Grand Traverse Herald, August 14, 1890

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Grand Traverse Herald, August 14, 1890


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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^ '^rdib;



Real Estate, Lasuranoe
TNO» r^TCt. UtMT * ■■«•«•' Upon L.1im.


I Ue IwUr ank u !Z> TmcHM
AM «t MUI lu •■mi
Nr (•

Vill«K* Property for Sale.

«MH OM lUac U h* CBMlT Ina:
TkAt a MW« «<M it A nepwnr* OM
UrUsA tM lAAl baa Ua caaMa AIM





Real Estate, Insurance and Loans,


VtUage Property, both Honeee and Lots. Parms and^
Timbered Lands for sale.


Wohaveanumberof ohojM^ti^r^ealeat lew pricee


Offia* in L. L. A Baildipf,

M AM ikt ptam <aia,
AkC tM a»i|al>kaA 111. Ual «c kn;l,

dughtor 0

Ba hap., m anilR. wc r.aolta. «e Uiat.
W« Ua laarklAA <aI« ka U Ilia AM Ufkv
e*i nc koAnt crav aiact. aM na Ua klcki
OkrUrtaanUUUsUaaaMM kaai.

hkd k tiefckt for O-

-. mod I eoliekd
wbkQlkte^kt btr kkkt Uut kb«
*M pklkkDdkgiUtkd
ArtarUMoeddeot kbk na om of (ba firot to got
elaarofthe wrack, kud did not u

VUO >ar Ua aatrla. kai «M far aaa:
Vauar bim« UaUlA^UkMUt «aiM aaplra.
to ba iDiurW.
m>... aM
.M W

b UXim BDim SfME.


^ arwtiaiiAaia



' kblkd. tbe aeddeot bariag
edbylUerailAkpraadiBgiukt wtba

rtAM Ua aatlT> aarU Is
U. Ua
U. AAppkua
AAM>ku. aa
JM ; ^
0 ^ U»«n. •0<1 I!
kaiwn. aac <ka Tiaiva (tis,
dkterauocd to naod lo C--------fw a>•AtUaAfrA>a«a|«n.,.C<ka
■ oa Ua pUlAlr ■( tlDAr.
PDgiDkarwbeo MUa Uodfrky touch
____________ t*
. .
'ad mo 00 ttak krm a.d bag'ed ekrriAW ttc Wm\, aarU Is Ua laalirC akl*..
, neatly to be allowed to ride on tba
iM aa MAI lu lU aaisBlt mM kj luaM.
eoginetoC------ It wu a eua of
' life aod death, aba aaid.
She appearad so dietrakaad at tba
rtbougbt of delay that Itoldtbeeo.ciDeerto lak'i ber wiib bio. Sbs'
: wai up ID the cab in an iaatset aod
[they “polled oal" at ooea, ao tbat
ittoa of my paaaeogart atlaa^arrived
There uoee hafly
y roote 1 at C-------- nearly on time.
tbat giraa me more trooble than all \
of tie outers put toBether. Kol
that they erer complun of me nr'
I uioiicu'a ■roar.
compel me to walk to tba top of a I
fire story bnildiup, bold can't make
lliat’s a plucky gal of Jobo UoJ.

A Composite Romance.

»M1T_« >»VI



Tinr^ers and Plumbers



lor lkT>kksddaBkAUeiikA,«bdi;tanllibaf>«^

WkU* ]


Stoves, Ranges. Furnaces^ Refrigerators, Tirtware
IndaU. CM Itaua'iil Ik, Iju

iM Ckmb Frenen, EaUat Hcki. Lam Sptjnklem, Etc.

•pactadat aM Enlam BoJeaUJolIi tUM.

s;ssit sr^cSliis. r”"

a .. b. M


-------THk utAUaa--------



Merchant-'® Tailor

------- BASatWTBBCWCTSVA--------

Fine X^iue of Suniiner Suit i ngs.

Again at The Old Stand.
a. kaa» aMintj laWIM. np.'«: M. lea a.

Mciiu. 1...


J ,5;

Choloaat Maata, Peultrj.'Oame e

BFewrI in ThalrSaakoh-

(*-Prufe. kak am HMM HcaU. Saaatc».««.
T^eonSi **"“ ■** •*
laaiM* MppUM wiik AH Cm M kUAto


"*-• **

A.. "W. 'WAXT
TkarkMA CnT.HNauAAA.


V 1&U08CU, ■Vr»»«Tirc.Vv,.

Pure Drugs,




Sm* kaJ^ kcroE kaMM. ■»«*■■, ItoaU
anSk<aac.twa:i ftMia ■!] ktan rtuaraa


1. PT.AS1



• d«g„.



almight io upon ma was al^
i^bar, prmg a itouKht^ my Hat ba bad aotared tba riUaga in
etepa bo every Uind man who goaa i aearcb of pray 1 know by hia dnorcouni
Tbatbawman^^ tigw
yoo»is«ly bow farUia,ia;aodamaii-oater one umld
aank into a dose, aiiii be
hi* atept. from one poiat in Lis roaU bit lordly air.
Instead of «
ThU Uetad until
to anotber. aod wbst are bU land- from tba jnngle be bad aome mua.
marks by tba wey
He will aleobe'Abe open aod cultivated land, and
' able by bu eaota of bearing to give' mv bnt was fret in bis path 1 did
apoke bar name in a wfaispar. and' you many particulars regarding tbe not believe be would mtar tbe hnL
Uieituraiai ber hand to bli lips sarToondioga that would earpriae Tbe lane would look like a Irsm to
8be made im> eouod. but gsre Lim a ,you. A Slone bouse girw
>e girea a differ-1 bio. and be would dgfaiafaT, AfUr
look of lore aod taodaniaaa tbat be eoteet(0 from brick aud
and tbe Uttar | looking at mo for pwfaapt two mmcodantood at oece. aod he closed from wood: be
aleayel^ when lotaa. tba tiger mored out^ mgU,
beuander or
r treaa. aod will mod preaanUy 1 beard him au2ag
all ba______ __ ________
name ibe kind of Uraet
lod tbe bot to look for an opanter be bad loet himself. Uiss Ooil from tbe rallie of tbe vebidM
In,iw' Tbere“wu'’no 0l^ *a^^s
ft«y looked up at me. and the < x- biswalkK be measures-tbe distance'retomed and aurreyed ma again,
prawioD on my faoe lo'd her Ibe by aleps; when ndiag in a carriage. While my eyea were wide open, Z
troth. Tba next instant aba faiot street eir or raiiroai
raiiroai by time There did not move a >ngw, and lbs ari- 1 carried ber into the ailjoining! are walrbcr Mpcci^ly prepared for: msl no doubt Uliemd me asleep.
aod called my kife SbeesmeUbe bliud
The gUaars are taken lie probably saw tbe bUnkaU on
------- ----------------- oof«. aod. alter: oat aod liiile ................. lark tbe boort. tbe groaod, bul ~
------------------ ---------»Ie jioiou mark tbe boort. tbe groaod, but I ddat think be ao*.
working over Uiss Godfrey (or a few j Uy touebiug the faee catefolly here: paeM tba treonee of tbe awseoL
motoants, abe openel ber eyes and «nd Ibiwe be will find tb«iio»aad:
Vbeo tbe tiger fiaally eutwadUa
said, with a faint smile'
'Baiimaia ii.a
- - ..
____ ;___, 7^



bot af'Ibis
Ibis feeling came that of onoln«a,
Irwreroed it ooea ba'andl
and I was carer more elaar-bsadad
to in my life For a moment I forgot
.. and I gnet
r il. as yoo I tba aDak^ bot pruasotly.M tba tiger
not essipsd uoiojuiwi
j would nay *10 the dark.' "—St. • ' w—
aawitbintenfeatoftfaa wmvmr,
found j'
i L'/.Ar/Iruioeftif
j I besrd lbs sorpanl utter s low hkn
that ber left i rial was spraii
and move abonb
Tbe tigar bad
Ibe forearm consiueraoiv oruiae.i.
ayaa sad ears only tor ma.'Ha akalkAUhoogb a
tba plocky little

•am out
I don't usually bother mvi
W'l** “• o» “>a
, nn io ignorauee of beri
bead about the people lowborn I de-1
U>e wreck
until she hnow wi.eiherber
u-.i,. i
liver mail: there is something so 'l"^
I >«’) }«■>
lover wonld live or die
I did cverr
tiogu’ar about thie one family, how isnilo take ber wiUi me
erer, that I cant help takins partieMidnt
firsi. 'cauao 1 was afraid ehe'd
They lire in ao elegant atone bouae lutke trouble aod delay me. bat aba
tbe loom adjoiotng Wills. and.,„:„L.
ienyon aranoe,
araB0^ sod
aod eonaiat of a didn *. She nerar opaoad bar bead
n Kenyon
sltboogb sue obUioed but •1ittlr|„fk^
middl»«{red geotleman, John God- a'tir abe got into tbw cab, but just
frer br name, bis maiden aiater asd
bii daughter, a girl of aeranteen.
]•*“* o“Hr- Godfrer, who is a wealthy i®" ™«ked

IS.''I I^v'^m”dl^

“I sra'corrr to mika yousomoehiUI
trooble. bat 1 think IDT ami it bnrt. ova
aod tbat is what
idemafsiol The|l«T he bie

c Cobra.

{aoiee Ilian s mouse.
Wbeli bn
Iraacbed the doorway and stood with
“y* *1 bis lore paws on the Ihiushnld W

!>®<1 <•>
look St him mid a.k bow 1.,
forty eer- ber eoudiiion tba n
mortiiog <
I tell yoo,

r®n»mnb.t bearing.
Tdc hit*l‘*o
aod all at <
IS s s*oreboosa.
O»lros«. It was to
'*°>® l‘‘°®
g tbe office bell,
*® 8°^ sUrtad 1 looked
d Uie door I• aumm
knew loaiiiiciivciy
kbe gsl.
Sbe was alano’
or iiaseage about tbree —r.._.n ,u. e-i., ■__• __
that tbe
eteoding before.
aa bandsoma aa a picture and ilie al
h eaeiuel ai it wav Aobn Godfrey,
wayH bid a euiile fpr me when abe *® *a*»'t goio’ bait (ait enough for
to tbe offiee, told bh. oai
came iu tba door (the maiden aootShe wes Utriule pa'e and
ed if bis daogbter wav
aDSwersmvTiDgQowl aod
and how ber
**'*®* hse
*rt® a
■ 1”*^'
l‘old him tbat shews
face would light up wbeo I banded I
®^® '
quested me Ui Mia<!
' >ra letter addreuad in a round
eleo on her mind,
Wbatevm bit feeliega toward ms!
snly band to Uiss Neus Godfrey, ‘
^-® jumped from tbe cab tfao
were be did not abow Ibem
idpoatiuarkedC—menl we pilled into tbe yard
I went to Mita Godfrev and
At first, when abeaod tbe ^erraots ^
burned off eerovs
opped comiogto ibedoor. I coald IrAi^ks
I beard ber tall tbecood
buHijurtatriSemootbof the 1«hl
tS5 ^
lunderetaod il,bnt 1 Lave arrived
‘I** "f®*^ e^'ueoDe wss dyiu'
„d u... dio«d w
,^idtu ^and
she wsntad to get U> C------ -t
at Uio eooelosioD
tbat the mi
*''® **7
a einlioo.


railroad USD, has a hard, stem look. *
and bis tisler doreo'l apitear to be
aoytoo amiable, but the daughter:
has fairly won my old bearL she Hi

^®3> t®\

anut always tski
tbe mad in order ,'«»>•» ®»®®'i*® «»»>«*
to prevaot Miss Nana from Igaltii
ber lettcra Uuriog tbe time ML.
vns urrf-nvc'i evOR.
Kens came bertelf I brought her a
letter lurtuiarked C------- oearlyerery
A Jitiialcb was reci-lvaJ at bead- faee. I was aore tbat ibe
day. Siuce tbeo I bsve delivered' lattvrs last evening from it —
eould move her father

vu.j »»W .V. UBI. auu lua msiqwi r ,p,,uesiiug
the deparlmeot
dei»rtmenl to
to Itend
ig (be
Wbat took
view I
in ho-ar, aod then

Z prwaiaad to be home bafOM
sod tbao ititaa”


“OL do sUy. aod Til explain it to
yoor bosbnod.'' mud the bostma.
—i",--------iwbo bad just baaotirgiDg tbaanaw
It ehone full np'inritition.

jmi. l.» u. W.™ .u.b ...Ii,r„31 J, a,.; „ lb. tSL „a
1 kan kaatU Uc Not Ktitai ha.iataa M

1 sraa cooler now. and Wtad from
twenty lo twantT fire miontca balm
1 w^
damp myielf
whan the mom lUght wwailed ana*

to to e.




froa «bst I rxp«aeA Zieteed dt
bmat MUfMiMd or ■hettod. U m«dedtOMfc* Ua nry Mfry. B«r» tteoAea. IvoattobaUM
orer this part of the jonrsay. I mad
SborttiapUditotiM w I_____
to count ibe at^ bat now 1 know
l>« •a lb* rooB, bat Mnk lack on b«r
tbm. b, heart, and my faat do tba
-- '
I«ood« wboWHIal
I'lag. ao that 1 bap
atep from ibe
l«r fenra
I wiU^Ahiokaboot WDL Ae ioaistod npon are- ing. and hare gone from
I rnybotiaa
Uilbaacbool vitboat.
rilhoot dalar
----------- - far M I re-

:b. and , detailed lor tbeI work.
I are trying to
1 waited arouud tbe elation until
leariy train liiDA aod then beards
. ..
. It ,ooa d
- lumor tbat there bad bean a wreck
» boose.
eUort oHlaocc from tbe
boose, and, down tbe rood. I investigated aod
shoalopped as thougb to speak to;,ft,ch wss ibaease: io
bbe ebao^ bar mind, bow
^.d oocurrad to .be
ever. Wd pissed on with a plassaot


was! {,“



tbe eeaoe Vust
my C“® ! mlsd“ou^“*M r^JlI“^i”^ “jr i
Nena was holding her father's band.
«»i» frin tba next room,
and Mr. Oodtraj's eyes showed that
'“Don't let her^ yoo into mMfa

b. b«! b-b .brfaii,, b««.. s...; X"
turoad to me with a happy amile.
• Falber Las forgivw os.said.—/fetrort Irre

f''V"i»-«" ib.1 job .19 b.

i!,.;', i‘.

for afterward. .She oaed to uonx nw
j«®‘ that iTme way and tbao I

■Ete-‘djn.rdS! sb;?'” - ‘V li* UA

‘“«’‘'®®^“^H.aio’.dpc:mitaioo to gf on tbe «•
r bps
bps ijaiv.
<ioivered as she spoke. I i..f ir^.n. ,ai when wj arrival at
ibiok tdie wanted to
“*i “® •®p,®; I the stieoo ol tbu wreck I c.,mmeaeed
“How does a blind mau Cod bis' lugremctt
ui^reinriit I
I f„und
found myeelf fast I.
ibiog about ber lette
/yo„ see. when I was h« in
I oor girl.
around for the yoong wornwayrtwplieda aigbllesi instrurtor
Uid not
not removed
removed my iroosjrs, snd|^ool,' pursued tbe ruthlaes Moh.
I wonder bow it will endf
actor ^
of tbe blind. “A blind man finds ftbe buckle bad wont
As 1 could fiod ooooe who aosbisway just as yon would in total among the fillers aod
axpeetod to be et borne ermy night
srai t) the desoripUoo eeol, 1
darkneea (or you must remouiber
1 bid only time for
mido ioijoiras ol tbe ooaduclor and
tbat be it always in the dark
It is To get clear I most domp
Las' night ’boot 7 o'clock I bad to i learned
mod ibsl
that tba perioa
penos I was after
(orbimto get lost in ifaia.butoo ray knee*, and tbe
•age op ot
pu Kenyon even-1 had gojo up toC-------- on tbe engine
as in a forest
He cemes in. | was too near for tbaL Tbe*^S«

It was (or Mm ..
N'eoa Godfrey, ii,i> brought tbe news ol tbe
2>‘ Wen 1 inpg lb’ bell a young Isd'y dent to'tbV city, It was after 3 a. geta turned around and Ioms bis might flee to affrigbL tut be was ■ ,hes I Md father would aeUM with
n ,.«.a .k*
mjK .a «■« wit,
eomed ti th door. I axed ber if'm. Wore I got back aod made my reckoning. He slopa and listsni.' more Uk^y toepring uoon me. Audi

Ho Counts His Steps.

(her' was a answrr an' sbe tole me to report, and ibev decided not to do
"'■^-luan ebo would SM. Sbe tbeo; anything more about tbe
into Ibe
e parlor an’tore
an' tore open tifthey
til they heard agtiu frot
i>oasag^ an' w'an
Ibe Beesag^
w an sbe read it sbe
ebe i
the accident
acuideot wai a c
eisttv one for
tuned as white as
ebeel, u' 1: the railroad company, but a lucky
thought abe was goie
goin;tofaioL Jaa', one for the young woman
Had it
then tbn bon come iot
Iter tb room; not occurred tbe would have spent
i' be eaid to ber. awlnl atorn;
,' the night iu tbe alabon bouse.
“Wat's tbe mattor?
Who's the.
telegram (rutsi
- '’If
Tue Dociot's rtost.
I sbe tune] iiuieker'D
For Ibe last tbne weeks 1 bsTe
's llsib an’ Ibruw
rww it into tbe. grste
we're a lire was
IS bonin’, an' il b^s«l been tending tn old scbo^otle of
name is Will Holbrook,
p m a aecood.
Tb' old gent atarivd for her, look- aod be bas \>tea voy low with brain
Ho was at one Pme quite
' iwful mad. Jes' tbeo be seed (evu:.


4i» an'be
every^ing by an
•o* be axed what
wbat was’
was 1 wailin'I
j ' ^unlucky
and was (oread
I told him Ui'answer -Hesaid
- apeenlation,
• , ...
Uer* waantnonan' fer me to clear
*>U» on® of
ooL 1 didn't wail far him to UUo.b 5'“V-“.»‘ *1»=o te bU forwmly
W- 111 bS, U»,jb.l..
migbtvabarp to his laiightw attarl

a dt|h be .< nghl again
‘There, I tend tbe bot
In ten nueonds b(I«^ |
-Well didn't sbe take it’ ’Mfcud
beaaya. it tbe open window, the ibis Iboogbt came tome 1 waa in a: Ibe
,i,. vi
ik that I could i
was Uie reply: “abe took
Btnight to iV aiind people are ts not have stood on my feet
ontiUlily. but 1 took the
timid about ventoring into a strange slight movement 1 balmsdebl
olsee as you would be about going ibe cobra and be coile^-bi^es
into an noraoUisr cellar ip tbe. dark, imitfal full two minutes befc
Wonderful Echoes
but after they have been over tbe ingon again. I ought to


groond once or twice they atep with also
-inly exercising ord

Tbe,ii„ ,

'bnt for
the life of I
_ the Homan
at tbs
tella the wife
sound, kou may smile ^ |Bb|1s. there is an echo which rep-ta
i of e man bei^ eo UDnervei 1 g,,
different keys^

ii'L-fS ;S;5!g£.=£l"

dories, coupled
------------------------------------ voice maybe almost
ind. brougbt alagee ol my joomey. Ii is thirty • agonies they suffered bMore death jo,,
-from my gate io
to tbe
the nearest!
nearest 1 came'^
came as a merciful rel; *
in the echo.
I step over^
. .
. might

log aodJ gutter.
Tbe ewpeot
In the chapel of tbe Abereora
thin, then fifteen
s ateppiog
stepping stones imianles
i mianlee crawling Ibe fifteen
fifteeu feet! femily st Pauley, tbe abotUngof tbe
next gotter on tbe 'which broogbl him into tbe hoLi door ptoducee an echo wbidi spoads
■trei t
Tbeo then; Aa anon at lie was over tbe threab* Uke dktnnt tbnnder.
pknk walk, three plsoka wide.; old be was in tbe daikMie, and 1
Tbe echo of the “Eegk's Kust" nt
■ c.rcaaTaB'e si
811 atepa
Tbe walk is sbnut’could no longer see him. I beard Kilkrney. is said to report a bugk
ing rather^ ost of tb <
two feet biglmr Uiao the streeL eed bi-u crawling eboul orm tbe dried
, noU at 1^ 100 tiraaa; tbe aSset of
moo happened
d at oor office
ket e
people ofien wooder el seeing me grsM
grass oo
GO tbe
tbe floor,
fluor. bowerer.
boweter. and
and fi^ag a
is to give Ibe impresaUp
kMw tbst it wasoolyeqneMlonoC^rf ibonders of artiOsty wkkh
you! I am ia no danger. 1 kc:etp on minutes when -he would •eek e clos- • gj,
the distenee.
IcnDtellLyths er acqn^kaee wUb ms. ^ nn^t
UasNeoa Godfrer. 193 Kenyon Avo. j ^ u Iw^***"***
Uatween tbe two wings ct lbs
Come nt ooea if poerible. Will is |
b« nnme was Nena Godfrey, and
not stnka me at once. The eota c^Uc of Simonet'

pass a iarge boase which nerar etrika nnlaas cornered.
*«T low.
DS. OTTO ecBNUFT. ' | |bey had been eugaged for aboot a
»me fret back from tbe walk.,
strikes e slesper. My bsmThe massage wta delivered to Milt year. As soon as ber falber beard
Godfrey, a^ about 9 o'clock tbe of tbe ebange . in Will't affisire, ba and wbeo I get to a tree which' mock was
rnng sb^t three feet ___________
of n
Alreet 1 know I am hsUj from Um^oo
mod. After e few min- i
kdy'e father came into tbe offlea. wrote to faim. gkiug him to onder- shades
The deck baring stuped out for a; eland tbat ba could no louger regard. way. Then two Bteps Uke me doeu
morawL Igot np to wait oo him.
j biaasa fatoraaonan law. Onkara- from tbe walk to Ibestreelkeeb and «srd me. and 1 prepared
The Sponisli Cheoimtt.

I I,

keep my 1
Mr.GodSn«ut®dtokDOWilwe:ing. bowevar.'tbat Miss Godfrey's
PmdSteaWMlaf BcntdBMoAwane. Fraul Stnri, TBATBBSE ClIT. || badaeopyoiaetelegTaratbslesioeibeart wss nnehanged toward hisa,
there U a brick ^"e1ot^'’ud*o^^^vn I bsd.
Tbs Spanish chseUnt
stepa. ud tbereforr. thrown the blsnkote oot of bnodMOW symmririeal t»on._ Orebfor bis ^ngbtsr that eveniog
t: Will datarminad not to give bw up walk for twmityWhere yoo will fiad
Ibe bsmmock. Tbe cold rein bed ard aod Uardao reeommwdi itM
told him tbit I was aeqnaUled with and to make evary affwt io uis p >•
chilled tbe aoake, and UwwIookiBg v«y ^eiimWe for |^ai^ al« the
ieonteoU. Hethnn wanted to know er to regain hmloytfortuesnsqamkrwanatb. Tbs bknkola ware oo roadside, where U will not only fnroomaa a pavemeot et flsgiflwonid ell him wbat waeinit'Ivnspoteible
,e gronnd. and tbkficA preveuted! nkh as good abode at the
and saves atepi from its beBe said that be wu not atbomei -Wbeo be wMtakee siek t bad him
Umar*am mad Womea R7rr- tfaltrran,
m from eomiag into the biMod-, prodooe a good crop of nok aod
roueflsghsssbifiud iU piece
wfavn tba maetage came-, that hU brooght-tiT my bouse; and daring
sods with one end two or
eoold not ore bim. but 1 ooeld bear; timbw of mnrii more valos fer peris
dsogbter bad gone out and left ibe hUdeUrinm, be would ka^ ntfw
throo iDCbw out of tbe groooA I •adaoent him ae bo twklodobont ralla, elo. Ibe Amerkae rinriast
meaiM for Urn. but tbat tbe err- for Hwa; them......................................
MooUkn HMAam.teBbeOi. Zndka Wotk, Etc.
found tbio oot by eUmbheg over iL •ad finilly carted down. Vbw be smbea tbe krgeri end
vasts W mirirndlL
As Mr. Godfrey k • waUkso
day attnoM be bsesma so uLweh Now t know wbeo I ooms to it end kadJmeome qriftZlrittbatZbada aadismaditbe barderi.

Rapwlntine and T^epatrs.

............ iSt.-S.TlbSk""''""
bis illoeis,



VAOft-iOIBSASim ra U B88B


Aanfciaa m Ua uvarv toavatMa lAtma
g^o .U^. TAA^wUl aM BmvviMas pa



' yeSaMisetNmaASvBiaiMrwaswUa^ < Bake A apR itO) « SmOas aram Ssraat.NM.faU.M.nM,uw.caiwM
J»l I I AMBfafaewimawtefCMa.

fTArzArror r^AT


(atally more than once.
, ist before be gave up
ily be was lookiiig, snd one
evening when be eslled at my office
confided ererytbiog
be eonfided
to me. The
loss of everything be puaeeeeed was
oeturaliy a blow to him. bot it was
od'riiiDg in oomperieoo lo wbat it
b^ ^gbt with it-^ breaking

*»■ IkTOiiW ■«-




Parlor aadCtiambBr Furniture. Bureaus, Lounges.


rnmlnc a Spaoialtr.

