Grand Traverse Herald, March 06, 1913

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Grand Traverse Herald, March 06, 1913


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, George G. (1861-1942)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Covers Ihe
Groad Trav­
erse RecHoa.



pnuaicsl)}' «verr RTcot unlTprsUr. knd
eol^KO of th« counuT. were In


“grand" divisions. First was the ar­
my and navy.-dsiih nearly T.fM-hMHi-.
second, the slnte militia, with about
I2.IK« men: third, war veterana. and
iiumanitj- was the object of the ova- fourih, civic organizailun*.
tion. ‘ThU wa» Woodrow Wilson— stale and almosi every larae city of
President Woodrow Wllsoii. Wce- the nation sent its quota to swell the
Preeldent Thomaa R. Harabell bad
ream of splendor.'
his share of the applause too.
Forming about tbe Capribl since
PollowliiK the exact rath of twenty- dawn this momInR. the parade licsan
hvren former prcsldenu, Presltlent shortly before I;30 iwliM-k, While
W^fOD was the central figure of the President Wilson wAs ,delivering bl8
pomp and pafseanlry of the ftreatest inaugural address, thuuunds of troops
Inauiniral |«rade ever i
began foming Uh- line of marr-h
historic Pennsylvania av.
through tiiu f'aidlul grounds, i’recedobservance of the t
>>d by a squad of ino mounted motorgenerallonB.
•ycle and bicycle iiolicrlncn. Ifae head
Prom’tht steps of the
of tile parade extended eight blocks
Tiewins aund at the Ospitol. with
tbo Peace Monument, at the foot
the kiss of the i.lble la the bands of of Henbsylranla avenue, before l*rrsiChief Justice White atill warm i
dent Wilson. Vkv-prealdeut Handial)
bln llpa. President Wilson was
and fifty rarriages flth-d with mem­
object of tumultuous and vociferouB bers of the suiircmo bourt. senate,
ai’platiae at he led tbe psBeant of
augural r-nramltteemen. rela­ Crimittal Calendar la One of LangMt
That Has Bern Encountered In
U.OOO soldier*, sailors and cIvllianB tives of tbe ln<
WsshlBfton. Mbrch 4. — Woodrow T.olda abd Tteprescni-iUve iiurlcson.
Several Year*. Two Burg- .
to the While bouse, iind there revlewWQMti becane president oY the Uni'Four Vea*a of Oemocraey
lara Plead GuiKy.
•4 8U1S0 si IrST-o'clork (bU atter-: Four years of deirocialic loudefshln «d them.
Caidiol after Ihe formal inauguiat
noon. In tblitj- Mconds he took taU dawned iiiKHi the nation today,
Today’s parade wo* declared the
ostb. kissed the Ubis before a crowd tlio htst time In twenty years the lOBt irfwlrnttous of any In hlsiore. In
President Mllaon with former Pref
AQEOU8 CONDUCT EXHiaiTTlie present term of the
of 75.0W persons who stood will, country arriaimod a democmile’chU-f- length, numbers, and
enf Taft seated at fals left, ot-cupled
bowed heads, irrlac in lain to hoar ^n. The gruatest copit.41 croad hi itwaa unique. For nearly three hours; tbe foremost carriage. Yt drew away roil court has liken a bnxy body of
liistory estimated at ::>0,UM, wk h wended lu way tbrougb Pennsyl ' from the Gapito) reviewing atand with mm from the very start. Among the
the words of the csremonr.
re-echoed rased the ceremonUa.
jpanla avenue. U was nearly dusk tbe Easex Cavalry Troop as an es­
acreas the plaap. P««de more than
Pissage rioax 'the sidewaikt at 5 before the last marcbers passed the cort. while Vlve-pre-sideni Marwhall. Of the court was that of Nteic Dolcr
a tnndred .feel frso Wilaou were o’clodt was almost ImiwisiUJe.^ Bcg-l new president Ihrough tbe ’Court of escorted by tbe Culver Mlittary Aca­ and Roy Guthrie, two of the ©oun't
otionerx who api>eared and madt
«.nable to hear a aiasAe word of Ms ad- ments of rr.lltli and reaulnrs svunx Honor.”
demy -Ilhiek Horse 11 ussars.-* yif In­
Crowds along Pei
d^M rollowlnc the address Wilson into line, cavalry whet>l«d Into poildiana. dFew in behind.
s-eil to ce
entenld a toor-bopse carrisR for his lion and beav\ aitillcry 'guns buoun-d packed every bit of room and filled
fnmt of tbe presidential car­
II an^ were caulluned that tbp.t
riage and Its escort was Maj. Ocn.
t n«. frequent any saloon, muti
l.eonsrd Wood, grand msrshall of the
liarade. bis staff and tlilrt?' aides. keep ai^ from ohjecilonabte plaivs
Wood wore a'volumlaous white sasb. and enOi-aror to show a saving of
of their money.
I Brtak Up Parade.
< worn
.. Drunken Men Guilt/ of .
IJeut. Col. ii. T. Alh-n. chief of staff,
The ease of the Poouic \s George
Vile Conduct.
end Lieut. Col. H. C. Hotteea, adjut­ Ourt. accused of burglary at Grown.
ant general. Tbe aides. Including high
lieloTvV the court had tbe
officers from each branch of the army evidence in the case read to Irm and
and navy aerrlce. wore vihite aashes eniered a plea of guilty. Tbe sentence ■Washington, Marcb (.—A scuatortal,
' ail were resplendent'v. itb gold lace, w ill be pronouDcwd by the indco laier. InvcMlgatlon of the failure of tbe
medals, idnmeii and were astride rlc.b. In the
» of tbe -People vs. Gar- Washington i>oRce to admately pro­
ly caiMrlsoncd mounts
Fim <t „,(( g, Uauderi illc. bui clary c9UD«-i- tect ihe wpmen poniriiailn^ In. yes'
horseflesh in thq •x-rvlro.''
led a-ltbtbe same vhaige at urawn. he lei day's snBtace psraite was ur<i>vred
As the grand marshall api-rrarhcf
today.^he’n the senate r«sr«d a
tbe 1‘eace MantUBcni. cheering swept
lutlop. introduced by Senator Jones
to mighty volume up the entire length' In the taiao of tbe.Peopla vs. Chss of Wnaiilncton, calling for an cvp.laof Pcnosylvsiila
from the city auihorltic,^. 8i>r™ ®
I Knowles, anniher conneried with the
"''‘‘‘n * jaamecharge. tbe prisoner waived the fngo snpporiers today were bidcr in
carriage api>eared.

'"'reading of tho charge and stood mute. rop<J.-t iiilng fbo lack of i>ollee proteclion. UrimkcD men attempted
w.rUI UU. ln«.. elimli iitt floats, grabbed women
. ,n .1 n.lw n.,.
marcbers 08 they luiaaed. sbontinr
P C. Gilbert „po,Hns lj,r
lie Insults In their ears.
est ta.'^e rolled
Following custom.
Insulted Along Route.
(bat <>r the I'eoplc vs. Jay lUckerd
Taft aai with his bat on throughout
Washington. March 4.—Hvo thona
(bargeil w-Ub scductlta. The pri.«onci
the rtde. even ignoring an occasional
women, marching in the w-omar
listvued to the charge, stood mute am'
and faint shout for the outgoing Uca plea of not guilty was entered b' suffrage logeont yesterday fought
publlcan executive. Tradition and
Attorney P. C. Gilbert wbo appearcti ’.heir way foot by foot up I’cnnsyira
custom decrees that the outgoing pres­
for the prisoner. This will eomc tia avenne. tbrough a surging mob
ident shall regard every particle of
-Jtat completely defied the Mashing
up for trill liter.
tbe deaonatratfon as given hla sne
|K>llce, swamped tbe marchers
Tbe case of the People va. Chas
cesaor, and shall not even appear to
Kalry, seillog tlquor te a raiDor. tbr and, broke their proceashin Into lUtk
It. Nevertheless, the Taft smile,
prisoner listened to the charge. eto<><'
as of old. was In evidence as he benrJ
Tbe women, trodiring stoutly atone
plea of not guilty war
DcmotraUc exulieranee hut Ifl-con■Oder great difficulties, were aMc tr
entered and be will stand trial.
cealed In (be shouts of triumph with
The People vs. Itenjamln Harmor omplete their march only wbro
wbkdi they accisimed a president lI
B a charge of lartwny was rolled am* Toops of cavalry from F'erl Meyer
their fsllh.
in this the prisoner listened to the ^•ere rushed Into Washington to Ukr
Dehlnd carriages carrying President
diarge. stood mule and a plea of not -hargo of Pennsylvania avenue.
Wilson and Vice President Marshall
No iDauguratlnn line ever jiroduced
guilty was entered and he will appear
s vebiclet rorry ing Mrs, Wilson
such scenes, wbicb in many inslaneefor trial. 1
and the three Wlleon daugfalera. Fol­
The bailee of the afjernoon and mmoonted lu nothing less than 'riots
lowing that of the Wihuin family was
Ijrter In ConOnental hall the wothis foreiiron waa taken in securing
the Marshall family. Then came tbe
jury In tbe Rex rone. TbU Is the ten turned what was tu have been e
aobllea and rorriagro of other
suffrage demonstratton Into an i^bUckmall case that was tried at
diatlngulshed participants.
uiecUng In which ifae Wash
previous term /OTLhe court and fhe
Slowly tbe processional to tbe
'ngton police roundly denonncedifor
jury disagreed.
(Contliiucd on Page Sevon.)
Tbe evidence It being hoard tbte their Inactivity and rmuitutioi
passed rolling man presidcni-olect
In the cara of John Pottenon rs Wilson and tbe inroming pongreas
Chester Got* that was tried in the make'^n Investieatlon and loeate the
lily for tbe Indignities ifl'e
term of coart. this has
Kingsley Ped>le Named TIeket Last
hecn'appealed to, tbe aopreme court marchers suffered.
through J. W. Patcl^ the attorney
a grandstands
triumphal Ktnnt to glm White Haute. forth. Piticen'goretnora with their •vcTT seat la i
Kingsley, March 4.—Tbe following for the detendanL
Wild cbeerf greeted the party along -laffs appt-ared in tbe In.nugura! The broad avenue, awept clean and
The case of the Farmer’s .Bnppi}
narernlly roped off waa b^ered by were nominated on .the Republican
the nxite Wllar-n bod hla aUk- hat parade
A lialf-million li>*(r'■■tsc-'d Ame'rl- (wo walls of a gay canjon^f bunting, ticket at tbe caucus held last evening company vs. William H. Intfertght
Iti Ua handa moat of the way. bawlcg
that waa tried In tbo June term o) Green Leae Tewnehip Plana a Great
ins today accUlmed. in typical Amer- lined with a cheering multitude that for tbe spring election;
and omlUag
President. Carl Uoedy: clerk. Ed­ court has also been appealed to the
of apace and every
Gray Bky Marked Event
balcony and window. Fakeri win R. Chaufty: treasurer. George W. suprente court through J. W. Pstthin.
A doll groy tky
the InangarAl
did a-thrivlng business in seUing Ug Chaufty: assessor. Frank llotiklni: the attoney for tbe defendant.
tanopy which greeted Prealdeat-clect
Frank Hsmillon _rclurtu>d Monday
Irosteea for two-years, lUley Myrea.
Wilson today. A tinge of sprina was
night from a meeting (hat was held at
were pushed near the curb and afford'- Chariea Su'Jcr. Rudolph Bai
’ In the nir, bu; Mouda wbicdi mighi
Inierlochcn klonday afternoon,
•d the owner a private grandstand of
issir ahowert npon the cnrwdt or
spoke before an enthuaUstIc body of
his own.
break into auaBMar hung over ttic
larmen thnt numbered 60. and
rity. The ixeivuiy hovered about U
many of these drove In from twe
ed an Ineomlng president and rlceduring the moniing.
mitea It abowa the iutorest tl>at
presldent abouted ttaelf hoarse. Thi
NottoMl Jtesoelalton Meet at CepiUI
Cleek Turned Back
llioy baveHn this matter. Tbcy
The «)Ur> tnangnrai program
yery fntbuaUaUc In the matter of ask­
end vUltora, estimated at 200,000.
d*rcpdelayed half an hour by pressnre of
ing the townsblp board to submit the
Orgaolntien Will Meet Ten
«wad tbe apectacle.,
arations are completed tor tbp oon<
bueineoB In tba Mate, ihe M
matter to the people at the next
Mepreaeated In tbe ranks of marrii- Uon of the NaUonal Good Roads aaRatify the NeminetleM
IQdlent cf turning the gluck baric \
spring election of Umdlng for IlS.tMD
ers were the army. navy. West Point adaUon, which will hid forth In this
utniaed la loUi Iraactaes of ihc l-xfor
the complcUcn of the good roads
dty the Utter half of tliU week.
and AnnapoIU
telatsra. m» foal ad]ooniiiM-£t could be
tliat would then nmnert with the oth­
their *sUft. 100 bends, veterana of
I received by the local eommlth*
LikcB by noon as te pf«Miib.qi by Uv
Indicate an anendance of at least
Washington. March
C.—ScMtei er roads that have been built under
many wars. pollUrol cluha. Tai
Nnv Bfualdi^ is Keraided,
Kern of ludUnaimlls was todai the auie reward ayatem. and this
*1>ravea. "cowboys, college mM. and 1.500 delves, reproeenting ni
Seated, la rear ^ Ihe acaaie rhaw'saffragutteB. It was replete wltb evprr state of the nolon, and numer cboaen chainnao- of tbe democraUc w ould make a booUncoua sireut
ber today In the apece known to he
etartllng. norel and imlqoe feeturea, out state and local read Improvement caaeoa in Ihe twate and waa author 14 mllw ton*«r prise voada. This In
turn would be a, portion of the West
reaerved by WUaon for mombe
Ucd to choose tfcbt members for
from . Virginia toxbouDda. Indten assodoliona.
hia cahtnot were the tolkiwlng;
*siceriBg committee" which sdected Mii-:.igan l.ske Shore Highway, reacuImves and eoUen glee clubs
J. Bryn, teklk Inoe. Irtrid I
BATTLE CRBmX—The Iniernatton- tbe regular eommttteea In the upper ing from the Indiana aiate
crowds of tomperanee “white ribbonthroueb
tbii section and Travtroe
ton. WB M^d McAdoo. 1. H. Gai'erg."
al Wire Fence Machine company, re- boose. Tbe cauens will meet -U
• ’liy, on north to the strolls,
rlson and* Joae^sa Darlela. .This
I fashion a new ruler. A Ul!,j gpedally predominant was the cd- ceatly organised in Battle Creek U no row to ratUy the selections. Se:
f cabinett wnb
maa. ^^wrsetbed In smn*e. |«ge stmosphere—edticaUoa'a tribute more. Tbe name of tbe company has j SanUbeo' of
nan«d would he a splenlld thing for Ihta roNewlUds gh« sm< voKld bring (bouaimda of
nreptha o' Kepresenutlve .Wll . standing In hU carriage bowing and to • great educator. Prealdenl Wilson. been ehanied from'the above to thejaecretaiT. and Senator
ptqple up Ibie way each year,'
NaUonal Feoo* Machine c^poay.
• named vine (^airman.
5 o( PMtaaylnnia, Jairn Mcney-i«aving to a nUe of densly-packedjThouaaada of coUoge men, alumni

Action Tiken Oil County Otficeif In OrUff to Secorn JusUct
for tlie Mayor as Well os Ui|.People of tbo City Wtose
Repotatioo is at Stake-loyestiplloo Into tbo Cose Was
REX CASE IS .YRE L0N6ST GouGucteil in an ImpsUal Maaner for tbo Purpose of
BrlM Out tbe Real Fads io R^ to Gl^es.




lYiiiiM TImiNl Mil JMlut Democrits Who Came to
ESYPnRsolVIctonf.Wliieh Had Been Delayeil for Sbtiai Yon-CaMnet AppoNihMiits WW Not Be Amoonceil
milTiMfrof-flvshif Bosiness In Govress Delateil
havnl Geremonii for HaR an Hoar.










j'er (yva-cil months ugly riunora,
lutci-d anient tb^^gtiegffd. ^nduct of
Mayor Uertnalne^u^Gl rapacity as
rUif c-secuil** of tbe city, have,been
tluailug tbrough the air, and while .
tb.r.' wax u well groumli-d ousplctoil
thai tliej might le- iorrerl iio one
etmd willing to t*t;c tbo IniUailve
iij (he tuaiier of Hearing them up for
and all. These.rnmoca, however.
Ixrotur- so iienUiem and came from
whl.di eculd not welt be Ignc'cd an-I na the cAae oecni'fd to w-ar<-on'4: Brtlan ft waa taken up by
SI'iriff 8u;ltli and I’rasecniing Attorr.<> r<)i<-n with tbe result that they
Vied what they -rooslderad anlti••U n: r vPl'-nre ip wai rani them laying
niaiter iiefore Governor Ferris.
Tbis anion.was taken and after ibe
uuvrrnor had gone over the affidavits
furnlxhi-d him -te tbe roae h^'decided
lliai Imutediatf action was necroaary
In order to protect the'good name of
Traverse Cltj’. He tberefore Issued
order demanding that kiayor Ger­
maine appear before Judge P. R.
U’alfcer of tbe jirobate 'court, wntcb la
Jrt of record, and ab(tw cause why
ho sbonld ti«t be removed from office
rbarges of mlaamduct and extor­
Tbe chaaffStefcaeieitABa-MHiaaed up) tbo allegatton that upon DeeembM^
:i Mayor Oeraaine soticlied and re­
from l«uU Sleder. the .
west aide saloon mail, to hush up a
(Kavew. against him for keeping opmt
after iKinrs. Thla Is only one of the
■ that ^he officer* have (o prove
that the chief executive strayed from
he laih of dniy in conducting his ofIce. There Is no malice In the move- nent. It being Ukeo merely for the
inins’se of clearing up tbe altostloa
for'thc good of Traverse City as well
the iiiaior blmw-If. If the charges
■ true tbe people will remand hla Inimcdlaio remotal. and If they are
then be will be exonerated from
the sUgma that Is Hinging to bln at
the presi-ni iltturon account of tbe re-,
l>ort8 of hU aVeged actions while act­
ing In hla-offlclal caindiy. The case
r vital iatereai to tbe people of
the city, who are entitled to know tbe
facts In regard to the matter and the
rounty offioers are to be commended
for bringing the case to a bead at tbe
earliest possible nomesL Claims CNirge* Groondleea.
Tt’bcD interviewed today the mayor
slated that the entire affair was ut­
terly ridiculous and that Inveellgatlon
lid prove (hat It hod aurted solely
from nimorw which have n» founda­
tion. In x;>csklng of tbe matter be
stated that paiierg bad been served on
him last night by tbe aberlfl wbWi
c-alled for an Inveatigatton of aDeced
Irregularities In the management of
Hty affairs. He la conSdeni that tbe
Investlgatton .which will be beard be­
fore Judge tt'alker. will clear him eo*
llrely and aubstantlate the aldtementg
which be has nade as Co the grauMk
lesinros of tbe charge.



I That Btate Beard of Agri-v^

. lAnalng. March 4.—A wffl'deffaed
rumor is current that PresidMt Sny­
der of tbo Michigan Agrteultaral Col­
lage will be requeued to tender Bla
leelsn-Mion. R la asld a meeting of
Ibo «t-te tvsird
agriculture will be
held Uimorrow to dlaooas his reeioraL
i« of tbo arricalWrri depenmept of the c(.llebe la
Snyder’s fjccetror.
. pONTUC-^ttemey Broaler hm
been autbortaed by tbe dty commieSion to atari adt against the MMUgan State Tele|*one company to entorn the' pole tax eoUeetlon receotlF
prescribed by the ordteoae^

mUD mvna Bmis un nimci bat iaou, tbdbsdav, mabsh a uis:
Grai Tnitrte Herald


Tbura«k)» M Tr*'


u£o. C.
HakwIkb lUllor
W. A. (illlMlN. HAItor

bone and sinew of the nation. The iD*
lUgural parade wat the most gor^us
In hirtory. yet the Dew preeMent himself did' not loee bis popular ideas (or
a rnotnent during ' the spectacular
erent. The coming of President WilBOD wm necMsItate many change* in
the adminlstrailve force of (he guvem*
meni and In many departmcnls It wilt
prove B beneni, as it will bring the
higher plamw clo*er to the iieople
than have been for some time,
motto Is effklenry, and In making the
aelectianx for his cabinet he has used
even' effort
secure men who
by nature and training the boat fflted
lo administer their departmenu. The
new administration la Wfiromed by
the people, for it is the find onp to
come Into power since the gre*!
awakening that has Uken idacef
ihrouinjDut the nation nhmg progress­
ive lines, and It* work will be noted
with keen Interest by the nation si

a hi* a f

ittonl cnplthat Ik
et In ether due* twi
o bTregretUd. 'The

A Neaw^MrMaa Writeciui .
Letter to Dr. Hartman
which t ahall mall to ohjecten aa they
mar arise in tbe fuiuce.
*Tnur articles convey a gmt deal
of inforaiBUon to tbo pubite. 1 think
the newspapers can w oii aitord to pub­
lish them grotla for the articles you
have been furnishing me lately
sUtute some of the best things tiuil
cur In my pai>er. I wish you contioued BDcceoB
. In your
magntltcertf work.'
My dear Sir;—I sppreclsle yoor let­
ter. It U not (he only ooa Of tbe kind
I havs received.
t __
1 know that

should be decided npotf ite merlU and
not by force dr eentitnent.

ncy. who cane with her will rcmalo
>r an extemded visit.
The Uat number of tbe lecture
>UTse was given laal Saturday nigbi
I a fair sized audience. U consisted
or a slight of band iwrfomiaDce and
aa much onjoyed by all present ■
Qtiarterlr meetiog next Thursday
all day a Darker Creek. Rev. Braund
Elk Rapids, preachea in the morn
Ing and the dlsirlcl yup
Rev, Kfdrl<-k in the afiernotm.
A farewell parly wax given last Fri­
day night nl the ' Itxlge hall by th<Rc-beccab and !. O. O. r. lodges.M

' •
Northport, March S.—Mr. and Mrs.
II. Ilougbey and eon, who spent Sun­
day. as (be gneaCa of Mr. and Mrs.
Od> T*«r
. KJO t> AdraiiOTO. M. Onme. returned to their Iwno
aix WontlM.......
.. JArliiAdVBBra
.1* Traverse City. Heoday morning.
.. JUrtnAdvBBrv
Tkf«c MuoUib..
i have'not bad ttme hereto- .left joday for tbHr new home. .Mr.
Mnreton Johottone, who spent i
obJscUono. I have‘and Mrs Will were Icndcded n nfew days last week visltlnK hi* slater
been too bnsy in my a
their lodges
lo ahii*'
My great farm, with Its vartons a*.,--"---— from .............

Clnrlaaa returned to his home In De­
Ml. *hc apprc-riaiion In which they
parlmenta. ha* X
TTio nuhtPB
>Rh rooBTW nf
my etilliuslasm and a
n in tiioea h« Id., 8n|>per was served lo o»«r a
Mrs. J. Eradly and daughter
api»t)»rtatlMi J
ninr speui last Saturday in Traverse eriUeUed for a
kir. and Mrs; Will pioxiierity In-their
on the ground that It e
‘ Mxen hundred mllltOD dollar* *t the
and 1
■w home.
iMt mlnulo emphMiie* Ihi- lac-,
Mlxa Miimic Kebi wax pleasantly
telUfsnt oversrcni n
Mtxa Vera Vinton spent Bnndap at.
that ub^rr the pn!*obt luoihod ;'f
jtot profea*
'-aneh subjects. B<
doing boatnna at tho iiatloDal capitnl
supplied with the taforraatlOD «m*
la DM Thai U alKHiid bo la a. groat
Sion her twenty-first binbday.
talned In your article yaara ago. Tour
the nearby mUUast
BBtioB coftalaUbK of a|-prox1niati-ly
Mr. and Mr*. U R. IVck puici
article csacUjr meaia all the ebjecUens
reruns, knowing fnU_________
The opening of (he Pananu canal
Saturday arteniuan and was only sav,
bnndred mllUon peoplo. U la tboao
new player jilano laslTriday from that I have had to contend wKh.
That alcohol U a uaafld drag and (he public understands tt that the . _ ed by the iirompc work of Ijio mil)
Uat hour *rr>«Prta‘l''n bnu tb» Work placoa the L'alled States In n position Crinnell Qros.. of Traverae City.
llclous things said aboDt Penma win
be quickly forgonoB. mtU.VA IS bamta. The most of tli.e damage wax
rnofa harm than good to the counti; (6 berome the greotMd world power
Mrs. lUy of Cadillac is here visiting
FOR RALE AT AU;. Imoa BTOREd duM to tiK- roof.
. CoBtBTTM » aapooaod to bo a dtrlibo.- of modern (lines on aeonunt Of her her huahand, who is taking Mr. Uradownerahip of (he big waterway and
Hr. and Mrx. tlamnn Seeley were
ate body, and hlalfO' haa pnnon
ley's place a> engineer on tbe train.
In making a eur*. I cannot doubt after*
her close proilmUy to this great comeaaantly auriwlsed Uxt Friday night
r«eUll> Id tho prc*«ai raac that ii
r. L. Retry of Chicago, occn- reading your artlcls.
f a numlM-r of their friends and
trn dolibordte lor Iho e<»d of Ibt- |v<v mwelpl artert'. The commerce
pied the iwlplt in tbe Congregallonnl
T think eo much «f your article
the world from ocean to ocean will
dropping lu to remind thorn
pl« at tartto. Too irorti time is ep<‘ii‘
church Sunday morning and evening.
liass through the canal and by this
hlnhMr. and Mrs. James Hehl are en- made and etrlka on tbouMnde of them.
In debaio and too llitlo in aUAnc o<>'
means (he entire bnainese world wfll
Joying the summer weather
tb«. bad moaanros from tbo good,
be brought several ihousaud miles da.
the oeaxion and %ivo their onlvited
change 1* Deeded In.thlB dlrertlw. and
closer together than ever beiore. This
ri-ry pleasaot eveaing.
Erie Humparh left last week toi
the aoonor li eotne* the bwtier off Un­
will make Central and BouUi Ami
Misaek ii.-urah and Roth Ilearid
people vtU bo who par the billi rlib<-r
East Jordan, wherw he eiftects
ca the grcatosi battle groond for eiifiv b-ork for bla btt.tbe^ln-law. Mr.
i-rn liosu-xM-x at a |ian)* of young
dlrectlr or tndireeily. Ij>rge apnrimcn-ial xupremary ,ind this section rrlee.
IM-uple hold at their^otne taxt Fri.ln;
prIaUon hUla abotild be ran ftilly
will take on a new life that was never
evening Tliose ii^-scnr rt-isnied a
Tlio last number of (he lectiitr
aerattnized before they are paaaed if
fine time.
beforn even dreamed of by
muroe wes given In the town Imll.
the best renIt* ere toobtaine'l.
most oplimlsile. The dawnimi of this
Monday evening by Cbna. Howard
The aeaaiof.B of rungrtea ate aiirelv
ItETOSKKV -William t’anGgld.
new era wiH result In drawing the l>lBitpnburg. His talk was gtMtIy
tog enough U> tx-rmlt otnUe ^Ime for
■•cuple of this nation out Into the llfne- Joyed by all.
former resi.ieni of Graod Rapids. Is
^idng the deeka all cl. and a«ay todead SI bis home here st ll«. age <if
light In ronimervlal affatni. and cause
Ilwsll Mimkeo apeai Saliuday In Calves-Acllve. steady. IMilS. 8h.-e|
nd)non)iBeot. and If tlie preeeni ruin
years. He leavta u widow,
them to abandon the provincialism Travorse City.
—Keceliuii. I.oitn; aidfve. Ilrm, $!><.
tinder vhirh the luilietinl leAlttlaiiif
daughtra ami oue son.
that in itie iiast iuis caused them to : The Sir Knighta enterUined their
body ia working are not ctailir eno>i:;li
enipUasize the Imisirtanee of Jocal ladlex at an oyster auiiper and old
to pennii aticb denfllte ncil-in. it V
communities above that of Uib nation.
m.^$nVKI.I.—Gol.r rlllinga
t«ny in tbelr lodge room WednetaT
faigfa time tbey’wtre chungt-d lo meet
Tills greol awakening will raanlt in eventng.
teeth, w-otth |HSt, were xioto from
modem condlilonA Tt<e much Unx'
decided commercial advantage U
Chtmgn, March r>.—Potatoes quole<l
the bfri<x- of Dr. A. B. Col.h yeHterday
The Udies' Aid of (he V. B. church
la fritlATid an-ay by etmgruB in
whole people, by bringing tl>cm into will give a SL Patrick's supper at tbe at fOfl-irw.

