Grand Traverse Herald, September 26, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 26, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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■lod Trav«r80







Jamw Edward Coad. tbe new prise
dent, to r^very energetic and eoibu
alaatlc worker and uadA bto m
tbe school wQ] undooteedly makgreat progrcaa.
Mr. Coad bas offered a acbol
It the beat improvement In pe
ship made by any pupil fn tbe couafy


boree until today, she made a good
showing and no doubt will be beard
from before tbe meeting le over,
Case Was Adysurfisd l»r One Weak
tbe receat^fair in CadiDac. LaJy Wol­
Tbe N*edbam Botlneae ('oUece
tXUesI ................. 1 2 I :
gast carried away ail of the racef In
offera a tfaoroiigh training to all
which abe was entered.
buslntsa branebca. aa writ as
always be'found at tbeae axUbli
gast U a lover of horses, aid
ttoh. normal work. pUno and
and ere always ready to give out
(F>Wv^Tuesday s Rscord«akle.)
number on hit large farm at
The Uiebigan roUarenc* d t
Inrormatloa In regard, to tbe anb CadllUc.. Lady Wolgast it a young
Ciw. Louu HoUlday and Roy Metoodlat Episcopal eharcb inlab
The edncatloiial dispUy to one of ib<
. And judging from tbe interest hoiae. Tbit Is tbe flrat year .ebe hat
tbV«prof tbe young, men wbo lu labors at Big Rayiids yaaurday n
moat pleasing and lastrgctlre features
raced and civet promlee of being
figured In toe unfonunate Inddent of
or tbe fair.
fast stepper. He hat secured the ser­
Sanday tOgfai when they helped tbem&& seconds, ei eeamds.
wui be kept busy during the c
vices of John Treea.. better known as
selves to a rar in order that they was takaa. Daring the
might go Joy riding, appeared before
wbe has been Ih
■ tbe lloUtelo-Frci' ^ rsring game sll bla life, many SCHOOLS MAKE
FOR TOMORROW Judge Nerliager yeetertlay
years of which were spent In tbe big
the« have been some rbangei ktarge of taking, witkont amborlty.
racing cireulL and Ladr'Wolgast le
a special need of tactag ita
In the program for tuoicwTow. toe rar belonging to J. J. (Corcoran
of the most attractive exhibits Travarae City day.- at tbe fair, mafctng without inicni to stenL Tbe
sure to get fine tmlnlng.
problem ot toe rami church. Ocmdb
in tbe Xrt building al the tsir to that
e poultry tent U filled with
evea bdtter program than wu adjourned for one week and toe boys Uotti have been aggraratad Ibe to.WatgsM Touring Uta Stale. *
yegr by a severs wiater and a rainy.
fowia. and ibo bis horse bam la well
originaUy ptonnad. tba followtng ota furnished bond of tldo eseb.
After the race meeting during tbe
flee cotlectlcw of
filled with Dae aniinaia.
Rani taarehas aagaMallj
ctol program to given for the* benefit
This to tbe fit« eaae of toe kigd
fair to over. Wolgnst will leave tor the
Art Sulldlope rilted.
of tbe people who aro no
which bas ever esnoe before tbe loikl tare aaSerad In tola iirThm d the
a la bto car. as be to brclnnlog s In water colors, tree-band paper
B luo an bnUdlus arc packc!
courts, and It to very probable tost stats. BupL M. U Pox g( tta NDw
of Ibe Btale. He will go to Pe- ling from the lower grades, s rollev tbe change:
uf blue pfinta from the Union
with esblblta Tbe old bulldlat
tbe young men did not renllxa tba es- dtotricL wtaieh baa bats mera baadp
toakey, then badi agaio sod down tbe
filled with trulL recetablee and floral
tbroagh ManUtee. laidlagton street kindergarten, and desls>i for
*. Rogers, .deputy stole high- Houocu of their offense or the pen­ capped than any attar. aaU in bto rostained gtou windows. This display
dmuys. and.-Jie new bofldlnc Is and Otend Rapids to Detroit,
alty which to aiucbed to If. When pon:
taken up by Id^l merehabu and n
boree will not race again after Ibe to a surpHai to wonc not fanillUr
-A new typo of prentaar and a new
I2:30~Parade of lieillgreeTnock
o they took toe car they Intended to
Bfacturere and the pubiic^acbools
meeting here, bdt her trainer will
poUey un-tta pari of the agpotnUM
I'ncludlta tbe Mlcb take only a short spin
scbuols of today .
im to CadiMac with the animal^
ct^lege'tad state bo ' block, but lbs exhilaration of tta ride power ot tba ebureb wto ba bi iiratT
Between tbe an bulldlniai arc Urgo
Will Fight In Nevember.
•Mi toe apice of danger cMmeetod U wa era to meat rnial tMMdOem '
dlaplaya oC fam macblaery and caeoWhefi WolgaA completes bis tour
a by good speakers with tbelr achievement appealed to with saecaaa. Tbe lara of tbe rtty H
Dvs will oiM ent
Una driven Bachinery occupies noei ot tbe Stole he wUl leave for4bdtbem too ■trongb', and inatead of re- strong and tba ebnrch asams to anin the speakers' tenl.
of tbe epac«. GaeoUne now ukes
le rar. aa they
nod will fight os Tbankegivlng traUilor w'hivb to bt-lug given these
eourage tkU fasUng. aapacilnlly In tta
3:lu—Address by Hoo. Lorius RbH
I lam ;n (ann workins, eecond to only day and Chrtottuaa. Ills, first fight iilUa loie.
who rogarta hU rural field as
pnpesMvowandldate they drove It until the motor failed
The water color dtoplsy from the
(hem and It wax too late tb note
win be a ten-round bout
meraiy a stopping atOM to a dty
anrnnsloK ibe bulldlsp and Mandot. and he wUI 'probably fight
with Ibe foliowiBg prtr tbelr Impnliiieness had lured
<ProR Tssrttr* Bse»r«-Bks>e.)
teoU on the urminds public, eafeiy Joee Rivers ecnin on Chrieiniss rbirh an- rcnl marks of an, nnd abor
-More ttan taB tta dradta tn my
Tbe tmtal opMls« d th« thlr* u and oomfort.has been well tawldod- Though be has not definitely decided, alent ai wall as jrainlug
For toe benefit of others who may dtotrlet are not groMriy vettad.
There fs a fine set of pencil drawBMl tetr ot tfe* Orud TTmTem R< Copd police and fire protecUoa Is ae- be to thinking of surtlng for Euroi«
rtve-fortoll trot or i
we inclined to go Joy riding, Tblngi aaany drop into a RL* B«
Dgu by Huruld Sbernuul of the Board purse.
KiM Mr AaMdstics occurred Utl snred. as tbe aberlff and, hie deputies seme time after tbe first of
a aseiion of the sCnU tow which deals oountry paopto today are ttrttail to
fnent**, wb«i tb* ntai won ihrowa and poUce are found everywhere. Hit trip wouU tok-e him through Eng- San avenue scbuol. A set of drawings
One-balf mile ninniiig nee for tS5 wRh. and givaa toe peaaUy tor toe dtoeart tunas that are ikaMiU K
open ts Uw pnUle on the biaMi Fire Chief Uamy sapeHatended tbe lanfj. France and OermanF. during by Harold Lewis of tbe McKinley purse.
we could get the right kind d Ira^ar
erent d tbe yeer in Nonbera Mlcbl- pjadm of fire apparaiua and a fire whl^ time be would meet Europe's school Is deservlug of special men­ SiOU-ExblbWoi. tfriij by I
Intent 0 steal, to givaa here, as fol- ■Up -we could tneroaaa Ita riaiWi in
tion. Thvre'are two collections, one
gaa. Tbnoch ouuiy ot tbe dlfiileye alarei box today. An emergeocy bos- best
haU of tta drenlU ^ II to M >ir
ware not In plaee enttlei wen
r-ltal adkrini the aherirs office. '
ttiw-blve-milc nwtorcycto race for
Tbe People ot the Sute ol Mlcblnature i^wings. Theee siudtes give $1 purse to be divided among
eeptad sstA Aortly before noon,
Wednesday U
-Michigan dsy.' since Ibe tdiamploo has engaged in
r Master wlnnera.
from the wej frniu. t>efetablee. nod. Tbureday U Uie biggest day of the .bard battle, be has taken sneb good promise of great things
niabad by the Onadmia Mranlt. tta
Uwis iait}
i /the future.
• to tsot, swTtbli* wa plMod In Ue lair. -Traveree City day." on whiel! care of hlmeeir tbsl It would be
There will be good music fumiaW r uaes witboaj authority an
pastor ot wkKB. Bov. F. M. CtoWb. m
matter d but a tew weeks foe him to
WbMMMi bnite. tt ie oeruin that «a vtioree and most ot the nano
Uinqgfaoat tbe -Aar -by CuipbeU'a Ue or other motor vabkds wltboat
.'aoenUry of tta eortmMoa tor
emr d tom predB^ and tarn me- planu will close, end Friday Is the get lata tbe best of flgbUBC:-trtm.
band snd there' Will be
■ntent to steal the same, or wbe shall aergnl ysara has doM Tfitnai garrte^
cfaelaeir'lier«efare tstegnaUed win be last day of ibe fair. -CbUdmi'a daj-.' Hard work on bit farm ibto suouner Wnlkei at Clmwoud atcuuc. and
vaudeville In from of the graod stand be a party to aurh unautborUed lak- both to tta ooafsrs^^ata to too
■bows. nnlebUa* touches are belw and al'. of the echool childm in th<- bas kejft btm close to weight.
Piciur.* of sliuii a gro»ii-iip might by toe Smilb A Copeland company o'
ui«B coovlcuon daily and weakly nawagifim mta.
Wolgast was greeted by i
raaito today. eM by nlthUsU tbe fair reglon will be admitted free
be proud. Krttui tbe Mapual ttelnlng ecrobaia The management sin wliliWhen Mr. Chragb want to OrudvfDa
department arc seteruJ fine pieces of es to announce that lomortow tklMien thereof be pantobed by ImprlMuiiiwat
wiUbe latanawlnc.
munda Tlckcia were dinrlbotef Mepde and admirers tost evening.
tbe stole prison for not more than -o'yaar tgo ttare wm aUB MM MtAll da nBl>lortM ot nail
tbla seek R> the teecdt^ of ibv; wUl.,leave the city:-bVlday. He Inbetween the ages of t and 16 will
o yesira or by a fine ot not more ary owtag to Us priiicsaanr and a
ueds to drive hU horse again In tbe
bnr sottlw tbe terrla wbeal. peeati rebnola. t^'te given to the <£ildi
ndmUM for 10 oMto. and on Friday than five hundred dollan; PrerMed. ■man debt baaldas. Wham be tame to
wnea. narrr<*04«»d and Mber Cleer 'end warm weather Is ell tbs'. races, probably tomorrow.
Bebool WiU
In eaae of first oBenae the opart onfereace tola year bla people d<anoMMBt dakeb into Aim. and . needed to mabe tbe fair
A bookcase In mabogauy finish to sll acbool children w ltf be gtven free
in Its discretion reduce the pun- tired bU return, for wfto Uo brtp ibey
there wtU bd 'Moatblns sobv on"
Ihe work of Glenn Walker, and a fine
ilnaoce. Sebool w ill close tbreugb lahment to imprtoonmenl In tbe «o«»PJiOGRAM
every bOLbada
Iia bad aamattlta
erery ntaute
the fair eloaea.
oak table was made by tilenn Edgetoe
IS HIGH CLASS comb. Another speclnieo to an oak
ly Jail fdr a term ft not more than left in toe treaanrrr aand iMd bsrtita
Tbe eret raM o( tbe foarday pr<«raiB (From WedrKpdsre Reoord-^le.l
three montbs or a Bne of not more ground for a new tXUO *gmaa*k ■
Dceerred tbla aftanoo*. and tonerrow
Though the weather w>si« kept
rbe first races of tbe tourday pro­
project-wUcb MV bad beBavad to
nU a( tbe abowB. traa acta prortded rerybody ‘-gueaMng*’ as to what be gram proviSed for lovers of tbe epor
Childran'a Papaitmaat
of Ibto act be impoaritaa. ' ' •
by tbe aeandnion. races and band wouM sdlid nexu be did not prevent a at tbe (sir were run yeeterday. Two
In Ibe Floral Hall 1s a booth oerwTta appoUtmanto tor too Grand
*ca*eerta will be dren ccntinne
Ug crowd from gatberliig ai tbe fair paring classes and a numlng rare Pied by a new department of tbe fal.'
TravoTM dtotrtct are aa foDowa:
grounda today. EaAy tbla morning were rpn during Ihe afternoon, ai:
chlldreti'a departmenL and
W. P. Kandrtta. dtotrlet
llKMgh Ibars were bnt a (ear bun peoida began to fill the gnmnda. and three rades being cluec. mnrked b.v while the eoelety had made some prw WsMern Mlchlg^ la Much In Fublle
tor vehicle or any one else, wbo, by adMt; au»;«a, Wsm M. ttagtart:
. dred Tialtan at the grounda toda<
vision for the work of children, there
ej'*tbe^natare ot Us emidoymeiiL ahdll Alba. A. W. Wlgb^: AMam iabn
there wm alwye a large nainber c
ae no tpejial deparimvui for Ibeu.
have toe charge of. or abe antberity to CtemMi; Arcndla. E. W. Wood: Bear
Ttaiton at tbe siddbKg of UrasUxA
The Idea of hating such a depart­ J. 11. Skinner, toe farm agent tor
drive said automobns or otoer raetiw Lake. O. C. Parmenur; BeOalta O.
d tbe kUehlgea Agrteoltnral ooUege rla wheel. inerT7«H9BDd and ooeAP
ment originated with Mrs. Fniik Kent roomy, repor^ al tbe end of bto
vehicle U sUd antomoWle or other R. MUlart: Bendoa. W. K. H«ff:
were running coDtini»iuly.
and the state hoi*ttsl, These vc
Shannon, and It Is largely ibrougb bar am week's work tost be bad been
Boyne City. M. W. DuSy; Bone rail*.
. blMta ooenpy bboat belt
tbe specc Cbmpbeirs band gnve eonreru
was entered Id the ::2l> claas. wluntna efforts that toe plant have been per- lo half of toe towoSblps in the ronnS. J. Headley; Central lakn. O A
In the stock bnOdlBga. Tbe agheui- day. and political and good roads third mooey. He will probably
ferted. TW City FederaUoo of Wornvnd tost he to learning'toe
Rood; Charlevoix. OMotoe Wilkertml eoDaga axhtbU U In aha'ge of meettiiga took ^aee to tbe I
Ibout the fair and race bis boree en's Clttbe took the ^toiler up and tbe ot tor land and tornesds of toe Kent
Clarion. H. 0. Keenedr; C«peml*k. ('
ere’ tent TIOs afleraoon tbe again. Un readied tbe dty yesterday fair officers donated
Oaorgo'A Brown and Ua amlR
and toe bntl- 'armera. As a rMUlt of bto ebaervaB. Tbtee; Crou Vlttaga. O. H. Oerry : <Robert Mnckla nnd Bey UcOonlga'l. second day's prograni of raeee was driving from Cadlltoc in bto ear. iic
of the city contributed spe­ Uons be suied that be thinks ii wtU
Enrt Jordan, T. P. Benaott: Hk Bapwho arc nlwaya mady to glre lafonuj. started. The (air Is 'nlanlng
lompanled by hie wife and “pal." Cor cial prtxcs for toe cbildrcobe best lo urge toe making nf a aoU
Ida. M. A. Braund; taaplra. Wm. HaaDon to rWten. MUag tbem bow the Most."
don Cale. and Jobnny Sheridan.
Tbese prttca. besides tbe cash ones, map for Kent county. If Mr. Sktane'r's
klns; nte Lake and Soalh Ocartmai.
Today aU tbe judges were busy
stock ts hudM on the big land o.'
Pacers Made Feat Time.
couatou of plants, bulbs, sweaters, shirt plan to ndoptul by toe federal'gov­
A. W. Baker; FraUdert. S. B.'Pbrd:
tbe orilata. The OAlinaU abown by awarding tbe premlams, and the work
The winners In all the class*-s mad waist, fountain pen. hammer, koivea. ernment h will mean tost toe peraon
FrecMU. E. B. Bbodm; Qrawn. B. M.
the «oa«e ware l|i«i«ht direct from
rry good Ume. in botb the 2:30 anO sll. box of caudy. etc.
ring to buy^ land tn Kent roomy
Koona; Harbor Springs.-H. B. WaBtbe (arm at BMt La^ug They ar->
12 evenu. four bcatr bad to b«
Tbe display to open to the acbool
look up on tbe map and,aee ex Town.hlp Aaeoclatioo w
Jennings, A. W. Barm; Kalknakn,
mcBi over the ebblMts ot last year I decide a winner- There foui
>JI fine •pednftR: aiTSow what
cblldren of tbe w hole region and they actly what kind ot soil la to be found Mtosion Sept. 21. i»12
W. T. HUl; Kewadln, A. T. CdUaa:
' be done la Wa Mae Of raising pwl was notlceeble. and It Is aaf^
trees In cac-li. data, caivptlug tbe half certalolr K-spundvd heartily lo toi In cc 'be- plan that be has under eonny being pretwnl there wa» Klngiley. Wm. Jonw late CRy. C.
tare, it ta male that the fraiu vegeUbles.' and :
mile ramitng race, wbkb brougbPou' vltatlon to M-nd in Ibelr work. '
>id< ration.
8. Jenklaa; Levering. R. B. taowarro
Plain •> the mtnl Waltm Miat }a«> idl of tbs exhibits are tbe finest ever only three etartera
apace devoted to ibis dc
Mancehma. W. W. Lampart;
session opened ,’with drvoUonsls led
at good anloiMa eta ^ ntaad on an> seen tn this part ot tb« state.
in tbe 2;^ pace. Hanr Waud.
partment to filled with every variety ,'f
Vp-to-lJale Farming, a Journal pob- by Rev. A. A Veil. Paper reid by Manistee, F H. Ctoiv; Manton, J. W.
Toifswrow to be ■ *Blg Day.'
Cara with goad paotaraa and proper
young speeder belonging to the
handiwork known u> boys snd girls.
Usbed at lodlanapolla. tn<I. tn Its to­
l-iOUiwe Prslt .>u "Soetol Purity." sti l Esveld; Mcsick and Hnniatta. C B
Tbou^ every day of tbe fair hat
hreodlsg at tboai at the foUege.
brothere. acted Iwdly in tta
Tbe ditiilHy consists of itiibroldery',
ot September 13. eoDlaini a kmg
sorthport L X- Btoadaan:
the d<-8cnbeo the Are S
Bgn named a -big day.'
A largo (gytUadale atare, and
first lieaL breeUng several Umee anu band sewing., painting, drasing. pyro- review of the recently publUbed
G. Biery: Old Mtoatoa. O.
taam o< Patdioina naraa balongliig illl be tbe biggest and greatest day interfering sith L*dy w^uaat.
erapbT. drawn wolii. cabinet work. tide b> Charles IJ Buck of this city, Arbor.
or alL It has been named -Traverse though Heriy Wand crossed the '
Mrs I D. Hirt>& not present her
l-Ird huueei. tailing and pierced bras' entitled • The Marketing of Fnm
Clly day.” and In -prder that Traverse :ua'. behind EDrliuecr. ibi- winner, be work.
most liKlI- ra the editor uf l'|>-to-Date
may be fittingly represented,
poBndk and^ Ue RarcbeioM welgb
et back one place, giving lAdy
Oemestlc Sotnee Eabibil
Farming agnt-s wito Mr. Buck, he
the Wolgast second.' (lowever, the
about S.MO ponada.
\ most of tbe factories mod
domestic Stlcbw tralutug In lb< only uuestIuBa toe chacxe of maJtUiS should fie taught at home. Followed
Tbe caUk sibBlt
of a^l- •tores will closi^early In tbe (oreeoon tbree beats were won in rapid order Bvbools has produced iiinoy cooks, tbe plat. ruggesUd by Mr but): bold by a talk by Rev. A. W. Cbasa.
Mil DdB eneb of tbe dUferent herds The best events ot the amueement
A plraaing solo was given by Floss
and tb-re is a sbowca»>- blb-d wirii : 'i.<d whou cvcrj.cody is ••c».ns tboice
program wlU be staged UOi day. and
"lllaale Snluu.” a ebonbom bulL
Gbenng with IssbelTleay
bread, pic. cake and Jolinny cake j
aebttaa oM. wet^ I.MO poonteandls fndede Uie tast event of tbe boiac' each brat.
M*» Holi-omb not being present'
There was a special prixe o! (I offcrel!
. .n fino nabnal Ibere are seven] tadnA program, tbe (twe-lorwll ^roi or
Tbe fait went of Hu day.
<«•« Johnny i-ake and there a>*',
Frank- Smith, who wun iLe silver ihkv Emily louckt reed an iDteretliUt
tbortton sows, .end aUmala from paee. In nddhloo to tbe tnotorcyi'le pave, brougat out lour good
Mr.'Wall gave us an Interestthe Irult abowp at toe Detroit
racea. and tree enierulnioeols by the and rriinlred tour heat*. lAdy Bpblnv sec“ral rotuis'liiig for this prize. Smn.:
other b«*k an ot U«e niM
_ Gcb'-ral dtocusaioB ltd by list appearing to Grand Rnidda pnpera
lOe briwd was baked by. l«ys. There
r laM week.
Week, bas xnnoanosd
ndrtaen pens ct tbe abeep And weU knowD CopeUod and Smith com­ with Nitoa up. won the first beeL Uiv:i i» a t!ic pair ot siu>« sbiw-s fcere. s
Will taake n more exhibits; tbs' vira Minor. Buvlfiros eessioo opem-4 tost -evening betog tta im draft nnd
Tra>evtns sMbR space are taken up by
dropped the aevgnd to Prinev:
•.r.iasurer. giving bto report It
nice pieces of furtiltrire made bv
ba> had his share of honors snd
many places entirely mlilMdltT
anlineli from the college farm. There erse City dlvielon of the MIchissii Tbe iHcd andMfuurih bcaU :uid
showed a balance of
11 on band.
jcbtldn-c from the manual tralhing d-retires from tbe field
Naval Reserves will give a drlU
are pens of
tOrlAdy Splilui after aoniv pannicni. an elecirie reading lamp
secreury'y report woa read and
else may also win money pmra
are tbe beet wool abeep. and a hsidy tn titsi of the grandtiand at v u clock. great finlabea. In the Iblnl b>
with wood base, canned fruit, icily pn-i and silver cups. 1 bis being toe case approved with or.e rorreclioo. Movevt
anlm^ and OotawoM. Oxford. HampPrince Erwin beat the Lady to l
peciniens o' map dra.wing
toe fruit growers ot Grand and supported CO bwve next meeting at
■hire. Shropahlra. Dorset and aostb- WORLD'S CHAMP
wire, bul was ret 'Wk'for fouling
tbe Swedihb ebunh. A'colIecUon w
'Tbis 1* kioe of ibe finest depart- Traverse region
dawaa. Tlioaa anlmiU were also
IN ATTENDANCE Jimmy iloff. one of the bo-raes he'c menu of toe whole lair, and It to ei tbelr nnmber to go lo toe state fairs taken of 8s cents. The motion nude
brought diroetly troni tbe farm
last year, did not bave much empeti peeled that It will be a permanent teaadjouni carrM.
It-year to advert
advertise this section,
■apt lABring. rtrre they have beau
Ad WolgaaL Ugbiwelrti champion tlOD tn tbe running race, winning
C W. CHABB. Frealdent
of toe fairs lo toe.futurer. Smhb has In t pasL Tbe fr
feeding a'l saRBee in the excelku< ol the world, b to apend tbe week
rtraigbt heeto.
Hstdhani Callcgc.
owers sSould
sEould sel«
select a man In wboas
DMTOlt Mlcb, Sept SE-Tta anpnetams end thrived so well that Traverse City. He drove here from
Good Program CantIrHiae
Tbe Needham BusIdcm College
they have tbe utmost conMence and
ntwl maecing of too Amoriean UoMb
mne ot tbe yeerttbas weigh
bit home In Oedillac yesterday in bis
Good tTMtlng. peeing an^ rcu
a booth trimmed in purple
toey are arUling
AasodatlQB began to this efty to­
« to, HOLLAND — President-Emaritsa
nelghbotteod cd i0» ponnda
big Thomas fl.ver. In tbe party
isces nil the program for each day white, tbe colors of tbe sebool Tbn | esatot wub frnl J. vegetables ar.4 Cecrlt J. Roilea of Hope collefe leaWa day and wm roattons wTar tomwrow
In the swine poos
«?e large IYork- tbe champion and hU wife, and hie of the talr. Tbe b^ rare of the meet­ to derorated with tbelr pennanto and graina.
this week for Salt Lake City, Vtoh. and Friday. Pbyaleiaaa and aapadnshiraa. TamwortBPuroe Jersey.
cy. <Chee- tpel." Gordon Hale." and 'Johnny ing. tbe fret-forvalL wiU take plar- Plotters announcing some of tbelr ideas
Horn F>ank Himiltoo of tbla cltv. and ethar wcMera potou in toe Intar White. THilTHw end Pc
Fblsnd Bberidan. Wolgast came bere to drive Tbntsday afternaon. and ot* et the andMeato. Tbe atrongett one to toto: tbe oritinal -better reada" man for leraeU d the college.
large Berkshire bis Uttle racing horse. Lady Welgasi. Mggeat wrtegs of fast bores
"Our aim—RTthln Uw next five year; tbs Grand Traverne region, attandsd
DETROIT—Falling 7« feet from toe
uMgbi gM poinds end a pair of >-ca^
>me of tbe races al the fair. iiert le a long lUar to entered.
bulMing with an modere appUaacev the good roads meeting al Kalamasro top of the Central biUi achool build­
Bag TdMIiua waUh around SM Though tbe ebnmploa'e h
The orOdaU Is charge of tbe races able lo accommodais l.«M atudenLa. lAK weak and cam home wito
ing bera. Ofywn Oaua. aged ». was
glean n tart warfenrt In the
tbla year ha# charge of i
located on our own rampra et ten
^r the “■
tnatoaUr UBed when he landed ga
e Ibe^.year.
Mr. Brown and bla a
roada- Idea.