Prieaa tUatit.


dikn I uos^iBed widi bk i«n«t wor e, and heeged so ntsoosly te alwmndee my loot and stop over fbaoca fer ayUfu. I wonU i
IbeMBtaskof tbatai^nahadU bar toeoM tofiim, tbtt I sent Uks tt. AUttk fntte «• UMressan- nnUl be was arioso odd tbsnma'
MtMy dtOmet dhd s^on Ua Oodf^nM^iw sbd BbeU U ottw|MwMk,ok» tbree boards SBddsBsnckg^twA. Ifle


writ- rinUKtelbsNmuMvk.




flWA,wn TOAvmtRH HUltATiD, ATTfllTST I4,m>0.
SowoUlle Paradoxe*.
IbMe Mintifie {mdoue i
gmp^ toggher ia

H«r PralmoM.
b«., H*

M« ttw
«mw« M *U
u« •» B«7 • IM« ntf.
I «M U« •■ vvMl • JKM."

Snif lifMs t hfun «. t


W »d«.
M dtt'D’t iDow joQ to Bvrj a
•aeeateit jm kaoeUct 700'n •oothe? giri, eirr ebootod taMk M, • dofot etnuB, CM be tralM
rosUW la C«:.t.1i->L
br br U* nnttiMt liri b« to- ^rd^hoaod lUmlmbmA abmk opoo •• tea Tbe bolM. wUek. Ud isepanlkvi ti
wfaeadrea ee • teo^ewrice dMth, Bood^ SiRipatUte r"S»
Xtti«bii« oDd bnoiUen Ibe;
^ cw«j^ Uaaaocftbig aoni- bead wb oOmt » tbe old'dnoiBg before beiag fired,
ao giaeefol
part of tbe oa of ~
so he fregraaoe, a'eolid S ordiaary
in eo eect^.

* rnaUy
Tbt MBtMiM coded in • toeg. eoft

Park Place Livery,

t. Bwr D. C*W*lD.)*4|V«(H*WU

FreM essta ....... ..............

"^StailStaTitoS-"” ““

.. sse*.»

First Class Rigs

•* 11 MIS r«t*U. a» KW«U«C >0 •»*«! U • xs.
dicSics In tisi e( nis cssn. lau u a<

■ be begea. ooteop
lowfciBeidbertbereandIbao. •■11
be bed only remained bard hearted,
M7iag U. howaw, that U tbm v«e like tbe nadee id aorela we roold
■0 rigblag ia tbe vorid tbe worid btee mo away, aad lived in a eoU^e
wooldeUfle. Koo p.efiare to leoe 'Dowered in roeee and eort^ wilb
tbaUb: There iu't a ImI of ro
be veaL He aoeo_i» ■aaoea wboo ercrTtbiag tnroe oal eo
tOTMd. 'Br bU ^ «si a elard; beeatifnily—all at oace.”
-You little bypoeriU" be eeid.—
Ahe ybrl- Leiujer.
B^e'e best beet laore rep>>
‘Tbe draifoo r ebe ee^.
W ho Robbad the Saf&
Hil^bair bed tbe tlregoo.
It if a mietake for a oea to be too
d^rnulai^ bad tbe dragoa.
florid oiiBpUxioa bed tbe dragon. go^ve. wye W. A. Piokerion. 1
aae pot tn my bandaonce.
Aod a maans lh«i wai gTore, digniipre^
« of wbidi left
on B)
‘•Code Albert.”
railroad r
iHanilaibal A 8t

> proportioei ee the
biiraBat In lai stilus MTi
issnir.naSnansinnK.n *1
-e light our etTMt*.
1 It Ikt InccM MS VcM nnIPMS euku U
M wbidi we daily dri
AnSUInrtnasr sfennS. tksl xlA «x
ri*cnn;len la tan ftsTMan Is1cr«#;fd inasS
The Fruit BeltLInfl.
bmefit and pleaanre prodocea palpisi<.aCiae*eaOcn« ante actoaaViaS
UtioBa, Eerrcne Uembliaga, aod cno wakiKm. snS ban wm f,ic Iticlt,
iRo«^*k Romance.
- - . if taken
takao is esotet; (be title Cf -Ttc srmlcl Wmtl^Or'
-InsS nnS OnalnUS In ts'4 con si;.
.A. £1. 3MC JEJ fL S
:e wnnki arcvSsaa to MIS Cnr «•
yet tbe pecoliu organic agent called inMkT CTCtCUcovfrcS
theine, to which tee owee iU qaali
Tnklat XSncI auSny.Snl; Ik tyt
lieSRT n.^JAMB^U^
tie*. mtvbeUkenby iteelRas tbeine. t><m.--U)«Tr It non
St Oood-nsnrararfiu .
wilbout I
ModermU I'rine md
effect. Tbe water wbicL ^ill alUy
VbiB UiM Hagotdie ewatoUj
bnraing Ibiret augmeota it wLen
vUkdm the dfaea frote tbe greet
SIC or nick lean, t'nnsir ot OrnsS Tnnm. m ■;ii5
AlnMnlos.Ulka mUir foon la> aailrann__gealed into mow; eo that it ie
eateVba^ apiaaed tbe oid ^
JOHN DUNN. l'ropri«or
. tins SI lac Frostir olErr. In tar TtHas* M
•tated by eiploren; of tto arctic re­
UnMsf ............ V ID - I S in •
gion that tbo natives -prefer es
r.-CKSt. ttenr; D fnei.hclUn.’sr of l-fbWn.
; osa •
I of her aieoa Boeioe,
dcriog tbe utmoet extremity of
»o Cl
tn IK DsSl.t 0IU.C c»nu i.Illotari Unfl.ins.
thirst rather than attempt to reniori

ckiSi:"":... rui'.
it by coting enow.” Ytl if tbe ‘now
be melted, it becomes diiokable wa
>1 .i.ssnutn.BfsTtntthst bcoisjkcnniaonitS
ter. Nevstbclcra, a'.tbougb if melt
fobbed of a large feekage of moBer. od before cDtering tbe moulb it as
Miai Ifagaois nodded aad asiled.
iereetigated tbe cate mytcJf.
fibe WH altogaOer
auiges Ibirat li'ieot'iW water, «be:
ad oerceptibly. He looked at tbe
In reply to evsy qoeatii
flower after
melted ie tbu moutb it baa Usa op
yeltowieb gown.
to tbe Ueaeurer be would come back | poute
. ebriaUned-alaKiabr^ro- He howedct. To rends Ibia part
taaqMiT oalike, ia feet 6be wee
atilking wc bave oaly to
“AbA" avowed young Bodaey. witbeae remark—that be put tbei|]oxu,i
~ Mioaninton.skSikii Ike Kiisii :sw«f Mis
ij in the ufe bimeelf. wd‘ that j
Srt-rn-.S »as sU
Ibat ieo, wbieb melte wore
locked tbe safe bimeelf
Miden tadj <
slowly in Ibe uoulb, ii
UcBctal Kiiacn. Urwl«a
Ibe money
mieaed. I'be in allayiDg Ibirat.
Ch,.p SJ,oa!
mi in good emidilioD wben
kociu S9t .1
be opened it on tbe following woruHe Wanted a Hide,
kcli>'ii:Tc»»»¥rt*A-~»»'kl‘ ivclcStacsli
, evervtbiDg being jolt ai be bad
had been foU of ■aotimeiit
aaatimeiit oaoe,
oaoo, wa«
r.iw', nuse-C
fbo foUowieg ••true" alory ia told
it tbe nigbl before. He was rer
• warm and eooiitive organ atill.
.cl-'iaL.e (•lOr Orasd Tn«mc UmM. • Best.
MSC'lxItiKlBSS circiWiHIB nlS
aadabe tookadeal of iaioroet ia
-And yoar metber'a maideo name tain be bad put tbe money
lUeCoadueUir Uibnan'a train wai
.rt&r VniTtcc h*r
e waa certrio be bad locked . ween KeDoebuok and Wella, Fri­
BoriM’a rewaaee. k«rl waa Usnsolia Eionletr'
:V irrAH-HXI.L.
•■YeB, my dear, it ia • thing of
Jr.Scc BM'r«U<r.
•Klbrdoar. no! Annt Magnolia tbe aafe. He opened tbe aafi
■•titUt.,'' IITATIOMB
day atlernooB. Uig u^new
71 Andlothiak
. _________
laorer ... _aa never married. My moths e eell and tbe mooey waa gooe.
tilt track waving bia bands
Ri-SAAS^a: MAMEvsytbiog about tbe man teei
ttbottwiee. Dos,dear!” Andebe name waa Madeline Kiagaley."
Tbickiog BOiuttbiog was wroDg, tbe
wOTt 00 elroldag tU primrow wiin,
to conform bis MaUmenU. Uo 1
train was atqpptd and wilbout a
“Ehr cried tbe dragon.
trcruiDiBi.nctcvBUc s
t«dariy w a mother iotsebee the
.SCI .VI. •HAUCaB|ma3 iinroaxM
Tbe florid color bad faded from
word tbf hUanger cooly bearded tbe
earefol. He had do bad babila. luokiog car. Toe brakecuao ruabed
iis>.*«e . . UarLcBC......... lIUTfbkIS
bSfdiertB Be waa tugging nerv
woll-to do. and there was
"Too bad a levs tbm^ annUef'^ onaly at hia dark mnetadse. H«
C.T ut IK. p«.b.-r,1—r. ud mutMiD 'kc «Bcc
lb- icsirtrr ..ld. cd»®U»r4BSTlB-cp"«->..Bo.
i.3V«« .
iwwi'r<ak .......ilsaw
not tbe eligbteit reaaon for attepos._____________
mM Boriac.
, Hich..:u. ..a llir alxccMb <U> u< Ucrcmb.-r.
i.lMi'U Na.IrtrrOaaaiaE
•^ This WM obe of tbe
ll»-4t .. •■.|.lcUrt»c....:ll l.m
‘Wai,’ said IhrfeUow.
II. I'brr -.»rBir <il»<mcic‘»"B l-cc“My mother died ten yetra ago," iog that he could Uve ueed tbe'j^^
.; ..u Bbick Boilcart U. ic i'ilaimrd lu a*
tU-.M ... La-auB I Ala .... II iii.l*
„ j,
dreane I got for my martiago. Bot ■rid Roeine, “and riaee then I have iqpney. 1- or a uomeot U.e caui waa
. ie:cu:
.. Copcau.k
... >U1«
>]'BMi.>nr-aiiudK i>ii«uUB»iMiK>uii
be went awey-oa b^ia^eeid. lived wilb Aunt Msmt^'
, ,
out of tbo busbee btforv.-I ji
;cr4.c;piila« hA.iaisrc.iBnumrdu.rr
Ibr l»_uur> -odlrd bl xld »min».rpMI
band, ‘cos I wanted to gel
Mr. Ellewortb regarded b« grimBaatily aba wiped hs ^ leet e
keen I'm goin' to Wells,
OKKAMA olviaioa.
tear ahould riam tU ebimm.
,”.l’*lnra."b*r«^ Wl
never been on tbd keerv be
M; WH SB. » SB'lua'
«“ *'»"
b.rrb; cl.c Ik.t
office of the maa wbo knew tbal be fore. ■ 1 bis was arid in sttcb au in
atafl: ebe bald.
Foi* Yollt' (ilotllOB.
lockyd the aafe. Bot 1 diaeovered ,nocei.t wsy an to diiarm all auger
“it U }oat tbe gown fs yoor fanL IB IB.. >um...a.
7U II Mvtwt.n iln inmi
a. to (hr l■l.■br•1 hili
that tbe rial
clerk did not Lave Oie com aud buspiciou of malice, and »o nolbej«nm ball,” homed on Miw Hagf
c- lae »'li
binatiOD, and agrin 1 waa at en
Mlia. -A trifle abort, of ooo^•^ but
betaetke H^rlut b-l
lug wu left to do but to leeeive bit
few weeks elapsed; daring wbich I larr. fae being p.ven tbo usual <
.u* .t at.'W.- Where .1
.ttse u HoUe a piece turned ia at
the top that you could let down.
« -..'a Ikcr,.'

iseer wavering mnile wM t rime I kept my eyes oa erery tuure- i«n worth u-u eeulH Wbf-u tbe
A qnee
t of tbii clerL
You ataall go ae a lady of long ago.
• Weill
^"^^Sa.!^^l'»u*ou. •l-■al^r^»i to.ia; 'am
••Noi----------'----------- "
I taw enough
lOUgl to arouae my sueacuger. in
-beers of
oonatrained rilenoe mitaed.
.rcDiru thiar I. xid runw
picioD, I went to tbo office
iug and took ebatgo of tbe clerk. 1 rolkc sc.ccr.Bcai
n going out, Mamie,
told bim 1 was aatiafied
Ufied tUt U b
l«rvhL...|-ira ajlUcM
iakentU money and lUt be Deed;acd
I want
J to be a good littb
“Not for a nimssit of ww Be- M^fi'iSSblaWtly. °***
ud I'll biioi
not deny it He broke down. Mol girl while I
le ia,”■ cried
Uoug to told me that tbe officer wbo wuaa|yoa borne a paper oT caudy. Now
“If ebi

_ . by areourk aU-riianeed to
; be bad <eckcd tbe aafe; are >ou goiug to bo good!" Mamb
“Tbu ia am And the Maalsr coBriderrode. •ni is becaum aba waa
should Uve wriUeni “Tbriee is abe tone to a lover who proved uDworiby on Ibe evening in qi
done aO; that be Ud
y and I bow good 1 ought to l>:
mmed who wean a pretty drees!”
1 tut be. tb- . know bow big Ibat paper of cacd)
left tbe aafe uctoSedi*’‘tUt*bi'
TU foe agrinst whom Miat Ro‘«far ejaculated Mr. I^ftawortb. clerk, took out tbe pucktge of n
.an liaflsebnsBK^Ia iSr
O DO."
Mae Wilde purposed mraying ber;7.i7.7eys?t'
rioeed Ibe aafe and locked it.
•rif waa tU obduraU unela of bar dniv be turord and walked away.
s be eould do nolwitbalaading!
thc waaoEaFui. rowca.
bamlaome lover. MoU ptompUy
The following day be ineieted «
■Bd pcrvenely bad be Mpoeed tbe
ipanyiDB his nepbew to "
'!!u2d iiM-'tvt *
matri^ of bia nephew. TheyouBs
atdr'3klrci3tl ..1 .Bd n^uprdil
■*' iSr OtTt.
Mow would Uve ignored tbe refna house in tbe French <|uarler, wbm
■1 of hla relative,
were it
tUt tbe dwell Boaine. Aa Ibry wq» paaeiog pmiUve (Ut be Ud locked lU safe. w
Ive, w
u(MO'' ;>itc
the t--l
(Mgeolliman bad always been vary tba vaulted entrance to tbe UUle wa. dumbfound^. After that be 1
lan, ut Ibr rr!Dnii.laaB d liMEtrt.
Mad and good to bim; Ud indeed flagged
'‘lM*rtiVjur-'i**Lfla«ted conit yard, Albert Ellewortb nevtr was sure of bu own name.
----- j the place of ...
bU dead
father to eao^t right of a fai^r figure
crlkrTrcf.'bnl paldSrrn.
him. 80 be decided that
moving among the p
meut hu uncle
pul bia bosea of blooms.
IN VlCli Itl.tN.
i’edpleUvinguptown ■n tbe ucigb__________
'".■3'Iic.‘phir"itop 2;
iford streeU;
1, j. j,*tJ to tell which
"Oo on. ladr be aaid to Cyril. Be borbood of Sixth and Oxford
........... ir..lta'.d tc rrcl'c“Ha ia 'bocniDg to visit aa old
Pbiladelpbia, often see droves of'j,;,._tu go fera-ard at
‘i»Tbcl'i.’j4 bVckj elrfrisud of bb,” Cyril bad aaid- bed psused and was looking tbroogb sheep
l.Kaa- Bu ...
ep dhvCD
tbrougb the ktreeU.iUp revival is over.
brief avoone of gloom to Ibe
tlklU|«4* ..
. “Judge Cfaartoaaa. You koow thU
SalarlAy.) . a
.Ifxai. a.y B vci
AD. laeo
One man wilb his droves bss foi
l io'.LvL
InlhcfcrcaBiB. II abiH arllat I'.b
L InlhrfnmBra.
Obntnun family. Of courue yon
Natuiallv a friluw i
assistant onl'v a ebepberd dog i___
hitbcal bidd
Iddif, laalclc Uke
hava beard tbm are going togivoa
Idarc'n ib.- Imit
(rnot loir .nd
ind unc.
is axpert
rt iu
bii way.
way. Tbe man
if tw U*t gill throws
s a’ Ic k X n 1 D
flaaoy-dnaa iM next moatb in bmor
fond of stopping at arioone aud tells
X VCAS OLD DAUaHten o( b.ldi.clkc Omll Cluatl
oomiog out of lhair daughter. peculiar poeribtlity made bim eutcb Ibe dog, by a wave, of liii bud. to
laiHUB. Yon wiU ruMjvTTcurd. bis breath and do as bidden. Ho mind the sbet-p while be ie abseut.
ikivi-l'*Mljij'.c<riu.l.c'udineiiirS ViBil-'
knodeed at tbe barred black door,
•1 Ml I
..J Albert. And yoo
I toke bia and was admitted to Rom's -radiant
premmoe. And meanwhile bU nncla tbe bouM 85 minutes. Tbe dog
'heart by atorm.”
" ‘ '“dux: ru udMnk|«n.
_^^olly^bad U pluned fail went into the court-yard. TU little aUlled tbe skeep eloae togctber|
k,<-|,ri<'<'t' Ms
old lady aUndiug U tbe Unanatree sight at tbe
Bkinad H. Bot Borina protastad. looked up at the ^ud of the ctap (naster
___Speak lor inglv m^'er girl.
;er bad
bac' entered a door, ud Ibeu
, u wu to U a giusd ball, and sU I tbe atonea.
lay dowu to rest, but was on tbe'
. kbould Itavo to mil your
QlMlSek. lour Uril.ree. T.u ‘-An*. IV.
“Magnolia.'” U cried.
had nothiBg to wear. BarideKahe
tbe: words, yoo
you know, ibi-r'd taata all
alert. for any movement amoug tbeiwerds,
■ ...... n.1.
e to
Bite Magnolia gaxad'at bim iu a
Ad not liU Um idea of riottiu
losriyi the belter for being hw«l.
p. He ke])t them packed elosi..........................
if Comj>lcJe>l TAnt'^h t’eb.
Aaed, brif-frigtileoed kind of way together, ud if one moved out
bM# a
s perBon Uka her. £>d— * .
, ICC i>f JaimIc.
•“i !
53id gboata ov.r appaar in the day- llie lino
lino Ibe rote ud with a few barks
I go Wv«t
West er Siruib eutil yoo
UmeT Stouter than be whom ahe bad tbe riteep back IW a lew inu-IlS J
Iciru wb;*r Mietii:r>o
hawvuBknowa your name. Hiare. bad known, and with bair grown would rvu round the a<
fanacrA. Tnnj-oU do
gray. Dot Ibe eame. Around ber,
DOOVT ueirt r hi -nc.
as right and Uia> laydoi..
laiuddTich. .!■» kut penlly toUiog.
_______aa 1 told bU I waa______ in Mtastk flance. tbe broken foun­ ■gain, only to repeat lU watch wbei
iiflberca msiLly wilb Sogar Maple,
with a aoutban girt, be—be (I Uve tain^ Ibe b»ng leaved banana tree, uoiber moved. He Ud Ibem
>0.k t'lltu.
LiiAiiWllilg, ,\vb, B«^b,
wbirito dn^ into aiug, Korina)—ha Mt
aueb a group tUt they filled l_.
nemlock, etc. . aB;1 are' well wstcrod by
aqaatw flown on me. It aaema a
street from curb to curb, but be j JiTijlKSr.M;
IsLee. river* ai11-.1 bn»«ks.
aouthern girl iUted him when he was neerer to it tbaa she ever had oomu would notrilow tbeiu to get oa the
KtrouK SO' ., r;i»- . -reel* beaUbrdito
■ Icli. rrobL.., lutcUigenl
uwt.-, ildl..--ol '
yooug, and U is bound to auvu me
Esvtcrs Siatm
.ly r,
IrOB a Uka nwfnl late. But whan be
-Did you Aiijr 1 bad deeerted
adki aaaa yoo he U bound to o^iu1. Mignolial men I left 700 to driver wanted to turn up the street. -TUt out of every day tUt'a given
For Uoeke. Map-, ••Unr*
senicai IBICAI. arheia.-l ahic loar.l-.B B.aa.
laU Bn b a ovular old briek- go north on baaineaa 1 believed in ud not being
ai I W
Wire ai
Ming able to go tbrousli
we gel.
Unrie Albert”
w. o. HUCHART,
you ai I've never believed in any
the group of ehesp, stopped Tue
And out of cveiy dollar 1
•^l J Uva nothing to
riuce And while away I beard
dog ssw tbe dilemma, stepped
And out of (vrrv txlcul. 1
And, what -ts morn, I can't buy a
you Ud
Udsoun bad tbe sheep in fil
fi'ie on
Aims for the CUrtiMn Utl. We— young WUde I need to be eo jroloim on* riue of tbe street, Iraving plenty. . TUt Uoi aofrs St to' put Hlo m
,o,ci-rcrei la aiir'
.r.iil eei.le. 1-A lolalltcl...
poor as
So 1 went to Europe. And 1 of room for the borec* ud
id wagon
wegoa to'
to ;
I r *.ia*ii a. a
*« i* we c
•Oeofoeodit. ]




Chicago i West nichipa «i





mSk SS-M.';Sk

“rf.’Si.riis.’S.o.L ss*.

M. & N. E. R. R.


H^FW q.

cmbic bi



q. Tailot*.


Traverse Bay Line













•" I

haminatioD o! leacfiers.




Boaina's nUeUike a regular little aline.

r*kn *'°*Aff
lalwuya told you be came


tl'^d****b~ ^
^ divoteJ—iqueri- and
pi the saloon and' To Ood.'a < I sufferiDg, sbug


fool to Unban eo easily c.
Bo^'regarded fam dabioualy. ofyowfririty. YmUrat ehanged
• Ul. I knew yoa 1
Bhnya gos^ her traak fnU of
Mile HagnoU smiled deli^tedly.
treawnm Ur .{Wail, Uf lae^bm BU did not know U Ud expeeded
tkh. lUfl; glM^bg old bn^
nevar forgot tk«~drasayoe
last time I ■tsrynn“~flsriated
EUaworth. waxing fervett “I
my dear! Iwatyoongcn mogifised it oa voor meoe last
that waa how Borina WOda
“I-at rightt .
auM to U tU UDa of Mma. Char- yoa an Dot tU dnvOB
teuaa'a faniydram UQ. TU pro“WU-M?"
neaedfas^had hasntU wTof
“TU-tUdragonririteied Mist
^ Orieaoa for aavenl waAa. TU MagooUa.
£r. SUawDrtta atiU looked Uuk.
“TUt,” mnrmorod IU litUe lady,

i>omethiti I about Indian
Tbe Indians Lavs
XV. a neat wa,
way of
fixing it. TbU ................ *■
' “ ’ Tail,
|Ougb U ^o ofl
on tbe
•Bother name the wbilee never bear.
Fsri U ia named «fter hu raotber'e

sdoxeBMch. Snake. WoU.
Begle. ud BO OB. Yon tt_
R Uw. ia“The Uet of Ibe
Mobioanr,” tbe yoang Delaware diief
• <oud to Uve a tortoiae tattooed
OB bia bteaat, tUt gave bit famUy
He WM a Turtla, just as tU bulk of
_ . ... make a dena bmat, “wu the Seotrii aro divided into a faw
wUt Borina and t calladOytiraan- riana, tU BlewarU, flanpbelie, CamAad Borin was gori« to ooe- eroBa, McOiegots asd otbara. To
hMMU of Ur rin^Maa tU trit a
tU Indiu'e family bubo is attaefaed
another. Bot it would be bad med
“Writ, aU did. TU fa
hxMto Uvelt apokeo outsidetU
aAy tM-aa bdaad rii
family rirria. aad give aocM of bis
mymare waa Bm i^y youag
eBomies a ebaaea to work aprito ui'
gown el pS
faoodcmhim. TU SpoUol ^ bui
•Ob.dnr.oot I’m too rid.”
“Not a dn.”
or de toot, wbieb gata
later fib.—ir«
iwptcn J’eH.
“IiovUri womu iBtUworldte
ma,” iniiriod tU dcagea^ leyrify.
“fUmyommyeUMinr triad a tsasSrSuiii.'Sirn-S


Kid Cloves

Steal Boiler fforlts.
W”” '-1^,; svinat" rat. proi.rO>a

IQimE ( McCUlliT. PnpiS.

s -.22^1-1*. a:i'

It la

Alia Haaay BlaaisMaii|.
II klf«i a Wkcvt Iras w«A UK lUlcUr U

torWHttle'villagewbD,in filling out a oertifierie of
death, iaadvettently wrote bia name
io the bluk apses reserved for
mof deaUL”


Boiler or Tank Work.


lAt^a'al latcutlt^a^ t
<Laa il alfctita

,lii-aa;r lor 8i»-. eral
.ael la (ankrf
niy. c acrAlhlMc
tuBiaatl-aa lor erataalacCH
UScaleaalilUewilc oal;.' Ikcl

CQ..1 Bcra'auMiAC IwIoAetrevlriae allimr

A mu piiditig himself 00 bie goo
■oka ie like * yellow d -g. Hia col
_ .^xViVta-.wi^*’.g*ya' — need net affect h:a nee^wUkaauaal •*!«*. plAlaUt Moebow people donH expect
moeh of a valler dog.
Marmt, locomo/itt amf
Siationari/ Boiler Il’ort,
caurrk, c.ld. U ISa Stal ul bar Imr.


