Grand Traverse Herald, October 08, 1912

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Grand Traverse Herald, October 08, 1912


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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TMrdTam O
wrioii ri

r«rt< «M«e Hm Moved Into New

The Perk Bence, which »m bereefter be knoeo ee the Uooiecuv end
Reid gance. b*e been noted from
iU old locBitOD Id the Witte bulldloR
OB Perk ilreet. to the Pennerv' Supjrtj
companr baUdlnf OD Bute si
grilh the new buildlDC ISOxeU. as
coolqU toculoD. the ne*- mniajir
ehooU have odc of tbe liDMt ca^ce
in the city.
TkePe it a large. «ell Uchthd ret»ir
room In the aetr location, and It It the
oblect or tbe manaseraent to site eatAppeal fer Oi« on AcceuM of Hi#
iatoctioD in all repair
Raeerd railed to Have Oeaired
Ot whither or not ther havw
asencr for the car. a aatb room win
Raeult Ameng th*
be lattailed within a very few dart,


WiihlBfloB. OOL 4.—As U ttploe of. There ere eotraocet to the
alT« ellnx to M* Utter dentmctatloB
r carece both from the front and
«r tboM wte wtii^ to ottribate ImT Of the balldinc. and there is aufsroper moUroo to to woloc Arebltwld
eat atorace room for at leaat one
Md to oommtoMm «Ub Herrf^ bnndred car*.
The company will hare the agency
for aereral atandard makea of care
gad Mil carry a full line of bU*. equip
Bode the deaaad to tbe Clapp o
MU aad antomobile aceeawrlet.
BUtea. -I bold ttet he ebeuld
thrown on benote of bit own Bdmit4,
Mona before ihU committee that he
adrlaed Arahbald to ui'
Immaniu- fna prosaeotioa by the corenaML" RooaeraR aaaertad that be OOOb OtBPLAY BEINQ MADE AT
*foerer aefced Harrimaa dltwetly or indlroetlr for a dollar to help la hie
IMNoaainlCB or car other.' Heaald
Event Waa Arranged 6n Short No­
) eid Hfgtice and Many EahiblU Ara
I for coreraor la New


( asd -Make good Ihalr
r eiae ba drlren out ot
Chvlaa Tafli- the praaldeat'a hrothe-.
be WMiiit ne monnlHor did
little dnetoonfog. Rooeevelt etrlklng
on for hlmaUr aad the
After the neon rmeae Rooeevelt reearned. He didn't know about Gonld e
OBDtrfbdUoaa, but admitted Prick
rthWad hmfUr. ^Uaader Kaos
M.rrlck .waa ad of toy atroagen
baaltera-: He ackaowh-iced to liar-

iteaa'«foB«*fo ■ad.tho lauara.

imt tmm
CornMny Teak "iNeae oI'MmI*
OW MiaalOB. Ukb, Oct. S.-iAmld
aBTOsaifoci otiwaa and Soereni and
the bright eMihlne ot an Ocubw day.
PUer Ayera and Him Harriett
Sweney of the peslarala were nalted
r Ja marriage at Bt. Joaeph'a rbnrrh at
HtepMoa at 10:30 yeaterday toralne
' Tha hrtda is the danghter of Hr. and
Uia. Jaiaea Bwan'ey.
t foraart. while the groom U a
popatar yomg man who was raised Jn
this vtaUlty. bat who for the past
year-iaa boea a raaldau ot Detroit.
The bride were a drees of white wool
heuictU trimmed with Irish tace and
wore a forte pletare hat aad forried
a boquet ot white roaea. The bridesmeM waa Ufoe naneaa Swaaey. i<*. ter ot the bride, aad pbe was gowned
In crMm athatroaa with osnl piping
Md oaiTfod ptak roaa*. The gtoom
waa attaaded by Tbeodore Dioo of
Travetae Oily. The ceremniiy wa/ i>ci^
formed by Rer. Phtber Fhacher of HIk
Batilda. who after tbe naptul i
nee the yoaag couple e talk Blled
wHh good adriee. wUeb U foUowed
trill eaabta them to l«ad a happy wedAed Ufa- The bhmIc was faralahedthy
BMmbm «( tha 8L macla choir of
Traverae City. avKh Mist Maud 1^tMUfo at the orgaa. The music ceB^
afotad ot^eadMasohi-t wedding
■aicfo -Biatu eaC Flowen" and
N leoUeu from the “nower Sobr’
/ Image:
^'w-AOar hcaakfopt whkh was serred
U tbe bOM or the bride, the newlyweda kCt tor TraTersa City, where
- they tooh tha train lAa moniiBg toC
Detroit whare OMff wUI be at borne
atler October IS hf 3«1 Ut Vc

Ginilt Fn TRQnr
Twe Amarfota ahlleoM Afur OarKaaaaa Uly. Mo. Oet T.-The Amarkarn aenawata who will couesi to
the latsmatlmi haBoOB race for tbe
Botdoe Reanet trophp ia Germany the
tauar part of tto uoaih left here to­
day for Sew Tort, eo route to Butope. They ere IL P. Lang aad It
K. MoMrwall. who wU pilot Uc
haOeea -Varie •am." and John Watts
aad A. T. AthdOwt. who win aiaa-

age the TUsaad CUy U--


Ocu a.—TbompaoolUe'B Erst
fair la now ot its height,
la proving,a much more eUboraffair than was at Em enllcipate&. When tbe buaioeas men of ibu
village decided npon ezpoeltiou they
Ibought only to Intereat tbe farmur*
of tbe Immediate Delgli
that tbe czpoalUoa Ih open they
Sod that they hare eiblbltor* from
oooaiderablc diaaaee end they
iber Sad that the latoreai in the
event la great T%e buetnoui men arc
much onrouraged by thi-Sr plforu
today that they Are ueKuUallug lor-an
SO-acrc troa which 1* to be tinned
fair gronnda eo that
be held each foil,
Owing u
to tb
• of tbe lime
whlcli the pre«.-ut
ranged tbe cxbiblu ore eomet
acatlerrd TTie an goMs are lu
balldlag on tbe tpaln atrect and (bo
farm products In a tent which
been aecuird for ibla pnrpoee.
aboalncs made ere latenwUng. the
dlipkiya of coni and farm products
If the fair (
protleUSua w
be made for adding
Utia feature n
Among the displaya that are
tructlng aUcntlon is one of fruit
glaas Jars from tbe Western Utchfoan
Devetopiaent Bureau. This dtsplsv
ahews the people who visit tbe fair
exactly the methods that are c
ployed by the bureau In adrerUsi
the producU of Westoni Michigan
tbe ouUidc world.
There Is an abundance of amuseeni tor those in attendance, a
!T ot aUraclioaa having been se­
cured- These have been placed at acceaalblc poiuta along the main si
Steele, the \>:«atcru
Michigan Devriopnebt Bureeu'a fruit
etpt-rh is acilug aa Judge of
Empire lair ibU week. .
expreaaes blmscir aa highly pleued
with tbe quality of ib'c various vs
Uea of fruits that hate been put

All Supply SUUOnt Have Seen Strip,
ped Sare of Serviceable
Army Hereea.
Wasbiagton. Uvl.
Vncle Sam's
cavalry Is np against the looldeiii of
aaother' "borM temlae."
The gccob4 and FburtrenUi layalry
rectmenla. which ha\« Just renamed
to. the I'nlted Sutee from On- Pblll|<placa. have had to be eollrely
aionnied because a disease made
Imroeslble tor tbe regiments to bring
btek their mouDU from tbe Islaads.
e ivmeaal suGoas which supply
horses fur tbe cavalry arm. have been
almost siripiwd bane of acrviceable
mounu. ^ If there sbrnUd be
additlona] demands for bornss the governmeoi might have to go oar aad buy
boraes la the opea torkcL
OalDC to Iks actiTjty of the
lean rebels on the border the demaaiU
for uavalo have been forge.

DnUQ liailGUS

Have He Use

fer This

New York. Get. 3--•Wheiber' It be
1 auioiiiobile. an atblelic contest
Panama canal projecc. or a play, the
majority of English editors canaol
any good In an American Institution.''
declared Henry W. Savage, the th<
ricai manager, hack after a visit
-All iliit -bands across the sea' sen-



NO. 8L



llme cbertab^. Is a Joke and on us.
.Not III (be laal 30 years have i seen
a spirit fnanifestod over there. Auatna Will Take Stag* to LeeaUxe
They ai>|XBr to resent American sue;ba War and Haa Premited
eess and nse tbe name American as
Pewera to Work for
tbe aynonj ffl fer Inferior "

MinOR IS 75
Mfu. John Maxwell QwiMly Celebrated
4 —Mrs John Max
u uiucb better kntibn to teai
of Oetlon as Mias Draddmi. qub
ivlebraied her Tlih birthday anniversary tmUy at her twine in Rin
-noe or The hivelieet
the River Thafflea. The .
-Lmly Andley s Secret ’ and foortman
than nauNB
l|ilr\a bund
huodn^ other popular
born tb UntduD.
abe embarked
niwn a stage career. It wfo white
pi-rfontilag In n th<-aii-r at Hull
she diecovcrol that aitlng wna out
her forte, aad wrote bee brat .novel.
"Three .Tl»«t Dead " Befuie it w«
puktltord the pabliaher. tnv:ohed in
difficulty, pasaod on the ahects to an­
other man. Thia man conaidered th.
nibbUh and destroyed lu b-it
lived long enough lo regret his stGoti
when Mis* Bnddoa sptwig. into po>
and 1^ found that be bad*
fooltdtaly destro.ved her Arm effon.
which luigbl have been a goM«