The Ihelf effeeled an entrame through
leoa tqiuhbling oter wbith nv-itil*r 1»
ariiial cuntiict with other nationx and town hall. March I5(h.
rear window.
to get tbt- <>ect of the bargain wbcti
the comiH-tltioD that wilt result (roro
Mrs. J. Mathews eotenaiDed a nurathe pie 1* pasaod out. and by ile- these cIoMT relations ^111 make the
rhicago. March S.—Wheat. »|tAc
ber of her lady friends at a bountiful
ierring Ute paaalng of the large appro­
Corn. :>:^c. Oats. Sic.
J-nIt«-d.Stuies,lf she lakes advanuge sw|<i«r Friday evsning.
priation bill! in the rath of tbd laai of the opportunities placed in her way
Mr. and Mrs II. ^(t left Monday
momef-l many of the undesirable IiiIIa
the real ftimmeri-tal leader of tbc for Ann Arbor, whe-re thcy_ w 111 siK-ml
are enael>d Into lam- aolely for the
w<.rld. The leiidemy of llie times is a f«-w day*.
l-arpoac of belpiop out |iaiti> ular
to rediu-e distances and cunstrurtlon
(Prom Tuesday's Becord-Ehgle.i
la-vi lAFoniaee.'who baa been visit
diaUtet at the expoaac of llu- rounlr.e of the <2inal lx the greatest xiep iliat
The wintry weather favored t
Ing his daughter Mr*. 8. Wilson and
■fugenen]. The geot-nil neult of
has ever licen taken in this dlreciiun. Mrs. <i. Oagoon. left fast week for dealers In butter and eggs (tilx w<-<-k
wludcd debatta engaged In dur­ It will bring the orient as well
Rapid niy.
in Chicago, b'or while llie• ,r.-selpl
ing the aeMtou is to <vi comeiV In oitr doors with (belr.i
. Coom-K
were the largest this xcaaon
ion Ihei
Alma Smith and Satber Beelig
vine. .Mleh.
!b tcir.t*
the wrong direction by rtduelr.g the
lerdal pmdoetK nnd if the proix-r
wax an iiureaxc of ic on both. The
atDOunu ne<'ded fnr eonie ihliigB and laasurex are taken to egre for this Knitona Uay viskors Saturday.
The Intermediate stiff Primary deprorMiog for •oChtra uhH'.i luive luu increaKcd hiisiness thera will <
ELMER 08TER, Auctioneer—3U >ears
partmcDis of the ' Kortbport public Vfew York. 2kr to 35c. k.ici raaro of
.-\lM rieiie.-, S|K-<-ial atieiilion given
UlUe call on tl.c^u»-*aur>- of the
a boom In Industriul itnos iliai has school. eniertalDcd the high scbtnl eggex.
to sue. W <ars of potato farm xales and housebuld kiwmIs.
“■ dav
day of the (xHipn-Mional never been known before. Tiie <
Terms resunaMi-. Give me a trial
orator ia pest, l,r
Offic- at Hi K l->obt 81 fit
Ing of file canal will eau.-^: opinriuniiCc
there lor the PITJ
piirpose of culiivaiu.
phom- :
ty to knock at the door of the I'nlted Washlni
.'ashlniRon program.
their forcuaic power*, inn to *«iure Stales, the nueslion l| will shi
I>r. H.
Thomas loft Friday morn- days stopped the shipment of eggx
legialatto (nat will be of rval lH>net1i lw.'PBfed to rexiamd lo the sumiupnx
Mayfi.-ld. March 3.—Mra Addle WANTEO-Ily April 1. man and wire
and Mber polali for a but III.- dcmatHl that wax consequent Glblw and Mrs. Durr James, allendbd
to the conktitucnui. The people ar In ihe manner that she shoiihl in or­ ig for Detroit
. fiirai
Misalou: ,evdid not raise the price materially.
perien.-.. with fruit
^•Biandlng artion more than ever, ami der to reap the bihientx that are few days- vlxlt.
(be annual im-c-ting of tlie cemetery
retiulred if
Mrs. (Sen. Huttara spent a few itayx There iir.- throe cars-it apples beJnr nxMH-luiiun Bi KItiKsIcy Uxt Wednes
lionesi. :-i.«oluttly ten p. nile and
ft la Unie that congresa woke UT> I* placed within her reach. This inereas
sent y. aqillh |•oinls. Strictly fresh
.nri fiil w:ih lesim. Ft.r parti.uLui
thl* change in public aMlhtu-nt ed life will mean an Inrrea4ed army of laxt Week riaitlng in Traverae niy,
day aflerncon.
.-.tldrx-xs r G. TSTi. 341 Park strf.-i
eggs are JJc. Ihuier 3Gc to Z
There are too many Inter^ata to be and nary so that the nation fill be In returning home Friday.
Mias Marlon Glhbs returned home ,Jaek<Hmvi!!c, ill.
niar 4-K
Gagnon left Thursday ol tatoes. 3:.r and tuc per bushel.
toked after for the piiblir rood. nr..| readiness to uke n band in *ny e
last Wednesday from a rUIl In the
It wax another busy day for the
the wioner they are reduced and ac geney that may arise In tb^ future. last week for Detroit, where be will
grist mills though the roads were not
born to Mr. and Mrs.
»«al beneficial leglBlatinn enaclcd tho Prciiaratiimt will also have '‘xto be
Mr. J. Bradley, who ha* been a In good rondltion. The
oooner the conIMenee <rf the people
We*t|dialz, Friday morning: mother
made along other lines, ex|«c^Iy In
wns-heavy bni It was the light kind
WIU Pay Highest
Id son doing wen.
/'Targe In the efficienoy of the chief the coast cltiet which wljl have lo be patient at the UuUerworih hospital
that did
drift or park ao fairly
Prices lor
and wife wci
‘ toclautli-e I'Odr will be restored. Too ready to handle iacreaa^ eemni
good loads could be drawn.
Traverae City Thursday, returning
OBch time ia now allowed for the inPouioes.
8ha^ Voice, who' was lll.laal
Friday. .
trodnrtlon of UUa and debate and too
week, ii better at this wrlling.
The l^w-ortn league held tbelr
Vole for the actual paasing of the

' jaS£5iiSH*S'»J

yrant at. BMh PlK>nM.2S.


fimniFF tusiiESs

mm miEY


Local Markets



monthly tkeial gathering at the HoT-.
WmtiN ra IE UMEB
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦•Wo (From Wedoeeday's Record-Bagie.) Ilday fac^iie. Seturday cveojng. Al­
Tusierday I5.7TA case* of eggs wer, though it was a very stormf evening
The breaking up of the suffrage
parade in Washington on ktonday was ♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ rerolvcd la tho Chicago markets, the there was quite a number out and aftIsng Uke. March Sf-Rer. Joe Zlm- largest iii several luontha. therefore w (be bualaett^rt of the meeting
a diagrarc to the nation and gives the
(he price was lowered and (be market
erman loit a borse last week.
people of the (ountry a |ioor idea
r th<
weakermd to I4^f/23c.
Butter reM. Kliiott ii still Ii
the nethods employed In policing tbe
e special music rendered by
Umugb atlll confined to hla bed.
IPU were Mil tuU and the hlgl.|Mtaa Marion Gibb* *nd Mias Goldie
national cajiltal. The parade of wo­
James Mikiila, who ha* been vt
price wa. 3r.e. Sevenly-flve cara'of Holliday. Then Mrs. Holliday
men was only an Incident to the in­
auguration («-*llvltica and In no wuy sick. Is Bl>l« to hrdlu hrdlu firdlu ulo potatoa came In and the prieo wa* ^ ,-ph cake and Iro cream that was
'enjoyed bj all. nflerwanU
Interfered with the general pUn laid sick with rhewmaUstn. ta able to be Iropped 3e.
Tbo nrand Raalda market was quiet. gamy* were played
down by the goreranent. As tbo aufQuite a
iacr.JJUIe (Mnc and tbe
(rage movement it a national one and
borne before tbe clo^ bad time to
he same. The rot tinned cold woathc.- say It w-aa time to «o, aa H was
the women who wen- at the head of
1* aa ovonqr (or the.prtaa. nnd the twelve.
of the tat cltlseeemiidIfBioD<-ia
confident of the
The White House changed handji ship of Ihe conotry. they were entl^od
Beaale Wla* was In Traverte City
Mary McGill spent last week at Oatoday. Prrwkleat Taft lunilng over the
use (be imbllc atreeis of tbe city
Thurtday to conauU a ikysld^n oa
raid Herkner's. helping cauw for
aefns of goveramem to bis socressor,
they planned and while doing ao
aeeount of poor health.
President WItoon. While the change U
re cDlKIcd to {.roteetian by the po­
bad no pretuklng here last Gun*a radleal one in *omc res|«s-ts, no *e- lice auiboriiiM. The failure to keep away owing to the death of her slater and ail Unas wore repreacBied In Oi-? day or the Gunday before, preaumabiy
Tlous disarrangement of pubbe affairs Uk. molM baeV led to countless Injar- : Traverae City.
account of Ute enow drift* In the
Some of (be farmers In this locality
■will result, for (ho entire natlou i
to iKHipie. many of wbMn will nevIierfect eonfldi'nee In the ability
pe<x.xer, thm-hy making the. gov­
Made Hoiddni and her grandpa
»>re«ident kVilson to fllrcet the ship of ernment liable for a condition that (his spring. John GaiUgber will erect
Hopkins were in Traverse CHy
BUtt safel}' away from any iwky juti- could l«ve just as well hare ta^-n pre. a large barn., Mr. Ankeraon win enbuzlneu.
V jM'ttos that may threaten Its safely vented If tbe prnpof aieaaures bad Urge amt rebuild his barn, and E E
eamp of log' hauling
Doryoa will enlarge and remodel hia
Nn the nett four year*. Jtlr. Taft ..
been taken. There la nothing
through last week here nnd unleai
Who win be
the ptople of the I'ollerS Sute* the
gained by openly opposing the auftho snow get! loo deep tbe rest of
Mr. and Mrs. Zera Holderaan
bewt administnitto pooaH.le under
the logs will soon be drawn In and on
(rake movcmeui by force, and any at- moving back Into their own bonaeftn
, the circnmsiances. and while Ills ef­
the folkways.
tampta along (hit line will be reseat­ this vicinity from the Dr. Moon farm
forts did not meet ite approial of a
ed by the> general public. In '
at Kmat Bay. where they have been for
nalorit) of the |>n>pl« of the country
t’nited Sutes iwopio are enUUed
the imst two yoara.
bfg'work will go down ip lilstory ax a
their own oidnlons and no matter
Mrx. James Coffleld bad tbe misfor­
«ood admlnlstra^n. I’r.-sldeot Wil
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
non Is a differonrly ■« of man und the what other* may-think of them any tune lo xlip on the path leading to the
WillinreaborK. March S.—A n
«oninion ground u|gin which be
wrtai. . SheRs dim nnaUe to go on
party of 37 membera of S. M. Perry'*
;toet the peoide slnre his elrriloo i
whatever display ihcy choose with ber school In district No. 4.
the manner In which he has kepf__
Sonday School class drove but tp the
Mr*. Arthur Laird of Traverae rily
(houghli to himself have son hltu the M long at they remain within the
new farm bouse , of Mr. and Mrs.
tavor of all dasxev, In ivieiii years bounds of propriety and show proper Vlslte.1 her tareota. Mr, and Mrs. An
CbauDcey Geeley last Tneaday evenres|iert
A very pleasant evening was
fbeofliccor pnwid-nt has becu made
goo conspicuous by loud and proOtless Is dangeroDs at any atage of the game
spent in game* and visiting and at
folk w-blrb has tmt Is-en <-olned into and (lie lest (here la of such manlFarmer*, Attedtion!
It o'ctock an oyster xui>per waaservod
•nM-rp Is money in •lock, there is
.tugible beneflt to the*peoide and ibe rifxUllons the lietter it is for all
the (Yowd retnrniag at an early hour.

. but 1
Change to a man who ads instead of cernod. This ta Bupposed to be a free
Several more of Ihroe claas parties
«alks Is welcomed by the couniry at couniry In rapst^rexpecu and. aa the and be
promised la (be near tntnre and
vied by
^rgc. Proetdest WUsoa la In crcTy women were out beat on vkitatiBg any HARVKU '8 cot
they are eagerly nnilripafed by tb>
. • way a repreeeotatlTe Atnerleao rlilzoti UwB or overaiepiHng the bouads of
aad he nasds for all that is U-lleTod niBlom they ahooM hare been protect­
Mrs. Man Hamilton is very HI.
(o be tat for all the peoi>le iostead of ed in (heir parade tbe same as any lnc^HARVELr"8*aMnST10^
Mrs. BaUer Fbrmer of Utetaficld.
tatala claaae* which have at Umes other body M eiUzenx would -have DKR8. It t* tbe Mo*k. powder that
left for her borne last Tburaday. after!
.ia the pMt taa farored ghore the been enUtlii (o under similar dr.
week’s Malt with ber stater. Mra.1
pat^. wbo'nfter all gr« th* cuButanceg. An entrafe of tbla anB.P. BasM. BaraoCber. Mra.WbU-1
■uetorea ADother thing that worka
to the detriment ^ the pohllr la the
croa* purpoMB wmch the two bodlei
of eotigre*! work, whleh
caaea effectially bloeka
lawa whleh are needed for the proteetto and iieneflt of the propte in genaral- It is to be hoped iBai in the near
future a reform will be brought almut
la the rules of coDgress^which will
potrolt the passage of necessary legialatJon as speedily a luKRlble.

HI lEf nEsiior



732 E. Ftoi Sl fioA PWk

You Will
In our oew line of
Ghildren’s Shoe* for this
spring season. FriMntbe
little tots up to


la^er ^Is abd boys we
can give yol!'the style
and wearing qualities
that will please you.
You will find our prices
always reasonable.

Teeth Extracted ii
ly fr“
(he '-Ki
•K**l*r- method I can ramove (hose aching tooth abaotntoly
without i«ln, and without 4ho u*e of
drugs to produce ancoDBcioDsnesa.
People of nervon*
neat and
with weal : baan*
will spiitbctata the
-Ka-olar" mettto of pnlnleaa extraoOoa.
DR. W. C, inNTON.
306-30S Wlihrim Block, with Dr. Hold*worth. Traverae City. Mleblgnn.

Pardee Business
4t0 Sute Sank Building
Traverse CKy, Mich.

Stocks ol Merchandise,
Farm »9C Frnll
l^ds 9£t9 Lands
' City Properly,
A total COM of flT. for adv.-rtlslni
and sale nf any of Hicm- iireiH-rtiea
Coil, or M-mi for our i>ro;writioB.


. sitould be of modern
dfslgu. built of most durebanialerials and arlislUall) fmlihcd. You will find ohl) Kuth
at tbo work! of
Trarrrae Cli}-. Mbit.
231 Ray KL
Both Phone*.

The UUle Wonder
This 2'i 11. P. (
iiffine combmc*
all the
i»oiutK of till- tat ctuwlrueltoii.
For iiitt-nnittcnt work of all kinds, such n*
o|K-rntinff oontrifQffnl pump*, saw riffg. ricetrie gi-ncmtora, apra.r pomp*, etc., it is tinuxeellf-d. Hit aad'inbi* gowrour renUj' reg­
ulates the load. It outelsanM them all on
regulation, Ileaty cylind** protidra for
aeveral reherlngs.
crank Hfaaft.
All workinfT parts accnrately machined to a
thmuandth of an iio-h and imkHiruly interchangi-alde. Slnp|h'<! (-i)inpie(e-rend.v lo run.
Hopper Cooled Every engine fiill.v giurantecd.

Wm. Jackson, Mannlaelnrer
TVaversc aiy, Midi.-

“The BcantUnl WnU Tlnl**
If you intend beautifying tbe interior of your
home this year let us figute with you with “ALABASTINE." Tbe most durable, sanitary and eco­
nomical material for use on all interior w^I surfaces.
Send (or color card or let us figure wkh you. ¥ihite
and 32 tints.


Muraie Blodc

Ttevcrac City

Qusm niTmi huaid Aim tkavus bat baoz^ nrnumAT, iu|o^^ jus


iBSr.iinnL Hsn* KkCMHIET


fomiU hu haa dw
largett tala of waj


s« Over Fteaa.

a Are Balag Mad* at Ra- AWA tffNOR MAY EMBROIL THE
•arti Biff Baaewt Is Laakad

Tha coming resort aeaaon prot
to be among lbs beat ahieb tha Otaud
Travers* regloa bss expeiitnced sloca
taking lu rUce In &* Nat of nortbem
Hie* vrhlrh enjoy the ropuUUun u(
COURTEOUS ANO FRIENDLY OFIR- being ideal rnumcrlng npou.
pnn emeau are being made at many
a( the nelgltboHng resort hotels'and
prepaiatJone are tinder way for a bi)f

conims msaF


rWttshlagton. IX: C« March
M—ttos of tba Dmaocfatlc Nathmni
eeumlttee nearly aU ot whom came
to Waafalngtoa
for the
..wM t»ie>*v* *uc
tuv jHmauuwifuu,


Iptjrt on Yogr Druggirt for Thk

at the New wlllaH mS to
HMYlUVEIIIHEmillERF gathered
for their first formal moeUng EdUY

since the NYtvember elacil^. The
chief purpoee of tbe meeting, as statsd in tbe official call of Chairman
WecBMiB it ifl tf»B formida cf
McCombs, was to discoss gmnl
Pbtvib prior to 1906.
lions of otgnalxnUon..
tch Paper Pi«lur*s GUaemy FuUr*'
'ar th* Coatlnant I* Briaf
It k dia B«gt Rnwhrfy for
DUtoreM Faria of Country Are RepreAndlyal* ef tb* OaaarnI
aanud in th* inUup; Presi­
Coogli^ 04^ mad bB CBtonkal
dent Wllaen Hna Explicit
Faith in Saiactlon
White H««M. OMd ItellooParis, March 6.—Tlwt within a rear
k ^diB B«rt Took on dw aiBr*
^Ip htefited Chang*.
Wilson sent bis cabinet nominatMoa
U loraled in on* of the most charm­
Ito fotMoU hog imd man calenaie Iblh prarnlng a* follows.
March 4.~Pretldent ing spate on th*) .ahorea of Grand
Iftfiep if tbr Balkan muddle falU to
denaoMiaB «E pbo|4b carad thna
Bryan of Nebraska, secriary of sUic:
Taft bec«a>e -aUtea-' Taft (oMy. Traverse bey. Close to the city sad provide war between tbe greet pow­
.McAdoo of New York, eecretary of the
BD7 otfair tWBBdy.
acrwsalble both by road aatl ers, It is pointed out. there will be
HU four year*- aerrie* •* C3iM Cx»treasury; Ijodtey M GarriaoD. X. J..
Katamo at a prtr^n
cailv* or ih* . nation rloard ' when boat and providing
^ no room tor hdsty cungratulatloD*
secriary of war; James dark McReyWoodrow WiUoB. with ui>-ralawl band, «UH. r»
1. b«.a .111. .
xurto ..h»a
.u. iw'
tettoe 9f CMtrto anA T
Mlda. of New Tot*, pttoniey general»» CUM. u bu
u. b. moo
took the aoleiBB oath of oStee
Albert Bidney Burleaeo of Texas, poet
Cashel. ’■aiUen’ Taft divided hon­ wpolm
,mib.o brniod... Uom rnbm.M
master gmier|l: Joeepfans Uanleii of
or* with foiwter Proildcnt Theodore Tb.r..m..moWo,.o.i„M.,.mJ ^
.Vonh Oaniina. se<-rw(ary of tbe navy
gestioH cannot be cx«
Hooaeveh aa a -'lIvioK ex-prealdent."
Franklin K. i.ane. of CnIlfoniU. aecrecelled.
Tan’a retirement waa martwd by
tary of tbe interior; David Franklin
the coafteont dUniii for ablch h* U
Powa... Pom„m b.,
lioustuB of Mlaaourl. secretan' of agNo home can afford to be witbpiit Katana
haa been fa^na for four year*. The
« ..
Hrultura: Wlllism C. Redfleld of New
*Taft BBlIe” remained wreathing hU
Get a bottle at once. Send for free booUoL
Aaad ,bm., . U tbi. rmorf .bl.b
'* "!•"'"<» “« »* “a -I" Felice Cawrt Was Fitted With MaUay York. »ecpc|j.ry of
faro. Ha waa the epitome of pbllo*
lisoo^p Wpaon. I
.Hi «... m«A 1. Ui. Mi»m. 1. U.
Throng a« Calabeantt *f Ony BaICATAKNO COMPANY, CMhvho, 0U>
ophic *«U-etacem*DL
tary of labor.
fore—Judge Was Easy
placing: «if the -i
l of tbe re-_ German ambasMdor In ConauntinopU
Aa rrotldant Taft turned over the sort hotel to the bands of Chss. Ren-' upon tbe CKcaslon
With Than.
. of tbe kaiser's enrelax of office to hi* hucccaior ao did
Mra. Thft rellnoulab ber.aocUl crown .bo Imin .p .. n .«M. raort ,™„. .Ml b. .HoW lo «. .
tr in Asia
asblQglun. .March
A Uttered
a* -nrat ikdy of the land" to Mra. bu. r^r. Mr. M...., bu bia
Blde line, sella diet kef buanicjlost moi than •I.WO.WNI by aoeh
” b-™
laurmu.. of paper, broken boxes sod all
WiUon. Mia* Helen Taft al*o yUM- •l.I»rl«.-0 I. Ibl. IW. For
and give* ineinicUoDs in the fine fraud*,
"I* .Wb I.
.o b.. da..
«• to the Htoae* WUtoa.
points of (he Rsnie.
; Whea oleomancarin* 1* frankly soU
«... t. .:..uml
ai.l.,'"'- ■I.“b I. mM .o b... b>a lb. other iDliieeUan) . a wean' droop to the
gay do-oratlon*. and a near riot at tha
At almoet the aame lime "Cltiaen" oir mr.lM. bmian .bkb b. b..
All of the game* were taken by as aueb. wiiboot the use of decopUve
“"b""" «' bl. delivered U* office ke.»* lu Pre*- coiiptctmi .Mb M.OJ Ot lb. u.ams' **«*“‘. *' *• ‘i.'ba m atpiommie railroad statton by heme-going crowd*
M'olferstan w-|tb •omperative ease, the colorteg matter to make it raaembto
re remtodars todA> of the big teIdeat WllroB. Mra. Taft torned over bmol. ... tb. raui. For .h. bl-.'b* brm. I. .blohla. of inrem...
judge being uuable to e«en bold him butler, tbe federal tax Is oneftiarth
the hers to lb* White Honae it
cent per pound- When coloring Is
I«n two Msrs he has hai! |t>e dian. *<■* la ArmrnU and ibr lmeie*ts of nugursl »bo«. Armies of eanwnter* WHEN GERMAN CRUIflCR RAN to a dr^' in any ut tbe game
Sere turned loose on ibe utamomih realon. the borne ef m> manr preside
Thn^uy vii'lt-ries wtaUh
used (be to cents per pound.
the loeelsnaw reoon hotel E^lland cannot be encroached
to its new mUtreas.
•ooivd over tb- Judge has maiie him Th* mamrfnetarere. ft Is sold, here
at Omena.. prioi'Ui which be managv>d’*t Any point along tbe line. b> Und tewing standa All Waahlogton
Honor to the outgoing occupant)
the Harbor Point clubfaonae. He hu
between tbe HoaeUnd and -recupersting" from lha inaugural diethink (bat he is not an <«pert after
goveratbe White Houae HvaUd that abown
xn. and be ha* slgnilted bis intention
wide ncqaalniance amoog the resort India.
. cmi.loye* returned to work un­
the aewcomcra. The oailon'a •goodUnited Siaiee^ ~AAd tbat's why war will come wltbof really learning the ncieote of the only (be ooe-fonrth oent tax.
der the uew-lm>B, not knowing bow
by-’ to Ur. Taft and bit family was and
Amoug tbe large con««rns to be tndoubt bring nany of bis In n year," declarcR "La I**irlv.'‘
game and somKJtne defeating bl* op­
long they wouI.I'Ih. oir (he potroll.
• Itb aa alnter* Well aiabea aa tbe flier
vestisated are Armour sod company,
lends to the .Veahtawaiiu h)del dor________________
ponent of last night.
Thousands hurried tu lha railroad »u-. wrioome to tbe sow pnsldeniUl tarn- ing tbe coming ecaaon.
(bailed Sutee Bntterine company,
Uon*. and the train* were ysmi
Schwanschlld sod Sulzberger, (he
Aliboagh ;he hotel U at proeent to
isands remalued as sighiseers. la
^*hea (he i
■e condltlcHi. somr Improvemetiia
Moxley company , tbe G. H. Hammond
(tie police coiirt^ a motlav ibrong*|ia
coned (rum (be Sboreham. Hotel
which will add (0 the ranveniuice and*
company, and (he Friedman Msnul^
radetl a* an aftsnnath of the Inaug­
tbe White house, at )0;90 thU morn­ conlort of the patrons will be mad#
turlng CMnpany.
ural lelebraitoo Judges in most iwses
> Raasoa it Given for the Oiaeetrr
Golf, tennis, boating. betK
ing the betfnnlng of the end of tbe
hamlMl out snisll fine* or discharged
Mevuly the Bara Facts Being
ing. motorirg and riding
Taft admlalsunOon approached.
Reperied to'the News
3:0e this aflemoon, when their Uain thr pli.-ason* off- red si Neehlansrxa.
left lor tbe aouth. Wnahlngum said Three now ceurts were added.
The last riles (or Wllllim J. Creeo.
ir. the Unha have b^ put in drat • bu d>4 luddenly Bnoday montlug.
iu ndlen to the Tafts.
He Will
Tee Btmy With Affairs ef
ftass shape and this wlibehe natural were held from the family bou.c. '.S3
•tat* to Meet AppllI BehsIfV
OSS tn)l b.-smy of the
afternoon. Rdt.
- cant*.
len were Aruwned early today when
.otrairj sunouPdlug the report nako
it one of the most beautiful In Xortli- tloosl church cunduited the service.
tbe German crulaer Yorke ikunied
This Afterwoen.
nnd i-ui in two tbe turpedo boat S-!7h.
m Michigan K poatarffce'bs* iK-m speaUhg wo tte of comfort and t^ieer
M'a-shlngtoh. .M*r«b
“Xo office
I- at the boteL to the Ix-rx-x'-ed (anilly. There were
Tbe vessel* culliiled during n sertes
and baggage
of nigbt maneuierw. three niilee north seekers need si'ply at the White
.usn| pretty fvu-eis seat by frieuda
Washington. March S.^ovepb P
Ihrouitfa tickets may be .parcfas»>'d
Helijioland. Tb* torpedo boat House.' *B» t'reeldem Wllauu* dic­ •lay- tor (oalgbte pubUc bearing on; t^s
vlahi.l in 'Uls manner (
state­ slate-wide |•robibi(loo MU.
bUL During
Durteg tl
an rntlrosd. direct't, or Irom Ncah-i;;;;,'
’in'a Tumulty. Wllsou'K itecrstary. was
Only nfteen of the
ment as chief execuitee. Wilaon snid past week twMty iboosnad petlUoai;'
■worn la at two o'clock today by
r are accounted fur.
nfeasurt! the esteem in shlch
be would be too busy with afftirs of were received —vtwff tor the imssage
Beesua* of Addsd Wertc in All O
Wltb the number of persons who ,
L'olonci W. H. Crook. Ui'c veteran dieceneral
to talk with ai>pllcants. ot lha bUL
.Mi b. .. ,b.
U.I. ,w .c
pertHWrta. New CKy Carrter
Somesbere,' bunlafc o(hc:er of tbe White bou>c.
prtvile cottages lie*ldis
'^‘d|wbo also 1* a notary . Twenty Intimate
guests at the hotel a bosy
friends wIinMed lb* carenwny.












