Grand Traverse Herald, July 29, 1913

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Grand Traverse Herald, July 29, 1913


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, George G. (1861-1942)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Cover* tbc
6ra«d Trav. erac Rcghia.




lllnoM of Eight Weoka Endod Satnrdoy Morning.


her and Obershaw
StickfMy Grocery.




Psaaad Away After Long I
day Night.


Cbas. DrarJea, seed S6 years, died
Falrbrotber and Obershaw have pur­
Mrs. Phoebe J. FUh died
PRMPeCT OF PCACt !• smaHT : hu homo In Oarttejd toamhip Sat­ PREPARATIONS MADE FOR AN IN. chased ih^ grocery business of L. R
home, 6IU State street. Frid^ nlehL' STORM SUNDAY NOON WORST IN
urday after an ■ IlIncAa ot eiab:
Stickoey. 4ii South L’Dion streeL Mr.
after pn lllnesa of more th^ three
weeks. He la aurrlved by a wife.
Falrbrotber baa been in the assist­
year* duration. Mrs. Fish wa* 69 year*
r dwhters, three mds and one
ant superintendent'* office at the Here
of age and was born In Palmyra. Lena­
sUter iirinc Id CUpafo. Tbo cbilMarquette suclon at Bosrdman -for a
wee county. JMchlaao. She Is survived
dron are: Ura. Antbdity_IieiD«e. Mrs.
number of years, and Mr. Obershaw
by two son*. C. B. Curtis. Fred D. Cur­
has been with Mr. Btickney for sevSOUTHERN FORCES AREFALLINO Frank Bcclle of Traverae CK^, Mra.
STRIKE BREAKERS KEPT FROM tis: two sister*. Mr*. Carrie Esie* of
Mar) Wlihelm of Etenror. Colorado.
Bales. Mr*. Adeline Havlland of Tra
eral monlba Both of these genilemen
John Dracka llvinc at borne tn GarCity, and throe borthera. John
have a wire circle of friends and that
Held toa-nsblp. Cbas. Dracka and •trtkem Forced Pump Men to Quit be will make a success of this bnsiHoxs^eof Acme. Cha*. Hoxsle 'of Seat­
AtUcks By Robots Oe Aroonol i
Confarance Was Held Today by Mina
tle. Wash., and A. T. Hoxsle of Grand Several Pcopi* Knocked Down and
Shsnghsl Hsvo Boon BUsdlly
ness is assured.
Work, Allowing Mlnee to Be
Owner*. But Their Plane Have
Many Talephones War* Tent
The funeral was , held from the home
Rapid*. Mr*. FYsh was an active mem­
Ropulood by tho Loyal 0«v.
They will call their store tbe "Wel­
Entailing Heavy'
Net Been Given to
the Wane of Hot
Monday afternoon at two o'clock. Ret
ber of the Presbyterian church, W. R,
•pninont Troops
come" atore.
Lose to Owners
the Public
in the CKy
Demas Cochlin offlcUUnK. Interment
C.. t,. U A. and W. C. T. I',
A short funeral service wan held
Shsoabsl. July M.—Tbo rovolatlos- took place In the Oakwopd cemeiery.
Calumet. July 2C.—Slate troops w-ni
Calumet. Jul.v :g. — Wiib guards
City was vi«!ied^Sunday
from tbe home Monday morning at II
SIT ouiso boro spposn to bo wsaconUnue to enforce the laws and pro­
thrown ouwover the entire strike dis;
of the ^oot severe
o'clock. Interment took place
Inc. Doapite tbc larse nambor o( robol
tect life and property la the copper
irlrt and I5.t»oo striking copper minI wind, rain nnd electrical storms-of tbe
Adrian, MIchPignn: relnrarcemoBts, tbo stucka on the arcountry of Northern .Michigan uni»
er» In a sullen mood. R seemed ceryear. 'Much damage waa done to
oonal by tbo ooutborners Ust nlfbt
difficulties between ibe copper
uln Ibis morning tbat there would be
shade tieea in all paita of. tbe dty.
and today faUed oompleltiy and Dr.
mine operators and the 2r,.puo em-!
serious trouble wltbin- a few hours.
Tbe icleohone wire* In ail directiona
Wn TiBcTanc. former Chinese min­
ployes have been settled and tbe
Mine operators arc making heroic atru> out ot commlsrion; bouse*
uter to tbc Cnllod States. Gene^
Btrikers reinrn lo work. Tbla became
open the ininea. but the
muck and many people stunned
in-Tanns-Tao and other prominent
known today ujiod the arrha) here
I whore they reielved over Sund^J' SEEMINGLY BRIGHT BQY KNEW from tbe effecu of tbe llgbinlng.
rebels, efter a eanfeiaoce today, teleof Brigadier General Abbe.v, oouiNOTHING 0*F HOME
being persuaded to remain away
which seemed to ' pUy at srlU wttb
frapbed President Tnan 8hl Kal pro- Cuetem of Tying Prisoners Together ending ^e M. N. G.
from work by atrlkera- plritela.
(hat happened to bar caslaat
pnsl&i a basis fob peace nefoUaUona.
Made Ocmand for Fewer
The sheriff of Keweenaw count) Turned Out by Drunken Parents He > handle.
Absolute quiet prerallpd UirougbThomas S. Smith of Chicago end
U U no* known that So Cb6«-Fo
Ha* Wandered Over th*
tbe dlairlct today, allbougb George A. Hawley of Hart, both of asked for troops this morning and
Tbe most disastrous resnlU were
*ln tbe ptovlnoe of Klanc-Sn. U In poeCeohtry. •
threats of alrikers' to stuck the Vic­ whom are big apfde grower* and aell- milMla will be sent. Mine company
the burning of Stephen Lautner'e bare
salon ot tbe norttaeniers. Tbe mlULondon, July 25.—Tbe fewer the pig­
south of the city. Thl* was one of
toria and Wtalce Pine mines in On- er». imssed througth the city Batup officials held a lengthy conference
tary gorenor ot tbe prortnee ot Hu- tails, tbe more fiollce are required in
POoriy dad. unkempt and hungry, .the finest bares In this locality, and
this morning, but refused information
Nan. one of tbe cbtet tea produeing China. Bbertly after tbe revolution toni«oD county caused hurried orders day afier an Inspection ot the apple
all the summer crops, including the
for tiw^is to be dispatched In that orchards.of the ],eelaDau and Grand as lo what action was plinned.
sectAona of tba empire, bea
which tamed the anc
Shuts were fired by soldiers todey a i<atlictlc kiory in the police station grains and tbe wagone. hnggy, haredirection.
Traverse peninsulaa Mr. Smith will
tbe nantnUty ot hU dlsMet. and tba
republic, neatly all tbe
when c deiall of troops was rushed Baturday. The lad wa* picked up last epf and a great number of agrlcalwm Try to Operate Mines
as the msD wbo
miUtarr forenor of Cba-lCians pro­ tbe epuibers prorineee cal off their
night by Pouodmaster Gegner, wbo tural Implements. Th* stock end
lo Khafu 3, 4 and the powder bi
The open autement of the mine of- bought a 4(Vacre apple orebard
vince U Srmly anppreealne ell prop*- gnenea, and- ever since tbe police defound him walking on a oountry road horses were saved;
the Isle Ro.vni mine to clear o
t Yeea Shi KaL
partmenu have been yelping for a BcUla that they would start opera­ iValkerville in Oceana county for
crowd uf strikers and .strike sympa- some mile* from the dty. He took
Mr*. Carl Umlor. who waa telephon­
DeaplU tbe nefodetloaa made
larger force. Sir Alfred Turner, who tions In, all abafta aa noon a* auffi- 14,000 and In less than two year* re­
tbixers who bad gathered there to the child home and cared for him last ing tor a physician, wa* p
an armlaUce. flsbUng was resnmed at be* lost reinmed from China, today dent troops arrive to pnUect tlie fused »ir.noo for tbe same property.
prevent tbe reopening of tbe pump. DighL and thU morning Chief ot Po­ ■ the ahock, and it wa* several mo­
worker*, led to the belief today that
Mr^ Hawley is interested in the 75> o'clock Ust erenlns. The-aontben- gare tMa axpUnaiion;
lice Carson took him to tbe ddenUon menta before abe recovered.
era. reintoreed by SCO Cbnioneae and
'The compialm puuled me nntil I warfare between tbe state miliury rre orchard at Omens, which or­
perse. unUI the aoldlera fired a vol­ home, where be will be 'held tmUl
John Stgbler'a.^ouse. 22i
1.000 Homanesa. agaU -attacked tbc happened to -aee two hatches of pris­ asd Btriklng copper diggers would be chard has been put Into a producing
ley over their heads loTfrighten them. aoree dispoeal can be made ot bU Ninth *tt«t. w** fi»s^jf.;‘ TTie wood­
oner* led through tbe itreeu. One geoeral before nightfall. Tbe eoilre conditian during the past tire years.
aracnai. but were detaated with
.Fuiuplng uperailona «ere resumed
shed was partially demollabed and a
lot had plgtaili, and tbe*e had been membership is expected here by this
Both men were loud in their praises
alderable loasaa. Tba toroea at
The boy. teemlngl.r bright and In­ great hel^ knocked lo the elde of the
today at all mines at the aootb end
month et tba river here sow joined all tied .together, enabling one police- afiemoon, and It wa* known the op­ of tbe penhitnla orchards, and took
telligent in all other thing*, profeased ktirben. A piece of the window sill
look after the lot. Fonr pu- erators would then aitempi lo ^art special pains to pay a compliment lo of the district. Several non-union
tbe loyalists.
were injured by missies at Ray- nbaoluie loaa of metnory when qnei waa thrown through the open door
Frank Edgeomb berauee ot the splen­
It u reported that the rebels are licemen iaere needed to escort, an­ raise work.,
malliosn when attacked by strikers tloned a* to hi* home. He aald that Into tbe dining room, that would
fallins back tbroogtiout the Tang-Tae other and emaller batch of prUonera
Immense damage occurred lo min­ did condlUon In which ibev fonnd bis
for refusal to participate In a parade. about two months ago hi* father and have killed a person had they been
ralUy and that tbe fforemment stead­ vbo *era qneucieaa." General Tur­ ing property today from the action of several orchards. Tbey said that Mr.
mother, both of whom were drunkarO*. In Us path. The aldttif ot the house
ner was very much Impreosed wiib tbe tbe U.OuO atrlkera in forcing the Edgeomb was taking more than naual Troops drove the strikers to their
ily U gaining tbe upper band.'
bad turned. Mm out with instructions Is all tooaeoed. A wire cMbe* line
extreme youth of the members el
wltb hU tree* and tbat
pomp UQ engUe men to abandon
to shift for himself. Since that time (hat ran from tbe honae to the ban
lUment which be vUited while thar tbeTr work. Tbe sbaHa are rapidly frulis this year would be considerably
he has been traveling in freight a
course the lightning took
body wai In aesclon. With few ei filling with water and It was believed above the average.
and walking. FOr da:» nt a Ume
to stun both 5Ir. and Mrs. J. Btobler.
ception* all were attirni in Europeai tbat operators would make desperate
The gentlemen left in their motor
has had nothing to eaV but leaves
wbo were in their rer preparatorj- to
dree* and only one of T0i> bad a pli attempts tbla afternoon to aun tbe tar for the south shortly before noon,
berries, stating tbat he would never taking a ride. It was several min­
Treemndou* and b'oneet exer pumps.
expecting 10 rearil Hart by night
GRAND RAPIDS BOY RECEIVED ask for anything to eat. and that what utes before Mr. Stabler couldtyeallM
lion* are being made, he said, to *ui>had been given him had been given wbat had happened. A dog te the
Formal notice was recelred this
pres* the opium traffic.
itarily. Hla hair U long and hi* Urn was alao aiunned and be ba*
morning from Governor Feni* that
"It U a blight on EngUnd." be con­
They Are Helping Newly Formad Al­ tinued. "that such a powerful eouniry be would not come to Calumet to
Wa* Beating Way on Train Sattwday legs and body are
been able to walk since. A cat
reel tbe troopa or to make an
wounded- He is somewhat of a stoic, and two kitten* were m scared
falfa Clubs to Get into
has conUnued to force Its opium
tor no matter what was done >he hair baa not aasumed tbe proper
Cattic Guard.
China for so long. It would really be
In the matter of dressing his wonnds poalilon. nnd when stroked the hair
to EngUnd'i advantage to belp In­
Qolet prevailed- Ibrougbont thlj
Prot A. R Potu spent FrWay U stead of hindering for commercial rea’
Martin I* Van Zanten, a 17-yearold he showerf no sign of pain. Tbe lad ralli to remain. amDoUi. It Uvtec
strike scene last night.
boy. who waa beatlnk his way trow gave th* police the general idea that been electrified.
the rtdnlty of Trsrerae City YUUlng
tbe stamping out of the opium
It is re'ported rtiat foreigners have Indictments Followed Inveatigatlen of Grand Rapid* ,Baiurd*y on tbe afier- be had once lived in Grand Rapids,
alfalfa flelda. In tbe forenoon
Patttriman Peter Bcboelder. wbo
trade In China."
Five Firaa . Bet tor th#
dynamite Into the
noon O. R. A I. train ihai reaches here and an investigation will be mad* In Uvea nest door, was knocked down'
helped WUliam Omni solve aomi
>Pper and iron countries and for this
at 1:30. met with a frightful accident an effort to locate bis parents.
tbe problems that hare been bother­
by the shock, thongh tbara waa no
ason much of the trying duty ot tbe
when about two miles from this clt)'.
ing Hr. Crent for weeks peat end U
damage done to the home.
rbicago. July 26.—True bills charg- Van Zanien was banging on the rear
troopers will be to guard the mloe
tbe eftenoon be ruiied the alfelfe
The Jail bnildtef was ftnuk and
inr complicity In Incendiai^- fires were ■tepa or the parlor cars the verilbule
pro^rty from possible dyi
field on tbe T. H. Undsley place
several of tbe alatos of tbe roof were
voted today by the grand Jury against or which was close<l. and being tired
the Penlsaula.
broken ano the llghU In the hafldteg
Joseph Fish. head.of Joseph Flab A from clinging i«s ihe band -rail was
were ont tor some tune.
Prof. Potu esamUed tbe Held and
i'o.. public fire inanrance adjustera leaning bJs body beyond the aide ot GLEN LAKE REGION PROMIBE6
A (ret: te the rear of Mra Ada Fil­
made acreral taau of tbe soil and
Li:d nine others, two of whom are re­ the car. when loaning a caitle guard
ler's boose on Randolph street waa
was able to glra information which
ported to be women.
broken off at the baaa ' This was
.will be of fast value in getting larger Efforts are Being Made to Oavsiop COLD STORAGE PLANT IS UVE
Tbe action followed tbe teaUmony
ilong hi* back, hip and thigh
two feet thick. A almllar accident
retunia for tba future. Pan of the
Bainita Mines In Olfferof Mr*. Fannie ICorahak. whose hus­ eigth inches long and four inches
occurred in the yard of Malcolm Wtaful Spraying. Cultlvatien and
day Prof. Potu was accompanied hr
ent SUtas.
band is now a fugitive from Justice In deep.
NotwIfbsUndlDg bis awful
nle.^on State street.
- Fruit Thinning
O. P. Read, wbo U federal dUtrict
Plana Now Under Way to Eatabllah connectioD with Indlctnietiie prev
wound be clung lo tbe rail and alepi
SereSl trees were htewn over the
nnperrlaor for Bonb centntl Mlcbtuntil be reached the city, whan he
Jtan. Mr. Reed baa the cotnUea that
. H. Day. praaldent of the West- telephone wires ont osar tha water*
In This City.
suit of iu Invesilgailon ot tbe opera waa found and a physician aummoDf^.
are just east of 'tboM along the Uke
Mlcblgan Development Bnrean. Ing trough.
t;cne of tbe alleged "aiwon mist 'i wbo sewed up the gash with twenty
tbe past year in tbe trolled Biate-.
Tbe Ushtnteg struck the telephone
shore. He was on bla way back to
pawed through the city Thuraday
the many new uses to wiiirti
Tte fruit grower* and |>coiile of Mra. Korshmk Is said to have named stitches. He was taken to the boapital.
wire at Will fteach’a home and fol­
East Lansing from Antrim 'bounty tbe metal. U put. li aUmulaUng pr.- this region in general liave come
Flsb aa one of tbe membera of the where he is reported as doing well hl* way to Glen Haven from Detroit, lowed the wire inside aad down the
where be helped te conduct tbe An­
rorporatlan* to expend large tbe ccndutlon that the liesl means
alleged ring.
and will be aide lo be ont In n few where be bad been on important bns- chandelier and exploded In a ball of
trim county aJfalla campaigiL WhUe
daja' He gave his home as CIt Gil­ inesi. Immediately on hU return
of money In developing bauxle improve tbe local market and bring
The indlcimenia voted today
fire at the end of tha electrie lamp
in Trarerwe City be visited tbe Trar- one mlnea tn New York. Pbnnaylvania. the producer the highest poaible uid to be baaed on tbe Jury'a Investi­ bert street. Grand Rapids, where he the Glen Lake region be made a ca
inspection of the 1913 apple like a pistol ahoL
^«Tse city Stats bospital and inspected UUnolt. North Carolina. Tennessee price i* to osubilab a cold storage gation of five incendiary fires by had lived about seven month*,
Tbe approach of tba rark street
the lioltteln herd. Be vUUed tbe Mor­ and other sutee, according to a re­ plant in tbe city. Barb a plant would whlcb the Insurance companies were has two brothers, one tn Brooklyn crop. He had heard 'ounplainU
gan tberry orchard to learn the taa port made today by tbe I'ntted Bute* brlog pnrebaaers wbo would take tbe defrauded- out of tnaoy tbooeandi of- and Ibe other In Hoboken, wbo have ibout tbe apple* dropping end abont bridge at tbe G. R. A I. depot^as
washed out tor a dlatoac* of twenty
I ouu of cbeiTT harveatlng. and
acMore tbftii C5.0M.- prodnee and pay tor It here, making a dollars, rub is wealthy, a member
crop. After looking at many trees feet
made a trip down tbe Peninsula to tbe 000 pounds of aluminum were con- strictly borne market for perishable
number of club* and one of the cldenL
The Btote Hoapltol creek overt
Iw came to tbe conclnslon that
A. P. cmy asd w. R Gray fruit farms. snmed daring 1012 as
produeU. The plant will have
best known public fire insuraDce ad­
where the apple* had been weU token flowed Its bank te many plaeea and
Saturday Prof. PMU and Ur. Reed 46.125.OCW pounds consumed during
at a strlcil}justers in the citr. Tbe lodirtmenu
ear* of in tbe matter of cumvailan. aeveral af th.e cdtlaie along Its oonree
were •! WiiHamsbargto belp the mem­ tbe year l»n. The domestic develop tlon In order to be of general benefit. U la expected, will be returned In
spraying and thinning there la prac­
bers of the wtlUamabnrg Alfalfa chib mam of bauxite ore, from which alum­ Space moat be prbvided fur renul
court either tomorrow or early next
Beveral of tbe ti
gn on tbe right track. Soil taata are inum Is derived, during 1»12 wa* val­ those wbo have product* to store and week.
Waetani Charrla* on ExhlbltloA at tically BO loaa. but that where or
charda have been neglected nnd the ■track and broken, aUowtog (he wliea
being made and tbe genanl proMcn ued at I786AS2. as ronpared with a it abonld be of antflclenc also to uke
NaUonal Bank
of tanning taken np and diaeasaed -mud smaller amount during tho pit- care of all prospective customer*.
A sample of fancy cherry packing trees have bm permitted lo become
An apple tree te the yards of
with tbe rartout mamban of tba dub, codlng year, but even tbla Increase
Roallxing the need of cold storage
la on exbtbitton at the First Nattonml Infested with fnngns and insect die-,
Prank Friedrich bed aeesnl of th*
each 08 bis own p^
tailed to saUsfy tbe demand and leu faelUUea at home. pUni are ooV
Bank. Theao are weatara cherrie* eases, there is going to be a short­
limb* twisted almoat arood to the
open a great margin tor imported being tomnlated by which local peo­
put up by th^-BUter Ro« Valley Co. age. His snow apple trees, which to
dliecUon and still aot broken
bauxite and alnmlnom. Tbe iinpmtj ple can' invest with safety and com
ThU firm ha/been advertising te the tbe past have often ruled to prodnoe
n London.
clean fruit tbte year give promise of
of tbe ore and tbe ftnlabed metal weie atrnct anch a plant at once, tbe com­
Saturday Evenini Poht
The house at S51 Stot Bsht^
Nothing extra fln*. and this leads
record breaking daring 16I2.
pany lo be formed and Incorporated
London. July 25.—The advance
Mr. Day to heUeve that Ul thU is. •trett was struck by a tolling Mah
The mannfacture of new alumlanm nndtf tba lavs of tbe aUU and offi­ gnsrd of what i* expected to be tbe fancy, sweet cherriea
uary to produce fancy fruit If of a tree near by and the ptetnren
rodnets includes kmg distance power cered by tbe highest type of buoliieaa greatest woman auBrage demonstraThe First National U exhibiting thU
This Meriting
bousebpld ware men wbo an not speculators, thereby Uon bgUnd baa ever seen, arrived in package for the interest of the local to give the proper attenUon in th* knocked ot the walla and a targe
and cooking ntenills, p
Insuring equal rights to all and profli- the British capllal today. Tbe demon- grower*. Tbe outside of tbe box. matter of tblnnteg and spreylng.; window broken. Mrs. Champagne was
nearly strnck by tha Umh.
Mra. Martha 'fieUraw, wife of Ern­ tor paint plgmenL lilbographinc and able retoraa to tbe stockholders.
stratlon wUl atan tonuwrow. 7^ wo­ which U of heavy, ventilated card­ The apple crop in the Glen Lake re­
Chas. Brosdfoot's
est OaGraw of Msplelon. died Monday
of exptoslvqs. Aluminum
Plans. Bpedflcatlons and subicrip- men are coming here to demand the board. baa a fancy label for the ad- gion this year will be net only Urge
Btrack. (he telephone was knooked
morning at tbe borne of Geoege Da- foU tor-wrapping tobacco and candy is Uon UaU are ready for investigation vet*. Kone of those Included In the dreaa Inside of this is a fancy box, tn qaanttty, hat wni be of
from the wall and a rag aet on fir*
fira*, 9fO Caaa street, where abe
g tinfoil because of lu at tbe ^oas of Covcll A Cross In tbe
members of tlie enrii as eonfeclions are encased in. cellaet qaailty. Not « HtUe of the id bureed.
wu brougbt tor an operaUon for non-corroaire qnaUilea;
aluminum BUU bank building and nearly one- mlUtant Women's Booial and Political Inside .it a. jmrtltlon oeparaUng the frail will be fancy.
W. I. Dekay’s telephone wag strock
■oitiG. Mra LeOra* wa* 3S years metal As being need In tbe conatrnc- half of tba amount necessary for con- union. All are opposed to mOItant two pounds of cherries In th* con­
and knocked off the waO.
of «xc and was bom la Montcalm lion of tanka, cooking VaU and reaacis etructlon.ef aacb a pUni-ba* already metboda Tbe
tainer. and on top Is'a recipe for
rouaty, Bbo Aegrea baaide tbe bna- need in'bre*eriea. preserve manufac1t U eetimated tbat tlons iwpreaeoted have a total mem- riierry salad. The cherriea are very Pols who .cams to thU country n .few
MASiaTES-Tbomaa Bareett, 67,
band, three cbBdm. Almon. aged 14; torlea and similar Induatrtce where stock in this (
berablp of nearly 50/KM). Jiany of fancy.In appearance, allbouglr not months ago. wa* sent hack Thnra- waa toond dead at Filer Otty. A derZoa aged 10, and Milton, aged S heat coodncUon and ooiHcorToslon are at laata U per cent upon
basis of tbos* wbo will arrive tomocTow in regularlyvpa^ed. and while they are day hr ImmigrnUon oSiclala. bellaved
hollc add botUs found an him todL
tbe spaoa that baa already been re- Ume for tbe demonstration have large they do not exceed in slM the to be Insane.
e^tlaLcated sntelde.
Fano-ral arTangemaois wm ba an------------------------qiieated by local parties. The pJatf "hiked" all the way to London. Some Schmidt's Bigerean or the Windsors
Boi-med later.
MARBHALL-^-ClaraOoantennan, 13. will be a groat banefit not tmly
of them walked SOO ml)«a. having grown locally, and their flavor
MONfflNO—The bodlee of Joee^
JACKBON-A] Soderaia. armted
adopted by Mii. W. Baxe of Newton Travarse aty, but tbe entire region aurted tbe
weeks ago. not oompare srith them.
Meranlt end N. F. BMaler, who were as a berae thM, was tdoattfled by
BTAKDlBH-QtOMd is to be b
from tbe state school *t
Mrs. Milllceot G. PawceU. presidmit of
ahoqld to- drowned fishing Bundar, bare beea prlaon effViala Tharsday aftomoM as
for tbe erection of an Epiaodtml OoMwatar. mr«
( prodneta c a perlahable tbe oatlMial union, win preolde at oil speet tbU westers method ot paektog rcoovered and eent to Marqnetto tor
a pantod fleavtot aad was retareed
Church la this city to coat f6,0M.
and is still n'lft-f
^ igieetiafA

















