Grand Traverse Herald, October 17, 1895

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Grand Traverse Herald, October 17, 1895


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


GranjOr^Herald gjjy pjijg

aUeat acknnwlmlBMt of hi, h
wa, ia.i«rl,at A

■W. S’. TT A -R^TT A ,


r. Ot .. II I

■VwlTam. Wl
• l-m the cm*
bble-B ptan*.-JoAaaanwreed. wfU alia muy piare. aadJoh

Btbb M «b* OMqamA.




Meooy «e Imb o B loitprovBd ran


rty fori

BtooD raurzns,

ssz. ■. ■.


________ _______ it wa* a, .i.wr Ahtiie died whew only a Imi.
_____ ■ ..m ,
dIcaiSed cipuoeot of aa old- . child The Mmerey the that haa kaid'.^ be wa, a a
____ ul poliworea
that be m*l
AVyour owa I^W low ream, to hare relBre iad hrea theiik Sthaa,

TEAViEBi enr.

SI u. ejiM


O. P. Carver



B-c. a


36c. per Box.



Henri Rocheui,
Perfumeu'' Paris.


Rose & Son,



Fire insurance!




wa oousnou* ATTtMTKM

Cold Storage.



Carpet Cleaning,



omras IB am bnobb.

Oheap Homes




a,.r.t.auu,r,: «waf* u



ee a »«le track Mimewhccr."
(.«. i, .tier I had bom ao luuliah a,
Mim Abtuc'. lace wa, floahed aad i,ad Uw fua. aad 1 did waal to |
ahaamoa the pointof maklac • a>B^hunUDC
1 Mippcae I (all w«n* oe
bee porerty rtricken one- l Uml eon thaa 1 woold feel orer a do
far a. blood relatuia* were |,alike ac-ldMiu now. aad 1 weal
'huLtbe delBMOB uf laaci - i t>ol .,'eoUv nleki .MW u,.rh w.wri.
lac heraell oimmiiBiDC with home OD,|nnd bow on earth waal
bosad to ber l.y tiea of aalure wa. cuu?
awaet aad ahe buccal it to ber hewn
••WVU. I| alrel
aired htui
aad drei
t the miatnkVdriflim tor fi
uwnlkilwdowB Woodwa-d areoar.
k1 that aa ^taaae^a atora aeariy ^up-Tbere are many thiac* > areht to puaile the caaamllh'a. I aaa a allver
• DOW abool my lather'* family." hr h^f doiUr
on the fnaliac i» Ue
■■id to her ihatmalnc.

ThaOnfpaaf th. Word Da«a
The Ttmaa-Barald ha. raoaaUy had
wearoUnquIria. aa W tha BUBtag ««
the word ‘dan-~
It la aol ^Bllaa wowAaoraMflMi
mala wort iaaay laacaaca. UltdW
nead from the Wraalah propar aaBA
■“.......................-mimoa CbrWUaa
;mla. tA.- IHer»«
itrlary aalat a( . ..
_i>thrraBamr oaa MB htlar th* aaMA
aad tha raaalt k that Uato I, Iht

AhU, Cokamaa'a Napbaw.
Abhia Coleman waa atraarrlf dcaUtuieof klthur him hufar aa dw karo
thi-re traa 0BI5 on, pereuo la the irarld
aboae vriaa laa red with roaafb froi
Culeaaa blood lu eutiUe him to
aled a relalire u( bora and that
.... a half-ancle of bar (ather'a *bo
ha.1 long alacc pii.e.1 the alluited mgr Itraieblea out the Inacle ol clrcam- 1oared ii would fall lx.____
ill three eooce and tea aad who wa. atnaora that haa been realac me for eat >ar. So I knell dona aad crep>
reepl er.
aUll fichliv dailf batUre with hi. arreral muolha. Wbveare yon mdy cautMOaly toward iL alipped taouf siy
of aa ihoald tura blucra- __
II aad eairtally llltad
w ^1**
raiaa (ui the eolr
ap. Thaa I aw.ike. m> Impr


___ yj-.-a

m thW rama the haWl cd tb* bBall BaUuaallUa* Ih th* HadltB,
a Ofealliac atwij maa muflaTTcBeta w boat aama waa BakaBBA
____ jmlhacoor Uaco. thathalht«•«

^^rsar-pi ^




Front St. House, tr.-'.■ssa,;
B. K«18K. Proprirtn.



$1.00 and $1.50 pole)
^ THZ on

keep the
stock of

and Popular.

Gtod Cara aad Coartaoas


The price, «rc alermy, • low


X\\z ITitne

a abr hhd aril croaotled remarma : bncihuinc. bnl you will tamemher Uihl
p them wbrn it aa. my allrmpu to lead up tp any each a
Oa* ofth* Woadanaf ftyaMA
Irialf.ih that errry one j ©oureranUon ware diaooareced by you."
lakeo ini
UB rxptfteacad Baekank who bm
Ue imoaed.
.hr bad rrer reoelerd bad noUM
aihed wW hr treardad a* Ite SMM
of the dtalhof another Colemaa
- .........
liberate aracMua la bl> look aad m-e
that lUy .he let the yellow roeelope
lie OB the UWe where Ibe hoy had pel
--1 hare bat little u. tall, aad I nhall I
hUW^^^'khr»*rream^h" Uk meat woaderful thlaf to b, (a th,
whole raacauf adenre and tauMtiaa.
!w.'aOrrhe^irSBe. CoaroUoy
rlf at laal. hjweier. with the lae lar IVreL Wbne I waa !aaa thaa^ a I ki. hand (or la.taal mm. aad w ben they Urrrare two ralla np bill aad 1-------• • arouad the BharpearreBaad alM
thootrht that Ihete waa .miy one more year old my tatbar died. My atoibcr i
b—d It laqairUyaad In order, aa
Gileenan u>die ex.-i-pl hereelf. ahr open- (iiol hot a abort time after that and I ; „ orcanul pull, oat hU aUqa. The
thA^mllea rnCne. wftheatta
anil read:
I waa hriiucbl
bniucbl op—U
up—U bnaciac up you
you ! nolae In the rab malna nparermUoa or J<Mtle, a doaea baaey ear* dcawB ^
"Hear Anal—Willarrlreallu.JUover'could rwll H-by hrr people, who bad ...........
l-ol ool at
aaewfiaewelcUaCalxly toBA Pbiii
tVabaah road. Voor |..riac
|..rioff nephew, oiored
ouieed to a neicbborinc
neiytboriD* town the year
ftmr la the ear when pa—Inc another train,
before, from auanebody. I praaume II with or without the wladow* oprn.aBd Rsllae no daacer. yet there I* caly lb,
little flaacT^a wWl betwaea thaB
• ploehcd hrtwlf aaahe had been waa my father, I bad Inherited ooaald- In looklDCpiuloflhreacioereblbaote aad eternity. Aa lark' and a haH dfl
10 do Ib . hildhood dmfa In a»»ure ' erabi* indejiendent* and ambilioa, and
atoel teraad ap da tb* laaar Mda of Iba,
|> .I.., .1.. ... B.I1 drewminf and aa wwo aa I waa old cnou(h 1 aimwheel holda ap the whole UaiB aa v
lyctuio? the parlor rar window. The
oarelyto Iherallaaelf It ware balMd
(act i> that the eaciaeer iluaa not look there ta frooeto.’—ADma, Riftmt.
in« neSreailaled a renind piot-hin*.
I'hat tyelrluy pro.ia. haelny been reeded you eaa perbape be the bewi at the aide-be la lookiac ahead aad
brourhl t........
and mroiiupartael juoce. It waa-oaly therefore the apred aewma laa. a. the
A atory U told of a Urirptol aap____________
1 hare i objeei, are ai.
called in_____
the man-of
all work,
who within Ue laal few year,
UmaLarho rweaaUr waattoUa bred
waa triiutuinc riw.- Iiudire Jual ouinlde rotenalual any acliec lavrreal In my | Tboae who hare riddae at alaely
the uiudoM and pr.»-i-ded to lay the ' latbeii. tomily. One day I aakad an ] oiiie. as hoar oa a Voemolire kaow
matter before him. in the hope lhal old woman who had bewa my molher'a : that oa a (rood road (and there are wbieh b lockad ap la Ibe reto. 1 hare
both braloa in .'unJunction mlcblr ruler eeareal aulcbbur aad cliweat friend if B,any auclii the eaclco-r la aot abthna bran Uiahlac that Ihla I* Ih, rMht
aomc planalWe aoialion of Ibc atranre abe bad erm beard either of my par- aad .wayed in a terrifle maaaee. bat H ttow to Mkr an walnBaal. tat artat
' eBtaByaayUtar about hi. life before „iks, somlunable. aad the apeed h
- abiapaatoxIleaaciretoByafad"John ' ahe aald. holdlnr >hr tele- be caoie Wml. aadahr told ma that 0^,0 apparrol aa wbea one i. ridlac _..IkaowBoL Voatare pi*BM«<
cram out for laapa-lloe.-1 hare Juat Jiwt prerlooa to hi* death he bad ap^- lac to a parl.w tar. »bere oalya Ut^
heard from my n.-^rw Tom
lea to my mutherufa dude* la tlL ^1 ,lew la had. The rocloeer ran Iw
John laid downhi. pninioc knife,'Looii to whom ahe could wnto If ahe rery comfurtable Khrlaqait* aareof Ttorlere F5-*-a.todo re^^O^
which ba bad anwHtiDCir earned Into j eeer found It oaeaaaary or expedient to the track ahead, aad It lanaly lb ronad-

iablyp^uTfrii^ tablr^dt


riiT::m'^a‘.“aL“rtsr i'^SilTtSS

Blae Titriol, Carbonate of Gopferaod Paris Green

"Yaa"<bereloroed. "he will iw here 1 Jadee wa* llrlac. or If eo be «j^ld^ to j („! If It ta aoj- aaoee atral^to ra^k.
d, balrelyiBConlbalaliCht
---------------000 aad hare poae to Soalh flaaelB
thia moralni: at half-paal.lea "
^ CBiwded ttow^h*
•matioo. 1 ret ai work Mraarr to i Mc,cU thronrh
Joha ahifted hi. bat -lokkly 1
Ilhtbeh^ arenre yoa reaflw yore
Ml— aav. be waa aUU well kaowe In bt. fare, Ji
anolker and looked
ILaioU. altbourh be bad retired from the bicycle rtdet and ibe eecxbeer. tae
, aathrettire bre* M 1i
AUbeooaldlaU Be
reqriaJr ha* relha, the bretof ILJbiUrund UuMO*.

aae non nBSR.



KaMuUn ftt TeidKfi

And see the Ma^ificient Line'of
Woolens now on my counters, such
a line as will gladcn the heart of
the man who needs a new Suit and
has a laudable desire to get
In addition to this large assortment
to select, from,I will give you the
finest workmanship, a perfea 6t
and a price that will malce you
buy. TRY ME.

Farming Lands


TW InadB, mtaOHavT TAAOa.

{ioQSchold faints



axu9^ :P±XL-t Ca03J9


--------------------------------- ----------------a dancktor ba
t, they had I
Abbie. I (.
1 ap bcamti I

r taaa example of
Mia. A. hi

ST-'m sc.'

areret will to Mda. *adafal to falato,


la a ahrtU^'e lam^.'~
;aowbere ooald iflod a woman with
"You know aa mucb about bim aa I aueb a praeoomee. Al laat I toaid of
I apead tbe^ht with Mia. A. do. Juba." ah* aald. OBSdeaUalJy, "1 you aad alraichiwaT *«*rt*d toaee yoa. aplto <7 Mra A O atoroce the tUar ; remmlt wUl to lereHad by kMMM« fire
aeerr hrerd of him before lb my Ufa Oulded by aome atraace and peraapa
Ofooarre,Iba».aoa.pb;w.aeV;rdld,ubp.rdoaabl. Impulre 1 tolncre^
bare a nephew aad nerer ran bare a j yoa the new, of my axpectsd arrleal alih*. Mia. a therefrea aflectod aa
aepbew. bit wbal am 1 to do? There wllboal laktoj time to aiHlfy yoa to a
la soothar AbUe Colemao within fifty I mo.c formal manaer of my exiatasse
Ibia yonac fellow haa fattored up a ' ready to aUBa. *0 Car aa It I, prelMe
, ofmj hl.lofy.aodibe --'---------- ------------------------------ —' •»—.
icree in retarn. Anyway, it wUl to a !
—....aehaadawilh a y

Joha had flaial

w my tnaa-Sde ru^allre
alua* thb Boralac. ! of—
the rare budie*
Jidia. aad pel ready to drle* down to I "I thank y(B lor
aald at Irerth.
bar braatb
— aatebtoc
iWaMr^ tolw.
were aorda. aa if ebokiac with
--You bate
wa* three mlaate* ahead of
urea that

B*. btUl ao Hrv A. "I wuat U(hl
lamp.’' phUcaaoblxed Mrv a "ba­
rer reelac a llckt la thehoare mirkl


baaed la th*---dour latch. She retread
baaed--------the rooaa tlowly
the aliUBf-rooBthatlbi
(^ac raac*.
Mra. A., reddealy
here tha darkaire
■■It', ual* 1.
rehe I did am Mia. B.
I didn't U(ht a lamp (or (aar
My father and


B*M» B»Wat ar Boa* «BtO 70*
•twavkM KtaUcuate btaU
tewn. Vaa«Mdi> taMswtth


kbOWB rel

ssssr erJK,^s
appre retnrelty. ran la a MbmL ifa-

ssu.'r, "Tif,” Tt, K Es.
-wa ererjbodj dieofl Umt waa




m^lSr Sre

k. etA. ,•« an ««U oMMi bf




Mau^hanntf at tW

■nilethean^O<L»ra.ah, wmt.
lamuann. bat ter—,
Tb, flrl took th, aMai
aad akBA
11^ jm's.! ptrio^ oat la b;^b1bcI I
• - - -y, with
w . thk
Yoa wr lu br at IcMl atlov, y*ar» | eau a»d. told ■» that tk« pia had froelinc bar. th, lady
araiur. aad 1lam
am (01-15.
fortr. Yrl
>l here 1'
I hew
braa texikc.
. aadthathehad leflltal *0 anepieina mlchtW _™_ _
Sad 50U »Ull la Ihr thirt I. aad aa'ac
l.i aad

I the mormacwl
ly kwallowad my hreakfaaV I Martad
two Siim tuienaa ll
out down Woodward
of the ni
away ber klnfuia. and mure than one
br apol
tear rolled ufl the end uf her nme aad them by-and-by.~
-b I had drramad. 1 aciaally aaa
^ fe'^'mllt^ Iha^twaaHhOTM
-1 bow to your nperlor jndem
aplaabed^a t^ mip^Muk^warm ^tee
nllrer half dollar lylac. balaared oa "doka." that belaf tha aaB, maal aaaOnad Traveraa AFP>*
^ot^to Orowara;
my dear aaaL" be Bid. with mock
the ciallac. jaal exactly aa 1 had
X>» act aaeriSea roar Siat qoUtr applM aad potatOB at pnaaat pfloaa. She Anally awallewed the laal drop of miUty. "Whea. layoor oplakm, the dreamed.
I koell dewa aad erept
r thayara
ther «• 1l»»t^ “AS* »>T ooBBtaBOB BBB Bad dealan who wiah to lay the coouoeliun bf Ooluof aad watera of propar time baa amred. let me kaow."
r. put two flacer* aader ll aad
■a at low rated. Altar vtataraMa la prteea w»l vary Ukaly advaam Uaiab. at the nme lime dryin* ber
It waa two wwtm before be broached
ally relred it ap Thea 1 '
pnaaat dewwa.
' ' the
' corner uf
' t.
while liaea the aobierl afaia.
eyea with
In tha c'XaviUi'v an
with lay I th* UedliarTaaaaB ahenk a^
" 1 wUl non P^teaa aad daUvar Iham oa board eaia, brj tint bafbta
fltiy aeale. thuamak!
ilDC a dollar, tha Mm^b'appllad ladtartmlaaMy «•
Kay IBL (ar e oaata par baahaL I arlU atara applnfer 10 easMpar bbLfiiat
the Idratlly u( the^tneeaenirer
•« ol th
,l huatinc a*
Oreekh. tUeUlBB* r-' "-----neatb aad flea oaata web ■aeondlaf BOsth.
aluwij.up the walk aad
r wbuca
•y plaelBc ywsr prodao, la Oola Storaaa yoa oaa aeU H laataatly wbao ..rad the curori
th, BaAn will watraat. aad hae, tbf amdlaat leaa by ahrlakiaf a* waU a, dour of the dlaimt ri.uB.
deeply rooted ta |
Bn|CAnhM;^. I wUl non aad aall produoa lor oaa 1^^^ adire^ la pled the frool pumun uf the ooBb 1.
wUl alware aad----- ----- - —.. ----tie bad a tel.-qrem
ru-crem l.w
for UiHi.. At.hie.
me on the family hialory in rraeral. [oo|n naiUac f« him? Of did noae word Vaaka*. which amoaf fmiMiiB
ndr bad lewraed
u> look Uui perhap* I aak that you will oon-nnwea power carry the bcoMldered to hath* aama €d th,
Thai worthy lady
hic .-.immiiDlcatiilD. a*' aldrril a pulet of htmor that 1 lake the knowledce to him aad Imprma it oa
apoa iclcqtaphi
■t abtorber* of the pub-1 lariutioa and tall you what I kaow <d
,i,re>nC^ Or wbal pro.t poleni
allowed uuhrulled j my Ul^r after bl, (amily lial awbl uf
the pheaoiaraao aayway?-Exw that .irr*



hoy--» r>B.
• ooaplr o( Jvtnt
- -.tMdlD^ -• •
•I fed llh* u ibrT duuld ,«uni it ^ tke fulloiriac

i I. b.)pta_ s,

a,w OoM Btarat* baUdlac eor.'Wr and ObIob Sia



j naew... to h^ Uero cm I of y Nfte.



Fair Prices.





Good Fits,
inn,niinimmiim>. Good Gopods,


m: m:,..;: ;„4
... 1
u* wnald rond ■—- th,

^SSCTcJlIZ:! ...VM




- ^awrzrssriirt

* ‘ I

Epfal% B;leUo|e

sri“- MI M-.

aad hree-<-r-raady tear, trickled down . -liow i-aa it be hclp^*'

Real Estate
.KP Insurance,


We are the only Ooicaan, left Id wbU-h
either ..f a. ha, any latereat. Ikj yod
thiak it wedi that w* ahould apewd oar
lire, apartv
»he looked at Joha. who wa, tuilloc ^"raM fre-1
rthe ca, rereaat iatb*
paUentiy over a refca.-vwT tiallinc .-------mi
a ihecirt appaaiwAiAa
rore hwah. and then .hr claarwd «p all^ij ' -

.... ........ ..........................


- Violeues Russes,
Boquet Hommede Cour.



W»il-lWi..l~al IW*.


BoaineaB Cards.

anaV he uid. taklac bilh
bar liaaM In h»anddrawln( her b>
ward aim -I am (lad topneyuo. CAa
yon hoomtly wy a, mnch? '
•re.. - .ao'aj, I„ur womaa* toaely
flilcd to overflow Inc uilh




jn:Artoarea-a.lha kjf.tamMB
todureapredlly.u acre, raUefare relta (tas
ata itafetaareM a etareh.


aded to be. drove ap
1 to the animlat-1 like to
I. tha only parwrea , molhar both .
the atatioa ■taler a* did any two
Tta Wrel
ji cretlcman. xrho! tad a relaUee wboaoaMpuaalblyhare
ad la aay way wish yoar qaare aka aboald tare tare *0 reared."
to tarreatiM ttat mrety
o» j here nreae^toa^^^
qoea- poopla. Iharwltwareyoretolatrere
ta^tat iMldJohaw* woald flad
ZTdf's;^ ita* of



Jfre rare*
■aid Ih* •tatiae
atatire reaaUr.
reaaur. lorkti.
lorktac »he bare an b^r re^mam^ a^ la
door aad throurlre the mall reek areoaa
hi* ahoaldar. ■ Serea toU yoa whal•rer yoa want to kaow," ba reltod
back, rehcatartoddowathe road toaaaL I am eery aorry I lat yea drift


issr.ttssSi'.'si.’T srs:^'',TS:3;^ir:ic

tareeUare areatrrtolta x^>
m»ret and darelad to yMMM

Joka drew th* hrerea ap baMde tb*

Especially ad^ted to small artidet where a good
paiqt b wanted.

lYay (or-

dl oMhe atotkm. aad
MM —t M.U. - .M. M .


