Grand Traverse Herald, July 03, 1890

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Grand Traverse Herald, July 03, 1890


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


ftaiwfle Heraia.

w. r.

Na 27

mod Aw*7ud the k
tyiwriadiMita tawyasra a^ot
dtU eit^ wnhed towMthat
werth While to rmaind aadi cram- they wsn going propwly nod wnnt
ISw <Tor c( ttnrtjo
M bartad ia bis own garden. ^ <d what U the ei^ of. TMtang
*^Uwl- exclaimed tU HmU
Mov« Back. Ye Red Men!
ItuU tim Die weUr wm et ber tow- ^kb hnf bean atriebao down by bnib.—/lo«{.iN Comitr.
Hand, dizzy aod brealUenn, “How
Not. keek, rtnea. !.Uit>el«lKee»«eefF- u deck. Her liniiBinMt bed bew lindarpaeL Be waa lain ont in fall
I be did shore me!” and U ww
cotmT. It moot Ibougbt^bet btuliag ooatamo,'indodiikg apora
becnuie Uie figures
LMaamr tuhm. Popular Fellacies(
aiofMjr to Loan on a
Om aoold floO man Ibui eoa bow or and wb^ and waa pkoad in a atoja
- -oa/ihly used.
>CTy common 'error is to sup­
Tbeeaik oo the fare eoSn wtigbing upward of a tm,
Bot tbe Boor Hud
Hud' b
traveled on
VUIi«a FropMty for Sale.
io ouMf woo
, jaodoaioOkMi.
w«« pMor
Ml or partial.
panmi. whkbbad to U lowaradiolo tbe pose Mitt bird! sleep with the band with a happy face and (Ue ligoraa
Ilyfwladwfaan Oept. UiOeid order­ grara by meane a eroM. Hie old
looked npoB bim will great raspect.
sleeps so. sccordiog to Loodon pobed tbe moi to tU boata and tU
TU moral of tbisUleda lUt iU
peeed nrewT aenlBE tke iiele Toniig l>fa<ciiii Miiad awof. ruddulie rmsion: tbs bead it Uroed round
trteet peojile
leae and Bodinctad, to meet «batlofLU faroritadog and old and laid upon Ibe back, where it is
It oteful.
erer faU micbt aona.
lot AH bis property waa left to ’'
<BiM.lktl velsUle Ike
That dogs aiS kept in bsslth by
IM was not aean aguo that yew. grooiS oo eonditioo that tbeoe toi
From Death.
the addition of Urimatone ia their
ana U waa aoppoaed aba bad foondgMHUMHOVMer
aradprbaao aqaaeaed
io dafaoU tbe ecteU wae to go to drinkiiigyater. Seeing tUl slooe
- j, utterly ioaolnble in
■'flow. Bat• aba
'M ki
kaptt OB Her efratk: tbe prieet of Doaeostar for tbe bw
The queitioB of bs'wg buried alire
; eoiOT^ bnfCaiad b^the
eaugbl efit of the Roman oatbolie eboreb water. 1 fail to preciare wbat osa it and the recent care of Wasbingtoo
Tba groooi, bowerer. did not anffer -u> poaiibly U to tbe dog
Irrjag Uiabop were maUam diseoMTUi C3WI are food of buUereupa. adl^ a {lortr of gnoUamen al tbe
Oo iSTsth. 188a.^ahi wt
tbe b^oeat to biraaeU to lapar.
>d boardad b^ Mr. LwriU.
It ii lalalea that a eertaia eroib- Cowr, at well as boraeM.'iD giziog
ibe oilier nigbt. says
h* OMM «« ■•( XwIM U< A-O^OW*•)«• U (ke M
ger of a vbiUlog atatioo oa Oeae aty old VbrkahiTaamn aoma yeare oarefnlly avoid tbsM plaota. wbicb, Ohe San Franciaco Cbroniela. A
rra tW Utt IlMeMA )• alUi WMUa: «<
SmTtba Sba waa tbeo eloaa
aioea left dirartiooi that on tbe day like all tbe lUnuncuIae. are Urmb. lioam^islIt who was praeent told tbe
I■•lel•e*> harm nee*
abora, aoma sixty ailea from wbara
bie boriai a great poblic breakfaal astriogeoL aod e<
Houses an
; followiag slurr of local intcreai:
aba bad baen abandmied. A few
ould be
reUea ware takao franbu. andtbe be might dir. aod that Lie cof&n, dew improve, (be complexion. l>ei
strange etoast morning aba was gone aguo. alung upon towrie kooUad togaUier, it dittillod water: but, beiag merely ] ^
wiencet U<ire long been a myalacy
Wahavaa numliberof «lK>ioal.eta feraallie at imw pricaa
Sba me litlle chaogad, sod Ibougb rbould Iw boror aiou;; lue rvlays o' very pore water, it ctonol exer.-iae | ^
. andupenaaajrtemia.
%aler.logged, made good baidawT.
ten ao<l*'l><imiMd' ilirae tiiueaupou any ape^ lofloanee on tba akin. Il^Ueutn
Tide abandoned craft i« probably
particular heap of eiouer. and Ibat
Ak!rr>tc>« <nnl«m.r< kut*V>*ae
tbe pbantoo wboae iea-abeatbed le “Lameulatiou of a Siporr”
OIE» ta L. L. A. BnUdiiir.
aboald then ba aong A atili more
Hr ia« ii>»eR pmsceie lac iwi.
, on '^alu^'
me alartlad viaion
of big
important prorikiou waa loade ..
■SM Btekv r«I«n->la^u ....
^ jaaoaan lliat chilly oigbt in
bar bacorl.
iMve early and .breathe
tbe| ‘'Three
timea lo mV oi
jwd gsra him that abock funn
... ,
,.i.c ^I
Ibi^^Unefil .J u,
u„ „ to mV own^ ^koowl,
recorar. tor newly a: an aod child wbo eoterej tbenroimH puremorovogu,
your bealih and imd^f your CO*.
Ttlk». cUaAaM »a«ior.
yewebefaad roamed a« cbarlleae I wilbtir after tbe .(>ri««««iou bed
eea. loucliing at no port. piWed by rcceirC-a dole of eispeocc. Xer.-i plexiOD at the same lime. Tbu u <,lbar world, and twice prei«raUona
DO baud, auaworing DC bail,. ,purpuee
. ,__ • '
• ’ •rat Ibai undoubtedly^ the l«w>n intended lo ; ba„ bean wade for ber &
ilref,aileiit and alone.—Se/i Franircbyard vo full of pocpla
ioguitbed by tbe
cUro Kmuiiner.
A Suisiigonllemtu uamed Jack
Tbe effect in tbii ,
Fuller, ordered bit rxoeutorx to
aanee she was taken aaddanly witli a
bur? bim in a pynmiuaJ u.tuaoloutu case i. apptfcnt. not real. A fairly 1
. and tbe brndluy beOimd M lbi> l4kaii.>usT.vicr !• kkkrarili
t. grille He*er Pipe, o
io ItrigUliog
{Uliog cburcbynr
eburebywd; Hit raa good lire took* little Utter Uiin a ,•>'**‘“8
Pile UU*r |n^}«';'»Kr*c ktek. motm b^,
nlarmeiL In two boon
u BDd deoMtie BM. ud sesenl Sbop aork.
bean of wbile aabea under tbe now-15“?

We euiT e FDw Uoe at
bow little
little lore
lore for,---------------for ' atooe above.-------grouod wat
____ »L leliiog' bow
1 u|>0D Ur.
A Si|>ectorofUio Sea.
tbe braa.t of tbe average soldier { « process be c<
le landlady.
£luut JohnBansrD.wrapi^all inidaiiDg our late war.Uioug|^^|iba-1if boned m t^ordmary wiy. -Til*
IIS of tbe geoUeman'e
Ita Onui FrarsM. UOrtar Uon. lam 8prukkn. Etc.
iL. a„ ii
° undertaker'e near
furr. stood al tbe w
1 an
• - dgblrr*
A* «k b* iMBd EBTatiwe. Weaxpeet by good work aod prompt attrolioo to
would eat tlie wunub end
idcer, a whaler cf tbe____
Arctic minded
oatae from the
back 1,1,,
imrabano(tra£'.- Call and aae nr.
toy relative, would oat tbe
k »ttUM <a< On iTi.
. It: was Digit,
nigbt. and the
tbe veaael wood, aud Ibe bnrdei ntatps. comet
:b<ng to Ibe beat
was working atuug Ibe ice peck with to lUe narralioD of the foUos'iDg ;
hiogulaily enough,
A gemlewau nsuiH Vw
Cape Smytbc jukt loomio," iu
geutroua teodu-liearled woman, it left £*:,tKIU to liU sister on c.
dislauee. Tt e biliog
lUog wind twired
_.Li.r..i - .
i.,... dertaker amred Ue newM
, . 'KJi-',
about UauMsu's fee^ catching up tbe last to forget paid forg-re. libe tut sbe Ltd bim bnrieJ iu a
peieenlage ofcombusl’lile matl
ibao ber _ uiar faibioi
lion. Six gentj
the ligbl
mod aeodiag it swirl.
V feraaaii'. _..iiUut.
well as beat goes up Ibe floe aodis
log ecros. tbe darkling water. brother, n-joicieg more over distbler | ap|>ouKed lo follow bim tu tbe genre wasted.
Duriog bit absence lira iniaaing
There was a brisk bieece and tbe to tbe enemy, aod vrept more biUer-1 where they were tu King tbe last
uf tbe dead young i
Thai |Hi>ee
are buret by a auddeu ,
nigbt was too cold for comfort by It when defeat enme lo bor frieoda stanza of Ibe twe.)li«Hb ode of the tbaw. Tbe tbaw merely finds out larrired upon tbe Moue It won
----- m LCaowo----I'obbibly. if ebe bad been on lb« second book of Ii<
reasou of llie proximity of the iloe: Tobbiblv.
3w about four o'clock iu tbe afterdouruing «
forbidden to be (be buniUDg that has already beau
L'puu bring iDfonnod of bar
but HaoseuuareJ little and ebeesily iield. gnu in bsod, .be would not
ru; uobsll Ltd to be tolled, and
wbi.tled tbe tuue of a folk lore boug bnre been so unrelenting n
was tu follow t'le corpse. yauaioD of wi
iout for tbe frav.
be learned while a child siiottiug
lereu au exciamauon oi «
bursts water piyas
.. tbe .i
orertilleryduels Tlis bix cbo,«u geuUemi
Tbeu ruebing up tu tbe rot
tbe shore of a Nor<r< ' '
tbtl took I'laoo beiweeu tbeconfed-|b« tbe oolr laourueie Tiio coHin
dasibtrODg aod feuliks us
Uiaho^y lay .be do«ri t
biulMtotnadlbrned tbe ki
ofbiaYikiug Buoeslors wbetf they erales {Kwted yu
until | lam aud tbe Yankees
faced tbe unknowu Atlantic
of ladies came copies of Horace were placed in tbe
■‘doudlike they saw tbe AnM^ican | belowila lo
to Tiiil
viiil the
Ibu armv.
army. ■^ grave
gran wilb bim, OgelLer with Bent
up from Atlanta
g lo looward."
(wck Auioug tba rest wsa e
a dabUug
datbiug ley'e ‘■Miltoo''
“Miltoa' aod a Iti
___ ________
„K 11- i- -K.1 the room and o
•.B. AKItmT. OBc«*l
Her daughter of tbf south from Hai-uu. uieul. After supiirr tbe six
gooe aod sbe veered aud who was anxious to
lo see tbe
the Yankoes ers'eang
ers'enog the ode—all beiug
beiuc io strict
but ber sail* were i run. Wbeu Ibe (arty reecbed Ibe eccotduee wilb tbe will of tbe de
itery ou Little Keuueaaw tbe guoi,ceased.
set acd sbe waa a liugfair Uadtrav., bsUery
Hanmn could bear tbe awi>b of Uie I <niibOlb
both sides were (|uieL At tbe ‘
Iitiea. The <«ly Twi« afier iLialia raoaatad the uorBt o!
.in lay tl
fb^nirUIt U the flaeb of ligblning'.
BbHog .
ip of
often, uo _
■rihUa (ban a whole army withI binedgebaa tbUman brtwghltiiewo
1 instant abe tacked and bore a<
Ooe of the moat aenaelero of social
I man back fromUhe dead. Sbe liraa
Then, before goiug 100 5ard^
‘KiapUln. we eaaie up bsre
___le about and made atrmgbt
you lunke tbe Yankees'run,” said fbe wholly
Ibe KeindeA again

; to Confess
to bring ai
■file from
MaconHaoeen hailed ber. Tliete
^^^"**^****^?_ StSL'-.
antwering bail.- Uis vmeo rnog bol { "But Iboae are not (be running beat of
low aod Btrange aa ibawiix.___
le wind took it kind,’' reidied tbe captain, who knew son '
,.*i That i*"c
up acd aeemed to make
ic of U
it mou
mocA |I whereof be s|K>ke.
iDg ecbo. Then be bailed again.
"Wbv don't yon aboot down there very
<*“"?« f thnnder««m.; Aabort lima ago a honUr on tba
Ko returnand scan Ibem, for I am sure they. pleasiog
to tbe oue upon wbem they ;
illuaion, anting from nbor, of tba Lake of WaUac ' "
HaDBen'slipsgrearpale. Hiaknecsiere iueb cowards tbat tney will run wUn to^ beavanged. lo confeat
lirroraroflecttbeligbt-lswitzerland. diacOTwed tfa<
ebook. HopolbU bcl^hard over at tbe first shot; 'she aeked.
and made
atir them up.'
up."' powerof agivenpereon loeonferaf^ /. flaeb and (but aid to tbe terror •
' for
' the ppen s^ Tbeu‘
"We don't care to stir
- muttered a prayer which bad not | be replied.
rebuff. This ia iuetf ia a ooofaarioo : “® apparent danger of Ibe et««.
lie shot tbe male, which etood on
ne to bim since a sbip burael UB
Then tbe Macon bvllp stamped of aocia) loferiority wbicb tbe onethe projecting rock near tbe neat,
r Lie feet io tbe eoutberu ocean ber
her litlle foot and railed ao boUy at making it would aooner die tbaol
The Hour.Hand
aud tbeu ma<le bia way eaoUonaly
beck in tbe fiO'a
jlbccaptaiu and bis men tint they
J make di
directly i and it is
along the prrci]iica, wrtb a view to
. ae bad seen the spectml
spectral ship-lMsseoled
ship.!MoseDleJ to drop a xbot or two for foulisb beeiuee tbe ebaocea are that
Uki^ tbe young birde.
yiog Dotobuan
Dotebuen of tbe frozen j bar aaliafacUoa.
- it ii ftlaw
Le Flying
He waa clots upon tbe noaltinga
ocean. Toe jfimntoiu came aoocar' Capt. Gardner of the Fifth WieManifeetly there it no pouiblo po
‘\!oma come, yon won't get ai
when to bia eonat^ation tbe moth-,
that be coold ert tbe glieten of ibe i consin .-Artitlcry. wboeo gone wtirs" aition which i« atall diguifiod except this week if you don’t burry
a arocA,
salt spume froeen on faez rigging traiood on the bxitery above, saw that
ibet of uauying
ueuying the poaaibibly
pbaaibilily of,,^du»e
Minute Hand U» the Hour;^.“““^® . .rose up from
„ bring suubbcd by anybody. Of: Hand, and be winked at figoro One
aod Ibe iciclee wbioh buug from bar i tbe muzzles of tba„
gun* GOmiag
bunUr waa in
ilbroughlboport *tolea. follo.rei au course one cxuiict elw.ya proteri agba „,„ed along. “Here comas ."P““
epari. Ttftre
waa ice upon ber
I inslanl liter by three poffc of white bimself from radeoaee: that comes! old }
and upon bar wbeel, and upoi
laUenad hatebed—ice, and no
lotbing: smoke, aud tbeuieu incamp could lo all tbe dwellers in tbla not wholly. Two. "I«ok out be doesn't >
remained cool and sell poeeewri.
see Ibe waving of white bandker aoririly aalitfactory v^d.
Herdccka gave back ao ecbool
echo of icbiefs,
I chiefs. aa if bidding good kpeed l"j auubbed,however,
auubbed, however, it imporsible
imporsibls toievaminuteelaUr.
utb mmuiee law.
..wuu ...

footateps. Her sailing lights were Ubo deadly mU.ilcs liowlicg
.owlicg through ooe srbo
srbu keqw
keqps the potiUon
position to
ro which I| ,g|
«u| i,* around after l'»e
I'ye made
i^e about
bait entiU^S, Ue is foolirii
i,o more
more round
round tnps
trips uii,
OL nesa
he's a «1«;
Unvinc reccntlj- punliaa.-d a trad of liind adjoiiiiug <be
bhewuco low

isn toac
loav 1,0
- m in^e ^p of jthe vul^^
fowling______ _
n».". _______ l oriunaUly,
It ^ tbe wl
town of Poinoaa, Cumberlaud County. Temies«jp, we Lave that ebe eccnicd almost awarii ...
tbe kept on into the darkoeea, reel peered (banu SIX aboU rang out in Ine way where be bed uo right by for goodui
InTmed au luldition fo the town and aro odVriog lots fur sale ug, ataggering, nnateadv^ bat oo v^: _______________Oerdner's
gun aeMriim.' that be livs been rebukcKf i, after mi

V aMrlBs. S<KkU>. I
of dual and fleeing
by anybody.
anyb^y- If be is cafiable
of takAnd ao__________
the Miui
, c'eiuds
and ou out of sight; and- the
cheap, on reasosahle Uima.
John Hauecn came ulo port.: pcoj.le ebowed IbatUivy had gone.tng the high ground Ibai bi belooga round, putting them
” do
' I the moat good, wherever it may pWwae
pWaae bim
him to
U» go, of fuQ
fun at bia alow
Death Bat watching by bit bediide
li^e ' where
whm they could
IU chattered and glibbcrcd, and | Ilicro was uo more
waving of band- course be at
it oue atroke does away ,i laughed and
ai celled out to qua anolbmore*..
etared with etraioing eyeballs. For: keicbiefe, nor Hultering
fluUeriog akirla,
nor wilb the poaribibl.v of bring rebuff, ^r that the Slinute Hand waa too
uo man may look npou tbe {iMantom . fiaibing field glatcee, bol all was ed by anybody wbomaoever
smart a chap for tbe Hour Hand lo
re from bia i
ship aod livn.
: quiet oo Little Kccncsaw.
The coufeoaioa of a aoub is geuer irarel with. Tlie I’aodulnw down
«i he did, OD tbe narrow
Bat wbatJubu Hausen saw in tbe' Thai uigU two prieoucr« wore ally accompanied by the more or less, below knew wbu waa going on aod
Ponionn is on thetiucof the GeuvaUA: Oln-d Uivej- Kailroad,
depths oUkat July uigbt was not a i captured by our picketa.aoU they emphitic assertion that the person j,oghod.'softly as it rocked lo and "‘’f™,
TU arm to wbicb '
now lieiiig built. Has a good school, church and atores. specter of tbe was; nor was it the :told the t-e-iue:.
bestosiiog it bi» no claim to iil in fyo Kven the pale face of tbe clock tu bird clung was oo Ibe aide
P«8toffice nod telephonic comuiiMiication. By the telephone grim viaiou of n fever atriekeu l>raiu. i Tbe Macon brile lost a lug. tbe: social judgment upon (be indiTidnal .Mmed aboot to break out into n ^
ItwasBoraelhingfar more danger.'captain was killed, two ladies ser-|airruuled. and in tbrir anger Ibc agui, .1tibegenwribihirity.
tbe geiwral
^ , ?^,Ttiit^l(:e‘“^K*i4ri5
we are ootinec^ with the Weateni I’oiou telegraph office at out than any air* phantom—a deio- iouaiy wounded, oue gun disabled |GOaiplaioer< enu out eee that they |
Ldtumo. pt.Ashifusa.
.i^le 11.0 poor Hour Hand
u,,^n,„geier m!iJ?hw£J
CIUUXErM^’lLlilKU, ETC. 8|MtrtA. LuiuiterruiCrfire-wuod cheap. Coal iu ubandance, bet of tbe dee{>.' It wav the wreck and several
aereral eoldiera iiijurad
injured by the
tbe aie by iLrie
iLrir |>totest«tioua
|>tote»t«tioua asserting
aaserting c„.pi laboriously on.
a upon tl______
-Ah. Sbortv!' eriod Ibe Minute*^!' began afaostiug for help, and
of the Young I'buuix, wbicb. dhicc; first volley from Uerduers
Uerdners gunr.
gune. Aa
At;I tu
tbe very (biug
thing that they ao bitterly
Brloyiug the wh^> pfatebp.
tu Olh of Aug . iSSti. baa been sail- Ibe
tbe party fled toward MaricUa they^deoy.
they ^ deny. To bu
U logical aud
and aogry
angry at
al Hand, close Uhiod bim,—been tak- finally lUCceeJed iu calling a paering
I followed by shot and shell el-:the same tiuH", bowever, ii not givun
ganapl Come, I’ll Ut 1*» _ abepberd to hia rid. Ha wu soce
; to (be edge of the toifu.
' to more than ooe man iu 10.000, and ouud the I log tarrive timea to your freed from bia dangerooa poution,
lek wan woman's idea of war.
wben smarting oudar ibu eooacioas
ice, look out now I 111 soon pas and
d carried borne two young Ibirds
oe« that a aoeial enemy boa intend
tropbiae of bia advanliire.
________ _________
• »
No one may say
aay ababas
kbabss not tooebod.
Odd Fu„.r.,.
tu oortbaru pole
No man may
TU Btorr
or? IS told
(old 01
of a canatn
certain ;wnat
j wbat may
they are aomg.
doing. They
xusj suouiu
*-HaUo. ba'a got aafar aa Two!
teU where sU will U seen
Sugar from Sorghum.
sas it upon tb«r raiods in times
We ariU ceil you n gooO lot ou good rtrcets nod funiish abwbri
, In a report inued by tU British
(Aracto oT title and plat.
I that tbs practical effect of every pro 1 -Ob dear, dear f" slgbad tba Hour oDfanmiaatiaa document from tU
Barrow and Cape Smytbe. wailiug
Ifaat bisitsat agaisal a perwxial sonb U to {Hand.‘"I can't go any faster lo aave eoasal at Cbieago, wfai^
(or tU ice paek'toriear,
pack to riear, whan
when down
^ By hii will
U dirorted
.......... ............._
cSTAauaHio taaa.*
oooalitoted! By life How f wish I was as amvt isUtea lU yoaitive opinioa of lU
___le tu aoutbweat gale, beating the < obe^nisa abould
U (lerforocd witb | injort
an into ridgns and t-oasiag the stout, evei? aeeomcaaimwit ealenUted tw. U buoMe natorr, moreover. tUt they {.a the MiouU Hand. I'm tU butt : author that sugar making fro* aor•bipsliketUpcptrargOEtaaFfcbild ; inspire mirlMel fnling*. Hia body jare likely nUo loineresaeratber tbaulolalibiajol
ran. l>own wool lU bark Fleet- was to U wiwppad in lannad lagakin; to deereaae tU preitige of
Weitderyotttoaqy oftbe aUomeyeor eoo&ty effidak
' ' (aoe of the clock. I can't eodura it tbe value to tU Aowncaa faraanof
wing tbat bad ontilved many an arc- and buried oofiioleu iu a aUsdu^joBy. To know thst a pei
n lauds.
go on. I ll joal hla cr«
iMda. HaU MtirikdtUt
Cumberland cunaty. Pomona u a remarkable Health Beeort,
Tbe Mary and
w will U no diffianlty
U 4ki Uw Hm,
; bereafwr tbere
' Laarri branches were to by carried riigbl and that by dUpoution be or atop rigbl bm."
and many wonderful cares of Catairh, Lung andKidaertroab- atrrioed, plonged and fonndered.
•T. Taa «ta M
2 from
-Whero’a oar modanta Wand r of getting
Iron 7112 tone ,of , i «wx
bytU uoornan.Bad oo rctortung,eU is eipablq of ezMoaiog tUt
TU sea's great tnaw lo^
lei have been earned by rinta to tto cundve springs.
tUy were
ii will
■ tbe cbnrcb
cUmban in vrbicb bii|ioUaoved to a onr rnpeot lor ae
“O. be atopped back l^.' waa otaaad—tba wbole vaload at $60.
traeauias were ' dapoaited, aod aU,axalted a paroonage. So tbat tu
t»Bniia mm
U»eoDStobelp them-:cxsspatntion of helping ao cnesBy _« anawar. “3# ntartod to raea This U double wUt tU same ana cf
were ordered to
^penga. riU was Raking Udiy eelvtaas they {deaaeJ, to tbe eon-1 goes in this case hand u hand with with me Ut 1 goass U got ant of . wheat or Indian earn would pcodnea.
iln aoma atataa—Nantoa, far inatMCa
' Ibe vexation of injaring one’s aril.
«tor a while tu owirif of lU j-tU consul U^ this ^wtzy
lie is no obvious tbat it i
TTi^tU^htT^wind abift
cloak earns into tu room. -Bailor | will add a_aixfold_valaa totUte
r. to find that U
ad to tu want
and came io attonger
Fm- farther tafortoarion uddrtM.
atopped* No.”
No." ba
be handi. When it uramembarad that
•endmiltadtUaamaUlUkatUttoablatoB*Ti(ataUi bot arid ba. clock atonpad*
goats. One after the other tUca-;
dwitb nTwythi^ tbstinoooa can deny the (reqaaney of
it a&btaa waU U tmt a few yain age te aUaiit van.
* »oS aw
blaa parted aod tU bait drifted.
; tba sort of (TTor of wtuen we are f^’te^ U-Ho
U-nle irtboat
wtiboat te fii-ftu abandwiad by tte gONOP
Then an effort waa made to gri to
bagaBtly taacb- mutaa faopaIsM, eoai a
BonrHanl’ ShubagaUlTto
•aa, bad tu va^ fooled tUTrtton
m£i^ Mbi. uytbkg 'Dut a faranUa
Site Boor HaaAMfi
ISO trying to gat over tU bar.
• «nmy.n^inti
Ota Hud, tend Ub
andjibhoOB known as 'Oijiiin Bn^ay,' wan fnl-il


Beal Estate, Insurance



Real Estate, Insurance and I^ns,



V"' .'o“;




Tini-^erso-Ki Plumbers





Stoues, Ranges. Furnaces, Refrigerators, Tinware


__ _



!EHii© Urine of Sx>ring Suitings.


.A {^ome for All.


Pure Air, Good Water.

Sin. ii.SiLrr.iir."


Sagaificent Climate,

Ao Hot Summers, Ho Cold Winters,


Y #o Mosquitoes


The Tennessee Paradise.

Sts,WW ?£.■■£»■&;!


Lois for Sale Cheap, on Easy Teims.

The New Pomona Addition.

Now is the Time to Buy.




ail ID uam iaiu,

i For $10 Dollars R-

m. inmTuiTOTmusflCBPt Titles Perfect and Wai'ranted.

Dollar Per Week.