GraaJ Timmt HmM



work up the crop Into the moat aalabla

form with a minimum ot waate. At
the prnent time a lam abare of what
J j^ rained la allowed to co to
^«^e on aeconat of a lack ,of a aultablemaryL The addition «t an erapnratlnp plant to take care of the cull
^rult would add thooEMda ot dotlani
the Income of the growera and not
toToire any cxlenatTc outlay of capiul. There are many other aide Unes
Sat«*d M McsBAdM nutter
that can be Introduced In connection
with the fruit hnilneaa that
OOMW> oI U«r«k t, 1»T>.
mean much to the anUre region. The
of buatneaa la to ollmlnaie
Offtco. m Pmrt at Mt FtiMM ts waste and make practical uae of the
gradee ot trult that oannot be aold
the market at a proOt, If at all.
Thla la a lire queatlon tor thU
try and It li almply up ‘to tboee who
are engaged In the baalneaa and who
would profit by tbe IntrodocUon of
plBBU to u-orktip tbc inferior grades
of fruit to get tiuay and 'make poaslble
Thm are t>Mt In the Utm of Ui«
ot aome of them ba. y olae aeaa tbe ralue ot
hmi bnninwa Bcn In tbe oonnur
wh«B*ihe> wtn mala, invenUnenu U»t auch action and Uk^;.,$he cream off
the opportunity. Thla' If-hlfrady a
»ou>d be «i«ettlc»|ied «»«
great region, but It can be made inBwnuUr unlaUnced. and m * rowlt
graatcr If tboee who arc
Ion »n they put Into the echenie. directly Interested will only get to­
The ttonble that the General Found- gether and look the
era Coapany. an tnanrance laatltu- Id the face and then net In n
Uoe in Detroit, la hartnc. reveaU the with good btiainea* Judgment. The fu­
tart that aome of the beat butlneaa ture of thla aecUtm lx what tlte i>eop1e
heaSa In the atate vdre eansht In decide to make of It. It tboy comhiue
the aet aad ataad to h>ae what they to follow along the old rut u[ doing
inriited. Thla la but one ot the nolhlDg beeauae 1( might benefit aomecaOBtleaa enmplea of what the blue body elae. they will rue the day that
aky prODOtera &ve done to Ihoae their eyea remained cloiied
who had tooMT to iareau bnt U la ne«la of tb« oommunlty. It on tbo
other hand an attempt 1* made to
eapmidty pratalMBt at thla time
aceoant er^ atasdlm <rt the men make nil that Is poaalble out of tbe
who tirara tn^t. Aa a Me It la opportunlilea that pre nwalting devel­
eatler to aell atock In an- eoterprlae opment In n piwrUcnl way then the fuwlll i>rov« bHght beyond
wktost merit that la backed Ity outaide partiea than to ralae money for dreamt of the most opUmlstie booster
eetaie well MabHdbed and lefltlmate of tbe prreent day. It is Just as the
choose, io move along in the
Hany a aood'proJhcl thnt would bare meant much to same old way or to listen to the cgll
the foture of Trarerae City bne been of modern bnslnraa »nd develop
nllowed to die from want of fliytneUI lines that will broaden the prospect
tbd aame time fatten tbe pockaopport nnd ai the name time tboae
who had money to Inrcat blrly fought etbook.


Hman Weakaess

gate t50,oeo,<WO. The lAmlsUna sUua-| from the roadway and burned: all King Mrs. Frances Campbell at
tlon Is only one of many tbrougbont ditrhe* must hr cleaned out u as to •Inverary.'' Bowera Harbor for a
the country nnd tbe time will soon' give a free and uniform How ol water: week.
eom# when tbe people Inierestod will outlets to road dUebes mnst be cteMMr. Fruria- Campbell of Grand
have to tgke the question up and In­ fd b«L IT necessarr. so as to remove Rapida. sprat Baturdsy and Suadar
voke drastic metbods In order to, at- all water from tbe read aBowance. at 'Jaerary.'
earn JusUca from tbe roads that, are TUs change In tbe state raaH tow will
Mrs, Klrkpatric and Mr. and Mrs.
eharglDg more thn tbey abould aod Induce the |>eo|>l« in the counties
Ifon Wolf of Mayfipld. spent Saturgiving loadequate service. As common keep np tbeir roads after tbey have dip and Sunday with Mr and Mra.
been bum, a condition which has not
.rrlera the rallroade are required
John Klrkpatric at Bowers Harbor.
In tbe past. Uany a good
regnlate their charges aeeordlag to a
Tbe funeral ct Ur. Roeenow was
strip of road has beaa allowed
fixed schedule and furnlsb
held Friday morning from tbe 8t.
shippers whenever they are wanted. to ptosrra after being built nnd In
Francti church at Traverae City. Mr.
When'tbey refuse to do tb\s thef be­ few years bad to be bhltt all ov
Rotenow died at his home at Ma’pletog
come a bandlcsp Instead of a benefit again. Tbe refmlr work on roads co
to the country through which they airurted under tbe stale reward plan Sunday mornlag.
Mr. Emory U extending and widen­
Every fanning nnd fruit growing is tbe greyest factor, for if they
aecUon mnat have good shipping facll- kept In condition nfter being i
ing bU dock at Bowers Harbor.
ttlea nnd adequate rntee for their prod- built "they can be preeerved for pracMtai Either Burgess of Empire. Is'
ncta, or elae tbe loas afleeU ttm profit Ucally all time. It Is Just as reason­ working nt *1nernry for Mra. Fraaocs
cm the crop In any year. In this re able toex|>ect a railroad to keep lueB Cnmpl>oll.
gloa tbe question ot rales and cm In repair as a gravel road, aad the
There was n dnnoe nt Empire pa­
shortage Is lust as live an Issue as I l>eople are coining to rasJIxe this fnet vilion last Friday nigbt.
more roads are built. It to bo|ted
to In tbe Math, for tbe ahippen an
Francce I-ardle Is aUll coafined at
Miarged a higher rale on Ibelr ehlp- tbnt this amended law will give the tbe Traverae CUy boapUai, bnt
meoU and are unable to secure tbe rxpoeied Impetus to tbe good repair doteg nicely.
fteceasary cars for shipping out tbeir work that Is ao much needed In tbd
r. DuBek bns Just completed
productt. WbUe tbe country " him; stalebig barn on bis farm nt Archie nod
n With Tapld strides the rellroate
cave n free dance In It tost Friday
have failed to keet> pace with the
progress, and many ot them are operThere win be a dance at OM Mis­
It Is evident that the changra an­
ntlag with aadenl equipment In order
sion hall Friday nigbt.
to pey dividends of the a^gnltade de­ nounced Id the parcel poet syaiem by
The Ladles Aid of Odgensbnrg. gave
manded by tbe etockholdern. Tbe time Hostmsster General Burleson will ben rhiircb social Friday evening.
' effective on August 15. notwithle rapidly approaching when the' peo-

3ht narkats

fdo of weelern hllchlgan will have to
take stew to aecnre beti^ transporta­
tion facilities and cheaper rites In or^
der to compete with other aecUons of
tbe oountry tbffl are more favored tn
this direcUon. It to a big problem and
deserves oarefut atody by both prodneen and ablppera.


■arkn. It U mka UilaaTtr ----- *----r^cgwaaJaBdrMU^sjarMiyjss>»

S2i^LS7fi2SSj?5b.u.-mu—- f


Prices corrected every day.

