Grand Traverse Herald, January 16, 1913

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Grand Traverse Herald, January 16, 1913


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


eind .Xravorso Bay Es iSla





I Half Mllllena (
' MIehIpaii




Will Be Output of Local






liair niillipn dwtiar* will Ik- ex|>eiit|e<l
Miehlyali 'riter* ai^ harbor* by ih-l-eRlimlns July, 1. JPU.' The


liver* and liniV>n» bill-la rnmnuiKv
icuilRhl by iliry'nterB and h.irbura vomnilllee of the hnuac.


It .-anie* f.w Mkhlcan »!U:..onO.‘ljr


Ara ConflSCRt That War Will 1

tiirroof 411 .addi(hii4 hand*.

peace ddoeatca today
Edvard Or<->.





.Afler M.mlay (he full f.wvv of
ulHiIe fneioiy

the armUtfee with Turkey unTees Iho

final tOCBRIiAe <rf I'rr-sld. nt<-|e<i- Wi!
non 111 (he Hale

Uea* term*.

oiB-msI (oilay.-



He it Believed to Have Been ImpH
«ated in Muitief in the


, etructlons



vaa learned that they «ere cnadidihit

«lll be reaumed.

I er lurnl. and lliere Iwlil l*o


Th- Koyeinor prnUrsI

pfOf!re*>.|\o IcRlsIatiun umt urpsi

PoVt Huron. Jan. i:-.~U-vl Scbenalu

In dlplumatlr aUoa Rullln*. an eacapod lieKVo oon\kt fruit the Kiinaas fliy i-iiiien






about 2U yiaiiB of wee. wa.v Tuwulay
arreslrvl'hy the imlU’e nn-t

hn* out

f«-**e.| to Ihe theft of al*ml one bun
far tbe w.wt. ha.- wrili-n .ns follows:


"\Vc mnsi noi ovpilool. ihe fact liia'

lnrlu(k-d Ini (he list !•' a!n>u*i • v-o(hlnB from a revoKer to hra*- . h.ihbti,

the future of werlein fiiiit niKUi ea.H

Kasollne and sieiiui ennlne iIiUhkk and




Mr. Atkinson had

been in

health (i.r nioie itian i^year pasi
and had tieen conhned to hi* IkkI bill
kJiori wljlle,


year* nso he

me to'ihi* recinn fmni New

He wa* a ramt-

and hiclilv res|K<eled

VVanU to

- Kftow Roaton of tho

■on. A. I*

i;..--.'tmfetaiy Dixiin

of ilic Btaip lioaTd of'Roalih haa a

all who

ihen- ia one




The dealh

i■ctcetltaBA there






. Utt Night.






The annual ineeiiiig of the


heard hold'-rv of the Firal .Nalhtnal Bauk hiilldlng occupied by the Continootal
iweniy f<-«-f.
h.-Id .voKleiday a| 10 oMork (or (line Company and brokerage firm.
that Hie iiilllhiliaJre is a Vieliin of the ele« it-in «t Giieeloni and llie t
In tbe flooded district colUpsed toshaklii: |i«l*y


It, Impo-'IbV a.etion of the usual hm.imws.

♦v-ndii.t the esarainaiioo in wril-



The report .of the year'* htiKlncns lo he lo

It apilnst him.

Riately »ltgi.i-f>fi incrcsHC fi>t the year, their Block and household effeeU to
total dcpmdts.
with Ihe bills If the Ohio rirer oontlnnes
I resources of over
riae. Tbe rirer stage tonight wna

•iway from.Ms old hHuni*. and friend* FYank Hamiiton, .1. I>. M’lPsnn. H. .A
nn.J tlie remnlnder of llin wln- Miieaelnian, W. F. I'alkins, Ralph Case
ler In sunny Yl.irM.v.
H<- I* e-mrlnc: Ixvm F. Tkua.
:<*l fniRi iiast exiHTi'itce ilial his

F<i1|owing (he *ii<ekl>olders‘ meei'n

can rug the busiii'v.s In tho n
the direelors were «allnd to order aud
‘rime a* well n* Hiuuzh lie was on the llie Aan.vrd orcinired willi Ihe cletlton
i«!i. WI ho will u-avi- Ih!* evening
■iW Hip.

Hi- v\|Ket* to rt-lum

cf Ihn loiloslng officv‘r>;


of the Ti;it


year lu-lng

mid craillyt

k.-ink'>- fifO-

of tlie

Program Forenoon.
This aunt taji* eashlcr for B.-venil years, hu' rp-j
.lifi •.ant , 10:00—Introductory

Owinc 1.1 elinnitc
ry Stullivnu. who 11

.1 be was nur

iMK.rcl of dlreelots


■reeded by I'lmrlr* F

tens a hahy


*ixiy years ago and;i --s> <r with

bp* ntways rherlKhed


wrdlng to present plan* hji also ev- bJ the directnni and officera,
good' wlaiir* follow him.
ciiablc lioard, a,,.^,,
„ emiph* of day* »

I . .
ini.grll^ anil
™n« rva-’j.,;

judemcrit and
nnd then' go down to Jackaonville.
the <ll>'s moBt procrOMihc and soli- iFlv-. where he w ill spend Hie remalnd*tunihil hu-'^lnes* nicnl
' - r <rf the titaie unlil Bprlng. II Is prob-'
n'*H- following coiiiiipscK the ncwlr

of dire^i/rB;





••Cowa, SlUgo and Clovor.’- O.


!• I'ow
I'owj rtg





La., -Ian. 15,—.Fn«it

many at.iteii aBsemhku in






Fruit Jobbera' Aimorlallon.

The ees-

slons will Ust
three daya. during
the annual nieeling of Hie Perv which lime a wide variety of Hgdc*
ytavingB l>Jitik liild Tiiewlay ihc iclBlIrg tt. tb«- fruit eommisaion buJlolluwlng direetun were eln-tod for

J; Maynard.



New Orlcana.

conimisalnu men and

annual ronvcntlo'n of

s^re re-oli-<lcd:


-e«s will be dtartiraed. The officers
J. O. <”rt»iser. A. I Large of the eonvemtion arc President
1. Penlngton of Rvansvillc. Ind.

Tw. til} f..iTr

recinl l.r.-aker

die, Stephen I>autner. Dr. J. B. Mar­ and Treaanrer W.
Uoylanco of
lin. U F. Mik.*i-ll. I-..0. lilcc. Frank Provo, ('tab. J. B.'Stewart of St.
II. .Smiih. Bcnjonilu Tniriby and Frank Ixmls nnd Samuel Igiz of Topeka arc
andWate* lo succeed Frcaident Penwill meet In th» Inglon.
car future an.1 elect ofOeeta. The

liooks Bhow that the mndilions arc IhK


In the iilslon' of the bank and





received this


• Rural School ProblMBa." S. M. Per*
f. prindied




S:00—"Poultry on the Fbrm,"
gene Carpenter.
7;3n—Music by (be band.
Song by ihe WiUiamgburg eebooL
"What tbe Agrlcnttnral College I*
Doing for ihe Farmer." O. F. Marrla.

Mail Taktn at


Jay Rlekert, who wai amated a few
day. ago at


by 6heriE

today on a aeductloa charge.


plaint w-Bi made by Iloael Wells.


is alleged that the couple Ured


South Bead. Ind.. Jon. 15.—A doscu Acme for a abort time as maa and
Usbops of fbe Prolnslant


Hazel Well* i* a young unmar­

Il Meet With Bodln of i-lnirth, roprtsMttlng dlocceea In Jive ried woman whom Rickrrd. It is said;
middle western Kates, arc attcadlnt bad promised to marry.


Ihe annual retreat and coofercoee of

-Mlied marriawa ar* dally botom- i^suinn,

itmost toially
provide* tbst«ll ebdmanta tball certl- Ing nut* rotntnon.*' said I>r. Flelacher.
fy to only Irieal claim* aRSlnat the and 1 win aay ihu (he people of Hie disseinliled.' Tliechasii

Care of


-Thcer dircetora

ton. whure tho •'coltw. lino'fln iioi-d for niimlKT of
hlilptiient of
the year bao been * v-ry
for Ita indimiiirlnPH, waa sUrred
■ he tam<sn)Hk*. have b .- 1-re.Kdved
.-csKful one.
r<Nnty Clerk BImer B. White I* l*- day by the announei-nient
Co, w ho
the tlran^ T^vorwe
■ulnc ihn followInK notice to All who KIclaf-hcT, f^nnrly mld>l of Ikiettm'* hatV llie ag*-nc} tor Ft .i .-ar*. A^l of
may Lave dcaline with tlio county:
Ihcm' arc nf ihe tmiri g, flve^pawipn
largnM ooDcrecation. that he w
“To all peraon*. firm* and eorpora- pot hooltate to marry a ncsea*.
ger lyiM* and are suld (Or aiirlngWlit


U. KJdwcll of Dcnv.'r.

Record Shipment Reemved by Grand


Orchard." F. E. Sour*.

lins today for the opening of the »th

lh|< (uUowing of-

ITl-slili-M—A. Tracyjl,«y.
Vl.-o-presldcnl-lt. rto.vd Cl'incli. ,



Song by Robert Clow.


mantid. William Ixiudca. Ben. W. lair

IkMlon, Mau., Jau. i:..—Kxeii Ilu*

1:30—Muaic by VrTlIUmabnrg band.

■till* that during his absence Hr. An­

nliout hi* exiK-rlence In tho land oP
W. ulllgarura and orange*.
Knillti. < h;irl.-B F. Za^f. A. J. Mi.'iV


12:00—Basket plenle dinner. Com*,


A. Tracy laiy. H. F^d Clinch. 1-3

.M a nt.eling of the ivard of dircct-

QoesHons and dlacuaaioBa.
prepared io stay for all the SMSlons.

;;lc II. Hannali. II. C. juavls. W.

Traverte Amp Co.
lentM t


Uiuiiiville. Kenluek*.

y. Frifdrirh. H. S. linll. J. M. Hnell-



Mllh-r. wilt, was an' Imlmale frlendiThc rellring of Mr. Allen
of hi* father. Kamim! An.lemon, Ao *<"r .-4 Hi.- luink I* *i«ecrcly rcsr. ttcj

rleetton of Mr. Tlapf the lianli I
lUK lo its nlieady


hel|Kvl to take wire of him when lie'iiretl to *--«-«-pi .n poKimm

It* bii'-lni-tix.

InR* .md In cruwtii


'vlm Is imw K5 y>-orB old.

Georso Arnold, presldoot of Grand
tender j Batik. Mlihg ihc vai-am-y made hy tbe Traverse County Institute eoelety.
rciiid. ni-e, Jer- ftwllug f-r her on that accKinl. He resignation «?f K .L Edwards, wlip 1m*
“Roution of Fann Oopa,” O. F.
livcs in rail dill nlto slop in finclnnatl and vlslt'uken an aMMaat eaahlerahlp wPh Marvin.
[iri-d fpim -Ihc an old Itml.rf.vkcr
Charles'the Firal Nalloital bank of Uidincton j
ii:00—"Alfalfa Growlng.”

idx } r:tr* of hii«ini-s*. l*-Hi »s to Rtrn-


Marry Negro If He

O. F. Mar­

Vpril'when he-U Bore that Ihe Ice Hamiltou; aeennd -vice
Fulc is nm ef Hie liay and Jl will be safe P, Munnnn; cashier. licon F. Titus: peeted there will be large atiendeace
ihtougbout the day. Some very good
t:a;il. was held al l«: iiuiil.lng (ifflcf* In navicnic tiio Malicl A. again. On ii«slBta'i: casliier. W. M. Kellogg.
Tiuivda.i' 8lle: nooii.
K.- V. Allen, who for th* ptuii ten •“<« iMlmclIve thing* have been pUnhi* way Ruulb-Mr. Anderw-n will Btiiji
The annual r.-i>oriji etihtuilted IA the in Ohio i» visit an aunt ^otn be baa vears has liceti eoitncctrd with
Ihe ned! fWlowIng 1s tho Complete proD-it snlisfii'tbrv not so-n In n p-imlier of year* and lank. Btid wh.. IIBB Itceii aerond assia-'Fnun for the day:
h. Idcr*

VIce-irtv-iild.-nt-H. ti Havin.

made unii) lie nrnn-» or <aii bo beard

will be held In the town hall there
on Thursday. Janhary 16.

Frank tin of Hollon. Mlidi.. will act as con­
president. J. ductor of the Inetitole, and it Is n-

of Ihe it«^

-The nnuiml tm«-lii


burg Today.
Tho annual Fhrmer** JnsUlule for
the didricl or vicluHy of WllUamaborg

In 3, T. Beadle: vice preahit-nt,

Ihe coming year:



msklng preparations to floe with


Made By Traverce fcity -State Sank
La»t Year.

ll.vrs (if tho hank

Took Fancy to




d.-:id In hU nffiis-. ihb
Auihorlile Imlleve th,- dO'




Say* H* Wrtald

persona arc

th© ruins.

(^Rseparing to Leave.
Cairo. Ilk. Jsa.

Ihn eoiilinned incrense In di*)>otlis is tbe lowiaods In the vicinity of Cairo
<?il|*ecliillv crvtl'tylnc. rhowlng approii-

Absint. Cashier—U.Vilhoumc.


'iitcinnall, Jan. 14.—Tbe five story


The meinlKrt' of the charter
iRlaalon deriro to stale thr.i they have

)dace<1 before tbe cllltens a proposed
county, and also tuberrlbe under oath earth are tending to an improved type in the cars *0 asto taV
re*uU of Ihx dis*lmllaUon of dIT- Bible room. Bod^ and equipment are charter for the c'ly to be voted upon
Vle*i pr*aldi-nt—Mlai Rote I'ulmaii. that such claima are corrm and no
March TO. It is the desire of the comportion thereof ha*' pr*vlon»ly been Icretit race*. 1 can tec no roaann' for so pUced In (he remilnlnR imris of
fb-ereiary—Mtaa Ella Smlih.
the ear 80-that (he rai; U used lo Hs inUsioti 10 kivo l| full pobHcRy..
laid. It la furtbea rwiulrod that all prejudire agalnat negroe*.
Treasurer—Ml** Anna Ui rtc*.
tbe citizens derm It advisable to hold
bllU ahall be fully' Ucmlxad. ahawing marry a nograa* if she appealed to fuUvapacUr. A* In’ihd making of the
X. di, K.-Xllea .Mabel O Conner,
intbllc meetings thr member* of tbe
me deeplr. Md 1 ■** no rtaaon wrhy ears, waste time and ;spnce
The (uembrra ram* lo coiume. and the authority of tba
■ known. The oew ahlpgient Fort* are eozunilBBloii wil be glad to meet wltb.
after a pleatam noeJal evenlns and (be whom the arrvim and auppli** there- a daughter should not be givei
irriage. if they lorod each j i.lenUcal with tho*e of a prevlow ahlp- amall or .Urge bodies and talk 1
buainoea imsdSii. rwtrwrhmnni* were Id enuneraled ware aclually
phaaee wblcb it oonutas.
ent which were desi^bed.
other.. sarrad by the boataat.
pUed or funilehcd."


Big Building Collspaed.


.A*>i*t. CaKhIcr-A. |. HavUand.

Monday, the tolIowiPK officer, were 'l.ora al Ita January a«*ion


Rut brief «|iie«-

He *aid Iluekefe'l.

UnekefclliT B *v«ice. coiihl

duitud tiul.y In

Ikma doing bnalnof* w ith Orand Trar would be hcwitalo W> pivo a dauiditer
A numlK-r of
At the teeular tiieetini: of ilu- Twmtieth-rpnluiv Ctrl* held at the home era* county: Youf atienthra I* called In marrlaxe to a nmrro au-rrfy for rw- IVHikcd for Ford
the action of the Hoard erf Super
more nhliiments will i
Of MUa ItOM- f'ulrtiao on IT.ion airm-i,
cMcied for Ihr cAtulna year-







for ehlldft-n under one year 1* SI.I
tliauQ aayi it is alloBMher loo hiBli.

i;u<ii»-.'S and civic omnlaatJona are



the AlH-na health autliorllh-s U
plain (he h'lBh Infknt 1110710111}

and yL-Blcrday. because of rdief work.
iipplvlug fund*.
Pcdice are guardIn eresae in Depsslts and Profits Wa* ing the flooded district against river
Shown at the Annual
Irale* who are plnndering the flood­


wlfh-m daoKcr.

and funeral nrmim.-rm-nls'will pot be
iKitialaR. Jan,



ler could endure a two tidiirs- prdeal


He wa« pbieiil In the eoiiniy Jail
i|* moniinc and a eonudnlnt bwom

knew him ihi'iuulmni (he realon.
Ilcjiide^ Frank





ale. wliere he wa* Imm. and he had
lived her>- ever


would Iv rtaneermi*.



Ucytle Jampi-. moat of y.Mcii wenaiilon:. put oui by the WcsUfii MIrlii- ■liialliy. .We niusl odrei our Increased
liilen from mneliltie tS:oir and iiiolor
gan Uev.-lninnem bureau.
I*iii.-huri! cori of pnxluetiim n-uiiini: trimi hleh
lie I.O.S .K nn.iilal.d the h o'
people have never ne>-n a MicHsah ap­ pcheil lafior. mst of lirlBalion and
-im;iy, n- ver taVr'lit \eiy mU'-iral oie
ple and l( Ir »afe (o aranme I'lat the Mlth iraii*|<oitaijiiii chnrniU hy ral-lQ'
lime, and he Inlnnmyl the i.-iliee ;!il
ahew will prove a rcvelaiion to tli'-m mure fiiiil )H-i«9i,re. hy hiitinp mere
niomtnx iliat hi- had it eai ii.-.l at va
A larpe number of \arletlog will Ik- rcRUlar eniii*. hy the. proiliirtion of n;i
■ inti*
Farsky ha* l>c< a i‘
ahou'D ao at to Sire Ihem a fair Idea apple, a iN-aeli and /. m ar laht
trt.iil/1e l•erur•.'. only a tew munilrs am
Of ahat i> helna ralted In ihlt i-arl of ship farther, keep looker,
hr f
the country and ylatlorii ^ill Iw alven from inaer-l* or Idcml h, Ik- more
of Oi«"«it:
t’lUII 1they have lalirlnRly apimlrinc hy vinue n|
a ehano- '
'-onfi-»*ir*n this iiiominc he Maiii| itiai
I they
rohir, lustre, anima niid flavor Ihuii ih.-re wa* another biy In jmniii'rshHi
fruit In the i<s»i Carefullv pi««n iiiul any other alk’le. |k-b' Ii nr |iear shipii.-l
with him and had' sane willi him
gnidrd apph- ><<Mk will fttid a pmSi- finm an) aeetloii ol llic clohe ln-«a>mhla rarSou* e.Ms-dliionK.
abW fcilure tiiaiki't In that iu->y!on t>f IK-lilloii.*' ■
.'tiispichm fell on
the coonto'. Till- verk-th-.. «-r ai-plc'
While .Mr. Taylor* ellenls sre de when a n*hljic niiiru «»' |ci»ni-.l at
and intaloet that l Mt» Ix-en « lit* out veluplnK lliejr ajiple*. ihe Cntml Trav
me of Ihe Imal shops wlib h ha.! Ik-cd
for the show are at follow*;
trse cniwi-n will ht- dofiii: likewise,
lob-n jvinie. lime iito.
Apidm-Aleiandcr. Ilablaln. Iha-k nud when il comes In n show down
slieri fhr |*1hi- v.ere imtitl.-l tliiil a
Rtt*«lan, Rett Davia. »<i' in'.*, Kanieaw. linind TraveVso win*
ot>|MT Isiiionied
CoHcD RuaaeU Oldeon. Ilobluir-Utoii
• lota o, (her al onee Misy.e.'led-l'ar*l.'.
Nonet-urh. Ilflorer. JonaH mi. Kins.
a* lhal was (he nature ol art-ele
Mann, ilalden Btnah. Mcim.i.h it<-.l
xvhh h he usually bads.
“T I'tfU'’'
. l‘•-•aukce.‘ Rhode hlatid i;r.-.-ni>ic.
JoTuison and 1‘alrolman <’-01*0^ at
Rm-kabury RuaaeU Spy. St
veiil lo work on (he law- niid al
Early^Cramf Traverao Settler Ha*
Bilfllne Winter. Beeh-No-PuMl..-i.'.s.ii
Ihonch it .wa* found thai he had inU
■ Patted Away.
t(ui8 Iteauiy. Stark. Twenty tt iii'lakeii the boiler, they sunivuled III
Pippin. Wolf Rirer. Wapnei.
celtinc him lo eonfi-a* lo his iiunic
IWaloet—t-arroen. Eariy MlehlBat.
1 rillier Ihetla. He pnve a* Ida r<he
settlers in Ibis l«rl ol
Knpire Rtaie. I'etfxihey. Rural Ne«
1 for Ihe Ihirvery that he wa* 01
eouiitry, dk<d at Ihe home of hk
Yorker, SuUc-t't Wdo.
work and broke and needed Uie
KiaitV .Mkltiiujn. al Ixhie faiko,



ar look iHdMii;.

a youns

•Ired dollar* worth of


Hvery department of the liwiik shows 40.2 focL and the government has
-in In- rt-ai'e In cri.wtli lu.J profiL T«o predicted a 48-foot stage.
Mu row was Ikjiii In
njiciidlegui-v- seml-hnniial dividend* have
« rjiy and ri.llua on t«.p «■( I ecn jctld during the y -ar, k-svlnc
Icrtnati) anil «.n
from thi beat M'S tn oil
ear* aco. nlier
hlirznrd liamliomc iiidlvl-lcd pri'it
•pivirsilv .if Rcilini
.wtwthir, W. fi. Andersun. tin* veteran
The directors n—-btlcd vy the Murk
nndi-rtal-er ha*
break ImM'-r* «rr as.follow*; Jno. T. Be idle.