Ob and after March 4 all city car^
Tie{* and clerks of-firat and aerond
class poatofflcea will tw required to
work not more tbae eight hour* a
day and ahall be orv duty during a
pprlod of not more than tea ronaecuhours. )'rom now on the e^
{Anyea rnnat ceaae work at the expltptloa ot their etglit hours re«ardlaa*
of what th«F mar be doing at the
Ume. As the dinner hour Is included
In the tea Soars to which they nrS
limited to bo eligible for duty U will
mean that delay dno to Uteneee of
train* or other cause will -make If
bard for tbe oarrters to get their mall
out on time Tbe »rt-mtlng docs
not affect rural carrier*.
Because of tbe IwtMBed amount of
wDiS wbl^ la being feU In nil tbe
vosui dtmartaHau and tbe added
duiie* which are put opoa the enrrleis tfaroagh tbe iatioduetlon of the
loroel* post syatete the local Pcwinl
force hni pleaty to do Is koaping tba
maUi moving. An effort 1* being

of a new bay boat this aumnier. which
Miss Flaivbi
wflt reault In maklog the reabn and
WilliBin J. Green was hors in New
the Grand Tratwrse regloD more pop­
Yorh'aUta and came tu Traverse City
ular than aver bslore as h reaon
lb his early .voaib.
About twelve year* rgo he entered




Washington. March


Th* 1


Loot Fourteen Gamee to Checker Ex­
pert Monday NlgM.
Impaneled t« Inveetigat* Olee Tax
Judge Mayne ^~CbartovoU. wbo U
at present In tbr city for tbe aeoslon
of circuit court, baa fur some tle>e
held tbe epinkm that be waa some
.er pW'er. and hi* past racurd
idlc^ed (hot bis oplnioe was not
altogether slibout ground*. Monday,
howsrer. ha clashed with a man who
demonsiraied to the Judge that he
still has aome"thingB to leara about
the game and succeeded lu teUng
Lim Into camp In fourteen coosecu-

Ha Will

Ccriato Dress Fabrics are Correct

And thett IdBds an ShowD at Stdaberg Bro&

Htnce Yea Migr Qieeu ViA a Fret Bbd

AtEBOAN-Pumplng ha* been di»
ronillioad at the oil well ni AUegan.
tbe ylaU of two bamts a day not
being ouSlciaol to warraai tha expeaas ef opetBUag. Tb* oomimar^ril:
probably alhk IU nest well la (be

'Uopkiu nan. ^


HU8KBOON—Otto Loeaeher. treaxurer of tb* J. Ixxwcber Tannery comimny. has bod plan* completed for the| Washington. March S.—Mdor nMB
erectloa ot a luoUeni store building on of Iowa and John MnrMe of Gnillnrhln
Worn Weatera nyenue. near (he nn- were nominated this ntterMon bs
ion depoL which will ro*t when com- PreeldeM Wllaea to be latereute eo4

tf inroslaglto'

• The demand for rt»plg woavw is very strong,
ahadn, at Wc, H, $1.» end «LW a yd.
gBd wtf have them all. at iuterenting prieea,
■orngby Wemrm in Many pr>-tty effect*, raufnng in pric from SOe a yard, upwardx.
have what you want, whatever i\Anajr be, if ii ia new. -

Gsmenia W
aad pariMtpato te th* •*<
mad* immlUe by
CMnrtag Bale aow gblag oa.


tgealwr *r Che Next

Chicago. !TV. »!cr;l. 5.—In response
Washington. March S—Champ Ogifc
> (be BommMs of Called Bute*
Judge Imndts n special federal grand Inaled by the <
Jury'was Impaneled today for the sole' himself as epeaker. llto r
of Investlgsiing alleged gL tbereby assured.
gnntlc (rands In connection wKh (be
imyment of the oleomargnTine tax in
tbe Chicago distrleU. That extensive
frauds have been practiced by Ume
of tbe »sar>bnti«r 1
been a matter uC gnesip lor asnrnnl

becBl. As *B boy he waa one of tha
ad Homer S. Camming* Of Bumford.
last basiled worknHO about tbe ofConn, as vice chairman, and Boilo 8.
flee, always good natured ahd randy
WelU of 8t. Louis, as treasurar.
r«a (he errand that other fcUowa
Wells satvEd as trensorer during the
or his age w ould pertapa hesllate at.
tut he wvnl willingly bec«dst be was last campaign. Plan Were made for
Oiitraff* Had Much to Do With Hastaa- help'ing some one elec. That seemed (be ewtnhpllshmeat of a permaneot orIng th* RavaliRlanary War.
to be bis mUaioD in life, and he neve:
refused to grant a favor that was withUoBion. Ms**.. March S.—One hund­ In bia power to iierlonn. As he grew
red and forty-ibree years ago lonlgbi
> manhood hi* aerrico* becaaia
Caiitaln ITcsiun. eommander ef tbe
alunble totbv aTflce. aadbaraF
BrIUbb gasrd In Hoston. gave the oom- !dlv develop^ an ability for printers*
mand which caused to much .b1«ri work, By watching cluacly ^nd beoiB■hed and addad nnotbm^ step townrd ing laterasted in the work and iu
the Revolutionary war. The Bouton variou* dtpartmnnu, he dbon learned
:mas*a<-re claimed three u( the wirlots
operate the Do^as pres*, and (or
who «e>e %rMd(ng tbair home* and th* past few yaara thla ha* been his
Muitipl.v by s buDdred fold the enre you bturtow ou artectmg the right drrea goods for
demanding Vielr rigbu ngainat the Fpccinl line, along with which b*
Buit nod Kowu—nod .voa will nodernthod tin* exlmur enre wr give t» tbt- eeJi^ttoo of tbe
himself Qirlehly and ahlUftiUonsisughu of the Britlab troop* who
stmreu «f-Hiyl.-» of to'alerinls wc abow; for it mraim nn iiivcetuirut of thotmnnd* of doUnru
bad nude life anything but pteassnt to nay other pisra that happened to
that most out "go wrong."
route* ha* been made by (be iaapeet- during (be iwriod niter the repeat ot scant abouL the mechanical depart-neot of the offloe. By bis fvilow
or and a report should b* beard from (be Sump act.
80. following Davy frockrtt'a uiahini. we firal innke uure we are right, nod Iben go
sorfcraen In the press room, be was
Resenting the insolu pnt
tow days
tbe puatoffice
gbe«d and order. Wr grt tbe roufidcntinl wtaisrk-n as to couiiug styles uioUtha ahead of
wtrtch will decide-wbether or not tba by tbe men and b^s of Boetoo. (be
tbrir apprarauce. frtHB tbe autboritative source*. In abort, W'£ KNOEN'.
British troops proiected tbemaelve* oaernos nt^i cfhclent fellow, -had he
request will be graaied. Tba
csrifcr would be moigited and.would a|mln*l (be ebatge of tbe Indignant wUl be missed by . many bunlness sad
When tbe amoks of tb* personal (rtoitea wbo at this Ume
be a grant help in'll
BriUah gun* cleared avray there ware lave only ibe dttpest
for the bulk of tee |
—being rertaiu tbat wfaat (deanra yon for anit. gown, or ctwt. is entirely cormt and ouc
stretched on tb* ground. th* young widoe and three smsll chUnad at the Maw tlma couM eoUoct
Of whom threa were tSiled and eight drao who are left to mourn th* loss of
from tbe fewest of tbe atyka iu drem goods.
-Bbd daliver tbe).malla in the
kind husl-snd and tather. Mra W*.
portion* of tbe <^iy which are hardest wounded
All-wool Wh^eotdl to plain colon, in
Chase of 8olon Is an onb' mstpr. Mid
We ahuw a great varit-ty of weavn and col­
Although tbe demonstrMton of tha
for the city cairler* to cover.
on—Hiany of tbon dupik-ited in emm. which vark-t.v of the aeaaon's latnt abada; auitablc
Mloo folff wn* but n defenrira iha.Iuiden sbod- ot. her bnihsrh
for tpilor-inade anit* and dresaes; today the
k vying with the colon for popnlarit^.
move, it bad a great deal to do with death was a aid bio* to her.
CLB\1£LA.\D. O.'-Th* public i
highly favored fabric fjir street suite; 42
lag of (be chnrgaa of misreadiict la the hastening of the Rcvolnllonarr
^WBol loxM for Uilored anita aBd dreomw. to S4 mchet wide, at $1 to
m jetd.
Whan seraral Boston las-yan. XBMSte bis f-tondaend aap.mlate vorto
oSloe nbd groes Imamrnllty roeeniiy
at We, see. 7«e, «1,
HJO and H« a ytL
tretrrrad ngalnit rrtdarich Kohler. who were also staunch psiriot*. acted era Of the Herald A Itecerd Oe.
k^nlml. BnfMtalt, use id tbe very oeweet
Clevrinnd't -CoMen Rule" chief of po as oounael for Captain Preston, wbo Isment was In Oskwoed.
miif OMod |topolar_wc^oa^t^ ntmaeii. in a',!
lie*. wfU be begun rVlday. March 7. was trted tor murder, there was grast
bat Prestoo was
This teU was kei .today, when K
on tbe ground that he bad dona hM
duty as nn offiear.


—_ * ...mwsMi (Brif,

Belenky nitbt jrm eed IL
value* are worth your enrneot at*.
lentloB. Come tomorrow.

soil opronuNiiY
isc cvcfy wsaiaa
Ncnriy every womaa needs silks,
aad even' womaa likes them.
We have ell tbe newest weaves
and eolorings, nt price* that wljl
plaase you.
Fwdarda easily lead te peputot-i
Ity. nnd w« shew some very hnndMID0 eSeela Cheney Bros.'Show**'
proof qualKy at Tie a yard. alM
finer grades of Fenlords at BL
Fancy------------ ----- - - -------- ,
banetUal pnturn*. st tl-W a yard.
Omrwwim*. 40 lactm wide, s s»
pert uuallty. »*rr apsclai at BIJEotripra. good
at Bl yard.
tra epm-lal valae. all colors, si T
Yard wtd* Buck I
apnehtl im*
wenb ti lO.

i: : l*AflB POl'B



and Iravu YlnRllaa.

: a?

Fife Lake Department

Wfe Uke. Marrti




t. hoel




enbuh, on Monday. Mart b S. k dauahCtayton Caropbell to now rmidoye-l
Metdanes A. Ikdbeic


D. H

Mrs. Kmeal Steele was taken to the
CadlUai- bosiMtal Wednei^ay for treat
E. Richards went to Man

Rusael Clark returned




Alice Btoter






where she has been vl-ltlns her

honor of'Meedantes laife Wllllaoui <>l
Walton. M. Giant and I*: T, l*eteiaon'
iJbns Kluv^-nnd IKck Hoilses have
liurihas'-d the Jl. R. Aronld buildina'
an .Mulii street.

Ilartisun. and non Hcarr of
liave licuaht

the Dan



Henry'Harclsbfi has rriumed to Ohio

Mrs. A. Steele was in Boutli RoarJ,

hy Chns. H. I’tolciilmnt. at the Rrani
Insinicihe and enit

Mra. A. Wtoelln and Mrs. <1. C. Mi-daye,

■lauds Just /ecvi.

Mrs. lUrd is bow catina for Mrs.

.Mr. aud Mrp. Fraitk Iteics h'fl


Bristol, lod.. to aee hU imrenls. Mr
and .Mia. Wm. Hates, also bis sister.
Mabel, as she leaves with her Uusteud. Mat Carson, for Ohlb. to reside.
Mn. Flora laike and l-aura Bates
were the guests of Mra. l*uc> Clark
Mias Frni OTtrien reiuriiol


Saturday from Pialte River.



until nollte

1, ^ven hV the hcalih ofru-cr.

Cari-enicr and tJeorae l♦etl■•r.

has been reoelvM ilial Mr.

snd Mrs. Willie Nelson and bln |iai
•nis of Bcmoti Harbor will leave
I'lab tbe tenth of this tnonih. a
colony Is gbiiig from thi'rc.

-ilra. Cox IS not- niuiij better at this

Traicric City iiiracbed at the M. II tbe aprins. as P


O'liiM-n drove over to Allyii last v«eok
1 Inislness.
RiMIe lAke has-taken in the Inrgeat
load of vordwood to Allyn. six coids
and two feet.
Ivan t..ake s|ieni last Thursday


-hiircti Sunday nishi.

itonii'-ll left fcir^ Benton HatW.





Mis. Max Storrow. who



laualit iu tin- |•rillurl

ih|«rum iil'ul

U hvlldtia imi.v Saxon <m wood.

Is- around ihe bnu-ie. .
The amnaers'aave another hla lUiis
per .nl I-Ake Aim Sumr*lay eveolna-

U. Keever of OslHirn was In this vl-


bury was it caller here Thuntda.v.
Til" Svarilka eluh met with Mr.-

S»l»ii Tyl.-r U impiMvIiia' In hcallk.




R. H. Meycra, »a* In Tra>er»e Cm



Mahon on uc«x»u«i of tin- lllius* of

Mra. Adam Hmllln and daughter



returned <<•

aad Sunday with Altoi Jessie D.)w.!eii

at SurnmU.

Mlai. Blan.-be M'riaht, teacher of the
Maydeld a.-hnoL KB'e an old-faKl.loned
P.-HluB match

Jacob Anaparh of Callllac
bnalaeiu caller In





Both the KinasK-y and Potter kcboola
».-re Well re|ir--*e!ited.

Ud Tncadar.
-Will WureboiR left Monday for a
two week*’ vacatiou.

Tbe abo|> wll

nmain oiwn and In charae



Mra. Cba*. Vnod. daughtoT Paullm-

I'oiiioiia mcellwt of

wiu be held at Summit


9twt% a capable btockaJuilli, Of Tia'
•me City .

Thi.' •I'lhrierly

hf lirina.- aoi ItAlra of Grand TraV.-rae county

and Friday. Mar.-h

iird T.
An InterestlnK proaram ha*
u )•^<'|«re.| and a tome aiiendam

and MIh Floiw Crawford
1 of Summ
City were gueet* of friend*
Id* \n king






Velma S,-'mmir has Wn

Jaa. Hawier and wifa left this wwen-







lilu<- in the r:iy or buslui-v*.
G. B. Stinson reitrmsd to Ms'koms
F. W. Jonea left this morning fgr
MatiUt.-.-, wlHic 1..- will Ih lo.-ji .short pL Ullwyikee ibU mornlnc alter a
a «'npi.- of dav.* her.- last week. limoyiii liiislucs*.
|f-^dtydlh »•»*
0“ bnstneo*.
Sterr e^ Leland baa bcM to
Jbx. N. Lcrvellan
and wife, whs
have been vhiting »itii r-'laU'--

on Tliursdey evenina was well attendi-d. an-l all rei»rt a Bne time.
.Mr*. B B. Arthur left Saturday for
her home in SruUiiUe. after aiieiidinK



Mixtures of rowia'a* and lliincarlan should havi- I-eeu different . It I
' lH>myar>l millet are also used by

grvwcra- and reach malurtiy In sl«y
neventy day* after eeedlng.
should bb

Medcd . only

way* In


(mo. at h-ast one

.low ol the hou*r.and th.- true eulhualaal win waiider into It whenever he
can. bei<s«-.-n scatons.

plan foi


A lelti-f from Tahuka. Texa*. a
(bat B new

iy|H> of



l.ecn Inlrodticed In that kewtiutt an-l
was grown last fall for the Drat i

The.e by a number or tarmera.

II i* known

at Ihe "winter nx-Ion" Irotn the laet


cstrlleH-niaturIng varieties of

that it doe* not rliwn

The usual rate of

se<-dlng is -four

w««ka afier li to pulled from ihe v

IHH'ks of |<esu and from one to two

II resemble* the casalra nielun »

peeks of nilllel to Ihe ac n-.

ranch, but U uot so torrtj

The roni-

grain drill.

Sstuntoy evening. alUtongb (be road*



It I* said

(hat U promises to come Into *
demand when Its ap|<ettolng qiialiiiev
become mere widely known.

The iiiel-

may he gathered and ilored like
whiter nH>le*.

There will l.e a torge

lae of tbe new melon plamed In
that neciion thto year.

ere U-tly drifted.
The (srnien are


all busy

hauling their iioiatoe* to town.


M'ayne Campi>ell. wbo has Wn are boldlna out (or a bettor price, and
working at l-toa Jordan. ram« btm we hope they will got IL

B- A. Smith haa aoreptod a tmitlon
Mra. A B. Brown vlslud hflr t«r- WedlP'S.lay.
Alls* Nellie WTIson. wbo to atl«^- witb the IsMtd an-l Bnabnell laiinbnr
•nta. Mr- M-1 Mn. M. O Baldwin.
Ipg kchool ai Flfo i*Ue. ap*nl Sun­
Bnmmh Cit) Tbursday. .


When tbe tote Sir Henry Irrlng ww
aatenatolug gt dlnider at one ot tba
Oxford ooDegM, ha was ashed by a]

Grand Rapidt, Harrh o.—With the
iarrival of atoteen niore oarload* ot
coal for the mnnlrl|«i



log waa bel-l Pel*. SMh to March t at

keep a seeiwury who waa" Bernard
Shaw, when asked tbe same SDoMOeh
gseetlen. replied. "I never wai edocatod tn your meaning of tba torm.
In facL my eduetUoa wna
bj my acbool dnya"

Bunoil City.

nmm Plarro has rmlM «w Dm day wuh ber 4wmts. Mr. aad Mra.
Ben Wlleon.
| farm here.

. Vlbbrn <ar» for this summer.




inon pracilce to eliher io'*ee-l btnad- that the melon r
>tnte about ChrtolniasUnic. and
aud bAlTow or to seed with U.e

taadod (be pany at Mr. Wellein's last


he dty |or« short Umc on baslnces

Warr.-n Flah. r vUlted at Ig*w Ken­
nedy's M Ced.vr Dun e«er Sunday
Jobnnl- Miller is iinlte

many fanners for hay. This mixture
-s. Clia* Sachtleben viili-rtolncd
makes a bay that Is not m good at a
Wi-dncaila.' cvcnlna tn honor of Mr.
inixiui'o ol e»w|H-as and swoel soncand Mrs. Fran* Korl*. who have
huni. bul wuie fartuer* like 11 because
ifaeir farm and are about to ipove to
they can seed U- tbrm- or four wshks
Travor.-e Clly.
later lhan (he sorabum and cow;
Alt* Chaa Mertlli and rfill^ren vlalulxlure and ubtaie a good crop. These
■-d ..ver Sunday at C. E. Mallory *.
varlotles of millet are rstdd
Tile farewoll party at Prank Korh'*

While h'-ie she nailed OD acvcral old


1*;- wliii frlvu'ls and relatives In the

- -:

Mia* .Miirle .Sn^ey came home Fri­

Mr. and -Mr. Ell Howell
vlsU.d. w-honlDiates aa.l frteiills.
John Wall went U> Traverse City
iDw^Md (ownshii.
iWtr daughter ol Oi eenw.
1 lifiredsy fur a abort visit with his
laai week.


( H.iiajr this nuimlua a(i--o a shun


.*n of "Tbe Uahi' Kte'rnar; nt Tta»- lotte Davis, wbo has tmen In guli
rse CJiy Tuesday evenine.
fei-hle heahh.
J. I). Greenninn was a Klntoiey callTba Infant son of Mr and Mr*. f>l
Earl Sirarllna and
er Saiur.tay.
Ilool* were Travene City vUltors one
Odmr died Saturday
day tost week.
. Mr. aud Mra. Iiiaac MlUpr murned
In town on buMluess Wedo«a*toy.
to Indtona last week, where they
A number of our young iraople

Das VIbber retnraed

Mra. Wm. Bevee hat retumed.te Her
o;jf ut Battle Creek, alter a abort

Cha*. Muhn of' n.-ar Traverse Ch'

HI* wife will follow a* noon n>

iiinihrr aud *ls(er. ^

s’lort vtsii with r<-la(ive* al BuKalo.

O. C. Bcndwill returned to hia heme

vc-ek al the borne on ar.oum el siefe-

silk a luimlK-r of .daya, is beu


The Free

wlu-ri- he wl'.l |..- lui a si'oil llii'c beloro reiiirutnu lo hi* home.

.Miss Oipha

this wrltliia

AUri-d Havis and wife and lillK Es

Lerea hat returned to
/C-e>ruit after a few dars

I ifM- city on burinasa.

l.sli for a few day* b«*fore Icavlna for


Mr.'«n.l Mr*.
Wnltrr Taylor of
liaih'vulx are h<>fv on their honey
no eoieri.rl*e'of fun or l.nKlnde*
MHin an.] wil) v|.rud a few days as the
the amateur make more bliM.ilers
am-kis or rvlutlves. the .Matrb<-(( and «♦#♦♦♦.4
than In growing things. So (he proiwr
IhMIln lamltlea.
•letilBf. They lei.irl a ftoe time.
East I'aradise. Maivh S —Mra. Flora
study of a gar-leoer in winter I* his
John Ma&iaon left for Jarktsin Mon­
S|«rl|gg returnol flora Canada last
<rid garden with a record of what.
day. where be exto-cu to find emplo'- dnuahi'-r Edna aileiide-l ibe |>reaoma- w.-ek. bstneina with her Mrs. Char­

Iron, a

lu for Oraiid lupids. where they will

Irom school a week on acttmii! of the

Bamtl attenJed a Washlnkion l.lnh-

ped to mahe tbeir future home.


Lsc-nard Fle/d of New York city.

sriPiM'.'lKit Ik to'iter acato.

dayjMHy al Fife Lake toat rnday


ihtyiH'Utbern |wrt of tbe «e'e.

The farinora are all busy al ixeaeut

*h|r h lime a anjl literary pro­
e benvfll e
A purty of younc ftdka from here aram will he Elveu for (he


lur a I.-W days’ vtoii u.ifa friends fa

•i > kill., ia rtintu bcO«r «l Ihto .w'rii-

te) over Sunday

Becks.elne and

Peter Schneider leH this fomwIaB

II her iiiidi-i-r, .'-iw. T. O. Comba ol
\V. ti Truth sm-.!.


attended (be danie ai Vl'exfor.I Tliur*
day nlsbt.
MIm Myrtle

ailed here b-. tlie slckiiesa an-l U<acb

id bnna a>i*.

the winter with her daughter. Sir*. C.
ncH-ilng on

Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Evsnx returned bto home at Ftemoni after a few days'
vl. ii with friends In tfie city.

i» Doc'oU last i.iuli’. . .v:rs. Evans wa.,

vervlasly cordially Invhed lo

day. T.Hurnrd to Traverwe City Safur-

an-l Sunday wiih ber mother.