BiMk and White Eoamet Paist.
J. -hi., MONT-A-a-TTBL




- —.;iw sSrssSx-JI

toad. TU* I* eqaal to are^ afem




.^rand Treverse HereW
Oqa- awldT, (Httov.

Mn. 4. L. Oiaadr. Keea<a:
uiaatar a^ma. fadj kattn
ebty^ «h« e»OI the oa-r fo—d
bla efur eem»l dej*’ ewrh. Bel tmoof ehelr Ud7<tadi eatoaUar
enUeeliea aia IM. Uti
Itel h • Beck lea ettreeWee aerjr.
Md baldeeteeklertheAe/aol <h*^ qSLd qaUb let: ^e^lae .

IMMitDthe «Mf7rf tepMa

»eiB RaddTb Ulllar mltfiit lead l« d'
tndlt ttal ^arU-headed eoakal w
M.aad niheti at the b

««ta Motif ke TtOni eatWw
M be MIU tale •> hoMM t%
^Metatbe maimjitn

r^SiT^ibheU wendieetsf U*
ll «M pveir br eteDw thet OeptetB
Moitr Me to ««t IM the <-tJeWbwe, brtlhet lelhe «c;eCTe>*

Ihraet area hla. bat hr the Ua
\ Mhedtheeaded Ue t«a baare* ran
ttwOlaat be<hr«alB Badd^'e ballU
raa da aat aadMaad that he arOM :

Ueepidl e( the aaei

etihe UeloawCoaatjrelr
haldatHa{daaty.Oet.l, taad t.
WUUan Treble. Haala CMy. diaft
Boi. tad; pair pifa. let. Wie Plynaath
^ at; t-a year aid Jaraey balU
two year aU Jna^ aaa. let; ba«
aehel baehwheat. tad. dp|dee^Bthara b|>lee.-tad; Bad (haeda. tad:
llae Hap. Ut: BaUeae Baamiy, BertleM Paara. let; Otab Applaa.

debt ^l»y,-whii.yf«Ne aear the
wwtben border o(-Wealar^ eeeaty.
lly: Beak. I year eld. lev twen
raleed ao acre d tooietoae Uii year,
■ar old. tad; two lanbv tad.
aad ap to laet Hetorday had pieked aad
Mn.Bd.Baa.wne. Maple aty: Oaa
waato aateop. laV eaa fte plaaV laV
Ueetpe Dewaor, Mepto Cttp; While
Klee pop wm. lev eelleedoa rad^pbea.
UV eetleellea p^peee. tad; Wehle
PM. led: plekle beeta. lev
•berry eaaee. lev Mtna ptwerew
ealeap. lad.
A tarye prUe bee beaa oCered tor the
Twaaty Oeaee. tad: Hv twwrewu. lev
beet hartelea.Tehiele.tobeinad la a
n HweeV lev Haow. lev Haea, UV
read raee trow Hilwaakea. WU. to
Chleodo. the tnt o( Bait wootb ead B.
Bletera. of CherUndx. will here e
bark laacy work. laV ewbrcd
lo the rtowpeUUoa. We hope be
fwael, lev Slbariaa <e^
/ be the eneewefal owe. The Ant

tea—eh^aad be will'pM«>. Hell ______________ —- Plfa ale
Barilehrllle: lbold.M;aae ytyeU naathe .dd.lrdi
■eeteldlr that r>d "dll fate
radtatfe U« cd what a leer Um Ih
d potaleee. lev Barty poleWhile Baee potaloea. tad;
yean ■aethaeebeea tea heated■
tie. tad: paapklae tor eallaU hatiyiiit a aeore af yeaia a
BaMdaye <hrtala Baddy laebe Ubaa aiy parpaaea. UV dleplay of applaa.
lad; Marthara Spy. lad: Corlet. let
Week IMndV lev E. I. Otaealac. tad;
___ ______
_• hair wblab be HaldwlB. lev Klaf Tcklee aaaa^.
Hra E nehw. Maple City: Chllae
bawletbaoMd lake wlad ta. Uhe bla tad; Ball, lev
bold. UMU laae thaa aaairy while, hie
B. fHla. Seaaaa. pair
qallv tad; eilk ewbroldecy. Ird.
, lev
Mn. W. Mctfaear, Maple City; &aiy
fall, raddy taee le eraaaad wlU wrl
qailV tad; bM wade eoeka. UV
kleaiwdtbe rayeyee aia rawlar
wlalar wbeaV ted: wl
Wtdla.batwbaa beepaakebta fraal
Ilatoora. UV hpplee-Ooldea KaweV
Bon duff. MapU aty; Tea yarde
BaM ta«alher«athe ndleaeatef hie ;V Hwar. laV TraamidenU. UV
atrtped rac carpeV lev t> yarde bit
aod wtaa rac carpeV lad; eaana worb.
ataiyaad eqaarae blepewarfal eboa^
IM. aeS. MM* CIV- ISoflieb t
IMtdntttoea. lad: wblu .deat eora, Ut aad tad; hair pU eaabloa, lev toot
danyea reiar)!*^ “*»»■• •»*
Mb be Bivbt bare beaa at the Uaw be tad; yallow deal ooea. lad; wawatolb reeV UV cteebcud ecarf. UV
Hn. Lyoae.Twke Aaa: Pboto caea.
Oillly aqeaab. tad; Joaathaa pawy
iV wonted qaUV lev aomfurtcr, let;
kU. UV
Potatoea-Bay WaU. UV
«aytalB Baddy waed^ty ah«l« el
n« rac.
‘*ooT »P~»- '•»- '•‘WW
Moaltaa eaaaly la thaaedeyaaad be Stark, lat; Darhaw Bell, tad.
of bettor. UV
waawoBltnnSv dance to,aaeoflhe
Mra A. U Tbaretaarc. Maple City:
H. M. Miller, of Mlllorb Bill, bock
aaUbbirlN^ Blitolr 1- eelae tor aepald oae year old (Sae wooll tad: two eWee oeo black wp taapberriaa. leV towato
toanthabeeaceead eettleafa Oka- oae yiar old (Oae wool] UV
of plablw. UV eateay UV luwea radlab,
fa ■nibiaaln aanad Walker, wbe
Oolaea boaa. let; oowb hohey. UV
e^MtodialaabartBrlbara. Tbeny PM Ut aad tad; Wood-i tele l^hee.
Mn. J. W. IMckirwai, Solaa: fka•atoaadaaatoaoeaat
UV galaeav Ut; otdlaeUoa ed'applta tlw. ut; ooaeodrts laV
tbaaateev wblab wee
tot; Vicar of WakeOeld. lev
WDITrewalaa. Maple pty; W daye
ainythl^ l^tollewed. taelaadot
B. B. ChU. Holoa. breed bow
potatoea UV White Bote, UV
aaUI« the ataeh la the towaahip la pift. lev three pifi cU Btoathe eU. td;
Mn. .Ww. Trewalae, Maple City:
«ktofcltwaeaalasd.aetbe lawdi—• eeltali woothaold. lev eaa year old
aa boebleberrlea. lat; caa cMiaber
ed. helaaded itaa hie aebeoaer
bettor, let; two yearold belfer. tad; Ideklw. let; eaa creea tocnato plekln.
botur. tad: eolIwUoa of UV caa b
WalhwpRaptlyorfaatcad aa sxpedl- eqaaibw, Ut: ei
tleaaad ewepi dowa apoa Hearer Ul;
aadtatho dead of Bl(kv bet Joatee
tad; eaa ^aee ptiwreiv UV eaa

(Mptala Bdddy raabad ta. teaaad
or dear wea of the bonaa. haried
htadlB^adepaty Vailed Btotw wa>^
M who bad tbrvt a reeeleer iato hh
daealaaa yawtetd# way aad pal to
Blpbt the ai^ facaa of faenoee waa.
Tbea the todanl eoarte look a head,
aad a wanaat waa Iwaed tor Baddy oa

. Depew. Hetea. bear (Polaod
) UV pair nadatantoor year old.
tad; BanI M. Y. No. I. pouto, UV
J. E Ntoh. Maple City, throe pWe ala
meaiA old. IM ftoio Holaad Chloa
bear, lav ware tbna yean old. lad;
Caldlac three yeare eld. UV cell
yMold. UVYUeteora. tad;pop<

Id. .
W. HoQaear. Maple aiy. aew
pica fear weeks old. tad: boar oae year
old. tad; eelleeUoD caa fimlv UV
Maaaa. Selee.
wata't ha raa away trew Ua ponoan Ear^ poUtoavtad.
wtth the aU of atria •Bhoeaar. <hy
>. Ualllafer. Maple Oty: Cow. I
tala Boddy did aet ahow ap at ble
hM port «< Hv Jawaa ewy aftaa aad
whaahadldha did aot alwaye aloap
w^ alfbta. Tba thaarbt that
WicawBkaaat a>y wowaat to
Borpaea Barty. UV Aweri-

bWiMe lerMod at yoar head M a.
to ioop aiBwbw. Aad <
A late the pert la the
iVea^etoUeat oceta to the alchl
aadihwawaaaceaeral faaUacef lawaarflpaUaiaaad.
1 need dowa trow
ktaoeapealhe Beaeon aad the air « . ae Ihlek with
/^pMtWtaOW that yea aoaU aot aee a
I ted oat late the hay. aad oolybaar the
Ml ftar aad awash e( the want apoa
tha bwto. Ike Mlaad eaUaw ww cafe
Iraw the patotaotobed arw of Ue tow
torwaolba Ae eooo oe eprtoc opoaed.
haaeiw. the awnbalb tocew woald
dodw It Ibalc ewora daty to c*t attar
thair waa acaia. aad by aad by the
ehaaakiwiae Iteely that arao that
eeaenkle bat deadly aavtae of war,
Iho iwrtaae eattor Aady debaeoa. ww
Med laeae ^ (Mptola Boddy.
t . :
■Mhe.dU aoidnwaeariyt. waeb
H '
«Mw la did Aady. aad be dedcad

tha a«Bd wanUp wpe taady to wy
tnw eanllea aad ooly aarad ktowell
toewthedlecraetof loan by the weal
Atlw three yeaned that aert o(
thaiC- «ka aMaan bacea to teal «eiHwi^ii atttwea. sad they torahat
the aM ed the (htbeUe eharah. Oae
dapa iwtilato depaly wenbal al
aB Itadoah at SV JawWbaartoc
tw tiaw rathw Paleber of tiraad Baptta to ruher Uallachar. aiytac Uw to
pwHade Baddy to earraader aad
Tba eaptola'a aeheedw

IhadtatoatdeinVMnhal ntbar
-I wm fa if laa>c« •• ■
taaald.aadaottolreta.’tald Chptoto
BaMj raftoatlnly. The aeeUty ed baioc aooatlaw had ntbar worm od to
tpate brtbtotlwaaad be waa naUy
ftod ad the ehaaaelocai It e« hM

Me Ma waicht to drop tnw kie atoeee

to HtaKallltaaet He-

pidliat to [eetan their wheel t
or eat It with Uw wowm. to pw
•a on( prowth Mne,a let^ aele


e aad otbar:qaladlw wbirh dew
,tb.*.^>nae*oftbeotberririv .

at laet awoheaed
to la potiiac le
breakwater, w
after work wae brcaa.
{dec* the work 'wae to
alter of a wile toe- tar
B BMUon etleadlBC tolo the hay ww
a at aa anfle with the chore, eattlac
wa the SBC* behind the bnakwau
■V wont ufail.arruee eectloa to
be pat Id aear the end of the flee hnodred foot ecpriloe, which will wake a
little "JIb Craw' harbor tore* epoi
for ehiffi aad wC beau, bat cd no
whateeer for atoaown aad mweto, ■
bwlately preeeal la>Cr
It the work to
> MNDedayeH.a.-IeawaBhee had
Moordaaca with the proe.
oa eihlblUoa le bl. .atore wUdow a
nill be tea tlBee w.
etalk €>f bnee that carried ereratyoar
ae tboocb we hMl Barer had ae
appraprietloa. ' Tor It will ruin what
Baton) abIppiBC tnemtUe the pUoe
that oae ap They wen of the
u>a white bna earlety aad crewo by had. mad the little taaein will peeernl
Hr. Itowaa. whoee cerdea U leaenlly the eecorinc «d a«7 eobewiueat npproprlnlloa. hrwaee the “harbor" a
well fraltod.
aot be oalaread wliho.1 dlcrlnc out
-rat aA»T roanAP renut
Ike coal .halt on the K ocher farw U the rack, al Rum . Ilwe kiln It to aa
DOW dowo aboot elaly feeV aad work oolncr. alter all Urenwk which Hr.
Watehcl. Hr. rtoh.r aad Mr Wrodork
coiac OO all the Uwe. The wc
beiac cwrrlod ua tbruacb eolid rock by hare doer to Mcui* the appmprialioa.
the Boary riuiuld be Ibu.
.ofdyaamito. ThU rock deooua
eqoaedrrad. Had oar ritlara. uonawwe of «wl wllbootadoaM
derctoud what the plea, were I'
M oaorte oa the | -b .prep
protested loac epottlee wen of thto'elly



mM-;- Good Morning!

r ada ar* not wriUea tea chaw bat
to f —rr~ plala toatta w the pablto la
each a waaaer that they way road aad
beweattod tbca*by.
eaeapaatawitb each oowpleud
year of .to* ktotory-loat aa appnetotioa ol the wodeea wethod. of weeab


At laet ToporU the Ward nllrcwd U
eroded for nile to a polat aboot ftwty
rode thb aldr td the, Webetor bttdc»
and the ricbl of way le cat oot a
aldenhie dbtaaae below thav aad
nlle are told to within lOO rod. of the
bridee. There are bvca etoeke <
piled ap at the bridee, aad at the tUle
rewd tben arc raiU aooacb to flaieh
.atire diaupoe Into Iowa. This
It to pcotaabla the eomyoce will
.,leto eetUnf perauaeat ende
etokw for the depot aad ewllcbae at
Hooth Arw. alee for the rewaioder of
the way.


keeir of the worb to U
they eaw a eebooaer dawplap e
ripht equarely In the Inch of iaeoc
riweto A petilloB OBaaiwoculyi
ed ha.r»e toCed Vydeeker aektup
be eraceecllon be kept oot and
the taalo eortloa eiuadril Into the bay
Tatuad. aad It to to be hoped that it to
not too Ute to elop tbe ral

“Caaeer to eoatopi v' decUred
Cluemul of RbelB. > the eonprees
reoeatly ^t
of Preach earpeoiu _
l^oaa "Tbe Iraneotowiuo wey
rwetfrautbe body, built Is el
■Bare frw)UeoUy Uroepb wmriaf a^
parrl ■* Uble uteaeito; In two caeca it
ea-e penny toeinp. ww tbronpb a tobhaoo pipe."
The eehooia
laato preaerrea. lev pleklopM
taaki which were sUrtod to twenty of
Low Rau* 40 Atlanta Cxposliloa.
pleUe cwieaa. Ul: ptokU awoet appla*. the Unad BaplO. wihooto oa the Ut ol
>B aocwunl-ot Ue tV-tlon HUM aad
..Mroatlonal tlapuaiUiM.Ue C. A W.
January to.v ba»e proecri aa
N. By. totellinp-Ueketo al low nle.
L AltbeeadoiV
the roead trip
Ralca frne Tnetollal oaeUoa. let: dnwa rac.
year Jaly l.V the children had depew rrw aty ar* w follow*: Kortiekrto
apple }elly. UV eprelwaBdnwIiie.
itod, and dnwlop 4 percent
pimd twenty day* tJo to. aad pood un­
Hn. H. C. Cato. Soica: Cat flow
til Jan'y P4l.v«. AU areau for fall
flt.CIT.n. irurlop Uc eto lau
Ueo. twtl.vuc.
aahiblv UV aetan. UV plabe. tCd; wae depoalUdlS.MI.lii. aad toforwatioB
wae dnwa oaV laoch of U for aew
The ladtoo. la Uc aonhweat an pr*wJued booha. Tbebetailof toriap to
prawinf amonplbe puplLv and pam dleUap early aod uawaally wrare win.
oar. One Utop Itat weaui to
ebewlap aod elparatte Maokiap ba.
D up to far to U. faot Uat
pnwUy deereaeed la the acbooto
the laounulB peak, la that
already whIU with U«
Urpe parochial echooto hare
la the htotory ol
adopted Ue plao aleoraad It to
topadmlnbly. Why would It not be
a pood thioptopal to. eraiy paUio
CM blaokbarry Jail«“ P>»“ i*l>bool.
Jell; lev pickled
Alpena ooaaly bae adopted tbe a
enb applev 1— --------------------------------tad: ptokloi plBwa, lad; pickled pm ty road. *y>iecB. aad all aamnier
In towe wnUera loeallUw Ue eolor.
UV pirbled pnpu UV ptokled peaeh- work ol pradlap baa beoa poa
4 people bellere Uat If acrow croakt
w.- Ut; aaa paacbw, let; caa plawa. Tkto tall pTaeel .urtaclap to beiap
■I catd BUtaber of llsev foal wewther
.;j follow; It eeaa. the day wUI b.
Ut; caa black ebarrtoa. lad; caa pew*, oa a. npldly a. puaUble. A Inr.
tad: WB wlaad pieUea. UV eaa bom mn wbo wa. here lael week,
ipraeaBcaU gre already-.agectradtoh. UV ekUl eaeea. UV ekocolaU
cake. Ut: fralt caka leV eoccaaot lap tho^ric* of toad, aad ta
■aka. lev toyer caka UV trait cake. near tbe Uae of thtoc raada
Ut; delleaU caka lev loaf of bread loa to tweaty.flr* frow Alj
lalt rtriap.) UV pta rad raqaberriea already approctoud to aalllap ealac
( per ocov , Oa. faoadrdd
Mu B. O. BelUeper. Maple City: tboBtoad dollar, to work aad carii oa■aaklapppodrcwd. to EaMlaeticaoll patoUap. teV photoprapb
rasa lev bora bat rack. UV taacE ■DOI eouaty. would locmw the eelltop
work la tbtotle balla UV eaUeetlaa of nine of Rmiact Cn. taria. a ha '
loa dolton toaida of two yean.