Aldrich far*ky.

-r (orclRn umrki la



Intense a» Bandar



e Took Polaen-

iviMiculion wa.,


Sunday at Miaiuf. Hiirida. Rirh-

. till- mjstcrhms di- Ih ni Hr Fn-tl'-r
dentist. wIk.
k K. Mtdtow,

Up in Jaik


i*. Tn.thir, MistiltinL iiotliculiuribt



V»:.;ar. Midi.; J

Morning and Locked

ferlng i* not

Me Came Fr m Berlin

He Wat

am Mlchlpan.

INFANT mortality


Ohio river i* aim Hilng alowrly. anf-

lai-n i«i|dl-

Fiptt Crewera in We«t-

SMiIf Oiowrtsni lirv oi-rnrd


Till* wn* the npininn of l>r.

.tig (he liesl in several yeaiv |>t.cL and

Market, ter

he one ol the lw»t adver11>-luc


i.v <-xcrpiionrlIy ttood, (he prollls sbosrl

alt U iKyllcwvl lu have




Two Year


Relief Work Under Way.

lirli-fly N-fcire the money tru*l eom-


Authcraic* Believe

15. - WHlo

rhal i.f oflic r* friini the west. W<hen

months ano.

le riuahKT tK'ft Monday promlM-s to

ds niamif.K luic-i


le-ld in Ihe muniy Mil iK-n'llnc Hie ar




lionaire. U nut too

Honine wonhin'i.

cair?l in a murder in Ihc wcat wc-veral


Wnshlndoii. ». C.. Jnn.
liam KoekcToller. Standard


H»ry. wn* am-M<-d hi re PKla.v and l»

Shew Will



circle* the outlook la adroiuedly poor.



laitced im-lhods of leplslntli.n-

They are naitlnK for infrom


Wlidatlire to kiH-p


The Onomab delecation had nothinc 10 eay.

will inm cuntlnudualy

Tliere will iv* ;..«Hlji,OIMi feet of luat-


Dtatrlct Collapsed

mated Loot of Twonty Lives.

,r Ihe •omiiiK jeat.
,‘TrvDlon. -S. J.. Jail. 14. -iK-nitniia

Five Stery

in Writing.


bnod* will be In neSve work and the

New JerM-.v.ihe unenviable ih-slRita |f>r all -rl.uu-es of
lion Ilf “nioilierof iru*\s" featured Mm- duniij; .till* lime.

Theeo Inrludod the cei


Ml*. Karsh Tompklns.'thc retiring

Conduct HI* Ewamlnation

It wuld Ih- a diillliin pin* a day.

tloii lif rlale law.s which have linnitlit


wiib a fine |<asi noldo grand'* pin.

Palcy Making It Impettible T

le protM eaeh. br in round nunc

.of Time* by PaMlng All Nefee-

Torka Immediately acm-d to the alaton of AdrUiQopIo and


day. ahleh will (-on^iat of l-fdiu boxes
He Urged Lcgialature to Keep Abreaat
aary Law* of Advanced


fon-lKii minlair^. that

tbej were nutborlicd

iit work Hut site had done In the
luo-l. Mrs. Ilellc Mcli her prebcnird hci

iiohli- grand, was also iirc^ited. wlih

The hlRSvat Heoi (or Mich
civil bill I* $1^-

which she has been heJt^and the ex-

Millionaire I* Afflicted With Shaking



This will

-h>tlio5t>ln fai-lol-lee In the fnlleil

elea PeaalmiaUc.

l/oeiioii. Jan. l.'..—All


kol will bp pm intbperatien with
mnki-, (Ida factory one of Ihc fihir larp.

lock at (he ik».



Ihe pant year <>ii a^uot of the nu

eonllniiont .aintniprlfilion*.

tT.'ijKKt for ihe lhlr<MRoe)



.1 filling token (if Ihc rrs|K>ct In

plam llial haa bemi in idlene«s fnr

Iho auMtry civil hill whlrh takes

fSMi in (he sundry



I- of M’orks already autliorlr.i-U and

H Wai LMm*d.T«day That TurEa


MUST Iti-lH-kah lodge .Mundai night. One was
|te|h-U1liieiit ol Ihc WILLkAM ROCKEFELLER
the farewell |>arty given 10 I'oni rit*APPEAR BEFORE COMMITTEE.
iHiil l»i»h fai-tory will aWrl up Hon
gerald, wIh> leave* today for HirlroM.
day. fii oddithin id the ittEular plant
where she will make her future home.
that oitipinya 4|i hi^d*.
Uitt n-aeitc

ndilltinn to till* there will lai earrii-il



The I hilheapln

ledeml pMerhiuettl in the flacal year.


Party for Cora

niarked the iiie<-ting nf the V'lsterla

Wnt^illfnnn. Jan. l.V—Two nud


Cave Farewell

Rlrtart waived



the fifth miiatonary departmenL which waa bound over to tbe next term' of
lK«aa a two days' session here 5o- r,r<ult oourt

Hie baU wa* flzed at

Bishop W-falle of this city
is 65U0. which ha* not yK been furs*0.1 j.hed.
acting as bo« to the visiting prelate*,
among whom are Bishops Weller of
Food dn iJtc. k'awcett of Quincy.


OovefBor elect

Gormlck rt Grand Rapid*. Webb r.f Edwnrd Dunne noUeed that coSee mat
At deraoo
of Chicago. 33 cenu per cup. in a faMtloaaMe reeFYanee* of IndtanapoU*. Wllltam* Of (aurut yeaterday. be left tbe plaee.
Hirtuetle and Osbomc of Bpringfield. deriaring that 10 cents wna eaeeih on
pay fur any boEee.



Grand Traverse Herald

aiTfvrd II|KI|I at the time the frnit was taken fn^B-the on'hard.
This K}-etem of 4loiii|; huaincaa has rf!iult<.-d; iu Uunsauils uf liolla^


iu ItMacM to th«- pn*wenc who might haw savinJ ^hie mnrh if they
ha«1 Uken udviuit«Be of their opimrUmilU-a ami huilt a Htorap.plant when the fruit imluKtry first l>e<.*aMie promgierit. ConilitiouM
re ahaiKHl therasrivra at preacnt in auc-h a lu^pner as to mukv
' PBMMad Twwdav and T^ttraday at Travera* at
fensible the organiutinii of a company to build and maintirin.a STATEMENT OF TERRITORY COV­
Katisfactory imideni plant of laiue etiouRh cajjpdty to atore fn»m
to .V.OOO Imut»‘Ir of apple* and what other pniduee wcmhl
. MQL«. BAnS....
naturally come to .such an institution. The l<*eati#p of audi a plant
ouuu M. Bam
would n»ean the aaving of thousand^ of duliars to thi^ com­
munity and enable the growers to hold their fruit .until such a
..Bata Pteaaa Mo. U litnAas the market .would warrant di*p«*»np of it at a good profit.
The iHnefita «>f this industry Would Ur (p*ueral add iu a »<hi»rt time
itN results would he felt thnmghoul the eiitin’ region. This is Uie.
logiealVnter for it. andwitli the prop«-r anionut of pnhlie igiirit
the part of tlmfw will result iu the'eonalruetiou of a
Postmaster FrtedricO Has*^ Jlaie
auitaWe plant in time to take esre of next acaaun'a crope.
Ccirflete Inspection and Gives an
ORIeiai Ust of Cioeka
and Toms.
Shc^iftng .Up the


and Tntveiie Bay Eagle


G^cuklioit dus we^ IL9S0

For lime the great imwcra of Eurojm have brtaslcd of the
grea'i infinenw they had over’the amaller'nations ou the rHiulineut,
and tliat'tlieir concerted aetUui would always inwult in bringing
.time ntiy eountry that uverstepjwd the Iwundi of |»ropriety. fhis
s-at strength has Isfii prt»_ven by recent ereiita to have U*en merely
a .t»aiHT stn-nglh. for when it eaine to the eriais in foo-ing peaw

win t>e \V. I. liaikiH. *ho bv inan«
friends In thin >Si>. no6 Mit liasT.HI wn^ nt ooa time une of tt.e Ie«c b
ets In llic elty scboiil*.' Sir. ICdwarjIs
will Ro to bU new busloesa borne
• illi lie- Usl wishes of all fns rri<«<lK. will Is- Tm>enie Vil>'* Iuf»
•(It be !.o<llnrtoD'R'Kaie.

Germany is


ThrOe* of


IScrtia. Jan. l3.--norlin today
ihicateiH'd with a bccr sar.
muniiipajlty Is about to plaiv 1
vll iM-cr 4'ics-ed outsidu of thf
proper, and the new law shal'
be Interpreted a* lazing the product'*
of flhu* estabDiAed In^tbu suburbr
of Beriin.
Inasmuch as many pf the larp-s’
bres-ra’ins aie idtuatcd in one of |L<
do74-n or mure t(t*-n* that tom:i greaier Berlin, the dWrleU affoc-ti'd >ri!l .->■
talUte by pikciuc a la* uii all liertin
brv»-W beiv.

Rioeuss tad Kaioeo
•o* Cask Sboc stocr -o-

liavc^a pair of our^iltt's High
Cut Shoes for $4 SO if

With the recTBt ebanhea
hare taken pUce In mbm of the
you come soon. W c
fret- .leiiverr route*, there Aa more
lees (onftision ainonx the patrUhs at
want to clean up ou
, ^r.
tlimii^h «liat roumry chey rnn. V’l'
these shoes and g e I
Ivwlm: ri « list of the mules and their Had Safe Majority
dlre>'l.on.> ax made om t>y ^‘oatmaMer
them off ^the |helves.
Todiy'rriedrieli. who recently Insjieeied roch
route ruDDlDK from bis postoBIce.
That’s why the price
■sinK. Juti. 13,—8cf»tor Smllh
where ^qnuipa wa «r mipp i« an
^ ihas never done what any r.f the hig eouutriesiof Kun>pe waiitnl
Uou'tc .So. 1 leaves the i>osloBlee. *as riM-locicd this aflornoon. Tie
cut 80 deep. Step in and
«ll U the only way ih which spread of disease can be stopimrt.
,,«rtwulHr time she » itill bank-r to deal
laH to IVnlnsuft street, north on
In the hcoge loday-VR>; Fniit'rhorc
for umW the pn-sei,t *.v»lem of local n-gulalton it .a u»p.«Ki ^ , i,h than ev.-r before, although her life really d.V ««lH H|m» »na>iing
sw them for yourself.
Mapletott. ECiiitli to Archie, wci-t lo senate Smith hod 31; iKUcklae. 3. and
to aiH-omplhih any n-al tangible r«tdtH along the line ‘’J
the ,mweri. have always Is en
Uottlaxuc farm, south to McMullen Jiistyn. «.
aanilalion. The tendency m to dram :the ^wers mto he the ,s.rte. and even *hen that nation b, school, routh lo west road, returoinx
that a» neairst, rvgartfle« of futun- n-*ult» on the puMie
,.f Italkan eon<i»er.'.!« the other nations lo poslofTlev via State wreet.
ao long aa a few donar* .-an U aa<ed by ao doing, tn
Route No. 2 leaves poemmee. Roinx
the eonduet of eity affair* often pn.v.-s expi-miive when the death,^^^
u.imlerful powvr of thelTurk eonsists of is west on T'rvnt tUrcel to watcrlnc
rate of the town is taken into consideration, ami one of the g^al
h>Timlisin which holds sjwll troucii. over llrinkwa) hill and veal
in. rctnmtDR to road runnlnR
Notiro Is hereby clvcii that b' vir­
!»<»>. to U leamni in U.e future is that a
„.e Ismslnl statesmen of the two Irjple alli*ne«. It is
Ntal at (.ong Iwke. then
tue of a writ of czeoRton Irsm 'l o< •
iudicHHialy iuviwteil in smiitary miprovemeaU. iwy largi-r .
humanity nt large tlmtj tihs s,s.U was not Miutk one mile, west one mile, north
it*' real of the I'an-uit
nsins.. JSD. 13.—Dricfnlc* fr-jtii
denda iu health than any other form of »*vi-*timmt
T ^
to 1-yon'. eaxt one mile to Diiryea' all tKirls or tie slate arm<-vl tis’.ijr Ortiit lor iLi' Ccioni) ol Grand Tisv
CTM-. Slate of Mithixan.' datcl Us
t»«rtli. lo Nrai. north to slat, lor lb.- miiiq.iT iodM iiUoii of ilic >li«-b roviiiUs-nlb ilav of Aiiril. K. H-. IM3.
THCold id™,h..hi:,, h
4,J rough shisl over
road, east to Sheridans and return Ixan l->iaBl SiiDrase As»<«'isti<iu. B<> Iu i'u.' dii-’-cted and dcdjvcrtd. in taoor
l.nrr b«ly .r w.t.r ™i.T.o p.tnfiod b.v flu- Arlinu uf 1^ ««1.T "'“I. ,,,..
s..i.lh«,-,l. rii Edr..,.-................................
It is evident
itanak aiminst lAuia MtrHe tds'v. RurinR June. July l-jris from c-smpai^ .■tnumiUiu* wefe Iwf .\r.pui W
•> bu luot .Iiu-.- iH-™ fi|dod.-d. «nd IhiIbi. f«i-l i«
.1^ lt,|k«li« «ill Iu-..mliiiu.-d. •«.( lb,- nnm Iu Id.i.uaAid .kuRiist this route serves Forosl received this arcuHion. Olfbv-i* -siU 'cncidx uud chati<-lx, lands.and icncMiilia-! McCian-v. | did. 00
Hind .nd .cted up by rily ufli.-i.l. tbu .-..untry .,v,-r. 11^
*.^„1|„| ..iviliml ..ili..u. uf lb.Ixv<li:t- at lame lake.
be •tdet-U'd toioocrow. Tbu .-.Idi-iw ol] ^^c. |i
lu.-i 111 da> or UcroiiHier.
,illlb- d™,br.,..N. bi,l»,-M .nd ,h,- p.p^
...d k-...l j„dd.,„*u t., ™ll-,k- bluff
Koote No. 3 leaves postofflec. K«ln: scleiiiuc sill is- made
2. lev;- u:-ou and take all Un­
bvj.4. l’..
tie uiiii iuicroi uf said
.ku u™,.,un.l -b.-m,™l 1»1 of .1,,- u.b-r .,.-.,1. " » >"1. |
e»t to Haslines residence, north^ti Mayor Ruottirr. to which >lrv. f'i-ira;
,Jof the (•rieiilitl (k'spot ami make him
I Michael NcGl
isii-y in aad to 1 hr 40>ay xireet. west lo.ronrit) line roafur whul iu»y pp.v.- by to Ik- pim- ».l-r l.rfuy m«y by u ' '. .......
■\n’hur. prcBldfui. wlH rcs|><>nd.
lix-d real cwiAtc. sRaatad
' have done half a ei-ntury ago. In the ftiltin- wjlii-n the powers |h<sc