. .. j to Mo; aftu tA kUtb to oar
chOdI BatlvS Mt AM A ur
vbMi had cvtcrad bia uM aa Ao If

a frvBM

Tbeptalfcad_________ _
vlaaaeladM torn will A nlh^appmAad tba booa*. Icaocato to Aa daA
«raa llaad apoa Una, dark
apnvban ovaa plaivdal Ibnf
bAMtbaufo eoaeaalBBUito tba
talHtotbeteiH CfialncaateAa car-

Ita kMfta —*».

wbolodatailato tbaaona; tba tall
UBivart forawd Oap L'BAaaca. lookloeao atoi A Ida faoatlak OaaBA; Aa
avaat toea aod arrlla-fom to Hap
PMdM->«^fch“o: tbbcaadar.canaaArWIMa of tba uaa. tba Ap. tiaufal



Clan>Ibi7niood.tbodaacblorof Hn.
larnKiod, ■■ ■ ...................................
fov praro moj ■ onuor, an oanas on
tboaiIrus uootba vhiofa bad
farvM-<I lUc prrW to tb« eoartaUp to
borfhood Olid bcT kjrn-.Ao had aoffood toftare uoi^xalnUo.
Bbe bad act brr laan upn Oup vbn
flnt Ibrp had tact, pran before.
Em A tboao dapa, boverer. vbca
Hap vaa oalp It and CopSl.aA vaa
bb farorito and


Wmk. A*d U b»l 007 >utMtkos
kath to U« «rbo kMvitwoU a^tD

ant Uso


It WOOD*of Uw tbow {itooo of tlo
Mte. IM teM eoiM, itfkaelli u4 d<
Md)o*«n'walU,IU «rUa «c|oa«a
^ Tbo boM hnUoawoctbaicniBar

lTMaed«aUo*Booltofal<«g,il«ptlWkB,onrknkli>«ia fnel aa sadaiMiBK aqopo of craoaward. «itl> U
MM famaad lino, aad esrikitoi _
«mi«f flovm conmlBi iu Uutj*
BAM h. and oo Mil aido. wen
Mkj wood*—or vbat amord to ba m
Bjaa^h *haa aotond It
a^Oeol cr«o Is tlo bottcal (Ufof
aat MMka ia Uo oonntj.

had doaopodterrloa to ilwtr ootmuy,
Md aaro did It aran Icn Ukdr tfaaa <■
tM pIraoM duo daj that a abadew
yeald fall apao Uw bon of tba old
Tb*7 ana loam, thcae tav abo vara
ao* ool <o Uo alirat waroloM •alar,
and ana to bo taanied io a work.
Ba «aa baodooe. rteb. Ibo moot Of
t.'Mmia l<ark and cotaUa. 6ha an
as hAao. 7aoa«. UaoUfBl. Iho vaid of
Ma SoToaod. of tba Lodca. tbo gTooiMb


a firi of vlnu aap loaar

Dfalof acfa. “i

' datMauapiio.aodcatAdoof axpra»

Bar focal ana bcaaUfaU7 abapad; tba.
ahaolMa aod boat perfeati a taodar
giaoa aaaaod topcTT^ bcrcAola par-.

aufvlr. and villiout aop db|dap to
Bodrup <>r arlt conKiouaaam Hap FkddiBS drirh-d {run her |uajtiao to the child
ptapmalo to Uup L’^UanKO to that to
Oairbadaornall tUa. and aMdn
pome HoaH to omt aoeh a ealaaltp.
FAAe all eioo. abo had opcard ber
heart In ber veodcriait uoUn. and oa.
tnatod tier to a-nd Hap avap to acbooi
bafore It vaa too late,
lid* vaa nut to I
. ibar.~ aaki ber Bother tcnderlp.
*nbb cannot he d«K. Ipitppoa, and
fed for poo, bat 1 caaaot help poo. I
am (oriiddrrt to amd ber to acboto All
beroduataoe Bind A raodred A Bp
bouar. lampreduMbrlbeviUfroB
allovinj- her to leare aip bouae ai
Ubo lamed; and Unp and
Hap. ApiTf
p ii
in 0^ otber'f tore, knev
aotbAfito the
the atom A the breaac to her
Clan.- turned ftom tA coatomplatioe
to U» am*-, with tremUAt Ufa and
her band ptcmdUpbtlporerbm avellAsl-oetoD.
-UAbowlbatoberrabaoiM. -But
n-a V
vaA. viA all tnp Lcainp. wUcb baa
faeeopnueeJ ao raucb bp otbm, oalp to
A >4 aaido for that coldA iiaJml dolR'
BA laomd into an adpoAAe ...........
tAt aA Blcht not viincH IA entrance
totAtorrra-that aA miebt calm fact, A-foreaABd them at aU.
Hut bec Bind VH loo buap to A
tbcaaiM Umuebta vouUctovd upoa
ber braA. It vaa too late aov. All ber
adtolap bad been for nothinc:
roA lAp vouU ABairied.
"Ob. vbp am I lUcb a oovatoT lA
BomuRd to AetoU. "tVbp cannot I
devA aad canp out ao<ne aobaBi to
paittbaa rrm nuvT TA tbotvbt to
M- faapfdHua BaddcH Be. I ceaU
UDmUAcU.^f AvUi tAl ODO
AAt aaful vouU Appra to-pra.

AouUliroto Abbvifer
Em A tAdeptAto Arvieked bean
tA could uerer Are lawfiaad bov
avinip At cril prarrr voold A anrvered.
rnan>.mt* tbia aaabanmaB aad
Cap vuku in. tA next nwai rouaed
awfadM had M In a lain tettaa Ar. aad «A acAutod AcmlC to A raA
and iBiliac to ntoa^ torem. and Mta.
' who, all unooeeriutMto lA
Bat It waa tn of riobaa ihap
8ba«aa.aaanbareaald. tbarranlof

IWakMK»Thep araaa haakinc la tba daUfhlaef
laaab poaac dtaan, aarar ftnAaf Itaar
WjeM ooald cnaa tba ladh «bhd
*nap £dbm lajota upoci tba wMar.
tiaa had fBMd arltb U(btali««a«d
ta tba boat driTM^t aba Irlnc lo bb
•fMCaal^ap lata blalara lit tym aa
ha pnaaad Una «ai bar aofl Itaa, or
arhMatod to bar of aanat ri.nffi to
Mla^ ^ MBbar dapanUefat

Mar, Oojr aba
criad. -What aaddn imtatioa baa
«Mda pea dlBoaad m la tUa Baimr
-Hr dnrca^* ba taid, “1 Baat aaavar
pn to ibt verdict tba poat: 'Wlibtbaa
antanM I tefot aO tiao.' ’
roa ara Ml a baalaaw bmb,*


BA had acorcilp dAppHito aaathu Bgan appaand aa lA a
flAtooAdvhitoaDdacBnd.and bvr
kfl bond VH prod OTvr Ar boac
HAhA. *
oo to tA other lUe."
-Fool tAt 1 aar aA Bonaorad.
aer repealed OapBu
Erva aov, vbsi Fate b veekiai
utoekoothkvi- '
foBod lA Ibtoc. U H tvHip Blaatoi BU A 'VTVip vap, 1 arvoi to Ar
toovi He.IAa'etgooe.lhoakpea. 1 0001^*10 work iWags to mpowa
Hull A too Ate for up appeUtaaU U X Wfaot Aall 1 A next! Uev on
tbk taagkd akem vitboat auikafi:t>
And pet mp tvTT-nge will A but a poor
OMBftar alt. If A b aurried. all b
Aa Oup EXannse heRBB rUndog Imtl Map ndding will anSvr brUerlp:
atie,ako.alm! abaUL*
bk aU|a alov tA mod. tA taea to w
Em u lA apoA a Aod. AciU erp
|are acrvxd to Are chaaced—at anp
veboed ibraagb tA«ooda.a erp aa to
rate, for hUa.

laoA sritk bn IAb. GoIcbliV right to
__ Atiost-oobA lA bAek
aloek at CAre-s fan which sfae hA Aeo^aA
nerer asea before—a look to
nadf Ctotmnlp that emHod
kAft il»roHedAre.df.
-TeU me an. Mr. AiBstRsog.” «A tA cAA explanatioB of U all
said. -I will not toterrvpf poa moIil"Hr. McrtA.' A said, after a m»Brkdp tAn A narraud what bA
bopiieacdintAvonda; lAcAiAshleb BOd. "Uik fake Ad orvel cliarge can
aA most A dkpmred.
Lk out ap

n, 1 am aorrp If mp voeda gire
poupaio. but
At jou
luu Are made
a great
mktakr. one which to me is
aUe. Mp name Is Uup I-'Esttange.
am lA <>vi>er to tA park pemder. |A
vail to vhicli pou can nov ace. If poa
are in trouA-, 1 am hcv 1 and mp aunt
vill A ba|i|>p to gire pou aop Ariec or
(A vaa truing to mp amistance. At cme
gUnce liad amured bim aim vas rkhlp
drcmi J)—oe tAt sort to Ihiog. But pou
Arc. I ngTci tu sa.r, made scene aad cr-

-What can A'lMpiag Copr a
Uap at UK. Anging aaide Iut book petulanllp; "A was iK-rer late before.”
Oare gUncA oreral tlio apraker vlih
look ahvli Map could not falbom: it
rm a strange look. AU pitp, baU Iriimpli.
k> tbAga
"Odd and u
pen euuiriiiiMa,” lA mid. "You aoe,
Uup said A was gedug to&archealcro
j>rored BOB
ledioasthan Aiinagii
No douU »
bull Are newt to Inc

"In lliat cm •. Mr. Acij
Ad, "I V.MjId
o pou toleave n
and mp »jiiiiioiis •■u) to lA
malU* tfA
getAr. Ujwl nielli."
Aud aitli a lua- Av.aUich Sevoed to
Axe a s|i«v to mw-kerr in it, aA avepl
from ibv room.
0 laatiT luuvd a moment <tv A
thought .4 taking bit de|mrt(
"Tlialgirl kn--ws more lAn sA caret
toounh'--," b" luatlend. • Wi ll. vc4l.

u-nigbli Wv vill wait aA are Av
GAgamdathA viiba fcok to bA
led acmrn aA vonder, tboogb then
die aflair gimi iH Afore lA magistnuo
aa aoBetliing to wi..........................
rrov^ Ikar ire) I vian vuneuae
and leod-v ri-psoach A Ar gluri- ing to Mar.
J nuuedovi,. leant gohoci to
Hcr.ClarvrctiAlA Al fnor fi'liov V ithoul anp imvaage al
'Mo, I A<<- Bade no mistake.'*sA peuag girl "Ya apeak ao. AdJp aA tlL*
mid. "Yuu are up hutojand. fop Tal­ iookae oddlr. usk- vaIU Imagine lAt
pouvece U>e dc-puailaip to aoaue wclgblr
bot. aad «li V pun are m
aeetel to regard to Uup. Ibuugb I abould
Howi-rcr.UthkiatAvar acarrelp tliiok A voukl cbouae pm for
uact, it will gire such a|4ir|iosc.~
K-fs-—well FUMIgll to ~ae np cor. Your abrupt and ctvr* *
Bln- afukc vitb an kritabilitp quilc mrMagv? 1 rrallp doo't like IIk- idea to
rorcign to Ivr nature, tun sA felt an- taiing Uup unhos I can carrr hiiu a
tar to me 1 Alraded to Aw paaM
aadtergiren. At**-----nopA l>p curv e Banner aA looka.
iiA to ounfnrt."
“Well, ii VAld cenainlp nut A Ukcly
Mrs. AiliKSid amlhd Ibrougb Ar
« Lilo h<r uaprtp* tl.c bridc-ebvt vas to
lAlandto'llu- Aiog.' kugUd Clare;
“Ac teallp. > A uiust Icsrn to A rcasosmbiv. Uup map jeu aluul buii^ tod
to VAC apruii strings, but. mark me, A
is U» last man ii. il.e world tu ]>ul the
into |irarUcr.~


.. . r<T>.». «
M tA lAI dour. fuAm A bp ai
"TAl k not Uur s ring or knock.*
cried Hap. apringtng pp vitb a auucvhal
pale taev

".No; Utt It ^nap A a luemage from
Im .c abAt him.'
.* said
------<1ar>-. srrth a
tigniricanl look
ok that vaa
lost upoa Uap.
f.-r sA bA qakklr
' *' c
sA. <Tvotog lA d..v, stoA lAeoicig
otAr time sA «Ald Are
tA Av uf livt. (lieu; iaXHim
an unusiullp Ia.I knuck bad ccImA
Ikrougb ibeimaar.
Jut sA aenuul to A tofcvtrd bp Uv
ne kind .4 prrmUibeot vAh bA
saw now lAt sutne real danger might srtoed opoo Uup I. EsUange.
At tA dm sound sA bad felt a flut­
lurk fur him in lA ehadov to thk rrmsan't error. "1 cannot terail pou to vaau tering of tA been and a vik] anuatioa
poor words or mp tAo aap further. X to lA Btod, Burb u sA hA nerer exAre told PA upBaBaaBdaddraB,and
ainoe p» coca^ me to apeak lalAr ‘*fo^.!^^'toUlmir sbevH to
broaquelT. I moat add that.mpAafu A ae afraid, she >rt IbcU-md iatotuli.
8A beard a strimg. grave vuiee. a hkb
well aware. I am not pour buabaA. aA
I nerer aawpeu before. Thank poor sA rtv.«nirA al <mre m that to Hr.
aA tA fact that I ant A Paul Annetruug. Ilir fauulr auliciA.

elinedtofaAppA Areinnoeer
a odUake that IA not at OMO baA poa
ever to lA puUce H acoo wican. At
‘^•Ob. no.* UucAd Uap. "lA vUi ■ - then It mpeadd: Ibere aiaok tA
arrer ATolbaltoooHiilBAto. lApo.otatpauikiur. lAroM;
tqgtohac«ae to tA prarerWal aproa
atriac- It mrea a A to bother, and pou
kaov to eU. Hn. Bapasad. that fm
tu raked bb Al vUb apcfile gftoore.
Al aA dung bmeU A Ar kneet befose
i Haj.-r
• AaAclmpsdberlmndavUdlp.
• A tApi
“Oh. Bop. XtoP^aAcried. "Are
Tbtak to tA Tove PA took at tA <
to tA happp daps ere Are Bvot togUAr, aA. mote lAa all. at dur
-Yon BMChtp. torrafal tbAt.* Aa ^ Xh>MlBaABed^mBie.Bop:
aaUA Ar avaaMt/tooea. "poa proBhadto drite me
to Ua(hqr L-EBrange wm b
•aod todap, and-—="
■gip. aA. Bose tbaa tJ
‘AndaodiadBa'’ «id Oaptvia a
eaUag to fear vm eroap
ik; -rUoBmt aapmalitol aolboritp
Araaoe. and ap aA ataalL And.
Be hA fek iaettoed to pMp tUa
aaacoorar. lA not pdac to BarcAitar woman. vA Bight, for .Ar
' A taj boatuc tannek I bum paU oHheantpaA bright. I
BpaeU acroaa tA AA. aad g» boiM to A bA aA act aoeoB

A vide, dtmlr ligine--MA Fb-bline ~ sA

UtH."Aak Mr. Ansasituog to case to al
CO.” otol Map. to a eB^roieo. Iboogl.
r Aooai *aa panltog viih tbevA

Eapmuml -as bp ne loeow Aarp
bHdcd.aA alM
that a rWtoc bA
cue to qmaktog vltfa ber.
BptAttom that Paal AntmtroBt esh
ImA tA loom. Al. vhA batnd, floral
oA kM to Banner, eA vas fuUr twaA
aA reosaeeit him graoefallr.
TA lavper mt down war Is
UevMOHallrqakeat bis
nan to lA vorU ought to A. but OB tbk
lie took out hi

4 aov auter got tA boUir of hb
Bmmi If Arwotdi e

"T.-U him.- al«- said. "lAl M
laC KJv- wtll iv in
IsTUil.l.-. and all llv rOuoIrpaidi.' aAU
lov lliat Ar fAh in him is
boundid.■Tlialls fanioua," sail tA lavper.
rvbbiag bis haAs. " You sLaie Ar v-oUm-'iits and miiK-,
"In t-xirp war. 1 feel sure that Gap
L*Emnuige fa innoreel.* rxptkd Mrs.
"AA Uh fopBOSMlrTa ladp to lA fadge axrrud ber
er tin- maU-T,* aA mid. "Sb>- bm reAtoJvT
“.\br V
lA AvpcT'a
rr. “Good night.
bear tar B«ud m-va.

-WA. that la Jam It,pou are.-saM

r hA ben mtotoa aod

^ iJtot"*

tktoa A tA Baactoi
‘rirjr=?k‘*5ft «Bd•ttaauM.



licHme! THlma.AsMpaeeddeotkotaHsabimr
Betook ber koA oA gamd otAr
Afol face kimllp.
M mom A beaee. Urn PMdkc.”
■ tap news k eerp bA Hr.
k Are aA vtol. lA A fa fai
....'tnoUe: AhasbsH

--null HT\KX OF—

Wall Paper and Border.
all grtulet at I’ricfB arc Igtw bh the
f Loivt«t. at the
(lie Bouk-ton-.

|g D-w aii'14i>ni|i

ncvaarATired A tA drav ing room
bp Mrs lUxuiiMidBAtlatv.v Assented
to Ate quail- recostevd ber usual |ilarid
’ and calm. Ibuugb sA exIuUuvl sigH
iaterxet at Gic lavper Alarcd hur-

adC- El. IBr-A-SEELEllalls-

llr^gUninvl anxloBslr round tA room
M bc<vili'rx>l.
"Wlvce fa MA KitoditisT'A asAsl


at The Old Stand-

"SA u quilo prosUotisI vitb grief, 1
am SUCTP to sap.” rri4icJ ilra. lUynK^
as-r Asskukr M»iUvsxiSsuasMi4r K.«awXnS wl< xsk, assS a(A w»«s> A
anaioujdp; "but vbai m-viido Too briog
■war rrsn IramrSiwi Asw Axiwss-V
"WeU. it fa xerp umch as 1 oolicxpatml, cioiqil iiiUH- i<tRK-uA," aaid I'aul
Annstrung, r-TInre was a mere formal -v.inrr.Onm.vsvaxes iie^-awcwst tesluma.aaS I MW ssqassa


quiw livl hiT seavs A-furc moning.
lAughaAd-clareJ slu-.v.uhl reecu^lm
t ooco as. At husbanU hpaoum
•xav.iisaSbxwaa-ssaaws'i.iM^^^jrns-vsihr v.^di Ms» k-cA* Is ass ossa
upon hU arm. HA vaa too tar
gmr to sap vxacUp w At aA meant, but
; alitoc^lj caugbi tA vonl
and tbere fa cx-rtalnlp oit4tfa
arm Um mark to an anchor and adagCboieoal Mnata, Poultry, Catno anw Fawri in Ttioir ••osaogvr viTp iifaialT talbsa.'d.*
"TAt map A uutr a cuincldcBoe,*
aaid Ma Apmood. -'fot what tAes A
advice 1..- Hsi nothing.”
er- "We s
guiltv.'aiivlarc lIs'cArgelo A prepuaand avail ibe tuoment vAn tbia
voman sliall make tA full deefarobon
agaicnl ua.”
.tud frxMuaAvT forevto lutliil tliv lavTer lafBxd iolotbedrp bdsiuem Imtc A
adofiUxl 111 sp-akioc to his geuiTal lA
uf i-Avils. i-r nil.XI in-aructiogcxjuuad.
"I An- U'. liojs-ful lotvagx-. lAci, foe
Maxr said hUlmsIevx. vAvaaaAkxaa
chix'llr on Ar arvuual. and didaet seem
h-dare Vufstv Uh-uislfdl, pratoingepca
v iJxuia aomo v urd to ot^oit.
"W.-il. via,* said IW AnHIroog.
viUia a .lA ■You cau Al laT tAl
In racvdlrat s|«iU; tAl lie troaU
Ua-aftjurvilh KTim. and fa quilo fveparvd (i> fn-o it in cierp ear. ‘Tell
Mar/ Iv- aaid. aa I left Um. ‘lAt aA
must Uv up. It fa Alp a poarnneurtit to our Aptuunia.'”
IK'cltaJMX.-dWjiABeo at Clare, i
b-esum ve aril lA A« r«>x la our baa
sjBik.', aiM vliat A- sav IlM-re llin-v a
.uev ligUl xsi lA sulij-vl; li-i saw pAi
Dcasttaa vs Ar m-*s lapfaseott thie alt n - • < »
m»anm oomkAod
x>-ug<4ul gleam to Ar -pi-.lA s^Mh
Dmooso xsv mil all «e Ap—bear* no old xAA to wuA tm pun.
nislito«x4or to Ikt eAekx, to hr
ci-vh-J A a dieflij lall-r.
tlicsum we varcaut rrerplbuig oe axil.
"Ol.. (A wind sfU ill (hat qw
does II-- Is- said to himvU. "1 begin to
llTvum puo CM ssre more « >017 bp Api^ wr goods Asa taf oUmh.
w lUi liglit now. ais- knows a
itesamtbrpareAttaroodesatkwx tbaa loAarr ariicAa vlrak era Moc
thing, aud is u-ui-g lo use- Ivr kisov Inige
•■ffsrod u Ais markm. mud va want poa to kaov n





flO W L

"Wi-U," he sai-l aJ-«ul, a- Arvav-n
^11 videavake. prugrmare Amer-. wiUvillaul oxamiH our vjoqdoto H"Aaurvand gixe mv iii-s»age tu
■urimaot aod laigaatoA to lA laMri improeol maAAsry to tA mernUn verU,
A-himg. and i.-U l.r -n mv M.atf
abx- A- everv ri-as-si to A< clKCtful. X and espcx-iaJlp odaptod to tA Otaod Traraem regxoo
look ugsio Ih-- Mlioli- Dung ax a truuiind
W. are oEsnng grval batgaias to < Hampiom H-oa-ra. //««f a<to Af/. Amqp
upaltair-a Alldi-lUat uual sooa T
llesISmi.a. A,v Cmlliwtloaa. H'Ayf oA/T-mf//urrow-x. UmU Ptaamm, Ear.
whni i-ut to the Uet.'
ria-H Warfma,
and Top llaaygxo, /iaa-img JfweAAs, maad a faaO Um ^
"It AUet Out tu A over euafU
said Ctaie, vitb a glaiice to moaning A run and Has TaaaaU.
fomeaberva^-ir^tllgUAHTEKSfxicFWeooato lodwtrp and i
"No, xro Uvrt-rs are in-rcr ibal,” saU
Aul Amutrung "i'^i isk. MA fop.
amhJ. Cur E'Esuauge slisU nut s ~
Uiruugli lliat. 1 aliall ssveb out rrcfp
aliiCi of evsii-on-. (or aud agaiiv. U
Front StrwI. Tri*gr-<-Oil).
pou Aer oup to pee, prap A me fcaov
"1 A not understand xou.'sA oaJ.
"I fanep 1 Av Mav'. I.-IL (iood
Ir. Anustnmg.- and sJio quilted


tr-remn .
.ksUmdal v; tA Uvper plurkcxl up .




aoid. "jour


Oelicacpto I

Bspslsune snd Ksp..™.

SC.'”.i^rit.t’‘.S.‘*..:2lWHKELS. WAOON.S and BUOGIK.






ting,«rxsH aAa
. L-Estrange.vhai
her motire fur anch actiocl
That VH lA qiMitkm vbkb Mr. A

Diamond Wall PInIsli. DalMar’a Matarlala.

kmg tAv
dsotsAdkeoTSHd tkatpHkA ooHC
kAhor; Ibalpoa Bt« Ar A lA vooda
Hd rim iaplorA pvv to retwa to kcr.
Th beoA from htr. aA tbso. whoa
*• I All I afker poo. poa Aoefc Ar
dma» VIA «M lAv to pa AAfc: Aa.
fla«« IN ip
n> riA^ k*

B O HR • a IB BE O Z W O —rS

iSLni:*. *,:s'-o‘"„p‘r:.;'c£: Ine «o« w...k>rro.

Sir. 1 A M

, iUgeoUp, for A le­
nto lA |xtrA aA hA
e to know lA kAdnsH. "Uot
I Are a xrorml here ftr pour amul
forlA I Mu;Md aorderto BtobTblvUe. TA fade etotm that


pet.^cArw; At U mHC coow rigbl in

Be abuuk haoifa vkb Ura. Barmood
"llii*r Cfied lA Tbkf conatAA.
rafaii« bb AA. -Mp dolp fa bard aadkfi her viA bk HHl'pAtol amilo.
mod vcA mora Abb hfa acesHomed
etajBA; dual make it w
- ^
Aaliag poonrif.*
Gap drew back vitb a baogfaip gew

ltoe.toei.bAcl_____ _

(oaad bfaa. Oup LAlnace knUm^to
to aa atAa Jaditpir, tA AA Ude. catarad lA beat. palAd
luaghiit ArtoAaaiuA
kimaU vHb a tov puoaatal «nAa
paalib atflUA
a bA OHcr tna tA ftnt a|
kchuM, al^ hButof fu hU Mr-

Something Dropped!

pou I
................................... kT «4
■Good niglit. aunt; duak sit up for
f map A v<rp Ai .'
Wbni Iv rvoidbed |lie |4acv vbero Uw
vounJivl voman lav. Ac jiM liA timr
to reisat Imt atorr, to rtvegiiiaii and
UeofiXp Uup aa ber hoslsuid aisl Ar HAfanl. and lA-n stir faioud. Ann- then
■la; bad nut nwriTul <xi<isCiuus<M.Ta.
On Uh- neat lUp. aa otkea Ad exiwrted. Map Kvddiiig vaatoo pruBrated
bp grief to leaxo tA Atiae.
One <4 tin- v-rranU vas di>paUi«-d tu
Ai<res>-utat tA luagi-tcriM eaawutatiw: lait long before Is- rxHumed Hr.
.tVoistmig nsjo over oo Iwntoiurk.


"IncrimUale overiT
X Vi* anp <me sbB mre aura
tAtaakto krii^M it
Oup-Mr. L-Estags-Bkmm
An. aA ha word bkv to tw.*
Hap looked at bim vkh epee fall to
"Oup oakA poa to easM-sAmid.