Aatama Baaibo. lev Wlaler BaaiUV E I. Oraaalac: let: Beldwle.
tad: BedOaaada. UV K.flpy. uv Boabary Bawev let: Blac Tuwpbiiu Co..
Ut: HeU. tad: Bwea^RwaeV Ut;
Pleaaaav UV
Mrs A. H. Trltt. Kawwe: CbolohUd
toee. UV Baow aa tha Hoaeula.

dor. Pad; Banl Now Yorkw. Ko. t. tad.
W. r. Halllnn. Botoa: Onde J<
kritw. * yean old. UV prade dancy
boll. I yean old. lav
Thao. Taylor. Mapto OHy: Patotow
-Hoppie Morpky. UV Boaaty Bebroa.
V»dsr. UV Babbard
aqaask. lad.
A. UTkorabarp. Mapleaty: ^
towta. lev aolv « woatha cdd.
Wtotar lya. lev flee poa^* batur to
•rariv UV axtnet boaey. I
Ww. Good. Hotoa: Two awtoa, I ynir
U (eeanc
(eoatoe wool) Ut; baek. I ywr oU.
(aoane wool) UV two towbi.
E A. Oawpball. Norikport; Dry earth
Orarto Leetoaaw'oo unty they had
aadoolV UV
aa. Mapto Clly:
U>. Bboridaa. Bwpira: Acme Bap- oouaty fair toil woU
>n* wwa -bcaatyooatcat" la
> baadtocae plrto were eatored.
PVed l^tl aad Tow Sbaae ol
L E Newwaa. Maple City: Sarprtoe
I. Oeratoad: Dbplay
wbeaVtad: tou ewoeleon. tad: dto> aty. wen footo caoapb to ac■par aad ayTa^ UV Bmplr*
crfTneem aty bariacw eept the poellioe of }adpev for
iw eouDlp waa woeld take Uc rtoh
StoU pototow. lev ooUoMloBolaqBaak. woa had poodc abd warn of rarloo.
tad; MawwoU>eqaaMi.tad. Appleelife aad llwb. Tbe riealry
M> e
etblMUoB Ital added
leriplioa. oa
Hawley. UV Haldea'. blaab. lad; Wapeloee. aad eeety pretty plrl
■aUy to the fli
.nod her
•rbwtyoaapma a
aer. tad; Baldwin, tad; Pawataek
■V eweataadwMrtoecUlac.-taV
Utop ber ot ooun
a. I'ratl aud
weaUd tre
L. Berrlaptoa. Maple City:
r way Ueir deetoloa
aad aalv tad: dtoptoy of beaaa Mi
cahstodwaa oa duly weav andeoUeybi
Otto Maha. Mapto aty: Cow. I yean
boppy quleOy driraa round wh
ed dayt aad tboii
oonid be reached qulrkly 11 aeon
Id. lev dtoptoy od beaaa tad; waple
pprectolad by all.
mWr M wUI to per lew h: ArUrmC U Trar•cw OUyCw tote per m nw.aUUabe.
•yrap; Uv aqaaah. Irtl pto.plMEtedr
H for eld wen. N. W. la due Uwe Uey had ebuUed a
ptokle pM ta^;-ptokle tocaatoet
raendwl ehtoa. looked Into al
Idokto erabapptoa tad; caa pw

Cloaks, Capes
and Jackets,
Itle* Mriap of two to tt
each pameaV
Our Hhort Jwkele Witt balooa aUana
Ue prmmap .well panwesl af tta
ewaoa. laaplap traa * 41 ap: MMt ha
eeaa aad prieed lo be eppreotoWd
Ouaplete line of Mkwee' and Cbl

the ealwl aad ^oUtost tti^r
BtaerlTcd by antoto' wladv It wRt bab
ptoaiare to ebow ttaw aad paott oot

Kye-Sulky (that is wrong). People call
Pfokop K>-8elka all sorts of names. ^Thename
is easy enough, too. when >-ou know how—
Ky -sel ka. the y and the e short and the final
a same as in what. Some think that Prokop
is the surname; it doesn’t surprise him to be
tailed Mr. 1‘rokop. A letter was sent to him
one da*- addressed Mr. "Brokenup.” It puitied the postmaster, but with the aid of alder­
man Smithfwho know^a whole lot) it reached
its destination.
But P. K. don't mind what you call him. if
you will only call, at the Corner of Front and
Cass Streets whenever you, want to buy anything inihe line of Groceries, Provisions. Flour.
Salt. Pork; Yeast. Spices, and some other nec­
essaries of life. He will te glad to see >-ou.

Depart nigilit


yocup ladtoo. Martha Maha. lev
UtU. pirlv MappU BMW.
Hta Ida Ptokaid taah Ul prtn for
I yM old beaaty.
; Whlta fltor
“Baly Nowwaa'
Ckowall. Maple aty: OalV
Theodon Tbyle* WM «Mo4 the baod.
year old. UV eoo-half boabal beaw
UV table canola 1*V eloeh cartob
UV Stock pawphtoa UV ooltocUca
The “Tapof War-WM wcw by the
flowen. tad; pbloa. laV ptoka I
boy* of KsM townaUp
aloeh. UV eoatary ptosV UV'
Thklay all Into Maald<
C A. Baaaafecd. Holes. Pair 1-ya
“ ‘•T? *
oolw. tot; oao t-yearsld eolV tod; do. ^ •pp-~4
Maadtobabalfeltba aeetoty
corn, tod; Bcaa(y Behtoa pttolow.
Tnrane aty ter their social an
Bd. McQaew. Mapto Qly: Ocwcnl
WItbMt deebt than an arr
Jowph Krabacr. Oaratoad:
tha atom prawtowltoV hat aU cmn
' wbaav lev rad wbaaV UV wbHa oaU.
be cheartally and pra^tly
UV barley. lad.
4.L.UraBdy.-fCawea; Pam b
toV Ooldaa Wcadw wbeaV UV
Aobs irUto. flotoa: WtaUriya.


Heart Disease Cured

For Absolute Pure Spices,
nigh Gmdtt Teas and Coffcofl.

Ladies and
Misses Hose

And Flrat-Claas CnPBcd Goode
yuT^II be ccsriiKwd We toira kaoeked tte bottow oat id jeteee bal
^14 up Ue alaadaicl of rwde. We quote prtoea aa a tow artlclea:

..................... '.■..■.•'“■'■.‘"Sr:



By Or. MBas' Hsart Com.

OaeH orooMY.

SO.XPB. 810*.

Ladies Underwe’r
MM a^Aaktoa an






No. SI, Front Street.

Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, Poultry, Etc
CtoateMt aad BaM Always os Baud.






a. dMplala Bcddyr d—iaflii tl
<ta old. bard ptoaw of dedaoM wa

I. W.'rnttok, Mapto aty;

Pair el

CtodOtocolilwa flerrmah Oabha tha
dtoUaMhw af batop tbe yoaapwt baak
Be to
V lev cUreoa UV Mawwetk ^wUiat ta the Ualtod —wa
aaly twoalpswa.
W. Bberit cM PlatW eawe aear toafap
Owad aoltocatoaodpippin
aaars Haurday. Be obol at a tawk.
MUto Itoaawora. Mapto aty: flia whoa lb. psa baml harov a torpe
year aid mitoter. UV aoltoallqa b^ pteae oatUapapaeb «uar iatto.
Iwpeallap tbe tow aad to ctoatlaary. Mtto Uv caetto. UV foltopa pMaV latte awalecaf btolaft dwMra
fee was diattaepsd aad tte Mato was! uv wa pton, uv aaa
‘ Im hto aawa. .
|— .—.—
. tap Witt It ydeewof blaehtart. wahtop
e e .
|uv toaf«fyoaMbnad.tad; MtkOto- atwrfWaweaaA. BavUhadtoaMed
MteptattBaddy^McwyMr IV bnddwy


A flWMMa «v^^M^Paai«. aH

hand ipaa we totaiy, aad a» waa wl
Meaner.'he .aid Mwp^
Aad to tta pilwlid taplttee want I


MV 7W|w.yl.tatt.Btaf| *»*n


ITo-w is -tliLe OMTTirt




Oak Heights Lots.





h/ c/ B£L

s.’Sunssa; s.«gs:
■■* MB mSMO.

ItlMM* I

Vermonfs^ Great Statesman Recom­
r.^t'sr.iyrrss’irs mends Dr. Greene’s Nervura to All.
fmn. drove

A M «to rarite M B«adiaf hw

(niM bn^k^




■trfca »ere itoluS. roekaU bala« aeat
ap a «1’« to toe ealllac- Oea to tto
retoatoatot awa; troa toe wire, aad

He Says Dr. Oreene’s Kerrura' is a Wonderfol

It Surely Corea the Weak,

Tired and Kerroos.

^Jj^kMk. «•«• BMtar kM«kM*

Uladad tto leoMaa, aad baniad tor
teaartoaalr Uer kakr «aa alao todAt BtoUr Barber. whUa tUlaraU- Ij atapad. Tto toll to Ara raboaodad
ayrla.tto «Ua to Aid. Ctoa. B. Abrlr- aad fall aeatolar la tto elotolar to a
-roatea Bear bjr. Par a tl»e tto aadl.
aca waa la a paale.
Atiw*M J. B. JohMk » tMotrr •Mralj tojatad totormll;. Tb^taa»
Tto attte to Ulaaaaoto baa oa'tU
PiUWn Mr «Mm. »m kUM wkU»
-aada oae to tto lacM aoeal aalta oa
MW^^OrrailfMAWMk. H*
aa It «UI daUrmhia wbather
ttatWatk. 8«MM< kBllw »T
or out a alato la naaooalbir lor tto aeb
V dai^jap^ Itotoia
to tto paMe aalaala •rbicb It {ruteeu
lue teeeial iBoalto la tto jaar. Tbe
hawJll totuS!
toS^ plaialUr la Alajaadrr Pbalr. a Willow
» r. BMtatVAlMMr U*W»teai ate.
braaatoto aad rto«a
Mrar busaalaader. wbo waa aoae da;i
•w »U« MTthwM irf Mmlr,^ Itev


Spceial §ak.

«> a

ttoa to tto eotofaa; to
vTto-totraalilB to Aaaade. to Kaat ^ to ttogtoW BtotM fapa»lt
eaaai.toajaatU aa ob)aei laaaa la
ttodaaltBlIbltootroodnada. Aamaal
Bator, Jr., aito btovtb waaa totowa
At Bllabatb. H.J., at tba partofroto t^ tpanr trUto Arirtec ofm a
road, aad tora MtUad wito Iiiaacia to ■■UcaiU Oiato' at Iha Drake
OaocfaN. Blaakbara Meat bast-

*ws x>o TBa ztaisT.

at Ito warta toI tto
Mtototara Warid'a
Pair Oiapaap.
Oato tovltad ganto
war* pnaaat. Tto
r to aa amaat rafrodaatoaa to tto arcaWa tolraa


T«p» b>M> AiMom <r«n nwrib-

-* Nam© the Size If"*

..WW.W An.
■•ITO DonpJ.
l.rwii|{uua IVIU
Biittoe 0000.
Show, t
C. D. and E. hkiid turned, flexibleBoIe, recuUr price
$3©a Our price $2.00. Saoic Mjde io Uce with
cloth top-at same price.
Lot 2. Ladies' oil Rrain foxed Beaver Lace Shoe.
for winter wear, regular price $ Our price $idOO.
Hvet)- pair solid and a wearer.
Lot 3. Ladies' fine Velvet Slippen goinc


N. B.—Largest line of Felt and Beaver Shoes in the city are found at thenewttore.


3 N. B.—Buy early beture sifes are broken.

i iS Front Si, Wurzburg Blk. ^

aSbarf "*

Tbaatato eardto baatlh baa daeld- oa bb wapioUraadKaplda.MleB ^
la^teya law <Moot be killA«tf hMkMB iMMlfOTk MtiOBtl edtertfora
■—twMf «f nl»iJ acs W
•nlM iTBAh l»» ud tk. eolor IIm.
It vQl to toU to Dtoratl, Dm. II.
A UMto AMikVir ol rnab Tmi ww
MMMi/ tomto M Port Hww »hll*


rii^ZTi'toiraad l«!m^

Right to the Point I


IW ~w
Tto WAMnbMMV^tor *■—■— at Oraad Ji .



No use beating around the bush, we admit these are hard tlm«.
and we propose to divide our profits with our patrons. Ws do not In*
tend to wait until the end of the season before reducing the prices of
our goods, but meet the demands of tbe Working Classes »nd pQbUo
generally, at once.

Tto widow to Utearal Caater renaleWW7 w> .wMa't^aaddrMb^
BB,. ad a few dapaalaoeacbeck (or tl.Wu.
laalaa- Waw. adltnr of Ito tapal TVaaipel.
^ diawa to tto ordar to bar boetaaad ua
,*Uoi'"«• *Aa AVof tto UtUe
Ifn P. J.
J Tor«»p, to Baa Fraatoaaa, dtetedtto^tolLw.
►V- •«*••» •‘•-•V *o
oteaier to tto arop. Tl
Or. W. J. Hacdtoaa. laiifiaaia to aar- aad tattered tboo(h It
aoaidliaaaeaat Ito aalreraU,. b aafBacaiaatU
aiutoala brahe-------------------waa BO dooU lalaadad aa
part tBpsaal of Ueaeral Cnater-i ralar; aa aauflloarolUie (’Dllad MtatM
tbe etoek baa baea all
Dae KickW. W. WalUr aad roman
I Uo.;*'! Kroa.-l. foan
,/aail-'"*IB,,. Kbauirok. Kortb Dakota, laat Pebreair
aaM far Oaa. IberaBaa. a ailllkh..... eola Uka. toreaoaatniewd
aow.. Wbaa
waaa rraa
JMjafar. TbaeellartrlUbato&M.
lifiHaraa Thurw
TherewwiM. TbaptaftOrmad
>a>7 wiixirmad HariB
M* Pfakad
It Mp. II waaaliBoat aa lari-

____ tJ'It.tV-


Our Overcoat, Ulster and Suit Stock

■rwlafbifaaa tewthieva fniai U


tba watarttoUiaaa Bap. Pei, tVbeoe-lkooo oarriad la a pockalbaok aaUI It
J tbro^h. . >''o
No laduraaI
toa aad^MUtoral^rlTar to tto piU aad ^
aitel appaan apoe tto back u, a
obaok. aad tba taoa abowt tto Mark
no ~—w"M‘-T ataa'
to____ ___
rtod bo* alaar la tto bouaa. Oar.
ad (or papBaot It
trHbbarkadbaad-abfaTala ThadreM
bar ahBac^ tba IllUa (allow wa«
a»rmetad bp Iko raariad kltebaa 8m. wardad Vu the aortbwe
aawi of (to OMlar mu
ar relaiaad ato foand t
Joa BarrBaa i
.haad Kapida kb
Maatla/^a a •taap
rroda a* Aat
rotte rota* aa '
Aat Ibar aoald M to'atoppto,
a pow aaoartained that thbtp-two
toawad Uto aa loa oar. Jaa. E^.oa.
Oh werv kUlid bp tba roUapar to
plaaiot aim al Boobolt. Wratptogda^kteto Ilih Batearaitp freak-


jfsrssr ~““o-

rtalB'iplar Ob’tto


pa aarad IbaaBalr^p /aaHdar.
.JI MwTpiMaBCaiTtaateld toto^'
tbaj Wbh to raload ttop plaoattoaaa
‘-bba.loa wbaaaeoB
Baal Itoapriar of U


to oapital of I...... . ...
at aprUiod II i. I
avppwtol Ibal tbr Sana
waa klllad bp
til.-Ball-rrlonaara. wiM.(oread aa aaaare lato
, .
Tto Iteltea aaUae troujw attarbed
* ‘Taalolaaa who oeeaplcd a
aUooBaarBfaaUat. tto lalafar twaalp Ml klllad aad
( woaaded.
Tto luiiaa
d aad tbtrtp


Boa. T. AU<OlaBb.o(Jarieo. Vi..,warta fa Ha pnlaa aa I
<--------T borae to Ito DeBhuenlie partp. datioB of tbb buannd
HfaUailaer-toarood orator, aodVl «» aae Dr. Oanae-.
adnmotof aoe paopia. tie raa ' la a fart tbat doetora. italiaiain nbnl
al tba Uatalaoljoe
dtdate fori,
alaadlar to tba Baa.
BB. wbo. oat of bb IB prooo»a.-in|t ihi, praad nadMae
aaprrlaaoa,, aJilaaapua
_.„«a'm Karrarm blood aad i.,... .w...
adp to ba corad.
aaraoaa. the raa-d-iwa ai d debUifate^
"Wr toaa aaad Dr. Uraaaa'a Nara«ra
• (raoi poor
bland aad aarta lanadp ia oar fanilr..dpaprpala.
to aapa. --aad Iblok blfblp of it. Wa
d to baallh *ad
anald ptolalp aaa Itot il tod tba daolr
ad eBael apua Ura. HMiioaU. aad 8mIp belleaa that, ooald wa>aae parmaadll beotapateataiedlrfae. bat tba
ad bar to aaa tba madiclaa. It woald praaeriptioe of iLa famt aacMfel lia.
ton eand baraatinlp froBi tor az. lap aaedialUt la cariap aerroM aad;
tot aba waa chraolc dlaeaaea.
Dr. Ureaaa. to Ui
■raatla baaaoww •• .. -aw
Wral Ulb Kl, New York Citp. Be toa
-We bare Bead It fa oar faaillp with tto larpeat practloa la tto world, aad
pood reaa^ aad bare noomaraded II lAa praod Bedlcal dlacoaerp It the reto oar frl^ aad kaow o( anep wbo talt of hit nil ezperieaoa. Tbe preat
ton aaad Dr. lireaae'a Neraora blood rapotalioauf Dr. Ureear b a poaraatee
aad aarae resadp with tba bnl naalte that bb Brdlrfae will rara. aad tto
I do aot
wr» toalteta
to raooBaaad tto tart IhaltoteB beeoaaalted bf.aap-,
one at aap Use (rae ol ebaipe, pa
10 all. It. b a wobdarfal i
allp orbjIMter.piaM.baolala a
aaoe to tto baaeScbl aetloa to

! -fi



; «w MttaWA Ibw toBa/to
BMrsito*. BtortAtamaa.
naaUw HattodMfahaaa alartod


Ata^MtOMa^te ttowai

ggBPjgkiibitolj^ at ^

■ I
af Btoilew Oaaaaa
iV, was balM Arava oat to a wall

doalp aUfbt

■Bwa dilTlar warm ewaad bp

BittoMto atom. .MB ttot tors;

F. L. Tratoplar. to Hidtoad. earn to



^StoSVaal.fwJ'’’*^ throarhoot tto


Ttopraat faarabM batwaaa Bdwarda
It b a pabUc aarrat that Qa-«e Sopba barf aadNilMtoaabaoaoB Bra teb
to Swaedao bdplocmad that bar de- wate. haadradkofUBa to hap aad
faaap rodk e( faaofa balap dcalroped.

Mala Btitov niaito toll Ito eiaei Io­ uSSm. boldlaa tto Salntfan^ fa
ta to ttoowaar to tto
nad aa optloB oa it.
and tto ora two (eat pean. baao aerp dall. aad whUe tbe
below tba aarl-------------r^w.ww • with
iMd.'^'» t'tlak'fad'’to
bb drUl to tba dMolalrbt (eab. Tto orfBlad map preat p
whbh urrlaad tb^roete, aad
... _ coatafTitorp toviar tbb on b tareatr
...wcteaaordiaarp b^.
-teraa cropa toaa bMB
a. lal
Da. Jeba Walb to Tab b e
alpht pean old. bat to baa pai
------------------------ (am I jVij^teajariUl
m vxzonai ©old.
~ alarito
b iHaafad aoar tto enatbara aad oa
IbbaaW0>» TKAT MVaa.
bor w
b wMAivw.
azedleat wau
aad a
b THnaa
aUtad bp
ea larea
dfBld bp hlmalf aad ato* aader kb telpa. IbaKbteaaapiaaaa* baUdfapa


tbiiy-8aa bukaU to tofaktoca. tom*
at tto aariallra prodaefap teraa baob­
ab to Ito ploav Mr Harak raatfard
oe^to aavapa to^ortpcaate par boterl.


thbBor- aad two ca- teraa tearobte
dB aaked...^
a to aaplalaad

-w™ M»a -bb
a» old
out ladp
iBBp a iwoodarfol
tot to traakto" wbaa to waa foaa.


air tot
loia^tofa ware aa axracdlaplp
crop teb pear, aad irokablp
Uipaot pbld ia tea alcialtp woo
(rofa ter pardro .4 H. f. Harte. Oa

urn rae


miaUop aeropui ktriap toaai
1 WBk prowB <fa tea Mfaa CToaad


^y^ByryafMwafay Ba^toa

dlUoaai adaloM aaealaad (tob TrobI
>tea 1
Cbartaa Bate to BaitBetold. OU
BBd klUad SOO to tto Ar—. w aaabarrtooU
l»pMBBdao.__^---------- 5
rafapa eafaida to tea
fa anaan np
ataa poaaraaaat kak daeldad to —■« a
r o> awe faaatto ....—a
a tea
faoBtb baa WBfahlp to Trohfaoad.
ba Albrbaap MaaaleBlaadeoaar Wnt.

Oaatfa IbroalL at ntiiiaiblian


- ~k


a. toUto



•a BbcaL IA afal Hba BaUb tow a aUp far two faaatto witeaat aaar
—waa, IA raaawapafaaM Wba enwa- batap aaae faaUpbtaa tea water m
tahaafaafaeateiaai. It b baibaadkoatoapaattowfap.




Ttot paa B>ap roallar bow tod 1 wba
I wiU Mp teat 1 wa* emSaad to rap


_ yaKaaiwa. wH.toa tWMMi


Zkam faSa
tlMtBBarol. ato
Mkad teadHi

varaalJm M nawaro.
CofafaitlM’oB rablle l^kbiw-

iBlBod aad aow I boMBllp ballaaa tto
F^TMld ta to ttooalp certafa CBiv far

Steto'^Si .

