Grand Traverse Herald, November 25, 1913

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Grand Traverse Herald, November 25, 1913


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, George G. (1861-1942)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


Covers the
Grand Trav­
erse Region.





•Stranding of Steamer Turret Chief Is
Made First Object of Inves'


For Over Hundred Years preaidente
Have Spent Day at Public

(n>- I'ulted Press
Washinittuii. Nov, :;i,—President
WliHuu shatu-ied a |ireeedent of
r than I'H) )eara siandlnc today
when be aunounr-ed that there would
lo public r>Te|>tlon at the White
house oil New Y<-ars Day. E'or ruan>’ It is thf Policy of Labor to Adhere to
Policy of International Popee
years It has l«*en ixiKtmiiary for the
plWideiit to stand In the blue mom
BDd'sbnko bands with, all who came.
This Won't Ik' done this year. In-.
Kteiii] the pn.-sid«*nt will leave WashSeattle. Wash. .Nov. 22.—Tbe Amer.
Indion fur ,a "brief hollda.v
Iran Federation of Lebor todaV retoaed
lo adopt a resolution condemning
armed Interventioi) to Mexico on the
ground that such InterveoUon might'
Ik- yustlKabYe'atid desirable. The conxentioD unaulniouBly adopted tbo fol­
lowing resolution:
-Tbtt Amencan Fedetatlon of L^r
cundeiims ■attempta being mada by
and foreign coriioraUona and
Jingo newapapers to force
FIVE WIVES. armed Intc-rvrnilon by the American
government In Mexico and urgea tbe
president of the I'nited States tbe cantluuam-e of a policy looking to n

(Hy rm'led Press. I
Kliicston. Out., Nov. i‘i.—On bclmlf
of the domliiliin itovrrnmfni <’»i>ialn
waskinoton knowing his con­
l-lDclsay of the »re.-k eommlsslon
dition GOING SLOW.
day oiHmed the firel offUHal Inqulry
Into the.sri-cks on the Oreal l.sikes
November 9 and lit. |i took tlie
This lUpoA Eaplalna Why Huerta form of an lovi-stlKxition Into tlie
Has Said Things and Then OcMrunilinE of tli« steamer Turret
• nled Them Beferp-They
t'hW In Idike Suiierior. Capt PariBeeame Cold.
plnciuo of ibe Turret Chief sith
tneiiiiM'rs of hls crew tesyfied.

Vent Cni», Nov. s;.—An cnllrely IL
' IvnlaatlOR explanailoii of die inurli
dUcuesed romplatpti'-)' of iTmIdont
Wliaon and the Anerittm 9ut«
panmeot .la rnear^tion ullh
Mexlcaa Alluaiioa »aa rurnUliod
the railed ITeas toda.v Tlie i-BplanailoD •'ramp from unquestioned auIhortiy. -It 1* stinply that foP several
• eeka Htiena Ima l>e«o drinkInR
'%|Wi).v and on several ocraslons
to re|M>tls made to Wasbln*too he has been entlreh- lrrespoa»
Ible. ReatUtnK that
ran attach to the words of a drunken
Tnan Wasbln'EtoB has simply matehod
up Huenaa atautmmts with Huer
U> rondlUoD and let it tra at that
Helalled reporta of Huerta's n
sonal hat.liB hare been furnisher]
WasbInctoD oSirUla d( wIilH)
auted that Huerta waa In the habit
of drinklDK .'Cbampacne with
brrakfast and loppinir It off wlih
eoanac. Envoy Und today adrisejl
I’rof. Tosser. Harvard archaeloclst
aMlBsi proceedlni; to Idexlro City
with ills srtfe and urcsd that he drop
bU research work In Mexico for the
■ p^nL



<By I'oitcd Pros* Slair Corlv»|>ond





mil.: V*




.1 IL.
among the Mexican |>eo|>le and that
the president and socretair of tbo .
Anierltu Fedmllon of Labor bo In.
8l Paul Authoritiea Have Been -Insirurted to tranamlt the poMUca of
feemeid That He Married a
the federation upon that matter to the
Both Whitefith and Trout Egga Wifi
ly Girl in Gan An­
prcshlFni of the Tslted Saes."
be Scarce Nest Seasontonie in T90L
Tbe klexlvan question waa brought .
Whole State Will Feel
u|i after the conventloD bad adopted a
Illy I'lilted I'ress)
dei-laration in favor of lnternattt>9al
^lac. Nov. .2-I—David
iK-a^ as followr
Nortiiiille. Mi. ii . .N'ov ;■! —The
nperator arrested by
"It is not lack of love of coontry
cent liurrleane lilsycd hsior with
DeiKity Sheriff Urecn In Cleveland, which prompts tbe tollera to proioat
.MIi-hiKan Dsh indUBlry of the I'nlhsj
Tl.e 1-l-B Ilf ■■^•rtlng grading
for having three wlvea too many is against Inteniatlonal fmUdde. but
ZItiuner, a'-sUtaol auil
Slates sovemineni which has i liarce
i.ili'ei-. lb taking hold' ef the p^ple
unwilling to be expkHtad or
or the Northvuie auiion.
cuIturalU' for the federal dctuirt
nf the <iruid Traverse seewtin
army mid baa a fiftb wife, accord­ killed for the promotion of private or
Tho tUbJoc emunds near BaRlnaw nieni of acrtcultiirs.
WeMerii .Michigan. This' week.
ing to a message received from St elfish Interests.
bay are depended on for tin- niafor
IraxiTse fliy man dispOBt-d of 25
I official biiwilies1‘anl. Minn., |•ollce today. SL Paul
Tb^connantly growing tysbem of
I>art of Ihc.s hltetteh epKE. When llie
bushels of |K>Uit<ies lo a Chicago,
noni: o«
auiboriiles are adrlaed that Devine tbe ImernatloDtl aoeepuneo nnd recblow struck there the men in charue
yi.-t'iii'er .at
rents the UusheL alIS tho TravefMI
<•»> State ln)»pllal.
married a wealthy girl In San An-;ognltiOD of trade unloa-carda is an- .
4>ad clehi tons of wbllcfUh in •
lii.iuyh'the going frt'«vln Traverse
where he secuie<| a jihiitiicrnpli.,tinilo.
Influence that la quietly nnd
|H-ns. huldloK them until they should
I'lt} fur iH>tsii—s Is iiiih 'about
ib w of the alfalfa field, lie r.|~.rts
ed to arrive here today with hb I surely a frotenial apirll
rli>o Jot s|>uwn extraction. The
• ••tils
These iMii.niH-s w- re-sorted
tbnt this nlluHa fb-ld U one 'of the
pri>4iner as a -message from him thb; among workers of all lands,
iSratea »erd dll deiitroied and the lii>h
finest In hls entire ternliiry and he
morning akld that Itevlne ha4 affreed I "lAbor organUatloni the world over
wrai>iH->l In tissue psper. as are ap­
wishes to use the pltnlnarsph for the
I return without fequbltlop papers.! have commlttd# Ujemaelrea tq the polThe Ash were expected In' have iiroples. Theie Is >smiie talk(- of eSUb>
baiils of a cut whlcli 1« to.iiluslraie
Devlne was arrested on ciomplalM' ky of International p«ibR'**ace with
•luced ||■i',<><'0.f^ofl eRpn. Tho BOVemWhen Studente Made Raid en Whrt
lisiiliig a iirand Traxerse brand for
bulletin that he Is prcvarlm: .......
of Ills wife at Newark and sfaa
snd honor In International polI will no* have fo depend ni
ney Theatre Follewing Victoiy
alfalfa L'TO* Int; in Westeru MicliU:an'.
raught through a decoy note by de- _ *'lcs. as well as In Industry,
Over Pennsylvania.
Plnt.Time This Move Has Ever Been catch In the isetroli r^'er for Its whli»
thobe sold Ihla week.
flsh eftm Ibis season, and Bu|>er]nteudic-tlves- It Is charged that Devine
Coes to- Probate Court
Made in a Mono­
has l>een known in different cities
cKBs' i-an be secured.
undiT the tiames of W. Jones, Henry
lily rtihitl iTcss I
k^niploye* of Oie station who arc
Ritnn, \V \V. MoMT. J, F. M>er and
Jeiy Les .Moulimaux. Prame, Nov.
Ann Ar-nr, Nov 2t; Ktn- sliidciiis
22.—M. Chameleoupe. an a. into.'. t<e north on the Creai taikes after Jake,
Iirri-slcd la.-l Suliirds' I••U■1•IIIK the
day In a biplane deecrlbed a urthal
sliidoni rild on ^hi' Wbitm-y •Ibculre
rlrole almllar to the arhioienient of
III ■■cli-i.raiiiiii cif Ml<btt:aii's vlm.ry
Adolphe Pesoud. who usc-d a uiono- which have prevailed So far only
plane. This was the first vr^iral clr- alioiii jn.onu.niK. een- hare Imen se­
day (i>u charger of dtsliirblni:
If the Strike Beomtiaa OMirlu made In a biplane, forou r i«-rform cured and not hiore Than
Beheal Sanitation and Farm Tapica IM-aic. Thev stde liiiiiiedlati-lv i1l«
eral One.
aneea in rrmfi of this deserlinioii le-ine more are cx|iecied.
Were biseugsed by Reepgel uru-tl and n-^siTcslitl on . haru.- Carebas Driving by Wexford Horse
WtlliHlii H. Trlliitni-r .of East Hav
known as "looin on the sIiik.' wi.i< h, Tbs vhtiefiHli eecs are liaiched al
'nixsd Experta.
Doctor Beheved Respetwible

f. ll Ehoff of heinit verth-al Chanie- the, Detroit branch of the Nqrihtllle
l>riiii>iier. waxiti cXiiMiliinlion
liirdsallV court lo'ts.' uu •omplallit o
flUtfat was the llln^t astuiilsh- bureau -of ffsherles and all ilie trout
were bmiiid fx-i t.i the clr. uit r
t'ouiiiy Truant Ofllrt-r Frank Vinton. - union teamsters here long threatenThere w.-rc 1" mil lo ihc iiHH-niu of
IDR Einee Pecoud turned In th- air. si»-cii-s at the Nortiiiille alallon.
«'bicI.-»-- ilil\li'2 r.-sulted in a
charge.! wuii ke>-|.itig a child out ofjed occurred today acrompanled by
the k.hisl IbV KniiMc held ia.-i iimhi I fur IpLzl- 3'b'> were release.1 uudi-r
lU- sent bis mathiee hea-l downwari!
liiHt iiighl. when
s. hnol III-plead giilltx aud was fitH.-<l rioting ^veral hundred employe
S'hieh nieelliiK was made iuciiium
In a rorfcarrew descent an<l rlalit«-rl it
uutomui'ib- < ru-li.-ii iiiiu tin- rear (
the cost of 0^ case, 'fruani Offtver | will be affected If the strike becomes illustrated !•-> iiix-s !>> Ihc cnuii mi/r WlllUm t'lilimisn. wa> liiroed
when only ISO feet above the rroui^
l.uccx til Wlii.-h w.-re MK. Prank Vniion Is going !•> see ihai lo the fu- general. Chauffeurs threaten a aymtil the iiniliiile cmin utii-ii
conmibsioner of si huol.', * l^-r
The aviator said afterward that the
U'rlglii «n.| I.-t daustil-r. threw- .Mrs. lure Ihe imam bws are i.roiK-rli cn- pathetic strike but the w>U<« rw
Homrliy. and K. H. Uniwn, one of tl..- was lesrnivl That he was tiulx li;
dowDuard roriCBCrew is muro difficult
VYrigbi ii> iIm- luivx-meiii. breaking a r<.r.-.-d
For tlie i<asl few weeks he series have rwtored quiet
a high mIuxiI student.
Ihan the leop.
N«r* Y<.rl.. N'ov. 21 -JudKS Poster Western .Miihluun la-\etii|>mcui hii
md <-<iilar )K>ne, aii-l <.>mplelely has ticcii li-iilcnt In this Hue. owing itrulay deni.'ll the motion of (he div rrau's field men. kbsi liai cmni:>- is
'dcmoIlGli.-l Ibe buggv. The daughter, tin- fart that the (arm-T* were short
MO.VMorTH. ni.—William Itaniey fell'* for ihe BTipolninieht of a coni- (iiie of the lixe grauKvii iu liiis iininii
-scalwd iiiiiitjiir.- d i»r. Mankln.
of li.-lp and needed th.-lr ehll.lren to Wilson loday n
<>r Maminb. ronvirted of violating the inisEion to examtno Palher Hans and iu nieuiU-rs are ever tin the alert
-|-l•'^IllS^y suriNH<n. w-|iu Hies lu
assist 111 gathering (be iwitato rn>p. diplomailr officials, among them being
learn, of tbe uexl••^t xirinklcii, mi
l‘/*At option law, will work IA3f days S<-hml(lf. c-onfeh«iil iiiiirderer of Anna
leur fluckb'.i, wun tile dltier of tile lull 11.iw th.M this crop IS out of ih«- Jay While of Michigan, to be consul
r-i. the streets ht Gl-W i«r day Ic pay Aiinitisller. a> to^ijs sanity. The trial when It was liniiuunntl that llluslra’wsiy the ihIMren will haxc to attend at Najilcs. luly. While at present Is
a line of |2.h00.
wiH BUrt Tuesday.
-Mm Wright wa« (Irlxitig sniil'h
st-ho'l or their i«r--ni« will have to consul at Sontos. BrazU, with a salary
l iiion T»r.-ct,*iUi III.- rlglii hand side answer (or their delinquency.
of H.POO.
Tho nirellng was la tdo |>artK. w|ih
I.f the .Virvel. lowsr-l her home. The
an intcrnilsEloii fur. sncial rnZercourM- Currency Caucus WiH NetNbe Held
• ame up iK-litud her. and without
roiiilnlssloniT lliirnsliy gi(vc iiu leiimmediately—Debate Opens In
sounding :■ wixmltig of aji> kind
turn on school saniistUin. using his
Senate Monday.
(eiiipK-l lo luiHs the h.ifsc drawn vehlfine collection of laniem .-.ilile xb-u- i<i(
The MiriKiul was made with but
liiske the samp luicresling, abd Mr
Illy I'niled ITess.)
s fell lu siwre. so llial Ihe i
Hniwn told the peoido of the adxan
\\;c-hlnglon, Nov. 21 -.The s.-iiiWe icyipKd lurii hail tn lie made In
One of S,.- moxt uaaful cUlxana that wary. The man who studlex*' hls lagca which they cnjoyc-l by lielng
di-mcn'Kitic sliiT'iig eouimliion today IliiK-h siiorter s|inee than Ihe
a community can poaaai U the
business with the dllleen>-e of a stu­ residents of the tiraud Traveise
of eon
libtory has proven that the
who is wilHae and aaxlMig to leam dent b the one who profits from the Hon of weslem Michigan, S|H<cbI diHl.Jed thut tin- extra
about the advantage* If they are'to
gress wont udjourn. but that tbe pre»
siop|K-d It bad sn
1 ani portance of any community depends be attracted with (he puipoee of be­
So far ax known them Is do one who experience of .others, and when-lie stress was laid ujion tho subjects
eiit sosKiou will run iiilo the regular oxeriuroed the buggy and thrown the ur«o the number of people who re­
erer na<lied a point 'where they adds to wtiai he lias learned a Hie
coming residents- Nobody mate lo
lai husbandry, hay. grain aud
oouJd not absorb more tnfannatlon era] amount of oriKlnallty hU path tatoes. as these arc the more ini|N>rt- session blurting lieccmber I. Tlie oci'uiwnts to Ihe ■•avemem. Mankln side within Its limits, who are c
come to a dead town to Urq and
committee also decided that tbe deliio- Ki«p|«ed and picktKl u|i Mrs. Wright, able of generating new . ideas •
an^lurn It to Individual and r«m- way ta success u char and dell de­
any town win become dtmd in the
crops /frown in Ibe East Iby erslie currency caucus won't Ihtaking
inuoliy profit, and it
putting them before (he people In
fined. OriKlnalliy Is one of
rourse of time If nobody makes an
I'nli.n street. He left no tfkme or ad- logical nnd convincing manner. The ellon to breathe into lu nostrUs tlu
for the world that such ta the c
>t ladders ujiod whlcl). to rllmh
n nc> deluitc jhall open lu tho seuute dn-as. however. From a description
Erety day develops new ideas and uitwaftl In the business world, for the
hKwlliy Uiat never gMs out of the breath of life and renew lu aetiritlsa.
ncxi Monda.v
furnished by a s|kk laior. Chief of Po- beaten path of mere exbtaBce can
tnetbodt la doing buKlneos la every way b not crowded and Uiere Is alby setting forth to the world tbe rea­
llie C^trsoii. by Inquiry at local gar- never expect to have its name writ­
Aloe, and In order to kee]> up with the wars plenty of elbow room In Uib
sons why it b a desirabis plaee to
ages, delermine.1 the tdenllly of the ten in large letters upon the map of
Um«s It la Beewaary for a lire wire dlreetloo. The man who can
come to and do baslnesa. Brerr good
driver l.egal action will be deferred the country. What people like
In the buslneee world to put ta
ceire an original Idea now and
cltUen Is eipected(,to help tab town
until the seriousness of the tnjuriea
tiling out of the ordinary and as well as himself and the only way
•rood ahare of hU time In atudy and In. bU buslmas UEes - a long
' preimratkin for tbe . future. The ahaad of hb «uni>etllora and o
that be can render tbb asoistenee
greup of iiersons who have the ablll- b by telling others of Ite rirtues and
sucnessful raKhoda of today may bo MW riel^ ths
that have heretofore btM-n
tliy rolled I’rvss 1*
I keep working u|>on new Ideas doing all fp^'Gb' power to correct
(.l-soteta tomorrow, and In order
negJectiHTby IIm al business. A atudy
Innsing. N'ov. 21.—The slate liuartl
and getting Ihe people to take no­ faolts. Ko town ran ever hope to be­
keep In the vannard it belim
xassfii] careers shows Ibat tli^
Vlfill Abdiesu in Fsver of Hb of geologh-al survey today elected W
tice of them b well upon the road
a-iery tnan to keep hls eye oo „..
come prosperous where tbe people
who woo dlsilnctloD in Uteli
Sen Crown Prince Doris.
eucceas In every way. The live wire magnify the iindcslraMe featurea aad
buslaesa Isditwlor and/ forsull the particular line were men who put lo
Albion, iiresidciil. and Su|>eriDleodU the greatcet factor In communitr
_jnoves of bis compeUtm. The man OverUtiie working ont plans that
mbe the good. Bad points will
ejji of Publh- liisirurlion Kc«ler secre­
Inierlochea. Ndt. 20—Mra. Jtdia development. for he U never cxintent make tbemselvea coospicnosa. while
Who b ao unfortana^ at to think would help them In their work.
(By United Prcsi.J
Mtkuiccky. living nxwr tbls ;dae« with thlnga at they are. but b
. that he haa raaehad a ^nt of per- While their oompetUors were fritter­
the good has to be cultirated tn or­
Helgmde, Nov. 22 —News|«|icr Podied
wa} s tiring to bring aboot candiUons der to be brought out Into fall Sowf'viiion In hb buslnaas b already
ing away iholr tine la various lltlks today puDIbbed advb-ea from
CllfTAOD-For supporting i
ary taberculosls. after a llngeriag JO- that ntil be better and dwrefore tn- er. Therefore U bt^ioorsa tte cUitwck oumbar. but baiag oUcessed
these men were bunting Sofia sutlng poslthely that Otar stars as .Melba and Conuo. W.
ness. Tbe husband and two diUdm crMse business. It b Just as neceswith bU own greatiiaaa be overlooks tbe mtdttlgfat oU and working out Kcrdlnaod of Bulgaria bad deflnlieto get bop and b^ the *wd
Heedy b suing a health re^ for are left. The body was tkken to
to advertise a community as it In bb rommnnlty to rise above tbe
Uie fact and deea hot realize
original plans to apply In tbeir oc- 1> diH.'ided to abdicate In favor of hb tt.fKiO.
He .operated a phonograpta Englewood. IU., for Interment tbb b n buslneos. for nowdays It'b deemsnitece and bmt an aboadsnt and
truth uBUl It b toolau to Btand hb enpaUoa. •'
aon; Crows Prince Boris.
for a ynir to amuse patleau.
sd~ llftlil to let tba BcoBld kwv
The widdliiR of Jessie Woodrow WHson. second dauyliter of Ui>- pn'sldeirt. und Ktwnrls Howes Sayre U the
thirteenth to b«- cel.-brat'-d In the Wlui- llnusi- <mr llliisirnUn.ii shows ihc brld.- and »rn>otn the east mom of
IhB White House, scene ef the ciTfiiii'iiA, and. abi»y the luture louiie of Uu- jeuiiB coujde In Wllllaniiowa, M«w





