Be rang lA bcU, aA a mao serToid
appealed viifa sa«|dftoaa alacriir.
•Tofter,- mid Gap, "bring aoioc vine,
aad toll Mta. GeoBivp lAI 1 am calkd
orer to Ueepfonl oe buainem cuoocried
with Uie murder A tA srood."
Jlk aunt. Ura. Ucoflrep. cook- eon bersat with lA vine.
-.Ml! <had ernang. M*r. Mrrtcsi.* sA
Hid; "tins is a very md tttttt: HA
Mr. L'Esirango reolir go to-night.^
"Ym. ma'am, it it eerr Aiajrtanl.'
Hid tA outisuUc. vhA mdilr arceptIng tbe vine oSrred; Uur hieuiu drank
Atwoglamie AfereriA basu. "You

TA fast word VOS sUmmcrel out' inOop bad told bk aont lA An
■bod >4 ibu ruci-ii-moaturp czfvcaafaa
al duiccr lime, and tAr verv vociderAg what A meaning could A.
' eolered with lA Bras
bA ArofouAncarlx u
"Kcallp. Mr. Anustrong,” siv sail.
TA cbkf canataUe. acswmpaiAa bp
tvoto lA tnco. Ad bnwghl lA hvs,
ukeo. Al aA knows txalung aura
aA deairxd to See Mr. L-Esumage.
Gup si
e baatewd tpiBert him A tAn sbe bos lanrd from pou. SA hm
"AL”* aaid tA tovper. "1 tbuogbt !
ivaiting bA vitb
Ue fooA
AcBigbL BulrouaeavaH-o to Aa |
veep grave
li e facca.
Ur. HsAoo.’

ipbol valkM-’^
a bb wife mv.vooU A
BWtr- “lliaaaattaroflnMavbieb
iMbaaattlad. I doa'i waat aortbin
«( toal kM to both* «a »bn >vbM
1Aa.Mlf aaAiueitoaMiiBactkB
• Mok AroCto^hlp.
bM ■ovate ha HU. tadb<Blhels^
ArefaAeMsvkto BB.’A uM,
More Hn. Araond bA Ar dawUcr,
••V. OBd If Mia. Barund vB oalr
B a hold. oeU eoka vkUk Map FWdf|to«P v«h aa.t laMd apaadi^ at
liv •eubl Are fuHul it 4UMdt to leo■hoaiaBdvMoH.
aguAm bk. "I Are gtre^pA rrerp
Uia aticA oraifiMoa punaaiii bA
Ah unMtA apmu to a^ar and
Ba hiM* tn aabaa H ba apoba. and
faottadvhkhdUartodlAfaeaaf dara
AM MbaaMotbauoaiacpM..
M^amadHA AUHap niUlA(*oaa
Of aB Mh—d ora. Ma
mot A bar kHH vAa Ae bA poorad
■lb hmeasMit eotfudm. aA tAo
ihibjtabfo boUotMvhiu un­

for IfifantH »nd Childrens

"BdI fa ibal aiir BskA Hap. eAylep
aA anelaaping Imt hands, aA hnkiog
at tbem with wild, staring rp». "Did
A mA me no BcesageT
"Ap. that A did. mp dear.* caU Paul
Anaslnmg,|ileciog hit lian.l oo ArMmid-

bode pou A to gmd ebrer. fur .
bp veil; IbstpuaverelobclicTeUmtoXA luaiut vap bocM waa bpuxkCfan^a^’l^au^ took mod. noeralto eretnluBg; that A bad norm
kp voodi. and Ume A cstarad tbiOBcb
AoiUBd a moment, and ibea, Aare at mee tA woman Af-ee io A his life, and
tAt no blow from bim lA struck Ar
It vaa. to a certaA extent. fatraU Imt. idiagod Ato tA tbkk
■down. ■.tslougHMaplbinABeiimo.
U.' A said,
id. -II can beat
r up Uitougb
Bat Oop L'EMraace. ervau to tA
An ABa to rbitora bad |Vvrcol
parje. vae |torik|c«d.aBa A rvaas alow
foptA bcccb aad oak amura aa If A Ad a the profaned poop driro; and Clare B:
But tA effort VM loo tnoeb for Ar.
Bead. Apatkot to dimppoi
a fact, vaa aUanetop cu>- Vito a mind ABanud l.p____________ as sA foe tA ruum eeesuA to tom
feentiated oo one Uiing-a detore to Itadi had ilipped or Ar walking lhi>«a aod rooA oiUi At. aA sA feU inarasUdo
Into tA Uvvee'a anna
lA lodge aa qukUp aa pomade, to aee quitted tA boose.
Witb tA aid to Oaro aud aeorrant.
Kcrer for one Botneet bad eA
(fruu vboB A bad k«ti aeparaM
Mrs. RaprauA o-otrind. after a fiv
ipk to boun) and to bevun agined lAc anp diauuicap vaa aval
mooedU, to Aar the fatoUng girl to bn
bor A Lockkp rrooda
e and veil.
own chamber, ftum wUcii dam quickip
but fata pUpiUrangetrieka.
ridkvlcd all klndi to .
BcnA and ererrtliAg to a UA natare.
r-Tbis store bas prwrd a te
and pvt A vaa Ul at cam and ecTTom; do ao agaima Ar will, for it vaa not a
■bock to Imt. Mr. Armstrung,- sA aaid,
ae much ao tAt when, pcaaeatlp.a feur'- tarorik- valk utbera.
"UiotixHi it fa aa veil dm beard it aa Ae
A A alv Ad fouhd-vbatl
form aoddeelp appeoM fiun aaiU
Tbe time |n>md divarilp for Uap.
ckunp to Lrren. be curled rioieatlp.
At dinner Mrs. RapDxmd bad a bead
It migbl Are brva 1
acbc. aA tlaiv •aa pale, ailrni bA altogntvr "nivsterrucia aA stutod," as
Hap told her Uughingip.
Afier diiitwT Mrs. RarsnA veet
akrii in a raporiousHiair in llio dtavi
kaiu.;'bfa tA
room, flan- rultodi-d into tA fiagcv to
before A Ad time U
poarufdaitmto it al). MA
g eA bed placed ber iiand opoo norel.aA Hap. |>rc4amding todu au lil
nemoadr A atkid abruptlp.
bk ana aod Ibrovn lack Arml, tv- « A. lap un a cuocli idling viA Iut look
aA kuking up errrp lire niinutei at lA
• Atv pou oar famiip atokilor as vdl
handato tA chick which UckA »>auftlp.
to aggruTxtAgIr aiowlp. h aA Ibougbt, at Mr. L'ffatrangr's. UivoaeU|uii ul
gitnoe A vbkb eager lore aodfear
A depends to i>rov-- lA InDOCruce?”
on tA Diack-limrv.
liar LA pniatiacd to spcA two bouiOl . “Certaiulpr erird I’sul Arustruog
-Ob. Apr eA cried, "bov gUd 1
ma 1 AreiuH poul Ilovcraclto Are aitli tbem that night; hu utnal time dccMTvIp. "I
hu falA
vaa liaU pait t» vA-o A did notoome to
left me vitoout a vc
Aavrn aA
dinner, vbicl. at tbe lAgc vaa ourA
innoeeat to UA foul cliargv.
SA gated at hA wiili a slrengw aA
cemtrired to aap:

Ban old, etaUBalrootoapti

aM and Uckllp UaeAd lA UiTa
ad. Bavaaaataaarala AidAed

raimil»^MA«yM Ms A teas, or VH it Hom kdfl- btocrp.eaBO apoa tA BAO,HVtA
Oup—Ar Gap, bar M AtokAv. .A vAarimiaeegaAtopGO.

Boy ll's Prepued Paints and Carriage Colon,

BdkMfl TMb BrtmhH, MA AfriAtr. ftM OemoA him B erarp wop.

Pzwcrtptlonfl CairtoDy Compoundflds.
Oralvra by M«U «r Otbvrart— FVoxxiptly AHvririast

• .'Ito'-sJ.' .

. ..i_-x«:ask:!;'- :;if




Ba waa alaekad to toaa ad

------- •

Mr. Ia«d waa STm

WItoto »

_____ __


Chtoaaa M^^^toLid toel*1bt

ThaaaMa lerlbto --------- -dtton ^ kaM ^ eMtoa kM
praaMfutoUmfulf M|(ton.wilirW

to tbe nertbwM. Thto ftoliilii
to Ibe atmoM»> hae mmu. .
ata^ flow to warm, toy aw lotto
the Aral Htog aeaperor. Tba liat
teal bank to Earopa waa that of Bar- dlktona jwnrmtod over Ibe eaderu
Uaitod Ada. to May. 1881. and to
tatlMtobad to 1401.
(ba nMdtoM-Mtodp^ vdtoT to J.M.
and 1887. It to no to ‘
Tbe wittee aant to FanoM to
toradigtoa tba oondiUon oftbaiua.
al taM mda a fnrtber rMori on tba
padad by Banday B«bb
pcMpaeta of lb. antarptoae.
Gaicauo. Jana ».~A end bratoa.
the MMl at tba mk»datad
bagtoniai Ida tbto afl.noM...mtod
would oeaen two yaara and eoto I,- tbebaatedtmmto tbuoty.attoMt
Inibaoototon tmapocwily. Tbe fareeie dd ud
of tba eommittae tba work eool d on- pul IB an appeannea, bowwv«r
iatanmtkmnl Iba excaaaive bmt bad nude
oftbedataa ordto otobt fatal enea to pmatation
in tbaeay atoee daybgbC A large
Bumbm of other pereone aneenmbed.
Tba Do4eb ateamer Frinee Fred bol up to
Aanhttooof tbairatpapw to

li UitiM «• >

A 110 iMl iw poto hw ^MB
mmeM «
iMj mOmI

noted for bto rigor and aonnd ee»Mn aaaM. Ha baa bean wery eneoiMfd, firit a* a groom atol^^ M
WBItoa Morgaa to a tamm ia
Pawnaa aonnky, Saa. Ba baa a

tha FMCwn ia U* Jaeboe Co.
bM^Slra Uk pbUawddHafc
nuk Oeok, Iba roAtiae

to hiiiiwaTto ba d7»c.
P. K . “
CUa.o( 140«aaa«. livaabtoM
ttoa «o(d ebp Md «w «< iaa qaal


Pp at Sba^Aard Md b»r«
U tba ebM«b dariBC ?«»«»«■ •«

Ur.-wtd Mn. Looia Haamar
k««».fall WadMadayaiHlbtokaiU


' to■ both.

Morgen beard
laeantb^ofadiHatar ia (ha »iaaa at
Aigtoy,J>n, wharaannmbarofaan
wme HIM, knrtog aaracal widowa
and ■a^ebOdtan dnditnto. He
at^Mr.^ Hr*._
nant paopla of HatdiiMon, Kan, wrote to tbe mayor of Aabtoy, idl­
to death laat Friday ing of tbe eyapaUiy be fdt for tbe
Two little gtoto MMd Herring row lor tbe feet tbeb ^eiM^t abU
tan erm killed by I ~

- to aand aay money to bdp lift Ibe
bnrdw tbto M eettltd down upon
dilld kM her life trying to re^oe ao muy good women. Howerar,
Morgan axpkinad Uut ba waa a.
farmer and a widower, and tbat if
TbfM dtotiet eboefca of enrtbqunke any one of tbe widow* fdt tbat tbe
erefeUet Senta Boaa,Chl, Banday would like to aaora to EnoMa ba
Mrriiag. They vara qaita aatara. woi^ m^ bar and anpport her
I TiT*____.—I.—J <____ .1-^.
a^bm cbildrea to tba rary baat of
J. L. Sonlaa of North Itnakagoo.
Mich., aod BMBod Bulb of Lawtotbo. N. T..
npideat Niagaca Falto oa^olT
be alttoe^batbing eniu

John a Wbeetor died (ro« bydroA bona rao aw«7 «1 LaDaLDf,
pbofaie at Bruaawiek, He., Fridey
stHtoad ioto Ua rirar willi the bap- nigCk He wai bitten by a dog a
gf aun at Lit baaJa Hu eoiddal waekc ago. Two otbar men
biltaa fay tba aame dog aaJ will
OMt to tba Padeor InsUlaU in
n vaanolAoi York.
.................................. iwJoIaaebool
A Nav danaj tnmp. amated tor
bowa, bnbiu both «riaU aad otbarwtoa Binriac Lisadf. The lad ataalisg fire 9i0 billa tba otbar ^7,
•valiowad tba noaej with adaira«H boMiac aiumaa.
bla promptitoda, a^ 00 beioc

uaim M M« Maw •> aea*


...................... ‘£L

aonk on tba night of Jona So by
;weelyfourto>ara merkad^toeraf
ooUtoioo with tbe Brittoh eteamer lainauoo of tbe
Moryhaaao Tbe eoIUdoo occurred ed period of warmtn.
during ad.
fog. TbeMorpbeeeo
arrirad at
............ ) brr b->we
doxen of wbicb a

--------------death* were reported
An elaborate tyatam to protaetioa up to inidnigbl. All four oecunud
agaioal firea to to be iaata^at tbe wly io tbe day in remote, peru to
BmeeeU tbeaUe de la Monoaie dar­
dandy in daad aameal, and be io- ing tbe eoMar bolidava An im
St. L«is Mo. Jooe S-J —Tbe hot
prmaail (be meyor eo favorably tbat
• water lank wU! be eonse(tted weatber which bo* prevailed lu thii
that officer will nndertake to become with a number to email lapa nlaeed city for a week pea
e» tU Arat all over tbe baUdioi;. Wbeo 'either itouawhd iLto alteruoon by a bruvy
to turned tbe water will Irhowar, wbicb cooled off tbe aimoepbere to a coniiderabto eaient. bat
--------------- ertoe to pipm playing op-1 pb
d nHlontbeatigenod *tl! automatjeaHv | there to atill a great deal of auffering.
I brine dowo (be iroo curtain, ringiaa ieuadiaUly after the
to make her fir*t balloon aeoMaioo I*l»rm belli and light eleetrie tompajekwd* dtopemol and lU
jomp at Berarle'i tuall tbe paamgea, BO Umt the au jtne tbennouwUr up
failed, nod aar- diecee mav find their way if tbe gaa. mark egain. Yeeierdiy'e
jpcoeUalKUia numbered thirty.ona,
towly eacapad e earioua injury, aod, faUa.
;bl .-eeuluag fatally. Up
perbapa death. Tbe balloon waa in­
The advice from Etteroom rc- ‘%^^'7;
flated with bto air, and an employe yarding the trooble in tbat dtv atote .“VT.
Mmed Edward Freocb wto aeot ~
cburdi while
Arsenic oiid Pouash Tiiro
ee were being held, in tbe belief that
Times n Day ForTwen
lorgotten a
a Quantity of arma were accreted io
enffietostly inflated it waa cut looae
ly five Years.

1 bare bcB laking.S. B. S. iSwift'a
•eramble oat. One to
Spaeificl. aod feal it to ue my duty
rope* aod be
rnulle, tbatotbcri wbo
I br (be Uexieaa iadi
After a vig- Torki were killed nod
aimilarly affected may profit by
Norte. Lu bno aUoued to
octNia atruggle be
-< > es|ieneaer.
and be relieved. of

ww-.v„N,partv to my
• ei|ieneaer.
pael to (be eaprene cobrt, attot
MuMlemana aubetqueullv uade-a ' Ibeir
<b«ir eufl^eriegr:
eufl^eriogr: 1 bad aufferedfor
ttnabiBsgireBUBb7 70UBg Clay- CLihoahoa. Uexieo. ai batalao O'riotoua damonatriiioa and atoned lalong.
1 •'oos-‘(“K
>oog tune with wLal tbe doc
po^ about a vaakago. 'Both bojt
>- iaftar toroing two aomeruolU io tbe tbe Urittob e»aaula-.a.
I tore called Herpee. ao eroption to
ware }G Teara old aod UtUr
I air alighted on tbu ground on bto
; tbe akio. formiug acalceand bitoebeo
rata aBoaa tba lodiaae
esd waa aererelx iujured. Tlie
1 which wer faonible toeodore. Under
' tbaj VarbOT. a Detroit Uborer, who aim to lire Uke^le people u W‘‘...................................
of Freoeb looeened Uiepancbute
Itbeadiic of phyaieiani f took 30
IM Wadoaadaj (roo tbe rffaeU of tbree tiiaea tbat of tboM vbo ooo- (rom tbe balloon and when at a
The iJBle Uewlee Terwa.V :dn>pa of Fuvler'a Soluliou of Araanbaigbt to lui) (etto luddeoty broke
everv dtv for S.'i ve>nK beaidc
looee. A paraebute doc not <
kioda tomediciaee. with
Oiurioo. Jooe IM —TLete ere n10[many other ki
aod a belt after bad ijmptoua long troublaa in tbe laat ten jaan
hare been taki^ S.
I of tbe cola wave Which lout a cure, lb
drat noted. .
anxioualy looked for. and'S. S. for abooi u•o uODtbe, and tbe
battle during tbe
with a ruah. Tbere waa a load cry
Bitourd Oolaoo ol Oraoffe. loaia prerioua tblrt7-oaiiaet to be uiOre aiiltn eruptiou azJ uo
of terror and a general
On., killed a 11-foot anake Toeadaj.
While one trapen iierfomen m
Ba waa driring tbrougb tbe coBOtrj bolding aDotbar with Lia teeth fai Fortuimteiy tbe aurooaut fell into alncken down lolerdav nuoibera tlouiug it to i-uiupl. Iviy toot it
tbe branebee
to a large
iar^ tree
trw and waa,
cbM Of
' .Two
~ ' men
1 died
died and
and three
three of
my biuoJ. wbicb 1 «ui coolidrol It
whan tbe esake tried tojamp orar tened into
. tbe
a belt, at San Antonia
bin buggj, but got eaugbt io tbo
wiiboot auitaimug any to [roore io tbe boapiul will not livc *nidi
wbat It baa Jooe for
night, eeven of tbe teetb aod
fright-i The
the otbera
olbera are out
oit to danger.
^aal'^vaaxnabed to death.
be wai eoneiderably fright-1
me 11
It Will Jo lor olbere,
denlj pulled onl bj tbe rooteaad jury. Sbewai
uUdUod toi
tbere aret'iciiiaijdiot locfa caecw
let the borden drop a diitanea of
in.lieaiwl a lemperatore of !iS .*11 over Iba couuiry wbicb rvai«tmli
.Wealan Union oparator, w.
twaotp-fira feet to tba floor, it to trying the feat agam.
to *.<1> degreee. bat a reftnbiog etber ireatiueui. 1 lave lived here
pa Bella Ida Fridaj. Hedi
■d he vill be a cripple for life.
breeze etarled up and materiallv in mr prvM-Dt bueineei for 22 year*.
ad Jnoa 17, and Ibaie to an
Tbt7 got a Boontaio lion at T>dB B. i(ot-sx.Uealer id klaebiDvry,
Tba eullan baa contented to cede leeanned tbe beat
laa, and put two boUdoge ioto tbe
31 eud 33 Weal.....................
a MaryUod Bt.
. Five deelb* frore eunatroke bare
eoeloeure to fight bits. lUfe doge tbe Zuxiher eoeat to Oera^ey.
aea reported tc-dav
died into each other and' tbe boo
At La Salle. Ill', ymtodiv tbe
■Wm. Wood C7 7«m tdd. a
on Blood aud SUu Di>
down and ebuokiad. No aingle
mercury reached lus’io tbe ahade. iiaca Buiied free.
d^ would figbt liiin and every dime wojldbara 2uti.00v carrier fig
Tbree men uied from hunatroka All
tfiiommerlna St<d anger deaU tvderaraMt ia they would figbt '
Tilt Bairr Bnxinc Co..
outdoor work bed to b abaodouad. I
' Apaar-eld
Id Jduwie
■ BoUiran
*■ ”■
a■ 'totriSo:
eadi omfrniti the abow waa a tai'
Detaito to damage doM by galea At Galena three pereua* have died'
ibrnom the bead «itb a rake, ia1 tbe Beoteb eoato during tbe mid­
the elTeeta of the beat io the.
itot^^i^ble gaab and fraetordle to laat week, ebow tf veaaeli
I U. Laatoi and daogbter, and wrecked and thirty-five pereone
Obaa Buddlee of BUfa. Clialon
Co., baa iuteotada potato bug eateba dog ebaa«
A diipalch from Boenoa Ayrai
ar that will lid an acre of tba peat
d bit. them a_____ enye tbat revololiooary agiutmi hM
twolUUegirto and
iwoboun. Tbe
timea Mr. Fetar* want to tbeir ree atxrUd
.xrtnd in Bntre Kioa,
Kioa. a prorinoe <of
ad on wbeelt and to drawn by a
when tba brnU tamed onbim, Ibe Aigeotine Uepubbe, and la >
taam. Alter tbe bug* are ceugbi
Uting him in four pinto*, i-at be .---------.^--r...........................................................................
tNy are killed.
" tU
‘ dog until
' JabTeUirderkiUedi Tba king of tbe Belgian*
to eaid kb«m bare
—•» died
—1“ I'eoria
Ttieeo(q»rfiodat WbiUemore to bim Allot thevvieiim* dre coffer. I to b» very anxioua that bto youngeet |
•“ «
vary inxiou*
Storing ap conaidenole eolbueiaaai. ing inteaaely from tb«r wonoda.
daugblar, I’rineeM
oceufTed aud aeveial people wer*
cultivating oil
l'm*......, and
•van OHuelrry Iota advaaoieg in valb at tbe d*r
thould marry one of lb* aone of ih*| «'»«««“*• Danville. Freeport
•a. Tbeie aeema to U no douU
Korthfield. Mam. will preaeni ao
that oopper ofa fioaquabty to lying »teroating ^bt on «alur.toy. June Fnnee of Walew
Uto* Bleaeor L
wdar the eorfeee-oud not eo vr - *8. the oiieoiop
tbe w(
At Burlington, la. the lulcoae
tor oHn«. Tbe only qnealioD
lea of ‘ehi
0 dtoectoe-.
lU three coliebee fjmercury
of I
.. loC
to there enfSaient pay for tbadavol
Oeer 400
includ-!•“-^ ix
he* gone a* high .»
.rom.urrouod! ing villages tell...
ir of fatal
Jamee Kirea, tbe OviAJKUtA nbo
kept a borae io a dackaoed atall tor
Teuc.. offer* to run a wile footrace:
. ,yaara. and
arrMlad (or tbe ihaae. 17 etudenU are anno
vrilbanymaa to bie>-own age fori Mixvtiiwum June aS-Tbetbe landing Euwpeaa unto
amalty. baa
couUQoe*. There have
810,000. OoB would auppoM) tbst
.'xxea beat cc
lb. Joyea had already ib:ot ran bto ’
tbarinc- T1
^bm^teVa a Uitlq tree air. If
a IS dev*.
Firm viotatM bto pledge be will be
teadj^ or givao a >aar a impria.
At Tiffin. O.. daring tbe gradual.
ing etareiac* of tbe high acbool at ed in the row, in the regitlnr
wiio could not Kbawbao'a opera booeo. wbMi the
aMjanpediotoa toto wbera
hall waa peeked in eenw v>4rt bv an
Aabit BOW lasbionable
CircixxAn. Jane 38 —Tbe aigtut|r71i..7.L *.■
watar wee S3 Uet daiM to aea «t
_ ----------- - a... ^
\ 111* Piinea to Wale* baa au in ^c*^lb*rmom«er r^ten 87 to ....................
• .;k ■> lakca. B«rc iMtlcaUrlr 4crisc <ka
• la .1 A^Ml a >w aas. I va. Htanac Iruw
lexptrieoee baa
^e of
to 8300.000 * veer
ymr trorntbeii'^to
»B atiwik ua D7 a c->‘*
1 ~
tMgbt him aouetbing. ii will ba cm eereamed aad fainted and avervbod* Dueby to CornwaU aloov, and tbto ii 1
ad.iaaU k. 1 Irwid IO irr • kuult o( joof*
mVe? o
Tm *.''li'ka*lS?ia«‘lB’a*'rrT
IikaIpcUwo la •'rrr lc«
mderedaingolartbabediJ notlry engigad in a mad eeramble (or iba but 00* of aeveral prolific aourcaa Tbere have been from two tc‘?x W.aooCTBr
I. I tmi bal Mr kstUr aa* Sow WJ lOaco
1 proslTalicec from beat each dty. ^“«KrteJ“kal’ia“'krii’'^l^
rwaet'Ikoa lart SatO Mta k*l joaro- 1
" vfaara

tba watar wae absot four exiU. A terrfbl* oalamiW waa avart- from wbicb be get* revvnue.
adbyU.*cooId*tovm>Dati«o of half
sax trsakh-e wiib lai
moot marked effeci to tbe iocrrated u<iac:*-<a
M. hUbooay of Hasiitoo,
deetb rate to cbildren. Of 38 drotb*
ObA, who oomman'de tba esh,oooor
antine againat v*»el* arriving from reported yeeterdey 20 were of rtiitM. L. Break of Sanda, aiviogai of
Gandia and Valenci*. Tba total dr*n under two year* of age. *Tbe • Snooper—-How doe* yoor new
the eta« of iba ataam nai^ C C. fiirol man who 1
■oniolew atrikeyou. Fangtor Fannumber of case* to cholera io A'ai: mercory readied 93^
' '
Byan oo Baginaw bar reoeoIlly. Tbe
rle—“For 810. uaually."
eociato data to lt>C, of wbieb US
■an had been oliaging Io
.. tbe dtottaenan LacAmon, B wall-known
have proved fatal.
Mttod boat for two dayo
Tb* c«
by lb. SpimThe bl<S«t i.rtrtmit la Ika woM* li Elfa
nneontoll gov
Tos«, at rarw.t <arw<l kick. Uat <s< r-oo
ai-ruxrrWlW rraaklla niloa If cwnila lo lew
cbaiaotor to tbe diaeaee now prevail
awieae and bravaty.
ing in tba provinea of Talanbia nroJ. W. Fnk, a (aroMr to Hayworth noanea'it Motora. Tbev art ona^
Tba bapttot praadier at Three
bouaat day of tbe ■
KvanertSkaadeome meiabaraof bto m . to OMof (be 14.000 {BTCnlon ^aevar to dafinitelj fix the origin tbe ibermometar at 11 a. m.regtot*rfor tl
lor eartain worldly wbo ore
tag9-Jdegte*a. The night wa. very
1SS.OOO cOaiwd br tbe'e
At Braat a toot bridge leadiog opfwaamvA nod at C o'cloek the tarn
hintad tbat tba Metor would
Irom a ateamer to a landing otage al peratura waa 82. A light breeee
wbicb may ba daaUed it,
fay rea
aaa ceUapaad, and bondrmto to from tbe waet to blowing, bol it to
bkaly to U affaative ia ridding that
DM Bofi^t to allay ithe ietnuM
Ktvar eak eoy OM to give yoe hi
■aloonlanta tbatit ba oonoiiy to ito foarfal pW to crot>adood word of honor. If too ate talkiB
liik ha vanld ocgantoa a na* ebnroh Jeetroi'iag rabbit*. Be ba* roreirtoes tky. Since early morning ibe to an boneat man it to laparfiooai
a latter
lalter from Anatralia mving
~ (kaca,andbai
if to a roacs'. tmalaa*.
tfato. Marly h
that Uia eommittae wbicb ia to dnbuiy in raapaadiog to oaee* to prareida Iba malt« bat looked miA fav
tratioD no Ibe
tbe atmt
atreet Only one falha pandon boiaao to after U.J.
taHty fans tbna far been reported.
**-— of
lUpide, with
tba wovHng to the trap. Ha win Iriba. doniw bto raeebi travato, one
ahndkto He baa boon
M Ibe ebito* preoeot inquired bow may malt faulty The indtontioM ; ------------ -J KTWTkaUJwfw* Moz<
i^nkadf ae •WNOoitoBionar of pw- nrobafair do *0 in a few week*. Tba
are for cooler weatber in tki*
and toMon litonde- S71 wivw
dnM,”nndaatop aaa dalanaatbnt liwp to Mpla nnd

WaeBBOTOX June 28.—Tbe ei
B wt bare bean doM naeonaaioa*. Ttoatodamp tbe rabbftv one
TbaeoamiMOMr of pauioiu tima. iatb a pit br maona to a pkt- ba bad noM all tboae pnaaat atood
'tike on* m^ aod nnnnimooaly
la wrW7«w*'«*»WMSca.lf KWonc Biuafo.'
toialrtiiitdubbthii amtonation foemawoogOD pivou ba^
Tl ............ ...
kaao aMad iW li UWkir
daioaad: -WUt a aptondid liarP
^haapnttba oaaeiaIbehaadaof
aolkUiMowwa to Bswiwom
-An aoedenl oeeored on the Onne tm* in lb* middi* Mtontoaippi vaUey mtton*o ten ar«lacaaoo tl IMt Wm.MM
««M agMt of tbe pendoa ottae.
dion Faeifie raUway laat weak be- to naweeedented for Jon*. Begin- •otswatoo* ewttkaUAoUar.skwtUoata
wAiaatraetoon. ubriag Lbeiaat- ■Mt
At SpriagftaU, O, Oto. Joa Laffeh tween Olaremoot and Myrtle, SOI ning with Friday, June 20, wbeo the
:»4>n alhirtip 0 of the grand jaiy
A wnaboot ■ UmpetntMa wne 10 dwroM above
bapnvad tba Otbaon pro- tba waa known miMt end m-rnn*. mitoe coat to Toronto
r. J. L. Borrawe. D D,
urn freak, baa boM olaetad a aooatol. waa reported on tba road, and an ! notmto. it Im gradually rtoan tiU the
angiM with five wn^ dtopatebad to | S6tb and STtb to nearly
above. Tbe
lor tba pad right dv.bav.'^smod- b. dtmir Ha lepbaAi. Mateiai^
tolbaMaltoat oOtodto teUtolin
known lor an
‘Kota. AengM moM I
lir. Buuiraa m at I
htowila-alira aadbo


pi s
flaw M Bicaiaaa. la tk« Ctin« Coon tor
taoCouirwrunauTrwwnw-lacaaecoTT. U-

IMt Mm*, as* w> oak m te U]



sun It evsUa-u... 4i>.-aae. TW r'ragu

.a Ika 0W« rnilM UawfoaiWTIB taWCWMl '
Ika aaaaa coaki aw a« aonoe ao rowaw
wl kla akooaCa »ww o> cwerwalwowl wIlLa Uaa


rtTo Itself
enns. II jm ta»v inaje or J"ur
Mo tlul'ibanvanliae-MM MsnUb.
take karveher u;.:.-a4. Ii ta a rw«;u,
• ar. aM la w.
.,«Lj j-«e-

ffww Ika. aal^. la &

Foi Yum- Clotlies.

riTia/e* l>t

100 Doses One Dollar

1'UiK‘ial Dirator
ami lindertakcr,


German Remedy.

la ptntui, wo* M ainac wr a eanwo or lOa
'iTtT.i fuoii lot taw rwwwrr M umwl Tia waa.
wawerbickma.IarkoMo-r oiiiiat.waoea
kolU 4W Mun. l-a.ja a nnola oaeao Ikww.