Convention Hall. Syracuse. N'.
larndun. Oct. t^—IL
Oct. 3.—WlUiaW BuU«. twprescuU
(be Balkan atat'es and
Turkey bare
tive in congrou from New .York di.s
coumeticed. aerordlng to retaru from,
uomlaated fer governor early
many quarterv A dU|«Irh to (bc'Rnsmorning by the democratic auu> con­
slnn government say* that the Bul­
vention. It waa tbe seventh lime be
baa been a caatlldato for this nomlu McCamba an* MeAdee Ready le Give garians are croating the frontier.
.Military action lias thus ouutrl|>pe«I
sle«er fooled dlidomacy. for no
Ur. Bulxer wea formally deriarcMl
Hiatus tta* y.-i been iireseale.1 4o
tbe choice of the party on the (oonb
key and ill I'ousiauiipople ndnTi
balloi. after, the aalbe ol Go>c
New York. Oct. 3—The dcliiocruiU- l>ec<ed utitil .Monday. Tb<-jilone, how­
Dll had been wlUidrakii. Martin II. natlonal conimillee lias branded
ever. has sent an offh-iarnollDcaUoU
Glymi waa uomliialed for IlculeuAnI false IHxoD's (eallojouv at Washlng- to the [lower*, which reads:
. hoo
irernlng democrntlc jnv-conview of the manifestly aggres-Bhen Chalrmaa Parker celled Ib^ fo:ni
cxpenJIlure*. McCombs and
atlltudr of tbe Balkan suie*.
coiivenUoii to order Robert E. Whale; .vicAdoo announced they are ready
Turkey reserves to Itself full liberty of
placsad la noiiiinatlou Uurtia H. rilynn tcetify whenever called
eoutihced that Ihe clvIlUed
<>f Albany for governor and Augustus
rail to do Justice lo Its
Thoms*, the right.' nominated
modi-nte aitlrudr. -Hut ibis caiinoi Art Filling Tht.r Wartheusea and
uao Wininiu ttulter.
Holding Stock Roady for
exclude care for
Thomas dec alrod that "no iisny ever
-Active Salta.
ulty and sccurliy aa aril
offen-d to the earnest people of the
rtght*.uan BO conalsteutly their
Tbls. It would aeeiB. ia the portv'i
cbaniiilon us this stalwart, sertons. inThe, Travt-roe City Canatag comway of pi'eiiurlng the world tor Ibe
tomiigiblc couimoner."
(allure of the inwers to slave off hos- info U now'rvuiilug fall force on ap­
umaa Suiter's u
ple* anil twaefaes and ean foralsh
greetod mith cb«-rlng. George H.
I Placed on Trail Falleu
for any number of men. women
No official conCrmatioB gf tbe rupKennedy of EL-le. UieB placed' In
ire or peace ia to be had. bat aklr- and girls during Ihe season. Tbe
nominnUon Senator George B. Duvl
lulabn arc reporled lo have occarred company U lun-Uiag all gradt-s ot a)Boffalo aad Coagreasmaa John J.
lo the nelghborliood of DJumbala. call- Pie: wd penr)hr* and their factoo ha*
Fllzgrmid of Kfags, aomiaaled Her­
Proni Thoraday's Record-Eagle
alio Jamboli. Bulgarian terrilon, a ra|«clty of J.ik-o busbel* of apples
man A. Mets. former comptroller of
l>SRWbo eacaped Tn»
the Albanian vilayet of Scutari, anil aW bushela of pcaebes iwr day.
Sow Yort .
I- tilgfit 'atler mardenug
along the Montenegrin fronUer anti Tbi-re Is a elder raiil rA In conni-eDeput>' Attorney G--i>rrui Juaeiih
I^scbkvranya un Ihe Servlsti tloii Willi Ihe iHam so tbe fanner* can
A. Kellos'.ot Wasbiiigiuu eoumv.
gel (beir cider and kei-p It sweei nnUl
etiivb has b,-c-u s-jnlil ominaled Governor John
Chriwmas by means ot the pmervaiinl>-d ibe.war
The dl'lesaios applaudtil the gotcin lug fur liim since a les hours uUe.Ilve that is used s|K-i-Ully by this com­
I. to supreme
The speaker appealed fur the crime, and is still at liberty.
Cider Is also made Imo bolK-d
Yesterday bloodhounds from the msnd.
Governor Dlx oa bis adII take DO ac- cider. Jelly and oifair |iroducts. Grow­
yulalstraUvc record and . for. v ital Coo|)cisvillu kduiii-ls were seiil lu I'l- i'xevi and it is stated
ers of apples who arv willing to ac.
but for some reOMK they re­ lion lor a few day s,
Jedge l^ug termed "fair play.'
Negotiations by the great powers In eepl a fair price lor their orchar-l run
The ndT of deU-gatt-s was tlici fused to wuik. Today ex-Bticrit( Ki’
can tiud a ready market for all the)
tailed and on th.- fourth ballot. Sul- L* Of Antrim and bU dogs uu- (r>- ,ior of ]<cac<-. ar<- being carried on. can •Iclivervi Ibe factory. Tlie apple
le most linportani conferences at
B lu pick up the trail.
rccelved ibe nomination.
at present In an unseiilc.l
prcseal b> In* held at l*arit. It is r>s
There arc 8>\<-iul theories as
liv reiwn* of'a
I«rt<-tl (hat Austria will receive Kiiv.hal has bectmic of Stoops, and
10 take tbe lieedfni bumper i roplirfoll tbe apiile-growing
IS held by a uuuilier of Ills ucigbbur.i loia-'*
Males and campaign cundiiious. Tbe
has iirobauly gum- soiiicwber.- ci-» to ItwalUe the war.
All dlsiaicbes frotu'ihr near east big buyers In the cities luitu inslrOrMr. end Mra Limprieht AgreeeWy and taken his Ule. Tbe soluiioii ot •e subjected lo heavy delay and
us not to buy until after eJetiion
mtin's disappearance, however.
Surpriaed by Maccabeea.
I at a very clieap prli-e. This stale
uhU-h Is tbougbl most probable by I- ecnsorshlp.
slfaln fonx-s the ' luanuraiann is,
cal ofSevr* mho ha>«- been on ilu.FYom Krldny i^ Re<-onl F:tiBlc >
eunpe'r* and cider mills sio s|«culate
-tic. is that he walketl a few miles,
Members of Tent yTI and Hive
growers crop of apples, as'
order to get oat of Che uelgblior
r the Maccabees carried ont k sur­
- Iiuv.- any aaR-s on liand One
prise last evening ufion Hr.ami Mrs. iKvd in which he was known, hired .>
:<U-ss Is as good os siiuiIut
Cbarics Umprlclit. ihc occasion being tvnveyunro e( some surl and dn»e I--.
• hep II comes to eelflng u
of ihe...efiiaM
noiiheru towntheir twoniy-sixth vcddlng auiihcr1 barrel and .-atinlng stock in
aary. The coupK- w.-re taken entlicl.v F'roni ihi re-t e coaUI .-islly haw lak'-.i
re.' The rai tcncs are liimbPoat to safety
inaware*. as Air. Umpriebt was at.
Tuesday evening u> • urreS i>iic
i-arload of canned apples and
lUlle children are bean
tending tbe lodge meeting, wbile his'
’ uuial »g-tH'ahli- event.' ol AsI- simply lilllug liieir warewife waa at a session of one of tbe brukr n oier Ule affair, yet Uardli burj-B soil..I .vear. vili.-li Rev, aul
.criliiwiiiE In the hopladles' sodetlos to -which she belongs, leulirliig the horror of T|ie •Tip.- Mis. VV j.
r.x.ffTd the many' ih.- Ihli: irup will b.. Itgbler. an-l
if tbe featurtis of the program which has destroyed tlicir liom--, Tb-..0 M.-M.
l- r),up' n (ull'ire In many of the
uxMfk wedding In wlilcli ibe sur­ llrtle boy when asked Ihls morning • I. 1..J
U,,.. slates, uifi III.- gnssible •veepiioB n1
would nut like to s<s- his papa,
prised couple were (lie iirincliuilB. Tbe
- .01.1.^ ». >lr,
VIichigHii. uhhir.iiivarial’l.' has a niuii
tlclpaUit uere given names in anawensi "iio," in a most emphati: and .Mrs. Whline.'. During -.he ^veu- crop Farm^ who viant to get rid
■■dug with the event. Mr. limpricbl
II program wj* given, open- (It It..-if Kuodus Slock St prevailing
I about bta iiiotlicr. sWn.-d to tu.'j
a vluliii sul« hv Alls* r:dlth pri<<-. es|veciatly laniier* aii-J iM-.-b.
ORoorke. while hU wife wo given and tiiially .fled hlmsylt to sb-ep i-j Houer . Mr Shut * addiers Of wel- can do so by brlurflng them In lu ib.'
I'.cighbur's arms.
of Itekus .lou
s lic.iveri-d III bi-. iiafalliUi fai-t'-ry as the iiiaiagsineui l« wtiliiig
Uerrygoround. The bri-le was dress!ia|ip> iiiaiiUer. a;.d iv_» liirUu-r
to do Ilu- best ibci^caii undet il.e 'ir
gown of .Vollingluim lace with
PJ1BSI...<1 i- a lew well rhiiseii
bridal veil irlmiued with asparagus.
mark* !•> JUv. VV. F. Kcudrik.
Tbe happy eoojde wen* atietiJed by
supenmrnd.-til. He sYid that
Loren Bagteton. as Mathew/Bplodh*hury IS well km:«ts Ibrouglioul fluplB. and Mrs. Hill as Rarah Oleomar­
Mithigan conlervt..e fur its re-orj-..!
garine. Tbe eorcmuiiy uas iwrfoniied
iv.v-** and uuw prouiisiw on-- of U;e
by Commander Prank Gmilb. aa DeaHoldfast. AfiCr the wedjfcg a
-'n-m tV.dav s ll.-.i.rd IhigUTile r»-ep.*as«- by U-. \\ J i .aics
. .md Mr*. W r. Miller of 13v a.' beany and la th- ixuoi vjiiiug
regular old-Tluu- charivari -wa^Hven
_>*i(leenih street yesterday cele- pli-asdr.- in Ins n-iurn ll<
the |iatr. The, weddiar .rnarrt uas
d their :.»th wedding annlveri alwke briefly'ol Ills wirk in Uic luiBt
played b}' Miaa Hall The reat-of (he
Tnrce Diveraea Granted by Judge
with a pb-asent home i-omlng
program coaslste-l of a series of reciiuiniiou>-d pisn* alrvadv
uttons by Mrs. Wliliam Trcinain and and family reunion.
id.-med for :iitu:e advaiiecmeni.
Aiijong the guests present
piano solos, which uas tolioued l-y
vs. token i.t .in- very-high rvg-arl
dancing. Ur. and Mr*, l.imiirlihi ucre r town were their son. G-*j-se ‘.V.
which'the iwuiile of tin- x-oinmuii,
Miller.' of Battle t'reek: Mrs. Itoy
with a rocker by
ben of (be tao lodgp*. Tbelollosing Mlllor and baby Francis, wife
iFi.-m Tbursda- -. ll.-<o:d Eagle '
counw menu wa#served duriuc tlie daugber of . a gnndson. also of
Th.- Usrinou eS|s.- weut In the cirCreek: Mr and Mr*. Mard J
ening; Bouillon and wafers,
bcauilfdl song, by .M,s, P.-ari >
i-uit luar :ur< last ew-ning, and alt­
of Kalamaioo, Mrs. Mary t; Ari-y fool, after »Li;a r.frethmeau *.
chicken and cranberry sauce, tuashed
a Iniic .esyion tbe Jurnfk returned
and SODS Howard and Ahce
poUlocs. bisraii. cabbage salad, pick­
a sealed \cnlp-i. which «iaa opened
le*. celery, bread and butler, fruit Bingham. Dr -J. R. Shank, a nepbe'
Tills tnnrniug Harmoti was rhaiTed
ot Hint. Ml.-ii M. C. Cate of Jlolon
cake and coffee.
Unxny. but as (he sum be look
The ffuesis from die city w.-rwas less ihsii f:f>. tbe Jury found him
brother. Albert Miller, fold daughter*,
guilty of jieity Jarceny. He will be
tbe Mlsaes tVval and'Blhel: Mr and
Creasy and daagbirr Wiaeonsuv Women's Club* Dedicated sentenced later
Dorotha. and Mrs J. Robbins.
Tablet Today.
A bountiful dinner was served, i
short but ibii t.-sUng p.tjgram .ws
HatteilUc. VVi.*.. Oil T—VViio
larceny charge. The case will proba­
Clinton. Coon_ Oct. C—Vice Pnsi givrii and a bappy day spen . fflled icr,*sting ekt.ilsrs a bndiXi' meiBurial bly go to the Jnn- Ute this afternoon.
dent Junes S. Sherman andMia. with
...„»good w Isliea for the'aule tai.let was em-ted today to mark
Three dlioreea were . granted bySherman led toda.v tor their t'tlca <-6up|e.
Friday Mr. MUIr »i,i
e of Ibe tim capiiul uf VVtxcoi
Judge Mavne. Cotn-E. Younglove an.
home. Accordlag to bU physician. •vlebraie his'Stnb birthday Uoth
the town «>f BelmoBt. ea.t of tW* granted a decree from Henry II
I has eaUrely treorerod fiv.u in good health and glad to be able
y-''Tbe tablet was
ax* enxjed
tni - . Younglove She must net mairy for
an aUnck of Beuritla. Durtng his stay
mmlDSain their bwm- and enurtoin efforu
the VViscooain sLate f
tbree montha. and he Is restrained
here he kept in, aedtutoa.*
ViimeB s Clubs. —
BUoa of W.
n tnarrylnc for a jear.







Fipn-tm mmm







Csreneris Inquast -Was Hafo- LM
N.ght and Juo- Civ. Vorfofo -fo
. Com is Ctostd.


tPrum Friday s RMord-Gule.J
Ttjg. body ot Frank Stoopo. «aat^
for kUling his ntt* foil Tueaduy
night, mss found yeeterday atlMM
' 3:S0. He was UHiig bee downward
a maple grove about a.hundred
yard* from (be houif in abU tbe
i-rime was rouiiaitted. A rarolvec
rlasi>'-J In bla band and a bolUe. part­
ly flib-d a-ith caihuUc arid on tbe
ground at bit side, acre mute evldcucee of (be route Iir had takMi to
Wing the peoatly of JuMIce.
His body BBS fuaad by QuIdit Tbacker..a iuembe(fo tbe posse wUcta bad
bAi seafi'blBg'Tor' him since tbe
night of the crime.
Stoops took his life by Brfo drtnkiuk aa ounce of enrtoite arid and tben ,
sbooUng blmaelf through (he (empla.
with the same revolver bo had used
to Ull bis wife. Ills mouth and tbrnM
were terribly burned and h« bad ewidcntly used (be wcaioa In gala rsifot
from tbe terrible agony of the pfoSM*.
ImmrdlBiely after tbe'killing. Which '
berurred on Tuesday night 'about 10
o'clock, a posse was formed, vbleh
started tbe aeerrh for the' murdeeer.
Eariy (he next morning btoodboundt
were taken to tbe acone and Urn
woods #err Mwvbed lor nUes aroMd.
Altbori^ tbe dogs wcTo giraa nrtJefo*
of Rioups' clotbibg fromTrblDb to take
•Bt they could not fottov tbe
his body wooid probably been fei
corooeFs laqncat was bold o»*r
Ibe body Ust night and tte rerdlet
waa that be came to bli death by his
Ofti band through shooting blmsMt
and taking carbolic acid IstetiiaUy.
The case ha* attracted much atten-'^
on on account of the promlMnce of
le iianb's tn>foicatfiC(^Je*lafoy of J.
itoierson. a young farm^Dt..«hO »Ba
.worfciag for tbe Stoop*, was the mo­
tor (be murder, and bad hfo plans
carried through It U ailogctber profaothai be, too. would have been a
Ini. The crime wa* evidently care­
fully planned, as Stooii* went to Elk
Rapids on Ihe <ia) of tbe murder, pur-based tbe gun wltb wblefa be sbot
ill wife aud bad another gun non-ealed near the borne of bis empfoye.
After sbooniig bl> wife be went there
and tried tn get ilmerson out of door*
His wife, however, kept him in (be

