Grand Traverse Herald, August 07, 1913

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Grand Traverse Herald, August 07, 1913


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, George G. (1861-1942)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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oldest PAPEK in




Wilt-Aid Pannoro and t


8caul«. Waab.. Auc 6—OrsutHAMtRiCA CAPTURE* LAURELS tioDi of (araiers Uirougbout (be itate
of Waabl&jnoo toda)- sent to OorFROM GREAT SRITAIN
ernor Uiier a pedlbti urging an Im­
mediate paraage of legtalation which
will eiiabl^b a aiale powder tanory.
A 160.000 aprroprlailem.was made bj
the last legislature, but- additional
leglslaltOQ. the fanner* declare. Is
lEeP EUPPLV FUR- necessary to make the proposed fac­
tory of real aid to them. The rnnebNIEHCE REAL PROELEM
aad others iniereated declare
that suefa a factory would reduce the
cost of poader to be otilized for
Pending Receipt of His Report Presi­
Pe^t are Advieed to Eat Merc
b'owlng up stumpi and rock formaEheep dad Lamb in,.Order to
dent Wilson Will Take no
lions from tl3 and SH per hundred
Further Steps to CIcer
RedHM High Cost
.Hmnds to about ts and $6.
of Living.
Up the Muddle




Washlnfien. Aug. 6.—Americans are
the blccest anat eater* in the world
They beat Johnny Bull, with all bis
leccnda about the beef of old EnglaixlMorwvcr they Sat more beel per caplu (ban (be British do.
Figures for nest esUnc in 190<>. Juki
Biad* public by (bp bureau of animal
Industry, of the depaHmeni of agrleuUure. show tbai the i>er naplu consompilon of meat for that year in the
United Suiss «as ic:ju pounds, di­
vided as follows irrsctlons onilftedi
Beef. bO pounds: veal. 7; inrk. C7
mutton and lamb, 6; goat meat, .13.
Orer In En'gland. where the) bostil
about good old roast beef, the per
capital (or thM product is only r.e
poumls. Morwver the proi>oriion* el
beef Id the total eateu by me Ameiican Is esactl.v the same ea for ^tbe
Britisher—17 per cent. InhabUsnlh of
the "light little Isle" make up their
total by sating .26 pounds of mutton
year, at asalnsi the American’s 6
. The Spanish are the smallest meat
caters, thslr per csplU oonsumptlon
btdng only 42 pounds. Uertnan.v'a Is
113 pounds In both German) and
FVaace pork ia the (avoriie meat.
'In vtew of the growing s^arcit.'
and high pricaa of cattle and swiue
and their producu In our markets Id
recent times, it it well to call atten­
tion to the oomparaiivelY Itisigniflcant
part played by the ovine jEi>eriet in
oar meet dtetary." the bureau dedares. 'It may be seen that we couBtii^ only C pounds ot mutton and
lamb per heed this year, which
barely 4 per oent of the total meat
attpply. Wheo we comiare this,
eonaomp^n of mutton with that of
Bagland. a very striking .contiaat Is
"Our small consamption no doubt is
alaly attrtbatabla to the e
cheap and abundant BU|>piles of beef
and )«rk which have prevailed In for­
mer year*, (hut rending It vnoecesoary to look elocwbere (or meat But
the day ot cheap meat Is post and tlie
present market prleos of food animals
point to the (act that it li becoming
mote and mora Imperative that every
available eoaroa ot our meat supply
kbould be corefnlly doveloped. Hence
the neceaalty for more sheep farming.
- It IS UDdenteUe that the sheep spe­
cies. both in the Iamb stage and when
older, fumishas meat of most excel­
lent uualitr wboR the ahlmals are
suited for tUa parpoot. Therefore
the 1-rfannt aoema to be on opp^une
uiiie for Biockmeli to pay more atten­
tion ir> (be rolaiaE ^ sheep tor meat
produ- don.
' Finally it vcmM be in the Interest
of fconomy foe the people generally
to cuiiiisie a greater taste for mut­
ton and lamb, espedally the smaller
(amlllee who regulre Aointe of a stxe
that cannot usnally be supplied from
the larger beef animals. A more InsUient demand on the part of the pub­
lic for mutton and lamb ot gooda qualIty would no dcMbt eoon lead
iDcreeae ot breeding and feeding op­
erations. besittes rsllevtug somewhat
the present heavy demand for beef
and pork In the face of a abort supPU -

Washington. Aug 5.—Pending the re­
ceipt of B reiKirt from bis special repliisenutivo, ex.Curenior IJud u( 51 lunraote. now enroule to Mexico l'U>
President Wllion will take no further
eiepa in the Mexlvnu alluatlon. Und
.will ba<> praciirolly * free band In
Strong Teaching Material ia Baing Mexico. IHs first step win be
tempt to old Influential Uetlcans who
Enrolled in tha County Nortrying to bring about peaie. Hr
mat Claas
will report conditions to Wilson a* he
B^a Uiem. and the president will be
County rommlsaloner Honaby uid^ by Hie information hr obialns
bos received,trum the itaie library
of 50 books that they are sending
to every county In the slate
Tbese have beiuj carefully selcrtod
for. the different grades from the
Brat to the eighth, and are sun)
the best works that are published.
are .most of them rlgiit off the
press. The Illustrations are mostly
In colors and very attractive for the ATTEMPT MADE TO SHOW AC­
dier children. Teachers, offliera
and parents can Inspect these at
t hopse and they can be loaned
for a certain length of time far read
In the home.


Eagles Will Enjey Outing at LslarMf
The anoual picnic of the Eagles’
lodge will be held at Inland on 8u»diy. August Ifi. EveryiKfd) t* invlied
to go aloag and help to make the day
au enioyable one. A speeUl train will
leave the M. * N E depot (or ITovetnont wber* gmoll boats win be pro­
vided to Ealab the trip. The Eagle*’
baseball lean will play the Inland
team and a Hvely game la looked (or.
Those who BB may aitber Uke their
dinner along or eecur* It ar the hotel,
as ample provrigtoba vfll ba made
either way. Tbs' irate will leave
7:30 in tbe momlof.




This year’s per capita of primary
money will be I7.ti, s little morejiian
as last year.
The school board of Bowers Har­
bor have decided to build a new
Attorney Riehseds introduced Oepeeft
school bouse this >«ar. and WllSlip*. Showing Coverner Pieced
wlU build a thre»rooni
$12,000 In Bank During
His Campaign
Appllcalloos are being received for
enrollment In the county normal (or
New- YoriL Aag. 6.—An .ntcinii.
(he coming year. Some nre gradB from iba high selinol and son^ show; tlial Governor Sulzer hud a*
With Fuller end Gray. Wull^
teachers of experience. These will
broker*, during bis campaign
always be given first choice. The
for govertiur. was nne of the sensaclass this year will be limited u
Ilona sprung today before the Fra*The hen teachers' examination will ley leglMallre commllieei te'estigai
be at the court bouge August 14 and Lng iuio the Dnanclng of 8ulzer's campnlgn.
The rtluaol of Frederick Caldwell,
witness, to answer questions, handi­
A commltt^-composed of 8up(. I.
I-. Tyler. Mlas'Pepple and the county- capped the curamlitee. The commliwanted to learn If he h»d lold
board of examlaera liave paaaed i
that "Account No. .■.«» at khiluniform lUt of text books to be lised
in the county. About one-quarter of ler A Gray’s was Oir'account of Gov
Sulzer. under cover." ("aldwell
the echools have already adopted
notified that (be committee
them. A special course of atudy has
been prepared to be used with ibis would take legal action to force bis
Hat of hooka. '
port by Attorney Richards, who in­
troduced deposit slip* of tbe Mutual
Alliance Trust Co., showing deposits
of 112.000 between Oct.
and Nov.
EE 12. In a sworn statement Sulzer aaid
to bis campaign toUlled $5,460.


WKh Speedy New

Annual' Evtni Will be Held on Fri­

Anangements are being made for
the aanuBl Weyuetong club regatta.
bleb wia be faelJ Friday. August 22.
This win be the biggest event that
tlte'Ciub has planned (or and the intereel this yaar will be greater than
ever. C. E. Case of Bentohia'ii hav­
ing a new fast boat built for the occa
Sion (hat will eclipse any that lie has
operated before. He expects to meet
who owns the "Mary
Loe," that last year made better than
32 miles an hour. Beside this there
will be many novel races, tbe cruiser,
the different styles of motor boeU.
the sail boat, the row boot, swimming
and diving, tub races, log rolling, tug
of vrar.' The committee are sslng
their beat efforts to have this the big
day ot the year for the club. There
win be a dancing party In the even­
ing: The grtmiids will be specially
decorated and many
guests will be preeenL The full mem;,
bership la expected to aid In this
gathering and take pan In
tHal w'lll tend to make this the lucIhal all erenU of this natuie
have been in tin past The programs
be laaued in a few daya

August dth Is the big day for the
county Sunday schoola. ibat being the
date of the big picnic. A great deal
of Interest Is being shown throughout
the county and a record-breaking
crowd te expected.
One ot the features In cxranectkm
with Ihe rally win be the rarade.
which leave* the corner of Casa and
Washington streeu at 6:30 sharp.
The line of march is as follows; South
Ob .Cora to Eighth, west on Eighth to
Division, north on Division to Front,
east oA Frost to picnic grounds. Each
school will loin the parade when -It
pa*e«s tha corner nearest their
Right otter dinner there wUl be a
fivotenlng boaeboll game between (he
married and nnm^ed men. There
«U1 be on* or two other ball gomee
also. Everyone haring mtlia. hate.
balU, etc, on asked to brteg them.
At 2; 10 tbe track evenu will be
pulled off. with etUUble prise* for
each event Tbs school (hat wiu tbe
moil points will receive a wall map
ot Ihe Holy Und.



• Wasbingtoo. Aug. 5—Further to
l^pulsrite the parcel post system with
the public Postmaster Gencrdl Burletoday lormalty announced that
after August 15 (he weight limit on
package* would he plaivnl si 2d
IKiiinds fit now Is 11 pound*) and ihai
a n-ducUon In rhorgoB for the tr»n»poriailoo of package* would be made
meed also that on the same
dole tin- ’’banking hy mall" feature
would he Inlrodiiced Into the postal
NnvliiKS s>*U-m.
The change in the posial oaring*
syBtero will enable dei>oKltors living in Measures Are Taken Merely to Pro­
remoie diBirict* to avail ihemacivea
tect Msritune Trade of Nation
ot tbe bem-flu ot tbe s; Btem. The
Which Will Grow When
reform ha* been under consideration
Panama Canal Opens
sofee lime






This is a u-xt often dwelt u|mii
liv itn-aihc-rw m ibelr Sunday set
mom- and l■•ox>rtcn lalla short of
<x.nv.-ying the leeson that is
uiiant for the congregation They
all succeed In satisfying themselves that they have not spent
their money in riotous, living
while awny from borne. This I*
where they make a mistake, for
there are tounllesa |>eO]ile who
ignore the message *l>oken by the
pteacher when they are in ever'
setrse guilty from a moral stan-l
|)OlBt. The man or woman w ho
«!>«&ds their n>oncy out of town
for necesslllcB which they can
' buy at home i> a nrodigal son or
’ daugbler. for they are wasting the
' aubstonre of the comnumliy In
• which they live hy si-n.lltir » to
' the outsider who ha* no Inierests
• In the town where the money i*
■ earned When i>fo|de make their
• money in a certain community
' they are under a moral oMlgallon
• to *|iend that money In the place
• where it Is named, and If ihcj do
• not the*’ ate .prodleala Just as
• much as the Elibllcal boy who
• si>em hIs suhfiance in noioiii liv
• mg aw'av Irom home There Is an
' economic law that domands that
the money ot n community be
kept at home and the RUvresw and
pro*iH‘rU> of that community dcpends entirely in (tie maimer in
which the ODe* who live there
* abt-lo bv th» law. The breaking
un eeonouilc law- is pro-llgslity
•.-aLJhe Worst kind, ami ili< fan
that some towns ore hard up In
the tulilsi of V>ros|-< my In due to
the fart that too iiiany of the inhabitaot* have the soap club dlseaM- and mail or^ler tnania to estaiilish and ntainislii financial
health in their particular coni
munliy. Kvery dollar s>-m out of
town 1« a dollar lost to tee cimilalioii of that comniuuiiy and the
-eaciion must of peieisK) l>e felt
te every line of bnnncBr that Is
conducted there. ' A community of
prodigal* cannot iTosper aiiu Ihe
soouer thih lesson I* learned by
those who hnvp- (Mnlnrled the
mail order liabii the i>eiier it wjll
‘ be fur (he towns In which they



Igtndoii. Aug. 5—It woa authorita
lively Mated today that In the matter
of the Hormuda naval baoe. Great
Hrliain’s Inienilons have been exng.gersied and mtscoa8trucd.p It was de­
clared that l-higland has In mind noilh
lug that will menace tbe .Monroe doc-

The odmlralily imendi only to re­
pair knd modernize the present de­
fenses at ItennndA Five veasele of
the cruiser nquadrun will be stationed
there. It was announced. ..Tbe aole
purpose of the more. It w-u stated. Is
protect-the country’s maritime
' trade, which Is bound to increase with
opening of tbe Panama ranal.'













Shanghai. Aug. 6.—Northern troop*
undi-r cvimmaml of General Hiu lu
Billed a se»e:e defeat on the Chlnkiang garrison yesterday. Term*
then nade with '>neral Htiv fbr the
r«-e*ialj!l»hnicDt of the government administration in the town, but late last
night. Biidlng the northerners occupy­
ing poNltlons on the Chlnklong aide of
the CliangiAe river c<intrari to the
agreement entered into with General
Mku, the garrison attacked the northenters and «ank several of their
Junks Two hundred northerner* were Prepsratient Made for Taking Part in
Picnics and Convention to be
ktll.>d rhingkiag ts in the provtnciHeld Here During This
flf Klanesii. about 35 mites oortheasi
of Naoklug.


Seven autos took thirty-three mote*
hers of the Committee ol TkeBty-Ooe
down tiMhe HoK-I NesliiawaAta (or a
leguiar nrecilhk and suiiper Monday.
Several of the wirea accompanied
ihelr biisbapda. Airaugemenu had'
Ireeii made With Manager Reuner-'foi
n *u|i]ier (n be served of^r tbe regu­
lar KueMB had beeif token oarp ot.‘
Etete Board of Health Expects Coed Three tables accommodated tbq comResults to Come Prom
(■any anil tbe service woa exceUeni. A
- Trip
Klx-courwe luacbeon was aerved and It
demonstrated that Ur. Renner la a
chef of no mean ability , oa well os a
IdiDsing. Aug. 6 —The slate of
Michigan today is appearing in tbe '1^'or the bnsiness meeting tbe meiarole Ins’nictor in a unique campaign bers were seated te the north end of
of pubiir health education. In charge tb^inlng room. T. H. Sherman coUnf Or. U. U niton, head of the sta'c ed'ihe meeting to order and Frank E.
board ol hralth. a “public health, spe­ Lohym was chosen chairman for ‘the'
cial" 'K^taking a tour of the state evening.
An lovluUon was read from the lo­
In wblrhSfverj Important community
in the lower peninsula will be vis­ cal t'niied Commercial TraveUra re­
questing (hem to be present at a bas­
ited. The trip will last 24 day;a.
picnic yhdb is to be held at tha
Tbe "public health special’’ con­
sists of three exhibition eooches and baseball pttk oaNlainrda|^ Ang. 16.
a Pullman. .Dr. Dlxun win teach not when all the membM^TRMita'CtemmiV


only the principals of good health
but the prevention ot disesses. rroiaued Into all the available space In
tbe roaches ore pictures, chsru and
One model igros an . unaani
tary bouse in which tuberculosis
might tbrivt;. Another was a model
h'-use with quarters (or
,-H.rson separated from the
(he hulldteg and wK^ all sorts of
appliance* to prevent ^ny ' possible
spread of the disease to other memof the household. There
OKidels of sanitary drinking cup*,
bathrooms and
In one of the exhibition coaches
-e two bedrooms, contrasting good

arniDgcmelft. In another port of the
model garbage incinerator is
demonstrated. In another eecUon- te
apparatus showing the proper conRiructioD of wells to prevent poliution ot the water.
Moving picture exhibits and lec­
tures will be givefl In all tbe towns
ci<d rlUes visited w’bero. overnight
M-ipr are made. About 60 place* will
be visited li) tbe "public health spe­
cial.’ The lenj^h of stops will
from several days in the larger
clUes to an hour or two te the small
Ariing by the authorization of the town*.
county board of supervitors Sberlff
('ruze of Houghton county today is
rei-elring a body of 6C»0 deputies who
will aid the present force of l.nm>
ilcpuiles In guarding mine property
Biter the troop* are withdrawn.
Calumet. Aug. 6.—Active preporaUons were started today by Brig­
adier General .Abbey lor the removnl
least part of the militiamen
from the tirike' ‘district within the
few days. General Abbey sdntlUed today that be
dfOnlte order from Governor Perris
the subject (glibiQ a few hours.
The mllilory board will ronveae to­
morrow to determine what shall be