KvagpHHT ions



/- -


> Vioi Twa


Grand llrlvarse Herald

range for the eatUe, but aa it ta not mafhrtod in v largr qnaulitics, tilali ase a* a fia*l the tor was tan'
atom acres Itol tWa tbe ^ouaC sad
thoae who are enenge^hi the ^lAolamkle bnaineea an;^brtter sfak to be TaUied orer itot uWatlr as aar
conceal the real amount that ia marketed thap they woe in the
yean gone by. It is pro^bk that there is some Aortoge in the
innt of available beef cattle, but it it bard to m'c why it is that
<de. Lait rear the LaasIIe
it prices should 'take siich a sudden jump, at a' lime wheu the the Less
ere srssUy apl>r«ciaied. boi tber
people can least afford to stand the raise.
eicelM IB ever?

Comiag to tke Fmd
---------r~r..... ............... ;■■-»

WM ¥

t‘“. ■?

■’ ■ '



B Im jot been diM<mr^ that there » aomeUimg the matUr
T1^ila4oD^ gf Fapaaa and that the time haa eome when
Bwt h» done to bnoc
np to iLSKater sundard of
atfiMar 0* s«to« tMolta wdl foUov. SUtiatua ahow that 300,000
4he 616,«00 aehoel ehUdren in the auto are being cdueatod
In flte
o^y about 25 per cAt of this number
^ fn|d».
ahowi that the influence of the dktrict
ytShI ^ di^infd in the faga of progreiM in all other direvlioaa.
VUtokha city aohook have been going ahead the diatcict achool
kan gloodwtfll, «ta M prMent it ia diataneed in the
f|>H*1T hjfff ^o gp tf the citiea in order to ibenre an edneation.
thk lt(M-to«rard lha city that the edueatoha of the
■tahraM WMr tarBinc then-attention.
'-^RMt-they mp«^ to do ■ to nafce the dietriet aehoul more
and sttractire, bnt how to go about thia remm ¥
V ImiWiag the eehool offictala to the limit of diaUaotkm^ U«gt nee the neeewity of bettor eeboola bnt ere not sure of
«Im mob lor ohlaWng them. What ia tronbling Kanaaa ia confroertiaf the ^ool offieen of all atatea, for modem progr
a^fe -ft l^etieal^ impooible for the country achool to be aa
V tlto
aehopl on aeeonpt of the number of icholara
M#fliMl|tM«^4rfaDkjeeto that the coral teacher has to handle. In
Al' lin ilTI- aAcal om teaebar has to teach all snbjecU from kinand with at least twenty elasaea per day
Wopder that The district school fails to keep
■p Ah''i£eH7 whool, where eroy subject k taught by a apecialkt
is needed to keep up the interest in
’ ^ nhir'r -Wkiip ike mrsJ sobool U defective in some ways, it
ia o««lkkr iimt it k as good aa it k when the conditions uodec



The central idu of developjuenl work in Western hliehigan
ia to impart knowledge of new methods in agriculture and horticnlture and thereby place the fanner in ppitibn to compete with
the rest of the world in raising products of qadhy that will find an
easy aid {wofitaUe market at the proper seasons of the year. Work
along this line haa be» very satkfa^ry and the farmen of Grand
Traverse county sre taking to the new'condition with a willingnen
ika volumes for the'future. They are wUling and anxiou
to learn n^ and profitoUe ideas, and the methode that they em­
ploy heve been copied widely in other parts of thia and other sUtee.
Oue of the best methods for showing off their progress ia at the
fairs an4 e^itiphs that are held in the fall, and there is scarcely
% ahow of this nature made in this- paM of the conntry that k not
reimsentod in some way by Grand Travewe products. The fruit
display in ^am made by the Board of Trade a^ Westom Uiehigaa
Developmept Boreau haa attained nation-wide dame and hae been
very effective in calling attention to thk part of the atate as a
farming center. In order to hold thia attention the c^bit should
be broadened in the future as the* demand ahsea, aa it is the most
effective manner in which to keep the region on the map. It k now
planned to take an exhibit to Baltimore. Maryland, and show the
doWD-easten what can bo raised in Michigan. New York k also
anxious to secure an exhibit from Western^ Michigan at their land
show which will be htfid tbk fall. These sj-mptoms are healthy
ones and show that after a long struggle and pcnistcol efforts
Michigan fruit k coming into iU own and will soon be in demand
on all the leading inarketa of the country.




One of the. best advertkiug plaiis fur local wsuufacturera
would be a building on the fair grounds entirety devoted to exblbita of goods manufactured* in Traveeae City. There are a few
isolatod displays in the srt hall tkk year, bnt they only show what
could be accumplkhed if the wolk was carried out ou a larger
scale. The showing made last January ,at the convention of the
Michigan BcUU Groecra agA4Ji

.the wkdom of such s' dki^, and when it k misidcrod'that thousanda would view the showing made at the fair where only huDdrt*ds
saw tlie one last winter, ita value can l>c easily mtimatod. There
are many products of the local factories that the general run of
people in the city and countr)' are eUlirely ignorant of aud a good
cxhjl;>it of tliem at fair link! would bring the luaniifaeturer and con­
sumer in domr touch and eiitablkh huxiuess relations-that would lie
profitable to h<>tb in the futon*. A building Kiiitoblu for houxiug
Buch H dkpluy would Ik- tbe brat ]Kteiblc invcstiueiit aud would be
a pprniBiieht feature of the fair. The f«f«oii«w eoUld provide their
exhibiu in advance s)m1 sell the artielcK tliiit they place on ilwiday.
Tilic tlrand Trsvciv Regiorr K»ir k a perm^ent iiixiitiitioii and the
a^Wehange in the country achtxd in recent addition of a building for thk puriKwe'will udd to its value uud
niU see still greater changes. It is eviIlK -y tka tkna wiU soon eoipe when than will be a pFsetiosl
Hflmll II« Ike township unit system in Miehigan as wcM as other
na ^ sm^le the. eoAntiy schools to compete with the
ip W
^ stfauetiTeness and dh-ersHy of courses,
Cgodncted by Mlu kina WnU.
mdm •»
By centralising the school syatem
in4toMBnali7 Wins sgiiipKinl lan be secured for the schools, and
tolto w «or^ of effiaeut inatraeton the aofapola wiU be far imn
■id^lTii ie lie adidara and.moretoaUafaetbiy to parents and
Ws (lull ha ^ to have individmtla, ehurahaa
Biaiitu Another facteg that is working for the efficiency of the
the Qraags. Cntoraal sodsNm aad aU ethto er.
MggiT «ehocd k the cpnnty normal, which is lifting the rural
I la itmu of Bam,
aah«fi mt «f tbs rut into which it has been ii» the f^st by making
s of satsrtotoIka BtoBdBii ef asimtenhip «<pml. pnd m tome instanaeroipattor to
btoiDsneham ImMU
toe^ MAod. TBkiBsMtationBudceaptu^Mteaehcn’outofiU
mplatod, aalaa iff'i^ stoat*
iB town or country, and
an lay othsr ksms <rf go.
---- >------- jjj ^ Uupidigh knowledge of the lower
onlintsreat. Sod bU otttolllmBdaaWali.
mtial in inatmeting scholars in the lower
haa obarsa of
a mose tha fcilla ara largely eliminated and hard
flMis find msOadi are drited into the minds of the embryo teacher