Wat <n Best of Health When «uddcniy StcKken With HMri ,
'Fioin F:iib» B Hccurd-Eagle)
M ;dking (fo.m usUira after eatfog
Uii-i.^ r, .kdolj-i. Kutnohoraky-. father M
Mrs. Jacob Furiacb. fell d»«d at tbs .
(•«! of lb- *«lrt In Ibe roar of the
ruriFk triK-'j on Sooth Dgton
I loda.v
KuUtobortkr wag
api.-ar.nily in the resy best of health,
refuriiing from werk at noon oaytttg
he never fell better In bfo life.
Thougb a doctor waa Imaedfotrir
•-ailed when he fell, be died ataost
inaunt!;, in fart, before Mrs. Farueb
cached bla' sUe. Heart ffolnre was lironouDced as the taaoe of bU deMh.
rae City with fa
Jacob Purtsih.
New York niy after ibe dsalh «f
tu wif-. ten year* ago He leaves
tbree soUB. Adolph. Frank and Joaefdi. tfa^ first two St. present lo N'ew- York
(■iiy. and Mr. and Mra Jacob Furtatb
of tbit rity
Th.- arrauienienfo lor the, fuMTSl
ifoelved frx>« (be relatives la NewYuik Mr KotTObofokr was WMI
koown'ln tbe diy aad well Uked b.all of faia'frteiids. and W* datdl iff g

abode to aU wbu fesfo* him,



T«M«w sad Tkantv at Itarmt CUy. MkM—■ fcy


while pr^antiimis are bmng made for the bloody atr^e, whmh
wa^ if left alone by ^ Pqm reedt a the fnal annihiUtkm
fheoe brave and patrio&e people. '
The time '« now ripe for the great^wers to step in and gin.
these people their liberty, and by.w domg they will perform an act
that is ito hamaBUrian aeopa wOl aueed anyhUar rdorm that
haa been bronght alwut dniing the past centnry. Are the nation
equal to tbe emergency, or will they stand idly by and see the
stsagbtn go SB in order to aave Ihemaefrea frem romtog out and
-*—’—~~ **■---- ’-ms ia favor of real peace and the nving of theae
» The world is witt*hig the outcome
of this atrpg^e fast has been pending for yean.

Di lute Too ^

n im BdUr mukd
i. H. SkiBoer, (p>Tenunai
s deoMMtntor in charge of the
Mrk in Yant eocHit)', iua come to the front witk'« propodtian to
IMk • frnh pMkiiw aaMcktioo for tbe porpow of •e«aru«
tmtonp cndinc ud packing of fruit and tbe adoptioo of a label
that'will inaorf ila gr^e when }daeed upon the markvl. lu apeakAii MiifrifUBT in woriuag among the fruit growen of Kent

Prof. In-iag Wier, of Yale University, stated dn an addrcaa
before the National Conservation eongresa that there arv 1.300.000
deaths innually in the United SWm. and ef this nWber .680,000
arc jweveotaMe. This mtana that 1,^ die every day, when if the
propm.ixeventstive nmlhods were nsed would be allowed to
out tbeir allotted number of years. If this number shonld be killed
at one time in an accident the whole world would sUmi aghast, but
as they'are taken one by one no owe erea gives them a paming
thought, taking it for an inevitable condition which cannot be
helped. To add to the significance of the fignres be alio stated that
Giere arc 3,000,000 people constantly lying on sick beds, half of
wb<ra have no reason for being there. & also showed that on
account of this earclesaness al^nl the tsIm of hnman life it is
' fifteen yeara All kinds of disease and vice are respon­
sible for this fearful death toll, whtdi shows the necessity of doing
to prevent the inroads of disease and conserve homaa
life. The war against preventabb- dhtetso must be waged along
•cientific lines, and the sooner the nstion wakes up to thk faet Ae
sooner will the results be aecoiuplished. .It wHl take money to fight
Ais campaign, bnt when Ae results are token into consideration it
will be well spent Most communities prefer a heatT death rate to
a heavy* tox rate, and this seotimout will have to be changed before
tbe proper n-sults can be aceomplkUed. A rigid eiifotvement of Ac
health ordinances of the cities and cornmnnitus must be carried out
aa Ac first move in the direction of thk campaign for cutting down
death'rale throngboirt the country. With the proper enforce­
ment of hcalA laws the reform will be half aecoiuplkhed.-

haTa^fouad a tot groat iotereat in the fmit-«rowuig in-ftlUr tn Sant Coimtjr/and alM> that there ia_a univerul
oAM^t-ftat iwieea are onataUe atMi unaatMaetoiT. Tbe r«Mon
fe aat thare ia on outaide market The growera are dependent
VbdUr '^an the Giund Bapida loeal market because there »!
' BO otaaiaed effort being
^t bajw from other seeixwa aro'tndnoed to eome here.
"Bi^ an organiaation will require the employment of comyalgM itoUrtiwi ^ while tbe fmit would aitl be brought to the Tho BeopU
die growera and delivered in their name^ it
Indications of a geueral.yf^e iu prices of the n.-e«o,ities of life
w<Md A go OQt under t^.iiamc of the amociatfoD; the grower
are apparent as the eold weather approaches arc causing people
SMU Mae'hie tdanfity when the fntit passed through tbe inspeoof limited income to wonder where Aey will come out at tbe end of
tkii ^ paaking department of the asaociation. It might be that
the season. According to the plau of the egg men Ac price of Ais
' ^ I wodd be Beeeaaary throo^out tho county, and
commodity wiU be aky'higfa during the cold winter mouths and a
a is too remote from this city to permjt of
larger amount of Ae article has beemput in cold storage than
•emimiedfy brlti^Bg Ae frail here for packing and inspection, it
naoal. The price of oil of all kinds has been foreod np from three
jM^ed and inspected st-tbc branch stations.”
to six cento per gallon since Ae^suppoaed dimolutibn of the oil
;1l^«>^a]wws that wVat is trae in Kent county is true in
trust, wHA chances of a still greater raise on Ac illuuiinating
all of Wmtom lUchigan. This condition has been realised by the
hsands during Ae winter. To add to the anxiety the people are
Ah bl Aa^ af the derdopmeut pf thk region for the past three
promised a raise in the price of meats Aat will ca'usc one to Aink
pint, sad tte veiy tcheine. that Mr. Skinner k
twice before making a porchasc a couple of months hem-c. These
put and planned by C. P. Baek of thk city over a year
iw,fo«Kl products are now apj«rent,.aud to still furtlu-r c*om.fifo
piaoed before the directon of the 'Western Michigan DoplicatP matters for the man wlio is umbit^iis to oun a home of his
Bni^ at ooe of their meetings last sommer. The
own Ae price of lumber has bt t-n force^ up $3.^ i>cr tbousand.
d|pkn*N Mk JaaOj to the plan and evqr Atce have been workang,
Many oAc^ advanc«w iu the price of pecHsities are coming. Which
VMP MketK wkfrel^ ft wU be made efteoUva during the coming tokan togeAer wift make Ae coming winter one to be rcmcmbcre<l
Sm., 'Tier hate even oceured damgns for a kbd to be used on the longtime by Aosc who are ill prepared to stand Ae extra expciwc
and started the oevtnintion of aasoeiaUmta for of living.
frwit in Iks several eountim that are wiAin the
The Idea k an exPeUent one but it k»not e4a Vmvtse Ro^abimat
The trouble k gaAering in the offing''for minkters' wivro in
tWTv^wk River, Illlnok, Methodist Epk«^ conference. At tbe
last meeting of the organkalion it was suggested that among the
requirements of its ininlsten the following addition be inserted-;
“He must have a Christian wife who shall also be a suitable helpOn the face of it Ak w-vina to be wholly within reason,
bnt it has a deeper meaning that only preachers or their wives
and thk meaning k concealed in tbe one word,
“suitable." In order to be snitoble the minkter’s wife must be
of such a peculiar make-up Aat she must suit Ac official brard.
the congregatiuu, dktrict superinteodeut, ladies’ aid aociet}* and
other kindred organixatioDs that are a part and parcel of the wellorganized cbnrA of tbe present. In other words. Ae must be
nothing Aort of an angel in order to prove up to theae specifica­
tions in the common ran of churches.
There is no harder place in the world to fill than that of a
^1^ plawd upon a plane far above Ae product of Ae minister's wife, which is one of Ae primary causes of the great
Aortoge in pr-uiAers in moat of the denominations. The average
I upon their pastor’s wife that
the poor woman k worn out in Ac aervicc long before her time
■ hftiB hfiJUtod over Ae proq>ect of a war be- cornea. Her ]wsition is made cue of sentiment rather «tfi< of
mo Mu-stotos, Qreeee.and Tuik^ •«! many a sleepless business and efficiency', aud too often for’ber own good add that of
ftbAt k beiag sprat by Enropran meurcha in lignring oin ways people Ae serves. Ac is made to suffer uneonsrious indigiiiliiw
woA aud make her unsatisflid wiA her lot, aud
, H*
between Arae amall nglions and Ikst impair
» Pofto. Fflt Ac past century Ae states in Ae R»tW,w peninanla Ac congregation with her efforU. h'or the sake ofjbe churches in
h*ve been used as buffer states by Ae eountries of Etaope, Aereby Ac Rock,Ki\-cr conference it is to be hoped that tho powers that
ptoTcntiiig a tofilliet between Aeuiaelvcs and Ac Turks. Things: b« wfll not tie any suA strings to tbeir pastors, for it will uitimatriy
^ from bod to worse, onta at-Ae present time result m sborteuing Ac nipply of availsblc men to fill Ac pulpito
Ub UBrtItefa of Arne stotto fael Aat Aey cannet be grotmd and place fheir wives at fbe nwrey of a iot of critical people who
WBfltr Ae ifon bed of the Turks ior ieager. and afe prepared to consider the position vf Ae rainktor s wife me uf tolvauon raAer
Ash* fredcH. Thk idea k not taken kindly to by than apiritoal power and helpfnlneaa.
nfafkattraa cm Ae oenU«Qnt. becawa such a strife ni^t
» • Posilion where Aey wonU have to come out wm W»m broaton
for one aide or the other. As long as war
Orchard investnrent schemes whk-h hold out uffen
i^ertod Aey can raotinu}- Acir intrigue aud semblance of
in excess of reaMD arc to be pUi*ed ander the ban by the .governr. ad Beeomffikh Adr ekfa much better Aan if Aey bad
Bent, and in lirdcr to protect those who are -willing to j»art with
» tbetoasKes optoly far Ae/reformt in Roumania, which their money on these wfldeat sebeues warnings will be scut out
IbVc fidVdtod
fidVbtod far ycwiw,
y »Ve
but which they have allowed .1\irkey
over tbe country stating Ae facts aud telling the pet^o w thc
bbte become so strained that they have citics who are looking toward the land to hold onto Acir hatdF^-d dollars until Aey *iv sure that tbeir prospectiv,- purchase
» “1*^ » tte real cause of Uk* trouble really has a^Ast a j>aM of Ac merit that it claimi-d far it by the
WomateiK wbo are so anxiow to nuke a sale. Tbese --•lo-n.-'
nelude western apple projects. Mexican robber ifiaoutions and
frrat.powers rrap Ae bcoefito of Ae prolonged
banana farms in.the Central American coontriM. Tbese extcnah-elv
pm»iUe at so terrible a cost to Ae Uttie-fellows,
advertked Uuda are hermided as sure money makers and Ae profita
a nuk«y k • WMk ation inen compared with the oAer
Aat Aey aro eipectod to pay are ra' high A«t any person of
to^aa Hatrtaa,'i(b»* alwm>-s bid an influence A —
intelligenee would aoi take a aeconp thought about Aem
tbe Urt« countries from romia to aa open when It comm to risking money of any greatpum in Aem. In spile
tting m a w.,*. but Ac pric'of thk of these unrwraiiabie inducemenU tEat are hrid out to ostoh Ac
unwa^ and'Aose who are over anxwns to get rich by menus of
, -tto m to, kitb VMol to oalnoit taoid} to ttoi - ‘niaimom amonut of wuA, thouunds of mn^ int-estors are caoght
S<tta<M_l.l.t..rot. *ofoho.b.-oboo.pto»i«dto
Ae net and fleeced out of Aeir savhigB. So nacrous hu thk
variety of esv nnrks beeeme that Ac gorornmaat finda it--imiir
to atep in and take their part by WMsag Aem of the riAa they
0A» mau’a fi^ espnridly
klfiTanriSofAMpe loekaaramiri tlir|«hra be koowa
sad* the
“ the gsme

'* pa ■ r has to play hk end of

Ku ajao been carried on during the past aeason'by
Btlkd Traverse Rwit Ctemkskin, which k made up of memwtlftt too Tttvsiw (Sty Board of TVade and reftresentotives of the
aud, Aeh- work is ao woff under way that the oxPpia
Dt alrAdy in a^t ^ fUtnro of Ae fruh bumt Ip wsstoni SGehigan depe^ npon the tueecm of thk moveUtmu ptiiBt k k a aotorm fact Aat



ft by proxy Arangh^Ae mediu« of tbe pnmotor hiaaelf. It k a
game Ikal worka both bnt Ae two ways always eorae tageAer
A the poeket of Ac- man wbo unlUads the lat»d ^kxi kk ohwsty
riistomer. It k fortunate that Uncle Sam takes such a fatberiy
interest in hk citizens, but on Ae other hand it k a aad eommentary
iipan Ac businem tenma oC ttw pnUie to think that it k ao inoompetem that paternalism of Ak character has to be rramted to
hi order to keep Ac dollars ol eilaeim rtere Aey beimg.