The alert Inspertor lias diseovered
leemine nillllonK in the rltloR he •111 M-cortllOGly *ont to the w
ijiirUy vf lht>m found i :>t(lnK ll'iat the smelly lotions dealt out as
have to lake advaiitace of vtery
hair Kmies are roni|s>sed of eighty
Dew Idea that U nraaieal in eair.'lUR Uirni notbinK Inil <
I>art8 water to twenty of perfume,
on hie worl.. The
ln<rM«e In every locality cuDdltton*
the ctrcuUHon of a^. uHural lit- that the deaJrable John ’cair be fJIled and eonialn no huir itrowliiK proper­
emture ia another a>iiii.ti>m of-this with local pw-i'le nnd any CT<-at in- ties. U Is tioped that this nuisa
procreaa on the part of the farmer Iluv of Ktransera In aeaVeh of werk will Is- al-at<-(i for anybody who
ai^ 'lions tlmt he is not only ile-^will «Teato a Joh famine that is harti pnll.v. of putting up a Job uf i
IH-ndiiig u|.nii the selinols to heh> to straighleii out •Tllinul a isr. at diytl kind iilKiii u bald Iieaded man should
,-r the full penalty of-the law.
Uin in his himln.^M, but l.s•nilouina of bardstji|i to the one* who liuve to
no opi'onuulty to pass in the line secuiv iKislilons la order to live, dnof Iiosimc himself dui^nc the spare'duMrinHy the west is no better t>f
« that he Ims upon the farm TheM*haB;othcr pans of the eonntty and
The illuMi'HK-d leetiires that art
TrtT«r»e City,
illch.. under lb* Actofof t recur at Iniervala It Is In reality agrleuliural y.tnatlon in Mbnlgun U.the movement of eonsunjirtlvea and
ConacM of Uarob 2. >(>7$.
jn rkht l<etwoen two pvnt eomhlnor rery hfli:hi and will continue to loom' yoiinp men bent u|>on makini: their ins slven In the school houses of the
lions emh hs'kinK out for ll» owi\ ns a •••rid Imior as the farm-fforlunes in a new land has couBesled county l.y the county conmiistl
of sehcHils and Ik-vekvj.menl bureau
0m>. 1» Freilt «. Ull. P«.~. !3
li«. I....... ...
.till .non. Ii,..r..t,.l ttl.l-. l»ta.
totwill prve of sroat beneftt in awakenNow llial the ransma-i'uHlie
____________________________________ worklni! the eoniHnattnn Men for sev- aceumuInllnK liifannatlon Jhui
time It help him to. set heller results «1lh sttioa Is In the mwr dlstanre. thou H)K the people 10 the tqponance of
sands of men and women have cone adoptlngnew Ideas in resard to edn.. flKhi of its employes to eai li spe.v-dlns ,>ear.'
..|i.M Id Bdvanco
0b« y«*r........
In like mnnuer .for mutual
------------:-----------wiut with the exjiecution of.flndlne cwMtinmiu ^famIlnB. The rv^lon that
.. 76c in advance
8U BOBtht ..
ready emplojmeul. but as several ■1* the mo't; ppoopemus is always the
if It .is ln» ful and expedient ni si
Thra# moDthi............ -40c in advanee benefit
times as many i>eo|>Ie as llier<- are one where/the people keep up with
________ for-me o rembinr. ft stands to tsu- WCII naiCnt^
the other should not 1m- de
*s esWeui that there is little to Jobs are already iiptm the Rmund it the tlmcy'ulons all lloea that aff<>ct
tiled ibe same Ttslil, It Is strlte over, ‘hm'su Imtw.-en liueria and C-anwn- has eaiuvd a oandlllon Ihaci* worry- their bii/uiess and nieutal d. vclop
rtownrisht teBiol-;jns
B'elthls polfii that is causlnu the trim ** »hen it romes to rtownrtghi
the eomtnerclal bodies In the
niid dUr.
Tt,„ .r, tao
iP-oi-V in 1U- W ■"« i-™-' p™
i-p-"" "T>il ..m.a
ai.f-e.r-t -I IL- .tf-.- -i
i. i,
onm-versey amuarn‘e man life, jh.ih
ib.ih meu have shown.
world who arene that tho svsteiii un
sides to the •s.nm.versey
p^Hry joi^anybody to bo to a strance
der whk-h business Is eondueled is to rveocnlre the rights of eaeh rtlihr
ollihr I'lelr ability to wade
WaOe through
IbroUKh In
limnpn 1,,-rtkm without money. «-vt->etiuK
tils dlr.*cl!on. The great problem' ■''•"•d In or«ier to CTatlfy their own that they will rvadily find a place
all wtone. and Umt it wilt not b.> t-ve
Evplorere «'o«ik and Peary
It *111 "have tn -lm snlvtHl In the ; personal a"'blipms, and the atteinpls ,u wor^^ for the rhamt* are that th.' <ontinulng*to tveak- the piibllr
. IMe for men to *enire am-rmaneii
' nt-M, is Just ns mu-h. if not men- stories of their prowess to tbe ni
•mploymeni until a levtiluiionar •fill ure is the brlnglPe abmil of is-'e-. '-f the kl.-ftes offlelaU to
I osly l-kwet-n the nations, but Im dlher In a n;ood to listen to reason ' crowded that H Is at home. As a ern wilds at so niueb i>er nlgbl.
chaa«e take* pla.V that »lll ciiaid
.,ur..'tween the different elenumts that have signally ^tk-l
t'afranra waslrps.,), ,h.. om> who are deiM-ndlnK are drawing crowded bouses,
wveryone »bo s.inis »or» to -.'ur
, s;re *'om?ose the itniions ns »e»l. ITe* •hemldtsl a> the sjirii>r of the repiib I
ibrlrvowu labol* to support conwoversy has liowver been seliled
tl. It is tt faei that all who d.-.r
a Job should have om-. imt on ,l„.
th p-’rily eannor exist where dlffereM He and. falliteil in glowinB teniis ns'(|,r„„irlvef with no surjkus mnnb as the friends of-IVary have slven
Oliver hand what arc the ytbl"?-^ nn faeltnns are pulling in different dlr-.^-- a manof Mch Ideals and heroic, «i,t, rteiu to tide them over in ca.-e |hlm the rridit of um-arthlnc the pole:
.•lve*:'‘<'u» when their Iniv^st* are in real- deeds.
lliHs-nt evrnli havenowever j |»,ry tnij t„ c<iune<l with a Job- are hUe the public Is oonvineed that
disutished duinc to Ik ik.
i- .l-Jh) blewteal and shouM Is- im-rg.d proven him to be the opposite, for he
branded la.a slmitce land wi.tb
ook is the man who realfj- accomfor pndliable .-mpu«tmuif ’
I . ,,Mn r. remmiiD eau-i- TM» Is
tbe has not only proven to be a weakltn*
ftienda or the means of Veepiiig i ,,,,,4,^^ „.c Job. The Isifu#
teV wbal s.\rlem is udoiTed
problem that th.-, wUe men »IH have «1'b all the, bad .lualUk-s that are,h„ ».,5f
wolf fr„m
from ,i^ir
ilo-lr door until '"“'p [psp^ntlr g„i
„f achievement. b6L
.iwaaonable W iiupi<ose that
•h Inh •ut In sueh a person, but he Ims (hlne turn* up that will prove of ad
diffeu-uceIn the imlui of vk w,
the i-inef reviiHr.-uuniis .will, be oj
also shown himself mo amint eunsrd|vanlage to them. The safe.vt plan)
dPBCy. anti that «utl> the s-fficle
by murdrrijg; the prisoners, of hleh'tn lollow- Is' to stay at home wheri’
• o„W llml
rank who fell Into his hands at^you are tvrtaln of niakinc a Hvlng'llMSA IJVM SSV^d
Which woubl put roudlilons b.-u-k upon j
Juarvr. With two surdi men ap'ibe and not BO Into a far away slate* un-j
the »aine plane «» at .pr.-s
l>e.vd of-lbe two larikms in'itu you are amply fortified »lih cash
Wireless telegraphy ha* aei
of the chlei eaus.-»_0f«th. p
and farranra. and the i»e<v ; ccoiicfi to keep you going until you! ma'*--cod upon'the high sea* •'
tWt is Ibe .l.v^'-lliat-lhe woik.Tsd.v, .
n.>0.1 tiiut nearly svv.-pt
in that ill eianed na- arv .vt-ic to land somethiuc a.t which!saving the llv.-s of ic>: tmssengers
not read-th.; sjtns .tf the ti- ie* tight ,j,e uty of iMytou. Ohio, off lb.- nm-..
lion unwilling 1
llielf rights ynu rati make a ItvtBR. The IuIk^ tlie Spanish, steamer Kalmes. which
and W at-ont wutmut, .ban or pjan
spritiB.the fouDd'thai
tn the Vase it *
-ois that the market has seen ovrrstoeked In the was l-umed in mid oc-an. The
in che'lr way ihroiiuh il'e, in oiMer
sysi.-m of m<vernnM-ni
to keep a Bood igb a i--ison must 1-u,^b!,. t« «.iu. w|t{, tl... rebuild Toclral »Tvy tn sedv'e th- prohlcm I* west for a long time- and Hiaiire* fangled Idea U first scoff.-d al
10 let them fight It out t.. the l-ll-.T ar.- t’ ut this condition win prevail then adopted for gc-neiwl use A
fitted tor tbat
or M*e Iw -»«w>n
slSU.Vkm atid a eokiml—ion was
end Mexlc-aus love io iighl. v-'li.-. 1,.\,nre to come
c I'laul h- now just as much of i
dropped it’ .the ->ay-:id.^on-acnuHit a,,,H,li)ied to fake up live «org until
Iv anioiig Ihems.-Ives, and a* hmc'

ccs-lty'lo an ootan going steaine
of bis .Inan ity t” - o e vp to the , .-^umlssloB' foliii
as they are (nif ncsi with |hls c
a ni-t 'of lioilcrs and stokers.
sunOard lea.rirra In t ie lulliFtrlti'
,nd adopted;
H will !-• foljy lor the Vnil-d h
world. •The
The maxt who is rare)'
carei.~s .
w.lriSsi'out »vU and ngj
or .my other tmtion to try t-> straight
i.vt tire Thanksgiving s.-asOR^r
, _
tdoveidy a i ui III* work ia-s>
i-Hy^««iuuusstun has lH-.=tr i
ei) nut the tangle into which the ■viun''Ts
.1 It would Iw WCU fdr ev-ry- Idea |g GOOd
for the n.caiey thfie U w h*‘ t.l.uiln
le eoiniMssi'.tv k tB. tlie m:ii'
try ha.s thrown lls.-!f tn th'.- la-t few K
KckTallon of Labor
ed by *0 dolu«. gnac;-* his;aryrt» by
kiio.l* big .,
t))p.n'!o It will be n.-»SKir>. for tin- li..t <.f tj,.. things !or which they “I
. the ei.ifk -Bfcil no! l.y the
iliat t„
Ills .Aslatk-s v-xc’ucled from th*
curry oiit tinI'nited klatc-s to pry.lrct the t:v.-s haw. bimmI r.-ason to be thankful. It
■ it takes 10 do nl* woriv *.-n will*
a literary test Im
and propcHy of foreigners'in Mc\i- |. ihe eunimou faiUng of the average {
have bis ttinitdes utick-r vy h.dn*'it
a tirin i.u-int-s* luisis.
. red ui«m all other iiutClRTants. Ev
rt). blit whM would 1-e gained'by In-1 j^erson lo 'sjS-nd too mueh.linie 1
trial sy«em that vould b.- devlMsI.
,„iua m,. .ii> cm
Ipcri.-mo has taught that It Is
teiv.niioJi end trying to make dor.-nt | iimling tauU «ith Uwal conlTivioi
■<tood haUi- and still are the prim.-,*i„n ba, oft.-ted t'os'iu-1 tkw
cilUrns mu of the rit'thraals win. inod piiy no alic-ntlon to the thin,
roqulreiiicBia' for koldlng a iHxdikm nuikkr of the I■asall1a rti'iial
c.verrom.- it after It has
^are sliuping tip-d.-dluy of jbe repnb-Jfor whl.k they should
glad lUni
and' the -only <piB!i(k-atk<h' Uai till' sum uf
pi-r y>-ar jo' em
foulliold In the country.
the press-nl lUues The tlm'e;thcy arc- llvinr. *rtii-rc Lw war.ely
be used ia measuring n». a-candidsie ,uno- w’UaytfO lur-.l a.sum.- lii
I tlu-ro in a peat d^al of unreal
the laNtrtm: men. eRixvlally
A&d Trmverte n*yEaulb
jii, the mining oregj>ati9nH. »l.lle the
leliiiaiion on the mllron'ij* la not very
____ ________ ______________________ 'eiiiourasinE In many dlrerlkma. Thia
PttbUihed Tueadaya and Thurwlay* at' liitemiitloni.l imreM I* not of tmlUlTraverae City. Kllrblsan. by origin hm evtenda deei«-r Into
iH-ial IHe. h\ir many years there
N .11 too'mile ill eolnmoh heQUO. O. UAThlS, Mhuai-lni; Edtlur
;t«e«n eai'iial ai.d lalmr and *nt»
W. A QlltSON. Wltor.
thi-*«' two sreai elements tii the aethi

In the i1t) Saturday nnd returned
jui- itf the evening. Otto of Svttona Bay was
smoug il.e shoppers In tfae^tj Satur-

Craml Traverse Herald'Xtiiniii;



EdneaUng PiibUc




'Down lo Businesl^

Mrs. Chris Keh! and daughter. Mias
A. J. Otto of Provemoirt was in th
UM-itc. .,r X^thi oM. were in the rily
I.c f-ra sl.ori trip Satur.Uc; Sa.iirday fur the d:.yT“ ■ .
Mrs. A. Miner e( Old Miasion wa j Mrs. T. J. Caniff ©f Omena was in
the KUc-st of her daughter. .Mis* flan jil.c city .-JatuiJay ::nd rviaint-i in the
ftunday. and this morning li-i
California, where she wiii
Mrs. Carl Herrman of Elk Rapids
i|HUid iho winter with a nuirricd • a* in the city aaturday (or tbe day.
Nearly every exprev that comes in
A. Van Epps of Alba was In the city (rbm IP- r-iiih I,:!::*;* th., ,-arcaRs of
Saturday T-r a .--bori time.
r.sult.i . r;!-.. huny-f's skill.'
„>n, *^,.j j^on,
Mrs. Zada Hear of Interlochgn spent
;.i«rclay and sSuu.lsj xn the city with
,T u-ciilic-r.
' - '
ncy Lalonde of ChaHe*oix
Mrs. J. HSekine of Elk Rapids was
■ city
Jor the day.
In the- city with frk-pds Saturday.
Thos. Shane went to Cadillac on
busliic-ss for tbe day .
P^ M .A. M A. M-P. ^r '
Mra. F. M. Niale left , this morning v.Trav
r. SoI(«j ....... ■ i-f T:rgisi
for Hoy City, c-allc-d ihc-ro to attend
the (onc-ral of Miss Matic-1 Cottoo.
reniont 3^
who was one of the U-achers in the
uMic «-hools.
I”:!! P54
Mrs. Walter N. iCelly returned te
luriT 4.-'»
>-r hon e in lietruti this moruincl ati/Emi
11:3" 7:J.Jr spending (H-vcral days tn the city
llh relatives.
IJmplre v
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Nelson of LeS. E...
tnnd i-ass'-d through the <1ty this
;o:ning -n their way to l(aiH-er.
Walter Beaener of East Jordan waa
In l!u- city Ssiurday on a short buSI
lies* irip.
Morris Box of Kingsley was in the
P. M. .
iy Saturday and ri-lurucd home--in
WaWoo ..
u- evcirinp.
Howley ..
Frank-Ackers pf Kingsley eSme to
I- city Satm.lay c.n bu-lues*.^
A M.'P. .M.
William Martin of Eibcrta transactll:S« 6:20
1 biisinesa in the city Salur-lay';
Maniaiee E. F. Holcombe came up from Cad­
Train* *^''' at Tfaverse City !>:f,2
illac ai:d •IH alt.-nd the Mc^vse lo-lge
m.. r.:Aa p. m. and fi:B0
-orh this evening.
J. F. JEXKS, Agent
H. L. Childs and wife, who hsve
I.eea Vl-.titie »llh frl-r.ds and r.-Isives in 111.- city for the past f-w .lays.
,'I1 thh imirniug for iLeir home at l-t.