Uraud Travense and
.hitt uf u-iud «nd .-nm-nl Ik- tuyu-d. iulu nuik
t„m.,n-..u-.| ■
any intiTmilioiial iliffenuieei their eftieienyy will
Klin, east to Strlckers. north one-half
aiati af^M-i I.'ixaii. uxwli
• - a -' -f.>r A Ccod Horacman
> a problem tha^U
live one
Traverse ,-Uv.
City, ftr
.fhr tl..-r.- is."“ I" "'.....
•iHsI by
bv the l>|o|
b|o| that tintile IIbalivsil-Turkish iiieidi-ut mile, east to Ste-mlle coraeiy.
Ih' greatly hiimlieapiHsI
IJki-x a lim- aniinrl an-I a l-in- hcjr-k- i -M! |hj' •••rtaiu idei.- />r .lariH of
jbikd rliiiieel ill a,., rnsnsliipof BlaU.
uo nucstuiu but t)iat the waters of the Imy are at times h>mk-d
RolH- Mareey laroi and return vU Wit slMinld tx- well i-aie-l for. la
has Miieaivd uj*«»ii their ereilentinls as |H-aeeu|ahet
MabU-v. wtiiro tbe- Inmi I’or'i- an kvpl ; .•..iiiii.v .0! Crand Ti-vefsc and ^lao-^of _
with dineaae geniw from the a. wap- that is i.iuirr.1 into it fnmi
kin* I'laii- and Pmnt alieel.
I'm 'liiivn. kiK-aii and diwraied a:, ilr..-.
Roiii,- No. 4 leave* |m*tofflc<\ pilm: '-1 11 v.lll n«-;,rlv atwovs Hii.l a tu- '-rc-- sc-Ofii .>u-.‘f «l the iKKiinmst •luarlcr ot .
every lewcr outlet in the city. Tlim- hav l*een a great d.^1 -f talk
.,1 MAUVKM.-« f't»NlHTIrt\ Pc.tV
ccipt&.af t)ci IS were the larsc-Ht In
It W.tEhin.Btcn I'tro^i- south on
HKU. It lx a I'li.i-ly -m.d( trjil i*-v- roction four «4) In lowns.ep luenl.hWut remedying the eondilion. hut nothing has ever Ins-n done on
-•U'Vetil il*>.K CiiHinm work
v>-rr fledd .to Sharkey corDcrs, cast
ill'-, not :i l‘» il. oiiH itx elTroi >-n live fflv >Z'.) w,i>l- of i-auK-. c'kMii n-i.
account of the exjHume that would he ineiHTetl. Tlhs delay Ims
hcav}'.. The letter condition of
north In I’liltcr H bool tiouoe. to Tay­ stcH-k If tn piirif)' ibc IiVmxI. recniate ».»t .■uniaininc eJrt!ly a.ics .non or
Ihi«i-Is. iiiiiirovt- tin- s|arni> and ie >, all of which I sbatl
' cridenlli- *av.s! some ru«mey to the lily. Iml when llie low of human
i■«siblt• lur the fanw lor plai-e: rrturhinR to Black srb<s>1.
mski- tl'C .coal sniontb and RloEsy. sate 1,1 i.-iiblic auetfem to ibe hi;;Iici-i.
era to move heir products ranch
«a*l CO oCunade comers, south and J’rico 2:. ■ IS. |nr loi-kaKc. SokI ly all Iiid.l.-.-,
i!‘c Is* d1rct-i>, at ib.- nonb
life due eithrt: directly or indin'etly t«* drinking the w-aters from
tJnI'ourldde eorners, south and dniKfixIs,
the Iwy is taken into due aeisumt. this small saying has Isvn
• •4> itt vissMn. rii> aliat Uyiox tbsend came tn. t>ut there mile coTTicr*.' and west to city via
«f the moat ex|WBi>ive invoatUH-nts that could have possibly licen
WANTED- Nan Ui tvpr.-M-iit tbe 8iti icii-tins iu v>hirh the <lr.-uli eoartdor
c« load* of lolatocs.
Ahwt Uehtb street.
• Xer Sc-winx MnHilm <‘u. In flraiid K*|d eoiinLv i»t Gtntid Trwvcrao. »,tr^
made. Sutc control td the disisswil of city sewap- looks like
j h-f-’'- ei. Friday, i
n. is
Trav-cr.-e and U-elansu cuotitte*. For ot Mi. :>ixan.
logical (mlutimi of the iirohlem. and represi ulatjv.-s from eiti.-s Hint
out Bay siriHd to GrelliekvIUe
further information addr.-ss Sinxer rctitv-clxhih day of rel-riian, A.
Uullalg. Jan- K-.-Came-Keecip»».
Poneh. rchimlnE east lo Nrwser
Maclitt e fo , f .V <Tc*«>. ISIS, alter, o'.-kuk tn I'-c forenoon.
arc far lew fav.ircl in the matter of a water supply than Trawrse .'■<1 cars; aetlxe. stead)-, (S.Tr,<i!l,
t;. ai.i>:n smith.
school, north to Ilrixham's store,
Sheiiff 4if Craiid Traverse Co-inty,
City are urging legislation that will place the sewage ((uestion ii tillve* -AetUe. T.'k' hlctlor,
i:.y>. Ibms........
to school house, north to Wm. Con
the hands of a state rtuniuiwion llrnl will have |s.wer to^regulat. Sheeji-Uerci|S«..A.<*v": fslrly *eii»e. su-era ...
r.Vi.Kiivvnuii i I'Miron.
jV.C.; No. Z. »CS:i. -IIocb—HeAik ITU ;s trr .Vnion W Hartsk.
its dMimaal in a manfler that will prove the imnit In-nelieial l«i the
ly WllhoMt PMta
to Bar shore aad relurttlnc south |iaM
c^pts. 4.r:.e; a«tlvc. tT.JOUT.Ti. eV.* Cows .....
By tbe "Ka-ular" lunhed 1 ran rc Ilau-d tsv. 2S(h. A II. It'i:.
public health. It is a qurelion in which alt the eitwa locat<-d alnug
tba Markham Tarm.
I.SDll>X -...
yaa :;.n. zy. tub l. n. U. 33
loK at IT.Tn.
Rnnlc No. fi leave* postofflce. Roinp move those arbinc
the shore* of the great lak«* arc interwteffl and »» of such magnitudSheep ....
wilbiiuc imin. and without the us.
out ftotiih rnion ttreeL
Chiekqot, dressed .
-uxx to prodn.-e nnenn-u-iodknes
that it rtHiirin-s more n-gulation than w ptmsible to obtain tlin.iigli
. /
leenth street north via Green bill to
I'roido of nsrvcriis K-iiiiw-raini-nt
fblrapn. Jjui. Ii. - IVlatoc* 'IMob d
local methods., .\ state law looking to the pnrifying of the •water
Fred t»nnn place, west in Hail comeu
IXirks. <
supplies of the cities would be weleonoHl niofe than almost any otle r at
cast to IWinn eeb^l bouse, snath o
Turkey*, dr^cd .
kind of legislation that could Ik* paamHl by the present k-gislalure
west side of Sliver lake tn It. D. Canii*
1>R. W, G. KINYON.
bell place, east and south to the towi
f*«.3«y Wllbi-lm I«o<-lL,wtth l*T. IloMi- I
Cbhaeo. Jaa. K. -Wheal. *5r. Com.
hall, north over high hrMse to Mr
worth. Tratcrro fity. Mlcblxan.
lYke* corrected evorr dai’.
S2*yt. Com. 3ISc.
of Ja^ Ai^hMid
------ 3Sc
to Nichols comers, on east side of
Fiw of the thirttsen impeachment charge* made against .hidpRutter
lake, cast to Rennie school, north
Arehhald. of the riii(<Hl .State* ( omnieree t’onrt. weh* su-slaine,! by
Rke* .
Gnnton school, to road past 1
the wemliers of the aeiiate yeatenlay. which means that the eanv-r
Har. kmae
...............:.(t7 to IIS
Wfll Pay Hlobest
Frsnke place and relnm to city via
: (t-Voni ToeskUj s Heeonl-liaak-.l
Straw, per
of the judge who let his grewl get the be*t of Ids honor has stid
Prices lor
Rave the latest impivved ma­
. Cbleaxo market quote creameir bnt- Onb>D» ....-;.......................;....Utr55c Siricenth strt>et.
chinery andmsiNfarttirc my work
denly ended. From the evitlenee prescuted it wa* evident that he Icr :ic to. 33c. Bek* recelpu 3,336
Rome No. 7 leaves postoElee
in Bt>-to-date designs (nan the
FARM PRODUCE—•elllag Price.
'Boonvllle. aooth to Nlclamchlin )>la<y>.
vaa guilty uf many of the charge* made against him, and the finding (Mtac*. S5c to 28e. Morajie l»c sad Me.
rongh stone. IVompt attentiun
I’ricca CDi^erted eveir day.
east to Blrmley achooL
given at) order* rw matter how
es reeeirbr.'
reoelfbr. 'WIsomi- PoUtoe* ..i...........
of the senate wdl meet the approval of the eilizens of the nation. 62 cars of potoioes
small Call or write for prices
atrohm place, east to town hmi. *011111
e and 4^. H
Jt ia highly desirable that the l ourts of the land be kept fn-e fflmi Rla qiMled
Butter ___ I.................-........................ 3«
to Sharkey comerv. to Sllebla Sl.llnx
732 E. FioolSt BotfaPhooes.
the eorrtamination of.-g^ft and^ntUieilee. and whenever h ease of ts 43c and 4Tc. Mieblgaa 44c and 47e. t'reaincry bitter................................. 5> north lo Keystone. we« to Beiiner.
■rvaver*« <i«r,m>ck.
Grand RapldM (oaks for better mac Kkr* .......... L.......................................... «
Both pbODC4 No. f«0.
that nature oetyrs it should be dealt with in summarj- fashion. The
north <0 B R. B. U A r. Co 's dam.
kei becauM the fanners ar« sAkieiis liar, per toi.baled.......... ...............II
appointment of men tu^he judicial In'iieh id order to pay isditical to Eft read) none) to par lase* and Straw..................................................... II north to Shorters eonsrrs,
Gnnton school, and return to city via
dehU is a bad practice and all the jnromi* tent jmlge* that the
kill move apples and potatoes
ORAirp-HnniiMi A Lay Co.
Toai! past Ransom placb.
e freely. Kfgt strictly fresh ate
country has bad were obtaine«l through this sjalein, hut. thanks
Prices corrected every day.
-Bach carrier eokers 33 mile*.
to the inciwasiog itftelligenee of the |Hs>|de. this class of jmlieisl 3oc. storaxe 20c and 33c. Rutter Me Wheat
tiiR in all abont nine hundrod fam
and SSc. Pmntoex 45c. The weather Com
representative* i* Uvoming less every year. ,A judge should he
Innueaces the e«K market. Cold will OaU
A 2'/, h. p. Gasoline EbrIho
a man whose homwty ft unquestiomsl. and he nhould h.- aeleeted push up the prkes.
for a place on the.bench of a high court solely upon l*>’‘ merit,
The local markets wereontbe'Rtrap B«diwheat,|>er 100 lbs.,
jcytteder bur*. 4 Inchee; atraka 4tt
.account of the imtmrtaaetf of the ease* which he luis to deeide.
tBcke*. G»<d design, best matertaL
all day. Over 3fl«0 hpuskels of wheat'
------ In from KlaRSley. Honor and, GRAIN—Trmmros City MINIlig Co.
Hoiiper woleJ. WelxbL »» «>•- St«ta
court was never ratendisl to In* presidtd over by a mau who j
iber of largo' Prices corrected every day.
aasU.'. rant steadily: U oeoaomlcal,
personal gain above right and principle.’ and the sooner one who Nortbport. and a
teMable, dorabi* aad comptat# with
loads from the farraera. 200 busltels 'Vhoat----- ;............................ T........... Me
don w found otit and «trippe<l pf the ermine the lietter it i* for
pulley. ga.->iln# rank, battery, eoH aad
of beans were reoelvod from KlB4»- P-om ........ .................
N. U Edwards, who has been with
the intenaits of the people whose eases have to be deeid.-d by him,
a«lir-h. wired raady to run yoer aepnto ahipmenu out worn tar««.‘Osts ........ v................
ic People's Savinas bank from tbA judge holds a peculiar i>o*ition. for he is kmketl itp to as a nmn TbeleadershavinR ordered raorebeav- Hy«........... ..............
aiaior wood saw or pump or do any
me of IU ontanizallou ten yearn ago.
other dnly within the eaiwcKT of 3K
than omaL Custom work'ww* »T>iio “S'y

of superior kuo^odge and probity, and his success <ui the lu-neh
u rtrslRhcd fals |iosiil<M and will
b. P-: u.-cu|4er :z2W feat. Prico fTE
,»l.»0Cl 13.00 l(«ve Sainnlay to accept a position as
heavier than for many lay*.
|R»<> kMn^ jbeass ..
Man ifn.tored by
depr^ upon the manner dii which he n|dmlds his repalation
Kant cashier In-the Flrai .Nadonsl
WM. JACKSON. Travarso City. mda.
thr»e dm-etion*. An npright judge » a man to U- proud of and
hank of IdidlaKtbn. Hieb. Ur. Edwards
Ilv«r U« ,.™i. .ttU MO IkUkI
»'<>“>• »"» T*VL0W■ ia always admired by hi* fellow- eitiEens. hat one who fall* fnnn
grace after being honored-is one of the nio*t^lamentable failures
waa adranead to his imaent iMsitkin
seven years'way.
possible under a rt-imhltcan fonn of pu-enuneiit. It is a matter of I From We4
Record.-Ekale.) CalT
At various Ume* Ur. CMwarM kw*
There were 3,hti8 tube of batter re­
• ooegratolation that there are hat rrry few men tat the judicial
No. 1 borse'tidu.............. (lAO aad «{
ade Traverae oty bis homo tor the
besehca today who are of the Arehhald type. A* a role-judge*
past twaaiy yaara aad la well known
firlee for eilra was (t and S( oeou.
Mria cooirto’«« of « high typo arid free front thj- taint of corruption., 3.T00 (WBCs of exsB were aniooded aad
ighout thU wUro ratmsn. He^s
(be contlnited cold wwatber made the MnskraU ..............................i...l39»fc sttad many oRlsw as nocratety or.
We'have alway* in stock a full line of
prieos eomewkai stoadlor aad 26 cenU Raccooas ...............................'....75cCM ireuarar and hvwU faa missed vary I
CoU Stonge Ptent Needed
40cO»U:1 In all ibCM rtretca. Mra. Bdwas qacied ter strictly froak. Bloraxe Skunks ...................
FMitf and SoBe^cs,
AH elaase* of i>eot>le engaged in growing and handliiif^rruit
lined at SO and S3 cents. Tbe re- Wink, darki......................./..^IS.SOMS.IW wards. who ten yewerday for LudlnxCfrBtey's Poottry Fo^ and ^tgatOlts,
wIU be mtaard as mark tn tbe
In this iniinediate Kcetion ais- taking kimllyilo the |dan of hulii^ing ealpis of iKMhtoc* were 47 mrs nsalaM Mink, imie 1....................... ‘T.'.ISJiOetAO
in prime condition. ^ ,
-« pold storage p^snt in Traverse fity Imrgt* enough to Uke care of 110 a week.aico. Mlimeaou. 43 lo 47 Wmsel. wNte....................... 1..25c«>0r many church office* that abe has asaoJox red ................................. |100C(EOO ctoted 'lieraUf wttk dorinc her ml(be fruit *ud pnaluce that would naturally be stored in a place of r»ms; Mirhbmn. 43 and 47 c«
Friz, gray .j...................... ,,..60e«»t0C denoa among the people la the etty.
Let OB fiend you booklets on each, irec for
wtsooBsln, 43 and 47 eanta.
(liii nature. .(» this i» rmr of the fs-e^gniE^-d fruit emter* of the
Prices apply only on printn ttoek.
Hr. Edward* wlU be aasoctettd with
Grand HapMa dsalqp *t« •iviaf S7
asking We pay postage by parcels post.
eOontry it is neciiwary that *te|m be taken at the eariiiwt ptsuihle aad 24 cents for extra trash «
. y>\ L.
UbBient to increase the faeilitie* for storing the prtKluct* of the Storaae are sk>w at 20 cents. Pouwho has been csiAlar In tbe IrodlngFound Now Ua* for WhlslDi- .
B^wW tm Whisky has bom fl» ton bank for a tnimber ot year*, and
are quoted at 45 cents, and Na
orehar^ and farms until favoraMe market tsindnious prevail for
ltd ^ a Bepor sd Tpoh. Stialts ke therefore doaa met » as an onUre
■afling. At the pnwent time all the guotl fniK is shipped out i«r)y 1 batter at 35 cents.
SotciemseU. The-man toomtlr Bound
Frier baadiwd 'bushels of wheat a etmsoty at ^ epMt irts hla oyas BtTaaaer tt tbe pewM Of that etty.
. in the faH, nod the profit* accruing from storing until price* ranw
Their raaideace wU be on Bowe
come In by rail and over 300 btubeAs ta ordir to taftame tMm. smd M
•re an Batgrcd by-DOtaide. parties who pnrehaaed the fruit
by team; a good nhliHBent ot book- •Me btm t» froenre • tnadMal order straeL aad It lx or-UtUrost to tnahy to
know that tbelr sext aeor aelslilMr
(lie )ne«) grower has bad to oontmt himaclf with whatever price wbsa: from WnUamsbnrB, aad tbe
tor a gMriba,




w;;-,t sr,"g i“X'Tg;.-.7.r.r;.7.=


The Markets


Local Madeets



Hie UtUe Wonder



Attention, Farmets!



^\^^en■a woman sufEering from some form of feminine
disorder is told that an operation is necessar)-, it of course
Irightcns her.
T '
The ver\- thought of the hospital operating table and the
surgeon’s Lnife strikes terror to her heart, and no wonder.
It is (juitc true that some of these troubles may reach a stage
where an operation is the only resource, but <thousands of
women have avoided the oecessitv of an operation by taking
L\dia K. Pinkham’s Vegetable ComjKiund. This fact is
attested by the grateful letters they wr^e to us after their
health has been restored.
• ^
Hirae Two Women Prove Our f3aim.
Cnrr. M»luo.--l it •.lutyl
C«r to *11 huffrriBS'rororn t«> t*-ll
uiiai l;ydi» HPiokh*m’»V,^'..tal.te
( umpouna did fur me. l>oe year
I found mywlf * terrible aiiffcrer.
I b*d pain* io*both aide* and auch s
toreni-si I could seareoly aUlipl
u My Wk
.e ftni ^
sU'cp. then i t

____________ 1 Dcrer would be *ny
iK'ltv until 1 sol-milted to an oper»• tiuo. 1 isimtnenccd taking bydi* I.
1‘inkhams WprtableCompound*nd
ta>m f.-lt like * new woman. I bad
n». j-artis. slept well, bad pk>d appetiU- and W1.S fat and could do almost

*11 my own work for * funily o(
four. 1 fcluJl *lw*}-s f«^l lh*l I owe
mr (sxid bnlth to rour tDetlirine.’'
k IUtwaku Sowed*. Cary, Me.
Charlotte. S'. C~-I was in bad
health for two years, with paint in
botli aide* and was eery nerrefu*. If
1 even lifted a chair U would cause
a hrmorrbafre. I hada^TOWtbwbieh
the diwtor said was a tumor aod I
neeer would pet well unless I had
an operaUon. A friend adrlsed me
to Uke l.ydls £. Pinkham's Vegeta­
ble Compound. and 1 frlsdlr say that
I am ntfw eh>3.v>up £ne health aad
am the mother of a nice baby girl.
You can u*e Uds letter to help other
'sufferiDC wotnen."—Mrs. Ku*a iitMS,
l«i Wyons bU. Cliarloltc. N. C

Kinv answer this (question if you can. \\’hy should a wo­
man Mibmit to a surgical operation without first giving Lydia
K. 1‘inkham’s Vegetable Compound a trial ? You know that
k has saved many others—why should itiail in your case?
For.'Ml t-ear* I.ydia r, Plnlcbnm's VeRPUble /SjS
Coiupound lilts lM^en ilie Muiidanl pomedyfopfe- *7)|l/
11I.-IIC Ills. No one sick with wottutn’a alloients Wf
U.M-* jiixtloclolierseU If %hodo«i not try this frtnx-u- medicine niad« from roots and herbs, it
iiiis rcMopedsomauy
oredKomauy suffertngwonientohenU:
le to LVmi E-PlSKBl'M MEDICI5F PO.
I.V>X. MAKS., foradvicc.
i t'flXl

*.„•./ ........
Vour letter will
win !«e
orw-mii, n-iwl nnd/aniweroo
■ 1^} u womitn unyl held in Strict confldencf

u»ed In all tbMe bouse*. Par­
ticular aitentioti vDI be siren to the
raising of netanlnni*. and U wai
tnnated they will bare 10,000 plants
ci-twinn rery ehortly. The tomato
yltolt wilt be raised In larfK ennusb
..dsnUlief to supply a im-at demand.
Ten tbpiiaand of these will be ready
when ttey^are needed In the rprinir.
Them are rl« people kept at work

F. M. Paifw
P.rM. Paine has made a number of
cry Itn^rtant addKloet to his ireenbouse/ lids year. He has replaced dl
bis benebos' with , those made o< cypreas. th'- beet knowo wood for such
work. Mr. Paine pays paitlcnlar attenllofi to potted and flowerina plants,
aad there Js hardly a «ell known
rarlety that can not be found h -re
Mr. Paine besan from a small besi.i
Dint a nnmber of years afo and bat
arowD until DOW he is known all
this reaion.
It has been demoosiraied lime and
aaalii durlOR ihc .past year that there
Is really, no need to send to the oa>>
side floHaia fwr flowers for any
caslon. ao matter how areet the de­
mand may be. everythlna f»n be for
nlsbed rlaht at home in the most sat
lafaitory manner. This, speaks well
for Triaverae City's ability to take cart
of all the home demands. And It
arried Is
line Is not ihe onfy one that «mj sup­
ply all the reguIrvinentB. and so up­
hold the ' irade at home idea.”

CEDAR R. F. O. NO. 2.