SkoaU Grot BMot SatvoH
Among Ae aobseriben fa the fundi raked in the different conntiea for supporting Ae V’eatern Mkhignn Development Rnrcan
tbme-irs notkeabSe aboeoee from the Ikts of the namea of big land
We bat a taesul bars a...........
aad slU «mownem^hrongbout the •ection. With Ae pumiUe exception of -in
a partaaaabt -morkat< for pooltry.
Wexford county lumbermen there are veareriy any wbo faotribiitfc aad doRng iba atstw om m siu
haalla tofsim poskry osly.
toward tb<- cause that k doing-more for them than any other move­
TsH noZMl Op act brtm a. aovment to place Wi-stvrn Michigan «a the map in IctUn that eon be iblog aaftl bartas rronred instnic
:totii for kUlim aad drsmlas PosHtt.
read from tbe r<-iuolcst part of tbe world. From tbe sUndpoiat of sUrb
wUI aooa be ready for dioinbareal benefits received from the- woA of the bnreau Ac stump-land ttas. Aainiiismaata at vbeii we «iu
to roestva to- fhlpcaeot win
men XhouK! be the heavi.wt contributors, far it k the publicity that b* rsoftr
mode talar. ,
Pardaa A-Htm Prwtoea Co.
baa been dune by the bnreau that has made possible the aalm of
3 Butte Bl Barney Asderaoe. bMz.
land in Ae aeclion daring the past three years at gresUy odvuaeed
t SlS-li-lT*
prices. Lsud valuea have wore than doubled since the bureau eaute
into existeiiec. aud it is the*,- men ^ho^have realized the greatest
increaac ia business from tbe work. J \
lU barmk bam atada la tba
It k adrertking that pi«<lytsad)oaiiHim Ae»o da^a. aul unless ______tm et a eartale oanzaar atade
the woA uf seuing furth the upportunilies^ Ak psn of.Ae state
k continued on a larger scale thu it hsa in the past the resnlta of
Ae work alrvady-doue will be in a large meaaure lost to the resi­ of
AprU. A. t). IMS. aad rarordtd ta
dents of Wesleru Michigan. It was advertkiug that made tbe west the once of tbe
of Ueedf tar
lotn of Oraad Traverse aad
famons tli-- world over as a fruiLproducing country instead of the
r iMlrblgaa. oe thi- s^h das of
merit of its fruit after it wm produced. Milliona have been nsed
to prumr- this, iiiiblicity. and millimis arc still behiud the movenu-nt
to be dw
to keep.that part of Ac country to the front. In order to bold our
------ ------ .arprmrlpi
PPL tba rata ot aine htmdred fertyown in th<- not- far snpremacy as a fruit growing aitd agricultural 'alsbt
aad AlW dbBars. aad aa attarsection uior<- uf the sinewS of war are needed, aud Atwc who receive B«>-# tee of twaatr-flra dollars, aa yrodot la oald mortsage. aat a»
Ac i^ost benefiU Aould be the ones to furoiah Ac necesaar;- funda ridad
suit or precMdlbKa at taw bartag
for keeping the advertkiug circulated. The twenty counties in Ae be«> tastltoted ta reeorar the aMbays
Oeganifation cannot afford to let the work lag. as Ae rosnlu have asrornd by aald mortgage, or aoy port
tbarsof. except iBat a bill « re«ptalat
ao far proved to he wprth..wmny limm the amount of money tbat| su filed ta tba rliniU coan (or tba
roonty ot Otaod Traversr. la rtiaahas been expended iaTBc effort to attract people from other
fery. 00 tbe
*<- - day• of daaasrr. ISIL
te S4tb
tions of the counlrj^to thk land of promise sad profit.
Mire of tbe satd men-

ShecU ^ Rtmootd

> aod la

The fire Ak morning iu Ac uld abaiidoncd store builduig at
the corner of Divkion and (VpreM strecU emphasizesofae noemsity
uf Ac city officials seeing Uut such ipcuaeca to Ae safety of Ac
city are torn down when an order has been issued to that effect.
Last tummer Ae city council took a hand in the matter and condemned Ak structure ss biing dangerous'to life and limb of passersby, and the proper notice was served on Ac owner,, but-iw action
was token toWard compl.ving with Ac order. As ^result a fire
Btorted iu the old Aell early Ais morning sod liaJ it not been tor
the timely arrival of Ac Sremen it woubl have resulted in IIk Iom
of thousands of dollan to nearby proiwrty owners.
Tlii-rc arc several old shacks of Ais J.-scripliou ia 4ln- vily
which have reiK-atedly been ord^A-d Jestrbyed, but on si-cuuni of a
lack of consideration for llu-lsaf<-ly of utlii-i-s i>n the part of tlic
owners, and lauty- on Ac part of those whusc'duly it k to see Aal
Ae orders are carried out. the buildings remtin an e>-esore and
danger spot to Ac neighborhoods in which Ihej* arc locat«l. Whrii
a bnilding becomes nhtenable ft k a public nuiaanec and Aould be
tom down m order to avoid ila being made r harbor of refnge for
thereby a danger point from Ae pomibUity
of incendiary fires. All Aese old, sbaudotied and half-bnraed
struelnreB Aould be removed in order that the appearance of Ae
city may be improved and the danger from fir«i lessened.


past dae. ibr 0K>ttgagae elarto to
u by nrcaloadia
. . ________ _______
fd la
saM ■mrtgags. sad the atotate la auA
CBsea made abfi prorlded. oa Tboraday. the isth Bay of Oetebar. A. I).
IS13. *1 two orlork.ln tbe aftemeea.
tbe aiideralr>ed wUL at tbe fitmi diwr
of Ibe court bouae. |a Ibr rlly 8y..Trar.rae Ot>. Hat bclpg tba place mhece
the circuit <o«n for the otosty ot
CrsDd Trarers.- U beM. sell at pabite
anohm. to the btgbaat bUder. tba
pnmlaea dearrlbed In aatfi aortgags.
ufi Ibrreof u maf We aeecepa) lh>- atnouot so ae afnreealiLdu-- .-D eald luungMe siUi H-vcii.
per' mn IntoreeL aad all Mgal 'ratoo.
'tgSntor witb said attorney's h«. to- .
*11: The «ailh haKIB. H> Of tbe
aontbeast cuarter 1*711 (I1 of aro
" n o4gbieea IIS), tommbip twastys tX3) Dtfnh. of raags nine (fi
nament sarrey thmsdf.
BA.VK, Wonaepea.

.. o.'S,!!&/“'”'*• “T-


BfMt NlflM •» lalanS Wttbem Fire
ar Mstali to Light


Cedar Bna
Laka Au ..
Plane Btver

n nnn FEET IF witb

Aasmg tbo u
colsaaUeJ to remala away from the' DECK STILL CLEAR ANO PART OF
ciir yasterSay om arotust at tbe e-|
! atom sbiub rased w> (bo bay:
e t«o baiWets of ase ol tbe Froat |
et bautoDl .tops, aad •« rtaae'
lMSenf.l«ii.g SM
er. hto about tbe loveUmt aC-!
Natth MahHoo Patm
robwre. Tbe, .cn- torn*
y5 Faara brs FeH for
raaiDZ Ullua-s abirbi
Its Safetr.
Craylai ........Buaeiv Harbor Id tbe atteruocu'
aad ke^t ball a dorcu" lauo<.. lortie*
aiartiax borne, bat tht-' -i
Itaud X. Nonob. haded witb nine
to be Lra->r Ibao tbe res',
ibotnaad tatta' of ceaL nnirt a rock
Tire at Trare
caaae tbey vere lun oo Ci-iaC biH nlgbl abtot ooe mile out from
A m. 10.-30 a. a. S:3S p. a. aad 1:0*
Traverse bay saves .lUlJ
Sleei-iaz Bear (Wnt and FUDk lo
ibaB : rn gat.log bn-ve
tfah-l>- fen of Vater. Her deac If
D. B1B.X. O. P. i
They starteu put pras, y -ud gut shore water Sad tbe crew are IItIbs
os* li- ly st*» I. Hi ih.-> V'r*
aboard of ber *
ot tbe harbor Tbe saves poundH
urlas crew of Bleeplu
IbOB arouad ao aererely ibai they d - Bear Polot took fan of tbe crew off
(WjBm 9top at tbe Islaod aad
the ftoonier lari olghi aod Mayed
wnbovt fsia. aad wUbow taa eaa af
roeBbstor a-atera. Tbi-y aalityd aU .board the boat ail algfat with
drag* to prodoca gneosadosraaaa.
bigfiL sad started boioc a
•eeto M4 btkorv of Ibe cres
People ef Barrou umpstamwt Ht
Udm Ibc. SUD V>aa uppeaHiu! at Iba wrecker Kbvorlte
here to »
wUk weak basrta will appieHti tos
ualern borUoii. Tbe )0'a aad cod!-| tbe kieanjcr as mxiu a-, ibc seaibcr
(oru ot the aUbI on tbe i»laad are permtu.
bains dcatrlbod by tbe featleniaD
Tbe Mtaal aution oa Nonta Maoitou
‘ntcy bad aoAlDg la esL Al Point If ta danger of destmctloa ly
MrbM to lifht a Era wllb:
heavy veaa. wbicb are iBderulalng
lau. 'aotbia . - aa tlw> toM It today
latloe. aad grave f.-art arc t
tot lu soyeu.
A Lag on tha- Track
af the last eiprasa mabaa ae
tmable abead U K U aet remoyad. aO
"Wby, it U a aa«T old photo
kas ol appetite. It mma» lack
M nha aa. I aa betfar loafcBg tkan
_ ..xllty, tete of ttrenstb aad oerre
veakaesa If appetite falh. take Elec­ toaf.- MM a woman at Lsabath who.
wkra oHtged with dMordorty orodart.
tric Blttees oalAly to oyyrconn
Waded tba mactarrsta her phiHagir "
castoNby toalas ap tba aWicti
cariimlito indisoftiOD MIehrol Keoa- to took bL "Look at that" toa *B
balmar oT UncoU. Neb. bad been lad]gMnU.r. “aad aes If.yon wsaU
alek for orei three ysara. bn six botIT a yen were tosh Ilka thsL"
tk« of Bteevic Bmera pot bia risbi
oa bla feet amm Tber hkve helped,
thousabda Th*. fiTc pore btooil.’
suoas BBvea. coad dlgaattoa. Only
3(1 caaU at all dnispota vt Traverse
. Hrdwpod kHl



trod fSTOM. H. c Barts, m
I 9uk BHg. .TtavifM Otg.

iauun> TUiVBUx bxuld jjId tuvxus ut uau, TU)n)4T. oonus

rm 1 bMU« or rauMa (Um «ltk )«ar
«ttcr i«l tel it auiid
- ^


iadicatc* •■ bb-

Vkat Ta S*.

Tte« U cmfcrt ia the kwnrtedite to
«{tea mmwBd. tbat Dr. KUflMr-(
«wMp-Roat^ tbe frtat kidaev rtmtiy,
faUn* aljiwK crcrr viih ia ormtiet

■ srsiiss?^^“r"u_
fcnr. and or

Baaaitv of li
UaouKb tbi

twmmr not h

•»» ~liied^It*Uad# tbe'Ufh^
crtin. If }TMi aend a
■Kdidnc TOO dwold
ttevclbebeaL Siddbrj


Ym Bay haroaaaa^ be(^ aaat-bae
brnait AddiafaDr. lUlBicrftC<i..BiaKbuBUn. K. Y. lientioB U>ia popwSl


. - CLK bAKE

NoBfljr er^rr one- Is the oeiihb<»
hood attanded-the fair u Trarerae
aiy teat week,
DBnran Slocriaon apeat -niindiy
and mdv JB Trarara* C'lif. .
Olive Uabaaa of Trmrdrae City
vlalled* frleada la tbe aelghberbooil
Prtdar and Satardtr.