- towkwowa; rooa.'uut I eijMiai aek.
IM wIkc iko nweiaa*
wur Ofuraaroke.!. u iko nUtakelTmo.
oroaiuj.ia awa* caeatj.iM* keilkwa* tko
WMaw..t*rfW*wsJ(<^<EMl ai W IW’-! HOCO ww a~oi*t Ikw oweii l oefl tar Iko twee
Traortwo. ik ekK* <oea»r Iko pttm.
uk’a-('a*-.a4a«ana*w..wktv.Tw« *’» Oae a
• ii a-Mk u' .wataia: la iBac Ua*. I aWa Ma< ■boo la ka aaM Wo onakUUX at

Tooo«or. Ik. M Mr arAwfow *. 0. imt


sz‘fi‘.Tnrr‘aC?K?ii:-rtiis» ..



*** aJ^nSt |aiuw»»7au«»weie^"**
•“ ..............
k, wki w wwtf ap* PMwrir iiws.

•M WciMvMMaa ml kia M



l'»n>aaMwa,M.Wre m>k iM |la« |liii
0.1 u u ilit-w. aanak a
rnmi M.. tww


Do/ry spoilyour Feet
— -w—^ .

with Cluup Skoal


wui kwMTi art crM Ik kkf knatk. Car.
UhoiwM craaik*Ja>fniiaa efeeai afe

H. K. BHINKMAN, Agent.

ko ouwioail Ik kMi'.HMI kckKkc* M alaaMk

awiro* I- lamak aoualwleoT laaliwweiab al
tee* Bwa'aiiaaio* kokerireeUlkc kMaaea

Sitart t ruT








Kid Cloves



Fur aale uely (>y
Travere* Uty. Uieb.
•to-kfail vrdcra promi>lly filled.

0 Kai bail kruo>.01cMHa*.owe.


B l> L B K D I D



«u.wi, wajwna. tu«*'r < i.h|*.o.>mw. ■—
tha sale aw<t conan iiemly.

o! iLcm 1.1.1. Tb.,-vi'.,'ss;\';;,';:n)2V¥dV.r.‘3K;



tbanwwfcy. BaMMfrMvMglk
wiM* «• po^ «dkrr w

u - ie---. .

Dol go Wot or HooUi ontil yoe
Uanwbit Uiebigan offeo lolelligmit
sn. Too can do better with lem


raw tbe nW * Lt. Mo <«o iHik- Kra wa lo tbo
buukj THCf au Tilt ■—T caiartaiuT.

Und* rich, dry and gently rtoltng. rrto?er elli^ MM aae. eeelbMUe.
Timbowi mainly with tiogar Uaple,
BckA Elm, OMawuud. Asb. Beech,
Baaaloek. ate., and are weU watered by U.tairaaca^aa,'..
lakea.tiv*c«aiid brooka.
eei a, fine crop* batolbyeli-



)-. u Boiku. Woaklactae. O. •'
raraaro araeucol riaorkraar aa Ba­
al llaima. aai>onWiaT ■nblarr aa*
wkV V. ruaiae once. Sa C-aeaua

_ Tl’-

Dr. L. C. DeCow,
Otadmm to Ontario TaWiliaiyOallign.





Btmtrtt Strain


•^nv wto a toiilada and oOI <1
IMaea,*’ u Ito apigraaatia wty (a tabto
■ ap (to ail.
atottoaotob. Tba »bila deaao.
daetoa tbai. nadar ttoir valcUai
pttoa tad tonBoejprrrall
D«B mjf, it ii tto ptoto and qaitt

• i ■
UmiM Mabel, (to aoarehtol. u aaU
to to aaftaspW>a« tto (aaadiDf of
Sto ofaoold
tovfla doOrt Talaro( Obiaa<e«>oui
BaaaaMtoto afraUttot (toradawtll
«atMMba«atoo(e|i|>rato*elawa, and
toaaoBt to baea ItfRoltoe itet liUla




I .

boaat «to Barer tore a bill ralemid to
fbM.OraR9BWDt'a»eatodo. darioe
(to aatira wMoa. Ito egtaa of (oo
Mbcfe laciahliee baafa orat aooftna
Md bjr far (to tTaatca part of it mart
to paMd epaa b? cam of Ibe law atlaady otarwortod ooBmiticB. ‘n»e re■all k (ba etaabiag oat «t a good inuy
aaiaabkBeataiM byltoaa-of wtol
k BMaUertly wcrtbkB.

ames A. Moore,
.A.T 08





I Agricultural Implements

■Bd liBBtot of woaeo editora pretMl.
of • «>u»tot of cutnaa aad aewa.
BowtTtO. a c*
f> of Hn. paper tepreeaetalirea to Trarene roial
EIU a Wilao
~0-. u.~. 1«
1- M.
u Flmtogof Ito Ereaiiigl
- - r.aadMf».E
UfTfoaC. .Doa.
of Ibe Ml. rijBkit ^letpriae.
Eatetpha wm ap^
Tto locatire
Uioroagb o
ltoalate.wUbariewolfiadiaga« o«ar.| i«.aMig Um baadaOBtat la Ito wbok

Misa ilaltia Sleeper, of tto Port Boruo-----------Tiaua, tad Mn. C.!. Morpby.ol tto Tto groanda projeet iatb tto bay
MidiieaB Oalbolie. Mn. Uoagbly baa

* gnaw potUoa .
Leader. IVitb Ihoir aida eoa»tita>na ,»»ood tto kad alopea pia-------------baa beae dnwa ap aad !>biiia perfaeted :dialiBee of perbapt 80 roda back froa
loraa eotertaiBiiur aad inatrDctireaael i tbe ahon
viieBila as a Uaff 90
iog..TnrencCitTjBly21.£la*dJl,l^„,„^^^..^ _ .
wtoii IbeorgaDiztlrea willbt ejoiptol-1 .
« .
to tbe aho*o all tbe way around. Fron.
la aoditioc to Iboae alwdy meaUun-1 Ito (op of tto blaF exteada a fcaodi
•J. ItofuUowiagkdiNan Bled^
ooreriag tto rMt of
-b«i.obkiaol.»ieNkalnadyjobi- SiaAey. Free PreM; Mn. Howard. Da- ‘ mm* pietamriDa Tto wbola property
« oa tto <‘defutioo of troll Tnbaae; Hrr. L. H. Tiowbndge. ktbickly eorerad aiUi wooda,
CbiirtiU HeraU, Detroit; Mr " "
Mr. Bkiae." Be baa qwoag
abBt adalntioo aa a ftattsBaa, a artioU
* gteator porttoo of tto property ha
ar aW a iNlriol, aceotdiag (olbeooia- Un. W. E Clarke. Uaaiathjae Ptoaear;
piiBaBkiy reaurkt. Ikpeblieaa arrap UinK Out i>el>qj-; Mria beao plattoj for erttagea, wfaiia near Ito
^ut Skery. Tceoowto Br^d ; Mn N,oU,wnt abore a large grate toa beea
booka are faeiag Blled with tfaeee ami
teg aoBBeeU aad wbaa Mr. lilaiee Mn^EE^Kelioggl'Mr^E.Ll’llhoer
piaaeally kieka tto fawaiag deinomtie aadMi«S. ItuloreKliaw. OoodHeallb. tol «|U to baill dunog the pi
Ilatllf Creek: Mai Fhreoea
- Brookt,
Bid«t of this grove aad
paek oat of bk way, and alarta them to ...............—......................
v^eioie to wtoro tbe bolelis lobe
yatpk«te aaolbar key. ilwill belaa Jackaou
Serntal oUwn biro aQn>>fi«d ttoir
aliva to brteg oat Ibe artkie dow going good will toward tto -irganiaalioa aad erooted alaadtaa old board eebia. ktbed
aad ir. wbicb wai
will alteaj if pouibh-.
Tbe BWHicUiioB aiou to to bate of a I baUt aiote tbaa VI yean
nrioen aud a eoeklBatare, ltoob}eeta I pied by Aatbcay Tooker aad faaily.
liaoiplai of ■■Etag" btnag, tto Horaoo
The aaaaiBity with which ttoelecIbe 'prrae—tto
leader of Beaearlekad fear. Tto old
Uaa of exdkiBtor Tbomaa B’. Palpirr to ebtageof ideal aad to
womeo I.
ae alaadwk of tto
ttaapreabkacy of tto werld-a fait
Uormou mUIsb aad a
a rreaited, regaittesa of poltL
to tea klki9 of tee foUowac* of Sbaag,
kaleraaaUoaal fnliag. kaa iadkalioa TVe fellow
give way
Vonaa ia Joanaliwi
TtodktiaBuwb of enilaittoa aad tea
gakbad boner k accorded bis witbeat Wiiani
Ab Ocigioal Poea-Ma. hL :L.
Protobly wbeo Uie. bqan
bBiktlBB or eorert regret Ur it ad- Bayce.
■ittedly Ito right Bau for tto plan.
Tba Idioayaenrtet of tto Oooatry wa* tebabitod by Toekar aod bie liule
lemily tearr wee aul aaottor wt
” K f •
Ftowoaally Mr. Falonr k ootBapeditaa
dnt anrac tbaa 25 or 30 aito.
tabk aallanaad taatea, experiniaed la
ala. Etiology aad Progoo-itof
Toe aewaloaser Creseeot wiD ply be.
tbeaaaocialarta wbicb aboaid ikaraeier.
rasa ten oily aad Nortbpoit. oaUiag
' ka Ito praaldiag oOeet of ao iaipartatt M*EC. naiea'
abedy; alUbbiyei digaiOad; faBiliar Tt-e CeBiag;DreB-MfB. IMIe H. twice daily at Tnreree Poial. OaMoa,
awd other reaorti aroaad tbe toy stole,
wttb lortdga life aad wc<intl
TbcBUiiei otoor
whirti. eithtb. ataaarti Loo A. Can.
tto rellud ctBlucna of bulk bcral- tVaC. IXioglily.
Uu anpk prirate fartoae baa
Womaeaia Poblr —Mia. Etelya Blage aod UaaBab, iXf'k Go's popodoogb
Irt City of Oraod Bipids wUt give re­
>led bin to l•reolue tinaUtod.
Daily Kewapapen-Mn. tort paetd* aad InTclen mort rxeeUaat
t ways lor aa culled alaUoii ia . Weekly**.
I. Mari'
k eoelart maat to bad aitb Ito l^t
Aad atill aaoUier iwwri it to to attab.
Batoatirua of all oaticBs. Mi<kK
neoTmaiioB bj lb* Beabm
lishedontbetwy. Mr. 8. Daraiw.
tee Qaaiiab
AUy Meteseli^
Utber taper* ia Ibe atale eoataiaed
■iBilar Dotiae*.
■ iiBBirilll tedaalriea. aad tee fart that Wlan tto Batter
Dbi lea, formerly of tbia city,
Ml. Patew k eboaaa to pretide om cktioo for wnBt
.tbaaaaBkkieawilladdaUBeof total braaebed al Ito geaenl rtile pre«nert- biplkt retort of Oraad Tneerse bay
paidetotea eraal which wiU eabaaec ■Bg laat year, tbe writet of tbU article
orgaakwd io Albieigo 00 tee Ittt
. AtaBeetiaepteTioutotbsperWillie to Mn. Wilfcia aaying. "CloaBt
ipeia. Ilia wbaM-i^.- Uf lo Bdad BnaoBt erga-jiuliM a oxamitla* eoefur yean, sod bare b.-ao plaaoiag tbe testiag of bianeil aad aootear Obietgo
gealleaiso bad beae appoiotej to eeiral
wiglatlUg of eueb
' '
Bailable loeUioa for a resort: tip.r »»•
Tto Biller tested ntberqoietly till ited teia pisee aaJ apn te» r
totegia Ufcad Brpldr.
Mn. Wilaoa, Mn. Hatjiby and myieif aadatTsageBMU msd* to pareaste
i k W. M. via tanrd oawrUote taOroad Be).aad*p««(M*(w*lbi>an ia diaravs. pteee of gr;Bod oue bsif Bile wUa lyasBpsry by tto aualrastoce teit bcbb. log wiyi aad aseena. note t«rticeUrly batweeo Oraad Tnrane bay aad Oedtr
iog. TtottNjkBrtqBitoflBUbe<l.l>at ae n-urded tto gettiaK xtiha oaniea of Uke. wbicb laoss brtb bjiin of wi
wCI poNi teiage tbit Ito woaee wboa wr wktod to
kwsled tern aod a btlf allea walb
diallydeeidn] biealle BeeUag of Tneerae Ody aad U io LeeluawcuoL.
4wi.u»w.oeiErtitor<Bl will to
pwaager Iniae oa Soaday. U Tnretn (Sly tbekUof Jaly. regardf enaton. mektog (I a Beet lag
be luested k a vary predy pi
Oa aad altar that due tto
wOl raa lagoler tniat. bat tto
guiuUooifBO aoreibu bUf a loiagTS loMteel. aadaboot 23
I ebeaU to preseot. kaowiagUiai rods ia~widtb.
' wutkad oal. Jtk
that Ibree traia* it weaid to tba uadeoi of
A bnaeb of tto Ohie«a A West
way. aad teal work, abd all Ibiug*tent toveabagia- Miobigta railroad bar toaa aarweyed
oiog. bowe*et MBilL To Mn. Wikoa thnogh LaeUaaw oowafy.
»gt*a (to pablic aa raeep- aad Mrk Marpfar «»* gte rtia-ge of teia city with PmeewH. In be aatifal
«*Mrily flat eerrtee aad Uik eoa to
at Oaip Uka. owaad by Oof. 8. A.
tea. for. aa atatad yaetatday -Bonuag, pkatiicg to lake abargo id tbe rrga^- Wbil&ddof dartaiiatl, (bird asdateat
teataadkeoeof Itotorttetto alaia tiooUthk oedoftto roaUwtoa
wfao isre*
lag Ito BBBBar al tbk ^ee
to perfeeled.
I teat Ibe dailr traia will Batter be* growa to aaob largwt |
With bar baaatifal aereery. tesgaal
kaw* bon after tea airiral ofltoObi- ponioat tbaa wat expselad. ~ '
atoatiaiBUCe'aloefca.ia., aadiateta doasa or ao we eeaale<roa any to qoad- am spiatoid laatUka tor M*wi.a*By
te tlBe to eeBBeel with tto If e'rteefc p. rapled. TtoptngtaBii a*ecyalbBte- tow.ytars will ass Trarsras City Ibe bn«.
oa for aaBBW toarkla b
B. bate lor Obkaga Tbk «iU gi*a tbe i*wato,iadlto Bsettegewill00doubt
ae. M.
oilteMa of Oraad BapJ* d*a bo«i ia be of Bsah iatatwte toali tetaratesdia
*raT»faaOlty<ot pkaaanat baBacBL
Tto Eigk Biy* Mr. Powdaefy eoys
Tkk exMwieB. aa bae taea tofote, tee tariff bMdpMlccBibg. Tbalkjast
towwa,iiaaiBpoitaBteBalot tto chi.
late tee bate- axaelly wfau tto sepablieaa
BBS (d tote plaeaa. aad open, op a aeu wortd. Btelag team iadapaad
grsB k BOW doi^ Daring all tea
totoby wbkb bill fatakb tto nada aadaelf tj^iportteg. wbltei wiU do
yean (bat Ito doBoerelie puty bad a
««b iBBiwae SBawst* of fnigfat far woBiogaadtogte. Merdowebatofw Bipwity fo BDOAiiai, ia tee laU two dayaanteaDCBa. Ttoa. too, tto enoaby ttattbsBaBof ItawerweCterwUl ftad
«aU teeir|>«BkIbM opraed op will Baka egortltot itaUoolefttob b
rtaad B|
ae aad lalk Botbtog at all Wto
WBkg bad ard will oooa to aaRlad tioa. Ttob
t^Bblieau laid teey woaldaad they
■p. Tto raad wtU aka to a lareriM
tariff k aet a law of tto
•atoa kr paittB aifbi^ to *i«l tea Oto
via tea great Madea aad tto Pareka* ttol Bate aa*.
PbBrta te Otaad T>a*sraa eawty aad eiliNtntbi
Uui eko*. and tto wstely puea BB bs- altered and aBoedadfroBUM to Mao
Ito itod bate
ibaeBebaadototolioDd. gteetogiogwUbairtearw.
tooaaltto abaagaa aad
«patete)y for tee .Bbaakaa wao wa.
itarwes* Citj bn olwgya baaa fiBrd
Htebtek Ito WBtfc. TScyeutoboBa farikbo^dtalilytolto ilnagwr witete
|lkf aonebyaod. ft k aald. wbw«a. itegataa. Ito Bzuto'etonrtttw«U. toto. Thkkwbatttote
mpItokMldkt raada tbra^ a Ub-

v.-t-.'.'t.'-.isfc'j u'~=.s;,.r

And Vehicles of all Kinds.

Celebratiiil Deeriog Hamstig Mmvf,

;i)ranng Biodin* Twina. Adranes Kvgioaa and Separator*. Uadartek'a
»«l May


Older* ^aken for Siash and Doors.

lidvertising Eatea

1, and »M»irp Mien/ by ptaeiag loar busianpa «iib


J. 11. lloberts aod family, aod Mr>w X’*
Aadiwwa and family, arrived by stasmrr 1 ,/ s~« .u-e«.

C5-HLE3A.T On.AJrtfOE3
------- FOB TBE-------- *

TbeCmndTnvoree district. asa»
tioniiflli.- IVoiusuM'orwiri Miaei
aiy Socirty convened lu Its aekion
McUiodut (.'liiirrti of tb» city,
ami Tbureda* of
week. Forty dulrgates aud visilon
werp enrolled. Serrnil Pastors
present alto I’rcsidlng Elder bli«
Mts. II. It. Titus gave a rotdul wel•*wbK-b waairspondrd toby Mrr.C
tv. Uuinii. of Petonkey. Uiuy
re|»rts «<TF Tull of vtierr and eiiroiti■gfUKVil. Mot-h of tlie siicv
dUtrirt is due to llie
Mia. Joliuson, Itoytie City. - Ml* II. K.
Taylor, t'onfetrncr Sec., gave .in addrru tVidbrsday eveoliig wbicb we
wisli many more might hufe l<^ the
prlvltege of listening to and tis-eiilng
Uw lusplratluo given. Alt >ilUhe iwl«rs wen; gowL Tbuiydsy itflenuxin
iB* llie form of a Meinor:il Service fur Mrs E. A. 11. Ifoog. and
Diaii) loving wonls'were aaid of bt-r
life of urofuliww and |Hirity. Fivr.lolUn was phxlgid (owardsTbe niemoral
fund. Tlie following oflh-cn
rwUvl for iliernsulng-yrar: Pres.—Mta.
U.J. Jotiiisuii. Itoync City
l■ondl■lg8lC.—Mra.F.EUnll:o. Traverwliiy; nco«rdtegS«w,-Mra.ti.W.
Itomii. |•Haakr(;
Wiltae. F'rankford; Vice. Pntedeuls
pa.-aot's wives uu the disUict. The
tluarfks of tlie fonvmlion wrte teodried

rrgalaf Iripaca lbs East bi*. Iwtwcea j
a -n«i M-iufi-i.k>aSai(ni.>r>ai. >*<*
OidJIinioo, Elk fUpid* aud lV.*er.a |
'•''liiV’'.sAUAU imli- r.«i
A aUwwberry and iee ^bb eoetal it
oacof (begrod Uuog* ia atiwe for ns al a>r»'
Orauge ball arit wcs^. bVidsy. Jaly I* II ’
Children's Dxy wai celebrated iolbej

. .....
;w. lOsJi. «d d.M ‘7.,
at bm bums
toiaad-lubo-2'-. is:si.
aged GT years, sii moatfai aod I2dti>. r
wtorebe b«n Us-u a rnudeui furfuur‘ — years.' U<- talferrd a ywsr aud a
half«with riDo run bi* lip. but Iwanr
fered iwiiFCi’y n
relief, Mr. flitt

TtoloUuwieg if-wiInliiB wi aixw'-ved
audauoptrM by.cb-af
Cb-ar r
Ito.i• •
— loduon.
palrof* »r
iBdn.try. ;S..l nMicb.. June '2'-ili.
ISA*. A* au
;ia'i>eu( l*rni
ILg !•.
ee 1«-Ik ><• Ibnt
ry i-ublicitAt
itid lulum sii.iuUI:
sible bear r* uwu l-iitdruA
riding « srkt't fiir tUe )-riH]lii
__ _ _. are l>xe(l for iis au|>;j
Icwliog t liat .we bare Uvu uiiyii*'.l

■ ‘ igAiust in '■
of tbe iyurllIbBMi MicJ
lie iomno
weigbl fur


lesulaticiu* vretv

TVat the Ibaska of tin'*
beteb* tendered CuiBraum O.
- ______ raad B. E. Briskmaa fur Ibeir
(aitef ol oervieea is proeoriug apd erveb
Bdjaiaut oball apnwd 1
7.(0. Prks boB fayiac aad easpitag
on tee minnto* of tbk meel. ertibytbytoa.onmp.niB
pablMliad I
EOa Bsanntea on”tbs l^y.
- aadffvwnkc.atteabnlla. viUag. pepete.

DryUooils.GlodiiDg.Hats, Gaps,
llDery aa^ Slraw Gsoils.
With yean ol e«(>erii;nce nod

io linoti hi- i«4 r'OaUled to

26 Percent.Less

Uiau whal new begiitncw, Patron Su.r«.,.,ti . .-.nn secure them
'*w“S‘aV for. He cliat^cd 1.0 Uocy pries: all .-udL.inciTi arc trr.ted
------------------------- *“ aUkc. with hoDi-sty uiii] fairnt-ss. No ilei-cptiuns praettosd.
■ ' ■
. _
No ncccBsity
necessity Ilf
of showing P. Ill'I.
of I. ticketticket. JCvcrjuii
^vcrjuncis giiarsh
"itced ansviog of
Per Cent, who trtel a at ihV Old



^7AS.|t4MI.». k.%.9

K'K (TiKA.M.

•.MI.Clr.-*k’.B«. I*.T» n BllWt.— .
I•B•.S|U.1|^U1 Tn>«it cssslr. ISsn***«-S
|*,in.ll A Sr. Mnss<>wklI<.A*pW-*41Se>n.










Steal Boier

S3&<2 shoes uQtb.




raox raT. TO Avxaex errr. micd.

IQOne t McCUUfT. Pnpis.l QteOBf.K«n rav rAn trre.
lenMeeA. Hu AAcenx'lu*. ke«*rt msbuI.
a* **<>«•* cOo: MiHwoiu Mbt Pli*
Xipect >»ruru*iMessB*r, Mtir '
I lAM ucAilea Tse.AOen-M m kraell eWAO

National TirEWRiTtK $00.
We enter to Ito bcwl trad* is Amc: i,a
tiive B* iBsU trade order, l-anioaxt
FIco.-* a SpeckUy.

a mmi Into bwviag flnito.
work in Ibk *kkMr. Boved oto pates*.
ff«yHite Tktee Orippan tatorwd



d.i,, „.„“Sh'^lenty of the Best .

l.oy <-gg« or uiLt!f j'ludooe of.faran • unliiw
b.-ngkl ir; uuI qBauliiit r. Ibertfuie
divtl, Tbtl w>- d‘> bnriily s;>
pnrvwtee ectinu ui Mr. H. E S'Aiwara
la bk isvcstigsl i >bs vl eaul mitlrr, niul
teat wc raroui*( <- all of ll«•objeol U
. lii l|i III jiolc fu»d
to Ibe »i
n Ibe Aiyloni andat tbv
it ILe weblxnvf tbk
sisalauss in (be elatr.







Uwo 4'lnb.
Ker Jci..* II4.I for flic <sopG/I cs<«
All poraODs io Ibe Oraod Trs>vr*ure(ioo,
istormied in lb* pruw.-r«*lii)n uf
»■«>« KAt.*;
fl*h aod game, aud Ibe
kws, aiv raqomted t’l uert^
Itooflieuul Il >l>*rts A Moffett, Trsv- K Bull-suljelt Uensis -VdOie.*
d.1. l.ltLIK.
ereeaty, al U or lock a m.. Jaly 13. for
C117 ^
tbepaepuaeuf orgeuixiog aUBwocisbuoj ~
for Ibe poriewe above namrJ.
i O*^i!o ietelSs' >K l«Ag.fl: 03-

etaa CUy oewart bead, a A. B. pote,
aikd w^ ^pe ol I^NM a^jw.





wife of liev. l4x. also Cyuthia Mali
foi the beautiful sprcimriis fiooi India
Juiuinl for ins|wcUuo. fur Mn. l.av'8 cd at a oeigbbur, but moie nprcielly M
luviog buvbaud, alwsys kind ao-l
workofluve. lu inlnUag (be beautiful aobbgiog.
Ii» preotnoe mskivg b..tecbeetfal. lU. came tu bw eud lu pea«.
Iccturron IndiA
□e rats, we trusl. with Uu- rej-euu-d,
rd inucli toibe iiitorint ol (i-e lureliiig wben-esteaenss’jd te-atb cad uut <mdv.
Tbe fareral wa. liFldetllip bell. llev.
IlH- tadiea Uieir IwspiUllty
all wlivby llu-ir prvw-ure added iuhtesl ii. Keoaey |iowlie<i end B*v. K W.
Wood lullowf*] with A|>j>roprul- rc
to tbe UMrtiiig.
Bsrk*. Tbe ilivwased h»ri-< a wife an.T
M(».(J. (V. lli'UI'.
other reUlivee, wb* bsve tbe *yuii<albv
Uei-otiling SccTrlary. ofall.
TrAVerseCity.JuM?;. .
r*w«*Nas lor tbe P'ONrtti.
Saluto al eanriae.
UU a. B. EuBiosI pande at Ck
iaa.1 UorrildrM.
V UO. Bead eooarrt.
10.(10 to ll.UD. Peke
lUiuiiegnea(l|.lstpcuaSf; 2d.«l.
twee (5i. box
Barrol ne> <t). priie. gopd box of
Mso'a bteyda rnoe. (2). -pikr. «2.
Bjya'Wayalarmae(4). aadst lOyii.,
IM piixe.3l.Sd.S0a
OfaUdren's bietrta rate (G^
yn.. 1st prise, SOa.
Oiris’ bieyek laaa (7). goU
giveo by das. Baker.
JaatringlS). prixsfli.
p. o. anad terwet parade aad trade
dBpUy. Boyt’eonat toad.ceBBoa




Giaid RayMs ( Iriiaiia R. R.