Kraarbafora wwatohbfatofB paU
«B tea oM llhertp bell, ar far lhak akaV
tar ta aop itob to aap to teb


That is what has made our succem during our fim year of buuoess in Traverae City. We
have demonstrated to the people of Craod Traverse county that the way we buy goods m
the only way whereby we can place high grade goods within reach of all aad be in line whb
these hard times. Our store is fiUed with bargaiiu from basement to garret with fint-daai
goods of every description at third das prices. And again we invite you to share with ut
the large profits which befalls everyone that buys goods at tbe BOSTON STORE.
Man's good Saak grey Oaarooata, wocth 98.00,


Men's extra hsaty Uns Bart worth 7.00, ov
teepraai aala bad hroapbt a. a r^ ISJSL teSitoSa
Han's eitn haary das Trieot Bafts, lolly
^aad fkaa. aa oparatba
| ^ M db^ ’^*^1.*“..,“^^^?
worth lACQ. ov prim
. 7A0
I «. fac ira osaOBBt to
p. Naarip iiwjifai toaa kaow*-iMkban'to
Voosg fasa and nobby draassaa. Why any
rrlUa Hlarfae trefa pilMBadl Billon, bfroB 18.00 to e.00 U wbrt yon bay tfH
rm faofabariai
bx oaa-hdf the prioa. ,
niaCM aaoBfb. aadtl
llba^ Mp bMtoad i
: « Ea -rr. oea
Man's extra fas (kwiMr frsartni Cfay Worntad Boitfa hmt mads for
. 9J0
Li^tat wbatodatleaara la map famaaM eoa- Extra Am saarimem. silk attsad Baito, faaly
akoat fa poaada, aow 1 wa
faada,faHy worth UmO.ovprim
paSS .*!***
‘■’to©leal fa parfaat baalte.
Mm'snll wool. Bsoteh gray.extiohaary Cfa
MBSts Baito, fnliy worth SaOQ, ov prim l&AO
eafafaittaaa, wb■fafa. ^ ^

111 an* to Mb

SaiaalataMteoadaboafa. Aflarba^■arafad Stop left far teatr biM aa
■OM lapradiaat !
r]wkBtaaaa. hMeoaeteire- kaallw ati{ feet faofa tee Aral appUcatbaTW tea .
b prba ptaoM U wltefa tea 4

Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher.


Men's good Mae Beatrar OmimatA weeth 9S
oor prim

Man'e Am Bmaar OtaKoal. worth lOm. o«r
.... 4M
Men's Am brown Bearer OrateoaM^ worth
Men'B Am Ketwy Oraraals, A «Ik hmd.
strictly ail wool, worth iU», oar prim - &VS
Extra hmvy Bbetlaikd Ulrter. worth lOiX),
oar prim
Mea s good heaey Ubteia. faorth SCO, oar
' .
Meo'e extra long Irieh^aeaeOaarmat,worth
16.U0. oor prim.
Men's Ads BagUth Melton, donbie-hmmted
OarrikB), worth all of lU.0U.ov prim
Men's good hmry borimm Bait, worth AjOO
Another lot <d Man's Baits, worth A7A ov

tod B^ w*wl brfoaa tea etobpa pbpit
h ahatlaoBBbttotefM aafab
datobarawboMidfapaBaawakaBaw ______


Tto aa* raaw tow UAa fab to I
tto aatokw to baalara treat aaatoa wto awarw tato aarSb^~ ^
■aa aJtor dtar ariap fall. La
wawy toatomtot ttoMto

--------------------f "I'fak
tea Vnifc


■Boot teatollroatetoto OkS[^
parfa el ladlaaa.
awwalataiaa TVa b a toalb btow to
lata.m*. AatotoaalM wMatoto

awowwr W Hwt a HwM,

iMFMirrsTiEn. hueomch bioci

oar prim................................................................... 98JI

palafafa rosadp whfah
■arhabip aeoaaoafal fa ei
'- - - w.• pwaa
auu ..
racial dwaaoM, aaa
— - -'ardalaad
- - bp tea aaaaeil
roeeatip toaa
baea pal a
cfa aale at dropptote. Trmaaraa
.. .aar»a CHp-.
aaditbiata to aap
• I (tBcno* I- That tea



We are alwa>^ to the top gf the ladder in tpuliti- and always to the bottom

azvaww tkblla 8aa (Ml fa dlaw
A ttofa dbiBteh nn that «orv db..JllBB Darbp to Itoapb
W boM aaot Iron IHirt Har.« to
totbM^i^!!^ .orbaaoiB ban oi>rBrrMl la iwotial Cbi/ipriceivarmi voiiapa. la.aa ara auap
TbfaaaaiaB. far tto Brat UBataaav
Ua b orar ID nan oIA pettohaalak- aa ^BMuaalaUootat.Naa Cbiar
to tees aloap ter railroad aad it b
t|an-ton daalropad aad aone of tto tM (Mb
ananru kl.Ird and utbara wooBded
eafBto kaafari ara Boabtat ib
A. U Kaawap. to Walia. dnp (too
Tbe M.dteiBBedaBa to Borthara Hbea
baokari to te^ Ito daato.
ball aa tata ol laiK-k :so bettola
(‘rto. Wuodwurtk to tea AprkaltBral
SI baa.'raeulled. Adaiora (rma SbaodAt PalfarvUla
BaDfalM araat
OaUepa hak pprIerM a acbefar (iw tea

SsissHrsstrsr“to's£r-3‘rw“‘ •>»«-

is complete. No need to dwell upon the make and quality It is n
weU known fact (they cannot be beat Below we quote a fbw 'prloes*
A Wool OhinohiUa Overcoat, worth $10.00. for.................. $ g-OO
Heavy Daisy Worsted Overcoats, worth 18.00. lor................. $.00
Elegantly made and trimmed Beaver Overcoala from&OO up and
general lai^ assorted stock of Overcoats from AOO up.
- .
Men's Black Cheviot Suite.
worth 10.00, for.................. ftOO
Extra Pine Olay Worsted Suits, worth 16.00. for................... . lAOO
A laiye variety of Elegant Ulstera ^m AOO up.
Children's Suits from 88c. up. and other bargains too numorous to
mention at Prices within everyone's reach. Come early to

O^wool OBpaOr<n*»H»«*ths«),ov
«pe.«M-half woolOtonaakwotA

SOkovpvim ....
CMUdhOrwra«at,aompa .
. |8
Ohildh Jmoay Baito. extn hmry. toorth UB
oar prim
Childh all wool Chariot Sait, worth LOO. «v
Om lot ad ChUdrm'a Brito
Ufga lot ri Boys'Brito, i wool, aim to 19 yn 111

“ aU wool Brito - - a-tb
tol9ym,w«rthfraaiAilOtoo!oawBtka IJO
Los at Boys' Vbton. fasa to 19 ymm
. M8
Man's haary Wed ftato
8in,ovp>im -

UA.' FM.' «a

•nOIAXk-W* fare in akfa UO prim d|L

totoAl, strictly tailm made i~-fa not
w^lssslhfa97. OvpriaST&Uto^
aad far prica-wby chat shows far itoalL i
AImfatri toanhwoo) BUrts md Dfawm
^9»to^ Ifam goods am wvth (1^ Tfa

fan. lfctol.T..«w* ,J9

Aad a good Jeasiy flUrt fae Afa


TSO*. T. BATS*. UttsT.

. Ml <d >b* epUaha <X faHb. of
bocMMd gfcbwHr.bu WM bMMCBMihxrBaM..
tueWdfatkfa ktodl7.Mbl* ■**■!« bj
t«ta ww Mtu • bMmUfal wild iMd
^WMtowd M1M.UW* CM* ton
«M--------- tv
»• CklBiBr
an *bDB>d*d. fa ban hMW
wotb* ai wbteh bar Male w«n
MU. *1—d«. dvk-««d (trl. wM
If *a|da7«d. fa bau M*a aad Mt
mm h«M U OMX took Uc fT»
tb* paH&. (b* Mapudtr. tb* IciM9.
tnm MlU»d,i-to IM Umtm
eapaalew aad tb*Morat (bfa
im. 'Immmrn
M*.«M.*.awMV«ud »iwv*dv
•WM M TtaM her tlMwdc )>«•. b«t lortaa* fa m faa f*w. who iband b
fMWlBf-Hnud acre W »*w.Tr»*tm te ll(W» bMalU*) ak» Tor
•Mm 7«r tb* aortUMd .
tbc UUc. tb* weed* »ad
IMMniM (rwwtedof «b*Bartb.UU
•Mn misUbc wb«B cb* left bM
Mu* «Mu*bM« mi fUdlr
Ki*k**MhMlB ow dlrM lb*b*7' fa awfal pala aad lb* ablaldfaf fa otbtb* aerrow ‘
■ •f*tecb*M«auM.*>dU<^
tMu ww* MtM baau far b*r. I«t woald aaca* fma » kaowlc _
Wburtamr *w«r«M U it* rnlUci- ■alad;. *b* baa pim *a*aU; oa. *MI•MtwbMloud Ti»*M Tb* *trl iBfl;. cbaarMI;. Sudi burar; 1* bat
M**wuM>ABw mi b*r>*a*lad aatarallB
imkm • bwcMgW word *11 o**r iBlbbaoaatr; afappad (raw tba Mar
lower. a*d wbau lafar aatefaiw wa*
Bbabad parltaaUood
• b*rfalhfa^*ldp;w^
troB tb* molbar^tam tbrtfal^; ^
due* a Mrrw. aor« loofaf b«
Mbalb* wbofawartdM. 8b* wu 1b* alt; fatb* Vlrflala faMimof lawaad Wafalaftoa. 1 aaad act fall
•Wfa-b P«» «l...........................


a*B UW

^ ****

1 ■

W »

MB OaU. tb* llHfa OM ratbccBd la
Wn fa bar aid*, aad Mud ba a* it b
■lus fa bat (•« fa b* loud. Wbat
Marr*c<tb*OhUdr*a'a Balldlaf.
la bar frattj Ubtarr rena la it vatbaaMaU lb* ebUdnab beob* aad lb*
Ifatara aad wrltua ward* ol tb* wrtt. a*lM MUdnaol aUUnda.U* dar*
taaa a aoMaat oratiob He
mm ttvm tbaaraafara |aalrl*

bM la the da;* fa actlT* oufulau*.
Tb* *t*raer aid* fa b*r porllaa ebauiefar wa* •ofwa*d b; lb* aUaboa
qa*Ul; of Dou aad tb**ea*taai
etu fa Cbarit;. 8b* lo«*d Natara B*r
f*Dc; faaod delifht 1* *laipl<
iblDin aad
trllM tWt 11* clou fa Ibe bean fa N»Bnwl la bar aSactlcm.
falbcrod fa bar. acaonllBf fa
. tb* aoor aad tadfalBf <mc
B**d taamaa *;Bp*tli;.
baaiblc bl«***d b*r. aad tb* Inm
•anbi; poBtaalaatTlaldad oal
BtlBf loea'

raparvabawlaf *balaaa*Ulb* tra
or; aftiaiat-oi. Of ibat »i.*aaa» a
la tbablfbw^ tBad.aBdf7.fn.U*<
Hafaat faad. Tb* warraafa far t
•I* woi* taraad our fa ale; Ira
{apn abowlBr • balaau fa fa.ttafa.

Jaut M. Bam aa daaefa' p. Ameauifa, fat IM Oak HalfbBiflil ffaC
J. PoduU faJ. WtikoafaBW aad
«*. Ukf. B-UAdobfai add.-»UM.--------- ---- ----- --------------------

A. U aad R. L. Ckulert to Oial
Wood DUkOa..a*HfatuM.TW K.

Paci; Haaub fa M. A Brawu
(HI.U aspaadad aa uad* aad be
A 8.0. lA T M M. K 10W-1A71.
aiaacApril. Th. upon fa Ibot Oiawm Miah A. Browatu fa M. & I
aa towaablp IlSrai; fau a balaau fa m. paneU aad Ufa U PandU*
•la.oa. B. K'^UkalB fa ik* aid fap'fii.wn
taeai^ fa adaulbfa fau a atafaBi
B. F. M;ler fa M. A Bu
faaaawabewlaf fa.Wl.W be
. BaatarpeuiiaatU tb* aobaol
iwwwaioo. ra
TbaOakPark balldlacaeat»l.*m«. '
Tb* nportfafaBaablp ofarte

To AD ipbau H bda; Ooaoara.
Wt Bk* tkto BTibad fa arprm to
• frieoda wba bau atood ^ u u
hllbfall; aadw tb* **uu oUu<
wbm w* bau u ujaatl; bee* caaaad

CbrfaU* Datfae to Oral Wud DM
Cx w trb fa utrb aad pan fa *M fa
ac trb. bar. t. T 17 N. S yw faOA

d bpa* laloTiaf rw



tb* A^UiriBB m>
toaTactlrlarfarudmce tbaa |----ad tbecE oa tbalr opeol^ alfbt.
H a food oa* aad will ao <
baaid fa PabUc Wdito. »l.o» aaah pla;
uu a loaf ran. Tbe applaau
fa aid
la lb* miter ofaaearlaf fu
At bielabarfb Oraad. Prlda;. OcL | a»
dallm;. wu raferud to them
ba Wa;c aad Hcom
Beural olkar mtten la Ib* ^ ..
laUaf*. ate., wau braifbt ap, aad
; -Y
«!r-. piy» tS.C.K'JiS'-s:
rbcifalbauKav. II aadartbcaa*^ SfaTarT:_______.........
ufarud fa the
fa lb* Turent Cllj MaaicaJ-Utarar; i_______ ___________TiKai t batu '
. Butiof ^diaanud ic

ptaauBi tlm wu aaiojad
b; tha^uac p«qd.faAemlh*t 8atarda; aualaf. Oat.
faratabad a dublc ooaeapaace
aad wlthtbelrfirUwMitfatbt h
PImU UUkaal; wbtu faJ
nulc aad daaolat wu tb* tb*B
the aualaf. Twdu o-alaek cam
_______ ______Abo- I
I; fa aaoa lor tb* poaac ptopU
wllb aua; repuM that Mada; ■
*u to clou at baad tba; b*
ul dcfTw fa aritetlc axorUeaca la im.
u w .th..
tbalr dapartan lormaa*. T
at wau MMw UxxUWc*. Ud*
He IcaBaniat ol bifb c^m
Olea. HattU Baaeb. OacaU Dobaoa.
Bulb* aoBl*. IdbbU Smtb. Abu
Belt, Habal Uanpi
iMiU. Partp Hoppw. Barr; Mlur,
Joba Serlotau. Olu 8Uur. Gaorfe
> darfaf bt* rtciUl, aad waU de-,
uc ~a u* u
um. CharlU Ma*. Pud Baaaam.
tba boaoc* butowad apaa klia. ] •*“
w' ‘nui.
tar BtaapB.
A Pfaaaut Latiar.

a jaar
*Mt ab* bad daa* far tb* chUdnB.
. (aad aeaa; aa old*r ae*. Me) will
It wa* aol tb* abUdm afaa*
wheaabafaubarllb. Sb* loud all frfau fa baar that lb* faatl* alafer,
MaaaUr- Wbataur Ibar* waa a rrfaf CfanOol;B*taa wUl aiacaoBcrala
tkla world fa oata
Mia turn WM Idealllad wllb arar;
t *b* aoald.
naad fa b
aaaarfafoadwfablatUcoll;. '
-------- -----l;tb* B*aleB*lal*r**i
M^bBbaadbMtaadar dalac*
' tin aU wa* alwa^ a baaatlfal tblaf ab* UxA la tb* ebUdraab balldlaf
0m*< tba awaalut tblaf* aid ol laot, boatm la tbal balldlaf daHaf
^tbbtraab latb*r<»> daUf mww Ibaparlad falbahlr. Hn.Mmdo
yarned Chiaaffo. tb* dtrwbtab wa
1 lb* praaldaae; fa tb* rortalibtbwbea*. wblab ba** fifaa aotaaM l;clab. bat waa tadeoad faaeaairt.
Btlbair arau fa *i»fa*»‘m"« «< ^ tpllafa falllBc baallLtb* tiawpr
rfaOa; OaBUtbaaotp
MfaaM am* far bar datb la tba imv fa tbal aofabU orraalutioa.
^•MadaarMc <d <a* wbo kaar bar wa*. bewaaar. la tb* qalafar epberu fa utauU; ur; futUflBf fa Mr. 8taU“SP^CUL”
uu tb* aanbar fa bifb
iMl: ■'Mib IMa* aaaaad fa Uu la aaafalam that tbii fad; pularTad aad
>tfaw atzljaarwUldate**B. It b a waadar iMt tb* Lord loaed to bo**; bar nUrlaf aafara
ptad Uifal; apoa Ib* pamaac* fiuB
■ UU wlafar. aad It U fa
•aafaWdabawaitbcUaal faMad. iMutldaafar which tb* poor. tb*Hak^
babopad'thatHr. CImut wlU appaar
aad lb* *mioMd wboi
ban fa •Tb. B.1U.'
' ‘ '
ftwa onr kaow, wbou an* n
Tbb ba bui; Um wUb a* who •MirpU;.
'. .IMm wart* tbroafb a adat ol Mart.
Menu Buu. UtuI Bum OM. M. HB.
ka*w tU* Bara, faatlc lad;- Aad ;*t
aba *u fa tboa ol a wb
w* kaow that eoald tb* talu bar
aba a wa
Mp Dear Mr.
baad BOW, it waald b* fa bra*b ■
WmL Oaracmwl* too daay, <
iMak ;oa far tb* eoonaou I
MMIartbaworidfanUrla. On- oar uaia aad Ibat *aald *b* ap«
at poar baad* n*
a* afala It woald be word* fa eoBlart w* rualrad
Mrtaaau M tbi»-M* HaUl) oar
Marraaf* fa bau Mr.
ll la ;oar buatlfal opau boau
' •adwaanbar.MtbalUfathatH ifal
All the latest novelties
Orfabar la a M* pradutioB of
hr awv bat aid* by aid* wllb tbia.
I Hell*.- wbea I tbitk w* oafht fa
wilLbe on sale at Miltiken's
tbBMb larWMa fa Mortal «ra». aad
•u Yt-'-t— With baat wUbaa
tba touibawnrhU*d wbU* Hi*
Fnday, Oct. JSth—one day only.
MIbadbubfaaUaarthIr fab* w:
act b* Ha* hat an fa aid aad fa blw
. a tb* ••*. po. M**ual yraa*
aa earl; dal* la tb* hbfaep fa tb*
«m wbb a aU lb* tat df tb* wa;.
. h aaa ad b«rawaaoaaa ab* b alala abaat a bU* troa Aa* Arbcr.
. aUdwawMtowbaamwoald mj. Bb lift. aatU wltbla a t*w »mi
bb dulb. arhiebaocan«d*t aa ad•Mb aMO. Datbl Bow aaM;
raaead *ca la UM. watapaat aa tb* eabjaal Icr tb* prapar nutiaf UU
when b* Int Bad. '
aualaf >k Joba 4HI-M. PUau larlla
Ba baabawbatb* afafal bead
bma^ U laUfabebOdrBi
Baatafa to earn with
0 baaM. tboafb apa ^ bUad
AuUa. I
Tbe Mbiaat lor tb* ChrUtfaa Baduer Btall^ al fctl p. ■- U CbrUtUa
AMar Hn. Miad dalh. wUab look
.Tkcoarfc bar flrlbaad ^atrlotUB.
yha attboBofalB
Saada; Bcraiaf aarrm M 10:W aad
da; ■aralaf.tb* a
M aualaf tarrm at 7 p aa
tba «al wblab Md yaaad fa tb* bw bw fa lb *dlfarfal aiaS. bfaBf lor
Tba iBdm' Aid nelat; a
fm* wa faha fa cm e< Cbfaafti-* tlm It* alat* adiur.
I baatUal boaaa Ibat of bar la 1*U lb* wa* marrbd fa Maryaa tbalr Bullaf aaal Wedimda; at t«9
Mtaa who aoBB fa a Joarm
U cbaifefatbea.
maataUu aamawabolda Taao- lU. btiBf aapbawfa tb* Ufa
^ aAaraooa. Bar. Dr. Horotr
fuMlaawbo WMtb* owawfa lb*
Wflwanb. yaaldat of tb* bbrt- Oalult Adeortber. tb* Triboa*'* pro- llfaitn
farbb; alM. Uia CaoHcr. Or. Lfala faalfar.Uaad afur Ufa. Pa
Tllad fa lbU-B**Uof »
BadHlaMalbanarokabrloi;. Ibau Umtb* bom faHr.aad Mu.
ERNEST HOGAN, ns -Uncle Pete.’
•a mfMealatbaa*rnao.bal al; wa* UTraran* atp.afiar wbUb b* quUfad wltb tbawerk
bara aad abaa. Tb* aaabat. «
waa aaaeaaalul; praprlefar aad adifar tbaaoeUl;.
wHh towaowaplmaria* M lb* fa lb* W)
■aHcwin «< tb* CboBla; tab
a aad adlMrfa tb* Jaakua
■aar tM wlMawa, o*w bokiaf tb* auua. U aU fa wklck eilbB Hn.
hka. aM via la Ufa anaacacac
ifl kub of lltt-laaf
tba doww. wblab adaraad lb* aparttba aumrjfa b«
aaat la wblab tb* nwil.i la; tba Ufb-pUaad. twaal llriaf wUI ba
MafaB at tb* d*wl Md beaa kapi la
aa faaplutfaa. Partampa
.MdM. lb* BawnwauK pMewl a*
bam bubaaaU Cbicafo. 1
Baa. W. W. CbatAaU Wiu pnaak la
PBZOBt Sfto, h»o. BOe. and 7»e.
fa laau aa aBafatraafad t1*« of Lak* Uam balaftb* adheraad praprittcr
HMUtaa, at aw* of tha aUat dallfhu fa two tnd* )oarBal* U Ibat ell;.
Te^ for tba
ad Mn. lafatbadbaaa to walah tb* It bu baaa wall uid fa Ura
■'CbrmUa Patriae
warn* baa Ibawfadawaaaar
Dat;Mmtbat aaldc hua Leab
W«aM*taad. Tba ■»•■*.
AlaotV be wrifar bu bad aaeb bo
•naa-t Ofab. tb* ranalfbU;, aad
IbookUdrmfa Abi
Toa au aocdfaU; halfad fa
■aa; fabir offaalaaUuB war* pra
Maah of bar baat wark wu pabtUbed Ibmaarama CAprA oorw fa Oak
at lb* fBawalurtfaHtB ■*>«* ■
bAwak*.*ad a
U boak tormb; Imbup ACa.. aad Oa aeaaaat fa tb. qaanart; Bartlac
bareUaabafa -Mb; Laod'aad aau- I Maple aiptbau will kaaoeimlv
albar uIbbb wcu lb* dallfbt
At PioHoer Livery Stable.
fluattb*bom<dbarMfar.Mn. L
raoanliaa fa ahUdua all otartb*
lit IfalM. awdar lb* a
e BkiMcw imw.
aliharcb. of wblab Hra Mm
arabariU babfad aart Saada; al
Md bam a mfabor. aarth waa aafaa. fa. U the aaw kaU Otar Haam BBA lor (b* uaaaa tba; will aat fat akb■fatal toaank.raatU.MBdarlj
lhua;*anaco pablbbed * *olam fa fub kardwau Haro. Tba pablk U
t BapMartAlpaua eU. walfM sma A faed tom'J
, faflp. -Baanb Omtaal- waa n
daUl; paaBa aallad -rioB Btanb aardUU; Urifad. Mb)*** *»
aBtaat.-|b* aam fatb* aid AaaAr^foad pair fa wSk. tim SKA wllb fa
Ou^*Wbfa^b^^MaiaAi*4c*emA7;*maM.w*lcbl MM A
hfaaaa naU. tba waU haowa aa<faabtaeh;k*Utara;M»u.*;**>*<>U.w*lfbtlMA A food am far farm.
mv. ftofa tba Ulawlv faaatlfal Ubrarfaa fa lb* CbUdua-* balldUf,
epaatorwOI p
bikafa fa Hia laua la lb* Cbkafo aad barlBf fa barabarf* aBoaf lb*
CmBfaakMatAlp«BoU.walfbtlMAtUHla>Bw;baat. tVfaaSUA
narhmoaafuaaBfa Ibattima cb
I au Boal aordUl faalfad to
dua'a aalbor'a da;, at wklck ma;
aU tb* tarrlcu fa IbU Aaim
at tb* patat fa daalb aa* ad tb* w
tb* beat arrltan tor abUdraa took |mt.
oM.wfafbt lMAcA«kfatl.BUumd tMayud
CUaara ib* kubald tb* bfabm
tkB.*acUU;aad falaUutaaU;, b»A^fa mm aolB. am <faV Han aM am Bfaak Bom. U
Uf afaiiUlly proBlMt la ela^ v-ork.
WOl aaU ebaap ar mda far atom
8k. WB a UadUf mBbw fa the
aU. wfafht UM. emc; bfaM. • m;
' faaatb* <fa*a Dot; Mm ba* laCarad HaBaab dab. aad aial
fa lb* PonalfkUp. lb. baat
rtmafabedafa. ffu.
U QiUaca Tb. pueldeae; fa imoth; Priam fa AUhar Dofa.^
A Bfafto IMA aU tamd bupau fa
AbwuBy.d^mb.r.1 IB Ufa »S'i fagli'y fa »»M. **» *1. Tl7 B. X
alfatUa. bat ifaucdfepbwaaac