Chaw Kenzie left thto morwiitg far


-Mtok Gladys Storra *|*em Saturday' day.


K--<-j.-il raclv

cial at Ihe illltoi-le Glove tuliuulbuus-

liaullnjir Ice.

Clark l•<>rn•r of Tiaverae City vlali
cd hik larenth Tuesday.

Monday lor a few we<-kb' viUi
Mias Lennah Box


Travers*- City Sunday.

Were In Tiaverae City M'edncxiay
Rev. Tbarnon went



b« uds becii iivr>' f-.r the apst f*'W

on. wto> ha«e le-eli .piile sUk lor the

|iast w.H-k,


V. I

■lays, bit (bU t.d.'i'uii.e lor .Maatoi,-.

TrawrBe Clir today after *|.n>dlna

Mr and Mrs. J. Skliincr have bewn

her Uh-i-i-.





fell Iasi


The lO;--!* we

vialilna retotlves at Buckley for ih*

1. K. Ihll'el well! ^o Tia'.Tse


Mrs. bns ROiie to Grand Ra|s

Tl>e 'Vk'llwm iH-ya have been liaidiiiji



Chat. Curr haa'


sto nt Fiindav in Tiaverse City.


su-riii el (be t-raM.ii |tua;o>d over

ttosl weA. are at-nie iH-ii.-r at

laiiaioea lo lAkc Aun (be |«st few

> TbuiMlay i» iitlend, itiv fi'iiicnil
h. r tm-re. Mia* Uh ker.l,

lAjplar-. la

publ^.-farer not only ss •

Weel. S buiiiicse ir:;. Iu Hay City and 'hi* bo's'

Uttle Kihel Coates au-l Uoi«en


Ijike. was visilina with Mrs.


IPsoeUt rbtBKe that (be toll Lornbnry

|];ieruluR lur ihuli lioMegt Owosao.

.Ylfiv.| Wtoeiiu *ie-n: Sunday wiih

tor teafiR to net thrmipli

Grace Wlleon

Viola Friday,

lUlh-sIdi- Grove.

low tbe surface of tbe Sufi fur enoush

for the iws* -wc«k. left tbto


i-.s inmlly here

h.-alli' L.«i week.

III la- an eiitvrtaiui.x nl and Uix


Ih^rn'al care


Frank BA-kwith

II. Waisi-e Tl.arsda:

»Hiil ill 1-lac.e iltoi It wa* Inn-'tsildr


,-d hy'this tnoond-J

Mrs, A. C. Ihav «.f Tra'

.Vin'iil »iio loot of

C. l.-'wls' oUx-e eanio tost Fri­

day for a fi w w.vks' may to aKsist in

K. C

However, we

■wit work wMh the knife amnnd '''v'SktA. am^Mion
to me line.
roots both f:ill and aprina.
aprinR, Vhoisandsf^

.Mr and Mrs. C. K. Baldwin left Ifii-

Ma|.e-Cli>. .Vlarch :!—(too Velinaft!


| to be a thankless one.

early (all. a> it sat- -< aJot of <-uii!nKW-al In these colums in clean

vi-ii<-l reMIvc* here to'l
-I vi'eek.

U'C, returned from the Su« last w<-ek
I’oiirfielll. and says' Bela aolna (o r

• .-arnnK v*n -Mlw

fart*, and jiiiist h. » to the line.

find-soft balk* to

■ he Mhsil ihi.-e ds..s Iasi wi-ck.

.Ambrose .'rilka aid hU hrolK- r. P. •

rtnUy one day tost wick.

The people of Kingsley and the snironmling
’BiCTesjjj in
jn this De]
«ut^ are all interested
We shall be
■« glad to h:
have individnala, cbarcbes,
the Orange, fraternal societies and all other organitations hand in items of news, personals,
annotmeements of meetings, notices of entertainments, bntiness changes, public improveaenta
beii^ done or contemplate^ sales of real estate
in town or'country, and any other items of gen­
eral iuterert. Send aU itenu to Hiss Kdna Wall, wbo baa diaige of the Department.—Editor

The best time to do this l« In tl evore-nro assured the whole Job U aiU

ina Knu,
arub t!©*;'
do<;v noi'inot’i. apt t| Wvc acSSMa^Aulu and
.Mr* and Mrs. .Maynard, to slowly In.' Uis plan, aa the yvuna
aiiaek the thick iwrk covered hy- the'l.e wanfi
lumental laiinre.
.Vilas Sti'Wart of llie County Normal mound, and av a rule wih not eo be­

t.Iadys SiiaSord of ik-utoh i« crlt-

Conducted by Miss Edna Wall.

what the ravases of the ixoich h.-!cr.'Bs well aalisfi-d with falsehooda. that

ir> sil k al the lionir of her |■ar•'ms.

Bryaul. Elmer i'ifrcc and -Mr.

VitU- Unve been Iiauhna logs to Holme*
Sidina for A. C. Fiiilili

lie atoo

X duiry lariii.


wrapped up In such a

will prevent aomc-

We don't know why r«-cfeMIon Cnr- me.- windbrmke but as one of (be
ly lor Peoria. Ill, where iliey w+rc
•lolCe oriianmU -Vees for Ihe bandcalle-l 1-v the aerlona illness'of raql to not 'pIaiilJJ more Irwely.
olen Skiver, who has been work
tK-n<T adapt'd to ilichlgan than
>me estates o: thU <
iluir sen' U«n Tln lr dauahter. Kolh.
in tbe leleiiboDf oBlce at KlngsFay# JTotilic and to V all odds the -Tc-a-nt Usuc WAfAp^e of Norway
home tost Wednesday
\ahi::lile «hi-ny .trrBiH for the Spruce for prrbs'rd prolcction both
^-■■ount of her bewllh.
tnarkel at it brina* » per e«nt mure
^’Bllace Fish made a biielness ii1p
ihim lomninn it-d . i.rniiis. li i>ar.’f Poplar ruiks -biltb for orchard
> Kinasley Saturda.'.
I# wi-ll'thn .se.--.Od ye.vr. and tbi- b-iI.eL.-* l.ruteeil m In sumirer and to a baod•liirs rtsh expAeta to movo to KftH
van toracr than l-nDdon Market. some tree
Mahel. Hatch t.—.Mr.'
Well spoken id by oar State Kv
Frgpees Pierci' >|<eni Sunday wiih Uiiljib Ksiew of Uates visited relatives
l>omnent station.
Wei! Mr. CrbW»- !kll was a batter
h<-r larenis and ivtufiied to ber «< houl h'-fc Monday. of nK-dicio- you served us. Cerat At'lllUimahuri:.
Ed Cleudennina nnd James Wui.mii
Fugagn* rpec!.j'isis
i'..- ;it.-.-i talely not a »>«aT c«||d Btcrsel. aad
Airs. Yale railed on
Mrs. O. V
drove to Elk lUplds ono day tost
we*. liluV
w«.1d have been't^mptad to tarn
Holmes an<l Mrv. FTsh last Thiirwlay. week.
r w,i»
lunUnaWnes -4 tbia <v-<intry. av <v- 4 your j liture to tha
bat for poor
inej Hammond visited
Pin.Mrs Jo>.-ph Mason of Barker Crook a the'buiii and tree frglta. VVe hove later pro-’..‘.e»y •Thrt' it bnilbt not to
Grove school today.
l« Vitliina retortvea here thU »<sk.
iK duli-cd (u till t-.-ople l.f 1 ii-.'j be many ytars bglot^ Mlchlcan vUi
Mis Henry Milks aud dauahter llu'
.MrP tiilKf |■my and Mra. .Michael
IU tirlKln and iw>tiiiee of *u;-i>l- > f Uw-l the apple ma'rkei of America.*'
xri calh-d on Mrs. Yato tost w.-ek, •
Boyd were. Tiaverre City visitor*
Ihe areat staldes which wv putcdio-J- N<i« we van co to work.
Mr. Skher drove to Walloii Mon- dk« last w.-ek.

hally HI.

Kingsley Department

'If yon liave iu>l already mailc wma'.l^dh'»urh quaiilliies. hut tbe whole submounds of caith a'vmt.d your y..uue'j‘*‘



Word has been n'ceived of the
rious Ulness or WlUwr Pratt at Cedar

R..y HhliardMin of .Allyn l> iihic

T^icrc 'Jill bo no c-huiib sewices n'licr

Mrs. Jennie Mnrkliam La^ sold her


Alnilsn. March S.~Tbe tbenuomeje''

. Peiienelll at ovtott.

jee liarvettlni: la Hi |iro*reas. .tiiK.nR
U-iv.i MeK<-an, CTaudc Worden; (tarl

(rult farm.
Pitif. Nc'viuan was in Traverse ciiy


The le* tme. 'W'orm.v Deoeatb Bark."

man on business Tuesday.

Myi-tic W.vckotr tiWDl Saiiirday

Holmes Bldms. March :i.~Uarn to
». and Mrs. Hliks. a daiiKiii'-r. Feb.


tboM- Kcttlni! IC' Ircm Groeu Ijikn «i.

Satonluy. where be will wvirk nti u

Mrs. I.iicj Clark and
was home

•r.iiii lluxtcroier Sunday.

lu(i). was very


-Mauifs lieli>ed Mrs. Hii ks for a

The Royal Nelcbbors a«e a birth-



> time.

Mr. Itomm of IWroll vtollW frlenda


Uriel Bui>erluiendenl Keudiiik

Detroit, whore they expect to work for

lur tlieir hou.-wbold noods.

last week, a son.


J. hi Moore and Min left Prlday tor

have relumed from the .M.' A. C. at

fkllciue, O..


itiDK bU bmtheni, Wimani and Jobn. Me*Buoday wMi her lareuih at Sum­
nclKhborhoiMl. and mit Cllj.

Moyd UatienfW-ld Ind Handd Jor>


Bom to Mr, and .Mrs, Clyde Perkluj.


tUier. Utv Wni. Wilson.

Mra. mnk F-ulkerson Of F'lbrs .died

A. J.

Baplds Thursday.

ii^ld trlaids in this

Wm Taylor Is on tbo sick list

bouse Hiid lot OU Front slrcet to L. K

• Miss Be<*slelne
lira.' W

Jon Thursday on bustnea*



of iho Mateheli

day dinner at their last meetlnR In

Boase were in Cadiltoc on fautines.


Orn Taylor of Nebraska Is here

jver Bunda.v.
at Wm. Oslom's croerry.

le i>arty at Mr.

roidsJohn Biarltnii of Manfon was calMna

till* wrltinft.

nrton wlib his uncle. Wm. Oabom.


Hendon. March -I.—MIsh Kihcl .\rni

Mom to Mr. and Mra. Raipb llicka,

on baslnews lieiwi'rii trains Friday
Grand Baidda.
Bom to -Ur. and Mn. B. P. Quack


tirons aiH'Ui l-'rldny aud Sain:dt}_ us

Tbv infant ebiia of Mr. and >lrs. Ed-

Friday to rtoit ber brother. B. K. Bat- at |U« Cadfllac boaplial Monday.
Mrs. Btoncbe Bryam was In Walton

ss Mae 8|>arliiiR s ill sooo be able «

nidbd Uosart lb very U1 at Ibb

Horn 111 Mr. and .Mra. Wni. Uessey,



avc the bospllal In t^lcaao and 1<-

Tuesday. Peb »th. f sirl.

Dent Bloc and lUck Hodset doted on Friday. Feb. Si. a daushicr.
Kruesl tisboru hsu reslmed bla |k>-


.:. faetitfctol l-taw^^e^lce^too^Mdli^.Conee<f

I‘. J. Snyder end wlt« ot llanaab oturlna her to become badly choked.
Mrs. Howard CIctaad visited at ^
wn\- iu town on buslnew Tueeday.

a deal FV-bruary ;v lor three autos el

a two weeks' visit


Vieee l■ecalne lodced tn her throat,

W. A. Clark bai purchased a lean

tbe Ford-Motor romiuuty'.
Mra Jobn Hatter wcdi to Cdi-enilsh

Ins bit lots to nucUey.

Win M'-lvIo. who has been oeMouw

itlDj: relaiircs and friendK bero.

vekudns jimuns aonie of the youncer of Will, iielbivok.


Fiwd Bklnner ban lust tlalsbe^ draW;

Jaatier l^ydell came near loslna a
ly III for some time. It KtUI no- better.
Mr. l^^dell
Inc boBie FYhl«>. accoinjanteil >>r her valaable cow Usv week.
There to but UttU- tao|>ct ot bit
brottirr, Will, vbo la attendlna btsb w^ l^lni; ber rbopl>ed roots when


waa ehwod PHdsy nomlnit for
ve^ OB account ot scarlet tew-r

Sie visited at Milton


rbifrrb Sauda} afternoon on aeroum

Tony ti’eber of IkJrr Center Is vU-



Peter and Ambioae MUks. wbo have atint'a. tire. Jobn Cady, of Travcrac
8o». relumed dev, o few dayiror last week.




0f tbe badly drlOed roads.

bnionii' BaturUay,

W« wut t« tn^ thii Deputnent of the
gnMm pottiUe ndne to oil conocnwd and to
this and invest that all item of penoaal and
1 inteiMt be eent to Him Dewey to be
_________d in lb. Dv«rti»e«t. ,W« wnaliy
and ““
. ndc au ctarohm,1. fraternal
frr......... eodettes
tmi A
Oraan fnndab itemt
< interest in their reepeoof social evenU and
Ueb oifaiuBtioni. Hews
eBtertainmenta, improvementt being i^e or co^
tod, and bniineu changes and transfen in
real Mh^ in town and country are eaped^
: aeeeptaUe. The above appUes not only to the
village of' Fife Lake, but to the niroandiBC
eonntiy.—Zditor HeAld.

There were no

ireen workins at tbe

Conducted by MIm Mae Dewey.

Vhd evneeu to

.> to Uetrolt toou.

Miss Maude Harrison weal U Trav-

Mra. IsMilssRoaU of HarL MIcb., ft

era* City Tneaday on bualaaaa. ratnra-

rtaldDg at 1^ ahoiitM of C. Sirarilng

Vna- Ar. m tuSSltj JKt
far food?" BtbM—"It look* that wayX dobt think ka-U arar ba to a pnaW
<toa to »nny ■».*' ■Botton TraMWipL

A bigger Fuel Saver---A Better
If the Round Oak Iron Chief Range Had nothing more to
commend it than the fact that it actually do*A save-a
larger amount of fuel and produce better bcOdng and
cooking results than most any other ranges/ft would
be welt worth consideration.
That, however, is only part of the story. The

Round Oak Iron Chief Ra^jge
U.lhe strongMtjand mow durable rmJeeWr ^ade. If
wery day In the year.
The Sound Oak Iron Chief is made in tbe good, depend­
able Round Oak way. of the best quaUty of Hound Oak
gray cast iron—a metal which in the tops, oovets, and
centen of a range gives quick heat radlaUon and thus
insuret. quick cookii^ end which mutt be used la the
fire box to insure fire resistanco anddurabiilty.

« lo JsUu CosRkcU

Mr too toloxicatod by Joy.

s«s».Pwkis Stw^Jtotg".. Oly,



A word to those usually sending to catalogue houses for House-Furnishings. Look
over the prices in this ad and compare them with any catalogue prices you may have
or if there are some pieces of House-Furnishings you need, not listed here, drop us a
card and we will guarantee to furnish it as cheap if not a little cheaper than ^ou can
get it anywhere else.
of OLTErrS
Never was there a more opportune tiine
for buying outfits. We are making sp«^
prices on everything this month. February
and March are the two dullest montlu we
^ave in the year, and as we have to keep our
full force of salesmen, packers and other help
in order to have them for the spring rush, ,we
are making special prices in order to kqep
things going. Here , is a sample of what this
means to you:


..... 1-2

1 Parior Stand, rajular ..........8.00; ipectal.............................


Bcgnlar price ............. .360.00; apKial iR^ ..SMAO

living room

A good, hardwood kitchen cabinet, ash, oil finished top, fwo
flonr bins—oae divided for two kinds of flonra^two nteniil
drawen, one meat and pne knead board .both extra large, only 37.76.

The mannfacturers of this range have stopped'at nothing br
make it the best range made. They have even gone to the expense
of importing the best makes of ranges from other countries ^ .ex.
amine than and get their beft features is order to perfect their own
make of range. The sew porcelain inner construction used-exclnsivdy os this range keeps the creosote from getting to the ateti
and dUkos tbam absolutely rust proof.
The new wbiu porcelais^doan make it the handsenest stove
you baas ever seen.

J. W. stator al­
ways has just
tho rightDricos.

We furnish your
home complete 4
for cash or on
V/e Fornisi
easy payments. I ihe/ica
/iQOK Compile
I____ V

... ..........
Regular price................................360.50; epeclal price . .344.76

1 Di.i«r<K». Table, eepUje............. Sie.Mi ep.^..............S18.00

SSpiece Set Sllrer Wen, regblu.... lO.Ool ipySal.............


. .396.00; epedal price . .369.75

Regular price .

Quick Meal Ranges^.,

Kitchen Cabinets
The itrongeit Ime we have ever ibowu and that means eomething*wfaen yon stop to consider that we have always shown twice Northers
aeeortment that any other honse fumi ................
' MOeUgan shows.
Kfty styles to select from. Just think of ill Kitchen cabinets
all the way from 34.25 up to 334.00..



standard Sewing Machines

Uniiold Bed Davenports

We want every woman in Grand Traverse region to know just
what the Standard Sewing Machine stands for. Every peQpn^ho
hn ever operated a sewing machine can readily see by nrihg the
Standard Sewing Machine for a few minntee that it is the easiest
and smoothest running machine made. The high arm givet freedom
............jr wHh
in working. “
The simplicity
wi which the different parts are conA person does not have to
stmcted and put together is a wonder.
be an engineer
* to operate it.
W. have them in several styles, ranging in price from 318.00
to 330.00. Other machines atJ12 69

ClocksMantle and alarm clocks of all deseriptiras and siiea. Large,}
beantlfal mantle dock, six large pUlaia, calbe^ gmg. oval ^atf
dial, 36.50.
Others for 32.75. $4.50 tad 38.00.
Alarm docks up from 65c,

Ihe Uteet s^le for $34.00. The Unifold is the only bed d»v«Bport wbidi folds with one easy and simple <qwration. It tnalM a
very nice sanitary bed with nmov^le nuttrcas. There are no nncomfwtable lumps or ridga caused by the mattress sagging ou thr
Bprings arc National
and fastened at both ends and
sides with kmg, hca^. bdkil springs.
Uldudstead is best grade of Morocco with massive full qtiar.
tered oak frame, complete with sanitary felted cotton mattren.

Carpets, Rngs and
Write for our 42-page ^taV>goe iiving deacriptions and

SU knives and six forks, guaranteed twelve pennyweight ... .$2.76
Six knives and six forks, triple plated silver........................ . .34.25.

beautiful color plates of our mammoth stock of rugs, carpets, Un^
lennit. lace curi^ and draperies.

We are showiog a nice aBsortmeDt of butter kuivcg
and fruit spoons, teaspoons and table spoons.
Regular price................................350.25.; .epedal price . .338.45


Cut Glass >1 Cut Prlcea


Kitchen Uteii^lls

1 »• S' ■ ■ ■ ■ 'Is

We make a specialty of kitchen nteniUii,had eariy a full line
of alnmlnnm, grai^ and tinware. There is no other store in Trav.
crse City as well equipped to Uko jB|El olAbht^^Bsrticalar line of
bouse-furnithingt quite as wdl as welffi.

Special Kitchen Sets
Outfit compMe, regular

............... ^ price . W.«
3337.05; apedal........... 3257.85

sists of; .1 large fork, 1 large, carving knife, 1
1 perforated cake turner, paring knife, 1 large
w. 1 can opener—ill have good wood handles. Set.

SAVED $79.20


to......................... ..............................................-i--,■

Fall line ol FdoS Ofinden^


• nere is harilly a thing that yen can thi^ of for use in or
aronod the home but what we have.
. lo-tul. Barrel Olitini, one of tbe beet made................................ tS.TS
Ironing Boards, frdta ....................................... .......... .76c tb 32.80
Bench Wringers from ......................
...................13.96 to 38.00
Tub Wringera from ............... ....................................31A0 to 38.00,
QasoBne Btovet from .................................................. 32.36 to 310.00 .
OS and Alcohol Stoves from.......................................32A0 to 3U,Q0 .
Guaranteed Brass Wash Beoid.................................................. .'.dSe;:
Unanoteed Zinc Wash Boards............. ............ ........... ..........86c"
Others at............................................................................ 86cand45e
We show a full line of botk^anRc
earthen roatten.'
Lampe, dishes, chamber seta, tuba, bcaers, clothei haikrti,
«faoppli« bowii, dropping knivei. butter stamps-in fact, evmytitiaf
yea need to fnmidt your home eoi^lete.


IVlall orders promptly and carefully taken care of. Ereiglit
allowed on all purctiases of $10.00 or ov^er.
1520 E. Front


Yonc ReUahle



oRAifD, TEAvcBsi HKBAw





The Sbroimhiro U s MtlTe oT Bn*'
teed, wliere iJi> em bui;rovr«n«iii'»M
«ta<*mtee. .Tbo oriBieai braeU tram
whi«A Uio doaccBdod wa» <sllrd
*'lkir(f>^ OorasKib." llsrlni thp ceriy
itamveinnil wWcJi euBe ai Ihc hcidBsiDB of Che
I s^ becter
twpiT the
pttBdl«l moihoda Mod. Uler Ibe
Utad Of ibc 8o«Uiclo<ni. the Couwold
a*S ibe l-rlmter wore tscradocrd.

>1 tnrdlui u leuKib. This
lam i» dlwinrcly
cly of ibe
c,h niulton tyj».
t carrin a lAi'dfau'lo beexy llmce of
• %«) eopdcbarscsIer.^IwUBh.ofTOuncr.
» taehteB Ita «U KBd flBcmcn of Ihc
m lleriuo h'-cod.
’ ■
Look OToc the i:
‘uausil)' tbf surccMlol abcei Iceopei.

*^DJ0 b«t» ■ mlourt. JtoiBite.- maW

'wSm itts. PovaU looked mt of tb«

_ Mrs. rroCTSM. M"- Weuooa Be^
teow rlaltor. mod u» the sbuBdasee
__ Is the
^ tbe rsfodre^ that were paUeMog
bag. the ewe aiiffer* and begins lo mall fWa'atternooa and rchioh It will ®“
«»f »*>« ^tod the un/Wdlng
give IMS. The Ughi way Is to milk laloreai you. I want to ahcM It U>
*• *'7*;;;
dally aha. the la«b does not ne.^l Too anyway.Lun.1?
- .k.
tmtil It la cld enough lo use all W II.Jlwmie looked oi^susplcloutn while
Then the flow wlM not abrlnk and iho»ok a t/cket of teiter. adl •^tU 'SlilSd^^er^d Jb^l
land, will thrive.
j 1^''
S^lrtth*:! a’^l^^b.T u7t
"I doul auppoa. yoo bare any
the »osmt after thro#
what 41 l.r We rather
the Hanii^hln- In Its eomowbai tooklog at him narrowly.
and BcnermHy inore
,-",uiky selves iipoo their mother. <
"She bit me!" tmet build. The> iceesa more .over- tone which Indlcwied that be knew
"She eajd I was a pig."
Ing ou ibe face and lega, bat c a small- rery well what It was
-Wow. woe( wow!"
and are gcncfall/ net quite ao| “VVWI, He a letter.- eaA kt< Mbar. . When Ibe doye «t Bmco had been
ativug ud Bturdv. although uaually Mleetiv Ibe mlaaleo (rain the bna' persaaded lo borer precarloosly w
inore gulet aud iiblogmatic.
, «* -If* s letter
. from your dear the nursery Mrs. Powell returned ..
' learhar We
tVe have bed
bad qtglp
h«r room and proceeded dolefully with
Ule—at least .. "-»• i her toilet. -Tbej always e« Uke thet
■" of .............................



til they arc ripened for market. Tlic
secret of sneroes with ihe tetnbe U
9o\;« tbs ro»B eeoii «'hirh hove keeping them thriving right ' along
lAciAy of (Silk ood foUra t«le« rs|dd- every day. and before you hardly really. Tlu'j ero vslBablr.
Uc tbe Hue lakoa. they are hcevy
cuough to meet the tmpular. market
lont'-. fat himlMi brerndacd by owm' demaudk.