Fred Harter





• for a job. The individual fatiirw ,Ukin of ctiv mwiuger There
tsT* al»ay» b-cti and .alnays v-lH is-.great whrk^to U* don.- fn Ihtyioi
. 'a drag on Industry, and the proMem i:,r. ..vmmk^oi-.: i* wise >-n.Ai£b>' to
of the lut'iie »til Is- to e’lminate kiiow^iai it w«J! re-iolre th.- s. rvir..
thes.' fallurea by Jm uleaiir.R lial-i!-:‘..f a gniiV leau Ui clo'it uiid th.-y Imv.of industry ami foivslght into ihg, >jartf^.afler tli.c b.-'l tbul can be
* risinc geii.-rafiuu. There are-c.-rtaln oisnineil ond'ihe t-'olar'* Hirflnc
algBBls i tni-!i.y+d l.y \l“- Mi*lb**s to Bm-k Ih*-u ia the move, Th.>> t»worid that R;u»t. be: h-eded If the ]|. >«■'timt nb.-re is evH.nomy In' *.••
30UBR man ekiMYV..I0
-ume a um- - uiinu r. high pii.ed trail t.> iiianace
ful factor in industry n.l Bold
their c-V*: tu.d that whut I- paid .. u
own pgainJI the'V.-0-..p.-lltiob of th- for hi* wilar.v will be-junk-•n.'s-'c-iiil
age Tbe indUlduivI* Iw. -timea in the saving thre-utU: inc-r.-;.aboot his work'aud not Iw aatlsn.d ed efTlck-n.-y in th.- dlfle..-ct de;;.r«
UiIms be has done his !m>si In I'-e'iiietils This i< {he sapi.- idea ih.-vt
nd whi -'b hi
: mad- tk-‘ fltle- in -j'.ut ccvuiitry th.nivut ab-n he prompt

of j tiiunb ipa* m;iiiage!:i«'ut.
and faithful to Ms er
•n:eie I*
is -ho
pcr'llti.-s in the vvmntry
hi* place will soon i»- filled by ime- 'l'!:eie
-^o po'lit'i.-*
who observes these business esseti^ the model* «f • muni, iiuil- pian.-v^tlali. Anoriirr a»lnm that he niu.*t meat
There is no poHHts In^khe
bum into bis mind is that he must inani.g.-mc in of the OeTOan clile*.
avolil ihtoxicanis «nd so train him the only -ol-c-.-t’.the govcu-uiHeai Imv•elf in t--r onal baMts. that both lug In view Wing efHriepc*y
body and min* will have a chance eoi.diilut s In ria--tpu are such
to develop to th. lr fall eupaclly ' If tiii v re<;ulrc- lire . lo—si fctnd of «dt>
a j'oung man .dc«-= ucn oWerve theFC ■-•anng.UHeitt '.at.l In cudi r lo, w*<i-itr<common rulc-s of the 'uslnf-ss worid it iJ.e pt-.r.l* are wtlllnr to pa' tlnaod ^ids himself cut of rmployint-iii -1-st ej.gln.-ef in the country hi* own
be has no one to blame hnt'hki:*elf- p-Ice in order to secure 1i1s service,
for hi- is th.- shay..-r of hU own de. In rcc-bn-truHing the c.Hty
In tl.K
Uny and would h.nve Just as imi-'h Bisit.i C'-uu.m.i* showhip. wlsdmi

Novel Idea


Iv^-Dc^e-csarv >|ti straightv-ii out
r during
I>artieu1ar n
affairs'of th- sirh kon nail.
to th.-lr
|> at . tin- pa't year and In Ji
. ,\ C'l.-v.-laiid attorBc-y^ sue
}>re-ent lh.-re api -ars t.. 1- n.'t'iing Vreator nad to ih.-m*idvcs it is t
that the Xm>'I leeihod uf bringing
tiiat wouM prove of bepefit tc right that lliey *il dow
a;s.ut isai'-e lii .Mexico Is hy
lN*dy gitined by in'-rvenllon. The'and cast tip thHr nc-eounts in c»d
monkvus vlhratioii'■ Till* evidently
next f.-w- day* li.iWeV.-f'. will tell the to fin,) t|„. p.^rtk-ular thing* tli
mV^nrr a hard swing «B the ja
Kliyry on,I i«>liit oitt the way for fur- Kaw- transpired f..r wlik-h they ha.
Huerta iiiicl t'arraufli by the hard
th.r ill!;.-/: hy til.- 1 lilted :tiatv-s.
|n.k>ci nason lor giving thank"‘V* “*
tlsl of I n.-:- Samuel. Not a had Idea
------------------------ ■
Igtuipse now nnd Jhen at the'pJea*ai
i that
■[sid.. ojjhiiig* will hot Injure anyon
StUDg Agalll
■ for th.-re I* imililng iiplintng or b.-n
-orfh'-als ami agent-, of tl»- fidoj m going irt-nit with t.m«.
l>ul| Uiids c-omiiany have n.^ad and precilrllng that'.-verMhit
as beeii notired that the mar
l-.-;n bll.led i.y th- federal grind
p„inK tu the- everlasting bowow
* always
complaining nlK>ui
Inrv on a c-Iuitge of .-..hsplmry to o-c Th-ie are loi many p.-ssimlsts in
t!:.- I 91..-.1- Stut,-» mails t*. defr^jidf„r-tlu- puldlc good, and
oh.- hav: : to i>aj tiivv-s is nev.-r *llllng
in .imn-slioivwil!. the eak- of iso,.....
aside .a day j to i u his prtiiWMiy over lo some
aeres of land In the Fveralad.-s dlsAlvins t'-ianks l.s to .-Iliiill uteihi* ' IsHl; •lee who will clieertully a*s
Iric-t in n..iida
pur.-hasers ,...»^|u,isni for a .day at bast nnd’tho lurd-h.
In .|iff.r«-hl stale* Euid. one of the^^ve i-ivpb- a time In wlikh they cani
-----------------wc-TC indtctc>d ui-m tw.-nn.-eiL.-d n
ii'ini'. The onioupi''jiivolvcd
r pMfIted t
i-als was
of which ,,in .ndiig alive. Ev.-ry
- iH-ople'will have
was wj4Jto 4wsh.
ti.aukfnl that he I* alive, and fullMii.b of this lai d it tf aBfevd »** uVe to Is- cheerful ut this sc-a-m of
iind.-r wa«er ami the only wav' Ih- the riMir is a sure sUn nf di-ath This
(i.uld reacdi it
•» in has U-cn a cood v.-ar in Ihp tifanJ
bnals «blch Kcived to be an exc-ec-d- Tmv.-rcv t.-tica nml If the p.s.j.kIngly- unhandy way of planting ami | >re not in n mcKsl to uke an upward
cuiiiyatiiiK i-top* This Is another'i„„v next Tliursclav then thare I*
iijriaiice wi..-;.. is-cq.k- have bes-n
radically wrong with the
rouirled l.y a land coniiuvuy i.y tak-/^pjp. Sow 1« the appointed time
i.;«- ...s .^ Ho- stori.-s tedd by Lo
the and bring In the
» .0
jCocctf Mork$ts
........ ■ •■ ' .,„.r,W»
- ^jpy-s. nod It Is safe to say that the
r,™„ of room ,- Imp™.-. ,1- m-,h )
-----------------majority of jwwiple will enjoy the so- FARM PR0DUCe-.Siiy1lv8 PH
to,m,m.ol. .dJ o,,. -t H—-.ggjjjf
,l,. a.-,,. So..,,- |«.pl- cl.-ty .of the latter *«hlch much more Potatoes ...........................................
dlrectldni Is tbe estaldlshnieut
. ..J pmoa of >1,0 *C- - Pl-loo- ,o Im, Im-d -.Hl.o-.-, than the former. !V.*«lmlsm Is mefc-better provisions for taking care
ing “
it ?’“**
ly a slate of mind which comes from Kgg* L...............................................
1-W. made lii III-l‘Usin.-ss has
the unfortunate, but no matli-r h
to !-■ prof.tahb- i
e.-rtaln class a ndsundcrsundlng of the real prin•perfect a Kovemment may Iwr'om.- It ‘Hie of ag.i.uHur. in ih-- ,uiM f-'W
a make a bnsines uf |(romntlng dpb-a of life*
>Vr vour Straw. ^ ton ..................................IK
Is not wlihto Us power to-tnake overiytrrt. aipl which .* e-iug on
ernes Of this natu . If auylHMly own sake It dei.cBds upon you to be OntOM .............................
the IndlvjduaL Coveremenl never;*" liwr«a»laE/ate in Uie fuiunnormal In,mind and look upon the FARM PJUJOUCff—«ellinB PrI
bright side of thinks as they pass tn Potatoea ^...;...............................
» thc*».g „ut of a man who »1M notjiJ',j„,
ran l-iL-ip-en, of if the Hie daily routine of business and clo- Dairy bittter"...,.................... £S to J?*
CTeamery'^vtter ............ ................
mc-silc affair*.
Eggs .......... i.....................................
tbe world and so far as Individual
Hay. baled ................................... 1170111
trip and Vmk over lire ground before
auccess U couc-erned Uie man who*
Hay, JooM .....................
'any hard eam.-d luohey It put Into
be of iiilere. I tb note that the
has it In liUu cas make' a man
Straw ..................................................... II-the deal The |ieopb- have been
(kiilai<-nl el the Ifiate Agricultural;___ _
blmseif no matter the; syi
GRAM-Traoeraa Ctty Mmitig Ca.
Thirty-one counties tn Borthem
>. ,m,- ,.r 1.-1, rrf.,11 in I''"”"’
of gov.Tntm-nt under which he
dof• of JiimiUng Into a cat iu the
Ahe (am eoursv-s than wt any oil.
chanew to live.
.|hag deal. b« tb.dr love for taking a lion for tlik purpose of developing Wheat. CO lb. tort...................
]>erlod. and in addition there ,u
Ichance on a far a«ay luvject gets their section and •111 put Sl.nvo.dOh Com ...........................................'.....*70.
liCi atudeuU c-utered iti the., nc
|lhi- liflter of thetr disc-r.-tlon und Into various meitaodt of advertising
two ycer cvMirse that has Imeti <
,they too oft.-n hand over their money
Pr»rtlrall> all counlri.the UbIUhed. Over a seen, of' 1.1 'without asking any quenion* of any- nnioiini for five years. Just think \Yhllo navy beau........................... fE66
srbuuls In the st.-il- have Astabli-h
'h Uu- thr..~
what this atoount cf money would do Red kidsey bc-ans .......... ,............. $12S
body e*-eiu Ih- agents.
In agriculturt- and thi-s.strike as'l
for Western Michigan K It were al Uuckwheat. pcr 1>*0 iW.fl.tS (0 Jl.t"
^lassc.^ an. all filled lt> Vhi- litnli- Tlo
GRAIN—«an;>tir-'* Lay Co.
sertooi rcc
hand for adrcrtlslng purpcKes. Yet
Pilcoo eorreetdd 0*0:7 day.
this csmt:''V>-r>e> LelWM-n lapitiil wliil.-r schwils that ere mndtict.-d 1there are some people who think that
and labor Tkousand-s . ut w-erkm.-n nieii from the state arbiwl in the-, dll
the iialtry amount that Is spent here WhoBL 60 lb. toot.............................
*re idle la nuribem Kiusta in |■rotl-*l fer.-ni c-ouuilwi eiv well attend.^ uadj ('..mmi-rcial duns and other organ- for d'-velopmcnt purposes Is Bed ,ooly Cora ............ ..........................................
aralBsA the arrei.t of Industrial rivewk- gucNi rusulls have come from this. itaiUma liH-stisl in ibi- west are urg- a poor invbstment, but a nnuclal Rye. 66 lb. test............ ......................
ert (or ilk-gal quilting uf work. South work, while in every direttlon ^bere-ii.g tiimn the iH-u|rtr In the eaat the burden, it U
Idoni that Michigan OaU........................ ............................
AfrlCB la tied vn> by the slriki, of It 1* i*iBali.le for the- fanner lo pick iM-c..s*it> of not coining to the coast people ran Irani aonething about BuekwtaeoL par 100 lbs..|lJ6 to *1J£
irormalitm he i* doitig so with in the expectation of finding vmpluy- modem business methods fivm the
, Asiatics and this Aroiil.le i.ronilsci
tlu- lalmr field is
<-a^mt«s that cannot spell anyBtoera ...................................... B to 6Hc
to eittoid to other larts of the world,
■>vo|>lc of Callfomla.
The fwnuer is far lieyond tls limit and thousands
Cowa.............................................. I to e<
where this Haax are, .-mployed J.y ~\hlug^ but surv-e's
the whltcv. New 2ealund in cm tl^c- the hope of the nation, for as \Jft •re walking the streets of the clUos
b-hoep....... ...................................... « to 4c
|wiat of revolotlcn l--cause of the progrcsacs all other tim-s of ioi]u*tn taunting fur Jobs wbich do sot rxlste
If James W. Helme has bis way (
leoenl strike that flu in proKross. will have to follow. With the In- During the summer and fail thou­
and U U prolmtde Uuit the- strike In cre-wBO In-the population of the n.uii- sands of 'iieot.le who became dissat-, Inid headed men In Michigan will
irelaad •ill extend'vto the other try the deluand upon the Janner •ill Ufied •tUi conditions at beiDe'oiadc longer be tbe goats (or the swindlers HMoa ........... ...................
greaUr knd in order to bold his nji their minda that fortune awaited who pot on the market lotMli* that Calf.........................................
toluda iod tie up lh2 conimerre of
Greet Britain. U the United 8utee own and provide lOodtaffa for lh« ttaern tn the weatwa lUtM ud Uu7 are touted an a cure for baldoett. Bo**ekM6t-.—rcLsv.vk..l





'“' AsoHier Change

Jhe Markets



Sirlket General

Stay Al Borne

Hortbv Work

Jot. 'Hemphill of Lansipg. who has
-cii In Il:i- city for th- t-ast f< •
1 bUrlu-'F-s.' h-t'.
MaulsU^ whcK- he w 1» Se lor a slivU
imif^for- returriw? lo bls^me
/g.-B. Ihrig has returned ifWs home
at the Soo after a short *tne in tlw
ciW on business.
Howard Baggari. who has been v
nine in Mi. Plca-am and Kalamafor ilie |*aft -few dajs, r«-tnriii--i !:
<■. T. Potts'rorijrned to h!s home
\lariiu.-iie this im.raliig after a fdays' vi-dt with (rienU here.
O. W. White and wife have retu-d to ihelr home at la-land att.-r
••liort virit here with friends
6. J. Crandall left this nwrnlnq 1
irand Rap^s. where he will be lor


Bowers Harbor prl^s
—2Sc lor cider apples,
paring apples Sfle. Both
phones-atz. 3S8, Bell
67. Canning Co.
oa 28-tf
l>aarn«»s Cannot !» Cgrud
sy kiewl ■pemiton'. u dar esax'.t rwM-h tlw
-liiwiivlpottwn-f th. cwr. Tbwv, !• csdy oal
vs.r»weot* tlrwfnn.'.s'id
JT Cunsms
Uowl rsaiebw.
csvoi-G by.«sU
Samad «r«dlli<>n of Ih.- sibcb* In
BesUctUaS IW. Wbrn
1,_b* u la
Saued .TnehaTs a ratobUng socad nr iwptr

eaa N- taken eot and -Sis Vok- rSsUnwd to
itseora^ouB^ii'iB^hm-ic( wnil
farcer: nin. -r~ - -ot nt un i
enVani! which uTmithUirrl-want
Uuoa <■/ vhe mBn>u>rKw.._
W.wills-Ite One n-iadrw] I> Ham tor nay
vaaeul iMahuw >r>ue*I Uywoaarrbv that eaa
nov lie cored by Hail'i e.iarrhv'nrw Unitor
rifenlan, fro*.
r J CHBXSV*Ce..Tc!ado. o
So'dbTilrwgri.-... Tie
Ta«* AaP's ratLU) : .'d* ter uantoaUan.

Pardee Bosiness Exchange
8UU Bank Bnilding.

C.-t rtcir


with iivviicrs'ji.iilr--w-.'.-s.xir iir.ip
J. C. Holmes of 6sy City is here for
..-.iii-n-t-i sell v.iur
a r. w d.vy* .in bu-ircss.
Mrs. Fred Kent of Howard City, who
iia* been visiting here for a few day--,
at cost ..f
I5ii,v-r mill s--l!!-lt Ibis morning for her hon:.-,
G. C. Vane left thidkmorning for Toi.-do. O.. where he «ill he for al'.’Ut a
week .'m business.Warren Gail returned to his home
.It Kalukaska this ftK^lne after s
short visit In Ml.. «-ll.v.^
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Varrow enter. Will pay the hlfShest prices
mined the tVlilTm-y ttio-.-k e<>m|iaby
for Ginseng and Golden Seal.
.imJ the manager .if th.- Mrand oin-ra
•louK.- at a banquet Saturday night afi.-r the iH-rfonuatat-e of “The Artist's
Model." The Imn'quei was s.-rv.-d In
M>« i-rhate dining room. This w
planneil as ^ suri>rlM- to the e»iii|u
Improved farms. H f Daris, 3U
:.nd «as i8$rh a|i|ire<-iated by them
.State Bank Bldg, Traverse City.

april *J-tf
The Misses EHa Lystrvp. Marie
Christensen and Esther I.v-strup
Msnistee si>em Sunday as the gu^ts
of Miss Alma f.otfrtHlsen.
The John T. Beadle C«. ia going business and for the purpose
of closing up Its Affairs and pipunIng the creditor* of the corporatlo
has hied a trust mortgage. This a
tlon does not alferi tbe personal a
sets or the property of John T. Headlvexcept-as Iits Jadividual Intereei in
the corporation iiisy be Thi
assets figure at approxiiiuitety |i.'.,(‘.'kk.
with llabI!Hi.-s of flT.r.uo,
r. ThereFred Cvrtiat of 120 BovRh Elm^M^ey ehould he of modem
wood avenue waa given a surprise
design, bum ef most dorahle
liany Saiu^ay afternoon. Nov
materials snd anistlcally fin­
when (welTe of hi* friend* rune from
ished. You will find only euch
at the works of
two until four to remind him that it
• as hi* birthday. Master Fred wu
Trarerso City. Mtnta.
showered with postearda. and after
S3t Bay 8L
Both Pboaaa.
maby games were pUyed refreehmeois
were serv^. He was. presented with
maur useful and beautiful present:
F. M. Paine Is shipping to cuatonv- ALVIN H. GRUBER. Funeral Director
and Embilmer. 215 Sotith Unloln'St
. rs today some of the new variety of
Mrs. Nellie Pratu arststani. Cits,
chrysanthemums that are- a golden
phone STS
We treat yoa as «o
bronte.and are a* handsome a flower
would wish to be treated.
•Beta :ik42
as has been shown this season. These
(lowers are six and one-half Inches in
L. K. Clavsiand ia In Thompsomrille Teeth ExtreeleA Abeolate*
today on business.
ly Wlthoot Pala
By ttae'*'Ka-olar" method I can i»
Mr. and Mrs. John Gilchrist-and aen
ore thoee aching teeth absoMedy
left this morning for 81. Paul. .Minn ,
without pain, and without tho use o.
where they will remain for some
oervnas temperament and
Louis Morris went to Kingsley on with weak heart, will appreclato the
-Kaolar" melbod of paloleea eroaobusiness (or the day.
Mlaa Pock of Honor WM in the etty
Sato^ay shopping.
M7M Wlttaelm Block, with Dr. HaU»
Mr*. F. B. Clark of Buttorn Bay wm
wwtta. TraTome City. Mtotalw




OEuis Tuvmn hxxaiA add tbavzbu bat eaoi« iuesdat, noteubib js, igis.


Aocldanta Will Happ«m
And when they do you should be
prepared with a bottle of KK.'^VK'S
ing remedy for euta. wounds, apialnt.
welUnga. rbeumadtlm. Ume back and
stiff neck. Used IntemaUy also foa
cramp ctdic. dysentery and alck RECEIVERSHtR PETITIONED FOR
TICK­ stomach. It la a clean, pleasant and
effective remedy. Price 23 eta. fold
by all drvKiristt,





W»Hfp~0»-.T*»rt wm B* Rr*vld*d
Teaching School SanlUtion By Meant
Go Thot Skd-Woothor Will Net
of Lectufwa la New Idea
in Education.

