlted Mrs. Joanna spending the -week at home, return­
BromoneU over Sunday. Mr. Havan Is ing In the ntqml&g to Fox island,
Wa want to maka this Deplutmaat of tba
where they are spending the summer.
bookkeeper for the G. R. d I.
craateat poaribla walna to all eoneented and to
Mrs. Wm. ‘wHUamaon. who
The workiiKB^ra the highway
I cBd raqaeat
that all itenu of penonal and
of town have nmipletcd the grading been very- lU. ts improving at
ganaral intaraat ba aant to Miaa j^wey to be
and gone home .to wait, further In- writing
loerporatad in tba Dapartauat Wa eepaciaUy
The uraushlp wil' aid In the o|>caaiructioDs.
Ik that drerchaa, fraternal aodatiaa aod the
G. D. Doherty-returned from Flint Ing of the shore road from Nonh|>ort
Om^a fomiab itoma of intaraat is their reapag.Wednesday, where he was in the In­ to the Bight. In the near luiure a bee
tfra oaraidsatlonf. Hawi of aoeial eraata aod
will be given to grade the roa*
antartianmanta, improTtoanU being made or oaoFire, from an -tinknown 'origla.' did
Mn. Wm. SeeUy. who has been
1, and boaisaaa ebaacoa sod tranafaii in
aerioualy 111 for some time, haa Im­ some damage to the Fruit Belt Pack
raol aatata in toam and eotmtoy are aapadallj
proved eufllelently to accompany ber Ing Co-’s nHil Saturday evening,
aooeptebU. The above applies not only to the
BOB Jessie to Allegan, where abe arttl
TiOim of Rfa Laka, bat tO the anrroaBdlac
the home ot Mre. J. F. klaltbewh
yiall until she ngalna her health.
coiBBtiy.'-^ditM’ HenUL ,
Their daughter, Mra. Eva Daggart of Tuesday evening in honor of Mira
Detroit, win keep house for her fath­
Bun Breed of ,Fllnt is spending a
Fife L*ke. July 2P.—The county
will uke place In the early part of
er during her mother'a absence.
Sunday schoci] rally aod oonvenUoo week wMli hU parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Sunday servtcea (or August 3rd: Atigoat. The rooms were ailmctfvely
wilt be held August 14th and ISth st A. T. Breed.
PrearhlDg at IA;3tl a. m.; Sonday decorated with Powers. Gamea. and
Summit aty. A fine program has
Wm. Crego came homo from CadU- ariioM at 11:43 a. in.; Epworth music (omiwised the evening's enter
been arraagoA. Rev. Irving and Rev. lac Sunday.
mt 1.
League at 6:30 p. m.
Pc*ly of Travaraa City and F. F.
served. Mrs. Matthews waa oaalstea
Harold ITnccnt of Detroit le vMlGog
by Mrs. Roy EUla and MJsa Gertrude
CleveUnd of Cadfllac ar« among the bU elster. Mrs. L. U Maxam.
speakera. Kacb afhool in the a>nntr
A. A. Wilks iwtnmM Thursday
Mra. Dr. I. R. Copp Is spending the
Is Invited and espoctad to eend dele­
from CJereland. Ohio, where be has
Northport, July 3t>.—Mn. Harrison week la Traveree City with friends.
gates. Basket picnic at noon Urn
been since last taU.
of Seneca Falla, N. T.. arrived ThureMr. and Jlre. Fred Dpngbey and chil­
ftrai day. Come and bring
M. M. Mt^ay retdned Sdnrday day and will spend the summer with dren of Traverse City spent Tueaday
ket falL Write A. E. Piilvar for-om
r.-om Petoakey mocb better from Us ber niece, Mrs. Wm. Bartlett.
and Wednesday at the home of G. »|.
Bona^tt of BprlagfMd la
Marry Lester and Wilbur Thome visited Traverse City on Thnrdtla)'.
overaeeing the' work on the new $1,000
went to Leetgville Baturds^, returning
Rev. ('. E. Thles of Copemlab ^pent
steel bridge iteiog built by Union'
Monday in town.
towaatalp acrM the river at
Mr. and Mrs. OUa HoIbNok aod
Capt. Chaa. Webb of ’Dnverae City
man valley. The atructure U 00 feet
Imng Lake. July M.—Fan* Carmoln
>p Harold returned to Ti*vetM was In 'town lost week on bualnfM.
In length coajpoaed of ateel with ce­
City FWday.
Miss Bessie Griffin has -relurned expacu to attend acbool In Trsvetwe
ment foohdation and floor. The work
Prod Tshberer U aaslaUng Arthur from CadllUc. where she visited City the coning year.
tt egpeeted to be completed In about Sparling on the farm.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Kenney vlalted
throe weaKi.
Vf. R. Fuller is still on the gain.
. Mra. Mas Cutcheon of Omens is vis­ reiatirea and friends at Monroe Cen­
Mm. B.
Boma moimed borne
ter last week.
Mrs. cure MatUhaws M MoakagoB iting her atiBt. Mrs. 8. A. Keyes.
. Tburadar from visiting ralstlvea at Is -visiting reUtlves In Bprtaglteld.
John R. Cox haa reoelved the sad
A. BentaU oooupled the pulptc In
Farmers In thU vicinity have their te Coagragallonal cborch Bundar news of the dewth ot Us htothar BN
Bdaa MntAter ol Cadillac was In bay and grata nemly harvested and evenlnjc.
town Tosodsf.
Hr. and Mra. U H. KawldBs ot De­
report a good yloM.
Mn. Loot AWrldfe has gone to troit are. vIsMng relativaa.
Miaa tamo Bodges returned Fri­
Mn. Filler and daoghter of Toledo.
day from Ktngaiay, where she baa CsdllUc to keep house for her son
Of. arrived Tneaday
for Iktutt aad CUUma
be« vldlUng.
MUa Birdie McQnay of TArerse oummer.
Mrs. R. C. Place of Manlatae
MUs Myrtle John of Grand Rapids
CHy U visiting her grandperenls. Rev.
U rUltIng her Bother. Mrs. A. John.
Md Mra. Mc4nay.
Rev. Ow). R. Lewis of Cdntoa.
Among tboae who Jure parehaaed
Mrs. A. GMe came boa# fn>a
arvired Tdaaday to vtett his parents.
sUos to be erected oa their farms
Grand R^lds Semrday. Mrs.
Mr. Mi Mn. Wa. Uwti.



Kingrsley Department
CoadQdcd by Miss


Fife Lake Department
Coodneted by MI Mae Dewey.


iong JCaht



Jab Cox. which occurred at hU home
In Washington. July 7tb. Hr. Cox
will be remembered by the older reeV
dents, as he formerly owned the
Pleree fana. Jiving here for s good
taaay years, He and hU wife were
active workers in the Friends church
doling their residence here. They
sored to Washington aboet tsralve
years ago;
Mn. MamU Clark and two obUdrea
from Traverse City-, are vlalUng bar
parenca at thii pUco. Her husband
came out over Sunday.
Mabel Carmein has returned home
after spenJlng a tew days In Traverse
City vlatting relatlvea.
Charlea Jeffrira* colUge la cotapletH and he haa moved bis family out
for the summer.
Long ,I.oke Is certainly an Meal
place for summer resorts.
BvereU Emerson fiwm south ol
town, vililted the AnVerson hoys over
Otadys East from Bates, ts spending
a tew days with relatives In this vlcln-

cx)iect to make ihclr home In the
The cMtrtalnm^nt r.lven st the Macenbee hall last Wednesday evening
waa weU atteadod and they cleared
t$6 toward the pUao fund and the
J.«dlea‘ aid made about $7.00.
Geo. KJtcbea waa-dalled to Marion
lari Monday by tbe serious illacas of
hlii slater.


Port Oneida. July 2$.—The -many
Irienda of Mre. Freak Dei-how. Mho
hat been very HI for several tnonlhs.
arc rejoiced to bear that she la conv-aleMent
Mrs. J. Ritchie Pattersao and daugbir Jeannic of Chicneo, arc apcddlng
their vaeotloo at the couatry- home
of Mre. Cftartes Welier.
Port Oneida la Ueesed with'maay
bright young iwoplc. wbo bclU
aome'of the old fashlone4(_ customs
could be uar-d by them to^tbelr advamago. Tliey have organixed a sing­
ing tuhool which nn-<-ia weekly. DlllMrs. Hanafnrd and a friend of hers grnt practice is the Hogan. A marked
from Traverse City, are spending a ImproveiDent in that line of art ls .nofew days with friends at this iilace. Uccd by the ouulder.
Roy Newstcad vUlted rolaaves at
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Senmehorn visited
TclaUves In Traverse aty last Sun:. Julv'SH.—Dam
Mra. Arthur Kllmurry and little ley has sold hU motor cycle to George
daughter Marrel. spent last week with Sllt«3U.
her botband's people on the PenlnsnMrs. U. B. Hobbs reiurtied Friday
from ber trip to St. Johns. Her
motlKT. Mrs. Wiic*t accomimnicd her
for a week.
Mra. GRben Pray >i».-nt s few days
In Traverxe City last wt-ck.
East Garfield. July 2*.-Tho large,
They aie building a new cement
^jw barn on tho farm ot Stephen
chute at the fish pond dam.
I-autner. located lbr<A and a ^taalf
Mra- S. .M. Ferry experts to l*-avc
miles southeast of the diy was atrack
Wedbciiday for a visit with relatives
by lightning Sunday noon. July rftbe,
at Grand Blanca.
and was burned to the ground with
Tiio Emhroldm dab met with .Mrs.
this year's hay and grain crops. aUo
Wnber StUea today for a iKil luck supall fanning Implements. It U a heavy
(Continued on I’age Jive.)
loss to Mr. lAutner. as It Is a new
barn Just completed a sbo^ time ago.
lilUe leas than two'years ago bis
barn wps burned.
Mr. and Mrs. CourGand Brawnell
hare moved to Traveree City Inuhd43 make their future home there.
All wish them wed In their new home.
Mrs. Stephen Lavutner 1s on the sick
Mias Dora Daria la apekding a tew
days with her parenta of this place.
Wells. whotWs been sick, U
able to he out again.


Starting Monday, August 4th, ws
will-tibld an exhibit of Crains and
Graaaea that arc grown in this itglon. tf you have any extra good
Grain or Grass bring in a eheaf of
each and we wlH plaoe them in
tho dtoplay.
This ashibition »>M run all week
of August 4Ui. so do not fa«l tc
visit H when in the City.


Capiul. tSOOfiOOM
Surplus. $100,000410


Grant Center. July 28.—One of the
worst electrical storms of tbe.season
paaaed over this section yesterday aftemoDB. It struck In Mveral places.
During tho morning storm a bolt
struck John Bright's barn and burned
It was a new bam with good
stable, with this year's
wheat and bay In It. and old wheat
In the granary which was near enough
to bnretoo.
Tbe Gleaners had a bee for
Russell lost week and got in tbe rest
of his bay and enhivated bis com and
Mrs. Stead of Indiana. Is here visit.
Ing her son. James Stead.
Mr. and Mrs. John Beclue of Wex
ford, vlalted at Walt Bracwbrldgea
Mrs. Ed Wilson of BacUey. la iir
tbe neighborhood vUlflng her aons,
Lewis and Bdward..
B. O. Earl
oo cmicbes yet. H«
got hji foot hurt several wpeka ago.
The Monroe Center Odd Fellows
played ball Saturday afiernnou with
the Wexford Odd Fellows. It was 12
and 33 Id favorof'Wexford. Tbe Wexford lodge served supper.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wilson have
returned from Rapid City, where they
hare been visiting relatives.
MJaa Mabel Canute baa come borne
for the summer. She U sUlV crippled
ne foot with rheumatism.
B owdarstand that Oea 8. Herrea

^ ^ FOR\ ^


We bate te see tbe old nclgbboi
pulling out. The}- are getting scarce
already, so many changes have been
made In the last ten yean.