Parcel FM

■Undlng the oppoeUloo that the
ndered In tbe senile. U to evideM thnt ns n business pr
tbe pbrrel post has proved a great
success, and In order to make II still
I useful changee will have
Introduced as fast as Ibe poaii
general sees his way clear to make
tbem. The opposlUon to tbe towering
ot ratal aad tpenaae In weight of Local Charity Work Wlll^ ii
peckagM lo^ be carrl^ comes from
by Share In tM
.Indlcsitons are that the stale troops tbe express compantos. which ai
which ba-.-e been sent into tbe copper only c
rango country win have to. stay there
Pencil day. Saiurday. was
time in order to restore
order and get things to moving upon any eitenalon of the parcel post be succras. as S3fiA.;!ii was ukeo la from
a^ peaceable baalt. It is the duty of put lntc\ effect Ir tbey can prevent the nale of pencils. Tbe pnly exOn tbe other band Mr. Burleson I•e1)te connected with the stjc «st the
the dVate to protect the mines ngalnsi
destrarilon by tbe ntrikera and tbc is firm In his resolve and has seenred buying of tbe iwnclls. tbe plaring ol
inieniaie tbc i«siers Is tbe show wtndows nnd
state win have to stand Ibe expense
to the move. tbe printing ot two Urge muslin baafor a chance to pot It Into mining
of tbe work. This part of tbe program
atock thnt wna never expected to earn
It right and proper, but another ques­ it tbe parcel post to to be used for nera.
. n fioIUr. TMe la one of tbe pecullartion arises if the mine owners refuse
The penclli cost 178 ~. tbe ptocles
Attorney General Grant Fellows has
Itiae of hnaan nature that haa narer
with tbe men nnd then ex­ ran the way the laierestad corpora* of tbe cards sod banners $3.10.
bean axpWeed. but which baa dooln- put n crimp in the efforts of tbe so- pect tbaf tbe state U going to keep tlou want, and tbe present aiiuaiioe ducting these amounts, leaves
reeoMng Itself Into a csm of tbe amoat ot Sr8.43 » be divided equal­
nUd the human race alnre the betroops
abo*it m.epeclal eleitJoa for the purglM'ttg of tima Tbe arerage veroperate tbem with strike break- people-'-agnlDst the express com­ ly between tbe Bnrenn of AmeUted
toM of rescinding tbe good yoads
aon. ragvdleai of hit educaUon
It Is not the function ot tbe panies. who have before tbe advent ('hariUes and tbe Naiiooal CbUd Wel­
bonds toted this spring by declaring
of the parcel post told the govern­
bualMaa aagacity lorea ' to take
tbeir action illegal, Ottawa county is state to make war against nny ctosa ment what to do along this Una. Tbe fare league.
chance on eomethlnt tbet bla c
*The bureau’s fanes just :
operating under tbe county syetem of citlscns. nnd If tbe operators are parcel post . bas be«tt a means of
InatlM na wefi aa toglcal reaaon a»upheld
Very low and Ihia has provided a good
doing great good 1o tbe people of tbs
auree'^ him win prove a proAuble In- and there to no Mvlaion In tbe sute
way for our cllUens to belp without
Uws whereby a board ot sujienIsorB
Vaatmwt H It la locatad In bU borne
be tlifie for the people wbo are' to country, and It rengt continue to In- baring spent very much for the
wbsttever « It
town. IhoaMnda ot dollan are aent can tnltlatn legtoUtlon. Tbe theory of pay tbe bllfs to call a halt on the ___
ad aUo receiving a good psmcil In rethe new Initiative to> is tbs* the peo­
possible. It Is evident now ihst conout of Ttaverae City evafy y«r
tura for wbai they spent. Only very
ple themselves alone have the |iower hualneas. It -Is -the duty of the
koows the alllUtde of tbe public
be iBveeted In long Chance enterInitiate any legtsUtlon by tbU to protect the lives and property of in regard to tbe change that na great few rotwed to help the cause. Sembmprlaea. yet there are aereral going
her. even the amallest avm given ro>
method. Tbe action taken by th( Ot- Its cltlzenn. but It has no right
ooBceait In the dty that are tning
bevea the sdvera ot doing efanrity
uwa sBpervieora was a n>enac« to the protect the property of
tering of precedent by the poeUnasler work, for tbey are esUtled to report
to rate# enough tunda to expand their
West Micblgaa pike project and had whose maaagera nfune td subnet tbc
hwicvaa. but they cannot find anyone

all needy cases to the burta^ wblcb.
tbeir stand been austalned by tbe
who hu U»e noceaaary .money to Intbeir
In return, will Investigate and try ud
it would have meant that tbc
vaet la a leglMmate enierprlae whoee
merit In Ibe ceocesilons naked by tbc
place these PMple In a position to
proposed road would have
boofen art open to thetr inapectlon and
belp Ibemselvea. ThU laSC to tbe rral
make a detour around tbe county and men. and as they relate to the pro­
which are abeolotely known-to be
tection ot human life and sueialnlng
nira ot tbe bureau. Tbe di
greatly Increase the distance
Btk Rapids. July 21.-LucHs Soura
pre^ctef n good profit every yekr
Mlu Knee, and the Irmlaed nurse.
that of the ccmtemplsted *route. The
they are operated. If the money that
must be treated as aueb by the mine is vtolilng Charlotte Munre In North MIm Watters, arc ibe ouly paid work­
upervtMra are the oaly
la eeat out of thla dty every year
ers In tbe city god they have beei
wbo are opposed to the pike project ownera. In tbc same way tbe mine
wilt pot Into loeal entarprlaea H la a
and they were eo anxious to tirevent owners have the right to submit Uielt ^TSJfiran Morrison spent Sunday In specially trained for thU work. Too
aatt aaUnmte that within fire y<
much cannot be said for wbat they
construction that they took Bo grievances at tbe aamo time for Bellaire.
time Traverae City would be aa large
have already done, but they eunot do
heedyot the law in tbeir attempt ioand proaperou a town aa 'Grand Rap- invoke the InltUilve Jo the matter. eratora are getting together U to Sunday at Muaro Bro<-‘ farm.
It all alone, and every citlsen should
ifia. Thla la worth thlAUtg over by
Ihe Ladles' A't socleiy met last consider blmseK or beraelf n mei
Tbe road will run through Oriawa right and proper that tbe state
' ihMn who have aent thalr money out county and the opinion of the attoracy troops be kept fn the region, but ar- Tbursdsy with Mrs. John Daw. A of tbe bureau ad give them any In­
of town for tnveatment and then
general Is welcome news for the good rangemenu for a settlement sbonld large aumber of ladles were present formation or aid that will, help
Idnlo beeauae tbe indnatrial growth
roads people who are behind the prof- be made .within a reasoi
n very- good social dtne was en­ ranse along.
of Tiatetae City te not what it abould
Tbe bureau ud Ibe Natlonai Cbltd
of JusUce and business. Tbe joyed. Ways and means' of rattmg
ect. which will now be pushed to com­
' be. nia* eondKlon andnot atheory.
pletion. The experience of tbe Ottawa Mdlera wbo coosUtou the sute money to help pay for-tbe new base- Welfare leagtM wishes to thuk tbe
milltln nie taken from the various ent nodsr the chqrah. were dlseaas- people for tbe cheerful wsy
snpervlMi* »n! prove a Icaam
res)ionded In buying pendto. And
•r boards In trie sUte who might tiave walks of life, and every day ilul tbey l.
tbey nHo wUb to thuk tbe following,
9 kept at the mines
Arable Cnmpbeu' to driving a
Tniverao aty Ja tbe logical center a desire to block any iiroject that Is
who donated work and matertM for
designed to Improve tbe stale. There
il loss, not only to^ themselves, but five passenger Ford c«r. of one of the most produetlve teciloi
logical reason for oj>poslng the
the business In which -they are en­ JMin Campbell aad family ot Vllto- tbe day:
pt the United States, and If the nal
Tbe Record-Eagle for the gucrons
grove, m, to visiting u tbe Campbell
oral resources are properly develop«( good roads movement and any .at gaged. This factor U-aoe to be
apace used la tbeir iwper to publish
the Grand Traverae raglon will aoop
tbe Pencil day ud the donatia of the
eopie to be recognised aa a teal ngrl- agalnst the compiunliy that tries ant* In tbe apeedy .ending of the strike.
A Jolly load of young people drove
window posura. 4,900 tags and the
CultoM paradise ' By Uklng «*re of taetics. The people ef Ottawa county Strikes are unfortuaale occnrcnces. to tbe Elk Lake and South EUtoa
and should be aetUed ns noon na poe- ball game Saturday In Elk Rapida printing of 150 posuU. The Woolpnd deraloplog the lines ot Industry aW In favor of the project.pnd 11
suppoae that if i
elbto tor the good of everybody con- After Ibe game they drove to Kewa- worth company lO-cebi store, for rib­
that ar* Indlgmdua to the aecUon
bon used tor M badges: Ebner Bros,
much graater progreas can he made matter had really come to a vote that c^ed. Tbe aUU cannot nfford to din to attend tbe Gleaner lodge rvfor prinUng (be hedges; Hannah A
than hr foUowlng ontalda Idealt/wblch It would have been defeated at the keep troops bey ond a reasonable time rmlng in the wee amnll bottn of tbe
Iat Mercutlle company
in tbe troubled dlatrtct. when It to
are purely artificial .and cannot be of polls. Tbe county cannot afford
nnuUa bunera used in tbe cbOdru’s
pocalMe to cetUe tbe troubles ibrough
permanent benefit. This Is nnturnllr lose the new sute road and If tbe
Mr. and Mrs. tmren Robertson ot parade: the City Book Store for the
tbe medium of arMtratloD. which la
n fruit nnd (nnning-region nnd It Is perrisore were not wise eoongh to
Hesperia, arrived Monday for a Iwe boras ud flags, and the %wnera of
tbe speedlent and rhaapeat
Mbe doty of thoee In obasge of tbe this It If believed that th^ people
weeks- visit with relaUves.
utos furnished for (he parade: the
tturt has been devised to adjust Ubor
work of oommunlty building to de­
Dell Cheney of Grand Rnpidi. spent flauce committee for tbeir work in
vote 'Ibelr cnerglea to developing the tbe movement for better roads built
two days of last week with fait sister. •aatoting In counting and caring tor
land Hd the ladoatrieo that are dl- uader the county system.
Mrs. Colin Mara
tbe money, ud rapectolly Ue ftfty
iwetly connoted with the loll. Theie
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sours ad Mr. iadtes who worked ee tkUhtuUy aU
are eoantlesa ways In which
According to the Mate highway law and Mrs. Loren RoberiMo drove to day tong selling ^dla
pshlCh may be increased by foUowlng
Tbe following Udies are the odm
Fruit nnd track growers ni Ross- as amended by the last legislature, on
the path mapped out by nature. There
Id selling the greatest
isats and Poncbstoula. Louisiana, are or before Oeceoibpr of each year a same day.
la tooin for tboosanda ot acrea of
Mrs. Wm. Curry ud Mra. John nomber of pencils
ohkrdk alebg fbe ahoree of the bay msfciKy an effort to seeure a redne- portion of tbe npproprinllon for aute
Mrs. Carey Hull. $r7.S5; Mn. W. P.
Caras of Traverse CUy. are vialtlng
ahp lakes and In conn^tlon with tbe Uon in the rataa charged by tbe rnH- highway purposes, equal to two per
Miss Mary .Dohm.
orehnrda of the totnre It will be ncc- nadi and
$14.$T; kiisa Payson. $n.Bl: Mtoa
eaiiiy to develop the dairy laduatry tag" between Sew Orieau aad Cbl- have b«M paid at that Ume^ shall be
Germaine Stevens. $11.12.
irtttcb la no closely aUled to frolt/cul- CWD. and are making It no Inlarestlng credited to a repair fuod whicb shal)
Mn. LAmplDL presideat of the Natsra. Tpidtry ts atitl another natural for tbe corporwUooa oonoeraed that be j>ald out after Deceabv Ilrat of
ilonal Child mifare league, was bare
■dinnet of a real fr4li farm and fonua they are taklag to cow aa fast as each year for repatri on atate reward
Peninsula Notea. Jnly S4.—Rea in the IntereW ot the, league, with
a anoroa of revenuh ttgi will help ool pesMble. Exorbitant nua era charged roads. In tbe aame manner as slate Oariand. Cedi {mFnyette aad Babel
workers. Mrs. Nellie Johnson.
rewards sre do wpaid. provided that
wdnifiagMIty arhen rae fruit crop bap- for traasporUng thalr prodacta to
mi » young Mrs. Hater Spencer and Mrs. biher
such repairs-have been made la aopoi» U be Umrt on ncoount of unfa- k*t. vrblch to LiSde poaalMe by a
people with a maraba
veraUh ^aather ceBdldcma or other ger of the lUinoto Central and tbe oordancs with
'Archie Simday night.
Tbe moMy which goa to the logito
cMMe. It la nowise to put a whole Tasoo * kllsslaatppl Vniley rnllroada. by. or approv ed by tbe atate highway
Tbe OMembta Transfer Oa s
will be used In Mtchigu Mly. Tbey
farm into one crop la any locnlUy be- vbl^ In some Instances reqnlra aear- comnussioner, ud that tbe atMont ting meet of tbe cherry trau
Join In helping tbe Local burau In dlf1y tbe enure vnlue of the product to paid to any lownablp or county shall
aiae theils U alwayu n chance for
nrotmd here.
ficuli cases, baring already taken two
not exceed two per cent of tbe atate
crop tkBnra Sfirinff a ran of yean. I pay the freight and exprea
A grat many are wtndlng «p thetr children wbo needed special aurgical
reward money beiwfora paid to suet
raMag-tUvniglfted cropa U la'possible Tbe troth of tbe case was
cherry picking this week.
to alwaya be on tbe ante aide and to' so fairly and oonclualvely before tbs township or county, not counting nny
hoop tho won it a good distance from lateraute oommaroa oommlsslon by B.
. A Big Hand
Helen RnmadeU -of Mahlstee. nro visthe door. With tho addition of tbe C Davies, who pushed tbe tosne, that ud rewarded daring tbe calendar
Is of two ktndA Tlie kind that
rear. In'order to draw tbU repair
coma from sick beadaeba. torpid
dal{7 and poultry boatM te the al- tbe American Express company
liver ud MUousDesa. however. Is carnair irmly iatihlUbad fruit Indns- •anted to reduos ICi rates on trait one- mopey after December there are sevaUw DoM your bead feel ditty at
mast ^ coi
baU ratbar than to try and flgbt tbe
trythhf* la in wty isf
Uma with epaUs of bUad sugfceta
pUed with at follows
of I
>crs. wbo are organised and
paifalrio iBcim from thla imm . .
and rlnglnc psleg In the aarel Thee#
Vfir infexta aad Okfldm.
an aymptoms of a dtoaaad Uva
taglOB, With tbaeo Indnatxlea ^mly bnalnsaa. Tbe contest with tbe roads claaees which seed resurtacUg must
a Moggad etau of the bowels,
ootghUahad IBO n«zt itsp U.lo make to itUl under way And pramlaaa to end be refneed during the eommer of
resnady to DR. HERRICRB 8U
tho MM jir ibo eropa that ara raised with Like aattotactory reeultn Tbe IfitJr kU damnga te abenUera by
COATED FIUB. Tbey are mUd. ««sy
oa^lhm. Tho Valof of tha trull
to taka ud ctou yaa out bautttnfly.
IbAmt mb be more thga dooWed by M the merver ud the ilqtag ot tbe
Try ttara. Pria U eta. Bald by
gstorptMa ifi eonpaolM asouu that vtn nsBra- the ’dtebea mat be cot and removed

Prto.1 corrected every day.

Jtmg Jtakt
Long Lake. DIM. Na 4—Mra Helen
Casa tma rctnraed home from u ex­
tended visll with ber motber in tbe
eonthere pert of the auta
Mr. ud Mrs. John, gebermertioni
And daughter Sylvia. Mr. ud Mrs. Hsrlf-y Sebemerhora u'd daughter
Dortbra ud Mr.- aad Mra John
R-heetork and son lAroy spent Suday at Addison Wheelock's.
Mr sjia' Mrs. Wm. RUey and
dnngblera. Grace. Atmn ud Gladys,
drove to Old Mission Sunday ud
epent the day. rctnrning home Istd .
Sunday night. .
Mra. Trueman Wares speot Sunday
with her motber. Grudma RlehL

Rye .................................................
Prices corracied every day.


Ike Cspper Strike

SsgervlNn Erred



Wat Better Hates






Tallow 1................................


. you I .
you are struggling with an atmek of
Cholera Morbus or'Oranip Cotic. I<E.N'NE-S PAIN-KIUJXO MAGIC OIL untiM the knot and quinkiy gives relief.
It doa tbe same work when rabtxvl
Into the skhi to relieve rhenmatlKio,
spralDX. tone back or stiff neck. It'^
a wonderful remedy for tateraal oy ex­
ternal UM. Price 2S eta. Sold by all
-ma. n. v-. ua*u, aie
Bldg, Traveru City,
April g$4f
WANTED—Cook at Y. W. C. A homa
Apply to Mra. Edgar Keith. 425 Web­
ster Btrat.
June 12-tf
WANTED—Competut nnd
expertraced girl for general boime work.
■First ctosa wageA
Mra L, F.
Tita. 417 Webster bL may 1-tf
Vapor Uatha etc, for stomach,
nerves, clrcutotlon. tomenesx, etc.
Prof. Hubbard, Steinberg BIk. Cltx.
may ISCmo*.


WANTEDwBead"WawSe.- Ftat need
furaltbed oa tbe-mt thirty Acres
contracted. Traverw Qty Cuing
mcb n-u

St. LAuia. Mo.. Jnly 24.—It has beu ALVIN H. GRUBER. Funeral CNrecter
and Embalmer, 8I2 South Union 8L
Just one month today siace the uUMra Nelils PmO. aasittaat. Cltx.
free lunch tow went Into effect here
^OM 874. We crat yen as wa
ud everyone to agreed that ihara
would wtoh tt be tratued.
might as well not be uy Mcb tow
nxk SO^
Practically every'uloon in the city
sella a preuy fair loach for one cent
Olbera have placed ^t mac
Ibe Mta with Picards c
attMtlon to tbe tow u& asking beer
buyers to drop pennlM In the slot U
tbey get away of the food,
to one downtown anloon. om of the
biggest In town, u inqniaUv
tram counted four cenu In om of tbe
paj-aa-you-ent money boxa Just nfP.M..
several v hudred hungry
thirsty badebin taoa refurelag from

is-J3S°»-1 l-jj! JttSfS !■"


the lunch counter. During ihs time
the crowd wa In tbe saloon, the at­
tendant behind the lunch counter
busy etoewhere. In some of the aloona tbe proprietors insist -on
pst-menl ot tbe ppnny. but tbe
tomer geu n ticket which be 4e
have to turn in at tho lunch counter
ud which cu be carried about ud
used M s sort or "rain check" UckeL
Nobody, has been arrated yet for
swiping n few hot dogs ud cheese.


JENKS. Agent.