■ i-aalifiyss-Oa

>M.j‘»a''“H* |lB al^OA?

kotli« ibeBtvIir*. BAiki.i.c i
TkaMAnDcAnWhlrscAUic; il to Sen



Michigan Mining School.

For mle
Traverse Cj^y. Mirii.:
•9'Hai] orders promptly filled.

Funeral Director
' and Undertaker,





« d oMiBivr**


Dr. L. C. DeOow,

OrlwabysuDirtalicraFk prsefUrasa.

“WUh a mu knina to me for ad.
vice.” *syi Joeh Bdlinge, -I find oa f
wUt Mad or adriee be jtuU, w d
IftiwU (eWmitbii aatiafiMbfm

4faa»kt«>IIantMMiiriMi ~




|B tf tin WMk •SS‘£S:^

ABBdIhM are no
HaataM ia wUb-

l«Mi«kta1b* ttfOH ottMd

Lttarary Noub.

1. JBitnai. of UiBMiao. «osl
MtOMctyrdvMdmdrowB- alow Ibe nru and Mutak
Mlbe rmytatd^of Mb


.HonUo THfleieW, of Wert
Mbonk, HA. dtaoreead a eartona rslafiate agaiart tba Daited SUtea
leTolan, wbo iired aboat ooo rt^ert CB Us fan the nth* day.
-om Oaiedo^ wet Sonday
Bonriag gored to death a threojaM
OmvEoImb. otWUUhan. olC old bS About 6 a. m. Hr. Toto bora batBibwB forereraentwy.
aooB after hod op by the roots. He did no, aad
MraUvuaoiua wttii sfitwUto
boU bouoM
MiM ti» ««t« in*- nrianog.
------------ for Jaly 19
eUtl to aaotber. The a)___________
bfaD teckoad «w dnmwd.
Uve of apeaW interest to
no faCcMtorr lodr ia tbo 800 aaddanlyatagadaad atUrhdtoa.
maayin Ue draeti^ of tbe eoHMl hM bM npoiroa oad voooolt «ria* Urn tacrOdy throMlt tbe pfMMd it deeper and rtta deep* in­ OfM^re
Mckaad aboat Ua baad.^«oa
to tbe gmmd untU it got to tbe
depth of fire (saA Tbe qneetioo •^nm^by,’ Daeator, AU. Tbe arSotoridpiKro.
•on Jauea, wbo nidwd from amtbu DOW.U, Who pot tba kstUe wben it tiele m qoaatiea U by Him Funie
On. Ho^ • wnlU>7 braor of
E.Falta,tbeeeerelaiTof theiaatito tbe awful 1
le found*
«H rnn oror by • l«ia whilo
ATexcUing bnttla batam a bm*. tnlion, aad may tberelore be relied
.•ddsg 00 IL« C. ii G.T. rood. ________ baaat,io which be waeaataraetadinibeetady
TiModoy. Hit bady «m ero>iod to Mtal by a faitbfal dog. Ibe mb aad a rtrnrk t:ok idaea ia tbe water
(amooa direr. Burnt, who was in' - DoTidMeabaU oflauiaer. Uiel.
2 Rim «ee Wonted mch eaite '.
epeeting the foundatiOB of Ibe pier,
1 Toolbs'Brown Hixtaie, 16 yaers, mekeall
Mho ^ been a deoweng lor 0' '
waa in Ibe art of aMSBding to the deaUi
•* 88
Im yearn, haa filed areqncit------" Drown CbadcBmM1..16 yearn, raeka^^ •
.1*^ ]
aorfaee of tbe water wbao abnge mnauecript of n paper for the OanUi- LFine Blaek Oberim aMk eoU
" ' of daooontto
Jtte Uokob
Uok^ ^ Ibmiafa bet lor Ute_______________ Shark attempied to aieie him- Bunt ry-e fortbooming aariea on tbe OnbI NarrowH)ri|wBrawt,Mistara,.lTynr4.aeakaalt •
dof Qie reaalt otigU bare bean more warded the monster off at beet be fornia gold-bunterr. It was to be 3 Pine Oxford Mix Doertis rack uiit •
^•d tobiooofio oodbockd
eouid, bat waa slowly getting tbe coliUed “Finding Pntba to CUifoc- I Black endWbilaSUipe Warmedradkeail
I BnAra Beull i-UIA, IT yrata, me* auH
of tbe fight, when some boat­ nil,'-aad waa not only to deal with
LMtem«Baii«r (hand Bopid*
IBltek Md WUtoOaUaeUutatr, ITyaew, tokeail
men ^ by threw him e knits With the aermal enloriu expeditiona, S Dark Stripe OemiBere rack aaUr
tbit weapon be brtdly attached tbe bottonarraU the wrikr'a intimaU I Large riaidUBiooCaBmen nek aeU 1 Blaek CattoBM-xbiw. 17 yran. seek eoH
ST<&« doy. Til* fan cMt fahn
■hark, aed after a fiaree itnggie
tSCoodoooUODd be«u gitra
reqeirad to feed tbe euoeeeded in ripping U open. Hnr rttbeterrifitory. The work wilt be 1 BUTkaadBrowa BlripeCjB
. L •
1 Brawn Dmraad. IT yam, aart sail
mSiBtltOF^upfor ecela ibattbeUnited Stetee want
Fret^^y Buna rtex^ ^^Sby
1 Narrow Brown aad Bad Stripe, tSyram, aachseit
2 Dark Paney Plaid OmaimM earteaile
fbofoeolty ofllio »(trieiiUarol eol- toproteet.
iMoUn dc^od that barroTta' *
A oow belonging to I'reeley Brew­ e bead aad towed il eabore, u-->
I Grey Ootteu and Wool OmMntnraek eel
J Small Dark Cbfrt. II aad 13 yaet*. rartanll
dnoi paradr, drill and rmav
U er of Green coonty. Indiana, a day e ebeen of the apeelatora
wtaoeoMbe Jeoneaa.
gowiwi iLtU be a {aatate of eai or two ago ate a po^eibook oooteioI 8amllUray0bMA.9yaate,m
r Quariariy ia jost oat, and 1 Brown and While Cberiot nek sail
MuawsaaeDt II will lake plaoe ing $103 which be bad hidden nndu
ki no AmraUan poblioalion of
1 Brows Woralnl. 10 yeMaAitaiiit- •
m Ue Tbai^y
ad wbiob
wUob ou
can rirrt 'ii
il for ralua- 1 Browa end White btripe Camimme seek emt Ml tbia yMT.
A negro wbo wai cangfat robbing
ble informaUcw, 1
1 Brown snJ lUadi Chesk,
n yeeI^
3 Brown Mixed Light Oelot seek eoila
- aad lowneai of price. For fire enU
Albert SraUb, a ooneict, baa ee- tbatm of a narrhut at Arrede^
' »i85» •• in.00, 1 Vary Dart Bi^ WorwUd, 14 yaaie,raekeait
3 Brown end ^la PInid Madiem Color nek nU
oopoi troa tba kUrqoalU priam. Pla. waa giren fifty laahea by tba
Tbe western and central p
A jwoped from a 2u foot wall on colored people reeidiiig in tbe neigb
of Bc^emia hare ben riaited by story, aereral eolumnt of fatbion 1 DarkMisturanrteidt
be wa» worfcmg aad reacbad a borbood, and tbM eet et liberty.
:r of
■ewe atorma and water-apoota.
eM^boriog rwaop before paranit
waa poaainle. He wai aerriog a
Tba damage it great, the crops is at to bow (o dreaa, bo« to be beau- 1 DarkWaritedTellowMimile.OoUway8eiM*—«r
tilul, bow to make borne attrsetire,
- IIOO'l DaikClMkSaioeU. 13 jrafe,HekeaU
of tlO to eecli of iU engineen nu- iLoae eectione tong ruined. • ^
three yean’ ecntenee..
eta Tbe ten pages filled with faabMicbigao u one of iLe /12 akatae niog eehedcle traioi wbo gel
Tbe Swiat police Uring reeeiTed ion cuU oompriee tbe neweet and
•• 10.00 IHiaslAgbtUrawnCtasimme.Uiyeen.>
lB-M>a<3knwfaieb growaalata. It throegfa tbe ucmUi wiiboot fcibug
moat altraetire of Jeoneaa.Millu
baa but Two qoajriet, located at ArIS.'OO, 1 Dart PtaU WorwteJ. aeek aait

Idnartnrly b for ittCprioe tbe beat llaidWmiedi.'oUwayBai<.(i7tol9yee»>
MelOda Fromboy, e deaf note,
foo and sear L'Ante, in Baraga
oompendiuin of woratn't newt iteued
lA 4)0 3 Light Cartnun rack suits

aoonty. Ibo eapiial ioredod U C'J
OB the plaoe and arrested twenty.
the Unilad States Selwcriptioii
dOO, andil etaph^aSS men-asd t.. .jonly, K. T. poorboiue in ISS-I and
1 Drt Brown Misboe racksnil
The KeUfeile of Farit layi that price 20 eeott a rear, postage paii.

property ta nloed at $16,00& yearly. faan>robablyueTer been abwal from the eskr ordered tbe application ol A ddresa Tbe Jeonaet. Miller Fub. Co
e IdgbtMixl
•• Blaek and DnbClM^ 171019 ysarw, seek aaitAt Ionia, Aog. btb. Hnry 11. Hay- tbe booae a day or nigbl aioee. She tbe aaU-Jewiab Uwa to be poetpon- 3C3 Fifth Are., New York.
now 03 yean old.
Mr of Eaitcs, who eansD to Ilia
>ly inteodii« to

V.oo j 8 Beenlifal Braleb Uixtnrea auk poits
Tiie Aogoit somber 01 Harper’s
•• Light Stripe. 10 yema auk euil ,
•oonty in nsSU. and baa ton a wait
A Daniib young lady, a fiiat-elaBs postpone pulti
Megtzioe will contaio abort atmea
paaaenger on a aUauter wfah
•• Brawn Mistnro,18yeBrs,aeek anil •
by Richard Harding Dkria Liua
nd^' -- New Xork on Saturday. 1........
Dooectie aerrants are so acaroe in
tar. *Ea wu 90 «aaia old. but Lata
irel to Detroit in a parlor car. pre­ Montreal that women in want of Bedwood Fairfax, and Ibomat A.
And Oiiiny oUictb Pants to maU-Ii each Suit,
and faaarty. and bad joit elarted on ferring to go with her oompatnoti help are said to riait tbe jaU with a
on an enptpant train.
risw to engaging young women to
Tbe Indira'
ira' Home
Journal for
In Bond county
' ‘ fiaea tba Soo canal reaume
; for them et the close of tbeir Aofuat.
ibliabed by the Curiia
ties bare for orer
aUeaa 101 veaaela bare been____
ol irapriaoBment.
thing ^puy
of FbiUdeIpbia,
Ita large fleet tbowi ccaroely any I>ortad an immenaa earprnt ia
Its ball it getting a terrific bold
AtannUon owbg to Uie large ariir- •ieinity of Lake Woleol and tbe olb in Cuba, and promim to unieet eren
ata Itare are atili orer 100 rereela er day a party of buntert ctptnred a
inrtffbtaad tbe jam will oostinoa ■nakoll feet long aad 18 ioebM in itrange^t^t
For ae*era1 years Wide awake bas
Wtfitboaa fint locAad tbroogb will diaraatar.
inEngliahby a petals from time to lime giru totni fiua
nten wUbdargoea
etoriai of e fairly fanciful nature
Tbe moat expenaire tbersometer
the pen of Uiaa Mary E. Wil. VhOt diirtag a traMroa «gioa in tbia country it in neC in the John
It ia aud that 00 tbe Uexiean
it U known M Golf railroad iu Mexieo tbe lira ai«
OTV a t&aU bridge near Oaeerille. Ho^
Mu Erb waa nogbt between Ibe I'rof. Bowlaod’e lb«
made of tbe finett mahogany and tbe
It it an abaoluic- bridges bnilt ol merUa Tbera ma- Prineeat BoeelU aad tbe Pop Core
and tiaben,M ibe *BgtM rained
____ibroub tile bridgn, eadbad ly pmltat batniDMt, and tbe grad- tarirtewrastfaeoheaprat to be had, Han," with eeren illoatraUona by
tath HniU broken. Thai, with tbe oationa os tbe glew are eo fine that aiaee they were found along the Garrett.
............................................ »bot
Gee. W. T. Bbramu bas wrilUo a
paper, full of rahiable anggHlioua
We dMtb tbe followleg morning.
Aady Leri, aged 79 years, died at
on “Tbe Amy and Uiliiia of tbe
•Grandma- Wilaon, who rewdre Ibe poor farm at Sedalia. Ho. When
United BUIee.” which will appear iu
aoo, will be 100 yean
nt Xa
tbe Fortogueee oortea the August Dumbm of Tbe North
next month. She went to ira lue arcus oomnaH eau locow■ promised to American Berlew.
I it conUnuously for fifty-fire yarn,
___ ih Haren Monday wlUi tbe Unof meal to tbe
e was tbe fint barebaok rider in ebip large qnaoUUes ol
iM Baodhl-eebool cscDraion unaTe United Stataa Ha waa tbe life- Aaorea
Wild .liaat week ebo knit a pair
fetter Cured by b. S. S.
Tbe Congo stale has anaaxed the
lig friend of John BcdiinMn 1
«fl(e^ngtforafricnA Sbereadi
I used Swift'e Spedfio (& S. H)
an BIm and trarded with belb.
«f£^?aaeea rifd vitiU frienda
about three years ago for an aggra
Aeol tbe oily when ebe deairea
Uiai Hattie Heitor it the United
raled ceae of TMter. and waa cored
: Chpt Bundy’e goepol ebip u ml Siatee mail eairier orm tbe route
oond ud well with three bottles
rens ^countr,
HatqoaUe. Brief aervieee are held from Oonder, Imnress
bare bad eo return of tbe annoy.
Tj eopnly, 6a., a and exUndi is tbe dirteUeO of the ig diaeaae ainee. T trieS-^Tarious
■a <ta dock (ber«. and tbe oapUin b

coatfrting many eoob. Ha oeiiinOllier rmnedira befpra briog S. S S.
oomprisUm that be hat preached to 80,000
but they failed lo eurv mo. or beoeCi
Baepla einee be left Boffalo and
ing inbabitanU of Spakhia,- OreU. me ia u« way. Oua C. Foota.
own mnilueii, cntiiaa. bare arrired at Oanea to petition
wiowa with enUiuaiwm when be
Fairfield. 111.
nnctoal at tb
ipaaklufhu 80 acmoni preached
tbe gorenor end tbe foreign contula
1 bare uld Swift'e Bpeeifio (8. B.
all waetbera.
JnSOdayertongibe liagiuw rieer.
■gainst tbe eonlisoed csoeraee by
i/) for a number of years, sad esa
' Boogba' eircoi exltibiird at lebAt I’oittad Ura, Cbxrlea Coe- the Turks They report that tbree
pata^. beeaeae the
t, an aeronaot, was inttxnlly ohriatias berdaoun were recently io ud blood purifier it u without u
d by Tutkish eoMiera, and
•drerttwd btUoon eecaocion failed
1 wUle making a parachute atWm. Gacus Nartrllle, III
e delegataa threaten reprisals nn- equal.
.00. Coagrore made a eoeeeeataM>oM cS,an cxdted mod of 400
kaa tbew ootngea be stopped.
people tore tbe ciieut tent into
Considers It Witnout an
At Harann tbe public ia beoomiDg
nnarae of canmi ai 1
alarmed orer tbe frequent outregee
dna They tore open
nitled by Oarera'a bud of rob­
I about 200 -f^ from tbe
*0Uing tnufca. and mobbed Ibe
ikma tanda That erening parlieo- ground be lost hU bold and fall, bers To-day tbe band surpiieed a udeoasidMit without aaI eqea) aa
number of buds at wort on t
ta *taAB" wai raised and tbe poliea binding in a pared etreel He
a birod purifier ud toaie. Id bet.
me powerleaa Sereral Ibooeand
I wonld not atUmpt to utar upon
Mtee worth of proi>eTty wet torn
Tbe little Begliab iparrows in
one of the rails Tbe raeuU waa rpriag or aummer in tbia oUraate
«nd ground to palp
h'av Tork bnre lea»ed n new dodi ..jlona of the freight traine was without it. I nerm tire rt myiog e
lioee rteelrie ligbU lepUeed gat 1 thrown from the trank. Tbs robbere good word for S. 8. S wbeu I bare
Uodtford u tbe
uoal or tbt city parka. When tbe carrMl it prooerded to
•fatpryold lady
toned off et dawn tbe bottom of IL shot Oondoc
tapMta we don't t1
. . _ _
faMbyanetbirk______ ____ globes are filled with hundreds ofi Troope bare aUrted from HaUoxaa Treatise ou Blood ud Skis Du^afitf aaaide of Mn Beynald'e leeu which ban
aaes muled fres '
■■jnui we give lEe following: tbe light and kiJ
SwixT Sracirtc Co.,
Tbe remaine of tbe bboee of 230
• lode nine tnilea, pked twenty eowe around nfter the globe bee Fraoeb eoldiere wbo had died at
..VUrta of ba^bettTM oM tban oooted off, elide down the earbon and Berlin of wounds or injnriea reosirnode Bine tnileeboiM; the^xtday derour tbe ianeeU.
ed in tbe ill-feted
------------tae walked a iniie.^ a ctlep bOI at
At Lowell, Unaa, at aa wnpiojae
Itat. to ririt her laagbta. How
hmaj bdiee to iaata
^ at of tbe Marriano OomsI Uo. at
jreP ahe being n««ly 72 yean old. A^ae Oity, aertal^Uiroagb a log of
.bir^ glare. Borne yaata ago
'Wtafigan if the plaoe tor apry old
•is wuted the ipaoe lor a dm bar>
rarta,' and tbe remaina wm rwnored
Tta Smdall brotben of Blendon somellung more. He orteOTw^.
anolber new Umeks il to be» baUt
:«W up their auobioe Pridar momlng drew it ud infonned Ute fo
ab:re iheir second rsetisg plaoe,
-*M>unaooed threthug for Gar- Hie
>e two pro*
proeored ^ p^
Van Koraring on Benton B
a poabisg t
I oa” TUa ^ tbe grare
u'a tone eootb of EodaonrUla large tneka, which tbeir united
t U o'rtock Ibe wind blew fire •Irangth waa noabla to puU out
tbe oegiBak-^ eetting fin to a
A book waa IbMi prdeoreo.
and aa
_____Of cBta From that tbe fire the! '
mkeappaimdtbe fratber reeeorsla w
tbe -1^ atae^ which tongs rrerecloeadm it. nrwnhlng it.
When tbe snake w» poUadoutmilira, it was found to beaatagaaaa Secretary of Btata, waa artratiJ.
m ortiurtad at 800 buibrte of oata msn'e arm, and four or fira fart long.
**■ ”
odUO-twebalaot wbea>, togetbar It il tho^ to be of tbe-boa ooa^ a MW eepualor wbieh ibe boye
Md lost booghl Oneot tbe bMa
C tadly bmad on bia band, wrk
WIbata. Noma
ibmaa John Torrantof Mna- Tork ttallM that a werttky
■mbayaof tbe^in tbebwar ladyfatab^ robbed of .
a dapaitment.
iNlMBia that there are bnt a few ooBtrtBing •6,000 wwtb
ay. ^teh was
monda wtula paMiag Ihroogb BoSa- ktgaly rmaforeed by Batradortane
M ■ raw m* atanrrr* 7 <t;n ito tom* *r

On Men’s and Boys’ Suits.



Small lot, but in every way as doeii-ablo as tlioiigli wo had quantities.
now to get a I’all suit cheap.


A good time


Everything in the Above) Lot at
From our usual retail rates.

We are Offering


' 8A87A8

■ J



These caunot lastjlong.

Men’s Pants at $2.19

usual price $2..50 to $3.50, one pair of a kiucl, hut good values and awfiit cheap.




Everybody who may ho trying foi tlio best bargains may come here and be
satistied; hut don’t ask us to take auy loss thatf marked price, we shall not cujoy the
couvcisation, the prices wo make are low enough to eonvinee the doubting ones.
This will be a Clearing up Shower licfore the Pali Trade oiwns —other Bargains
will follow in about tliis way:

One Hundred or mere Men’s Colored Laundried Shirts, All Sizes
At Just ONE-HALF Prfee.
We moan to close them out this season, Now think of it, a good Laundried Shift, two
collars aiiud detached cuffs for 25, 50 and 75 cents; barely the price of a common i.^
cotton working shirt.

Broken Sizes in Men’s and Boys’ Hats,

Good Hats, one or tv;o of a kind.

At ONE-THIRD OFF the Regular Price-

All Light Colored Stiff Hats put in to close at]Half^rice.


—. traM on tba Haakegoo
teuBM John Canfield of Hudrtea bm ■Bfrua. It ma ofmoiSk
Inartl to eoBlain an (be Aag

^^"birtm^i^ ram

Ita tae 860.000,000 ferti D. A.


AA KQBxaty.lowa,(wob

iMtad ftea hosn. ^ wbrts <

- About tbe first of September our Pall Stock will begin to arrive; it will be
the largest ever laid in Traverse City.

Dry Goods and Clothing.

tadtoff. Ot«d Bividi. BPdiTr,
Oaa. O. Oqoi«. lMd«, Maaiar.
ndap aata: C A. Bewitob. UaM. £. A. TmSwv. Onad BapUa.
Dr. H. A. Ikima, HaiaMl. Oban. A.
■. Oiaaa ni|tli. E. 8. Pkrae,

-•HtetanMW totatokMt


• Uiobdr.

Warranted Five Years,


Oalotoir ^

aotU^ydteobovthd Itai Ewakr
tro« ■ konao otoad poM Utu tlie old,
batatw Mthod cd bu(ifl«.
to M calWdawd
pabUo—Dood tako ao dimd
ioKTMliatUoMttar. The d«y d USd. or t» «Mi c( <
■alkl ori
drwv. (« k «Non]l7 Ibeaaia
da. or ao-edkd aofdaoua.) dkcd
•nrda.kotUaxIortko pal ta Ibio

d 18M. It aiUU bii oorprioloc to auBj
Btaiui nadonI to Dota boa aadi
lUMj U tbo dd<r
0 HkUgu ore Ibos Tama
Oitr-loaM ao bora bead oo aoeb
•boat for ■ qwttor ^ taU a eeatoiy,
pabapo TzsronoatT, aitb ita t.MI
pwpk. toJax raaki aaioo* tta batter
aaadloaaaoitbadata.atMl ia, aa baUoro.Ua larpaat rWof/e. in UaUeao.
«itb eoaraMoo*.