Odgensbarg, July 28.—Mn. Minnie
Atkins and daughter Gladys and Helen
of Tapilng. who spoait tbe last Utree
weeks at Otriden'a. retamed to tbalr
bome last Saturday.
Irwin Sprague of Bagnall, waa called
home snideoly last Thursday by
ious lllg^s in the family.
Mrs. Ida Haseb Mre. NalUe BWTeu.
of OodlUac. Miss Ana ami Olga and
Frances Wright left Ssturday for a
few days* camping at Torch Lake.
M'ra. Winnie Bamei and daogbter.
who spent tbh last two weeks at Joe
SUven's. left for Mietr home last Wed­
The fed cream social at Mlfea OD■ora last Tneaday evening was unKe
well attaadad and the ladles toedt In
abont ilAU.
Mra. Bthel CrtfffeJ of Traverse Oty.
ritlted over Biraday with Mrs. Nota
Mn. Ira O. Bauch tad daaghtar
CeeU rinlUM] a few days feat weak
with Mrs. David Bna. heforo feavlag for Oakland, UMnu. whag they

• w«;

Men ol AfrAtles


Come Qufck


Traverse City’s Greatest Clearance of Coats, Suits, Dresses, etc.
—IL*r. WASH nR^»8l» iD wph>T and tlaaa*
rtocbama. ItBpriK. dlnilttM. pU.. «tr.
vonh thvo U)
We I1-2S and $1.46.

—INDIES' COATS, were *M) to |2«; tl.ia
a«aaon a beat ai.rlea, at W, tS.SO. 9U0 and «ia

—Id «IIta. rballlet. ra>
tincf, >oil«. Pie;, aortli $5»0 lo« »10.00 at
KM. U.9S and i*M.

—HOrSE . DRESSES. elDjihams. percale*.
Uvni. worth It.
and tl.M) at 6Se and BSe.

) JH'.OO, i .



Lawnsp Cballlcs,
Calicos m lAa ^



at, yard.



—LADIES’ WAISTS, were 11 l-.i
41.“; llnerrlpK. plain auli famy
rntlps. lliipnpa. rlearlCC>o
li.a at We and..........................OOC
rlcacMire prices. 46e. 6Se. SSc.

"This Is Uie First Time'l Ever Paid Less than $20.00
for a Suit of Clothes"!
—That's whnf one man anid ycutenlay jifii r h>' lia'i
..tic of tlic buiIs il.iirinir n.'tv n1 .+1:1.<»•'».
“It is- poiis'.dprnSly diffiTciit 1u iml.v have l.< Iihii-I ..vcr si^i.L.'i insica.l of
aii.l ‘juiu my word if
1 nm 8PP when- all the .lifTcrMic,- .•omes in!"

Men’s Suits in this Great Semi-Annual Clearance
arc 10.90,13.65,14.90,16,50 and 19.50 i"B»p»J°<i6.wto«7

7.80 I »f§2?oM^rat‘‘‘“'9.35

“-Norfolk tujd com.vt 2 ami .i-lintlon uiotli-ls; Him-S< rpc« ami fimcics.

Jml R.v..iv.,l: MKN-S WIIITK


AT 26c PAIR!

B«)$’Siiits in Oie Semi-Annnal Qevance
m Ih.' lot,-«'!uli...............


—Men’s' 16c .Waah Ties, in a
variety of Volors ami
iiatti-riu. nl ...........................

to "j.- at ............

-Boys' Wsib

Sniu, Kme- ' -Kaicker Suits in Ruki.r

hamii. .-humlirjiys. palat.-as. , Hrown. Jlioiisr. .Iiuiinr Nor<i-.. ..........
Mvi.-.; amt eoU . folk air.I
■ 1>r.asl..l
orinpi: worih ii» to fj. iCl.".'. : atyl.-i: air.rB from 2'^ to 17

66c nnd ,



—MENS UNION SUITS, all Myl... and mutcrials;
Tttlop* to «.50 at $1.66. $1.35.$1;15 and..;.............................

'‘’bOTB’BUITO^AT $3.80 AND $4.60; WERK A'.. W.

—G<«>d for a sreat tnany dllTerent klnde of-vahiablp i<n-Dii<iniK. iudialiDi: INDIAN WMWAHS with " lo ir.n lirkplB. STEEll KNIVES fror
with lxiy»- pult*; FLY SWATTERS free to ladle*. -TraveiKe i hj s
. value cw'nier."

{Continued Trotn Page Popr.)
• In honor of her bi'-tliaay. Many
■ful gifU were left with her a*
olnder of tbe pleasant afternoon.
Mr*. ClDrlca Agerson. arromtuinled
Martelln Clow. ai>ent a couple of
R at Bellalre. returning SsiiirdavRev. Macs, a former pastor here

now prcacUIng near ?l Raul.'
•Minn., conducted tbe Bcrvlcw b<-rc,
last Sunday.
Mrt. wm Hamilton ha* l--cn vl*ltiW In Grawn the pa«t week.' '
Mrs. Anno Honxlcy, wuo lins.becn
sick for some time, !■< not any.l>etlcr
at present.
Hugo Will has had a new cement
stoop and sfgw built in front of hi*

-I'.lm- s-rs.-K ati.l .xtra ualilv ,lo-vi..ts. vaH.<im(.ri-s and
mixtiir-s; si/.-s to 17 year«.


Solon. July 28.—The Btnra Siutday
mornlae damaged-Will llaiBMoek to
' the extent of one shock of rye being
1 struck by lightning and burned.
I )lra. John nTiite ta vlUUng «n tbe
southern pan of tbe aute for a few
i Tbe first clreua of tbe season I*
John II. Spark-* bUIrd for the 3uib and
I'will draw a crowd of kids U nothing
i Oscar riaypool has boagbt a nyw
top buggy for comfort and picasbre.
I Mo*e* Pate went to Rmpire' Sunday
, to play ball whfeh reeult.-d favorably
Tor empire. J to : was the score.
I Mrs.-John Wornek Is getting bet4er.
, ■
I kfr*. Prankfalher's broUter iwd si*
ter have returned to their home, after
ivl.stilng for a few days.
I M‘. O. Oirkrmiin ts haring the
ilast of his cberries picked. (
I ilra jna>Tool has gtme to Dates to
vl*lt and pick huil.lebcrrles.

-BGYS’ 2-PANT NORFOLKBUITS: 7.*..- lo'+l.r-i uml.T- ‘

}.ri. .-.r at iM.ln.

to $7.:.ii.''

«ore. a very' Croat Improvcmeni
hi* place of buslnu-*. A now wall has
been built undor the store also.
Mr; a^ ilr*. K. H Scofield on'
caiiiping It the i:il:o.
-Max -kvery baa n *lgne<l his poRltlon'aa clerk In Hugo Will-* store. We
hear Carl Vhitott will take his platv.
Uttlo hhirl Uenodl.t has been
the sick likt Iho past few da.v*.

BARGAINS That Are Real
The $15,000 Stock Is Going Rapidly
The bale begao Sararday^with a RUSH and everybody went away SATISFIED
that they were getting the very beat of bargains.

-The stock consists of Men’s and Boys’ Suits,
Hals, Caps, Fnrnlslilngs, Suit Cases and Grips.'
The following prices will give you an idea what your
dollara will do for you at this Bale:
~ KNICKERBOCilER 41 values Klosed Krotch.
U«.MS<UIs,dow S SM
Fancy Lisle Hole^
6.XT n.00SnllB, DOW 81.88 ‘ AII2SC
proof Hose................ 18e
IIANSdIIsAow *.»8 IS.S0 Snlls, now 2 $8.: 5 Doz. Dress Shirt8,plaited
valuea.. 5$c
*18.NSDlls.n<iPW 11.8* *«A* SdHs. now 2 78
• Afi 3 Doz. Dress Sbirts.plaited
$M.MSntts,iiow 1XS8 m il' or plain. $1.50 and $2.00
ISA* Smis, now.
values.................... $1.09
Ri MSiiltB,iiow 1S.S8 MMSmis,now
4.69 4 Doz. Dress Shirts. 75c
UASSSnlbuiow 17.89 MMiSnllknow. 4.89 j values...................... $9c


F. Kubeck

121S. Union SL



—Fiud.v tailorfd. all-wo<il clotL'i.s ;• Norfolk ami rc(»iiliir iiiimI. Is ; iii;hi lui.l iin'illiim wci^'!lt.<.

Mcb's Salts, oD^ group that
were $12 to $15, Clearing at...

Saturday (here ts nsaally a sood ball
pBBie and boat rsoA
Two week* a^ the Old ViMioa
went over to Oaert aad ptayad
satop with Omena re«j.Ter» and beat
jtbem on tbclr own tr^iundp. the aeot*
[belDK 8 to 7 In favor of Old Ul*»loiJ,
land last Saturday the Omena boys
cane over two boat load atrong to
!»la that game t*ck but they net
with Mill greater defeat ai the acore
wa* C to 0 In favor of Old Minion.
Many Uurelt were added to fbc crown
of Frank Griffin, the popular piicber,
who atruek out eleven men at Omena,
and nine at Old Ulialon. Griffis li
an old Minion lad. who haa fuat reirtiPd from DcitraU and while jilaylns
game there wa* aplked so waa not
4>U best but Mill—good cnongh.
The launch rare* are very popular
(Llsiycnr. A w^k ago the Riffle,
owned li.v Jarkapn Rlon of CbicaLgo.
icame In first followed closely bpr Ihe
.T^rry B.. owned by the Ba^ 1
frta Ohattanooga. while tbe Gypsy. Claud Kllrhen of this plate
took Ihlfd place. The la«
, f-Viday afternoon. July 2Sth wbea aeversl more launchea o«'o«d by Geo.;
'Sterricker woo first pUce while the:
,M. A. P; owned by A. E. Porter
laecood. the Rifflp won third, the Ter­
ry n. wa* dlucualltiod and the Gypjay came in last. It will be retnein.
, t>orcd that tbe silver cup wa* won by
the Rarr hoys last year and tbe Intere*t grow*. Nest race Satorday
afteriioou. AugMt 2.

Traverse City, Mich.)