-- roar
Travsrw aty Buneti Took Sevsnth FARM or BU8I.VESS. Those wbo are
coatempiatlng listing wHb tu. please
'.Win Sunday.
do ao now aa Ke are geitng ready fur
©gr Fall Uata wblcb win
Tbs Traverae City Moose made it

' tloos. with n"
seven atnlgbt wins tor tbe season by
taking the mnicb nt WatorU Sun­
alve adverUalng giving grew ,pnbday. 9 to 2. Tbe vlllagera bed what ncicy ibu uy «her method tad at
wax touted a a taai aggregation, but very muck less roai. Get our propthey bad but lUUe chuM in the bat­
tle agalHt tbe Mooea The next game
tor Ibe local team win be ht TbompsonvUle next Suday.
tlon from the lodge to expected ts ac>
compuy the team, and the Thompville lodge baa promised to enterBr tbe -KAoiar- method I oa rw
Bwvo ttome Mklat teett Abaotately
wltboet patt. -ud wUhCMt the au o:


■ ■■ I


“Koolar" method
Osbora, Joly 25.—Tbe bum ©f the tkw.
binder to hard nt thU writing, ud
: d^im Bktok. with. Dr. Betdw
the wbat crop to flu thto’fnlL
Mrs. HaU Snltlvu ud Laura BuP
Bvu are viatUng at tbe borne of tbs
former's parenu this wgk.
Master Lewis AUdnson. who has
been staying with hto grandpsreoiB
tor tbe past tu days, retimed Io bl>
borne at Burdickvine on Monday'.
Owen Adams of Keaau City to ris
King with Fruk Paymut and tamlbthto week.
. .
Mr. and Mra. George Scott of Man­
istee are tbe guests of Mr. ud Mrs
Fruk Pnynrant. 8r. nt this wrlUng.
Mr. aad Mra Fred -Beemu ud
Arw oair parehased oadh. Tbanedanghter Were Ovlatt risltors Satnrday Blgbt ud Buaday.
»rlato and arttoUcaUy fiaL Too wlU Had only naeh
MT. PLEABANT-Btephu Hook. «
at tha works ot
yean old. the vtUage hlaoksmlth la
Loomto. ebet htmahtf la tbe bod. dy-.
lag la M BUantea Deapondeacy was
•SI Bay 8L
Both Pha
the okaa

page three.







Oar SemiAimnd

WmWo«ioo. Julr
ReinoTal pt
the r««tnr<lon vktob preVMi the
Umer from ntliUlns bU «ast« tnilu

tnrod Alcobol OK taU propeny ssay
aooD bo KCCompiUbed. 8evor»I
sroMBM totey iDfomiKUr dttcoMOd
l>Ui» tor chBBdng (DVonuneiiui nilbi
BOW prohibit t,bo mMnf*cture'
of tbU fu*L Tl^ MorMory of tbo
iroMury hu boon opproaebod on tbo
•ub)eet Abd it la fata opinion that no
p«# Uw U roQtilred to permit tbo
farmera to opmto n dUtUlery for tbo
prodBrtlo* of alcohol to bo uaod aa a
fuel- He aald today that meroly abro■atlon of a preaont role u all that It
“All of tba many wormy poutooa.
applet and other farm producta that
are mi8t for aaU can be turned into
alroboL which la more eoonomlral for
fuel than saaollne." aald Senator l.ano.
of OroBon, today. Senator Lane l«
beadlna the movoment to have the
rule abrotated. “in Connany.” ho
coailnned. “they rBUe4wtatoea for tbo
aiiertal purpoae of dUUUloK ibom.
be permitted to do iMe would t
not only much cheaper fool for the
American farmer, but alro a no*
aoorce ^ revenue, for he could readil>
find a market for the alcohol be did
aot oao."


mi.l. OK rl.K.VR.WCK ll.MtH.MNS,

A Great

Buying enthusiaan continues at the highest pitch in this cleai-away of Summer goods I
Tv|>if«l Clisinmcf Sale Values:
—STANDARD CALICOS m atwunoU ottl.ira.
null' |iricf. Yard. 4VaC.
—13H« ud 16c #ASH-OOOD6; OinKliauiK.
INtijiIcs. 1>h«iih. (-t.'.; ilriirinK at. varH. 9c.
—36c mad S6c WASH GOODS. imMtly fine
Tisaiic' OiiiKhums. cli-araiU'i' |tri<'c. vanl, 18c.
—CHILDRENS 76c to $SA0 DRESSES;'|>iviiy
to 14 y.-jira; aalc prinw. 4^ 69c
and 9&.
to el.~ri; litiiriTicK. plain ami fiuu-y voilea.
UiK-m-t.. fti’.. fh-ariiic at 66c ami 96c.

—BALKAN sad MIDDY* BLOUSES, worth up
to itl.M'. sal.' pric.-s, 46c, 69c ami 96c.
60. ami 7.V; Ma.-k, white ami colors; now nt
19c, 29c nml 49c.
-$1.60 to $3.00 CORSETS, “l.a U.-iue” and
• Kalto"; rwkJ iu.mIi'Is. diacouiiuuwl
iiuiiilivrs: I'li'armi; at 98c amt $1.98.
$1.76 PURE LINEN DAMASK, 72-in, wtin
timsli; li.'imlifiil imttcrnx. aalc pri.v, vd.. flJ6.
—TABLE LINENS. M.-achtsl and ailv.r
l.ii a. Iu'.L iii'w pattiTiiM. Kih'i'ial valiu's at 48c,
59c ami 79c.
-TURKISH TOWELS. :i extra valu.-s at Uc.
16c am) 23c.
r ,
ER8, 1 lot ■'l•-llrillt' ht S6c.
'•M.M{CEU..\” hKAWKRS aiiJ • MAHCKL.
I.A * ro.MltJX.VTIO.VS; .xlni apts-ial vahms
at 4!l.- ami op l.> PSc,
—10‘; disroiiiit off all .Masliii I'mliTWcur at
!sl.i'..aml hiKh.-r.

Dresses, Coals, Salts and Skirts

You Want Pie Crust
FIslcy.solhatlllalrlyniellsiB your month.

mat SK enunbly and never net hard.

that Is llBht and Unify.

lUe can aU be done wlU


^Tasfy Pastry” Flour
Aak yonr Grocer lor a Sack

The Hann^ & Lay Co.
SUUera lor Fltty^eara

K you are goin| to put in a furnace it will pay
you to investigate the merits of the famous. Peninsalar Furnace. The Peninsular with tbe Hot Blast
draft bunu wood, soft coal,.hard coal or coke satis­
factorily and heats your bouae with a small amount
of fuel. The Hot Blast draft bums the gap or smoke
part of spft coal giving a perfect combustion with
this fuel. '
. ''
Come in and let us figure oh your heating job.


Uartfaiiis fnuii all over the store;

Ml acanacc Prices
—$1A0 to $2A0 WASH DRESSES in rim- ffitiRhams. .limiti. s,
I«Tcali-s, ct.',; pri-ttil> trimiiH-tl; r«>oml uml Miuarc m-vks;
95c. $1B6 Bad $1.45.

neKtiK. es. eleanm: at 46c.
—.Men s 41 to 4;! Straw Hats, elenrinir at 69c,

Report That Great Battle Had Been
Won by FederalB Suspected ae

—472.7.’i to $ti Wash I>rvs»H-a. 1 lot. chok-r at .......................... $1.96
Wash l>r.i«.-a clcariuc at .................................... $2.95

“li » rELT HATS. ,.|...r.

-BALKAN SUITS in linens. IlMlfonl Cords, Ratines, etc.;
sal.- pn.-.'s $1.96, $3,46 amt $4.96.

‘^^'dEESSIHO SAOQCES, . uf ...1.
t*rs, fleMriinr at S9c.

—dt;{.7:> to

TO $10; elever
styles in silka. eliulIk-K. ratines, voili-s, ete.. etc.. rluaniiR iu tine
pniiip at $4.96.,.-'
—LADIES’ COATS that were #Hi to^^O: a l.itf ranjre of this
Keasi.ji’s very ln-st iii.slek, falirii-N ami e»lorinm< at just half
priee. $6. $6.60, $8A0 aiitl $10.




season V laic atyles, eleaniijr at $6.00, $9.60, $12.00 amt $16.60.
iKl.H.'i Pi 410; Series, i’auamns. Heilford fonts .in waiit>il «sil-

lit »8c, J1.66
anil rlaanuii at 49c. 69c
ami 98c.
AOe Taffeta Silks. IP-im-h. aj ...........................19c
.-90e amt U'e Fonlanl Silks, elearam-e..........39c
*1.25 Hti-tueh Waek feau-de-Soie. yard ...98c
4UO Itlaek M,, .rant ..........79c.
2-«r and .H'e JLn-ss (.msls. yarvi ...............,19c
41.0U 41*.ineli X«.velty Suitings, yard ..........69c

-ptlirls" I'oala. hwhI styles for little ti*ts amt jrirls up to 14
years; very api-eial values al $1.80, $2A0 aiitl $3.60.

^JOra'Kin^ SDITS; .1 1,„ i„
lin.wai. Blouse, .lunlor .Norfolk amt reKiilar
doul>le.|^r.•as^.^l sty|.-s. values up to 44 al $1.95.
-Cowlmy Cowc.rl. liBM-ball ami indiau outtits. 4-leariiik;-non at 98c.

Bterjr of EapeHence la Dayton Flood
Invariably Breusht Forth
of the Hayion flood -and that he had
the Coin.
•Impl.v adopted that »lor? iN-i-auae It
Joaepb Grey, known to the r>ollre was fresh in ^le minds of the iNwple
offeml the most •uscepilble
aa one of the amootheat Of the ar
of varrania who blow in annually
means of colleeiing the cash. He w-a/
at that time Mniencfd to fifteen dav,
' set a living from the unaua|>en:
public, la again locked up la - the In jail.
county JalL Hla particular line U
lie waa arrested ) esterday by Chief
working the ayupatby aiuni. He goea
about with a paper ahowlng that he Carton and when be a|<t>ror«<l in court
loot hla wife and two cblldfM In the this morolng waa so ugly and tusultlng
UaytoD flood and fbat be blmeelf had that Boihlcg could be done w||h him
both lega broken. He will comer a He waa uken back to Jail, where b«
l>er*on. ahow th^ tbe docuDieqi* and will be kept until be is ready,to tell
relate b# aiory. He haa Ifan thing bis story and make a plea of some
down tu a acieooe and in nine taaea
out of ten be geu the money. While
Ceuldet Do With Him.
talking bU eyea will fill with teara.
A well-known lawyer la Boatoo bad
and It la not rare to aee bit Ueieuer
h herae tbat alwaya stopped and re­
join with htm In moucnlng.
the mill dam bridge
Orey Aral came Into coniaet wfth
leading out of the city No whipping,
the loval police In May. He waa here no urging, would induce him to croro
with the aame aiory. and the tame without slopping So be advertUed
eyatem of graft at that time I'pon him: “To be sold, for no other reason
tiiveailgailoo he admitted to rhlcf of than Ibst tbe owner wanu to go o«t
l‘unce Carton that be knew tiotbing Of town."


William Cottinaham Spant Almost Enl*r« Life In Eatton. Pa,
Raston. fa. July ;s.-Sl«y y.ara
su|ierlni.-n<l4»ot of the schools of tiston Is tbs unique record of William G
CoUIngbara. who died recentl.v. He
• as appointed by the citv talhera In
1N52, and It Is believed the rt-cord hss
not been equalled In any other cti.v of
itie country. ■'
Although few s< hool supeHniendmlx
rau lolnt to • lenn of servU® within
fl‘e ot ten year* of this rccoid. there
arc a number *ho bave served notably
long t.-rms. Jn the liiy s*b«ol chapter
of tbe bureau of education report W.
H. Hoixf gives the followtag interestlag suUstlra:
•Superintendent James W. Grt-enwood. of Kaokrts City. Mo . U mtrliig
this year after thirty nlne7esr» of aer»l<v. Sui>erintfndeiit Glass 4>f the
Lynchburg. Va.. public seboots. has
served in that «a|«cltv aiao- IKTS. 8ujKTlntendrnt fUllllps has bet-u head of
the llirtnlngham, Ala. schools since
lha: Bu]>er1ntcudeni MrClymonds has
served at UakUnd. t'allf. alnce iku.
Jai-oti A. Shawao was apiwlnted auperInicodent of public schools i-f yeara
and be Is alili aervlnR In-Utai ofBc- at Columbus. Ohio. Henry Suy der
has been superintendent of publlc
hoots nt Jersey City. N. J.. for n
years. Charles M. Jordan hss been sup4'riutemle(K of the Minneapolis.
hools for 20 years, and Charlra W.
IN-an has sirred in tbe same oRice at
Hridgepori. <Vnn, a like term.

sand. It should be made deep and rich
by the applleBtfoD of a heavy dreaaing
of manure, well rotted If possible, and
plowed under to a depth of eight or ten
If tbe aotl la a beavT clay with a
hard, tenacious tubsell. nothing will
give belter returns for the money In­
vested than to go over the entire plsi
with a subsoil plow, followl'ng the
breaking plow, thus loosening up the
subabll to a depth of U Inchea. Tbit
plow will furnish a reservoir for the
surplus water in tbe spring. wbW-b max
be drawn on
tbe plants during a
time of drouth which often oomes
when tbe fruit is beginning to ripen
and Just when an abundance of water
is atisSnrtsly' necessary In order to
evelop propA-rly a
abU^ the fruit to devel
tbM plant to atuln ' a good, vigorous
fiiwvib. If the aubtoll Is of a sandy or
grayelly nature, tbe aubaoillng will not
be necessary: In fact, op such land tbe
crop Is often cut short beesuse of the
looeenes of tbe aubsoll w hich mllows
the surplus water to pass down out of
reach of tbe plant roots.
This la one of tbe meat Important
pointa to keep In mind No plant
ebpold be tranaplanled that la mere
than one year old. A plant that haa
borne fruit tbonid nevkr b* uaed In a
new bed Select planta of the .prevloue
yaar'e groetfa for transplanting, if
In the aprlng. Ruefa plants may be
told by tbe bright yellow color of tbe

Working of Ground In Bummer
tial to fleeurs Psying Cropi
Keep Dut All Weeds.

The groand under the grape trellU
bars abould be mellow and free of
and weeds. Run tb« cultivator
bMween tbe rows Tie tbe canes to
Ibe trellis ban as Ibey advance In
growth \Vb(% six Incbee above tbe
top bar rip off the end bud. This
will throw the sap Into tbe grape*
Ti>ey should be nipped back after hav­
ing made tbe third leaf Keep tbe
ground clean and mellow. A mulch
of coal aabee, freebly cut grass
rotted straw ataould be spwd around
the Tinea to keep Che aotl moiat and
cool. This mulch, when properly appll«l. U of advantage ta the ripening
of fruit. The grapes not only ripen
belter, but the berries are larger-and
■or. If mildew appear*
duet with BQipbur- It
tbe Tines are eareftilly trained and
uaelraa eboots removed there'wfit
be little danger from mildew or from
Nb FruH Orewm That Will Adapt IV rot. Young vine* should be trained
aatf to fiuoh Diversity of flolla
to one cane and abould be tied op.
aitf Conaitiona.

Tbe amaU frulu. comprtalng tbe
nraw^erry, raspberry,
currant and gooseberry. pUy a very
Importaut pan In the ecoDomy of the
bonsehoM. toasmueb as they come at
a lime wben there is a eoaretty of
other frulu and ofuottmea of v^eublee as welL - 9o It is very Important
that every farmer eapacially should
sat apart a plat of ground aufflcl^ly
laf^ to be capable of produda| '
tbe amall frulu tbat tbe femlly can
poaslbly coomime during tbe year. Tbe
else of tbe plat wUl depeiul eomuwhai
ttpon the alie at tbe temTy.

Literary Nets.
If boys tried to read between yeV
low covers aorae of tbe SetioB that
Teeating litjueed Trees
girls retd these dart under the name
Always tend to Injured trees Im- of late novels they woald bave to
mrdlalcly on discovering tbe troebi* take tbelr meals standing up.
rut storm-broken llmba back to solid
wood end V-mporarlly bind up apllt
erotebea In pennaaenily mending
Three Geratans were enflaged la a
split trees plare a long bolt dln-ctly
through ibe injured portions and oonfldenttot talk while ktnlng tn a
screw up tight Never run iron bends Broadway cate a few days ago. Tbsir
nd the Umbs to bold parted wood coBvrraallon drifted from politics to
the Bwond marriage of a mutual
friend, when one of them remarked:
-ni tell you That A man vhat Bar­
ries de second lime don't deserve to
BONIIY BEAT THE MOTOR CAR have lost bis first vile.*'—Lippiacou'v
RabbK Ran Bo Fast ths ChaufTwir
Had la Bpead ta Kaap Him
In BlghL

.by the moon and stars. Besides tbe
rabbit and the auto there were one
man and two gtrls, also a chauffeur
Tbe btg automobile was spe«llbg
alohg the highway, sending IU whlu
ligbt abend, when tuddbhly right
across Ibe path of Ibe rays from tbe
head lamps shot a young rabbit. l%e
chaufTbur slackeKed
. haUng to
buri tba little creature, and then the
rabbit bopped back Into tbe cwntar o!
tbe road again, gave one look Into tbe
blinding gUra of ths lamps and sunad tbe rare.
fitialgbi down the center of tbe
smmth. wbiu highway he shot on
ahead of tbe car. and the chauffeur
not catch tbe rabbit, not by ten feet
Tbat little ciitter'e feet went so fast
there did not seem to be sny tbere.
and just a speck where the long ears
bobbed with tbe moUon of his little
body and a brown blur of balr.And still be ran, on and on. keeping
hU distance ahead of tbe big machine
as If the light had hypnoiUed Mm and
he oouhl not stop, white behind in the
car big, Usy pursuers lai^bed and
watched and begged the chauffeur not
to run him down. There was no such
Tbe rabbit was loo quick. When be
aa tired of tbe sport be bopped to
one aide of tbe road as the ear went
by. tlppml up bU Uny head and
winked ont of ooe pink eye aa be
looked at tbe speeder and Its occu­
pants with a qulzxieal enrro of bis UV
noulh .—Ikiledd Blade

Esasy on the Human Half.
Under the mtcroseope human batr
to a more or leee complex and very va­
riable itoaue - In atoe. shape and ma­
sonry (It Is a sort of concrete atritotaie) an well aa color tbere la more
less variation of deUII. ArchltectnraUy curly hair differs from tbe
I for Oeeharde May straight variety; kinky hair haa a
special ooostnictloa of Its own which
•kptolns the kinks; (here's a reason,
■pparvnt uder the revealing eye of
When we eUried scraping our old the mtcroncope. for the
Mlky. and aU otlwr varteUea?