in kloaks

An Alt >ToaI

Beayei; Overcoat i Cloth CSpCS
S^DollarS’^S | Are Popular. >
Riehtlv mad- correcth' fashioned
-well trimmed aixf finisbed-so
like in mako>up and qualit)- to
what ten <kil)ar coats' are 'else
where, that >-ou can’t see any
difference between them-except
in the prices. That's sufficient for
ypu to investiu^ie. AU other
kinds and qualities.

They're sensiUe and sightly dress­
ing as well. Good lengths, full
sweeps (.plentv of cloth) and hc^
lots of warmth. We hate a Urge
line of them bere-a
and stock and tower prices-than
you'll find elsewhere.
range from S2.S0 to SIS.OO and
embrace all that is desirable.

Money Saving for you

See them^ u

BcUaMa Ur; <U<kU. t-.arp«t aad OatUm iiomai

227, 829, -231 FRONT ST..



It will interest yon. The two greatest Debaters on that
mnch-talked-of sobject are
XtOSW^JOHiX* O. SOXtXt, of XTe-w 'Z'orlU:.

' cbXAa. •wn.r.TA.M a. aARVJU'ac, o± xu

thi two noted men (official edition) is for sale at the Bookstore.
We purchased a Urge quantity, and BOW. to enable every one to read this
__ larkable’ controversy we are goin to sell it for just one-half Price. A
quarter of a dollar buys the book.


You Get Angry

One Night Only

Old Tennessee

20 Sveet aid Hawerfil leicas li Plaitatiai Soigs

so DO WE

Whm yea an tmpoMAd np«s In thn pBitfaAM e< poor floor. Tbnt^.BfitBna. Botth««
to n siapto ronwdy: Boy B. t. * Oftto
-BBSI- and yeo nro pm>t1»aHy IsMnd
acalaataoehatotortoM. OtTottatftoL

Hannah & Lay Co.

«T A

Horses for Sale


d ffaladaatrow tbatw* apaab fa

bab 7th add-«lM.
H. Vlafaa.ahuta.fatfa«td Thfau.
let AbIhAB. L.AOab«tbadd--Ml».-

IKnow what leather
ts worth now?
More than twice ms araeh as it was last spring.
The lUetorlas bays raised tbalr prices. Soma
deaiera-tbamoatoftham, inbet-baTa raM
, them aooordlni^. Wa harnt—yet- Well baaa
to, of ooorae, bafora loiiDgr^ T<m aara sarsaal
cents on aaob pair yon bny now. Ton Mont
naad anyP* Pardon oa, but yon do. Ton naad
wat waatber shoaa. Al^who bars to ba ont in
toe wat naad w*t waathar sboaa.



The short—24 to 28 in!—fjaln utd
roujh doth jackets seem to be the
favorites with the youoB Udtcs—

Blue-black Beaver, fashionable cut.'
velvet collar, 40 inches long. $104x1.
Lou bf these cloaks in 36 to 42 in.
' Jengths for the middle aged ladies.

Cloth Capes
Various styles. The $^.50 sort is
our “pet"—33
in. long, iiioin.i
20 in. sweep,

------ , beaver, aitreKr-r
stitched. Urge velvet

f Fur Capes
hM more good poinu
than a whole paper of pina.
Take a few of U^e points
homo with yon:

' At $4.g9—black fur—surah silk lin­
ed—24 in. long—full sweep—ample
Ow. r. M«nu M«d* Ik*
W«*Mr SKU* Uamam» pkktd horn
At^i4(o$i8—someVif the dressi­
Urn* Ik* o«o«i« bid luiMtod
Ik* M • l*w d*7s a«o. ud
Dr BromsoD'o tteaiaao*.
est, neatest looking capes you ever
tkMoalb*«B*twK •■r.Br*
Oo Utunlay lui Mown. Urrell aad
ftil **uck bf impair dpuale WM
IVIm Tfeitk hlriMlpU ot UiMd wmM bj hi* SBdlae * ilul tobl* Uster. oooaaol. sadoabl* plou tor arX
and over—well, you’d better see
»*«*■* Isll prodBcU.
r*MotjadyBteellalUea*eof D .
kaUi wUeb kid b*u
two seats Instead of oaa.
Bn. Knu> B. Uairrus r»*< * d»- ikup imaUmmigmi mm. cmpM, oi 8. llrowB*oa.ouaTicted of saaiteayhter
Uchttal iMMn •! Ik* Baplki •hwek eauine tkmfb ik* JkO hu* la *bort la eoaaoeUea witb lU dulh of UalUc
Bell. Uo. u aotiood la tet w
flid*r. Tb* mm «u tmtad
Bsiciear *T«alae Md kbe piMoM
___ Uaauu. PraauotlTiy AUoracy Pater
■ ■
2U.BrtUMl.*r..7*k.q,«il t>M*o< Ik* eeUi. AboDt
■tf UMlrw Md WM pMtly Um. tb* pri*oa« Wtoe. u U* wa; u> *pok* fur tu fhopte. TU UAloi
a mmmto,
««)oj«d liy lk» »»di*c«*«.
loolk told d*pot7 l^lor all aboat lb«: dutod by Jadya OerUii. At
toop knua instead of two.
o'oksk. lU boar Ml lor tka y
«o>U *Mlo*dUkMfal*d 6b- pUa. «hkh »oald bin
•r U*l mml«* Um hhMido. h oat l< ■ carefal watcb b
r CM hwdir r*« .
lU Dr. tartedy *ad calmly, ud
rary aockty k to k*
M lk*0
won*? pnU bnttona off
*tf-pas****d suaar. altkooyfc
<kHM «r INmI MS MM «
deoUy teboriay aacter .irasy u
uld U WU taaoout of Uw
Bbt. U- a. KauBT b*rU* hU Allb
okaryad. Mr. OotoU. la a <*w
rmmi aipwler «f tb* Frtead*- March
. wtl eboau aad loaliayly dw
Dartac U* r**id*u* b«*
lU pabik. Altbooyh totolly bllad. b* lirarad, aakod tor teateaey. u b* wu
ka sulorof tUpkao aad bkbril- ulkSed tUt world be
- - ralarrad to tU
Hut uukqa* k riralled by Ik* a
tky of hk .tpri—loB. Mr. P*i
os * B»o faalar* la kkraellak. aad U tboaybt Tory tor from eoacla* I* BOW Ulllay Ulon rack aosbor oa tb* pro- •It* Jadya OorUu thu r*UrU la
Itetloa with Mr. Pooter. Ipoa
■osethlayof lU raspoaor . HI*.
At tl&ir
ntara to tb* court raom tU
dracrlbLay a* tor u poslbl.
d. aad TtaaaariTwiaal* wUt tU «*l«eU<s to to playod k*op- Judy*uU*dnpcmtUprk(suto arU
auteoca. aad la tU ooaru of hk
That shipmeat
rouarU aaldtUcriaM of whkb lU in fkot they ambraos ao dtany
lh**arlU« balacB. M«tu
_ .2.
aadi«ae*k4M»to tooek with th« a
prteoacr had bou ooarlcted wai
good pointo It la hardly ,aafe
a nCteiMlaad a Oeod- ikdu aad oospoaor tros tU *to
' W. a
yotbsr too oossao; tUt white I
aad tu raj
tu pracraai k
to alt down on them.
iirsrad a haadrad fold.
}aiy of yood su had bnsyai I. a T
dtet ofyaUty; lUtIkkteft ao eboko
with tu Coart ampi u to lU d«raa
Mra. FUlaa. trUkub
soalh wtlk Mr*. J. a BUIlaca, rw of podalty; tkalte tww of tU toel
Xn Onr Window.
rsMsa Sum
tut a Tory tery* aumb*r of tU luitarudtoCkicayoMoaday.—Mn.
aa|wriaMShsM Mm •(
dcou of Kiayal.y aad Ttetelty, tU
ul*. Boa. aadMta. Parry Uuub - prteoaor'iboas.aodalualarya aos0*0. O. Balo* rotorud toCblcaco Moesldute of TraTaiu CUy.
<r kk baia.>r Mr. A raaoroftUTalaaofU* Haaiu day.-MU Blui* Baekor aad
•d far teateaey la *UI
ead«ani*aca*as* loaotk* tu olkar Praak TosUouo of Uiaad Bapida Ut* IhU Coortwi
daj. A kaatUac rail aMl. duler
. TklUoy at tboir old bos* kraa.This weak te aapeolally inpat w ad. la tk* pip*r calllaf
Boary Aldrtob ha* b**a •atanalo- a Am of to U paid io two boas’ tareating to the children et
^ are matted atfd on aala, but the OOPDfl and their PMCM uw. u.
w- —
- led*aitabl.tamUBA.aad
lay Mra P. 8. Ekldss aad Mra Ws.
iadotnltof laid paysut.
. a wa*k.aMa(oik.r U,idrU. Oraals of CkdiUu—Mia C L.
etore. Store room and
la MarqaeMo prUa far
^ W*»»**^f_W^oerteln that inch ertpemelylfnr|«*o.,w«^jT«bdiIl 3_
aM*U oa* troa tU •oeibwa
down both fbU of comfort ^ t^enlikaqaalltleto We bouMt thee. BlaiSm at
«f toac
aad Motor Uy Uto ratansd to Mu-|
tea Miaid of PMUe Worba vfl]
of tUa
dU.-Mr. aad Mra Joa* Pauraoa
tl.<n> aboold U paid. TU tew pra. and pleaaore for the boye.
slt» ■.SaMaraad tb* Burt M
^had been -kloking aroud** the coantera of some
fres tkolr t)hk> TkiL-tioory* Tidu iBuchuosatM act mto*.!MaMlMal* okkioklb* mma
Mfeia, Orerooete. Snlta,
I pnea* wU Ut* dsw. tU tel- (rS*al. dt«yat* tras tU Trararao lay Sl.tnu or IsprUssrat ao> onudloalae Tolas** fros tU Bich aekool aty todyototUUraadUdya.l.O.
1^ It you* TU *UH0M of tu Snee-BanU.Hata, Cape. Hit
P. at Ua*lay, loft Utarday for tUl
llbroT7 an rcqaaoud to rotara tki
tene-eTerythlag for their
bSrOdar yawday wllb a
a* poadbla Jokassh Ba«7oto> plara—Mra U C Brayy ka. you to
padia VoL « part Ji ■aerolepadla of a*ybora. la.-Mr. aad Mra TUsai day aad wu rakaud fr
rraiy «d Soalh Maaltoa Ura ra>pras; Barpoiatiknsdar. IMl koBO after . TWt Witb ralaaaah Maekatk: aad two oalaMa of iU
opuad teat alyht to aa oBaollut I
-Mod*ra Oa*M- **rM PaToriio
‘ ties tu fraqaut appteou
la Oak H*lyhu proporty
PooSB, b* KlaealoTaadThcPrIaaas.
ud IL wo ua piadlri farita*«ry
Ttew of saUoy Trarara* Oiy bk bos* ----- stfol »*U TU play 1. fall of
Blade. Wheelbarrows, Wag>
falara data—Bobk Ckldwall yoodsatecaad lUcut ka ikoroayhly
upabl. oaa Hr Enul U<«aB u aa-mrythlhg fbr ti ’
OArOMAn. o
aad Aaya* MeCoU
--I'aote Pote." kcMM of tUotei



iwMk 2(300.










On Exhibition


Our $1.50 per pair kind cannot be matched for $2.25

Our 2.25 per pair kind cannot be matched'for 3.00
Our 3i5 per pair kind cannot be matched for 4.00

iMB a laaOiBtdrIaf hraalh «<
BMT mmt tk*aM*rrMar tbal Ik*
................ .....


> toel tu util* ouuay k
. at Itetnat—
butol lalut aad -Old
Mr. K*o
of Yaba os* of tu p^ oftUwu
ylTra a raadlitea tbu
•ariM ratlM la tkk rayiea. wu a ToaaooooM
soHtetU mtroaayo It k roeaMay.awfot okacaoM of lU Otrasa Baaiu .alter Tasilgy aad laid *es* LaorrawoMk
kotaai»Vtor*r, laparfaothsiSaU. Bte
aaskotea of kk plaaw At SteteUryh Uraad. Priday. Oct.
rt k aMkak aad tkoaa
.-MU Caa Trark, os* of Tiaratw
aiyh »ala*d*1iysi.ha*yoa*to CU-

Od MMlii ala* IT to IL
Ouu Bama of Kalbaaba M* w
hfcdiiiputj «bM arttb WaaT.Uaaaalwaf lU* cUr aad am aak
I ooaeart to U ytraa at Stota- OUl sa* la tu tiy Tasday oa hk
baMbwalatk* falara.
Bsr*,0raad Tkanda/. Ool tt. by tU spy tros Kortkport to kk wiBMr I
la at. Aoyaalaa. Pto.
■• bar* AaWa OaaoartOo. prasM to U a Tocy
at saoka) oraal. Prat, a B.
Ooaaefl of Beyal aad Bated Matota.


tolMMUMRi, .

«• thU aU bm* at UUr Baa.

> of Poutko. kk pr*o*Bl kosa.
BasAOci.Tm.of tu Dalaa iMaat aad kk a*svaarkklrU7M>boa of.
TU inspaay kofrta tk*lr atotor icsr
bsa. aad Tra*aia* Qly akeal< yito
tUsor»odo»ad eg.


Du *iA uct Silt it Onicut
$3.00 nmt.


^Old Bankets are Dear at any Price. =


Aa iaspectioa aad comparison is soUcited.