. ,



.Mayfield. July 2S.-Mr*. Ted Clark
of Cadlilac and son Richard, are vis­
iting friends Aerc.
Theodore Slokom and wife arc bark
Hendon. July -s.-Cha* Maynard hone again. They have bn-o In the
began (the stdiiion'* ihrrvhiDg Thur.- routheni part of Uie sUte tbU fcumday.
Mr*. pete Muth and wife and dangh-.
It. H. Rcynoldt was In Traverse Ciiy
ter of Klagale}. came up Saturday
on buslncn* Wednesday. *
Mrs. tni'z MTIIolieo of Albon*. ami and visited over Sonday at- Wayne
l?mma Kirby of Central Ijike. vlvlicd
Charlie Ensign of Chicago, visited
Tut«(Uy“wMi thilr cousin. Carl CarMrs Jamison, his grondma. last wortc
peat^r and family.
.Mary Jaqalsb retumod E'rlday
Last Monday about forty friends
from a visit with friends on
and Koyal Neighbors nm at Mr. Oeo.
Rarick * to help Mrs. Raricfce oeleE. B Maynard of Graw-n. was
bra'ie her birthday and help with tbe
town Saturday looking (or beef cat- g^ things she bad prepared to
The Ubies were laid four timet, be­
The tec cream aortal held At the fore all were served and all voted It
he of the best things the>- have
nar*unagt- Friday nigbU *as well athad at these gathering^.
letided and 112.00 was cleared.
Mr. and Mr^. Jamison enjoyed
Mra. Pierce- and daughter retu
lo her home in J.anslng l-uesday. aft­ visit from their son Jimmie of De­
er rlsiUng her father. A Allen (or troit. from Friday tinUl 8unda.v.
a ft-w daya.
Min Haxel Allen, who has spent
her vacation wtui hn* parrata here,
baa returned to her aork Is Traverae
Mr. and Mr*. Alfred Ciwker of Lis­
bon. K, D, Mr*. Albert Clement and
aoR nf Traverae City and Chas. Dex­
ter left TMeaday momtng for DenUDia. where they will visit the home
of Mr. and Mr*. W*. D. Carpenter.
Mra. F. n. tteynolda entertained
uncle and consln. Mr. and Mlaa O'Neal
Of UtUe Rock.,Arkan*at. Ust weok.

Maple City. July SR.—Her. and Mr*.
Pbltlips .are-apendlng a few days at
•H. Delhi baa been filling tbe pirtplt
1 the Friends' church tn the absence
of bur pastor;
Mr. and' Mra P. Hopktna are en(crtelBing her brother and wife.
F. Dnker died at bis home last
Thursday morning after a loAg llli
He haves a wife, two sons ai

dtu^hier. The. fnoerA] war held at
tte Congregational ebureb Friday, intenaent -a*« In Uie Maple City ceme­
HeA. .1. P. White and wi.fe arrived
Friday morning lor a abon vlsiL .
.Mr*. VanNostrand la W her cottage
Mr*. I.. I. Drake entenalneO a lady
frlen l lust week.
Mrs, H S. Uyker returned Fri.iay
n» a two weeks' visit «t Milan.
Mr. and Mr*. Johnson are ent-rUialng tbeir daughter Ma.
J. AtnldoD and daughter are tIsUlog his mother.
Mia* Bertha Dull came hoi
day for a vlalt.
Mr. and Mr*. Dave Borough dtj-nd.
ed ehupeh here last night.
Mias Nelile Helk-rt la risiiiog at
Vonnhrda cottage at Glen Inke.

The Springfield. IlUatda. people are
always well reprosentsd. DM Mission
nsually estertatnlng abotrt a hmdred

Peoria, all seeking relief from the op-'
preflIveBeM of pUcM loss tevored
than here.
>r amSBktnntt meat every Fri-'
day night there te a dan^ party
wharo ‘Hl^^'Ms’or taBcy-Aancliig.
and It doesn't coet a dime,” while

Ai Ito x«l pearl eeoaa Dom tte
eyster. aa to a hrge aeant ta the
manufaeturo of ard&rtal pearls depd&daet OB a certain spoeles of flslc
The complete processes are af conraa
trade aecrata. hat ft la of tntereat to
note that It U from the . brilUant
aealea ef (ka aMat or' hUy. that e»
aanea d’Ortast la pndnead and It te
wlUi thla,eitaanca that Imbatlon paarla
are mannfactnred. Tbe bUy ^ deaerfbad aa *a small
fish with a groen back and a white
belly,” and tba aasiaDoa la obtained
exclBstvely from tbs white aealaa.
wbleb are covered with a pigment of
’They are flrat treated wKh am­
monia and (baa wttb 1M> riM, a paw-

in the early stagea of mannfiptnra.
aboal 1C5C. this aasanoa d'Orteat waa
appUed to UtUe balU of plaster, bat
the temperature and the lamp hast of
the bnman body modlDod the adbsalve qusHtl^ of the peariy
and eaueed ebangea af ooloa.
It waa In 1680 that a Parisian aatead
Jgeqoln invented a method of eovori
tag small glats balls with the aamo
essence d*Orlent. thus prodortng tha
flrat pracUcsJ anlflrtal pearls.
In the north and east of Franoa
And In GermAsy blay fishing la aoUvely puraued. About 4.000 are ra«ulrod to prednea a pound of aaalae.
which in ton gtvaa a qaartar of a
pound of the essence. Tbe pri^ of

arwosaaih '

TboQgb doctors have kmg reaUsad
thsL thanks to a bouar knowledge of
sanitation and pnraonal hyglMS. paoplo
are living longer than formarly, tha
Cox C«rher«, j-l,- :;.-The' Ire moch greater relative longevity of
cream aortal iriven by the Ladles' Aid women as shown In tbe recently pobat -Monroe Center on. Ratnrday evi-eo- lUhed English national debt otDee's reIng was very satcesafnl and despite'port on tbe mortajlty of government
• be rain early m the evening iherej
6aa coma ae a feneral
was h good aitendanco and they
cleared nesriv 410.
In a aummarT of thaae flguroe It waa


lurry Samm* transactod bu.lnemi^*-”
in Kingsley on Thursday.
Mrs. Everban made
baalneas of a man of the asms age U only ibraa
trip to Buckley on Saturday.
M'm. Cox and family are entertalbIng visitors this week.
essential cause 9f dAath'ta ja waaring
Mrs. II. A. Slone an^ Harold of out from overwork of our brain cellsWomen may be just as brainy as men.
KIngaley visited Mra. Sbields on £
but do not work with tbalr brain cells
aa vigorooaly or as eontlsuoualy aa do
Mr. tlniey called on J. Bolster
their male reUUret. If they «M thara
Monday and reports him nrodily im­ would not be eo great a dlaparity In
proving (bough aeffli-weoklr vislu to the length of life of tha two aexaa**
tjje doctor are still a necessity.
Asotber consultant pats down wornIlulsier recently .undeyaent an operi-tlon for a malignant groaih on ti
the lack of the phyalcalty daprew
sing competition which la part of
Wm, Cox hu lieeti affllrt^ with
nearly every man’s life. ”A woman may
bfge boil JuKt under his 'left ei
bare hard work to do.’ bh explateed.
nlitcb has not only been very pslnfut
"hut except for tha few who weak lo
but seriously affected his sighu
ofilcea or who foQew protesstou, they
seems better at present:
work In their own homes and nl a pace
J. 1). Baiey and Mrs. Sbields vis­ they set for thsma^vaa. The horns b
ed the Rennies at Wexford on Sat­ alao, aa a rale, vastly more airy, auny
and generally more wholesome than
Ned I-eggett drove to the Rennie b her hosband’a shop or office.”
neighborhood ov^unday- to visit the
Doctor Brown's Creak Tea
rsmily of Georp Blaard.
One of the cheriahod halrloosm of
Mr. and Mr;. Potter I-eggett spent
Sunday with their son EVank amd fam- Or. John Brown of Edlnbargh'waa a Greek Testament that bb great
grandfather. Rev. John Brown, obJudge M'tlker of Traverse City Ubed shdar tntereatlag etrenmpassed throogb tbe neighborhood last
week enroute to his farm ai WexRev. John began life aa a herd
fold, where he will speJd a few days. bddb on tha hross of Abwnatfay. and
while be waa atUI troching hlmsHf
Greek he tramped one night to St.
Effective Parting Shot
Among clerical an^otea U that of Asdrewa. twenty-four tnllas away, to
the vicar and curate who had quar­ buy a Greek TeMameat
reled. and the curate waa reqoestad
Tbe bookseUer to whom be eoafldto find aoma other oongrtgatioB to od hts ambition was Inclined to Un^
minister to. He therefore preached at him. bnt a prefroaor who chanced
hU farevell sermon, and the parish- to be In the shop took the coveted
tonera came In' crowds to hear him. volnme b hb hand, epettad tt hhfi
”Kr texL” be said. '-U taken from tha tuned*>oBng herdsman.
”Boy.” be said, "read thb aafi yoa
shall have tbe book tor aotUng-”
a whllo I
Tbe boy acqalttod hlmaelf to the
•atbtacUoB of hb gmw Mead and
carried ufi tha ptba.oToath’B Oom>
Prograaalva Sdetica.
Medldne la a progieaalve artenoo. paalob.
It U now only 2.UMJ years stnee Hippo­
crates' time and a cure for.wbeeplhff
Te Maks WMbwaMi *11011.
In making whitewash that wffl aot
cough la believed to be tn SighL At
least tbe apertallsts of Paris hops so aeala oft. I find the fbDowlag Twy
good; Dissolve blue In hot water. ~
—Chicago Newt.
and add in the proportion of a pint

. September 2.
Wl |i« kwitbntai?

tt»4ll PUBL SnUET

This Much Known af tha Baant «(
Oia Craatlon of ArtllloM

Rendon. July JS —S. D. Rurke wenV
Nessen City on businee* Tuesday.
Mr*. George •nanon and Mra A.
Allen were Traversv r;-.y viel.on Sat­
JUlas Ruth Baldwin of Tra<
City spent Suodsy At her home here.
•Chat. IMxter of BearoBla and
Myrtle Dext» of Traverse CHy spent
Stinday here.
An tre cream soHal'wUI be .held ai
the Inland M. El pareoange next Frtdar evening.
Mm. Wni. Dexter and faniRy enlerialned Mr. and Mr*. Alfred Crocker
of Uabon. .V. D, and Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Clement of Traverse City over
Sunday. Mra. Crocker waa Mlaa Mae
laniBOD. formerly of this place.' Her
frienda here Jobs In wishing Mr. and
Mrs. Crocker a happy wedded life togetlrer. They will make (heir home In
Ushon. N. D.

Old Mission
Old Mlaalon, July 28.—’’Away ffom
tlie dusty city frtngad by the stately
pine*, and the sunny alopea of wood­
land. a broad bry glutens and ahlnea”
Neatted bonoath tbe pines near theGrand Traverae bay It Nuk-way-een.
the Indian name for Old Mission,
which Is now a thriving llUla raaort
with several good hotrta and boarding
houses and many bandsome cottages.
everyone occupied but one and present
IndlcatioDS point to a hosy and proQt«ble snouaer as some of the cottages
were opeticd eariy In Jtme and will

lEWELs mm BUT 'sma


CONNING 9l conning

or dbaoire an oaaco of gam araWe
tn a pint of boUlag water and etir ta.
obeerving tbe aame Rroporthma. Be­
fore applying thb or any othm wa^
aenpa the waU eban and emooth.
Another good method b to add attsamarlne glue, aa it gives a pretty ttaL
A little salt added to the whltewaabb very good; It preveab tt from rata
Wng off.—Bxrtumge.

yoe ae exettadem'
day avenlag. and why did yea wMk ta
tbe dark, ta line asd I peoaa ta tba
riCbt on Weethroek treat aad eewa
a ywil Maybe yea win tarn yofr
face to the left' taalead of the rl^
the next time yoa overtake maon the
Pntaey path. Wondrona wootag. yea
ihlalt. creepy "coorUng” I find! OeaT
be aBXkma, tasala for through stona,
threagk aanahioe. oa Uad. ea edk. ta
tbe ata Drahea dram b MID aroittag.
wa aia ta the rtgkt trata, yea eaa~
Leaden Honing PaaL
- MlnorHy Win.
BM do the right thtag at tha
vtMg Ume. maaj do the wtoag thlag
«t tbe rtiht ttaw. and a taw do tte
Itibt ttliB at the right tima.