Ualist's danghtor tba other night bow
bw father got bis starv abe replied
tbat her Impreselon was that her
mother found him In aaatnl
otanked him a^

any of BoUa and oondlUoat aa the
buawberry For^-that rsasna it can be
grown by practIMIjhaveryoae. tn D«a^
ly every portion bf Uw L'alud Btatea.
wbo haa a tew aquaia rods of good
soil which can be devoted to that pur-

Frank Xrudlc
hU aldea dtleraoL u

Bourod on Afterooen T«am
‘Then yon don't Uke theee afterMB teasT' “Too rough on the
nervM Here's tbe altnatlon: I gotu
bold a aandwich In my moutb. a plate
of eake la one band, a cap <rf t«* In
tbe other. bbA nothing to eet anything

«• Mu a vaad piano.*’

Mexico Otty. July 28.—Seven hnnIred rebel* were killed end n tbpn
sand wtiunded in tbe IVhour Sunday
battle at Canon Del Canacn. Jn Coa-'
hulU. according to wireless dispatdie*
today. The rebels were completely .
deft-sied and put to rout by tbe fed­
eral* under Colonel Maas.
Keiorts of tbe battle are nneeri)ited and the govcrnnieai has slven nomtortuaUon. It ts bellfveU la oerialn
quarters tbat the alleged fodeta] vk> might be a boax by tbe federal
Inspire pubUc confidence. Tbe fedeial losses are not annonneed.
Oelibcrste Plan Scented.
Washington. J"ly 2S—The suggeslon that develupmcnia of tbe Inst 4S
loiin tn Mexico, including tbe BbooV
and lEreais of death to Charles Dto»eil and Hcrnanl McHoaatd. nilnlDg
engineer*, held a: Chth-jaboa. may bo
of a delll-erate plan to force the
hand of the I'nited Statoa. was being
ul'en serious consMerstloB here loay.
The Metkaa, sliuAfipn was tbe sub;ect of conferees tinfyaaij^e preelJem and aecreury of statewariy to
day. and thu'afternooc President Wiland Ambaaudor Wllsan are
scheduled to take up the conslderatioa
of the totier'a report. The text of the
telegram sent to .Vexh'o City demanilIng t>ie panlsfameot of the men wbo
shot Commissioner IMxnn and for the

Couroe ef True Lm.
*1 thought my fiancee broke oar «B
gagement when abe threatened to klU
me.- pleaded a Nevada defendant In e
breach of premtoe eult. Not a Mt at
II—that ts a way eome women bave of
cinching things.

The officers of the First National ,
Bank hsve at heart the financial welbre of every individual in Traverse
City and Burrounding country.
We are anxious to bave you sue' ceed—to get tbe most and the best out
of life.
Your account at this Bank will de­
velop a mutual acquaintM^ with the
It will be your entering wedge into
the bank’s circle of helpful service.*

Under Control ol U. S. Treasniy

Wash Boards, Clothes Pins, Clothes Lines, Soape,
Bluing, Soap Powders, Clothes Baskets. Clothes
With one of the larger articles, wash boiler, tub.
clothes basket, or clothes wringer, we will give you
the choice of a useful, as well as ornamental, article
of your own choice, worth from five to ten cents.
These wash boilers are no “ cheap John " goods,
they are made to last — made out of XXX retinned
iron, copper bottom, strongly riveted handle, solid
one-piece cover, guaranteed for one year.
The clothes wringers are the American Clothes
Wringer Co.’s goods, gnaranteed from one to five
years. They have ball1 bearings
bearii and are easy running.
Tbe tubs are made of smooth galvanized iron,
with firm riveted handles, wringer attechment
We want vour trade, and as all roads lead to our
store. aSlect one and come to the comer of Front end
Caas Streets.





c«diir City. July 23.—Mr. ud Mrt
Fnnk Klrt uA Ur. and Un. Mat 8ulliras apeat tnaday at Bmpli*.
Urn. Tony S«-aboda la apeodlns
part ot the week belplnjt noree her (atb«r. wbo U vary Ul at hla boa»e near
Uapla City.
kir. and Mn. Oeo. Maaon matte a
trip to Hart on Saturday In ibeir car,
retumlac Monday.
- Jobaay
ot Sand Lake. Mlcb..
f» here rlalflu old Mendi.
Mr. and Mra. Joe Lavooiure enter­
tained the MteoM Dacbeny and MnV
lar of Chlraso the paat week.
Tbe baieball dance Saturday even-

roe Ctrta. Some and Btuteea
in erery home there ahould be •
Bos ot Bucklen'a Amlcn Salve, ready
to apply In every daae at bums. cuts,
wounds or acalda J. H. PoUnco. Delsalle, Tex.. R. No. 2. writes: “Buck
ten's Arnica Salve aavod my mue
toot No one believed It
oould be cured.“ Tbe world’s besi

)tilK In the Odd FaUoifs bail was well
attendod. The proceeds will eo. to-,
wards tbe buying ot aew unltortua.
Mr. and >ln..P0te Sbeettek spent
Saturday and Sundny nitb Mr. and
kira. Novak at Carp laJte.
Ur. and Mra J. Reint of Traverse
City were here Sunday, called by the
aerfona lUneaa ot Mr. Relnt’a lather
at'Maple CUy.
Mrs. Den Bclllniifr has h«’ mother.
Mra Nonis. of Cedar Run. YlalUni;
her this week.
Mr. and Mr*. Stlke Odol took In the
escorrion to Provemont Sunday and
spent the day with Mr. and Mra Jobs
Nolan of that rUce.
Mi*. J4bn Prleburf rotvrne<l lYlday
from a two weeks' \ii^ with her hus­
band at the Beaver liUhda' ,
Mlaa Eelella Wade of Traverse City
spent Saturday and Sunday as tbe
Eiiest of Mrs. J. C. Mack.
There was a larfte crowd at the ball
KTOunds Sunday to witness tbe ftame
between Cedar and Copemlsh and
whivh reeulied in a ecore of 15 to 14
with Cedar al tbe short end ot the

tally aboet. -Sunday tbe Cedar City City U vlsltlap Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
boys will play tbe Empire Ureys at UlUmab-this week.
I Mr. Bowens and Min Haxel were
Miss Marie lovonture ba.» retlpned Traverae CUy vUitorw Wednesday,
■her position aw central sW at thei. jjri Zote Cumawaiani and cLddreu
tdepbo^e office, and Miss Uxxld Coo-Vc apendlus tbe week with klrs. e'entourW of Protemont baa been In- nlnRbams mother. Mrs. John Bright,
ettlloa In her ptece.
ai Kaat Kasron.
The old aetUer*’ picnic this year --Mr. KaLdall of MUIer'a JliU was In
wtU be on Satnrday.'Auj;. 2. nnd nu- town IMrsday -nitb a larpe load of
merons picolc iiarVea are already gwcei cherries.
being planned..

j The cherry pickers were buoy in
Mtas Bernice Keith
(halite Bllltuan's orchard this week.
MIm Irena Murphy returned ihic.
day from a thnte weeks' vUU at Rapid
UnaipMly FaceApoia
City and Alden.
rored by IH Hobeon’e
nent. which heals all ak
skin erup­
tions. .^o matter now tung you have
been troubled by Itching, burning, or
scaly akin humpra. lust put a lUite ot
aatiaeptic. Dr.
ProvetnoHt. July Sl.-XIck Sottport
Betonia OJhtment un the aores and the
suffering stops Instantly. Healing be- n-iurm-d Saturday from bis old home
Ktni that very minute. Bociors use lu Uuffalo. N. Y- whiwe bo vpont sev­
It In their practice aitd recommend It. eral weekn.
Ur. AVonian ot Uitloiown. Pa., sirs:
t.awreocv Sleverson has resumed
■'Had eczema on forehead; Dr. Hob­
son's Bcteiua Oloimcnt cured It in his work la the livery barn.
two weeks " Guaranteed to reltere
Mrs. Noah Parrow l.< very ill at
loiiey refunded. Alt drue«tl»i*. or bv Ibis writing.
mall- Price 50c. Pfeiffer Cberalcal
M'ork has been b*-sun on tbe new
Co.. Philadelphia and

Ctment building to be used as a bar­ te TisKtag Mr. and Mr*. Andrew two weeks ago. wBi^ .'.CDtored tbHr
, teavea
ber shop by Itorter and Hagers
kflsa Teresa Novak of ManUtee.
Quite a qumuer «f farmers went
Evangalisi Duppenon. Sr., and
'n to Kewndia yciacrdar momlag
Peter Hagnon are vteUIng friends and •pest the past week, the gUMla of
to «tt'
tmend the aiUUa meeUag.
Mrs. N. J. FUmondoo.
relatives Id Albena. Can.
The Epworth l..«vw gaie a raapCtee of the one month dd twin Boys
aortal test erealog at the home
or kfr. and Mra. Paal PUmondon died
nnd F. Duchine) of Chicago,
d Savarv Wtoc-?e*.
Friday July 11.
vtsli&s relaUvea bore.
Mrs. Henry Ameeesgar U quite
Mra. Mas:
Harold Port« waa a Traverse CRT
Uh nerve and bean trouble.
number of fHeads on Sunday
vteltor Mqpday.
Mrs. lUaate Parks spent a few Asya
Mrs James Uurk of Buffalo. X. f..
(Henry Sdiaub of Travers City, witb her son Howard and wUe Of Kewadln. retnraiag home Monday.
■pest Sunday with bis parents.
Rid Your Children «r
Mrs. Karr? Palmer
You can change fretful. Hl-tempbred
conatn. Rev. z. Wood. u> dinoer yeachUdrwn Into healthy, happy youngjMk
rm. by ridding them oC worms. ToaaJohn Wesioni hos had a force of.
. rolUi
South HIHoa. July 23.—Rev, Krneat cniram pickers last week and has
V.’ood and wife of Arcadia. Mich.. nhippad away many crates. They
bowtia feverlsl
are vlsUing relatives here thU week- were « very fine crop.
Klckapoo Worm Killer, a pleasant can­ ; Mias Opal CUlete returned to
The King of AU UaxaUves
dy lozenge, expels the worms., reg­ Traterae City last FHd^ after a
Per cons'lpaUOTt. hndacbee. inti
ulates the
tbe bowels, restores y
your chil­ wt-ek's tlsli with Mae Hubbard.
dren to health and bappines
happiness. Mrs.
Harry Palmer wold two beef cat­
J. A Urtsbln.
• 1. 111.
111. i
il Maihnlfca. ot Bnfhave used Klckapoo Worm KUIer tor tle at Elk Rapids yesterday.'
veara. and entirely rid my children ot
There is to b* an ire cream aocial
my family
worms. I would not be wltbont lt.“ .tonight at Earnest Dufranen.
t always keep a
.. at home.” -..c a
. box and get
^ Tbe trope look fine hare, excepting well
Price 25c. Recm
by aU
bean*, they got a little touch of frost drvgglsu of Traverse Cl;y.



Friedrich’s 1913
Nineteen Hundred and
Marks the completion of

30 Years
Shoe Selling
Anniversary Bargain Sale ol

Women’s Low Shoes
Several hundred
pairs in patent, tan
and gun metal. But­
ton and lace pumps,
with and without
straps. Former price
$3 Sl $3 50.

Anniversary Price 95c ■


styles. Black, tan afld suedes, white, nu bock,
$3.50 $4 HDd $4.30 values.

$1.45, 1.69, I 95, a.45.

For the

WUIe AiulTcrnnrr Cbp
’ evaty

In appreciation 01 tbe lallh and eoalldence ol Ibe people we eommemorale oar TMrtIcIh Anniversary wllli a sale wblcli will eeUpse
anyltalng bcrclolore allempleiL
Unmatchable values in
Ladies' Hi^h Button
shoes. Patent, tan. Gun metal and velvet.-^.New
Former prices
$3.50 and $4.
Anniversary price—

Misses’ and OiUfffeB’s Low Shoes
and Slippers.
Afso High Shoes

^ choice.
^ ^ Broken
Former values


Supreme values in dependable footwear of guaranteed
qualilies is our Birthday Gift to the public, which from the be­
ginning placed its stamp of approval upon this growing store. Our
Aim has ever been ooivard and upward; Our WatchWOrd,
fairness in all transaclibns.

To close out quick. 120 Pairs
Lndtes'Canvas Ojdords,
White and colors. Former
price$150. Now.................

V Oxfords

Satnrday, Jdy 2C

AU Siiminer Footwear, including SALE STARTS
hundreds of pairs of Shoes suifahle
for Fall and Winter wear
will be sacrificed.

We- are prepared to give the child­
ren surprising Anniversary Bargains.
Former Prices $1.25, $1.75, $200.
Sales prices—Now—

July 25

The most noteworthy shoe
^e in att our 30 years ol
shoe history.
ry Sate

Women’s Comfort

of Men’s High Shoes.
button and blucher.
Latwt ^les ^
J2.7S values. .*

Elastic sides, low heels, with tips J
and plain toes. $2 & $1.75 values...

$3.50 and *3 2,4$
values, how..


Men's Tennis Oxfords................. ....... SOc
Hen's Oxfords, former prices $3.50'and $5.

Now 1.45, 1.95, 2.45

Great SUlwhIer of


You will find what you want here.

Infants’ Moccaeins and soft
sole shoes...............................

... .50c

Patent, Gun metal and Un. Every pair
must go.
One lot Broken sizes. Values
up to $4, to close at.

Men’s and Boys' Elk skin and Mule skin
Shoes ; t^r like iron.

Great Sale oi Boys* Stioes


Button or lace. Every pair solid leather.
Former prices $1.75. $2 and $250

$1.19, $1.35, $1.98, $2.48

Anniversary sale prices—

4^ 63c, 75c, 98c. $U»

White Canvas and Nu-buck Shoes and Ox­
fords al! reduced to close out

Northern Mtchigaii*s Greatest Shoe Store

98c, 1.19,1.35,145


With every dollar pur­
chase yon can obtain one of
these gemrihe watdies' for
* 50 osBts, Stem wind and
s^ aet
oat year.


CoDgress and Praident'WU> Be Asked to Have Legisla­
tion Enacted LoiAing "toward This End.

Fire Drills Were Not Conducted In
Buildlns. Was Taetimohy
PDitlaaa. Ore. July *4.—To keeji ai atatea win collaborate on a bUI which
ot WltAoatec.
'• bone at leaat a portioB ot the ball: win be Introduced In congreaa.
ninghamton, X. Y. July iT —Inter
- btlllon dotlara ahlcli. «ecordtai( to
Tbe Iden of tbe National Tonnat est in tbe. Hlnghsmton Cloihiiig hrlSOveratDfDt alalbllra. ta being apeat and Travel cocOmltalon bad tt« Incep­ sblficd today to the public Inquoi
aanoally by
aeeUog tion at tbe annual convention of tbe conducted by Coroner It. A. So>
Amhnioe Puller, Fhl]>i>Ing clerk of
healib and p)««BOr« la foreln conn- Feattraia aaeoclaikm held recently In
congreat and PrMldent \S1Iaon Tacoma. Wash. An executive oomralt- the burned factory, lestllied that he
tllseovetvd tbe fire on a^wclodec ledge
»lll. in the near future, be requeated'
been appointed by President In tbe stairsay lH'ieoon*tbo first au:i
formally to create a .Katlonal Toortat Hntcbln to ifterest the congresalonal
second floors, where a uuaniiiy o
and Travel Commlaalon aa n pertna delegatlona of vahou* atatc* la tbe
“rolie cloth" or iilush and old tioori
nent-federal board, the porpoae ot
that when tbe memorial were stored. The exact eauso of tlic
nhicb will be tbe advanc»uent of and Mil are brought before tbe Naflro was not fixed.
the -Bee Amertca Plmt" movement.
Honal Executive board 'for action It
It was brought o-- Trom other wii
Plana with Uda Idm m view aie be­ win receive due consIdemUon.
nesses that the fire eseais-s were
ing prepared today by George U
The propodM commUsJon would be never'used In cndnetlng drillet (hat
Huteihln. preeldent of tbe Peillv*U empowered to make a >gro^h In- the usual, fire alarm, a surrt-iision tof
Aaaoclallon of the Pacific Coaat. an voatlgatlon of tbe naturul aceolc J orderly bol| taft--. wm* not given, but
organluUon made np of tbe executive beauUea and rilmallc condltlont of that the alarm »as sotin.led by a i-rbofflcera of tbe f^Uvala and caralvaU every portion of the oountry. invesU-1 longed ringing of the fire alarm. The
held annually by varloua muDldpall- gate and classify the various wiDterjllnc* lormi}d, however, without dhiorlie* of tbe Padflc coaat TVben the and aummer resorts of the tlnlted,der and the operatives marched out
’pUn* are perfected they will be put Sutes sod gather all possible dau Unlekly with
In tbe form of memorial to congresa to be placed at tbe'dUposal of ths stair*. The fire cM-ape was In good
and the preeldent polntl^ out tbe traveling public. especUIly that por­ working order, but flame* from tbe
adraoUgea ot aneb a osmmlaa
tion which U accustomed to make' windows made it tm|•oa^ibfe to use
nrglng tu
them with safety. Esrii wiipess said
annual rllgrimsgee abroad.
the memorial baa been preaented a
tTEl coagreiineo from PaHflc Coast sjnoklng was strictly prohihltcd In the

An Irresistible Avalanche ol Bargains During
the Continuation ol Our Successlul

Sensattonal Price
Reduction Sate
There’s do let op In the Bnyino Interest and Enlhnslasm.
People from near and tar are boylng liberally at this sale.

