Grand Traverse Herald, December 10, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, December 10, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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mr\d Travorso









. WU.. Dec. 6.—Tbe,«aiiuel ahoir of Ih® WieooneUi l>t«Ury
INTCRCtnO »OOTHCRN MICHI- end Pet Stock Aseodetkin opened
bere toder In the Auditorium. Setml UKMuaad bird*, prito winner*
from vartoue paru of Wlaconain.
UlnncMta, nUaoia, Iowa and oQier
•Ulee. are on exhibitioa; - and the
Judeee ear tbe ouality baa nerer been


•olW Peek or MleMgsn Produ
PmoS Par EiipoHor to Blnsla
Laywa of Ursa. Punky
Wwtom FnilL

r John L Otoeim,



' • __
Had -Been in ill Health fei
Timg—Here Seven
todn Yeen.

feotosa hM rotSTMd from Detroit
SBd Otmad BapUa wbare he oondnetDr. W. G. Moon, who baa been ho­
-ad two apple ahowa and expreaaee
vering between life and death for the
hImaMf aa betag wMt pleated with peat three or four weeki. peaaed away
the naolto, ai^pUabed hr the ex- Monday at bla. bone, 710 Waabhlblo. The abow pot on to Detroit



Private Advieee, However. State That
Ihlnaae are Still PrepaHng for
Struggle Over Boun>
dary DIaputo.

8t Deterabnrg, Dec.
It la offi­
cially atated bere that tbe Huaalan
government today received advIcee
from Pekin that China baa decided
not to lend an army Into blongolla.
Private adricea, however, indicate that
China la preparing for-war.

Former and CoiMng Vice Pr««id«aU
Attend BenqueL


Chiceito. IIU Dec. C.—Two of tbe
isoxl distiDEuUbed eona of. tke Hooaler Ktaie. em- n former vic« pre* '
of ibe United Statee and the other
fueet* at tbe annual dinner of tbe
Chicago Indiana aodel>' tomortow
nigbL Tber are Cbarlea W. Pairbanka and Governor ‘nramaa R. blaraball. Jkir. FkJrbanka baa announced
that be will delived an addreai at
banquet adviaing Gov. Uar»luill
“Uuw to be Vl(« PrealJenl."


(From Salurday'B Record-Eagle.)
President D. H. Day of tbe Westn Michigan Devejppment bareat; GOV. PITEOERALO BAYB GOVERN­
a* at bis desk at the^uremu offlcei
the State Bank hiding yester­
day going over the deullt of the pro­
posed Western Michigan Apple show
to PlUabuigb. President Day believes
that a Urge number of people could
interested to thla ragion by such
Victims were passing when
show and he hopes t^t a wa]
put tbe ezbS)ii on b


Believed That Rein ' SofUned the
Ground and Wind Did the
Re«—Pile Wea TMrty
Feet High.







MRS. ^EVA Ales





All ValabI* Watbrasayn BbeuM be Im­
proved for Cemmarolafmtd Fowmr
BhoiiU be OwWg

Detroit. Dec. 6.—Two men
rruabed to deaih and a third badly tolured today when a pile of lumber,
GOVERNOR General of korea thirty feet high, toppled over <
aidewatk where tbe vlctlma were paaa- At the Praeent Tlin# Thera Ara Thrra
Federal Agnnta Working In
It la bMleved that the rain eoflened the ground tinder the pile, canethe Btote.
ing Ite lumber to liit, and tbe wind
did the rent.

waa parttonlarir protltable ai It call­
ed the attoBtloe of aoiitbem and eaat«ra MkElgaa to the frolt ralalngM
MMlIOee of thla aectlon. The roomi
E. j. McMullen will head or.
ware crowded all the' time the abow
His RiM to Head of Mikade'o Govern­
«aa opea aad eTor^iodr wa* aaxkn*
ment May Change the Foreign
to aeenra readtog maUar bearing
Peiiey of the Japancoe
Bevsral of the Grand Ofneer* Were
apoa the aoribweatora part of tbe
Short Literary Program Fellowod ths
Praeont at the Clone BaUirday
BUto. Tbe peAple to that part of
Regular Annual Election of
tbe Btote had band that good fntlt
EveningTt^lo. Dec. C.--Count Teraurhl.
Saturday Aftornoon.
waa lalaad to thu aMiUon. bvt they
bad aever bafore bean afforded an
appointed premier of Jai>an. succeed­
opportaalty id aee for tbemaelvea
Tbe Maceabee fair la over. U
ing Marquis Saloajl. who resigned.
There was a fwod attendance
the real proA^ Tbla exhibit will
a aneceec and a neat aum will be real- Terabchl will aiipolnt hix own cabithe meeting of Grand Traverse grange
reanH to brlnMag a graat many new
lead. Tbe exact amount will not be
It Is believed that the mliltory Saturday afternoon. The prinripal
beUlera So till mgloB during tha
known for a few day* becauae there element is again to tbe
business of the day waa the election
t y«r. OM point In which tha
I a number of articles Ibat will As Governor General of Kor«a. Teof officers fur the year 1»13. The
friH 0>«m1 thto pari <a tha tUto axhave to be delivered and settled for raucbl opposed Ibe l^rexence there »r
present olfiocns were re-elected
celled the fruit ahown by the weatem
at that time. There are hut a
Oliristiati aiiHKlooarles.
(■epi In iuBUitces where the present
rullroada waa the padclng, for the
donations that were not sold uud
officers specially requested lo be reI abown in full
these will he token by parties who
jlieved of further duty. B. J. McMultaxaa «bUa that of the went
k-D whu has l>cen master of the local
packed la atogla layer boxea.
merobanla wbo handle that line
organisation fi-r the imat Uiree years
Tbaaa ehom demonatrated
goods. There never was a lime when
and who Imx ilieVeltare of the
tatt that what la required to aa ap
a oommitloe's worked any harder tor
grange at heart at stl^l times was conIda exhibit bow daya 4* trait that Is been conSned to bla bed for about an oocaston than did these Maeca(iDued at the head of the organluof BomMarctol value and not tha Urge
we^a. He vaa IS year* off age, bees, and they deserve much credit
lion.' Under Mr. McMullen's leadei
I are ahown by and came to Traverse City from AndnAm
There Is an Immense amount of work
ship tbe local grange has increased
tba weatora lead agenu. The Srat boo. to.. 17 year* ago.
that doH not appear on the surfnre.
meraberxbip and its utcfulnes* un-'
thing a tannar or fruit grower wanU
Three time* married, he leave*
It would be Impossible to iwrsonally Lime-Sulphur Solution Fails to Kill
now it is at tbe very aerue of Its
to aaa to noma of tbe fmlt that U ;htee children, one from each nnion. thank nil the liberal donors and tbe
tbo Dreaded Fungus on the
suc<«ss. K E. Duryea was returned
ralMd to a oeri^n aectloa packed Dr. Lonia Moon, who left only a short
do so in a general
to the office of overseer, which po­
abapa that It U offered on the time ago for Dakota. MUs Blanche way. Hardly a person who was ask­
sition 1>e baa held tor several yean
markat If ths abowtog la good to Mood of tbU city and lltUe William ed did not respond. This fair did
tbla —thea be la oonrlnced that E., Jr., only a fed weeks old.
Seeretarj' John I. Gibson, of the R. H. Elswortb who hu been lectorseveral tblngn- it. gave tbe public a
of this grange for the past five
fruit caff ha made a money making
runetwl aervicea will be held Wed- chance to aee Ibe commodiou quar­ Western
prop^tlon. It U flnabcUl recolU: neaday afternoon from tbe family, ters of tbe Naval reserves; ^ enjoy borrau stated to an interview today years requested that be be succeed
Pran^i Mchlullen. which ’was
that are looked for by the fruit mnn' home at StSO o'clock. Ker. Demas :tbe fine enterulnraenis that a-cre pre­ that he has concluded from bis expromptly done. Chester !.«* la . was
and tha aactios that can offer the Coqhlln- oDcUting.
pared by the different nrgantutioiui: iwrlcure during tbe past year In Ibe
beet todaeamanta to thla Itna U the
orchanU of the state that in order Rofceeded In the offlro of steward
aad to aid In a good cause.
by bU non. HaroU. Georg* A. Rob­
one that wlU attract and hold bla at
The weather has had some influ­ to serure a good, smooth crop of ap­
ertson. gate keeper for the hlickigaa
tantion. Ddriag the coming winter
ence on the attendance, yet Satur­ ples the grower* will have to return
State grange was elected to Ibe
a aeriea of lecture* will be givaa
day alitot there waa the largest to the uoe of Bohleaux mixture In
throat tha aontham pan of the
office In tbo local organisation
crowd that baa been out. Among tbe order to eliminate Ibe
atato ^ Mr. Qlbaon and good raaaltr Fatal Renulto Followed Wound
)>ecanse of tbe masterful way
pleasant features of tbe evening was amount of fungus that baa t^ken bold
are aiqmeloa from tbe trip.
which be performs the, duile* of the
cMvod by Aocidoirt.
tbe presence of Col. F. M. Culver, of of the orchards all over the stale At
office. M. C. Ovlalt waa elected chap­
Mbion, the rolonel of the Cnlform present Hme^ulphur solution Is used
Rank of Maccabees. C. H. Tbonlas. by the growers and It has failed to lain. Earl Palmateer. aariatant stew­
ard. after which the following were
Reva Akers, aged 26 yenra. great lieutenant (
f liast- meet the requirements. More care­
wife of John Akera. died laat night ingn and Cbas. H. Perry, deputy com­ ful spraying I* ne^ed to secure the elected to ^ntlnue in the officee they
•bt^ly before twelve o'clock at tbe mander of Cadillac. They were the l>e*t results, for' many timea when already hold, namely, Mary Palmahome of ber‘ aunt. Mrs. Uaale Akeru! life of tbe crowd, and made thing* the work of siirayiag an orchard has teer. trrasurer; Rarepta McMullen,
Jtodlion street, from tbe effects of bum. They claim tha^ tbis fair has bedn completed a hard rain will come, f^retary; Roso Stephenson, cere*;
injuries received to tbe accidental done much to awaken tbe Interest In oh and wash off the mixture which Arvilla Gardner, pomona; Tina Lowia.
shooting of a rifle lust tour
the order and In certain loralHiee will not l>e replaced and tbe reeuli flora: Alice Grubb, lady analsunt
ago today. It will be
fa that the fungus gels a start which steward; George A. ftoberstoo. tnaurmany new peMtlons are being
Thera la a Market tor WaatarfuMUh that at tbe Ume the statement was
sorioubly Injures tbo fruit when It is an re director.
pan FiuH to QwanllUat lii^
Tbe Installation exercises will oomade that Mrs. Akers
Tbe order to general w»* never In matured. ^Ith careful apraying a
scalp wound when a riOe sitting to better coadllion and from tbe con­ pcKect crop is assured and high 3r at tbe first meeting to the'new
year which.meeting will be on the
tbe corner of tbe living room at the tests that are on in several parts of prices can be obtained.
of January 4.
tbe Morgan farm fell t« tbe state and between the entire
Tba carload
applaa that were tbo floor and received the ton dla- •tote of Michigan and Texas.
Tbe only literary program laat Sat­
Bent to XasUnd from Kent county dtarge Just at the base of the bead. Indications are that the membership
urday was In tbe nature of a short
iware eoU at about doable tbe price For a while she aeomed to get aloag wlU be swelled materially.
discussion by Mrs. WIlUam Great rethat CDold have been oMatoed to thU all right, and then was taken with
irdlng a plan, for securing legiilaoouBtTT and go*i to prove that tbr epileptic flU and paralysis,
(ion that will permit women to voje
foraMn marttot U
without leaving their homes.
lion was performed In which a blood
Miohl^ growm to enter. ThU ablp- clot was removed from the braia, and
At tbe next meeting of this grange,
t waa Bot aent acoordlng to the recovery neeened possible. I>nring the
which will be on the afternoon of
Onear J. Ctflord Buccumbed to Ung
route atappad oat by the
December 21. a program conriitlrj;
past few day* she has suffered with
buraaa aad lor thU reaaon tha ahlpattack^ of eplllpav and the end
of complete reports from the officers
j*at coat waa about tx^enty oenta par came last nlgbt. a relief to untold sufregarding'the work of tbe past year
faanwl hishar than It would have feriag.
will be rarried out.
Oscar J. Gifford, aged SS yea». died
been had the oeeklgnment been aent
Mrs. Aker* leaves her bnaband.
Belgrade. Dec. 5.—The war baa
Sanday at bis borne. 602 Weat Front
tbrongh Boataa Inatpad of PbUadel- three sisters, Mrs. Ethel Boone, Mrs.
least .brought to ligbi tbe discovery
•treet. after a long IHnesar
phla. ThU email ahlpmeat proved to Jeasle Avery and Alona Hammevtree.
»lr. Gifford was born In Milton. that there V In', modern limes wonitba CagUah eonaumer that bUcblgan all of Kingsley and throe brothers.
Just as seir-sacrilideg as
Chittenden eounty. Vermont. Dec. .i.
prodacaa a vary aupertor qaulity of
FnnersI aervlre* srlll be held from
tbe heroes of old. Among the thoti- Changes Propeoed at Atlantic and
1557. On April Sit. 1S76. he waa
frail and aaxt year tbero win be a tbe church at Blugbam. Sunday
Gulf Pert*.
ried to 5U*s Abble. Griffith*, and to sanda of letter* to tbe Yar onWe. asVt
graat d»aad tor tbe Weetera Mlchl- 12:80 and burial srlH take place to
this nnion were born six children, four tog for Information cooceratag nlagan braad. la order to get into thla the eemelery tber*.
New Vork. De<. '9.—Plan* for the
tivea. came one today from
of whom with tbe widow sort iro.
amihat it will be well for tbe gfowera
U tbe principal ports
isfs Mr. GlffoM came to Michigan peanuil woman at Kolubara. wbu said
wtw have the right ktod of ato^ and
on tbe Ailaotic and gulf coast* and
boob at the fnmt.
and chose a home in the Grand Trn' she had three
padc It right to i« to touch with tbe
-I have three non* to the-army.-, f‘>r the Improvemeni of ajetbods to
erse reglnn. to the conrae of a fe
derHopaaat boraan rarly. no that
months he brought his family to Trav- she wrote. *-and I'ask that at leoH
praparattooa aaa be mad* for baadl«se City. For 17 year* he waa em- one of them be put on cootoy duty
tog a larga agaoaat during (he aaxt
^yed by tbe late Perry Hannah as to give bin a beuer chance of Ufe. port officials representing Now Turk.
Whaa tha fruit that la aent It
and afteraarda worked for The other two I willingly give to Boston, miadelphia. New Orirans.
and oti
other cittoapaettd aad ffaarantoad by
B. J. klorgan for 16 yean. Me was the
Fatherland, but I wai
want one oouj Baltimore. vCharleston
narieston ana
Ibe Ft
aadunaU. Deo.
Two masked wen and favorably known to all-of tbe| to come tmek to m. whichever you:
hanaa tta* »0 U ao troobla to
At the eonclnsiOB of the
wa ,wlib revolvers bold* up Clerk oMer people of Traverse City.
enc*. which will last severe dara. the
.ladUE a wtti attop pricaa to Bag
Adolgh Ulbells to a >wob7 atore
aa Werrad to the war offlvtol# *18 aun on a tour of InitoecFteeral aervicea bMd^tnm
mttkreri that the «U UOB of tbo larger porta from Bootoo
tbo hoBW Wodaeaday atlerBooB at Z



hibit In Plt^burg.