Trav^c CUy’s Greatest Clearance ol Coats, Suits, Dresses, etc.
—$1^ WASH

Jn terni>T airt Haatie
etc., etc. Dtpum
al #6c »1.2S and

-arUMKR HRESSBS In allka. cStallie^ ralinca. veil.-*. Hr.worth
fS.OO to 110.00 at
$2.»S, ms and •4.0S.

—HOrSE PREU8E8. (fln*hama. percalwi.
lawna, worth ti: SlJtS and tl.M at 6Sc and OSc.

—:srt fl.OTH SKIRTS. WMP IS.o:. to tli'.O'i. ] —SHp^mt f,ir ludies..
at »1.9S, 9S.95. 03.SO and 04.95.
I mS lo M.95. Vcr> aimiul \&Iuh>.


Lawns, Cballles,

at, yard .


—LADIES’ WAISTS, were tl ij
Sl.T.l; IlnKcrlca. plain and faiur
rolle*. linonea. clear1i>a at 9Se und....................... 05C



cl<*aiwee prlco*. 46c. 05c. 95c.

"This is the First Time I Ever Paid Less than $20.00
for a Suit of Clothes”!
—Thai's what onr iiian.>iut!t] yoMiT.lBV afti r h.' li;nl %••!,
miv uf tli.. Kuils d>-nriiii; imw «L
•’It is cntisUlfrably different t.i tiiily have 1>> linii'l ot.-r >i:4.G.'i iiiKtciiil of :|i20. iiu<< poo my word if
1 t-an B<‘r irhere all the diffcri-iii'i' eonu-K in!".

Men’s Suits In this Great Semi-Annual Qearance

are 10.90,13.65,14.90,16.50 and 19.50 insteadoii«.w ton?

—Xitrfolk aii«i eomxt 2 iiikI :i.bimon iu(k1.-1s; Jtliie Herjri-s and fimeies.

Just Reeeiv.d: MEN'S WHITE

$1.45 | Men’s Pantf st IL9S. 2.95 andIS.95
$2.50 to $6.00 values.
Ei'.-;;-: ,\T 26c PAIR]

—.MEN'S .>fle‘n.ALmnO({.\N fNDEHWKAK. E.M I!..........39c "
—MEN'S .'xk- SILK .SOX. TMIJEE I’.MIM-'Ull $1;
—76c AND $1.00 NECKWEAR. THREE K<1R $1.00; K.M'H 36c
Good Work Shirts;; -Men’s 25c Stumner Underfrinirbann, rettoii eheviflts. etc.. ; jpear; nearly sill sizi-s
1 Qo
ill the
iho lot.
lot. e.ndi
e.ndi .................. A5rV

to lo*. at................................werv

16C W..1. Ti«, m =
Viiriety of eolom :iml
patterns, nt


(CoDtituitd from'.I’age Pour.)
per lo honor of berrbtrtlxiay. Many
Bsefttl gifta were left with her as n
reminder of the ideaaazii aftemooa.
Mm. Charles Agerson, accompanied
by Marcella Clow, spent a couple of
days at Bellalre. retuminc Raturday.
Ber. Mam, a former pastor here


—Boyi‘ Wash

Bmta. ciiur-



—Norfolk illld doul'b-.JirejislHl klliekiT styles; blue S.TRIS
—I’.liic- sertfes and oxira unlil.v <lievi.»ts. ea.ssimeres and
iiiiAtnr*-*.; Sizes lo 17 years.
-BOYS’ 2-PANT NORFOLK SUTrS- 7.'.e ,o H..'-.'nmlerIirie.d III ij-1.4",
to $7..’>ii.
, ,

Lm DOW iirraiUini; ties: .-^l. l*aui. Moio, u very cri-ai improvt-nient to
Minn., comliicted llie »‘'r»icc» ln-rc iTi* place of bu*i(i''*s A new wall ha*
last Sunday.
been tiillt under ll,e More »l«o.
Mra. Will HsiDlUon lias
vj*UMr. and Mra. K. E. RcotU-ld an
ing in Grawn th^pusi
cuiiipini; at Uic Lite.
Ml-*. Ann© Hftnsl.-i'. wno hn.i iH-cn
.Max Avery has n-slgned lil* po.-inick for some time, I* not any- better Uon fcs clerti In Huso Will'* store. We
pt jireseoi. .»
licsr (.'art Vinton-will uke hi* place.
Hugo Will has had a new -cement
I.mie !->r| Ueaedlrt bus tx-eii on
6l«op and step* built In front of bis'1 the sick list tho past few days.

BARGAINS That Arc Real
The $15,000 Stock 1$ Gotog Rapidly
'^e bale be$an Saarday with a RUSH and everybody went away SATISFIED
that they were gettini the very best of bargain,.

The stock consists of Men’s and Boys’ Suits,
Hats, Caps, Furnishings, Suit Cases and Grips.'
The following prices will give you an idea what your
dollarsavill da for you at this sale:
KNICKE3BOCKER !$1 values Klosed Krotch.
for ........................ 70c
All 25c Fancy LUIe Hole83.00 Soils, now 81.88: proof Hose...'.........18c
83.50 Soils, now 238 i 5 Doe. Dress Shirts.plaited
3* values. SOc
08.00 Sntls. now 278'
o oa' 3 Doz. Dress Shirts.plaited
34.50 Smis, now ?
or plain. *1.50 and $2.00
85.00 Snilo, now *?» values..................8IA0
86 00 Soils, now *■63 4 Doz. Dress Shirts. 7Sc
86 SO Sniik, now A80 values....................30e


121S. Union SL

—Knicker BniU in I’.iKfer

imiiis. elinip)>niy«. t;ii!ai.-as.
Hrowii. Hloii.s''. .lunior Nor­
.•I.',, jN.i.iilur Ktyles iind' folk and doiitilo - hreilsied
oriiiffs; wr.rili iii> lo $1.
sl.vl-s; Ki.-.-S^frolll 2'~ lo 17


*ie.MSDlts.noivS S88
tlLSOSBltojiow S.18
riaM Sntts.aoiv MS
U8.MSallS4)ow 11.8*
SM.MSidU,BOw lt.«8
S2tI*Salts,now 1S.S8
sraM soiisjiow 17.8*

iEWEtS fWm BUT SCftia
TWn Much KmwaV the Beerot «|
the Croat!on of AHItleUI
As tbs roll pearl oeema from tbe
oyster, w to a terga aztent .u the
Baaufactaro of artifielaf peart* dopeadsBt OB a certain specie* of fist;
Tbe eompleu proeeaeee are of course
trade eecretn. bat it u of Intenst to
note that it Ir from the brtUlant
eealaa of the abIsL or May. that eaaenea d’Ortant U prodaeed and ft It
with thU Mseaca that iabatkw paaita
are masutactund.
The buy U deecrlbed as “a smaD
iUh arlth a green hack and a vkllo
belly- and the aateoee U obtained
exelnrively from the white eeaUa.
which are covered with a pigment of

(hen with Hih gloe^ a pow­
der being fltat obtained
then a
paste which can 'be easily epread on
Id the early stale* of manntaetare.
abonl lUC. thU esaeoM d’Orient was
applied to little balU of plaster, but
ti^emperature and tbe Ump heat of
ihe human body modified (he adhecive ouallUes of the pearly matter
and eaosed changes of oeloc.
It was tn I6SP that a Parisian named
Jaequln Invented n metted of coverIng small gUss balli with the same
d’Orient. I
first practical anlflcUl pearla.
In the north and ea« of Frapro
and In Oertnany hlay fiahlng U ac­
tively puraueil-' Ahont 4.000 are raBulred to prodooe a poond of aeales.
which In turn gives a qaarfaf of *
pound of the essence. The price of
(he scales varies between $L7E and
$3.10 a pound.

of Women.

Thenrtt^ucton have Jong reaUaed
thsL thank* to a better knowledge of
eaailatlon and personal hyglmie, people
are living tenger than formarly. the
Cox Ct'rnerv. »-!: 3:.—The Ire much greiter reUtive longarity of
rroam stH-UI given by the Ladies' Aid women ai shown In the recently pnbat Monroe Center on Satnrday even Ibbed EnglUb national debt offlM's remortality of ---------------|
Ing was very Burressfu) sod deopitr port on
-- the
the rain early In the evening ihevc We annnltanU ban come a* a general
• ti* n pood nltendanco -_' „,p,.
“ - “(prineJ In a nmmary of (heae flgnree tt wan
(Icsrod nearly-$10.
, ' .{hbown that the expeetatloa of Ufa of a
Ilarr.v Satnmun tranakete .ouaioesa
mero'ttnn a ymu
Id Kingsley on Tliursdsy.
j greater than it waa tn 1ST5. Wl^ that
Mr* Brerban made a businesa of , man of the same age U only three
trip to Suckley on Saturday.
months greater.
tVm. Cok.and (amlly are enterulnA London phystclao says that *tha
Ing-vUliora thia week.
essential cause of death la a wearing
Mra I). A. Slone an'i) Harold of out from overwork of onr bnOn cells.
Kingsley vUlted Mra. Sbleld^oD Sun­ Women may be Just as brainy as men,
bat do not work with their brain cella
as rlgoronsly or as eontlttuonaly as do
Mr. Baiey called nn j: BoUter
their male relatives. It they did there
Monday and report* him ateedily im­ would not be so great a dlaparlty la
proving tbongh aeml-weekly'
tbe length of life of tbe two sexes.the doctor are sill) a necenal ^
Another coasultam pats down w«»
Ih'Uier recently underwent an oper- an'* grroter expectation of hto to the
I'lkin for a malignant growth on hU more abekered existence she leads,
and tbe lack of the physically deprseBlng competition which Is pari of
Wm. Cox ha* !>een afflicted with
large boil Just under hU loft noariy every man's life. -A woman may
have bard work to do.’ be explained,
hlcb Iia* not only been very painful
-but except for the few who weak In
bnt seriously affected hU slghL
•ems better at prpMnt.
J. D. Baiey
ilra. Sbielda vUIteH the Renniee at Wexford on Sat­ also, as a rule, vastly more airy, ai
td generally more wholesome .
bar husbend’e shop or olSee.*'
Ned l.egs«tt drove to the Rennie
neigbbortiood on Sunday to vUlt the
family of George SUard.
Mr. and -Mm. Potter I.«ggett spent
_ . « .
• • .............