New, High Alim, Sewing Machine,

nadaaedknt for flewer gaidaai «r gan*
Delead, Aaa. A. Bant, ttoad Ikgitih. •tnleaUinUoiL. Ibe liBOcr k a baary
growth d a«ar mapln. badfl. noon
errarkto. Mtnato
Tba weekdplaltiiM tbefroaadamn aertbera Midiigae. Tbe raw liaeanl1 any point k elaraii«. witn Tmr.
began anrip Is tba igictog aadw tbe
Cilj in tbe diatasee. at the bead d
■apTidoa d Maeon L. BcewadDetT^ tbe weQ known ksdarar* gatdea- UMl»y.BDdoncit>Mcaida tbe wooded
•r. rtba aka kiJ onl Um TatarM rood abOtae«T okared darnia d (be Otaad bare to (daae before rkinUahto tnrU ar' I
Ik and
Leeknaw p«
Tbe e!wk d Ute Hylna Idt at Sjin.
I it caw paroneefeeB. T .bnt W. W. Walkr >041
■ly nod well «h«o Ueyreleded tha roar bambk aertant atnek togalbet aad
Crtqa. boga and oat. ommIj were
Osl d tow hnsdrail and tannlp-flra O^d. P. It. Johnam hna tnul general
better tban with oa. Com araragaa
lota, rarrsir bare alre^lp beta aoU, at eharcadUieRTt>iu.J> d bsUi
.mge prioe d gVI.OQ. AdaekbM tiooa, aoJbaa lapeiiateoded <bQ oj>eo pond in Canada; Msegood ia K. T.;
pimp good belaren Oiand BapfaUj
tog nf alreUa aud arennm and tba geO'
dill >a Boweta tiarbor, with prerp
and IMratt. Hai bren bd eDoagb to
alimpioramenit made, and i
T and eral
pada ia tba new tatore tot a larger
batto oaa on Tiaratse Day. (o be buiil ooalj bare been chiwaa who wa« boltar i aeUd eora in auine pUora. -Potatoea
drad in eooa pkcaa with bon or mat
by tbe Ttareiae Point and Coirarailkt qaabOed to dntbia work than be. GanUoUagee bare already prtmtiodoenjtbuigrrqaued. eouiie- ''Notarralgo^^oMd any aiae aiaee
ona nod affalrb. alwajw, be ia exaeUy wa IMt borne. Applet-amMI sad aia
haan boUt by B A. Trwlw^y. Jai.
vary few ibdml
Baat, and Cbaa. C. Billon of Oraud;
J. W. Dicni
Bmnda, D. M. Sboll of Linamg. aad
. UoUoo, Mi» . Aag. 11.
FtnakMerriUd Oharldk. whileMr*.
(Iiwry-a 1

«Bi*lbo«p 4cp« Wdo Md kt tlio
....................................I* il
^moaihotn^MMUMwboMt .


fniatoand wny ped»dgbl, aow,to
wtaedtobv botii and in and.
bay. Uua* • gang pknk aaoa and
(raa one boat to tbe
dber. Tba nail d bolb rawirk k a


MoUiken of i>steoit. who ia at proMnl
tijiag life ID a teat, will tidxia boildiag
OI>d lo are a good booaefall laat Sas.
aewiii brr aoQ. alto Mr..W.!^^^
Meu uiJ wosaea form a taueb
P. Sharpe, C. Uirnb. Ur. 1

Tiae Mtaile Tcaaekra
For Otaad Traretni CoBDty. will be
mnre ialcre»-.iijR ualien.Tj than osply bald at TraTcrwo City, coomruninc at
UniJei litoii from oar uaigb- lOo'elook a. o.. Mooday. Aosaat 25.
tbe goed of C. A. BiUoa, aad Wm.
and c-iowDR at 4 p. B., Friday. ADgaai
dea Bmitb. who. with bk w.Ce. are at
"9 Kupt. a T. Orawo, Tiarwm City,
tba Traaerw Point Biitol. Ur injiij
ewrotab d | r*'*®®'^** •'* *he a><ugir|raiiut.
b-eal e-wnmiltc.
of Aon Arbor and Mr.
Oo. Vlhelrdt. i
' ■rue.epei'id ».r>iee
Tberalnt ul tbe
Neweomb* EndiaoU
atlbeae (Mtilolca k bring eery gtaaer'
at Uw rceort am Mrs. B. i>. Barlo*. hniJed lo be ix'e:piimei.:ary to the Ora ally lecof^iaed by Irwrlierannd aHiool
ba« (meem. Aa a nie, il bat twee the ex.
Wbeetor. who are rUilinc Mi. Adal-l'-dy uguiOed tLnr lults^on ta l»
u eooal, eiamii*. imd otb.
QaBl.Mr..A.B.Wbilaand ebiu, wb..!
‘‘f effloetr. tbal the took
----- .. .«
i,,cbei» an tbow ah', btra
are tbe guaaU
of xi_
Mra. «r
W. f>
P. Bbatpe. cjme. Ert all w.i. ate mlerr-kol lo the
eooijk-uoi mauaerfl
ti,emaelTrt •■( tbe uomial inMca. W. J. Blakeky i. aloppiog at tba
fatroclioa offered by ibrae local indiltilrw.
TcMway collage a* Ualu Chaw Cok. Ibeit inleia-lbT tl.iir |ireaii
The patdw
i l-be daily amaiou d Uie ioatitotefer
Qee. E. Bmitb and daagbteraTe gntoia
„ bemldore. be deeded
dMra. ,t. 13. Mallikoo. Mrr. Webb,,
- - , wbo .HUilly «.l o- the e.U; „,j, y,^.
ivcly to topaac of speriU ioterrat
^ ‘r’."?"
oUirrpvw. joal toUwcbcirr. prewcuted by peraona d
.peadiug tbe aoiam* with brr bnabaod,

m. -Iicr. PBRELiiNrs,
Front end State Streets,

Meats and Giroceries !
CliiinsI Mats, Poallri, Gams, Etc.
AUi>, I’aniily Groceriee, Prorisionn, K«-d. Flour. Eti-. ,
>. bnitot, egge. An. aaaali; foond.ia eity markala.

Otters Pnin|itl{f niled is ait part ot the Cit).

Han just coiupMffd liia

I jsr V E 2iT T O R "sr
And. «* it utHuil, »l «uch tliiK.*# Ita.'


a with tba lowaabipa in
............. 20.786
whidi Uaey are located, and it if tbm...............2*.«ll 17.W5 (ora impoaadbk to giro Ibeaa bare aepa^
................ 18,9S8 ralaly. Elk UapidatowaAip baa 1,4^.
............... 6.0*5 6.014 aad Manoatona townafaip. 2.320. both
............... 4,346 4,606
ki^ialfaa rUtoea
Dtmo nanen
............. 6.6W 5,102 lo IBM. Elk BtpUa rilkga bad 1.170
.............. 6.346 5.316 pm,pleandMaaeetoo..751.
......... .
8,706 *,830
.............. 2,17* a.311
» «lrmwd Trairea
inacliral es|ieriro. at teacbera,
Oapu Webb, d tbeir mtUgm
t::’onr^.r‘« tfuded
.............. 2,782 2.358
and wliu have ntaJu u afireial etndy d
OaedtheBaoetebarmiagof Uia aaasy A aidewalk ia baiog baiUlrooi tbo ;for toe oeoptoica wbo will
.............. 1.C04 1.4W
iaitUnlu wutk. The cvei iog ketar.
.............. 2,744 l.Wl
wiU to- d a popnUt ebannstor.
uc»t Sun.
.................. 2,011
2.3ta when tbe ean ia biddeo tad Um pearly anlkt reaert and will be eonliuueU on to ;
Tto' iiMulnle Uw alhnra trKtUvB. wboae
ff« aattailnat.
aa—«»«“»« i
.............. 3.W5 1,640 lakl banging oawr the bnlMr bUk atoag the hotel d Traver
d,y n. ni . Ibd
■rbonUara SD reaaion d too limeap
.......... 2.076 iOW UMabonr. only aerme to bring oat in pboae lioe to Traerrm will aoua I e ■
l>oiute.l for tba ominly
oimnly iartitolr. betd Ujin 1m? ]iad lor a eliori time.
C..iiM-nn.l I,'milill. m* low iiric*
eiTidgraenUH) (eatbary braaobca palin. Apkanutfealarcdtorta^rt,
,, 7:n A|l,m
.............. 4.823 2,624
uodertbe diteelioo d lb
d tba Itaca Uml fringe the ailtrary beach' life k thd froah trait and vegdatke auJ
tmd<»l, t rW Itnir
ea. Haeh an aftemooa it waa wbea oo Um fine fi.b for wUidi Orand Tneenw ]
.. '
•ofamonr, are brooghl daily to tbe j
.............. 1,607 1,388 Toeadty a goodly aaoberd tba
Kuaaaaroni. chtii
out forfeiting their wigee, fur M j
' I’iir.tij1«riati>-Tvie »« nqdor Um
............... 1.681 1,167 band tbe Np ab U-waaU raaori. who ooUag. by tbe n.
balf-Jaya ar (bey are to altedilaaee d
Umbood train, at.
W. Biltun <4 tbU pkee, piers 1>T Met. Jaw A. Kennedy f>v
........... 13,121
day. Ang. 17ih. at tlie K. O T. M. bal>. tbe ioatiluto. Tbu |■l(•T■a■on d tbe Uw,
Tiaaaa taniloij at OUoboaa ba
too arobiteci wbo hat 'made all the
......... 1.877 1.8W
Hnl'jert. 'Tbu lll•wungo( and tU' fact tl-at Ibm will be no eardl'
m Oitneent to join tbeir (a^j. at U» plans tor tbe euUagn>: which cjti iron lu>lila. D>.
Mila flat oIwUoDaBd k ororabotnu Portkad...
........... :. 1.662 1.675
_________ Uio D.gbteona.- 7,:bl p. d. 'The mrnt or tiiitioulee ixaetid, ebonld iaglOUtogl.r-oi) each, and
............... 4.507 4.611
aurv tbe alleodioceuf errry iradrer
AaUae bod OMde ita any on
thTlniil^R, wbirU U all doae by (iracd j
law bkb boaaa o( ibt k
............... 2.M6 2.’76
,t Monroe Ctnler, Midi.
c delrpda Midland... ............... 2,385 2,177 Mrror like hay .Uie eoltag. at Edge- Tramtae carpenteie. L. M. Merrill ba iSrWp-«
' rxm.s ranv «««>.,.

............ 3.141 3,0(3 wood were nan nedling among' Umir crotomsled to bnild a large iec hooai-;
i Tbr Ni.rtb|K*rl lDdsu.eanii> tmdiDgl ^ may ImobUia
............... 1.380 1.721 gtaeo toe., while oo the oppoaita Miore tbkfdl.
............... 6,517 8.8<» Um baifbta d tbe new b^ttkt rJSrt Tbe antinal bnMneaa moeUng of the j wUI bo beldam toe Indian amp grased* |
TbadacMotUadwtbefUajDonc (
-.utinn ,ria,.>II.
watcall-|l1 orlcooulh <>r
of NoftLnurt.
Nortbport, beeinuino
............... 1,883 1.161
hdotPeatka, oappoaodtofaararoMlt- <
aaaka-wiaaUM from
I bantlag to- •J at toe eiUafe d E. A Treadaay,
the I| Tuowlay.
auowiay. aor
Acut.. z,.
2 i. and closisg on the |
.............. 9,881 .7,912
-padalasbeel, i
aat rote ItxilyobUM air.
d See I (oUowicg Moaday.
| Tbu mueemeat d l<enace tbraugh
enraUry d too i
................ 7,160 5.301
oa0>tto«ta«r adwalorate UrinUnc.
Il wu a eheacy eompthy wbo aojoyad o’clock, p. m., Taemlty. with .la*. A
riaxn..!< arr<»-Ti».
On Oatrait nrer- akme ia
.............. - 2,798
’’aatoBaly.- otlbk qaalioa at oorpotal
........... . 8,757 8.171 Um bikl thiaa-qiitrua d aa boor't Baat. tbe pramdeot. la tbe chair, A : There dU be a apeeial eeremo at tbe j wae lU.uOT.llrri tooa giralw Utaa Um topMflftiniil ia pabUe aobaola. Tbo
ride Iron Tramae OHgJa tba resort.
cliorch next Sunday, 10:10 a. m. (■! regkiered ealrin and
HnauikaflfKbdkra ia ita eatlia BallloOcatk. ..... ..118,168 10.021 Tl^aoalhanMtddgaa meabanofdM roU^ll allowed 8>ty ooA ual of a msai- J
banAip d dioly oBf. pr^l. eilber in ju, uiember. ul lUe Traeurae Cdy Bm all tbe aeaporte of too Coiled StalA
........... J. 8,964 4.081
were 3aa. A. Baal, piakdeat d paraoD or by proxy.
• Tbe trading of toe ] j*»Hturut« ai.' ...jaraicd to b.- prracuU ] »od :i,(X«I.O0fl toDagmler tbaa toe com8.821 8.5M
UMUnirmalkt 1
toe mianlMebq«i.'J that all naiceraaliil | lij ueJer u! tbe chief.
1>» 2.129
n k aaid that Mr. Paitiidia,
itariau miaiksrr of th- atUr wc.'e
j toLnagu uf Ldeerpe I and Eooduo,
1.780 2,024
tba Lovtflt PoEiibb Prim vfK
oeaaklereJ benurary membera.
8.863 3.S9.-.
aaord bU oaapdfa by iotalne a Id
Tbr treainrer'a report ab'iwad Ibeeoc:
5,429 5.002
ot pMlal carda. oatfakUf Itaat Ua Dig Bapid....
ao admirabic .croon to i> crowilcdl
- —
Rirr raeapRATi
' ‘a Ua u iheit raadi- Ibe nppar poidDaola faai aada a nota­ Mra. Joel MenAast. Uar. Mr. OoodwiU ely lo be
, Tue Beni: Ble Mane Ucrald baa emv
IwmxI’lbonJrat l~
Mo lot tbal cflko. We aoald onnaot ble «aa IB popnlaUoo. Oocnparuig aad daagbter. N. V. Caipaotor, J. A. tralbof alllbe money rcMicedfrootoo; ‘‘'”^
«wtt«to Ui tr»f. •• few
,-<3ucae BOdKwabd yuo ran do tor ready

d toexial, and tbo Tribune takes lU wlik
tour. Fukidco Ibat be oced bk ra- with (be eaBiBO 0(1880 Ui«a/ba bra Blillwril, B. M. Beyaolda, £. A. Stowe. nleoMotaifto «.> W the Uniecraati.t i'“*
Put •Oort.
AaaociaUto of Michigan.
uc-t ainr. uai-ai.
p'av. Ww. Webster, J. O- Bindley, - Ilw
Ktliall BILL
'qwkfaiaaaled earrlopa. Botlbee.
gdsot 87.81G. Manilea eonalr-bai
W. Talk, and Mr. OatoAeoti of
Wm, Ablen Smith was iualiucted to' 'Ibete will b.> ariut auclal. ioe erram 1 ami C. H. Cliapman forming toe enm&Maoddeadtaoaatf.
totbaanV. Teajaarai«d Ua oanna tbeanDdlkpida-Uemaont. wbik tbe eaatUMballotdtoemeeliLgfortbetol.,»aaeake. .1 the cbapcl, un Tbnr«laT|,uDy. Ilua aemiweekij. repubUnn
dwaad l.SM ia tbal eooatj: abUe now Ttarerae City peopk who
for timdera: Pur Ibr.e' C’Thtoc u< xl. .Iul'. 2lM. KcCTjtomg m p:,litir.,nuJ Up tint oambar gieua
he rist
Frank Bamilloo, Mr. and Mrr. ycara, K A. Treadway. C. A. Nowoon.1.. ' pia»- A <’■’1
Tba »•« Took naoa, a Itaa tada bnt M3, nlea of m._4ba lownaof tbe
«’«'»• prrmiiae of an able ei^roent of tbe prtoO K. Back. SeoU Woodward d Iba Jra. A. Unnl; for two year*. Frank M«. [®J «<>
iMrA- it Ua Ba^ anol lo de.
«hat parly.
Traaaeript. Mre. E. L. Bpragoe, Mtw
tot laatolto in thk obooIit. U»7
ritoMra. Ma’dikaa, C. 13 rob; tor oa- __
It. A. Wblpple, Hka Oertie Bpngoe d year, C. A- H.lton. Dr. Pctermin. Frank ' ®“ •*"
wat otop oadi tooUdaea M tbo neat
l.|"*i» a>rV" i- nwdy
1880. Uie Eagk and Mka Mabel Bat. of the
rOM NAtwM or - tw. walk Iwt •- k or I.U n-l -an c*WMW*
Mdiacnt Sbeatld.wbiefaoaUednpoo
Worarwawd a.aildren Witt Vwte.
A, Booker, tbe Inwtera meet later and , root, tout^ lA.i away
. 11.190
Ibaaajorof ttodlT toaa bk iofloA utique pku of TOtrUR >>y wHeb wo
rdecttoeollloe«dtooor.!.uir.Uoa. aI^. *. w. M. boned tor
. 10.574
oc,; ,0J tUiUlrrn at wHI u mea and
UeaidMUiOMwbD eameoa UieCt.- dlteuaaioo waa atarleJ it, t? .tar.l to tbe'
oMtloddMlUa HeKinkr InriffbOl
•..rucaa virtnariy at.l uficu ha« been Kt»«allo»lrow TriT«f»eCIli. L«wl»B.»f«.
aeal oa thiaexeeraioa the reguler abowa BaiUingda
Ibe Bew Tofk Tiaa k eortael, in Uda
hotel — — „-------^------------- B------„
aMBgotbonUtonawad Mr.aud Mrr. the following rraololton was aloptai ]
y^, „ j jj„
iiarr conqarat ncbemr; tboJi
. - 7.817
Truman Erllegg, Walter J. Draw and
b«< offered ll»o priztn aggregsting crartoo •ii|>ot, ly
milfamily, and Mr. Wilbeyd Orand Ktp d UCe axonal meeting of the Coirer_.
VUk atar ooaalki in oooibirB
-i:, too Urgr»t Uiitn• 'I'iiof anil »’
ut Iteeort Aa««ciitimi that toe l.xard of \
IDMcan Maw, b]r tbe aoeal onana ra- BL I(nm............
881 iiU. Abopattbaboklih thawtdting trakera iw reqaesteJ to foranlateapkn »ltr,ll uter the
(r,’ni tbe 1>«llx-r of cottHi by Iwlljl*
of tba pkaaant iaatncai d I
----- WMOoeoftl
------trao.oa oelaal lalUap off la popakic-nmi-J car travel.
•Iwrutl. Tuo cjoIi ■<B>q-i'iteJ
(or thaimmediau- orgasiartio;, of a aob-1
— day.
• ;l-'. Micliigan
•adUacosatkoet ImkaLiadaa .
Anyone r*u role •« ussy
charge of tbe ereotioti of a boul j
* .Iclsiliwi -ftcwnal. AI•boa a large itto.
In Um faU d 1889, Uiraa gwatlemeb, and (be
Uiongls wc will ray lUsi
Ibat *v«v- cooloj
Clviiud toe|t:nHa
(be |t:nHa aa'to
aa be ei'bre. Tbe
The ree
retvivi of toe
tbadaUltapcw- ikdJaobd...
and a
a copy
B. A. Btowaand O. F. OoakUn of Qnod modaliona d the Daicermlkt reaorl-loty ball buUJitiv'. l>ctr,e:. scat to the
o'‘h-voi..i> and
.d^ra. ■
Bqiida, and FHok Uamilloo d tok Mr. Newcomb will Uko gl.OiG to atock
it. U not for*i.ii*Bi.r.a.
p^ were ao laeorably impraarad wito in the new betel and oUrcta haie ex baM b.-aa-.i'f
Oar madeta wfll.aoto, Jirilb aa
aa’-ifa! VI of Ho-ii'y ao-l toil-.Ur. Tbr
:r .T.mru*L
iiii V
oaring ai aeinal iaaraa in that tapaTmSker'a Poiol, the prajeoUng land ly­ pieawd tbeir willioguoei to ^acooie portiliuu of CdmcU jad acfuw tbe nvur. rigblbyeart,
uvr ut ,publirmslioa on Soptembn
InlBSl. Ibaooutkaistba that Banlt Sto. Mark.
'.Ut, aad u'lebralea tbo anoiTcniary
ing beiwers Bower's Barbor aad tbe
We w<-;a billrd to laare Drinct
luakiBg a alight adrance in its adrcrlv
flKia porfioa d Iba lower patinNk
Tit; LoexTtuv.
ooakiaod 10t,7»paorle. iclt«i.flll. wildaaprktiktvoar tbtao.-iratra'ago. Trnneae bay, (or raeorl potpoaea, that
TrBTsne Point) wfacra ore located the it (akcaa tougtimc to'get mady. bat *it
«M, aad in 188Q. ges.470, bdng an io- tbe Iowa tbal w. to ba Um hay ta aU
a dMltofata tract, and growada d tbe CciTstralkt Berort .Amo. ia buy and it 1 jjk« bkn a pic nie aa yon ,
•BMa d ISl.flM dDoa 1880. at Iba tiaa Uia aortbwad. Iba nral d DolnUi and f .»~i too spot 'Tisraom Point,
dUw f.l, lotoll..-' i-tt4*t:Kwi:«-l f ■caiTAia.
at tba tad opportioaaaa!. aad d 41.439 Ohiogr. hu only 6.176 peepk. otdy from (bk sprang Um lywrerw Point cialloo and the Tncerae Point
orialioo. i«elgbt milra frota Tuar.
. 1884. U iba nppar paaiaMla abod SOU note tea Trasam Oily.
clBeetaJ: O. F. Conklu.
We bave alou 1 w tnvin ivoy wiib liia
Ibatatoban a gain d 87.616 daea
praudeot; E A. Blows, aeecefi
rfary; F. tbeahoraoMbe Peoineuk. by one of ploma and bas>oi>. •; fur 2’> ccau.
Cl«r ro.k,-;r
; •!*
UBO. Mortbm Ukbigaa baa, tba»
wo^ d
I^m, Jnit uccivrj i 1,,,1-loe flu;.,
ling dtirn in Amnici,
tee. Bade an obMlato gdb (n 10 Toara.
pbUleg aad okaring alraete
FliHir.ll. L.Co. Beat .
well graraled, well kept riul, toe riigiae which givui lioftm and wu
ui: Bill.' MM. jnit. ■ ■
dtdi/aaatothdiba aatka peaeMt
aa qtiieUy aa poaaible. tba araoomUoa skirting Um bay aboa (be anlire dis­ atart 2.12, we Icece too Detroit titer
SS,'’""' -■■■
<«»v lira ei»r
oa ibe Canada • etop n't milra
erlfikl IV< i»rM.Vss4s
aarly tbk aeaaon aeBce work wsi bagoa
Boon we a bo! Imx anJ
Forbeaalyd loeaton Uiese rewirta
.« uiu T»ti<l>rasx
in building sad hUiag ap toe groanda.
by any in uoftoern I wen: dukjpi ly »Wpi’ia« aov r-.! UiiSicr
IbaflidaweaU abrakolMtjtok
•• ....................
Tbe attnaUTa aad laooty boed, wfaieb M«bigaa. Tba brad ritra la sevetLl: Anived at BI. Tiiomav at six u'diuk fur Urd
plaoe U Kaw Tot*
baa base opM only Ibraa waafca, o^d k trtiaera from Un water, ou both barimt jrdroUimems (U, B. Und) The band Cbeoeo
•• ...................
bnkrbdnclba aabkd- Tba OMa
oomfotUbly flilad. it praaidei orer by andbaysidea, and where strveia haee^ef (he First MiiSiigan rvgiainil gave Oatvperboahol................
)KVPUN*ld rOK TtH«K«

new-----Mr. aad Mr*. J. A. Parry, whbb. to all been opened aad cksriage made in tbe aimc sics mndc; Ctrl pie,--. -aoJ Save Coro
IhodrDtodwarid, aaapoaiba
PoUtum ••
wbo know Mr. and Mrs. Parry, k prake heavy growth d aatoial timber
toe QaeoD.'' followed by '-Aractici.'’
Bill per bbl ........................
O.P.C>nklia..W. P. OoakBrr>| a>to <rrretene C>is<]. *•«•« I»*.ijm. towsi^■ tbeentire tract, bcasUfal views'' ••Maichii.g Tbreogb tioorgU,’’ -Van
Uaand E A. Stowa bare aacb baUI, are bad dUm harbor ou one mJe. and! Ue,Jliiodl«" and -OU Jdm Browe."
Wbsal. wialer. parba..
Wbeat-epriog. " ....
itiriagaa bava baea ooabay 00 Un oUmt. for masy Wa arriveil at lbs fatlv at lOilU, atepprd
No. 1,
“ ....
Iraekd fer by toe amestaxioa. and will mike ap and down, and too wooded aboat 3b mianlov-a regakt euide d tbo Oeta,
Core, new,
be ready to net or for aak bafora
ibovradUM wad aide of toebayUirce Micbigaa Oeatral.- tor' tory koei
or foar mika sway, wMk nearre by. to aunld bedsrk before we coaliLFuvub'/
f bepd io doatfkttp waM *:•
“ .
Um eoath. Ika the gtm d the bay. Iiwcb tbe fidU. mar Johnsoavdia.
loaadaapeadp.pdatoiaad ooovmkVa bsvu a bravr Uala of afteen
brantiliil Marion island, and ton iiulu
tkaUpoliata—Bad asMtoea^
endua auJ are n>w .1 3i» giving wny
kkod. "notMviy'a land.” in U» foeato let other Usio. fra n Coiotgo psas. eo
grooad. Tbeaa RaatU poaarm a dea d Mtb dIha taatnrd
MteigsL D<qiar(mei]| ti ao lasca oa
UMt UM bsri^ar day aff«U qakt
North Ad«». d lOiW;
BMowwa fftotha lataiBi by
a bad baaa a'pdnlad ta aiamiiM !Slteb-di.g.-o.!:u.r bowiad.
■hipa ih Ottmd Tneataa, fienk, Eaeat aaraad.poiata ia tba data. This diMnrM llM —d tbe "~i- toy <w ’rtiich was gold sn-l p.eaWal. Amaed
kMw aad Atoim; osM«kcm
littaa madsa flaal lapcrt ia bw lake may ba Tbs brad, is raaialy ia Boston li^UMtoe «hne.
sraooUiraad with baa
Ibera pab- many dav. stai. intoo cira^nightr
bka ot boaUara. aadgivaa modaurl tbk makingbodnoaais lirely.
tort t-lhte»««>~A».
rnoiTT »T- TH avf 8»i «tt km u
fflUowad, and IbaaMaaorBa. matAdtoawayfocaioagdktaaeaOBL (Baad^f )
wants raaott, gtoan ft. Tba dart UaUMbaffamddt.foradioctdidaaM. Pabiie gmder.
«w afaeal 75 rwm and, Ufcstta

mf .^Qod^

And Miuti) Special Lots

Great Barges

For Quick Cash at


The Reliable Uealbrs’.

jsVa'"'jdiJjr **v*5r:^oC?ar


1). -VINTON & SON-'








El"._rHir*sSiS,''ru.’‘;Hi h'-



..... .










r. •





S S' “

Advertising Rates.

Office Supply Company FRI»RICH8R08


Xatiwwoat agang ptaak .odibeaord toaO. A. B. aa rtate » tha,.-kS.4~-i«i on bolb Soi
-ral•da wtemd Grand Tmmtsi bay. Tba
tMeniaWaad ware: Jan. A. Hal. deck walcw cn Um dber ads of tbaf I •«
on tba raain 4ny. iafm- naisalx
i HiBH^umlltei Mra. A. &
Il <
^ bdndli
>M.PMidE9te»8fliiMi;B.l. pMiiiolraM atft* tefl. D ia nibetll

Rationai tj|i


^ Traverse City ^

-------------. Ddltdl; T. W. Haakn;
la M. Paebar, OrMi IkfUr; Mb.
a a Wabb. Mm. U a Hoto. <to
Gpota;NB.J.ABpaer, to Xtao^
■ Harbart tad A.

Bnu*,« <k* BmM Mt I

Bb bk to^ta. Mta Alta.