City. They were detecatea
Graad meetiai held there.
Mr. and Mia. Jota Carnal are tbe
Dad parenta of a baby bc<y bora
Sept. J1. The heir bar been t>amed
doba Harold.
Bobcrt Can* munsrd to Cl-.U-ar>
tte finrt of latt a
raratlo^ at hi* home
a Ub dayi- rac
i''Arl^iBr Dandl. wRo haa worked f~r
ileerm Cam* afT anmiDer. retamed
to bla home to Cbicacu Uai week
Mr*. VMa Momww and datirliler
Uantery of Klk RapMr apeu*. &itui
day at N«i1 Marriaea*.
Hearr Hanoi U dlgaing tbe relUi
lor a new cement boure to be built
upon the i«ad. .
Mr. and Mra? W. Curry of Elk Ran
Ida vUiied from Saturday unUI .Moeday with relatlreo in tbe neighborhood.
Mita Harriet Parrell of Elk Rapida
apabi Siioday at Jobn Morriaooi
-Mra. Ora liandl. Mra. Violet Deer,
ins. Mra. Claude Qw and daocbtar
and WHUatn Cam were Trpreree
Oty vliltora today.
The uleaaera lirlllated eleven
embera teat Monday nlithL Sopper
waa aerved and all report a
Arrtale Munin la speadlng the watf
; Muaro Broa. farm.
Tbomas Dumaa. who haa been worklax for Lowell Soara all anminer. relurueyl to hla home In Traverae Cttf
Oct. 1


. J. Hdm;

Bauer, borne. ('. J- Bmar.

no KV WB
IPlWBi 8alnrda>'« Reecwd-Bacle.)
Tbe iQini mecUtacx o! the ewintv
knd jpliy Sunday .rbool aaacK-ialkai •
-I^ yeaterday afteraooo and
I'veulnc u tbe BapUet rburrb. The
afternoon Ktaalon waa tercel; taken
np with tbe eoBOly worken and th>
banoaei i»d eveolnc aeaalooi with
the city aocieiy At the concluaiuii
or tbe banquet tbe new olBten lor
roDlng year were elected.
Tho meetlBc In the afienooa wa«eonducted by U Roacoe. city proal'
dent, aud beeidea the rontlae buataeaa
B'bldi waa tukeu care M (be faUowInc
pn«rBBi-B'as en)oyed:
DpvoUonal acrvlce—Led by Rer. V.
J. Coatm.
Special muah*—Mra. IltdUday.
Gieetinc by Hty preeMeot—I.

of ibla city, waa cl'en Iti lint trial
today, and prortd to be a cnat
CM Tbe mixer wBf dealsaad by .B.
S. WUUama of tbe Helm company and
haa a capacity of 7« eabte ymrit of
coacrelo per day. It lx cqBippad with
levera that recohta tbe ammt mi
99Bcreta und aaad or envM that la ta
(be cylinder for mlxlnc. and la
tbe bic featnna of it* oparaiteB. Tba
proportloB of cemeat and aand
Ctarel 1* alwaye tbe eame.
The machine -was Uken from tbe
Helm abop tMa •momlbit and used
for mliink ceotaut for a

Ladies PercaleDresses at 59c & 77c

Mode of .choice kinchaina and .pc renios, ne w and pretty sjiyle*. for
Kiris, ages Z to It years, aame'a* we aold tbit summer at •%■(' to f) f -.
will be closed oot at 20a. OOe and OOe.

A Beifiattlal line of i
tbe ••Snalitae*’
CloalB and Salts
last oveeked.

S1.7S Table liBca at $L48 with Napkins to
match at It per ccnl DtacoonL
/tmmma ti TMt I__
Table Lirwn. T* 1d«4ic* wide. In 5yard lenctha. worth $l.ti» a yard,
at. iwr^vard ..................................C5

Table Oamatfc. 64 laches wide,
bcauiltui iiaiten
|■eltrm«. In rS and
'-yard leagth*. a
■■cr h-ngtl
$1.90 and
Hapklni, wrorth 85.00 and «3J5 a damn.
**m Bpreadt. marked anra tpaelal lew a

Towels at Special F>rlces
55c MbI Tcmh, 2Sc
lATce and inwry Turkish
Towels, but soft and toe
— tbe diBdleal towels ever
shown, beala anriblnK at
Z-K, *i>eclal here ai |....«.I8e

TmtiA TmA ISe
Turkish Towel*. «l*e SS by
20 Incbe*. eilra cood. *i*e-

10% Discount

AaoUwr Lot SI.

Bed Spreads and
Table Covers
Kscollent ImItaikoB of Japaneae
DrawTiwmL-' In Uttu'llul design*.
Descriptiuii 1* aluiowl Iniiwwciblc.
but they ha»f the a.wt«caramv of
llu- cvnnlnc Jaiwnrcc w wk (bat

Shuns mmd Searls
TsMe Covers St 7te

Stira choice, all linen Batin
Damask Towel*, good lonk
►ue. plain or hemsiliched.
new ikVUerBs. at............. *9

........... -t-s:

The Marled

H'vr—— -


Hrenty-two (iris’ Dicssts at 20c. 40c, and 8fit

Blaaehed and Half Bleachad TabI*
Llnana. prettv deslcna.
la. Kuod
welKht. worth ife
- --•c a yard.





Money to Loan on Farms

Tweniy-elkbt of these dresaee. In perralea. cinidiams and dimltleamoatly licbi cetera, witb
« k and ibreequaner aleeve*. nearly ail
-rretl.SO And tl.«
.. . eo dr
dresaea with high neck and'lenc^rieere*. aUe* St to 4<: worth
$1.00. at 90c.

•teaehirt Batin E ....____
u 7: inebe*
wide, our prettiest |«Uerns, In
beat I1.2J and $1.50 qqalily. si».
rial at i»r jard............................»rc

ta.’'............................ £

t Wall «treel IBH
CMS la politics and said be made l
coDiributions in t»ir
Judge Dueli. naslttnni treasurer of
the repubUcaa nailoBal committee In
1904-ns. (oltewed .Mditau on the *
by. have been disinfected and are
the committee rece*sed until
o'clock lomorow.
......... X
Morgan left immediately
York Clapp said be .mtcm bt
called. When Seoalor Pa.vnter q
rnicamt. Ort. O.-Wheat. Il^c;
ed to know why Morgan did not
remonstrate when a secood cootribu corn. 54H«; osts. SJHr.
IMruH. Oc-t i.-tl-heai. glV?,;
ttoa waa asked nl HUM. after be had
already given lioo.wou. Morgan npUed ira. 6T4r; ost*. 5fc.
that the first comributlor. bed ‘^jeone
out of hi* mind." MoriCBB Bald BU»* wo. ;oc; oau. 55X,e.
and Cortclyon wanted $:J«.*ne more
LtVEBTOCK. He told them he would only give $>iV
•sk). 'You aay you lODtribnlcd lor the
good of the country. IMite't you expect
«.nw l■*^»efltr• aske.1 Rayater. "Oh.
Ik* pancm*«r of tb« Hilnak** Sw-'
l*.-u-:'..Uve. finn.
perbapo." teaghed -Morgan
$T.;it,:.5:.;-.No 2.
DueH mid he and Blia* aitertiat
In baUnclng the book account. 1
said be knew that three IhaaiBa
rompaules rontrllmted $50,000 each
1904. He aatd Bllas told him evt
hank and trwat company in New Y'orh
contributed In IK>6; In 1900 lews, and
lee. correowd meb Monday.
In 19fl4 there were very few soch donx’luns. Dudt said (he I'nltird Sutes
Sirel eumiian.v cwotrihuted $10,000 In
I-Wiv. aud said no eiilry wa* ev.-r madol the $25<i.0uii Harriman cxflleetlcn
and he never heard of any part of (be
Slatidurd Dll ctintributlons being, re­
funded Huaaevelt.- who aaid be ordeie<l a lefnnd. testlfiee toifwiTow.


AmoAtbe ttfl dres*M are ityle*
with hUth.and low neck. Iuiik and
nd cbauceable lilks. stripe Wilks. p^Una. cbifloit*.
aercea. In Cray, tail. Oopvnbaicen.Vlealber.' cardUml. navj
and black—trliMucd with
1th allover lace, braid, (w witb coalrBsUoR ailk
irlmmlnc and button*. I>resae* auluble for .ctreet and erenlnx
At $6.00 and there are silk, cloth. andrxPcaKm drc*av« In a
vartety of colora. Inrludinc bUck and navy.
At H.OO. white aerce dresaea with batr Une ttrlpe. beautifully trimtned.
|that were
alao four dark dressoa that were ts.r." and IT.Oo.
. All are now oa salt—-quantllle* are^very UniHed—<t>me «*ar|v.


lortal iDqnlsltiOB for the first time in
bii ioBR career. J. Plerpoai Morcan
told the ClBi>i> committee today of bte
$iMi.«iKi contribution to i
pubUran campaign wUcb
"fur the cood of the people and with­
out expectation of any reiuni.'
admitted BamerDUs confereneea with
BUsa and Conelyou. but dealed be
coaveraed with Koosevelt roncemlBC
tbe coutributlouA Thirty tbouaand dol­
lar* was Monma'a coBtributton

Scotl J Eniuhion
ature’.; noi-rishii



Bt otters Exo
IBaytag. Note'TbeaeSpe

Mere. Dwl He RaTuoad It—L>cM
toad an Rolittea and



$6. SS bnd $10

linens. Napkins^ Towels



B remainder pf our aj
e lot a number of i




Almost For a Song—
Xo Clear ttie Decks of 40 Dresses


In tht- rreatni.-nt





Maehiae Paalcaad by £.'& WUliam*

Reaponae—Mra. B. I. ifuchea.
Addreaa—Her. Irriac.
IXtruaaloo—l.ed by Rev, W. \V MKee. V
The banquet In the ereniaK
presided over by Prof. Cl. H. futtla’as
(caatmaater and Urn foltewi^c wero
called npon:
iray motor. Ahotber bis Tmtnra of
the mixer I* the price, which le aboat
Mnale—Mr*. IrviBjt.
Addre**—I... I. Tyler, cuperlatead- half tbe coat of mixer* op tbe market
the present Umc.
O. H. 8. C. P.
Bolo-'Miu Bdlib Oibba.
Tbif- la not a fraternal aocietj.
Tbeae iMtera aund for one of the
raa Les e
Addreaa—P. P. _ Cleveland. Sunday
d ibr^my
preateat belpa In
world. DR.
Bouid bate tc ... - tec. oo areount
Btertloa of officer^.
Thky relieve bllloutoea*.
J by
of an tuicll ulcer <
CloalQC aoluL 'Onward. Cblialli’' brtuse."
Inc. eonatlpntloo and nil d
‘U. P■ Howard. Aquor
the atomat'b and boweU
N. C. ".AH remedie* and dodo
RICK'S PItXS have b
Thjc rlty pfilcors ^oaen at (be eloae trmUDcnt failed till we tried Buek00 yean and
tbe atandard of tbe banqnet were: PreaMrat. Mrs. i.„-. »-t(ica Salve, and <ured Wm with
Cnrea bum*, boll*.
lainllr nthartlc >n too
Hooter Howard; vice prealdtmt. C. A.
.1 all drunrUt*
bomet. Price S.'>c per box.
nobd: aecretary aud treasurer
: Tnrterie City
American One Store.



^eckt frkm m,S5*cU mJ

nUm Cmci.
Sheets at 45e* etc
Pnhvw Csscs St He.
14ce ItesBdSSe.



Wllbclm BdOra Traverse aiy. MIelk


A pathetic ease came to tbe ac
of roitnty Humane OfflA-r Carson
terday. when a little girl, 091 t
than three or four y-*r. of age. •**»
on the Mreeis liv a drunken
tber to Shill for berself. Thp father
who gave hi* name as John MrPhad
dion. tame hetv ye*terda> uoon
Maniftee and. without giving tbe child
anyohlng to eat. idaced her o
stair* in the Masonic blo< k and told
to wall there until be returned
ler When foufl.l by Ciraon she
bad been there «lnce noou and
still wailing laiiently for her nii«*ing
parent. She was taken 10 i^e detea
(Ion home, where .he is being eared
Tbe father appeare-l at the
tlon home la*> ideht, iqioxP-ateO. aad
asked for hi. c hUd. but wa* unable
her and will l>e uaaMe to do
1 the case ha* Wli investigsied.
The little girl *i*fd that her nmtiici
In Chicago and that >he and her
father were on ih-ir way tu th.- Maei-


L Ralph Alktniou and children
of Hurdlckvilie visited wiih hi-r
euu (roni iVlday juitl Saturdav
Vrank and Charlea Beemon .d Ex.;
Empire were (Hboru caller* Suada^
, Will aud f'rank Payment of O'
ate enpper with .Fred Beemsn
and family Sunday evening at Ovian
JOOOB N'eaaen and son of Ovtatt arfilling a alio (o-lav for Thomas Dee:Empire Fair 1* in full swa. at tt...
writing and itiere <* a fine dlipUy
of til kinds of irult.aBd vrg.-tabici
and farm pruducts. alao live stnea
r oil kind*
re and f.imilr pose* 1
ihnmga our lowi, today eniwate
Empire to attend the fair
School ho* cloaed le dlairtrt .No. -1
IT a three weeks' tacalKm for jb
JO dlKdac and com huaUkg.
Oct. 2.