The old soldier, bis wife or hU
widow, who is exempt from pay­
ing taxes, cannot bold a school
office. Such persons are also
debarred from voting at school
- gnardlosi of children <
> UaL
For every child who die* from
food siarvatioh, one thouasod die
from (reab air starvation. The in­
D erery school boy

Enforce IL

Four Areas Have Been Approved
and Are Located Upon Croat

M'sahlnglon. Aug. 6.—The first govcrnmeni fureai to be acquired upon
the w-atcrahed of tbe Ohio river ho*
just been app^ved (or purchase by
the nailonal Jbresi reserve commis­
sion. This purchsae It Included In
what Is known as the Uonongahala
area, and the commlsalon conaldare it
on Imponant one since tbe <Rilo te
one of (he most used narigoble
Rural school dtetricts can pre­
ctreams of the country- I^t year
vent the danger of disease contha Pittsburgh flood
tamlnatlon from tbe commoo
special atudy of reforestnUon at Itt
drinking cup and pail by purhaodwatere.
chastng a sanitary, drinking foun­
Poor area* In oU ore approved, intain (or less-than 620. Tbe In * iliidlDg. the Monongabela, and moktep
veounant might save tbousands of
up the largMt set of purchoaes passed
dollora in doctor bllte.
upon at any one timevby the commUaloti.
They aggregate 11SA06
Tbe eane pereni woold not (nut
acres, and bring ^ total of o» tb*
his tiilld 10 Ihe car* of an un­
national (oreau in the east up to
trained phytirlon or dentUL Why
713,415 acres. 'Of this amount about
should an ontrained man or wom­
360.000 Acres were acquired during tbe
an be permitted to expertnent on
(Utel ycar ending June 30. 1613. ood
' theeblldlntbeguteeof a teacberf
400.000 acres dering tbe flicol year
eadlng Jane M, 1612.
Hundred* of school children and
icarhera are wearing glasses to­
day because achoolroous of this
eUle are Improperly lliteted: Hun­
dreds of ethers need to wear them
from the Mme cause.


participate la tbe
enjoyments of the day. Ttie bosket
picnic will l>e served at noon, the
sports to follow. These will inclnde a
baseball gome between a picked team
from each organisation. Tlda will be
tbe greatest alum ever polled off te
this place of nouble games. Other
amu&emente wiu be planned by the to­
nal committee and tha day set ^ort
for aU the fun waathte. A. V. Fried­
rich and Jno. O. Straob are to repre­
sent the association end to see.that
all the wheels ore propwlr oUed lor
the occasion.
- The coming postmasters’ coBveatloa
was discussed which win be hrid ia
this city August 27. 21 and 26. .0^6
the committee that Poatmoster Fried­
rich had already opfwteted to lo^ aft­
er (be arrangements wag confln&ed.
They ore oteo to repeeatmt this or­
The matter of sufficient sQtemobilea
I take the delegates at that time to
’Neabuwanta for a (teh dlnnpr win be
taken care of. U win need every
available one and the owner* ehonld
be prepared to offer their cart when
the committee call* on them. This
has come to. be a splendid way to give
tbe visitors a trip through some of the
ry of this re­
Tl^ Grangers of tbe flv* countie*
re £)'^ve a big rally at the ball
parii on tVednesda)-. August 27. and
they have extended an Inritetlon to
the Committee of Twenty-One and an
lb the cHy to join with
them on that occasion. There will be
(our of tbe l>est speaken among the
f Grangers at that time and will
tContlnued on page two)


Milwaukee. WIs, Aug. i-—Wlsconn today cakes her place a* s 'fighi AgricuKura Oral Arithmetic
state." The new Uw- legalizing box­
Languag^ at Exam*.
ing under the superrUlon of three
conutilsbloners who are empowered lo
When the prospecUve teacher* ot
enforce (he new la*, goes into effect ihU county appear on Aw. 14-16 to
today. The new law follow* closely take the «nnuol sute (oil examinothe proriilODS of the Frawley law in tlon. tb^y will find the nsual Utt of
New Yorti. Heavy i>enaUles are pro­ subjects increased by agricnltnro.
vided (or Infractions of any sectlou L^t year the Important eabject was
of the law. Brae of the provuions Introduced te toe el^Uh grade
Of (be new statute provide for:
ibroughout the sute and the eighth
A commisaloD of three members, grader* were required to fan on «xro to be appointed by the governor,
fmteatlon upon IL Now It become* a.
and these two to appoint a ”»ecrepan of the Ceachers' exonlBattoo os
fan ” who will be a member of the
I was the I
A license fee Of 313,000 for all box­
of oral Ungnige and arithmetic work
ing clubs.
In the teochen' examlnatlm In April,
Each club must employ a licensed
that It will be eo&Unned. A long Itet
The building In which the fights of varied subjects will be preiented
take place must be leased for at least from which each teacher mast choose
topic and ulk on tbe eome (or at
ae year.
All bouts are limited to ten rounds. least two mlButs*. kteBtal ortthmetle
Five ouDc^ te the minimum weight problems requiring both risooUiatlOR
and TV>ld thlnklftg wiD alee be Btren.
ot the glovee used.
All fighters must be at least eight­ The answers wtu be gtvta oroUy In­
stead ot writing them daws. An jh*
een year* of age.
Flghiera must be examined by *i*i*te course of st^y^frttt to i
pbyalcten and the referee before all mandatory,
* ■laateta opoa i
— meric and oral Ubtaag* voik, this
in code of accident tbe physlrioo work te to be tacladed tB BMflais
and referee will be held oceounteble. UoA* hereoAor.




Grtni Triivene Hendi^xpetm Rates Cat


ma-otew oat
__.*rtd aa
J. at Um portoiriea at
March t.
Mlcb. uDder Uia Act o(
TratcTM City. A___
Ofltea. ia Prent M. Beth Phonaa a

ia adraacc
....... 7te a adfanoe
.... dOc te advasca

IH livn« Meab

The interstate commerce commIS'
Sion has reduced the rates on express
liarkages from ten to liny per cent,
the change to bocoma operativeOctober Ifi. This action oomca oiler
the members bad made an exhaustive
lirtrMlgaiioti Into (be merlu ot the
protests from the romitanles against
change. The changes In rate*
greatly beucDt tbe peo|>le. ex
they are lowereJ to a imiot where
they can com|>eto with the parcel post
in tbe different tones in which the
rates are no* base.1. This drastic
tion was brought about by the
preee cotupaMes ihemselvcs when
(bey placed the charges above whai
Ibey should and then refuted to lower
them when requested by the comaiissUin. The coniponles knew that (hey
kood UiiQB with the old
and believed that the people would
continue to sund for them as long as
tbeyWe^ charged, but ia tbU a^ ilui:
they mlsunders(^£emt>er of the
public and lost out in (betr
Corporatlco greed U tbe real cause
of Ibe sweeping order of the commis­
sion. for at no time during the nrgotlallons did the expresa companies ofihe requests of the com­
mission. but stood firmly for what
they bad fixed as their own rates
all classes of goods. The latfcel post
bad a great deal to do «lih tbe de­
cision of the comml-sfcn—s. wbo be­
lieved (hat if the government could
t-urr.-' parcels at a profit at parcel post
the ex|>ress coini>snlas could do
vanie ibiog. The test <pvse
brought Ih (hr fruit growers of UjuUIans sgaiost the Aniericiin Express
coin|«ny for overcharging on shlpmenis of fruit from that se<-(lun
Chicago wis one of tbe factors ol the
-hangr. fur It. waa proved tlvat Ibeir
•uif!. wore fifty per Cent too high and
they had to drop down onc-hslf In
(heir rbsrcrs vsben plat ed undrr fire.
carrier the t-sprCrSi
coii>i-aMt-- iu<- legally required
•I. lilies so as not to make
hnnlcD to tbe shipper, and It
K tail that caused the InvestipoMor •*'.-1 '•esulted in the rhangefi or
i. Ir ilie long run It is best for
potsiion to meet the people half
wTty, bccniise the public will stand
liij»«‘iice ft-r almni so long and then
back up whh serious resuitt to the
Tlie change w ill
make n great difference in Ihe ship­
ping business of the ctmniry. which
wilf be loi 'ilie good of the public.

cni r>ea. Oood bMlihr i
make good healthy citigens.
matter what their nationality, those
who come to this country, if given
proper chance will develop in tbe
right dlroctloa. Ti'ith theip fnodamestal facts in view it Is tbe daty
of the city to work for better eltlara*
ship, even If it has la be done
exttense of numbers. Tbe city with
hundred ihottaand inhabltania
that is well governed and ahoonda in
aanlury homes is far superter
city that has a million pwple within
Its ItmJta. a Urge proportion of whom
huddled together In cheap tens-;
inenis with no possible oppartunliy
of rising nbova^the porerly line or
haring a chance to use or deyeiop
the brains with wbKdi (bey were'en­

Hdgiaf Ike Regta

One of (be things worth while that
Is being done by the local banks is
the grain and grass show that Is
living rt>ndi>cie«| by the Traverse fili>
Slate bank. Tbe display consists of
specimens of grains and grasses that
e grown In this vlrlolty and give?
stranger an excellent Idea of wbai
the lands of tbe region are capable of
liroduclng In Ihe way of dlvprslfle.1
crops. There I* great value In shows
Of this kind, for ibeV not only attract
new settlers to Ibe region, but create
a healthy rivalry among the fanners
and thereby improve the crops that
they grow. Another fact that (bouH
be considered U tbat It brings the
farmer! and bankers Into closer rela­
tion with each other and does •
with the old-time supposition that the
hanker Is in buiiness for revenue only
and docs not care for the welfare of
the farmer. It is a well known lari
tliat the bankers of this region
vitally interested In-the success of
the farmers aqd fruit growers and arc
early si>ending goodly autns for im)>rovenient of crops and other Indus­
tries Ibat will -add lo (he wealth of
(he region. Modern business demands
close alliance between the farmer
and banker, for each Is dependent ui*
n the other In a financial way. and
bat ia good for the one naturally
benffit-* Ihe other, riraml Traverse
region bankers are a progrcKt-ivc lot
Of niMi and since they have organlied
tect tbe hesllh of tbe people:
and ul^D up development work a
etgn meat is bound to come to
great doal of good has been aeeonicountry in increased quanilltes In the
tdisbed. This is only one of the lines
future on tccount of the great railing
ui«D which they are working, but li
off in the home production. wbiiA bss
is a mcthoil (bat will |ioTe tbe way for
decreased thirty per cent since ISOC.
belter conditions, net only In
This fsIHng off in tbe home produetton
county^ iiut in all otiior* that ar
has taken place while the population
eluded within the territory of
has continued to aieadlly Incruas
There Ik u lendcntv on tbe part N'oriUwesiem Michigan tlankers'
order to increase the home supply ' Ciller Cl tbe present tln^c' to wurk
the depanmeni Is steadily waffing war invard I'lC end of rainifig a great
against the tick, which is the greatest populaiion reganileM of whether
enemy of cattle In the south, and tubthey can taslmllate the
erculoala. mouth . disease and other creased numbers and provide them
maladies that kill off cattle In -other wlib prnfiiabte employment The
sectlona of the country. If tbe meat manU lor largo figures liu-populailon.
npply continues to decline in this regardloK of tbe daft of people that
country It will not be the fault of the are brought in. not only rompflraiea
' goremment. but on Kcount of tlie the problems of the cities, but In- UNITED STATES ASKS FOR RELIG­
• passlog of the great cattle ranges In creates the expense and lowers the
the west it is dirDrnlt to see bow tbe Btandard of rltlzensblp to a point
supply ran be increased to a point where tbe very welfare of tbp clilet
where the supply will be large enough it menaced. It Is a good thing lo
to meet the' demand at p reasonable have a large population to boast of.
l-ilce. Tbe meat problem Is one of but the eonditlods must be such that
tbe lire Issnet of the day for which tbli population can be bandied in
sane solution must be found In order satisfactory manner if the best i
to supply tbe freatast need of tbe suits arc to
obtained from this
the greatest erlls of tbia race for
great ccotralixatlon of people. One of
popuiatloB Is tbe increase In the alnin Pretldsfit ef Confararvet Claims That
This Liberty la Alraady AcknawL
■element >wblch is bound to follow
On August ii. tbs jakway bill,
edged ami Will bg Om.tmere hid for numbers bn Uie part of
which was passed by tbe last legls
tad Prom Treaty.
those who are administering the atlatnre. will become effective,
fairs of the -cities. When people are
win lit well for Ihe fruit growers and
huddled Into tenementa with only
dealer* to i>ost np oh tbe provisions
Bucharost. Aug C.—At the fieaca
raeans of making a Tlvlng tbe
of tbe measure. This bill wasjiassed
conditions are bound to^e such that conference today M. Mnjoresko. pres­
for the purpose of secuHng an bonest
the best interests of the ’community ident of llie conference, read a
pack of fruit and the proper labeling
not aen-ed, and tbe general stand­ from the I'nltcd States government
of Uia same and carries a penaUy
ard of living lowered'to such a de­ expresking a desire to see Inserted M
for rioUUdns. The fruit locked In
tbe treaty of Bucharest a stipulation
gree that evil rasDlia are bound
tbe future must be of unUonn die.
follow. Tbe (rue Meal for rltlea to securing civil and religious liberty ic
color and be free from disfiguring dUstrive for ts a condltloa wbere the the i<opulatlons Inhabiting terrltor;
eases to Ihe. amount of ninety
people will not be crowded into the which may be ceded or annexed. .
cenu but an allowance Is made for
M. Majoictko remarked that such
tenementa where they
natural deterioration while In transit.
libcny was the law lu every cotimiy
U also does away with-the fsciDg-or have no chance to breathe fresh air
llarticliiatlng In the peace cooferenec
packages of fruit with fine specli
and aU tbe bawds of the various doleill insure a healthy mind
and the filling of tbe balance of (he
Oood living conditions wilt In- gaUons agreed Ibat It would be s
basket, box or barrel with fruit of
perfluouK to think of Inserting such
-cd cltixeoahlp. which Is
ferior qushiy. Not less than (wenij
special clause.
per cent of the oontents of tbe pack goal toward which the nation le
Secret Was Well Kept
age can be Of smaller site than the Ing slowly, but surely. It Is not
tVasblngion. Aug. 6.—The Inienilt
top laver and the packer get away ■onable to suppose that a good cltlten
of the American government to make
with It under the law. It will be In
to the Balkan pea<«
teresting to note how the Uw works crime and poverty, and yet the cHiea
deleftsies bad been ao carefnlly guard­
In their mad race tor greater
out in the state'and ho_w m
ed that It was not generally known
fall to obaerre It and gat iflro~'TTouble/ hers have fonmitcn this point which
I in oBiclat circles todsy that a
‘nte custom of pamng any kind ol'lh-' they will regret In the future. The
note had been dlapakcbed to Bucha
ferior fruit In (he middle oM package living sdeanugea of tbe poor in tbe
cltiee arc not what they ahonid
by certain gn&wm led to the
U Is known, bowever, (hat the ad­
of the bill in^ order that the MktalKan and tbe great problem of tbe future
ministration has been recetvBy; vig­
fruit oOBid
brought up to tbe grade is to Improve them in a manner that
orous protoets from Jews ali over (he
of the w-ealeres product. Tbe fature will eliminate the crowding Into
L'uHed Btatas against the treatment
of the fruit Indnstry of the etate deOf people «( their religion in Roopawds upon tbe soccessfel warkiog of people to live lo more privacy and
with wholesome ttirroandlnga. Mere manla. The state departmem was ad­
(; tor It U necesaarr
never dM gad never will vised (bat Roumanian Jews were
ima dishoneat pockera in order to aebeing deprived of civil rights goarancni« and keep a market and eslabilsh make a cKy. It ukea virile men and
teed tbem under (he treaty of Bera reputatte for tb» Michigan prod- women who are In touch with tbe
TliU fhftaaoced the administra­
net. Tlioro baa boon'a wonderiul modem meaning .of Mrillxation to
lo oak that a guarantee of rellgebaage in mothoda of packing to thie make a dty from the civic and
- standpoint, but this class oI ioos liberty be included In tbe pro­
aactloa daring the paat two yaan. but
posed treaty of Boebarcet.
tbora U aua room for Improvonent in people cannot be produced amid con-'
vmv dbwcUona. and it la aspocted ditlosa that hinder mental aod moral
lent Tbe problem of tbe diy(hat this bill will be tbe maane of sc^
la a great one. and it can never be
curiag a s^tnm grade of fruit
(ContlBued from lAge one.)
this rsfiaa. Ttw abaervanea of tbU solved by piUng op numbers d peo-|
Uw by Iba crowara will inaao- much pie and leaving tbem to work oat| coll in tbe largest crowd ever aaaem
tbdr own aalvatlpn tbe beet they bM OB tbeae groeods. On motkn it
(0 the ragUn U .tbe way of aaut
unanltnonslr avwed to go In a
It la tbe duty of tbe dty to
a ropuUiloo to'tha'local f
TU taw aivUaa to the oaaa wbo saU flare for .its dtlseos in a naoner body and help make tba roily plcOle a
frolt es tbe Bwrkol aa wall
that wUlSnowaae their effieteney in Meeaa.
Tbe matter e( having n ‘'bome«omthe eommaalty. not only aa moooy
wnmar uA dbtj»aw pooltlM
aakars, but aa workara tor the f«n- lag week" tor Traverse City and Tbit
Sacraun- of Agriculiure Houtton
hat decided to bar all diseased and
immire meati from antraoca Into iba
liaitad ^taa. aad In ae fatnre no
maati alll be accorded admluion unleas thar come up to the aane stand­
ard as required of the domestic packins bouses. He has dlspstcbed represantatJtes of ibe ^apartment to Anaualia and South Amehcs to Inspect
Ibe packiiif; houses In those coun­
tries, and also to InraatlRaie.tbe con­
dition of (he rattle on (tie raOBes In
order that the department may koo«
Just ahai the asact conditions are
mad hov to protect the oonaumar in
this country acaitist any Infected
meau that may be shipped bere Tbe
object of aendinx these commissioners
sbix>sd U neither to encoarage oi
courase tbe finporutfon of meat, but
merely to tainJUarlie tbe deparii
«ilb Ibe coDdlUona that surround the
mest from the time the calf Is
until the flaisbsd product Is turned
o«t of the packhiB bouse. When these
(sets are knorn the dapsnment can
cooperate with the treasury depfirttnent and eSectoally bar any meats
that do not conform to the mea
Bpeciton ,ari and tbe pure food and
drug law. This course will eVectually
prerent any diseased meal from