■rarkwudouhy M
•d Muter Oos <d I

OtS riMduta of tkk olw wOl alwaya
lea tau «araM at Um Oak n .Tfllll a** a wars tpm to Ikak k*ark tor dolktu. baaeutwuourad.
auaauoaauoiHHuaa------atr of OraM Tiaaataa. wkkb »a*
atadaatbofMM. TUBaaBaot tu auay
y*aia lUir oalj boat ooomd.
* with tu oots mrid. 8U osa
< ooraral yrara ayo te a tioffht
asw. U*t rrtday baUaryealo
rMyaMpMaafM aa
aUotrrak aa Oraoa latoai. aur No­
•iMtka. Mr.Oanrwa* II
am wk*a kaaTtly loadod with
' sMiadtU

Our 4.00 per pair kind cannot be matched for 4.50
Our 4.50 per pair kind cannot be matched for 5.00

Out SaTings Oopartment


. iJstasaiiST'"-

Clothing Co.' •



1 head i>*t I 4b aot koow all atoot .n man m^'to iii l■i|-|fill
.,.>»• •lw««toSttnpoitaaaaabBck-.fmtop
to* wafarM
11 lap bniocba. He w< aid caatn abap pofan Baadaib*. tadtowlfaa, Cbfa
tt all ripki for a dbtai,.*. wnrtim* at atifaiba. nbiliii jMi fa Baabfa
<Haa Arbor laaCMcadap.
JIa baaathaaabona abfaarttklaibaaaiioa of Ika laafa
Tbafaman an njofafap anr *a«*
■at with.
« knd.fawaioJa>kebe*ekipk*e np'^ Bton fa «to woHB Iw
afar waalk^ far aaearlac tkafa aopa.
> tbea I ban aat oalp had Ik* apMn Jao. Smbaip nfarard Tandap
Fnah Nark aad wife rWfad ka
iBltp of tHndiap ebaito, bat
aeikar at Oriatl datardap aad Saadap. froaLobadwknaab* had baaa rUtbad a k.ara farobkad at to do aa
CkaHia Boroapb. aad wih aitifad iapHn DaiUaadMIaHatta fatlaap
lU hroorho.
'---------------- —
* r tancal dtp*.
doha Naak aad famUp Saadap,
K* trau htn n pat rltltod thb
Mn. Osrb'a baba, wha ha* b
leu N.eih I .
rfW wUek aU
<er tbtir ailkaPlar.
part ad U* eoaatp altkoivb aaap otk.
tfak. it botfaral tkl* wHUap.
taM wiaU>r lha««U M <
Ocn TiaUad «aU aad tba <Bia*
Otaada* Staalap hat da*a aoMafap w plaea aot far boa at ban taSarad
itbaotoiap Ukiabp; wiUpn
a waU laUaead wUk tba arap.
itt bar kaad. bat It ^tfar at Uit fraa'tkr cfftcfa of thaa.
r« air fraa Unad 1
drp it aa* qatitor of to* tiaa. I
WUbar out. who haa baaa haalac
Mn Joo. lackbraaaind a tanwiat
wrtMapTel if 1 wa* fa wake a pan of K. , tnr bap i an
r kaow Wbntotall it It b all
nan apall ad ^akaaa. la allghU/ a*
Tba rrtaadaaaatlap «m rblt fraa a larptaambtrof bar frleodi
: han aot aaai aoptktap ban D. np ban*—wall 1 bad ntber b* n
I'bAbiV Wium.
•Aoepp/p* Ajr* PMra
tbtardap at btr boat Stlardap analap. Tb*
m-k m4 Job. bm««i «•
b* bald la a-f‘» dtp
bat black dirt aiaet I nae. Tb* pao- eoaed. A* for tocoetp than b bat oee^
B<*ool bacae far tba arlaa
aeaaaio* wai a rarp bsppp oat for all
that i» wheat: oae can trorel dor dap*
w ban call It paaboo.
Moodap tkaTtborOewba irilk Mia
bpBe*. J.Oa
ThtW-M-fawiU pin aUfatprpto- proaaat.
Itn. B. CrDonri)
Mn- ‘
aad dap* »od all thrp cab tto h the
•* demca. of INnood
. Mich., w* a
MUUaMaOaaaataaeka. ' '
railJoa. BoddaadBotoer bft Hcadap
a*l far tko bratAt of the partoatpa
a permiued to make
Wa art aapartaartap a aafaa a< kaary
^ ktee ou breiuuuo ia reemmeodiap
, hr Maaotluoa wba* Ibap will i
lad afarat akieh an loUc adaaldarallbfarfaumbelBpa*pi'o**.t kwo Ur-^ ^ Kii>p-»^Sew Ub^^rp.
r«J. a Natk'i oowapot lafa hi* oora- for tb* wlBVtr. Jobakatobinoadtbt
kU damap* fa aklppiap aad SaklarItioB of al*A ia kb aad*'* al
Paid. At a ooeaqaann b* it likalp fa
'a* la to*(.«a*t.
Yo* na'I ranbb “.yVlf,. “vhllTnU’^eLr of*toJ
Praaaua BaaaU b auktaf |«aparabnoaa^hbbal-. .
fta. c. I
L-t — 1

““ S*~o »«oto aad Sto tor B.pti.1 fb«rrh at Bint* J^lkta *k*
_oaa fa Bon fa Nortkpcrl wkan '
Paaab BUol* ntmraad Satardap
Oae day I eoaafad
lo, „iu, ip^kled be.:,Ib* that lakab. toe *.* be.w«hl Aowa wtUi l-annw
will aafaf* ia fakiap wHk Ckaria tatke aekool baaa aaal Pridaj aad from Tnnn* Otp wl
ofcaUl*.aad froralwntp fa
„ u* fmb waurbmok* of Uiekina'
***-oeeJi»P la Orlpp*. Twrihb
Bataitlap. Prof, itrawa of Ttanrat fa aanral waak* aanlap JaUa Chaa*
PMabMa an laifaaad da* anaad atrwUlptnalacfanPrtdapanolBp. Itkraapb aa attack of Vphold fenr.
cmeat um are eteo am .
driak the •porkllap w*m maed a. if toe onld aot nrrlt* Ikon
M*aiMv4a]r. Barapert* tb« la*
ban bcllk*nl***»aaeha«*nd te , The y. P. A C B. will bold a tpaelal | We an rery pUd to bni ^ Mia
of wb**t. thoaph aot
___ putoee oat thraopb tbe erpetal A frieOd rmtaateaded Ur. Kta^ .New
■!•«< UnlaABo.’alatvt ha»« wWb
tkA tkaklrkaatprfaebalBf
it «•*• •iilek Ic iu wtwk aad
bnlaaa aatUap at the toareb Prldap Cbaab
ta* totaab hanaaa aad aqautIV
iia. draw* bp oa* to* tpmdiap bmrbea of *un* alee bipblp •etl*fart»y I* reaulU.' Trial
of wheat 1a oa
N. Snltk rofanad fa
Brarp aeabrr b raqanfad |
WhV' Thatea aa*ma Friday aWar.
^ pma t—e mod bear tbe wild bird* bottle* loe. at J. II Jtouoe t aad S. A
fad tkat a naal loat a di
r»ad Baptoa Hoadap after eapiae. Then
fa ba pmret at batlata ud lapariasae
MB. Wt<id ast Uvatka
•laplap tbair.weet faop *Bd the pret- Wait'* Itrap Stem Bipabr »be Me.
apeadiop the *«BBm la Nortkport
* .t.'liul.-w|alrteUrb*iterine ahiutp.n: mad SI.
will bt trunefad.
alafa Nortoport
Untie Kewmaa. who baebeeo work- Perobrook eottapa. She wa* aeoc
iadplap fnn
lap lor Un Helaapblla all aaaaer. pooled bp ber daupbter Ernie aad lit.
praadaoo. bar batfaod barlap I ‘ the wlad w* had the other dap (aad'
kn nuroad koae aad KaU* TntaHr.
ha* ho^t a pba of lead of Charlie ball, of Uillar'e HUl bat fakea her
a* tine apo.
aaptolapl. there an oolp oertalo dap*
Kaboo aad b baildlap a boaae oe it
-be tcceptioo faadered Be*. P.
an aorrp fa **p Mn Uewith Ik* lafaaUeo of aorlap bb faa­
Wbiuaao aod laoikBr Prklap oraiap a ear ooald mtar uo tbe.mdi.L^
Laaphlla b ao betm.
llp apo* It bafan aoU wntbar atu la.
Owlap fa the lafaaaa of tb* boor
1 will radntor fa deacrlbe a threabHr. BaaaU aad Mr. WIbm kan atm lUmlap fa Ike eaboa fraa tka
lapenw. Tb* pnia k> draw* to tbe
Mr. tent* teaWp plaU of an
*0 lorfaaau a* fa pick fraa Lab* Tnnm Clip aoBnatlOQ Mr. Butko* Tb* owabert of tb* cb*rcb aad
■achiD* bp lee beadle leoae. There
MIeUpaa a aaall qoaallv of plat laa- oolp pan a* a tbort addraa. Be will frieodt wen cwdUlIp tartfad aad
> eipbl pileber* la tbe Seld aad loar
Tbaatfaadaaat ataebeal ttafaadllp
bn wbicb nae la ban a had aoae- b* bon apaia aaat Saadap areniap. Urp* BOiaber toukadi
tbe maebiaa. The oiacbiD* reqeiret
faaaaalapi alphfaae Mat waak.
wban oa tkewaUraad aeaUarad all wbaa we bope fa pin ^la am time. opportobll, fa wel«ne M
fewler or head ratter, a. it U a a* f-J
tWmdOB Ikaaerthwaatof lowop
Wbiiaoe fa tkl* pa»tonto.
Lot erarp oa* ooa* aad boar him.
toad. Oaewapn mtaadi oa aacb aU*
l^wipb la badap pat oa tkt llaa.
Mr*. 1. A C*|>ppB**a baaqaet latt
Mr. ladwipdrawUtjKaabatbaliof
Tharedap aipki at ha^baaie ie buoor
ippla fa Mapb Utp, Mat waak, '
of the WomtutClob, which all pm-




Forest Favorile
The latest and best
Oak Stows out

Mr. aad Mn A 0. Udd ^1 paaurdapwltho*.

ContiiQS the M Fatam of
lU other Stoves to one. i

Hn L. ASnllklMan
aad it take* Sre foar-bunr tamait
fa dnw the pnla awap; two mea aad
two Mam* fa k*ep the ttnw awap
Itbat Ie nlled straw boeklapi. oat

Mb* Vba Porta ha* beta qali
• paetwa*
The Mae*

tba waattaballdbataaabt dafaad.
n* w»i>na«t«U PMad

Oaddb VenlerhateoBcladed fa
trow ktr trip fa tblado.
Tb» aider aUb an afartiag. Uood faod tk* Stale Uainrallp thb pear.
Wlllb Barborywatkleked bp a bone
Taaplan wbananpoat
Bataidap alphtaad qalta arrenlp taHr. Itanl'i boon whioh b aaarip
On.*. Mpen aeaanpaalad bp bb
1 b tbIUap
eotola. Oeorpt Uarto. bft Moodap <

MrlapM wfUnaW* oM

Mn Jao* Sharp, who ba* ben rtaiv
new ataatap Ian
lapberdaiipbUnlaCbBBda. nuray

tba ladka aid will aaal aaat Tbar*'
^ d«atMr. laaherb.
Jo* tlUaon a^m* fa fara aa
Ha. aBdMhaOo*U.o«Chiaar
larpar aeal*' hast pear.. Be ha* t
I alMMiMHr.Oaaldafthltpiaaa.
Uepd WiMairtir. of Taran* dtp.
J. D. bKap haaa nip pnup
hat batapiaklaBapplatca tka p«alaalaaUoo of nUUaap poadt'at tk*
Hr. WaUn*. Mia WaUna aad MtaHr.
ha* elaed kb enperafar
IP ■mnpofaBl.dabaafa^n
fcrlbaaaaoaaBdwUIapaodto* wla-

WM talM fa aad tkalMlata* it dolap

> Waaforda


Mln'BIan^ WrlpbV who ha* hero
ill for BOOM ttan. ta able fa a'
Mn BaUp nfaraed ban Ckaadj
thaiadap anolop whan to* ha* ben
ab Shalar. of Saalt Sfa. Marie, an Ike
Hbt Prlupetmld ^ Mb* GSIe UFwpe. faaebeAia tk* aebooU. epeat
Satardap aad
wUb 'frbad* la

Dr. A. B. Btowa** fkamp. of Ckleapo.
Mian MeUbkaal aad Vopt
a Ian of lb* aotUfara fa ban a*,m alaaaaeilp aarprbad hp the
«**. <k(M M haatfaf hfa naidiaa
rpeet to Mk* toe Pafaakap aa bar
Bait trip.
Mb* BM Want
ftmt to btr
a Wa. Beak aan atone far a
lb Piaak MalnaphUa. wha hat
wa MbkIpaB toeiap. Mn UpeotHu
hna TbiUap U* praadpamit. Hr.
TiaMa Bawltp ad 8oatb Kiltoa
ahappjUaceaapw-Mn-_.r '
aad Mn Sharaaa. ad Tank lake, rw
Mdaatoortaallat A. laab'Moadap.
Hra-Johaab Soot*, ad Oraad BapJ. J. UalaapUlsaadMn H<«atoIfa b tka pwt ad Hr. aad Mr*. Jattpk
ana an atfaodlap tk* Oraad UHpti
of Odd FallowtaadBabakto
alap thb waakatdabpabt I
At Ik* anaatl ttaatiaf of tb* Ladle*
Attkalaaalbthbot oSatntertkt
Aid aodetp of tk* M. A ebarcb htld
tot ho<B* id Hn Frad Wrlpbt laet
. niatbata bit Baadap analap. tkt
Wtdaeadap toe foUowiap eSban
(AMtlmaaadanatfaUowt; Pntl.
elected: Pr^nt. Mn Wheeler;
dnV a Bktatn; tat Tlet Pmidtat.
Pm. Hn WellBoa; 8ec-p.. Mn Prod
lawall bnK Sad Vba Pnaida
Mk* Berua BQI caa* koae fa
wripbti Treat.. Mn Darkaii OeOttBntlatti bd Ttet Pi aldnh Mra towtanra aip SaWrdap enalap.
m. Hn Crap.
aneaan: 4th Via PnMdaah I
H. L. Salih btknablapUt wop
MlnCHlTb Mclaraa.
laab; •aoMarp. PbabtChraa; Tnnna* with aa Araatreap mekl**.
pin It*
Mn W1U Lon. aa* McDtaalA of
b rbltiap at ba
Mn Aadp^Kaweoabb qtifa badlp Stafa Koraal. a
■btod with aaa* klad of awaUlap oa Bodwou. tkb aceaUnt drilllap a
t Mtototo VBto bad* toratoipt bw lea*.
BopePUUiptaadMbaOwtbMeDo*UwanTiannaatpcallwBee* dap
Honhpwt Dapanant.
an weak,
Mr. Aadanoa aad faallp Ian
WaanharlapUphwiadtao tor
X. SbMdn'tkla^nSU ba* abet
latobw. aa w* an an la aato daai
towa far to* wlam.
Onrrt Mtka aad Jot ApcU. of Mapb ad htarp faaah
Otp. tbitod atr. r.Oato:<t bn Frt. Pototodlptiapbaaaaewtot dolaped Jao. Saabora nad* a hiiiliiii trip fa
atlaaa Bap Maadap.
oaaaaooaloftoarlaalMlapaa proa*
Tb* atr. Cbarieraizaallad kw*
toot toe potaton da aot Imdaa.
SmU« «th* ahana of Oarp Zak* bn
tb Sten Chanklll b abeat tonhL. Boiab of Barn tpnt aw
iap ap ka^lap koaa. k* wUI rblt a
dap* with bbaaa Dnak bat wa*)
pood partcdtoawlBMrwllh kb ehUM. A Palal^Mr ad Tnnra* Clip wa*
Mn Alb* Hoalapwaad hw liub la fawB bat waak oa
Sow aidlap b belvpat oalc
Id Bap H
aaphm aada bar welkw. Mn J. r.
baildlap oeeapM bp A A Qtaqdi
Onav of TtonnaCIlp.a »wt
T>* aqalpmata far Ik* aew i
proaan airind Satardap oa toe
Lnt Baadap pabaa aaabn ad oar

edW. AJobtolao.
Mn J. h'eboB pan a deltphtfal
tj Safardep aftoraooB for bar
osapbter Aonl*. Tbe onraekwi
ber Itb Mrtbdap. aad the Uulc folk*
bwl * riphtmertp tine. Tb* pae*w
pmeat were:
IW-I. Dame. Edith
Dame. Belle Lachle, IWI Weetoa,
aod Ethel Wiboo. Fltnb. Ubbie aod
Wloale Uapaoo. TlUb Prlaiaaa. Lillb
mod Uattb Uuapaob. Cecil Wtleoa.
tWtp Swaiuoa. Co. Vole*. Mary Latlrace Abbott. LaelU aod Xera

fa atfaod toe tapaTBtor, oat enpioaar. |
OB* l)reiBaa I*, toep bora elrnw), two ]
meo at the cm fa anload task*, two |
Etr** aod thp bow. maklop a fatal of;

Mn Blka Alba, toatrwod the eU|.

MtnBttoHlDn tea
Bobaol bn bapaa at Oba Afbar wHh
Mb* Hlaab Barba at faackn.
Mra J. B. Snk aad taa Wnib ad
MaptoCItpriHtad Mn. Wabb Baailap.
Ml*. A B. Barfea aad

Hhsi FiiisM irtliastaBl Mil
To see It is to bs oonwinoed.

To^ deacrlbe bow 1^ to* 1^ le^
aad toe eeteat of toreohlap.

ToawlU mtaktaABhlBOddMlfTMtaW
aa Oak stoTo wiUbOst asotssttlpoae.

toal in daplipbl I eosld eee tontolnp:
fa eucke
A* Mr M.lelle baboul ao Arerapcl
fwmer, 1 will pire yoa a etaleotaol of.'

^80U> BT

S. K. N0RT1UM.

too. Alma ADderwn Ub Neltoo.
Ha*de Talrpard. Waller aad Uopal
HIpalow. Welliapfae Stebbio*. Joba
Uapatn Faoa Wileoa. Morgoo Steele.

A KlBptlap Maab Letter Mp )
K permb emdoaltp Miararlablp fa
r aot beak, ao fa partially aatltfp
mled* of a few of my raw
write tkl* dtoeripUoo of Nortb Dakota
tt I hart witaeated la aloe* the Ut o<
I left to* fawo of Klopmlej. Mlek.
Aof. tat. lew. 1:«9 (• m- aad raacbed
K. 0., Aop. i, tbo a. n 1
had bnid taeb plowlap aeaoaBlt et
crop, •nrelly of meo, aad aboeo aU
aack hiph rrap** paid tar maeUat
Bol fa mp *Brprier oa naehlop ChtaeK
toe. a fawoof abontl.SOO iBbabitaafa.
I loaad MO ateo oat of emplopmei
Uarreatlop bad alnady beea b
aatome farm*, bat wot fa b^ln toll
blaet aaxt dap.
Farmonwate blriop
men aod poplaf Dorn W oeou fa Sl.M
per dam 1 fn* taken iota the emplop
. Aar oamad C A Maletta. I

▲teOBfttU UMOf-

Cooks, Bangee aad Heatewu.


a-I-VE! A'W.A.'Z"


it Dotolop baleemmao elotbra
Bat fa mp aorpria*
m* I faaod mp cmplopmodal maa.aad b*
eery pleaaaat lorifa-

ftataima deal amh
tar ta wimA

hr aa atuactin
mke f '
*f tkt______
' towDl

Mr.aadMn AASm

The best value for the least money and demonstrate this fset
under the broad light of comparison and wearing t^ Care­
ful buyers and judges of value appreciate onr efforts and our ^
business is constantly on tbe increase. We boy only from ^
tbe beet manufacturers for cash and eeU on the same baaU. ^

For good Clothes. Dry Goods. Carpets, doaks. ff^idsrwear.
OUGloths.Etc. . .


fa Babaeta Lodp*.
A AoBllBadTraniaaCHfatrind
lap toanoptoalaraae* to to*

MaMtotot of toe tofcai
* Hbon Mpito aad Hiaa B
BonaU Pbbw artU ton* hmkim
ifa*antk*pa**toatto*ir b
Barba wan nltaa aa tba BIU Saadap.
«r. A P. Boan*. of Ikbpbaa.
KIto Ltasb KaA. ad Mtpb a^.
Tb* WaanabOab^l toiU tteb ate at OrTrlcne'* Ftnrifa
Wnd toatnl dap* bar*, lb* paanof
Then ta oetotn mirocalaa
ts. at toe ka*M of Hn A A Om.'
■ton wnibab. wko hat
Artoar Bwdnaa ratotaad bn Taaan ta tto iwMi W t
top with Mn.
Wmian JMMtabktold^akUtfa top oa tko atr. CbarbiuU faan a ririt
an* at Mtpb O^.
ariu fafa^ I* 6L Lr^ aad CU^a.
«.adChbato.hanparOn*, rarnt a A Ibn* Sabkad


Because we bavn't any goods that were new 80 years aga ^
No shoddy at prices that ought to buy pure wooL Vo shams ^
that pannot be disposed of in any other way but to sell the
present and throw in' the sham. BTo goods mailed double ^
their real value at 10 per cent discount from marked prioe.
None of these things here, but


W. A JotenrnbABaadap aa toe



Cheap watches or worthless tUyerware, no rookere plotnree
'or baby toys with a $10.00 or a $100.00 sale.