..s. a

It win be perfeetlT awful all day.’
After fercakfett. with the assltianeo
to gel nervoui.of Hilda, her one maid, ahe prt«eeded
Jimmies mother frowned and'abtmk
remove to the dlnlog-room the out*
Bar head'vigorously over her erahrni-' ward and visible signs cl festivity
defy tn dlMprroval of thin frivolous from the porch.' where she
Jlmmte'a faiber, properly; planned lo eaienaln her gueaia
»»«ilced. returned to tbe businen la
xo». nffda," atao said to

"Whars tbe flmiter between yon and L*ot oni of the wrong aide of the bod.
teecherv" demanded Jhamles fa- f
^ atraigbten up la bm
Iher, turning a stern took upon1 bk
to soak la boUla^ mater and pot
"She doesn't like me." JInmIe mat­ tho chicken on to boU."
t of the
"fio 1 gather from thia letter." nald
his father. -No oas resdlng ft would [f®
sbout Uto n.lDuies sitw hsr
have any aosplelan that your teacher
rercnifuJ back bad
wanted to adopt ymt. for Instance. Bat I <«vappc>srrd Mrs. Powell heard , ominous crash froA tta kltdban. 8M
Tn trying to Ond «at what’s
fie. nhrtlant. truthful Ititlc boy whom . f"
The'iuoducUon o( milk, cream, but-pj ia> lor the fi-rel oonsuated at mar- 'everybody.Ilka-. 'What da yoo think *>'«•»«»• Hilda was standing iioUdty
amidst surging i
ler ami tbeear Is mile iese liuiwnam krt
or only liiki paying this Ueanbf.JImr
"Aw. aha ssya I peggad-chslk aereas
"Tta bowl break when I tta hot
loihc i>rediM.-cr tlun tothecooaiinicr.hiP.
Ibe room at Hib Marsh and I did aot!"
lor while the one suffi^rs Tram Ibe in- 8c« bow cew-tostlng aMsoctuHpnr aald JImmJa. rcacmfnlly. "An* ahe
•■raailng |•rtas the othcr'inillcrs al-havr lotoluHoaltod .-oDtmions In rerdidn't own up
nwn aa givaily frem iliu tncreauisl ipb> keeiionr.
was OBI she'd send me
(he fragments. "I’ve a good mind t
coetK «if tfcdiuK siiiirK and of (be la IVrlups^ ysur home reaniy may an' have ate snspended."
bor Drccasar>- to haudio the dairy need jusi‘‘sorb an orpaniailon. You
-Oh. thst was itr aald bis fathM-. make you pay for It."
Hilda wlowiy onfastMied tta atrtngs
"T And mmethlng here in the Mier
herd-. Tbe pun«»c «f this artlelc iacnn'l go.vrohfi If you r<i-opeinie.
held tar aVron ainund bar ample
to tmint out a method whereby a very
> » •
Urge InircBXc In the efllricn.-y of the Too few l.reeders and dairy fanners did happen, Jimmie. Come oa, now' rnalsL
-I guess I go. then." she said.
dairy ••owh <iT the coumiy ran besi'c the m-edeil rceognlMon lo Ibe ba- There was something about a piece
"Go where. .Hilda*" ata teqnirad,
of chalk, yno know."
bretuftii about, without large aildltloR-ki< cn wlilrli Ihe 'Ulry lodawiry is
Jiimnlc looked arrows at bis mother, tta tears rolling off her ehjn.
cl roi>t« lur more oows or nore teod.TDundcvl-iiie' inolherKood nr tbe o»i- but her uarwletitlng face waa tnlant
"Away from iha. pUre," HUM on*
Tills t., not j> isiradot- The answer itmal furntsbing the milk One o< the
HU latbre plaJnei.
In llH- iaci that aonie rows arc murhgiost surrreRful ol Ihe early Wiseon- was eving him acarehlngly and tafr
better than where ' Then make Uicsin daU.Miien bad for ;6u numo.
velopcd gradually during tbe eosuiag
dshy herd ell good rowa How* Hr%|Ktak tu u enw as you wonld to a
Ftor with hoeiyod words and
tbe eow-icsiing aaFociaiiun ^ictlK>il. lady:" and when he wai aake<l If he
' promises she Inveigled Hilda to make
...... . . »~*- f *
removed. Ills liai when emerlnR the
Jimnil'-. -an' I was Just titlin' Itliuaa'^lce erram In place ol the lost gelatla.
BteriMlcs wattffully gatherH havnuble Aobr in Hie Aorning.'>be replbil
rubber band slipped, f dooV
Duriag the real of that feveiMh
proved that over .oaeifourih of tlicthat be r<-i uinly wouhl do so If he know If ft b1< Hlb klwrsh er not.'"'
mnrnlog Mta PowHl swept and dustdairy herds of.the rnlled.Btaics areJbouRhl be could Ret nKfle milk (bero"1 see. " said his father. -Ofrearaa. ed and cooked, and nt regular Jnterellbcr am itfducing enougb butler fatby.
.. Ing. and at ftr«u didtr't think ft would sTIp Vhre'' vals t-pauked tar offtpHug.
drew It hack and lei It go. did regular intnrvnls soothed and laxml Bomw ttruried Hilda. Alone and unaided,
mile girl's hair braid gctilng lifffj^ she wrestled with (he tact tablecloth.
inkwell*" he went on. referring again wbtel!. thbngh usoally a ..................
In Oxe letter. "That seems le bars tractable hOMoholA article, pereiatad
ananyed yonr dear teacher a good In ucdulailni ever the table like
huge measuring worm. lip>despere»
'1 forgot to pover my Inkwell." tre Hob &trs. Powell bealad an Iren asd
Msined Jimmie, "aad her braid mini tried to prmiR ft down, but tta Irea
have slipped la. She alts tn front left a long. dark, rakish looking trail
’ me aud she's a regalar old habtnd It dos-n the oenlar <ff the'
-I don't like to bear yoo talk that
After that aha rvf^hied to-tbekftcfeway about one of roar llnie aebnol- en. where Hilda apnaared to *ha-AavBun'l wniiy aixtiil the liog business kliring lliicra and wiut llx'el.i. xigor
inatet." aald Jtmmfe's father, "espo; lag a hand to haod teuia vrlib tta Ico
*.U-iag oxerduu". Thgre H more imrfc ous idga.
etatly about a gtrL tt'i too had that eream freeser. whila the children
-saten today tban .iheH. .-xer w-as bcwhen all these HiHe aceMeau hap were dsMlag forteBtly about tbs
, r.iora. alid It IS Mag \o Iw that way
Be wore Hie kows lave plenty of pen yonr leaeber should gel an Idea roam, shrieking "lea eroam. toe cream,
ija* long
men loxe lork as thi-y du pure wwier to drink, aside irom Ihi- that you're somewhat to blame I soo lee cream! We're going to have loo
she ny* here In the letter: 'James Is, ereasit"
akip the) have. 8lup Is not drink.
usually the ringleader In all deflanes
Mrg. Powell pointed a ntem taffar
of discipline and tn the use of noise toward the door and the throe. aUU
The ihloRw the kowa ueui Is an op
I'kc ilm dirhwalcr as a fiTtlllxur. making devleos.
miena there
Is sereamiag. darted past tar Into tta
iionuoiiy for rr*i and nuici. Ho nut Tlirxtw 1! on the coniikiti lu-ai*.
shall dinicg reoml
cvnilM-i thru lo niugh ft wjUi Ibowton*
hare Vo take dresile aetloa.' Do you
•What's the tBiVter with tta freesliogk Hlxc them a dry. cuiiildrtiibhorr Mrs. Powell looatred. She walkad
keep liw young pigs know what that mean^ JImute*"
"No. sir." replied JImmla." looktng
|•Uce in whlih )■> tlcep
to the struggling tnald.
■ III- buur they outer the
up In uaronecalnd alarm.
"He do^'t work." aald Hilda, fiba
Hu nut nvRlM.1 Ui Rive |li«- aoi
gave tho
freeaar a ftnal
the crank
eras'- of Lba '----------rhanre lur cverelkc •I’liinR all
To do this the
r mast hsxe the
with her
r powerftil hands and tbO
• lin it is kuituljJe lor them to be out
crank broke. The pall rolted over oa
- said his fsibt
,ol «iin. If they are im-iiDod to reaide and began gargHog forth
nula in Hm.- ncsi a good drel. jnU
IUIsIdr iiiRs Ims been a pajlng
oosy mush eompeaed ot Mit nter
feed UuuRh komo diklance Imu .the miioalllon dortng recent years, fi ts
and drasm. whh^
ovoe tta moot
deepera’e and braien k<
•dccidng i>lare and coni|lel them
thcreh^ic tta dcrlre of all who k«ip
sralk at lesM twk-e |ier day for thelri iinmd.aaws ta saecead as well as vnsv log, war time atwl ahoM him at son- >tva dreamad ot aaivlag aa a dolacuble
wloppy ic-d. I'sually they will roam ta with the kiirlng litters.. Sometimes rise. that might wcU ta ealted draaoo
at (hla critical aomant there cams
artmnd during mwlerete weather, and while one li) ekperlally aftzlous ti
Jimmie blioked rapidly, hat vat- a crash ud three neparaia walls fropt
this haUt abotlld be encouraged..
well, ihi-x feed and Itandle the sows fti
tbe dtalag room. Luvlng KUdd and
all meana do not let them bVri>me B manner detriincctel to thvir best In- tured BO comment
lea cream ta cemmane vrith -om
Tf a man comes oat hits hk hack
laxy if yon with aurcots with the terms.
yard aod Bnda a dog klUlag bis cktok* umber. Mra. Powell flew to
ass." contmed bta father, "aad hha nawen calamity. Two Mhofoaihly
that dog over tta bead with a clah.
, CaoMo ta Oaofl.
that woald ta drateic aetten.
------ th* arrack of tta dlntag taWa. trom
TBs Herald Is now ^ulpps4 vritk ' TravMareHuri^tNTdtaptafte.
uodaraeath grkl^ .v^ imlng yaUt
Boms dlflteany Is being aipartaa
mboat aU the machinery that ooaM bo
d gtva
Mslred to make a newaghtar- All vra by the JapansM telegrapk aerrioc om*
uM M
tavo got to eapply now is tta bralaa. tng lo too damage eaaaad to tha n'b*
dsugbttfr, tho
drastic action. ni taka It. too, U
and In our eflkinl r«fo^ aad -totm
flshlag t
gat uotbar one of tbaaa tettan. pa anva.
maa and the baUnee of tta oBco om
.. Altar ata bad wikfatea her dangta
.ployH we think wa tava.a fntty prowahte aatere of tta haUataa yoa uadaretandr
tar from,.a mtsA-<d g)g«. oblaa.attiw.
•oofl Sioek at that »eut m -te
abaoads. bontew ud other tegradlThan ta oUd oat of tha
tta brag. Wo won't M it agatai aoea. ctMm la the umbar of traftlara. with
ohta and had tMt Ml (hraa of tta
the . retult-that u tetofT^tkm of tha horrlod over to (Aarlla
-^dUy Ifial ) HjttaM.
etWa tamca is IreoaaaQy ofwad. WhM ta eras goM his
. _ __ f^rvn to boa'Mrt. Pbwdll sat ddn
0^ (ta aaaltat'Bikirhad wopL ft
Tta aettaimias af (ha povafBPHBt tab
agrapbs and
-Tmi might u a
well hare Mvad your waa thaMthat tha lalutaM baU raag.
are at preaeai confarriag as to the brdith." aba aald. -T don't- bakata
"Dkte." ata Mdi ta tar -haflbaM
dlTTlmmla waa Impmaand at d» «y-«hil
______ L UU'dvaty^£^^£ odbthat Jtlgbu *it dote soam parfaetb- tayn tetd."
-Moted with tta pfaaeat order, wqiifl«Uff.
kaimka. tarfscopM tawtaaatad wub
fbalty etaPA:to ^ what tt tb May.
«hsa I PM tta mawaga that Mre.
no tlma mill moat aanip notea wtarn*
ftraatteal andmpiaWatMS had latlaa akd ktealaad bar
' a vaihiMtagaadtothrewoC'
"Wtat's tka diaorowa tatwom tha ankte ud they oodda'i ootea. Itmay
Iho Duka do I
a was tdM
have ben bard u ftn. Watson, bat
Sa bowero^. tta Mrth tad Mhai
said the young mu who is laamip ftmaaslaapiy
IMM wfU have baeetea "dfSkd
dhflda." Uka tka moon-teo life of uy
drsse farMtatah dtteka
Mrt apoB thdm. It hat btan edteaIgted (hat the eon v^tl eaua to thfov
A spaciaa ot sUtgpaM tehloh grou
tauduUy to that coutrr te nood
a of yoan Crete Mte.
(W.matthKloks|«.|8dttk . ...




9tS Boanpvt pnpll Is
, '«Uw SlnHiettod s tov UoW Is troot
»«» "*»HW tar. el-.
~ rtt srttfc s besmlsf saPi' Tkas eoooaraiged. the yonager ^pll dlmbed. I ' Vk. t«nil' hre'W «f ^t-pm.
li'a Just the kind of a .algbl ter
ap on the chair btetdo the vlMter aad uat
f^^ « oJ^^to X
swim la the lake," said KcbmU le teldod her plamp bands In bar whits
hU aleter. --WhM do y«u say u
Uiile rtde am* I eia taop you
fttlsk I dOM vary ntes.
somewhere tor s call and theo'plA
l,r ahs inoalrsd, aftsr a moiMtn \
b„thsrs are worse than
up M say way home trou the
plagttes .dUUlled
-Jast Ibe thing." J«reed hU sitter two, eleven times, hsit this ^pr J gpva into one. while some ottat amnll
.as all tta Uae."
' brothers are born mitehmakers. and
with aiscrUy. 'Tadie me ovsr to Mrs.
"How ysTT sloe." Md the visitor thoroughly cg>oy holplng alcmg ■ ths
Wlar—---------sMhnsiBsUaany. "Aad bow do yoa
of coartsbip
I Tbs tmall brother freqaefiUy eleeU
the oMy chance I'll have.
Tbe yoangast nemtaris «r» danw to entertain the anxious suitor white
Kenneth dtmned bis bathing suit,
ed. "Oh. nova H. very mnete" «ta HMjJe Marie Mu ready to comedown,
eooflded. "aad 1 can daaeo •sfrxpaB tOetUng ready^ come down is. wUh
DOW." Her face eloaded aUgfctJyv/'th, majority of gtrts. s herculean unhis Msier. After short drive through "Bob won't daaea with ms. tbggg^ jlmvaklng. and consnmee a great deal
Ha doesn't Itka to."
.' ”
time end thonght. aad draws seri"Tbat's very atrange." said ; rths ously upon the brnta power of tbe
Isltor. “I wonder wbyr
? - ’ • young womaa who desires to make a
Impreaslon on her waiting ymfhg
tathteg salt with a swaater
Isa'l the most comfortehlo.thlng le the CM popll. shaking her bead. "Hs asyc mnn.
I baveat bocc eomlag iMg «snf^ j Tbeaoxloussultormayconslderbinworld, and donH let them ask r
lack If the swf of Us We geta
CO b. Say that Tm-wcH. anyth
mo If f west him to."
bsi*^ t^4fe« roeuJslte state of fluf*
only don't let them nee me."
nbafS something to look ferm*l« &aass!%ad bdi4te^~sod bows tnto
-Just toot tho bora ihiee Hi
stylishness la
said hJs sister, ^d tH fly out befero to. anyway." said tbs visitor saascp ths rngalatioa siau
' kniran hour; and he must posssu hie
they have tfmeTe eak quentlena. Ton agtagly. "Whl^ oas Is Bobr
Ths yamgeat papa vravsd a hand Is aonl la paiienes « the keeps bins
araa'i exactly as ApoUo after your
evening swim, asd it wonld realtv be ths dlreoUoB of ths group of bsya. wnMlag a full hour before ahe comss
a tefleciloB <m me If anybody shoutd Who were going through aoms oxem down.
dsos that were Vreerihod
tao, *]te( If there Is a small brother to so*
see yoa."
' tertsHt him. the ifst* wU psso gulckTime went ooleUy after Kenneth nilee Of ns daoeiag school.
•Hs's that OBO that's hghtlDg wRA ly,«id bovUl Isarn more of tta true
arrived at tbe beach. Themfore. he
remdlned In the weter so lo« teat be’ Horace." che anid calmly. "Horaco lagCrdBaM of his love's family la that '
short bogy than ta would Hare la a
was chilly whea bediww on Ms swaat*
. rm too -Itttlo."_
llfallms of PiWaary caWng aeqnalat*
er aad treueers ow tbe met -hathlag:
"Wan. tlms wtn esre thaur MW antsoft. When he stepped his macblae ta
I sf Wlaahlpa'
tta parter
leoka aakaaea at tl
who is boldlBf h
.udiy ;tl
times snd wsitad. Aflar at Intetral
he looted the hern again Ihlee times
aati tta -vtsltor. wma- of Ms etatr tarn ntaM'a wamtng.
and walled Then ba tried to dacUe
■what ctertlad at this rapid «ght o( Tta small brother is stthar chstang
whether ha rbould go on homa
rut and Hng the taB. FlnUly. am* tlma. "And than I anppoaa ytaH ta tBotearee Mhdy er gtoa. w tta condi.tioa cT'kls aapphoa may ba—(or a
baldened by tta dsriams of the bouse a# old ai Bob-aad Horace."
"rn ta oMar." aaaoosata tta tay la a. gisat deal mot* at tama
pelted by brotherly du
,attatf gin. *Trar. tea yaara eMpr.* whan Wa adtdbM fnU.
the steps sBd gave the
----------- *
-■ patted doom ta •'
sharp ring
aWrta tatrefnllr
After a moment be heard volcea. aod
Mato- brvttar. aaf ta addrosata bta wUb
lights begna to appear in tta frett red taegM over bar »pa.
Mr of puiMaa.
pan of the boose. la another mo­ ed at tha vtsHcr oat oodti
m eya.
• I “Hallo. 3l«mr« Plaa moiiiteg lor
ment Mrs. TWeeblp appegrafl at the
1 can Mag. loo." aba wlA
' akaUag. isn't ar
doer with Kenneth's sister beside her.
The vtsltor'a face wu flOad w»ft
-jfaw. It's too aloppr- 8sy! poo
"We've aU been out oe the Uek
porch." anooBneed Mrs. Wlnahtp. "Oh wonder, cagw nffilctpatlon and wM* don't skpU mnM. I gxwea- .OlrU said
yoa couldn't keep on your feet, and
come in. Wc ware iralttng far yen to
pretty, pretty iiaip.^- war afraid tor oulka ouL BW4 you
join ng in a little aopar, although year
tUter here has -been unklad enough west OB the ytaangaW pnpll. "ppd.1 looked Ilka e graataopper oe tee. Hub!
________M* ____
state, _sls-t they* Ain't
to think you couldn't be pertaaded to slog them vary, very nicety." 8ta Tkem'.
«p and down vloleat- Ug anough. ta they* I-U bet yar feet
Kenneth gUred at bia sister as be ly -tmo or ihrea ttmeo In bean appim acta. Oeaas Uameni asNU new laathcUUon
mnaa dowrm. Bayl did
entered the brllllnntlr lighted haK.
Tm afraid I cant." be be^a nerr* T would alng yog one." the aalA "bat j-pu ctaia ter see Mama or Ouaeief Ma
oBBly. Tbea ta panaed. speech fail- the daadBg lady vreoR let ma alag 'eted she'd bet you'd git all you'd barrad she aald ____
gninad (er H yoa teta Mama. Pa ha
lag him as he eaaght sight of hli dls- tars.' 1 did otag race end
very nlca. but ahe thought f mM (artar ter butb up. Say! dont
hcreled self In fhe mirror. "I bavw
tatter nit
'nit aad sHag when 1 got bama' p^ not ter chew my gnm while 1 sat
^ told Mrs. Wlathip that ytpi wown So BOW I Vatt"
“That's very dli
have come with me. but that yoo
were detained by a business apiMat- taema to ma 4ta
« ot your vocal> sta'fl
ono-g give ose tete of maple sagsr
nulekly put In bis slater, -glv>»a>i>f>Bis.
, I wbra Tom netchar brings her soma.
Ing him a warelBg gtai
longatroM ■wMgbed (hla ta bte Tom. ben awfully sweet on Manm.
Just then Mrs. Wins
'inshlp's gusat. U
8ap! what Cher do that Mama don't
abe repllad. after a momut. osu me ter see? You're courtla' her.
*Bat (hn I thtak maybe eta hauT ^oT ye* Marne she's got some powgot any. She's a very nice Isdy." stag itrj white staff that ahe puU oa bar
' laae. ter 4ida tta fraeklw. ud yoall
"I really most apoleglse for my ap- .onclndad.
Par some reanon (ha vMtor oopgte gu some of ft u par coa> cottar U
pearaoce." ba started In agate.
. > yao doat wpub out John Parker ta
“Now, don't say- a word." Inter- dd behind bnr budker^at
, aad Mama ska hroshrnptetf Mrs. Wtnihtp. "We know you
............ ..
...atari I was hid ba­
yoong husinete men don't have time
Tt may ba (tat
ba fttat biad (he wtedcr nmalna. She told
to do overythlng. and we're glad to
«M teaalBgnp
leaning n
have lea jnat aa you are. Why. bow laMs the arttatte trmperaMi it-tarae hlm-the gueasad tad beta
people are vary mateHnH
gnsM ha had.
vret your head ti*"
-Tre. Its bean worklag with tta .know."
"Tag 1 kuw." agreed tha yinagegt -Ma ears pha tW* atathar Mama
maehtne." eepteteed KenaeU glibly.
upfl eoartootelr.
I iiku TOm flateharv John Pertu
Tl ns warm work and 1 feel ss tl I
Tha two eotepMdems tet watdilpg poaL Tom'a got u awful teag aoae.
had been In a shower bath."
He cast a reproachful gluce at bit the children Maea for a few mteteaa. hot ta’s-gat the mote money; bnt
"Ho# nlcairtha Ifttte glrte duea."i lobo'a froMt with chooolau sod too
steier BS^ was ted away to th* rorper tabla. Tbere his physicaJ dis- raid tbo visitor prwravty. *^hl«^, cmm. Mr Hocie Olek says you-n a,
i«m(ort teterfmed materially -with «M do PM tUak dSMM (ta btetr 1 g.dmsad Aado] Hs nya your oolUr
•Tho yoragast popll poadcrad-ta,
uu dtealdas of a wbeeibairow.
Ms upottta. Tbit fact, together wUh
a violent 111 ^jneeclag which aeteed lOBtly. tar hand aockad on ou tadu. tou-tt raw yoor oarst Wh«a I'm a
AMB «kn .agote-te bare a tan eotter.
htan. called forth Ure. Wiashlp's so- Uke a oontamptettvo reWa.
*T knew," aba aald after a 'wknaT' ao'a to see how tt Date tn ta u«ad.
llcltous Inqalries u io his health.
"tan I goete pg hatter not odL’
I Don't y«i avail bwread hair* Ido.
"Why not*" 'gaerted tha vtsfter.i Mama's ortmdo' tare, aad aha’s
they look over aome Mfn ahe bad -If-yoa-H ran ma. then m t« TM oMrcBMl bar aotte. TtaU imane abe'a
In tta Hbrery.
------kta tta bast daaear.'*'htery(lig. tta epaakad matHctel that
lUar aot." rnaflrmad gv j am uder tta ante, and you IM
In tta confusMa bf Tlafag KauaM
srtOsperad to hla alster: "LWa ru tha amtp pupH. "Bat HI tall yea w that (oUlarol staff abut hoc bteag
for It!"
how aba's dftelit"

1 the kuM «f roar eilstUM-wBd tta
Igaeuftmate yoar-ta you floater
Tm afraid vraH .hare to go." wM
-Shea pot M a white dreoa." mM ^ \ (old Oaasla aad ttamsn LotsBta apologeUeaUy to thair boateaa.
a her «da(p
and Kama heard ma
mtte (reek -tuderty. ‘had whUa
sboM"-ata held ap drat oaa W g»d
tbea the otbor and letaad at than
TTa .
rtagty-Tmd pink ifbtaM w bar
ItnH more rohost." commented Hso.
WMtalp when tta antoteoblle de­
’ as gave tar taad a kM
Iftfta torn aad ww rwwardad by the
parted artth the MWra:
'tabtet!" Cried' Urn. VgiaaU|te -vagtehtgg vtevr ad tM 'aad of a Mp. Pda. aad ate wtat ata deaa wbeu sta
gwot. artth adptewosd exteumoaa plakbew. "Bat I paoM rd batter not oaaa you?
raotar ta ptea na
"Why. ta int nlefc—tak enay- DUnt an yw'har-naaa"
are esans tel dad out If yoo klased her
yoa aetloa that ba had u aoeks tmr
*9 wtah yu 'arauM tMI -ma." tamgad aad. aad Iter ftertag np half a -dollar
be Tteitor. T wont tM) a ao^
tar Mt Into tta box mn's chnrek Is
-1 caaoi r-d batter ate.: aafteMtad sanding ^ar thn.HhUlgglao teteods ter
Mado Him Wad.
Aa aman pupa -Bta Vapitd dow '--"‘- tta TitUdnan. And
a canrOab
canfflab a^a
-Ufa." teld Dorafhy Doonelly. od! hte atwlr. *«ew l pWtei A pa
y. tawaatidtgteotelly. "Btak aatf 'not la. tbtt ata Fredk to danoo with ma ~
a ata tta cteww
uhg aa tta met
treattter! atnre wa aretell w mteer tlmaa. pm know, ta vOL*'
able, wsrp srtth me over tha aorrun
*Tm awtoUy aeny to tava yw pa"
ter.anps ou
of imie Etaar. fttmer had airaapad aald. tha vteftar. "but t tape ftraak of tta door. tta..young tody Mniar
to ga to a Saiiday oohool plouSc.
paden U at tta othte. andtlSB her ohy
JuipiiM out of bad early, ta ru tt vrfU daaea mCte »a« wd that yauV
tava a Btea tlma,*
oon te tar yop&ff wMletetera toM
the srtadow to sea wbal the waathw
Mfl laya hte oUn dngam to kte palm,
T t|riek mayta ta wm." mM
was Ilka, ud tongd tta rata oocMng.
deten in tdrrtatd. Stamplag his toot .tataat-puiir tag Many. KeoC .. tta anya hotp aotvy Wa mao te ta
oWteta to taap him making no teop,
surfly. he eutelmad. Tm gtdng to tta ptate doat Ifta to daaeo with ton. tat sta had Jast.irnmmsBBif a Mtw
be a baatlMii after this!"—Toang's Ob aometlmte ha daaeaa with ma"
Sbo atood lookiBC areaad tha taO tor mbleh



o teotalawmoButo.
power ot tha tongue (p deaeflbi hla
dream •xperiaooM as ta slept tta
etory of tta dream la datafl astuteUr
would onggeet te«altyto tta iMeper.
Bnt the

toK JfMI Work COiliE f^ni^HEKALD

"Pbs's vhry mwlthyr
-Vary.-' ' - -


"Motay teft to tarr
Wa to tta oMtar ta a haW
oBilttedTIItaa to niiMlTto .Vaanw*"
T praanma aB the hnautlfni watoiu
to Wa aoutST purehaaag nr
-Ko: bat an tta plaia mwa dWT