Cedar, Jan. 3l.—Lagrippe and bad
coM* are prevalent.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur laulner drove
through to Travernc Clly Saturday.
W, O. Uickernian la busy gettiug i
•W.. j. Chase started hi* saw n
'last »
u.-ek abd I* running full time
John Kergiison and J. Krankfather
are on the log haul fur Kentietly &
.\fr Betelhelniec has returned, from
a v-hort visit in Ohio. ‘

Mr*. Krankfather U In Plini, where
she wt* called tb the iM-dsl-le of her
mother, a hn U ard ex|M>cled to live.
"There is no place like home." Ijinm
ard Harrington and ramlly are again
settled on ibelr oia place. We «<d
come them back.
Ijiniber canj|« In this vldnity have
resuRiM rutting logs and hauling logs
to their desUnatlo/T
Mis* \'lol* Miser return^ to Trav
City after a week here with fela
ImprcvementF W'hich Show the Steady Pfogrew erae
That U Being Made Toward a BusUieia
Joe Herman I* supplying Cork *
and 'Reflidence Center*
c*n-|. with stbvewooc.
T. W, OcKJd has Just deliver^ iwcn
cords of good seasoned wood at the
(B, H. 8. HOLLEY.)
Clearlirook school.
O. Claypool is a-Arklng at Chase's
The liaseineot of the store building
Nash A Ehrenberger
-r .igo Xat’i & l;!;r-.ibcr? s used for the stock of orerconts
t'has. 1/K-ffler. Toney Odoi and Ixiuls
.—;:lt i!hbuslbPSS o
K Tiirbv-r. J.aur on thepuu:..-,-;.-.d the store bulldins and las- JMy aiwlMrf. TH. I. . wni-!,..unar,br.HT 1,.
li.:nr» rii,-;. Umshl the lot on ir. .ddiilon to- the
tbo >n,i0CM
buildiDs. of, wbo lives
<«n»-r-.f M.,; ! - uii-l l-V.-,:il sireei* an. ‘Vest Frontt stofeL
Ruihsrdl Siding. Is ver>' low with
to that r
Skating Rink and Iagrl|i|>e. Her daugh.
t tuSuda
A building that has attracted
ter from Indlapa I* exfiecied today.
il.-- • tiiirc liulldms und a good cemrn- (ood deal of attention from a large
Will Clark sawed wood for Mr*.
floor. There wun furnace nom bull' wrtlon of the people la the roller ItsliiMock last week.
hmt a good bial.n: plant put In. Tbi skating rink
John and Prank Horan.
].a(er—Mrs. Sbtotlrr. a pioneer of
:*.Dr of the store l-iiil.liiuc v-ai furthei These gcnllemen came here frm I-ud-' thl* county, patsed a«ay at her home
ii.-provcd and the
i:iud up.
ingtoD about
year ago «nd liking Monday ■morning about 9 o'clock
They built a c«iii-hi i K-ik bom. 2^ Traverse CUy. decided to locate here Death lame ca»y. ju»t going to sleep,
with a good I•as.>nlln1. Tbei permanently, and to that end l«*sed One »on. .Nelson, and daughter. Bertha,
■ate- they disposed of their i. sms ui (hi* property, ahere they erected the are thv only children who *unlve.
- waKi-ii* and are now u*inE It ita n -Ink building. They have a five-year
isirag--. It la nicely lighted ujlii elec lease of the ground with the prlti ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

lege ot purcbaslngr The building Is «
TJxie.'.. o
and whll.- It wa# not lathed and plasWilliamsburg. Jan. 13.—Mr^ and
E. Stanley A 8e«
U-ri-d when first ererted. it has lately Sir* K U McDermoll left S*turd*y
.Anoiter firm »bo believes tn Im had tl(li dene, and I* «* aubstantUI night for K*lk*»kA where Mrs, Me]-rOi«-m»nu is K. Stanley aiid Son % Iriilt akaiing rink as there to In^ Dermott will remain for a lime with
Mr. Sumley sold out bl* rtim; this |iart of the state. This has meant her iiarent* while l<ewla will go to
cry 8»>ick to -N'aah & Ehrenbergor. he the Inreslmont of'over $4,000. Other .Mnnlying to work.
e dry goods, shoes and do
The new saw- mill Bear the depot to
Improveiiu-ni* are planned as faat
DC the east side of the bnl
In ruDDlDg order now and baa begun
the necetslilea require.
i iliia room not being large
Oueen City Floral Co.
eoou b he bought the lot inst west
David Rolfe bars aertou* attack of
Three year* ugo the Queen CHy
.h A- I'brenberger'a piesenl locu. nonil ftmipany was orpinlxed and eryfcipelaa,
' rented a floe cement block
Eugene King of Ypallanli la visiting
greenhouw. ITxlCS built Just
stori l-nilditig. Tbit is 24xT2. tws nonh of the .Anderson rndeitaklng his brother. William, called by the lat­
florllf* l.ish with
Company's present huiidiug. Every. ter'* nines*.
has fitted (be rmr of the i
Mr*. Orllif Pray of Mabel apent a
Uing wa* made a* upKodate as poiI ing i-urposes and ,4iaa a rory ■ible. By atriqt attention
lilt*, o' rmnu.. The upper ■
baainesB the <x>inpany prospered, Last
!li-4l for fanillbn and. the four year they wanted more space and so
uoiiis over bU living rooms are ths apace ten feet wide bet-■ own fatuily. There Is also an
and )he original building
>n hi tbo rear of the building. was enclosed. Thl* nia^<- - an addl_ i* ikk ■$**!* Mi grist el 6M^
V liidi Th used for ^laundry and kmal rtjom of lOxir-o feet for potted
pUnt* and surplus stock. This season,
realhdng that the.v nmst have m&re
rootn'. Mm cbmpany utilised the spaiA
directly bartt'of the undertaking.rooms
<-ctaB Pf
|.f M't-mlM.l arc
arV oBirklv
qoirk'lv fel
frtt^lll^ and Inclnded it In the long, narrow
arh.. Uht umaistm, »i.-,*tie* 'and othts house, making II 20x90 feet, and still
1*“ yeXT erected an entirely
u,|, jjj,, building.
.-axiio feet SO that now they have
Oif ciulre M covered by theaoThi
-ri-'jihousea. The last house will
■•voied exclusively to potted plants,
ti c r. of tomalo plaots aod ge^
i nlur.iu. The mAdle house for carna­
tion* and clirr-saBthcmonis. while the
first house wlH be for the balance of:
the flowers that are grown. The oar-'
nation houee' has all onnerete bennhes.}
fCMKbt. Crwp. traaeUttsI ahlch is one of the Isteal Ideas and|

■ makes them pracUeally erertastlng.

■ j
There to a hot water system through.
El Dxm h uwatecc co.. nee Tsa. J ouL and the latest )de«s in venilU-!
tlon. There to over *.000 sqokre feet.




The Price of Beef


while It is as 9>od a* It now <.u iloitrdman Jake, but the watt tiaUl the ta]
Wrttm Dr. Kartfreeses.
maa Abrnt
(From Wednesday's Record-Eagle
ap< pew
On Monday evening (be apnai
renting took place at tpee Vc
s grwatlT I
lional church. The Uital amount raised
rated la ye
— that occasloo was 3IJ!:iI.<.0. whk*
will probably be fnrtber Incrtwsed th
serious dlsraar some extent.
of the kidney*
fbe deecrlpUon

A Sek Man

iraln lor tbe
•tale OB Friday morning -in re»-|-on*e
10 a telegram giving thetn ioformatlon ot the death of Mrs. Boughton'x
wmuld cure me alsa 1 am los- lather at Owosso.
tog flesh rapidly and the doctors say
1 have ercTT nymptem of Bright’s
What has become of'tbe aparraws?
disease of tbs kidneys. If yim '' ' Not a great many weeks, ago the
1 would be bendlted by Pemna
certalnlg-Uy some as the doctors have sireeU were noisy aiih the little black
prai-ttcalty gin
coated feathered nuisance*, anil iw*
they did him.''
It a chirp is to be beard or a ti>arIn reply 1 wUb to say. first that 1
-w seen. Where have ihfey gone?
never make wny promisee as to what
• • .a
Pi-mna will cure. Ko physician can
By tbe big new advertiseiDeui on
make poaltlve aUtemenU of that sort
1 can Bay this. much, however. If I thl* page. It will be seen that Mannab.
were In yont- place 1 should certainly
give Peruna a trtaL 1 know of no I.*y A Co. are ge tting ready lo make
other remedy that would be so likely a change from the oU store which
to be of use to you In you
they have occupied ao lung, to Ihelr
condition as l-«runa. Take .
magulflcent new block, which I*
Bpocdful before each meal and at bed­
time. Continue this for two or three ly rompleie<i.
weeks and then If there Is'anything
you wish to ask me further write rrve
C. J. .Miller, nephew of David Miller,
and 1 win give pour letter prompt at- aod P. \V. Puller, whose sUter'is the
wlfrof Maraball Miller, have Iwen vit“SIT
lilDg at Miller’s HUI. Leelanau rounty.
and tell yon so. for I would not have
wo or tbree weeks pa*L and re­
yon uke PcruiMv nnlgss it was really
helping you. But It has rescued eo turned borne a few days ago. They
many cases of kidney disease that 1 ex]-re*s raueh |ilea*ure with their visit
am uulte confldrnt you will And It ex- and tbe country, and think so well of
arlly suited to your ea
what they bare seen here that It to
Kidney disease begtn* with catarrh
of the kidney* Pemns U a caurrta eiilte probable they will return and
remedy. L'niess the destruction of the Ix-come clilrens of Grand Traverse.
kidneys to already too great Peruna
relieve* the catarrh and the cause of
Traverae Grange .No. 279 recently
the kidney disease to removed.
I shall anxloBsly await a report of inktalled the follewtng officer* for the
r lSh3: Master. S. H. Hyde; over
your case. Itemember. all letters are
sacredly eenfldenitaL 1 never use
A. I). AIcHae; lecturer. Mr*. A. R
oae’a name or address without
McRae; atew-ard. Perry Gardner; a*,
written eensent My eorreepondenca
steward, 31. R. Thors: clmito absolutely private. PERUNA 18
FOB BALE AT ALL DRUG STORES. lain, .Mrs. Mary Brown: treasurer.
Wm. Rennie: secretary.' F. Ho|-|>er:
gatekeeper. Benjiman Hopper: Po
a. Mrs.*Mary filuyter; Flora.‘Mlir
Minnie Peart: Ceres, Mrs, F. Hopper;
tody assistant steward. Mrs. Perry
• 1«13.
•ouple of da>s|lierc wlib Mr*. G. C.
I'ray lam week;
Mrs. Prank inaHoM aod two chlldreo of Sutton^ Bay siwnt Sunday
huip. called by jhe death of her grasdmoiher. Mr*. Ckihlioe Tajlor.
R. I. Clow
Sunday In Central
Fred Winnie^m* from Meaiak Fri­
day to auend the funml of hi* graodnotber. Mrs.
Rer. Beoedl
is helping Rer. Eley
with retini leejiAg* at Acme thl*
Geo. Anold fost a Taloable bone
last week.

leavlug Its den In cold weather and
deep snow. Tbe anlrngl weighed about
net f*« aid
tS Ewk. MiIbc.
22v pound*.
ii»SBd bwMn aTaUpus *i4 temsu

_ »SE iUlEI'S FIlOT-fASt.

“ if51sn£.’;SSSi£.-S'T'

New 1'ork. u. IS.—Another St^ la
ihc meivt-ment for greater ^ety *t
wbkh owes Its origin to the intesUgaiKn that followed the 'HtanS
disBBti r. was tak'ca ttrtny, when
change ibo route
travel brtwtcn America and Europe
was put Into effect by all'of tbe irant.itlantlc strotasbiF lines. Begindins
whb this date It has been '.grccd that
all of the ihlps shall follow a
bout t-ti miles to the south cf
roaslngs beririoforr tis-.-d at /bis time
It year. It to expected that the vesee4s will thus escape the/dangerous
l<'et«iTS thst are diet with so
qaenily on the norttu-ra route durteg
the spring months. By the change
the passengers c.lso will avoid mu'h
due to <^d ^nd ht-ayy
further nyrth.


W. D. Puller cf f^waygo baa beeh
aimolDted State oa-amp land roadgxunkmer, and tbe leader of tbe fnslon
foraea of Trtftrerae City I*
Hob. 8. C. lloCat
loCat left Monday a
Ing for Detr^ ax
the 'Traverae fcity chapter R.
at the’ Bwetlug of the Stale Cno’f
Chapter thU grertc.


It neglect your cold. It mey develop into
la, pleurisy, congestion, consu i pUon and
deetK When you catch cold “catch” your cold in
time to overtake iL You con quickly relieve your
cold if you take the right kind of medicine in time.
Rememher, we use enfy pure, fresh drugs end
BO your preacriptions exactly es prescribed by
Come to OUR Drag $tore.
219 E. Front St.

Both Phones 739

15 Days’ Sale

'Rev. Hr; Mber baa been ibaent
Uilb weak In'attendaoce at the 21at
annual meetiag of the G rand Truverae
f'ongreeaUeoal oooference held


CoBif in and nee the gwnU and price*.
Don't buy uiiJwB it auilK you.

•me of the far weeing hnneh think
ould be »t good plan to bmrrett

examination, advice and all :
n-quirtj to comi-leie a cure,
Tbese aiieciallsto win dlagjmv ,-uur case and give you (be bene: ot their (kill and medical knowl1-- tree.
There is in this cate no expertat your exvbeiber you
ran be cured or noL If your case to
curable they will pot you under ir»tment lmmed!*t.-lr; if |n< irable they
will give you much advice
may molong your life. Their treat
ai alwayx
gives quick relief, and ultimately
lllvely cafe*. Being p.-epared lo
with each individual

Steele A Tilu* have aoM for Samuel
M. Drown his taouee and double I
CQ Eighth aUeeL opposite the high
school ballding. to John P. Newbouae

Deepwater prtnt property in Bast
Bay- towsahlnr ccualatiBg of about S40
Bcrea. and has slnee sold about 100
a to Hra.^'BegleaW.

o! our community.'

Rtad This Qneftdlj.
Visiting Specialijts

Park Place Hotel
Wtdtttsday, Jan. 22

(Fran Tue^y's Record-Eagle.
J. T. Beadle hnd wife are In Detroit
this week.

Dr. J. A. Bi^th. who ha* been
fined to the bouae fw some time with
paralysis of 4e leca. la much better
and will Mon be able to be- about

is heie bielied T^'the

Sick and Sufftring

Trmtnt Gly, Mkh.

Taken from Grand Traycrae Herald of
Thirty Years Ago

Dr. W.-D. Stanton, who has been
(onflned to the bouse by a stroke of
paralysis for two or .three w eeks, is
eo-mudi beiu^ that be to out a^a.


OF ciBEuiB. cne

Oldra Times

The lltlle baj- boat* still steam hack
and forth aergas the bay their o*n


Mrs. Will Smith of r^iiac it vis
from (be
llicig relative* io the nel^horhood.
Winnie Ritter is quite sick at hi*
Nmie. It Is feared'that be has typhoid
Alk-e Sours left last weekTo take
a three months’ course at Me. Plew*.
will pay their first visit to
Mr. aod Mrs. liouto rorry drove- u
Traverae CRy Saturday.
Furry Is
lit at bis home there.
and wilfbe at the
Colin ‘Munro and wife apent FridA
In North Milton.
On Wednefdny. Jan. S, occurred the
wedding of Rena Munro of this pla'-iand -Loren Roberiaon of HesperU.
The -bride wore a gown of white silk
Tell yo jr sick frienus.
and carried pink i;fse*. The wedding
'uuk place at tbe borne of tbe bride's
Isti-r. ilr*. T. J. earns, of Travers"
'tty. and was attended by only the
8 a. m. to 6 p. m.
Immediate relatiree of the. bride and'
troom. A luncheon was served, after
vhicb the happy conple left on a abort
redding trip lo Grand Rapids.
Vincent GoS brought lo a bear Sat
John Madison left tor bto heme In
Tbtojomiiote. coniOKed of a ffrAup
unlay to Hfe t.ake which be had shot Ningsley Saturday. He uuglit the of r^larly gra<lusied t^yslctaus aod
licegM-d. legally aw
In the twani|i three or four mile* ■.raromar dcpaniDcut of our school
nerth of town; Tbto 'la a rather rw' 'ast week dpHug the illness of hi*
table clrcuraataoce. as old butiiMster. Ellen Madison.
say- they have seldom known of a b<
troduce the Dew-exi mt-ihodi aod dtoJan. IS.
rorerlv* In medk-ine and surgerv. such
under X

Echoes From The

Seven or elMbt Inchra of snow feR
yesterday in the sfterDooii.

Bpaahtog From Egperieneu.'
*Too know, my dear boy." eald *
armpathlxlng friend to a man in trou­
ble. "that we really gain by our trial*
IB tife.~ "Thst depends altogether
on the kind of lawyer you get to condurt them." said the auBerer.

for .ita-s /odd. and
wbicli It *-ould >e folly to depend npon ary longer, 1 -r they
y are
at not known
to rare, as tb<
. dvpeadlng
blowing list
of diseai
ment. to-wlt: lllSBOsns of th" Ner­
vous System Heart. Stomach. 1
uuue,. Catanh.
twieini. ,pun
(purulent or dry).
ioDsumpilon. Epilepsy.________ J. Dts**e* of Women. Tniimort. Psoodo
Csncera, Pflee, of a Chraalc Katnre
only. 1 bey treat Ifeainee* by an en­
tirely new method, and hecrlng in
cases 1* restored at once. Can all
llsrttotroataieni. I* cured
remain so and to never return. It
matters not whom you have seen, or
s iib whom treated, do not tail to call.
. a visit will cost you notUng. and
may restore you to beaUh. or even
prolong your life, as thousands of persons
teitlfy by un....................................
In all port* of
tbe country. If yon suapeet Kidney
bring a two ounce bottle of
your Urine for chemical ami mlcroaeorleal analysis.
RB3IEHBER—Tbe free offer U dnrs visit only, an/ wilT net be re-'
Persons coBunendng Ireatipon their fnture vtolts will be
d to pay. but not one cent will
be naked from tboee commenclnc.
treatment during this visit for any
medicine necessary to effect a cure,
dtJoD in lUe.
wbo COBM on
above date. tVbensoever. or by whom
' a positive guarantee to cure
given under their system of
treatment. Those having long stand­
ing and complicated disease, wbo
have tailed to get well and boeome
discouraged, are rarticulariy InvUad
their HUSBANDe. a


and direct man­
ner. and improvement la noticed ai
cTice: even tbe worst cases are trmivd without any Inconvenience .to tbe
liaileci or the i-ursulng ol bto or her
dally vocation.
if you are iai|>rovlag under your
family physician, do sot come and
take up their valuable lime, as tbey
abeoluiely refuse to treat any one wbo
to under tbe care of tbe local pbraldan*. They wish besides to give
(xch patient plenty of time and their
undivided attention, but can not Usten to long elortes not pertaining to
trouble. They have discarded

OiU. Phone 945

Dittfd to e<
muled by o
c ne of their local



A fanners' institute was held at the
Iratiee hall last week, conducted by
: O. J-add of Old Missliin. Uileri>s.-Dg talks weie gi'en ou Oie ■ahft'rt*
of fruit raising, dairying and alWfa
alner i>ia>ed the (Ul»r. cttlture.
Jan. 14.
and liivn c^ea
c^e and coflcc sere nt-rvi-d.
Walla 01e Fish and Ralph Hler.^OOOt HARpOR.
rra««r>>' Hty
•*eci to Tra»«r>«'
Hi. Saturday. Mr
Haul KlUy started for lleiroll this
Vi: b Vad some donuJ s-ork'done. .
Mrs. MoManps. Mrt. «*h and Mr»,
IL Kupka expects to .open a shoe rcTyler BiKDded the prange feast
l«lr-shop in-tbe near futare.
Roy Gibson U flgurlug on golhg bj.
(here being a public Inrdallatlon of ofCbbaito soon.
- 1.0U1S Johusoq has gone 1 Grand.
MIsa Dalsell WMt home Frida', Rapids for the wlmervinln* lu attend the tnaehers' Inrtl-'
Ulg Job* Bash and Herman Kropp
tcic-at Traverse rify the llth.
ha>e gone to the tenth .Manltpu Isl­
Mr. and -Mrs. Ikl Cronkhlle «rklngi and, where Ihe.*^ etpeci 10 pul In a few
ley ^-all^ ou -Mr. Tyler's jieoiJe last moaths' tabor at proQuble wages.
week and took supi^ with Mr. and
SnauHoB Itros. expect to do som^
Mrs. Clark Samson.
lumDeriug this wintet. . O. V. Holmes Js ex|>eo(iBg hla htothOur. ashonnen hare'hnag up iheir
ovts.uoill next sprtoh
Jan. U.
The holiday's are over .and out
teacher. Miss J’.-atl ThorvihUrg bos
IS got
Wd of that nilar again.
My rul I-aiph fcl| from the beam In
Tbe iiotaio busines* la quiet her*
tlio barn lasi'week ami 'broke his arm. at pn-seni; '"Xoihlng doing" tbe buy­
11. A. aud John Slarrow are hauling
logs t^ town fpt Herxle Mason.
IE. jit. Reynolds shl|>tn<d a large
T!Uaniiiy.of seasoned wood last week.
Vc Helping Hand .elub met wlib
.virs. G. E. Ualdwiji Ts suflv
Mn. f^barlus Hamniond Thursday.
nn etiark of Ufe grip.
Jctforauii IJndgy and wife have
Mis* Uoroil.y RayTior of Honor re­ ■noted Into tfapir new- bouac.
turned to her home there'Monday rftTheodqrc Sherman retarned frixn
er a visit with the llaldwin family.
South Iloardnuiu lort nighll
. (
Friiiik R-ynblds ond Heelor Mi-Miu Martha Hiay I* vlatUnx rchtlean wi re In Travetwe City on busl- llrea at Boyne City this week.
ntsf Mittiday.
IVatoftice lnsi>ccioi A. J, Nllcs Was
(Irandma Wurdt-n Is quite fclik at hfrt' i:n 4ay last week.
tbe linnie of her K>b Claude Worden.
Ora Hlawn. who has been on
rlrk Dat. is around again,
Uco. I.lndsey tind wlfu of Williaiusburii visited relallvcs Ixeri- teturdav.
lifiun Slian- has .iiioied into Mik.
Ili-len.Cli-adenlng’b house.
School ConunlMloner Ixx- llornsbv
«i*il>-d the ailiootf bcB- 1a*t w'lw'tc.
('lurics Il.Thcti ©r Travenu. Cily
iis » c.iller lirre a few'daVH ago.
Mrs. Fielding Watann. who hoa l»p-n
n ihe silk llsl. Is much improved.
Jan. H.