County rommissioner of Schools
TraTerse CUy will have a rtiaii^tauqua In 1914. The t-onuvia wore lrf*e Hornsby Is doing a grenl work
Kijned last nlEbi that aasurea the for the iM*oj’l.- of tiraod Traverse
local-people one of Uu. beat summer «outiiy. In cuiim out with his Ulus
etaauuoquaa ever held In the Hly. (rated licture on itihool Sanitation.
WiUUm H. I'mlor and Harry M. Hoi-, He has studied the vondltioua under
brook. 00* of the leadlnit Chautau­ whicli the children of the county are
qua manaaera of the country, have gaining 'their educations and has
bea actively at work on ihta tutter tru-ome firmly convinced that If tb<for the poet five daya with the n- l>b>a}cal comfort ol many ot the chil­
auU that the entire number of one dren now In the schools, partlculnriy
tiMaand aeaaon thdieta have alread.v in the rural arboola. could be Improv­
been aold. Mr. Vmlor aald, that ed. that they would advance much
rapidly in their studies. He
Traverae City needed a .cliautauqua
Bvestlgate^. nmll be Is «-enaln
and It could be done, and he haa
I/roved that the people of tin* city Uiai a iMWrty yi< aied^ iMJorly llchted
are wlUInx to euppon ench a eericn and |KK>rly ventilated schdol room In
drag niMtn thv children -wtM>-ln>vp
ntnoier eniertalniaj-nta.
procram will be commenced Bunday In study in the same. He hat also
nlfhL July 32 and cloae the follow- studied the literature Issued by the
hoard of hralih. until he has
Ina B.laht July 19. There will 1m*
twenty-two entertalnmeni* which In­ learned ••xaeily how contagious tllsclude Ala In the mornlnc- The one easia are cummunlcBic<l and ho Is
n fight which In tlio near
thouaand tlrkcta were sold for two
dollara each and are not traMferable. future, will reduce the amount of
These have been aold to aeteniy-five shkness Id rural Grand Traverse.
He has M'viired lantern slides wbph
people who «U1 in turn dUpoae of
tbrm to atncle Individuals. There tell In a foN-eful may the several
win not be any more season Uckeu hlor4es whi« i,' he believes ought to
aold. Slncb- admission tickets will l>e told that all who s«-e the slides
be sold for each entehatnment at the cannot fall to undiTstand th>- argu­
ment. These slld>-f are being showit
time of the chauuuqua that
van- In prtre accordln* to the quali­ In.Ihe school houses and Urangi
ty of the entertainers. The list pf liiUla at a conaidemble expense q
-holdera of the season tlekeU will enenr)- and money.
be printed later to let the tlomshy does not have to do this
l>art of his duties as county school
know from whom thefe may be
Kurtliermore. he gets
Arranjtementa have been made for nothing addlttonal for his extra
n Ufire tent 'capable of seatina two ertlon. ext-ept that be g<>ats a Iwoad
will help to make
thousand people tliat will be alniothe school* of. Gmnd Traverse coun­
_ lutely water proof. This u lll
erected In a place to be decided ty better In the future than they ha^
been In tlic past.
later. Another feature will be
THien he might b« sitting In hi*
erection of a aerond aide wall
fee^ blah that wilt be placed thirty comfortable office in the court house
feet back from the/bla tent and com­ cnioylng htninelf. he is out In rough*
pletely arounjl It to prevent those oaibef at ]>eraona] lnconvcaienr)i*
reoching the gospel which he
who have In yean paat taken
▼antaae of the letUna down oS the eves wHI Improve edurattonal i
Mde walls for ventilation,
to enoy the iilons. To a certain extent, he i
An extra, police p1uD«M T In this work, for so.far as the
force will be kept-In thla enclosup* wTiter knows, no otlier county school
«to deal summarily with all who commissioner In Michigan It doing
t^gtat endeavor to evade the pay­ anything along this Mne. it Is safe
ment of the tmall sums of admie- to proph*-*y.’however, that the time
la near at hand w hen stich lectures
otona. Mr. Holbrok staled
porter this mornina that In all hla Mr. Hornsby ^ givl'ng.'will be made
espertenre of fifteen years with the either a part'of Hi*- regular work of
plarina of chautanquaa and the acll- the county commissioner, or else a
Ina of tickets that he haa never siwclal man will l>e sent out by tlwT
knosrn of one man aotna out wiiTioui stale to g'd the. faclt regarding
any prevlotta announcing and in five health and physlcnl comfort to the
4ays dlapo^Bg of the entice list of l-eolite. who in the last analysis, dc
one thouaand sea'snn ilckeis. This termlne what our schools shall l>e.
anil till- part they shall play'~ln o^r
seu a new rerord for that kind
work and ahowa the persistency ot snciiil and Intellortual developni
Mr. rnj^pr In onderuklna this mat­
ter. The talent which will'ls
amona the beat on the chuutauqua
Platfonn and the full list of artists
Will be announced noon.





OlConner la Reportsd to
Have Been Drowned — No

rlly United Preas.)
Fort William. Ont.. Nov. 21.—The
englno of the Trans-Contlnenul Imi•erial Limit.'d, weet bonnd to
eouver on the Canadian Kaclfte,
lumped the rails at' CUdwell early
today and rolh-d Itito t^e Superior.
.So pasaeogt r* were Inlurod. kTpeman OCoDDor is beloved to have

<By Vnlled Prspi* )
MaiT*mie. ral.. Nov.
20.—Heprcsentallves of California’s thirtyone Bortliern counties met here to­
day to form an asaoclatloo to adver
Use tbenuH-1^. The prospertlve.
Wlva-ftJsers behove they can ralae'
ll-isi.0f*0 to wage tbelr monpalgn.
stil'-h will t>« eaiTied <p In the eaBt-'
•in aiates and In
for at
_^sa*t fl»e years, lu luin objot will
b« to seewe good at^ef*. Callfoiv
nlana'afe eonvfnred tha\ with
opx|,ij)|, nf the 1‘anama canal therr
will be a tremendous nub toward
the rscUlc nlobe.

All ActlvKIea Will be Continued U;
der Direction el Michigan Trust
Company—Headquartew Locatod at Beyno City.

Grand Rapid!, N'ov. :o.—Petlti»os'
have been filed In the I'nlied Htuic*
court for the apiiointmcni of the Mh hIgan Trust ivniiany as ro<cHer of
the W. H. White comiway of Hoync
City and of the Ho>n.e nty. Gaylord
and Al|>cna railroad, a White coui|,nii>'
cnteriirise. with headquarters and t> rnilnal at Iloyno rt(>.
The receivership Is desired for ih<c-ouservatlon of the comiuniy's large
assets and the belter ai-gjirlty of the
creditors. The toul llsblllllt-s are c-‘.
timated at approximately n'.u»u.<iiKi,
The assets, it la stalol. will show a
value largely in excess of the Ikhllltk>a. but business romlltlons are sui-b
that the assets cannot ehsUy or be realUed u|*on and the rceeUvrahlp U askc*>l that they may not ludlssi{ialed,
The William H, While roni|«n> Is
one of the largest liimlH-r and inaniifarturlng a-olicerna In iiorihcrii Mich
igaii. with h<y>lquartcrs at lioyne t'iiy
The <omi*any owni Au.Mki acri-s of
rlch hardwood tlmlier lands In Aiiiilni.
Charlexolx. lilscgo and MuntimiK my'
t-oiintles and large trails of cutover
lands, also shingle, saw-, pUiflng uiul
other liiilly and buildings at .Iki'm(Tty. and the.'railroad running cnsiward from Hoyne-City to Gaylord, on
the line of the Michigan t'oiitnil and
iweniy nillcs N-yond.
Thjg ttiuher Umls arc lionded to the
anunini of $T:.imii*o and the railroad
for llT.'.l'MMi. and these are included
in the total Indebtedm ss.
The iKindad indebte-liiess la amply
•ectfred by ihe.atsela cov.-red by the
mortgages and win U- paid In full.
priRcliial and fnieresi. The other Indabtedwss is held mo«ly by bonks
H Is state.1 the 1»ank creditors
hold Collateral to such an extent
to make thent aeeure.
The recelvcrahl|> will make no dlfferehee In the enmt>any'B ol*eratlons
Hoy no City, as the work In
wood* and mills will go on as usual
indcr the dlrertlcm of tiie Michigan
Trust coniiisirv.

p*0^foi^yctrt Katarw hu
caurrh of tbo head, throat,
lung! and atumach, for oouglil
audcolda.' Katarnoincreases the
appciiio promptly, it atrcngtb*
cut the eirculation. Give* new
vigortothenerrotueystem. Katarno makea you feel aironger,
-breathe dc<-per, eat more, digest
la-tter, and finally pula you Its
clast of people who hare
ilth, eourase and plenty of
butiui-tt grit.
If year deal., deei wet keep ICa.
rao U stock srrite us and we wrill

Bead for Free Booklet.


General Welfare.


rv'Oday nfteriion and close at
Itxjay. The Grangers an- fornmatc
In having wYui them Miss Jennie
IliielL l<erturcV of Michigan Stale
Graogh. who Is proving a, strong
drawing card She Is a favorite w ith
Michigan Gr^g^’ra and they arc
w;ays glad to have her on hand
help'inake their meetings .a stxc.
The Wednesday evening mei-ting
waa given over to an address by the
I lecturer and an illustrated'lee.
by B. H. lliow-n oti^io W«-»tern
MIrhigan Ik-velopnent buN-au. - Tbo
lecturer showed nearly imi lantern
slide pictures of W.-Htern Michigan
farm and or'riiards seebe*. N
few of tbc viewa were ot lands In
Uenzlo county.
County Schol Commissioner Few.
less waa present wiib the eounly
HORTON-rharles F. Wright, wealnormal class and helped io discuss
they banker. Left IT<<.o<iu In trust,
subjects of an educational nature.
bis brother, the Income of which I*
be applied to care for hla boreea
and doga. white they are altve and
monumenu is them -when Ibey
are dead.
Ten Udi.-s of the l»ne Tree
Motlii-tv i-luli mol Wwln»<aday afterI at tlx- home of Mrs. <h-o. KriU.
A short program was carried ont in
which little Vivian ileus*, and Mrs.
rhanee carried off first'dionora. The
club then dlacusNcd the matter of
doing fu m»n In .charity work, not
only in this dtsiri9i. but in aiding the
AntlTulM-rculoais society by selling
stock. A bouDUful iiot luck supi>er
was served ol 4;'>0 p. m.
Tlx- twxt meeting will take place
on liecember f>tb at Uie si hool house.
This will be for the 'tdiiidren ^
Some Ways of raisli
money ^ore of interest to the schools
will, be a part of this program.'*

Beat Way to Make Clean Pdopie la
to Teach the Children

(leuple and l>lrty Towns.’- :s a subject
bandied with gloves by J. N. Hurty,
Ktalo health cotnralsehiner. In 4xn
lli-le fircparcd today for the -X’nUcd
•Tbo reason w-e have so many
dirty towna is-< because there
many dirty ih-op1o.“ said IT. Hurty.
Nhall the dirty people be compelled
by Ww to be cIcanT No Indeed, not
unless their dirtiness threatens the
health and comfort of others. The
Scripture, says: ’He who is filthy
let him be ,nilhy still.- Of course,
what Is the hte to do otherwise.
PITT8BURO-“Blg Brother- Jack
CompelllnB be wTio Is flHhy to
Robbins of Chicago, is here lo ecarch
clean In ivrson and premtsea will
of A “woret boy." He wnnu to uke Onion >a Tbuted at Ont of the Eaaen- not make him clean In mind
tialt for CainInB Human
him to Nevada with 11 olhera
soul. Hell be tIUhy still. We must
given a chance.
teach eloaullnesi to the unci.
Then If 4hey become clean and stay
(By United Press.)
clpan. U to because cleanilneoa
New York. Nov. 21.—Eat onions and
O- H. #. C- PThtn-U not n fraternal aoclctf. do not worry. That's the reeijw for
9 of thV ‘^health and longevity given todky by
iTbeae lettera stand for
greateat beljia In the
•id. 1>R. Mrs. Hetty Green, the millionaire wo­
Sir<IAR-<’OATBI) PIIJ^. man financier, on her TKth blrthday
/ tea luSaatt »itd ChiUnn.
conKtltmtlon and all disorders of the NV'beo naked' what other rules she obes to retain her health she said
use for over six- • Have a ch-ar tonsclrme. fear God,
arold iDtoxIcaDta and don't force food
Bean tha
yourself. Gel a hundred cents Blgnatsraof
Hrtoa 29 eta. per Urttle. Sold by all
worth out of everr dollar.”




You Are
Welcome Here
We Hope Soon to Namber Yoa
Among Oar Friends
and Patrons
Our throughly equipped organization enables us to meet the iudividual needs


iSjiccInl to The Ib-cord-KaRlc.)
Grawa. ,\ov. *21.-The thn-c-bam-l
etiiertaliimeiit in ibe s<-1uk>1 houM* lic-t
:i;l:t. un.laT tliv* joint liuspli i-* of Hie'
'csU-rn MIrhigan lK*vvlopineul J>u
•au and the count}- «-oniniUsloncr of
Kchool*. wa« a big amtx-s#. The acbnol
hulUlliiK wu> crowded with men. wo
and vbildrcn. who cumo to hear
the Mieiec-he* ami m-o the farm, or
churil ami s< hoot views of the (liarxl
Travenfe m-ctUm of wi-lern Mlrtiigaii.
TlK- iiTogruiu wu'-i divided Into thr*ipui'l*. Tile first wa* an llluttruuxl
leciuro by^-T. H. Ilrown. wblch b-ciure
was entitled. ''Iteasoni* (ny Reinainlug
In J4i<-hiBan." and which was iuad«- in>v-(lDK bv the use of nearly Iihi Uiin slide views, many ol which were
The second sectiop was an illustral
•Ml lecture hy 4'ouiity CumthlS'luner ol
Fcboxl* !-•? Ilornshv. which liVntisi-;
entitled •■Sch.vol Sanitali.m.'
Tlx- araunieul |>re*outed was that the
time ha* nrriitd w hen teaeluTs
give thought to the -physical cofxllUtfti<i_f (heir pupils If The beet of
Miltw are to W obialni-vl. A iK-rtluii of
the fcliitef showu liv Mr HoTpsliy came
from the fctatv lioard of health and
l>olntel idit In a convincing wav llml
the atmiiinl of dti-MP-e in thic land
be greatly n-dllod by (ho obs'ervmice
In snuliary niaiiv-rs.
1‘ietute* Were shown of the smallest
rhonl 111 Grand Traverito county and
the lK-rlji*ool. these school* Uiih
b. lnc found In the same town*hl|i.
This lecture prnvud to h<- a ver?- vauh
i.iilc one for srhutil directors, tearlicrs
ami rareiitv.
The la*t feature of the (-ntertalnENJOYED GOOD TIME AT LAKE
4-III wa« an addrev* by Hon. Wm. H.
I'mlxr. line of the Cram! Traverse .dlrectors of (lie Western Michigan IVbureau. The ai*cnker told
Miaa Jennie Buell.' Lecturer ot SUtc what'tl
the bureau I* doing
doit and nrge-t
Organixatien Waa Preecnt
KUPIiort ol
<ple of thr
townships zepre*.nted at the mesUng
:helr siipervlsnr* lo make the
I miiirnpriatioiis iiM-essary
I.ake Ann. N'nv. 20.-ThU TlUage
Is nearly niM t» «*ier flxslng wrth kc.-ii the devrlopnu-nt Work going
Judge I'mlnr Is very opllmlstlc a
Grangers , who'nr.- hen- In attend
of the Grand Traverse
■liiarierly meeting of the ib-nric.
ilc.n of western Michigan and hi*
Cirinty l*unionB firaiige. which,i
lug is being held with the 1-aki- Ami l»-.clies Hion this subji-ct falrlj- buhb* owc-^h hls enthusiasm.
Grange. The sesslona 1-cgan Wid


iliclr nature.
•The town U a.tairror. It reflects
the i>eoplc. A man who is clean in
mind will be clean in person. He will
have a ejean front-yard and a Hcan
hards yard. A littered doorynrd and
a dllaiildaied house reflecta a lUtei<-d
and dilapidated mlniL
^'Tbe reason we cannot make a
■Ilk purse out of a sow s car Is liecause It Is a BOW S ear. It is not
silk. A naturally dirty man ran not
be made a clean man. Dirty towns
wUl exist , as lo^ as the dirty peo­
ple exist. We must surt our future
citizens right by giving mord* time
IfiHiructlng young school children
evil resutta of the crime of dirt.'

(Hy United Tresa.)
Herlln. .Vov. 21.- Rnip.r«r Wilhelm
lixlsy nuiite a decided bit with tlxwoini-n folk Cbro<igbou( the <oUntr>
by acx-pting only hull of the fortiiiii
of JJxn.fMHI left by Hermann Kunrr.
a rich Undowner ot KauschwDu. for
the German army ’and navy. Tlxother half, according to the em|M-n>r’.s dlrecllmi, will go to the i' stitor's wife who wa* left uolhliij; uiid«T the win.

every patron.

You may have been attracted to this bank by its fi­
nancial strength, its conservative management, its
liberal policy, its unrivaled service; whatever the
reasons, we guarantee prompt and courteous consid­
eration of your requirements.
Your account is solicited on the grounds of the un­
impeachable integrity and Sound judgment of our
board of directors
We invite, you to cafl. get acquainted and accept
.one of our beautiful Security Savings Banks. You
will begin to save at once.


grange (Jinger
VMtliiiiit In any way Uetiailllig
from the jHiwer ef tin- master the
writer wishes to call atlenthm lo the
fait (lust the most ImiKirtant office
111 the Grunge is that of b-cturer. The
master U ni.-cessary that there
' a head U) the untanlzailon.
*<-i-reiar.v is necessary to k«-ep the
record*. With these two offlo-rs
the Grange, c.r In fact any oiga
can proet*ed in a aatlrfaclury
iiiamuT^K^ The Grange lecturer I*
a DcceiMiy to the axlatcnce and continuailon ef the Jnstltullon. Thq lec
Hirer is ail extra^ the efficp is oix
that is found In but few institutions;
>.-l It is. Ill the lust analvKls. tin
t imiKirtani; The master Insure*
life of the organization and the
Ion a i>on rcc 111 the
t koclal. I
dtihlrial and poUilcal condKlunv
The pnivliirc of (be Grange
inr to Hi dfrcct and stimulate the
iDt'-Ib'Clual artivlilcB of the
l-er* tif the order. Mind 1
powcrfu'l than matter, and hence it
ImiKirtant to be nmeeren
regarding what the Granger.* a
thinking about; than with what Jhej
doing p.irard* the catabltohment
lew KUlordlnatcs and H\e erertlon
of Inii^lng hall*. Sul<ordlnates
halls are necessary, they are me.xn*
|o (he end. and the end I* tliat the
IM-oph- of the rural sections shall
meet together and cIIkcuss In a ser
lous and Inletllgi-nl -way the «iuclions which have to do with the up­
ward march of the
The iKiw-ee of the lectim-r ll* s In
tile fact that he lor she!, wlsct* Hx
qix-Ktlon* lo lu* t-ensidered and' dl
■the disctissioti*. No lu-rson In
lb.- prgantzation has gr*-aier power
than this and m*>n no i*er*<m ilo*-*
groat a Imrdi-D ri-sl. Till* offlc.-r
a sen»>»' Is rcsiwBslble Tor luin-h
the'altitude which the niembert
the Grange, have regarding cons^aiion. eontTol of laiirna.d*. laxath>n of natural resourr.-a. lutsial ser­
vice. primary reform, the teaching
of agriculture and many other equals vital matlera. .
.. to the duty of each and every
Grange tn use more caro in the seliH-tlon of Its lecturer than In the
chosing of any other officer. The
fu-nion with the broadest.outlook on
life, the most tact, the keenest tense
of Justice, qie highest standard, of
honesty, abundant Initiative, and
with the most intellectual and moral
courage, to (he one to select for lec­
turer. During the next lew weeks
the lectuix'ra for 1914 will be elect
cd. leL In wh case, the most effl<}ent person available be the one
to'receive the vetea.
The state Greage la fortunate In
having a lecturer that to doing
world of good. She to tunitoblng auggesilons' jo the au
Hist Increases their usefulneM by
many fold. She to Inaptrtng .these lo­
cal directors to their tttmoat efforts.
Were the writer to be asked lo make
iUCgestlooB In connection with
work of tbit Important office,
would promptly tpeak U|i and
that plant be made to that the i
lecturer could rltU a majority of the
pomonaa la the state each year and
(nrthennoi* that the .oppropriaBon
for prlnUng and iiottage be greaily

WUI payMeforadcr
apples* ^dlalls S»e.
06k 76e. Both
ptaones-atz. SS8, BeU
67. CaoBlag Co.

Gloves and Mittens
Three pair of Canvas Gloves for 25c or 10c a pair. Tbeee
{flovei are suitable for mild weather and the aaving on yoor
handi^ore than pays for them. Those at two pair fdr 25c
^-iieavier, warmer, an^they lait longer. We also have
I with leather fliIngerTips. Leather faced Mittens made
^m canvas ticking ^ warm and lasting—conadering the
qWlity and price they a^ a good ptirchace at 25c. The makm
of these goods have beaten their own record on quality, fit and
color. The jersey in gray gloves are nice looking and suitable
for any kind of wear, for driving^^meetings or church. We
have pretty red and gray gloves for children. Don't forget
them. They will feel styUsh if they sft a pair of these gloves.
Peihaps you will say. ’Well, glovefare gloves, and cant be
anything else." .You are right, but there is a big difference
in price and quality. Try ours at the comer of Front and
Casa streeU.