Sr^k of eWes



The Jskway law



' tr ifOMir cwLMEii
rememlMr—Scott’i Em

food; it
dkokea he.^ blood .Dd pro*
note* Sturdy growth.

region met with favor, but it was sng
kcKted that at there were so many of
(be people .w ho had gone to far points
live and that If It waa Uken up.
Traverse City never doing anything
by halves, considerable time would be
naccaury to Uke care of all (be de­
tails, and It waa moved lo defer It
until at later date and then begin tbe
adverUalng several months ahead.The West Michigan Bress’club are
anxious to hold their next meeting in
this city, and It was moved that they
be invited at any time most eonveiilent for them and tbat they will be of­
fered tbe freedom of the elty and
given a hearty welcome.
It was decided that the next meet­
ing of the commliioe be held In Interlocheo at the call of tbe secretary as
as be can make (he Ueceasary ar­

Sht iOarkels
J^eei Marktti
PARM PRODUCE^uylng Pricaa
Bntter .......................................... S26S4C
Gggs ............................................ 18610c
raiy. looaa ........................ ...|1
Straw, parton • ........................
OnMna ...................................ooe to Kc
FARM MOOUCE—sailing PHaSa.
Creamery l.cUcr ................................ 3!
Dairy butter .................................... ‘. If
Eggs............................... ^................. a
Dacha, dr eased ................................... 11
Hay. balled ........................................... |i
Btraw ..................................................... II
CRAIN—Travaraa city Milling Co.
Prleea corraetad ayerr day.
RTteat ................................................... I!
Corn ................................
Rye ......................................................... 81
White navy -beans....................
Rad Kidney beana ........................... 31.80
Buckwbaat. per lOO Iba. .tl.0oetl.18
CRAIN—Hannah A Lay Co.
cea ecfrected every day.
^Vheat ..................................................... 80c
Core ....................................................... 6Sc
Ryo ......................................................... <8c
Prices flflrraeted aTary day.
Hogs ..................................................... tHc
Steers ...........................................4 to 7c
Cows ...............................................8 to 6c
Lambs ....................................................*
Sheep ...................................................... E
Cbleheaa. live....................................... i:
Gaeaa, dreaaed ..................................... l(
Tnrkeya. ffraaaed .P.......................... H
!(«d at aaathat variM.

Bit ef Sdantlfie iRfermation.
Apply to Mra. Edgar Kal
If tbe earth were to revolve aerenSter St
leen times laater than i: does bodies
St the equator would lose ibelr wtdght WANTED—Competent and
axparland remain aUUtmar/ la the air with*
enced girl for laoaril boaaa work,
oot asypon.
hirst dasa wagaa.
Mn. '
Titus, 44T Webster eL my
! CON’Iil
The entire cost is 32.'- to sell your
T IIUu d >MRM or ItrsixESS Those who are
Jown and. In |.K»r’ roiiiemplailug listing with ua. please
1 tile teed for do BO now as w-e are geitng ready for
Improvement air Fall UbIs. which will contain
graduall) Bill out with •-mideie descriptions, with OAnies and
firm lW*h. tbe iviai l»-<omew smooth addressee of ownerw. These Hats sre
and glo>si aud the run-down sninial ildely dli .Ibuted ihrongh our «tten-

Default having been mads In the
conditions of a certain mongajee made
Wilbelm. Jr. and .Msry J.
by Joseph V
’Wllheaiu. bis

ery much let* cost. Get owr proptsltion or lift of properties.
Traverse CHy. Michigan.
July 17-lf
Whereas default

,'a mortgagr
• May.
ftce of ei
the register of deeds for tbaI lar^^Hl*rd J
Campbell and wife. Ealella.
county of Grand Travetae and State DaUd R. fmui-bell. saigle, and Walof Mlchlg
ilgan c
February. 1«14
gages on page
gage there It claimed to be due at Campbell, of said place.
Ibe date of this notice the sum of two mortgage was rev»nled i................ .
thoQsand one hundred thirty-two and of the Register of Deeds in the oouatwentyoty-two one-hundredths doUari and ty tX Grand Traverae la Liber 87 of
attorney fee of thirty-five dollara Mortgages, on page 332. on tbe 39tb
day of May. A. D..
ISIl, at 2:10
uw Uxea bcrclnalter mentioned; auu o'clock p. m.
also default having been made in ih<Aad wbereas Ibe amount claimed to
conditions of a certain mortgage made be due on said mortgage at the daio

by said Joseph Wilhelm. Jr. end Mary
J. Wilhelm, bis wife, to said Mary B. dred and sevemyly-five'-aad 98-100 dol­
Underwood. daM the fourteenth day lara Of principal and Interest aod the
oc bondred and
of April. A. D.. i»04. and recorded in further sum of one
the office of tbe register of deeds for and 9-lUO dollars, -taxae paid on
premises and• Interest
the County of Graad Traverse aforw- mortgage
and the further aua of
sald on the fourteenth day of AprO.
fifteen 1904. In Liber 4D of mortgages on page lore os attorney's tee. stipulated for
_ J the whole
466. on which mortgage there ia
claimed to be due at the dau of this amount claimed to be unpaid qf said
noUoe the gum of five hundred forty- mortgage la the sum ol alx hundred
three and nlAMy-two onehnndredlhs aod one aad 7-100 doll^. and Bo
dollars and an attorney fee of fifipM) suit or proceedinn barlig been inFortner Dictator Reported to Have
sUtnied at law to reourer the debt
dollars provided for
Met Rousing Recaption Upon
remaining secured by soM mortproceedings at law
having been Ihstliuted to recover the
moneys aeimred by said mortgages oi
either of them or any pan thereof:
and whereas tbe said mortgagee -traa
- y giv1 that by virtue of aOd power of
Port of Spain.' Trinidad. Aug. 0.—
been obliged to pay the (axes on the
property hereinafter deacrlbed for tbe sale and in puranonce of the aUtuta
x-PrwsIdent Clprlano Castro in hts
In aueb case made and provided, the
years 1911 and 1912.
reviduilonary campaign to overtbrow
said mortgage wUl be foreeJoaed by a
1 of three hundred thirty-two
(be Gomez administration and regain
sale of the premises
. mtses U
the^n desert^
sixtypublic auction I
_ .
(be proaldency of Venexuela baa
SecrcUry of Navy Visited All Navy mortgagee
bidder at the front door of tha court
under aod In i
der hie command, according to latest
«Hb the conditions prescribed in said house In the cUy of Traverae Oltv.
advlivs rcK-elved here,, about 12.008
of Gran.' “
men. ('astro Is reporu-d lo have been
Tei'-irived etithualaattcally when he
Washington. Aug. .6.—Secreury of
landed at Coro, In the state of Falcon (he .Navy Danlela.rctureed to Wash­
s nom said to be marching agaloat ington today aft^ a cuaai to roast
;Iiarqulslnieto. raplul of Iba state <Of inspection ut United States navy
l.ara. at (he bead of 4.<xx> men.
yafdi and naval siatloDa. The secre­
General Hoaarlo Canales and Gen­ tary has vtalted nearly every station
loec DOUce u oaruuj g»«Ku------------- -eral t’enula. two <>f ('astro's adher- and navy yard lo the country and be
that bn muay. the eignin oay oi
. who crossed into Venezuelan said today that be was "full of Ideas' August M
the county of Graad Trav.—
territory from tbe Colombian frontier
to submit to congress next Decem­
erae and State ot Hieh^n.
with S.dis)'followera. are reported to ber la connection with bis'requesij
tor of (he Court House in tba' Dated the Slh day ot July, A. D,
front door
be augmenting llielr rel>el army
Martha Campbell i
they proceed through the Inland
IchlGrand Traierse. and
gan (that beinjt-the9 pUce where the!
Circuit Court fot^tthe said County o3i
General Navas and Araujo, two of
Castro's lieutenants opefaiing In tbe
described in said mortgagea.
state of Zulia. are leading 3.000 men paw Juice, for wbicb It ts
mnch thereof as may be necessary
against Maracaibo, capital of
It renders the skin Insensible to fire. pay the amount due on aold mort­
slate, and (be priuclpal seaport of They will need It before election day. gages or both of (hem and the taxes
above mentioned with seven per cent
—New York Sun.
interest and all legal costs, together
NEUROPATHIC TREATMENTS—SaU with the attorney fees of thirty-five
Vs|>or Bttbs. etc., for atomacb, and fifteen dolUre, respecUvely, as
nerves, circulation, lameness, etc. provided by Uw and as covenanted
Prof. Hubbard. Steinberg Blk. Clu for In oald mortgages and each of
premises being daaerfbed
•may l34mo*
.. ows; Premlaes altnatad in
An organlrailoii of scientists who
are engagcl In the Mudy of forest In- WANTED—Bean acreage. Pres seed the City of Traverse City. County'of
and Bute'of Michi­
furnished on the first thirty acres
aeci* has recently been formed
eontracted. TravotM City Caning gan. viz: Lot six (6). of Hannah. Lay
t Co.'s fourth sDbdivlsioa of tha yU-I
Bch U-cf
city, of Traverea City, aolage: I
the recorded plat tharaoL'
Pencil niaiinlai-turer* are buying up ALVIN H. GRUBER. Funeral Director cordio
Am «0ty portAsaad once. IbareDated at Ttsverae
Trsvera City, Mich'
Sonth Unh^SL
old red cedar lenceTails. In Tenne*
torrthey tbould be ot nwdere
May fifteontb. 19>3.
Mrw. NeUle Pratt
design. b«)lt of most dunbie
see and aouihwaid. to be made Into
■oxortaU aod onisUcaliy floMortguoo.
lead iiencili!,.
lahad. Yon wUl fiad only such
at the works ot
Attorneys for Mortgagea
Tbe buffalo herd on the WIefaita
Bualnaas Address: Trarera# Ctty.
national foreai. OLlsboma. now
nuy^l8*2f^9 June 6 13 U *6 Jttly 8
bera 48. ten caries having been
10 IT 24 81 oug 7
this year. Wln-n (be buffalo wer
Maude Baiey. complainant, vs Wiiiroduced on the VVIcblla In.lVOT i
ford K. Betel, defendant
Were l.’> head.
Snlt [■ending In the Circuit Court
Wfcy not boy one of the in­
A cunservaiion movement hsu‘ been for the County of Grand 'Tra^erwe In
started In Chiba, said to be richer In Chancery, at 'Traverse City, on the
expensive Brownie Kodsks now
natural resourrea than any other ub' 3Ui da> of July. A. I).. 1912.
white tbe summer season ts on
lo thts cause It >p!>cariiig from aftlon Tbe Chinese u»o the word "con- fids' It on file, tbat tbe defendant. Wnand‘get tbe beneGt of taking
servanvy" instead of conaervaiion toni E. Datey. U not a resident of this
your own pictures Here is a
One of their idaus for the Hwal river state, but reside* at Vancouver, Brit­
contcmplaica .iredglng and Ullage to­ ish Columbia. Canada, on motion of
good one
gether to control floods.
i( L» ordered that the said defendant.
Na 2A Brewnia UAO
Wllford E. Uaiey. cause his appear­
Takes pictures 2>4x4H- niw
The steel towers that support elec­ ance to be entered herein, within (our
(C axpoeurei 25c eacB. Easy
tric power transmission lines are nvmths (rom tbe date of this order,
In case of bis appearance that be:
being Increasingly use<l by forest and
lo handle—Inexpensive lo run.
cause his answer lo (he romitlalnrangers'as fire lookout stations on r
om's bill of complallit to be filed, and
Let us sliuw you.
tlonal forests. With the barnessing
a copy thereof to be aerted'i
oomMalMot’s solicitor, within fifteen
the mountain streams a network
diys after semce on him of a cor.'
these lines is gradually being wov,
of Kald hill, and notice of this ord.-r,
tbe forests and in (he abaence of am! that in deCotilt thereof, said bill
other convenient lookouts, the nog- be (sken as confesaed by tbe said non­
nd tbe Meet towers helpful In resident defendant.
And It la funfaer ordered, that with
(belr fire patrol wore.
In twentv days the said complaioaoi
rauae i notice ol ihU 'order to be
publlabed In the Grand Traverse Her­
ald. a bew[«aper printed. puUiUbed
and clKolatlng in said county, and
(hat sijcb publication be continued
therein at Isost bnee in each ^eck.
lor six weeks la sueoasslun. or that
abe cause a copy of this osder to be
iraoBolly eervoi on said xara-realdeot
' idanL at least twenty days before
tba ti:itne above praaertbed t


Eut............ .



‘Jt 'TllJmTii





AFiloid’s Advke
to WbMey

The Electric Storage
Battery Co.

"When you’re all In'—confined
your home, hotel or club.
•iiober up’ or attempting t

Ihe ‘thlorMe Atrandalor”

____ _J fiber ..
. -jr entire body CTVINO OUT FOR
MORE UQl'OR—as N'aal Three-Day
treatment wiu place voo bMk la a
By tha
nathoff I qoa ro
Bormat bealtby condition la three -«ve
moos odUoff taaU Aboahttaly
days with all desire and craving withont
polo. sDd witheai tba aaa af
changed into a loathing tor liquor."
I to irodnea i
U the advice given by a high class
ypteof nervoo*
man^of this dty wbo took the 'Neal
toaattteu over two years ago.
•«»olaj* aetbod c
Can. 'phono or write K««l liMRata
DR. W. 0. BKTOM,
SOESM WllhalB Block, with Dr. Hold»
vorU. Trararea City. MkU^

1* to an Indirldnal Electric Ugbtlog Plant exact­
ly what a rcaerrolr U to a water ayatcra. It
Btoros ui> tbe aleetridty generated by tbe in-'
amo and bolds It antfl Ugbt te Beaded. All ytw
need do U to ion yoor oogtaie for a- few hova
occaakmally, Tba "OMoritfa Aceumutetar' wUt
then store up alactricUy to light over pn esteoded period. .

****Vwik»rt reU


Wm. «JdcRson
Hopper Cooled





Sample Chair Sale

Of Xpavcpsc City Clialp Co. Rockeps, Settees ad Apm Cliaips



Rocker Like Cut $4.50


Mas^ve Mission Rocker $5,75

This beautiful Oak Rocker, spring up­
holstered seat, covered with genuine
Giase leather. It is a reaHnviting value
that cannot be overlooked by a prospect,
ive chair buyer.
As these are sample chairs there are
no tyro of"them alike but this advertise-'
ment shows but twelve patterns of over
a hundred equally as big values.

This rocker is made of solid oak, is
extra large; seat and back upholstered in
Chase guaranteed leather. Wehave it in
bodi early English and weathered oaL
Ton canjbuy these bargains now btil
not 30 days from now. If you are not
prepared to fay tor it now make your
selection and pay later.