Mgfaarpaapb anbavbtokbc

-pacpliMiaabbd tofotharattha Kna^w aakaol baaat Sa aartaaa. wUto Tnnn* dtp toon oat to Taka Priwn to ka haU tbaa. bat far
dap atmaaoB. rataralnr ia Ik*
mraabhlinaaoalka ntobaafaOad

Uu B doasa poOutB of pimotfosl sS▼kDUfo fDttod iB BO otbar Osk Stewa


1 OTjrsr,


—•“•r *"**•"• ^--------“M maeOr thM.
1 hant
»ir«Jl. H oa f«l kW «< I
U-t»uS&««dte'»k.a»,att- UaaMt.*-i**aU.
a ttalwaMtanb Bla^. AM
“Ta. K wa.-, ajHM «« «*
• • "■•
1 doa'l kMw, tW. kai tka 1 •#>«• I gMi baiill;.
A Uak lahaUaHUka
IWnn -------- r—-------- tto( UM
"Ba-i• ^ eU a^-• Ik

I »hw toaad aa boar tolar, «aa iaaeTb dogs’ delighi to b*rt

“'Sam" aha
aartt toladi^p^MaU^ j ktor^i
a u •••.>« tt* b <■
___________ ,___
•ttoa kata, Toai'- Kka

-.» ---

'baadkeopar_____ ________
Bnanl aula. Bat lloUrar see a
brina baoa la aach a race, aad i
*an of aapiv •kiao-'ahal «ar acv ajaa aa thap aaearatad. aaahoftkaa. Mr. Bprar-a baart qBUad.
kma apaab aa loadlp aa ear aronlar vawtar «aa cf tka liula baaewta. tka
'Atv bad to to door,
Noratoadlp.lataoalAaap. for are aaa rM?«blob had taaebad tMr baUar
m telrba rbhel i
mj ahal la aet iraa. bat «a Ae aboa
____ to cpeBCMl tto door ato
a bcserlSdUHtadl
rwl^p abat waaraaad iHiaX vatblab.
paarod tsfore hte sajstp. Nn as
u kUshi Bara Bara.
tod the k.^ afskew to hta old tr
<r oka baa a koU la bar pack
t aa aoS?*^s***““”
Irr ebaare. With ""
a low.• atlualaV—Arctoapr
aaaa a..Toai aiaiaa for a ■pbiat at bla
____. ..JBd be |sned bb troBk
CMtlp OTcr Ur. Brrwa^a tan
ilwrcle ridcea football plapn. aad
keepniarcaaed bb bic pet.tbrwbl1r alhJclaa, Ccanallp.
after aaolbar ervarAad apoa; '•^isik^tktoV B^daoh bald ap a lalkiBr to him la a low rohr. (ted. nsrJp tor the aprw'
daalp be lap dowa Cat <s Ibr taor is-, rate p>
^ which they
ttop ara aosai
Ucm Aid aapbodp baoa It aj^koir?
sadialelp in fioel of the elepbadL at kle. ia Dr. TbomaaThne.^- Elartric Oil. '
ea had aararlaally lar—■- - •- atrppM oo a atoto-paaoO la tba h
aa tis. atleriae a ab^ cub
-adaUfal toabroaua I____________ _ aaJj^plekad apapaaapaa Mala
-Aa oaan of prerMUea b
Wllbuul a srrseat'a braiUUoa
-MaA w, Mr a-»'■»>a>•
»bo ladalfad bla far aaota tbaa waa
te. a Mad of rare - Dr.
-tthp. I tboackt I piaatol ep tka
^>ab aw aa a aaaayd^to hl^Ky ba^raMled ^
rap prrraate ooaaasp Ur. Uprwe raotly bcl Ncre ap rlB. bprap
la Uckt." totorraptod Ktkto.
odd*, aadtol
aad all
nCp rabrd bis to the Uoa bp carlac add*,
"Etkal Baaeraoc: Plaaad apakoir
Ilka Aolac tbas tbap >ara Aoaa. Mt
rraon oroetb .tadibrr laar teoablB
------- *■
----------lafl lia aoata oaa la poor poeketr aald bar aaotker. "I
d. aad HuUnr opened
as aabasad of
pool Yoa^
Yes kad toil
< PMl
li Ihiat »aa aolbtaf
"I -m aa oU aoldm of tto rrbemes.
■ Btoalh.aapaaiar lb. decaprd
asoar Iba bwytanaracbool. ba I
A p.wr afo 1 waa to bad all wtolrr with
ihar BiM wHM a k Wtar abmi bar aOldly aspranad slab It
re Use tofne Uach.
ebno w rtoesalbs.
Tkraa doctor.'
■1>. solbar.
te. I s iBanhaa
la aach aa laWrtalteMbpa.' Ya.H4ikafBac«a
•oald eoaa bowa pnioiptly. olb---------laor la Uto atorp!
ai^: Cba-l
Cka-l 1 Ao
too It tto oblael aad Ballet. He berae
ba atayad oel at k«c aa ba plawad- IV p)ao*
tatth* UMl* MlaktokMa praty
>d bpT- aad Eltol loohad to aee to^aw^ lbr drsspad^ettoB ol
kttaa.tfbaatr ItaU oMtooto far.
saap pacn tea wn. dp tto
■‘“‘w n a-».j.|. I lu-ae-oi
ladr. altboorb
MM ata U It k wiok ■ - • —
.. btft rwrprd ctorka Ha*.
Mmhk Wall irM Ao r«
■i Aoe't kaoii OUTa
laprotleD Ibr UoU to abap.. for dll.
Btkal MatAar book.
Makar BUAy-a a|4mla mM ka at
U^Mr. Upra^drub^ tto^ebbel aod
tka aMtfaatr II laklava wlabad to
liobtop I'Uaa; itob aod pour
Bar darn waa ia tba place wbm
earltp. la lea sloi
' bUi «V*>aC ak^
»«aaa(T. ko I
iad iaalaat relbf aad aanniarrn
ato bad beoB mdlac- aad ato aald to
.a DoBak Utotaaabt. Yon daoter
bafBcU. -1 seat read jaat a little far- tks waa star aad tto b
«t Maa Uaaaaa toka»qaiaha baof CU^ that aba aoal ba
tbn. aad aaa If tolldrod flnda bn Uck- cawd to terra Srsa.
taaaM Hfae< «» akmak mad lha
It waa rally a siaale before Boltrar
nadp to'tekofMi!?
Haas af a fiaa BBV cklahaM.
oard bb soaU
Aa exprraaloa <.l
kaap bar tras aaatolp, wUllar to pira
aeraphir ><p beamed tros bit atoUO
"I joaldaY kaepav
Tb.o ato abet tto book with a
Baa te a aaaalka fov adlMrwoald ap a ptaaaara imikar tkaa raa Ike rtak
face, aad bb- little rpea twiakird
"I's carMn OBoacb. bat I wt
Utare««U toaakraa'aaJiak aadaataakUi.
dlaobadtaal. too I woBdar wtofa left Thm or foar tlsrn to opreed aad
amm. Wkal Ae jea tklah akoalAfUeloasl bb moatb aa Iboarb to makr
aap ate
Tes aolorad daapip. Mp Balkark IB sp packet, aap wip. Uaodana srl
tv kaaaufal iaaaeaal UrAa aa that
r that tto pain war rally roar,
load.’- ba rrooM aadar kto braalk.
aa. buaadlv to, where Ur. Bprwe
wamm a fMa ma haaa arto(a a arae
"I kar«,<4 It. a^ boj• ateadiv. to cxtoadwl bb traek.
Kolcpb Uoe.p aad Tkr a
-Uottor.- abc aald. n tore. Bsen
arhala Aar kMa to marea Ibair kataT 8at boa ara aaepla to kaow it taraarh
I with lu ooatic Isptaoled a towp- doctor bilb ernp orlater.
poa Bales poa aberr rspray ftr bcr. ease lato tba raiMB. “I bw Ub_
L. A. TuwnOL Uaate
Joba tbto Bomlv. aad to told sa to
^«awap. Itaahroa. BIM Aaar.
for Bic bp S. K. W alt.
to Bar* to cire pM tbk Bole at oooa.
farttaalaa MtnBaMa«aaah -oataf «aa pis atpadar at tkalr Ibtaktar that, ItV locl^ I waa rdv to owsd <ap
Boreap Fauna
. paw ataa larAa,* Ml at tka Baatm aa (Sic
^^b" TopUad hn sotbar. afb
aBaakjrtoalhaolhwAar. Tkara wfll
had read her aota. “tfa abould____
tore loot a Mat II poa had tortotlaa •-atd
apa to apr la a
it. Ud waste a* to seat
-------A white atHpa to (to toco la a blaaa
toWB, aad BO to tto BM
A atripe totweaa tto aaatrib b a
wUb bln te aflerBeOB.--

• .w“.-ta’S.“l5SS,"2C


reduce stock.



MMaadloabadat Ikatoabd WlAtot
tafaabdWUtoamn laaetoa aad aaa'


tba.. Tta w. CO* WF a^ .
tbaa lato a boa. Tkap ^
ataUafiarwda. Tka aait dap papa
a M« baM ter Ibaa. Tkraa
vaMva tkapfedoat aadara aoald
■at tad thaw T\a atber dap papa
•weatka top of tba bOl aftor Iba
Maua raa aal aad col ika boa aad
papa tHth Mtotoak balp rot bla la
MitaBacaM. Ba Urea aa sUb aad
•aaM aetm. Ba to a reap prattp Uula
Mai mo; ha Me airhUa eap aa bla
toaad. Bdto 4alU latoa aaw. 1 aaa
pal Rp kaad ia bla boa aad alraba bis,
•adptopsHh UslibaaklUaa. Tba
ate aaa *M feaad dead la tbapaaMa.
I latU Ml aU I kamr aboat tba MkIta ad abaaba. Tk« raM la tba craaad
wllh ter aeas Uha p^ aad tbap
toaaalavelaiaaaa tbairfnst iaat to
te la tka cnsad aftor ste aad
I caaka that iaitiic teMaa' taapa 1
f IklBk H to trtobad to kill abaaba. deal
paat Oaaaat aaacblaahtpsaab tka
ate dapaaddU aotaalltaad papa
Caaatttoikaakwk. Basadaacaab
Mttafik kto «Uto taatk. I irook.
Mabahaaa UaCrakkaUad mj*aCaaUba Ikatkatka aarar:

A^wfalta ap. ia a c>aaa apa»r*<d^^lto Ctialc Hidaep Cor.. Uaap
Tto aouaer the eolt b sad. trlollow
M bailer lb. Malar wUI to to to aaparerm after.
Xto Bat bo Ispeaad Oa.
It b a prcllj (Mnallp anepted toct
that a bom that b a asall ntor doea
alwapa ioaUl oa'petUop I'ol
Tas'a Orobard.
aet aaaallr asnaai to such.
Huocy aod Tar. oa it i. paoiU*.lp.
A hum baa paaterei. eol aaklea. aad aolutelp aad ao<taaliyiIp tb. I
'teiac.. Aonp BoaoMUli
Mere b aa eueb jolot aa a btad kaee or
lor. abooldn.
tVhlte below the [saterB loiel b
Southward Ba;
'•Ttop toln
all case tras sp owo orchard.'
rhita paalara. Abor. the paalera.
aran aaa. Aioat ibap boaalisr
F^MKKS who ar. anklv .t<> ^
' -Yea.- npliad Urs Bsanoa. ■•Ik
waia^tw^ ehaaen of loalap tba a

salat aad bto sate awa.T



4.2 A Wall taM M. .1 lu.-

Baa. b a bit

___ w-


-Kra UacctaaAtasUpwbo ll**oatlalbaaabarba
ar word, bat for
bltb Botto took
tto CO
fate of lb.
wo roBob Ito CNM
coed saat aar^ i____ ____
iDtolba Urn
oddkaaa Bboai aa-toiacaad.
Aa aooo oatobertwabb walk. Taaohad Ttotr Basna.
Manriaa" (alb lato 11a. r •

. d ensp of flrl clarba la a larpa drp- aad. **1lb bBdarMtato
Cooda alora wara laacbUtC aad lalkiar
------------ back aad forth tbroopb Us
atola a asalU ctybaardad <dd saa.

=2s“iE2srsi's-.2:.‘2e :;r,.":’LTCtLS;srs'K

.22S.-_’T2l. ■£

••ihaan niaaaK to baa aap bait
te Wtonll.’aaM a ttlrd. wblH

^ u-d to mr mMh-



£ia“r'ite“ jurr-n?r=£. i v





1 mU ...

**i‘pSLSi MSSSrXl'd -a,


wotAa. looka op toUi
poo MOT pn lah?“


• ■ war.atoraod»ad.lB ■

U_. A- bo^t larte ts^ artielaa. Ito Ctrl
who waltad ^bls aaetoyiaf ^p

CM N «• teM «0B do.



OMMlStebto warM. Ik
Tasbrnw. Baaowdaroads
aw. w5h a laaah.

tto « -“•STteM ‘
■hMaa. aad saat tawnd btat aoraaU____
athnbacasnakptbla time ha-Bs made Ub

J'SfSt!“^How tMa taaakn b (aU af lha bat

^ “TT.™’-'

tkala Hpooad of oar Mrip Jiim rad


-Wkat Aid a
sa Ibat mabba poa d Ilka bB.

aerlwd tSa daabto atteatks.
awed tharatlobaaarTMd
Kow tba rate Ualw

irrTib iTi a*?i


"2r£-».'S2;:^- •" i







torirwkatlmBUr I wfU iknah •amfallaf lamalbly to cl*atoaas
body tbattoaY kaow wbat tto aoa


W toifi^i^aw«M«»_iymji^.mmlas n


wx-u^nuiu-.,«rTn.'su'.Jr.n.'sssBMMc «asB bMlt Ub

. .. Wte Pr-wao .eh ■■( a aI AmreUiA^







‘“fto^ld'lLaa <bsM la aaa bead a
asall. aaatlp sada baahat. tar Ud tSd
dawB with a bit of blaa rtbhaa.
Whlla waiilop for bla ebaacr to llttIttohBakel laitooooator aadnU:
••gaaii sa. Hka. bat l-r* po* i

ate Maacladlaa tbara. Vooaaal'r.
cola HUla^ to base ’baal poar b«*.
tot ato CBBt walk an caper ’rooBd
Htoatecala. Bad a fall wbaa ato
wn Uttla. aM Ito
^ *ba Mr.
foMto~te*^ ^ «


Oniit|isiuailM<aUcd u m Mkbl.

^ rat Mt « ttoWa- W^lbt
ato b alwapa *np proto.
bip hriv> tb. raL after I


You will see a nice line of Fainittire.
Alt the vei^ latest styles, not s last
year's piece in the wfaede stock. Aa to
prices they are aa low as farmtaie
can be sold at 1 bny in car lots, pay
spot cash. 63 new styles of f^aa^Wr
Saifs. Nef said. caU and see.

afUian BxparUMa. ato

with a aa

OosM sad aaa tham; youll find i
C7«« wsBt. U
ths idaMt lot of borsss yea’y# sssi iBjssrs. loquiio te

, The Open Door of Opportaaitj Inrita
Your Entrance!

I d^t kao<
be It waa a_____ —
W.U. ldoa'I kaoww

Ana. BMUt, Wla a War 8Urp


C-ix-tlei^’e BaarxL,


. 4 ■ Ub UapplM- ana bar ■r.^ataa iMmal. af lit BkhicM

nrs!!ri:.v_i.__ _
sr-jTri’ci.w™ s:
AM a

Are You Thin?


IwUlhATeso rlohdofFIRB HOaSSStMto i;MO te IMO
posoOs. 4 to 7 TMis old. St





-?-TT! ATt





03Srii-Z- SI.50


---------- --------- _I.ry!- eriad Too.., thruop^* wtadow pao.. aad t|al*rrwd
aad ah. paoil-aolarmllp sad. rum ter. aad daand ee tba tor. wall.
^Umloalofhtocoodhaart whao bis. Tos pot Itoappl. lBtoU.par.r obHd
toHd waa
waa dllto with daJtpbL 1‘attiv
ato took oB th.pael Mry carrlull.r ; bb lltUa
-MpfBOdbopI I bad to fo to poar tbaa. placiv a pUte oto.r it, b. porwd
aoal.wMtom. Bal 1 abo«l3 aat tor. tto appi. aaUl'tto
aaUI tto
waa toaplv
"8ao quick, a aaisa! Brlv a hasteaa asy^seSMt Ulbad Bot Ml fell of white afto. aba.iopa
ni bold it while poo
'■fhata. ctuS*^-ha‘Bkl.
I kaap It alwapa."
haaktohiB.-'bm'apoarate. What
oCarOUBtto thraai
haw. a apooB ar a fork to oat
iBdaad It aaasad fr
Oratopa cbcaa a fork, aad ata tto
pUte of paddlvi' abow Itot hto saa_ addip.preparto anile with pmt >albh.
w toiin tbaa to M
erth slBdlBC M CllCb ^-Th^ poa. TW.'l^aald to; ■•Ibb
Ifte. at tto diaadr te
aolhar aatc .
pea dida't toar as dolop It. Uu
Jobaej—Na aae-os; asd po^ woa
toar B. dolap It eilbn wtoa I p«i i
I forMy^t^^sotto


The best family new^per in the
Grand Traverse region.

a atotp fiws U>. aaa

siaatn. ato aokwl

Bisa dowa ito atola. aad ttoclrlabr-'


1 aa -


It waa

with tto bon loot aa wall aa aoVABd ItoMlacatapad with bis aa

■tel aaU »Mt. mas.



aad plisil tkas la a row oa tba wla-'
dowolU cloaa to bla craMrsb chair.
- or rraadpa waa lasa. aad all dap
to bad to alt la bla chair. Ha bad
UtUr to asoaa bis. bet ha waa ao rood
aad pattaat hiahula madfoa lorad
his daarlT. aad did dl b^aoald
sakahistoppr. ^
-I aat oot that crehard, Tos. l,.
dar poo warr bora, ao wbw I Ml the
old plaea 1 tbooebt I would ^ra It to
dteoBl tras tka traablod look wiik pea. How well Uhaaduaate paar.'
wkloh aka Baaallp sri Ua bosa
••Oh. raa.rroadDa.o]lth. trJ- — why tod doe. aneM^lva tb. ottor
^aad what do poa ao|
• Vaa-Vaaaa.-ha bacaa, la tba askanaaasaai of tha aao faaliaf wkloh
to did aat llto to ahow, -mj foot bai
Uraadpa lookMl
Up at tto
-aad-wp, setbar." with a boral. •
Tus'a da-

'Uk? wWs
••Arapoadaarf Wall, that wtU to
It there w
Craat aoBfaat to Bettor. ~
Bto lookad atlar his aa to waat
aboat aosa asall daiiaa aerWciad for pBodpa. with a alph
dapa. aM tbara waa a stot b bs apaa
-Cba tpooBt Ihasacrapcdrsakad ,
ate with tba isUa aa ato thewht:

s .daar bop will torcai n 2l ba-Yoor Btoltor aerapad c
loajr. Bat It to food to tore bis

Lap Robes and Fly Nets





Good Single Hamees for $6.


Waite aroaad tto top ol tto boot a Uona aad Crmwat Uoole u8^ a slllloeacmoffaiwbal »J w to K.oo aa
on., (oa Bap termaj; aad saelblp
aapwtor. oa tb. fao*.
hall-rate .xcuialua. to po aad aa. for
poamK. HoUiuard. .VusddwarB
-.iboadcharctoa. Uca|dteUe
. toad tor book, aad ialnsaW. c. Kmaaaoa. O P. A.,
Ylrat Crow—Ho yoQ kaow, I tb
ClodBaatl O.
tbai asdll bop Tosi
>sspb intact
Ilk. eemlmr

Traverse City. Michigan.

Boim OlotUn. «r Xmy Xlnd.

■■ ■

K:;i m:

25 K:is..'-si'«rsE

:H> Front Street.