Boys’Snits In the Semi-Aimoal Qearance

BOYS' SDITS AT 53.80 AKD 54.60^ Wlllli: i.',. «. *7

—Good for a ereat many different kinds of xaluahh' preuiimiiF, lii.-ludiHF INDIAN WIGWAMS with
lo j.-.n H.kets. STEEL KNIVES Her
wUh hoya- Kulls; FLY SWATTERS free to ladle*. -TmierM.- ni> «'
value temer."



—Finely tailored, ail-tvool doilies; Norfolk imd refriilnr nuMlel.s; lieht uinl iiiedimii weitrliis.

Mca*s Saits, one group that
7 OA 1 Men’s Softs, another group thaiQ oe
were $12 to $15. Clearing at......... imOV | were $13.50 to $20. clearing at ..
Men’s Pants at $5e and
values up to $2.00

irdaj there I* tnmall}good baU^djughier. The. funeral was-held at
!rnne and boat rao*.
‘the Congregational church .Friday. InTwo wnka «CQ the Old MImIob tersehlTtas in the Maple ^Jt.v ceme­
an went over to Oner« aed idareA tery.
a same with Onena revj.Ter* and beat
Rev. .1, P. White and wife arTived
them Ob tb«tr own r-ouacr, the aeore Friday niomlog for a abort vlsU.
helbj; 8 to 7 in tavor'of Old MUaion.
Mrs. VseNostrand fa at her cottage
and laat Satordav the Omena boya at BurdickTlIla
came over two boat load strong to
Mrs. I.. I. Drake eniertafned a lady
win that game hack bqt they met frienl lust week.
with Mill greater defeat as the aeore
Mrs. £. S. Byker iwuimed Friday
was C to 0 In favor of Old
frem a two weeks' visit at Milan.
Many taarels were added to the crown •Mr. and Mrs. Johnson are edt»rof Prank Grltrin. the popular pitcher, lalnlag their datqcbter Ida.
who struck out eleven own ai Omena. I J. Amldon and daughter are TlBfi.
and bine at Old Mlaaion. GrlCflo 1* ,lng hla mother.
an old Mission lad,,.who has Jual reMtas.Uertha Dull came home Fri­
turned from Ih-irott and while |da}'lng day for a vtall.
a game there wa*-spiked so was not
Mr. and Mm. Dave Borough attend­
at hts best bm still—good enough.
ed efaorfh here last night.
The launch races are very impular , Mias .Nellie Hebert Is visiting at
this year. A week ago the Rtffle. Venoards cottage at Clen l^ke.
oaned b>' Jackson RInn of Chicago,
came In llrat followed closely by the
Terry D.. owned by the Barr boys
from rhallanooga, while the Gypsy,
owned by Claud Kilrhcn of this place
Hendon, July 3.3.—S. D. Burke went
took third place. The last race
t« Xessen City on business Tuesday.
, Friday afteruoon, July SSth when aevMr*. Georgeonartuu and Mrs. A.
eral more launchr* owned by Oeo. Allen were Travers City vUbora Sat­
iStorrkker won first place while the urday.
;U. A. P. owned hy A. B. Porter
MUa Ruth Baldwin of Traverse
'second, the RiSlo won third, the Ter­ City spent Sunday at her borne here.
ry n. «-as dlsquaUfk-d and the Gns
Chaa. Dexter of UenxonU and
sy came In last.- It will i>o remem- Myrtle Dexter of Traverse City spent
ibered that ihe silver cop »a* won by Sunday here.
the Barr boys last year and the inAn ire cream eorial will be held at
leiwst grows
Ne« race Saturday the Inland M. E. pafsoange next Fri­
aftemooD, August S.
day evening.
Mr*. Wm. Dexter and family ,cntenulncd Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Crocker
ol Ualion. -N. 1).. and Mr and Mrs.
Allien Clemeni of Travmae City over
Bolon. July :g.—The storm SuKda; Sunday. Mrs. Crocker waT^MIat Mae
momlag damaged Will l{aln<nock to Ijunson. former]) of this place. Her
: the extent of one shock of rye l>eiac frienda here Join In wlrlilng Mr. and
I struck by lightning and burned.
Mrs. (Yorker a Imppy wedded life to­
[ Mrs John White Is visiting in the gether. They will make their home lo
southern part of tbe sUlc for a few UnboD. N. I>.
I The firat cirrus of the season 1*
John H. tipark's billed for the jutb had
1‘Will draw a crowd uf kids If uothlng

Traverse C»y. Mich.


Oscar f'layiKMl has bought a »ew
toi> buggy for comfort and pleasure.
Moses A’atc went to FmpliT Sunday
to play ball which resulted favorably
lor Empire, S to 3 was the score.
Mm. Jolin Woinek la getting befMrs Prankfalher’s brother a^d sis­
ter hate ndurned to thclr.home, after
vbiliing for a few days.
W. O. Dlckerman Is haring the
Ust of his ch'erries picked.
Mrs. Claypoorhas gone lo Rates to
viFli and pick huckleticrrieE.

-MayfirW. July 3S.-Mm. Tz-d Clarl
of fUdlllac and son UiebarU. are vUlling friend* hero.
.Theodore SIMtoni and wife are back
home again. They liave been In the
Mtbern tart uf tl>c state ttiia sumer.
Mr*. Pete Mutb and wife apd dangbr of Kingsley, came up Satnrdny
Id vfrited over Snsday at Wayne
Charlie En*btn of Chicago. vUlted
Mrs Jamison. hU gran'dma, last week
Last Monday about forty friend*
and nu>ai
Ho>al i«eu(<H*>ra
Neighbors owv
met si
at Mr.
air. ueo.


Ibndon. Jul.v »».—nias. Maynnnl
began the ecsMn'a thrtwbJng Thurs­
n. IL ifclWlT'da was tn Traverse City
on biiofncss Wedoendax. *
Mrs! ln-2 Ullhitwc of Athens, and
Emma Kirby'of feiiiral l.ake. vivtted
TuvwUy «1th thi-lr couals. Cart Car­
penter and family.
Mi*8 Mary Jaquish returned Frtd&r
from a visit with friend* on
lUrtC-. to h.l, Mr,. n.ridn,
..d I.«E. R Maimard of Grawn. wa*
brute ber birthday and help with the
I Judge Walker of Traverse City
town Saturday looking for beef cat­ good things she bad prepared to
[passed through the neighborhood last
The Ubiea were>Uid fonr time*,
enrout* to his-Tarm at WexThe Ice cream socUl held at tbe fore all were served and all voted
__ifoid. where he.will spend a few day*.
Itarsonage b'riday mgln. wa* well at­ a* one of the best things tbe>- have
*d at these gatherings.
tended and 113.00 was cleared.
Effective Partinfl BhoL
Mr. and Mrs. Jamison enjoyed a
Mm. Pierce and daughter returned
Among clerical anecdotes Is that ct
to her home In I.4tnaing TucMlajk afi- visit from their son Jimmie of De­ the vicar and ctfrate who had quar­
reled. and the curete wu reqw
er vislUng her (albor. A. AllS for troit. from Friday nntll Sunday.
a f.-w days.
mUil^r to.
Mis* Hazel Allen, who has spent
bla farewell sennoo. and the parishher vacation with her parent* here,
Rgiete emme tn crowds to hear him.
haa reiunted to her work In Travene
Maple aty. July 38.—Rev. and Mra. -Xy tesL- he said, ria taken from the
Pbimp* .are spending a few days st moving story of Abrmbam. Tarry ye
here with tbs ass while I
Mr. and Mrs Alfred Crocker of Lis­ MantoB.
bon. K. D.. Mr*. Albert Clement and
H. Delhi baa been fllllng tbe pufpll
Bon of Traverse City and Cha*. Dox- at the Friends' church In the absence
Tuesday morning for Benp
Madldne is a progressive selenoe.
sonia. where they wIH ri*lt the home
Mr. snd Mrs. F. Hopkins aro en- u u now only LH» years since Hippoof Mr. and Mr*. W. B. Carpenier.
(rnsl.lag her brother nnd wife.
crates’ Ume and a «re for wbooplngUra. F. a Reynolda entertained her
F. Decker died st hla home lari, «nigh is believed lo be In sight
udMe and cousin. Mr. and Mbts O'N'eal TliurMlsy morning after a long illnesa. least the speclallsU Of Pnrla hope sa
He leaves a «ile. two sons sod a—-Chlengo New*.
of UtUc- Hock. Arkansas, laat week.


Old Uiasioo. July M.—"Away ffom
the dmny cUy fringed by the aUteiy
pine*, and the 8una.v elopea of wood­
land. a broad bry gHsteos and shhiea.’
NefUed beneath tbe plna near th«
Grand Traverse bay i* Nuk-way-een,
the Indian name for Old MUaion.
which I* now a thrtvtng little rewirt
with aeverai good hotrte and boardlag
bouses and many handsome couggeo.
everyone occupied hot one and piroent
' 'eikma point to a busy and profit­
able Bununer as eome of the cottages
were opened early In Jnne and srill
stay nntn September.
The Springfield. minnU. people are
nlwayg well reprasentad. Old MUaion
ttsnaliy entertaining aboat d hnndrM
from there. There are also people
from Chlrogo, Chattanooga. OMestwii.
Prorla. alt seeking reltaf from the oppretfreneas of pUces les* favored
than here.
For anrasneent inoat erory Fri­
day night there U a dinqjng party
^ben 'HJure^ 1oU or tucy danctng.
and It doesn't coet a dime.- while

September 2.
WS|HfeeMS « Sm?
^ Mooar aai Eipansa. Oar cooiwe
HTOsn canM fad so sdia

wham oawstadMii ate werkinf. tCiBjr cd them aianiag at $600 to $^00 •
rmmmam. Am yoa isiwitoidl B^SepnO. BaSllBl Cntnlog PYm

iiMit PBUU. snsr ,



Rev. John Brown, o^
sr tntaresttng <lren»
Rev. John bcgis life as a herd
laddie on the broM of Abernathy, had
while he was eUU teaching hlmarif
Greek be tramped one night to 8t
Andrews, twenty-four miles awny, to
buy a Grtrtfc Testamant
The bookmlfer to whom te confid­
ed his ambition wa* Inclined to langh
him, hot e profesaor who tfmseed
to be In the shop took the eoreted
volume la hi* hand, .opened ft end
tarned to tbe yoeng berdsMa.
-Boy.- be mid. ‘-road this asd yoa
■haU have tbe book br notklag.”
The boy ecoultted Umeall to tte
aeUsfactlon of Us new Mead and
carried uS the prtsa.—Tonthh Oom-

To Make WkltowMh BtMc
In maklag whltewaab that wffl not
•role off. I find the following very
good; DIsMlve Uue m hot water,
and add In the proportton of a ptgt
of water to foor gaOm of w
I of gum I
In a ptot of homag s
tore applying this or any other wash,
scrape the waU clroa and smooth.
Another good method is to add nitro.
aartne glue, as it gives a pretty UaL
A little eah added to the whitewall
is very good; K iirsients tt tram nh>