^ ,

The Possibilities Of
Your Business
Whether fruit ^winiL. forming or
merchandise, your business cannot meesure
up to its fullest possibilitieo until it has just
the kind of banking co-operation it needs.
The First National has served thous­
ands during twenty-seven years in financial
capacities, and developed an innght into
their requirements.
If' is fitted to offer the service best
adapted to individual cases and invites opportuniti^ to make known its special advantages'as a hanking connection.

■ Uodet CoDtroi oi tbe U. S. TrcAsu.)

j4 Roofing That Wears
When you put on a new roof it pays to get rotrf^
ing with a reputation for quality and durability. We
have such a Rooftite. It is made of gen­
uine rag bell and pure gum asphaltum; and we know
that it will wear. We have sold Rooftite for eight
years and have never had a poor piece nor a com­
plaint. We have it in one. two and three ply, and
know that if you use Rooftite on your buildings
you will get value received. Come in and let us
show you Rooftite.


■ raoE-ToTO %



parte fatog-_rt^ r,

“tawalEJdbte'C'woaM." to ^
ibe <teBU?n an lUu to talk al3t
tTATUISNT or P«OM ■ • - •day aftafBOMi.
ateten have bad ageal
aIA tba bntban vUbla the gr^Ma.
It «4n ha daddad it tharAiU


*jP> WVMj MT IMM,' T

I CMMtoHa kUM at Na.WsahlngteK,

D. V. Oct. L-Tha


TAMNWS A WpiTian’s

rt"?ihe'ttiiSi Stam win
e la (Ua dty neat week for
_ __ .
cQitoranca of su­
preme conaeflf ot tbe ftAtentirr. Tbe
rorelgn delegates, a namber ot wboa
arrived Id the city today. Inrinde MA
BAB tor bta dar u balAC pteabad by
Kn. AdaUa Irli*. Tvt> «r^ tan
aoAf of (be bigheri degree
Satudar a.taUt pneraB wlO be-|ietrfiif, Be^ Green. Cb^
Mexico. SwiiserUad and from aersral
»^Btf(d b7 M0. AnBla flarda«rVoVe THROWN OUT
Aeople BAM DwsA In Their Own
of the ogunt^ ot Bontb ABMrka and
Deere Dy an UMeen daaawin:
inuy of t£e larger cUise of CangiU.
AMtee Rateivt TaiiatinB
Raise OuaaUoi) at
Lettera DaNy
Ultl* TMtImatir to txpMUd to B«
of Law Which
J rmm
Latter Airt «
Nnct waNc. Laltar* And
Totapa, fla.. Oct. 8.—Glgbt asaais
t» ttto *ny.
ladoaa within tbe laat two weeks
and St Brea within three dmya. interaas msciaeo. Oct. 4.—Neltbe
aperaad with receipt ot threatt
smlnatlon as republicans nor b:
.IMUiia»Mto, Oei. S.-T^.koraln*
teitera baa thrown tbe popaUilon of
tltten as independenu. <aa clarion
trbca Dicoiet Atiarw NJlIw bion
tbte' rtiy in a Ugh stete of etclleled to Presldeiit Taft go (te the
tUed iftsaUMt at U>« KOTeraThe series of Crimea
Korember ballot in CalUomU.
■if* aennUoM •*»!*« the* Iron
by tbe killing of Gstadoa.
The Bnt iwaslMUiy was cloaed ;raWa^ien ehwt«d «Ub
c«dwbo wae.abM aa be eat In front
terday by tbe derisloD of tbe CalifoiVtner- be bad ipokea Mtht boon
of Us store. Tbe police nM eely
Alid tt vaa mtetrtalB whetber
bafBed In Mr attampis to captnre
liberately bean jieglened.
topald ooto^ bto o(>eelB( aUtaa...
the criminal, bnt ate taunted by let
ronaequence. It will be Impaaslble
tadar. Jadjre Andenoa rautiosed Ue|
ers apparently in tbe same wrlllaR
4e tor Tad la Callfornto except
)a/r AM to eoDildar Uta attonera
D wbtcli the writer boasu dt basing
riling upon ihe ballot tbe tu
ratiarka aa aTtdaaea. bui ai abai ibe
omralttcd the crimes.
ot eterton ptedged (£ blm and at
apranuAMU oonU pran. Tba ad*nie police wy the haadnrritii
cd by tbe minoriiy coovenikiB which
«ABoa fitord «t Wltaaeaea baa ai^vad
he same, as thit te a teuer la s
bolted at SaeramaBte.
bat tba Brat iM «U1 be for klaatiBnbe srriler thraaieoed to burn the
Pa Dynamitins Jaba.
ttoaeelrtown recently. Within , three days
IndlanapolIRT on. 4.—Dlatrirt Aitor- AM indicated Qearly. Then waa i
lAUnat will be abowe before
after Ita receipt there were SI Arcs
Aer Miller today begun preaalAg tbe iUk anwag tbem that at a meeting of
tdn of oeU week.
suie execAire AonuDlttee to be
Violi Danlord. a wUle woman. «hr>
qiatrir. Altoraer Ckarlaa Miller govenmani djoamiang conaplnrr
was shot test night while siated
teU Ibe iarr 'bat Ike exaentiee board caae. promising to 4onsuine two daya held wext Saturday they would ttridde
Tbia is conceded, the iriala to romest (be eonaUlntlouallly of the
room, died early today. The other
BM ranlarlr aod
were Mrs. JnuL/^MrigaBBW for tba aapeua of nploBlrea
of <»e.OOO.OM. has been pro­
.will be kepi to- laaoe yeaterm. wlib tbe reauIUnl
while, and fire naxToiramcB.
Tba Boner. ba anerted. waa paid br are aghaet (hai Ibejposed by Ruaste lo the ether live
Tbe police beltev^ tbe Crimea have
.^kralnad br Praaldaot Pnak M. aether unlit ifae care U cloeed. Tber
Rraa. Oap ot Iba eUiba rrad “ex- will vlrlualU' be p^edaere. kliller be declared iTlegal and CalVoroto led officially that this movement is Intend- be<-a cwnmltted by a demented aegra.
wiibout any repreaeatetlon from any
tre absoluiety without a cln
paadad tor orcaaled purpoaea I2U said todajr lhal tbe d)-nainlte roBupirsbarp and feri-elul rebuke lo
ae.r covered flre.veara. bepiaslaa In party In tbe electoral eollexyr-wbich
at aiMoa. Iowa.'- U would
the Chinese government for contractwill ehooee Che neu president Jf
abowi^ Mr. MtUer aaM. ibat OrUe R. itoc, and told how John T. MrNanara
mg loans with independent bankers la
MDidosxd Uc-Manlaal lo do ibc "jobs.- reded Sialee. In a decision excor­
UeManlfal »at Pa>d that ana for a&
Bgnrd ot the warnings of the powHe (old bow dlSereai labor ■eaiien iating Ibe stale prioary law as
dkplealOB at CUolpe aad that a "apaand after rejoicing over the p
olber in tbe d'niled Stales. Cblet
aiked Mr.S’aman to seed 'Us frieBdtOB at aaploakwd tbraoebout tbe
posed iutSirnaUoBal loan.
to do a--Job or two." The ao'-eronient Justice Broad}-. speaktAg tbe nnanl
wnatrr waa carried od with tbe apRusala has taken the tnlttetlve
cUlmed tbto "trteDd" waa Motlaciaal
proeal aod aoport ot (ha oBldaU aud
w bring presrun lo bear
and the', ‘iob’- wai d3 umliina tbe day dcfUred That nevvwiheleaa. under
•xaentlTa board ot tba aaIod."
upon China for ibe reason that the
price of a -teb- waa IlK. aal.l Miller Ibe law such as It U. Ibe duty of (be
Mr. MIOb read a teuer lo .wbleb
waa to deelan tbe coorentlcui amount ol Indemolty dne her au,
wmiaa ;BerAbardL adTraiarr ot a
U equal to ifae total
rraineoto. wbleb br a rote ot 86
Many Intanding to Enter Barvic*
local itakw at ClnctanaU. who waa ai­
to 18 nominated eteriors pledged ' atnoum of tbe indebtednrts due to the
to' Evade New Reserve
med to bare aald a police )udxe Id
Rookcvi-Ii and Jobnion. was tbe onlv other live powers combined. The non­
Clodaaatl had diaBteacd ebargaa
called aod lepily eonatltuied reputv- payment^ have been accumiilatlng
for^ year and the powers have
ABUapt Aoloa eCldali to oftaa (bat
llcan eopreotlon ot ibii tuie and (bat
ba aalii "dopt let tbU booeb cone beIta neminees wen tbe nominees In regained tram demaudlag aetileBcms
om p( consideration fw tbe ire
tere m» asaio or 111 bare to do •
ralilonla ot tbe Republican parij
ravnil through wbich rhina has menis during the test few fhonihs
iK-en lassing. resulting In ibe birth ot have taken a sudden and suriii-liilng luU tba tetter. Mr. Milter aald. Bero- peaa|decable OlfiteuHy Waa experi­
crease. arcortlng to war department
Mid' republic.
enced in Flitdtng Aroper EleeA' "Mrdt Aaked that a "MtAAcer be aeoi
Now. however, tbu dtalmg of China ngvea Just given out. DeapKc tke
Ing Quartan by Aarty
to ClaeiBBiti to blow tbe Harrteoo
dlrectlyTrith Independent bankers has
. arapna rladucLI dull
periods. SJI-fi
Inspired some of the six powers with
Half a doKA l^rbet And tblrtr
men eniteled in the.regular service of
fear that tbe concert 1s likely l
Trarene Cltr peoide. iDcludlna MaroR
oiBSolved as ihe result of the award the army during July. One reason
xi^oi il Mr. MUiar. Rdward Smnbr. W. D. C. Oennalne.
which must be aaalgned to large into
bqMiB Wlinl ibpro. wnxp. *«i»l
cr^se In recruiting is (be new enllsiot exiAoliIng lo China
'deal'; r bare, frtetids oo tbe police tOToad to apend tbe night In (ta*W
•aw wblrii\goea Into effect on
roree here; la fact. 1 eoatrol tbe po- bor (ben. Tbe parilaa bad gone W ^
November I. This law pravides that
Bowera Harbor yeatertUy for a day a
Uce.everr man enlisting after ibal dale
Bating, but when (be wind came up.
compteie tour years of* actual
wltbont warnlAg. laat nlgbv they were
serriee and then must btfid blmself in
forced te ran for the abelter of Neabness as a reserve for Ibree more
tawanta point Sereral attempts wen
I. He may be summon^ ai any
I test Algbt by some of tb* craft,
lime to serve in the event of wir or
gel out of tbe bar'jor. but
(be imminence of war. OoobUeas
gafe was too anrb for them.
- men wbo have been considering
Telepbone MHamunleatiob waa eatabSysum Is Appraelatad by TeurisU nerving lo Ibe army, but who. at the
Itebed with (bte eiiy and tba fean of
tame time, do am wish to be held un­
Mends and reteilm put at real, aft­ Mitt and Eariy Duk: Anvaoted AmeP
Scallag Peaks.
der obllgailoa for so long a period,
er wbleb (ben waa a general tklrmlA
have taken sdvaniage of the opporiunlo search of bunka Part of tba crowd
B enter 'before the Urn goes Into
slept at Ibe taMel. otbera found refuge
effect, thus avoiding the ihn-e years'
U nearby farm honaet and one man la
reserve duly,