VteTflCte FteM rL'MtoM;teT»tea
Boltsf or Tank Work*

k of Iki* pbwe a torti vkk..

.... ......-l^SS

(toP.ef Lpkniaon TnaadaylB
roaaiag good time-IS reported.
Mr. Ertmedy.ttobtrtbaraf ttoBHi
OkiioB tto Bilroto while nate tto
kflnoMe of iHiort, omvad late

Bb hteM* etortag jwar wste
' ata>.v.SAip.r.R(.


Warranted Pive Years.

See e:. W. HASTINGS,'^'^^';?^"

II wishhix.
Tto Brat Ibrougb aleepB, leaving
bkignat 4 p. B . will to raa evwt (to
el ebarrka are ripeoiag U*t.
n*am aiy axtoateaD of tto C. A W.
aaw ooUagei ate aboot resdf to
M. B. B. aext Soaday. arririagU Tn*. be ooenpied.
arae CSy at G o'oteek aen Bocaiag.
Min Fraaoes 8jan ol Elk Ltk- is
*17 boa daa«d baadrada of a
Oraid I'nvene bay belags fiae baibor, vtviUBg Old Miewoo Irieads
Htoitob to tto toU^Bl
affords facilitiN far aa
Mto Millie MartesU ie boa* (rum tbe
MMtaeftbMracias. Tbabnetoc yhLi^!i^^^rhr«V/n?r^^rTirTiTir ■'' “PP*r *•*(* i*'dwa. Ijiog oa Ito wad Irsflic wite otecr kka porU; Ibw.'wilb asylam on a two w.wks' *4ctU-«.
WiUiaa abortU^^toPioB-' «de of tto peuioatik diridiag Otaad teeC. A W. M II. B . Bgkea tee rtly
pfaan aad fieedcaa froai aaoka
Mr*. Dsaa and ebil Iren of Vo'os.
io* aetr^pted a iKitilioD io tto gorsni-: Ttarena bay. witb a fall awaapof wiad
aida aad tto placid ekl ontor. Uxtivalad taeibliee lor been ipeadiag a few dsye wite roUticea.
lagUMi, wbere ab* ba
Edawol Fnatlia baa reluneJ. aod
plaeanre ere uo every bead. While.
lalksof kerpUig e trail alasdoMt Ute
wiagwd yachts flU 00 '(to bay. ■
leddowotoOBr. Wbile aearebiiig for-liag. etc. Aboel » aetea bare baee lanartni plow ite Mae watat*. Tto
oo-workeia. Mil. WiUoo hB ,
ttoeedof tto point aad a
•ssaa WiU becw ftad hN paiadiee ia
1 from Mrl. M. B. C. I.i_a. _._i„ __

cpitodtof ttoBar

New, iSgh 'Ann, Sewing Machine,

<toaal tto tofiMart >aka toa mm
aw toatk Btollb Banaaof Tear*
Wb. Oood k ako bteUtot a
Cil7. Mak mmm to ka weatot
WM Ibat MB deaaBi ka
batofkatwatto kBowtop.
OantookatNU. bateataad apdag
toto kaova bis far vw katr Ikaea wbaatara badly awldad.
FaiMBBra bavbaylBg: •etoabara
kaayaoayB aaa at it far aavetal daya.
affbtitoi Be
Oeergk aad Meetaa #Uto ate tok
toaipiawhu itb Baapa; alae Allis Bacaafwd.
Me*. M. L. Oata waot to Itot
dkftotbw. Totoytoktaeef
Cdy Friday, to riait bet dangbier. Mn.
Uk toiai^ lifbk ia tto gday a( toicbl
W. i. Millar.
«a Baa Itot gcaea tto
Ht. aad Mia. Wa>. Bietolof Eaawai,
tea. I: k aato aua that 1
Ito gaaala of M. W. HtwridgkiD, aMoese/gt oji.r-Acr«JOA*-“'*’*
aay peefwito boecaahle; aaaa a
U»et toad a toltowadiaAaNM oeartoak
tW Pork per tod. new.........fll4 (
Qaile a aamher of womea aal -chdlaa S^■loakf aad aapleyae, wbeaa aoble
dm took a Irip to Oup lake*8starday
gwlittoof bairtatdaat-Itoato all.
Tbqr report a \wry good Uar.
Baaadfi bkag altotoagb Btatoaai. U
_ ___
I CtTT, daaa «l Bsbert UewiU got bis foot jsaia-d
■ilkrvitbaa«ydttoilotbeMa<«. Mr.
aitr if il ooaUt to properir npU .p^roato a( tto ratkto
while faaaliag limbrr tor a barv. wbicb
pTttaoS to li
to^_to«td. tto tor towa.
atfd^: UnlEUa
. afftok, a toyml frkad. UJiuiB op. SUaidsy.tee aawbbsn
iiapida; Mf
' TBreiK Oly ii faat attnrtiae attealkia
oot aad Iluished tes baro.
, lot ill toaatto and to-------------------' • r. Uti
Tbe (Seaibrook baaday eebool b*d s
Uap»b;lln. Etaa UtoThl/. Eltat ]
ItoorL Tto O. B. d L nod ia (It.
IcBpateace exercise last Sibbatb. iontf.lll.*-ilbttoaUda«
sieg tee .loartet'e Ionsos.
Tbe esaia part *na
by W. U.
Haacafoid. ateL sepL. uid tkte Ibe
• XliiDesSef*
i« ia bate wilbia a abort tiae.
gaa Bay to jarily pcoad to 1
Iona of as fMB*y.
omy. da^g ted resliog oI
daty £!. £1 aad 21.
Added aaaaboil
mw IM u a T«trcT>a flaraM.
Wtoii spring “
from (hebibleaadotborlKiokt to <
Tto idM of a
oide with
Un eobiert, aad tbe aoog* ful
line baa breo agiUled ——I Ui* oewa-1
• *““7. pro^Botaia bn iibtlowed iatbeBBelraia. it wn a flue
P^rw..iae3 0f Ibe atale forab«at »,etaa ll*y lia^ airiTol bate Bonday with
ptogtBB aiHl well extoated sod leflecta
Barley 's
jmt. WtonttoBtalePreNA*aoaiat<ae|UaairMw ateasar. tto OreMOt. wbicb
"OB teoae wfao bad (be 1
iiD0( >c U..1 cdj laat auBBet *ff.«la w^,„ Uaaetod al Oraod Baraa laat watk.

; Indrdto Iba bvlor vhos *■ pkn; Dad, I*i «iU hn» to Mi^ to ol^
tto»U ttoy ■
-----BaaMb with bw Baaal baaa Btodad
pdtttiV.tM flm totoi^tMaaalFufc
PbMa. Md wiB Blaa (haaBaaMlai
rMiM MnitrvMrnMcatniaaaBttobaraB tto toe aM
TtoUtaatyvoMof MliSi^ti, to- OftyofOtBBdBapida.
*to toaalb« k aet
pat four drtemlBad ee. batwUtogtTtfS^vUdba^bTsS^toT W«B»^ eBBast«Mfc,aswiUatoetorttorpaitieB*fTito»iCMd U»«n>«i.............. d HtotoCM Tab <iklB ia eitortd to tto aMHar.
m pm^ j40. Coritod Aid<i'>. ■wwnit tod ito> flat iMtottoB
toTtki tot
M. B.O.Ba*aa
«toa Un. EUi H. WOn «r (to
rm li OM <if (to NMOM Vtar Mrnjofiaf toto »ld» iatonto-BmU. Ortod Barato, a(ila»ad tto aobiael at Itoautoi aoottoc at

.n«aet Clij. Sick, sa Xel* B. B


• 1-B. Oook fern

OmM «f iMt an
>lnniiiaM«wiMM«iMwgM» Uw
M MHb «nka fiBC ««Hm «d «• («•
«Mt rMte, M B o'«ioA •. a. IDd 1
Mol iadc* 0*dta or Ad
e-Ma* p. ■. l»«0Re*. ttaavtfl
.MOdtafMM Um bM«.tU a
t*o«rltawMM«w<>M«Md i«lh« Mn. 3. D. Mbm.
^babftkstoted m lb* J
Bapida an BalwAay:
Ak>. Spannt aod wib ef Sparta, ZU.
rottwr-todaw of Frank Den,fa*paBd.
InTa tow waeka to Iba rtly.
O. P, Oarrw'a watbarandbto baotbar
B. A. Ourer. wifaand daichter. nlAl.

lUGwam hud UUi
of Mte Miiptid
ottedv.* »ti |te* M tam Mr.
Ow»U»'» turn. wMA M 2 (Midi ItoaflWiM thm hg lb*
lap M«. Oa. M teM «Mb<a HnuA to
‘ ' i«U.Md2tal.4iMMl«c.
b7««q>M tbdr Bdl. Onnd * Od.
MdMattbar toon jwtetdar aod to««r- »iT.a»-«y-tolb.n»Utot
qMlilr <d ib* ceBm nM atos to tb*
<d J. MhbJrtrttor. Bail. U».
tof Ibiir
• Mi.Emm. ainteaf Ball,
d A Oo'« abM^ *M atao bttt,
tof (7) Me. Mitoildata.

'idgaand Mia. E. D. OampbeU and
WalU* retaned Irom tbair wartats rtoil
of Ihtw oa fosr weeki tort arantog.
L. Soil* wa* to Saginaw ton Thsm.
day. Friday aad Satorday, itlandtog |b*
‘ lanioo of tbe lat Mich, lafii-

'Hamilton & /Aillii^en.
to bantoad____
b* gl«,000, for which tba dbdrtot wortd
iwmbend*. U tba old boildtog* am
npaimd. tba eort wnold eqial tba tolw.
artea ib* new bond* torat hwttww
yaar*. andtbaethaold bnildi^ woild
be no batter tfaas BOW. It wiU b* tw
hatter to barn tba ow of itaiawlnadiogafartbtoliaa Ifaaato bar* nathtog
at that time, to abow tow tbe
Tbawbcrtdacas ba flwiad rondily al
towniaof tolem«.andH
■ad to tlOO
eittoao* wbo woold begUof'lb*
chweato tacora oceor more waarta
torwtmmt ibat ma ba readily taesM
into eaah al asy momaal if dwliad.
Them aboold baa rery full ail,...
anew al tba aunnil maattog. E**mrttixw u totorettod is Ibi* maltw.

Mr. aad Mm Mergas li.lw ol Ciiw
_i aroapandtogaronplaol weafcabcm
with Mr. Balw-t atoler. Mm J. M.
Ito. A. a SptonW «f Drtro.1 will U
Mr. and Mm F. F. SpoU aid baby, jt tba Oonideotal betot on Fiwfoy.Jaly
asd Miw Natti* Bamedell el Mantotoe.
an riaittog Jodge and Mm J. G. Bam.
^y Oatii^^“
SirSat Hi
Mm B. Urban aud dtagbtw Tn Lang dianaai Bmt of glatam alimye

' Elegant White Qoods
•Wide Ibr Skirtings, BeautiAilly Embroidered.

REDUCIO! REDUCED! EmitIriqillNisUngirkton) Dial!
*2 25 for ai.30,

♦ 1.55 frr »1

H...1I for»1.00.

»1.1.5 .nj tl.nO fcB-fSoent,.

MoiiDciDipi Reducet] in like pro|x>rtien>.

“ Button, Button,J5nio’s got the Button I ”

Xn new fad tail on tbaQ. a 41>
Mjtl mtbwtn imind h^aM. wbtobtoaaabaa d6:16a. a., d^
Tb*rB»(teJaM«UB«)ab. oolyd WaUoo, Maotoe/ Oadlltoe. (10
n. & M. have A fioe lot aod want to trU. We offer 4be biggcit kind cf vajueg.
braaktod). LaBoy, Hillee
ttwiawnrirtM, Tbi^^ittaiBlr
BaadOBy, Big Bapida. MaT.
toy, Bawacd Oty. Otdar Bpttoga, D. A
tn a>Mtol aUcUoB lor tba CbM U. dndton. attmag u Gaod Bapida
c. a. a*k-i« c:mai i* ikc <tiD.
•.a. BIBt-Trr Tf Twmim»»UL
dad bride* breafU eat »b«<7 »»to. d »:t& Tba lal tidi toara Omd
kMt Uoadtr. m Totoi bd^ «Mt. G98
C^Thf liighesi {iriced om-s art- v.-ry •Ictintblo fordn-t* trimmiNgB.
Don't firil to see tlieiBBapUae^T^a. a., doppiig ooly d
ban * paronU. Mr. and
for ad 191 i^iad.
aaaiaritT for
£^AM. Jiddloo. Howard tSitT, Dig alonty, St.
All Sniimicr-oodo liku-to ^11.
B*|d^ Bead Oty, MOlai Jeodioo.
Dr. and Mra. Maoloe of Detrdt, tibo roiLbioad odSiB«l Fo iWn. Broiler
A44. «bo taka put to Uh '‘pi^
UB^. CbdUUe. Maitoi. Walton,
bare baati oaapiag on PUUa lake, trer* roaMcr, - -.............................
dtopi*; to:Mne* u« raqatdrf to M Ewgday and MtySdd, acriring bare at
IsatLO, baa bccD tborosgfaly
tbe gieata of Dr. and Mr*. MooaoB tbe M
..tir n.-, (rnigiiaiLt lo
tbe bead of the flaaiLC Hoi
la Iba attor. roar of QaUar bMS. al
k*t;ol tba week.
Jepartwmt and foand to be ah that ms
o'doA a. a. abal^ lb* ptoaaatoa
C. E- Lockwood. Wm. Cjx, W. E.
viU atari al kafaaip.
tato plaa*, aad Prof. W. A. Oreeton, Got ai.J. n. 11. Hill of Gned liapuk.
more than fall ralaa lor bar
pttodptl of tbe tlTBDd lUpidi Ugb emme op to TraTeree Cily on a fibbing ’uvtuy,«ir.
Tnatr. Oraaeaat
and find it a great addnigoand
aebbei. Prof. Gay Tboapaoo. Eto aa- trip, laat week,
b-lp ia her bonaebold affair*. Tba
trip froa Saribpcct aad ttottte
Mrr. 3. W. Ltoenby and ebildm are looblr aieamer acid by Mr. BUto l« atoo
ladB«>d*rtolU*potol. Qattoaaaa- datont, aod Prof. FraiBbataan, prio. exproled on tbe Handay butt to apend ma >>1 tbe Ibinr* -arery womae WBato.”
dpal of tba Bay aiy btofa aebool, will
rha two eembmad will b* a boaaeia to
lana bar* to two wiling yaebta for tbe tbe usBw wUb bar father. Hon. D. C. rery bonaekeorer.
<dtoad.aatba day «m raty fioa.
north aboreof Ink*Saparioc. AtSaall Learb, at Weltop.
Iflienaaaid etoavUl be amadat Bto.Maiialbe party wUI bajotoed by
edfrom Cbieago, and will I'ecofy t
tba L. L. A. rradiae rooaa Friday M. E. Waltoo tad OeaBtaatoe
ol afraid tow;
•reatoe. Etarybody to lorilod to drop Oaad Bapida. with aaoibarytwbt. Ibay Uiltoo eoltage od B'adnastuB S’, f
i'taDdlakaaaodai diab. Faad* to(o wOl aaka Baleliwanaaag b^Uidr'ob.
B. F. DariaasJ hto etolar. Miai MtrA beary, plaiu band goU nag WUb
jMlropoint, tad will ba goeelbret
to Iba aappert of Ib* raadiag raw
^isdre wUl rl»w
•on Darto. oaoa op from Elk lto|iida on
ioor weak*.
. '
TiwJay. to uact Mn. 0. E. O 11 and lira at tbto offioe
[VTBUKUX. at tba josettoiof tbaC. MitaTuoug. of Grand Ihipidr.
A W. M. ard M. A K. £. IL U'l to Urea
MiwlldtaJuhnronm inaptaietl bar
lake todsabip. «iU be opeo to the
________ IW. Atoo
MnT Clone, to Chaborgar, <n
trarid to-aortow, vbai tba fUd U. A tho Lawrenea on Sooday. Mim Johnr any toatbar. ^ IW
K. E. tntoa trill mob tbd plaee, bring. w will iiwod the anmmer there.
Uaa: E B. Easn.
Tnb Baaben of tba "UWa blj, lag u nostatoe fioa Mantotoe toUtcrMr. end Mr*. P. F. BtOMofUliieago,
Oe.. ariU am Kiefaolaa Kitolaby, at toebae park. Iba miU at loiariocdMB •wed throDgb town from Elk Bapida.
aoo.OOO fed of bardoood lon- ben they bad bceu riaittog Mr. and
ArierJn)yltli,ear*MmwiUba cam
Ubrair Ball, Wedoadaj eraciaa. Jol*
ba ready for ablpaant. Tbere to a Mra. H. 11. NoSle, a far diyaago.
1C TfciiannwrawBama rally
*Bt. bat tba Hauut,«{D baa aaa to totogtaafliat that poMt. aad qniiea
ABMOg tbe lauaeegen oa the *U. Juac al
p. m.
boildtog* Petoakey laat Sanday were Mm. and
*ay about it aad vaak.
WtuiaLM Boa, Buntfa Bidr.
ar* loda owtcaot.
Hilt Alina L-nller,' Me*. B. FrbaD aod
Tw dr. 3. W. WaataeU arfatob to do*
Iba Ufc^ and it u propoaed
■re SsBdaT, did oot aatira anlil Wad- to aaka aa Btlraetire reaort beloaeo tbe
Haring bcoghtlhatolorwt of & W.
Kaitie Pcierlyl.
Daaday amtog. not batog aUa to la- too tokaa.
srka ol tba fins ofT. BebartA Oe..
Mm Batea ic io liraod llipida lonlty
hare pot
not to a iarger etook________
etook than erar.
toad bat cargo *t«btoago tor aamal
TultoeolmaKb to-Dwrroo oill be 1 boiinoaa oiMiDech-d with the orgaei- will eoll all good* iDcIsdieg H^ieald*ya, 01 aoDOOBt of the iatato* bat
-------- bufgy. etc . at rain.
•bieb inraOed ii toat dty dori^ tba at (ollotra : Praeaaioti to form prompt, (ilioo of 1 he Woman a Slate Praa* AraocK'andS
ly at 1 o-dcofc, al tba H. L A do. ear. eiatioe, reloraaoe to wbiai to made u
B«. tbaaoedotrs Front to WeUtogtae.
to WaabiogtoB, Waabtogton
tmm letriy aleeled effieet* of Ta<
n < I Pertner.bir.Tfae partaer
mw waoi to UraoJ Bapida yatlerJar,
D. P. of L, are, Praa. H. H. to Beadmaa aTenia, Boanli
rdto rxtoUag and kuows a*
Slato, tiirt* to Uaioe. Uaion to Mi*. Bul^^rtc telnrning tcndiy. ^iia
kCj.Ut^ diydiaaolred
Htolb, htotb to Oaa, Oaa to Eighth, Muioio w.U rumaiu tome time, the goaat Ibrmnt
I hr mntuai oooto
L T. Hebert ^ paj>
alldebtaacd make coltociion*.
Eighth to Wadaoorth, Wadaoortb to
batinea* at the olil
Berwlb. Itoreotb to Pina, Pisa
to Biilh. Hare niU be tbe trild
rihihittoi. (oUooed by Iba
Tnlriaodaof Mr. andMa. Bobt. baae ball gaaaa n tbeaaaa groGato. tluaplaea. Mr. Colki Ulkarff'buying
trill proerod to to* Front aammer eollagc berr.
te a*r. Stoford to hadiaa *1 Far k Loadeo gave tbea a eary ptaaaait
bocue aod dtobaid.
Among tbe uau.oa of tooristo rrginA Hoc tot of gaaoliD*. oil and almitor
'•daakwith loabarthlaMok.
pri*« TiaMay oratong, on to* oaa
tend at Park Piece tbto week are 1>. B. •wrer. fatsUareof all kiedr. aed a g*a.
ofltaeAflbaiwiroaHyetlbair oeddtog
gorda, at
SmUbauJ ftmUy. I'uicaeo; Ur«.Jeo.
FtotoMa**iOba .
day. ToobeaiUfalrookiagcbabo
t MajBrU laat Saturday forc- C. Cook, and Mm Ueo. W. Bans,
priro, aod in great roriety. eao al■irdA. atoy trea7to»*.a.aad 6 girai tbea.and as <
a bv loaod at my ature oo Front
A yoang mao by Iba name of T.
•-I. Tbe aloek ba* bcea'largely toewiag «a* pawed by all p
Keaoady, wbo bad beee here aboat*
>I« 'forcbeiei. Louw Voighl. ercaaed lately, and I eu gire rettofacweek, a pwt of tba time at work on toa Oinciuuab ; .lai. Morgiu aud wife. Mri. ' on creay time.
TbaQaAdiit toD aaka loo taoad'
Ib* bay Mere,
j. C. HilA.
1^ ddlr. oa Kat bay f« Ib* ad of qnkae of by to* Bai*u> a weak or two a A. W. M..bad aeeiredaiobB* tole- W, A- Ward. Mr. asd Mm 8, U JeWf *;sw
MantoD. He. with eti. Dr. Dsdley and family aed E. K.
Alwarat treat.
ago at a poaribOily. to eow ao
tooktti*n:3Ua.B. Tborsu. wife and obitd, all tif Chieegu ;
■eanlifol esgtartog
rsgnrtog free D U aa
AWpoai. taw vUl brin tba Maali _
Into from bare, grtaUy nndcr tba iafla.
by a oetocopy
B. A. Eetyca aad wile, Omeoa; Mre.
rwpto op to-atonor, «Uh tbdr baa*,
efliqner. Wbao lb* Into atopped
lianwtle and Mia* Bowobreg. CmlUlw; btaleJ nWfa arttol, rus IVtiit toebae.
at MayBeld begot off an^illtoil atari.
It woD the Cr*l pttoe to tbe Patto ados
Bobl. L. Carr asd .so. St. Lmto : Frr- of
lr<t. and warlMugbt by a noted cue' to gel aboanl agaie, and
rto Buee. wife aoilHbugbtar. Omcna; Duioacnr for ^,i">i. II >oa perebam
MaadanCaaraabMUi* tba.d* of
todougao alin>ed under Ibawre, Iba
Mm D. U. Usphea,'<]nsd lUpida; three ice rent peck.gre ul Wat Stand,
^ llnuu> fur btaaiifol raaa in aaoy
wbaali pawing
Dg OTcr
orcr both toga, et
from yoor gruert. hjwill gire yoooae
ptobU yaietiaa.
rhtband. OoLi Mire While, Miw Kur.
d^ypCary ball, all MU wato. opw. e body, aod alao aorow the right
« Sooday night with •■Hdror'Bar r. L A. Tbowpaon aattended him tot IJw Hetjaewau. Ura A. B.-mo, Percy
^ MtaArauFar
bar eltl fritod* «iUi a S«a party IM
Three buodrud ra.Lruad mbtown no
artl Uuboto Borin. (IraoJ BajuJe ; E.
oodettoand that hu
Mr. BrowM'a eoaiag aloaya'to
now liDo o( the Eaetoaba, Iran
GooJer. wife and lasiily. Omeaa.
.ml W<
- ____ J IB
' "ooaaaia TrarateeCdy. liifwid pareoto lire al Ihnghamptoa. N.J.,
H«'jig*a. Melatoah Broa., cooU
wbat* bi* father to a«iged io boaioew
it I* ibr JlalB tJac,
M milcB of beary work. Wa
at a wboUaale grew.—AAij/lc,
Tbe C. A W. H. cxienaiou to Tiai. SlaboB work. If to
w Oily hia >■eru oAioially dactared the
At toe juiet board aaetiatofall Iba
Apply to Will.. A R.ppe, Eaeaoabt. .
"miio lisa'. aod will no losger be ciUA.LnFafg*w •ipfrowE
tinroial rataoio be oMaload by apedthe "TnrMeaUaycUuunoa. ' Haya ly >ng to tbe .dremboat dock.
Nonharo -bagjla at tbto
27 St
>Da> nt ol Wedtuaphee.tba rata* were ledMad toglft
Boo. D. O. Laaeh
» op ftca Walpar weak, aod a raaoiotioo ww loaoi- loo ywterday.
tb* BM ef
Mr*. 3. P. Joboaen to riailtog bier
IbeTrarerreCity cxk-ueiuD of tin- O. A a^eaki^ ol Browse * ItMatiw Co. sj^
pareMa to Empire.
W. M., the roid from Iw Crcaae to
1a. P. dndron of Baocenla. wat in
ITavcnieUiiy will be knowa u the a
lest .mprorcaMot which wa* nofieed to
Till IdlUa Ba'Iy Coapaay will, ^y >wi ywlentoy.
h» coi^pany at the Oiatoo toal eresing
Use—from tbto ciiy to L* Crowe
Loiii E. Babto arSMtoni Bay waa to
itqoeal, repeat tbe play of •■Little
ooelrarted with it* loal appearsooe to
itbero dirii^. aBd from tbto niy a*
Ba'Iy,” few ibebeaetUof toeUL.A. tbe ealy Monday. '«lie. Not uoly bat tbeoompasy
W. H. Catou. aa' imaiaius
lav ato mdiog TooBW, Sttomay, July IB. A
been eaiargeJ and------ E. A. Treadway and non Howard wse
KM to tba effioa ol
Addi. ba
botibe repertoire baa
doMdeplaaaore to afforded tw dttaaoa to tows orer Sood^.
a eooidelo change, end tbe eooadaittad to tba bar.
brtotoaMooooaaeot. Ibayowaojoy
Jobs Duu) went to Gbi^o tba Iwt
pany appmre belure nppei peatoaola ealisa, will be known u tbe MoA
dieuera this year with new pUy* thraagbof tba wrA aflar bonew.
Bapply aad Day 8prto| tbto e^iaetUy flee diaawUe
OBl. Thai prwcled toat ereeug.
•ilk tea batkpl H.L. A Ca
Mm J. lAakhexdl. of (Mto. to riwl-Tbe surer Bar MuM,~to* aFm« play
worthy objrot.
tog Mm V: Meaaoo of Elmwood.
dea^*f«»cW^aa^ i FUatox.
Tlic Aaawal tortoewt nmlas. aod waa weU imaL Uarto to CaiA agala
J. H. Htaw of Hbrnaa to rtoiliag
is all hi* glory and with new aoagt to
B. McKuuaa ba*
tba SiaFlan Danna hw quietly worked
Tbe ansaal cdwol mcettog *iU be delight
hto boarera, while in lb* aew
bam with hi* aon, W. A. Bann
aaa* baoae and tot «e Wadili«taB paoftnegroeary trad* that hto praabold to the high edioel bnilding. os
Soatb Side, at 7:34 oVloet. Moaday
U dwetotoaaaaUaodtoa Ibawad
completed the czorttoal
partofibaold B. AM. bolUtog i*be­ from ber Tiail 1s Kertb Ownitoa.
eraotog, JslylL Al (hi* lima tbere
Onihaakaarada* 1^*. kra OeOto* ing flUrd op for bia, and
which ptoaeed all last ni^l. '
■gw relarMd no MoBday will be an akwima of one tin*tre To,
company waa greeted with a fall be
( Aidda for too buxa of aaaaally into hit ■*• qaaitaa ahoit daly 10. Crow hto bwiww trip IO adwge.
Ibmb ymia and ne traatee (o fill
maaad tow daobariaof IbaWU- Xtesaw twHoala oa* of tba bad to J. M. Uikiw and Mika Obailto ef ranan^ for one year: At Ibutimaatoo laat Blgbl in apite of the w*atb«^. "
tbe qsaabon of tmildtog two new eehool
town, aod b* win fam a tort* aod ptoaa Usgtanw wem to tbe city yatoardty.
Faa. Baaaaa baa Bold hit raadaM* w
Miw Alina Jenw toft ywttrday wem- boildtog* wiUbedeeided. ~
r«d(tov*aUi abaal. to E V. HOi of
to be bat one optotoa oa thto eabjed.
A LRna ewioaity tod Boat A Byal- l^lora TtoitatfaarboMtoAltogBD.
.aadwbD baatakoB poaaaadn of ka to aM awry eat wbo dtknk d a ^ary JwBiMwrinf Battow Bayemsp Thi* maltar ima been delayed frem ymr
noawallto Ibdt de*^ to legiator, oi I Ib* Orowi^ en Mnday on bnrinm. to year, bat sow U ia genenlly ooneeded
that th* time for eettos ha* come.
J. J.Baunbaaporabaaadlba Pa>e* Moadvl^ n*i*Mlt*bowail aid
B Ibes* baUdioga are nU roted sow il
m«aa* Pity a pliwaat riato :
as 8totoab«d,aad bne ben 1 thlnty day, or da* B. A K.
will be abeolBtoly eiiltoury to pot aaeb
bare a graat laabar of eiMtaain oMta
or TAAVCflAK OtTT. aiGMe
lapaineelfae wooden baiidtoga
day, far it to Id to b* Bvpoad ^ an. enpto of dayi b«*,th* flirt
na* a* to make Ifaea baUiabto. and thto
brigood aaoy.wbe
ipaaaeof at laaat gS.OOO.
Mn. Peaty Oatdnw of MeM^baw.
t drink. Tba ttaordibowa IM
tieMW «r aMhaMem ttojee
lid Meadty aeratoA, taa bony
0.,to wiMltog triandi h«M bw old IMi money woold,
throws away, aa tba
■die badly tnkaa ap. MUw baaa
OMBoTuriaai ptMtoaitol* weak
Wailw ThwWI nod T. Brtm af Ma. waaldba
are: JahiL Biiatoatd. Oa^aigtIbe pnpiia, asd eras il repaired
BAli-aw «01 U parahto aasl nl; Ohaa. J. BraM. Ballato*, arigtoadj
at tbto bmryaxpeoae woaU only M
MwdiF.aadt Mwfllb* aaopperta- dohi A. Haraa^ Baitoia. toeaMa; EdMn. a. a Xtori* to
ton ta^Mtaiy imipoae for two or to* •■*■ and F. Tkykr. Kerthpat. toaaaa;
Iwat aebool year them ww
FUbpLogu, Baitoia. toaaia; I»ml aaktoBBB^itowtob brttottor, B.
to Sart Std* and ta oa Wart
Oaby, Baba Sprtogi. toaaaa; Fan. BBobto.
Bwto wbn rttoadad aabool bat badf a day
Ktoa ba.u <Bi to* n
Mm Balia Balirtd to OmM. Brt>.,
da Wa*a. Mntoi.atoBM aid tonds to anjart and
■CafF. Waribac«.a<»
rirtrti^ baa totbw. B H. Bobto, at
a Obada Daika, OtowtoeaU,
*««u* hr pamala aad ahildrae. It to
____ I SMa. It *m b* »
In, by toaeal ad had toaaaa to «U
anw.nntnalyaqaartiOBof jartioa.bat BAECTVaCmiT •
pa aoMh; ba tod a tog by faa tow
It to piip—a to pal ap iwe brick
BaoiffT. Allaatt. BaHatoi. ba g25 by
■lUtwwc armClr alike. CM OB Wc*t
MMtolad. EaiBMiaadiagtodtoijtiy
Btot 8M*. The c'd
d adtjM«B,Bto< aadadtbabtdl ato bwntb* CMrt.of 1
■•A anw aeaaptod, eaa fa* nnld
haifawdiyrt '
forawagb, pmbabty. to
n* nat-OuMliiMi !■•»«.