Roast Your Thanksgiving
Turkey on a

Usk Saalliry Roaster
and it will be
The Lisk Roaster is self-basting' and cooks meat, game and
poultry' economically and without wasting any of the natural
juicesNote the patented cover. The vaporised juices of the
roast condense on its under side, run to the center and drip
back upon the roast, basting it continually. Thu saves‘labor
and your roast eannot bum qr dry up.
Come in and see the Lisk Boaster.


BEST Bread
BEST Bakers v
And the BEST of it all is. thi^lilour gives
the BEST of satisfectioiL
Your grocer sells it

The Hannah & Lay Co.
The ‘ BESr,’ Millers




’Long About-Xhaiiksi

’ Time

fld to
^INT it S]
time of^ear.
Just arouiidy about
ings crfsj3rand
And the

A Thanksgiving

A«*;f ■ ' ■ - ■

..^61 lithe nippin’ of the bri^ breeze
at yo'ui^ nose .1/
Wh^"^he olh dead leaves go zippin'
^eOiCsSraggly rows.
Wh^fr^oufye ha^tofi
_.Jte=<love j4^c^Uow men.
And you’ve money you can=ri
■ now and
Ain’t p. fine to waiKe fi-om ^^amin’ of the hpme
^^ur^ boyhood Knew hj i
AncT to find the glad sun 'bei
it used to do,
Long ago. about ThanKsgivin’,;
to spaire,

When your pa and mia were Uvin’ and the days
were always fair!


a bear bug. and darl.-d Irotn
111.US— 1-. .iriiiK lhe. »all.-d .-ypr.-*aluii»
of an urthuncel. and ' wearing two
gloTi K (or lb- -sani'- band
<j»HHAXKSGIVINr. ain’t dlffcrwit
In the gath.-rifiK twilight of that
I Iron an> oth<-r day." enat>(>«) TbanUsKJ'-lng **ve Mlw Melllct-Bts
• Mflllcnt, iiioklne ihr nin»i of
the creak in bi-r iwh.T. -V.’haf« of ha>-lnK a turkiy vhco you've elttltirreom
tot only a n-'-d-blrd uM"-utv; ”
-I wanf.-d you from tlrat. Melllcetit."
'H ain’t Ju*t tlii> lurk.y li»<lf,-’ ro- «hn pani.-d,-ulthouf pr.-rmce. —but
(dled Urn Uella Wyatt.
o know- madr Uilrtt.en at labl-. aud it nevi r
abake of h<T bi-ad. "thouj.-h it> aur- ( c-urr. d to fm until an buur
hour agoniiat
a«o tiia I
prlaloi bob i>lumb ctaay tbtklddlvn could ctmDt JessU-’* twin* a* one Jusr
are after drutniiticka. Land ol lot<-.11 ai well aa r,oi. You’ll come, of course?"
Tm Borry . Della, but I've a prevtoua
Mr. Burbank could only jituduci- centi­
pede Kobbleraf But It’a what tbu tur­ engaicmcnt—wltba Tbankeglving tur­
key of my own ”
key atands for. Mclllc«-ni.~"You bouKbl one. after allV DuU
Tbere waa a inointm’e sllonci-. then
the creak r.«««rted lts«H "Maybe Mellicent, U will lx- so loneMme caf
thA 1i—when youvr col san» und Inp It without any of your own folks
daoEbtera and Krandchlldno to kU here."
’Tm to have tome Of my own folka'
round tbe Ubl« and look for it."
» aaapped Uilllccni: "but I'd like to —t.-n of them!”
"Why. Melliccut. only yeaterday you
know vbat’a backlnn up a TbanksKivtng uirkty when you ain’t *ot any told me that (her.- waan’t a living aaul
folk! to reunite (or a (atnlly dlfnerT" relayed to you Ibli eldo tbe Uocklea,
Mrs. Wyatt put ber kniitlUB Into ber and—"
’That was before you laugbt mo
work bas. with a alyt. "in. yot to
atop In at Johnaoti’a to buy eomc eh«ti. how to find them. Della. There, don’t
pota for the aiuflliiy," rhe vaplalned. be frightened. I’ve not lost my mind,
remember about Angelina Snow?
In apology for bi-r glanc- at liu- clock
and abrupt l•'av«-toklIlK. ‘
did 1 I got to thtiiklng of the uglier live*
do with my liat? Ob. here It U on ibo iban mine, |..iia. Of the two deer
rr.-scou worrying ov.-r mou.-y
chair. ilellict-Di. do you r. nn-mbvr
matlero evgr alnre they loat *o much
Anfellna'Snow r
Melllo-ni nodded, her mouth brlat- In that mloibg vi-nture; of my little
UnC »1th five bat plna, aa aba atood dreaimaker. who wa* tbe petted dar­
with Mra. Wyatfa Jacket held out In ling In her borne back t-aal and haa to
work for h.-r living among atrangi-rs
both band/ toward the open Are.
-yoo made me think of aomelblnr out hero, because her lungs are weak
abe told me once—my left ele.-ve'e and *he caul live anywhere elan; of
cancbi there. MelllcenL Angelina bad poor, (asiidious Mr*. Adams, who can
tbe blues lerrllile bad oix mornlUK” only afford a. thlrd-clnas Ymardlng
continued Mra. Wyatt, ailcklng In tbe house; ol—I won’t ro on. but tliey’re
hatpin* on.- by one a* alie talked, "but bTi Invlt.-d. and tbcy’vo all^epiod."
6bu rose, aod as she turned toward
'atead of eiiUna down and making com-'
pany of Ibem sin- trotted tbuu Hgbi Mra. Wyatt the fln-ligbt revealed a
out (or a walk. And uhat do you sup- face radiant with happloett. "I can’t
a ssbe did (hen? Bbe went up and talk
K (tr<-.-(. luokluR and look- lla." gl
laagta. "but Just you como Into tbe
lag. and every time *be pasaed a
I an ngllcr than herself ehe counit-d kitchen with me and see ray ThanksMay C. Itingwalt. In
hv oB on a Anger. Wb.-ti b.-r fingers giving turk.-y!
gatfe out tbe went bum.f-cured. An- Lot Angelca Tlmea. •
. Kettoa wouldn’t liav>- taken a blue rib
Soma FaaUirat Remain.
Um at a beauty sbow. eiibi-r."
Uelileent Janc.-y * ,practical, active
Thankfgtriog. 1C21! How was It
nature bad no time for sr-Titlm.-niallt celebrated? Tbe roll Of a drum an­
ing, but ibemoratDg after Mr*. Wyatt’* nounced the hour for prayer. After the
vrlah new. atrange thougbu—with rtllgloua aej-vlce camo feasting and
twtakling eye* and wlauul amllaa— outdoor atbloUc sporta.
kept peeping oot at ber from behind
Tbankagtvlog day. 191SI How wlU
tbe rouUnn of dally duiba. and at noon It-be celebrated? With rellgloua aervaba aaddenly droppi-d Lrtiom aod dust- ictp. feaetlng and outdoor athleUe
er, draaaed wltli trembling fingera.

fact In iblckncsf mure D) feet a day
and dlacbargt- into (be sea (our aquar
-MlH of ice ycarV 1.090 feet thick.

vored him in some t|K-culalloa,, or
som.- one may have left It lo bim.
Suruly^ be ' cannot bonueeJy
tHracd so much more (ban 1 have Yet
the proacbers talk about Cud's Justice.
If God la Just why la he there aud
V. by am I comis'lled to stand out bi-re
In the dark aud sblvi-r, with nu bopu
'or tomorrow?"
Another cdTTtage passed up the
drive aud Forbes bitu-rly said lo himswK:
"Bab! 1 suppose eocicty Is gatberIcg hero Ibfs evening for one of Its
•futietlons.’ Tomorrow the paper* win
have lists of the natri.-a of the people
who wore pr.-sent. Tbe money they
will spend (or flowora this evening
would lx- enough lo keep tnsny a poor
fauilly cvmforiable that will have to
BuCi-r through tbe Vinter."
He ellncbed his hands and swore
thst bo didn't belk-vo a Just God could
By Henry howland.
r. Ign whlh- such conditions oslated. He
worked hlms.-lf Into such s jisssloo
(bat he torgol the cold, forgot tbe daflIng. but then- ws* | g.-r of tH ltic lu^rvai.-d for vugrancy, forno r '• V11II g o I got that he was talking alosd.
Ibankfotnea* with-1 Tbon ho saw a w-oman homing down
til lU-no' PortH-s. I tbe walk from (be lutlac- among tbe
Hla look was bo|>«-, trees. Hesurted away, but Impulslvd^
lea*, bis clothes , ]y turned again and met her aa sbo
.....X.. and
—x I.
passing through Iho gale. He
were seedy,
was long sino- h. could *.-0 lo the dim light which rehad Ih-cii able to matned that she was probably a serv­
lutUBfy bis hun­ ant. and he Bsk«l:
‘YVho live* up.there?"
Forbva was bf"Me. Talburn—1 mean the TalbuKts.’'
ginning to long (or
"Ob. And tbey're having a ball or a
vengeance. He wc« beginning to
receirtlon or sometblng of that 'kind
iltat the Wad.- end ib.- torch w. re Ju»- tonight, arv they?"
tlftsblv. He had gone (rum place to
“.\o. Mr. Talburn's dead. TheyYe
pUict- nil day and he had alway* heard
- II.. .. . .. n... "."'i; :
l.r tb.
lorb. 8 pubili.’d bis bunds down Into
of tlm. da> repeated ov. r and over , •~'‘l:.g ni the M-Wdld house In which
Theteicr from which b.- had Imt late-

and the'

. per In

Bcuty 2.000.000 leaa than In l»a, but
tbn *alD« was >l.&02,tSl gruaur.

worked up to that place through year*
of M.-ady, pstl.'iu
when-ver he appll.-d they gave him lo
und.-rstand that he would have to go
hack to the boMom and b.-gln all over
lUtteriy bo thought of the oldwdage;
Then-’* always room ut the top.
He was standteg tx-sidc a big Iron
gnlrpcvtt at tbs'end of a driv.'wa.
which wound aii.eng -Ims un'd ttiapl.-r
up to a inansiou Uvat ciiu'.d bn |«ril>
s.-en through thu It was loo cold
lo mow. Only au occasiuaal talli-r.-d
Bake wa* whirled bloiig hv the wind
Oera.*lonaU>' a rarrlug-' tossed ui
the drive toward th.- big house Ui
wl.ich (be first IlphiB w.-n- tx-etnnii v
to flicker. In on-- of ilo-se carnag.e
Korb.-i- caught ii glliiipue of a man with.
an armful of flow-er* Oili.-r carnages,
jiasM-d out. I’r.'seiitly a wbkoii load
“Can You Drive a Tea I of Horaasr*
ed .Kith (Hiding chairs was driven
'hrough lh>- g.vl.- aiol up toward ili-- the rich man lay dead. Then, turnlof
huge pile that louiu.'d among the leaf toward (til- voDian. he askt-d:
"When IS’the (uoerol to be?"
leee tree*.
Forb*-s drew a heavy high and shiv . "Tuinorrow,' she answered.
"Thauksglving Is a poor day tor
ered Id the cold He started on. I.-ar
Vm iKanky for tbe celery.
Ing dial ho might Ih- susisxied of va tun.-ral. Isn't It?"
The canned peat, and the e
"Any day la a poor day for a fn
grancy or somi thh.g worr* if h<- wer-I'm ^nkfuUor the beam: lo i
found loitering at Uio gate, but after neral. ” *b.- said, and w ent on her way
"I he turnip* look invmng.
Forbes pulled himself togoiber. s
he had voui- half u muure he turned
The sweet poUtoet give me _
and w.-ni hack and aloud U-side the momoDi later, and. slarllag onward,
The p*t*mp gladly I aisaa.
tall Iron post again.
"So It I*. Any day Is a poor day (or
But best
al th^ w the »di
“f have toll'-d and been honest." he
thought, "apd what's in> Toward? All­ a (uiiyral. and any day Is a poor day
Aroma of tlie turkey which (or giving up hope and losing faUb In
1 am peimiiied to iabale.
At the str^ corner he halted,
certain which way to go. While be
^ilhpropa thanb I btc*W>e cr^
bestiated a man approached him.
"Whatk the iroublt. my friend?” the
1 diunlbe oyUm. for I mui
strarger ask.-d.
Not catdeitly be lemplmg Fate;
' I'm tiuncry and I'm out of a Job."
The ffbleu ail aside I thnitf.
Torbes repllt-d.
To me dtey are of no avaS;
"t an you drive a team of horses?"
I prove my strength while gazing at
"Of coorwo 1 can."
"I nei-d an ezira driver, I'm to fur
lie rich and juicy mince pie lhat
nUb carriagef for Mr. Talburn's fu­
I aunt ool eat. but may inhale.
neral tomorrow Come along. You're
—S £L A'fiir
JUM the man I'm looking for. I can
pul you to work now and give you a
steady Job If yon want It."
"I'm alive and I've got a Job."
cauae w.- ha\..- couiiH.-ss reason* (or
thought Forln-s as he walked along
11 God is our fath.-r, abd be BID aft
with his employer, "and tomorrow’*
our dayii with bl.sslnga. There Is m-vThnnkaglvlng-’'
cr.a mom.-nt when w;e have not aetn<thing new for which to prats* him.
There is bl.-sslng In cvurylhlng he
'does for us and s.-nd* to us. W« aboald
bo most uiigraieful It we did not give
thanks unto God. ■'firaycr should not
Beginning to Long for Vengeence.
bo all elamor (nr new favors, It should
Heavenly Paihi-r. instead of bring­
b» full of rocognltlon of merdos and
gtwd things. It It good, also, to give er twenty yeerS they tell me to go ing lo tboe mer<-Iy. empty words of
aud »Urt all over again. ITetty thank* for th.> many blessing* lhat
'hanks, b.-caufcv It makes our own lives
sweeter, truer and mor.- b.'auU(ul. Joy soon they wont even glvame a chance have come to m.- throughout (be year,
is beauty. ITalie Is comedy. One wbo to do tboi. Then tbry'll- U-II me I'm help m« to show my heart'e deep grati­
tude by doing all tbe uaeful thlnga 1
does not give Ibaiikc lacks tbe high-,
can In thy name today.
est element of Jovi-llness. Ingratitude ■
Let ms try to find eveo’ lonely
Is dark and somber; praise Is light and to? Hero 1 etand uut lo the cold, mlsbeautiful. Giving tbsoka also make* . erabto, alone, with the world agaiiut heart w-lthln nO’ reach, and, freely
us greater bl.eslngs to otbi-ra, Prats-' me. Up th.-re some one has eaougb to share my portion of cheer with all.
LtH me n-member to speak the lardy
inspiratloo- make a hundred—p.‘rbaps a tboustud
wberevvr ibey go. They make others —such men ns I am happy. People wOrdi of honest praise and apprecia­
happier, braver, strong.-r. Our days drive past me with no thought of what tion my seltitb lips have unwillingly
abound be full of pralso and rang. Then I am. with no sytnpsUiy to off.-r, and withheld, and prayerfully Ic-A.e unaaid
God will be ph ased with our lives and hurry to where he Is. surrounded by tho IltUe things that hurt and atlng.
Let me fully test tbe tender magic
this world will be made sweeter nod splendor, wht-re they may fiaticr him
and add to bis Joy* because—because that lies la smiles, kind words aod lit­ '
better.—J. R. Miller. D. D.
he has (bp money that a hundred—per­ tle acts of thoughtfulacu. and see bow
many sad. discouraged souls 1 can
Individual SplriL
"And which of ns has been the bet­ make glad
And grant. O Father, that the eveocplrit of Thanksgiving must ever be ter man? tVtalch of us ha* honestly
iDdlvIdoal. Otberwlee It must be mere earned the moet? Which ha* kept Ude stay Bod nothing In my bumble
form and ceremony. Ucklag that bean- sparest lo God's cemmandmenisT Her- power left undone or unsaid that would
help eoqie one In need, or make (he
felt gratitude. Ibsl spontaneous
world belter and briefer. Assn.
pulse which aprlDKS nnbld^ tr
(he gntefol heart.


Woman t* s Powsr.
Now! Nowl
“If ever the time come* when wer
Cendillon of LlteratufA
"That sweetheart uf mine provokes men shall ^mc loeether slmiily and
LIteratunr may be uvorwexed, as a
COBtemporary claim*, but the modern me so that I doo I'boltrve 1 shall call I pwyt):. fbiythe benefit of Tnaukl&d. It
aatpnt is decidedly uadrirniaaiiad at tbera any more." "Don’t like that sort' will be a power auch as tbe world haa
ot bltenioon taans, abr ..
atrer dranmod oL"—Mattbaw Arnold.
ttat-WaahlBgtoa Post

cold night lost winter (our
men aai around a caril Ubie In a pri­
vate room of one of Toronto’s largest
It w-at late, and that the
pany bad eniertalbed themselves well
a dosea bottles and as many clgaf
stumps on tbe floor moiety testIBed.
The tallest mao with a stack of
yellow checks reaching to bis chin,
was dealing Tbe r.-d-whUkered (Alow was fingering bis few remalnlns
"reds" with a oonehalancc which be­
spoke famllianty with losses, and be
of the bald head was stroking bis
mustache rumiuaiirely The fourth
By Francis Bird PuQh.
I wabbled In bU chair In a manner bw
I lokealng sleepiness, the cause of
j which might have been gui-ssed by
I the regulAlty with which be picked '
Stem wood* and frowml«e Sky and up one of the empty boiUes and osfarther on
(sayed lo transfer.ibe air eoatalned
A wide, wild waste of wswr walling therein Into hi* glass
1 Tbe uU man at last showed evP
Ths hsam that yssmsd for touch of. deuces of socUbilRy and broke the sJloved one's hsnd.
| Icnce of an hour with the remart:
For parenu* bteasing and for child- "Foor policy to spend a long evening
at,-«ards when there le so much fua
dren's kiss.
to be had in this town."
The silken tassels of the mstce had
Above the leveled grwvee of many a Isn't anything in this town to do bat
play poker. " •
"Tobogganing." suggested the UU
Unequal to the conteet with fierce men
And fiercer nature; but that Pilgrim man as he aceldvnully upset his
__ sucA "You old rascals who never go
Kpeellng. praised Cod. snd thanked out of doors when there Is danger of
the cerih
I freezing a nose are making a great
And water gave them food, _ and mistake." ho began. "Lovely glilA
and ruddy, robust men, all qlad tb
That they vnre frM to wwoMp-him Eskimo attire surround you; sparfefor whom
llng eyes and witching smiles coaluse
They had given up all mM h
you. and swoef volcea. like tlnk- .
dear on earth.
Ungs of belU In the frosty, reso­
nant air, lull your fears and partially
Thetis w s the sowing, our the reaping .coBTta^ y-ou that a ride might not
[ pr<n-e suicidal after all. Tbe IndeOod made of them a nation, and It' ecribable exhiUraUon and charm

I ue BCene overpower you. and you eooWlth one hand plunged In rough At- sent to havo a queer-looking, snubIsnlie'e foam
| nosed machine shoved op to you. and
And one laved In the gentler water* of uko your scat with many misgiving
The blue Pacific. Through iU Iron a* you do so you wonder why these
pretended friends Isugh so merrUy on
A network wraps th* land from asat »o tertoos an occasion.
to west—
"Some one geu cm behind yoa—a
The life blood of the natlsn abba and. p*ir <,f ,niaU. eoft mlttans are placed
j on your shoulders and yon are can1 tloned by a bubbling tpice Ur “alt
From the abundant of Ha fruitful ,till and bang on tight' The voice
; heightens your sppredaUon « necea- •
It hod* th* chlldrbn of It* eldsr kin .uy for correct behavior and you d«And gronta to all within Its sbslurtng clde to die game.
j “Some demond In human form give*
Frs^m of worship which our fte yoa a gtganUc shovo and nOls-yog re
ther* crav,*^
oliv and for a moment you belleva
—off d#
aa you shoot down
__ I you really are ott


tneh. Who bulkted bertha* you the incline at a rapid ^

I poee."
........ unworthy children, gfva- “Bravo!" exclaimed the man <
fife, thin#
Ood thanks
this, our country, which wa
to ths*.



ing It Bkillfully.
"Why—yea. After 1 had been gone
here six months 1 began to
t mlas
at is whltSL nad a
as glass.
a lot of
__ ..... __ __ ' her. So I came back to look ber up.
titered her quite nnexpeetedly
1 rrf — •_____ eiji— ®®
atreel. At Brat ebe refused to

.. :s
An, .t... .!» tb, l.„hUrlb« 11*.
en* the way
I* th* deer, delicious tangify
And the Jingle. Jingls, jangle ,
Of the slclghbell* in New England
On Thanksgiving day.
New th* house <%.ln sight with th*
door opened wid*
While the darling eld mother stertds
waiting Inside.
Why the love In iwr fsee ehinee (Ik*
You’re ths childd thht you
y. used t* b*
long, long ago.New tho hard cruet of wpHdII
paaoee away
With her arm* ereund your aack on
Then heme with the moon keeping
pace, cold and bright.
Just Urmeing with silver earth's veet)|l« of whHs.
Th* voices are hushed, for th* opetf
of an hour
Is folding an doe* lo tts magteal

me thst eveDlng.'an»tejtar long bestution she eottssnted.
"F(tef days ago she met ae by ap­
pointment In Chicago—made Ue ex­
cuse that she was going to rlali one
of ber old sehoolmstea. I understand.
1 brought her bahk tbU morning- She
is a pretty girt. Grace U^lres over
in F------avenue."
Tbe silent man of ths party tumad
pale and quickly aroee. SeUlag a
full quart botUe by tbe neck, be
wared It aloft and brou^t It doara
with despairing /orce full upon th*
bead of tbe handsome yoang story
teller, crashing his sknQ like an egg
sheU. Then be put on his hat. threw
hi* overcoat across hU arm. and rotnarked. quietly, as be walked la Iba
"You’ll really have to excuse ma.
genUemen. but the lady referred to ia
my wife. Good night."