Grancl Traverse jRegipn
Mr*, ^nmh# Kelmc »-m rMilns
City Sund^-.
Mra. UoM«D of Omva 4s vUIttoR
WiUi Mrs. TovitMin.
Kr««*t Tonaon rA^nu-d bi^nie
Mmdav'kfVrCi t«o «e«K 'UU vitli
W* ftwi la Gr*r«.
SrtKw) twcM Moaday alter a tliree
«e«k:.' varailua.
Mrc. Myrtle Green Si rei»r.ed ssyk
atlh <bc crtppe.
Mia Say l« rMtinK her trnutdmoihor. Mr*. WlUtoms.
Vic tawetlMM at the Hire churrh
viU ol»ae ItVIdny creDiDh. -Much rood
hu been done. Tso hi»e taken their
iUHuT (ur truth and ritthl.
Jaa. H.
Quito a number of friiu.U ard*
neighbors gathered at the home of
Mr. and lira. Georee Yatoi Januarr
«h. It lK:lpt-.Mr. Yato*- 4uih birthday
llrr. Joslin- and her-sister renderid
some very nloe mnsSe on the Ktiitar.
All preteni had a pleasant time, at.d
the toaeher. Jtlso Dalzetl rare soc.e
Tory nlee rerliations whiih were on
Joyed by all. Mrs. Elme r Hirn-c sunr
• tTry'pFetty eong. After the sip :inr all enjoyed tbetnsehvs eating !•<•;'oora and wn'los. Cake and <-«fToe
were rerved. All prraenl had a good
daiii'arr a anrprtse party was
a' the homo of -Mr', and .Mrs. Wil­
liam Saxton. II being . Mrs., Saxton's

therefoTC bigfn Mtrt>' totrach It; ft Is
bIk) a matter of .keenness and care,
therefore, iosin. at all times and tn
*1!*. on good, legible, careful
handwriting- Thi-se two principles
sw-m to me to lie at the root of tbe
question of tearhlnp this sobjeci."
UeadmUtress l-sdles School.
I know Amecics is capable of t
thing she un JcrlaV.-» with spirit and
Vigor. "Hrave^ in distress, aerene In
cbhracterlstic —AMna Adams.
1’. |•artn>ont of ihe Interior
V. St. I-aml OSk'e ai Marqneite. Mh hl-

Persons seeking a place of safety for
tbeir money, will profit by depoaiting
their funds with this stiong..reliable
Our ample capital, superior service
and our-successful reco.i^ for the past
fifty-six years ail speak for safety in
the care ef your funds.
Interest paid on Time Deposits.

January 9. I!*K
Notice Is hereby given that
JOITV of Trs'erw! CH>. Mlchlgaji
May rs. l!*oa. made horn


year pioof. to esrsbllsh eUilm t

l of lirand IVn'
>nntv. SI Traverse rity. Mi,hi1 the 2.'
nani re
Gi'orge Vonderti|>. of Traverte City.
R. No. 4; GHrge
- ck. ot

Safety for Deposits always our First

Thiodor,- Hogeiw. of Maytield, MirhP

jar 10.:<i, fci> r., i?.

^01^ THU^AY, 3^. 16.19U

Kingsley Department
ConOaeted by ^Um EUd* Wall. '
Tbt people of Kingiley ud tbe gorroundiiig
intei'^tea io this

MiT^ Vo»b--ii'S rwurm-d to,
-ami luplds
lidds Monday.
Mr., and Mrs. Higbea rcturaod to
in^l^ Wednesday.
Mary Dtunpu* is ci>eoiling ihc
with her aiaier. Mrs. Ruth
Wyrk tiL.
>Tkoff i» In Traverse City roeeV
l6 Iba.hoaril of eupcriisop?.
yila MIoniv Sorgem is on tW slrk
Jim land Opal Pollard arc <
Ifk Ifci.
Chai.,Wood trexumeU liis duties at
the iifil ntri-ci M-huoi, Monday.
l.-ailtUon and wife arc vlsiipraCier for n few day*, ami
going to Montana,
when-iihoy expect to make their fii-

Another Lot of

OJ m
y JeJv

COATS, worth $24.00; 6oW priced



COATS with larfe shawl coUni*. satin

eo AA

LADIES'PLUSH COATS with large shawl ooUa^witl/l^iuknns
satin lining, were $22A0 at.......... .................................|...............

(1A CO


FoUr Lots, worth up to

TrwvWM aiy; Hleb.


For Ladles
fustaiile Kobeapierre collar and
Ihe detachable tarn-over collar.
BoU with turn-back cuffs. W« rold

count of (be ararclty of (he mate­
rial. W« now hare plenty of all
sixe*. If you do not wait too femg.
Same epecial prlco as
before .............

629A0, 6*600, ele^ up to 64DJOO, ire-now'priced at...i.............
LADIES’ PSE6IAN LAMB GOATS with beautiful Urge adJnstable ehawl ooUars; the Aiest textile gsnnenU made; interlined, and Uhed with Bkinnen best atin lining, worth $50.00;
C dfl fin
oiir spedal price $»«», are now on^---- '............ ......»y VavV
‘1' ^ _


Grey Flapnel


LADIES’ PLUSH COATS with laive shawl oolUn; were $12.60


day*, went to Vaasar Wednraday.
where he will Join faU wile and visit
friends for a short time before return­
ing to his work at Detroit.
Miss Trace kichondorY of Traverse
nty vl*iteil her brother. John. Tueadiy and Wednesday.
IMdI Boske.v cf Blackman entered
the Kingsley school Monday.
.Mrs. Herb Haesllp 1* III wiib-tbe bgrippe.
The farmers’ institnte will b« held
at the township hall aU-day Wednes­
day. Jan. l.Hh.
Mrs. Otto Sioykc. who with her un­
cle/ Horatio Payne, has been vhlllnf
friend* In .Milan. Toledo. Detroit ana
^ItKlaor Ihe past three iei ks. leluraed to her home here 8aturda.v.
q. 13.


LADIES' PONT CLOTH COATS, with 1sr«e Ebawl coll^ and
qnUled latin lining,.worth 628.50. it..;.........................V -T!.........

^ TMt

:nclu«lfno C«

WyrkoB had a tcleidioiie |iui
In his^chldcni-e this w«-k.
Mrs. R. MUchcU of Peloskey U tis
■John Tobias had. the' irlsforfling relatives and friends in this
sprain her ankle quite badly.
I)e«|y‘ Sloirt) I* qnlie *irk
Henij Bimrlibg of Traverge Ciiy
waa a lailler in tbia vidnlty last wort:
.Mir.lEli Howell ri lurtieil from TravMlaa Nellie Gray has been quite 111
ciiy Thunulay. where ahe has
tbe grip, but is soiDC beuer at
,[ *l,.9
ring ff.r
for 1,M*
her jlnilpllC^r
this WTiUng.,
« .scollle Gray Is on titc sleji li-t
•Mrs. Will Gray, who haa been quite
I Care made a business .trip to
111 with pleurisy, is now able to la1 Mondny.
up and aroiiml again.
lid Mrs.-Kilwln Cimuflv were
Mrs. Jasper l.ydell called on he>
f City Tue: day .®nd Wedmother Riiiiday afternoon.
Mrv. Wank Anderson of Cadilbc Is
Kthel lUrk-mao returned
mdiiig a few- days with her tnoUiiT
her l icl at ^Urawn alter enjoying
». *l.ewls* flark.
‘ks* vacation with her patents
dlss Emma
Beck b worUng for
s. Ruby Nelson.
Clark, an Instrui^ior In the Mrs.
kfrs. Wm. Nelson of Kingsby Is
tool at Noriiiport^ who was a
hit biotbiT. A. H.'CUrk. dur- staying with her daughter. Addle .Setbnlldnys. relnrupd to bis work son.’ for a few weeks. Mrs. Nelson
it quite poorly thlaWwInter.
Air. and Mrs. Kicbanf Sparling were
Ellen M.vdlson. who Is idachilusnl at hJlk Raiddf. was taken 111 railed hoine from AHw Saturday on
while b me on her fhrUtmas varatlon account of the death of tbe^ former's
Mrs. Joseph Sparilng.
unal'le to reiiirh to school
Mr. Md Mrs Isaac Newmorc
hriklrer. .lohn. weal to'JHk Raph!« anSiw-ill fill h-r t*-*Illon until she called on the biter's tuwher. Mri
I-euis risrk. who has been quite 111
is .-ilde |o re sume It.
for the pan week or so.
NHs* iWiiiDie Rinl hvi rertirnr.l
Inrirncier of v%|c-e rul }
her dot
were saddened to learn of
the pablir schools
her death, which occurred Saturday
uTtloJ Marie Oreenmun, who has inornlng at the home of her son. C
l>een the guest of (rieiuls here, haa re­ vb Sparling. Funeral services wi
turned to her home At Traverse f'liy. held at U>? Sparling school hous-Mrs- ^has Hoellin returned from Monday afternoon, conducted by Bro*.
Traverv-i Oily F.vturdar. where she Hall and Thurston. Interment
has beef asslrllng during the Illness' Evergreen cemetery. Grandma was
of tbe oldest settlers In this aeiof her daughter. Mrs. Ray Hftckman.
.Mr. TVlIeon. Kr, who ha* been'the tlon. having come
atest of- hU son. Frank, SI Traverse eouDiy fccni Oanida 43 years sgi>
City Hie|iia*Lfew day*, rclurnojl'honie and with her husband taking ap a
d Id the then w ildernesa. The
elatlves hare the sympathy
Mis. Frank Apderson of Oadlllac 1*
a guest 1st the home of.^ her tnother.
Jan. 14.
Mr*. Is^b Olnrk, who is 111 with the
Abraham Lincoln's Pita.
, Mrs. < r. Weaver U
Both read the same mble and pray
heir farm beli'lng to esre tor
to tbe same God; and each Inrokos
jind wife, who are ill.
hit aid against the other. I,etEarl M, Hayes..who
Haye*..who has been vBJi- Judge not that we be not Judged.—
ng bis brother, Ben. the past few Abraham JJncoIn.

Fw storm collars, wcqtb 67.60, at...... .............. i.. ...............

al $3.95, 95.95
S6.95 and $9



who bu ch^ of the PepattmeDt.—ESitor


Ladies’ Qolta Coafs


sywrd B. Conwim*




change,." pnbUc hnprprti
eoatemplated,--smlea of real t
done or cootempl-----

loventory Caases Great PrIce-BreAkfe In






AM Our other WAISTS and SHIRTS
, era (Mnfl New .at CUT PRICES
Some that wera tlJS and |l.l>0
ai« now SSc; some tltst wem S3-&0
sad 16.00 are 11.45;' eotne that
were 12-SO sod 12.75 are ft.^;
Bonie timt were 13.75 and 45.00 are
S2as; eome that were ft.DO and
.47.50 aro SMSi olhera
R Qg
up VO 37.6^ are ................

Fife Lake Department
-Coadacted by Mlu Mae Dewey.
We want to make this Department of the
gTRS^est possible valne to all concerned and to
&ls end request that ail
general interest be sent to Hisi
tneorporatad la tbe D^wrWnenL We especially
ask that churches, fnterBal societies and the
.Orange furnish itemi ot interest in their resp:^
organi^oxevents and
euteitainmfmts, fanprovementi being made or con­
templated, and bttsinen changes and transfers in '
tftate in town and country are espedally
acceptable. The above apjdies not only to the
of pffe Lake, bvt to the surrounding
y.—Editor Herald.
Kenneth 4-aBsr has been ap|iolate>l
deputy for O. 1- Boynton on the R. F.
I.-. No. 2.
Win. Wells has just received tlW.M
peusiup train the British gomnnient
for ixervices rendered from 187u to
Wid Wllmot Js very iU at preseaL
lib health haa been talUng for some
Miss Eva Wells returned to Fort
Wayne, Ind.. Saturday, after a week's
'Iiii with her iisrenls, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Wells.
Mr*. E.
.-Stroud. rMurne<l Wednesday from a
visit with relativiw In Hldgevll'le. O.
.Mrs. r. H. Thorne Is very ill gl lb«
hmne of her son. A. T. Thorne. Tn Un­
Frank Reaves and Walter Dowen
went .to Charies,
wm Clark of Fnlon had the mltforto lo*e cnc of hU horse* la«
Joe Myera rtaited Us daughter at
Acme a tew days tbe latter part of
(he week.
H. L. iMBar has purchased a new
farm loam.
Fred Thorne of Traverse 'City viaRed hia moiber. Air*. C. H. Tbotiie,
on Sunday.
Mis* niitabeih -Evan* of Traverse
Clt> was the guest of Mrs. A. Dolberg
Saturday and Sunday.
Mark Hager eonie home Sunday
from the Ferris school at Big Raidds.
Joe Myera la located at (be City ho­
tel for tbe ainter.
Bernhart Berneteine la asBiaiIng at
the CItlxen’a bank.
Harold Dewey was In CadUlae on
business Tuesday.
Mrs'. Will Clark has been .very 01
for aevcral days past.
Service Guild meeting Friday, bell
the home of Mrs. A. W. Baker.
Vern Crego. Jas. Lyle. Jr, and Ar­
nett have gone to WUton to work for
Mrs. frm. Osborn entertained the
Daisy class at her home
There will be an Epworth league
social al tbe Maccabee hall
Friday evening.
Headley. reUrfied
Monday to Grand Rapids.
A. 6. Doheriy went to Philadelphia
with four carloads <d' poutoea this
hllai Iva Miller was called to ChF
cogo Siinday by the death Hi her fa­
klra. Leon May and daughter Mar­
garet of Cadillac visited her motbei
Mrs. Annie Campbell. Saturday and
Geo. Kelson's baby It very Ql with
Jas. I.y1e went to Walton TaeadaT
to Join his aon. Ralph, who waa oa'hU
way to Grand RaptO* to r«pr«*«at the
Orelllok Cpmpany of Traverro Clty
tbe rnrnltnre esbiblt.
Mrs. B. Rafferta of South Btoardman
was In town Toeiday.
Frank Cantber* and family have
moved to Walton for the winter,
where he has Ukea a lumber Job for
Jas. Cold.
Mrs. £. A. Evans. Tnverae Ctty
grsnge delegate to the auto grange,
waa preaent «t the grange tneotlns
Saturday nad eondneted the InotaJlaUod qf offleera.
The Keep Sweet and Grace and Grit
classes held their business end aortal
meeitaig with Ulsa Edna Teechou at
the home ot L. U Uaxam «m Friday
Charter Coleburn. wife end denghter of Hnrcelltti. who hare been tbe
gneaU for aereral day* of bis aJaler
and huahniid. Mr. aha Ur*. Ray Puller,
retunied to East BoardBatt on Mon­
day to visit Mr. Failerh parrttta.
At tbe laUnDatloo of officers of the
on Thureday.
;jan. »lh, there werq 24 preoenL There
were 13 rqpreRaatattrea of Ue Klng-

iley lodge who did ihe iultiatiug mod
five from the Walton lodge. Dinner
was served at the hall and a good
time enjoyed by ail.
>lra. Jaa. Lyle entertained Flxteon
ladle* In tbe hotel parlors Saturday
evening wUb a progreaaivc pedro
party. RetreshmentR of sandifichea.
plchles. coke and cpffoe were aerred
by the' hostess.
Chtirah Servfeen
Prayer meeting at the M. E. church
:i Wednesday evetfing at T:R0. A spe­
cial Sabbath achoot bowd meeting foV
Sunday ai-nices. Jan. l»th; Prenz^
ing at tbe M. C. cburcli at 10:30 a. m.
by Rev. A. M'. Baker, pastor,
tebbath school at II :4S a. m.
fTeachiog at Preeb} teVlea church at
3:00 p. u. by Rev. Long of Menton..
Epworth league at 6:39 p. m.; topic.