Why were you sa exdtod -cm Wattle
Bay evening, and why did yoa walk tn
dark, in line end 8 peoae tn the
It Oh Weatbrook front and erorn
*1 wordT Maybe yon wffl tun year
face to the left Instead of the r%ht
the next time yon overtake ma on the
PBtney path. Wondrona wooing, yoa
think, creepy -coorttag- I find! Do«T
be enxloaa. lassla. for throogh itotm.
throegh sanaUae. on land, cm sdh. in
the air. Dralaru Bnsm ts stm nedtt^
•0 we are In tho ri^ tnln. yna oan.^
Luidon Morning FneL
BHnmlty Win.
Rome Bo the right thing at the
wrong time, many Bd the WMog tUag
•t th» right time, and e fCw Be the

lOhllldng at Oo right OBA.




looa with four-Hoves. three blades of
Uken out. the tetwack. the plio ,|«v*. Wash (he kettle, return the aonp
• STORiNC FOOD.FOR WINTER. • mace, one pepperebm. one-half tea- ♦ U»E OF THE REFRIGERATOR. ♦ (which shonld always be movablei. and chicken. Add two teaspoeafuta
spoonfal of celery aaed. a pinch of Ttftttl mtttmatimtfit and Jhe entire lining of tbe ice ebam- of flour to the butter in the frying len.
Wltb the exception of xbose who thyme, one sliced ofilon and one teaAre you one of tbe penny wise and ber. If possible. Alt these i«rts should mix
sod add to the soup.Add h
live in the larcer cltte«. there are few •poonfni of tuRar. Cfok-one uble- pound fonllsb" peoplet If so sou will be waabed with hot water and soap, pint
of sweet
families who <anuot have a piece ol spoonbil of butter with one of Hour., learn sonieibiuR resardlDR the real wi|>ed dry..and pm Into tbe sunshine l>oil up and serve. A spoonful of
Rrouud. aiiiall thouRh it be. for a imr- ndd (he tomatoes and cook until thick­ economy which spends a little In or­ lor an hour or two. If tbe pl|ie is clog- Ik>11^ iloe may be pat In each'dish
Un. Mabel Bates Williams. Editor.
den. says tbe Pti-torial Review. The ened. Strain and ponr over the beans der to save murh. If you will te.ld the god wuh sliiiic. It can l>e cleaned with when served. Fain from such a Rarden Uc!> not alone one hour before removing from (he foHowlng ex.vllem anlcle. which i.p- a refrigerator brush or by palling
-----------------------to food vcReiables and pe»nies saved,
I'enred this month in McCnIl'e Maga- through n eev-eral times a cloth atLamb Cbepa *f» Caaaarota.
but In airencthcned mnselM and
To Dry Celery—Tut off Ibe conrve. rlne:lached to a «mall weight (a heavy nail
Pm Into Irjlng pan on* tearpoon
nerves, and a satlsfaciloB In atiain- Rreen leaves of celery when this food
How Uuny women think of the ten Ol skewer on a string will dot and butter an)l one,of laid. Whan melted
meni that Is scarcely to be eqoaW H^plenUful and cheap. . Wash well, cezHs a day for kw during tbe suiit- then Bushing It well with hor water, and still hot slice into It three small