FVemont. Dec. 7.—The Fremont
Board of Trade under tbe
of iu president, Joseph Gerber, baa
started a campaign directed toward
the securing of a farm
agent for Newaygo oeunty. The work
of (be couDty agent waa recently ex|>lalned to tbo federal department of
agriculture In the lake shora
ties from Muskegon to Truverue Oily.
Tbe cost of a county agent waa callmated at ll.thO to fS.OUO a year,
was pointed out that from *1.000 to
tlJOO oould be secured annurlly from
the department of agriculture
Washington, an *000 a year for
yearn from tbe Crop Ii
asaoclailoD of Cblcago, leaving not
more than *1.000 lo be raised by local
Kacb of the Fremont
ly pledged *100 tow­
ard Ibe atartlug of tbe work
also the Fremont Canning factory.
Gerber pledged *50. It U
bflieved with a sfart of *25u. the nec­
essary funds can be quickly securod.
At the preseui Ume there are three’
federal ngenU at work to the WestMlcblgan territory. H. J. ‘nwmpwith the shore countlra and Chat.
P. Heed with tbe counliea back from
tbe shore, are matotained eullrety by
(he federal government. J. II. Skin­
ner who give* bis eallre time to Kent
county, 'u matotained by fund* farntsbed by the federal government tbe
Grand Rapids Aasoclatfoa of Com­
merce aad the Kent county Board of
Superrisori. The appointment of an
agent for Newaygo county, will mean
t_four men will give their time
tbq promotion of agricullnre to
Western Mlchlpn. and (bat tbla tegloB will advance agriculturally aa It
never bag before.

P. C. OHbect Entertained City QfficTali Last Night
(From Friday's Record-Eagle.)
P. C. Gilbert fbo reluraed from tbe
nonberii hnnting fields n-venily with
t^o deer, acted aa bo&t to tbe "Mayor,
be council of tbe city of Traverse
City, and the city clerk" at a venison
BUpi>er served at the Utile Tavern
evening ll was really a venison
banquet. The Vltd game was served
to three JlBereni.waya. there were all
(be side dishes such a supper would
•all for, and a myal good time for an
who siwbded. CV>ver* were laid for
.Mr. Gilbert is slwav* a congenial
bon and when he returns from bis
hunt each year, friends are sure to
enjoy aome of the game lie seeks for
their pleasure as well aa his own.

Helped the Cause.


New Vork. Dec. C.—Namerons Uteatrital managera and many of tbe
proiulaent players imw appearing in
.New York tootribulcd tbeir nervices
to the peiformance given at tbe Ont-ary theatre this aflernoon for the
benefit'of tbe Women s Tiunle Me­
morial fuBd. Tbe program, to ebar^
Daniel Frobman. Included a gor­
geous symbollcM pageant typifying
the sidrit of tbFsea. Leading paru|
were taken by Ruth EL Denis, JuUe
Opp and E.lytb Lynn Haltblsoa. Other
features of tbe program were several
ct playa. performed by proatoaat.

Wasblngtom. Dec. *.—Mayor nn«wald made tbe atartltog decAaratloa to
an addrau hero, today before tbe NaUonal Rivera and Harbon mnnara
that tbe Vnlied Btatoa abonid own tbo
coal mlnss of tbe eonnuy. Ha did not
nfree, however, with SMOtv^ Towassnd of Mlcblgaa, wbo had prwradod
him, that It might be well for lb* fed­
eral government t
dock sites on river* aad Improved by
the coTerament. ao m to keep raOrria<lB from preventing water CompaUllon.
“1 would be to favor of." aald Mayor
Fiugerald. "baring tbe amnldpaUty
or tbe Btote and the federal coverw
coopMwi* In the ooatrol of dock
line*, but I think the loeal antborttMa
should have some aay.
'■1 do not agree wlU Seaatar Toirmi
send that no govermeBt Improvemsat
of riven sbotild be mad* nnlaaa U can
be shown that At would redooe lb* •
of trauporutiob over coaalderabl* territory. Tbe only Hmit to appropriaGona for rivara and harbor Imb* ragwlated by re­
ports of the army that they are g
DO purpose. They aboold be Im­
proved for water power aad other par-


Betting Forth the
Grand Troveroe CewMy A^taeltural BeheeL

Five dollan to gold to awaittog tbe
Grand TraTerte ragloB boy or girt
wbo writes tbe beat aeray ttpoa *Tke
Advantages of a Ooraty Agrloeltanl
SebooL" The *T to offefed by tbo
First National Rank of Traverea aty
and tbe coadKIoDs under which It
be won are that the essay shall
oouBitt Of not Iraa than five hodnd
words nor more than om tbouaad
ronto; that It obaU bo writea by a
resident of the Oraad Traverra ro-\
flon. a6t over thirty ymrs of age. and
tbat It shall be received at tbe offloa
the county
■cbooto at the court hoM*. TraverM
City, not later than noon of tbo aeeood day of the Fonnen’ Umtltaie
meeting, to January, and that the
ly aball become tbe property' of
the donator of tbe prise. Tbe aaeaya
to be esamtoed by a comatUae
appointed by tbe butlUte society
and tbe winning dHay wtU be md
at one of tbe saeeleaa of tbe (aaUtuts.
Tbla to a ebasoa for some end of
tbe boys or glrU stadyli
in tbe Bcbooto of this ngloa to get
*5 to easy money, or a chance tot
of onr younger tarmera le
pull down a ^am.
einoe tba rapervlwn of Grand
Traverea county at tbeir seaeloe Ifi
October deddad to take up the mat­
ter of a county agrteuRnral aebool
tbeir annaal moeUi« to 1913. tber*
baa been many toqnlrlas
the function tbat such an I
would' perform, and H to with the
hope of geuing more light upoe the
entire aubject that tbe i
of tbe bank baa decided to offer gasd
for a winning essay.

Thlrty-Fivs Htmdrod Ware Bhipped

Imnaiag. Dee. *.—
at the Btat* game wvdeu's departmeet today show that *,M* darn war*
dipped scree* the «tnlU durtv thq




Grand Traverse Herald


receivers have reversed the time>aeccpted and legal at^toi^ and are .
tryhig' to make dividenda' on the nSliona of watered afdek at the
expense of the territory throng which the roaA^lMiTela. In thU'
they iiave exceeded their anthois^, accoeding
old interpr^
tation of tlTe law, and it is probable that before the people of the
state get tfarougb with them they will have-a different idea of
bow mnch the pid>lic will really stand for before thq^ rise up in
thmr might and resist. For ^s good of the Grand-iWrem regiea
and the entire stale it it imperative that some kind of action be
obtained ss possiUe. -

turn -of the bosiDess of the state.

Governor ShoaU LOoatiffMte

at meh a figure that the ineombent of the office can live honorably*

Judge Msyne has snteneed-Herman L. Swift, superintendent
of the Beulah Home for Boys to from one to.fiye years at Ionia,
itfa some of the lads at the institution.
Swift was tried about two years agu'ht Charlevoix and convicted,
...tM la AdTuoe but the case waa t^en to the supreme court, where the verdict of
the lower eoort waa austained. This being the case there was
■atand aaaaaoad-daM aattor Xanh S.l»M.attba«at*«aaa»1
nothing for Judge Uayne to do bnt to sentenoe the convicted man
et.liaich S, ISt*.
M atr. Mieh. mitr
Act o( Coap
wording to law. The legal fight has been a Icmg one. and friends
of Swift, have concluded to make a determined effort*to have
OrcniatiaD ik %*eek 2.950
Governor Osborn pardon him. Swift was given a fair trial and
found guilty by a jury in his own county, knd the evidenee brongbt
out at ijbe trial made any other course impossible, for it was cun*
dnsivrty proved that he was guilty, and that he had also been
indicted in Chiea^ and in Jackson county, for limilaf offenses
^Sk»fitMUe abtktOv
before he came to the home at Boyne City. S«-ift has enlisted the
How that tho froit rauing industry has been t
iem of hk board of directom in his bebslf, all of whom are
in the Oiand Xcaverae i^gioD, oiie of the next moves on. the part his personal friends .and who will try to save him from serving
at the i^owera will be to take measnrea to insure a sure and the time that the court imposed. The evidence uf guilt in the case
||^]lM^ ^t(taiket for their crop every-year. Thi^ condition eannot was sufficient to convict the man ,but now that thk work has been
be aecaaspliahed in one seawn, as it k a process that will Uke accomplished a still graver pruUm arises which should not be lost
both tinM-'aad labor to work out in a satisfactory manurr. It will siglit of by the governor when the case is laid before him.
first be neeeasary to form an organization, the. prime object of
The Beulah Hume is an institntion that has done a great deal
which will be to secure cooperation on t^e part of the growers, of good in Michigan, and will do still more in the future. It tills
.,Bpt only of this inupediste Section, but of the whole of this part a ueed in this part of the state that is shared by no other ioslitutiou.
«t the Atato, toe. the larger and stronger the society is, the lai^r FurtberiDore, it is snpported by the public which has an interest
4ba mariut that can be bandied and the better pmces will be for in iU future that the governor nor any other person «aq afforil to
4faa predoeer.
main association can be made op of (be various ignore. The faomele^boys who are placed in the home are entitled
n^janizations thA would be neoessary in the carrying ont to the very best bringing op that it -is possible to give them, and
plan. This sj-ztem hss been the prime reason for the success a man of the stripe that Swift hss been provoi to be hat no moral
..«l 4ha western growers and is being'tried with e<mally good re> right to be at the head of the home. The boj-s should have the best
moral training that good men can give them bnt this they cannot
snks by
apple growers of Vi^nia. *p>e object of these
cktionB is not only to insare a better, and snrer market for the possibly obtain from.Swift, who has bec-n convicted of one of the
prb^acta of a given community, but to #a»r*ntee the quality of most degrading practices known. With his conviction hb utefulthe pack of the fruit that is sold./ Such a system does not eliminste ocss at the head of the home ceased, and no governor’s pardon


iths local buyer, bat k makes it easier for him to do bosiness,
baoaoM he can at all timea purebaae reliable fruit and does not
.have .to stand the expense and Attendant loss of repacking before
.it can iJe Shipped; lUny porposes are served by the orgr-*—**-'"
and when properly effected it always wqrla out to the advantage
«f the prodoeer, buyer and consumer, whenever these three clsases
eome into cootaA with each other.
pn^fretoive fruit grower is the one who condnets his
in ^s Mine .manner as the mannfactarer in the city. He
; JebOUW the cost of prodaetion, and ako Is famOiar with the best
. .Badtots ler his pr^neta, and the places where he can buy his
-advantage. When such a condition exista
Jtt AyOOimumtty the inieresla of all are promote^ for ail the pos*

ever wipe the stain from his life, or restore him to usefulness
1 molder of boys’ lives. Governor Osborn owes it to this part
of the state to carefully investigate the evidence that awa-brought
at die trial before be takes any action in regards issuing a
pardon for this man Swift. He also owes it to tbc young boys
who are boused in this institutioU to keep from its head a man
who has been proven guilty of such base practices. Tbe'honle should
be kept infect, but the people of Michigan do not ttant sneh s
man as Herman L. Swift to be responsible for the shaping of the
young lives that ore .given into the keeping of the institution. If
a pardon should be granted, it abould also carry with it the resig<
nation.of Swift from the supcrintendency of the.Beulah tiome.

A law similar

compete in modern and scientific .methods with any other part of
the countrj' in agricultural work. The conditions hero are dif*
ferent than they.are even iu other parts of Western Michigan, and
perfect familiarity with these conditions would'inerease the effi­
ciency of the farm experts and also increaM tbe faith of tbe people
among whom they would work, in their abQity to meet the valu­

to the New York measure k prt^osed for thk sute and will be
drafted aDd'.prtoentcd to tbe ineemung legislature. ^1^ bloody
. xecord of the iiwth woods during the pant few years shows that
. tbe need of tepslation to safegnard the lives of the hunters is
imperative. There is no excuse of killing so many haulers creiy ing conditions as they arise. It thk school wps eatablkhed it
year. and if the sport kdo be indulged in during tbe future it wUl would not confine ite work to the growing of the fruit and farm
be proper to chuge the laws so as to give the honten a chance to crops, bnt it wonld go farther and teach tbe most important end
qnt of t^e vQp^ alive..

WhoU Sute Obieds



ulates the abilily of the office ho^r.

of aU. that of packing, aiid marketing.

It, k foidkh to bkievc that

to run for an office that only pays $2,300, and if he does the poblie
k quick to charge that he makes up the balance by seme kind of
graft which -be works In conaectioo with hk official positiun.


The rw^vers of the P«ve Marquette railroad evidently stirred
up a hornets* neol when they ksned the order refusing to accept
might of a peruhable^^ature during tbe cold weelher in leas than
$orioad Iota. Thk action put a handicap on the btuiness of the
fUto that cannot -be estimated at present in dollars and cents. It
IvacSieaUy.piitB. a certain class of nterprises ont of bminess by
toreing iben to ship their products by express at prohibitive
prices, and these firms strenuously object to .the procedure. In
to seeure justice in the matter the ahippers will take it to
.Ow state railway ootnmksion, and if they fail to -get resnlto from
that body, the eonrts wUl be appealed to as a last resort. In issaing
thkordMthoxecBiven sf the rosd evidently forgot that the system
k a ^mXBoa cairier. and as such mast accept the bnmness of the Wad Uiga SsUries
country thrdogh «-hieh the lines pass. The move was made primarily
A movement k on foot to have a bill introdneed in. the next
I'in the daim dsparlmcnt, for there is a great legkUtnre to rake the aalaries of most of the
trf^ihris ble goods shipped during the odd weather that ares have been prepared to show that the aalaries p«id in Michi­
the road baa to pay for on aceotmi
carelessnesf and delsy. In gan are far briow those paid in other states of the. Tnion of equal
oderm* th»
t«eivOTI ako forgot
Uuit t|»|>iw ud iuporun™. One of Ike ugnBenb th>t i, sdrueed is

r rf . cgm^«
d t. Ike psHic.
.arr Out »! Ik»r of tl» s»re»e i. IhM Iwr
trill ..Uskt d b«,,
lally the otodc hokkra. la. thk insUnoe the cImb of m> to run l8r <Acc, tbhrriiy imring better

MUM at ta* tw (MredlMU U -Mr«ifi«auw«»rtra

order to remove office bolders from suspicion along this line and
insure the state eompetoit officials tbc sal aria ahoutd be placed

and decently npon it in pqy event.