Kingsley Department

tiillKliis siimk f«V«t

By raking the

the .eh«J. eu be n>de mere
stitostin nad Ike dmired remdto be obuiaed. The rural acboc^
sdlMton-ruk hi^ but th€ next few years wj}{ sec a-great intoWR B WW’ ^ ^ inereaae in membership. Let Kansas
Wi sto Wi°
it k possible to make
iMr country anhosli both efficient and aUractive to the. children
9<^e from the farm.
Menu eeuat from Chicago to-tk^ effect that by the time wv
tops Ike ^rifS of the choieeat cuts of beef and pork will have reached
thirty cento a pound the coxuitry' over. Thk
is lisMtNr kh^en added to the high east of li\'ing and will work a
> SB pnctieaUy all du I of people. When meal
ftoskm ikaa figure it beeomM impoaible for the middle and poorer
to ^ord H and the mmlt u that the atopdanl of living k
rajgr^ wi^ rpnaequencea that are far reaching- Meat k a
usara^ to most psopk sad when they are deprived of it the body
must Ultfer in eonse<|iunce. Tbe results may not be sceti at once,
^t'in the long run the penally wiU be paid in sdlge manner. The
requires just so much nourishiBcnU and when this cannot be
- iMlipr* U>e affickney of tbe individdal k impaired in a direct
Hti* to the lack of food. Tbk results in an eoooomie aa Well
iw that cannot ><■ tvfkoned in doHara and rents on
MMUt pf Ha magnitude. It will effect all industries aud bnsLuvm
to an exUnt that W>U awaken the people to ariiou and surt
kivqittoPtioa into tbe causes of tbk sudden rake iu the prirea of
meat predtMta.
Now M to the cauaea of thk raise, it k uu easy matter to Jocate
IMn tor Iks Mwat utnt eiaius that it is eniirel)' due to a shortage
In (he risible gupfiy. this country not furnishing enough cattle to
tike rare of the great and icereasing demand for meata. It it
[t that the aetking of the west haa done away with the
B 1^9^ rapfc*. and no other pt^on of the country k opeu t<>
r.t pf lapgo herds of animsla. thkm evidenU>- true is
t, bto oelhe other hand the Jmeakiug up of the large cangea
toto'fluttoAoto not ueecmarily deerease the number of eaUk'lliat
mbang raked. EsA farm mual have iu regnUr quota «f stock
the ffe^taHy of the toif and sg|ipfy1he fiarmere'
thara i» atU tmAf u
«n anintHit of
90W to the west as ia the days when there was free

Mm. Ace Uuuiun and tao dauabten. Uaade and ClMtofa. ot Jeanlass.
meat three days mib Mrv. Ere* UalHdty durlas the fair.
Mr. and Mrs. rhas. Irlsb and •laushter Rena «( Traverse Clli, siient
TbOfadsy wllh her daiiablers. yUaws
EdM amt Cera Wall.
A crowd or youDS folks froiu Kiass
ley took soi>per *ilb Mr and Mn
Fred Muth.
hlBn WUtlanis of Buckley s)>eiil lac
dayi hem durlax the fair.
r. A Haannoad of Travers* Cli>
au la lowa \Vedaai4a.«.
Glen Blons aad fsmM)' of Sumiuil
Clt) *i>ent TUuradsy In loan.
Tbe three ball saipee wplch were
Played durin* the talr a^re all app
by the home team. tVednaaday. Bax
tar played KHunfey. and the laat tat
days Buckley plh.te(l Klaasky. Ttu
kM*i laan haa beca vary torttwab
during tbe eoiire eeaeon, having loai
two or three aaine*.
Oph Bealf of Buckley «a* Uu
ancst of Us ooHloa. Mr. and Mrs. G
Fenton, tbe loUdle of tbe week.
Will Straub and trleod of Traverst
City were the ne»U of Mr. and Mr«
Earl Caac daring ihe (air.
Mrs. Pec o( Sdtnmll Oiy. and alsui
Id baaband ot Kalamaxoo were la
tows Tbureda.v.
Misa Ivah Bosart. anaUted la tbe
FSoton ice ereaffi parlor darlu tbe
Tbp Tri-Tawaahia Pale.
W»!aetoay. Tbuisday and FYiday
of lasi seek the tuseia were etowded
with people from (ar and near who
came to attend the (air. Aarang tbem
were n«ar new fdees and a grml
maay wbe kaew wbai tbe (air had
bean prevleoe yaara \
The (air as a whole aa* equal to
any that have been held prevtons
rears, and ta many rcapeeu there
' a great many iBgroreBaaii.
anoag tben being tbs various new


coaiwBr which B-u here (hU >esr.
It U tell by crenene ttai ibe fatahu beea a paaa eacee. and aU lelt
repaid tor coadax.


wantBu u> see tw
we lim for
Iq (OU this
you for, wear, ooifort tlid

Te the la«a-Voters
the Oa«Rir
To Ibe
t'oterv of the t'ounly
: Grand Trsvere... Michigan’
You. are ben-l>) noticed that an *k°T^AKe:''HE'nSv*^6TinEO
tbe general elertlon to be hati /
amendnieni tn decilon One ol Article
MANY QUESTION HIS RIGHT TO — T ihe t-oasilluilon ot this Stats. la Ibis stale OB Taeeday. ibE Bfib day I',
vE toNbe right or women to vote: ot Noranfbtt’. Ntoewre HaD«pqd ' also art BOMWmeni to Senloa Twealy Taeive. tba (oUawlag orkwi are to
QaE.ef Arii^r till of th.- CobsmuiloL lie voted (or in your rea^y:
Battle l» Cxiieetcd When Attempt
Hfteea.elevior* .or peresdeal and
of this Sut^s-rvUilve to Ihr. ameodMade to Hive Kahn and WybM
meot of Ibe chaneri ol rltle* and vU vice pradldeat of the i Bliea Kmiea.
ErMofsed, Wbe Are HM
lagea. shall be submllted to tbe quail- coveraor. *■ •
If slate, sate treasurer.
" ■ electors of your county on TaesAfpolntrew
___ !eDrembrr unh. Maeleeo llnner ot the sute laad oEkw and kaUte
dred Taelveof the svijiremp court (qr the term «*dF. U 8HITEB.
RBerlB Graod Traverse County. Mteb. lag December tbfrty-Brsl. I»I3. te BU
ll:Se this morning perfected the orIn wtinea* wheiwol I have hereonlo varaary: reprearauifre la cougriM
dlnsry orgsnliallon. eleeUng PsiHck set ny hand this Mneteenthtday s(
eleveuth raRfreaslBi
September, 1812
11. Kelly, randhtale tor eongrea
uprising Ibe counties
sept IS. it. oci d. IV. i:. 24. 31
large, temporary chairman, and
lui. I'barlevolx.
cure. Graad Trav.............
oe: ttniloi.
......... ._Mla.
KaBtarim. Bbthen adjeoraed unUi 3 this after
MMUalm. OscwoIb
A Hrely Btot Is expected between tbe
' RoMmmoa: eenator tor' the
pereresslvs elemeot. headed hy Os­
dlurtct of
born. who Is chstrmao of the Chip
jthU su
cowpHslnx ibr eocBltee ot
Aairim Beulr. Oraad Trarerw. Kaldelegiiion. sad the tlsndpaUe
....................oeoto r
nreats were heard -of an auampt
ol Ue same idace. dated X
ford, and repr<
Impeach CMborai’ right to a pC
n. ISU. and recorded In tile office
l.•g|y|ature for
, ctaJmlng be it aot/h repihll the Register of Deeds (or C, rand Trav- TiBveree.
BBty. la Uher 5S of Mortgagos
In wltncM wberaof I have herewtoo
The light OB Osbera^ npeeted erse Cowaty,
« 322 an,I MS on the 2Slh day set niy hahd IhU 1Mb Mag afBepL, A.
>we 00 the endorieSiret ol
D., ihii. on wbk-b m
D., 15-12.
(or the supreme conrt. Judge
«Uimed to V due at
W -fc. RHUTER.
Wykes for attorney gaoerel, who were
r of Ih' lOtire Ibe sum ot Big
ec and lO-tVU IWLIOI doMaiw..B»d
recently appointed by the govsraw.
DO suit or proceedings at Uw harlag
Judge Welsi of Ingram Is tbe rao faeea Instituted to reeover lb«
formidable opponent sgabtit Kuhn.
serilred by said mortgage pr i
V. therefore, by virtue
by Oscar J
nowi-v o( sale ccmtslaevl In sa
More*. hU
gage and ibe atataie to sa
tuade and provided, hotlee Is
itren that on the 14th day of
•r. A D.. Ill 12. at lb o'elofl .
(orenoos, there will be sold at public
aucHon to the highest bidder at ilie
' o^^*Ti?rerer and tkaia o?SReWfront door of the (Vrafl House ..
Wasliinglou street. In me v-iiy of Trav
tily. lllt-blgno. that bell
*>c in acsalon here, dioae the (n1
towing temporary ofScere which

«|Hi n





expected to be made permanent:
pmuls>-s dfwcribed I said mortesge,
_ ...........................
thereof as maytK>IknecesPietldlng dlittior, H. B. Parr. Lao-' —no niucli
- l>Bv the
.....:it due a
□g; |>a»t dlnalor. E*or*yfh. Bali;.
luongsgc. uic lmllng lmen»l an I all
< nt-k; VIC dlcljitor. Wendell. Bagir legal
siiJi an aliyrat-} Ice ol
prelate. NVallcr Myers. LuaeM fifiecn mil l-ollsr.
The i-remlses- being
belnj desrribe
Inner guard. RIegel. Bay City; onler
as loltows: Thai targuard. Houasln. Durand; secretary.
cel of tood located In the iqwasldv of
Magics. FIIbl
Peninsula. counD of Grand Traverse
Flint nod Detroit arc aspirants to. end stale of Xllchlgan. v1x: A lari o'
the D«xt convenUon.
A Breutifvri Wfoman
Alaays has a nne clear raniplexion
.Xiany wore women would b« beautiful
If they rould only get rid ol sallvwness. pimples and blotche». These arc
sympioou’or a torpid liver and the
right remedv for a bad liver Is DR
They pal l^ liver In order, aweeten
tbe breath sad clear the akia ol sal
lowoeas and blemishes. Besides tho<
wake yon feel bright and ebeertul.
Price 33 ets. per box. Sold by Amcri
can DrugMiorc

trluknuin and the tilgtaway north at
t and or the sanw width, vis: 30 Jeel
atts l ot land being 2i> feet wide east
nd West and approximately sa
Dug non#! and south, localeil In
IQage cotowonly koosn as OU Mis-

VA81I f. GliaKBT.
Attoracy for Mongagec
Busluw* uddre-HS. Traverse O
*<-»•: i»—UjuiwcIw I!

and iio^ult or i-roceedlllgs si law Rav­
ing tpvwu Insiituled to recover the
moneys aectvcd by aald ssortgaEv «f
by 'rIrtM ot the '
poifer It rale eawalnad ta daM BMtt-


given that oa tottarday. the twealy- .
seU at pohlle aactloa to thy hlftost
bidder, at ibe Dorth froat doer M the
Court House, la the City of Tiavepe
City. Ceeaty ot Otasd TravsMd.
Michigan Uhat *- - -—

fflorigags. with oevaa per cent later-

lars. as provided by law aad as ujase
anted (Or tbaraia. tbe pramlqga totoi
Tbe MlcblgU Kqrsery rompaay.
Monroe, Mlcblgao. stands tiulque.
Oae-Third Peet of Istt' Forty-Tbiwe
' • - one •large
-- aarsery
- devoted
lai of Oak Height! AMM3oa ta Iba
dp. T
Orely u the Bt • •
U WHMiraa
stork Is selected
87 the TU-olar- method 1 cm ra City of Traiaae Cttr. according te
-- _ _______... „c-h-oni.'
_wea those aching taoCh abaaMto Ibe racntM pMt tRareoL to th*<^aaiy of Gitotd Travera* aad Bute at
have proven surceskful aad proSi. .
ib# bBslaess ni*ii.^
In Michigan. Their agent. «9quli
Tbe ap-icnilarel hall aa* well mied Ummls. of SiiUonr Kay. tnamtali
will! everything one could iniagine that tMs apedallutiou on one lerrl w^w!^'hearts win apprWlBto to*
lory makes hU flrui ut the blglies: -'Ka-olar' mstbed of palMMi raUM
One of Ibe main feaiurrs wai ll
3 fruit gn>»ci»
' fancy work .IniartueoL Sonic of I
Attoraeys for HortgM<«.
OR 8ALE-:o nrres of go-sJ .
sheeli and |>IIIow casea which wc
•H-m wnbelra Block, wltt Of. Bplto
to RspL tc.
wenh. Travaras Oa.
*enl lor dl*i>la> by Mrs. Flink,
raoBlug spring: I* ou wain irarcleJ
Swedish lad>. sere wade of home
ruad . will cut'4vv rords ol
>1 18-lntl
•IHio, which Is very mnrh out of Ibe
V Hlmlt*
wood, one tulle from
I Record
ordliury Another ra* s pieced quilt
IIJWI Inquire
wbirb was
w msde by .Mrs. Orphs WalkUdy 80 year* ©rage, which
FOR SALE-llave 4V a<
It. p. Oaaenrw Eiiftoa
talned T.lOO idecea. otoai of wbiefa
only' gl* Nice
were as somll a* one * Bnger.
aore farni. fiac ' Jlldlnaa. near
Cyitoder bore. ( toto^: streh* «1R
The ap|)1>- display ws* premier than
rilwood Und.
toebat. Good desira. heat RMttrlto.
ever before, while (hr other frail was
Hoppar^M. Weight. iM lbs. ttarta
Just as ntca,as the apples.
right |i
F. Russell. SOS kl
«allr..Tant steadily: la liitoUtoaM.
People from far and hgar
trolt, Miebig
rellabla. dnrabla aad oomptoto «HR
wnch Imeresied sod tried to do seinesept lO-iurs-tburs.K
palter, gasolle* taek. battory. oOfl and
thing to wake this the greaiasi and
telred ready to twt root MRbeat fair that wa» ever kno*a
wood saw or pump or do aoT
-eclIOD ol tbe rauBlry .
R. P. D No :. box i: e
otber daty witbta the topatoty d(
ing Ibe seboote 10 lb« three
h. p.: occuplas xuto MM- mc« |H.
lANTEIk—A tuiddle-aged man ant)
Haantoctured by
.Mavbeid waa
wife aould like s poitllloti to raa a
Dl that brought any eihi'blt*
small farm, no children: ran for.
seems too bad wbea there are :
nlib the best of references
many »cb«U In tbls part ol the con
drres M. MoKoIl. East.Jordan. Mlcb.
111 more Interest Isn't manifesu
he teachers than there Is. a*
001.V takas a aniall amouni ol cEort t
the |>an ol the teacher, while It makes
wonderfol aniouat ot.diSerence with
tbe dU)>la>* 111 that dejiartmeBI.
Tbe livestock exhibit was good bol
nor guile aa large as last year, bat
the quality tbls year more than made
op lor Ibe quaaiiiy ol last year. One
very epeclal (eatare wa* a lOce Jersey
In s lien with her iiipiei calves.
The? were all about of a site, and one
rabid hardly leU them apnn. .
liuu» youtcaimiiiiby uSngtS^mftteiulB,
This year there was - something
tbe kind we handle.
doing nil tbe time.
Hi tbe :to-ywrd dash. Ben Pierre
won by eeveral y ards, although eomloa was ven strong,
the pote vaulting contest. Ralph
Hayen. a yonng lawyer wbo is bere
vlktlnp bis brother. w«n |q all the

m um Woildier

»» witoM-Tmutoilto-

Yeur Canning




••rotlM 0«bOv alUraoeM, Bept IS od. tor th*

Fife Lake Department

•I her born.-la VdMl Tbc occsht<»1«*- '
beiaa bar «Mfe WrtbOav i

Thrj» a-arr twi'nlylwo sue
PttebM^ vaa presealM altb a public inttihiiton. It vaa rrenlod to taffrage.-and lao«i qg them poalllvel.
a alee aevlng chair. basMea ae
act at a (dteiinc hei|w (or tfaone vbo
emallar gifia aa lokena d thelf
and reopeel.