These Samples Are Sold Only at J. W. Slater’s


IV-I* rmf

This beautiful Coiouial design
rocker is^nade of select kiln-dried
hardwood, upholstered in genuine
Chase leather. It is extra large
and very comfortable. Regular
price $16.00. Sample Chair Sale


This Morris Chair has a
massive solid oak frame
with full reclining adjust­
able back; beat steel con­
structed seat Seat and
back .are covered with
highest quality Chase
leather, regular retail price
$10.00. Sample Chair Sale

These Rodeer are two of
the biggest bargains we
have ever seen, large,
roomy and comfortable;
made of hardwood through­
out. with the same good
workmanship that is the
making of the Traverse
Qty chairs. Famous reg­
ular value $11.00 Sample
Chair Sale Price



An exceptionally attract­
ive Coiouial design, frame


made of select


hardwood, upholstered i n
Large well made Settees with upholstered
Chase guaranteed leather,
backs and seats in weathered oak. early Eng­
lish or golden oak. Settees that would sell reg­ regular value $15.00* Sam­
ular from $8 to $15. Samiple Chair Sale ple Chair Sale Price
Prices from

$6.00 to $11.75


This popular ftre side rocker with very good
seating qualities being upholstered with guar­
anteed springs. Seat and back shaped to produce
the most restful seating qualities. Exposed parts
of frame in weathered oak or mahogany^. Regular
$20.00 value. Sample Chair Sale

Tbis Splenild Rocker is made of select kilndried hardwood with
American quartered'* pol­
ished finish. The seat is
fitted with a guaranteed
sanitary steel construction
and covered with a good
chase leather upholstering
Regular value $15, Sam­
ple Chair Sale Price

This Massive Rock­
er is the sleepy-hollow
type and embodies all the
good style and comfort pos­
sible. The frame is made
of solid oak with best guar­
anteed steel spring cushion
seat. The back and seat
are covered with guaran­
teed chase leather. Regular
value $12. Sample Chair
Sale Price








WOK.KJigt. 1

Kingsley Department
~ CoBflaelcd by IOm Jeasic Bowtau
nte pwple «f Ktasiley and tb« nmoadiBC
eeantzy art aU Intamted- in lUt DqiaitBUBW
Wt tbaU bt fUd to bare iedMdaalt, eharebee,
the Oraafft, fraternal eodetke and all otha- ornota^ioiui hand in itiau <rf new*, poreoaala,
. annonnoeiDeBta ct meettngi, notkei of entertainmenti, bnsineei diancee, pablic improreoeente
being done ot eonteaplated, tales of reel estate
in town or oonstry. and any other ttcsns df gen>
oral interest
Send all items to -aOss Jessie
Bowden, rto has eharge of tU Dopartment—
Xditor Herald. .
Klertler. Aus.

Dorn, lo Mr. and

after apendtas the peat tbree weeks
with rebtlTes. Fred LbLopdc aecompanJed ibem.
Eben Steele left last week for D«
Geo Abbott of Detroit. monaKer of
the electric Itsb} company, spent Sat­
urday In town.

Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Dams cum
or from Kux lelaod yesterday u>
spend a roupte of weeks.
Mlita Deasle Griffin apent Tburada)
lo Traverwe City.
Mr. and Mrs. S .W. Porter apent
Tuesday in Suitona Bay.
Mrs. Dr. I. R. Copp reltmed Turnt} fioni Traverse City, where the
apent tbe past week with friends.
Mlaa Masel ScOtt visited Traverar.
Cliy .Monday.
V handkerrblef shower was iciven
the borne of Mrs. Norman Thomas
in hoDor of ber alater-ln-Uv. Mira
Klveata Thomas, whose maiTlece
lakes place next month. Games com­
prised, tbe eredlciK's entertainment.
Covers were laid for ten. Tbe tabire
were decorated tastefully with flow.

Ml*e e\el}n kIcLene of MrBalu,
Mn. Joy Merritt of Summit City, a who has been rialtlns MUa Winnie
Rln) for the paat two weeka. returned
SH-pouDd rlrl, Auf. 3.
her home Tbureday.
Tbe Htaae* Roaa and Jeaale Bow-Mrs. Jobn Faseel of Flint and .Mra
Ou aed Mary Randolpb apent Sunday
Ora Rlichte are {meats at tbe bone
In Trarwao City.
A club party was Riven lo the
of tbe former'! parenta. Mr. and Mrs.
Dell Merrtti relumetl to tali home
hall on Friday eveuln*. which
at Summit.
In Summit City Sunday. He taaa been
Nickerswi of (be Trav- very much enjoyed bj a larae crowd
Tbidns In Trevcrec City for the paat
youn* people.
Btate hospUal. waa here
E. E. Harwood of Mendoit. MIcb..
Tueaday and
Wedneadar vlaltine
K. J. Wyckoff was a Traver*e City frlenda and relatlrea. She leaves la tislUoR tala slater. Mrs. N. 'B.
csller Saturday:
Thursday for Alma, where abe baa , Nichols.
liiBi-' A food and health special train, carMnl Bd Mo» apent Tbnraday with position in the Uaaunic home
jrylnk sciiciiltural exhibits from the
her parenta at Summit City.
Durinr tbe electric atorro of mat
of *»«l«b and
Mlai Mamie Clark filled the Free
department, with speMeitaodUt pulpit at Summit City laat Sunday afternoon the barn and Rran
ary of John BrlRhty near Wexford
tlcmonstratore who will explain
Sunday erenlnf. .

In --------}l F. MeUyn raa a Klnealey caller were struck b> lljcbtnlng and destroy
ed. Mr. Brlxtaty bad the barn filled with this work will be In Norttaport
John. Bowden of Summit City at- w ith bay and untbreabed sraln. all August lu from 7:50 to io a. m.
Miss Kiiima Wtleon was called to
tended the township board meelinR was desuoyed.
•oledo Wednesday by ihe death oT
Friday afternoon.
| L«e Rial baa purchased the Cal- ,Toled.
Mrs. BUIe.
Mra. D. H. Powers came
Klnst- houn residence property at ^e east ^hrf a
Celia Hum'psch has returned
ley Sunday.
{aide of tbe villaRc. He will make
Mlaa Mlqnle Sarcent la not working extensive repairs and Impruvementa to Aon Arbor after having spent her
In tbe store owned by John Seabiigbt. and expecie to here it ready to move VBcailon here.
W H. Steele Is in Old Mission look.
Mrs. Monroe la Improving slowly.
Into % the last of August.
Dewey Nlfkerson of Burbank. Cni.. . Rev. Fred C. Smith of Fbonutn Ins up fruit for fall exhibits.
.Mrs. ruiman of Cadillac Is vlsutng
Is here on an extended visit* with.City, Ind.. and Ralph Hayes of Suadlelatlvet.
I tab were guesU at tbe Hayes home at tbr’bome of ber son. Cbas. IMlR. B. Defrance waa In.Mapl^ Cl'yiMei wpek.
| Ria.. and family.




on buelness the first of the week. I Mr. and Mrs. Fox and children ofi
MUa Ira Bogan waa a Traverse’Boyne City were gueets at the Meyer
Oily Tieltor Sunday.
J home last week.



Bendon. Aug.
Mrs. £ugenc Cook
aad dauAhter Alice returaed home
Tneeday from vislUng at Big Rapids.
Benreti and thfidren re­
turned Wednesday from vUlilng ai
Snmmlt City.
Mrs. Frank Ameer .and children of
Traverse CUy spent several daya vislUng Mrs. Burt Barton. '
Salmon Brown of Chicago Is lookli* after bis bnalness interesU here.
Mrs. A. Allen and graoddaugbter.
Rena Pierce, were at Traverse CUy
6. D. Burk and wife moved Thurs­
day to Nessen City lo make their fu­
ture home.
A. Allen and wUe spent Sunday at
t^r cottage. Summer Rest, at Green
Several from here attended tbe
show at Traverse City Wednesday.
Will Mureo. wbo has bought oat
Holley . Amldan's barber shop, took
poBsesaion Monday.
Mrs. C. E Baldwin returned boms
Monday from visUlng In Grand Rap­
ids and •Allegan.
George <'ook ot Woodvtile. Mich., la
visiting Eugene Cook and famUy at
tbelr cotugc on Green Lake.
Frank Reynolds and family apent
Sunday at tbelr cottage at Uormand
Tbe famlllM of Earl Widrig. Carl
Carpenter and Bert Bart^ <
boOM Sunday from Green l^e,
where they spent last week camping
Mlaa Armstrong of Honor spent
Snnday with Mra. Herbert Dexter.
Nelse Bys of Wallii. loaded two can
olt lumber here the flrat of the week.

Traveree CUy.'spent Monday night at
ibe Sleeping Bear hotel.
Mrs. .Ahlu MIlllUMon ot. Port
OneMa was in town shopping today
Bernie Miller, wife and three chU
dren. acoofflpanied by a maid, are tbe
guests of 1. C. MUIer and wfte tbU
week. .Mr. Miller Is station agent-«n
Murray .l^o’ier. who baa apent sev­
eral seasons on Glen lAke. arrived
Sunday and went to Glen Ray.
A tent bas been erected .at''ibe narrowa toe the purpose of holding pmspel meeflBga evonlngr and Sundaj-a
during this month. Everybody shouH
make It a point to aUeod these set­
tees As It Is an opiiortunUy which
lot often provMed.- Goo.1 s|>eakers
from dUferent prrts of the state will
Geo. T. Baler of the Oasis
called to Chicago last week. Ht
turned on Bnndsy.



Bendon) Aug. 6.—Chss. Mnyi
was. in' Traverse CUy on l>usl:
Mrs. 8. V. Lewis and son of Clenwood. Wis.. made a abort visit here
with friends Monday and Tuesday.
8. IJ. Burke and family moved vo
Neason CUy Tlmreday. where bo has
charge ot a business for ChaUerum
& Son. We extend heartiest wtahes
for tbelr success in the new line.
Quite a number from this vicinlly
attended tbe show In Traverse City
Mrs, Eugene Cook has ndorned
home after vialUng her father at Big
Mrs. C. E. Baldwin and three chil­
dren have g<«e south for a visit In
Grand Rapids. Allegan and Delrolt
Mr. Austin of Kalamazoo is vlsltln
hls,j^tor. Mrs. CUude Worden, and
tamU'y of this place.
Mias Etbsl Armstrong of Honor vis­
ited at Herbert DwteCa sevffal days
last week.
Roland Aniidon baa sold his barber
shop to Will Moreau.
Mrs. Bert 8t. John rerelved a tele­
gram Monday saying that ber faltaer
was dead, and left on the evening
train for her home at Hartford.
S. D. Burke kept apples of. last
year's growth In kls ceBar. In good
condition till the last week in July.

Ctdar Run
Cedar Run. R. F D No.
Aug 3 —
Rev. A- A AlHnglon. wife i
chiMreii are spending their vacniion
at Ibe T. \V. Good borne
Miss Anulo Cale I* vl»lilng
North .Msnitou since Sunday.
gucst«f Mr and Mra. Jsme* While.
John Tagcr exiwct*- in start o
threvhing this week, hai Ink bought
pw engine.
The foiindaiiou is runimencM tu'
Ell Miser's new huii»e Kd l!i-i U
doing the nia-^oii *«rk.
d Mr <-ha«
tcrtain Rev. Alliogton and inniily
It iliv'li ivuage on l.ak<
Mr and Mrs’ Da'l.l Borough are c
(ertalnlng their sonr from Ohio.
John White and George Fox are
I.ebnd as jurors lor (his term

Mabel. Aug. 3.—Mrs. A. S. Pray bas
returaed from a slx-wpek visit at New

Mr. antk Mra. T. W. Sherman vis­
ited tbelr daughter over Sundai.
Mr and Mra. O. X Undsey drove
. Trnverae City IMday,
Fielding Watson Is quite III.
Mra. C and Edna Butsmier visited
at Jobn Moran's last week.
Mr. and Mrs.t-Ora Brown attended
the circus at Traverse City Wedneiday.
J of Hie recent electrical
Mr. and Mr* CUrence Fairbanks
ere in the Delgbborbood last Sun­ Hiorms 'lightning rtrui-k a >
Irs Hainatock'e field and enday.
Harnmond took
In tbe clr- llrely consumed It

Ekit Bor. Aug. 4 —Jesse Trimmer
has puf«)>a««<l »
E. J Taylor has the premium oat
field of Kssi Bay.
Norman Ijewi* is very budy hauling
nsi>berrles from his prolific field.
They are In good demand at »2.oo

.Stiihporf. Ang. 6.—Mlu Myrtle
J^n has returned to her borne In
Joe Szlollk hgs hunt a new barn
Grand Raplda. after having spent tbe and Is filling it kJih bay
post three weeks with her moiber.
Joseph Pieite has jinrcbased of Olio
Mr. J. Hite arrived Saturday ■
West his undivided half ot their fish­
spend a few days with Mrs. Hite, wbo ing paraphernalia. Joe Is now
Is spending,! few weeks-'with ber lone fisherman of East Bay.
tVe are gUd to hear that
I’eter Wurzburg reluyped Friday Frank Reich Is recovering from her
from a trip to Grand Rapids.
long lllnesa.
Ernest Denull ot England arrived
East Bay ha* fine crop* which prom­
Iasi week for sn extended vUlt with ise a bountiful harvest.
bis brother. Rev. A. BenUiL
Mrs. Uringsion returned to ber
borne in Acme this morning, acoompasted by ber brotht^. John Ken­
dram Center. Aug. 6.—Another of
nedy. wbo abe hat been vlaIGng tbe
(be early pioneers of tbe Grand Traxpast week.
erae reghm passed away when John
Roland Dame and Wilmot Bradley
lUrper closed bis eyes upon the
i|>ent Tuesday and Wedneiday In
scenes tsmlllar through many years
Traverse City.
of (he closest association. His death,
Cedar Lodge bas a full house book­
Glen Hsveo. Aug. 6.—M. A. Voice
which bad been long expected, occured for August.
leaves tomorrow for his vacstioo.
on Thursday nlght^^of July Slat.
Francis Ward Is recovering from
Tbe chlldran of Alvin Bringlesou
Harper coom to this county In
V* III ai this wriUng..
186.'; and was closely Identified with
Cedar Lodge baseball teem pls.ved the gradual change of a primitive for­
Bosineai operations were smCMded
08 Saturday In order that eveotm* Bid Mission teem Friday. resuUlng in est into a fine tarndng country, dying
could attend the old aetUers',annnal 16 to 4, In tsTor of CM Mission.
at the advancod age of-84 years. One
Mr. end Mrs. Ed Clerk, of Detroit son and four daughters remalo to
plcslc at BurdlekvlUe. Tbe'kleamer
are vlaltlng at the boms of Mr. and mourn hit toss, his w^e having died
Alice J. Day rob free excnraloni fi
Mra. P. H. Critfen.
abofil ten years ago.
Mrs Geo. Pnrklas.and granddaughMr. and Mrs. Calrin Borrows of
Cbaa. Plowri^ baa been under
T Beatrice rislisd Traveras CUy Travsrae City are Ttslllng with hla
Tbe steamer Mltaoort bronght fifty
brother,'R. H. Burrowa. and other i»lRev. Ous Gamim of Colorado will atlrea and friends.
tooiista tor the Glaa Lake raaorta on
8«DdAy. hftami went to Cold Sprtsg conduct the serrice in the Congrega­
Mra. A. A. Borrows It visiting her
House, aevaotaao to Gregory's ood tional church nest Sunday evening. sister In Traverse City.
Mrs. BoMlIe and children, who have
»(n. Herbert Wagner of Monroe
tbs others'to Cedar Springs Lodge
A»d Glen Roy. A large qnanUty of
Center Is visttlBg her fsnll}' at. Grant
frelSbt was aUo dlschergod for the home of bar ststop. Mra. H. Ryan, Center this wek.
nerchenu at Empire. Gleo After and left TburoBay for her home In Grand
Mlaa Mary Earl, wbo was nnnftig
In Traverse City, was called home by
tor tbs store here.
Mra. G. M. Dome and ana Oilman the llloeoa of ber mother aereral daya
,Mtss ReU Cook ot Mtiwi
apent a few, days In Traverse Oily. go. .
the gnen of tbe Mines Day.
Mra. Ed ^Mdangh and chUdren of
Mrs. E. W. .teott ef . DnpUlfiM.
Born, to Mr. and Mra. Goo. McCray BuiAley are vlalUng her Another. Mra.
lU., Is the guest of her nephew,
on Saturday. Augost 2. a daughter.
Wm. cook.
L. Burks.
Mca. W. Kellogg and chlldros are
A larg* and highly appraclatlve an.Mr. end Mra. Oorrall U Kobk of
.lence was entertained at the Grant
CUcoSo are the gueatg ^ D. H. Dv 'rioRlat at >be borne of ber
eburrh last Friday evening by a
ood fsoUly. arriving Sonday by asto- »r Maple City.
Ur. ondilfriL Geo. LaUtade left rlage reremony executed by
Mle from 'Frankfort.