(CoBtiDued frora Pa*# Ooe.)
Whitt hottM b#Kan. The c*rrt»»*a
Vrorwriad •( a nlk. to afford a Jiood
*ir«r of tba prMldral «> tho rraalda la
the auoda aod windnva: SoMien
atood at •■anrnilon" all alone tliir

had btt a»'»
wM oMOffh Q«t
poUcr WU^ VM aaaat to mtf lha
bnniMcat u well ai iba amt poffortoL -with an 070 ^ncW ta tbo atmdaHa at JuUe* and fair *lar. aad toBwsbotod It with prida. Bat «a wwo
vai7 hiaaiaia aod la a teny t» ha


tU .G
miOfSEB« CimpleO IMt CMitiUeiMir
Sliio* 1851.
la suffh





The - nny-flfth year, uf thla vatnBblef record, compiled by U>S Omfcd
Herald, with
daiae. from mu.
,»I days; 1)05. M days; IMt. U da:
lh« Hldraaik <mrd«.
The ke vemHd tor the pern Bflyjtoe
M 0«y*; iMM. 3d days; i»». B
<lrtN>n and vblto wfca tho official
year*, kept by-the Grand Tt*verve Aya 1310, 38 days. mi. not frozen.
rolor srlincDo of il|n di-cdrstlona.
all relatc^to tbe wnt
Herald, to as lanowv:
1D( tlw *tro«a arm U1I itcnodhta at
Is Mil. the bay fnme At bet fWr arm of (be bay aad to thn urUon pt
Ikoac colorm. ibolr ataffs supiwnlDlt
from Ttoveru Ofty- 3'nrtber
fnitun or eloctr
mnwnnuwn. m— t oea mmii iiii or rive tollea: ice went «at ibreb
An tA frenlA to Bsaallr later.
hnakaebo and aoeh awful baaitaffdowa 13th. ■
taatlona toalchi. ■
pdiM that I cooU not be an my feat at
TA lOitowlA Ala prior to 1365.
laao. fruae Fehraair tlUi: weat mi
W-ben «»• aarrti mnn tbr fbacr'
tknea and 1 badurffuie Inaammotfcm aa MvA 3rd.
are troto lA roeorA of 8. R. Watt.
Monumeat boma a aalro ot IW kurs
hndly that I wa* hot able to do my work.
takA from his own Ata:
—the national aaluic—aa» fired b/
Leeuld not get a Rood meal for my bw*
1381. M toe.
fiudaadtmeddld. By ndebbon aatd March 30th.
1U3. trove March loth.
13C3. ma* Pebraary 18th; w«d mt
toiff tbMikt my saff<^e waa tenfWe.
fhe {itaeiileBtial aaiaio oi t«-eat>-une1 oasmereo of the wortd. vtolatoa the
Mrbnband got Ured of noetoe »• April 4th.
April 6th.
BOD* and the »lc«-i«*ldent Hint*
pHMlPl" <>* taaaUon. and mahaa •offer Mid one aieht went to the druff
lOM. BO tee.
elBhteen mu.
r>'eniineat a (aclU Inatramoat In enme and e<>4 me a bottle of Lydia K.
1BS4. frou Janeary SStfa; WAt At
1M4. troM F
Baieen mu.
^ prlralo IniereaU; a bankAam’a VeeetaUe OompoDod end April .ISth.
April nth.
«* Wall feraKHtt
‘ Wadtlostoai, Mardt 4.—Pnatdent to* m>d curtvney aratem baaod apon «ddm*I
me I rnnat take lU I can't tall
1888. no toe.
1RC5. troto lannary iWb; meat mt
WDaonb tnat^aral addrcM. rouark- tba neceealtr of the coTamBant to •U I nafferMl and 1 can't toll yon oU
1IS6. trou Junaif tOth; went At
April nb.
able (or Ha brovttf. waa Itatanod to oeii lu boadi fttt7 reat«-ato and per- yonrmadMaehaadone forme. 1
wlib the BtoMeat tatoiwu hr the vaat reatlr ada^ed to eoncootrattac esah CTwatly
I3M. frou January tsth; want out April 36th.
- - laoaAted
beoaflted from
tbe flrat and It
m?. frou Juury loth; went At
throne. wbl<A waa front ud roatrietiBC erddiu; aa indaaUlal hM made me a well woman. 1 can do April fiib.
of tbe capUol'a oaat portleo. and at lu irateB wbidk. Uka tt on all Ka Bdaa. all my boaaeerork and even helped tome
im. froxe Jaaeary 33th: weat not April 33th.
clone there wa* henrd nolblnc but eiusdal aa weU aa admlalairaUva. of my Meodi aa weU. 1 think It b a April 14th.
1666. frou lurch 4toPricndahlp to the gUi <t( the gods,
pralae tor lU aloqoenco and
wendeeful help to all anfferlnc woi
• M.V. WMh
' *
aad to* moat ,->reeio** gtti to man.—
iSdt. frqie rebruary Mb; west out
waa etricu th
I bavenot aeveral to take it after
arki 17th.
. aa foUowa:
I peeutnHIe* of lahor. Ad opMta wHh- Bm vtaat it hm done for ae."-lfii.
1863. frose Pebraary 30th; weat mt of Ata ot freezlA wilt A of in terI There hat bean a dunce of corern- oat reaewinc or cooeerTlnc the nal- fiuu EspcN8aA0B.a9Ea*tUBfa)St..
Ainit I3tb.
inenL It besaa two reara aeo. when ural reeourcaa of the cenatnr; a bode Middletown. Pa.
the bovee of i«proaMiiaU<res .became of aerieultnral acUeUle*
JanArr lOtb. 1686. 1887.
U70. froze FebrusTy 3ad; weat out
Tbr Pi
Jaawry ISth, 1873. mt. 1*77.
crabic one. It b a record of conitant April tttb.
Junary I8(b. 1884.
elctotyovarthe olmtiiute Uli of wooun
1871. frou Pebraary tath^iwau Mt
ate abont to ateeuble wlU alao be tbrooch the Inatnaenlatttr of adanca •>4lb that deal ootdn^r. Ulaaae*Jnauary 16th, 1S7A
Uemocratlc. The oSeee ed preddent-, uken dtroetlr to the farm, or eSdrffbd tsblWmd <«!t timt Ly£a £. Pinkham'* Marah leth.
JasuYy 17th. 1368. ittl.
and Tlte-preeldeat M«o been tut Into the toeillUee of credit bo« *otte« to Taffotable Compemnd baa teatored
Slat. 1836.
the band* of Daaocrata. What doe* Ue pmcUcal nude; water coareea an- teeltb to thcmmnto of aoeh tufferinff
Jaanary 3tad. IMl.
mean? That la the quea-; developed, waata plaoao aaradatBed. ■wnau. Why don’t yon try K tf yen
1871. frou Jaaeary I3th; weat oel
jAoary tSth; 1884. 1304, 1313.
tlon that ia ttppennool la oar inlod*' foreau nnteffBed, faat diaamarthc need mb a medtctoet
May 4th.
tedaj-. That la tb* qaeatioa I am to without plan or pmpect of
JAoary 36tb; 1867.
1874. treu Jaaaary ilthi-weat At
!frnn want ■prclal adriee write to
Ine to try to aatwer.- la order. If 1 —..._raatevery,mlB«.
Jsaury 77(b. ISA. 1173, 1888.
May 6th.
We bare atudled a* perbap* no odier
may. to Interpret tba oocadon.
Anury 33th. IBIS
167*. froee JaAsry 16ih: weat oat
sadoa haa the mod effodlre tonafii
B burpeoe ef^lhc Nation.
jAAry Slat. 1837.
heM th atrtet mosr— AprH 33tb.
It meaaa ma^ moro thaa tbe a«r« of piodnciloB. but we have not Btadled wmaea
Pehnmry lat. 1386. 1333. I30S.
1876. frou Pebroary 33rd; woU oat
or a coet or oeonomy
aoeceea of a partr Tbo
PVbrtiaty Sod. 1370. mS. '
I of lodaalry. a* atntaaApril SOth.
party meaaa llitl* aaeepc whan tho'o
Pebroary 3rd. 1633.'
1877. frou Juuary 13th; woat out
and deflotte purpnat No one can i
ftovemmeot for Himianity.

CSO*B B. F. B. NO. *.
February Mb. IA7.
April 33rd.
mUtake tbe parpooe tor which tbel Kor have w, atudled and perfected ♦♦♦ n0

Pebrary Ith. 1363.
ms. A toe.
nation now aeak* •* uae the Demo- • tbr toean* by wbl^ eovemmeet may ! Cedar. Feb. 3.—Tbl* mortilac fouod
Pebraary lOth. 1371.
1673. frou Pebraary 14th; woat o«cratle -patty. B aeeh* to uae It to' la-1 be put at tbe oetrleo of hunntty. to} n,# roads' flUed with anew, and the
February ISth. M6A.
AprU 33rd.
lerprrt a ebanre In Ita own ptona and ■f**f**T*|** **•
plow* aill have lo eo Ibroufib before
Pebraary 14th. 1864.1378.1834, lAl.

pelM at new. Sotem old tbtnea »1th ‘ the beaHh of lu men and tta womwi ,
hauler, ran n> to work.
i8lh. 1863.
1381. frou Jaaaary 17th; woat At
•rhirti w^ had rtowa familiar end «»d 1« tbUdroa, ae weU a* their riebta
Pebrurr ITtb. 1330. 1360.
May 1st.
PeAoary 16U>. IblS.
1883. A Ice.
^ have altered their aepect as we ' ol P»»«i
---------------1 U JoaOee. not pity
with 8. a Cato and family.
Pebraary inh. 1883. 13I0.
1683. frou Pabnmry 3rd WAt out
have tottoriy loohod critlcaUy upon Tbeee are mattera of JtuUcw There
Mta. C. W. Loeffler I* attU wltb her April 16th.
pebroary 36th. liei.'
them, with freeh. -awakened oyea: eaa be no eqnallty or opportunity, the dauebier. kbtherrwho U very 111 In
Pebnmry 33rd. 1376.
1884. frou JaaAry isch; WAt oM
hare dropped tbetr dl.BUlae. and am «^tlal of J«tlee bt
^ Traveme City,
PVbraaly 37». 1W8.
April 86th.
Aown themaelTea aUea and eUilmer.. PO«tl«. U moo and women and eiiHUora to Ur. and Mrs. I'rcd tuabder.
Pebraary SSth. 1303.
1885. frou Jaaaary 37th;' wnt on
8ome new thtoca. aa we look frankly drea be not ahleldad to tbetr Uvea,
Marra 1st. 1883. t»l.
PratU Poabry a*gaktor !• a acUtiBcally •••■
npcm thorn wllltoc to comprehend ibelr very THaHty; from Ue eoose- Sunday, a boy.
April 33th.
thelr real character, have come to aaof etoat todaatrlal aod aoclal
March 3rd. 1837.
para* toakbr tba cMcfcaa^iapriatlM tha Um.
Floyd llalBstort ehioyed tbe
1886. froze Pebroary let; woat oet
0» ..wt .t tuiv 1.M M... [
.bM ^
March 4tb. 1388. 1136.
April 33nd.
tiaii,lmnlaaii<i bM an* bM^a* &a h«b la
March 7(b. 1330.
hU birthday. Fbb. Sf.
1837. froz* JaMWiT 3M: WAt on
andi yaitacthaalthtliataa-taHraaaa* eaaaHI|' al
lArrii mb. 18SS.
the awcweo.
haubel*. April 3lnd.
eipsh or waaken or damace lU OM : >*f*- «*■•»****» iorui«i«u uie
by a new toaicbt Into our
^wch I3tb. mil.
fliai doty ptjrberry trep and itopcom hallo, aod all
1668. frou Jeauht Hot; WAt At
- W« «re that Hi many thtofi that!
nyPntta Stack Rafalatar br yaar baiaaa.
Mtr le veiT ereat: It 1* tnctmrpafaUy
March iTIb. 1306.
eattla.abaararkata. H’a asystaaMatatw that
In ita*mat«lal a»p*et».'la Ita'®*''^ Saaliery law*, pure food towa.j Or.-Hiurtell'of Tiaverv* felly
1833. froze Febnmry'mb; WAt on
No Ire In 1851. I8SS. 18311878. 1880.
March 30th.
can-tbabaat. Wa alao baw a C*w Taalc. aayarialbody of wealth, to the dlverafty aad ^ >■” .**1*“^*^**.
a profcsoUmal call at the a
sweep of It* onerey. In the InduMriee }“**/*'*.**'» ‘«^Wd«*** «
- Thurwday eveolmt.
1383. IMS. 1311.
. 1830. frau March 7ih;
ly (aad far aaars.
a mr*
are intl.
•which have beoB coocelvrd and built
determine for ih.m.«le«.
Wa AalOM waD knaam 4i
imnlB* of individual
Individual men mate part* of the very boelaeaa of to*-i
Arthur luutoef* two April 8ih.
«p by the» eento*
ini. frou March lat;
BWeei enterprlre
enterprlre of
of eroupe
erout. «*•

children are nH-octed ^k with the
and the llmltleiM
looaa UBara, aach'aa Krada Dip. Zai
April leih.
It I. n~t. .1.0. rmi.
183!. frou March I6lh; WAt on
• to n* moral tore* Nowhere else to
“• «bna
Th* speilinc maleh and shadow so. the worid have noble meo aod women
“o oW-faahloPed. noverto-be-.
neborthouee in dlefrtn No.
prll irt,
•ahlMtod to nmre atrlktoc form <b«
^3. tfdU.January 3tth; WAt on lATdle murard PrIAy from Trnverae
City, whevo she rlsUed Ar owiber
April 7tb.
for a wuh.
1834. tnu Fobroary 14th;
March 4th.
. Mat lUay toft Muday fw Bngtood.
1835. trou February Sad; weM At He Apecta to A goM util the mid­
oUmtM aod hope. We have bum tw.'
the hearthto. of overyoome other rcbonl. and let n. hare
April 16th.
dle of April
moeworer. a creat oyatem of Bovera.;
— on oU-faahlAed aneWnB dot
L which
haa stood throuRb a lon«
^*r_.**^ Inooncelvabl#that w*joe Stocklnjt. who wa* Injured
1836. two
frou March 4th: hen on
Mrs. 8tou sad. Anghter Nellie
ace aa to many reapecu a model tor
to thla a*
« to la- ,-«.eke a*o by a falllne Umb. I* to«t April ICth.
spent (A week with Mrn. E. O. Ladd.
tfaoao who aeek to ael liberty open
we abould to it to Ifimm
coa»cioo*D«a*. Dr. Pr^lch hat
1637. trou March 3rd;
MIA OAriu and Anghter Mra
toundatton* that win enduie acatoat ^
b*P" of hi. lecroeyr ahrdto atoatot April 3rd.
Ctora Buha and AIMia visited
tortaUnaa chaace. acalaat atonn and
baste We ahall restore, not de- ■.
1838. frou Pebraary 37th; WAt out over Baaday wHh Tom Ohertog bA
acctdonl. Dor We contolns every •tooy. We shall deal with our ecoa^wwlved the end
ereet ftilne nnd rrw^alna It In rich «««to«T«elB a* It to SBd SB It Bmy. toto- W. J. Chaee received the Bad March 10th.
tkadly (A o^ side of Traveru City.
aao eo--.aina u « not
not a. It mlfht be If w* toteUlcenco yoaterday iSamtos
U93. frou
Ml*. RIckM came An PrIAy to
Bvlla That Hhvt Com*.
had a eleaa ahret of paper to wrtta ber brother. Mr. Oreen,
April 14th.
vtoh Mrs. WRl^AnUD tor awbito.
But the OTll haa come with the
Buaday momtoR at hto home
1300. frou Pebraary t7th; wut on
Rood, aad BUA fine *old ha* been H »b«l U *b«»M be; to the opMt of ,t Travor.* City with faeuit dtoease. April 17th.
Mra. Joho Marshall retoraed Gnurcorroded. With itohea baa come in-’ ^
qeettloa their oww wisdom-^r,. Chase Irti tor tbe home on the
day from a few-daT ronrAttoa la
1341. frou pebroary 14th;
Trsraru CUy.
April 14th.
____ __ _______ _
__ _
Mr. aod Mrs. AatM ThW have toSI. Dobm relBiiiod Thnnday from
1303. bou Pebraary ISth;
hare used, aad have aot stopped to
JoMee. and 'o^**’toalfN.
bom«, after tpendiac the win- March 14th.
Detroit, wheu A vlahad a few dnya
mty of
ceoluB tor «■'
a^ay* be our motto.
i tor to aouthem Mtcbl^ Mra Thiel
with his un Irving.
1301. u k*.
eon worthleaal
Nattoa Deeply Stirred.
•|•r detained to Travenw City Vlth a
Mary Griffin to vtoltlag f^sA
3304. trou JaaAry S6th; wen Al
_ to be careful ' And yet K will be no cool pinem* sprained ankle.
to Traveru Clt.v for a few days..
April SSth.
aewetiMadmto of mare edeaoa. Th* nactou baa beeu ^ T1»q.W. J. Chase aaw mill at Solon
jbA Swaney and Wm. Ayon were
1305. frou
whlydSciMt. We have be«
off la good shape tbl* March 30th.
tailed to Detroit ton PrIAy A tA
rnloR after a ^o weeks' toy off
1306. froze March iTth; won eat eertoM lUneu ef th^ eon Pne
have aot hitherto etopped ______ wrong, or Ideals Ion. of |
ud ...d. u I.
April 17th.
fully eooufh to cooat the huteeoet. t~. on™

Mra ^to Rear apAt a few days
the cost of live* snuffed out. at ene^
1307. frou Pehnnry ith; «At At
ales' Dvaruxed sod brokecL. the feur- Vkid, >e tu. thU ... Id. of rifht <~01IO.dolUoot.wMtl. Udlddoot. March 37th.
, Traveru aty tost wuk wUh
«ol pfayaleal aod splHtual seat to the
13*8. frou Pebraary SSth; w*n At frienA
men aad womea and children wpon
Walt iwtaraod Friday from
Whom tbe toed wei«M nd herdeo of Ood-a own premnee. where laMoe nad ♦
AUa. Where A wm eaOA A tA
1368. frou Maach 13th;

It all ha* taHen pHlletsly tbe yean mercy are redbneiled and the }adg* > B
death ora retotlve.
and tbe brother are auc. We kaaw. -Monroe Center. March 3.—The AM April Mb.
tbrouito- The |
Ar task to be no mere task ot poUtka
^ ^ ih.
Mra Bto Bay to tA proud owimr
1310, tTA* Fekruary itth; WAt on
all had not yet
of a alee new plaao.
March I3to.
oolemn. movtog nadertone of onr
coming up pot of th«''nilnes aad teaThru partto* to lA aelghborAod.
1311. A lea.
There was a iwd alleH
lories and eat of story home when able to understand our tims and ths
n n Bmarnon Degrawto at Maple-'
ms. frou Jaaaary SSth.
tbr atraggie had If* Intimate and to- need of Mr peopir. wbeOm we be to- «•»»“«> » hltoaaat day was spent,
ton. am at Toey Kronpa'a at Bowen
ms. frou pebraary 16th.
mftlar aeat With the great govern- deed tbeir spokesmen and teterpre- There are aeveral caaea of amriet
Thus to a ported ^ ss yeara the HarAr.-aad ou at Jeu Chriatoiher^.
*nent went many deep eeeret tbtogi tern, whether' have the ptfre been terer In the
ud the recOAed wUI. Mias Addle Crisp wak a Traveme Ay hu trouB over serAtera itoMB All report a Hne time at an thru
which we too hnto totoyed to took
to ^ooae onr high___________
to Janeary. twenrfoar timu to Pebtote and
! CHy caller Satarday.
leaf eyes. Tbe great government wa
Ofonte DeOroat ia spending a few mry, seveo times to March, aco
Ipved ha* too oftoh been made ms of a day of dedication. Here
aevd _>
MO Wolui__
time aot glvA. Mz tfmu aot at all
Bniifn City on
fer^vate aad eelM fUrpoae*. nd the torcea ot pparty but tbe fm^oo of
Eeay PaywaiM INW atac waAB I*
Ooring the urn# piwtod n hw left n^nnttl(AtoyABloB7n.efeai
Eugene H«! of Harbor ffprlnga.
thoee who used It had iWgottea tk« humanity. Men's bmrt* salt upon nk:
vIsKlBg her Bother. Mrs. J. D. Rex. tbe Ay tweiro Umu to March, thlr- *» ^
four tlma
tlmu S L2Z7.1
" 'IT'_**.**»'
At last a vtoton haa been roe«B- hopes can npon ua to say .what we Mr. ahd Mr«. C. Copeland i^t tjAe timeo to April and remr
to May.
win do. Who MmlJ live up to the Thttreday at TmTeree City.
natod ua of our life at a whole,
to 1360 tb* Ayr
aee th* bad with the good, the deheaed aad decadent with tbe ne
dgya; to 166^. 67 day*; ifdt H days;
and ntal ' with ibU vision we ap:
l«b. given by the Udlea' Aid eoele- 1363. not trosA; im. 63 days; 1166.
proaA aew affairs.- Out duty Is to
73 Ays; 1366. V dnya: 1667, 7S Ay*;
ctoaose. to reoonildrr. to reetora. to tr they vrUI but eounael ehd suettto fe*tscs. 37 days; ikt. 63 day*; 1373. 76
) Mrs. Simncler and dunghter b
conect the evil without Impelling the me!
Ay*: ilh. U Aya; 1673. 68 day*;
PueelUy the .eri of MperstlUm to
Truveree aty call
good, to parify and httoaatoe erery
1373. 107 An: tr4. nt'days; 137E
wUheetog away. One of the gnat Tuesday.
•teamehlp'Mnea ie to atan out lU vaaQuite a good many of the farmers 103 Aya; 1376, 67 days; Itn. IM
There has been aon^Uitag
'eel* M Friday* hareafter. Tst th* tank advanugie of the pfeaaaat w«tb- dura: 1876. aot fraaA; 1373. 61 dva;
rtlee* and tmreeHot to our baste to nanny trav^ atffi mtoMs to ■!*•» „
hay and pota­ 1330. aot froiA H3l. lA days; 1383.
Accred Ad be great. Oar tbooiftt___
Jthaa to appw la.
• tom to market.
bfwB 'Let every man look oat tor blmA^
-' ■ '
' —j The next mrettog of tbe Orange
aetf. let
; 1333
tevs Ever WilHng
be IwM on Batnrday. March tth.
ItoMx.' whU* we reared gtoat maehln. to. daarNtoe.
. . . ..
ery which made It Impoaslble that aay
to lover*' fuaneta tha party ttat Tber* wlU b» work to the third aad 40 days; 1830. 33 days; IttL W Art;
hqt thaae who auod at the kv*n of laved smal toalwaye moat wUhiig to fourth dagraen' Dtoner wUI nlao ha 1333. 13 dart: iA.'A
ffBtoml AoaUtoveh,^i*aM tolpoM hgBowladge tik graatar auttt Bcaff' nerved A toa hgB.
dijs; X336,:7lvdy8; >136.


TMapa W •• AMWaff.
Wa hero ootaa now ta tha aahar
aacoad thoaehL Tba aaalaB of kaadloaueaa bar* tallaa ftoa odr ajraa
Wo haro mad* ap our mloda to aqaar*
aWKT proooM ol our aattonal U*
i«ala «M1> th» ataadaida wa a* proad' ' ' alBff and hav«
• haana Oar
work la a work of raauraUo^
W* bara ttanliod with aona daffol
of patUcDlarUr tb* tblaga tbd>(Wffbt
tb be altered and bera He

«WcH Womu.

on Wanpapen thte yetr.
In^le of the ip<ard
tendency of the miirket.
the pricet on wall paper
will notbeadvaccril. .
We have reduced prices
on all left over patterns
and have elegant valtiM
io' room lot remnanta
New Btodk id arriving
daily and we shaU
pr^iarad in a short tiiM
DOW to dhow all the very
latest id^ in wall


City Book Store

n;toari;;ro;”tS.;i;rtor'aur,;in.t».«..udiridmti* ■

. *^^tT**!:t*^T.**^*^

laaect Ullar; Ftatta Uea lUUar.'SakAUa
InaaeiPaafto-inhalk. .
CaoM ta obk Drag Siara.


Horses! Horses!

Sale Stable al 209 State St,

iOTAdoIpkHunmelwICIilcagOpIlL .