MiaSidaay UUIcr. Mta TmrbrUfa,
Mm to W. B«n>. Mn. Chaa. H. Deboil; F. G. Hatli aad tale, Gaad'
n«toa tad Jba. dao. <3. Oaok, Btaidt; Mr. aad Hia a L. Hill, Mta
■Maad«bBd.«boaiataeadleg tto
alOUMtafan, antotava to
The ^ew BapUae Kaowrt.

iWUta bn tor, Mta. A. B. Ooek.
to WMUI aMUw at tk* ovln
bMri w Md to jto«v «tUi
Ooa W.Bode eltoiact Aim
• Botoi. aoUi. to. B««ia. Ut taeto. Lari Book aad badlp.
toiWID Baldatok wd talM el
hoiritoItoitoac THtnd Tnto

rtda d Ita bay. and will ealy ae* ny
Utatbtooaterpriw k uaBored laeL
Dr. C. B. Darfee was la 'tows a
daya ago perfeeltog amogeoiaob


P ""'A

ptoUioglbegroaadiaad Ofwaiay Itan
to nle. Tta tract enbeaen 10J •

itaboalS) mita (r« towe, Ita
I Ita bay aud Cedar Liar, border-!
A party eoartaliag d Me. aad Bn. ■Bgoo-betfa. isliigli, well ttaaWed aad
to'a iMt ia CUngD a Ct« to a<o>
MiB. O. A. Bartar aad daator. al
------ y way dttirablr. MuooL ilrowa,
Mellatt, Met. J. A MoMaaoi. Mra. UalptooDeJ aad ptolloj Ita Cairomlrtlk. ton Fkaa Gaspball aad Mamk ktaadTravoraePoiBl reataa, i< aoa
Ctaa. Itoto
»d *«a
toaban FMaakay tta laat al tta FrtrfatakB. aad Lao aad Edaa Moffta Uyieg oat aod idoltisg tta sew reaorL
Mta KMAAm Mattaall tatato te

Onrataat 100 todi «t titanik ta
»« MOdtd to OMUMt tta Itir pootat


wiUi ita oodtal oolta et ItatUtoABtSortwtUtaMdeietoltanaa, I7 odtopUm. anota ew toMn

aal to ItaTom Foial oo Toeaday.

M, to bsOd tUt walk bttee fta to.

totvtnc OfTT, MIOH.

TuTonORTVIHi itt4,Ml «M|ta
MB. CtoTtad Otaad BapMa*
by Minn Fnrl Mooca and largeBBBiberdlolaare olreadyapekn
toltabiOMttowB tatann Chtanypa
oadOtoBtpid^wilb jottoMOiatp. oabtofrtMda tottafaniortM taa Martha BImood d AUtgta, «bi «>1J
tatia a lev veeka.
i>e anoeiation to koowo u ItaTtaiWf V4fU*. oiidi tat 6.4». a
to. Malta Ball MaltiUa d Oiaad
CityBaptitlSo<aoer.Ueaort AaaoTba-EiagtataarOlati.'' meaiatiagd
at Ol 493 tot ISM. U U94.
BapUab rtattag bn aaal, toB.0.
H. C WariaoD, Jaa Hkfc«u. aad F. citlioti. Tta trartecaan : L. ETeriog.
tta daU o( tta Mit OMit. «a ttaU
Ed*. Veddtr d CkeiainU. aad Baa'l baiB. W. U. UeoUey. 3yt«ro; 8. B.
tan M dial ia Ita aertbatataa per-.
IL Bcallb aad O. C. Farr d Fraaklon, Luiglr. C. B. Darfee. 2 year.; ZiBii
UoB of Ita ODolto paoiMola.
Ey.. *fao tara beta eao>pfa>g oa Oarp Baiggiaa, J. |{. Adeil. I ynr.
Lnatr «erk oav m Ita tapal
Laka for Ita to ibrea wweka. broke IbreegeaUeiaroaremideoUd CfaleaMin Margaid targa, d Port Wayaty
grapBdiataaUalMcAaUaaol ita a
go. eieept Mr. Adeil. wbo raoidn to
uap aad nae to (be ei^ ytandiy.
AW. M. fa) ttaiito Italto, gndii«
Jadge BoBadrll taa jort retoraol TnrenoCily.' .TbeoBeets are: preoifor addUtoMl aide taaeta, balldiag Ita
dc-ol, L. Kroriagtaai; viea lueaideel,
boa Vaa Berea eeaaty.

car aad Ifalgtat toA. Ita mud
boMa, tta tm toblaa, aad aannaiy Iron Obicagoei
yaidaadaltar baOdi^for ttaaerth.
Oaa.HeylAia Mapk City (kmIM» Mt'>n itWr fWHn eratomiaBacI tUagitat throocfaliw
aralwaatalB Itaiatortat d Daagka A
amkb any. u trmm Mtailaaar.________________________
>r •nkMOitn kk, inn. m
At tbe apseial atod naatiac, Uoa.
I.B.Ttoa<Alloo Wadaaaday for
i7e*aniac,lt«Btiatad toetaa(elta
BoefaStia. laA. kto be will ipMd
to ol Ita Bnl Bida prtaarta aad araet
tta aa« aebooi boildiac oe Wafaalar
HfB. O. h. WbUaey tad aea Ctaaa.
attaal. cata bleek aaal aad oaa btab
cay. dtoAtoa.arwitatiagMn.J.a.
ofItapraMiidto. TbkiaaiafT
dadcabla (taaca, aad a tagar aad naeb
haadaoner bd mb ba aaaaiad ttara.

Judge <kbUl aad daagltar. to
Magitotottba daya^Old Mkrtoa


llkexpeeledthstaaaxearaKHi will ta

Mta Era Paifcar iBtaroed <a Tanday giroa aboBl BepL tib. troo t^ingn.
on a l*D aeatbaTkUanoogfcMada Delroil and Oread B^iida, •wtaa tta
to Dabdt aad Alkgaa. Sta *aa
gtooBdawlUbelbrovnopnitonle. A

ben M tap to tta mdtatB part 0

•M ctwroMCM

Tta HaBAVD will, bdon toog, taro
Papa. Jm. i
oceatioa to adioe. al toogtb. tta o«*
Ota. Otoy d tbk pkee aad Dr.
baptatreiart. jaai lonted oe tbe wart

Ooakik d Eft Bapkk. veat to Bay
OUr ee Mentoy to atod Ita able
At «to^|MMTCbwi«tNMh.
tat TTimmi------- 1 E. O. T. M.
lada ItatotM Oty a ed yntorbty.
nil-beat tat ta-Mt
Dfadriet Atlaraay Faiiaer. Uapoty
Dtae B. WHBant, «< Ita Cbkar>
B/tta «d
otatpjgkn Ito nta on ta ana HnaU. M to Ita ltd el Ita •aak.. OeBaatorBlonea aad Depal? Manbal
itoloaniToeatay oeoSMtaMtvBlatooa iaiAitlBg tar ala
Ita tton OtMMt
tor. Mia. i.T. OOtot. alftaatav.


••(ikaiA tHaStaiaof ■

Mb. D. P. Hakb. fiotakad. Ma.; to

Mr.tadMn. a B. Bbara, Mr. tad Fbto JMBto. MBtato; Bar. J.
Mat. H. Z. Btonr. Mr. add Mia. M. B. W. Baataitt, HMttoga; k!. W. Itoto.
XitoptadHkiXdaXaaa. d Kato- a 1. BoMTd. Jaa. A Hnt. Onad
B^Ut; A D. MeOoU aad wito. Flat.
BfaPMaetad OaadBatata Mb. Jm. Montaa. Mra E. W. Jannoa.
Ma Mi Iba. A. Oto aMt ta Aon
rdJebMoe. Mia LaaraAMor.
AiAMaghkaitlar, Mia. W. H. Baald,
Mipto Ita iMl e( Ba Mb.
Mt.«iMtaO.M.Batn«ataan- tonnpiig faratovdayaeB Chrpkta rta. 'Mr. tadMra W. T. Badtor. Mr.
acd Mb. WaUarTrambtal. Mta Imy
a AOitatad, a
1 tv bk Oertco, CUaage; W. M. Oarptetor,
MtaBodatotatefatogot A ^
Baiaaa, OBba; Mr. aad Mta. B F.
^ tar taatatr. tok Dodaa.
MtaMtarAtoef Qto BtoeA TtowtaTMatoytoapeedatbert to HaibBMaad toil, Bay V>ta; Mr. aad

•tmmm OKr.AoMWii* «

Bl. Vlataa *
ad« «.
■a. ■. E. Alk>1«kt-0*M.

^)£pari:me:nt8Ll {iigh §ePiool.

U BdtaUi aad toafly. Obktao; Mr.
aad Mb. Wb. F. Tarm, Oantoi

Tfata itirtlliilKHi olTtn.aii|aTii>r adinKUip-K ti>i.lti<lrulR<l<winiu; a
l‘trparationr<>rn)tiTiii]Mln' riiiv,-raity. Normal .Sf>onl or any n
al OUT i>lhcTarbn>il ill N<irtlr-ni MiHiisan.
I. LaIId ; 3. .Sru-utilh-; :l. ftogUih.Four
tliorougii an
earii iv^niring four jeai
nnriirit-i<tiiii|> 4. .1 < oiuiiim-laM’rainir.iviulriiig tau yrora. Courae Nil 4 to 4ta|rD«
| IIhiiwIkk for u liUsiimiK rani-r and wlm at tin- luuue time fid ttie twrol of a tboroogfa ceai.
for Uiuae deairiiig to |in
moo artiool...........
— .1 »•o1l^>,.•Xo.ll.J.l^l..^b<•ll••^rJ^w|•h.ll.; C.niiseNo.2lothi-**r«lkS,aiidCi«un*Eo.8totta
I'niviTKitv of Mii-liican.
degree it. L in Ibe I'm
lent* gnalitaling Innil uiivom- of llH-al>mi-ninrMneaDeoni)iteti-tbeeomipMtdins<v<tri«ln the .'We KorVkl
in two yrai
ilK, lima an-iirinz Ai.ui: Liii'S-Kto tearti ill any la-lioul ill Uie Mate.
Our Libraries
Jbrarics and Lnborntories nre Unexcelle_
UnexceileM^^ahy High School in Michigan.
-None blit the Itr.sTaiid ii»>«t Tiiocoi oiii.v
TrAillMw an
................. .................. „........................... _ . .j.»ii.-riiiontli lbani
Hoar' eaii ta”h^i'n^
' ' '
al |•^toeB ranglR
can bring ttuir rxpensrt doa-n l«>
to plJ>i |iiT Krek. Ilv
ilv n-uting
n-iiting riNiuiA :iinl
:<inl iKRinllugtlo-mMfvntstudniU
lacinlltig tlo-iiiM-

paay talb Boo. J. T. lUeb, aad aome W. a lUoito:
d tta ofietiBd Ita alato aad aiUaaal
giaagar. tad aUier proaiiDept geolle 9.1. F . a. Darfee.
uvl lutetidi'd. by aay tacaao, to
BUS. ta bM baaa addraniog torso aodi
oooQoo Uiii FTMirt to tbe bapliet
Doat at itmera' pkata aad B<taiae<.
leoamiDalioBa aod all
A jolly crowd are eamoi^oo Htrioi

Tlie following nclii-Jiih- gin's llii' atmlira of Uio Kjigliah eouiae to be putaaed during Ike fall tenii.
M'lIKIH'I.K t»r STl'niES-FAlJ-TEIIM. IKai.

— KlirnYveMi:


' h»V>xi. vKAi:.

Tto wfao *01 be aaaibere. peuplewUI be made wetooma
with the party tbk weak are Mra Me- vbo bare Uie loaUar to charge an well
and WfwIUiy men ol Cbtoago, IlmJcaKtai^diy.
Ooal. kitoen Altai and Paarl UeCrta.

oatoiDakeUitooaed ttetoad-

Atokaad Myitk Wrigbt. Allie Morrow
d MarioD, led., Mta MeDmgal d Yp-

tog iirorto ol Uiosortbwvsl.

J«y G

Tiie ilmiroi indirolo (h<- nu
dnuaiid. For forOier jmrticiilar

Tllli:i> TEAII.
I'broinA l*l>j>ii-al Trvbtiiia
AilVaiired A^l>ra I.
tirorral IltoUwy I.
ttortiali I.


Ham-Geometry 1.
Eugliidi and Atnirii
oratiire I.


T^eta aod r^rvwi tor tt
C \ T. OK»A\VN SuporinUmclcnt.

I. aad E
aad Boy MeOodd Ohiotgo.

Ttaadn^ boatd ne do* itodari^
pUaafar ita two boildfaigi tobaaraalTta old days before tbe war. the days
A veddtog yaoBBiitairot wl
MtaTiaa Uotoertb aad Mb. WiU
od Waal
Ita Mdttaawaafc BtaTMt Baay Tnmae City people to d stoTFry. an- broogbt iiridly to atod
by Uaclo Torn a Cabia. Marao A Moc
Utad Mtanblito itoiiiaad Joa F.
’ibraiy baU.Aog. IS.
DitDatlhuitar, WUlkmaborg. (
HanayfitarMB d Onad BapkA MordocAatltabeeMd toDaTiato
e Toffl'a Ctobia Mm wtowa old.
Ito. July SS, itm. Bamaat loaag, k bM btta ikittog bkadi to '
oa Ibaieday tort.
« A-Mor.
fbeu aacb a eumpaoy as
ttaSOlb TMT d bk a^ Mr. Toom ItapadtatA
Tk doriag bar otay to TiaTetaa Oily
•a play it it to au won
d ItaOntaaMMieat Dataar,
Itkcdr wboae to uiaaa faioritc. At Library tall, toOm. HaakaD d Owcan atoppad a fta
taiiag Urad Ito bataaw tk|y aad daya wUb bk aaorta, M. E. HatkaU, tba vkfaB will fdlov bar ia tar aawdife.
lOiTOV BigbL
aarealyyaan. (Mbkbartly.ttaPna.
TtaBaiiyfrta»datodDr.Will L.
Ko oompuiy oa ita read k
Iiytartaa Baeeid. pakUto at Meobaa),
FntkBea.aadH.O.aad Thoa. B.
wlU be tobteated to toardog d kaowD ia Kortbwa MitaigBaaa
nyt. •Ita Toototi are ooe d tta naal FeoUt cant oiar treat Ita OeHu re­
bk laarriage, wfald. took ptoae at bft
to AatoiB aaoBty.
bona to Brdlaoda, OaUforak. oe ^aatort tat Friday.
will be at Library ball. Fridar
Hiataot Ibarbaie
Mr*. Botktoa, *b>taa baaa lirttiag tay,Jii]y2Hh. Mta EUubetb WiW eroaiag^^lS.____________
aolta Itr tor pWy m Mb aa toAtka OataUAbM rataned to bar Ita yaoBg kdy vIiob be Burried, wu
totuaborabd tbair
Tbe program for tta graed a
alee a iMkaat d B*dtood^ iboegb forLibrary tall. Salnrday aroatog
J. Mev> Stath aad Ftaae aad aacly d Porttood, Ma. tbo aeremoay wrek, ia a Bee oar. enbiacii
Barry ataBBknmap bon aid Mk- WH ptdtoed by B»i. O. IL Spoor. doea. arlrctioaa by Ibe {aaou (
Hm Baey bieoda d Di. t^nor bare Tioliata with aoD( d tta beet toeal
laewbndd IteElkBapidB
maakat Ulna: ol tta towii. Mta Emma
Jadga OabiU aad toauly aad a A Joto to oaegratototkoa aad «a»d
gita'a Fiegten k a tbtag d btaaly aad
Lewto bM kiodly eoeacated to aBiaL
era a joy foivito. Ita «iqr to Onderd Mta to traram Fetta by
Tba boya' ehair of Oraot ehateb, Gbi.'
~ fwr Ita le
vbkbttaaaatd ttaPflgrito'abo
eago, toTtdad oar 40M tows oe Soaday
lb. aad Mb. A D. MaOaU d FUpt.
abort time, voile tta tawreoee lay

ad. eaaoDEaal Bida aad oaa


Ml eo Wadantay, atlar ^oadtog

al tta A>ek. Tta eboir,
VUIacc Xaarow
Bat vfaat at* yoa gotog la do, daa
aak at Park Fkea.
aaraaljAre, tweatydgblof whom are
Mb. Joe. MOta d Otata Bapidt it
Tbe time fur'the peyoteai e
gtln, aftaa Uttkf Tto *tU Aeao
' Iwelia yeoia old. were oa Utar
at Aug. 35. liUO.
tazee expires
pafadm leryoB to "Ibiaanl by^add?- Yktoag tar doaghtor, Mb. B. B.
ViUage M
S;» 2 F. Fat;
to Ita Bcaekaa d tUa idaea.
aad Mta Ma. aoproDototta Caited Btotaa, il ad to
•WaU m4 **«• •! tMfM tc na
with a Da*
MadBO, el Byrtt,
Iteworid, kaoMatacd ttaohdraad
tto ■•!■) itt ttoM. 'It atal ton Bi
ndiine. pa* aeiwator. asd 1 aai proparPark Ptoot tbk weak.
with tiM ea Iboir trip.
Biaettaly, tta Haau«\ Ito you
d to llllall orders prompUy.
Dartd BarahkaLaf CtTHlaad. who
tea AW. U. wa taadte iMflit baad,BM. Itobagtodaal
Im. M. Haald d Qr^ U^Hda.
hu baaa ikUtog triaada hna. kft
Boar. OmoLCa
to«fcit plaea Otoal BapL ItL
k H to to tta ardtoary aawti
ani iDiiagn d life a A W. M.
to bk priiala ear on TfanraFred WfigU aad MktM Mabel OtaMtan A Nokui ariD piv Cadt
aweapaniod by Mra C M.
Xm^ giDtad *M gaytatfa flaga lea aad Maiy A. Otaagar eaaia ap Iran
toi'a Oto t*«Mtea u(iit. at LiBMld aad maid. Mra M. B. Okrk.
tbb atoratog ato rtalad by a Hhuld BIk Baptdi tort Friday.
Mta Okrk tod Min Fannk Ctorfc of
aad fartgkt a«atoa
MiaBdtoid, «be hM
Attiiaata. Md.. aad Joba E. MeLeaa
■ lion anoekUoo. Ko. i««< P. of L
Mm. Matte BiAtna dlad d Ita
B rtrtn. Mr*. H. O. Daria, left lor
dtbaaAW. M.
TVy took tbe boat
D. Q. ItoBOtiA tarN A. A. Uaeta la Loot UkA Atawl
tact foe 8L IgMta wtace Itay again
aaldkrt. TbaraMaaa *an p^Mlag
I4w( wl Accierw
Min ItataaHarOaad toft aa Moaday look Tail (or sortbrta Wueearto, Mr.
•••■iaTOy^ ________________
lUwilBlBc l» It» I'oSUAse al Tnrns* Ciiv
aad dotin d tta old nn|dag daya tararirtt d aaiaral waaka to Adrka,
U«a tar werSs let Ur
CmM w« dtOjr ndl oardeata.
abd aad abaO Ml tbieagb tba
ttaU. E.AI. wbantt wiU OMt him
taMa tUa t>lan:ata (taaet. bj tta
W. J. Faikar toll ea Ttaoday far a oakkreton.
Brtam trip to Eatomaao. BawUlba
LHxe.Dt. Seka
Tba Maektoae eaaptog party kRoo
aoBito totoi, M
tta Oiaad Bapida TMaday merotog.
nto d ynatrday
Mb. a E. OiO. vbo hM baaa ririitog
tbonwha aiw ttareorviU joio
vtthtteeeattogtod oMaida
m vtmlm at Elk Bapidf. took tta
tta party daring tta waA are Mr. sad
Ibayatapcebably toby tta Itatlba Batoiday boat tor Macktoaa
Mn. O. P. Oamr. Loa (krier. EOa
BaatiA get* to mtat. To-algfat they
Tta laBilyof Bar. Lacey WaiTM d
toot ate nan raaertan to»
Harodea, Mm. Bdand. Oail aad Daisy
atBNMNadlBcatevw - alltalr
Bokad, JaUa Boaeatha). Mra .D. Z.
ktorttad. ItgecawUbodI aaytoglbat
' uau.w. lurr. p.'m.
Ckrfar, Mr. aad Mra. B. G Deapica.
Ita baya aia tartog aioUy goad li
Mra Albert Alywvectk, d Panoivi- Aina aad Wtoak Da^met, Emma aad
el Ita W. B. C. Aof. ISUi
Tta Tiaiana OUy BMUFlwiladn to iMk. k eWti^ h« pacaok to town, Bany Oook. Mta Lee. Mta Bklk Lee,
tantokad ttapevtotoad Tm- Mr. «ad Mn. 8. H. Botm.
taOnaga tall at taU.pod- SP- »Mn. J. M. Boyd aad aoe Fniik. Bartia
atnOte.ltaiarttoid ItatoataUp
Me. a A BMta. tta Onad BapMi
taraera n«aMlailata|<ceaei
a a. Bake. Mra A
lataar nas. with bk wUa
eei, MiaW. L
naex Mo. M. Wtoak, Oaotga aad
anBon naWtlM r*MHBc*4u«i


CMltlnnisnd 2,02s


m- ilS.


Tba flahtof pn« wbo apal
OalkWkak, Mia J. Q. Baaadeli aad
0* tba Maatotoa. lataraad aa Mtadv MaadMn.GLWtotoayo( Maairtaa.
with a good eatta d gnpltof
Mn. M. B. Hataatl. Mta Matue Otay,
Mra Pbota Oortk aod aaa CWr, Mm. Dtatky. Tana Wood aad WOkrd
who taia biao apaodkg tba

• WMirt at Idtaory tall, a* dtodv
•nattaWtUioBaA. UtolerttataB.
ftl M Itaatgfa to «( tta M- B.


taBpbnatoianiadthallta oaotoa


m »akd»a Will giia aa tm mmm

Adana ata wUa.,W. K. Ptoka. Miw
ABakOiapaag. CBiaige: W. 8. Baaed,

B. J. r
IT . .

" tarSJ?Si SkT Mac.


Bart a«M*;








Mny A tarttad. BUan E Oacdoa,
Okr, Iowa; Oton. ft BTitbay. Mn.
^ a.M.^aatoidgiaad^OBD. E W.
Jaktoa.EJ.Waften» tad wife, Tta-

& A Ttoadwiv, fMik Nnrirt tad tadwfto.Mr.tadMa.G L. OMbm.
tortd^ E KaB«
Mr Mi Nto.
«todi;Mn.ata.Babfand. 0
: M: Wftto aad tatodr, b

ElLOnaalStaMtoMaL w

Such as arc described below. Wo shall from this on make some
vciy Si'KciAL PmcKs, to close out, at absolute cost, or in
some cases even below cost. Among these are

re:e;d riding harrows,
With ami Without Biioaim ast Seeiiebs,

New American Riding Harrows,
Corn Cultivators, Bean Harvesters, and
Broadcast Seeders Combined,
Farmers’ Favprite Grain Drills,
Ami several other -articlos used by the Farmer and Uorticultarist.
Note one tiling; that all of these goods arc ol the very

Latest, Best and Improved Makes.
Wo are also licad<|uartei-s tor the very best makes of

Plows, Harrows; Cultivators,
Wagons, Buggies, Carriages,
Platform Wagons, Surreys, Carts,
Phaetons, Road Wagons,
Market Wagons,

PaMipCapitil, •

XEimn PAD or fio amm.


Adsto Taebi,

kv ^ Daytoa, O.. w^ ^ Mrt EMIiMtii< BtaQr, Mn. L. P.
Nn. MMaadoMfMMB iWt- wadkdkp taa dnta «< h« toftM Bdf^^aUM.O(tadB^; A Bta

go. MnBa gtllMtoa



'*atDiaad to Irtilik, (ML oa
" .

ftl^ftrttatartrtltdttaJUtikMmy “iKrMSblaMMataarb—NkBi#.

As the 8CU80I1 is well advaiiood, and we are desiroui'^df closing
uiit our stock of


aiy. EaiaM: E Ooadat. L
daototati; O. E. Adams tad
riawagtoit totaly. Brttorkv, Ej.; Dr. Darid laOl aAB. ^ DaktoU; Ma aad Mm. Wa. R.
BDwaaad<ddMfae.Mm. B.O. Bartow
LfiabMti Midaadjtockip lal^- ^ duNktac. O. 8. WcUe tad neihrt.
naOtalM fttei^.toiMM».Bak- Onad ft^Ma; Mr. aad Mn. Martto
ack) wba hM kna with bac Crttai
:Watk.WaatAaU.E. J.; Mn.&M.Laa.
J. P. Laa, L^ag: Mn. ft D.