* elsewhere. Neither ran it be calru- cut up Into email ineccs.'U} on Rinnmer months os oue of the most Im­ A abort length of hose atueb^i to ^eonions, aud le't them brown on both
Uted In dollars and cents.
ite pans nnd place in a modente oven portant erunumlee of their entire kitchen fanoet ta a help here, as /ttt aides. Remove onions, nnd into the
Chickeo t>repared In tbe foUowiuE
The anudl Rarden not o^ly auppUea where It win dry raiddl.v, but not bum. household bu.lgn? Far too •many a* in many other bousehoW ,dlffli:uU> p,n pm .eight lamb loin chops, cut
Ai>4 a t>u(ierfl>' fiitled acroe* lb« field. manner has a different flavor from your ubie with fresher and heller Stir frequently until thoroMRhly dn'.
housewives keep on with the window let. The two fixed iH|ws Into wb.. b one-balf Inch thick, and trimmed of all
A«d all tbr leaver vere ealllnc no. the tried fowl often used for plrnU-s: veseiableK than you can buy at the rub »o a coarse iwwder and park In
^ arrange
box or celUr cool-room just a little loo the drip pipe fiU should be washed
IHsmeniber a fowl, in the lioUAin of market durlnK tbe summer, but it nmy FlsM Jars. Till* will l.e found lo be
long, because tbej see thU esir* ex- In the same way. If tbe Ice ta always ^ bottom of reaserole Over the
And tbe wind wem alsMoit over Ibe n rossiloic pan init a tahlesiiooiirul of be made to tumlsh them for winter as a delicious addition to soup*, sauces
la-ndlture going out every mornicjg w„h^ off aa m»b ^ it arrive*, there ^^ops put. first, tbe onion, that -ere
butter snd one onion slired Itrown well. If the veRcUiblM be canned, aim Rravtes when eelery is scarce or
aml^do not realise ju»t what corri- should be very HHl* dirt to remove hded. then two *
- Toaalns tbe maaes to and tro.
It on top of the stove, lay lu tl.c stored or dried.
very hlRh In price. Famley may be BpondlDgsavihg is effected. A’wonuin from the pipe*. When -s*.
the sbetre* ,ellced. snd three medium vised new
And a rainbow held out ita ahlDlni: Ideces of fowl. Puur In hot wstc. to
It is not a dlBlculi matter lo can driad in ibe same way,'to use as a shpitld estimate not ont.v bow mfich and other pans are return? I
8 depth of one inch. Have the ovco
veRelables If one fact be consuuii)
beiiefii she H receiving from Ok asSo abat roidd 1 do but UUBb and very hot a.xl let the meat cook tender
Blsunce of her re'frigeretor. but how
t>omo in mlud—vepeiablos. will not
and brown. Uastlnx from time to lime
keep uftlcBs every article used In Ibe do (his. ieleci Isrne. curly aialks of much other exiiendltuie she ariUL.l;-Riohard Le Gallienne. In Hariwr* with melted liuiter iii u |uin. Wi,cn
cannlnx process lx.* alisoluiely stei the parslev and pluoRe Into bollinR avolds.
done drain and <ool. Wri.p the loliiU
mred. When oann^ veRelsbIes <io water, dlpplna one piece at a ' lime. ■ Tbe home llial l>o«see<es xu icc K-\ -n.lcb™.lt,houUl.i.»pU»l.v.,r
of Ibe leM and wloc ideces with oll^
o,„ .■l■h bp. ™p « ,'■!'»
S«U~. -r,
not kee|>. It Is proo'f positive that Shake ihorouRhly. bsiii: to dry in the ron continue to buy meats in largr P.on,lpp. .P,
|ia^ to farili^te handlins.
»..» Ammopl. or .
I-"! Ip m. p .M.
snmeihinR has been alMed to re­ sun. or lay In granite plat^ In a mod­ qaaniltlM in znmmcr. Just as in itu .UP.
*TonK»ea la trees, books In the '
erate oven. Place the siulk* In tin
All sandwirhV''K-«tihcr,1n |«cka«es
..ran, «.l.ilon pt ..l-pP. .Ill b«,p
"*“> ">
* raaninii V^bs. sermons in stones ' or. If desired, one *ij oiie. should be
boxes between layers of waxed iwpcr
•“ "»”• “ •»
day's supply kr]ian.iciy—u/co>Hy. in ihl> pu ...« ppd plpu,
' and /et»>A In ereirthloit.''
‘ •Tapped In wnxed paiwr and each
and keep in a dry place. When want­
\Vb«, lb, ..rlpp.mibn P! lb. «. “•“"'I- *”1 Pb—lr tb-PPd PtOb,
conventeiii and. In many 'places. Im­
in washlnR Jars, top* and rinRS, first
hard boiled cKc put in a small piece of waab the Jars with soap and water ed for use. soak tn cold water.
.inb«. ib. ,ia.v !«iiom “"W ■>“ “» “
possible way to market. Intbeiamlly Iplpwito,
howthe Mute. The cooked foo.1 must be fntll clean: then rinse once with very
wherc |ilain cold ineal Is not popular, and top ran be Wiped With a >Un.p
done up for paiUnR in the basket lu hot water and a sevond time with Imll- small. should be without a tew hard;, the mother ewn follow her hot rousi doth. If food spills on the shelve.
French geofflt FoutaesIn mitUunnner. boinre
a msiiner to keep It moist and fresh ed water \Vs^h aud rinse the top^ aaite plants
with meal li> aspic, molded beef aud at any time it must be cleaned op al Vse for thta email, me-aly poiaioea
as well ar nice lookins. .Massy lookins nnd rltiRs and idsee tn a Kranile ket­ the plants bloom, idek the leaves, veal loaf, as well ax Ibe aimplc *■!.-*.. once and given' no chance to sjioil. and aUce Kncthwlse lu order to get
boing carefnl to liuve them free Ir.vai
food dettst^ from the picnic luncheon tle filled " i.h
ftotn the choicer c-ciic. She car. pre­ Some refrigerators are made with a a layer of pouio without culling, just ,cool
moisture. Place bn granite plates in
ns much ns from ubie service.
pare all three of lliete meat disbc> at siieeial coniiartniem for buiicr sod across the grain. Tbe sllcet should be
enouRh lo prevent crackln* iha rIssi.
.Tomato RplUh-A rcTlsh freaily ap- tup*. Tbe kettle niusi be kept on tbf a tnodernte oven to dry quickly. I’ack one time. an-I set them away In the milk Irecause ol their tendency to nb about twice a* ihkk as tor Saretoga
In Jars and keep In a dry |iUce.
rcfrlKerator uui|i they are wanted. »orb flavors; In tbe ordinary- box. if rbliw m order to allow tw» crusts to
bark pf the stove, where esch top snd
Are roD one ol iboee people vbu
.Obviuusi.v she saver sometblDg mou- they are pla>-^ below all other loods. the puff. Drop In cold water for an
'GUeh everj'thlni! ilist'a' roIbrT'* It made itom tomatoes. Cut round o|ien- rioR niav be <|uii'kly taken l;Dm the
Quarter Million Women Parmera.
than the cost of tbe meat and the at tbe bottom of the chest, they are "boar or two. then drain and wi|>e perso. suppose you rnail the folloalna. Ines atnui one aud one-half Inches In water as each jar Is niled.
Tlir last cenusUB sbowed StiT.'liC
avoiding «r ust-li-ss ac-raiw. so otiei coiniisrailvel.v'aafe. T1.U 1* Ihe place fecUydry. Have In readlneii two keiNever use new rubbers w ithout firrt
one^readlns Is warranted to make you rilameler In the to|> of larse. rli>e to­
women fsrnter* in the t'nJted Slates,
■mile and two will m»e you a "case" matoes and scoop out the core ' Add' washlOR ibeni to remove the (erme and this number will be largely In- Wt to *i>nll In the summer time be- (or fruit, flowers, and the astai* u-i. Uea of fat. ooe with the bli^ smoke
it la too murh iranlile to dn Auenilon given to ail these apiwr- lust arising., the other rather hotter,
aud rublver dust *v often found on
tbal wUI spread ihrouahoui. tbe *aion. |>ep|H>r and salt and cook for fif­ them. They must alsp be .rinaed and creased.wbrn new autistic* come in anyihloK with Ij^n.—*he save* her entiy trifllag deuU* U what make., for Drop a few allce* at a time Into the
tire nelcbborhood. 8ayV (be writer:
Women have been ronsed by tbe
(access inTonnlng a refriscrator eco- first kettle and let them remalii v-ntll
Happloess U cuotadous. The iwrest teen minutes. When cooled, fill tbe jpUeed In D kettle ol hot. bolle.1 wa­ large epportunltlea opened up tn re­ own time aiHl strength.
half done. 'SkIm out of the (at and
Doing, early in liie nioining. every­ pomlealiy.
of Pleasure' comes from makins other tomatoes aud set them on .Ire for a ter. .Never allow to|va. rttiRs or rub- cent years ’n vartoos departments of
drain five minute* on the back of the
people hai^y. There Is ranch bappl- time before |«ci:lna. These should tiers to lie on tables or cabinets; some (arm work and are showing their abil-' thing iioikIIiIc In the w-ay of cookiog
stove where they win keep hot. then
gvveet fiherteska
Rerro will surelv adhere to them and
ness In the world, but there Is also a
liy an.l re#ourcefn|iies» In' groKplug and housework. 1* one of the secTels
Real four ubleapoonlnU of _____ plunge Into the kettle of boiling fat
icfeai d«al of nahappiness and Borrow.
.Nut Junibtes—Cakes that are crisp the fruit nr.vcRelables will not keepof good management In tne summer.
and utflixing modern nWthods In their
And two heaping (etub|K»n(uls of
•rt) Can Tomatoes—Tomatoes arc
Is It not true that those at us who and readily handled ore more readily
(arming. AH over New- khtgland. farm
* «o«»«n anil! a golden
the dislesl of all veRelables IkiH. to load U bemg retimed by women, vance. tbe cool hours iM the beglnniug buttei to a cream, then add two well•re blessed *1tb a cheerful dlsposl- carried than the Hitter khids.
tioD. and see the rosy side uf life, jumbles are a welcome addlthm. kUke cAn and to keep Select solid tontaioes. many of them worn «mii by the strain of the day can be^tlllxed for the beaten eggs, mix well logether.'then
should do ^ur uiomst to cause our as; Tso snd one-half rupfuU rl|>e nnd round. Scald, remove all of clerical or profetakinal life, seeking preparation not'only of the Immediate alfl in wli roandlng Ublapoons of
Im fonutate hroihera and sisters to of suicar. one roundinx rupful of but- sKln. cm Into quaners, removinR Rrera ehange ol thought and life tn the tueais for that day. but also of dishe* flour mixed with halt n (e*s|iomi(t,i
lorksd smooth, two
and place in a larRr cran- country.
see the world and life as we see it?.
for several cUya ahead. If Inielllgente of l«klng lewder, s'M one tablcs|4mful ot milk and one teaspoosfni of va* quaniliy of string beans noAs the Kood book says. "No man. eESS-and enoiiBh Hour mixed with lie kettle. Salt
One sclenllfir w*oman Urnver. MI'J la used in the selectlOD of the menus,
‘ ttW«»PoonIul of
when he hath iiiebted a <-anJlr putteih two teasiwootuls of bakluR powder to thirty minutes tintll well rooked. Pill Rnilth. 1. annually making more, ifuin many desserts and sauces, as well as nlUa extract. Put tbe mixture into a
^ ***' dripplnga in a frying
if in a secret jJace, neither under a make the doiiRh rather stiff .Mix In tbe Jaiw lo overflowing, quickly »crvw
main dlshe«.''can be prepared in ad­ flat, well-greased baklng-Un and bake
IS.H'P Oil land that did but produtc j
bushel, but on a candle stlrk. that one ruptal of <bopi>ed nuts. Bull out on tops and sund aside to cool.
vance and stored, to (hat the sultry (or twenty minute, or haif an hour
revenue of IWiu lor the entire ten
Canned Beets—Select young, leuthey which come lit .. ma^ see the- and rut with a jumble cutter. Hake
yvoni previous lo her iiurchaac ot the middle pan of the day need not be in a moderate oven. 'When cold **‘°^^*^
In a quirk oven.
def beet*: those sown the first of Au'
"d tb, b«. .b U» oUra
farm. In many states women artWhat a ideasure it Is to come In
Ouilns Cakes'—A dainty desseii I* gust as a successional crop will be the' maVlog a marked success in dalrylcs ing
•» Ob.„d
WlU, m. «b,r
personal contact with one from whom made a* followr: Best four eus beet. Plucito them into boiling water
Count on bav^g plenty of fruiu and b.11. apnbU, .dor b. up
and others In our great west ar* dolug
radtetes happtneaa and Kood cheer. very U^by Criwm one t upful of suptr and boll fur twenty minutes; then slip
. ......
plonm work, in breaking up and de salad*. Plums, green gages, gooseUfe Is preiur much wlisi we niake It. uid one {ablespoontui of bniier. Add off the skins. Place the l>cci* esn- veloping the land lor crops.
benivs. apple*, blackberrie* and even ..n, bl . bbp.b. », .b»n- mu, . m,
. Why not look on the bettor side of the eRKs and one cupful ot flour alficd fully in the jar*, on wbk-h the rubbi-:*
H Is. perhapa charai-trristic of wo­ lieache* can all be slewed in the firelife, and make, the beat of what seem- wfth one ii«s|«onrul of bakins |io*- have^been adjusted: fill ifu- jsrs with men chat so*many of them have gone las* cooker over night and put away
1. the grated rind and ,
Insly is mlstortODe?
dfr. Bake In sem |ians in a hot oven cold water. lay the tofn loosely on the In for intensive farulng. In iho ice l»x the Brsl thing in the ■trained juice of two lemons. Set tbe them next day and add a little stewed
We reelly can do a ereat deal to­ for fifteen minntee. This makes six jars and staml on a wire rack. tA along allele lines w-itL
morning. When vi‘;:piables are cooked, jar In a saucHianof bofllng water over tomatoes. '
wards cheerlnE our friends on^ their cakes. When cold, bollow^oui t^e len- wire letter basket to wiilch a central surccss.
-s. In this
large class we find n double l^rtion takes mr more heat the fire. Stir (be contents of the Jar
Vegetable Hm Pot
way by drupiiioR them an occ^onal ler. Ret each in a cbfcrioiie russc handle has b««-n fitted at the tinner s
tbe fniii growers, nuirket gardeners, or time, and one half may be set aside with a wooden spoon until the mix­
Take (so Urge potatoes, one stalk
for a T«w cents will neswer very
note of KTcetimt au>l' food cheer. case and fill with whl|>ped crea'm.
bee keeiwr*. llvesiotk farmers, innl- do t>e serve-d cold, with a simple ture thickeng; do not allow U to t)oU.
of celery, one large carrot one
Most of us find it rather diSIcult to
PniU I'aut-b—Into an earthen boui welh. Fill (he boiler to half (he depth iry raisers and 'other »i>eciallsu: French or niavonnalse salad dressing, ^•hen cold os^or fllliiig.
large otion. butter, pepper and salt.
write letters as frequently as they or Jar squeexe tbe juice of *U lemuns of tbe jars, cover (he Iwllei. place while rei-eatedly the premlncii ter the next day or the cfay after. StrloR
Slice the vqgeublea. pm them In lay­
should- be written. In spite of our­ and one urAnRc. Add a rliw pineapple, over (he fire and boil foi onel hou.. championships In corn, tomatoes and beans. a*i>aregug. beets. |>eas, kohl­
Seme ased Puddings.
selves we allow the ties of friendship cut in pieres. one pint fit Juice imm Screw the lops on Unnly. lining out
Rhubarb pudding, which is a fs- ers in a pie dish, with a Uy'cr of pootiter crap* have been awarded to wo- rabi. carrots, and. of oounte. the bum­
Utoe* at tbe top. Poor in sufficient
to be severed, when an occaslonat canned amber cberiic'. one tMcupful one Jar at a time. Nnw repUce the
ble pouio. aic cxoeBent in thl* v>ay.
with children. U made c
^ niesnge would i>rc'>ent this.
of ri]>e uncrushed strawbcnles aud Jars lo the holler and boll for ano;.icr
Mayonnaiee or boiled drcMlngr can lideV o'f ’.ppta'bi^wn ■^7rTo““m^e
The advent of the post card Is a one banana alleetf. Add nutmec and. boor
alwaya be kept for about week if It cut the rhubarb In piec«. put a
It simmer for one a^
MeasiDit to fanmatiliy. - Tbe ever ready aucar and water to snit the taste. I.<d
Dried Winter Sqnash—Tt cry win­
made when (he Mr la still cool. Uke layer of it in a pudding dish, cover It
Pieces of
and convenient |k>si card Ir becomlns the mixture stand in a cold pure fm ter squash. J1BV» the ve,tetr1/ja^
blitter, they should be put In the bot­ wite ,ngar and then put a layer of
“P ““
wonderfully popnlar. All kinds of five or six hmira.—Cood iiousekerp- cut into sirii* s‘ioui one Inck’thlriT
tom of (he iMrlgerator and shoold be breml and bmter. Alternate tayer* of
tost card* may be had which express
and foijr inchits lour. F( r/ud on
covered, klany fruits give variety to fafti and bread until the «bb !s.done
every shade of fetllnc and sentiment.
granite pans or eartbetiwnr*^>ijttera.
the snroiner ulads—pineapples, white Cover it and bake it half an hoar, reTbe post card has made a place fur
ami dry in a moderate oivi. Wiiec uoder the arm*, cut away a piece wide grapes, apples. j<ears. oranges and
On the Jevirney.
move tbe cover and hake .ten miDOtes
«, m
enough to Include all worn pUce*
Itself in Ibe aodal life of the nation.
Take a good-slied lULckage of altgrapefruit. These, as well a* Ihe lei- longer. Serve *-Ub a hot sauce of
Currant Open Pi#
People.of all aces, both sexes. And all aorlient cotton on yoiir journey, to be |u]«i or In Rias* Jets, and ke«|> In a from tbe under armhole to the bottom (tire or other green foundation (or the
any desired flaror
"*"• ^'***‘