Hi' :C«nlacUd by MIh Mac Dewey.
W« «ttt to Buka tut D^pwtnnt
iM MHOto TBlu to aU eoaeofMd and to
■Mt that aU ttoaa of panoBal aad '
wt ho aoBt to IQa Dnrof to bt
... fai the Oepartmoit. Wo onodaOx
ilrwihM. fratonal aoeiotiao aad tho
waac* teaWi ttow of iat«Mt te th^ napoo,
tfn flflBBtattoaa. Hon of oooial er^ aad oataiaawBta, iaproren^U batat made or eoBtomptatod. aad boatami obaafoa, aad ttaatfon te
real eotato is ton aad oovatrr are aoptaUlp
uniptobli Ibt kiban anU« aot oaljr to the
vfflafoof Rft Laka,bitto&onDTeBB4iv oeaa.
^^Sditor Boiald.
A Ur#*'

D. Ran; and 3. Myera are ■(teodiiii
e rw-ognited to
e partner* In life
(be fair ai Traverae (Tiy.
“tWnkIng- for the n,en an.! kmIt then, at toch la
d vnrta, Th-, t
Jaa. Hodcea i* eble to be ooi agal-.
v^ vt»h''to lend a hand to
nu-n and women
Dent Blue baa been Improving
fellov being. It taverilgatet an.l they arc iiq rrown e
appasranre of iha late Bams p
Itote and elvc thould nol afrk h> «l It tide*
and Carrie*
arty «'Uh a fresb. noai of paint.
prpcftol seatotasee arhere raonlted In'thr tttrnggl* (or good go'
Snnday aerrlc-ei atlhe M E. ehurrh. Bat. at a |M>hlk Intiltulion. it relle*
-'I^N.r men. al«o. are «l
SeptemlH-r »: Kabbatb acbool
opoa tbe vhole-b>-*ned loteretl su<l
Urce nBnil>rra^ Tbonaaadt
II:i:. a.-wi. Epnorth Ieag>-.; al «
moral nppert ’6f all iHnklna oien and n-nr* vonian'c tuflraer lag* b. it>* I«p. m.; topic. The Shock d IMigip- votnen. A* aneb It hat a)*a'-« re
lior day iiarad. in t.rand Rapid*, and
polntmeni: the Supreme Teet of
eelved the aa»urance of tup|«.n fn.ui the Typograirhlral iinton
rarrt*.! a
Hl#b Parpou. Mark 3;4A. 4;i0:g;l- city and county -offirlaU. and hat hui
luree eoomn'p suffrage Iwup-r.
«: S-II.IM4-2I. 31-33; k:I7-1t; 10:13make kBova ita dtelree to have a

naroU DeOer «a* a #o«at at
t<; I4:S7-i«t-Tl;
bnxbar la Cadllla* Thuraday and PrI. C:efr4k.

--'lltacoM^lagriw <«U.
U. B. AraoU hu Urea U* MMlBl
Mlaa Neill* Robby li III *itb aeariat
a^ore*# coat of paUt.
arar at Dr. i.. 8. Walter*.
Hra. WiUUa Coma of Codltlac
Vr. BrUiewoiar W*1 ealllBf
tlie coau of are. Bndr CUric iW
Irlaoda ten Sanday and Menda)
■ 4*r.b«i
t aeeepiad an a
Qneckeabaek and QiUa bare fiun
tba year beesuae of Ura BrldcowaIriaud paUUna-tb* a Ble* end i.
tar-a poor haeltta.
Joaea aura beU
Mlaa OeUa Byrnoro la obtanalnlnc
tire. tL Loam retnmad fnna AM««
B*ib. Era and Jeniial Till
Walloon iMkn. They are
Wm. Greearr of anwd Rapid* ba^ I-eroy,
bom U (b* rm*c* aereral Oera on
Fred Barbatlaoe want to Eb-ldio#
Monday wlib ttao lotanUon of Bolnit
Vr. aed lira. Ffmak nilkanloit r*>
into Uia froeary
imad to tbUr boBw U rtbie. opper
rcBlnaala. Weditaodar.
Mrt. Qrocery, who baa bean a tnaat
Mr. -aad Mra. WUi Morw vest to
at Ural Rakar-a (or a lav voaka. raKalkaaka Tadadar for -bk IndoflnMe
inraad Friday to bar Boom U Baotoo
BUy wlcb ralattr**
Vos* niklita baa aoM bU bonoe and
lot 111 town to O. J. liockerd.
Harry Lourks i* rUtln# In Detroit
Ihit weak.


. Mra. WIU Gray and UttU <^ocbWr
of Arabia tro tka pioau of hdr motb-



John practical demonairaiion fmm the hut
Inata men and home-makere of Ih* re

A Oidal Hem* Wadding.


veddlng marrb
played by Mist .VelUe Kabbj^f Jarii
ton. MIcdi. Tbe ceremony vaa per­

HIpb School Lactur* Cobr**.'
Th* nr* Uke. bulnea* man bare


Wo nro^ Joot 00 ottantiva ta

paoifor ao trith tba larpc on*,


TV far OopoaH* aha*ye ewr Rrot
ooMOorotUn. end our rooMreao

MHIIOM Of Dollof* Hae yo„ th*
a^ffiy you want md ebouM
hOM to* yoer bamerned

Party Is New Froparad

Detroit, Mkb. Sept 2S->^

veotlda bare yesterday adopted reoolutioni deriarin# tbaCr amdaroamast
bf tbs admtelatratten

v«* of Michigan.
vat on* of the largosi beU In raoMt
year*. i.4« delegate*, bate# fnaaat.
and wai noUbl* for Mthoateia and

......................................................... l..Re


.....Sc to lOe
Krvar In the blaterr of (ba ftenbUenn party la Miehlnn hu a gnater

unanimity of aandmanL ffraaur mMade Good Start at Bt. Louis—Tliay FARM PRODUCE—Buylnt Prie*.
Prltwa oorracted each Moaday and itmalasm,
aplrit imm
Think Wall of Kim.
each day ikereofter It market eart**.,«bowa.
From tba ««»ing to order -of tW
eottvenilon. one of th* mote Raqaly
landed in roar*. twUl tba SmI

tk* Mood of th* datecauo vu op and
pubUosn party ihrongh many a kord

He !►

... .

Datest was maalfest avoryvkat*.


Tba {(kUovlBC atata Uckat waa plae-


ad la tka'
OoTaraor—Am % MaasaRMS-af
Grand RapIdA
LErotanaat (Jovemor—J^n Q; item

nlutU inning In the drX
iiotl III 111.-jie.'ond repltcod l^o-

by l»r. Alfred Withan.of Grand Usi;Idt. who It om- of ihr lea.ling K|>-akrrt

of MoskegoB.
1 at larse-Patrtek H.
Kelley of Laaslag.'

l.'fl Held.
Imni y »ii-< kcpl lelrl, biu.y eho».-l
Ig ii|. th.- lilt* ubldhwere dlimiR-d
to I.-II off WeUmati.


II n.ii- at ilie lull that ae grew hope
11. Ilrl.-I iiin (he ball tqiisrely -fat a Com ................................................!...........





oasalty far Having Oaed
Steek In Roaarve.

Tbe Fite l.nka.Meaaa lodge baa
na* piano oi tba Grange ball.
R-r. A. W. Baker baa bean morned


effort to iiiael the neada of (he

Cbma. Uvia vea the gurat of Wet
lay Woodford aad fatally in Oetroli
tba peat weak, wbiia etteodlng the
Mate fair.
of Middleton. Ohio,
to tbe geaat of (nui Peck end feallT.
Mr*. Lprette Bmot end eon Cherloi.
dror* to RIk Rapid* Waderadey vlU>

(he following atjiicnieiil in i.-uanl lo Si-lt.<-r
ttiffrice queMIpn lu th.- ►!.,.»
*en,K-d troiii In, tV;^llall

aiAl unfmtiinale of_the cliy to to

1 itaii rharga for anatbar year
be made'' by th,- lluraaii of Aatoclati-d
Hr. and Mra. (linton Weiae of De- Cbarltles In the near future. HerelotrAt are gneote of tbe latter'a par­
raqitexi have been printed In tbe
ents. Mr. and Mra. Oadorklrk.
local preaWrora lima to time, aaklng
Mra. C. Qaali and daughter. Mra. for certain apaidAed atflelea. A
Ben RUka. want Satordny to Trar- plan baa been decided apon by a
ra* Clly to rlall reteUves.
mJttee of Inlereetad vorkart, reeeally

In an Imem.-w thto niortiing

Auditor Oaaeral-O. M

JntUca Supreme Court (lo uomyd

.1 th.ggi-r, unit till- e.-riiilng <il

l.leaM'lt <u In- III liile l>.>;.i,mill

ittlce Itlalrl-Praa* C. Kahn of Ml

cere regr>-i»_*i noi .ltclng able lo k.-.-p
mv i.i..v,l.,ii.,et» TliuiedB.v. ' ........... —
today to thov m> -a.m.1 will.
nary Hrcuuirlali.-.- xiill.I






Michigan iMlud^R Hie lUnorarr.'
Savaa New Vaeh State
Until LaM.


ol Ladles' Skirls at 12.95


Franiis rhii-. h

vbo or* anjoyp&g (b*lr honeymoon
trip In the essL Mra. Johnson to the

A *Vocldii9 BM” WIdalle
to evny Customer

all ^ces at

Presstwanekels «vea
with ev-ery 50c purchase.



- r el New York ttete.

LittI* Son of Dan Oem^ Soffortet

Poirotkn of Silver like, and atoUr of

ad lb* yard b* ponnoed upon hHa.' Al
Brat ft.was (bought perhaps (be So#


nd l'n'd.-raherlff Camaroa
tat n'>tlQi-.| at oo. e lo rome aad
abool the animal

Vhe head bos been

to Ann Arbor for analrxatloe.
The dog bit a ehlH on.-e befar*, b« It
serlou* snd h* wo* acH mad



X. I.,

Th* ScUo«,l

Jonraall.n. c.r r'ol.iml.i*

Ime The IIKIr bo) to aboat
eight yeert of 'agr


TN* Cou
lenten, on* *( Mte
K-ondvd ............ to., .l.oeph PulCurtis l>iibllsbtog Company * pnbltea..-r. »*.
».r r„ ,t,r rx-epttoa of
Uont, tn It* (**,» of September 21.
T he |.rac-.„.i of .tudy
rontaln* an ariirle anUtled • "Tbe

ttii.toni. lode,


!k*aee* for Westorm Apple (irower*."

Thto ankle tela whh the apple aUOf



Children'. Good


Silver Ukc laat evening, tba occs- BnHoad. vladlag np hto *—r.ig- tM
*h» being a recaption and greaUng to
Ur. and l)ra. Fred H. Jobnaoa. of Tscom*. Wash., a newly married couple




fb* Clapp rommlttae at Waahlniioa. .
WednsHday * fU-eord-Eagla l OB Oeiober 4. Ha Giaa wUl toor tk*
Thar* was a pIsassBi gatberia# at middle wan. faelaStag UtaUfU la
the borne of .Mr. and Mn.' EL B. Crain hto itlaarary and then wiamp New

r..•'l(•r Bnur-r oPl.-ial


fnttnfl aoths.
wonh ^ & $i at 1*60 forth 10c and 12c at

One lot of
Udies' Extra Heavy RibMen’s Heavy FlecAd
Stneldagn for BoyStete
and Girls; worth 15^ llC
all skesat.. ..'.......3oC


lU'wlli amtar becora


IS sur,;' —: I,-- h»- d»«ghi,T,
Margaret ti.i.!:4n, .ho In.-, at I:
Funeral ter,....... .Ill h* held Tliiirtd..'Dmri,ir,c--, ■ t.,-lork

Gruaral F71-.-i,<l <

One lot of
Dress Goods,
worth 50c at .......


la (hto aiau^

One lot gl


SapL 2t.-Bp*Rklag

eaed one Say to permit hit Kampteg


One lot of


vatu the day of elerttoa was arrassad
“awing arooad the drclo* wo* la^-

'Obelol of


dates wbiph keep him boty right ap

From Iniurio*.
Mrs. Riley Crain and Mn. Jama* Bob-i
•rtaon. Th* avanliK va* plaoisiit
OravB. Sept. H.-Tbi UtU* aoa of
apant In a aoclal way. after which
Mr. aad Hr*. Dan George to aaSeri
Htr Hem* Last
imptuous repast wasoaerved.
log from a dog Mta which be raoMrod
F. H. Pobly sdfraaaad the coupl* <
yaatarday vben be went to tba bom*
Ufa's youroay in ^trlmoar ai
of Chris Call* to Call them that tk*
gave them bis blessing Mr and Mra oow* wars lo'lhe corn, Tba Oatu
war# not at home, aad the dog. a 8a*.
rram W.-d’,e»day
R..ror<l-Ka*le i John Nutsofi. Oscar V. Tredrll and
Mr* r>. lint C'-alitiii. *g.wl r,.- ,ea„. and Mrs nudniT'li Neiimatm. of (hr big faUov aad one of the bast watok
dl-d Bt he, I....... ..
1*1,1.. rlreel. 1*.,. count. Use rusd. »rre among the doga aronnd (ba cooniry. was dolag '
M—Hsni.-* Sutton and Xeii- hto daty. As soon as (be child Mtert «ft.-i «•. III,-.. ,.| ...-,..ttl*cck». guetl*




.berde'lhda# ............. tlAOwad t

ingest daughter of Mr. sad Mra.


JustieS Snprema Ceari (to aooMod
Juatlre Hookert-Joaaph HrStMtw of
Sault Ste. Haile.

cmintn ncaln aud to »|wak at it.,- U- j |.p.„ „h-* Mnl.-.k n
gtOD fair, Iitil I lOeh tOCM-i.-e*, -M.
rlii |

A Safe, of Men’s Suits and Overcoats 7"t>iji5and
$16 50 at


M. PM-

CemmlsBlODer of State lAad Ollee
C cirton of that Tawaa.
.......................................... **’•**'

i» li«e up lit hie (iilvrtnio no

veuled mv .v.iiUim
T!,.- Automobile o'riv,
called ;to meet, with tbe genaral rtdeath of a leacllug
nu>mber of our
Weral «i
church rogulre* my terrlree. I il>.-ie
At (hat lima It vaa daddad to oat
fore hope no one «m .en*ure Vr». j
apart a certain day. OcL 2nd. for tba
Sandara. the t-ouni.> ctialrnmn. lH-.'4u»e |
gathering tofathw of lupplla* of
she ccrtalnlv dm»-nr* il.o grailTii.le
.nd I'. I'u k »•'. iPlary. '.r II.'Giiyl. Id
UDds. U be used at the dtorraOoii .
and (uppori of all the women lor the
il.Uiti for cniiuiiiy. amted In .the
lb* B. A. C. The general snpartnirndaelf-aacrllVIng. earm->i
■ ity .'••aterda. In one. of the Qal.ord
been hindered In the past by doing III the caii.xwoinal.t hutl!'i:: 1.1*1 «-ar*. TImy - drove through
baelng only a meager supply to draw frage." '



ivs of HudsoA

inrt .-rrtl on a line u

the paveniemr

week at

State Treaxiref--JofcB .W. HmwJK
of Ann Arbor.

-Attorney Ceaerpl—GraM

T:<kliig the prrInnntniT altV
I led no .louM hiH thai Brial'

from (be fa.ti.ry at (;ayIonL a
When asked a* lo Ih* outlook tci
Lilli e of 72 milet. sud report etcelleni
voman'i fjffraee in
Michigan. Mi
n.:.dt nil the w*» until lhey«ram,a
Bar. Mra. Van Camp of Novage de­ for Immedtoia need, when perhaps (he
Wtohan taldiy
Ti:.,.-rw fiiy
In faci, (hey atr'tl
livered a flea aannon to a large eon- article might nol be quite lultable. and
We are nu making predlclioti.H, bill
the whole dlaiam-.- ih.->_.
gragatlon Sunday areiting at tbe H. *1 woold have antvered a mort prncilral
ta> tay that tpeak.-re who come
cottnirred more mn.l afl.-r ihey\
liorpoae etoevhere. had (here been <in
Ihe ttale from other etate* n
entered the cii> than on all tbe n
Mra. Jennla Markbam of Deford ar ^Kiortnalty of choice In the matier.
tiicnl on the favorahla
of (he t::p. There are rvmplalnto
rlrad hare from Petoakay Friday, and
If a aundant snpiSr of clothing. Michigan iiiep toward woman'* •
awful condition of the raid* rlgUt
It a coast at the boma of bar dmnefafrags. With rare ekceptlons
here In (be . ity every day hy tourtot*
tar. Mra. 3. ToaikoaL
Uk* eontd be brought together at one
t the move­
Tba fHandi and nalfhbors of Mr*. time, this difficulty would
be done ment acnilblr and rupectfully. They who are drivtog through, and It la com­
Jaatwr Piubar save bar a pIcaMBt away with..and better reaulta obtaln- are helpful to the wohica. giving them ing to be a byword with them that the
only good road* wl'blo ihe rliv llipita

for Saturday

Secreury of 8taia-irr«detlek <1 Mar-'
(ladake of Oeiroti.

neiu Couaty. V. F.

their gnaata. Mr. and Mr*. Prod Oetof Bay (»iy. to rlaU bar daogbtai Span. Many timei it SMmed abaolaicMr*. Prwd HaU.
ly eaaanttol to nsa what va* on band

BifiM Attractions
and all next


npoa the aSopUoe of tka raanlnUnsa
tbs old aplrit •Ueh ki/ Ipd tbo X4h

Me aHinnon In Hu- fra.v yesterday. H-*

thoroughly dlteotae.1 al tlie fair today

In II,.. ►lai.'.

of . PraalSant

Taft and .pledging him the olactaral

daoplte aevara) eonieau on tba atSte

i:i/v arrived Saturday and spr.i:



poblleaa* of Ulcbt«aa la stit* tea-


tte limvulea. loeka pretty fair.

llic riMirerneiit thnuiglioirt iliitiaip and .-ounir,'. He 1- ,..iy opiimlMlr over the T•^osJ>•<'l^ In <1..- kiuu-


Rtamly VtoibW

I.CI ut say thni Mr. Bundy Brief,

Tli« Womati't Saffrag. auciioti •


Cfm'psipn wwi a DutanwAatioa
Of Wlniung. OM Spi^ Was

Chlckena .

late of Traverae City, of the Michigan
Slate league, and now In the big abov


P. H. Barnatein la la Chlrago i

oer OaoUi^ r^-tba email da-



and IvU'evea the hallol alll 1«- itinii'.-<i
and Mra. Andrev Brokvay or SUPPUes WILL BE OATBERED
Women b> the vaiict of tin- men a' tlie
li..n iinil-'t lli.-'bix Ii-lil, roul.lB't
Boyne rity vara ■vasts nt Wm. Broekcoming oleeThm
him fmgei lliat tiapp, trait.
way Monday.
Wtohan hat.f|itfki'ii here Ik-?..,.- ami
Three iliiiet Ik- hit fati ektpper* ;.->j
Gao. Weaver baa kU Mv alto aU
App^hlng Winter Emphaalsta-Na- hit work aaejto «.-ll appr.-riaieil iliai \ i lii- Inli.-M.