•at atoto Adacto to tta anew
MHMioa to ta to Aaiati H »IU ta

r Ita I o. o.c.


bwoou ta iOMd to tta I
•Mad tta dbar AIM tai ta bigb
ta (ta aiaiMa «l Iba “ata
md-atator dtolbl gtana


_____ of taen al Park Flan tbk
Dr. Hamaa Oatnadar. d the nad- voek: Bar. Di. G a D^ilaa Si W.





Our entire purchases are made for CASH in hand.
this and look sharp



nr- ^

llr» Otergt MBkr attasM Amnk mk MafU Otj tei
IQm A*7 Bibo*, of Omrikad.
bir wU Un^S3kfi*««< OI«Af«wr. hM
bM aproiated (tapot; abfftf te
Ibi* pan c< (ba Maat7.
XM WWMT, fl( Port OaaMa, hw
fiiiii^ a aa* M«iaa lo raa bit
rtiiiHifaebiaa »UbtUt7atr.
»a. Batfim linMbartaa aad

b£^btartmc( £«pba Tlittad

Mada aa Iba Bil! bat Satarda/ai
. Baadq/.
4 ao^b at aaafca ffo Jdha Tram104*0 booaa «aa airaA bp %btaiag.
. It tan ap Iba oaipat'aad Ibraa
baarda oat of tba floor. DtOaotora
tba bad Ibot Hr. aad Ura. Tranbal
vara abafiog oo. aboal aU to idaoaa.
Koaa of tU faaul/ vara ktart bat it

Frad modi baa movad to Hart­
ford. ia lbOBoatb |«tt of tbb ataU.
IfiaOora^ef CUtago b riaitiog
bm-brafhar a O. Gan ^ Ibb pbea
a. E. Wooiord, bif tradad Ut
baaaaaadbtiB tonfora apaaof
Tbagraarimppar. hava daatro/ad
-Mar)/ OM IwU tba cab ia tbiOMotba
- 4 brga ctaaamo. baar paaaad
Ihroogb town a faw da/a ago oa. «•
' UWtba and vaa vdl traioad
Uobmt dan loat a bona a faw
dapaagOi bawnadririog along tba
laadwbaa tba born dtoppaddown
4 liUb aoB of Oaa Htarrv. abosl
tbraa/aanold.raerivad avarpbad
kkk from a oolt whidt Ui oldv
brotbar waa taking to WBtar, OM da/
bat wank. Ha raa np babiad tba
enU wbw U Uakad Urn on tba band,
MtUngatorrlbbgaab ovartUa/a
and a bad <ma nadar iL Hit tan
awalbdaebawnaaBUial/ blind for
tvoorlbroada/s,'bnt at thia writtag ba ana aaa oat of 000 ^ Dr.
4alaraaa at TravaraaOty. draoaad
tba veoad B»d pot aaran atitobao in
in it.

otbara tmiag taffl at 'tba boat, tb* ioiat and braaking ooma of tbej
atom of wind, rata nnd fatal waa npOn Satarday to m a UtUa,
Mr. JaaMaa4dM«U« anaiak oo u. tha 'ttm ftaliiv ia omy dl- dmigbtar of Wm. UaPbarwm, wboj
‘'“B* «
iaf Ura David Wia^oop a abort raelion. It aaamad Ibrneoald ba
Wbiia jnat btaow tba tabow.
Pnak Wbippia baa ratanad't« BoaM^fcomdMthlorom
' Fannera have begun
wtataOag nad dodging the falliag
KisfUtjaad toaitrttac ia tba^
tbw otU in tlie aeeUon of coontry,
traaa aronad ma, to my berror I ww lOiGK lrw» ue BarnM
' wbieb, tatbougb in xane pltoN raibtwo traaa fkU U tba dirataioo of my
Tba OadilUe aammar oormal eloam
bOai OUUk. U>a naa dfmafcir. aoonnd tbo eompany at tba boat,
ar abort, proniiM to be a (tar crop
baa artivad aad Ukae op harbaadmv fatbrn dodging b^ind n tm.
Tba nonatai**' ■**"
Pmv Uop^ of
qaarlava at tha booaa of T. B. Wb^K In a moment I roAad to tbo apol. to
UraoA TVovvn-r 4'.
baa baeo vary auooaaeful in tba i
,; Till.- uuiJimixDnl MmIc-O UirCc Cvumy
find tba (tar and lovtay form ol Bob- nv and matlv of iu work, nod
UHaOoraDarr, Utalaaebaroftba ort mangled and Ufalm. Wagaetl;
ai waU atlandrta m ^ald Lire ba«i, luMiluliotn
, , on July s;. ipw.
priMi7 acbool for tba aoDieq Tiar. earriad bia body to tba bamvad
arrirad at Ktogalajr oua da/ thia (amUy. 1 tbongfat, when wUl ibaae
r.urto il>F |m.M^-un mwlc l-y iui«t
;Cuud'.it-'. TiirI'Urikliuuld Iw <miinl
toon codY 1 noUoed
i<mil.yi,urMui).bustliec«U |ail wiUi
N. W. Cbrk, wbo baa boon aftar tba aaeidmit tbma wu • lull,
CH. Fox. tba earpanWr, wu ac-jnm-.iti.
Hi, i-a>y tucituinuntctac V
jnm-iill. lU,<-a>ytu
tolba aouUi part of tbaataUoo-a tba aon camavut. Aaddiag bu baaavartay iojorad, laat Saturday, by| |>«-r»oii.-> wiihuat, nml twU i«a> ..
vbit lo bar daogbtar, ratara*] b« Ufal raya opon tba form of
ftaling from a ladder wUla working jibrual in. Wl.we j»iU«re cw>IiucUn1
■ifbt. .
lovod ooo, and tba robtaa *^*'^108 a budding, aud alricing on ai‘J.>inU.i.advbablelotn-u |.nxmUr. Van H/niag baa movad oot of iy tanging in tba kma. I tbougW.
tba botal bio tba booaa b/tba Uvar/ tba elorm ia ovar. Yaa, ***®*'B*‘*’j•luppened aliok. ll wu ibougblal
f.uUy iniurml. but i>. ilm c«r.-ml u«ur wm
atabla. Wa ondaratand Ur. Ximomr- taaworldof taonn,but if wa wJll-^

anbtomova bto tba botal.
pot our band in tba hand of our
Aboot 6 o’eloak, Uat Frida/ aflarr, by aad by tba atom wiU
------ooen, a windatora itraek Ibia pbae bt ovar. aad.wa dmU aaa Uobart
Ij/> mta TK-ioun I'lwfan-U muailv,
ooming from tba waat. Wbon Cral again, wbo U now wUara atornu
ns lb(.r<-uwik ul ut.i--IW iwtsuiiiis
iK-rc inlli^.bMKT Ibau Uw uuUliIr
earr/ing Ireearllmba ar MUM. Tba daoaaaad waa born
abba of aU da^pUoni bafor^,,Oct.8Ui.lK7ii,iDU>etownof Blair,
WiUiam iWla
picked oo LU;*■'‘I'RlMi4id<>rCun>-<'Uuu.saiiil
ill it awapt tbroogb /lhaaMtaroliu^ad Travaiaa aoanl/. and diod dog lul weak nud kiUud bim out-|
ciiuiiKiiil III kn-p ertU luokisl
tbabwn dteaging not a litUa; no Aog. 8lL, IRH). agad elaran /aara rigbl
I nlii-ii uiKKVti|i|r<l, t.i alliiw as iillli- an
olroog waa ii that it movad tba U.
tan monlbt. Tba fonaral wu
; j.issailc <il jiain-r aittl .ithri hlli-rj
B. and Lotbaraa ehurcbea on Uitit btad at Inland bnU. yat than wu not l-kWOs -U IMKSUl.
|(i>u«e iDatlriikw-s r-thrr Ihnu aUaw
’-indowa and
•Don^ for tba pwipla. abowing
tbtl tba wbunl fly | Imis wbirfa ;;ivi-i-j.pi>iluiiit> U iTcri-:iIV to qoiu an rttanb it ra«k«d
... Mr. and Ura. Dnler bat dona aonaidafaWa dnoaga to^wi'ap«waiiJii.iu>.r.
aoai to nndwjgnd famil/ bare from tba aniroond
r«n f„.t ^prinir wi ti i TlielWr
T>.u<-nr4'.k.i> a
it oaaafa. It tbraw down N. W. {{eg oonotr/. Mty tba Ood of aH io^r JroaluD no luodi io fart tba’^


Himaa'Anna aad Oartia OooUar
.vWInd at WiUkmrtwg last waak.
Dm Sant bad o enw kiUadb/fal].
tag Umbar 4orii« tba wiad otnrm.
Wm. Batd^ a btite SoMay
. afght. ItwM proboU/potaDOfdta



Uim dabif Brooka and two cUt\ ' dram of Ohk ara vUttag tbair par^ «t4Ur.otalkIrmWm.E.BWr.
- Mia acid by orirtaka. Ba lorta: MMydidntagat aooogh to
, Myoaitooaroanlta. ,
T. T. Orippmi bat baaa In Ton
= Bmaowtyfor oma ttaw taat^^taMtoaonpea kb talbm.
Tha Flitnao baMapahbe taM
' tag at tba Open booaa Uomday
ovootag. tUmmqagwmaa^mo.
•IbylbaBav.llr^CtaaMaad Jaa.
BadtM dr. IMa waaalHgaatBamal ol am tUkmt
tba MO at tkavam qiy lata vaA
Wa aadintaad two harm horn
. bm vm oMmed ta tba
mo, flam nmto'a vhita matarag
i; taltataaaaadmocay.
. Tha haary wital of Fiiday avM^
^K.«lMtadMaUa dmaga ta atandM

^Bj^MMbtam Uotaabtawdawa
^■ntolVNi^WakMawfl bnbt

fTine ©roeeries,

fTlocir 1# p'eed


, i; °

Foyh woadarfol null and-tba big
UemuUla houa.
Urn. K. A. Evana rod aon ratornad lo bar boma ia Uuir, Uieb.. oo
FKdpy of Jnat weak, baring mnda
vitat of four waaka' or mura. and wu
vary mneb daligbtad with tba Qtaod
Travmaa ooosty. nlao tba paapla. aad
uya aba wUl ooma again
lha Bov. A. X Er«. ad
from tba polpll, Saaday. iUlOtb,
IbU ia two maaka from ttat day ba
woold pemb bia larawall oarmi
paatoc of tba Elk BapUa oirenit.

Wa aU tamul bi^jWitagAU abarga
bat Uh Ua daaira to mt^ a year
or an. Wa aU jma ta uymg Ood
bltu o«r brother wbo bu boon no
taltbfta for tba pata Ibm yaara with

Bobvt William Daxtv. ao
Ur. and Ura. Wm..Uaxtarof Otaw
Uha, *u kfllad tataantly fay
laUtagol atm,Aag.8tk Apart/
of aavmt, aampaiid of myaaU. Ur.
Amu Wood, my ttabar.frm
Boplda. wbo wu Titattaf mm my
aon, Mr. Baraham aad aon. aad
OMlu and Bofamt Datam. wara
flabM «• •
^ fiboot o»
btat mim from Mr. D«tor\ when
o« aattm wna attrataod by a gattmtagtaarm talbawaal.Md aomadt
am itamv bem Batu
l,taFMbwami avawwma

flwwtan roiiCmi tba tMmtba

U».,™taV.taJ tata tta J--'-'-"" -


Stoves, Banges,
Builders’ Hardware;
l’uin|>8, Tinwaio, Cuilury, &iJ.

bring kapl of tba bigbwmr. bat it
wiDbamadaboifor tba mtaparim)
partiuiltbrir gmb aaa ba ariabItabad.

M aun wn*

On The War-Path Again.

you can’p
fool me,
I want that


W.tatatatata.ta,. —ta

Bie iiiii.Silk) Fin
SpriiB Tent Hanews,
Wheel Barnns aeil Seeders. '
Greie Drills, Wages
Opes ail Teg Bngies aid a Fell Uee ol Head Teels
Which wa Win eloaeont at tawmpoamb-prtiM. Sow n U- l*»« '
buy. for oar praamit atock mori go Iu make room for il.e targaarMd im
and wialar goods •»« eibil
Kobdw. Blaokata. Whipa aad o.arjthiag a Itrmm- ooadi to omka hu wa
ligbt and cuy.




Boats 00 Carp Ho,
, L...« .>lir>e.l'.. .

54 Froot Street, Traseiw City.

Dross. lBilicii88.PaitI Oils, yenisliBi
Diwnonri Wall rm



Boydeirs Prepared Paints and Carnap Colon

4 rim Bus For


This Time to Slaughter Prices

___ ______________

it is



iBe-nie find FleMare Pfettica.

Dr. Brii^, of Elk Baplde. ww That twrivo ]«uad treat atill Ho-‘
mOrilca Friiiy «a maamaaobOd gan oadv tba faridgw. Evarybady i
frilfeom ieliyiagtaoriibhim. bat badooh]
lha albow oolal oMmtoevaabM IflHag.


6S Fiont Siren.




Remember Sportsmerrt
you to looi
ouer our Stoch for a Gun or Fishing Tackle.

i.f U aitliii;- .md



All Kinds of Hardwam

...... I,r„Ub,O..

» .oppotaJ U,. .1« ;,t,taa„o.7„ prooipipJij...:........ ..
Inetty paued down iba »““a*|jer IbaiailingiulotlivriverbeoaaiL ' IIan* of Hh-104.1.-1. -f iin. im|.-i
llmirt* or Ita btak boi dtao, ■» J».. sta, fortoo..-., ...
b,! .ta. loAI... dta.M., ................... ..... duBagalotbclitv. Attbarootaof .^a remaiad Iba cbiidT
emilnubeNouutaslo-.l.a i.-itrr ..r
tba troa, thru ditainat eoimta may
Wm. Quiggly aud wife weut *i,L
Utraaad tor uvanlrodeiadiffmot
bi.i.Uta-.i.«n,o. Hono.'.B.V,;-!-’
dirMUona. In plaeu tba aartb U tnledkaBiverto nick bmkla i,,,.
1,^ u^Xurn.ta St!i..4 lle„-isler Hill«'!’>
tafarrowed out fotmtag a dirtioct trail iniBcuaniuvar ro pie« nn«a
ncolutwiak. Ouaighuh.
for long dbteiieam rooia of amtal
blew down a tree that Ml us tMf
irau WWW uaoovtred aad barked
taat braakiag Iba ridga poU am) ____________________________
wbOaaavmlolddMaytaglogc ware
•track k£r. Quiggly. Sr., bad bjnrad
taivmwd, aavanl rode from tba
1^ lugoft brook treat of tba I
•aaowuoaagbtlut Uooday by|
Alfred Ssdmaa. He mmi ' '
ton and a ball taebu long aod
wrigbad tbrea pooade aad OM ooan.
Boat boaatifol aparimoa of treat
ww hare om aaaa. Ba wu eaaght
brio w tba waala weir of tba mUl
- Bimembar tbia wu oot a
ntabur trmit or Otaiteam ulmoa.
bat aa old frriuoood, bocMorndm
brook troot


. i„.,.

, aaa ■ narrow eeane Irani oramDo.. .. -v^.,.

Fwspic nboat B<^ Ptalt are
moeh WHfcad «q> ovu tbapomootag
cfaatUaatGita plaam A vote wu
takaa to allow etoek to ran at laega,
biUeriy agtaaat tbia oooiu ara d»tribatoig poieoo ta tba highway.
Two banu and uvanl oowa bava
dtad. aad oUmra ara aiak from tba
Tba ramlt la tba atoak U

Try Us.



- —
111! «-uiivi«H'Urts fi.r tillbaap of loadlug wood; it picked op >
£. Wooi>.
-u-w .‘.r-a/i-d. Tl.r garirt lu.-J lur tin•mall buUdioga aod toaaod tbMnj
—------------------------- i—
, :.L.«^n« .n.I.l
over fanaea, damaging tbam to’ml
. ...
Ilf ll 1
iliiwmiir. Thai Uic utmilH-r
larga ntenl; it atruak 8. B. DaoniaV:
i. U..i Tl..»...du.d.l pi«. ol
bam, wbijh U aboot 18xS8 faM. «o»- HrmLn from WUW
rvgaid l. O. O. F. of Trararsa IJ»/ r*K>on »maii uuiulii-r>in)-.iU ni.; »«• |-r.,|ir:T
ngitSordinebaaoBiL *

! to tba baaa ball gama'^/od b«a a'. Iwat bcid one da/ia»t w'vkat Si>rntor. Tlio)>ri«rm-imu ii4i Comity
gralntbat waa ataofcad fall tod the,
wa,k, »go. Tl.a/ oar Creak, and a fiorr gatlrrlng cf,l-ifarb-t-ori-Mn,1 !.iril.;mil«rowly mwaliUlo arauky. Firat, we only ui^ and wonK-n oarer aaaembltd
grooBd. B. F. Whippla tarrowl/
•Mopad baiog killed, for while tr/iog bad ail' of our club and two new’ihera. Tn*/ oania by buodreda l oni.iy
i-l.a* rojiy.
to climb tba fanea io front of tba Odd
-....-IcaM male
Fallo^a ball, a board aUoek bim on f them only i
1 boyi, 1C yann onn. Belltarc. Ttkterne City and nil
' wrbael.
tba bead, kooekiag him oatrlyacDda^i^a At ILa end oflba aarentb in- tba eurrounding coualry.
T«o! Tu-MUy.8t'p---iiiii«^ • mil la Ur
lam. Aboy.lLrMboraaaandacow,'ning,«,,^^tradonaao«n. ibab staamera plied upon iba bvaaliful.oi’nmisuiijr uf Uu-klu-hiznn suir Nortbay dona tbau- o I Italyinf
. ing- trom Torch Lake, giriog czoumioui arery «h»1
»‘‘an. a
that on to auit'lbamMlTaa. Bat we boor, nnd many i.vailt-.l ibem«elvrB »'‘-'l«*»''I’r' l’iri'l Tui
but tbau Itar. Now. if Vtai waa oflbooppariuuilylo taken rteam- "I
uml juof|wrtise
da. Two Unde of muaic .lir-: >"“';•
‘" f..............
Tba giCBtd Ibat bai brtn dried. tbtar boy club wo would like to aak boat ,i

O „ 11 i
IJUlll.lM- pllSI-Utlsl
a they gat tbear ixrn nod barandparebcdaoloMhaagot atbor-l* .
rut bneda- 1 guru you call one of ..dB... McLidnUl.. ul TL.r..
B™1U U.
■« -o-W li-. A. ton did the apeakiog. • A parmnnaot'
,, y,„iun;i. u »eki.i.nbtatf«l u
Urn. A.
; toUal«l«cl=b,..
K. -I ____ orgauiution wu efTe^ aod a com- i* .,t U.e M-rv U-eJ of .t.m-r.fa:. Xortack tbapnta weak; waaiw
wa are gtad
glad to
,___ . - _
yet and laogbiag. Bring oat yoor mitiea wu ioetructe^ to leau tba malSrliuulMii .lUiUuual
iMcr that aba U on tba gidtaag side
otbar elutr and gat done up. than
groondt for five yaara, tba friOr in ouretan-.iaJ ilv in>UluUum
iBcxt annual to ba buldAuora tba lut Tbe State Normal rH b.wl biu at pmriii
•oeomb, Cbrwtopbm Kiff partly yon will not bek.
iThuredey in July. IKJl
a facultv nwipUMsI <.f twenty uino e».
EUn'^Ckriitan and Aggie
TOt aroaii ar ca
Ura. tmiarn Griqi baa bami aiak
•••iM.n •>s-ii,mt
M-n NiirmiilllN.-lK'ii-. maiiv ul Ilirin
SmiU ntUndad oboreh at Tinvam
Cluautou, Mkh. Aug.lO.-Tbe |
* . “IT’'
n^uc i«i.d »,h> ui.rta in th. j, ,uriu; aad U tbia writing wa bnva bad no
Oit/.Bandnyarmiing. ^
dUtarant raport.
•lorm vf lut nigbt axoaadad any-! Villiam
Hodgaa. a young brnka- larlines»I msiiuiiiun'
Haary Nawoomb uya ba bu aon
r knoan u tbia aeetion in
tba ^aaialaa branch, fell TIi:sm'!>v>1 is'U.r milv isbu-atuouil
Bov. Zd. MaBctirtt will eemmaor
labia Cold Uintmauuru orv nine
itafnry. LewU'Grand Opera Houae jtitan at Jtuainge, on
tba U. E. oamp-maoUag immofi
foot ( U yon don't bolieva it oodh
(emanad brick) aaffared uTcrely. |,j,^One loot-wu evvervd at l•‘‘vll.•e.M•f^^l.|lltil,R ituntid -ihI life
■am tba pte-aie.
•uiL Wa meut tba atnlkn.
lotaog nlmoat tba antire aoutb biiek
errtiiKMU.* to lx BiiiJi..a.-» to tia-b Tha ftanday aebool annoai
UiuBauiaAUan retorna tobv
viu bold tbnlr nnMal pie nie AngMt
doUu at tba NortiMrn aaylBm tba
flO, in iU grova aontb of tbia plaea.
lltb, baring ^t bar four w^kt an agg-aball, a tmtal boy being itai
ossauiaika ritua
;|idr)«iM—it Iwii.lsall ii»aiu|ib-luerKiiw
Efw/body ia eardlally invitad to
vaeatioo vitaUng ai fnba and Torch
I nttnad and hava a good Uma.
The corn cre-p pcdmiiea ta ba tba' Tin- i.u t
Tba libea^ faatioo of tba Daitad
.: but OiS*
:: fniv .w
ii» nuj-iu .Haaoti.i
- ..a...... ■r iM-euHaf
Tba banvy wind on Friday night
bea^ tba cratai «»“og. with won-■ jj . ^ ^
^oug.,sl l-i ii,.- state NorBralbfwi ebareh Uld tbair foartb
broke down qaita n number of frait darf.t pruanaa of mind ha «tin-;
qnartvl/ mooting io Waaton Wornod otbw tmo, and ono very ^ gniaM tU light ttd thu. urad a ; j.,.,
don'a grova. Kav. F. U. MoOintie,
tba praalding aldv, waa praaanl pnu tm loaded full, baiongiag to tambla coaflagraUon. which would;
oiourfarmvaaompltao tUt
!••«'........... t.. imtien doilai*
Elba Allmi.
Bar. Ur. UcKiab, from Ktlkaaka,
naatitad Urn, and a vary good atTl, ta, n«p.Jb,.ta.Mb.»|.
tV., k... u ta .U
.-..J'-.tapdanm altboogb o oold north wind wo^ag for Il'h. Fnldpbar. hu .lo.. Atld. loom 11.1. oo taooK^, U ^ y^ I Ali I.W, . I» ■! i',........ oo- ta.ilUgCMtotbooottada world and Obai ttaoponboota or otbir
pkovnUad oo tba/ bad lo md
o, Ibit .taoo«*"'”bota U
of WOliamtbarg toku bU ib towo or oo tbo ttaoru wta dobo j .
wind btaka oat of blonkata. '
Ur. BimaU ratnraad to Da^hit>: ^lau at Ur. Pi
abort tima ogo. loaving bia
Tba firat tbrotai'mg maefaina of tba
cKOTBu *ecinr»T.
jty telUng Iba eemaeijry would aeem Xoruial c>ini>-s an- wnmlnl t .
ana bora io ktva aome aport ia tba amon pallad in to Iba yard of A ■ fseowKe^iKijiKw,
! 10 indioale ibct it ie.
ooMtry. Ur. BiaaaU birad a bom ,U.8mitb 00 bVidny nod tbrubed
Wm- Ilockwall, a brakanin ou I
'taaeJi of klKbii-iii. Tia- U.iveod boggy from fi. 3. Uotgaa for ootnamnUjotafpeui taoo ifaratai- tha T. A A. road bad tba Uma pf bi»
be-iw’.Mnrsiw 1.-.ul i-. Midi a i-rriii«ti-.|
Urn ond wbila tba bo/ wm riding ad for Nawoomb, Uintaaon and Lora. right arm batwaao tba elbow and; Ura. C X. SmitL bad tbamiefotl- b>«0 fur ih- Tbu four-u-sis
on bocMfanek tba otbar day tba pony All pm if yon pime.
•boulder badly cnaabad wbila coup-|ane tu break ber cuUar bona Ueir-iurM's li.ui (u .r. Iiti-c-itiu-.iit- itiibru
UtM bim; OM (oot hang in tba
H. L. Aiiap and.wifa with Ura. A. ling aara at Marion Sandaymoroiag- iKuuday. Tba back aut of tba-eerTin- -iv-ji-unt' i.iurow aii.l
atirap aod ba waa dnggad a Umrt £. Evaac apd
FVad. viaitad HawubioagbltoOadUkc.
iaaecuitay tutaaad aod fh.-ce>u.A-fuf.s.!Ju:egraa.dtae»l.-ail to
dirtaMabatoratbapeo/ aloppad
Tnram OUy m Wednaoday taat,
retut cr uobtwxo.
tipped baekwarda throwing tba Udy
U-crtirwr of l‘«Us«a>
Y|w.l«.li wl.fiv the sui- Normal
taking ta Iba taty
Somaoftbaqoaar fraak* of elM’ ®
. , .
.k-i.ooI is loraieJ..s.m.- ot n,.. Lan.iaaylnm, H. A Uh atora ami J. J



aod Tuta Brem^ TMri AiMba Ftaa O^ma. Fftatag


Preflcrtptlons CATfliunjr Compounded,
Ordaro by MmU or Otbmrwtoe Promptly Attmnriori 1


6BABD TBAViBB«B mRa;i), AirWtW 14,
walAadbtoirttffa%bt. aod bnadb^totalbabooOT «ilb a sMI
MMtotoa koabDOT* at bOT bSKi

lUagfOTflHldrMpnc. llUal
WOi baeato Bakaadaaa.


> 1 WOT
Mk, Me. Ohsaal, 1 told yoa to
ithaMdatoea, “Uy Only la
MbUs daM-Tea. ma'a^
aeaefay waffcaw baa baas bA:
began tba ]A yak
STM—Wall, in view of anbseqaajtOTaeto, I gnaaa yoo may sob
-• to tbe weeds. "Ht ««t has
A pleasant marniag. Mr.