(Jraat Conttr

■ifing Aakt

Milton Benedict, arrived ThurvUay for'City ne-at lari week with her cvuxlu.
visit at the Benedict home.
| Mn. Win Pierce.
nroused from a
Max Avery went to Tetoskey loday
K. J. Ikst '
Iieaerful slumber last Friday night al,
to work as telephone lineman.
i (i’Hotk by tbe arrival of his son,
l.luyd G. Ea*t. from Cass (x>ubty, who
has come for a. brief viiit with bis
8<’Uth Milton. Aug. 4.—Mr.
Mra. W, Barks have been eniertninOomostle Animals and Poison.
log relaiivei from the southern part
Some of the domestic animals are
tar lent senstUrs than humtui beings
of (be suie.
Mrs. l-ouls HlrJtiu and childrcnvmre. to poisons o^ eWain kind* On tbe

South Mitum

O IL McJ-aughlln and E. M. Acker*n drove lo tbe borne ot Wm. Ack­
erman Friday afternoon, making the
return trip to Traverse City in the
evening. Tbe trip waa ma^e In xerj
gtx>d Hmc in Mr. McLau|rblin's dem­
onstration car. .Metz-23.
Mrs. IVilllam M'ood is entertaining
her sisicr-ln-law. Mrs. Ethel Harley,
of Pleasant Lake. Ind.
. Harry Warner raised a large baseDent harn lYIdatT and bad a Jolly
crowd to help him.
.Among the new arrivals at the take
are Dr VanGonlcr and family of Kausas City, Mo. The doctor says when
he left booie the h^at waa Intense.
Ihe thermometer stood at 103 In tbe
The resort conagea are ail filled
nd ti:nnv more anxious m ronte.
.Miss Stella Western Is cojo.xing a
Isit froQ] MUa Elsie Shew of Ardco
Park, Ueirult
\Va»-wah-go-Dlag Is
cortalnly an ideal place lo visit and
MUh 4xtella Is a fine entertainer.
The xoiine people of the neighbor­
hood had a delightful party at the
home of MU* Lucile Goodman Thurs­
day evening
Mrs Jobn Heatev met with a very
painful accident a few da.vs ago. She
got a xery black eje. besides other

Jlr. MooduuB. iHunnce oegftt. or-Thonday for thUr home In OeueR, •fittOBg our ctBored orMoeney.

ed on their mother. Mr» John AmU<
I'Uchler. laxc Sunday.
Mr. and .Mrs. J. W. Chase are Traxersw City viaiior* today.
targe number from this way
traded the old aetiler*' meeting' af
DardickvtUe Saturday. Tbe day was
perfect and the crowd pretwnc gave
evidence that It was good lo
Mrs. John n-hlte returned Saturday
evening from a ten day*' visit
Cleveland. MlUn and Farwell
The annual roumy Sunday school
convention will be held at Emptre
August 20 and. 21
The officers are
hoping for a good attendance. The
program is a good one and Is now- In
the band* of the printer.
J. W. Cbaae's mill finished aawjui
hardwoml Saturday. About three
weeka wll finish the xeSKon'i run.

Wmiamahurg. Aug. 1-—Mrs. S. R
Gain and daughter Eva returned I-Viday night from a three weeks' visit at
Spann. Matter I.eo will remain with
his grandparents until time for school
Mr*. McAlhiier and chfidren. wbo
have been ritUlng at tbe Ben Storey
borne, returned to their borne at Ban­
gor last ThorsdavLute HoH left today for a week's
vacation at tbe Soo and other nortbn polDia.
Mlasea Vera Vinton ahd Hazel Ean spent Sunday at Barker Creek.
Miss Iza Mae Adams returned Sotnrday from an extended visit at BeV
Tbe families of E. E. 'Afield and
Will KamUmn are camping at
Mias lJUls Evans of Traverse aty
has been vtstting Mrs. J. H. Noteware
and oiber friends.
Born, Wednesday. July SP, to Rev.
and Mra. BenedleL a boy.
Mr. and Mra H. Eugene Hill of
Harbor Spring* and Mrs. EHyth Pros-


kai CUUi#.


IkiKUYNHin AhnislNik
'Bonn tbs

all eyes, ihs alcrascDpe Is
oselal of.sU eyes. With the microtbe telescope we look in '
opposite dlreciioni. Tp* one sbofws
us tbe UIlBitable. anlTurse. whereby
the tmacins-Jos Is ezcHed to cooceF
Hone of infinity, but the other reveals
the Inficltely amall—the microbes,
the genns. the' cells: With the trtescope we elevate the mind; «lh the
microscope we combat the eoemlec
^f Ufe BoU are tbs handmalda of
scleDce and drlllxatlon.

-Miss Ilii'jy
'Ixing l•''.ko. Ai.y.
Judd is very sick.
.Mr aud Mnv Bin jennitteti ilrov
from Tr-avirse City FuuJa.v. nnd
lice of Trout Lake reiuroetl to iliclr
tit the day .tv.ili .Mr. and (its. Will
homes Saturday night, being calhvi
hero by the death of their faihn, KdMrs,
Don Howard
and daughter. I
gar Hill. Elwya Hill bss also re­
turned to bis work on the iclepbone Mrs Carrie Koaxb. from Traverm- ruy
spent Saturday with
Mr. and Mrg. Earl Hnicc of Kal M;s. Will Neiistead

pmsons ot

CK.rdon Gray and Mist Mas RaWton
aiiended the prayer meeting at Oxlati
tVedni-sday evening.

Acme. Atag. 2.—The sad news came
. Mrs. V^ls Briggs on Monday of
the death of her slgter. Mra. Dannie
Miner of Petoskey. Sbe was Uken to
Copetnlsb for burial.
John Hoxale was called to Traverse
City last Monday by tbe death of his
■Isler. Mr*. Fish.
Mr. and Mra. Ben SUtes made
flying trip to Traveroe City today.
A large crowd from bore went
Traverse nfy last Wednesday to i
tend Ihe circus
Mrs, IrBwIs Briggs xltlted her sister.
Mrs. Frank Barnbard, of Manila.
-Moonie Enquest tes bis cberriea aU.
HIM EUa Scripture hat ' gone to
Tfavsrse City to stay with *—
. Mra. Grace nerryman and rhBdren
have gone back to Detroit.

Mr. and Mrs. A. 2. Oroofi ot Bates

• IfhptttSMc of Being Married.
Men are nothing but overgr
children. They always lore to eat

wUh an the married men If tbelr
on tbe
s were sol constastl
0 see that they only eat (he
thlnga that agree ' with .them —ThS
GuU Between, by F. T. Bedmaypo.
PaMime fur YeutH^nly. '
A oiztj-iwo-year-old Sydney man ie
dead as a result of Injuries received
while tryBig to "skin the -esC after
wateUng hts grandsos perterm the
feat. "Skinning the eat" Is one of tbs
Jng of yonthful psktlmea.
hut let u.
plate our gray halra. tbaL it is a yodtbful pastime only, and govern ouraelvea •
with commensurate dignity. ■

For In&nts find CtuldreiL

The Kind You Have
Always toight
Bears the

Almira. .\<ig. 4.—^Ve are having fine
wcaiht-r after our good rain Sunday
The threshing machine'» whisUc is
hnard once more.
Mr? Annie Pike of Traverse City
came up to see ber Msur*. Mr*.
Emma Gray and Ml*t Mary Hooker,
on Snnday. Miss Hooker will leave
for bet home at Si>eucer, MIcb.. Tuexday.
Tbe tour llifle sun* of .ksa Palmer
of Bellairc came oul lo sCe their
grandiuironts for o-«eek
Therv wa* the largest rrowd a! the
old fcoulcrs' plrnlftSaturday lltal
been in attendance for the last
CordoD Gray drove over to Traverse
City la*l Tbureday on bustnef*.
Mr*. Daniel Roberfson of Hitches
Crossing spent Saturday and Sunday
with ber sum and uncle. Mr, and
Mrs- Walter l^ke.
Born to Mr. and Mr* Ike ClaW>n, a daughter. Jiiiy 26th
A daughter xxa* born to Mr.
;r». Will Pholp* on July 2Tlh.
Clyde Ralston came home from
Traverxo City Suoday to see hi* par

Fine Art ef Visiting.
An AtchlsOa girl wbo spends SOA
of her time vialtlug has made a stndF
of Gie art and i* a very sucecastol
guest- One of the first ttalnga Am
docs upon arriving is to call bar hooteas and family inio ber room i
exhibit eviry rag xbe own*.
empties boxes, trays and tranks to
the bottom layer 8he says It save*
her hostess tbe trouble Of anoopIBC
among ht-r iHags when sbe
^***1^08 Globe.


T™.™ on- l..t welled.,- -a- •"J "™ J” Ami.h..l.k.r edll-

Cjkn jtann


xl party was nsbered. !a by tbe| ^ aOBilK, to love, to rmJit li tJ *
Green's mother. Mr*.
melting strains of A. Pbon Agrapb's jstp, mid s peat writer, De'iSt'M tbe WelHngtrn Sllte*
John Whllvtorc] and fuinlly vi>lieO
wetiding march. After the proooonre ' rsgrK bs bruugbt .m by s odogu « cold.
tn«t which‘sundered -ihedmkyiuilr
Mrv Whitc'orJ s sl-ter. Mrs. O. U.
for life, a supper was serwed by the coapaMsiBbfl^welavmedrrdiifuisvfa Whitson, over Sunday.
Udles of the Grant Aid aocteiy. Tbe eaHB. Ooutaiits no bsmtul Mgredwots.
Mra. Scripture ana-daughter iniu
emertamment was furatsbed by the itc. fiOe-sod fil-OP betths ettfAselets.
young people of tbs neigbborbootl.
A surprise party wst served on Mr.
with Miss Mary Green IVidS-v . v-lur.g.
and Mrs. John Brigbtr on Saturday
evening last, bringing refreshments of
.Miss Cveorgla Kchucr ha* veer. vi»li
Ice cream and cake and reporting a
Ing Maty Green for Ibe latt (.-« .;.i >
very pleasant time.
Lottie Sutes was home over Sunda.--.
Mr* F. enqiiesl tailed on 'It?
Ffhitvr Sunday


For Over
Thirty Years

W—cr Copy of Wrappw.

Cevzcrml L aw Praettee. lacludiiia CoU*c8lo
418 Smm firai 8wHs» rtrawai
War4 B. Conntoa
MaM N.Cbn

Annual Notion and
Remnant Sale
Starts Wednesday, Aug. 13
This side includes everything in ^
line of Botions and iwnnants. . k'*
one cd the best sales that we bold.
Starts Wednesday, Aag. 13,
and Lasts 10 Days.

J. W. mMken,hc.
mm ■ ,|/^i


File Lake Department
Conducted by MluMac Dewey.
W« wut to nuko tUi Oeportneiit of the
\rti»0B. pooriblo nlot to >U iaxmii
uniod end to
tUo oed rtqoM' ttet oU itom of
peo^ ijlomt bo M
leocnonlod Is tho Dopoitnon. Wo oopootoUy
oak tku charohoo, fntonol oodetiet and the
Qroiidi fDnUi itoen of ioteren In theit reopeotin etiMMiaiOM. Hewi of tod^ eveau tad
«Bt«rtumieBta. iaproTMaenta bein; aiade or conUnyUtod. and bwiiMu chugw attd tnatfan ia
ntl mUi* ia town and coontty an maoUlly
uMptablao lha abova applkt not only to tho
vflUfa of nio Laka, bnt to the furToimdiiic
eoB«rjr.-*ditor Herald.
nfe l.ok«. Auk.
Kd»«nl Lawit. futor of tbe Conors
KoUoaal eJmnih of C^ton. 8. D, IIU«d (be pulpit u tta« M. E. oburch SudOw «Bomla» •»<! wt iUleDrt (c ‘
a Urg» coagiasailoa.
Mtu Carrlr HoUtMd of
aor l« ■ KMX at o. E Hoden .
Mn. Bonaa of Uraad Rapl.U t (».
lied Mr. and Mra. j; S. Ilodgci Um

Mn. B. P. MlUi of HodKe left ti<>r<
Tueadar lor Grand Raftlda
>ln. P. H. Uedalla and daugbrei.
MUa Ulldmd. of Uancelona.
b«r aiater. Mra. P. H BeroMelne. uu
Mra. B. C .Brower atieadfsl «lu>
Ouarterly conferenre ai Souib Uoanlman on Monday.
Urn. Fred Tanner la enieriainms
her auxer. lira. Clyde Corner, of lietroU.
Mra. Leon iTay a|>ent the tw'i' »eeli
at her home In CadlUar, reinnilwt
acaln Sunday.
Mlfia Alta Thome vl.jietl btoilr
ora at loeetarllle troiii WeOnoMla'
Ura. }{ r PlHre reliiriie.l lo iir’l
.,borne in MuiKtpe }->iilat







r for Claire, where Ih. t will
a lODple ol week, with bei IWM

Mr and
Upland. Ind„
Mr*. Jame*.
Will Maaier* It home from Itcnion.
Mich., for a tew day.
Mr*. S. E. MuBser and sun Earl of
^nbfort were business taUeri here
a few .lay. this week.
Miss Grace MrQuay of Traverse
City U vlshJoR her arandpareni
and Bei. Mb. McGuay.
M. E. Arnold and family have
moved back from Grand Uapids aji-1
are setiied in thefr home
Allten HodKe Is home on n few
days' visit from Charlevoix
Waiaon Kalsy was home Sunday,
Komian Kl.wortb of Manlon called
on hU^nni. .Mr*. E. Tihhiu. bn Monday.

Alex Lyle «aa tn Travels Cii>
the llrat of the week.
Mra niaa l.**fwr l» vUiiinB friend*
and neiehhor* In I nlon,
' Ml** MI'l rtfiwen weiii to I'adiliut
Wednebdaf. wumltiK Sonday.
MorrI* l.ot;rk» ha* reojl^ned hi* |k>
«mf.n ar t»>iioin* croterj'-aiut-i'luy
ion f*atii|'iH-ll i« rnri'lo.'e.! a*
< tert:.
Mre Ve.>|H-t Imlkin* and lllile yon
Monald of Walton nre K'ie»ir of Mr
and Mrx. I. K. Jitdkln*.
I. A. iteniielt na:
• oDieci
walk in from of bit ilwelUnit
Hr. Ella White U .lu-ndlni
weekt- kieltinc ai I'adlilaf .
Flank Do(l>ertt leiurned from Grand
Uai'iid* will) a nev. bicitle
Mrs <leo. Stiillt I* vUlllDB al SouLi
Mr*. K Tlhliiii i* enlrrtainint: li“r
rieier. Mr* K W Kl.wortK of Mati1> I. Tiifaot I* siih*iiinilnc ■•ii mall
route No i while O. L lloynion is on
h|£ vaeaiioii.
Mr and Mr*. John Ilurkholdcr. St .
uf South ituat.luuii] are siw*n.llii»: lb.»«ek on their fnim m rnioti.
Mr* aJ» Uylo reiurnefi home Mun
ila> from Cadillac ho*i>lial and I* rci
(Ink alnnk nicelv
.Mcsdaines Clit. I.,ewli< an! .lie.Sirahan. Jr , W.-ie of Mr>. Huy
Ifiihhen k( Mancelonu last Sucidu'.
Vlr. nod ,'lr* K Tihhh* reTuri»ed Irxym a wiM>k - ai llarc*
Kidlni: with her nephew. W If. M«v..
K Tlbhtu wi'iK 10 Star <ity .Mon­
day 10 visif rh:i* Miller, an oM •■•mi
raile, who ha. rv<'ciiily retmne<l frun
the Geitythuri; encampment
Joe Meyers went lo the Iloardtrnn
river Friday niomliiA tn Join a ll.hink
party comiiuscd of Arlo Held
Itarrv Iteney of A<mo.
Den liatoii ami niece. Nina ShairnoD. left Saiurday tiiomltig tor Hell,
upper Michigan, where they will
1)1* stMer, Ml*. Win. Ifoger..
Mr and Mr. A W p'inclalr. daitu.’t> Helen and Su'ie and
Tctumcil Thursda* evenlnc from pPkhig •<-1herrie. on ihe p,-nln.ula
H. r. nridKeiiiau iii^ wlili r,
Itad acei.leni Thuixlay during iheMHwind which |ire-p,lcl ilje Omti
•le*Wlorm. She went ton do'c to n
*< reen door an.l w*. ihrowu off the
Ktt-ii*. putting the elbow of her 'ct;
of JolDi and bnilslng
Ame* Knight of Wllllami,
Minn., arrived Thurgday
her daugluei. Mr*. Rdnj Kinney, who
liav been very n; for the past thrtj



Sudden Lamenesa Often Caused by
Smalt SeraUh or Abrasion—Keep
Animat* Out ef
•f Mud.