Crowded Store - - - - Pleased Customers
The great sale opened with a crowd of enthusiastic buyers in attendance.
People from all over the entire furrounding country were here'buying goods,
buvinc for
for future
fntiir*> wear,
PAmomKAr thAM
orA thousands ..r
many buying
there are
of dollars' worth
of seasoaahUi
.--------.summer merchandise
----- indise in every department, which must be
turned into cash. This is proving to be a triumphant event. The opportunity
of the prudent and economical. While we have sold more goods than we expMled. there remains a great deal more to dispose of. Come this week. You'll
find busing mdueements just as full of money saving importance as when the
sale Brat ethrted. Profit while the big turns are to be saved. Every stock in the
store eontributes its full share of Sensational Sale Inducements.

---------------- '
'-------Sensational Sale Flyers

Hoo^ White Pfurl HiivtoiiK.
7i* Apron timBlmiiLs. jtl..........5c
Men'* Kbski I’aiitK. woiiitl
>K! cheap at
XlenV Work Shirts. .Miv
value, each ............................3Sc
Seuta nioK .<;ofip. 10 bars. .25c

Rain <’«atn.


}-..n(rlish Slip-Ons p. m.$3.98
vhIu.-. black or tan at. pr.Sc

Xi'-k-l S:,f..1y
VVliiii- .l’fi>ss-l>ar
Pills, liiiz.......................................Ic
lla>iilki-r.-hi.-f*. i-ji.-li............2c
1'rjislj. T..nrlbA'.rrtt
lo,ifiR, j-iir.l ................................... 5c
' .Ic'-ss Mvbw. y.-inl............. 6Vi?
Siiiirmi-r I.UWIIS. liirht iioil" .il'W- L.»ns Silk
var.l.., .S^ic
lil.iv.-s. jinir ........................... 44e
O- Ulcat-b.Ml .\I,Kli„. 10.
7.’m' F.mlar.r Silks, In.'«uiiv-ar.1 pifc-s. at ...................74c pall.-rns. vanlU ...59c
.-Mkl vanls ’
an.l .V la.s-s. van! .....l»/jC llia. k Taffcla Silk. ?p-2.V
van! wi.lp.A-m-i.. .79c
ai).{. wi.b- all .-vlii.ti .Mnlfri-ss.
lii-nitl.-riiw. iiMMtIy l.Sr
\alu.-s. var.1 '.........................TSc . #4 vain.-, t.ol.v.------.$2.31
<'..ry. l i Viv.-r Kiiibroi.liT»4.'Nt R,..-a I{ on
. u..nli 2.'.r. ill yanl.'.MSc
K«lf al ...................................$2.48

Prices Cut Deep
and Hard on
Wash Goods

Sommer Shoes and
Oxiords at the Lowest
Prices Ever Qnoted.

15 >i*«M of W/tC Lawn*.
Vwrj decirable for *umme' dresres,
llgbi end dark patterns;.
Id Oil* sale aL yard . '

!•» pair* Womea'* Strap Piimp* and
Oxfords, tan and blMKs; iiiuit.
summer aiylas. formerly■ prlfx-d
H.d »


A lubi* r.iA of these vplendM good*:
U*«iie ^irham*. voiles. seco tllks
amttng*. Priced
quiik M-i
yard ....



Vwith*’ Ogferda
Hutton and lace siyle* In Iqii.
tail aud iHilent leallii-r;
wfiti up u>
sale at. pair ..............





Globe Dept. Store
Traverse Oly, Mich.


Better Result* Wouid Be Secured If
Not Put Into Ration Until Pig* Are
F<v* Week* Old.

Many Fail to Crasp Principles Under­
lying Qualities ef Good Flsver ar.d
Desirable Aroma.

To an Inqulo- Prof. W. 11. Pt-w of

^Uy O i: I I;KV^:i:T. IJah-> lUCKrimeSt
ta*jG00D ROAOS nations, issue .Thi-n- I* p. rtapa uo other factor In
tug biittcnnllk to bog»;
____ l^tur
____ ________
Duikiug ibnt ___________
Ituttt-rmllk when trw from water. Congresaman. Borland of Mjeacuri
than the lack uf prup.T ripen
uiM d tor wuaMug Uw butter, make* I
'• One of Biggest Qua*„ .puriug of the On lasuy
.x..ll.-i.t tr.-d lor hiHi*. Tt,.- great ,
P«>pt«farms the ripening is done with no
trouble as we find lb cuiiiing from.

utbtr putjiusea lu tiem tbati that of*
the cri-iiii.-rle* in ih'st It is hunt fo
Ol ibe
'*’*• addrveiu
addr»-**t Vv *ivcn
«ivcn r.i the mcent cautlug the creaiu to chum i^oi
Id tVaahlnglon.
deU-rmlM.- l.«w; much . xc-as wau-r U Federal Aid coiivt-htlnn In
■> Oiii£e NctloaaJ Good Roads
conulUKd iL it At theprvaint price tailed iu li'^i lng cream rhould
for feeds, 1 think you
will be
l»»"l »«’*>- fontulnvd a mere compr®- be to caure ibc cream to cborn
aafr lu paying 20 cenu per lull h-.-nslvc suuiTuiug pp of the situaUan readily, and to produce dislnbUpounds (or buitbrmUk
that U free U>*n the ntuark* of lU'prceentaHve.yimt cr.aui »UI
from i-xck-rs, of water.,
| Wtlllem l‘. iiorland.of Missouri. who.,.j.i,urii more nadllj whea tc.ur Is a
lu n-aard io the way it i* fed, I nay «uoas oUu-r things, said:
say that /or sows ibai me uarriifr
"I bdn-ve tfiat the gf-od road qpe*- j,p(j ^xpt ri, lu. ctaKing buUvr.
joun* pigs. It should be »ed In very tloa Is tb.- biggest queylioo. wltbouC Mc.weker. wbeu it comes lo the piiducsc^l qmiatlUes. i; at ull, uud I exception, new lacing the American* m-a of geed (Uior >o>d aroma iu tbe
wield- suggest diluting It. Ui-tter r«- people- In congross, we arc trying buttfr. mam (aii ’.u grasp th. priiicisuUa would I bad If lb. !:uit.-rmllk carneaib aud sincerely to deal with
und-rlytug th. prvdnctlou of ibun,
into the railoii uuill the «Ms problsin of tbe . xu-nt aud ehar
qualitl. e Vbe mala r.-a*cu why
i teasi lour or U»y wei-k* «ter of fed. ral conirt.1 aud f.-denJ t.un, ^ fa: <oTan.o!it!j a higher price
I'anlcularly good tor grow“> S«>u<l roads There are diffleui- „„ ,b,.
flu: welt-as latieulur bogs.; «>-* coufrotltlng u*
It ha* a p.-culiarly dcirabU-' flavor
Tbe show (arrows at this t-oUeg.- are;
'S^nte of us M-liere in » contlnuoo*
a^jnsa w hicb canaoi b- ex-scUy
taways I.hJ uud finished .ui corn aud sysKrn of road*; roads that go »oti«r- ri-produced
j Wheie; roads that give us the benefit rt-**ou It 1
A good ration for the sew* that aroj M the scleiitlfic progross ot engineer
quallUes ip butter
nuralux I'lg* of any age when no Mg skill that has been devek:"-d In [„ u,g highest passible
trouble will be hud from scouring.! •eunccticn wuh road building Web-.
in order to prvxduce desirable flavor
would be as follow*: <’<-nimcal, ooe' Heve that federal aid, If it .comos at |i
%erj etM-utlal Uiat tbe milk and
pan: bran, .two parts, ‘wuh buit.-r- all—and It must ooiiie—mujt mean a cream b.- bandied uudor saulury
mUk three to lour pound* for each . IxrtK'r type of road*, long roads, roads
iH^und «( grulu mixture,
of higher do**. roads of a more per, xo iuiroducc filth Into the mam Is
II nud buiieruiUk afford a very! rnanent character, road* that go somejntpoduc- uot onlv the bad flavor*
ration for faitfuli.g bogs Vor_ where, road* that mean sometbtsg U „hlch that filth contain#, but also
growing pigs II might Ih-of advantage thedevelopuient of the country.
g-rm* which wHi ttmo to davHop
muk.- a ,slop of kli..rt* and butter-' "1 w»et to say to you frankly, that
kind - of a bad ' flavor
lailk and fe.-d corn oD tbe i«r ixv .Me eusiesl proposition to get through cream '
jany l^Ulaiive body i* not a pr^b
The gertn* or fermenu which pro1 tlou that reaJly mean, bclterm^t but ^^ce a ukuu sour taste It, the


EXCELLENT FOR THE UMBS|:arnrg^"a.‘‘^i'drV‘’“*"‘

r«t**ihle^ If
ao.a,..e*.-e ^
... possible.
-----------’I we couM
juW lake a lllUe
little tfederal monay,
Wheatbran it Good Feed for Yeunggood deal cf federal money, or
ters to Begin On—G>ve-Abunas much fwlenU money as we could
. ,
dasce of Pasture if Possible.
lay ou'r hand* cii. ^
the .„w..,n.
might be.and*pr<.ad It out'over every
A good fliK-kmaster hold* that for ^oad district In theVnlted Slatea. ahd
........ V
.___ . _ ■

'*'* ‘=‘-‘*
•‘‘H produce
a good
^ small
of clean lasting
^unrmlU • butter milk to the cream
‘o* ^»luce desirable germs
-.uich «iii1 sour thfc cream and at the

same time

eelleut TCTi-sl.i With, and afi.-r they for the existing iiyau-m
b.Kvme siroug.T tbe bran should bask anj-thlng In nwith corn meal m t-qual quar^^Id g« the greatest uplie eajs that oat meat or oBXs
and the most tremendous
when they ean *-*1 H. should b- add- unsulmft) of oi-raiori back of It that
Ulance'the ration, for i«l# la
jcpieUUve projoslllon could posnearly a balancvd food lUeJf. After ,n,,c get. Then.- Is BO doubt about
growing a llltle they will tUell their
fwn corn. If gueu tu them on the cob.
- net here ls*he Idea that must obcnr
The laiiiUs that are to b.- rai».-d on',,, MVery thinking man We do not
ih.i farm sbeuld i>oi be p.rved so fart.' j-^ce to Improve the MM.OOO miles of
Tli.-> Ii...l i-leMy of f-'-il. hut the
,-nj,ed sutew Tkiat
graiii ration-shoiiW b.- .null and
„ol stagger anv man's ImaglHicorn ilifiuld »■ Th.-> should be
F.xiarl.neq has rbown at the
gi.en plepiy ff ex-rclee and wo ahun
thn>'.n:d of this subject, th.t 1«
dune of good p*Mu-e If jK-*rlb1--j p^r cint. of the traffle on roadl goes
Veru K-nds to fatten and will
,p„ pp, cent of th»
duce uuc.rtaln br».«lers of short s.a-|
we h:-.d a system of good
M.n Wheat biaii and oat. aiv prolei
l.wding fairly Into every seeiloa
ably th.- tup r.-.fest inaterlBls of f.wd p, ,f,,. counirv. within the reasonable
that can beai.-ed. When the graas b^
u,.jt,rity of the citisens.
■irang.r and good
end prodtii-era and tax layers of tba
spring.. grulu ft-idlng. U not needed conniry. that system would be a vast
. adiantage over the present system of
h>- tarm. and only the corn will r-- iK>i,u.d local control of highway*.
liain a* the dry.feed
dry . feed ration for the
can bring that about by a
jiark.-i■ latiiLs.
liar''j .Tin- grass I* better than any other
iit.cesaarlly with any stubboronUrogenous f<w.d.
r.ess or prldo of opinion—but If w« can
-------g.-t together on the Idea that it Is bet­
PREVENTS WASTING OF HAY ter tn haw soni." good roads than It is
I* to huv- I'O rood roads, then we will
all get behlud some proposition and
accomplish enmctfalng for good ror.ds:
and It la going to take Uiat spirit of
c.x-oi»raUon and silfaacrttic-e to bring
Tlox extends froin loft to manger, about legislation'' *
tt is (wo leet squ.•.r^ at lop at-0 four
f<-et at bottom. The bay sll|is down PATROL SYSTEM IN VIRRIIIIA
ihreueh liux as fast as eaten, say*

^..^C le UCDV caTice*r.TrtBV
-----------'»*« *<■"
©"« That Has Ni

C- -A Wiran- of Imca* county.
lc»a. sends Iowa nomeRSewd an lllna‘raOon of a gate that he ha* had In
«re on hts farm for r number of ytwrs
*>«> «'’>Icb ha* never saggi-d and 1* as
*-®cd a* new He says^thls gale will
'»»•« twenry,years If madd-^hl Slock
“nuot jump over H iicfr gel their
heads fhrcutb It. It Is hide of beaf
om-tneh hard pine dressed and |«lot'-d. with the board* mortised in 3it
while oak pliH-n* and-bblted. It t* so
heavy that it r-qulrts
hang .It: but when hung It Is so light
that a child can rm-n and vioie
with ease. According to Mr. Wlren's


Long Brooding 1s Uitnecaatary and an
Ordinary Hen Coop Will Acoootmodau Thraa of Four.
I hnve always used, large, full feath­
ered hvDB for hatchings, only allowtog
the g'.-ese to Fit on the tart «Bgp of.
th? tcasoR, A good broody ben will
steadily' alt' Vbc 30 dsyi occupied In
Ibv lii'-ubatlsii of these eggs.
If she be gh
eggs xml tbc-y a
and turned onee dally they shoold ta every case produce vlgdroua
goslings If the parent birds are healthy
and -Well matured.
Some people find a dltficnlty during
tb* early daya of raising In tbe ten­
dency of the birds to fall upon tbelr
backs and an Inability to right ibmselvei without aaslatant. necesalUVing ctsiblned watrbfuleea* or'ioaa.
IhU. however. Is a DOlaanpe that
may be avoided by tbe use of tbe eggs
of mature, aound stock only.' tbe
w eakness being abseot In the progeny
of old birds In good breeding oondP
The actual rearing prveenu no dlO- .
eulile* to one quaUfied tn ponlur
raising. Long brooding U uaneeaaaarT
and as ordinary hen coop U aulBctont
in accommodate three or four goollnga.
and a ben as long as It la necessary
to leave tbe toller la charge, but dur­
ing tbe first day* tbe gosllng'a run.
w b4eh should be on abort grant. sboBia
be limited.
The best diet fa a simple one and
a I bavt
than stale bread well
semked and squeexed moderately dry
aad mixed with a liberal allowance of
dandelion leave*, well dwpped and
free from atringy piece*. BiacuU meal
may be used instead of tbe aUle bread
but It Is more expensive and tbe reaull* are no better....
n> the idridto
-ound oats should take iSb'place of
le bread, mixed with a sufilclent
quantity of grit to make the mtxtnr*
cniinbly. the dandelions bring com­
Tbe green food mgy be gradnally
reduced and finally abandoned wbea
the young bird* aro grazing freely.
They abould commence graalng at
alout a week old.
Fpon a good grazing ground and
with a suOcient eapply of soft food
mUture. of which ground oata abould
be tbo sUplc Ingredleftt, gosUnga vID
progress rapidly.

A Terr etople brooder can be con•tnicted by cutting a sugar barrel In
ball and uring-one pan in tbe manner
described. Une tbe Inside of tbe half
barrel with paper and then cover tbl*
with old flannel cloth. Make a cover
for the top and line it in tb* eame
manner. At tbe bottom cut a bole la
the edge, about tour Inches deep and
four inches wide, and provide n cot-

Gate Never Bag*
ilrecripiioii It nqulres forty bolu and
sixteen-inch hlngr*. Xo

the Prairie Fanner.
Nall boant* I.p.rim,nu MU.
I-WM R«a.
—'I ■« "• ~n-tn.cUo.- sLculd be hung
i large post eet
across bottom of box and let i
Office of Department
ture on Earth Roada

Chuu for Hay.
extead out on the aide where the open>!iig Is .Nall a six or eight Inch board
around tbe edge of these boards to
form a kind of tray, and no bay will
be wasted.

Men a 13.50 Oaforda
The Ixwt s’tie* of the anasun
jn; pal.-nt
I Rtui
in button
t'.tual to mi
|t<«. RnUprice, pair .