In this day and age peemk

gel just *wbat they pay for and no more.

wu YEioas'mff

If the kUam of the

officials are kept down to a point where a capable man cannot

DMicatM ToOiV-

afford to accept a state office the efficiency of the department will
be lessened just that much.

As efficiency is the one thin^ to be

considered the lepislalurc should mgke a careful inwUgatH* of
the subject and place' the salaries of the state officers at a figure
•• 1 !i:._
1 be• amured
and all liability
of .scandal
where (
eliwiuaU-d from the eUte capital. Su^ient salary woul^ also
tend io keep the officials at their posts, instead uf having 'them

away from their duties and their work in charge of deputies, as
is the vase tuu ipflcn under the present system. The people of
the stato want good men in the leading officea, and the legklature
should bear in mind tho fact that a good-man is always the cheap­
est man, no matter how high the price he k imid.

The Bssis of Prosperity



The annual report of Secretary of Agriculture Wilson reveals
th<- buuroe of the goud times that arc l>eing enjoyed by the |HH>ple
<if the rniled States by placing the grand total of the cr»)H raked
during the {Hutt year at $9,332.0U0,fi(M, an'amount unparalleled in
the bimury «»f any nation. With Uik vast amount of wealth to
handle there is no chance for a jiatiic to start, or even be thought
of by the f>«ople at large. When, the farmer k bleii8i>d with bounti­
ful crops all otberlinw opbusinesK profit in proportion. Accord­
ing to the reports from the manufacturers in different lines there
has never been a time when their books were filled whb orders as
they are now, and the only source of worry is the ability of the
owners of the plants to fill, tbe demand for their goods. Thk
dition conthming through one of the bitterest campaigns in the
history of tbe country is phenomenal and goes to show that politics
no longer rules tbe btuiness of tjie country. There k too much
capital invested to think of shutting down indnstriM for political
reasons, aud this condition proves that the-poUtieal parties of the
future must stand on their own merits wjthopl the
ests taking up the work of putting Into effert the threats of tbc
campaign spcUbindeni and leaders. .Rumiing the Gnitad States
has become a strictly business pmpoaitioo, and nothing will be
tolerated that interferes with tbe aniootb running of indtirtry.
Pe<H>lc who have luooey invested must'secure returns from it. aud
thk fact keeps business going at top spe^ all the time. -It k a
healthy condition and one that augurs well for tbe future of the
Back of all real prosperity k tbe soil. If the country k
fntnre k assured,

for in


everything that



snstain life k a product, either directly or indirectly, of the farm.
As tbe population increases mure farmers are needed, and altempts
are now being made to turn the' 1 rend from the cities to the wmntry

BMton. Hass.. Um. t.—The trsl
borne eeUMIsOed ,ia Hais^iMetu
for civil war vetenas and tkefr wives
was -dedicated la RoxbuTy today with
Interestinc exercises. Tbo tastNa*
tfam is to tie kaoWB ax Ibe Jobs A.
Andrww Home, named in boaor of
ibo war fuvernor of H^uachasetti.
and wfll be malalaliied by the OraM
Army, tbe Woman’s Relief Ctovps and

to thuk you friNU tbe bM.
of toy taeort." sTole O. B. Kader.
uf Uwlxbunt. W. Va. "for tbe vunlerful ^louUe beneni 1 out frun Blecrtc Bitu-rm, la c-rlD* me of both a
-erere rose ol •uxoaeb iroaple aii4
rbeuatMlstn. rnuu sbltit i bad.
Ux-D sn alnaut h>-iii|cxx nufferer for
ten years. It suited niy rase as
tbousb made Just for me ' f-ur djv
pepxls. Indigestion. Jsundira, and in
rid tbo sysicni of ktdUay poisons that
rbeumsUxui. Klectrie BiUers
have no equal. Try them. Every boitie is Kuaranleed to sallafy. Only to
teats s( all daiaststs 111 Traverse City,

Knioksf—'’What Is tbe pmUst
Smtthr Boekor—“His baby wants
moon sad bX wife waam tbs
Aar nan who ft ded np In a doobla
knot wlib cramps tn ib* bowels or
crippled with tbs paiaa of rbewitatlani would eomeUtnea pay that for a
quick relief Yet be caa. fel what he
wants fur :s rta by aendlns to Ibe
drnsKist for a bottle of RE.SNITK
powerful rvUevlnc remedy for all lotenial and vUcrnal pain. Pries ITi
cts. Sold by ail dnmtsts.
MONCV TO LOAN on good and wXl
UnproTed fanoa H. C Darts, sit
stale Bank Bldg, TravecM CUy.
aprtl mt


in the hope that in th^fatnre there will be no shortage uf produce
to feed the teeming millions of the ciGes and villages.

Thk is a

good inx’estment and one that will ultimately aolve the high cost
of living and many of tbc other evik that beset city life.


wiil always be a demand for biuintxa and profcssiunal {leople. but



there will be a more certain living for all,if nion- of the rising
generation devote their time and efforto to the study of farttiiiig
and farm' improvement. With the inerease of popnlation and the
coosequent higher 'pries of land, niteuaire farming will havi
be resorted to in thk country, ainl within the next quar1<T century
the Hmiill^urm of ten acres will*l>e proilucing as
as the farm
of one hundred acres k jiniduciiig tcalay as the result uf Uik systeiu
of agriculture. Not only will the wareity~bf land cause thk
dition, but the scarcity of help will force tlje adoption of the plan
all over the country. Lack of eom]H-lent farm help raulta in a
yearly loss of millions uf pmdo<-ts of the soil on aecuunt
of the inability »f the fariiiers to get their crops harvested and
housed in time to avoid ji^ainage from the i-leniciitK.
With the increased pfoduclion there must be improved methods
of distribution, and the sooner the pe<^e in geiteral. and tbe fanam
in particular, wake np to thk fa<-t, the sooner will the problem uf
high cost uf living lx- solved.


Walton ..
Rowley .
aigmu ...


I). HIEUT, O. P, A.


Systems .mui{l be di-vked that will

enable the producer to place on the market his produebt
tiiraously ip order that a steady iiieome can Im- realized.


of moving crops once a year at any j>ricc that they happen to
command at that |>articular time, the marketing will hare to be
arranged so that a sufficient supply can be plaeed before the
earner at all times of tbe year. .These are all quealions that will
have to be scttlrd -by the fann.-rs of the future, and a glance at
the report of the sccn-tary of agriculture will ahow the uceessit}'
of beginuing now to devke means fur solving the probh
are involved iu tbc proper dktributiuu of the immeuse cru[« that
are being produced by the growers of the nation.

These are the great prob­

lems that will have to be settled within few years, and
the sooner the region gets into line" in thk'end of the businras
the better it will be for all concerned. It is one thing to mw
"'good fruit and f^m crops, bnt it is a still greater trinn^h when
these products can have a sore and profiuble market, regardless
of the amount or scarcity of the same producU io other parts
of the country. The groat question to be aol^-ed hj- thk nation
is that of dktribntion, shich at the prcMUt timr is *i>ndarttd
on such crude lines that tbe people are made the ^inu. both
going and coming. The agricultural acbool would help to scule'
all these problems as no other tmans could, and. thk fact » weU
worth eoasideration and action by the farmers and busioem men
of Grand Traverse eonnty and tbe whole snrrouxiding region.

atttrt CUMt Be Cirtd


a man who k capable of earning $10,000 per year will be induced

populated by an intelligent and bard workiiHg class of farmers,

community and all who live then Agrkttlittnl Expats
are benefited in eonsequenee. The orchard of the foture is the
The farmers of Western Michigan are proving to tbe world
eommercial orchard, and the mair who owns It must from necessity
that they are of a progressive trend; and are using every means
^iVMbnsiaM plan of»the fivt class. Farming conducted om a
to secure information that will help them in their business, and
OlMMim faini b a good paying industry, and the better the bnsi*
thereby increase their profits. They have come to realize that
MSS method that is in vogue, the better the profits will be and
farming is a bnsioess and most be conducted along business lines
the greater the satisfaction to the owner. It k time the frnit
in. order to accomplish the best results. The old da)'S of haphazsnl
iien'of t$e n^on were' waking np to this fact, and the sooner
soil tilling, have passed, and in their place has come the adoption
tiiey do the better it will be for them and the country in ^nersL
of system in eveiything in connection with working the soil, har*
Old prejudices most be overcome, and while it will take a few
vesting and dkposing of the crops. In order td accomplkh the
ypaia to.get things moving in the right direotion and in a smooth
best results tbe farmer must make a thorough study of his craft
liaiiBBr, the time wUl ultimately come when all these principles
with the same diligence that a professional or businesR man does.
will hsvWto>.be reeognized and adhered to by those who expect
There are several methods of securing this information, but the
to be suceeMfuI in the business. Let the Grand Traverse region
most satisfactoo' plan that has been tri*d out is personal instruc­
. be |he first to effect an organization of this kind and set the
tion by men who have been {rained in the work and know what
example for the balance of the atate to follow.
they are talking about. The^e arc at the present- time three men
working in this part of the stale, and before another year passes
there will be severaJ more in the field, teaching the farmers and
According to the figures, New York-state has prMtically solved fruit growers the latewt methods of conducting their busineM.
With this spirit manifest among the farmers the necexwity
km jroblara of safeguarding bumah life during the hunting i
>.fa ^ Adkoodaeks. The loos of life bad'been so hMvy in years of orgatuxing an agricultural school in this country is seen at x
gop$ by that tbe legklature took the sphj^ iu l)and.and enacted glance, for then these men could be trained on home groend and
ink) law what is called the "buck law,” and which provides that they would then be better qualified to instruct the farmers in
n^Ic deer most have horns more than three inches long before they whst is needed in soil building and other lines, than theBpeu who
,Or»digibkto besbA. This not only makes the fauntera investigate eome from other |»arts-of the. eouiilrj- and are not at first perfectly
beforo they ahoot, but also uves the young deer. Stopping to familiar with local conditions. While at first sight the cost of
investigate enables the hunter to see whether the intend^ victim establishing and maintaining the school seems to be groat, it would
is a deer or a man, and so far it haa worked out to perfection. prove in a abort time to be money well spent, fur it would not onl>’
During the pastseawn there were 2,!S00 deer killed in the Adirpn* put this county, but this rulira eud of the state, in a positiun to
. . docks, but only obe hunter, which is a great
eemditions in Michigan and some of the other states.

Tlik argument is well founded,

for it has been proven that the sito of theSalary tpVariabi^Te^-

Doth ToU Hoot
Daily r« purlK of thr wrecking of bosta on the f Jreat, I.,ak«.-«
tend to show that ail the improvements that have Wn made in
navigation during the part few yean avail oothiug agaidst th>fury of the rtormx that sweep the waters when cold weather »icts
in. The only manner in which dkaster and dcalli can lx- avoidol
k to stay in port while tbc lakes are being lashed by tbr fury of
the storms. Yesarls are scot out in all kinds of weather at thk
tine of the year <>u aecnant of the high freight rates that prevail
after the dose uf the regular ^easuD, and when the. balance k
atrnck it k found that the effort does not bring the ftoanekl resulU
that weiw expected. Hnnsn life k valuable, in tbe minds of all
except the most fool-bardy ownen who inskt »d making one more
voyage before they lay np for the winter. , It k a serious mattt^
to start out in tbe teeth of a winter stun. and 'befMW sach an
attempt k made the probable rraulta should- tx- token into conaideration by the ones who are re«|M>nsible for the acL Laws have
been paa^ and enforced to insure safety uf those cm the water,
and the work should be made of a wider nature and ‘applied to
the leaving of boats from ports'when il k a eertainty that they
will never return. Winter k a rigoroos affair on land, but wbea
it eoMi to Uw wafer it k made more ao a tboamd fold.


WUl Pay Hlolicst
Prices lor

732 t From St

Both (Wx.




W«B KiImm Wmmb




Seureo of PtHo Rumor Th«t Mo »•
In TrowWo Caimot bo
(Worn M<adar'a IUcor4 Bu>».)
Mn. 3. W. Sunden of BmUh dM
■t BA CBrIr how this Boralss *t th*
Nov York. I>ee. 9.—
• of Mr. BBd Mrs. Jbims Mrnmn,
CO WBoblngton ttroot. vbero obe hod |tbBt Bnrtbioc h*d
kooB m for oeTOrtl vooks. She hodjotomor M»ureunl» of tho Cunird
hooB B croBt soteror for the post lino, wbs B*de by tho compony UU
throo roBiB, BBd OB OctoboT 9f CBSO ] BftorBOOB. They «U(«d thBl the toot BOOB th«t she
to ItTBoTM City, whore oho mlcbt re- sol hod 1
OBlro (ho beet of Bwdlcel BttenlloB. VBS SC6 Bdlos frOBt QOOOBStOWB BBd
sad hope for rooorory. Mrs. MerrlB. BlI BboBTd wore wolL They bto UBBhle
SB woU Bi ororr aaoDbor of her fBBk- to dotomlBO the oourro of tho Peiis
4r. 4U erorythtB* vllhls their power rntDor thet the ooomI li Ib troubleter her eoatort, ssd It wee tbroogb
tbolr ktndfiiBB BBd doTotloB tbet her
Sbm dkre of evKemc «er« gtaddoBod
sad Bhdo brighter by tho loro sad
Mbdor eyngithr with which they
MMo LydlB C. Cterk wae bora Ib
PranoeL Ohio, Match 19, 1SE9. 8b«
>rleea eometod each day by wire
wae tho dBB^Ur of Hormco E. aad from Cbteago. Oetron, TiBedo
Jaao S. Ciatho. pionoora of Soadnsky Buffalo throogh Ualted Fren toteeeaatr, Ofato. Anor the death of her grapboarrlML
father, with bar Bother, eleur aad
brother, um Cterko Btorod to Char­ m^. rr.T UVCBTOCK.
lotte. HkUgBB. where her girlhood
Buffalo, Dec. 9.—CatUe—Reoe
dan were paoaed. 8ba vae married E.OW: actlTA etrong. 9909,40. Calra
to Bdgar O. Brackett, aad to thla oa—ArilVA KeiA
tea two Bon w«« hora. DarM Rao 19,000; active, U to 40e higher, 99.99
sad Irrlag D. BrachotL the tenor of ^E40; No. 9, 97.60. Hoga-Kocelpu.
whom died la IPbc. at HlddlerOte.
19A60; acUvA M.90e7.40. cloalng et
Mieh. Bor hartaad died, and theo
aooa aftet ehe asored to Grand RapIda. when ahe eatered boriaoaa for
GRAIN. hanelf. Oa May C, 190C. abe became
CblcagA Doc. 9.—Wheat. UHa
the wife of J. W. RBBBden. ead went
back to MlddlevlUa with her faoabaad. Oau, 47HC. OatA
vbore ha vaa editor aad pnbliaber of
the ndlddleriUe BBa." la J9W they
•orad to HoBor. roamlalM (*o year*.
The heaa market li very aaoertalA
mi from there to Besteh. their preecat homA where Mr. Beuaderc la pub- and the lohhcra nude a drop of 10c
■ihar of the ''BeaaU Record.’'
to lie. with the IndleaUoaa that there
bo a eun tergor fall They do
Mra. Sansdere |i earrlred by her
baehaad. om eoa, Oarld Rae Brackett. not wlah to load up aaill after Ue
et Borttead, Ore., sad one brother, bolldaya. The local hayert aaam
drop of lOe a bitehel. In .hMb the
Horace B. Clark, of Hlchtead PaiR.
OetrelL Bhe waa a womaa of happy white, aary aod the red Udaey diean.
aad eoagoatel dlapoaltloa aad woa
Two haadred buehola of beaat
auay frloDdi. 8be waa of great help ^_______
team Saturday aad ISO
to her hBtbaad la hla work, aad fcoehelT by' r^ tram the different
aalaed aonay adraategaa by eoaatant polnte.
raadlat of rarraat ereats and tho
The poultry nurket la firm at thalr
boat of merataro. Sbo waa mchartor preaent pricea aad the local boyma
r of tho Order «C Rhatera 8ter wlU make a ahipment Wedaewtey aa
at Honor.
usual of an that they can get bold
VaaanI eenrleaaheld from:
tta Harria hnte thia aftenoon at 9
ere waa A greet diaturbanoe la
okioek. and the ramalni taken to her
tbe larger ouuide egg market when
«H home at Chaitotte, where lnte^
all tbe Jobbers nateaded everything
■Mt wfU take jBaee tomorrow.
that they had at a teas of two eeau
doaen, hut strictly troah eggs are in
great demand In the loenl market
and the price vlll remain the eame.
There waa a oteadr move anwng
ytm Peeewbw Term Calendw le i tha farmer* with potetoee Batnrday
UfM Oma
aad the l^ce today remaiaa tha same
at » oentA An tho eommtealoa
The totlowlng caeea wlU be tried at vat* baay.
the Deeamher term of the Mreult
The People ta Joeeph
Uackman. Fred H. PrmlL •

The Marfcets

Local Marketi




With th* coBRliw of wiatsr the
Oonaty Homane aoclety has again
aurted a rigoroas ernaade agalaat
the prectiee of tearing horeea un-




PECT chAistmas presents.