!v ••. <•, LIPI* Aii.l«iani VcK-nnirtaa.
fnlvcisli. Kurtii. Si I'.ul. Minn
It le not at all uneominon for rafile
to show a very sudden lametiesa,
which on careful examtnaUon prove*
t« be an abeceM-llke formation twtween the hoofs The startlnK fwmt
usoally a snisll .cnicli or abra­
sion of the sklo. which uffer. a suilable avenue of entrance for tbe ertu
causing tbe trouble Tbe gi-rm* llvo
In the soli, manun- and oth<-r lilth
about (he jard* an.l feT-d lot. Ilu^
ing dry weather lln-y cnupi- t -rj lIMlo
damage. When the yard, are muddy,
the stable, ^uclwun, the grovttb of
germs I. favon-d Ai tbli, (line also
the continued action uf the w<-t. foul
inaieiial makes the .kin between (be
claws tetter and easy lo lujunAo exatnlnatlan ot ibe lame foot
will usually reveal aw.lllng ond tendrmesa
If the spKce heimii-n the
clawi be cleaned out. the skill ahrau.ually platplv evidelit Some­
time. tbtre IS a thick cb*-»-.y coveriiif
grwviab pu. over tb<' .urtaie of the
re At other tluj*-s th.- pu. may bur
w bectulb tbe skin, and cx-n fortn
pocket, (bat are filled with ihli
ebeesy material.
Treatment consists In keepiuk the
affected animals out of the mud i<iid
tor several dayii. VhuT* ■
ough cleoiiPlng of the pan with any i
of th*- cMl tar dtp.. Uktog live iv-a i
U iM-r pint of water ouci- dally.
F UCtescun , All tl.e looi •■
shreds of skin should In- cut away and
^pus 1pocket* well artiin.d
In mild'
tiDpIleulloft of pine
•cverer form should n-celw, la j
addition to a (borough cK-aiiiii*;. a

The Semi-itoHBal CLiEARANCE S ALiE Garment, Department
Values ynat Are Cfowdlag the Ready-lo-Wear Seelioa Wllli Eager BnyersI

Pretty Wadi.Dresses
$1,25 & $1.50 $1.50 to $2 GO DRESSES,
in 2 special lots


$1.25 and $1.45,


Whether or *nol It co*l* more to
rals<' a.purebred coli than a grade. I* decidcl by an exiHrlnient now
UDder way at Katieas Agncullural col
kje. ,W. A Cocliel has ». le. I-J :U
coll*, ten of tbmi purehn-d t'lvdoadalci. Hen-heron*, iiijglans. and ten
grades of the »a!i;e breed*. One lot
1* lo recelvT oat* altalfa hay attd corn
(odder. The other lot w HI b>- ted tn
such a way as to receive Uo- same
(eod nutriments ws if oats bad b> >.n

FTaBk Walton returned home Mon­
day from Seattle, Wa.»h.
Mrs. Q. J. bsughtnan and fhlHren
of Grand llapldr *|>eni a few days
with ter alster. Mrs L. A B^nneti.
MIta Alts Thome went to Traverae
Clt) Ttmday to accei.i a iiositioii as
The sad newt reached here Wedm-v
Rev. D. E Reed, con/erenc evange
day of the death of Eula. the dautth
. an.l rta'ighter, -Mis. Sunshine, of
ter of Mr and Mrs. SleKfrfed hein
lion, will conduct senice* tn
.teiae. at Eranrton. 111.
the t
•raon lot In the east en.!
Mrs. TtSaiiy and soiia Anns and of town, eonimenrlAg
nimewlftg on Wednesday,
<oe. west » Gmnd RcpIJs oo Friday
d, and ooniinolr.g for twri
<« visit ber daxKbter.
Service* every afternoon and
viWs Hattie Grant went la Cadillac evening during week day* and all day
Ft Ida.- to visit'relatlsea.
|*cnp-cs ca SnniUvb, Auc. 10 nlid IT

S10lo$2ir LADIfS- COATS
a( *$. 6 50, 8.50 and no


acaaoa. very best models.
ni.il4-ria1* and roionoM at Just half

-Si-ore* of .••ffcelivc Bummer styU-.c in rephy r and
ilF.ue Klngb.uiiii, naiurul llnena, -vlimitlea. percale*
lingerloa.'’l«inK and short aleeve*. •

so. * 50. *12 and 1*50

S.9S, 4.S0 4 as Dresses [ Dress’s,!* lo 4* in: bust
—Tloiire l>reise* for (he • hard-lom." Made of *plendlil wash mali. rial* In six-i lai shun waist and
large Iijp Style*.
niohc *
»6 50t
lii-e. railiio*. voili-*, pure I
ull •'learli.t: i

r-T. ,11.


195. 2*5,3 50 and4»5
—WERE W.S5-,, ,,0. SrniM, mR.
.Tina*. Iledfnnl «-ord8. etc.
—BALKAN BUIT8 In linens. BedK-rd cord*, ratiaet. etc.; -cloaiins af ‘
tl.95. K2.95 and Mi.

$1. $1 25 and $1.50


65c and 95c

.-•ml. .. now at S4.96'





plain white or It.....................................
feet*, worth tip

- I.nwiie. BinjrtiaTii* and per• all* iu liulit. nicvlliini and
clurk ••olnm.

-tmurisKs v,,rth ui. t.i tr..

—11.00 and SiJtt WAISTS:
lioenc* uni] vi-*(ink*; bloiii
lalloied e.Te<'i*. -65c.
*1.78 ' WAISTS; dalBiy'-;
B'vli.- ill linki'iiuB. plain and fMcy

to s::,.h. .xhtW*
clcarinc at Kf bA
I close Friday after- —GIRLS’ COATS, up



rerteiaiue The foMowing statement
r..*.;riiing lo.' ...iiiijig i* aMiihuled to
I‘rit.ld<nl Hu-rta.
•1 l:ai.. i.iiLliily Mail'll (hat I will
a... pi m-lther ii.iwHuiion nor interv.-iHiori. l.<-inuM' I iMdl-ve the nation
dicuiiy aj.d preMige

AdminiMratiiin olllvialH will not a>
mil (bat Mr. Und is lo aiieuipt lo
0.1 liui.- t..i.v<...ii th.v Huerta guicrnaiii! il.o revciliiii.inciiB. or even
iidi-aviir I<{,hrlug ab ut
, »HlJolu.
There is. ho'wever, lusw
CO iihoiit ihe reeullK dewired than
iiodhuil Ly whiL-h ihey arq. lo he
i-btainbd It is opeuly dUmlited tliil
I- retiietueni of HuerUxhi favor of
provisional prcbideni acceptable
Pursued by Govern.
..1 side* vvbo would conduct ixiDslit ReprsteR'.c;..* When
, tutloQBl clecdoas and Net up a governH* Arrives in MesicO
iiieot to which the I'nited Slates
would L-xicuid r<-cognilioii le Ihe thing
lUc Atut-riran Sov 1.1111110(11 would like
inimori here to,la- I'lai the mission lo «-c ll.-vppelt.
o' John l.iiid. l'pcn’.|.-ni WIlLan s *piWhll<- Ihe preflrtenr* rcprcsenintlve
ri;.l ..|ivnv to will mi-et with tiiuy tiol deal directly with tbe Mexi-

•evoral days. Takt-ij
urou*ly nud p«T»1»i.iiHv imal.d, heal.'
mg should not be pru]<ing,-d bv yoii.I a UlICQTi
week. It left alone. *om.- ca«e* wton nUUllll
assume Uiv'most revere lyp-. which
teeans delayed b>-aliog
baudagliig and dr>-sBing.

Being (
Coet of Raising.

Coats, Suits,
Skirts, Waists ete

1 lot $2 75 to
$6.00 Dresses

drfs.lng ot etjual part* of lodofcrm' sptCIAL ENVOY LIND MUST SLR
•Rj lR,rlr
fo, ,




lai) ouihorttif*. it Is eenain that with­
in a abort ll.-)ie he will have rotn-

Ny*-a I
pill Nye was .
r’agner. ibe composer. Id "Tboi and
oiunbwiei! , Ihe-Ideas of the a.dn.inlrNow"
Dean Uole ralaiee: "Nye, tba
iralion n. all lmcr<.*(ed pariipa in th.American hunnrlst. briUlaat aa tbs
l»*t, wboae oonedy ncTtr falk to
e)u.rni. and whose tragic death I »*«»»
Methe.-Js Present never cease to mounL toM OW »»>«»
Father elT.n-.j forgeu that It is when he met Wagner he said to bta.
mother'.s Mrtl.dsy until *hc bawl* him ■Your
^ music to ______
beyo^__tay onapreout about It aft. r breakfast. Then be 'li«o»Ti». hot I alwaya'teel___ _____
go.v« downir.v.1, ;;nd rend* lor bon>e a I Tiubf H that It to really bbA
ecreen dcor for tho Viuhci; or a fub- Uiao It Maads.'"
for (he bathtxrom as a proeeaL—Ciocltujall Ee ;uirar.
Hard Work.
judge (to solicitor, who to glyloc
Important Motto.
evidence)—-I shall feel obliged If the
Don't overlook.tho tmpohaabe of wltaeM wlU.ktoflto^jBBdravnr'to*fot^
the motto. A full day a work (or a fBO get himself for" a iB^alulto pul
day’s pay-.-AtcoUon Globe.
Between Two Lovea.
An Aichlfon young mau who owaa
a nioior car and bo* been conning a
girl sev tal yean hat decided he caot
and up I.
prests be had laavu pb stepc to dispose
ot his cor.

SvIdeMly Ne Frtend ef l
’That political il«al of youra to to
be congratulated. He to alvaya la
the puWlf , - —

r~--------- *------------Fire, Smoke and Water
Sale Ends August 16th
We slill have left a lot of very good bargains, and if you are in need of any wear­
ing apparel you connot afford to overlook this wonderful sale.
Hundreds have been supplied and satisfied at this great sale.

The lollowing iterfu ha* Just iVor
< lv^d coiHeiaiag lOluc former r«-»iiVnt* of thia region
A very ploas.ani family retinlon wa* ■Deluded. Tbe
held ot (be lealdence of Mr. aud .Miw. alfelfa bay win gi-i lis ct.rn fodder
O A Drake. .I.V> South .'.:.|h strecl. while ruooing In tbe .posture.
Tucoiiia. Wa»h., Aug 1st. IPl.T. the ocAll tbe colts are fed In an open *h<<d
•aslun tw-ing the iiinhday anolversary and during the dty arv kept outside lo
of (our of iJic memlreru i>re*«dt. aanie- (be pasture. Their coats are h.-avy
ly. Mrs I. i> Heynold*. age TK; Hilda and jhejr 'are In the best of coodltioo.
Schell. It. «• M Schell, i:.. and Mr*. The loU are divided Into five purebrtid
five grades, Bvu fllllca and five
O. A. Drake. :.r,. the la.i I wo men­
horses The question lo be answered
ChUdran Tai*0M CobWifig.
tioned iierwons iM-Ing well known !•■
lias a pun-bred the same opporCobbilag h rwKcnlaed a* a trade tm their eastern ftieml* e* il.e Michigan. tualtj to develop a* tile grade, or is it
tbe Tocauonal achooU of Buffalo. Ber- iwlDB. Oharll)' and lUlilc. Near rela­
nurh a malter of fi-edlng as of
eral echool* are »et aside for leweb- tive* preu-nl were Mr* Helen Aveiv
iDg trade* to yoang boys and gtrla. of Seattle. .Mr and Mr* f M Kcb.M
and the uteet addtUoB to tbe eoura#
ta oaa Is cobbilag. A coapetent Id- uad chlldreD. Hilda. Hun and l.yie;
Krector ba* Pms *nsv^ to taaeb .Mr. and .\lL Hovd Inuhc an.l won'
U* youag Bien bow to repair aboasT -Hoy, and Ml** l.lhU.. Drake, Xh>’ ah
There are a Dumber laklaf up Um sem-on^ wen' .’.Hb KHiH Schell Dan
doiuwe. tad ii it certain that tbe trade lels and family of Sumner and Mm
A laded team caa aevor do a proUL
win not bMom eiuaet/wiih therou« laxtle Drake M<<iuire and fanillv of able day's work.
SeaeratloD atudrtng tble
Seattle . Several ol those who
Watch the ewes' udders; milk them
. reJttrantUag old aboaa.
present at this cojoyahle oeuwMon out when aecessarr.
A young animal will gain more rap­
were also preseni at a largo neighborFaph’a Retort
bood san>rl*e tarty given In honor of idly lhau B mature ohw.
An Improved tire st |ioe Is s mighty
Toung Kaa—“I tbouid like to aak the IwlDi at tho Drake homestead
TOW DdTtoa. Mr. as to whether rott .Moore* Center. Mli-h. iwcniy yc;
good business propostUon.
think row danghter would (sake a
Not only U It humane to provide wa-'
AIKl. .
•ter (or tbe hone, but It pays
aaliabk wile." Lawy*r--No, I don't
think the woold. Fi*« doUara, plgaaa."
Everlasting watchfulness to one
'-New TorkUaU.
Burs Loan.
eret of sucoeas la slock raising
Mrs. jobaton—“Jes' bide Tomth
Especlalb' la summer saw dust U*
mooey la A Bible. Mis' Jackson. Ni bard to excel aa a bedding for borae*.
Not Werrted About That
Arrange to put the hogs aad pigs ia
(vlalUag prison)—"I body arah looks Id a Bible, you know.
hope (hat whea you are released yon Mis. Jackson (with ■ gasp)-"Oh. a fresh pasture before the bite gets
«m lira ao that you caa look yonr tak Lawd! I'd lose it sbuah! Mah ole too aboru
Keep the plK* growlag; evsry pound
lowmaa gtral^t la the «ye," The aas'a very rcllgioas, an' raada do Btgained now srui add-to tb* pradt at
Boaco Itan—*Tbat U tbe alnplMt blo twin a day.”—Puck.
pan of my buBlntoa."—Buck.
Bobbr'* KTBSdtatter often referred
to tb« cood old duw when neb e*»nodiue* aa ■*«.t. Ter
TefMablea. trviL
1 and prepared at
One day at dinner (be mlac*
i praised. -Btu ni bef
dfarsd tbe Sve-yearold boy toyaOr.
“it * nothing Bhe xbe pte that grandBa
«|^ to tnake.vhw abe ralaml aad
picked bar own BlBoaa: la IL snaAnar

LiYe Stock



Woman wrttar bolda you eaa train
Whan M torteo for poota of tiw, sya. poioD aad manger ta doeelra, but
*Ta that man wbo to running around
that tha band tolls the truth. Uml glrtng advice a lobbylsiT" '’Certalaly
they moat he aomowhat pomito
Aad they alssye prear Bloroa.^(o« aoL He to 00 Our Side of th* vgs-.
fN»WA and Kttad
York Srsalag Tslagraa.
atBL'VWaahlagton Star.

Why not you?

It will pay you to make an effort to get in and purchase some of the great bargains
which we are effeting. We doa’t care how much the goods cost us, how much they
are worth or how mi'<;h we sold them for before this sale, what we are after now is in­
stant disposal. Prices only last while the goods last. Do not hesitate, but come at once
and see for yourself the unquestionable values we are offering.

Boys’ Suits
3S.M vslnes......................
3.5* valnes ...................... . l.*8
4 00 values........................
5.00 values........................ . 3.3*

Boys’ Separate Pants

A Lot ot Youths’Suits
3 7.00 values
iW«0 valnes
125* values
15.0* valnes

........................ 4.58
........................ 5.98
....................... i*8

85c and Sl.OO valnes ... ........................... 3Sc
66cand76e values..................... .............2»c

A Lot ot Unquestionable Values
lii Shirts

Boys* Stocldnos al................ 7c, tic and 19c
The kind that wear.

tl WISblrts lor.......... ........... y................ t»e
81.50 and 3 00 Sblrts, slIgMIy
damaged................ ............. 39c to 1.S4

We cannot quote prices on all the great bargains in this s^ce, but we have several
unadverdsed bargains fu ly as great as the advertised ones. Remember, nothing in pur
endre stock reserved.