An orebard make* an ideal pig pas-:
Shelter* should be kept In order la
every pig pasture.
He aure that the weaning* are oot
•‘run down" by file*.
Similarity of breeding insure* ofiaprmg of greater value.
Slop win not quench a pig's thlru.
« hot w eather.
peas I
make fine (all fivwge tor bogs.
Caustic potash Is used in rrmorlag
horns from very young animala
The orchard la good tor the pig*,
and the pig* are good -for the orchard.
We cannot grow ptga ^ofitably withit feed enough to keep them gaining

Th* nlfirc of public roads of the
drpartnK'ni of agriculture has been
making • xpvrimentj -on an eight-mile
stretch of road in Virginia'to demonkirate tb* retells that may be oo
talned on ccuntry earth road* by eonlUB-work under a patrol system.
A patrolman was rmployrd to furnish
a borx', a cart and small tools, and
supplied with a road drag
built of plank and requlr*d to fur­
nish two horers to drag the road whensultable condition for
dragging, usually following each rain.
Th* use of th* road drag hat great­
ly Improved Ibc dally condition of the
road and rendered U smooth and com­
fortable for travel for a greatly In­
creased number of dayt In bad weatbTbe department expccu to con­
tinue the experiment this year, for It
U already apparent that the entire
eight mill-* of road will ahow remark
able Improvemast under the aystemnUc work of thb patrolman.
Top-Working Apple Treta
Apple tree* up to a foot In diam­
eter may be top-worked. If unsattofactory. C«e. hoewver. abould be
used that too motk of the top Is not
removed In' any one year. Cot off
about one-tblrd of the top the tint
year and Insert aciont bn stubs not
than two or three tnchw Is
diameter. Tbe next year remove
of the top and Inaert other
acions. and the fcUowlng year com­
pete the wrorh.

Evideat That Plant Fwmiahe* as Near
Perfect Ration a* Anything
Known to Agriculture.
Evidence accumulate*'daily of the
superior value of alfaila lo.lbu pr«ducticB of both .milk and beef. A
i'alMonila Guernacy la reported as produriRg 444 pounds of butur fat In one
year on a ration cf allalfa pasture ahd
hay exclbsively, the major portion of
the' alfalfa fed being bay. U 1* certhat this Cuernaey was a good
producer and capable of using her
teed economically.
Howerer, regardless of tbe ability
the cow- to convert feed Into milk.
Is apparent that alfalfa hay and
alfalfa as pasture comet at near consiiuilng perfect ration for tbe dairy
as anything known to agrlculIn tbe compounding of dairy
rations it bas long been regarded as
necessao' that a variety of feed* be
This lo in order to increase the
palaubillty and to prevent tbe ani­
mal from Uring of tbe feed. .The fact
that an exclusive ration of alfalfa wiU
produce such results as reported in
the case of this Guernsey to evidence
(hat alfalfa alone la highly patoubie
and that It'can be used aucaamfully
as an exclusive feed.

GIv* Cows a ResL
It Is well, when poMible. to give 4
Guard Early Det
cow from six to rigbt weeks' real be- {
ef the pig on the farm to to be. 51* iwecQ ber perkMto of tocuUoo. but If
iriy develppment should be caret«Uy It to ImposBible to dry her off It I* bat-1
cooUnoe milking tbaa to at-1
goardedtettipt to file* ber dry.

Breeder fer Chicles,
er or door. Tbe Inside Is kept warn

frees tbe Interior can be kept at M
or 100 degrees, but tbe Jug moat be
refined with boiling water at toast
twice a day.—Popular Mecbanlca.
Color to largely a matter of hrd^
Tbe color character In eggs bas «0
relation wbataoercr to tbdr food
a An egg with a white abeQ
differ in eomporiUra from one
with with a brown abelL Eto* of tbe
Medlterratiean biweds are white, while
tboee of the Astatic breeds are brown,
in general tbe eggs of tbe American
breeds ere also brown, bat nre rarely
as uniform tn caxior as tbe other two
ee. Unllonnlty In color regard­
less of wbetber eggi are white or
,brown iflould be eoagbt for by, tbe
ponltrymnn. ' A good appearence to
a crate of egg* to proettrad otaly wbea
nnlfonnity la etoe, abape and eoler to
Water Bmeiitlel.
Clean, 'freab waur to ose of tbe
moat nesfiidili that we eaa thiwfc of
for the bealiby fowls. Aa tbe greater
iwrtkm of tbe egg to water, they
DM 5* seppltod wttb a Uberarsapply at aO dms*. It sboald be ptoobd
in 1*^ a way that tt wtU bs wMMaaiy acbesa.




head. Tbey hare no naniM a> 7«t.
"Nus' let me bave him." aald graodrbarlM aajra be will, tearh bla puppr niocber. aud the rtalldrcii aa« abe had
to drair hit «raaoo like a,horae. aa be a little butter on the index anser of
thlnka dhrlna a burae is areat fan. her riabt hand.
They play horae nearly every day.
"What for. praodinoiber*" they
and they aeldom play Indoora. Tbey asked, as Anna passed Ben over to

spend mo^t of the time si onr.nelgb- oer.
l\MsAld young rolhs •unshina t while Ittmtieforma.
the Mother >»r^ *"•' '»«'
"I»aM to areaae bla feet so he ll
♦ Club:
I Katlh wonderYully. ani dreaaea ,he **^“‘“
'« auy: for by the Ume^e licka the butr
1 win
___' w w.:-- — A bare treea In beaotifHl areeo a6wna ***
ttriailanaon.. and ahe ler from hia paara be wlU feel at







Altbousb mndmother and Mrs.
Bowa tried reiieatedly to roaa bini to
eat. he aoiild bate none of It. but bia-ould ao to Mrs. Itova and rut.
aaaln»t her and then to arandmother
and do tbe ksme tbina and ~nieo»‘
and m toaard tbe door. This he did
number of lltnea"
"1 do believe he wanu me to ao
Ith blm." Mrs. Bows flnslly


“**."?.• ."I*
♦ »hon Ua work Is ended, beautiful
him down near the atove. and ihe he led her out of the bouse, halting
**i^!!iir.w!!!r’K. i-wi-e keiefei * suiomer atepa lnt«» lu place.
Not Iona ago Mre. Uwla Johnaon c^illdren were' greatly Imereated In and looking back trenuenily to be aure
and^ LJ J aoliCf si to !How nlr. U doe. m>emto have aumSchombem sen. me t*.t nice bou-wslcblng him lick. lick. Hck, flrat ooe she w„
•"“ ... “
“ ♦,
h.vine h.n fluoia
lovely lloweta. Hatei Harvey foot and then the other, and repeat »»Urge .linden tree, and with a
svory living thng.

u. an.m^ * "‘‘‘i/v^rl
• Pretty little the licking of all hi. fe« over and I-«h«1 « triumphan. "miou- aho-ed
“ - ■ tuLZ I wiIT^-tLv tee * Warm lalelv but after the recent
‘•••“ory veroea entliled "Cheery overjagain, and—he never ant away. P" ■ dead—aontethlng. As ahe look-

: sro





^ I "oT™ u .“UL"


o.-"- “»■

« Bonallv I do not like the weather too •"'*
«o •» -Irar Haiel.^so Wn remained.
waro, The dav. are mostly beauUwhen on his tour
He «a. a beautiful kitten, all black
M. ."4 tl»
H'- r.m.n».A.I
nton until sttnaeL
•'"P *
‘lo*- Others who aenl as a cent on bla throet. end be grew
How fortunme
fununaie are
are tbo«.
thoae that
il ai are
Alice Briggs |dIo a most lovi-ly. large, wise and
free to enjoy kGod'e beanilful aun***7
“ ‘ «-»
ahioe end horn I d« «nvk- ihemt The *vos»arek. Mm. K. Kiessel of SuttoDS bis llfe-a mie life—yon wlU agree
wirfr^m ^he lun b“^ nm( ToucIL
«'obod. of Cedar. Mra with me that he was an Inlelltgem
touched ‘l-y.
W. II. Moore of t'aliromla. K. B. C. creature, loo.
i bad
dJW "atoL*lone
*"•* ^PH«l0f Howell
Ben. when be *.» grown, never
A. t- nut been
d<iHra_Btoce .two long .,
____ _

aisa CLARA ■ATE^ E«t.r.
nreaeireit »____ ■— a iMC.
Prsaldmt Wlaa Clara
Clara Bataa
Flrat Vie. ProsWont-Mrak Habol
Bates Willlama.
iHond VirPraaldanl-lir.. Irm..

I Jtm.
Nomher of rtamea on the Cmdia
Bell June 1, ISIS, S.1».
Talk Happlnaaal
Not no* and then, but etwry
Blessed day.
Even If you donY believe
The 'half of what
You say:
-There's ao room here for blm
Who whines aa on bla
Way be goM;
P.emember. *soc. the -world Is
Sad poougb without
Y'obr woes.
Talk happiness each rhaiiM
Y'eu get—and
Talk It good and atrong!
lank f<ir It In
Tbs by way* aa you gHmly .
Plod along;
IVrtiapK It u a tfrangar now
Whose eialt never
;But talk li; Soon yoaH And
Th« you mod Happlbesa J'"'
Are ebuma.
-^’ew Y'orfc Sun.
Rulaa for Lettar Writing.
Have you any unkind UiougbtsT
- ito not write tbem .dosm.
M’rlie no word that giveth pain;
Wrltien words may loop remain.
lUva you heard some Idle tale?
Ilo not write It down.
Ooaalps may repast it .o'er.
Adding tn Its bhier store.
Have .vnn any carelrws Jest?
Bury Itf and let it rest;
'It may wound aome loving breast
Word* of love and tepderneas.
Words of inith and kindllnea*.
. Word* of comfort lor the sad.
Words of ifUdneB* for the glad,
WoidB of coonsel tor tbe bud—
WTaely write them down.
Wnrdi.: though atipll., an mighty
, J
i. Pause before you write them.

tl>out with hit tall er^ and hit hair
h» tl» >1*"^
'^d yo. kW 11
-'loo*- vam«*
grandmother to called
see tbe

seemed to Itgbt the whole plaw. It ward that mt*e was too. Kvre my
was tbe mother's taroritc ftower, and eyelashes were eiaged.
ahe bad loaged lor aplant to set In That happened over tblity y»i*
her ^rden tor jeara.
The aiory all ago I'aiher gave Kit to me that re y
came out—hop lionnte had scoured da«, and slw aud t beeame fast
tbe region for ntiles round to Ond friends She la a veo' old horse now a wnd cardinal-plant, bad narked the but 4<>w snd again abe puu tstrk -ht r
apot. and rtalied It week hy week. eats, as she did that day when she
watering It la a dry time.- and this heard the finit crackle of tbe brc. and
morning had dug tbe w hole thing up puts off at a good pace, and it seem*
and bore It triumphantly to hit -'o °‘e then that she renemners'oar
wild ride--Selected.
This Is a^ true story. • Tbe cardinal——
flower was cranspUnted to bu
ettofs Birthday CJfL
mother-, garden on her birthday
EUiel was live years old. and EOtel'a
many, many years ago. She has had.-cot»ln Edith was twelve. Tbey **ro
birthday presenu and forgotten them;' great friends in rplte of <he fact that
but every year that heaiitlful Jewel- aeven years tried to tc|>araie them,
nowee btooma for hej- ,again, and When Edith's birthday came around
she thinks or the twi eager, dusty lit- on the tenth of September Ethel be­
lle bo\. who lugged it bomb for her Can to plan for It
over miles of hot country road—S. 1 want to give her sotnetbing that
Power In Youth's I'ompaolon
she really will Just love." said the Ul- tie girl; ao she and mother thought
for several days «.,.r the gilt. Mother
A Wild Rida.


SVI..M, wa. none of them knea. for Clew the streets of Groen Bay
Tioltn. candy, flaaem. brwiolet. neck­
tbey had never seen anything like It Blled with smoke from iliatani forest
lace. and other good tbings that girls
t^ twelve are bound to like. Etbel
We walled, watched and mini? rf,ook her bead, however, when motbyears irgc. v.m.- uc.7
ere.. I r-ecuL
prajed for rain. My father owned and er auggested new music for the violin,
three hours in Ibv freal. air. under
> »<»'-• '"'o to answer each line
'•«- would Jump up and hoM on
D the hen bouse.
opcaated a stave mill beyond tbe "Cen- Ediib was leamlag to play very well,
the .bade of our large fruli tree.. Pcrannallv. but my phy.iral condi- ‘b*- «I«>r by pu.tlng one fmot ^
ter." over, ten n.ilea away. On the pat ahe did Bol like to praefife. wo
„« ..AU r„ll,
d„„H» m, .'V" -o" -oi .'Id. R
.7™ “.ill
am heartily *P'' other on the latch until the door Mr.
moridng when the dreadful news came Ethel did not want to buy berany new
«0..-md.L K,.T„hldk «.».d „ lid. ..r, murt ,»1 ™
lo os that Chicago was burning u|i. It mualc.
than he would Jump down ami
wkku "never
urtei did
Riju I'reallse
> irukse u
sii lj dW
uiu ihanktul to all for
•• to me.
'Xkxtd tuoruing! IThai's going on tu
• ttecessary
“BesideA’' aald tbe liul« girl. ' sU
at that time. tBery llule thing that
Suushinera ci.mplatoed that *■»<
“<« «‘Hs.
wilb him
the rest of ytm will give her mutlc
my eyes rested on was very familiar. «»>»■'>■ >«'«» *««'« to Maitle Ben'
"!V- jk-a chink that jou can go. and flower* and candy. She's sure to
and It made my ioughu rush back
“> !>-»««•)•: Ark., were -un"" ho came In lastT' when he
to bygone days, when I*Yvna well and
A message of her* ap- *"“''1 scamiK-r bark and. push It ahui.
Tom?" naked mother, heslutlngly. I have plenty of glfu bccMse everyone
■d Mrs. Bows.
--— --Uhout a single thought of '•«'''«>
July "Comfort."'and In*’*" •
hunter, too. and
hai's 1 weasel." be aald as aoon knew tbe reason of her besltaUoo. for loves ber. I want to give ber aomewbat tbe future utgbi bring. How I
e saw il. 'and he'd bave eleaned tbe only horse left In tbe suhle was tbing dlfleiwnt." SBe really said "dlHe
1 the happy time*
you for all youmilndwctl 1 I
nil your chickens If Ben hadn't Kli. a genuine mustang, a very wild «int," but mother understood. .
"Something dlBerem.' moiber re1 hud spent under those,.-.......... .......
with m> scboolmaiea and ati|«aln•bhablne :
"Oh, yes. 1 can go." 1 answered eag- pcatrd, and then ahe set to work to
KOid Ben. and be behaved
I Into the dining
Jou ‘••'f brought me.
erly. and soon 1 bad Kit baroMsed to resUy cblnk of pometblng uNsually
Often a shriek from Mrs. Bows - lat as If he was of tbe same opiniou
My air casilea of long ago are sbat“■ Hiai the wiH answer all let­
"How woold you Bke to get
r gramlniothertold that Ben had pr*. “
tered, and as 1 aat In my wboel
Edith something that would make ber
eel chair J'™- "o maner bi-w long
ong It lusy mke ___ _ k... .....k. . ......
. ' "That's
rmsen you .wouldn'i ly in my incket.
-rhaf* tbe reason
under tbe treea
.On the road, one of our neighbor's Hke to pr»e*Uee on ber vlol/nr she
r do nol atopr:r.
hU esteem, and .hat tbe gift mother,■" as she iiatled ‘I;'-*!
elusion that I wouW sun upon 'Now. my
writ- ‘o'*- of appreciated
. suggested at last. That salted Ethel
biro approving- children, a hoy of ten .veari. tan
tcullding alr caiUea again, but how '•>' 'o ine. for letter* are more pleasand begged lo go along 1 sl'oweff Hght away—» they could find the
1c c,™o, .nd
w.r.-.™wlw I;';, '.™' '
dillerem they will be! Tbey will be “*» 'o me than unythlng else in all
up a Dit and he got in. We enjoved ^**1 Iblng-aomething that was
niotreU lo Ben. and the chlldien
put up with much less ambition and 'bis world. -May God bless and reHen lived to -be nine ynrs old. aud our ridt mlghUly untU we reached the
that he was always heliied genel
j.leasur*—but I will try lo do tbe perv
*■ °*>
Pf»>**r-" ly when they rec.-lved theirs.
fork* of Ihe road where we met a man
Edith's birthday ennie and with It
«o ■
best I can. . A ahut-ln Hie Her lauer repay, us for our leitcTS
B... A.vrr I.OaI
b. «„ buk lor
>>”' '■)'*'
■'WJ.'"?" '"bC-C bln. who told us that Buck Creek Wood* arrived Ethel, cnirylng ber gift with
is hard Indi-ed. but not the wont ‘o her. ao please write to ber again, t.n.11. |.™v,r. ™rb n.ornlnn. oo.l “
in ibo nmmln. bo were on .fire.
trouble lo endure.Sunbeams.
■oonld lok, b,. 1.1,0, lo lb, ionier ol »■! "'•'I>« >*'
"But I've got to goubrougb them." I
I*ailence and courage will overcome
Pleaaaut caiia were made me re,n.| ^it quietlv nniil the acr- *“ *'’* ***'^«' bouored.
said .leaperately. "Cbitngo Inn^r
“•* •’'*? «“
'many .ohKtaclcs which seem liacd, as ‘"'""y by Mr*. l*eter CbrisUanaon. vice wa, over, He.would go with the
ml“cd -Exchange.
yard* are going to bum and father
1 know from jwrsonal ei|wrlemc. l>aHerman ChrisiUnson of near ,,n,j,v ,o .hurch both morning and'-----------------------most be told-moiber aent me. you
»*•«kooir ed as well as she could with her eyes
Hence is a gift wbidi aome do not -Nonliport and Mr*. Clvas. Carson. I m-nlng. When they started he wnult) — I
Th#R«ipthd*y Gift,
posaee*. and some do poaaiesa it but •« 'cry much aurpHsed
to see them <.nn»l. up „n
Ised ti.
on the fence and- walk > •B«nnle"-who*e other nan
• Well. 1 would not tel you If jnu
«I»clal'f « **' >»>•
4o not care to make use of M. Coup- nnd'was very glad to have them call.
of them until they came to
Cameron—wat on a rot* by the wa* my boy." he said. "If you do get
age 1s another gift. but. one must not and hope they w-llt i.nie again some- ,he rhuroh where he would halt, and
afudrlog {“rd wbat he could get ketebed; Ju«t hit the mare a lick wiih
-!«•> J«*« ** noon a* she began
uae It to exiesa.- Many limes It hap.
wall outside umil the service ended tof'bH mother's birthday present. He Ihe whip and hang' on for your life.
» *blr of wings
Other* who visited me were Mary ai night aa they came from the church saved hi* pennlto after October came Good luck to voo. If vou WlU go. hot I
]>eDs that I feel very gloom and be^klrp*. Edith
f. 1 Just bod Minnie Kalcbik, .Mollle and Mary they would hear a welcoming "meew" lo buy a Urge bottle of lavender-water wouMn t. if 1 waa you "
«'*-«*• eonidn't bHp it:
cause frowns
sgi a gn^ supply of cciurage and Kin. Mary and liella Kolaiik and rronitout ol lue darkness, and tbey for her Christmas, because she was
It was not van- long before we en«"
rack was the
wear a smile for appearance sake., ■"‘••'Phlfie Hahn and Roaie Bourdo. knew Ben was In waiting'-to escort fond of It. and be wax. too. But her lered the fivemiie stretch of woodi
cabary bird!
I ifever Jieep company .with -Mr.'Thelr^call* made me very Kappy
them home, and tiiough Hiey often own birthday was cumlog.. and what which Uy between u* and tbe "Cen»wl EdKb
and Dickie sang hi* beat. Juat
W'^rry." aa he gives poor examples.
• «>»« “fH writ* any more, but will rould not see him. for be was a* could hv» get that she really llkc*d. ter " Sot a breath of air was ailrIt often makes me laugh lo bear some Five others a chance to say some- "black as night." he always kept near when there were only fc-venteen cenu ling In tbe wends road, but tbe amokv ** “ he knew he innal be on Ua good
almost choked u*. .Sow and then we »»k*'‘or. It wa* the happiest of blrthpeopli- say. "i Just cannot help but H^'nc- B'»b eternal lore. I remain, them.