Mr lU, nor «* tao bf«* for yeo.

Of oyor Two


Tbe Maud Stavans Concert company.

Wealey Qriran- of Morley. MIrh. la
vorkln# for bir
unele. Ww. Brok

of maklof

ta'ft aominibtration was e*i-


(mm tbe St. Louit SUr•«>«
they regard the Traverae“Tlty lad;

rlU be preaanted Oct. IC, which con
3. Skfnnar made e bnalnoot trip to
atots of Mlaa tiaud Suveas, ImperaenCadillac Friday.
stor; Charlotta Cbamberlaln. ptontat
Mra. A. W. Baker la antertaJalng bar
and vbtoiler. ami Edith Welch, noanot, Mra. Wlannuan, and nlec*. Min
Unlah Tbe coaive vlll conttoi of Ihrt*
Ida Sehralbar, of indlanola. leva.


Sepi 2:-.—Wheat.

Bundy Brief -broke Jnto the game

Snanclal rlak
I ai« high ctaai





OR. WiSHART^SEES VICTORY FOR right" at St. Louto. He ha* madeATHay
(hero, and the (olloving/dn^nc

aaanrad a larture eooraa for this vis


harmony that pravaUH tkrea#boaL



ter left for a abort veddlng trip tc
Trarerae City.



------------ 1

•> 2nd that Uiey cull ClUrcnV
phone 371, and notify
Mi«< Kaee,
Caneral *U|M-riotendent. vho will

Barred, and Mr. and Mr*. -Wal

W. W. Brover ratnrned frtn Hllto-

Mra. Van Camp of S*w*#o and Mra.

Tiicei coirocted each day by vlro

b| Vhlrli needed tabor l*g-

formed by Rev. A. W Bakac In Ibe
proaenea of only the Immediate raU
tires, after

dale Tnaoday nigbL

D, Babeoek of White (Toad riaited
ibalr.parMte. Mr. aad Mra. W. Levla,


The Markets

tototton I* «-rtire-I and that the tba bom* of the bride * pareoU.
October 2nd hat Hben ad aivrt tor »M> wag—arniug voo'en of italt eonnon Wadnaaday.'Sepc lOih, at S o'clork "UoBjillon day " All vbo are villlniE
ir,' need that tame'ballot for t
oecarrad tbe veddlng of E. Guy Wal­ to .contrlhuie \o this good <-■<
proirciloD and advam-enirntter and llto»- Myrtle A. I^acka. Th*
•The commercial and n
groom U a non of Dr. and Mra. L S.
|v«pl* of Micblcan are atoo (urnrable
Waller, aad (be bride la tba daughter stored fev futui; oar
A aperlal reaa a rule. 1 Imve tieea plea-^ed and
of Mr. and Mra. Henry Loacka.
qnett It made te the vomen vbo are
rather aurpriwO everywhere
happy affair 1* the eulmlnatloa
aortlag over their ImutehoM tiote*
.•ate by the altllud*
during boute cl«slilag ilrne. it to
Tbe young couple aere aiiended by naked that tbey'toy atldc. llirougbodl
Mitt Gladya llamlllon of ftodllUr aad
It veek. vhatever they can
Henry Umeka. brother of tbe bride ' apare, and at any time

ar. Mra. Warren Sparry, la SpringAald.


Arm THBSB. .

everr poitible couneay in paftleg tbe
cause before the people. ,
-I do not know of a newspaper In
the stale opmly oppotlag ViHuan >

-J.R f'-lmo

In fb' a-road and

here will
(irs.ikw In
teu-n»tto'v writing
In (hr third and
(0,1,th >»*r. ther* will ahw be courae*
tow An.eriraB imllllral parlies. %o1 aad laduxrial htoton. tmteas
d bara also on property.'
Wm. Clem*nL 24« fTwats, amdem Baropaaa Hten
East .\lbth autet.
aad tbe hlatery of joanaltooL

nsiMn 'p a varr good way and tkoo*
out (r.ti grovara who *r* aarioo#
know It Lai the ootlook 1* gotag lo
for «i4,i ia tbe future, will do weH
read this anlel*.

Oaap Thiagts



ao*MS t«totblMMralrss «


Mra. Fred
b ffl »Mfc htoc
elate U her haad.

Mr. and Mra. T}>er had dinner with
Mra. MarT.K. FHb and ter modaoa.
Wallaea Flab. «( tbb plan.
Mra. n'illlaist b abia ^to he oat
a«Bla Md attaadad tte dab at Klaaaiv.
Oara Skiver b an tba Mak Ibt'
IM. KaMTltaai. V. a. «( Paian Oty.
U etopirtoc at tbe boat of E. Har>
, y
Mr my << wnitaBbterx vibtad
oar acteal todaj . '
SepL S3.

' Mr. Ud Mr.. i?tU CRirMDpbrr bar.
relMlW i|UIMft^lMlob
t>Mt BIODtb.
(b* lut rarriv meeUag of PrmMct .Alter. A. A. O. 6.. su n«f
hen vara Ulilatad.
Mr. ud Mra. Tbonuis ^’bha of AV
'4ae vbitad ibalr aaa. Jaina. While
from Wadbaadar till Soadar.
^Ttera «U ba ». daaea at the
Olaaaar ball Saturda;. Bem. 'tdib.
ClaaeBi Plert* tea retained froa
Mra. 14-an Ktetey b
maeawiB. vtera ka teateaa rtoldte
few days with ter pafeau la Frank
mm pbteSteaAI. A.c>.
relativaa Aarlac the mdam.
Mr gkirer aad daoeb/en. Oara and
Mta. R. iafcifcay nfcd sow.
Mra. B. B. Hayaard ef
Born, to Mr. and Mia. Arthar Rabnelaa, vere ta Traeei»e Cliy last
Marten, wte Wa dRate <ba ppai
riMtad Hm. Wm. Dexter Wtetediiy
wrpk u tte fcatan af Mr. *nd Mra. G.
TBMtfay Ml builaeaa.
and Tknndny.

Born, to Mr. and Hrv Hart Wade Tkd poade In town are halas nicely
M. DataV ittatepi te fhte- heme at
''8«9l. St.
of Cedar Run. a daaMMer. Sent !X. fTavclad M welt aa tte other i«H tabAMUy eaed kiMtei M eataTBlPb' Traveraa City MoStey.
tha taapte aaberA .yepiady, F«iteh
Rav. C W. Ftewa af Mapb RaphlM
the worlds
buUdlai which b belnp dote ia the aoU
Bora. to Mr. and Mra. Hew T. towkihip. '
b in town tar n taw daya’ TtdtL' Bom
HUT Winian and 'b» brother

Shy ■nrainp te nectfcM tfca pafait
Allan vara at ^e daartertr maetlDB ataa. a MS. Sant s£
SUM Bath BaMwte orrramaa CKF
ar Oadar mmm Baaday MBi MteBpte^ ia>a M. E. etete p»d fct the Odm
John Beirr and Mba KaU Oaeter fpaat Saaday at her homo bra.
.Baiarday and Soadar.
Satteday. Whils tbtra they raatad
hIpbUpuI tewa fclp tfca am
mate (hab- bswta Tte-fiRara.>rhat
Mre.'dllJHa attended the a^nerty or leke AM vere nlted l|i Mairf Mra. H. £. Bealoa waa b Trarerne aafa
Seratal (rnm tera Mteteed the fan- Barman It tte aranlnr was
hanaa aa the earnsr ot Front and (te naiptentead atal( as^sMMy tte
inony laat Batarday. Safit SI. at tar' aiy 'te Iwilaote 8WM«ar.
maetiac 8atnrday and Subter.
ral M Mra. John tataht at
ta tte ypnp taOa.
Ontatan stesaU. vhass Itey will mote church will mbs Mr. aad MraEtebri.
City. Alt with ibem marb >oy
Mr; Warren baa bit netrSito fined.
ate -Satarday. .Stt telMn* aia -btt
Mbs entta UanpBeh laR Monday flihln a taar weafca.
, '
Mra. OUra Ha<T vaa in Trarerae and taapplaeaa.
tteb many fttanda nnte ta baM wtabtaf mm ia» baa
tor Abb Alter, wfcar* aha 4tS wtai ' A an^ of iba Olae hays
Theie waa a farewell party lor Str­
aa tar Item ptsipsiRy.
City Friday Uai. Hr. Mary la a*
M^mt-tetap a teby OM lanr «« lha Homeontblr heapKal te Rndy for faded ite fab at doitaas Bar bit
lenMU an the Mraai railvay In Mil- and Mra., O. X. Separ of loke Ann
Albert and Ethat Barratt of Sew
■ held at the bail Salnrday eveMac. Aa
Toi% arvtted Mra bm Friday tar n '
Mr*. B. V. Uwb left B'edneoda/
Mbs I«Uto ATtry. wte baa been
b In Traveraa Oty «<>W are aolna to leave far
Mr. ate Mra. An-.on Fhbr are tepoy
visit WUb rataUvaa.
Men Maarisaa baa aimed
for Oleawood flyy. Wb. Dr. 8. V.
City to make K ihalr boma. AB «a i.«nU. a former Inland boy. bn b- ovtr thd arrlral M a HtUa |M at tte tte pnaat of Mr. and Mrs
Star wtadmifl on bb (arm.
Mr. and Mra Krartwipm aptnt
rry terry to have (hem pa. an they rated tbefe.
kocae of Mr. and Mra. Ell MtaM ok Urn past two Stontte. bfl
A oumber from Ibb acigbberbood some lima vUfc ihab matter and afao
boms la Kanana Clly laM WaSnaaddy.
■ve reaMed here lor over 3« yaaca. A daaebtir waa bora to Mr. and North Hahtton Island.
John Hncan. wte M am|fara4 w attauded fte ^atte-Andetvoa wrddliig «k la (he tab at riaplsr,bpt waak.
The BiKtion aale of WiWam I
Barn. to Hr and Mra. Harvey. Han
Mite ApBte Qood retaraed
Mrs. Iteac Bled laat troMc
laat teedaaadar evanlae.:
Hand Oairimn Mat TfiRm
wni be held Dec 4.
CrMcaat Friday.
tn. ^ S3, i dawebtar.
Sept 34.
Jqb« Hoekin and wife of CreaaeD aipbt wiih tte Bomm.
The famiera are all qnlle hwr
■apfta ta'SBte.'wkiet b akowa hy Pteakrtn^----Saw. .St
Me. «ad Mrs. baa
an Ite
r'vuh with kb aiaat Tkarater ta thb nriptaborboad.
rultlnc their boekwbeat aad dlBiap
the manner In wbirb they are ad?er> hmw for a taw
Tte Olaana# degree uam aad acv rand paraafa af a bobr «M.
Ibair early pMatne*.
• •
dlASBl.., . .
imlap their fair, whleli romes oS OrC Vlfe and inottaer.
JoseidilBr Hnshsmo b mm^m A
O. V. tlMaiM made a bulttlte trip Bapt. 34.
EUna^ Aabelhy. wte h«a tpani tbe bral oihera drora to Acme ibrndap
few days elth Irieada la this aatab
to-ibe oily bu wrwk and alM aliemlbare,
Mra. Orb UadRley b no the
Mra, B’aataF Stapkte and two
•laltad her abler. Mra. T. R. Ufatbc rapa. wbera be will attend ite tewb
Lam Wadaoaday araalat aceterad
ura tea ranted-aad maaad tte
Jan. Snkby retanbd fron
There waa a ppodly number of pa»
Mr. Aad Mra. OHbert ware rbftlnr i few daya lut waMi bMora laarb* school this wtntar.
8. W. Portaa left for Ann Alter tte vcddlBi of Cora Faaeoc and Otal an the Bean Bopart Boteapie front ibe StdW who ailended the Sonday after aiiaodlai Uia fnaatal M at MabaLSalarday ate Swtday.
or ladluA. «taten-Mr. StwtMi.BSl
Tte bUbd AM.m tedUd Ip IfcF
Andarpoe at tbe bride's home, ton
* ihef on Saioeday.
Handny morainp. Ra was
hb «Mrh‘ vn* teH In Klngidey but
Miw Mlno Faye of Detroit b vtaH attend
boowtof Mra CteP. Bowma m Wa«him bolile.
Mr. aad Mra. F. W. .Good au'eaded ptnbd by ^ tatfcar.'iTH. Iteter. feiQas sooth of Elk Bapida. «n
las bar taika.Mr. Mid Hen. fBa* Bambeaday. Oct. Mb. Errcyhady roma.
^varsa city rand, iba brUa
.'Fine Omv)i arteol^t o new b
A family reunion waa beld annda; ai Mond.
wte b pewt 10 fcpT^an npen
Ike blribday party for Ura. Bowers
Sept. B.
years oar jmpolar lawir
and iM|o. aba a MW ebbe.'
fcb ayes.'
- —
the borne of Mr. and Mra. John Cox.
Wartaa Fray and RaipS Whrde tbHr homa in Cedar. SMptday eraWM
TBe Obaaen here are bavlaic
The children and cranddilidreii .til
Chnrtaa oaritaa left Monday for prsdas teacher, wbib OtU was aur

BMde a trip «« Tea Mite CRy.
fbarbkbp Itee. New meotbera a
hufinp. where te will ntiand tte M. maU carrier tor a aamber af yc
boinjc present oumberlnfi In all SI.
«J»wee wte eteted b attate ff ware
telBC braupht. Six new ooae iolBed
. and Mra. C. S. Mallory and
aerrad and >11
Bataaday ovaaias. A bp aupper war dansbter Adeline and Robert 8achUt~ Uttto Idnb Bate ow dny bM waPk.
boose being , desoratad with a protoRaw. C. K Tite
Hr. aad Mra. U&uwm
weak at Blp RoUa, wtera fca attawS- ikm of Iowan aad preaaa. AbcaU IM
ben attended “Tte Uon aad
tteir aoWa Orta y-ata]Monad* bat H'edneaday evcnlnx.
ad the aumd cnofaranea of tte H. E poasb wteo preaent aad lha pn
bf aOvar. cot pbaa aad Uaaa
Mr. and .Mra. Fred Robertion Tbited
baeoa Fray ^Bneadwy,
Sunday at Henry Baobllebent..
Rex Waaun left tor AlWoa bat baanMdl. Theb many trtaads Join Wilt te Tahaa ta Naw
Sol LxMcr of Kaikteha waa ta Ihta
week, whnra te will attend cptbpe taa la vbblap toam Hfabnp bappladM.
Mra. Stan Bacbtlaben aad Mb<
ictaUy Monday.
.mine year.
tartar tanb apeei Saturday ta Ti»rDan Faiiteaka aad OoMta Itae^ 444444444«*44444
eray rity.
Mba Pearl ^iteapn nnS‘-M
rldce ware up thb way tartap ealMr. asd Mrs. Hsary Hancl drove In
♦4 4444444dd«d«F««. Kefctertann bft Tnaifinr «P <nnt maak
: Ufcdtaaant J. H. TandmmiQi. af tte
Jta.«M day taatwMk. *
Cadar City. S««c Sl.-'Frank teipfci
trarane CUy dlvbtaa of MaM Bfc
The Halptap Hate warn to Trav
Bcndamy ihU year.
aarrsa, raealTad tte taMteap lata
arsa Cfty Tharaday to »a« wilk ot Obaparry camr bomr Saturday
Mr.bnd hlrv Barden, wte bare
hltend the fiwaral ot Mra. John
' ■ ly:

Mta. BMa Soteald. «aa at ttetr aam. Briifct of Kaaaoa.
bean the puwU at .MM Bmam
n ataama tatormtat nambta
Frank Orale and Harry Bevelhytnar daaiu (te past weak, ratoraed to tbelr
rd ap Myrau Cuaainpbnm'a Sabday. at onaara and mao yoa'M oMtata
•cpi. S4.
pave ^ dsnoo la the baU bore last boms in Cblcapo Tneaday.
anbaabaT 1> <
AncS Bmfth aad aifa e|ieai Sontay
PeteM was ctaaad Wadnrpda
Thurajby. H waa quite well aiiei
suhalatanee ate t|i«aUap a»that tte pPldb and lancfcata popU at­ arlih Howard Nevmarcb and tamlly.
Frank Braxtaaki b worMnp
e wn baaSowad at iMa of ateA. Saillh resntned hts w<r-k arttb

a Prank Kin in the harscu abai).
tend the tab which wna bald at Suilor Bteo. Ordere will be Usaed.
iBleraslIonal f^eaier remraar
Bay. Bora moraine and i
Mias Haxel Bowens and Claud Cork
"Oraat T. -gt^cte.
WmiabteMp. Sept. Sk.—Every. left Wednesday iiiorniss to take up Man trnlna wtta crowdad. and the
Calvin RnritaK tea Ms new sBo
tedyb patap ta the fair.
inaneb Poradfcy E took a large
tbelr ateool dHba at Beamb.
Otatepm Depay feH on ite fieor
Mr. and Mra. Kirt aad Mr. and Mrs. bm as.
M. J. Ttemaasa. dbortci aapsrtane day bat waAk and brake ter arm Hoebradb vent Sunday at ProvaMra. C. A. Johnea, who baa baaa In
jual below the elbow. Aa abe b M ont.
PUIadalphb tte tmat (•« mth * - tandaoi from (be eStea of Farm
avaatap as that tba S
enllH OB R. A
eara of Me tfca beank wW Mobabir i Mrt. Priteurp lias retnmed from
madbrnl tmatmant. ratunicd u
mm ate praebba made tar tte
days ago.
time la beattap.
MMnanWveeF'e visit at Msnlalee.
Mrs. Paha X'ewmarcb, who has been trip. Tba Miobtsu asdUaptet baa
(bri VimoB left Satnrday for UtaMra
Haiiaiul and Harry Berk are pelta Otata .vMttw bcaa saslgaad te Iba cvubsrs -IFaabatnp to rename bb stndlea at lb
tint abnp quite oteely. None Tlb- of Mnrioaita. Wla„ nrfhere vlaftlng rcbllves. r
m ate Tfanmsoaa ote thd^ tasd .
blu ot Traverse City b uUni good Mrs. Calm's metfcar, Mrs. Q. Kltdmo.
Mbs Ruby Bww oot Btk Rapids waa earn ot ttbm.
Tbe Cooper Mnsbnl Conmdy
Tk ItaMIvtot-I/MC .22 R.P«>.> > dU
S^^oL-cloaed last 1Thursday » tbe
Ibe pout or triande here last wuk.
V. H. Cork aad Qeorpe Money left
troebar aad poidb eaaM attend the
Mra. Hina Nem of Dairoli was v
for Sand Ittke Tunday morainp. They night laat week. They sold various
Ittap bar abto-. Mrs. R. U Clow last will take care ot tbe bay oa a farm loUat anicJas and fare rolca (or the (air.
This mta ftra tte mombras of tbp
aad Mra. Ho w
att! Cletand were
Mcfc nl^L Mrs. Gaorpe PurMr. Cork has th.
tttttatad tato (te Order of Gtcaaera Trararaa Ctly dlvtsleo a rtebce to sea
Uta. Dbna Woad and infant aoa. ot
Mra. J. C. Vlark and Mra. Bowen>;
what Ufa ta tte navy n«*y ta and
,ThtMmmimttm4niC22 R««bte. k cadroted far.
tarn Satarday aMt.
6b Ukaa. are vbittap at Ite F. H. were Traverse City vbltara Wedau- rates and recelred a allver.dtanrT
aa opporunliy to see aoma at (te
la jOupaley was a daVlatna home.
eldad soccara. Naiwttastabdtap the aastera eouairy. Tbe oblect at tha
Mr. and Mra. G. r. Pray apeat Soa*lr. and Mra. John Tucker, who ♦♦♦44444444S4F444
e. i>«i lo h
h»iib. b..du
the ecblblts were cxcep- cralae la to Maea tte naval imsuiji
ly at MateL
ira been In D|||tutai3ta. Va.. the bat S
real oar foaUnp bp pMBap taem
Mra. Rib Cbm of Grate Raplda b nine montba. badh bayte teck to Ce­ F4444444444444444 Uonally fioe. and everyone enjayud tbroogh aoma ot tte loal work toMr. and Mra W. «. Badftaan of ttemaaivta la tba very llmtt.
caavasatap the lae-a la Ite kataraata dar a^. Tbay aitRfit
? the
Mra. Heary Sparflaw af Travarae •olred la tte rasolar aavy.
of tte WInater Faitetwe aampai
M.?f|py say Osborn wars (be pueaU of ebeb
ElUwjmb BUIman bonae.^
daapfctar Olive at Burdbfcvllle Sumi Ciiy dams up ta «Hd( relatiras and
or the*.
Cedar U pood enoupb tor
attsod the (air.
raloldap orer a new aat af loek
Tbb has been n week of aurprbe •■ty.
Mis. Nelaaa aad daupbier af Baskaa. white will aot ater gruily i«- parties. Satnrday eveninp a Utpe
farmreu b ifcb riclnhy are boay
r tmmo ever ta etab wHh Mra Pate
the looka of thnefOen. hM ta- company of Indies walked la on Mrs
HawMiah ate mtrad tba-tab.
Ttetr work Btadtad by Nytlaaa CancUHate tte i
Jarry Moaena at Poml-£nka-'*aa
Bowens nod pleaanntlf surprised her.
Spaibap ate taMlyMl Hr.
It belnp b« birthday. lee creaiin and Traveae flly vbltor Frfiir. ’ •
«s Deering and tmm. Mrs. aad Mrs. J«a Waldta apmd SunMy al
:44444*44 4te4-4 44444l akn were served and a peneral pood
Anbar Sparitod’a.
Waabtagtoa. Sept 2!: —Boy aeoata
Prank WIkMbb. went to men I!
Ume enjoyed There were abnni
♦ dddddddDWBSSDSdW' fadicd praaewt. Timaday rveatap il
p » «a «ab turn npmaaw. oho
ladair M fata la lAe saHnil oam^lapbion. Stei- St.-Jaaepb Kronpa wan iwn.' ««• ni Unmie Culror'o,
7 ME. With noanmonb am
be held ta rnansetlno with
ba« moved Into bb new bouae '
abe a blrthda.v party, sod one at Mrs.
tba Intaraailonil rramsM of Hyplaaa
mar and CRaroaea Nataon
a KarM wan caUtap «o trianta
Fknnk Briphi'a. - Mra. Bright bnvae
OUMsmsphy. DaitaS tte adapaArchie apeat Sunday with the Valley HbdDemby to
tKM toe boys w« camp ea tba
Otanparry with her bnstete. Tteee,
iB Taytor-aysondap evrolap
imeat grouada. ate there theta
Ura. Mm HoCmaa b ta Trartene imaenc were tfca Metenmn
Mr. ate Hi«..ll<tay Bodte
walk «S1 be siadM Ir the pttatriate
'City laklap rareaf Hn. Charlu Cur­ KIrt. -\1ate. Uamm. Oiioi. Bwaat nnd^hte,tippte tfca «anba at U
Cbarievpta Satarday. abans i
tis. who la alck.
ffcewe. Tbe eveolop wa» apent In
>Ilaa Veala Jordan hi In Traverse pbyinp
,CUy tevlap her as-u ueaud.
. MttteM and Maria KAna and
Mra. ftotesena ted tte
Mrs. badara Uedb b taUap rare ol
in canuot wlifc her paw's Fcancb Iterant vtaltad nt »• ben
ar motterr Mrs. John J. Laadb. wte brana while mUkinp n few daya ago af MMea Rotter aad Era sod Matti
b site.
and anatalned an ^ly naab above her Raymood doran Sandv^ Mr. And Mra. Frank SmUh teve ra- Ml aye. Wfcllr not aerinna. it b
Rapar .pbat and wide. Lewie Wap• Mfilate ink. bote *M
tnited bam tfca labM Orate Baphb vary iminfm wopte.
nar and wMa ad. RratarksMr
WHl HoSsun and Matt Saabk
Traveraa nty callers Monday.
■peM Sattuday and Sanday U Tra*- dPddd«*«4«d44444S
Mra. OHver Urdb tea Mtsrped N44d*4d4 44«44««<»tal
Odd bit of fine Blatiteary. Bx.
.sNortfcport. Sppt.
eeSent quahly. hM aaall quDUty.
Hall bit MoDdav for Oberiln. whera
Duesa HorrtoBn.teant Tedneatey
aad Tburaday M TVaverar City.
aha sin attend
Mlaa JulU Barnae ef Grand RapU(
Hn. Vblat DMriag. Mm Ora Mated
la bera apendlnp 4ar mention wph M IbwpirSooTi mere 'mvsraa T-X}
W •
- • • MCBAB
44»A4d4*«4»44d444 ;^b har staMtaMter. Men, Ote^ riMtora Tburaday. .
V«M Packet Difttatery. Caafbar
Fair ah TraupM City Ikb weak.-Tte arnM. •
a CktenMI at VIBm I A tad.
Vten etarad wffl rarTr Sta
ttateamw tram thb way wfll be pood
Mr. ahJ>fra.-.^mar MMdleton. who
Tuesday to make aa extended
appnt tte. l^i’ Jsra.
- - <wtaibbbaata. Hb wtta aaa baV
friends b Orirolt.
waek ta ttetr oe<
captba waa dbea da'r'ibstar aad wife.
pmehnaed wbOe ma tte tW- •
teya ta rbli Maate at tea'a Bay.
" Mr. and Mr*. Peter Wartborf bit Mr. m* Mf» Tbiteitab M lha J
Good (r Bevatopea. 2 packapu
Carl Smith oC Trarerae OHy reete- _ 4ay merataf lor Grand Rapids ol LowsUS^ .>bo« tony, :
ly nailed at tfca fcome at Mra. Haia for a vlatl wUb frtanfa
Btock and «an
Tbe mambera p» 4fca Nor
and a pood time wap
Ftte Waiea ate family apm.i tW Rlpfa arheal nM ptanntap im wa
Tte U«ea- m RmtaV nrateHep
wete mta w«t Mra. Wsraa' parente. lament ranna thb wtntar. The fob them wKh a «t mam «W>.
Ur. and Ura.- a Cfckypoal and
M. and Mra WMUm Curvy dfosaj
Ibair coprae thb yepr: Tte Maod I Traveraa City Friday, raumlap]











Ijffle asd- Mon^ Sfver


Berla Banww


% price


i Piiee



t«t Us FiirtdMl Vom’ He
teriHot} to this business ^lone and havo for the t^st 18 vears

Thai’s whu wo oan him

a po*
. (-



Pay a little dofffl and the balance at yourconVenitnee.




™a„™t ii, Xortl,™ Mi^it«,.

Exprm '^kgim.A........................-..............68e.
8uHd«. wJwm.T........... ....................,tl4B

, 25 different
sivies |o
p|(* fraip

♦^ton top mattrow fuU aiie Ironi »1.S6 up to M W.
Combiimtinxi mattreMM $4.50 up to $W.'
AH oottOD mMCiesses from $5.75 upV$^.

Thl* ii rnf ud carpet seauD and «or stock ihta seasoa has
BO ri^ ia Kortkere Michigan. *yi*7UiiB« ytm want. ao».
ori Btrles. best color combinations in floral, orieatal ami cob.
▼oBttooaWsiiflnt, and the prices an erceptionally rctsoiaUe.
W/ ca^^S”“i«»*«-. valTet, brnueb. iafraiti. paiiiU. wool
flbn, WUoB, ABttisc. castimore aod several otber kiadt of
rap ta all standard, stm.

^ Brassel-Ancs. np from ...'................................;.$llflO
teas Iiwrain Bb(s. up inm............................................ fsjQ
«H2 Matting Eufs, up- from....... .....................
9x12 Oranite Biigi. up from............................................ 14.76
8x12 Fibre Buci, up^fra


The laiiMt and nwst bdnntifnl assortment of carpeta in MorthVastore Michigan is found right here and we are bore to prore
onr ftatamenU.
Hemp Carpet, per yd., np from.................................. t..’,.15c


etanheOa^t, per yd., 19 fram................................... . . 19^
InpBia Carpet, consistiag of part wool, per *d, up fitja , ,46c
All wool, per yd.......... ..................................................... ^

This Utho store tojjw' y«ur b«ls at. Wcau mvp you bimitiy on erfr^-lM«,l ami

They rwer nirlil altmi; up fnmi tliiK
to our Hunt mamlto brass bed .t. ♦

^1 tiiis BandsAtnii

-- ftfitigufoirnin «
It is the famous '•ila«x»t'‘ IHitvenal shd
i» warranty in' eVriy • wu.v. sbapt- ami
ma^. ■nwiodyisaiadrofroldtx.llod
KltA and the dun tbrouffaoiit art- ninforced with aabestic board. Hrev.v p.1.
vauued lintd nvu-nuljr. iH'ints i-oke. .■nsl
at^il wopd. aud K as ffoMl a iiwker «ml
bak2aaa,en,i.u.,heco,n,try. hi.
mrih jniid won Uuui.
low prie.r
U^*how abuBt t«yatydiff.-r,‘nl sl.vles
at a wide- n..,-,. of ,.ri«w.
«.no^ tbeai an- ih.- trorids. famous

Uyw warn a nice Couch or Bed Davenport look over our Hn*
we have the leather coudiea with plain or tufted urns and we are
excluaive agents Cor the famous


Uaifold Daveaporto

whi^ are the only one-motion Davenport made. Wg have them
SS^to^y* ^
$ei just what you waut at the price you

mg valaes in
dfoiag tables
of au kinds.
Let as shew
thcni to yoii.
They rame in eilher round or equate lops auJ the variety to pick
<rom 18 exceptipnaiiy iaege. W* have eolue flue
B iS*
round tablB8-8«atin« eight to ten people for't*... •Si.OaJO

to stJ]?re%”„7quaHty‘


theee are not discoatiaped patterns ta aa
might be supicioned from the low prices. Ihey are all new
lau patterns and are beauties.


. W, Ian iboin Mlj nc., a nrton. (ndn ,1 Lij,,.'
Muis m4 jt will ^ ,»B » nU aid n. Uam. Spnal pu.
l«i» tor tk, duloi room, Idtckea ud bat mw. k ;u ou

Ha«4MBely Dccefrmtcd

and iW wlWl TOO wut I« joa U» room ;oo wut il tor,
ud at Uk prti» joa tul lik, pajiaj for it.
Pujlaa Otoaad Cot* Ulolaiua. loid ia aiaar .total for
«a/I>« •nara Td., cu bo boa(kt boro (u................... 45,
W, du-t ciaiat if, tb, bm iaad<1>at if. Ik. bnt iboro 1.
fartbopiico. Tbpi we ban Kant of the bettor trade, at 65c
eoc, «5e, TOC, 80c uai 86c. 'ScaMM Tour room aU aitaaid oti
aU ddto. tbu tome la ud tet toot lioaicam. OarjA Eo, „
wbatoircr 700 aaad W. ban a Site colSctSa c( oil clotb
and Boor Sot Kllitit from J6c act tioaiat jd. to 76c. ASo
■oaic IM suit catpcB at I60. S6c aad 68c

AI...111 Ibirtv , diffmuT tiyb-* ,.f*
frvu. lit fai l, you W«iul.l It,-.!, a (,.ug l: s iargf .-..iWiw,.,. W. sir.'sli.miitK
ii.6.rrr-iuuri Vmlmw .t IkT*, HM. »T.», |8J0 sihJ

o*» •88C






Rome Furnlslier

cttAKD n&vnn hbuod axd nayi

f rxQB iaj.

■U MkUL lUIS WnUUB» Mttir
“A C«E Of CM< Watar.*^

■miHUhUuice e«Bt her cltf «OMlti'a
hMT bwbel or drM
The letter
of thuke vw ao ■Itwerr there wee tw
doubtlBC the ecceiMUBty of the dtl.
AMther MSI • flee nUon kec of
kieet with the n«e mult HomeMde ebeeee. riaecer. pleUee eaa
eueb like are alrve aladly reeelred
. ■
br tlMae, mad crea a meaa of crecai
A>^ the *e«el Of taeameM aara.
.JT!* »och ch oo (be booaeboUt
^ the shlrit of glrtag
eapaaae book.
The love aad the kladaeai are the^.<v joat beeaoae they live ta towa U oo

Oolr a cep of ooM water!
Ah! hew eootd a gift he IwT
A inohol of valae irf irtBea
Tha|'«faukeB oar Urea or bleaa.


Oh a gttt to ainple aad aaiaU.