F. KUBECK Traverse CUy

121 Union Street


Thp material of fli« |
-With Naw PMatoM.
The rountr)' woman wbo Ukea a abould bo ot tba eoolaat poaafbie cooluatiOabla |>rld« In ber table otien alateni with durabUlU- Tbe abirt.
feeli beraeir on an anaqual fooUnr alao. abould be ot tbia matertaL a
with tbe town alater who baa tbe mar- nonconductor ot beat, and atoul.
>:eia alib their trniiKins vartetlre at poor ablrtlnc aoon tears or wear* and
her verr door. aay» tbe . Farmer'* |eu tbe aun to tbekjleab. bltaterins
WiUiams, Editor.

it aiyl cBueins the rannOT much dlaTbe rmntry woman't' o|>portaniiy eonriiure. It be waan any uoderlies In her abllllv to make dainty end clplhios at all. R abould be of liRhi
temntlnK dishes from tho iilstn food* irrade and to elastlr It will suit Itat her eonunand. rather than In ei- self without Trletlon to every tnosepeellna of jiear*. saves half the
_ with unusual or unsen- nent of the body aoiblns that ruba
ordlnaHly renulred. and the nniabed
and icails tbe tleab is very annoylna
product is more i-leaslna l.j reason of
farmer severe
^he tmoolh. oven ain-«rai»o of th"
veaeiable. uuy be pain
foundation of a dellcloiu
^^eds to dUcard the old
^luuchn.n or sumcr. or an l«,u.rtsnt .0.I bat that Rap. around hU oyee
MekU line, tij pirkUnK Urneaels
^ «|wie«,me and saUsfvlnir ... „„
He rshoold have a cool
sptouis Trtm. .ash ami drain quite
,a« be ibU to
and hear
dry. as many small nrussel* sprouts
Ilolled l^>laloea-A famous Mrish as he «oes about his Jail) toll. The
as you reu’ilre 1*01 Into a tan. sprtii.•00k gives this Bs her secret lor the wool hat should be lah) aside for a
kle well.wlih salt and let renisin for
iwenty-lour hours l>raln off niulsiure, dellctoustirss of her i>laln' boiled comfoTtabre fitting straw or light
potatoes Drop the isitaioekjnio Uiil- cloth hat through which the air caa
and If you ibluk the* are n»o salty,
pui in a colander smi isuir <v.lil « hi.t Ing salle.1 wsier lame ou thr Jack- ctrrn|ale freely. Then. loo. there I*
thro^uih them. FIniv in jars and ■U uoleiis the |siiatu<« are more than no pa|t of ihe farmej^'s summer garb
Boll moderniel: more Ifcportant than'his Hhoe*. Sore
.vA With botUng viu.«,r. «.a*oned
with |>e|H>er. a IbtlcLjjtlllscd ciiiger.
..... lender II new imutoea boll e feet are tmlaanble and simply unfit
ideces* Steam them inMcad. Whei the farmer for his work. Heavy
bay leaf and enough suuaf to take
done, diulii mic.|iaiel). loiCs gently li shdes of lourac. hard leather »re cefthe esireiiic Jo-i.i of dx- vinegar. \V|
the kettle, and leave coieretl a lev tjiia to rub live f'-el and should nevthe pickles are .nl.l, ptit Iti Jars, i
ni^nuies in a »at ni place _
er be worn. 1 knew a farmer whose
tie down.
St«lffe<l~llake hard shoe rubbed a >
1 bis foot
-----------------------. medium sized |■alatoeB In > ‘ that llnoll)' develoiwl into a cancer
Stutted Cucumbera
Take six good sized l ucumla rs. i
which causi'd hU dtialh. The ahoes
m quires about forty-Bve minutes. Take ’ need to be of light weight and very
a cupiul of Bnely t lioppci yea!, f
from Ihe oven, cut 'in two, and reinov.
lablcspoonhiU of milk, three tal
’ Mift leather, fitting the. feet perf.Htg the Inside wiih a fork. Mash ihli
s|K>onfuls ot i.rea.l . rumba, one e
Vl.v. irth* leailicr be.-ome* dry and
thoroughly or pin through the rlret
ba& a teubiwonful of salt, s' III
; hard, a lllllo oil should be used to
and season with sail sml white |m-|s
whue l•e|.pe^, a quarter of a 1
make It pliable, in order to keep the
per. Have ready enough hoi-rream
>lKx>Dful of onion Jiilce. a pinch
.. to moisten the jmUtoes slightly, and a f.-ei from BWeaUnK too freely. Ught
powdered thyme, one heuping
aockt of first elass materUl abould
.Vd one ind-u.dmll
spoonful ot
I'are Ihr cuenm
of t
and cut ®“*hly. beat up unill light, and reflll
Ihirtug.lhe wann weather, Hie farm
bers lightly, cm off ih.
e Jackets Bel In the ovm for five it's diet abould be inoslly trull and
each oucumlKr li; t»o i>ie<e» c
Inuies. and serve.
vegetable*. Hit digestive organ* will
wise. Hemove He «e,-ds wnh a
Mashed I’otsioes With Peas—Mush be kept In a healthy and active condl
I'lf ‘'"fvf- >■-' '"t' cucumbers' In
season, moisten tiun. and nitrogenous foods are Icsi
J;:iX-Vt;:rv;;VB':rn..; w-..humt.eho,cr«.m..ndbe..unH. productive Of heat. Klsh.' chicken.
ready ►m.e action and b.-ef
the n.Uk and l.r.a.l crumbs m i «u<^ "«hi andfeaiben
freahly cookedoror.-anne.1
<anne<l pea.
pea* with aa |<,r aummer ii»e. Hok meat Ihould
mn. and evs.k s.-> slowlylor flti^n freshly.cook.^
'Ibtckc-ncd cream sauce Unc a deep
t„. eaten ven otieii. There !•
minute*, or until n wist.- Is foruK-d.'
Add “>lsto the ret ot The
ingrtsll dish with ihe'polBloc*. laying tlirm danger of lh<- AVi r-eulIng i>f mualx In
enf.nn.1 mix well with the v.wl. Take m
'‘““f 'h* I”-** 1“ “»■ '■•'O . th.-'aumraer lltne. and the' farmer
the cucumlwrx Irom Hm< water, wljw'
' should be v.-ry carelul not to tlicv. hv
Uitm dry , and mi ih-m with the mi*
To t se Small IMiatoes-Among the d„.,uaiiry himself lor the lal«r in
at new laviators- Hiere nCe alway *>and. Better to go the table
ture. jacking them aolidl.v lay them
any small one*. They may lie nsed
In a sameiati, and pour c
i*a variety of ways:'h
stock, or the same 'piantiiy of water
Srraia some of tbe smallest one*.
If there la out stoc k, adding one uhle
id cook with green peas; when .lone.-----simouful of huiier In rase water le
r ought I
Id cream, and ihlcken slightly.
The ft
used Add one bay leaf alM>. ami salt
Boll a qiiatitlij ID (heir iaeketi ful of his drinks in warm weather.
and l<ej'|4-r to u»le. and lei Hie cuIhire c-old water, milk and lemonade
cumbers - simmer lill tender w hen While they laiil prejare a aauce b arc (he most healthful drinks. ‘aU
Herced with a tooihpii-k
I’uur the heating a jdiu of rich milk, seasonln silmiitaiinK drink* such a* tea and
with salt anil iwpiver and thlekenin„
sauce over them in serving dish.
arlth a jaWe*|ioonful eavh oPflour and eo**** shouia la used vc-ry aparingimtleCv blended
Drain thy- ajotatoe*. Ir 'ce wau-f 1* also to tu avoided
Cooling Drinks For Sunimor.
and allow tlieii> to stand a frw mlii- H cool, the svsiem too suddenly, and
There arc many dellriuut ixmllug ute*. Rub off Ihe loosened akin*, the shock fqllowlnc a liberal draught
lieveragea (hat may l>emade with III and drop whole Into the hot Ksurr
r cUoaatrously If the
tie trouble at borne, and eaitectally tbe
I warm .Stagnant pools
Scrape, and drop Into dec|i tat. fry
various kinds made from fruit khould Ing a goldc-n brown
Drain on nobo treeb used during the hut wroth- glsxeil laiwr. and sprinkle with salt.

rarmplW Wife liUt iCed
These potatoes look very lemiitln^t aidrink* should seldom be indulged In.
vater from them. A
raiuiod around i

J4oms Cheer


8nff>e atns of the Illy, the dnUy and
And the ranrtea and pinks that tbe
Bummenime itrows
I. the areen. rta-ay Up of the medder that Uya
Bunkin' QP at the aUea Ihrouah the
annshinv days;
-But what U the Illy, and all the rest
Of flowers to a mam with a bean in
hU breast
That was dl|>pod briiDOln' full of the
honey ami dew
Of the sweet clover blossoms his
babyhood knew*

never set ejed on a dover flel.l now.
Er fotd wund a atable. er climb In the
B« my childhood comes bsc-k Jest as
clear and as pUIn
At the sntell of Uio clover I'm sniffin'
And 1 wander swat. In a barefooted
Where 1 tangle my loea In the bloksums that gleam
With the dew of the dawn ot the
mortilng of love
Ere It wept o'er ilie-grave that I m
,a.eep1n' above
e clover—It aeemw like a,

Of tbe sacreilest aorrows sod Joys of
my heaif;
Ani thank the goid Ood.» I'm thanki^nim noir
And irmv to Him «HII for R
when I die
To go out in the clover and tell I
And lovingly nestle my face in li
VSTille my soul slips sway on'a breath
'ot prrtuoM.
—James \t*hlteomh Riley

• . “One,leaf I* for faith, and one *
* la for ho|w. and one is for luve. I *
♦ know."

Around Ihe
SdUor's jable
........le.e e...»
Wo rend of “serfhon* In alone* and
books In running brouks" Sometime*
we get a philosophy of living
nn i
chance bit of wandering
oBcalendar which bangs where Home
Cheer sees It dally Ir this wUe little
saying, v^hlch I* worth ciiitlng oi:i
and sHcfcttJg in your looking glass;
'A wise oKl owl lived In an oak.
The more hedirard. Icm he s]>oke.
Tbe leas he Slake, the We he heard
Who .o.ia.', b. Ilk, th', .1,, old


fnin jubei:. together with
water of the temjierature ut good
water. Are sufriclcnily .-oollng fur
^ua Water—One ounce of turiaric
^cld. one jaund of sugar, one'iiini of
bolting walir. the white of one egg.
...111., „r
pineapjdc extract. .Mix all lugether
in an eirthen bowl, stir hrDkIy ;
pour into a liuHU- ui bottles, Icr usr
Shake well Iicfuic using. Intu a gla»t
ful of water stir two lableBjioont' u
the mUtu're and add a qiiarlei of ^
jeaMioonful of set* TbU makes,
foamy drink,


.o;„.hik, „„ b..


toes and meat

properly caring for hi*
w-l. add
the funner win lie enabled to
lo this a cu|>tul ul tirc-ad
itnlcST'-a-^ndure Hie strain of lic-avy woik dur­
cupful of hot tiiaahed isusloes'
ing the rummer tnontbs. He U also
oiin cupful each of ground tsalnut prcpBiiug himself for a long, healthy
me^is and peanuts rrom which the
h.. i_.r
baa been
t?. " I.
I .7.”
with tne
Hot Weathor Oosaorts.
hand*, seaaon liberallyI with *
Rice a la Creme—Wash the rice in
{lepiicr, and If
several waters, lall It quickly in tail­
a inile hot milk. Form IbliI intu 1
ing water (or live .mlnutiw. Drain,
loaf, ami iilace in a bakiog dUli. Bake
add milk, rouk slowii until itH- rice
In u luodaraie oven lur half an lioui.
losilng with a liiili- beef st<>< k or hui Is tender and Hie milk absorbed. Dis­
water and niclle>l butter Serve hut solve gelatine Witli boilliig water, add
oil a BBiniRhr-d i-latirr. and cut In Il to the rkA with Hiigar, vanilla and
»noe, ii aiiHtta rt.-h. .lark color whlpjicd erratn W-hen cool Pour Into
iiho a nmai loaf and will serve six a wet mold and leave in a cool place
unill firm Turn out ami serve with
aii> kind of raid siewevl fruit in the
------- ,---------------FacnriF* Car* of Hi* Body in Summer
Home Cheer ofleo beailatess to print
Banana niarloiie Russe—One hea|v
aomethlog especially for
he farm Ing tahles|ioon(ul of powdered' gelshouse, hearing In (ancy
sarcaaili ttne, two tV>l«'"l*»>nft>)s of sugar.
What docs she know aboul half a leasioonful of vanilla extract.
itr- A life Hme of dear friendship in one c-iijifoi of whipping cream, oue
some of the typical far-from-iown cupful of milk, and three or four hafarm homes
Nortbern Michigan nanaa. Feri and nil the bananas Into
and three year* of experience
lingers, line Ihe bullum and sides
I from Ibe of a small plain ebarloue mold with
prairie ranch
nearest lltilc bamh-t ought
(hem. Mix the selstlnn wUh
for something however. Ro with
milk; dissolve carefully, add the sugar
apology Home Cheer reprints tbe
sod vauilla. then fold In the whipped
lowing senalble article from "Success- cream.
Tour Into the preiared mold.
fid Farming "
until firm, Uien turn out
The aummer time U the season of and
with sliced hananai
bard work, and the fammr roost put Aoy
one-quart pan wUl answer for
hU body to theseverest teat. If he a meld, though grtPlie ware Is to be
eoduree the heat and labor of tne preferred
tawlag and reaping season, he must
„f j,,,
escalleped Bananaa.
Stir one-fourth cup meUed bniief
In the first place, be ahoul^ keep
pint of grated broad crumbs.
mu> a pint
.-.nuiraHon In order SpHnWe I*"'I tom of baking diah wUb
will hfc
------------------cfumti*. cover with sliced bananas,
and sprinkle wltb a IHiU >ugar mixed
‘ 1
and sweaty accnmula
with cinnamon: r«|ie«i the layers ot
Uons win close the pores of Ibe i
by ablm
crumbs and bananaa. nniB

Some Hint* fee the Canning Si^c
The owner of Hie largest cannli ^
factury In Florida •ays Hiat the seer
of the superior BaVor of hl» gua ‘
Jelly lies in hi* meUiod of canning. In
summer he cans tbe Juice from wellboiled fruit, and seals, while hot. In
A Temperance Mint Julep -Thorgallon.Jars, whose tops, afler being
oughly crush a bumh of mint, then
tlghUy a'erewed on. are fasiouod -•»“ soak It fqr halt an hour in the riraiii
curely by pooring melted shellne-I juice ol two lewon*.^ adding the
around tbe edges When cooler Weaih grated rind of one, beiag” careful nut
er aeta in. the cant arc- oi*ened and to get in Bay of the white skin. Boll
the Juice tailed Into Jelly The longey a idnt ol water wiiii a-pound of granthe Jttice Is- kept 'the riclier will be
ulated K-igar until the' syrup *idn* a
tbe Jelly. ThU la appUcahlc to at.y thread. Take It iiom the lire an.l ailr
frtttu that make good Jell^.
In Hie lemon and mint, the Juice of
Aaoiher easy war to make good
ofunge. and the Ksme aniouni of
Jelly I. to tail Ihe fruit iu a muallii
ifld .-Old
Jelly bag. placing It In a kettle of cold
lamouade—Wash Ihe lemons well
water, and lolling until -renter
before using, scnibbing Hietn lightly
the beg are soft, l-tfi out and
small brush, rinse and dnland on hook all night to drain.
Roll them I’oHI eolt. grate off the yelIf greioa are gathered and made up
low rind. Iwlng careful not to g«t In
iK-forc lull} ripe.,the Jelly ibav will
any of the bitter white skin Cut the
make will not be no apt to fortn eiyslemons In t*o and squ.-cxe out the
lals of grape sugar. Dead ripe gra|ie*
may be used aur.-essfully if one-llilrd Juice, add two ounce* of augur and a
apple jdire It added, and tbe. Jelly quart Of wore of water to three lemon* Tat Hind for half an hour.
made in the uenal way.
iiraln. an-l add a tn-shly rut slice of
An excellent grai> conserve U
each glass Tlie water may
made as followa: Pulp alx poufldsjR, be |■oq^ed boiling hot over Ihe lemon
grape*, chop two large anples. put
with Ihe pulp, snd cook to/tbe soft
»uce emge Ksm rrou*r<^nder ,
the ^yellow rlud
sauce emge
through ooianuer
orangev. equeeXe out the
and add the/akln^ five imund. of
of. augar, Iho
or o- lenmm and one P.m o.
tbe grated rinStut iwii oranges and water.
tbe pulp of tbree. cut fine Mix. and
Hmapple l.emonede-Peri. ©>•» and
cook ihree-quartara of an hour.
To iire^ ripe loara for presen- ,irkine,l Jnlce of four lemona. and a Um.- II II., lun,, -m'„
ing. place tbe pears In a convenient ^yrup made i.y boiling one iiouiid of bathing every evening before retiring,
vomel. covdF with boiling waier. put ausar and one pint of water togetbci bf will find It beneficial, and bla
a eloerfy fitting cover pp the kettle for Ibree or tour mlndiee. When cold, sleep wBl bethe sweeter.
If the farmer U able to provide a
and let atauii a few- minntee. w hen Hie add one quart ol water, and eiralo.
», he wBI enjoy lie bleealnga
afcins will peel off as readily aa'from
Currantade- Take one r<i- - bath r
1 of —ripe
a acalded tomaio. Cut each loeled
red corrants. one-halt pint otrod <l“rtog the working season. After tbe
in halves, and wltb a ahan* raapbeirle*. and crosh them with
cleaned. It I* well lo
polaUd knife romoye tbe core Th» sugar lo M^cwien.'lel stand for half an
TT>e work garments
beat will have peoetraled sufficiently' hour, then add two qua.ris of cold wa>»“»* “P
to eanae the core to cone away easily.
and strain.
Drop the halve* la cold water, e*
Orajiendo-- Free* (he Jalce from two
Again, tbe farmer'i ,»roi%lnf garb
quickly as they are iieeled. to prevfmi pounds of graiirB. strain, nnd add to
be oomfortabla AB tight fittbetr lurnlpc dark. ITea^e In Hie'the Juice three ulileaimon* of riranu ting garmenu should be discarded,
weaal way- This method does away lated sugar, and a glaaa of cold wa The paillklaoa* abould hang loosely
wntlrMy vitb'tbe utkAy. ulippery aeo- ter. atlrri^ nntll the uagnr ta dir nbooi (be wnlsi and llmbe and be-held 1
■nttan wblcb uennily nrcoaimolee tbe polved.
y>ts poalUw by good eUstlc snapend-

r??". •"
layer of crumbs.