Atteeney General Wykes Has AutherLetters Addrioood to Sonta Will bo PLAN IS FAVORED BY MANY RE­
teed Uee of His Name la
Turaod Over to Intereriod
Innalng. Dea^^^idterw.C^nii
Wykes today auibom^YbO-Sf^Srhis
bams to insUtbu' nundamus proceed- '
Inga In (he supreme coart with * '
view of detennlnlttg whether ~aaOF southern' vote.
inlilaled brilou uo the equal suffragiamendment shall be counteA This la
renaldervd a big victory tor the snfGovernor Hadley Prspsaaa to Maks fraglstA
CathsHng Levs Fsatl tor Bull
CAOIUAO-Charks Darnra. of Mt
FlcaMtni. w*> >B I'eurs >-amp
•sttls Diffsrsnest. ^
». Ill ihe aealMn iwrt vnf Wcsfnni
ctHin'.v. Saiurdgv aftcraoim when a
Washlntum. l*.-c 7-The rshaWllia- Pair i.f -hi* wheel.."
!• IwnRwr
tlcin of Ihe Hepubllran party by a j<a»l»*. ran over him. cniahlBg Wm to
meeting at which represenuilies
from every state wccold adopt a new
declaratlen of pHnclidea along the
plan ciriginally su.'-ge-'icd tty Sena
tor Cummins ^'lowa. was faeamly
endorsed by several Republican gov­
ernors here today for a conference
with President Taft.
“I would go even further and make
the proiosed meeting a great nation­
al convenlloa for regular and Progres
rive Republicans alike.'- said Hadley
of Missouri. SeveraF .beli^.-ed the
first step wonld be a reduction of (be
si-utbern RepuUiean lepresentatiob
in national c^onventlona.

*T?th tfc arproach of the bolldaya
Is fouiul ta tbe mall at tbe post-

though today la the Brat that tbej
' office tbe usual number of Jeitera
Btreeu have been to bed coodlUon] 'addressed to Sant-. Clans. These telaad there are a nomber of peraoas CONVICTED
sben stamped, will be
who have not had Ume to have their
|u reguter mall and win be sent to
properly abod. there U no
toy pereon or rbariubte tnstitmlon
eacuae for leaving than 0DbUak4
Trrr to Beevre Re- land
ARer today evoryoae vlll have had
make aome small gift to the child
vereel ef Verdict by Supreme
a chaace to auead to tha aboeing of
who has erlttrn fur a presrni, and
Ceurito-Triei Leeted
their botMt and pereoaa dririag
• 111 be disapiointrd In his Ullel i>f
* Week.
hoTMa which are vnabla to keep their
lh9 famous old gift vender If he falls
feet will be notified by Couaty Hnto receive one. If ,lh« tetters
maae 0«e«r Careoe to hava thn
dot stamped they must be arnt to the
BaldwfA Mich., l>ee. 9.—Under
•hod and la the caee of further aecdead letter office, hut will, after go­
goud Id the riltege Jail. Osrar AurrIlgenco they will be proaccuted.
ing through (be procedure there. I>«
baeh today awUted sentence to lllc
There la a peaaUy provided
killing Harry W sent to any address which the po«carMcaaneea la regard to cither of Pteher, bis wealthy employer
master may give t^rm, for tbe fulfill­
tbew offenaea aa weU aa^for acta of frimd. Auerbach Is Ye. a Princeton ment of their requests.
rraelty to aahaal aad It te the In- UDlverritr gradnate aad eon ol a for­
Last yeu there were a number of
teatlon of the hnmaae aoclety to
mer director of tbe Great Northern theae leUera received and nearly all
rnilroed. He was found guilty ol Brsi of them were taken- care of by big
Individuate and eoclettea of
degree murder yesterday after
week'a trial. Attorneya today iitenned the city. Many of these letters
written by children who nnleat tbe
to appral to the stipreme court for
Santa to whom tLcy have appeated
reveraal of tbe verdlrt.
honors their letter, have no chance
of receiving a gift of any kind,
‘tiood Fellows"^rlub could be started
and And much oporwinity tor thelV
work In this city aa well as In the
larger ones and tbe memt'era of It
Sheeke Were Registered at CrargsNEW YORK-Melville B. Mcttdcll.
could find no way la which they could
town UnIvaraHy.
Uwyer. today hist hte life In trybring more real rnJoyiiieDt to themHeld Meeting ea Tuaaday
selves and tbe children who they re- ig to rescue a daogbter from a
bouse. He had prerlously
Dgton. Dec. 9.-r«.Boui
PiwrideBt D. H. Dny and SecreUry earthquake ehocks were rrgl>tercd matter Friedrich will be glad to turn re^ed his wile and young son.
John I. GibK>B of the Weatera Mlrhl- by tbe Georgetown university solamo- the Ictur* over lu any one. or any | WOODIAND-^Thera are 95 autogaa DeTetepment bureau will be In graph today. U was estimated thu •ocleiy wishing to i«rtlcli>ate In the aunbiir* owned In (bb vlllaffe and
'lownihip-io In ibo village and i:
Traverae aty Tuaaday to attend a[tba dlKurbaace waa 1909 nllea dU
In the township.
meeting of tbe enecnllve committee of taut
lb* bnraaa. which moetlng has b^n
railed ter tbd pvrpora of outlining a
ipaign of aeUvity lor toe coming
vlattr. Among otbart expected to be
la atteadance at ihU meeUng are
Treasurer B. H. Hendel. Maalalee:
Vlee Presldeat A. 8. Whlw. Grand
Rapids: Director F. A. Mitchell. MaaUtesT Director Joaeph Gerber. PreDirector H. 3. Gray, Chicago:
Director D. 8. Iteytan. Charievolz, and
Director te F. Porkett of this city.



This year the state assocUtkm ot­
ters a s(al4tailoa to ereo' <^lte I* •
city wbi^vrin sell SO sealA or to every
ebUd in a rjral gomrauntty who will
sell 2S sewis.
Anyone wishing to try for (his prit*
ran oHain aaals from (he locri agsau
Dr. Eaie t*haac.

Thlw Handsome Pair
of Bobs will be oWen to
tbe first boy who brings In
leo Tickets.

Here Hiey Are! Hundreds and Hundreds o!

Dolls and Sleds lor.ChrisImas

Tbe Oeneeee county grunge has ap­
pointed a committee to cooperate
with tbe FUnl Chamber of Commerce
IB lUrtlng a campaign directed to­
ward securing the services of a farm
manageaieat agent for Geneeee conaty for tbe coming year.





All To Be Given Away as Premlams -FEEE

ChlldrMi are alike ihc worl.l over—plaMhliiss .ire their grraiost Joy—an<l of them
all. thcTe's nothing that anile «-oiiie« up t<i A UOl.l. I»r g:r!i. and A Sl.EI) fur bo.'».
Our Christmas stock of Dolte and Sleds ih roody—aud YOl It boy or girl .vn have omwlilioot a cent of extra com io you—jor »<• AiH glw tbem s»ey «iih our pix-tuluu!
Oar Holiday Fate ts mi—a sale that not onl> offers hundreds and thousands <
iai |•rllv^.
Ihc nt-weri. prettiest thtngv for iiselui t 1 |TBi'il<il ilnliday Cllty i BjM-cial
iwest I'Ni-c-s of iho
but as well thousands of dollars not
: A rREMlU.M
year. A.M> STI
T}cles FREE.
TICKET—and t
> desirable aril

A board of trade has been organised
at HarL tbe county seat of Oceana
county, and nn effort la to be made
to pnsb tbe Oceana aeeUon of weatMlcbigan to tbe fitmL A few
years ago Oceana oounty was kno«-n
one of the big fruit counties of the
etalA but because of the newer
ebarda started to tbe northward it has
been loelng aome of lU prestige of

TraverM City BUte Bank ta «ty
, aC Travetao Cliy: aasunpalL H. C
Daria; Curtla D, Alway.
. Traveree City Elate Beak vs. City oC
' TTaveiae City; aatumpalL H. C Da­
ria; Parm C. OUb^
Robert H. Evans ta WOUam War- TprkriA i
itog; replevlMppapL Connlaa * ConPARM I
alae; Voderwood A Vmtor.
Bprtagfleld Fir* A Marfae lasnrthe aeersUry ol sUte has the fol­
anco Co. VA Grand Rapids A laglana
lowing to say of present crop eondlRailway Co.; troapaM. H F. Sawyer
aad A. W, peaay; Jamae H. OampbeQ.
Yl-heat-Ths condition of wheat as
Farm C. Gilbert va Grand Traveree
with an average per oenL
Oeaatr: appeal from board of *Bpo^
Is » In the state and southern
OMoaa ................. ..............
vtooTA P. C. Gilbert; F. H. PratL
ties, 99 in the central codntles. 91
Frank L. Bhutcr va. Grand Travaim FARM PRODUCC-Aelllite FrfeA
In the northern oonnttes and 97 in
Oonaty; appeal from board of aaperthe Upper peninsula. One year ago
riaoTA Pam C. OUbart: Prad U.
Batter ....................
tha per cent waa W In the sUte, 13
In the BOolhern ccranUes. 98 la tbe
Weeley Wares va Jeeepb CboM; ao- Creamery butter ...
•Biapalt-apperi. Tweddte A Boyd; Urn .............................
central coonttes. 92 In the northern
Hay, per teh. bated .
Iterm C. Gilbert
tounUes and 94 in the Upper penlnsu
Attee P. Murphy va WfUtem K. Her­ Bttaw ...........................
The total number of bushels of
bert: treepaai oa tbe caaA John W.
wheat marketed by farmers, in Nov­
QRAIN>-Haiiaah A Lay Cm
Patchla; Parm C. OObert
ember at 9S flouring mills Is 99.69S
Prices eenected every day.
John H. Crlae va. Guy Tlppin: atand at 76 elevators and to grain deab
toduaeat Parm C GUbeit: W. P. Wheat .......................................... 9«e9Bc
60.««3 or a total of 167.266 hashCora .........:.......................................
Of this amount S7A27 busbris
e maiketed In the southern four
; liflm Braat Dora YiagltBg and B- Rye .....................................................
tier* of conntles. 52.669 In tbe central
cvheat...................................Md»e otnnUes and 16.872 in tbe northern
tea ArraaErong va John Bpartlng.
Haary Bparllag and Arthur Bparllag:
oounUes and Upper penlnhute. Tbe
fain to caa^ deed. Parm C. Oltbert:
estimated total number ot bnsbete
Twaddle A Boyd.
of wheat marketed in the tear nranths
Aatoa W. Bartek va ^m. D. Or
August—No> ember* la
OennalM maynr.. et. al.;\assiimi>slL
hundred mills, etevatora an« grain
OeveQ A Cnm aad Curtta D. Alway;
dealers re|<ort nc whrat markwed In
Farm €. OUbert.
NovembaJrite Ryaa va. Robert W. Ryan ; peRy* -Tbs condition of rye as com­
tMioa ter allmoay. Barm C. GUlbert;
pared with an average per cent Is
ttedterwood A Umlor.
$2 in the stote and northern connGdlaa Stafford va MUea Btafferd.
tie*. $2 In the soDthsrn counties. 91
at at: separate malatenaacA Parm
In tbe central counties and M in the
C OObert: JcAa W. Patddn.
Upper peninsula. One year ago ihc
Ctortoe Maynard va. Beeate Msrper cent was 88 in the auu'aad cen­
Bard: dlvwee. CoaBlae A Cocalsr
tral eoQDtiea. 85 in {be sontbeis coun­
lAvril H. OagA
ties. 93 In the northeni counties and
Braari F. Rwaael] va Maade Ro.
in the Uppper penlnsnU.
eaU: dlvom. U H. Gaga: Ihm 1
Pall Pasture-The emditioB of fall
pasture as compared with an average
per cent Is M la tbe state. 97 in the
dovthera counties.
M. 99 in tbe northere
Bont against Joba a Cuter, n for
counUes and 1022 la the
U Upper pealnmar prostdoat of a aatkttal bank ai
BifarmiT charging the mlsai^llcaLive Stock—The condHlon
Men aad
of tnnda atoitwstock thrwtghoct the state is. M for
MtU to
> peHoa
hnnra rattle, ahe^ and swine.
-* ---------------•*— “i reteraod to

..... :-SiSS


I See Onr Window Display ol Dolls and SIcfls |
X \ ■
\ \_

Baby CuHars. 200
and 900 tlektt*. Doll
Cutters for W and 100

j., j-j^g a.NU^'OASTER8
ratmHV Cl’TTKRs'wRh
-00 and 2
CITTERS with 6.» and 1
NKRS for hugglev and'go
::'i. 20 an.l 60 tl( he
and ANt;oR.\ IKiCS wit
PIANOS with 72.