Willis Wearer has been 111 two day*
this week.
Edith Hosier Is absent on neeonnt
of a severe cold.
Picture framing and free hand pner cuiGng is being taken by tbe ch»
Mr. Tiffany and brother. Atune.
were In Tnverae CUy haring thdlr tested.
Joyce' Brockway. Joe Tlffeny and
Owen Hosier are on the nick Bat
Russell Weaver was Uken. home
.from Bchool on Friday on account of
The sixth grade geography clan are
making a special study ot the rainfall
of the rsited Btatet.
High Bchool.
Elia Weaver. I.e«lle Hager atid
Louise Hutchins ere on tbe sick Met
Watch for aaaontreroeht of a senior
class social in tbe near fiRnre.
MerrelUh Rafferta has left school on
aceoujt of hU parents moring to
South, Boardman.
Agricultural hooks hive airivod and
clan commences Monday morning.
kira. l,evl Strang who has been vlw
iting In tbe oouthern pan at tbe Mate,
rfeturned Friday.
Misa Viola Amy D working for Mra.
Ivan Kellogg.
Mr. and Ura. Htxner Middnn^ are
(be proud parmu of a baby bey.
George MlHIman. who haa been rietttng his daughter. Mrs. G. W. BluA,
of Cadillac tbe part week,‘rebimed
home Saturday.
Mr. and . Mrs. FbUlp Krttogg are
the proud pareau of a baby boy.
Mr*. Louie Halne* TtoHed borne
over Sunday.
.Mr. and Mr*. Floyd BuUer beva I*.turned to tbrtr borne on tbe ham.
Tbe aevenib dletrirt cooTentlon wW
meet with tbe Churdi of Otrfrt In
Cadillac Jan. 23-M.
Sands}-. Jaa. 14, will be educational
day at tbe Church of Chrlrt. Cenall
Miaa Inez Cornel] hat been qotto tQ

John Amy la aUgbUy tngmri^
The Uarreatera' mhle rteoe 'Oet ■
the Church of Christ Fridju erpiilW
and eleetod new oRlcera. 'Alton Jen- <
kfna as prwMenL W. H. {^ttn va
rice preeidenL Mildred Anyer ni sec­
retary end Wllllnm Fnllrt' at trananrer. Among other bafaem the laa*
Jority decided to nnJto the prayer
meeting and class meetJnf.
Mrs. Ray Slack rieltod relallTen to
Antioch a oonple of day* lost week.
HI*B unie Kettner to wmAtag for
Mr*. Homer MMdnagh.
Jan, 14.
WhA He HeaUy Mesne.
Whm esma aays iie has ke'poUtlml
amblttoM Jt genrtnlly nfvn* that be
iuma't think be hne nay pRwpo^s
.'yorib eabM^eriag.-'VodbtagWB 8tor-

,QBua> TiAvnu ncBAii An tutbo^t uai« TspimAT, jah. u, uu

HI! ini{snni



Ooaattoa ¥mi ha Submlttad to Vatara
at NaA Btpte Elwtien In t«l«
if RtaolMlaa taaaaa tha

tmiialnR. MIcb.. Jab. IJ.—SUtpwldc
prohibition la iba bijt eaeailcm rl«)>i
now llwl the leslabinre muet atraixle
with. The reaolutlon ptovidini; for tliv
a of Uic qiu-Mton
volen of the aUle at the .November
election Ip IPU wm Introduced l.y
llepractttAUvo Dunn of Sanllar today
and the flitbt U fonnally
Tbe qnoatlon U|>
prohlblUon—not *utuu>i). Tlila
tut twee the amendnH'ia to the conatliutlon la carried. It will ho inaiu w
day before It ran be undone. What
rbance the reaoluiion hu for iwaampe
In the lealelaturr la problenmtlcal. altbonch Ktionx three* are lined op In
eupiwrt of It
n oKwn* the threading of the probIhRlon qucetlon direrti.v Into the go*
iHomaloiial (Mpatgn of 19M. when
every eahdfMe (or oBice wil
forml In d.-rlare hi* wel or dry
deri'-lee. U tnetDB a bl(ler flght, flrnl
In the teglAlaiure in aeenre the aul*
nilrrlnti. ar.d then U aubmlued
I.Uler flght for
ffac alatc lo mlmlBate at thr iwlla.

at l>er and tb«aD «D on t(i attend the big ap-iweddinc of Mlaa Cllen Batea to Jedm •
.__ .
U nowmaB u. Portland. Ore. She will I
tde Bboirr la'PItUburg.
_________ ______
U-hkboiiMirt' HlwOrtiaOoodriehlatttdat • twi
(tediiuc IfcU Bomltut after a abort vMks' TMtloa fro« her duUaa at
Olrwjr Ian thur laanilitg for
Ranlda Uendon aad other
WAY! A«0 l»£AN» CO««ITT£E
„ae„„ .Motaal i»«a.<.
I "" *
pUcea to vialt trleadi. 8be will bo

REYisnm tf TffiIFF;^™ “'“


RITIyr 8am Uartta ezeUtmed.
handed me the evening paper, pofntleg lo n paragraph under tbe bead-

D. E. Mrt... m.™l >. HI.
. t,.
irUI. M«.a. U. tt.1. dU..
-Mr. and Um. J.
.bounce tbe marriage of ibelr dau^
Hit CH.rle.ol.. .tier . »..» lo ib.| okk Wl.ol. «« t. Lull.».o
ij™,„, .... «« h... i,
ter. BtbM. and Oaear Newman. A
Waablhctoo. !>■ C, Jan. 1(.—The cltj on bailoeaa.. '
|aU nl^t on bnalnaat.
Graoe ekarch. Oakbun. Tuaaday.
bonne warn and meana coomiUlet! ^ L.
L, C»l..
Cuatar «
of C«l.r
Coder S.H..A
8prln*a. wH.i
who. ch«.
chaa. ’ D.ll,'
OaMy Irt f.r ■ D.lrclt l~t............. ...........
fa. hu Memptud . pm. .... Vrth.
I .-arlnn on Urtlt revtaloa. whWi up Hu bete In Ih. .1^ por wun. time.
“What do yon think o( It Sam?”
r “Wbal
been of < Irfi, tbit morning for ManUtee «bere^y^jj
plomWn* eaUblUh. tbe Auditoriui
bumdram dtaracter. wc«
a-^ r»l- he
be win
alll be for a abort lime before re- mept.
«ho baa
'I Chicago, who
ben In tbe city
to him.
v.nlzed Into life today aheti tbe com- (oroln* to hla home.
nfa aa ontraga. a tdankad ootrugu!
t O. Liddi la eonduetlng a farm- *iwl daji oa bualoea.. returned home
eifeetlva. but
e.1ild- .6o» «. ler
cm.M.rUl.H | o^-K Antlidk <M IHl.
fc Monm. 0«ild to*d. 'thIa morning.
What right baa Os Nearman to marry
anybody but Beatrice Price* Don't
■B.Hdl.1. 6- ,.br«lr-, ..Yor . 1.. H...’ .Lit .HH ..1.11...
Omo. L. Harvey, of P^rt Huron,
her frienda. all bla frteuda. know
Incar Platte lUrcr.
Eratifaa.v h. »m Win WiiilamnbDrr grand capialu general of rthe Urami
Variona melboda an adopted to b# to wildly lu love with her* Haven't
Prom the momenl when the trvlnion^ Fred lathman and wtfa Jaft thia
I'ommaudery of the Sinie of .Mtcblgan.
of tbe tJirlir beomo a wnalntj it b*a „nrn.iiB tor Pelo-hej. where they will
Mlaa Ethel Savaga went to Jaekoon, arrUed ihia noou to |taapeci Traverao protect young ttuaa from being they known 11 for ever a year* Haant
foreaeen by all lmereat..d tMUtlea
for a abort time with retative*. **lch. today. Where abe hat accepted A'tiy Commaodrry. Knlgbu Teui>lar, maiked by rwbblu or mice. Wire be (aObwad'^'tiht^ea-'aboui like u
nene&a are expenalre, but are alao hungry-dog cbaalng E bone ever alnca
that the auxar achedwle would preaent
haa » twalllon In the Commonwenlth de- thto evening.
one of .the me* dltUcun proWema on
fo^ ,eraral daya on partmenl dtore.
R. Pleyd Clinch of Chicago la In the
right baa be to marry Ethel ftamlL
ihe entire lint. To
avoid arouiln*
(hU nmruEua
ntAmlng tor^Man |J
*• t. lEdwafda
left for l4»d- city (or a few daya on bualoeaa.
ly. ube'a a child. a.,aniy UtUa
--------------------------------- the Dulinees, leil «on
Ire of a large geeitan of the aoutb end
«wne 1“W>b 'bla m^lng.
butterfly of fashion. Oa never cna
R. Prtaraon left today for Mani love that type of woman, and you
weei an^ ai tbe aame tUne art In conreiurntag to hla home. |
Cage took tha morning _tra1h celona. where be «1U be
a aho.l
■ know IL Dili."
•Ids. where be wRl
^ buaineaa.
alaicoce with the democratic polio «f, j, ^
„y Kalammoe. la vlalt-^for Ora.wa
“Yea, I know It What do you gupurlir rcdncUon la the apparently Im- .
tend the fnmh'
T. L. CUuaen. a formar rwaJdam of
pose poor old Oscar did It forr
pomlble uak that o^fronu U«e
'j .................
- -Oramar, who haa been'jj,g
Mlaa Haltn
iocMUi u. 8an Joae. la
j Bam hitched hla chair up rtoaer to
^IK iwlatlrea
.u&Im.lwAm In
Im the
ttiM city
mIIv Inr
. ...
mtated with the wr>rk of frwmlng the
j.verean wt<o haa been ln’'^»Hlng wtih
for vialiUig
with frienda aud wdallvi-a
mine, lighted hla pipe and took a few
nowttriirbtlL Hcproaetiutlvoa of the'
-------“ the city Javerwo
fof' the paat few daya. left the
part---few Baya. left -------------thia morning
, fo, 4,,-,
Amertiwn fane tlrow.-ra' AaaodnUon
yor n few daya’ vlaiVTor her home ;at Mancelona.
1 wra.
Mra. Arthur Harrov
shaking bla bead slowly and protrom lamlalaiw and ncdgbboring atntc.
Cadillac, before re-! U- «•
»•« »hla morning
.1 naJdwln tbU’ morning, aflm
i Boundng the one word. "Pique."
wen. on hand In force today^to prrMilwaukee. f>r Elk Rapt*., where be will vlait|,
^ th„ (.Ry with rcla“It looka like IL I moil admIL" said
™ ‘And yet J gave Oaear credit tor
aenl their arrumcnla fw the reten*
mornlno for'fw * •»'ort time before reluming to
I too much common aeaae to ever let
tk.r, or the preaent arhcdule on
„ fo, daya bla home at ?rand Rapid..
| j. j. and wife, who have
do a fool trick Ilka IhaL"
The boot grower* of tbe weetem

J A. 8. Hatch rwturmd to hla homo 1,^ vlalting In Grand Raphla for the
i' “ncairice turned him down, and ba
; sworo he would get even—"
“Wrtl. of aU the—! Ifa a ml^ty
. queer thing. Bam, bow
|bern vlalting ; with relative# had’fo bl# home there today, after a abort
! women—try to prov 0 bow utUe they
i really earn for tbe person they
T Al ______ Hvira mra vlaltlAo frienda In the-cliy for tbe l«rt few(,mw in the city on buainm.
: ptorraaed to love ao deeply by
l„T-H.;il.-r.,...„.,l.u™...11.1M. tog aroBBd und maTrylng some one
1 few day*.
'tng for MinneapoHi. whore they will
Nta. How tbe proving of tbemaelvea
MIM Alice einith left this forming Mi today for UetnilL where he
flekle-minded should .give them one
Will Enable Travarwa CHy te Mpvo
fo^for Grand RanWa, where aba will, b (or oome time before returaing
momenta pleaaura. or bow. under
such cireumatancua. they can hope

ih'-hoI I. D. Dunlap ilaft thia morning fori L. E. Rivera left today for hla homo
for happiness pa»»ca my ■
I*.—A Ilapld*. pbcrc A,.
With a salary limit of nine hundred

he .,111
will be
be for
for at
at Harbor IVmdx, alter a abort Umc

im FOR TiiiiiniiF

r“H."r‘“rd‘:i‘r«.:;‘'i;'ir “protect


aicE .«„r...«o-i»p.pd.^

REMiiED li'rr Aeps


^1. ~;,r-“ --i'"

a™. T. H. GIHIH, T„..r« a«. .«■

| r.
ijol Harvey J. Ma»n. who haa been via., bo.egan,’

“rf•''l‘I "*4.^ <H"""•
ibiK momliiE for Reed
T. A.

McBaIn haa raturfwtf from
der the leaderatalp of a <
>. left ^1
with Ibe family of Victor Pctcrtyl on
[City, where he' will vlalt for, a few MaalaUqur. where ha haa been for the
mansgtw alMld have a Team neat
Sixth rtreet.
*A__ ....___ ___vBAi two
on buainuaa.
year dvo* un^er the d
at paat two week. i

the love aueh people :
amaU. not tbe grand paaalon. tbe overpcwvrli« devotloai of n grant aouL aa
they like to imagine It la. Hun vulsUr. amartlng pride and the Beudtohdtelre to hart in return nre i