Add IliUe lemon
Juice or bet water, cover and bake
U mlDQiea, Uien remove the cover, to
brown tbe cy-umbi. Berve as dewsert
dUb with cream and sugar, or with
Cheese Balia
ne cupful grated cbeeee. one■liooofiil salt, a few grains ot
flour and
iitghtly beaten whlCee of Ibrwe eggs,
shape In balls. »>y lo deep fal to
serve Immediately.Throwquartera
poand of cbeeeemakte over iwsujr
halla Half tbl* iwcipt w|U a

Oool MeaUTer Hot OajM.
Dnrioa the exeeaslsely hot days
pUn meals with temptlna oold food*,
which may be oooked In tbe eool of
early morelnK, skys the ladles'World.
CereaU may be cooked the nUebr be­
fore. molded Id cupa aud placed In
the refiiieraior until needed. Wreath­
ed with frtah berries and cream, they
will tempt tba tnost
The patented steamed cereals will as«lai In making breakfast aenice light
for tbe housekeeper, and. with fresh

Salads should form a staple article
of food during this month. If prop
«rly aelecteJ and combined they mav
forny tbe prin. l|iaJ dish for liynebron
or supiier They also allow tbe us^ig
of any leU-ov«r veg«(able*. meats or
Bsh. I.ettuce tnnid be crisp to be
served with any >uilad. and Hie beat
way to keep It In this condition Is;
as soon as It Is hroughi Into tbe
hriuse to break off the root, sefarate
Ihe leaves and wash In oold wntei:
lay csTefully In a dfaip cloth, i.reteraldy cheei^ niu.lln. He up the corner^
aud put im l.-e. Il one pulls lelluce
from their garilen this method will
Imiirov'e It. Fur days the lettuce will
keeii irU|i If Hie > loth I. kept nioUl.
Tho method prsiiiced by some of
soaking cucumber* In salt water after
Blidng U not a wise one. as II wilts
tb«- vegetable. There was »n old no­
tion that setne inlivonous BUlwianre I*
necrsaarll) waked out during ibislimccss. hut tills has lus-n exidivde*! a*
U fallacy. All Hip gre«« peel should
be pared from the Vegetable, as It Is
usually tough, but even n liltJe peel
will do no liarm If by chance Koine
should lie left attached Soaking tbe
lared < in umbers ^In lce-wa\er unill
ready, to serve will add much to their
Icudemes* and flavor. es|>e(ially If
they have l>een long gathered.

awe« peppora may bo aubetllutod for
tbe cucumber* If preferred.
Swtai Salad—Out one medium sliced
cucumber In dice, add one voptul vf
cold cooked Umb, cut Into cubes, half
a cupful ot sbredded loiiuce. half a
capful of green peas, one iesspoonfu:
of mint juice, and one cupful of uiaj
onnaUe dressing. MU lightly together
Servo on a tKd «>r chilled lettuce
Carclsb with small »iu8eJ
Boiled Beef. Dutch Style
Wipe three pounds of beef cot
from the rump, then place It In a
ketUe In which Is aime hot suet drip­
ping*. hrowning well. Add a medium
sized onion cut in elicea, a large car­
rot siTsped and cut Into alicei an Inch
thick, a level tablespoonful of salt,
and cover with boiling water Flare
on the lid and simmer uotH the meat
Is tender. It may be ^ whole, but
Vm require leas time to cook teuder
If cut into pieces aboul Ihe aU« of
small apidcs
Trim a red i-ahbage. spill into foiflparto aud soak In ««1d water for an
hour III Ixionie rrlap; then
elih.-r wiiii a cabbage cutler or a
stiurp knife. Flace II Id a kettle and
cover generously with l.dllng' liquor
frinn the meat, cooking rapidly, un­
covered fur flve mteutes. iban drain.
But two tahlespoonfuls of butter in
a frying pan. and wiicn hot add the
cabbage and four large urt apples,
lared. ror.-d and sliced; cook uncov­
ered tor about' ibtny minutes, tossing
tbe (wbbage and apples sz-versl ttmoa
to prevent burning.' tVhen the cab­
bage la lender season with salt and
pepper as UeceaaaT} . Add p cuplul
of thick ect^atn. and when tbe latter
Is hot turn on a disli and serve with
the boiled D>f«t. wbirii should have

Tho Mool IntMUaiMr.
A lady who ba* the repuiatlon ot
bring a perfect boateaa in aplte of Ui«
fac^ that sbe does all ot ber own work,
said sbe has no aecret way of entestalning. 8be only prepares before
hsn.1 aud then keepe cool. 1 am sore
that in the wise prepnriing before hand
she did not wear bcreeU out by
cleaning'tbe house from top to bot­
tom when Just a UtUe extra work
would have made tbe borne present,
able; neither did she cook up as
many dlffereni kind of saUbles as abo
could think of One of the tocma of
ease In entertaining Is tbe obsenrance
of the same care In setUng and serv­
ing Hie table, ibc same small eourteeiet In the reUHoe of the fafflily
members airing themselves, and the
habit* ot well bred deportment-in tho
ordinary everyday life, as when gaeaU
are present. Be Simple and natural,
let your guests five your life with
you and enjoy the individual charm
which beloagR to every trow home.
good way to always be .wepared
for the unexpected guest la b> have a'
certain shelf in tbe pantry filled wHh
all kinds of canned goods—such ns
corn, tomatoes, ollvee, etc., and the
better kind of canned meats. Then
when some one comes Just a few ntlnutea before dinner time, go to this
shelf and you will be able to find
something tifere that srlll help out
with the dinner, and Without much
work or worry for yoB.

Green Peppert Witli Ciiaee*.'
RcBWve the atems and seed* freon
two large green peppera anB mince
fine srithi one large onion, and a
large tomato or aeme solid pieces of
canned tomato. h>y la a little butter
uniU well done. While frying, oeasoo wltb sell and pleatr of paprika.
Add two ounoea of sharp cheese chopl«d Doe.. Btirrlng eonatanlly notli It
Tollat «Mceu
melu. Serve on toast
Did you know—
This dish most be eaten aa eoon
That a lemon is tbe "queen ofjollet as prepared, or the Cheese wQl be­
remedlea?" A cut lemon on the toilet come tough and dincnlt to difeet
table remove* stains and aoll -from
nng<r nails, and is flrat aid to hWt
"It wlU be flat and aule by tomor­
That lemon Juice ajiplled to an
obstinate collar line on the neck, and row." they said of tbe perfectly good
allowed to dry on. will aaatat In half watermrioa that was left Built
for I meUed a mile porsfflb
bleaching It?
That lemon In the final rinsing wa- In a Jelly-cake i>an, dipped the cot end
ter of a Wmpoo effectually brigtueni IniK it. gHL.pai't^. melon Into the
cellar. Two'^dai*-. later when tbe
either light or dark hair?
That warta will diaappear under a wgteimelon was cut It was aa fresh
single application of a drop of mo- and had as good flavor a^ If R had
been kept In iu own green shelL
rtailc addf

Beef a la Mode Borved C»M.
A good-elzed piece of meat will be
rciulred for this
Select a cut
from the round, directing your
imifher to rrinove the bc.ue and to
bind the Into symmetrical shape.
You can secure ihl* better -than with
skeweri by passing a stout atrip of
muslin arouDcf the meal and sewing
Ihb together at the end*. The width
ot the band should be the height of
the piece of hoof. Heat together over
the fire a pint of vinegar with a
hunch of swoet'^herbs. a goodalzed
onion minced fine, a teaspoonful cecb
of mustard and of cioves. half a teaapoonful each of nutmeg, allspice and
black pepiH-r and a ublea(x>onful of
That ilnciure of myrit U an ex•tigar. Simmer lor ten' minute* Cut Celleot healer^ for sore, nlewated
fal pork Into strlj.s about Ihe thick mouth* It alao •weetena tbe breath.
ov*s of your finger and a* Idng as the. That ordinary aaleratua such aa U
bright of your i iece of beef, lay died In cooking, will destroy the
il(em In the vineicar after wou have "dor of penpRatlon* Keep a box to
Uken n from the fire, and let them a drawer, tog^r with a powder
get cold together. Stab your beef PU*- *nd apply h^der tbe arms In hot
through and through with a sharp, weather. The result will be apprenarrow knif-', making the euta about elated.
two or three laches apart, and In these
That a mole or pimple bMomea a
incision* thrust your atrip* of pork, "beauty spof when .concealed under
Thev should go all the way through * bit of Mark court plaster?
the meat. Into the vinegar left in
That cold cream softena brittle
thr rttsh put enough bread cnimb, to
prevent* their breaking'
•inkles at the corill paste, and work this Into
ThA Uugblng
of the eye# and around the nffinth
. with
X^ke cuts hetw'een the |«rk____ ___ should be massaged nl^Uy? Tbete

Cook the beffleo In very BtUe wa­
ter until tender enon^ to preee
through a sieve. Add tbe Jolee ot
one^alf lemon to oach euptal and
■weoten to auM. Une patty tint with
pie Croat; flB withi tbe ntxtore and
bake. Serve eoM.

ChiekM Turiwvera.
. Make a rich hwklitc-powder btecolt./
dough: roll out one-loarth ludi thicky*
cat Into squares: place a apooofnl cf
mlimed chicken eeaaoned with herb*
and onloM. and moMtt wuh cold
grary: f^ doiigb over; bniah with
mUk and bake atfbut fifteen minigae.
That a tonic bath ran be obtained Serve with .left-over gravy, to which
by iiilng norae salt, molaiened and add the rbojiped glhleta.
applied briskly to ibe body? Klnee
well and dry wiih coarse towel.
That toUki pumice rubbed on cal­
Cream a quarter of a capfol of but­
lous places on the feet will prevent ter, gradwally add one cupful of
{DVDS forming? Keep tbe akin soft
angar. h^ a cupful ot milk, and one
afterwards whb olive oil.
and a half cupfuls of Soar, mlxud and
Thai exercise In the fresh air. brisk
■ifted srith two teaspooufula of bak­
walking, and plenty of sleep, will ing powder: told in the sUffly beaten
give you a good color, good figure and
whites of two eggs and add a quarter
Blewdy nerves?
of a (easpoonfut of vanilla Bake 4i..a^BUtea In a moderate oveo. Cover
with white troBilng.

and cratp the lorceme.t Into these,
and rub It un top of (he beef. Now
lay the meal in >mir colored roaster
and pour In holing water to half rovt-r
the meal, iitit on the rover, and r >j«t
in a very slow oven, allowing half an
hour for each pound of meal Basle
frvwjuenlly *
Tills, as I have said. Is savory when
hot. and a good gravy may bo made
from the liquor In the pan But ihe
m-at should be pul lack in the warm
gravy after It ha* appeared on tbe
table, allowed to get cold In iMt. and
(hen he trimmed off and garnished to
•ene .-old The muslin band should,
Stuffed ^Onlena.
of course, be taken off before the
orange Juice; blend fruit and orange
Peel the onion* and parboil for ten
meat gvM-s to ibe table.—, Woman's
Juice iborootdily. Serve between but­ minute* to salted water; drain, re­
Hunu- Companion.
tered slices ot whole wheat break.
move part of center and Mnff with
RalvlD—Chop fine one eup of seed­ equal |«na of cold chicken or venL
A Place er Meat.
ed raisin* toget.ber «:tb one-half cup soft while bread cnimba (from fresh
Hie following salads are of nuu. Mix with two tobleepoona
bread) and onion pulp. <%op fine and
lugh lo take Ibe place of sweM cr«ani. season with one tea­
aeaaoD with salt. pe|<per and a lllHe
■nest foi suptier
spoon of Ball Spread between allcea melted butter or cream. Bund the
Been SaUd-Strtng bean, are by
wheat bread
oDions to a baking dish, rover with
far the best for makini: this valad. alBanana—Chop up floe four s*■<«"«« enimb* and bake until •ofl.
though kidocy bean* arc not at all ,.i,n one cup of Knglish walnwa mix
hod If treated In thr same way. When with enough mayonnalae drooaliig to
Toto for Cataup Bettlea.
the fonnrr arc used. Strip the siringa ,n,no , ,hick paste, then spread bo
UHifti making my oatoop I foond
off and simply break the beans In ,ween thin slices ot bread or crack- I bad no corks tor tbe koUlee. says
inch lengths, do not cut them. Boil
a cook, so tried trying waxed peper
them until lender; drain thoroughly.
Afienioon Tre-A filUng very orer tigbUy. then dlFplBg tope In
and leave until quite cold. Fui them ^uch favored by English women It melted seeling wax. My cataup kept
in a salad bv.*l sprinkle with about
trom ihtn sllroe of bread light- splendidly, bealdea the paper 1s men
two ublespoodful* of finely choppe.1 jy buttered and spread with a mixture
aaDltarr ibnn corks.
parsley #nd any fresh herbs obtain- gf orange marmalade, p^" nats and
able. ib^ with wit and pepper, and cream ebeeac. Borne like this flUlng
FruH Sawoe.
drees wjih vinegar and oil Serve Im- puced between aranll tea Wecnlu. but
A fruit sanee tor eettage pudding
the mixture should be kept frotp the 1* made by croemtag togatbiM- oo»PoUto Salad-BoU the vegeubler.
of the biscuit,
fourth cap butter or leeK and one cap^
and when cold pare and cut. nddiu
sogar^ Add ooe cop ntrawberrlea or
one-fourth aa much cooked carrot and
raapbetrlea, (canned ones are equally
one-half a green pepiwr cot Into allvleed FruK Beup.
good), a tow at a time, aaahlng
en. and one laMcupoonfuI of minced
Aa an kod fruit soup put one quart
chives; mix thoroughly Heat one- of soar cherrtea, green plums or other them thoroughly wltb bottm- and aufunrtb cupful of melted baron fau add tnilt In a quart pt cold water gar. LaaUy add •tlffiy beaten white
ow-fourtb cupful, of Tlaecnr. one- over tbe fire and elmmer verr «««ly of one egg. Berve in ginaa towL
fourth teaspoonful wch ot dry m«- untU tender; add sugar to make palatnrd nnd pepper nnd one-hnlf tea- tably aweet. utlr until it I* dlwolved A Oaeeart That CMWroa Will Uka.
Maka aa ordinary Mabc mange.
spoonful or salt; pour this over tbe and prwa through a rteve. Rehaat,
vmreublea. rover had set nwny unUI and when ml the boiling point add WhQe etui bet add e cutdbl of (reubly
one tableopooiifnl of arrosrioot blend- dolled rico. Pat a tow eltoa* of ba­
nah Salad—Flake nome fold boiled ed with a Bute coM wntec: Mir until nana. orange er idimapple in tba bot­
flah*wlth a fork, toes with It about the clear, add pinch ot aalt and oiJe tabic- tom of atoM molds or ordinary earth­
qaantliy of chopped ealaiT. thM pour epoeafnl of lemon Jtrtro and pot away en CUM. poor la tbe hot blgne mango.
over n French droeatng. Amngw oa to cook ThU and almUar aoope are BUlng lo tbe top. Set away to eeoL
iMtnca leaves and cover with tbtaly bem eerrodin clear Us tees of glam Whea rwdy tf nerve, turn o«t oo aaa•IhMd and crisped eaonmbero. 'teroad cupa wltb a Unie toe. This It a mt«1 care or glass dlabee and unxTOud with
over with mayonnalaa.
Bhrqdded and deltolooe omip tor a first conrua. fnalt mice. JeDr or mtnrd.

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