Jewelry and B
Eveo In the stone dge woman woo
fond of JeweU. Dot It wto man. the
brutal master, who wore them. The
heavy necklace (bat descended upon
leughta on t
hla breast waa-tbr emblem of bla eunark thMhyi
pertoriiy and power. Eren before he
And the Jingle, jingle, jangle
bad progressed so far as to covear
Of the tielghbell* In New Englond en himself with the skla of the stag be
Thanksgiving day.
wore a necklace of ebells. of U«tb of
animals or glittering Blot Tbe elegSDt dame or demolaelle wbo rolls by
THANKSGIVING THOUGHTS lo ber UmooslDe Is not so dlatast a
reUtive of the cave man as abe may
Probably there are aome people who try to appear. She Ukea Jewels bet­
wtab turkey* were aa cheap as Thanks- ter than dress, since each season we"
see ber more aod more bejeweled
giving proclamations.—Toledo Blade.
Nearly a buodred marriage UoensM and 1»is sod lee* clothed. Tbe Joy of
to add Joy to the Thanksglvlog!— Jewels is of tbe same Infantile quality
with tbe coquette of today, that U was
intysburgh Chronicle-Telegraph.
Tbe drumstick eaten about the in the early barbaric times. A thread
of meul. uppn which are etraeg aome
_____ _ _
_ ablnlug pebble*, a thread of allk over
| whicb are ^aced some email ronnd
Hasb. brother*, baab wltb care; w** concretloni of time, feud rolUpg in*
for a week most everywhere.—BalU- the liquid Of a dlseessd oysterl
more Sun.
--------------------------WeU. Just be thankful that you are'
PHe* of Quinine to OeublA
not a Turk—American. European or, Au agreement baa been signed be-'
Asiatic.—Newark Star.
I tween the European buyer* of clneffect of which win be to regulate and.
incidentally, .graatly to increase tba*
prlee of tbe tW- Tb* manofacturars
agree to bay about on* ntUhoci pounds
of cinchona bart a year at a ragaIsted jrtoa. It U predicted that tb*
psartnt pries will be doable^
Sordid TbeughL
What a large number of lawyer* tb*
Umtt p* Tr**'* QiwwMi.
Income tax tangle 1* going to. mak*
The vine doe* not grow above 1401
happy. It there be tnu happiness ta I <Mt above tbs as*, lb* oak eaaaqg

nuxit U (**A

at UW toM. oBd th* Sr Bt 74M CMb



Tho N'loLcrenD confortlonrry rtore
auil t>ool room al KIpkrIov wn^i hmkt-D
HAS liitii Saturday nicht andjMrij-.iwo dol1ar;i*ln carrenrv tatcrn? The nioiiry
was In a rack, and had brrn placvd In


See Oar West Window for Display of Premimns




JewtenanU . Elllpgtoo and Kelly
Were Flying High When Aceident Occurred.
ifly J'nlled-ITess.l
San TMeRo, Cal. Nov. 51 —l.leiitenE. 1. ElUnRton and Hucli Kely, of the array aviation corps were
[filed today l>y a tall from an aeroilaile over North Island, .San TMeRo
The men were fljlHR hlsh ITT
air when their •miachlae suddenpioDRed to the eanh.


Over Forty-live New and Beautifiil Premiums Added to Our List

*•*» an «»y niattcT for the tlilcvw to
hrlp (hemaelree to the loot.
T»-o yoanjt men of that Mllapr »Iio
Were »iiBiiecied fame to this Hty and
It !• CtMT»n«y Reported That Own­ Chief of IWliv Carwin was iiotlfled. GREAT BA’TTLE EXPECTED SOUTH
The men wrtv «ear<h<-d and Riven a
er* Vt Ptenu Are Holding Egg*
hirenuomi vjoss examination, after
end Other •Product* For
«hleh the authnrlli--* .l.-rldod ibnl
Higher Prleec
the) had bad no hand in the crime
With Federals and Rebels Msssed in
Vllf I’Dited rm*,}
Bsttle Arrsy It is Believed
WmEblBinoD. Nor. St.—A fodoral
Cleth Will Not be J-ong
alli'xrd cold
•loraRo comhiDe *BT rormaU}- ordered today hr Attorney General Mo
Eteyaolda. He Instnieted. employes
WashlnKlon. Nov. 54.—Affslrs In
of the bnreau of InrMtliratien and
Moe1« ere proeressine sailBlaciorlly
district Bttonie)-* throushnut the
This wsK made iitain hy Piexldem
conatiT to Ret complete flRiires
PETOSKEV Exarep over bru­ \Vll«)n tmlay. He l:islst.-d tint 111*
teailac on the alleRtHona that cold
dl|domMli- ■ Iki.vcoH iKillev" has h<feii
■tontte men are wtihholdtnR crrs
iinitualllledly endor*ed by* the nllleil
and other products from the market
l>owcr* and that while /t will take
In an eBori to boost pritw. The Intime the ellniliialion uK'llut-na l^h
will cover ererr laree
sniiitely certain.
rhy in the L'nlted Bute*, and tf the
Battle Is Espected.
erfdence te sufflrlent ' Mi-Tle>nolds
ra Pbko. .Nov 54 -With the relK>l
trill IrrtnR protu'cnilooi. both undey
and fetk-ral armies nis-Mil s^uth o(
the eHmlnal provision of tlie pure
Jiiar<‘z the Rein-ral IH-Ilef tuduy wai.
food law Rhd the Intersiale commerce
Hint a bniilc l-ciwti-n them could pel
Ih> lone di'leycd. The conicndiitR
pircos. it Is iH'llcvcd. nnmiicr nhuiii
Severely Cut About Face and Eyes
I icbcls and Li.uoi) federals.
When Spectacles
Crime Comml|^ed After Ar"■ It of Lste Train.


Visit Our Entarged Premium Departmeut
With an enlarged Premium Department, and with new premiums just received, we
are in better position than ever before to redeem Globe Stamps. If you are not saying
Globe Stamps we invite you to doin the thousands of customers who have profited by
this profit-sharing plan. Many customers have furnished their homes with our Premi­
ums. And we Bbow scores of articles appropriate for Christmas gifts. Stamps free
with every ten cent purchase.


Fork*, 'fi-nspiioi
An Ixceptiookl Showing of Bogen Brand Silverware—Kni
ivy l.jullcK,
1.n<lIcK. t'ulil
t'uld .M- iil Kyrks,
Fyrks, t'liilir*
I'liililV Sot* null
nml Fruit Dislii-s.
Hislii-s. All Fn'v-with
Fn'vwith (ilnhc Tniitiiii; Sliiinp*.
Uneqnaled Showing of Christmas Dolls—.\l ihi* ki uki-ii vv<- show all dolls in h vari<-ly
Kirns and Wirh-s. Drt-Kscil Doll*, I’.uhy Dolls. Dolls with kid bodi.-s. laovuldc vyes. etc.' FiNV with
iiK Siaujiui.
(I’lolu- TrndiiiK

A capable clerk Is In canalanl charge ol onr Premloin Department. Tbla entire list oi nseInl and beantltnl goods tree with Globe Mamps.

Steel Folding Bed Couchet;

High Graoe Polished Pedesula.

Roger^a Beat Plate Sllvarware.

Occorated Dinner Bets.
Fancy Psrtor Corner Sests.

Child's Silverware Seta.
Fancy Jewel BoKea.
French Plate Halt MiFvore.'
Fancy Chenitle Portiera.
Suit Cates.
Traveling Bag*.

Caa and ElectHc Library Lampa

Beys’ Air' Rifles.
Silver Nut Pick Seta ICqi h sui in -Men's Combination Bill Books.
Large Oak Rocker*.
ludlvltjna.l Ihix.
Oil Hester*.
' ‘
Beautiful Parlor Lampa
Sliver Plated Casserole*.
Oell'a Folding GoXarts.
Reversible Tapestry Table Covers.


lUy rnlled rress.)
l'cU»kev. Sot, 54.-.\n orranl/fd
e.>srvli hy the |K>1ive anil eitircus contlnui-d today for an onknuvii inaq
who Iasi nlehi hruiallv utiai kcih .Mlrs
Huth Miller. followlHR lii-r return here
on .a late train after a visit to her
imiue in Alatison The Rlrl is in u
k nml from
Inlilficc-DH rived al the luiliils nt liec
oxSuiilaiit. Her .eyt-Rlassiii were hniki-ri
in the siruRclc and her no«c knd e
>M;veir-lv cut. A |>o«.-e M-anllH-d
the mqii thconahuui i ■ nicht without



WhileJSspIs KItfhen Cabinets.
Upholstered M'oms Chairs.
Men’s and Wonwn’s Cold Watches.
Upholstered Parier Chair*.
Brass Onyx Tables.






Geourc. Stag





BOOK RACKS. 40 Inches High.
High Grade Sewing Mai^tosa.
Maesive Ubrsry Tables.
Celden Oak ChiHonierea
Electric Irpna

The Globe Department Store

Picked Up and Taken to Cadiilec Hos­
pital. Where Wounds Were

Klnifley. Nov. 5I-H I’. sia.h.r:
pruduiv buyer of this tilloRc. »
Mruvk by a fn-iRlii linln lliU lux
while It wa* iH'lup backed aw.ny Dom
Ihi. deiHi^and kuockoil down und rMi
deied uncoliH iuUE. The aicidciii
rptred n* this freicht wsk l-urkluR -ilT
the main llne-to Kcl oni of .he «a
Iho rcRiilar iiaasenKcr icai.'i irom
Traverse Cay. Mr. Saylor sa* walkliiR on Hic track !•> (’rane's store nod
not ceeViiR tlie eara wa* strmk. When
he wds pickeil up hy Ihuse-viho hapENGLAND WILL E^ECT MEMOR­ l«-li>-d to wee Hie accldenl it was found
that the bacif. of hU head was luidly PROBABLE
IAL COSTItfG «300M0.
iTit nuil the face hni.ised. .Vs'so-ie a*
iKissiblc Ihe Injurid man was put >in
nitod SUtes Looked 50 By Republics
Ancestral Home of weahlngten Fam­ Ihe iiaiiseURcr train and Uketl IniAs Place For Securing
iiiedlatcly to the hospilai at Cadilkx Mors Powerful Telescope Needed
ily Will 0e Pur^haaed and
’ .
Before Queation of Canale and
Hts inju»c* are not tliom;hl lu In- la^ Praaarved.
Other Mystenee of Sitter
tfir Vr.lted Press.J
World Can Be Solved.
Mollendo. Pom. Nov. 51.—Merand oatlnfaciiirers of South
a alrvady are planniuR for
Illy'vd l*r.-*8 I
asUy forreaired trade relatiuiu-Tilp luive very little trouble in raising
rurlK. .Nov, 54.- Kre-ach astronoiiipra
llh m^cbar.ts and ioanufai-turer* the |5u0j*fMi nciesary u> carry
to wutihinR with a Rr«-ai dral ot
the l’nlted Staler upon the oimn- Rncland's »)>ar<- of the project for
Twelve or lifteeii lix-al hluli a<li»o1 liil-rc«i ih-- pri-|-a^H>m* ot Ami-rlVR of the I^nania carml to cum. eommeniorailne Jho luilh anniver­
lK>ys will have Thiirsdii} of this
.Mur Kazt-rs to cr}- lo find out to
•, aei-ordina to staiemetilii ntadit sary of the e*iabll>.?imcnt of |>eace
lor ItayTlty. lo attend the a: .lurriiary If Mar* T* Inhabited and la
^day by the members of llie -Aiiierl- atiionR RiiKlIsb-siMul.inR iM-ople*." lo­
y. M. r.' A. conferem
(r>ll»; I" alkiial the t-arth.
ll .^/S. Perris' secretary
-coramerdal ekj--dltlon- which
• \V«- aliall hav« lo cooicnt oiirTen of Ihe yoiiUR men will he *ei
rrfred here iM« niondi.'R on board of Ihe Drlll»h romoiltler. ' The
have asked Ibe puMli- for is reb' as deleRaies from ihe'rihiK>l und lli-- K<-lv.-ii with w-vliiR whabwf can from
Pacific Steam Navluiition com-,
v^ou* ashoi-latiotiK alioul Ihe ciiy, FVnnc.-." dc<'lari-d M. Uismirilati. of
any liner California, from rallao. ntlvcly iuslRniricanl when Ihe Rnat
HuI'arl* Ob*<-rvalory, "iH-cauM-. wr
l.ey left Ijy rail a few >ear» after national and International Iniportani-e
i|ie iiioncy-do iraaaport our«<-lvrs
iiHira- will Ko ritnpl.v for ilie prlviedr arrival, for -\r«f|uij>a.
leRO of altendlUK Hie tneellORS- ICbO to the t-uualor aa .lliicrk-aii oliservSo far the ’VEpedllltjr: ' has vMted
w in (do. However we ahall avL.-iit
frontier alone liua sAved ^ih • onYen-iire will he attended hy dc|>Payt*. Teten. PaienMiiBi.o.
elaverry, Callao and Uma. Many di- coiiiitrl--* enormous ex|.eo»e."
Tli>- >iritl*Ji proRriim Imiudea the state. ' Pronilnitit. men will addres* Hie rcHiilt of Ihe 1H|> for Mar* will
today that the oimnini! of tho
Ik.- very cYone to Hie earth to Jan­
Hie incetlnRs from ahnust eviry
ma raifli will mean that Urn ereclhin of a memmlal. of the cen­
In the Male. PromlDciit men will uary and |>erlia)>&’many of the probIdled Bute* will very shortly take tenary of jieacc in Westminister
address the mci-lliiKS. A nuiiilx-r of lem* now vcxiiiR us about Mar* will
rlehrful place as the producer of Alil.ey; Ihe purchase of Sulanivo
Iwskelball and Indmir hasehall Rames
ir»di. fur tbn ran South Aini rlean Manor. NurthauiplonHlilr--. the ances­
re. of the Geneva
iH-lwe-n the Y. M V. A. tuani*
arkcis. which up to .the present tral iiome of thi- WashiuRton family, In liftchlRan will form an attractive iliscr^tory recently reported sudden
hBve been almost compleb-ly and Its mklnienanrc as a place of part o’f tho program. Tho acsion*
la*bnj on Mara wlilrh
|[■otized by Eupopoan merebinta
Ining to eignal
i.l Manufactarer*. Brerywhere. they the foimdatlDn of a |>ermaiicnt chair
Hio earth. On the 00019 date
they hare bom net with of AnRlo-Amerlcan history, to be
servers at fTaRstaff, Arlroiia.
>nh rtxardlnR suppiyine of held In su-'i-esBioD by a series of
pbenouenon. Hut M. Dleminent llritJKh and Amerli-pn histor­
;y Amerlean producer*.
Rourden. • thouRh not itifiputlnR Uie
ian*. and the cndowmeiii of a scheme
Ibcory. incllnos towards the posslhllof annusl jvrlies In the elcracntary
Ity of auto-euRResUoa to much that
and sefondary BchoglK -fur essays on
eoncerna >Ur*. lu canals, bodies of
County Clerk Kliuer K. WTilte
topic* relatlnR to Itnclo-AtnerlraD
hi- dcptiiy are Imsily cnRaped In mak> WBt<T. veRpiatian, etr.
" We must wail uj.uf telese.
ine ail entirely new rectird pf Hie oHrro lu-arer iwrfeci tlian IheyInal 11i*l derlsratloD of tintmUmllun
ii:.i i i.iii-d Press.)
jiaiK-nt. commrncinc in IK.'-., Tlk'ie
3W." he said. -In order to fli^
nevelaiiil. N.,f, 54 -There are toare' many |ntcri«Hnc fans disclosed.' wluii is RutoR on in Mart. Some
ay gnn fe»<-r ■ca-e»- In CJerHaud
When Rome of these iiaiM-rs vere first tliere are canals, etc. Others, equal­
there win. ahen “th* boys’
I'liade out the people ttsklnR for them ly learned, nay they can not .1
ent homo Batorday nlghL Nine
could not s|>eak KnRiiHh and iiisny cf them. Those who do see them ad, rnIH-d
undrod-saloons, which on Satvrday
. (^y
the slRnatores any in the orlRinal toii- mli that there musi be *• certain
PeklBR. Nov. 54.—Sim Pso-cM. m'ln- RuaRs. In apme cases it has almost amount of 'tralnltu:' nodergone be­
ffeied any ouaniUy of bplriluous
ler of forelRU aff.vlrs, and President Iteen necesirary to find Interpreters. fore they can bo seeo: from that
» ibo tbirrty wuyfarer. to- liter
Ib KaI today held s conference on AmoDR the different laoRnaRes repre­ point to auto-BUSsestlon isn't a very
clo*«d. The bh-i eaporfan* 4hlb
proposal -that the republic send'' sented arc N’orweRlan. Swedish. Ger­
ere refused liceoses by 'the new
each of Its man. Bohemian. ' Swlsa,. Auitrlan;
ounty eommlsslm.
• The first thing the American ob­
Th*^«laoed(cepcrs tinwerer. are leRsIleas shrosd. The president mod there are some In the orlRinal He­ servers will try to find out next
ilnlsler are said to have aarped that brew. a few in Russian, and one In Januarj- is whether “There is regeiaM acceptlBR the refusal without
rtL Ther have orrenlEed to ron- tfao time has come for China
Mexican, when Govemar Santa Anna tion on Mars. If there is no rrgsut the new law undc> which they BomefhlDK like this as a foreruni
was In power to ISvG. These names HoD there is no Nrater on the surface
re refused license renewals, it of the republic's plan to iraah lit Were all onlered when Theron Boit- of the planet and. witbont water
planned to instltnte suli in the coramerclal interests In all parts of w'lck and Jesae Cram were the coun­ there can be no life, and the Martians
"dcral courts protesGoR that the new the world. Further annonacementa ty cUrks.
will 'prove 10 be an Imaginary i>eoconflicts with a section of the along thla tine may he expeeled with­
plc. Nothtog can be seen from Paris
-dv-ral cmstllntlott
Ion jirprldlnr
aeslnst in a .few weeks, and It Is not unlike^
in Jsnnary. What we would like to
uklne of property wiibo-ji due 1y that the. Drst ramnerrlal attache
du is to go to Africa. -Unfortunate­
•as of tow.
to tM appointed will bo aaalRnod to
ly. however, we can’t We lack the
Ufe~lnRaUon'at WaahloRloiL
sinews €>f war.'’
lauche was appraised at t^i> by
^tmUN—Roar Adniral Gnstoann
(Dy United Press.)
Today and T<
«e* BulUran. who sss^sed that I authority for Uie stateraent that ^
Ponttoc. .Nov. 54.—BupRlars early
A true mao Bods so much woilc to
>ouet Stoalost Btere ' Baltnoaskl. wlrstoss
eonverwatlon today forced Ah entrance te the do that be ha* so Ume te
w* struck BUkley «o Ube Up, ne- was carried on bMween Hanaver and Btruthor* Co. dry goods store and hit ^ssterdrya, for todag mad
dttottoi ateinitotkra
nns- Kew Jersey a space of 4.000 mUss. atoto sOks aad sattos valued at near­ rew are here with thatr Importrat
OB Ootobw tr.
tasks.—IU17 Antto.
ly 11.800.