in hi* Iron bank? He never bad
worry." .Mott of the time they worry
Anna and he were great playmates, break open hb liaaks to know ho* aaw-a tiny flame creeping along un** *"'*•
“ practice
and Deo Kubmitted'grwcelully to aU of moeb they held, for he kept aceonnt der tbe tree, among the Urv fallen
over nothing at all. for they imagine
Hien. Edith say* If
r la going to occur.
her plans, even dressed up in of even' bent In a funny Journal he leaves, but we-dii not give it a second
tbonghi. We >aaaed the first two
*» *
be because
dolly's clothe* and poshed about In bad.
but It rarely doe*, and all the worry
Btbeir-Bela wa«ted >m nothing. It ahowi tow
■Barah Vliginia'* .-oach. What a |«wt,,
ji he heard bU mother mile* Id *afeiy:\ben Kit began to lay
useless worr.vlng Va ani^ does much
t fell..w he was. and how comical
, neighbor last apring. out her ears close to her bead and start at
jOne day the children
freaben-----------------------harm, but no good. If one has great coming up tjie atrvet with a little be looked with bis face |>eering
in the garden, about
ppogrwsatva Game*,
patience he worries'mnch IcagT Every buck kitten under hi* arm. and as ffw the laiv caji that surrounded II.• wanted more than anything elae for Ing a bit ahd the itnoke was geuing
thing can t>e done'with patience, but he *top«-J before their gate to steady kud hi* bUck
held like babj *
fiower-bedA but ahe never could denser. Kit was decidedly uneasy and
oathlng without It. I keep on hoping himself the kitten slipped from hU
*>'“ find It* Could he not find II If he wa* covering the ground with long. i
f^an. and U baa the addltlpnal
for better thing*, but the, do not hold and ran sway; but he waa-4«i.,*™“
f™"' hunted the wayside* and the edges of even stride..
"Hold her in. abe is gettiug ready to advantage that thoae r»st"r part are
come, but with ]>stlence to assist me. helpless to follow H. so he mjrmbled
aleevee of hIs dress; Thu* Ann*
,ood* and the meadow-bank*, no*
I do not lose coUrage.
about "gooddor/othing- *o^ wheel hint about by tbe hour. ^
eacailon* Don Felton could ru^'gasped Johnny. Kit had already gcattered about tbe hR»ri.e. instead of „. mm. Tb.
These line* are l>egliiniDg to sound cal*." and staggered o"

fTrandniother lUven* was very fond go
_ with him..'(or Don
*».- would never UI«.» .L, bii 1, h.r imh. >,d .i, ,0. .R
All I re,ia
something like a aermon. so I will
Someliuve after the man was gone of raising chicken*.
„i,at they were after, and aome ra.U.0 n»,lw
change Ihe subject a llule. I often Will, on hia way to the pump, found »*•'• ‘
of the diher bora might snoll his plan to do ... to koop h.r .lOklphL Sooo pjog ppok. Id .ho p«-lor Uiw. mop
.„o lor tlddlojowimder What the Suuliloera ar. the kliien meowing nt the kitchen *«rden in the chicken house.______ Tt they kw* »L

u ,.bo .onU. Tbo .Ibd oodd^lr lo- .^kO. UoRbor Iro RUopood. urj .
doing these beautiful days, whether door.
He woold take the dog along, for
taken place coul.l bo seen by the dla-

lour time* a year our log In the hours.


Three of

no, b. lo pnp,., lb otb,r put. ot
pOlOh ot lU.O. «A.b«l 10,0 plo.,„
life, and tbe Hoy tonguea of fire
pie should be engaged.
Runahlne page. Helen's
When any game is /lolabed. the
ground.^ Bright yellow gleama darted
always ao full of cot)rage and eontain t
two-victor* should bring to the boateos
In and out of tbe black, resinon*
tko ipany Runthlny thoughts that your v . ,u.,o„„o,.,o.. u,„.
"May .“HU. R- MA,•» ""™ ™™‘
their cards which were funlohed
amoke. crouching at every bend of the
Preeideut feel* a* though they de­
The Grand Traverse Herald U one er?" as^ed Anna,
Giwndroo.ihcr knew Bens fondness He said he bsd been off to Green road as If to graap us as Kit dashed them on entering, and have a bole
serve a aperial place In < p depart- of my thief pleasure*, especially our
"It doesn't Delong TO
. . for bird*, and she feared hU apiwtlte U>dge with Don Pelton. and aa Green
■n,™ ... ,U0.„ o^oL., u,.
own corner, and I always ri-ad eveo' one may claim ti. yoo
might desire llule chicks'to be added Igslge wa, a favorite tramp with the 1.10,
ooa lonoou, „ii. or BO. "

^ Sonic of Ihc new members may not line of (l. It seems like' a niy of the their tnother.
>0h , uo.ll Blob oooiaIb.
to bla menu—hence the warning. So. hoy*, winter and summer, no more wo. U|«o .lib.. .M. 0, oor 0.0.
^oa- who Helen to and wonld ^Ike brightest sunshine, in fact, all good
-if no ooe comes for It. may wc
Joioo, .llopAl ,o ,b, boubm itlS,
-u™. oblob U,, rt.
bookboonj oUb 0 oboklB, CTv. .bB
«»> *•''
I find ....
the .„,„,A
she said. "Isn't
II Just loo 0000.0.
cunning .or
Ib otb.r
,o loo, o.podlilooA Wl bol'j oo «1,b boiB Babb,, hu loii u,B
™ ™™*' “ •*’ "““““-A
_________ ______________________
_______ _______ -Plrlng and anrihlngrnever known lo atten.iu
> cinb she I
U^le dow ny liallsof llfe in any way.
the mother always had <a luncheon 0.
100 «... bo.h .ooiobAl b, Ibo oioB
»' "» «•"
waa a merry school giff. full of hope 'uplifting, and tbe less^ It teaches Is
-Yea. if no one rlaima It you
"Beu! Ben"' calledgrandmother
fw him to lake along, done up In ooB borloB lolo lb,
„| fi„. Oo ““
™”™' *™
for the futu>e. and ambitious W make wdnh learning and cotialdering. If all keep It." answered -Mrs. Bows. ,
one night w hen il was time to go TO paper and slung by a strap ever one on we went! The mare wns ronntng
«»»«• Tbo*«
a great success ot her: life.
who read lia leaching-will follow tbe
The children were delighted.
beaten remain to try agnto.
H*“ icsiKinacd to her ,hoalder. with a drinklng-cnp tied on for her life now. a* well as for our*. 1
Then came an illnm which ^ra- examples, much nreded good will be Anna lnitDediateI},gut a-ilUle saucer
U always belter TO change partsoTs
'•«“ Bonnie thought hi. mother waa the braced mv feet and held her as firulv
Hied the muBcle* and changed the done.
' and filled It with ^.la
milk and set It beaort-Ju.-d wh., a boy wanted. at I could TO keep her in tbe road. *'H> obcb change of table*, as otheractire. romping Sunshine girl Into a
Our Club conidat* of several thou- fore tbe. kitten.
»''"«■ “•«>“
hour for hi* sake, onb'
did a* for iiuttlng up looche* of salad Once a bUtlng tree fell nrarly acroa*
quiet, whlle-fatrod invalid. For year* aand member*.'and If each member around and watched It ai it* little
P»»* «“• Horn protTeostog.
lo ‘be „!,,
pifvio, ,nd plum gin- Ihe road, directly In front of us. There
Helen ha* been unable to lake a aln- will speak ooe kind wort dally, how red tongue lapped up tbemilk.
v... v- x.x «.....
When all ihe players have tried
gardM-. hut he did not come.
Rerbread and cookie*, there was not a waa scarcely room’ to swerve around
gle step, and doe arm la useleaa. the many aorrowful
arill be
"Whai shall we call it mother
-Then you will have to sleep In the
thcwgbt of any It. and tbe curling, eager a«WA.t
game*, the cards
other nearly ao.
cheered! Many never hear a kind- asked CharUe.
flashed through the apok^ of the
collected and the record* .comUnder such circumstance* many word. and. we all know that unkind
-| dun'i kiyiw. and
am very buay

’"“P- *"'•
wheels. but Kit oever once faltered, cm Pured.
eee who ha* won tbe moot
people would become wretriied sod woM* buiy worae than Mowa so nev- now." their 'moiber answered, and
• birthday
•ho went.
timgn. if yon w|*h. you may give a
deapnlrlug. fretiul and queriiloua But er apeak unkindly to anyone.
It seemed as If those woods wm« UtGe prite. iboo^ the honor of
our Helen' has never forgotlen (bat words coat nothing, therefore do not ung room and talk It over and
fifty miles long. TbootTO we were tear- victory wUl satisfy your goeeto, wtthshe 1* a Sunablne girl!----^ bealute lo apeak them. Only the choose a name for It. and then come
nu,,ng the night Mrs. Bows heard
<»®«. B«ule. Ing on Uke mad 1 called to Kit "Git oat any more *ab*tanU%| reoegaltloB.Helen * courage U aa grMt-aa4lial aelflsb refrain from apeaklng kindly and let me know what it to" And ,
,6* ,Ard and remarked. Don and the dog were gone before np! GU up Kltr and held on hard'
of a soldier who flghu g battle. AI- to othera. Alwaya remember that they acaaipered off: taking the kitten -Sen * figbUna with some strange cal
flaUhed her breakfast. She The heat wa* fearful with thoae
tliougb ben body la worn and ill ber words kindly apoken--never
anoken'never die. but with them,
If he wa* going to be Ute flame* licking hungrily around o*. _
Vaeatien Oayi.
when there waa TO be a Johnny w*. «rt.blng At last Ute
amlle chaiptes defeat Into victory.
live for ever In aome One's memory.
U was a full bour before they bad
In the morning before the children that
weatloo.. of roM and of
•TT^ytlce early dinner, ench as the
Everyoiw who know# Helen lovee Our dumb anlmala have feelings much'definitely decided.' Cbarliey thought
>. when Mr*. Bows opened tbe
smoke grew auddealy thinner and Kit__ *“*■
her for b^sirength of character, her like human beings,
so don't illtreatBlackle would bevery suiuble; Anna
a'Wlctxo'BtT'meow" Iwf'<lked. and,a walk to the water- dashed out of tbe UaaJng wood*, to
ro*T4:he*k«d face* turn brown
aweetneaa o? dispoiltlon. and
her them, but protect them from cruel thought no other name would be half greeted her hut waa^reatlee* end acto'eloeli. when atop tremblingly before the Inn at tbe
*° ^ “*•
cheer. Her life has become an ex- usage, for you know they wUl be a* pretty as Victoria Louise, while ed etrangely
“ *”*
'*'••• »»torcree* walk* •HTentec." My father stood upon the
ample for every member ol tbe Sun- greteful Even If they cannot loll Will cboae Benjamin Frahklln.
why didn't yon come UH night
nl*a}* a treat, there were ao plaifona.
•*•“* of Ibo hay
ahtne auh. and we are all better you ao.
"Blackle. because he's bUdt." aald wbea I called voo? Yoo were ntughty. .«®"r Pleasant thing* lo be sMn in
1 threw down tbe rrina. atretrftod
Bonbeajpa tor having known- about
Marie. AngeJIne and Gbarle* -are Obarlie.
so yon were." mM grandmother as
two-mDe atrolL The mother bor- nay hand* oot TO him .and fainted.
really vary gentle with dumb crea"Victoria Louise, because It sounds abe iwtied his bravtlfol black tor. rled to get ber own work dohe In the Whem I enm* to. father was bonding
-CUfcrd Hownrt.
YTila 1* Helen'* letter:
tore*. They each have a liny puppy 'riatocralTc." aald
Anna "Did you give Ben bla breaklaat. torenoon. and went out to help la the 4ver me crying
" '
Otnena. Mich.. R, R B. .So. J. Box31.' for their own. and they handle them-Benjamin Franhlla beratwe If*
Sarah?" she then asked.
lASt touche* for dinner, when In came ' "Is Kit deed." I sobbed. "She saved
Good ftdrino
July 16. HH3.
and talk to them as though tbey nit- American." aald Will. And Wilt won.
"Yea'm. .bat be won't tooch It." two rather grimy, dusty, but entirely ua she aavod w!"
DonY be afraid to he frank wttk
ftear President—
.derstood. One day they brought them after much discussion, because It was Sarah replied.
- Joyens boy*, and s dog lo9klag as de>
1t was yoo and Kit togetber. my yoarsMf and u pot poor own T-nu|bl
Another season of sprtni has Ukea on my bed tor me to see. and how American, and they decided to call
"Perhaps you didn't wash his sau- llffhtful as If be had planned tb* boy." said fatber,
teto practice. Tbo verU It net M- '
Ha flight, and bow awifUy It don they did Uu'gh a* tbey thought It
him Ben—"lo save breath." Charliecer. for you know he never will eat
whole sarprtse.
For Bonnie
Outtold him bow lag for "repetjueu." ,tt .la aogor tor
it teems,
. oeem lu have goae! Truly, time files very funny to sen them on a bed! aald. Than they all hnrriad out to dht of lt 'unle« It U pertly dean." to his mother a superb plant of caidl- 1. beld on. I kmkod for Johnny; tbsrc "orlglaatt." If everybody did Uko
on wlnga
Marie's puppy la wbHe and brown, and ibe kitchen where <b«lr moHier and aald Mrs. Bows.
. nal-flower. five feet high, the roots bo was. bte face as Madi aa amoke. everybody olac progrM wonld h* loto
Hbw eogeriy we do took for tbo I think It U the nicest of all* Charilo'a
Grandmother Haveg were busy with"it was wasbod clean enough." an- died op with plenty of evthcacopf
cUaglWtb* utraaks where tbe toar* oot of tb* dtetteoary. Be tb* "ersrpcoming of apring and wbea It doee 4a white and tu bead le brown, while
the baking to exhibit tbelr trulyswered SaraK "an' If* not the Inolt
TO them, andbed
a spike
the hie tow bnlr wna body otoe" ooe* to a wbHe and eat tb*
ran. ofand
bnivc. il seems tb stay but ff mtJ* AnffoUae's 1* wJMt*. with g coal Mack Aaortcan cat
' ol tb* Huc«r."
JewMred npwort to Mo
aoorcbod aaff brows. 1 ftnsd atur- etoadard tor tb* "oTorybodieu.*'

.... A.r:r.^'V“b„..


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