,ioore..xommoB thao a aloe place of

ae eeeeeeeeee*
MlUe Uvaa OB thp fariB U M
e •»
- - eroaaad roar thmbold • wa"* »hy abe will aot apprecUta a
•» a«w

with a grief
• Bnt that 1 wai . vltheut It; *

MW oame
• Umh hwrr but you
• mad M ««Md tbe biiM.
• AtA aura tba aonov.
aetooe aad raUoL
• 1 Mvor loft yte but 1 took away ,
• Tbe leva that draw ma to your •

chtef which her worii (Irea her ao
Une U prepare. Ulkluan. eottoo
aproai aad cook booka are all right
ter lUla. but U Uiae atll permit, glre
the hard woridagtriMidot rear dalotr
atora aad aae how aha will appractate
roar thougbtfBlaaaa.
**'■' Waterm. the bouaehold editor

aUa agalB
• ^ •••'* “*"* »ag«»*oe. wrhea:
• TbrMgb the wide daor that Mvar •
CbrlalDi^ gift from tbe farm.
• QnUe eleaad batwaen oa fov a * Blere ta«t ChrUtniaa i have'been planlittle day.’ alag Umae pre«tau. i^t nie teU you
. a a • a a • a a •• a • • • about (hem.
la (he aprtag I planted pnatpkln
have aeleetel out the
L beat ahapad -immpkii.v
out the top. removed lire___ _
lato one I win pat a d(e>>od X-blckea
and aome applea: lato aanth.-r gi>e> a
DoM It aaan too oariy to bogla Uodar young duck. Pbr my vegaiaCkrlatMtaa plaaalag* The tan la that rlaa iriead I am EUlag a pumpkin
' D you are going to have a aaae. aea- with applea, auta. i^pd In the caaier.
Mbla. wharriod Chriamae. full ..f a iat of home made proaervea. When
the nal Chrtotwirit of itvUui bacauair aU aro flted I wfll replaoe tbe lltik.
•f the 10*0 that ao MM your bear; taatM them with M|a and tie wi h a
that It baa to ovartew, now la the .bunch of red ribbon.
Mm to boglB U you aave not already
To aaother f^d two gboiee of
lOM ao.
. lelly and two idai* of wild grape
. Cvory yaitf th* paparu and outga- Jbea.
MMo are (iU of ^bm tor the older ' To a boy friend la the city I am
apirit ^ CbrMUBao givtag, aliiiplIoUy. glvfag a hos of black waMuta aad red
thonghl tor tbe real deatree of other*, applea.
OM not a ■•pay-hacli-laat-year'a-prcoI have a dear friend who dellghti
««.■ It th* keyaMe that U aoundad m with bar attractive table, ao daring
Horn* Omar Irnowa of m*a> homev the Ute aummer and fall I gathered
Thera people ora more and mora dc bunch** of wheat and oau and laid
Trtagtng (he moral roanga lo gtre them earefuUy away to dry'. I found
•Ctordlng, lo^thalr tocooM. even •>« P*rt«« ear* of com aad turned
tiiongh that >Mh*
srrater the bonks back and dried theae. t
ttaa a written word of love aad graei- •atehed the maple and oak leavea and
h^* U OM wlnha^ to do morn, and *hce they were the mon beautiful L
tta *«n* la rtthar flat a llul* thlak- Mthared tbam and dipped each leaf In
tos. right now'la tepwmber aad Octo- ihriiad paraElne. tbea Irooed'thoB De­
ter. toM a Mt M work with th* mate- t**"
They retained
Itoto you hav* on hand foot *<ork tb«lf color and,wUI make baavJful
that taaaa* dayt aod aighu of patlecr. »»1* daeoratlona. All of (teae < »»1
UMdlralUaf etotheOag or embrcl- P“>t »“ •

dorr, hut alatpl*. yet dalaly gltia.
Chrinma*. 1 am aura they will
todrthg mtle time, while aUll teow be used oo the Christma* ublc.
tog ffwililaiuilnn of the tnwf of your
■'rii. I with you all a merry,
trioudgl will uwompllah woudera.
Cbrt*tmaa,<aad let m* tell you
teho i* ttera among your houae- »«'• «
«■ «*ke upme one elee
teegtu frtMda^wbo would not a> happ^-oa thl. day. Give «.a« of yeor
towotola a ^aaa of tolly a tor of toarmpathy to a aaady aoni
WSVuaJ^ ,or rioa^a^lra. «"> ^ *«> «»d thl. Chri.t day to b^
wUt* froutad. gito a wraaib of holly. '•** teppleai la the whole year. -toad* Iron Util* rad cnadioa and eli
--------------------Orapaa for Pall Ealing.
IM toaveur What a Joy to *om mGrape Ice—Wash taro cupfuU of
IWeItiving abnt.iw**ii * winter bou*
«uot of bKtorwwMt bento*, cedar mid Con®®"'
«» “
waodtoad traMuraa. garMted In Octo■
cover with one and onr-hdlf <*i<(uU
of sold water and cook alowly until
To HoM Chaar-a editor eaf^ om aoeds and pulp seiwrate. Strain
Ohriatmaa whwt ah* wa* unng on a through a donUe thicknee* of cheese­
Train* rwmh la Colorado, milao from cloth. add two- third* ol a eupto! of
« iraa. a UU>e package of erimoon ami sugar and lioll three mtoutee. CboL
Sootter.i add oaedblrd p( at cupful of MUBge
S«d lupt*

ita. Tmm Sr ona;: ,ni
SaaRr auunhM away to dopL
•\oogklpa" praMi hoM the aeo.imeat that (he lltUe Wi of HIrbIgaii
woodtoad eoauined.
Fteua. large and amall. oarafully
ireraed. make material for (daceflprd* and erauarplaco decoration* lor
aaolaboraie Bidatotor.luacboon. (bat
mnaoy could ^ purchase.
Qutek flngors «a also do wonder*
Iteaa days with bll* « ribbon aad
iRoe fraartbe store ot 'Oxlaa' to te
taond to almooi aay town glrt'a box
ot traasaroa. aad a rialt to tb* jstoiws
_ M»oa oteorvaat ey« plenty to aoe.
aad work out at home, later.
Why. roally, wbea wa come to think
of IL bow uDn*ceaaA.v money seoM*
aiyway! Ate evoe that more valuable
aiUcto to tte houaekooper as Time,
aoad net bother ni much if w* mote
tktogi ate uko thing* a* we go
■toai. toatate of ralUng untU tte
olovmtih boor.
So hote'i to a -sate aod Mao"
Christma*. oxprawlag love aad good

n aool!
Happy CkrtatiwM OMop.
naif tte pleasore of Chrixtmai Is
to glvtos, ate tte.etber half to not
glTtog beyond our mraos. eoya a
wrMer la Sueoeostal Farmlag. Often,
- oftar all arc provided tor. there ere
rM a (ow torpottea. and (be proMem
to hter to moot th* oMigotloBs.
For th* dty dwoUer there to nothlag mere arapUbto (tea a Mt of «eabUT atoroa. oatoas. potatoes, apple*,
aala. ioDa*. prsaervea. etc., are aot
m MoptaWi a* tte tonaer. Owe tody

m ,hu laablon: Pick over. wash,
grata and remove sfemir from grape*.
Remove shtoa pui i<ulp in eiea pan.
Bring to ihr telling point and let slm„„
mtooie*;"ihen force through
. nralner and add akin*; (here
.hould be on* and oae-ball chpfuto.'
uix two cupful* of sugar, two tableapoonfuls ol flour aud a few grelns of
,Bd add to tbe grape* Wbea
tboiwogtdy blended, add one tableopeoaful of melted butter, aad two

to make grape taptoc*. . press
enough Oooeord grape* through a
sieve to make a quan of Juke. Mix
half a laund M augar with a pint of
water, aad almnier to a very clear
ayrup. Add tbe Juke ot the gratw*
aa wril a* tbe Juice of «ae lemon, and.
flbally. about half a cupfdl of taptoea
that ba* already been eofteoed.. Onok
alowly unUI the uptoca .Ir cirar: cool
nnr Ice. and serve with piruty of
wbtiiped cream.
------- -------------- Fliwn Sutter.
Weigh tbe plum* and allow threequarters of a peuad of sugar to each
pound of Iran. Wipe (be tdums with
a damp cloth, tbea rinse la cold wsle^. ,nd put them. *i1ll wet. lato tbe
kettle. Cover, set st tbe aide o(. the
range so that they wHl not scorcb. ud
bring alowlv to the boll. Cooh until
(be plum* ate brekeu and eori. then
rub tbroagh a colander w remove (be
akjaa. rtouretbe Julra ate pulpto the
Ere. add tte sugar and bell until *en
Ukk. Put lato Jarw.


♦ *♦♦♦•«•♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦ ba mBevad. m IT l« IMatlMa It l

J b« cbavad «aUl *0 the Mm M I
Mg tratolag Sarvn with a cookad draaalas.
♦ ♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«• (OOMUC u4 (he «Mi> retarae<l l
aeteoto tor teraWera af home irawom , Bakad Bmm Satewtek—TUa aosad*
Ira. And all tbea* toatroetloM the amat wdtrary, but It ls naUy very
* to athraodarh
appettolag If th* brant are properly
raarold giri or boy. Add aartr bedBeaaa. aptaach. ddodaUoBt aad ia« atate ualvaraitlra rontoh free.
---------------------baked and w*U aeaaMed. Mix and to the tbtewiBcb poL (t wlU nmke an
lima taeara aad a raw dartSma aapa. cahbaga oua^ Iraa aad pboapheiwe
_____ .K— ...K evly bloomtoc gerwalum' fra next aaaBaaaoa well with freab air and sue- aad baaaht aaetale paoplfc_ Sptaach ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦•♦♦♦WWW m..S. .K.
ablaa 8»oetoa with amUea aad him- aad daadeiloa ana dlrarUr oa the W FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT ♦ boneradlab. tomato cattap or chili aoa. This to exactly tbe way flortota
aecure tbelr tiot^ tor tte Hay (rate,
ea. Natora will roued taio approved Udaaye aad keepa the ayataa deaa. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦ raaca. Serve with cooked drasalag.
Were we to eonfeas h. we would all
Celery and Almoada—Mta one cup ealy they have metted* te foictog
duapuag ahape.—WeeklyITalty.
Asparagur atoo hat a beBeheeat ac’’
Reelpe for PrewrriagChtldraatJoa oa the Iddaert- A lltUe loore ex- have 10 aclfiiowledge that half Ihe fun of minced celery with oae-half cup of the plaas torn maturity.
“ftie followlDg -Recipe for Prcaerrlag eretoe aad more xegeublei la the dtei ot parttoa Md little iafermal gather- -shredded almoada. add one UMrapoon . Tip or cad cutttoga
ChlldA- ft potted la tbe chUdreo t wlU cure •• per cm( et the to<alled toga of friFfite lie* in tbe,good thing* of minced pimento and aolie. with inoiigh pteca* lower down on abraate
a braadt
room or tbe Uilwaukae pdbllc Ubrary: kW»*>' V*in» tn.l achee tbat «.• bear provided by the borteot tor our re cream. Serve with mayonnaJae.
will grew, tut are not apt
' chicken and OItvea-Ulace oae cup Die* plants ar aa flop U
■Oae ertn large traaty field: oae^r ■«.
The tollowUig are snggrated by „f chicken, add (onr minced olive*. peraoB with several flae vartetira of
dotea cbtldraB. aaiortad aget; oa«
iMueat have been appreciate, but
long narrow atrip of brook (pebbly If only partially. If ibey ecei a dollar Good Houaekaeplng for cool tall after- one lablnpoon of parbtSled , green .geraniums ru have a nira supply
nine aall and i«|s groaiag all wlntra for uae to (he
poaelble): mis eblldrca with doga. apleee. they would be re^rded aa <we
then aaapiy them late Oelil, atlrrfag of tbe gresteei reiucdlee la tbe world lew moRd* gntber for a Jolly winter nu, ,„4 one teaspoon of minced oo- *prlng.-joha T. TtmiaoBa, to Sucvwaston held under the coM water faucet. (ul Fanutog.
eoBtlBBally; aprtakle with fteld tew|a the treauaeat of rheumaitaiu. evenlng.
If yon do not poaaeai a chaBag dltb In a rheesedoih, and aqoeaaed dn.
eta. pour bipok la gently over ptb. liver trouble, coWa and fever, they
blee aod oover all with a deep blue have been tiaad for yearn. Tbe me- you can aecompllab Joat the tame re- Soften with tarragon vtnraar aad
aky; bake, in a ver.v hot tun; wbea didaal value of tbe teuoa It deatroy- suite In your Idicbrn with a pan set aene wiih mayonnatsc dresalng.
__ _____________ 1
ebUdfea are well browned, they may^ed when combined with augar. and in a -Ypider- containing bol water. All