Beautiful Morocco Bibles.
Silver Salt and Pepper Shakers.
C^ld Plstod Stand Mirror*.

Iren Bede.
Silver Plated CofTeo Pereplator*.
Beautiful Dolte.

sc|,i-Tliiled ^iv- Hir- \Vc-sicrn -MIclilRan
1>-veloi-iiient l:ur»-au for T)iur*day
and hViday eieninu. Iteremb-r
and 15. at Wallio and Neaaca'city
«-m>pcliVely. TIiCBC lectures-will be
Klnillar to Uio*e which Uio bureau la
Klvioe this winter to all parts of (he
Western MichlRBu countr.v. They
vfill deal in a Reneral way with (hu
reBourrea of the rtciun anil will call
ai-crific auentioB to sonic of the aif'
vanuiK--* enjoyed by the iHHple*''(3f
euuni]- sceiloti. The bil­
ls 111 i-ossosslon of a larRc
ixT of liaiiOsomely colored laniem
allde view* of Itontiv county, aii *cH
the Ollier nineteen <-oiiiitfea .In lu
lerrllor), and Hie*e vl.-wa will
Hnowii iijmn Hie Kereitl and Ihe
liTUirer win pive the IntomiaUtlb
wlileli ev«-ry reridenl of Hie coillity
rlumld have at hla flnRiT ilpd.


Had Trouble'With Negroes on Steam­
Killed By Negro Who Then -Weot
er Mlst^^nd Waa Thrown
Home and Ended Hia 0«*n
./'Sff the Beat-K
. - .
PrsnklStanlry. a native of Pollnd,
(By United Press.)
. •
who has *bi>on to the I'niied SlatesV»t
Kalanlazoo. - .Nov.
21.—Ooroiier '
a short tlni& and has-not >-« acgulnd
the hhiRlian lanRuaRo. found himself Braddoefc today started an toveetlgaUon
*uandcd here tost nlRht. with neither
money nor friends to provide him *bel- Elsenhart aged €S. of Uuchanan. who
icr. He spplled to .Chief of PoUce was shot and tostanUy killed tote
CarKOii for aid. but as lie was unable Ssliirduy by ,6am Hays, aged 80. a
to make knov,u hi* wanu either b> negro. .News of the shooting reach­
slKii or word of mouth the ehlef was ed bere-Koday. After the death of
In a ciuandar}- for some lime as to Mrs. Blsenbart the negro went home
wlial 10 do with the man. Patrolimin and fired a bullet tote bU head dy­
Hanrhlurkf. who si-eak* several Ian ing within an hour. He Is beliered
Riinse* ilueiiily. Anally came lo the to have been insane.
H-sciie and aded'«a Interpreter.
Philately gnd. History.
Ai-eordinu to Stanley's 'sioiy. he JiaJ.
An toteresttog,,^iagiv,^
rlill>l>e<l as B Oiinkey oh
ristory. and to the hUtdryHif
MlKsoiiri. At one of the hay lorts be to closed by the decision to suppresa
enRacci to a Acht w-lih a couple of n»- the foreign p«tal agencies to Crete
Rroes with the result that he waa a* the resnlt of the nnion of that Wthrown off ihc baoi. He had several and .with Greece. Austria. Great Brit-days' !«)' romtoB and be wanted the ato. Prance, RuMto, and Italy hare all
local iKilbe to obtain the t^ney. He malnuined post offices to Crete, as
was dlven lodRtoe tost night, and he to Turkey, and there to at the moment
•L4. Bvei-uiaLiuo 111
In poiisieiic
phItotelFc circles
FIRE DEPARTMENT HAD LONG win probably leave for Chicazm today,
where he will take the matter up with — to whether the Lcvanitoe
flee* maintained by the powere,
the roll*h society and the ..Northern among which Germany to also In­
cluded. wlU not be clused as sreO.
Delay in Sending in Rjlarm EnablefI MichlBaii eAlciaJs in an effvt^ lo
e hi* |iay.
Flames to Make Great
What He Would Bay.
Scotch minister to^ pity npoe
an Irish Uborer tolltog to the ditch
•Fire, |>m!>ahly oriRlnatlnp from
summer’s day. and. fsiehtoff
def.Tiive ehlmn- y. lin>ke out to
the bottle and a glass, r
resid-iice owned by
V, IiemiAii cf
^ glass
Ijike Ann, and occiiplei i- I. v.
nberant in his expre
I of thanks.
.Heusnu. on Grant str<-e< at l<
••Begona. sir." be said, "tt's good:
’nlirf Prt
o'clock last nleht, and dla In'
It's tost to me like mother's mUk to . y.Jii.-S,
netohlKirliood of liiuo daniagc
Hits i>ort. one of the most Important an InfahL" “But what' would the
house and fumilure. The blaze to China, and Peking's only outlet priest Bsy." said the minister, "if ha
Marled in the kitchen, and fanned to sea. be closed to commerce during knew that 1 sraa. giving yon* this
by a-strong wind swept mio an aitic the winter. Tlie Kal-Ho Conservalo- drtnkr “Begotra. sor." said PaL
"what would be eay now, bat Just
which opens from thU room. The
oOmposed ol Chinese this—'Oirs him another.”*
flames siiread so rapidJr that the
officials. boURht an Ice breaker sev­
ciipauU of the house had -liniculty eral weeks SRO from th^ KInangnao
to escaping.
Dock and KoRlneerlDg company of
After the blaxe was goHcod. some Shanghai. The machine worked so a man hath no better thing under tbs
time was spent by the oceupanu to Well that the commission ordered BUD than to eat. and to drink, aad to
attempting to sSve fumiiore. after another, which orrlveff' today. It Is be merry.'—Ecclesiastes. 8:18. "And
I wilt ssy to my boul. 'Soni, then hast
which a neUhl>or bad to be awaken- railed The Dungltog.
much Rood* told Up for many years;
ed before a telephone could
Taku. the outer port of Tlcnuln. Uke thine ease. eaL drink and ba
reached and the alarm turned in. hereafter always hss been ice-bound meriy -—Luke 1S;1». "What adren*
The ImildtoR Is the tost on Grant Id the winter, thus eloaing the Pel-ho tagetb It me If the dead rise not? Let
nrm. and by the time the alarm river to ahlpping for acvcnl months. ns eat and _drlnk. for tomorrow wa
had been turned to and the depart­ The Pel-ho loins Peking with Taku. die."-!. fioi^iihl*n*'16:SJ. “Lot SB
cat and drink, for tomorrow we shall
ment 'bad made the long run over
the Gnlf^ ChfbU. a distance of dla."—Isaiah. 21 :U.
the most Impassable roads to that 105 mile*.
section ot the city, was enUrMy In'
Right Bert of Shhoelmann.
flame*. Bren working under that
Couldn’t Pool Him.
Too mneb sympathy to n
handicap the blaze was extinguished
The termer had bought a pair of aays the Atchison Globe. "An AtcUand the de'partment was housed shoes to the city shop. “Now. cant BOB man lately expressed eoncere be­
within an hour after the call was I sell you a pair of shoe tree*!" sug­ cause a young tody school teseber bad
received. The Him on bulldlnfe and gested the clerk
-Don’t gtt frsah as many as tony little pupils to her
tomlture wUI probably aggregate six with me. sonny I- replied the farmer, room 10 discipline and worry orer.
brislUng up; ‘T don't bellevo ahooa •tviiy. I wouldn't part with a slngla
hundred dollars.
Uu be raised 00 tree* any mor'a 1 bo- ene.' was her todlgnant answer, aad
Itove rnbber* grow on rubber tiees or bar ares were actually usrtuL’"
•A Man's IMand.”
oysters on oyster plasu. b'gueh!’’
“As a train w«»t out of Paddington
Bllmaeas of Mr.iBtephens.
aUtloB the other day." we are told,
Olden Fool H.
epeaklng of AlexandV H. stephanT
“there were m a thlrd-dass compart­
A little glri had been allowud eeSoa
ment two women smok
tor breaktest as sn unnsaal treat Bbe thlnptos, perhaps It was never better
and a nun kntulag.''—London Poneh. tostoted upon bavtog more sugar to It charsetertoed than by the man in
Wathtogton whs said that when ha
than mamma thought noosssan
was sUndlng on the. step* ot the cagb
His BpMd Limit
hare already sweetened your
Vtost Pond Mother—-My Begtoaid dear.- was the firm If gentle reply to
has to have a new. set of school hooks Ur* child's demands for farther toevery year.“ Second Food Mother— dulgence. The sugar Is at the bot­
-He should tsks H^ld for a uodeL tom of the eoffeo.- “1 don’t teal
My Harold alwayaAtays to the 1 .
books tor ihrss y*ara.“-Mav Torti Bled hr toaruagh aad a
ton I7 Pad’s ttigari Him ChrietlM
Brentog Pott




•0 briKbt,
Fife lakke. Mk*.
t taopv fibe'll dot sraw uy more.

Oear PreaMent—
^ If I were up there, with you and mjr
j am golni; to aeb^l eveo' day. I
like to ro to achool. and like my
u ‘ ‘It..
much. There are thirty,

that »e liare many t
w.. .
rt*T and now
to be thankful for? Wann ^ouaea
O'b wUl a bright cradle twould they are a good alxe. 1 like to live
and bright Ugbte, caa and elettricJon a farm and mlae things of
t> ; raUroada to
t lran*pon ui inaiead
oarn. We have bad a nice fallI tto do
AilM and And there
we would
of teams of •
the up the work.
aeroplaaea; wlreleaa
And^rolrh SI hrirtt cloud, wo
Tour Sunahlner.
haneases the lightning and makes
And through the bright clouds wt
«„ol Eldridge,
It do our will; telephones that bring
------- ---------------- .ux.e ounot^m
a -v..
dear llule
BunlMstm you
kour letter
letter sounded
anundMl m
iu> busy
ua the voices of thoao we lure; won- "> would see theaun seu and she ate.
•.rfiil marhinea
in.ptiin.ia that
that ting,
alno or
..a apeak,
tne BUD
aun rise.
and cheery.
or even show ua men or women
And on the -ne»t rainbow come
moving about, or that aeem to bring
*0 our doors the countries we would

j,- ,.,,3
like to visit, with ilieir rviablng
Dear President*

RulM and I
• of the
♦ Hereld VOMits Felke »«inihiiM
4; ctiibi
I leOI try «ever to worry or
4 fret abevt everything.
< wilt try to be at happy at I


I will try to ba loving, helpful
Md kind to avarybody and to
every living thing.
K I ever fall In trying to do
tMee thinga I will “Try. try



and even Beemcd to Inflnenre in
•Td admire to havo yon. Annie !•* ked up curiously, but mW nothtome atranee way the Uvea of those Bvanxelioe.” she aald. "I Uiought Ir^. 'But with Jefferaon Ja
beneath ita roof. Only Mlsa Betsey I'd ret the table at noon—always'was r skp. it meant ,tlu' 1.
—erand dauEbter of the Judfie—waa uacd to have dlnneia at noon. It was t. uJ Iuk n Rrcat deal. \
left no»'; yet tbouRb she dreased eleven at our last ThankaiuvlnE din.'.rnlc- iCvaoEelloe came down suln
shabbily and It waa known that Bhe ner.
the. next mortilnE with a auspMoua
vrovMon, at
-And you all at the head of the
shout h-r .eyea .She knew
the vlllase atore. aho waa unlvcmal- l.t^ mother too well to hoit that she
ly considered miserly, not needy;' cried
^rted Annie
Annie Eraneellne Kleefully.
^hanse her mind, hut wh^n.
• in the old Medway house .-Tij^n you ca tell me who were In
»i*“ Olo.k the kitchen table was
TOiild ever he In want.
the chalra and I'll try to remember l«^ed with pre|*raUona for dinner
It .«a* the day h-fore Thanki«lv. ;;^„'";;;;;“j“’„”,r'rd“wonx'h«ve ‘‘-c alaht ««a too much for her and
Ing and a bleak wind waa blowing:
she Ulpped away . She wv -i up atalra
the lii-nilocks behind the bouse were
run home In five min- »“'• l‘“‘ on h.-r Isct drees and then
bent over
over like
like a
a row
row or
of grotesijue.
^.ver at elercn And •«“*
* • »>“: »he did not want to
atAnfilTii* figures.
rlmraa Mias
\lla. lleUey
Ilat.n.' looked
Innl/aH ulTn
. . v.«,

shoH AK..
Mlsa Ii...
lleiBcy'i m.,
.. .
*"® ‘•"'O
,t them
aoh.wlv at she dustdd kuv “®‘P...

She was a alender
' *****
windy out of doors and in spite of
,.„h faded light curls ***'*«»•
her d'sai.|K»introcnt she fell better
,j„ut her fare, and timid blue eyes:
Annie Evangeline rose n
* after her walk. Miss Betsey greeted
she looheil almost like a child stray, wrapping her shawl about her.
•you» a little earl'.- alie aald^
s going to

at achool. There a
wmrnm Bailey. Vand.rhlH.
Mleh. How astonished ho would lo at the ^
Ann. shako and begun talking resolutely;
are in our school. ____ ____________ well. *nier name I, j,Us
Mhme neat by V. L. Woodworth.
*reai country we rail the Cnlted grade
. Ibla year. My studies
Is good
good to
to us.
us. I I have
have H
H sounded
sounded 1as II she were scolding
<5*rtJ>e. She
Sutea- Al the Immense cities, full reading.
Tl.elr some
some one.
arithmetic. ' penmanship. two brothers .^d
and four
four sister..
sisters. Tlielr
ah'! marvelous In- grammar, Ungdage. geography and' hanles are Kudolph, Wem-el. IMla,
• Non look here. Betsey Meda-u)!
veoilons to help make work like
spelling. Fern Mills and I have lota Alllna. Anna and Bertha. I have no Have-n t you had Thanks'glv.lnEB as
. cm. Brootte. age ala mentha. Lake
pUy. How amaied he would he
of fun together. Uy mtmato Ja Iva
*■><> ^ button. I wish you gowJ an anyone? Haven't >ou had
Ann. Mich, R. F. O. No. 1. Name
couM you take him to your farm
lota more In your life than some
aent by Lyle LInkletter.
homes and show him the
Toura truly.
Your loving friend.
people ever liad? I dunno what you're
Clifford Theodore Petai
that helps ono man do the work dT
IretKs McTaxgart.
Joseph Mareab. done tbi^ yoii Should ex|>ect to bare
five ycara, Oman., Mich.. Name pent
* lea!
. . <-f
■B-hat a Sn&ahinx little letter! I'mYou and Wencel ore
both Sunshin- things
some foUa
by Judith
And don't you think the Pilgrim
pleased to have you and your sisnever have anything but, hard! Now
. Clarance Milton Linklettor, age
’ Boy would like to visit the modern
r write.
ni tell you what you're p-I to do.
olgM month.. Lake Ann, MIctu R. F.
O. No. 1. Name .pnt by Otto LlrtklaL
Omcna. Mh-h.
remember al| the lovely Thankagfvr surprise! How be would
. Fife 1,ako. Mich,
Xov. 17. 1915. logs j-ou'vc had, and he real grate-Elsla Breoka and Eva Button. Ldke ,
touch your school books with tbeir
NOt. i". isi3.
near IVesldent—
ful—d6 you bear me*
Ann. Mich. R. F. D. No. 1. Namaa ,
pictures^ and clear prlDi. and won- Dear President—
I thought I would write a little letShe was dusting one of the old
Mnt by Alma LInkletter.

i^^ful Uilnga
diT that such beau^^l* v
«jhdoj ..very
very .day. icr today,
school and’am In »pindle-legged chairs;
Robert M. Crowe, age two-years:
teacher very- murii. ««sr the fourth grade
Vivian M. Creww. dge three months: he for every day! ' — ,
school stopiied and looked 1
Harriet M. McQueer, age two years: that we have much
. be thankful jj,* ihird grado.
Janet B. MeQueer', age sis months: for?I do! Yes.
Ray, W. ,Maach«n, age seven year*;
.And then perliaits he would ask us gchoof

«. ........ . 1..^

•.10M.W, N.™. «« W

i Day.


• Are

.,d J.lle»«A

»n. iho... 1, l™'“'

s In the center and s
eet-so-nted plant at
earh plate. When it was finished they
looked at It with satisfaction.
"Now the things to eau" -said 'An­
nie Evangeline, brightly.
Miss Betsey looked sober. ‘.There's
fc-l,. . ..n, .1,„! 1
..Irt A..1, l!.«p.|to..
Annie Evangeline." '
• wi- rc go"ng'lo"ltove iurko7'Md ”**'^
“«* «*Hed
Bhe dropped her' duster and look- rhlcken both****''’ **'®
* **’*‘'*
ed <mr the window. A little girl was
-oh!" cried Annie Evangeline, her
«>cr way In the
coming u,. the path, catching at the
lining too. ‘O Jefferson. If* goof *“0^- «« Annie
ends of her whawl which the wind j„g to l.e the loveliest Thanksgiving!
shook her head,
kept twisting away from h.-r; her i-„ g„,ng
to Miss Heuey's Oral- "Of* “>»t *««’l 1o at'hll! Mias Betpnny
» have a pleoe-of
pnniy round face was quite red from fm
I'm going up ,her»
tber^ ni
al eleven."
" jaiper
her walk: as a quick gust caught her
-j aon't think tlm'a anything * I’*''®"* > ‘htnk | can the lu If
Md drove her along sli« looked like moch! What are you going to have
*”^ **“
***** ^'*“ “'***'
.t blossom drifting through the dull
It piece
bleak janl. She pmped the door ^-fpromiaed
not to
brought «
to tell.".
ten, -aosw
open and rw In. laughing *an^nnie Bvangellne.
'of wrapping p^>er and a bit of pete
Evangeline. "1
"I „>»«m'i
Jdon't think
dl and eat down opimalie the child;
hn-athk-ss. •
f ydliV erare for It. Jetjeraon. bu
o Mis, Bcasey. you to have A liked it
it. It doesn't atom to
ory -went hack to the old dsys. and
•"‘■■h wind up her.-." she panted.
W,. somehow-,
rlgh, down and get yw ^-You might tell me aiTvhow l*lk«l so fast that Annie Btange........................
Iirrath." said Miss Betsey delightedly.
Annie Ev-ang.-llnc‘s - lliile round •“**‘* l*»Hent litUe fingers had hart
■ I nt real glsd to see y/w. Annie f*ce grew troubled. "I would trulv. *"*''‘ *° *“*** "f*' At last the pam
Jefferson..but I prttulscd Miss BotseT *” **”' •««» Annie Evangeline drewB,.„„ll„o.
Annh- Kvang.-llnf look off her ,nd I ran t In^k a promise."
* “f***
shawl and folded U over the ba.k
Jeftenton Ja.-kaon said no more.^"**^* «*"*® ‘"f® ***®
„r a Chair. Th-n ahe drew a «ool but he got down from the fence antf^*‘“*'‘ *'*®
*■*' ®*'®*
to the window- near Mias Bet- walked into the barn In lofty aUenre. *'®!'.,***^! ’
MUa Betsey followed her Intp the
- s.-y and sat looking
contentedly up Annie Evangeline railed him'- once
D was sitting on the fence as Annie

..... --trS Err^f£r

spelling, language, arithmetic atfl would send me
_ _
__ _
you brtU-r
better today ,l««
titan II waa IS!...''
writing, Erma baa a kltlf. “«
Your loving friend.
.300 years ago?"
name Is Tom.
Wencel Maresh,
you happier?"
Tour lovlifg Sunahlner, . xvhat other
do you play In
your more thankfuC"
Lorna MeTaggart.
Hide and ac-ek la ‘ such a

.h, «... .,d .h«.u«
,h. .««.
« A___ A. ..
..... ■ him, dom you.