Ill SDc Diitns at 25c, all DOc DtnoH at 30e, ill 75c Bmccs II DJie, ill $1 tcltus it 50c,
all 51.50 bittns cl 75c. all 52.00 Bcnois ctll.OO.

Look at those Elegant Brilliantines Marked Down to 50 Cents.




Summer Bargains !
Ev«f oUbml it! TiaverBC City, can now bo found at




Pry Goods, Clothing, Hats and Caps,
Ladies’ ami Gents’ FurniBliiiig Goods, Etc., Etc.

ImmenRo New Stock Just UcciAved and will be kept fresh by
Oady arrivals.

No Better Goods! No Lower Prices to^ bo found in Northern
Michigan. Conic and Sec.



All Roads Lead to Traverse City
GXJ3L.-5T 4TI3;.


The famous j)ur(! Coilee lluu&e of Uliica<*o, has paid us tlie high
eomplimeut of ottering lo semi an expert gentlemeii over here
next week lo give practical illuslratious of the delicious tjuaiity
of their various grades of pure CoH'ees, especially the ‘‘Powdered”
varieties as prepared iu tlic^lr jiateiit Coilee Pots. We have of .
course accepted thetlatteriiig proposal, and now in our turn
'IK take pleasure in inviting all ladies in Traverse .City aud vicinity to


On TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY, and THURSDAY, JULY. 1st, 2nd and 3d.
He will an ive Tmwdiiy moruiii^ aud everytliiiig will be in readi­
ness at 10 o’clock,

Fragrant Coffee and Hot Biscuit


Pail BP Capital,


Will comprise the Hill of Fai e and will be served lo all who
favor us with tlieir presence. Tlie advantages of tlio patent
Coffee Pot will he e.V|iiaiiiod. Oofice measures will be given to
all ladies desiring them. ^The possibilities of producing perfect
beverages from the various grades of Coffee will bo developed by
an able exponent of tile art of Coffee making aud his young lady
assistants. We hope you will all eomo.
We are going to make tlio days a “Eostival” in more ways than
one—We always state a case frankly and truly.
July is the montlj tor "Tilings to Wear”. Everybody, seems
to be after an entire or partial Spring of Summer Outfit Oor
Stock is complete—Prices tbe lowest and Bargains inimitable.

The Depaitment of “Things to Eat.”

All the fresh delicacies of the season. “The Dandy Stock of
the Town”. We arc “firing” Package Coffees; people are tired
paying 5 cents for paper and a Picture Card every time they
□muR FAB ov no smen.
buy a pound of Coffee—Package Coffees “must” go
We de­
light in being known as the Head Quarters of tbe all6r Cash Buy­
ers who say as with one accord,



;; tk»aoj otbvoT Ummauc, udimvfantelfa*

bttelAlMtMdBMtnniUacMMWMaNd^ ItbMn

ImwjmKtMmt rain Iowb thit
3. V^Mnd faMU; «wi to BapifTBoador.
Hot. (} M. 8«U^ hm rtUcnod
iWoUidooodha Hbooiia
tko 8eo(t dfatrfrw Tbondo;.
Mn-O^A-Suraitof OfavWoix.
toridtioK nloUtaotUibidMe.
TtMiUoner OmoMl (■*••>«
I to TnrerM (St; ioM Uon-


Mn. a M. BmHb n>op«»d hm
potkn ioM SolonlaT
W. F. 8U«le goto os io* cram
tomi Frido; sigbU for Uio beoofil
of Bor. 1. Eogte.
Mra.W.aHHMoood lAoAlko
Hataoa boro goo* to- BwIod, Wu.,
AIjhm Coatouriw ud tuoil; of
^ProTMOot,* a*d* 0 •bort «oU
frkadc b«o Um trotk.
Wo «iU MOB loM dfibt of tbo
pttU; Sgoroof KoM Bob. Ho viU
toU 0 IrtparoDDd thotobwood tboe
Awato bk skUto
Ho hu
oo)d Uo toad ood miU oad pnreboo«d abaaatifol UUloboao oa tbo outflUttaoflbotowa.

3. M. SUfM bM 0 M*
W.N. Kd; OfMBi bit *Mk laloooght ialho br»db oad tbo rooall.
voiOBaall raawaj. It oat; eoat
W« are rar; aadi baaodofrala tbo brotba $13 fw bb kiadacoo
bat bo tUako bo «cat bo ao kiad
at tbo proaoot Haa.
J.H. SUgbi boo Ua aaa baaBO (bo Doxl tiao. Ho b all right aov
raid; for pbotoriag.
J. A.Bol;&(ko loatd boraa la
two wadia.
Mr*. WoL Bajmaraad
riaitca frir^ ia tblo plaeo brt
JooOttdoorhts aorad to Trot*ao at;, vbora ba b bwldiiig hia'
arU a aaw'boaao.
9.W. l>oootao.ooa of IMratt'o
noot abb bw;crt, wbo porebaaod
qaitoboaril; ia tiUago lob at tbo
Uao SUgbt'o «ia platted, waa b
town 00 tbo 3Stb. and took a 1«A

A pat cat brloagiBg to Q. A.
ad tba a^orioaa to faH ttto a 76foot «on ooa da; tUa waak and
poor Tab ta no aMra. tW ou
waigbod ooar); SO)poaada. aod «aa
goneral fatorib aboat (ova.

A pair of bogo anUora vara fiobtd
oai of Ibo Inko of tbo Wooda, waot



nur water wc^ ayataa at Funkfort to IM Michigaa Pipe Company
ofOetroib Tba contract calla for
thru milM aod a baU^ol fdping,
bydranta. two SmUbdaile Doplez
pampa,andtwobaUan at a coat of
$30,000. TU new worka will ba
benU on tba taaartoir ayaiam, and
are to to oompleled before Dccem

tz cam. naan aiac rtnea.
Earl; latt Hattuda; muning white
Hra. Uco. W. Orouwu oo bar way
to aee a tidt dangbter. tbo diiter, a
bo; oboBt 15 yaara old, dreta over
^ginu bavu ,tbc Soulb
Spark Artetter. wbicli i. the only aala one
anoiwhicdiwu lying lotto road
tba bone became frigbleoed and ran
away, turning tbe baggy—wbieta wat
aootered one-bottom aide op. Mre
Crow wu dragged quite a dialaoca
and finally (brown into a barb wire
(cnee. -Her left arm waa Lioken in
two place*, juet above tbe elbow aod up in good vhypr. Alao a oo3 borae power rig that tov been oaed one year that I wall aall ohup.
immeAately tolov tbe aboulder. and
tbe eboulder~V«a ditloualsd.
eteo received tome braieu
before Novembvr Ut IK.«1. will be treated tame
Or oonvarliWe paper*, aod p
■eratebea, but wes not isjured iolerimlly.


wbM baming wood


MU. bo.,.
UModoi. o.
«08 tot; fatorabl; i«{vcoocd no; mraoured 6 ft. « ioebaa
ro foDod in twenty loot of
vUb tbo place.
Do Soada; lp«l a iiUlo Sibiag
pait;mada up-ol W.N. Kelly, Frank (or a oBBbar of ycart.
repaired and painUd
ToaUlnton aod C- Hall of Tnroroa
m-Lutavr arm ataiooe.
City, took a boat loaded with tbe
good tbiogo of lift, and
Ueo. Welle, Ibe I
lo tbenterlo bkooot tbe balanee forging a bar of ateel Saturday when
of fiob that bad bean otorloofced b;
hot fiagmani atrnek him in Ibe ab­
inoxparieBCiad fiabenoen. On arri- domen. burning iU way into bit
til at tba ritar tba boat waa toon body. Tba ^eoe could not to
daoanggtaoafaUyoQ ibaboaon of found, and at fint it wu feared to
iainred.bat toil
tba deep, aod tbe
The ore tniu brought 13,0tNI ton*
of LL. u
rro, >Uo, Ml IM,
1... »
1 to gel aboard, OapUin ^siting eloog nicely now.
of ora to Minealona lut montb and perity from the atari, aod aben tbeitown. and w be la to oovxpeote and
Kelly a fremt poeiUon, wbib bia anblaodUetearee tbe timber baa paid cbeerfblly give* lit aervkea. Tbr-sr-;
1-i.ocav utTU w
Wa can again bear tba nan; ai
ordioalee took tbe rear and. All
fo.- it and tnaiuUined the laborer i wbo are not uiembera of biscbunb i
Are tore, eo is o
want loerT; aaa marriage bell for
m teal week Lulu and
and bit family. Aod tfai* change it,or tupportera ot it. ought \p f-el;
nun H4|-UUV> TO M«1U-CU»1.
Ifr». D. l>nU hai retnmad from a aboDi M rodr, w ben tba noee ol tbe
MtrabaU. aged U aod 8 reacv:«Mnmia.
'but the outcome ol a few ycart. It lliU tli-y bavo no right Uj 1 it *m
tiaU to bar awtbaro in Eiogaloy.
boat caugSi a anag aod at oooe capand Eva Crawford, iged
llie O. R A 1. iiu received a new it nn advantage not eojoyed by our ieu without ptying him. They
nask NaHi aod efatrr of Uaple aixed ill 3 (act ol water. In an io
11, wrreattne
eob'dilioo freight losomolivc father* when they peuctraied
neuciraied tb*;
the to be marrif
marrivd and (ot
tot ebouVtwo
tbouVtw* tuieat;, atboded nbarefa hate Suoday atanl all wai eonfnaion. FvrtunaU
tba grave of Neil A. Marebali. While from tbe Beldwin work* at Philadel­ foratteof Michigan
Iiim onvwbtre (reio
uU*' work
ly aomt Indian! wbo bad been takap ,el work Ibeir altenUjn wea aUnet
to five dol'trt or muie
phia. Tbe locomotive it au eicbt doe* not requite d*yeo( travel ove^, filty
Wniia Fbalpa baa impitttad in along witb a rope to goida tbe boat
ed by e groaniog noiu oomiDg from wheel coonected driver and weigh* bad road* with three yoke ol caliltle Wiij
[y bboulil they not pay iiim lor ■
baallb, ao that baUtbb to be aioand
■bore, end ol them Ibe tic
direetioD io wbicb Uiair boru 110,000 pound*. Theeyll
to go to mill; vourwlf and Il^niily eerviit tlmt cccurie* bourv. and
O. io.»li..Uoo th. 30x31 and tbe driven 50 inetoa
liufvs it to biin ao expeoae acd
i tbal
are no.
not uiieu
materia .and
w*iu ■u.-e.i.
AUe Spafiord. Artbor and Willia tbrirfuniiiea. Tbe duaky bravu^ i^
duuetcr. Tbe new engine it the mgwilb ague (tom epriog till fall a *aaiti<-<r Of route* if tH>,-le
- FWisun and Harr; l>eUan^ e|fM,t
wadeil into the waieraod
u,,ir united atreogtb they motl powerful ooe in p
A.hulibrul climate, pure water, pio are
are poor
uoor and
and not
not able
able to
to pay.
pay. the
* SnodaywitbibairpaitpU
Ibew water-logged fiihermen
mini.lvrwiUinRly«/vra bi.mrricc*.
DOt able to torn Uw buggy tbe company and will be nied for
daetive tend, good and accoraibte
Mr. Kie of Trateraa aty, made ■borr, where Ibay remained oo tbe back to ila proper poaition, tbe; bit
lu. mcHwa n n.,^ el
without any expectation c( (wy^but
call in CUT tillage ooe da; latt week. graaay bank until dry. In tbe con- upon tto pirn of
they migl-t;
market*, and every edvanUge ol |
He wu elone—tbu Umo
(uaion that follow >d tbe boat wu boru from (be vehicle, which they
eebooUand aodetyare ^oug tbeluiank him for bis t.ivirrv, and show ;
Tbe I iaging elau picnic wM
did by taking lb* harneu all to ncU.ii.BtK It.
tbii^ tbia country now offera to the bim that iliey appreciate ibmn aoiuo
cau in ever; era;. All uy they bad oiptuieJ at Keyatone,and Uken to piece*. Tbey afterward*
C W. BaU <1 corruponding with »UM U..I .m. «.l ~iojM . f.. r
ayoby good lima and plenty toe al. Trawnie Uty.
hardwood man. aod bebevu be
in getting the buggy overturned, bot
no. .«n in U.U «.,k.
nMnaxtaaeti^ of the P. orTa
being unable to bitch up again tbey will toeaU here Should hg do ao.
wiUbatbaaleetmofofEoua. Tboe
alaitad for borne, om hauling the he will bn; aomc twcnly-five tboowill be no program carried oot tbia
buggy and ooe carrying lb* barneea, eand aetw of limbtf and pul in
Jfw:...t .i.ilf..ctv
B. C. Newcomb and Vite are nl while a third ted tbe boree. In Ui* mill*. BaU ti e-o^g Ito mattw in
Her. Mr. Itendmou, wbo ii organFife LikmvUiting their parent*. Hr. way tbe trio managed to get u far dead *arne*t and U' confident o
king Bundi; lehooU in Leelaoaw
u Mr..BeU*-, where Hr. Lloyd
and Un. ElUolt.
end Benrie eoantiet, ie atopping at
Toer'. ■eema to be amorg the
r or niua nuoara.
Mia. A. C. FtaneU of Elk Imke Smith put tbe barneea together,
jorilyo(|wople..n.-bath.ta mintbe “Halfway Houte" tbia week.
bu been >peadiDg » day or eo rimt- bilebed up lb* boru and cent them
Ton (at man of Harbor Springa, ister'B limeiaofno vsbie. and
OtiaU^oung people »iy tbey are
on tbeir way rejoiring. ibeu '‘Thru
«mc w‘"“.V'
ing H. F. and E. Altea.
going to Bpnid ,*U>cir Fourtb—w^,
have a right to hi. avitiw-aieoy
Chtrlie Allen bu bouglit a Mw
and cbalteoge any ten beevy weigVta
mu at boau. some it Kmpin, aomt
p.;.nJ r-s^aic,...!
_ !
q( northern Micbigen to e “lug of
at Ttatarer, and tone itm'f knov.
war.' W« undentand that the mon
Ko doobtail wtU bate a nlendid M wasted a loog tlma
a. O. Scott etoered lua ebeep lut niukt weigh nut lets tban two hun­
Mr.^d Hra S H. Stylet alUsdu'wrilcrT
.kpeiabo dies, they arraugolbe Ume'
adtbe bepllal ebureb at Traveree week end emong tbe di
dred pound*
for tbe funeral, and iheu nolily tbe
at; m Sooday. the SOth inek
I’laittn uv liTB \
minUtertbat be i« expecleJ to be
He baying ecaaon 1* upon u» ear of which was nearly IS inebu in PilunSr? Ucvstt
preunl at Iba*. hour and conduct
This eountry eansot to
liar than'it ought to be. on aocoont te^h
Ur Henry Brake when be bved in
lb* *.**10**. Tcrtiaj^ be i» given;
of aneb exetaaiva hot and dry weatb- beaten (or ebeep reraiog.
LiUlcfiald, bed the mialortOM to
10 hours nUice tud |wrba|<s icie :
Ttomeoart all boa; on ttolmnl-vf every men who cripple bit band -q^a saw so as to
Ttoy goberally ooUfj b<m in the e*
The Uiermomfler regiatered 130 bu anythiog to do with sheep but make it oc^y ueeleu He now lives
eaing aod beve-lbs fuaersl tbe nvx'.
A large .lumber birga loaded
vJ luving UkvD lh« avreej (-•■• »"•
------------”ato<dtg^Mon Saturday in the abade. bendry in tbia counUy, Umt it peya. at Houeeboldar Cornera. t^io.asd
looroiDg. Tuey do tiot cousuU hioi
.......... ..
I-* .......— *-• »'“• ttnmeea
Ito dock teat week.
^ca, but it WM hangfbg oo a poit io
recently fell oo a u* in a mill t
ifiojj.v hiioVrVviwcislly
.J M I.Hly
l.iily t.uJ.
■ vwy l«bi dmil
. 1
,iZ V 1 Vi
1 leboul bit eoiivcoieocf; u U» l.ia hav
Hr. Wisnie bu bia
't niMH Buaa
^dlcn Bro*.’ engine room.
and loti bi. otb« band. a„ cU\
iu>( iLc
the msrtuDe
rnsrhioe tor trie
thi* roualry
rouulry uii
«d ren
“Patrr in Uie wntar.
bo* ovvvr bv-n
Well it bwbeen and is very dry.
(ncndawillb, vorrytobear of lb.a
Tbe boyi an oaiebingagood man; but not ao dry bu* that Rev. C Dan
luey arrange for the *ei viecs ei meb
Sab in tU lake bara.
Sr* Liebl llnokey* M»*« fur darabilUy. li«bU-M ul aM ^
ieli and H. H. Fife traded bortu on Iibna in bnulini logs from t
,o*i<iu,ii-‘e i-Mi-x
hour and expect be will be tbt riBomowbere in tbe range of 30,000i Laudliur, Ute best meeripe mode 1.*
; end waa load ((•ejaKDvwKm.
.p, ..a toUi
»““>■ 1“* »■'
Oliver, of tJsrtoU. Um ■ llockeye wU«* Ur Um uwJ f.» MXlau jmm
000 ted alaU wara tied by I to Bing- MlW^***'................^ team, when a
Tbe ground hu Iteen brokeo (or regardlees ol anything else A grret;
tbo hour is oot a csavei !
hem toys last waek
Hie* AdaF.Alltn i. the happy 11«*
.•*•? fro« h^ ani before Ibe ereelioD ot tba aew ecbool buQdcxiDineyonr a
lid ascape, it bad him (ulened iog, wbkdi is to to the pride of Ced ieatooe (or bun. but be o^ueri* *11
Stnwbarriu are quite ptenUful reeipieotuf e aplenOid Corniab Oo.
and sits u]i half
tor* now. u man; u three or (onr
I-recti BaiMmg.
iltee. J. a Uoeser baa the cootrael
lUwBi. Ul
diffaent onw fariaging in barrtee for ji^wld uy of aery floe loo*, allow- I boM, Tnue wu no parun wilb.n (or uwcUcg tbe ume, hU bid being tbe uigbl prriirring a divcouree
mite of him. aod bte fkte wu ie bie $31,370 Tlie bigbest rid waa $33. BuiUble for IL« uccUiou, and be.
tote is ooe day.
of tbe ebuftutis of (be lioic
Mr*. Sugar uf Traveree aty cun*
too. Thiadoei not inelpde steam
down to Kuwiek teat weak to kup UM
,5il IO b.™ . loM
..U. .I.M. beriiag. plambing.etc. which will given "for prrpsraliou. Lik M-rniui:
bOtoi for. bar Hater, Mn. Uekwrt, rig rain, a* ararything ao iodioated be pried tbe lc« from bU leg.
int M $5,000 or $0,000 more. Iteke iVmany prints wb*t m.-r* lime 1
.daring bar abiaeM.
then dragged himself to tbe hor««. Hie wort is to to obmpteted Iit Jao. would bsve made toller.- Alter liic(or a wblla, bnt all were aadly dinp*re over, the jwople go bome
. Un^Uebert of Kuwiek. made ^ pointed 00 getting up oo Saturday pulled Limielf upon one of them ud 1. 1891.
aod-uy, --what a poor
■ vbil in Bingham at her moltor's and morning to find it eUU hot and dry. rode a mile to (to miU. There wu
CO doctor oo tbe Uland, and Hick*
could not oresrb ■ totter fuucra! *crbieter'a lut w^. before tearing (or
Tbere have been two or tbito
bar rid borne is Wieeosain on n loog amall road dUtricla thrown into ooe waa made u coteforteble u poeeibte
sted val- :mon tbau Ibil. 1 would quit |irva> li
on n sail-bont, nnd bron^l to Uiia oe of onr bardaoode may bv offtred ing " Tbe; Jo net coosider bow
with & B. Sayler orerucr. nod to
Mr. HcFUl bubeen
doiiig aooe bu opened the r«ad rasning aut of plaoeUi* tact that we nowadays eeldom abort tbe Ume was few preior.ii.-n.;
peinling W U,.;
Mr. Lnridna. Ur. Ote- the church oo the line and bu put
farmen epeek of tbrir mad ihattbe few U>un tbs', be did j
boura wbicb ought to|
alasbiogs, while a few yur* ago 1
good ooat of clay oo tbe tnefc. and
Wrigbt, (be Deciocm mnrdecer, Umber ws* burned by tbe (orUes
auaeenrpaJurr work
(or Mr. Lark
settled it will to a
fen yann-ago to tee a burning boap
tbe road.
not (or tba (riot bopa of our noble rirds-*y« and early ma
The boys'iof Biecbam have
Four week* ago Rev. E. J. Eldrril and if it
that be eotetUios (hat be will to pte, caUeo and other giB^M ot buu
■Iu busy uto*a alllBst
iBoanced that'Abcra~vo«^
tteing bed atette. (or the poipou of two dsye' muUog June ^ with granted a new trial by lb* sopreme Ulul aeh r tegetber in one eommoi tops tbe faoerri iv cut io tbe eouu-!
brank down and to- pile, covering acru and aena 0 try from fire totep -He* 'Tbry j
taWag foads far a good Um* the tha Lnrd't tapper at tba clou ot the
• t, i. o
a ifhysirot' wreck. Wrigbt groaod, was a common and nnbiub- •end (or bim to com* Tbey kLow
•ermoa.’ It eeeme that it bad been
r. r .. w—
obeys than
lb* rote
iliy. altbougb ing eight ToAsy we read of a eer- todou noUeep. bore, and carA ate* rain last Tknratoy night forgotten by nearly all the pto^ertege.but they fril U>*make any sr !
baaahauned np tbs fneuol tba
rangomeaUto gel him tbvre, eoh*;
tbe word, Uke on* lost
faruars in (bit ncioity eonaidwi
not u large at it wonld have been it wbo make light of confiuumni.
»ma a. n>-. ptk<»ii ecitrai.
him tbe prison i* a terrible raaUly, to a* and we reonll tbe sights inoo- goes to lb* livary and himaborw:
CR>|<* in ganarai are looking n bad not slipped the ninda of ao
and carriage acd attend* (be fane lal
many. W* ariU uy that tbou wbo and be ean eu little to lift lb* marabls of wute we 1
fVMt, nonridaring tbn diy waalbu.
eomu boras and pays from one to
not preoMl lost ooe ri Bro.
Carp lake mnat oontnu*| a few fiabtwo dollara for bis livery, and wbat
bim. Be bu teat flub, aod
A UcUAblA BP Bootihrruahabing now may to eeaa tto brarbMr. OtUln and hi* i«o dangbten ot Eldrto'a dup tbongbt and aouldnhas
cbeekabave aonkan, so tbnt bisap- pOad eboppinga, raaambling tbou
Ikawu aty, went out (or a sboH spiring aermon*. There were (brea
paaranen is haggard. He bu narar
urly daye ia aooUisRi Miehi- wbatever amngmnenta be 'bad (or
Umaslewdayi ago, and ena* took peracna taken into (all
that boor, Mt np bait ibe nigfatto
. bad expired. referred to bis crime to rtop male gnn. Tto timber hu bsM teku
a Uttte string of twenty-fire nten
pre'pare bis diecoara* given bte time
fit. Mr. Hope Pbillipn aod Mten or keeper, since the day be wu re­ market, in log*, bolt* and stove
to go. and ia eight inateneu oat of
Priacain Bugan, and by tetter Him ceived. Tto only Tiritor the pi
. Mr.lnrkiubu made
wood, and
- - •
pwvauiat OB hU place bytbeaddi- MnUeUwte. And Tri (bare'* room. «r bu bnd ateoe to came to priron teed from tto work of clearing aod ten bu not received one-cent, and in
0 majority ri rears not «
Soma foar warim igo Rev. (X Oas- ia a brotbar, wbo had a brief inter- tbe tend apsrod the
Uoaria terg* porch on tba mdefu
rtew witb bim a few day* ago.
^tbank* If they aend for a lawyer ’
of bornieg it'
lag the road, and almoat aay atea- teteot Elk
Whitein tto enrUmdays of wbirt to tnunet any tega! buriMss. as • going tom
IHOM can are tbs (airily
a will, etc, they pay him
aneb family in ibe Tabs distiiri. cwimK Sv««>
tbaaualTU on Ibe new pon^
*«<««.• '/«•
Daring tbe but; (bandar atom bmd, evaa, requirrii • good deri of U Ibsy employ a Fbyri<»»». ‘h»y P»7
W* had two tonawar* in Biagfaam Weil, be started all right about that
him. Why rtonld tbeybot p
Mrt week-Mr Lerkiu’ and Mr. tea. lud* thru riaita, sad got« in tbia ekinity Satorday night Um moneyed meau to dear (to land
ter a^ong u Jaau Oarimtete, Uaing Ihtbtniog kated Uiru band of cnltte and gat it io a prodnetive afa^
XMdWataama. Ttore
E to Prim WiU, tovartif white today 006 auy pay a rsoMns than ailber of tto olberaT Of courw
bte boruataUpteewbot tbsph
torxpMtetoaUand (unaxriaof tto
wwlitoii sad tboaght ba woald to riarfcinOaUta. Ttoy.vunn total bte priM for Umbered tend and
wagon arbui

^ Liberal i)iseounts \vill lie imi(b' on all Cash Purchases, -K






Sciffl - Hm-k'vlicat.