WoOT jeer Wto faked,

WUahOTittto aWar toffl Aft,

A Touehln« Poem.
,.ath Kotolito


«e oat

ewaaC ratoa wfatoh was always I

Fto^tba rirarhrt
Aed om oe Ua eooM baigU

ar, dytog saotbar t

iTBiat to aoaa twwdy fi
L TkaaUptoawMtoMwoat
a_p«(aM from tba Blab 00a by
am. nsM^ boxed aad dktriB
atod aaong poor tomiliOT. who wUttied them food by hood at from a
qwtarto a baU dolkr pm Iboa

At M lbs Bntt'riag guM ean aUU- ma.wttbU#_______
joQ Boat be to bar both
Bptfaari “ aasOTsd to bare girao, with
Tbs ^ dtod aloe aad «aai
lbaabarga.adoohto po^ of bsr
«IM U« «i •• «tmc m4
At Urt tbair f4«b lbs soidisn tUad
own lata.
A Few Tabto ■Don’isr
AttbafoKaftoroc------------OeoT Mask yov Bpa.
BuOTa tbooght of beoM aad vifa to Mtoral darkoMi aaaaad to porrada
DooT taka laifa noaiblak.
tba booaa. aad wbOT Jaoato to aOM
• «M. UM «UW< •• M • MV I
blow your rood.toerdOTto
pBpiaxliywaottotbadeOTtoataarAa eBrisdtbaeitolta Yboot oer 6
tain tba eansa, aba WOT diawgad to
Talk to the Young Folk*.
OooT wa yoar knila toatoad of
la diA^ ailMt wood.
&nd tba aky oboMTsd bj wiBli of
Blood, 'wbUa an ominoM atiltoaaa.
It Mi rm, maOiuUIbkdeSoosa sang old aoegas soaacaaek
Dni't find UaH aad pkk; abook
■tMt M IMN leUv • wnikm
yoor food.
Uwrjoks,ttaratinir of tba tanpart, bad
Aavtraoor weetaednood:
TtoaT talk with yov Bootb AUad
mr tba laadacap*. Bat eran wbito
■be etood. abe beOTSM aware of tba
WdUMboa o(muMrteB«r^
DooT aod tba tabtoelatb with
m, MJ lUak betii eUUrw m4
be oak trees orer bur baad qnrwd
A UtUa tot of sU or assae,
Mot OTMt' (D lo week icain
FroB flnsids frasb sU tee aad.
M ot/ /oo. dOTT 7ooi« folbT
tad swiftly and quiaUy battaoad to
^ fair/ sK. a braaib IroB haarao
DobT laugh loodly, ot talk boiaba fasteaings of tba doors aod wiaThat bj oar eampfira gleaiaad.
owa HbW was acaraaly earn tOTonalT, at tba table.
Don't retail all iba akodars yoa
And aa «a sUrad bar liuto hand
deled, when a ririd fiash of light
tmif UiUn «k.<
eaa think of at tba table.
Wootto farrcorlj baad
Duo't take Loom op in yoorfia
Bgra<raaalato. “Aad wboara tooT"
im Miud iato tk« •aitor’a <M
wa to oat Um aseat troB Uwen.
At toagth tba bargMot aaiA
1 cmln ageinrt (be window paam
Doa't sail aUentioa to aay little
■wared bar that Ibe storm wu apoa
OMk lo Laar froB 70a all, Vaj
Aod ebaia's joar bma V bag
Biatake wbieb nay bava oeoanwA
h«B. Dot wakened in sffrigbt, read again.
^tetkaaod Miuic—Ibaakafori
DobT nafca yoaraalf aod yoar owa
airing ber aister’a toot and gently
be M 4*7 of Mdwol progtaB, Mia.
aeatoaoolbe bet tolo eomparatira affairs tba ehiaf lopie ot oaoTanaWbj don’t 70a knovt 1'b lilUs
i»M Olifat ahd Etbal,-iBdaad
airt. Heanwbtle tbe reiy floodJana,
DonT take aootbar noaUfal, while
•atn of ths Ay wanad to bare
M did beta a siM birtUa/. EUmL
Tba pisda of Balter/ It.
any ot tba ptarioas ooPtnaaina in
peoad, and tbe rain beat in aharts
Ibe taOBlb.
“MjboinsT Wh7. tut WOT barbed gaioat Iba walla xa tba bonas,
IMa to OM Uileg «• Bart «7 to
Don’t rcaeb aerow the toUe for
anTtbingi hot wait uatit it is passed
H all Ibto BoniBg. aad Uiai to.—
orce of the gale.
to you. or ask for it
As tbe boon passed, (be lightning
: An 7«ie gaUtof OTedjr for Um lair y
DonT put youralbowaon (baU}
Along «itb Itoaf^l Nad.
to 70a kaow it a 011I7 aboat a
iotaarewaano abatoBent to tba ble,BOT lounge aboat; >rnot*bialo
eelh te Fair liar, tto Ibiak hard -And I'ra a drua that’a aot n tor.
ait araet. aA to be axcuaad.
teady dowu-pour of Iba raix JeoDoaT frown or look cross at tbe
idMaboaUt, ebUdi«B.
A «p »itb faatbara. too.
is Mt >B.loaely tigll bands tba siA
And I nareb baaida Iba druBBOT bild's bed, ber beert torn wiUi anxi table; it burls yoar own digaalioD.
as wall M that of Ibosa oattog with
. Our Letter Box.
ty for her Ulhar'a aafrty.
Tbe fityoo.
n Bandaja at rrrieir.
ul woena ofdba Utlla alwpsr (rata
Don't p^ yoar - teetb, uidsoa
ndeed a aad ac«oni|«niiBaBt to tba
*-But now oar tobsc’a all gire ool,
-oar of tba ^luauta witb out. Tba
Tba nao aan't bars tbair amoka,
twaao tban, than put your o^kio
Wta to tha Hamid YoasgFdk*. 1
Aud ao tbaj'ra aroaa—wig-, eran liri'a (ear&Aw to>B alnoat iatolar. ap t^ ^or mooib while extracting
bia agouy. Uba iauDsd upon tba
IhpOT ■>* kaotbm aud oaa aitter. I
wd a de, covering bsr face witb ber
^laUTM aboat B7 paU: I ba«a
Voa't plaj with ua a joke
Dsnda “Deer Father io Heavao."
• pit dag.bto aana ii Itorar, aad
Soma Little Folks
“Aod tba big Ooloart aaid to ds7.
die prayed, “help osl" Ibon know•gr litUakill/'a mote U Pitas/, aad
(I bato to bear bba awaari:
»l wbere toy dear fatber ia. Taka
itlle Arthur B--------. a three yasr
wv pot «0«'* amiua ii Cuerr/. Ko« Ha'd giro •» arm for a good iniM
ere of bin, for Jasua' sake! Aod,
child, watching Ik notber
Lika tba Taebs bad om tbera.
)b. do not forget Dot and mal"
bouaahold work, and looking i
f’BiU tall roa wLat I caa do. I eaa
A atranga peace stold’ into ber
ciiooately at ber, remarked;
ftaka fetM aad Mka aad pirn 1 “AndMl tboagbt, mill, beat and
oart It aeonad to ber that a lov1 hope I'll grow to be a lady!'
llBpo to M Ibto io Uw Hraii i. aeil
ug I’rabeuca was so near that alia
Why,' aaid the mother, “doyi
And tba big'guoa w
>mmk. I as 1< /aara old aad- n/
night almost Btratob out ber bands
i creep beneath lb
^Ma to
Baanu C. Fonuraa.
Out bars aeroM U
Tbe roar of lbs atom began to
“Wall,’' and hU notber. “if you
And beg. good Uiater Veukea nan. ubside. and Dotalapt more quiaUy. grow up to be a man perbaps you
SOTBEHToa..^I bare wriUan to
Uooonreioualy JannN's head droop- can get aome nice lady to none and
loa'dgire me aoae tobac—
A and »be, too, Ml ioto a rtuabar. lira witb you : that ia tba way man
ika Hnua bafore aad bad good Fleaaa do. When we get aanw again
a was awakened in tbe gray of tbe do.'
^ak aad will Irj agrta. 1l as rtrj . ni auraly bring it l»ek. '
.raing by a gentle touA upon her
Ha looked up with a varyfaiicbt
•daaaaet lode/- Uor sebool is oat
dioulder, and. as aba apraag up, iba faw. and aaid
peeaedla* varr loomoaia. Our
ouud baimstt olasped in (ha arms of
a and Uve witb a
Vail, '00 a
ler fatber. wbila. ihroogb tbe docr- when I OB on
bbook oat a geoaroaa b
ea>. abe caught a gUmpM of tbe
iiatad bia taal wrtl. 1 ^aaa 017
A littia Dwigbtvilla boy racaatly
unland weleonafawof tbelongedStortoJoaganougb,ao l will eloae To kiaa Uw little noutb stooped
artad hit nolbar for a piaw of pies
r physician.
aad WOT told that tbera wnsnT a bit
Mltog B7 aga wfaicb to U7aara.
• Myown breve rtuWr’ said tba
A acoto of grimy n
of pk ia tba booaa.
Looking up at
Toura trnig,
_rner. “Wbatanight faryoo
UoUt UieSergOTnt's
I's busky Trt
er with n gknea of ebildkb acorn,
ilooi! We bad to wait at a :
UsT O. BeraTox
I bunt out witb : “Say, ma, wbab
iousa during tbe wont i>ait of
aa 1 bemad for. anyhow t'
ni<ux<.jiirr;, iik.
torm, but we alarted oat ogaia aa
A Windsor Locks Utile girl, just
Oesn BniTva—f tboagbt that 1
ooQ as it wu powiblc."
Them was a knock at iba door. old enough to eater tbe infant class
a liigbt Uie aogel b
eoU vrito to tU fiaasu, as 1 Ura
uldB«l(ishl>oraolar<^].but alartod
atobed her toddle ou
•nr writton. I go to acbool anJ
a utonishojant at tba tight of Ur.
tiaps Taras toan tUi
•dj raadiag aod wriiiag. gaograolder ones did. at the concert Ulw and Dr. Qny.
gr, pb7oiotog7, qtelUag u4 wtU- Bar Uny form turned not about.
Tobomor ber ambilioaand
“How did 700 get boaer be daOnr toys spoke Jiot n word,
make it reasonably certaio that abe
!g. U7 ^ are (wo oats and
ill on tba dtrtani biU n aboat
tbe mother aelacted
• By the rt^fular road. Why!'
«. S ban lour brotbtra. 1 aa
Prom Battery B we beard.
-Sot orar tbe bridger
ImejamoM. IgaataBjlaUar
“Of course! There isn't aay otbar
We aboatod baek-tbea cast Md aye
|•^eool|gh. IwiUeloaa.
Upon tba aeanaatouacli
Wbao tbe anYOura tralj,
“But you aavar did.-I aaj! Tbe
A baby's hand bad touebed tba tie
Ouver Boimox
ilankings all gone—eaiilad-fiff by prema momeut arrived, however, the
broUtera onea
tea bad ^od.
little orator electrified ber andi<
Tbat's aii-saae when • 4e daw
'‘Ur!*^ea and tba doctor loofcad snd mortified bar mptbar with
D»a Xairaa—‘n>to to the Aral letIt each other, then tba famar. aaid propoailiwi that. --It U awful to do
good on tba Sahbatb day.”
I beta wiitian for tbe 7oong

H fiwiQ. BTtkjeMUcn,

•weklen's araiea Saiva.'


AidltoaofAUdiOTbood. r


CUdrea Cry for Pitdki's Cntorb.

N.K;rAiRBANKiCo.-i- Chicago.

•sBatrsMsA. svasw UvCaaun*.

to/MeU«ffrOTdr ItMwirM.


“Tba Gear ocrer rides in bk car­
riage now."
“He baa discorrred a re*oluii‘>e
ary leedaacy ia the wherts.

Lady customer (angrily»—“1 ba
lievethere is water in your'milk,
sir." Hoaeal milkman—“Yes. madB. there i». I have on tcveral ocanons urged Ibe cows to be more
areful. but they insist Ibal it is im«Bsibl« to uiAe milk without wa

Chlldren Cry for.
Pitcher’s Castoria.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
Children Cry for
Pitcher’s Castoria.

i DkU KMTOaJ^ ul^'br'j Wald


ll7UrtbdA7irai AndVijd^tbrougb tbe

d[ ago last Friday and I waa


I gaata M, aad I got n nioe Oar Qen'imi olt looked through hit
(B doS carrtoga. a nioa draai for


' 11, Iwaoty-fira oanto io ailtei
d tow bandkarebtofs

Don't 70U

krgotaotoa tot of prasantal

In tba eamp of ItoUerj B

|•MtatbanaMnd gradalast ymt
d I OB going into tbo Ibird grads
llTMT.^I like to read lbs little
dare Orary waek.

1 ban a iUtto

Id eaaad Willie.
Btml IfuSwtn.
Data Cenm—It bu bavn a loeg
■aaiaM I wrote to U>a Hotslb,

A' Panloue Cros^ng.
BT HAior a- r. aTaxaBcav.
“How tt Dol. Jenoler wee Fa
or Allan'* anxioaa oaeaUuii io
alder daughter, aa be canto in
noon from the wood-lot where

Browa—“Tbat'a a I and-ume |mck

Kerlcbe... in a cvoa.trd r.rr


"May I < fT-i ymi -.^v s<iS ’

It % ou huv.- :i Hors* with « Sor* Neok you t-na get
\ Pad nt Beadl*'* that is « aiirv cure.

to more
^ of thisi

JOHN T. BEADLE, Traverse City
Call attheClean Groce f>‘

Maltii—"Dot, wlut uatebra?"
“Dul twLu bas be«u iookiug into tbe
□slural bi.lory lor tbs laslLouii —
“Az.braT Why, MsUie, ii'a nothing
but a (uvny little Loree ibal wcara
stwipi'd atuckiuga ull over—cleer up
to bis sera

iaiDs.flacoflJrieil Beef. Sail in Barrels,
Try Sy Tea.

kl>< ic.'rl. OM. Uk-'U k.

Uurb bs. heeu bsid shout tbe
married mau aud b» hair, tbe a-jUier-in law aud the mule, but fur diwn
right ten ply stubborueba nothing
geto tbe start of tba mau who cUimi


i. r Don't you bato lo have bun
oa tour
Maud-“No. iodred!"
•'Why. 1 tbou'd a-ink b > wonlJ bore
you to death while bo stayed:' • He
does. But tbau. it's suA a plcnsore
tsTiave him go'.'


------- KuIlkSUCiiV------■■.wwi.h A l-UT yirrcaalila- S «.
a-rrl4rlrh Hru>.
A I-. nr^owaara.

tvCuii-l t Lmlrl.1,1. I-rlU^
kll it, ilu kivU.ic* k, . diwiarr
I-’iral Hcaotlei-“Tliat mosquitlo
jukl caam up and primentod bu'bUl


at cool a- could '
auytbiag hUug me so " Second itoaorter---That a nolbing. Wait till
the landlord does tbe same ibiug.'

Inside Ti ini in Pine and Native Hardwoods



J. B. Greiliok’s Factory

/■ifu r.srcFK in:Kssmj^JOi:i.\a.
■ snusa. cKiLisa a.vo hkmuso lvuheii.
/ .< TU. nmcK A KD uni.S-OLBH

Flat and Square Pickets Eave^Troughs &0.
Caw.M «* MS l-Mall} Owe U. a

*^l^ral^Tt*e®'isu'4 any bettor

made from the aale of ^a and
i^ld write lalbar,'' was (be Iroubled reply, as steel abod hoof wMe still plmnly vtoTbera tba
leunie led Ibe way into Uie btUe be.1
bW. while below tbe aubsidiDg wn AiAena $tO.
mdtrtl70aotoartoetda7 cd ------------jr-:-------------------------child of au
etopped. bat it teaou tbira is a ae
ten raged along tbmr roAy bad.
A We had esbpot in tba mom
A with
Who shaU aay it was not tba qaal to it, for all Ibk bappenadl'hiore
|« and to iba altaraboa we bad a
_____ . _ ........................ jatbing. prayer of Jennie, in ber looely nigbt- than a yaar ago, aud io that time tba
Tba fatber laid bU baa'd lightly wrteb. wbi(^faad brought .gnidanca yonng woman baa invaited ber SIO
Itoeto. Oar
in a cow wbirti bw a calf. 8be
upon the Ullla forabaad. aud put bia and salvation
w>ngb7(4 seb,
raM tbe calf. aelUog at tbe aama
finger apoo tbe hot wrist. Tba travelen’
tuna tbs milk from tba oow to tbe
'aapaoed in bia faca.
Too had a teoelb Itotb, by Mieaalaa of $30. wd the wlf. proving to
>'a got a powerful ferer that'a
tolete Heneile.
be a partiootariy fine one. ia valued
” be said.
--You'ra beOT
Boom <MM bat i»Aad bp tba fol- •o maA that tba young woman -who
Oer liUla Qea U4 Diad. Bath
began with five canto ia now a po^tovnng intonating facto ’
aawor of $60 WOTthof atoA aad $20
WfulUtae acbool friend
Soec. Jawato. b7 &toa KtUa girto.
As you niUde yoar alaU-paMO in eatb—AOwslii OanstUution.
OoltoarBart. Leonard Oonrtoda..
“Wall, wa canT let it ran any laag­
Saegbgtba adbool. Dsm to do
er. 1'B bare to gat tbe dootor."
tbtok how boA labor it hat ooatt
Tba atone, aa it fitrt comaa from tba
quarry, ns first wwad into blo^
Bang, Bad.
and Btoa. by IroalM UtriU in Jeonto'a rotoa as troB four to aavOT inebw wide, eecording to tba laegth daairA for (bo
^^Hbs Boeb after dark, 1 paBoiU. Tbaaa ars apUt qoito oaaily
«ba Aeg^ Jaento- Foctoa and
l•Aoo.'' be auwamd. “Tba taaffl'a with . cbtoal into akba • bttia thiAiMeZBBhart.
and 1OTB diira at a good )m. er than tba finiabad pea elk aayfivw
Bm» Oer Flag, bj litoato OoDii.
of road. •ixtoMtba of an ineh. Ibaao era
§K ICmd BeUoaaat aod Ocom
• ibroagb a
• and orar aa aaaary-hatt to maka (bam
flat, BDooUi. and ot a rnittn thiA“Not afraid, falbar, onJy-if any- Baa of about tbiw ffttoaetba ol an
0Mto daertadi, B«lba Frbety aod
tbiiOT aboidd ha^ao to Dot"
Next day Aay an poAad into tba
•3)ooT job worry, Joan
wa of a “Mocodila.'^whiA aaoiiata
«ba Matdaea a Uutto Qr^amurtarha^wilb sfaUdtw.
I a prtr of atoal pMlaa, in tba ander
Ha^ bring b« oat o' lUa in eo
WUa-Wbat do yonamoM baby
UBa,” H^bar iatbar, raaOToifairty. -M ot wbiA art «x cowa of curved Uttonktognboatt
Owl mgbt, by Ztosia Ooartada.
•Ball «»M ba off witboat ^ ksiv«i,eaA sat sow toeataUUla
Tba Bnta-1 bpcM m’a tbinktog
deeper than the om that waet ba­ vAA to 07 aboat lo-algbL
AKareer anntowwa badedtaton it. Thwe plow oat ponllff
grooves halfway tbnogfc *ba skb,
Bite pen batwaao mj fatbacY
WbiA a man (ban Una act kjtm
parting wort (o Ji
a atoai pkto havtog ridges wbiA
mKti mm* haa ead tbao 1
rtaatri npoe iba fiftaae-mito driaa jastfft Asm gte^ Twk aUdaa
erntbo ewvan tends ot a aeeiy LA-amtoribaaixtowBoftoaU '

Maitol Matato Ealtor.





that will onre a corn f
Diugeiat—Yaa, air, bare'a a pre
paratioD Ibal 1 pul up myaelf. It's
a sure and quick core
Whv. I've
gAa eon that I've buen puttioc
on for oearlv two year*, and
wouldn't think of uring any other
—USX----FeA'e Cough Baleam
MCMfSi. CcU* u4 .11 Lv.a CowsUitu
Wk-nsUS. r«MleS*.U4iSfEi.>«.

From tbe fatqaaocy with wbiA
tba words, “Take tbe elevator,’' mart
Aaaya inaida numetona baUdu
•boot town, one might almost :
kgina property ownare wu-------------givTavinoodya-lift’



> biesa

sMtMt tMkr.ikSr «ui.».k>r-

M .
neUaaet Stody. a dtotogM, by


Cba yoaag gA,

1 “wen^i" Ijtos to <

...H UMMtnw Cal

t!riu, Vrakam H'a/<r<4'

Fo rt'* Western Liniment
AUF.lMsulLiBorw Ik Uk. U, U M( Vo
' ■.tkWxeAfeoi. .-m, i.-u. or k,,rHvc sm
,,h- 1.) .IIU.UI,!,.
**“ *“'*

I couldn't aae. and 1 gave
,c skS »c llpr
,n Entorpnaing Southern
Ibeir baada
1 can't mj any_ but tbU.—m- au>u vMr tSat
l^k aboat your anterpriaiog Yan­
Ujel X heard the tramp of tba
“Will you bava a cigar’." aaid the
an, a
. tbe water roarin' onder.”
compare to aoaa of these aoutbem
■ Tbsi U Uue," aaid Dr. GtayL. r.p.»d
BBdaas. Here'aa Mlasistippi las­ Then lie pulled it ajiart and cned
“Wrtl. if that's so.'-enawarad
sie who aeema to bava a gauios lor
from hit bealt. -^vod again ; there
tbe accuBuktioo of the almighty
ia eotbiug imdJc "
dollar. Some one gave Utia girl five
CD tba tracks!'
When dot bad bean exanined and cento on bar birthday. Sba bongbt
preterfbed lor. tbe three men re- a yard of ealieo with it, out of wbirti
aba trade a aunbonnet, wbiA bad
Iraoada portiuo of tba road
rnfflas around tbe rdgaa snd frilla
which Ur. Allan and Dr. Urav
upon tba atringa, and was allogetbar
come on tba pretioua nigl 1.. Ib
> oaptivaling a bit ot headgear that
ug tbe hrid^ over tbe deep
nrighbor purebswd it from ber for
rapid river, they fouod it lui
) eenta
divetled ol all Us fli

1 •

Bert iiuaUly New Ork
_____ _

10 know it all

lad no I iboi^bt


Call ami twe the»

Suiiiiiii-i Ijip U'>1m-8, Duitors and Fly Ne-



M 4 awxt. U n». *i.»W »t« W»e«T«T IM CaaIMSB4SMM WBia KlMv.4 St UktBt
.Ilk SM

wila’amindbgmia.'' “T
•mnaa me." said the .
“aba bM beta giviag me aptocs pf
M evwy dgy for aMOB JOTTO"


----------------------^ HARDWARE.»



I. Xis. leiOTr^^u.’ rtsi
• »ta.*.W4U»*i«iWM.


Barbed Fence Wire.
Carpenters’ Tools.
Builders’ Hardware.
Nails. Stove Shovels,
Hydraulic Bams.
Dynamite and Fuse.
Grun. and Amnnition.
Flailing Tackle,
Plumbing Steam Heating.
Furnaces «id Hegutera,
Gas Pipes, Steam Fitting & Pumps
All kinds Job Work in Sheet
Iron or Tilt done in Workman­
ship Manner on short Notice.



« Despres & Montague.»


• tbo
hie tofaf; eeU, oadtoit

Onr tbm SUiry W«y.

^ ^UM MM «IM t*M ^ ta

Sf <M tontl kM •> k*( «*vr MMk.
«r IM MKl OmU.


•m M. wMr fMT MMr !«(,
B* M •>« tM clUM M tk* ly* •!> Mit>
.VkMt Hm M« Mmh b mulau (MM


and fr; to a gtodas brows to ange ehmbat, oaa


a laepoonful of boUar.

Tba dip orancea-


“tbara b oolUng ball ao waari

for eomlort wbet doiof bout

aa a twiea-Iold tala;" baeidaa, Tra
wwkaadtor bMdMw UUngODt
, o( door «un>M, tb« fanw'i wtf* baas inrmglad into tbb soosHiia,
AUisc ittm. aa I dara aa; mao; ;ooDg. and toon

. SMdf • Bgbl, m$j

•am iMKM«d iBlMlOf tuiuh-

IomU« »orid » BtUMie iportk U raad an;tbtog about -“boi
daiacMBai to Unt Um iatrodot^ ttona,’ and “oaaful htoU" on domea.
UModiTKicsk dMM it all mikt o( tboCaira; but 1 wUI not atop ie
IK* Md cndoaDj a molotioa of tba ealealate bow man; poonda of naila
» U bfiof; vrougbt I bara waatad, bow man; ;arda of
•a tagarda wootati'a haaltb, iofloaoc* ebtoU and oratonna,
ad poaUfan is lib aa affaotad ti7 bar taefca, ato., to aa; nothtog of brnbad
For jaan aba baa

and loti Uma. wfaib tba
d of tba btaa« waa liaard is

ooatobe bona is baarydnggieg o;booaal Kor U it ug. totanUoa
aUrta, iigbl coraab aad ooatomas todaieribatbe bombuggeiy I bara
t ap


lemoc, two Iu TormuU ia to boil one a

It ia mneb nicer tbu

found in bread-puddinga, the agga


aod buUar wattad, aod all that
whicb took a gTaat daai of tiiaa to
ad|aat asd aora atraogtb to cwrj. but I want to ba ooa to m; Uial
It ia oftao ao auieb trooble to drM ibeaa ■'bonc-dannatjona," and ebaap
lor tba Btraat that a raiaD wiU aUj oooooctiooa, era a anara aod a dtlu.

to catbar tbaa gat raadj to Uka tba

traafa air aba oaeda altar faUlUag

Tbara b abaotola!; 'ob ingeenit;,
prfaatarer, in them, and aa for oeono-

bar doaMotie datiaa.