SL'A rro^-^Mo-r?.=i".:;

For we will not only uve you money, but value.
Jt will pay yoa to investigate oar atodu



Tlmnday erMtag. Maich

The aazMS will ««sny wakr Ow p*yanH-

See Us Befiwe J^OO


OtMzal Sria H*a*fl«fw

otMD lUTina HBIIO um’tiAVSwii iU* SAOt« mncDAT, iubok d m>
«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦ rang (0 ho-omeof tho gmteri pew- I
aririag tbe prtvEege uf wriag It. Tbe nader win have aay dttlealty la fol« A^nEimC^gCI^E L
m fti
sclentlflc lag the dlsbea of wWeh she k ageak- toUewlDg mtteoM reply waa re- towlag ft. And wMa -tbe gmsral
lag. aad aa (he irala to aehe^aled m gaived:
fotmdatlea ralm m oace fixed la the
make sis or mom stop* evety day. aad
Stillwater. Okla, Fab. li, ISIS.
oook'a mind, sbe will soon be making
H I. n<. wt —Ir nnr !»•«la to be OOP a mouth, thaarnkfli «( Hr Dear Hn. waUaaw:—
up ber o«ra varauobs, ualiig tbe base
keeper of a few yeara’ esperteoce <
^ ^ hoos«»«w
fofmera' wlvee aad daaghtsn wUl
Tbe chan wttcb I am ^neloctag re- given la tbe geaeral reripe. It wfll he.
flod. that .be baa a sort or rot la
h., «eof the beat doM- have tbe advagtagec .nsuaUr given to quirua aa expiaaaaoa wtalA caanot
tmderstood that each recipe
which rite work.. Her f«nUy Uke.
ithl^^I^Unral thoee wbo make tbe more expensive
waU be wnumi out tn lull It was
*"*^“*- **
ranala thing., mid ft to eraler to
above. Home Cheer suggeats that tbe
trip to tbe ooHege.
• o( Mmwla. thet aU eh.„'b.
o^ W'JUd wb^'k
»a« them than It i* to b«.t up new
the Unloo. yet tber. ara ^
A ebon lime ago a^ special state bauer enkee , * baaed OB almpla u readily available. Tbe oofoma ealones. Vnlew she lovee cooking for idbaa which are taking itwt io our
south.- said tbe Back Door Neighbor, Ita own aake. and flndi la tbe making wesUra atatea. whUA Uke the suies meeUag was beU at BtDlwaler.v.tbe taadaiDwtai laws governing batteta, m ‘Addition*. ' as will be rradlly unA Heart
"but 1 wonid not change plaoea srlth of a new dish the same InapIrnUeb tbeaMelve*. are new and full of Inier- seat ef tbe sute oollega, oa purpoee and K tbeee tows are known, ao one dermood. carried out tbe name at the
6be batb so rtcbea lo bMto«.
for tbe women who betoag W the need be depeadeni upon aar recipe. I top of tbe eoluma. For laatabce, m
ber Juii tbU mlnote. How-aome-aver.
No voHdIr isffiiesm bath abe.
wbkb aa astlat ahes In pralvinr from .eat
(ara women's instltuiea, aad the etate took tbe idala muffin a* tbe slmpleai -CtoeoaBut- cake, tbe “e" la tbe cMa* my old auntie need to any. I wish
Tet abe U blMt lo lAialnc all;
hia fertile hrala aod aUlled hand n
has, lo ooa- paid tba expenm* of a
saiuaumMon, aad developed a onewgg ungi called "Addition*" ataad* (or one
wo conld pull a string and have apMag
She hath a heart of charily.
new pIMure. sbe is aiK to rMegate her neettoa with lu agricaliural deport- etch Institute at this meeting. Among oafc^rom that, varying ft In many cup of cocoaaut. The nut cake .rails
or wlater reapoad. according to our
.cook books to tbs top abelf of her roeni a apeclal aeries of woman's 1»- tbe many practical damoariratlon* ways by nddlUoBs or alight chainra. for one cup of nui*. etc.
detire of the moment. I know which'
book case, and cqok by goets. with stlttrtea. which are pennmieat organ- given was a eban abowing how aU Tbe •1» egg- rake aad tba “rteber
Of eodrae ft I* uken for granted
siring I'woold pull when I get ready
And JudinsaBU rrittclam flae
afore or Isa* varying aucceaa.
IsnOoaa in country dlstrtcu all over cakes are made from-tbe aaaw general rake" were developed from tbe oae- that every cook know* tbe proper orlo bang out next week'* wash!"
Botore her rt.*ar and klodly eye:
it Is Indeed a ronuaate girl wbo In. tbe state. Mina Irma Matbews. a foundation—a almple muBla bafter,
for mixing tbe ingredlenie—sngar.
She hatira bean of Cbarity.
That «ahe* roe think," aald the thcee days of practical tsoctaing lo the member of tbe aute board of agricnl- by making alight ebanges and varto- egg rake. AU mraaaremenu are level,
egg. liquid, fionr aUied «ith
Yoang Housekeeper, -aome one told echoola and ooUages can take a ranrae ture. Is superintendent of tbeee. and ilont. Tbe eban teemad to Homa
ror bcr. love aloga bla tnwat aong. .
me to put the clothespin* la tbe oven In domestic science. There I* no more (bit roohfh kbe it tearing the qlAfe In Cheer to be so almple. gad etufo g spooafnl, -r (or teanpoottful. 1 with baking powder, etc..' etc.
I might explain tn deUU the use ef
Home Cheer It much indebted to
ftor her. UJe «orld la good and. fair, and get them hot jutt before I took
reason why a womaa should not learn a specUl train aent out by tbs board splendid thing (or* every bouaekeager IbiB chart.
. .
Mim -Chipsun (or ber kladneei. aad
8n>UaB.^■Hy. aid are hero to give—
the clothe* out. I tried It. nod It tbe theory as well as lawctlee of tbe of agrtcoltura. which U a demonstrato have and to paste on a alMat of
Youra very truly,
to Mra. John T. Buraa of Tulaa. who
Tbe real ebe Inarea to Ood fore'er.
worked like a charm. Tbe hot pin* domestic arts than there U why a man Uoa train along all agriculinral linea. cardboard and nail up lo a conven­
Jeraamlne Cblptnaa.
reponed tbe helpful meeting to Home
were aa good aa an Imported Japa- abouM not Bt himself for bU profee- Miss Mathews ha* an outfit along with ient place over ber hitched table, that
Cheer'* editor, and described the Uble
O. hiart ot cbarity. of lovet
neae band-warmer, and 1 didn't mlad Sion. The scleailflc farmer is also which she mustratea ber lecture* on
the editor wrote to tbe demoaatrator, Cblpman'e eban la eo plala (bat ao ot roeUwe.'
The wayward world hath need of the cold a bit."
“A good Idea!" taia the Rack Door
And God will never lei thee fall.
Neighbor. I kronder why 1 never
O bleaaed bean of charily!
(bought of that myaeir. isn't it funny
we go through life. mUtng out on
The Inner Ufa
the simple little thlnga which arc a
I.ove aome one—la God'a oame. love
acme one.—(or ihli U the bread of hel|> and eomfort In our dally work. It
the Inner Hfo. wUbont which a part of isn't that I am Incapable of thinking
you -will aurve and die; and tbouab up bright Ideas, for I alwayrb'appreyon feel you muai be item, even hard. ctaie them the Instant I bear them.
In your life of aSaira, make for your- By the way. here's one of my own. aad
Belt at leait a little comer, aomewbere right alonp the tame line at your*.
in tbe gnat world, where you may nn- On eoM day s I ekber rinae the cloihes
In water that I have made quite salty,
boioni and be klml.—Maa'Ehrmann.
or else dip the corner of the clotbes in
a rtrang salt and water teluiion.—the
I mean, that I'pm onto tbe
• I love everybody an m«Kb. I •
• have wanted to help people to be • Hoe. They go not (reese onto tbe
» kinder, truer, aweeier. And there • clolhet-llne* and tear all to piece*. If
» I* ao much to do’—Mary A. Ma.vo. • treated that way."
-And here's aa old Men." said 'the
Yoang Housekeeper, "but I sever trlM
It oatil last week, and It work* to perfectioB. and makes me mad to think
of all my wasted yran.* And she
sighed a bean-felt clgh. "I pinned all
the little thlnga, like bclu, rollaru ao<l ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ggggAggggg In tbe meibod of pgttiv the ingredP mum quantity of tobor. Tba tea that egoonfuto of butter, a little pwer, other early plaata, from eaed sown tn
g FOB VOUR ENTERTAINMENT ♦ ents together—the bread must nM be ft to as good If oot bMior bread llinn nail aad chopped panley. Beat an bose* In tba home, asd It to so llule
Once there wsa • little. i|iUet. ^y neckwear of all aorts. and my little ♦♦ggggOWWWgAWgggW
kneaded. If you have no favorite rec- mother used to make, at tbe gypeote •m Ugbt. pov Che gravy on ft. mix work and expunib 'le have a hot bad.
bromi wren ol a mother.woman. who pri Uee handketcbler and some amall
Nothing U nicer tor iheeo long win­ ipe, tbe Mlowing wlU be found aa*i>- of long boon of labor, I tbM Mil* well, and return to the fire to cook for Make a small oae of two arah If m
lived on a Mtchlgan tarn. Bccaoee doUtea on'A Mg towel before I took ter Dlgbu ibao a candy frolic. Here
(actorj|: One quart of wera potato tbe whole story,
a couple ot mteatea. Peur over tbe can na afford mer«;' It wtU pay' weU.
her own life waa lonely tbe felt the them out doora. Then ft only took a ara aome specially good kind* that
water, one heaping Ublsepoon of
Aab and serve very boL A good Mora la the warmer nectlons of the coonmoment
great bean-need for ecmpanlonablp
ran be made la addition to tbe old- mashed pouto, oae teaspoon of salt.
fog brMtod mackerel to .Jua mahed try It to now time to
tlu t»t
that waa ahared by hundred* an<! hun­ line. I appreciated it even more wheo time favorites:
s of tofd. one-third of
Although we live la a refkw wtwrb *«“«■
(Biopped bed*, but it shoald not be deferred
dred* of other Michigan farm women I took them In. «-ilh tbe snow blowSugared Nuts—Take one cupful of a cup of augar.-tbree qnaru of flour, trmb fish ran be pracurad tbe. yrar »»ley and bard boltod eggs.
later than the middle of Meoeb U any
—for In thMe daya there were no ru­ ing araoad me -Sot a tear, not a
walnut or pecan kernels aad very two rakes of oompreasod yeast,
around; aa ocraaloaM dlnaor of ngItbS , :
ral telepbohea, tw dally matl brought thing lest, and only two doihesplns to
carefully separate from them every
Put tbe yeast tn a cup, cover with or smoked fish add* vartoty to the WU ‘
Preliminary Oerdwi Week.
bone manure
with an
to the door, no parcel poet, and even nnlaaten.
though tbb enow Uoe doop on dflual amoant of etraw. chaff, or loavra
no goo<l roada to make driving to / "Changing the subiect." abe went panicle or shell. To oae oeaai cupful one-half a cup of tep|d pouto water, o. tore.
add to this oae-baU tbo augnr. mix regbradded flnnati haddfo with erwm tbo graund. ft to not loo oariy to be- aboold be uaod. Clear maanra to too
town a pleaanre. A* for antomobilea. on. "My friend of whom I'juat spoke
water. Put on the Are. and at aociy as malning liquid, lard, salt aad aucar ^oee It excellent. ■ Tbo white Basra Hn ptoaolag tor tbo summer vegeu- bratlag. but usoally there to eaongh
they bad sot even bees heard ot, and know* bow. I like to got bold of new
ft |>eclu to holl test It by dropping It tboraugbly t% dtoeolve.sall.and sugar.
way, aM to a Mas and tbo flewsr gnrdon. No raoo of tWatraw with it as U oomra from
ff they had. they would have |>een out Ideas in tbe cooking Uae, and she
ler whether
you live lo town or conn- the
sUMe. -..
Bitr oocaalonalr tor a few
wrttea of two or three soiiibera dish­ In water. Aa soon as It Is snfflcieatly add tbe yearn and then the fleer, stir- plat of this to added two
of the queatloD (or a farmer to own.
to drop la a soft lamp Instead
^ butte., tbo yolks of two __ trf. ao long aa there to even a tiny days before puUtag in tbe trmm ao
fditlc by little, however, thl* wo- es. new to ber. One Is a pan baked of Bpraading out anf dissolving, take' rlag with ibo baods Jiui long enough
wellbeaieau.atbt«eliai«bMtod«ip ^Rck yard ft to possible to at leaM aa to brrak up gO haape- Iblslator
- man of good cheer and great heart cbickea that is not a bit Uke my own it from tbe fire and allow the candy to
Put tbe brand la a large mixing tbovfoA flae witb a uhtoopnonfiil of nM# om's own salad vegotabloa. and tbe feondatlen aod ebould be two feet
broadened the boundarlea of the farm fried chiekan g la Mafyiand. but I grow rooL ^Tben add one taat|>oonrnl
cbeeee, 8oa«»a with a'dnah ot •»«» »
other vmrtettos, and tboos deep In tbe frame. U to win to dig
woman'a life. More through her ef- know It to jut a* good. 8be say* tbe of vanilla and begin to atir It. Aa bowl that has been -warmed by washand add g pound a( tho who-have once rraUtod tbe luxury bf do*n a foot before placing tbe manure
torn than iboae of doaen* of other chicken should be just beyond tbe try­ Boon as the candy Ioms iu transpar­ ing In hot water aad set In a warm
When tho broad has rained to inradded finnan baddio. Lot tho ml» Mag abto to rash oat Into tbo mM«b and then buUd tho tram# high enough
women combined, did the goapel of
thoroughly aad aorvo on
woxpociod company etmm, or to give the rtihg depth to aa^ and
fellowahtp apiead. and before tbe one I tried to fry when 1 was Brst the nul keraaU and atir rigorously un­ twice fts bMk ft to ready for tbo pans;
to tako a more totonrely trip on ordi- soil and give room for plaau, buOdlng
Father needed her (or a larger apbere married. She has never forgotten til each kerne] Is coaled with the cut tbe -batch- Into three and nrald. .u,,,
Broiled Haddle-Alwaya aoloa a
ocrashMi. and gather lefuep, Wgber on one side to allow a alani,
of work In the beautiful life beyond, hew the knife and fork alipped when creamy sugar. If the nuts ailck lo- DO NOT KNEAD. Into lotvos. v1er>ahe had helped to make the Michigan Jack went to serve that historic fowl, tciber. pull them aiart, but -If the quickly. It takes about three mlaines „BaU baddto. as they ara more delP ndtobos. pepporgratt and paraWy, or and have thg staM to tb# oomb. In
Grange the power for •eclablllty. and and the hen went flying In ail direc- candy to cooked-to prralseJy (be right to do tbit. Pm la bread bans and al- ^oio ihaa largo eooo. Put Urn fiab tmm tbo elx-Ioot row of rarly boott or dry cUmatce. tba wboto dwh of
^ dripping pan skin ride ap nad Wtooch to get a "nMa* of groens" »o manure may be dng eat. no a* to mvo
for mental eUmulu which It I* today. lloai. la sectlona She aayi that tbe point they wfll aepame of ibemeelves. low It again to rise twice Its balk,
then It to ready (or tbe oven. This bring slowly to tbo boiling Mtotj
:kundrod Umes more wesOtby dms boarda Tramp thRjgaagip ia firm,
Tbe etory of tbe life of Ur*. Mary chicken which was served to ber bad
Nut Oakes-Boll one cupful ot means that there are only two rls- gniin. wipe dry. rub over with hbit
«wmon wbo buy the same vegoto- making a llttie higher In middto. Put
A. Mayo aa told bf Mtm Jentde Buell beeo cleaned whole, a* for baking, brawn su»r. a very lltUe butter and
Ing* Instead of three.
butur. »od broH to a rich browg.
'Mos nfur tholr (rrahneei has depart- oa aasbra toradayortwoooaautot
In tbe little book. -One Woman'* tfaen split down tbe back, and put in a oowtfaird of a cupful of water to­
The whole method does not take
Flnnqn Haddie—Cook half of a fiamaanra warm ap. poariag oa a liula
Work for Farm Women." U a* foil of
gether until tbe randy forms a soft ten mlnutee of anaal labor. 1 set mj- nan baddto la milk mniil it to toedorter
Cheer aaed to think (hat »»*«•
Mwton tbo wocom. If neceoInierot aa tbe mo*t thrilling novel,
lump when dropped lo waur Take
and tbe loving appreeiatlon of tbe gently till It was tender. Then'It waa frem tba lira, and immediately stir, In “aponge" at half past nine la tbe Remove fnm tbe milk asd eeparato h«n»gTown vegeuMeo wera more ex- rary aad than cover with from six to
writer-friend ahlnee through every seasoned, a piece of butter added, one-bnir cupful of iieran kernels. morning and at half past oae my into fiae)flakes: add a tenagoao- PoRrivo in the end than those pur- eight Inches of flso, rich soil and tbeb
page, and bring* lie life of love aod about half the sue of An egg, and tbe Wbea the randy Is a little cloudy look­ brand to oat ot tbe oven. Breed mak- Jul of butter, a tahtoapooBfal of chgood. bat aevenl yaan of expert- tot that warm ap. Prepare tbe soil
Mcriflre near to tbe heart of tbe read­ int was set la the oven uncovered, '.ill ing. pour fa ■|•ooDrul8 on buuered tins lag may uke aomewhat longer nader %beeae, two ublaspoonful* oC wklw odm kas sbattetod tkto tkeoixJm .for seed* by raking with flae rake and
Moees ao flae that they wUl never be U>en eow ae«l.
er. ao that tbe teen and amllee He tbe chicken was colored a crispy, deli­ so that ft will sprrad’ out Into Totmd different conditions, aa every boose- aauce or thick cream, a little
cate broun. Then It was served on a
keeper know* (bat eometlme* when a tew dnaben dM»pper ter esgseglnfl dteoovsrad and firoiicht to light agate.------------------------.ckwc togeib^.
platter with the gravy, thickened and flat cakes.
perhaps tbe room to colder than at Heat, but do not botL Serve la tewd >l wne aoeb a Uny city bmh lyard
For the fiahSil Lonehemi.
Her almple. imaaMimlQg life would made richer by tbe addition of cream
Bluffed Oates—selen aoft. (reab other* hjeed does not raise rapidly.
cases which are made by cutUog white wblcb Am convened ber to the borneFairy Glngrthread—Four cupfalt of
have never been known to tbe world peared over it. Yon have seen tbe dnten. nad ramove the stone*; Into
Eacb woman wHI have to deride for bread Into cable pleceg renwTliW a garden plan. Y« tn Ita boondarito flour, oae cupful of milk, two eupfato
at Urge bad it not been tor tbe lov- 'spring (rys* served st hotels, aplll each cavhy put an almond and ralllhc herself as to (be degree of beat In ber portloe of tbe renter of eaek, fiplag a -gegw lettuce, radtobet., cuenmbera, of augar. oae cupful of butcr, threelike ikat and laid fiat on the plattgr. dates In powtiered sugar. The al­ oven when sbe bakes her bread. 1 use delicate browg la deep '(at. ittteg.g- parstoy, peppergrass (a deUcktaa addl- fourths Uaspoonhil of tagfclag aoda.
She says this is Just as good, both to monds may be lilaarhed If preferred, a rather hot oven for the Brat tea frying haaket to bold tbe bread white tine to a tottnoe salad), beeti, wblcb one’ tableepooBfol of ground ginger,
look at an.t to eat, and being larger, but If ft to Intended that they be mto- mtoulee and'then tfike my bread oae (rylnd
tarntobed greens aad later all the Cream tbe butter aad sugar tagetba-.
becaose older than the •fry*.' one Uken for date seed, it to better to hour abd'h dbkflrf very slowly.
Oenaan Herring flalid -Soak throe jrobng beeu tbe family could nae, after which add tbo soda dtoeolvod In
nndi In ber own rute whom nlie bad chicken serves k good sised imriy.
leave them as they are.
Tbe brrad to nM quite as fine aa salt herring over nteht. ramove tbe sweet little wbite nummer twrbips, tbe mOk, tbe flour and tbe gtagar. Mix
lielped and loved. It I* a beautiful
•Then here's another of her recipes. • Glased Almonds-Meli two ropfuto that kneaded by hand or mixed In a bonra aad chop tbe moat rerr tarn, half a doten tomato plaraa for aalad anfl aptsad with a knife oa a buttered
tiling to think that everywhere. In
an>l It Is certainly mw to me. It-to of atigar in s aauee|ian. asvar a cara­ mixer, but -ft Is ot good color and Add two tart apptoe, tpo baribbnOad paTraes. a row.of earvota. big, tender baktad-pen: hake ta a moderate orem
waiei comerr, or pertiap* In tbe mld*t
rtothing more or leas than a rich rice mel. Have ready ooe-balf pound of taaies Just as well. Indeed, my two eggs, then three smaU eoahod. hgote -Pflflfl gbtoWh.for eeveral dlnnen. (aft- untfl ft U a Uflht brown boldr. Cut
of tbe hurry and n^ae of great clile*.
^turif. made la the uoal way. with blanched almonds in a butured Un. boys told they Uhe It bettor tban eeveral pickles or gbwiaaB. tome pr wblcb other thlags were Maated tn Into sqaaree when warn aad flip
there are many mother-women who
rarsley aad capers, all dboppad' flan, tbg aame apace), a splendid Oermaa them offtbotteogg*. milk, sugar, cooked rice and Pour tbe caramel over the nuts and that made tbe old way.
are doing their beri to bring hapiiiI ruUy intend jnaklag my brrad Ibis Arraage oa leuoee ' Mavee, pmir variety ot epiaach. wblcb grows into a
pinier Pound ^toke—Oae ceptel ot
raisins, and Igtked in a pie crust, like set away to harden. When cold, brrak
nen Icio the world. Though .their
into pieces and keep tbe ^ady In a way In tbe teturo, altbougb I think French dretelsg over It, mix wMl nod Ufl bush, from which tbe Iravee ran .g^ar, two cuptato ef -r*r----- 1 one
a custard pie.
work dlBera. y« the dub women, with
cold place until ft to time t* eerve.
I nbnil use n mtee*. whleb. witb the gnratob with nUeee of bard boltod be Mripped and need, aad tbe bub
«,( totter «r good etwrlealiiff
•igst. bet by BO mean* least, she
tbeir large idea* of eervlce anddvie
Fig Paste—A dainty fnexpenslve same nnount M Ume. wlU give ft n eggn. beeU cut Into dlra, aad parsley, -toft to grow new Iravee. UU well along qm cupful nf hMUniHt trar oofioH
bettermeni. are working hand In band trila of a fruit atlad, ma^ of oraagM. candy to made tbas; Chop Into biu little finer grain. Howevw,'(or tbe
Oeamed Herring—The IKito baaed In the summer, wnvby oetrich plome gf floor, one tod ooe-tourib tablewith the little motbara of tbe aebool Idneapple. white grapes rut in balvee and boll a pound of flgfc: when eoft.

of moagd gtegm. oao teadiildren and with tbe women of tne aad eeedrd. and marabmallows cut In strain and press through a stove; re- must do bsr own wprk this bread will giaasw ere very oonmleBt - (or a mqpt mb flne for greens, bat iwvertbe- spooufal ot rrnpnil clovaa. oae-baU
Grange, and tbe many country wo- quarters. It I* served with a rooked tura to tbe water In which they wera bnswer sll intenu and purpoeea.
small family, -keeptag Ipdetnluly ate- taqfl Uetlng aa good aa they loeked. traspoonfnl ef claaamoa. easbalf taa-V
men'e Hobs which arc eprlnglng Into saled dressing mixed with whipped boiled and which abouM be reduced to
Tbe batch 1 made was not na^san- or being opened. Arraaga them m when mtx^ with the splnato. aad apopatul of eedn.dtosnlvid ta hM waexistence all over the land.—ye*, and cTMm. la tbe pratiortlon of one-fourtb one cupful; stir In three pounds ot Ing to the eye.' It pou nkely aad stripe of wbMe wheat
flad Met. Mm not least, a few plaata of dUU tor. Bake ter tmtyrire miaaua.
wnifa the dulet home-moibera #bo can- aalBd dressing aod tbree-fourths wblpand cook down slow- tooted. If aaytkftim better lhaa bread brovoi tbe twe togeiber ta a bot-etop; for (all pleUlag purpoee*.
-llnnirTinsl '^r heff eantel
go far afiald but wbo are making l>e<t unUl a thick paste ls formed. Post made by (be old method, as the qtfldt aeltber butter nor eaft to needed, a*
|a front of tble (toy garden was a
rn eutor oto eua to New Ortheir boy* and girl* Into good men
Tm goini^me tble minute." said la pans Used with paper: let cook: way of making It teems to retain all the tot little flto supply hqth. Delnp* hedge of sw*et peas, and before that.
-........ .
■ gfi<t women, and letting their llghta the Back Door Neighbor, ‘if I stay take out on the paper and cm Into eecI
itiflavorandlttoBotaaUstotoeiaad with scalding hot cream •-«- .pm ■ww>~.~e
ahlDe t6 brighten tbe homes, acattered any looger, and hear of mere good Uoaa. Dust wfth.powderad-sugnr.
dry as bread that to mad* and knead- amoklag to the tobto; with a llab tot iooo.
dm a lower
gairien full of oU-rime
I to aeda three
everywhere, which are tbe foundation soutberti . things, oven your dcHctout
ed a great deaL
~ sour aptde aaae*. ebeeae aadvtto to
teTwNt* atifluela
of tbe coming olvlIUatloa which wUl tea and little Cakes wUl not sailsfy
g♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦# - Tbe gas raviUw or bubMee are Johasontoa quantltlce Oto 0c teh toe
The whole thing was bm
mere than
me and I will be trying to pull tbe « BREAD WITHOUT KNEAOfNO. g larger (baa In ordinary bread and the indpMtably aalt). you barea Qgrmiui twmtty-flv* foot deop aad thirty feet
•spring string' and brlaglng tbe aoatb- ggggggggggggggggg color ta ioi quite ao wbHe
Under Ameriran meal highly gflftfltoitelT-te «W*. WbU* ft waa emaU eoo^ eo
land to me. Then what would all the
- , fc*ri-Oae eaptel nmThat sounds llkr. dream. doeanY tbe microscope the dtointecraUaa of aay devotee of (be elmpto Ula. that K could be eaaUy
♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦ people do whe are depending npra Itf Yet a eooklng toaeba of wMe- the etarch to oomewbM grantor tban
Med flalt Mackerel-Wa* a nak aad tree from ynoi*. tt gnve a flae
bosr, xa|f*
«—rfiv to four three
toQe *m cue
apread fame has worked out the In bread that to kaneded. However. I mndtoral. cut off the head tag U9> Uvfog.aD
♦ Inees! Anyway. 1 know a ben tn my -Sbarpleas- method given below, and think thet the breaUte up of tbe nad noah In eold water er*(
cfaleken bouse ttkat to doomed to die vouchee (or Ha excellence. It to eep starch te do* quHega-mu* to rare- the meralag lay ft te a hai%
HM only that, buf friend* who weq* g»"^. t
The UttU brawn ' bungalMT bad In a-worthy canae. In time tor my tatelr good, if true, and If true, ft tel hakiag a* to (he rodoaioa te tho aad poor on two cupe of mOto Mtol aei to tertnmtely rituatod never
•erer aaemed more cosy than it did Sooday dinner, and sbe shall be nbosld be gi^ nt least one Mai bp a'mount df 'kaeaAiig. If you have two levri ubleepoooi X b*Ur, add wrat away wUhout an anafal of gned .<
IbU blouarr ml*vlster afternoen. •erved up a U,3outblaM. with aome every
maker. When we eta good yoaM and mix u with the eugar, the name amoant of .flegr, aU tgngg tklagn. (re* from the garden, topped
E%a low, mMegl
nf the neamtag of that lice custard pie aa an after- save oureeIvsB an bonr of back break­ a t did. yen wta imve tbe enctoney the bet milk. Cook two or thcpg mto- oC wttfa a Mg booquet of sweet peaa.
aMkettlo. bME «n tba cmae over tbe
ing work, we wm certainly be teoUflh la fermentation, which to «ne of (be niee, add a dash of pe^, aad pen aifltarttema. or other* Of the dear tod Tteao-cna k* toflte*«d thgriay#a>open, wood Ira !■ the grate blended
•ample nolto'deeo. Of eourn* tbe owner o( prte(dpal agenta. to addUlDB to beat, over the flab.
' tetotfoaid flowers that always tahera toe and nwaimid or
writb tbe eoteca of
two Mend* wbo
tte teppydara,to«emora the o«e and a U^totHo ,
a bread mixer wU coottenc «■ ter In Wraklitf Bp the atar*. Bread
Balt Maeknto. Oeas' Baato EciV
ba* te memm
charted together neer tholr taoenpa.
.. .tePte aad flU tte'teUow wl* «ng:
with a toute as abe waved go^ye already eiaooth way. bot the majority •bould be baked elewly aad long that the nadtorel eeveral tevi 4a Mkg-m todkteeed.
. *n fanee jnst hiM g utfm Owm n from tbe doorway and watebto the of na trill oUng to tbe old band terib- thebeat—Mirwli ere*grate to warn winter, thea dry ead-rab.ea
the teltevtek .ted'.MMm to gattg tew^ .
te tton
Mend who U
Wi to the good aelgbbor mring by tbe short cat od. from aeeaieHy if bm from Mioiee.
both todee with meitto batter. M Dtos tte Baral Eidrit. to Oragom * aadWaaiga. tete wl* gtaaty eC
•nay aosth4and.'' awld tho Tmag oerane tbe two back yards, ever tbe
riaye (be enakteg Matoer:
TfoecUto wntee to tee Sbarpleet tbe gridbon with a DMe ftotter aad rarr ttesaty aad praoteal:
tMrpBg toff tetoe eftte.
polh, and vaatobtog te bar
Every woman can na* ber own val- mateod to tent It tires the maxteram brefl tee tab quickly orer tea eeala.
rVeO. she's wetongM to ter amaj m hn* deer.
nod bread recipe, the only chaagt la Etofftfty to aatriUag witb tee «tel- Beat a cap to teUk: add «we table- rafoe rabbege m*


b4tb wili2aib»






A- k'lipr «M wdvfj bj- Chief of
I'oUri' Johnimti liii" ntortiliiE from AltK>rian inmate of the Ionia
reformaioo', aakina that he Yoraninw'ii'i the hriaoner for iMitloii. Oar­
lock waa aiTcatcd some yoara wro on
n robbery rliarm* an<l rrcetve<I a flfteen year arntcDce. He teax return>*d
Ionia nve yeara aco after hreahinc
Mb iiarate. lie nlnled that be lias alTWO CMPLOYCS SWORE THE'. rvo-lvHl Jiirtim Mayne'a re
mendalloD an<^ that he expected his
tti come l>efore the Ixurd of |ardon* at Ihelr next nieeilnie.


leaanwalil Clai-na That Lew Wages
tar Weman Dees Net Affect
Stand far PMtanthrepist .