KiSfT- J.I




” "^ill

___ :





geati yXo-ixY*

Tc«^C055T for a short time not to dose out but to


UtkapsUl. Aad. ah. If tkap woold
Tavaa Ftua: I wm tail poa aboat raassbar it sklla lhap bora Usa.
akMhto patera MO awaw. Harhafa Tbara ssiesaaa Usa, poo katxr.
thalrroiefawUlhahwbad. Uar
kfwd MPP«V>* «IU kUabltUa
I eas Barer nsak tkas skaa t
aatpatowMa OM.kat wa ara aeparl-: aod to kaisoaa tkas aad oa. ao osM
MMtkfbUuU. Adawwaakaaco
boo wo aoba aad aako to ul( lk<
wwcatla tka erMardaad papa«i
wa did lorr-k>ro_tkaB. s oplta
apewat wood bp tka ahad. I aa» D.
ata ABBaat<a doc tarWar aM rw»Ua«
kMrabWvta Ibawaada bplkalaa"And I tblak tLw of oa
M pUk I braal OM tbara aad
Ihalaakaraad leebad tsdar. Tbara
ad UttlacoakBowwaaitbapwaat of
towa bwa bMp Maeba. aad J )
■a wa oa^itofaal--------- - •MB Mto. thw I Ballad w.

But grocers never let their passions f«e
To scratch aod tear each others e\-es—
Because it *ooldn’t_be righu


Elbei-Tbrp tore a Mate f
- la. yoe kaow.

laha'a ■
Haraa eaaU .ap





aaoa IhaB-l m'STa SaMTuHc*!


isdTiatlp faU IBM lha rim.
---------------- ■— asawrp*




Optoi Piiha,

OFCounse‘ fDoyouWashQUICKCir?
loyou WashTHOROUGHOr?
loyoaWash CHEAPOrr

• MilMd ttei kb
i^*o\h, »«*<««
pMk!TU«k«m lik««y.»^k.»»m«2lW»lb. Tta b.b, imIM the

B ap her piean aad there le
oadollb dhemeaall;epeBlathe i
J her
b«- life •
abbtai ehe bad the Boaej mendnii Saliuday. Jtifte 18. w« wiU aell
•« anud •»»(•>;
rjur to laara
l.btoh eheh.
latbtf »ltk a took that »>d pUtalr.
Granulated Sugar............. . .at s cents per pouhd
-;,l,n— ahoald be left at koM-'
tbar dark. eoBbvaar^ will be
It A* caa«bt dfklolthetaBvklBf ioaad baeblor»w1than>OB wblA la
White C 4>* t-ents per pound
■aeleal (aealu. I beltree
Mofthekaby.aadwbaoebe tom
reryfallef (araitaB.atlt rleBaaeraaltlTatlar it. ae I woald eej ob
I(>-ouwant to save momo’buy >-our Teas, Coftees. Spices,
Uakaba eeaiMl pUaoed aboaleoa
lalaeDUditj aad toae toarooa. aad faealtjr. But t^ BbeeUaaeoae
and Groceries of thelNcw York Tea Co. Rememlier-wtaie
lUM. Sowel othan had baooae
eoalnde a^ krtace lato harmiB;
U to Baaefaetofr ■
Mfoaud la, the akUd 19 thie Urn
not governed by any combination, toe set our own prices and
borieeae -mo aad roeac al«ba. otd
x» la waatad nuleklj after be-1

toill give >-ou i6 ounces for a pound.
ladlae aad flrte a»d whe* the hi •
lac palaWd.
a p^l
pBI of
of welar
waur abo^
aboaU be
lied, a
„,u»l, who deelred the ecR
haadepMpodlhalai«eaUk kalol
atood to the rooB aoae bom before.
.1 to beeoBe a poet to aa arfather aad plaead It oa her ova head wblek wUl to a rraat aeteat laba awa;
Betohi erpra
oonkat piotare that aa
01. hr abtorWar the
U^waj. aaabto *Let pareoU drroU the eeeolare to
9the |«lat tote the
Mlralp hi-aaU, b,
their huoUlB. Up aS care aad ptotba air.
faJtow. abd Ibaa loohed al
plexltp with tbe lebon of the dep.
nxeoealre alpep h tojerl
of tba wladow. ae U aal
lor kept too Tbe boeheiid aad tether wdold re
workcn. braaeae, br bell
eaafbt dotof each aa aaiaaal; thlaf. k«f toaeUre tbe
liable to poB. BBob If be woald Bake It a rale aot
IMora aaotbar Bra Blamtaa he WM
mar the bepplem <d hU teBilp bT
Table. playla, peBfboo eeRw. tb. aW.
7, and araryoM w
wilb the babfi
hatrotmaoUMrih lr»t.-hoi»«-

You may IF youwill use

The best, purest and most eoanomical aoap mAb
Sold everywbere. Made only hy



Afowkd the Editor**


^ ISTim-e-by JDay


tar blB.
' Of an aawtea Mafa. oae rf'tha
BB,paaead tbroofb.
•a^wanlli thataf allowlar
a to weaoobt for tbe trowoe of
aallar to aae oae who la olak.
la the aoaaup thia praetioa la al- •etoTbodj. He bod toitod to hottoa
aalew^ llteoalf raeaaU)’that babr- Tbe toshoBOO lookad to froB
aoM. »atatoa>a thaathalr aalckbon. U. poatoa tke plalfor» aad woUed.

cousael of bit wife to dlScolt
TTi<«wwbo bare Bocb wrlUar to do!aad tbep Bep both obtolo r
wltl Bod It beet aad Btet aeefol to aee Uwlr perplraltiee bpaoltodlp
e elaattotf deek or pad. ae that wUI' ertedoB of Ood.
ptote tbe paper at ao aerie I'he that at]
Iwhiehwebold-abook.aod •opotllliii




Closing Out Several Lines Below Cost.


01o»9^^woTk«t...................... 16HtdS5opwpsir

Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Liiie

ooraeoal loooeHtl llrhi. eartodettato
V B^SdOTBRT Ul »PII•ratorad to atoad bateeaea the algli -r>api«<'t»r*»<‘»<‘ BO*"'"*"
aad fetlroe o' ihe epn.
taoB aad the aate. aad Aral;. ;at had apokea to the babr eod Jla,led kle
Hbdrae to paetrtoo to which food to
- eiBoae tor her
kept thoold be patotod. ae dnl aad
BBChl tbe ferer •
other woodatepeolellpUtoaetaBt op
•etehato^waUtowifhU there here obaekled tbe little ooeohder the oh
p)^ oBlt o oerulo odor wblek Beet
haia ae Baa; la dbrla* the dap-' wbUe the old croUaBaa aeroB i
IV. Worth to eoBBtooUor on redbel
aauUeeot tbe Bore eoaelUee kief
•arato oar dear eaoe ahoald hare their alala ferr>« to pato «P hh ticket, eo la eoek M bettor, blecoile. etc.
tocoieriee io audkloe eabl: There to
It t
Boot wbioh to certelo W be eo ralooble
Boltore eoaealMd. otaa thoodb Meade toreaMdwtoketopto7U« peek-a-boowood U widl patotod tbb to arolded.
aad far reeehior io l■eorBt oe Staort'e
aad Beifhbore ere oCaadedi aad ao The old lady la Iroot ralaaod, aad dirSawtar Uachloe OU Htatae—To re- Dj^peiwle leblete. the ttow eWBook
•IfWtoiadad peraoB win take oCaaae tote bar raottooto. aaeertoad a brUUaal Bon tbne etBae rob the et^wilb raoiM}i 1
ter rreebtor, bawoer
radplppto aod,ra.«.tod It baabfll,
tweet oil or laid aad let it etaad for paople liiUe realm boil liaponaot e
i*^Hhatto tialeklyaraaimoat the aiah toUeUlUeo« reepoaaa. pot teeoial boan; Ihea woeh It to eoep aad auODd etuBieeb eod rlroruue direeliuB
■a to rrerp oaeo. womeo end child.
bar ebBl.hj arto. aroood tba d^k
. i OBObBreafth ae reaainaf rtaltoBt
: loilireeltoO to the etarllur potot of
h. aad praaaad bar raaj UtUp Bootb
. OMii aUawad to eater, all Boet
ouneoBpUito. been dtoeaae. Unrbt'i
nich aad Tar Blalae-Rob lard .
he old todj'e ebark. It kruafkt a theetatoaad let it atoed a few huai
tiato. the poor lanUd ie
dweaea. dtobetoe. oerrone praatiatioo.
ileer Woublta: wbp to tbto eo? biaplp
d of loBeBbraaeca to that wither:'»;iSaBdi ao paaa. M-I B.
Bpoa^ with eplriU of torppettoe oo<
beoeme ererp oerve, Buecic el '
edhtorvanda h
V ^diW. Ihaea
lOBW ae
aalaall, bat
to our budle. w vnwtod
^ 'Z5TL.------- ..
iaa alarleder tobraeb Bret thto wap aad tbea^t.
fruoi the find wr cat. I
who waealak.aadaU ae U tatoblor a falltor tear.
bp TBI r of e week etuBeeb, ooBpella to lie for hours a war. ferotooltor
The lta» aped oa aod paUed i
Ware aa; to be ra
_ aotoe-hard faeUan' tkaetotliB where tbe ktobp. *l‘h
lek 9tatoe-Ttar blotttor Papw to
wu to Inre the oer. A look
atoMa. »rto the waralar that lalkleetoaaabeU tketoorS edr« oo the
b peahlMM*. datere aot the habit- of rt*nt toBo oror orerp leee. Tbe iak wbeo It to ftwtolp epUled or ooear
BBO atked If ba ooolda i ktot It
2 Bto raoB rWicr. Bha tolka
Uw epot wHhlDdtob Beal; or the llqeid
Boe; tbe old todp retoraed the
tok MJ ba ahaorbed bp oottoa balehehad.tooilied.ead the bebj
■ eflUaiB are r
[. Ifthetokbeepaiedoaeoarpet.
________ .
Biker Borad toward the door ehektorabp-br
p Icmop to two. rooMTe e part of
the ehooidtr of her papa, to which
toBllp who Ofto Bditad like aOlMloa
the riad. eod rob the lompa oo the
tooanMlj«<toeeror. Ttradoakwllh ...petto Tta^dad, toolodtoe the
elela. It the iak etato artlole be waeb- aad weak
erarj avea Brtoaed. the ttollB oa- aewtbopfwhoOBpbeetotd btofarawell
idietoip to aaTeral eraton ood Uc, bot e reBfdp which will dlfeel
with aware of btohav Tbejweeeo' (uod. locreaaa toe Buw of faetric luln.
«Mtor parh^half ao hoai
Bilk. letUar it ank 1b the atoorb tbe feen. eod .Hoart'e l>}eprprwe raehod to tbe aide where the hebj
totato htoertrthe rlBWr atja
Bilk eeverml boan. tbe ttoto will dle- ela TebIcU will eooosiplleb czei'lip
rB o» ead-*tol-d Ull the umed oot
b7a.oal7 to ha Mtowad bp ai
toll reeoi t io eop vaee of eUeoach UonKo Bettor wbet eaketopco
«BI tooaalac hat toitoeroB Met
of tirht at the ether aad of tbe etaUoa. a^ to niaoTt Iak. the etoio suet
ble. beeaoee tbree Uhlcu ereooBpueod
BU/oaoevaoUee that oflea a per- Aektor bp-hpt all the tl«a -ntoa thej
■bbed well. It the artlole eleloed be
plcaeaal ..
eto^totoiUeoee ThepBlBed
ato^tt Btb
earpet oa the floor, aae e breeb
laeto, aad not beiof a patoot Bedlcloe,
babp ead Boi oae of ihoB woob
OrmBfitolae-Bob tbe artielw elato- «aa be oeed bp mopooa with perfect
IWlar an tbeeafarftoof Willtor to eokaowtodr* »- The lltOe
•efeip I bellere Stoertb Upaper
ed with alcohol, th^ waeb to
Whiap aad aoUoaoof erery ' lae-tpmeM hod late rift of eoDehlBO
tioa eod eU
•MtotoUa btod BU the hrala.
totoerarpheort.warBoroold, la that
of etomeeb.
TbPBSbt far tbe Little Oaae.
l-all kite parkece of SWI'e T>p.p*p
Ttop toddUac ehUdrea, who aeod tie Tablete arc eold bp draffitu at M
eeotowbp mail truB btoart Cb.. Uarooattoael me. eboold beet obeli
Iball. NIcb. A bo* oo etOBarb dieU tbe optalea of eeatpetaut
o«.tl HBStoBaha eectoae. debar all
k.ilr ■- proeided for IbeaTlo^wei
eatee tofetber e'
Trilew the doewrk ordan pptborltp. then to 00 -on boaltbtol for tbalr feat to reel oa Ike rronad
CBOolale will t
•MBt rtserBy rpopeot. Be will— trait food tboB tbe rrmpa It le
torttlp fcwbB rtaitoea Tbi« wbta Baton! la iBmean <|Oi
-------- II .i-.o.». the pnttlee Bep well be
to alt with daarllaf fnt oo
that the dootot erdani)Biel, ead that nn balB( tokaa aot *- ewallow tbe hi(h aobool beaohea
an to ba 'allowed to tee the
Tbeir aboald alio be a low table pro

LotjLlssd OlOTM sad Xlttm.........S5. ftO, 7»« *ad gl
Pig sod Calf Bkla aioTss, worth $1........................ at 76e
Baok OloT** and Klttana, worth $l aad $1J»
at.........................................................................7ao aadAl


Best Liver> ib Northern Michigan. •

See Bargain Counter

Feed aad Bale •tobU to Ooaaaettoa.

for Knit Woolaa QIoym and MlUaaa at Half Prioa.

OM ?i*t Hi Omi •MS


Travarao City, Michigan.





la oiled on dtB-. patloat nfItwwpoon tsewboo pocptodldaot
heew ee Ba* aethepdoaow. She
wai Ul ler Map Boatht with, that
A faneIB ta «B atlfbborttooil. aad klad1i-------* to the ectoai of aadortar
Atbtr tbaa rtoh tdfeadtor aop oae. ehe
imatond all who tallad to pee hB, orea
’tbearh U Bade bar •tootlnd.- She
woald BM aoweeat to here oae t
aw«p. bat whaa wo weak to talk 1
•BoU tip to aapnat pitatan at btlar
She thoarbi If '

•qwetollp ofthaBon tbleklp ooetod elded tor then lltUe oaea. oa which
oaa rcat taelr pi
doraaroBaat of tbe dlsnU”
^imae ae an tbe eeade Hot It don
Uke ao totoieat to each m
' lip on tbe bUl to tadolc* Kellber e hifh table aor toe fl.
troelp to rapB while tbep
laltobU place fur tack Ulofa
Thore an neap wape Io which tb*p ble.tot toftof »bl* map be
wp be trepar*foran later to tor op wbeo aot la oae. laaf be wrebeerJ
BBCB. a few of which Bep be Rotod.
allow at fi.u. Id tan It ^)d be
Coaoed (Inipea.—Weak aad palp tbe tooklfh ioc-tBaU tolUi
(rapB. drofadar tbe polp to oae dkh peat* to Bdtoarp *U1 «aa ebortoa
aad tbe akin to aaotbar. (Uew toe toe itt« to too proper bPifbv
polp aalU eefU thea elfl Ibroarh
Ben an dlrretloM for a eretplof
aadto which wUl ralato toebeeda
toe palp aad aklat tortlbar. aad allow
btwitoooL Uatapardol
oaapo^ ofaafartocachfoarporpriatltbe
la betV aad a qoatot IHU
of toe fralt. Pat oeot toe fln I
toto wbt* tl
tmirrlPl hetUe, brtp( to a boU.

niia«M Bfatokea ktodaett to tail
Vaap«aoawbolem. Ifthei
■a«e.laa.u be to eapnB poaripBSpited UritoB. — Fin
pattpaadto i*or aap aaededaprirtaata. ralMr toaa to pea toe aae who la rnpae. loar poaadt of broe
to* aalia nflatatad to do 10. to wbktb plat to etotfar. a * ‘
^to. ana thoafb It ba a Mead, do aot
k elowlp lor
pnto^ the etap aadaip. KeBiBbn
lhafenahaetaf aapaeto the noB
I fnpee
ppt toefaritoaeepa pnbadi-to-The


state SL. aear Uaioa.

Samuel Anderson,

Ki.v« cKKaa
iau> 0|»a. eet


itffPsi, Funeral Direetor.


wto«* POPBei
Idtoihtptovae. the

let. toea tool till the Aofer tea
netotoelfaald. Poartoleapoa
lapee. wU* an aot to he aaokad,
pat aptoUorertoeBoatototoe )ar.
aad pet It to e tool plan, when it h
Ml to be diatarbed lor two tr tone


would ahake a idllow toto Ita
Fold to* rood, to toe Biddle, thee
Biktof Itbalfapard toleafth.
AUAeadptolmr. >o*f
ap toe eldee. lomtof a baf i
■0 O^ATOIO on FAXim
twealp-aerea tookee wlda At
a*.to toe opea awato cot oat e lealelnaiar pleer tor too amholB. OatoU
ehaalotolp Water Proto.
er lb* top toto a llWt etralfbt bead,
fln aad toe acUoa to aclda
aad fate toe ambalaa with a aarrow
Cka ba aeed orer tolafUe of etrop
bla* atrip. Ftal* toes bp poiltof
for flat roota
Unpeoeertoeahoalden. Ataae
II OUTLAST tia or boa aad ie
of tbe botloB to toe baf. opaa it for

oaad It to be e mat hal^-;

Ftwandaad—nBMl >p



With a Stock of Funeral Supplies second to none, and a prac­
tical knowledge of the profession, and with a lady assisunt
when wanted, wc are prepared to attend to all deUils of the
ctical and satisfactory m.
profession in a practic:
Telegraph and Telephone orders promptly attended to at
all hours, both day and night.
TtUpkont No. 43.

Brosch's Meat Market
tot FBOBT anSCE.

aallnaacMtBtollp h Itoi a In* bn
*ia^ toe nan. Bna thea }■
tototPhoaU be toed i

t ^lUKU ^mKT.



Asphalt Paint
Fw eoatluf Ua. In. er readp n
WrlM tor IMoB.

H. M. Repolis & Son,

■ New U 1 tap help It." wee U
Ultai ■U-kaawB Met that aolUas
Ip. -Tbie hoaeeboM Biele far
ynpaiad ihBBe tatonhall ae food
Grand Rapidfl, Xloh. '
I ap optoioB. baea worked oat Tba
toaafak. .iBeB ae that Mt to bp after Utp an ptokodfroa tot
eearafp r(rl who hae a plaao aad takae For nle bp A. W. Wall MaBafa'iar Ck>
t Aap UtUe *llearp wU* Bap
a epaede a mat deal to Boaip
Trarerae CSlp, Hleb.
keep thea from
faa«» toe appetite. It pUaetof. '
.to b. aap hetofa tha. .tot
tlpwlp. aad pa toe eaede tac^ to;
lithe toealld toe bareltof *lat thep ehoald be
ar<wtwe wklla
tkiaaed o« ae toip riae to toe eartooe.
- ea efed panoa.
oa BP *0 tow
wapto whtohPMfaap be tin all baer beta tokea oat. 8Ur toe
to to* fart that
fmpta tnqaeaUj BBailaa
toe tatoUp to a aalthbtr wbl* wUl al- pen toataUtoeaeede ban beaa
w^beapttatoMad. iftotnanMtall (netod. add a poaad to pofar ter ea*
peaad tothebalt erlftaallp pat *.
toOdnatatta laMlp. toelle then
aad htol tetn atoatoe. Chtafallp
ad floapaM, ai
M7~ ■
pal awap lor aea.
the Bother ae
Otape Ctoeap.-kaU Art poaade
Irtoawba bthataelUd.or
impiB aad prate toe palp toraaph
weld to aU toe work «M
ilaadtr -to tatola toe eetoe aad aaaofUwdektoe.lfaap. Addtwoaada
htof MU* of a^. a ptol to rtoecar.



First Prizca-a
It fa'L’K6UKPASSED both MaaiiaMtfo.« aad «i
noaoral tatos ■a4,a<
tHataaandoaAn. Fora*ohp
m anniAx A LAT ■


Choicest Meats, Poultry and Game.
±JX Boqboxx.

Fresh, Ssif Hid Smoked Melts, Seusages Etc



Twe near op cvcrttwno

S'. BR080SC.


General Blacksiriithing,

Builders’ Hardware, Hized Painta,

Wheels. Wagons, and Buggies.
AH Work W.n».t«d.

New Shop 0. Deio. S



a*9 OOFMF Vnloa asdTthBA.



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