Math. At the pate she “'‘’“‘'bt
H.ln. in* the 'cahln.t
hfafd «•">« o**Hmked
o touch it before,
^tl^s Hei.ey was standing In^
back and foi^
the doorway; she could see her llw
acivss the room verj slowly and put.
moving and she caiiirlit the worts-In
down-each piece aa If she .were
fragments as the wind blew them
afraid that It would htow- away.
down to her. "Refiiember—you're not
“They won't have any blue china al
-to tell!*
home; " Bhe said sofUy.
Annie Etangellne nodded and
Mlsa Betsey looked up; even her
ed her hand. "Vea'm. HI
' gentle pride was touched. "1 guess
pbe BDswrered.
they wonV she said. 'There taOl '
Annie Evangeline tan down the
any like it In the village."
hill and into a little yellow house at
"Oh yns'm" answered Annie Evan,
Its toot. The house was full of chil­
gellne. tjulrttly. "1 know-1- dldnt
dren 'and as their parent^ had had
mean that!"
lltllcr else to give them, ^ch child
They arranged the table with
had several names. Annie Evangeline

, "■*“

T~; PI.... P.. tin. wT.

for me. and tell me If he purrs.
To Grandfather’a house wo go;
1 4hlnk perhaps If wo had worried
1-ake Ann. Mich,. R. K. 41. No. 1.
The horse-knows the w-ay
or fell freUnl. or 11 i>erhap<> we baa
lo carry
rarry the
vuc alelgh
^ecn envious of another's lot. or un-.
Omena. Mich,.' Box «.
NoV. IS, 1913. "®‘'* >;^wiUontThroneU the white and drifted
thoughts, we would fccT
Dear President' ***'’** *
H''Hsomewhat •
And we would say to the Pilgrim
This is the flrsi lime that 1 liave ** **
'»«»'"•. *'ho I* nearly six
old. ^Hng
During vacatlou II look
Over the river and through
WTtU^ to the Sunshine page. 1 am^ montha old.
"Ob. J am so proud of this great. FOlng to school every day I can. , care of la'a
* cropa and
■■ wof(ed nut
fall we had school In our
•• Oh, how'the rfind does Mow!
wonderful rountSy! i am thankful •«
oW- • »ni In t1
It stings the toes
...... vcr.v
.../ J
*'*‘*''*> **" "'“f® “
that I am an Ameriran! And 1 a^ fourth.grade. J like myteacher
f'”' "*• Teacher's ‘
And Mtea the atWe.
thankful, thankful, thankful for Jou. **•’- She Is veey good t 0 me Her
I Miss Johnson. There ar
Aa over the ground we go.
iKorn ISO.
Hoy. »««
that' ?i»u
you lived muu.—-j—
and.h*»o —
*■ «.'*• Anna
- Oarthe.
------------- -----—
• school.
irked and played, that yon studied »«" >ou about my pet pony. She Is
j OvM-the river and Ihronch the wood.
«,nrf„r,sl so that
roitl oav.
It... ■'"1.
"<■ m-OK-'h!.
.. '«■' month.'oia. 1 »>«od bo, nietic. ai>elllng.

grammar and ___
Dollte. She has a little white face.
To have a flrat-rate play.
j^e comforts of lodav?"
Hear the brils ring,
I would like to belong to the BunshiBo lag. Through poiaio-dlcging vacutlon
Club and have a card and button. I
. *
Hurrah fot Thanksgiving Day!
Wilt close with love to all the Sun“d huok
shiners, and hope to see my letter In ®**
shares. We had a HalOver Ih'e river and through the wood
,,rinL *
f®** ®'*'‘
»>®vtwice, but he made no reply, and
f**® '^®‘*®*
Dear Bunahlne President—
From your'Sunshlner.
«»''*» »fh‘»l On.■ l came over today because tomor- presenUy ahe went soberly into the *®“‘® P'-'ngellne set a pitcher m»n
Trot task my dapple-gray!
Old Vinter has aiipeared again and
Alice Johnson. *HyL*c had was to blindfold a per row s Thanksgiving and we ll be-so house. Her mother and older sisters **®'^
*“ lt®ep H from, blowing
Spring over the gnmna,
Uke a huAUng-bound!
she “Wtold. •■^Vthe^-was
"Wther ^ were very
very- busy
b-isy gettli* ‘supper
threatens to besiege us In a tew days
all love............................
to see your Pret*®" “0
“** *»»'■« ‘h®®
‘**®“ to- to
*° blow
'’‘®* a
* very
'®'Y l.psy."' *‘‘'®
«>w>er and ***’:•
ReUev" she
For this Ig Thanksidvlng Da.v.
wlih his heavy artlilen'. and make ,y ,^y *in, ,j„. ,hl!e face. | know ‘*'"‘®
* aamer. They had three real lucky. In solllnc the turkey* so the hab.v was fretting In hU cradle; , ,
V”T *°°"‘®°*^'
such desp-rate asraulw that many you and ahe arc great frienda
blows for a i«enny. and we put a lit- w.-re going to hive a splendid she picked him up and quieted him.
* ®**^®
You see we
tie flour on the dime.
*ThAksglMng this yesr, What are
"Where have you b.-en. child?"
the cookies different kimU
Over the river and through the wood, of the l•oyB aad.....................
girl* i
And straight through the barnyard stay Within the fortress of home. 1
yo/ going to have. .Miss Ik-tseyrsaid her mother.
H be funny to cut
many will have the

Maple Qly. Hleh.
Lyle IJnkleii. r
Mis* lletwy hesitated; she felt. "Only up lo Mias Betsey’s."
them Into lltUe plece8?^hd
Nov, 14. 191.?.
I had never heard of that kind of that family pride •_______________ , .
.I a„.-| «, .kU aon. ma.
____ A».
courage to defy- the cold aatf hlU*
tarts » fearltosly that not a day Hear Prvejdent------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------HaHowe'ea ------game.---------It must
have been hut to her surprise
she suddenly
felt nie Evancetine w»nt to go ________
up there
Extremely slow—
U*V I Ml* A
M*. Ita..
be lost from school nor a, duly left

S»ri ten years old. I great sj-ort. .
rct.dltous. Kor many year, she'’liad all the time," said Caroline Grace.
* ”** * slice Into round pieces
It hard to wall!
. undone. And right here I' of
Fo*ne » school every day, 1 have

sacrificed the l>est that life he'ld for
Annie Evangeline looked up de- *®^ Potatoes? *Caush the cruml>* can
and through the om- duty which many forget even va •!* studies. They arc rrading. spell- Uke Ann. Mich.; R. F II. S.. I.
her y this rei.-nllrss gho*t: friendi^ fcnslvely; then she changed her **® »0uash. you know, or turnip."
sunshiny day*. That Is to write a
arilbm«lc. geagrapby. language.
Sov is. 1912 love, the happy llitu. ne|ghi>orl(ncst- mind; she had a'feeling that they
wbalever you please."
i cap 1 spy!
letter to their Sunshine friends. Don't
physiology. Thrre'are eighteen Dear Presidentes—all lutd
thrust ^side that would not understaA ' Miss Betsey. “***
Betsey. "I w-ant that yon
they .know that Jtiany of them, if not •‘‘holars In school today. I have
t have a new little brother and he others might not know how j.oor she -i like It," she sald'^imply. "I'm go“me, Annie
Hurrah for the fun!

all, have i>enional frlemfs among the •“* hiS'
button, and w-lsA u nearly eight month* old. I want «as; now she fell a strange longing ing up there to liave dinner with her ’Evangeline."
Is the pudding done?
Subshini-r*. and that Its, ."Jltat IHcc
*‘huld send me new- ones.
to pul his name on the Cradle Roll, for sym|iaihy--and besides, .tnnic tomorrow. 1 can get back la time
“H**' • am." answered Annie ENanUuirab for the pumpkin-ple!
—Lydia Marla Child. getUng letters from home.” to read
Hi, najne It Clarvoce Mlltoft Link- Kvnng.-llt.i- was only a llttlo girl! for ours."
earneaily. She bent over the


th. tr letters in the Herald?
Knipp- letter. 1 am going to school tomor- Sli.- l.mked at h.-r with wide, almost
-Well! " said her shier. "Mother, bread, cullng It into oral i-leces of
Thanksgiving on the Farm.
Some of our membera have not
Yto. you shall have a new liutton. tow. 1 am eleven year* old and am frightened v>e*
did you liciir that?"
different sizes. Suddenly she gave a
Oh! the farm was brighL Thsnks- written letters for months.
.Marie. I have your name written in the fourth grade. i have lost my
"promise me that you won't ever
"Hear what?'
cry of dismay an unexpected
giving morn.
I aft sending another name for the •” *bo big Sunshine book.
/'InriBd will you plea>-e send me an- tell anyone." she said Impressively.
"Annie,Evangeline says she's going Fust of wind had twUii-d her paper
With lu tUt*a of hay and shocks Sunshine
<!lub. Winiam
Bailey. '
/ oUier
I aip going to work at one "Xo'm. I wonY. I promise. 'Honest to hav/fhanksglvlng dinner with
unde*' the plichor and blown 11
of corn.
Please send his card and button, and
\iaplc City Mich*
°* ®'"^ neighbors tomorrow busking truly, bla. k and blu<-ly.‘" -loswercd Ml** Beise} and then Is coming tack °"t the wtirfow. Annie Evangeline
for ours! I call that real selfish!"
«“ out doors after It, hut it waa
lu pumpkin heag>8 lo the rambling remeit>her me to ail the Sunshine
-Nov'H 1913 ®®”*'
Annie Evangeltoe .-arnestl.v.

^ Prom
'Tm going to have—mcmoric*: '
mother was bending over
In *l«hl: If sh.- fiad looked a Ut1 the stove;
she looked
And lu apples brown and green and
“Sunshine Boy. Sr."
. ' ^
. . .
Veora old 1
*be said tremulously.
______ tie fmnlier the might have s - *-*
Your Icltera always have some Sun- ^ ,
A , ^ ,
Your new lltOe broih.-r Is a llnby
Annie Evangeline looked at her up with a flusk.-d face. "Did you say ferson Jackson scurrying down the
And In the cellar Its winter store
shiny thought that Is helpful to the ,
,- .cKooI m* aiuriiMi Ae reoil 8®“beam now. When he grows to be with puzzled brows, -l guess-I *hat. Annie Evangeline?"
with sometblnA clutched In hta
In bins that were tilled and running club membera.
_, ,
.rtihtoAiie .oeiii..e * '*’*« **®>' *‘®
**^'® ■
und.-ratand." ahe said in her
"Yes m. but-wfIsL but she did not see and ahe went

sweet, carefree voice.
"Wen. you can choose One or the back to the house.
With all the things that a farm could
' .
Mfu l-ake. Mich.
it-fher-* nunn i* ^ Pearl Rue*.
rapidly before other. You can't have two Thanks"• fouldti t
•*« “•<>■ “bat
NOV. 7. 1913.'

Uke. Ann. Mich. 'R. F. D. No. I.
her Impulse could desert' her. "Why giving dlnnera; I'm not going to have 1
“ <h>®»n t moke any differIn barrel and bln and goodly heap,
Dear Pr.-sldcnt—
month* old and rav mamma
Annie Evangeline, folks a slc-k chtlA-on my bonds with aU I oow—1
remember the things.
Hung to >ihe raftera and hid awayI have been noing to school almost
,.j,^ f
De*® Frcaldcnt—
think I ve got n»on<-y. and I vc son of have to do."
No* shall wc put these on the Uhle.
Oh! the farm *aa a goodly sight eveiy day. My teacher’* name U .
, .
finMA Pcier
'"® »»™®^or the Cradle helped it on by keeping quiet and
"Hut Mother." cried Annie Evongo- *'“’** Hetsey?"
that do}'!
Miss With Hrldgeman. I like my
^ , ..
. .
Doll, Eva DuiOm and Elsie Hrooks. not talking over liaugt. I had to b«- line, ' jou don't understand. It lan't
Ybey set the things' carefully In
their places sod then MIm BeUey
-New York Pri-is. teacher. There wasn't av school |„.(,u,e2
__ -later I have two **1®“® •*“‘1 ***0 cards to me. Please cause I knew how father would have n-olly to dinner. It's—
Tuesday, betiuse teacher wis down
!.»“.*.?Jla “®"^ tne another button, toa My feH to have the prdperty all go to
"Weil. It’s what?"
gn^^ole Evangeline sat down beTHE
SUNSHINE - raEBiOENTS go ih* InsUtute. We live on a farm _
i have io.t mine
sister goes to school and she piece* so. He was dreadfully protid.
Annie Evangeline's little round
“>e rows of invisible guests
. two and one-half mllr«‘'frum Fife
Fnm rttur Bunshlner
***‘®* *'®'' *®*®Ner. I have three father wa*! Hut It's been hard to get fara grew almost pale; she looked •“'*
hOppHi' at each other
• Uelore aaoUicr' Sunshine day baa f.ake. Mamma, my sister Ulllan and
c«ir«la Enller
"’c have Six and they be- along sometime*, and' before' rou pWadln^y at her mother. "1—can't
passed one of the gladdest ^mea in j went to the pasture after the enwg
1 know vmir tinrie anA rantle are *®“* ‘® ****
mamma. The bo>8 came I was feeling raol wIeV'd and tell." she said.
In the little yellow house at the
the year will have come to the Sun- .ad bones tonight. We,rode the haiipy to have a Sunshine "girl In
wishing 1 could forgot that tomorrow
"Well, ait of It Is. It rou canY talk foot of the hill the mother and older
shiners all over this broad land.
hortos tack. Lllllaa and 1 rode the
_____ . ____
was Tbanksgiriiig. because 1 bad so that 1 can understand you. you can ftrls were very busy; they all lookYou know what day your President Charlie horse, and mamma rode
Alma Unkletier. nothing but some dried beet and old lust choose. Will you stay here, or ed up reproachfully when Jefferson
means. Thsnkaglvlng. of. course! «HL i like to ride b&rseback. We
H made me so happy to receive cookies In the house; then It came
go to Miss Betsey's?" Jacksoo nisbod to. ^ihless - snd
And surely It is s uue Sunshine day are almost throogh bur hook at
Maple City, Mich. such nice letters froth you and your over me all of a-sudden how dreadful
Annie Evangeline hent over the excited.
Jefferson Jackson's eyes
, for everybody. oebooL
in the
______ and
_ then
. win be
KoT. 15. J913. brothers.
wicked It was when I'd had so many baby; she was afraid she was going were trooWed and bis voleejTull of.
It is tnteresUiig to Yhtok of the third grade. I have been reading a T>ear President—
things In my life? So tomorrow I'm to cry. It dldnY seem as if she conttwnatlon, for to his way he waa
firm Thmnksglvtag.. You have been very nice •tory.The name Is "The
1 am a little girl nine yean
going to sli down and think of all could give up the turkey and pump very fond of Annie EvangMlns.
reading about it to school, and Shepherd of the Hills." I am-goIng 1 go to school every day. and 1 like
A Rsfoembend Thanksgiving.
the nice Thanksgivings 1 ever had; 1 Ma- plcs-ihe thought of dried beef
''MoUisr:" he cried. "Annie Evanstudying shout the Pilgrim Fathers to send ytm a UlOe poem that I think to go to school «y studies are
The old Medway {dace was situated guess It's time I spentone day be- almoet mode her sick, and yet—the gellne IsnY going to have
and the ^y days of Ameriran bis- |s very cole. 1 will cio^ for this arithmetic, reading, geograph.v, spMI- at the top of quite a high bill. There Ing thankful for them!"
had promised Mims Betsey that she Thanksgiving dinner at all!"
tog. language .and physiology. Our was a broad yard to front, but at the
Annie Evangeline sat up stnlgbL would go. She drew a hart breath.
HI* mother and the girls faced him
B« the history, books seldom
Prom yonr loving Sunshlner.
lescher’s name U Hiss Peart Rura- bpek a row of hemloeks-. hod been her eyes shining BOfUy. "I think ‘•I-promtaed Mist Betsey," she sold, to astonlsbmeoL “What do
mesUoD tbs boys and girls who lived ^
Fern Rasey. sagger. Uy paps died when I was planted close to the bouse to,break that's beautiful. Hiss Betsey." she Then she put the baby dowa and ran weanr they cried. “She's going to
during thooa stirring times IhaTshw .;The poem Is certslnly a pretty five months old. I lire tn Good Har- the force of the wind. In Judge said. "O sn«« BeUey—"
out of the room.
havp'Alnnra al Miss Betsey;f."
so Strangs tu us bocaose Sp far one, and I. am glatl to print
Uke lo Join the Sun- Medway's Ume the property had
"What Is IL Annie Evangeline?"
Alice VIrgtoU looked after her
<To be continued.)
Bnnshtoe page.
shine anb.
been considered the flneat to. the
“If only—Mlsa Betsey. eouMnY I wfto a puaaled aapresalon, "There'i
JM think, ysunahinera. If the
Frim your doar Buuhtoer.
vUlaga. but after hU death things come overland you tell me about something queer about tt. she ssid.
*n to. DifhesMd.
young folk of those early days Oh. mother, bow pretty the Boon to

- Inta Hubert, had changed, and now the old house your Th^sglvlog tostead of tolling "I do believe the cUM doesnY want
Teacher-"Now David, wyou toU
could have looh^ ahead to the year
I wtob 1 could have SMn yoo. ^ear. acaroaly owned ground snougb to youraalf? • I'd Just Ipve to hear!"
to go a hit! I. never saw her act so ^e what •Or.' ^ds forr DavM
• J9IJ. h
It «** B*v«r M ennatog before
when I paicd throttfi Mapto CKy otand upoe Yet ntme the lew it reMtoa Betsey looked up to a genlle before"
(aged eevea)—"It depends on whetta
-DmY you I
« or after a ana's asak*
I they WDuU M Her two Itttie boras are eo nterp gad tost i
JeffetMn Jaeeon bad c e ton; b9 tttob
totoed Its nlr of proud esoluslvcnaw flurrT ct eseltemenL

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