Dover. Gng.. Oct. 4.—Ron Into by
nponed to bare slept on the dock.
Two of tbe boats wbleb put out got aa
precipitous placca In the
tor New York, tbe Britlab tubai:
tar as the teUAd and the pasaet
apeal tbe nlgtat lo (be abelter of the B-2 sank tbit montlag witb fourteen tains, aeocrdlng to a report (b t^c
br Consul Oneitfl
ot (be cnv. Ueutenani Richard
dancing pariUoA.
All farmera and frvH growers of
Mansfield, al Zurich. Several
Moat of tbe boaU reuiraed today, eyne is (be sole survivor. ~\Ve
1 iwo. I sank a mlte.~ be gasped roads are now in operation, and the tut viriAlty are Invited te meet Sat­
and tbe portlcipanU, except for perfaapa a Illite wetting and a abort test, and collapsed. Tbe Amerlka’s bow demandt of lourisis. who want com­ urday. Ocl. IS. at Ji30 p. m. at tbe
Ctaime Than Will be are boa# tbe worse for their oorel «
merely scratched. Because ot tbe fort In tbe aaeeni and descent of Central school building tor tbe pur­
Mace ChanMa, But Oaftree
mitt and aarly dusk tbe Amerlka fail­ BWontelns. and wbo enjoy tbe noveltj pose of arranging for a short course In
aUpre te be given some time durThlaga TBIa H Onijr laed to see the tiny submarine
he winter by Mr. Gardner of the
(be belghti In < I carried ' iraugb
tg the locU high SCHOOL -This wbrk bos been
s. are encenragtng
on extensively |q thq different
ranstvuclion of aerial rautes
tome ol the most diSteult pUca ft> states and l- sura to be ven' helpful to
Mrs. liOls Rogen came borne
region The cou^ wll be free lo
the Alps.
day tbto week friim Old Mtesloe.
ary and
have been used only lor niUlian
Worken* nnlou .toda)' ebaaced
when she bai been spending several,
8. Mortep
pm from not cnittr lo r>IUr wbaa weeks (be gueal of her brother. A. M
loduaidal purpose*Many Swiss people who ta«^ thelf branght a large hex of grapes to (be
tba dJAABtto caoapiraQ trial waa re- WUlobe.
and RMord-Eaglb eOtae Sat^T wUcb
•ABOd. BaAiance waa deterred, file
bin. Rogers has baen U| alpce ;n
very much appreciated. They
mAfa aorprtead (be defenae. The May. with -famri tranble. but now
grandeur of tbe Alidne scanerj- regard
■e large and Inscloua of the variety
Brese tnnnvatloni with dlslaver. claim
fovwAiMt pndteU other eoAfeaa•itbou^
tw'o ar Ihe Green klountain.
Ing that (hey dauaa fEqtq, tbq chaon
fOAA' T& 4ern*e te
I bone Tg
Washlngtim. Oct. T - -nie
A Welf Rlver'appls wHk a diameter
wiatoaoBonthaam. HistriMAt- Wm. Rntbean i automoWte sad stood
which the Creator gave to the great
of ir.‘» Inches was pm on exhibit Sat­
ta(^ Umr ehumi Clark
(be trip wril conaMering her eoodl- bera • of (be intemate Comraerep kelgbix aad (lie gtecla
urday at Ihe offioes e( the Western
tlon Mr. Rogers and Miss Eva Jea- CoiiiDitsaioa met- here today
Jllcliigan DeTolopmcBt bureau. After
meeting. U te
sup aceompanind bar.
ported a imuite-r of the dccteions tbabeing iaspected by tbe fruit grawers
bare been wriiien up during the
of this seetlpn, fhe npplr was fprwgtdnmmer will b«- agreed to and ordeeet
ed lo Kentucky that the appJf'Uuera
be made public. .\ll October ibc
to, (hit part of the world might hv
i will be busy IteWnfag: I-what can be expeeled from western
Michigan la the way of applet.
are likely to be
Ion the end of tbe year.
Pnbobly Ihe most important raae
Prasldrnt Day of the Weaiern Mlchleomlag up before rom.
gan Development bureau to flU
Is wbat is knosrn aa ihe laveailgi'varancy In the board of control of the
Oon of the ram and ngutetiona o'
bo^u eansed bj lbs recent depart
express mmpajiies. Keprrseatv the atattoa wall Into tbe wajtteic room «ra from Mason oonaty ot E. I. role
lives el bMb the
'ofRaottvIUe. Mr. Rath haa been Ideaqi Al{yante. kmiBJI nine and (nj
and tbe Bhippera will appear before 82. Many of the Injared whi
used with the bureau almost from the
Mr. Lane oa Ocuteer 9 to show
first aad has takes greai teterest la
(Anne why tbe schedule ol rates pro
by the comtnteaten last aprtns
aboAld AM go Ule cCeci. At
UDO any evident* In tbe (arm of cxklblls «m be p.mllUd 10 l(e en­
tered. ahbOAgb w> wluicaara wRi
enlted. Also at tbla time It te
peetei tba caw wUi ba argwd. “!«


mmi HK am Siir„rr.r“^f|ir
illYMEN IfiU

FQi$i mh


turn- B sso.oM.m


son to get LU.t White.
Now ahe wonders bow she c
0 coniHt) w-ith tbe other brand ti
whitrr. that it has a
S«he savw her bread 's now
ieiom flavor and that her paptr}- is aigipb' Erand,
There probably an oihm wbo have. n«(t‘yet seen th,>
rhi. We know there are a few wbo do mm tur

LUy WMte
"7i(fWIkBof Caib fha"

They are ain'cere in tbeir belipf UtM what they are now
using cannot be cg<-eUe<l—hut thr.v gre Biatakrn.
•Sometimes, of eourst-. vvomtai who ayr used lo. aootber
hiwnd dn not get the bewt (vkuIu Cram Lily White on the fifvi
trial lieeause they are not fsmQiar v It the best ntethod of
handlmg it.
Hut after th<^- ealeh r 1 thi-y'are-enthiuiaBie Uy While
It i< packevl in BAIOT^Y, sewed Meks, with «

each. Y’our «liuil<-i^!Ia3ri^nis it.






Our 25-wni hpiMiui is a v.-r>- good one for Ibe mtme.v And is
iv.iMidere.1 h leader. We qUu have bigber priced brooiw that
are Iwllrr in
They have all twrta of names, nicb as
Daisy. Peedess'and Gantel. and. Ihe price rnns'abotil like
this: 2.'i. -W. 111. 40 and i>0 cents. The astorlDienl will epp<‘al
to any iuiHieiilar iv-rsoii. and the snappy appearam^-m'IU
them We gii«pant«v‘eveiy broohi.

X> eeiiu for hiiiid-iiiaih' Iiuk IteskHs. I Don't r-t si-art-d at this
intmiy. WV have thw-dOreenl bushel
priee. It is worth liu> it
Itnskets—the wide-h]^ at 1u c>tltH. and the <
I*> cents. These are wel^-Tnotte and suitahle for pieking up
heavy ariieh-s like pntal.N-s. etc. l.iiDeh iMwkets and lunoh
tilH-r Ih>x enn be liod at 10. 1-'i and 20 rents each. Jost (he
thing for vbihireu's dinoi-r when they go at .itebool.

OoniBr of Vront and Com tErMta




— \

Comer F^ont A Cw Streeio.


HIM «MH warn





To Our Customen:-




The ‘Simplicity’
New Style House Dress& AproB

Only II
May be worn as an overdress-apron or as a
• boose drosa.

Inbad^if Otter
To get the ladies acquainted
with Uie merits of the
•‘Simplicity’’ bouse dress

Next Wadnesdiy, Jlct. 9
We will give a Dust cap HRfg to eacdi lady baying
, one of these necessary, iaekpenaive garoMits.
They are “Ej|0c^ Brud."

' muKD rajmaa
Klag.* TUs MMM be ael ou
budred mad ivaaiT am «l white
pw tMaa. He beds lliet tee eo
this pen ot Uiefaicu ii made op of
qaetl7 the ripht elesehU te ve
beaiu eoe^roll)'. Or. UcUd ha*
, tote) «r 7M hcree In tbhi neigblitwhood
and be U belMloc ai> the aoll a* raj>Idl) aa |)(^lble bf tl>e Kn>ebis and
turvlnc^tf^r of o« aad horseuU
WU- weed*. Fan of Us-land* be 1* eotkBanle eoebtr a^Ua ecpert.fiac Into orchard, be bartoc|alread>'
to pwtto ptoMed witb fhat baa heeo 11.0M pevrh -trees aet out to sddlt&B
aoeonpltob^ npoa hla tot
tone tbto esD- to «M ebenr tree* and Zio apple
Mer. He hai had g^'aneeat* with nee*. He expecu to make heavy ae:■hA
with Freoeh clover. In UaCB Ui the aprlu.
Tb* tnaciacera of tb* Betsey River
fact ho & be«> no ancceaafnl with
; t^-^UeP At be baa named hla large eretaarda. which arc iocaud sear this
lhr««iB tWonuUni of this village viltace. bate liO acre* planted to fruit
->yeacfa Clover Farm." Laal week be treea. and they are cxtnipictins the
be| MUM ph«ograpba taken in bii ptoBi for ibe plamliiK of lOO acre* or
eherry'^nurri, which photographa CDore thU falL Ptony acre* o Ifbelr
-rfhwi^ tmeeti tbe'srdtord to be In toul acreape I* devoted to peat her
^■plend^l^BdlUob. He ia i^^lng opHer. O. W. High, who hai’become
a4|rgtag tte or^ard ^ making
iierer^ in HenUe county In (be last
erehard. HU few yeara. will aoon be one of our
ring paacbet baa been htg fr^i growen. Hla4ani< la located
there are other plot*
Honor. Alrendy be baa tGO
adapted to neree net'to fnilt. The greater pan
of tfala acioage l« covered alth yonng
Dr. a. K. UcUc. wtieae borne la in
which aUI coipc luio bearing in
Hnallakten. IndUna. but who ia be- about llt-e year*. Although ten acrea
t»f tatereeted la Ibe Tbompeen- of the farm conalala ot an old orchard.
TtUe aecllon of weatera Mtebigaa. to Rev. High ia placing V ^ilb In ap
atawR eaililed to the Ucle of -Bean pie* nnd peacbe*.





m ncvnn miT

bub4 toidat. oonsbil

fire lnape«tr.r. They were opec anl
it la probable''lhat acme bebo atraged
Into one of them and caretaaaly aet ti
on. Bra. Tte hoiidtaf* wer» aa

High Wind Would Have hproad
Fiamea Had They •ceured
Better StarL

6000 WORK DiniE

iiw ma FUB

A fin-, thooghi to be of incetHlian'
otigiii. hiske tail tbia raotning abou:
: oclock in Ibe racnni.bulldJng at the T>-.
;n nnuouticement
raroer of UlTiitan and Cyproaa POnJ .ot la dot. and the new mode!,
atreeta. owned l.y I>. E. Wyakoop. !n <«upled with the r..-du<'ed price nf th
the fate of the gale whkh was blow jear. ahoaM auke it iremendoud'
Ing at that time it looked for a while |K>i>ular for tha couilgn
though It might develop ini
abipmenl or the new Fords I* evhad Are. and It was onjy C.v the k
1-ertfd a' ilie (Irand Traverse Aulu
n>t kind of work that the tire drpart- Uoiapcny wiihiu a few day».
nani iuiceeediog In conBmog it lu the Tlic new-design caila for a {--wer
three building*. I'wo cgbcr blaiet UhU aial B number of uddiilonul ini
aere started by aparkji. but they were
I. which wlli make tiOr «ar
quleklv ettlaguished. and beyond
winner, and this at a price «hle‘i
scorching of a few apo:* oo one nf/« greatly leas'iban that of la*> verr
Uie bouse* no damage was dope to Tbe qnallty of aiaienai* asod will W
any but the three buildings wblc'ajlf anything better than iliat used ->i
were burned through. The bulldlajn| toraier_.-weeaena. n»- reduttiun tn
are in close proximity to the GrlelK-k] price I* xiut due to an> lack of qua]factory, aad bad it ooi been (or theiltv or eqiitpmeut.. bnt U bixnigbl
prompt retmonse of the departiuer.l'tiLout «ilcly liv the Im rcM-il niiiput.
ond voluDteen the fire oilghi have The-Ford iieopie i xpeci this year t.i
epread U> the lumber pile* and (a 'turn out K-«.Wi tarn, an ln<Te*a<lory and done thousand* of doHars-j V-.i-mi m-r last year * produvli:vip.
worth of damagf.
|m«kliic I; pucalblv (or them to give
The bou»e* whlclT were burned u really jclier car for lea* nioiic>.

Traverse Clly.