Pot B»», tbaaka to Aaab JaDocsa to;—Iboaa wbo are ooder the apell,
/am, will know that Ibera boo

MtUar, tba baaotiful apooUa of draaa

footteb minds that ba might ba aUe
to endo tba marriage.


ad him if ba Mold not takatbamioto tba tountb og»in aod


|OBa aantoa wfaicb woald oat them
tree, M tbe; wen before

Tbe rec­

tor arid. BBOtogly: “Wall. I think if
to toiureb I muld put you
to a wa; of becomieg
4:ao. it ia a enriout kind of buriiiear.
aad instead ot

coming lo the altar

as before you will have lo go into

fdr Infants Wnd Children*

So tbe nnhappy couple nedity ataeoted, aed
they wut into the ebnreb -aud the

rMtor marebed them into Ibe belfry.
see these two

traelier." ba

aaid: “(bebtisfaud wUlbave toetud
upon one ud tbe wife upon tbo oth­

Accordingly, with much won

dermeni, tbe botl^d stood on
trestle, aod tba wife did tba
• Cow each of you take s bell rope in

SoDielhing Dropped!.

Frnit Salad.—One box of atnw- a dozen siring beue, a pint of grau yonr neck and jnap off tbe trrftle.'
ibonld be barging
bcrrice. one pinuppla (cut fine), fonr pass, and three erticbokea cut into “Lor-air. we si
eelvet." "Exsctly." raid liio rtclor,
orugec (SBitU pieces), three bananas iameil piaert.
Hue ready ;
In a deep gliea dieb, el- ■ arpie jelly, pour iutc a would a thin "Uist is wbal 1 mi-sn. Tuo ouly way
Juit layer, leltiog-it harden, then fill in by wb.c'j you can utimarry yourvelvea
before eetring, oortz wilb whipped the fury cut vrgetsbles. garui>h the in tba church U by binging yourcream.
Grated cooouut ceu
eideeof the mould wilb the larger aclvu in tbs belfry.'—Litcrarv <uk/
Chrieal Life.
' ^u itnwberries an gone.
vegetables, dipped is a little of tbe

toroate leperr. weU sugared.

Wall Paper and Bordei

Oruge Sponge Cake—But tbe jolly lo make them atirk. Tltee the
yolka of tfam agga. add ona cupfc mould to a pu of pounded iee. fill-

TO aniiove oust sTsrs
I grnilc
UruN stain ia parlkulsrly obtti.. l.ovnnt. at tlic
of engar, one-quortor of a cupful
pfol of
0 ing the mould up with tbe lemsin. nato to remove. It rrill uoueUmea
Mid water, juice ud tied of one der of the vegeublee. When md; diaspiiear by dipping tbe spot in moflour, bafora patting toothar ingrederve wipo tbo ouleido of., tbe lasaca ud lotting it lie a ftw n.o^
orange, one end one-half teaepooubnta, roll and eat, bake in a qoiek
foie of baktog-powdar, mixed in one mould wilb a warm towel and turn
Kioao Ibe molsssra out to
orar, and U eura to aat boL SpUt
bmping cupful of {oetry flour. it ioto ile dieb : i>our aiouod a ma;- dear waur. and the stain will disap­
with a fork, and tpraad with awaet
Whitu of two agge beaten etiff. ounaiae dreesiug eearoced with tar­ pear wilb it. A more eflectusl w«hbuUarae jou aat tbcis. and the;
Mix in abore <wdar. ud bake in e ragon rtoeger. Gstoieb wilb xquaree -od, bowever. ia to dip tbo spot in
will almoat melt to ywr mootb. U
modenlo oru CO minulaa. It ner- of arpie jelly.—/AXrui't Trilinut.
aolulion of liu ebloridu and imtlKdiproperl; made.
ately msb it cut iu
Beef Sebd.-Oot fioa, eold btoJed
Mo uiatier how rough it may be. rlnr water. Many stainswbirhare
Bolter Sponge Oeke.—Une-baIf of
beef, and to aaeb pint add a tablecupful of butter, ooe^ud ooe-balf baveepreesof uaie kind lu your too Mt to yield to the treat­
apoonful of ebippad onion,
eupfulc of eogar, one aed tbree-quar. cook loom—large dry gooJa box. ment with boiling water will come
■poonlol of oelec; aaad (or two atieka
tar cupfuls of flour, oDObalf cupful -itbafaw kbrlvee titled in, doors out by Jippiug tbo spot in rr,tm
of crier;, cot fine), one bard-boiled
of milk ud water, three egge (but binged on. ud tbeu rUioed and var- chlorine water.—(.V,ris»..f«
.egg cut up. a bandful of light toeed.
eu eepaniriy). one tuij^ufu] ol nia'ued, wakes one both unt and yeunr.
broken aatall, with ekimmtoge from
eervicoablo. Having this press you
bakiug powder; flexor wilb
the pot in which Ibe beef wae boiled,
ud lemon, uion of tbc former, as cu (hen adopt the p'mu which Ull
and anougfa of the liquor to make it
Ao<l AirnculluralMac)iiii<'t'v,Si<'..ttii anti liras, Kiuiiiips Ltsff
lemn flaroring-ie mocb stronger aave lima aod slt-pe l>oib, of gattiog
atot—a oupful of beef grar; trill do
Water Wh.-.-l and .hidp.'.ii /...........................................
.AiiUioiiiitlic Slop (lovcniori).
than raniUa. It uakca agood aired from jour |«Mry in too moroiog
welL rr a UbleapooofQl of butter
loaf. Bake full; 80toibute.— r.//. evertthiug whiru will be uce.Inl durroUwi to flour, with a half cupful of
-S', in Gim/IIuw
iug tbe <Ur. suHi as t^p flour, meal
bot water. Add two or tbiwa Mid
meat. UrJ, etc . lo lasleotil tbe mat
potatoaa, alioad fine, and. aflar nix­
lomtog ud place them to tbiaprcsi
ItopairB promptly Joue uu all kied'^of kliiriiiiMwj
ing all tborougbl;, pot to a deep pan
While tbc datotionr of tbeaum-jI l’«us or buckets wbicb have leskt iu
and bake 16 minoteci aerrabot with
maiUrof tbeiuorato otberwire oufitted for
m'er appetite ia olleo

A-X. Et: XX.^SXSLEiIL.I.p.

Thirlby & Jackson, )

Enpitfeers and Mecliiii'sti
lion «nd Brass-^punderF.




very aeriooe Moceri<. tboro la



pur|K.»e for Lgldiog the diirwoBl lo B

■ 40lVkV.rM*Bdlnsrar*&



be without ,|t. Kvery one I Masonioge and ao on. cu aJwa;a be
■tootoaor baa, ooeaiattog of tbm wouldn’taik barIhuibaod to do it, “it'a a tar;; aimpla atcr;, indakd.
-to prcsrrre Ibe kept here, even a basket of eggs.
twa that do
bbtouae ofawbhto waa taughi wbao a girl to drop mt probably knows

Carriages and Wagoni

> oc bar pooaa tootaad d a doxan or

lo H aba baa arat; fraadom aorprba bim! A matt muit ba paid w<wk tba momaat I- found m;aalf
& dolbabaodBOOUDi of ibe ooat growing sartona and irritaUa, aod T
will ahon that a reaJ ebair, Iboogli a
■ada Jeat aa praU; at ooa oft^
of t^^
■bobld aa; ebaap ona. could bara baao bought all ay Ufa 1 will toll jou" aba>ld
protUar, tm Ibb U trol; aitiaUe, lor Iba mon^ tbua thrown an;. od aaroato-;, “Ibareuapototof fati­
■tooa it drapaa aod adonu tba bo- Viby not bu; the cheap chair, draae gue that no womai. can paaa wilb
■“ fona dirtoa tootoad of deform- t op with aoft euebiona^ and prett; imppuit;. 1 learoad to bnodle op
. tog b nitafaba idaal of baool;. lldiae, and p^ot it with dbmood
'ork and .toes it aaide wilb (ba
It oerora tte bod; arae!; iaataad of d;ef Thao one could bare aome otmoat aaraoll;, and ti adapt n;
tbtoir comfortable 4od leetiog, for
to my Hrangth. Then
•OOM partioea of Hand laariog tl
top, I bare klwape made it a point lo
I; toad aflar (be mao- the reeder ooold aea i
go to bed carl;." There's a whole
w of tba old atrlea. It oooaUb of atrippad of ill bright dreak. iu riek- sermon oo health and umfort in the
at; old back boot. Loldiog out iU
a aembioaUoo aait of light flanoal
old lad;'e ramarkt, and tre could
gaaaa for.«ommar,a diridal akirt beta oM araa. eliff and Mid. iu a bardi; make it more empbelte b;.
•od a taatafol Prtoeaaa draaa. tba oheerleaa cctoar of Ibe wood abed I
Pnrbape we Muld u
■aUrbl for the dreaa ma; rat; ao- We mJea ile gorgMue form from ite MmplUb more if ire did leei ie lito
oordtog 10 tba taiU and tba pane large and
to tkacks
of tbi wearer, tba comfort ramatoa ^ br^t fire, bat 6b, bow glad we

. . ... ... -- .

Miami AN,

their origiusl uwi' answer a good

“How bara ;oa ntoagad to

nlOrv, aad bar nasj faabioi
wall, and ba ao ueaful V wae aaked toelined to uederrsloe or |o over-;of il-iuror weal lor tbe day a ccokTaka tie “aab
- ooadiDton tbroogboot tbaeoaobr.
of ao old lad; of eight;-rix, wbo waa look. ud that is lb<> salad ud oti tog. aud au odd bsuc4 or plate for
Hjxes of salt,
a WOBOB eta; Lara a coatona wbleh toatooee: aomebodr ntsat aaw it ofi; but; wilb Iba famil; mandtog. “I wbicb there is aoeb a variety that tb« the lard aud urat
eaa bo parloctl; adjoatad to fira aod fix it to abiM to oovar,—ono will ttol ;ou." ahs^werad amiltog. table during tbe bot mootbs should sods, baking powder, wasted eoffer,

of Itob and aitaela and it


tire ballry."

roar band.
bend. ' This
Tbla wu
waa done
ud cut it ioto flowerets, tiro new your
potatow cut into face; sbapee, ud each of you tie lb- belt rope roud

Ibaalieaof pork to maal. .M that wator-ica.

both tida wiU ba Ihiokl; eoalad.
■HMf «Mn tk*
kM BMk bb.
aad fr; a Ugbt brown. Tbb it realrm not gang to lau bow b atokq
•>rM kM* IM <M taockb W ««b kM«
•Mk kfickba tk> kt>r b lk« ■Mik»k« U»*»
“broad puddtog*' oat of tba tromba
Potato Bieeoit.—llaka bbeuttto
of atola broad, aarad up for a weak
the wa; ;oq i«fei—witb buUrr'
~»mUmilm CUrii.
or two I aor bow to eiaka “an tomilk and aoda. eraam4arlar and
>iting aeat" oat of ao old oab faarao^ or baking-powder, or wiUtonl
fol, Bor an “raertowre” of i^wratbar
; of Ibeac, r
boated goods4iox nor a “beaH>>D
aW*. ud add one
raeeirer,* made of tba old altppare
cupful e
ladpotatoea, (aweet
;on tollietad on ;oar beaband a jear
pririah). aaai
td with butter.
ago. No,todoedl Fiwiromo


aeold do, and it ontored into tbair

aoatbawwbbpmod, Toe
fMter enta ibetoe^ dteatrod,
aaa^iflbodpbet; of good Otoga, Ihalamuooda^.
tMi fa; dagrau odd tbo too^
rdbareMOMferlba oUpa.aoFd
liu taro ptoftotaas piito it to atttitog for OM mtoeto. Tmxagu
fiaoe Oam <mtr
pnrutUsfWog eoarsofy ud bate rioegar mq; ba aaad ioatood of Plato
Tbb idta hM impeaMd llatof
U. m thau cretoa wib tba mix- rioagarU darirad.
torbotb oadar
<mm;edml, aod 1
tan, ratera them totbooru eotfl
Ftob aalad ma; be made of u;
mb Fortfaoooobrwead^
ooldboilad.or bajiad firii. aUowtog
or of q«tag or aeton, osdar Uua oflbaraetow fori fan
them a mertogu mode of tba wbitea ooa hud of laUooeaod half a pint
ooctdboeronoooaabtoatioo aoitof faara foood batter, wfaaot^
of thru egga. Brown it dalioatol;. of mayooneiae to trdry t»ut of tba
light daasaL
fiot draaa reforau are gtrtm to Iba ebiefcaot.
and cool tba pirn gradoall;. Tba; [udLladfirit.
' forthoMrid frw daotola, I Imre apofcao of. are
eboold ba uUrri; Mid wban tarred.
AaparagUB tops an made ioto a
b b^ebri; afraid of aa; roform •anwt toaoda, wbal; aroUtd by all
Otoe aalad by tbs French, wbo boU a
whbb proobaa good. Tba groat
ra,bolUiodpint of topainaaltod water for fita irti; voM bara sjt draaaad l; altamptod b; tba toa
rooa uociaartL non ai
laeo mtoulaa. tbu diwia and throw
boalthfal^ b that tba bOrq
~ doer I gira tbroa i
Tba todoaed four relu an naad
into Mid rratar and let eland nnlil
of fmdtfae hara pot on tba moat oa
to iba booM of tbo writor with grul
rudy lo nea. Then <Sry oarefull;
baaMbfol aad ridii
Epienraaa Pock—Oot albea of aooeaaa. Tba abartel in aomalbtog rrilb aaoft napkin, put ibem into the
poaafbb. dtlba prrant tima tba
“atraokad*' alt pork, tat aUod o?ar oew. BD^ ia tmy moab liked, bang a aalad dish, pour over tbe French
oerraet of fMbioa b Uodiog toward
sight to aooofb wstar./swa
ud rratardTMttog; leteUnd about ten minratom aad oea caa droB to
molasaa, to oorar it, and idea, ud both nkaa an
utee ud earre.,
at;Iiab aad ;at wbitoi
•priokb a top wilb Uach pappar
Milk Sberbst-thia quart of milk,
Tba Itiliue ^e a aalad of canliitrbU; b;gbBio”
Maxi mocning. two capfole of augar, three lemoDi.
flower, pototoea, greon peee, beane
cot this and fine a
Fteexa like ioa-cream. To make or­
ud artiebokca

Md Mdect
- asMMt M nq^ tfa* «tid«4
*hM. u* foa ToiUih

flavor of green v^eia- So wilb evrrjtbiog at bud you will
bias for ealade they ehould be im- be turpriseJ bow mocb lighter will
meraad ic


water, or freeli cold ^ be the tabor of prepsriug e ueel ud

water for u hour, (ben drsioad and, bow much more quickly it can be
pat in e Mid place unUI wuted. i done.
Saver mix,any aalad with the dreee-1


fee tbe colder I ot disbet to serve it'

inkxt c3N\t»ir_M rn.
I'm (.'osbi-ju. - V

aod if gmrnUlird proprriv it i,' pm cu.l.ion



l>;in;; i e fuu. •

also s lerge variety of aaUd iln-«- . u !•*!! of —ir!.- i
iog. but (be

B outitt a vscEits CO .e>b


lienilb<r> bit I

i.c rt lags “cr >>< r


ur »n I ti • ►crnivly

two most comaouly - with s h'.iin ; :t u:i ut-n pi-re of rib-

used are mayonnaise with oil aud l.ju .-v.-,- i:
mtyonnaiee without oil.

Blackamithing^ and Horaeshoiog,

bauJy liUlu I

f«- inv..!iqj;

one ot tbe most etiraetive and wb lie- made of a
di-Les on lb > table.





iou until you are ready to serve it |


,..u!i .usbtoo like

For that ihi-. ui«K!*.' Ii-.l .w-ij i„o-i a:.j-

wilboil i«it Ibe uocookcl yolkvof rtbure and ic mucl. r.o.o Mov.nlent

twoegceintoaroupor'.Mr-Mi dish Ui.n a papi-r of pins
udaetoo ice for Cflecu minutes.
ilsil l>en.\Yip.r —Cut Mmc Climk
PlaM tbe oil alau on iea Wbeu both
broaddulb io cightaro r.rctes ti-O
Mid add to tbs yolks a half Uala a email town not rei; far from
joet tba Mmo~Tba long liat of'all ere Uiat it ie gone!
Wa oarer
S'Xe lie |HU ai{it;r is
>1 of salt, a daah^ of
OiaeiouU, I beard Iba following
tor; “aa*;" to iu atiff
aaabaUa fabriro aod light fiaooaU
Jgc of rath circe
aflotd room for wide ruga of obtoM brace, beoMta wa alwa.n fait tfast brief but {»<
F«w afring a«id aoiemo. tba under it wu an impoalof. trjing to fill a


joto tba aamr^a

flanalabr^Uof baariar flunal.
tad for uotod waatbar aootbar nit

Mow in regard to braadi>uddhigi, Ure B.
for laid

Thia atjla of draaa doaa awa; U; graat-grudmotbw wu e noted

diroclioa, addiug occasionsiW a few.

'Hearn u poor Lib wot bom from

peUtonat, aUbongb tbara an mu; gtong to gira aome of b«r ^^nable

drops of vioegsr.

’ '

If tba dressing

Lie vinegar.

“Taaa, aba be,"

1 trimmsJ, fuld each

becomes loo tbiek, (faiu it wilb a lit

odiool” eaid Un B.

with that ouabaisama artida the Oldmmtbern

.1.1=1. ib...J .«h. CELEBRATZBUyERPILLS


of tbo DBicm ganouto will ba nead- ud wbal the; make me think of

icito halt again

Into tbna

patlicnau of

weight, bat oooogh in tbaaggr^tato,
aopatoall; wL'u a draaa akirt waq^iif aix to too poooda ia placed abora
tfaam.togifaUia ktr^tgaat womu
tba baaksiba if aba aUae^da to walk

But toad-to a light, baaltb-

feldroHu dpoaribad abora, there
ia M raana wb; a womu ma; oot
walk M far aod u aaail; u a moo.

If You Have


if oot ufBcieotly thick put it over ecrewaoub in tbc middle lo lift it

Ooa day a nc^bbor. who bad dto-

hot water for a few mtootoa, aUrriog by. or altecb some kind of a fucy

“Mrs. Bvriay.l


what bar aodal rank, Iwt dm rriori; dedara, I baliera you oonld make a

These kuob> eud bscdlea


"OBtotolj 1 oonld," npliad tba

bad rralkad

miMI te WBa first aqaaaoad into a
: TMMb. wotmi, aUHad «p <m UgbteMobom aadbad Uapesadaot

MdttobMctogfcoBbiibi^aadimpadtaff iba ttoedom of bia bBba.
, fialentog to a quattoa aa to eoUhfcto dnm ter faimm^ wine to
«Uab to spuck or aiBrim. Dr. Sato
tba BaUla Onto SatotoMvlaaipiatoimaad d
«la stot for bcattag or i
toBhh^ vUd; is oUnhl;
lorwnaiKBafarB. ItcM
I sail made rrUb tto)


Oaam aalad drmatog it made with Bsy be bought et o berdwere stora
cool ud ddicato; but to winter it ia tbe yolfcs of Ibiee herd boiled <«ga, Be very t srriul (bat tberr are n
for Iba
mritad butter neiie left iu tbo bstrei tu leer elolli
qoaeii]; old •ristocnl, “if I bad
with Hypophoephites.
aoD, iwobablj, after tba bmrt; first- ■Urrml tocriber with tbe raw yolk ot ilW—/'rairJr Fan.ur.
plenty of good thtogs to go to U."
ooune of the dinner. It it at onca ooa egg until a fine paste, then add
Ait;W- AMff meelrOe. aiU M w,
qmtaalitUegiri, tbao, tet tbe delight ot aU our gnasU, and tba
aait ud pepper ud by degreea the
bar what a look of aW ud
da^air of tbnoa amoeg tbaa, wbo, exaem, rroiti^ ud atirvtog all the
r uted to tell i
W 1 baatotred npoo at; being hootakeapan, long to equal
toiiU; tbeo add by degrma twoU- smuring etory about an iguorut
l^dmotbar. aod bow woodcrtal I the dalieac;, but fear their ektU aa;
liitog well. jouDg oouple io bis parish. He bed
thought bar. to bo able to make a
it. though U iatbaata.
Fmoefa drraeiog ie made of
married tbem, but llie merriege waa H. K, BRINKMAN. Agent,
“pwd pto" out of oak ehipa-l matt
pleat of laaoo piaa. Baugaadsb;;
i^ooofol of vtoagar, Ibreo of e teiluro; they could not gel along et
bon tbooght barcopabUof pmferm
bowow, it it, of ooona. otira oil, half a taaapoooful of mlt. aU wall together. They bed vasL
togairaelas. After diooar-a uapud a quarter u Buefa ot I
■ ficed ideas ot wbrt a recim
tnoja rid ~
“snribm" baa BoUuag of tba
ganeroos altoa of cake to aadi bud, oliattobar notary tbe nedii; ooo-

ptoridasrimrt.«i7 AtUag walking good |dc oot of —oak chips!"
■00. BO maUar bow ttnmg.imald


piOBt'l y I'ctc.

nt- ti'iibirg

I. varrbrpa, seJ weces Jo ll^-u liu. beatulMivBiaBnei.

V. & A. rO KUTYL.

n not to cardie tbe dressing or it
".Smb to knowujthto’t’
This dresaiog
Cloihcs-Iieuiper.—A very uonvenUra. A. ram slowly, poobad back will be oil; ehd Ibio
will kMp e wSek in e cold plsM.
; ieol cluLbet bemper lusy Ik> Hide of
Sot putting tbinge to ao bor Happ'mg bonori, and than
MeyonDSim without oil is uisde e bxTrei.
Liuu il uici-ly wiib
nae.,Tba aimplaatdieb plied, bar ayat fairly aporUtog with
wilb e cup of vinegar not too Btroug. bleschej co'.loii au.l corrr ■•ulsde
pnparad b; bar buda ware delight­ mataraal pride.
buttrr heir tbe sixe of eu teg, ter- with cretouuv. or if you Hisli u more
“Know uythto'l Why. you
ful ud fit for a king; bar baab, or
iucxpfusive cot'riiig e prutly piece
potato enetarde. or ewaet wafara, or. jial an^ an; ot iboa naw-tongird
deUi of cayenne; siumier together, of ligUicJ i-tlicj mil do. Cover tbo
indeed. u;thtog that aba ptaparad, ' words at that girl, ud aa quick as a
when et e boiliog heel pour it over
o( tbebiml uUo. eud pul
latU V Uwrmgl), «r
aimpi; perfect! Sberru tamou
tba yolks ud wbites of ux well beet- lirgobjwot somv Utid iu the ceu.I
{»« m W rW:,RU
Oirrrf Sr
•ogiKutb* communUpfor tbia little grou spot CO your liver or—'a
on eggs, taking caro not to curale ter. If tbe ojvcr u. « plain

Ite EogUab womu walks oo mtotor ad WiU, hm. aaid:

«MBb baton ba

la Sc UMar

l-KlilVMts Tin: lUtLATU.

Greet care miill be lek-

foe ntilixtog arar; tbtoc, bot not


' "

0 who Ibtok tba; era not pn^ retopeo, u<m). who bad a “knack"
arl; draaaad aalwa tba; hare

*,|wei*ilro< ttiv,*n,>,taeierr,,te9;>nai<
eu vet «v «nl
telx„Frr<ur<r SiitliiMiF.eutli, uaeock,
u,sSI;,v»<>,<d»<>eSl.«M«,*sd <vri, |••Ileltkc »et» I. I. i>|iciml itS
• ooitlock aLeio |.rkf,.

“-"fii:- nnsBRAfrnlivFRPiLLS

dn> .rlbi ot |„1 oii„
wuoo her rra; to Ibettora' -Unio, ™pidi,.,a -.“di.vib-o-

weeda in her UlUa gardn.

plaM it war nerer intended to fill

Ui. piste SL, •.p .

tuioi M.itsnmrCljlU

ames A. AAoore,
OQ S*X*.A.<r'J3 ST.,

Agricultural Implements
And Vehicles of all Kinds.

lemon pfa to parftotioai and


I aaatod syaalf on Uw rrood-pilo, •eote to Iriltog jaet bow toe mekm
inmytog tba ooutlam etdpa two oicarlamen Ides:
w aao; piaa toay wootd oake

atenb to a little cold waim aad riit
t oToo a; toDdtoh atod mid oot U in with OM aod a baU ptoU bcOtog water until it (jaekaoa.
*M;af good tbaga."


——erww.a.arwwers, all of light was ttytog to neonaila Ibis toot, a;

tootoiaaML TteahbtwMtoort


astttog it awa; to cooh odd




a<^ onhor tbe Hod ud sqoerte the jriee of
4 ot tba boot tops aod olUvriha «e; to tbs FMtey.jard; I foUow- two lemooe, aod stir with it abouto
I do not know of a eookoao man •dbar, sod tboo timidly,fact Mmly,
cop mod a half of augar. <Ttequa».
mqyadjostod, men baUkdal «
hit; of mgw «»t.te gorWoad tegw
Itoi wrmiTi Uaa tUs. Fto ■&

aokad about that ByrivtaB to^

Iyh7taria,aateMMTV7ao msHb,



Diming Uindtog Twio^ Advanm Eagtoaa and I
Hteel Usy Frumea. Ho; Potato Diggerm.

Orders Taken for Sash and Doors.
Bstiss nwsinw ik,«iu>r aS
■ ■■■■111 uTnnn, CR, •I" ■«
••4 tran-l all latMir ilw OivM Tn

d, ud OKpmy saesrf bl pl


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