be removed; wlU be found Juit rtght-"'lbev never abouM be uted In coiablaa- you will lack will br (be fun of ahowIng y-ear friends bo* the delecuble
Tbit Ut of advice t< bung la tbe iloa.
cheery room devoted to chadran.
The d«H,-u» oMhe lalea of a half
ameac other attractive poaiert aad joieB omaget wUI be pleaaaat and
out yolks aad wash At*, tbea craaBi
one ubleapoon of butter with oae refrlgerailon. cooks can sreure the
Uaia of beoki augeetlve of vneaUoa
raadlctae.for any catarrh,
lato them one braiung leaapoua of
aad outdoor escnrtacau,
Rhiibarb will relieve coBaUpatlOB If toaapooe of flour, add. ope etfp of raw Mvalve* to good coadlUoo tar. butter, add eolory ulL iwppcr and a
cream, a little aall and pepper and from their native beda. Even gaaBed
Stile sail to taata. rail eat oae or two
oor-balf top ot cold boiled rice. Wbeh oyaier* are not to be deepUed, aad a
crackers and mU UghUy with the e«.
la the toat number of Health Cut- uve, .u,g ahouid tw iweled and eaten boiling add oae-thlrd cup of graled (pw tens oa tbe emergeacy abelf may SiuS the oatoas with this until you
cheese and a generous doaltog of pap- provide several tamptlag diabes oo hav-e umU all the eag mixture, thee
ture I* a valuaJL- aiUtJc Tiy John P. raw.
.Sangbioa. M. D.. which follow* in full.
pineapple I* a complete medicine
place In a ahuUbw paa wlib six Ublow^jie oyster soU|>* may appear In spoonfuls of water aad bake uaSI
8up*b we are foollah to drug our bod- efaeat in Itaelf. eapeclally for derange- Pour Ibis over, entire wbrai (oast
rarvtngi at elaborato mraU tea*. Be careful they do aot eeardi
lee If tbe aama reaulu rail be aeoom- meal of the aiomaeli. a* the juice cm- siwead with minced ham or tongue.
CMteen Curried—(took one.rable- u^,- .c* more dealraMe tor th* mid- or bunt. Cot aad spread tUaly. with
pltobed eaelly aod agreeably through tain* a digeative prlndple very much
oar daUy meal*. Sayi Dr. -Naugbion: uke iwpalo and U retommende.1 aa a epoen of butter with one allee of on- jay home luncheon, for Sunday uighi butter clx ellera of wbll* or towwa
Ion. one-tourtb of an apple, sliced, one .uppera or vhaflag dish "aprrad*.- A broad and lay on a pUiirw. Maho a
Tbe value of vegetable* aad fruit*, cure for dyapeiisla. ' X
aspecUlly ao far a* purifying the ay*- .\o polP ahouM be awallowed. tor tablespoon ot grated coeoanul or howlful I* what tbe small boys rafi nice, thick milk graVy. uidng about
aiua " that, with tbe addlUen of one taUespoootuI ol.flour to a plat of
tern and preaervlng the health Is roa- the loiish. wondv nbre la Indleeallble minced alinoiiilr.. a Hide salt and
cerBed..*houi(l'be Camtltor lo alland abould n.jK paa* Into the liomach. paprika and one ledriaon of c^ cracl-.f* or bn-ail and a beverage, a milk. IVhea (he oaions are dpuc. re­
If w* In onr boasted modern civil- The Jnlee only abould be awallowed. powder dissolved In a liuto-Wflier. aaiUMag meal to provided.
move carefully from the pas lo which
ar« by themaelVM flavortras they were baked and pton theai. om
Ualion uaderatood and applied one- Tbe Juice I* also excelleni' for aore
half ibe luttocUve knowledge that thioal and croup. The pineapple butter with one teaapoengu tear, add „ oomparad with moat meat toed*, OB each slira of battered bread aad
the aocalled aavage end animal w* abould be eaten wHh aall. nol augar. one-half cup of chickbn stork or gravy Bsperimeattag with the combtyiiBg of pour over them Uie bet milk gravy.
Id ragaid to the curative pTopmy
sceU are blooil makers and should and ouF cup of diced chicken mixed g,vora. we have feuitd ibe tollowlag Serve whUo hot. Cold iraabod pouwith one-half cup of craam. Add (be rarlatioDB of oyster soap deHetona;
VMetable* -and fruits, we could dfs- Ibe eaieu raw.
toe*, either while or awaet. ran te
ihire* of Peas and Oy ster*—^k
peaae with doetorw and dope.
The ai.ple is the meet valuable of curry mixture and serve la, ramekin*.
Crab* and Shrimp#. Spantah Style— , cupful and a half of dried liras over
Tbe buman body Is compoaed of ,11 froli. The old raying, an apple a
twenty cbamlcal eiamenis, of wbith Uat keep* tbe doctor away, comet
A Fall HlBL
of canned ahriiuiw. or crabs, if fresh
,),cqi a,d cwok for two to three
Afteen nre well deteed ’aU tbcae ele- pretty near being a trne proverb,
-Tve triumphed over theee rublwr
maalt must be preaent in a hrallby
As a-mean* of iwes.-rvlng health ones are not obtainable. Cook two Boars In lre»h water. Hemove Ibe nu-n at Usl." declared a buatora gift
and prol^oglng life and for aierflUa- labiesiiooDB of butler with oqe of ,o„gh sktos by preaslag tbroagh a ".I used to wear out three tw tour pairs
Tbc lulnera! elemeuta.deiited from Uon of the lower bowel, the apide ralm-ed grSen leiiKW, one-halftea- ,1^,, ud add more hot water If noc of rubbers to a seaaea uatU I Iramed fnalis and vegetable*, tor the formaat the brad of the list ot fruit spoon of minced onion and one table- ^^try to malu- a iilni ot ibeawa pulp, to have a lift of leather (one thlrktton of bone aad other tissue, and tbe i, tas * belter action on the liver sioon of chili aaucew tomato caUUP. Add a plnl-of milk and
ncaai pui bh the laaM* ol the baiol sat
brown. I'm **ay until leqolred.
bntter to the puree of i>e*s aad anotbor on th* ouuM*. to wbleb.F*a
l>roc^ of digeaiion and nenhu* dlt- than calomel and roatalii* valuable
ebarga. are very Important, aod are brain food. ITbe beat lime to eat ap Cook oae tablestioon of butter with „(uni to tne alove.' While It beaU. taeieacd tba rogulstloB hoel phOo.
Tbe (obbrer will do the work tor tag
rammoBly overlooked by moat iwoide. p|«,
m the morning without an>milk and when hoHIng add the groea nquor. When tbe edge* of the oya- ceau and .this leagUaas th* life of
How many i«ople know that onioos. taing else,
oae of the moat common and yet
Aa exchislve diei of apidea Is effcri- iwpper mixture, oue-balf cup ot (era ruSle. add them to the at|nr aad the lubber* so much that sow t weafl
t>o(aat or ragetoble*. are aulpbur inr- ual as ao aatldote lo the alcohol bablu shrimps and ijie aame of crabs, or nse ^ekea It 'illigbtly with a Ublcapooarian. of which the body needs dally The desire* for alcohol I* tosiered by bui one and i few fresh muahroome'ful of flour) rubbed emooih with oae1*0 or three gram*.
*uiolDlosi<iilon. and the malic arid of .-ookcl In hmier.These could' he i,alf cupful of cold milk or water. Sra- Fumahln Bread.
cooked In the pan before tuaktu Ibe
«i,h aall anJ |ie|>per to Usie and
The nediclaal value of oaloat an- (h«. appht^ercomes ibis
Thfkis en old4nahloned CBBBtedlcut
serve Thto will make about a quart tidbit worth trying Sift two Quarin
ntanifold. They dlsaolve uric acid atxl
one w ho is sddlcti-d lo al.oliol usii same
Kbxs ami I'rrani Chccse--Mell !»o
, hall of soU|> S'r* peas or ran- of flour, two li-vcl ieavi«j«Sltfvils of salt,
abtorb p6ltons. Kor nervous troubles ,n, »,a. Utils desire lor liesb Iruli
hniicr, add tan uf
„ne* may be subslliuted (or (he a leaspoonful o( rlnnamoa toM a deep
lb«y are a Ionic and should be eaten ^od vegetables. |>re(errlog meat and
in torv guanclly, wlibout other vege- hi,hlj seasoned food Thl* abnormal grated cheese aod one traapoon of
bewll work to "two lableapocafnl* t*
TomatoOytter Boup-.Neutratlae
a,iMUle .can be overcome by aubnl- lulnced paraley . or chervil. When
lard or witlie flrtpplaga. ate wUa Uka
,be acMUy of a cupful of h , core mral to caaitoteccy *4d oa*
Th* tonic ^ect Is milder, aod I lutlgn of frutt and vogviables. e*l>e
arani pint of stevofl paapUa ate need not aay better, (ban airychoine. ^i*lly the aw-le and grai*. and the bratmi. a little salt and paprika, a tonuto palp with a amaU pinch
quarter ot a coatpraeaed yaaK cake
srhlcb'to often need by aiedicel breibfor lotoxlrsnu will dlaappear.
solloaed to lukewarm wwter, Beal
ren In nirva irouMe*. Case* of nervI'nrlpe trull should be avoided, as It
and serve cm toast.
god , iiint of iiarboiled o>-*tw*. Sea- oae large egg until light; ttea ted w
exu proatratlen have been cured b> a i, un*ul(ed for the humin »y*tem.
Uver with Becbaniel Sauce—Cooh (on with telen' >sH and wblu pepper it a cupful of lukewarm milk. aa4
dlel compoaed IsrgMy ot oalon*. For
|, |, rusloiuary to indulge In a full
aorve tei with qyater crackers.
gradually rato ihto lato the otter iaInawnla a twe-ml^ walk and a tup
iraviug ihe fruit to crowd In on one tablespoon of butter with oae teaOystar-toA Salmon Pwree—Belt gredlents. addtogEMOcdeU.jBDre ailM
parWf takad onlODs and rye bread has lop of it. ofien causing discomton. al«on of flour, add a little salt aad
a dash of ntimeg and cayeane («'o tablekilPifuls of butter in a to make a dough aMlIy^fliiljifl: state
cured many case* when bromldr and abllc a lllllc Inilt at tbe begtanlog Ot
cbloral has failed.
, lueal tends to prevent ov-er-rating
to a warm ^ne to rise doaU*. il*<
The winter medicine thsi occupied
fralt sbonld nol be nten at boUIni add one iraaiioon each oT mblesiiooBloU of flour. Before'lb* bulk, then kaete flown ate form Isle
Worceatershlre **»" anB •«“<»> flour can bn>*vi add gradually • uuari rolls and ataad la a greased pas lo
a promlneat place In the old (aahlooed the akmc meal.
houateold was onion sy rup, even toMore general knowledge of the nu- Juice, three toblr*i«ons Of crracu of milk, stirring coastaatly. When again become light; bate to a moder
day- tbe country nurae pins lier faith |,i,irr value of food wonid do much uiixed with yolk of one egg sad oDe (QK^ih add ■ cupful'o^ flaked red nal- ate evM for fonyflvo mlaaiM.
to it. Idany a oae of sore throat. ,o bring down (he root of living. The cup of cold, cooked (ivrr cm In dku- o„„ .jreq, vUeh ,u teln and bonea
are removed, and stir until well mixed.
cough and croup ha* been cured allli food'tluil Is must nutilllou* Is not tbe Serve In ramekins.
Tomato Curry—A'ook one table- ,hen iiotir to a |dnt of parboiled oy»It when opium, codeln and other pol- ukwI cxpi-nKlve.
Parr twelve tart applea ate ptoeo
spoon of nilnt-ed celery , one of tutored
sraaon with salt and |«|irllto.
•on not only failed, but made th.- .-on.
Uyater Clear Soup—To a over tile Ore to ate* with tte Jute of
ditloD w-orae.
A Oejd' Opeotog
of hot beef stock tor a quan of two lem^ oKk pound of Il^t hrewn
The toUowing from a Kamuu farm luInccd ouion Jn one tobies poor of
Onhwa. wbeu cut, abaorb liupurUk-*
tour pounds ot ntolat ate Ju«
butter, lay In tour large slices t>( to baiUng water la whicb tour boulHoa
in the air. and thet]nrora they act as a i«iier appllce w ith equal force
enough hot waier to keop tb* mixture
that (bey yilcblgau girl*. Mkbigau'* Agricul- tuaio which liave been rolled In flonr ^qh** o- aa equivalent ainouut of beef
,re dlseolvedl add a pint of from buratog When (te fndk to «*>■
take lip make them unOi for food, ao tural collrac ha* one of tte flnesi .lo- and corn meal mixed, and cook them
der enough to press through a stove
a cut onion should te used al once or uieMlr science course* lo te loiind In 00 both side, without bimkllig them. |^h oysters or a small can of cove remove from th* Are ate proerad |o
' Season and aerve to cups
thrown away, never aaved tor flavor- the I'nlted Stole*, or lor that matter, Have toast covered with Onely mlpoed
do Ihto. Ttem Ul Jan aad acal. whea .
,h* oy sters are cooked.
log aometblng tomorrow. If iiarsley in tbe world. And It Is pUnuid tor chicken or lamb, and toy a tllceof ««►
Is raien with oaloas. the odor of the the girl of moderate mcaas. Write
traspooB each ot corn atoroh aad
,.oough.*nlon# to All a cup. 8imoalon will not aBcct the breeth.
to the college (or informatton
Appi* Jellf.
curry powder dissolved In onc-balt cup
with enough water
If you feel tbe need of a spring
Aiiple Jelly meUed mate* Ob* of,rhen prearad through
loBlc and have shoul decMed to take
The girl* who know ho* to teach 01 cream. WM-n boiling pour over
Mtme tetik dope, iloo l. use (urrot* cooking and sewing are uut loug idle the lomatoe*. Tte mewl may be , jjqre,. sieve. Rrturu to tbe Ore with tbe nicest of deaaeru. Stte or bate
a |,|B, of milk arfd a Idni of parboiled tbe apple*. If you wtoh tte JoOy t>
Instrad t'arrol* arc rich In Iron and these days. The Kadsa* Agrieuliural onitlied
Tomato and Nuts Willi Cream—Fte- oywters teavon. ttea bind -with a beesme a beautiful plak. afld a touca
ini tease tbe* red blood cells. • They ( ullcge wav not able to aiipply moi-v
also lead to dear the lumidexton. Aa than one-half the irachers required In rare sauce aad ,set away to cool, tablpspoontnl of^uiier rub -d with a of (ruH red coloring. To on* qtHri
of sa-retepfMl hot aauoe add two totee
a bint lo bralB workers; it may be lyil and 'U; STr. girl* mere enrolled When required reheat it la tbe chaflng ,,tii..,«ou(ul of flour.
ureen Oyster Pbree—To a pint and spoonfuU of graauUled gelatine dis­
Mki that they contain four time* a* in the .lomcalk science course at the .Usb and add two lableapoo^ Of
much phpapboric acid as w other college, but only a few of thee* In- grated cheese and ono-haK
a half of schldedrinllk add a i-opful of solved In cold water. Stir welL thro
lUI nisai* tn blla. When
..hofiie.l boUed siiinaHi. # fini iDur into a wo raolJ and set to chill
tended to lewvc home. Fewer than KnglUh
|«rl«ile-l oyster*, a lablrsiuonlul M b. a (irip tarn it out oa a platter aad
In the cbetnld analysl* of brain* one hundred bad any deslrg to teweb. the cbeesi- . oielte-l add one-haR cu]e
Dini.h wiib wnipped vrealB. *qu«e/>d
or dlteerut Indlvldnals. H ha* been ami there wu a constant call for glris
w hliiped and pour over toast
„f butter aod flour, and sab
llirouy;l. a faely bag.
found that the brqio* of the Idiot and m flii loeiilon* laying from Mu to under which are leave* of leitu.r
r-i-|,-r' snrt tjieier Soui*—Wsrii un-t
other mentally defkii-iit iienions are (iteia month 1-kirty.flvc young women Fbr Ihe »aucr look one «-tip of tog biinch ot i-i-lriy. sininier uioil
laektlif In phosidiorus. ahile tlim-i- ol vere plated this suiitiui r h> the Kan- iiieioe* with oue cup of ebtekeo sloi k
ft to cm
gruotrai mental iww.r • cvuiiain the us' Afrieutiural College as teachers or water until rednerd lo oee cujifnl.
►easontng with a bUdeofmac*. bit of (aq , |.ioi
It nilii. a 1'
moet |*o#lihonis..
of dororatk erience
or freeklet e
Oraals, nuu. beaus and (specially
u would te liard to imagine more bay leaf, two clove*, oac-haif tex-iioon
arek mad* yellow by high collars there
‘ biiiief Srapon with l<el'iicr slid -sP. Is aotbing better. OuD a rerr U''**
carrots sre rich In pho*|ihoruh lu a ,„arilr*ble instruction than the girl* of sugar,'mile salt and |■e|‘P•■r
O'sicr and Kx= Ciesm Soup-'Icli leaea Is needed at oo* tiato. To krep
form easll.* asstullated. and will not receive. In the domestic setenre strain.
8on>e-^lsd Sttiidw-Icbes^Tbc I'stf
n-r three i*i.|!ilule -s-u of a leatoo from drriag np aad hwomlag
rauM antolnioKicalloD. as wilt Iksb.
rout*** the students leorn the law* of
crroto should be raien raw. but heeltb. and get ah underalandliig of sandwlch'is satiable for U'e an-! in- .„„,n ,ud floor slid -lir into b quart usalqM place It under an erdtoarr
„nii1 •.iiiooih. ^-ob glaet lombler oa the toilet eUsd ate
Bnely grated and*vound They may ,h* Mnliary reqnlremeai* of the formal supiier*. a* U may te made
it WUI oei Wilber aad dir ouL
and iU*h inio shsllo*
‘’tep 'obe -euton a* a salad altb lettuce and home: tb«y learn bow to use things, covered with wax papeC *«•> “
diesalag. The leave, also may be how to preiure food iboperty, how to oalAlD and pu' '•> 'ke relnxeraior un p-mer a lum of moked and
rr.-»hl> railed rxgv
used a* a salad, a* they haw three ,ieod money wisely, how to sav* 111 required, and the drereinit s1m> gysieo and
Eleetria Btrwet flwsMtre.. .nil warn, .icjukle tte
lime* M much iiboapteric arid as the ,(o». bow to pUn their work tor them kept lit the Ice M)fc way
Tte munleipaltiy of Berta
rarrot Itaelf. They are eapeclalL'- rec- ,ejvo* ate (or others, anfl bow to care the last momeot Cut w
teund wteetricoIlT ditvqa m
ommended (or nervous patieeu and (or children. Sneh (rMalag resnlt* lo
Gcramumt for Next -fleaeo".
d ifovenilrr. wheat or brown bresc
iboM iuEerlng from rathm*.
eoaiemnNei. laduatry. order and
, Seiuember and Oetober. when
Lfltupe to excellent tor ooolla* the riranllae— They do their own mar- or even map- white breed, oi the aair
M.e a hne bkKmiiiix geraniuui and chlae* to oae Tte atoetric Btotetoeo
nervous sywleiii and for sleepleasoeas. kellRg. Ibetr'own cooking tbelr o«d Stic, culling out the rente- leaving
•liBi vou kiiovi has done ey-eed- do so rnneh work that each Martilae
It ba* aa artton similar lo opinm. yet ealtiag on table*, amt their own dish- haV-lDcb rim. Fpread the whole »li'
.-.inxly wAl under-.ond.ilon* prevailing to auppased to Mve about ttJI a flay
leaving w> bad afteriflect. It should w„hlag They buy uvaieriala. make with the nititure-wHboui thr-Jrr*Mng.yni
boQw. lake a cut- br eompirtoba with a horaMHwen
be oaten grweo. not whit*, a* tbe ,beir own paHern*. cut the good, and I«i on the rim. and when serriag Viih you i
one. and place It in
or too
green Juice la tbe lettuce to the medic lu^* ibelr oa-n ciethe* They buv siurad the dressing In the center and
mal part.
(grew in bundle* and make and mm garnish with railed egg*, olives, heel* dean sasd ... . w ell lighted .ellar *
Ceiery ha* remarkable mcdiclii,l
o*n bau. After they have done ...iwra, green or rte raPPers o: sUced
decks the Late Mlkte*>a MobPythere w ,11 be no danger o
quslIliaB. It to servicrabk in counter- ,hrac thing* arceptabLv- they know gherkin.
Bmall dork* txere the tabby of Hub
following are eoiue flllmgr lor tbe
and keep the rana «a_l»ite,
acting eoadiUoas that lead lo rheuma- ho* to teacR Mbera. or they can go
p course I a few ouhlfo. tte tot* empenw of Japaa He
ttom. aeorelgto and oervousnra*. tab- to (heir own borne* or tbe.r parents jatly sandwVI,
tb* greateat toterera la amall
ibbapet-Broll lour
,here will be roots come on tbe
Bacon and rabbapet-Brell
tag the ptocc of iodide.., ralicylales home* aad make life happier for *ome
tlmept^ of everr kite ate conoctritoe. of bact» ate
BUx with
*f ,h. cutttoE ate U
^ afl ao maer ot them that evsrr mem
ate actoaaUd.*a lew of tbe maa.' one. ■
palew tearfl ttetr ttv tlcto
drviM given for theee ironMe*.
Oae of th* tmponaat thiaga taught
iPfl........................... ...
Tte toagh. rallutor pa” *teuw mi j, tPe seteot to be* te equip tbe hlgb pooteB (eaapooB each of mlil^ on plated in a small flower pm. way

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