staiioos of life are clad to let the post used In washing face and Hands. It dry pl^see. When desired for cooking, of the waist. Duplicate this In a pa­ •alod. sbnuld be chilled before using.
D...« u, bbbp bmm ““
tard perform Us kindly offices. Rich la very handy becau*<- it ran be soak t*er night. PuuipUn Is dried In per pattern, torn the cut-away piece Tomato jelly, chicken aspic, and beef
u|>alde down, lay on the paper pat­
and txrar alike arc h\imao. altb kin­ thrown away after u*ln« and-aaves the nJm way.
...» b. u., ...V, ...b ,b„ bbpmi.
-tot •«.
dred foelinxs and emotions.
To I>ry Corn—Though ccro Is a veg- tern and reem. This will bring the when one Is thinking up various kind*
earning w-rn towels and waab cloths.
b. wubb. Wbm, bo..«i db.b .b ... “>■
worn underann part under the skirt,
•The tost card la partIcnUrly con­
or cold meau 'that combine well with ib.bkba. bf . bbTb.mrbb pbaamt
Fare-cloths, made of three thick­ euble most difficult for the amateur
“ ““
venient on such oecasiona as birth­ nesses of mosquito neulnk are ' very housewife to can succeesfullv. she while the -onwoto lower edge «rf the saUd. •
days and holidays. All of us have
will find that dried vorc ar.swers'a:) shin WBlo( will act as (be upper half
aaiUfacton. esi>ecially tor traveling.
rt.pp« cn^m. .bbul . ol .
well uml IA.JPU. h more easily pre­ of tbe underarm gore. In recnttluK
blH^hday* and we like to be remetnning of Ihe day. and have them a^ bbpm. bb.., .ottbiobb ..ooimim.
They keep white and dry quickly. A
pared.- Select 'perfectlv '.cib com; from the imper paturn. be sure to al
i>ered. It Is really a burden to send
cdgc Of (b* plste. ornsBieiit neatly
good finish lor tbe edge Is made by
light as |«sslb1e. The custards bread viti,
Fifis as often as we really desire, and
husk and drop into 4-tM>rccJaln lined low for seams.
puddings and .other egg desserts may
cborbetlng a small acalloh In white,
Coeoanut Padding—Place a teas­ and bake is a hot oven ttntil the paste
the post card often aorwent the jsirkettle of bollltiR mater. A.iow to
pink or bine.
lioM better berauae. In addition to Insieaui Just long enoogc to ••set" the original tiserulness. the- body of !l
The little Japanese toys which, i: milk In the kerne’s. >»tnst It win not may easily he cut Into a corwet cover, pUIn and fmlte.1 gelatines, and corn­ Individuel glasses and make a
dtratinR tbe fact that one reniein(>ers
Starve the Fly.
starch imddlngs. A vanilla blanc
hbi or her friends, the post card With pm Into a Rias* of.jraier, will hluom spatter when cut from Uf cob. Too aud the sleeve* will make a dalnty mange, carefully prepared, to be lard out of two cupfuls of mllk.Vhe
lamead of saying "sw'ai (be fiy" v«
one egg. half a Ublespoonfui
Its picture and baantlful senitmenl. Into flowers, are a- never ending Joy long cooking hsHcns the kernels. Cut Itaby cap. Or. an oral-shapdd collar served vrl|h' stewed fruit as a sauce yolk ot __
nowJuw •‘starve it." In otbar words,
from the cob with a very sharp knife,
lias a far deeper meaotnR (ban an or­
will keep perfeoily tor two or more
dinary arttdo of mrrckkndlse tbal Is when traveling, a box of mixed removing josi the lope of the ketneh. with lace, a Uby bib from the back, daps: Bavarian creams <n all their
from the
coeoanut and allow it to stand for an Here Is a good suggesUon: Before
beads, with
acvervl large blunt Then, with the dull hack of the knife, and sleeve piotector*
olferetl as % sift.
ntodlOcatlons are alao good. Wlit-n hour or so before aerrlng. The throwing tin cans away after betng
needles and some strgnds of colored iwess out the pulp. Spread oul thin sleeve*.
the morning inspection o! the refrig­ white# of the eggs are beaten and emptied of their conieata alt tbem on
Use far a Staam Caaker.
thread, will alao ^muse chlldrco on a on granite plates and aet at once in a
a hot stove for a few mlnutei to ebar
erator la made a glance will show need (or a meringue on lop.
Caulifiewer snd Rlmentoa.
Dear Homo Cheer; •
Uresome Journey. An umuually five, moderate oven. Stir ftwquenily to dry
(be smail partictas that cilag to tbe
Roll a laige cauliflower until tender. Jest how many addition* are necessary
Cracker Puddlag—To about four
You recently advised your readers ly boy who was just learning to tell as (horoughlj- and as quickly as |•ua'
Inilde and you tab tbe fly of hi* greatto comideie the da.Vs |>rov1ilona, and
to gel a Biaam cooker. I could not the Ume received a dollar watch. Just •Ible, as corn sours very easily When W'hen done, aeparate Into secllona
“ Z. aL. u ..T. :
all the work should be done Immedl
keep bouee without mine, esiveclally as he was sttrtlng on a lone trip. perfectly dm. put Into Jar* and keep RIace each In a small leaf of head let­
ately. so that there may be no chance,
In canning time. Instead of fussing HU mother decUrea that never was In a dry place. Soak several hours tuce.. Arrange five or six on a plate
later on. of putting a*»y half-warm eggs, beaten lightly, and a pinch of should not neglect to do all «
with a heavy boiler and a wooden a dollar spent more profitably.
for each Indlvtdnal salad. The dress­
, before cooking.
food to melt the lee and detract from salt. Rake tn a w«dl buttered baking deetroy them.
rack and a big fire. I put tbe trvlt and
Beans for Winter Itae-Ttm shrivel ing is the ordinary Frencdi drosaing. the value of the Ic* cheat.
dish In a moderate oven. \S*hen the
syrup in my cans, pop them Into the
«d i>ods of beans hanging on your wax oil. Tioegar or lemon Julee. aalt pe|>Many pecqvle do not know that noth­ costard ta firm cover the lop with a
^UMS for Eflg Volka.
Use for Mubber MatttiiBaicam exmker. which requires but one
per. and paprika, with pimento* chop
l^en tbe wkltaa only are used la
ing but tbe lee Uaelf xhouM be kept
A atrip of rubber malting aueb as
burner on my gaaollne stove, and
contain a delklous article of food for I>ed In, Cheese cracker*, salted waferw. In the Bpec-Ul ice chamber. The only meringue made of the white* of the
presto! the task Is done. No heat, U seen on the gangplank of a steamer Ihe winter. When tbe pod* are sear or atrip* of toast may be served with
lioaMble exception to this rule ta tbe Mgnr; flavor with vanUta. Set In the ‘
no muss, no back-breakfirilftinA^or
and dn'. shell Ibe bean* and hang tbU salad.
closed bottle of cooling water, lu a ovmt until the meringue ta a dellrole
the boiler srltb Its btwvy weljOit of dellveo' boys in the kitchen, or (be away in a cool, dry place. When de­
properly conitrtiLied refrigerator the trown.
»««»nlag ta V roUed late
water! I advise every- woman to sink where the liouaeworker moat sired (or nae. boil alowly in a granite
Maltro D*HeUl BvHer.
clrcotation ot the Interior air is puc
-little balls with tba w*t band*, and
own a trifile eieamer. with an anto- often stands. lu twlllency aparM kettle for four or five houtw, A rich,
This Is a datidow and too little po*eI>- such that the warm air. flil! of
CMekan Soup With Rica.
“•*« on Imuoe taarea Or they nay
mstic whU'le that gives warning when the feet and back, lu sdftneas deadens choeqlate oolored gravy wfll be found known sauce to use with meatA. It la
inipyitles. ta made «o pats dIreeU)
An old fowl ta best (or'soap. Clean ke run tbroogb a Hear as a gantak
the water ge.u low. You can cook a the noise and ft carried out’ to cover the bean*. SetM^ to taste, made a* follow*:
ovei the Ice aqd leave tbe Iffiparitlea and rut «p tbe fowl, put it in (he on top of aay salad or on top of crsain
whole m^fwlth one o|>eration. and and easily washed with the garden add a generous amount of butter and
Cream four UhleaBOODfsls of batter there, before sinking, after It I* cool­
soup kettle with three quart* of wa- toaaL If jtm have not a Hc«r,' press
the cooker will pay for Itself Inside hose. Tb<- edges are self-flnUbed and serve bol. The beans wlU be fonnd la a bowl, mtag a amall wooden spoon.
ed. to the lower part of the box. to ter. half cupful of rice, one blade of throogii a sieve with s woodtn potsor a month. In fnei savcl. to aay noth­ neat, and It Is much leas objection­ delldonx.. Dried corn (prerionsly Add one-half teaspoon salL one-elghtb
begin lu pllgrtmage again. For thlt mace, four cloves, one piece of clana- (OAnaabn.
ing of tbo lliue. strength and teni|ier. able than the faded rugs which are aoaked) may be added to tbe beans teaspoon i>epper. oae-balf tablespoon
Boa and one bgy leaf.* (isover tbe
. -i.

of the cook.
often ai>read out for tbe purpose of when first put over toe fire. With tbe finely chopped varaMr. oaekalf ubledesirable around the kc. end the old kettle and simmer gently for two
The Right Way.
CordlaUy yours.
protecUdg the floor.
addition ot milk when raady to servt. apooe lemon Jnlcc. drop by drop, notion that they prevented ice from
bows, or until tbe swat drupe from
The ri^ way to go through Hfb,
Mrs. J P l,ee.
seasoning and butler, a dish of succo- stirring eoauastly. Add a few grains melting did not uke Into considera­
tbe bones.
^ to have tlM bwl manners, la to
fHome Cbeer te glad to Rive aiaca
Fish Kedgerae.
pork, and boll until skins of tbe beans of cayenne pepper, mix tboroogbly. tion the tact that tbe uehlag ice car­
aeon «D* carrot nod one onion and foM and aet as t
to Mrs. l«e B llmrty leuer ud hopea’
Tbree-Quarien of a pound of cooked Tbew beans also babe well. Soak Chill and aerve on broiled cfaopa.
oat up Into squares. Put three (mble- tutter bow rielh or bow poor, nsed*
others win profit by lu good adrtea. fish, one quarter pound of bent rice, over night, drain, add a piece of salt Bteaks. chicken, planked wbtiefisb. ries off tbeae tnipurtUea.

oH the Mndnees they can get (rem
throe tableBpoonfoU butter, fonr eggs, l<ork, and boll until skins of tbe beans
interior of the refrlgaiator abooiiuely and when hot pot in tbe vegeubles others In tbs world.
aalt and pepper. Bone and a*he U.e begin to crack. Plaoe In a baking dish
sa-eet and cl^ A Jmi. clogged nnd sUr until brown, then add them to

----- -■ '
Worth Tryint.
cooked «sb. Boil tbe eggs ten mln- and Add pepper, more salt If needed,
. For QiiwB FnNta.
draUi pipe wi^ cauae food to aonr. no the soup, cover the kettle and almmar
Te Ctaoii Rugs,
Afur peeling onions, mb a tea-' uies nnd put In ooia water until want­
one teaspoonful of groond musurd
For eleeatag berries, or nay naan mauar bow tunch Ice ta In Ote iee-hox.
one hour longer.
Aftor the nsnal beating, prepare n
■poontnl or wot aalt ever tbe bands. ed
Moll tbe butur In n anoeepnn and two lesapoonruM of aagaf to each fruit. pUoe tbejn ta an ordinary oorsTwice a week U ranuBv and once a
Rub It In well, nnd nnae la cold wn. and mix nltogcttaer In It with aalt
Remove tbe chldiea. take off tbe Poll of sawdnst mixed wtih one quart
quart of beans Bak* in a eteady oven POM>er. and shake tboronghly la *Week in winter ta not too often to
ter, nnd nil odor Of the onions wlU •and poppnr to taste. Add egga wall
white meat, chop It fine. Remove t^ Of gaaoUiN; brush thoroughly into
for tour or five boara. Make a sasca watm-. TWa wfll aot entab the fruit give the box n thoroogh denning and
have vanlsbed as If by magk.^
carrot snd spieea from tbe soup and (be rags with an ordinary acnibblafbrokea-ap nad narre very bot.
by boiling one qoart of canned tana sad is more qnleUy don*.
ntaflig. All (be •bqlvee ataptdd he press tbe remaisder tbnmgb a coarse bnmh sad^bey vlB look Uks new.

J4ome Cheer


Sditor's Jable

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