Long Sullering Ended at Eaat Bay

After'two years'.lllncai, Mra Blixn
.'ox. ag'il fi3 .wars, jaswd away
Thursday at the lame ot her dxngh- NEEDHAM COLLEGE FACES ERA
ter, .Mrs. K.1 l.«-weile. in 1-imt Ibiy
township, witli wboin 'she Iia4 made,
Pit i;»4tlc lor wunc Umc. tine son.
ThiB. 0:x, and Mrs. laweriu, the
dflwgMlS-. mrvivf.
i'lui- iul Btrvl'-ca were held Sal
iirday n«>rn1itg al 10 ti'rlwk from S
rtiiii Ik < iiurrb. Father R.-iuer <>Tfi< lal ENJOYABLE EVENT WAS HELD



Will Enable Detrcit to Vote eri Cuec
tio.x of Munic'pal Ownersnip
Spring Elections.




Pretident Cead Took Public Isle H
Confidence and Esol.'.ined Plant
For Making Traverse Coy
Educatioflal Center.

The Needliam Ihisli.os C^ili-;;r batiStarch In T^Ms Guise Is Made to Pay UiKl given h’lblay night ai tt.r I'arL
riaee wan an event of more than or­
dinary Impoiiancc. Ii brought a rc|s
re-o-ntative cnniiany loeelher fur aurlni enjc.vmrnt and H cmpliaslxed the
Tla fi jh.uir.g l-'ilielin has laen is- »‘"'ivs« thi.l this In.slliutlon iuus made
sm-t by State Hui.y and Food Insiort- »'*<»" tbo m-w maUagement and dem
I .1. IV- Helmci
|onsirated In eoMlustve manner ihc
; faith “■»' «»““ P«xip|o t
“llecenily this department lasuet,‘a“»*
and the great future lhat Is in
tmlb tin showing the eomis>-<iilnn 'eiee
iiore for
eerUli. -hta: Rnl.slliulc- to he'*‘«»f<‘
(“f ,,
" -.............henefits Hial will
tbe'cHy by Ihc ndtaneed
i*aMng rowd.T.’rtarch and an.-ihtie j-cr
ofthoughl and active work lhat
dye ,h'ltiee that liaie. the <l.|«rc
has Fcvernl hoiwwlvcs as
‘•e l-ul Into n-tien hr the prr.:thc eff.-a. V of -»iuh a suhnlilute. ‘•'■"I of Ihe coll, le a.i» hie »ble baml
ladl.s say it Is .i e<.;..m.-n <>r wnrke.s, A v.-rv ple.i onl
prHCi.e o: h<H!...*iw.; ill th-' riaMisj
(CoaHmteU’ofr Page Six.)
eakev br .«-iLrd tib:;. in the -asej

Chiram. ktarrh T.-Julius Hosen
wald. praMbiOi of the fkvrs. Itoebuck
Ctx. a «e0 knteo philamhropi
beard two flrl employes of his
l4fcy flatly oomredfi-t his le»timrn>
liefore the 'lllnols aen.He ronMriitK-.
prohinc while slavery and Its eana>-s
Itoseowald tiiliaed that no plrl »mplayc reeelte.1 Ibaa than $S per week.
A pretty i5-ye*rold irtrl maa sworn,
who leattflnl «lw4 she
-adaresaer” u-n Iv-ura <>r more •Inli*
for tiM weekly.
RcMenwald denied that low wages
aS^ed (.Iris coInc aatruy.

WMI Oheerve Sircty-Seednd Anniver­
sary Tomorrow.


WaaMngton. March T.-Spenker
nafk. who Is about to have bis Icmnre
Kivsker renewed, will eelelirate bia ^HAW WILL REMAIN IN THE
sixty.seeond birtb.lay anniversary' to­
('ongraiulatory tefegrams
have been pouring in uiwn ihc eiwakfrom all seetlons of the country,
both on tall annlveraary and bis unani­
mous choice by'ihe democratic caucus
forihespeabrrohip. A'rlcnrth Jo Wash­
ington in the house atid senate and
mcmliers t.f the national conimillec to
day preaented ihe s)vaker with a
Mime oil portrait of hiinaelf.
SUio Intended to Ua« Teotimony to
Shew Up Fact That Thaw Had
Triad to Bribe Asylum



New York. March
Harry K.
Thaw's laiosi attempt to secure freedom frum MaitraVan Insaae asylum
lallod today when Thaw appeared be­
New Cimard Liner Will be Launched
fore Justice Giegerlcb on a writ of .
In About Four
hgbtas eorjair. The plan waa to tore*
a new Iiial. When Thaw's fatnUy
'learned that she rtale Inleadcd to use
ClaagoW, MafeJi 6 - During llm part
icooredlngs as a lever to open np
lb. ....k bl bblWln,
'"""'okb'b.l km.l«c o«l ot U»
<)Zrd lib!, Amlunl. b..
'b« Jb**

™,MI, lb.1 b.,r b.M-n.,b'lbo!.U.™»bb to ^
,b, Itrm or John Ilro. o ooO
b'" m- l'. He
or niotkook, ..boot 10 b... b„ .1.0
Tb.. . .Uoni.,^
room lor louochU., lo ol«i.t loor|“ooUA iotH-.Ioo io onrbilr.rr tbo
after a length) le»l wrangle and
Veiks. Uwlog to Ibe extraurdiuaiy
the vc-mel the riyde river is his leqiifit wa* granted.

wte in the M-nale inday aii'i ’ls iiuw
ready for the Kovernoi';, slcnaiure
The lole In the seiiaUi was
In nothThe iipisT l-ody n<---'p|e.| ait of
hVcnimii. March ti.—Tlie fremoni
Hi' nliien.lliielits which Wi-ie ndiicd
Creamery comiuo} iias dc»id<Kl to
help aluDg the work of developLietit
In wcMern MicbiRaii and with jhls the house late tc^iiTdry l-.i a el
1 IT. One of the Imnae amend
view has hired a dairy exiH-yi.
an is Rolwil 11. Addy. wIhi is s liients eentaliied an -iiiiu'edlrle efgrailiiate of one of the short eviinM* of f«l" cIliiiRe. n-e ndeplh-n «>f th.
ibe Michigaii Anrlculiiiral t-ullcgc uad mvaaiin' was slrorgli uiged hv iniL
stm'hai had (o'jr years' oxi>erk-iK-e a> nielpal owner.hlp adtcMaie- from Hitroit. It was rccerded ns likely today
benlsnun of u large dairy. The nmiiagrtucnt of the • reaDii ry i that thi eitr ol Hylrtiil would lole nt
working on lb-' |ir»|Kislt!oii that If the the April chine!', en the vni|«>sllii>n
iM-iug d«T|>ened ami oldened o|>i'>»lie
idbig for rmi;>ieTi'arowner>M|. ot
farmers il) iKc vicinity of Freiiioot ar.tlie shi|iy»el. In aUlcIiuHion of the
hrtped to iblie the probieius that ■he street railw..;.
In connection with the kcfidny
U Is many years since there was
of dairy cows, that the the
e aam>- amount of interest attached 'omen Are Ready for tlie SwflruBP
cTi-aih will l>e sufficleiit
I tlie building of a new liner for
..larch has a tendency in lliliien
FIRST HAS SEEN SUBMITTED BY ceunlcract the cost of the cxpelt. Tills
an'-atlantlc servh-e aa is shown,
Ibe cake nr lh«» pic. It Is iilm-i 1hl»
Held man !-• to la an adviser to the
RETIRES the Aquiunla. This Iniercsi is «Mc al- The Grand Tr»ver*e County 8uBold and Well khpu-n nrltiHpIc ' SHELBY M. CULLOM
lairons of the creaniery in sm h matn-holly to the extreme site of the r^e committee haa be«i ruorguised.
housewives have pra' le'.cl for y»<ar*
as concern separsiors. rrt-am,
leasi'l. In her present rondltlJD
. organlter. Mra. Ella 8.
lhat the so-caUvil egg :Dbsiitutes arc
Ceirtraeta Have Bean Seat to Two dMm milk, feeding, dal^- manaxesill:s at aydebank she prosenu a ; Blair, of Hillsdale. Mich, came to a*l«cir.g plated on Ihe ii.ari.ei, •
Sewthpaw Heavari and Meunlem and tulM-rruIln lesiiog.
wi-nderftil tjiectarje. apiiearing aonn fclai H-e local women In *Jie wmk of
'Y>ni< of iLcM aubstiiuirs. a *amMember In Point of Ctci'inued
There has been more done'durins AttMtdance Was Good Decpile Bad
thing like an elevcn-vtprled ak; reorganization. She gore an excMIant
e «.r w! ieh w-B* n nt from IL.y -City.
ihe past few inontbs toward Ibe onWeather. Peet.nent Topics
scraiier fit eoL’rv-e of fonstiiieilon.
talk opoa the worit done by the wooIs nait.iij "irgg Suve." On analyl'.
eoiiragemeni of the dairy Industry In
Tho Aqultanla will have a gross
Were oiscutted.
of Oiund Traverae county In the
Ibis t-ubst.ititie wns found t-i rontsin
Prom Boeas. Del Torn, ranamn. the western Mbbigan country than
tojinagc of .'.o.t-'io tons, or .-..WJO urns last tnnmalgn. and predicted an overi.ii-iit M ii r ciai Mareh. S fier <int
Wasbluginn. !>. C., March 7 -The
cornea the -word that Ja» J. Callahan,
eiiM-iii and H> IKT lent wat-r. colored leneral.le Wielbv M- I'ullom of Illinois greater than tho Olyraide. the largest whi'lrrlng majority for tho cause, in
lain* tried out 8y the local
ship i»w afloat- The Aqulianla and this county In the coming eleciJon.
atar oQtflelder. Is wming to riffn up
Desyilte the cuid ucalliir of the last with a yellow enal tardyr.
jhas elosed bia career In He t'nUvd
erean-.eiy a Kent county creamery has
Ibe llambuTg-Anierican liner Imperwith the Beaoriers for the romli
Tho folkiving offleert were electedr
few days t!.,. craiig.-n.
-Altother egg .;ub.iUute called "fLiI jstates senate and Jacob II. nallingcr
nlunrat»d leetures ui«n ilalryseatoa. He srlU reimrt as soon :
ceurty iiiet-iiac i.i .«i!niuili Ciiv Tbut— uhle Keod Prodiiet- tubmIUed frpm of .New Han.|e-blre l-i« Inherited bia ator. now building at Stettin, will Chnirroan. Mr*. M. 8. Sandera; vice'
poasible st either New York, (lalee- iiic In a number of the different >
day aliornooii and Friday fonaooii. for,, analysis, was found lo ;.e dlstlDcUon ot being the oldest nicmtutT have the same gross lorinage, though (hairman. Mr*. 1^-vl Soule; twcordlng
toa or New Orleans provided
Tea local granscis from this city a-mlv^rc of 7k iv-r rent Mnri h, 1C per «.f Ihe upper house In joint of servlee
secretary. Mr*. P. T. McNamam;
tra« la Bl»en him. Secreury Billlns* IMoski-y. the aim of these lei tiires
m the train Tbursday ia--.'pli:i; i-ifit casein and T. |s*r cent water, col- Mr. Calliuger e.ntiie to the- senalt ig will eclipse Ihe German vosseL The treasurer. Mrs. Jna R. Santo; corM ing to stimulate an Interesi In dairy­
dlh»eniiions of the Aqultanla are kkr.
has writpn him to ihfl effect that
apdfccrached .Summit City
oreil with a coal lar dye. Casein Is IkkI. two yesrs lieforo the next oWest feet length and 9u feet beam, while rseiHAulag SKteUrr. Hr*. C. U Orel-'
material la being alcn-d without t«- ing. knowing lhat the wore i>eo|>Ie in­ tho blk banquet that wa* »eheduled the curd of milk which has been dried
lick; director*. Mr*. O. 0. ObreW;
Perkina of*CaIlfornIa and
formed regarding the industry
toR nrai looked over by one of- the
.for nqbn. They were joined by mem- and prepared for foed use. Whether L/Klgc of MassachaseH*. began tchP those of the lmi>eralor arc TIO feet Mrg. K. i. Hngbes. Mr*. W. CroUer;
larger the nnniber of <ow-s that will be
length and bO feet beam.
Slreetora and has forwarded
lieni of the granger* at >3k loikc. tills addition is one of any value we' senatorial careers.
thalrman of IlnaBce committee. Mr*.
idlean'ts letter to W. C. IluU. who kepi.
Jon Meintosh: chalrraan of prMS
V'll1lainsl.unt. 0!d MMslon and lUisi are unable to say. but the large perSenators Nelaon of Minnesota. Titlwin sail from New Orleans for I'nna
tommlHeo. Mr*. F. T. McNamara;
Ray. Till* afternoon waa given o
rentage of starch found in all of these mn of fiomh CarnUna. Raron
taa In a short time. Whr-n t'allaban
peikeis' eommlHee. Mr*. Tyler,
to a series of heart ui lanrt talks
■1* shows that Ihe egg sahsil- Georgia, Martin of Virginia and Clark
la BOtlfled that one of the director*
chairman. Dr. Sarw Chaae; Uteraturo
garding matieni dear lo the granccra. liile piojile are simply iililuing the old aud Warren of Wyoming have entered
Wottwill make a trip to l>an.-ima exprersroRunltioc. Ml*. Wm. I*j"re, ebairmaa.
In tho evening a i.rngrani prep.trrd hniisewives plan of using starrh In­ upon tbdr eight^ntb year of conern Michigan.
Mrs. J. n. Alley, Mr*. Jdo. Mclnlo*:
, ly for the purpose of aUtning him tip
by Ibe (iiimmli I'liy penj.le and npde stead of eggs and by .advertlaing the HtiuoDs s^ire in the segMe, all hav­
chaJrtpen of reonmnUaHon txrmmllWe.
tip of re'iliilions and s"
mUeiiri'K aa an egg.substlfijte they are ing been'rierted for tbo first time M
The various commercial atsoclatloni
that his record as u b.-»ll player lia«
flrul wart. Mrs. Piwnk Carver: third
dered to_ the plcasurt; of all. The able lo sell the consumer starrh at ISk.'..
rrsebed the rolled Kimes-and lhat
Fridky morning session was largely
Wyoming, unlike moat other sUles to help along the "back to the fahn* wart. Mr*. Jas. Jt hnaoo; fourth ward.
high ptirc.
eml hue:- miivod hi Ihc devoted lo disposing of bUMinchl er.nMr* Prmik Bhactitm; fifth jvard, Mru^
he is some fielder afier all.
of the far weFt-ebnllnneo Ha rongre*ipalxn. The Grand ^plda Assort* J, Sandbar*; GarflMd lownMilp. Mrs. Si.<lilmtii lievetopiuenl
Contracts were yesterday sent
Bected wllh Hie organirstion
men in office, and In eonaequenr* haa tion of Commerce haa ostabllsbrEl the
two aonthpaw Iwirirrs who have g-od rcBU -iotc u li.aii In Oim>. and Horoaby. county school commla
exercised an inflwmco In nalional af­ Hepartroeni of Wesiern MlehUan for Wm. Oronl; Penltinula towuahlp. Ml*.
M. n, MclDtoah; Blair township, Mr*.
reeiirtU behind tliem an-l who I'lnk
Is feetiner of the county grange ajd
fairs greater than many larger stale*. special pcriHum of aiding in tbo dcF. M. Hamlin: Grant lownnhlp. Mr*.
K«»«l for bertha with tht Uesururs. •.V««leen -Mirhlgan'f.Till luulluii. <*«• Is preparlns^irograma for the quar­
No other slates haa two senator* elopment of the agrlrhUunil lands
.iimVi the foUowitig questiuna; "Aro terly meetings that arc of special InE. F~ Clnmploo: MayCold lowimhlp,
r. J. Conrad haa also in-en Rlv.-n
whoso torn* of •ervleo equal* 'those of K^nt oouniy. This depart
Mrs B. A. Stnne; Aetna towu*ip,
chance to Bicn up as
miillcl-ler the peach diatri.-U well suppllod with Ureal.
PUTB PACKAGE OVER FOUR of Ibe two Wyoming aenatoos.
pocU to issue printed matter descrip­ Mr*. Jno. Hoxle: Pamdtoe townahlp,
nuu mlaiidxetl roadsT "Nanm tiitui..
With the Moanlaln
tive of the totids sround Crsnd Rap­ Mra. 1. U Glbba; Long Lake tnwayear be bit la the nelsbiiorhcmd of disirlils having the best public hlgbids
Bhlp. Mra. Wm. Pierce; past Bay
and If be is able to
prospective farmers In the opporiunl- township, Mr*. Eaintnt Taylor; PUe
ii would appear Iro.n these queawhcTo near this wark here be will
Wicker Hamper* Will be Tried Out
ties o|M.-n to those who are not afraid !,ake township, Mra. O. E. HodgetruiB. which w.-re asked by i
be worth UkinR op.
In tlw Parcel Poet
KH-e than usual imelllgcnrc. ^and
of honest hard' work.
The next meHlag win be held Sat­
. W. H. Olson of Manlstpe. ha* *ub
The Mufekegon Chamber of Com­ urday, Mare* 18, at 1:10 p m., at the
milled the first schedule. It Is not Ph.k ul he dee-dca to lortile In Iht.
merce baa created an agricultural de­ Hannah, ley Merc. Co. store. All
boked upon favorably by the loeal IV.W Michigan country will prwvo
partment with Louis P. Haight aa member* of ttf auffrage comnlltM
offln-rs becaute of the fact that the aliiiible acMItlon. that Ktxid rnads
A new ruling ha* been issued by the
chairman. Nine euggesHona have al) requested to be preeenL All vocnipabor baa introduced aomo Iona ire nil Impoitanl factor.
Member* Would
inrioirirc de|«itment whirh bring* all
ready been made by the chairman and
of Grand Tf*srr*e, conirty who are
JSmiw which would be atmost^mpov ' It would fuitner api-esi lhat a enunTaktn When Turhlth ComDiroetlon
Slave Traffic Ui
liarrels weighing over four onm
y or regliin baling level, straight,
need the approval of ihc entire iRlerwtod »n th* welfare of their eex
sRik- for-the teams to make. The
Chamber of Commerce to put them and this progrosuve morement ai* tnschedule alsn calla for openiai; lames and bard roads from the farm and
rend* aa follows: "I'areel* weighing
orchards to tlie points. c*3
in force. Among the suggesUons are vlied and urged to attend. The cm*here and elosla* games abroad. Trav­
than four ounces must bo mailadvertise the la-t with proflu
I.anslng. March 7.--Representative |
'these, public map of county showing palgh will be a abort one and the aserse City has played the final* away
Athena. March 6.—Tho Turkish for­ improved and unimproved agricultural tJstance of all Is needed.
a poslofficc or delivered to a ni
All of llie la of greal
Glasner. author of the Gigenics mar-:
from home for the past two year*
r other carrier duly aulborUed. tified aiy of Janlaa la Epirus, has sur^ lands anif atoUug the farm value of
nut lu coiinr tion with the big row-J rloge. today Inirodtired
and should be la linn (or home saniet
meeting in la h•■ld by the wUle blgh- bouse, a concurrent rcsnlnllon call­ Parcels wHghmg under foar ouaci-s renderod lo the Grotka who too'* each, make exhlbiu of (arm prodneta,
this year. A'Mbedale merUng wUI
depaltmciil In lliia -Ity on (he ing firr the appointii^nt of a le^tapubHah pbolograpba, gather farm sulx h«ld at Xaalatee next week
I2tb ao4 Mih of this month.
latlve Tice mranision of three mem­ matter of other da**o* lo street lack- offlckbly announced by the Greek UcUea. establish an eiperimeni farm,
which time those so far sabmitted
ogo boxe*."
Few- ae-thiis of ibe state arc doing
war office.
esublish a Und bureau for those who Raciprecat Dei
rege INaw an A»
--wm bo considered. Goble of Grand lore in Uie ninUer of Imptoring the bers to .investigate the white slave
Heretofore it has been jiOMlblc to
have farm* for sale and. a labor bu
eurtd FeeL
Rapids, anthor of last year's table main wngon roods Ihsn are the connmail any iiarkage under other riaasc*
(or tlmse needing Ubor.
Jarksun. Mich., Mareb 7.—Mlddv
will prol;ably enter acreral lists and Hea along the < oat shore of Lake
by laying tbo extra postage which to
manufacturers are ensured of rodprothe Oban acbednle will meet likely he Micblgan.
railed for. but the now ruling ihiis^I
cal domorrage according to otfltdal*
imt out of the nUKilng.
heavy parkage* in the fourth ctoxU
of the Jarkaon chamber of commm
That liocomlnx' t
A xoq/racl for d.WO wicker hamper*
which had charge of the aute-wldo
Joteph Logie of^mmlt City Died has been awaited by Poatmaater Gen­
what chesty over twice takinj;
fight for liemumge legUlaUon.< Bed.
HleUjao Bute leax^uc buntfot; is «vi
eral Hitchcock for use io the larcei
rotary Graham aald today (hat *
lYben the next rcpalaUng of po*«hI
deuced by the tail that she has made Had Been a Reslitent of TMs Region
post work. They will be tried out
bad- been •
Kingsley. Hsrrb 6.—Joseph Logie, the larger oEioea and if satisfactory boica or eonrc/cnces beenmes oucoa
appllcailon for entrance to the Cen
Many Veari.
agreed upon by the legtoTatlve oomnary
tral iMRua The aliempt was spoilet
will be introduced In all the officea
instead of the samber green srhiefa is has Mcuied an mssignmeat of &«.«»« mitteea.
bowerer by the reF>rt sent back stat
Wilbur PraU. aged 49 years, died miles eart of SuBiinll ,ruy. died ysa- So tar the regnUr mailing hags have
The leglalatare will amend the Ash­
Tho order atates that brook trout to be planted in the Board
Inx that elUsa of under fifty
Thursday night at jils home nine lerday al If o'eloe^ In the roonitng U-en used for thU department cf the vermnUoA red wll*. be the new color man river. Tho fry will be received ley acL Th* amendment wUl entiU*
InbabKams would not be <x
serv ice and tho change has been made
mile* west of.the city after a long IIIwill probably be plant- the mahufaetnrera to demumga when'
•cd la the poatal deporUnenC AImI
and Manistee win have to be eonten ness with Bright's disease. Mr. Pratt
railroeds are gnitty of the delaya
ilUfces place
with playing In the league ip which h»r| worked a long -Umc as a book- ship. Canada, and 31 year* ago mar- ,*^1 which ao:
for which the manutactnrW alone now
hondl^ mail must be flniabed in tbi*' the best of the fiahl^ dtotrtcL
Bhf rlgbUy belongs,
keeper In the lumber camp* and he rii <1 ills* Euabrih Woltang and eaine| when the matter to handled in this
pay demnrrage.
ooior when they are next painted.
| though this la not qolte as many
y Aas wore locked end to end at botS'bad boeo n rwldent of the Grand to KIngalry 27 veers ago and hat lived manner.
V Ihe ebange has been nmdeiae were received last'year It to prob-; The new Uw wfll mawrtally aid in
this vlcjnlty ever alnce.
^ The C. O. D. mllog which
Sid* ns pcwciseb at it don* tor's par.|Tr*rer*eVr«gloB for many yMi*.
He IsoTM a wife, four nona. three'eenUy Iwned for the par«la i»*t aer- I* nt* known, brt within the y«r all able that more win be planted before the moveiMM tor more rapid baodUns
, pose. Kolther of the four horses were; was unmarried,
of factory shlpmnU, both (m raw and
hurt and no damkge waa done to thej h-uceral oervieo* were held Siw- .ochter*. live brothera mtd three'rice will go Into effect July 1. On ih* mall bort. « w^aa ^v«*n^ the se«on to over. Abo^^
wfi] be adorned with eaad tront try were pinated last week finished material. Socretary Onhna
drwya. fau the seen* caused do end of | day afternoon *t I o'clock from the
Bear -creek by the dab and during taye th* new blU wOl be rwpmtod o«t
pasalon-ite eMtn
eMor. which will deth* Ute residence at 10 o'clock PW-'po« stamp* the package will be lent the paaalomit*
OSCiWmMt at that parUeuUr point. Eamira achoolhouae. Rev. Jo*. ZHma
la a few darA and tha railronda bar*
day and the burial took pUce in C.O. D. np to on amonnt at one hnn-!:«* them a* bMng Ibe offidBl prop- the coming year large nnmber*
Ob the street for a few ninute* nt man oSlelaUng. Intennoat was
lake Osh win be idaeed la this Tictalty. I agreed (« iti pnrlsioaa.
jerLv of 'Ujyrte t
Brergreen cemetery nt Bngaley.
‘dred di^an.
I Uo nmlra cemetery.















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