MMK WWH5$.Cir5J01ITCMj!ljHfi^%




’ C
Cream Balml



. '..

ttaB Nfa Sirutaatt

eUatoteiaey.-ada awatoteaocrilte'adaited te
baby had matote bo«a nd aha
>-1U« k tte .liM [SfiSBZiSd WmatytebcBak- telOUr.
tat Bat wbaa aha eaaato bak Tba&UI* gid oted bbasmaad woM b* *0 good to it. Zlhtoktte
■ tote
into tb* boo. and poisUag tote iwOlallb* good to te te bte.
MaaWB ten te HaBiu BBd
fcto^yaaB. told teioV>asd for they ara aoeh niaalofi^ litti*
lUkoteatote Ibre aaiawglb*
Jack waOcad tateuly ap to lb*
A PiHx^ of Juty Raoord
a, ^toad bia
looked high aad low tbrote
ia U* te locked him atraiebt
1 StSmfluitaJuSr'Zv:
naatiia b om. I oot bar baboon, bat aba eo^'t bead
to te aye, and wagged bia tall good
atody goognphy, opaDiBg. nadiag, oUbd^oaUad harabtor-iatow,
sataiwdly. Tb* maa smiled aad
Tb* alow fitoiptag of a botiarfly't aaptecar I8Mpp«^>rto abaid
pSttad-ba bead. Jack trudged along wing prodoea* oo aepad, bat wbaa
gnaom, B*B*to' BriteaUe
■b* aoalda't find tea, aad i
won't waabr
writiHI. Ibaeampato bow,ball Aaat Ettb bnakfaatadOB Waad^ to tb* aaot ooe and rapwated bis Ibamavamaalaararapid a aoia* h
naturad emeaa, going tbeam prodacad, wbkh toeswaaa* in abrill.
aagoiagtof*tBkiU*BBBd aliltb attlkBBdBeapofbaaltaB. Tbaab- good
Ib^ ttegtb of the j ory bn.
aea* with the aambar of ntoatioM.
poppy. llUakBiy bttar bgtotiag aaated tba boBM om, hot etai BO
Tbos tb* boose fly, wbbb prodaeaa
•oBgoAOBgb IwQleln
‘ It WM tb* eaaieat rictoey I era teaoand F, ribraU* iti wing* 31,teeth.
mtiBMaaBBBote. or835 limas ia
BBUyaaraold. FowIMlobbad. Atte%baiwa* (old what bad bad,"
a aacoad; aad te baa, which
Mm. M. S a Bmm. XMm.

2 strsfwsj.-*--..

4 BT's^r^ssssaj.-—
s nisasstasvsr-*^
7 itrrffsrrjir


Tommy'* groat trouble was he bad
. sad tbaawfore. according to Port** Waatern LInIma nt
Doplayateei aod it aeemed
' tecry, Tibntm iU wing* only 830
greater when tbe firat of April i____
io a aacoad- Marey, tb* aawaa at ban boor araerB,Bad I round and ba foood no opportuuily
During dear days people of Oartb
writiDg. teoolekteoutbe third Ibiak ba bnriod it in tb*
for trying tb* many ele*er achooiei
ofJoly. Wawfll bar* a pieab ia pateb. if Z'a oot auatakn
ba fait BUI* would bar*,
coofinning tbaa* numbers graptel- age, IlL, have diatincUv beard lb*
Tbaa away waal'tb*
lb* wood* tb* hat day. ZtbiDk ' down
Our TaJR
>7bora writtaa BBOOgb.
Tb* ball hang* io tb* Oarmaa L^'
He wa* perfaeily confident in bia rbicb wai morad by cIo^worL aaan chureb towa at Golden, and it
Woua Jmmim
aa faat a* bt* two bandy fora Ug*
b Iko to bo • aliMt oM thk *te.
’ tbat *be ooold
•• luTe
lure play- Facb stroke of tb* wing caoBed a reqniraa two men to ring il.
Tbo oditor bod
ad any nuaW of practiea! jokaa mark, of ooura* Tory sligfai. but atill
quiepare^tabia,«nd tbo* abowed
rlMiit.oodteo te^yH hod to Tbo Tale of • Torrier amil my oDaeatly ia oa* edraar'ot tbe
that tbere were actually 330 atroka*
bo vrtlUa obo—OMt ofioU^I
LnL Ue waa taodariy lifted ap and Umizadie retons. But wbal waa
lost exactly
the uaa of oonbiriag abroad aod
Than b B brigbtoyanitU* aaraa
»Bott oan
WhotateoM! Botabo (ttfhofoo
itb tba numba of
cuoaiag trick* wbao tbe neareat boy
r>^ tite ood obo knovo b« ebUlirad three milaB away, aad be didn't
dno win »<« ‘•ijtgndf' U to b«r.
.Mleb eight of bin from <a* ’o/u. LubbueL
pretty BobBriaB bona juat oraclb* trioapfa, bat sb* wooldot wear
dooopbiook do*, wbot did TOO boBBdary ita* of Detroit. Ha b a than Howarar, abe ebaoged bor aoatb'a end to tbe oUier?
So Toodt hang about tbo booae
Dude und Conductor
dhiok hod 4>ee(M>o of jour Ml* oU aUtar* of Skya, Dasdy IXnaoot oiind wbao dioBar tioa ean*,'
1 stumbled oTcr au old Uibioaed
boea boiled
boibd in milk and 1 day, hii bead full ol IbougbU of
4Uo tiwet It woi oaogjj/biddoo
MogJj/biddoo aod Totebira, ^»od bread* emy tbey bad baea
April latfna; but aihedid not dare bairtruo^asl
ruol^as 1 jumped
oa tba front
■w^io tbooditoiiol dook ud boo ooaof tbaoi, aodlUBaiae bOac^ carefully pcdiibad wUb bath brick, - any

m of a crowded boras mr io
aba pot tbaa ia plaea, Ibougb
jw» oem to UgfaL Emom bo, wiU tbo faion? ooooiod to
UorriMUia tlie other afternoon
maay qaalma' Bbaatea rary
„ .“Not a bit of it Tbat btir
Tbor bOTO loU of otbar onimoli—
r dinner tbat day, aad afUr it
pie baa bean atteking into ur aboulUnia of P<
do|«. mU. eowo, boraoi ood ebiek- wai om aba took' Oeot^ ap ia bar another year before be. found tbe iug it as a fool rest, and when
dar for tba Imt twenty mioulas. and
desired aoeabody. After dianer be eonductor came out to collect fare* ■ taut aland it any longer. Willyou
flod to 000 TOO. Tboto oro bod? •00—oil noBod otlor reUtiroa, aoso Upaad-aad
be told tbe yooug mm that be waul moT* it a little!"
-lou dear liUl* dog. you don't
rrmfono frioodo of yoor dw folk* of wboao troiU of teroelor tbo? too
daidiMtad in Iboir dtapoMtiaiL Tbio know what you're dou
w for TOOT poor Kow TommT'a kite waa a ginaUe ed an extra (are for rarryiug tb*
ood BOter who Wtu bo glod to rood Botbod of teiotoBtag poU ofloo
r teatb fit bet- affair. It hiid a bideou* red face oa trunk.
ooe aide, and ita tail waa a yard bug
“I're paid my frre, aod llial’* all
Icodo to nobb oofifooioo. F<w isaad
you II get from me." said Ibe dude
Wimo..fooUBi, whte do y<m Urof
Ibo bood of Ibe boBoo do<tbod
-All riebt," Buarled tbe eonducloi:'
op tbo pioBo otopo ood into tbo par
owa'haTi been for a gtMtmaay Tommy bad aot had it long and Lad
Wo oro fiod to 000 3POO. oojrwoy.
Ia Europe iroo alag is cast into
not become rery expert b tbe art of “Then off it goes." and a tnorntni
Aod Qroadm Alword. blooo bor lor io o towariof ibm oo« oroning year*.
later be bad bundled it off iato tbs blocks aod used for street paremeot
ojworor two ago. anobtog to Ibo
And it waa trua Tbe lUU* atiarp
doortori^boon! Wo^forobor, boodortbo
................ ■ kteioD aUito be aboot- wtiiU teatb bad molded tbe pliant wa* not much breeze, be could not roadway. A couple of blocks fnitb- and bozM building. In Clevelaod
la a (aotory wbieb eoDvcrtt il
manage to gel tbo kite lo ri*e high
~ ilw%«bOdt«oT
odiotbe i
gold and vakaoil* iatooueUy ita enough to ciicb tbe upper carreats er oa the couduetor. wbo bad been bto miaartl wool. It is a raaai of
proper abapa, and tbitaalof laelb ofairandauitain itaelf. But oaefa glowering at tbe dude all ibe way. rary fine fiber* with glaur partldaa.
giro ita owna.- aay aore Ume be tried to raiae it. after a few said: “I toJd you I'd throw il off and It il soft, pliant ai»l i<i«]atl«
I did; seer
off tbio laiBiite, wbilo yon'vo got
Our L«Uar Box.
imodio plunge* and aidewiae
-WbaUtbat to mer aaid the
good obaiiec.'
enag*. it would eome tailing roemg fellow quietly. ‘ It isn't my
Kow U bMpenod tbat tbora wai a
Lly to tbe groi
ground. Out of pe
CamUrport/gatb^ ia tbo parlor,
'IDmb Hauup fetm P«<o-Ao and one of tbooe praoeat waa oo* of
Ueace at latl. bo_________
through the
While tbe eonductor waa tuauiug
barn yard. acatUring rbiekaos
fow oditor tbioka H'a oboat time tbe genlloaiea’* eldorl? nuadaoBooU Trying to Conquer
. tbe gnat library at Paris, tbeia,
back after tbe I ruuk tbe dude step­
wore assembled there in bi* baatei ped off tbe car. and. witb Iba re isat-'blnrae riiait of the brsvaur.
teboord froB oono of bar older wbo bad eome oat frxMB town, wbieb
aod climbed to tb* roof of a high mark “lened him right tor. Uiiol
made Cl
^fldiwo, I tboogbt I would my . Ob* oal? did on rare oeeaaioao, to
Hm bis
bt* kite rose beautifulteutiful- fd own such a l^oVV-g tbiog^^hf ing tbe
d. Hare
<owwordo.oitboiigfa I would bo^
at r.,8.
reel M corroborated by tb,
•ilL bor aopbow aad bit fonily.
nter nod ?aar aiee bUen tbaa to Her nbiM i* Mar?. Sbeiialadjot
nt day.
srieoUattof tbe preeent
Fanay Uiiler aad ber mother bad
began a plea«ict bummlog. wbee
«rito 000. for 1 oa 0 poor bead to wealth and odnoatioo and bleoied
Another Umbrella Story.
wwtto OB iatorooUBg^ lotUr. Wbata witli a rorj atroag diinetor, and
tb* last etaniag
0 pUao tbo rooag f<dk'a dc
that eraaiag.all tbe Uail? frool?
ad* with the faitaer'e cbil- yard.
Children Cry for Phchei'sCastoria.
eaniest, aod be is abrewd.
tvwdoriag tbeaboooMol
Aa it deteeedad raiuJIy Ibrougl
ote> ins wbDetbey bad
Uiemr, old Fluffy, tbe brown beu
poor door •dilor! Wb?,it ooeoiad
qoatreled. aeuarally tbi
M if oebeol wai dooed and Uwefagr
ay's faoU. for bar quick temper al­ wbo wa* iadustrioutlr seratebiug boUl aud rested his “all Mtk". iu a
toM •bat

bad• corner, with this jwitebosrJ fasleoways made trouble.
. sbs WM s CbUd. slw oM I.V Css<
Mdaobdara all gone Iwa?. l^o U*.
Aod edloit: "Tbe mao wlio osrns.thi*
W Auot Har? board the order
. sbs bsaoDs n to. sSr rtun« u •-s.
‘ Fanny," said ba raoihw^ “tbUi*
•an to road. Ad talk* to tbo efaildroa.
giren to tbe eoadmaa obe juiapMl your last araniug bar*. Try to ba a
umbrellt ewn kuock down ao ox aod
bawk, for sbeii
atnugr. flop* ibe amiU
krly a yard• oot of bar *a*y chair, (iltla woman, and keep' your lampar
It souoded a note of aUnn. and wHl bt- back in fire miuotea." lu one
«0I aot go ogala to oU? *o long.
r Bopbawi
to ber end’ explain lonigbl"
minute at-d a half llie treasured *rWte a loraly auniaer tbii u ed that be bada't been pesaing aoo
-i'll try bird, mother, 1 truly will t'peedily bid emy ouu of ber yellow
Pe probably wby the fat i
tbis: -Tbegeolleuiio
—OWjtbiDg growing oo niod?. Hjo teoeo upon ber, bol upon an ex
umbrella cao walk lea uiIIm an hour
or* foil of bird* of oU colon. Irontaly rieioat and loogb Old bei
tbat wai ofao um to aayoao.^0^
won't be back at all."—/Mihi■g a^ old, *iBgiag tbeir pretty wbaa in 0 fit of a
eburoiog.' Tbi* wat >
,!eJphM Jb-T,l
coal) dey long. It woold be* britf abrooJ of ebiekoB* into >ba oo lb* l^back porch, and to-aigbt
« rills He ps'e. rnsii* et aucuwlm
tbe new and terrible kind
SAeslSHlssc. TijIMoi
■Si TuxM lizcacw —An old and
__ —aba inaadiately
, tore Ibein to'•
Itige lantcTB wai
_ orerbaad.
- _____
tbe tnrdo worU
mru swwji
awooplug down npou them. ragged Indiau wandered into
aeTeal oooatioo* bad ■ «ud tbe lialf-dozeo ebildreu made
fiowerr. It look* Dowaa it tbiro pieoai,-to*ttn
----------------------Weeters eeUIemaatt, begging
wbils at p'ti ; frolic
froii of the teak.
Mold bo lota of auU frntU aad I Ou tbi* wrening be bad triai to, -Eaeb child may turn tb* crank
* Slid thither looking for lor food to keep him1 from BtaivaNevar place *o mneb confid
in y»nr miabter as to sleep during
ft aomof yonliUl* girl* will more ba from a rooit aba bad cbo* for fire miootes"' aaid 1Un. DufIt wa* nolioed that bo wore round lb* aennoo.
•000 U tbiakiag of eoaoieg aotae an on a low Umb of a pioa tree
lie Deck a small, dirty pooeb, susIbaydiorDed aad ebattared for
wmj aioaly for tbe fair, but it ia loo more oomfortable quarter* io tbe
by a hrigbt-roloraJ libbou. Oo be
an hour. Tbeu tbe liUla girl
•BMto aoyaBjWagaboat tb* fair beo boup*. when aba bad flown fo bait
with an iodignant crow be prepared ing <|ua6liooeti. be aaid it waa a
bi* fae* and cut a deep gaab in Ida who w I turning tbe crank gar*
■ow. TourwdUor will lell yon all uppaHpwUbba atrong bak.and about.
to giro battle to the intruder. He charm given him in his younger days;
swelled out bis breast, bi* comb tod and opeuiog it. displayed a faded
boot tbat altb* proper Unw.
rt eel siettsUr *«•» ISsI Ikrt*
afwrward raced him aaoa* tb* Uaru
‘ Tbe boUer'a some
rasiscleto. i/rlSsl IStyeM Sic l~
■ ’ greasy

r, wbieb proved to _____
Jb<At ran op with a large»tin pail
X OB Bot raiy wall Ibia aBaaor. aod into tb* bouse, aod -we« aran
Sr l«toc«n^oMnibs ssiMilcs^ls^nc llst«
be a regular discharge from tbe Fedto Caleb tbe b......................
id jetM ^a* flaihe
bBt laaonafato doBiy Looaawort;.
leisurely d
eral army, entiUing bioi lu a peusiod
«BM tor ay pata, wfaidi are ebiekaaa,
sble nearly loueblng the'ground. for life, sod aigoeJ by Qeoera! Wash- Oil * pimple remedr hw bees l•wm•laus
cslsrrt. tsuinml Anfscep
' •Sir

' rose a
tarkan and a eanary, and balp
■d Is Into ou. to
Tbi« esqilaualioD quieted Aoot ;lorreot, striking the bottom of tbe then, Btruck by a puff of‘ air,
.set SI burnt kr IbP
little and came down again, just as
dp* aoae in tbo garden. I wot _ary'* feara bat a* tbey went dow;
nding witn
Kebncbidnauir, wilb a defiant rlia]. right pte. would‘b^Mrilled him
pkaaod to •** aBotbar letter from ber wraUi aroM He told bw iLi
niebedat il and plucged-bis to a plenlitul supi>oit, be bad beeo
AmU* Bom WUl good latUr*
thirp spurn through Ibepsper.
waoderiog aboui. a sUrviug aod forIB be flrst got bar. but bi* little
Ud ao be tboogbt tbe red uo* loru U«gar.
laaa write! Biqa aba wiU wriu BOO tboogbt it wa* Um* lor bin to
.„j6d at him ibreateoiogly and be
il had a Bie* litti* party
r aomatbing joat tbaa. and ha aaid Jaeky with quick anger, but abe
AB ay fairtbday. wbiob waa-Xb* Utb
It taw bU little brown feci Iwink elroekit again and again, red ueiog
tbst ^ot ab.
«( doae. It 1
liug up tbe elsirwsy.' She mMBl to it to tattera Kememberiog tbe dty. one of our police courts 'wbo once
» aorpriaa. We
Tommy eat upon the roof of the umed a mouse so completely tbat >t
ttar call ha Anat
Mary BOldd
had • racy |d*aa«t Una and 1 got aaid we'd batter
came out ol ibe boteilxAiodfa
“Do yoo aeU by weight, >lr. Gro
Is desk
tba day abe polled tbe hair oat of
Bie* preaaBU. How 1 woold ____ ti____
tbe fuasy bens run from his
bout oMymaa r “Certelnly we do."
' _
kite, bot when Keborbadueznr {
midiiigbland entertainad b
•witb -Well. I want a dollsr'a wurlb of su­
bmkaad to bar* h*^, lb
lb* oditor _______ _ -. -How frigblaned Jaeky wat.'
and you wait six montlii for
and Ml bar groat ansy tkrt. 1 gnaa aod^you aaid it wai r«y appropri aaid t« Uta. DoSeld. wbo
^WD bol was too late to prerail
•' The grocer aaid; “ITeaae
>d up
ten woold bar* baeo imb aoougfa
Thera ii no aoad to daaerib* what
niat, i gusM b* tboogU be dcstroctiob. With tears in bi* eyes reeled agaiosl a wire atreicbed
for oa aU in tbe booaa and oot door*.
fttlowad, lal Aonl Uwy did. not
to ketch It tbaa, aad be
aimweave awd uvu piu*
Kow i bop* yoo will tedinyoor
t witb ber aeabaw at wa* carala*. ibare* do dfinying."
-Well. «y dsar." said aba, “fir
the farther end of it. Balsa:
Uttena* feat a. yoo o*n. Thar*
itself gracefully upon its bind ‘l*^
Qeorg*. bowem, wasn't named
aaxt morsing Fanny wai aiy- April tricks almost alw^ye bring
tel atwB. to be a« aaay kttor
cbte witb iU frpot
Witten a* tban Bead to b*. Wbae after any msmber of tb* family. He ing goodbye to them.
aot the firat time, byanymeaua tbat
wasn't like nay of tba ratatioaB aa
-W^'e Jneky •' te naked.
ptrtitto St i>'. a. a r
•wteyallt HopetbeywiUBOtaU far a* tbe people canid aae. Bot ha
gene. Ai
-He isn’t down yet," aaawercd bw being made ao April tool of ba* been at it
bitUriy meentad."
atnnga to My it
T missed i
tep off, for w* wUI all waat to ktow wa* almost bumao in bi* inlelH.
Johnny—“I wonder wby 1 ean't
TommT stood tbinkiug
fooling, or fall off the wirM
make my kite fly T" Eider Slsterbow yoB all apaid ibt gtoriooa
-Tb* dree* i* all right tbia meneat. Then', bis face auddeoly
“I’erbapa the caudal appendage
ns." aaid Fanny. -Say good bye
; .om VMS rauTM
■igbteoed and be said IriumpbaaidiaproiteioiiaU to tbe eoperfir
Aa I bar* baao baabiag to.d*y and he didn't bka caa. bot wilb to him for ma" and tbe« dror* aff.
' to like
Twomioote* later Jacky walked ly; -But old KeU •cos fooled any- ■mmplu isic bplubsr IllUprp I isaS Urcc arM" “I don't tbink that's it.
BBd M nibar waarp 1 will ek«*.
beUeve there isn't wmgbt eoongh
into te mom.
bepiag Ood wfll Uaa* you and aak*
tba taU."
-Arai’t TOO atemed of yoonrllT" Guess 'SVhai We've Got
^war to balp paopl* oot of troab aaid bia mother. -Hadat tba poDoctor—-Well my fiea titUe fal­
MBea* to My good-bye
fna yoo aU aooB—Inat VOli*.
Spring has come at last. How tbo low, you have got quite well egvn'
Oooain Btimj. aad «r*tybody.
baraaBtambom* for a two weak*'
-1 waa lookin' out o' tbe wibdow." tbe bright aunabine. Tb* song of you would cure you. How did you
GoBAby* for ltd* Uar.
riail. Sba ia a maiden lady about aid be, -an' ab* wared ber handkaUtesadlbe •

take them, in 'water or in <alter
Loriagly yoort.
fiO year* of aga, aad bar diapowtion chief. Qaeae tbay'd mil bar a '
-Oh. 1 ttaad them in my blow-gbn
also loraly te aad Oaorg* aral OT*r to Sunday aeiiool."
Obixmu Anwaan.
TMdiar—Wby did PoMlmataa
aoon atnek ap a clca* fricadahip.
K3*n yoa UU what Bible text
They wted togetbar and talkad lo- Jacky
wto tblnkHig o
Felix and Irene Hunt live next tall in lor* sritb Gapt.'Smitbr
Boy—-Probably ateack by Aba blsss p ss
n*iu.Bwti.ta>. gate. or rater Qaorg* liataoad
doer to Clara, and fine
of a naaft ten new."
Dub Em
a talkiig orer
oirer and tbroogb
I tbooghl that I
A Dog’s ADle Plea.
a; Xo3ay. tbey bare aometbing
vat ronrsar
wtmU writ* to tb* Bn.i,rs a* 1 _ _
Ospt C B. Mdlrr was__ loAnn TWty important to talk about. Irena >i*oevarv for Mbotunatfom.
BBonrwiiUm btfon. Firat I efaair for bar aftacaooa aap UlO* Arbor te otbar day. in a cats
■tandaoaaa old tub. whirt; ia tarn,
•WA CUBE 00/-------------ouddlad
WD yostetl CAado. 1 caa
nag**, ia wbieb rSog waaaU^
op in tba toad* of tba fence, for
•rk'a Arnica fahra.
bare maaad a runaway aecidaBl,
a Dual ba able to aea Clara plaiuly
Wte «te*. wipe diabn. and awe^
Aaat Eitt* bad tala* teatb oa bar iniuriag tb* oecopanl* of te orer this moniing. te basaometbing
lady—-Hava you nay oyalar plaat
teter. Igo loacdiaol.Bodaiady
oppor >iw, a te* new act they war*. inmad cairitga.
‘TM rfaciJy londy" to tell. Cato, tbe
qwlliBg. ariibaalie. wd 8b* Ud
Grocer—“laa, ma'am."
d paid
pttd 118 te tern.
^ only fear
Mr. Millar waa aUonoy for tbe dog. aeema
ema to know all hboat
hbout iU too.
._i .Wm and had asaat i dog, aad be toP it
Lady--Well. Mnd mo two or u<toPUM.«raa
Zhora Bail* aad a hair to
te beat eli- at laaat b*
ba atanda op
op thaw and looks
ilMtkcuea.w ■peeytefkaas
b more oa tern naoe, te tb
it ia the court room be arm bad. _
•• to «o to aabooL Osr taaabar
M Bot wa -taual listen, or IhTM dozaa, aiid mind yoo. 1 teh PrM* a
sto Ito. ler MW kj f.
Ha dogabip wai aUagad io lb* wa sball not bear wbst Fttix aaya.
nkadwtlo wiitsaliUle tatter,aol ,dida'.'tfL Sb* could 1
eofflplaiat to be a moot femioa* and -Jost goaa* what we've got at oor
CMtam caaaaovx.
te^tellwOBlA write OBB.
; ia advi
aadTaeyteltebk* b* my wan. Be- bbbm
*«oma kttteaa T ’ aakad CSaiB.
XoBinAyan: 1 baTafireaU-Ko, bettor than tbab"
watU teaar time. Tb^ ware by rrqaoat of bia attori^, aad a
-SoaebUJa babychiteMr ask­
Ut BB* ia ia bnraai
' batter aad baUcr with eteiy aaAbor'a ebUd, wbo bad b*M used ed aha again.
>ar. Hy faratbor'a aaae b
- bat BtUl tbey wm - ‘ ^pl^ wilb bim,«am* akagto
IMteBBd .ay riate'aaaaa are
aae what was tobacomanl tepeL “It'e a baby btoter." aaid Irene,
bWa. Baabal, Oria *ad Abbb. One Bitet daring bar *Wt to Mr. Miller raqoaatta te aaiaal, who
eoold wmt ao kaiga.
atiacr«^*re dresaat an aawa/^
WAZ com ay bttar b gettiag Miflhlgw te took tbaoi mt a* aaaBl
•Oh. yoo should not bare told.' - aMtarippad.
I wUl etoB*. Froa apea rttiite, aad pat tern aadar
Talk not to DM of aaodyBaa,
gte y ij
te k «bmi yon* IWa^m atoatabd iadg*. aad te
aste bcaaaorteaiaa
oa* coUad aartU^ ao toea M that.'