I. l«ii tickei
telR. et
Idd tic


Coasters with 40. SO. 00, 100 ticket*

with i*'. 72 and lO-i tickets. WATCHKS. AlARM riAM'l
OTKJ* and
RII.VEKWAUE Wllh 0. 75
aud I'-o ttekrts. Rirrsi OF
lUSIte-S ’with lOO.
L- -oil ll.kets. CASSKRtH.!
with 122 Itrkria. C«m« and
eve tbe liretnlUDui.


A Man’s Christmas

Depends Much On His Qothes

Even at onr regnlar prices—bnt the prices are
not regolar—they are away below.

To begin with, 'there is not another store in the city showing the high-grade
Suits and Overconts, made by such well known makers as M. Wile & Co., of
Buffalo, and Garson-Meyer & Co., of Rochester—garmenu worth fr-om $15 to^28.
that, by a chain of circumstances, are here at a saving of from $4.10 to $8.50 per

Men-. 92AOO and togXO Suits and Overcaatt


Men'. Suite and Overaoitt.'worth firouand f'l.''-'.

Sheep Lined

$7.50 and $9.50

with high for collar.. The be»t
tor «yle. lor fit. for warmit.
and tor wear that were ever
.hewn, here at

Trararae Ctey.



OBAlip TEAvmffi. mmtT.n ^ tkavess* bat eaoije, toesdat, dec. lo, ins


Cfran'ge (^Dger

Fruit ?leaa
C%tiied Shett



U«^ frewinf ^Ms te eteool
or bmineu are fraU—delicate—
UdanatteluyeteiBblhod. Itis
an Bonatunl and unless dteteed^
leads to serious and dironic ills.
Cnot drags,is the

Ov aotto *«lsMr pncM for tte
'temer ud tnril crover.** Now we
mar kMMUr dlter with yon od nethodeutdoetbewaytotetMU.
before «er caitlM hefla to eoold utd
ter we
knew enooch to pownd
•ud fa a rate heto” (at ibea iwmam'
her that we are alraady worktnc te
lnaea» the prante of the frower.
and Bhnll he sratetol for ncvMtiou
from anyone toward that end. Wort

—but when appetite is poor
digestion wefl^ ordinary food.s
do npt.oourisb—then SCOTT’S
XMtitSION is neoessdry.
SCO trs SSfULStOH orereeaes Just ante caodmooc; iu
tbsoc mEtrrUl eaten
the btood without di-

ThU paper liaa hrokao the ''eon■ptracy of ODence* and baa opened up
anhleeto for dlMawlon white wni
beneAt aO. A naaber of crowera nay
no one baa eeae hrto thetr orteardel
tekt tall, and they were at a kiaa hbst
to do. Why aboald they be left fa
the Inreh Is this manner? Certainly;
thii aactfan omK etaad or iaU to•aaia|. Whu rntea t
r hurts I

Of the many stfbleM dlscnssed by
.the aransers at their'eouaty meetlat
at FUe Utea. Wednesday and Tki
,day. tea topic of "Better Boads" prored one of tee mote interesting. The
grangen are progreeaive men and
They are anxious to aen
‘thiaga mado bettor and bey are for
Iteo^ thtags white glTe trromtae of
Imprwrlng tbo woUare of all manikind. but more partleulariy agrlcub
Itortsta. The time has coma^ when
wa most hare better wagon roads
land lb* grangers are only too nniloQS
jto do Uieir share toward maUng the
, desired impraremenia realities; it
Is only a oneatloB of how the end
can bMt be atalned. The Wedneaday
et enliig program by the pupils of the
Fife Lake school was very enjoyable.

nil AT III!



wliede sy«t«B sod starts
the beulibv ectloD of
edit throngbent the

The test l»lt meeting of Otmnd
Trnveree sabonUnate grange, wbich^
M,M,:tlag will be held two wetes from
(•«« MMib
will be Urea ovwr largely to a|
yes MsW rw SCOTTS.
review of tee work of the peat year.^
OM aopni. oMaria K. a
aieh o«cer will be eaUed upon tor^
tea dmmaatty too.
a report of bis or her ateievement
la a grange way during the preceding
Imat year a tennar aoM Ms ^crabl ~
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ twelve months.
apptea tor M enu a barrM, and said

SZJ'r ^ It’S. mV


Although several efforu have been
I wwra higher still.| The anneal bnalnees meeting of tbe made to mislead the grangers of the
Bat be wag oBared ftAo aitd Jumped , ^ngregathwal teorcb waa bald Wed- male regarding the candidate put for­
te the' OtaaM. Sunt trade on the needny at 10;te a. m. Tbe nsnal din- Vsrd by Grand Travarse grange tor
Other MlDw'a Inoraaea.
tr was
waa served
aerved at noon.
<tt office of maater
Ed Baasel left test week for Cbl- grange. K fa believed that tbe Grand
A man ma into the o«ee who caga where be will make hte fnture Traverse "f", B. J. XcHuUen. will
get a good
bad teont-W barrels of awlee on'home.
oourM the aecoDd dxXce of the delewhite some Cteloago fellow had paid
Bngene Uki. -who has been
gates from this region for maater
down 11.00 to bold them and prom-|ployed here daring the sob
teed to call aoon. MaaawhUe the.montha, leTt tor Grand Raplda teat ahoold be for John C. Kettenm. one
apptea were tn danger of epoUtng and week, where be eteweta to attend of the moet pragremlv* grangers in
the enlira state.
might mean a total loan. We advise^ ate^L
him to notify tbe buyer to remoeQ| air. and Mri.
rt. C. N. Berry and
The test meeting of the Bensic
them within ten days or the eoauact'daughter left terly Taat week tor
yronld be caacteled, and deposit re-'
- Panto Conte. Fte.. where they will county Pomona grange wai with
Loyalty grange, located at Hosweteed.
tarnad. In sate a case no grewarjtp^ the wlutm-.
recaaUy erected hall for Loyal­
^ kiaatotoe left ben today lOr
long amieetelly whan he knows noth- Chicago. This will probably be her ty grange was dedicated by Deputy
State Maater & & AHey. At ihU
lag about the buyer.
test trip thte
meeting a tiass of M was given the
Miss Esther Bttttan. who spent
secret worit of the fifth degree.
A barste of apples opened last week
Ivlng with her parents, Ur.
or « nine aimtea oraihed
Bottara, totnraed
grangers celebra
so’kn^-as. to he mttU tar on. Bern- cadUtee Monday,
the lau day of November vUh
ady, use oorrngated paper euablona.'
At the *ntanksslvlng baD given at cblteeu pie dinner at which the pioIB.
o.Ms. ^.'tko Hall Thursday oventag, the prises
members of the grange were
Mr. starvln of Grand Rapids was
^ ^ fnjin»i„M. Mr< b
the guests of honor. An escellent
chart at rtO.IKl per acre. Good tar cbrtetBm^ won the first ladies' prise: program under the dIrecUon of Mrs.
They Mia* Helen Poteam. dressed as an Ann* R. Doyle was carried oof. Mrs.
Doyle has been lecturer ot this grangs
t Wild land aranad Htl* or-j,
for a number of'years and has help­
ed materially In seenring an enjoy
Gold Dust twins, won the Ural geunation tor the organization.
tleaen's prlu; Mr. Zteuoaa sad Mr.
te. iMk iTOwll. P..T BM Me.
^ Buul.1
The next meeting Of the CharlcvoIx
WgrTs atory about hte dSAOM «PPk‘„eood prizes.
onoaa grange will be with Maple
trwae and^kow be started fin Decem­
Ihe roller skating rink opened up
Grova grange In Fbbrunry.
ber at Praft MMt) .Be made It pay
Saturday alghL
Mrs. G. H. Dam» leH Wedneaday
Tbe Thanksgiving pregram
tor Grand Rnplds. where the wiU av
Penlnsnla grange was an iitnoralkm
Every Dte crawer ahoold Inapeet
tend the Shakespeare plays to
that can well be followed by other
bb orebard cteeMy to find first signs
Civen there the reel ot the week.
of ten ’bcale.” If thte deadly disease
Harry Walstead. who baa been <
ntS a start bars ww are bound
played by the electric light compainy
Nllea. steward of tbe Michigan
autm- na eattbem eounttes hava
the past few
let*, test week
late' grange, was In Traverse City
mean* death to the tree.
tor SC Clood, Minn.
Wednesday calling upon grangers
I'nitd Thsnkwivteg aervlcea were
A year or two ago tbe common held at the 4f. 9. teurch ThBradiy and discussing tee prospects of a deUtetful time at the tde meeting to be
Msa was teat cherry trees dM not monOng.
need tarayteg at an. Itocaut usperlLloyd Wrteley id Ooleman. Mite.. held at Sault Ste. Marie next week.
s sbows teat tbte theory baa teat spent ThankagirlDg here with hte
ua theusands at trees. Now we know |


Mrs. O. B. -Palga who ha* be«Q
visitltig her parents, rMureed last
Grawn. Dec. 4.~Dr. and Mrs. C. A.
Mtehlgan reported lO.IM.OM apple week to ‘her home tn Grand Rapids.
Clark went to Elk RapbU Thursday
trees In the centna of llW and la
James StoreDs. who has been e
spend Thanksglrlng with Mrs. Clark's
mo only l.7«.000. a falling oft of pio
red here
acre ^ aunng
during me eummer
parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Veit, but
1.117W0 tree*. Thte wUl aw>o*r months left Wedneaday for Manlste-i.
tee risk was saddened by tbe death of
«*i**““g In view of the
L. L. Stesdemo. pastor «t tho M.
Mr*. Clark'B father, which ocenrTed ato no tbe apples the E. tenrte spoke at Letend Sunday |
P:S0 at night Although be had been
pam tew years. la the Dnlted States eveolag.
confined to blf bed for some time with
durlac the reame pariod the oensos
Mrs. Usnphere. who has bean via- heart trouble and it was pranonncod
lling btf dMtghter. M/s. A. Andwson. serious, tee blow was entirely unex­
indnds hett in and out of bear-'ieft test week for bar home at Ullte- pected that night, as be appeared *0
Moral; plant more apple trees! dale.
mate better during tbe day. ate
Bert RuaaeB. who npent two wetet hearty supper and spent the evening
RaHs P'Feul Plot
up north deer hunting, returned home
When a abkmaful plot extels bo Toeodny with two deer to bU credit. talking with different members of tbatamlly until after 9 o'elock. but at 9:3d
twnw Uvir tort kowate to caoae dteJ. KteL prohahly better known ns he anddenly fell back on the bed life-;
I by rtoOdkg to act. take Dr.
'■Grandpa Xtel.'' is lU at this writing. teas, wltboot a sOwgle- Ob account of.....................
end such
New Life
aboM of yoar system. Tltay gwtiy
. Dr. Clarb waa
cesapei right aettoa of stomach, liver
Frank Mocre -v I a Traverao City


s tn Ttaveree City.

-r r.-;

tirth. *tbmu «n tem nmaa.’' ha
_________PjUilrtHta talb
tag a fUmknnd they sfa. Srsu to
a wdtaw; wsited. tar -a w aab: and
tklrt-teuQ, 1 MiffiA tea t

Mr*. Max Schroder left Toeaday
morning for Worrbester. Mass., where
ahe will Join her hnsband. who is
flahlng there.
Dec. t

♦ «»♦♦♦♦.♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
South Milton. Dec. 4.—Earl Atewr________ a who Is always crosa, dte- wn of Traverse Oltr spent Thanksagfuartli. short and Bbarp la hte am giving with hte parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Bwwb. taatae e
Wm. Ackerman.
not tea peer tallow's tantt. hte Uvei
Mr. sad Mm. MeVlte of Traverse
^*ffil4^^tetojCity spent Thankaglvlag with
. Mr. and Mrs. Savery Whoop-

r of death In
tee winter and spritir mop;hs te paenmonte. Its advance agents ar^ cold*
ick b>
mad grip. In any 1
D time ahonid be t

drive ft off. Countless thousands
have found this to be Dr. King's New
Discovery. “My huaband believer It
has kept him from having pnenmonia'
ihrve or four time*.- writes Mrs.
Owffi W. Plat*. Rawsooviiie. Vt.
"and for rough*, colds and creup
have never found Us equal.'' Gsa
laed (or all brenrblal affecifona Prire
60c and 11.00. Trial bottle ftot- at til
rtdrt fte year Hvar. They ____
win claaa j Mrs.' WlUtem Hergett wa* token druggists in Traverse City.
yon «St. vualtae yoor hlcbd and^tl
lU Tkankagiring night, and
y«w -dtgeauoa to pood irt^r.
ord«-. Price
What DM H* Many
Dr. Dustin waa called. She te
tte pm- box. Sort by all drufstota.
*W«w took here. Maris." said
confined to her room.
Wombat. “If yon don't slop playing
Mrs. Myrtle Mtenlt has been
Mgs bR ths time I'M take a hand.'
Bite for tbe last week. Dr. Hong of
Famous Stop* Beautioa
Alden was called to see her Saturday.
Walter Wlteun want to Rngg ycater- look wUh horror ea Skin Kreptloas.
Blotches, Boses or Pimples. They
«U»« ;«».«■»
«- o'!.!., tor to. Jto.
dost have cbe*t>. nor will any oa* who
Afm «* Mtoat* nnmaspinaisaws^ j ^
^ ^ yomt people west rsM Bseklen's Arnica 8alv*. It rtortethe dowBto Ma Aemteeggar's Satniday Ses tbe faro. Ecsema or Salt Rheuia
• «xtrae-*s^i« tor a sedal Ume. Music asd vanteh before It. It cure* sore lips,
hands. teUMaina; heals
jgamtoSBsd the smsatas bouts and an chapped
bama. onto and brnteea. Caequalei
I ratarnad at a lata boor, bavtag em tag pika. ^Only 3tc at aU dz*|gte tn











The Christmas
Season draws near­
er and n^rere^ry
day and the time
in which to choose
Christmas Gifts
grows shorter:
Its always wise
to make selections
when you can do
so leisurely and
satisfactorily and
while the pickifig
is at its best :
We a:re in splen­
did trim for Holiday
trade-showi ng just
the things that
Men arid Boys are
dellghteed to re­
ceive as Christriias
Gifts :
Come in and see,
arid we’re sure that
you will discover
many things in our
choice lines that
will cheer and
make a merry
Chfistriias to old as
well as young.



Gijun> Tkkvna eb&ald axd mmu bat xaco, toibxat, dio. lo. isu
after bartne about tbirtaen tbouaaxtd

'♦ tba w^Mdbofaae Ust Vytdar an*t«o6ii:
^<Ii(heU t«r potattiaa.