.__ .A.____ m


any ‘heart wounds' eltber i
I «Be*.?tvw. Wood veneer (aateaed
woman may feel,
•round la a good protecOon If ft can
“Tbe man who has tried hla heat to
{a few daya' buaincwa trip te King.Je raadUy proeurwd. Tbe lUamrwtioa
one woman fo tbe world and
'ley and Cadillac.
1 Britlah Phyalehma of Pron»Iimnco abowa a paper CH-Iiadar bHd tight by failed: tbe woman vrbo has given ber
tou'".”°i^?.'~.a.a. H»v., HW ~.U"Y
cord- It ibocld be removed la
T. T. Clo^y and wHa left thia
Olv* toma PIguraa That Explain
beat to a man who proves himself
ONparHy Batwoan tha Boxea.
H 1, poulHI. lo Muur. E M
fatoe. will not ba ta any hurry to Mad
hvmielvea by marrtoge vows to amI Attitude on Sualneoa la Sama
“Rurb fatal atepe—and they naarty
Now aa Bafora Nomination
always ara fatal—show suffering aMf- “
Poplar FamUy Uaed QuIU Extenalv
and Eloctlon.
conrelt rather than a broken heart—
Along Btreata or on Nowty
• . ue mBca greairr iv.ahi.ei ivubo...e
Into which thoae wbo a«
Laid Out Land.
I Of women aa abowa U the recently
only bair fo lore ever fall.
_ __
hor publlabed Britlah national debt oSeCa
Trenton. V. J„ Jten. 15.—'T've DothThe man aquarea up hto ahoalden
The poplar tamliy 1
"ho™ .1 o™.i’topid; to,...' ,n«-;H>i»i'
and aaya. Well, maybe 1 won't ebote
tng to Bay. 1 will sUnd paL’’ That
a baa come aa a general
that gtrt.a thing or two!' Tba girt
wan tbe eoniment of rrceidf*t.elocl
teaaee be- pretty btod. pfoa ou a
Wllacm today over tbe puhUibed reMuey Mule bow of rtbboa or dona a
....... ._A A.WM ham. M..m «*lw- who broke her aboulder aome|,|,(m
t^e axpeeutlon ed hf*
l>ona that Wall atreet waa panicky
new frock and faraa forth, vowing
time ago. Mr*. RamaU hi"
win leave: «<
of •
a woman «'
of Bfty ‘la now moro than
mcr Wllaon'a pbat olertinn rt>oechea. Dm. ... W.W HMn. J.l. EtriH.t.
that ihell Juit show that man how
in U76.
Wiinnn refuned te make a aUlemeaiL
■'-X- ■■
. i:;:::^~..Vi.i. »”Hi™.™..uM.^”^^
Agroeomisu la beamKal and will al- little ahe reelly cared.
but did not aeem alarmed. Imter hi*
ThU 1i tar more dangeromi for a
wgya be uaed, In apite of the fact
___ IhrM-----------------.
itba greater.
•rcretary. Joeeph Tumulty lasved the
N.-w York, Jan. 15.—The raaka of, J. M. and Frad Lar
DIacnaatng the reaaona of our la- that many varietler ara aSleted with man. aupeeuny u man of OaearU tem­
followli« rtaleatent: Aliemiga are iH, MrlHi™ MH.... ...E.™
eraaatng longevity ted In particular bligbgt and bags, aad It la a very dlfll- perament. than for a woman. Tbe
being nmdc to make an laaae of Wtl- ...IW 1«1.. H, ,1—1, Ihl—.. .,.Rll„B.™,.«T.«lo.Ohl..,,. ,^"” ''"2
woman's stronger bold oa life, phyal- ,cnU proposition to coax no Individual, woman may come to love ber bnabahB
Kon'a Chicago apecHi. There la noth- dresa and walat maker*. TWa bring*
etana at 8t BarttaoIomeWa boapRal touch leas a oomtoua.ty. to properly If be to kind and good to ber. but, aa
...mIe Amm vMtmUv aft-1"'** ***
you Enow. 8am. no man ever glvto
advaseH widely different tbeorlea. spray and care tor its shade trees.
ir.g lehB amnalng (han Wllaon'a nttlThe Norway maple la nndonbtedir hto b*art te a aromaa after marrtoga."
*Tb* eaeantlal eanae of death.*' one
luiie on burinafb. aa what he baa ezToo ara right abont tbaL old loan'
toe beat of the apeefos (or oor condlataied, “U a wearing oat from
Itbout mlabap.
prr«K0d in hi* apcerti after electloh.
It hurts, though, to think that Oaeur
A. B. CurtN left thia momHtg for
work of our brain eella. Women may
la cxarily tbe aame aa bin attitude
Tocumcari. New Mexico, where be
be hut aa brainy ns mtat but they tertolnly not urwtb wbBe; M baa too could display ao muto Innate meanneat. I cant nnderafond how any
before bl* nomtaatlon and chscUon.''
Eiuom U Hager ' t horn la O*- will spend two months on a large cat- (FVom WedneAay'a Rocord-Eagic.l do not work tbrtr brain cella as vigor- many trooblea. The Lonhardy '
bonorabie man could aRow blmaetf to
Capt Wilbur 0t
wego county. N. Y.. In ISf.R. and ca.uo
ooaly or aa eonUnnoualy aa do tbelr merely weird—M
.—iioA .K
m m
on hi* way male retetivea. If they did- thera U. Il'ls the eplndllng straight np and commit sueb a fraud. It la a fraud,
W,H b., nrnn. lo Or...JH...H.
,4. ^o- Ihrtnigb
a Uc. a dieat! Do you nppose even
'lanlstee. Acre he will be for
down thing Mtot
or affly Hole »»be'
Bonie time on liiistnras.
have aeon In this
Capt Ceo. Weaver of the eteamer
In Klngslev Saturday, after apendlng Roync Cliy waa in the cliy /or a abort
intry were fllled with dead limbe. mittrd be only asked !
lounty. Oregon.
UBBj'Bimetrieal and scrawny wife In order to fet ot«' arlth aa1 In tha riti on bu»in«* time yesterday before leaving tor
other womanT
Bbc waa onlt^ in marriage with
' and Tlsiilng hi* sister Mrs. Avon Manistee, where hla boat 1* txilng rc- nud the Uek of tbe physloanr dupram looking ganerally.
I'Os baa rommltted not only one ot
Geo. D. Paraona In 1878 at Fife l.akc. „
Tha Jnpaneee poplar baa proved
lag compeiltioo which is part of naai
tbe greateet plecaa of folly In bis life,
ly every man's llto "A woman may wander «( tvmnrttaWe rapM growth,
T. F. Paadler. whd im been in the have bard work to do,“ be explained, baa a btaotiria eleaa bark, grows bnt baa tried fo u abameful manner
toward tbe girl wbo la new kit wife,
Now Orpanitation la Nen-Partlaan a'nd other, Mra.
after being called here on aeconni
. left this morning for Maolaiee.
la or WBO loimw proi^oion. iney not laiared by anything, waa in full By George!i! 1 fo
^eaae. 'idab
Will Dipewa Varioua Bual'
‘of the illneaa and death of her broth- where he will spend a few daja before wok In tbelr own bomea. and at a leaf this year over two weeks before
•waa Problama
Mra. Pir*ona taui*i achool antyvMSam's arm and told him It didst ant.
the late Frank D. Wade.
-ning to hla home at Grand Rap- u«co they set for tbemaelvaa. Tbe
ter what be felt Kte doing, be must
folly for nmRy year*, both In Grand
home la also, as a rate, vastly
FerABti^ Smith >
not do aaylhlng. "If Qaear bat bsaw
Travorae and Kalkaaka
i this airy, aoonr and ganerally more t------L. J. Logand Md wire
fool enough to many out of pfoua,
avnic. Boma than U bar hoaband'a aimp or
WaablagioB. D. C-. Jan. 15.—In
hto IHu win be pontohmat
.H, noWHl
H.r I...!... •
oat very lata, has a leaf Itoe a palm
oBee.’aaou^ wHbout any oae Mau bwMug
lant maitora afleetlns the rel^hMi of
!l,. .u lli tor w<^ IH.. . !..r ."H HI. .l.tor, Mr., F. D. W.H., cl Ky, after a twoWeekt' vlalt with rela­
leaf tan. and to not pfoaatng Is tha
fo and amklsg (klnga more mtaacuMo
huaincwa to leglalatloB wiU be
tive* and rrienda here.
ml i nderwent a aerfou* ooeration at
Front BtreeL
I by prominent apeakeih
T. H. Oillla and E. C. Bllllnga re­ LEFT THEM BOTH BUESSINQ
Tberoferu we aoal heartily neo» for the girl."
St. Vlacenfa hoapltdl. PortUnd. re-1 Mr*. Julia Wllaon. who alnca tha
“Too're right «M man! WuB.
tinct annual couvcntloo 'of the chain loml., .tl.r..rH —.Imil. l«|m,M H™ «' P—.bn Hm bn. .1 D.!- turned last night from Grand lUpIdt.
need tbe Japanese poplar as tba bast
of all qolek«rowlnf tree*.
l-cr of ommierrc of tbe Vpiied .Sutoi. In healtb. to the bon»e of her daugfa-.tio Creek nursing her aon through - where they attended Ihe 'meeilBg of
- tired.whk-b wai meet‘In thia dty
the Michigan State leagtfe omcUla
lef in tdabo.
werloua case of blood polaon. haa ■
"Good nl^ Bug. Daat worry '
fueaday for a three daya’ paaalon. The
t-if Fifo Lake, «
Sher.mali*edaloutalzwcekfcWher.:turned to bm borne al Penln.ula .Wm. Uaaen-^
VENTILATIKG Ml APPLE BIN abe«t other peopla'a trooMas. Wa aU
• unvention will be (oaxared By a ban- ahe waa fompelled by 111 betftb, the «i»et- On her way home abe vblted been In the city (or a ahorL tin
hav* eaeugb of our owu.”
Two yonng mntrona. who ura uto.
<iuet. at which tbe apeakera wilt In- second time to go to tbe hospital in Shepard and Evert. Mlcb.
bnalneas. left this mornln
ling fw (
tara. heap bonaa fo thdr old family
'Rapid*, where iw wIU v
Cyllndera of BiaM thonld Have
ciude Prvaldent TaiL Spoalnr Champ Prmtand for treatment
homartaad in Kansu city. Kan. Re~
Bometimaa the Soral spatbe ot a
SmaR HalM fo Cautar.
Urns before returning to bla borne.
tlark and Dr. Cbarlea W, KHoL ppeaL Tliere was no relief from pain and
fProm Tuesdaya Record-&«|e.)
oently thalr cook left them. WMla
great palm traa win fly opee with a
Mrs. M. OlrMn left tMa maenlng ueltber had bad mueb experience la
1 etnerUna of Harvard Unlveralty, DO help poBattUe. ao abe tm brongbt
a V. Mariba of Mmitraal.arrived
Apples pUeed fo ISfge bins wtO uot^ sound like -a. datoaatSeu fo. u mlaa
The ebatnber of eomnercc oft Ibo borne to her daughter, •(
zooklng, yet they decided te take
by In the etty today for a abort visit with Jor Tusiln. wbeiie ahe will visit for
feawp wclL gufci* they ura'erdi vem
^arie Ot(the
tbe kRcben. “
They boosbt Uatod. EBuAlvu vuMflatlM ei
ruiied Sutra la nfw-parUaan M lu her husband
'.‘friends, before leaving for Clndnna- few daya Mih ralallvaa.
md a»i
O. R. P^n, wtM haa bean in the three aoOk books. For Sunday even­
'• •
it b BD or- where ahet timid
spatbe. aaarly three feat Icag. .wua
mpUdbad «r tofcktat eylfode
rtmld die among her own;
own ^tl wbere he will spend some time being iuMb Jt wui drtarmined te hove
city for thr papt week on buaineaa.
ganix^ endeavor to render nvnUnbln >1vlng only four day. after her ar-' fore returning
gruat dtouooa. and for
I und pfoeiv two of tbaa fo « prolected to a g
bla .home.
left for hla bomd at Detroit tbU mornI aha bmd of tha -palm
tor coBgreM and the
K. Barney haa rwtdrned N«m
frienda wetw asked to.
oplpioo o flhe boalneaa IntereaU of
She died <d raneer Dec. 30. ISIS.'nellalre. where he haa been for tbe
Tbe kraut and ribs arare put an tba
formed of tha debris of tha flower. The
H. E Burr «nd wifa left tMa
the nation.
and waa laid
too ta bolL Suddenly It oeeurrad to
rest In tbe CuMeaaclimst few daya on bustneat.
aus’a btot had roaated the «owef to
ing for Cadniac. wbere they win vlaR ooa of the "coeka* that abe ^Id net'Great Inicreal aiurttea to the .
I Mra. F. Hotehklaa and -----the color of fwat The director of the
Tor a abort lima before leaving (or i Imow how long the eomblealiou abould.
ing tmvonilon becanae of tbe ImporH
She learea to mourn her loaa. bus- Mini Bllsabetb, wbo tave been vlallgarden explained the aaplBMea ei be.
two weeks' vlalt In Chicago. ,
taut bcailag that tbe lecblaUve pro­
oodk. She asked her alrter. »a
fog due to e fenaentatlna fo foe flow­
hand, daughter and one brother, be- fog with relaUvea and friend# In the
F. H. Caater of tha Cptter Buppii dlte*t kMw. Tber eonntted the oook
gram of the ^Hproarfaing eura aawkm
er eeuaed by tbe eitracrdfoary <»yaides a boat of' frienda.
elty for tha past few days,
today Co. of. Boston, bim has bVn in the books. Each gave this InatrwttlfD:
ot congrraa Is oxiieoied to have on ihe
■eai of the elr. A vkdfo Mieeee had
for their borne at CbartoTola.
a'feV'day,, left Iht
“Cook udHI done." Tbay ware In dabualnew life of tbe nation. TariB -iw.
li Algeria *
Chaw Roucb of orawn. _wha, baa fo, iMoakey wd Oharievblz. where vpalr. One
-. «* tt • ■
vialoq w1H b<- diacoaaed In all of lu
explode fo the eame way and ftum a
bean In tbe city for a abort tlmb <«.t«
for a short tlma before leav- ad to drop Into the kKeban.' He waw
Uka eanae.—HaipeFa Wafoty.
that aatoathlng wua wroug. He asked,
e in fur
(From MoBday'a Rerord-Ragle
B tima befor* taTryfof Hto own Hmto.
ba win be for
Mlaa Esther Harwinn FatOf4iad te her and wua'taUL
•That.ougbt to be aaay to Bud «uL‘
Mlaa Fraimae Wtiwaric. who has fuming to hla b<
-John.- esM tbe mfntotar of a
home at Durand this momtog after
The delegatea wllhbe a
be aald. He atepped to tbe telet^ooa
lieen vlalting with friends and reUg etgbt fowl eguerm The «Mta for fomdeh partfo.-1 foer yoa are growfog
Mra. W. L Meahar of Orand Rap­ Bhon vlall lu the city wtttf fiieada.
e by Socreury of f'«t
and ealM; *1
,mIm fo yoer tMIglaei Buttoa X
Or. J. D.
and Labor Nagei On tbe program of
fo a moment a gentle vote* eoma dUnMer wMfe belee h> tbe eeaw
teveaot ease you fo the Wrk foaae
Thto M tafordtotteL Bbown fo the elwtelL The manwm oa
apedtera are RapreaenUtIvea Clayton weeks left this morning for her home Mrs. Oaorca Savage ^ Ninth atraet. taat'night to afNend'.«?-aM-wiat< •over tke
-Mo.--------- *
for a week.
NrfBt maaMni; tit, the Aylmi board* R-bat la It, pleaaer
»! Abbama. chairman of the bonae
wabto the egUadaca fo foihaia. Pngs John, -ith no that rm lawwta’ ruCacH Moaher awtawmd today to^L He was noomblMnlad by Miu Munaon. ’ “foformattoB. otn you tell me bow
P. C. MMeti Bed wife la t thia
mfoi: rm fort tfokicta' away wl' mf
judiciary committee, wbo will dli
for Ueehaeiea
to Scott
aouX «aae’"-*-OH>------------------the subject of afederai charter for tbe morning lor CBnod Rapldt wbere they oago, after a few days' vtalt with
hmda In tha dw.
vIHa- on btmlnega this morning.
rbambor. and Ra«M*aemaUve CHaaa of will rialt for n ebort Ume before leav
Beertury John I. Olbson of tha Dap. Dariang of OatrM^ 'ta in tbe etty
leg OB a two weeks' trip to Buffalo
• VlipltiU. chairman of tbe
«0v*r patee rapllad. “Cettodnly. Ou>k
n’.y TThare * uo fool like the foUaw
• JUit. tad. the men
ualoBMimt bureau left this moralng for n short tfum on hainMa.
e af tbe honae camMDittea on bank. nnd New, vart}.
MUD thaiy un dcM.”-KaMun «F fora, and 7M fore
B- -who tMnks that crerThody be medfo.
Mm; AWhuf «Mttbd ion tor tbund
tor Vndmcou.'wbara
ha wtu maet tha
Ml*. D. R. Canalim af Orwl)"#* De-’.Aur
toe and <weao'. who will dkaewaa pr>
of that oooMy Rapids this mkwtBt to Mtead -the
rived In tha dty Saturday BlgbL call- -board «f
poaed nionu la
B ti
Uw eorrancy ay*.

.“rjlf-r-!*:!!!"! "ll^'^UlZ 1~lu- !.« -r GMH-



6UR MfflE ffiCRlIITS





Growinq Better.
Tbo world U powing better. BO matler what they aay.
And Che llKht Is
AndThe woMd to
ktocl«* «h
day more plain 1 see.
n»e great eternal purpose working
out what is to be.
• .
And 1 know that sip and sorrow from
our «wrtb win dlsap]>esr.
And I know that toy and gladncba will
Uke the i>laee of doubt and fear,
Aad I know that.e'en Death lingcra,
when a eonsdouad apul. ertea.
Even you. O Death. 1 fear not; I am
Waster, go )our way.
And I know, as vc grow
shall iMirn the law of life

peenutz and i<our tbe mixtnre on tbe
UcbUy 'bcaten yolks of three e«s.
Fkdd In the atliny biwten whiles, pbnr
ini® • feoi. bettered baking disb and
Pcnnui Sauce for Turkey—Wake, a
cream sauce with iwo Ublc»|ioonfuU
each of -bsticr and Clour, and one cu|k
tul of milk, added slowly. Season
ami add one eu|>ful of ground iwanuis.
?our over sUcea of turkey.
Canapes- Hub the volks of
o( hardCanapes--Hub
cooked «tf to a'paste wtih equal
quantltlea of sardine* end cboi<|<oJ
pOannta Moisten with lemon juH-c.
mson and,kene on rounds of toast.
Peanut Wafers-One-half cupful of
granulated sugar and one^juaru;r^|s
fill of lmrie"r".rM^^Tn.^l^lr''Vah

.b,..... r.

Nolhlng good can come ibrougb
c sloaly. surely lesrnliifi wbat
tbe Waster ewme to toll.
That the Kingdom la wUblu us, in tbe
bj|rt where Dove doth dwell.
Yoa. tfie wrriJ U growing belter, kinder. wiser, day by day;
And the w«ary. heavy laden, find more
helpers on Iho way
Courage, iben. O earnest workers, sow
thy seed wtib to'vlsh hand!

Walt the harvest! Hear the anthem:

rrr,.- '-i-”-- ira-

cround ix-amits Mi» mm-jhi.
one-half cupfuls of iiavtry Hoof In
*hlch one leasioonful of baklne nowder has been altirrt Itnil.verv rntn
m «m.ii r«.isH.

shape* for the aficrnoon tea table
f. A I.. Icanuis de Imxty-Shell and l«‘ur

«—- -■<'


««asi»onful of soda. oneVund of enough to give a |«lc tint of green.

Pound of citron, one teaspoonful qac-li
cinnamon and iiLimw. llakii“ * •***
This rake wilt keep a
►‘"W tl“>aHoney Cookies—One quart of honey
mixed *“*’ *’•” ■
_ .____ _______ _*“*'
ar. half a iiound
nound of butler and tbe

.hordviH. r..- Id . tad-

.™n, ™id


,d „,n. i-d.

....n., „d



tog dish with half a cupful of- milk. j„ .^n
hake aulcklc.
far i.citer than wtwtanukde with chickone nipful of water and half a cupful
hobcv S|v>nge Cake—One cu|ifnl of
a„d <.^.u.rv
of broken i>canot«. Bake, stirring oc,<,np cup ol flour, live eggs. Beat
salad In Jeliv -first make tbe pUId
taalonall), until ibe rice is Bofl.
,h,. jolks and honey together; l•<«l |<.i»on jelly, osini^ a liiile loe* sugar
--------- --------------- (hr Whiles to a froth: mix all together. (I,an uviinl * Fill Uxiom of the salad
The past is past. Tomorrow'*-In ■
the atr.
• '
Pf’'-. . .
l«“*'hlo; flavor dl.h with a littk-Bf the JH1> and iet
Brown Urcad-Ooe cupful of Indian ,„h lemon and llake quicklv.
Wh. n hahl set in tbe salad
Who give* Today the best that In '
flour, two tuplult
fjoney Ten Cake-One cup of honey. oi,h on tot. of thi tolly a bowl Urge
him lies
< moal. one cupful
Mill find (be roa^ that leads to ■ of Grisham, one-half tupful of-' white half a nti. of sour cream, two egg*, enough to mi the dewired amount of
clearer skies."
' sugar, unt-half <upful of nKtlasset. two half a cup of butter, two ra|» of flour. ^,1*0 and Oil 1 ho Hmwl with ice- tmur
cupfuls of butirrmllk. one teaapoonfet «a,ni balf i.-aspoonful of toda. oae jeU, arouml until ^mcMt reaching Gje
,of soda. Bake or steam two and^.- teasjwonful of cream of uitar.l-lavor ,op of the t«wl 'When the tolly 1*
l,fl „„„„
j,„„, ,B, I,., „J
Brown Brrad for Cream ToaBt-Two
Honej- Popcoru BalU-One pint of tm with warm wtoer for a moment
eupfula of Indian meal, one toipful of honey.
It in a frying iiaD and boll only; then lemovi? IkjwI from Jelly.
rye meal or Graham, a little bait, two until very thick, tben stir. In frc-shly
careful ni>i(to break the Jelb.
copfols ol eour milk, one amgll tea- larchcd corn, and; mould Into ban* wake »i» ol the atlinan' salads, surfa
spoonful of soda, two tablcspoonful* of when Aearly cold.
g, chli-ken ebrinip veal, lobster or
•■When we must do a thing, we And .luoliiaaeB. Steam In a covered loaf------------------------ ni„
,.«-,iaes sttcod with a little
tta .. at. AM .. CM IM.I- don,
h„.„. «1„ „ia,
Fn, WInMr FMMtIn.
It Without tbe apur of nocessit.v. If we rut Into rather thick allces and toast
There will be timny lartie* between
; had trusted more 10 our own lowers, on both sides. I*rrparo a cream of
“”<* Hic loctoi.lng of l.em. and
Do not wait lor an exigency to re- mik. thickened u litUe win, flour.
r'*(reshmKits will always l>e welrenuilning JeHr. After It
veal .vouruelf to yourself. You have *,1,,^,
rnriched with plenty of
The tollnwfag salads and
i„.tob>c a lltife bard set aside to
sircnsth to reserve. Draw ui>on It. "
luitcr.' Plato the hot slice* of bread
«re given for such lime.-c
wanted eel dish la
in ihifc remove at once, and pQur over
The loopenlons glv-warm w-gter a tniaute and turn salad
The sailor doe* not dread contrary ,he whole the remalndor-of tbe cream. *'‘'‘ ****^ dressing reclfiea will n.qi;.. on a pliitter. Hive a nisyonnaise
winds, but a raltn. Howevo the wind
Oraham Mufflns-Two cupfuls of
'*!*'' *’•****'*' *’“* .dressing rend) to; serve with It. Re­
member. in ii-aktofc (hl» salad, (bo botUke ^dvantoge or H to cam him to
tom'^'tVe%toh'iSli V to77oP'wii^n

. /




us. tor If we win we may
le conditloii ol iirogrers.”
e It the

« e.VM,
K-.P1,l ol Mm,, or t.«M
drtpplnga. salt. If needed, and lastly
”U U I iBteresiing fact that ii I*
tbo ims) i-x)We who have time to do ,
- tbe -extras. The last iKirsoD la the
Indian-Cakes, a plain delicacy—Take
world 10 apidy to f«r help Ik the one
b.„i,i.bM. Tb,„.«,b
nothing to do soon gel ao that they lp<l.b MC.I .blib M Pbrtenl,,
ould be ,00
They should
too thin ,0
to shape w^
can If*,
do ub.ibnus,
noilitog. Thank
ryxl II
J Iliblin bBiii
lb ,«1>U
a weH.grca^__gridd.e.^_F.).
•ne busy of necessity, tor that means f**
that you will have lime tor theiiuisldc
things that need doing." •
put the thin rak« Into a.tream grav)
••Be true 1

fled lherewltU.-Marcn, Aurallna.
, Indian meal and flour to equsl propor-


that aball be neeeaaary and not l>o "®"*mat anaii oe aeoeasarj. ana not 1.0
emHUcn‘d:tokeepafewfrleii.U.and ••t'co



■ Ko- I-Oite and omvbsif cupful, ol


„ M.


-H*« H-

Whose! Tbe Lords, who tovea'me

v.d,„,„d. »,d d,»„




♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦•^4 ♦♦♦♦ ♦

nliai, and each is good for a change
from the maahedTornlp* usually seen
«» the tnble.
Turnip Slaw—Pare and allcc two
medlnm turnips. Uare them standlni
In <v>ld water over night. Drain and
chop very fine. Draas with- salt, pep­
per and vinegar, adding oil If K is
Stuffed Ttrnlpa-Peci and boil in
Bllghllr sailed water until half done.
Take them out, slice off a bit from the
bottom to make them stand firmly. Cut
a slice from tbe ioi>. Scoop out the
middle, and fill wub a stuffing of
minced meat rveal If i**i-lble». onion
and imrslcv. and ^inahroomi If they
can be had.
Tie the slice onu ibr
top. PUee the turnips in a asneepan.
pour over them some boUtog gravy
atoefc. add a bit of butter, aenaon wtih
salt and P«TI>cr- Simmer gently until
tender. Arrange In a deep dtsb: thick“ the aance with tbe yolk of an egg.
poor over the torolp* and serre-hoi,
Craamed Torotpa-Pare the lurnlfa
wd cut In *ery narrow atrip*. Boll
thean half ah boor In Baited water,
Drain tbmn. place la a dish and core*
***** ''*“ •*«**•
T,n.l„-Pm. ,1k. ul
^j^d water uniU lender,
Drain, and pn*. In tanUog dish suitable to send to Ubia Cover with
traam sauce. Ihisi tbt^ly with bat­
tered bread crumbs. Brown In quick

-- —.......