«9 ffsa^wrasyr ^


aaooDdofA, aa aaay as 36,400 tr—’Vo. Td gou« out fiabiug with
440 timm in a i

**^y.* aoid b*b '*whaA I wnt
bare oarar writ- doirTto tb* ban tbb noRuag, I
tn to tb* Hiuio, BBd 1 tboBgfat I OBw MrOOam alraited oat aador
would wriU BOW. 1 etady gedgra-: teeh did?t look Ilka a boM.

Xer Xeri counteiTtMS

--- --

BS^T?l-Cl^Us-S?^t«ik1hcni out
SUII cum sotr-uii ni| s i. l fuiuh s eg.. Mnis



v;'. -vW'

Ohm te^ it wm -jaat too

ii aa&toc Unahaibatoi
To rid

All kinds Job Work in ibeet I E
Iron or Tin done in Workman­
ship Manner on short Notice.

Insitlc Ti'iin in Pine aud Native Hardwoods

J, E. Greilick’s Factory

all TJ iNA se
pysrf: a rtw. dressep n.ooRisa.
mpisa. cEiusu a^p ristbiiisa piupee.

Flat and Square Pickets Eave Troughs &a
vmum Wert UeMlIy Dees U a t'Kien BAlcHa*,
Urtlct IkU tnt (Urltord tu BII

K J :

• tbbta pate te iZte deer cr te
Uato-ew ite te •ten-toba
k HM* ifM oaU wni« ate te lOtedOTM.


Despres & Montague. »



Barbed Fence Wires
Carpenters' Tools*
Builders' Hardware,
. Nails. Stove Shovels,
Hydraulic Ramsw
Dynamite and Fuse*
G-un« and Amunitvon.
Fislung Tackle.
Plumbing Steam Heating^maoes and Regiatera.
G-as^pes. Steam Fitting & Pumps i R

Children Ory for
Pitcher's Castorla.
Children Cry for
Pitohet's Castorla.
Children Ciyfor
Pitcher's Castsria.

isMdy WrT«s«vn tor eo«k Is W7 lies. UrSen


j:e. greiuck.

S. IK- 3STOIg.TS:,A,.TVi:


Post Hole Diggers, X

Ironvud Steel Oardea Hates,
Steel U-ireaadCutXeiU.



Builders’ Hardware,


Pttvorfto Barral Chuma,




W, J. rARKEB,’PfopTieor

Wa haadla aotUag bal.tb* Baattet telaadlaSoato.
Jtetof] F*to* to OuaAwia toy«<d/<r/tocuol*.
Omik PaUJormdrn mi
to Mtmmm
SoHoto a ahwe of F»tt8e(lg^
Profit ttwu


If You Hava

• ^•etod thRM«b
Tbe tohaktioa ®* t« droi* c4 c
irteMid 10
cta't «U»d tt i
pawTioua dqr. At 8 in tba attarnoon
b« good, or ao d«**of .pintt
; B«r?CO»(7O0 BIJ
t oised
enpa of
quality ot*«raMborlotba
* Ur »?«-■> Btakaa an affaeiira iobalaA writar ia tb# BriUab Madieal with one taaapnon of asU ud a qoart BKOMCMinS
n^ane* Dayi n Fairy P**
Jenraai aoakaa a aoggaaUw wUeb k
land. .a pink of boilteg water into tbia BCMOFULA
oar*0%o ant day 1 rooaived iaoUio
. Fittoat eorerins or atirriog
, toaiet aod aooriabuig dial aftiJy oooTartibla into a apikl vi>'
1 «aa aaiqipowyoa aaisb'
etawtial tbao fny cl tboae
fiaiab »bat yog hoTO bagro.' obO;
in abort, a paaetl or -aUA" for oaa baked sarenl boun. It was then
uid wbao X aaUtod. -hat work am
OBlba diafadand irritated aUo, or
ud allowed ioaool. In
>• qokUy at yoa ado ’
I ■•»»•«» MU .
tba exorning after the fire «*• made
“Wail, 1 waa BOTtr bttoro ro U'r wart or xodiso
Ho aaya that an *dditiOB it *tas pot back into Ibe oven until
aMtd. Sbt gruaed vbaaarar 1
Ab a*ly teu- ia a pw
of two per cut. ol the eoctita to wuted for breakfast Then, rtcam• ^TT***^ tbe acdaaora. Tlia dim
tbaordisary cocoa boUar peacila, ing hot, it was lii;(d in solid lumps
«w a pcrfaat aoecaM aod SUod 'bar
cODteria tba lattar into « ooMoaue of sweat, tender kerueU crowned PURE COD LIVER OIL
Aa a reaoK tba lady baa Uotbia. BOt with tllk, cotton or iin- reaadt, wfaieb gitaa slaoit iniuat
With Hyp .
with two inches of iiUTeb or jelly
takao a graat fancy to mi ud 1 Uka
ipocd with thraadt relief wbaa rubbed otar tba inilated to Ibe disb fur Ibe ublc
a.k/Wr Uttrt Cmm-Hf. wU trt «• o.
bar. altbongh aoeial gayatiaa ban rareled from a piaea of tba drm
UlM ar
r»*M PM «•

■Tbia is tba uicasi lUll 1 <
> m AatwKaat lav
Dada bar a partial riatim to scrroua good*. If ilitra are ao {aaoea of Iba
I,’* said Torn, as be iitsfed bit
11 you hay..Borse with • Sora Back you un art

, Btikn«
cloth ia cxiataore ratal off IhrtBd*
Cbuoeal it aa abaoibaat of decay,
lear for the third time “Keslly. •OOTT « BOWNC.Chemleta, H.Y.
A Pad Rt Beadle'a that la u sur«- curf. Call atnl ace Uieta
‘•I recall asolber eaaa." eOoUnuad
igh from a losg aeim. IHratbe if placed near wbara moata, oilk Millv, I don't want uueb *>*6 t«
tba ^rrifanktr. ‘1 made a Orcat teal opon tba rtgbt aide io itocklng
Uolo's. Dii-st.-rs and Fly Nete.
and butter are kept it will teed to eat." added ba “Don't ever feed me
(or a kdy out of daeid»dly cbup aa UAios, daraiag orer, sol ucd«, tbe
prcaarra Ibaa.
opon'aatmmd again, it's u plebeiso
u iMi
edgaa, and praia upon tbe
dish beside tbia"
-f^da too loog.’ 1 took U up an iodi.
wrocg aide. Often
“And M cheap, too.'' muiuvTd
Wbaa aU triad it OB aba aaid; ‘It la of the drapary wiU bide a
The Day's First Meal.
UiUy 1 “only two ud a half cants
(00 abort.' 1 lot it down tbe ioob^ aklrti eomaimeaif welliapqir^it
Tba llicharaaoQi ara wnltfay and
Bba aaid: •■Ob, dear, yon hara nada will not U. aoliaeablo. iLoogb iu boepitoblc. Tbeygira elagact dia- for all tbia'
tart course ol this^braakfaat
iltooloagooea mora.'1 took it up
light, but if it ebanoea to be in pltio oets and reeaplioua, but tbair ttery wan B small rolled ou>e)et. co-jk-ed for
bait an Incb. Tbea it yat too abort tiew, aay io tbe middle of tbe box day table ia, to eay Ibe leaet, queer,
one mieute on tbo «tiddie in tie bt
a SiTeo Uma« (letit u|> plait down tbe front of ona'a akirt, it; 1 know, lor 1 wea their inritad gueat
bason. Four egg*'well whipped,
and took out tbti half incb. At Uit
atill nofa crying matter.
: one week. Our daeaart waa iD#aria- little fait ud ooe third of a cup ol Afcw doses taken et the right time
aba Mid: ‘That ii right'
^laplrtt tbe from, tnmiug the bly cut up orugM and *bgar. 1 milk comi>-.r.ed ibis disb. which will often ts-.e a severe spell o
aloknns. Price only 25 oeala al
right, beeauaail waa joataU bad it plailain tba oppoeila directisn, or bave ncTcr wanted cut np otangee
P-r.4 Store Wtwt of Beuhru .tvwwnv. Krimt Btreet. TllAVEUrfK CITT;
would bare been far kwt savory
larOBBATioa waarcotVbotefco-i wilWwd
pul a row of Tllk or Telvtt ribbon ud eager aincc. But the braakfaala cooked in iW usual way as one large,
“yet, a dreaaaaker acadd'"^ 4own tba center of each plait, or ap­ bare left a IsKling iopraMion on ruj
llaa Emtoe—Witt your -paraiia- UaBot."
{NO BROS.. Pitlsburgh. Pa., Is
plied ornaraaels of gimp* or beada, mind. eapaciaUy baa that of Sunday
Tom ale bii withacriep alive of oatitebex. lvmcaLlic.-iiGC3Uiae.
aiOB 1 would Uka to aak a taw ^ut*bare ribbon luop» ud «nd> First we bad a aaueer of ball cooked bacon BUd bi: id bread and bullwr.
rtrtd iio.-rt ir.r. ..................
tall from .ibo bodice ovw ibe offend- oit-jical. aod very thin milk. Even drank bis coffee, lueu giiibg sirvigbl
I hara baan an altaoUra raadar ol
ing apot 1 one loop cu bd tacked at Uic desire to be polite coold not in- ilo Milly, tuok her i:i his simf. kk««d
MuuUiuRii. J.r«Acto,BeaSti<-U*. Indon Work. tie.
tbbHaaiU)faracood«tila,aDd tba why women iara
bar, u'd eaid:
Inlbe matter ol brute atrangth
EaoMaiy Dapt. in partiaular. Bara
will not look rtiff, to keep it in place I were chops .apd kImm ol brown
Picture FtamlrtR a Specialty.
Prioea Ridit.
‘•I'm sorry 1 waa cross to you ;
certainly to women muat be girab
raad all tba arlieloa with gra^
tba mended place-e-XAufo" | bread. Tba count w** aicurila terday. Too are a Crii tale bcuss 1
Vouiv reqwcUal^
over U
and bare qoita a corioaity io kaow
Chop* BTcraged one apiece, ud none keeper, and the dnareai iitlle," ctv. |
aeaMlbiagi tbal moot oxplaiaed andorairce, wbieb ia aoarcaly eapara1 klieet of bread one apiece, ud
W TO XAU 4 senu- aoOK.
1 knew tie text time 1 luw
ble from atreogtb. in
Now, as to making a scrap book. I)
I'reaently Fr.nk i«ehcd luimuet that love bad returned.
Tbay ban told ut wbatU aaOMA favo.'iie disb of tbe li^umuirrs'
prrter’lbe agricultural .epori., asahow
niytOBakaa goodwifaaad
“Xrankraaid bia mother, reproT- it fish- buh. It is prcpaied by »«kthe books are nicely bobnd, ud eachI
bordana than man. Probably
tabla wonaa, aod ' ' '
joet two ecdumstof or-'•«*»« one piece for Hunsb." ing the fish over eight ud booing
wbere alaa ia thii troth u apparaot.
peat of wirea, but wby ia it, not
aa io tbe eiek-room. There man anJ dioarr oawsnaper ptinl, a^ely cov- j •'WiiT,' waid Fruk. “can't 1 bate ;t in ihn moraiBg with twiceasmucb
word of what we aspect of oar lit
orK'ud leav all the bread I wul T'
iw potatoes lor ball su hour. Tue
womau meal on an equal fooling,
boBda, or bow they aboold do, to be
both aiJei the! But he couldn't, and, lil
•star is linn draiiii J t^ff and boiler,
baring uy adrutege. And
good and lonble /fauabanda. Will 'nMiher ba<
■ went hungry to ehorcb.
liny pinch of summer tjvory unJ a
ne that eba prom flirt isI gira ui BOim binU and
fjw drojuf of Wurcesteveuiie sture
»•'‘'talead of being tbe.dluker aba U the Ahaffiaeh of margiii should 1*:
Ml tba bnabtndi bow to become
alibi lop aod bottom of each
Buubtlas* breakfast is tbe w.a] are added. It is ttvo packed lul-xa
good bubaada aa weU ai ut to U
page, forbymue'j tomingol leave*, that anffei. moat from indifferent
luiu with beef diippiugs auJ
good wiroa. If tba wife murt althe edges becowo frayed, sod can be' bousekeeping, and muy wivea sigh brovteJ elowl. on the range.
wwyj meet bar huaband wiib a amil twenty four boura tba bnabaod a, trimmed off wlihool intarfniiug wiUi for Ibe continental lolU aod cufl'ee
Hr*, i'lutu'ner l>aurll u du<Mi
iBg face and awaat umper, no mat{•Uro of...
the eubnlantial luatl that earUieu shells and bskod bx s-ggs
likely be aearealyleaTaa bar badaide.;U.c print.
tar bow much be baa failed to fulfiU
Ibis - is bt r irulc:
Tba-awnd day findi b.m aull at Li* 1 Fuel ol all. put out every other; unsiom and elimala damaud ol Amcr for breakiest
>ilt thf SOiml.inl Ji’im'jfu.' rtf ^
bia pall ol Ida marriage tow, (which
“Drup an > gg into tbe shell or tqp
poA, but bo b beginning tn weaken ; [baf of.your iolrnde-] ecrap book.
.iajoataa binding 00 him aa bart, u
eren tbe low of one nigbl'e eltepi Trim ail edge* t ven. and paMo
Mre. Plummer, a charming young eer. sprinkle b lilthi ssll and cover
it not joal aa rigbt* for him to meet ■___ _______ I.. ..t.—l_____L;_____ ____tl. .
“true ...
to tbe 1:nA
; married woman, told uie. with tears DHlb a lew Cuci.v giatid l.rea.1
haromila with kind Worda, and U
crumba; pul a piecv of hulUr in ibv
^t a^ piaaaant and aociabla with the tbird day be it
»rreck,sud rmd.v to yield Lt» pUce thin ** mucilage, quitily ud ovci.iy first ero** word to her-desr Tom, middle and bake ten miiiulcs <
bar aa be wonid U to otbera, when
u nurse to uy one wbo will fill it applied, i* the beet, if put on prop- who wowed to love auJ eneibh—ud meat lau with a little w'ater iu it.
patbapabar carea and bordani bare
OTsleiaaud Ihv meat of lobsUia
bowever. with tbe wife j«rly. tbe paper you ere pasting will; thu bonsymoon w«» dimmed andlife
baae jut atf bard or aran, harder for
not even be wet through, and will wa'dreary. Turn bad esiU that tbe eau be cooked iu tLe><> sbclla
bar to bear M bia. Then if baoaada wbu be is i’d. Day after day and
dry iq filMu minute* alter it i* lu breakfasts were oaly fit for a board a teaspoon of oysUr iiq nd with lU
plautut word# of ebaar and smDea,
your book.
>ng bouse, and bo might a* well nut oysters and a tableapoi.u of nnlk
Why not aba, for many Umu aba hu him, never for a moment thinking of
Clippings are teku from tbe; be married. No*. Tom waW heart with lulislrr. Let Ihi- eovvring ol
Botftiaalrangtbta baaraamnebu it uortiog him to tbe care of uotber.
If afae sleopc, it-is in her obatr by.bis week's pa|i«r*. put amootbly into a le**. but bis wife did qi breve aod tbe bread crumbs be (buAcr Ibaii tor
cawm Beowme co..
- r-—
be, ond not Iba cbaerfol effect of tbe
e dcleim
mined l» «gK*'
bedside while be dozea. .Hhe eearet-jbox. and H:e work is done oo rainy geo J tliug.
opan air and aoeiaty of olber people i_ 1!-- .____ ____ 1____ I____ <_______ t- < .___ __ ..
Ucco a with Mis riuminer bar
ly lies down, ud perbspa for weeks .oiyw
Idtys «
or at time*
wbeo ......
otie r^i.
feels I.L.
like . naln
mske ■e sladv
sudy .of --TJaaleaod
bre^ast* i
u U doaa. Ub»ia oout&
|*sloiBg nolbinKike
J nbdre ibe level «f
add weeks'only remove* her ciotbea j"dobK
ef a boarding
boardini bouse griddle cakta, lundu aod light, made
rt>f son milk, eode. salt ami llour.
for a cbenge oMinen. And yet abe
When'the book ia fiUed then comee: keeper. So we talaed it over
•fSUlaonia,and often naaiog
Shu gels bur maple syrup in galltu
never e«-m» to tire: ud. a« a maf-'llie index, and iu Ibsi ooe point together made a few putchaeea
OM hot bar faoaUnd andebUdren for
ter ol fact, muy fr*a women weem i is lUn olilily of yoor woik muifeel.
TUe nut morning wbeo Tom came esDB. Tom Ibinkf them asuniviei.iA l-'ni-li S lor-tioii of I.fntiil Ki-twers. Jg^ I
day* and'parbap* weeks, tbes wby
actually to gain ktrenglb when i-x-lTbe blank luge* at ihe beginning, down to breakfast the table preeenl ly hearty briekfstl ‘viH.uut miwl.
ikooMnotbe bau plaaunt oom■
Tbo wojldiud -'nd of tbo • Ileport" are just ed an inviting apiwarancc. It waa afur tbe fru.t aoi wheat couraee.
ri,in end School Hate io Variety.
pony aa ha aan, ao u to make bar
may aecei’t lk«‘
weak-!wbati* needed.
covered with a pretty red clolb. At •ijji'ly, you never have rtcakM-bnpa.
borne tbe bart and pleaunteat
*r. but u-o phyeiciu who ba* been
Number your page* carefully, End eavb place were a fruit plate, covered roll*, ham and egg* nor fried jK.ia
plau of all t) bart , Think yon faa
long in praetioo irill be eonviiieed write tout index of tbo arUcle* in a!- with a red napkin, ud linger bowl toca (x bieakfavt nowaiays.' eaid
wonid aojoy it In bava bar coma
' case.—yVrnn'r
- A'nv
ordcT—tv. tV.rc/-;../ Ononefideofthe platelajaaaocer Tom after several week*. Thcro ithat aoeb ia the
b&na after a abort abaanoa. (if ha
aiKlepoon: on the other Mie white □ol the faintert llavx of a boniduig
faid bean kept io tbe bonae for only
bouet- breakfait abo’ct ours. Yoo
---------------napkin, knife, fork, salt bottle and
Diani-CL naiDorr.
don't <vsu liavc rtewt. uar t an
- m freak with no eoraiiaiiy bat tbe
T„.„A.i!—.t—«l xiSTTctsm ciWTcaT »*«Traw.v.
butierplals In tie «..ter ol the toast,'' add'll he eiitbuiu-iically.
diildtan, wewiUaxeaaabimfroffl tbe
••Winterer i* left over' I ' Xl
praant oompany of kMcben work),
my Juiifloon wbni you are dot at
Io haTi bar eome in with a cool CkBo of petsuoa Wii
looked pleased I”
Ho ■was toon in tbe
* the aoswrt —//•
.... I.«d .rf -b.
ly aaeodatiADS btve been eurti aa"1
' “good aTaning"or often not an
p«l.a,o i.birtl. Urg. p,„p„,, ".iJdLoi.«.Uo. .pptee.not commonly aupposbd to favor the
that, and taka up a book or
Themo... ™di.n,
P«~ d.l.«l-lT P«rt
oHaraesad utvsnj
ntteriy forgetararyooa
>wgei wrmy woo wuv
chennolr, tbe Imaband proved a good'*“* *"*^
aalf. Wbu perbapa aba knew that be twiatka of humu nature
fx-DOlhing aod Hi* vounc wiftriber ‘ ' Hoir do you eat these tbinga! "
“Wclh mum, I moat be aftfatr lav.
WM aniioof to bear what wa* gotog
pnde wonnded.bx berii'u faifing.
Tom. bolding up a grape fraU
on ooUida of the four wall* of the in’yea." unounood the cook.
obliged to return widi her three j" l>«'" • l-by'e bead,
“What do yoo meuT Mliere are
• an-/
boou ba oalU borne T 1 think if
.4u,l A-,-.:,.. ..ralM«hii..'n',St.'«in.i.d lliw.
children to her fatbx* bou.e. Did J - ‘Hint ihrougb tbe middle, eerou
yoo gmngt- aekod bat- astenisbed
»u.t Jililson Autliou...tic M,.|. (....I'njoi*.
ebe ramplain t Kola word of oo-|l>» »«»<»>». “d give me ooe tall.'
- wnoM be mors sociable with
kiodoMs. bitleroFBs or jestousT of; Tom did eo.
JOHN DUNN. l‘r..j«iL-:o;
going, to be married next
wina ud cblldrcn.
other* p**»ed her lips. H*r oldost ^ "No* look." aod Mrt rinmmei
U (bey would be tbe same pleaf- vreek," wa* tbay^y.
child is mentellv defirirut. hir arc-1 dexterously ramored tbe pulp witbi
rtrtr,(n..MrtIr J.... -- rtl ^“.1‘Dot. aurely, Jridgrt,l, you woo't
•nt, no^ men Ibay were as iOTsa,
ond partially deformed, wb'tle ihu; •>P‘»n >>>‘0 the raucer.
rc.lVUUSH l-Tl'Y.
Aink yon muy wivea arould be ettm* leave me eo eodduly. Tou muat third, a daoghtw. i» jnrt growing in-^ ‘ You mu« not net a seed « ui
«a frotfol r
to womanhood.
Ibe while |«itof the lind into
••Ob. 1 cobidn't,
Jt ia Defect that borte a woraao's
Ho* does this unhappy | yuur nmutb. Tbe? are vevy Witrr,”
‘•Why not. pray’"
lo*o. ud H after it U gainad it ia not
-San. mum. I'd Imka to obUge bear itr SlcnJx aod eileoi. ,jU,;couUuucd Mr*. I'iummer.
wotU a emile ud kind words a*
bantbatbai been a* whiles* meW:
«'* •PP>*mnch aa before it is nU worth «aeh you bat I don't fael *M1 enoogb ac- iot yoem tud rh* ii only a
" oranges every morn
quaioted «ritl> bim to aak aorti a
Igrt so tired ol always eemng and
part 40), she bear, her saJUt-net, '»d- Tom."
reading this
b%btcDed life uecomplaingly, while
a of her doty, u it she naa tbe
I exercise tbe closest between a Ismun ud-orange and denm'uix
only bns tbot baa a doty. IM tbe
>my io bx booubold expensr* aervei to bo a. universal favoriie.
Hay fever U a nerrou affeoUon
Tom liked it. Altx cleutiog
bwbud petform bia port a* (be
from wbkb tbe poorer elasaos, ud aqd.iB Ibe odueetten of bey riiildren.
boid.udaaai{ the wite often falla more eapccialiy tbvse living in pop- Ia not this martyrdom t— .Vcie i'orl (boir fingers and wiping them qo tbs
Bl»ck»piithi»g and HoY»».being.
refPeapkioa. tbe fruit disb. apple
rarely U ever aoSsr. It
paiinga end all. wore removed.
IhaveUkep to moeb apace now ia known only to
in year Taxable paper, bnl hope
Tom todk np lit morning paper
nervooa eyaUma afs-bagbly devalopOet strips of figured Oeias silk to bide tbe frown of die^oet wbieb
Mmeme wiff giretbeir riowa on
ed, and ILougb nqtjnitByt^ose du- udtiak iLem » told* ou au old
tbetbongbtof bell sodden ortmeri
thteonljerti iwiUdou
gerooa, it at at all timea rai irnte- fratiML The fold* look nay pretty
bad invoke^. Toe girl t-eteved with
tiag and IrooUeeoae- - Tbe amelt of at tbe eorex*. ooe .fold ruanieg uoa dish ol ■■iplted wheat" and a red
bey. gteei. tbe polluoffldm and the next .?rer. apd an on. In glaaa pUebar hi erenm. •‘Only Ibe
or of traits, dart or drefu wUl gen- ooeof tbe .uppx cornara fasten s
tops of two titles." rxelaiowd Mr*.
'‘Tea, we meat muy ennka,”
arete the eompla^t or exeite u et> bird. You can use tsro'rtiade* of silk
I*iaum'.T. ‘-The mat of tbe milk it
rkeda draaamakar. “Tbe first teck io peceoas ubjeel to it, but rain for this frame, or plain lorra cotta
jort ea good fx cooking.'' This la
or moist

Ena and Faim..

eowuMmoR coowmcoib

Mu. M, E- C Bam, Epmn.


-JOHN T. BEADLE, Traverse Oltr-

Or. C.McLane’8 Celebrated



intBEBim UBi£


Parl'or and Chamber Furaiiure, Bureaus. Lounges.


Pure Druow.









Park Place Livery,

Black Lace Hats. Bonnets and Toques, also in i
White Lace and Straw.


First Cliiss KirtS


Jv x>-

Thirlby & Jackson,

Engineers and Mecliinists
Iron TOd Brass Founders.

g-j,-p A -s/r EJSTGIJSnEIS ^MIIT iT

SAWS hammeIted and gummed


V &A. pETi-:m'Yi.


Carriages and Wagon.s.



teaed. 1 bad aome «^tpariaooe
«Moltkit«daasn<A longaga
MBlfarme. Ofiaa X------'abeaaid,
^ wul Ibk drwa made ov«. The
■eterial I* «sn^ expurtveand
■aMparyarJ. lam
toMyoooncc-UkeU.' ‘Varywali'
luid risiBg. HoweTcr.T think 1
fl( ■iiainlng’ and fiuteg. Z aat down
to M»tho damn io Item. lappliAAttOKlMnandcottliaitooaaon

^ ^ tel te cnoned
H|||M I mM te M(m

relief. At ooe timr it vrs* gaeerally
d that tbe odor of hay wbu
bring mown or carted coold alone
indoo* ibe affection, which ia eteeiy
a to arthma. bat reewt

Highest of all « Leavening IH>wer.~r. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1S89

,cr;j'is’4‘ts3‘sia'—____ __—.............

ia entirely indepudeot of tbe exiaa of bay fieId«,^aod is rea’ly a
■A visit to tbe aeastXe. a trip to'
IS. or teaideece to a popi
will, bowever, remove tbe ertbmatic
tendcMir: bat one <d the beat remedimietobeeao meokri leteieed in
te mootiko* le^oi potoRtenad,

.nrito s«.•*«.•*ta dsisMIlo•“

I„* smUHI

ewss LaUs»S««*.r««»«ts*

B, ,«e., rt ni
P.g,n«ialt} is-wrihM^ aod we «nn do ll.-a tbe

------- ------------------------- 73W

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