Mr. and Mrm PMer-iteil^ left teat
ForTMt'JohaMB ap«t Ttaaakacivla*
flburdar for Bau Jbrd^-'Wbere they
AJb«t .wJth Mr and Mr«, Al«. CanoU of
hare pnrebaaed a tann.
OMlsda a&d teashur of Bast Bar TrararM Otr.
Several from bare attended tbe
WIHlaa Htdtoaa. wbo t» attendlnc’teHb* for Lavresee OamU.
UUeted Uw weddUs of Im- ■]««■,
MSw Rnbr HavUsa.
itba Needham Boalneaa ooUejce at] Mr. ^Gbea haa retaraed to Cbtea«s dance at Old Mission last Wedneadar
i •
Omo Nalaon and Mlu Mai«ar«t
Lardla aptat Moaday' eraelnf at
'Pyank Valley'a.
Hra. Joaepb Kronpa la api^lag a
few days vlsltlna be rWdter In Jack____

^ ^ *I

Tb* pu«nts' »Mtlnc *u beU at

Oar Bargfdn Festivd

Echoes From The
Olden Times

In Bacltant & Roscoe < itore, reowtly vacated, opt ned up.


Takaa from Grand-Traversa Herald of
TMrty Vaan A«a. ,

One table sued with Hen's 50c


One table of- Hen's $1.00 and $1 SO
latfonr lien's Dress Shirts, sold for
' B0otoai.#0.



Onelotof<Child's50c and 6Sc

is dozen Hen's Sweaurs, regnlar
' price from J1.50 to S3,

Nm TSc U l^

Now I9e

SSBosn'OveroaatsJbr boys U-lt.yesa

One lot Men a Ga]^ SOc to $1.


Nm 1.75 to3.50
10 dozoi Bi^' Short-Pants.




30YS’SUITS. Here we have a ^t
aasertmeot Prit^ now from

183. to 3.50

Always sold from 50c to 7Sc

Ch^^ Ca.

Mrs. J. D. Uarvey. wbo baa been
an inralld for Cve yearn and bas been
pealed by aome of the most success
' tnl pbyalclana U Chicago witbont ob­
taining pemanaat reltef. placed her
aeit about elx monlha ago under the
care of Dr. & M. Elrana of Imnsing
formerly a pracllclng physlrian In thla
place. Mr«: Uarvey returned boma
last nb^t ao^reaily Improjcyd In
bcalth that she In now able to
about the bouse, and has. In a mr
ure. gained ber former strength. Tbe
member* of her family are naturally

71b ammm SEinm Begins
And itt be^LDS nght Begins with every department foitified to meet the demands of gitc givers. To
Mit this Bift...
Stodf is the poipose of this “ad." Can't tell you about all of it by
any mraus; can
tell you about
only miggaat: to yon the atrenf^-.of
stren^- .of aome of ita most prominent features, a hint there to guide you in your
tmying. Ji visit to tbe stm.wulwithareet And that visit will also mean that you can ^oose from aome
very unusual values which every dqartmeatin is now offering. Don't delay your buying. Come
now while stocks are at their best

Oat of tba moat impoitaot fea­
ture ^ Una atese is tba famous
C^o^pg valnea which we are now


Siitawd. OvereoaU.iDr'Man.and
Bs|«iai»4ialngaaklntmoaay aavAB prieaa.’ Hw» areatfaw^of tbawmwatfal valnea—

We've provided for the wants of
Handkerchief buyers as never be­
Done eveything to make
chtfoeing easy.
See the special lota priced at 2c.
Sc, lOe, ISe 2Sc and up to S8e


The Fur Stock is most complete
For Sete Un0s
You oau't select a more useful,
a more acceptable Christmas Gift
than to choow hem our magnifi­
At $146 ud $3.96 we show BoysSukg cent showing of modemtely priced
wiA atn pair of KaK^tboeher Peats. .fSite
Don't miae aeing Ladies Fur Sete
Bey*'MOe Weir SiMM. Put* are Heed
Sails fer Bm (m 9s»l6

A tphatSJ style sclectioe el pikes thel

u J«._

i gg


Burnt O.CRe.1. lor Young Mol

aiBirs suns « ovebcomb


aryusHv COATS and surrs
What cw ye« fai^farwtfe. ate or
durite diit wMiU be nore

lliit unusual price list contains
values that will appeal with irresis­
tible force to all wbo wish to make
their dollars do double duty.
Boys' and Childrra's Cape up to
SOc values. A special lot at 24c.
Men’s Sofl,Warm. Fleeced Under­
wear. usual SOc quality. Think
of it. Only 28c.
Men’s One Dollar Tan Wool Under­
wear, Ribbed quality. A Big Bar­
gain at 69c.
. Men's $1 50 Underwear: A spe­
cial lot of wool gannents. On sale at 95c.
Christmas showing of Suspenders,
Dress Sodis,UmbrellB8. Bath Robes.
Handkerchiefs. Mufflers, etc. If
Mlected here, tbe chiii^gwiU be
tight and the prices less.
One Lot Boys'Short Pants, values
up to 50c, at pair. 24c.
Beys’ Soits.op to $3 value, at $1.48.
See Boys* Suits, worth $4. at $2.48.

Eroy Suit wdl mufo pcrfKt iu b.w<l

Score* «f rtyk*. kB lelactal wah ik
Mo'. Sufo $7.48, m.$8.«IMS.
mteat care..
1-er ray leaptii^ isA.
.Adol nluw-$9. $12 od $lfo
Ail own wiA p«m amc aml«a. peked at 98e ukd ti.46.
Mo'. Oocob u $7.48. $t.aS.
Rtgdar$!.25aBd$2 ralaa.
qwciillf pdeud W DKonber Bouku.

KncUouu So. od
Be Kin ind Mb foe tbeniLj


Bmlaets ot all klada It boomlok.
Wages good, baada not as pteaiy ar
are dielred.
A great masr ImprovemeBti are*
being mad^ la the way of fwea.
bulldlngB. wellt. aad so forth.
Haomocb bas Just flalahed a wyll S5
feM deep, and has a verr ak» eadnr
pump. Also Tbomaa Mev
Garry bas lust completed a drive well
tU feet deep, aad has a wtad pump oa
Jt whkb was iHJi Id by Despres Hro«.
of Traverse City.

Dec. 6.
T. B. Eceres. «ho reeantly aold bis
ana farm at Trarerse Ctu to 1‘bllllp
Ljuic, has purcbas«4 a farm in Or­
ange Grov^ {ila.. near tbe home of S.
C. Fullur, Uta poelniaatermi tbit place
Alex Bmlib started h few dava since
Mr. Baevea- frlaodB bare wUI wish him for Randolph conntr.Tad, to look after
aucoess in bis tar aoethan borne, and bis farm IntereaU there.
Mr. P'uUar nmat naUrally be wall
pdaaaed lo have an oU neigbbur thus
A telegram waa sent to W. 9mUh
tndone bia ««m aelectlon of a. home
on test Satnrday notifying him of tbe
ue point. '
by looulng a
daalh of hU Grandfather Smlih of
Randolph county. lad., wbo wa: ran
Nelgbborlng towns are taking what over by tbe can and InatanUy kllK-d.
can be done lo keep their walks clear
of 8DOW. For seveuleeff yeara every
walk In Traverw Clly bas been clear
ed by saowi>lewB wheaewr oeceesary.
three or tour trips being made In
day If needed. There is not a loam,
At tbe regular maetlng of the Corn­
big or Hide, in tbe state, where tbir
ea Couarll tbe toUowing members
wertL U dona as tberoughly as here
John Kelly., wbo baa attended, and were preaeat: P. Huai
trustees Barnes. Daw.
weU attended, to this matter for maB>
and Orelllck. Tbe following ctelms
ymra. and Lorhi Newbetry hate tbe
cMitract this winter.




Mhor with a
carvings. Pollovring tbe ebase of the
eihltetloa be. 9 the collection will be
Mtplayod in BoMia. Baaaio. Tol<iao. '
Odcaca lOnaaapoUs aad oeveral ottNew York. Dec
Tlie Norvegtaa.
Daa^ aad Swedish mlalstera came
Tbe BOO* U alneea locbM keep oa
^ver from WaifaingtoB today to r«Pthe level. maMBg verr good slelglteHAVANA-Betaume be waa threattbe rulers of tbrir respective
couatries at tbe formal opening of eaed.-Tr be remalaed la Cuba. Rridge
4)nlie a nnmber of tcana are dra'
tbe Scandinavian art cxhiblUon In Webber, one of ibe lalhnnero- at
lag Inmb^ Omn tbe Long Lake as
Ibis cll.v. Tbe etbiblUon la the Biw tbe Kosenihal murdar (rial, today
ffiUL Tb«r commeocsd-Moadar U*t. of Its kind ever held In Ibis country. tanod for. New York.
Mr. and Mrs. E
raw aad
taBiUjr apMt Sunday with MM. Fred
^varal of oar tanaara are drawlag;
logs to custom oOUa. Ftaak HagarFraiUc Smttb left Satnrdar for the
laaa la goiag to draw a large auaiber
hoapltiil In Grand KapMa.
of logs for Ua owa uso. Re tat
pattii« up a bora Is tke sprlac.

YfHM (^rtuiiify
ZSdmai llan'j Flaectd Uni
Gu't tetwiKbt for less than 45c


giVeftll tor bis i
STTiiTB anomt cib«. me vn. nmtriate win be rotolced to laoro
of ber at least partial recoveir of
fceoitta aad ktrewth.

aad'appaDDEuta lifta. A
Make meful aDdi


at 96c. 12S.yp 1*4.96.

Tapestry^ fHUow^ot|^
the SOc kind,
with back. Each- -29c
Indian Pillows Tope, commh tmk ......................... e»C

Bros., «g.f5: U BoberU for Hose Ck>
No. 1, *18.00. The following claims
were andlted and order paid: Han ;
aab. Lay ft Co.. *3M 08 on highway
fund: John Kelley. 44 cenU on High­
way fnad; W. Ilea. ICT.SO on OMtUn-!
gent fund. On taoUoa date earried,
tbe preaideat appolhtod a cnrnmltiee
aonslaUnc Of Mftwra. Lee. Grellek;
aad Barttea to
rilorr aball bo snow iilowed. to re­
ceive bids for snow plowing and to
report at Ibe next meetli
council. Committee was autborived
have streets plowed and tbo <
tracts were awarded.
At an adjounied meetlag of tbe
ttMincil held Dee. C. IS*!, the follow"
lag meaibers were preatttC P. Hannah. preaideat: trustees,Lee. Ban
Moffatt and GrelUck. ‘
Tbe bid of John Kelley of *300 for
dolwg aaow plowing on east aids for
winter of 18S2-U was arxepted. Said
snow plowing to be done under tbe di­
rection of the committee on aireels
ud -aldewalks. The contract for
plowing on the south aad eut aide
waa awarded to Isiren Nevharry, l<^
tbe sum of I17S 00.'
on poUon duly
earried. that wmut for aaow plowIng should be made as foUows:cine
fifth of raotract sum on Januaryl.
one fifth on February I. aad batence
at' Ibe end of tbe season. Coancil
adiooreed. H. C. Davis, clerk.

Tbe Right Rev. G. D Cmispi pa^
I thnwgb Traverse City last Friday
erenlag en route for 13k Rapids
where be preached Sunday moraing
and evening. He returned lo this
place Monday, remaining as tbe guest
ot Rev. j. 8. Large until Tensday
moraing wbeo be retaraed

It may iatereat tbe muy aeiilers
wbo have recently come into
Grand Traverae from Indiana,
know that doriag tbe last cold m>ell
the mercury tell to IT degrees below
terosin tbe riiy of Anderson. Madi­
son county, la 'that state, while oalr
aaow enough feH to barely cover ibe
grouad. b«t not enoogb
Steele ft Tttas have.eteeted the
sale of Ibe south bait of Chat.
Cole's plare to 'Dr. C B. Darfee of
Cblcafo. The doctor vlsUed Tyaverse City last summer to Bad relief
from bay fever ud meetlag with ao.-eeas determined to spend at leadt
pan of bis time here. He dealgns
to make a friilt farm of bU land for
wbM purpose It la wed adapted. lyiag as It does, between Traverae Bay
aad Cedar Lafc'c.

Next Time

* Don't forget to include in your order for S
BEST flour, a sack of out

Guaranteed Fie.‘K and Pure.


n i
i i
T. n » n i
.......... . i msmi

Sbowloa Increase In
DEC. 1.
DEC. 1.
DEC. 1,
NOV. 26.

1999. . . . . . . $ 705.453.90
1910 . . . . . . .
1911. . . . . . .
1912. . . ,...h:Mr0W»7*8.M

—This growth is an evidence of our—



Unda Control oi the U.S. Treanu}-

Christmas Suggesttons
from the Hardware
Nickel pinted copper tea and coffee pots from
70c up. Nickel plated copper tea kettles, baking
disbre. crumb trays.-tea sets and etc. Scissors and
shears from 25c up. Skates, razors and pocket
knives. We have a fine assortment of 25c and SOc
knives that are hand forged and fully warranted.
Come in and see the many useful and valuable pres­
ents you can-get for a little money at the hardware
store at Christmas time.

We Wish Yon a

Merry Christmas
Christmu ii alnuHt here, and our stoct
of OhristBiu goods displayed in the wiodowa
and tiuGoghoQt tbe store iaclndet edibtea
sacb aa candy, nots, rai
' cranberriea, oysten. Tbe Cbristaat festival
would be iaeotB*dete witbont aome of onr
fancy grocerie*. for insUnce, Cbaae A San­
born Seal Brand tea and coS—,' bnUamut
cheese, trick chew. Heiiu Cfaili and Oold
Medkl Sauce, Anchovy S^oce, Wereei
Sauce, flgi, pickle*, nlad tBteing.
These are only a part of the thingt wa can
mention here. Come and see the balsBee at
the comer'of Front and Oaas streets.

Ferawood pays **« (or the removal
i aaow tram the vralfca ^ straMs.
Tbe cam pt wcarlet fever as report­
ed of B. Bteckmaa taraed out to h*

GriCUb ft King have takes ^ coatraca ta erect (b


Corner Front 4 Cam iitreeta.




IWm u« lt*0Utittt«M ef ttM
“ •• ------ -Club:
, i wm tfy MVW «• WWW *f
fr«t p»—» wiytblfM.
I ^ti *» ». k. .. k.iui. .. I



-------be row>4
« »*thJiL

One WM * Um ♦lectrtcKy-lirAud
4 «7* vblcb kept wlaUng. Another uid
4*“B« with Bill- OlherB •tnted that all
■>' “™»
4 And on another atreot


he Mae. hlaful 1'

every Hvlad tMng.
r foU la try1i« to da ♦
« tbaaa tbtnfa, f wMI •"Try, try 4



were chnrtih

-- -

All kind* of aigns; soma lalllog of
done of the wtnwt
thlngi In the world, and aoma of the

i beat thing*.

HIM CLA.» ..TC^ U«.r.