. cilVo
at Bapttot Chwrerv
Grand Travers- Sutiday Bchuol Aaa-'claiioQ was held hi the Baptiil
chnrcfa October 1 and
Theme erf c._.av».u,i4« — Forwan!
Ib eervUe* were eoDdhete I
by Rev. Coats
CroeUnia to iliy pteMdem. L. Hueroe
Heapease by Mr*. H U Hughe*.
Mrs. Hoghe* brought to our mil
that only tweiiiy.elght aebools wei
reponed In the county outside of the
elty. while a few years ago there
42 This deccewae U Blaming, but
lor the lore of CbrUt and In
name let ni go fonh for belter work
Rev Irving g

e the addi-ea* of t:


Every wonan who did not attend oar September sale shoold come Ibis mohtb lo

Our Annual October Cloak and Suit Silc
Ouring Every Day of the
Next Three Weeks


We again set forth three of-the strongest reasons
for prospective buyers to make their seiections-—

Quality, Style and Variety
All at Very Special Price Redactions

vBum'^wii grf the atwnrd
gn*ai rcquireiiwiit
ibv n««d
. Mr*. Addie CIMw.
cffitlent tcBcSfdw, ikB tbnwe wbb
a MitertnlB n elnaa. b« tlw soogt
mis. (HBBS.
mlcd ifwgMT wSo i* eau viu U*
holy- apirll po«*r. one who kDowa'tb
piMver o( gugiUv* prayew bb4 who
RB\-. KI4CY.
RE\'. M'REC.
Kube* (w tbe lov« c( Uod. He anM
he wou'kI not tanie • inacbcr.
oot pray.
After a eolo given by Mr*. Intog,,
Ret. McKee led to tbe dtocukflon
He utld it wa* impo**lble to wtifk fu
God uule**
were toned up. Hi
braugbi •«« the gnsti dlKerenee' be
tween sajlng piwyer* and reel pmv
log. Jr«Bs ptwyed with IntestUy bbiI
tbv ialMiae prwyer U the only pc*>cUiat coust*. _, The tbooght wu roiiteyed tbmir prayer lUo wb*
■Ui'k W'bi r Itevsnee *plriin*l i*f*
•ore* .out by *uul negicv
■glcvi, •
mil.v' a* we coa
ralite l!
JH-*a c >11 l
<« away at ni* nae -^coiuiuy
>■ la our In
"Mapto Otvve PruK i FVm.~ •( gg
Mriy bow (hta aMralag. «e ted bMB
g II tmnqiiel WB* giteti ill more (ban * year and ftonlta *MD
hlmost a* a relief , to Ua suSwtasa.
aDdt-r\^ au*l>iie* of the city
llw'wa* one of the pntteMM trait
growers of tbe Grand Traraeae re- •
The »e>v>Dd day*' pnotrwm
opene,! bi 11. II. E»ter. voiinly 'preal- kibn. and had lived on the Mw tom
IKM. when be come .to Trarom
deni. eendiU'iiiis ilu- iJrtctIuuBig'
V Ity. He was an oM aoMler.
• Thi- repone at ib.> dlEnvot v
Mr. Jcucit wai born July 24. tMI,
ferenre* w«-re m-tv g;atlf,lug. Sum.In WblieSeld. Kennebec county.
t-pleedid work ha* U.-n
Mal'ne. tie i* gnrvlved by bto «1to.
in the huoie depariti
Hughe* Th. ,-ti-me«UTr b> Ml»» Hu: three soh*. FrwBk W. Harry C, aag
comb. aliK> In la>lit-r training by Mtv tJeorge H, and two biothoTi. Oeoe oC
Maine, and Prank ot
(Mbb*. Hr. Sarah nia*-- ha* <
WUleSeld. Maine.
ducted a l.wHier*- training cbw*
Funeral arrangemenU haro not yat
itie vil} rliirtug the >e«r with eveeV
!-tii r.-MiIi» and young learbyrg ai been completed.
now qualified' hi uke up tbe work.
-Mra. U. II. JobnaoD. au)>er1oiendnit
ot mlaaloB*. bn* been doing n good
wwk. iliruughnni th.- county
Prof. K. M. Clark prt-ahled over the
i.-nipcranr-e .-oBfereiM'.-. .He
ikcelleiu plan (.»r ywirying fooh the
*ork Is tliat di-pantn.-ul
The ciiivcnllon adopted the folio*
iiig rcMlulioii:
LettoT-WM^eccIvMl Tbto Momlot
Sr AiimI F. Nardimlr; Mo
Kr«olved. that thta-rravenUoa place
1 record ita high
Oeuiia Given.
loug, crnrleot and aolf-denying aervveoi-rabh- und i-etoeui.'-l
l.yllow worker. C. It. Entea. w-bp baa
letter was teceiied this nornlng
for. the Baoday aehool by Aiall F. .VerUngec forth hU latiw.
uilerwita of our coouly.
John Kerlingcr. wiio disappeared Seib
that wc- extend to him grateful
lhalika and loving gimpalhy.
And be U furtber reKihed. that we tbepe Ihe 3«h of September. Beyote
rgi- all at-booli to etU-Bd the work sMtIuc Ihat he was oervoas ate tlrad
of (be iHiipo depdrlment aa widely
no ri-aror. (or lit* dtoappeoranre waa
apidK a; puBbiblc. specially hi the Bivcu. lU. will be eared tor while w
Braille, ate will pntoably not be( W
btuugbt hoDic until be to (taoraughly
drated Olid able to take the mp.




ms. wmBErmis

ig. wliUfi alunc
..-aac'l-mtloiis >.’<idv of the Holy Srrlpir.-e. uii.-rpr.'t<-d b> xho holy sp^^u.
nml by tun-ful heart tuliure of rtich
iiidiildual teacher.
Resnlw-d, Ih.-ii «
nible wboui* worker* ilM-.supn-m-t
Kingsley, Oct. -T.—Ura. htaignm
I t-«l of private prajer (or tbe Hatv.i. .Milks, aged k» yeara died at 2
lion <-r our Sunday luiiuvl pupil* and o'clock Sateay luoraiai at ihVliotoe

her Md Laxmard. who Htm te the .. T]
Novell); Tans, Greys and
Miaies end Juniors
llial will nec-kJbe iuiiuedlaic ^alvatlo-:
botsestcad three miles east of
Browns.I'Kfbc BH»aved.
KlngdtoP- S^lMrv^ .by aU sou.
Spedel - $9,50, $10.90 to $24
nc«^ed. that oar lilble tchool five or whom Hie IS and near Kings­
Special, fi€.2Ston9
workers alui at raising the. Bpjrli
ley. and three daughien.
life to an- Intenae degm- lii tl
klrs. Milk* cwuio to Ipagaler to
>•. houl* aod that day* of dedsiOD for US3 ate Ita* Bred tbeco ever slnee.
(-hilki bv frt-qitcnt.
The (uoeral servicea vwe held this
noon at 2 o'clock at the home.
orkei-*. *Iiot
Imcrment was uadu In Ernrgrean
opi ilisi no work or rerreaikiu
.lupi- UU Sunday thai would Interfere
-.iili Hie v>orwhlp and proper duUe*
or SHbbutli. and that we view with
lotH.-rti Ihe desecration.whltb la
i-rferlug ao aerluualy with Snndav. Second Meeting of NorSe
ihnol Burk
igan Sankers’ Quh
1 he hanker* ot Oil* socUon U the
cw. with *ppn-bcn*ion (he Itjndcnc}
the Koribewestera .
fbrisluii iHeqile to eugagi lu
klichtgnii Banker*' club. wUl boW (hdr
amuaeuirul* <rf the day
*|*U' d- ploTc Ihd aubUt Pul po» Mivnid regular tueeting aad btnqui-t
at Fork I'bwe botel at C^su lomorrew
tlv’ ly .*ae*(rut tile train,
ouug^eurh SH Suwl*.' t.a
A largi- auendani-v is rai*.'<tcd fion
\<Bl>tou*, puhlU and school lisocc*
ltd mottnid Picture- show*. kVe-ia'I Mackina.' on llte north (o ManKtee
Cadillac OB Ihe aeuili. ArrangeUsm jII illili- .-cuuul'wur^rs
bntc been lutev (or as HUereelI IHisUlte,' and d.-iCrniiBed Maul
ag«don the'*.- (lilBK*. huui P> lol. iug and iDstnjrilvc ueeUng. Jadge A.
W.V* movedAy the iplendid lucceo of the eirly ee.ion to .*.10
H. WilUanv* o( Allegan wUI be presont
td example., ,
address the club. Hopt. Tfler ol
• ^
turn U»U stock over by Nov. l--and we’re goloc to do It! because tfae
• loral KCfaooU will aUo spaak.
^ i II iliviNt;
The e;
styles ere pre-eminent; needless to sa^, all new—end we’re eqlnc to
execailvr comtettee having nr- '
•ahihk a gihb.-!
s* are il. O. B
Tl.c *iie*k.-is o.'.Uii- ■IierncMU «e rauge-ntc
----------diade the regular worth of every new arrival to double the volume o*
Travers.' CUy' A. BotUn of
oil *.We Re. Cocbllu aud K. I
I>x>n C Tltoa. J. F. Ho­
fiir ^lies $13.75 to $42.75. October sales. Our offers are bsaafide—always backed by the goods: as Irish Ulster Fabrics $28.75,
H. C. OarU.
> I'fniaenl help in ttiuida) acboo:
^ Worth $15 to $50
the appreciative response of observing, stylish, thrifty women proves.
Worth up to $35.
throughout tile evuui. .It* s-IUrcM^wa* full of wonii.;.
(<>: Uie advanceim ul ol.tli
^ Here are actual reprodaciions of a few of the hifih class designs that will make your visit to Uiis store one of pleasure—a ure-eminem hfi ilioUBhu
•ki, introducing only the mid-season styles—and ifs always the bMt that survives, even to The ruM.caliuu *a* itry (oriuualI»M«l Cctni Blirrthlr $t€M, $U. 1*8.75. $$$, $*9*58 (for values $20 to $45).
111 accdnog the Benlcps uf F. F
1 ic.timid, wh* bm> been Iti tbe work
tor '.-ar*. aud bnow* bo* to meet the.
A pretty line of Dresses just recuved in the Botany. French otillicimt .ondi'lo'.* of Ihe sihool*
p rc>(« the astluaed yield
and suitiug Serges. Ck>rduroy and Velvets (plain and fancy) in mix­ Ii. x-aie ■•xicllep' iDsirucUoii 10 th-'
Sunday M-liool worken. a* bo* to beet
tures and satin.
Many a woman—wfao'd like to pay only these prices, but admires tbe
Drcssestlist hsve the latest Foshloa Stamp, from the ie.1 Lie- M-lmta:. ami hoM ibew a!ay* I:- HiDdav e(«iv>:, cveu a. ibe.-atjiea from $20 to $38 regular—may satisfy her desire in this sale.
lowest price check at S5 up to the better serges at $10. $12. $15, $16.50 >-<'..uie
uM men and wooiqn.
Saved( hj
hr Hit wife.
ITtfctioii oi olfiicn. (or the enalw^
She'* a wie. WthavCMl«apllealcda staglc salt thlsFWl onaay
•or rtwuKcd aa foHowa.
Nctit Dress Skirts at *4, (8, M* itad above can be had in FrvwsdeaU. <' H Me*, anaiitint tost what to do when her________
Ufa to to danger, hot Mr*. & J. Flint.
Mk araihtrartoc, except in themanniah black.serge and corduroy.
the same snmrt range of diagonal and men's wear as in tbe suits.
W. LVa^w: etc* ptKol- Braintree. \X. u o( Uuu kind. "Shv
War afeoH we! We guarantee you absolutely excluaveness.
K. Wiihe'm, aetraun; «ra C. inalstod cs my using Ur King's N««
Cl I pc We are now opening our new Furs.. They 11 be ready demwrrtun Mr. F.. “for a
tfoaanrer. A M. Wlll-y DtoeoTerT."
dreadlul r«u|b. when I wa> so wrak
* '**' *V*^ for you today. Not an old thing about our Furs except Johnson,
»uperiiii-i;-Ieut •■( eletaentar ■y frtonds all ihimgbt I had (toly s
Jfr.SaMa wUI he ti*. These are different from any sold
Fhrs are priced here.
o! ^ome dcpwruDoni. >lra D)c: gupe
lent of Wtotoou Mrs. A. >1. naupnrditcadaat of purity-. Jcw^.- tog lTMihlee>-gTlp. oroMhiCto. cfM*.
i., = -e itfidaM
w^hoeping coneh. qalnsy. .taoslUtto.
hetoMThUN. A vrial Will onaitoeh ynth Hi rants ate 2t b* Ouar■sM'wiiBla*
ed by Ul dragstou of Travern
Chase; Bupertotehdent.or-A..».-C,Slty.

How Is Thw Sale made Possible
.in Midseason?


SIMPLE! The record business of August and Septembir COnPLETELY TURNED the new Fall
stock. ' Ten days before October i we commenced
buying for this event. Our persona! market selec­
tions will not all be in stock until tins advertise­
ment is in your hands.. They comprise the height
of midseasoti apparel' for women. FUR FABRIC
COATS, Irish Ulster Cloths, Chinchillas, Boucles,
Astrakhans, Douffle Cloths—every smart weave in
a price range for Junior, nisses’ and Ladies’ Coats
from $7.50 to $50 regular.



Special $1S,$20,$30 -

- X

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