But now 11/ tnltb I've cnat H off on 1
Cream Pie—BUr together three
Thee. .
tog mixture: Ono, cupful of vinegar, And' when oa Thee It ennnot be on toblespoonfnU of •agar and ooe acant
Il of flour. Add the ^Ite
clove* (ground). Pour
of one egg well beaten; and ooe plat
4^ j,y drop, a goliletful of
the bvcis, cover onill used for ,
. I am I
, my* of cream, with a few ratstoa.
r/-'r —
___ AM._
rm .M.
the allres
Ibln * 'F«'
C.k. IM, .oik. ol ,.lk h.M Ullnl ,,k^ , '
rmoot Btlrahtfci—MU ooe egg.
„,„b ,h„, „J
.|,h . M.oo|,rol !!° 1 , ,!r. T
I'" 1™U» la
e cnpfnl of maplh angar.-not maple

Z r.,-rtorri,,’0."“ r™;

;h» -'vm. «, kr»« ,0. „jir,;.-


™m. -m

gether and trim.
: ..
.. ..
even te*.poooful of aodm oae-fourth
I’eal Sandwlrhra—One pound ot
Tbou t
J each f rlnm
ttop, with Ibreo eggs.
and eaU. and two acant cupfuls erf
and hall a cu|>ful lot aweet cream:
Boor. Bake to a shallow pan aad
.nt .Mikd Miran M. ^o., d«M.l ImM. U TbM I uV . serve warm.
allres-of buttered bread.
Balia (OanUh

------------- _------------------------recipe.)
Than that Thoo wilt. nnUI thla j.lf^.l* Soak, two *alt berrtogs to water tor
•*** raisins and currant* fqF the
few b<wra. then soak to milk to
DxiU cake. They are guaranteed then Thu* prove each day the ayaterlea ot ooe hour, after lomoring all akla and
Thy grace.
bonen Chop flue, aad mlx wlth an
»l»tnre from tbe cake as they-wooM UnUl mloo ere* ahsti see Thee (ace equal quantltr of maahed potato, and
H rolled 10 flour.
to taon
to *U add the rame amount of flnel.v
How U Writ* Lettar*.
—B. B. cbiipped vaal or beef (cooked). Shafte
Jnat proiXtuy ploture up in front of
this eonpotiad into email balls or
you and look me to the eyas and begin
Be PatlenL
cones, dip In egg aad flneiy roHed dry
I. and fry to deep fat.
to talk. Tell z • all the mue tbings They are euch dear familiar feet that I
: leavw out:
Baked Brotnr Bre*d-Us« two enpIt tan or fuls of aoor milk, one^f capful of
sweetened) to tbe butter and sugar, boiler and 000k like custard. When It picnic, and bow Betty looked to her
tnolaate*. two
(1 of salt two capful* of
and one-half teaapoonful of lemon ea- begins to thicken, stir to (he whites ot daffodil dcosa. with the ann sblntng on Bnt trying (0 keqipace; IMhey aaia- cne
tbe fo«r eggs besleo to a stiff troih. her brown curl*. 'Wrlie a* if you
Orahem or rye Boor.-one^f cupful
No. i—Currant Cake. To Na 1 add When cold, and just before unhig, add were making pictures tor me. 10 that Or tread upon some flearor that we of corn meal andonebalf
cepftH of
two cupfuls of prepared curranU and one-half a teacupful ■of thick cream. when I read 1 can aee everything tkni
would Uke
flour. Sflr the mnk nadaolasae* toa teaapoonful of lemoa txtnoL
Green Been flalad-Pour tbe liquor you are doing.—Exchange.
Upon oar breaat, or hrala* a»e rued, ■ether, add the soda, dissolved to a

Pcaaut Finger H0II.-8C.M aad cool,ono of sugar, ooe (vf ..u; aad mix all
one plat bf milk. Make a soft sjionge
«>« logetber. Put on the fire a skillet.
by adding one yeast <ake. oae pint of ‘•“Poonful of vanilla and onMialf
. ,4*00 of hu.ier Ibe size pf a
Il of lemoDl. Add the Bo«ir walnut pour into the pan aK the above
flour and half a u«>|ioub(*1 <
Ix)t It sund onu hour Then art-l half <•'*(*'
powder to Itl and last the Unrludlng both raw and CMked egg
a rupfnl of shoitenlng. butter and lard to-aten whites, it will be a-alee, fine- mlxthre) and. stirring tarcMIv. let It
mixed, two ruptolB ot ftoel) hiohen
tAke. Bake'aboui foru-fivc roine » a brisk boll and thicken
l«anui» and two pints of flour, Knea.l mlnutea to a fair oven.
- Wlgbtly. Remove and place to a glass
well. Place in a warm sixx for two
J-^range Cake. To No. 1 add Ja.-,
l.o-jrs, iher'turn OK on .V'rvad iHKTd
H“d of half an hrange, and a tea. Dresttoi; tor .Meat or Fish SaUdsand roll sllghtl)-. Cm to Ktrlpa In fn apotmtul of orange e**cnce-of courra-'Reat the yelki ol Ipur eggs with three
cer Irntth*. Pinch the ends and i>la<e omitting vaalUa. etc.
Ubles|>oonTuI» of olive oil (borourhlr.
aimriOhtIns l-ri them rhtse an hour
No. »—Almond'('ake. To Na 1 add (hen add eight tol>tesi>oonfulB of vineand teke for twenty ratouien Inn Bood a Ubleapoonful of almond extract, and gar .two of Frenrb musurd. butter
oven.’ These rolU can Ifo started to before baking spread over the top ooe- thr slxe ol a small egg. two teaspoon1 half cupful of chopped almonds.
rgla of aalt. one of ground |>ep|>er. one

Peanut Omrlel—Make a cream
sauce with one Uble*i«onrul of butler.two table*|>nonfuU of fltqir and three•qoartera of a cupful ol milk loured to
slowly. Tahe from fire, seasoa, add
threequartera of a cupful ot groufid

<>■■» -


------ ,„r,.|hM, ,hM M ™a, MM .

Few iiooiito think of poanuts to the
®f niHk.
light of a food. AocordlDg to Table ‘*®
''“‘^^uatter cupful, of flour.
.houu b, ,l.,n .
V”"" H"
..MMMonl nMoo o» llo kMMUr MU orPOMo,.

•" ?

••rH'ly fnrwnt.
retoieos when He knows
All that from HI* wlsdoM'fiowa.
••»«“l'l«»lntineni - HI* appointment,
- *''^®
d«ilala of! we gather
Treasure* of His li»ve untrtd.
■!«- “1 «' •"
*Tovea oor God la wlae and jnal.
___ ...
-Dlsapicototment — Hla appototme
lard. I take It. (hen. as such.
Uke tbe cl_v In hand* of potter.
Yielding v.hol!) to thy touch.
All my life's r-laa Is Thy n
German Turnip*—Two cupfnla of
•Sot one single cb^ce be mine:
dice m^e from timilp*. and parboiled
Let me answer, UDreptolnguntil party tender. Then aRer drain,
Father. "Not my will, bot Tbina"
tog cook these dice alewly to three
rupfnls of hot ■tock of any kind which
• '‘HumMliy Is perfect qnletoea* of has been flavored. There abould be
Jxmrt. it U to have no trouble. It Is inat eooogh left when the tnrnlp* are
to ezpen nothing, to wonder at noth- done to moisten them.
tog (hat Is done (0 me. to feel nothing
Escakiped onions are deUctooa Cook
done against me. It Is to be at rest them Just
directed for tbe turnlpa
»o»ody PUite. me, and when
FMed Celery—Boll « bead of ceich^
uptll tender. Cut It Into pieces, sen1»'!EmM.MM. MimiM 1m ,Md. IM,.
“» •'■h pMM.y. pepK. mM „P.
m!!; T' ..

"i Moon Jo«« bMI in bo«. Dip
*? ’
•*'"^ f
(diamond sbaiavi ones an* ticei. and knecHo m) Father to aecret. mJ am
'■••d dressing, oni- plnrh ol -suesr.
, ,^u_j
■» iwacc. as In a deep sea of calmdr) mustard end |.epi.- r. earn the sire e.liier alter the bread U cut In slices.
•hen all around U troubled."
Sweet Pouto Croquette*-Take two
the rcniminls being utilized tor siufcupfuls of boiled mashed poutoca.
A Burden Really Cast on the Lord.
Whert- -anything si
Beat light the yolka of two em add
fllilng. It should not
,b,blll„™i .nMM. " '
shall snstolB Thee '-Pa- Ixv, II.
. *» *^® PoUto with two ubieapooofuU
|.lar<H< lietween ike ellcrK' until Just‘ J cast It. IbC.d, Just now. I cast It, and «*
^ *»«
*’»**«‘- *“*^ * **•'
of salt, balf a grated nnimeg
...d a w^lon or .........
il of minced parsley.
Olive 8...a.lcht.K-Holl four, egg*
, burdcnlef^ and lull of «»> “
...t ..W.A
*nd gra.lually
gUd BurpHseV
Wlx, and put to a saucepan. SUr over
m„i„en Into a iw»ie, begtontoK with
. reel no wctoht-all. all U light.«'e Are unUl U Iravea tbe aide* of
lemon to moliten,
changed tor day tbe darkaeaa’of
"*“*• "*'*
------ ; I
three Inches U»g aid
one to diameter. Dip to tCeaien on.
How many times I've knelt and pleadv™mb*. aad fry to hot’ fat.
^ on,
ECnaah can be need toatead of sweet
c^m silr^inB a. lliiTo *nin^l.
Then rose wtibont a shade of trouble P»totoes. hddtog aaother egg to lue
-cclPerolbetomii). N'-xt sHr In tho vla«.r.
"^Vof “ywert c^Vira^hllrt
Ob: .what a secret Tbon bast Dow nOdd* and Ends.
BoUed Haaz—The next
time yon have a boiled ham, try cot,he mixture on toe uni.I wanted.
chicken ui.d f.o•***'* '* •"*'
I've often cried, and with a bean Uk* Uag oome of It to thin, aaull hita.

. »»c®( i-icsieo tveei
sanowiraea**-• S^tdwlche,rrenitog. Jost like dried beef.
leave*, lor ‘’ca^Ted torke? tor "f” '*’'
"*• I ve Wiht my burden with v Up* Thl* U a dish oor EngUah coaalo* ar*

o. nMM. ...... ..

frirndi with -hlmaelf—here
for all that a man lias of fortitude and dian cakes are left.
dellcarv ."—Ftevenson,
p„„M, ..


sioonfulsof thick whipjied cranm. Cut
four bananaA twice lengthwise and
1°S«bcr. my Wble ^l.
then cut each piece late quaridn,
l-ut t»o small letuice leave* together.
bay sevctal pieces of banana on ibe
'«‘"''e and co\or wftb tbe dressing- Ills appointment.’'
— * IHasmoluimeni
Arrange th.-vc
thi-vu poribrns
PorHuns on a large
ChAge one leiier. ihen I
Thai the ibwarilng of my porpoao

Honey Ginger Spsi*—One mn.
pint «
; .honey. ihre^uaHera of a iioaDd of
r shortening, two leasiKMofuls
of ginger. Boll tog. ihfr for a few

,, If,"” .'1, j;,„d

M O,

Irom • Nfll of wen cooked flriwt ♦«♦•♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•# Of enwb pcM>r hope uUI II bleed.
beans., udi lar tbrtn opoB « tovcMo ♦ FOEMt THAT HAVE HCUKa ♦ We taesi be unte;
drain twrtecll}'. Oreea with a saUd «
Not nmlag quickly to impeie
dreesini; made as tolloare; Grate a
My BIMe and t
^ Orare faelt: for tbey and ve
teanpooBlnt of oidun. mli It vltb an We're trareled locetber. m; Bible Hare eocb a little way to ao. can be
equal quantity of lemon jqiee, a beepand I.
Totetber sncb a Itule white upon tbe
ing Baltspoonful td aah. and oae of Thro’ aU kloda of weather, la lempeet
|«wdercd aucar. a level salUpooBtal
or calm.
We mmt be patient while we bay.
each of pepper and do* raimurd, and Tby friendship nscbapKlBC. my tamp So many little tanlU we find,
a tables|>oonrul of saUd «ll. Tbe ausand my psalm.
We see them, for not blind
ar may be omitted
U love. We see them, bat If you and 1
olive Salad—Oa
Balad—Oa .
a —...
small pUtter ar- We've traveled tosether. my BlUe Perhaps remember them, some by and
ranae two'llabt eu|>-sbaped lenvm of
Ileitnce for each person, and In tbeae W'tacn llte had frown weary, and They will not be
haves pot a border of radishes ent In
»>«>>• Panlu then, erave fanlta, to yon and
thin allces. and to the center put a Bet all through tbe darknesa of mist
i.hlospoonful of shredded oUvea Mia , M of wrong
Bat }nat odd ways miaukea. or even
one icaapoonful of salt, oae aaltapoon- *
• aolaco. n prayer,
ful of paprika, halt a saltipoonful of
^membrancca to blesa.
i«epprr.-elx lahlespoonfula of salad o|I

change ao. many things, yce
and three of vinegar at the table and So now who shall part na. my Bible
pour U over the ml»d as It U servedand I.
Wo see ao differently to, bob nnd
Banana Salad-h»t Into n amall ®**?“
^*'«btoma. or 'new
bowl the yollf of one egg. oae saltMistaken words tonight
aallanbetance. or atone Ala) be ao cberlahed by tomorrow's
■imnnrul of
<.f salt,
uli and
snri half
hair a teaspoonteaaimn. Shall shadow
for good bread,
llgblr. Stir In oil ^
alowful of 1«
CTOfuT'^s Wn"^ add- 8"PFlanl THY aoand wisdom, give We shall be patient, for we know
b' nniil
folly Instend?
There's such a little Ray to go.
log two tablespowifuls of lemon Juleo
ihinat. tU)k>r a teaspoon.
—George Klingla.
hi needed
of the
the dresalnn with a tlny-blt of Ah, ao! my dear Bible, exponent *of
ful of
prepared grccn-rdlor Jiaatc, and then _^ ****“>_..

Into round cakes and hake In bulter.*J chicken cut Into jdlce. two Urge ouBU oi • French {icas;
cumlwTB, oiw . ...................
,dmj, the cucuml4rs and
turn the ■•eas Into a coUndor. let cold
water ran over them for a minute, and
men drj- it. » doth; Just before serv-

■ JZ”.
*'Tblnk not on Yesterday,
iroubie I
On what may be In atore tor you
But let Today bo your incessant

♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦<»♦♦♦♦♦♦«

For homaB roncuniitlon no artlrle
ran be {oiind more delllcous than
boar)', and none tnroe beneBclal to
health. Bays a bouaebold ma«atloe.
There are ttaref claace Of honey;
honey In tbe comb., honey eatracied
from tbe comb, and strained honey,
Hdney made by the In«b Id small secttonel boxes
eomprlaek-----------the flrat--------class.
--------------------Honey extiMed from (be comb is
the pure Ifquld. withont the comb, and
Is sold cheaper than In the comb be^
cause tbe comb is of wore valne than
the honey, it takes twenty lounda of
one lonod of comb.
Strained honey U the result of
mashing up combs and catching all
that wiu jian through a cloth. Tliua
I« ta Inferior to pure extracted honey,
The mashing of the comb and atrain*“*
api*earance «d
deatroys the fiaior.
The following are a few of Hie
Soo-I iMngs tbal may U- made
as jin Ingredient.
tMke-Four eggs, five
^ Oour. two caps of one
‘’“•IV-one cup of sweet milk,

little aei watec, then



kinds or meal, and dtir imUl tbe mfkim« la free from Ittmfia Bake In a
moderate oven one'bour.

A writer la Good Ho
of- a clever plan she used la entertniolag. She says;
To aw people at a dlaner I trtol
tho' folloowlng pUn. BThieb broke the
It* most anoetnafuUy - and afforded
miKti amusement. Pbllowtng the tdoa
of the ark that -the animals went in
two by two." I made dupUette teu of
cards bearing the nai^ of different
anlmals-nnd passed one set to the
ladies, aqd Uie other to the gentle­
men. wh,A»eraG*n^ dlUgrent room.
Hiding hi; rard. eaAvman t
•esoMi ul hi» partner, mal^g a mtis.Hke the animal given him The ladb-s
in the other room were calUqg.
and thus tbe two cats. dogs, horaes.
rnoatera. etc., mad wh other. They
then proceeded in enapiea to the dlnthi-y found their
ptacos by acarefaing for the antropriBte food for each animal. .Tbe horaea
ant down in front of tninehes of hay.
tbe cats found catit^ mire on their
plate*; the doga ma*l; Ibe rnostera
corn; the rabbits oarrota. etc. AU
daring the evening the mlmkry wai
kept Dp. mneh to
I amnaetoent.

Cheese Famou* by Its CwHi^.
-The (v-k-bralcd Roquefort cheeses
arc made at the v-tUage of Koquelon.
slinau-d on. tbe Wonnthin LATsac,
wbl^ Is about twenty-five mite* In
length and ucariy 3.000 feet blgb.
conalsU -chiefly of limestone, bone)combed with caves, but Mvered with
suflldenl lasture to feed'tbe .SOO.OU)
sheep kept for (heir milk. Tbe caves,
bring lornird by diaplaecment of
rocks. exHuln of an touicate Ubyrinib
of open apaces and passages all con­
nected with each other and with a
outlet. A cool current
of air. therefore, always of (be same
degree of tumidity and temperataie,
flowr^nMf never totemipted stream
thro^ (he caves. There Is nothing
to the milk or to the preparation o(
the cheeses that give* them (hat pe­
culiar flavor and delidous mellowna.B
lor which they are ao renowned. Tbi*
U eniirel.v effected by the method by
which they are cured. M'hen the
ebeeaes are wady tor treatment they
ara token to (be cave*, and after being
allowed to cool are earned to tbe salt­
ing room. They are rubbed wlth-aalt
M one lace, and (ben piled on the top
of each other nntll Ibe cave la fall.
After standing tor tw^ty foor boor*
or so the reverse side Is salted, and
once more titoy are piled a* before
Tbe cbeesrs have to be frequently reTeraed in onler that the molature may
be even tbrongbont and to develop the
fungus which has prevlooaly been
sown to the curd. In fony-elghi bobrs
tbe cbeesa become vlsoona. and are
rattoed with a coarse cloth, la the
conrae of another two days the foagoa
win appear oa the ootslde. la tbe form
of a atlcky pane. This U carefnily
scraped «rff with knives, togethel- with
a tbto stratum of era»t. and »et aside.
Tbe ebeeaes are now sorted oat. (be
mon nUd one* being pUeed on the
Boor, to eight days' time they be­
come covered with a yellowUh-red
euUon. which Is removed and Is used
to feed pigs. Tbe scraping Ik contlnoed anUI the character of the mold
changea. abexrlag (Imt (be cord bas al­
tered It* condition and announcing tbe
completion of the cure. Tbe cheeses
tben again carefnll.v scraped nnd
wiped, wrapped to tinfoil nad ate
ready for tbe market.—London Spare

ihlo pleces-aboBt ooe-toch cuben
Soak to cold water for ao hour. Waah
the stalka of ooe bunch of ctfery and
ent Into sUre* about one-foanh of an
Inch tbi^. Slice a snmll onion very
Is* Put the cetory nnd ookm into
tinart of bplllag. snlted water; ten
mlnnte* later add the petaloea and
cDok till the whole la tender—about
twecir mlanta* loapr. If the water
boil* ont fast, add a little 0K>re boUtog
water, taking care net to let the mixtare stick. Have ready one quaii of
milk made hoc hot not bolUag. Pot
•nl ,of batter to a .
a aad melt, adding to It
ewe heaping teaapoonful of floor; mis'
thoroughly, bnt do not brown. 'Stir
this Into (be atew nad aansoa well
wHh salt and papper. Remove from
tbe Bra. add the hot milk, and lastly
two .areU-hentes oggs. mlrrlng quKhly.
ao as net to let the eggs curdle. Serve
at oooe with the beet of oyster crack-

A JeHy Hint.
Jnstead <rf havtag the craaberry
JeDy to oae laige ahapa. mold It ladF
Tldnalty and nrrange the
oa n
glam dlab and wreath srith torga'rato.
In* idnmped to orpaie Juice, then cook
ed. Or chop |dUed datea aad mold
them lata tbe Jelly. Oraagm aBced
aad seeded and peHad. then molded to
the tolly make* a lOeaaaat efenaga
Craaberry sauce la (toaaged by the ndditlon of chopped cooked praam; tt»

Inlug drilctowtr U>F


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