“0 «.• l-loo-lw tm.., or
PraeM*frt">Mlaa Clara Batot.
tba ripening fmlt and grain, of aanrto Vlaa Praaldarrt Mm. Mabel
(be Bocta of wOd geaaa going aooth and the aarlr anowdakas. of
and Vice
Irene the eoalng of wtotar.
ray MiaWa
Bat the algna that I want yon to
•OTwae luaeaneuiei «r*. A. L. jinow moat about are far different'
If father «• Bother aaXa -Toa or
perform eoBe little aenrlee
HMiibai df MMabai* beteoglfig P*- and Tom or Soaie ecowla. or saya “In
aaMtar 1, ItU, dAMa mlnnu," or a^lecU enUrwIy to do
' ■ * -----what 1* required. It U a sore alga that
Nantoar af aoiMa an the Cmdia Tom or Snale 1* eeinab. There are
Hall. Oaaaaibar 1. Utt Ml<>
oihbr a^llah algna, too.
■■ ■ ■ ■
If n boy nUowa hlmaalf to hurt or
torBant hnrmlaaa hlrda or nnlmnla.
Btanlay BnUto. Ktagalay, Hleh.
joat tor fun. it to a algn of two thing*;
Map TAv. lilht JaM. Mldt
ona, that he to cmel, anaUmr that tta
On) SwItK XUgalay. Mich. Naae boy la a coward, for no «oe but a cow.
BMt ta Sttatoy Saltk.
ard will. }uat for aport, eauae needtoaa
Utbmp. Oadltlae. Mich, pain or bring fwr to any thing whita
Kant Ml by Myron Lathrop.
can not halp .u«lf.
Mary HombmW. T> La BMla Ara, t|f aboygoeslntonatoreandyouBae
Hlghtand tart, Dnrolt Mich.
the merebant or hi* clerk ‘keeping an
MarsnnUa OUphant 73 U Belle eye on the boy" you may be pret^
Ave, HlfUand Pprk. Detroit Mich, nre that he to "lirttt fingerod" and to
Hum Mat by Mary
lUbto to become a thief. If a boy haa
Waltor StoUay. Array TOton. Mortoy g>a odor of clgarattaa or tobacco conTann. Tanda Day, Tbalma Dor, John ataoUy about him. it mean* that ba
Biot and Albou Rloa. Travana Cfty, triu narar be the man that be mlghU
Mleh, R. r D. Ho. 3. Kamea aent by be. '
Alma Stamldt
<ta tha other hand, tf anlmnla am
not afraid, if UtUe childreo am glad.
if the annahlne aeema a Uuto tolghtor
Ira Bottaa. taBatdi. Idaho, and A>‘ wbm a boy come* near, yoo know
vtn Barbar. Igta Ann. Alleb. NaBta once that he has a kind and tortog
aenl by Alma Uaklatter.
heart and trlee to make other* happy.
Boyoa Button. Potlatch. Idaho. Name
u be ha* a clear, open countananea,
am by Otto UnUattar.
• brltaL tunny amlto. and U lored by
nB, it tolU of a pom heart and Ufa
The thing* one does and the
taeaavam, ar. Try Again.
thootata one thinka. wU. to time, fix a
TU a toaaon you aboold heed.
aure aign upon one'a face, and it will
Try. try. try again;
be ao plain that anyone—even a child
If at ftrat you don't anoeood.
—can read, and It will tell lost what
Try. try. tr» again.
kind* of good* am kept within.
Tta* yovr oownga ahouM appaar;
Every paraon to the world to dally
For. if ywt will peraerem.
and houriy worUug oot hi* own algn.
Ton inn mmoar. naror tear—
Sunbeam*, what wiU yonm b*7
Sunahlna Boy, Br.
Try. try. try ugalu.


71 LaBoUs AvOm Highland Park.
Detroit. Mkh, Nor. 25,1313.
Dear Prwldent—
I win write yon a tew ttoea thla
Bomfng ao you wfll know wbar* I
am. 1 have been hem alnce Jane nnd
tike U very muU; Uere am *0 many
pretty parka to go to. 1 haven't start­
ed to echool yet, hot aa toon a* Ua
It you Sad yoor taak to hard. ’
ectaol hooae to SnUhed I w 10 go to
Try. try. try again;
Ftaseia B. Willard aehooL
TfM wfll bHag you your mward.
I Uve aome little friend* hem who
Try. try. try asatnwant to loin Ue Snnehlne auh. They
All that ettar paopto do.
ore writing to yon today tor MHne
Why wtU patltam atauld not yout
card* and button*. Tbelr namea am
OaD taap thla ml* to vtowMamie Homherger and Margaret OUTry. try, try agato.
Belaaiad. jihanL They Juat came from Feuaylvanla ud am ataylng at our house
for<a while. I wish yon a very plea*
ant Thankaglvtog.
Mata kABda, taro.

Once or twice though you mar lalL
Try. IfT. t»T *sul®:
If at totl you would pre^
Try. try. try hgato.
If we atrlva. tta ao dtograea
Thouta we
»»t urt* the mee;
What ahouM w* do to that eaae7
Try. tiy. try agato.


gi«tB( Dar.'and vere pkuaat unit

, lata Ana. JOeh, H. r. D. Ho. t
Not. XS, IdlL
D*n*» PraaMant—
I tbangbt I woaW writ* to too. Ur
papa lAa aolla a lot or com. He 1*
working at Mr. 8»ttbh now. and bo
ha< lest COB. borne. Mamoa U waah.
Ing dlthae now. I hare a oew piece
for Thankagiriixg. I hope roo wlU hare
a good time Thankaglrtng. II am
a« In
U. lUr. roO. Uj .loOlo.
Batle. languade, reading nnd ipMlng.
1 hare been ao bnay I have not bad
U*. to write
before. 1 hnre a
nnme for the Cmdia Roll. It to my
little eooaln. Royea Button. Plaaaa

Ha ia orer a mr eld. 1 win he (lad
wj«B cchoai H on. It cnowed night
before taat WelU I gaeea I will etop
and fa to bad. 1 boph to aee Ula in
Tear lorlac Sanahlner,
AUca MIDar.
Do poo and AUca VltaoekU go to the
aatna aebool? 1 waa glad to bear from
both ol roa.

lupU Otr. Mich, H. F. D. No. t
Box It. Nor. ». lilt
D,r Pr.«toiti
wMl nsd hope you are the
Mma. It baa been a long Use alnce I
you n IMler. I hare not bee*
to «M>ool much Uiely. My grand^ ^na been bare on a rtolt AU tba


*'8he tat »oln» to do a lhl»*,“ aal4' “Toe wm •ireU' Uke the’*a»,
WUck at the aaaaeaa
la heat te wT
the boy». haU reUered and half-diaap- Kate, when jtm are a«lie tataUla.- To whlc^ do t give the haaxOeat vet- •
with It".
The keeper cnnia aooo altar, and
“Well, now we win begto." toW
Whh* an^ aa krttataat an* glad
gar* the wlldeto her aappar. Ae AM- Tom.
ten waa hungir. too. and be^ to ant
And tka allpa at paper war* dletHb_____
eriad the ex- nied. and the paneUa toorad rapPlly
bora: bat to the annaaMat o( an the «*toUdn an^ word wan writ, _r^****_‘_________ _________
« encb paper; thm the paper*
kUtea had auea lu 1111; the. ahe were ah.ffled and drawn, and again
2Sk kS^TL.™.
^e what waa left
the peoclta nwrad Indoitrlooalr far
**®"’*jh* hbr* looked at one nether, and otorlr half an boor.
^ .rtttoo on ^vaty (bb.
When arary ooa had tolaba#. the,
. teaching rpo ,..............
a leaaoa."......
aald telo™.
taclar«l thu Tool
To* mo, a-A «rot Bo Whldi ooa woald .I keep
bmrrr "She any* ttat afiar thla “IMo read the qoaatkM, **Wby do men
saylaa farewaU to
belploM dtolihe hon*e<leanlogr nnd tta word
*«-» then bl. «w..r:
**“ -rher* la a wmnd of reerfry by day.
furniture la gono.



„rto.o-rsiv.,,.BMOIr. M, SJOOU. Kbool I.Mlio.^
lor my IMl. broih.i ud .l.tor.
Till. «o.mI «.od lor bU
B-me to Mlaa Ward If I Mt atlll I will u. ii.tu tahr hmih«r w;i tie ibree Tbelr confidence and hie control da*
Jm taleTcbrJt!
U. tort upo. hi. poa—loo
ma. pleoa. I will cloae now. for 1 „e wanu to JoUi the Cradle Roll. «*f * ‘to-cr. lerlng bmrt He waa
have to bring In aoma wood. Oood-hya. ooodkya for thla Use.
>tova in uaing thu
Some y'ear* ago Oeoeml David S.
Otto Uaklatter.
Clarence Savage.
Poo. Boro. 11.0 I. IdMM. U«? Tbot
m„i „„ tor lb. poKly poUI. »l~B«r. " >l»
««l«l ™r.
1. . lou w o>.
oooloMBl lb yoor Mil,.

He waa laying oot the route for I
Cadniac. Mich. Box 7*1.
*ren‘ railroad. There were t*« sen.
Dec. L 1»I2
boraec and mulaa and a train of
Dear PrealdBitDear PraMd.nt*«*»“
I ibooibi 1 MObU wrii. . I.W llbo.
I .111 wrti. . M. Him lo lb. So.
On. d.j lb. ...omI .u Hdlb. U
loToo. I .M 1. lb. loortb IT.C1.. I MiU.CIob lMbblo.yMnobL i „ tt. b,. ol lb. b™a «lo«. «imi

... b«.bo..Oo, M.™.., .P.U.„. 1. lb. CM. «bo.b MO. oiy U«b«'.

d geogmtdiy. 1 did oot go U aebool name to Mlaa MaUbewa
«My b«.M. U -M MowlM. Wbi. ibl.ll md., 1 bM. ... .MW Bmim. ~«y >•

^ha^to toU' ch^T
come to paaaT

Bmro. Beanie, that la the beat of
Wbat baa ^^And to thtok that you waited to
g,prire u. of the plmaure of baartag
wbo think that Mlaa Baatoe
“It U the melancholy time of year.
Alton** la the beat wui ptoaaa maalWhan women will not rmaon bear.
faat U by aylng I."
rang out taonily from the
»“ “ “
Uitto group.
And than blama ua If wa
But now tta bdBt* of the dock
were polotiBg tta *ltoB»<lme;~ ao Ue
hear It
little eotontny broke up. aU agiwelag
w. bad hM " a good ttaa.'
______ ...
i«d "H-mU dU»P~-.

Tb.'“ilr„ wb. d..BM OUb. M, •"* “*
cruel, •

^b^ '



tota. « * »U1 doea.
be the flwt to comMyron Lathrop.
the lltito bird* In tha neat balow, and plain."
i auMtoaa you and
go to tha then gave the order. "Left obllqual"
"Of conme ha wooldt" aald Bauto.
«ama acbooL In Etama to the JUat
Men. borae*. pula* and wagonx
"Next:" called Tom.
“™*>» ■"'I*
"*“• **

the helpleaa bird. Mcmibx and area
“What to yoor favorite pto? Weat
Tmvarae City. Mich.. R. F. D. No. 1 tton after tboae wbo eroased the **(« all the pto* to aaxt or watt.
Bo* S3. Dec. 3. 1*1?.
aaw a greot bend in (ha tralU I like the lemoa pto the beat
Dear Proeldenl.
M »** «*«
euatard, apple, cherry.
1 wu write a few Une* to cur Club, in* «he bird * neat Trely. graat baarta Or of pie-plant or boeklebarry.
Theanow wax Just about all gon» yce- .*re tender heart*, and “the loving am Am very good, hot not the
tha best—
beatThe lemon atands above the reeL"
urday forenooo. It wlU not be lota tf* dartw."-Sele«ed.
befom ChrtotmaA and I want to make

that you can’t
pmaanu for eome little children. If
A Youob Stapnard.
do anylhhg. •»» 1a«l
„ . .
Ktogiler. Mich.
you have found anyth'n3 that would
“Ja<Jt." called papa, “you bad helteT
Nov. 35, 1113. be nice to m«k« Till ywi let ue know feed (be (beep a little eerly tonight,
■*• 7*" lamou* in
Dear Prgaltact—
In >oor next IrttorT t w....irt like to for a heavy atorm to eomtog!"
‘»«“ty ymra.”
^ .
I a» ODly eltht year* old. and thla ni»ir aome lUlto chlWiaa liappy at
So liitto Jack ran obedlenUy to tbe
Tom aald •’'««. and^
to my first totter to the Herald. 1 go Ch.Utim* time Clarcnv Strlckler bom. to find, to bto dtomay, an empty
to aebool every day aad like my leech- «nked me to remember him to you, fold, while a gato aUghtly alar toM <*««
ar real well. Her name to Mlaa We Intend to .have a Chrtotma* pro- thw the flock of abeep and lamb* had"0«»J-** «“»»«»» »»«« *01
Wyokoff. My grandpa and grandma gram, Twlah you could com.? und gone through the long lane to the J',°;
are going W North Carolina tomorrow gp«,d Chriatma* with me. 1 have a -wood lol beyond.
"* **^
- .
to Btay all winter. My Aunt Bertha
few namcK for the Sunabtoe Club.
'Ji'a all my-----------------_ ----------- • <1 *!’■* him a h-"-»—~—
Uvea to Tmverae Clly.nnd aomeUmea They are: Walter Smiley. Arvey Til- the poor cl.Hd. "I 1-fi that gato on- 1 »i»h 1 wem really a P®«—
1 go down on the train all alone to .*3. Teaato Duy. Thelma Or.y. Uorley faatoned ih.e utmlat O daar, bow BnU m not.

vtolt tar. 1 have aeven llUto chkkle* Tiltoh. John Rice and Al!x-i.a Bice. I black that eky la! Bnl I won't nak
’ ..
nnd MNU«
aome UtUe
beve loai nty
my button,
juu please eai/
any wuc
one to help me. •1*1. bJuat
get the
*^ ***
mu* kllUe*
BUBvaeM for
*«• pels. We unre
uuium,. will j*■—. •—---**
bava a pretty UtUe oolt. too. aad her .end me anotbor? If you have Uue Ug umbrella aad hnrry aa (aK u I * Pi«t«i*nt In one verm, aome 01
name 1* Dalay. l have a Hltle broUer butloM pleaae mad me one of that can."

yon Juat try t ana aee.
and hi* name 1* Carl. He to alck with color, bm if r.-A. tend a red b.itton.
The aheep. of conrae. knew that tta N*«. “Id Tom, and I^ni^d^
Ua ohktanpox now. WlU yon Plawe uy letter to geUing long, ao 1 wlfl atorm wa* ootnlag, and wem huddled How do you epena >our ume. uooa*.
Bend my little broUer and myaelf' cloae.
eloaely logeltar to one ooraer of the 1 riae to tta m^ing aiwy.
dach a card and button?
Your SunahtoW.
They imew Jackh claar t*U
Your loving friend.
Alma SchmldL
of -Ca-day! c*^! oa-day!" aad ran 1 «« the ^reaktM qnlckly.
Stanley Smith.
All Ue Sunabtoe buiionx are red. Joyfully to him ai he let down U*
• clear ibe dlabe* away.
Some Unw when you eoma to Trar- Alma, to I wlU send you one of that hara. while groat dmp* of rain began I do the aweeplng and duaung.

of our own Uncto Sea. Ha tax
to the laat taw yara aade good
^ool provlatou for ttan and tk«r
*Uve had Amartcu MMbara Now

beginning to Uta thair placet ax
i.*ch«*. and tta acboola in the PbUppjoe, are aomeihlng Of which we'have
, right to be prota. Tta tay* and
oaa thing In tbaae acteoto
ABtftoao bo|« and gtrU «o
_ . _
J“ ***^
7am.' Evei’ Vh. tag. do (to "wtUl
*f«-- they tare toft the fourth grade.
making of laoe la such i
toduatry In tta PblUppina# that
,i i, tboufkt that « ahooU be a part
education of all girto, and avaa
Toong boy* wer* at ft.
Not kmy ago one of tta Amerkan
toachera to tta PbBipploaa bmughl W
New Vork a large collection of tbe
ihlngi made by the hey* aad'clrli
to the ectaeto «f that land.
Uinta wem on exhtbltton at Tmhn,
<iw« -eta
era' vt>»^e.
ttaltaa. Ttam
wem <oauy
wiany UOag*
W of tha handwork
geparunenu w
of uur
onr ecnuuia.
echool*. Thlp
1 utp wa#

Uta itan Mtoh Se^to *«d ibe^i
tome. I have a pat cat named Nilgw.' My little 'alaier to named tather.
She U five yearn old. Wa have a nice
view of a Uka bm When my Aunt
Mattie cm. to nee on nbe brougbt ux
children tome omsem. I eaved .the
Bead nnd put it to the ground. 1 will
ear gOod-bya.
Alma Unkletter.
Tan nt If yoor orange tree powa. I
had one whan I a a a little girt

™ CUT U, ,uu l-MT Amu., I bop.

u, ML

«< «“»■„ '• •»«”'

fnmitom. They waare aome of
owe ctoU, omke Itafr own kkU^ ui.naHa, maU. alippora. tau and
Urultum They mate Ihaoe Utoga
om oaa. hoi alao'
^ ^
beanuful eahralderinc. and aome of ,
tb. ■»,. «b IM. Um mMM m MU.And the hour* fly ulota.
„ the girlg. Tta Aw^rlcaa boy
Claim aU of my att«»UoB.
of anv a*, aet«. embroUiartoa la tta
I nmat keep working and working,
public aebool wouM be apt to "mxita
«M,1_____ . .k. k.MM. .It
TUI neat Ue house ail koki:
a foai" about It. but not ao tta hoy
80 you can pUlnly am
in Ue PhlUpplwa
I have little Ume lor bewka.
The ecbool ebUdrao loan to make
----------- the tnat
B»ta a writer obe of Ueeu dayn lYi
e-iratul ue to the PhlV
it la weed lor aleM parDon l forget your humlta Maods ^
when that day
^^ind tohuca U tottaTaa^i
r^TdeSS^U^ Tlla U one mat
mad. , I>» yon ULe aebool thi* yaari
Nktalu N^Meby.
w eowooTiie and nearly aU of
"1 Uke achoo well uoogh_______ ^
are uuxht taw to
Though «,meUme. It. prrily t^.
But to me It U a
To read storie. o^y «»n l.
I've a book to read called Nktalaa
jj* k^aJS
.,w«, uonderta. ff'T-r~ti
tt-han arhool U oaL oh. 1 shall Uekled
J^Sk w of rtr-n-T.
Again Ue taogh went round, ud
thu^U U al^
Will added:
ladaMrial drnflmrntt
'That I* my beak under Ue clrcum- uo^t to
^ <1.* vrited Statoi ta a part of

you wflj make me a caU.
------------------------The genUe creature* warn Ured
• '
tUJ, Ueir lota walk, after Ue winSaint Jame*. Mkh.
A Wlltaafto Kxampla.
t*,-, capUvUv. and when about halt
Nov. 26. 1*1:.
The foUowlng true story wa* told
,,onie. one aheep Ihd tar fcmb
Daar Pmaident—
by Prancea J. Delano to The Junior
quue unaUe to go farUar.
I am a girl elevan year* old. 1 live Christtan Endeovor Wortd;
Kannle* Cu t yoo go on? tat
on Baaver laUnd. ud would Uta to
One afiemoon. a great many yearn
i„,p you." Bui in apito of Jack*
loin Ua Buahtoe Club. 1 am In the ago. a muayerta eame to our town, coaxing the aheep lay'aUll.
sixth grade to achooL My Mhooi «• Among Ue ulmaU wa* a large wild..gbcH get alck. lying here, hot wa
kept by Ue Dominicu Stotem. I eat. She wa* very fleree.and tbe boy* ^an t wall. The other* rouat gotama.
Btody history, grammar. artUmetlc. never Mrod of watching her. She wa*
, ioV ud team mm* toto
•pelllta. geogmphy. phyMologr. read- always ready when Uer poked .tick*
eye, and voice. Then a Sappy
Ing. mosic, penmuahip ud drawing. I between tbe bar* of ber cage, to open ujongju ,tTijck him. "I will lost put
over Nu and tar baby.
WlU a taarty grip aud atrong:
hav. writteo enough lor Ue Smt once occur to the tay. that they wem
come tack wlU me to
Floy Marie OtUager.
Stata taPda. kagw.
tonurinr the poor. Impriaoned utmal; ^
1 hope you will write often, and tall Uma
la a siadsi agplnat tta wmwt.
to Uemritowaa'Juat a horrible wild.
Mr. Acton wa. In Ue bam. ud
at about tta
WUr* ItaraY avfl, 1st ua ma: U.
May Titley.
«t ready to apring upon them ud .^.^ed off wlU Ue whoelbarm- when
WamssMhlota without«;
e la DetndL
I hope you will write often. May. We tear Uelr eye* out If uly she could
^ loU blm<*Uat bad hoF
Aad. last thare ta doubt gtaut IL
have not muy Bunantoer* on Beaver get out of tta cage.
soon Kunie wa* aafe
Lai «a state handt. taru.
73 ta BoUa AtOm Hl^iland Park.
"Look at her eye*, will youT' cried ^Uhev mate. In tbelr warm pen.
Detroit, MIU.. Nov. 2S, 1*13. Island.

the taya; "aee how they gUtSL H.1
Mamma looked quite anxlqu. when
Shake band*, boja,
Dear fYealdeiuMaple City.'Mleh.
doesn't she Jo.t wlri> she could ge^.t
j,ck-. dripping little Sgum.
I wfll writs yoo Ueae few Unei to
la u muly. taasK way;
Nov. 38. 1912. ua ttough? woaWnt she BnUh naT*
,he«ave him a tat taU ud aome
Skaka haiUto. hoya.
let you know, that I would like to loin
"O. look. ta}-*. look!" whispered Ue
,„d mid. a* the lucked
the Sunshine auh. Will you pleuae Dear PiwaldentAt bcava aoMlan oaty may.
At eome of my ttcboolmatea are 5- largest tay of the group "Tbere 1. a
-Weren't yon afraid of
Ttar* are kattle* for out fighttog.
tend me a card and bouon? I hava a
Heats of avfl Inr owr amlttog;
UtUe Mater. Her name 1* Marguerite tag to write to tbe Sunshine page. I kkten. Say. tay*. le' me toll you aome- (.ichlng cold when you left Nu Ue
Ue dreaa of Ue people of Ue HiUlfi°>oldei ^v ^
Bo, booMU TrwU's fiw nslltog,
OllitanL My name to Mam Hom- Will too. I am eight year. old. 1 have thing. Lef. .tuff that kitten Urough
think aboot myself; you give us a coprof your line, to re- ^
barger. She la my bair-alater. 1 am
tat os ahata hud*, boya
tart I couldn't let Nunle get elck.'you member you hyr
!! he aeen everTwbem to Ue PblUp—ffmnk'Waleoit Hutt. eleven ream oM. My little atater la ud am to Ue third grade. We have abort work of him. Come on."
The reri jk tta tay* looked on while
„,«»*."—Lucy Carman. In
The next wu Fred, and »'« «*'*;
^ ibel^gM whkcu have
Bix year* old. I lived to Puosylrula. a very good teacher. Hit M«e U
-Vt-hal la yourtavorlle flower? Siote.
‘2m“J tatahl color*
FRESIOEHTS We have moved to Detroit and Uka It*ud^qua.- the.big taV cuigbt the kitten, and South’. Companion.
---------:-------------"U.iu ud 1' will tell yoo
^ ^
W7 much. 1 went to school and was tor to go to aebool. ud to Ue winter I quickly puahed It head Aral Urough
^-hlch flower I love the be«think.
^ dru^ -wef .
n aiivaya maka* your Prealdut vary jq the fifth grade. 1 moat doe* tor walk on skis. 1 have two broUera. Uo grating.
happy to tear tiota U* gn>wtmp Bu- this Ume. wishing yon a happy but they are Urough with acbooL ao
The kltteo wu no sooner fairly In
There were .even of u. gaUered to
i choose from all Ue real.
, 7"c tat 1. aa Importaat a part at
baoM. and ahe ha. u especially nico Tbanhadving.
my couato goes with me. I am glad the cage Uu oach tay there would
Bessie Alien’* j choose the modeat violet.
U* drea. to Ua PhUIpplnaa aa to
tatter tor yoa today, hidud. U art
oood-bye. From
that winter U coming m I cu play to have given aU be poaaessed to have the Blttlng-room
cwD country, and Ue ___
people of tta
your FresMewt to Utoktog about
Mary Homherger.
Ue auw. kly letter la getting lung, aoatched It out agato. Their eyes were plesaul tame, with the whole evening
Aj Urough the vale. 1
■pfgM* of her own, ud naade ber re-. | nave very few Sunahlnera to De- ao good-bye.
riveted on the wUdmt. and they had before ua. ud all were eager for a FPrgetful of the wintry wind.
baUTpU toduatry is also Uaght iB
Mtre to watoh haraeB more carafuny.
ud am glad that yon ud your
Alice VlakochlL verect a*d every aeynrate hair stondlng
“What shall we doT' tad beu asked
Every one toughedmarrilr. ud Ue ^hoola.
lut year 8 eUuo
Bat eta is toUtac you about It before little slater with to Join our Club,
ralUtta haU were made ud.oeq*.
ym raad it! Ttat la a four Utog to
It most be great fan to use skis, 'up stralgtat. rushed across Ue cage to several Ume*. ud finally Tom said:
Kate lald:
do- You taaU tave it right away, ao
Laka Ann. Mleh., R. F. D. No. 1.
That U aomeihlng I have never done, where the wildcat stood glaring at her
"Let us have a game of Cramta!"
"Poor fello*! be la o^>' U»
,• away from Ua tauds to be aoU.
tormentors. The kittendid not Uink
All gladly aaaented except Kale,
forget the coal-bin ud tbe stove. lor Most of Uem wem 1
jem cu wtamtud what ata meafis.
Mor. 33. lilt but I should like toloam.

of danger within Ue cage; It was wbo had never beard of tta game.
^e has to flH all the stove, lo the w:n- but Ue «+.ooI children
VudqrtUL MldL
Dear PraaldMtNov. 24U. mt
I *ni ta aebool ud ought to be at
Maple City. MIU.
afraid only of tta boys; and. running
"You will andersund euUy. KaU." t,r."
, . thoaaandi of hau Of ott^
Nor. 26. 1912. straight loaard Ue dreadful creature, said Tom. "It Is Just Ula way. Each
•Tea." sighed Fred. "I am only a it.,ny baakeU are ata
by the
Daar SaaahlB#
_, geography,
_,, but I tbought I, would
It hid iisrif between
Ue wildcat’* one write* a question ud a word on abeast of burden' to U«
•»’'* ud girl* to ^a^to «ad
Xoiu I kave beu arrtttog a Utile uke Ume to write to yoo. My atudlee Daar Praaldeat—
I thoughtI Wouldwrite Ue Son- great, paw.,
.lip of paper, someihlag Uke UU:
-But I am gUd to know." .aid Joe. there are great quantltta^ exmOut
etory for tta Sunehtoe boy* aad girto. ^ artthmeUc. language, geography.
that 1 have
The great aolinal kept her eyes wp- 'tVho to j-onr toverlte auttarr with-that when sumioer
^«x to be fonad m
Bpeditog. reading and
sblna page a letta. I k
ud took
00 notice w,
of «*o
Ue the
Ue ialud. Ttau^.
of boya ata
It tMagiutlot I hear eome of U« txi examtoatlou yesterday to ariU- not written for a long Ume, I wa* to «u tbe
\ub w
;• «uu
wwk uu
me word
wu.u 'chair.' Then
. —— the
—- paper,
■— ------are ,
- dtalre
-™-- for
--- vala.' and
.breaU ahuflned. ud each one draws one ud iri,.-1 wouldn't have dreamed IL look- gjrU to Ue PblUpotoee are «a^
,4,. Ttaf* a Qour thing to write
and UngUage. Mr. Sinclair U Tvaverse City a week ago today. I gokiuon. The tays hMd Uelr
and waited.
must answer the qneiUoo to rhyme, ing at >-our brawny figure,
busier with boU Uelr bands ata ttair
,hft" "U ure to." u oaa of my tay teacher. Thera are twetiy-elx to srdtool every day. Our aebool will
Mude would reply. Bat Mtoolan to my room. I now belong to ta out atant New Year's I suppose
"What doyou suppote abell dor
and ata bring to the' given word. "
-Xert uJ Ust.“ said T<u. _minda now Uu Uay were before tbay
“I'm sure I never conlU do UnL"
■ l don't wut to read mine, aald became Ue chUdru Of TTnele Sam.—
tafs tea what wa eu make of It.
tbe fifth grade. We are going to have you will have a nice Ume Tbuksgiv- they aaked each other. “She doeu't
said Kate.
Beesle: "please excoae me.
Not vory long ago I »“
a kid-wagon Ula wtoier. 1 gaaas.. I tog Day. My brother Marshall hu torn teem to see that kUtea.,1^ tta atreatx of one of mr Mtui^ anyway, as my sister and bis pto and wtehes yon wooU send
-Ho! She sees U fast enough. Too
-Oh. It 1* aaator Uu yu Uink."
“.Xo. no." xaid every one.
----- ZT
gu rittoe aad snx saipriata at Ue In- brother ata I aeed It. It is about Ume him another one. 1 ata have lost my
uld Beaaie. "Du't tiy »» wrtw any- have heard our*. *ta U to only fair _
Tta SOMhlne Way.
Bto ata wtoh you would seta me anThe tay*did wait, ata br ata br uim grut; only make a Itogla. you ih*i We atauld bear yoou.
There U only ^ way to ta happy,
■Mstty dlaptayed by many of the tom- to stop, eo uod-bye to afl.
jtata Mtaroaa. Mr toaUar-a name to Mta the wUdeat cranched down and know."
So Bemle produ^ a
“f? ^
■dgeaMBCta affaaadwaidtoYta
Lgto Uoklattar.
Ertfkiu We have a aa
gfOol—*^ —»
TamMtoraadttauadjov^atlw l^ra aiw aaly Utitou pMM ta tta «________
___ .atafcu,

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